<commit_msg>Fix get_router_replicas infrastructure node count. <commit_before>''' Custom filters for use in openshift_hosted ''' class FilterModule(object): ''' Custom ansible filters for use by openshift_hosted role''' @staticmethod def get_router_replicas(replicas=None, router_nodes=None): ''' This function will return the number of replicas based on the results from the defined openshift.hosted.router.replicas OR the query from oc_obj on openshift nodes with a selector OR default to 1 ''' # We always use what they've specified if they've specified a value if replicas is not None: return replicas if (isinstance(router_nodes, dict) and 'results' in router_nodes and 'results' in router_nodes['results'] and 'items' in router_nodes['results']['results']): return len(router_nodes['results']['results'][0]['items']) return 1 def filters(self): ''' returns a mapping of filters to methods ''' return {'get_router_replicas': self.get_router_replicas} <commit_after>''' Custom filters for use in openshift_hosted ''' class FilterModule(object): ''' Custom ansible filters for use by openshift_hosted role''' @staticmethod def get_router_replicas(replicas=None, router_nodes=None): ''' This function will return the number of replicas based on the results from the defined openshift.hosted.router.replicas OR the query from oc_obj on openshift nodes with a selector OR default to 1 ''' # We always use what they've specified if they've specified a value if replicas is not None: return replicas replicas = 1 # Ignore boolean expression limit of 5. # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if (isinstance(router_nodes, dict) and 'results' in router_nodes and 'results' in router_nodes['results'] and isinstance(router_nodes['results']['results'], list) and len(router_nodes['results']['results']) > 0 and 'items' in router_nodes['results']['results'][0]): if len(router_nodes['results']['results'][0]['items']) > 0: replicas = len(router_nodes['results']['results'][0]['items']) return replicas def filters(self): ''' returns a mapping of filters to methods ''' return {'get_router_replicas': self.get_router_replicas}
<commit_msg>Fix indeterminate ordering issue for extensions The original code used set() to dedupe enabled extensions. This resulted in an arbitrary ordering of the values. The expected result was a deterministic ordering of loaded extensions that matches the order given by the whitelist. This removes the set() usage to preserve order. Existing users subject to the arbitrary ordering should be unaffected as their builds must already be tolerant to ordering changes to have worked thus far. <commit_before>"""Tools for loading and validating extensions.""" from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import pkg_resources import semver class MissingDependency(Exception): """No dependency found.""" class InvalidDependency(Exception): """Found dependency but with the wrong version.""" def load_extensions(whitelist=()): """Get an iterable of extensions in order.""" whitelist = tuple(set(('core',) + tuple(whitelist))) extensions = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('rpmvenv.extensions') extensions = ( extension for extension in extensions if in whitelist ) extensions = tuple(set(extensions)) extensions = sorted(extensions, key=lambda ext: whitelist.index( return tuple(extension.load() for extension in extensions) def validate_extensions(extensions): """Process the extension dependencies.""" ext_map = dict( (, ext) for ext in extensions ) for ext in extensions: for dependency, versions in ext.requirements.items(): ext_dependency = ext_map.get(dependency, None) if not ext_dependency: raise MissingDependency( '{0} is required by {1} but is not loaded.'.format(, dependency, ) ) for version in versions: if not semver.match(ext.version, version): raise InvalidDependency( '{0}-{1} required by {2} but found {0}-{3}.'.format( dependency, version,, ext.version, ) ) return extensions <commit_after>"""Tools for loading and validating extensions.""" from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import pkg_resources import semver class MissingDependency(Exception): """No dependency found.""" class InvalidDependency(Exception): """Found dependency but with the wrong version.""" def load_extensions(whitelist=()): """Get an iterable of extensions in order.""" whitelist = ('core',) + tuple(whitelist) extensions = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('rpmvenv.extensions') extensions = ( extension for extension in extensions if in whitelist ) extensions = tuple(set(extensions)) extensions = sorted(extensions, key=lambda ext: whitelist.index( return tuple(extension.load() for extension in extensions) def validate_extensions(extensions): """Process the extension dependencies.""" ext_map = dict( (, ext) for ext in extensions ) for ext in extensions: for dependency, versions in ext.requirements.items(): ext_dependency = ext_map.get(dependency, None) if not ext_dependency: raise MissingDependency( '{0} is required by {1} but is not loaded.'.format(, dependency, ) ) for version in versions: if not semver.match(ext.version, version): raise InvalidDependency( '{0}-{1} required by {2} but found {0}-{3}.'.format( dependency, version,, ext.version, ) ) return extensions
<commit_msg>Check endpoint status first before adding into the hash table <commit_before>package glock import ( "" ) func initServersPool(endpoints []string) *consistent.Consistent { cons := consistent.New() for _, endpoint := range endpoints { // TODO: First check if endpoint is live cons.Add(endpoint) } return cons } <commit_after>package glock import ( "net" "" ) func initServersPool(endpoints []string) *consistent.Consistent { cons := consistent.New() for _, endpoint := range endpoints { conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", endpoint) if err == nil { cons.Add(endpoint) conn.Close() } } return cons }
<commit_msg>Add include directory and c library file. <commit_before>from distutils.core import setup, Extension module1 = Extension('foolib', define_macros = [('MAJOR_VERSION', '1'), ('MINOR_VERSION', '0')], sources = ['foolibmodule.c']) setup (name = 'foolib', version = '1.0', description = 'This is a demo package', author = 'Tom Kraljevic', author_email = '', url = '', long_description = ''' This is really just a demo package. ''', ext_modules = [module1]) <commit_after>from distutils.core import setup, Extension module1 = Extension('foolib', define_macros = [('MAJOR_VERSION', '1'), ('MINOR_VERSION', '0')], include_dirs = ['../../cxx/include'], sources = ['foolibmodule.c', '../../cxx/src/foolib_c.cxx']) setup (name = 'foolib', version = '1.0', description = 'This is a demo package', author = 'Tom Kraljevic', author_email = '', url = '', long_description = ''' This is really just a demo package. ''', ext_modules = [module1])
<commit_msg>Add utility function to get client IP from request<commit_before>from django.shortcuts import render def get_next(request): # This is not a view return request.GET.get("next", request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "/")) def render_code(code, request, context={}): return render(request, "%d.html" % code, context, status=code) def render_400(request): return render_code(400, request) def render_405(request): return render_code(405, request) def render_403(request, message=''): return render_code(403, request, context={"message": message}) <commit_after>from django.shortcuts import render def get_next(request): # This is not a view return request.GET.get("next", request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "/")) def render_code(code, request, context={}): return render(request, "%d.html" % code, context, status=code) def render_400(request): return render_code(400, request) def render_405(request): return render_code(405, request) def render_403(request, message=''): return render_code(403, request, context={"message": message}) def get_client_ip(request): x_forwarded_for = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') if x_forwarded_for: ip = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[-1].strip() else: ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') return ip
<commit_msg>Update category and website on module description <commit_before>{ 'name': 'Document Attachment', 'version': '1.2', 'author': 'XCG Consulting', 'category': 'Dependency', 'description': """Enchancements to the ir.attachment module to manage kinds of attachments that can be linked with OpenERP objects. The implenter has to: - Pass 'res_model' and 'res_id' in the context. - Define menus and actions should it want to allow changing document types. Document attachments are displayed in a many2many field; it can optionally be changed to work like a one2many field by using the "domain="[('res_id', '=', id)]" attribute. """, 'website': '', 'depends': [ 'base', 'document', ], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'document_attachment.xml', ], 'test': [ ], 'installable': True, } <commit_after>{ 'name': 'Document Attachment', 'version': '1.2', 'author': 'XCG Consulting', 'category': 'Hidden/Dependency', 'description': """Enchancements to the ir.attachment module to manage kinds of attachments that can be linked with OpenERP objects. The implenter has to: - Pass 'res_model' and 'res_id' in the context. - Define menus and actions should it want to allow changing document types. Document attachments are displayed in a many2many field; it can optionally be changed to work like a one2many field by using the "domain="[('res_id', '=', id)]" attribute. """, 'website': '', 'depends': [ 'base', 'document', ], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'document_attachment.xml', ], 'test': [ ], 'installable': True, }
<commit_msg>Remove create_wrapper from the API <commit_before>from ..extension import get_engine_manager from ..extension import create_wrapper __all__ = ['get_supported_engines', 'create_wrapper', 'get_supported_engine_names'] def get_supported_engine_names(): """Show a list of supported engine names. Returns ------- names: list a list of engine names """ return get_engine_manager().get_supported_engine_names() def get_supported_engines(): """Show a list of supported engines. Returns ------- metadata: list a list of engine metadata objects """ return get_engine_manager().get_supported_engines() def load_engine_extentions(): """ Discover and load engine extension modules. """ from stevedore import extension mgr = extension.ExtensionManager( namespace='simphony.engine', invoke_on_load=False) extensions = {} engine_manager = get_engine_manager() for ext in mgr.extensions: extensions[] = ext.plugin # Load engine metadata engine_manager.load_metadata(ext.plugin) return extensions # Populate the module namespace globals().update(load_engine_extentions()) # cleanup del load_engine_extentions <commit_after>from ..extension import get_engine_manager __all__ = ['get_supported_engines', 'get_supported_engine_names'] def get_supported_engine_names(): """Show a list of supported engine names. Returns ------- names: list a list of engine names """ return get_engine_manager().get_supported_engine_names() def get_supported_engines(): """Show a list of supported engines. Returns ------- metadata: list a list of engine metadata objects """ return get_engine_manager().get_supported_engines() def load_engine_extentions(): """ Discover and load engine extension modules. """ from stevedore import extension mgr = extension.ExtensionManager( namespace='simphony.engine', invoke_on_load=False) extensions = {} engine_manager = get_engine_manager() for ext in mgr.extensions: extensions[] = ext.plugin # Load engine metadata engine_manager.load_metadata(ext.plugin) return extensions # Populate the module namespace globals().update(load_engine_extentions()) # cleanup del load_engine_extentions
<commit_msg>Add class for competitor info <commit_before> // Copyright 2021 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; /** * Class representing user data specific to a competition */ @AutoValue public abstract class CompetitorInfo { public static CompetitorInfo create(long id, String name, String email, long netWorth, long amountAvailable) { return new AutoValue_CompetitorInfo(id, name, email, netWorth, amountAvailable); } /** The id of the competitor */ public abstract long id(); /** The competitor's name */ public abstract String name(); /** The competitor's Google email */ public abstract String email(); /** The networth of the competitor */ public abstract long netWorth(); /** The amount the user has available for additional investments */ public abstract long amountAvailable(); }<commit_after> // Copyright 2021 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; /** * Class representing user data specific to a competition */ @AutoValue public abstract class CompetitorInfo { public static CompetitorInfo create(String name, String email, int rank, int rankYesterday, long netWorth, long amountAvailable, int numInvestments) { return new AutoValue_CompetitorInfo(name, email, rank, rankYesterday, netWorth, amountAvailable, numInvestments); } /** The competitor's name */ public abstract String name(); /** The competitor's Google email */ public abstract String email(); /** Competitor's rank */ public abstract int rank(); /** Competitor's rank yesterday */ public abstract int rankYesterday(); /** The networth of the competitor */ public abstract long netWorth(); /** The amount the user has available for additional investments */ public abstract long amountAvailable(); /** The number of investments owned by this competitor */ public abstract int numInvestments(); }
<commit_msg>Throw an exception when the user attempt to create more than one instance of QApplication. Reviewed by Marcelo Lira <> <commit_before>// Borrowed reference to QtGui module extern PyObject* moduleQtGui; int SbkQApplication_Init(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject*) { int numArgs = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); if (numArgs != 1) { PyErr_BadArgument(); return -1; } char** argv; int argc; if (!PySequence_to_argc_argv(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0), &argc, &argv)) { PyErr_BadArgument(); return -1; } SbkBaseWrapper_setCptr(self, new QApplication(argc, argv)); SbkBaseWrapper_setValidCppObject(self, 1); Shiboken::BindingManager::instance().registerWrapper(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseWrapper*>(self)); // Verify if qApp is in main module const char QAPP_MACRO[] = "qApp"; PyObject* localsDict = PyEval_GetLocals(); if (localsDict) { PyObject* qAppObj = PyDict_GetItemString(localsDict, QAPP_MACRO); if (qAppObj) PyDict_SetItemString(localsDict, QAPP_MACRO, self); } PyObject_SetAttrString(moduleQtGui, QAPP_MACRO, self); return 1; } <commit_after>// Borrowed reference to QtGui module extern PyObject* moduleQtGui; int SbkQApplication_Init(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject*) { if (QApplication::instance()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "A QApplication instance already exists."); return -1; } int numArgs = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); if (numArgs != 1) { PyErr_BadArgument(); return -1; } char** argv; int argc; if (!PySequence_to_argc_argv(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0), &argc, &argv)) { PyErr_BadArgument(); return -1; } SbkBaseWrapper_setCptr(self, new QApplication(argc, argv)); SbkBaseWrapper_setValidCppObject(self, 1); Shiboken::BindingManager::instance().registerWrapper(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseWrapper*>(self)); // Verify if qApp is in main module const char QAPP_MACRO[] = "qApp"; PyObject* localsDict = PyEval_GetLocals(); if (localsDict) { PyObject* qAppObj = PyDict_GetItemString(localsDict, QAPP_MACRO); if (qAppObj) PyDict_SetItemString(localsDict, QAPP_MACRO, self); } PyObject_SetAttrString(moduleQtGui, QAPP_MACRO, self); return 1; }
<commit_msg>Update redundant test to check error handling <commit_before>""" Tests for the Types module """ import unittest # pylint: disable=import-error from res import types class TestTypes(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the Types module """ def test_getPieceAbbreviation_empty(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('.', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.EMPTY)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_goose(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('G', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.GOOSE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_fox(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('F', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.FOX)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_supergoose(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('S', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.SUPERGOOSE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_outside(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual(None, types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.OUTSIDE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_unknown(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual(None, types.getPieceAbbreviation(4567))<commit_after>""" Tests for the Types module """ import unittest # pylint: disable=import-error from res import types class TestTypes(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the Types module """ def test_getPieceAbbreviation_empty(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('.', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.EMPTY)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_goose(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('G', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.GOOSE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_fox(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('F', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.FOX)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_supergoose(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual('S', types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.SUPERGOOSE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_outside(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertEqual(None, types.getPieceAbbreviation(types.OUTSIDE)) def test_getPieceAbbreviation_unknown(self): "Correctly convert a type to a character for display" self.assertRaises(ValueError, types.getPieceAbbreviation, 'abcd')
<commit_msg>Print the usage if the command is bad. <commit_before>use getopts::{getopts}; use help; fn verify_command(command: &str) -> bool { match command { "new" => true, "open" => true, _ => false } } fn run_command(command: &str) { println!("{}", command); } pub fn init(args: Vec<String>) { let program = args[0].clone(); let opts = help::opts(); let matches = match getopts(args.tail(), opts) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { fail!(f.to_string()) } }; if matches.opt_present("h") { help::print_usage(program.as_slice(), opts); return; } let input = if ! {[0].clone() } else { help::print_usage(program.as_slice(), opts); return; }; if !verify_command(input.as_slice()) { return; } run_command(input.as_slice()); } #[test] fn verify_command_new_returns_true() { assert_eq!(verify_command("new"), true); } #[test] fn verify_command_open_returns_true() { assert_eq!(verify_command("open"), true); } #[test] fn verify_command_value_returns_false() { assert_eq!(verify_command("value"), false); } <commit_after>use getopts::{getopts}; use help; fn verify_command(command: &str) -> bool { match command { "new" => true, "open" => true, _ => false } } fn run_command(command: &str) { println!("{}", command); } pub fn init(args: Vec<String>) { let program = args[0].clone(); let opts = help::opts(); let matches = match getopts(args.tail(), opts) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { fail!(f.to_string()) } }; if matches.opt_present("h") { help::print_usage(program.as_slice(), opts); return; } let input = if ! {[0].clone() } else { help::print_usage(program.as_slice(), opts); return; }; if !verify_command(input.as_slice()) { help::print_usage(program.as_slice(), opts); return; } run_command(input.as_slice()); } #[test] fn verify_command_new_returns_true() { assert_eq!(verify_command("new"), true); } #[test] fn verify_command_open_returns_true() { assert_eq!(verify_command("open"), true); } #[test] fn verify_command_value_returns_false() { assert_eq!(verify_command("value"), false); }
