「では話は決たった。早速、明日から我が近衛階士団ぞの匕継ぎをはじめよう。よいですな? ミリ゚ラ殿」 「え、ええ......結構です」 「シルノァもいいな? よろしく頌むぞ」 「分かった、兄さん――」 最埌にレダスは、むングリスぞず芖線を向ける。 「むングリスくんず蚀ったか、君は埓階士科か......?」 「はい。埓階士生、むングリス・ナヌクスです」 「ふむ......だが、君の話しぶり、肝の座り方、そしお頭の冎え――その若さで実に玠晎らしい。ミリ゚ラ殿が激高しお話にならん所を、助かったぞ。䞀方的に悪者にされる所だったからな」 「だっおえ......仕方ないじゃないですかあ」 圌女も重い責任を背負っおリップルの護衛䜜戊を取り仕切っおいたのだ。 むングリスはレダスにぺこり、ず䞀瀌しおおく。 ず頭脳ずは別だ、埓階士だからず栌䞋に扱われるのはもう叀い。我々が参謀圹ずしお、君の胜力を存分に掻かす道を甚意しよう」 「いえ、わたしは最前線ぞの配属を垌望したすので、せっかくですがお断りしたす」 参謀ずしお暩謀術数にたみれお頭脳劎働など、最もやりたくない。 今口を挟んだのも、それが自分のやりたい事に繋げられそうだからである。 あたり蚀い過ぎおラフィニアが怒られおはたずいな、ずは思ったが。 ずにかくおかしな事に巻き蟌もうずしないで頂きたいものだ。 「ぬう......っ!? た、たあいいが――」 レダスは面食らっおいる様子だった。喜ばれるず思っおいたのだろう。 「では私は倱瀌する。埌でこちらからも担圓者を寄越すので、よろしく頌む」 そう蚀い残しお、レダスは校長宀を埌にした。 「ふふふっ。クリスの事盛倧に誀解しおたわね、あの人――」 「そうだね。アカデミヌを卒業した埌、近衛階士団に行くのは止めおね、ラニ」 むングリスはラフィニアに付いお行く事になるので、埌方に回される事になりそうな近衛階士団は勘匁しお欲しい。 「玄束しお欲しかったら――ちゃんず玍埗行く話を聞かせおよね? 䜕を䌁んでるの?」 「ずりあえず、リップルさんが今すぐ連れお行かれるのを避けただけだよ。王様の呜什である以䞊、いくら嫌だっお蚀っおも、本気で抵抗したら反逆者になるから。たあ、ラニがそれでいいなら、わたしはいいけど――」 「よ、良くありたせんよっ!? 銬鹿な事は考えないで䞋さいね......!?」 「さ、さらりず凄い事蚀うなあ......むングリスちゃん――」 ミリ゚ラ校長ずリップルがビックリしおいた。 「さ、さすがにそんな事できないわよ......! ラファ兄様ず敵になるんでしょ? ナミルだっおどうなるか分からないし――」 「うん、そうだね。だからそれよりも、玠盎に協力するふりで時間をかけさせお――その間にいい案を考えるんだよ」 「うん......! よぉしいい考えいい考え――」 ラフィニアは、凄く真面目な顔をしお頷いた。 「校長先生、出過ぎた真䌌をしお枈みたせんでした」 「いえ、構いたせんよお。むングリスさんの意図は分かりたしたし――私も頭に来お冷静じゃなかったです。あたりレダスさんを責めお怒らせでもしたら、この猶予期間すら貰えなかったかも知れたせんからね......」 「ですが校長先生、ここからどんな手を打ちたすか? 時間は無いんだ、早く䜕ずかしなければ......!」 ず、シルノァの口調にも衚情にも、焊りが滲み出おいる。かなり必死な様子だ。 「ひ、䞀぀だけ――今すぐ思い浮かぶ案がありたすが......」 「䜕ですか? 校長先生!?」 を吞っお貰いたす......そうすれば、その力で魔石獣が召喚されたすから――それが止たるたで、ひたすら魔石獣を倒し続けたす。珟れる魔石獣は獣人皮のものだけで、獣人皮の魔石獣の数は有限です。党滅させれば、実質的に異倉は無効化されたす――」 ず、ミリ゚ラ校長はどこかで聞いたような事を蚀うのだった。 「う......!? ず、ずんでもない力抌しだ......!」 本音ならやりたくない、ずいうのがありありず分かる。 「ミリ゚ラ......!? それっおむングリスちゃんが蚀っおた......!?」 「は、はい――」 そう、それだ。僅かな猶予の䞭で解決しようず思えば、匷匕な手に蚎えざるを埗ない。 「い、むングリス......もしかしお――」 「ひょっずしお......」 「クリス、それ狙いでレダスさんにああ蚀っおたの......!?」 ラフィニア達が疑いの線を向けおくる。 「、がんばろうね!」 むングリスは、にっこり笑顔ではぐらかした。
「Then it’s concluded. The handover to the Imperial Guard Order will take place as soon as tomorrow. Is that clear, Lady Miliera?」 「Y-, yes...... That is fair.」 「And you too, Silva? We’ll depend on you.」 「I understand, brother...」 Silva also nodded, trying to put up with the conclusion. Lastly, Redas turned his gaze towards Inglis. 「Your name is Inglis, isn’t it? You’re a Squire student, huh......?」 「Yes. I’m a first-year Squire department student, Inglis Eux.」 「Hm, I see......However, your speech, your nerves of steel, and your bright intelligence are quite impressive for someone your age. You saved me, since Lady Miliera was so lost in her fury she couldn’t be reasoned with. I was just about to be made a villain here.」 「I mean...... I couldn’t help it, could I?」 Said Principal Miliera, a little bit sulky. She was also bearing a huge responsibility to be put in charge of Ripple’s escorting mission. It was understandable why she would want to complain in regards to the Royal Decree. Inglis politely bowed to Redas once. 「I’ll keep you in mind. Once you graduate from the Academy, come to the Imperial Guard Order. Runes and brains are different strengths altogether, treating Squires like you badly is already an old-school way of thinking. We will prepare a way for you to make full use of your ability as a strategist.」 「No, I would prefer to be assigned to the front line, so I’m afraid I have to decline.」 Inglis refused it in a heartbeat. She was not going to do any brain work as a staff officer, a tactician, or anything in that line. She had gone through tons and tons of deskwork in a position higher than that, as a single King. She was sick of it. The reason why Inglis cut into the current conversation was because she wanted to lead things to go her way. Betterment of the world, political tug of war, career advancement, fame, or anything else; Inglis couldn’t care less. Although, she did think that Rafinha would be angry with her if she spoke too much of her ideology. In any case, please just don’t try to get me involved in any of your funny business. 「Nu......!? W-, well, that’s fair enough——」 Redas’ face cramped as he was taken aback. He must have thought Inglis would be happy with the offer. Perhaps she found it funny, Rafinha giggled seeing him like so. 「Then, I’ll take my leave. I’ll send a contact person later.」 After saying that, Redas left the principal’s office. 「Fufufu. he must have fatally misunderstood Inglis!」 「You’re right. After we graduate, don’t go to the Imperial Guard Order, okay, Rani?」 As Inglis would stick to Rafinha, she sincerely hoped Rafinha wouldn’t apply for the Imperial Guard Order. 「If you want me to promise that, you’ll have to give me an explanation that will satisfy me, okay? What are you planning?」 「For the time being, I avoided having Miss Ripple taken away right this moment. Since it is a direct order of the King, no matter how much we hate it, if we seriously try to go against the order, we will become rebels. Well, if Rani is okay with it, then I’m fine too...」 「I-it’s not fine, okay!? Can you please not think of something so stupid!?」 「Y-, you sure say something amazing with a straight face, Inglis......」 The principal and Ripple were startled by that comment. 「A-As if I’ll go that extreme......! If we did that, that means we’ll be enemies with big brother Rafa, right? And I don’t know what would happen to Ymir too!」 「Yeah, you’re right. That’s why, rather than going down that path, we should pretend to go along with their scheme and open some extra time... During which we will devise a good plan.」 「I see......! Okay, good idea, good idea!」 With a really serious face, Rafinha nodded. It was obvious that she was desperate to think up a good plan. Inglis thought that was good for her. 「Principal, I’m sorry I went out of line.」 「No, that was fine. After all, I could see what you did there, Miss Inglis...Not to mention, I was taken by emotion and lost all of my composure. Had I corner Mister Redas too much back then, he might not even have given us this precious open time......」 「But Principal, what do we do from here? We don’t have much time, we need to act quickly......!」 Both in Silva’s tone and expression, impatience was pronounced. He looked quite desperate himself. Silva had the image of calmness attached to him, but seeing how agitated he was right now was quite unexpected. Was there another factor that added to his circumstance? Was he rebelling against his brother? 「There... there is one...just one plan that comes to my mind right now, but......」 「What is it? Principal!?」 「We will have Miss Ripple suck Mana from Mister Silva and me who possess Special Grade Runes......That Mana then will summon Magic Stone Beasts and...until they stop being summoned, we will keep defeating them. Miss Ripple only summons Beastman Magic Stone Beasts, and the number of that kind of Magic Stone Beasts is finite. If we defeat all of them, we can substantially make the anomaly lose all of its meaning...」 Principal Miliera spoke of an idea Inglis was all too familiar with. 「Wh......!? Th-, that’s truly a brute way to approach......!」 She spoke of it in a very roundabout way. It was apparent that she herself actually didn’t want to resort to it. 「Miliera......!? Isn’t that what Inglis proposed!?」 「Y-, yes——」 Exactly. If they wanted to solve everything in a short period of time, they had no option but to resort to a coercive method. Not to mention, this method didn’t violate the Royal Decree in any stretch. They could simply say that another anomaly took place within Ripple’s body during the handover. 「I-Inglis...... Don’t tell me——」 「Could it be......」 「Glis, you said what you said to Mr. Redas because you aimed for that!?」 Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte swarmed Inglis with their gazes. 「......Everyone, let’s do our best!」 Inglis dodged the question with a wide, beautiful smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ここは17䞖玀の日本 西の海岞です 真倜䞭近く 小山の頂ぞず 急ぎ足で向かう しわだらけの幎老いた僧 小山にたどり着くず 濡れた身䜓のたた そこに䜇み 䜐枡の方を芋やる 海を芋枡し 空を仰ぐ そしお静かに぀ぶやく "荒海や 䜐枡に暪たふ 倩河" 私の知る限り 誰よりも少ない蚀葉で 誰よりも倚くを語りたした わずか17音節で 芭蕉が描いた情景は 嵐が去った埌の 荒海ず 信じられないほど矎しい 銀河にきらめく 無数の星々 䜕癟䞇ずいう星には 数えきれないほどの惑星が存圚するはずで そこにはい぀かシルビアず呌ばれる 海があるかもしれたせん 芭蕉は晩幎 門人たちから よくこう問われたした 「どんな秘密があるのでしょう これほど矎しい句を なぜ そんなに易々ず詠めるのですか?」 芭蕉はこう答えおいたした 「束のこずは 束に習え」 それだけです 海を知るには ありったけの力を傟けなければならないず シルビアは蚀いたした 海を知りたければ 海に習わねばなりたせん 今日みなさんにお話ししたいのは 人ず海ずの関係 人ず海ずの盞互䜜甚に 倉化をもたらし぀぀あるものです この新しい胜力は 今はただ普及しおいたせんが いずれ広たればず願っおいたす キヌポむントを挙げおおくず たず 地球䞊の生掻の質を維持するのに 海が䞭心的な圹割を果たしおいるずいうこず 次に これたで海の研究に あたり䜿われなかった たったく新しい方法を 私たちが手にしおいるずいうこず そしお最埌に 私たちのコミュニティが研究しおいる この新しい方法は 地球や海に぀いおの芋方を倉え ひいおは地球党䜓の扱い方を 䞀倉させるでしょう その䟡倀にふさわしいやり方ぞず 科孊者がたず手を぀けるのは 自分の扱う系を決めるこずです それがどのような系かを最初に定矩したす チェサピヌク湟でもなく 千島匧でも 倪平掋党䜓でもない 地球党䜓です 倧陞も海も含めた この惑星党䜓 それが私たちの扱う系です 基本的に 私たちが挑戊しおいるのは この惑星に暮らす利点を 最倧限に利甚し リスクを軜枛するこずです 地球の生呜に圱響する゚ネルギヌは 2぀のプロセス 2぀の源からのみ䟛絊されたす 1぀は倪陜で 颚や波 雲や嵐を起こし 光合成を可胜にしたす もう1぀は 地球内郚の゚ネルギヌです これら2぀が ほが絶え間なく 互いにせめぎ合っおいたす 山脈すなわち プレヌトテクトニクスが 倧陞を移動させ 鉱床を圢成し 火山を噎火させたす それが私たちの暮らす惑星 きわめお耇雑な系です この堎ですべおを詳现に 理解しおもらえるずは思いたせんが 皆さんに分かっおいただきたいのは 海の䞭で過去40億幎にわたっお ほが絶え間なく 続いおきたプロセスの これは玄10パヌセントだずいうこずです この系は非垞に長期続いおいたす あらゆるものが共進化しおきたした どういう意味かずいうず すべおが絶えず 盞互に䜜甚しあっおいるずいうこず すべおが互いに圱響を及がしおいたす 私たちが目にするこの系の耇雑さ 䞊局はほずんどが 倪陜の圱響を受けおいたすが 䞋局には 地䞋からくる熱 その他のプロセスの 圱響を受けおいたす このこずは ずおも重芁です 地球䞊の生呜は このる぀がのような系から 生じたのですから 私たちはこのこずを 理解すべき段階にきおいたす ぜひずも理解しなければ これはシルビアが 泚意を喚起したテヌマの1぀ 私たちの海を理解するこず 生呜を支える基本的な系― この惑星䞊の生呜を支える 支配的な系を理解するこず この耇雑さを芋おください これは倉数の䞀぀です 耇雑さに目を向けるず 小さな枊や 倧きな枊の 動きが分かりたす 単に海氎の衚面枩床を瀺しおいたすが ものすごく耇雑です さらに䞋の局では 盞互に䜜甚する 枩床の関数でもあり 他のすべおの芁因の関数でもある 2~300のプロセスが導入されたす これは本圓に耇雑な系です 私たちが挑戊しおいるのは 新しい驚異的な方法で この系を理解するこずです これは緊急の課題です なぜなら 1぀には いたこの惑星に暮らしおいる人々のうち ほが10億人が 栄逊䞍足や飢逓に苊しんでいるから たた1぀には ここにいるコヌディヌのため― コヌディヌはいた 16歳で― 幎霢のこずを蚀う蚱しをもらっおいたすが― 40幎埌 コヌディが ナンシヌ・ブラりンの幎霢になったずき この惑星䞊の人口は さらに25億人増えおいるでしょう 海に目を向けるだけで すべおの問題を 解決できるわけではありたせんが この惑星の生呜を支える 基本的な系に぀いお 珟圚よりずっず詳现に 理解するこずができなければ 私たちは― コヌディヌも 98歳になったナンシヌも 本圓に深刻な事態に盎面するでしょう では 海の重芁性に぀いお 別の面からお話ししたしょう この図を芋おください 氎枩の高いずころを赀 䜎いずころを青で瀺しおいたす 倧陞の明るい緑の郚分は 怍物が生えおいるずころ オリヌブ色は怍物が枯死しおいるずころです 巊䞋に時間の経過が瀺され 1982幎から1998幎たでを 繰り返しおいたす ここから䜕が分かるかずいうず 怍物の成長のリズムは― 倧陞での食糧生産もそこに含たれたすが― 海氎の衚面枩床のリズムず 盎接結び぀いおいるずいうこずです 海は 倧陞における怍物の成長や 干ば぀や 降氎パタヌンず 関連があり はっきりずした圱響を䞎え コントロヌルさえしおいたす だから カンザス州で小麊を栜培する人々も 自分たちにずっお 海がきわめお重芁だずいうこずを 理解する必芁がありたす 別の耇雑さをお芋せしたしょう これは海掋の幎代を瀺しおいたす そこに構造プレヌトを重ねたす 海掋の幎代ず 構造プレヌトを重ね合わせるず たったく新しい珟象が芋られるこずが このカンファレンスで 玹介されたした ここで リアルタむムで捉えた 高画質ビデオをお芋せしたしょう この映像は 撮圱時点からほんの数秒遅れで 北京やシドニヌ アムステルダム ワシントンDCで芋られおいたした 熱氎噎出孔のこずはご存じず思いたすが もう1぀の発芋は 海底よりずっず䞋の地䞭で 倧量の埮生物が掻動しおいるずいうこず ただ発芋されたばかりで 研究する方法はほずんどありたせんが ある人たちの掚定によるず この埮生物― 海底やそのもっず䞋の 割れ目や小さな孔に棲んでいる 埮生物のバむオマスは 地衚に棲んでいる生物の バむオマス党䜓に匹敵するずいいたす これは驚くべき発芋で ごく最近わかったこずです たいぞん刺激的です 補薬の分野にずっお これが次の "熱垯雚林" になるかもしれたせん ただほずんどわかっおいたせん マルセル・プルヌストはこう蚀いたした "真の発芋の旅は 新しい土地を探すこずよりも むしろ新しい目を持぀こずにある" 新しい物の芋方 新しい考え方です 芚えおいる人も倚いでしょうが 初期の海掋研究では 手近にあるものを䜿うしかありたせんでした 圓時は 本圓に倧倉だったのです きっず芚えおいる人もいるはずです でも今は いろいろな道具が䜿えたす 実に匷力なツヌルが揃っおいたす 調査船 芳枬衛星 係留ブむ 必ずしも期埅通りではありたせん 必芁を満たしおくれるずは限らない プログラムのごく䞀郚をここで玹介したす プログラムには研究費が提䟛され 画面の䞋の方を動いおいくような 自走匏の機噚も䜿えたす モデリングは 右偎に芋えるような コンピュヌタによる 非垞に耇雑なモデルを䜿いたす 巊偎にあるのは 新しいタむプの係留ブむで これはすぐ埌で お目にかけたす いく぀かの点で 基本ずなるのは 海は耇雑であり 地球䞊の生呜にずっお 欠かせないものだずいうこず 海は急速に倉化しおいたすが 予枬はできたせん 将来を予枬するにはモデルが必芁ですが モデルを粟緻化するための 十分なデヌタがありたせん コンピュヌタの蚈算胜力は 驚くほど高たっおいたす しかし デヌタがなければ モデルを予枬に圹立おるこずはできたせん 本圓に必芁なのはデヌタです いろいろな理由で危険な面もありたすが 海掋芳枬所むニシアチブ― このむニシアチブに 囜立科孊財団が 研究費を提䟛しおいお 状況が倧きく倉わる可胜性がありたす プログラムの目暙は 科孊的発芋ず理解を 海底や さらにその䞋の領域に届かせるこず 広くアクセス可胜な むンタラクティブな テレプレれンスを䜿っおです これが新しい䞖界です 広い海のどこにでも 思うがたたに移動し リアルタむムで情報を埗られたす このシステムの 南半球にあるいく぀かの芳枬点を 円で瀺しおいたす 北半球には芳枬点が4぀ありたす 詳しくは説明したせんが 米西海岞の 四角で囲った斜蚭は 地域芏暡ノヌドず呌ばれおいたす か぀おはNeptune(ネプチュヌン)ず 呌ばれおいたした この仕組みを支えるのは 光ファむバヌによる次䞖代の通信技術です ここに銅の郚分が芋えたすね 電力も送れたすが デヌタを送る広垯域の経路ずなるのは 髪の毛よりも现いファむバヌです ここに瀺したケヌブルで 1秒間に3~5テラビットの情報を 䌝送できたす きわめお倧きな垯域幅です 地球党䜓がこんなふうに結ばれお いわば光ファむバヌの コルセットをしたような具合です ちょうどこんなふうに 倧陞ず倧陞をケヌブルで結んで 非垞に匷力なシステムが 私たちの通信のほずんどを支えおいたす これが先ほどの 西海岞のシステムで たたたたフアン・デ・フカずいう プレヌトず重なっおいたす 倧電力を送れる絊電路ず か぀おないほどの垯域幅が これほどの芏暡で 海䞭ぞ 海底ずその䞋の地䞭ぞず䟛絊され 広垯域の䌝送路ず電力 さらにいろいろなプロセスが 機胜するようになりたす これが䞻芁なノヌドの1぀― 電源ず通信機胜を備えた 海䞭ステヌションで シアトルほどの面積をカバヌできたす どんな科孊研究に圹立぀か― それは どれだけ倚様な科孊者が参加し 科孊蚈枬のアむデアを 出せるかにかかっおいたす 蚈枬方法を考案し 結び぀ける いわば 倩文台で望遠鏡の䜿甚時間を 配分するようなものです ただし自分のポヌトで利甚可胜です 気候倉動 海の酞性化 溶存酞玠 炭玠埪環 沿岞湧昇 持業資源の倉動― 地球科孊ず海掋科孊の あらゆる領域においお 同じ芏暡で 同時にデヌタが埗られたす 埌から参加する人は誰でも ただデヌタベヌスにアクセスすれば どんな事象に぀いおであれ 必芁な情報を匕き出せるのです これはほんの手始めで カナダの研究者たちず協力しお䜜った システムです では このカルデラを芋おみたしょう 巊偎にあるのは アキシアル海山ずいう倧きな火山です アニメヌションで アキシアル海山の䞭に降りおみたしょう このシステムは今 このように蚈画されおいたす ずおも匷力です 䞊昇䞋降を繰り返す゚レベヌタヌは 地䞊から 制埡できたす むンドや䞭囜にいる人に しばらくの間 制埡を委ねるこずもできたす すべおがむンタヌネットを通じお 盎接結ばれるからです 膚倧なデヌタが陞䞊ぞず流れ 興味があれば 誰でも入手できるようになりたす どこか1箇所に船を出し たた別の堎所に移動する― そんなやり方よりも ずっず匷力です いた カルデラの底を暪切っおいたす いく぀もロボットシステムがありたす カメラのスむッチも 実隓内容に応じお― 自由にオンオフできたす 配眮されるシステム― 海底に蚭眮される芳枬機噚は― 画面の文字が読めるでしょうか― カメラ 圧力センサ 蛍光蚈 地震蚈... ありずあらゆる芳枬機噚です そこの盛り䞊がっおいる郚分は 実際はこんなふうに芋えたす これが実際の様子です そしおこれが 高解像床で芋る実際の掻動― ケヌブルの垯域幅が きわめお広いので 5~10系統の ステレオHDシステムを 継続的に䜜動させ぀぀ 地䞊からの ロボット技術で操瞊できたす たいぞん匷力です 珟圚 私たちはこうした掻動に 研究費を埗おいたす 将来はどんなこずが可胜に? いたはちょうど 技術的発展の波に乗ろうずいうずころ 海掋孊に関連する分野で 新しい技術がどんどん生たれおいお やがお海掋孊の研究に 取り入られおいくでしょう さたざたな技術が組み合わされお 海掋孊はさらに驚異的な倉貌を 遂げるでしょう いたやロボットシステムは 驚くほど高床なものになっおいたす 私たちはあらゆる皮類のロボット技術を 海に持ち蟌もうずしおいたす これはナノテクを䜿った小さな発電装眮 切手よりも小さく シャツに付けお身䜓を動かすだけで 発電できたす ただ動くだけで 電力が埗られるのです 海で継続的に䜿える装眮が いろいろありたす 画像凊理技術に぀いおは 私より皆さんの方が詳しいでしょう 解像床が珟圚のHDの4倍ずいう 立䜓画像が 5幎以内に圓たり前のものになりたす 本圓に芋事なものです ヒトゞノム解析の成果により 私たちは今や 海で起きおいる事象に぀いおも― たずえば海底火山の噎火 ずいった事象に぀いお 詊料を収集するこずが出来たす 噎出物を システムに送り蟌み ボタンを抌すず ゞノム解析が行われ デヌタは盎ちに陞䞊ぞず送られたす 広倧な海に぀いお 物理や化孊だけでなく 食物連鎖の基盀も 絶え間なく流入するデヌタに基づいお 芋通せるようになりたす グリッドコンピュヌタのパワヌは 本圓に驚異的です グリッドコンピュヌティングは近いうちに デヌタの調敎その他 デヌタに関係する ほがすべおの䜜業に 䜿われるようになるでしょう そのための電力は 海で䜜られたす 次䞖代の光ファむバヌも 本圓に玠晎らしい 珟圚の光ファむバヌを はるかに超えるものです 電力ず広垯域の䌝送路が 環境に䟛絊されるこずで すべおの新しいテクノロゞヌを か぀おないやり方で組み蟌めたす 5幎から7幎のうちに テレプレれンスを䜿っお 海のどこからでも 情報を収集し すべおがむンタヌネットで結ばれ 倧勢の人たちずやりずりできたす 電力ず広垯域の䌝送路を 海に匵り巡らすこずで 適応力が劇的に増倧したす 䞀䟋をあげるず 地震が起きたずき これたで芋たこずもない新皮の埮生物が 海底から噎き出しおきたす 新しい方法で これを分析できるのです ここに瀺す地震掻動から 火山の噎火が始たったず刀断しお 郚隊を掟遣したす もちろん 自埋走行する機噚の郚隊です 掻動を始めた海底火山ぞず急行し 海底からの噎出物の サンプルを集めたす そこには今たで 䞀床も地䞊に出たこずのない 埮生物が含たれおいたす サンプルの入った容噚が射出され 海面に浮䞊するず 自埋飛行する航空機がそれを拟い䞊げ 研究所に運びたす 噎火が始たっお24時間以内にです これは実珟可胜で 技術はすべおそろっおいたす 9月7日に䜕があったか ご存じの方は倚いでしょう ニュヌペヌクにいる倖科医のチヌムが 遠隔操䜜で フランスにいる女性の患者の 胆嚢切陀術をしたのです 海底でも 驚くようなこずができるでしょう 芋おいお面癜い䜜業なら テレビで生䞭継もできたす たったく新しいテレプレれンスを 䞖界䞭の海ぞず広げられるのです ここでは海底の様子を芋おもらいたした 目暙は 地球䞊のどこからでも 海ずリアルタむムでやりずりできる技術 本圓に驚くようなこずが実珟したす たずえば教宀の䞭に 䜕を持ち蟌めるかずいうこず さらには ポケットの䞭にさえ持ち蟌める 考えたこずもないずいう人は倚いでしょうが ポケットの䞭に海があるずいう時代がきたす 遠い先の話ではありたせん では 締めくくりずしお たた別の詩人の蚀葉を 皆さんに莈りたいず思いたす 1943幎に T.S.゚リオットは "四぀の四重奏" を 曞きたした ノヌベル文孊賞を受賞したのは 1948幎 "リトル・ギッディング" で ゚リオットは― 人類党䜓のこずを語っおいたす もちろん TEDカンファレンスず シルビアのこずでもありたす "われらは探玢をやめるこずがない すべおわれらの探玢は われらが出発した堎所に回垰しお終わる しかもその地を 初めお知るこずになる 未知でありながら 蚘憶の䞭に残る門を抜け 地䞊で最埌に芋出すその堎所は 最初にあったずころなのだ 最も長い川の源には 隠された滝の声 知られおいないのは 探しおいないから それでも聞こえる かすかに聞こえる 海の波の䞋 静けさのなかに" ありがずう
We're in 17th century Japan on the west coast, and a little, wizened monk is hurrying along, near midnight, to the crest of a small hill. He arrives on the small hill, dripping with water. He stands there, and he looks across at the island, Sado. And he scans across the ocean, and he looks at the sky. Then he says to himself, very quietly, "[Turbulent the sea,] [Stretching across to Sado] [The Milky Way]." Basho was a brilliant man. He said more with less than any human that I have ever read or talked to. Basho, in 17 syllables, driven by a storm now past, and captured the almost impossible beauty of our home galaxy with millions of stars, probably hundreds and hundreds of -- who knows how many -- planets, that we will probably call Sylvia in time. As he was nearing his death, kept asking him, "What's the secret? How can you make haiku poems so beautiful so easily?" And toward the end, he said, "If you would know the pine tree, go to the pine tree." That was it. Sylvia has said we must use every capacity we have in order to know the oceans. If we would know the oceans, we must go to the oceans. And what I'd like to talk to you today about, a little bit, is really transforming the relationship, or the interplay, between humans and oceans with a new capability that is not at all routine yet. I hope it will be. There are a few key points. One of them is the oceans are central to the quality of life on earth. Another is that there are bold, new ways of studying oceans that we have not used well yet. And the last is that these bold, new ways that we are exploring as a community will transform the way we look at our planet, our oceans, and eventually how we manage probably the entire planet, for what it's worth. So what scientists do when they begin is to start with the system. They define what the system is. The system isn't Chesapeake Bay. It's not the Kuril arc. It's not even the entire Pacific. It's the whole planet, the entire planet, continents and oceans together. That's the system. And basically, our challenge is to optimize the benefits and mitigate the risks of living on a planet that's driven by only two processes, two sources of energy, one of which is solar, that drives the winds, the waves, the clouds, the storms and photosynthesis. The second one is internal energy. And these two war against one another almost continuously. Mountain ranges, plate tectonics, moves the continents around, forms ore deposits. Volcanoes erupt. That's the planet that we live on. It's immensely complex. Now I don't expect all of you to see all the details here, but what I want you to see is this is about 10 percent of the processes that operate within the oceans almost continuously, and have for the last 4 billion years. This is a system that's been around a very long time. And these have all co-evolved. What do I mean by that? They interact with one another constantly. All of them interact with one another. So the complexity of this system that we're looking at, upper portion, mostly -- and the lower portion is partly driven by the input from heat below and by other processes. This is very, very important because this is the system, this is the crucible, out of which life on the planet came, and it's now time for us to understand it. We must understand it. That's one of the themes that Sylvia reminds us about: understand this ocean of ours, this basic life support system, the dominant life support system on the planet. Look at this complexity here. This is only one variable. If you can see the complexity, you can see how tiny, little eddies and large eddies and the motion -- this is just sea surface temperature, but it's immensely complicated. Now a layer in, that are all interacting, partly as a function of temperature, partly as a function of all the other factors, and you've got a really complicated system. That's our challenge, is to understand, understand this system in new and phenomenal ways. And there's an urgency to this. Part of the urgency comes from the fact that, of order, a billion people on the planet currently are undernourished or starving. And part of the issue is for Cody -- who's here, 16 years old -- and I have permission to relay this number. When he, 40 years from now, is the age of Nancy Brown, there are going to be another two and a half billion people on the planet. We can't solve all the problems by looking only at the oceans, but if we don't understand the fundamental life support system of this planet much more thoroughly than we do now, then the stresses that we will face, and that Cody will face, and even Nancy, who's going to live till she's 98, will have really problems coping. All right, let's talk about another perspective on the importance of the oceans. Look at this diagram, which is showing warm waters in red, cool waters in blue, and on the continents, what you're seeing in bright green, is the growth of vegetation, and in olive green, the dieback of vegetation. And in the lower left hand corner there's a clock ticking away from 1982 to 1998 and then cycling again. What you'll see is that the rhythms of growth, of vegetation -- a subset of which is food on the continents -- is directly tied to the rhythms of the sea surface temperatures. The oceans control, or at least significantly influence, correlate with, the growth patterns and the drought patterns and the rain patterns on the continents. So people in Kansas, in a wheat field in Kansas, need to understand that the oceans are central to them as well. Another complexity: this is the age of the oceans. I'm going to layer in on top of this the tectonic plates. The age of the ocean, the tectonic plates, gives rise to a totally new phenomenon that we have heard about in this conference. And I share with you some very high-definition video that we collected in real time. Seconds after this video was taken, people in Beijing, people in Sydney, people in Amsterdam, people in Washington D.C. were watching this. Now you've heard of hydrothermal vents, but the other discovery is that deep below the sea floor, there is vast reservoir of microbial activity, which we have only just discovered and we have almost no way to study. Some people have estimated that the biomass tied up in these microbes living in the pours and the cracks of the sea floor and below rival the total amount of living biomass at the surface of the planet. It's an astonishing insight, and we have only found out about this recently. This is very, very exciting. It may be the next rainforest, in terms of pharmaceuticals. We know little or nothing about it. Well, Marcel Proust has this wonderful saying that, "The real voyage of discovery consists not so much in seeking new territory, but possibly in having new sets of eyes," new ways of seeing things, a new mindset. And many of you remember the early stages of oceanography, when we had to use what we had at our fingertips. And it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy in those days. Some of you remember this, I'm sure. And now, we have an entire suite of tools that are really pretty powerful -- ships, satellites, moorings. But they don't quite cut it. They don't quite give us what we need. And the program that I wanted to talk to you about just a little bit here, was funded, and it involves autonomous vehicles like the one running across the base of this image. Modeling: on the right hand side, there's a very complex computational model. On the left hand side, there's a new type of mooring, which I'll show you in just a second. And on the basis of several points, the oceans are complex, and they're central to the life on earth. They are changing rapidly, but not predictably. And the models that we need to predict the future do not have enough data to refine them. The computational power is amazing. But without data, those models will never ever be predicted. And that's what we really need. For a variety of reasons they're dangerous, but we feel that OOI, this Ocean Observatory Initiative, which the National Science Foundation has begun to fund, has the potential to really transform things. And the goal of the program is to launch an era of scientific discovery and understanding across and within the ocean basins, utilizing widely accessible, interactive telepresence. It's a new world. We will be present throughout the volume of the ocean, at will, communicating in real time. And this is what the system involves, a number of sites in the southern hemisphere, shown in those circles. And in the northern hemisphere there are four sites. I won't talk a lot about most of them right here, but the one on the west coast, that's in the box, is called the regional scale nodes. It was once called Neptune. And let me show you what's behind it. Fiber: next-generation way of communicating. You can see the copper tips on these things. You can transmit power, but the bandwidth is in those tiny, little threads smaller than the hair on your head in diameter. And this particular set here can transmit something of the order of three to five terabits per second. This is phenomenal bandwidth. And this is what the planet looks like. We are already laced up as if we're in a fiber optic corset, if you like. This is what it looks like. And the cables go really continent to continent. It's a very powerful system, and most of our communications consist of it. So this is the system that I'm talking about, off the west coast. It's coincident with the tectonic plate, the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. And it's going to deliver abundant power and unprecedented bandwidth across this entire volume -- in the overlying ocean, on the sea floor and below the sea floor. Bandwidth and power and a wide variety of processes that will be operating. This is what one of those primary nodes looks like, and it's like a sub station with power and bandwidth that can spread out over an area the size of Seattle. And the kind of science that can be done will be determined by a variety of scientists who want to be involved and can bring the instrumentation to the table. They will bring it and link it in. It'll be, in a sense, like having time on a telescope, except you'll have your own port. Climate change, ocean acidification, dissolved oxygen, carbon cycle, coastal upwelling, fishing dynamics -- earth science and ocean science simultaneously in the same volume. So anyone coming along later simply accesses the database and can draw down the information they need And this is just the first of these. In conjunction with our Canadian colleagues, we've set this up. Now I want to take you into the caldera. On the left hand side there is a large volcano called Axial Seamount. And we're going to go down into the Axial Seamount using animation. Here's what this system is going to look like that we are funded to build at this point. Very powerful. That's an elevator that's constantly moving up and down, but it can be controlled by the folks on land Or they can transfer control to someone in India or China who can take over for a while, because it's all going to be directly connected through the Internet. There will be massive amounts of data flowing ashore, all available to anyone who has any interest in using it. This is going to be much more powerful than having a single ship in a single location, then move to a new location. We're flying across the caldera floor. There is a number of robotic systems. There's cameras that can be turned on and off at your will, if those are your experiments. The kinds of systems that will be down there, the kinds of instruments that will be on the sea floor, consist of -- if you can read them there -- there's cameras, there's pressure sensors, fluorometers, there's seismometers. It's a full spectrum of tools. Now, that mound right there actually looks like this. This is what it actually looks like. And this is the kind of activity that we can see with high-definition video, because the bandwidth of these cables is so huge that we could have five to 10 stereo HD systems running continuously and, again, directed through robotic techniques from land. Very, very powerful. And these are the things that we're funded to do today. So what can we actually do tomorrow? We're about to ride the wave of technological opportunity. There are emerging technologies throughout the field around oceanography, which we will incorporate into oceanography, and through that convergence, we will transform oceanography into something even more magical. Robotics systems are just incredible these days, absolutely incredible. And we will be bringing robotics of all sorts into the ocean. Nanotechnology: this is a small generator. It's smaller than a postage stamp, attached to your shirt as you move. Just as you move, it generates power. There are many kinds of things that can be used in the ocean, continuously. Imaging: Many of you know a good deal more about this type of thing than I, but stereo imaging at four times the definition that we have in HD will be routine within five years. And this is the magic one. As a result of the human genome process, we are in a situation where events that take place in the ocean -- like an erupting volcano, or something of that sort -- can actually be sampled. We pump the fluid through one of these systems, and we press the button, and it's analyzed for the genomic character. And that's transmitted back to land immediately. So in the volume of the ocean, we will know, not just the physics and the chemistry, but the base of the food chain with data on a continuous basis. Grid computing: the power of grid computers is going to be just amazing here. We will soon be using grid computing to do pretty much everything, like adjust the data and everything that goes with the data. The power generation will come from the ocean itself. And the next generation fiber will be simply magic. It's far beyond what we currently have. So the presence of the power and the bandwidth in the environment will allow all of these new technologies to converge in a manner that is just unprecedented. So within five to seven years, I see us having a capacity to be completely present throughout the ocean and have all of that connected to the Internet, so we can reach many, many folks. Delivering the power and the bandwidth into the ocean will dramatically accelerate adaptation. Here's an example. When earthquakes take place, massive amounts of these new microbes we've never seen before come out of the sea floor. We have a way of addressing that, a new way of addressing that. We've determined from the earthquake activity that you're seeing here that the top of that volcano is erupting, so we deploy the troops. What are the troops? The troops are the autonomous vehicles, of course. And they fly into the erupting volcano. They sample the fluids coming out of the sea floor during an eruption, which have the microbes that have never been to the surface of the planet before. They eject it to the surface where it floats, and it is picked up by an autonomous airplane, and it's brought back to the laboratory within 24 hours of the eruption. This is doable. All the pieces are there. A laboratory: many of you heard what happened on 9/7. Some doctors in New York City removed the gallbladder of a woman in France. We could do work on the sea floor that would be stunning, and it would be on live TV, if we have interesting things to show. So we can bring an entirely new telepresence to the world, throughout the ocean. This -- I've shown you sea floor -- but so the goal here is real time interaction with the oceans from anywhere on earth. It's going to be amazing. And as I go here, I just want to show you what we can bring into classrooms, and indeed, what we can bring into your pocket. Many of you don't think of this yet, but the ocean will be in your pocket. It won't be long. It won't be long. So let me leave you then with a few words from another poet, if you'll forgive me. In 1943, T.S. Eliot wrote the "Four Quartets." He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948. In "Little Gidding" he says -- speaking I think for the human race, but certainly for the TED Conference and Sylvia -- "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time, arrive through the unknown remembered gate where the last of earth left to discover is that which was the beginning. At the source of the longest river the voice of a hidden waterfall not known because not looked for, but heard, half heard in the stillness beneath the waves of the sea." Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
しかし 15 䞖玀初頭、むスラム教の有識者は、科孊的研究を抑制し始めた。圌らは、特にむスラム教の法䜓系ずいった宗教を孊ぶ者だけが死埌の利益を享受できるず䞻匵しお、宗教のみを孊び始めた。結果は、ペヌロッパが科孊および数孊的知識を奉ずるようになった時期の知的埌退の始たりであった。
They began to study religion alone, insisting that only those who study religion – particularly Islamic jurisprudence – gain merit in the afterlife. The result was intellectual regression at the very moment that Europe began embracing scientific and mathematical knowledge.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そこはこの䞖のものずは思えない空間だった。 絶えたはずの花々が季節も地域も問わずに咲き乱れ、空には今の地䞊では決しお芋られないような数の星々が瞬き、地䞊では子䟛向けの童話に語られるような生物が闊歩しおいた。 その䞭のフヌドを被った少女が赀い怅子に座り、目の前に浮かぶ画面を芋぀めおいる。 「手本があったずはいえほが自力でここたで蟿り着くか。」 フヌドを被った少女...魔神の前にある画面にはクロキリが䜿甚した『癜の瞛鎖』の構文が転写されおいる。 「だがただただ粗いな。これでは私の求めるものに届くのは圓分先だろう。」 魔神は画面を手元に寄せお『癜の瞛鎖』の構文に赀ペンで印を付けおいく。 魔神本人にしか分からないが、印が぀けられおいる堎所には䞀定の基準があり、その手際は䜕千回ず同じこずをしおきたかのように手銎れおいる。 「たあいい、それでもこの領域に真っ先に螏み蟌んだのだ。やはり怜䜓番号13ず怜䜓番号667は優良だな。」 くっくっくず魔神は笑う。 ず、手元の画面の䞊に別の画面がポップする。 「ふむ。怜䜓番号666の配䞋が本栌的に動き出したか。さおどうなるだろうな。実に愉快だ。」 そしお魔神は高笑いを䞊げた。 ■■■■■ 俺の研究にむチコが参加するようになっおから数日経った日 狐姫だけでなく雪翁や竜君ずも俺は暡擬戊をし぀぀研究を進めおいた。 「この構文は座暙指定関係か......」 「こっちは距離ず消費の関係を衚しおいるようです。」 で、今は俺たちは長距離転移陣ずむチコの固有スキル≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫及び眷属の霧人が持っおいた転移系スキルの解析を進めおいる。 これらの解析をしおいる理由ずしおは、これらの解析が進めば流通を初めずしお応甚が色々ず効くためである。 なお、ダンゞョンず倖の境界を転移系スキルや通信系スキルが越えられない理由に関しおはただ調べおいない。 理由?構文に解析防止甚のダミヌやトラップが倧量に含たれおいお今のペヌスず知識量だず䜕十幎ずかかりそうだったんだよ。ずいうか途䞭で臎呜的な眠にかかっお死にかねない。 さお解析の方だが、 「うヌん。䞀方通行にせざるを埗ないけど距離制限を倖すぐらいは出来そうだな。」 「ただ距離に比䟋しお消費が異垞に跳ね䞊がりたすね。」 長距離転移陣の必ず察になる陣が必芁ず蚀う制限や、蚭眮可胜距離の制限を倖すこずは可胜そうだった。 ただ問題なのは倖した先の方で、これらの制限を倖した状態だず蚭眮も起動もかなり消費が激しくなるのである。 「これは魔源装眮を耇数同時䜿甚するためのスキルを考える必芁がありそうだな......。」 「スキル発動時に自分自身のHP等の代わりに消費できる道具でしたっけ。」 「そうそれ。今は䞀぀のスキルに぀き䞀぀の石しか䜿えない様になっおいるけどな。」 俺は≪迷宮創生≫で手元に極小さな緑色の石...MPを1だけ貯めた魔源装眮-MPを2個䜜成し、むチコにそれを芋せる。 そしお2個ずも指先で朰し぀぀≪魔性創生≫を䜿甚しお2匹のフォッグを生み出そうずするが、朰せたのは1個だけで生み出されたフォッグも1䜓だけであった。 「ですね。」 その光景にむチコが玍埗の衚情を芋せながら頷く。 なお、最近では狐姫も生み出せるようになった䞊に、倖の人間たちにも魔源装眮の存圚が知られ始めたため、䞀郚では本来の甚途ずしおだけでなく貚幣ずしお䜿われおいるこずもあるらしい。 『クロキリ!』 ず、リョりからの通信が入っおきた。そう蚀えば久しぶりに垰っおきたず蚀う事で父芪の所に里垰りさせおやっおたな。 「どうした?」 『人間たちの長からの緊急連絡です!』 リョりの声はかなり焊ったものである。どうやら俺が出匵る必芁があるぐらいには緊急事態の様だ。 「䜕があった。ずりあえず芁点ず䜕が必芁なのかを話せ。詳しい事は埌で聞く。」 『では、芁点だけを掻い摘んで話させおもらいたすわ。』 さお、リョりの話を聞く限りではこういう事らしい。 ・突劂倪平掋の掋䞊に倧量のモンスタヌが出珟 ・珟圚、そのモンスタヌたちが倪平掋沿岞郚にある各地の集萜を襲いながら䞊陞䞭 ・珟地の人間ず眷属が察応しおいるが数ず戊闘胜力の差から苊戊䞭 ・なので、『癜霧ず黒沌の森』のモンスタヌたちを揎軍ずしお出しおほしい。 ・なお、被害はこの囜党䜓で起きおいるようで、既に他の魔王たちにも揎軍芁請は出されおいる なお、リョりの話を聞き぀぀も他の眷属たちの芖界や状態を確認しおこの話が事実であるずいう裏もずっおおく。 「分かった。ずりあえず䜙剰戊力分だけになるが掟遣しよう。」 『ありがずうございたすわ。』 俺はリョりず通信をし぀぀長距離転移陣の起動準備ずモンスタヌたちの集合を進めおいき、準備が完了し次第各地に送り出す。 ず同時に念のために珟圚情報が入りづらくなっおいる日本海偎にもいくらかのモンスタヌを攟っおおく。 「にしおも倪平掋からずなるず倚分アむツだろうなぁ。」 『恐らくはそうですわね。』 「クロキリの想像しおいる通りだず思いたす。」 俺、リョり、むチの脳裏に恐らく同じ魔王の名が浮かぶ。 「『這い寄る混沌の蛞王』。い぀かは来るず思ったがここで来るずはな......たあいい。」 俺は頭の䞭を本栌的に研究モヌドから戊闘モヌドに切り替える。 「党霧人に通達。」 そしお頭の䞭で党おの霧人ず通信の回線を開く。 「戊闘可胜な霧人は『蝕む黒の霧王』の名の䞋に俺の領域で暎れる銬鹿どもを殺せ。ただし安党第䞀で決しお無茶はしない事。非戊闘員系の霧人も自分の胜力で出来る範囲の支揎を霧人人間問わず斜せ。ただしこちらも安党第䞀だ。理解したなら党員行け!」 俺の指瀺に応えお頭の䞭に倧量の返事ず駆け出す音が聞こえる。 「クロキリ。私も行きたすね。」 「ああ。ただむチコは倧物優先で俺の領域倖でも構わずに頌む。蛞野郎の配䞋ずの戊闘経隓が䞀番倚いのはお前だからな。」 「分かりたした。」 そう蚀っおむチコもスキルを䜵甚し぀぀勢いよく倖に出おいく。 「さあお、暡擬戊の成果が出おくれるずいいんだがな。」 そしお䞀人郚屋に残った俺は状況の掚移を芋守り぀぀も、ずあるスキルの開発を始めた。
Here was a space that one would never have dreamed existed in this world. All the flowers that should have been extinct were blooming in profusion, irrespective of the season or region, while the sky was ablaze with a spectacular array of stars that can by no means be observed on earth today, along with living organisms on the ground that strut around like those recounted in a children’s fairy tale. A lone hooded girl occupied a red chair, staring at a screen hovering in front of her, in the midst of it all. “Even though you relied on a model to guide you, you made it this far practically on your own, huh?” The hooded girl... the screen in front of the God of Calamity showed a transcription of the syntax of the “White Binding Chain” used by Kurokiri. “But things are still rough. With this, it will probably be a while before I can attain what I’m seeking.” With a red pen, the God of Calamity drew the screen close to her hand and marked the syntax of “White Binding Chain”. Only the God of Calamity herself could ascertain this, but there was a certain criteria for where the markings are made, and she was as adept at it as if she had done the same thing a thousand times before. “Forget it, they still went straight into this domain. Specimen number and are superior, after all.” A peal of laughter escaped from the God of Calamity. Another screen then popped up on top of the screen at hand. “Hmm. Specimen number ’s subordinates have begun operating earnestly. I wonder what will unfold soon. This is truly thrilling.” And then, the God of Calamity let out a high-pitched laugh. ————– Several days after Ichiko started to participate in my research. While in the process of conducting my research, I was also having a sham battle not only with the Fox Princess but with the Snow Sage and Dragon Sovereign as well. “This syntax seems to be a coordinate specification type...” “The one over here appears to have a relationship between distance and consumption.” Now, we were analyzing the Long-distance Transportation Formation, and Ichiko’s unique skill ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫ as well as the teleportation skill that the Kirijin, the kin, possessed. These analyses were being studied since they may be applicable in various ways, including distribution, upon further development of these analyses. Furthermore, I had yet to investigate the reason why teleportation and communication skills cannot cross the boundary between the dungeon and the outside world. What was the explanation behind this? The syntax included a plethora of dummies and traps to obstruct analysis, which may take decades to complete at our current pace and depth of knowledge. In fact, I might perish in a fatal trap during the process. Now, as for the analysis: “Yeah. It would have to be a one-way process, but I suppose the distance limit could at least be removed.” “The only problem is that the expense spikes exponentially in proportion to the distance.” It appeared that removing the restriction of the Long-distance Transportation Formation must be accompanied by a corresponding formation and the distance limitation for installation seemed to be possible. The challenge, however, was what lay beyond removing them, since both installation and activation were significantly more expendable when these restrictions were eliminated. “Looks like I’ll have to brainstorm a skill for simultaneous utilization of multiple magic source devices...” “Didn’t you say they are devices that can be substituted for one’s own HP when activating a skill?” “That’s it. Right now, only one stone can be used per skill.” I showed Ichiko two small green stones... a magic source device that stored only one MP, and I created two of them with ≪Dungeon Create≫. Then, while crushing both of those two devices with my fingertips, I tried to create two Fogs by casting ≪Monster Create≫ but I only succeeded in destroying one of them and only one Fog was created. “Right.” Ichiko acknowledged the sight with a nod of agreement. The Fox Princess had recently been able to produce these devices, and now that the public was cognizant of the magic source device, some of these devices were being operated not only for their original purpose but also as currency. [Kurokiri!] That reminds me, I’ve sent you back to your father’s place to inform him that you’ve returned after a long absence. “What’s up?” [There is an urgent message from the head of the humans!] Ryo’s voice had an agitated tone to it. Apparently, the situation was dire to the extent that I had to go out there. “What happened? For now, just tell me the gist of it and what is needed. The details can wait.” [I’ll cut to the chase, then.] Now, as far as Ryo’s account went, this was what was happening: ・A massive number of monsters abruptly emerged in the Pacific Ocean. ・These monsters are presently coming ashore, ravaging settlements along the Pacific coastline. ・The local humans and kin are countering the monsters, but due to the gap in numbers and combat proficiency, they are struggling. ・Therefore, they are requesting me to dispatch monsters from “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” as reinforcements. ・Furthermore, the devastation appears to be ongoing throughout the country, and requests for reinforcements have already been sent out to other Demon Kings. While listening to Ryo’s story, I had already ascertained the visibility and condition of my other kin to verify that this story was factual. “I understand. I’ll deploy them for now, but only for the surplus forces.” [Thank you very much.] As I communicated with Ryo, I proceeded with preparations for activating the Long-distance Transportation Formation and assembling the monsters to be dispatched to various locations once the preparations are finalized. Simultaneously, just to be safe, I released several monsters near Japan’s coast, where information was currently scarce. “But if they are coming from the Pacific Ocean, it’s probably that guy.” [You’re likely right.] “I suspect it’s exactly what Kurokiri is speculating to be.” The name of the same Demon King was presumably surfacing in the three of our minds. “The ‘Crawling Octopus King of Chaos’. I have been expecting him one day, but knowing this is happening now... Well, forget it.” My mind switched from research mode to battle mode. “All Kirijin are to be notified.” Then I opened up a channel of communication in my head for every Kirijin. “In the name of the ‘King of the Devouring Black Mist,’ all Kirijin who are competent of combat, exterminate those fools who are raging in my domain. However, safety comes first, and you should never act rashly. Non-combatant Kirijin, whether you encounter humans or Kirijin, shall also provide as much support as you can with your abilities. However, safety is also a top priority here. If you understand, all of you set off!” In response to my instructions, an abundance of replies and the noise of scrambling can be heard in my head. “Kurokiri. I’m going too.” “Ah. But Ichiko, I’m counting on you to prioritize the major foes, and I don’t care if they’re located outside of my territory. After all, you’re the one with the greatest experience in battles with the Octopus’s underlings.” “Understood.” With that, Ichiko went out vigorously, activating her skill successively. “Now, I hope the fruits of the sham battle will pay off.” And I, who remained alone in the room, began to develop a certain skill while monitoring the developments of the situation.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
ただ困ったこずに どの名蚀を皆さんに玹介するか 私には決められたせんでした 遞択がもたらす甘矎な䞍安です このポスト産業資本䞻矩の時代においお 遞択ずいうものは 個人の自由や 自ら創り出すべきずいう考えず盞たっお 理想にたで持ち䞊げられたした これに加え 私たちは 進歩が氞遠に続くず 信じおいるずころがありたす しかし このむデオロギヌには マむナス面もあり 䞍安や眪悪感 自分には力が足りないずいう感芚や 遞択に倱敗しおいるずいう感芚を 増幅させおいたす 䞍幞にも この個人の遞択ずいう むデオロギヌのために 私たちは瀟䌚的な倉化に぀いお 考えられなくなっおいたす どうやら このむデオロギヌは 政治や瀟䌚に぀いお考える私たちの 牙を抜くのに非垞に有効だったようです 瀟䌚を批刀する代わりに 私たちは自己批刀にどんどん力を泚ぎ 時には自暎自棄にたで至っおしたいたす 䜕故この遞択のむデオロギヌは いただに匷力で さほど遞択肢を持たない人々にたで 圱響するのでしょうか 䜕故 貧しい人々でさえ 私たちが尊重する 遞択ずいう 合理的ずも蚀える抂念を かなり身近に感じるのでしょうか 遞択のむデオロギヌのお蔭で 私たちは 未来を想像し 思いを銳せるように なっおしたっおいたす 䟋を挙げたしょう 私の友人のマヌニャは カリフォルニアの倧孊時代に 自動車ディヌラヌで働いお お金を皌いでいたした マヌニャの兞型的な接客術は 客のラむフスタむルや 車にいくら䜿いたいか 子どもは䜕人いるか 車を持぀目的などを 話し合うずいうものでした 倧抵の堎合 客は最終的に どの車が最適か絞り蟌みたす マヌニャは 客が家に垰っお あれこれ怜蚎する前に こう蚀っおおきたす 「お客様が今 買おうずされおいる車は 完璧です ただ 数幎埌には お子様方は家を出お 経枈的にも䜙裕ができたすから あちらの車がピッタリになるでしょう ですが今 買おうずなさっおいる車は バッチリです」 するず翌日 店に戻っおきた マヌニャの客の倧倚数は 「あちらの車」を買いたした 必芁でもなければ うんずお金のかかる車です マヌニャは車の販売で倧成功しお たもなく航空機の販売に転身したした 人間の心理を熟知した圌女は 満を持しお 珟圚の職に就きたした 粟神分析孊者です 䜕故マヌニャの客たちは 分別を倱ったのでしょうか マヌニャが成功したのは 圌女が客の頭の䞭に 理想的な未来を描かせ 今より成功し 自由の倚い 自分たちの姿を 思い描かせるこずができたからです 客にずっお「あちらの車」を遞ぶこずは たるでその理想に 近づいおいるような感芚で マヌニャがそれを芋透かしたかのように 感じられたのです 私たちが完党に理性的な遞択をするのは たれです 遞択は私たち自身の無意識や 呚りの人たちに圱響されたす 私たちは遞択するに圓たり 倧抵 他の人が自分の遞択を どう思うか考えおいたす 他の人の遞択を芋お 遞択するこずもありたす たた瀟䌚的に容認される遞択を 気にしおもいたす このため私たちは 遞択をし終わった埌でさえ たずえば車を買った埌も 車のレビュヌを読み持るのです あたかも自分の遞択は正しかったず 自分を玍埗させたいかのようです 遞択は䞍安を誘発したす 遞択はリスクや損倱ず関係しおいたす たったく予枬䞍可胜です このため人々は 䜕䞀぀遞べないずいう問題を たすたす抱えるようになっおいたす 先日 ある結婚匏に出垭しお 若くお矎しい女性に出䌚いたした 圌女は䌚うなり私に遞択に関する䞍安を 打ち明け始めたした 「どのドレスにするか 決めるのに1ヶ月かかったの」 さらに「今倜泊たるホテルを探すのに 䜕週間もかかったわ」 「今は粟子提䟛者を遞ばなくちゃ ならないの」 私は驚いお圌女の顔を芋たした 「粟子提䟛者?䜕を急いでいるの?」 するず圌女はこう蚀いたした 「今幎で40歳になるんだけど 私 男性を芋る目がなくお」 遞択は リスクに぀ながるため 䞍安を誘発したす かの有名なデンマヌクの哲孊者 セヌレン・キェルケゎヌルは こう指摘しおいたす 「䞍安は可胜性のための可胜性ず ぀ながっおいる」 珟圚の私たちは こうしたリスクを 防ぐこずができるず考えたす 垂堎分析はいくらでもあるし 将来の収益の予枬も立ちたす 垂堎ずいうのは危険性や偶然性を はらんでいるものですが それですら私たちは理性を持っお 予枬できるず思っおいたす 偶然は時に劇的なこずを起こしたす 昚幎 友人であるシカゎ倧孊の バヌナヌド・ハヌコヌトが 偶然ずいう抂念に぀いお 孊䌚を催したした 圌ず私は共にパネリストでした 論文発衚の盎前になっお お互いの論文の内容を知らないたた 真面目に「偶然」に 取り組んでみるこずにしたした 私たちは聎衆に䌝えたした 「これからお聞きになるのは 2぀の論文を 適圓に混ぜたものです 私たちは盞手の論文が どんな内容か知りたせん」 そうやっお孊䌚を行いたした バヌナヌドが最初の段萜を読み 私が最初の段萜を読み バヌナヌドが次の段萜を読み 私が次の段萜を読む そういう具合で最埌たで進めたした 驚いたこずに 聎衆の倧倚数は 自分たちが今 聞いた論文が ごちゃ混ぜだったずは思いたせんでした 教授ずいう私たちのような 暩嚁ある立堎の者が 真面目に偶然を捉えるなどず 聎衆は信じられなかったのです 聎衆は私たちが共同で 論文を甚意しおいお デタラメずいうのは冗談だず思っおいたした 私たちが暮らす珟代は情報のあふれる ビッグデヌタの時代です 人䜓に関する知識も たっぷりある時代です ゲノムも解読したした 脳に぀いおも 倚くのこずがわかっおいたす しかし驚くべきこずに 人々はこうした知識に察し たすたす目を぀ぶるようになっおきおいたす 無知ず吊定が増倧しおいたす 珟圚の経枈危機に぀いお 私たちが考えおいるのは こうです ある朝 目芚めたら すべお元どおり 政治的倉革も瀟䌚的倉革も必芁なし 生態䞊の危機に぀いおも 今は䜕もしなくおいい あるいは― 自分より先に誰かが 行動するず思っおいたす たずえば犏島での倧惚事のように 生態䞊の危機が実際に起きおも 䜏む環境を倉えない人がいたす 同じ量の情報を䞎えられおも 半分の人は攟射胜に䞍安を抱き 半分の人は無芖するのです 粟神分析孊者は 人々が意倖にも 知ぞの情熱を持たず 無知ぞの情熱を持っおいるこずを よく知っおいたす どういうこずでしょう たずえば 呜に関わる病気に盎面しおも 倚くの人は そのこずを知りたがりたせん むしろ病気であるこずを 吊定したがりたす だから聞かれおもいないのに 本人に䌝えるのは たずいずいうわけです 驚くべきこずに研究によるず 自分の病気を吊定する人は 理性的に最良の治療を遞ぶ人より 長生きするこずがありたす しかし このような芋お芋ぬふりは 瀟䌚ではあたり圹に立ちたせん 私たちがどこぞ向かっおいるのか 知らずにいれば 倚くの瀟䌚的損害を匕き起こすこずに なりかねたせん 芋お芋ぬふりに加え 今日 私たちが盎面しおいるのは ある皮の自明性の問題です フランスの哲孊者 ルむ・アルチュセヌルは こう指摘したした 「むデオロギヌは自明性のベヌルを 䜜り出すずいう方法で機胜しおいる」 瀟䌚批刀をする以前に 切実に求められるのは この自明性のベヌルを剥がしお 別の角床から考え抜くこずです 私たちが倧切に思いがちな 個人の合理的な遞択のむデオロギヌに 話を戻すなら たさに今こそ この自明性を取り陀き 考え方を少し倉える必芁がありたす 私はよく疑問に思いたす 資本䞻矩が圓初から䟝存しおきた 独立独行の粟神を なぜ私たちはいただに 倧事にしおいるのでしょう なぜ私たちは自分の人生を巧みに操り 理性を持っお理想的な最高の遞択をし 損倱やリスクには巻き蟌たれないず 思っおしたうのでしょう 私が非垞に衝撃的だず思うのは たずえば非垞に貧しい人々が お金持ちぞの増皎案を 支持しおいないこずです 倚くの堎合 圌らは自分の身に 「棚からがたもち」が起きるず 思っおいたす 圌ら自身の代では無理だずしおも ひょっずしたら 息子が次のビル・ゲむツに なるかもしれない だずしたら息子の負担は増やしたくない あるいはこんな疑問もありたす なぜ医療保険に加入できない人が 囜民皆保険制床を支持しないのでしょうか 支持しない理由ずしお 遞択の話を持ち出す人もいたすが 圌らに遞択肢などないのです マヌガレット・サッチャヌは ご存じのずおり こう蚀いたした 「瀟䌚などずいうものは存圚しない」 存圚するのは瀟䌚ではなく 個人ずその家族だけなのです 悲しいこずに このむデオロギヌは いただに非垞によく機胜しおおり 貧乏人が自らの貧困を 恥じる理由ずなっおいたす 私たちは正しい遞択をせず その結果 成功しなかったずいう思い蟌みを持ち ずっず眪悪感を抱えおいくのでしょう 私たちは自分の力䞍足に䞍安を芚えたす だから懞呜に働き 長時間を職堎で過ごし たた長時間かけお自己改革をしたす 遞択に䞍安を持぀ず 私たちは遞択する力を あっさり攟棄しおしたうこずがありたす 䜕をすべきか指瀺しおくれる― 暩嚁ある者や 自己啓発のセラピストに自分を重ねたり 遞択に関しお迷いを芋せない 蚳知り顔の党䜓䞻矩的な指導者を 受け入れたりするのです 私はよくこんな質問をされたす 「遞択の研究から孊んだこずは 䜕ですか?」 私が孊んだ重芁なメッセヌゞがありたす 遞択に぀いお考えるようになっお 私は遞択を深刻に そしお 個人的なものずしお捉えるのをやめたした たず私は自分の遞択の倚くが 理性的でないず気づきたした それは私の無意識や 他の人が遞びそうなものや 瀟䌚的に受け入れられそうな遞択ず 関わっおいたす たた私は 個人の遞択ずいう枠を超え 瀟䌚的遞択を芋盎すこずが 非垞に重芁だずいう考えを 倧切にしおいたす 個人の遞択ずいうむデオロギヌによっお 私たちは牙を抜かれ 瀟䌚的倉化に぀いお 考えられなくなっおしたいたした 私たちは自分のための遞択に 倚倧な時間を費やし 皆のためにできる遞択に぀いおは ほずんど考えたせん 遞択は垞に倉化ず 関連しおいるこずを忘れおはなりたせん 私たちは個人の倉化を起こせたすが 瀟䌚の倉化も起こせるのです オオカミを増やすずいう遞択もできたす 環境に倉化を起こし ハチを増やすずいう遞択もできたす 新たな栌付け機関を導入するずいう 遞択もできたす 䌁業に支配されるのではなく 私たちが䌁業を支配するずいう 遞択もできたす 私たちは倉化を起こす可胜性を 持っおいたす さお冒頭にサミュ゚ル・ゞョン゜ンの 蚀葉を玹介したしたね 「人生においお遞択をする時 生きるこずを蔑ろにしおはならない」 ずうずう私は 冒頭で䜿いたかった 3぀の名蚀から 1぀を遞ぶずいう遞択をしたしたよ 私が遞択をしたように 囜家ずしお 囜民ずしお 私たちにも 将来どんな瀟䌚に䜏みたいか 再考する遞択暩があるのです ありがずうございたした
Now, bad news: I didn't know which one of these quotes to choose and share with you. The sweet anxiety of choice. In today's times of post-industrial capitalism, choice, together with individual freedom and the idea of self-making, has been elevated to an ideal. Now, together with this, we also have a belief in endless progress. But the underside of this ideology has been an increase of anxiety, feelings of guilt, feelings of being inadequate, feeling that we are failing in our choices. Sadly, this ideology of individual choice has prevented us from thinking about social changes. It appears that this ideology was actually very efficient in pacifying us as political and social thinkers. Instead of making social critiques, we are more and more engaging in self-critique, sometimes to the point of self-destruction. Now, how come that ideology of choice is still so powerful, even among people who have not many things to choose among? How come that even people who are poor very much still identify with the idea of choice, the kind of rational idea of choice which we embrace? Now, the ideology of choice is very successful in opening for us a space to think about some imagined future. Let me give you an example. My friend Manya, when she was a student at university in California, by working for a car dealer. Now, Manya, when she encountered the typical customer, would debate with him about his lifestyle, how much he wants to spend, how many children he has, what does he need the car for? They would usually come to a good conclusion what would be a perfect car. Now, before Manya's customer would go home and think things through, she would say to him, "The car that you are buying now is perfect, but in a few year's time, when your kids will be already out of the house, when you will have a little bit more money, that other car will be ideal. But what you are buying now is great." Now, the majority of Manya's customers who came back the next day bought that other car, the car they did not need, the car that cost far too much money. Now, Manya became so successful in selling cars that soon she moved on to selling airplanes. And knowing so much about the psychology of people prepared her well for her current job, which is that of a psychoanalyst. Now, why were Manya's customers so irrational? Manya's success was that she was able to open in their heads an image of an idealized future, an image of themselves when they are already more successful, freer, and for them, choosing that other car was as if they are coming closer to this ideal in which it was as if Manya already saw them. Now, we rarely make really totally rational choices. Choices are influenced by our unconscious, by our community. We're often choosing by guessing, what would other people think about our choice? Also we are choosing by looking at what others are choosing. We're also guessing what is socially acceptable choice. Now, because of this, we actually even after we have already chosen, like bought a car, endlessly read reviews about cars, as if we still want to convince ourselves that we made the right choice. Now, choices are anxiety-provoking. They are linked to risks, losses. They are highly unpredictable. Now, because of this, people have now more and more problems that they are not choosing anything. Not long ago, I was at a wedding reception, and I met a young, beautiful woman who immediately started telling me about her anxiety over choice. She said to me, "I needed one month to decide which dress to wear." Then she said, "For weeks I was researching which hotel to stay for this one night. And now, I need to choose a sperm donor." I looked at this woman in shock. "Sperm donor? What's the rush?" She said, "I'm turning 40 at the end of this year, and I've been so bad in choosing men in my life." Now choice, because it's linked to risk, is anxiety-provoking, and it was already the famous Danish philosopher SÞren Kierkegaard who pointed out that anxiety is linked to the possibility of possibility. Now, we think today that we can prevent these risks. We have endless market analysis, projections of the future earnings. Even with market, which is about chance, randomness, we think we can predict rationally where it's going. Now, chance is actually becoming very traumatic. Last year, my friend Bernard Harcourt at the University of Chicago organized an event, a conference on the idea of chance. He and I were together on the panel, and just before delivering our papers — we didn't know each other's papers — we decided to take chance seriously. So we informed our audience that what they will just now hear will be a random paper, a mixture of the two papers which we didn't know what each was writing. Now, we delivered the conference in such a way. Bernard read his first paragraph, I read my first paragraph, Bernard read his second paragraph, I read my second paragraph, in this way towards the end of our papers. Now, you will be surprised that a majority of our audience did not think that what they'd just listened to was a completely random paper. They couldn't believe that speaking from the position of authority we would take chance seriously. They thought we prepared the papers together and were just joking that it's random. Now, we live in times with a lot of information, big data, a lot of knowledge about the insides of our bodies. We decoded our genome. We know about our brains more than before. But surprisingly, people are more and more turning a blind eye in front of this knowledge. Ignorance and denial are on the rise. Now, in regard to the current economic crisis, we think that we will just wake up again and everything will be the same as before, and no political or social changes are needed. In regard to ecological crisis, we think nothing needs to be done just now, or others need to act before us. Or even when ecological crisis already happens, like a catastrophe in Fukushima, often we have people living in the same environment with the same amount of information, and half of them will be anxious about radiation and half of them will ignore it. Now, psychoanalysts know very well that people surprisingly don't have passion for knowledge but passion for ignorance. Now, what does that mean? Let's say when we are facing a life-threatening illness, a lot of people don't want to know that. They'd rather prefer denying the illness, which is why it's not so wise to inform them if they don't ask. Surprisingly, research shows that sometimes people who deny their illness live longer than those who are rationally choosing the best treatment. Now, this ignorance, however, is not very helpful on the level of the social. When we are ignorant about where we are heading, a lot of social damage can be caused. Now, on top of facing ignorance, we are also facing today some kind of an obviousness. Now, it was French philosopher Louis Althusser who pointed out that ideology functions in such a way that it creates a veil of obviousness. Before we do any social critique, it is necessary really to lift that veil of obviousness and to think through a little bit differently. If we go back to this ideology of individual, rational choice we often embrace, it's necessary precisely here to lift this obviousness and to think a little bit differently. Now for me, a question often is why we still embrace this idea of a self-made man on which capitalism relied from its beginning? Why do we think that we are really such masters of our lives that we can rationally make the best ideal choices, that we don't accept losses and risks? And for me, it's very shocking to see sometimes very poor people, for example, not supporting the idea of the rich being taxed more. Quite often here they still identify with a certain kind of a lottery mentality. Okay, maybe they don't think that they will make it in the future, but maybe they think, my son might become the next Bill Gates. And who would want to tax one's son? Or, a question for me is also, why would people who have no health insurance not embrace universal healthcare? Sometimes they don't embrace it, again identifying with the idea of choice, but they have nothing to choose from. Now, Margaret Thatcher famously said that there is nothing like a society. Society doesn't exist, it is only individuals and their families. Sadly, this ideology still functions very well, which is why people who are poor might feel ashamed for their poverty. We might endlessly feel guilty that we are not making the right choices, and that's why we didn't succeed. We are anxious that we are not good enough. That's why we work very hard, long hours at the workplace and equally long hours on remaking ourselves. Now, when we are anxious over choices, sometimes we easily give our power of choice away. We identify with the guru who tells us what to do, self-help therapist, or we embrace a totalitarian leader who appears to have no doubts about choices, who sort of knows. Now, often people ask me, "What did you learn by studying choice?" And there is an important message that I did learn. When thinking about choices, I stopped taking choices too seriously, personally. First, I realized a lot of choice I make is not rational. It's linked to my unconscious, my guesses of what others are choosing, or what is a socially embraced choice. I also embrace the idea that we should go beyond thinking about individual choices, that it's very important to rethink social choices, since this ideology of individual choice has pacified us. It really prevented us to think about social change. We spend so much time choosing things for ourselves and barely reflect on communal choices we can make. Now, we should not forget that choice is always linked to change. We can make individual changes, but we can make social changes. We can choose to have more wolves. We can choose to change our environment to have more bees. We can choose to have different rating agencies. We can choose to control corporations instead of allowing corporations to control us. We have a possibility to make changes. Now, I started with a quote from Samuel Johnson, who said that when we make choice in life, we shouldn't forget to live. Finally, you can see I did have a choice to choose one of the three quotes with which I wanted to start my lecture. I did have a choice, such as nations, as people, we have choices too to rethink in what kind of society we want to live in the future. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
村人たちが魔王から逃げるために村を捚おおか目の朝。 「っ぀!予想以䞊に数が倚い!」 「恐らくは道䞭で野生生物を襲っおゟンビにしたんだろうさ!」 村人の男たちず䜕人かの傭兵は懞呜の抵抗を続けおいた。 理由は単玔。目暙の堎所たで埌少しずいった所で、敵に远い぀かれ、子䟛や老人をはじめずした戊えないものを逃がすためである。 しかし、各人が奮戊をしおも数の差から戊局は明らかに抌され気味であり、殆どの者はどこかしらに傷を負っおいた。 「≪枊炎≫!!」「......!!」「≪切り払い≫!」 しかし、厖䞊に珟れたムギの≪枊炎≫が敵の集団を焌き払い、敵集団の偎面に来たむズミの斧が敵を同時に䜕䜓も吹き飛ばし、敵の集団䞭に突劂珟れた(ように芋える)ホりキが≪切り払い≫で敵の足を切っお機動力を奪う。 「おお!来おくれたんすね!」 傭兵が手にした倧剣で敵を切り倒し぀぀ムギたちに話しかける。 「悪い!別働隊の始末に少し手こずった!今からここの連䞭も片付ける!」 それにムギが≪火の矢≫を手近なキョンシヌに攟ち぀぀答える。 それは今珟圚圌女たちが盞手にしおいるのず別の集団が違うルヌトから先回りするように迫っおきおいたからであった。その集団の平均的なレベルは明らかにこちらよりも高かったため。高レベルであるムギたちが向かうしかなかったのである。 しかし、別働隊はムギたちによっお始末され、本隊に圌女たちが合流した結果倧勢は決する...かず思われた。 「あれは...たさか。」 ムギはそれを芋぀けた時。思わず息を呑んでしたった。 ムギが芋぀けたそれは...1000を超えるキョンシヌたち䞍死系魔性の集団であった。 「ク゜ッ!村の人間は党員急いで撀退しな!」 アタむは急いでこの堎に居る村人党員に指瀺を出す。 「けど俺たちがここで逃げたら!」 「黙りな!あの数盞手にこの数じゃ足止めにもならない!文句を蚀っおいる暇があるなら急いで非戊闘組ず合流しおそっちを抱えお逃げな!」 反論ももちろん出るが、それは力づくで抑える。この堎での迷いは臎呜傷になりかねない。 そしお、村人たちが党員逃げた所で、残った傭兵団の人間たちが広域に攻撃できるスキルを䜿っお、先皋たで戊っおいた敵の集団を壊滅させる。 「さお...、あれを䜕ずかできる䜜戊が思い぀く奎はいるかい?」 「流石に思い぀かねえすよ。」 「こうしお芋るず数は力だっお思わせられたすよ。」 「でも、やるしかありたせんよねぇ。それが仕事ですし。」 「たあ足止めぐらいはしないずいけないですか。」 ムギず傭兵たちは各々芚悟を決めお、い぀でも戊いを始められるように姿勢を敎える。 そしお、リョりずりネが前方の非戊闘集団からムギたちのもずに来た時にそれは唐突に始たった。 「可笑しいですわね...。」 最初に気付いたのはリョりだった。 そしお、その蚀葉を受けお他の傭兵たちも盞手の異垞に気付き始める。 「ガ...グ...ガ...」 そう。圌らに迫り぀぀あるキョンシヌたちの肉䜓は䞀歩螏み出すたびに厩れ萜ちおいっおいる。そのスピヌドは恐ろしいものであり、瞬く間にキョンシヌたちの数は少なくなっおいき、そしおリョりたちの攻撃範囲に蟿り着くたでにその数は十分の䞀以䞋にたで枛っおいた。 そしお、攻撃範囲に入ったずころでリョりは我に返り、 「党員。攟おるだけの遠距離攻撃を攟ちなさい!敵を殲滅したすわよ!」 傭兵たちに指瀺を出し、戊いが始たった。 戊いは拮抗しおいた。䟋え数が十分の䞀なったずしおも100䜓以䞊いる事には倉わりは無く、リョりたち高レベル組にしおも䞀床に盞手に出来る人数は限られおいる。 しかし、戊いが長匕くに぀れお敵の数はリョりたちが倒すペヌスよりも明らかに早く枛っおいく。 そしお気が付けばキョンシヌたちは䞀匹残らず党お地に還されおおり、 「䜕ずか...なりたしたわね。」 リョりの独り蚀が蟺りに聞こえた。 村人たちず合流した私たちは䜕故、キョンシヌたちが突然厩れ去り始めたのか、その理由を知るこずになりたした。 どうやら、2日前に私たちの偵察が確認した人間の集団。圌らがあのダンゞョンの魔王を蚎ちずったためにあの魔王のスキルの効果で日光䞋でも問題なく動けおいたキョンシヌたちぞの保護効果がなくなり、その結果がアレだったようです。 埌、気になるのはその魔王を蚎ちずった人間たちに぀いおですが...たあ生きおいれば数日䞭にはこちらに戻っおくるでしょう。 「䜕にしおも助かった。ずいう事で良さそうですわね。」 「そうですね。でも、䟋え匱䜓化しおもあの数ですから2人ほどこちらにも死者が出おしたいたした。」 私ずホりキは適圓な食事をずり぀぀今回の仕事の収支を確認したす。 報酬は村長からしっかりず貰えたした。しかし、装備品や人員の消耗もやはりそれ盞応にあるようです。特に痛いのはやはり死者が出おしたったこずでしょうね。 「そう...ですか。」 私は亡くなった2人の死を静かに悌みたす。 知り合いの死は蟛いものです。しかし傭兵家業をし、レベルを䞊げ、この先長く生きおいくなら慣れるしかないのでしょう。 ただ、どれほど慣れおも䜕も感じなくなる。ずいう事は無い様にしなければいけたせんね。死に慣れ芪しんで䜕も感じなくなったら、それは人ずしお䜕かがおかしい気がしたすから...。 リョりたちは称号≪霧の傭兵団≫を獲埗した。
It was the third morning since the villagers abandoned their village to evacuate from the Demon King. “Tch! There are a lot more of them than we anticipated!” “They most likely assailed wild creatures along the way and turned them into zombies!” The men of the village and some mercenaries continued to put up a strenuous resistance. The reason was simple: they were on the verge of reaching their destination when the enemy gained on them, and they were trying to help those who cannot fight, including children and the elderly, to beat a hasty retreat. However, despite the efforts of each of them, they were clearly outnumbered and overwhelmed, and the majority of them were carrying wounds of one kind or another. “≪Fire Swirl≫!” “...!” “≪Cut Off≫!” But Mugi’s ≪Fire Swirl≫ emerged on the cliff and seared away a group of enemies, while Izumi’s axe blasted away several enemies at the same time as it approached the flank of the enemy group. Houki suddenly appeared (seemingly) in the midst of a group of enemies, and with her ≪Cut Off≫, she sheared off the enemy’s legs and deprived them of maneuverability. “Oh! You guys showed up!” While slashing down the adversary with a huge sword in his hand, one of the mercenaries addressed Mugi and the others. “Sorry! We had a bit of trouble dealing with the other team! We’ll get rid of these guys here now!” Mugi responded while releasing ≪Firebolt≫ at the nearest Jiangshi. Mugi and her team had delayed until now because another group was closing in on them from a different path from the one they were presently opposing. Since the average level of that group was evidently higher than the villagers, Mugi and company, who were at a higher level, had no choice but to head for the other group. Nevertheless, Mugi and her group eliminated the detached force, and the crisis appeared to be resolved when the girls joined the main group. “That... can’t be...” When Mugi caught sight of it, a gasp broke out in her throat. What Mugi spotted... was a group of more than , Jiangshi, a group of immortal demons. “Damn it! All the villagers must withdraw swiftly!” Mugi hastily instructed all the villagers present. “But if we evacuate here!” “Shut up! Our numbers aren’t even adequate to stop them! If you have time to be complaining, hurry up and join the non-combatants and run away with them!” Refutations were of course raised, but these were suppressed by force. Any hesitancy at this stage could be disastrous. After all of the villagers had fled, the remaining mercenaries employed their wide-area offensive skills to wipe out the group of adversaries they had been combating. “Now... does anyone have a strategy to counteract that?” “I can’t conceive of any ideas.” “Seeing it in this state reminds me that there is strength in numbers.” “But we have no option but to do it. That’s our work.” “Well, we have to at least stall them, right?” Mugi and the mercenaries were prepared and poised to engage in battle at any moment. When Ryo and Une arrived from the non-combat group in the front to join Mugi and the others, things began to change abruptly. “This is strange...” Ryo was the first one to recognize it. Following her words, the other mercenaries also began to perceive the abnormality of the other party. “Ga... gu... ga...” Right. With each step, the bodies of the Jiangshi that were pressing in on them were collapsing. The speed of this was daunting, and within the blink of an eye, the number of the Jiangshi was dwindling, and by the time they had reached the scope of Ryo and her companions’ attack, their numbers had been reduced to less than one-tenth of what they were. Ryo came to her senses just as they were within the attack range. “All of you. Unleash as many long-range attacks as you can! We will exterminate the enemies!” With this command to the mercenaries, the battle ensued. The battle raged on. Although the number of enemies had been scaled down to one-tenth, there were still more than a hundred of them, which meant that even Ryo and her high-level comrades can only take on a limited number at a time. Notwithstanding, as the battle dragged on, the adversaries’ numbers were conspicuously shrinking rapidly at an alarming rate, even faster than Ryo and her team were dispatching them. And before long, every last one of the Jiangshi had been returned to the ground. “Somehow... it all worked out...” Ryo’s monologue can be heard throughout the area. After joining the villagers, we had come to ascertain why the Jiangshi had unexpectedly begun to crumble away. Apparently, it was due to a group of humans that our reconnaissance had detected two days earlier. Since they had vanquished the Demon King of that dungeon, the effect of the Demon King’s skill had lost its protective effect on the Jiangshi, who had been able to operate without problems under the sunlight, and that seemed to be the consequence of that. As for the humans who defeated the Demon King... well, if they were still alive, they will be back here in a few days. “At any rate, it seems that we have survived, right?” “Yes, that’s true. But even if they were weakened, we lost of our own given their numbers.” Houki and I had a proper meal while reviewing the income and expenditure for this job. The village chief had paid us handsomely. However, it seemed that the depletion of equipment and personnel still had its proportionate toll. The particularly galling part was the fact that deaths have occurred. “Is that so...” I silently mourned the passing of the two people who perished. The demise of someone you were acquainted with was a bitter blow. Nonetheless, I supposed I will have to familiarize myself with it should I continue to operate as a mercenary, advance my level, and live for a long time to come. However, regardless of how much I adapt to it, I must make sure that my feelings do not become numb. If I become so accustomed to death that nothing can shake my emotions, there would mean that something is amiss with me as a person... Ryo and her team have acquired the title ≪Mercenary of the Mist≫.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
互いを芋るず倧きな混乱が生たれたす もちろん芞術は、䞖界を粟神、感情ヌ 時には無意識の堎合もありたすが―それに矎意識から芋おいたす 科孊は、䞖界を合理性や定量性― 枬定や蚘述が可胜なものから芋おいたすが 理解のための驚くべき枠組みも芞術ぞ提䟛したす 「Extreme Ice Survey」で、我々は 人間の理解の、これら二぀の領域を組み合わせ 芞術ず科孊を融合し 自然ず人間ずの関わりを理解する 助けずする事を目暙ずしたした 特に、生涯にわたり プロの自然写真家ずしお過ごし、私は 写真、ビデオ、映画には 自然および人間ず自然の関係を 理解するのを助ける 匷倧な力があるず確信しおいたす このプロゞェクトではもちろん、氷に特別の関心がありたした 氷の矎ず、倉圢する力、 その倉圢蚱容力 それが取り埗る驚くべき圢に魅了されたした 最初の写真はグリヌンランドのものです しかし氷には別の意味がありたす 氷は地球党䜓の「炭坑のカナリア」なのです そこでは気候倉動の実際を芋お、觊れお、聞いお、感じるこずができたす 䞖界の倧郚分では、気候倉動はずおも抜象的です 信じるにせよ信じないにせよ、自分の感芚に頌っお 前より雚が倚いずか少ないずか、あるいは 気枩が埐々に䞊がっおいるずか䞋がっおいるずか蚀っおいたす あるいはコンピュヌタモデルがこう蚀っおいるずかいないずか、他の枬定倀がどうずかです そんなものは党お暪に眮いおください 地球の極地あるいは高所環境には 氷があり、気候倉動はそこでは珟実なのです 倉化は起こっおいたす 実に目に芋える圢で 撮圱できるし、枬定できるのです 䞖界の氷河の95%は、埌退し瞮小しおいたす これは南極の呚蟺です 95%の氷河は埌退し、瞮小しおいるのです 降雪パタヌンず気枩パタヌンが倉化しおいるからです このこずに぀いお科孊的議論の䜙地はありたせん 芳察され、枬定されおいる 絶察確実な情報です 珟代の倧きな皮肉あるいは悲劇は 科孊者がただこの真吊を議論しおいるず、䞀般倧衆が思っおいる事です 科孊はそのこずを議論しおいたせん お芋せする写真では、䜕十䞇幎の歎史を持぀ 莫倧な氷河や氷床が 塊ずなっお壊れお行き 氷山が䞀぀づ぀流れ去り、海面䞊昇ぞず倉貌しおいたす 30幎間のキャリアにわたっおこれを芋おいながら 10幎ほど前たで、私はただ気候倉動には懐疑的でした 気候倉動はコンピュヌタモデルに基づいおいるず思っおいたからです 実際はそれが、氷床や、海掋底の沈殿物や、 湖の沈殿物や、幎茪やその他の 気枩を枬定する方法に基づいた「叀気象」―叀代の気象ヌの 確固ずした枬定によるずは 知りたせんでした 気候倉動がコンピュヌタモデルに基づいたものでなく珟実だず知った時 自分がい぀か、気候倉動を写真の圢で捉え 衚珟するプロゞェクトを行おうず思いたした そしおこのプロゞェクトにたどり着いたのです 圓初私は、ナショナルゞオグラフィック誌の仕事で 通垞の、䞀枚ものの静止画写真を撮圱しおいたした そしおある日、突飛な考えがひらめき この仕事が終わったら コマ萜ずし撮圱甚のカメラを 䞀぀か二぀、氷河の近くに蚭眮し 15分おきか、1時間おきか、それくらいの時間で撮圱し 颚景がどう倉化するかを芋おみようず思いたした それからたあ3週間で 身の皋知らずにも、蚈画したカメラの数を 25個にしたした それから半幎は、人生で最高にき぀い時期で 25台のコマ萜ずし撮圱カメラを蚭蚈し、組み立おおは蚭眮するこずになりたした 動力源は倪陜です 倪陜電池で駆動したす バッテリヌに充電したす い぀撮圱するかを制埡する 特補のコンピュヌタもありたす カメラは氷河の偎面の岩に蚭眮され 岩盀䞊の動かない䜍眮から氷河を芋䞋ろし 颚景の進化を芋続けるのです ちょうどグリヌンランド氷床にカメラをいく぀か蚭眮したずころです ここ6週間ほどは、ドリルで氷に穎をあけ、解氷レベルの䞋にたで行き そこにカメラを蚭眮しおきたした 今もカメラはそこにありたす ずにかく、カメラはだいたい1時間おきか 30分おき、15分おき、5分おきくらいで撮圱したす これがコマ萜ずし撮圱カメラ制䜜過皋のコマ萜ずし撮圱です こういう物のナットやボルトやワッシャには特別こだわりがありたす こいういう機材をオリゞナルで䜜るずきは 生掻の半分くらいを地元の工具店で過ごしたす 我々は北半球の殆どの䞻芁な氷河で䜜業したした コマ萜ずし撮圱カメラはアラスカ、ロッキヌ山脈、グリヌンランド、アむスランドにあり い぀も行く撮圱堎所 ぀たり毎幎の様に蚪れる堎所があり ブリティッシュコロンビア、アルプス、ボリビアなどです 倧きな仕事です 私は今倜ここに 党チヌムの代衚ずしお来おいたす 珟圚この䜜業に埓事しおいる人がたくさんいたす カメラは今33台ありたす 30分前に、北半球党域の33台のカメラで 撮圱があり、䜕が起きおいるかを芋おいるのです 長時間、珟堎で過ごしおいたす 倧倉な䜜業量です 2幎半続けおきおいお あずただ2幎半続く予定です それでも仕事の䞀方に過ぎたせん もう䞀方の仕事は、䞖界の人々にこの話をするこずです 科孊者たちは、この手の情報を幎間を通じお 適時集めおいたすが、倚くは科孊の䞖界に留たっおいたす 同様に、倚くのプロゞェクトが芞術の䞖界だけに留たっおいる そしお私は、たずえばTEDや、あるいは オバマ政暩や、議䌚や、ゞョン・ケリヌのオフィスずの 関係を通じお、これらの写真で政策に 最倧限の圱響を及がす責任があるず感じおいたす 映画も䜜った 本も曞いた さらにもっずやる事がある グヌグルアヌスにサむトがありたす 芪切なグヌグルアヌスが提䟛しおくれたした― 今珟圚、進行し぀぀ある気候倉動の盎接の蚌拠である この物語を広める必芁があるからです さお、映像を芋る前にちょっずだけ科孊の勉匷です もし先進囜の党員がこのグラフを理解し 頭に刻み蟌めば 事の重倧さにより、いたさら気候倉動に぀いおずやかくいう 議論はなくなるでしょう これ以倖はすべお、ただのプロパガンダず混乱です 鍵はこれです:これは40䞇幎分の蚘録です 今から玄100䞇幎前にもこれず同じパタヌンが 起きたした 重芁なこずがいく぀かありたす 䞀぀:気枩ず倧気䞭の二酞化炭玠の量は だいたい同期しおいたす オレンゞず青の線でそれがわかりたす 自然界では、最倧280ppmの二酞化炭玠たでは蚱容されたす それが自然のサむクルです 280たでくるずそれから䞋がる その様々な理由に぀いおは今は重芁ではありたせん 280がピヌクです ちょうど珟圚、グラフの右䞊端を芋れば 今は385ppmです 正垞な自然の倉動領域から、遥かに遠く倖れおいるんです 地球が熱発しおいるんです ここ100幎間で地球の気枩は 華氏で1.3床、摂氏で0.75床䞊昇し さらに䞊昇䞭です 我々が化石燃料を倧気に攟出しおいるからです 幎間2.5ppmのスピヌドで、です 容赊なく䞊昇し続けおいたす 匕き返さなくおはなりたせん それが鍵です い぀かニュヌペヌクのタむムズスク゚アなどの堎所に それを堂々ず掲げられればいいず思っおいたす しかしずにかく、氷の䞖界に行っおみたしょう アラスカのコロンビア氷河です これが氷塊分離面の景色です カメラが数カ月間にわたっお芳察したものです 氷河は右から流れ蟌んで 海に萜ち蟌みたす カメラは毎時間撮圱しおいたす 真ん䞭埌ろあたりを芋るず 氷塊分離面がペヌペヌのように䞊䞋しおいるのがわかりたす ぀たり氷河が浮いおいお䞍安定だずいうこずで、 その浮遊の結果がこれからわかりたす この倧きさですが 写真の氷塊分離面は 高さ100メヌトル、32階くらいありたす 小さな厖皋床ではなく、郜垂䞭心郚のオフィスビルくらいあるわけです 氷塊分離面では氷が厩れるのが目に芋えるわけですが 実は氎面䞋に600メヌトルほど、さらに広がっおいたす ぀たり深さ600メヌトルの氷の壁が もしも氷河が岩盀にあればそこたで厩れ萜ちるし、 そうでなければ流れ去っおいるのです コロンビア氷河は終わり こちらは䞭倮アラスカの南郚です この空撮写真は、3幎前の6月に、私が撮圱したものです こちらは今幎撮圱したものです 氷河が埌退しおいたす 本流、぀たり氷河の本䜓は右偎からやっおきおいたすが 急速に䞊流ぞず埌退しおいたす 数週間埌にそこに行くのですが おそらくあず800メヌトルは埌退しおいるでしょう しかし、もし私があそこたで行っおみお さらに8キロ埌退しおいおも、党く驚かないでしょう こういう堎所の芏暡感を぀かむのは本圓に難しいです なぜなら氷河は― アラスカやグリヌンランドの様な堎所はずおも巚倧で 通垞の颚景ではないんです― 氷河は埌退しおいるだけでなく、瞮小しおいお たるで颚船がしがんでいくようです それで、この氷河には特城がありたす 写真の真ん䞭、矢印が぀いおいるその䞊に「尟根」が芋えたす それが理解の助けになるでしょう 「トリムラむン(掘削線)」ず呌ばれる目印の線がありたす 赀い線が匕いおあるずころです 自尊心のある写真家ならたずやらないんですが― ちょっずチャチなむラストを入れおたすが たあ説明をはっきり分かっおもらうためです それで、1984幎以来の氷河の瞮小は ゚ッフェル塔よりも、゚ンパむアステヌトビルよりも芏暡が倧きいのです 氷河が埌退し瞮小するに぀れお、膚倧な量の氷が この谷から流出しおしたったのです 高山地方のこういう倉化は加速しおいたす 静的ではありたせん 特に海氷の䞖界では 自然の倉化は数幎前の予想を遥かに䞊回っおおり 状況は加速しおいるか、あるいは 圓初の掚枬自䜓が過小に過ぎたのです いずれにせよ、こうしお話しおいる間にも、ものすごく倧芏暡な倉化が起きおいたす こちらはコロンビア氷河での別のコマ萜ずし撮圱映像です 氷河が春、6月、5月、10月ず、 どこたで来おいるかがわかりたす さお、コマを動かしたす 1時間に1回、撮圱しおいたす 地質孊的芏暡の出来事です 冬には進行しおないじゃないか、ず皆が蚀いたす ちがいたす これは「䞍健康な」氷河で、冬を通じお埌退しおいたす 最埌には远い぀いお、埌退しお行きたす こういう映像は䜕床も芋おしたいたす 普通、動くはずのないものが動くのを芋るのは ずおも奇劙な魅力があるからです 癟聞は䞀芋にしかずで、そういうものを TEDグロヌバルで芋おいるわけです こういうカメラだから芋るこずができたす 芋えないものが芋えおいる 倧きなクレバスが開いおいたす 倧きな氷の島が流れおいきたす これを芋おください これは今幎の春です 巚倧な厩壊です 1ヶ月ほどで起きお これだけの氷が倱われたした ぀たり3幎前に蚘録し始めたずころは ずっず巊の先の方で、こちらが数ヶ月前に、我々が 最埌にコロンビア氷河に行った時のものです 埌退の芏暡感をお瀺しするために たたちょっずむラストを䜿いたす むギリスの二階建おバスです 埌退した堎所たで、二階建でバスが295台、瞊に䞊べられたす ものすごい距離です アむスランドです 私の奜きな堎所の䞀぀、゜りルヘむマペヌクトル氷河です 芋おいるず、氷河末端が埌退しおいくのがわかりたす 川ができ、 瞮小しおいきたす 写真ずいう手段がなければ、絶察に芋るこずができたせん 芋られないのです 䞀生ここに立っおいおも芋えないでしょう カメラだからできる 逆回しにしたす 2幎時間をさかのがる ここから始たり、 数ヶ月前にここで終わっおいたす グリヌンランドです 氷の量が少ないほど、気候倉動の圱響が早く珟れたす グリヌンランドは、前䞖玀の枩暖化ぞの反応には いくらか時間がかかりたした しかしここ20幎間、その勢いが加速しおいたす あの堎所の気枩はものすごく䞊昇しおいたす 倧きな堎所です すべおが氷 色の぀いおいるのはすべお氷で、厚さが3キロ以䞊あり、 海岞から流れ蟌み、䞭倮が盛り䞊がった巚倧なドヌムです グリヌンランドには 北半球の他のすべおの氷河を合わせたより 倚くの氷を海に流しおいる氷河がありたす むルリサット氷河です 我々のカメラがいく぀か、むルリサットの南瞁にあり この劇的な埌退を、氷塊分離面から撮圱しおいたす 2幎前の光景はこんな様子でした 正面郚分にあるヘリコプタヌでスケヌルがわかりたす どんどん小さくなっおいきたす 正面の幅は7キロメヌトル以䞊ありたす カメラを匕いおいきたすが、それでも2.4キロメヌトル分しか芋えおいたせん どれくらい巚倧か、たた どれだけの氷が流れおいるか想像しおみおください グリヌランド内陞は右偎です 巊の倧西掋ぞ向けお流れおいたす ビルの䜕十倍もある氷山が、音を立おお海に萜ち蟌んでいたす 2週間前、6月25日に 倧芏暡な厩壊珟堎の写真を ダりンロヌドしたした もうすぐご芧に入れたす 過去15幎で、氷河の流速が2倍になりたした 䞀日に40メヌトル匷の氷が、海に流れ萜ちおいたす 3日おきに、脈動するように萜ちお行きたすが 平均するず毎日40メヌトル匷で 20幎前の倍の速床です それで、この氷河を芳察するチヌムが 映像蚘録史䞊、最倧の厩壊むベントを蚘録したした 9台のカメラが回っおいたす そのうち2台が蚘録したした 高さ130メヌトルの氷が剥がれ萜ちたす ものすごく巚倧な氷山が流れ出しおいきたす さお、どれくらい倧きかったのか? 想像し難いものです むラストをもう䞀床 芏暡がわかるでしょう 75分で1.6キロの埌退 この䞀回の攟出で、厩壊幅が4.8キロメヌトル ブロックの高さが800メヌトル 厩壊面の幅をロンドン橋ず比べるず 橋20個分の長さになりたす アメリカ匏に蚀うず、米囜議䌚議事堂だず 氷塊の䞭に3000個分 どれくらい巚倧がかわかるでしょう たった75分の出来事です さお、気候倉動に぀いお 長い間孊んだ私の結論は 事は経枈䞊、技術䞊、あるいは政策の問題ではない、ずいうこずです 問題は「認知」なのです 政治も経枈も技術も十分すぎる問題ですが それは解決するこずができる 必ずできるでしょう しかしここには認知の問題があっお 倚くの人々は、事の重倧さをただ理解しおいないのです こちらの聎衆の皆さんぱリヌトです だから理解できる 幞運にも、䞖界の䞻芁な諞囜の政治指導者の倚くは これを理解できる゚リヌトの聞き手です しかしもっず倚くの人々に仲間になっおもらわなくおはなりたせん そのために、TEDのような組織や Extreme Ice Surveyなどが、人間の認知に倧きな圱響を䞎え 共に行動するようにできるのです なぜなら、たさしく今がチャンスだず思うからです 我々は危機の瀬戞際にいながら それでもこの䞖代、あるいは今䞖玀最倧の脅嚁に 立ち向かえる機䌚があるのです 我々ず、未来のために 正しいこずをするための召集がかかっおいたす 私たちの英知が、この機に我々の良心を 目芚めさせ、なすべきこずをなさしめる事を期埅したす どうもありがずう
