I can't tell anyone this, even my therapist. Lambast me if you wanr and maybe I even deserve it. I only ask what you would do if you were in my situation. Not what you think "people should" do. What you would REALLY do. I'm a single mom of 2 boys. 12 and 7. My husband passed away 3 years ago in a work accident. A very large portion of me believe it was a suicide. I can't see him EVER making the mistake he made that caused his death, and he had taken an action just before that which ensured his co-workers weren't in the room. I fully believe he killed himself because of our younger son and no one will ever change my mind. We were told when I was pregnant that he would have Downs Syndrome. We could handle that. Even if it was severe. It turned out he has a chromosome deletion. His disorder is kind of rare so I won't post which specific one but suffice to say he'll never be anything more than he is now or has ever been. And what he is, is nothing. He doesn't appear to have any awareness and never has. His eyes are locked in one position, he doesn't respond to noise, touch, or pain. He is total care. He is capable of nothing. He is tube fed and on oxygen. He is in diapers and will be forever. He makes no sounds, no attempts to communicate. He never even really cried as a baby. He has never made an attempt to interact with anyone or his environment. I'm not upset because I got a special needs/"imperfect" child. I feel the way I feel because this...... thing..... takes up 200% of my time and does NOTHING. I didn't get an imperfect child. I didn't get *a child*. I don't love him. He doesn't have any personality, there is nothing to love. And yet I'm responsible for him. In addition to his extreme delays he's also medically fragile. Respiratory crises, fecal impactions (his autonomic nervous system doesn't function properly), issues with his G tube, infections, pressure sores no matter WHAT we put him on or how we position him. Our older son has suffered because his non existent brother has colored everything in his life. He's had medical care get delayed because there's only one of me and hos brother is more critical. We do have a visiting home nurse but only 20 hrs/week and we aren't eligible for more. I was starting law school, I gave up my dreams and my plan for my children for this potato. My older son can't do a lot of things he wants to do because of the youngers need for care and appointments. The final straw was I heard a sound. I went into Younger Son's room to check, thinking he had forgotten how to breathe again, and saw Older Son hitting him and screaming "You're why I don't have a mother! You're why I don't have a father! You're why I can't have friends over! You're why I can't be in sports! I didn't ask for you and I hope you die!" Instead of being horrified, I watched. And Younger Son just did. not. react. No signs of pain or fear or upset. No reaction at all. He breathes but he is not alive. He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't know who Older Son is. He has no sense of self, life experience, or awareness of his surroundings. He doesn't need to be in my home. He doesn't know or care where he is. He is genetically my son but he is not family. My previously abused, brain damaged cat who can't walk straight has more personality and is far more loveable than my "child". In fact I was looking FORWARD to raising a Downs baby. Even one with severe impairments, for that reason. With disability can come gifts. This boy is not a gift. He is a genetic mistake I probably should have miscarried and would have definitely terminated if I'd known he would be like this. And the flip side is, if he HAS awareness..... he's miserable. And there is nothing I can do. If he has likes and dislikes no one knows what they are. If he is in pain he can't tell anyone. If he wants anything, he can't communicate. He's had every imaginable therapy, nothing has made a difference. And so he's leaving our home on the 29th. I feel excited and relieved and then guilty because I know we'll be happier with him gone. He's already taken my husband and my son's father. He was working so so so much OT to pay for the cucumber's care. For the experimental therapies insurance wouldn't cover. Because THIS one was going to be the BREAKTHROUGH. He was tired and defeated and disappointed. He sought counseling as well but I don't think he could ever say the words "I don't want my son in my home" either. He's ruined my older son. I was so wrapped up on the younger I never realized how ignored and damaged he was. He lost his father too. I didn't just lose my husband. HE is my priority now and this malignant lump can be someone else's problem. At least they'll be paid a wage to care for him. At least they'll get a break from him when they punch out. I just want to never think of him again and I'm not sorry. And for that, I'm sorry. Thanks for reading. Edit: Thanks /u/piconeeks, for calling me a liar. Are you a medical doctor? If your Google Fu was any good you would have stumbled on 3p mosaic deletion-duplication syndrome. That is the disorder my son has. I've basically identified myself by posting that but hey, it's better than the PMs telling me to kill myself. If you look at the features of 3p deletion syndromes *they look like Downs*. My insurance didn't cover AFP testing which would have told us it WASN'T Downs and I didn't think we needed it. I had a regular ultrasound and a 3D. Both Drs were "99% sure it was Downs". This post was absolutely NOT fiction. Instead the mods and especially /u/piconeeks just "decided" it was. If anyone would like I'll doxx myself. You can see my ID to verify my name, my marriage license, and my husband's death certificate. I will then link you to the news article of the "freak industrial accident" that ended his life so you can see it's the same person. As for not choosing hospice for my son - I can't. About a year ago I myself was hospitalized with severe depression and C-PTSD (there is proof of that too). During that time my late husbands mother petitioned to get control as my son's medical proxy and got it. I'm fighting it but it's a long, complicated process. There are competency hearings. There are statements from doctors and evaluations. Unless SHE oks hospice, which she refuses, I cannot decide that. I have custody. I cannot ake medical decisions. She agreed to residential care which I feel is the second best option. So, he's going into residential care. As for "mistaking" a child choking with hitting, I was downstairs. I couldn't hear what my older son was saying. I only knew he was speaking. Go punch a blanket or, idk, a person with weak muscle tone. Then ask said person with weak muscle done to cough. They don't cough normally/forcefully. It's more a "strong puff". Similar to, again.... idk... a muted punch. When you're used to jumping at every strange sound, it's difficult to discern what's what sometimes. So, /u/piconeeks..... anything else you'd like to know? Care to admit I *just might be* telling the truth? There were identify details I left out but guess y'all need them.
Take your other son to Disney or some other vacation for a week on the 30th. Also, get counseling for him and for you when you get home.
Title basically says it all. This wasn’t a professional organized competition. There was some bmx event with a couple hundred people and they always have a chili cook off. I’m not much for cooking so I thought it would be funny to throw a bunch of Wendy’s chili in a crock pot and see if anyone noticed - they didn’t. I’ve been a vegetarian for roughly twelve years so this was a long time ago.
Work smart not hard
When I was 19 I was running late to work in my tiny POS economy car and on fumes of gas I didn’t come to a complete stop on a right turn. Lights behind me so I pull over. I know I’ve barely got any gas at all and was almost to a gas station, hence why I rolled through the stop a little. Trying not to have the car die. At the time (around 1995) a new digital phone had come out called Voicesteam (now TMoblie) and their whole big thing was the phones were digital and not cellular. They were the first phones with caller ID and one of the big things the salesman had said over and over was since it was digital the signal couldn’t be triangulated or traced. Not that I cared but it stuck in my mind. Well as I give the cop my license, registration and insurance card I got an idea. I knew if I was late to work I was going to lose my job. They were super strict there. So I get an idea and right after I hand the papers to the cop and he’s walking back to his cruiser I called 911 and tell the operator I just saw a guy with what looked like a shot gun walk into a 7-11 that was about 2 blocks away. I confirmed the address then I hung up. About 30 seconds later the cops comes sprinting to my car and hands me all my stuff and rushed says, “come to a complete stop next time!!” Then peels off to the direction of the store. Pushed my car to the gas station that I’d almost made it to and felt pretty pleased with my ingenuity. I was an idiot and I confess! Edit: Wow, this blew up. I forgot to mention I would have gotten arrested, booked and released, because I was driving with a suspended license for unpaid traffic tickets and I had a bench warrant for it. Because I’m an idiot! So it wouldn’t have been just a few mins late to work. The job was a physical high turn over one that didn’t tolerate much. Thank you to the kind souls giving me these medals/awards! Don’t think I deserve them but I’ll pass it along to those who do!
I once got out of a ticket because the cop got called to another scene... not my doing, but I was sure thankful!
UPDATE: A lot of people were asking for an update so here it is. I wrote up a long ass apology letter that I wanted to read to my brother. I waited until he got home and got into bed for the night. I knocked on his door and he was so fucking excited that it was me. I couldn't even get through the first few words. I started crying after saying "I wanted to say I'm really sorry" and just couldn't get through it. I just got into bed with him and laid down next to him. He hugged me really tight and said "I missed you buddy". I fucking lost it. I never cried that bad before. He just hugged me for a long time until I calmed down. We didn't talk much. He started crying for a bit too. It was the first time in a long time we just hugged. After half an hour I got up and gave him a kiss and he told me he was so happy. Why didn't I do this earlier, fuck. I thought I could I try apologizing properly again tomorrow. I left him the note to read anyway. I am feeling very hopeful right now and a lot of pressure in my heart is gone. I swear to God and on my own life I will never treat my brother so badly again. I have been working part-time for the past year and I was saving some money so my brother and my mom could go on a trip to a place he really wanted to go to. But I think I will take my brother myself instead (when I turn 18). I also realized that I need to have a relationship with my brother where I am not just taking care of him. It needs to be like a normal brother relationship. Like going for movies and stuff. It's going to take some time for me to fix the mess I created though. I'm just lucky my brother is amazing. I received a lot of messages. I appreciate everyone for their input and I did read them all even if I didn't reply. Thanks everyone. My actual post: [Remorse] I know this will get a lot of hate and yes I deserve it. I am not looking for any validation or forgiveness. I know I am a piece of human trash. I just need to get this out. I have a brother who is two years older then me. He has suffered from a condition since birth that forces him to be in a wheelchair anytime he is out of bed. He cannot use his arms that well either. We used to have a great relationship until I turned 11 and I really started resenting the amount of attention he took from my parents. And how much stress he put them under. I had to constantly help him, change him, feed him. I hated it. There was a few years in his life when he so mean to my parents and it really made me resent him more. I realize now that I had no right to judge him and I will never know how difficult life is for him. I stopped hanging out with him and made more friends at school. I would tell my family all the fun I was having at school during dinner to make him feel bad. I started barely talking to him or acknowledge his presence. He would get frustrated to the point of tears to get my attention. It started escalating two years ago when I would purposely turn off the wifi and unplug the tv every time we had to leave the house so my brother could do nothing but sit in his wheelchair. I would purposely delete his favorite saved shows on the DVR. I would make fun of his speech. Push things just out of his reach. I would act disgusted when I had to change or bathe him. It always made him feel bad and he would apologize. I made my own brother apologize for taking a dump. What the fuck is wrong with me? But my fucking saint of a brother never told my parents. And he never let me have it. Three weeks ago, he was trying to talk to me non-stop and I was just ignoring him. I got annoyed and wheeled him against his wishes to the backyard and placed him under an umbrella and went back inside. I fell asleep and realized I left him out there for three hours. When I went to bring him back inside he was in tears and wouldn't look at me. He was humiliated.  I have always felt guilty about how I treated my brother all these years but my anger towards him overpowered it. But seeing that look on his face affected me in a way that was different from before. I stopped all the bullying after that day. I couldn't even look him in the face I was so ashamed. Last Sunday my brother told me he was glad I was his brother and friend. I couldn't even respond. I went to my room and cried. I'm fucking crying again typing this all out. When did I become an evil trash human being? Fuck. I'm 17 and he's 19 now. I know there is nothing I can do to make up for the past 6 years. My brother will be returning with my mom from a specialist appointment tonight. I'm going to apologize to him and beg for his forgiveness tonight. I want to start being being a fucking decent brother to him again. I am a healthy guy with no issues who chose to bully his only brother for something that wasn't even his fault. I am so ashamed of myself.
I am disabled and able since birth. I am so happy to know you want to treat your brother better. I have been told by my mom more than once that she doesn't love me more because I am handicapped and she does not know how to love me more. She rubs it in my face every time she wants to hang out with my brother and sister who are not disabled. I have never been jealous of my siblings. I like that our mom loves them. I know it would break their hearts if they found out our mom loves them more than me. I will never tell them. I have never resented them or whatever. I don't say this to you to make you feel bad. I just wanted to show you my support, even though our situations are polar opposites. I am sure your brother loves you unconditionally and will accept your apology. He is lucky to have a brother who loves him. :) I hope this can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship between you and your brother. \*huge hug\* I am rooting for both you and your brother during this painful time.
My college has a food court in one of the main buildings. Chick Fil A, sandwich place, salad bar, etc. You get your food and pay at the exit. Every single time I’ve eaten lunch there since I was a freshman, I grab a bottle of water with my meal, walk up to pay, and say, “I brought the water in.” The employees aren’t paid enough to care, and I pay enough in tuition to not feel bad about it.
I absolve you of your sins. Enjoy your water.
My son threw a snowball at me and I instinctively blocked it with my daughter. The look of betrayal on her snow covered face has haunted my dreams for years
I worked nights back when my daughter was little. She was always very well behaved and when I'd sleep a little longer through the mornings she'd just watch her movies till I got up. One morning I woke up to her poking me in the face. I looked up and said "hey, what's up?" And she said "you didn't make me lunch!" I looked over at the clock and it was 2pm. "Oh damn, i'm sorry sweetie lemme get up". She looked at me with an angry smirk and said "You didn't make me breakfast either!" Then Now Edit: Thanks to this post my daughter joined reddit. :) it's a good day.
I registered a company, bought all the take-away boxes from Amazon, signed up for a few delivery apps, made a few social media acounts and printed leaflets that I drop in mailboxes. I re-sell microwave meals...On some meals I add something to make them look better, like cheese. So far it’s at around £200 a day in revenue. Nobody suspects a thing, soon someone will come for higene inspection, but I’ll pass that check without any problems. It’s not illegal to operate out of your own kitchen. Should I feel bad? I feel kind of proud to be fair and free as a bird from the 9-5 life. Edit: Please stop commenting on the legality of this. I’m doing everything by the law. I’m in the UK, so yes, I can work out of a non-commercial kitchen, yes I am registered and will pay taxes in Jan, yes I have my certificates and yes I have insurance (though there is something I might need to add to the policy, doing that next week) This shouldn’t be your concern, I’m legal. This is a confession sub, not legal advice. Not breaking any laws, just ruining my karma irl for selling people heated up food from a microwave at home.
I think I probably ordered from you. So much shitty delivery food.
My little cousins are the biggest shits in the world and my aunt pretty much let’s them do whatever they want without consequence. They were roughhousing and knocked my phone off the counter, shattering the screen. My closest Apple store is about 2 hours away and it’s a huge inconvenience for me to drive there not to mention the extra gas. So instead of explaining this to her (she’s the kind of person who doesn’t care about things that don’t effect her directly) I told her it was $329 to fix (which is true if I didn’t have apple care). She wrote me a check for $329 and I only had to pay $29 and I pocketed the extra $300. I consider that my non disclosed inconvenience fee. EDIT my cousins are 14 and 15. Not exactly toddlers.
I mean it was still basically that much if you have to pay for apple care
Forgive me for any misspellings or format I’m trying to do this on my phone. I haven’t talked about this to anyone (even though it’s been years) even my closest of friends, minus the ones that were there. One nite when I was in college I was driving to get some liquor for a party my fraternity was supposed to throw the following night. I was taking a street I was very familiar with to get back to my house. It was dark but the street was lit with street lamps. I remember that I looked at my radio for a second, just a second not very long at all. But when I looked back up to the road there was a man crossing. I didn’t have any time to react, by the time I saw him he had already hit the good of my car and bounced off the side. I remember screaming and hitting the brakes, and the wash of horror of what had just happened. I’ll admit I had thought about speeding away, but I pulled over to the side and ran out of my car to check on this guy. When I got to him his family was standing outside the restaurant he was leaving and they were all screaming and crying. He has laying on the side of the road with blood coming out his nose and mouth. Two other men were standing with him trying to see if he was alright and calling 911. All I could say was “I didn’t see him” I was frantic by the time it had set in what I had done. I sat on the curb across from the family and listened to their crying in agony while we waited for the paramedics to arrive. I sat there and sobbed while to paramedics took him away in an ambulance. I don’t believe I’ve ever cried so hard and for so long. The worst part about all of it and what still kills me today was that his wife came over to me while I was distraught on that curb, sat next to me, placed her hand on my shoulder and said “I was married to him for almost 50 years. We had a good life.” Then she hugged me and said that she forgave me. After everything was said and done it was ruled that it was an accident. I wasn’t charged with anything and I had one of my friends pick me up from the police station. I went down a dark path the years after that. I drank heavily, dropped out of college in my senior year, and had to move back in with my mother and father because I couldn’t hold on to a job. Even tried to kill myself with pills. It was a hard road to recovery (witch I feel I’m not fully recovered from nor do I feel I ever will be the same). But eventually I got my life back in order. Joined up with the Navy and saw a bit of the world, and now I’m on track to go back to college and hopefully finish what I started there. It took almost a decade but I finally start to feel almost whole again. I’m back to hanging with my friends, and actually going out. So maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Wow, you guys are awesome! Thanks for the support and feedback. I’ve never really posted anything on reddit before because people can be assholes, but all these kind words are moving. Thank you! And big thanks to whoever reformatted my post. I’m shit at this so thanks homie!
I am so surprised that woman had so much maturity to tell you that and hugged you. Classy.
This was back in... let me think, maybe 1997? I was 38 and my daughter was 18, and she was dating Harry, who was 24. I was an alcoholic and dabbled in other drugs, mostly cocaine. I was not a good person, let alone mother. Not like I was abusive to my daughter or anything but I was generally inattentive and cared more about my alcohol and drugs than her, especially in her teen years. I am 14 years sober now. I disproved of my daughter dating harry, but I never told her why. He would flirt with me, constantly, and the age difference also creeped me out. Also, he was an alcoholic and drug user, just like me. She broke up with him over his alcoholism. Soon after she moved away, not too far but regardless she didn't live with me anymore. Harry kept calling me and asking if we wanted to get drinks, I turned him down, but then one day he said he had a bunch of coke and I couldn't resist. He came over, we did the coke, and we ended up having sex. He was a very good looking guy. He looked A LOT like that ridiculous 80s justin beiber picture that was on the front page today, that is actually what made me think about him. For the next few months, maybe like 3-4 months, he would sometimes come over and we would have sex and do drugs and get drunk together. Any drug addict knows what that is like to have a drug addict buddy in that way. Then I got pregnant. I knew it was by him, I had sex without a condom a few times stupidly. I never told him I was pregnant, and I went and got the abortion and kept it a secret. Anyways, I stopped seeing him after that, it was too weird. I also got sober, for like 4 months, before relapsing. Fast forward 2 years and my daughter contacts me and tells me that she got back with Harry, and that he is fully sober. I was mortified honestly. He was gonna tell her that we slept together, and she is going to hate me for life. They came over one day and said hi, and when my daughter was gone, Harry told me that there is no reason to tell her about what happened. I agreed. Its been 16 years of marriage on their part. They have a kid together. Harry got cancer, then beat it. I got sober. That's basically it. I don't see them very often, they live in texas and I live on the east coast. But whenever I do there is always that tension between me and Harry, its literally the first thing that comes to either of our minds, I can just tell. Not like sexual tension, like "why did we have to do that? What the fuck is wrong with us?" kind of tension. I think about this often. Especially when I see my grandson. I always think that could have been my son if things had gone differently, but WOW what a disaster that would have been if I decided to keep that child.
