Everything is about money these days. On TV and out and about you will see billboards that support certain ideas. Some of the ideas can be controversial like sexuality.
[ "dollar", "hold", "lesbianism", "promote", "sign" ]
Jessica's poodle Fifi woke her up in the middle of the night. Jessica had been afraid she might need to go out since she had drunk a whole bowl of water right before bedtime. She put on some slippers and grabbed Fifi's leash and they walked outside.
[ "dog", "grass", "owner", "stand" ]
Rainy days could be long and boring when I was a kid. My siblings and I often just went into our rooms and try to entertain ourselves. Sometimes, though, we would all gather in the living room and do something together.
[ "floor", "piece", "put", "puzzle" ]
The cook let the whites and yolk fall down into the bowl and started to mix them. He brought the mixture to the stove and it started to heat up immediately. It wasn't long at all before the delicious breakfast was done.
[ "egg", "fry", "pan", "plate", "transfer" ]
Ella tugged at her mother's shirt as they passed near the concession stand at the zoo. She was hungry and wanted to get something for a snack. As they got in line, Ella looked at the foods listed on the menu on the sign outside.
[ "bag", "chip", "eat", "hold", "popsicle" ]
Maggie and Mark decided to throw a Hawaiian style luau in their backyard. They placed tiki torches around their deck, and planned an authentic luau menu. Mark was in charge of preparing the party's food.
[ "pig", "roast", "spit", "turn" ]
Joan did her housework according to the days of the week. Today was Wednesday, so that meant dirty bathroom duty. Joan assembled her supplies and got to work.
[ "brush", "clean", "glove", "toilet", "wear" ]
The tread seems to be tangled together, It was hard to untangle the tread so she decide to leave it alone. She went to the park and sat on the bench, she watched as the children play with the dog. After a while she then realized that her head was going around and around so she went to get something to eat.
[ "attach", "ball", "spin", "string", "throw" ]
Josh had always wanted to join the circus. He wasn't scared of anything, especially of heights. That all worked out for him when he was hired for one of the more dangerous jobs.
[ "balance", "pole", "tightrope", "walk" ]
Susan loved her visit to the zoo with her day. Her favorite animal there was the monkeys. She could have watched them play in the trees all day long.
[ "bunch", "jump", "run" ]
Grace didn't know what to expect on her trip to Egypt. It was beautiful and there was so much to do. Her favorite was the tour and trip to the pyramids.
[ "camel", "picture", "ride" ]
It was Susan's first trip to the Middle East and she was very excited to do everything she could and experience it all! She asked the people at the hotel what she should do for fun and they suggested she visit the Rub'al Khali and get up on one of their famed humped animals. She went there and met a wonderful local expert who helped her to achieve her goals and before she knew it, Susan was experiencing the amazing location in such a unique and wonderful way.
[ "camel", "desert", "guide", "lead", "ride" ]
It was an extremely cold day outside when Erin went to get her hair cut, so she was bundled up. When she got inside the salon, she was surprised to find it was freezing inside. The person at the desk explained that the heat wasn't working.
[ "chair", "coat", "hat", "sit", "wear" ]
Ted tossed it back to the pitcher. The count was now full and the batter dug back in. Ted flashed the sign back to the pitcher and hoped they'd get it right this time.
[ "ball", "catch", "catcher", "throw" ]
Going up to the mountain the ski can be fun. You have to make sure that you have the right equipment. It's very cold out, so you must be prepared.
[ "hat", "hold", "pole", "wear" ]
Mark idolized Jimi Hendrix as a musician and wanted to learn how to play just like his idol. Mark bought an electric instrument and amplifier to match Jimi's sound. Then Mark found an online tutorial with easy-to-follow lessons.
[ "finger", "fret", "guitar", "hold", "move" ]
Bill could feel the excitement building as he looked over the edge. The water was deep and moving slowly. He took a half step forward and said to himself, "here goes".
[ "bridge", "bungee", "jump", "river" ]
Tanya's children were home from school on a snow day in mid-December and they were getting bored. She didn't want them to watch too much television, so she thought about what they could do. Then she remembered she had bought them Monopoly for Christmas and decided to give it to them early to play with.
[ "floor", "game", "kid", "sit" ]
Karen sat down at her crafting desk and sorted out all her tools. She had promised her sister that she would make a wreath for her. Karen looked around for the scissors to begin.