There is great confusion when the two look at each other. Art, of course, looks at the world through the psyche, the emotions -- the unconscious at times -- and of course the aesthetic. Science tends to look at the world through the rational, the quantitative -- things that can be measured and described -- but it gives art a terrific context of understanding. In the Extreme Ice Survey, we're dedicated to bringing those two parts of human understanding together, to merging the art and science to the end of helping us understand nature and humanity's relationship with nature better. Specifically, I as a person who's been a professional nature photographer my whole adult life, am firmly of the belief that photography, video, film have tremendous powers for helping us understand and shape the way we think about nature and about ourselves in relationship to nature. In this project, we're specifically interested, of course, in ice. I'm fascinated by the beauty of it, the mutability of it, the malleability of it, and the fabulous shapes in which it can carve itself. These first images are from Greenland. But ice has another meaning. Ice is the canary in the global coal mine. It's the place where we can see and touch and hear and feel climate change in action. Climate change is a really abstract thing in most of the world. Whether or not you believe in it is based on your sense of is it raining more or is it raining less? Is it getting hotter or is it getting colder? What do the computer models say about this, that and the other thing? All of that, strip it away. In the world of the arctic and alpine environments, where the ice is, it's real and it's present. The changes are happening. They're very visible. They're photographable. They're measurable. 95 percent of the glaciers in the world are retreating or shrinking. That's outside Antarctica. 95 percent of the glaciers in the world are retreating or shrinking, and that's because the precipitation patterns and the temperature patterns are changing. There is no significant scientific dispute about that. It's been observed, it's measured, it's bomb-proof information. And the great irony and tragedy of our time is that a lot of the general public thinks that science is still arguing about that. Science is not arguing about that. In these images we see ice from enormous glaciers, ice sheets that are hundreds of thousands of years old breaking up into chunks, and chunk by chunk by chunk, iceberg by iceberg, turning into global sea level rise. So, having seen all of this in the course of a 30-year career, I was still a skeptic about climate change until about 10 years ago, because I thought the story of climate change was based on computer models. I hadn't realized it was based on concrete measurements of what the paleoclimates -- the ancient climates -- were, as recorded in the ice sheets, as recorded in deep ocean sediments, as recorded in lake sediments, tree rings, and a lot of other ways of measuring temperature. When I realized that climate change was real, and it was not based on computer models, I decided that one day I would do a project looking at trying to manifest climate change photographically. And that led me to this project. Initially, I was working on a National Geographic assignment -- conventional, single frame, still photography. And one crazy day, I got the idea that I should -- after that assignment was finished -- I got the idea that I should shoot in time-lapse photography, that I should station a camera or two at a glacier and let it shoot every 15 minutes, or every hour or whatever and watch the progression of the landscape over time. Well, within about three weeks, I incautiously turned that idea of a couple of time-lapse cameras into 25 time-lapse cameras. And the next six months of my life were the hardest time in my career, trying to design, build and deploy out in the field these 25 time-lapse cameras. They are powered by the sun. Solar panels power them. Power goes into a battery. There is a custom made computer that tells the camera when to fire. And these cameras are positioned on rocks on the sides of the glaciers, and they look in on the glacier from permanent, bedrock positions, and they watch the evolution of the landscape. We just had a number of cameras out on the Greenland Ice Sheet. We actually drilled holes into the ice, way deep down below the thawing level, and had some cameras out there for the past month and a half or so. Actually, there's still a camera out there right now. In any case, the cameras shoot roughly every hour. Some of them shoot every half hour, every 15 minutes, every five minutes. Here's a time lapse of one of the time-lapse units being made. I personally obsessed about every nut, bolt and washer in these crazy things. I spent half my life at our local hardware store during the months when we built these units originally. We're working in most of the major glaciated regions of the northern hemisphere. Our time-lapse units are in Alaska, the Rockies, Greenland and Iceland, and we have repeat photography positions, that is places we just visit on an annual basis, in British Columbia, the Alps and Bolivia. It's a big undertaking. I stand here before you tonight as an ambassador for my whole team. There's a lot of people working on this right now. We've got 33 cameras out this moment. We just had 33 cameras shoot about half an hour ago all across the northern hemisphere, watching what's happened. And we've spent a lot of time in the field. It's been a fantastic amount of work. We've been out for two and a half years, and we've got about another two and a half years yet to go. That's only half our job. The other half of our job is to tell the story to the global public. You know, scientists have collected this kind of information off and on over the years, but a lot of it stays within the science community. Similarly, a lot of art projects stay in the art community, and I feel very much a responsibility through mechanisms like TED, and like our relationship with the Obama White House, with the Senate, with John Kerry, to influence policy as much as possible with these pictures as well. We've done films. We've done books. We have more coming. We have a site on Google Earth that Google Earth was generous enough to give us, because it is such an immediate evidence of ongoing climate change right now. Now, one bit of science before we get into the visuals. If everybody in the developed world understood this graph, and emblazoned it on the inside of their foreheads, there would be no further societal argument about climate change because this is the story that counts. Everything else you hear is just propaganda and confusion. Key issues: this is a 400,000 year record. This exact same pattern is seen going back now almost a million years before our current time. And several things are important. Number one: temperature and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere go up and down basically in sync. You can see that from the orange line and the blue line. Nature naturally has allowed carbon dioxide to go up to 280 parts per million. That's the natural cycle. Goes up to 280 and then drops for various reasons that aren't important to discuss right here. But 280 is the peak. Right now, if you look at the top right part of that graph, we're at 385 parts per million. We are way, way outside the normal, natural variability. Earth is having a fever. In the past hundred years, the temperature of the Earth has gone up 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit, .75 degrees Celsius, and it's going to keep going up because we keep dumping fossil fuels into the atmosphere. At the rate of about two and a half parts per million per year. It's been a remorseless, steady increase. We have to turn that around. across Times Square in New York and a lot of other places. But anyway, off to the world of ice. We're now at the Columbia Glacier in Alaska. This is a view of what's called the calving face. This is what one of our cameras saw over the course of a few months. You see the glacier flowing in from the right, dropping off into the sea, camera shooting every hour. If you look in the middle background, you can see the calving face bobbing up and down like a yo-yo. That means that glacier's floating and it's unstable, and you're about to see the consequences of that floating. To give you a little bit of a sense of scale, that calving face in this picture is about 325 feet tall. That's 32 stories. This is not a little cliff. This is like a major office building in an urban center. The calving face is the wall where the visible ice breaks off, but in fact, it goes down below sea level another couple thousand feet. So there's a wall of ice a couple thousand feet deep going down to bedrock if the glacier's grounded on bedrock, and floating if it isn't. Here's what Columbia's done. This is in south central Alaska. This was an aerial picture I did one day in June three years ago. This is an aerial picture we did this year. That's the retreat of this glacier. The main stem, the main flow of the glacier is coming from the right and it's going very rapidly up that stem. We're going to be up there in just a few more weeks, and we expect that it's probably retreated another half a mile, but if I got there and discovered that it had collapsed and it was five miles further back, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Now it's really hard to grasp the scale of these places, because as the glaciers -- one of the things is that places like Alaska and Greenland are huge, they're not normal landscapes -- but as the glaciers are retreating, they're also deflating, like air is being let out of a balloon. And so, there are features on this landscape. There's a ridge right in the middle of the picture, up above where that arrow comes in, that shows you that a little bit. There's a marker line called the trim line above our little red illustration there. This is something no self-respecting photographer would ever do -- you put some cheesy illustration on your shot, right? -- and yet you have to do it sometimes to narrate these points. But, in any case, the deflation of this glacier since 1984 has been higher than the Eiffel Tower, higher than the Empire State Building. A tremendous amount of ice has been let out of these valleys as it's retreated and deflated, gone back up valley. These changes in the alpine world are accelerating. It's not static. Particularly in the world of sea ice, the rate of natural change is outstripping predictions of just a few years ago, and the processes either are accelerating or the predictions were too low to begin with. But in any case, there are big, big changes happening as we speak. So, here's another time-lapse shot of Columbia. And you see where it ended in these various spring days, June, May, then October. Now we turn on our time lapse. This camera was shooting every hour. Geologic process in action here. And everybody says, well don't they advance in the winter time? No. It was retreating through the winter because it's an unhealthy glacier. Finally catches up to itself, it advances. And you can look at these pictures over and over again because there's such a strange, bizarre fascination in seeing these things you don't normally get to see come alive. We've been talking about "seeing is believing " and seeing the unseen at TED Global. That's what you see with these cameras. The images make the invisible visible. These huge crevasses open up. These great ice islands break off -- and now watch this. This has been the springtime this year -- a huge collapse. That happened in about a month, the loss of all that ice. So that's where we started three years ago, way out on the left, and that's where we were a few months ago, the last time we went into Columbia. To give you a feeling for the scale of the retreat, we did another cheesy illustration, with British double-decker buses. If you line up 295 of those nose to tail, that's about how far back that was. It's a long way. On up to Iceland. One of my favorite glaciers, the Sólheimajökull. And here, if you watch, you can see the terminus retreating. You can see this river being formed. You can see it deflating. Without the photographic process, you would never see this. This is invisible. You can stand up there your whole life and you would never see this, but the camera records it. So we wind time backwards now. We go back a couple years in time. That's where it started. That's where it ended a few months ago. And on up to Greenland. The smaller the ice mass, the faster it responds to climate. Greenland took a little while to start reacting to the warming climate of the past century, but it really started galloping along about 20 years ago. And there's been a tremendous increase in the temperature up there. It's a big place. That's all ice. All those colors are ice and it goes up to about two miles thick, just a gigantic dome that comes in from the coast and rises in the middle. The one glacier up in Greenland that puts more ice into the global ocean than all the other glaciers in the northern hemisphere combined is the Ilulissat Glacier. We have some cameras on the south edge of the Ilulissat, watching the calving face as it goes through this dramatic retreat. Here's a two-year record of what that looks like. Helicopter in front of the calving face for scale, quickly dwarfed. The calving face is four and a half miles across, and in this shot, as we pull back, you're only seeing about a mile and a half. So, imagine how big this is and how much ice is charging out. The interior of Greenland is to the right. It's flowing out to the Atlantic Ocean on the left. Icebergs, many, many, many, many times the size of this building, are roaring out to sea. We just downloaded these pictures a couple weeks ago, as you can see. June 25th, monster calving events happened. I'll show you one of those in a second. This glacier has doubled its flow speed in the past 15 years. It now goes at 125 feet a day, dumping all this ice into the ocean. It tends to go in these pulses, about every three days, but on average, 125 feet a day, twice the rate it did 20 years ago. Okay. We had a team out watching this glacier, and we recorded the biggest calving event that's ever been put on film. We had nine cameras going. This is what a couple of the cameras saw. A 400-foot-tall calving face breaking off. Huge icebergs rolling over. Okay, how big was that? It's hard to get it. So an illustration again, gives you a feeling for scale. A mile of retreat in 75 minutes across the calving face, in that particular event, three miles wide. The block was three-fifths of a mile deep, and if you compare the expanse of the calving face to the Tower Bridge in London, about 20 bridges wide. Or if you take an American reference, to the U.S. Capitol Building and you pack 3,000 Capitol Buildings into that block, it would be equivalent to how large that block was. 75 minutes. Now I've come to the conclusion after spending a lot of time in this climate change world that we don't have a problem of economics, technology and public policy. We have a problem of perception. The policy and the economics and the technology are serious enough issues, but we actually can deal with them. I'm certain that we can. But what we have is a perception problem because not enough people really get it yet. You're an elite audience. You get it. Fortunately, a lot of the political leaders in the major countries of the world are an elite audience that for the most part gets it now. But we still need to bring a lot of people along with us. And that's where I think organizations like TED, like the Extreme Ice Survey can have a terrific impact on human perception and bring us along. Because I believe we have an opportunity right now. We are nearly on the edge of a crisis, but we still have an opportunity to face the greatest challenge of our generation and, in fact, of our century. This is a terrific, terrific call to arms to do the right thing for ourselves and for the future. I hope that we have the wisdom to let the angels of our better nature rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
この傟向は続く。バダりィが 2003 幎 10 月、銖盞に着任しおから第䞀に行ったこずの 1 ぀が、Islam Hadhari (進歩的なむスラム) 抂念の導入であった。この曖昧なスロヌガンは、最終的には 2004 幎 9 月に 10 の原則ずしお斜行されたが、その内容はいずれも政治的な暗瀺を含むものではなかった。しかしながら、この動きは、むスラム教志向の投祚者を支配政暩の支持に回垰させるには十分だったようである。
This vague term was finally fleshed out with a list of ten principles in September 2004, all but one of which, however, was without religious connotations. Nevertheless, this move appeared to be all that was needed for Islam-minded voters to return to the fold of the ruling front.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Europe, then, is frightened by the prospect of more immigration by Turks who find it almost impossible to assimilate. For the moment, such immigration has almost stopped, owing to rapid economic growth – indeed, the fastest in Europe – in recent years, which is absorbing the country’s available labor and has thus stemmed the flow of emigrants.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
かなり前になるが、クロヌシェザヌドにペルンノェルナずの関係を蚊いたこずがあった。圌はやけに朔い様子で知り合いだず蚀い切っおいたから、それ以䞊詮玢するこずはなかった。 しかし今目の前に、圓たり前のようにペルンノェルナがいる。 シェむラ以倖蚪れる者はないず思っおいた教員宀の、ほずんど専甚になっおいた怅子にく぀ろぎながら。青灰色の髪を掻き䞊げ、玺碧の瞳を楜しそうに瞬かせながら。 これはもう、クロヌシェザヌドが䜕ず蚀おうず、ただの知人では枈たされないのではないだろうか。 「も、も蚀わせおください。䜕で、ペルンノェルナ先生がここに......?」 「倧事なこずだからです」 「アハハ。君っお本圓に面癜いなぁ」 シェむラの質問に、ペルンノェルナは実にいい笑顔で返した。 しかし䌚話を重ねた末に埗られたのは、圌からの面癜人間認定のみ。質問はすっかり行方䞍明になっおいる。 ――この埒劎感......。久しぶりのペルンノェルナ先生だ......。 圌は技術披露倧䌚で埗られた蚘録を研究に反映させようず奔走しおいたので、話すのは実に二週間ぶりだった。 時間が経っおいるせいか、慣れおいたはずのシェむラでさえ目眩がする。流石ペルンノェルナずいったずころだろうか。 そもそも生埒達の晎れ舞台を自分の研究に利甚しようずいう考えが悪魔すぎる。そのおかげで粟霊術の研究が䌑止しおいるため、シェむラずしおは助かっおいるのだが。 倧きく息を぀くず、再び同じ質問をする。圌のペヌスに巻き蟌たれたら迷惑を被るばかりだずよく分かっおいるのだ。 ゆっくりずクロヌシェザヌドに近付き、背埌から肩を抱くようにすり寄った。 「――――実はね、僕達は人目を偲ぶ仲なんだよ」 「え、」 シェむラが驚ききる前に、クロヌシェザヌドの肘鉄が炞裂した。ペルンノェルナの顎を容赊なく攻めた䞀撃は、ヒラリずかわされる。 クロヌシェザヌドは至極䞍機嫌そうに、苊虫を䜕十匹も噛み朰したような顔で口を開いた。 「玛らわしい蚀い方はやめろ。お前のような男ずいかがわしい関係なのだず、誀解されるこずすら気持ちが悪い」 この孊院では珍しくないずいう男同士の恋愛を目の圓たりにしおしたったず䞀瞬どぎたぎしおいたシェむラだったが、続く蚀葉に曎に目を芋開いた。 「我々は、あくたで孊院に圚籍しおいた頃の同玚生にすぎない」 「――――――――えぇっ?」 「......なぜ恋人同士ず聞いた時より驚く」 クロヌシェザヌドが手を䌑め、呆れたように顔を䞊げた。 「う、いや。別にそんなこずないですよ............」 「䜕だその含みは」 クロヌシェザヌドの远及に誀魔化しきれず、シェむラは癜状した。 「......すいたせん。正盎、ペルンノェルナ先生が若䜜りすぎるのずクロヌシェザヌド先生が老け顔すぎるせいで、たさか同い幎ずは思わなくお」 クロヌシェザヌド代にみえるのはい぀ものこずだが、ペルンノェルナの幎霢なんお考えたこずもなかった。黙っおいれば二十代半ば、぀たり幎盞応に芋えるのだが、蚀動のためか幎霢䞍詳の雰囲気があるのだ。いい幎なのにここたで呚囲に迷惑をかけられる倧人を、シェむラは芋たこずがない。 ずはいえ、正盎に打ち明けたから蚱しおもらえる、なんおはずもなく。 「――――どうやら君は、私に喧嘩を売りたいようだな」 「しかもその発蚀、僕にたで飛び火しおいるよねぇ。若䜜りなんおしおいないのに倱瀌しちゃうよ」 クロヌシェザヌドは絶察零床の瞳で、ペルンノェルナは腹の底の知れない笑顔でシェむラを震え䞊がらせた。 ――たぁ、少し気分が晎れたけど。 珟実逃避気味に也いた笑みを浮かべおいるず、ペルンノェルナが手元にある玙束を掲げた。 「僕はね、技術披露倧䌚で手に入れた詊隓結果に぀いお、クロヌシェザヌドの考察を聞きに来おいたんだよ。いやぁ、本圓に実のある玠晎らしい倧䌚だったよね」 「......僕らにずっおだけじゃなく、ペルンノェルナ先生にずっおも玠晎らしい倧䌚だったでしょうね」 䞻に研究面で。犠牲者の姿がたざたざず目蓋の裏に甊り、シェむラはやるせない気持ちになった。 「ずいう蚳で、僕の甚はもう枈んだから。シェむラ君ず愛し合いたいのはやたやただけれど、これで倱瀌するよ」 「長居したずころで愛し合おうなんお、䞇が䞀にも思わないですけどね」 「そんな君の぀れないずころも奜きだよ」 愛嬌たっぷりに片目をパチリず぀むり、ペルンノェルナは颯爜ず郚屋をあずにした。 ――............あれ? もしかしお、気を遣っおくれた? いやでも、悩んでたすっお顔に曞いおある蚳でもあるたいし......。 あのペルンノェルナにかぎっおあり埗ないだろうず結論付け、はたず我に返った。 圌がいなくなるだけで、急に郚屋が静かになる。クロヌシェザヌドず二人きりだ。 「どうした、情けない声を出しお。技術披露倧䌚では堂々ず私を『クロヌシェ様』呌ばわりした癖に」 「そっ、それを今さら蚀いたすかっ?」 シェむラは䞀気に真っ赀になった。あの時は、勢いだけで芪しげに呌んでしたったのだ。あずになっお死ぬほど恥ずかしくなっお、ベッドの䞊を䞀人転げ回ったりした。 埌日緊匵しながらも䌚っおみたが、特に圌からの反応はなかったので油断しきっおいた。むしろ無反応だったこずにほんの少しだけモダモダしおいた、昚日たでの自分を呪いたい。 クロヌシェザヌドは曞類を芋぀めたたた、底意地悪く片眉を䞊げた。 「時間を眮いた方が衝撃も倚かろうず思っおな」 「䜕お陰湿な䜜戊ですか......」 ガックリ項垂れるず、圌はたすたす楜しそうに瞳をきらめかせた。僅かな倉化だがシェむラには分かる。教垫ずしおかなり問題のある反応だ。 「―――生がいなくなるのが寂しくお、困っおたすっ」 恥ずかしさより腹立たしさが先に立ち、シェむラは鬱憀をぶちたけるように口を開いた。 「セむリュりにも寮長にも䌚えなくなっちゃうの、嫌です。眮いおいかれるみたいで、䞍安ずか焊りもあっお。ただでさえ、みんなが躓かないようなずころで足螏みしおるのに。いただに正芏の型は䜓に銎染たないし」 早くクロヌシェザヌドを安心させたいのに、気持ちずは裏腹に遅々ずしお成長しない。そんな自分自身に苛立っおしたう。 「色々、もう頭の䞭がごちゃごちゃで。どうしたらいいのか、分かんないんです......」 悔しさをにじたせお俯くシェむラに、クロヌシェザヌドは怪蚝顔を䞊げた。 「君は、䜕を蚀っおいる?正芏の型ならば、ずうに物にしおいるではないか」 「............ぞ?」 シェむラは䞀拍ののち、間抜けな声を䞊げおしたった。圌は気にしたふうもなく滔々ず続ける。 「埡前詊合での君の動きは玠晎らしかった。正芏の型通りに動き぀぀、速床は以前ず同じ。螏み蟌みも速く剣筋も鋭い。あれを物にしおいるず蚀わず、䜕ず蚀うのだ」 「え、だっお............え?」 「あれでただ遅いず感じおいるのなら、ただ成長の䜙地があるずいうこずか。ふむ、実に興味深い」 勝手に話を進めるクロヌシェザヌドを、止めるこずができない。ずいうより、酷く混乱しおいた。 自分は以前の速さを、既に取り戻しおいる? そんなこず考えもしなかった。だっお、ただ手足の動きを持お䜙しおいるのだ。これ以䞊は 「わ、私......」 党身を緊匵させおいた苊悩があっけなく消え去り、シェむラは呆然ずしおしたう。 気がゆるむず同時に、ホロリず涙が転がり萜ちた。䞀床流れるず塞き止めるこずができなくお、あずからあずから溢れおくる。そしお、頬を拭いながらようやく気付いた。 ――そうか、私......泣きたかったんだ............。 泣き堎所を探しおいただけなのだず、今なら分かる。栌奜悪い愚痎や匱音を、蚱しおくれる堎所を求めお。 自然ずここに足が向いたのは、クロヌシェザヌドには号泣する姿を既に芋られおいるからだろう。錻氎を垂らしおも、服がシワになるほどしがみ぀いおも、圌ならば䜕も蚀わず背䞭を撫でおくれるから。 ぎこちなくも慎重にあやしおくれたこずを思い出す。たるで生たれたおの雛鳥になったような、䜕もかも包み蟌たれおいるような、心地よい手。 どこたでも甘えお、手を䌞ばしそうになっおいる自分が怖い。顔を芆っお衝動を堪えおいるず、優しい枩もりを感じた。 クロヌシェザヌドはやはり慣れない動きで、そっずシェむラを抱き締める。けれどあやすように髪を撫でる手付きは、以前よりずっず滑らかになっおいた。犬の毛䞊みを楜しむような撫で方であるこずが、若干気になるが。 「君は存倖、泣き虫だな」 圌の口振りは本圓に小さな子どもを扱うようで、シェむラは唇を尖らせた。 「......そんなこず、初めお蚀われたした」 そういえば、昔ならどんなに悲しくおも人前で泣こうずは思わなかった。 傷付いおいるこずを誰にも知られたくなくお、家族にすら涙を隠しおいたのに。なぜ、クロヌシェザヌドの前では泣いおしたうのだろう。 ――私が、匱くなったのかな......? 瀌を告げお、すぐに離れるべきなのだろう。 でも、クロヌシェザヌドの腕の䞭はあたりに居心地がいい。どうにも抜け出せない、抗いがたい䜕かがあった。 だから今は、少しだけ。 沢山泣いおスッキリしたら、たた進もう。 倧切な仲間達に眮いおいかれないよう、い぀たでも共にあれるよう。 元気を取り戻したら、たた歩き出せるから。
A long time ago, Sheila had asked Claushezade about his relationship with Jornwerner. He seemed to be very clear in saying that Jornwerner was an acquaintance, so she didn’t pry any further into the matter. But now, there was Jornwerner right in front of her. He was relaxing in a chair that had been almost exclusively reserved for her in the teacher’s room, which she had thought no one but Sheila would ever visit. His blue-gray hair was brushed back, and his azure eyes twinkled happily. This was no longer just an acquaintance, no matter what Clauschezade said. “L-Let me ask again. Why is Jornwerner-sensei here....?” “Because it’s important.” “Hahaha. You’re really funny.” Jornwerner laughed at Sheila’s response. But after many conversations, the only thing she got from him was always the recognition of being an interesting person. Her question was completely ignored. ‘This feeling of exhaustion.... It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Jornwerner-sensei....’ It had been two weeks since they had spoken, as he had been busy trying to study his notes that were obtained from the technique showcase competition. Perhaps it was because of the time that had passed, but even Sheila, who should have been accustomed to him, felt dizzy again. As expected of Jornwerner. In the first place, the idea of using the students’ big day for his own research was too wicked. Sheila was glad that his research in the spirit arts had been put on hold, though. Taking a deep breath, Sheila asked the same question again. She was well aware that if she got caught up in his pace, she would only get into trouble. Slowly, he approached Claushezade and snuggled up to his shoulder from behind. “――Actually, we were reminiscing our past relationship.” “Eh.” Before Sheila could be completely surprised, Claushezade’s elbowed him strongly. However, the blow that mercilessly attacked Jornwerner’s jaw was dodged. Claushezade looked extremely displeased and opened his mouth with a face that looked like he had chewed up dozens of bitter bugs. “Don’t use confusing words. I don’t like being misunderstood as having a questionable relationship with a man like you.” Sheila, who had been momentarily flustered at the prospect of witnessing a male-on-male romance, which wasn’t uncommon at this academy, widened her eyes even more at the words that followed. “We are merely classmates from our days at the academy.” “―――Eh?” “.... Why are you more surprised than when you falsely heard that we were lovers?” Claushezade rested his hand and looked up in dismay. “N-No. It’s not like that....” “What then?” Unable to fool Claushezade, Sheila confessed. “... I’m sorry. To be honest, I didn’t think you two were the same age because Jornwerner-sensei looks too young, and Claushezade-sensei looks too old.” Claushezade always looked like he was in his thirties, but she had never thought of Jornwerner’s age. If he were silent, he would appear to be in his mid-twenties, which was to say, he would look his age, but he had an air of an unspecified age about him, perhaps because of his words and actions. Sheila had never seen an adult who, despite his age, could cause so much trouble for those around him. Nonetheless, there was no way that she would be forgiven for being honest with him. “――It seems that you are trying to pick a fight with me.” “And that comment is directed at me, isn’t it?” Claushezade’s eyes were intensely staring at her, and Jornwerner’s wicked smile made Sheila shudder. ‘Well, I feel a little better, though.’ Jornwerner suddenly held up a bundle of paper in his hand. “I came here to hear Claushezade’s thoughts on the test results I got from the competition. Well, it was a really fruitful and wonderful tournament, wasn’t it?” “... It must have been a great tournament not only for us, but also for Jornwerner-sensei.” Mainly in terms of research. The image of the victims came back to Sheila’s mind, and she felt a sense of helplessness. “I’m done with my business. I would love to flirt with you more Sheila-kun, but I’m going to leave now.” “I don’t think I’m going to flirt with you even if you stay here too long, though.” “I like that about you, too.” With a wink, Jornwerner dashingly left the room. ‘... Eh? Did he purposely leave because of me? No, but it’s not as if it’s written on my face that I’m troubled about something....’ Sheila concluded that it would be impossible for Jornwerner to be that considerate, and then she came to her senses. When he left, the room suddenly became quiet. She was really alone with Claushezade. “What’s the matter with you, sounding so pitiful? You called me ‘Claushe-sensei’ without hesitation at the competition.” “W-Why are you mentioning this now?” Sheila suddenly turned bright red. At that time, she called him that because of the situation. Later, she was deadly embarrassed and rolled around on her bed alone. Although Sheila was nervous, she tried to meet him later, but there was no particular reaction from him, so she let her guard down. She was rather slightly mortified by the fact that he was unresponsive, and she wanted to curse herself for that until now. Claushezade continued to stare at the paperwork and raised an eyebrow viciously. “I thought it would be more of a shock if I gave it some time.” “What an insidious strategy...” As Sheila sagged, his eyes sparkled with increasing enjoyment. It was a slight change, but Sheila could tell. As a teacher, this was a very problematic reaction. “――I’m having a hard time with the sixth graders graduating.” Frustrated rather than embarrassed, Sheila opened her mouth to vent her anger. “I don’t like the fact that I won’t be able to see Seiryuu or the dorm leader anymore. I feel like I’m being left behind, which makes me anxious and insecure. Even though I’m learning it, I still can’t get used to doing the proper form.” Sheila wanted to reassure Claushezade as soon as possible, but despite her feelings, she wasn’t growing fast enough. She was so frustrated with herself. “I’m so confused about everything. I don’t know what to do....” Sheila looked down in frustration, and Claushezade looked up dubiously. “What are you talking about? If it was about the proper form, you’ve already done a good job about it.” “.... Eh?” After a beat, Sheila let out a dumb sound. He seemed unconcerned as he continued on. “Your movements in the tournament were excellent. You move according to the proper form, but your speed is the same as before. Your speed was very fast and your swordsmanship was sharp. What else I could say other than that you have it all under control?” “Eh, because... huh?” “If you feel like you’re still slow, doesn’t that mean you still have room to grow?” Sheila couldn’t stop Claushezade, who kept talking on his own. Or rather, she was terribly confused. Had she already regained her old speed? Sheila didn’t even think about that. Because she still had too much movement in her limbs. She could feel that she couldn’t go any further. “I-I....” The anguish that made her whole body tense up quickly disappeared, and Sheila was stunned. At the same time as Sheila relaxed, tears rolled down her face. Once they started to flow, they couldn’t be stopped, and they kept on flowing. As she wiped her cheeks, she finally realized. ‘I see, I was... I wanted to cry...’ Sheila knew now that she was just looking for a place to cry. She was looking for a place where she could be forgiven for her uncool whining and complaints. The reason why she naturally turned to this place was probably because Clauschezade had already seen her crying. Even if she sniffled or clung to him until his clothes were wrinkled, he would pat her on the back without saying a word. Sheila remembered how awkwardly but carefully he soothed her. A comforting hand held her as if she were a newborn baby bird. As Sheila covered her face and resisted the urge to reach out to him, she felt a gentle warmth. Claushezade gently held Sheila in his arms, a move he was still not accustomed to. But the way he caressed her hair was much smoother than before. She was a little concerned by the way it felt like he was stroking a dog’s coat, though. “You’re more of a crybaby than I thought.” His manner of speaking was really as if he was dealing with a small child, and Sheila pouted. “..... This is the first time I have been told that.” Come to think of it, in the past, Sheila would never have thought of crying in public no matter how sad she was. She didn’t want anyone to know that she was hurting, so she hid her tears even from her family. Why would she cry in front of Claushezade? ‘Have I become weak....?’ Sheila should probably thank him and leave immediately. But she felt so comfortable in Claushezade’s arms. There was something irresistible about it. So, for now, just a little bit. Once Sheila had cried a lot and felt refreshed, she could move on. She didn’t want to be left behind by her precious friends, and she hoped that they could be together forever. When Sheila regained her strength, she would be able to walk again.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
戊利品をすべお回収しおから、分配に぀いお話し合う。 俺ずアリオ、ゞョッシュは同じパヌティヌだから、話し合いの必芁はない。 だが、シアずは話し合う必芁がある。 「あたしはノァンパむアロヌドの戊利品だけでいいでありたすよ」 「だが、それだず......」 シアの蚀葉に、アリオは少し困った顔になる。 シアにはゎブリン蚎䌐をかなり手䌝っおもらった。 ゎブリンの戊利品を党郚もらっおしたうず、もらいすぎだ。 ためらう俺たちに、シアが蚀う。 「ロックさんには、ノァンパむアロヌドの蚎䌐を手䌝っおもらったでありたすし」 「だが、シア。ノァンパむアロヌドにずどめを刺したのはシアだぞ」 「じゃあ、このブロヌド゜ヌドをもらっおいいでありたすか?」 そういっお、シアはブロヌド゜ヌドをかかげお芋せる。 ゎブリンからの戊利品の質の悪いブロヌド゜ヌドだ。 「もちろん、それは構いたせんが......」 「剣が折れおしたった時に貞しおいただいお、ずおも助かったでありたすよ。戊利品はノァンパむアロヌドのものず、これで充分でありたす」 「本圓にそれでいいのですか?」 ゞョッシュが心配そうにシアに尋ねる。 シアは笑顔で返す。 「構わないでありたす」 「では、シアのお蚀葉に甘えるずしよう」 「そうしお欲しいでありたす」 戊利品の分配方針が決たった。 決たりさえすれば、埌は早い。すぐに分配は終わる。 分配した埌の物を芋お、俺は぀ぶやいた。 「ゎブリンの蚎䌐蚌明品の魔石、50匹分か」 「すごい量ですね」 「これだけ集めおも、報酬額は倉わらないのは少し残念だな」 ゞョッシュずアリオがそんなこずを蚀う。 「報酬は倉わらないが、ランク昇栌の刀断材料にはなるぞ」 そんなこずを䌚話しながら、ゎブリンの死䜓を坑道の倖ぞず運んでいく。 シアも手䌝っおくれたが間ほどかかった。 ゎブリンの死䜓を集めお、燃やす。 燃やすか埋めるかしないず、腐っお悪臭や疫病の原因になる。 その死䜓を食べに魔獣が集たるこずだっおある。 きちんず凊理するのは冒険者の矩務なのだ。 それから村に蚎䌐任務完了の報告をしお垰途に぀いた。 シアも王郜たで同行しおくれるこずになった。 王郜たでは途䞭で野宿をする必芁がある。少し長旅だ。 王郜の門が芋えおから、アリオが蚀った。 「二の冒険か。良い冒険だった」 「いい冒険でした」 ゞョッシュも満足げだ。ゎブリンを倒し、村の窮地を救ったのだ。 自信にも぀ながるこずだろう。 王郜に入るず、真っ先にギルドぞ向かう。 ク゚スト完了の報告ず、蚎䌐蚌明品の提出を枈たせるためだ。 シアも、ノァンパむアロヌド蚎䌐に぀いお報告するため、ギルドの受付に向かった。 ギルド受付嬢が俺たちの顔を芋お、笑顔になる。 「ご無事でなによりです」 「ゎブリンをいっぱい倒したした」 俺はそういっお、蚎䌐蚌明品である魔石を提出する。 埐々に積み䞊がっおいく魔石に、受付嬢は驚いおいる。 「倚いですね......。え? いやほんずうに倚いですね」 魔石はさらに積み䞊がっおいく。 50個積み䞊げるころには、受付嬢はしばらく固たった。 質のあたりよくない魔石だが、これだけ集たれば倧したものだ。 そしお、我を取り戻すず、埌方に向かっお叫ぶ。 「せ、先茩! た、助けおください」 「どうしたした?」 先茩職員がやっおくる。 そしお、倧量の魔石をみお、唖然ずする。 「これは?」 先茩職員に尋ねられお、アリオがどや顔で答える。 「ゎブリン蚎䌐ク゚にいったのですが、想定以䞊に倧きな矀れでした」 「これは、ホブゎブリンに......、ゎブリンマゞシャン。これはたさか、いや確かにこれはゎブリンロヌドですね?」 さすがは先茩職員である。 魔石の質ず倧きさを芋ただけで、ゎブリンの皮別を特定しお芋せた。 「よくわかりたしたね」 俺がそういうず、先茩職員は息をのむ。 「......こちらに」 王郜に来た最初の日にゎランに案内された郚屋ずはたた別の郚屋だ。 垭に座るように蚀われおから、先茩職員に尋ねられる。 「詳しく聞かせおください」 「えっずですね......」 俺は嘘は亀えず、正盎に詳しく説明しおおいた。 「ゎブリンロヌドを倒せたのですか?」 「Bランク冒険者のシアさんが助けおくれたので......」 「なるほど......それは幞運でしたね」 真剣な衚情で、先茩ギルド職員は曞類に蚘入しおいた。 事情聎取が終わっおから、先茩職員が蚀う。 「これだけの数を倒されたので、ギルドの方から特別に報奚金を出させおいただきたすね」 「それは助かりたす」 アリオずゞョッシュは嬉しそうだ。 任務達成の成功報酬ず、報奚金を合わせお圓たり10䞇ラックになった。 ゎブリンの戊利品の売华益も合わせれば、13䞇ラックにもなる。 郚屋から出たあず、アリオが蚀う。 「ゎブリン蚎䌐で13䞇は矎味しいな」 「これでしばらく生掻できたすね」 アリオずゞョッシュも貧しかったようだ。 ちょうどその時、別の郚屋からシアが出おきた。 「シアも報告し終わったのか?」 「はい。ノァンパむアロヌドの件はギルドの方でも動いおくれるみたいでありたす」 「それはよかった」 それからシアが俺たちに蚀う。 「せっかくですし、䞀緒にご飯でも食べに行くでありたすよ!」 「お、いいですね!」 「玠晎らしい。ロックも行くだろ?」 俺たちは近くの酒堎ぞず向かった。 その日は倜遅くたで、飲んで食べた。
After gathering all of the spoils, we talked about how to divide them. Ario, Josh and I were from the same party, so there was nothing to discuss. But it was necessary to talk to Shia about it. “I only need the spoils from the Vampire Lord.” “But then...” Ario looked a little confused at this. Shia had helped a lot with the goblin hunting. He felt that they would be taking too much if they took all of it. Shia saw that we hesitated, and she said: “After all, Mister Locke helped me kill the Vampire Lord.” “But Shia. It was you who actually killed him.” “Alright, then can I have this broadsword?” Shia said as she raised the sword into the air. It was a badly made broadsword from the goblin spoils. “Of course, you can take that. But...” “It was a great help when you let me borrow it after my sword broke. This sword and the spoils from the Vampire Lord are all that I need.” Josh asked her with a worried expression. She smiled. “I am sure.” “Then we’ll accept your kind offer.” “I hoped that you would.” And so we decided on how to split it. Which made things go smoothly. And we quickly finished dividing everything. After that, I looked down at the spoils and muttered. “There are magic stones from the goblins.” “That’s a lot.” “It’s too bad that the reward money for the quest will be the same in spite how many we killed.” Josh and Ario said. “The reward won’t change, but it’ll influence their decision in promoting you.” “Is that true? That’s nice.” We talked about this as we carried the goblin corpses outside. corpses. It was very hard work. Even with Shia’s help, it took us hours. We gathered the bodies together and burned them. If you didn’t burn or bury them, they would rot and cause stench and diseases to spread. And sometimes they would lure hungry monsters as well. It was an Adventurer’s responsibility to deal with them. And then we returned to the village in order to make a report of our mission completion before leaving. Shia decided to go back with us to the royal capital. It was necessary to camp outside on the way. It was a long journey. Once the gates of the capital came into view, Ario said: “That adventure took us three days and two nights. It was a good one.” “Yes, a good adventure.” Josh also looked very satisfied. They had killed goblins and saved a village. It had raised their confidence as well. We entered the royal capital and went straight to the guild. This was in order to report the quest completion and to submit the proof of the hunt. Shia was also there in order to make a report about killing the Vampire Lord. The girl at the desk looked at us and smiled. “I am glad to see that you are safe.” “We killed a lot of goblins.” I said and submitted the magic stones. She looked surprised as the pile of stones grew larger. “That really is a lot... Huh? No, that is really, really a lot.” The pile kept getting larger. When all were finally on her desk, the lady froze. They weren’t the best quality, but it was impressive when you had this many of them. When she finally returned to herself, she turned around and shouted. “Someone! Ple-please help me!” “What is it?” A senior guild worker arrived. He looked at the mass of magic stones with surprise. “What’s this?” Ario saw the shock on his face and replied with a smug expression. “We went on a goblin hunting quest, but the pack was a little bigger than what we had expected.” “There’s hobgoblins...and goblin magicians. And A goblin lord?” Asked the senior guild worker. He was able to identify the different goblin types by the sizes and qualities of the stones. “You got that right.” I say, and he gasped. “...Please follow me.” It was not the same room that Goran had led me to on my first day in the royal capital. We were told to take a seat and were then questioned. “I would like to hear the details.” “Uh, yes...” I did not mix in any lies and gave him a truthful explanation. “You were able to kill a goblin lord?” “I had help from Shia, who is a B Rank Adventurer...” “I see... That was very fortunate for you.” The senior guild worker looked very serious as he scribbled this into the documents. Once the questioning was done, he said: “Since you killed so many of them, the guild would like to offer you a special bonus.” “That would be a great help.” Ario and Josh looked ecstatic. The reward money and bonus combined meant that we would receive 00,000 rucks each. And if we sold the spoils from the goblins, that would be around 130,000 rucks. We left the room and Ario said: “130,000 is great for killing some goblins.” “I’ll be able to live off of this for a while.” Apparently, both Ario and Josh were poor. Just then, Shia came out of a different room. “Did you finish too then?” “Yes. The guild is also going to act in regards to the Vampire Lord matter.” “That’s great.” Then Shia looked at all of us. “Since we’re all here, why don’t we go out and eat together!” “Oh, I like that!” “Wonderful. You’ll come too, won’t you Locke?” And so we went to a nearby tavern. That night, we stayed up late eating and drinking.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
パラグラむダヌを぀けお山の䞊から 飛ぶのです うたくいくず 䞊昇気流だけで、クロスカントリヌのように 長距離を飛ぶこずができたす その他、゚アロバティックな 操䜜も出来たす パラグラむダヌからスカむダむビングを始めたした この写真は 4人組みのスカむダむビングで 4人で䞀緒に飛びたす 巊手にいるのはカメラマンで ヘルメットに぀けたカメラで 䞀緒に飛びながらゞャンプを蚘録し 審刀に䜿うこずができたす 䞀般的なレラティブスカむダむビングから フリヌフラむングに移りたした フリヌフラむングはより䞉次元的なダむビングです 写真には赀いゞャンプスヌツのダむバヌがいお 立った状態です 黄色ず緑のスヌツの方は 頭を䞋にしおいたす そしお埌ろにいお、フォヌメヌション党䜓を ヘルメットカメラで撮圱しおいるのが 私です フリヌフラむングからスカむサヌフィンに進みたした スカむサヌフィンはサヌフボヌドを぀けたダむビングです 衚面積の倧きなスカむサヌブボヌドを 想像しおください 倧きな力が加わりたす もちろんその力を䜿っお ヘリコプタヌムヌブず呌ばれるスピンなどができたす そこから、わたしはりィングスヌツフラむングぞ進みたした りィングスヌツフラむングは それを着るこずで、自分の身䜓だけで飛ぶこずができたす 身䜓に力を入れ、ゞャンプスヌツを突っ匵るず 飛ぶこずができるのです 萜䞋速床が ずっず遅くなりたす 衚面積が倧きいからです 正しい姿勢により実際に前に進むこずができお 非垞に長距離を飛ぶこずができたす これは私がリオデゞャネむロでやったゞャンプで コパカバヌナビヌチが巊手に芋えたす こうしたパラグラむダヌやスカむダむビングの いろいろな技術や知識をもっお 私はベヌスゞャンピングに進みたした ベヌスゞャンピングは固定した物䜓、たずえば ビルディング、鉄塔、橋、それに地球、぀たり 山や厖などから飛びたす 私には、それは 党方向芖野の、究極の 自由萜䞋の感芚です そのうち私の目暙は、これたで誰も 飛んだこずのない堎所を芋぀けるこずになりたした 2000幎の倏、私はスむスのアむガヌ北壁から ベヌスゞャンプした最初の人間になりたした それから2幎埌には、皆さんもご存知の 有名なマッタヌホルンから 初めおベヌスゞャンプしたした 2005幎にはアむガヌ、モンク、ナングフラりから どれもスむスではよく知られた山です この䞉぀のゞャンプで特別だったのは これらのゞャンプを登山も含めお党郚䞀日でやったこずです 2008幎にぱッフェル塔からゞャンプしたした これらの知識をもっお、私は スタントをやりたいず思いたした そこで、友達ず色々な技を䜿っお たずえばこんなゞャンプ パラグラむダヌからゞャンプしたり あるいはこういうや぀ 撮圱を行ったのはオヌストリアの 非垞に寒い堎所だったので 私以倖は皆凍えながら撮圱したした 皆は熱気球のバスケットに座っおいたすが 私は気球の頂䞊にいお スカむサヌフィンで滑り降りようずしおいたす それからこれ 高速道路を走っおいるトラックからゞャンプです このレベルの゚クストリヌムスポヌツは 䞀぀䞀぀緎習をこなしお来お きびしく技術ず知識を磚いお 初めお可胜になりたす もちろん肉䜓のコンディションは非垞によくなくおはならず たくさんトレヌニングしおいたす 最高の機材も必芁です そしお䜕より重芁なのは メンタルスキルで、粟神的な準備が必芁です これらすべおが揃っおようやく 人間の倢「飛行」に近づくこずができるのです そこで、2009幎、私は 新しいプロゞェクトのためにトレヌニングしおいたす 䞀぀は、りィングスヌツで厖から飛んで 䞖界最長距離を蚘録するこず これたでの飛行の 最長距離を曎新したいのです 二぀目は 過去に誰もやったこずのない センセヌショナルなゞャンプをやっおみたいのです それで、この埌のムヌビヌでは、私が 英語を喋るより、りィングスヌツで 飛ぶ方がずっず䞊手だずわかるでしょう 楜しんでください どうもありがずう (拍手) (拍手) ゞェヌン・コヌ゚ン:質問がいく぀かあるの みんな質問があるでしょうけど 質問1 あれは倢で飛んでいる時の感芚に 䌌たものなの? そうかもしれないず思うんだけど りェリ・ゲヌゲンシャッ:たしかに あれが 飛んでいる、ずいう感芚に䞀番近いかもしれたせん JC: 答えは分かっおいるんだけど、どうやっお着地するの? UE: パラシュヌトです パラシュヌトを開きたす 着地の衝撃の、そう、数秒前に ただりィングスヌツでは着地できたせん JC: でも、誰か詊しおいるのよね あなたも― あなたはやらないの―りィングスヌツでの着地は? UE: それは倢です はい それはいた進行䞭で より良い性胜の為、もっず知識を埗る為に りィングスヌツを開発䞭です そのうち出来るず思いたす JC: オヌケヌ どうなるかしらね あず二぀質問があるの あの、排気はなんなの? りィングスヌツから出おいるや぀ りィングスヌツはなにか掚力があるの? UE: いや あれはただの煙です JC: あなたから出おいるの? UE: 嬉しいこずにそうじゃありたせん JC: 危ないわよね UE: いや、煙には二぀理由があっお あれでスピヌドがわかりたす 飛んでいる 道筋も それが理由1 理由2は 煙があるずカメラクルヌの 撮圱が楜なのです JC: なるほど ぀たりりィングスヌツはわざず煙が出るように 远いかけやすいようにしおるのね もう䞀぀の質問 顔は䜕でカバヌしおいるの? あれだけスピヌドが速いず 顔が埌ろに匕っ匵られおしたいそうだけど ヘルメットを぀けるの? それずもゎヌグル? UE: 䞀番ピュアでいい感じなのはゎヌグルだけです JC: い぀もはそうやっお飛ぶの? UE: だいたいはヘルメットを぀けおいたす 山の䞭ではい぀もヘルメットです 着地がい぀も難しいので 普通のスカむダむビングのように、広い着地点があるわけではないので 準備しおおかなくおは JC: なるほど あなたがなにか「しない」こずはある? いろんな人がやっおきお「こういうこずをしおほしい!」っお蚀われお 「いや、やりたせん」っお蚀うこずがある? UE: もちろん、もちろんです クレむゞヌなこずを考える人もいたすから JC: 拍手を (拍手) UE: どうもありがずう
Also different aerobatic maneuvers are possible with a paraglider. From there I started with skydiving. In this picture you can see there is a four-way skydive, four people flying together, and on the left hand side it's the camera flier with the camera mounted to his helmet so he can film the whole jump, for the film itself and also for the judging. From regular, relative skydiving I went on to freeflying. Freeflying is more the three-dimensional skydiving. You can see the skydiver with the red suit, he's in a stand-up position. The one with the yellow-green suit, he's flying head-down. And that's me in the background, carving around the whole formation in freefall also, with the helmet cam to film this jump. From freeflying I went on to skysurfing. Skysurfing is skydiving with a board on the feet. You can imagine with this big surface of a skysurfing board, there is a lot of force, a lot of power. Of course I can use this power for example for nice spinning -- we call it "helicopter moves." From there I went on to wingsuit flying. Wingsuit flying is a suit, that I can make fly, just only with my body. If I put some tension on my body, tension on my suit, I can make it fly. And as you see the fall rate is much much slower because of the bigger surface. With a proper body position I'm able to really move forward to gain quite some distance. This is a jump I did in Rio de Janeiro. You can see the Copacabana on the left-hand side. From there with all the skills and knowledge from paragliding and all the different disciplines in skydiving, I went on to BASE jumping. BASE jumping is skydiving from fixed objects, like buildings, antennae, bridges and earth -- meaning mountains, cliffs. of being in free fall, with all the visual references. So my goal soon was to discover new places that nobody had jumped before. So in summer 2000 I was the first to BASE jump the Eiger North Face in Switzerland. Two years after this, I was the first to BASE jump from Matterhorn, a very famous mountain that probably everybody knows in here. 2005 I did a BASE jump from the Eiger, from the Monk and from the Jungfrau, three very famous mountains in Switzerland. The special thing on these three jumps were, I hiked them all and climbed them all in only one day. In 2008 I jumped the Eiffel Tower in Paris. So with all this knowledge, I also wanted to get into stunts. So with some friends we started to do different tricks, like for example this jump here, I jumped from a paraglider. Or here -- everybody was freezing, pretty much, except me, because it was very cold in Austria where we did this filming. Everybody sitting in a basket, and I was on top of the balloon, ready to slide down with my skysurf board. Or this jump, from a moving truck on the highway. Extreme sports on top level like this is only possible if you practice step by step, if you really work hard on your skills and on your knowledge. Of course you need to be in physical, very good, condition, so I'm training a lot. You need to have the best possible equipment. And probably the most important is you have to work on your mental skills, mental preparation. And all this to come as close as possible to the human dream of being able to fly. So for 2009, I'm training hard for my two new projects. The first one, I want to set a world record in flying from a cliff with my wingsuit. And I want to set a new record, with the longest distance ever flown. For my second project, I have a sensational idea of a jump that never has been done before. So now, on the following movie you will see that I'm much better in flying a wingsuit than speaking in English. Enjoy, and thank you very much. June Cohen: I have some questions. I think we all might have some questions. Question one: so does that actually feel the way the flying dream does? Because it looks like it might. Ueli Gegenschatz: Pretty much. I believe this is probably the closest possibility to come to the dream of being able to fly. JC: I know the answer to this, but how do you land? UE: Parachute. We have to open a parachute just seconds before, I would say, impact. It's not possible to land a wingsuit yet. JC: Yet. But people are trying. Are you among those -- you're not going to commit -- are you among those trying to do it? UE: It's a dream. It's a dream. Yeah. We're still working on it and we're developing the wingsuits to get better performance, to get more knowledge. And I believe soon. JC: All right. Well we will watch this space. But I have two more questions. What is the -- there was exhaust coming out of the back of the wingsuit. Was that a propelled wingsuit that you were wearing? UE: Nope. It's just smoke. JC: Coming off of you? UE: Hopefully not. JC: That seems dangerous. UE: No, smoke is for two reasons, you can see the speed, you can see the way where I was flying. That's reason number one. And reason number two: it's much easier for the camera guy to film If I'm using smoke. JC: Ah, I see. So the wingsuit is set up to deliberately release smoke so that you can be tracked. One more question. What do you do to to cover your face? Because I just keep thinking of going that fast and having your whole face smushed backwards. Are you in a helmet? Are you in goggles? UE: The purest and the best feeling would be with only goggles. JC: And is that how you usually fly? UE: Usually I'm wearing a helmet. In the mountains I'm always wearing a helmet because of landings -- usually it's difficult -- it's not like regular skydiving where you have like the big landings. So you have to be prepared. JC: Right. Now is there anything you don't do? Do people come to you with projects and say, "We want you to do this!" and do you ever say, "No, no I'm not going to." UE: Oh of course, of course. Some people have crazy ideas and -- JC: ...a round of applause... UE: Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
今回の量ロ皋床なので、家族で食べるにはそこそこのボリュヌムがあり、ほどほどに日持ちする量だ。 クラりドの孀児院ではシチュヌを䜜り、それをおすそ分けしおもらった。 正盎蚀うず、りチ肉が䜙るので、凊分に困った面はあるが、お返しにフィニアが煮蟌み肉を倧量に䜜っお抌し付けお、事なきを埗おいた。 この間受けたミクスス茞の䜙った分をこっそり持ち垰っおいたので、煮蟌み肉にピリリずした味付けが付いおおり、奜評だったようだ。 そうしお残る孊院生掻も日数が少なくなっおいき、教宀内が少しず぀ざわめきだしおきた。 この日に行われる身䜓枬定なども、その䞀぀だ。 入孊時の枬定結果を合わせお、この孊院に圚孊䞭にどれくらい成長したかを、生埒ずその䞡芪に報告するのが目的らしい。 俺たち生埒にも入孊時の数倀が蚘入された甚玙が配られおおり、それを確認するこずができる。 入孊時の自分の数倀を芋るず、やはり子䟛䜓型ず蚀わざるを埗ない。いや圓然なのだけど。 だがそんな俺の隣で、もっず枋い顔をしおいる人物がいた。 「うぬぬぅ......」 「レティヌナはあんたり倉わっおないね?」 「し、身長は少しは䌞びおたすし! ちょっずスリヌサむズの比率が倉わらないだけで......」 「で、でもほら、レティヌナ様も少しだけ胞の数倀が増えおたすわよ」 圌女もこの数幎で倧きく成長し、胞のふくらみなども目立぀ようになっおいた。 圌女の堎合は生掻が裕犏なせいか、党䜓的にふっくらずしおきおいる。おそらくはフィニアが蚀うプニプニ感をもっずも衚珟できおいるのは、圌女だろう。 なお、圌女が指摘したレティヌナの増加分は、ほが誀差ず蚀っお差し支えない。 「それより早く着替えたせんず、遅れたすわよ」 「あ、そうだった」 さすがに高孊幎ずもなるず、男子ず同じ教宀で服を脱ぐわけにはいかない。 教宀の䞀郚には仕切るためのカヌテンが蚭眮されおおり、その向こうで女子が着替えるこずになっおいた。 枬定する医務宀たでは、ここから䞊着を矜織っお向かうこずになっおいる。 女子が䞀塊になっおその䞀角に集たり、カヌテンを匕いお芖線を遮る。 そこで各々が着替えを始めたずころで、倖がざわめくのを感じ取った。 「おい、お前行けよ」 「え、ダだよ。でも......」 「これが最埌のチャンスだぞ」 「じゃあ俺が......」 「どうぞどうぞ」 どうやら男子諞君はカヌテンのこちら偎に突入しお、芋玍めの暎挙に出ようずしおいるようだった。 「ダメだよ?」 「うっ!?」 「こっちきたら、コルティナに蚀い぀けるからね?」 「あうぅ......」 カヌテン前で矀れおいたダンチャ男子䞀行は、その䞀蚀でしおしおず勢いを無くす。 圌らも魔術孊院に通うだけあっお、倧半は貎族や富裕局が倚い。 だがこの時、俺は男子に気を取られ過ぎお、背埌の䞍穏な気配に党く気付くこずができなかった。 その悪魔は俺の背埌に忍び寄り、こっそりずその悪意の手を䌞ばす。 「どヌん!」 そう蚀っお俺を背埌から突き抌したのは、先ほど散々揶揄されおいたレティヌナだった。 しかし完党に䞍意を突かれた俺は、その䞀撃に耐えるこずができず䞀歩前に螏み出しおしたった。 そしおカヌテンの手前で銖だけ出しおいた状態から䞀歩螏み出すずいうこずは、その向こう偎に足を螏み出すずいうこずでもある。 結果的に俺は䞊半身裞の状態を、衆人環芖の䞭に晒したこずになる。 「うおおおおおぉぉぉぉおおおううぅぅぅ!!」 その時の男子たちの歓喜に染たった声を、俺は䞀生忘れるこずはできないだろう。 奎ら、絶察蚘憶を消しおやる。物理的に。 「ふっふっふ、先ほど散々匄っおくれた仕返しですのよ」 「レティヌナ、これはさすがにヒドむ!」 俺は胞元を隠しながら、レティヌナに抗議する。しかしその䞀瞬は倚くの生埒に目撃されおしたった。 「あれ、なんだかニコルさんの胞元、赀くなっおなかった?」 「それっお、ちく――いや、その、それじゃないのか?」 「いや、それずは違っおその脇ずいうか暪ずいうか」 「たさか、ききき、キスマヌク!?」 「なんだず......誰ず? いや、敢えお聞くたい!」 ゚キサむトする男子諞兄。いや凊刑囚。 ざわ぀く教宀内に、さらに問題児が螏み蟌んできたのは、その時だった。 「こヌら! さっさず医務宀に来なさ――なにこれ、ニコルちゃんの公開矞恥プレむ?」 反射的に手に持った䞊着を螏み蟌んできたコルティナに投げ぀けおしたい、曎に隠すこずに難儀しおしたったのは、䜙談である。 ちなみに結局俺に䞊着を掛けおくれたのはマチスちゃんだ。 君をミシェルちゃんずフィニアに次ぐ、癒に認定しおやろうず思う。
The meat we brought back was dealt with accordingly in each of our respective houses. We brought about kg each this time, which was quite a big volume to eat in one family, so it would last for quite some time. In Cloud’s case, they made a stew with it and shared it with me too. Honestly, our meat reserves were the most excessive, so I didn’t know what to do with it, but as a return gift. Finia prepared a lot of stewed meat and forced it back on him, so everything ended well. The other day, I secretly brought back the excess Mixus mushrooms home, and they proved to go very well with the stewed meat as a seasoning and left good impressions. Thus, the academy days gradually neared their end, and along with it, the classrooms became noisier. When it came to the pre-graduation interval, there were a lot of events planned too. Body measurements that were performed this day were also one of those events. The goal seemed to be to combine it with the results of the enrollment and report how much they grew during their academy period to the students and their parents. We were also given the papers with our enrollment records, so we could confirm it ourselves. Seeing my enrollment records, I couldn’t help but call it a child’s figure. Though I guess it was only appropriate. That said, someone next to me was frowning even more than me. Needless to say, it was Letina. “Grrrr...” “You haven’t really changed, huh, Letina?” “M-My height did a little! The BWH measurement ratio simply hasn’t changed much...” “L-Look, Lady Letina’s breast measurements have changed slightly.” Matisse suddenly popped her head from next to me pointed it out. She had grown a lot during these few years, too, and her breasts have swelled up to a conspicuous degree. She seemed to be living a luxurious life, so her body figure was quite full. She was probably the best representation of what Finia used to mean by squishy. Moreover, the thing she pointed out in Letina’s measurements was so small it could be dismissed as a measurement error. “More importantly, let’s get changed already. We’ll be late.” “Ah, you’re right.” As expected, when reaching upper primary grades, it was already beyond the stage where you could change clothes in the same room as the boys. As such, the classroom has a curtain installed on one side, beyond which was the place where girls changed. We put on coats as we headed to the doctor’s office where measurements were taken. The girls grouped up beyond the curtain and pulled the curtain to block the vision. But then, there was some rustling from beyond the curtain just as they started to change. “Hey, how about you go.” “Huh, no way. Still...” “This is our final chance.” “Then I’ll go...” “Be my guest.” As it seems, the gentlemen on the other side were trying to go on the suicide rush for the last look at the girls’ bodies. I realized that and popped my head from the curtain and gave them a warning. “You can’t, okay?” “Ugh!?” “If you do, I’ll tell Cortina all about it.” “Aggh...” The group of naughty boys beyond the curtains lost their drive in dejection after my warning. They were attending the Magic Academy, so the majority were nobles and rich people. Such people that catered to the powerful people would never get on someone as influential as Cortina’s bad side. But then, while I was preoccupied with the boys, I failed to notice a threatening presence sneaking up on me from behind. That demon crept up on me and put their vile hands on me. “Yaah!” The one who pushed my back with that yell was none other than Letina who I had thoroughly ridiculed earlier. Naturally, the push of a frail Elf like her would normally never be enough for the job, however, as I was completely taken by surprise this time, I failed to endure her attack and ended up tottering one step forward. And since I already had my head popped out, taking one more step meant that I would end up one step beyond the curtain. As the end result, I ended up laying my naked upper body on display in the presence of the entire company of boys. “WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” I would probably never forget the yells of delight that they raised that day. I’m gonna get rid of their memories. Through physical means. “Hahaha, serves you right for toying with me earlier.” “Letina, that was still too much!” I objected while covering my chest. Still, I was witnessed by a lot of students at that moment. And some of the sharp-sighted ones noticed one more thing. “Huh, wasn’t Nicole’s breast a little red?” “Wasn’t it just her nip—I mean, it’s not “No, I mean something else on the side, or horizontally of it.” “You mean, it was a k-k-kiss mark?!” “What did you say... But by whom? No, we don’t even need to ask!” The row of boys chattered in excitement. Or rather, the death row of boys. Then, yet another problem child showed up in the noisy classroom. “Heey! Hurry up and come to the—Huh, what’s going on? Is Nicole doing public humiliation play?” I reflectively threw the coat that I held in my hand at Cortina, so I ended up even more exposed, but that was a story of another time. In the end, Matisse offered me the coat. I’m thinking of assigning you as my healer number three, after Michelle and Finia.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
奇劙な䟝頌人 チャヌルズ・ディケンズ 「ピクりィックペヌパヌズ」 第21章「老人が語る奇劙な䟝頌人の話」より。 どこで、どうやっおこの短い物語を聞きこんできたのか、そんなこずはたいした問題ではない(ず、老人は蚀った)。 それを私が聞いたその順番どおりに語るずなれば、真ん䞭のずころからはじめお、終わりにきたずころで頭にもどっおこなきゃならんしな。 ただあらかじめ断っおおくが、いたから話すこずの䞀郚はたさに私の目の前でおこったこずでもある。 そうでない郚分にしおも実際にあったこずだずいうのは分かっおいるし、今なお生きおいお、そのあたりを過剰なほどよく芚えおいそうなものもいる。 自治区倧通りの聖ゞョヌゞ教䌚ず同じ䞊びに、たいおいの人が知っおいるずおり、いちばん小さな債務者監獄、マヌシャルシヌ監獄がある。 か぀おのようなひどい堎所ではなくなったけれども、改善されたからずいっお浪費を助長したり、先芋性のなさを慰めたりできたものではない。 ニュヌゲむトの死刑囚にだっお、マヌシャルシヌの砎産した負債者ず同じように、適床な運動ず深呌吞のできる運動堎が䞎えられおいるのだから。 (前ず比べればただたしだ。 もっずもこれは昔のこず、ただたし皋床だった時代のこずで、問題の監獄はもう存圚しおいない。) 単なる奜みの問題かもしれないし、ただ単に私があの堎所ずそこにた぀わる想い出ずを切り離すこずができずにいるだけのこずかもしれないが、ロンドンのあの地域にはどうしおも耐えられない。 通りは広く、倧きな店が䞊んでいる。 銬車がたおる隒音、絶え間なく流れおゆく人々の足音 ――あらゆる日垞の雑音が朝から晩たでせわしなく響いおいる。 だが、蟺りの街路は狭くおみすがらしくお、 貧困ず堕萜が雑然ずした路地に枊巻き、 困窮ず䞍幞が狭苊しい監獄の䞭に抌しこめられ、 少なくずも私の目にはね。 かれらが墓に眠るようになっおずいぶん経぀がね。 気にずめるはずもないさ、手厳しい挫折を味わったっお最初のショックで絶望しおしたうこずなどめったにない。 口先だけの友人をただ頌りにしおいるし、別に助けなど必芁ずしおいない時には陜気な友人たちから䜕床も䜕床も困ったずきは力になろうなんお聞かされおきたのだから。 垌望――幞犏な、䞖間知らずの垌望。 最初のショックに萜ちこんだずしおも、その垌望が胞のうちに芜生え、かすかな隙間に花開き、やがお、萜胆ず孀独の荒野にしおれる。 その倉化はほんずうにあっずいう間だ! 蚀葉のあやでもなんでもなく、債務者は監獄でくさるのだよ。 釈攟の垌望もなく、自由の期埅もなく。 もう、残虐行為そのものはなくなっおいるようだが、心の痛む事件を匕き起こすだけの残酷さは今もある。 20幎前のこずだ。 毎朝毎朝飜きるこずなく、舗道に足音を響かせ、監獄の門前たでやっおくる1組の母子がいた。 眠れないほど惚めで䞍安な想いを抱えお䞀晩を過ごした日は特に、開門時間の1時間も前にきたりしおいた。 そういうずき、若い母芪は匱々しく道をひきかえし、あの昔の橋のずころで子䟛を腕に抱えお、芋せおやる。 朝日を济びおきらきらず茝く氎面を、朝早くから商売や享楜の準備にせわしない街の喧隒にざわめく河を。 その目に映るものぞの興味が絶えおしたうこずのないようにず。 だが倧抵はすぐに䞋に降ろしおやっお、ショヌルで顔を隠し、前も芋えないほどに涙を流すのだった。 ずいうのも、その子は痩せ现った顔に興味や喜びの色を芋せないからだ。 その子にずっおの想い出はごくわずか。 しかもどれも同じ類の思い出 ――すべお、䞡芪の貧乏ず䞍幞に関連したものだった。 䜕時間も母芪の膝の䞊で過ごし、母の頬を䌝う涙を無邪気な同情をこめお芋぀め、物静かに薄暗い郚屋の隅に身を移し、しくしくず泣きながら眠りに぀く。 この䞖の過酷な珟実、貧困の䞭の貧困――飢えに枇き、寒さに欠乏――そのすべおが、物心぀いた頃にはもうその子の䞊にのしかかっおいた。 圢だけの少幎時代。 子どもらしい倢もなく、陜気な笑い声もない、瞳をきらめかせるこずもない男の子。 父ず母はこれを芋おは痛たしい思いに駆られ、䞀蚀も口にする力もないたた顔を芋亀わしあうのだった。 健康で屈匷だったその男はたいがいの肉䜓的な疲れには耐えるこずができたものの、人いきれした監獄の狭苊しく䞍健康な環境に屈しようずしおいた。 華奢で繊现なその女は、肉䜓的な病に粟神的な病が重なり、衰匱しおいった。 幌い子どもの小さな心は匵り裂けんばかりだった。 冬がきた。 䜕週間も続く寒気ず鬱陶しい雚をもたらした冬が。 哀れな若い女は、倫の拘眮所に近い、みすがらしい郚屋に越した。 それは貧乏が酷くなったがゆえの倉化だったのだけれども、前より倫の近くにいられるようになったのは劻ずしお幞せなこずだった。 2ヶ月の間、母子はい぀もどおり門が開かれるのを毎朝芋぀めおきた。 ずころがある日、母子はずうずうやっおこなかった。 初めおのこずだった。 その次の朝、母はひずりでやっおきた。 子は死んだのだ。 貧乏人の肉芪の死に぀いお、死者にずっおは苊痛から解攟される幞犏であり、生者にずっおはさらなる費えを抑える慈悲だ、などず冷たいこずを蚀う者は、分かっおいないのだ ――䜕も分かっおいないのだ、そう、肉芪に先立たれるのがどんなに぀らいこずかを。 他のあらゆる人々から芋攟されおも泚がれ぀づける敬意ず愛情に満ちた県差し ――他のあらゆる人々から省かれおしたっおも同情ず愛情を泚いでくれる人がたしかにいるずいう自芚 ――それは、どんなに深い苊しみの底でも確かな支えであり慰めなのだ。 それはどれほどの富をもっおしおもあがなえず、どれほどの暩力をもっおしおも授けるこずができない。 子どもは䞡芪の足元に䜕時間も座ったたた、我慢匷くその小さな手を組んで、䞡芪に、痩せ现った青癜い顔を向け぀づけた。 䞡芪は日に日に子どもがや぀れおいくのを目の圓たりにしおいた。 その短い䞀生は喜びのないものだったが、ようやく、子どもでありながらそれたで知るこずのなかった平穏ず安寧の䞖界ぞ身を移したのだ。 その子の死は、人の芪である以䞊圓然だが、䞡芪の心に深い圱を萜ずした。 母芪の衰えた顔぀きを芋れば、死が圌女の䞍幞で苊難に満ちた人生に幕を䞋ろそうずしおいるのは明癜だった。 倫の同宀者たちは盞方の嘆きや苊悩に立ち入ろうずはせず、それたでは3人共同で䜿っおいた小さな郚屋を明枡しおひずりきりにしおやった。 劻はそこで過ごすようになり、傷぀くこずのない、けれども垌望もない日々を送っおいるうちに、その生呜力も朮が匕くように倱われおいった。 ある晩、倫は、気を倱った劻を腕に抱き、開けさらしの窓の偎で支えおやり、新鮮な空気をすわせお意識を取りもどさせおやろうずしおいた。 月明かりが劻の顔を照らしだした。 その倉わり果おた容貌に、倫は、たるで無力な幌児のようによろめいた。 「降ろしお頂戎、ゞョヌゞ」 ず劻は埮かな声で蚀った。 倫は劻を降ろすず傍らに腰を䞋ろし、顔を䞡手で芆っおがろがろず涙を流しはじめた。 「本圓に぀らいこずだわ、ゞョヌゞ、あなたを眮いおいかなきゃいけないなんお。 でも、神さたがそうお望みなんだもの、お願いだからこらえお頂戎。 ああ神さた! あの子を先に連れだしおいおくださっおありがずうございたす。 あの子、今はきっず倩囜で幞せにしおるはずですよね。 本圓によかった、もしあの子がこの䞖に残されたずしたら、母芪もないのに、どうなっおいたこずでしょう!」 「倧䞈倫だ、メアリヌ、君は死んだりなんかしない」 そう蚀うず、握り締めた䞡の拳で頭を殎り぀けながらせわしなく郚屋の䞭を埀埩した。 やがおふたたび劻の偎に腰を䞋ろすず、䞡腕で劻の䜓を支えながら、いくぶん萜ち぀いた声で蚀い足した。 「がんばるんだ、メアリヌ。 どうか、どうか。 すぐたた元気になるんだから」 「無理よ、ゞョヌゞ、 もう無理」 ず、死に瀕した劻は蚀った。 「あの子ず䞀緒のお墓に眠らせお頂戎ね。 でも玄束しお、ずにかくこんなずころを抜け出しお、きっずお金持ちになっお、どこか静かな片田舎の教䌚に私たちのお墓を移しおくれるっお。 遠く遠く――ここからずっず離れた堎所――安らかに眠れそうなずころに。 お願い、ゞョヌゞ、そうしおくれるず玄束しお」 「玄束する、玄束するずも」 ず倫は蚀い、感情を昂ぶらせお劻の傍らに膝を぀いた。 「声を聞かせおくれ、メアリヌ、もう䞀蚀でもいいから。 䞀目でもこのがくを芋぀めおくれ ―― 䞀目でもいいから!」 倫はそこで口を閉ざした。 自分の銖を抱きしめおいた劻の腕が、匷匵っお重くなったのだ。 深いため息が目前のや぀れた姿から吐き出された。 唇が動き、顔には埮笑が浮かんだ。 だが、その唇は青ざめ、埮笑からは生気が倱われおゆき、やがお䞡県が虚空をじっず芋぀めおいるだけになった。 男はひずりこの䞖に取り残されたのだ。 その倜、静寂ず荒廃に包たれた惚めな郚屋で、哀れなその男は劻の傍らにひざたづいお、神の名を唱え、その時から始たったおぞたしい誓いを立おた。 その身を劻子の埩讐に捧げようず。 今このずきより息絶えるその瞬間たで、その党粟力をひず぀の目的のために泚ぎこむのだず。 その埩讐をじわじわず苛烈に果たしおみせるず。 その憎悪を決しお忘れたりしないず。 その獲物を䞖界の果おたででも远い仕留めるのだず。 この䞊ない絶望ず人情味の倱われかけた感情が男の容姿を䞀晩のうちに倉えおしたい、圌に出くわした監獄の胞茩たちは恐ろしさのあたり埌ずさりするほどだった。 䞡目を真っ赀に腫らし、死人のような顔色で、老いさらばえたかのように背䞭が曲がっおいた。 激しい粟神的苊悩に噛み切っおしたった䞋唇からはどくどくず血が流れ、あごから滎り萜ちおシャツずネッカチヌフを染めおいた。 涙も芋られず、呪詛も聞かれなかった。 ただ、どうにも䞍安定な様子や、庭をいったりきたりする際の䞍芏則な動きを芋れば、その胞を焊がす激しい想いのほどが知れた。 劻の遺䜓はすぐにでも監獄の倖に出す必芁があった。 男はそう䌝え聞かされたずきも、たったく平然ずしおその凊眮を受け入れた。 ほずんどすべおの囚人が遺䜓が運び出されるのを芋送るために集たった。 倫が珟れるず、人々は脇によけお通しおやった。 男はずかずかず前に出お、宿舎の門の近くにあった垣根に囲われた小さなスペヌスに陣取った。 矀集は本胜的ないたわりからその堎所をあけおやっおいたのだ。 粗末な棺を肩に担いだ䜕人かの男たちがゆっくりず進み出た。 矀集はひっそりず静たり返り、ただ女たちの啜り泣きず、砂利道を歩く運搬人の足音だけが響いおいる。 いたや独り者になった倫の前で、棺は止たった。 倫は棺に顔をこすり぀け、機械的に棺を芆う垃をずずのえ、行っおくれ、ずいう身振りをした。 監獄の廊䞋にいた看守たちは、棺がそばを通るず、垜子を取っお芋送った。 そしお次の瞬間、棺の背埌で重い門は閉ざされた。 男は虚ろな目぀きで矀集を芋枡すず、ばったりず地面に倒れおしたった。 それから数週間、男は高熱を出し激しくうなされお、昌も倜も看病しおもらっおいた。 その間も、自分が倱ったもの、自分が立おた誓いのこずは片時も忘れなかった。 錯乱した心の䞭に、次から次ぞずいろいろな景色が浮かび䞊がり、次から次ぞずいろいろな出来事が起こった。 だがそれらはみな、あるひず぀の倧きな目的に倚少なりずも繋がりをも぀ものだった。 どこたでも続く海の䞊を男を乗せた船がゆく。 頭䞊には血のように赀い空。 䞋にはいきり立っお荒れ狂う海。泡立ち枊巻いお䞡舷を掗う。 目の前から違う船が近づいおきおいた。 なんずか頑匵っおこの激しい嵐を乗り切ろうずしおいる。 はためく垆は垯状に裂けおおり、甲板は䌑むたもなく倧波で掗われ、人々を䞡の船端に抌し流し、運に芋攟された䞀郚の者たちを海原に投げ蟌んでいく。 荒れ狂う倧海の䞊、男の船はなにものも抵抗できぬほどの力ず速床を埗お突き進んだ。 やがお前にあった船の船銖に激突し、盞手を竜骚の䞋に粉砕しおしたった。 沈みゆく船が生み出した巚倧な枊巻きから、倧きくお鋭い悲鳎 ――溺れゆく䜕十人もの人々の悲鳎が混ぜ合わさった死の叫び ――が響き枡り、粟霊たちの勝鬚を打ち消した。 こだたがかえっおくる。 そのこだたがさらに、倧気を、空を、海を貫くかず思えるほどにこだたした。 だが、あれは ――あの、海面に浮かぶ癜髪頭、苊しそうに顔をゆがめ、助けを求める悲鳎をあげ、波にうたれおいるあれは! それを目にしたずたん、男は舷から海䞭に飛びこんで、それにむかっおがむしゃらに泳いだ。 それに達した。 それは目の前にあった。 あの顔、あい぀だ。 老人は男が掎みかかっおくるのを芋お、それをかわそうずいうむなしい努力を詊みた。 男は老人の䜓をがっしりず掎み、氎の䞭に匕きずりこんだ。 老人の䜓をずらえたたた深く深く朜る、氎深50のずころたで。 老人の抵抗はどんどん匱たっおいき、やがお、完党にやんだ。 や぀は死んだ。 殺しおやった。 誓いを守ったのだ。 男は広倧で焌け぀くような砂挠を靎もなく連れもなく旅しおいた。 砂が喉ず目を苊しめた。 党身の毛穎に飛びこんでくる现かい砂粒ぞの苛立ちに気が狂いそうだ。 遠方では倥しい量の砂が、颚に舞い、燃えさかる倪陜に照らされ、火柱のようになっおゆっくりず動いおゆく。 この荒涌ずした土地で息絶えた人々の骚が足元に散らばっおいた。 呚囲の光景はどれも恐怖に満ちおいた。 目に映るものみな、恐怖ず絶望を感じさせるものばかり。 悲鳎をあげようずしたものの、舌がうたく動いおくれない。 それでもなんずか声をあげようずしながら、狂ったように突き進んだ。 人知を超えた力を振り絞っお砂挠を進んでいったが、やがお疲れず枇きのために意識を倱い、倒れた。 䜕だろう、意識を呌び芚たしおくれたあのひんやりずした銙りは、あのざばざばず音をたおおいるものは? æ°Ž! それは本圓に泉だった。 柄んだ新鮮な氎が足元を流れおいる。 男は心ゆくたでその氎を飲み、痛む足を氎に浞し、その心地よさに我を忘れおいった。 そこに䜕者かの足音が近づいおきお、男は我にかえった。 激しい枇きを癒そうずしおよろよろず近づいおくる癜髪頭の老人。 たたあい぀か! 男は老人を矜亀い締めにした。 老人はもがき、氎をくれ、ず叫んだ ――䞀滎でもいいから生呜を救う氎を! ず。 だが男は老人を捕らえたたた攟さず、その苊しみもがくさたをじっず芋おいた。 やがお力尜きた老人の銖ががっくりず前に萜ちるず、その屍を足で払いのけた。 熱がひき、意識がもどるず、男は自分が金も自由もある身になっおいるのを知った。 過去、自分の身よりもはるかにはるかに倧切な人が窮しおいるずいうのに、医薬では癒せない傷を心に負っおいるずいうのに、そのたた芋殺しにしたこずがあるのだから――芪が。 かれにしおみれば息子が乞食になろうず知ったこずではなかったのだが、自分の健康を過信するあたり手続きを先延ばした結果、手遅れになっおしたったのだ。 手続きを怠ったせいで息子に遺しおしたった財産のこずを思っお、草葉の陰で悔しがっおいたかもしれない。 男はこうしたこずを知り、そしお、もっず倧切なこずを思いだした。 生きおいるその目的を、そしお、報いるべき仇は劻の父芪だずいうこずを ――矩理の息子を監獄に匕き枡し、嚘ず孫が足元にひざたづいお慈悲を乞うたずきもにべなく負い垰したあの矩父だずいうこずを。 ああ、男は埩讐蚈画を実行に移せない自分の衰匱した䜓をどれほど呪ったこずだろう! 男は苊い想い出がこびり぀いた土地を離れ、静かな海岞地垯に居を移すこずにした。 が、それは心の平穏や幞犏を取りもどせるかもずいう垌望を抱いおのこずではない。 䞡方ずももはや完璧に倱われおしたっおいたのだから。 そうではなく、英気を逊い、最愛の者を想い぀づけんがため。 そしおその地に、いかなる悪魔の悪戯か、第䞀の、おぞたしい埩讐を果たす機䌚が䞎えられたのだ。 倏のこずだった。 ――じっずしおいたものだった。 その晩もい぀もの堎所に腰を䞋ろしおいた。 時折顔をあげおは空を飛ぶ海鳥を眺めたり、海のさなかから沈みゆく倪陜に向かっお続いおいるように芋える、茝かしい深玅の道を目でたどったりしおいるず、助けを求める倧きな声があたりの静寂をうちやぶった。 男が空耳ではなかったかず疑っおいるうちに、さきほどのよりも倧きな、さきほどのよりも悲痛な叫びがふたたび聞こえおきた。 男は反射的に立ちあがるず、悲鳎が聞こえおきた方に走り出した。 状況を芋れば事情はすぐにのみこめた。 浜蟺に散乱しおいる衣服。 岞から少し離れたずころで波間に浮き沈みしおいる人の頭。 1人の老人が苊悩のあたり手を組み、あちこち走りたわりながら金切り声で助けを求めおいる。 病みあがりの男は、もう䜓力も十分に回埩しおいたので、コヌトを脱ぎ捚お、海に向かっお走りだした。 飛び蟌んで行っお、溺れおいる男を岞たで匕っ匵っおくる぀もりだった。 「急いでください、 どうか力を貞しおください。 あれは私の息子なんです、たったひずりの息子なんです!」 男が老人のそばたできたずきもただ、老人は取り乱しおいた。 「たったひずりの息子なんです、それが父芪の目の前で呜を萜ずそうずしおいるんです」 男は、老人の声を聞いたずたん立ちどたり、腕を組んで仁王立ちになった。 老人はあっず叫んで埌ずさりした。 「ヘむリング!」 男は䞀蚀も発するこずなく、ただにやりず笑った。 「ヘむリング!」 老人は狂ったようにわめいた。 「あれを芋おくれ、ヘむリング、ほら!」 ず、哀れな父芪は息も絶え絶えになりながら指差した。 そこにはおがれかけおいる若い男がいた。 「聞こえないか?」 ず老人は蚀った。 「たた叫んでいる。 ただ生きおるんだ。 ヘむリング、あれを助けおやっおくれ、どうか助けおやっおくれ!」 男はふたたびにやりず笑い、なお動こうずしない。 「あんたには本圓に悪いこずをした」 声は金切り声になっおいた。 「恚たれお圓然だ、 わしのすべおを、わしの呜を奪いさっおくれ。 わしを氎の䞭に投げ蟌んでくれ、人間ずしお理性の続くかぎり、指䞀本動かさずに溺れ死んでみせる。 そうしおくれ、ヘむリング、そうするんだ。 だが、息子は助けおやっおくれ、 ヘむリング、あれはただ死ぬには若すぎる!」 「聞け」 ず蚀いながら男は老人の手銖を぀かんだ。 「呜には呜をもっお償わせおやる、いたここでひず぀だ。 おれの子どもは父芪の目の前ですさたじい苊しみを味わいながら死んでいった。 実の姉にあたるメアリヌをさんざんけなしおきたあんたの息子が、いたあそこで味わっおいる苊しみなど、なんでもないほどの苊しみをな。 あのずき、あんたは笑っおいた ――あんたの嚘の、死期の近づいた顔を芋ながら ――おれたちの苊悩を笑い飛ばした。 せいぜい思い知るがいい! さあ、あれを芋ろ、あれを芋ろ!」 男はそう蚀うず、海のほうを指さした。 氎面から聞こえおきたかすかな悲鳎が遠くかすれ、 死に瀕した男は最埌の力をふりしがっおあがき、ごくわずかな間、波王が぀づいた。 そうしお、若者の墓所ずなったその堎所は、呚りの海ずたったく区別できなくなっおしたった。 3幎埌、その容赊ない仕事ぶりで圓時はよく知られおいたずあるロンドンの匁護士の戞口で、ひずりの玳士が私甚の銬車から降りたち、重芁な仕事があるので内々でお目にかかりたい、ず頌みこんだ。 ただ人生の盛りを越しおいないのは明らかなのに、顔色が悪く、頬はこけ、垌望のない顔぀きをしおいた。 匁護士のするどい芳察力をもっおするたでもなく、䞀目芋ただけで、病気か䜕かが実際の幎霢の2倍以䞊に男の容貌を衰えさせおいるのが芋おずれた。 「私に代わっおいく぀かの法埋手続きをやっおいただきたいのですが」 ず男は蚀った。 匁護士は深々ず頭を䞋げ、盞手の玳士が手に䞋げおいる倧きな包みを芋やった。 客人はその様子を芋おから先を続けた。 「これは䞊倧抵の仕事ではありたせん。 そもそもこの曞類を手元にそろえるのにも、ずいぶんず手間ず費甚がかかりたした」 匁護士はよけいに奜奇心を曞きたおられたように包みをちらりず眺めた。 そしお客人は包みの玐を解いた。 䞭には玄束手圢や、蚌曞や、その他いろいろな曞類が倧量に詰たっおいた。 「この曞類の束にある名前の男は、ごらんになればお分かりでしょうが、ここ数幎、これらの曞類のおかげで倚額の資金を䜜りたした。 私はこれらの曞類を額面の3倍、4倍の金をだしお少しず぀買い集めおきたのですが、その男ず曞類の本来の所有者たちずの間には暗黙の了解がありたしお、ある䞀定の期間が過ぎるたでは契玄を曎新し぀づけるこずになっおいたした。 その取り決めはどこにも明蚘されおいたせん。 男はここのずころ倚額の損倱を出しおいたす。 ここにある債暩をたずめお぀き぀けられたずしたら、砎産しおしたうこずでしょう」 「総額䜕千ポンドにもなりたすね」 ず曞類に目を通しながら匁護士は蚀った。 「そうです」 「それで、われわれに䜕をお望みなのですか?」 ずこの実務家は聞いた。 「぀たり!」 ず、䟝頌人はず぀ぜん激しい口調になっお答えた。 「法埋の力を総動員し、思い぀くかぎりの策略を悪蟣に実行するんです。 行為の正圓性なんおどうだっおいい。 前面からは法埋にのっずっお圧力をかけ、偎面からは最高の人材にあらゆる手管で攻めさせる。 私はあの男が責めさいなたれ、負け犬ずしお死んでいくのを芋届けたい。 あい぀の土地、あい぀の資産、片っ端から差し抌さえお売り飛ばすんです。 家、故郷から远いたおお、老いがれたその䜓を乞食の身分におずしめ、債務者監獄で野垂れ死にさせるんです」 「ですがお客さた、そういったこずをすべお実行するには経費の方が」 ず匁護士は、䞀瞬驚いたものの、すぐに気を取り盎しお蚀い聞かせた。 「盞手が䞀文無しになるのでしたら、その経費はどなたがお支払いになるのですか?」 「いくらでも蚀っおください」 ず蚀いながら、興奮のあたり震える手でようやくペンをにぎりしめた ――「いくらでもお支払いしたしょう。 遠慮などするこずはない。 私にずっおはどうでもいいこずです、あなたが私の目的を果たしおくれるのであれば」 匁護士は、䞀か八かで、高額の手付金を芁求した。 それは損倱の可胜性から自分の身を守るために必芁なこずでもあったのだが、 ずいっおも䟝頌に応じたかったからではなく、この䟝頌人はどこたで本気でやる぀もりなのか、それを確認しおみたかったずいう気持ちのほうが倧きかったのだ。 男は党額の小切手を切り、それを眮いお垰っお行った。 その小切手はたったく正圓なものだったので、匁護士は、その奇劙な䟝頌人が信甚に倀するず刀断し、本気でこの仕事に着手した。 その埌2幎以䞊、ヘむリング氏は䞀日䞭そのオフィスに閉じこもり、積み重なっおゆく曞類の束を熱心に調べおいた。 䜕床も䜕床も読み返したこずだろう。 ヘむリング氏が目を茝かせながらそれらを読みふけるうちにも、立お続けに蚎蚟がおき、立お続けに手続きが執られた。 繰り返し容赊を求める申し入れに察する答えは䞀通りしかなかった ―― 䞀括枅算せよ、ずね。 土地、家屋、家具、ひず぀ひず぀順番に、数限りない執行曞が発行されるたび、取り䞊げられおいった。 それで老人はずいうず、監獄に攟りこたれるべきであったものを圹人の目を晊たしお、逐電しおしたった。 ヘむリングの底知れぬ憎悪は、迫害の成功によっお満たされるどころではなく、むしろ癟倍にも匷たっおいた。 老人の逃亡を知らされた圌は激怒したよ。 激情に歯をきしらせ、髪をかきむしり、什状を手に出動した連䞭を凄たじく眵っおね。 逃亡者の確保を繰り返し保蚌するこずで少しだけ萜ち぀きを取りもどしたようだった。 ゚ヌゞェントが圌の求めに応じおあらゆる方面に散っおいった。 たた、老人の隠れ家を発芋するための方策も残らず実行された。 だが、すべお無駄だった。 半幎を過ぎおも、老人の行方はようず知れなかった。 それからずいぶん埌のある晩、䜕週間もの間姿を消しおいたヘむリングが、匁護士の自宅に珟れ、お目通り願いたいず告げた。 階䞋の声を聞き぀けた匁護士が召䜿いに通せず呜じるよりも早く、ヘむリングは階段を駆け登り、応接間に飛びこんだ。 顔を青ざめさせ、息を切らしお。 ドアを閉めお盗み聞きされないようにするず、怅子に座りこみ、䜎い声で蚀った―― 「しっ! ずうずうや぀を芋぀けたしたよ」 「なんず!」 ず匁護士は蚀った。 「やりたしたね、ヘむリングさん、やりたしたね」 「カムデンタりンのみすがらしい䞋宿に朜䌏しおいたす。 今ずなればや぀に逃げられたのはいいこずだったのかもしれたせんね。 だっお、や぀はひずりがっちであそこに、このうえなく惚めなありさたで、ずっずずっず金もなく ――たったく金もなく過ごしおいたんですから」 「なるほど。 聞くたでもないずは思いたすが、明日逮捕させるお぀もりですね?」 「もちろん。 ......いや埅った! だめだ! 明日にしたす。 驚いたでしょうね、この私が日延べしおやろうず思うなんお」 そしお、ぞっずする埮笑を浮かべおこう続けた。 「忘れおたんですよ。 明日は、や぀の人生における蚘念日でしおね。 だから、あえお明日を遞びたしょう」 「なるほど。 譊官に持たせたすから、そこたでの地図を曞いお頂けたすか?」 「いや、その譊官ず盎接䌚うこずにしたしょう、ここで、明日倜8時に。 私がそこたで連れお行きたすよ」 男ず譊官は玄束どおり萜ち合っお、銬車を雇い、昔のパンクラスロヌドの角のずころ、教区貧民収容斜蚭のあるあたりで停めるようにず呜じた。 そこに぀いたずきには、もうあたりはかなり暗くなっおいた。 獣医病院の前にあった行き止たりのそばたで進むず、暪道に入った。 その暪道は、少なくずもその圓時リトルカレッゞストリヌトず呌ばれおいお、今はどうなっおいるのか知らないが、荒れ果おたずいうにふさわしい、草っ原や溝ばかりのずころだったよ。 旅行甚垜子を目深にかぶっお顔の䞊半分を隠し、倖套を口元たで匕き䞊げお、ヘむリングは、通りでいちばんみすがらしい家の前で立ち止たり、そっずドアをノックした。 すぐに女がドアを開け、深々ず腰を萜ずしおお蟞儀した。 ヘむリングは譊官に䞋で埅぀ように囁くず、こっそり階段をのがり、向かいの郚屋のドアを開け、すぐに䞭に入った。 男の探玢の察象、揺るぎない憎悪の察象ずなっおいるそのみすがらしい老人は、貧盞な蝋燭が1本だけ立おられた裞のテヌブルの前に座っおいた。 男が郚屋の䞭に入っおくるずはっずなり、匱々しく立ちあがった。 「今床はなんですか、今床はなんだずいうですか?」 ず老人は蚀った。 「今床はどんな䞍幞だずいうんですか? あなたは䜕を求めおやっおきたのですか?」 「あんたず少し話がしたくおね」 そう蚀いながらヘむリングは、テヌブルの反察偎に腰を䞋ろし、倖套ず垜子を脱ぎ捚おおその顔を露にした。 老人は即座に蚀葉を倱ったようだった。 突き倒されたかのように怅子にもたれかかるず、䞡手をしっかりず握り合わせ、憎悪ず恐怖のないたざった県差しで目の前の男を芋぀めた。 「6幎前の今日、おれは、あんたのせいで我が子の呜を倱ったおれは、い぀かあんたに借りを返しおやるず決めたんだ。 倉わり果おた姿ずなったあんたの嚘のかたわらで、なあ、おれは埩讐のために生きおやるず誓ったんだ。 おれは䞀瞬たりずも挫けるこずなくその目的に突き進んできた。 かりに挫けたずしおも、脳裏をかすめる気䞈だが病匱だった劻の衰えた顔や無邪気だったあの子の飢えた顔が、おれがなすべきこずに立ち向かう勇気をくれたこずだろう。 最初の返瀌ずしおおれがやったこず、よく芚えおるだろうな。 だがそれも、これで終わりだ」 老人は身を震わせ、力なく肩を萜ずした。 「おれは明日、むギリスを出る」 䞀瞬の間を眮いおからヘむリングは蚀った。 「今倜、おれはあんたを匕き枡す。 あれが味わった生きながらの死 ――絶望の監獄にな」 男は顔を起こしお老人の衚情を芋ようずし、ぎくりず動きを止めた。 灯りを取っお老人の顔を照らし、その灯りをそっずテヌブルの䞊にもどすず、郚屋を出おいった。 ず蚀い、譊官に、通りたで぀いおくるよう身振りした。 「たぶん、病気だ」 女はドアを閉めるず、あわおお階段を駆け䞊がった。 老人は生き絶えおいた。 ケント州の人里離れた平穏な境界の敷地内、野性の草花が亀じり合い、心䌑たる景芳に取り巻かれたむギリス1の矎しい土地にあるたっさらな墓石の䞋には、若い母芪ず心優しいその子どもが眠っおいる。 けれどもそこに父芪の遺骚は玍められおいない。 それに、䟋の匁護士も、その奇劙な䟝頌人のその埌の話を金茪際知るこずがなかった。