And THIS is the reason I come here! God damn.
[Light] I'm writing this as a confession because I don't know where else to speak about this and I don't want my kids finding this out on my main account. My friend died a few months back due to heart problems. He was taking care of himself so it was a shock to everyone. Especially his wife who was with him at their house when he died. Due to this she decided to move somewhere else and because she and her daughter were still distraught she asked me to pack up his stuff. He had some boxes in his basement and after a while I started feeling nostalgic and decided to look into them. I found pictures of us from when we were kids all the way to before we got married. That was enough to make me feel bad and I just got back to taping them up. But one of the boxes seemed to be in much better condition, so I decided to check it in case it was something important. To my surprise I found out pictures of him and my wife from when we used to hang out together, as well as more recent pictures from family reunions. The most recent being from my wife's birthday party. Alongside the pictures there were letters that he never sent her. The first one dated 2 months before I met her. The last one was also the same date of her birthday party. There was one that stood out the most was one from after I started dating her. He wrote that his time had passed and since my happiness was as important as his own he would watch over us. I'll keep his box safe since it isn't my secret to reveal.
He not only loved your wife. He loved you just as much.
Back in high school I used to work the concession stand. In my school the booth was a little folding table where I would sell water, pop and chips. To anyone that was a visiting team I would charge $.25-.50 more on the items they wanted to buy, and I would keep it. I ended up making somewhere around $3,000 doing this for my high school career, and no one ever found out because I didn’t charge anyone from the home team the same amount.
That's how the mafia works.
Yeah I cheated. I didn’t write any of my papers, I didn’t do any of the work myself. I stole a lot of work. Took only classes anyone I knew did and used all their work for it with minor changes. I made it through 6 years and got two degrees. I got a scholarship out of high school by cheating, I cheated during the SAT, I cheated most of my life and I feel a little bad but not really.. Thanks to a couple real ones for holding it down for me, wouldn’t have made it this far without you Edit: 1 million views, thank you. All the folks who got triggered thanks for fueling the post. May all of your bridges be sturdy and your streets pothole free. Wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for your hard work. Edit: thanks for the gold anonymous, I love you. Edit: shoutout to my university and my professors. I graduated with a 3.3 gpa, not the best but it’s alright. I also took the FE and PE exams and did well. Edit: yeah, I’m bragging. But I confessed, thanks!
The top student that our department had cheated her way through school and only took classes that her friends had taken (they had the exams). Cried to professors about how hard it was for her and got them to raise her grades. She is in all of our magazines, posters, and banners. If I sound salty is because I am Edit: This blew up way more than I expected, thank you so much for the gold! And man some of you are a little toxic, I’m certain she didn’t sleep with anyone, our faculty is pretty awesome I guess just shitty at handling uncomfortable situations. If anyone wants an update, she graduated but changed career paths, she was in a STEM subject and now is working for a marketing agency, it is what it is, at least I’m working in the field of the degree I paid for.
I know, super first world anarchist. Edit: WOW! My highest post ever! It’s great to see there are others out there like me. Also, the comments from those with expensive cars is cool to see. I don’t think all people with nice cars are douchebags. I do it for the ones that truly are!
I do the same with loud or revving engines. And loud music. A small "fuck you"
Consider this everyone's fair warning. We have a strict policy against trolling and spam, and this is the worst of both. Do not post spoilers, do not post your opinion on the spoilers, do not post fake spoilers, etc. We have already removed dozens of comments and banned many accounts, but there will undoubtedly be more. Please just report them and move on. ​ To clarify, this extends to anything not marked properly with spoiler tags.
They all win because they all participated.
I know this sounds weird but when I worked at Starbucks, there was a regular customer that was very difficult and rude. I was warned of this customer on my first day of training. She came in every morning and would try to rush the workers on doing their job and makes other customers feel uncomfortable. 3 months into working, she came in one morning and caused absolute hell. She was complaining about her drink while one of my coworkers was making the drink. As soon as she got it she accidentally “spills” it and asks for a completely different drink. I was so fed up. She wanted a Frappuccino. She went to the bathroom while we were making the new order. I switched with my coworker and made the drink. Instead of almond milk I made the Frappuccino with regular milk. The drink was ready by the time she left the bathroom. She takes the drink and takes a sip and didn’t complain. 5 hours later she calls the Starbucks from the hospital and I was the one who picked up. She got in a car accident trying to rush to a bathroom. She said she shitted her pants. I couldn’t be anymore happier that she was safe but got her karma.
Rule number one is you don’t fuck with the people who make your food.
This year, both of their female cousins are getting hoverboards from me. 1 nephew gets a book about sharks and the other gets a basketball. EDIT - a small handful of people in here believe you deserve the gift of your dreams regardless of whether or not you've, ya know, done anything to earn it.
I am the oldest of 6. Last year I got all of my siblings great personal gifts except my little brother who had been a complete asshole all year so I got him a book entitled “How to not be an asshole” I think he got the message Edit: wow thanks for the karma and the gold Here’s the link to the book How Not to Be a Dick: An Everyday Etiquette Guide
I regret nothing. UPDATE: Wow this got way more popular than I wanted it to. Just an FYI we have been dating for five years and could not be in a happier, healthier relationship. When she saw this post she got a really good laugh out of it.
Maybe she started to talk about the Bachelor because she knew you would hang up
I was a heroin addict in the lower east side of Manhattan in the 1990s as a teen. I got clean at 21 years old after years of abuse. I got married at 26 to my amazing and beautiful wife. She knows I was an addict. I spent all these years not even really thinking that much about the concept of relapsing. It had been *so long*. I still thought about it, but with marriage and my kids and everything the thought of it was just so ridiculously out of sight to even consider trying it again. 3 weeks ago, it was my friends birthday. He is 4 years younger than me so of course he wants to go to some cool hip sketchy bar/club thing in bushwick. I got drunk, really drunk. I hadn't really drank much at all in the past few years so my tolerance was way lower than expected. There was a dealer outside and a few other junkies nearby. I don't even fully remember what happened, I just remember going with them, abandoning my friend at the bar (it was like 1am anyways), and going to some apartment and shooting up. I spent the night there, then all the way until noon the next day. I had 10 missed calls. I panicked when I came out of my daze. I told my wife I had gotten way too drunk and was puking and my phone was out of battery so I stayed at Charlies house. She was disappointed I didn't tell her but also thought it was funny because she used to tease me for not being able to handle my liquor. This was a "I told you so" moment, she had told me not to drink too much before I went to the bar. She wasn't even in new york, she was at a summer house with the kids in Massachusetts. I spent the next 4 days until they got back just... riddled with anxiety, urges to get more heroin, horrific mind zaps (I dont even know what to call them). It was, in some ways, worse than my withdrawal symptoms when I first was an addict. Not because of the physical feeling, but the horrible mental feeling of what I was possibly giving up, my wife and kids. I wanted to fucking get more so badly. I left my house to find heroin 4 fucking times. 4 times, I gave up to get more, but wasn't able to find any and snapped back to reality and went back home. I still thank FUCKING GOD I did not somehow run into some street dealer during those 4 times. I would have absolutely done it. I feel like everything I thought about myself, that I was strong, that my addiction was behind me, that I had beat heroin... it was all gone. I am not going to say I am back at square one or anything, I am not. But I feel like something inside of me has reset. My unwavering strength against addiction was broken at the slightest temptation. I still am weak. Heroin is so, so much stronger than me. Its truly unbelievable how much stronger it is than me. When I was young, my aunt had cancer. She beat it. Then it came back soon after, and she beat it again. It didn't come back, and we loved how strong she was for fighting her cancer and that she had overcome it. She lived with us. I remember her feeling of strength after her 2nd year of not having cancer, her 3rd year, her 6th year.... it finally felt like it was gone for good. Her thinking "its finally behind me now, its a part of my past", and then it just fucking came back. 9 years after her first diagnosis, it came back and killed her. I remember her feelings and how she felt about it. So many years after she thought it had gone away. That is how I feel. Like a cancer which I thought I got rid of a decade ago just showed back up on my screening. The first 5-6 days after I tried it that time outside the bar were the worst. My kids and wife have come back. The urges mostly went away the second I saw my kids. I hugged them so damn hard. And I never told my family what happened, nor will I ever. My wife never understood that side of me, she met me 5 whole years after I was clean. I just cannot have her know, ever. I won't do it again. I am planning on not drinking to excess like that again, except maybe in very specific situations like at the summer house where there is no option of drugs. I mean, not like I WANT to get drunk again like that, but just in case I ever want to get loose? I am never doing that in the city again. I am still about 90%+ sure that I won't ever touch heroin again. I am still positive in myself about it. Its just... it used to be 99% sure. That is what fucking terrifies me. I said heroin is stronger than me. It is absolutely stronger than me. But the reason I won't ever do it again is that it isn't stronger than my family, my wife and kids. I don't care about how good it feels, I will not subject my wife and children to me being an addict. I would rather just kill myself than that.
Don’t give up. No cure to addiction and the goal is to learn how to live with it. Keeping a secret and trying to ignore cravings will just force you to relapse and hide. Don’t set yourself up. Go to a meeting, an outpatient program, or something that supports your struggle.
One college summer break 8 years ago my friends and I were bored. We remembered a demonstration from a high school science class of a "Solar Balloon". This was just a really thin black plastic bag you'd fill with air, seal, and then set out in the sun. The sun would heat the air in the black bag and the bag would become buoyant and float. We had the idea to find the cheapest/thinnest black plastic trash bags available and combine a bunch of them to make a huge balloon. We spent a few days driving around to Walmarts and dollar stores trying different brands to find the thinnest possible plastic bag and thinnest tape which would work the best. Finally we took a number of them, cut off the bottom ends, and taped them together into a huge balloon which we filled up with a leaf blower and then tied the end. After sitting out in the sun for a half hour or so we had done it! [This is a picture a friend had taken as it was just becoming buoyant.]( We had to mess around with how the tape was sealing the bags to use as little of it as possible as the weight of the tape added up and made the balloon harder to float. [Shortly after this the balloon got away from us]( [Further]( This was dissapointing, but we made another one and got funny looks from cars driving by and were entertained for a bit. Shortly after that this new balloon met it's demise smacking into a tree and getting popped. Oh well, mission success. A few years later [I happened across this news article]( The balloon that got away had apparently blown a town over and caused a big UFO panic. People were calling 911, the police, and local radio stations about it. Our boredom unintentionally created a UFO panic in central NJ. I moved out of the area but when I get together with my friend we always bring this up and have a good laugh. EDIT: Wow didn't really think this would gain much traction. Also didn't expect any NJ Redditors to have seen this let alone the author of the article to show up. Glad everyone thinks this is funny but that being said please don't go out and do this on purpose. EDIT EDIT: Wow first gold ever. Thanks
This is amazing. Funnily enough, I wrote the article you cited. And today, I'm the sole reporter working the late shift at the same news organization. I just looked at our traffic and was like WTF? Why is this 8 year old UFO article suddenly buzzing? Cheers mate, I remember that day well. Created some fun out of what I recall was a slow news day.
I was in charge of fixtures and displays. When we changed over the display tablets I had orders to destroy them. I took all 3 nice Samsung tablets home, wiped the demo software, and used them for myself/family. I also signed paperwork assuring that I disposed of them in the trash.
I would much rather hear that people like you are taking them home and using them , or, giving them to people who could use them - instead of throwing them away.
Throwaway account for obvious reasons. Since I started High School, my parents stopped checking in on my grades and their mentality was basically "we don't care as long as you get into a good university" and they've carried on this mentality to when I got into college and they didn't really checked on my grades and gave me free rein as long as I majored in the subjected they wanted and graduated on time with good grades. Well basically what happened was that I failed my first year and had to switch my major. I didn't tell them and they didn't ask so I thought as long as I got my shit together and not drop out I'll be fine. One day out of the blue last semester my dad asked me to write up a resume. I panicked and wrote up a resume but changed the GPA and major and made up some shit and thought I saved myself. Welp, this winter break my dad dropped it on me and told me he knows people in a big company, he gave them my resume and everything and wanted me to intern there. So I am fucked. They'll probably figure it out and let my dad know and I'll probably get disowned or something, and best case scenario they don't check and give me the job, and I have to live with the guilt that I got a job that I didn't deserve cause of nepotism, this shit is depressing as fuck and I'm typically an easy going guy but this whole ordeal is giving me anxiety like nothing else. I feel like an ass for failing and lying to my family about it and now I'm on the verge of being blown and I thought maybe making a post here will make me feel better but I honestly don't know. Edit: wow this has blown up. In all my years of Reddit, the post that gets blown up is a confession post with a throwaway account.. talk about a wake up call. Anyways, I try to read all the comments I can. Some of you tell me to play it off and fake it till I make it, some of you tell me to come clean, some tell me to just disassociate from my family and do my own thing, it seems Reddit is just as conflicted as I am. I don't know what I'll do but I just want to say thank you to all that took the time to read and comment. I appreciate all the comments, even the harsh and brutally honest ones.
you're going to have to play it off, b. watch the movie catch me if you can to motivate you good luck
A couple years out of college I worked as an analyst at a pretty small private equity firm. The CEO was one of the biggest assholes I've ever met. He was fairly young in his 40s, a multi millionare, and the type of guy driven solely by money with 0 business ethics. He'd do anything to get the upper hand in a deal regardless of who it screws, employees...I even saw him seriously fuck over a long time family friend of his without any remorse. Anyway, aside from my analyst role, as it was a really small business (only about 20 people in the office, and then a bunch of people working remote), I also happened to be one of the only semi technology-literate people in the company. So like many of my generation, I became the defacto "Millenial Office Computer Guy" too. Despite my lack of qualifications I got put in charge of handling pretty much anything minor tech related. Setting up servers....fixing laptop issues...answering "How do I convert this to PDF" questions...even basic network security. They thought I was some sort of computer genius...but really I was just mostly winging it, Googling pretty much everything. But eventually I got legitimately pretty good at all the tech stuff. They gave me bigger tasks like planning all of the computer systems for their owned businesses, and supervising installs. I didn't get paid extra for any of this mind you. After a couple years of serious bullshit working there, I was pretty worn out. I wasn't progressing. I hated working for captain douchebag...he treated everyone like shit. I was pulling 12-14+ hour days with no overtime or performance bonus. And they weren't paying me nearly what they should have. I also hated being "the tech guy" and was depressed as fuck basically living in a cubicle. So I decided I full on had enough of the 9-8 life working for assholes....and I would start my own consulting business working for myself. However, instead of quitting right away, I figured it would be smart to first build up my client base on the side while I was still getting a steady paycheck. So thats what I did. I launched my company, and landed my first clients. As the workload increased, I slowly started spending more and more time working on my side business while at my office job. At first I was pretty low key about it. But eventually, it was blatant. As it was a super small company....I was the only one who knew how to do a lot of important tasks and operate some key internal systems. It was easy for me to tell my boss a project was taking a whole week to complete, that I actually finished in 10 minutes. Pretty soon I was spending 80% of my day working on my own stuff in the office. I'd even take calls for my side business clients at my desk. The rest of the time I was usually dicking around on Reddit or something. Of course, we had systems in place to monitor network activity. But I was the person in charge of monitoring it. This continued for a while. As my own business ramped up, I cared less and less about the office job. And since I hated waking up early, I began rolling into work late. At first it was only 30 minutes or so. Then it progressed to an hour. When my boss didn't reprimand became clear how much they needed me there. I took full advantage of this. Before long I was arriving around Noon, working for a couple hours, then heading home. My coworkers werent happy, but I helped them with all of their tech problems and they hated the company too, so they kept their mouths shut about it. My boss eventually said something to me about all it at one point, but I just came in on time the next few days and then went back to coming in whenever I wanted. After more than 2 months of coming in 4-5 hours late, and working on my side business in full view of my asshole boss, I couldn't believe I wasn't fired yet. I deserved it and felt it was inevitable. On a hunch, I decided to do a little investigative work. As I was the "tech guy", I also had full access to the company email server. So I logged into the CEO's personal email account, and searched for my name. Lo and behold, there was a recent email thread between him, my direct boss, and some other team members with my name in the subject line. Obviously I open it. They're discussing my recent performance issues...the last email in the chain basically said "If nobody has any objections, I will be terminating him at the end of the week". 2 days from then. I wasn't surprised, but I decided there was no way I was going to let these assholes fire me. Although I didn't give a shit about that job, I didn't want to have a termination in my work history. I also wanted to keep getting paid for a while longer. Of course, I couldn't let him know I actually knew I was getting canned. So, I formulated a plan to perform a little inception reverse-psychology mind fuck on the CEO. The next day, one day before they planned to fire me, I requested a meeting with him to "discuss my current performance.". In that meeting I sat down, and he asked me what I wanted to talk about. So I told him (paraphrased): "Look, I know I've been a shitty employee lately. I'm sure you've noticed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been kind of getting the feeling you guys are planning to let me go soon." When I said that the shocked look on his face was priceless...he must have thought I was psychic to work that out on my own the day before it was going to happen. I remember him just saying something like “uhh". I continued while he sat flabbergasted. "So I'll be honest with you, My heart isn't in this job anymore. As you know, I'm an entrepreneur at heart...which I’m sure you can relate to. I want to start my own company. However, as you're aware, I have a lot of responsibilities here nobody else can do." I then proceeded to list all of the things I did and projects I was working on. I could see it on his face when the realization sunk in of how screwed he'd be if I left suddenly. "So here's what I propose. You don't fire me. I don't quit. I keep working here for a month, finish my current projects, and train whoever you want on everything I'm in charge of. After a month is up, I will continue to come in once per week until its complete. After that, if you still need can pay me on an hourly project-by-project basis". I intentionally mentioned the possibility of me quitting so he could feel like he "won" the negotiation, even though I technically had him by the balls. He paused to think for a minute, then said something along the lines of: "Okay. You have a deal". So, not only did I get myself unfired...I actually turned the company into a paying client. During that month, I continued doing pretty much whatever I wanted since I had an expiration date (while training my replacement as promised). After the month was up they hit me up regularly for remote task work . I charged them triple what I was earning while working there, and barely had to deal with the CEO. my client base was big enough I dropped them for good. ...after all that, the CEO still calls me up for advice/questions nearly 3 years later. These days I just blow him off saying "Sorry, I'm too busy". **Edit:** As it seems there’s some doubt that this actually happened (it did), figured I’d clarify a few points. 1) This was a very small company. The office had about 20 people in it, and several dozen more worked remote. If you’ve never worked in a small office before, I can assure you it’s pretty normal for employees to wear many hats and take on random roles outside their initial scope. It’s also pretty normal for them to be severely lacking with network security and controlling passwords. 2) I did not become some “computer genius” and never claimed to be (tho my company of technology illiterate baby boomers sometimes thought of me that way). I had decent basic working knowledge coming into the job, and picked up more over the several years I was there. For anything complicated (like wiring, hardware installs, advanced networking tasks etc) we hired outside IT consultants. But I was the guy who would source them, hire them, supervise them and learn the systems they put in place. And I just handled more basic tasks myself . We’re also not talking about enterprise level security here either 3) my consulting business has nothing to do with private equity. Im not going to reveal exactly what I do for privacy sake since this blew up, but it’s in marketing. I didn’t steal any of my old company’s clients when I left and don’t compete with them** 4) yes, Im fully aware and admit I was an asshole, hence posting this in /r/confession. In fact I decided to start my own company because I hate working for other people without my own skin in the game. I’m not a great employee when I don’t care about what I’m doing. However, the guys running the company were pretty shitty people, and I did not feel that bad about it at the time. The thing I did have reservations about was snooping on the emails. I do not condoned invading privacy like that. However, he’d freely given me the passwords (so I could help him set up his outlook, forwarding, etc), and I felt me getting fired was inevitably coming soon.