[ "apply", "cut", "glue" ]
John was nervous about his son's first t-ball game. James was the smallest on his team and not the most coordinated child. James swung at the ball and missed and then on the second try he hit it.
[ "catch", "field", "kid" ]
Her nail had a really nice color on it, she told me she does it twice a month. I looked at the girl put her clothes in the laundry, she said she was expecting to get there earlier. All the toys was a silver color which made them look nice.
[ "machine", "metal", "piece", "polish" ]
I often observed a man in the park who loved to go there with his animal. It would bark and bark, trying to get him to play. Finally, the man would reach into his pocket and the game would be on.
[ "ball", "dog", "owner", "throw" ]
Brady walked out into the woods with his tools. He knew it was going to be a harsh winter and he wanted to be prepared. A sharp noise echoed through the woods every time that Brady swung down.
[ "axe", "chop", "piece", "wood" ]
Ed was ready to clean up his filthy yard. There were leaves, weeds and bugs all over his yard. He knew he had better get started before the rain came.
[ "blower", "chair", "lie", "spin", "use" ]
I'm thinking about getting married soon. One thing I have to do is go out and get a ring. I've been doing it for a little while and I can't wait to get done.
[ "finger", "finish", "look" ]
Tony guided Lizzie around the stadium as he held the reins tightly. He knew that if he let go, the young mare would dash out in front of him. When he got to the center of the arena, Tony hopped onto her back and he was off.
[ "audience", "cowboy", "front", "horse", "ride" ]
Gordon looked out across the water hazard at the eight hole. He measured up the ball once, twice and a third time before finally committing to it. Gordon swung his club and watched the ball arch high into the air.
[ "lick", "shot", "take" ]
Gary had to walk outside before he exploded. He couldn't believe the nerve and entitlement of this customer. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one of them up.
[ "air", "smoke", "take" ]
Janie had been looking forward to this year's football homecoming. As part of the band, Janie got to march ahead of the decorated floats before the game. Because the game was on Halloween, the band director encouraged the members to dress up.
[ "costume", "instrument", "parade" ]
Cora walked into the auditorium and looked around for her husband, who had arrived earlier. Their daughter, Kim, was playing violin with her orchestra class. She found him and walked over to join him just as the lights dimmed and the children walked onto the stage.
[ "chair", "listen", "music", "sit" ]
I always wanted to be a professional chef. I'm very aware of my palate and what tastes good and what doesn't. When I make food, I make sure that it looks good as well as tastes good.
[ "cook", "ingredient", "mix", "plate", "present" ]
Tanya watched as the stick twirled around in the air. As it fell, she deftly caught it in her hand as she smiled at the audience. She had hoped that her performance would help her to make the team.
[ "baton", "pick", "routine" ]
The spill in the kitchen was enormous and we had little in the way to clean it up with the materials on hand. Unexpectedly to my wife, I went into the closet as I had a brilliant idea. I walked over and she looked at me with bemusement and a touch of anger.
[ "demonstrate", "floor", "shirt" ]
The people stood on the sidewalk as they waited for the parade. The marching band was first in line, playing loud music. Several floats followed with people yelling and smiling.
[ "crowd", "pass", "road", "side", "wave" ]
The bright yellow color alerted the driver to slow down. The man on the side of the road held up a flag waving him around. The road was cracked and crumbled in the distance.
[ "vest", "wear", "work", "worker" ]
It was Thanksgiving and the entire family had gathered. It was proclaimed that 18-year old Sean was now a man and could carve the turkey. Surprised and unqualified for the honor, Sean approached the task with trepidation.
[ "cut", "knife", "meat" ]
I went out camping with my cousin for the weekend. The first night, he asked if I wanted to hear to scariest story he knew. Of course I did, and he knew I did, so he took his sweet, torturous time getting started.
[ "fire", "marshmallow", "roast", "stick" ]
Joanie moved into a new home and got to know her neighbors. Next door lived the Millers, who had been married thirty years. Joanie noticed that every evening the Millers went for a stroll.
[ "couple", "hand", "street", "walk" ]
Having to participate in coed P.E. did not make Sam, the star athlete, particularly happy. Today, Ms. Harper, the girls' P.E. teacher, was introducing them to a new game. And although it was a form of hockey, active, and potentially pretty rough, Sam thought it was just for girls.