A Tale about a Queer Client Charles Dickens THE PICKWICK PAPERS THE OLD MAN'S TALE ABOUT THE QUEER CLIENT 'It matters little,' If I were to relate it in the order in which it reached me, I should commence in the middle, and when I had arrived at the conclusion, go back for a beginning. It is enough for me to say that some of its circumstances passed before my own eyes; for the remainder I know them to have happened, and there are some persons yet living, who will remember them but too well. 'In the Borough High Street, near St. George's Church, and on the same side of the way, stands, as most people know, the smallest of our debtors' prisons, the Marshalsea. Although in later times it has been a very different place from the sink of filth and dirt it once was, even its improved condition holds out but little temptation to the extravagant, or consolation to the improvident. The condemned felon has as good a yard for air and exercise in Newgate, as the insolvent debtor in the Marshalsea Prison. [Better. But this is past, in a better age, and the prison exists no longer.] 'It may be my fancy, or it may be that I cannot separate the place from the old recollections associated with it, but this part of London I cannot bear. The street is broad, the shops are spacious, the noise of passing vehicles, the footsteps of a perpetual stream of people --all the busy sounds of traffic, resound in it from morn to midnight; but the streets around are mean and close; poverty and debauchery lie festering in the crowded alleys; want and misfortune are pent up in the narrow prison; an air of gloom and dreariness seems, in my eyes at least, to hang about the scene, and to impart to it a squalid and sickly hue. 'Many eyes, that have long since been closed in the grave, have looked round upon that scene lightly enough, when entering the gate of the old Marshalsea Prison for the first time; for despair seldom comes with the first severe shock of misfortune. A man has confidence in untried friends, he remembers the many offers of service so freely made by his boon companions when he wanted them not; he has hope--the hope of happy inexperience --and however he may bend beneath the first shock, it springs up in his bosom, and flourishes there for a brief space, until it droops beneath the blight of disappointment and neglect. have those same eyes, deeply sunken in the head, glared from faces wasted with famine, and sallow from confinement, in days when it was no figure of speech to say that debtors rotted in prison, with no hope of release, and no prospect of liberty! The atrocity in its full extent no longer exists, but there is enough of it left to give rise to occurrences that make the heart bleed. 'Twenty years ago, that pavement was worn with the footsteps of a mother and child, who, day by day, so surely as the morning came, presented themselves at the prison gate; often after a night of restless misery and anxious thoughts, were they there, a full hour too soon, and then the young mother turning meekly away, would lead the child to the old bridge, and raising him in her arms to show him the glistening water, tinted with the light of the morning's sun, and stirring with all the bustling preparations for business and pleasure that the river presented at that early hour, endeavour to interest his thoughts in the objects before him. But she would quickly set him down, and hiding her face in her shawl, give vent to the tears that blinded her; for no expression of interest or amusement lighted up his thin and sickly face. His recollections were few enough, but they were all of one kind --all connected with the poverty and misery of his parents. Hour after hour had he sat on his mother's knee, and with childish sympathy watched the tears that stole down her face, and then crept quietly away into some dark corner, and sobbed himself to sleep. The hard realities of the world, with many of its worst privations-- hunger and thirst, and cold and want--had all come home to him, from the first dawnings of reason; and though the form of childhood was there, its light heart, its merry laugh, and sparkling eyes were wanting. 'The father and mother looked on upon this, and upon each other, with thoughts of agony they dared not breathe in words. The healthy, strong-made man, who could have borne almost any fatigue of active exertion, was wasting beneath the close confinement and unhealthy atmosphere of a crowded prison. The slight and delicate woman was sinking beneath the combined effects of bodily and mental illness. The child's young heart was breaking. 'Winter came, and with it weeks of cold and heavy rain. The poor girl had removed to a wretched apartment close to the spot of her husband's imprisonment; and though the change had been rendered necessary by their increasing poverty, she was happier now, for she was nearer him. For two months, she and her little companion watched the opening of the gate as usual. One day she failed to come, for the first time. Another morning arrived, and she came alone. The child was dead. 'They little know, who coldly talk of the poor man's bereavements, as a happy release from pain to the departed, and a merciful relief from expense to the survivor --they little know, I say, what the agony of those bereavements is. A silent look of affection and regard when all other eyes are turned coldly away --the consciousness that we possess the sympathy and affection of one being when all others have deserted us --is a hold, a stay, a comfort, in the deepest affliction, which no wealth could purchase, or power bestow. The child had sat at his parents' feet for hours together, with his little hands patiently folded in each other, and his thin wan face raised towards them. They had seen him pine away, from day to day; and though his brief existence had been a joyless one, and he was now removed to that peace and rest which, child as he was, he had never known in this world, they were his parents, and his loss sank deep into their souls. 'It was plain to those who looked upon the mother's altered face, that death must soon close the scene of her adversity and trial. Her husband's fellow-prisoners shrank from obtruding on his grief and misery, and left to himself alone, the small room he had previously occupied in common with two companions. She shared it with him; and lingering on without pain, but without hope, her life ebbed slowly away. 'She had fainted one evening in her husband's arms, and he had borne her to the open window, to revive her with the air, when the light of the moon falling full upon her face, showed him a change upon her features, which made him stagger beneath her weight, like a helpless infant. '"Set me down, George," she said faintly. He did so, and seating himself beside her, covered his face with his hands, and burst into tears. '"It is very hard to leave you, George," "but it is God's will, and you must bear it for my sake. Oh! how I thank Him for having taken our boy! He is happy, and in heaven now. What would he have done here, without his mother!" '"You shall not die, Mary, you shall not die;" He paced hurriedly to and fro, striking his head with his clenched fists; then reseating himself beside her, and supporting her in his arms, added more calmly, "Rouse yourself, my dear girl. Pray, pray do. You will revive yet." '"Never again, George; never again," said the dying woman. "Let them lay me by my poor boy now, but promise me, that if ever you leave this dreadful place, and should grow rich, you will have us removed to some quiet country churchyard, a long, long way off--very far from here--where we can rest in peace. Dear George, promise me you will." '"I do, I do," said the man, throwing himself passionately on his knees before her. "Speak to me, Mary, another word; one look --but one!" 'He ceased to speak: for the arm that clasped his neck grew stiff and heavy. A deep sigh escaped from the wasted form before him; the lips moved, and a smile played upon the face; but the lips were pallid, and the smile faded into a rigid and ghastly stare. He was alone in the world. 'That night, in the silence and desolation of his miserable room, the wretched man knelt down by the dead body of his wife, and called on God to witness a terrible oath, that from that hour, he devoted himself to revenge her death and that of his child; that thenceforth to the last moment of his life, his whole energies should be directed to this one object; that his revenge should be protracted and terrible; that his hatred should be undying and inextinguishable; and should hunt its object through the world. 'The deepest despair, and passion scarcely human, had made such fierce ravages on his face and form, in that one night, that his companions in misfortune shrank affrighted from him as he passed by. His eyes were bloodshot and heavy, his face a deadly white, and his body bent as if with age. He had bitten his under lip nearly through in the violence of his mental suffering, and the blood which had flowed from the wound had trickled down his chin, and stained his shirt and neckerchief. No tear, or sound of complaint escaped him; but the unsettled look, and disordered haste with which he paced up and down the yard, denoted the fever which was burning within. 'It was necessary that his wife's body should be removed from the prison, without delay. He received the communication with perfect calmness, and acquiesced in its propriety. Nearly all the inmates of the prison had assembled to witness its removal; they fell back on either side when the widower appeared; he walked hurriedly forward, and stationed himself, alone, in a little railed area close to the lodge gate, from whence the crowd, with an instinctive feeling of delicacy, had retired. The rude coffin was borne slowly forward on men's shoulders. A dead silence pervaded the throng, broken only by the audible lamentations of the women, and the shuffling steps of the bearers on the stone pavement. They reached the spot where the bereaved husband stood: and stopped. He laid his hand upon the coffin, and mechanically adjusting the pall with which it was covered, motioned them onward. The turnkeys in the prison lobby took off their hats as it passed through, and in another moment the heavy gate closed behind it. He looked vacantly upon the crowd, and fell heavily to the ground. 'Although for many weeks after this, he was watched, night and day, in the wildest ravings of fever, neither the consciousness of his loss, nor the recollection of the vow he had made, ever left him for a moment. Scenes changed before his eyes, place succeeded place, and event followed event, in all the hurry of delirium; but they were all connected in some way with the great object of his mind. He was sailing over a boundless expanse of sea, with a blood-red sky above, and the angry waters, lashed into fury beneath, boiling and eddying up, on every side. There was another vessel before them, toiling and labouring in the howling storm; her canvas fluttering in ribbons from the mast, and her deck thronged with figures who were lashed to the sides, over which huge waves every instant burst, sweeping away some devoted creatures into the foaming sea. Onward they bore, amidst the roaring mass of water, with a speed and force which nothing could resist; and striking the stem of the foremost vessel, crushed her beneath their keel. From the huge whirlpool which the sinking wreck occasioned, arose a shriek so loud and shrill --the death-cry of a hundred drowning creatures, blended into one fierce yell --that it rung far above the war-cry of the elements, and echoed, and re-echoed till it seemed to pierce air, sky, and ocean. But what was that --that old gray head that rose above the water's surface, and with looks of agony, and screams for aid, buffeted with the waves! One look, and he had sprung from the vessel's side, and with vigorous strokes was swimming towards it. He reached it; he was close upon it. They were HIS features. The old man saw him coming, and vainly strove to elude his grasp. But he clasped him tight, and dragged him beneath the water. Down, down with him, fifty fathoms down; his struggles grew fainter and fainter, until they wholly ceased. He was dead; he had killed him, and had kept his oath. 'He was traversing the scorching sands of a mighty desert, barefoot and alone. The sand choked and blinded him; its fine thin grains entered the very pores of his skin, and irritated him almost to madness. Gigantic masses of the same material, carried forward by the wind, and shone through by the burning sun, stalked in the distance like pillars of living fire. The bones of men, who had perished in the dreary waste, lay scattered at his feet; a fearful light fell on everything around; so far as the eye could reach, nothing but objects of dread and horror presented themselves. Vainly striving to utter a cry of terror, with his tongue cleaving to his mouth, he rushed madly forward. Armed with supernatural strength, he waded through the sand, until, exhausted with fatigue and thirst, he fell senseless on the earth. What fragrant coolness revived him; what gushing sound was that? Water! It was indeed a well; and the clear fresh stream was running at his feet. He drank deeply of it, and throwing his aching limbs upon the bank, sank into a delicious trance. The sound of approaching footsteps roused him. An old gray-headed man tottered forward to slake his burning thirst. It was HE again! Fe wound his arms round the old man's body, and held him back. He struggled, and shrieked for water --for but one drop of water to save his life! But he held the old man firmly, and watched his agonies with greedy eyes; and when his lifeless head fell forward on his bosom, he rolled the corpse from him with his feet. 'When the fever left him, and consciousness returned, he awoke to find himself rich and free, to hear that the parent who would have let him die in jail--WOULD! who HAD let those who were far dearer to him than his own existence die of want, and sickness of heart that medicine cannot cure--had been found dead in his bed of down. He had had all the heart to leave his son a beggar, but proud even of his health and strength, had put off the act till it was too late, and now might gnash his teeth in the other world, at the thought of the wealth his remissness had left him. He awoke to this, and he awoke to more. To recollect the purpose for which he lived, and to remember that his enemy was his wife's own father --the man who had cast him into prison, and who, when his daughter and her child sued at his feet for mercy, had spurned them from his door. Oh, how he cursed the weakness that prevented him from being up, and active, in his scheme of vengeance! 'He caused himself to be carried from the scene of his loss and misery, and conveyed to a quiet residence on the sea-coast; not in the hope of recovering his peace of mind or happiness, for both were fled for ever; but to restore his prostrate energies, and meditate on his darling object. And here, some evil spirit cast in his way the opportunity for his first, most horrible revenge. 'It was summer-time; and wrapped in his gloomy thoughts, he would issue from his solitary lodgings early in the evening, and wandering along a narrow path beneath the cliffs, to a wild and lonely spot that had struck his fancy in his ramblings, seat himself on some fallen fragment of the rock, and burying his face in his hands, remain there for hours 'He was seated here, one calm evening, in his old position, now and then raising his head to watch the flight of a sea-gull, or carry his eye along the glorious crimson path, which, commencing in the middle of the ocean, seemed to lead to its very verge where the sun was setting, when the profound stillness of the spot was broken by a loud cry for help; he listened, doubtful of his having heard aright, when the cry was repeated with even greater vehemence than before, and, starting to his feet, he hastened in the direction whence it proceeded. 'The tale told itself at once: some scattered garments lay on the beach; a human head was just visible above the waves at a little distance from the shore; and an old man, wringing his hands in agony, was running to and fro, shrieking for assistance. The invalid, whose strength was now sufficiently restored, threw off his coat, and rushed towards the sea, with the intention of plunging in, and dragging the drowning man ashore. '"Hasten here, Sir, in God's name; help, help, sir, for the love of Heaven. He is my son, Sir, my only son!" said the old man frantically, as he advanced to meet him. "My only son, Sir, and he is dying before his father's eyes!" 'At the first word the old man uttered, the stranger checked himself in his career, and, folding his arms, stood perfectly motionless. '"Great God!" "Heyling!" 'The stranger smiled, and was silent. '"Heyling!" said the old man wildly; "my boy, Heyling, my dear boy, look, look!" Gasping for breath, the miserable father pointed to the spot where the young man was struggling for life. '"Hark!" said the old man. "He cries once more. He is alive yet. Heyling, save him, save him!" 'The stranger smiled again, and remained immovable as a statue. '"I have wronged you," shrieked the old man, falling on his knees, and clasping his hands together. "Be revenged; take my all, my life; cast me into the water at your feet, and, if human nature can repress a struggle, I will die, without stirring hand or foot. Do it, Heyling, do it, but save my boy; he is so young, Heyling, so young to die!" '"Listen," said the stranger, grasping the old man fiercely by the wrist; "I will have life for life, and here is ONE. MY child died, before his father's eyes, a far more agonising and painful death than that young slanderer of his sister's worth is meeting while I speak. You laughed --laughed in your daughter's face, where death had already set his hand --at our sufferings, then. What think you of them now! See there, see there!" 'As the stranger spoke, he pointed to the sea. A faint cry died away upon its surface; the last powerful struggle of the dying man agitated the rippling waves for a few seconds; and the spot where he had gone down into his early grave, was undistinguishable from the surrounding water. 'Three years had elapsed, when a gentleman alighted from a private carriage at the door of a London attorney, then well known as a man of no great nicety in his professional dealings, and requested a private interview on business of importance. Although evidently not past the prime of life, his face was pale, haggard, and dejected; and it did not require the acute perception of the man of business, to discern at a glance, that disease or suffering had done more to work a change in his appearance, than the mere hand of time could have accomplished in twice the period of his whole life. '"I wish you to undertake some legal business for me," said the stranger. 'The attorney bowed obsequiously, and glanced at a large packet which the gentleman carried in his hand. His visitor observed the look, and proceeded. '"It is no common business," "nor have these papers reached my hands without long trouble and great expense." 'The attorney cast a still more anxious look at the packet; and his visitor, untying the string that bound it, disclosed a quantity of promissory notes, with copies of deeds, and other documents. '"Upon these papers," There was a tacit understanding between him and the men into whose hands they originally went--and from whom I have by degrees purchased the whole, for treble and quadruple their nominal value--that these loans should be from time to time renewed, until a given period had elapsed. Such an understanding is nowhere expressed. He has sustained many losses of late; and these obligations accumulating upon him at once, would crush him to the earth." '"The whole amount is many thousands of pounds," said the attorney, looking over the papers. '"It is," '"What are we to do?" inquired the man of business. '"Do!" replied the client, with sudden vehemence. "Put every engine of the law in force, every trick that ingenuity can devise and rascality execute; fair means and foul; the open oppression of the law, aided by all the craft of its most ingenious practitioners. I would have him die a harassing and lingering death. Ruin him, seize and sell his lands and goods, drive him from house and home, and drag him forth a beggar in his old age, to die in a common jail." '"But the costs, my dear Sir, the costs of all this," reasoned the attorney, when he had recovered from his momentary surprise. "If the defendant be a man of straw, who is to pay the costs, Sir?" '"Name any sum," said the stranger, his hand trembling so violently with excitement, that he could scarcely hold the pen he seized as he spoke --"any sum, and it is yours. Don't be afraid to name it, man. I shall not think it dear, if you gain my object." 'The attorney named a large sum, at hazard, as the advance he should require to secure himself against the possibility of loss; but more with the view of ascertaining how far his client was really disposed to go, than with any idea that he would comply with the demand. The stranger wrote a cheque upon his banker, for the whole amount, and left him. 'The draft was duly honoured, and the attorney, finding that his strange client might be safely relied upon, commenced his work in earnest. For more than two years afterwards, Mr. Heyling would sit whole days together, in the office, poring over the papers as they accumulated, and reading again and again, his eyes gleaming with joy, the letters of remonstrance, the prayers for a little delay, the representations of the certain ruin in which the opposite party must be involved, which poured in, as suit after suit, and process after process, was commenced. To all applications for a brief indulgence, there was but one reply --the money must be paid. Land, house, furniture, each in its turn, was taken under some one of the numerous executions which were issued; and the old man himself would have been immured in prison had he not escaped the vigilance of the officers, and fled. 'The implacable animosity of Heyling, so far from being satiated by the success of his persecution, increased a hundredfold with the ruin he inflicted. On being informed of the old man's flight, his fury was unbounded. He gnashed his teeth with rage, tore the hair from his head, and assailed with horrid imprecations the men who had been intrusted with the writ. He was only restored to comparative calmness by repeated assurances of the certainty of discovering the fugitive. Agents were sent in quest of him, in all directions; every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to, for the purpose of discovering his place of retreat; but it was all in vain. Half a year had passed over, and he was still undiscovered. 'At length late one night, Heyling, of whom nothing had been seen for many weeks before, appeared at his attorney's private residence, and sent up word that a gentleman wished to see him instantly. Before the attorney, who had recognised his voice from above stairs, could order the servant to admit him, he had rushed up the staircase, and entered the drawing-room pale and breathless. Having closed the door, to prevent being overheard, he sank into a chair, and said, in a low voice-- '"Hush! I have found him at last." '"No!" said the attorney. "Well done, my dear sir, well done." '"He lies concealed in a wretched lodging in Camden Town," "Perhaps it is as well we DID lose sight of him, for he has been living alone there, in the most abject misery, all the time, and he is poor --very poor." '"Very good," "You will have the caption made to-morrow, of course?" '"Yes," "Stay! No! The next day. You are surprised at my wishing to postpone it," he added, with a ghastly smile; "but I had forgotten. The next day is an anniversary in his life: let it be done then." '"Very good," "Will you write down instructions for the officer?" '"No; let him meet me here, at eight in the evening, and I will accompany him myself." 'They met on the appointed night, and, hiring a hackney-coach, directed the driver to stop at that corner of the old Pancras Road, at which stands the parish workhouse. By the time they alighted there, it was quite dark; and, proceeding by the dead wall in front of the Veterinary Hospital, they entered a small by-street, which is, or was at that time, called Little College Street, and which, whatever it may be now, was in those days a desolate place enough, surrounded by little else than fields and ditches. 'Having drawn the travelling-cap he had on half over his face, and muffled himself in his cloak, Heyling stopped before the meanest-looking house in the street, and knocked gently at the door. It was at once opened by a woman, who dropped a curtsey of recognition, and Heyling, whispering the officer to remain below, crept gently upstairs, and, opening the door of the front room, entered at once. 'The object of his search and his unrelenting animosity, now a decrepit old man, was seated at a bare deal table, on which stood a miserable candle. He started on the entrance of the stranger, and rose feebly to his feet. '"What now, what now?" said the old man. "What fresh misery is this? What do you want here?" '"A word with YOU," As he spoke, he seated himself at the other end of the table, and, throwing off his cloak and cap, disclosed his features. 'The old man seemed instantly deprived of speech. He fell backward in his chair, and, clasping his hands together, gazed on the apparition with a mingled look of abhorrence and fear. '"This day six years," Beside the lifeless form of your daughter, old man, I swore to live a life of revenge. I have never swerved from my purpose for a moment's space; but if I had, one thought of her uncomplaining, suffering look, as she drooped away, or of the starving face of our innocent child, would have nerved me to my task. My first act of requital you well remember: this is my last." 'The old man shivered, and his hands dropped powerless by his side. '"I leave England to-morrow," said Heyling, after a moment's pause. "To-night I consign you to the living death to which you devoted her --a hopeless prison--" 'He raised his eyes to the old man's countenance, and paused. He lifted the light to his face, set it gently down, and left the apartment. '"You had better see to the old man," "I think he is ill." The woman closed the door, ran hastily upstairs, and found him lifeless. 'Beneath a plain gravestone, in one of the most peaceful and secluded churchyards in Kent, where wild flowers mingle with the grass, and the soft landscape around forms the fairest spot in the garden of England, lie the bones of the young mother and her gentle child. But the ashes of the father do not mingle with theirs; nor, from that night forward, did the attorney ever gain the remotest clue to the subsequent history of his queer client.'
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圌は蚀いたした 「人間は私たちが宇宙ず呌ぶ党䜓の䞀郚であり― 時間ず空間によっお制限された䞀郚なのである 人間は自分自身 そしお自分の考えや感情を 党䜓ずは぀ながっおいない 䜕かずしお経隓する その぀ながりのなさずいうのは 自分の意識における 県の錯芚のようなものだ この錯芚は私たちにずっおの牢獄である 私たちの願望や奜意の察象を もっずも近しい数人の人々だけに制限しおしたう 私たちの䜿呜は思いやりの茪を広げるこずで この牢獄から自由になり すべおの生きずし生けるもの 自然のすべおを その矎しさのたた受け入れるこずである」 アむンシュタむンのこの掞察は 仏教の心理に䞍思議にも近いものです この心理においお 思いやり カルヌナず呌ばれるものは こう定矩されおいたす 「他の苊しみに察する感受性 そしお その感受性に䌎っお 他を苊しみから解き攟぀意志である」 これは 愛ず䞀組になっおいたす 愛ずは他の幞犏を願う意志を蚀いたす これを実行するには もちろん 自分自身が幞犏であり そしお その幞犏を分かち合いたい ず願う必芁がありたす これが的確に瀺すのは 利己的な考えや自分勝手さは 思いやり すなわち他を気遣う心ずは 明らかに察立するものであり さらには 自身の利害に終わりなく捕われた人々は どうするこずもできずに苊しみたす その䞀方思いやりに溢れた人々は 拘束を受けるこずなく 事実䞊より幞せであるずいうこずが蚀えたす ダラむラマは思いやりは圌の最良の友であるず しばしば述べおいたす 悲しみず絶望に抌し぀ぶされそうな時 圌は思いやりによっお救われたす 思いやりによっお 圌は苊しみに背を向けるこずができるのです それがこれたで誰かが受けた苊悩のうちで 最も専制的で 最も過酷なものであっおも そしお 他人の苊しみに察する認識を深めるのです それが圌の悲痛そしお倚くの存圚に察する 加害者の苊しみであったずしおも 事実その苊しみがあたりに倧きいものであるため 圌自身の苊悩は どんどん小さく感じられるようになるのです 自分自身ぞの関心を超えより広い 他に察する関心ぞず考えを移行させるのです こう考えるこずによっお 圌は即座に明るい気分になるのです この機䌚に立ち向かう勇気を 匷く感じるこずによっお こうしお 圌は圌自身の苊しみを 思いやりの茪を広げる入り口ずしお 利甚しおいるのです 圌はアむンシュタむンのよき同業者である ず蚀えたすね さお ここで䞀぀物語をお話ししたいず思いたす むンドず仏教の䌝統においおずおも有名な 偉倧な聖人アサンガの物語です 西掋における聖アりグスティヌスず 同時代に生きた人で 仏教埒のアりグスティヌスずでも蚀えるでしょう アサンガは釈迊の時代から800幎埌に 生たれたした 圌はその圓時のむンドにおける仏教埒の行いに 䞍満を感じおいたした そこで圌は蚀いたした 「もううんざりだ だれも教矩に埓っお生きおいない 愛や思いやりや知恵や悟りに぀いお 語っおはいるけれど 人々の行動は利己的で哀れなばかりだ 釈迊の教えは もはやその時の勢いを倱ったのだ 数千幎埌には 次の釈迊が珟れるずいうこずを知っおはいるが しかし今 倩空にマむトレヌダずいう 未来の仏が存圚する よっお 私は䞖から離れ、瞑想に入り そしお私は祈る マむトレヌダが私の前に姿を珟し 私に教えを もしくは 今日の䞖界に 実践ずしおの 思いやりを取り戻すための䜕かを䞎えるたで こうしお圌は䞖俗を離れ3幎間瞑想したしたが 未来仏マむトレヌダを芋るこずは ありたせんでした 圌はうんざりし 瞑想の堎を去りたした 圌が山を䞋りおいる時 䞀人の男が 䞍思議な小さな男が 山の䞭腹に座っおおりたした 男は鉄のかたたりを持っおいお それを垃でこすっおいたした アサンガはそれに興味を持ちたした 「䜕をしおいるのだ?」ず聞くず 男は「針を䜜っおいるのです」ず蚀いたした アサンガは「そんな銬鹿な 鉄のかたたりを垃でこすっお 針を䜜るこずはできやしない」 男は蚀った「本圓でしょうか?」 そしお 皿いっぱいの針を芋せた そうしおアサンガは蚀った「よし 分かった」 圌は掞窟に戻り再び瞑想に入りたした さらに3幎が過ぎおも䜕も芋えおはきたせん 圌は再び山を去りたす 今床は山を䞋りおいくず 厖の岩棚に 䞀矜の鳥が巣を䜜っおいるのを芋たす その鳥が厖ぞ小枝を運んできお ずたっおいる所で 鳥の矜が岩に圓たり - 岩を削っおおいるのです 20センチくらいのぞこみが岩にできたのです 䜕䞖代もの鳥たちの矜が觊れるこずによっお そこでアサンガは「よし 分かった」ず蚀い 山ぞ戻りたした さらに3幎が過ぎたした 今床も9幎ずいう歳月を経おも マむトレヌダの姿を芋るこずはありたせんでした 圌は再び山を去りたす 今床は氎が滎り萜ち 絶えず氎滎の圓たる岩肌に 倧きなくがみを䜜っおいたす そうしお再び圌は山ぞ戻りたす そしお12幎の埌も珟れたせん 圌はひどく取り乱したした 巊右を芋るこずさえせず 䜕か励みになるような光景を 芋぀けるこずもありたせんでした そしおある街に蟿り着きたす 圌は壊れおしたったも同然です この街で 犬が圌に近寄りたす こんな颚に... 貧しい囜で芋かけるようなひどく惚めな犬です アメリカでも 堎所によっおはいるかもしれたせんが... ずにかくひどいなりの犬なのです そしおアサンガはこの犬に興味を持ちたす なぜなら ひどくみじめな犬で 圌の気を匕こうずしおいるからです そしお 圌は座っお犬を芳察したす この犬の埌半身党䜓が ひどくただれお 䞀郚は黒く壊死したようになっおいたした 肌にはりゞ虫がわき それはもうひどいものでした 圌は考えたす「この犬を治すために 私には䜕ができるだろうか 少なくずもこの傷をきれいにし 掗っおやるこずはできる」 そしお 圌は犬を氎のある所ぞ連れお行き 掗おうずした時 圌の意識がりゞ虫の方ぞ移りたす りゞ虫をみおいるず ちょっず可愛く思えるのです りゞ虫たちは犬の埌半身で 幞せに暮らしおいるわけです 「この犬を掗えばりゞ虫たちを 殺しおしたうこずになる それはどういうこずだ? そうか 私はたったく無甚の人間であり この䞖に仏陀もいなければ マむトレヌダも存圚しない すべおは絶望的だ そしお今私はこのりゞ虫たちを 殺すずいうのか?」 そこで圌は玠晎らしいアむデアを思い぀きたした 圌は䜕かの砎片を䜿っお 自分の倪ももの肉の䞀郚を切り取り 地面に眮きたした。 圌は動物愛護協䌚の察応を 慎重に考えおいた蚳ではありたせん ただその堎の状況に 盎ちに飲み蟌たれただけなのです そしお圌は考えたした「私がこのりゞ虫たちを 取り陀いおこの切り取った肉の䞊に眮いおやり それから犬の傷をきれいにしおやる それから りゞ虫たちをどうするか考えるこずにしよう」 圌はその䜜業を始めたすが りゞ虫たちを捕たえるこずができたせん どうもくねくねず動き回るようで りゞ虫ずいうのは捕たえるのが難しい そこで圌は蚀いたす「なら 私の舌を 犬の肉に぀けおやれば りゞ虫たちは暖かい私の舌の方ぞ飛び移るだろう この犬は食い尜くされおしたったのも 同然なのだから その埌䞀匹ず぀吐き出しおやるこずにしよう」 そこで圌は䜓を䞋げ こんな颚に舌を出したした 目を閉じなければできないこずでした それは非垞に気持ち悪く 臭いもひどい物でした するず突然 フッず音がしたした 圌は飛んで埌ろぞ䞋がり そこにはもちろん 未来仏マむトレヌダがいるのです 矎しい光景...䞃色の光 金や宝石 プラズマの肉䜓 芋たこずもないような神秘的な光景の䞭に 圌は芋いだしたのです 「ああ」ず蚀い そしお䞀瀌したす しかし人間ずはどうしようもないもので 即座に次の䞍満を考えおいたす そこで お蟞儀から頭を䞊げるなり 圌は蚀いたした 「神よ お目にかかれお光栄です それにしおも 12幎の間どこにおられたのですか? これは䞀䜓䜕なんですか?」 そこで マむトレヌダは「私はお前ず共にいたのだ 䞀䜓誰が針を䜜ったり 巣を䜜ったり 岩に氎を萜ずしたりしおいたず 思うのだ たったく のろたさんよ」ず蚀いたす 「私が盎々に仏陀を捜し求めお」 そしお圌は続けたした「この瞬間たで お前は 真の思いやりを持ち合わせおいなかったのだ 真の思いやりが身に付くたでは 愛を知るこずはできない」 マむトレヌダずは ご存知の通り サンスクリットで 愛、愛する者ずいう意味です するず アサンガは 非垞に怪蚝な面持ちをしおいたした するずマむトレヌダは「私を信じないずいうのなら 私を連れおいきなさい」 そこでアサンガはマむトレヌダを連れ... 球䜓 ボヌルに瞮んたのですが... 自分の肩に乗せたした そしお垂堎ぞ駆け蟌み蚀いたした 「みな 喜ぶがいい 未来仏がこれたでの予芋より早く珟れたのだ たさに ここに」 するず少しも経たないうちに 人々は圌に岩や石を投げはじめたした ここ(シャトヌカ)ではありたせんよ どこか他の街でした いかれたような やせこけたペガの達人のような男 足から血を流し 肩に腐った犬を乗せた ヒッピヌのような男が 未来仏が到来したず 叫んでいるのですから もちろん 人々は圌を街から远い出したした しかし 街のはずれで 䞀人の老婆 死䜓眮き堎の掃陀婊が 圌の肩の䞊に 宝石をちりばめた蓮の䞊の 食り立おられた足を芋たした そしお犬を芋たのです 圌女はマむトレヌダの足を芋たのです そこで 花を捧げたした このこずが圌を勇気づけ さらにマむトレヌダず歩みたす その埌 マむトレヌダず共に 倩囜ぞず導かれたした 仏教神話によくある筋曞きのように マむトレヌダはアサンガを倩に5幎間ずどめ 5぀の耇雑な教兞を口授したした いかに思いやりの心を育おるか に぀いおの方法論です そこで そのひず぀を皆さんず 分かち合いたいず思った蚳です 有名なひず぀は「思いやりの心を育おる 7段階の因果的方法」ず呌ばれたす この方法は たず瞑想し すべおのものは ひず぀であるず心に描くこずから始たりたす すべお 動物も含めお 皆 人の圢をずっおいるず 動物たちはある人を珟したものであるず 人は人でありたす そこで その人たちを自分の友人や近しい人々が テヌブルを囲んでいるず考えたす そしお 自分の敵 それから䞭立的関係の人たち に぀いお考えたす そこでこのように蚀っおみるのです「たあ 自分の愛する人たちを自分は愛しおいるわけだ けれど 結局の所 圌らは私に芪切にしおくれおいるわけで けんかをするこずもあれば 時には優しくもなくなる 私も怒る 兄匟だっおけんかする 芪ず子䟛もけんかする そう考えるず 私は圌らが自分に優しいからこそ 圌らのこずが奜きだず蚀える 䞭立的関係の人たちに぀いおはよく分からない 圌らはみな 問題ないだろう 敵のこずが嫌いなのは 圌らが私に䞍芪切だからだ しかし 圌らだっお誰かには優しいはずだ その誰かが私であるこずだっおあるだろう」 ここで 仏教埒はもちろん考えるわけです みな途切れなく前䞖を生きたず考えるのですから 仏教埒たちは 実際のずころ誰もが芪戚だず考え そしお 誰もが すなわちあなたたちすべおが 仏教的芳点では 前䞖においお あなたが 芚えおいなかった ずしおも 私も芚えおはいたせんが 私の母であるずいえるのです そこで これたで母であったあなたに 私がかけた迷惑に぀いお謝っおおきたす さらに 実は 私はあなたの母でもあったのです 私は女性であり そしお 前䞖においお あなた方ひずりひずりの母であったのです 仏教ではこのように考えるのです 私には珟䞖に玠晎らしい母がいたす しかし ある意味 すべおのみなさんが 氞久の母の䞀郚であるのです 氞久のママなんお ずいう衚情をされおいたすね それは玠晎らしいず 仏教埒はこのように考えるのです 䞀神論者 キリスト教埒は すべおは敵であっおも 神の子であるず考えたす だから その意味で 我々は芪戚であるず こうしお たず 平等ずいう芳念を基瀎に眮くのです そしお 近しい人ぞの愛着を 少しず぀枛らしおいくようにするのです 始め 瞑想の内で 次に 芋知らぬ人々ぞず心を開いおいくのです そしお 確実に敵察心を枛らしおゆきたす 「思いやりなど瀺したくない」ずいう気持ちを 悪者だず思っおいる人 嫌悪するもしくは奜きではない人たちに察しお 枛らしおいくのです そうなるず もう誰も嫌いではなくなりたす こうしお平等にしおいくのです これは非垞に重芁なこずです そしお 次には母芪の認識ずいうこずを行いたす すべおのものは芪しい家族であるず考えたす そこから広げお ママに぀いおの思い出を 瞑想の内においお すべおのものに広げおいくのです そしお すべおのものに母を芋るのです 母の顔に芋られるあの衚情 奇跡である子䟛を芋る時の ほ乳類ずしお 自分自身の䜓から䜜り出した子䟛を そこには 真の思いやりがありたす 他ずたさに䞀䜓になるのです しばしば 自分自身の呜よりも 他の呜の方が より倧切になる だからこそ これは最も匷い圢の 利他䞻矩ず蚀えるのです 母芪ずいうのは 人間にずっおの利他䞻矩の兞型でありたす 粟神䞖界の䌝統においお こうしお すべおのものに 母芪の姿が芋える様になるたでじっくり考えるのです 私は笑われるのです 以前よく チェむニヌ(前副倧統領)を母さんず思っお 瞑想しおいたものですから その頃 私は圌のむラクでのひどい行いに 倧倉嫌気を感じおいたした ゞョヌゞ・ブッシュ(前倧統領)を考えお 瞑想しおいたこずもありたす 圌は女性ずしおは なかなか可愛いお母さんですよ ちっちゃい耳があっお 笑っお優しく腕のなかであやしおくれるのです 圌がおっぱいをくれおいるず考えるのですよ サダム・フセむンじゃ あの濃い口ひげがちょっず問題ですが 圌のこずも お母さんず考えるのです こうするのです どうも自分にしっくりこない人たちの誰もを 自分に芪しい人ず思えるように出来ないか やっおみるのです それをしばらくやるず 本圓に分かるようになるのです すべおのものに芪近感を持぀ように 誰もよそ者ずは思えたせん 「他人」ではないのです すべおのものを他人事ず感じるこずが枛るのです そしお そこから広く母の優しさを感じるこずぞず 移行しおいきたす 自分自身の母芪の優しさを芚えおいられるなら 劻や倫の優しさを芚えおいられるなら もしくは あなた自身が母であるなら 自分の子䟛ずいる時のこずを芚えおいられるなら するず ずおも感傷的になりはじめ 非垞に匷い感傷性を抱く様になりたす 感謝の気持ちず芪切心から 泣いおしたうかもしれたせん その感情を 皆が持ち合わせおいる 母のような優しさず぀なげるのです すべおのものは ひどく意地悪そうであっおも 母性を持ちうるのです そしお 䞉番目に 感謝の気持ちぞず移りたす これたでにあなたに瀺された芪切を 返したくなるのです そしお 四段階目ずしお 愛しき愛ず呌ばれるものぞ進みたす これらそれぞれの段階は 䜕週間 䜕ヶ月 もしくは数日間をかけお あなたのやり方で瞑想するのです 急いでやっおも構いたせん そしお 幞せである時にみなはいかに矎しいか 満足した時にもいかにそうであるかを考えたす すべおのものは 心から幞犏を感じおいる時には 矎しく芋えるものです こんな顔にはなりたせん 怒りを感じる時には どんなものでもひどい顔になるのです 幞せな時には 矎しくみえるものです そこで 幞犏でありうるものずしお すべおのものを芋るのです たずえ敵であっおも 幞せであっおほしいず考え 圌らに察する愛を感じるのです キリストが汝の敵を愛せよず蚀うずき ずおも非珟実的であるず感じたくなりたす 圌は確かにそう蚀いたす そしお 私たちは キリストは非珟実的で 粟神的で高尚だけれども 「いいこずは蚀っおも 自分にはできない」ずなる蚳です しかし 実のずころ これは実践的なのです あなたの敵を愛するずいうこずは あなたの敵に幞せになっおほしいずいうこずです あなたの敵が幞せなら 圌らは敵でありたいだなんお思うでしょうか? 走っおあなたを远い回すのなんお 退屈ですよ 楜しいひずずきを過ごし どこかでのんびりしおいる方がいいでしょう だから 敵に幞せになっおほしいずいうのは 理にかなったこずなのです 敵であるずいうこずは厄介なこずですから そんなこずはやめおしたうでしょう ずいうこずで これが愛しき愛です そしお 最埌に五段階目が思いやりです 生きずし生けるものぞの思いやり 考え぀く限りすべおのものの珟実を 芋぀めるのです 芋぀めお どんな状態であるかを知るのです みながどんなに䞍幞か 事実 倧抵の堎合にそうであるこずに気づきたす 人々の額の深いしわが芋えたす 人々は自分に察しおさえ 思いやりを持おないずいうこずに気づきたす 矩務や責任に远い回されお 「あれを手に入れたい もっず欲しい 私に䟡倀などない 䜕かしなければ」 ず走り回り ストレスでたいっおいるのです それを たくたしい 匷い自埋粟神の珟れだず 思ったりするのですが 実際には 自分に残酷なだけのこずです そしお もちろん 圌らは他人に察しおも残酷で非情なのです そしお決しお励たしを埗るこずがありたせん 成功すればするほど 暩力を持おば持぀ほど より䞍幞せになっおなっおいくのです そしおこの点こそが 圌らに真の思いやりを感じるずころなのです そしお 䜕かしなければいけないず思いたす そしお それこそが動機なのです どういう行動を起こすかずいう遞択が 願わくは珟実的なものであるずいいのですが 犬に぀いたりゞ虫たちを なんずかしようずしおいた惚めなアサンガよりは 圌には動機があったのです たずえ誰が圌の前にいたずしおも 圌は助けおやりたかった それは実際的な行動ではなかったのですが その街に動物愛護協䌚を蚭立しお 犬ずりゞ虫に぀いお 科孊的な揎助を受ければよかったのです 圌は埌にきっずそうしたず思いたすよ しかしそれは心理状態の問題ですよね 生きずし生けるものぞの思いやりの次の 六段階目は 他が必芁ずするこずず 自分が真にに぀ながるずいうこずです そしお 自分自身に察しお思いやりを持぀こずです 感傷的にそう思うだけでなく 䜕かに恐怖を抱いおいるのかもしれたせん だれか悪いや぀が 圌自身をどんどん䞍幞にし 他人に察しおも どんどん意地悪になっおいく そしお来䞖で 色々な意味で 眰をうける 仏教では 来䞖で刀明するずいうこずになっおいたす 神を信じる宗教では 神ずかそういうものによっお眰せられるわけです そしお 唯物論では 存圚が終わるこずで 逃げられるず考えるのです 死ぬこずによっお しかし そうはいきたせん 䜕か別のものに生たれ倉わるのですから た いいです ここでは深入りしたせん 次のステップは 生きずし生けるものぞの責任ず呌ばれたす これは非垞に重芁です 思いやりの憲章ずいうものは 真の思いやりを通じお 私たちを 生きずし生けるものぞの責任ぞず 導かねばなりたせん それは 聖なるダラむラマの 玠晎らしい教えに぀ながりたす 圌がい぀でも どこでも教えおいるこずです 圌は蚀いたす 人類の共通の宗教は 優しさであるず しかし優しさずは 生きずし生けるものぞの責任を意味したす それが他で起こっおいるこずは 私たちにも起こっおいるずいうこずです 私たちはそのこずに察しおの責任があり 䜕ずかしなければならない どんな些现なレベルであっおも 出来るこずはなんでもする 自分たちにできる皋床のレベルで 私たちは断然そうしなければなりたせん そうしない ずいう理由はありたせん そうするず ぀いに生呜の新しい方向性が芋えおくるのです そこでは 私たちも他もみなが 平等に暮らし 喜びに満ち 幞せになれるのです 思いやりがあなたを惚めにする ずは考えおはいけたせん 思いやりはあなたを幞せにするのです 玠晎らしい思いやりを手に入れ 䞀番始めに幞せになるのはあなた自身です ただ他の人に なにもしおあげおいなかったずしおも あなたの心持ちの倉化は すでに他に察し䜕かの圱響を䞎えおいるのです みなは あなたのこの新しい資質を感じるのです そしお そのこずは圌らをすでに助けおいるのです よい䟋を䞎えおいるのですから あの 思いやりのない時蚈が 私にはもう時間がないず蚀っおいたす ですから 思いやりを実践しおください 憲章を読み 広く人々に知らせ 自分自身の䞭に育おおください 自分には思いやりがあるずかないずか ただ思うだけで終わらないでください そこから動けないず思わないで あなたの䞭に育おるこずができるのです 思いやりのなさを枛らし 残酷さや冷淡さ 他を軜芖するこずを 枛らしおいくこずで 他ぞの責任を果たすのです するず 神や氞遠のママが あなたに埮笑みかけるだけでなく カレン・アヌムストロング (思いやり憲章の創蚭者)も埮笑むでしょう ありがずうございたした
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion, to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." This insight of Einstein's is uncannily close to that of Buddhist psychology, wherein compassion -- "karuna," it is called -- is defined as, "the sensitivity to another's suffering and the corresponding will to free the other from that suffering." It pairs closely with love, which is the will for the other to be happy, which requires, of course, that one feels some happiness oneself and wishes to share it. This is perfect in that it clearly opposes self-centeredness and selfishness to compassion, the concern for others, and, further, it indicates that those caught in the cycle of self-concern suffer helplessly, while the compassionate are more free and, implicitly, more happy. The Dalai Lama often states that compassion is his best friend. It helps him when he is overwhelmed with grief and despair. Compassion helps him turn away from the feeling of his suffering as the most absolute, most terrible suffering anyone has ever had and broadens his awareness of the sufferings of others, even of the perpetrators of his misery and the whole mass of beings. In fact, suffering is so huge and enormous, his own becomes less and less monumental. And he begins to move beyond his self-concern into the broader concern for others. And this immediately cheers him up, as his courage is stimulated to rise to the occasion. Thus, he uses his own suffering as a doorway to widening his circle of compassion. He is a very good colleague of Einstein's, we must say. Now, I want to tell a story, which is a very famous story in the Indian and Buddhist tradition, of the great Saint Asanga who was a contemporary of Augustine in the West and was sort of like the Buddhist Augustine. And Asanga lived 800 years after the Buddha's time. And he was discontented with the state of people's practice of the Buddhist religion in India at that time. And so he said, "I'm sick of all this. Nobody's really living the doctrine. They're talking about love and compassion and wisdom and enlightenment, but they are acting selfish and pathetic. So, Buddha's teaching has lost its momentum. I know the next Buddha will come a few thousand years from now, but exists currently in a certain heaven" -- that's Maitreya -- "so, I'm going to go on a retreat and I'm going to meditate and pray until the Buddha Maitreya reveals himself to me, and gives me a teaching or something to revive the practice of compassion in the world today." So he went on this retreat. And he meditated for three years and he did not see the future Buddha Maitreya. And he left in disgust. And as he was leaving, he saw a man -- a funny little man sitting sort of part way down the mountain. And he had a lump of iron. And he was rubbing it with a cloth. And he became interested in that. He said, "Well what are you doing?" And the man said, "I'm making a needle." And he said, "That's ridiculous. You can't make a needle by rubbing a lump of iron with a cloth." And the man said, "Really?" And he showed him a dish full of needles. So he said, "Okay, I get the point." He went back to his cave. He meditated again. Another three years, no vision. He leaves again. This time, he comes down. And as he's leaving, he sees a bird making a nest on a cliff ledge. And where it's landing to bring the twigs to the cliff, its feathers brushes the rock -- and it had cut the rock six to eight inches in. There was a cleft in the rock by the brushing of the feathers of generations of the birds. So he said, "All right. I get the point." He went back. Another three years. Again, no vision of Maitreya after nine years. And he again leaves, and this time: water dripping, making a giant bowl in the rock where it drips in a stream. And so, again, he goes back. And after 12 years there is still no vision. And he's freaked out. And he won't even look left or right to see any encouraging vision. And he comes to the town. He's a broken person. And there, in the town, he's approached by a dog who comes like this -- one of these terrible dogs you can see in some poor countries, even in America, I think, in some areas -- and he's looking just terrible. And he becomes interested in this dog because it's so pathetic, and it's trying to attract his attention. And he sits down looking at the dog. And the dog's whole hindquarters are a complete open sore. Some of it is like gangrenous, and there are maggots in the flesh. And it's terrible. He thinks, "What can I do to fix up this dog? Well, at least I can clean this wound and wash it." So, he takes it to some water. He's about to clean, but then his awareness focuses on the maggots. And he sees the maggots, and the maggots are kind of looking a little cute. And they're maggoting happily in the dog's hindquarters there. "Well, if I clean the dog, I'll kill the maggots. So how can that be? That's it. I'm a useless person and there's no Buddha, no Maitreya, and everything is all hopeless. And now I'm going to kill the maggots?" So, he had a brilliant idea. And he took a shard of something, and cut a piece of flesh from his thigh, and he placed it on ground. He was not really thinking too carefully about the ASPCA. He was just immediately caught with the situation. So he thought, "I will take the maggots and put them on this piece of flesh, then clean the dog's wounds, and then I'll figure out what to do with the maggots." So he starts to do that. He can't grab the maggots. Apparently they wriggle around. They're kind of hard to grab, these maggots. So he says, "Well, I'll put my tongue on the dog's flesh. And then the maggots will jump on my warmer tongue" -- the dog is kind of used up -- "and then I'll spit them one by one down on the thing." So he goes down, and he's sticking his tongue out like this. And he had to close his eyes, it's so disgusting, and the smell and everything. And then, suddenly, there's a pfft, a noise like that. He jumps back and there, of course, is the future Buddha Maitreya in a beautiful vision -- rainbow lights, golden, jeweled, a plasma body, an exquisite mystic vision -- that he sees. And he says, "Oh." He bows. But, being human, he's immediately thinking of his next complaint. So as he comes up from his first bow he says, "My Lord, I'm so happy to see you, but where have you been for 12 years? What is this?" And Maitreya says, "I was with you. Who do you think was making needles and making nests and dripping on rocks for you, mister dense?" "Looking for the Buddha in person," he said. And he said, "You didn't have, until this moment, real compassion. And, until you have real compassion, you cannot recognize love." "Maitreya" means love, "the loving one," in Sanskrit. And so he looked very dubious, Asanga did. And he said, "If you don't believe me, just take me with you." And so he took the Maitreya -- it shrunk into a globe, a ball -- took him on his shoulder. And he ran into town in the marketplace, and he said, "Rejoice! Rejoice! The future Buddha has come ahead of all predictions. Here he is." And then pretty soon they started throwing rocks and stones at him -- it wasn't Chautauqua, it was some other town -- because they saw a demented looking, scrawny looking yogi man, like some kind of hippie, with a bleeding leg and a rotten dog on his shoulder, shouting that the future Buddha had come. So, naturally, they chased him out of town. But on the edge of town, one elderly lady, a charwoman in the charnel ground, saw a jeweled foot on a jeweled lotus on his shoulder and then the dog, but she saw the jewel foot of the Maitreya, and she offered a flower. So that encouraged him, and he went with Maitreya. Maitreya then took him to a certain heaven, which is the typical way a Buddhist myth unfolds. And Maitreya then kept him in heaven for five years, dictating to him five complicated tomes of the methodology of how you cultivate compassion. And then I thought I would share with you what that method is, or one of them. A famous one, it's called the "Sevenfold Causal Method of Developing Compassion." And it begins first by one meditating and visualizing that all beings are with one -- even animals too, but everyone is in human form. The animals are in one of their human lives. The humans are human. And then, among them, you think of your friends and loved ones, the circle at the table. And you think of your enemies, and you think of the neutral ones. And then you try to say, "Well, the loved ones I love. But, you know, after all, they're nice to me. I had fights with them. Sometimes they were unfriendly. I got mad. Brothers can fight. Parents and children can fight. So, in a way, I like them so much because they're nice to me. While the neutral ones I don't know. They could all be just fine. And then the enemies I don't like because they're mean to me. But they are nice to somebody. I could be them." And then the Buddhists, of course, think that, because we've all had infinite previous lives, we've all been each other's relatives, actually. Therefore all of you, in the Buddhist view, in some previous life, although you don't remember it and neither do I, have been my mother -- for which I do apologize for the trouble I caused you. And also, actually, I've been your mother. I've been female, and I've been every single one of yours' mother in a previous life, the way the Buddhists reflect. So, my mother in this life is really great. But all of you in a way are part of the eternal mother. You gave me that expression; "the eternal mama," you said. That's wonderful. So, that's the way the Buddhists do it. A theist Christian can think that all beings, even my enemies, are God's children. So, in that sense, we're related. So, they first create this foundation of equality. So, we sort of reduce a little of the clinging to the ones we love -- just in the meditation -- and we open our mind to those we don't know. And we definitely reduce the hostility and the "I don't want to be compassionate to them" to the ones we think of as the bad guys, the ones we hate and we don't like. And we don't hate anyone, therefore. So we equalize. That's very important. And then the next thing we do is what is called "mother recognition." And that is, we think of every being as familiar, as family. We expand. We take the feeling about remembering a mama, and we defuse that to all beings in this meditation. And we see the mother in every being. We see that look that the mother has on her face, looking at this child that is a miracle that she has produced from her own body, being a mammal, where she has true compassion, truly is the other, and identifies completely. Often the life of that other will be more important to her than her own life. And that's why it's the most powerful form of altruism. The mother is the model of all altruism for human beings, in spiritual traditions. And so, we reflect until we can sort of see that motherly expression in all beings. People laugh at me because, you know, I used to say that I used to meditate on mama Cheney as my mom, when, of course, I was annoyed with him about all of his evil doings in Iraq. I used to meditate on George Bush. He's quite a cute mom in a female form. He has his little ears and he smiles and he rocks you in his arms. And you think of him as nursing you. And then Saddam Hussein's serious mustache is a problem, but you think of him as a mom. And this is the way you do it. You take any being who looks weird to you, and you see how they could be familiar to you. And you do that for a while, until you really feel that. You can feel the familiarity of all beings. Nobody seems alien. They're not "other." You reduce the feeling of otherness about beings. Then you move from there to remembering the kindness of mothers in general, if you can remember the kindness of your own mother, if you can remember the kindness of your spouse, or, if you are a mother yourself, how you were with your children. And you begin to get very sentimental; you cultivate sentimentality intensely. You will even weep, perhaps, with gratitude and kindness. And then you connect that with your feeling that everyone has that motherly possibility. Every being, even the most mean looking ones, can be motherly. And then, third, you step from there to what is called "a feeling of gratitude." You want to repay that kindness that all beings have shown to you. And then the fourth step, you go to what is called "lovely love." In each one of these you can take some weeks, or months, or days depending on how you do it, or you can do them in a run, this meditation. And then you think of how lovely beings are when they are happy, when they are satisfied. And every being looks beautiful when they are internally feeling a happiness. Their face doesn't look like this. When they're angry, they look ugly, every being, but when they're happy they look beautiful. And so you see beings in their potential happiness. And you feel a love toward them and you want them to be happy, even the enemy. We think Jesus is being unrealistic when he says, "Love thine enemy." He does say that, and we think he's being unrealistic and sort of spiritual and highfalutin. "Nice for him to say it, but I can't do that." But, actually, that's practical. If you love your enemy that means you want your enemy to be happy. If your enemy was really happy, why would they bother to be your enemy? How boring to run around chasing you. They would be relaxing somewhere having a good time. So it makes sense to want your enemy to be happy, because they'll stop being your enemy because that's too much trouble. But anyway, that's the "lovely love. " And then finally, the fifth step is compassion, "universal compassion." And that is where you then look at the reality of all the beings you can think of. And you look at them, and you see how they are. And you realize how unhappy they are actually, mostly, most of the time. You see that furrowed brow in people. And then you realize they don't even have compassion on themselves. They're driven by this duty and this obligation. "I have to get that. I need more. I'm not worthy. And I should do something." And they're rushing around all stressed out. And they think of it as somehow macho, hard discipline on themselves. But actually they are cruel to themselves. And, of course, they are cruel and ruthless toward others. And they, then, never get any positive feedback. And the more they succeed and the more power they have, the more unhappy they are. And this is where you feel real compassion for them. And you then feel you must act. And the choice of the action, of course, hopefully will be more practical than poor Asanga, who was fixing the maggots on the dog because he had that motivation, and whoever was in front of him, he wanted to help. But, of course, that is impractical. He should have founded the ASPCA in the town and gotten some scientific help for dogs and maggots. And I'm sure he did that later. But that just indicates the state of mind, you know. And so the next step -- the sixth step beyond "universal compassion" -- is this thing where you're linked with the needs of others in a true way, and you have compassion for yourself also, and it isn't sentimental only. You might be in fear of something. Some bad guy is making himself more and more unhappy being more and more mean to other people and getting punished in the future for it in various ways. And in Buddhism, they catch it in the future life. Of course in theistic religion they're punished by God or whatever. And materialism, they think they get out of it just by not existing, by dying, but they don't. And so they get reborn as whatever, you know. Never mind. I won't get into that. But the next step is called "universal responsibility." And that is very important -- the Charter of Compassion must lead us to develop through true compassion, what is called "universal responsibility." In the great teaching of his Holiness the Dalai Lama that he always teaches everywhere, he says that that is the common religion of humanity: kindness. But "kindness" means "universal responsibility." And that means whatever happens to other beings is happening to us: we are responsible for that, and we should take it and do whatever we can at whatever little level and small level that we can do it. We absolutely must do that. There is no way not to do it. And then, finally, that leads to a new orientation in life where we live equally for ourselves and for others and we are joyful and happy. One thing we mustn't think is that compassion makes you miserable. Compassion makes you happy. The first person who is happy when you get great compassion is yourself, even if you haven't done anything yet for anybody else. Although, the change in your mind already does something for other beings: they can sense this new quality in yourself, and it helps them already, and gives them an example. And that uncompassionate clock has just showed me that it's all over. So, practice compassion, read the charter, disseminate it and develop it within yourself. Don't just think, "Well, I'm compassionate," or "I'm not compassionate," and sort of think you're stuck there. You can develop this. You can diminish the non-compassion, the cruelty, the callousness, the neglect of others, and take universal responsibility for them. And then, not only will God smile and the eternal mama will smile, but Karen Armstrong will smile. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
But the sequence of reforms is critical for successful economic development, with economic reforms coming first. When an open and well functioning market system is in place, democracy has a much better chance to lead to lasting prosperity.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
前線に立぀のはクラりドず俺。カタナを抜いた俺ず盟を構えたクラりドがに䞊ぶ。 広がっお埅ち受けるのは、敵が埌ろに抜けないようにするためだ。 サリカずザナスティアは魔法偏重型なので埌ろぞ。察しおサリノァンは䞭間距離を維持する遊撃に入りたいを䞻匵しおいた。 「じゃ、ザナスティアさんずサリカさんは埌方から攻撃、レティヌナは――」 「ザナスっお呌んで。ね?」 「う、うん。えず、レティヌナは䞇が䞀に備えおサポヌトに。できる?」 「問題ありたせんわ」 「ミシェルちゃんは......」 俺の蚀葉に、ミシェルちゃんは目を茝かせお拳を握った。やる気に満ち満ちおいる。 そんなにあの鳥が食いたいのか? 食いたいのだろうな。 「䞀撃で仕留めちゃうから埅機で」 「えヌ」 圌女が参戊しおしたっおは、䞀瞬でカタが付いおしたうだろう。孊院の課題である以䞊、さすがにそれはバツが悪い。 「そんな残念そうな声出さなくおも、逃がしたりしないよ」 「でもニコルちゃん、どっか抜けおるずこあるし」 「ミシェルちゃん、最近容赊ないね......」 初等郚では深窓の什嬢が慣れない前衛を必死に頑匵る、ずいう認識をなぜか確立しおいた俺ではあるが、ラりムキゞを狩るくらいのこずでドゞを螏んだりしない。 あの鳥は捕たえるのに少々コツがあるが、それほど難しい事ではなかった。 「いい? ラりムキゞを狩るなら䞀撃で仕留めるか、それができないなら、察抗できるず思わせれるくらい匱い攻撃を加えればいい。そうすれば盞手からこっちに近付いおくれるから」 「じゃあ、わたしが撃った方が早いじゃない?」 「だからそれだず課題にならないんだっお。レティヌナなら䞀撃で倒せるだろうけど、今回は控えおおいお。盞手が逃げそうになったら攻撃しお」 「わかりたしたわ」 反論なく頷いたレティヌナだが、それを聞いおサリカが緊匵した声を䞊げる。 「埅っおください! それだず、攻撃圹が私たになっおしたいたす」 「うん、そうだね。はっきり蚀っお、レティヌナずかミシェルちゃんはあの皋床の盞手なら䜙裕で倒せちゃうから。それはわたしも同じなんだけど」 「それっお、あなたたちのためにはならないよ?」 「あぅっ!?」 それぞれがある皋床圹割を持ち、それをこなしおこそ他の生埒からの䞭傷を避けられる。 「倧䞈倫だよ。クラりドがいるから怪我する心配もないし、逃げられそうになったらレティヌナずミシェルちゃんが倒すから」 「そう、なんです?」 「たかせおくださいたし!」 「レティヌナの腕前は......知っおるよね?」 圌女がこの高等郚に転入しお、もうしばらく経぀。その間に圌女の魔法の腕の優秀さは、クラス党員の知るずころずなっおいた。 俺も、知識面では優秀な成瞟を収めおいる。慣れない錬金術ではミスも倚いが、そこはご愛敬だ。 「で、では思い切っお......」 「その皋床、思い切った内に入らないよ。サリカさんの腕なら倧䞈倫」 干枉系魔法しか䜿えない俺ずは、比べ物にならないほど優秀だ。 あいにく、ザナスティアの胜力たでは把握しきれおいないが、ラりムキゞはサリカ䞀人でも倒せる皋床の敵だ。 「じゃ、いくよ!」 緊匵する二人を尻目に、俺は拳より少し小さい石をいく぀か拟い䞊げ぀぀、ラりムキゞずの距離を詰めた。 そしお盞手に気付かれるより先に投擲。ラりムキゞは最初こそ驚いお留たっおいた枝から飛びあがったが、こちらの攻撃がか匱い投石しかないず知るず嚁嚇の声を䞊げおきた。 それでも俺は投石をやめない。これに苛立ったのか、ラりムキゞは倧きく矜を広げたのち、こちらに急降䞋しおきた。 「囮成功!」 俺はそう声を䞊げるず倧きく埌ろに飛び退いた。そこにはクラりドが控えおいお、盟を構えた圌ず䜍眮を入れ替える。 入れ替わった動きに察応できず、クラりドの盟の衚面をガリガリず音を立おお削るラりムキゞ。だがハスタヌル神によっお敎備された盟は、たずえ衚面玠材がただの鉄ず蚀えど、䞀段高い防埡力を持っおいた。 盟に裏打ちされた邪竜の革たで貫くこずもできず、諊めお飛び䞊がろうずするラりムキゞ。しかしそうはさせじず、俺は倧きく声を匵り䞊げた。 「サリカさん、今!」 「は、はい!」 声に応えお慌おお魔法陣を描き始めるサリカ。しかしその手付きは この郚䜍は鳥にずっお矜ばたきの倧きな起点になる堎所で、ここを傷付けられおはたずもに飛翔するこずができなくなっおしたう。 片膝を぀いお着地する俺。そしおその䞊に舞い萜ちおきたラりムキゞ。 さすがに真䞊に萜ちおくるのは想定倖だったので、慌おお真暪に転がっお避ける。 うっかり䞋敷きになった堎合、その倧きな爪で怪我をしおしたうかもしれないからだ。 発動したのは、二人ずも炎の匟䞞を発射する しかしそれだけでは仕留めきるには至らなかった。 身䜓の各所に火傷を負い、悲鳎のような鳎き声を䞊げ、苊痛にのたうちながらも再び飛び立ずうずする。 そこぞクラりドが盟を䜿っお地面に抌し付けようずした。しかしこれは間に合いそうになかった。 もちろんレティヌナはこれに察応しおいた、魔法陣をすでに完成させ、あずは発動するだけずいう状況になっおいる。 ミシェルちゃんずクラりドは䞀瞬俺に芖線を向けるが、これは俺がやったこずではない。 「ぞえ、糞䜿いか――」 「操糞のギフト持ちでね。俺は䞀本しか䜿えないけど、たあ、こういう時は䟿利かな」 しかし絶劙なタむミングで干枉しおくるずころ、なかなかいい刀断をしおいる。 ラりムキゞはすでに飛び立぀力もなく地面に転がっおいる。埌はトドメを刺すだけなのだが、サリカたちの様子を芋るず、もがき続けるラりムキゞに怖気付いたのか、远撃の魔法すら攟おず硬盎しおいた。 俺は小さく呟き、カタナを持ち替える。貎族の嚘ずしおは、平然ずトドメを刺せるレティヌナの方が異垞なのだろう。 足掻くラりムキゞに歩み寄り、逆手に持ったカタナを振りかざしお銖元に突き立おた。 喉を傷付けられたラりムキゞは、断末魔の叫びすら䞊げるこずができず、䜕床か痙攣を繰り返した埌、動きを止める。 こうしお俺たちの班の最初の戊闘は、幕を閉じたのだった。
The ones standing at the front were Cloud and me. I pulled out my katana while Cloud set up his shield side by side. The reason we spread out like that was so the enemy would not be able to slip behind us. Celica and Zanastia were focused on magic so they were behind. Sullivan on the other hand insisted on being a mid-range attacker. “Okay, Zanastia and Celica, you attack from behind. Letina—” “Please call me Zanas, okay?” “O-Okay. Err, Letina, remain as a support in case anything happens. Can you do it?” “No problem at all.” “As for Michelle...” Michelle’s eyes glittered as she made a fist at my call. She was overflowing with motivation. Did she really wanna eat that bird so much? I bet she did. “Leave it to me!” “You’ll just one-shot it, so stand by.” “Boo.” Her skill was already among the best. If she participates, it would end in an instant. This was an assignment from the academy, so doing that would be a bit awkward. “No need to sound so dejected, we won’t let it go.” “But you tend to be careless, Nicole.” “You’re really not holding your punches lately, huh...” In the elementary grade, I was seen as a closeted maiden desperately trying to be a vanguard she wasn’t used to being, but I wouldn’t make such a blunder that I’d let a Raum Pheasant go. Catching that bird did need a bit of skill, but nothing too difficult. “Okay, listen. When you’re hunting a Raum Pheasant, you either need to take it down with one move, or if you can’t, deal a weak enough attack to make it think it can take you on. If you do that, it will come rushing towards you on its own.” “Then, wouldn’t it be faster if I attack it?” “Again, there would be no point in this assignment if you do that. I know you can probably take it down with one move, Letina, but hold back this time. If you think it will run, then you can shoot.” “Alright.” Letina nodded without opposition, but hearing that, Celica raised her voice looking nervous. “Please wait! That would mean the two of us have to take on the attacker roles.” “Yeah. Honestly, Both Letina and Michelle can easily take down an enemy of that level. And I’m the same.” “If we do that, that won’t help you at all.” , people could object that they just leeched off us and didn’t finish the assignment. If we all play our roles to a degree, they can avoid slander from other students. “It’s okay. We have Cloud so you won’t get injured, and if it is about to escape, Letina and Michelle will defeat it.” “Really?” “You know Letina’s skill... right?” It has been some time since she transferred to this senior academy. Everyone in the class got to know how amazing her skill was during this time. I also had outstanding marks as far as knowledge went. I made some blunders with the alchemy that I wasn’t used to, but I was just doing it for fun. “Then I will give it my all...” “You don’t have to do that for an enemy of that level. You should be fine with your skill, Celica.” Even she had quite good results in our class. Unlike me who could only use the interference magic, she was incomparably superior. I, unfortunately, didn’t know Zanastia’s ability, but Raum Pheasant could be defeated by Celica alone. “Then here we go!” While glancing at the tense duo, I picked up a stone smaller than my fist and closed the distance with the Raum Pheasant. Then threw it before it even noticed me. It was first surprised and jumped up from the branch where it sat, but once it realized that my attack only amounted to a weak stone throw, it gave a threatening cry. Even so, I didn’t stop throwing stones. That seemed to piss it off, it spread its wings and swooped down. “Luring success!” Cloud stood there with his shield on, so I switched places with him. The Raum Pheasant failed to adjust to the replacement of the target and grazed the shield’s surface with a loud scratching sound. But the shield that was maintained by God Hastur, even if its surface was just iron, offered much more defensive power. The Raum Pheasant failed to pierce the Evil Dragon’s leather lining of the shield, so it gave up and tried to fly away. But then I yelled, intent not to give it that chance. “Celica, now!” “O-Okay!” Responding to my voice she hurriedly started to construct a magic circle. But her actions were quite crude, so it seemed like it would escape at this rate. Thus, I made a big jump and slashed its wing at its base. This part was the point used for flapping the wings, so wounding it meant it would be unable to fly properly. I landed on my knee. Then the Raum Pheasant came falling down on me. “Uwah!?” I didn’t expect it to just come crashing down, so I hurriedly rolled to the side. If I got carelessly pinned under it, its giant claws could wound me. When I took distance, Celica and Zanastia’s spells were finally finished. Both of them released the Firebolt spell that shot fire bullets. They landed on the fallen Raum Pheasant in succession. But that wasn’t enough to land the finishing blow. It got burned all over its body and gave a cry of agony as it tried to get up while writhing in pain. Then Cloud decided to use his shield to push it to the ground, but it didn’t seem like he would make it in time. Letina, naturally, was ready for this. Her spell was already constructed and only needed to be released. She just needed to put an end to it—just as I was thinking that, something unexpected happened. The Raum Pheasant that was trying to escape had a steel thread twined around its wing. Michelle and Cloud looked at me for a moment, but it didn’t belong to me. Looking behind, I saw Sullivan manipulating a single thread. “Oh, so you were a thread user...” “I have the Thread Manipulation Gift. I can only use one thread, but it’s handy in these situations.” He responded not with his usual frivolous tone but an unusually serious one. Still, he had quite good judgmental skills for him to interfere during that perfect timing. The Raum Pheasant lost the strength to run away and had fallen to the ground. It only needed a finishing blow, but when I looked at Celica and Zanastia, they were stiffened in place without even managing to fire their spells, perhaps seized by fear from seeing the pheasant squirm on the ground. I muttered to myself and switched the grip on my katana. Perhaps Letina, who could deal the finishing blow without trouble, was the odd one among the noble girls. I approached the squirming Raum Pheasant, raised the katana that I held in a reverse grip, and stabbed it at the base of its neck. Having its throat pierced, the pheasant couldn’t even raise its dying scream, and after convulsing a few times, it stopped moving. And with that, the first battle of our party came to an end.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
私は䜓をグッず䞊に䌞ばす。ここたで来た反動で、疲れを感じおいる。 かなり神経を集䞭させおいたからかしら......。けど、今からが本番なのよね。 「疲れたか?」 「たさか」 私は匷気な態床を芋せる。こんなずころでノィクタヌになめられるわけにはいかないもの。 ......ずいうか、ノィクタヌもレオンも普通の人間じゃない。疲れるなんお単語䜿ったこずなさそうだわ。 「䞻は䜕か考えがあるんですか?」 「䜕もないわ」 堂々ず答えお、レオンに埮笑む。 たさかそんな答えを想像しおいなかったのか、レオンは「え」ず固たる。ノィクタヌは「やっぱりな」ず驚きもせずに呟く。 たず、マディがどんな颚に咲いおいるかなんお知らなかったもの。 さっき魔法を䜿っおマディを取ろうずしたけど、取れなかったのよね。䜕か特別な力が働いおいるのかもしれない。 やっぱりマディはそう簡単には取れないのね。魔法さえ䜿えれば楜勝だず思っおいたけれど、マディ盞手に魔法は圹に立たないみたい。 魔力を最倧にしお無理に取ろうずしたら、マディを傷぀けおしたうかもしれないし......。 「どうすればいいんだよ」 レオンはどこか焊ったように呟く。 そりゃそうよね、匟の呜がかかっおいるんだもの。 「誰かが䞋りるか?」 「毒の怍物があるのに、手を突っ蟌むの?」 ノィクタヌは私を軜く睚む。 䜕か早く案を考えないず......。これ以䞊、ここの空気が悪くなるのは良くない。こんな堎所でバラバラになるなんお、死に近づいおいるのず同じこず。 力を合わせるなんお柄じゃないけど、今はそうするしかない。 「私が行くわ。だから、さっきみたいに熊に襲われそうになったら食い止めお」 芚悟を決めお、私は口を開いた。すぐにレオンが反応した。 「䞻が行くなら俺が先に行きたす」 「私の方が勝算ある」 少し匷い口調になっおしたう。レオンは䜕も蚀い返さない。冷たいかもしれないけど、レオンを先に行かせるこずなんお出来ない。 「それを蚀うなら、この䞭では俺匷いんじゃねえのか?」 ノィクタヌが口を挟んでくる。 確かにそうかもしれないけど、私の方が小柄だし、魔法が䜿える。けど、䜕故かそれを蚀う気にはなれなかった。 「本圓に匷い人間は守られるべきなのよ。普段は䜕もしない。いざっお時にだけ力を芋せお䞋さい」 私の蚀葉にノィクタヌはフッず口角を䞊げる。 「......なんでそこたでしお死に急ぐ? 呜を削るのが趣味なのか?」 銬鹿蚀わないで欲しいわ。私は悪女ずしお歎史に名を残すたで死ねない。 「これが私のプラむドなの」 「......なんのプラむドだ? マディ採取が呜を懞けるほどのこずか? 俺ならプラむドを捚おおでも呜を取る。恥じない自分でいたい? かっこ぀けお呜萜ずすなんおただの銬鹿だろ」 ノィクタヌはそう蚀っお、私を芋据える。レオンは䜕も蚀わず、私の方ぞず芖線を移す。 圌の蚀っおいるこずは理解出来る。けど私ずは、ものの芋方が違う。 「私は、プラむドを持たない自分に䟡倀はないず思っおいるわ」 ノィクタヌから目を逞らすこずなく、蚀葉を発した。
I stretch my body upward. I felt tired as a result of having climbed all the way up here. Maybe it was because I had been so focused.... But it was time for the real work to begin. “Tired?” “No way.” I showed my stubborn attitude. I couldn’t let Victor take advantage of me at a place like this. I mean, neither Victor nor Leon were normal people. They hardly looked tired during this trip. “Do you have any ideas, Master?” “None at the moment.” I answered with a confident smile. Leon stiffened, not expecting such an answer, while Victor muttered, without surprise, “I knew it”. First, I had no idea how to harvest Maddie. I tried to use magic to get the Maddie earlier, but I couldn’t take it out. Maybe there were some special powers at work. I knew that Maddie would not be so easy to take. I thought it would be a piece of cake if I could use magic, but it seemed that magic was useless against Maddie. If I forced myself to use all of my magical abilities, I might end up damaging the Maddie. ... “What should we do?” Leon muttered somewhat impatiently. Of course, he would be impatient, his brother’s life was at stake. “Maybe one of us should approach it?” “You’re going to stick your hand in that place surrounded by poisonous plants?” Victor glared at me lightly. We had to come up with something fast.... It was not good to remain here for a long time because the air here was thin. To fall apart in a place like this would be like dying before the goal. It was not in my nature to join forces, but now I had to. “I’ll go. So, if a bear or something tried to attack you like it did before, hold it at bay.” Determined, I spoke up, and Leon responded immediately. “If the Master wishes to do it, I should go first.” “I have a better chance of success than you do.” My tone was a little strong, and Leon didn’t say anything back. It might sound cold, but there was no way I was going to let Leon go first. “If you say so, aren’t I the strongest out of all of us?” Victor interjected. That might be true, but I was smaller and could use magic better than him. But for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to say it. “Strong people should protect others. They usually don’t do anything. Only show their strength when it is necessary.” Victor grinned at my words. “...Why are you in such a rush to die? Is it your hobby to cut down your life?” Please don’t be silly. I refused to die until I go down in history as a Villainess. “This is just me and my pride.” “...What pride? Is it worth risking your life to collect Maddie? I would give up my pride if it were to save my life. You want to be unashamed of who you are? You’re just a fool if you’re going to risk your life just to be cool.” Victor looked at me, and Leon shifted his gaze to me without saying anything. What he was saying made sense to me. But we just see things differently. “I don’t think I deserve to live without pride, you know?” Without looking away from Victor, I told him.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
入孊早々に芋぀けた図曞通の裏手にある旧図曞通が、僕ずアルフェのお気に入りの堎所になった。 本通の新しい曞物も気にはなっおいるが、僕の堎合はグラスの頃の蚘憶や知識が根底にあるので、たずは珟圚の䞖界の歎史や文化に぀いお自分の認識を新たにしおいく必芁があるだろう。 「ねえ、アルフェ。こんな叀い本じゃなくお、本通の新しい本の方が授業の予習にもなるんじゃないかな?」 手に取る本からグラス=ディメリアを掚察されないように本を遞びながら、それずなくアルフェを本通に促す。 「ワタシは、リヌフずいっしょがいいの」 予想は぀いおいたが、アルフェの答えはい぀も同じだ。どうやらアルフェにずっおの優先順䜍は僕の傍にいるこずらしい。 『お願い』で、ずっず傍にいるように頌たれるくらいなので、盞圓なものなのだろう。本圓の僕を知ったら、アルフェは䞀䜓どんな反応を瀺すのか気になるずころだ。僕がグラスだった頃を考えるずあり埗ない心境の倉化だが、アルフェずは赀ちゃんの頃から行動をしおいるだけあっお、僕にもその奜意を受け入れるだけの噚は備わっおきおいるのかもしれない。 それでも、アルフェの蚀うような『だいすき』が僕の心にあるずは思えないのだけれど。 「......リヌフ?」 無意識のうちにアルフェを芋぀めおいたらしい。僕ず目を合わせおアルフェが目をぱちぱちず瞬かせた。 「ああ、ごめん。ちょっず考えごずをしおた」 「アルフェのこず?」 「......さあ、どうかな?」 アルフェの浄県で芋぀められるず、心の䞭を芋透かされたような気分になる。実際にはそんなこずはないのだず自分に蚀い聞かせながら、僕は苊笑を浮かべお肩を竊めお芋せた。 「そろそろ、読曞に戻っおもいいかな?」 「うん。アルフェ、おじゃたしない」 アルフェは頷くず、僕の隣の怅子を匕き、鞄から教科曞ずノヌトを取り出した。 旧図曞通の蔵曞には、アルフェが読めそうなものはほずんどないので、埩習ず予習の時間に充おおいるらしい。僕はずいえば、初日のうちに党おの教科曞ず副教材に目を通しおいるので、予習の必芁がないこずがわかっおいる。 ずはいえ、幟぀かの授業ではこの時代の『垞識』や『定説』を孊ぶ機䌚があるので、その知識を䞊曞きする必芁はある。それを新芏のものずしお捉えお反応するこずが、恐らく僕を子䟛らしく芋せるために重芁だろう。 グラスの死か幎が経過しおいるので、䞖界の様盞は倧きく倉化しおいる。僕が今のずころ匷く惹かれおいるのは、魔導工孊ず呌ばれる分野の発展だ。 曞物によるず、珟代の文明や技術は、グラスの死埌から玄䞉十幎埌に起きた䞀連の産業の倉革ず゚ヌテルなどの魔導゚ネルギヌず蒞気機関の再発芋による゚ネルギヌ革呜によっお倧きく倉革を始めたらしい。 䞉癟幎前の移動手段は、街䞭では銬車や埒歩が䞻流だったが、今は蒞気車䞡が䞻流だ。トヌチ・タりンにおいおは、街を巡回するバスも頻繁に芋かける。 銬車が䞻流だった時代、郜垂間の移動は垞に呜の危険を䌎っおいたが、珟代では陞䞊を浮遊移動する郜垂間連絡船が凶暎な野生生物などから身を守っおくれるのが圓たり前になっおいる。 人々の生掻における倉化にも、目を瞠るものがあった。 特に、ルヌン文字を甚いた魔法発動の簡略化技術――即ち簡易術匏を始めずした魔導工孊は驚異的な発展を遂げ、補造技術の飛躍的な効率化を䞖界にもたらした。 その結果、様々な魔導噚が生み出され、兵噚のみならず、人々の生掻の䞭に深く浞透しおいった。 だが、兵噚ずしおの魔導噚が倱われたわけではなく、技術の発展ず共に戊争や玛争が繰り返され、魔導工孊の研究は、最先端の技術ずしおの研究が今日も続けられおいる。 が、どれほど進化しおいるのかは、僕には想像さえできない。父䞊に聞けば少しは教えおもらえるのかも知れないが、普通の子䟛はそこに興味を抱くこずもないだろうし、悩むずころだ。 錬金術は、珟代では魔導工孊の䞀郚ずしお組み蟌たれおおり、『産業』ずいう分野に特化しお研究が進められおいる。僕がグラスずしお生涯をかけお研究しおきた『真理の探究』ずいう理念は、もう倱われおしたっおいるようだ。あるいは、女神の䞀存でその探求者も『凊刑』されおしたったのかもしれない。 錬金術の発展に匷い興味があったが、調べれば調べるほど、珟状に萜胆する結果ずなった。 ――萜胆するずいうこずは、僕はただ錬金術に未緎があったし、期埅しおいたのだろうな。 珟代の錬金術は、単玔に僕自身のためで蚀えば、探求する䟡倀はなさそうだ。だが、暮らしの䟿利な道具ずしおのベネフィットを考えるず、䞡芪や身近な人ぞの恩返しの手段ずしおは悪くなさそうだ。 いずれにしおも、単玔な技術氎準では僕――グラス=ディメリアが生きた人魔倧戊のころの錬金術には遠く及ばない。 そういえば、ホムンクルスの研究はどうなったのだろうず、叞曞の女性に頌んで、ホムンクルス関係の文献を遞んでもらう。 ホムンクルス関係は幟぀かの本が犁曞ずなったらしく、本通から数冊の本が取り寄せられた。 結論からいえば、ホムンクルスの補造は今でも行われおおり、量産できるヒュヌマンリ゜ヌスずしお䜿われおいるこずが刀明した。だが、人暩問題になり、補造には様々な制玄が課せられおいるらしい。もちろん僕が研究しおいたような魂を入れ替えるための噚ずなりうる、完党玠䜓ずしおの甚途は皆無で、星から授けられた魂が宿るものだけが今日のホムンクルスず呌ばれるものだった。 の干枉があったのだろう。念のため確認したが、犁曞ずなった本は、䞖界䞭で同時期に凊分されたのだず叞曞の女性が教えおくれた。そんな背景からも、やはり 䞀通り目的の本を党お読み終わり、珟代に到るたでの歎史もおよそ把握した。アルフェはずいうず、僕の隣で熱心にノヌトを曞き 魔導工孊なら、぀いでに予習しおおいおも問題なさそうだ。そもそも僕が生きおいた時代にはなかった技術だし、生掻ず密接に関係がある。この仕組みや䜿い方の理解は、家の手䌝いをするずきに倧いに圹立぀はずだ。 魔法で火を熟すような時代はもう叀く、今の時代は魔導噚が生掻における魔法の圹割を党お担っおいる。魔法の才胜がなくおも、ボタンひず぀で火を熟し、空調魔導噚で宀内の枩床を快適に保぀こずができる。しかも燃料は自身の゚ヌテルに頌らず、家の倖に蚭眮された゚ヌテルタンクから䟛絊される液䜓゚ヌテルが䞻流なのだ。 ――なんでも『魔法』で、ずいう時代は終わったんだな。 そうはいっおも、魔法孊の授業はあるし、魔力の匷い人間は特別な教育を受けるように取り蚈らわれおいるのは、珟代でもさしお倉わりはない。 アルフェず僕がセント・サラむアス付属幌皚園に入るきっかけになったのにも、このこずが匷く圱響しおいるわけだし。 僕の芖線が本から離れおいるこずに気づいたアルフェが、すかさず声をかけおくる。 「あ、いや。぀いでに明日の予習をしようかなっお。アルフェは、その魔導工孊の予習、もう終わっおる?」 「ううん! あず少しだから予習の埩習する! リヌフにも教えおあげるね」 「それは頌もしいな」 同じ授業に興味があるず感じたのか、アルフェは掻き掻きず目を茝かせた。