Hell yes bro, that's how you fucking do it.
I save my sons Mc Donald's wrappers and happy meal boxes then reuse them by serving him microwave chicken nuggets and oven French fries in them. I even throw in ketchup packets and a little toy he'd forgotten he had to help sell the lie. He loves it. And I'm not sorry.
this is brilliant.
Basically, she dropped the 100 dollar bill in one of the isles of this game store. I picked it up and I remember wanting to give it back, but I was there to get Yu-GI-Oh cards (I had recently lost all my good cards to my friend in a bet) so this was a miracle of sorts to make a solid come-back. So I kept it, I thought the woman had left the store so I went to go purchase my cards, right as I gave my money to the cashier, she walks up behind me watching me buy my 100 dollars worth of Yu-GI-Oh cards (this isn't a normal thing to do). She said nothing though and I left before she went to go buy her items so I didn't have to see the look on her face when she realized. There is no doubt in my mind that once she realized she was 100 dollars short, she would make the assumption it was the kid in front of her in line who spent 100 on cards. I just want to say, I am a different person now :)
I once found 10 dollars on the floor in GameStop, I left it there as I assume it was someone’s else’s and I didn’t want to steal. When I went to pay for my game I noticed I was 10 dollars short. I connected the dots and those 10 dollars on the floor where mine to begin with. I went back and they were gone. I had to go back to my dad and tell him I lost part of the money he gave me. he screamed and shit but went and bought the game for me.
Throwaway account. [REMORSE] When I was around 14 or 15 I found my older brothers Reddit account because of a secret santa package that got sent to us. I of course wanted to snoop onto his account so I checked his history, and found all of his posts for the past month had been been to /r/depression One post mentioned how my family, including me, were out of town due to me playing sports. That was the night he said he would finally commit suicide. He mentioned either pills or knives and it still haunts me to this day. I was obscenely scared when I found this post, and was home alone and vowed to myself to never let anyone know that I found this. To this day, my parents do not know, and have tried to keep me in the dark about his struggles with mental health as much as they can, and my brother most definitely does not know. The only person who knows is my now long term girlfriend, and now you guys. I feel awful for never telling anyone in my family, and I feel like this has taken a toll on my own mental health, which in itself is not in a good state at all. I just want to thank whoever dissuaded my brother from commiting suicide that day. He doesn't know how much of a positive impact he's had on my life, and you kept him around so he could further that impact.
I got halfway through your post before realizing he is still alive. Kind of changed what I was reading.
When my ex and I started dating, I used to make him a morning cup of tea as a cute gesture and it stuck for the three years that we were together. It's a nice small thing you can do to make someone's day and and it's a nice way to get to know how someone likes things doing. So, my morning tea used to be any old teabag (Yorkshire tea if it was on offer), a splash of milk, and the first cup always had a teaspoon of sugar; every cup after was just tea and milk. My ex however had to have a very specific ritual: Thompsons Punjana tea, a teaspoon of milk and absolutely no sugar. He was adamant that he could tell in a heartbeat when his morning cup of tea and at the age of 33, he's never liked any other tea other than Fortnum & Mason's Royal Blend. So, in the beginning when he would stay at mine, I entertained this notion and used to make his morning tea the way he liked: Thompsons Punjana tea, a teaspoon of milk and absolutely no sugar. He would always thank me and tell me that I make the best cups of tea and it was nice, three times a week didn't kill me and it was a sweet gesture. Fast forward three months when he would spend nearly everyday of the week at mine (but not moved in), he was very demanding of his morning ritual and being a student, I couldn't keep affording to buy that brand of tea; besides, what was wrong with PG tips or any non-branded supermarket tea? Tea is tea after all. So, I used to always make his cup of tea with any tea bag, a teaspoon of milk and no sugar. I was always sure to only make it when he was in the shower or still in bed so he could never catch me out and initially, he was dubious and was always asking to make sure it was Thompsons Punjana tea (he used to call it by it's full name to emphasise how good it was). after a few trials of different teas, I finally found that sweet point where he couldn't taste the difference. I would drink it with him and as he sipped, would go on about how you can taste the quality and that there is really no other tea like it. When we moved in with each other, it was a lot harder to disguise the fact that I was keeping the same box of tea and just filling it with regular tea bags so I had to be a bit more clever. At the time, I was studying at college so I was in control of weekly food shops and only really wanted to go twice a week to minimise costs so we had more to spend on meals out. I used to buy one bag of his tea and two bags of mine a week and kept them in the drinks cupboard. When it came to making his in the morning, I would take one of his teabags and put it in my pocket, giving him one of mine instead and I used to give my tutors at college his tea to drink during the day. He would always comment that I run out quicker of my tea bags because of the quality and that with Punjana, one bag is enough for a considerable amount of time; little did he know. This went on for a couple of years and I never told anyone about it out of fear that he would find out, as after all, he really couldn't tell so why ruin the fun? It was saving me money and it was sort of amusing. I never let him make a cup of tea unless I was away so he never really had to find out. After we split up, we remained good friends and I've spent some time with him too in our old flat. Every time I visit, he always asks me to make a cup of tea the way I used to for old times sake because everyone he's been with or dated after me can never "make it taste the way I did". He even says that when he makes it himself with Punjana that he could never make it taste right and that I was some sort of special tea maker. I still haven't told him. This is a long post about tea so the TLDR: ex used to play on that he was very fussy with tea, I switched his morning cup to a considerably cheaper tea bag and he could never tell the difference and still can't.
I can feel the Britishness in this post
They both bullied me (fair-weather friends yknow) so lmao stay single bitch
True neutral
Many years ago, I was standing on one of my balconies when a taxi driver was obnoxiously blowing his horn out front and yelling for a blind man to "walk toward my voice" from his own townhouse. That direction was toward traffic. My roommate and I went down and helped him to the taxi and scolded the driver for being so rude. I made the mistake of giving the blind neighbor my phone number so that I could give him a ride in the future. Then the phone calls came... and never stopped. And when I gave him a ride, he would ask for various detours. I'm very calculated by nature, if he had told me beforehand where he wanted to go, it would be cool, but no... we'd be driving along and he'd throw in 2 - 3 extra places on each ride. And it came to be every day that he wanted rides... and he'd even call me to remind me to give him a ride, not that was ever late or backed out. Finally I had enough, so I gauged how blind he was. His response was that he was "blind as a bat". A week or two after he said that, I told him I had a job interview in the next city. A week after that, I told him I got the job and was moving away in a month. After I "moved away" It was strange as hell walking by him in silence as he stood on the sidewalk.
I bet he could smell you and knew
I was only 20 years old and I nannied for this little baby boy. The mom seemed off. She would sleep the entire time I was there in the mornings , or go on three hour runs, or sometimes would just go about her business around the house- completely ignoring me. One time we both sat in the living room while the baby was sleeping in his room- I was reading a book (studying) and she sat there eating McDonald’s and watching her show. She did not say a word to me the entire time. Well, one day when she was out I snooped around and found her journal- I read the whole thing. Then got sad for her- she was so unhappy in her marriage and in life. I ended up working for her for three years and we became close. But that first year was so uncomfortable and awkward. In retrospect, it seems very obvious that she was suffering from post pregnancy depression. Edit: thanks everyone for the positive comments; I honestly was not expecting that- I just wanted to confess. For those of you who think I’m a horrible person for doing this, that’s ok. It was over 15 years ago and it still weighs on my mind that I invaded someone’s privacy. I felt bad about it then which is why I tried to repay by helping, but yes I did invade someone’s privacy and that’s not cool, I’m certainly not saying what I did was ok. Hence, the confession... Also, as a 20 year old with no concept of the hardships of having kids I didn’t understand why she was acting the way she was; I get it now.
That is sad. ​ My ex wife had post pregnancy depression. We almost divorced at that stage.. but that is not a time I would want over in my life again.
My husband works at a popular pizza chain. We'll call it "Piece of Butt" for the sake of rhyming. If orders are messed up or carry out orders don't show, the employees get to take the food home. Sometimes I order pizzas under fake names and give the numbers of local businesses as callback numbers, and then purposefully never show up to pay for it. 9 times out of 10 my husband brings home the pizza I ordered. This is sinful pizza, yes I know. But sin pizza tastes better than honest pizza, inexplicably. Edit: Wow, guys! I'm glad so many people found this entertaining. I'm glad to put a smile on anonymous internet faces. Thanks for the gold and silver. My first gold! For those who say I am a "pizza shit," why yes, yes I am. Especially since I can afford to buy the pizza.. I hope I don't put Peice of Butt out of business, I'd feel so bad since they've treated my husband *so well* as an employee.. For those who went through my post history and want to report this to the school I work at: please. do it. My boss could use a laugh. For those who immediately messaged me about my divorce/ being single now: you must AT LEAST work at Papa John's or better, and maybe I'll consider you. Papa Bless Y'all. Edit 2: I'm just gonna leave this right here..
This reminds me of when I worked at a pizza place. The owner was a cool guy and joked around a lot. A co-worker's grandpa ordered pizza one night and never showed. The co-worker came in for work the next day, and the owner said some joke along the lines of, "Amanda, tell your grandpa thanks for not picking his pizza up last night. It was *DELICIOUS!* Her response: "My grandpa died last night." Her grandpa pulled over having a heart attack on his way to pick up the pizza and died in his car. It was innocent because he had no way to know, but pretty shitty time to joke about a no-show. Edit: For those asking why she came in the next day: I don't know that we got paid bereavement time there (I doubt we did, but I can't verify because I never had to check into it). If it wasn't paid, I'm guessing she needed the money. If it was paid, she may have planned to use it closer to/on the date of the funeral. When my grandpa passed (while I was at a different employer, which was in retail), his viewing was on Black Friday. I worked that morning and spent the rest of the day at the funeral home. I only used one day of bereavement for the day off the funeral. I don't remember if I was scheduled the day after he passed, but if I was, I was there.
It just felt too big, too nebulous. I had no idea where to start. I kept putting it off and putting it off again, with no idea of what to do. I could have asked for help, but I didn't. How pathetic, I thought - every other student can manage to write one, but you need help? Just fucking put your head down and do it. But I didn't. With 24 hours to go, I had nothing. So I found a dissertation on Google, and I went through and changed it enough that I thought I could get away with it. I didn't. I have a hearing in a few days, and I can't see any likely outcome other than being kicked out with no degree. I haven't told anybody, besides a nice woman on the phone from Samaritans, because I didn't know who else to call. She didn't seem to know what to say though, and I can't blame her. What is there to say? You fucking idiot? How did you not ask anyone for help at any stage? Why are you the only person who can't fucking write their own dissertation? I'm so ashamed. So so ashamed. I can't tell my friends. Students have fun at university, but I feel as though there is an unspoken contract that everyone can do so because they are all working hard. I have broken my contract, and I cannot admit it. This shame pales in comparison to the shame I feel regarding my parents. I am dreading telling them more than anything. They have been nothing but supportive my entire life. They are wondeful people. They have given me so much help, sacrificed so much for me to get a good education, and I have spat in their faces. I am ashamed to be their son.
Hey, I cant speak for your friends but I am a mom, so here is my mom perspective, since I sense your parents and I share the same thinking. I wouldn't want my son carrying this weight on his own. Will I be disappointed? Sure I will, but I carried my boy under my heart for 9 months and if I were to know he carried this secret on his own for so long I would be heartsick. I would want to support him, and listen to him and just hug him the fuck so tight because people make mistakes, but these are the ones you learn from. I would want to make him tea and carefully discuss the way forward and how to manage the outcome, and perhaps getting him therapy because I sense more than just a feeling of being helpless. But most of all, I will just make sure my home is a safe space for him to deal with all of this. My love for him wouldnt change, my support wouldnt change and I would keep sacrificing for my kid. I would not see it as a spit to the face. I would be stern and honest in my disappointment but never ever would my love and support as a parent waiver. Talk to your parents, you are going to need them more than ever. Talk to your councillor. Talk to your hearing committee. Best of luckxxx
I work as a cashier at a grocery store. Whenever a middle aged woman, who clearly looks older than 21, purchases alcohol from me, I intentionally ask them to show me their ID. I do this because somewhere deep down I feel that, if I ask them for their ID it creates an impression that they look far younger than they are. I do this every chance I get, regardless of how busy the line is, in hopes of making them feel younger and possibly happier.
I remember back when i worked as a cashier my manager said i have to ID everyone. She then informed me old ladies will find it flattering. Old dudes tho? They don't like that shit.
I did time in jail, I went to therapy, and I sought forgiveness from her family. I worked on myself. I went to rehab. I'm now six years sober. I warn the youth about the dangers of drugs. But I still remember that night vividly. Her birthday is coming up and that's when the guilt intensifies. I've thought about suicide before. I took a life and I was a worthless piece of shit so I deserved to die. I know I didn't cause her addiction. It's possible she would've overdosed without my help. But it doesn't matter because in this reality, I was the one who did it. And I will never not feel guilty about it.
I gave my friend the number of my connect and he got high and hanged himself that hight. It still haunts me. But I am trying to make living amends. You're doing the same thing by staying sober. That's all you can do. 💜
Whenever anyone lets me borrow a key, usually to their house in order to petsit, the first thing I do is go to Walmart and make a copy of that key for personal use after they ask for it back. I never break into houses and steal anything, other than food or maybe alcohol, but I love the feeling of being able to effortlessly enter a place I know I don’t belong without anyone’s knowledge. I have keys to multiple people’s houses and a couple of buildings/garages from my old job.
It’s a dangerous game, which you obviously know, so why do you still play it?
EDIT: Some details - I was an angsty, bored teenager. I was aware of how I was ruining the family dynamic. I'm a father of 2 now, and I can imagine how my drive would suck if it happened to my kids.
Now THIS is why I follow this sub
Hi, im 20 now but this happened when i was barely 16. I met this girl on hot or not who said she wanted to “ have her way w me” so i was like “ dope im gonna get some good strange for my first time.” I decided to meet up w her on a friday night. I waited for my parents to go to sleep then snuck out my window w/ my dads keys and stole his car to meet this girl i had never met irl. I call her on my parents house phone right before i sneak out to make sure she knows im coming over( they took my cell phone at night). So i get there and guess what? She not there -_-. I drive back to the McDonalds down the road from her place and call her using the phone number i had written on my handwritten google maps directions ( again had no cell). She tells me she will be home in 30 minutes so i wait it out. I go there around 1230 am and shes waiting for me out on the porch. I walk up and i was like “ oh shit, shes alot less attractive than in her pics , but im already here and went thru this much shit to get here so fuck it why not. We do the thang while on the floor and two days later i got ringworm on my ass cheek. I also neglected to tell her i was a virgin till i was done smashing. Havent told anyone except my close guy friends that story. Edit! She had dogs that rubbed their ass on the floor and i was unaware so it gave me ring worm on my ass cheeked because she wanted to fuck on the floor. It was a terrible night but memorable. Edit 2 ! Wow thanks guys for the gold and hella upvotes. Love yall
Now this.. this is a confession!
So back when I was ten my dad asked me if I wanted to make 20$. I accepted. The catch I had to shit on our neighbors door step. It was clear my dad had beef with this woman. She woke in the morning and tried to blame our Chihuahua. My dad yelled at her saying that the shit was bigger then our dog. Impossible. The point is I don’t feel bad. Forever daddy’s girl.
That last line really got me.
This is probably the pettiest thing I have ever done, and I regret it to this day. When I was fifteen years old, I got my first job and started to have some money of my own. I used my money to spoil myself and purchased nicer thing like clothes, shoes, makeup and salon brand shampoo. My brother used to sneak into my bathroom and constantly steal my nice shampoo. He would use them and most of the time he would leave them open in the bathtub. This would result in the rest of the shampoo going down the drain and leave me with empty containers. This drove me completely insane and I hated him for taking my things. I tried to speak with my parents about this, but they told me that I should just learn to share. One day I went out and purchased hair removal cream. I mixed this into my shampoo bottle and left it in my bathroom. I gave him a verbal warning not to use my newly purchased bottle, but he stole it again anyway. Over the next few days his hair slowly started to fall out and small bald patches started to appear. Seeing what I had done I immediately emptied the remaining shampoo. I felt terrible and I truly didn’t think it would have as a dramatic effect as it did. My mother took him to the doctor to get check out and they diagnosed him with Alopecia. He than had to start using this special and terrible smelling shampoo to combat this. His hair did grow back but I just recently found out that he is still using the shampoo in order to prevent another Alopecia flair up. It has been 15 years now and I have never told my brother that I caused him to lose his hair. Edit: Some people are asking why I let this go on for 15 years. I honestly had no idea that he was still using the shampoo and just assumed he stopped at some point or that the doctor had told him he didn’t have alopecia. I just helped him move over the weekend and found a fresh bottle of the shampoo in his bathroom. I completely forgot about this until now. Edit 2: He lived in the basement in the mother in law suite. So it did take a lot of effort for him to come in my second floor private bathroom to steal my shampoo and conditioner. Not trying to defend my poor decision but he didn’t just happen to use it by mistake. I didn’t just leave my things lying around.