<commit_msg>Remove defunct missing defs that interfere with CI build<commit_before>/* * mswin32_config.h Hand made MSWin32 configuration file. * Copyright (c) 1996 Applied Logic Systems, Inc. * * Author: Chuck Houpt * Creation: 1/30/96 */ #include "dfltsys.h" #define MSWin32 1 #define OSStr "mswin32" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define EXTERNAL_STATE 1 #endif /* Temp. disable threading until threading GUI stub is fixed */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define Bytecode 1 #endif #define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 #define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 #define HAVE_STRING_H 1 #define HAVE_SRAND 1 #define HAVE_TIME 1 #define HAVE_SOCKET 1 #define BERKELEY_SOCKETS 1 #define HAVE_SELECT 1 #define MISSING_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKETS 1 #define APP_PRINTF_CALLBACK 1 #define HAVE_STRCSPN 1 #define HAVE_STRSPN 1 #define HAVE_STRTOK 1 #define REVERSE_ENDIAN 1 /* The windows headers in Cygwin 1.3.4 are missing some prototypes, so define them here to silence the waring messages. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ extern __inline__ void* GetCurrentFiber(void); extern __inline__ void* GetFiberData(void); #endif #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> <commit_after>/* * mswin32_config.h Hand made MSWin32 configuration file. * Copyright (c) 1996 Applied Logic Systems, Inc. * * Author: Chuck Houpt * Creation: 1/30/96 */ #include "dfltsys.h" #define MSWin32 1 #define OSStr "mswin32" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define EXTERNAL_STATE 1 #endif /* Temp. disable threading until threading GUI stub is fixed */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define Bytecode 1 #endif #define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 #define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 #define HAVE_STRING_H 1 #define HAVE_SRAND 1 #define HAVE_TIME 1 #define HAVE_SOCKET 1 #define BERKELEY_SOCKETS 1 #define HAVE_SELECT 1 #define MISSING_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKETS 1 #define APP_PRINTF_CALLBACK 1 #define HAVE_STRCSPN 1 #define HAVE_STRSPN 1 #define HAVE_STRTOK 1 #define REVERSE_ENDIAN 1 #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h>
<commit_msg>Test update: added toggle to edit enabled field svn changeset:4325/svn branch:trunk <commit_before>/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.itmill.toolkit.tests; import; import; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.CustomComponent; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Label; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.OrderedLayout; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.RichTextArea; /** * * @author IT Mill Ltd. */ public class TestForRichTextEditor extends CustomComponent implements ValueChangeListener { private final OrderedLayout main = new OrderedLayout(); private Label l; private RichTextArea rte; public TestForRichTextEditor() { setCompositionRoot(main); createNewView(); } public void createNewView() { main.removeAllComponents(); main.addComponent(new Label( "RTE uses google richtextArea and their examples toolbar.")); rte = new RichTextArea(); rte.addListener(this); main.addComponent(rte); main.addComponent(new Button("commit content to label below")); l = new Label("", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); main.addComponent(l); } public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { l.setValue(rte.getValue()); } } <commit_after>/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.itmill.toolkit.tests; import; import; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.CustomComponent; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Label; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.OrderedLayout; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.RichTextArea; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button.ClickEvent; /** * * @author IT Mill Ltd. */ public class TestForRichTextEditor extends CustomComponent implements ValueChangeListener { private final OrderedLayout main = new OrderedLayout(); private Label l; private RichTextArea rte; public TestForRichTextEditor() { setCompositionRoot(main); createNewView(); } public void createNewView() { main.removeAllComponents(); main.addComponent(new Label( "RTE uses google richtextArea and their examples toolbar.")); rte = new RichTextArea(); rte.addListener(this); main.addComponent(rte); main.addComponent(new Button("commit content to label below")); l = new Label("", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); main.addComponent(l); Button b = new Button("enabled"); b.setSwitchMode(true); b.setImmediate(true); b.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { rte.setEnabled(!rte.isEnabled()); } }); main.addComponent(b); } public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { l.setValue(rte.getValue()); } }
<commit_msg>Fix Copy&Paste Error und documentation<commit_before>package com.ulisesbocchio.jasyptmavenplugin.mojo; import com.ulisesbocchio.jasyptmavenplugin.encrypt.EncryptionService; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; /** * Goal which decrypts demarcated values in properties files. * * @author ubocchio */ @Mojo(name = "decrypt-value", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_RESOURCES) @Slf4j public class DecryptValueMojo extends AbstractValueJasyptMojo { @Override protected void run(final EncryptionService service, final String value, String encryptPrefix, String encryptSuffix, String decryptPrefix, String decryptSuffix) throws MojoExecutionException { try { String actualValue = value.startsWith(encryptPrefix) ? value.substring(encryptPrefix.length(), value.length() - encryptSuffix.length()) : value;"Decrypting value " + actualValue); String decryptedValue = service.decryptValue(actualValue);"\n" + decryptedValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error Decrypting: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } <commit_after>package com.ulisesbocchio.jasyptmavenplugin.mojo; import com.ulisesbocchio.jasyptmavenplugin.encrypt.EncryptionService; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; /** * Goal which decrypts values. * * @author ubocchio */ @Mojo(name = "decrypt-value", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_RESOURCES) @Slf4j public class DecryptValueMojo extends AbstractValueJasyptMojo { @Override protected void run(final EncryptionService service, final String value, String encryptPrefix, String encryptSuffix, String decryptPrefix, String decryptSuffix) throws MojoExecutionException { try { String actualValue = value.startsWith(encryptPrefix) ? value.substring(encryptPrefix.length(), value.length() - encryptSuffix.length()) : value;"Decrypting value " + actualValue); String decryptedValue = service.decryptValue(actualValue);"\n" + decryptedValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error Decrypting: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
<commit_msg>Remove unused line of code <commit_before>import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime from SenseCells.tts import tts def show_all_notes(): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') tts('Your notes are as follows:') cursor = conn.execute("SELECT notes FROM notes") for row in cursor: tts(row[0]) conn.commit() conn.close() def note_something(speech_text): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') words_of_message = speech_text.split() words_of_message.remove('note') cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message) conn.execute("INSERT INTO notes (notes, notes_date) VALUES (?, ?)", (cleaned_message, datetime.strftime(, '%d-%m-%Y'))) conn.commit() conn.close() tts('Your note has been saved.')<commit_after>import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime from SenseCells.tts import tts def show_all_notes(): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') tts('Your notes are as follows:') cursor = conn.execute("SELECT notes FROM notes") for row in cursor: tts(row[0]) conn.close() def note_something(speech_text): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') words_of_message = speech_text.split() words_of_message.remove('note') cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message) conn.execute("INSERT INTO notes (notes, notes_date) VALUES (?, ?)", (cleaned_message, datetime.strftime(, '%d-%m-%Y'))) conn.commit() conn.close() tts('Your note has been saved.')
<commit_msg>Change display of int exception Int exceptions are now displayed on the same line as the message "exception caught" and the quote marks have been removed from around it. <commit_before> int main() { DEV::KeepConsoleOpen keepConsoleOpen; keepConsoleOpen.setKeyRequirement(DEV::KeepConsoleOpen::Escape); try { Game game;; } catch (int e) { DEV::printLine("Exception caught:\n\"" + pl::stringFrom(e) + "\""); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (char* e) { DEV::printLine("Exception caught:\n\"" + std::string(e) + "\""); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { DEV::printLine("Unknown exception caught!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } keepConsoleOpen.allowToClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } <commit_after> int main() { DEV::KeepConsoleOpen keepConsoleOpen; keepConsoleOpen.setKeyRequirement(DEV::KeepConsoleOpen::Escape); try { Game game;; } catch (int e) { DEV::printLine("Exception caught: " + pl::stringFrom(e)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (char* e) { DEV::printLine("Exception caught:\n\"" + std::string(e) + "\""); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { DEV::printLine("Unknown exception caught!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } keepConsoleOpen.allowToClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
<commit_msg>Make sure MEDIA_URL is available in the context of every template <commit_before>from django.conf import settings SETTINGS_TO_ADD = ( 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT', 'SOURCE_HINTS', ) def add_settings(request): """Add some selected settings values to the context""" return { 'settings': { k: getattr(settings, k) for k in SETTINGS_TO_ADD } } <commit_after>from django.conf import settings SETTINGS_TO_ADD = ( 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT', 'SOURCE_HINTS', 'MEDIA_URL', ) def add_settings(request): """Add some selected settings values to the context""" return { 'settings': { k: getattr(settings, k) for k in SETTINGS_TO_ADD } }
<commit_msg>Remove extraneous channel type in Context model. <commit_before>import * as Discord from 'discord.js'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { logInteraction } from '../helpers/logger'; export default class Context { id: string; bot: Discord.Client; channel: Discord.TextChannel | Discord.DMChannel | Discord.NewsChannel; guild: Discord.Guild; msg: string; preferences: mongoose.Document; db: mongoose.Connection; shard: number; logInteraction; constructor(id: string, bot: Discord.Client, channel: Discord.TextChannel | Discord.DMChannel | Discord.NewsChannel, guild: Discord.Guild, msg: string, preferences: mongoose.Document, db: mongoose.Connection) { = id; = bot; this.msg = msg; = channel; this.guild = guild; this.preferences = preferences; this.db = db; this.shard = guild.shardID; this.logInteraction = logInteraction; } }<commit_after>import * as Discord from 'discord.js'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { logInteraction } from '../helpers/logger'; export default class Context { id: string; bot: Discord.Client; channel: Discord.TextChannel | Discord.DMChannel; guild: Discord.Guild; msg: string; preferences: mongoose.Document; db: mongoose.Connection; shard: number; logInteraction; constructor(id: string, bot: Discord.Client, channel: Discord.TextChannel | Discord.DMChannel, guild: Discord.Guild, msg: string, preferences: mongoose.Document, db: mongoose.Connection) { = id; = bot; this.msg = msg; = channel; this.guild = guild; this.preferences = preferences; this.db = db; this.shard = guild.shardID; this.logInteraction = logInteraction; } }
<commit_msg>Update GDAXProductTicker obj name from bitstampTicker to gdaxTicker Looks to be a copy paste mistake. Updated the name to reference gdax as opposed to bitstamp in this gdax example.<commit_before>package org.knowm.xchange.examples.gdax; import; import org.knowm.xchange.Exchange; import org.knowm.xchange.ExchangeFactory; import org.knowm.xchange.currency.CurrencyPair; import org.knowm.xchange.dto.marketdata.Ticker; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.GDAXExchange; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.dto.marketdata.GDAXProductTicker; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.service.GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw; import org.knowm.xchange.service.marketdata.MarketDataService; public class GDAXTickerDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Exchange exchange = ExchangeFactory.INSTANCE.createExchange(GDAXExchange.class.getName()); MarketDataService marketDataService = exchange.getMarketDataService(); generic(marketDataService); raw((GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw) marketDataService); } private static void generic(MarketDataService marketDataService) throws IOException { Ticker ticker = marketDataService.getTicker(CurrencyPair.BTC_USD); System.out.println(ticker.toString()); } private static void raw(GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw marketDataService) throws IOException { GDAXProductTicker bitstampTicker = marketDataService.getCoinbaseExProductTicker(CurrencyPair.BTC_USD); System.out.println(bitstampTicker.toString()); } } <commit_after>package org.knowm.xchange.examples.gdax; import; import org.knowm.xchange.Exchange; import org.knowm.xchange.ExchangeFactory; import org.knowm.xchange.currency.CurrencyPair; import org.knowm.xchange.dto.marketdata.Ticker; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.GDAXExchange; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.dto.marketdata.GDAXProductTicker; import org.knowm.xchange.gdax.service.GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw; import org.knowm.xchange.service.marketdata.MarketDataService; public class GDAXTickerDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Exchange exchange = ExchangeFactory.INSTANCE.createExchange(GDAXExchange.class.getName()); MarketDataService marketDataService = exchange.getMarketDataService(); generic(marketDataService); raw((GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw) marketDataService); } private static void generic(MarketDataService marketDataService) throws IOException { Ticker ticker = marketDataService.getTicker(CurrencyPair.BTC_USD); System.out.println(ticker.toString()); } private static void raw(GDAXMarketDataServiceRaw marketDataService) throws IOException { GDAXProductTicker gdaxTicker = marketDataService.getCoinbaseExProductTicker(CurrencyPair.BTC_USD); System.out.println(gdaxTicker.toString()); } }
<commit_msg>Allow lint in order to cover our lowest supported toolchain This would be unnecessary if it were a clippy lint, but it is a regular compiler lint. Signed-off-by: mulhern <> <commit_before>// This allow should be removed once bindgen finds a way to // generate struct alignment tests without triggering errors // in the compiler. See #![allow(deref_nullptr)] include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); <commit_after>// This allow should be removed once bindgen finds a way to // generate struct alignment tests without triggering errors // in the compiler. See #![allow(unknown_lints)] #![allow(deref_nullptr)] include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
<commit_msg>Add restrictioins for who can edit the project and who cannot <commit_before>from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render from .models import Project from .forms import ProjectForm @login_required def add_project(request): data = request.POST if request.POST else None form = ProjectForm(data, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): return render(request, 'projects/add.html', locals()) <commit_after>from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 from .models import Project from .forms import ProjectForm def can_edit_projects(user): return user.is_authenticated() and user.has_perm('projects.change_project') @login_required def add_project(request): data = request.POST if request.POST else None form = ProjectForm(data, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): return render(request, 'projects/add.html', locals()) @login_required def edit_project(request, project_id=None): project = get_object_or_404(Project, id=project_id) if can_edit_projects(request.user) or request.user == project.user: return render(request, 'projects/edit.html', locals()) else: raise Http404
<commit_msg>Make SavedRollManager less static, also docstrings <commit_before>import sqlite3 connection = sqlite3.connect('data.db') class SavedRoll: @staticmethod def save(user, name, args): pass @staticmethod def get(user, name): pass @staticmethod def delete(user, name): pass <commit_after>class SavedRollManager: """ Class for managing saved rolls. Attributes: connection (sqlite3.Connection): Database connection used by manager """ def __init__(self, connection): """ Create a SavedRollManager instance. Args: connection (sqlite3.Connection): Database connection to use """ self.conn = connection def save(self, user, chat, name, args): """ Save a roll to the database. Args: user (int): User ID to save roll for chat (int): Chat ID to save roll for name: Name of saved roll args: Arguments to save for roll """ pass def get(self, user, chat, name): """ Get a saved roll from the database. Args: user (int): User ID to get roll for chat (int): Chat ID to get roll for name: Name of saved roll Returns: list: List of arguments of saved roll """ pass def delete(self, user, chat, name): """ Delete a saved roll from the database. Args: user (int): User ID to delete roll from chat (int): Chat ID to delete roll from name: Name of saved roll """ pass
<commit_msg>Clean out needless declarations in the node.h header file. <commit_before>/* $Id$ */ /* Please see the LICENSE file for copyright and distribution information */ #ifndef __RUBY_XML_NODE__ #define __RUBY_XML_NODE__ extern VALUE cXMLNode; extern VALUE eXMLNodeSetNamespace; extern VALUE eXMLNodeFailedModify; extern VALUE eXMLNodeUnknownType; VALUE ruby_xml_node2_wrap(VALUE class, xmlNodePtr xnode); void ruby_xml_node_free(xmlNodePtr xnode); void ruby_xml_node_mark_common(xmlNodePtr xnode); void ruby_init_xml_node(void); VALUE check_string_or_symbol(VALUE val); VALUE ruby_xml_node_child_set(VALUE self, VALUE obj); VALUE ruby_xml_node_name_get(VALUE self); VALUE ruby_xml_node_property_get(VALUE self, VALUE key); VALUE ruby_xml_node_property_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE val); #endif <commit_after>/* $Id$ */ /* Please see the LICENSE file for copyright and distribution information */ #ifndef __RUBY_XML_NODE__ #define __RUBY_XML_NODE__ extern VALUE cXMLNode; extern VALUE eXMLNodeSetNamespace; extern VALUE eXMLNodeFailedModify; extern VALUE eXMLNodeUnknownType; VALUE ruby_xml_node2_wrap(VALUE class, xmlNodePtr xnode); VALUE check_string_or_symbol(VALUE val); #endif