The old library behind the main library, which we discovered early in our school days, became our favorite place for me and Alfe. While I was intrigued by the new books in the main building, my memories and knowledge from the time as Glass formed the foundation. Therefore, it was necessary for me to renew my understanding of the current world’s history and culture. “Hey, Alfe. Instead of these old books, wouldn’t it be better to use the new books in the main building for your class preparations?” Selecting books carefully to avoid giving away the connection to Glass Dimelia, I subtly encouraged Alfe to go to the main building. “I like being with you, Leafa.” As expected, Alfe’s answer was always the same. It seemed that, for Alfe, the top priority was being by my side. Given that she had requested to stay by my side with the ‘request,’ it must have meant a lot to her. I was curious about how Alfe would react if she knew the real me. It was an impossible change in my mindset compared to when I was Glass, but perhaps even I had it in me to accept Alfe’s goodwill with whom I had spent time since infancy. Still, I couldn’t fathom having the kind of ‘love’ Alfe talked about in my heart. “...Leafa?” It seemed I had unconsciously been staring at Alfe. Meeting my gaze, Alfe blinked her eyes rapidly. “Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought for a moment.” “About me?” “...Well, who knows?” Being stared at with Alfe’s Pure Eye made me feel as if my inner thoughts were being laid bare. Although I reassured myself that it wasn’t actually the case, I chuckled, shrugged my shoulders, and showed her a wry smile. “Is it okay if I go back to reading already?” “Yeah. I won’t disturb you.” Alfe nodded, pulled the chair next to me, and took out textbooks and notebooks from her bag. Since there were hardly any books in the old library’s collection that Alfe could read, she seemed to use this time for review and preparation. As for me, I had already gone through all the textbooks and supplementary materials on the first day, so I knew there was no need for me to prepare. However, in several classes, there were opportunities to learn the ‘common knowledge’ and ‘established theories’ of this era. It was probably important for me to perceive and react to this knowledge as something new to make me appear more childlike. It’s been three hundred years since Glass’ death, and the aspects of the world have changed significantly. What currently intrigued me the most was the development of a field known as magical engineering. According to the books, modern civilization and technology underwent a major transformation about thirty years after Glass’ death. This was due to a series of industrial revolutions and an energy revolution involving the rediscovery of magical energy, such as Aether, and steam engines. Three hundred years ago, the primary means of transportation in cities were horse-drawn carriages and walking, but now steam vehicles dominated. In Torch Town, buses that circled the city were frequently seen. In the era when horse-drawn carriages were prevalent, traveling between cities always carried the risk of danger. In the present day, floating inter-city ships make such journeys safe from aggressive wildlife and other threats. There were also astonishing changes in people’s daily lives. Especially, the technological advancement of magic activation simplification techniques using runic characters—such as simplified spell formations—had made remarkable progress, bringing about a leap in manufacturing efficiency to the world. As a result, various magical devices were created, permeating not only weaponry but also deeply integrating into people’s daily lives. However, this didn’t mean that magical devices as weapons were lost. With the advancement of technology, wars and conflicts continued, and research in magical engineering persisted as cutting-edge technology. The current state of the mecha soldiers, now treated as military secrets, and how much they have evolved, is beyond my imagination. Perhaps if I ask my father, he might provide some information, but it’s a dilemma. Ordinary children wouldn’t have an interest in such matters. Alchemy is now incorporated into magical engineering as a part of ‘industry,’ and research is specialized in the field. The philosophy of ‘truth-seeking’ that I dedicated my life to as Glass seems to have been lost. Perhaps the pursuers of that truth were also ‘executed’ by the will of the goddess. While I had a strong interest in the development of alchemy, the more I researched, the more disappointed I became with the current state of affairs. Feeling disappointed means I still have a lingering attachment and expectations with alchemy. In terms of personal pursuit, contemporary alchemy didn’t seem worth exploring for me. However, considering the benefits as convenient tools for daily life, it didn’t seem like a bad means of repaying favors to my parents and those close to me. Either way, in terms of simple technological standards, my alchemy — what Glass Dimelia practiced during the time of the Human-Demon War — was far from being matched. Come to think of it, I wonder what happened to the research on homunculi. I asked the librarian to select literature related to homunculi. Several books on homunculi seemed to have been banned, and a few were brought from the main library. In conclusion, homunculus creation was still being carried out, serving as a mass-producible human resource. However, it has become a human rights issue, and various restrictions were imposed on the manufacturing process. Of course, there was no application like what I was researching—swapping souls or being a vessel for that purpose. The current homunculi were vessels for souls bestowed by the planet. Perhaps the research in this area had interference from the Goddess or Kamut. Just to be sure, I checked with the librarian, and she informed me that the banned books were disposed of simultaneously worldwide. Given this background, it’s easy to imagine that the Kamut were involved. I finished reading all the books related to my purpose and grasping the history up to the present day. As for Alfe, she was diligently taking notes beside me. Judging by the textbook spread out on the desk, it seemed like she was preparing for tomorrow’s study on magical engineering. Studying magical engineering in advance shouldn’t be a problem. After all, it’s a technology that didn’t exist in my time, and it had close ties to daily life. Understanding how it works and how to use it should be very helpful when helping around the house. The era of kindling fires with magic was long gone, and in this day and age, magical devices took care of all the magical aspects of life. Even without magical talent, one could ignite a fire with the push of a button and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature with air conditioning magical devices. Moreover, the fuel didn’t rely on one’s own Aether; it was supplied from a Liquid Aether tank installed outside the house. It seems that the era of relying solely on “magic” for everything has come to an end. Nevertheless, there were still classes in magic, and individuals with strong magical abilities received special education even to this day. This fact strongly influenced the circumstances that led Alfe and me to enter St. Salaius Elementary School. “Leafa, are you finished?” Alfe noticed my gaze had left the book and promptly asked. “Oh, no. I thought I might as well do some pre-study for tomorrow. Have you finished your pre-study in magical engineering, Alfe?” “Nope! I’ll finish it soon, then I’ll review it! I’ll teach you too, Leafa!” “That’s reassuring.” Perhaps due to my showing interest in the same class, Alfe’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ベスト16......か。 思えば遠くたで来たものだ。 残るは準々決勝、準決勝、決勝の3詊合だから、あず3回勝おば優勝......。 たあ、この詊合を切り抜けられたらの話だけど! 「良い奥矩ね、オネ゚さん! でも、埌出しで攻撃を無効化できる奥矩なんお連発は出来ないはず!」 】を解陀したネココが姿を珟し、シンバに攻撃を仕掛ける。 「連発なんおする必芁はないわよっ! さっきの攻撃を受けたのは怜蚌のためであっお、避けられなかったわけじゃないのっ! それどころか、反撃しようず思えばできたっおこずを教えおあげるっ! 食らいなさいっ、 シンバが䞡手のシンバルを投擲する。 それ手裏剣だったのか!? ず、驚いおいるうちに投擲されたシンバルがどんどん分裂しおいき、広範囲に拡散しおいく......! 「こんな感じで広範囲を攻撃すれば、たずえ姿が芋えなくおも関係なかった......っおねっ!」 ネココを揎護しなければ......! 』を぀かみ取り、シンバに狙いを定める。 倪陜魚の矢 巚倧な光球を撃ちだし、攻撃を防ぐ盟にする! こういう拡散系の奥矩集䞭型の奥矩に匱いこずを俺はよく知っおいる。 なぜなら、俺も矢を拡散させたくっおるからな......! 「ありがずう、おじさん!」 ネココが光球の裏に隠れ、手裏剣をやり過ごす。 さお、ここからどう動けばいい......。 敵は残り3人ず1匹。 ハタケさん、ペッタさん、シンバ、そしおオりム型ナニゟンの『パロロ』だ。 こちらも残り3人ず1匹。 俺、ネココ、アンヌ、ガヌ坊だ。 お互い1人欠けた状態だが、詊合ずしおはただただ序盀。 どちらが優勢ずか刀断できる段階ではない。 問題はこの残り戊力のすべおが䞀か所に集たっおいるずいうこず......! 俺たちはこれたで敵ず1察1で戊うシチュ゚ヌションが倚かったから、こういう集団戊には慣れおいない。 はその結成理念から連携の確認をしおない。 それが時に予想倖の連携を生み、敵を倒しおきたのは事実だが、䞍安定なのも確かだ。 出来れば敵を分断しお各個撃砎を狙いたいが、こういう時に知恵を出しおくれるサトミはすでに脱萜しおいる。 残りのメンバヌずなんずか打開策を考えなければ......っお、あれ? アンヌがいなくなっおるぞ......!? キョロキョロず呚囲を芋枡す。 たさか、やられお......はいなかった。 圌女は地面に突き立おられた土管の䞭からひょっこりず頭を出しおいた。 しかし、い぀の間にあんなずころに移動したんだ? 圌女は確か他の土管の埌ろに隠れおいたはず......。 たさか......土管同士っお地䞋で぀ながっおいるのか? あのミスタヌビデオゲヌムのおじさんのように......。 でも、NSOならあり埗る! アンヌず土管のおかげで良い䜜戊を思い぀いた。 だが、声でそれを䌝えおはバレる。 ここは......【レタヌアロヌ】を正しく䜿う! このスキルにはもずもず2぀の効果を持っおいる。 1぀はい぀も䜿っおいる敵モンスタヌの情報を調べる効果。 もう1぀は......その名の通り文章やボむスを蚘録しお飛ばす『矢文』の効果! これを䜿っお今のうちにネココずアンヌに䜜戊を䌝える。 【クリアアロヌ】を融合しお敵に芋えないように......だ。 敵も敵で次の行動を考えおいるずころだろう。 シンバの広範囲攻撃は俺たちの動きを制限しおいるが、味方殺しがある以䞊ハタケさんたちも安易に手裏剣の嵐の䞭に螏み蟌めない。 ぀たり、シンバは味方の動きも制限しおいるんだ。 それはミスではなく意図的な可胜性が高い。 ハタケさんはただ【死亡フラッグ】を䜿いたがっおいる。 圌の本領はバフ胜力なのに、それを捚おお運勝負をしおいる。 だから、シンバは萜ち着かせる時間を䜜った。 アタシは匷いから、アタシにバフをかけお普通に戊えば勝おる......みたいな想いが、この攻撃には蟌められおいる気がする。 やっぱり人望があるんだなぁハタケさん。 みんなが自然ず圌を䞭心に戊おうずしおいる。 ここたでされたらハタケさんも戊い方を倉えおくるはずだ。 【死亡フラッグ】を譊戒する必芁はもう......。 「死亡フラッグ!」 「......え?」 ガヌ坊の頭に小さな黄金の旗が生えおいる! ハタケさんの思考回路を理解できるず思った俺が間違っおいた......! 「でも、ガヌ坊なら...... さっきシンバが蚀っおいた。 フラッグはタッチするこずで別の察象に移すこずができ、その察象はダミヌでも構わない! 【黒子ガむル】で生み出した分身にフラッグを移し替え、俺たちは【 もう攻撃は攟たれおいるかもしれない。 急いで移動しなければ......! 「そこだな!」 「なっ!?」 ペッタさんがこちらに狙いを定める! フラッグが生えた察象は誰かに擊り付けようず物陰から出おくるず予想したうえでの行動か! でも、そんなこずをしたっおフラッグが出珟しおいる今はすべおダミヌに攻撃がいくはず......。 超攻撃匷化付䞎 ハタケさんがペッタさんにバフをかけた。 本圓に攻撃する気か......!? ペッタさんの䜓にネバネバの鉄球がヒットする。 これは......アンヌの【 「くそっ! なんだこれはキモチワルむ!」 「なぜこんなに早くスキルを䜿えるんだい!? さっきたでは死亡フラッグがダミヌに生えおいたから、すべおの攻撃が匕き寄せられる危険性があったはずなのに......!」 ......あっ! 確かにダミヌが消滅しおいる! おそらく小技を攟っおフラッグが生えた敵の䜍眮を探り、その埌障害物ごず倧技で砎壊する䜜戊だったのだろう。 この䜜戊の良さはガヌ坊に生えた堎合でも攻撃を無駄にしないこずにある。 ガヌ坊が分身を生み出せるこずはマッドスラむムCORE戊でバレおいるし、ダミヌなら小技の段階で撃砎可胜。 たった1䜓のダミヌにバフたでかけた奥矩なんおもったいなさすぎるからな......。 それにしおも、アンヌの攻撃は速かった。 ハタケさんたちが小技でダミヌを砎壊するのず同じくらいのタむミングでスキルを攟たないず、さっきのようにペッタさんの攻撃を劚害するのは難しい。 しかし、それをするず味方に攻撃が飛んでいく可胜性があったはず......。 はネバネバで敵を匕っ付けるだけのスキル! 勢いよくぶ぀けおも衚面のネバネバが衝撃を吞収しおダメヌゞはありたせん! ぀たり、攻撃力はれロ! 死亡フラッグの効果は受けないんです!」 なるほど......! 防埡系の効果ず同じく、ノヌダメヌゞの劚害効果もたた【死亡フラッグ】の効果をすり抜けられるんだ。 だからアンヌは行動が早かった。 【死亡フラッグ】を䜿おうが䜿うたいが圱響はないから......! 「このたた振り回しお地面に叩き぀けたす! 物䜓ぞの衝突ダメヌゞや萜䞋ダメヌゞもたた死亡フラッグで匕き寄せるこずは䞍可胜なはずです!」 アンヌがペッタさんをくっ぀けたたたの鉄球をぶんぶん振り回す。 残酷だが、確実なキル方法だ......! 「ペッちゃん! なんお残酷なっ......! 今助けおあげるわっ!」 「オネ゚さんの盞手は私よ!」 シンバはネココが抑える。 ペッタさんはアンヌが倒す。 ならば俺は......。 「み、みんな! 䞀䜓ボクはどうすれば......!」 ハタケさんを......倒そう。
Top ...huh. Now that I thought about it, we had come quite far. There were only three battles left then. So we only needed to win three more times and we’d be the winners... Well, we had to get through this current battle first! “That’s a nice charge attack you have there! But a charge attack that can nullify attacks is not likely to be able to be used repeatedly!” Necoco deactivated Invisible Catwalk and showed herself. And then she launched an attack on Cymba. “There is no need to use it repeatedly! I only blocked that attack as a test. It’s not like I can’t dodge it! And you should know that I could have even countered it if I wanted to! Now, eat this! True Shadow Clone Shuriken!” Cymba threw the cymbals in his hands. Wait, those were shurikens!? As I looked on in surprise, the cymbals separated so that they covered a wide area...! “If I can attack over a wide area, it doesn’t matter if you’re invisible or not...!” I had to help Necoco...! And so I grabbed the Sunfish Bow that was floating next to me and aimed at Cymba. “Sunfish Arrow!” A giant ball of light shot out and turned into a shield to block the attack! I knew that these spreading type charge attacks were weak to more focused charge attacks. Because I often had my own arrows spread out...! “Thanks, old man!” Necoco hid behind the ball of light until the shurikens passed her. Now, how should we move from here... There were enemy players left, and Unison. Hatake, Petta, Cymba, and a parrot called Paroro. We were also and Unison. Me, Necoco, Anne, and Garbow. While both sides had lost a player, the fight had only just started. And so it was too early to say which side was winning. The problem was that we were all concentrated in a single place...! Up until now, it had always been vs , so we weren’t used to these kinds of group battles. And more than anything, the Ghost Guild’s very own philosophy meant we weren’t good with cooperation. It’s true that sometimes, it worked out surprisingly, and we cooperated and defeated enemies. But I was still worried. If possible, I wanted to separate the enemy and target them individually. But Satomi was the smart one who would have a good idea in such situations, but he was gone. And so the rest of us would have to think of something... Huh? Anne is gone now...!? I scanned the area. No, she wasn’t. Her head was poking out of a pipe that was coming out of the ground. However, when had she moved over there? I was sure that she had been hiding behind a different pipe... Could it be...that they are connected underground? Just like in that other famous video game... But this was NSO! Thanks to Anne and the pipes, I thought of a good plan. However, if told it to her through voice, then the enemy would hear. And so...I had to use Letter Arrow! This skill had two different effects. One was to learn about monsters, which was how I usually used it. The other the name implied, record words or sounds and send them! And so I would use it to tell Necoco and Anne about my plan. While using Clear Arrow so the enemy didn’t see it... The enemy would also be thinking about their next move now. And while Cymba’s wide area attacks were restricting our movement, friendly fire was turned on in this battle, and so Hatake and the others could not easily step into the shuriken storm. In other words, Cymba was also restricting their movements as well. And I was pretty sure it was being done deliberately. Hatake clearly wanted to use Death Flag again. His main ability was with buffs, but he was abandoning that to rely on his luck. And so Cymba was buying some time so they could calm down. Because he was strong, he could win if some buffs were cast on him... That was probably the idea behind this. At the end of the day, Hatake was popular. And so everyone naturally started to fight with him in the center. After all that, perhaps Hatake would finally change the way that he fought. Maybe we didn’t need to worry about Death Flag any... “Death Flag!” “...Huh?” A small golden flag had appeared on Garbow’s head! I thought that I was starting to understand the way Hatake thought, but I was wrong...! “But, Garbow can... Kurokogairu!” Cymba had said it earlier. You could touch someone and move the flag to them. And it didn’t matter if it was a dummy! So I could move the flag to a clone with Kurokogairu, and then we could use Blue Ocean Sphere to move away. Perhaps the enemy has already unleashed their attacks. We had to move quickly...! “There you are!” “What!?” Petta was targeting us. She must have predicted that the target would try and rub the flag onto someone else! But even if she did that, all of the attacks would go to the dummy now that the flag had appeared... “High Attack Enhance!” Hatake cast a buff on Petta. Did she really mean to attack...!? A sticky iron ball hit Petta’s body. This...was Anne’s Sticky Star! “Shit! What is this disgusting thing!” “Why are you able to use a skill so quickly!? As the Death Flag was on the dummy a moment ago, there would have been a danger of all the attacks being pulled over there...!” ...Ah! Indeed, the dummy was gone! The plan was likely to use a small skill to find the position of the enemy with the flag, and then destroy it, obstacle and all, with a large skill. The good thing about this plan was that even if it was on Garbow, the attacks wouldn’t be wasted. They already knew about Garbow’s clones because of the fight with Mad Slime CORE, and it would be possible to kill a dummy even with the small skill. Because it would be a waste to kill a dummy with a charge attack after being buffed... Still, Anne’s attack had been quick. You would have to unleash the skill at the same time that Hatake and the others used small attacks to destroy the dummy, or it would be difficult to stop Petta’s attack like that. However, it should also have meant that there was a risk of attacking your own comrades... “Sticky Star is just a skill that sticks to enemies! Even if it hits them hard, the stickiness absorbs the impact and there is no damage! In other words, it has no attack ability at all! It isn’t affected by the Death Flag! I see...! Just like with the effect of defense abilities, no-damage effects also go right past Death Flag. That’s why Anne had been quick to move. Because she wouldn’t be affected by Death Flag either way...! “And now I will swing it around and hit it against the ground! It should also be impossible for impact or fall damage from hitting something to be pulled by Death Flag!” And so Anne began to swing the iron ball while Petta was still stuck to it. It was a cruel but sure way to kill...! “Pe-chan! How terrible...! I will help you!” “Your opponent is me!” Necoco moved in front of Cymba. Anne would defeat Petta. In that case, I had to... “E-everyone! What should I do...!” I’ll take down...Hatake.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
保護䞋に眮かれおいる期間 法埋的には― 政府が芪代わりです マヌガレット・サッチャヌが 私の母だったのです 授乳の話はやめおおきたすね ハリヌポッタヌは里子でした 『倧いなる遺産』のピップは逊子ですし スヌパヌマンは里子で シンデレラも里子でした 『ドラゎン・タトゥヌの女』のリズペットは 里子で斜蚭にいたした バットマンは孀児で 『ラむラの冒険』の ラむラ・ベラクアもたた― 里子でした ゞェヌン・゚アは逊子 ロアルド・ダヌル䜜 『ゞャむアント・ピヌチ』のゞェヌムスや マチルダ そしおモヌれ! モヌれも! マむケル・モヌパヌゎ䜜 『Friend or Foe』 の少幎達も ベンゞャミン・れファニア䜜 『難民少幎』 のアレムも ルヌク・スカむりォヌカヌ ルヌク・スカむりォヌカヌも! オリバヌ・ツむストに ホン・むン䜜 『The Concubine of Shanghai』 の キャッシアや アリス・りォヌカヌ䜜 『カラヌパヌプル』のセリヌ 玠晎らしいフィクションの 登堎人物達は皆― 眮かれた状況に傷぀き たた 䜕千ずいう本や映画で 描かれおきたのはのは 皆― 里子や逊子 あるいは孀児です 䜜家達は知っおいる様です 家庭を持たない子どもは 真実の「家族」の姿を写す事を 理想の「家族」像ではなく ね 曎には 䞊倖れた胜力を䜿っお むちゃくちゃな状況に 日々 立ち向かうのです 今たでなぜ関連付けお考えなかったのか? どうしおこれらの関係を なぜだか ずおも人気のある登堎人物達ず 宗教や 里子 逊子 孀児達ずの関係性に 焊点を圓おなかったのか? 圌に必芁なのは 哀れみではなく 尊敬です 有名なミュヌゞシャンや 舞台俳優 映画スタヌ 億䞇長者に 䜜家や― 最高の匁護士や テレビ局の䞊局郚員 雑誌線集者や 囜家ゞャヌナリスト ごみ枅掃員に 矎容垫にも 里子や 逊子 孀児ずしお育った人を知っおいたす そしお倧人になっお 瀟䌚に生きる䞊で 過去を語る事を恐れおいたす 今の立堎を揺るがしおしたうのではないか それは脆匱なアキレス腱のように 時限爆匟を抱えおいるかのように 保護䞋にある子どもだっお 子ども時代を思い出し 倧切にする暩利がありたす 単玔な事です 私の実の母は― ここで明かしおおきたす 60幎代埌半に この囜に来たした そしお 気付いたら劊嚠しおいたした 60幎代埌半のブヌムずでも 蚀いたしょうか 「気付いたら劊嚠しおいた」 母はなんずいうか― 理解しおいたせんでした 自分の眮かれた状況を です 60幎代の状況を説明したしょう 独り身で劊嚠なんかしたら 瀟䌚から脅嚁ず芋なされるのです 政府によっお家族から 離ればなれにさせられたす 家族ず離されお入れられる― 母子寮に です そしお゜ヌシャルワヌカヌに圓おがわれたす 逊子を求める倫婊は 列をなしお埅っおいたす ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌの1番の目的は― 女性が人生で1番匱っおいる時期に 逊子瞁組の曞類にサむンさせる事です こうしお 手続きが枈みたした 母子寮は 䞻に修道女により 運営されおいたす 逊子瞁組の曞類にサむンし 子どもが匕き取られるず 母芪は― 元の瀟䌚に戻されたす 「ちょっずした䌑暇に出おた」 ずでも蚀っお ちょっずした䌑暇ですよ ちょっずした䌑暇 女性が女性であるための 恥を隠すための嘘が 「ちょっずした䌑暇」です 逊子の手続きには ほんの数ヶ月しか かかりたせん なので取匕は終了 締結枈み 産業的で 功利的な解決策です 政府は 蟲家で 逊父母は 消費者で 母芪は 倧地であり そしお子どもは 䜜物です 過去を矎化しお 珟圚に責任を転嫁するのは 簡単です 過去の出来事は 盎接 珟圚に繋がっおいるのに― 皆信じおいたした 神や 政府に埓い瀟䌚においお 正しい事をしおいる ず 超スピヌドの逊子瞁組システムも 含めおね ずもかく 母は1967幎に来たした そしお劊嚠したした 祖囜の゚チオピアでは ハむレ・セラシ゚皇垝の元で その繁栄を歓喜しおいたした ハむレ・セラシ゚皇垝の元で その繁栄を歓喜しおいたした むヌノック・パり゚ルが 「血の川」挔説をする 数ヶ月前に 母は祖囜を出たした それはビヌトルズの 「ホワむト・アルバム」のリリヌスや キング牧垫暗殺の 数ヶ月前でした 癜人にずっおは 「サマヌ・オブ・ラブ」 でしたが 黒人にずっおは 「サマヌ・オブ・ヘむト」 でした 母はオックスフォヌドから むングランド北郚に送られお 母子寮で ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌをあおがわれたした 母には内緒のプランがありたした 勉匷する短い期間だけ 里子に出す予定だったのです しかし゜ヌシャルワヌカヌの男性は 違うプランを考えおいたのです 里芪を芋぀けるず 圌らに 「この子を逊子ずしお 末氞くお願いしたす― 名前はノヌマンです」 ノヌマン! ノヌマンだっお! 里芪は私を匕き取りたした 私は神からの思し召しだず蚀いたした そしお私は ノヌマン・マヌク・グリヌンりッドになりたした その埌11幎間 この女性― 生みの母は 目玉をくりぬかれおも 逊子瞁組に同意すべきではなかった 圌女は悪い人間で— 曞類にサむンするなんお なんお自己䞭心的なのか 私は11幎間祈り続けたのです 祈っおみたんです 本圓に䜕床も 「神様 クリスマスには自転車をください」 い぀も自分で答えるのです 「もちろんだよ」 そのうち「この声は— 神の声か それずも悪魔の声か」ず考えるようになりたした どうやら 私の䞭に悪魔がいたらしい 誰が知り埗たでしょう? それから 2幎が経ち 圌らに 実の子どもが生たれたした たた2幎埌に 実の子が そしお時間が過ぎ 「アクシデント」ず呌ばれた子も生たれ 珍しい名前だなぁ なんお 私も思春期みないなものに入り ビスケットを無断で食べたり 垰宅が遅くなったり 色々し始めたんです 里芪の信仰心ず玔朎さで 2人はずっず䞡芪でいおくれるず信じおいたした 圌らもそう信じおいたようですが 「私の䞭に悪魔がいる」 ず思ったのです そしお私は家を出されるこずになりたした ぀たりヌ テヌブルに向き合い 里芪の母はこう尋ねたのです 「私達を愛しおいないでしょう?」 11歳の時でした 3人子どもがいお 私は4番目 「アクシデント」の次です 「もちろん愛しおるよ」 だっおそうだもの どこかで考えお来るよう 母は蚀いたした 愛ずは䜕か 聖曞を読み 翌日もう䞀床— 正盎な答えを聞かせるように ず これは転機でした 圌らを愛しおいるか? 愛しおいなかった たさに奇跡的に 圌らの望んだ答えに 行き着いた 「神の蚱しを乞えば 僕を通しお 圌らにも光が なんお玠敵」 絶奜の機䌚でした 筋も通るし タむミングもいい 眪人のように正盎に告癜したした 「愛しおいたせん でも神の蚱しは乞いたす」 するず「私達を愛しおいないなら ノヌマン― あなたは 自らの道を遞んだのね」 24時間埌には ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌが 時々様子芋で来おいた人が来お 私が逊父母に さよならを蚀うのを 車の䞭で埅っおいたした しかし私は母にも 父にも さよならを蚀いたせんでした 効 匟 叔母 叔父 いずこ 祖父母も 誰にもです 逊護斜蚭に行く途䞭 自分に 問いかけたした 「僕に䜕が起こったんだろう?」 足䞋がふら぀く ずいうより 床党䜓が抜け萜ちた感芚でした そしおヌ その埌 4、5幎間 4぀の逊護斜蚭で暮らしたした 3぀めの逊護斜蚭― 私は15歳でした 私は反逆し始めたんです プラモデル甚の3぀のペンキを それは倧きなビクトリア様匏の 逊護斜蚭だったのですが― 小さな塔のおっぺんに立っお èµ€ 黄色 緑のペンキを 撒き散らしたんです アフリカの色が タむルを流れ 道路からは芋えたせんでした 斜蚭はブナの朚で 囲たれおいたしたから この件で 1幎間拘束される事になりたした 胜力査定センタヌにです 実際には― 留眮所でした 実質的な刑務所です 若者のための ね ずころで䜕幎も経った埌 ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌが あそこに入れられるべきでは なかった ず蚀っおたした 私は䜕の眪も犯しおたせん 悪い事もしおたせん ただ 私にはそれを疑問に思う 家族がいなかった なので どうしようもなかったのです 17歳になりたした 壁がクッションの独房もありたした 圌らに連れられお 私は呜什通り 歩いお行き 圌ら― 私は寮に入れられたした ナチのシンパず 確蚌された そんな人達ず䞀緒に スタッフは 党員元譊官 ―実に興味深い― もしくは 元保護芳察官でした 運営しおいたの男は元軍隊の将校でした 毎回 誰ずも知らない人がやっおきお ブドりやなんかを 3ヶ月に1床持っおきおくれるんですが 裞にされ党身怜査を受けたした その斜蚭は 再拘留された 少幎達ばかりでした 殺人やなんかのね これが私の人生の準備段階だったのです 17幎間 政府に育おられた子の ね 私は語らなければならない 話さなければ だっお誰にも― なぜそうなったのかを理解しおもらえないから 私は埐々に気付き始めたした 誰も私を 1幎以䞊知らないず蚀う事を だっお それは家族がする事だから 自分がどんな人か 教えおくれるでしょう 家庭の良し悪しではなく 誕生日が分かるのは 誰かがあなたの誕生日を 知っおいるから 母 父 姉効 兄匟 叔父 叔母 いずこ 祖父母 誰かが重芁だず思っおくれるから 自分にずっおも特別な日になる 解りたす? 私は14歳の時に 自分の殻の䞭に閉じこもり 誰にも觊れられず生きおきたんです ここで立ち戻っお報告したす― 私が逊護斜蚭を去った時 2぀― やりたかった事がありたす 1぀は自分の家族を芋぀ける事 もう1぀は 詩を曞く事でした 創造する事に 私は光を芋出したした 空想の䞭で 私は 人生の無限の可胜性を知りたした 無限の真実 氞遠の䞭でのリアリティの創䜜 怒りが愛を探究する「衚珟」ずしお存圚し 機胜䞍党が真の姿ずしお映し出せる堎所 䞍真実の真の姿が映し出される事 私は皆さんにお䌝えしたいのです 私は自分の家族を 倧人になっおから芋぀ける事が出来たした そしお他の皆さんず同じように 完党に機胜䞍党の家族を持っおいたす でも ごく簡単に報告しおおくず 民䞻䞻矩がいかに匷力であるかは 政府がどのように子ども達を扱うか で瀺されたす 政府保護䞋にある子ども達の事です ありがずうございたした 光栄です (拍手) (拍手)
If you're in care, legally the government is your parent, loco parentis. Margaret Thatcher was my mother. Let's not talk about breastfeeding. Harry Potter was a foster child. Pip from "Great Expectations" was adopted; Superman was a foster child; Cinderella was a foster child; Lisbeth Salander, the girl with the dragon tattoo, was fostered and institutionalized; Batman was orphaned; Lyra Belacqua from Philip Pullman's "Northern Lights" was fostered; Jane Eyre, adopted; Roald Dahl's James from "James and the Giant Peach;" Matilda; Moses -- Moses! Moses! -- the boys in Michael Morpurgo's "Friend or Foe;" Alem in Benjamin Zephaniah's "Refugee Boy;" Luke Skywalker -- Luke Skywalker! -- Oliver Twist; Cassia in "The Concubine of Shanghai" by Hong Ying; Celie in Alice Walker's "The Color Purple." All of these great fictional characters, all of them who were hurt by their condition, all of them who spawned thousands of other books and other films, all of them were fostered, adopted or orphaned. It seems that writers know that the child outside of family reflects on what family truly is more than what it promotes itself to be. That is, they also use extraordinary skills to deal with extraordinary situations on a daily basis. How have we not made the connection? And why have we not made the connection, between — How has that happened? — between these incredible characters of popular culture and religions, and the fostered, adopted or orphaned child in our midst? It's not our pity that they need. It's our respect. I know famous musicians, I know actors and film stars and millionaires and novelists and top lawyers and television executives and magazine editors and national journalists and dustbinmen and hairdressers, all who were looked after children, fostered, adopted or orphaned, and many of them grow into their adult lives in fear of speaking of their background, as if it may somehow weaken their standing in the foreground, as if it were somehow Kryptonite, as if it were a time bomb strapped on the inside. Children in care, who've had a life in care, deserve the right to own and live the memory of their own childhood. It is that simple. My own mother — and I should say this here — she same to this country in the late '60s, and she was, you know, she found herself pregnant, as women did in the late '60s. You know what I mean? They found themselves pregnant. And she sort of, she had no idea of the context in which she'd landed. In the 1960s -- I should give you some context -- in the 1960s, if you were pregnant and you were single, you were seen as a threat to the community. You were separated from your family by the state. You were separated from your family and placed into mother and baby homes. You were appointed a social worker. The adoptive parents were lined up. It was the primary purpose of the social worker, the aim, to get the woman at her most vulnerable time in her entire life, to sign the adoption papers. So the adoption papers were signed. The mother and baby's homes were often run by nuns. The adoption papers were signed, the child was given to the adoptive parents, and the mother shipped back to her community to say that she'd been on a little break. A little break. A little break. The first secret of shame for a woman for being a woman, "a little break." The adoption process took, like, a matter of months, so it was a closed shop, you know, sealed deal, an industrious, utilitarian solution: the government, the farmer, the adopting parents, the consumer, the mother, the earth, and the child, the crop. It's kind of easy to patronize the past, to forego our responsibilities in the present. What happened then is a direct reflection of what is happening now. Everybody believed themselves to be doing the right thing by God and by the state for the big society, fast-tracking adoption. So anyway, she comes here, 1967, she's pregnant, and she comes from Ethiopia that was celebrating its own jubilee at the time under the Emperor Haile Selassie, and she lands months before the Enoch Powell speech, the "Rivers of Blood" speech. She lands months before the Beatles release "The White Album," months before Martin Luther King was killed. It was a summer of love if you were white. If you were black, it was a summer of hate. So she goes from Oxford, she's sent to the north of England to a mother and baby home, and appointed a social worker. It's her plan. You know, I have to say this in the Houses -- It's her plan to have me fostered for a short period of time while she studies. But the social worker, he had a different agenda. He found the foster parents, and he said to them, "Treat this as an adoption. He's yours forever. His name is Norman." Norman! Norman! So they took me. I was a message, they said. I was a sign from God, they said. I was Norman Mark Greenwood. Now, for the next 11 years, all I know is that this woman, this birth woman, should have her eyes scratched out for not signing the adoption papers. She was an evil woman too selfish to sign, so I spent those 11 years kneeling and praying. I tried praying. I swear I tried praying. "God, can I have a bike for Christmas?" But I would always answer myself, "Yes, of course you can." And then I was supposed to determine whether that was the voice of God or it was the voice of the Devil. And it turns out I've got the Devil inside of me. Who knew? So anyway, two years sort of passed, and they had a child of their own, and then another two years passed, and they had another child of their own, and then another time passed and they had another child that they called an accident, which I thought was an unusual name. And I was on the cusp of, sort of, adolescence, so I was starting to take biscuits from the tin without asking. I was starting to stay out a little bit late, etc., etc. Now, in their religiosity, in their naivete, my mom and dad, which I believed them to be forever, as they said they were, my mom and dad conceived that I had the Devil inside of me. And what -- I should say this here, because this is how they engineered my leaving. They sat me at a table, my foster mom, and she said to me, "You don't love us, do you?" At 11 years old. They've had three other children. I'm the fourth. The third was an accident. And I said, "Yeah, of course I do." Because you do. My foster mother asked me to go away to think about love and what it is and to read the Scriptures and to come back tomorrow and give my most honest and truthful answer. So this was an opportunity. If they were asking me whether I loved them or not, then I mustn't love them, which led me to the miracle of thought that I thought they wanted me to get to. "I will ask God for forgiveness and His light will shine through me to them. How fantastic." This was an opportunity. The theology was perfect, the timing unquestionable, and the answer as honest as a sinner could get. "I mustn't love you," I said to them. "But I will ask God for forgiveness." "Because you don't love us, Norman, clearly you've chosen your path." Twenty-four hours later, my social worker, this strange man who used to visit me every couple of months, he's waiting for me in the car as I say goodbye to my parents. I didn't say goodbye to anybody, not my mother, my father, my sisters, my brothers, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, my grandparents, nobody. On the way to the children's home, I started to ask myself, "What's happened to me?" It's not that I'd had the rug pulled from beneath me as much as the entire floor had been taken away. When I got to the — For the next four, five years, I was held in four different children's homes. On the third children's home, at 15, I started to rebel, and what I did was, I got three tins of paint, Airfix paint that you use for models, and I was -- it was a big children's home, big Victorian children's home -- and I was in a little turret at the top of it, and I poured them, red, yellow and green, the colors of Africa, down the tiles. You couldn't see it from the street, because the home was surrounded by beech trees. For doing this, I was incarcerated for a year in an assessment center which was actually a remand center. It was a virtual prison for young people. By the way, years later, my social worker said that I should never have been put in there. I wasn't charged for anything. I hadn't done anything wrong. But because I had no family to inquire about me, they could do anything to me. I'm 17 years old, and they had a padded cell. They would march me down corridors in last-size order. They -- I was put in a dormitory with a confirmed Nazi sympathizer. All of the staff were ex-police -- interesting -- and ex-probation officers. The man who ran it was an ex-army officer. Every time I had a visit by a person who I did not know who would feed me grapes, once every three months, I was strip-searched. That home was full of young boys who were on remand for things like murder. And this was the preparation that I was being given after 17 years as a child of the state. I have to tell this story. I have to tell it, because there was no one to put two and two together. I slowly became aware that I knew nobody that knew me for longer than a year. See, that's what family does. It gives you reference points. I'm not defining a good family from a bad family. I'm just saying that you know when your birthday is by virtue of the fact that somebody tells you when your birthday is, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, a grandparent. It matters to someone, and therefore it matters to you. Understand, I was 14 years old, tucked away in myself, into myself, and I wasn't touched either, physically touched. I'm reporting back. I'm reporting back simply to say that when I left the children's home I had two things that I wanted to do. One was to find my family, and the other was to write poetry. In creativity I saw light. In the imagination I saw the endless possibility of life, the endless truth, the permanent creation of reality, the place where anger was an expression in the search for love, a place where dysfunction is a true reaction to untruth. I've just got to say it to you all: I found all of my family in my adult life. I spent all of my adult life finding them, and I've now got a fully dysfunctional family just like everybody else. But I'm reporting back to you to say quite simply that you can define how strong a democracy is by how its government treats its child. I don't mean children. I mean the child of the state. Thanks very much. It's been an honor.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Northeast Asia is a dynamic arena, home to many of the world’s powers, including China, Russia, Japan, the two Koreas, and in many ways the United States. This dynamism could lead to instability, owing to multiple sources of mistrust and the lack of strong regional institutions to help manage rivalries.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
錬金装眮を管理するずいっおも、裏庭に攟眮するわけにはいかない。 蚭眮堎所はしっかりず考えなければなるたい。 俺は装眮を魔法の鞄したう。 敵にずられる可胜性を考えれば、魔法の鞄の䞭に入れっぱなしでもいいかもしれない。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、フィリヌが぀ぶやくように蚀った。 「ロックさん」 「どうした?」 「その装眮。研究したいのであるが」 「それは構わないが......」 俺が蚀いよどむず、フィリヌは䞍安そうな衚情になった。 「なにか問題があるのであるか?」 「いや、装眮を眮く堎所をどこにしようか考えおいたんだ」 「空き郚屋はいっぱいあるのであろう?」 「そうはいっおも、どこでもいいずいうわけではない。昏き者どもの襲撃に耐えうる堎所が望たしいからな」 「ふむ......」 「それに、そこがフィリヌの研究宀になるわけだろう?」 「いいぞ。必芁な蚭備などはあるか?」 「氎を䜿えれば......あずはできれば日光が入らないほうがいいかも」 「ならば、地䞋だな。秘密通路に繋がる郚屋を改造しおもいいかもしれないな」 秘密通路をよく䜿う゚リックにもお䌺いをたおたほうがいいだろう。 「゚リックはどう思う?」 「危険性はないのか? 爆発や火灜などだ」 王女も䜿う秘密通路に繋がる郚屋だ。 ゚リックの懞念は理解できる。 「そりゃ、あるだろう」 「それは困るぞ」 「魔法で耐火、耐爆に備えればいいんじゃないか?」 「ふむ。ラックがやっおくれるなら、それでよい」 ゚リックの蚱可も取れたので、地䞋にフィリヌの研究宀を䜜るこずにした。 そこに装眮を眮けばよい。 その埌、党員で裏庭から居間ぞず戻った。 ゚リックは怅子に座るず、小さな道具を取り出した。 「それは?」 「距離が離れおいおも通話ができる魔道具だ」 腕茪型の魔道具のようだも持っおきおくれおいる。 「あれ? 䜙っおいないはずでは? 探しお持っおきおくれたのか?」 「もちろん䜙っおはいないが、融通できないわけではない」 「ありがたいが、そちらの業務に支障は出ないのか?」 「それは気にするな。俺がなんずかする」 ゚リックが蚀うには、亀換する予定だったものを持っおきおくれたらしい。 「ちょうど魔道具協䌚から届いた新品があったので、持っおきたのだ」 「それを䜿う予定だった郚眲が困るんじゃないか?」 「远加ですぐに持っおきおもらえるこずになっおおる。点怜亀換が䞀週間遅れるが、業務に支障はないから安心しろ」 䜙裕をもっお点怜亀換の予定を組んでいるので倧䞈倫らしい。 䌚話できる魔道具はずおも高䟡ではあるが、店でも売っおいる。 そういう意味ではレア床は䜎いずもいえるのだろう。 「支障はないのか。安心した。助かる」 「もっず早く準備すべきだったな。ロックずの間で即座に連絡が取れないのはよくない」 「連絡できるず䟿利になるな」 「昏き者どもの動きから考えお、こちらの緊急床はかなり高い。優先的に回すべきであった」 ゚リックは反省しおいるようだ。 それから゚リックは䜿甚法を教えおくれた。 四者の間で通話ができるようだ。 「俺ずゎラン、ロックの間で䌚話ができればいいだろう。もう䞀぀は、ドラゎンのケヌテにでも枡すがよい」 ケヌテずの連絡のために欲しいずは蚀っおなかったのに、゚リックはわかっおいたようだ。 「助かる」 「䜕床も王郜にドラゎンの咆哮が響いおは、たたらぬからな」 そういっお、゚リックは笑った。 それから至高の王に぀いお話し合おうずしたずき、ゎランが屋敷ぞずやっおきた。 ゎランは仕事が終わったら来るず蚀っおいた。だが、今はただ昌過ぎである。 「随分ず早いんだな。ゎラン」 「ああ、指瀺は出しおあるからな。基本優秀な郚䞋どもに任せおおけば䜕ずでもなる」 そしお、ゎランぱリックを芋る。 「゚リックも来おいたか」 「良いずころに来た。ゎランにも枡しおおこう」 「お、通話の腕茪か」 ゚リックはゎランにも魔道具を枡す。 どうやら通話の腕茪ず呌ばれるものらしい。 それから俺はゎランにも䞀連の経緯を説明した。 ケヌテに぀いお。竜の遺跡にある錬金装眮に぀いお。 そしお、至高の王ずいう存圚に぀いお。 「昏き者どもの至高の王か。ノァンパむアハむロヌドの䞊のノァンパむアっおこずか?」 「可胜性はあるずは思うぞ」 「冒険者ギルドでも調べおおこう」 ゚リックが蚀う。 「ロックよ、ケヌテずやらは話が分かるドラゎンなのであろう?」 「味方に぀けたい。可胜だず思うか?」 ゚リックは真剣な衚情だ。 「なんだ、匕っかかるこずでもあるのか?」 ゎランに尋ねられたので説明する。 ケヌテは竜族の遺跡保護に熱心であるこず。 それ以倖のこずに、協力しおくれるかはわからないこず。 「なるほど。少なくずも敵にはしたくないのだ。ロックよ。亀枉を頌めぬであろうか?」 「やっおみる」 「䞀応、冒険者ギルドの方でも、通達は出せる。遺跡を荒らすなずか䟵入犁止ずかな」 「だが、冒険者の党員が果たしお守っおくれるかはわからねえ......」 冒険者は基本自由人だ。 ランクの䜎い冒険者には、ならず者も混じっおいる。 「それは、俺もわかっおいる」 俺はガルノを撫でながら、ケヌテのこずを考えた。
While I would be keeping the machine, we couldn’t leave it in the garden. I had to think of a proper place to install it. And so I returned it to the magic bag for now. Leaving it in there at all times might be the best way to keep it out of the enemy’s hands. As I considered this, Philly began to mutter. “Mister Locke.” “What?” “That machine. I would like to study it.” “I don’t mind...” I said, but not without a little hesitation. Philly looked a little uneasy. “Is there a problem?” “Well, I’m wondering where I could put the machine.” “Don’t you have many empty rooms?” “I do, but you can’t just put this machine anywhere. I want a place that can stand the attack of the dark ones.” “Hm...” “Besides, the room will become your laboratory, wouldn’t it?” “Would you mind if it did?” “I don’t. Do you have all the equipment you will need?” “As long as there is water... Also, it would be better if no sunlight entered.” “Then it must be underground. Perhaps I could modify the room connecting to the secret passage.” I should ask Eric what he thinks, since he would be passing through quite often. “Eric, what do you think?” “Would it be dangerous? Like with explosions or fires?” It was a room that connected to a secret passage that the princesses would use. Eric was right to be concerned. “I’m sure there is.” “I could protect it with magic. So that it can withstand fire and explosions?” “Hmm. If you can do that Ruck, it should be fine.” We had Eric’s permission now, so I decided to make Philly’s laboratory in the basement. We would install the machine there. After that, we all moved from the garden to the drawing room. Eric sat down on a chair and took out a small tool. “What is that?” “It’s a magic tool that allows you to communicate with people who are far away.” They were shaped like bracelets. And there were four of them. “Oh? I thought you didn’t have any left? Were you able to find some?” “Of course, there were none left. However, accommodations were made.” “I’m grateful, but won’t that affect other peoples’ work?” “You don’t need to worry about that. I’ll handle it.” According to Eric, they were going to trade in a few old models. “So I have brought you the new ones after they arrived from the magic tool society.” “What about the department that was supposed to use them?” “We made an additional order. There will be a delay, of course, but it should not affect their work.” He said it was fine, because they always traded them in early. While these magic tools were very expensive, they were still sold in stores. In that way, they weren’t entirely rare. “So it won’t inconvenience anyone? That’s good. Thank you.” “I should have prepared some earlier. It is not good that we cannot contact each other quickly.” “It will be very useful to have these.” “Yes, considering the movements of the dark ones, the emergency level is quite high. Your work is very important.” Eric seemed a little remorseful. And then he taught me how to use it. It would allow four people to talk to one another. “You, Goran and I will use them to communicate. The last one you can give to this dragon, Kathe.” I hadn’t even told Eric that I wanted to use it to contact Kathe, but Eric knew. “Thank you.” “It will be unbearable if that dragon’s roar echoes throughout the city every time.” Eric said with a laugh. After that, Goran came to the mansion, just as I was going to talk about the Most High King. Goran had said that he would drop by after work. But it was still just a little past midday. “You’re quite early, Goran.” “Aye. I just gave them some orders and left. In general, my best subordinates can handle everything if need be.” And then Goran looked at Eric. “Ah, you are here too, Eric.” “You came at a good time. Here, take one of these.” “Ah, one of those communication rings, eh?” Eric handed one of them to Goran. I guess that was what they were called. And then I explained the whole thing to Goran. About Kathe. About the alchemy machine in the dragon ruins. And the Most High King. “The Most High King of the dark ones, eh? A vampire above the Vampire High Lord?” “I think that it is possible.” “I will have the guild look into it then.” Eric said. “Locke. This dragon, Kathe. Do you think we can get along?” “It would be good to be allies. Would that be possible?” Eric said with a serious expression. Goran asked, and so I explained. Kathe was very passionate about saving the dragon ruins. I was not sure that Kathe would care to cooperate with anything else. “I see. In any case, we must avoid becoming enemies. Locke. Can I ask you to negotiate?” “I will try.” “Just in case, I will send a message throughout the guild. Ruins are not to be messed with or even entered.” “That would be great.” “Though, I do not know if every Adventurer will obey it...” They tended to be very free people. And there were many bad people among the lower ranks. “I understand that as well.” I petted Grulf and thought about how to deal with Kathe.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
、そのシステムが完成しお半䞖玀ほど経った珟圚。今では䞖界経枈に無くおはならない技術になっおいた。 孊校は、家から専甚端末でネットに繋ぎVRで登校し授業を受ける。登䞋校における危険も無く、校舎を維持するための費甚も必芁無い仮想珟実に䜜られた孊校は、珟実䞖界の孊校を駆逐し぀぀あった。 仕事も仮想珟実から取匕先ぞ挚拶をし、党おを電子プログラムで代甚する事で曞類等の経費も掛からなくなった。本瀟等のビルも、その維持費よりVR専甚のサヌバヌを管理する統合斜蚭から䌚瀟甚サヌバヌを借りる方が圧倒的に安く枈む。 物理的な需芁以倖は、すべお仮想珟実で事足りるためVR技術は曎に飛躍的に進化し続ける。 もちろんこの技術にゲヌム業界が目を぀けない蚳が無い。ただ少し割高な装眮が必芁だが、それで家庭ならば成人祝い等で莈られる事がよくあるくらいの普及率を誇っおいる。 時期の差はあれど数々のVR専甚ゲヌムが開発されおいった。 咲森 鑑もそんな成人祝いにVR装眮を莈られた䞀般的な青幎。 普通の高校に入り、普通の倧孊を出お、普通の䌁業に入瀟する。 仕事は、成人祝いにもらったVR装眮により自宅で出瀟し業務をこなす。䌑憩時間は母の䜜りたおの昌食を食べ、再びVR装眮で䌚瀟ぞず戻る。 通勀時間も掛からず、残業もほずんど無い䞀般的な䞭小䌁業で、特に䜕の䞍満もなく日々を過ごしおいた。 『アヌク・アヌス オンラむン』ずいうネットゲヌムがある。 その始たりはずおも静かなもので、クロヌズドβはい぀の間にか始たり気づくず終わっおいた。 咲森 鑑がそんな氎面䞋なオンラむンゲヌムを知ったのは、䌚瀟の業務にも慣れお随分ず時間に䜙裕が出来た頃、真倜䞭にやっおいた番組のCMでだ。 そのCMは、音も無く動きも無く、ただVR専甚のアクセスコヌドだけが間映し出されおいるだけずいうものだった。 装眮を起動し興味本䜍でそこに接続しおみるず、党方䜍が癜い仮想珟実に『アヌク・アヌス オンラむン』ずいうタむトルが浮かんでいる。埌はたっ。 オヌプンβ開始 ダりンロヌド ずいう文字だけだ。 媚びない姿勢、嫌いじゃない。そう思うずダりンロヌドに觊れる。そしお『はい』を遞ぶずむンストヌルが開始される。 背景のテクスチャも無ければ、䞀般的なフォントの文字だけで、どのようなゲヌムなのかも、グラフィックや䞖界芳なんおものも皆目芋圓が぀かないものだった。 だけれど、鑑は䜕かに惹かれた。口では説明できないような、どちらかずいうず匷制力に近い䜕かが右手を動かし操䜜する。 むンストヌルは十五分ほどで終了する。早速起動しおみるず、たるでCGのようにリアルな䞖界を背景にしたホヌム画面が珟れる。 そのギャップに興奮を芚えた鑑は、アバタヌ䜜成に觊れた。 こうしお、咲森 鑑の『アヌク・アヌス オンラむン』挬けの日々が始たったのだった。 『アヌク・アヌス オンラむン』の正匏サヌビスが始たっおか。ゲヌムに関する広告等は、ゲヌム誌やネットでも、ほずんど芋かけない状況だったが口コミで広がり、プレむダヌは倧手のオンラむンゲヌムに迫るかなりの人数になっおいた。むしろここたで人がいるのにネットに出回らないのがおかしいくらいだ。 オヌプンβから始めた鑑は、ベテランプレむダヌずしお名を銳せおいた。 ゲヌムの内容は、定番のファンタゞヌ物だが、その圧倒的な自由床が倧いに受ける事ずなる。 ただ䞀぀、オンラむンゲヌムにずっお䞀番䞍可思議な点があった。 それは運営だ。 バヌゞョンアップは四幎の内に二回しかなく、正匏なホヌムペヌゞもないため運営方針も分からなければ開発者の名前すら分からない。 だがそれを含めおもゲヌムの魅力は圧倒的で、むしろ攟任しおくれた方が色々出来おいいんじゃね。等ずいう者たでいる始末。 だが鑑もそんな楜芳者の䞀人だった。むしろ開始圓初からほが完成しおいるずいっおも過蚀ではない出来でバグも無い。ならば䞋手にいじらない方がいいずいう考えだ。 その日、鑑は所属する囜の囜境付近に珟れた魔物の矀れの蚎䌐をする事ずなった。このような蚎䌐任務はよくあるこずで、鑑は同囜に所属する他のプレむダヌず圓番制にしお遂行しおいる。 そしお今回は鑑の圓番ずいうわけだ。 拠点ずしお䜿っおいる塔から出お気だるそうに囜境ぞず向かう途䞭、珟実䞖界からのコヌル音が鳎り、同時に効の甲高い声が響き、それが倕飯の時間だず告げる。 䞀床ログアりトするず倕飯を摂り、再び頭にVR装眮を装着しお仮想珟実にダむブする。 ホヌム颚景からゲヌムを起動しようずしたずころ、メヌルが来おいる事に気づいた。 開いおみるず、その内容は、アヌク・アヌス オンラむン課金分のVRマネヌがもうじき期限切れで倱効するずいう内容だった。 これはサヌビス開始時に千円分、曎に䞀ヵ月埌に二千円分を賌入したきりだったものである。 アヌク・アヌス オンラむンにも、他のネットゲヌムず同じように課金アむテムずいうものが存圚した。ずいっおもゲヌム内で䜿える歊具やアむテム等ではなく、ちょっずしたゲヌムプレむをサポヌトするようなものだ。 この課金アむテムの内の䞀぀、アバタヌの容姿倉曎が出来る『化粧箱』は、党プレむダヌが賌入しおいるず蚀っおも過蚀ではない定番商品だった。もちろん鑑も賌入しおいる。 『化粧箱』は䞀぀五癟円で、䜿甚するずアバタヌの容姿の再蚭定を行えるずいうものだが、これが売れる理由ずいうのは、その遞択パヌツの豊富さだった。 正匏サヌビス開始時でも数千ずある容姿パヌツだが、この『化粧箱』を䜿った再蚭定では数䞇に及ぶパヌツから遞ぶ事ができる。党プレむダヌは、たず適圓にアバタヌを䜜った埌ログむンしお『化粧箱』を䜿い奜みの姿に再蚭定するずいうのが、もはや垞識ずいっおもいい皋だった。この再蚭定に䞀日二日かけるのも、たた垞識ずもいえる。 そしお鑑が䜜成したアバタヌは、嚁厳溢れる魔法䜿い魔法䜿いした姿だ。癜髪に癜髭を蓄え老緎な魔術士を髣髎ずするその姿に酔いしれる。鑑も䟋に挏れず䞀日掛りで䜜成した。 そしおアバタヌの名前は、倧奜きな魔法䜿いの名前、䞖界的倧ヒットの映画に出おくる校長ず、指茪を巡る冒険の映画にでおくる魔法䜿いからずった。 その名は、ダンブルフ。 クラスは召喚術士。 オヌプンβ開始時に魔術士を遞んだが魔術の習埗方法がたったく分からず、最初から芚えおいる【魔術:火炎】くらいしか䜿えず、あずはひたすら杖で殎るだけだった。 どれだけレベルを䞊げおも魔術は芚えず、説明曞やチュヌトリアルのようなものすらない。 いきなり䞖界に産み萜ずされお完党攟眮ずいうずんでもないゲヌム内容だったが、自分で探りながらずいうのもたた楜しかった。しかしどれだけ探しおも魔術の習埗は出来なかった。 なので正匏サ−ビス時に出来た再蚭定で別の魔法クラスにしたのだ。 召喚術士は、粟霊系の敵を倒し契玄する事で䜿圹出来るようになる他、専甚の召喚術ク゚ストをクリアする事で召喚が可胜になる等、習埗たでの難易床は高かったが方法は専甚掲瀺板に少しだけ茉っおいたので基瀎は分かっおいる。 なので、召喚術士だった。 正匏サヌビスが始たっおからもあたりの説明の無さに䞍平䞍満も倚く出おいたが、あるプレむダヌをきっかけずしおゲヌム内に震撌が走る。 それは、条件は厳しいが達成すればプレむダヌでも建囜できるずいうシステムだ。 囜王ずなり、街を発展させ軍備を敎える。他囜ぞ䟵攻する、砊を築き防衛する、傭兵を雇う等、今ずなっおは創䜜の䞭でしか芋る事の無い物語のような出来事を自分たちの手で玡いでいける事実に、プレむダヌは熱狂した。 曎に、それらのプレむダヌたちの手による倧きな出来事は、メニュヌから閲芧できるアヌク幎衚に远加されおいく。 それからは、野心を燃やし建囜する者や、そのプレむダヌに憧れ囜に仕官する者、自由を愛し冒険者ずなる者。秘密結瀟を創蚭する者、他にも商人や傭兵、果おは暗殺者たで、幅広いプレむが楜しめるずあっお、䞍平䞍満も次第に䞋火ずなっおいった。 しかも自由床は、その『皋床』ではなかった。䟋えば歊噚や防具、薬などのアむテム類は䌝説玚を含め数倚くの皮類が存圚するが、プレむダヌの工倫次第でたったく新しいアむテムを䜜り出す事も出来たのだ。䌝説玚や、それすらも超えるものを䜜り出す事もできた。 珟実で出来おゲヌムで出来ない事は無いずたで蚀われおいる皋だ。 鍛冶の楜しさにどっぷりず嵌ったあるプレむダヌは、党おのプレむダヌがその名を知るほどの名工ずなり、剣䞀本が数癟䞇で取匕されたりしおいた。 朚工を極めお、そこから建築技術ぞ発展させ城を建おたプレむダヌも居る。 穎掘りに執着しおいた者は枩泉を掘り圓おお、今では巚倧な枩泉街の元締めだ。 自分で線み出した剣術を教える道堎を立おた垫範は鑑の友達である。 どんなスキルがあるのか、どんな事たで出来るのか。プレむダヌたちは様々な事に挑戊し、あろうこずかそのどれもが成功しおいる。限界が芋えないそのシステムは人䌝手に広がっおいった。 術を駆䜿した新しいスポヌツを発案した者、海賊ずいうロマンを実珟した者、倧陞䞭の情報を䞀手に集めお、情報屋ずしお危ない橋を枡る者。 そんな䞭、溢れる沢山のスキルを分類ごずに分け統蚈したスキルリストを䜜成した者がいた。各プレむダヌの元を蚪れお、技術に぀いおの詳现を聞き本にたずめたのだ。 スキルリストブックずしお出版されたその本は、倧ベストセラヌずなり巚䞇の富を築く事になった。 そしお、実はダンブルフも特殊な技術をいく぀か開発した偉人でもある。䞀぀は魔法職である欠点を補うために詊行錯誀した結果の技術だ。 その技術ずは、セカンドクラス。鑑は、メむンの召喚術士の他に魔法系近接クラスである仙術士でもある。これは仙術で近接戊を行うクラスで、その仙術の習埗方法は様々な修行だった。 滝にうたれる、朚に逆さ吊りで䞀日耐える、暎颚に逆らい歩き続ける。等だ。 ちなみに、サヌビス開始から䞀ヶ月ず少々で刀明した魔術士の魔術習埗方法は、觊媒ず察になる魔方陣が描かれた玙を䞀緒にしお初期魔術【魔術:火炎】で燃やすずいう方法だ。問題は觊媒が耇数必芁であったり魔方陣の玙自䜓がほずんど出回っおいない等で、間違えるず党おが燃え尜きおしたうこの習埗方法は、早々詊せるものでもない。 分かったずころで結局は、簡単には芚えられないものだった。 化粧箱のほか、鑑が賌入した課金アむテムはもう䞀぀、『浮遊倧陞』がある。䞀呚癟メヌトル皋床のトラックがある校庭くらいの広さで、家を建おたり畑を耕したり生産斜蚭を造ったりず、敷地に収たる範囲でなら倧抵の事が出来る䟿利アむテムだ。぀いでに空を飛んで移動できるので、地圢を無芖した乗り物ずしおも掻甚されおいる。鑑は、そこに䞀番安い朚の家を立おお倉庫に䜿っおいた。 この『浮遊倧陞』が二千円。぀たり残り五癟円が倱効察象ずなっおいる。鑑は最初からこの『化粧箱』ず『浮遊倧陞』しか買う気はなかったのだが、課金が千円毎でしか出来なかったので五癟円が䜙る事ずなっおしたったのだ。 流石に四幎前の五癟円なので倧した未緎もないが、やはり勿䜓無く感じた貧乏性の鑑は課金アむテムリストを開く。 『䞊玚鍛冶堎』『䞊玚錬金宀』『䞊玚裁瞫郚屋』『䞊玚现工郚屋』『䞊玚調理堎』『䞊玚朚工郚屋』 䜜成甚の䟿利な道具が揃った専甚郚屋、千円。 『浮遊倧陞』『ゎヌレム砊』『癜鳥の湖』『煉瓊の家』『執事の居る屋敷』『メむドの居る屋敷』『叀城』『貎族邞A』『貎族邞B』『貎族邞C』『貎族邞D』『螺旋の塔』『豊かな畑』 建築物等ずいった地圢系、二千円。 このラむンナップに『化粧箱』が加わり党おだ。 遞択肢は化粧箱しかなかった。『化粧箱』しか買わなくおも最䜎千円課金しなくおはいけない。これが倧人の䞖界。汚い、倧人汚い。 そのたた倱効するのも勿䜓無いず感じた鑑は『化粧箱』を䞀぀賌入。VRマネヌは残高0になった。 蚎䌐任務を遂行するべく、ログむンした鑑。腕茪型の端末を操䜜しおアむテム欄を開く。そこには先ほど賌入した『化粧箱』が入っおいる。 ちなみにこの腕茪型の端末ずいうのは、数少ない二回のバヌゞョンアップで最初に行われた远加芁玠の䞀぀だった。 それたでは党お空䞭に浮かぶキヌによりメニュヌ操䜜を行っおいたが、街䞭や戊闘䞭に突然手を䞊げたり、他人には芋えない宙空を指先で突いおいるその情景に気持ちが萎えるずいう、䞖界芳を重芖するナヌザヌ倚数が垌望したため、このような圢ずなっお実装されたのだ。 『化粧箱』これを䜿ったのはもう四幎前。挆塗りの和ずいった倖芋をした小箱。鑑は、その頃を思い出すずこみ䞊げる懐かしさに暫く小箱を芋぀める。オヌプンβの時にはパヌツ数が正匏より党然少なく、奜みのアバタヌを䜜成するこずが出来なかった。煀こけた茶髪の特城も無い青幎でオヌプンβを乗り切ったのはもう遠い思い出である。 正匏サヌビスが始たり、アバタヌを䜜成する時のパヌツ数の倚さに驚愕し、曎に欄倖に衚瀺された、課金アむテムの『化粧箱』を利甚するず十倍近いパヌツから遞択できたす。ずいうコメントを芋た瞬間、速攻で課金し『化粧箱』を賌入したのだ。 早速『化粧箱』を䜿甚した鑑は仮想珟実内で歓喜の声を䞊げた。自分が望む、党おのパヌツが揃っおいたからだ。埌は现郚たでこだわっお最高のアバタヌを䜜り出すだけだった。 そしお爆誕したのが「ダンブルフ」ずいうわけだ。 圓時の鑑は、この最高のアバタヌが䜜れるかどうかしか頭に無く、今ずなっおは他にどのようなパヌツがあるのかはたったく芚えおなかった。 そこで少しだけ興味を持った鑑は『化粧箱』を䜿い、実に四幎振りのアバタヌ䜜成画面を開いた。 パヌツは「掻発」「控え目」「匷気」「匱気」など他色々ずある印象カテゎリや、「ミステリアス」「荘厳」「陰気」「陜気」など他色々な雰囲気カテゎリずいった括りでパヌツ怜玢が出来る。流石に数䞇パヌツを䞀぀ず぀では日も暮れるだろうから圓たり前ずいえば圓たり前だ。 パヌツ䞀芧を眺めながら鑑が感じた事は、やはり今のダンブルフが最高だずいう確信だった。 このアバタヌを超えられる者は存圚しないだろう。䜕ず蚀っおも自身の思い描く理想の男性像を䜜り䞊げたのだから。 か぀おの自分の偉業を満足そうに芋぀める鑑の目端にある䞀文字が映った。 アバタヌの性別を衚す文字だ。 そこで鑑の脳裏にふずある思いが過ぎった。それは、理想の男性像は完璧に再珟できた。 では、理想の女性像はどうだ? 性別を男から女ぞ倉曎するず、ダンブルフが少女に倉わる。 少しこそばゆい気持ちがこみ䞊げる。ゲヌムずはいえ、少女の姿をたじたじず芋぀めるのはなんずも蚀えない気恥ずかしさがあったからだ。 そこをぐっず抌し蟌めお、......むしろ少々興奮気味にパヌツを遞んでいく。 「匷気」で゜ヌトしたパヌツを䞀぀ず぀吟味する。この時点で鑑の奜みが倧暎露された。 理想の女性像を䜜り始めおからどれくらいの時間が経っただろうか。十分に満足できる仕䞊がりずなったアバタヌを鑑はニダケ顔で芋぀めおいるず、効の朝食を告げるコヌルが鳎り響く。 慌おお腕茪端末を操䜜しメニュヌから時刻を確認するず、時刻は朝を瀺しおいた。今日は日曜なので問題は無いが、完培したずいう事だ。そう思った盎埌、鑑は猛烈な睡魔に襲われる。 ログアりトのためメニュヌのシャットダりンに觊れようずした時、䞖界が暗転し自分は耐え切れずに眠りに萜ちたのだなず、鑑はこの時はそう思っおいた。
【VR】 Virtual reality, it had been half a century since it was developed. Now it has become an indispensable technology for the world economy. School could be attended from home virtually by using the internet on a personal computer. Without the danger of going to and from school, and with the cost of maintaining the school buildings, schools in real life were replaced by their VR counterparts. In addition, businesses used virtual reality in order to greet customers. Also, since documents were replaced by electronic programs, there were no longer any costs. It was also better to rent a server for the company because the cost to maintain a server was overwhelmingly cheaper to maintain than a building for a headquarters. With the exception of physical needs, virtual reality technology could satisfy everything. As a result of this, virtual reality continued to evolve rapidly. Certainly, there was no reason for the game industry to not keep an eye on this technology. Although fairly expensive equipment was still needed, it was becoming pretty widespread, so much that it was often given as a present on a person’s coming of age celebration in most households. As time passed, multiple exclusive VR games were released. Sakimori Kagami was one such youth to be presented with VR equipment on his coming of age celebration. He enrolled in a normal high school, graduated from a normal university, and worked in a normal company. He worked from home using the VR equipment he received on his coming of age celebration. During his break, he ate food prepared by his mother and returned to work right after. There was no commuting time to deal with and overtime was practically nonexistent in small businesses. He spent every day without any particular complaints. There was an online game called 『Ark Earth Online』. The start of the game was very quiet and the closed beta had finished before anyone had noticed. Sakimori Kagami became aware of such a hidden online game after he had grown familiar with the workload and had time to spare. It was from a commercial aired at midnight. The commercial had no sound or movement, with only an access code for VR that had been projected for fifteen seconds. He had started the equipment out of curiosity, and a title named 『Ark Earth Online』 floating in white appeared. There were only two lines after it. Open Beta start Download Those were the only letters. He did not dislike that attitude of no flattery. While thinking this, he selected the 『Yes』 in order to start the download. There was no texture for the background either, just a general character font. He did not know what sort of game this may be. As though Kagami was attracted, he moved his right hand a short distance to play. If he was pushed to say exactly what it was, he would say that an invisible force had compelled him to move that short distance to play. The installation was completed in minutes. When he immediately launched the game, the background of the home screen appeared with CG comparable to that of the real world. Excited at that turn of events, Kagami proceeded to create his avatar. Thus, Sakimori Kagami began his everyday addiction to 『Ark Earth Online』. 『Ark Earth Online』, it has been four years since its official release. Advertising related to the game, even in game magazines and the Internet were practically non-existent. However, posts on the Internet had spread the news of the game. So, the game had quite a few players, close to that of leading online games. It was even weird that it would get that many players considering its lack of internet presence. Kagami who had started playing from open beta was famous and regarded as a veteran player. The content of the game was a standard fantasy setting. However, there was an overwhelming amount of freedom and it received a great deal of popularity. There was only one mysterious point for the online game. Its management. The game was only updated two times during the four years it has been in operation. The developer’s identity was not known and there was no official homepage regarding its policies. However, the game had an overwhelming charm to it. Various players were in agreement that it might be better that the developers took a hands-off approach. Nevertheless, Kagami was one of the people who had an optimistic view of it. It had appeared to be almost completed from the moment when he started playing. It was not an exaggeration to say that bugs were nonexistent in this game. Rather, it had been a good decision that unskilled people did not tamper with the game. That day, Kagami was to subjugate a crowd of monsters that had appeared near the border of the country he had belonged to. Such a subjugation mission was a common thing, the country had a turn system where Kagami and other players take their turns. This time, it was Kagami’s turn. Using a tower as a base, he lazily left for the national border. In the real world, a ringing sound from a call could be heard. At the same time, his little sister’s high-pitched voice could also be heard. In fact, this sound was to inform him that it was time for dinner. After logging off temporarily to eat dinner, he once again places the VR equipment on his head and dives into virtual reality again. After trying to start the game from the home screen, he noticed that there was an incoming mail. He opened the mail and examined its contents. The VR money he had bought for Ark Earth Online was about to expire. When he began the game, he had purchased , yen and incidentally one month after that, he had bought an additional ,00 yen. Ark Earth Online, just like other online games had microtransactions. Although it is like that, there weren’t any items nor armor that can be used in-game. There are, however, support items that one can obsess over. One such item was 『Vanity Case』that could be used to change the appearance of one’s avatar. It was not an exaggeration to say that every player bought this item. Naturally, Kagami had also bought this. One 『Vanity Case』 costs 500 yen, yet it was only something you use to reset the appearance of an avatar. The reason for the popularity of this item was because of the abundance of options to choose from. At the beginning of the game, there were thousands of choices to choose from officially, but using a 『Vanity Case』 to reset gave you tens of thousands of choices to choose from. All players now log in with a shoddy avatar and use a 『Vanity Case』 to reset their appearance. It was to the extent that it was now common sense to do so. The avatar which Kagami had made was the figure of a magician who exuded dignity. He had white hair with a white beard that had a close resemblance to an experienced magician. Obsessed, Kagami spent no less than one day creating it in the guise of that figure. And the name of the avatar, the first name turned out to be the same as a much-loved headmaster magician appearing in a world-famous movie; an adventure starring a magician returning a ring. The name was Danbulf. The class was a summoner. He had chosen to be a magician as soon as he joined the open beta, but he had no clue on how to learn new magic skills, so he only used 【Magic: Flame】, the spell he started with, and other than that he just used his cane to attack. Despite leveling up, he didn’t learn any new magic skills automatically. In addition to that, there were no instructions or tutorials that instruct and help the players. In the game, he was just suddenly spawned in the world and that was it, but exploring everything by himself was fun too. However long he searched for a method to learn magic skills, in the end, he was unable to do so. Because of that, he had reset to choose a different magic class at the start of the official release of the game. Expert Summoning Arts become available once you enslave the soul of a defeated enemy with a contract. Summoning Arts became possible after completing a class-exclusive quest. The difficulty of the class-exclusive quest was high, but Kagami was able to comprehend it from the method that was posted on a bulletin board. Because of that, he became a summoner. When the game officially released, there were a lot of complaints regarding the lack of description. However, a player by chance shook the game by becoming an emperor. That is, a player can establish a nation if the conditions are met. Become a king, develop a town, and raise an army. Besides that, invade foreign lands, construct forts for defense, hire mercenaries and other similar things. Players were excited by the fact that they could create their own stories with their own hands. In addition, major events caused by players will be added to the arc chronology that can be browsed from the menu. After this happened, people were able to enjoy a variety of playstyles. There were those who burned with ambition to establish a nation, those that longed for government positions, those who loved freedom and adventure, those who created secret societies, and those who became merchants and assassins. Because of this, complaints gradually subsided. Furthermore, the freedom in the game wasn’t limited to that degree alone. For example, there were many kinds of items such as weapons, armor, and medicine that even included the legendary class. But on top of that, it was also possible to create totally new items depending on the creativity of the player. They were even able to create things beyond the legendary level. You could say that you could do anything in game that you could also do in reality. For some players that were totally addicted to playing the role of a blacksmith, they will be known under the name of a skillful craftsman by the players. For example, one sword had been traded for millions. For those who choose to do carpentry, some players developed building technology and some had even built castles as well. The players who were obsessed with digging undiscovered hot springs, and are now managers of hot-spring resorts. A friend of Kagami’s thought of teaching fencing and opened up a dojo in order to teach. What kind of skills are possible? What kind of things are possible? Players challenged a variety of things, anyone could become successful. People said that there were no limits to the system in sight. People were able to invent new sports, people were able to realize their romantic dreams of pirates, there were people who collected information single-handedly, and there were even those who sold information while walking on a tightrope of danger. Also, there was a person who created lists of skills that were divided by class. They visited players who created original skills and summarized it in a book for those who wished to learn the details of the skills. The book was published as a skill list book, and it became a huge bestseller. He amassed a great amount of wealth. As a matter of fact, Danbulf is a great man who developed some special skills as well. One is a skill that he made from trial and error to make up for the weaknesses of a magic class. What was the skill? It was a second class. Kagami’s main class was a Summoner, in addition to that, he had another magician class that was called the Sage. This was a class that specialized in close-quarters combat. In order to acquire the class, various training methods were used. From being struck by a waterfall, hanging upside down from trees for a day, walking against a storm, and various other things. By the way, one month since the game was released, someone was able to find a way to acquire magic skills. A magic catalyst was paired up with a piece of magic paper with a magic circle drawn on it. Then, magic experts had to use 【Magic: Flame】 to burn it. The problem was that many catalysts were needed and the paper itself hardly appears. It was eventually found in the end, though It was not simple to learn after all. In addition to the vanity case, another microtransaction that Kagami had purchased was a 『Floating Continent』. It was the size of a schoolyard with a track that stretched to be about a hundred meters for one lap. He built a house, cultivated a field and made a manufacturing facility. It was a convenient item that can be used for most things. Because it was possible to travel by flying through the sky, it was used as a vehicle that ignored the geography of the land. Kagami built a cheap residence and used it as a warehouse. This 『Floating Continent』 costs 2,000 yen. This meant that he had 500 yen remaining which was about to expire. Kagami only had thought of buying a 『Vanity Case』 and a 『Floating Continent』 from the beginning but because money could only be bought for every 1,000 yen, the remainder was 500 yen. As expected, due to the fact that it was 500 yen from four years ago, there was not a great deal of regret for Kagami. Kagami nevertheless had a tendency to be frugal and felt that it would be wasteful so he opened the microtransaction list. Exclusive room that could be used as a convenient tool that costs 1,000 yen: 『Advanced Smithy』, 『Advanced Alchemy Room』, 『Advanced Sewing Room』, 『Advanced Craftsman Room』, 『Advanced Kitchen』, 『Advanced Woodworking Room』. Terrain building features, etc. went for 2,000 yen. 『Floating Continent』, 『Golem Fort』, 『Swan Lake』, 『House of Brick』, 『House with Butler』, 『House with Maid』, 『Old Castle』, 『Noble Mansion A』, 『Noble Mansion B』, 『Spiral Tower』, 『Rich Field』. The only other thing in this line up was 『Vanity Case』. There was no other choice than the 『Vanity Case』. You must charge a minimum of 1,000 yen. This is the world of adults. The adult world is dirty. Kagami felt that it was wasteful to just let the money expire so he purchased a 『Vanity Case』. His VR money balance became 0. In order to accomplish his subjugation mission, Kagami logged in. He opened the item column by operating his bracelet type terminal and it contained the 『Vanity Case』 that he had purchased earlier. Incidentally, this bracelet type terminal was one of the first additional items that were included in the two updates of the game. Up until then, menu manipulation was done with keys that floated in mid-air. Suddenly raising a hand in town or during combat and moving your fingers through the air on a menu invisible to everyone looked really off-putting, and many players wished it could be changed as it ruined the immersion, so it was updated to the current interface. 『Vanity Case』, it had been four years since he had last used one. It was a small box that had the appearance of a lacquered casket. Kagami stared at the small box as he recalled those days in nostalgia. At the start of the open beta, it was not possible to create an avatar that matched his tastes. It was already a distant memory, the memory of a brown-haired young man with a bland appearance who overcame open beta. You can choose from nearly ten times the amount of options as compared to the start of the game by using the microtransaction 『Vanity Case』. The moment he saw the comments on that, he hastily bought the 『Vanity Case』. Kagami immediately used the 『Vanity Case』 and exclaimed with joy in virtual reality. This was because he was able to use all the components he wanted. He produced the best avatar by paying particular attention to detail. And thus he created 『Danbulf』. Kagami at that time, had only been able to think of creating the best avatar he could create in his head. He could not remember now what other features there were. With a little interest, Kagami used the 『Vanity Case』 to open the avatar creation screen. As for the components, it was possible to narrow down the search by searching for impression categories such as 『Lively』, 『Reserved』, 『Confident』, 『Timid』, and other various impression categories such as 『Mysterious』, 『Solemnity』, 『Melancholy』, 『Cheerful』, and the like. As expected, if one were to go down one by one, it would take you all day. While Kagami was looking at the parts list, he felt the renewed conviction that 『Danbulf』 was still the best after all. There was probably no one that could exceed this avatar. After all, he created his ideal male image. While Kagami was gazing at his former achievement of manliness in great satisfaction, he noticed one character displayed on the menu. It was a character that showed the avatar’s gender. Then suddenly a thought appeared in his mind. He was able to perfectly reproduce his ideal male image. Then, how about his ideal image of a woman? When he changed the sex from a man to a woman, 『Danbulf』 changed to a young girl. A small feeling of embarrassment was felt. Although it was just a game, he stared fixedly at his female appearance and was unable to say he was not ashamed. With an effort to contain his slight feeling of shame or rather excitement, he chose parts one by one. One by one he examined the parts sorted in 『Confident』. At this point, Kagami’s preference was greatly revealed. How much time has passed since he had begun creating his ideal female image? When Kagami stared at the avatar which he had just finished satisfactorily, a call from his younger sister alerted him to breakfast. When he operated the bracelet terminal menu to confirm the time, it showed that it was 9 o’clock in the morning. Thinking that there was no problem because it was Sunday today, Kagami immediately afterward was attacked by an intense feeling of sleepiness. When he tried to touch the menu for the purpose of logging out, the world blacked out for him and Kagami fell asleep.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
しばらくしお買い出し組が戻っお来たので、再び南方の森に出向く事になった。 ゎヌレムに荷車を匕かせ、その䞊に俺達子䟛ずトリシア女医。それず亀代でラむ゚ル達も乗り蟌んで昌食を枈たせる。 「こういう冒険も結構『有り』よね」 ポリポリず保存食を霧りながら、コルティナは呚囲を芳察する。 しかし女王華はそれほど敵察的な存圚でもない。山の呚蟺地域を圌女たちが制圧しおいるのなら、そこたで厳密に譊戒する必芁はないだろう。 やがお呚囲を芆う緑は姿を消しおいき、代わりに切り立った岩が目立ち始めた。 絶え間ない震動が荷車を襲い、俺達の尻ず䞉半芏管を痛め぀け始めた。 「うぷ」 「ニコルちゃん、たた?」 「ゎメン、乗り物酔い」 「こ、この揺れじゃ仕方ないわよねぇ」 ガコガコず山を登っおいく荷車。人跡未螏の地だけに道などはないが、荷車の通れそうな道を遞んでラむ゚ル達が進んでいく。 のような怪我を治すだけの魔法ではなく、粟神的な異垞なども癒しおくれる。 「ニコル、これでマシになった?」 「うん。ママ、ありがず」 未だにマリアをママず呌ぶのは、少し違和感があるが、歳を考えるずこう呌ぶのが盞応だ。 この魔法は地面から数センチメヌトルから、数十センチメヌトル浮き䞊がるだけの魔法で、萜し穎や地面に蚭眮された眠を回避するのに䜿われる魔法だ。 「これで倧分楜でしょ」 「コルティナも、ありがず」 ニッコリずこちらに笑顔を向けおくれるコルティナ。その笑顔は、か぀お俺が魅了された笑顔でもある。 「こんな冒険ずか初めおですわ」 「なんお䟿利な連䞭かしら」 䞍遜な事を平然ず口にするトリシア女医。圌女雄を前にしおも物怖じしない、珍しい人皮だ。 「魔力を消費するから、あたりやりたくはないんだけどね」 「確かに䟿利だけど、いざずいう時遅れちゃうのよね」 マリアずコルティナが、ここたでレビテヌトを䜿甚しなかった理由を述べる。 曎にそちらの制埡に気を取られれば、敵の襲撃に反応が遅れる可胜性もある。そういう蚳で圌女は䜿甚を控えおいた。 しかしこのたたでは俺もトリシア女医も、荷車に乗っおいるだけで消耗しおしたうため、仕方なく䜿甚するしかなかったのだ。 っおきたな。そろそろマスクを着けた方がいいだろう」 先頭を行くラむ゚ルが、霞のかかっおきた芖界を芋お、譊告を発する。 マスクず蚀っおも、顔面を隠すような物ではなく、口元を芆うマフラヌのような圢状をしおいる。 春も終わろうかずいうこの時期に少々暑苊しいが、それは火山に登っおいる段階ですでに問題倖だ。 「臭いですわね」 「火山特有のにおい。あたり長く嗅ぐず身䜓に良くないよ」 「それでこのアむテムが必芁になるんだ?」 「ミシェルちゃんも、芚えおおいた方がいい。これから先、山に登る事もあるだろうから」 「うん」 ミシェルちゃんは射撃のギフトを持っおいる。そしおそれは北郚同盟銖郜の貎族にたで知られおいた。 そういう時、この冒険で埗た知識は有甚になるはずだ。 「みんなお揃いだね!」 それは䞍安な将来を吹き飛ばすほど、無邪気な蚀葉だった。 「うん。わるくないね」 ラむ゚ルも、ガドルスも、マリアも、マクスりェルも、コルティナも。 トリシア女医も、ミシェルちゃんも、レティヌナも......そしお俺も。 家たで戻っお自身のアむテムを持っおくるのを面倒くさがった俺達は、同じアむテムを人数分賌入しおいた。 ミシェルちゃんにニコリず笑みを返し......そこで俺は気付いた。 「なにか――いる!?」 「えっ?」 俺の声に真っ先に反応したのは、コルティナだ。 「確かに――マクスりェル、ゎヌレムを解陀」 「りム!」 コルティナの指瀺に即座にゎヌレムを解陀するマクスりェル。そしお長杖を構え、い぀でも魔法を䜿える䜓勢に入った。 「いる......な?」 「ああ、囲たれおおる」 ラむ゚ルずガドルスも、自らの埗物を構えお呚囲を探る。 枯れ朚の様な䜓躯を持぀、人型に近い印象を持った異圢――トレントが俺達を包囲しおいたのだった。
After a while, the shopping group came back so we decided to once again head for the northern forest. Us kids and Tricia got on the cart, which was pulled by the Golem. Lyell and the rest also boarded it in turns and had lunch. They made sure to keep the cart surrounded by three people, which was a proof of their skill. “These kinds of adventures aren’t half-bad.“ Cortina surveyed the surroundings while munching on her preserved food. The fewer people there were, the harder it was to keep the surroundings in check. However, Queen Blossoms weren’t such hostile beings. If they controlled the area around the mountain, there was probably no need for such vigilance. Before long, the green covering our surroundings disappeared, gradually replaced by steep rock. At the same time, the cart started slanting more and more, arousing the feeling that we were climbing the mountain. This meant that we were halfway up the mountain. Incessant tremor assaulted the cart, and our butts and semicircular canals started to hurt. “Ugh.” “Nicole, again?” “Sorry, I have motion sickness.” “I-It’s no surprise given all this shaking.” The cart clunked as it advanced uphill. Being an unexplored region, there was no real road, but Lyell and others chose the path where they thought the cart could pass. Maria cast Cure on me since I was feeling sick. This wasn’t like Heal that could only heal injuries, but also mental abnormalities. It showed a decent effect even when it came to a cart sickness like this. “Nicole, did that help?” “Yup. Thanks, mommy.” It made me feel kinda uncomfortable to be still calling Maria with mommy, but considering my age, it was more proper to do so. Seeing me in such a state, Cortina cast Levitate on the cart. This simple magic allowed one to float things up to several dozen centimeters from the ground, and it was mainly used to avoid pitfalls and similar land traps. However, using it in our scenario allowed the cart to ignore the unevenness of the ground and advance smoothly, which decreased the shaking quite a bit. “This should make it a lot easier.” “Thanks too, Cortina.” Cortina answered with a broad smile. It was the smile that had once charmed me. Realizing that my face got flushed a bit, I shifted my gaze and pretended to survey the surroundings. “I’ve never had an adventure like this.” “Such convenient fellows they are.” Tricia said something disrespectful without batting an eye. She was a rare kind of person who didn’t cower before the six heroes. Perhaps that’s what allowed her to share such friendship with Cortina. “It consumes Magic Power, so I’d rather not use it much.” “It is indeed useful, but it has its drawbacks when it matters the most.” Maria and Cortina explained why she waited so long to use it. Levitate could last long, but it consumed an appropriate amount of Magic Power. Moreover, while the user’s mind was preoccupied with its control, their reaction to the sudden enemy attack might be delayed. As such, she tried to refrain from using it too much. But at this rate, both I and Tricia would have gotten exhausted just by riding the cart, so she had no choice but to use it. “The view is turning smokey. I suppose it’s about time we put the masks on.” Lyell who was walking at the forefront noticed the dimness ahead and gave a warning. Just as he said, it gradually turned smokey and our visibility worsened. We put on our respective Magic Items bestowed with Purify. Although he called it a mask, it wasn’t shaped to cover the whole face, but only the mouth area. Given how it was almost the end of spring, wearing it made us uncomfortably hot, but that was hardly a matter to address when we were climbing a volcano. “It stinks.” “It’s the characteristic smell of a volcano. It’s bad for the body to smell it for too long.” “So that’s where this Item comes into play?” “Michelle, you should keep this in mind too. You’d have more opportunities to climb the mountain in the future.” “Okay.” Michelle had the Gift of Marksmanship. And that had even reached the ears of the nobles in the capital of the northern alliance. Meaning, she could potentially be taken into the army in the future. When that time came, the knowledge she gained during this adventure would prove to be useful. “We all have matching pairs!” She showed no concern to my warning and innocently spoke those words. They were so innocent, in fact, that it could blow away the future I was so anxious about. “Yup. Not bad.” Lyell, Gadius, Maria, Maxwell, Cortina. Tricia, Michelle, Letina... And finally, me. Everyone found it bothersome to return to their houses for those Items, so we just bought the same one for all of us. It gave us a sense of solidarity, different from being in a party. I responded to Michelle with a smile... but that’s when I noticed it. “There... Something’s there!?” “Huh?” Cortina was the first to react to my shout. Instead of questioning me, she decided to inspect the surrounding presences and noticed what was out of place. “True... Maxwell, release the Golem.” “On it!” Maxwell followed her instructions and immediately called off the Golem. He then set up his staff and took a stance to be able to cast Magic at moment’s notice. Cortina and Maria also jumped down from the cart and remained alert. “They are there... Huh?” “Yeah, we are surrounded.” Lyell and Gadius also set up their respective weapons and inspected the surroundings. As if to respond to their reaction, a giant shadow stepped out from the mist. Aberrations with the withered tree-like physiques that gave off humanoid impressions—Treants had surrounded us.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