LOL he has probably given other alopecia sufferers lots of false hope over the years, telling them how great that special shampoo worked for him.
My 6th grade son had a school assignment last semester to write a poem. He was struggling as he’s not the least bit interested. Since I was a child I had always wanted to be a writer. I spent 5mins and wrote a quick (dumb to me) poem for him to turn in. Unbeknownst to me his teacher submitted it to a poetry contest which he won, and it’s now going to be published in the middle school’s Anthology.
Same thing happened to me from the other side. My parent wrote a research paper to help me out. I was shocked when the teacher had me stand up in class and read *my* paper as an example of what all students should be doing. I felt like a total fraud. Check in w your son that he's not stressing over this too much, eh?
I went to an Ivey league university in Ontario Canada right after high school. My marks weren't great but they were good enough to squeeze me in. I spent most of my time in University partying rather than studying but still managed to pass all of my first year classes. In my second year I skipped a lot of classes and was very lazy with the course work. My marks were terrible and I failed a couple of my courses. In my third year about half way through I dropped out and got a job landscaping. ​ I did that for a year when I realized it really sucked and I began to regret not trying harder while I was in school. I figured I would apply to jobs that would normally require the degree that I would have gotten. I had spent the few years in school I was easy enough to make the timeline on my resume make sense and although I dropped out I had a decent knowledge of the area. ​ The field I was attempting to enter is difficult start out in and it took a few months of sending applications to get an interview. The company I got an interview with (my now current employer) is an internationally recognized name in the energy sector. I was extremely surprised to get my interview. One of the documentation requirements was university transcripts and with an hour or two in photoshop I had my proof of graduation. I sent in the papers with the other required information and never heard anything back describing any problems with my records. I ended up going through three interviews in the process and received a position. ​ I have have now been working with this company for almost 5 years. They provided all the necessary job training and nobody has ever questioned my education. I entered with a starting salary of $72,500 CDN and received annual raises. Upon hiring me I was told that the management staff was quite impressed with me through the hiring process and that they usually only hire applicants with minimum requirement of a Masters Degree. ​ I basically shit my pants everyday while in the interview/training process but now I don't really think about it ever. I didn't tell me university friends I faked having my degree. The only people that know I did this are my parents. ​ Thanks for reading !
You should probably stay at that job your entire career. There would be a huge risk of getting caught if you applied for a different company now.
I had just started serving tables at a restaurant, and I was working my first super busy brunch shift. I had 6+ tables and I’m not gonna lie, I had a tough time running all the mimosas that my tables were ordering. I could tell that one table of all women were getting abnormally angry about their drinks taking a while. I apologized for the delay and made a joke about it being an especially busy shift. I offered them a round of drinks on me to smooth the situation over. When I walked away, one lady murmured under her breath that I was an “incompetent cunt”. Let’s stop there, its common for people to treat servers like shit, but this was the first time I ever had experienced being spoken to like I was garbage. I shook it off and continued to be nice to them, but it only got worse from there. They started to laugh at me, and shit talk me to one another. They told me that my future career looked pretty bleak, considering I couldn’t even serve tables, “honey, even a toddler can deliver drinks”. When I took their order for food, one woman REFUSED to speak to me. She just stared at me while her friend ordered for her. By now I am pissed. I asked her why she felt the need to have her friend order for her? She laughed in my face, looked down at the menu, and said because I was a dumb little bitch. Due to the fact I was at work, I couldn’t argue or tell her to eat shit for treating me like I was a dog, if I did my boss would have fired me. They ended up stiffing me on their 200 dollar check. Once they left, I realized the woman that gave me so much shit had left her phone. I took it and went out the back door to smoke a cigarette and try to calm down, who the hell did that women think she is? So I promptly turned off her phone, threw it in the trash compactor, and turned it on. She came back minutes later and asked multiple staff members if we found it, I told her that I didn’t see it when I bussed the table, and that I would call her if it turned up. I never told anyone but I never regretted doing it. When you treat people like shit, expect shitty things to happen to you Edit #1. Thanks for my first ever metal kind stranger! Edit #2. I should have clarified that they stiffed me, as in they didn’t tip me. They did pay their bill before they bounced Lastly, I’ve been in the service industry for a hot minute and I’ve only experienced this level of disrespect twice. Whether you believe it or not, some people actually think they have the right to talk to servers like this and many restaurants dgaf
I would have done the same exact thing
Years ago I made a new email address and got two potential buyers for a playstation that I was pretending to sell. I confirmed a date and time with both of them. Decided on the mall near a certain store. I asked what they'd be wearing so I could find them. I gave them each other's description for myself, and then went and hung out. One walked up to the other. You could tell there was an immediate confusion. They started arguing over who had what. You could see them get pissed once they realized what happened and wasted their time. They both stormed off on their phones. Sure enough, I got angry emails from both of them lol I feel kind of bad about it, but it was a funny interaction to witness.
Was anyone else hoping that the end of the story would go ... “They instantly connected and decided to catch a movie together since they’d come all the way down to the mall anyway That was five years ago. They’re getting married today and they asked me to officiate” Rom-com gold right there IMHO
A kid told me how to do it , so I tried it myself. It only worked on one machine at school, but it did work. Kids did this so many times, they used to stack the unopened sodas in the storage room. There were just too many to drink. I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway. I feel terrible about it. I deeply regret having ever done it.
Remorse is sodapressing.
This is a lengthy confession. I'm sorry if you don't like reading long posts you can skip to the end if you want. Our first daughter was raped when she was 14. It destroyed her childhood and flipped our lives upside down. You always assume if you bring your child up right and take care of them nothing bad will happen, but something bad just happened anyway and there was nothing we could do afterwards to make what happened right. The man who did it got sent to jail eventually, but our daughter was never the same again. Counseling never brought her smile back, nothing seemed to work. She seemed so cold and emotionally dead from there onward and we tried so hard to connect back with her but nobody could. She was an island and didn't want to talk to anyone about anything. We as parents blamed ourselves for this. We ended up pulling our daughter out of school to home school her because her attendance was very bad and she suffered night terrors which kept her awake some nights. It was probably a bad decision and over protective parenting, but we wanted to protect her and felt a regular school wasn't a safe environment for her at the time. As if the situation could be any worse we found out our daughter was pregnant with the rapists child. We tried to suggest an abortion because of her age and the situation, but she didn't want to. Our daughter refused to abort the pregnancy, so we kept her out of school to give birth to the baby. We raised the child as our 2nd daughter to give our 1st daughter the life she was robbed. We just wanted her to enjoy her life and told her we'd raise the baby for her as her sibling and she agreed to this. It was partly out of fear of what the neighborhood would think, and partly out of wanting our daughter to continue having a normal teenage life. It wasn't ideal, but things worked for a time and our daughter got to see her daughter whenever she wanted, which was better than giving the baby up to adoption. Things didn't last this way for long though as our daughter's mental health started to deteriorate. When our first daughter started to become heavily suicidal. There was nothing we could do because every time we tried to get closer to her she'd push us away worse than before. She was hospitalized several times for suicide attempts until she succeeded in committing suicide. This destroyed us. At first we hated the baby and blamed it. We blamed it for the death of our daughter and were in denial it was our fault. Eventually though we realized we were to blame, not the child who was brought into the world by no fault of their own. We'd focused for so long on the fact it was half of the rapist's child, that we'd overlooked the fact it was also half of our daughter. It took a lot of time to come to this conclusion, but we'd always looked after the baby out of respect to our daughter. The thought of giving it up to adoption went through my mind several times, but I knew my daughter didn't want this and so did my wife. We gave her daughter, our daughter the best life we could. We bought her anything she could ever want, took her to concerts and on holidays. We even sent her to a private school despite the extra expense with hopes that she will become successful in life and live the life our daughter never got to live. She is home right now and whenever she hugs me or my wife and says: "I love you mom/dad" it hurts like a dagger through our hearts. I always look towards my wife every time our daughter says it. She finds it as painful as I do and I can tell by the look in her eyes. It's not that we don't love her, it's that her entire life is being lived believing a lie. We're actually her grandparents and she has no idea of this. She's never asked if we're really her true parents because obviously she has never had a reason too. Part of me though believes lying by omission is still lying though. We've never told her the truth about her sister being her mother. She knows her sister committed suicide, but she is too young to remember her. I feel as though we're protecting her from being damaged and hurt by keeping her oblivious to all of this. Maybe I'm just being selfish, maybe my wife is too. We just don't want to see her suffer. The thought of her not being strong enough to hear the truth scares me the most. I know I shouldn't compare her to my other daughter, but I would never forgive myself if she committed suicide too after learning the truth. I cannot lose both of them, I can't survive another loss like this. The whole situation is soul crushing. The only person I can talk to is my wife. It feels like some massive thing nobody else can ever know. Not even our parents know the truth.
Please seek a trusted therapist so that you can talk through your options and have support. You two are both incredibly strong and kind people, don't forget to be kind to yourselves too
When I was in college, I illegally parked my bike onto a sign post. I did this because all the bike slots were overflowing everyday and there just wan't enough parking for all the students. So I locked it to a nearby sign post. I can't remember what it said, probably 'no parking' lol. Anyways, I locked it, went to class, and when I came out it had a lock on it from the campus police along with a ticket. It was one of those heavy duty U-shaped metal bar locks. I walked home that day, then later at night when nobody was around, I went back to my bike, worked the sign post out of the ground, which was compact crushed stone, and got my bike free. The lock was still on my frame, but I could ride it. I lay the sign on the ground, rode back home, then the next day I borrowed a stone wheel attachment for a drill and cut through the lock. It wore down the attachment, but I got out of a $15 ticket. Yes, I was an asshole, but I was determined not to not let the 'man' win.
Stopped by a local college to pop into the bookstore to buy a present from my cousin who had just graduated high school and would be attending there in the fall. Get back to my car to find a ticket, for not parking in the designated for students area and for not having a permit sticker. Head over to the security office to explain I'm not a student, they're having none of it, telling me if I don't pay up they're going to put a hold on my account so i can't get my grades for the semester or some shit. Explain again and again I am not, and will never be a student here. Ok guys. I'm just gonna leave then. Was weird as hell.
So once I stopped growing I was at a happy 6 foot even, but that wasn't enough for me, I needed more. I would tell everyone I was 5'10". I noticed there was a large population of guys who claimed to be 6 foot but were just under the mark, so to really drive the point home. I'd argue that I'm under 6 foot and since they're shorter than me, they can't be 6 feet tall. Watching the panic in their eyes as they tried to defend their height was the highlight of my highschool experience.
I am a part of a very tall family where all men over 18 are above 6 foot with one notable exception: my uncle who claims to be 6 foot even though we all know he is 5'10".
I called the restaurant my boss was supposed to have her birthday party at and canceled it because she let me go without any notice. I was an employee at this company for 10 years and brought in a ton of business for this woman. Never had one smudge or blemish on my record. Fuck you, Cathy, I hope your birthday was miserable!
You should have called back a few minutes later to setup another reservation with approximately the same amount of people for 15 minutes after. That way, they would be too booked when they got there.
Back in grade school when I was about 10 I stole $40 from my mothers purse to use whenever I wanted to buy something. Once I got to school that day though I saw one of the other kids had a can of dill pickle Pringles which are still my absolute favorite to this day. So my stupid 10year old self gave him all $40 for that single and enjoyed every single of those delicious fuckers. When I came to school the next day though the same kid I bought the Pringles from, gave me back the $40 while crying because apparently his mom screamed at him to give it back and now he couldn’t buy candy with it because his mom wouldn’t let him keep it. I held on to that money for a couple days until my mom started looking around and asking if I had seen the money laying around since it wasn’t in her purse, so once I realized how I’d get my ass beat if she found out I hid it under the couch and ‘found’ it about 30 minutes later. I never got caught but still look back on it and laugh that I essentially got some Pringles for free from the whole ordeal.
Lol 40 dollars for Pringles
​ This is petty. I don't care. I've worked at a company for two years. In that time, I've gone from an 'incredible asset to the company' to 'babysitter'. I wish I was joking. This company is owned by several people, but managed by a relative to the higher ups. A guy who has never worked for anyone except his Mommy (who owns the company). A guy who is incapable of doing basically anything for himself. Someone who will 'one day' take over the company, who currently can't even figure out Bluetooth. Moron would be a compliment. You think I'm just being harsh on my boss, or exaggerating. I wish. I wish it was just me being dramatic. Last phonecall I had from him was him asking where he was. No, I'm serious. "Foot, I'm driving. Where am I?" He asks me to track his phone, find his location, see if I can find a store near him that sells a certain item (that he can't remember the name of the store either, or where it is exactly), and then I am to GPS voice navigate him there using track his phone to tell him when to turn. This is my life. 50+ phone calls a day from this man. "Foot, did you get my email?" "Yes, I responded to it and answered your questions." "Oh good. Read it out to me." Proceed to read the email to him. He is happy. Fast forward two hours. Get a scathing email from him, responding to my reply: "Foot, why did you email me again when we just talked about this on the phone?! This wastes my time." I no longer do my regular job. I've been transitioned into this 'Personal Assistant' role, even though I did not want it. At all. To the point I'm currently searching for a new job. The company is bleeding money like someone cut off both of its legs. Boss is supposed to be figuring out why, but the guy can't even pour himself a cup of coffee from the machine we've had for six *years.* In my day to day, I also assist other departments. I have access to various software. I work alongside multiple managers and assist with their projects as well (when I'm not being asked to identify the brand of socks Boss is wearing so that he can figure out where to buy more, and have me call to 'have them set aside a package for me so I don't have to walk through the store looking for these like an idiot') Based on my observations, I found several problems that are costing us money. Either by purchasing, distribution or just general lack of adaquate price adjustments. Some were serious enough that I even spoke to a different department manager, who was impressed and took me to the CEO to ask if I can be moved to their department to help fix some of the identified problems. CEO is Boss's Mother. I get told that I absolutely am not allowed to transfer. That I am far too valuable as a personal assistant to be shared with other departments. That Boss will handle and oversee the changes that need to be made. Manager and I were stunned. Turns out, Mother wants to step away from the company and wants Boss to run it. That Boss just needs more projects to work on to get a better understanding of how to run the company. Boss gets called in, told that I identified several issues and that Boss needs to get them resolved. Boss gets mad at Mother, telling her he doesn't have time to do that. Mother says she understands, that he is a very busy boy. (Again, I'm not joking. Sitcoms can't even write this kind of shit). Boss later calls me into his office, and tells me that I am to work on fixing all of these issues, but that I'm to give him all my notes, tell him how I fixed it and he will present it to the board. Boss then proceeds to leave for the day, calling me later to ask what kind of mustard was the mustard he liked the most on his deli sandwiches. Then proceeded to lecture me on mustard, because the answer I gave him was obviously not the right kind of mustard and that I need to pay more attention to things like that. I hung up the phone, picked up all my notes on this 'bleeding money' situation / project and shredded them. Oops. Sorry! I'm too much of an idiot to handle doing any type of investigation work into our financial records for the past 5 years. I'm certainly too much of an idiot to notice that your profit margins went from 32% to less than 18.3% on the majority of our products we manufacture, all the while giving our distributors more than 46% discount so that they 'keep coming back for more'. Here is hoping Boss can figure that out, especially considering the layoffs we keep having. Excuse me while I make note of what kind of mustard he prefers on his montreal smoked meat sandwich, which is a much more important use of my time. Because, in the words of Boss: "Maybe one day you'll be capable, like me, if you keep working at it." I hope I get fired. ​ Update: [\_for\_i\_destroyed\_my\_work\_project\_and\_i\_hope/](
Good on you, OP! I hope that you find a job that values your commitment, loyalty, and astute problem solving skills, and that you shit in that mustard before giving the asshat another deli sandwich. Also, see if that other manager will discreetly give you a good reference!
This was a few years ago before CL stopped the relationship stuff. As a joke, I created an add of Craigslist relationships - male looking for male. Essentially the add was pretty much a guy looking for a 1 way ticket to pound town, ready to fuck and suck anything, willing to be a cum dump, and all types of things. I made sure to make it for serious inquiries only. I put his phone in the weird code like everyone else on similar adds like 5(5)5-Five-three37-55(four)5. ​ I sat back an waited. The next day, he makes a FB post about "who the fuck put my number on a gay craigslist add," and if he gets 1 more dick pic he "will strangle whoever did this." As you could imagine, the comment replies on his post were great. ​ The calls/texts continued for a few days until I took the post down and went to go hang out with him. He told me about the phone calls he got, the text messages, the pics. Oh it was great. ​ I never laughed so hard. I never admitted to it. I don't regret it.
I can't do that b/c my friend is gay and this would bring him pleasure
I pick up thc oil or marijuana buds, either 3.5 grams of the oil or 7 grams of buds per week. I smoke every 2 hours-ish. Sometimes more often. Without fail from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed every day. I’m a college student studying medical coding. I have over 95% in all of my classes. But yeah I’ve been high for over a year now.