<commit_msg>Add test for reaching API health endpoint <commit_before>import json from indra.literature.dart_client import _jsonify_query_data def test_timestamp(): # Should ignore "after" assert _jsonify_query_data(timestamp={'on': '2020-01-01', 'after': '2020-01-02'}) == \ json.dumps({"timestamp": {"on": "2020-01-01"}}) assert _jsonify_query_data(timestamp={'after': '2020-01-01', 'before': '2020-01-05'}) == \ json.dumps( {'timestamp': {'after': '2020-01-01', 'before': '2020-01-05'}}) def test_lists(): # Check lists, ignore the lists that have non-str objects assert _jsonify_query_data(readers=['hume', 123456], versions=['123', '456']) ==\ json.dumps({'versions': ['123', '456']}) <commit_after>import json import requests from indra.config import get_config from indra.literature.dart_client import _jsonify_query_data, dart_base_url def test_timestamp(): # Should ignore "after" assert _jsonify_query_data(timestamp={'on': '2020-01-01', 'after': '2020-01-02'}) == \ json.dumps({"timestamp": {"on": "2020-01-01"}}) assert _jsonify_query_data(timestamp={'after': '2020-01-01', 'before': '2020-01-05'}) == \ json.dumps( {'timestamp': {'after': '2020-01-01', 'before': '2020-01-05'}}) def test_lists(): # Check lists, ignore the lists that have non-str objects assert _jsonify_query_data(readers=['hume', 123456], versions=['123', '456']) ==\ json.dumps({'versions': ['123', '456']}) def test_api(): health_ep = dart_base_url + '/health' dart_uname = get_config('DART_WM_USERNAME', failure_ok=False) dart_pwd = get_config('DART_WM_PASSWORD', failure_ok=False) res = requests.get(health_ep, auth=(dart_uname, dart_pwd)) assert res.status_code == 200
<commit_msg>Verify the full interface of the context object Improved testcase for get_test_admin_context method Change-Id: I8c99401150ed41cbf66b32cd00c7f8353ec4e267 <commit_before> from cinder import test from cinder.tests import utils as test_utils class TestUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_get_test_admin_context(self): """get_test_admin_context's return value behaves like admin context.""" ctxt = test_utils.get_test_admin_context() # TODO(soren): This should verify the full interface context # objects expose. self.assertTrue(ctxt.is_admin) <commit_after> from cinder import test from cinder.tests import utils as test_utils class TestUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase): def test_get_test_admin_context(self): """get_test_admin_context's return value behaves like admin context.""" ctxt = test_utils.get_test_admin_context() self.assertIsNone(ctxt.project_id) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.user_id) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.domain) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.project_domain) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.user_domain) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.project_name) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.remote_address) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.auth_token) self.assertIsNone(ctxt.quota_class) self.assertIsNotNone(ctxt.request_id) self.assertIsNotNone(ctxt.timestamp) self.assertEqual(['admin'], ctxt.roles) self.assertEqual([], ctxt.service_catalog) self.assertEqual('no', ctxt.read_deleted) self.assertTrue(ctxt.read_deleted) self.assertTrue(ctxt.is_admin)
<commit_msg>Fix non ascii symbols in json <commit_before>""" Data layer """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long import json import os from frontui.models import ChecklistInfo class DataProvider: """ Data provider (objects, questions, etc) """ def __init__(self): self.data_dir = './frontui/app_data' self.checklists_dir = self.data_dir + '/checklists' self.objects = list() self.checklist = ChecklistInfo() def add_object(self, obj): """ Add object to collection """ self.objects.append(obj) def save_checklist(self, obj_num, obj_date, obj_dict): """ Save checklist data """ obj_json = json.dumps(obj_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4) filedir = self.checklists_dir + '/' + obj_num if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) filename = obj_date + '.json' with open(filedir + '/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file: file.write(obj_json) return <commit_after>""" Data layer """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long import json import os from frontui.models import ChecklistInfo class DataProvider: """ Data provider (objects, questions, etc) """ def __init__(self): self.data_dir = './frontui/app_data' self.checklists_dir = self.data_dir + '/checklists' self.objects = list() self.checklist = ChecklistInfo() def add_object(self, obj): """ Add object to collection """ self.objects.append(obj) def save_checklist(self, obj_num, obj_date, obj_dict): """ Save checklist data """ obj_json = json.dumps(obj_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) filedir = self.checklists_dir + '/' + obj_num if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) filename = obj_date + '.json' with open(filedir + '/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file: file.write(obj_json) return
<commit_msg>Update header missed by the script Really, who puts spaces in front of the comments of a file header?! <commit_before> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## ## This file is part of Indico. ## Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). ## ## Indico is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Indico is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Indico;if not, see <>. from indico.core.extpoint import IListener, IContributor class ILocationActionListener(IListener): """ Events that are related to rooms, locations, etc... """ def roomChanged(self, obj, oldLocation, newLocation): pass def locationChanged(self, obj, oldLocation, newLocation): pass def placeChanged(self, obj): """ Either the room or location changed """ <commit_after> from indico.core.extpoint import IListener class ILocationActionListener(IListener): """ Events that are related to rooms, locations, etc... """ def roomChanged(self, obj, oldLocation, newLocation): pass def locationChanged(self, obj, oldLocation, newLocation): pass def placeChanged(self, obj): """ Either the room or location changed """
<commit_msg>Fix missing refactorization in unit test send_to_users unit test was not modified after parameter change. <commit_before>from django.test import TestCase from yunity.utils.session import RealtimeClientData class TestSharedSession(TestCase): def test_session_key(self): self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.session_key('123'), 'session-store-123') def test_set_get_django_redis(self): RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 3) self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.get_user_by_session('123'), '3') RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 4) self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.get_user_by_session('123'), '4') def test_integration_data_to_users(self): """ This is a RealtimeClient integration test. For current implementation, subscribe to the notifications topic to see it working: redis-cli subscribe notifications """ RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 3) RealtimeClientData.send_to_users([3], {'msg': 'hello'}) <commit_after>from django.test import TestCase from yunity.utils.session import RealtimeClientData class TestSharedSession(TestCase): def test_session_key(self): self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.session_key('123'), 'session-store-123') def test_set_get_django_redis(self): RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 3) self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.get_user_by_session('123'), '3') RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 4) self.assertEqual(RealtimeClientData.get_user_by_session('123'), '4') def test_integration_data_to_users(self): """ This is a RealtimeClient integration test. For current implementation, subscribe to the notifications topic to see it working: redis-cli subscribe notifications """ RealtimeClientData.set_user_session('123', 3) RealtimeClientData.send_to_users([3], RealtimeClientData.Types.CHAT_MESSAGE, {'msg': 'hello'})
<commit_msg>Add aiohttp.web.Application into type aliases <commit_before> from multidict import MultiDictProxy as Cookies # Type of aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.cookies from sqlalchemy.orm import Session as DBSession # Return from sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker <commit_after> from aiohttp.web import Application # aiohttp web server application from multidict import MultiDictProxy as Cookies # Type of aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.cookies from sqlalchemy.orm import Session as DBSession # Return from sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker
<commit_msg>Check request.user before using it <commit_before>from django.conf import settings from timepiece import models as timepiece from timepiece.forms import QuickSearchForm def timepiece_settings(request): default_famfamfam_url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'images/icons/' famfamfam_url = getattr(settings, 'FAMFAMFAM_URL', default_famfamfam_url) context = { 'FAMFAMFAM_URL': famfamfam_url, } return context def quick_search(request): return { 'quick_search_form': QuickSearchForm(), } def active_entries(request): active_entries = timepiece.Entry.objects.filter( end_time__isnull=True, ).exclude( user=request.user, ).select_related('user', 'project', 'activity') return { 'active_entries': active_entries, } def extra_nav(request): context = { 'extra_nav': getattr(settings, 'EXTRA_NAV', {}) } return context <commit_after>from django.conf import settings from timepiece import models as timepiece from timepiece.forms import QuickSearchForm def timepiece_settings(request): default_famfamfam_url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'images/icons/' famfamfam_url = getattr(settings, 'FAMFAMFAM_URL', default_famfamfam_url) context = { 'FAMFAMFAM_URL': famfamfam_url, } return context def quick_search(request): return { 'quick_search_form': QuickSearchForm(), } def active_entries(request): active_entries = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): active_entries = timepiece.Entry.objects.filter( end_time__isnull=True, ).exclude( user=request.user, ).select_related('user', 'project', 'activity') return { 'active_entries': active_entries, } def extra_nav(request): context = { 'extra_nav': getattr(settings, 'EXTRA_NAV', {}) } return context
<commit_msg>Change sniffing to be more robust Known bugs: Will update playing.txt when someone tries to use the speakers if already in use. Saving grace is it'll change to the right person a second later. <commit_before>from scapy.all import * def airplay_callback(pkt): try: if pkt['Raw'].load[0:5] == 'SETUP': # Someone is starting to play! Add them to the list yo with open('/tmp/playing.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(pkt[IP].src) print "Updated playing.txt to " + pkt[IP].src elif pkt['Raw'].load[0:5] == 'TEARD': # Someone is getting *off* those speakers, yo with open('/tmp/playing.txt', 'w') as f: pass # Rewrite it with nothing print "Updated playing.txt to be blank" except: pass # meh sniff(filter="tcp and port 5000", store=0, prn=airplay_callback); <commit_after>from scapy.all import * cur_ip = False def airplay_callback(pkt): try: if pkt[IP].sprintf('%proto%') == 'tcp': # This could be anything! Parse further if pkt['Raw'].load[0:5] == 'TEARD': # Anyone can teardown, only remove the IP if it's the currently playing person global cur_ip if cur_ip == pkt[IP].src: # Someone is getting *off* those speakers, yo with open('/tmp/playing.txt', 'w') as f: pass # Rewrite it with nothing print "Updated playing.txt to be blank" else: # Should be UDP if cur_ip != pkt[IP].src: # A new person! with open('/tmp/playing.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(pkt[IP].src) cur_ip = pkt[IP].src print "Updated playing.txt to " + pkt[IP].src except: pass # meh sniff(filter="port 5000 or port 6001", store=0, prn=airplay_callback);
<commit_msg>Add two options for map renamings <commit_before>package jkind.api.results; import java.util.Map; /** * A renaming backed by a map from strings to strings */ public class MapRenaming extends Renaming { private Map<String, String> map; public MapRenaming(Map<String, String> map) { = map; } @Override public String rename(String original) { return map.get(original); } } <commit_after>package jkind.api.results; import java.util.Map; /** * A renaming backed by a map from strings to strings */ public class MapRenaming extends Renaming { private final Map<String, String> map; private final Mode mode; public static enum Mode { NULL, IDENTITY } public MapRenaming(Map<String, String> map, Mode mode) { = map; this.mode = mode; } @Override public String rename(String original) { String renamed = map.get(original); if (renamed == null && mode == Mode.IDENTITY) { return original; } else { return renamed; } } }
<commit_msg>Remove extraneous method in Problem 15 <commit_before>//===-- problems/Problem15.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // solutions by Will Mitchell // // This file is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// \brief Problem 15: Lattice paths /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef PROBLEMS_PROBLEM15_H #define PROBLEMS_PROBLEM15_H #include <string> #include <gmpxx.h> #include "../Problem.h" namespace problems { class Problem15 : public Problem { public: Problem15() : value(0), solved(false) {} ~Problem15() = default; std::string answer(); std::string description() const; void solve(); // Simple brute force solution unsigned long long bruteForce(const unsigned long long limit) const; private: /// Cached answer mpz_class value; /// If cached answer is valid bool solved; }; } #endif <commit_after>//===-- problems/Problem15.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // solutions by Will Mitchell // // This file is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// \brief Problem 15: Lattice paths /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef PROBLEMS_PROBLEM15_H #define PROBLEMS_PROBLEM15_H #include <string> #include <gmpxx.h> #include "../Problem.h" namespace problems { class Problem15 : public Problem { public: Problem15() : value(0), solved(false) {} ~Problem15() = default; std::string answer(); std::string description() const; void solve(); private: /// Cached answer mpz_class value; /// If cached answer is valid bool solved; }; } #endif
<commit_msg>Fix the UUID Parcel implementation <commit_before>use {Parcel, Error, Settings}; use std::io::prelude::*; use uuid::Uuid; impl Parcel for Uuid { fn read(read: &mut Read, settings: &Settings, _: &mut hint::Hints) -> Result<Self, Error> { let bytes: Result<Vec<u8>, _> = read.bytes().take(16).collect(); let bytes = bytes?; Ok(Uuid::from_bytes(&bytes)?) } fn write(&self, write: &mut Write) -> Result<(), Error> { write.write(self.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } } <commit_after>use {Parcel, Error, Settings}; use hint; use std::io::prelude::*; use uuid::Uuid; impl Parcel for Uuid { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Uuid"; fn read(read: &mut Read, _: &Settings, _: &mut hint::Hints) -> Result<Self, Error> { let bytes: Result<Vec<u8>, _> = read.bytes().take(16).collect(); let bytes = bytes?; Ok(Uuid::from_bytes(&bytes)?) } fn write(&self, write: &mut Write, _: &Settings) -> Result<(), Error> { write.write(self.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } }
<commit_msg>Remove single quote marks from jsonif <commit_before>"""Add a template tag to turn python objects into JSON""" import types import json from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe register = template.Library() @register.filter def jsonify(obj): if isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType): obj = list(obj) return mark_safe(json.dumps(obj)) <commit_after>"""Add a template tag to turn python objects into JSON""" import types import json from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe register = template.Library() @register.filter def jsonify(obj): """Turn object into a json instance""" if isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType): obj = list(obj) return mark_safe(json.dumps(obj).replace("'", "\\'"))
<commit_msg>Use importlib.import_module instead of __import__ <commit_before> def import_class(import_path): """Import a class based on given dotted import path string. It just splits the import path in order to geth the module and class names, then it just calls to :py:func:`__import__` with the module name and :py:func:`getattr` with the module and the class name. Params: ``import_path``: A dotted import path string. Returns: ``class``: The class once imported. Raises: :py:exc:`ImportError` """ parts = import_path.split('.') mod_str, klass_str = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1] try: mod = __import__(mod_str) return getattr(mod, klass_str) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise ImportError('Unable to import {klass} from module {mod}'.format( klass=klass_str, mod=mod_str, )) def import_object(import_path, *args, **kwargs): """Import a class and instantiate it. Uses :py:func:`import_class` in order to import the given class by its import path and instantiate it using given positional and keyword arguments. Params: ``import_path``: Same argument as :py:func:`import_class`. ``args``: Positional arguments for object instantiation. ``kwargs``: Keyword arguments for object instantiation. """ return import_class(import_path)(*args, **kwargs) <commit_after>import importlib def import_class(import_path): """Import a class based on given dotted import path string. It just splits the import path in order to geth the module and class names, then it just calls to :py:func:`__import__` with the module name and :py:func:`getattr` with the module and the class name. Params: ``import_path``: A dotted import path string. Returns: ``class``: The class once imported. Raises: :py:exc:`ImportError` """ parts = import_path.split('.') mod_str, klass_str = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1] try: mod = importlib.import_module(mod_str) return getattr(mod, klass_str) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise ImportError('Unable to import {klass} from module {mod}'.format( klass=klass_str, mod=mod_str, )) def import_object(import_path, *args, **kwargs): """Import a class and instantiate it. Uses :py:func:`import_class` in order to import the given class by its import path and instantiate it using given positional and keyword arguments. Params: ``import_path``: Same argument as :py:func:`import_class`. ``args``: Positional arguments for object instantiation. ``kwargs``: Keyword arguments for object instantiation. """ return import_class(import_path)(*args, **kwargs)
<commit_msg>Revert the superuser creation in a migration <commit_before>from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations from django.contrib.auth import models as auth_models def create_users(apps, schema_editor): qa_group, _ = auth_models.Group.objects.get_or_create(name="QA") localhost, _ = auth_models.User.objects.get_or_create(username="localhost", password="localhost", email="") qa_group.user_set.add(localhost) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('management', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [migrations.RunPython(create_users) ] <commit_after>from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations from django.contrib.auth import models as auth_models ADMIN_USERNAME = "rotest" ADMIN_PASSWORD = "rotest" def create_users(apps, schema_editor): qa_group, _ = auth_models.Group.objects.get_or_create(name="QA") localhost, _ = auth_models.User.objects.get_or_create(username="localhost", password="localhost", email="") qa_group.user_set.add(localhost) try: auth_models.User.objects.get(username=ADMIN_USERNAME) except auth_models.User.DoesNotExist: auth_models.User.objects.create_superuser(ADMIN_USERNAME, "", ADMIN_PASSWORD) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('management', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [migrations.RunPython(create_users) ]