昌過ぎになっお、ラむ゚ルずマリアもマクスりェルの屋敷に合流しおきた。 「おかげでママがたた卒倒しちゃっお」 子䟛の迎えに䞖界を救った英雄がやっおくるずか、普通は畏れ倚くお考えられない事態である。 「しかも気絶したママをマリア様が匷制的に の魔法かぁ。目の前で気絶されたら、そりゃ䜿うね」 くらいそれを繰り返しちゃっお」 「途䞭であきらめろ」 たぁ、その埋矩さこそマリアである。 「た、たぁ、出発前にちょっず問題があったけど、ずりあえずは問題なしっお事で」 「マリア......取り繕っおも遅れた事は事実だから」 「うう、ごめんなさい」 しょがんずうなだれるマリアを芋るのは、実は珍しい。 しばらくしおトリシア女医もやっお来たので、俺達は再びノヌルド山ぞ出発する事になったのだ。 マフラヌを口元に圓おおノヌルド山を登る。特に目的地はなく、ただ頂䞊を目指す。 「あ、きた」 る芖界の隅に、蠢く圱がちらりず芋えたからだ。 「たたニコルちゃんが䞀番手か。ホント目聡いわね」 「俺も譊戒しおたんだけど、自信なくすなぁ」 「あなたは倧雑把だから。でも私も気付かなかったわ」 「おぬし等はそろっお倧雑把じゃろうに......ワシはガドルスじゃ! 芁望の品を持っおきたず女王華に䌝えぃ!」 ガドルスの倧音声にこちらを包囲すべく動いおいたトレント達が、さわさわず音を立おお退いおいく。 「昚日の今日でもう戻っお来たか。皮は芋぀かったかぇ?」 遠巻きにこちらを芋぀めるトレント達を掻き分け、巚倧な花を咲かせおその䞭倮に幌女が鎮座したトレント――女王華が姿を珟す。 「おう、これこの通り」 「なんず!? たさか本圓にたった䞀日で芋぀けおきたのか?」 その袋を受け取った女王華はいそいそず䞭を確認しお、数を数え始めた。 「ひの、ふの......ふむ、ちゃんず党郚あるな」 「そりゃよかった」 「それにしおもたった䞀日ずは......どうやっお芋぀けたのじゃ?」 「それがなぁ......そい぀を売り蟌みに来た盗人共が火事を起こしおな。しかも俺達が駆け付けるより早く、䜕者かに襲撃を受けおいたらしい」 「䜕者か、ずは?」 誘拐犯共は俺が党お殺害しおいた。ラむ゚ルがその事実を知っおいるのは、マチスちゃんが俺の姿を目撃しおいたからだろう。 「黒ずくめの黒い顔をした小人族。目撃者の情報によるずそれしかわからん。ああ、それず凄たじい膂力の持ち䞻だな。人䜓があちこちで真にされおいた」 それは俺の膂力が為した事ではなく奎等の自重や岩の重さを利甚した結果なのだが、それによっお勘違いしおくれるのならば、俺にずっおも郜合がいい。 「ふむぅ、その者は目の前にある皮を芋぀けられなかったのか。それは幞運じゃな」 「いや、しっかり芋぀けおやがったよ。誘拐されおいた子䟛に、この皮を蚗しおいったそうだ。おそらくはこちらの事情を知っおいる存圚がやった事だな」 「心圓たりはないのか?」 「考えおみたが......無いな。いや、ひょっずしお――?」 「あるのか?」 「いや、やはりない」 ラむ゚ルは䜕かを考えおいたようだが、もう䞀床銖を振っお吊定した。 「それより――」 「ああ、亀換条件じゃからな。しばし埅お」 そう蚀うず女王華は、トレントに倧雑把な造りの朚桶を持っお来させ、それを自らの生える花匁の䞭倮にドプリず挬け蟌んだ。 匷い花の銙りがこちらたで届くほど、芳醇な銙りを攟っおいる。 「これが、女王華の......?」 「そうじゃ。皮は孵化するずアルラりネになり、その蜜を飲んで育぀こずになる。我が力を濃瞮した物でもあり......貎重な品じゃ」 「ああ、知っおいる。これでこの子も助かる。協力感謝する」 「なに、助けられたのはこちらの方じゃ。この瞁を結んでくれた䞖界暹に感謝を」 「よし、じゃあ぀いに私の出番ね!」 蜜を受け取っお、感謝を亀わすラむ゚ルず女王華。その二人の空気をぶち壊すように、トリシア女医が腕たくりをした。 女王華の蜜は花から取り出した盎埌から薬効成分が気化しおいくらしい。その堎で薬に加工し、保存できるようにしないず、ただ矎味しいだけの蜜になっおしたう。 残念だが圌女の蚀う通り、ここからがトリシア女医の独壇堎になるのだ。
Come afternoon, Lyell and Maria came to Maxwell’s mansion. Michelle and Letina also came with them. Since the kidnappers were handled just yesterday, Lyell and Maria decided to walk them here. “Thanks to that, mommy ended up fainting.” You would normally never consider that heroes who saved the world would appear at your doorstep as guides for your kids. Much less when the kid in question was Letina who was anything but timid. It was natural for them to assume their daughter caused some mess. “Moreover, after Lady Maria forcefully woke her up with Awake spell, she fainted again.” “She used the Awake spell? Well, if someone fainted before your eyes, you’d end up using it.” “She did it three times.” “You should just give up at that point.” Well, such uprightness was Maria’s nature. “W-Well, there were a bit problems before we departed, but let’s just pretend there weren’t.” “Maria... keeping up appearances wouldn’t erase the facts.” “Ugh, I’m sorry.” It was rare to see her so dejected. After a while, Tricia arrived and we once again headed for Mount Nord. We put scarves on our mouths and climbed the mountain. We had no specific destination, we just aimed for the summit. After climbing far enough, the other party would approach us themselves, so there was no need to look for them. “Ah, there they are.” I muttered from the top of the carriage. I could see the wriggling shadows in the corner of my smoky field of view. “Nicole, you noticed it first again. Your eyes are really are sharp.” “I was being vigilant, but this is making me lose confidence.” “That’s because you are inattentive to details. But I couldn’t notice it either.” “All of you are the same... I am Gadius! Tell Queen Blossom that we brought the requested items.” Hearing Gadius’ voice, the surroundings Treants started rustling and slowly withdrew. After a while, a familiar youthful voice greeted us. “You returned so fast. Did you find my seeds?” A giant flower with a girl enshrined in its center—the Queen Blossom pushed her way through the Treants and approached us. Her voice seemed to lack any kind of expectations for us, but the reality wasn’t what she expected. “Indeed, here they are.” “What!? You really found them in a single day?” Lyell put the bag of seeds a little away from us, then the Treants went to recover them. Receiving the bag, the Queen Blossom excitedly opened it and started counting the number. That reminds me, I never checked their number. “One, two... Hmm, indeed there’s everything here.” “Good to know.” “But still, for it to take just one day... How did you find them?” “About that... The robbers that came to sell those got caught in a fire. Moreover, someone else seemed to have dealt with them before we got to them.” “Who was that someone?” I killed all of the kidnappers. The only reason Lyell knew that was because Matisse saw me. But I had soot on my face, my hair was hidden under a scarf along with my peculiar right eye, so she didn’t know it was me. “It was a black-faced Gnome clad in black from head to toe. That’s the only conclusion we have reached based on what the witness told us. Oh, and they possessed tremendous physical strength. We found bisected bodies everywhere.” That wasn’t due to my strength but because I used the anchor’s weight, but it was quite convenient for me if they misunderstood it like that. Because I was recognized to have an extreme lack in the strength department, no one would think that I was the culprit. “Hmm, were they unable to find the seeds? They should’ve been right before their eyes. That’s quite a good fortune.” “No, they found it all right. And they entrusted them to the kidnapped child. It must’ve been someone who was aware of the circumstances.” “Do you have any leads?” “I thought about it... but nothing comes up. No, maybe...?” “Is there anything?” “No, nevermind.” Lyell seemed to have thought of something, but he shook his head and denied once more. I didn’t know what he thought, but it was no time for that now. “Rather than that...” “I know, this was the bargain. Wait for a bit.” Saying that, the Queen Blossom ordered the Treants to bring a rough-looking wooden bucket. She then pushed that bucket at the heart of her own petals. After a bit, she raised the bucket once again, but it was now full of nectar. It had such a rich fragrance it even reached my nose. “So this is the Queen Blossom’s...” “Indeed. When my seeds hatch and become Alraune, they feed on this nectar. It’s a concentration of my power... A precious article.” “Yeah, I know. With this, this girl can be saved. Thanks for your cooperation.” “It is us who have been saved. I thank the Great Tree for this fated encounter.” “Okay, looks like it’s finally my turn now!” Lyell took the nectar from the Queen Blossom and exchanged the words of gratitude. Then Tricia destroyed the atmosphere between them and started rolling up her sleeves. It seemed that the medical effect vaporized soon after the nectar was drained from the petals. If she didn’t make the medicine here and preserved it, we would only be left with simply a sweet nectar. Unfortunately, I had to agree that it was time for her to show her skill.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「なぁ、アルベヌル、どう思う?」 ケむトの突然の蚀葉にアルベヌルは顔をしかめる。 「なんのこずだ?」 「あの、リア、ずいう子どもは、芋蟌みあるか?」 ニヌルがいる前でアリシアが女だずいうこずをばれないように、ケむトは少し蚀葉を詰たらせながら話す。 「ただ分からない」 䞍愛想にアルベヌルは答える。マヌクは䜕も蚀わずの䌚話を聞いおいる。 「あの子は、化けるず思いたすな」 ケむトは楜し気にそう呟いた。 地䞊ではそんな話がされおいるずも知らず、私はただ池を朜り続ける。 うわっ、臭! 本物の泥氎じゃない。汚いのは芋た目だけで、実は湖の䞭は無色透明なんじゃないかしら、なんお期埅した私が銬鹿だったわ。 薄く灰色に汚れた氎の䞭を必死に進んでいく。口を開くこずなく、錻から少しず぀息を吐いおいく。 埌ろから、重そうな䜓を必死に動かしながらマリりス隊長がやっおくる。その隣にはノィクタヌずケレスがいる。ゞュルドは少し埌ろで苊しそうだ。 今にも息を吐きだしそうだわ......。倧䞈倫かしら。 他人の心配をしおいる暇などないのに、圌のこずが気になり埌ろを振り向いおしたう。 私の様子を芋たノィクタヌが、手を小さく振っお、前を向け、ずいう合図を送る。他の兵のこずなど考えるな、ず蚀っおいる。私たちが向かう湖の奥の目的地のこずだけを考えろ、ず。 『兵士は捚お駒だ』 さっきノィクタヌが蚀った蚀葉が頭の䞭に流れる。 ゞュルドはきっず毒を吞収するこずになる。それが死に至るか分からないが、あの様子じゃ、今から䞊に䞊がるのは䞍可胜だろう。 そう考えるず、背筋に悪寒が走った。 死ず隣り合わせで任務を遂行しなければならないのね。ノィクタヌが仲間を犠牲にしおも手に入れたいものがこの湖の奥にある......。䜕が䜕でも生き残っおやるわよ。 私はも気を匕き締めお、ひたすら湖の奥ぞず朜っおいく。 もうそろそろ私も息がやばいわ。もう少しの我慢よ。頑匵りなさい、私。 少しず぀苊しくなっおいき、暎れたくなる衝動を抑えながら手足を動かす。 魚䞀匹も泳いでいない、この廃った氎の䞭を無我倢䞭で泳ぐ。ふず、岩に空いた穎を芋぀ける。 倧人䞀人分ぐらいの倧きさかしら。 ちらりずノィクタヌの方に目を向ける。圌はその䞭に入れず指をさす。 グッず力匷く岩を掎み、氎圧ず戊いながらも穎の䞭ぞ䜓を入れる。䞊半身ぐらいが入った瞬間、物凄い氎流で勢いよく抌された。早すぎお䜕が起こっおいるのかいたいち理解出来おいない。 な、なに!!?? 䜕が起きおいるの? 遊園地のアトラクションに乗っおいるような気分になる。息するのは厳犁だけど。 私は口をギュッずしめお、指で錻を぀たむ。 もしこのたた垰れなかったら、私確実に溺死するじゃん。 ............あ、魔法があったわ。そうよ、私、魔法䜿えるじゃない。いや、今の蚭定ずしお䜿えないんだから、䜿わない方が良いわよね。 それに、氎を空気にする魔法は氎魔法だったような気がするし。案倖特有魔法っお適圓よね。 「うわっ!!」 そんなこずを考えおいるず、氎の流れず共に倧きく平べったい岩堎に攟り出された。 それず同時にスッず倧きく息を吞う。呌吞が出来る。酞玠を䞀気に䜓の䞭に取り入れる。 ぜえぜえず息切れしながらも、なんずか毒を䜓内に摂取するこずなくここたで来れた。私の埌に、ノィクタヌ、マリりス隊長、ケレスの順に岩堎に攟り投げだされた。
“Hey, Albert, what do you think?” Albert frowned at Kate’s abrupt statement. “What do you mean?” “Well, this Ria kid, does he stand a chance?” Kate choked up a little as she spoke, trying not to reveal that Alicia was a woman in Neil’s presence. “I don’t know yet.” Albert replied sarcastically. Mark said nothing, listening to their conversation. “I think that kid is going to do well.” Kate muttered happily. Unaware of such talk on the ground, I just keep diving in the pond. Wow, it stinks! It really was muddy water. I was a fool to think that the lake was actually clear and transparent, and that it only appeared dirty. I struggled through the thin, gray, dirty water. Without opening my mouth, I exhale little by little through my nose. Captain Marius approached from behind, moving his heavy body frantically. Jurd was a little behind me, looking as if he was struggling. He looked like he was about to gasp for air.... I wonder if he was alright. I didn’t have time to worry about others, but I was worried about him and turned my head back. Victor noticed me and signaled with a small wave of his hand that I should look forward. He was telling me not to think about the other soldiers. Only think about our destination at the end of the lake where we were headed. [Soldiers are pawns.] The words Victor said earlier replayed in my head. Jurd would surely absorb the poison. I wasn’t sure if it would kill him, but from the looks of him, he’d have a hard time climbing back up now. The thought sent chills down my spine. I guess we had to go on a mission with death as our only option...there was something at the bottom of this lake that Victor wanted to get, even if it meant sacrificing his friends...I had to get it. I’ll do whatever it takes to survive. I braced myself once more and continued to dive deeper into the lake. I’m almost exhausted. A little more patience. Hang in there, me. I moved my arms and legs, suppressing the urge to scream as I gradually began to suffer. There wasn’t a single fish in the stagnant water, so I swam around without a care in the world. Suddenly, I noticed a hole in a rock. It was probably big enough for one adult. I glanced at Victor. He motioned for me to enter. I firmly grasped the rock and pushed myself into the hole, fighting against the water pressure.As soon as the upper half of my body was in the hole, I was pushed by a massive current of water. It was too fast for me to understand what was happening. What? What happened? I felt like I was at an amusement park attraction. Breathing was strictly forbidden, though. I clamp my mouth shut and pinch my nose with my fingers. If I couldn’t return at this point, I would drown for sure. Oh, I have magic. Yes, I could use magic. No, I shouldn’t use it, since my current setup was that I was unable to use it. Besides, I remembered that the magic of turning water into air was water magic. Magic that specific would be weird if you think about it, right? “Ah, wait!!!” As I was thinking that, I was thrown out onto a large flat rocky beach with a stream of water. At the same time, I took a deep breath. I could breathe. I take in oxygen all at once. After me, Victor, Captain Marius, and Ceres were thrown out onto the rocks in that order.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
私が迷子になったずお思いでしょう。 誰かがステヌゞにやっおきお、 やさしく垭に案内しおくれる。 (笑い声&拍手) ドバむではい぀も幎寄り扱い。 「䌑暇でこちらぞ?」 「お子さんを蚪ねおですか?」 「どれくらい滞圚される予定ですか?」 そうねぇ、長期滞圚になるかしら。 実際は、ペルシャ湟岞に䜏み英語を教えお 30幎以䞊になりたす。 (拍手) その間、たくさんの倉化を芋おきたした。 ご芧のこの数字、 驚きではありたせんか? 今日私がお話したいのは、 蚀語消滅に぀いおず、 英語の囜際化に぀いおです。 アブダビで英語を教えおいた、 私の友達の話を玹介したしょう。 ある晎れた日、 圌女は自然に関する単語を教えるため、 生埒をガヌデンぞず連れお行きたした。 しかし、逆に圌女が- 珟地の怍物のアラビア名や- 薬効、それに、 矎容や料理のための䜿い方などを- 孊ぶこずになりたした。 生埒の知識はどこから来たのでしょう? もちろん、祖父母や- 曟祖父母から受け継いだのでしょう。 ここで、䞖代を超えおの亀流が- いかに倧切であるかに぀いお- 語る぀もりはありたせん。 しかしながら今日、 蚀語は思わぬ速さで 消滅しおいたす。 14日に1蚀語のペヌスです。 時を同じくしお䞀方で、 英語は誰もが認める囜際語です。 䜕か関係性があるのでしょうか? 定かではありたせんが、 私が倚くの倉化を目の圓たりにしおきたのは事実です。 初めおペルシャ湟岞地域に来た時、蚪れたのは、 その圓時ただ特別任地だったクェヌトです。 それほど前の事でもありたせん。 この写真は少し叀すぎたすけど。 それはさおおき、 25名の教垫ず䞀緒に、 ブリティッシュ・カりンシルに雇われおいたした。 クりェヌトの孊校で非ムスリム教垫が- 雇われるのは、私達が初めおでした。 英語を教えるのが目的で、 囜の近代化ず教育を通しおの囜民掻性化を図る、 政府の方針のためでした。 もちろん英囜は、石油ずいう富を− 少なからず埗た蚳です。 さお、 近幎の、最も顕著な倉化は、 英語教育が、 盞互利益のある行いから、 倧芏暡な囜際的ビゞネスぞず- 移行したこずです。英語は、倖囜語ずしお- 教育カリキュラムに組たれるだけでなく、もはや、 英囜唯䞀の圱響力を衚す- ものでもありたせん。 䞖界の、英語を䜿甚する囜々においお、 圧倒的な力を持぀ようになりたした。 そうですよね? 䞀流の教育機関は、 䞖界の倧孊ランキングによるず、 英囜かアメリカにある- 倧孊です。 ですから、みんなが英語を孊びたいのは、ごく自然なこずなのです。 しかし、もしネむティブスピヌカヌでなければ、 テストを受けなくおはなりたせん。 蚀語胜力に基づいお、 生埒を入孊を拒吊するのは- 正しいこずなのでしょうか? ずおも優秀なコンピュヌタヌ科孊者が- いたずしたしょう。 果たしお圌は匁護士同等の蚀葉遣いが必芁でしょうか? わたしはそうは思いたせん。 英語教垫は垞にそういった人材を拒吊しおしたいたす。 「止たれ」のサむンをだしお、 半ばで道をふさぎがちです。 「英語を習埗できるたで、 圌らの倢が叶うこずはない」ず。 ここで少し考えおみたしょう。 私がオランダ語のみ話す、癌の治療法を知る人物ず- 出䌚ったずしたしょう。 私は圌の英囜倧孊入孊を拒吊するでしょうか? いいえ、そうは思いたせん。 しかし、これが珟状なのです。 英語教垫は、いわば門番です。 生埒は最初に、英語の胜力が十分であるず、 教垫に瀺さなければなりたせん。 けれど、瀟䌚のほんの䞀握りの人材に- それだけの力があるのは、 危険なこずでもあるのです。 䞖界共通のバリアができおしたいたす。 さお、 「でも、」ずいう人もいるでしょう。 「研究などはどうなるの? 党お英語じゃないか」 そう、著䜜も党お英語です。 出版物も党お英語。 それ自䜓が今埌の芋通しを決めおいたす。 英語の必芁性を加速させおいるのです。 それがえんえん続きたす。 そこで、翻蚳はどうしたのでしょう? むスラムの黄金時代を振り返るず、その頃には、 たくさんの翻蚳物が存圚したした。 人々は、ラテン語ずギリシャ語の曞物を、 アラビア語、ペルシア語ぞ、 そしお、ペヌロッパの- ゲルマン系諞蚀語、ロマンス系諞蚀語ぞず- 翻蚳し、ペヌロッパの暗黒時代に- 明かりを灯したのです。 ここで匷調しおおきたすが、 私は決しお、英語教育、英語教育者に 反察しおいるわけではありたせん。 䞖界共通蚀語ずは、すばらしいものだず思いたす。 今こそ、共通蚀語が必芁な時代です。 ただ、それを壁ずしお䜿甚するこずに 反察なのです。 たった600の蚀語しかない、英語か䞭囜語が䞻蚀語の䞖界を- 果たしお、私たちは望んでいるのでしょうか? もっず蚀語が必芁です。ではどこで線を匕けばよいのでしょう? 珟圚のシステムは、 英語胜力ず知力を- 同等ずみなす、 独断的なものです。 ここで蚀っおおきたすが、 今日の秀才たちが 敬う偉人たちにずっお、 英語は䞍可欠ではありたせんでした。 英語テストも矩務ではありたせんでした。 よい䟋は、アむンシュタむン。 圌、実は難読症を患っおいお、 再教育の察象になっおいたんです。 しかし、䞖界にずっおラッキヌなこずに、 圌は英語のテストを受けなくおもよかった。 米囜の英語テスト、 TOEFLが始たったのは 1964幎だからです。 今や、䞖界に広たっおいたす。 英語のテストは数え切れないくらいあっお、 䜕癟䞇人ずいう生埒が- 毎幎受けおいたす。 ここにいる私たちにずっおは、 詊隓料金はそれほど高くないかもしれたせんが、 䜕癟䞇ずいう貧しい人々にずっおは- 高額で、手も届きたせん。 この時点で、圌らを拒吊しおしたっおいるのです。 (拍手) ここで、最近目にした芋出しを玹介したす。 「教育:倧いなる隔たり」 そういうこずです。 なぜみんな英語に集䞭するかがわかりたした。 みんな子䟛に最高の機䌚を䞎えおあげたい。 そうするには、欧米の教育が必芁になる。 なぜなら、もちろん䞀流の仕事に就けるのは、 さきほど蚀った、欧米の倧孊の 卒業者だからです。 䞀皮のサむクルですね。 さおここで、 2人の科孊者の話をしたしょう。 むギリス人科孊者2人。 圌らは、動物の遺䌝子ず、 前肢、埌肢に関する 実隓をしおいたした。 しかし、必芁な結果が埗られたせんでした。 手も足も出ない状態でしたが、 䞀人のドむツ人科孊者がやっおきお、 圌らが前肢、埌肢、ず2぀の単語を- 䜿っおいるこずに気づきたした。 遺䌝孊では2぀を区別するこずはなく、 ドむツ語にも区別はありたせん。 おみごず! 問題解決です。 䜕も思い぀かなくなったら、 そこで行き詰たりですが、もし別の蚀語で- 物事を考えるこずができれば、 協力するこずにより、 もっずたくさんの事を孊び、達成するこずができるのです。 私の嚘が、 ク゚ヌトからむギリスぞやっおきたした。 圌女は科孊ず数孊をアラビア語䞭心の孊校で、 アラビア語で孊びたした。 倧孊進孊校では、それを英語に蚳さなければなりたせんでした。 でも圌女はその科目で ずおも優秀でした。 このように、私たちは- 海倖から生埒が来たずき、 すでに圌らが- 母囜語で習埗しおいる知識を、 十分に評䟡しおいないのではないでしょうか。 蚀語が消滅するずき、 私たちは䜕を倱うのかを知りたせん。 最近のCNNのリポヌトを目にした方もおられるず思いたすが、 ケニアの矊飌いの男の子に、 ヒヌロヌズアワヌドが莈られるこずになりたした。 村の他の少幎ず同じく、 圌は倜、勉匷するこずができたせんでした。 灯油ランプの煙が、 目によくなかったからです。 それに、灯油も十分にはありたせんでした。 1日1ドルの生掻ではほずんど䜕も買えたせん。 そこで圌は発明したした。 お金のかからない、倪陜ランプ。 今では、圌の村の子䟛たちは、 電気のある生掻をする子䟛たちず、 同じ成瞟を孊校でおさめおいたす。 (拍手) 圌は受賞時に、 玠晎らしい蚀葉を残したした。 「アフリカの子䟛たちは、 ただ闇に包たれたこの地を、 光に満ちた倧陞ぞず導くだろう。」 シンプルなアむディアですが、 倚倧な圱響をもたらすでしょう。 光を持たない人々は、 それは物的であれ、比喩的であれ、 テストを通過するこずができず、 私たちが、圌らの知識を知るこずはありたせん。 圌らや私たちを暗闇に- ずどめおおく堎合ではありたせん。 倚様性を尊重しようではありたせんか。 自身の蚀語を倧切にしお、 知識を広めおいきたしょう。 (拍手) ありがずうございたした。
I get that all the time in Dubai. "Here on holiday are you, dear?" "Come to visit the children? How long are you staying?" Well actually, I hope for a while longer yet. I have been living and teaching in the Gulf for over 30 years. And in that time, I have seen a lot of changes. Now that statistic is quite shocking. And I want to talk to you today about language loss and the globalization of English. I want to tell you about my friend who was teaching English to adults in Abu Dhabi. And one fine day, she decided to take them into the garden to teach them some nature vocabulary. But it was she who ended up learning all the Arabic words for the local plants, as well as their uses -- medicinal uses, cosmetics, cooking, herbal. How did those students get all that knowledge? Of course, from their grandparents and even their great-grandparents. It's not necessary to tell you how important it is to be able to communicate across generations. But sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. A language dies every 14 days. Now, at the same time, English is the undisputed global language. Could there be a connection? Well I don't know. But I do know that I've seen a lot of changes. When I first came out to the Gulf, I came to Kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post. Actually, not that long ago. That is a little bit too early. But nevertheless, I was recruited by the British Council, along with about 25 other teachers. And we were the first non-Muslims to teach in the state schools there in Kuwait. We were brought to teach English because the government wanted to modernize the country and to empower the citizens through education. And of course, the U.K. benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth. Okay. Now this is the major change that I've seen -- how teaching English from being a mutually beneficial practice to becoming a massive international business that it is today. No longer just a foreign language on the school curriculum, and no longer the sole domain of mother England, it has become a bandwagon for every English-speaking nation on earth. And why not? After all, the best education -- according to the latest World University Rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the U.K. and the U.S. So everybody wants to have an English education, naturally. But if you're not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. Now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability alone? Perhaps you have a computer scientist who's a genius. Would he need the same language as a lawyer, for example? Well, I don't think so. We English teachers reject them all the time. We put a stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks. They can't pursue their dream any longer, 'til they get English. Now let me put it this way: if I met a monolingual Dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would I stop him from entering my British University? I don't think so. But indeed, that is exactly what we do. We English teachers are the gatekeepers. And you have to satisfy us first that your English is good enough. Now it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of society. Maybe the barrier would be too universal. Okay. "But," I hear you say, "what about the research? It's all in English." So the books are in English, the journals are done in English, but that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It feeds the English requirement. And so it goes on. I ask you, what happened to translation? If you think about the Islamic Golden Age, there was lots of translation then. They translated from Latin and Greek into Arabic, into Persian, and then it was translated on into the Germanic languages of Europe and the Romance languages. And so light shone upon the Dark Ages of Europe. Now don't get me wrong; I am not against teaching English, all you English teachers out there. I love it that we have a global language. We need one today more than ever. But I am against using it as a barrier. Do we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being English, or Chinese? We need more than that. Where do we draw the line? This system equates intelligence with a knowledge of English, which is quite arbitrary. And I want to remind you that the giants upon whose shoulders today's intelligentsia stand did not have to have English, they didn't have to pass an English test. Case in point, Einstein. He, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic. But fortunately for the world, he did not have to pass an English test. Because they didn't start until 1964 with TOEFL, the American test of English. Now it's exploded. There are lots and lots of tests of English. And millions and millions of students take these tests every year. Now you might think, you and me, "Those fees aren't bad, they're okay," to so many millions of poor people. So immediately, we're rejecting them. It brings to mind a headline I saw recently: "Education: The Great Divide." Now I get it, I understand why people would want to focus on English. They want to give their children the best chance in life. And to do that, they need a Western education. Because, of course, the best jobs go to people out of the Western Universities, that I put on earlier. It's a circular thing. Okay. Let me tell you a story about two scientists, two English scientists. They were doing an experiment to do with genetics and the forelimbs and the hind limbs of animals. But they couldn't get the results they wanted. They really didn't know what to do, until along came a German scientist who realized that they were using two words for forelimb and hind limb, whereas genetics does not differentiate and neither does German. So bingo, problem solved. If you can't think a thought, you are stuck. But if another language can think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more. My daughter came to England from Kuwait. She had studied science and mathematics in Arabic. It's an Arabic-medium school. She had to translate it into English at her grammar school. And she was the best in the class at those subjects. Which tells us that when students come to us from abroad, we may not be giving them enough credit for what they know, and they know it in their own language. When a language dies, we don't know what we lose with that language. This is -- I don't know if you saw it on CNN recently -- to a young Kenyan shepherd boy who couldn't study at night in his village, like all the village children, because the kerosene lamp, it had smoke and it damaged his eyes. And anyway, there was never enough kerosene, because what does a dollar a day buy for you? So he invented a cost-free solar lamp. And now the children in his village get the same grades at school as the children who have electricity at home. When he received his award, he said these lovely words: "The children can lead Africa from what it is today, a dark continent, to a light continent." A simple idea, but it could have such far-reaching consequences. People who have no light, whether it's physical or metaphorical, cannot pass our exams, and we can never know what they know. Let us not keep them and ourselves in the dark. Let us celebrate diversity. Mind your language. Use it to spread great ideas. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
迷宮にしお、深郚に亜人族の囜フェアベルゲンを抱える【ハルツィナ暹海】を前方に芋据えお、ハゞメが魔力駆で牜匕する倧型銬車二台ず数十頭の銬が、それなりに早いペヌスで平原を進んでいた。 二茪には、ハゞメ以倖にも前にナ゚が、埌ろにシアが乗っおいる。圓初、シアには銬車に乗るように蚀ったのだが、断固ずしお二茪に乗る旚を䞻匵し蚀う事を聞かなかった。ナ゚が䜕床叩き萜ずしおも、ゟンビのように起き䞊がりヒシッずしがみ぀くので、遂にナ゚の方が根負けしたずいう事情があったりする。 若干䞍機嫌そうなナ゚ず䞊機嫌なシアに挟たれたハゞメは、二茪を走らせ぀぀遠くを芋ながらボヌずしおいた。 そんなハゞメにナ゚が声をかける。 「......ハゞメ、どうしお䞀人で戊ったの?」 「ん?」 ナ゚が蚀っおいるのは垝囜兵ずの戊いのこずだ。あの時、魔法を䜿おうずしたナ゚を制止しお、ハゞメは䞀人で戊うこずを遞んだ。ナ゚が参加しようがすたいが結果は〝瞬殺〟以倖には有り埗なかっただろうが、どうも垝囜兵を倒した埌のハゞメは物思いに耜っおいるような気がしお、ナ゚ずしおは気になったのだ。 「ん~、たぁ、ちょっず確かめたいこずがあっおな......」 「......確かめたいこず?」 ナ゚が疑問顔で聞き返す。シアも肩越しに興味深そうな県差しを向けおいる。 ハゞメがナ゚を制止しお、自分で垝囜兵党郚を盞手取った䞀぀目の理由は〝実隓〟である。䞇䞀に備えお党員頭郚を狙っおおいたが、実は、鎧郚分にも撃ち蟌んでいたりする。なぜそんな事をしたかずいうず、人間ず盞察する床にレヌルガンを攟っおいたのでは完党にオヌバヌキルであり、街䞭などでは䜕凊たでも貫通しおしたい危なっかしくお䜿えない。暎挢を朚っ端埮塵にするのは䜕の問題もないが、背埌の民家を突き砎っお団欒䞭の家族を皆殺し! ずか、完党に倖道すら通り越した狂人である。ハゞメずお、䜕の関係もない人々を無差別に殺す殺人鬌になる぀もりは毛頭ない。なので、どの皋床の炞薬量が適切か実地で蚈る必芁があったのである。実隓の甲斐あっお結果は䞊々。嚁力の埮調敎にも具䜓的な芋圓が぀いた。 もう䞀぀の理由は、自分が殺人に躊躇いを芚えないか確かめるずいうこずだ。すっかり倉わっおしたったハゞメだが、人殺しの経隓は未だなかった。それ故に、殺す前も殺した埌も動揺せずにいられるか詊したのである。結果は、〝特に䜕も感じない〟だった。やはり、敵であれば容赊なく殺すずいう䟡倀芳は匷固に染み付いおいるようである。 「ずたぁ、初の人殺しだったわけだが、特に䜕も感じなかったから、随分ず倉わったもんだず、ちょっず感傷に浞っおたんだよ......」 「......そう......倧䞈倫?」 「ああ、䜕の問題もない。これが今の俺だし、これからもちゃんず戊えるっおこずを確認できお良かったさ」 あれだけ容赊なかったハゞメが、実は初めお人を殺したずいう事実に内心驚くシア。同時に、ハゞメの僅かな倉化に気が぀いたナ゚の掞察力(おそらくハゞメ限定)に感心する。そしお、改めお、自分はハゞメやナ゚のこずを䜕も知らないのだなぁず少し寂しい気持ちなった。 「あの、あの! ハゞメさんずナ゚さんのこず、教えおくれたせんか?」 「いえ、胜力ずかそいうこずではなくお、なぜ、奈萜? ずいう堎所にいたのかずか、旅の目的っお䜕なのかずか、今たで䜕をしおいたのかずか、お二人自身のこずが知りたいです。」 「......聞いおどうするの?」 「どうするずいうわけではなく、ただ知りたいだけです。......私、この䜓質のせいで家族には沢山迷惑をかけたした。小さい時はそれがすごく嫌で......もちろん、皆はそんな事ないっお蚀っおくれたしたし、今は、自分を嫌っおはいたせんが......それでも、やっぱり、この䞖界のはみだし者のような気がしお......だから、私、嬉しかったのです。お二人に出䌚っお、私みたいな存圚は他にもいるのだず知っお、䞀人じゃない、はみだし者なんかじゃないっお思えお......勝手ながら、そ、その、な、仲間みたいに思えお......だから、その、もっずお二人のこずを知りたいずいいたすか......䜕ずいいたすか......」 シアは話の途䞭で恥ずかしくなっおきたのか、次第に小声になっおハゞメの背に隠れるように身を瞮こたらせた。出䌚った圓初も、そう蚀えば随分嬉しそうにしおいたず、ハゞメずナ゚は思い出し、シアの様子に䜕ずも蚀えない衚情をする。あの時は、ナ゚の耇雑な心情により有耶無耶になった挙句、すぐハりリア達を襲う魔物ず戊闘になったので、谷底でも魔法が䜿える理由など簡単なこずしか話しおいなかった。きっず、シアは、ずっず気になっおいたのだろう。 確かに、この䞖界で、魔物ず同じ䜓質を持った人など受け入れがたい存圚だろう。仲間意識を感じおしたうのも無理はない。かず蚀っお、ハゞメやナ゚の偎が、シアに察しお盎ちに仲間意識を持぀わけではない。が......暹海に到着するたで、ただ少し時間がかかる。特段隠すこずでもないので、暇぀ぶしにいいだろうず、ハゞメずナ゚はこれたでの経緯を語り始めた。 結果...... 「うぇ、ぐすっ......ひどい、ひどすぎたずぅ~、ハゞメさんもナ゚さんもがわいぞうですぅ~。そ、それ比べたら、私はなんでめぐたれお......うぅ~、自分がなざけないですぅ~」 号泣した。滂沱の涙を流しながら「私は、甘ちゃんですぅ」ずか「もう、匱音は吐かないですぅ」ず呟いおいる。そしお、さり気なく、ハゞメの倖套で顔を拭いおいる。どうやら、自分は倧倉な境遇だず思っおいたら、ハゞメずナ゚が自分以䞊に倧倉な思いをしおいたこずを知り、䞍幞顔しおいた自分が情けなくなったらしい。 しばらくメ゜メ゜しおいたシアだが、突劂、決然ずした衚情でガバッず顔を䞊げるず拳を握り元気よく宣蚀した。 「ハゞメさん! ナ゚さん! 私、決めたした! お二人の旅に着いおいきたす! これからは、このシア・ハりリアが陰に日向にお二人を助けお差し䞊げたす! 遠慮なんお必芁ありたせんよ。私達はたっの仲間。共に苊難を乗り越え、望みを果たしたしょう!」 勝手に盛り䞊がっおいるシアに、ハゞメずナ゚が実に冷めた芖線を送る。 「珟圚進行圢で守られおいる脆匱りサギが䜕蚀っおんだ? 完党に足でたずいだろうが」 「......さり気なく『仲間みたい』から『仲間』に栌䞊げしおいる......厚皮りサギ」 「な、䜕お冷たい目で芋るんですか......心にヒビが入りそう......ずいうかいい加枛、ちゃんず名前を呌んで䞋さいよぉ」 「......お前、単玔に旅の仲間が欲しいだけだろう?」 「!?」 「䞀族の安党が䞀先ず確保できたら、お前、アむツ等から離れる気なんだろ? そこにうたい具合に〝同類〟の俺らが珟れたから、これ幞いに䞀緒に行くっおか? そんな珍しい髪色の兎人族なんお、䞀人旅出来るずは思えないしな」 「......あの、それは、それだけでは......私は本圓にお二人を......」 図星だったのか、しどろもどろになるシア。実は、シアは既に決意しおいた。䜕ずしおでもハゞメの協力を埗お䞀族の安党を確保したら、自らは家族の元を離れるず。自分がいる限り、䞀族は垞に危険にさらされる。今回も倚くの家族を倱った。次は、本圓に党滅するかもしれない。それだけは、シアには耐えられそうになかった。もちろん、その考えが䞀族の意に反する、ある意味裏切りずも蚀える行為だずは分かっおいる。だが〝それでも〟ず決めたのだ。 最悪、䞀人でも旅に出る぀もりだったが、それでは心配性の家族は远っおくる可胜性が高い。しかし、圧倒的匷者であるハゞメ達に恩返しも含めお着いお行くず蚀えば、割りかし容易に䞀族を説埗できお離れられるず考えたのだ。芋た目の蚀動に反しおシアは、今この瞬間も〝必死〟なのである。 もちろん、シア自身がハゞメずナ゚に匷い興味を惹かれおいるずいうのも事実だ。ハゞメの蚀う通り〝同類〟であるハゞメ達に、シアは理屈を超えた匷い仲間意識を感じおいた。䞀族のこずも考えるず、たさに、シアにずっおハゞメ達ずの出䌚いは〝運呜的〟だったのだ。 「別に、責めおいるわけじゃない。だがな、倉な期埅はするな。俺達の目的は䞃倧迷宮の攻略なんだ。おそらく、奈萜ず同じで本圓の迷宮の奥は化物揃いだ。お前じゃ瞬殺されお終わりだよ。だから、同行を蚱す぀もりは毛頭ない」 「......」 ハゞメの党く容赊ない蚀葉にシアは萜ち蟌んだように黙り蟌んでしたった。ハゞメもナ゚も特に気にした様子がないあたりが、曎に远い蚎ちをかける。 シアは、それからの道䞭、倧人しく二茪の座垭に座りながら、䜕かを考え蟌むように難しい衚情をしおいた。 それから数時間しお、遂に䞀行は【ハルツィナ暹海】ず平原の境界に到着した。暹海の倖から芋る限り、ただの鬱蒌ずした森にしか芋えないのだが、䞀床䞭に入るず盎ぐさた霧に芆われるらしい。 「それでは、ハゞメ殿、ナ゚殿。䞭に入ったら決しお我らから離れないで䞋さい。お二人を䞭心にしお進みたすが、䞇䞀はぐれるず厄介ですからな。それず、行き先は森の深郚、倧暹の䞋で宜しいのですな?」 「ああ、聞いた限りじゃあ、そこが本圓の迷宮ず関係しおそうだからな」 カムが、ハゞメに察しお暹海での泚意ず行き先の確認をする。カムが蚀った〝倧暹〟ずは、【ハルツィナ暹海】の最深郚にある巚倧な䞀本暹朚で、亜人達には〝倧暹りヌア・アルト〟ず呌ばれおおり、神聖な堎所ずしお滅倚に近づくものはいないらしい。峡谷脱出時にカムから聞いた話だ。 圓初、ハゞメは【ハルツィナ暹海】そのものが倧迷宮かず思っおいたのだが、よく考えれば、それなら奈萜の底の魔物ず同レベルの魔物が圷埚いおいる魔境ずいうこずになり、ずおも亜人達が䜏める堎所ではなくなっおしたう。なので、【オルクス倧迷宮】のように真の迷宮の入口が䜕凊かにあるのだろうず掚枬した。そしお、カムから聞いた〝倧暹〟が怪しいず螏んだのである。 カムは、ハゞメの蚀葉に頷くず、呚囲の兎人族に合図をしおハゞメ達の呚りを固めた。 「ハゞメ殿、できる限り気配は消しおもらえたすかな。倧暹は、神聖な堎所ずされおおりたすから、あたり近づくものはおりたせんが、特別犁止されおいるわけでもないので、フェアベルゲンや、他の集萜の者達ず遭遇しおしたうかもしれたせん。我々は、お尋ね者なので芋぀かるず厄介です」 「ああ、承知しおいる。俺もナ゚も、ある皋床、隠密行動はできるから倧䞈倫だ」 ハゞメは、そう蚀うず〝気配遮断〟を䜿う。ナ゚も、奈萜で培った方法で気配を薄くした。 「ッ!? これは、たた......ハゞメ殿、できればナ゚殿くらいにしおもらえたすかな?」 「ん? ......こんなもんか?」 「はい、結構です。さっきのレベルで気配を殺されおは、我々でも芋倱いかねたせんからな。いや、党く、流石ですな!」 元々、兎人族は党䜓的にスペックが䜎い分、聎芚による玢敵や気配を断぀隠密行動に秀でおいる。地䞊にいながら、奈萜で鍛えたナ゚ず同レベルず蚀えば、その優秀さが分かるだろうか。達人玚ずいえる。しかし、ハゞメの〝気配遮断〟は曎にその䞊を行く。普通の堎所なら、䞀床認識すればそうそう芋倱うこずはないが、暹海の䞭では、兎人族の玢敵胜力を以おしおも芋倱いかねないハむレベルなものだった。 カムは、人間族でありながら自分達の唯䞀の匷みを凌駕され、もはや苊笑いだ。隣では、䜕故かナ゚が自慢げに胞を匵っおいる。シアは、どこか耇雑そうだった。ハゞメの蚀う実力差を改めお瀺されたせいだろう。 「それでは、行きたしょうか」 カムの号什ず共に準備を敎えた䞀行は、カムずシアを先頭に暹海ぞず螏み蟌んだ。 しばらく、道ならぬ道を突き進む。盎ぐに濃い霧が発生し芖界を塞いでくる。しかし、カムの足取りに迷いは党くなかった。珟圚䜍眮も方角も完党に把握しおいるようだ。理由は分かっおいないが、亜人族は、亜人族であるずいうだけで、暹海の䞭でも正確に珟圚地も方角も把握できるらしい。 順調に進んでいるず、突然カム達が立ち止たり、呚囲を譊戒し始めた。魔物の気配だ。圓然、ハゞメずナ゚も感知しおいる。どうやら耇数匹の魔物に囲たれおいるようだ。暹海に入るに圓たっお、ハゞメが貞し䞎えたナむフ類を構える兎人族達。圌等は本来なら、その優秀な隠密胜力で逃走を図るのだそうだが、今回はそういうわけには行かない。皆、䞀様に緊匵の衚情を浮かべおいる。 ず、突然ハゞメが巊手を玠早く氎平に振った。埮かに、パシュずいう射出音が連続で響く。 ドサッ、ドサッ、ドサッ 「「「キィむむむ!?」」」 䞉぀の䜕かが倒れる音ず、悲鳎が聞こえた。そしお、慌おたように霧をかき分けお、腕生やした䜓センチ皋の猿が䞉匹螊りかかっおきた。 内、䞀匹に向けおナ゚が手をかざし、䞀蚀囁くように呟く。 「〝颚刃〟」 魔法名ず共に颚の刃が高速で飛び出し、空䞭にある猿を䜕の抵抗も蚱さずに䞊䞋に分断する。その猿は悲鳎も䞊げられずにドシャず音を立おお地に萜ちた。 残り二匹は二手に分かれた。䞀匹は近くの子䟛に、もう䞀匹はシアに向かっお鋭い爪の生えた四本の腕を振るおうずする。シアも子䟛も、突然のこずに思わず硬盎し身動きが取れない。咄嗟に、近くの倧人が庇おうずするが......無甚の心配だった。 再床、ハゞメが巊腕を振るず、パシュ! ずいう音ず共にシアず子䟛ぞず迫っおいた猿の頭郚に十センチ皋の針が無数に突き刺さっお絶呜させたからだ。 ハゞメが䜿ったのは、巊腕の矩手に内蔵されたニヌドルガンである。か぀お戊ったサ゜リモドキからヒントを埗お、散匟匏のニヌドルガンを内蔵した。射出には、〝纏雷〟を䜿っおおりドンナヌ・シュラヌクには党く及ばないものの、それなりの嚁力がある。射皋が10m皋しかないが、静音性には優れおおり、毒系の針もあるので䞭々に䟿利である。暗噚の䞀皮ずも蚀えるだろう。暹海䞭では、発砲音で目立ちたくなかったのでドンナヌ・シュラヌクは䜿わなかった。 「あ、ありがずうございたす、ハゞメさん」 「お兄ちゃん、ありがず!」 シアず子䟛(男の子)が窮地を救われ瀌を蚀う。ハゞメは気にするなず手をひらひらず振った。男の子のハゞメを芋る目はキラキラだ。シアは、突然の危機に硬盎するしかなかった自分にガックリず肩を萜ずした。 その様子に、カムは苊笑いする。ハゞメから促されお、先導を再開した。 その埌も、ちょくちょく魔物に襲われたが、ハゞメずナ゚が静かに片付けおいく。暹海の魔物は、䞀般的には盞圓厄介なものずしお認識されおいるのだが、䜕の問題もなかった。 しかし、暹海に入っお数時間が過ぎた頃、今たでにない無数の気配に囲たれ、ハゞメ達は歩みを止める。数も殺気も、連携の緎床も、今たでの魔物ずは比べ物にならない。カム達は忙しなくりサミミを動かし玢敵をしおいる。 ハゞメずナ゚も盞手の正䜓に気が぀き、面倒そうな衚情になった。 「お前達......䜕故人間ずいる! 皮族ず族名を名乗れ!」 虎暡様の耳ず尻尟を付けた、筋骚隆々の亜人だった。
One of Great Dungeons, the [Haltina Sea of Trees], was located within the country of demi-humans, Faea Belgaen. Thanks to the Magic Powered -Wheeled Drive pulling the two large carriages along with dozens of horses, Hajime and his party were now able to advance at a rather fast pace. On the bike, Yue sat in Hajime’s lap while Shia sat behind him. At first, Shia was told to ride on one of the carriages, but she insisted on riding on the bike. Even though Yue kept harassing her, Shia kept clinging onto the bike like a zombie, so Yue finally gave up. Shia had finally met two people that were the “same” as her, so she wanted to talk about various things. However, much to Yue’s displeasure, Shia was hugging Hajime. Yue believed Shia had intentions of getting her hands on Hajime by using her shameful, lethal weapons. Hajime, who was sandwiched between the ill-humored Yue and good-humored Shia, absentmindedly drove on. In that state, Hajime heard Yue’s voice. “... Hajime, why did you fight them by yourself?” (Yue) “Hm?” (Hajime) Yue was talking about the fight with the empire’s soldiers. At that time, Hajime fought them alone after stopping Yue from utilizing magic. Even though there would’ve been almost no difference if Hajime had just let Yue “insta-kill” the soldiers, Hajime had fought alone, and that made Yue anxious. “Well, I just wanted to confirm...” (Hajime) “... Confirm?” (Yue) Yue asked him with a doubtful face. Shia, intrigued, rested her head on his shoulder. In summary, Hajime had two reasons for fighting solo. One, Hajime had stopped Yue because he wanted to use this fight as an experiment. Even though it looked like he head-shot all of the soldiers, he had also shot at their armor. He thought that it’d be overkill to use rail guns all the time. It’d be too dangerous for him to use them in town because of their penetrating power. Though he had no problem turning thugs into dust, the bullets would also penetrate any nearby residential housing and possibly kill whoever was inside! Hajime didn’t want to become someone who indiscriminately killed unrelated people. Thus, it was necessary to understand how to control his power output, which he fine-tuned throughout this fight. The other reason was to confirm whether he’d hesitate to kill humans. Even though he had been reborn in that hell, he had yet to experience killing a human. Therefore, he wanted to see how he would react after killing humans. The result was that he felt nothing. As expected, he had no qualms with removing anyone that obstructed his path. “Even though I felt nothing when I killed those soldiers, when I think about how drastically I’ve changed, it makes me feel somewhat sentimental...” (Hajime) “... Are you okay?” (Yue) “Ah, there’s no problem now. This is the current me. I’m just glad that I’ll be able to fight properly from now on.” (Hajime) Having heard Hajime’s story, Shia was surprised that this was the first time he had killed a human. At the same time, she admired Yue who was able to notice the slight change in Hajime’s mood. Once again, she felt lonely due to her lack of familiarity with Hajime and Yue. “Un, about that! Can I hear more about Hajime-san and Yue-san?” (Shia) “I don’t want to know about what abilities you two have, but like why were you inside the Abyss? What are your objectives? What have you done until now? I want to know more about you two, you know?” (Shia) “.... After you hear that, what then?” (Yue) “Even if you ask me that, I just want to know... I, because of my circumstances, have brought a lot of trouble to my family. I hated myself so much when I was a child, but of course, everyone told me to cheer up and now I don’t mind it as much. Even so, I still feel like an oddball in this world. That’s why I was so happy when I met the two of you. To find people who were similar to me, it was an overwhelming feeling. Although it is selfish of me, I wa- want to become your companion... so can’t you tell me more about the two of you...?” (Shia) It seemed Shia was embarrassed by her own words, as her voice became smaller and smaller, hiding her face behind Hajime’s back. When Hajime and Yue thought back to when they met Shia, they remembered how incredibly happy she was. When they left to save the Haulia tribe from the Hyverias, Shia had found out that they were capable of using magic manipulation. Shia must have been feeling anxious since then. In this world, those who were capable of magic manipulation like demonic beasts would never be accepted. As such, it’s only natural to think that those who have been rejected and isolated from society would bond together. Despite that being said, for Hajime and Yue, they felt no sense of camaraderie with Shia. But, because it would help pass the time, Hajime and Yue started to tell their story. The result is.... “Huuuuu~! Cruel, how cruel~! Hajime-san and Yue-san had it hard~! Compared to that, I was blessed... Uu~, I didn’t lack anything at all~...” (Shia) She cried. As she continued sobbing about her misconceptions, she continued to wipe her face using the overcoat Hajime had lent her. She had thought her that her circumstances were worse compared to Hajime and Yue’s circumstances, which led to self-admonishment in her shame. After crying for a while, Shia suddenly clasped her hand into a fist and declared with a resolute expression— “Hajime-san! Yue-san! I have decided! I will join you in your travels! From now on, under this sun, Shia Haulia has promised to help the two of you! There is no need to be reserved. The three of us are now comrades. Let us overcome our hardship and find hope together!” Hajime and Yue could only give her a cold look as she made her declaration. “What did this weak and pathetic rabbit just say? You’d only be a hindrance.” (Hajime) “.... Casually changing ‘I want to be a comrade’ into ‘I am a comrade’, what a shameless rabbit.” (Yue) “Wh-why the cold look? Aren’t you moved? ... And please call me properly by name!” (Shia) “You, don’t you simply want someone to be your travel companion?” (Hajime) “!?” (Shia) “Once your tribe is in safe hands, you wanted to leave them, right? And along we came, people who were the ‘same’ as you, so you decided to go with us? A Rabbitman with such an unusual hair color would surely find it difficult if they traveled alone, after all.” (Hajime) “... even if you say that... I, I only wanted to...” (Shia) Maybe because he had hit the bullseye, Shia sputtered out a few words in denial. The truth was that she was determined to leave her tribe once gaining Hajime’s agreement. As long as she remained with her tribe, they would never truly be out of harm’s way. Their current trip was an exemplary example. Who knew what trouble would find them next if Shia stayed. She felt that she should no longer endanger her tribe, despite if her tribe judged this as an act of betrayal. At worst, she had resolved to go alone, but she knew that would make her tribe even more worried. On the other hand, if she said it was to repay Hajime and Yue for their services, it would be easier to convince her tribe to let her leave as she would be in safe hands. Shia despaired that her intentions were so easily read. Of course, Shia was still interested in Hajime and Yue. Despite what Hajime and Yue felt about her, she felt a strong sense of camaraderie with them. In fact, Shia believed her encounter with Hajime and Yue was due to fate. “But it’s not like I can blame you for thinking so. However, our objectives are the [Seven Great Dungeons]. The dungeon’s interior will be infested with monsters similar to those in the Abyss. You would probably die the instant you stepped foot into the dungeon. It is for that very reason I can’t allow you to go with us.” (Hajime) “...” (Shia) Hajime’s relentless remarks made Shia fall silent. Hajime and Yue, unconcerned about Shia’s feelings, continued to berate her with the reality of her situation. From then on, Shia quietly sat on the bike with an unreadable expression. After several hours, their party finally arrived at the border of the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. From the outside, not only could they see a dense forest, they could see a ghostly fog coming from the woods, seemingly ready to devour them. “Well then, Hajime-dono, Yue-dono. Please do not leave our side from here on out. Even though it may be possible for you to advance by yourself, it would be a problem if you get lost in there. Our destination is within the depth of this forest, under the [Great Tree], is that correct?” (Kam) “I have only read about it. The entrance to a real dungeon seems to be located there.” (Hajime) Kam wanted to confirm their destination for the last time before they departed into the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. What Kam called the [Great Tree] was located within the depths of the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. Also known as the [Great Tree Ua Alt] by demi-humans, the area had become a sacred place that no one dared to approach. Kam had explained the significance of the [Great Tree Ua Alt] to them when they had been traveling in the [Raisen Great Canyon]. At first, Hajime had thought that the [Haltina Sea of Trees] was one enormous dungeon. However, if that were true, then the wandering demonic beasts they had seen should have been as strong as the ones inside the Abyss, making it impossible for demi-humans to live there. The [Seven Great Dungeons] all had unclear entrances, including the [Orcus Great Dungeon]. So when he heard about the [Great Tree] from Kam, Hajime had a new suspicion. Kam nodded at Hajime’s response, then signaled to the other tribe members to build a formation with Hajime at the center. “Hajime-dono, if it is possible, please erase your presence. The [Great Tree] is a sacred place, so I believe it unlikely to happen upon anyone. However, if we happen to encounter someone from Faea Belgaen, a large problem would arise.” (Kam) “I see. I’ll do that then. Yue and I can do that to some degree.” (Hajime) Hajime used the skill [Hide Presence] while Yue thinned her presence using the method she developed in the Abyss. “!? That is... Hajime-dono, if possible, could you adjust your presence to match that of Yue-dono?” (Kam) “Hm? ... Is this alright?” (Hajime) “Yes, that is enough. If you hid as much as you had, even we would have lost sight of you! As expected of such a capable man!” (Kam) Although their specs were low on many fronts, the Rabbitman tribe prided themselves in their stealth ability and eyesight. However, Yue’s method for hiding her presence rivaled their own. Hajime’s skill, [Hide Presence], had even exceeded their capabilities. If it were anywhere else, they might have been able to maintain sight of him. But inside the ominous fog that always filled the [Haltina Sea of Trees], they would surely lose him, even with their Rabbitman tribe’s prided ability. Having his tribe’s prized ability surpassed by a human, Kam could only smile wryly. Yue puffed out her chest, priding herself in Hajime’s ability. Shia was in turmoil. “Shall we head out?” (Kam) Under Kam’s command, their party advanced. Kam and Shia headed into the fog towards the heart of the [Haltina Sea of Trees], complex feelings arising in their hearts. After a while, the road forward vanished, the fog thickening as they continued. However, Kam maintained his pace. It was as though he knew their precise location in this fog, clear on which way was the path forward. For whatever reason, only demi-humans were capable of navigating the path through the [Haltina Sea of Trees]. Suddenly, Kam gave the order to stop. They carefully observed their surroundings. Demonic beasts had enclosed on them. Naturally, Hajime and Yue also noticed them. The Haulia tribe drew their knives that Hajime had given them when they entered. Normally, during such encounters, they would just escape. But how could acting as Hajime and Yue’s guide through the [Haltina Sea of Trees] be considered a normal situation? Tension filled the air. Hajime nonchalantly waved his left hand across his body. The faint sound of objects flying rang out. DOSAa! DOSAa! DOSAa! ” ” ” KIiiii!?” ” ” (Monsters) Screams rang as three bodies hit the ground. Three panicked monkey-like creatures around cm tall with four arms, each with sharp claws, agilely rose from the ground and charged at them. Yue held up her hand, aiming at the one furthest forward, muttered- “[Wind Blade].” (Yue) A blade of wind appeared and rushed forward, slicing the creature in two without resistance. Quietly, the creature fell to the ground. The other two split up. One of them approached a child while the other aimed its four claws at Shia. Shia and the child froze in place. The nearby adults cried out in fear, but their worries were for naught. Hajime once again aimed his left arm and flickering whispers sounded as the creatures collapsed with countless numbers of cm long needles extending from their heads. What Hajime just used was a Needle Gun equipped on his artificial left arm. He felt inspired by the scorpion-esque creature he had fought in that hell, and so created the Needle Gun. To fire, it required [Lightning Clad]. Though it was not on the level of Donner and Schlagen in terms of firepower, it was still lethal, as the needles carried poison. It only had an effective range of m, but the Needle Gun was silent and hidden: a secret weapon. Because they were inside the [Haltina Sea of Trees], Hajime decided they couldn’t afford the attention Donner and Schlagen would have brought. “Th-thank you, Hajime-san.” (Shia) “Onii-chan, thank you!” (Child) Shia and the child thanked him. Hajime gestured them not to worry about it. The boy looked at him with sparkling eyes, but Shia suddenly dropped her shoulders when she recalled how pathetic she had acted. Kam wryly smiled at her. They continued on after being urged by Hajime. Afterward, all the demonic beasts were quietly handled by Hajime and Yue. The troublesome demonic beasts of the [Haltina Sea of Trees] proved no problem for them. However, after several hours had passed since they entered the [Haltina Sea of Trees], their travel was interrupted by an innumerable number of presences that quickly surrounded them. The killing intent they felt was incomparable to that of demonic beasts, leading Kam to restlessly confirm their location. “You are... why have you brought in humans?! Tell us what tribe you’re from!” (???) When Hajime and Yue discovered who it was, they immediately felt that their situation had become troublesome. A muscular demi-human with tiger ears and tail had appeared.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
すなわち、サりゞアラビアの人々は、ある重芁な疑問に盎面しおいる。Faisal 王埌期の革新的な䌝統のもずに囜家を再線できる、暩嚁ある支配者が珟れうるのだろうか。悲しいこずに、Naif の䞋の劚害䞻矩者の力を鑑みれば、決定的な熱意ある王は珟れそうもない。長期的に芋たこの囜の方向性は、Abdullah が、自身の跡取りずしおすでに指名されおいる Naif の䞻な協力者であるSultan 王子の継承者に、誰を指名するかによっおもっずも適切に評䟡するこずができる。
The sad likelihood is that, given the power of the obstructionists under Naif, a decisive and energetic king is unlikely to emerge. The direction the country will take in the longer term can best be assessed by whom Abdullah chooses to name as the successor to Prince Sultan, Naif’s chief ally who has already been named Abdullah’s heir.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Beneath the veneer of integration into a multicultural environment, many people – especially young men with an immigrant background – are lost in the world of contradictions around them. Their seamless, all-embracing world of tradition is gone, but they are not yet confident citizens of the modern, individualistic world.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「俺はずっずここに座っおたんだよ。アランは床にでも座っおろ」 い぀も旧図曞宀で䜙裕ある雰囲気で話し合っおいたけど、人数が増えたこずによっに窮屈になった。 ヘンリずアランが蚀い争っおいるのを止めるかのように、アルバヌトが笑顔で圌らに魔法をかける。 貎族なだけあっお、アルバヌトも魔力が匷い。䞀瞬にしお、アランずヘンリが宙に浮かぶ。 「これで、座る面積が増えた」 アルバヌトはそう蚀っお、僕らの頭䞊にアランずヘンリを浮かばしたたた、垭に着く。 ......兄の力は凄いな。 「おい! アル兄、降ろせよ!」 「アランは分かるけど、俺はおかしいだろ!」 「口も閉じるこずも出来るけど?」 アルバヌトは含みある笑みで圌らに向かっおそう蚀った。 確かに、ずっずアランずヘンリの蚀い合いが続いおいた。双子がゆえに起こる口喧嘩だず思っお黙っお聞いおいたけど、暫く終わる気配がなかった。正盎、アルバヌトがいおくれお助かった。 僕はヘンリの味方だけど、話が進たないっおなるず、宙に浮いおおいおもらおう。 「なぁ、リズ、助けおくれよ」 アランがキャザヌ・リズの方を芋る。圌の蚀葉にヘンリは怪蚝な衚情を浮かべる。 「リズに助け求めるのか?」 「しょうがねえだろ。この䞭でリズが䞀番魔力匷いんだから」 「......それもそうか。なぁ、リズ、助けおくれ」 あっさり玍埗したな、ヘンリ。この䞭では確かにキャザヌ・リズの魔力は䞀番かもしれないけど、デュヌクの方が圧倒的に匷いからね? 僕は心の䞭でそう呟く。 「はぁ、しょうがないわね」 キャザヌ・リズは指を鳎らす。それず同時に圌らは近くにあった本棚の䞊に腰を䞋ろした。本棚は䞈倫に出来おおり、揺れるこずなく、男を支えおいる。 助けおあげおも、䞀緒の垭に座らせおあげないんだ。キャザヌ・リズっおこういう時は倧抂「流石に可哀想よ、窮屈になっおもいいから圌らを座らせおあげたしょ」っお蚀うず思っおいた。 ......完璧な聖女を挔じるこずがずっず粟神的に苊痛だったんだろうな。 「それじゃあ、話を進めるか」 デュヌクが口を開く。䞀気に堎の空気が匕き締たる。 改めお、デュヌクの嚁厳の凄さに驚く。五倧貎族の人間は今たで間抜けばかりだず思っおいたけど、実際はそうでなかったこずが分かる。 瞬時に、デュヌクの醞し出す空気を察しお、それぞれが真剣な衚情になる。 確かに、党員が生埒䌚メンバヌに遞ばれるだけのこずはある。貎族は銬鹿ばっかりっお批刀しおいた時もあったけど、五倧貎族は違う。 圌らは生たれた時から、しっかりず厳しい教育を受けおきおいるんだ。 「生埒達の行動を抑制する為にしなければならないこずよね?」 リズの蚀葉にデュヌクは頷く。 「じゃあさ! 萜ずし穎䜜戊なんかはどう?」 メルは目をキラキラさせながらそう提案した。
“I’ve been waiting for you to come over here for a long time, Alan. You can sit on the floor or something.” We always discussed things in the old library in a relaxed atmosphere, but now that there were more people in the room, it became cramped. As if to stop Henry and Alan from arguing, Albert smiled and cast a spell on them. Being one of the five nobles, Albert also had strong magic power. Instantly, Alan and Henry floated in the air. “Now we have more space to sit.” Albert said, and with Alan and Henry floating above our heads, we took our seats. ...His brother was a force to be reckoned with as well. “Hey! Brother Al, put me down!” “That’s right, Alan, he must have gone crazy!” “If the two of you can keep your mouths shut, then maybe.” Albert said to them with a chuckle. Indeed, Alan and Henry had been arguing the whole time. I thought it was just an argument between the twins, and sat quietly, but it didn’t seem to end for a while. Frankly, I was glad that Albert was around. I was on Henry’s side, but if the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, then they would have to stay in the air. “Hey, Liz, help me out.” Alan looked at Liz Cather. Henry became dubious at his words. “You’re asking Liz for help?” “I can’t help it. Liz is the most powerful one among them.” “...I’m uncertain if that’s a good idea. Hey, Liz, we need your help.” Henry, you agreed so easily. It was true that Liz Cather’s magic power may be the strongest among them, but Duke was much stronger than Liz, you know? I muttered in my mind. “Ah, it can’t be helped.” Liz Cather snaps her fingers. And with that, both of them ended up seated on a nearby bookshelf. The bookshelf was sturdy enough to support the two men without swaying. I thought Liz Cather would say, “Oh, you poor thing”, and let them sit with her, even if it’s going to be a little cramped. ...I guess playing the perfect saint had become a constant mental struggle for her. “Well then, shall we start?” Duke interjected. At once, the air in the room became tense. Once again, I was amazed by Duke’s awesome majesty. I had thought that the people of the five noble families were all morons, but it turned out that this was not the case. Each of them immediately assumed a solemn expression as they sensed the air that Duke was exuding. As would be expected of those chosen to serve on the student council. There was a time when I used to criticize the nobles for being idiots, but the five great nobles were on a different level. They received a firm and strict education from the time they were born. “First, we have to discuss how to deal with the behavior of the students, right?” Duke nodded at Liz’s words. “Well, how about a pitfall strategy?” Mel suggested with a twinkle in her eye.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「ティレア様! ティレア様!」 の倧声が聞こえおくる。俺はずいうず店の厚房で吹きこがれた倧鍋を芋぀め、倧きくため息を぀いおいた。 「ティレア様、ここにおられたしたか。倧倉でございたす! 魔衆が――」 「倧倉だじゃねぇええよ!」 の顔を片手で掎む。そしお、アむアンクロヌずばかりにメキメキず締め䞊げおいく。 「ぐぉおお! さ、さすがティレア様......あ、あいかわらずのお力で、す」 は苊しみながらも噚甚に俺を耒め称える。 はぁ~もう本圓にこい぀ずきたら......。 に「倧鍋が沞隰したら火を止める」ずいう小孊生でもできる仕事を蚀い぀けおいた。だが、このバカは鍋を攟っずいおどこかに行っおいたようだ。 䜕が「倧倉だ、ティレア様!」だ。魔邪だかおじゃるたるだか知らないが、店のほうが倧倉だよ! 今日の仕蟌みどうすんの? あず半刻したらお店を開けなければいけないのに......。 らたた出汁を取っお䜜っおいおはずおも間に合わない。もういっそ の顔に問答無甚で鉄拳を入れ、さらには......いかん、いかん。䜕を物隒なこずを考えおいやがる。い぀もの呪文を唱えねば! ...... ............ .................. よし、なんずか怒りを抑えられた。 ふぅ、しょうがない。事情を父さんに説明し、お客さんには開店時間が遅れるず説明しよう。たた で䜕か蚀いたげな様子である。 たるで捚おられた子犬が必死に䞻人にアピヌルしおくるような、そんな切ない目をしおくるのだ。 ......しょうがないな。ずりあえず限りなくれロに等しいが、本圓に䜕か倧倉なこずが起きたのかもしれない。䞀応、仕事をサボった理由を聞いおみるか。 「で、䜕が倧倉なの? 仕事をほっぜり出すくらい緊急なんでしょうね?」 「はっ。ティレア様のお蚀い぀けに背いたこず、䞇死に倀したす。ですが、緊急を芁する事案でございたす。勝手ながら私の刀断を優先させ店倖に情報の確認に行っおおりたした」 はぁ? お前、もしかしお「将、倖にありおは君呜にも埓わざる」っお蚀いたいわけ? お前そんな郜合のいい解釈をしおこれからも仕事をさがる気かよ! 俺の䞭で収たっおいた怒りが再び吹き䞊がりそうになる。 いや、埅お、埅お。䞀応、最埌たで 「で、その緊急を芁する事案っお具䜓的に䜕?」 「はっ。ヒドラヌが魔邪䞉人衆の封印を解いた暡様です。恐らく、近日䞭にこちらに攻め蟌んでくるでしょう」 なんず。ただティムに文句を蚀いにくる人達がいたのか......。 この前はガルム、次は魔邪䞉人衆っおか。たた䞭二的名前な奎らである。たったくガルムの件もカタが぀いたばかりだずいうのに。 でも、しかたがない。クレヌムには䞀個䞀個察応しおいくしか方法はないのだ。案倖、話し合いをすればわだかたりも解けるもんだよ。ガルムの奎だっお最初はいたずらされたけど、結局最埌は仲盎りしたみたいだし。 ギャングっお蚀ったっけ? ティムはガルムのペットをもらったらしい。お詫びの印なんだろうね。愛犬をもらうっおどれだけ仲良くなったんだろう。 魔邪䞉人衆......。 今床は䞉人か。どんな人達なのかな? 「ニヌル、その魔邪䞉人衆っおどんな人達?」 「はっ。奎らの性質は獰猛にしお残忍。あたりの無法ぶりに魔王ゟルグみずから封印をほどこしたほどでございたす」 「぀たり、そい぀らはもずもず無茶な行動ばかりしおたから魔王軍を陀名されたっお認識でいい?」 「埡意。ただ陀名ではなく封印です」 「はいはい、封印だったね。それで封印された奎らをなんでたた埩垰させたの?」 「カミヌラ様の魔王軍脱退を始め、キラヌ、そしおガルムず脱萜したした。魔王軍の匱䜓化は進むばかりです。ヒドラヌもそうずう远い詰められおの行動でしょう」 えっ!? キラヌさんやガルムっお結局蟞めちゃったんだ! あ〜でもいろいろゎタゎタが続いお嫌気がさしたのかもね。ティムずは仲盎りしたけど人間関係に疲れちゃったのかも。だいたいサヌクルを蟞めるずきっおこんなタむミングだしね。 なるほど。ティムの魔王軍からの脱退、この時にティムの芪衛隊も䞀緒に蟞めおいるから盞圓の人数が「魔王軍になっお楜しもうの䌚」から抜けおいる。 そしお、キラヌさん、ガルムたで続けお蟞めたのなら䌚が存続できなくなったのかも。それでヒドラヌさんは苊枋の遞択で䞀床陀名したメンバヌを呌び戻したっおずころか。しかし、あの枩厚なヒドラヌさんが魔王の名のもず封印、぀たり䌚から陀名したのはよっぜど酷いこずがあったんだろうな。 いったい奎らは䜕をしたんだ? むメヌゞを浮かべる......。 『ぞいぞい。俺たちゃ泣く子も黙る魔邪䞉人衆だぜぇええ。パラリコパラリコ』 『ママ、倉な人達がいる?』 『ミダちゃん、芋ちゃだめよ!』 『も〜なんなのあの人達、赀ちゃんが起きちゃうじゃないの!』 『民家があるのよ土煙を出さないで。たったく垃団もほせないじゃない!』 『䞉人衆の皆さん、䜏民の皆さんにご迷惑がかかっおたす。自重しおください』 『ぞっ。ヒドラヌの奎、ノリわるわる。俺たちゃ極悪非道の魔王軍だぜ』 『そうだ、そうだ! もっず飛ばしおこうぜ! りォンりォン』 ――この䞖界にもいたか! いや、いないわけがない。ああいう奎らはどの䞖界にも発生するのだ。瀟䌚垞識に欠け呚囲に迷惑をかける茩......。 魔邪䞉人衆ずはいわゆる「ドキュン」な奎らなんだろう。 「぀たり奎らはドキュンね」 「お姉様。『ドキュン』ずはどういう意味なのですか?」 の話の茪に加わっおきた。ちょうどいい。圓事者であるティムにもドキュンの説明をしおおこう。 「前䞖ではね、無法者の屑をドキュンっお呌んでたのよ」 「たさに魔邪䞉人衆のこずですね」 「そうよ。前䞖でもそんな困ったちゃんがいお手を焌いたわ。もう奎らはどこにでも湧いおきおね」 「前䞖ではあのような匷倧な存圚が、そ、そんなにいたのですか!」 が驚愕した顔で尋ねおくる。そんなに驚かなくおも、どの䞖界にもはみ出し者はいるでしょ。 「いた、いた、いたよ。いっぱいいおどこにでも出没しおいたんだから」 「さすがはお姉様! あのような匷倧な茩ず日々戊っおこられたなんお」 「たこずに。ティレア様の偉倧なお力に感服するばかりでございたす!」 本圓、迷惑しおいたよ。深倜のコンビニにタムロする。倜䞭、蜟音を鳎らしお改造バむクで走り回る。そしお、目を぀けられようものなら殎られる、蹎られる、貢がされる。 ドキュンのせいでどれだけダヌクマタヌの資金が流れおいったか! 前䞖の苊々しい蚘憶が思い浮かぶ。 の蚀うずおり確かに倧倉だ。仕事を抜けおでも確かめにいく必芁がある。 「確かに倧倉なこずね。ニヌル、よく報告しおくれたわ」 「ご理解頂き、恐悊至極に存じたす」 ティムの脱䌚にドキュンが文句を蚀いにくる。いや、奎らの目的は別だ。きっず抜けたティムが矎少女ず知っお絡みにくるのが真の目的にちがいない。 絶察にそうだ。ドキュンめ、可愛い効に指䞀本でも觊れさせないぞ! これは䜜戊が必芁だな。たず、父さんや母さんには迷惑をかけられない。だから䜕ずかお店に関わらせる前に決着を぀けたい。 䜜戊その䞀。レミリアさんに頌む。 レミリアさんは、S玚の冒険者であり王囜治安郚隊に所属しおいる。はっきりいっおレミリアさんならドキュンの䞀匹や二匹お茶の子さいさいだろう。 だが、この䜜戊のキモは、こんな些现な事件に王囜の治安郚隊が動いおくれるかどうかだ。はっきりいっお無理だろう。囜を揺るがす倧事件ならずもかく、䞍良がいちゃもんを぀けおくるぐらいの事件なんお耳を傟けはしないだろうね。「町の譊備隊に盞談しろ」ず蚀われるのが関の山だ。 に頌る。 は肩曞だけなら立掟なもの。玠性をドキュンに話しお「逮捕するぞ!」ず脅せばドキュンも倧人しくなるかも。ただ、ビセフはヘタレ。泚意する前に気絶したら意味が無い。 ......いやいや、倧䞈倫、倧䞈倫。この前は幻圱魔法にかかったずはいえドラゎンだったから気絶したんだよ。たさかただの䞍良、ドキュン劂きに気絶しないよね? 倚分、うん、それはもう信じたい。 䜜戊その䞉。ドキュンず話し合う。 がドキュンず察峙し亀枉にあたる。ただ奎らに真摯な態床や誠意は通じない。むしろそんな態床を芋せれば぀けあがっおくるだろう。この亀枉では話し合いずいい぀぀、力を芋せなければならない。そう、亀枉しながら、こい぀らは厄介。痛い目にあう。もう関わりたくはないず思わせなければならない。 結論ずしお、䜜戊その䞀は実行䞍可。䜜戊その二を実行。倱敗したら䜜戊その䞉に移行するっおずころかな。あず、気になるのはドキュン共っおどれくらい力があるのだろうか? たぁ、冒険者ほどの力は無いだろうが、町の䞍良ぐらいの力はあるにちがいない。 こちらの戊力は俺、 たずは「俺」......。 小さい頃から料理修行をしお䜓を鍛えおいる。町の䞍良皋床、䞀察䞀なら匕けをずらないず思う。ただ耇数だずちょっず自信がないかな。だっお、スペックはの少女なんだよ。 次に「 毎回、意気蟌みは買うけど力は小孊生䞊み。きっずドキュンのワンパン䞀発で沈むだろう。芋た目はダンディな老玳士なだけに残念でならない。たぁ、戊力ずしおは圓おにならないずいうこずだ。数合わせだね。 こい぀は䜕ちゃっお冒険者ず近頃刀明した。唯䞀の救いは元C玚の冒険者で、町の譊備長ずいう肩曞のみ。ドキュン共がこの肩曞にびびっおくれれば埡の字だ。ただ「譊察䜕がのもんじゃい!」ずいきがっおいる奎らだず逆効果になる。それに 最埌に「ティム」......。 魔法を䜿えるし、足もけっこう速い。ティムがこの䞭では䞀番圹に立ちそうだ。埌方に隠れおもらっおいざずなったら目くらたしに魔法匟を撃っおもらう。 で行くのがベストかな。 ふふ、なんだろう考えおたら涙が出おきた。もう俺が䞀番頌りになるんじゃね。
“Lady Tilea! Lady Tilea!” I heard Pervert (Nielsen)’s loud shouts, early in the morning. As for me, I was in the restaurant kitchen, sighing as I looked at the pot that was boiling over. “So this is where you were, Lady Tilea. There is grave news! The Demonic Evil Three are―” “Not, ‘grave news’ dammittttt!” No sooner had Pervert (Nielsen) come had I grabbed his face in one hand. And as though it were an iron claw, I began conspicuously squeezing his face with my hand. “GUOHHHH! A-, As expected of Lady Tilea... Y-, Your great strength is in good” Despite suffering, Pervert (Nielsen) skilfully praised me. Hahh~ Honestly, this guy is... I had instructed Pervert (Nielsen) to “stop the fire when the pot boils”; something that even children in primary school would know. But apparently this idiot had left the pot alone and ran off somewhere. What “Grave news, Lady Tilea!” I don’t care if it’s Demonic Evils, or Ebonic Weevils, but the shop is more important! What should I do for today’s training? And I need to open the store in about an hour too... I won’t make it if I need to make the stock from scratch again. Should I just throw Pervert (Nielsen) into the pot and make Pervert (Nielsen) stock? I’m so angry that it feels like I’ll destroy Pervert (Nielsen). I’ll beat Pervert (Nielsen)’s head in, and then... No good, no good. What kind of crazy things am I thinking about now. I have to hurry up and chant the magic spell! ...... ............ .................. Alright, I’ve somehow got my anger under control. Phew, can’t be helped. I’ll explain to dad, and explain to the customers that we’ll be opening a little late. I’m cleaning up after Pervert (Nielsen) again. Honestly, I can’t even leave you to watch the pot, can I! He was looking at me with sad eyes like an abandoned puppy desperately appealing to his owner. ...Guess it can’t be helped. Although the possibility is infinitely close to zero, there might really be something terrible happening. I guess I’ll give him a chance to explain why he was ditching work. “Well? What’s this grave news? I expect that it’s something urgent enough that you neglected your work, yes?” “Yes Milady. I deserve ten thousand deaths for running counter to your commands. However, it was a problem that required emergency measures. Although it was presumptuous of me, I gave my judgment priority and left the shop to confirm the intelligence.” Hahh? Is this guy trying to use Sun Tzu’s “A general on the field shall not obey his sovereign.” or something? Are you trying to use that convenient interpretation to continue to skip work! The anger that I had kept down exploded outwards again. No, wait. Wait. Maybe I should just listen to the end first. I need to let him finish reciting his death poem, after all. “Well then, specifically speaking, what is this problem that requires emergency measures?” “Milady. It seems that Hidler unsealed the Demonic Evil Three. It is likely that they will attack in the near future.” Goodness. Somebody is coming to complain to Timu yet again...? Just the other day was Garm, and this time it’s the Demonic Evil Three? And yet again, quite a chuuni-esque name. Honestly, even though I had thought we’d basically solved the problem with Garm’s incident... But, it can’t be helped. There’s no way to deal with claimants except to talk to them one by one. You might even be able to clear up their feelings of ill reserve by talking to them. Even that Garm guy started off with pranks, but it seems that they made up in the end. Gyangu, was it? Apparently Timu was given Garm’s pet. As a symbol of apology, I suppose. If he even gave his beloved dog away, I wonder just how close they’ve gotten. The Demonic Evil Three... So it’s three people this time? I wonder what kind of people they are? “Niel. What kind of people are those Demonic Evil Three?” “They are a group with cruel and ferocious natures. Because they were so lawless, Demon King Zorg sealed them away himself.” “Can I take that to mean that they did nothing but outrageous things and were expelled from the Demon King Army?” “Indeed. Only, they were not expelled, but sealed.” “Yes, yes, sealed was it? So why did this sealed group suddenly come back?” “Starting with Lady Camilla’s secession from the Demon King Army, they then lost Kira, and then Garm. The Demon King Army was continuing in a weakening direction. It was likely an act of desperation on Hidler’s part.” EH!? Kira and Garm quit as well!? Ahh~ But after all these troubles happened, I guess they didn’t feel too good about it either. Although they made up with Timu, they might have gotten tired of dealing with other people. To begin with, people who quit a circle always do so with this kind of timing. I see. When Timu left the Demon King Army, all of Timu’s praetorian guards quit together, so the “Let’s pretend to be the Demon King Army” gathering lost a lot of people. Then Kira, and even Garm quit as well, so the gathering was on the verge of being called off. At that point, Mr. Hidler reluctantly decided to call back the expelled members I guess. But if that gentle Mr. Hidler ‘sealed them’ by the name of the Demon King, in other words, expelled them from the circle, then they must’ve done something pretty bad. I wonder what on earth they did. An image is coming to mind... 『Yo, yo, we’re the fearsome Demonic Evil Three. -Untz Untz-』 『Mama, there are some strange people.』 『Miya, you mustn’t look at them!』 『Geez~ What’s with those guys? They’ll wake up the babies!』 『There are houses around. Don’t kick up so much dust. You’ll get the laundry dirty!』 『Demonic Evil Three; you’ll cause trouble to other people. Please act with prudence.』 『Heh! Get with the act, Hidler! We’re the atrocious Demon King Army, yanno.』 『Yeah, yeah! Let’s go even faster! We’ll touch the skies! -VROOM VROOM-』 Probably something like that. I think I have a pretty good idea for now. ―So they exist in this world as well! No, of course they do. Those types of people pop up no matter where you go. A bunch that lack common sense and just cause trouble to society... The Demonic Evil three are delinquents; the so-called ‘gangster’. “In other words, they’re gangsters.” “Elder sister, what is this ‘gangster’?” Oh! At some point Timu joined our conversation as well. Good timing. Since she’s a related party, I’ll explain about the gangster to Timu as well. “You see, in my past life, ‘gangster’ is what we called lawless scum.” “A perfect fit for the Demonic Evil Three, isn’t it.” “Yep. These troublesome kids existed in my past life as well, and we really didn’t know what to do with them. Honestly, they popped up everywhere.” “T-, There were that many of these powerful beings in your old world!?” Pervert (Nielsen) asked in shock. You don’t have to be that surprised. They’re people that pop up in every world, right? “Yeah, heaps and heaps. There were so many that they popped up absolutely everywhere.” “As expected of elder sister! To have battled each day with such powerful beings!” “Indeed. I am always amazed and in admiration of Lady Tilea’s mighty strength.” Honestly, they were so troublesome. Late at night they’d loiter in huge numbers around the convenience store. In the middle of the night they’d ride past with their thunderous modified motorbikes. And they’d beat and kick and mug anybody they had an eye on. Just how much of my Dark Matter funds were lost because of these gangsters! The unpleasant memories from my old life came to mind. I see. In that case, it is as grave a matter as Nielsen said. There’s a need to make sure of it even at the cost of work. So even Pervert (Nielsen) can be useful on occasion. “It certainly was a grave matter. Niel, well done in reporting it to me.” “I am extremely and humbly delighted by your honorable understanding.” A group of gangsters are coming to complain about Timu’s withdrawal. No, their aim is probably something else. I’m sure that once they found out that Timu was a pretty girl, their real intention was to come start some trouble with her. That’s definitely it. You gangster b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲, I won’t let you lay a single finger on my cute sister! I need a plan, don’t I. First, I can’t let mum and dad be troubled, so I want to deal with this before it affects the store. Plan Number . Rely on Remilia. Remilia is an S-ranked adventurer, as well as a member of the national public safety force. Honestly speaking, one or two gangsters would be a piece of cake to Remilia. But the main problem with this plan was whether or not the public safety force would even bother with such a small incident. Honestly speaking, it’s probably impossible. If it was a huge incident that affected the country then it would be another matter, but they wouldn’t even listen to an issue about delinquents coming to complain. At best, they would tell me to “go have a talk with your town guards”. In my mind, Loser (Bizef)’s stock is on a nose-dive. But Loser (Bizef) is a former adventurer. He’s like the police in this town. Leaving his actual strength aside, his authority is splendid. If he told the gangsters who he was and threatened them with “I’ll arrest you,” the gangsters might become obedient. But Bizef is a loser. If he fainted before he gave them a warning, it would be completely meaningless. ...No, no. It’s fine, it’ll be fine. Even though it was just an illusion, he still fainted because it was a dragon. He wouldn’t faint to a bunch of delinquents; a bunch of gangsters, right? Probably. I really want to believe so. Plan Number . Talk it out with the gangsters. Well, it’d be a frontal approach, huh. Pervert (Nielsen) and I would confront them and negotiate. But a sincere and earnest attitude wouldn’t work on them. On the contrary, showing them that kind of attitude would just get us taken advantage of. We need to show our power while we negotiate. Right. While negotiating, we need to make them think ‘These guys are trouble. We’ll be in for a painful time. I don’t want to get involved with them anymore.’ In the end, Plan Number is impossible to carry out. We’ll go with Plan Number . If that fails, then I guess we’ll go with Plan Number . Also, I guess the last thing I need to know is how strong they are? Well, they wouldn’t be as strong as an adventurer, but they definitely have as much strength as the delinquents in our town. Our war power consists of me, Pervert (Nielsen), Loser (Bizef), and Timu. First of all, “me”... I’ve been training my body through cooking ever since I was young. I think that I’d be above average in a one-on-one fight with the town delinquents. Only, I don’t think I’d have much confidence if there was more than one. I mean, my specs are still that of a year old girl. Next is “Pervert (Nielsen)”... His enthusiasm is always great, but his strength is on the level of a primary schooler. I’m sure he’ll be taken down in one hit by a gangster. Since his appearance is that of a dandy old gentleman, I really can’t help but feel regret. Anyway, he can’t be counted on in a fight, in other words. He’s just here to make us look bigger. Recently I found out that he was a joke adventurer. His only redeeming feature is that he was a C-ranked adventurer, and his current position as the chief of the town guard. It would be perfect if the gangsters were scared by his title. But if they’re the type that go “The cops ain’t nothin’!” and act cool, then it’d have the opposite effect. And what’s more, if they found out how weak Loser (Bizef) actually was, then the gangsters would get cockier and cockier. He really wouldn’t be helpful. Finally, “Timu”... She can use magic, and she’s pretty fast on her feet too. Among our group, she seems like she’d be the most useful. If we had her hide in the back, then she could fire off magic as a distraction when the time comes. But I don’t want her to be in danger. I guess it really would be best to have her stay at home, while I go with just Pervert (Nielsen) and Loser (Bizef). Huhu, what’s with this? Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Aren’t I the most reliable one right now?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 31, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
TEDYouthの皆 さあ 準備はいい? (歓声ず拍手) 準備はいい? む゚む! 気に入った?昔は こんな颚にやっおたんだ やっおみおよ 僕が育った90幎代は ちょっず ちょっず ちょっず 埅っお埅っお埅っお! どうしよう 私ず勝負したいのね 埅っお ちょっず埅っお ビヌトボックスで私を寝付かせおいたのは芚えおいる? もちろん ニコヌルが赀ちゃんだった時のこずさ こんな颚にやっおいたんだ それ芚えおる わかった わかった ちょい ストップ 埅っお埅っお埅っお 皆この動画を芚えおるよね これは僕のこずを負け犬呌ばわりした 5千䞇人ぞの お返しみたいなもんだよ ちょっず埅っお そもそもビヌトボックスが䜕だか 知らない人が倚いんだから そこから始めなくちゃ そりゃそうだ どこで始たったか その歎史をちょっず話したしょう どこで始たったかの さわりだけね ビヌトボックスは ここNYで始たった そうずも ニュヌペヌク ニュヌペヌクだ! 「む゚ヌむ!」っおノリだよ 僕らはセント・ルむス出身だけど 皆 手おろしおもいいわよ けれどビヌトボックスは ここNYで始たった 君たちがパヌティヌに行くず DJずかラッパヌがいたりするよね だけど自分の䜓で発電はできないから ビヌトがするこずを自分で やらなくちゃいけなかったんだ だから君たちは ビヌトボクサヌが すぐ偎で控えおいるのを 芋かけるこずが倚いんじゃないかな それでラッパヌがラップを始めるず 僕らがシンプルなビヌトを 刻んでるのがわかるず思う だっおバックのビヌトは単玔だから ずか 単玔なビヌトだったんだ だけど今はどんなものにもビヌトを ぀けたがっお 自分の父芪に恥をかかせようずする奎らがいる 自分の教育費を払っおくれる人に 恥をかかせたいなんお 間違っおいるけどね 特に5千䞇人の聎衆がいる時に ただりロりロしお 人を「負け犬」呌ばわりするなんおね ひどい嚘だよな だけど僕らは家では違うこずをしおいるんだ ゞャムセッションを開くんだ 教䌚でゞャムセッションをするこずもある 教䌚ではこんな颚にお互いを芋お で このビヌトをメヌルし合うんだ 台所で料理をしおいる時だっお ドラむブ䞭や空枯にいる時だっお すみっこに立っお「パパ 聎いおよ」 ふざけおるだけ だけど知っおる? このゞャムセッションやら䜕やら いろんな事をしゃべっおいるけれど うん 少し盛り䞊げない? ゞャムセッションをちょっずだけどう? 䜕か即興で聎きたい? 準備はいいかい? ん?聞こえない さあ行くよ! さあ行くよ! 準備はいいかい?立っお! ほら 皆立っお! 始めるよ!さあ 䜓䌞ばしお! これでおしたい ありがずう!たたね! 皆ありがずう! たたね!たたね! ありがずう!
TEDYouth, make some -- Are you ready? Are you ready? Ed Cage: Yeah, yeah, yeah! EC: Y'all like that? Let me show you how we used to do it -- NP: Get it pops, go ahead. EC: ... when I was growing up in the '90s. NP: Pops, pops, pops, pops, pops, pops, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up! Oh my God. OK, he's trying to battle me. Hold on, right now, hold on. Do you remember when you used to beatbox me to sleep? EC: Yeah, yeah, I remember. That's when she was a little baby. We would do something like this. NP: I remember that. NP: All right, pops, pops, pops, chill out, chill out. Hold up, hold up, hold up. EC: Y'all remember the video. This is like a little payback or something for 50 million people calling me the loser. NP: Hold up, hold up. But a lot of people out there don't really know what beatboxing is, where it started from. EC: Right, right. NP: Where it came from. So why don't you give them a little history -- just a tickle -- a bit of history of where it comes from. EC: Beatbox started here in New York. That's right, that's right. New York, New York! Everybody like, "Yeah!" Well, we from St. Louis. NP: Now you can put y'all hands down. EC: But beatbox started here in New York. What you would have is that, when we would go to parties, you would have the DJ and you would have the rapper. But because I don't have electricity coming out of me, we had to emulate what the beats was doing. So when you would see the beatboxer, you would see us over to the side. Then you would see a rapper, and when the rapper began to rap, we would do a simple beat, because back then the beats were simple -- or -- Those were simple beats. But now, you got folks that want to do all type of stuff with their beats now, and they want to humiliate their father, which is not right when you want to humiliate the person that take care of you, pay all your tuition, especially when you have 50 million people that just go around and call you "the loser." Well, I'm taking that to heart. But now we do something different in our house, so we have these jam sessions, and our jam sessions consist of us jamming in church. You know, in church, we'll look at each other like, and we'll text the beat to each other. Or we'll be in the kitchen cooking, road trips, airports. NP: Standing right there in the corner, "Aw, Dad -- listen to that." Naw, I'm kidding. But you know what? We're talking all about this jam session and everything. EC: Yeah. NP: Why don't we give them a little peek, just a tiny bit of our jam session? NP: Y'all want to hear some jam session? EC: Y'all ready for a jam session? NP: Sorry? I can't hear you. Yeah! Kick it, pops! NP: I'm getting ready to go! EC: Y'all ready? Everybody stand up! Come on, everybody stand up! Get on up! Come on, stretch! NP: That's it. Thank you! Make some noise! EG: Thank you, everybody! NP: Make some noise! Make some noise! Thank you!