[ "field", "hold", "run", "stick" ]
There was hair everywhere in the living room. Lisa just couldn't deal with it anymore and one of the them was going to go. Her boyfriend was going to choose between the cat or Lisa.
[ "animal", "fur", "pet", "sit", "top" ]
I waited until the middle of the night to gather my paints and sneak out of the house. My parents didn't approve of my art, so I had to do it on the sly. I met up at the overpass with my friend Ollie and we got to work.
[ "front", "graffiti", "sack" ]
Elizabeth had been invited to a pool party at her best friend's house. She asked her mom to buy her a new bathing suit because her old one didn't fit. Elizabeth was excited to jump in the pool with her new suit.
[ "shirt", "water", "wear" ]
As Mary grew older, she found that she had trouble keeping off weight. She tried many different diets but none were effective. Finally, she decided that she needed to try an exercise program.
[ "arm", "leg", "move" ]
The gymnast jumped up on the apparatus and performed her routine without a hitch. When she jumped off, however, the landing was bad. The poor girl left the stage holding her left wrist.
[ "air", "arm", "dismount", "throw" ]
Dan took a break from his job in the alley that ran near the skyscraper. He lit a cigarette and sighed. He was already having a rough day and it wasn't even lunch yet.
[ "building", "side", "worker" ]
It was a rainy day and Lisa's kids were bored. They ran around the house driving her crazy so she took out the craft box. She sat them down at the kitchen table with a snack and told them to sit there and draw for awhile.
[ "marker", "paper", "piece" ]
Some jobs are just hard and I don't even think I could try them. Construction is one of those jobs. Building something from the ground up is definitely a tough job.
[ "attempt", "brick", "worker" ]
Taking selfies with my pals. We want lots so that we can post them online. Not many came out well.
[ "friend", "picture", "take" ]
The lights in the auditorium slowly dimmed and the curtains began to open. Jessica stood in the wings, nervous but excited. She had spent weeks practicing her role and tonight was opening night.
[ "audience", "front", "perform", "stage" ]
James studied choreography and learned from some of the masters. After years of work, he was selected to choreograph a ballet. James invited his parents, who sat in the front row on opening night of the performance.
[ "dance", "stage", "watch" ]
Visiting Egypt was as incredible as I had imagined. Everything was different than what I was used to. The most shocking thing was seeing how basic transportation was handled.
[ "camel", "car", "pass", "ride", "street" ]
The marathon took place during the day, and Kevin was fully prepared. He made sure that he wore some light clothing because the sun would be out. Sure, Kevin sweat, but he knew he was a lot cooler than the other competitors.
[ "race", "run", "shirt", "sunglass", "wear" ]
The doctor had had a long day on the job. Finally, it was the end of the day and he was able to relax. He slumped down behind his desk and poured himself a glass of whiskey.
[ "chair", "cup", "drink", "sit" ]
It was a beautiful day today. I usually drive when I go to work, but I figured that it was a good day for biking. The sun was warm and the breeze felt lovely on my face.
[ "bike", "ride", "take" ]
The man was in a chair in front of his store drinking a cup of coffee. He looked at the people as they passed by his store with a smile on his face. He taught maybe I should start selling coffee because there is a lot of people who is going to work right now.
[ "owner", "sit", "watch" ]
Kyle loved the Chinese restaurant down the street. He was taking Cindy there on their first date. The only problem was that he didn't know what dish she would enjoy the most.
[ "bowl", "chopstick", "eat", "hat", "noodle" ]
Jill woke up early to make breakfast for her husband Jim, who was starting a new job that day. Jim came down the stairs and kissed his wife. "How about a special omelette to start your first day of work? Jill asked Jim.
[ "crack", "egg", "kitchen" ]
The music was loud in the band classroom. The tubas were getting tuned up and ready to play for their next performance. The brassy sound shook and rattled the walls.
[ "drum", "headphone", "room" ]
Jan and Jim decided to spend New Year's Eve at home. They settled in front of the TV to watch the ball drop in Times Square. As midnight approached, Jim had the champagne and glasses ready.
[ "bottle", "cork", "pop", "sip", "take" ]
Jessie was home alone for the night. It was dark and she was really starting to get a bit spooked out. Something was in the kitchen, Jessie was sure of it.