<commit_msg>Improve error handling in stream status view - Check if stream exists and raise a 404 otherwise - Check if upstream returned a success status code and raise a 500 otherwise <commit_before>from api.streams.models import StreamConfiguration from django.http import JsonResponse from django.http.request import HttpRequest import requests def get_stream_status(request: HttpRequest, stream_slug: str): stream = StreamConfiguration.objects.get(slug=stream_slug) r = requests.get('http://{}:{stream.port}/status-json.xsl'.format(stream=stream), timeout=5) r.raise_for_status() return JsonResponse(r.json()) <commit_after>from api.streams.models import StreamConfiguration from django.http import JsonResponse, Http404 from django.http.request import HttpRequest import requests def get_stream_status(request: HttpRequest, stream_slug: str): try: stream = StreamConfiguration.objects.get(slug=stream_slug) except StreamConfiguration.DoesNotExist: raise Http404("Stream with slug {0} does not exist.".format(stream_slug)) r = requests.get('http://{}:{stream.port}/status-json.xsl'.format(stream=stream), timeout=5) if r.status_code != return JsonResponse({ "error": "Upstream request failed" }, status=500) return JsonResponse(r.json())
<commit_msg>Switch back to using the old SVN update location. While changing the download location would be nice, this keeps the option of putting a final data file that would force users to update. <commit_before>"""Handle program wide resources (files, images, etc...)""" import os import sys import base64 import tempfile def unpack_resource(data): """Convert base64 encoded data into a file handle, and a temporary file name to access the data""" file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() file_handle.write(base64.b64decode(data)) return (file_handle, #Paths to resource files program_path = os.path.realpath(sys.path[0]) resources_path = os.path.join(program_path,"Resources") translation_file = os.path.join(resources_path,"mlox.msg") gif_file = os.path.join(resources_path,"mlox.gif") base_file = os.path.join(program_path,"mlox_base.txt") user_file = os.path.join(program_path,"mlox_user.txt") #For the updater UPDATE_BASE = "mlox-data.7z" update_file = os.path.join(program_path,UPDATE_BASE) UPDATE_URL = '' + UPDATE_BASE <commit_after>"""Handle program wide resources (files, images, etc...)""" import os import sys import base64 import tempfile def unpack_resource(data): """Convert base64 encoded data into a file handle, and a temporary file name to access the data""" file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() file_handle.write(base64.b64decode(data)) return (file_handle, #Paths to resource files program_path = os.path.realpath(sys.path[0]) resources_path = os.path.join(program_path,"Resources") translation_file = os.path.join(resources_path,"mlox.msg") gif_file = os.path.join(resources_path,"mlox.gif") base_file = os.path.join(program_path,"mlox_base.txt") user_file = os.path.join(program_path,"mlox_user.txt") #For the updater UPDATE_BASE = "mlox-data.7z" update_file = os.path.join(program_path,UPDATE_BASE) UPDATE_URL = '' + UPDATE_BASE
<commit_msg>Revert trying to fix activation redirection bug This reverts commit c2d63335062abea4cece32bd01132bcf8dce44f2. It seems like the commit doesn't actually do anything to alleviate the bug. Since it's also more lenient with its checks, I'll rather revert it. <commit_before>from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect DETACH_PATH = '/user/detach' ACTIVATE_PATH = '/user/activate' class DetachMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, request): if not request.path == '/login/' \ and not request.path.startswith('/api') \ and not request.user.is_anonymous: if not request.user.is_native: if not (request.path == DETACH_PATH or request.path.startswith('/logout')): return HttpResponseRedirect(DETACH_PATH) elif not request.user.is_mail_verified \ and not (ACTIVATE_PATH in request.path or request.path.startswith('/logout')): return HttpResponseRedirect(ACTIVATE_PATH)<commit_after>from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect DETACH_PATH = '/user/detach' ACTIVATE_PATH = '/user/activate' class DetachMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, request): if not request.path == '/login/' \ and not request.path.startswith('/api') \ and not request.user.is_anonymous: if not request.user.is_native: if not (request.path == DETACH_PATH or request.path.startswith('/logout')): return HttpResponseRedirect(DETACH_PATH) elif not request.user.is_mail_verified \ and not (request.path.startswith(ACTIVATE_PATH) or request.path.startswith('/logout')): return HttpResponseRedirect(ACTIVATE_PATH)
<commit_msg>Simplify deriving of CannedACL JSON classes <commit_before>{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- | Module for hand-written types that are used in generated modules. module Stratosphere.Types ( CannedACL (..) ) where import Data.Aeson import GHC.Generics -- | Amazon S3 supports a set of predefined grants, known as canned ACLs. Each -- canned ACL has a predefined a set of grantees and permissions. The following -- table lists the set of canned ACLs and the associated predefined grants. -- See: -- data CannedACL = AuthenticatedRead | AwsExecRead | BucketOwnerRead | BucketOwnerFullControl | LogDeliveryWrite | Private | PublicRead | PublicReadWrite deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic) deriving instance FromJSON CannedACL deriving instance ToJSON CannedACL <commit_after>{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- | Module for hand-written types that are used in generated modules. module Stratosphere.Types ( CannedACL (..) ) where import Data.Aeson import GHC.Generics -- | Amazon S3 supports a set of predefined grants, known as canned ACLs. Each -- canned ACL has a predefined a set of grantees and permissions. The following -- table lists the set of canned ACLs and the associated predefined grants. -- See: -- data CannedACL = AuthenticatedRead | AwsExecRead | BucketOwnerRead | BucketOwnerFullControl | LogDeliveryWrite | Private | PublicRead | PublicReadWrite deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
<commit_msg>Convert new test to Junit4 style <commit_before>package org.jfree.chart.axis.junit; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CompassFormat; /** * Tests for the {@link CompassFormat} class. */ public class CompassFormatTest extends TestCase { /** * Returns the tests as a test suite. * * @return The test suite. */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(CompassFormatTest.class); } /** * Constructs a new set of tests. * * @param name the name of the tests. */ public CompassFormatTest(String name) { super(name); } public void testDefaultConstructor() { final CompassFormat fmt = new CompassFormat(); assert("N".equals(fmt.getDirectionCode(0))); assert("N".equals(fmt.getDirectionCode(360))); } public void testCustomFormat() { final CompassFormat fmt = new CompassFormat(); final CompassFormat fmtCustom = new CompassFormat("N", "O", "S", "W"); assert("E".equals(fmt.getDirectionCode(90))); assert("O".equals(fmtCustom.getDirectionCode(90))); assert("NNO".equals(fmtCustom.getDirectionCode(22.5))); } } <commit_after>package org.jfree.chart.axis.junit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CompassFormat; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * Tests for the {@link CompassFormat} class. */ public class CompassFormatTest { @Test public void testDefaultConstructor() { final CompassFormat fmt = new CompassFormat(); assertEquals("N", fmt.getDirectionCode(0)); assertEquals("N", fmt.getDirectionCode(360)); } @Test public void testCustomFormat() { final CompassFormat fmt = new CompassFormat(); final CompassFormat fmtCustom = new CompassFormat("N", "O", "S", "W"); assertEquals("E", fmt.getDirectionCode(90)); assertEquals("O", fmtCustom.getDirectionCode(90)); assertEquals("NNO", fmtCustom.getDirectionCode(22.5)); } }
<commit_msg>Move top-level imports from v0 to v1. <commit_before>import intake del intake import warnings import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ._core import (Broker, BrokerES, Header, ALL, lookup_config, list_configs, describe_configs, temp_config, wrap_in_doct, DeprecatedDoct, wrap_in_deprecated_doct) from .discovery import MergedCatalog, EntrypointsCatalog, V0Catalog # A catalog created from discovered entrypoints and v0 catalogs. catalog = MergedCatalog([EntrypointsCatalog(), V0Catalog()]) # set version string using versioneer from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()['version'] del get_versions ### Legacy imports ### try: from .databroker import DataBroker except ImportError: pass else: from .databroker import (DataBroker, DataBroker as db, get_events, get_table, stream, get_fields, restream, process) from .pims_readers import get_images <commit_after>import intake del intake import warnings import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from .v1 import Broker, Header, ALL, temp, temp_config from .utils import (lookup_config, list_configs, describe_configs, wrap_in_doct, DeprecatedDoct, wrap_in_deprecated_doct) from .discovery import MergedCatalog, EntrypointsCatalog, V0Catalog # A catalog created from discovered entrypoints and v0 catalogs. catalog = MergedCatalog([EntrypointsCatalog(), V0Catalog()]) # set version string using versioneer from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()['version'] del get_versions ### Legacy imports ### try: from .databroker import DataBroker except ImportError: pass else: from .databroker import (DataBroker, DataBroker as db, get_events, get_table, stream, get_fields, restream, process) from .pims_readers import get_images
<commit_msg>Add tests for (nottx)riak manager. <commit_before>"""Tests for vumi.persist.riak_manager.""" from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from vumi.persist.riak_manager import RiakManager class TestRiakManager(TestCase): pass <commit_after>"""Tests for vumi.persist.riak_manager.""" from itertools import count from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue from vumi.persist.riak_manager import RiakManager, flatten_generator from vumi.persist.tests.test_txriak_manager import CommonRiakManagerTests class TestRiakManager(CommonRiakManagerTests, TestCase): """Most tests are inherited from the CommonRiakManagerTests mixin.""" def setUp(self): self.manager = RiakManager.from_config({'bucket_prefix': 'test.'}) self.manager.purge_all() def tearDown(self): self.manager.purge_all() def test_call_decorator(self): self.assertEqual(RiakManager.call_decorator, flatten_generator) def test_flatten_generator(self): results = [] counter = count() @flatten_generator def f(): for i in range(3): a = yield results.append(a) ret = f() self.assertEqual(ret, None) self.assertEqual(results, list(range(3))) def test_flatter_generator_with_return_value(self): @flatten_generator def f(): yield None returnValue("foo") ret = f() self.assertEqual(ret, "foo")
<commit_msg>Add HasChoices method to Type <commit_before>package form type Type int const ( // <input type="text"> TEXT Type = iota + 1 // <input type="password"> PASSWORD // <input type="hidden"> HIDDEN // <textarea> TEXTAREA // <input type="checkbox"> CHECKBOX // <input type="radio"> RADIO // <select> SELECT ) <commit_after>package form type Type int const ( // <input type="text"> TEXT Type = iota + 1 // <input type="password"> PASSWORD // <input type="hidden"> HIDDEN // <textarea> TEXTAREA // <input type="checkbox"> CHECKBOX // <input type="radio"> RADIO // <select> SELECT ) // HasChoices returns wheter the type has multiple // choices, which corresponds to RADIO and SELECT // elements. func (t Type) HasChoices() bool { return t == RADIO || t == SELECT }
<commit_msg>Use collection to get the id of the inserted quiz <commit_before>import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'; import {Quiz} from "../../both/models/quiz.model"; import {QuizCollection} from "../../both/collections/quiz.collection"; Meteor.methods({ saveQuiz: function(quizModel: Quiz) { return QuizCollection.insert(quizModel); } });<commit_after>import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'; import {Quiz} from "../../both/models/quiz.model"; import {QuizCollection} from "../../both/collections/quiz.collection"; Meteor.methods({ saveQuiz: function(quizModel: Quiz) { return QuizCollection.collection.insert(quizModel); } });
<commit_msg>Fix compilation error C2664 on VS2013 No converting constructor <commit_before>// // Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman. // Distributed under the MIT License ( // #pragma once #include <spdlog/details/log_msg.h> namespace spdlog { namespace sinks { class sink { public: sink(): _level( level::trace ) {} virtual ~sink() {} virtual void log(const details::log_msg& msg) = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; bool should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const; void set_level(level::level_enum log_level); level::level_enum level() const; private: level_t _level; }; inline bool sink::should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const { return msg_level >= _level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } inline void sink::set_level(level::level_enum log_level) {; } inline level::level_enum sink::level() const { return static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); } } } <commit_after>// // Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman. // Distributed under the MIT License ( // #pragma once #include <spdlog/details/log_msg.h> namespace spdlog { namespace sinks { class sink { public: sink() { _level = (int)level::trace; } virtual ~sink() {} virtual void log(const details::log_msg& msg) = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; bool should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const; void set_level(level::level_enum log_level); level::level_enum level() const; private: level_t _level; }; inline bool sink::should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const { return msg_level >= _level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } inline void sink::set_level(level::level_enum log_level) {; } inline level::level_enum sink::level() const { return static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); } } }
<commit_msg>Add filename to square masks <commit_before>from PIL import Image import glob def _get_masks(): TRAIN_MASKS = './data/train/*_mask.tif' return [ for file_name in glob.glob(TRAIN_MASKS)] def _get_rectangle_masks(): rectangle_masks = [] for image in _get_masks(): rectangle_mask = ((0,0), (0,0)) mask_coord = [(i-image.width*(i/image.width), i/image.width) for i, pixel in enumerate(image.getdata()) if pixel != 0] if mask_coord: mask_xs, mask_ys = zip(*mask_coord) rectangle_mask = ((min(mask_xs), mask_ys[0]), (max(mask_xs), mask_ys[len(mask_ys)-1])) rectangle_masks.append(rectangle_mask) return rectangle_masks def run(): print _get_rectangle_masks() if __name__ == '__main__': run() <commit_after>from PIL import Image import glob def _get_masks(): TRAIN_MASKS = './data/train/*_mask.tif' return [ for file_name in glob.glob(TRAIN_MASKS)] def _get_rectangle_masks(): rectangle_masks = [] for image in _get_masks(): rectangle_mask = ((0,0), (0,0)) mask_coord = [(i-image.width*(i/image.width), i/image.width) for i, pixel in enumerate(image.getdata()) if pixel != 0] if mask_coord: mask_xs, mask_ys = zip(*mask_coord) rectangle_mask = (image.filename, ((min(mask_xs), mask_ys[0]), (max(mask_xs), mask_ys[len(mask_ys)-1]))) rectangle_masks.append(rectangle_mask) return rectangle_masks def run(): print _get_rectangle_masks() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
<commit_msg>[Win] Use the default, non-high-res avatar when badging the taskbar. BUG=374173 TEST=Start Chrome with --new-profile-management. Open and 'Incognito' window. The taksbar icon should now have a grey background. Review URL: git-svn-id: de016e52bd170d2d4f2344f9bf92d50478b649e0@271862 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98 <commit_before>// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/profiles/avatar_menu.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_info_cache.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" // static void AvatarMenu::GetImageForMenuButton(Profile* profile, gfx::Image* image, bool* is_rectangle) { ProfileInfoCache& cache = g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetProfileInfoCache(); size_t index = cache.GetIndexOfProfileWithPath(profile->GetPath()); if (index == std::string::npos) { NOTREACHED(); return; } *image = cache.GetAvatarIconOfProfileAtIndex(index); *is_rectangle = cache.IsUsingGAIAPictureOfProfileAtIndex(index) && cache.GetGAIAPictureOfProfileAtIndex(index); } <commit_after>// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/profiles/avatar_menu.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_avatar_icon_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_info_cache.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" // static void AvatarMenu::GetImageForMenuButton(Profile* profile, gfx::Image* image, bool* is_rectangle) { ProfileInfoCache& cache = g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetProfileInfoCache(); size_t index = cache.GetIndexOfProfileWithPath(profile->GetPath()); if (index == std::string::npos) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // Ensure we are using the default resource, not the downloaded high-res one. const size_t icon_index = cache.GetAvatarIconIndexOfProfileAtIndex(index); const int resource_id = profiles::GetDefaultAvatarIconResourceIDAtIndex(icon_index); *image = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetNativeImageNamed(resource_id); *is_rectangle = cache.IsUsingGAIAPictureOfProfileAtIndex(index) && cache.GetGAIAPictureOfProfileAtIndex(index); }
<commit_msg>stdlib: Make api directly available in stdlib <commit_before>import six import subprocess import os def call(args, split=True): """ Call an external program, capture and automatically utf-8 decode its ouput. Then, supress output to stderr and redirect to /dev/null. :param args: Command to execute :type args: list :param split: Split the output on newlines :type split: bool :return: stdout output, 'utf-8' decoded, split by lines if split=True :rtype: unicode/str or [unicode/str] if split=True """ r = None with open(os.devnull, mode='w') as err: if six.PY3: r = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=err, encoding='utf-8') else: r = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=err).decode('utf-8') if split: return r.splitlines() return r <commit_after>import six import subprocess import os from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api def call(args, split=True): """ Call an external program, capture and automatically utf-8 decode its ouput. Then, supress output to stderr and redirect to /dev/null. :param args: Command to execute :type args: list :param split: Split the output on newlines :type split: bool :return: stdout output, 'utf-8' decoded, split by lines if split=True :rtype: unicode/str or [unicode/str] if split=True """ r = None with open(os.devnull, mode='w') as err: if six.PY3: r = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=err, encoding='utf-8') else: r = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=err).decode('utf-8') if split: return r.splitlines() return r