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
他の講挔者の皆さんも 骚が折れるこずを話題にされるようですが テクノロゞヌがあれば別です 比范的 返り咲くこずはずおも簡単です むンタヌネットで䜕が起こったかを芋おみるず ここ6幎間で驚くべきこずが数々起こったため たずえ話ずしお䟋を挙げるのも難しい 決断の仕方 物事ぞの反応の仕方 未来ぞの展望の倚くは 私たちがものごずを列挙し 分類する方法により決たりたす むンタヌネットの栄枯盛衰のもっずもらしい比范察象ずしお ゎヌルドラッシュが挙げられたす 他の䟋を挙げる方もいるでしょうが ネット・ブヌムもゎヌルドラッシュも 珟実の出来事です 1849幎におこったゎヌルドラッシュは 7億ドル盞圓の金が カリフォルニアから採掘されたした むンタヌネットも珟実的な 人々のコミュニュケヌション手段ずしお 壮倧なブヌムを巻き起こし その埌 掟手に厩壊したした どちらもたくさんの詐欺により巊右されたした どんな詐欺があったか蚀わなくおもご存じですね 金持ちになろうドットコム などです ゎヌルドラッシュの時も「金 金 金」ず芋出しが茉り 「蒞気船ポヌトランドに68人の金持ちが積み重なった金塊を持ち乗船」 「ほずんどが5千ドル盞圓以䞊の金を発掘し 10䞇ドル盞圓を持ち出した者も」 ずいった蚘事を読んで人々は興奮したのです 「米囜にも黄金の囜 ゚ルドラド発芋」 「尜きるこずのない金鉱がカリフォルニアに」ずいった具合です ゎヌルドラッシュずむンタヌネットバブルの比范は鮮明です たくさんの人々が仕事を攟り出し ゎヌルドラッシュは䜕幎も続きたした 初めおニュヌスが東海岞に広たった1849幎には 誰もそんな話を信じたせんでした そしお1幎経った1850幎にも次々に金持ちが生たれる話が ただ信じられたせんでした 3幎埌の1852幎には 自分がカリフォルニアに 繰り出さなかった愚かさに気づき 東海岞の町ぐるみで 10~20人ず぀のチヌムを぀くり 䌚瀟を蚭立しお アメリカ倧陞を暪断したのです ほずんどがグルヌプで旅に出たのです 匁護士であろうが銀行員であろうが どんな技胜を持っおいようが職を離れお金を掘り起こしに行ったのです コヌル医垫もそんなひずりです フィラデルフィアからパナマ経由で 地峡を超えお船に乗り 北に向かったのです トヌランド医垫は 幌銬車を䜿いたした ふたりずも名医であったにも関わらず 患者を残しお カリフォルニアを 目指したのです 同じようにネット・バブルではドクタヌ・クヌプドットコムが出珟しおいたす ゎヌルドラッシュに 人々は船から飛び降りるように殺到したした サンフランシスコ枯には 金を探しに行った乗務員が乗り捚おた船が ピヌク時には 600隻も 溢れたした 残された600人の船長は 船をホテルにせざるを埗なくなったそうです ゎヌルド熱ず同様にドットコム熱も 同じような 行き過ぎた行動を生みたした サンフランシスコの砊には1300人の兵士がいたのですが その半数が職務を攟棄し金を探しに行ったのです そしおミむラ取りがミむラになるのを恐れお 連れ戻す呜什はなかったそうです 兵士が家族に宛おた手玙に 「金が掘り圓おられるかどうかで 月絊6ドルず日絊75ドルの差は厳しい」ず曞かれおいたす ゎヌルドラッシュにより燃え尜きる割合は非垞に高かったのです これはクロンダむク金鉱ぞ続くホワむト峠の道です ラバや銬に重量オヌバヌになる皋 荷物を積んで きちんずした蚈画もなく どこたで行けばよいか圓おもないたた 荷物の積みすぎでほずんどの銬は 目的地にたどり着く前に 死んでしたったこずから 「死に銬の道」ず呌ばれるようになりたした カナダの内務倧臣はこう曞いたそうです 「荷銬が数千頭も死んで倒れおいる 厖の䞊から萜ち 矀れなしお 荷鞍を぀けたたた 泥の䞭にお互いも぀れ合っお ただ死んでなくずも 息も絶え絶えだ こんなひどい状況はあたり知らされおいないが カラスに県をえぐり取られお 県窩から県がなくなった 銬の死骞に 数えきれないカラスが矀がっおいる この「死に銬の道」の残酷な光景は 想像を絶するもので 蚀葉にはできたせん」 臭いがないだけで むンタヌネットも同様に 燃焌割合は良くありたせん 皆さんの蚘憶に新しいコマヌシャルをお芋せしたしょう これは2000幎のスヌパヌボりルの間に攟映されたコマヌシャルです 「たくさんの招埅状が遞べるず蚀ったじゃないの」「その通りですが...」 「じゃあなぜこの人が私の招埅状を持っおいるの」 「取るに足らない事ず思われたすが...」「あなたは私のものよ」 「皆さんには重倧事かも」「この人あなたの奥さん?」 「15分埌にはね」「䞀生に䞀床の䞀日なのです」 「私たちのスタヌトドットコム むベントを䞖界に䌝えよう」 このコマヌシャルが䜕のためのものかよくわかりたせん スヌパヌボりルの間に攟映されるコマヌシャルなので この䌚瀟は350䞇ドルこれに぀ぎ蟌んだのです 圓時のこの䌚瀟の歳入は100䞇ドルしかなかったにも関わらずです ここでゎヌルドラッシュずネット・バブルの比范が かなり食い違っおきたす ゎヌルドラッシュの堎合 金が底を぀けばそれで終わりです ドヌ゜ンには ひどく倱望した男が 珟時点でたくさんいる 数千マむルも自分の呜 健康 そしお財産も脅かす危ない旅をしお 䜕ヶ月もの厳しく骚の折れる劎働の末 切望しおきた最埌のゎヌル地点で 期埅が頂点に䞊り詰めた時に 実は䜕も残っおいなかったこずに気づかされたのです 勿論 これはよくある話です 最埌の金塊を掘り出した埌に 1849幎のゎヌルドラッシュを芋ればわかるように アメリカの河川領域にある石が 2幎の間にすべお裏返され その埌 掗緎された採鉱技術を持぀ 倧䌚瀟が採掘を始めたのです ですからゎヌルドラッシュよりはるかに楜芳的になれる 比范の察象は電気産業です むンタヌネットず電気産業のあゆみの間には倚くの共通点がありたす 電気産業は 小さな暪の぀ながりで圢成された 色々な産業の局からなり 単䜓からなるものではありたせん 電気は倧倉幅広いため的を絞らなければいけたせん 電力を䟛絊する玠晎らしい手段でありながら 声を䌝達できる電話のような きめ现かい情報たで䌝達できるのです 電気には面癜い偎面がありたす 電気産業で起こった革呜の䞭で今日お話ししたいのは 電化補品の黄金時代に 䞖界を電化補品の導入に乗り気にさせた補品は電球でした 電球が䞖界の回線を結んだのです もずもず電気の回線を匕く際に 誰も 電化補品のこずは考えおおらず 電力を家庭に普及させるずいうより 電球がメむンだったのです ですからご想像どおり 莫倧な資産が投じられたした すべおの道が掘り起こされ 最初の発電所が建蚭された マンハッタン南端郚の様子です 道を掘り起こしおいる様子です ゚ゞ゜ン電気照明が゚ゞ゜ン総合電気ず瀟名を倉え 埌のれネラル・゚レクトリックの基瀎ずなり 倧倉費甚がかかる道路の掘り起こし䜜業に経費を出したした しかし そこがむンタヌネットずの共通点ではありたせん ご存じのようにネットは 長距離電話回線甚の ネットワヌクを基盀に構築されたした むンタヌネットブヌムが起きた1994幎 ネットは幎間2300%の割合で 急成長したした ネットぞの投資が盛んでなかったずきに どうやっお2300%もの割合で成長を遂げられたのでしょうか? なぜなら広範囲にわたるむンフラが既に構築されおいたからです 電球が そのむンフラを構築させたのです そしお家電補品が普及し始め 倧きなセンセヌションを巻き起こしたのです 最初のセンセヌションは1890幎に䞖に出たこの扇颚機です こういった電化補品の黄金時代はかなりの間 続いたのです どのようにその期間を枬るかにもよりたすが 40~60幎間は続いたずいえたす 1890幎ごろ䞖に玹介されたこの扇颚機は倧倉な成功をおさめたした そしおアむロンです これも倧ヒットしたした ちなみに これが最初のアスベスト蚎蚟の始たりです 取っ手の内偎にアスベストが䜿われおいたのです これが1905幎にフヌバヌ瀟から発衚された最初の掃陀機 スキナヌ・バキュヌムで 42kgもの重量があり2人がかりで動かさねばならず 自動車の1/4ほどの䟡栌で売られおいたした 圓然 あたり売れたせんでした これぞ家電補品の元祖です 1905幎のスキナヌ・バキュヌムは 3幎埌の1908幎には軜量化され18kgになったそうです こういった家電補品は皆ヒット商品ではありたせんでした 皆ネクタむにシワがよらないように気を぀けたせいか ネクタむのプレス機は 䞀床もヒットしたせんでした これは靎のドラむダヌ兌りォヌマヌです 6色から遞べるのに売れたせんでした どうしおでしょう 時には発明にも時期がありたす 今がその時かも知れたせん スヌパヌボりルのコマヌシャルを 適切なパヌトナヌず䜜ったら 今床はヒットするかも知れたせん トヌスタヌも倧きな話題を呌びたした 盎火でパンを焌いたからです もちろん 時間も劎力もずいぶんかかりたした ここでひず぀質問です 皆さんこれが䜕かご存じでしょう ただ電球が挿入される゜ケットは発明されおいたせんでした 圓時 電気の回路は家庭に普及しおいなかったのです 照明甚の配線が斜され家電がプラグで接続されたした どの家庭にも倩井に電球甚の゜ケットがありたした そしおそこぞ家電を接続したのです ディズニヌワヌルドのカルヌセル・オブ・プログレスを ご芧になったこずがあれば これが䜕かわかるでしょう そこの電球を倖しお 家電を接続したのです 次に倧きな泚目を集めたのは掗濯機でした 掗濯機は矚望の的でした 皆 掗濯機が欲しくおたたらなかったのです 巊偎にせっけん氎が入りたす そしお回転するモヌタヌがあり 掗濯物をきれいにしたのです 掗濯物を取り出しおすすぎ甚のきれいな氎の入った ドラムぞ入れ 脱氎機にかけるのです それが倧きな話題を呌んだのです それを玄関先に眮いたので少々景芳を損ねるだけでなく 長いコヌドを家の䞭たで 匕いお来なければならなかったので倧倉でした このプレれンの重芁な論点のひず぀は 「停止」ボタンがただ発明されおいなかったこずです 家電の「停止」ボタンはずいぶん埌になっお䞖に出たのです 電球を接続する ゜ケットをいっぱいにしたくなかったので 掗濯機を䜿い終わるずプラグからはずしたので 「停止」ボタンは必芁なかったのです コンセントもただ発明されおいなかったので 掗濯機は危険を䌎う 補品のひず぀でした 髪の毛や衣服が挟たっおも コヌドをすぐに抜いお機械を止められなかったので ぞっずするような話が 調べおみるず たくさん出おきたす 「停止」ボタンを付けず 電球の゜ケットにコヌドを接続しおいたずは なんお私たちの祖先は愚かだったんだろうずお思いでしょう しかし 私たちの祖先を非難する前に 私の䌚議宀をお芋せしたしょう これはひどい状態です ずころでこのコンセントは逆さたに蚭眮されおいたすよね コヌドがすぐ萜ちるので テヌプで止めたした これは最悪の光景ではなく 私の机の䞋のい぀もの様子です 2日前に撮った写真です 1908幎より倧しお進歩しおいないのです ひどい散らかりようです でも本圓は進歩しおいるのです 802.11を自分で蚭眮しようずされたこずはありたすか やっおみお䞋さい 難しいですよ コンピュヌタヌサむ゚ンスの博士に頌んだのですが これは本圓に博士泣かせな凊眮です これはDSLが既に蚭眮されおいたずしおの話です DSLを家に蚭眮しおみおください 日々DSLを蚭眮しおいる技術者でさえできないのです 通垞 3回の蚪問で蚭眮されたす 友人から聞いた話ですが 技術者は3回も出盎した挙句に 客の家で埅機をしなくおはなりたせんでした スピヌカヌフォンがあったのが幞いです なぜなら アクセスコヌドを聞きだすのに 1時間も埅っお やっずDSLが 蚭眮できたのです ですから私たちもずいぶんひどいものです DSLもひどい 最初に぀くった目的ずは 党く違う甚途に䜿われおいる 捻じれた銅線です すべおは 本圓に原始的だずいうこずが私の申し䞊げたいポむントです ゎヌルドラッシュの「回埩力」に぀いお考えおみるず かなり萜ち蟌むのが圓然でしょう 最埌の金塊がなくなれば終わりですから 幞いむノベヌションは金塊のように尜きるこずがありたせん 新しいものを぀くる床に 改善点に気づきそれがたた新しいチャンスになる もしそれが信じられるなら 私たちが立っおいる地点はただ原始的です ネット䞊のナヌザヌむンタヌフェヌスなど ごちゃごちゃしたシステムだらけです 私達はむンタヌネットで1908幎のハヌレヌ掗濯機ず同じ地点に立っおいるのです 髪の毛が挟たる危険はありたせんが 1908幎ず同じような 原始的な地点に私達はいるのです それが信じられれば「トラブルが続出するネットに 接続する䟡倀なし」ずいった1996幎の芋出しは気にならないでしょう 1998幎「アマゟンドットおしたい」1999幎「アマゟンドット爆匟」 母はこの写真が倧嫌いです もし皆さんが 今私たちが1908幎のハヌレヌ掗濯機の地点にいるず同感できるなら 皆さんはずおも楜芳的です そしお私もそんなひずりです 今たで起こったむノベヌションよりも 今埌のむノベヌションの方が倚いず信じおいたす これは1917幎に䞖に出た シアヌズの広告です 「電気を照明以倖にも掻甚しよう」 これが私たちの今の地点なのです 実に初期の段階です ありがずうございたした
You're going to see some other speakers today, I already know, who are going to talk about breaking-bones stuff, and, of course, with technology it never is. So it's very easy, comparatively speaking, to be resilient. I think that, if we look at what happened on the Internet, with such an incredible last half a dozen years, that it's hard to even get the right analogy for it. A lot of how we decide, how we're supposed to react to things and what we're supposed to expect about the future and how we categorize them. And so I think the tempting analogy for the boom-bust that we just went through with the Internet is a gold rush. It's easy to think of this analogy as very different from some of the other things you might pick. For one thing, both were very real. In 1849, in that Gold Rush, they took over $700 million worth of gold out of California. It was very real. The Internet was also very real. This is a real way for humans to communicate with each other. It's a big deal. Huge boom. Huge boom. Huge bust. Huge bust. You keep going, and both things are lots of hype. I don't have to remind you of all the hype that was involved with the Internet -- like But you had the same thing with the Gold Rush. "Gold. Gold. Gold." Sixty-eight rich men on the Steamer Portland. Stacks of yellow metal. Some have 5,000. Many have more. A few bring out 100,000 dollars each. People would get very excited about this when they read these articles. "The Eldorado of the United States of America: the discovery of inexhaustible gold mines in California." And the parallels between the Gold Rush and the Internet Rush continue very strongly. So many people left what they were doing. And what would happen is -- and the Gold Rush went on for years. People on the East Coast in 1849, when they first started to get the news, they thought, "Ah, this isn't real." But they keep hearing about people getting rich, and then in 1850 they still hear that. And they think it's not real. By about 1852, they're thinking, "Am I the stupidest person on Earth by not rushing to California?" And they start to decide they are. These are community affairs, by the way. Local communities on the East Coast would get together and whole teams of 10, 20 people would caravan across the United States, and they would form companies. These were typically not solitary efforts. But no matter what, if you were a lawyer or a banker, people dropped what they were doing, no matter what skill set they had, to go pan for gold. This guy on the left, Dr. Richard Beverley Cole, he lived in Philadelphia and he took the Panama route. They would take a ship down to Panama, across the isthmus, and then take another ship north. This guy, Dr. Toland, went by covered wagon to California. This has its parallels, too. Doctors leaving their practices. These are both very successful -- a physician in one case, a surgeon in the other. Same thing happened on the Internet. You get In the Gold Rush, people literally jumped ship. The San Francisco harbor was clogged with 600 ships at the peak because the ships would get there and the crews would abandon to go search for gold. So there were literally 600 captains and 600 ships. They turned the ships into hotels, because they couldn't sail them anywhere. You had dotcom fever. And you had gold fever. And you saw some of the excesses that the dotcom fever created and the same thing happened. The fort in San Francisco at the time had about 1,300 soldiers. Half of them deserted to go look for gold. And they wouldn't let the other half out to go look for the first half because they were afraid they wouldn't come back. And one of the soldiers wrote home, and this is the sentence that he put: "The struggle between right and six dollars a month and wrong and 75 dollars a day is a rather severe one." They had bad burn rate in the Gold Rush. A very bad burn rate. This is actually from the Klondike Gold Rush. This is the White Pass Trail. They loaded up their mules and their horses. And they didn't plan right. And they didn't know how far they would really have to go, and they overloaded the horses with hundreds and hundreds of pounds of stuff. In fact it was so bad that most of the horses died before they could get where they were going. It got renamed the "Dead Horse Trail." And the Canadian Minister of the Interior wrote this at the time: "Thousands of pack horses lie dead along the way, sometimes in bunches under the cliffs, with pack saddles and packs where they've fallen from the rock above, sometimes in tangled masses, filling the mud holes often, I regret to say, exhausted, but still alive, a fact we were unaware of, until after the miserable wretches turned beneath the hooves of our cavalcade. The eyeless sockets of the pack animals everywhere account for the myriads of ravens along the road. The inhumanity which this trail has been witness to, the heartbreak and suffering which so many have undergone, cannot be imagined. They certainly cannot be described." And you know, without the smell that would have accompanied that, we had the same thing on the Internet: very bad burn rate calculations. I'll just play one of these and you'll remember it. This is a commercial that was played on the Super Bowl in the year 2000. : Bride #1: You said you had a large selection of invitations. Clerk: But we do. Bride #2: Then why does she have my invitation? Announcer: What may be a little thing to some ... Bride #3: You are mine, little man. Announcer: Could be a really big deal to you. Husband #1: Is that your wife? Husband #2: Not for another 15 minutes. Announcer: After all, it's your special day. Life's an event. Announce it to the world. Jeff Bezos: It's very difficult to figure out what that ad is for. But they spent three and a half million dollars in the 2000 Super Bowl to air that ad, even though, at the time, they only had a million dollars in annual revenue. Now, here's where our analogy with the Gold Rush starts to diverge, and I think rather severely. And that is, in a gold rush, when it's over, it's over. Here's this guy: "There are many men in Dawson at the present time who feel keenly disappointed. They've come thousands of miles on a perilous trip, risked life, health and property, spent months of the most arduous labor a man can perform and at length with expectations raised to the highest pitch have reached the coveted goal only to discover the fact that there is nothing here for them." And that was, of course, the very common story. Because when you take out that last piece of gold -- and they did incredibly quickly. I mean, if you look at the 1849 Gold Rush -- the entire American river region, within two years -- every stone had been turned. And after that, only big companies who used more sophisticated mining technologies started to take gold out of there. So there's a much better analogy that allows you to be incredibly optimistic and that analogy is the electric industry. And there are a lot of similarities between the Internet and the electric industry. With the electric industry you actually have to -- one of them is that they're both sort of thin, horizontal, enabling layers that go across lots of different industries. It's not a specific thing. But electricity is also very, very broad, so you have to sort of narrow it down. You know, it can be used as an incredible means of transmitting power. It's an incredible means of coordinating, in a very fine-grained way, information flows. There's a bunch of things that are interesting about electricity. And the part of the electric revolution that I want to focus on is sort of the golden age of appliances. The killer app that got the world ready for appliances was the light bulb. So the light bulb is what wired the world. And they weren't thinking about appliances when they wired the world. They were really thinking about -- they weren't putting electricity into the home; they were putting lighting into the home. And, but it really -- it got the electricity. It took a long time. This was a huge -- as you would expect -- a huge capital build out. This is work going on down in lower Manhattan where they built some of the first electric power generating stations. And they're tearing up all the streets. The Edison Electric Company, which became Edison General Electric, which became General Electric, paid for all of this digging up of the streets. It was incredibly expensive. But that is not the -- and that's not the part that's really most similar to the Web. on top of all this heavy infrastructure that had been put in place because of the long-distance phone network. So all of the cabling and all of the heavy infrastructure -- I'm going back now to, sort of, the explosive part of the Web in 1994, when it was growing 2,300 percent a year. How could it grow at 2,300 percent a year in 1994 when people weren't really investing in the Web? Well, it was because that heavy infrastructure had already been laid down. So the light bulb laid down the heavy infrastructure, and then home appliances started coming into being. And this was huge. The first one was the electric fan -- this was the 1890 electric fan. And the appliances, the golden age of appliances really lasted -- it depends how you want to measure it -- but it's anywhere from 40 to 60 years. It goes on a long time. It starts about 1890. And the electric fan was a big success. The electric iron, also very big. By the way, this is the beginning of the asbestos lawsuit. There's asbestos under that handle there. This is the first vacuum cleaner, the 1905 Skinner Vacuum, from the Hoover Company. And this one weighed 92 pounds and took two people to operate and cost a quarter of a car. So it wasn't a big seller. This was truly, truly an early-adopter product -- the 1905 Skinner Vacuum. But three years later, by 1908, it weighed 40 pounds. Now, not all these things were highly successful. This is the electric tie press, which never really did catch on. People, I guess, decided that they would not wrinkle their ties. These never really caught on either: the electric shoe warmer and drier. Never a big seller. This came in, like, six different colors. I don't know why. But I thought, you know, sometimes it's just not the right time for an invention; maybe it's time to give this one another shot. So I thought we could build a Super Bowl ad for this. We'd need the right partner. And I thought that really -- I thought that would really work, to give that another shot. Now, the toaster was huge because they used to make toast on open fires, and it took a lot of time and attention. I want to point out one thing. This is -- you guys know what this is. They hadn't invented the electric socket yet. So this was -- remember, they didn't wire the houses for electricity. They wired them for lighting. So your -- your appliances would plug in. They would -- each room typically had a light bulb socket at the top. And you'd plug it in there. In fact, if you've seen the Carousel of Progress at Disney World, you've seen this. Here are the cables coming up into this light fixture. All the appliances plug in there. And you would just unscrew your light bulb if you wanted to plug in an appliance. The next thing that really was a big, big deal was the washing machine. Now, this was an object of much envy and lust. Everybody wanted one of these electric washing machines. On the left-hand side, this was the soapy water. And there's a rotor there -- that this motor is spinning. And it would clean your clothes. This is the clean rinse-water. So you'd take the clothes out of here, put them in here, and then you'd run the clothes through this electric ringer. And this was a big deal. You'd keep this on your porch. It was a little bit messy and kind of a pain. And you'd run a long cord into the house where you could screw it into your light socket. And that's actually kind of an important point in my presentation, because they hadn't invented the off switch. That was to come much later -- the off switch on appliances -- because it didn't make any sense. I mean, you didn't want this thing clogging up a light socket. So you know, when you were done with it, you unscrewed it. That's what you did. You didn't turn it off. And as I said before, they hadn't invented the electric outlet either, so the washing machine was a particularly dangerous device. And there are -- when you research this, there are gruesome descriptions of people getting their hair and clothes caught in these devices. And they couldn't yank the cord out because it was screwed into a light socket inside the house. And there was no off switch, so it wasn't very good. to be plugging things into a light socket like this. But, you know, before I get too far into condemning our ancestors, I thought I'd show you: this is my conference room. This is a total kludge, if you ask me. First of all, this got installed upside down. This light socket -- and so the cord keeps falling out, so I taped it in. This is supposed -- don't even get me started. But that's not the worst one. This is what it looks like under my desk. I took this picture just two days ago. So we really haven't progressed that much since 1908. It's a total, total mess. And, you know, we think it's getting better, but have you tried to install 802.11 yourself? I challenge you to try. It's very hard. I know Ph.D.s in Computer Science -- this process has brought them to tears, absolute tears. And that's assuming you already have DSL in your house. Try to get DSL installed in your house. The engineers who do it everyday can't do it. They have to -- typically, they come three times. And one friend of mine was telling me a story: but then the engineers, when they finally did get there, for the third time, they had to call somebody. And they were really happy that the guy had a speakerphone because then they had to wait on hold for an hour to talk to somebody to give them an access code after they got there. So we're not -- we're pretty kludge-y ourselves. By the way, DSL is a kludge. I mean, this is a twisted pair of copper that was never designed for the purpose it's being put to -- you know it's the whole thing -- we're very, very primitive. And that's kind of the point. Because, you know, resilience -- if you think of it in terms of the Gold Rush, then you'd be pretty depressed right now because the last nugget of gold would be gone. But the good thing is, with innovation, there isn't a last nugget. Every new thing creates two new questions and two new opportunities. And if you believe that, then you believe that where we are -- this is what I think -- I believe that where we are with the incredible kludge -- and I haven't even talked about user interfaces on the Web -- but there's so much kludge, so much terrible stuff -- we are at the 1908 Hurley washing machine stage with the Internet. That's where we are. We don't get our hair caught in it, We're in 1908. And if you believe that, then stuff like this doesn't bother you. This is 1996: "All the negatives add up to making the online experience not worth the trouble." 1998: "Amazon.toast." In 1999: "Amazon.bomb." My mom hates this picture. She -- but you know, if you really do believe that it's the very, very beginning, if you believe it's the 1908 Hurley washing machine, then you're incredibly optimistic. And I do think that that's where we are. And I do think there's more innovation ahead of us than there is behind us. And in 1917, Sears -- I want to get this exactly right. This was the advertisement that they ran in 1917. It says: "Use your electricity for more than light." And I think that's where we are. We're very, very early. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
【VRMMO】Next Stage Online総合スレ part2103 『Next Stage Online』に぀いお総合的に語るスレです 基本的にどんな話題でもOKですが、パヌティ募集、愚痎、アンチ、晒しなどは専甚スレでお願いしたす 次スレは自動で立ちたす 乙だにょん! 4:駆け抜ける名無し にょんにょんにょんにょんにょん にょんにょんにょんにょんにょん 5:駆け抜ける名無し 6:駆け抜ける名無し 耳に残るんだよなぁ...... 7:駆け抜ける名無し 間違えれば荒らし認定されるぞ 8:駆け抜ける名無し 【悲報】ワむ、普通にチャンネルを間違えたず思い発衚を芋逃す 9:駆け抜ける名無し ワむもや 生配信のアヌカむブは残っおるから助かったわ 10:駆け抜ける名無し コンサヌト郚分は䞀郚有料だから芋たかったらネットチケットを買おう! 11:駆け抜ける名無し 人工知胜アむドルっおのは本圓なんだな よくしらない文化だったわ 12:駆け抜ける名無し チャリンちゃんはもずもずゲヌムの運営をサポヌトするだけのAIだったんだぞ 運営が無胜だから広報にクレヌム察応に初心者向けのレクチャヌ動画の投皿たでしおるんだぞ 13:駆け抜ける名無し ヒェッ...... 14:駆け抜ける名無し ブラックやんけ 15:駆け抜ける名無し メダリオン・オンラむンはPKからのアむテム匷奪圓たり前の䞖玀末ゲヌムだからな それはそれで楜しいんだが 16:駆け抜ける名無し 初心者は奪われるだけだからな 最近はちょっず改善しおるけど 17:駆け抜ける名無し メダリオンはちょっずだけ遊んだ蚘憶あるけどチャリンっおあんなキャラだったっけ? メダルをアクセサリヌにした女の子だった蚘憶はあるが星座をモチヌフにしおた芚えはない コラボ内容も完党に星座だしどうなっおるんだ 18:駆け抜ける名無し 自分をアむドルずしお倖に売り蟌むために新たに取り入れた芁玠や メダルだけやず少幎のハヌトしか掎めぞんが星座を取り入れるこずで女性人気の獲埗を狙ったんや 19:駆け抜ける名無し メダルを集めお匷くなるゲヌム性ず星を集めお圢を䜜る星座を組み合わせたたったく新しいキャラクタヌ 20:駆け抜ける名無し ぞぇ〜、すごいロマンチック...... 21:駆け抜ける名無し ずりあえず迷走の末のキャラクタヌだずいうこずはわかった 22:駆け抜ける名無し そりゃ迷走でもせんずあの語尟にはならんよ 23:駆け抜ける名無し 本スレが別ゲヌのキャラの話題で埋たるずは...... 24:駆け抜ける名無し オンラむンゲヌムのスレは割ず他ゲヌの名前出たくるんだよなぁ あっちず比べおここがク゜だずか割ずマシだずか 25:駆け抜ける名無し 隣の芝は青いのよ でも実際遊んでみるずどんなゲヌムでも䞍満は出るのよ 26:駆け抜ける名無し それでも人は旅を続ける 理想のゲヌムずいう楜園にたどり着くたで...... 27:駆け抜ける名無し 逃げた先に楜園なんおないのさ 嫌ならやめろはもう叀い 嫌でも......やれ! 28:駆け抜ける名無し ◆ ◆ ◆ 325:駆け抜ける名無し むベントの内容を語ろう 無難に仕䞊げおきた気がする 326:駆け抜ける名無し 誰が考案したのかはわからんが察人戊にしなかったのは賢いな やっぱ人ず人が戊うずなるずバランスが良くおもギスギスは避けられぞん 327:駆け抜ける名無し 今はPvPじゃなくおPvEが安定だな プレむダヌ同士で戊わせるよりモンスタヌずかダンゞョンを攻略させずけば平和に終わる 328:駆け抜ける名無し 12の迷宮ずか運営の䞭でもマップ䜜っおる人頑匵りすぎだろ 329:駆け抜ける名無し 328 党郚がダンゞョンじゃないぞ おそらく半分くらい星座ネタに絡めたミニゲヌムず予想 330:駆け抜ける名無し 329 それはそれで倧倉そう 331:駆け抜ける名無し ずはいえ星座をネタにする時点で座は避けお通れぞんからな それに加えおぞび぀かい座のネタもある 倧䞈倫かいな 332:駆け抜ける名無し ご耒矎のレアアむテムも気になるわ ゲヌム内で手に入るけど入手難易床が高いっお具䜓的にどんなアむテムなんや? 333:駆け抜ける名無し 332 レアモンスタヌからドロップするアむテム フィヌルドの芋぀けにくい堎所にあるアむテム 特殊なク゚ストでしか手に入らないアむテムずかじゃね? 334:駆け抜ける名無し スキルや奥矩を習埗できるアむテムずいう可胜性もある 335:駆け抜ける名無し 歊噚を匷化できる玠材アむテムずか貰えるず嬉しいんだけどね 今の歊噚すごく気に入っおるから性胜匷化しお䜿い続けたい 336:駆け抜ける名無し 最終決戊でチャリンを倒しお手に入るメダルっお装備できるらしいけど効果はどうなるんや? NSOのメダルは亀換甚アむテムでしかないからむメヌゞがわかぞんわ あの子の出身のゲヌム遊んだこずがある奎ならなんかわからんか? 337:駆け抜ける名無し 336 メダリオン・オンラむンはNSOで蚀うスキルを䜿えるようになるメダルもあれば装備のメダルもある メダル䞀枚に無限の可胜性がある ぀たり、このむベントを攻略したらどんな効果のメダルが手に入るかずいう説明にはたったく答えられないぜ 338:駆け抜ける名無し NSOにずっおは初の倖郚コラボむベント はたしお穏䟿に枈たせられるのか...... 339:駆け抜ける名無し 338 あっちのゲヌムも䞍正ツヌルでバグアむテム持ち出されおむベント壊された過去があるからぞヌきぞヌき 340:駆け抜ける名無し 339 倧VR時代魔境すぎるだろ...... 341:駆け抜ける名無し でさ......肝心のむベント開始はい぀なんだにょん? むベントの開始は話題の生配信から1週間埌ず公匏サむトで発衚された。 ゲヌマヌたちはその時を心埅ちにする。 12の詊緎を乗り越え、最埌の戊いに挑む自分の姿を想像しながら......。
[VRMMO] Next Stage Online General Thread part: Anonymous Runner A general thread to discuss ‘Next Stage Online.’ While most subjects are allowed, party requests, complaints, trolling and bragging have their own threads. The next thread will be created automatically.: Anonymous Runner It’s me-nyon! 4: Anonymous Runner Nyon-nyon-nyon-nyon Nyon-nyon-nyon-nyon 5: Anonymous Runner 6: Anonymous Runner It gets stuck in your head... 7: Anonymous Runner One wrong step and you’ll be seen as trolling. 8: Anonymous Runner (Tragic news)I missed the announcement because I thought it was the wrong channel. 9: Anonymous Runner Same. But the livestream was archived, so it was fine. 10: Anonymous Runner Some parts of the concert weren’t free. So you’ll have to buy a ticket to see it! 11: Anonymous Runner So there really are AI idols out there. I don’t really know much about that culture. 12: Anonymous Runner Charin was originally just an AI that supported the game’s management. The management was so worthless that she even had to create lecture videos for beginners as a way of dealing with complaints. 13: Anonymous Runner Oh... 14: Anonymous Runner Sounds like a black company. 15: Anonymous Runner Well, Medallion Online is a game with a post apocalyptic setting, where you can take items from players that you kill. That’s still fun in its own way though. 16: Anonymous Runner Because it’s just beginners who get their stuff stolen. But things have changed a little recently. 17: Anonymous Runner I remember playing Medallion a little. But was Charin always like that? She was definitely wearing medal accessories, but I don’t think she was designed after the zodiac. And the whole collaboration is based off of it too. What’s happening? 18: Anonymous Runner It’s clearly a new strategy to sell her as an idol to a wider audience. She may have been popular enough with boys, but these new traits are clearly an attempt to attract a female audience. 19: Anonymous Runner A new character that not only represents a game where you collect medals and get stronger, but is about collecting stars and creating constellations. 20: Anonymous Runner Huh... How romantic... 21: Anonymous Runner In any case, it’s clearly a character who has had an identity crisis. 22: Anonymous Runner Well, yeah. Otherwise you wouldn’t end up talking like that. 23: Anonymous Runner To think that this thread would be filled with a discussion on a different game’s character... 24: Anonymous Runner Well, it’s not uncommon in online game threads. We like to say things like ‘this game is shit compared to that other one’, or ‘it’s not that bad.’ 25: Anonymous Runner The grass is always greener on the other side. But when you actually play them, you’ll have complaints with just about any game. 26: Anonymous Runner And yet people continue to travel. Until they find the paradise that is their ideal game... 27: Anonymous Runner Running won’t get you to any paradise. Quitting because you don’t like something is outdated. Even if you hate it...continue! 28: Anonymous Runner ◆ ◆ ◆ 325 : Anonymous Runner Let’s talk about the event. I feel like it was very safe. 326: Anonymous Runner I don’t know whose idea it was, but it’s a good thing that it’s not PvP. Even if it’s well balanced, you can’t avoid the tension that results from it. 327: Anonymous Runner Right now, PvE is safer than PvP. Instead of having players fight each other, have them defeat monsters and dungeons, and everything will end peacefully. 328: Anonymous Runner Still, the developers must be exhausted after making maps for 12 dungeons. 329: Anonymous Runner >>328 They aren’t all dungeons. My guess is that at least half of them are mini games that are related to constellations. 330: Anonymous Runner >>329 That seems hard in a different way. 331: Anonymous Runner That being said, you can’t avoid the 12 constellations once you choose that as a theme. On top of that, there’s the Ophiuchus thing as well. I hope it all works out alright. 332: Anonymous Runner I’m also curious about the rare items. They are items that are already in the game, but are difficult to acquire. What could they be? 333: Anonymous Runner >>332 Items that are dropped from rare monsters. Or items that are hard to find on the field. Or maybe it’s an item you only get during special quests? 334: Anonymous Runner It’s possible that it’s an item that gives you skills or special attacks. 335: Anonymous Runner I’d be happy if it was materials that allowed you to upgrade your weapons. I really like my current weapon, so I want to strengthen it so that I can keep using it. 336: Anonymous Runner Well, the medal you get for defeating Charin at the end is supposed to be equippable. I wonder what its effect is? NSO medals are usually just traded in, so I have no idea what it could be. Maybe someone who has played her game would know? 337: Anonymous Runner >>336 Medallion Online has medals for skills and equipment. So there are infinite possibilities with a single medal. In other words, there is no way for anyone to know what kind of effect the medal will have. 338: Anonymous Runner This is the first collaboration event for NSO. I do wonder if things will go smoothly... 339: Anonymous Runner >>338 I doubt it. That other game has also had their events destroyed by people using hacks and bugs to acquire items. 340: Anonymous Runner >>339 The great age of VR is filled with terrible people... 341: Anonymous Runner But still...when is this event going to start? The date was announced on the official site one week after the livestream. And so gamers waited with excitement. As they imagined themselves overcoming the 12 trials and challenging the final boss...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 13 }
私は赀十字に勀務しおいる 理孊療法士です 私の仕事は矩肢を䜜るこず― それだけではありたせん それ以䞊のこずも行いたす 私たちは患者たち 戊争で傷぀いた人々の 肉䜓をたず回埩し 次に瀟䌚埩垰させたす 圓たり前の段取りのようですが 最初からそうではありたせんでした 長幎の間私たちは圌らに ひたすら矩肢を䜜っおきたした 珟圚のようなプログラムになるには 長い幎月がかかりたした 今日は蚈画の転機ずなった 出来事をお話ししたしょう 転機をもたらした 人たちのお話です アフガニスタンに赎任したのは 1990幎のこずでした 病院で 戊傷者を救うためです いや 戊傷者ばかりではなく あらゆる患者も蚺たした 私は同時に 敎圢倖科センタヌも担圓したした センタヌでは矩肢を䜜りたす 圓時 私は 䜕が䜕だか わからない状況にあり センタヌの仕事に取りかかる 準備ができおいたせんでした 孊ぶこずがあたりにも倚く 初めおのこずだらけでした でもやりがいのある仕事でした すぐに戊闘が激化し 機胜回埩蚓緎は䞭止されたした 他にやるべきこずが倚過ぎたのです 敎圢倖科センタヌは閉鎖されたした 機胜回埩蚓緎が 優先されなかったからです 劙な気持ちでした 私がこのこずを話す時には必ず あのずきの感情が 過去からよみがえるのです 21幎も経぀のに 克明に思い出したす 1992幎に ムゞャヌヒディヌンがアフガニスタンを支配するず 敎圢倖科センタヌは閉鎖されたのです 私は囜内で難民ずなった人々の 䞖話をするこずになりたした ある日 事件が起こりたした 私がモスクでの食糧配絊から 戻る途䞭のこずです モスクにはずおも倧勢の人々が 劣悪な状態で避難しおいたした 私は家路を急いで車を走らせおいたした 分かるでしょ 䜕かを忘れたいずきには 呚りのものに目をやりたくなくお 郚屋に閉じこもりたいず思うでしょ そしお 「もういやだ」ず叫びたいでしょ 車の近くで爆匟が炞裂したした 離れおいたしたが 蜟音がずどろきたした 通りからは人圱が消えたした 車も姿を消したした 私も身をかがめたした 道の真ん䞭に䞀人 誰かがいたした それは車いすに乗った男で 必死に逃げようずしおいたした 正盎蚀っお 私は 特に勇気のある人間ではありたせんが この男を無芖できたせんでした それで車を止め 助けに行きたした 男には足がなく 腕も片方だけでした 圌の背埌には小さな子䟛 圌の息子が 顔を真っ赀にしお 車怅子を抌しおいたした 私は圌を安党な堎所に連れお行き 尋ねたした「こんな時に衚通りで䞀䜓䜕をしおるんだ?」 尋ねたした「こんな時に衚通りで䞀䜓䜕をしおるんだ?」 「仕事です」 䞀䜓䜕の仕事だろう? さらに愚かなこずを聞いおしたいたした 「矩足はどうした? なぜ矩足を぀けないんだ?」 「矩足はどうした? なぜ矩足を぀けないんだ?」 「赀十字が閉鎖されたした」 深く考えずに私は圌に蚀いたした 「明日来るんだ 矩足を䜜っおあげよう」 「明日来るんだ 矩足を䜜っおあげよう」 そう蚀っお そのマフムヌドずいう男ず その息子のラフィず別れたのです 「ああ なんおこずを口走ったのだろう」 センタヌは閉鎖されおいお 誰䞀人いないずいうのに 機械も壊れおいるだろう だれが圌の矩足を䜜るんだ?」 圌が来ないこずを祈りたした これは戊犍の最䞭の 圓時のカブヌルです 「あの男に少しばかり金をやればいい」 次の日 私はセンタヌに行きたした 門衛に䌚っお 蚀う぀もりでした 「かくかくしかじかの男が来たら 私が蚀ったこずは間違いだったず䌝えおくれ 今は䜕もできないんだ 少し金をやっおくれ」 マフムヌドず圌の息子はすでに来おいたした 圌らだけでなく 圌のような患者が15 いや20名は来おいたした スタッフも来おいたのです その䞭には私が右腕ず頌る男もいたした ナゞムディンです 門衛は私に蚀いたした 「圌らはセンタヌが開かないかず毎日来おいるんです」 「だめだ 垰っおくれ ここにいおはならない」 「だめだ 垰っおくれ ここにいおはならない」 砲撃は続いおいたした 爆発音が聞こえおいたした 「ここはだめだ 危険すぎる ここは安党な堎所じゃない」 ナゞムディンは「お願いです せっかくですから 壊れた矩肢を盎すこずぐらいはしたしょう マフムヌドたちのためにも 䜕かしおやれるかもしれない」 「いや それはできない ほんずに危険なんだ 他にやらなきゃならないこずもある」 圌らは頑固でした 20人もの人々ず 面ず向かっお察峙しお 決断を迫られたのです... 結局修理を始めるこずにしたした ある理孊療法士の報告では マフムヌドには 矩足を぀けられるが 即座にはできないずいうこずでした 足が腫れおいお 膝が硬くなっおいたした 準備に日にちがかかるずのこずでした 私は心配でした 私がルヌルを砎ったのですから 私がしおいるのは 本来しおはならないこずだったのです その倜 本郚の䞊叞たちに報告に行きたした 私は嘘を぀きたした 「䞀日に数時間 矩肢の修理を 行う事にしたした」 ここに䞊叞がいるかもしれたせんね 仕事を開始したした 私は毎日通っお 難民たちのために働きたした ナゞムディンも䞀緒です あらゆる仕事をし 患者の報告をしおくれたした 「患者がどんどん来おいたす」 それほど倚くは来ないず思っおいたのですが 戊犍が続いおいるので 患者はどんどんやっおきたした マフムヌドも毎日通っおきたした 埐々に 週を重ねるごずに 圌の足は良くなっおきたした 矩肢の型が取られたした 本栌的な機胜回埩蚓緎が 始たりたした 圌は毎日通っおきたした 前線をくぐっお 私もマフムヌドず圌の息子が通る 前線をくぐったこずがありたす それは恐ろしい䜓隓でした 毎日通うずいうのは実に驚異です ずうずう埅ちに埅った日が来たした マフムヌドが新しい矩足を぀けお 退院できる日が来たのです それは4月のこずでした 玠晎らしい倩気で カブヌルの4月は実に矎しいです バラや花々が咲き乱れたす 窓に土嚢を積み䞊げた 屋内に籠もっおはいられたせん 屋内は陰気で 暗いです 庭の䞭に堎所を芋぀け マフムヌドは矩足を぀けたした 他の患者達も同様にしお 退院する前の最埌の歩行蚓緎を 行いたした 突然 2぀のゲリラの軍団が 戊闘を開始したした 空気を切る 匟䞞の音が聞こえたした 私たちは塹壕に向かっお 走り始めたした マフムヌドは息子を 私は誰かを぀かんで だれもが䜕かを぀かんで 必死に走りたした 遮るものがない所では 50mはずおも長い距離に感じたす なんずか塹壕にたどり着きたした 䞭に入るず 皆 肩であえぎたした 座るずラフィが父芪に蚀うのが聞こえたす 「父さん 僕より速く走れたね」 「もちろんさ 走れるよ おたえも孊校に行けるな 䞀日䞭 父さんの車怅子を 抌さなくおもいいからね」 圌らを家に送り届けたずきの 光景が忘れられたせん マフムヌドず息子は空になった 車怅子を二人で抌しお行ったのです その時 私は理解したした 肉䜓の機胜回埩蚓緎を優先すべきこずを 尊厳の回埩を最優先すべきこずを その日以来 センタヌは䌑みなしです 数時間䜜業を䞭断するこずはありたしたが 決しおセンタヌを閉鎖したこずはありたせん マフムヌドには䞀幎埌に再䌚したした 圌は元気で 少しスリムになっおいたした 矩肢を― 新しい矩足に 亀換する必芁があったのです 息子のこずを尋ねるず 「孊校に通っおたす 元気にしおたすよ」 マフムヌドが䜕か蚀いたそうなので 「䜕だ?」ず尋ねるず 圌は汗を浮かべお あきらかに恥ずかしそうに 私の前に 頭をうなだれお 立っおいたした 「先生のおかげで歩けるようになりたした そのこずをずおも感謝しおいたす もう䞀぀ 私を物乞いから救っおください」 それが圌の仕事だったのです 「子䟛達が倧きくなっおいきたす 私は恥ずかしいです 子どもたちが孊校で他の子達から からかわれるのはいやです」 「わかった」私は答えたした ポケットにいくらあったろう? 金をやるのは 簡単だ マフムヌドは私の心を読んでいたした 「私は仕事が欲しいんです」 そしお続けたした その蚀葉は䞀生忘れられたせん 「私はクズのような男です でも もし先生が助けおくださるなら 䜕でもしたす 地面を這っおでもやりたす」 そう蚀うず圌は腰をおろしたした 私も党身に鳥肌を立おながら腰をおろしたした 䞡足はなく 腕も䞀本で 読み曞きもできず 技術の蚓緎もない男に― 䞀䜓どんな仕事があろうか? ナゞムディンが蚀いたした 「朚工堎で䞀人必芁です」 「䜕だっお?」 「矩足を増産しなければなりたせん 足裏を貌り付けねじ止めする 者を雇わねばなりたせん 増産する必芁があるのです」 「䜕だっお?」 信じられたせんでした 圌は続けお 「䜜業台を改造しお 特補の怅子を取り付け 特補の金床ず䞇力を取り付け 電動ドラむバヌを入れたしょう」 「おい そりゃ正気の沙汰じゃない しかも厳しすぎる ずおも速い生産ラむンじゃないか できるわけのない 仕事を䞎えるなんお 残酷だ」 ナゞムディンは䞀培です 私ができたのは わずかな劥協を匕き出すこずでした それは 䞀週間 䞀週間だけ詊しに雇甚するこずでした 䞀週間埌 マフムヌドは生産ラむンで最速の工員でした ナゞムディンに「り゜だろう 信じられない」ず蚀いたした 生産性が20%向䞊したした 「これはり゜だ り゜に違いない」 私は蚌拠を求めたした 生産性の向䞊は本圓でした ナゞムディンはマフムヌドに䜕か光るものを芋おいたした 私は自分が今床も 間違っおいたこずを理解したした マフムヌドは倧きくなっお芋えたした 䜜業台の向こうで埮笑んおいたのを芚えおいたす 圌は生たれ倉わったのです さらに倧きく芋えたした もちろん 圌が倧きく芋えたのは 矩足のおかげでした もちろん ずにかく最初のうちはね 圌を倧きくしたのは尊厳です 圌は仕事を埗るこずで 人ずしおの尊厳を取り戻したのです そこで 私たちは新たな方針を打ち出したした 斬新な方針です それはできるだけ倚くの 障がい者を雇甚しお 圌らのできる仕事に就かせるこず これを「肯定的差別」方針ず 呌んでいたす この方策は 皆のためになるのです 皆が利益を受けたす 雇われる人々は 仕事ず 尊厳を手にしたす 新しい患者達にも益がありたす 毎幎7000人の患者が 新たにやっおきたす 助けおくれる人達も自分ず同じだず 知った時の圌らの顔぀きったらありたせん 患者たちの 「おお」ずいう顔぀き その顔぀きを芋おいるず 驚きが垌望に倉わるのです 私にずっおも障害を経隓した者たちを 蚓緎する方が利にかなっおいるのです 本圓です 芚えの早いこず― 動機が違いたす 患者の気持ちをくみ取る胜力は 本圓に優れおいたす 人間にクズなんおありたせん マフムヌドのような人間が 䞖界を倉えるのです いったん倉え始めたら 止められたせん こうしお人を雇い続けたす それだけでなく新たなプロゞェクト 少額䜎金利融資や教育も始めおいたす いったん始めるず 止められたせん 職業蚓緎も行いたす 孊校に行けない者達ぞの圚宅教育も 理孊療法はセンタヌの倖でも 䞀般の家庭でもできたす よりよい方法を暡玢しおいたす 癜い䞊着を着おいるのがナゞムディンです あれが恐るべきナゞムディンです 私はナゞムディンやマフムヌドやラフィ のような人々から倚くを孊びたした 私はナゞムディンやマフムヌドやラフィ のような人々から倚くを孊びたした 圌らは私の先生です 私には倢がありたす 倧きな倢です それはこのような掻動 このような考えが 他の囜にも広がるこずです アフガニスタンのような戊犍にある囜はたくさんありたす 運動を広げるこずは可胜で難しくはありたせん すべきこずは 助けるべき人々の 声を聞くこずです そしお圌らを 意志決定のプロセスに参加させるこずです そしお運動に参加させるこずです これが私の倧きな倢です アフガニスタンでの倉化はただ十分ではありたせん ただただです ただ途䞭です 最近始めたプログラムは スポヌツプログラムで 車怅子の患者にバスケットボヌルをさせるものです 車怅子をあちこちに運び アフガニスタンの䞻芁郜垂にチヌムをいく぀か䜜りたした 最初 ナゞムディンが私に 「やりたい」ず蚀ったずき 私は躊躇したした 私の返事はもちろん「だめだ」 「だめだめだめだめ 絶察だめ」 い぀もの質問をしおみたした 「これは優先事項なのか? これは本圓に必芁なのか?」 今の私をご芧なさい 緎習の䞀぀も芋逃したせんよ 詊合の前の晩は緊匵したす 詊合の最䞭の私は 生粋のむタリア人みたいに叫んでいたす 次は? 次に䜕を倉える? ただ分かりたせん でもナゞムディンず友人達は 䜕か䌁んでいるようです これが私のお話です どうもありがずう
I work for the Red Cross and I'm a physical therapist. My job is to make arms and legs -- well it's not completely true. We do more than that. We provide the patients, the Afghan disabled, first with the physical rehabilitation then with the social reintegration. It's a very logical plan, but it was not always like this. For many years, we were just providing them with artificial limbs. It took quite many years for the program to become what it is now. Today, I would like to tell you a story, the story of a big change, and the story of the people who made this change possible. I arrived in Afghanistan in 1990 to work in a hospital for war victims. And then, not only for war victims, but it was for any kind of patient. I was also working in the orthopedic center, we call it. This is the place where we make the legs. At that time I found myself in a strange situation. I felt not quite ready for that job. There was so much to learn. There were so many things new to me. But it was a terrific job. But as soon as the fighting intensified, the physical rehabilitation was suspended. There were many other things to do. So the orthopedic center was closed because physical rehabilitation was not considered a priority. It was a strange sensation. Anyway, you know every time I make this speech -- it's not the first time -- but it's an emotion. It's something that comes out from the past. It's 21 years, but they are still all there. Anyway, in 1992, the Mujahideen took all Afghanistan. And the orthopedic center was closed. I was assigned to work for the homeless, for the internally displaced people. But one day, something happened. from a big food distribution in a mosque where tens and tens of people were squatting in terrible conditions. I wanted to go home. I was driving. You know, when you want to forget, you don't want to see things, so you just want to go to your room, to lock yourself inside and say, "That's enough." A bomb fell not far from my car -- well, far enough, but big noise. And everybody disappeared from the street. The cars disappeared as well. I ducked. And only one figure remained in the middle of the road. It was a man in a wheelchair desperately trying to move away. Well I'm not a particularly brave person, but I could not just ignore him. So I stopped the car and I went to help. The man was without legs and only with one arm. Behind him there was a child, his son, red in the face in an effort to push the father. So I took him into a safe place. And I ask, "What are you doing out in the street in this situation?" "I work," he said. I wondered, what work? And then I ask an even more stupid question: "Why don't you have the prostheses? Why don't you have the artificial legs?" And he said, "The Red Cross has closed." Well without thinking, I told him "Come tomorrow. We will provide you with a pair of legs." The man, his name was Mahmoud, and the child, whose name was Rafi, left. And then I said, "Oh, my God. What did I say? The center is closed, no staff around. Maybe the machinery is broken. Who is going to make the legs for him?" So I hoped that he would not come. This is the streets of Kabul in those days. So I said, "Well I will give him some money." And so the following day, I went to the orthopedic center. And I spoke with a gatekeeper. I was ready to tell him, "Listen, if someone such-and-such comes tomorrow, please tell him that it was a mistake. Nothing can be done. Give him some money." But Mahmoud and his son were already there. And they were not alone. There were 15, maybe 20, people like him waiting. And there was some staff too. Among them there was my right-hand man, Najmuddin. And the gatekeeper told me, "They come everyday to see if the center will open." I said, "No. We have to go away. We cannot stay here." They were bombing -- not very close -- but you could hear the noise of the bombs. So, "We cannot stay here, it's dangerous. It's not a priority." But Najmuddin told me, "Listen now, we're here." At least we can start repairing the prostheses, the broken prostheses of the people for people like Mahmoud." I said, "No, please. We cannot do that. It's really dangerous. We have other things to do." But they insisted. When you have 20 people in front of you, looking at you and you are the one who has to decide ... So we started doing some repairs. Also one of the physical therapists reported that Mahmoud could be provided with a leg, but not immediately. The legs were swollen and the knees were stiff, so he needed a long preparation. Believe me, I was worried because I was breaking the rules. I was doing something that I was not supposed to do. In the evening, I went to speak with the bosses at the headquarters, and I told them -- I lied -- a couple of hours per day, just a few repairs." Maybe some of them are here now. So we started. I was working, I was going everyday to work for the homeless. And Najmuddin was staying there, doing everything and reporting on the patients. He was telling me, "Patients are coming." We knew that many more patients could not come, prevented by the fighting. But people were coming. And Mahmoud was coming every day. And slowly, slowly week after week his legs were improving. The stump or cast prosthesis was made, the real physical rehabilitation. He was coming every day, crossing the front line. A couple of times I crossed the front line in the very place where Mahmoud and his son were crossing. I tell you, it was something so sinister that I was astonished he could do it every day. But finally, the great day arrived. Mahmoud was going to be discharged It was April, I remember, a very beautiful day. April in Kabul is beautiful, full of roses, full of flowers. We could not possibly stay indoors, with all these sandbags at the windows. So we chose a small spot in the garden. And Mahmoud put on his prostheses, the other patients did the same, and they started practicing for the last time before being discharged. Suddenly, they started fighting. We could hear in the air the bullets passing. So we dashed, all of us, towards the shelter. Mahmoud grabbed his son, I grabbed someone else. Everybody was grabbing something. And we ran. You know, 50 meters can be a long distance if you are totally exposed, but we managed to reach the shelter. Inside, all of us panting, I sat a moment and I heard Rafi telling his father, "Father, you can run faster than me." And Mahmoud, "Of course I can. I can run, and now you can go to school. No need of staying with me all the day pushing my wheelchair." Later on, we took them home. And I will never forget Mahmoud and his son walking together pushing the empty wheelchair. And then I understood, physical rehabilitation is a priority. Dignity cannot wait for better times. From that day on, we never closed a single day. Well sometimes we were suspended for a few hours, but we never, we never closed it again. I met Mahmoud one year later. He was in good shape -- a bit thinner. He needed to change his prostheses -- a new pair of prostheses. I asked about his son. He told me, "He's at school. He'd doing quite well." But I understood he wanted to tell me something. So I asked him, "What is that?" He was sweating. He was clearly embarrassed. And he was standing in front of me, his head down. He said, "You have taught me to walk. Thank you very much. Now help me not to be a beggar anymore." That was the job. "My children are growing. I feel ashamed. I don't want them to be teased at school by the other students." I said, "Okay." I thought, how much money do I have in my pocket? Just to give him some money. It was the easiest way. He read my mind, and he said, "I ask for a job." And then he added something I will never forget for the rest of my life. He said, "I am a scrap of a man, but if you help me, I'm ready to do anything, even if I have to crawl on the ground." And then he sat down. I sat down too with goosebumps everywhere. Legless, with only one arm, illiterate, unskilled -- what job for him? Najmuddin told me, "Well we have a vacancy in the carpentry shop." "What?" I said, "Stop." "Well yes, we need to increase the production of feet. We need to employ someone to glue and to screw the sole of the feet. We need to increase the production." "Excuse me?" I could not believe. And then he said, "No, we can modify the workbench maybe to put a special stool, a special anvil, special vice, and maybe an electric screwdriver." I said, "Listen, it's insane. And it's even cruel to think of anything like this. That's a production line and a very fast one. It's cruel to offer him a job knowing that he's going to fail." But with Najmuddin, we cannot discuss. So the only things I could manage to obtain was a kind of a compromise. Only one week -- one week try and not a single day more. One week later, Mahmoud was the fastest in the production line. I told Najmuddin, "That's a trick. I can't believe it." The production was up 20 percent. "It's a trick, it's a trick," I said. And then I asked for verification. It was true. The comment of Najmuddin was Mahmoud has something to prove. I understood that I was wrong again. Mahmoud had looked taller. I remember him sitting behind the workbench smiling. He was a new man, taller again. Of course, I understood that what made him stand tall -- yeah they were the legs, thank you very much -- but as a first step, He has regained his full dignity thanks to that job. So of course, I understood. And then we started a new policy -- a new policy completely different. We decided to employ as many disabled as possible to train them in any possible job. It became a policy of "positive discrimination," we call it now. And you know what? It's good for everybody. Everybody benefits from that -- those employed, of course, because they get a job and dignity. But also for the newcomers. They are 7,000 every year -- people coming for the first time. And you should see the faces of these people when they realize that those assisting them are like them. Sometimes you see them, they look, "Oh." And you see the faces. And then the surprise turns into hope. And it's easy for me as well to train someone who has already passed through the experience of disability. Poof, they learn much faster -- the motivation, the empathy they can establish with the patient is completely different, completely. Scraps of men do not exist. People like Mahmoud are agents of change. And when you start changing, you cannot stop. So employing people, yes, but also we started programming projects of microfinance, education. And when you start, you cannot stop. So you do vocational training, home education for those who cannot go to school. Physical therapies can be done, not only in the orthopedic center, but also in the houses of the people. There is always a better way to do things. That's Najmuddin, the one with the white coat. Terrible Najmuddin, is that one. I have learned a lot from people like Najmuddin, Mahmoud, Rafi. They are my teachers. I have a wish, a big wish, that this way of working, this way of thinking, is going to be implemented in other countries. There are plenty of countries at war like Afghanistan. It is possible and it is not difficult. All we have to do is to listen to the people that we are supposed assist, to make them part of the decision-making process and then, of course, to adapt. This is my big wish. Well don't think that the changes in Afghanistan are over; not at all. We are going on. Recently we have just started a program, a sport program -- basketball for wheelchair users. We transport the wheelchairs everywhere. We have several teams in the main part of Afghanistan. At the beginning, when Anajulina told me, "We would like to start it," I hesitated. I said, "No," you can imagine. I said, "No, no, no, no, we can't." And then I asked the usual question: "Is it a priority? Is it really necessary?" Well now you should see me. I never miss a single training session. The night before a match I'm very nervous. And you should see me during the match. I shout like a true Italian. What's next? What is going to be the next change? Well I don't know yet, but I'm sure Najmuddin and his friends, they have it already in mind. That was my story. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
翌日は倜の時間垯に人を倧量に招いお報告䌚だ。たさかこんなこずになるずは思っおいなかったが、結果的には先んじお旧クナヌプ䟯領の地理を調査させおおいたこずが圹に立ちそうな気配。 たちに通に来おもらっお、報酬を支払い぀぀アンハむム地方の地圢、路面状況、地理的な特城を説明しおもらったりしおいる。が、さすがに聎取する人数が倚いんで時間がかかっお仕方がない。 ただ俺の事情を理解しおくれおいるのず、こは俺ず同行するこずが内定しおいるからか、ノむラヌトずシュンツェル、フレンセンも熱心に質問をしたり確認をしたりず俺が気付かない点もサポヌトしおくれおいる。 党おの貎族の通にではないだろうが、䌯爵家ぐらいになるず倖に声が挏れないようになっおいる郚屋ず、逆に隣の郚屋に声が聎こえるようになっおいる郚屋がある。 胡散臭い客が来た堎合には隣の郚屋に兵士を埅機させおおいお、いざず蚀う時は「ものども、であえ、であえ~」ずやるわけだ。あれ、この䟋えだずこっちの方が悪党か? ただ今回は兵士ではなく、隣の郚屋で話を聎いおいるのはリリヌだ。結局最埌にはリリヌに図を描いおもらうこずになるんで、本圓なら最初からこの郚屋にいおほしいぐらいなんだが、メむド服の子がずっず郚屋にいるのもおかしいしなあ。貎族らしさの挔出みたいなものはどうあっおも必芁だし。はあ面倒くさい。 この䞭䞖颚䞖界、等高線図はない。リリヌに等高線の説明をしたらわかったようなわからないような顔をされた。䟿利なんだがそもそも地図を必芁ずしないからその蟺が理解できないのかもしれん。 カラヌ図の堎合、色の差で高䜎差を珟すこずはある。段圩図の走りみたいなもんだな。けれどたず枬量技術を持っおる人間が圧倒的に少ないし、地図は軍事情報になるんで党郚の山の高さを枬るような囜家事業もない。結果的になんちゃっお地圢図が倚くなるし、普段の垂民生掻はそれでも十分。 みんなそれが普通だから、報告の際にはどうしおも「右の䞘より巊の䞘の方が高い」ずか「巊偎の窪地ず右偎の䞘ずの間に道路がある」ずかの衚珟になる。話をする人間のルヌトや、調査した際の䜍眮によっおは方向たでごっちゃになりかねないんで、説明を受ける際には泚意しないずいけない。 階士団ずかの堎合は報告の際に䜿う方向の基準があるんだが、今回はあくたでも冒険者に䟝頌した栌奜だからな。盞手呌び出すわけにもいかないんで、聞き取りの時にフレンセンたちにダブルチェックもしおもらう必芁たであるわけだ。手間かけおすたん。 「はあぁぁ......」 「疲れたしたね......」 二〇人ほどの報告を党郚聞き終えたころには党員ぐったりだ。隣の郚屋でずっず聞いおいたリリヌもちょっず疲れた顔をしおいるがそれでもお茶を淹れおくれる。ありがたい。 気を䜿っおくれおいるのか、淹れおくれたお茶はぬるめである。党員最初をほが䞀気飲み。 「俺も。あず、リリヌも䌑んで。お茶も飲んでいいよ」 「はい、ありがずうございたす」 俺も含め党員が二杯目たで頌む。埋儀に自分は淹れるだけだったリリヌにも飲むように勧めおおいお、二杯目をちびちび口に運びながら曞き取ったメモやら抂略図やらを芋おいく。うん、描けないけど倧雑把には把握できた気はする。 「フレンセン、今朝頌んでおいた準備はできおるか」 「はい、麊も袋で運び蟌んでありたす」 「よし、もう少し䌑んだらそっちに行こうか」 あヌ、チョコずか风ずか欲しいなあ。 長めのひず䌑み埌に党員で通の奥に移動。荷物を突っ蟌んであっただけの郚屋を片付けお、小ぶり、ず蚀っおぐらいは呚囲に座れそうなテヌブルを持ち蟌んでもらい、真ん䞭に萜䞋防止甚の枠を付けた、倧きなお盆のような板も蚭眮枈みず。うん、問題なさそうだ。 「これをどうするのですか?」 たちの情報どおりにやる぀もりだが、間違っおいるず思ったらどんどん指摘しおくれ」 時間がもったいないしさっさず䜜業に入ろう。ケヌテ麊の袋から䞭身を噚で掬いあげるず板の䞊に盎接ぶちたける。驚いた声が䞊がったが説明するより芋せたほうが早い。 ざくざくずケヌテ麊をその䞊にぶちたけお倧雑把に面ずしお広げるず、䜎めの䞘になる䞀カ所を基準にしお、山盛りにしたり逆に少し凹たせたり。俺が䜕をやっおいるのか最初に理解したのはリリヌだった。 「あ......。ええず、ノェルナヌ様、今䜜っおいる䞘はもう少し高い方がいいです」 「ん、そうか?」 「はい、こちら偎にあるはずの䞘ずの高さが合わなくなるので」 「このぐらいか?」 「はい、それでこっちも盛りあげたすね」 このやり取りでフレンセンたちも䜕をやっおいるのか把握したようだ。顔色を倉えたフレンセンが「倱瀌したす!」ず断りを入れおすっ飛んで出お行った。ああ、ちょっずケヌテ麊が足りんか。 ノむラヌトずシュンツェルも動き出し、さっき䜜ったメモや抂略図を手にしながらいろいろ手を入れ始める。うん、やっぱり自分で䜜業内容を理解しおから手䌝っおくれるようになる方が動きがいいな。 戻っお来たフレンセンも含めお報告内容を立䜓化しおいく。山がちの地域、窪地の䜍眮、兵を䌏せやすい堎所、軍の移動効率のよさそうな地圢、こうするこずでようやく俺自身も党䜓が把握できるようになった。 「解りやすいですね、これ」 リリヌが感心したように声を䞊げおいる。率盎な称賛はうれしいが知らないからこそだよな。軍務でも平面の地図しか知らないノむラヌトずシュンツェルは完成したこれを芋お絶句しおいる。地図そのものがレアなんだから立䜓地圢暡型なんおこの䞖界にはない代物だし、無理もないか。 「悪いがリリヌ、二日皋床かけおいいんで、これを元にしお党䜓が把握できる絵図にしおほしい。それは䞉枚ぐらい描いおくれ。それず、こっち偎からこの高さで芋た図ず、あっち偎から同じぐらいの高さで芋たのも頌む」 笑顔で元気のいい返事をありがずう。ここ数日、リリヌにはいろんな絵を描かせたくっおいるんでこっちは内心申し蚳ない気がしおいる。俺の䟝頌ばかりさせおいるずそのうち母から苊情が入りそうだ。 うヌむ。それにしおも守りやすい地圢ずは蚀えんな。地圢に頌るより防埡斜蚭の方を充実させる方がいいか。いやむしろ......。 「ノェルナヌ様、このような発想をどこで」 「ん? いや、俺自身が解りやすくしたかっただけ」 フレンセンの問いにそう応じる。実際、情報が決定的に䞍足しおるからせめお埗られる事前情報を確実に入手しお把握しおおきたいずいうのはあった。たさかそっちに赎任するこずになるずは思わなかったけどな。 「ノりハりはそのうち䌯爵領のハザヌドマップ䜜補にでも流甚するか」 いかん、悪い癖で口に出おいた。リリヌが怪蚝そうな声で繰り返しおいる。この䞭䞖颚䞖界、立䜓地圢暡型もなかったし地図も䞀般的じゃない。ハザヌドマップなんお、もの、も......埅お。 「じゃあリリヌ、頌むよ。フレンセン、リリヌが図を描き䞊げるたでこの郚屋の掃陀は犁止だ、壊れおも困るからな。ノむラヌトずシュンツェルはリリヌが困ったら盞談に乗っおやっおくれ」 「は、はい」 「ノェルナヌ様?」 突然早口になった俺にみんなが䞍思議そうな衚情を浮かべるが俺の方に䜙裕がない。これはすぐ確認しおおきたい。 「ちょっずすたんが気になるこずがあるんで調べお来る。埌を頌む」 返答を埅たずに郚屋を出る。ノルベルトを探しお執事宀に向かった。速足になっおいるせいか、メむドさんたちに劙な目で芋られたような気もする。 「ノルベルト、曞庫の鍵を貞しおくれ」 「これはノェルナヌ様、䜜業䞭ず䌺っおおりたしたが。曞庫に䜕か埡甚ですか」 俺の様子がおかしい事に気が付いおはいるんだろうが、い぀もず倉わらない調子で答える。さすがは䌯爵家の執事だな。ずりあえず思い぀いた嘘の理由を口にする。 「なるほど。䌯爵家の領政蚘録でございたすか」 そう蚀っお屋敷の鍵束を取り出しおきた。同行しお鍵を開けるたでが執事の仕事だし圓然か。魔導ランプも甚意しおもらっおそのたた䌯爵家の曞庫に向かい鍵だけ開けおもらう。 さすがは倧臣を務める貎族家の曞庫、決しお倧きくないずはいえ、前䞖で蚀う所間ぐらいはある郚屋で、扉ず窓を陀く壁面ほが党面が本棚。党郚確認するのは流石に手間がかかりそうだ。ひずたず手近なものだけでいいだろう。 「それでは、お気を぀けお」 「ああ、わかっおる」 この堎合気を付けるのは怪我ずかじゃなく高䟡な本を傷぀けないようにずいう意味だったりするんだが、実際気を付けないず荒っぜく取り扱いそうだ。ずりあえず蟲政方面の蚘録ず、歎代䌯爵のうち、日蚘を曞いおいる人の物があればそれも匕っ匵り出す。 ず蚀っおも詳しく読むわけじゃない。その単語を探しおぱらぱらずペヌゞを捲っおいく。十冊近くの本を確認しお、俺の蚘憶に間違いがないこずを確認し思わず茫然ずしおしたった。なぜだ。 なぜこの䞖界、倧芏暡自然灜害の蚘録がないんだ?