[ "cast", "doorway", "light", "shadow", "walk" ]
Mike was thrilled when he heard his favorite band was touring again. The day tickets went on sale, Mike made sure he was first in line to buy. The day of the concert, Mike went early to secure his spot.
[ "front", "listen", "music" ]
Cindy was excited about her vacation at the ranch. Today she was in the saddle enjoying her favorite pastime. She looked ahead at the peak above, leaving level ground behind.
[ "horse", "mountain", "ride" ]
Sports is a very special thing. Most people only see it as an athletic competition. However it's also a mental one that involves a lot of ups and downs.
[ "game", "head", "involve", "lead", "touch" ]
Tracy was glad that she had decided to rake up the leaves the day before. The weatherman was saying that there would be wintry precipitation tonight. What good would that be if there were leaves spread across the yard?
[ "fall", "ground", "jump", "pile", "snow" ]
It was Geoff and Jessie's anniversary tonight. They wanted to do something bit nothing too special, just a night out together. They had made reservations for their favorite restaurant and arrived there at 7pm.
[ "food", "front", "sit", "table" ]
The little machine made a buzzing noise as Eddie turned it on. Ten minutes later, the floor was a hairy mess. Eddie got the broom and cleaned it up before his mother got home and yelled at him.
[ "bathroom", "clipper", "hair" ]
The high school football team was in desperate need of new uniforms. They held fundraisers in hopes of raising enough money for the purchase. Finally, the goal was reached and the new uniforms were shipped.
[ "helmet", "jersey", "pant", "player", "wear" ]
Performers always gathered at the waterfront on Friday nights in the summer. Some played music, some make animal balloons for the children, some did acrobatics. But Billy had a favorite act that he always looked for when his dad took him to watch, and he ran over to where they were about to begin.
[ "drop", "fire", "juggle", "stick" ]
It was a hot, smoldering summer day. Lenny was ready to get into the water. He changed into his clothing and ran toward the diving board.
[ "jump", "pool", "suit", "wear" ]
The carpenter inspected the outside of the house carefully. He pulled tools out of his bag and marked a few things down on a notebook. When he was finished, he walked over to Lucy to give her an estimate.
[ "carry", "ladder", "pouch", "project", "wear" ]
He barks all day and is always looking to eat, but I love Bo. Well, there are times when I love him a little less. Yesterday, an otherwise peaceful day, there was an event with a squirrel.
[ "broom", "chase", "dog", "move" ]
Jenny was proud to show off her cute toddler in church. She dressed the little boy in a suit and saw the admiring looks as they sat in a pew. Unfortunately, the little boy started wailing, and Jenny fumbled in her purse for something to distract him.
[ "lip", "mouth", "put", "suck", "sucker" ]
As a child, growing up on a farm required a lot of work. I had to deal with our animals without any modern equipment. With the horses I had to feed them hay and shovel manure.
[ "cow", "hand", "milk" ]
Ed was starting his job as an apprentice butcher. He suited up and joined the person who was going to be training him, who introduced himself as Mike. Mike had Ed wash his hands thoroughly before they got to work.
[ "casing", "fill", "machine", "meat", "sausage" ]
Larry was heartbroken and had been for three days. His little Lady had run away and he didn't know where to find the pooch. One day, Larry got a phone call from the pound.
[ "bring", "dog", "owner", "toy" ]
The teacher was teaching the third graders about reading music. They gathered around her on the floor and tapped their hands to the beat. The lesson was integrated with the math lesson that he had planned for the day.
[ "chair", "clap", "finger", "sit", "snap" ]
Toby was a brown lab and he was the smartest that I had ever seen. I had even trained him myself and he was always eager to learn. I couldn't tell you how many tricks that boy knew how to do!
[ "ask", "dog", "hand", "praise", "shake" ]
The dad was trying to teach his son to swing a bat. He tossed softly to him, but the boy kept missing. Dad realized there was only one way his son was going to learn to swing successfully.
[ "baseball", "give", "hit", "instruction", "tee" ]
Jordan is playing hard today. His jersey is sticking to him. Too bad they can't go without them.
[ "player", "shirt", "wear" ]
The people were standing on the sandy shore looking up. There was a whirring noise from the air. The people put their hands to their eyes to get a better view of what was going on.