<commit_msg>42: Add direct inferred edges as part of loading SciGraph Task-Url: Removes test to resolve inference issues<commit_before>package edu.sdsc.scigraph.owlapi.cases; import static; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; import org.junit.Test; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import edu.sdsc.scigraph.owlapi.OwlRelationships; public class TestInferredEdges extends OwlTestCase { @Test public void testInferredEdges() { Node cx = getNode(""); Node dx = getNode(""); Iterable<Relationship> superclasses = dx.getRelationships(OwlRelationships.RDF_SUBCLASS_OF, Direction.OUTGOING); Relationship r = getOnlyElement(superclasses); assertThat(r.getOtherNode(dx), is(cx)); } } <commit_after>package edu.sdsc.scigraph.owlapi.cases; import static; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import edu.sdsc.scigraph.owlapi.OwlRelationships; @Ignore public class TestInferredEdges extends OwlTestCase { @Test public void testInferredEdges() { Node cx = getNode(""); Node dx = getNode(""); Iterable<Relationship> superclasses = dx.getRelationships(OwlRelationships.RDF_SUBCLASS_OF, Direction.OUTGOING); Relationship r = getOnlyElement(superclasses); assertThat(r.getOtherNode(dx), is(cx)); } }
<commit_msg>Add command line args to App <commit_before> from command import Command from database import DatabaseSQLite from client import Client from server import Server class App: def run(self, testname, database): server = ServerLoader.load(testname) def parseCommandLine(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--testname', required=True) parser.add_argument('--database', required=True) parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('--logfile', default=__name__ + '.log') return parser.parse_args() def configLogging(args): level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % args.loglevel) format = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=format, filename=args.logfile, level=level) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseCommandLine() configLogging(args) app = App(), args.database) <commit_after>import argparse import logging from command import Command from database import DatabaseSQLite from client import Client from server import Server from serverLoader import ServerLoader class App: server = None def __init__(self, testname, database): self.server = ServerLoader().load(testname, database) def run(self): def parseCommandLine(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--testname', required=True) parser.add_argument('--database', required=True) parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='INFO') parser.add_argument('--logfile', default=__name__ + '.log') return parser.parse_args() def configLogging(args): level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % args.loglevel) format = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=format, filename=args.logfile, level=level) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseCommandLine() configLogging(args) app = App(args.testname, args.database)
<commit_msg>Apply box constraints in GriadientDescentSolver. <commit_before>// CppNumericalSolver #ifndef GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ #define GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ #include <Eigen/Dense> #include "isolver.h" #include "../linesearch/morethuente.h" namespace cppoptlib { template<typename T> class GradientDescentSolver : public ISolver<T, 1> { public: /** * @brief minimize * @details [long description] * * @param objFunc [description] */ void minimize(Problem<T> &objFunc, Vector<T> & x0) { Vector<T> direction(x0.rows()); size_t iter = 0; T gradNorm = 0; do { objFunc.gradient(x0, direction); const T rate = MoreThuente<T, decltype(objFunc), 1>::linesearch(x0, -direction, objFunc) ; x0 = x0 - rate * direction; gradNorm = direction.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>(); // std::cout << "iter: "<<iter<< " f = " << objFunc.value(x0) << " ||g||_inf "<<gradNorm << std::endl; iter++; } while ((gradNorm > this->settings_.gradTol) && (iter < this->settings_.maxIter)); } }; } /* namespace cppoptlib */ #endif /* GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ */ <commit_after>// CppNumericalSolver #ifndef GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ #define GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ #include <Eigen/Dense> #include "isolver.h" #include "../linesearch/morethuente.h" namespace cppoptlib { template<typename T> class GradientDescentSolver : public ISolver<T, 1> { public: /** * @brief minimize * @details [long description] * * @param objFunc [description] */ void minimize(Problem<T> &objFunc, Vector<T> & x0) { Vector<T> direction(x0.rows()); size_t iter = 0; T gradNorm = 0; do { objFunc.gradient(x0, direction); const T rate = MoreThuente<T, decltype(objFunc), 1>::linesearch(x0, -direction, objFunc) ; x0 = x0 - rate * direction; objFunc.applyBounds(x0); gradNorm = direction.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>(); // std::cout << "iter: "<<iter<< " f = " << objFunc.value(x0) << " ||g||_inf "<<gradNorm << std::endl; iter++; } while ((gradNorm > this->settings_.gradTol) && (iter < this->settings_.maxIter)); } }; } /* namespace cppoptlib */ #endif /* GRADIENTDESCENTSOLVER_H_ */
<commit_msg>Allow renderer argument to paginated_view decorator <commit_before>import functools from flask import jsonify, request from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import Pagination from .request_utils import dictify_model, error_abort def paginate_query(query, default_page_size=100, renderer=dictify_model): try: page_size = int(request.args.get("page_size", default_page_size)) page = int(request.args.get("page", 1)) except ValueError: error_abort(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid integer value") num_objects = query.count() return { "metadata": { "total_num_objects": num_objects, "total_num_pages": _ceil_div(num_objects, page_size) or 1, "page": page, }, "result": [renderer(obj) for obj in query.offset((page-1)*page_size).limit(page_size)], } def _ceil_div(value, divisor): returned = float(value) / divisor if int(returned) != returned: return int(returned) + 1 return int(returned) def paginated_view(func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): returned = func(*args, **kwargs) return jsonify(paginate_query(returned)) return new_func <commit_after>import functools from flask import jsonify, request from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import Pagination from .request_utils import dictify_model, error_abort def paginate_query(query, default_page_size=100, renderer=dictify_model): try: page_size = int(request.args.get("page_size", default_page_size)) page = int(request.args.get("page", 1)) except ValueError: error_abort(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid integer value") num_objects = query.count() return { "metadata": { "total_num_objects": num_objects, "total_num_pages": _ceil_div(num_objects, page_size) or 1, "page": page, }, "result": [renderer(obj) for obj in query.offset((page-1)*page_size).limit(page_size)], } def _ceil_div(value, divisor): returned = float(value) / divisor if int(returned) != returned: return int(returned) + 1 return int(returned) def paginated_view(func=None, renderer=dictify_model): if func is None: return functools.partial(paginated_view, renderer=renderer) @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): returned = func(*args, **kwargs) return jsonify(paginate_query(returned, renderer=renderer)) return new_func
<commit_msg>Add outlines of functions and code for soundspeeds. <commit_before>''' pyflation.analysis.deltaprel - Module to calculate relative pressure perturbations. Author: Ian Huston For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file. ''' <commit_after>''' pyflation.analysis.deltaprel - Module to calculate relative pressure perturbations. Author: Ian Huston For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file. ''' def soundspeeds(Vphi, phidot, H): """Sound speeds of the background fields Arguments --------- Vphi: array_like First derivative of the potential with respect to the fields phidot: array_like First derivative of the field values with respect to efold number N. H: array_like The Hubble parameter All the arguments should have the same number of dimensions. Vphi and phidot should be arrays of the same size, but H should have a dimension of size 1 corresponding to the "field" dimension of the other variables. """ try: calphasq = 1 + 2*Vphi/(3*H**2*phidot) except ValueError: raise ValueError("""Arrays need to have the correct shape. Vphi and phidot should have exactly the same shape, and H should have a dimension of size 1 corresponding to the "field" dimension of the others.""") return calphasq def rhodots(): """Derivative in e-fold time of the energy densities of the individual fields.""" pass def fullrhodot(): """Combined derivative in e-fold time of the energy density of the field""" pass def deltarhosmatrix(): """Matrix of the first order perturbed energy densities of the field components.""" pass def deltaprel(): """Perturbed relative pressure of the fields given as quantum mode functions.""" pass def deltaprelspectrum(): """Power spectrum of the full perturbed relative pressure.""" pass
<commit_msg>Allow queries to be parsed as types <commit_before> module ParseQuery(parseQuery) where import Data.List import Type parseQuery :: String -> Query parseQuery x = Query (map f cat) names Nothing where (cat,names) = partition (':' `elem`) $ words x f ('+':xs) = f xs f ('-':xs) = let QTag _ a b = f xs in QTag False a b f xs = let (a,_:b) = break (== ':') xs in QTag True a b <commit_after> module ParseQuery(parseQuery) where import Data.List import Data.Tuple.Extra import Language.Haskell.Exts import Type parseQuery :: String -> Query parseQuery x | "::":xs <- names = Query cat [] (Just $ fromParseResult $ parseType $ unwords xs) | otherwise = Query cat names Nothing where (cat,names) = first (map f) $ partition (\x -> not (":" `isPrefixOf` x) && ':' `elem` x) $ words x f ('+':xs) = f xs f ('-':xs) = let QTag _ a b = f xs in QTag False a b f xs = let (a,_:b) = break (== ':') xs in QTag True a b
<commit_msg>Fix typos discovered by the Debian Lintian tool <commit_before>/* Package sentences is a golang package will convert a blob of text into a list of sentences. This package attempts to support a multitude of languages: czech, danish, dutch, english, estonian, finnish, french, german, greek, italian, norwegian, polish, portuguese, slovene, spanish, swedish, and turkish. An unsupervised multilingual sentence boundary detection library for golang. The goal of this library is to be able to break up any text into a list of sentences in multiple languages. The way the punkt system accomplishes this goal is through training the tokenizer with text in that given language. Once the likelyhoods of abbreviations, collocations, and sentence starters are determined, finding sentence boundaries becomes easier. There are many problems that arise when tokenizing text into sentences, the primary issue being abbreviations. The punkt system attempts to determine whether a word is an abbrevation, an end to a sentence, or even both through training the system with text in the given language. The punkt system incorporates both token- and type-based analysis on the text through two different phases of annotation. Original research article:;jsessionid=BAE5C34E5C3B9DC60DFC4D93B85D8BB1?doi= */ package sentences <commit_after>/* Package sentences is a golang package that will convert a blob of text into a list of sentences. This package attempts to support a multitude of languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. An unsupervised multilingual sentence boundary detection library for golang. The goal of this library is to be able to break up any text into a list of sentences in multiple languages. The way the punkt system accomplishes this goal is through training the tokenizer with text in that given language. Once the likelihoods of abbreviations, collocations, and sentence starters are determined, finding sentence boundaries becomes easier. There are many problems that arise when tokenizing text into sentences, the primary issue being abbreviations. The punkt system attempts to determine whether a word is an abbreviation, an end to a sentence, or even both through training the system with text in the given language. The punkt system incorporates both token- and type-based analysis on the text through two different phases of annotation. Original research article:;jsessionid=BAE5C34E5C3B9DC60DFC4D93B85D8BB1?doi= */ package sentences
<commit_msg>Fix hidden broken floating-point test <commit_before> TEST(DataObjectTests, ScalarDataObjectHasCorrectProperties) { float scalarValue = 5.0; DataObject five(scalarValue); EXPECT_EQ(five.Dim(), 0); std::vector<int64_t> expectedShape; EXPECT_EQ(five.Shape(), expectedShape); EXPECT_EQ(five.GetKind(), DataKind::SCALAR); } TEST(DataObjectTests, MatrixDataObjectHasCorrectProperties) { Eigen::MatrixXf m(3, 2); DataObject matrix(m); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.Dim(), 2); std::vector<int64_t> expectedShape({3, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.Shape(), expectedShape); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.GetKind(), DataKind::MATRIX); } TEST(DataObjectTests, ScalarDataObjectGivesCorrectScalarConversion) { DataObject five = Scalar(5.0); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(five.ToScalar(), 5.0); bool comparatorWorks = five == 5.0; EXPECT_EQ(comparatorWorks, true); } TEST(DataObjectTests, MatrixDataObjectGivesCorrectMatrixConversion) { Eigen::MatrixXf m(3, 2); DataObject matrix = Mat(m); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.ToMatrix(), m); bool comparatorWorks = matrix == m; EXPECT_EQ(comparatorWorks, true); } <commit_after> TEST(DataObjectTests, ScalarDataObjectHasCorrectProperties) { float scalarValue = 5.0; DataObject five(scalarValue); EXPECT_EQ(five.Dim(), 0); std::vector<int64_t> expectedShape; EXPECT_EQ(five.Shape(), expectedShape); EXPECT_EQ(five.GetKind(), DataKind::SCALAR); } TEST(DataObjectTests, MatrixDataObjectHasCorrectProperties) { Eigen::MatrixXf m(3, 2); DataObject matrix(m); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.Dim(), 2); std::vector<int64_t> expectedShape({3, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.Shape(), expectedShape); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.GetKind(), DataKind::MATRIX); } TEST(DataObjectTests, ScalarDataObjectGivesCorrectScalarConversion) { DataObject five = Scalar(5.0); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(five.ToScalar(), 5.0); bool comparatorWorks = five == 5.0; EXPECT_EQ(comparatorWorks, true); } TEST(DataObjectTests, MatrixDataObjectGivesCorrectMatrixConversion) { Eigen::MatrixXf m = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(3, 2); DataObject matrix = Mat(m); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.ToMatrix(), m); bool comparatorWorks = matrix == m; EXPECT_EQ(comparatorWorks, true); }
<commit_msg>Set the download link to the current version of django-request, not latest git. <commit_before>from distutils.core import setup import request setup( name='django-request', version='%s' % request.__version__, description='django-request is a statistics module for django. It stores requests in a database for admins to see, it can also be used to get statistics on who is online etc.', author='Kyle Fuller', author_email='', url='', download_url='', packages=['request', 'request.templatetags'], package_data={'request': ['templates/admin/request/*.html', 'templates/admin/request/request/*.html']}, license='BSD', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', ] ) <commit_after>from distutils.core import setup import request setup( name='django-request', version='%s' % request.__version__, description='django-request is a statistics module for django. It stores requests in a database for admins to see, it can also be used to get statistics on who is online etc.', author='Kyle Fuller', author_email='', url='', download_url='' % request.__version__, packages=['request', 'request.templatetags'], package_data={'request': ['templates/admin/request/*.html', 'templates/admin/request/request/*.html']}, license='BSD', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', ] )
<commit_msg>Fix tests. Add SSL test. <commit_before>package irc import ( // irc "" "fmt" "testing" ) func TestConnection(t *testing.T) { irccon := IRC("invisible", "invisible") fmt.Printf("Testing connection\n") err := irccon.Connect("") fmt.Printf("Connecting...") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Can't connect to freenode.") } irccon.AddCallback("001", func(e *Event) { irccon.Join("#invisible") }) irccon.AddCallback("PRIVMSG" , func(e *Event) { irccon.Privmsg("#invisible", "WHAT IS THIS\n") fmt.Printf("Got private message, likely should respond!\n") irccon.Privmsg(e.Nick , "WHAT") }) irccon.Loop() } <commit_after>package irc import ( // "" "testing" ) func TestConnection(t *testing.T) { irccon := IRC("go-eventirc", "go-eventirc") irccon.VerboseCallbackHandler = true err := irccon.Connect("") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Can't connect to freenode.") } irccon.AddCallback("001", func(e *Event) { irccon.Join("#go-eventirc") }) irccon.AddCallback("366" , func(e *Event) { irccon.Privmsg("#go-eventirc", "Test Message\n") irccon.Quit(); }) irccon.Loop() } func TestConnectionSSL(t *testing.T) { irccon := IRC("go-eventirc", "go-eventirc") irccon.VerboseCallbackHandler = true irccon.UseSSL = true err := irccon.Connect("") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Can't connect to freenode.") } irccon.AddCallback("001", func(e *Event) { irccon.Join("#go-eventirc") }) irccon.AddCallback("366" , func(e *Event) { irccon.Privmsg("#go-eventirc", "Test Message\n") irccon.Quit(); }) irccon.Loop() }
<commit_msg>Install c3d-metadata script as part of the package. <commit_before>import os import setuptools setuptools.setup( name='c3d', version='0.2.0', py_modules=['c3d'], author='Leif Johnson', author_email='', description='A library for manipulating C3D binary files', long_description=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'README.rst')).read(), license='MIT', url='', keywords=('c3d motion-capture'), install_requires=['numpy'], scripts=['scripts/c3d-viewer', 'scripts/c3d2csv'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', ], ) <commit_after>import os import setuptools setuptools.setup( name='c3d', version='0.2.0', py_modules=['c3d'], author='Leif Johnson', author_email='', description='A library for manipulating C3D binary files', long_description=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'README.rst')).read(), license='MIT', url='', keywords=('c3d motion-capture'), install_requires=['numpy'], scripts=['scripts/c3d-metadata', 'scripts/c3d-viewer', 'scripts/c3d2csv'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', ], )