Make sure to take a tolerance break once a while so it’ll take less for you to get high therefore saving you money in the long run
Roommate was addicted to his fleshlight and would put it in the dishwasher. I tried to talk to him about it many times. Nothing worked. Took matters into my own hands and it gave him an infection. He had to get circumsized and thinks its because of the dishwasher soap or salt. I regret doing this. EDIT: Let me address some of the major points and questions here. We lived in a small flat with one bedroom. I never used the dishwasher. He turned it inside out when he put it in. In the beginning he would leave it to soak in the bathroom sink. I protested vehemently and as some have suspected here, I couldn't afford to move. He would leave it on or beside his bed after use. So I had this thing in my sight everytime I was in our room. He'd use it while he thought I was sleeping too. He had poor hygiene to begin with. Messy fella. He was coddled at home and his mom cleaned up after him. He'd cum in it and just go to sleep without cleaning himself. We shared an internet package which would be depleted before the month ended because of his porn addiction. I tolerated this for about 4 months because my conflict-avoiding ass just couldn't be aggressive enough. Throwing it away would have made things worse for me. As far as he's concerned, it was all his own doing. But the shameless slop slop slopping in the middle of the night was unbearable. He even took it with when he went home some weekends and I'm sure that he didn't wash it until he came back to the flat because he probably wouldn't have been able to hide a cleaning session from his folks. It took about two weeks for his dick to get bad enough that he went to the doctor. But even after the itchy first use I noticed he was going to the bathroom a lot. He still used it a couple times which must have made it much worse. He suspected that I might have used it and given him an STD through it because he wasn't sleeping with anyone. I wasn't either but he had to ask. He moved out at the end of the semester and I saw him on campus occaisionally. Our parents met at church and his mom is a devout christian. Telling her crossed my mind but that's a bitch move. She basically administrated his all his affairs which is how she found out. I wasn't there when the "handover" took place but I know she threw it away. She made him see a psychologist and he had to go home every weekend. My quality of life was drastically improved. And, his too, so I hear. The itching powder was from one of those party stores where you buy outfits and gags etc. and was more like cotton wool than powder but still called powder. This was a few years ago and what reminded me of it was seeing his mom in the shop and the shame hit her again when she saw me. Anyways, fuck you Chris
Now this is a fucking confession!
My highschool didn’t allow phones/tablets to be on your person throughout the school day, instead they made us all hand our devices in every morning and pick them up at the end of the school day. They provided us with these white cushioned envelope bags to protect them by it really did nothing. Anyway one morning I was rushing to catch the bus and on the way out of my bedroom I decide to throw my iPad onto my bed. But it bounced off, landing face down on the slate tiles. I knew straight away it smashed from the sound, I stood there cursing myself until I had an idea. I grabbed my phone bag and put the broken iPad and shattered glass in it and took it to school. I handed it in acting nonchalant about it and when it came time to pick it up in the afternoon I put my best shocked/sad face on as I opened the bag. I went to the nearest teacher and told her that I found my iPad broken. She took me to the office and eventually to the principal. At first she seen suspicious about the entire thing but when my dad (25 year army veteran) came in to pick me up, he gave her and the entire admin staff a spraying. She originally agreed to pay for it to be repaired but when that couldn’t be done she agreed to buy a replacement model. But the thing is that the ipad was a 2nd gen model and it was 2014 so ended up getting a brand new model as well. I never admitted it to anyone in school out of fear it would eventually lead to the principal finding out. Edit: the teacher didn’t pay for it, the principal used the schools credit card Edit: Jesus Christ guys why would the teacher paid for the ipad! Of course the school paid for it! Edit: I’m not America I’m Australian so I wasn’t stealing your tax.
in my school they actually broke my phone but they just told me to fuck off and that it was my fault because I shouldnt have brought it to school to beging with
Many moons ago I was working for a large technology company. It was common practice for managers on the same team to exchange some sort of token holiday gift just before Christmas - something under $20. One of these managers was a very nasty woman who was quietly bullying some of her employees and one of the other managers on our team. We were trying to deal with her through the proper channels but, the holidays sprang up in the meantime. When the holidays came around, I bought a case of a nice red wine that I enjoyed and prepped them all with giftbags. Except one bottle - the bottle for the nasty manager. I took that bottle and spent about two weeks heating the bottle and chilling the bottle by wrapping it in a particularly warm heating pad and standing it on top of my old apartments hot water heater for one or two hours then sticking it in the freezer until the bottle was cold to the touch. My goal was to ruin the wine, turn it to vinegar. The holidays came and I gave my fellow managers their gift wine and we all headed out of the office for a few days for company-wide OOO. When we came back everyone was talking about how wonderful the wine was. Except the nasty manager, who was surprised everyone loved it. She was going on about how nasty it was and how bad it smelled and how she couldn't even drink it. It was intended as a harmless prank but, when she was fired a few days later for bullying people, she exploded and mentioned my "shitty wine" in her tirade as she threw things around the office on her way out the door. I felt some degree of pride about that because fuck her for bullying people. [Light]
Good thing the company realized how toxic she was. Shitty managers are bad for everyone.
As the title said, i had sexual relationships with males and females for money for an entire year when I was 20 to pay my rent and my thyroïde operation . It was not something i enjoyed but i had no other income except for my part time job in a shitty restaurant, and didn't have time for an other job because i was a student at the time . I graduated two months ago psychology major . EDIT1: GUYS! I am trying to answer every single person THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT I am very overwhelmed ❤️ EDIT2: Again , thank you all for the support. I am trying to answer as much as possible . *For those who are saying that i am gay now, i really don't give a shit . It is just a label . I am happy with whatever i am and i accept it . * I've been asked about my country : i am half Colombian half Italian living in Milano
Are you bisexual? Or did you force yourself to have sex with both sexes?
Title says it all. I was 16 and my first job was in a shoe shop. We had one regular awkward woman customer who came in every Saturday afternoon whilst the store was at its busiest and literally asked to try on every pair of shoes in the shop before leaving an hour later without buying anything. I was the new boy and the youngest, so all the other staff always dumped her on me. One day, she was up to her usual Saturday afternoon hobby and an elderly lady, obviously visually impaired handed me a pair of shoes and asked me how much... They were the awkward customers own shoes that the elderly woman had picked from the floor. I quoted her a ridiculously low price and she bought them immediately. Ten minutes later, the awkward customer started shrieking that she couldn’t find her shoes and after complaining to the manager believing they had been stolen by shoplifters. He was having none of it stating it wasn’t the companies fault if customers had their personal property stolen in the store. The woman had to buy a new pair of shoes or leave bare footed. We never saw her again. Edit: Thankyou for all the replies. I would never have believed this posting would generate so much interest as I posted this story over a year ago as a reply on AskReddit and only received 3 replies, lol. To elaborate on the story and answer some of the questions raised; firstly, yes, it is a true story and happened some time over the school summer holiday period of 1984 shortly after I started working at the store. The department I worked in wasn’t exactly the normal shoe shop environment most people are familiar with. I worked in a special department on the lower ground floor of one of the larger branches of a national shoe retailer and this department sold all the reject stock from all the other branches. Stuff such as shop soiled, sun faded stock from window displays, repaired damaged stock, customer returns etc. The stuff that was below the standard that could be sold in the regular departments. All stock we held was displayed on the shop floor on racks so you couldn’t ask for different sizes etc as it was all random stuff. We only displayed the right foot of a pair of shoes and customers had to ask for the left foot of the shoe to try on, and there was a rule that only one pair could be given to one customer to try on for security reasons. We had a major problem with shoplifting and there were only normally two or maximum three members if staff manning the department. It was a hell of a job keeping track of the pairs that were handed to customers to try when the shop floor was busy, and often shoplifters waited till we were all distracted then left without paying. This was before cctv so all we had were our eyes to monitor where paired stock was on the shop floor... The woman I describe as awkward, wasn’t just awkward in the traditional sense, she was totally obnoxious, narcissistic, racist and constantly demanding attention. Her behaviour lost us a lot of stock to shoplifters because she distracted us from watching other paired stock out on the shop floor and she wouldn’t return pairs she didn’t want, just kicked them off in a corner before wandering around looking for the next pair. A couple of weeks before the story, a pair of shoes she had asked to try were stolen because of her doing this and her attitude when we asked her, was that it wasn’t her problem and we deserved to lose stock because we were all Jews (sorry if this is offensive to you but that’s what she said)... Back to the original story, lol, the incident wasn’t premeditated, it was one of those spontaneous ‘fuck you’ opportunities where all rationality temporarily disappears for a moment. The elderly lady handed me the bitch woman’s shoes and that was it, lol. I only asked the elderly lady for either 50p or £1, I can’t remember what, bagged them and the sale went through the till followed by a Thankyou... incidentally, the condition of the bitch woman’s shoes and quality of brand was a lot better than the crap we sold, so the Old Dear got one hell of a bargain... My thoughts immediately afterwards weren’t of satisfaction, they were of ‘Oh Shit’, and I was bricking it, worrying what would happen next, lol. When the shit hit the fan and the manager became involved, I was just glad he was pre-aware of her and had no sympathy of her loss because of her attitude when she previously lost our stock. Once again, Thankyou for all replies and unexpected flow of upvotes.
I would rather do almost any other job than that
This was three years ago when I was finishing grade 10 and my sister was finishing grade 12 about to graduate. Shes in college now but in hs she was a pretty bad student in most of her classes but she could get by for most of it. 1-2 weeks before her graduation ceremony she came to me that she hadn’t done anything for her senior grade art class and was meant to hand everything in two weeks ago and her all ready extended deadline was the next day for report cards and she’s didn’t have enough work to pass the class. I’m really into art so I spent all night with her filling in her whole sketchbook with the criteria (full page, colour, shading,texture) and giving her old drawings ive already done so she would pass. She brought it all in the teacher loved it and she got a art excellence award I don’t know how that worked but she got 500 dollars and spent it all on clothes. Our family doesn’t know and thinks she’s an artist now. Kinda sucks but it’s mostly funny bug her with
She should have given you at least half of the prize.. You're a good person for helping her by the way!!
This is something I’ve never admitted to a single person. I’m not sure at what age I stopped doing this, but throughout most of my childhood I had this OCD compulsion where every time I would finish wiping I would stand up, walk over to the towel rack and give it one or two more thorough swipes. I couldn’t not do it. I felt unclean if I didn’t. It wasn’t until I got a little older that I realized just how fucking fucked up it was. My older siblings spent their entire childhoods drying their faces off with my shitty remains. I’ve been mortified about it for years but I’m actually in tears of laughter writing this out right now. Edit: Nobody was supposed to see this.
“Why does EVERYONE in this house keep getting pink eye??”
we’ve been having problems lately with locking up at my job because of how ridiculously long it takes for each person to lock up their end of the restaurants. getting out late and never knowing where the set of keys are because everyone misplaces them. my boss is strictly against getting even just one set of copies because there’s too much risk in it? yes, i can kinda see that but we’ve lost the one set of keys so many times some night we can’t even lock up because someone misplaced them. so i purposely left the keys in her office, locked it from the inside, and left it for her to find that we can’t open a single thing other than our front door.
If you don't trust any of your employees to hold a set of keys, that is a problem in itself
[No Regrets] Usually works
Top 5 favorite confession. Lmao holy shit.
Pretty much just the title. 5 or 6 years ago my wife and I went to see a band we used to love. After 20 minutes or so of waiting for the merch guy to come man his booth, I had the bright (and very drunken) idea to pretend to man the booth myself. It really started as a funny gag just to make her laugh. Almost immediately people came up to buy stuff. I turned them all away, which made them very confused. However, my wife did pretend to be a customer and I "sold" her two shirts, which really we just stole. In my defense, I never took anyones money (I told them I was waiting to get the Square reader from the bands frontman) and we did originally intend to pay for the shirts, their merch guy just never showed up. I remember it once or twice a year and am overwhelmed by guilt... for like a minute.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir Merch is hard to come by...
On June 27th 2017 I intentionally overdosed on Heroin in the Handicap stall of the Ladies' room in Oglivie Transportation Center. And it worked. I was found with no pulse and not breathing. For MONTHS I resented the fact that I was brought back. I laid awake every night sobbing, abusing every drug I could get my hands on, and even attempted suicide two more times but to no avail. Since then I met the love of my life, and she makes me want to stay sober. I want to remember every moment I spend with her. She proposed to me a bit over a month ago and I want to live as long as possible so that I can grow old with her. On our first date we went to a protest, and got cold so entered the first building we saw. It was Ogilvie. We ate Panda Express and had our first kiss there. I didn't even realize it at the time but she gave me life in the building where I had almost successfully taken my life. Yesterday we went back there and I showed her exactly where I died. I am almost 5 months clean now and am so fucking happy that I was given another chance at life. The road leading here was rocky, but I'm grateful for every bump along the way because this was the road that lead me to her. That's not to say the road isn't still bumpy, but we have each other to ride it out with. We've had some devastating financial hardships recently and are homeless. But home is where the heart is. Home is holding hands and laughing at our situation from a bus stop bench. Home is cuddling up in an alley to stay warm in 0° weather. It's kind of funny that now I want to live, and I have to worry about surviving. This is a new feeling. It's stressful, but I'm happy. The only tears I've been crying lately are happy ones. Edit: I'm not depending my life and sobriety on one other person, I was already on medication, sober, in therapy and on the right track when I met her. She just makes me extra grateful for life because I didn't think love would ever be an option for me and she supports me and my healthy goals.
Congratulations Op, glad you got a second chance at life
This happened when I was around 7 or 8 years old. It was my first year in Primary school and I had joined the school with some of my friends from the local feeder school in the area. One particular boy was a year older than us and was repeating the first year for some reason. He was of German descent, from a very well to do family and a lot bigger than the rest of us. Possibly because he was embarrassed at repeating the year he was a bit of a bully. He often picked on me and some of my friends. I’m sure we probably escalated things at times too because I know he was teased for being German. So one day, standing outside class I kicked him full whack in the balls. He buckled over but I can’t really remember much of what happened afterwards, we probably tucked tail and ran. I can’t even say for sure whether he deserved to be kicked at the time or if I just thought I was getting him back for previous behaviour. Anyway, he missed school for a few days after and I heard some kids saying he was in hospital. Soon after that I was called in to speak to a teacher who as far as I remember dressed me down and explained he had gone home and his testicle has swollen up to the size of a tennis ball and it had to be removed. I don’t really remember getting into much trouble about it but I do remember some of the other kids going on about it in banter. The details are hazy but I felt so bad and I felt I was in so much trouble that I never ever told my parents about it. This was made worse as my dad and his dad had gone to school together, only found this out after seeing my dad chatting to his dad at a rugby match that me and the kid were playing one Saturday about a year after. I was freaking out the whole time they were speaking and then started feeling guilty that my Dad might have been seen as rude by his Dad for not apologising for my action. It didn’t come across that way, as they seemed like old friends catching up but I felt so guilty. I felt so awful about it, I mean at the time I didn’t realise that it may have an affect on him being able to have children but I felt like I’d done something so horrible and always expected my family to confront me about it. When I learnt of the reproductive challenge this might cause the guilt was just amplified. The years that followed in primary school were mostly fine, on the odd occasion he would have a go at me, I remember him having a slightly shorter fuse with me than others but I think he ended up being ok and less of a bully. Saying that, he did try drown me in a river at our primary school leavers camp as I’d pissed him off for some reason but mostly the in-between years went by without incident. I left that school to go to a different high school so I never maintained contact with him. I saw him once during my teenage years and we chatted for about 5 minutes. I remember it being friendly. I never, ever mentioned it. I hope he was able to have children. I’m sorry bro. I’m sorry I never said sorry too.
Holy f*ck! The size of a tennis ball?! You must have kicked faster than the speed of light!
At work we have a kitchenette and at the end of the day, my coworkers leave their dishes/mugs filled with oatmeal and other things left to soak. We even have a sign that states “Do not leave personal belongings in the kitchenette. We are not responsible for lost items”. I stay at work pretty late so I see the night janitor come in and clean. I noticed that he goes out of his way to wash the dishes and mugs, which isn’t a part of his job (our company only contracts them to do floors and trash so it’s our responsibility to clean up after ourselves). My coworkers must have noticed too because they have since stopped doing their own dishes and has been leaving piles in the sink knowing that they will be magically washed and dried in the morning. They even make comments about the “Mexican sucker” that’s cleaning for them. This has been on going for a few weeks now and my coworkers even have the audacity to complain about water spots on their mugs. So throughout the day when I find myself alone in the kitchenette, I take an item or two and toss them out in the building hallway trash so it can’t be found. We work in a building where we share office space with other businesses and there’s no cameras so I haven’t been caught yet. A coworker asked our manager about their items being taken, but my manager just reiterated the policy. I guess I am being petty, but my coworkers are trash and I don’t feel bad. Edit: I should have clarified that I don’t do this everyday (the janitors days off) and I when I do, it’s throughout the day time so no one can place blame on the night janitor. I know some people are considerate and wash their dishes and mugs so by the time I’m throwing stuff out, it’s been at least a day or two of sitting there. I’m keeping tabs. My manger is cool and doesn’t care when people complain and refers them to the policy and shrugs it off basically saying “tough shit”.
I hope the janitor doesn’t get blamed for throwing things away...
I used to work at a Cheesecake Factory as a server. About 1.5 years ago my current boyfriend came in with some other girl for a date. I’m not sure what it is about my boyfriend but he just does it for me. He’s not at all my normal type of guy I’m attracted to but for some reason he just makes me melt every time I look at him. He’s got this super self assured smile and something about the way he talks gets me. He’s got this little chuckle he does and he always looks down and bites his lip after...he’s just like **it** for me. So I immediately rushed over to their table. Typically, if I saw a guy I was attracted to I could give better service because I genuinely wanted to interact with him and everyone at the table and that usually lead to nicer tips. When I started serving them, I couldn’t help myself and I was flirting super obviously. So much so my coworkers were telling me to be careful I didn’t get complained on. But he flirted back so I was like a shark who smelled blood in the water. I spent so much time talking to him at their table other tables I was serving had to call out to me because I’d forget about them. Honestly, looking back that was more of a date for me and him than her and him because we talked about what he did for work, what I studied, what my favorite foods are, what he likes, music. I must have been at that table, accumulatively, for around 40 minutes. At the end of it she was being very short with me and him and I kind of figured she’d complain. So I said screw it, scribbled my number down and put it under his card when I gave it back to him. He texted me that night and we’ve basically been dating since. I’m moving in with him on Friday. It was honestly a very rude and shitty thing to do, but I’d do it over again in a second.
I don’t know how I’d feel if I was in the other girl’s shoe. Would’ve hurt me quite bad if I was into him.
Edit: This was over 20 years ago. After the first topic was exactly the same as the one from my friend's class, I figured pre-written was lowest effort for a class I cared nothing about. I found the supply store in town that sold the blue books which he passed out right before he revealed the essay topic. Easy peasy.
My professor had us turn in the blue books before exams you lucky prick
We were at a gymnastics camp when we were teenagers and there was a swinging door that I had wanted to bust open with a sweet karate kick all week long. The only thing stopping me was that I was afraid there was going to be someone on the other side and I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Well the last day comes around and I said fuck it, and kicked that door as hard as I could. My friend and teammate was on the other side and the door caught on her big toe, pulling it back and breaking it so badly she couldn’t compete for almost a year, missed regionals, and ended up quitting. She just assumed I had pushed the door open like a normal person but nope. I karate kicked that bitch. I still feel bad about it and it was about 15 years ago. Sorry girl.