[ "beach", "plane", "sky", "watch" ]
The tiles were lined up on the ground carefully. I had the video camera waiting to capture them falling. Then I realized that the battery was out on the camera.
[ "domino", "floor", "row", "set", "sit" ]
Kyle had no idea how his daughter got into these kind of messes. She was standing in the middle of the living room full of gum and crying. He didn't know how he was going to fix this mess, but he knew he had to do something before her mother got back.
[ "face", "hair", "stick", "tongue" ]
The woman looked exasperated as she did her grocery shopping. With three kids under the age of five, anyone else would feel the same way. I felt horrible for her, but I would never be able to take care of all those kids either.
[ "cart", "push", "store", "toddler" ]
Every Friday at work, John bet twenty dollars on a football pool circulated around the office. John's team was winning at halftime on Sunday, and he was getting excited. By the fourth quarter though, his team was trailing by seven points.
[ "game", "goal", "score" ]
I was finally ready to do this after a long time preparing. It was to be my ultimate sacrifice, one that few men would go through with. We had already said our final goodbye but I looked over to my wife one last time for affirmation.
[ "eye", "give", "glisten", "nod" ]
Jerry was excited to go the Scottish festival in his hometown. A lot of the people in his town had descended from Scotland and his family were some of them. Jerry enjoyed the food and music that the festival had to offer.
[ "bagpipe", "dress", "front", "kilt", "stand" ]
The cat bounced out of the room as the housekeeper turned the loud machine on. He hid under the cabinet in the dining room until the awful thing was out of sight. The housekeeper laughed as she wrapped the wire up, knowing that this happened every time.
[ "floor", "turn", "vacuum" ]
The weather looked perfect for a trip to the beach. Tom packed his board, hoping to catch some waves. The tide was high, so the waves provided a challenge.
[ "day", "enjoy", "surf", "water", "wind" ]
I went to a bar for a tall drink. I watched the bartender pull the handle. I was upset that my drink was far below the rim.
[ "beer", "fill", "glass", "tap" ]
Joe woke up as soon as he heard the alarm clock go off. His head was pounding and he knew he wouldn't be able to make it through the day. Joe picked up his phone and called in sick to work.
[ "bed", "foot", "lay" ]
Willy put the money down on the counter at the shooting range. The cashier took the cash without giving Willy a second glance. To her, Willy looked like just another hunter out here tweaking his skills.
[ "gun", "helmet", "stand", "sunglass", "wear" ]
The farmer walked to the barn with his tools in hand. He had his son with him and he had a lot to teach him. The animals were getting shaggy and today they were getting a trim.
[ "clipper", "shear", "sheep", "use", "wool" ]
Gabe popped along to the rhythm of the song. He grinned at the audience as he sang along with the rest of the quartet. When they were finished singing, Gabe and the rest of the group took a bow.
[ "finger", "sit", "smile", "snap" ]
Mark and Beth were on their second date, and things were going well. They went to an afternoon movie, really enjoying it. They had forgone snacks at the theater, so they would be hungry and thirsty for an early dinner.
[ "drink", "eat", "restaurant" ]
Yesterday was Sunday and I had to do my grocery shopping. I made sure I had on something to support my football team. I was buying a lot so I covered almost every inch of that store.
[ "cart", "push", "shirt" ]
Landon was learning to finally get on a two wheeler. His father had given it to him for Christmas and it was time for him to be a big boy. Landon held his breath as he sailed off for the first time.
[ "bike", "ride", "sidewalk", "wheel" ]
Jessie put the fruit down in front of her son. She started to walk away, but he called her back to the table. He looked up at her and she realized that she wasn't done and picked the orange back up.
[ "give", "instruction", "orange", "peel", "way" ]
John had been training for months for his trip to the Grand Tetons. He was going with his friend Hank who had been training along side him. They got up early in the morning and drove to the park where they unloaded their gear.
[ "belt", "climb", "hang", "rock", "rope" ]
I gained possession of my grandfather's farm after he passed away. It was during harvest season. I looked out on the fields full of food and wondered what I'd do with it all.
[ "fruit", "market", "sell", "vegetable" ]
Jackson was one of the best rodeo performers on the circuit. This time he had drawn a particularly fearsome animal. It wasn't going well from the start, and the bucking got harder and harder.
[ "air", "bull", "ride" ]