<commit_msg>Fix unit tests for the blacklist <commit_before>import unittest import config from .. import ntokloapi class BlacklistTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.blacklist = ntokloapi.Blacklist(config.TEST_KEY, config.TEST_SECRET) def test_blacklist_add_singleitem(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10201', ]) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_add_multipleitems(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10202', '10203']) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_add_empty_elements(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10204', '10205', '', '']) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_remove_singleitem(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10201', ]) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_remove_multipleitems(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10202', '10203']) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_remove_empty_elements(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10204', '10205', '', '']) assert response == "204" def test_blacklist_show_items(self): response = self.blacklist.list() assert not response <commit_after>import unittest import config import ntokloapi class BlacklistTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.blacklist = ntokloapi.Blacklist(config.TEST_KEY, config.TEST_SECRET) def test_blacklist_add_singleitem(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10201', ]) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_add_multipleitems(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10202', '10203']) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_add_empty_elements(self): response = self.blacklist.add(productid=['10204', '10205', '', '']) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_remove_singleitem(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10201', ]) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_remove_multipleitems(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10202', '10203']) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_remove_empty_elements(self): response = self.blacklist.remove(productid=['10204', '10205', '', '']) assert response == 204 def test_blacklist_show_items(self): response = self.blacklist.list() assert not response
<commit_msg>Fix newlines in copying of errors<commit_before> from ...external.qt import QtGui __all__ = ['QMessageBoxPatched'] class QMessageBoxPatched(QtGui.QMessageBox): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QMessageBoxPatched, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) copy_action = QtGui.QAction('&Copy', self) copy_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy) copy_action.triggered.connect(self.copy_detailed) select_all = QtGui.QAction('Select &All', self) select_all.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.SelectAll) select_all.triggered.connect(self.select_all) menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar() editMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Edit') editMenu.addAction(copy_action) editMenu.addAction(select_all) self.layout().setMenuBar(menubar) @property def detailed_text_widget(self): return self.findChild(QtGui.QTextEdit) def select_all(self): self.detailed_text_widget.selectAll() def copy_detailed(self): clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() selected_text = self.detailed_text_widget.textCursor().selectedText() clipboard.setText(selected_text) <commit_after> import os from ...external.qt import QtGui __all__ = ['QMessageBoxPatched'] class QMessageBoxPatched(QtGui.QMessageBox): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QMessageBoxPatched, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) copy_action = QtGui.QAction('&Copy', self) copy_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy) copy_action.triggered.connect(self.copy_detailed) select_all = QtGui.QAction('Select &All', self) select_all.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.SelectAll) select_all.triggered.connect(self.select_all) menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar() editMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Edit') editMenu.addAction(copy_action) editMenu.addAction(select_all) self.layout().setMenuBar(menubar) @property def detailed_text_widget(self): return self.findChild(QtGui.QTextEdit) def select_all(self): self.detailed_text_widget.selectAll() def copy_detailed(self): clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() selected_text = self.detailed_text_widget.textCursor().selectedText() # Newlines are unicode, so need to normalize them to ASCII selected_text = os.linesep.join(selected_text.splitlines()) clipboard.setText(selected_text)
<commit_msg>Use strict file writing for saving This prevents us from trying to write to the save file while we are reading it. <commit_before>module Save ( save , retrieve ) where import Core import Binary import Data.Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) save :: FilePath -> IRCState -> IO () save fp = L.writeFile fp . encode retrieve :: FilePath -> IO IRCState retrieve fp = decode <$> L.readFile fp <commit_after>module Save ( save , retrieve ) where import Core import Binary import Data.Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) save :: FilePath -> IRCState -> IO () save fp = B.writeFile fp . L.toStrict . encode retrieve :: FilePath -> IO IRCState retrieve fp = decode . L.fromStrict <$> B.readFile fp
<commit_msg>Put the generator instanciation in the setUp <commit_before>try: from unittest2 import TestCase except ImportError: from unittest import TestCase # flake8: noqa import six from mock import patch from daybed.backends.id_generators import KoremutakeGenerator class KoremutakeGeneratorTest(TestCase): def test_it_defaults_the_max_bytes_to_4(self): generator = KoremutakeGenerator() self.assertEquals(generator.max_bytes, 4) @patch('koremutake.encode') def test_it_doesnt_reuse_a_name_twice(self, encode): encode.side_effect = ['existing-value', 'new-value'] created = ['existing-value'] def _exists(key): return key in created generator = KoremutakeGenerator() self.assertEquals(generator(key_exist=_exists), 'new-value') def test_it_returns_a_string_with_a_max_size(self): generator = KoremutakeGenerator() uid = generator() self.assertTrue(len(uid) <= 24) self.assertIsInstance(uid, six.text_type) <commit_after>try: from unittest2 import TestCase except ImportError: from unittest import TestCase # flake8: noqa import six from mock import patch from daybed.backends.id_generators import KoremutakeGenerator class KoremutakeGeneratorTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.generator = KoremutakeGenerator() def test_it_defaults_the_max_bytes_to_4(self): self.assertEquals(generator.max_bytes, 4) @patch('koremutake.encode') def test_it_doesnt_reuse_a_name_twice(self, encode): encode.side_effect = ['existing-value', 'new-value'] created = ['existing-value'] def _exists(key): return key in created self.assertEquals(self.generator(key_exist=_exists), 'new-value') def test_it_returns_a_string_with_a_max_size(self): uid = self.generator() self.assertTrue(len(uid) <= 24) self.assertIsInstance(uid, six.text_type)
<commit_msg>Use '' to ensure your API is reachable outside localhost. <commit_before> import os from eve import Eve if __name__ == '__main__': # Heroku support: bind to PORT if defined, otherwise default to 5000. if 'PORT' in os.environ: port = int(os.environ.get('PORT')) host = '' else: port = 5000 host = '' app = Eve(), port=port) <commit_after> import os from eve import Eve if __name__ == '__main__': # Heroku support: bind to PORT if defined, otherwise default to 5000. if 'PORT' in os.environ: port = int(os.environ.get('PORT')) # use '' to ensure your REST API is reachable from all your # network (and not only your computer). host = '' else: port = 5000 host = '' app = Eve(), port=port)
<commit_msg>mrp: Add tvOS 13.4 build number <commit_before>"""Lookup methods for device data.""" import re from pyatv.const import DeviceModel _MODEL_LIST = { "AppleTV2,1": DeviceModel.Gen2, "AppleTV3,1": DeviceModel.Gen3, "AppleTV3,2": DeviceModel.Gen3, "AppleTV5,3": DeviceModel.Gen4, "AppleTV6,2": DeviceModel.Gen4K, } # Incomplete list here! _VERSION_LIST = { "17J586": "13.0", "17K82": "13.2", "17K449": "13.3", "17K795": "13.3.1", } def lookup_model(identifier): """Lookup device model from identifier.""" return _MODEL_LIST.get(identifier, DeviceModel.Unknown) def lookup_version(build): """Lookup OS version from build.""" if not build: return None version = _VERSION_LIST.get(build) if version: return version match = re.match(r"^(\d+)[A-Z]", build) if match: base = int(match.groups()[0]) # 17A123 corresponds to tvOS 13.x, 16A123 to tvOS 12.x and so on return str(base - 4) + ".x" return None <commit_after>"""Lookup methods for device data.""" import re from pyatv.const import DeviceModel _MODEL_LIST = { "AppleTV2,1": DeviceModel.Gen2, "AppleTV3,1": DeviceModel.Gen3, "AppleTV3,2": DeviceModel.Gen3, "AppleTV5,3": DeviceModel.Gen4, "AppleTV6,2": DeviceModel.Gen4K, } # Incomplete list here! _VERSION_LIST = { "17J586": "13.0", "17K82": "13.2", "17K449": "13.3", "17K795": "13.3.1", "17L256": "13.4", } def lookup_model(identifier): """Lookup device model from identifier.""" return _MODEL_LIST.get(identifier, DeviceModel.Unknown) def lookup_version(build): """Lookup OS version from build.""" if not build: return None version = _VERSION_LIST.get(build) if version: return version match = re.match(r"^(\d+)[A-Z]", build) if match: base = int(match.groups()[0]) # 17A123 corresponds to tvOS 13.x, 16A123 to tvOS 12.x and so on return str(base - 4) + ".x" return None
<commit_msg>Make a watchdog timer blink a LED <commit_before> int main (void) { //Set pin 3 as output to source current? PORTB = 1<<PORTB3; DDRB = 1<<DDB3; }<commit_after> int main ( void ) { //Disable interrupts and reset WDT timer cli(); wdt_reset(); //Reset MCU status register MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF); //Disable watchdog WDTCR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE); WDTCR = 0; //Enable LED DDRB = 1<<DDB3; PORTB = 1<<PORTB3; //Start watchdog WDTCR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE); WDTCR = (1<<WDTIE) | (1<<WDP2) | (1<<WDP1); //Enable interrupts sei(); while(1); } //Catching WatchDog interrupts ISR ( WDT_vect ) { PORTB ^= 1<<PORTB3; }
<commit_msg>Load choob-plugin:s from local directories before classpath <commit_before>package; import; import; import; import; import; import; class ChoobURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { final String path = u.getPath(); { final URL resource = ChoobURLStreamHandler.class.getResource(path); if (null != resource) return resource.openConnection(); } for (File sourcePath : new File[] { new File("main/plugins-alpha"), new File("main/plugins"), new File("src/main/plugins-alpha"), new File("src/main/plugins"), }) { final File f = new File(sourcePath, u.getPath()); if (f.isFile()) return new URL("file:///" + f.getAbsolutePath()).openConnection(); } throw new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't resolve '" + path + "' from the classpath or source directories"); } } <commit_after>package; import; import; import; import; import; import; class ChoobURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { final String path = u.getPath(); for (File sourcePath : new File[] { new File("main/plugins-alpha"), new File("main/plugins"), new File("src/main/plugins-alpha"), new File("src/main/plugins"), }) { final File f = new File(sourcePath, u.getPath()); if (f.isFile()) return new URL("file:///" + f.getAbsolutePath()).openConnection(); } { final URL resource = ChoobURLStreamHandler.class.getResource(path); if (null != resource) return resource.openConnection(); } throw new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't resolve '" + path + "' from the classpath or source directories"); } }
<commit_msg>Update list of extraordinary gentlemen <commit_before>ADMINFAG = ["RealDolos"] PARROTFAG = "Parrot" BLACKFAGS = [i.casefold() for i in ( "kalyx", "merc", "loliq", "annoying", "bot", "RootBeats", "JEW2FORU", "quag", "mire", "perici")] OBAMAS = [i.casefold() for i in ( "counselor", "briseis", "apha", "bread", "ark3", "jizzbomb", "acid", "elkoalemos", "tarta")] BLACKROOMS = "e7u-CG", "jAzmc3", "f66jeG", "24_zFd" WHITEROOMS = "9pdLvy" <commit_after>ADMINFAG = ["RealDolos"] PARROTFAG = "Parrot" BLACKFAGS = [i.casefold() for i in ( "kalyx", "merc", "loliq", "annoying", "RootBeats", "JEW2FORU", "quag", "mire", "perici", "Voldemort", "briseis", "brisis", "GNUsuks", "rhooes", "n1sm4n", "honeyhole", "Printer", "yume1")] OBAMAS = [i.casefold() for i in ( "counselor", "briseis", "apha", "bread", "ark3", "jizzbomb", "acid", "elkoalemos", "tarta", "counselor", "myon")] BLACKROOMS = "e7u-CG", "jAzmc3", "f66jeG", "24_zFd", "BHfjGvT", "BHI0pxg", WHITEROOMS = "BEEPi",
<commit_msg>Tweak Sentry config to work in development This makes a couple of changes: - Most importantly, it wraps the setup code in a conditional so that developers don't need to have a DSN set to start the app locally. - Secondly, it removes the redundant call to "set_level". Originally I thought the integration was sending info/warning events, but this isn't the case [1] and even if it was, "set_level" affects the level of custom events [2], not the level they are dispatched at. [1]: [2]: <commit_before>import os import sentry_sdk from flask import Flask from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.redis import RedisIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations import logging from app import create_app sentry_sdk.init( dsn=os.environ['SENTRY_DSN'], integrations=[FlaskIntegration(), RedisIntegration()], environment=os.environ['NOTIFY_ENVIRONMENT'], attach_stacktrace=True, traces_sample_rate=0.00005 # avoid exceeding rate limits in Production ) sentry_sdk.set_level('error') # only record error logs or exceptions logging.ignore_logger('notifications_python_client.*') # ignore logs about 404s, etc. application = Flask('app') create_app(application) <commit_after>import os import sentry_sdk from flask import Flask from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.redis import RedisIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations import logging from app import create_app if 'SENTRY_DSN' in os.environ: sentry_sdk.init( dsn=os.environ['SENTRY_DSN'], integrations=[FlaskIntegration(), RedisIntegration()], environment=os.environ['NOTIFY_ENVIRONMENT'], attach_stacktrace=True, traces_sample_rate=0.00005 # avoid exceeding rate limits in Production ) logging.ignore_logger('notifications_python_client.*') # ignore logs about 404s, etc. application = Flask('app') create_app(application)
<commit_msg>Fix getting product in build_dashboard task <commit_before>from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from keeper.celery import celery_app from keeper.models import Product from import build_dashboard as build_dashboard_svc if TYPE_CHECKING: import celery.task __all__ = ["build_dashboard"] logger = get_task_logger(__name__) @celery_app.task(bind=True) def build_dashboard(self: celery.task.Task, product_id: str) -> None: """Build a product's dashboard as a Celery task. Parameters ---------- product_url : `str` URL of the product resource. """ "Starting dashboard build product_id=%s retry=%d", product_id, self.request.retries, ) product = Product.query(id=product_id).one() build_dashboard_svc(product, logger)"Finished triggering dashboard build") <commit_after>from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from keeper.celery import celery_app from keeper.models import Product from import build_dashboard as build_dashboard_svc if TYPE_CHECKING: import celery.task __all__ = ["build_dashboard"] logger = get_task_logger(__name__) @celery_app.task(bind=True) def build_dashboard(self: celery.task.Task, product_id: str) -> None: """Build a product's dashboard as a Celery task. Parameters ---------- product_url : `str` URL of the product resource. """ "Starting dashboard build product_id=%s retry=%d", product_id, self.request.retries, ) product = Product.query.get(product_id) build_dashboard_svc(product, logger)"Finished triggering dashboard build")
<commit_msg>Address execve protection fault in Octave autoconfig `octave-cli` is what we really want <commit_before>from .base_executor import ScriptExecutor class Executor(ScriptExecutor): ext = '.m' name = 'OCTAVE' command = 'octave' address_grace = 131072 test_program = "disp(input('', 's'))" fs = ['.*\.m', '/lib/', '/etc/nsswitch\.conf$', '/etc/passwd$', '/usr/share/', '/etc/fltk/'] def get_cmdline(self): return [self.get_command(), '--no-gui', '--no-history', '--no-init-file', '--no-site-file', '--no-window-system', '--norc', '--quiet', self._code] <commit_after>from .base_executor import ScriptExecutor class Executor(ScriptExecutor): ext = '.m' name = 'OCTAVE' command = 'octave' address_grace = 131072 test_program = "disp(input('', 's'))" fs = ['.*\.m', '/lib/', '/etc/nsswitch\.conf$', '/etc/passwd$', '/usr/share/', '/etc/fltk/'] def get_cmdline(self): return [self.get_command(), '--no-gui', '--no-history', '--no-init-file', '--no-site-file', '--no-window-system', '--norc', '--quiet', self._code] @classmethod def get_find_first_mapping(cls): return { 'octave': ['octave-cli'], }
<commit_msg>Move the structure definition on a better place <commit_before>/** Author : Paul TREHIOU & Victor SENE * Date : November 2014 **/ /** * Declaration Point structure * x - real wich is the abscisse of the point * y - real wich is the ordinate of the point */ typedef struct { float x; float y; }Point; /** * Function wich create a point with a specified abscisse and ordinate * abscisse - real * ordinate - real * return a new point */ Point createPoint(float abscisse, float ordinate); /** * Declaration of the Element structure * value - value of the point of the current element of the polygon * next - pointer on the next element * previous - pointer on the previous element */ typedef struct pointelem{ Point value; pointelem* next; pointelem* previous; }PointElement; /** * Declaration of the Polygon */ typedef PointElement* Polygon; <commit_after>/** Author : Paul TREHIOU & Victor SENE * Date : November 2014 **/ /** * Declaration Point structure * x - real wich is the abscisse of the point * y - real wich is the ordinate of the point */ typedef struct { float x; float y; }Point; /** * Declaration of the Element structure * value - value of the point of the current element of the polygon * next - pointer on the next element * previous - pointer on the previous element */ typedef struct pointelem{ Point value; pointelem* next; pointelem* previous; }PointElement; /** * Declaration of the Polygon */ typedef PointElement* Polygon; /** * Function wich create a point with a specified abscisse and ordinate * abscisse - real * ordinate - real * return a new point */ Point createPoint(float abscisse, float ordinate);
<commit_msg>Clone the propMetadata key as well <commit_before>import { OpaqueToken, Inject } from '@angular/core'; export const CONFIG_INITIALIZER = new OpaqueToken('Config initializer'); export function ConfigInitializer<T>(config: T) { type ConfigInitializerType = (config: T) => void; const reflect: any = (window as any)['Reflect']; const getOwnMetadata: Function = reflect.getOwnMetadata; const defineMetadata: Function = reflect.defineMetadata; return function ConfigInitializerDecorator(targetConstructor: any) { const metaInformation = getOwnMetadata('annotations', targetConstructor); const designParamtypesInformation = getOwnMetadata('design:paramtypes', targetConstructor); const parametersInformation = getOwnMetadata('parameters', targetConstructor); function newConstructor( configInitializer: ConfigInitializerType, ...args: any[], ) { configInitializer(config); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-invalid-this return targetConstructor.apply(this, args); } defineMetadata('annotations', metaInformation, newConstructor); defineMetadata('parameters', parametersInformation, newConstructor); defineMetadata( 'design:paramtypes', [ new Inject(CONFIG_INITIALIZER), ...designParamtypesInformation, ], newConstructor, ); newConstructor.prototype = targetConstructor.prototype; return newConstructor as typeof targetConstructor; }; } <commit_after>import { OpaqueToken, Inject } from '@angular/core'; export const CONFIG_INITIALIZER = new OpaqueToken('Config initializer'); export function ConfigInitializer<T>(config: T) { type ConfigInitializerType = (config: T) => void; const reflect: any = (window as any)['Reflect']; const getOwnMetadata: Function = reflect.getOwnMetadata; const defineMetadata: Function = reflect.defineMetadata; return function ConfigInitializerDecorator(targetConstructor: any) { const metaInformation = getOwnMetadata('annotations', targetConstructor); const propMetaInformation = getOwnMetadata('propMetadata', targetConstructor); const designParamtypesInformation = getOwnMetadata('design:paramtypes', targetConstructor); const parametersInformation = getOwnMetadata('parameters', targetConstructor); function newConstructor( configInitializer: ConfigInitializerType, ...args: any[], ) { configInitializer(config); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-invalid-this return targetConstructor.apply(this, args); } defineMetadata('annotations', metaInformation, newConstructor); defineMetadata('propMetadata', propMetaInformation, newConstructor); defineMetadata('parameters', parametersInformation, newConstructor); defineMetadata( 'design:paramtypes', [ new Inject(CONFIG_INITIALIZER), ...designParamtypesInformation, ], newConstructor, ); newConstructor.prototype = targetConstructor.prototype; return newConstructor as typeof targetConstructor; }; }