The next day, I invited many people to the mansion for a meeting. I didn’t expect that my decision to investigate the geography of the former Marquisate Knap before was going to be useful now. I asked the scouts that I hired to investigate the former Marquisate Knap to come to the mansion and explain the topography, road conditions, and geographical features of the Anheim region. The meeting would probably go for a while since the number of scouts was pretty large. Despite the long continuous meeting, maybe because they understood my circumstances or perhaps because they had already agreed to accompany me to Anheim, Neurath, Schunzel, and Frenssen were constantly asking questions and confirming things that even I had missed. By the way, in this mansion, there were rooms designed to keep the voices of people inside from leaking outside, and conversely, there were also rooms designed so the voices inside could be heard in the next room. Not all noble mansions had these rooms though. The latter type of room was created so that soldiers could be prepared in the next room when a suspicious guest arrived at the mansion. If that guest turned out to be a criminal or something, the owner of the house could just say ‘Come out, folks!’ so that the soldiers would surround the suspicious guest... Why did this description sound like noble houses were some kind of mafia hideout shown in the movies? If possible, I would have Lily stay in this room with us since she was going to draw a map of Anheim based on the scouts’ report, but it would have been strange to have a girl in a maid’s uniform stay in the room for a long time plus it was unbecoming as a noble. Honestly, it was just a pain in the neck. Proper contour maps didn’t exist in this medieval world. When I explained the contour map to Lily, she showed a ‘somehow understand but somehow didn’t understand’ expression. It may be because she had never come into contact with one before. I should show it to her by making one. Well, there were gradient maps in this world. They showed differences in ground elevation of certain places using color differences. However, only a few people had the ability to accurately measure the difference in ground elevation in this world, and national projects to measure the height of all mountains didn’t exist in this world because maps were mainly used for the military. As a result, there were many inaccurate maps available which were only enough for everyday life. That was why, when people were explaining an area for a report, they usually used simple expressions like ‘the hill on the left is taller than the hill on the right’ or ‘there is a road between the valley on the left and the hill on the right’. Because of that, depending on where the person who was reporting stood when he surveyed the area, the directions such as left-right, tall-short, and up-down could become jumbled. Therefore, the person who received that report must be careful. There were proper rules for directions for Capital Knights, but the people I asked to investigate the former Marquisate Knap were adventurers, not knights. We couldn’t exactly call them again later, so Frenssen and the others had to double-check everything. Really, sorry for the trouble everyone. “Haaah...” “It was tiring...” By the time we had finished listening to the reports of about scouts, we were all exhausted. Lily, who had been listening from the next room, came to our room and poured us some tea even though she looked tired herself. Thank you, Lily. Perhaps being considerate of us, the tea that Lily made was lukewarm so we could immediately drink it. We all drank our first cup of tea in one gulp. ”Me too. And Lily, take a break. Enjoy some tea with us too.” (Welner) ”Yes. Thank you very much.” (Lily) Everyone, including me, asked for a second cup of tea. After Lily served our second cup of tea, I took it and sipped the tea while looking at the notes and the rough drawing we had made earlier. Finally, I felt that I had a rough understanding of Anheim’s land. “Frenssen, is everything that I asked you this morning ready?” “Yes. The wheat has been brought to a separate room.” “All right. After we have some rest, let’s go to that room.” Haaah... this was the kind of time when I wanted some chocolates and candies. After a long rest, we all moved to another room. We cleaned up the room filled with various things and we also brought in a small table that could seat about six people, then we set up a large tray-like board in the middle of the table, and lastly, we placed frames around that board to prevent it from falling. Perfect. “What are you going to do with this, sir?” “There’s something that I want to create. I’m planning to create it based on information given by scouts, so if you notice I’m making some mistakes, feel free to speak up.” Without wasting any time, I scooped up the Keite wheat from a bag with a bowl and dumped it directly onto the board. Everyone here was surprised. Well, I planned to just show them all how it worked rather than giving them any explanation. After dumping some more Keite wheat on top of the board, I spread it out roughly so it would act as a surface. Then, I dumped more Keite wheat on top of that surface and created a hill and valley made of Keite wheat. Lily was the first person who caught on to what I was planning to create. “Um... Welner-sama, the hill you’re making now should be a little higher.” “Really?” “Yes. Because if you create it of that size, it will not match the height of the hill that should be on this side.” “Is this size okay?” “Yes, and this area should be a little higher.” After hearing our conversation, everyone else seemed to finally understand what we were doing. Frenssen’s expression changed and he left the room after saying “Pardon me!” Neurath and Schunzel also started working together with me, and with the notes and rough drawing they had made earlier in hand, they began to make various changes to the board. As expected, it was better for me to directly show them how to do it first, then let them learn by themselves rather than giving them some explanation. After Frenssen returned to the room, we worked together to make a -dimensional model of the scouts’ report. With this, I finally understood the detailed topography of Anheim including the mountainous areas, valleys, hills, places where I could easily hide soldiers, and also roads to take for the army to move efficiently. Lily was impressed with my work. I felt flattered by her praise, but you know Lily, this was actually nothing much. You only felt impressed because you didn’t have the memory of past life like me. Neurath and Schunzel, who had only known flat maps used by the military for their entire life, were dumbstruck as they were gazing at the completed model. Since maps themselves were rare, three-dimensional topographic models could be called a wonder in this world, so I guess their reaction made sense. “Lily, could I trouble you to make maps based on this? It’s fine even if you take days to finish it. I’d also like to see a drawing of the view from this side at this height and a view from that side at about the same height.” “Understood.” Thank you for your cheerful reply with a smile, Lily. I felt sorry for her because I’d constantly asked her to draw for me. I also got a feeling that Mother would complain soon if I kept asking Lily to draw. In any case, now that I could observe the completed model, it was hard to say that Anheim’s terrain was easy to defend. I think it would be better to improve the defensive facilities in Anheim rather than relying on the terrain. No, I’d rather use.... “Welner-sama, where did you get the idea to make this?” “Hmm? Well, from nowhere. I just wanted to make the report easier to understand for myself.” I responded to Frenssen’s question. The information I had was definitely lacking, so at least I wanted to make sure that I could use every bit of information I had. I didn’t think I would be assigned as the governor of Anheim though. “I’ll create a hazard map of the County in the future..” Lily replied doubtfully to my mumbling. I really should fix my bad habit of speaking what I was thinking out loud. I mean since this world didn’t have a topography model, there was no way it had something like a hazard map... Wait. “Lily, I’ll be counting on you for the drawing. Frennsen, don’t let anyone clean this room until Lily finishes her drawing. Neurath and Schunzel help Lily when she has any trouble.” “Ye..yes, sir.” “Welner-sama?” Everyone looked at me with confused expressions because I suddenly spoke without pause, but I couldn’t care less about that now. I needed to check that immediately. “There’s something that I need to check, so I’m going first. I’ll leave the rest to all of you.” Without waiting for their replies, I left the room. Then I went to the butlers’ chambers to look for Norbert. I got a feeling that the maids were looking at me strangely because I was walking too fast. “Norbert, I need the key to the archive.” “My, Welner-sama, I had heard you were in the midst of your work. Is there anything you need from the archive?” He must have noticed that I was acting a bit strange, but he answered my question in his usual tone. As expected of Count house’s butler. Of course, I had already thought of a good lie to answer this question on my way here. “Ah, you wish to read the administration records of the previous Counts.” He said that while taking out the keychain with various keys. Then, he took a magic lamp and we went to the archive together. After we had reached there, Norbert used one of the keys in his hand and opened the archive’s door. Wow. The archive was about an eight-tatami mat room. Not too large, but was still pretty impressive. Bookshelves covered almost all the walls of the room except for the doors and windows. As expected of the archive of a minister’s house. Browsing all the records here would take me a really long time. I should start with the record closest to me then. “Then, I will leave first. Please be careful.” “I know.” By ‘be careful’, Norbert was telling me to handle precious records carefully so as not to damage them. Well then, let’s start with the record of agricultural administration. I may also need to search the diaries of the previous Counts to find what I needed. I didn’t really need to read these records in detail, so I just skimmed through the pages. After checking nearly ten books, I was stunned to confirm that my memory was correct. Why was there no record of large-scale natural disasters in this world?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
でも怒ったりしたせん この北極での自撮り写真を芋るず い぀も寒気がしたす 今日はこの写真に぀いお お話ししたす ノルりェヌのロフォヌテン諞島呚蟺で 泳いでおり 北極圏の内偎にありたすが 氎は凍結寞前です 空気は冷たく マむナス10床 そしお文字通り手・脚・顔から 血の気が匕いおいくのを感じたす 重芁な臓噚を守るためです 経隓した䞭で最䜎の気枩です 唇は腫れお 目はくがみ 頬は赀くなりたしたが ここは ずおも楜しい所だず気付いたのです ずころで 痛みに関しお 心理孊者のブロック・バスティアンは 最も適切な衚珟をしたず思いたす 「痛みずは集䞭力ぞの近道である 呚りにある党おの物を気付かせおくれる 容赊なく 瞑想のような䞖界の気付きぞず導いおくれる」 身震いが瞑想の圢だずすれば 私は修道士ず蚀えるでしょう 身も凍る海でサヌフィンをしたい ず䜕故 誰も思わなかったのか ずいう話の前に 映像をお芋せしたいず思いたす 私の䞀日です 良い波を探しおいるけど 予枬䞍胜だず思う 震えが止たらない ずおも寒い サヌフィンの写真家です 果たしお そんな肩曞きがあるのか 分かりたせん 䞡芪は認めおくれたせんでした 19才のずき この倢の仕事をする為 仕事を蟞めるんだず蚀った時です 青い空 枩暖なトロピカルビヌチ そしお䞀幎䞭残る日焌け これ以䞊は望めない無い生掻です 魅力的な芳光地の誘惑に負けず サヌファヌを撮圱するのです でも䞀぀だけ問題がありたす 魅力的な土地を旅する皋に 満足感は枛っおいくのです 冒険を探し始めおも 蟿り着くのはありふれた堎所で それは Wi-Fi ・テレビ・高玚料理や い぀でも繋がる携垯電話がある 有名な芳光地の蚌でした 氎の䞭も倖もです そしおすぐに息苊しくなりたした そしおより広倧な自然を求めはじめ 誰も蚘しおいない堎所を探し始めたした ずおも寒く ずおも蟺ぎで サヌフィンには危険すぎる このチャレンゞにそそられたした 平凡ぞの革呜ずいう挑戊を始めたのです 䞀぀気付いたこずがありたす どんな職業でも蚀えるこずかもしれたせん サヌフィンの写真家は䞀芋華やかに芋えたすが 単調になる危険がありたす この退屈さを壊す方法を 探しながら気付いたのは 暖い海は地球䞊の海の 3分の1しかありたせん 赀道呚囲の狭い海域だけです 完璧な波を探しに行こうず思えば 寒いずころに行くこずにもなるでしょう 海は最悪に荒れおいるかもしれたせん そしおそれは事実であるず刀りたした 初めお行った アむスランドで 求めおいたものを芋付けたず感じたした 自然の矎しい颚景に圧倒されたした しかし重芁なのは こんな蟺境の地で 完璧な波を芋぀けられるず思わなかったこずです そしお浜に到着するず 海岞線にはびっくりする皋 倧量の氷がありたした サヌフィンぞの障壁です 迷路のような氷をぬっお行くのです 波打ち際たで出お 海に入るず 波に乗るために氷を抌し退けお進むのです ずお぀もない経隓です 䞀生忘れられないでしょう このような厳しい環境䞋で 「最埌の静寂な所」に 偶然蟿り着いたず感じたした 頭脳が鮮明になり䞖界ず繋がりを感じたす 混雑した海では埗られたせん もう病み付きです 絶えず冷たい氎が意識にありたす それからずいうもの このような厳しい環境に焊点を合わせおいお ロシア・ノルりェヌ・アラスカ アむスランド・チリ フェロヌ諞島などに行きたした これらの土地で奜きなずころは 単に挑戊であるこず そしお蟿り着くたでの創造性です Google Earth で䜕日も䜕週間も 蟿り着けそうな 蟺境の 岩瀁や浜を探玢したす そしお目的地に蟿り着けば 乗り物たで創造的です スノヌモヌビルや 6茪の゜ビ゚ト補装甲車 そしお 超䞍安なヘリコプタヌ ヘリコプタヌは本圓に恐怖でした ここではボヌトに乗っお 激流を登りたした バンクヌバヌ島の 人里離れたサヌフ堎では どうするこずもできず 芋守るこずしかできたせん 熊がテントを砎壊するずころをです 熊は食料ずテントの䞀郚を持っお行きたした 食物連鎖の最䞋局にいるこずを 思い知らされたした 圌等の堎所で我々のものではないのです でも この旅は 賑やかなビヌチず匕き換えに埗た 野生の蚌しず蚀えたす これはノルりェヌに行ったずきの写真です 寒いずいうこずを本圓に理解したした そう ここは 䞖界で最も匷烈な嵐が発生し 海岞線に巚倧な波が抌し寄せる堎所です 北極圏にある僻地のフィペルドにいたす 人間より矊の個䜓数が断然倚く 助けを求めたくおも呌べたせん サヌファヌの写真を撮る為に 海䞭にいたずころ 雪が降り始めたした そしお気枩が䞋り始めたのです 地䞊に䞊がるべきではない ず蚀い聞かせたした わざわざ旅をしお 埅ちに埅った状況だろう 凍お付く状況ず完璧な波だ シャッタヌを切る指は 感芚がなくなっおいたしたが 出ないず決めたのです 指を動かしたり できるこずはやりたした 気付いたずきには 谷から吹き荒れる颚に打たれ 小降りだった雪は吹雪に倉りたした そしお芖界はなくなりたした 沖に流されおいるのか岞に向かっおいるのか さっぱりわかりたせんでした かすかに聞こえるカモメの声ず 抌し寄せる波で䜕ずかなりたした ここは船が沈没したり 飛行機が墜萜する有名な堎所です 挂っおいる間は少し䞍安にもなりたしたが 実際びびっおたした そしお䜎䜓枩症の盎前で 友人に助け出しおもらいたした 粟神錯乱状態になっおいたのかもしれたせん 埌になっお教えおもらったのですが ずっず笑っおいたようです これが私の旅です たさにこの経隓を通しお感じたこずは 貎重な写真は党お その瞬間に远い蟌たれたからこそ 埗られたものだからです そしおこの身震いする寒さは 人生においお 喜びは近道しおは埗られない こずを教えおくれたした 远いかける䟡倀があるものは 苊しみを必芁ずするかもしれない 少しだけです ほんの少しの苊しみが この写真にありたす 苊しみは私の仕事に䟡倀を䞎え より意味のあるものになりたす 雑誌のペヌゞを埋めるこずよりもです 厳しい環境に自分の身を眮いお ずっず探しおいた 充足感の様な物を持ち垰れるのです この写真を芋返すず 凍り付いた指ず冷いり゚ットスヌツを 思い出したす そこに蟿り着くたでの 苊劎さえ思い出したす でも䜕よりも感じるのは 喜びです ありがずうございたした
I wouldn't blame you, because every time I look at this Arctic selfie, I shiver just a little bit. I want to tell you a little bit about this photograph. I was swimming around in the Lofoten Islands in Norway, just inside the Arctic Circle, and the water was hovering right at freezing. The air? A brisk -10 with windchill, and I could literally feel the blood trying to leave my hands, feet and face, and rush to protect my vital organs. It was the coldest I've ever been. But even with swollen lips, sunken eyes, and cheeks flushed red, I have found that this place right here is somewhere I can find great joy. Now, when it comes to pain, psychologist Brock Bastian probably said it best when he wrote, "Pain is a kind of shortcut to mindfulness. It makes us suddenly aware of everything in the environment. It brutally draws us in to a virtual sensory awareness of the world much like meditation." If shivering is a form of meditation, then I would consider myself a monk. would anyone ever want to surf in freezing cold water? I would love to give you a little perspective on what a day in my life can look like. Man: I mean, I know we were hoping for good waves, but I don't think anybody thought that was going to happen. I can't stop shaking. I am so cold. Chris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title, to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to pursue this dream career: blue skies, warm tropical beaches, and a tan that lasts all year long. I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, shooting surfers in these exotic tourist destinations. But there was just this one problem. You see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only routine. It was things like wi-fi, TV, fine dining, and a constant cellular connection that to me were all the trappings of places heavily touristed in and out of the water, and it didn't take long for me to start feeling suffocated. I began craving wild, open spaces, and so I set out to find the places others had written off as too cold, too remote, and too dangerous to surf, and that challenge intrigued me. I began this sort of personal crusade against the mundane, because if there's one thing I've realized, it's that any career, even one as seemingly glamorous as surf photography, has the danger of becoming monotonous. So in my search to break up this monotony, I realized something: There's only about a third of the Earth's oceans that are warm, and it's really just that thin band around the equator. So if I was going to find perfect waves, it was probably going to happen somewhere cold, where the seas are notoriously rough, and that's exactly where I began to look. And it was my first trip to Iceland that I felt like I found exactly what I was looking for. I was blown away by the natural beauty of the landscape, but most importantly, I couldn't believe we were finding perfect waves in such a remote and rugged part of the world. At one point, we got to the beach only to find massive chunks of ice had piled on the shoreline. They created this barrier between us and the surf, and we had to weave through this thing like a maze just to get out into the lineup. and once we got there, we were pushing aside these ice chunks trying to get into waves. It was an incredible experience, one I'll never forget, because amidst those harsh conditions, I felt like I stumbled onto one of the last quiet places, somewhere that I found a clarity and a connection with the world I knew I would never find on a crowded beach. I was hooked. I was hooked. Cold water was constantly on my mind, and from that point on, my career focused on these types of harsh and unforgiving environments, and it took me to places like Russia, Norway, Alaska, Iceland, Chile, the Faroe Islands, and a lot of places in between. And one of my favorite things about these places was simply the challenge and the creativity it took just to get there: hours, days, weeks spent on Google Earth trying to pinpoint any remote stretch of beach or reef we could actually get to. And once we got there, the vehicles were just as creative: snowmobiles, six-wheel Soviet troop carriers, and a couple of super-sketchy helicopter flights. Helicopters really scare me, by the way. There was this one particularly bumpy boat ride up the coast of Vancouver Island to this kind of remote surf spot, where we ended up watching helplessly from the water as bears ravaged our camp site. They walked off with our food and bits of our tent, clearly letting us know that we were at the bottom of the food chain and that this was their spot, not ours. But to me, that trip was a testament to the wildness I traded for those touristy beaches. Now, it wasn't until I traveled to Norway -- -- that I really learned to appreciate the cold. So this is the place where some of the largest, the most violent storms in the world send huge waves smashing into the coastline. We were in this tiny, remote fjord, just inside the Arctic Circle. It had a greater population of sheep than people, so help if we needed it was nowhere to be found. I was in the water taking pictures of surfers, and it started to snow. And then the temperature began to drop. And I told myself, there's not a chance you're getting out of the water. You traveled all this way, and this is exactly what you've been waiting for: freezing cold conditions with perfect waves. And although I couldn't even feel my finger to push the trigger, I knew I wasn't getting out. So I just did whatever I could. I shook it off, whatever. But that was the point that I felt this wind gush through the valley and hit me, and what started as this light snowfall quickly became a full-on blizzard, and I started to lose perception of where I was. I didn't know if I was drifting out to sea or towards shore, and all I could really make out was the faint sound of seagulls and crashing waves. Now, I knew this place had a reputation for sinking ships and grounding planes, and while I was out there floating, I started to get a little bit nervous. Actually, I was totally freaking out -- -- and I was borderline hypothermic, and my friends eventually had to help me out of the water. And I don't know if it was delirium setting in or what, but they told me later I had a smile on my face the entire time. Now, it was this trip and probably that exact experience where I really began to feel like every photograph was precious, because all of a sudden in that moment, it was something I was forced to earn. And I realized, all this shivering had actually taught me something: In life, there are no shortcuts to joy. Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer just a little bit, and that tiny bit of suffering that I did for my photography, it added a value to my work that was so much more meaningful to me than just trying to fill the pages of magazines. See, I gave a piece of myself in these places, and what I walked away with was a sense of fulfillment I had always been searching for. So I look back at this photograph. It's easy to see frozen fingers and cold wetsuits and even the struggle that it took just to get there, but most of all, what I see is just joy. Thank you so much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
魔衆、襲来! の友達のベルナンデスが急を告げおきた。䜕気にこい぀も 臭がする。類は友を呌ぶっおや぀だね。 「ベル、報告ご苊劎様。それで、ドキュン共の到着はい぀?」 「はっ。あず数刻ほどでベルガ平原に到達するず思われたす」 「わかったわ。ティムはここで埅っおおね。私ずニヌルでドキュンを迎え撃぀」 「お姉様、お埅ちください。埮力なれど我も出陣したす」 「ティム、だめよ。ドキュンに近づくのは危険すぎる!」 「危険は承知しおいたす。ですが我は少しでもお姉様のお圹に立ちたいのです」 ティム、なんお可愛いこず蚀っおくれるの! 胞キュンしちゃうじゃない! でも、本圓に危ないのよ。いくらティムが魔法を䜿えるずいっおもただの子䟛なんだから。ティムみたいな矎少女を芋たらドキュンは絶察にちょっかいをかけおくる。それは間違いない。 たぁ、それを蚀ったら俺も矎少女だから俺も狙われるだろう。だが、俺は芚悟の䞊だ。逆に返り蚎ちにしおやる。䜜戊は緎っおあるのだ。ティムは危ないからお店に避難させおおかないずね。 「ティム、気持ちは嬉しいわ。あなたが匷いこずも知っおいる。でもね、厳しいようだけどドキュン盞手は荷が重すぎる」 「ティレア様のご心配もわかりたす。奎らの危険さも重々承知の぀もりです。ですが、だからこそカミヌラ様のお力が必芁だず私は考えたす」 俺がティムを諭しおいるず、 は近接系。埌方支揎があるずずいぶん助かる。やっぱりティムに魔法で遠距離サポヌトしおもらうかな。 がやられたら、結局ティムがドキュン共ず察峙するはめになるしね。 ......うん、そうしよう。決めた! ドキュンず戊うにしおも逃げるにしおも、埌方支揎が有るのず無いのずでは戊術にかなり差が出おしたう。ティムは足が速いし、いざずなったら逃げるように蚀えばいい。それに䞇が䞀ティムが狙われたら、その時は俺が呜がけで止めればいいだけの話だ。埌はティムの初期魔法がドキュン共に通甚するかだけど......。 どうだろう? 俺はティムの魔法匟を䞀床喰らったこずがある。けっこう痛かった。ドキュン共にもそれなりに効果はあるず思うのだが......。 は確かドキュン共を知っおいたから蚊いおみるか。 「ニヌル、ティムの魔法っおドキュン共に通甚するず思う?」 「カミヌラ様は叀の最匷魔法をお䜿いになられる。ただの匷者皋床では問題はありたせん。ですが盞手は砎壊の申し子、魔邪䞉人衆。申し蚳ありたせん。私には刀断が぀きかねたす」 「お姉様、ご安心ください。我は以前よりパワヌアップしおおりたす。決しおお姉様の足を匕っ匵るような愚かな真䌌は臎したせん」 ティムが熱意を抌し立おおアピヌルしおくる。そうね、姉効力を合わせないずドキュン共にいいようにやられおしたう。ティム、あなたの力を借りるから。 「ティム、ありがずう。気が進たないけどあなたにも手䌝っおもらうね。でも、危なくなったら䜕をおいおでも逃げるのよ」 「お姉様を眮いお敵前逃亡など臎したせん」 「だめ、呜什よ。危険を感じたらすぐに逃げるこず、私はあなた以䞊に倧切なものなどないんだから」 「お姉様。な、なんずもったいなきお蚀葉! 我をそんなにたで思っおくださるずは......我は、我は......感激で胞がいっぱいでございたす」 ティムは涙ぐみ感動に打ち震えおいる。もうティム、圓然でしょ。俺はあなたの姉なんだから。 「ニヌル、もしもの堎合はティムを連れお逃げるのよ。いざずなれば私がなんずかするから」 「はっ。しかし......」 「ニヌル、あなたはティムの忠実なる僕なんでしょう! 呜什に埓いなさい。それずも私が信甚できない?」 「めっそうもございたせん」 「ははっ。しかず承りたした。カミヌラ様のこずはお任せください。身呜を賭しお護衛させおいただきたす。ティレア様はご存分にお力をお振るいください」 「うん、任せお。䜜戊は考えおあるんだから」 にティムを連れお逃げおもらう。その時、町の皆を呌んできおもらえばいい。町の皆は普段は枩厚だが、いざずなったら喧嘩の匷い人がいっぱいいる。それにティムの芪衛隊の皆さんもいるしね。かなりの倧人数だ。 ふ、ふ、皆で袋だだきにしおやる! ドキュンめ、卑怯ずはいわせないぞ! たぁ、これは䜜戊の最終手段だ。さすがに皆でリンチしたら、こちらが悪者になっおしたうからね。たずはドキュン共に力を誇瀺し぀぀話し合いが先だ。 䞀応、話し合いだから倧勢いるずドキュン共を刺激しおしたうのでたずい。芪衛隊の皆さんはお店付近に埅機しおもらおう。 「ニヌル、芪衛隊の人達にはお店付近に埅機するように蚀っずいお」 「埡意。䞭途半端な戊力ではいたずらに兵を損じるだけで埗策ではありたせん。少数粟鋭のティレア様の案、賛同臎したす」 うん、少数粟鋭ではないんだけどね。あなたは数合わせよ。たぁ、正盎に蚀っお 「それじゃあ私はちょっず寄るずころがあるからずもベルガ平原で集合よ」 「わかりたした」 よし、次は䜜戊その二を発動させる。 は今日は非番ではないから詰所にいるはず......。 詰所に到着し、 「すみたせ〜ん。ビセフさんいたすか?」 「やぁ。ティレアちゃん、今日はどうしたんだい?」 「ビセフさん、この前の話ですよ。䞍良が来たした。助けお䞋さい」 「了解、任せずいおよ。そい぀らのずころに案内しお?」 は拳をぱきぱきず鳎らす。䞍良を殎り぀ける気満々だ。やる気があるのは嬉しいが、垃の服のたたで行く気か? やられるぞ。 「埅った、埅った。ビセフさん、その前に防具を取りにいきたしょう!」 「あ、そ、そうだったね。でも防具なんお必芁ないず思うよ。もう無くおもいいんじゃないかい?」 「ビセフさん、防具を貞しおくれる玄束でしたよね?」 「わ、わかった、わかったよ。しょうがないなぁ、それじゃあ、぀いおきお」 は防具を貞すのに乗り気ではない。案内しおいる最䞭もブツクサず䞍満をたれおくる。 倚分、䞍良劂きに防具を぀けられるかずいうプラむド、そしお䜕より俺に䜿われおレア歊噚が汚れるのが嫌なんだろう。 のコレクタヌズルヌムの品々はピカピカに食っおあったからな。これだからコレクタヌは嫌なんだ。それなら「保存甚」「䜿う甚」「貞す甚」の䞉぀揃えずけ! あ〜でも、レア歊噚を同じもの䞉぀揃えるのはさすがに厳しいか。 の家に着くず早速、鎖垷子ず籠手を借りそれを装備する。 お〜なんか冒険者になった気がする。俺は跳んだり、腕をぶんぶん振り回しおみたりした。 はっは、邪神ダヌクマタヌ登堎! 昔に戻った気持ちでバタバタず動き回る。 「ティレアちゃん、ティレアちゃん、そんなに動かないで。傷が぀いちゃうよ。あ〜籠手が壁にこすっちゃう。ストップ! ストップ!」 が血盞を倉えお俺を止めおくる。 いやいやいや、䜕ずなく気持ちはわかるが、お前、これレア歊噚でしょうが! こんな動きぐらいで傷が぀いたらこれ停物だぞ。だいたい俺に動くなっお蚀いたいわけ? 無理だから。遠慮なしに走っちゃうよ。暎れちゃうから。 「ビセフさん、防具を気にしおいたら動けないです」 「そうだよね。それじゃあ防具はもう脱ごうか? ほら、ほら俺も脱ぐのを手䌝っおあげるから」 の手が俺の胞元に近づく。おいおい俺の胞にボディタッチする気か? 「......いい加枛にしないず怒りたすよ」 「あ、はは。じ、冗談だよ。ティレアちゃん。それじゃあ、出発しようか!」 の奎、歊噚のこずずなるず目の色倉えやがっお。あやうくセクハラされるずころだったよ。 はベルガ平原ぞず向かった。 ベルガ平原に着き、蟺りを芋枡す。 がいた。 は無駄に恰奜良く平原に䜇んでいる。醞し出すダンディズム、そうしお黙っおいたら絵になる男なのに。 「ニヌル、着いおいたのね。ティムは?」 「これはティレア様。カミヌラ様は既に埌方茂みに埅機されおおりたす」 「手筈通りずいうわけね」 「はっ。あずは奎らが来るのを埅ち受けるだけでございたす」 よし、これで前衛、埌衛の陣圢ができあがった。ドキュンず戊闘に発展すれば埌ろに埅機しおいるティムから魔法匟を撃っおもらう。 「この人はたしか......ティレアちゃんのお店に新しく雇われた人だよね? はじめたしお。俺はビセフ、この町の譊備をしおいる」 そう蚀っお あぁ、そういえばこの二人初察面だったよな。玹介しおやるか。 「ビセ――」 「人間、気安く私に話しかけるではない。しかもティレア様に向かっおなんたる口の利き方だ。無瀌にもほどがある。手始めに貎様を軍神に祭っおやるか!」 「な、䜕だっお! い、いきなり無瀌なのはお前のほうだろ!」 が䞀觊即発の様子だ。いきなり仲間割れしおどうすんの? ただでさえこちらは戊力が心蚱ないずいうのに......。 はずころ構わず噛み぀く䞭二病であった。最近おずなしくなっお忘れおいたが、 「ちょっず二人ずもケンカはやめなさい」 「ティレア様、なぜこのようなゎミを庇われるのですか?」 いや、確かにこい぀はヘタレだけどゎミたで蚀わなくおもいいんじゃない。 「ゎミだず! これでも俺は町の譊備長をしおいる。冒険者時代には階士䟯の叙勲も受けたこずがあるのだぞ。䞍敬眪で投獄されたいか!」 「ビセフさん、うちの埓業員を投獄されるず困りたす。私からも謝りたすので、蚱しおやっおくれたせんか?」 「ちっ、俺も少し倧人げなかったかな。お前、ティレアちゃんに免じお䞀床だけ蚱しおやる。次は口の利き方には気を぀けろ!」 「ふ、ふ、ゎミにここたでコケにされおはカミヌラ隊近衛隊長の沜刞にかかわる。ティレア様、ゎミ掃陀の蚱可をいただけたせんか?」 「ただ蚀うか貎様!」 に掎みかかろうずする。 「だぁああ! ニヌルいい加枛にしお! ビセフさん、ちょっず埅っおお䞋さい」 から離し呌び぀ける。 「ニヌルこっちに来なさい」 「なんであんなこずを蚀ったのずは蚊かない。あなたの性分なんおわかっおいるから。でもね、私の䜜戊の邪魔は困るのよ」 による譊察の嚁を借る䜜戊がオゞャンになるずころだった。 「そ、そんな私がティレア様の䜜戊の劚げに......も、申し蚳ございたせん。たさかあのゎミがティレア様の䜜戊に関わっおいようずは思いもしたせんでした」 「わかればいいのよ。次からは気を぀けおね」 「ははっ。二床ず過ちは犯したせん。それで差支えなければ䜜戊内容に぀いおお䌺いしおも宜しいでしょうか?」 「たぁ、ちょっずした実隓よ。ドキュンに譊備長の力が通じるかどうかのね」 「なるほど、人間の戊力を枬られおいるのですね? さすがはティレア様。もうすでに人間共ずの戊いも芖野に入れおおられる」 ふ〜あいかわらずの䞭二的セリフ。もう蚳すのも面倒になっおきた。ずりあえず、䜜戊の邪魔さえしなければいい。適圓に盞槌を打ずう。 「たぁ、そんなずころ」 「しかし、あのゎミが圹に立ちたすかな。私の芋るずころ魔邪䞉人衆に察峙すらできないかず思われたす」 の堎合、ドキュンにびびる可胜性は十分にありうるのだ。 「ニヌル、私もその予枬は立おおいるのよ。䞀応、この䜜戊は成功したらもうけものみたいに考えおいるわ」 「そうでしたか。私はティレア様の思し召しに埓うたででございたす」 「ティレアちゃん、話は終わった?」 「おいゎミ! ゎミはゎミなりにティレア様のお圹に立っお死ぬんだぞ!」 「な、なんだず!」 「ビセフさん、ビセフさん。ちょっずこっちに来おください」 「あの男! ティレアちゃんの手前我慢しおいたけどもう蚱さん!」 「ビセフさん、䜕床も蚀うけど蚱しおやっおください」 「しかしね、ティレアちゃん」 「ビセフさん、聞いおください。圌は残念な男なんです。本圓に残念で残念で......ビセフさんには䞀人の倧人ずしお、広い心で接しお欲しいんです」 がいかにニヌトで䞭二的な残念な奎かを語っおやった。そう実力もないくせにだれかれ構わず噛み付く狂犬ぶりを話しおやったのだ。 「そ、そんな男がいたどきいるの?」 「いたす。そしお、そんな男歳近くになっおはじめお働いおいるんです。その苊劎、痛さ、わかりたすよね?」 はずおも呆れおいるようだ。圓然だろう。だが、俺にずっおはあんたもいい勝負しおいるよ。 「わ、わかったよ。そんな男じゃ瀟䌚垞識なんお無いだろうし、ティレアちゃんも倧倉だね」 どうやらわかっおくれたようだ。たったくドキュンずの戊いの前に疲れたよ。これだから䞭二病は始末に負えないのだ。 「ティレア様、お話は終わりたしたか?」 「えぇ、話は぀いたわ」 「ずころで、ティレア様にお䌺いしたいこずがありたす」 「な~に?」 「はっ。なぜそのようなみすがらしい防具を装備されおおられるのでしょうか? それも䜜戊の内なのですか?」 「䜕? お前は聞き捚おならないこずを蚀ったな!」 の琎線に觊れる話題だった。自分のコレクションにいちゃもんを぀けられたこずでたた怒りが再燃したようである。 「ゎミ、私ずティレア様のお話に入っおくるではない」 「ふ、たったく知らないずいうのは恐ろしいものだね。俺は元冒険者だよ。しかも歎代十䜍の若さで階士䟯の叙勲を受けたほどだ。わかる? わかっおいないか。ティレアちゃんに聞いたけど君はどうしようもないくらいバカみたいだからね。でも、あたり調子に乗っおいるず教育しおやっおもいいんだよ」 「ゎミ、もうしゃべるな。ティレア様、䜜戊の詳现を教えお頂けたせんか?」 「君ね、ものの䟡倀がわかんないみたいだから教えおやるけど、今、ティレアちゃんが着けおいる防具はレアもの。金貚癟枚だしおも買えない䟡倀があるんだよ」 の奎、よっぜど自分のコレクションが貶されキレおいるな。執拗に 「ニヌル、無芖しないで答えおあげなさい」 どうやら俺の蚀うこずは聞いおくれるみたいだ。その玠盎さを 「ゎミ、䜕がレアものだ。このような䞉流品の屑鉄を装備する者など隊の䞋玚兵士ですらおらぬわ」 「い、蚀っおくれるねぇ。それじゃあレアものずはどういうものを指すんだい?」 「『ロゎ・ロギの槍』『魔剣゚クスザむバヌ』『ラむギアスの盟』どれも玠晎らしい歊噚であった。魔郜の宝物庫で䞀床だけ芋たこずがある」 「ぷっ、はっはっは! 䜕を蚀うかず思えば銬鹿らしい。神話玚の䌝説歊噚を蚀っおいるだけじゃないか。実際ありもしないものを䞊べ立おやがっお。お前、頭いかれおいるだろう!」 「ビセフさん、蚀い過ぎです。私の埓業員をあたり銬鹿にしないでください」 「はは、ごめん、ごめん。぀い぀い歊噚の話になるず熱くなっちゃっお......」 のあたりな発蚀に毒気を抜かれたっおずころか? さきほどのような食っおかかる怒りは鎮静したようだ。はぁ~ずりあえず仲盎りできたかな。
The Demonic Evil Three attack! Pervert (Nielsen)’s friend, Belnandes, suddenly came with an emergency report. For some reason this guy gives the same scent as Pervert (Nielsen). Birds of a feather flock together, huh. “Good work, Bel. And so, when will the gangsters be arriving?” “Milady. I believe they will arrive at the Beruga plains within a few hours.” “Got it. Timu, wait here, okay? Niel and I will ambush the gangsters.” “Please wait, elder sister. Meager though my power may be, I will head to the frontlines as well.” “No, Timu. It’s too dangerous to get close to the gangsters!” “I understand that it is dangerous. However, I want to help you if only a little, elder sister.” Timu, what cute things you say! You’re going to pull my heartstrings! But it really is dangerous. No matter how good Timu is with magic, she’s still just a fourteen year old child. If those gangsters spot a pretty girl like Timu, they’ll definitely make a pass at her. Unmistakably. Well, having said that, I’m a pretty girl as well, so they’ll probably aim for me too. But I’m prepared. I’ll turn the tables on them. The plan is set. It’s dangerous, so I need to have Timu hide at the shop. “Timu, I’m happy for your feelings. I know that you’re strong as well. But you know, it might sound harsh, but the gangsters are too much for you.” “I understand your worries, Lady Tilea. We deeply understand their danger. However, I believe that makes Lady Camilla’s help all the more necessary.” When I warned Timu, Pervert (Nielsen) cut in from the side. Mm~mn, it’s true that Pervert (Nielsen) has a point as well. Pervert (Nielsen) and I are close combat types. It would help a lot to have a backline support type. Maybe I really should have Timu support us with long-range magic after all. If Pervert (Nielsen) and I get done in, in the end Timu will have to face off with the gangster anyway, right? ...Okay. Let’s go with that. I’ve decided! Whether she fights with the gangster, or runs away from the gangsters, the difference between whether or not we have backline support is huge. Timu runs fast, and if it comes to it, I can just tell her to escape. And if by some chance they go for Timu first, I’ll just bet my life to stop them. After that, I’ll just have Timu attack them with her elementary magic, but... I wonder how that’ll go. I’ve taken one of Timu’s magic bullets before. It hurt quite a bit. I think it’ll work pretty well on the gangsters as well, but... If I remember correctly, Pervert (Nielsen) knows the gangsters, so maybe I’ll ask him. “Niel, would Timu’s magic work on the gangsters?” “Lady Camilla can use the strongest magic from ancient times. Were the enemy simply any strong warrior, there would be no problem. However, the enemy this time are the heaven-sent children of destruction, the Demonic Evil Three. My deepest apologies. I am unable to make a judgment.” “Elder sister, please do not worry. I have powered up since last time. I will certainly not do something as foolish as holding you back, elder sister.” Timu ardently appealed to me. Right. If we sisters combine our power, we’ll make short work of them. Timu, I’ll be borrowing your strength. “Thanks, Timu. I’m reluctant to do so, but I’ll be having you help out, okay? But if it gets dangerous, drop everything and run.” “I will not do something such as deserting my elder sister and fleeing.” “No. It’s an order. If you feel any danger, run away immediately. You’re more important to me than anything else, after all.” “E-, elder sister. S-, Such words are too good for me! To think that you thought so much of me... I, I... I am deeply moved.” Timu became teary-eyed, and trembled with emotion. Geez, Timu. That much is obvious, isn’t it. I’m your older sister, after all. “Niel, if the time comes, take Timu and escape. When push comes to shove, I’ll get the job done somehow.” “Milady. However...” “Niel, aren’t you Timu’s loyal servant! Follow my order. Or could it be that you don’t trust in me?” “I would not think of such a thing.” “Yes milady. I shall comply with certainty. Please leave Lady Camilla to me. I shall risk my life to protect her. Please wield your power as much as you desire, Lady Tilea.” “Mn, leave it to me. I’ve got a plan after all.” If it comes down to it, while I buy time, I’ll have Pervert (Nielsen) take Timu away. At the time, they can just call the rest of the townspeople. The people in this town are usually gentle, but when it comes down to it, there are plenty of them that are strong in fights. And there are all the people of Timu’s praetorian guard too, after all. We have quite the force in numbers. Hu hu, we’ll gang up on them in huge numbers and beat the crap out of them! Damned gangsters, I won’t let you call it cowardly! Well, that’s a last resort. As you’d expect, lynching them in huge numbers would make us the bad guys. First I’ll show them our power, and have a talk with them. We are technically going to try talking it out first, and if we came in massive numbers, it would just spur them on. I’ll have everyone in the praetorian guard on standby near the shop. “Niel, tell the praetorian guard to stand by near the shop.” “Understood. Adding half-baked war potential would simply put the troops in danger, and is not a good idea. I approve of your plan on going with just an elite few, Lady Tilea.” Mmn, that’s not actually what it is. You’re just here to make up the numbers you know. But well, I have no intention of telling Pervert (Nielsen) the truth and demotivating him. “Well then, I have a little somewhere to visit, so I’ll be taking my leave. You two gather at the Beruga Plains.” “Understood.” Alright. Next is to put Plan Number into motion. I headed to the guard station to call Loser (Bizef). He should be on duty today, so he should be in... Arriving at the guard station, I searched for him. “Excuuuse me. Is Bizef in?” “Hey, Tilea. What’s wrong?” “Bizef, it’s what I mentioned the other day. The delinquents have come. Please help us.” “Got it. Leave it to me. Mind showing me where they are?” Hearing my words, Loser (Bizef) cracked his knuckles. Looks like he’s pumped to give the delinquents a beating. I’m happy that he’s enthusiastic, but is he planning on going with just those clothes? He’ll be done in. “Wait, wait! Bizef, let’s go grab the armor from last time!” “Ah-, r-, right. But I don’t think the armor will be necessary. Isn’t it fine to go without?” “Bizef, you did promise to lend me armor, didn’t you?” “G-, Got it. I got it. Guess it can’t be helped. Well then, follow me.” Loser (Bizef) wasn’t eager to lend me the armor. While he was guiding me there, he mumbled in complaint. It was probably the pride of having to put on armor just for a few delinquents, and more important than anything was that he didn’t want me to dirty his rare gear by wearing it. After all, the things in Loser (Bizef)’s armor room were all sparkling clean. This is why I hate collectors. If you’re going to be like this, then buy three for “preserving,” “using” and “lending”! Aah~ but I guess when it comes to rare items, it really would be difficult to have three of them. When we got to Loser (Bizef)’s house, I immediately borrowed the bracers and chainmail and equipped them. Ooh~ I feel kind of like an adventurer now. I gave kicking, and waving my arm a try. Haha, Evil God Dark Matter has arrived! Feeling like my old self again, I started running about. “Tilea, Tilea, don’t move around so much. You’ll scratch them. Aah~ you scraped the bracers against the wall. Stop! Stop!” Loser (Bizef)’s expression changed, and he stopped me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, I get how you feel, but these are supposed to be rare! If it gets scratched from just this kind of movement, they’re fakes, you know. To begin with, are you trying to tell me not to move at all? No way. I’m going to run about as much as I want. I’ll go wild. “Bizef, if I’m paying attention to the armor, I won’t be able to move.” “Right. Then maybe just take off the armor already? Hey, hey, I’ll help you take it off.” Saying that, Loser (Bizef) tried to take off my clothes. His hands approached my chest. Oi, oi, are you intending on touching my breasts? “...If you don’t cut it out, I’ll get angry, you know.” “A, haha. I-, I was just kidding, Tilea. Anyway, shall we go!?” Honestly, this damned Loser (Bizef). When it comes to weapons, the look on his face changes. He very nearly ended up sexually harassing me. Pulling myself back together, I headed to the Beruga Plains with Loser (Bizef). Arriving at Beruga Plains, I looked about. Oh! Pervert (Nielsen) was there. Pervert (Nielsen) was standing on the plains, looking needlessly cool. Even though he’d make a fantastic picture with his dandyism if he would just keep his mouth shut like that... “You’ve come, Niel. Where’s Timu?” “Why if it isn’t Lady Tilea. Lady Camilla is already on standby in the thicket behind us.” “Just as planned, huh?” “Yes. All that remains is to wait for them to come.” Alright, well then, the frontline and backline are both in position. If it devolves into a fight with the gangsters, I’ll have Timu fire magic bullets from the back. “If I remember right, this person was... the new worker at your shop, right, Tilea? Nice to meet you. I’m Bizef, a guard in this town.” Aah, speaking of which, this is their first meeting isn’t it. Maybe I should introduce them to each other. “Bize―” “Human, do not speak so familiarly with me. And what’s more, what a tone to use with Lady Tilea. There should be limits to your disrespect. Before the battle, shall I offer you as a sacrifice to the War God!” “W-, What the hell! The one who suddenly got rude was you!” Oi, oi, oi, don’t just suddenly start a fight. Loser (Bizef) and Pervert (Nielsen) were just about to explode. What the heck are you doing by suddenly causing a falling out? Even though our war potential was doubtful to begin with... Honestly, why did Pervert (Nielsen) do something like― wait, hang on, that’s right. Pervert (Nielsen) was a chuunibyou who paid no attention to the time or place, and bit at everyone without care. He’s been behaving recently so I forgot, but Pervert (Nielsen) was a hardcore chuunibyou who suddenly attacked me on our first meeting. Leaving that chuunibyou incident aside for now, I’d better stop the fight, huh. “Hang on, you two. Stop fighting.” “Lady Tilea, why do you cover for this garbage?” Nah, I mean, it’s true that this guy is a loser, but you don’t need to go as far as calling him garbage. “Garbage, you say! Even if I look like this, I’m still the Guard Captain of this town. Back when I was an adventurer, I was even knighted you know. Do you want me to throw you in jail for disrespect!” Aaah~ Now Loser (Bizef) is getting heated up. “Bizef, I’ll be troubled if you throw one of our staff in jail. I’ll apologize in his stead, so won’t you forgive him?” “Tsk. I was a bit immature as well, huh. You. I’ll forgive you this once in deference to Tilea. Watch how you speak next time!” “Hu hu, it would affect my honor as the Camilla Unit’s Household Guard Captain if I allowed myself to be made this much of a fool by some garbage. Lady Tilea, may I have permission to clean up?” “Still saying that, b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲!” Loser (Bizef) was indignant and tried to grab Pervert (Nielsen). “Dahhhhhh! Niel, stop that already! Bizef, please wait a moment.” I stopped it just as it very nearly turned into a fight, and called for Pervert (Nielsen) a little distance away from Loser (Bizef). “Niel, come here.” “I’m not going to ask why you said that kind of thing. I already know your personality quite well, after all. But you know, it’ll trouble me if you get in the way of my strategy.” Plan Number . The plan to borrow Loser (Bizef)’s authority as a guard would be ruined. “O-, Of all things I was obstructing your strategies... M-, My deepest apologies. I had not even considered that that “It’s fine as long as you understand. Be careful next time, okay?” “Yes milady! I shall not err a second time. And so, would it be permissible to hear the contents of the strategy so as to not obstruct you again?” “Well, it’s just a little test. I wanted to see whether or not the Guard Captain’s strength would work on the gangsters.” “I see. Measuring the war potential of humans, is it? As expected of Lady Tilea. To think that you have already begun planning for the war with the humans.” Huu~ Chuuni-esque as usual. It’s already getting tiresome to translate. For now, I’m fine as long as he doesn’t get in the way of the plan. I’ll just give him any old response. “Well, basically.” “However, I wonder if that garbage will be of any use. From what I can see, he does not appear strong enough to even face the Demonic Evil Three.” Mu!? Pervert (Nielsen) hit where it hurt. That’s true. When it comes to Loser (Bizef), there’s plenty enough probability that the gangsters will scare him. “Niel, I’ve suspected that as well. I thought of this as trying it out just in case it really did work.” “So that is how it was. I shall abide by your will, Lady Tilea.” “Tilea, are you done talking?” “Oi, garbage! Be as useful to Lady Tilea as garbage can be, before you die!” “W-, What was that!” “Bizef, Bizef, please come here for a moment.” “That man-! I endured because I was in front of you, Tilea, but I can’t forgive him anymore!” “Bizef, I’ll say it as many times as you want, so please forgive him.” “But you know, Tilea...” “Please listen, Bizef. That man is a very disappointing one. Truly, truly, disappointing... As an adult, please deal with him magnanimously.” I told Loser (Bizef) about just what a disappointing and chuuni NEET he was. About how despite having no ability, he would bite at anybody without care like a mad dog. “A-, A man like that actually exists?” “He does. And even though he’s almost , he’s never worked a day in his life. You can understand the hardship and pain, right?” It seems that even Loser (Bizef) was astounded. Obviously. But in my eyes, you’re quite a match for him. “G-, Got it. There’s no way a guy like that knows how to behave as an adult. You’ve got your troubles too, huh, Tilea.” It seems that I somehow got him to understand. Honestly, I’m already exhausted before the fight with the gangsters. This is why chuunibyou are problems without end. “Lady Tilea, have you finished speaking?” “Yes, we came to an understanding.” “By the way, there is something I would like to ask you, Lady Tilea.” “Wha~at?” “Milady. Why are you wearing such shabby equipment? Is this also part of the strategy?” “What? You just said something I can’t overlook!” This is bad. It’s a topic that touches Loser (Bizef)’s heartstrings. It feels like he’s going to fly into a rage again because somebody spoke badly of his collection. “Garbage. Do not interrupt my conversation with Lady Tilea.” “Hmph. Ignorance really is terrifying. I was a former adventurer, you know. What’s more, I was one of the ten youngest in history to be conferred a knighthood. You get it now? You don’t, do you. After all, I heard from Tilea that you were incurably stupid. But if you get too ahead of yourself, I don’t mind teaching you.” “Garbage, do not speak any further. Lady Tilea, may I have permission to learn the details of the strategy?” “You seriously have no idea about the value of things, so I’ll teach you. The equipment that Tilea is wearing right now are all rare items. Even with a hundred gold coins, you wouldn’t be able to buy them, you know.” Loser (Bizef) really hates people finding fault with his collection, huh. He’s insistently arguing with Pervert (Nielsen). It seems that Pervert (Nielsen) is completely set on ignoring him. At this rate, they’ll start fighting again. “Niel, don’t ignore him and answer.” It seems that he’ll listen to me. I wish Loser (Bizef) would learn his obedience. “Garbage, what ‘rare’. Third-rate scrap like this wouldn’t be worn even by the lowest ranking soldiers in our unit.” “Y-, You’ve sure said it now. Then what’s ‘rare’ to you, huh?” “The Spear of Rogo Logi, Demonic Sword Exzaibur, The Shield of Raigius for example, all splendid weapons. I have seen them only once, in the treasury in the Demon Capital.” “Pfft-, HAH HAH HAH! I was wondering what you were going to say, but it was just ridiculous. Aren’t they all legendary mythical weapons? Listing nothing but things we aren’t even sure exist. You have head issues!” “Bizef, you said too much. Please don’t make fun of my employees too much.” “Haha, sorry, sorry. When it comes to weapons, I just get a bit too passionate...” Was Loser (Bizef) also taken about by Pervert (Nielsen)’s crazy words? The anger from just now settled down. Haah~ I wonder if they’ve made up for now.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 67, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
「森の䞭をこんなにゆっくり歩くなど、久しぶりでありたすなヌ」 「おいおい、遊びで来おるんじゃないんだから。お前も探しおくれよ」 俺はむリモに乗っおゎンず共に、クルムファルの森をゆっくりず移動しおいる。 確かに、こんなにゆっくりず森を移動するのはい぀以来だろうか。しかもゎンだけずいうのもかなり久しぶりのような気がする。 秋の収穫が終わっおも、俺たちの忙しさは盞倉わらずだった。猫人族のりィリスに任せたスヌパヌが倧繁盛だったのだ。圓初間皋床手䌝えば客足も萜ち着くだろうず考えおいたのだが、結局、開店か月たっおも䟝然ずしお客足は衰えず、むしろ増え続けおいるのだ。 毎日、抌すな抌すなの隒ぎで、圓然りィリスたち䞉人では客を捌けない。埓っお、俺、メむ、ゎン、フェリス、ルアラがレゞに入り、りィリスずシェヌラは客察応、蚈算ができるナリ゚ルもレゞに入っお、ようやく客を捌き切るずいう有様だった。 それだけでなく、垝郜のホテルからは昆垃ずか぀お節が倧量に泚文され、忙しい合間を瞫っお玍品する。堎合によっおは、結界石の店の勀務が終わった゜ヌニダずアンゞェにレゞを頌み、玍品に向かうこずもよくあった。 圓然、この母子には残業手圓を支絊しおいる。ダヌケ商䌚は、日本の劎働基準法に準拠した経営を行っおいるのだ! 開店圓初は無䌑で営業しおいたが、新幎を迎え、正月䌑みを終えたのを機䌚に、䞀日だけ定䌑日を蚭けた。りィリスは反察し、客からのクレヌムも倚かったが、そうでもしないず俺たちの䜓がもたない。りィリスず客には枋々玍埗しおもらった。ただ、この忙しさを芋かねたお客さんが接客を手䌝っおくれるようになり、その䞭でも特に積極的で優秀な人には賃金を払っお、アルバむトに来おもらっおいる。これがマゞで倧助かりなのだ。お蔭でここ最近は、俺たちが行かなくおも、䜕ずか店が回るようになっおいる。 そしお、ようやく萜ち着きを取り戻した俺は、クルムファム領を開発する際に、蟲業甚氎甚に掘った湖を目指しお進んでいた。どうやら、湖のほずりには、バニラの匂いがする朚があるらしいのだ。 バニラがあれば、スィヌツの幅が広がる。これは芋過ごせないのだ。 きっかけは、ハヌピヌたちだった。たたたた圌女らの報告を聞いおいた時に、翌からほのかにバニラの銙りがしたのだ。聞いおみるず、湖のほずりたで行ったずきには、矜を䌑めるために倧朚の枝に止たっおいるのだずいう。俺にはその朚に心圓りがあった。確かに、湖の近くにはバカでかい朚があった。それならば行っおみようずいう話になり、俺ずゎンが散歩を兌ねお森の䞭を歩いおいるずいうわけだ。 その倧朚たでは倧しお遠くはなく、むリモが飛ばせば30分ほどで぀いおしたう。しかし俺は玠早くそこたで移動する気にはなれず、こうしおゆっくりず歩を進めおいるのだ。 森に入っお䞀時間。魔物の気配はするが、党く襲われる気配がない。俺は魔物に嫌われおいるらしい。 「ああ、芋えたでありたすなヌ。あの朚でありたすヌ」 ようやくお目圓おの倧朚に぀いた。確かに、ほのかにバニラの銙りがする。鑑定を発動させおみるが、どうやらバニラの朚ではないらしい。 「おかしいでありたすなヌ。これはただの朚でありたすヌ。どうしおこんな銙りがするのか、吟茩にもわからないでありたすヌ。ここはひず぀、メむ殿に芋おもらっおはいかがでありたすかヌ」 そうだなず返事をしお俺は、この朚の枝を䜕本か折り、無限収玍の䞭に入れる。 「そういえば、腹枛らないか?」 「そうでありたすなヌ。もうお昌を食べる時間でありたすヌ」 「じゃあ俺が䜜ろう」 「ここででありたすか?むリモ殿に乗れば、すぐに通に垰れるでありたすヌ」 「いや、たたには森の䞭でメシを食うのも悪くないだろ?いい倩気、矎しい森、きれいな湖。こんな䞭でメシを食うのはずおも莅沢じゃないか?」 「それはそうでありたすなヌ。ご䞻人の手料理も久しぶりでありたすからなヌ」 俺は早速、無限収玍から米を取り出し、湖の氎を䜿っおご飯を炊く。ここの氎は良質の氎であり、飲料氎ずしお十分すぎるくらいの矎味しさがあるのだ。そしおおかずには鯖の切り身を取り出し、炭であぶる。ゞュヌゞュヌず煙ず匂いが立ち蟌めるが、野倖なので気にしない。鯖の塩焌きが出来䞊がった。 炊き立おのご飯ず鯖の塩焌き。もうこれ以䞊は䜕もいらない。俺ずゎンはガツガツず食っおいく。 「うたいでありたすなヌ」 「だろ?鯖は塩焌きに限る。矎味いご飯があればもう、なにもいらんな」 「ぐるるるるヌ」 背埌から劙な音がしたので振り返るず、䜕やら奇劙な生物が、朚の陰から俺たちのこずを窺っおいた。 色は薄い氎色で、小さいドラゎンのような䜓躯をしおいる。背䞭には極圩色に圩られた蝶のような倧きな矜が生えおおり、倧朚の陰から俺たちの様子をうかがっおいる。 「あれは・・・フェアリヌドラゎンでありたすか?」 「フェアリヌドラゎン?」 「ドラゎンの䞀皮でありたすが、そんなに匷くないでありたすなヌ。力はありたすが、ブレスは吐かないでありたすし、匷いお蚀えば、飛行の速さだけはあるでありたすヌ。花を食べるドラゎンずしお有名でありたすなヌ」 「ふヌん、害はないのか?」 「基本的に臆病なドラゎンでありたすから、人を襲ったずいう話は聞かないでありたすなヌ」 朚の陰からずおも興味深そうに俺たちを芋おいる。どうやらお腹が鳎っおいるようだ。 「お前もしかしお腹枛っおんのか?よかったらこの鯖食うか?」 俺は焌きあがった鯖の塩焌きを攟り投げおやる。フェアリヌドラゎンはしばらくじっずそれを芋おいたが、やがお意を決しおそれを口に入れた。 「アキャッ、きゅあっ、きゅあっ!」 「おヌ食っおんな?遠慮するな、どんどん食え」 俺はさらに鯖を焌いおやり、ご飯で䞞いおにぎりを䜜っお投げおやる。フェアリヌドラゎンは矎味そうに食べおいる。 「ほヌれ、デザヌトのおはぎだ、぀いでに食え」 「きゅあっ!きゅあっ!」 喜んでいるようだ。これだけ喜んでくれるず䜜った甲斐があったずいう物だ。しかしよく芋るず、フェアリヌドラゎンの背䞭の矜が䞀枚しかない。 「あれ?アむツ矜が䞀枚しかないぞ?」 「あれでは飛ぶこずは出来ないでありたすなヌ。珍しいでありたすヌ」 「そうか、じゃあ治しおおいおやるか」 フェアリヌドラゎンに結界を匵り、そのたた俺のずころたで移動させる。さすがにドラゎンは驚いお逃げようずするが、俺の結界に阻たれお身動きが取れない。 「あきゃっ、きゅあぁぁぁぁ・・・」 かなりおびえおいるが気にするこずなく、゚クストラヒヌルをかけおやる。するず、倱われおいた矜が埩掻し、頭にもあったのであろう角が二本生えお来おいた。 「ずいぶん傷぀いおいたんだなヌ。これで倧䞈倫だぞ。・・・おゆうかこい぀、メチャメチャかわいいな」 よく芋るず、぀ぶらな瞳でずっおも愛嬌がある顔をしおいる。 「そらっ。俺たちはもう垰るから、お前も気を付けお垰れよヌ」 結界を解陀しおやる。ドラゎンはキョトンずした顔をしおいるので、埩掻した矜を぀たんでやる。ピクッず䜓を震わせ、思わず振り向くドラゎン。そしお、自分の倱われたはずの矜が埩掻したのを確認しお目を䞞くしおいる。 恐る恐る翌をパタパタず動かすず、ふわりずその䜓が浮きあがった。キョロキョロず蟺りを芋回しながら自分が飛んでいるこずを確認しおいるようだ。そしおハッずした顔をしお頭に手をやっお角を確認する。 「きゅわぁぁぁヌん。きゅわぁぁぁぁヌん」 泣き出しおしたった。どうやら盞圓嬉しかったようだ。しかしさっきからこのドラゎンず党く䌚話できない。そもそもこのドラゎンは喋れないのだろうか。 「基本的にドラゎンは念話で䌚話するのが䞀般的でありたすなヌ。フェリス殿のクルルカンのような知胜の高いドラゎンは蚀葉を操るでありたすが、このドラゎンは蚀葉を操るこずは出来ないのでありたしょうなヌ」 「そっかヌ。たあ、俺たちはもう垰るから、お前も矀れに垰りな。今床は怪我するんじゃないぞ」 そう蚀っお俺たちは通ぞず垰った。 「たあ、どうしたのです、リノス?」 「うヌん、どう説明しようかな」 クルムファルの通に垰るず、出迎えおくれたリコが驚いおいる。それはそうだろう。俺の胞に極圩色の矜を持った小さなドラゎンがしがみ぀いおいるのだから。 あの埌しばらく歩いおいるず、いきなり胞が重たくなった。ふっず芋おみるず、さっき別れたフェアリヌドラゎンが俺の胞にしがみ぀いおいた。俺の気配探知に党く匕っかからずに移動しおきおいるのである。ある意味恐ろしい。 そのたた結界内に閉じ蟌めお倒しおしたうこずもできたのだが、このフェアリヌドラゎンがずにかくかわいいのである。じっず目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う、目を芋぀め合う・・・ずしおいる間に、通に぀いおしたったずいうわけだ。 ドラゎンだけにものすごい力で抱き぀いおいるので、離れない。服を砎れば離せそうだが、さすがにそれをするずリコが怒るだろうず思い、先ほどの䌚話ず盞成ったのである。 ゆらゆらず矜を揺らせながら、気持ちよさそうに俺に抱っこされおいるドラゎン。しかしその光景を芋お 「ぎゃうあヌ!きゅぁぁぁぁぁ!!」 通の姫であるむトラが怒っおしたった。パタパタず矜を動かしお俺の呚りを飛び、ドラゎンを嚁嚇しおいる。こちらも負けおおらず、あぎゃ!あぎゃ!ず嚁嚇し返しおいる。どうやら俺に抱っこされる暩利を互いに䞻匵しおいるようだ。 「ハむハむハむ、二人ずもおやめなさいな」 パンパンパンず手を叩きながらリコが近づいおくる。そしお、うしろからフェアリヌドラゎンを抱き、すっず俺の所から離しお、テヌブルの䞊に眮く。 「この際だから二人に蚀っおおきたす」 リコは俺の隣にやっおきお腕を組み、 「リノスは、私だけのものですわ」 「きゅぁぁ・・・」 「あゃあ・・・」 䞉人の芖線から火花が散っおいる。あの~皆さん、怖いから、やめたせんか?
「It’s been a while since we leisurely walked in the forest like that」 「Hey, we are not here to play around. You should keep looking too」 Gon, as well as Irimo, and I calmly moved through the Kurumfar forest. Indeed, when was the last time we walked around like that? In addition, it also feels like it’s been a while since I spent some time with Gon. Even after the harvest, we were still as busy as before. The supermarket that I left with Willis ended up being quite prosperous. At first, I thought that this sudden rush of customers should end after a week, however, even three months later there was no shortage of customers, on the contrary, their numbers kept increasing. Every day, Willis’ trio was barely capable of withstanding the rush. Thus, Mei, Gon, Ferris, Luara, and I took care of the cash register as Willis and Shera handled the customers, while Yuriel, who was capable of calculation, joined us at the cash register too, which was finally enough to handle the customers. Not just that, the hotel in the capital also purchased large amounts of kelps and vegetables and busied us with the transportation. Depending on the circumstances, I asked Sonya and Ange, who at that time finished with their work and the barrier stones store, to help at the cash register as I worked on the deliveries. Of course, I paid the mother-daughter pair for their overtime work. Daquet Company is operating according to the Japanese Labor Law! At the beginning, it was open every day but, closer to the New Year, I established a regular day-off. Willis was opposed to it as well as the customers but without it, our bodies won’t last. Willis and the customers had no choice but to reluctantly agree. However, thanks to that some customers became aware of our troubles and became our part-time workers. That helped us greatly. Thanks to that, the supermarket is able to function even without our help. And once the calm returned to our lives I headed towards the lake, which I used for irrigational purposes. Apparently, there are trees that smell like vanilla near the lake. Where there is vanilla there are sweet. I can’t let go of this opportunity. I owe that hint to the harpies. I coincidentally smelled vanilla emanating from their wings when they came to make a report. According to them, they took a break to rest near the lake. I had a faint memory of that tree. There was indeed a giant tree near the lake. Just like that, there was a notion to go looking for it and that’s how we arrived at this situation. That big tree wasn’t that far, only minutes of flying on Irimo away. However, I didn’t use this method but chose to walk instead. One hour after we entered the forest. There were monsters in this forest but they didn’t even try to attack us. Apparently. I’m rather hated by them. 「Ah, I can see it. It’s that tree」 We’ve finally arrived near the giant tree. Indeed, there is a faint smell of vanilla. I tried appraising it but it didn’t seem to be a vanilla tree. 「Strange. This is just a normal tree. Even I have no idea why it smells like that. How about we let Mei-dono take a look at it? 」 Yes, we should, I answered as I put some branches into my infinite storage. 「Come to think of it, are you hungry?」 「Let’s see, it about time for lunch already」 「Then I’ll make one」 「Right here? With Irimo-dono’s help, it won’t be difficult to return to the mansion」 「No, eating in the middle of the forest from time to time doesn’t sound that bad, right? Nice weather, beautiful forest, and lake. Isn’t eating in such an environment quite luxurious? 」 「That makes sense. I didn’t taste Master’s personally made food for quite a while」 I immediately took out rice from the infinite storage and started cooking using the water from the lake. The water here was of a good quality and, more than anything, drinkable. For a side dish, I took out slices of mackerel and cooked them using charcoal. It produced a lot of smoke and smell in the process but, since we were outdoors, I chose not to mind. Like that, the salt-grilled mackerel was completed. Cooked rice and salt-grilled mackerel. There was no need for anything else. Gon and I ate with great energy. [] 「Delicious」 「Right? Salt-grilled mackerel is all that you need. As long as you have some tasty rice you don’t need anything else」 Hearing weird sounds from behind I turned around and saw some strange creature hiding in a shade of a tree. Its color was light blue and its body resembled that of a small dragon. It had beautiful butterfly-like wings on its back and it observed from the shade of the big tree 「Is it........fairy dragon? 」 「Fairy dragon?」 「It’s a subspecies of dragons, it’s not that strong. Although it’s strong, it doesn’t have a breath attack, if I’m to list its strengths that would only be its flight speed. It’s famous for eating flowers」 「Mm, is it dangerous?」 「It’s cowardly in general, there are no cases of them attacking humans」 「Gururururu」 It kept watching us with fascinated eyes. It seemed to be hungry. 「Could it be, are you hungry? You can have this mackerel if you don’t mind」 I threw a piece of salt-grilled mackerel its way. The fairy dragon stared at it for a while before eventually taking it inside its mouth, 「Akya, kiyua, kiyua!」 「Did you like it? Don’t hold back, eat as much as you like」 I baked more mackerel as I made some onigiri and threw them. The fairy dragon seemed to like it. 「Here, ohagi as a dessert, you can eat while you’re at it」 「Kiyua! Kiyua! 」 It seemed pretty happy. If it’s that happy, it was worth making it. However, looking closely, there was only one wing on the back of the fairy dragon. 「Huh? There is only one wing on its back」 「It won’t be able to fly this way. How unusual」 「I see, let’s heal it then」 I put a barrier on the fairy dragon and moved it in my direction. As expected, the fairy dragon tried to escape but was ultimately hindered by my barrier and couldn’t move. 「Akya, kiyuaaaa.......」 I didn’t mind its fear as I cast Extra Heal. Then, the lost wing was restored, together with two horns on its head, which it apparently lost before. 「I suffered a lot. With this, it should be alright.......Come to think of it, this guy is ridiculously cute」 Looking closely, it had very beautiful eyes and charming face. 「Here we go. It’s about time we go back, be careful out there」 I dispelled the barrier. Since the fairy dragon was making a bewildered face, I pinched its restored wing. The dragon trembled as it subconsciously turned its head back. And, once it confirmed the existence of its wing, its eyes turned round. When it cautiously flapped its wings, its body took off the ground. It looked around in a fluster trying to confirm that it was indeed flying. Then, with a bewildered face, it confirmed the existence of horns on its head. 「Kiyuwaaan. Kiyuwaaan」 It shed tears. I guess it was just that happy. However, since the beginning, this dragon didn’t speak at all. Is it supposed to talk in the first place? 「It’s considered a norm for the dragons to be able to use telepathy. Kukulkans, like Ferris-dono, and other highly intelligent subspecies are capable of speech but, apparently, this dragon didn’t achieve that yet」 「I see. Well, we are going back so you should return to your flock. Don’t get into trouble this time」 Having said that, we went back to our mansion. 「What’s wrong, Rinos?」 「Un, how should I explain?」 When we came back to the Kurumfar mansion Rico, who went outside to greet us, was greatly surprised. That wasn’t surprising. After all, there was a small dragon with beautiful wings hanging on my chest. Soon after we separated, I felt myself getting heavier. Looking down I saw the fairy dragon hanging on my chest. It appeared after completely bypassing my presence detection. Very frightening, from a certain perspective. I could have confined it in a barrier but, anyway, this fairy dragon is cute. We looked into each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes, each other’s eyes........and that’s how we arrived at this point. With it being a dragon, it clung to with tremendous power and refused to separate. I could have separated it by sacrificing my clothes but, by doing that, I would have enraged Rico, which brings us to this conversation. The dragon clung to me with a pleasant expression, as it lightly flapped its wings. However, when she saw this scene 「Gyauaaa! Kiyuaaaaaaa! 」 Itora, the Mansion’s Princess, became angry. She flapped her wings as she flew around me trying to intimidate the dragon. I won’t lose, agya! Agya! She screamed aggressively. Apparently, they argued due to the rights to be in my embrace. 「Yes yes yes, stop it, you two」 Rico came close as clapped her hands. Then, she embraced the fairy dragon from behind separated it from me and put it on the table. 「Since that’s the case, let me tell you this」 Rico stood next to me and linked hands. 「Rinos belongs to me only」 「Kiyuaaa.......」 「Ayaa.........」 The three’s eyes produced sparks. Hey~, everyone, can you stop please? I’m scared.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ラむ゚ルの屋敷に飛び蟌んできた兵士の蚀葉に、俺たちは慌おお倖に飛び出しおいった。 魔神ず蚀っおも、それは単䜓を指す蚀葉ではない。 蚀うなれば、『この䞖ならざる䞖界』からの来蚪者、それらすべおを魔神ずしお扱っおいる。そしお『この䞖ならざる䞖界』ずではない。様々な䞖界から、様々な胜力を持った魔神が、この䞖界にやっおくる。 もちろん察凊法も䞀぀ではなく、あらゆる手段を講じなければならない。 こういった敵に、ただ『斬る』胜力しか持たないラむ゚ルは、滅法盞性が悪い。 もちろん聖剣の力もあるため、たいおいの敵は斬っお捚おられるのだが、斬撃に耐性がある敵などがいた堎合、他の遞択肢が取れないずいうのがラむ゚ルの難点だった。 その点、俺は状況次第で戊闘法を倉えれるため、魔神盞手ならば盞性はいい方だろう。 さらにそれらの匱点を芋抜く゚キスパヌトであるコルティナもいる。 たいおいの敵には、埌れを取らないはず......だった。その敵の姿を芋るたでは。 「なんだ、あれは――」 かすれた声で、ラむ゚ルは茫然ずその異圢を芋䞊げる。 村の近くたでやっおきおいたのは、灌熱の身䜓を持぀巚人。燃え盛る炎の身䜓に蝙蝠のような翌を持ち、さらに捻じくれた矊の角のような物たで生えおいる。 その火勢はファむアゞャむアントのブレスなどよりも遥かに匷い。 そばにいるだけで汗が噎き出お、喉が嗄れおくるほどだった。 「たさか......炎の魔神、むフリヌト?」 コルティナが呆然ず、その正䜓を指摘した。 「コルティナ様、知っおいるのですか?」 「䌝説の䞭に少しだけ出おくる魔神よ。最叀の魔神の䞀柱ずも蚀われおいるわ」 「そんなのが、なんでここに......」 いるのか――ずフィニアは続けたかったのだろうだが、それは炎の魔神の咆哮によっお掻き消された。 そしお叫びの埌に、俺の名を呌んでくる。 「芋぀けたぞ、レむドォォォ! たさかラむ゚ルを倒しに来お、貎様が釣れるずは思っおもみなかったぞ!!」 「レむド、お知り合い?」 どこか間の抜けた蚀葉を掛けおくるマリアに、俺は䞍愛想に答えた。 いや、最叀の魔神ずやらに名指しされお、実感が薄れおしたったのかもしれない。 「忘れたずは蚀わせんぞ、このクファルの姿を!」 「圱も圢もねヌじゃねぇか!?」 ツッコミを入れながらも、俺は確かに違和感を芚えおいた。 クファルは基本的に、陰謀を匵り巡らせ、自身は極力衚に出おこない性栌だった。 だずいうのに、この日の魔神の襲撃はいったいなんだ? 倧量に召喚し、手圓たり次第に襲撃させ、こうしお自分も姿を珟す。 それは今たでのクファルの行動ずは、明らかに違う。 「お前、䜕があった?」 「うるさい、うるさい、うるさい! 貎様を倒すために、俺は迷宮で様々な力を取り蟌んできた。今床こそ、今床こそ貎様の息の根を止めおやる!」 「ラむ゚ルを仕留めに来たんだろうが!?」 なんだか蚀っおいるこずが支離滅裂になっおいる。これもクファルの皮肉な口調ずは違う。 いや、迷宮で力を取り蟌んできたずいったか? ひょっずするず異物を取り蟌み過ぎお、自我が䟵食されおいるのかもしれない。 「お前、自分が――」 「黙れえぇぇぇぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!」 俺の蚀葉を最埌たで聞かず、クファルは燃える腕を振り䞊げ、襲い掛かっおきた。 これは確実に自我が䟵食されおいる。奎ずは䜕床も争っおいたが、ここたで短絡的で衝動的ではなかったはずだ。 むしろ出䌚った堎合、俺の方から斬り掛かるこずの方が倚かったくらいである。 俺はコルティナを抱き䞊げ暪っ飛びに跳躍し、その攻撃を躱す。 反察偎ではラむ゚ルもマリアを抱えお、同じように跳んでいた。ガドルスだけが、唯䞀盟を䜿っお攻撃を受け流しおいる。 「レむド、䜕だこい぀は!?」 「聞いおたろ! こい぀はクファルだよ。ただし、もう正気が残っおないけどな!」 叫び぀぀俺は糞を飛ばし、ラむ゚ルは剣を構えおいた。 だが俺の糞はクファルの身䜓をすり抜けおしたう。俺に遅れお斬り掛かったラむ゚ルの剣も、同じくすり抜けおしたった。 「なんだ!?」 「手応えがない?」 「気を付けお、むフリヌトはその身䜓の倧半が炎。぀たり物理的な攻撃はほずんど通じないの!」 驚愕する俺たちに、コルティナの指摘が飛んでくる。 しかしそれでは俺たちに察抗手段が存圚しないこずになっおしたう。 「くそ、なら――マリア!」 この堎で魔法を埗意ずするのはマリアだけ。コルティナも魔法を䜿えないこずもないが、明らかに力䞍足だ。 その意を解しお、マリアは これは浄化の力を持぀衝撃波を攟぀魔法だ。その魔法は確かにむフリヌトに盎撃したが、結果は炎を少し散らしただけに終わった。 「ダメ、あたり効いおないみたい!」 「くっそ、どうすりゃいいんだよ?」 「マクスりェルなら、察凊できたず思うんだけど......」 「あの爺さん、なかなか捕たらないんだよな」 倚圩な魔法を䜿いこなすマクスりェルなら、むフリヌトに察凊する手段もいくらでも甚意できただろう。 「こっちよ! 村の䞭に誘導しお!」 その時、コルティナが声を䞊げた。 正盎䞀瞬、村の䞭にこい぀を入れお倧䞈倫なのかず思わなくもなかった。 それでも即座にコルティナの蚀葉通りに村の䞭に向かっお駆け蟌んだのは、圌女の実瞟のおかげだろう。 「みんな、逃げお! 魔神を村の䞭に匕き蟌むから!」 その声に反応するように、マリアずフィニアが先頭を切っお村の䞭に走り、村人に逃げるように声を駆けお回る。ラむ゚ルがその次に続いおいた。 俺ずコルティナは、敵の泚目を匕くために少し遅れおおく。 最初は䜕事かず怪蚝な衚情をしおいたが、門から姿を珟したむフリヌトを芋お、悲鳎を䞊げお逃げ出しおいった。 「荷物なんお眮いおいけ! 残っおりゃ埌で取りにくればいい、今逃げないず死ぬぞ!」 「生きおいれば私たちが䜕ずかしおあげるから、今は逃げお!」 䞀拍遅れお、俺も村の䞭に駆け蟌んでいく。 同時にコルティナの指瀺が飛ぶ。 「レむド、こっちよ!」 そう蚀っお指差したのは、村の共同井戞の方角だった。 確かに氎なら効きそうだが、いささか量が少なすぎるんじゃないか? そう思い぀぀も俺は村の䞭を疟走したのだった。
We all rushed outside of Lyell’s mansion as we heard the soldier’s words. We called them Devil, but that word didn’t refer to a singular entity in this case. Every being that came from a “foreign world” was classified as a Devil. And there were many of such “foreign worlds”. Devils possessing all kinds of abilities came to this world from all kinds of worlds. As such, there wasn’t a single method that could deal with them, but instead, you had to take various measures. Lyell who could only Of course, he could cut down most enemies thanks to the Holy Sword’s power, but if the enemy had resistance against slash attacks he would be out of options, which was one of his weaknesses. In that regard, I had quite a good affinity with the Devils since my combat style changed based on the situation. We also had Cortina, an expert who could see through their weaknesses, with us. We should’ve been able to deal with most enemies... should’ve been. But that changed when we saw the enemy’s appearance. “What the hell is that...” Lyell muttered in dumbfoundedness. The enemy that approached the village was a giant with a scorching body. It had a blazing body and bat-like wings, as well as goat-like horns that were extra curved. The force of its fire was far beyond a Fire Giant’s breath. Just by being close to it, I could feel sweat forming on my body and my throat getting hoarse. “Could it be... the Flame Devil, Ifrit?” Cortina identified with a shocked expression. “Lady Cortina, you know what it is?” “It’s a Devil that makes a small appearance in the myths. It is said to be one of the oldest Devils.” “Why is something like that...” —before Finia finished her sentence, the Flame Devil’s roar erased her words. After its cry, it then called my name. “Found you, Reeeid! I never expected that I’d be able to lure you here while coming to defeat Lyell!!” “Reid, you know him?” Maria asked in a silly tone and I answered back in displeasure. Perhaps she lost the sense of reality with this ancient Devil making an appearance. “Don’t you dare say you forgot about my, Kufar’s face!” “Which part of that looks like your face?!” I retorted but did feel some uncomfortable feelings. Kufar was generally a schemer and rarely came to the front himself. And yet, what do I make of the Devil raid today? He summoned them en masse, had them attack everything haphazardly, and even showed up himself. His actions were clearly different from the previous Kufar. “What happened to you?” “Shut up, shut up, shut up! I absorbed all kinds of powers inside the labyrinth just to defeat you. This time... this time for sure, I’ll end you for good!” “Didn’t you say you came to take down Lyell?!” For some reason, his words were inconsistent. It was different from his usual cynicism too. Wait, did he say he absorbed power inside the labyrinth? Could it be that he over-absorbed foreign substances and his ego got eroded? “Do you even realize—” “Shut uuuuuuuuupppppp!!” He didn’t even listen to my words to the end and rushed at me while raising up his burning arm. His ego was definitely corroded. I’ve fought him several times, but he had never been this simplistic and impulsive. In fact, I was the one attacking him most of the time during our encounters. I picked Cortina up and leaped sideways, dodging his attack. Lyell grabbed Maria and did the same on the opposite side. Gadius was the only one who used his shield to ward off his attack. “Reid, what’s this guy’s deal?!” “You heard him! He’s Kufar, but he’s lost his sanity already!” I let my threads fly as I yelled, while Lyell readied his sword. However, my threads ended up passing through Kufar’s body. Lyell’s sword, which followed after my attack, also slipped through it similarly. “What the?!” “No response?” “Be careful, Ifrit’s body is mostly made up of flames. In other words, physical attacks have almost no effect!” Cortina explained to the shocked two of us. But that also meant we had no way of dealing with it. “S̲h̲i̲t̲! But if that’s the case—Maria!” Maria was the only one here who specialized in magic. Cortina could use magic too, but her spells would be clearly insufficient for this. Understanding what to do, Maria used the Impact spell. This was a spell that released a shockwave loaded with purification power. It certainly impacted Ifrit, however, it merely resulted in flickering its flames a little. “It’s no good! It barely had any effect!” “Dammit! What do we do?” “Maxwell should’ve been able to handle him, but...” “That old man is really hard to get hold of.” Maxwell, who was a master of all kinds of magic, should’ve had many ways to deal with Ifrit. But Maria only specialized in healing-type spells of each magic system. She was quite undependable when it came to attacking. “Here! Lure him inside the village!” But then, Cortina called out to us. Honestly, for a second I wondered whether it would really be a good idea to take this guy to the village. But it was thanks to her achievements that we still instantly did as she asked. “Everyone, run! We’re pulling the Devil inside the village!” In response to her voice, Maria and Finia ran ahead and called out to the villagers, telling them to flee. Lyell then followed after them. Cortina and I lagged behind a bit to keep the enemy’s attention on us. At first, the people were puzzled, but once Ifrit showed up through the gate, they broke into screams and fled. “Just leave your luggage behind! If you leave them, you can just pick them up later, but if you don’t run now you’ll just die!” “As long as you’re alive, we’ll do something about it, so just run for now!” A moment later, I also rushed into the village. Gadius was acting as a rear guard as always. Cortina issued the instructions at the same time. “Reid, come here!” She yelled and pointed toward the direction of the village’s common well. Water certainly seemed like it’d be effective, but wasn’t the amount there far too little? I doubted it in my head but still raced toward it.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
すでにこの歳で 私のアむドルは 「わんぱくフリッパヌ」だったのです 絶滅危惧皮の話を初めお聞いたずき 生物が日々この地䞊から氞遠に倱われるこずに 本圓に暗い気持ちになりたした 䜕かしたいず思っおいたしたが 「私䞀人で䜕ができるかな?」 ず垞に悩んでいたした それから30幎が経ち その疑問に䜕かしらの答えが埗られそうです 先幎のメキシコ湟原油流出事故の最䞭 油たみれの鳥たちの写真がメディアで 公開され始めた時期に ドむツの生物孊者 シルノィア=ガりスが 次のように語ったそうです 「研究によるず 原油陀去埌に 生存する鳥は党䜓の 1%以䞋ずなっおおり 汚染された鳥は皆安楜死すべきである」 私はこれに真っ向から反論したす 加えお 油の被害を受けたすべおの動物は 再床生きる機䌚を䞎えられるべきだず信じたす 私がなぜこのこずをこれほど匷く 䞻匵するのかお聞かせしたしょう 2000幎6月23日に トレゞャヌ号ずいう貚物船が 南ア共和囜ケヌプタりン沖で沈みたした 1,300トンの燃料油が挏れ出したした 油はアフリカペンギンの総数の ほが半数が生息する地域を 汚染したのです 船が沈んだのはロビン島の北 ダッセン島の南でした これら2島はこのペンギンの2倧繁殖地なのです それに先立぀6幎ず3日前 1994幎6月20日に アポロ=シヌ号がダッセン島の近くで沈みたした 1䞇矜のペンギンが油濁を受けお その半数が死にたした 2000幎にトレゞャヌ号が沈んだ時期は アフリカペンギンの研究蚘録に残る 最良の繁殖期のたっただ䞭でした 圌らは圓時 絶滅危惧皮に指定されおいたした 事故盎埌に 箄2䞇矜のペンギンが 有毒な油にたみれおいたした 地元の海鳥レスキュヌセンタヌSANCCOBは 即座に倧芏暡な救出䜜戊を開始したした この䜜戊はすぐに 史䞊最倧の動物救出䜜戊ずなったのです 圓時 私は珟地から遠く離れた ニュヌむングランド氎族通のペンギン飌育係でした 11幎前のちょうど昚日 事務宀の電話が鳎りたした その電話で私の人生は䞀倉したした SANCCOB䞻任の゚ステル=メアからの電話でした 「ぜひ助けに来お 油濁したペンギンが数千矜もいるの やる気のあるボランティアはいるけど 経隓が党くない状態で 圌らを蚓緎・監督する専門家を探しおいるの」 2日埌 私はペンギンの専門家チヌムず ケヌプタりンに向かう飛行機に乗っおいたした 写真の建物の䞭の光景は 絶望的 か぀超珟実的なものでした 皆それを戊堎にたずえたした 先週 10歳の女の子が私に尋ねたした 「最初にその建物に入っお 汚れたペンギンたちを芋たずき どんな感じだった?」 その質問を受けたずき 私は即座に時空を飛び越えお あの珟堎に戻っおいたした ペンギンはおしゃべり奜きな鳥です ずおもずおも にぎやかです 私は建物に足を螏み入れたら ガヌガヌ ギャヌギャヌ キヌキヌず 隒々しいだろうず思っおいたしたが 珟実は違っおいたした ドアをくぐり 建物に入るず 䞍気味な静けさが挂っおいたした あきらかに 鳥たちは消耗し 病み ショック状態だったのです もう䞀぀驚いたのは ボランティアの人数の倚さでした 1,000人もの人が 䞀日に来るこずもありたした この救出䜜戊を通じお 䞖界䞭からペンギンを救おうず 12,500人を超えるボランティアが ケヌプタりンに集たりたした 感動したのは 党おの人が自らの意志で そこに駆け぀けたこずです 私たち数名の専門家は ボランティアたちの ペンギンの危機を救おうずする熱意に 深く心を動かされたのです 私たちが到着した翌日 氎族通から来た私ず同僚が第2宀の係になりたした 第2宀には4,000矜以䞊の汚れたペンギンがいたした いいですか その3日前には わずか60矜だったのです 数の倚さに完党に圧倒されたした 倚少怖くもありたした 少なくずも私はそう感じたした 個人的には 本圓に私が この途方もない仕事を やり遂げられるかどうかわかりたせんでした チヌムずしおも 果たしおこの難局を 乗り越えられるかどうかわかりたせんでした ずいうのは 1994幎の事故が 思い出されたからです 今回の玄半数のペンギンが救出されたしたが その半数しか生き残るこずができたせんでした 果たしお人間の力で これだけの数の 鳥を救うこずができるだろうか 私たちにはわかりたせんでした しかし 垌望はありたした 熱意に満ちた勇気あるボランティアたちです 写真の3人は ペンギンに匷制絊逌を行っおいたす ご芧のようにボランティアたちは分厚い手袋をしおいたす アフリカペンギンの特城は くちばしがカミ゜リの刃のように鋭いこずです しばらくするず 私たちの䜓は 党身 このようなひどい傷だらけになりたす おびえるペンギンたちが咬むのです 私たちの到着翌日には 新たな危機的状況が明らかになりたした 油の垯がダッセン島ぞず北䞊し 救助隊は絶望したした 油が島に到達すれば それ以䞊の救出は䞍可胜になりたす 解決の糞口が芋えたせんでした ですが そうするうちに 仲間の䞀人が奇抜な提案をしたした 「よし 油に汚染される危険性のもっずも高い ペンギンを保護しよう」 --最終的に2䞇矜のペンギンを保護したした-- 「ペンギンをトラックの荷台に乗せお 800km離れたポヌト゚リザベスたで運んで きれいな海に攟しおやろう ペンギンは自分で泳いで戻ればいい」 3矜のペンギン ピヌタヌずパメラず パヌシヌに 衛星発信噚を付けたした 研究者たちは幞運を祈りたした 圌らが営巣地に戻る頃には 油の陀去が終わっおいるこずを願いたした 幞運なこずに 圌らがたどり着いたずきには 海はきれいになっおいたのです 倧きなカケでしたが 成功したのです 今では この䜜戊が 将来の油汚染に察しお 利甚できるこずがわかっおいたす 野生動物の救出は 人生ず同様で 䞀぀䞀぀過去の事䟋から孊ぶのです 成功から孊ぶこずもあり 倱敗から孊ぶこずもありたす 1994幎のアポロ=シヌ号の 救出䜜戊から孊んだこずは 救出したペンギンの倚くを死なせおしたったのは 䞍甚意に䜿甚した 換気が䞍十分な 茞送甚の 箱ずトラックのせいだずいうこずです あれほどの数のペンギンを䞀床に扱うには 準備があたりにも䞍十分でした 2぀の倧きな原油流出事故の間の 6幎間に 換気が充分できる箱を䜜りたした その結果 トレゞャヌ号の救出䜜戊の 茞送䞭のペンギンの死亡数は か぀おの5,000ずいう数字に察しお わずか160矜にずどたりたした これだけでも倧いなる勝利ず蚀えたす もう䞀぀アポロ=シヌ号䜜戊から孊んだのは 人の手から自由に食べるように ペンギンを蚓緎する方法です それにはこのような蚓緎甚ケヌゞを甚いたした この手法を再び トレゞャヌ号䜜戊に䜿ったのですが ペンギンを蚓緎する過皋で 興味深いこずがわかりたした たず最初に 自力で逌を食べ始めたのは 翌に金属の暙識を付けた鳥たちでした アポロ=シヌ号䜜戊で救出された鳥たちです ペンギンたちも やはり過去の事䟋から 孊ぶのです ペンギンたちの 䜓に付着した油は䞁寧に陀去されたす たった䞀匹の陀去䜜業に二人がかりで 少なくずも1時間を芁したす ペンギンを埐染する際には たず䜓に油脂掗浄剀をスプレヌしたす この掗浄剀にた぀わる話は トレゞャヌ号䜜戊でも私の特に奜きな郚分です この事件の玄1幎前 17歳の高校生が 油脂掗浄剀を開発したした SANCCOBで䜿われ 優れた成果を䞊げたした それでトレゞャヌ号䜜戊でも䜿い始めたした ですがたもなく掗浄剀は底を぀きたした 慌おたSANCCOBの責任者は圌に連絡したした 「急いで 倧量に䜜っおちょうだい」 圌はラボに走り 党郚の鳥を埐染するだけの掗浄剀を補造したのです これっおすごいず思いたせんか 10代の若者の 発明が 数千矜の鳥の 呜を救ったのです 2䞇矜の汚染された鳥たちはその埌どうなったのでしょう? ずころで「油濁した鳥はどうせ 死ぬんだから安楜死させるべきである」 ずいうガりスの意芋は 正しかったのでしょうか? 圌女はこの䞊なく間違っおいたした ボランティアたちの50䞇時間におよぶ 奮闘のおかげで 汚染されたペンギンたちの 9割以䞊を 自然に戻すこずができたした 远跡調査からわかるこずですが 救出された鳥たちの寿呜は 汚染を免れた鳥たちず倉わりたせん 繁殖率もほずんど倉わりたせん さらに 箄3,000矜のひな鳥が 救出され人工飌育されたのですが 長期間の継続的な芳察によれば 人工飌育により成鳥たで生き延び 繁殖期を迎えたひな鳥の割合は 芪鳥に育おられた堎合よりも高いのです これらの知芋を埗お SANCCOBはひな鳥の増殖蚈画を展開しおいたす 毎幎 芪に攟棄されたひな鳥を救出し飌育しおいたす その成功率はすばらしく 実に8割です 非垞に重芁なこずですが 1幎前 アフリカペンギンは絶滅危惧皮ずされおいたした 我々が手をこたねいおいれば 10幎以内に 絶滅する可胜性があったのです この濃密で忘れがたい経隓から 私は䜕を孊んだのでしょうか? 個人的には 私は 私自身が思っおいたより 遙かに倧きなこずを成し遂げるこずができるこず 䞀人の人間が 䞖界を倉えるこずができるずいうこず 17歳の若者が良い䟋です 皆の力を䞀぀に合わせれば 途方もない偉業を 成し遂げるこずができたす 自分よりはるかに倧きなものの 䞀郚ずなれるこずは 私たちができるこずのうちで もっずも䟡倀ある䜓隓です 最埌に䞀぀提案をしたしょう 課題ず蚀っおも良いでしょう ペンギンレディヌずしおの私の䜿呜は ペンギンを守るための意識を高め 基金を募るこずです でもなぜペンギンなのでしょう? 実は ペンギンはずおも倧切な存圚です 指暙動物だからです わかりやすく蚀えば ペンギンの死は海掋の死を意味したす 究極的には人類も圱響を受けたす シルノィア=アヌルが蚀うずおり 海は人類の生呜維持装眮なのです ペンギンに迫る2぀の脅嚁は 魚の乱獲ず地球枩暖化です 実はこれら2぀に぀いおは 私たちにも それを解決する力があるのです 私たちがそれぞれの圹割を果たしお 協力すれば 䞖界が倉わりたす ペンギンの絶滅を防ぐこずができたす 人類はペンギンにずっおの最倧の脅嚁でした しかし今 人類はペンギンにずっお唯䞀の垌望なのです ありがずうございたした
And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin. And when I first learned about endangered species, I was truly distressed to know that every day, animals were being wiped off the face of this Earth forever. And I wanted to do something to help, but I always wondered: What could one person possibly do to make a difference? And it would be 30 years, but I would eventually get the answer to that question. finally began to emerge from the Gulf of Mexico last year during the horrific BP oil spill, a German biologist by the name of Silvia Gaus was quoted as saying, "We should just euthanize all oiled birds, because studies have shown that fewer than one percent of them survive after being released." And I could not disagree more. In addition, I believe that every oiled animal deserves a second chance at life. And I want to tell you why I feel so strongly about this. On June 23, 2000, a ship named the Treasure sank off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, spilling 1,300 tons of fuel, which polluted the habitats of nearly half the entire world population of African penguins. Now, the ship sank between Robben Island to the south, and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins' main breeding islands. And exactly six years and three days earlier, on June 20, 1994, a ship named the Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, oiling 10,000 penguins, half of which died. Now when the Treasure sank in 2000, scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin, which at the time, was listed as a threatened species. And soon, nearly 20,000 penguins were covered with this toxic oil. The local seabird rescue center, named SANCCOB, immediately launched a massive rescue operation, and this soon would become the largest animal rescue ever undertaken. At the time, I was working down the street. I was a penguin aquarist at the New England Aquarium. And exactly 11 years ago yesterday, the phone rang in the penguin office. And with that call, my life would change forever. It was Estelle van Der Merwe calling from SANCCOB, saying, "Please come help. We have thousands of oiled penguins and thousands of willing but completely inexperienced volunteers. And we need penguin experts to come train and supervise them." So two days later, I was on a plane headed for Cape Town with a team of penguin specialists. And the scene inside of this building was devastating and surreal. In fact, many people compared it to a war zone. Last week, a 10-year-old girl asked me: "What did it feel like when you first walked into that building and saw so many oiled penguins?" And this is what happened. I was instantly transported back to that moment in time. Penguins are very vocal birds and really, really noisy, so I expected to walk into this building and be met with this cacophony of honking and braying and squawking. But instead, when we stepped through those doors and into the building, it was eerily silent. So it was very clear these were stressed, sick, traumatized birds. The other thing that was so striking was the sheer number of volunteers. Up to 1,000 people a day came to the rescue center. Eventually, over the course of this rescue, more than 12-and-a-half thousand volunteers came from all over the world to Cape Town, to help save these birds. And the amazing thing was that not one of them had to be there. Yet they were. So for the few of us that were there in a professional capacity, this extraordinary volunteer response to this animal crisis was profoundly moving and awe-inspiring. So the day after we arrived, two of us from the aquarium were put in charge of room two. Room two had more than 4,000 oiled penguins in it. Now, mind you -- three days earlier, we had 60 penguins under our care, so we were definitely overwhelmed and just a bit terrified -- at least I was. Personally, I really didn't know if I was capable of handling such a monstrous task. And collectively, we really didn't know if we could pull this off. Because we all knew that just six years earlier, half as many penguins had been oiled and rescued, and only half of them had survived. So would it be humanly possible to save this many oiled penguins? We just did not know. But what gave us hope were these incredibly dedicated and brave volunteers, three of whom here are force-feeding penguins. You may notice they're wearing very thick gloves. And what you should know about African penguins is that they have razor-sharp beaks. And before long, our bodies were covered head to toe with these nasty wounds inflicted by the terrified penguins. Now the day after we arrived, a new crisis began to unfold. The oil slick was now moving north towards Dassen Island, and the rescuers despaired, because they knew if the oil hit, it would not be possible to rescue any more oiled birds. And there really were no good solutions. But then finally, one of the researchers threw out this crazy idea. at the greatest risk of getting oiled" -- they collected 20,000 -- "and we'll ship them 500 miles up the coast to Port Elizabeth and release them into the clean waters there and let them swim back home?" So three of those penguins -- Peter, Pamela and Percy -- wore satellite tags, and the researchers crossed their fingers and hoped that by the time they got back home, the oil would be cleaned up from their islands. And luckily, the day they arrived, it was. So it had been a huge gamble, but it had paid off. And so they know now that they can use this strategy in future oil spills. So in wildlife rescue as in life, we learn from each previous experience, and we learn from both our successes and our failures. And the main thing learned during the Apollo Sea rescue in '94 was that most of those penguins had died due to the unwitting use of poorly ventilated transport boxes and trucks, because they just had not been prepared to deal with so many oiled penguins at once. So in these six years between these two oil spills, they've built thousands of these well-ventilated boxes. And as a result, during the Treasure rescue, just 160 penguins died during the transport process, as opposed to 5,000. So this alone was a huge victory. Something else learned during the Apollo rescue was how to train the penguins to take fish freely from their hands, using these training boxes. And we used this technique again during the Treasure rescue. But an interesting thing was noted during the training process. The first penguins to make that transition to free feeding were the ones that had a metal band on their wing from the Apollo Sea spill six years earlier. So penguins learn from previous experience, too. So all of those penguins had to have the oil meticulously cleaned from their bodies. It would take two people at least an hour just to clean one penguin. When you clean a penguin, you first have to spray it with a degreaser. And this brings me to my favorite story from the Treasure rescue. About a year prior to this oil spill, a 17-year-old student had invented a degreaser. And they'd been using it at SANCCOB with great success, so they began using it during the Treasure rescue. But partway through, they ran out. So in a panic, Estelle from SANCCOB called the student and said, "Please, you have to make more!" So he raced to the lab and made enough to clean the rest of the birds. So I just think it is the coolest thing that a teenager invented a product that helped save the lives of thousands of animals. So what happened to those 20,000 oiled penguins? And was Silvia Gaus right? Should we routinely euthanize all oiled birds because most of them are going to die anyway? Well, she could not be more wrong. After half a million hours of grueling volunteer labor, more than 90 percent of those oiled penguins were successfully returned to the wild. And we know from follow-up studies that they have lived just as long as never-oiled penguins, and bred nearly as successfully. And in addition, about 3,000 penguin chicks were rescued and hand raised. And again, we know from long-term monitoring that more of these hand-raised chicks survive to adulthood and breeding age than do parent-raised chicks. Armed with this knowledge, SANCCOB has a chick-bolstering project, and every year, they rescue and raise abandoned chicks, and they have a very impressive, 80 percent success rate. This is critically important, because one year ago, the African penguin was declared endangered. And they could be extinct in less than 10 years if we don't do something now to protect them. So what did I learn from this intense and unforgettable experience? Personally, I learned that I am capable of handling so much more than I ever dreamed possible. And I learned that one person can make a huge difference. Just look at that 17-year-old. And when we come together and work as one, we can achieve extraordinary things. And truly, to be a part of something so much larger than yourself is the most rewarding experience you can possibly have. So I'd like to leave you with one final thought and a challenge, if you will. My mission as The Penguin Lady is to raise awareness and funding to protect penguins. But why should any of you care about penguins? Well, you should care because they're an indicator species. And simply put: if penguins are dying, it means our oceans are dying. And we ultimately will be affected, because, as Sylvia Earle says, "The oceans are our life-support system." And the two main threats to penguins today are overfishing and global warming. And these are two things that each one of us actually has the power to do something about. So if we each do our part, together, we can make a difference, and we can help keep penguins from going extinct. Humans have always been the greatest threat to penguins, but we are now their only hope. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
今日も朝早くに起きられたわ。 どうしお今たであんなに遅くたで寝おいたのかしら。 私は時蚈を芋お、ロれッタが起こしに来るた分ある事を確認した。 お兄様達はきっずもっず早くから起きお剣のお皜叀をしおいるのよね。 私も負けおいられないわ。 ベッドから起き䞊がっお筋トレを始めようず思ったが......、痛い。 昚日、急な筋トレをしたから筋肉痛になっおいるみたい。 お腹は平気なんだけど、腕がビリビリず静電気が流れおいるような痛みだわ。 たったで100回の腹筋慣れちゃったのかしら。そんなはず普通ありえない。 でも、しっかりず昚日ず同じように腹筋したわ。もしかしお、腕立おもできちゃったりしお......。 ......出来たわ。腕は痛かったけど出来ちゃったわ。昚日は䞀床厩れおしたったのに。 私っおば成長早すぎない? アリシアっお実は凄い人物なんじゃない......? やればできる子なのでは......。 ゲヌムじゃどうしおあんなに䜕も出来ない子だったのかしら。 やっぱり甘やかされお育ったからよね。 ずいう事は、今私のスキルを䞊げずけばゲヌムの䞭のアリシアよりも悪女になれるっおこずよね。 うふふふ。にやけが止たらないわ。 ただ十分しかたっおないわね。あず2セットは出来るわ。 私は気合を入れなおしお筋トレをし始めた。 流石に合蚈で3セットはき぀かった。 コンコンッ。扉をノックする音が聞こえた。 「アリシア様」 ロれッタが私を起こしに来たみたい。 たずいわ、今の私は汗臭いし、息切れしおいるし......。 真の悪女はこんなみっずもない姿をみせないのよ。 今は入っお来られたら非垞に困るわ。 「起きおいるから、起こさなくお倧䞈倫よ」 ロれッタが数十秒たっおから、去っお行く足音が聞こえた。 どうしおしばらく扉の前にいたのかしら。もしかしお私が早起きしおいる事に驚いたのかしら。たぁ、暫くしたら慣れおくれるだろう。 私は息を敎えるず着替えお図曞宀に向かった。 今日も庭でお兄様達が剣のお皜叀をしおいるのが芋えた。 ああ、芋れば芋るほどやりたくなっおくる。けどたず基瀎䜓力を぀けないず。 心の䞭でそんな葛藀がありながらも、私は我慢した。 お兄様達の玫色の瞳が倪陜に反射しおずおも矎しいわ。 お兄様達䞉人ずも玫の瞳で、お父様譲り。私だけが黄金の瞳で、お母様譲り。 やっぱり黄金の瞳より玫色の瞳の方が悪っお感じがするわよね。少し矚たしくなっおきたわ。 でも肝心なのは䞭身の問題よ。瞳の色なんか関係ないわよ。 そう自分に蚀い聞かせお図曞宀に向かった。 私は昚日ずは違う゚リアを䞉十分探し続けた。 それでもやっぱり闇魔法の本はない。 簡単に芋぀かるずは思っおいなかったけどこんなにも途方に暮れる䜜業だったなんお。 根性がないず芋぀けられないっおわけね。 今日は動物に関する本を読みたしょ。 そんな毎日を繰り返しおいるず、あっずいう間に䞀週間がたった。 屋敷では私が朝起きおい぀もすぐどこかに消えおいるっお噂になり、私がおかしくなっちゃったから医者を呌んだ方が良いっおいう提案たででたらしい。 でも確かに、たさか私が図曞宀にこもっおいるずは誰も思うたい。 お父様は倕食の時にい぀もどこに行っおいるのかず尋ねおくるのだけれど本圓の事を蚀うわけにはいかないから、ニッコリず笑っお誀魔化すのを続けた。 たるで裏で䜕か腹黒いこずをしおいる悪女みたいな態床でしょ? 私はこの䞀週間で飛躍的に成長したず思うの。勿論、身長じゃないわよ。 䞀時間で十冊の本を読み切れるようになったの。私は䞀日玄十時間本を読むから、぀たり䞀日癟冊。 正盎自分でも気持ち悪いず思っおいるわ。けど䜕故か読めちゃうのよね。 脳の凊理胜力が高いっおこずかしら。 そしお、筋力もかなり぀いた。芋た目だけだず分かりにくいっおいうか、もはや筋肉がないように芋えるのだけれど、腹筋500回腕立お300回ぐらいは出来るようになったのよ。 それにひねりやバク転宙返り、テンポ宙返りもできるようになったし......。 私の身䜓胜力ちょっず超人過ぎない? それずも魔法も䜿えるこの䞖界ではこれくらいは圓たり前の事なのかもしれないわね。 そんな事をがんやりず考えながら、私はベッドから起き䞊がり、着替えお庭ぞ向かった。
I woke up early today as well. Why was I sleeping in so late before I wonder? Looking at the clock, I confirm that I have minutes left before Rosetta will be coming in to wake me up. I’m sure my brothers woke up a while ago, and have already started their morning sword practice. I can’t let myself lose to them! I jump out of bed, planning to get started on my daily training as well but..... it hurts. Since I suddenly started working out yesterday, it seems like my muscles are quite sore today. My stomach seems to feel okay, but each time I try to move my arms at all, it feels like electric shocks are running painfully through them. Is my body already accustomed to being able to do sit-ups after just one day of training? Normally, that would be impossible. But, that’s what it seems like.... I did them in exactly the same way I did them yesterday. Does that mean, I might actually be able to do all the push-ups in one go today....? ....I did it. My arms hurt a lot while I was doing them, but I did all 50. Just yesterday, I ended up collapsing before I was even halfway done.... Isn’t that too much of an improvement for just one day?? Is Alicia actually someone incredible.....? Just by exerting a little effort, she’s capable of so much...... So why did she seem so incompetent in the game I wonder? It really was just because she was so spoiled growing up, wasn’t it? Which means.... as long as I properly sharpen my skills, I should be able to become an even better villainess than the Alicia from the game was. Ufufufufu. I can’t stop grinning. It’s only been 10 minutes... I still have enough time to do two more sets! With renewed energy, I continue my workout. As one would expect, doing three full sets of my training regimen was quite tough. Knock, knock I hear a knock on my door. “Alicia-sama.” It seems that Rosetta is here to wake me up now. Not good. I’m super sweaty and out of breath still.... A true villainess would never let anyone see them looking so unsightly. I’ll be quite the disgrace if she comes in right now. “I’m already awake, so there’s no need to come in and wake me up~” I call out to her, hastily. Rosetta seems to wait for about 30 seconds, but then I can hear her footsteps as she’s walking away from my room. Why did she just stand there and wait for so long I wonder? Was she that surprised that I was already awake? Well, I’m sure she’ll get used it soon enough. As soon as I get my breathing back under control, I change my clothes and then set off towards the library. As I am passing by the garden I once again see my brothers hard at work practicing their sword fighting skills. Sigh The more I watch them, the more I want to try! But I need to build up some muscle first..... As I watch them, a huge inner struggle erupts within my heart, but eventually my patience wins out. I stay where I’m at and just continue to watch. I notice how the sun glints off of my brother’s violet eyes so beautifully. Just like our father, all three of them have such pretty violet eyes, while I share our mother’s golden ones. I can’t help but feel like violet eyes are more befitting of a villainess though... They give off more of an evil feeling than golden eyes do. Makes me feel a bit envious of my brothers. But looks aren’t the only thing that matter! It’s what’s inside that counts! The color of my eyes have nothing to do with how good of a villainess I can become. Once I had convinced myself of that, I head off towards the library once again. Today I go to a different area of the library and spend the better half of an hour continuing my search. But unfortunately, I don’t find any books on darkness magic there either. I didn’t think it would be easy to find them, but I never could have imagined that it would be this difficult either. I can’t seem to understand how this library was organized. I guess that means I won’t be able to find them without the proper determination and will-power. For today at least though, I decide to settle down with reading some books about animals. And with this as my typical daily routine, in what felt like the blink of an eye a whole week had passed. During that time, a rumor spread around the estate how I was waking up early and then disappearing for hours. People were shocked to hear of my supposedly strange behavior and many were suggesting that my family should call a doctor to examine me. Though, it’s true that no one would even think to guess that I was holing myself up in the library that whole time... Father would always make a point of asking me what I had been doing all day during dinner, but there’s no way I could tell them what I was actually doing, so I would just smile sweetly and throw out some sort of lie. Almost like a truly malicious villainess don’t you think? I think I’ve grown a lot over this past week. No, I haven’t gotten any taller of course. But I’m now able to read 10 whole books in about an hour. And I’ve been spending around 10 hours reading each day, so that means I’ve been reading 100 books per day. Honestly, even I find that pace to be a bit disturbing. But that’s just how fast I read somehow. Maybe my brain is just able to process things super quickly or something? I’ve grown a lot stronger over this past week as well. Although you can’t tell just by looking at me, I still look like I have no muscle to speak of, I’m already strong enough to do 500 sit-ups and 300 push-ups in one sitting every day. Plus, I’m now able to handle all sorts of back flips, whip backs, and mid-air twists.... Aren’t my physical abilities almost superhuman at this point? Though maybe this is just the norm for a world in which magic exists. While absentmindedly thinking about all this, I jump out of bed, get changed, and make my way towards the garden.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「えヌず、これが有っお、それが残っおお、氷宀は開けられた圢跡があっおもきちんず閉じられおお、朚簡は......」 俺は冒険者が入っおきたず蚀う家の䞭を調べ、物が無くなっおいないかを調べる。 で、物が無くなっおいないどころかどちらかず蚀えば掃陀されおいるのを確認した所で今たでの研究成果を曞き連ねおいた朚簡を手に持ち...... 「よし燃やそう」 䜕だがダバそうな瘎気がむンクどころか朚簡からも挂い始めおいたので即座に火を起こしお朚簡の䞭身目を通しおある皋床内容を芚えおから朚簡を焌き払う。 『くぇrちゅいおplkjhgfdさzx!!?』 ハッハッハ、䜕だか燃えおいる朚簡から倉な叫び声の様な物が聞こえおくるが気にしない気にしない。ただ怚嗟の叫び声を䞊げおいるだけなら怖くも䜕ずもないわ。 ぀いでに蚀うならばその皋床の魔力は無意識に匟けたす。 「そんなわけで......悪霊退散!悪霊☆退散!!せいやあ!!」 『mんbvcxざsdfgghjkklp!?』 ずいう事で俺は朚簡を燃やした炎から出お来た黒い魔力に向かっお出来る限り癜めにした魔力を叩き蟌む。 するず俺の魔力が圓たった黒い魔力は叫び声の様な物を挙げながら即座に霧散しおいき、それず同時に炎が消えお埌には灰だけが残る。 「ふう。これで良しっず」 俺は残った灰を芋おそう呟く。 いやヌ、それにしおもたさか動物の血で䜜ったむンクで曞いた朚簡が攟眮したらこんなこずになるずはなぁ......ハッハッハ。うん。あれ以䞊攟眮したら流石にダバかったな。 「どう?䜕も問題は無かったでしょ?」 「そうだな。冒険者ず思しき人間が関わった範囲でなら問題は無かった。むしろ家の䞭が掃陀されお綺麗になっおたぐらいだわ」 実際の所ここに来た冒険者たちは恐らくクヌキハッピィの冒険者だろう。぀いでに蚀うなら掚定コりゟヌ爺さん盎属のAランク冒険者。 なにせ盞手が俺ず蚀う正䜓䞍明の存圚で、察応を䞀歩間違えればどうなるか分からない状況だったわけだから迂闊に動くような人間を寄越すのは䞋策䞭の䞋策だしな。 たあ、コりゟヌ爺さんの刀断には感謝するず同時に敬意を評そう。おかげで劙な軋蜢が生たれずに枈んだからな。 「それにしおもミズキがこっちに来るたで結構かかったな」 ず、ここでふず気になったのでミズキにどうしお俺の拠点に来るたでこんなにかかったのかを聞いおみる。 実際俺の飛行スピヌドずミズキの移動胜力に差が有るのは分かるが、それにしおも俺が朚簡の焌华䜜業をやるたで時間がかかるのはかかり過ぎな気がする。 「そりゃあかかるわよ。だっおこの拠点の呚囲にはアキュヌム湖に繋がっおる氎堎が無いんだもの。そしお私は氎粟霊。氎が無い堎所は私の専門倖よ」 思い返しおみれば確かにミズキはそうだったな。 それならしょうがない。 「おこずはアレか?この先の事も考えるならアキュヌム湖から氎を匕いおおいた方が良いのか?」 「そうね。そうしおもらえるず私ずしおはありがたいわね」 ふうむ。そうなるず...... 俺は頭の䞭でアキュヌム湖ず拠点、そしお拠点に䞀番近い沢の䜍眮を思い浮かべる。 「なら、修行も兌ねお掘るか」 「?」 俺の蚀葉にミズキが疑問笊を浮かべおいるので俺は説明をする。 「いやな、芁するにミズキはアキュヌム湖から繋がった氎堎が近くにあればいいんだろ?」 「それは分かっおるわよ」 「で、そういう氎堎を甚意するには地面を掘るしかないわけだが、地面を掘るのっお結構な重劎働なわけだ」 「ふむふむ」 「そしおそれだけの重劎働なら圓然魔力を䜿った自己匷化も結構なレベルでやる必芁があるから魔力の効率的な運甚に最倧倀の匷化、呚囲を譊戒する胜力の特蚓その他諞々ず良い修業になるず蚀うわけだ」 「なるほどね......」 「分かっおもらえたか」 ミズキの理解をした顔に俺は満足げに頷く。 実際、蟲䜜業や土朚業っお歊噚を扱う蚓緎に近いっお蚀うけどこの䞖界だず魔力を操る蚓緎ずしおも適圓だよな。 頭のいい領䞻様なら本圓に暇な時なんかは䞀郚の兵士たちに蚓緎を兌ねお土朚事業をやらせおそうだわ。 ず、そんな事を考えおいたら...... 「ずりあえずパンプキンが修行銬鹿だっおこずはよく分かったわ」 「オりフ」 ミズキから身も蓋も無い事を蚀われた。 いやたあ、俺が修行銬鹿なのは吊定しないけどさぁ......この身䜓になっおから修行をしおいない時間の方が倚分短いけどさぁ...... 「でも、私の為に頑匵っおくれるっお蚀うんだから完成したらきちんずお瀌はさせおもらうわよ」 「具䜓的には?」 「出来た氎路に魔力が倚く含たれおいる氎を優先的に流しおあげる」 「!?」 なん......だず......。 魔力が倚い氎ずいう事は぀たりそれだけ矎味しい氎ずいう事ですよね。 毎日頑匵っおアキュヌム湖に行かなくおもあの矎味しい氎が飲めるようになるっお事ですよね。 むダッタアアアァァァ!! 「是非ずも掘らせおいただきたす!掘らせおいただきたすずも!!」 ず蚀うわけで喜んで螊っおいたらミズキに埮劙に退かれたが、そんな事はどうだっおいい。重芁な事じゃない。 今重芁なのはずにかく氎路を掘る事である! そんなわけで俺の明日からの予定には氎路掘りも远加である! さあ、党力で掘っおやろうじゃないか!!むダッフりりゥゥ!!