"I'm about to end this girl's whole career"
It wasn’t a real fleshlight, just a knockoff that looked like a mouth wearing bright red lipstick. He said he bought it as a joke and wasn’t actually going to use it. One night we went out to a party - At the end of the night my roommate left with a girl and I went home alone. I was pretty drunk and horny, remembered his knockoff fleshlight, and thought borrowing it would be a great idea. I could use it then clean and return it and he’d have no idea. I grabbed it, lubed it up and went to town. It actually felt quite nice. Shortly after finishing, but before I had a chance to clean things up, I hear the front door opening... Roommate had come home early. I panicked and needed to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible, so I opened the window and threw the sex toy out. It landed in the center of our dorm’s quad (grassy area where students sit, play frisbee, etc), and that was that. The next day I went outside to look for it, but it was already gone. Roommate asked me if I’d seen it a few days later but I just played dumb. Don’t think he ever found out what happened because I’ve never told anyone.
He knew you took it. Also if he really bought it as a joke and was never going to use it, don't you think he noticed it was gone a little fast? You ejaculated inside the flashlight your friend ejaculated into. That's a new level of sloppy seconds.
This was an accident and happened about 10 years ago. I had recently joined a Chinese owned company in a fairly prominent position and being the only white guy in the company, they liked to send me to trade shows in China to indicate that the company was definitely NOT Chinese. I was sent to Guangzhou to the Hotel Dong Fang just around the corner from the convention centre (extraneous detail not really needed but here to show this is genuine). Of course with a convention centre in town with many visitors, the prostitute madams/agents were out in force. Most of the people handing out cards for whores where very young kids (seriously young. They looked about 10 years old or younger), often the only English they spoke was, "You buy, so cheap". Every time I went out, I had kids pushing cards into my hands, into my pockets or dropped into any boxes I was carrying. Most of the time that was that. End of story. On my my second to last day, I went out with the sole intention of buying presents for my wife and daughter, when after the first shop I was approached by an older madam who would not leave me alone. Every step of the way she kept with me encouraging me to "buy, so cheap". Even my protestations that I was married and not interested was met with, "your wife not here, you buy. So cheap". Eventually, she said, "Tell me your room number. I send girl to your room. Just $200". Thinking this was the best way to get rid of her I said, "$200? OK, I'm in room 1024" and then carried on shopping. Since this was a fake room number and I had no intention of carrying out the transaction, I promptly forgot about it. Next day, last day of the show, I was told the boss had flown to Beijing and I was needed to help a colleague collect some stuff from his hotel room. I walked with my colleague, dodging the kids with prostitute cards, back to the hotel until I was standing outside my boss's room. Room 1024. I have never, ever dared ask or say anything to my boss about this. Only my wife knows this story. And so, too, do you. TL/DR: I accidentally sent a hooker to my boss's hotel room - pretty much what it says in the title.
Lol the lady said “white man sent me” and he knew Edit: My highest rated comment is about prostitution
I while back while I was still in college I lived with my then fiancée in a very over-priced apartment in a relatively big city. At the time, my job was only paying about $7.50/hr and I was studying and working full-time just to pay the bills. Basically a decent yet expensive apartment, and *just* enough money to pay the bills.. not much wiggle room. Well one night my S/O was at work and I was at home, heating up some leftovers for dinner in our microwave and as I go to take the plate out, it slips and hits the door of the microwave on the inner edge and completely **shatters** the front of the microwave. So I'm freaking, expecting my S/O to come home mad at me and/or just stressing about having to buy another one. And then I saw a walmart receipt on the counter and I went to walmart. It was probably around 9pm, my S/O was going to be getting off soon, so I'm rushing. I walk in, find the *exact same* model of microwave that we have, and grab it off the shelf. I took the receipt out of my pocket and held it with the microwave, and just walked out the door. After getting it out and setting it up I told my S/O I cleaned the microwave. Never told a soul about it. That was probably about 6 years ago... still using the microwave :/ EDIT: Holy shit I didn't think this would get so much attention. I'm going to reply to some comments later today but I'm about to work a 10 hour shift so it'll be a while. Also yes my relationship dynamic at the time was toxic. I found that out about 6 months later. In a much better place now. Thanks :)
I was coming here to say, how in the hell did you sneak out of Walmart with a microwave? Like that doesn’t fit down your pants mate. Receipt was a solid play.
I completely and 100% DESPISED homework as a kid (and about half of my teenage years). When I was in the 8th grade, we were assigned a project towards the end of the year that counted for a pretty big percentage of our overall grade. From what I can remember, it had something to do with shapes and equations - it was basically like a large project of everything we learned the whole year. I didn’t wanna do it. I worked on it a very small amount here and there, but never completed it. The math teacher collected them over a period of a few days, and then was going to spend a few more days grading them all. I played along to all of my other classmates that I turned mine in and even explained what it (maybe) looked like. The day came and she was finishing up grading all of them, and as she finished each one she gave them back, so some students had already taken theirs home. So she’s sitting at her desk and asks, “spoopypuppy, have I graded yours yet?” And I quickly replied, “Yes ma’am, you gave it back to me a couple days ago.” Some wonderful, powerful magic force was working hard that day, because all she said was, “Oh, I forgot to write your grade down. Do you remember what it was?” I didn’t want to aim too high because I knew what work I was capable of, so I simply said, “You wrote 89.” And she just wrote it down in her grade book!!!!! She didn’t question to see it again or anything!!! I couldn’t believe it worked. That was the only time that ever worked, but it worked nonetheless. I passed math because of that lie. I did learn to just suck it up and do all the work from then on.
Anyone else read the title as “passed away”? edit: guess most people lol.
Me and my wife bought a new bed. A really expensive one, the kind that has separate firmness on each side. We spent hours and hours in the store, where my wife took her time testing and deciding what kind of lower mattress she wanted on her side. Beforehand, she had done extensive web research on what kind of bed would give her most happiness in life, and so on. Eventually she settled for one with firmness between soft and medium. Me, I couldn’t be bothered with that. I’ve always liked my beds soft, but the store lady said that with my body composition, I should have a hard mattress. So during a brief brain fart, I chose that. Next morning, I knew I had f***ed up. The $2000 bed I’d just bought felt awful. Even worse, when installing it I’d taken the plastic wrapping off the lower mattresses so I couldn’t return them. The solution - while my wife was at work I flipped the bed 180 degrees, so that now I have the soft mattress, and she has the concrete slab. There are two additional full width, thick mattresses on top of those, so it’s not immediately noticeable. This was five years ago. I’ve slept like a baby ever since. My wife apparently still hasn’t noticed, at least she hasn’t said anything, and she seems to sleep well. She must never know, though.
what if she found out, flipped the bed again and you are the one that hasn't realized yet.
When I was a teen, my lolo (grandpa) stayed with us. At that time, he suffers from early signs of dementia. I'm actually very fond of him and we were actually very close because he took care of us since early childhood and he was present when i was growing up. I was not the perfect child nor am i a good person when i was a teen. I often lose my temper over the simplest things. Since my grandpa was suffering dementia, he often repeat things, like topics, questions, etc. I was busy at something back then and my grandpa asks me for the 5th time when will dinner be ready. I easily lost my temper and yelled at him. I remember the words i said that i would regret forever. I remember saying "LOLO FOR THE LAST TIME IT'S TOO FUCKING EARLY? WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND". I saw and felt the emotions he just felt and immediately said sorry. For the first time i saw tears in my granpa and he said sorry for having dementia. Couple of months later his dementia worsened to Alzheimer's and the first time i saw him again. I saw his repulsed look and reaction, the same one i saw that day. And everytime we would visit. I would always be welcomed by that emotion. I fucking hate teen self for being a self absorbed douchebag. My granpa died last year and I'm the only one he never mentioned by name in his will. Edit: I never had this much support over the internet. I'm truly grateful for all of you. I have never told this to anyone and my parents never knew about this. I did come to an acceptance of what had happen, but I'd still wish i could've provided him something good before he lost his battle to Alzheimer's.
He would have forgiven you. It's not just the one moment in life that counts its the whole life experiencethat counts, and you don't get to his age without realising that we all have ups and downs. Go easy on yourself kiddo, he clearly loved you and you love him and fuck anything else, don't let that get in the way. Please forgive yourself.
When I was 14 and 15 I stayed with my aunt Cindy for a week while I was working a job. The commute to my job was very long and she lived much closer. It sounds weird to work so young and also to travel for work but it was a family business. I couldn’t sleep as usual (lifelong insomniac) and I’m awake at 3am flipping through channels on her satellite package. Flip flip flip WAIT A MINUTE. Was that a boob? Flip back and see real honest to god porn. My aunt had subscribed the playboy channel. #jackpot It’s in the dead of night, no lights on, I’ve got the volume down as low as possible but this is in the living room and it’s a big open area in the middle of the house. So I’ve got one eye on Nasty Office Sluts Get Promoted and the other eye keeping watch. I hear someone get up and go into a bathroom. FUCK! I turn the tv off but the satellite is still on. I dig through her entertainment center looking for a blank tape, find one, and slip it into the VCR. I set it to record and then go to bed. I lay awake in bed terrified because if I fall asleep and someone turns on the tv before I get up, they’re going to know it was tuned to a dirty channel. When the first pinky streaks of morning show in the sky I’m up and in damage control mode. I snatch the tape, change the channel, make sure everything is neat and tidy with the tapes underneath the tv. That’s when I find a yellowed label that has fallen off a tape. It says “Cindy and Darrel Wedding 1985” no no no no no. Look at the “blank” tape in my hand, see the faint outline of where a label used to be. They line up perfectly. Noooooooooo. Suddenly I have this smoking gun of a horrible thing I did in my possession. Anybody who watched the tape would see 30 seconds of her getting ready with her bridesmaids, cut to half of a porno set in the workplace, then it cuts out later to reveal mid wedding ceremony. What could be more sacrilegious? I never watched the tape with any joy, I never told anyone, I just kept it hidden like some awful burden. ////edit//// For clarity I’m a girl. 👧
It’s like a Tarantino movie. First you see Cindy getting ready to start her new life and family. Then it cuts to future Cindy and shows all the things she has to do to make it in the corporate world. Getting that promotion is key...Darrel just lost his job and little Suzzie needs braces that aren’t covered by insurance. Then it cuts back to happier and simpler times, to show what she’s putting her boss’ dick in her mouth for. You made a god damned piece of art, my friend.
So I worked as a window washer in my small town in Sweden for about 5 years. Every morning you went to the warehouse were we had all of our stuff, drank a cup of coffee with your co-workers and talked for a bit before getting to know the places you had to go to that day, and who you had to do them with. Our bosses were very keen on everyone getting to know everyone so they changed up the "teams" every day. This meant sometimes you got to go out by yourself. A typical workday is going to 4-5 houses and/or apartments, sometimes old people (they were always home), sometimes familys who were home because they knew we were coming. Not very often, you got people who left their key under the mat and let us go inside without them being home. I likes this the most, since you didn´t have anyone breathing down your neck while you worked. And sometimes, once in a blue moon, you got a house, with nobody home, by yourself. I don't know if there´s something wrong with me (maybe). But to me it felt like I had struck gold, because I knew, I would be able to walk around that house, by myself, checking out every inch of it. I usally started by doing my job super fast! Make sure I had some way of knowing if they got home. Usally I placed a ladder somewhere close to the door so if someone came home they had to move it. Then I got to work. I NEVER looked to steal anything, it was pure curiosity. I looked through bathroom cabinets, nightstands, desk drawers and basically anything that you could open, while making sure everything I touched was placed back exactly where it was before. ​ During my years I´ve found diaries with dark secrets, cute secrets and just downright wierd secrets. I´ve found used condoms in the teenage boys room, dildos and vibrators in the daughters/mothers nightstands.I found a gun under a matress (which in Sweden is not something you see everyday) One couple had a sex-swing hanging in the bedroom, so it´s not really something I needed to look for but I thought it was strange that they didn't take it down when they knew people were going to be in the house. I once opened a teenagers Macbook, and BOOM, Pornhub, paused mid-video. No password. No incognito window, nothing. Jewelry, expensive watches and knifes. One kid had a 3 knifes welded toghether like a ninjastar but with a handle. ​ Like I said. Never stole anything. That wasn't my goal. I just loved going though other peoples shit. ​ It´s wrong. I know that. But I couldn´t help myself.
It's weird to me that people just let a random stranger into their house when they weren't there. I always thought of window washers as people who only wash the outside of big buildings. If it's someone's home why don't the people living there just wash the inside themselves?
This was in the mid 80's when security wasn't like it is now and also, lot's of families didn't even lock their doors. The first time I ever did this was when I was riding my bike in the neighborhood and saw a front door of a home wide open. I peeked in and said "hello" just to see if someone was home. No one answered. I stood in the living room just scanning the area and got spooked and left. After that day, I was hooked on it. I would wait for people to leave and enter through which ever door/window was open and would walk around. I never stole anything but I did open drawers, closets and went through personal belongings. I once found a wad of money rolled in up a sock. I took the money and sock and put it in the next drawer over. I felt like I needed to leave a mark so I ended up moving dishes in cabinets. Like, I switched the cups with plates and moved utensil drawers to another spot in the kitchen. I did this in about 8 or 9 homes until people started talking and getting suspicious and of course, people started locking their doors, including our family. I stopped after that. Someone did call the police but nothing ever came of it since nothing was stolen. I haven't trespassed in anyone's home but I do switch things around in other homes when I'm invited over.
I find it funny how you wanted to fuck with people but sort of respected their boundaries at the same time
I felt so bad. He was just another patron who happened to walk past my table. Ah! Why am I like this?!?!
There, there. This will be one of those 3am brain-won’t-stop-replaying-my-worst-moments memories, so the next time you’re in this scenario, you’ll probably remember.
I live in australia. Not sure how it works in the rest of the world but i was on my provisional drivers license as a teenager (we call them P-plates) and when you are on that you cannot have ANY alcohol in your blood whatsoever. I stayed at my mates place one night and he had some beers to drink. I had two knowing i had to drive the next day and was gonna stop but he convinced me to have another so i did. The next day i got in my car to drive home and as I was turning a corner there were a couple police doing an RBT (random breath test) and i panicked. I knew full well id have a little bit of alcohol in me and thats enough to lose my license for a couple months. I had just left school and gotten a really good job and if i got a drink driving charge i would have to rely on my parents to drive me there which wouldn’t work out as they both have jobs. I panicked and turned right onto another street. I drove halfway down the road thinking i had gotten away with it but one of the cars suddenly turned round the corner and blasted the sirens. I pulled over and the cop came to my window. Cop: can you explain to me why you just avoided an RBT? Instead of explaining to the cop why and just taking my punishment I decided to lie. Me: I wasn’t trying to avoid it, i live down here Cop: where abouts do you live? Me: just over there Cop: well you don’t mind if i follow you and watch you enter your house for proof do you? Kinda shit myself but agreed. He got in his car and i drove into a driveway halfway down the street and walked up to the door. My current plan was to just explain to whoever is at the door whats going on and hope he lets me inside. I walked up and knocked but no one answered. Then i looked over my shoulder at the cop and turned to just open the door and it was unlocked. I walked inside and shut the door. I was really scared for if whoever lived there was gonna walk out and see me and scream but no one did. I stayed at the door peeking out the window at the cop and he left after about 10 minutes. I waited another 10 minutes before walking down and driving off again with a big sigh of relief. Not here to condone drink driving or anything. I made a mistake and it was wrong. Just sharing this story EDIT: PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING just to answer some questions that are being asked frequently; Why didn’t the cop check my License? I don’t know he just didn’t. He asked why i was avoiding him and then followed me to make sure i was telling the truth. Same answer for why he didn’t scan my plates Why did you knock on the door? Again I don’t know. I didn’t want to just enter a strangers house. Three beers would have been out of my system? Maybe. Depends on the percentage of the beer itself and what time i had my last one. I didn’t specify either and it was 6 or 7 years ago so i cant really tell you. I know that i could still taste it on my breath when i left that morning
The amount of luck here is staggering.
Update- I honestly went back to the same laundromat this past Sunday. Did my laundry, didn't break anything went about my day lol. Thank you everyone for the karma and upvotes Last night was doing laundry at the local laundromat. I had 3 washers going at once. Now normally, you fill the wash, add detergent, add quarters and select the cycle. When I pressed the cycle button normally the previously selected cycle button pops out kinda like a switch. I didn't notice it but it happened with this washer. So the washer had 2 cycle buttons pressed. About half hour goes by and washer 1&2 are done but washer 3 is still on the first part of the cycle. Now it being 9pm and with the placing closing at 10 I decide to take the unfinished soaking wet clothes and put them in the dryer. About 2 minutes into the dryer the laundry attendant said I broke the dryer bc of the wet clothes. She took my wet clothes and put it in machine that just spins the clothes dry and then put them back in the dryer. She asked for my name and phone number so I wrote down "Trevor Lahey" and some random collection of 10 digits. Those of you who watch Trailer Park Boys will understand. So as the the last dryer is finishing the owner comes in ask me what happened. He couldn't believe that washer 3 didn't spin dry my clothes and was stuck in the same cycle for 1.5 hours until I had to physically show him how all the other washers work the same except for washer 3. He still even tried to spin it on me for breaking the dryer bc I didn't tell the attendant about the washer. So anyway he grabbed the piece of paper with my fake name and number and said that he'll give me a call tomorrow (today) to see how much the dryer is gonna cost to be fixed or replaced. Lol fuck off
That’s why he has insurance and unless you did it on purpose I don’t think he has any legal ground regardless. I don’t know though. Either way I sure as shit don’t blame you.
At a party in high school i found a bottle of vitamin C pills in the bathroom and decided to tell other drunk kids that it was ecstasy and sold it to them for $20 a pill. I ended up leaving with about $200.
Sell them vitamin E pills, tell them exactly what it is, but emphasize the 'E' and wink at them. Told them the truth, can't get in trouble. If think you meant ecstacy that's on them!