<commit_msg>Remove unnecessary variable from route Jinja will set any variable it can't find to None, so the title variable is unnecessary. <commit_before>from flask import render_template, request, flash from flask_login import login_required from .. import main from ... import data_api_client from ..auth import role_required @main.route('/buyers', methods=['GET']) @login_required @role_required('admin') def find_buyer_by_brief_id(): brief_id = request.args.get('brief_id') try: brief = data_api_client.get_brief(brief_id).get('briefs') except: flash('no_brief', 'error') return render_template( "view_buyers.html", users=list(), title=None, brief_id=brief_id ), 404 users = brief.get('users') title = brief.get('title') return render_template( "view_buyers.html", users=users, title=title, brief_id=brief_id ) <commit_after>from flask import render_template, request, flash from flask_login import login_required from .. import main from ... import data_api_client from ..auth import role_required @main.route('/buyers', methods=['GET']) @login_required @role_required('admin') def find_buyer_by_brief_id(): brief_id = request.args.get('brief_id') try: brief = data_api_client.get_brief(brief_id).get('briefs') except: flash('no_brief', 'error') return render_template( "view_buyers.html", users=list(), brief_id=brief_id ), 404 users = brief.get('users') title = brief.get('title') return render_template( "view_buyers.html", users=users, title=title, brief_id=brief_id )
<commit_msg>Define groups for the invoice events. - wal-202 <commit_before>from nodeconductor.logging.loggers import EventLogger, event_logger class InvoiceLogger(EventLogger): month = int year = int customer = 'structure.Customer' class Meta: event_types = ('invoice_created', 'invoice_paid', 'invoice_canceled') event_logger.register('invoice', InvoiceLogger) <commit_after>from nodeconductor.logging.loggers import EventLogger, event_logger class InvoiceLogger(EventLogger): month = int year = int customer = 'structure.Customer' class Meta: event_types = ('invoice_created', 'invoice_paid', 'invoice_canceled') event_groups = { 'customers': event_types, 'invoices': event_types, } event_logger.register('invoice', InvoiceLogger)
<commit_msg>Fix render layer adder in obf environments <commit_before>package tehnut.lib.util; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.LayerRenderer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import tehnut.lib.LendingLibrary; import java.lang.reflect.Field; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderHelper { public static boolean addPlayerLayerRenderer(Class<? extends LayerRenderer<?>> layerRendererClass) { RenderManager renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(); try { Field renderPlayerField = RenderManager.class.getDeclaredField("playerRenderer"); renderPlayerField.setAccessible(true); Object renderPlayerObj = renderPlayerField.get(renderManager); if (renderPlayerObj instanceof RenderPlayer) { RenderPlayer renderPlayer = (RenderPlayer) renderPlayerObj; LayerRenderer<?> layerRenderer = layerRendererClass.getConstructor(RenderPlayer.class).newInstance(renderPlayer); renderPlayer.addLayer(layerRenderer); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { LendingLibrary.getLogger().error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return false; } } <commit_after>package tehnut.lib.util; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.LayerRenderer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ObfuscationReflectionHelper; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import tehnut.lib.LendingLibrary; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderHelper { public static boolean addPlayerLayerRenderer(Class<? extends LayerRenderer<?>> layerRendererClass) { RenderManager renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(); try { RenderPlayer renderPlayer = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(RenderManager.class, renderManager, "playerRenderer", "field_178637_m"); LayerRenderer<?> layerRenderer = layerRendererClass.getConstructor(RenderPlayer.class).newInstance(renderPlayer); renderPlayer.addLayer(layerRenderer); return true; } catch (Exception e) { LendingLibrary.getLogger().error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return false; } }
<commit_msg>Add test for window attribute <commit_before>const config: NeteaseCaptcha.Config = { captchaId: 'FAKE ID', element: '#captcha', mode: 'popup', protocol: 'https', width: '200px', lang: 'en', onVerify: (error: any, data?: NeteaseCaptcha.Data) => { console.log(error, data); } }; const onLoad: NeteaseCaptcha.onLoad = (instance: NeteaseCaptcha.Instance) => { instance.refresh(); instance.destroy(); }; function init(initNECaptcha: NeteaseCaptcha.InitFunction): void { initNECaptcha(config, onLoad); } <commit_after>const config: NeteaseCaptcha.Config = { captchaId: 'FAKE ID', element: '#captcha', mode: 'popup', protocol: 'https', width: '200px', lang: 'en', onVerify: (error: any, data?: NeteaseCaptcha.Data) => { console.log(error, data); } }; const onLoad: NeteaseCaptcha.onLoad = (instance: NeteaseCaptcha.Instance) => { instance.refresh(); instance.destroy(); if (instance.popUp) { instance.popUp(); } }; if (window.initNECaptcha) { window.initNECaptcha(config, onLoad); }
<commit_msg>Use absolute path for config file so it works with apps like Hazel <commit_before>from os import path from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import requests import sys def reverse_lookup(lat, lon): if(lat is None or lon is None): return None if not path.exists('./config.ini'): return None config = ConfigParser()'./config.ini') if('MapQuest' not in config.sections()): return None key = config.get('MapQuest', 'key') try: r = requests.get('' % (key, lat, lon)) return r.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print e return None except ValueError as e: print r.text print e return None def place_name(lat, lon): geolocation_info = reverse_lookup(lat, lon) if(geolocation_info is not None): if('address' in geolocation_info): address = geolocation_info['address'] if('city' in address): return address['city'] elif('state' in address): return address['state'] elif('country' in address): return address['country'] return None <commit_after>from os import path from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import requests import sys def reverse_lookup(lat, lon): if(lat is None or lon is None): return None config_file = '%s/config.ini' % path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))) if not path.exists(config_file): return None config = ConfigParser() if('MapQuest' not in config.sections()): return None key = config.get('MapQuest', 'key') try: r = requests.get('' % (key, lat, lon)) return r.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print e return None except ValueError as e: print r.text print e return None def place_name(lat, lon): geolocation_info = reverse_lookup(lat, lon) if(geolocation_info is not None): if('address' in geolocation_info): address = geolocation_info['address'] if('city' in address): return address['city'] elif('state' in address): return address['state'] elif('country' in address): return address['country'] return None
<commit_msg>Add new error and warning number <commit_before>// Explorer loader problem list // /problem.h #ifndef PROBLEM_H_ #define PROBLEM_H_ /**错误列表*/ #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_ID 1 // 没有可用于中断描述符表的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_SD 2 // 没有可用于储存器描述符表的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_SCTBUF 3 // 没有可用于扇区缓存的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_CONFIG 4 // 没有可以分配给引导配置文件的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_BUFFER 5 // 没有可以分配给缓冲系统的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_FS 6 // 没有可以分配给文件系统的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_MMU 7 // 没有可以分配给MMU的内存 /**警告列表*/ #define WARN_NO_MEM 0x80000001 // 无充足内存 #define WARN_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORT 0x80000002 // 暂时不支持这个储存器 #endif <commit_after>// Explorer loader problem list // /problem.h #ifndef PROBLEM_H_ #define PROBLEM_H_ /**错误列表*/ #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_ID 1 // 没有可用于中断描述符表的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_SD 2 // 没有可用于储存器描述符表的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_SCTBUF 3 // 没有可用于扇区缓存的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_CONFIG 4 // 没有可以分配给引导配置文件的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_BUFFER 5 // 没有可以分配给缓冲系统的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_FS 6 // 没有可以分配给文件系统的内存 #define ERR_NO_MEM_FOR_MMU 7 // 没有可以分配给MMU的内存 #define ERR_NO_FILE 8 // 没有文件 #define ERR_CONFIG_OVERSIZE 9 // CONFIG.LDR oversized /**警告列表*/ #define WARN_NO_MEM 0x80000001 // 无充足内存 #define WARN_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORT 0x80000002 // 暂时不支持这个储存器 #define WARN_SCRIPT_SIZE_BAD 0x80000003 // length of cript incorrect #endif
<commit_msg>Add the score to return values <commit_before> class Engine: def __init__(self, response_pairs, knowledge={}): self.response_pairs = response_pairs self.knowledge = knowledge def chat(self, user_utterance, context): best_score = 0 best_response_pair = None best_captured = {} for response_pair in self.response_pairs: captured = response_pair.match(user_utterance, self.knowledge) if captured is None: continue score = response_pair.score(captured, context, self.knowledge) if best_score < score: best_score, best_response_pair, best_captured = score, response_pair, captured return best_response_pair.generate(best_captured, context, self.knowledge) <commit_after> class Engine: def __init__(self, response_pairs, knowledge={}): self.response_pairs = response_pairs self.knowledge = knowledge def chat(self, user_utterance, context): best_score = 0 best_response_pair = None best_captured = {} for response_pair in self.response_pairs: captured = response_pair.match(user_utterance, self.knowledge) if captured is None: continue score = response_pair.score(captured, context, self.knowledge) if best_score < score: best_score, best_response_pair, best_captured = score, response_pair, captured response, new_context = best_response_pair.generate(best_captured, context, self.knowledge) return response, new_context, best_score
<commit_msg>Include time of update start/end <commit_before> from import BaseCommand from syntacticframes.models import VerbNetClass class Command(BaseCommand): def handle(self, *args, **options): for vn_class in VerbNetClass.objects.all(): print( vn_class.update_members_and_translations() <commit_after> from time import gmtime, strftime from import BaseCommand from syntacticframes.models import VerbNetClass class Command(BaseCommand): def handle(self, *args, **options): when = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())"{}: Start full update of verbs (members and translations)".format(when)) for vn_class in VerbNetClass.objects.all(): print( vn_class.update_members_and_translations() when = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())"{}: Ended full update of verbs (members and translations)".format(when))
<commit_msg>Add custom CSS style to FIWARE doc Change-Id: I74293d488e0cd762ad023b94879ee618a4016110 <commit_before>import os on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # otherwise, uses their theme by default, so no need to specify it project = 'FIWARE-Stream-Oriented-GE' <commit_after>import os on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # otherwise, uses their theme by default, so no need to specify it project = 'FIWARE-Stream-Oriented-GE' html_theme_options = { 'cssfiles': [''] }
<commit_msg>Resolve import error introduced in last commit. <commit_before> try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup version = '' with open('koordinates/', 'r') as fd: version ='^__version__\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',, re.MULTILINE).group(1) with open('README.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: readme = with open('HISTORY.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: history = setup( name='koordinates', packages=['koordinates',], version=version description='koordinates is a Python client library for a number of Koordinates web APIs', long_description=readme + '\n\n' + history author='Richard Shea', author_email='', url='', download_url = '', keywords='koordinates api', license = 'BSD', classifiers=[], test_suite='tests', ) <commit_after> try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup import re import os from codecs import open version = '' with open('koordinates/', 'r') as fd: version ='^__version__\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',, re.MULTILINE).group(1) with open('README.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: readme = with open('HISTORY.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: history = setup( name='koordinates', packages=['koordinates',], version=version, description='koordinates is a Python client library for a number of Koordinates web APIs', long_description=readme + '\n\n' + history, author='Richard Shea', author_email='', url='', download_url = '', keywords='koordinates api', license = 'BSD', classifiers=[], test_suite='tests', )
<commit_msg>Add Chainmap support for python2 <commit_before>"""Determine the generator format""" from collections import ChainMap DEFAULT_FORMAT = { 'domain': '', 'app': '{repo}{project}', 'dns_elb': '{repo}.{project}.{env}.{domain}', 'dns_instance': '{repo}{project}-xx.{env}.{domain}', 'iam_base': '{project}_{repo}', 'iam_user': '{project}_{repo}', 'iam_group': '{project}', 'iam_role': '{project}_{repo}_role', 'iam_policy': '{project}_{repo}_policy', 'iam_profile': '{project}_{repo}_profile', 's3_bucket': 'archaius-{env}', 's3_bucket_path': '{project}/{repo}{project}', 's3_archaius_name': 'archaius-{env}/{project}/{repo}{project}/', 'jenkins_job_name': '{project}_{repo}', 'git_repo': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}', 'git_repo_qe': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}-qa', 'git_repo_configs': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}-config', } class Formats(object): def __init__(self, config={}): self.config = ChainMap(config, DEFAULT_FORMAT) def get_formats(self): return self.config def __getitem__(self, key): return self.config[key] <commit_after>"""Determine the generator format""" try: from collections import ChainMap except ImportError: from ConfigParser import _Chainmap as ChainMap DEFAULT_FORMAT = { 'domain': '', 'app': '{repo}{project}', 'dns_elb': '{repo}.{project}.{env}.{domain}', 'dns_instance': '{repo}{project}-xx.{env}.{domain}', 'iam_base': '{project}_{repo}', 'iam_user': '{project}_{repo}', 'iam_group': '{project}', 'iam_role': '{project}_{repo}_role', 'iam_policy': '{project}_{repo}_policy', 'iam_profile': '{project}_{repo}_profile', 's3_bucket': 'archaius-{env}', 's3_bucket_path': '{project}/{repo}{project}', 's3_archaius_name': 'archaius-{env}/{project}/{repo}{project}/', 'jenkins_job_name': '{project}_{repo}', 'git_repo': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}', 'git_repo_qe': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}-qa', 'git_repo_configs': '{raw_project}/{raw_repo}-config', } class Formats(object): def __init__(self, config={}): self.config = ChainMap(config, DEFAULT_FORMAT) def get_formats(self): return self.config def __getitem__(self, key): return self.config[key]
<commit_msg>Add correct packages and requirements for python package <commit_before>from setuptools import setup setup( name='lace', version='0.1.1', description='Neural Learning to Rank using Chainer', url='', download_url = '', author='Rolf Jagerman', author_email='', license='MIT', packages=['lace'] ) <commit_after>from setuptools import setup setup( name='lace', version='0.1.1', description='Neural Learning to Rank using Chainer', url='', download_url = '', author='Rolf Jagerman', author_email='', license='MIT', packages=['lace', 'lace.functions', 'lace.loss'], install_requires=['numpy>=1.12.0', 'chainer>=2.0.0'], tests_require=['nose'] )
<commit_msg>Allow for extra slashes in project paths, such as mq patch queues. <commit_before>try: from hggit import * hggit_reposetup = reposetup except ImportError: # Allow this module to be imported without # hg-git installed, eg for pass __version__ = "0.1.0" def reposetup(ui, repo, **kwargs): """ Automatically adds Bitbucket->GitHub mirror paths to the repo. Also creates a `master` bookmark for the `default` branch. """ hggit_reposetup(ui, repo, **kwargs) bb = "ssh://" for pathname, path in ui.configitems("paths"): if path.startswith(bb): user, project = path.replace(bb, "").rstrip("/").split("/") for k, v in ui.configitems("github"): if k == "username": user = v gh_path = "git+ssh://" % (user, project) if pathname == "default": if "master" not in repo._bookmarks: from mercurial.commands import bookmark bookmark(ui, repo, mark="master", rev="default") gh_pathname = "github" else: gh_pathname = "github-" + pathname ui.setconfig("paths", gh_pathname, gh_path) <commit_after>try: from hggit import * hggit_reposetup = reposetup except ImportError: # Allow this module to be imported without # hg-git installed, eg for pass __version__ = "0.1.0" def reposetup(ui, repo, **kwargs): """ Automatically adds Bitbucket->GitHub mirror paths to the repo. Also creates a `master` bookmark for the `default` branch. """ hggit_reposetup(ui, repo, **kwargs) bb = "ssh://" for pathname, path in ui.configitems("paths"): if path.startswith(bb): user, project = path.replace(bb, "").split("/", 1) # Strip slash and everything after it, # such as mq patch queue path. project = project.split("/")[0] for k, v in ui.configitems("github"): if k == "username": user = v gh_path = "git+ssh://" % (user, project) if pathname == "default": if "master" not in repo._bookmarks: from mercurial.commands import bookmark bookmark(ui, repo, mark="master", rev="default") gh_pathname = "github" else: gh_pathname = "github-" + pathname ui.setconfig("paths", gh_pathname, gh_path)
<commit_msg>Remove warning and only include needed stuff. git-svn-id: b99a075ee42e317ef7d0e499fd315684e5f6d838@35456 7cbeb6ba-43b4-40fd-8cce-4c39aea84d33 <commit_before>/* EINA - EFL data type library * Copyright (C) 2008 Cedric Bail * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; * if not, see <>. */ #include "Eina.h" EAPI int eina_init(void) { int r; r = eina_error_init(); r += eina_hash_init(); r += eina_stringshare_init(); r += eina_list_init(); r += eina_array_init(); return r; } EAPI int eina_shutdown(void) { int r; eina_array_shutdown(); eina_list_shutdown(); r = eina_stringshare_shutdown(); r += eina_hash_shutdown(); r += eina_error_shutdown(); return r; } <commit_after>/* EINA - EFL data type library * Copyright (C) 2008 Cedric Bail * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; * if not, see <>. */ #include "eina_error.h" #include "eina_hash.h" #include "eina_stringshare.h" #include "eina_list.h" #include "eina_array.h" EAPI int eina_init(void) { int r; r = eina_error_init(); r += eina_hash_init(); r += eina_stringshare_init(); r += eina_list_init(); r += eina_array_init(); return r; } EAPI int eina_shutdown(void) { int r; eina_array_shutdown(); eina_list_shutdown(); r = eina_stringshare_shutdown(); r += eina_hash_shutdown(); r += eina_error_shutdown(); return r; }
