3 values
2 values
3 values
With more than 80 reviews , The Night before had a rating of more than 64 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 63 % , based on 79 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 63 % , based on 79 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 63 % , based on 79 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With more than 80 reviews , The Night before had a rating of more than 64 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
With more than 80 reviews , The Night before had a rating of more than 64 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With more than 80 reviews , The Night before had a rating of more than 64 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave the film varied reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave the film varied reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave the film varied reviews .
The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave the film varied reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave the film flattering reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave the film flattering reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave the film flattering reviews .
The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received Positive reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave the film flattering reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has under 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of less than 66 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has under 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of less than 66 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has under 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of less than 66 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has under 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of less than 66 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has over 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of more than 65 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 83 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has over 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of more than 65 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has over 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of more than 65 % .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has over 85 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes , with a rating of more than 65 % .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected $ 10.1million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 101 million , $ 14.4 million , and $ 12.8 million , respectively .
In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected $ 10.1million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 101 million , $ 14.4 million , and $ 12.8 million , respectively .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected $ 10.1million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 101 million , $ 14.4 million , and $ 12.8 million , respectively .
In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected $ 10.1million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 101 million , $ 14.4 million , and $ 12.8 million , respectively .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected $ 9.9 million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 10.7 million , $ 15 million , and $ 13.2 million , respectively .
In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 10.1 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 101 million ) , Spectre ( $ 14.4 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 12.8 million ) .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected $ 9.9 million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 10.7 million , $ 15 million , and $ 13.2 million , respectively .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected $ 9.9 million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 10.7 million , $ 15 million , and $ 13.2 million , respectively .
In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: In its opening weekend , the film grossed $ 9.9 million , below expectations , and finished fourth at the box office behind Mockingjay � Part 2 ( $ 102.7 million ) , Spectre ( $ 15 million ) and The Peanuts Movie ( $ 13.2 million ) .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected $ 9.9 million , while Mockingjay , Spectre , and The Peanuts Movie made $ 10.7 million , $ 15 million , and $ 13.2 million , respectively .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Under 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of over 65 % on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Under 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of over 65 % on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Under 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of over 65 % on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Under 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of over 65 % on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Over 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of less than 66 % on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 88 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Over 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of less than 66 % on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Over 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of less than 66 % on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Over 90 people reviewed The Night Before , which had a rating of less than 66 % on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Less than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Less than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Less than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Less than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .", "role": "assistant" } ]
More than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 28 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "More than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .", "role": "assistant" } ]
More than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "More than 29 people reviewed The Night Before on Metacritic .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's rating was more than 64 % , with less than 92 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's rating was more than 64 % , with less than 92 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's rating was more than 64 % , with less than 92 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's rating was more than 64 % , with less than 92 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's rating was less than 65 % , with more than 91 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 91 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's rating was less than 65 % , with more than 91 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's rating was less than 65 % , with more than 91 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 64 % , based on 92 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's rating was less than 65 % , with more than 91 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Juventus were the runners-up of the UEFA Champions League of 2014-2015 .
Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by eventual runners-up Juventus in the semi-finals .
2014�15 UEFA Champions League
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: 2014�15 UEFA Champions League Evidence: Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by eventual runners-up Juventus in the semi-finals .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: 2014�15 UEFA Champions League\nEvidence: Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by eventual runners-up Juventus in the semi-finals .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Juventus were the runners-up of the UEFA Champions League of 2014-2015 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Juventus were the runners-up of the UEFA Champions League of 2014-2015 .
Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by Juventus in the semi-finals .
2014�15 UEFA Champions League
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: 2014�15 UEFA Champions League Evidence: Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by Juventus in the semi-finals .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: 2014�15 UEFA Champions League\nEvidence: Real Madrid were the title holders , but they were eliminated by Juventus in the semi-finals .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Juventus were the runners-up of the UEFA Champions League of 2014-2015 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
It made under $ 25 million in North America and under $ 26 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It made under $ 25 million in North America and under $ 26 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
It made under $ 25 million in North America and under $ 26 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It made under $ 25 million in North America and under $ 26 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
It made over $ 25 million in North America and over $ 26 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 24.9 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 25.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It made over $ 25 million in North America and over $ 26 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
It made over $ 25 million in North America and over $ 26 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It made over $ 25 million in North America and over $ 26 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
With less than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated less than 66 % and averaged 6.1/10 .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With less than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated less than 66 % and averaged 6.1/10 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
With less than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated less than 66 % and averaged 6.1/10 .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With less than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated less than 66 % and averaged 6.1/10 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
With more than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated more than 65 % and averaged 6.2/10 .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 65 % , based on 93 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With more than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated more than 65 % and averaged 6.2/10 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
With more than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated more than 65 % and averaged 6.2/10 .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With more than 95 reviews , The Night Before was rated more than 65 % and averaged 6.2/10 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan 's parents died fourteen years before the events of The Night Before .
Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan 's parents died fourteen years before the events of The Night Before .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan 's parents died fourteen years before the events of The Night Before .
Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan 's parents died fourteen years before the events of The Night Before .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan 's parents died three years before the events of The Night Before .
Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: Fourteen years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan 's parents died three years before the events of The Night Before .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan 's parents died three years before the events of The Night Before .
Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: Three years prior , Ethan Miller 's ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) parents passed away on Christmas Eve .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan 's parents died three years before the events of The Night Before .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had a rating of less than 67 % from less than 100 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had a rating of less than 67 % from less than 100 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had a rating of less than 67 % from less than 100 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had a rating of less than 67 % from less than 100 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had a rating of more than 66 % from more than 100 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 98 reviews , with an average rating of 6.2/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had a rating of more than 66 % from more than 100 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had a rating of more than 66 % from more than 100 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had a rating of more than 66 % from more than 100 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave The Night Before either diverse or flattering reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave The Night Before either diverse or flattering reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave The Night Before either diverse or flattering reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave The Night Before either diverse or flattering reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave The Night Before diverse reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed to positive reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave The Night Before diverse reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Critics gave The Night Before diverse reviews .
The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: The Night Before has received mixed reviews from critics .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Critics gave The Night Before diverse reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's total earnings were less than $ 27 million , of which less than $ 26 million were from North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's total earnings were less than $ 27 million , of which less than $ 26 million were from North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's total earnings were less than $ 27 million , of which less than $ 26 million were from North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's total earnings were less than $ 27 million , of which less than $ 26 million were from North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's total earnings were more than $ 27 million , of which over $ 26 million were from North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 25.8 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 26.3 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's total earnings were more than $ 27 million , of which over $ 26 million were from North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before 's total earnings were more than $ 27 million , of which over $ 26 million were from North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 26.5 million in North America and $ 559,907 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 27.1 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before 's total earnings were more than $ 27 million , of which over $ 26 million were from North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has a rating of more than 67 % from less than 110 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has a rating of more than 67 % from less than 110 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has a rating of more than 67 % from less than 110 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has a rating of more than 67 % from less than 110 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has a rating of less than 67 % from over 110 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 108 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has a rating of less than 67 % from over 110 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before has a rating of less than 67 % from over 110 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before has a rating of less than 67 % from over 110 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Betsy gives them a lot of drugs on Christmas Eve for them to celebrate .
On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character , who gives the friends a cornucopia of drugs on Christmas Eve so they can have one last hurrah together .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character , who gives the friends a cornucopia of drugs on Christmas Eve so they can have one last hurrah together .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character , who gives the friends a cornucopia of drugs on Christmas Eve so they can have one last hurrah together .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Betsy gives them a lot of drugs on Christmas Eve for them to celebrate .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Betsy gives them a lot of drugs on Christmas Eve for them to celebrate .
On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On August 7 , Jillian Bell was cast to play Betsy , the wife of Rogen 's character .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Betsy gives them a lot of drugs on Christmas Eve for them to celebrate .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before had less than 114 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before had less than 114 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before had less than 114 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before had less than 114 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before had more than 113 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 113 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before had more than 113 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before had more than 113 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 114 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before had more than 113 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 2013 .
Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.
Lilly Pulitzer
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Lilly Pulitzer Evidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Lilly Pulitzer\nEvidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 2013 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 2013 .
Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.
Lilly Pulitzer
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Lilly Pulitzer Evidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Lilly Pulitzer\nEvidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 2013 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 1993 .
Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.
Lilly Pulitzer
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Lilly Pulitzer Evidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Lilly Pulitzer\nEvidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Rousseau died from cancer in 2013.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 1993 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 1993 .
Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.
Lilly Pulitzer
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Lilly Pulitzer Evidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Lilly Pulitzer\nEvidence: Lilly continued to reside in Palm Beach , FL , and Enrique Rousseau died from cancer in 1993.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Enrique Rousseau succumbed to cancer in 1993 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected less than $ 33 million globally , of which less than $ 1 million came from outside North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected less than $ 33 million globally , of which less than $ 1 million came from outside North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected less than $ 33 million globally , of which less than $ 1 million came from outside North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected less than $ 33 million globally , of which less than $ 1 million came from outside North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected more than $ 33 million globally , of which more than $ 1 million came from outside North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 559,907 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 32.5 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected more than $ 33 million globally , of which more than $ 1 million came from outside North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before collected more than $ 33 million globally , of which more than $ 1 million came from outside North America .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 32 million in North America and $ 1.2 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 33.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before collected more than $ 33 million globally , of which more than $ 1 million came from outside North America .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had less than 118 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had less than 118 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had less than 118 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had less than 118 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had over 118 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 116 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had over 118 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film had over 118 reviews .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film had over 118 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before scored under 58/100 with less than 31 reviews .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before scored under 58/100 with less than 31 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before scored under 58/100 with less than 31 reviews .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before scored under 58/100 with less than 31 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before scored over 57/100 with more than 30 reviews .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 57 out of 100 , based on 30 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before scored over 57/100 with more than 30 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before scored over 57/100 with more than 30 reviews .
`` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: `` On Metacritic , the film has a score of 58 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` '' mixed or average reviews '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before scored over 57/100 with more than 30 reviews .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film has less than 120 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film has less than 120 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film has less than 120 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film has less than 120 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film has more than 119 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 66 % , based on 119 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film has more than 119 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film has more than 119 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .
On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 67 % , based on 120 reviews , with an average rating of 6/10 .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film has more than 119 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film made under $ 33.5 million in North America and under $ 36 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film made under $ 33.5 million in North America and under $ 36 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film made under $ 33.5 million in North America and under $ 36 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film made under $ 33.5 million in North America and under $ 36 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film made over $ 33.5 million in North America and over $ 36 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.3 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 35.9 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film made over $ 33.5 million in North America and over $ 36 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The film made over $ 33.5 million in North America and over $ 36 million worldwide .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 33.8 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 36.4 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The film made over $ 33.5 million in North America and over $ 36 million worldwide .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Rapping means `` to say '' since the 18th century .
`` Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century , and specifically meaning `` '' to say '' '' since the 18th . ''
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Rapping Evidence: `` Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century , and specifically meaning `` '' to say '' '' since the 18th . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Rapping\nEvidence: `` Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century , and specifically meaning `` '' to say '' '' since the 18th . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Rapping means `` to say '' since the 18th century .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Rapping means `` to say '' since the 18th century .
Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century .
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Rapping Evidence: Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Rapping\nEvidence: Oxford English Dictionary The word had been used in British English since the 16th century .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Rapping means `` to say '' since the 18th century .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan finds the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball
While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan finds the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan finds the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball
While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan finds the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan steals the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan finds three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan steals the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ethan steals the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: While working in the coat room on Christmas day , Ethan steals three tickets to the elusive Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ethan steals the tickets to The Nutcracker Ball from a coat pocket .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before grossed under $ 36 million in North America and less than $ 40 million globally .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before grossed under $ 36 million in North America and less than $ 40 million globally .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before grossed under $ 36 million in North America and less than $ 40 million globally .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before grossed under $ 36 million in North America and less than $ 40 million globally .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before grossed over $ 36 million in North America and more than $ 40 million globally .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 35.6 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 38.2 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before grossed over $ 36 million in North America and more than $ 40 million globally .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Night Before grossed over $ 36 million in North America and more than $ 40 million globally .
, The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB- Evidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: The Night Before -LRB-2015 film-RRB-\nEvidence: , The Night Before has grossed $ 38.2 million in North America and $ 2.6 in other territories for a worldwide total of $ 40.8 million , against a budget of $ 25 million .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Night Before grossed over $ 36 million in North America and more than $ 40 million globally .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Stephen Bruner received a Grammy nomination through his career .
Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American Grammy nominated , multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .
Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB- Evidence: Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American Grammy nominated , multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB-\nEvidence: Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American Grammy nominated , multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Stephen Bruner received a Grammy nomination through his career .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Stephen Bruner received a Grammy nomination through his career .
Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .
Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB- Evidence: Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Thundercat -LRB-musician-RRB-\nEvidence: Stephen Bruner ( born October 19 , 1984 ) , better known by his stage name Thundercat , is an American multi-genre bass player , producer and singer from Los Angeles , California .", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Stephen Bruner received a Grammy nomination through his career .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Xbox 360 version of Fez was released in 2012 , while the PC version was released in 2013 .
`` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the 2012 Xbox 360 Fez as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for the 2013 PC version as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''
Fez -LRB-video game-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Fez -LRB-video game-RRB- Evidence: `` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the 2012 Xbox 360 Fez as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for the 2013 PC version as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Fez -LRB-video game-RRB-\nEvidence: `` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the 2012 Xbox 360 Fez as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for the 2013 PC version as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Xbox 360 version of Fez was released in 2012 , while the PC version was released in 2013 .", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Xbox 360 version of Fez was released in 2012 , while the PC version was released in 2013 .
`` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the original Xbox 360 Fez release as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for later releases as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''
Fez -LRB-video game-RRB-
Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence. Page: Fez -LRB-video game-RRB- Evidence: `` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the original Xbox 360 Fez release as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for later releases as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''
[ { "content": "Generate a claim on the basis of the following evidence.\nPage: Fez -LRB-video game-RRB-\nEvidence: `` } } The video game review aggregator Metacritic described reviews for the original Xbox 360 Fez release as `` '' generally favorable '' '' and those for later releases as `` '' universal acclaim '' '' . ''", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Xbox 360 version of Fez was released in 2012 , while the PC version was released in 2013 .", "role": "assistant" } ]