Reposting this here instead of in r/offmychest, cause this sub seems more fitting. I have been browsing offmychest and this subreddit for a few hours now, since I couldn't sleep. Figured I might aswell chip in my story, since I don't often talk about this irl for obvious reasons. Please mind that English is not my native language. As you can guess from the title, it's not a very happy story. Buckle up, this'll be a long ride. tldr at the bottom. ​ My parents broke up very early, I grew up with my mom. My dad wasn't really present throughout my childhood. My mother has had a drinking problem for as long as I can remember. She had a rough upbringing and could only vent her frustration when she was drunk. The way things went down was always the same. Around once a month she comes home late, waking me in the middle of the night. From then on it's a shitshow. She starts yelling, spitting at me, beating me. Smears her snot in my face or on my bedsheets and makes me sleep in there. One second she yells in my face that she hates me, that my father and grandma hate me, that it's all my fault and in the next second she starts crying and says that she loves me, emotional rollercoaster. This always goes on for the whole night. I don't remember too much but ironically the most prominent memories are the ones from when I was very young, maybe around 5 or something. One night I had to stand facing the wall the whole night while she screamed at me. I was so tired since I was just a little kid but everytime I tried to sit down she would hit me. Sometimes I had to do squats while pulling at my ears, making me look really stupid. Apart from the fact that it was humiliating, she made me do them until I collapsed from the pain, then she shouted at me to continue. A weird thing she did was she frequently pretended to choke to death in the middle of a rant. She then lay there motionless for 10 minutes straight. As a 5 year old, I was completely in panic and had no idea what to do. I tried to wake her up but she didn't respond at all until she suddenly jerked up and resumed shouting at and hitting me for "not helping her". Luckily she stopped pulling that one once she saw that I got too used to it. As I got older she got more and more violent, but the only times I was really scared for my life was when she got the kitchen knife while fighting with her (now ex) fiancée. Luckily no one was ever stabbed. I could go on and on but you get the idea. I never got any help because I was so used to all this stuff. And ofc my mother told me to never tell anyone. Whenever I brought her bahaviour up in the next morning she claimed that she couldn't remember, said that I'm overexaggerating things, or outright claimed I was making stuff up. Sometimes she apologized "I will never do it again, honey". I stopped listening after a while. School was pretty shit aswell. I had no social skills because I preferred to play video games all day. I was a weird and misbehaving kid, so I was bullied a lot. Also I was too afraid to stand up for myself, because I only knew punishment. The fact that we often moved didn't help much. All in all I went to 10 different elementary schools across 4 different countries. Poland was especially shit. Not the country, you Polish folk are nice people :) but living with this rich alcoholic dude whom my mother constantly fought with was. Thank god that episode only lasted a few months. Anyway, I digress. Unsurprisingly I became depressed at some point and have been ever since. don't know when exactly, I think it was somewhere around 10 years old. This torture went on for many years. ​ Then it happened. She came home drunk one morning morning while I was getting ready for school. She didn't get much of a reaction out of me these days and didn't seem to like it. As mentioned in the title I was 15 years old at that time and getting physically stronger than her and I was used to the shouting. Also I was basically dead inside. I was completely nonchalant when she started her rant. Then she said something about my ex gf. It wasn't really all that bad but it was a weak spot for me since she recently broke up with me, it was my first relationship and I was the one who fucked it up. It was the last straw. All these fucking years of constant abuse and neglect unloaded themselves in one moment. Humans can be animals. It was like watching a movie from a 3rd person perspective. I had no control whatsoever. I screamed while grabbing her throat and squeezing with all I had. I somehow strangled her across my whole room onto the bed. My big and scary mother whom I was always afraid of wasn't able to fight back against my rage. Not one bit. Now thinking back she even looked kinda scared. So she was on her back on my bed and I was standing above her, squeezing her throat. I have no idea how long that went on, maybe a few seconds, maybe half a minute. Everything felt so surreal. At some point my brain kicks in: "do you really want to do that?" I get ahold of myself and I let go of her. fucking mistake. ​ She instantly grabs a chair and starts swinging at me full force. I mean yeah, I technically tried to kill her but now I just want to get out of this alive. I block it and it fucks up my arm. Then she fucking bites me in the very same arm jesus fucking christ that hurt. The bite later swole to the size of a ping pong ball. Anyway I manage to get the hell out of that appartement but now I run the risk of freezing to death since we had winter and I'm wounded with nothing on me but my pyjamas. I encounter a neighbour and ask him to call the cops. I tell them what happened (leaving out the strangling part) and after they see my wounds they inform my mother that I'm being taken into care. My mom makes a pathetic attempt of trying to put on an act but snaps halfway through and bites an officer, gets wrestled down and arrested on the spot (It was honestly hilarious in hindsight, she played the victim and called me a traitor for calling the cops on her) but got out later on. She had to pay a huge fine though for attacking an officer. ​ I moved out into government care. It was honestly cool. By the end of age 15, I had my own appartement for free rent, 400€ per month to do with whatever the hell I want and social workers that were pretty decent people (Kudos to German CPS). However shit caught up with me, my depression worsened badly, I started to drink a lot and later that year I tried to drown myself. That was rock bottom for me. I've had bad phases since then, there were nights where I wanted to die, nights where I wanted to pay my mother a visit and get my revenge and nights where I didn't want anything at all. However all in all life's been gradually improving for me. Slowly but steadily. The older I got, the more self-aware I became about my behaviour so I stopped getting bullied. Also I learned to stand up for myself, that was helpful. However I still ended up quitting school at some point. I realized I can't force myself to do something I despise for even a second. I just stood up in the middle of class and went "fuck it". After that I tried a bunch of different jobs but none of them worked for me. However I found my true passion. I love making music, and I'm currently putting all my energy into becoming a successful musician. I no longer care if I might fail, it's really liberating! My relationship with my mother has been improving steadily aswell. Boy it was hard at first, and I made sure to let her know how much I hated her for what she did, but she finally, truly admitted her mistakes and quit drinking. It was easier after that. I could start expressing and letting go of my hatred in a healthy way. She really made an effort to better herself. I also apologised for what I did that day and she forgave me. I wish I could tell you a happy ending to that part of the story but sadly my mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia two years ago. The stress of coming to terms with what she did and the loneliness probably broke her. Sometimes I think about what I could have done differently. She knows that i still haven't forgiven her and am still suffering every day because of what happened. But I can't change that. I told her it needs time. It's been only six years since the day police took me. She's back in her home country now with her family, they're taking care of her. Thank god for that. The last two years were a huge burden. At one point she was so thin that you could see the shape of her skull, all while having that giddy delusional smile on her face. Horrifying. Well, there it is. The story of how I tried to kill my mother. I apologise for the swearing, I got a bit emotional while writing this. Granted, a lot of bad stuff happened in the past but it made me the way I am today, and I'm glad for that. I learned many things and I wouldn't trade that for the world. People become who they are based on circumstances, but it is always in our power to change our fate. Don't hate them, no matter what they do to you. Cruel people are often hurting inside. Instead encourage them to be the best they can be! Life's too short to be unhappy. Strive towards your goals and never settle for less! It could always be your last day on earth, you literally have nothing to lose! Life's definitely not fair. Cherish what you've been given and make the best of it. Suicide will prevent you from ever becoming happy. However I realize I'm still only 21 years old and have a lot to learn. I plan on doing so. I don't want to live a life full of hatred and regret, I want to be able to love and trust somebody again. I want to get married, have at least 3 children, become a successful musician, travel the world, stuff like that. Just be happy. I know I'll get there, one day at a time. *Tl;dr - I was constantly abused by my mother and bullied in school since my early childhood and snapped one day, almost strangling my mother to death. Police took me in and after a while things got gradually better between us. I've pretty much made up with her. Now I try to live my life as best as I can.* ​ Phew, I did it! It feels like I wrote up an entire novel. Contrary to my expectations, I actually feel better now! If anyone made it 'til here, thank you for reading! :) ​ EDIT: I'm waking up this morning and Jesus Christ this blew up... I've read some comments and want to thank you guys so much for your kind words!! They mean a lot to me! I'll try to answer some comments later if there are any quesions. Also people have been asking me about my music. I prefer not to disclose anything here, I don't want to turn this into an advertisement for my songs. :) EDITEDIT: I'm at a loss for words, man. Just thank you all so much for your kind words, even those of you who had critical things to say! It's just surreal. These comments are coming in faster than I can reply but there is something I wanted to adress, since it popped up a few times. I understand that a lot of emotions can be stirred up by such a delicate topic, especially if you experienced abuse yourselves. Maybe it's partly my fault, because I focused too much on the negative aspects of our relationship. If so, then I apologize. But please, if you can, don't write hateful comments about my mother. Some things did go very wrong, yes. But she also did the best she could in raising me. There was always food on the table, she tried showing affection in her own way, she cared for my interests and education etc. and I firmly believe that she has always loved me. She just couldn't always express it, as she's as much a victim of abuse as I am. That's why it hurts me seeing comments like "you should have killed her" We have to be better than that! I know we can! So I just want to make it clear that even after what happened I love her. After all, she is my mom. 07/2022 update: after a few very hard and painful years of dealing with (of course she came back from her home country after a month. fuck me lol) and trying to convince her, my mom finally agreed to medication treatment last year. She has made an incredible recovery. All symptoms have been completely gone since she started. I have also forgiven her and we are good friends now. sometimes good things happen
You know what, stories like this always make me wonder why having mental illness or trouble is characterized as being weak. You went through so much. You pushed so hard. You're stronger than me and everyone else I know. Thank you for still being here today.
A couple years ago I downloaded the Starbucks app and signed up for the membership to save my card and orders and such. After signing up, you get a coupon in your email for a free coffee of any make/size. At first, I didn’t know you had to load it to the app after ordering, so when I went up to the counter and ordered my usual venti caramel Frappuccino with an extra pump caramel and extra caramel drizzle. I proceeded to show the barista the code I had in the email, and he said, “it has to be loaded onto the app.” I honestly had no clue how to use the code, but instead of going through the whole process on the app, he just let me have the free drink. I took this knowledge and used it on other Starbucks throughout my town for almost a year. Now, I’m not a total dirtbag because everytime I got a free drink, I’d buy a square of lemon cake and leave a couple dollar tip. :)
I would think they’d catch on at some point
This was almost ten years ago. I was a sales associate as a teen at a well known chain retail skate store. It was a cool job but my store manager sucked. Just rude and aggressive all the time, bullied the staff every day. I rocked it as a salesperson. I doubled my goals almost daily. Always at least met them. One day, the store manager got our numbers for the quarter. We were a little behind where we should have been, but there were also two new associates who weren’t carrying their weight. Store manager blamed me for the numbers, and accused me of giving discounts to people and allowing others to shoplift. I had never done either of those things. I was livid. So, one night with a group of 4 friends or so, one of which used to work at the store with me, we came up with a plan to raid the place to give the store manager something to actually complain about. So, I went into my shift on a Sunday morning, knowing the assistant manager would be hungover. I convinced him to take a nap out back and that I wouldn’t tell if he let me claim the sales for the day. He didn’t care about anything so it was an easy yes. Cue my friends coming in, acting as customers with their “beach bags” as I’m working with regular customers on the floor alone. A “customer” (friend) would bring their “purchase” to the counter to “ring out” and have the security tags removed and then immediately go into the changing room and bag it. Bring it to their cars, wait 20 mins, do it all over again. We all had lists of items we wanted, and I had mine piled on the counter ready to be taken. In one hour we completed the list and my friends left. The assistant manager came back from his nap oblivious, I wrapped up my shift and went home. We divided up the clothing and celebrated. Never got caught. I put my notice in the next day, and that was that. Old friend from work told me when the next quarterly report came out (after I quit) the numbers were so bad from shrink (inventory of clothing missing with no money to show for it) the store manager got demoted. Was it wrong? Yes. Would I do it again? No. Do I regret it? Not even a little bit.
At first I was gonna make a joke like “did you take a single sock from supreme?” Or something when I saw the title
When I was 16 I got a job at McDonald’s. I hated making food and working front counter. I always asked to work drive thru window taking money at the first window. This was before credit cards so everyone paid in cash. All I would do is keep a quarter or dime of almost everyone’s change I gave back. I would put that extra quarter or dime in a special spot in the register. Once I got 5 or 10 worth of change I would dump the change into the right spot and pocket a 10 or 5. Some nights I would leave with over 50 bucks in cash (a lot to a 16 year old me). No one ever caught on and only twice I can remember people telling me I gave them the wrong amount of change back. I would just act like a dumb kid whom miscounted . I don’t know how nobody at work caught on because I always had a ton of change at the end of the day. Edit 1 - I never was trying to get over on McDonald’s it was purely selfish act. Edit 2 - This is a confession, not something I’m proud of now. Edit 3 - This was 16 years ago. Yes credit card where around but not wildly used yet. Edit 4 - I don’t think working fast food is a bad job for a teenager. Nor do I think they abused me or mistreated me.
There's a girl working the cash register at chipotle that always shortchanges me and then acts stupid when I correct her. I think she's running the same racket as OP.
When I turned 18 I was homeless, so for 6 months I sold body as a prostitute, to get money, to get somewhere to sleep for a night, hell even to get a shower. It was the worst time of my life. I’m a man and as a male you would think wow that’s awesome you scored so much. The complete opposite in fact every day I would see myself in the mirror and cry thinking I’m not capable of love, or even getting on my own two feet. I thought to myself I cannot afford some food for the night let alone to fall in love. Having sexual experiences with someone you do not love is the most horrible feeling ever. I don’t know about anyone else but I feel like I was somehow torturing myself. It was the hardest, most demeaning, most heart reneging thing I have ever done. Edit: I still have problems with self esteem because of this, so when my gf wants to have sex. I usually have to convince myself that she wants me for me and nothing else. Overall an 8 hour process. So I’ve decided to tell some of my friends who I don’t feel will judge me who may not know. I’ve read so much support and good vibes sent my way. Thank you all so much. UPDATE: This post was 3 years ago but everytime I remember back to that time of desperation I go back to this post and scroll down the comments. I appreciate each and every one of you, and that It really helps me each and everyday. Nothing too crazy has happened other than my gf broke up with me, but 3 whole years later and all the comments and kindness really help me learn to love myself more and more, so I thank you all. *hugs*
There’s a woman at a self-help group I go to. Demure, very attractive, well put-together, classy. Whenever newer attendees get too down on themselves, she stands up and begins shares with her full name, “and I was a street-walking prostitute for half a decade. I sold everything I had until I had nothing left, I sold that, too. I forgot that I mattered, just like you forget you matter.” I respect her so much for it, and I see no reason why your story should be any different.
This is a sad confession, and I pray that no one is ever put in this situation. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Caught? That would imply you did something wrong. I see nothing wrong here. Stay strong, stay tough, keep surviving. Wishing you the best.
When I was in the third grade, I was very into reading/writing and often stayed up far past my bedtime reading anything within my comprehension level that I could get my hands on. We had a stack of children’s encyclopedias I loved on all sorts of topics (dinosaurs, the planets, world history, etc) including one of stories/poems. One poem stood out in particular, it was about solitude in nature and really struck a chord with me. Because I loved the poem so much, I copied it down into a journal I had of my own writing and passages/poems I found inspiration in. Because I was so young (talking single digits here) it never occurred to me to write down the author or anything, especially not in my own journal. A few weeks went by and my mom had stumbled upon journal while cleaning my room. She read the poem and assumed it was original writing. She approached me about it that night and was so proud of it. Like any 8 year old, I wanted my mom’s approval and pride, so I didn’t tell her I had actually found the poem in a book. I didn’t think it would be a big deal, and she was so proud. Fast forward a month or two, my mom is reading the Sunday paper and sees a poetry contest for young people. She immediately thinks of “my” poem and insists I enter it. That afternoon, she had my dad drive us to his office so she could type it up (before home computers.) She sends a copy into the newspaper and, of course, because it’s an 8 year old’s name on an adult’s published poem, it wins the first prize in my age group. My parents are so happy with me and I feel so incredibly guilty. Within the next month, the poem and my picture are ran on the front page of the arts section in the paper. I am invited to read the poem as part of an award ceremony for all the contest’s participants. Of course, I go because my mom wants us to, and why wouldn’t I? I get a small award, a ribbon and maybe a gift card? I don’t remember. What I do remember is feeling so incredibly guilty. I have spent more sleepless hours over this poem than I can count. A few years later, we learn about plagiarism in school and I feel as though I’m being personally called out. I remember tearing out the book’s page with the poem, ripping it up, and throwing it away wrapped in an unused sanitary napkin because I was so afraid anyone would find out. It’s been 20 years since that award ceremony and even though I realize it was a childhood mistake that isn’t even that large, I still can’t quite shake the guilt. TL;DR - When I was 8, my mom read a poem in my journal and assumed it was original writing. I didn’t correct her, and eventually she entered it into a poetry contest. It won’t first place and I’ve been guilty for the past 20 years. Edit: Whoa! Thanks guys - you’ve honestly made me feel a little better. So many have requested the poem so I’ve posted it below. Couldn’t figure out line breaks so I’ve used slashes. This Is My Rock by David McCord This is my rock / And here I run / To steal the secret of the sun; This is my rock / And here come I / Before the night has swept the sky; This is my rock, / This is the place / I meet the evening face to face
As long as your not from pennsylvania were good. I came in second place in a poetry contest in my third grade. it can't be that...