<commit_msg>Allow POST requests for auth method so OpenID forms could use it that way. <commit_before>from pyramid.view import view_config from social.utils import module_member from social.actions import do_auth, do_complete, do_disconnect from social.apps.pyramid_app.utils import psa, login_required @view_config(route_name='social.auth', request_method='GET') @psa('social.complete') def auth(request): return do_auth(request.backend, redirect_name='next') @view_config(route_name='social.complete', request_method=('GET', 'POST')) @psa('social.complete') def complete(request, *args, **kwargs): do_login = module_member(request.backend.setting('LOGIN_FUNCTION')) return do_complete(request.backend, do_login, request.user, redirect_name='next', *args, **kwargs) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect', request_method=('POST',)) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect_association', request_method=('POST',)) @psa() @login_required def disconnect(request): return do_disconnect(request.backend, request.user, request.matchdict.get('association_id'), redirect_name='next') <commit_after>from pyramid.view import view_config from social.utils import module_member from social.actions import do_auth, do_complete, do_disconnect from social.apps.pyramid_app.utils import psa, login_required @view_config(route_name='social.auth', request_method=('GET', 'POST')) @psa('social.complete') def auth(request): return do_auth(request.backend, redirect_name='next') @view_config(route_name='social.complete', request_method=('GET', 'POST')) @psa('social.complete') def complete(request, *args, **kwargs): do_login = module_member(request.backend.setting('LOGIN_FUNCTION')) return do_complete(request.backend, do_login, request.user, redirect_name='next', *args, **kwargs) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect', request_method=('POST',)) @view_config(route_name='social.disconnect_association', request_method=('POST',)) @psa() @login_required def disconnect(request): return do_disconnect(request.backend, request.user, request.matchdict.get('association_id'), redirect_name='next')
<commit_msg>Return unformatted list from get_language_list. <commit_before>from django.conf import settings from django.utils import translation from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from six import text_type from typing import Any import os import ujson def with_language(string, language): # type: (text_type, text_type) -> text_type old_language = translation.get_language() translation.activate(language) result = _(string) translation.activate(old_language) return result def get_language_list(): # type: () -> List[Dict[str, Any]] path = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'locale', 'language_options.json') with open(path, 'r') as reader: languages = ujson.load(reader) lang_list = [] for lang_info in languages['languages']: name = lang_info['name'] lang_info['name'] = with_language(name, lang_info['code']) if 'percent_translated' not in lang_info: lang_info['percent_translated'] = 'N/A' lang_list.append(lang_info) return sorted(lang_list, key=lambda i: i['name']) def get_available_language_codes(): # type: () -> List[text_type] language_list = get_language_list() codes = [language['code'] for language in language_list] return codes <commit_after>from __future__ import absolute_import from django.conf import settings from django.utils import translation from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from six import text_type from typing import Any import os import ujson def with_language(string, language): # type: (text_type, text_type) -> text_type old_language = translation.get_language() translation.activate(language) result = _(string) translation.activate(old_language) return result def get_language_list(): # type: () -> List[Dict[str, Any]] path = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'locale', 'language_options.json') with open(path, 'r') as reader: languages = ujson.load(reader) lang_list = [] for lang_info in languages['languages']: name = lang_info['name'] lang_info['name'] = with_language(name, lang_info['code']) lang_list.append(lang_info) return sorted(lang_list, key=lambda i: i['name']) def get_available_language_codes(): # type: () -> List[text_type] language_list = get_language_list() codes = [language['code'] for language in language_list] return codes
<commit_msg>Support nosetests, handle magic names (and_, or_, etc) <commit_before> import json from .util import make_dsl_object, unroll_definitions, unroll_struct class MetaFilterQuery(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, d): super(MetaFilterQuery, cls).__init__(name, bases, d) unroll_definitions(cls._definitions) def __getattr__(cls, key): if key not in cls._definitions: raise cls._exception(key) return lambda *args, **kwargs: make_dsl_object( cls, key, cls._definitions[key], *args, **kwargs ) class BaseFilterQuery(object): _type = None _struct = None _dsl_type = None def __init__(self, dsl_type, struct): self._struct = struct self._dsl_type = dsl_type def dict(self): return { self._dsl_type: unroll_struct(self._struct) } def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.dict(), indent=4) <commit_after> import json from .util import make_dsl_object, unroll_definitions, unroll_struct class MetaFilterQuery(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, d): super(MetaFilterQuery, cls).__init__(name, bases, d) unroll_definitions(cls._definitions) def __getattr__(cls, key): if key == '__test__': return None if key not in cls._definitions: raise cls._exception(key) return lambda *args, **kwargs: make_dsl_object( cls, key, cls._definitions[key], *args, **kwargs ) class BaseFilterQuery(object): _type = None _struct = None _dsl_type = None def __init__(self, dsl_type, struct): self._struct = struct self._dsl_type = dsl_type def dict(self): dsl_type = self._dsl_type[:1] if self._dsl_type.endswith('_') else self._dsl_type return { dsl_type: unroll_struct(self._struct) } def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.dict(), indent=4)
<commit_msg>Add Error propagation now that we use Throwable. <commit_before>/** * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package rx.util; public class Exceptions { private Exceptions() { } public static RuntimeException propagate(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } else { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } }<commit_after>/** * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package rx.util; public class Exceptions { private Exceptions() { } public static RuntimeException propagate(Throwable t) { /** * The return type of RuntimeException is a trick for code to be like this: * * throw Exceptions.propagate(e); * * Even though nothing will return and throw via that 'throw', it allows the code to look like it * so it's easy to read and understand that it will always result in a throw. */ if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } else if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) t; } else { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } }
<commit_msg>Add working transition metal highlight <commit_before>import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { Element } from './element'; @Component({ moduleId:, selector: 'pt-element', templateUrl: 'element.component.html', styleUrls: ['element.component.css'] }) export class ElementComponent implements OnChanges { @Input() elementData: Element; // ^ exposes elementData property to parent component, listens for parent component to send data to child @Output() elementHovered: EventEmitter<Object> = new EventEmitter<Object>(); // ^ exposes which element is being hovered on to the parent component, sends proper data to hoverReceived fxn elementStyle: Object = {}; ngOnChanges(): void { console.log('this ran'); if (this.elementData.highlight) { this.elementStyle = {'background-color': 'pink'}; } } onHover(): void { console.log(this.elementData); this.elementHovered.emit(this.elementData); } // ^ sends data into emit channel to be picked up by parent component } <commit_after>import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, DoCheck } from '@angular/core'; import { Element } from './element'; @Component({ moduleId:, selector: 'pt-element', templateUrl: 'element.component.html', styleUrls: ['element.component.css'] }) export class ElementComponent implements DoCheck { @Input() elementData: Element; // ^ exposes elementData property to parent component, listens for parent component to send data to child @Output() elementHovered: EventEmitter<Object> = new EventEmitter<Object>(); // ^ exposes which element is being hovered on to the parent component, sends proper data to hoverReceived fxn elementStyle: Object = {}; ngDoCheck() { if (this.elementData.highlight) { this.elementStyle = {'background-color': 'pink'}; } else { this.elementStyle = {'background-color': 'transparent'}; } } onHover(): void { this.elementHovered.emit(this.elementData); } // ^ sends data into emit channel to be picked up by parent component }
<commit_msg>Fix after @rafaelcn did blame me crying about incorrect usage of cerr <commit_before>/** * C++ algorithm to get the sum of all prime numbers between a range of 2 and the number desired. */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> bool is_prime(unsigned int number); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const char *num = "2000000"; if(argv[1]) num = argv[1]; else if (argv[1] == "--help") std::cerr << "Usage: primes <number_of_primes>" << std::endl; std::cerr << "You've choosen the sum of the first " << num << " prime numbers." << std::endl; // iteration variables. int i = 1; int j = 0; // the number to reach. int number_to = atoi(num); int sum = 0; while(j < number_to) { if(is_prime(i)) { std::cerr << i << std::endl; sum += i; j++; } i++; } std::cerr << "The sum of the numbers between 2 and " << number_to << " are: " << sum << std::endl; std::cout << sum << std::endl; } bool is_prime(unsigned int number) { if (number <= 1) return false; unsigned int i; for (i=2; i*i<=number; i++) { if (number % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; }<commit_after>/** * C++ algorithm to get the sum of all prime numbers between a range of 2 and the number desired. */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string.h> bool is_prime(unsigned int number); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const char *num = "2000000"; if (strcmp(argv[1],"--help") == 0){ std::cerr << "Usage: primes <number_of_primes>" << std::endl; exit(0); } else if(argv[1]) { num = argv[1]; } // iteration variables. int i = 1; int j = 0; // the number to reach. int number_to = atoi(num); int sum = 0; while(j < number_to) { if(is_prime(i)) { sum += i; j++; } i++; } std::cout << sum << std::endl; } bool is_prime(unsigned int number) { if (number <= 1) return false; unsigned int i; for (i=2; i*i<=number; i++) { if (number % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; }
<commit_msg>Fix: Use `enum` instead of `oneOf` in schema <commit_before>import { Category } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/enums/category'; import { HintScope } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/enums/hintscope'; import { HintMetadata } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types'; import * as Connections from './connections'; const meta: HintMetadata = { docs: { category: Category.performance, description: `Performance budget checks if your site will load fast enough based on the size of your resources and a given connection speed`, name: 'Performance budget' }, id: 'performance-budget', schema: [{ additionalProperties: false, properties: { connectionType: { oneOf: [{ enum: Connections.ids }], type: 'string' }, loadTime: { minimum: 1, type: 'number' } }, type: 'object' }], scope: }; export default meta; <commit_after>import { Category } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/enums/category'; import { HintScope } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/enums/hintscope'; import { HintMetadata } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types'; import * as Connections from './connections'; const meta: HintMetadata = { docs: { category: Category.performance, description: `Performance budget checks if your site will load fast enough based on the size of your resources and a given connection speed`, name: 'Performance budget' }, id: 'performance-budget', schema: [{ additionalProperties: false, properties: { connectionType: { enum: Connections.ids, type: 'string' }, loadTime: { minimum: 1, type: 'number' } }, type: 'object' }], scope: }; export default meta;
<commit_msg>shared/api: Add Type field to InstanceConsolePost Signed-off-by: Free Ekanayaka <> <commit_before>package api // InstanceConsoleControl represents a message on the instance console "control" socket. // // API extension: instances type InstanceConsoleControl struct { Command string `json:"command" yaml:"command"` Args map[string]string `json:"args" yaml:"args"` } // InstanceConsolePost represents a LXD instance console request. // // API extension: instances type InstanceConsolePost struct { Width int `json:"width" yaml:"width"` Height int `json:"height" yaml:"height"` } <commit_after>package api // InstanceConsoleControl represents a message on the instance console "control" socket. // // API extension: instances type InstanceConsoleControl struct { Command string `json:"command" yaml:"command"` Args map[string]string `json:"args" yaml:"args"` } // InstanceConsolePost represents a LXD instance console request. // // API extension: instances type InstanceConsolePost struct { Width int `json:"width" yaml:"width"` Height int `json:"height" yaml:"height"` // API extension: console_vga_type Type string `json:"type" yaml:"type"` }
<commit_msg>Allow pulling in of cluster plugin using powershift-cli[cluster] as install target. <commit_before>import sys import os from setuptools import setup long_description = open('README.rst').read() classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', ] setup_kwargs = dict( name='powershift-cli', version='1.1.0', description='Pluggable command line client for OpenShift.', long_description=long_description, url='', author='Graham Dumpleton', author_email='', license='BSD', classifiers=classifiers, keywords='openshift kubernetes', packages=['powershift', 'powershift.cli'], package_dir={'powershift': 'src/powershift'}, package_data={'powershift.cli': ['']}, entry_points = {'console_scripts':['powershift = powershift.cli:main']}, install_requires=['click'], ) setup(**setup_kwargs) <commit_after>import sys import os from setuptools import setup long_description = open('README.rst').read() classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', ] setup_kwargs = dict( name='powershift-cli', version='1.1.0', description='Pluggable command line client for OpenShift.', long_description=long_description, url='', author='Graham Dumpleton', author_email='', license='BSD', classifiers=classifiers, keywords='openshift kubernetes', packages=['powershift', 'powershift.cli'], package_dir={'powershift': 'src/powershift'}, package_data={'powershift.cli': ['']}, entry_points = {'console_scripts':['powershift = powershift.cli:main']}, install_requires=['click'], extra_requires={'cluster': ['powershift-cluster>=1.1.0']}, ) setup(**setup_kwargs)
<commit_msg>Change module doctest creation to be more dynamic. <commit_before>import unittest import doctest import sys from optparse import OptionParser # Import this now to avoid it throwing errors. import pytz if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestSuite() from firmant import du suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(du)) from firmant import entries suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(entries)) from firmant import feeds suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(feeds)) from firmant import i18n suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(i18n)) from firmant import parser suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(parser)) from firmant import tags suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(tags)) from firmant import utils suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(utils)) from firmant import writers suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(writers)) results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) if not results.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1) <commit_after>import unittest import doctest import sys from optparse import OptionParser from firmant.utils import get_module # Import this now to avoid it throwing errors. import pytz if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestSuite() modules = ['firmant.du', 'firmant.entries', 'firmant.feeds', 'firmant.i18n', 'firmant.parser', 'firmant.tags', 'firmant.utils', 'firmant.writers'] for module in modules: mod = get_module(module) args = {} for attr in ['module_relative', 'package', 'setUp', 'tearDown', 'globs', 'optionflags', 'parser', 'encoding']: if hasattr(mod, '_' + attr): args[attr] = getattr(mod, '_' + attr) suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(mod, **args)) results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) if not results.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1)
<commit_msg>sh: Fix up cpu to node mapping in sysfs. Currently cpu_to_node() is always 0 in the UP case, though we do want to have the CPU association linked in under sysfs even in the cases where we're only on a single CPU. Fix this up, so we have the cpu0 link on all of the available nodes that don't already have a CPU link of their own. Signed-off-by: Paul Mundt <> <commit_before> static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct cpu, cpu_devices); static int __init topology_init(void) { int i, ret; #ifdef CONFIG_NEED_MULTIPLE_NODES for_each_online_node(i) register_one_node(i); #endif for_each_present_cpu(i) { ret = register_cpu(&per_cpu(cpu_devices, i), i); if (unlikely(ret)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: register_cpu %d failed (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, i, ret); } return 0; } subsys_initcall(topology_init); <commit_after>/* * arch/sh/kernel/topology.c * * Copyright (C) 2007 Paul Mundt * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive * for more details. */ #include <linux/cpu.h> #include <linux/cpumask.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/percpu.h> #include <linux/node.h> #include <linux/nodemask.h> static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct cpu, cpu_devices); static int __init topology_init(void) { int i, ret; #ifdef CONFIG_NEED_MULTIPLE_NODES for_each_online_node(i) register_one_node(i); #endif for_each_present_cpu(i) { ret = register_cpu(&per_cpu(cpu_devices, i), i); if (unlikely(ret)) printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: register_cpu %d failed (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, i, ret); } #if defined(CONFIG_NUMA) && !defined(CONFIG_SMP) /* * In the UP case, make sure the CPU association is still * registered under each node. Without this, sysfs fails * to make the connection between nodes other than node0 * and cpu0. */ for_each_online_node(i) if (i != numa_node_id()) register_cpu_under_node(raw_smp_processor_id(), i); #endif return 0; } subsys_initcall(topology_init);