When I was four years old my father and mother divorced because he cheated on her. They had a really rough divorce and had lots of fights. Eventually the divorce was settled and my mother and father could move on. My father married his mistress, who I'll call 'E' as to respect her privacy. My father was really happy with her and me and my sister got a stepbrother and two stepsisters with whom we got along really well. Skip forward two years and 'E' started acting different and so was my father. Me and my sister often couldn't visit our father because he had to 'work', whilst in reality he was free. When me and my sister were there we often weren't allowed to eat at the table, which seven year old me didn't understand. Eventually my father started becoming more distant, he didn't wish me happy birthday anymore and missed a lot of important milestones in my childhood, like learning to ride my bike or plays at school. When I was nine my sister and I could only visit four days a month and had to sleep in seperate rooms. I vividly remember that during one weekend that we were there I had accidentaly broken a glass and 'E' had turned furious. She send me upstairs and had me take my socks of which nine year old me found really weird. Then she showed me a piece of glass she held in her hand and said that this is what I deserved for my clumsyness. She pushed the shard of glass into the sole of my foot. I yelled and cried and tried to remove my leg from her grasp when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my father's hand, he was helping 'E' do this, I don't remeber what happened after that. 'E' also got into a huge fight with my sister and had pulled her by her hair down to the basement. After these two occasions and a lot of verbal abuse we decided to break all contact and tell our mother what had happened (we hadn't told her before because, well he was our father) . My mother knew this was serious abuse but she was too afraid to alert the police since my father had threatened her with violence before. Skip forward another five years, I was fourteen and a freshman at the same school my former stepsiblings attended. Once I saw them all the memories started rising again. My two stepsisters had become huge bullies and lots of people hated them. Me and a couple of friends decided to retaliate and secretly put small bags of marijuana in their backpacks. Apparently this had caused a huge fight in their home and my father and 'E' decided to divorce. After this 'E' got into serious financial troubles and my father became an alcoholic. Two weeks ago he was arrested for assault. 'E' has alledgedly become a prostitute and my former stepsiblings have been brought into protective custody. This has all been my fault, it was my idea to put the marijuana in their bags, even though they hadn't done anything to me. I ruined the lives of my stepsiblings and send my stepmother and father into a downwards-spiral. Yet in some sick way I don't feel any remorse. My sister has been dealing with a severe eating-disorder after all the verbal abuse from 'E' and has been hospitalised twice. I've tried once to commit suicide because of my sexual orientation since I thought I was an abomination after 'E''s conservative Christian rants. Now me and my sister are doing better, though we still have traumas. We've thought about starting a lawsuit but because of our ages during the incidents legal advisors have adviced us to just 'move on'. Anyway... I'm in a real moral dilemma: I did something that caused horrible things, yet I don't feel any remorse, am I a psychopath?
Not at all. You were abused and made to feel horrible by these people. Nobody would blame you for not having remorse.
My boyfriend and I owned two mice. However, they were both male so obviously they'd get into little fights and whenever things got bad we took the black one out because he had the mentality the whole cage was just his. This is the mouse I accidentally killed because he had begun to fight over food (even though we have two separate bowls of food for them) so I decided to go and bring out the black one to calm them both down. Well when I grabbed him he bit me pretty hard and everything happened so fast. My reflexes squeezed as he bit me and then he fell when my hand opened really fast after that. At first I didn't understand what happened but his legs weren't working and I realized he made a 'pop' feel in my hand. I started crying and woke my boyfriend up and after he took the mouse I laid down and cried. I couldn't stop crying. How could I do something like that? Yeah he was a pain in the a\*\* when he started the fights but he was the first mouse my boyfriend and I got. He ended up dying a 20 minute death because me squeezing him crushed his lungs and he suffocated. I just couldn't stop crying the whole night and couldn't believe that happened to me. Now our other mouse has no company and I feel so bad. We ended up giving his body to a snake owner to at least purpose his death. I watched him struggle in his last moments. I held him as he began going limp and I held his lifeless body. I dunno when I'll get over this or if I can. Everyone keeps telling me it's okay but I killed a creature I was supposed to help care for and I failed him. I'm so sorry. I also think my boyfriend kinda doesn't mind this happened because this mouse was such an a\*\* he never really seemed to like us and often only pissed us off but still he was our mouse and I killed him. ​ EDIT: Nabisco's death didn't get bad until his last minutes. My boyfriend comforted him the entire time and encouraged me to say goodbye. I cried so hard I couldn't even speak I'm sorry to him I wish I were small enough to hug him in those moments. I knew he didn't deserve this no matter how mean he was at times. I still loved coming after classes and work to see our two mice. I didn't squeeze Nabisco until he popped. My hand squeezed hard and fast at the same time that resulted in his injury. lol DOUBLE EDIT: Thank you to everyone who has told similar stories and posted comforting comments. I've been crying to them because of how nice most people have been. It's been helping me a lot to feel better and know I'm not alone. I appreciate it :)
I get it. The mouse was a bit of an asshole. But he was your asshole mouse. You didn't mean for this to happen. It was an accident, a reflex. You jumped as he bit you. This is no more your fault than tensing when someone yells "boo" at you and you are not expecting it. You need to forgive yourself. I am sure that the mouse had a lovely life whilst he was with you, and you did all you could when he was alive. He may have ended up with another family and not been so lucky. If you get more pets, you will be a great owner for them, as you will have learned a lesson here on being very gentle with smaller animals.
I have a wife and 2 kids, aged 14 and 11. I was a heroin addict from 16 years old to 23 years old, which was when my first son was born. My wife helped me get sober, and remains an amazing person and wife overall. ​ Last year, my wife had surgery and got pain pills. I don't know what the fuck came over me, but I just wanted to try one to remember how good opiates feel. I was thinking, it wasnt heroin right? So maybe I wont relapse? I cant even describe how stupid of a decision it was. I wasn't depressed, or particularly yearning for heroin, but I just wanted to try it. Literally right away it felt so unbelievably amazing that I took 2 more the next day. On day 3 I took about 4-5, I was high the entire day, feeling absolutely amazing. By day 5, I went to one of the local dealers and got heroin. Literally only took me 5 days to get back on heroin. ​ My wife never got a hint. My kids never suspected anything. I was lucky this happened while my wife was recovering from her surgery, she was bed ridden most of the day so I was mostly free to do what I want. I didn't inject, I just snorted. I did it every single day for 2 weeks. The only suspicion was my daughter saying I was acting weird when I was high and when my son went downstairs at night and I was mumbling because I was nodding out. He just assumed I was tired. ​ I knew I had to do something. I wanted to just leave, run away to new mexico or something and just do heroin the entire time, then maybe come back. At the time it was literally all I wanted, I kept making these horrible, immoral excuses for my usage. Like oh, my kids are old enough, and my wife is a good mom, they dont even need me! I can just run away and do heroin on an island forever. That was the kind of shit I would think. I knew it was bullshit, but its so damn powerful. ​ I ended up quitting. I just sort of forced myself to stop, which previously when I was a teen seemed impossible, but now it feels like I have more to live for. Its been a whole year since then. I remember because my wifes surgery was the day before the 4th of july.
OP the cliche comes to mind it’s not a sin to fall down, but it is a sin to not get back up. You turned to a dangerous but familiar to you coping mechanism in an undoubtedly stressful time in your life (2 kids, bedridden wife, etc.), But you realized you were on a bad path and pulled yourself back. If anything I’d say it’s something to learn from and be proud of! EDIT: we’ll score 1 for cliches... my fist silver! Thank you friends! EDIT: whoa first gold too, u guys and gals are the best!
A long time ago I was a high schooler at a boarding school. I was a decent kid in the eyes of the teachers and school administration. In fact they liked me so much that throughout my time there I was able to rise through the student ranks. I became a prefect, then I became the Head Boy, and at one point I had passed training that allowed me to run my own sports sessions or event where I was supervising younger and even a few older kids. This was just basic training for first aid, situational awareness, etc. At one point the school had so much trust in me that I was allowed to leave the school premises alone in the afternoons. This was huge and very few students had this privilege. In typical fashion, as soon as I received the privilege I began abusing my powers as a free man. The school was very adamant on getting us balanced meals so we weren't allowed to get food delivered (all delivery vehicles were refused entrance). Having the privilege of leaving the premises meant that I didn't have to order junk food and risk getting caught, I could simply go out to any fast food joint and bring food back with me. It all started out as an exclusive club, myself and my friends were munching on McDonald's and KFC as the plebians were having the filthy healthy cafeteria foods. Then I was offered something I couldn't refuse, MONEY. Not long after I had built a whole operation for bootlegging junk food into the school. We had cut off times for orders, a priority list for regular customers, extra fees for late orders, and even a spreadsheet for keeping a record of orders, payments, and profits. This smuggling was next level, we were organised, knew all the fire exits, where to walk to avoid corridor cameras, and how to pack the food so that it's unnoticeable when walking in (mostly used sports bags with a thin layer of clothes). The teachers new something was going on, there was food wrappers everywhere but no one knew how it came in. Business was booming and I was making profits of 50 dollars a day, for 3-4 days a week. But it wasn't enough, I was hungry for more. There was a fat kid that ordered regularly, so I pulled the most asshole move you could do to your best customer. I started charging 2x the price for his orders and I would hide behind a bullshit moral barrier claiming we were doing this for his own good since we learned in economics that increased prices reduce demand and so he would be eating less and he would lose weight. The kid saw straight through the BS but in the end he couldn't resist it and continued ordering from me. Mahmoud D***** if you are reading this, I'm sorry.
Based on your name, you peaked in high school?
While on a plane a few months ago, a depressed business man that was sitting right next to me started talking about his problems and how he failed to find a good therapist. 'I would pay a fortune just to find a good one' he said before asking me what do I do. Yeah, you guessed what I answered. After that he asked me if I accept bitcoin and if we can do it remotely on the phone. 'Even better', I thought, just like that guy from 'Catch me if you can'. After our first calls, the guy was so impressed with me, he told his friend about me. I was now dealing with 2 clients and the guilt started to creep in. After a month or so of 'therapy', I confessed to them both. They didn't care. 'You're the best', they said. My secret? I'm a hard core misanthrope. And oddly enough, this makes them extremely comfortable. Nothing is too shameful to share (I already assume the worst about people), I look at life from the perspective of a detached observer (I'm objective in my analysis), I am a great listener (I barely talk, because I know that what they need is to vent, not to ask for solutions), I am well read, I traveled the world, I made money etc (I can empathize with whatever they are talking about), I like listening (I find it very educational) and I sell no BS (I'm way to pessimistic for that sh\*t). So yeah. They are bringing in a third client. It's my pleasure.
Quit calling yourself a therapist idiot. That’s illegal.Just say you’re a life coach or spiritual counselor or make up some title. It’s not illegal to charge people to chat with you. It is illegal to masquerade as a therapist. Just label yourself appropriately and you’ve got a business.
I go to college in midwest United States. I live in a dorm an have a roommate who shares a bathroom with me. He's not from the United States and seems a little nervous to talk to anybody who isn't from his home country. The first few weeks of college, I started to notice pee on the toilet seat. No big deal, I cleaned it up. After about the 10th time, I asked him if he could stop peeing on the toilet seat, or if he does, wipe it up. He said okay and went on his day. About 3 months later, I started to notice pee all over the floor, toilet seat, and all around the toilet; worse than before. I used my own toilet paper and started going through it very quickly, so it was getting expensive. I ended up walking over to his side of the counter and grabbing one of his extra towels. I've been using it to clean pee for about 1 month now and I've definitely noticed a change in color due to the urine and the fact that I've never seen him wash it. I feel bad about it, but what he's doing is disgusting and I've tried to tell him to stop many times. Should I feel sorry and stop? EDIT: Just a few edits because everybody keeps asking the same questions. He’s from Taiwan, but has lived in the US for a couple years. I’m 100% positive it’s pee (it’s sticky and yellow).
No: he needs to wash his towels and wipe his piss up
When I was 15, I got myself pregnant unintentionally. I was a very promiscuous horny teenager and I wasn't exactly safe about it. Sometimes I used condoms, sometimes I didn't. I got really worried when I started experiencing the usual symptoms of morning headaches and nausea and skipped my period, so I took a pregnancy test and what I feared was true, I was pregnant. I had no idea how to react to this. For one I was utterly terrified and I wanted to get rid of it. In a way it felt parasitic, the thing inside me with the power to fuck my life up. I have very Christian parents who would have disowned me for having an abortion, but I knew they would actually love to raise this kid. However, I hated the idea. I had problems with eating at the time and didn't want to gain the pregnancy weight and I just didn't want a child. I guess I'm making excuses, even now. I started a smoking habit very promptly, since I'd heard in science lessons that one of the effects of smoking can be miscarriage. I barely ate at all, and if I did I threw it up, all in the hopes of starving it as if I was trying to get rid of a fever. It didn't work. I gave birth to her far too early and as a result she is blind. I gave her away and haven't heard from her since, she's 8 by now. My parents were surprisingly supportive and I got the help I needed for my eating disorder and I still go to regular therapy. I just had to get it off my chest. Edit: I've realised now that this confession has come across as unremorseful. It was hard writing it, and as a result I focused more on what happened than my emotions. I want to make it clear that I really really regret my actions. It's very hard to live with what I've done, and when I was 17 I attempted suicide because I simply couldn't handle it any longer. What I've done to my child tears me apart every day. I still have nightmares, I still can't sleep at night. I can't tell you how many times I've wished and prayed to go back in time. However, I've focused on improving myself through therapy and I am training to be a nurse to help children. I know that doesn't make up for it, but I'm trying hard to be better. Edit 2: This is NOT the way to deal with this situation. First of all, always always always use contraception unless you are willing to accept the responsibility of a child, which is a life long commitment. If you're a woman, don't trust the man to bring it each time and keep it in a safe, secure location. Bring your own condoms, get on the pill, get an implant, whatever works for you. If you do get pregnant, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Speak to your doctor or teacher you world. If you feel like you can't talk to your parents, but if you do think you can speak to them don't feel ashamed. Don't do what I did. Getting pregnant is not the end of the world. Don't let it be the end of yours. Planned Parenthood:
This sub was made for this content
It was senior year of high school, and we were doing a partnered assignment in environmental science, tracking the river behind the school to find its source. There was an odd number of students and I was okay with working alone. That day the principal was “observing” the teacher, evaluating her performance. My teacher trusted me, and gave me her laptop to do the assignment, and asked if I would show the principal what we were doing. I agreed and quickly finished my assignment. The principal and teacher were standing by the door chatting, so I open the PowerSchool app. There it is... all my friends grades, including mine, staring at me in an excel style format. I notice copious amounts of 0’s by my name, dragging my grade down somewhere in the low 70’s. (I was a minimal effort high schooler) I quickly changed most of the 0’s to 70’s or 60’s. This way it wouldn’t look too suspicious. My heart was racing as I saved the updated grades, and I didn’t tell anyone for a few years including my best friend/ brother. I never got caught, and I still grin thinking about it 6 years later.
How much did it boost your grade lmao
I used to watch over my little brother (who at the time we didn’t know has aspergers) when he was at school. Kids would always pick on him and when he came home with bruises, I ditched school (I was in high school and he was in middle school) and snuck onto campus during recess and lunch times, but always stayed a ways away. I saw some little asshat push my brother down and watched as he got back up, picked up his books and walked away, even though the boy was following him and smacking the back of his head. After my brother made it into the classroom, I ran up, grabbed the kid by the back of the neck and without thinking, head butted him. Once he started to cry, I pulled him in and told him if he ever lays a hand on that little boy again, I’d break every last one of his sad little bones. I’ve never told anyone about doing that. After school, I watched my brother begin to walk home and the little shits friend walked up to him, yelled something about “Some dumb older girl” (I can only assume he meant me) and he pushed my brother into the street and a car had to slam on its breaks to avoid hitting him. At that point, I LOST it. I pulled my brother onto the sidewalk, made sure he was okay and told him not to move. I ran over to the little shit (I didn’t care that he was younger. Not ONE BIT), grabbed him by his hair and yanked him to the ground and started beating the ever loving crap out of him. At some point, I broke his arm. The driver of the car that almost hit my brother had called the police and pulled me off of him, but backed me up 100% and told the officer the truth about what he saw. I got INSANELY lucky. The police officer told me he has a little sister with autism and he probably would have done the same thing. Didn’t even get punished in the slightest, was just told to take my brother home and to promise never to hit anyone again. (The best I could give was to never get caught hitting anyone again). We stopped by the 7/11 on the way home and I got us both some ice cream. I don’t know if he remembers that day now but I’d still do it all over again in a heartbeat.
You did the right thing. I can't think of anything better to do than that.
Back in high school, I wasn't a great student and report cards always got me in a lot of trouble. Around the 9th grade I started intercepting the mail, scanning in my report card on my windows PC, then carefully changing all the grades and comments from my teachers using text & numbers that were already on the page. Afterward, I'd very carefully print it out so everything was in the correct spots, then folded it up and put it back in the envelope. At one point in time, my mother was corresponding with one of my teachers via email to track my progress. I went as far as to make an email address that matched my teachers, just from a different domain and would delete the real emails from my teacher and forge fake emails that made me look better. Somehow, I never got caught
God tier move
I actually looked at the shorts before she was even in the store but decided not to get them until later when I looked them up online and saw they were regularly $50. They looked brand new and Goodwill was selling them for $5... When I went back to get them they weren't there but I happened to see them in this woman's basket. Pretty sure she was a bargain shopper. I'm fucking pathetic. EDIT: I still feel bad about doing this but another part of me doesn't give a fuck because her basket was full of clothes. I'm willing to bet that she doesn't even wear them (Considering she bought men's shorts) but instead re-sells them. Out off all those shorts THAT one was the only one she picked up. She probably did the same damn thing and looked them up. And no I didn't change my mind because I want to "flex" by wearing expensive stuff. At least I'll actually fuckin wear them unlike her. EDIT 2: The sheer fact that I could disgust this sub of mostly hypocrites makes my fuckin day lol EDIT 3: Wow I never thought my first silver would be on a post like this. Thanks stranger!
Thrifting is a cut-throat past time for the fashion savvy yet wittingly cheap
So, for a little background, my moms ex husband was a jerk. Later on in life, I found out that he was even worse than I thought, but even to 5 year old me, he was a jerk. For example, there was one summer that he spent all of our money (meaning his and the money from the THREE jobs my mom worked at the time) on cigarettes and booze and other dumb shit, leading to me and my sister having to spend the summer at my grandmother's because there was literally no food in the house and my mom had to live off of bread and butter for about 3 months. He was that kind of guy. So, when I was a kid, I always got up much much earlier than everyone else. I can't remember why, but it was probably just so I could watch cartoons in peace. One morning, I went into the living room to find this dudes pocket knife on the couch. It was closed, but i got curious. I opened it and I was playing with it, when I had a thought. Obviously I can't remember the actual train of thought, but it led to me deciding to cut my hand, right in the center of my palm, so that mom would be mad at Meat-Head-Mcdonald. I immediately started bleeding, and a lot. (Now, I know that I bled so much bc I have a blood clotting disorder, yay me) I started screaming, mom came down the stairs along with Dick-Wipe, and they saw what happened. I told mom that he had left the knife open on the couch arm, and I had put my hand down on it on accident. This led to one of their biggest fights, with mom saying that he was endangering me, and Micro-Penis saying he swore he didn't leave it open. So yeah. I still have the lovely scar on the middle of my hand to remind me that I was more of an evil genius when I was a child than I ever will be again. Fun. UPDATE: heres a photo of my scar for all the non believers lol Also I'm a girl
Fuck yeah. Good for you.