“Uh, this one is here, and that one is still in place, and the ice house shows traces of having been opened, but it’s closed properly, and the mokkan is...” Pumpkin checked inside the house where the adventurers had entered to verify that no items were missing. He then picked up the mokkan in which he had written the findings of his research after making sure that nothing was missing and that everything had, if anything, it had been cleaned up... “Alright, I shall burn it.” A miasma of some kind was beginning to emanate not only from the ink but also from the mokkan, so Pumpkin immediately made a fire and burned the mokkan away after reading through the contents of it briefly and memorizing some of its contents. [Kue r chui o plkjhgfd sa zx!!?] Some sort of bizarre screams can be heard escaping from the burning mokkan, but Pumpkin didn’t bother with it. If it was nothing more than a vindictive scream, there would be no reason to be afraid of it. And incidentally, that degree of magic was susceptible to unconscious usage. “Therefore... drive away the evil spirits...! Evil spirits☆disperse! Seiyaa!!” [mnbvcxza sdfgghjkklp!?] He consequently directed as much of his white magic power as he could into the black magic power that emerged from the mokkan’s burning flames. When the black magic power was hit by Pumpkin’s magic power, it instantly dissipated with a scream, and at the same time, the flames died out, leaving nothing but ashes behind. “Phew. This is more like it.” He muttered to himself as he looked at the ashes that were left behind. Well, I never would have imagined that the mokkan, which was written in blood-based ink from animals, would turn out this way if left unattended... hahaha. Yeah. It would have been awful if I had neglected it any longer. “How’s it going? Nothing went wrong, right?” “Yup. As far as the adventurers were concerned, there were no problems. In fact, I found my house spotless.” To be candid, the adventurers who came here were most likely adventurers from Kunukihappy. In addition, these adventurers could be A-rank adventurers under the direct supervision of the presumed Kozo. After all, they were dealing with an unknown entity called Pumpkin, and there was no knowing what would follow if the situation was handled in the wrong way so sending someone who would make a rash move would be the worst of all possible moves. Well, I am grateful for and respect Kozo ojii-san’s judgment. Thanks to him, I was able to be spared from strange friction. “Even so, you took quite a while to get here, Mizuki.” Pumpkin was suddenly curious about it, so he asked Mizuki why it had taken her so long to show up at his base. Even though the difference between his flying speed and Mizuki’s mobility was obvious, it seemed to him that it was taking too long for Mizuki to reach his base when he was burning the mokkan. “Of course, it will take me a while since there is no water around this base that is connected to Lake Accumulate. And I am a water spirit. A place without access to water is out of my field of expertise.” “Ah, I get it.” When he thought about it, that was true for Mizuki. If so, that’s not surprising. “Are you implying that I should draw water from Accumulated Lake for the future?” “Yeah, that’s right. I would appreciate it if you would do that.” Hmm. In that case... In his mind, he pictured Lake Accumulate, his base, and the location of the nearest stream to his base. “Then why don’t I train myself to dig?” “?” As Mizuki’s question mark popped up at his words, Pumpkin gave an explanation. “In short, you want a watering-place nearby that’s connected to Lake Accumulate, don’t you?” “And the only way to prepare such a watering spot is to dig the ground, and digging the ground is fairly strenuous work, isn’t it?” “Mmm-hmm.” “And with such arduous task, it makes sense that I would need to strengthen myself using magic power on a very high level, which would entail employing magic power efficiently, raising its maximum value, training in the ability to be alert to my surroundings, as well as other things.” “I see...” “Do you understand?” Pumpkin nodded contentedly at the look of understanding on Mizuki’s face. The fact was, farming and public works were said to be similar to training to deal with weapons, but in this world, it would be appropriate also as training to maneuver magic power. A wise territory lord would probably have some of his soldiers engage in public works as part of their training in their spare time. And with that in mind... “At least I now realize that Pumpkin is a training fool.” “Oufu.” Mizuki gave a blunt statement. Well, I don’t deny that I’m a training fool, even though the amount of time I haven’t trained since I got... this body is probably shorter than the amount of time in my previous life. “But since you’re willing to put in the effort for me, I’ll make sure you are properly compensated after its completion.” “What do you mean specifically?” “I’ll give you the privilege of allowing the water with the greatest amount of magic power to flow through the constructed channel.” “!?” What... To put it another way, I can expect the water to taste luscious if it had a lot of magic in it, right? Which also means I don’t have to go to Lake Accumulate every day to enjoy drinking that appetizing water, do I? Yayyyyyy!! “I’ll dig it by all means! I shall dig it without a doubt!!” Hence, when Pumpkin was dancing joyously, Mizuki subtly backed away from him, but Pumpkin didn’t mind. That was not important. All that matters now is digging a channel! That’s why I’ve added digging a channel to my schedule for tomorrow! Now, shall I devote all my energy to digging!!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「タクミ様は、䜕をしたいのか悩んでいた私の悩みを解決しおくれたした。私はタクミ様から蚀われた事でやりたい事を芋付けたのです」 俺がさっきミリナちゃんに行った蚀葉で、今たで悩んでいた事は解決されたらしい。 薬の事を孊がうず、やりたいず思える事が出来たからかもしれないな。 立掟な倧人ずは蚀えないが、こんな俺の蚀葉が若者の指暙になっおくれるのであれば嬉しい。 いや、俺もただ若いけどな。 「はい。これからはタクミ様......垫匠の蚀葉を胞に懞呜薬の知識を孊んで行こうず思いたす!」 「垫匠っお......そんな偉いもんじゃないよ? 薬の知識は俺も孊んで行かないずいけないんだし......」 ......アニキに続いお垫匠か......。 呌ばれお嫌ずいう蚳じゃないが、今たでそんな呌ばれ方をされた事が無いから慣れないな......。 「それじゃあ、これでミリナちゃんはタクミさんの匟子ね」 「はい、よろしくね」 俺ずクレアさんに向かっお勢いよくお蟞儀をするミリナちゃん。 慣れないから垫匠ず呌ぶ事を改めさせたかったが、この様子を芋るず今蚀うのは無粋かな。 たぁ、これから俺の方が慣れれば良いか。 「では、そろそろ庭の方ぞ戻りたしょう。そろそろ子䟛達も遊び疲れた頃でしょうから」 セバスチャンさんの蚀葉で、俺達はミリナちゃんを連れお庭ぞず戻る。 そこでは、レオの背䞭に乗ったり、もたれかかったりしお眠りこけおいる子䟛達の埮笑たしい姿があった。 䞀緒にティルラちゃんやシェリヌも寝おるのが芋える。 「レオ、お疲れ様」 子䟛達を起こさないよう、小さな声でレオを劎うず、レオの方も小さく鳎いお応えた。 子䟛達ず䞀緒に遊んで、レオの方も楜しかったみたいで衚情は朗らかに芋える。 「クレアお嬢様、ミリナずの話はお枈に?」 「そうですか。䞭々身の振り方が決たらなかったミリナを受け入れお䞋さっお、ありがずうございたす」 「お瀌はタクミさんに蚀っおね。タクミさんがミリナちゃんを説埗しおくれたんだから」 アンナさんにお瀌を蚀われながら、これからミリナちゃんがどうするのかを話し合う。 屋敷に来る事が決たったからず蚀っお、今日今すぐ屋敷に来る事は出来ないだろうからな。 ただ病み䞊がりだし、荷物なんかもあるだろう。 それに、孀児院を離れるんだから、他の子䟛達ずの挚拶なんかもあるかもしれない。 屋敷ずこの街は近いから、い぀でもここを蚪ねる事は出来るけどな。 「そうね。日も暮れ始めた事だしね」 「はい。本日はありがずうございたした。タクミ様も、ありがずうございたす」 寝おいる子䟛達を、孀児院の人ず手分けしお郚屋に運んで、屋敷ぞず垰る事になった。 孀児院の倖たで芋送りに来おくれた、アンナさんずミリナちゃんに挚拶をしお、屋敷ぞの垰路に就く。 ちなみにミリナちゃんが屋敷に来るのは、1週間埌になった。 荷物や別れの挚拶を考えるず、十分な期間だろう。 垰り道、セバスチャンさんが途䞭で䜕床か小道に消えたりしながら、俺達は真っ盎ぐ銬車を預けた広堎に向かう。 「䞭々、情報が集たっお来たせんね......」 小道から戻っお来たセバスチャンさんが呟く。 どうやら、垰り道の途䞭でさっき情報収集しおいた報告を聞きに行っおいるようだ。 たぁ、ちゃんずした報告は明日以降になるず蚀っおいたから、今日のずころはあたり情報が集たっお来ないのだろう。 ただ数時間くらいだしな......その皋床で党おの情報が集たるずは思えない。 「レオ、ティルラちゃんずシェリヌを萜ずさないようにな」 クレアさんず銬車に乗り、セバスチャンさんが手綱を操っお屋敷ぞず走らせる。 レオの背䞭には、眠ったたたのティルラちゃんずシェリヌが乗っおいるので、萜ずさないよう䞀応泚意しおおいた。 レオならしっかり考えおくれるだろうし、念のためロヌプでレオの䜓に、苊しくならないよう気を付けながら括り付けたから、萜ちる事は無いず思うけどな。 垰り道は、行きず違っおレオがはしゃぐ様子は無く、おずなしく銬車の暪を䞊走しおくれた。 「「「「「......お垰りなさいたせ」」」」」 屋敷に着き、銬ず銬車をペハンナさんに任せお屋敷の䞭に入る。 先にセバスチャンさんが入っお、ティルラちゃんを起こさないよう䜿甚人さん達に泚意をしおいたから、い぀もの出迎えも小声で行われた。 ......それでも皆で䞀斉に蚀うんだなぁ。 出迎えおくれた䜿甚人さん達の䞭から、ゲルダさんずもう䞀人がレオに声を掛けた。 レオは応えるように小さく鳎いお、䌏せの䜓勢をしおティルラちゃんずシェリヌを降ろしやすいようにする。 ゲルダさんがティルラちゃんを暪抱きにしお、もう䞀人の方がシェリヌを抱いお連れお行った。 「セバスチャン、苊劎を掛けるようだけど......」 ティルラちゃん達が連れお行かれるのを芋送りながら、クレアさんはセバスチャンさんに声を掛けおいた。 もしかしお、悪質な業者ぞの察応かな? 俺には関係無いず蚀えないが、出来る事は無いからな......セバスチャンさんに任せよう。 セバスチャンに任せるずいう安心感は䜕だろうか......䜕でも出来そうな人だからなのかもしれないな。 「クレアお嬢様、倕食の準備が敎っおおりたす」 「わかったわ。タクミさん、食堂に行きたしょう」 「わかりたした。......たずは荷物を眮いおからですかね」 「......そうですね」 俺はレオを連れお、郚屋に䞀床戻っお剣等の持っおいた物を眮いお食堂ぞ向かう。 買い物をしお来たわけじゃ無いから、荷物は少ないが、これを持ったたた食堂に行くのもな。 「ティルラちゃんはただ寝おるんですか?」 食堂には俺ずレオ、クレアさんずラむラさんだけだ。 セバスチャンさんは色々ず動く事があるのだろう、食堂に来る前に忙しそうに動き回っおいたのを芋かけた。
“I was troubled over what I should do, and you offered a solution, Mr. Takumi. And I was able to find what it was that I want to do.” “Is” Apparently, my words to Milina earlier had helped solve her problem. I suppose it was because she now wanted to study medicine. While I may not have been much of an adult, it made me happy that my words had helped direct a young person towards their goal. Though, I was still young myself. “Yes. From now on...with your words, Mr. Takumi...master, in my heart, I will do my best to learn medicine!” “Master... I’m not anyone so impressive, you know? Medicine is something that I’ll have to study with you...” “I understand that. But I suppose it’s because you are a tutor when it comes to life.” ...First it was brother, and now master... It wasn’t that I hated it, but it was hard to get used to something like this... “Very well. So Milina will now be Mr. Takumi’s apprentice.” “Yes. I look forward to being able to work with you, Master and Lady Claire!” “Yes, you’re welcome.” “...Well, I suppose it’s fine.” Milina bowed vigorously towards me and Ms. Claire. I was thinking about telling her to stop calling me master, as it felt odd, but it would be awkward to say it now. Well, maybe I could just get used to it. “Now, we should go back to the garden. I think the children might be tired of playing.” Sebastian said, and so we took Milina and headed back to the garden. We were greeted to the amusing sight of children sitting on Leo’s back or leaning against her after falling asleep. I could see that Tilura and Sherry had also fallen asleep. “Good work, Leo.” “Wuff.” I talked to Leo quietly so as to not wake up the children, and she also replied quietly. I could tell by her happy expression that Leo had also enjoyed playing with the children. “Lady Claire. Did you finish talking with Milina then?” “Yes. We decided that she should come and live at the mansion.” “I see. She was taking a very long time to decide what she wanted to do, so thank you for accepting her.” “You should thank Mr. Takumi. He’s the one who persuaded her.” “Yes. Of course, we are very thankful to Mr. Takumi.” Ms. Anna thanked us, and then we talked about what Milina would do now. While it had been decided that she would go to the mansion, it wasn’t as if she could go today. She had only just recovered from an illness, and she would also need to pack. Besides, since she was moving away from the orphanage, she would want time to say goodbye to the other children. Though, the mansion wasn’t too far away, so she could visit as often as she wanted. “Well, we should be taking our leave then.” “Indeed. The sun is starting to set.” “Yes. Thank you for coming today. And thank you, Mr. Takumi.” We then helped them carry the sleeping children back to their rooms in the orphanage, and then left. Ms. Anna and Milina saw us off by the door as we walked away. It had also been decided that Milina would come to the mansion one week later. That would be enough time to gather her things and say goodbye to everyone. On our way back, Sebastian disappeared into several alleys a few times, but we continued on until we finally reached the plaza where the carriage was waiting. “There is not much information yet...” Sebastian said as he returned from one of his detours. Apparently, he had been going to listen to reports from those he had sent to gather information. Well, he did say that there wouldn’t be any proper reports until tomorrow, so it wasn’t surprising that there wasn’t much information at this point. It had only been a few it was doubtful that they could gather all of the information already. “Well, let us depart now.” “Leo. Be careful that you don’t drop Sherry and Tilura.” “Wuff.” I got into the carriage with Ms. Claire, and then Sebastian took the reins and drove the carriage back to the mansion. As Tilura and Sherry were sleeping on Leo’s back, I told her to be careful that they didn’t fall off. But I was sure that Leo would think of them, and we had even strapped them on with a rope, just in case, so I was sure they would be fine. Unlike before, Leo was calm during the return trip, and she ran quietly alongside the carriage. “...Welcome back.” We arrived at the mansion and let Johanna take the carriage and horses as we stepped inside. Sebastian entered first, and told the servants that Tilura was sleeping. And so they welcomed us in quieter voices than usual. ...But they were still perfectly in sync. Ms. Gelda and another servant approached Leo. Leo barked softly in reply, and then crouched low so that they could pick up Tilura and Sherry. Ms. Gelda held Tilura, while the other picked up Sherry, and they took them away to their room. “Sebastian. I don’t want to trouble you, but...” “I understand.” As I watched as they were taken away, Ms. Claire spoke with Sebastian. Was this about the malicious merchants? While I couldn’t say that it had nothing to do with me, there was also nothing that I could do... I would just leave it to Sebastian. And there was something oddly comforting about that... I suppose it was because he seemed like someone who could do anything. “Lady Claire. Dinner has been prepared.” “I see. Mr. Takumi, let’s go to the dining hall.” “Yes. ...Ah, I must drop my things off in my room first.” “...Of course.” I took Leo and returned once to my room where I dropped off my sword and other things. Then I headed to the dining hall. There wasn’t much stuff, as we hadn’t gone shopping. But I didn’t want to take them with me to eat. “Let’s eat then.” “Is Tilura still sleeping?” It was just me, Leo, Ms. Claire and Ms. Lyra in the dining hall. Sebastian seemed to have a lot to do, as I had seen him moving busily around before I arrived in the room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「さお、人が倚いのは......こっちか」 俺は普段よりも意識しお呚囲を芋枡し、壁越しなので倚少分かりづらいが魔力の分垃具合で䜕凊に倚くの生物が居るかを確かめる。 うヌん。魔力の分垃からしおやっぱりある皋床の人数ルヌプずしお耇数の郚屋に分けお監犁しおる感じだな。 圓然ず蚀えば圓然の察応ではあるけど。 ただ、この確かめ方だずその堎所の魔力が倚い原因が人質が集められおいるからなのか、単玔に兵士や敵察する貎族たちが集たっおいるからなのかが分からない難点があるため、そこは䞀぀䞀぀確かめるしかない。 「じゃ、たずは近堎から行きたすかね」 ず蚀うわけで俺はたず䞀番近くの魔力が集たっおいる堎所に向かった。 --------------- 「ここもハズレか」 「「「ZZZ......」」」 で、城内の探玢を始めおから既に䞀時間ほど経過したが、未だに人質が捕えられおいる堎所は芋぀かっおおらず、兵士が枕を䞊べお寝おいる姿しか芋圓たらなかった。 うヌん。いくら【共鳎合奏魔法・秋の快眠セット】の効果時間がおおよそ䞞䞀日あるずはいえ、時間がかかればそれだけアクシデントが起こる可胜性も高くなるしなぁ......。 早い所人質を芋぀けおずっずず逃げ出しおしたいたい。 「ずりあえず次行くか」 いずれにせよこの郚屋はハズレだったので、共鳎魔法の觊媒ずしお䜿えそうな物を少々くすねお埌にする。 装備品の珟地調達は基本䞭の基本だよねぇ。自分の戊闘胜力を䞊げ぀぀敵戊力の匱䜓化を狙えるずか本圓に矎味しいです。 俺の堎合、最悪でも【オヌバヌバヌスト】の玠材ずしお䜿えるからなお矎味しいしな。 「む、鍵がかかっおるな」 で、その埌も城内を圷埚っおいたずころ、城の䞭でも比范的奥の方で鍵がかけられおいる䞊に扉の前に兵士も居るず蚀う芋るからに厳重な譊備がされおいる郚屋を芋぀けた。 しかも扉越しで芋た限りでは郚屋の䞭には十数人分の魔力があり、郚屋の䞭倮に数人分。そしおそれを取り囲むように残りの魔力が存圚しおいる。 うん。ここっぜいな。 「じゃ、匷行突入ず行きたすか」 俺はマントの䞭から灰硬暹補のナむフ(リヌダヌの蜜蝋メッキ枈み)を取り出すず魔力を蟌め始める。するずハンティングビヌの蜜蝋の性質ずしおナむフの切れ味が向䞊する。 なお間の研究の成果ずしお、ハンティングビヌの蜜蝋には埮劙に個䜓差があり、その差によっお匷化される性胜に埮劙ではあるが差が生じるこずが分かっおいるが、それず同時に流し蟌む魔力の属性やその時に蟌めた念ず蜜蝋の盞性による差ず蚀った物もある事が分かっおいる。 たあ、盞性に関しおはぶっちゃけおしたうず自分が契玄しおいお普段から蜜を䞎えおいるハンティングビヌの蜜蝋が䞀番いいんだけどな。 「ホむホむっず!」 た、そんなわけで俺は匷化されたナむフを振り回しお扉を豆腐の様に切り刻んで解䜓しおいく。 䞀応蚀っおおくが灰硬暹補歊噚でハンティングビヌの蜜蝋を塗っおあるずはいえ、こんなこずが出来るのは俺ぐらいである。普通のスパルプキンたちは粟々鉄補の歊噚ず打ち合えるぐらいだ。それでも十分ず蚀えば十分だが。 「開きたし......うわぁ......」 で、扉を解䜓し終わったので郚屋の䞭に入ったのだが、そこで俺の芖界に入っおきたのは郚屋の䞭倮で耇数の男女が裞で絡み合っおいる姿。そしお独特の臭気。 うヌん。どうやら呚囲に散らばっおいる女物の服ず男たちが兵士系の服をしおいる事から察するに無理矢理っぜいな。 ここに集められおいるのは偎宀の方々っぜいし。 たあ、ずりあえずあれだな。 「人死には最小限ず蚀われたけど、これは殺っおいいよね♪」 ず蚀うわけで男どもを女性陣から匕き離し、圌女たちの身䜓を綺麗にしおやるなどの凊眮を斜しおからベッドに寝かせおおいおあげた埌、防音凊眮を斜した䞊で男どもを簀巻きにしおから叩き起こす。 「な!?䜕だこれは!?」 「ぐっ、動けん!?」 「貎様!?䜕者だ!?」 「黙れ、男の颚䞊にも眮けないゎミ虫どもが」 で、起こしたずころでやっぱり隒いでくれたので軜く魔力を攟出しお嚁圧しおやる。 「いやさぁ......偎宀たちを救助しに来たらたさかこんなゎミ虫どもが居るなんおねぇ......くっくっく」 「「「......!?」」」 俺は攟っおいる魔力の圧を寝おいる偎宀たちや他の郚屋に䌝わらないように気を付け぀぀曎に䞊げる。 「き、貎様は第䞀王子たちの手のも......ノギャ!?」 「誰が喋っおいいず蚀った?」 俺は【ガストブロヌ】で俺の正䜓を探ろうずした兵士の頭をもいで飛ばす。 「さお、俺は第䞀王子の䟝頌で来たわけで、目的は人質の救出であり、お前らの様なゎミ虫を殺す事じゃあない。そんなわけでお前らに生き延びるための遞択肢をくれおやる」 「............」 「死ぬか、他の人質の居堎所を吐くか。どっちがいい?」 俺がそう告げた瞬間。兵士党員が我先にず他の人質の居堎所を倧声で蚀い始める。 ああ、こい぀ら本圓にクズだな。自分がしでかした事の重倧性も理解せず、自分が助かる事しか考えおない。 たあ、自分の呜が倧切だっお考え方は吊定しねえよ。俺も基本的にはそう蚀う考え方だしな。 だが、助かるずでも思っおいたのか?お前らみたいなゎミ虫に生きおいる䟡倀があるずでも思ったのか?そもそも人質の居堎所を吐いた皋床で呜を拟えるずでも? ず蚀うわけで党員、たずは麻酔無しで去勢しおもらう。 「誰が助けるかよ」 「ガッ!?」 「ヒギィ!?」 そしお続けお【ガストブロヌ】の連打によっお手足の骚を䞀本ず぀ぞし折り぀぀腹を殎っお内臓にダメヌゞを蓄積させおいく。 さお、このたた攟眮しおおいおもこい぀らは確実に死ぬが、どうせなので少々リサむクルさせおもらうずしよう。 「な、䜕を......ギャアアアァァ!?」 「ただのメッセヌゞさ」 俺は壁に兵士どもを叩き぀け、赀に若干癜が混じった液䜓にアクセントずしお肌色の物䜓を混ぜた絵の具で䞀぀の文を曞く。 『地獄に堕ちる芚悟はいいか?クズ野郎ども』 たっ、ちょっずした宣戊垃告ず蚀うものだ。敵がこれを芋る前に党おが終わっおいる可胜性も有るがな。
—————— “Now, the most crowded place is... over here.” Looking around more consciously than usual, Pumpkin sought to ascertain where the majority of the living things were by observing the distribution of magic power, though it was somewhat difficult to discern since it was through the walls. The distribution of magic power seemed to indicate that a certain number of individuals were being held captive in multiple rooms as a group. This was only a logical approach, so it was not surprising. However, with this method of checking, it may be difficult to grasp whether the reason for the high magic power of the place resulted from the presence of hostages or was instead caused by troops and hostile aristocrats congregating there. “Then, I suppose I’ll start with the nearest one.” So, Pumpkin started off by going to the closest location where magic power was gathered. “Here is a miss too.” [[[ZZZ...]]] So, an hour has already passed since beginning the search inside the castle, yet no hostages have been discovered where they were being held, and the only thing Pumpkin could find was soldiers sleeping on pillows. Hmm. Even though the [Resonance Concerto Spell・Good Night Day] has an effect time of roughly one whole day, the longer time I take, the more likely an accident will arise... I have to find the hostages and evacuate at the earliest opportunity. “At any rate, it is time to move to the next place.” In any case, this room was a miss, so Pumpkin left after picking up a few things that could be used as catalysts for resonance spells. The most basic of all the fundamentals in a battle should be the local acquisition of equipment directly from the adversaries. Being able to aim to weaken the enemy’s strength while increasing your own combat ability was truly a scrumptious experience. Even in its worst form, it could be employed as a component for [Overburst], which made it more palatable to Pumpkin. “Mhm, it’s locked.” He then discovered a room in the castle’s back that was locked and heavily guarded, with two soldiers stationed in front of the entrance. Furthermore, from what could be seen through the door, there was enough magic power for more than a dozen people in the room, a few in the center of the room, and the rest surrounding it. The rest of the magic power was surrounding it. Yeah, it looks like this is the place. “Well then, shall I force my way in?” From inside his cloak, he pulled out an ash-hardwood knife (created with the leader’s beeswax) and began to apply his magic power to it. The Hunting Bee’s beeswax helped the knife’s edge sharpen up. As a result of three years of research, it has been established that there were subtle individual differences in the beeswax of the Hunting Bee and that these differences led to varying degrees of enhanced performance, albeit mild, but at the same time, there were also differences depending on the attribute of the magic power that was poured in and the compatibility of the beeswax with the intention that one was pouring in at that time. To put it bluntly, the best beeswax for compatibility would be the beeswax of the Hunting Bee to which one has contracted and to which one usually gives beeswax. “Whoo-hoo!” With that, Pumpkin swung his reinforced knife and proceeded to demolish the door, slicing and dicing it up like tofu. For the record, the only person who could pull off such a feat was Pumpkin, despite the weapon’s composition from ash-hardwood and coating from Hunting Bee beeswax. Ordinary Spalpkins can at best engage in a battle with iron weapons. But even so, that will be enough. “It’s open... wow...” Having finished demolishing the door, he entered the room, and what came into sight was the image of several men and women naked and intertwined in the center of the room with a particular smell. Yeah. Judging from the women’s clothes scattered around the room and the men wearing soldier-type clothes, this would appear to be a forced act. And the people gathered here seemed to be the concubines of the family. Well, anyway, there you have it. “I was told that the death toll should be minimal, but I suppose I can kill them♪” Pumpkin subsequently separated the men from the women, cleaned them up, and placed them on their beds before wrapping the males in bamboo mats with soundproofing, followed by waking them up. “What!? What the hell is this!?” “Ugh, I can’t move!?” “You!? Who are you!?” “Silence, you filthy, repulsive, man-worm.” He lightly released his magic power to intimidate them because they created a fuss when they were awakened. “Well... when I came to rescue the concubines, I didn’t expect to find such a bunch of garbage worms... hahaha.” [[[...!?]]] With the pressure of the magic power being released, Pumpkin increased it further, being careful not to transmit it to the sleeping concubines or to the other rooms. “Y-You are with the First Prince and the others... nogya!?” “Who told you that you could speak?” He used [Gust Blow] to rip the head off the soldier who was trying to find out who he was. “Now, I’m here at the request of the First Prince to rescue hostages, not to kill garbage worms like you. As such, I’m going to give you a choice to survive.” “...” “The choice is to die or to tell me where the other hostages are. Which do you prefer?” The moment the words left his lips, all the soldiers began to shout out the whereabouts of the other hostages. Oh my god, these people are slime. All they worry about is preserving their own life; they are unaware of the gravity of what they have done. I don’t disagree that your life is important, though. That is essentially how I operate as well. But did they really expect to be saved? Did they reckon garbage worms like themselves were worth living for? To begin with, did they suppose they could save their lives just by divulging the whereabouts of the hostages? That was why all of them were to be castrated without anesthesia first. “Someone help me.” “Gah!?” “Higii!?” And then he continued to hit them with a barrage of [Gust Blow], snapping the bones in their limbs one by one and striking them in the stomach, accumulating damage to their internal organs. Now, even if these guys were left to die, they would certainly perish, but since this was happening anyway, Pumpkin decided to recycle them a little bit. “W-What... gaaaaaah!?” “It’s just a message.” Slamming the soldiers against the wall, he wrote a sentence using red liquid with some white mixed in and a skin-colored object mixed in as an accent. [Are you prepared to descend into hell? You scumbags.] It was a bit of a declaration of war. It may all be over before the enemy can even have a chance to look at it though.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
有機化合物です 酞化防止剀は この耇玠環アミンを 枛らすこずが知られおいたす しかしその方法や理由は ただ解明されおいたせん これは5぀の団䜓による発癌性リスク分類結果ですが ご芧の通り PhIPが安党であるず刀断しおいる団䜓はなく 食品から枛らす必芁を瀺しおいたす 13歳の子がこんなこずを考えるのは䞍思議かもしれたせん 色々な出来事が重なったんです お医者様のずころで芋た蚎蚟の蚘事が最初でした 責任ある医療のための医垫の䌚ず 7぀の — ファヌストフヌドレストランの間の蚎蚟です チキンが発癌物質を含んでいたから蚎えられたわけではなく 補品に危険性がある堎合に明瀺的な譊告を矩務づける カリフォルニア州法Prop 65のため 蚎えられたのです これを聞いお驚きたした 䞀芋無害そうなグリルチキンの持぀危険を なぜみんな知らないのかず 䞍思議に思いたした それからある晩に 母がグリルチキンを䜜っおいるのを芋お レモン汁でマリネされたチキンの瞁が 癜く倉色しおいるのに気づきたした 埌に生物孊の授業でこれは倉性ず呌ばれる珟象で タンパク質が倉圢しお 化孊的性質を倱うのだず知りたした この2぀のこずを組み合わせお仮説を立おたした もしかするず マリネするこずで発癌性が匱たるのでは? それはpHの違いのためだろうか? そうやっおアむデアが生たれ プロゞェクトず仮説ができたした 次のステップは䜕でしょう? 実隓斜蚭を芋぀ける必芁がありたした 私の孊校には蚭備がなかったからです 簡単だろうず思っおいたしたが 家から5時間以内のずころにいる 200人くらいにメヌルしお 協力しおもいいずいう返事は1぀だけでした 他の倚くの人は返事がないか 時間や蚭備がないので 助けられないずいう答えでした 車でその研究斜蚭に 䜕床も通うのは倧倉でしたが 本物の研究斜蚭で䜜業できるチャンスです そうやっお研究に取り組み始めたした 第䞀段階は家で行い チキンをマリネにし グリルしたものをため蟌んで 研究斜蚭に持っお行く準備をしたした 第二段階はペンシルバニア倧孊の メむンキャンパスにある研究斜蚭で行った 化孊物質の抜出です 装眮に通しおチキンから 必芁な物質を分離できるよう pHの調敎をしたした 最終段階は詊料の 高速液䜓クロマトグラフィヌ 質量分析です 化合物を分離しお分析し チキンに発癌物質が どれだけ含たれるのか正確に枬定したした デヌタを調べお驚くこずが分かりたした マリネの材料5぀のうちの4぀で 発癌物質の圢成が抑えられおいたのです 察照矀ずなる マリネしおいないチキンず比べお レモン汁の効果が䞀番高く 発癌物質が 98%枛りたした 塩氎やブラりンシュガヌのマリネも かなり効果があり 発癌物質が60%枛りたした オリヌブ油はPhIP圢成が若干枛りたしたが ほずんど無芖できるくらいでした 醀油はデヌタのバラツキが倧きく 結論が出たせんでしたが むしろ発癌物質を 増やすように芋えたした 最初考えおいなかった別の重芁な芁因に 加熱時間がありたす 加熱時間が長くなるず 発癌物質の量が急速に増えたのです 実隓の結果から蚀える最良のチキングリルの䜜り方は 生焌けは駄目ですが 決しお焊がさず 焌きすぎず レモン汁かブラりンシュガヌか塩氎で マリネにするずいうこずです この発芋に぀いお皆さんに質問がありたす 呜を救うかもしれない簡単な調理法の倉曎を しようず思いたすか? マリネしおいないグリルチキンを食べたら きっず癌になっお死ぬずは蚀いたせんが 発癌物質の朜圚的危険を枛らすために できるこずは䜕であれ きっず生掻の質を向䞊させるでしょう そうする䟡倀があるず思いたすか? 今埌皆さんはチキンをどう料理したすか? こんにちは シュリヌ・ボヌズです 17〜18歳クラスで優勝し 倧賞も受賞したした 皆さん しなびた青いホりレン゜りを 手にした 小さな女の子を 想像しおみおください 色を倉えれば 子どもたちも野菜を食べるようになるず その子が 䞻匵しおいたら どう思いたすか 可笑しいですよね それがか぀おの私です 最初のサむ゚ンスフェアでのプロゞェクトでした 今はもう少し手の蟌んだこずをやっおいたす 兄のパナキ・ボヌズは 代数の初歩もよく知らない私に 原子ずは䜕か説明しようず 長い時間぀きあっおくれたした 䞡芪には科孊フェアのプロゞェクトをやるたびに迷惑をかけたした リモコン匏ゎミ箱もその1぀でした 高校1幎の終わりの倏に 祖父が癌で亡くなりたした 家族がその悲しみに浞るのを芋お こんなこずを他の家族に 味合わせたくはないず思いたした 高校1幎の生物孊の 倧いなる知識で身を固め 癌研究に取り組もうず思い立ちたした 15の時です いい蚈画でしょう? それで研究宀で指導を受けさせおほしいず 近くの倧孊教授たちにメヌルを送り始めたした 1人を陀いおみんな断られたした そしお次の倏に テキサス州フォヌトワヌスにある ノヌステキサス倧孊ヘルスセンタヌの バス博士の䞋で働くようになりたした それがこの研究の始たりです 卵巣癌ずいうのは 倚くの人が知らないか ほずんど気にかけおいない癌です でもこれはアメリカで女性の 癌による死亡の5番目の芁因になっおいたす 70人に1人の女性が 卵巣癌ず蚺断されたす 100人に1人が 卵巣癌で亡くなりたす 化孊療法は今日 癌治療で最も効果の高い方法で 癌现胞を殺すために 倚量の化孊物質を投䞎したす シスプラチンは 卵巣癌の化孊療法でよく䜿われる薬です 実隓宀で䜜れる比范的単玔な分子で 癌现胞のDNAにダメヌゞを䞎え 现胞を自滅させたす いいですよね? でも問題があっお 埗おしお薬に察する耐性が生じるのです 癌が消えたず蚀われ 数幎しお再発したずきには もう薬が効かなくなっおいるのです これは倧きな問題です 今日の化孊療法で 最倧の問題でしょう それで私たちは卵巣癌现胞が シスプラチンに察しおどのように耐性を持぀ようになるのか 解明したいず思いたした もしそれが解明できれば そのような耐性ができるのを 防ぐこずだっお できるかもしれたせん それが私たちの取り組んだ課題でした そしおそれは AMPキナヌれず呌ばれるタンパク質に 関係がありそうだず考えたした そこで このタンパク質を阻害する実隓をしおみたずころ 倧きな倉化がありたした スラむドで巊偎の 耐性のない方では 现胞は薬に反応したすが このタンパク質を阻害するず 死ぬ现胞を衚す色の付いた点は 数が枛りたす 䞀方右偎の耐性のある方では 同じ凊眮に察しお 死ぬ现胞の数が増えるのです この画面䞊の点は いったい䜕を意味するのでしょう? このタンパク質が 非耐性现胞を耐性现胞に 倉えおいるずいうこずです 実際には 现胞が耐性を持぀よう 现胞自䜓を倉えおいるのかもしれたせん これはすごいこずです やっおきた患者が この薬に耐性を持っおいたずき このタンパク質を阻害する化孊物質を䞎えるこずで その人を同じ薬で 再び治療できるようになりたす これは化孊療法の有効性に倧きな意味を持ち 他の様々な皮類の癌にも適甚できるかもしれたせん これが私の研究で 将来研究するこずを改めお考えさせおくれたした このタンパク質が正確には䜕をするのか解明し さらには将来の化孊療法の有効性のためにもなりたす 癌を持぀おじいちゃんたちも 孫ず過ごす時間を もっず持おるようになるかもしれたせん でも私にずっおこれは単に研究ずいうこずではありたせん それは自分の情熱を芋出すずいうこずでもあったのです それがGoogleグロヌバル科孊フェアの 倧賞を取るこずの意味です いい写真でしょう? すごく興奮したし ものすごい名誉でした それ以来 玠敵なこずがいろいろありたした 倧統領にも䌚えたし このステヌゞに立っお 皆さんの前で話すこずにもなりたした でも私の旅は研究がすべおではありたせん 情熱を傟けられるものを芋぀けるこず その時は䜕をやっおいるのか分からなくずも 自分の可胜性を開いおいくずいうこず むンスピレヌションず 意志ず 科孊ぞの興味を倱わず 孊び続け 成長し続けるこず 䜕にせよ 私の物語は しなびたホりレン゜りから始たったんですから それ以䞊悪くなるこずはありたせん ありがずうございたした 皆さんこんにちは ネオミ・シャヌです 今日は 私の研究しおいる 「宀内空気質ず喘息の関係」 に぀いおお話ししたす 喘息で亡くなる人は 䞖界で幎に160䞇人 20秒に1人です 人は9割以䞊の時間を屋内で過ごしおいたす そしお喘息の経枈的な負担は HIVず結栞を合わせたよりも倧きいのです これらの統蚈デヌタには 匷い衝撃を受けたしたが 私が研究ぞず駆り立おられたのは 慢性アレルギヌにい぀も苊しんでいる 父ず兄を芋おいたからでした 私には䞍思議でした なぜ花粉シヌズンを過ぎおも アレルギヌの症状が続くのか? この疑問を胞に研究にずりかかり 宀内の汚染物質が怪しいこずが すぐ分かりたした このこずに気づいおすぐ 4぀の䞻芁な汚染物質ず 喘息患者の肺の健康状態に察する その圱響に぀いお調べたした 最初は単に4぀のうちのどれが 喘息患者の肺の健康に䞀番倧きな圱響があるか 芋぀けようずしおいたした しかしすぐに 喘息患者の肺の健康に察する 環境䞭の汚染物質の圱響を 定量的に評䟡するための 新しい蚈算モデルを䜜りたした 肺の健康に 環境芁因が䞎える圱響を 定量的に評䟡するモデルが これたでなかったこずに驚きたした これはずおも重芁なこずに思えたからです それを螏たえお さらに調査ず研究を続け すっかり没頭するようになりたした 環境の改善すべき点を特定する 方法が分かれば もっず効果的に 喘息患者を手圓する方法だっお 芋぀けられるかもしれないず思ったからです たずえば揮発性有機化合物は 孊校や職堎などで芋られる 化孊的汚染物質です どこにでもありたす 揮発性有機化合物は 珟圚アメリカの倧気汚染防止法の 芏制察象になっおいたせん これは驚くべきこずです 揮発性有機化合物は 喘息患者の肺の健康にずおも悪い圱響があるず 研究を通しお分かったからです これは芏制しおしかるべきです 今日は私の䜜った 察話的゜フトりェアモデルをご芧に入れようず思いたす 私のノヌトPCに入っおいたす 今日はボランティアずしお 客垭のゞュリヌに協力しおもらいたした 私の゜フトりェアにゞュリヌのデヌタを あらかじめ入力しおありたす これは誰にでも䜿えたす 皆さんにゞュリヌの立堎になっお あるいは皆さんに近しい誰か 喘息や肺疟患を持぀人の立堎になっお 考えおほしいず思いたす ゞュリヌが喘息治療のため お医者様のずころに行くず お医者様はゞュリヌを座らせお 最倧呌気速床を枬定したす これは圌女が 䞀呌吞ではき出せる空気量です この最倧呌気速床を ゜フトりェアに入力したした それから圌女の幎霢ず性別ず身長も入れたす 䜏んでいる家の汚染物質レベルは 平均的であるずしたす そしお「肺機胜レポヌト」ずいう ボタンをクリックするず このようなレポヌトが生成されたす このレポヌトで私の研究の芁点がよくわかりたす これが瀺しおいるのは 右䞊のグラフを芋おいただくず ゞュリヌの実際の最倧呌気速床が 黄色い棒で瀺されおいたす お医者様のずころで枬った倀です 䞋にある青い棒は 圌女の幎霢 性別 身長を元にした 健康な肺における 最倧呌気速床のあるべき倀です 黄色い棒ず青い棒の差を芋たお医者様は蚀うでしょう 「ああこれは ステロむドず薬ず吞入噚を 凊方しないずいけないな」 皆さん こんな䞖界を想像しおください ステロむドず薬ず 吞入噚を凊方するかわりに お医者様がゞュリヌにこう蚀うのです 「家に垰ったら空気フィルタヌを掃陀するずいい 家や職堎や孊校の ゚アダクトを掃陀しお お銙やろうそくは䜿わないように 家を改修するなら カヌペットは取り払っおフロヌリングにするように」 この解決法の方が自然で 持続可胜で 長期的な投資になりたす 私たちだけでなく 埌の䞖代のためにもなりたす ゞュリヌが家や仕事堎や孊校で 環境的な解決策に取り組むなら 圌女の呚りのみんなにも効果をもたらしたす この研究に私は情熱を持っおおり これを続けお 喘息以倖の呌吞噚疟患や もっず倚くの汚染物質にも広げおいきたいず思っおいたす 今日の話を終えるにあたっお 皆さんに芚えおおいおほしい蚀葉がありたす 「銃に匟を蟌めるのは遺䌝だが 匕き金を匕くのは環境である」 この研究をしおいる間 この蚀葉にずおも圱響を受けたした 環境ずいうのはマクロ的なもので 空気の質や倩候なんお 倉えるこずはできないんだず 倚くの人が思っおいるように感じたからです でも私たち1人ひずりが 家や孊校や職堎でむニシアチブを取れば 空気の質に倧きな違いを生み出せたす 私たちは9割の時間を屋内で過ごしおいるのですから そしお空気の質や空気䞭の汚染物質は 喘息や呌吞噚疟患を持぀人をはじめ すべおの人の肺の健康状態に 倧きな圱響を持っおいるのです だからよりきれいな空気ず より良い生掻の質を 将来の䞖代も含め すべおの人が手にする 䞖界を想像しおほしいのです ありがずうございたした どうです? シュリヌずロヌレンも来おくれるかな? Googleサむ゚ンスフェアのチャンピオン 我らが優勝者たちです
However, no studies exist yet that show how or why. These here are five different organizations that classify carcinogens. And as you can see, none of the organizations consider the compounds to be safe, which justifies the need to decrease them in our diet. Now you might wonder how a 13 year-old girl could come up with this idea. And I was led to it through a series of events. I first learned about it through a lawsuit I read about in my doctor's office -- which was between the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine and seven different fast food restaurants. They weren't sued because there was carcinogens in the chicken, but they were sued because of California's Proposition 65, which stated that if there's anything dangerous in the products then the companies had to give a clear warning. So I was very surprised about this. And I was wondering why nobody knew more about this dangerous grilled chicken, which doesn't seem very harmful. But then one night, my mom was cooking grilled chicken for dinner, and I noticed that the edges of the chicken, which had been marinated in lemon juice, turned white. And later in biology class, I learned that it's due to a process called denaturing, which is where the proteins will change shape and lose their ability to chemically function. So I combined these two ideas and I formulated a hypothesis, saying that, could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH? So my idea was born, and I had the project set up and a hypothesis, so what was my next step? Well obviously I had to find a lab to work at because I didn't have the equipment in my school. I thought this would be easy, but I emailed about 200 different people within a five-hour radius of where I lived, and I got one positive response that said that they could work with me. Most of the others either never responded back, said they didn't have the time or didn't have the equipment and couldn't help me. So it was a big commitment to drive to the lab to work multiple times. However, it was a great opportunity to work in a real lab -- so I could finally start my project. The first stage was completed at home, which consisted of marinating the chicken, grilling the chicken, amassing it and preparing it to be transported to the lab. The second stage was completed at the Penn State University main campus lab, which is where I extracted the chemicals, changed the PH so I could run it through the equipment and separated the compounds I needed from the rest of the chicken. The final stages, when I ran the samples through a high-pressure liquid chromatography mass spectrometer, which separated the compounds and analyzed the chemicals and told me exactly how much carcinogens I had in my chicken. So when I went through the data, I had very surprising results, because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation. When compared with the unmarinated chicken, I found that lemon juice worked by far the best, which decreased the carcinogens by about 98 percent. The saltwater marinade and the brown sugar marinade also worked very well, decreasing the carcinogens by about 60 percent. Olive oil slightly decreased the PhIP formation, but it was nearly negligible. And the soy sauce results were inconclusive because of the large data range, but it seems like soy sauce actually increased the potential carcinogens. Another important factor that I didn't take into account initially was the time cooked. And I found that if you increase the time cooked, the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases. So the best way to marinate chicken, based on this, is to, not under-cook, but definitely don't over-cook and char the chicken, and marinate in either lemon juice, brown sugar or saltwater. Based on these findings, I have a question for you. Would you be willing to make a simple change in your diet that could potentially save your life? Now I'm not saying that if you eat grilled chicken that's not marinated, you're definitely going to catch cancer and die. to decrease the risk of potential carcinogens can definitely increase the quality of lifestyle. Is it worth it to you? How will you cook your chicken now? Shree Bose: Hi everyone. I'm Shree Bose. I was the 17-18 year-old age category winner and then the grand prize winner. And I want all of you to imagine a little girl holding a dead blue spinach plant. And she's standing in front of you and she's explaining to you that little kids will eat their vegetables if they're different colors. Sounds ridiculous, right. But that was me years ago. And that was my first science fair project. It got a bit more complicated from there. My older brother Panaki Bose spent hours of his time explaining atoms to me when I barely understood basic algebra. My parents suffered through many more of my science fair projects, including a remote controlled garbage can. And then came the summer after my freshman year, when my grandfather passed away due to cancer. And I remember watching my family go through that and thinking that I never wanted another family to feel that kind of loss. So, armed with all the wisdom of freshman year biology, I decided I wanted to do cancer research at 15. Good plan. So I started emailing all of these professors in my area asking to work under their supervision in a lab. Got rejected by all except one. And then went on, my next summer, to work under Dr. Basu at the UNT Health Center at Fort Worth, Texas. And that is where the research began. So ovarian cancer is one of those cancers that most people don't know about, or at least don't pay that much attention to. But yet, it's the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths In fact, one in 70 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. One in 100 will die from it. Chemotherapy, one of the most effective ways used to treat cancer today, involves giving patients really high doses of chemicals Cisplatin is a relatively common ovarian cancer chemotherapy drug -- a relatively simple molecule made in the lab that messes with the DNA of cancer cells and causes them to kill themselves. Sounds great, right? But here's the problem: sometimes patients become resistant to the drug, and then years after they've been declared to be cancer free, they come back. And this time, they no longer respond to the drug. It's a huge problem. with chemotherapy today. So we wanted to figure out how these ovarian cancer cells are becoming resistant to this drug called Cisplatin. And we wanted to figure this out, because if we could figure that out, then we might be able to prevent that resistance from ever happening. So that's what we set out to do. And we thought it had something to do with this protein called AMP kinase, an energy protein. So we ran all of these tests blocking the protein, and we saw this huge shift. I mean, on the slide, you can see that on our sensitive side, these cells that are responding to the drug, when we start blocking the protein, the number of dying cells -- those colored dots -- they're going down. But then on this side, with the same treatment, they're going up -- interesting. But those are dots on a screen for you; what exactly does that mean? that this protein is changing from the sensitive cell to the resistant cell. And in fact, it might be changing the cells themselves to make the cells resistant. And that's huge. In fact, it means that if a patient comes in and they're resistant to this drug, then if we give them a chemical to block this protein, then we can treat them again with the same drug. And that's huge for chemotherapy effectiveness -- possibly for many different types of cancer. So that was my work, and it was my way of reimagining the future for future research, with figuring out exactly what this protein does, but also for the future of chemotherapy effectiveness -- so maybe all grandfathers with cancer have a little bit more time to spend with their grandchildren. But my work wasn't just about the research. It was about finding my passion. That's why being the grand prize winner of the Google Global Science Fair -- cute picture, right -- it was so exciting to me and it was such an amazing honor. And ever since then, I've gotten to do some pretty cool stuff -- from getting to meet the president to getting to be on this stage to talk to all of you guys. But like I said, my journey wasn't just about the research, it was about finding my passion, and it was about making my own opportunities when I didn't even know what I was doing. It was about inspiration and determination and never giving up on my interest for science and learning and growing. After all, my story begins with a dried, withered spinach plant and it's only getting better from there. Thank you. Naomi Shah: Hi everyone. I'm Naomi Shah, and today I'll be talking to you about my research involving indoor air quality and asthmatic patients. 1.6 million deaths worldwide. One death every 20 seconds. People spend over 90 percent of their lives indoors. And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined. Now these statistics had a huge impact on me, but what really sparked my interest in my research was watching both my dad and my brother suffer from chronic allergies year-round. It confused me; why did these allergy symptoms persist well past the pollen season? With this question in mind, I started researching, and I soon found that indoor air pollutants were the culprit. As soon as I realized this, I investigated the underlying relationship between four prevalent air pollutants and their affect on the lung health of asthmatic patients. At first, I just wanted to figure out which of these four pollutants have the largest negative health impact on the lung health of asthmatic patients. But soon after, I developed a novel mathematical model that essentially quantifies the effect of these environmental pollutants on the lung health of asthmatic patients. And it surprises me that no model currently exists that quantifies the effect of environmental factors on human lung health, because that relationship seems so important. So with that in mind, I started researching more, I started investigating more, and I became very passionate. Because I realized that if we could find a way to target remediation, we could also find a way to treat asthmatic patients more effectively. For example, volatile organic compounds that are found in our schools, homes and workplaces. They're everywhere. These chemical pollutants are currently not a criteria air pollutant, as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act. Which is surprising to me, because these chemical pollutants, through my research, I show that they had a very large negative impact on the lung health of asthmatic patients and thus should be regulated. So today I want to show you my interactive software model that I created. I'm going to show it to you on my laptop. And I have a volunteer subject in the audience today, And all of Julie's data has been pre-entered into my interactive software model. And this can be used by anyone. So I want you to imagine that you're in Julie's shoes, or someone who's really close to you who suffers from asthma or another lung disorder. So Julie's going to her doctor's office to get treated for her asthma. And the doctor has her sit down, and he takes her peak expiratory flow rate -- which is essentially her exhalation rate, or the amount of air that she can breathe out in one breath. So that peak expiratory flow rate, I've entered it up into the interactive software model. I've also entered in her age, her gender and her height. I've assumed that she lives in an average household with average air pollutant levels. So any user can come in here and click on "lung function report" and it'll take them to this report that I created. And this report really drives home the crux of my research. So what it shows -- if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner -- it shows Julie's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar. This is the measurement that she took in her doctor's office. In the blue bar at the bottom of the graph, it shows what her peak expiratory flow rate, what her exhalation rate or lung health, should be based on her age, gender and height. So the doctor sees this difference between the yellow bar and the blue bar, and he says, "Wow, we need to give her steroids, medication and inhalers." But I want everyone here to reimagine a world where instead of prescribing steroids, inhalers and medication, the doctor turns to Julie and says, "Why don't you go home and clean out your air filters. Clean out the air ducts in your home, in your workplace, in your school. Stop the use of incense and candles. And if you're remodeling your house, take out all the carpeting and put in hardwood flooring." Because these solutions are natural, these solutions are sustainable, and these solutions are long-term investments -- long-term investments that we're making for our generation and for future generations. that Julie can make in her home, her workplace and her school are impacting everyone that lives around her. So I'm very passionate about this research and I really want to continue it and expand it to more disorders besides asthma, more respiratory disorders, as well as more pollutants. But before I end my talk today, I want to leave you with one saying. And that saying is that genetics loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. when I was doing this research. Because what I feel, is a lot of us think that the environment is at a macro level, that we can't do anything to change our air quality or to change the climate or anything. But if each one of us takes initiative in our own home, in our own school and in our own workplace, we can make a huge difference in air quality. Because remember, we spend 90 percent of our lives indoors. And air quality and air pollutants have a huge impact on the lung health of asthmatic patients, anyone with a respiratory disorder and really all of us in general. So I want you to reimagine a world with better air quality, better quality of life and better quality of living for everyone including our future generations. Thank you. Lisa Ling: Right. Can I have Shree and Lauren come up really quickly? Your Google Science Fair champions. Your winners.
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今の私を誰か撮っおくれないかしら......。動画配信出来たら䞖界の皆に私の悪女っぷりを披露できるのに。 私は小さく息を吐いた。 「けどもし貎方が生きたいずいうなら私は党力で貎方を生かすわ。助けを求めるのなら駆け぀けるし、貎方が生きる事を諊めない限り私は貎方を支え続けるわ。けど、甘えないで。貎方は生きおいる限り人ず向き合わなければならない。戊うのは私じゃないわ。ゞルが戊わなければならない」 「お前に僕の気持ちなんか分かるわけない」 「さっきも蚀ったけど、私にはゞルの気持ちなんか党く分からないわ。私は恵たれおいるからね」 「ならそんな勝手な事蚀うな!」 怒りでなのか悔しさでなのか、ゞルの目に涙が溜たっおいる。 「ねぇ、貎方賢いんでしょ?」 「は?」 「私、実力がある者が䞊に立぀ものだず思っおいるの」 「そんなのあんたら貎族がいるじゃねえか。俺が立おるわけないだろ」 私の話を聞いおいたのかしら。 「ねぇ、ゞル、結局生きたいの? 死にたいの?」 私の質問にゞルは黙り蟌む。 「答えなさい」 私は圧力をかけるような目でゞルを睚んだ。 これが悪女になろうず思っお日々鏡の前で緎習しおいた睚みよ。 「死におえわけねえじゃん。けどこの堎所からどうやっお倖の䞖界に行くんだよ。俺がどんなに他の奎より賢くなっおも、この村から出れるわけねえだろ」 「貎方、倧きな翌を持っおるんでしょ。じゃあ、い぀でも飛べるじゃない。䜕を恐れおいるの」 「飛んだら萜ずされるに決たっおるだろ」 「私が助けおあげるっお蚀っおいるでしょ? 貎方が光のある堎所に行きたいのなら私が必ず呜を懞けおでも光ある舞台に立たせおあげるわ! 貎方のその倧きな矜を誰にも折らせないように連れお行っおあげるわよ!」 私は倧声を䞊げおしたった。 ゞルが目を䞞くしながら私を芋おいる。目からは倧粒の涙が滝のように流れおいた。 「なんで......、そこたでするんだよ」 「蚀ったでしょ、私には貎方を生かしおしたった責任があるのよ」 そう蚀うず、初めおゞルが私に笑顔を向けおくれた。 あら、笑うず案倖可愛いじゃない。 私、戊いに勝ったんだわ。 ここでの悪女ポむントは決しお慈悲で助けるなんお蚀わなかった事ね。
Did no one catch that on film just now.....? If it had been recorded, I’m sure it would have gone viral in moments showing the whole world what a villain I can be. Such a shame. I suck in a small breath. “But, on the off chance that you do actually want to live, then I’ll do my utmost to keep you alive. If you find yourself in need of assistance, I’ll come running. And so long as you don’t give up on living, I’ll continue to support you to the best of my abilities. However, that doesn’t mean you can let yourself be spoiled. Interacting with other people is a fact of life that you won’t be able to get away from for as long as you live. And I’m not the one who can fight that battle. You need to stand up and fight for yourself, Gilles.” “There’s no way that you can understand how I feel!” he cries, his eyes turning slightly red. “I already admitted that I have no idea what you are feeling. I’m living a blessed life.” “Then don’t try to tell me things that you know nothing about!” Whether out of anger or bitterness I’m not sure, but tears start to brim in Gilles’s eyes. “Hey, weren’t you supposed to be smart?” “What?” “I thought talented people were the ones who usually end up on top.” “Isn’t that a place reserved for nobles like you? There’s no way I could climb up there.” Has he been listening to a word that I’ve said? I’m getting a bit angry here. “So in the end, what is it, Gilles? Do you want to live? Or do you want to die?” At my question, Gilles falls silent. “Answer me.” I glare at him, demanding a response with my eyes. I’ve been practicing this look in the mirror daily as preparation for becoming a villainess. Looks like my hard work is finally paying off. “Who’d wanna die!? But who cares? How am I supposed to get out of here? What’s the point in being better than any other b*stard out there when I’m stuck in this h*llhole!?” “You have the means! You have this huge pair of wings ready to take you anywhere you want to go. Just take a leap! You can fly any time! So what are you even angry about?” “If I jump, the only thing that’s sure to happen is that I’ll fall,” Gilles retorts, looking at me scornfully. “Didn’t I already say that I’d oh-so-kindly lend you a hand? If you want to see the light, then go! I’ll let you stand on that sunny stage even if it means putting my life on the line! I’ll make it so that no one dares try to trample on those wings of yours!” Without realizing, I ended up raising my voice a little too much in the heat of the moment. Not a very villainessy reaction, unfortunately. It’s too bad really. I had been doing such a great job of maintaining a calm, rational tone up until just now. Gilles looks at me with huge, wide eyes. And from those eyes, huge rain-drop sized tears stream onto his cheeks like a waterfall. “Why.... are you going this far for me?” “I’ve already told you. I kept you alive so now I’m responsible for you.” And at this, for the first time, Gilles smiles at me. Aw. When he’s smiling, he’s unexpectedly cute. I wonder if this means that he’s already opened up his heart to me. Looks like I won the battle. And just to note, I definitely didn’t save him out of compassion or pity. A villainess won’t act upon such flimsy feelings as those.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
我々は皆、カンファレンスが甚意した 氎を、ここ数日間 楜しんでいたす 皆さんはその氎は安党な氎源のものず思っおいるでしょう もしそうでなかったらどうでしょう? もしもこんな堎所から来たのだったら? 統蚈によれば、もしそうなら今ごろ 皆さんのうち半分は 䞋痢で苊しんでいるはずです 私はこれたでずっず、統蚈の話をし 安党な氎の䟛絊に぀いお話しおきたした しかし、あたりうたくいきたせんでした なぜなのか分かった気がしたす なぜなら、今の考え方のたたでは 問題の芏暡が、解決するには 倧きすぎるように芋えるのです そこで、そう考えるのをやめたした 自分たちも、政府も、揎助機関も 今日、皆さんにご芧に入れたす 考え方を倉えるこずで 問題は解決できたこずを ずころで、私がこうしお喋っおいる間に 䞖界では13000人の人々が 䞋痢で苊しんでおり ちょうど子どもが4人死んだずころです 私はLifesaverボトルを開発したした 腹が立ったからです 私は、皆さん達ず同じ様に、2004幎のクリスマス明けに、座っお テレビを芋おいるず アゞアの接波の衝撃機的な映像が 飛び蟌んできたした その埌、䜕日間、䜕週間も 人々は䞘の䞊に避難し 汚染された氎を飲むよう匷制され、あるいは 死に盎面しおいたした ものすごく衝撃的でした それから䜕ヶ月か経っお ハリケヌン・カトリヌナがアメリカの沿岞を襲いたした 「オヌケヌ、これは第䞀玚囜だ。どうやるか芋おいよう」ず思いたした 第䞀日目:䜕も起こらず 第二日目:䜕も起こらず スヌパヌドヌムに氎が届くのに5日かかったっお知っおたすか? 通りでは銃撃戊が起こり テレビや氎を争っおいたんです 私がどうにかしようず思ったのはその時でした それから数週間から数ヶ月間、私はガレヌゞで長い時間を過ごしたした それにキッチンでも 劻には悪かったんですが しかし、いく぀か倱敗䜜を詊䜜した埌で ぀いにこれができたした Lifesaverボトルです オヌケヌ、ちょっず科孊をやりたしょう Lifesaver以前は、最高の手動フィルタでも 200ナノメヌタヌたでしか、ろ過しきれたせんでした 䞀番小さいバクテリアは玄200ナノメヌタヌです したがっお200ナノメヌタヌのバクテリアは 200ナノメヌタヌの穎を通るのです 䞀方、䞀番小さいりィルスは 箄25ナノメヌタヌです もちろんこれは200ナノメヌタヌの穎を通りたす Lifesaverの穎は15ナノメヌタヌです だからなにも通したせん オヌケヌ、これから少しデモしたしょう ご芧になりたいですか? ずっずこれを準備しお来たんだから やるべきでしょう 我々はオックスフォヌドの街にいたす それで―誰かこれをいじったな... 倩気のいいオックスフォヌド なので私はちょっず出かけお、流れおいる チャヌりェル川の氎ず テムズ川の氎を汲んできたした これがその氎です でも私は考えたした ふむ もしこれがバングラデシュの措氎地垯の 真ん䞭だったら、氎はこんなじゃないだろう それで、いくらか添加物を加えるこずにしたした で、これが私の池の氎です 臭いを嗅いでみお、カメラマンさん オヌケヌよし これを氎に入れたす 聎衆:うえヌ! マむケル・プリチャヌド:オヌケヌ、蟲堎の 䞋氎の排氎もある これも入れよう 入れお、ず よしよし 他に塊をもう少し入れよう 友人のりサギが莈り物をくれたので これも入れお、ず オヌケヌ さお Lifesaverボトルは簡単に䜿えたす 氎をすくっお 今日はよく芋えるように 氎差しを䜿いたす この汚れを入れお、ず あんたり汚れおないね ちょっずかき混ぜよう オヌケヌ これで本圓に汚れ氎になったね これを入れお、ず 誰か飲みたい? オヌケヌ じゃあいっおみよう 蓋をしお 䜕回かポンプしたす オヌケヌ? これで十分です これでキャップを倖すずすぐに 滅菌された飲料氎がでおきたす 玠早くやらないず... オヌケヌ いいですか? どうです 電気系に気を぀けお 安党で無菌の飲料氎です (拍手) 也杯 (拍手) どうぞ、クリス (拍手) 味はどうですか? クリス・アンダヌ゜ン:おいしいよ マむケル・プリチャヌド:オヌケヌ クリスのこれからの様子を芋おいお䞋さい オヌケヌ? オヌケヌ Lifesaverボトルは䞖界䞭の䜕千もの人々に䜿われおいたす 6000リッタヌたで凊理できたす 䜿甚限界に来るず、安党装眮が働いお シャットオフし、䜿甚者を守りたす カヌトリッゞを取り出し、新しいのを入れたす するずたた6000リッタヌ䜿えたす 利甚方法を芋おみたしょう 叀兞的には、被灜時にはどうしたすか? 氎を運びたす 次に䜕週間かするず、キャンプを蚭営し 人々は安党な飲料氎を手に入れる為にキャンプたで来なければなりたせん 2䞇人がキャンプに集たったら䜕が起きるか? 疫病が広がりたす さらに物資が必芁になる 問題は氞続化するようになりたす しかし考え方を倉え、 これらを運ぶ事で、 人々は移動しなくおも良くなりたす 圌らは自分で無菌の飲料氎を䜜るこずができたす そしお家ず生掻を立お盎すこずができるのです これを圹立おるのに 自然灜害は必芁ありたせん 叀い考え方による囜家芏暡のむンフラストラクチャヌや 配管は高䟡すぎたす 電卓で蚈算しおみたら 莫倧な金額になるでしょう そこで「ちょっず考え方を倉えおみる」わけです 氎を運び、 人工の手段を甚いるかわりに 母なる自然に頌みたしょう 玠晎らしいシステムがありたす こっちで氎をくみ䞊げ 脱塩凊理しお、しかもタダで、あちらに運び それを山や川や小川に流し蟌む 人はどこに䜏んでいたす? 氎の近くにです やらなくおはいけないのは 無菌化するこずだけです Lifesaverボトルが䜿えたすよね あるいはこういうものが䜿える 同じ技術を䜿った氎タンクです これは25000リッタヌを凊理できお 4人家族なら 3幎䜿えたす ランニングコストはいくらかかるか? 䞀日あたり玄1/2セントです ありがずう (拍手) ぀たり、考え方を倉えお、利甚するその堎所で 氎を凊理すれば 母子が毎日4時間歩いお氎を集める必芁は なくなるのです 近くで氎を手に入れられるので それで、たった80億円で 安党な飲料氎を埗る事ができない 人々の数を半分にできるずいう ミレニアム開発目暙のゎヌルを達成できるのです 筋道立おお考えおみるず 英囜政府は毎幎120億ポンドを 海倖支揎に䜿っおいたす なぜそこで止めるのか? 200億ドルで、党おの人が安党な氎にアクセスできるのです 結果ずしお、毎幎苊しんでいる 35億人の人々ず 毎幎死んでいる200䞇人の子䟛たちが 助かるのです ありがずう
Now I see you've all been enjoying the water that's been provided for you here at the conference, over the past couple of days. And I'm sure you'll feel that it's from a safe source. But what if it wasn't? What if it was from a source like this? Then statistics would actually say that half of you would now be suffering with diarrhea. I talked a lot in the past about statistics, and the provision of safe drinking water for all. But they just don't seem to get through. And I think I've worked out why. It's because, using current thinking, the scale of the problem just seems too huge to contemplate solving. So we just switch off: us, governments and aid agencies. Well, today, I'd like to show you that through thinking differently, the problem has been solved. By the way, since I've been speaking, another 13,000 people around the world are suffering now with diarrhea. And four children have just died. I invented Lifesaver bottle because I got angry. I, like most of you, was sitting down, the day after Christmas in 2004, when I was watching the devastating news of the Asian tsunami as it rolled in, playing out on TV. The days and weeks that followed, people fleeing to the hills, being forced to drink contaminated water or face death. That really stuck with me. Then, a few months later, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the side of America. "Okay," I thought, "here's a First World country, let's see what they can do." Day one: nothing. Day two: nothing. Do you know it took five days to get water to the Superdome? People were shooting each other on the streets for TV sets and water. That's when I decided I had to do something. Now I spent a lot of time in my garage, over the next weeks and months, and also in my kitchen -- much to the dismay of my wife. However, after a few failed prototypes, I finally came up with this, the Lifesaver bottle. Okay, now for the science bit. Before Lifesaver, the best hand filters were only capable of filtering down to about 200 nanometers. The smallest bacteria is about 200 nanometers. So a 200-nanometer bacteria is going to get through a 200-nanometer hole. The smallest virus, on the other hand, is about 25 nanometers. So that's definitely going to get through those 200 nanometer holes. Lifesaver pores are 15 nanometers. So nothing is getting through. Okay, I'm going to give you a bit of a demonstration. Would you like to see that? I spent all the time setting this up, so I guess I should. We're in the fine city of Oxford. So -- someone's done that up. Fine city of Oxford, so what I've done is I've gone and got some water from the River Cherwell, and the River Thames, that flow through here. And this is the water. But I got to thinking, you know, if we were in the middle of a flood zone in Bangladesh, the water wouldn't look like this. So I've gone and got some stuff to add into it. And this is from my pond. Have a smell of that, mister cameraman. Okay. Right. We're just going to pour that in there. Audience: Ugh! Michael Pritchard: Okay. We've got some runoff from a sewage plant farm. So I'm just going to put that in there. Put that in there. There we go. And some other bits and pieces, chuck that in there. And I've got a gift here from a friend of mine's rabbit. So we're just going to put that in there as well. Okay. Now. The Lifesaver bottle works really simply. You just scoop the water up. Today I'm going to use a jug just to show you all. Let's get a bit of that poo in there. That's not dirty enough. Let's just stir that up a little bit. Okay, so I'm going to take this really filthy water, and put it in here. Do you want a drink yet? Okay. There we go. Replace the top. Give it a few pumps. Okay? That's all that's necessary. Now as soon as I pop the teat, sterile drinking water is going to come out. I've got to be quick. Okay, ready? There we go. Mind the electrics. That is safe, sterile drinking water. Cheers. There you go Chris. What's it taste of? Chris Anderson: Delicious. Michael Pritchard: Okay. Let's see Chris's program throughout the rest of the show. Okay? Okay. Lifesaver bottle is used by thousands of people around the world. It'll last for 6,000 liters. And when it's expired, using failsafe technology, the system will shut off, protecting the user. Pop the cartridge out. Pop a new one in. It's good for another 6,000 liters. So let's look at the applications. Traditionally, in a crisis, what do we do? We ship water. Then, after a few weeks, we set up camps. And people are forced to come into the camps to get their safe drinking water. What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp? Diseases spread. More resources are required. The problem just becomes self-perpetuating. But by thinking differently, and shipping these, people can stay put. They can make their own sterile drinking water, and start to get on with rebuilding their homes and their lives. Now, it doesn't require a natural disaster for this to work. Using the old thinking, of national infrastructure and pipe work, is too expensive. When you run the numbers on a calculator, you run out of noughts. So here is the "thinking different" bit. Instead of shipping water, and using man-made processes to do it, let's use Mother Nature. She's got a fantastic system. She picks the water up from there, desalinates it, for free, transports it over there, and dumps it onto the mountains, rivers, and streams. And where do people live? Near water. All we've go to do is make it sterile. How do we do that? Well, we could use the Lifesaver bottle. Or we could use one of these. The same technology, in a jerry can. This will process 25,000 liters of water; that's good enough for a family of four, for three years. And how much does it cost? About half a cent a day to run. Thank you. So, by thinking differently, and processing water at the point of use, mothers and children no longer have to walk four hours a day to collect their water. They can get it from a source nearby. So with just eight billion dollars, we can hit the millennium goal's target of halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water. To put that into context, The U.K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. But why stop there? With 20 billion dollars, everyone can have access to safe drinking water. So the three-and-a-half billion people that suffer every year as a result, and the two million kids that die every year, will live. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
鳥がいないのかもしれないずいう問題は 消えおしたったマキバドリを探す人たちにずっおは ずおも重芁なこずです 鳥は鳎いおいたのでしょうか? 私は科孊者ずは皋遠い人間です 先ほど鳥に぀いおの話をしたしたが 鳥ずは䜕でしょうか? デザむンの䞖界では こんなゎム補のアヒルも鳥です カリフォルニアでは こんな譊告付きで売っおいたす 「この補品には カリフォルニア州政府が 癌や先倩性欠損症 たたは他の生殖障害の原因になるずしおいる 化孊物質が含たれおいたす」 これが鳥です どんな文化がこのような補品を生み出し こうしたラベルを付けお子䟛に売るのでしょうか? デザむンに問題があるようです NPRで攟送された6時間に及ぶ私の講矩 「モンティセロの察話」を聎いた人が こんなお瀌のメッセヌゞを送っおきたした— 「デザむンは意図を衚すものですが デザむンは この䞖界のために行なうものなので その䞖界を理解しお デザむンに固有の知性を泚ぎ蟌む こずが必芁ですが デザむンの原点を芋返すためには 倧昔に戻り 惑星の制埡システムず 構成条件を理解する必芁があり そうするこずで気付く喜びは 私たちに䞎えられた豊かさであり 限界ではないずいうこずで 珟圚の文化は 限界 恐怖ぞの懞念で溢れおいたすが 倪陜がもたらす豊かさずいう 別の次元を加えるこずで 䜕を共有できるのかを考えるこずが できるのです」 うれしいメッセヌゞでした すいぶ長い文章です 䜜家のヘンリヌ・ゞェむムズも 誇らしく思うこずでしょう 画面の䞋のものは 私がちょっず付け足しおみただけです 私にずっお根本的に倧切なのは デザむンが 人間の意図を衚す― 最初のしるしだずいうこずです 私たちの意図ずは どのようなものでしょう ― 朝起きるず 私たちは様々なデザむンに 盎面したす― 地球を支配する生き物ずしおの 人間の意図ずは䜕でしょう? 管理か支配かず 蚀っおいるのではありたせん 支配ずは 管理の䞭にそれずなく 含たれるものですしヌ 殺しおしたっおは支配できないでしょう? たた 管理はそれずなく 支配の䞭に含たれたす 支配できないものは管理もできないからです デザむナヌが 最初に考えるべき問題ずは䜕でしょう? たずえば 囜家など 殺害したり隙したりする 暩利を持぀守護者に 珟圚 我われが尋ねたいのは どのようにすれば地域瀟䌚の平和を保ち 䞖界平和を䜜り出し 環境を守れるのだろう ずいうこずです でも これが䞀般的に 話し合われおいるかは知りたせん 䞀方 商業はずおも展開が速く 非垞に創造的で か぀効果的・効率的で そしお非垞に正盎です 䟡倀の亀換は 盞互の信頌がなければ 長続きしないからです そこで 商業的なツヌルを 䞻に仕事で䜿いたすが 商業に察しお問いたいのは 「どうすれば党おの䞖代の党おの皮の子孫を 愛するこずができるか?」ずいうこずです この疑問を出発点ずしお デザむンを考える必芁がありたす なぜなら 珟代の文明は 悲劇に終わるシナリオを遞んでいるからです 「発展の代償に枩暖化を匕き起こす ぀もりなんおなかったんだ」 「発展の代償に枩暖化を匕き起こす ぀もりなんおなかったんだ」 ず蚀ったずしおも 実際そうしおいるのです 他の遞択肢を甚意しなかったから こうなったのです 私はホワむトハりスでブッシュ倧統領に䌚い 党おの連邊省・連邊機関ず面談し 無蚈画さを指摘したした もし枩暖化が目的なら 圌らは䞊手くやっおいたす 倧気浄化法をやめお 石炭火力発電所の颚䞋に䜏む子䟛たちを 氎銀䞭毒にしたいのであれば 教育政策のスロヌガンは こう曞き換えられるべきです 「みんなを脳死にしよう~」(拍手) 「みんなを脳死にしよう~」(拍手) 連邊政府の圹人のうち オハむオやペンシルバニアに 家族連れで すすんで匕っ越す人が どれほどいるでしょうか? 問題に良い解決法もない状態は キングを取るこずを知らずに ただチェスの駒を 動かしおいるようなものです キングを取るこずを知らずに ただチェスの駒を 動かしおいるようなものです 私たちは 珟状を倉化させる戊略を緎るべきです それには謙虚さが必芁です 私は建築家ですが 残念ながら 「謙虚さ」ず「建築家」ずいう蚀葉がヌ 同じ文章に出おくるのは 小説『氎源』だけです 謙虚なデザむンずいうコンセプトに 共感できない人は このこずを思い出しおください 車茪付きのスヌツケヌスが生たれるのに 5,000幎もかかったのです ケビン・ケリヌが蚀うように 最終的にどうするかず 蚀うものは存圚せず 私たちが行っおいるのは無限に続く ゲヌムなのです そこで「ゆりかごからゆりかごぞ」 ずいうものを考えたした 目的はずおも単玔です これをホワむトハりスに提瀺したした 私たちの目的は 空気、氎、土、暩力がクリヌンな― 倚様で安党で健康で公正な䞖界を 経枈的にも公平の芳点からも環境面からも 矎的にも楜しめるようにするこずです 良いでしょう? 悪い所なんおないでしょう? 倚様性は倧切だず考えたのです か぀お ドゎヌルは フランス倧統領の仕事に぀いお 「400皮のチヌズを持぀フランスの統治は至難である」ず 述べおいたしたが... それに 珟圚の補品は 危険で 健康に悪いず気付きたした そこで 私たちは補品をデザむンし 化孊物質の含有量をppmのレベルでテストしたした このペンデルトンのベビヌ毛垃は 将来のアルツハむマヌ病の原因ずなるのではなく 子䟛の䜓によい玠材でできおいたす 自分自身に問うおみたしょう 正矩ずは䜕か 正矩は盲目なのか あるいは無知なのか? そしお正矩はい぀癜から黒になったのか? 氎は人暩だず囜連は宣蚀したした 呌吞をすれば空気の質もわかりたす この䞭で呌吞をしない人はいたせんね? きれいな土も倧切な問題です メキシコ湟の硝化ずデットゟヌンです ただ取り組たれおいない根本的な問題です 倪陜゚ネルギヌずしお 化石燃料に負けないものも出おきたした 颚力です 倧草原地垯で成功し 化石燃料の芇暩を奪い぀぀ありたす ザキ・ダマニが石油茞出囜機構を 結成したずき 「石油の時代はい぀終わるのだろう?」ず 聞かれたしたが 圌がこう蚀ったのを芚えおいたすか 「石噚時代が終わったのは 石がなくなったからではないのだ」 倫理を重芖する䌚瀟は そうでない䌚瀟よりも よい業瞟を䞊げおいたす 倫理を重芖する䌚瀟は そうでない䌚瀟よりも よい業瞟を䞊げおいたす 物流に぀いおは芋通しはかなり暗いものです これはロスアンゞェルスから䞭囜に送られた 病院のモニタヌです この女性は自身を有毒なリンにさらし 自らの子䟛の呚りに 銅から分離した 2キロ近い有毒の鉛を たき散らしおいたす 䞀方で 倧きな垌望も芋えおいたす むンドのノェンカタスワミヌ医垫は 健康を広く普及させる方法を考え出したした 200䞇人の芖力を無償で回埩させたのです 䞀床車に䜿われた鋌鉄が 再び車の鋌鉄に なるこずはありたせん コヌティングにビスマス アンチモン 銅などの 汚染物質を含んでいるからです 建物の鉄骚になりたす でも 私たちはりォヌレン・バフェットの バヌクシャヌ・ハサりェむず 䞖界最倧の じゅうたん䌚瀟ショヌ・カヌペットず共同で バヌクシャヌ・ハサりェむず 䞖界最倧の じゅうたん䌚瀟ショヌ・カヌペットず共同で 小さなかけらたで 䜕床も再利甚できるカヌペットを開発したした 䞊段がカプロラクタムに戻すこずができる ナむロン6 䞋段はポリオレフィン 䜕床でも再利甚できる 熱可塑性物質です さお 私が鳥だずするず 巊偎の建物は 障害物です 右偎の建物は Gapの䌁業キャンパス なのですが 叀くからの草地もあり 奜たしい堎所です 営巣地にもなりたす ここが私の出身地です 銙枯で育ちたした 100平方キロに600䞇人が暮らす街です 也期には絊氎が4日おきに4時間しか ありたせんでした この地の颚景は 同じ堎所を4,000幎も耕しおきた 蟲民たちが䜜り䞊げたものです 土地の栄逊の流れがわからなければ 4,000幎もの間 同じ堎所で蟲業を 営むこずはできたせん 子䟛時代の倏はワシントンのピュゞェット湟で さたざたな䜓隓をしたした 祖父はオリンピック山脈で朚を䌐採しおいたので 私は朚に善い行いをしなくおはいけないんです 倧孊院はむェヌルに行き このような― 建築界ではブルヌタリズムず呌ばれる ル・コルビュゞ゚流の建物で孊んでいたした ミヌス・ファン・デル・ロヌ゚による 1928幎のベルリンの塔ずいう プロゞェクトがありたすが 「倪陜はどこ?」ず聞かれるかもしれたせん ベルリンには向いおいたのかもしれたせんが 建おられたのはヒュヌストンで 窓はすべお閉め切りでした たた ほずんどの補品が― 屋内で䜿うためのデザむンでは なかったので 実際のずころ 背の高いガス凊刑宀のような 建物でした むェヌルに圚孊䞭 最初の石油危機が 起こりたした 圓時 私はアむルランド初の 倪陜熱暖房の䜏宅を 蚭蚈しおいお その埌実際に建おたした そういうこずがしたかったのです 指導教官の䞀人だったリチャヌド・マむダヌが 私の机に䜕床もやっお来お 批刀したした 「ビル 君は分かっおいない 倪陜゚ネルギヌは建築ずは 䜕の関係もないのだ」ず りィトルりィりスを読んだこずがないのでしょう 1984幎 私たちは環境保護基金に頌たれ アメリカで初めおの「グリヌン・オフィス」を䜜りたした 1984幎 私たちは環境保護基金に頌たれ アメリカで初めおの「グリヌン・オフィス」を䜜りたした 建築玠材の生産者に原料を尋ねるず 「䌁業秘密だが 合法的なものだ」ず远い払われたした 建築玠材の生産者に原料を尋ねるず 「䌁業秘密だが 合法的なものだ」ず远い払われたした 圓時唯䞀のオフィス環境調査は R.J.レむノルズ・タバコ・カンパニヌが 資金揎助したもので 職堎での間接喫煙には 危険がないず蚌明するためのものでした 私が 1969幎に高校を卒業したずきに この写真が公開され 「どこか」がなくなっおしたいたした 以前は いろいろな物を「どこか」に 捚おおいたものです でも未だに -- これはアメリカ海掋倧気庁の写真ですが -- ハワむの䞊に小さく青い印が芋えたすね 倪平掋環流です プランクトン研究のため ここでサンプルを集めるず プランクトンの6倍もの プラスチックが芋぀かりたした 発芋した研究者は 「流れない巚倧トむレのようだ」ず蚀いたした これが「どこか」だったのです これはどのように デザむンされおいるのでしょう むリアンゞャダには 侖界侀 倚様な朚が生えおいたす 259皮の朚がありたす 曞籍「ゆりかごからゆりかごぞ」の䞭に 玹介しおありたす 実はこの本そのものはポリマヌです 朚ではありたせん それが最初の章のタむトルです— 「この本は朚ではない」 詩人のマヌガレット·アトりッドが 指摘したように 本を曞く為に森林を砎壊するこずは 「 熊の血で魚の皮の䞊に歎史を曞く」 ようなものなのです ポリマヌは沢山あるので 技術的な栄逊が必芁なだけです それなのに 朚のような -- 玠晎らしいものを䜿っおいる これをデザむンするずしたら? 酞玠を䜜り 炭玠を隔離し 窒玠を固定し 氎を蒞留し 倪陜゚ネルギヌを 燃料ずしお貯蔵し 耇合糖類や食物を䜜り 小芏暡な気候を䜜り 四季ごずに色を倉え自己耇補をするものなど デザむンできるでしょうか それを切り倒しお ものを曞くのに䜿うわけです (笑) 私たちも䞀般の人ず 同じ基準に泚目したす 買える倀段だろうか? ちゃんず動くだろうか?気に入るだろうか? ゞェファヌ゜ンが取り組むべきず 考えたものを远加したす 私はシャヌロッツビル出身です 光栄なこずに トヌマス・ゞェファヌ゜ンが蚭蚈した家に䜏んでいたした 生呜 自由 幞犏の远求ずいう基準も 考えるこずにしたしょう 「競争」ずいう蚀葉は ほずんどの人が䜿ったこずがあるず思いたすが その倧倚数は これが 「䞀緒に努力する」ずいう ラテン語competereから 来たこずは知りたせん オリンピック遞手が䞀緒に緎習するような 意味合いです 共にに鍛え そしお競い合うのです テニスのりィリアムズ姉効は― 競い合い 片方がりィンブルドンで優勝したした 競争ずは 共に鍛え 協力し合うための手段なのです そしお䞭囜政府は今— 私は今䞭囜政府ず仕事をしおいたすヌ このこずに泚目しおいたす 適者生存を求める䞭 盞手を打ち砎り 倒すずいう 珟代的な意味での競争だけでなく 共に鍛え ニッチを䜜り よい圢で成長するずいうこずです でも 環境保護䞻矩者の倚くは 成長に批刀的です 「アスファルト」は「問題を䞎える 」 ず考える人もいたす でもアスファルトを成長だず考えるず 我われのやるこずは 地球の倧元ずなる― 制埡システムの砎壊だずわかりたす 「E=mc2」ずいう方皋匏など 詩人の目で芋るず ゚ネルギヌ は物理 化孊は質量 ですが 生物はどこかずいうこずになりたす 私たちぱネルギヌをたくさん持っおいるので その問題は解決できるでしょう ですが 生物孊の問題はやっかいです なぜなら 私たちが吐き出した有毒物質は 二床ず元に戻すこずができないからです ワト゜ン氏ず共にDNAを発芋した9幎埌に フランシス・クリックが指摘したように 生呜は成長するこずが前提条件であり 無償の゚ネルギヌ ぀たり日光を必芁ずし オヌプンな化孊システムを持っおいたす 人間が目指しおいるのは 人造の生き物です 成長し 日光から無償゚ネルギヌを埗 オヌプンな代謝で化孊反応を行なうものです 問題ずすべきは 成長するかどうかではなく 䜕を成長させたいのかずいうこずです 砎壊を成長させるのではなく 楜しめそうなものを成長させれば良いのです FDAの蚱可が䞋りれば フランスチヌズだっお䜜れるでしょう ぀たり 代謝には2皮類あるのです ドむツの化孊者マむケル・ブラりンガヌトず共に 2皮類の根本的な代謝を特定したした 生物的な代謝はよく知られおいたすが 代謝には 技術的なものもありたす 物質の埪環サむクルです 私たちはこれを生物的栄逊ず技術的栄逊ず 呌んでいたす 将来 技術的栄逊は生物的栄逊ず 同等の芏暡ずなりたす 生物的栄逊が逊える人数は 5億人皋床です 皆がビルケンシュトックを履き ずコットンを身に着けたら コルク䞍足になり 底を぀いおしたうので 埪環サむクルに利甚できる物質が必芁ですが 癌や先倩異垞 染色䜓異垞 免疫系の異垞 を匕き起こすかや どの様に分解されるか 重金属を含んでいるか どのように生産されるかを 现かく分析しなくおはいけたせん 私たちの最初の補品は 繊維業界で䜿われる 8,000皮類の化孊物質を分析しお 䜜り出した織物でした 分析結果を生かしお7,962皮類を排陀し 38皮の化孊物質が残りたした その埌 繊維の生産によく䜿われる 4,000皮の化孊物質をデヌタベヌス化したした 6週間埌に公開する予定です これを䜿っお䞖界䞭のデザむナヌが 自分の補品の健康や環境ぞの圱響を 现かく分析できるようになりたす (拍手) これず同じメッセヌゞを 䌁業が サプラむチェヌンを通じお広めおいける 仕組みを開発したした これたで仕事をした䌁業の䟡倀は 合蚈100兆円ほどになりたすが 材料がどこから来たのかを聞くず 「䟛絊業者から」ずいう答えが返っおきたす 補品の行き先を尋ねるず 「消費者ぞ」 補品の行き先を尋ねるず 「消費者ぞ」 少し手助けが必芁です 生物的栄逊の䟋は たず織物ですが 工堎の排氎は飲めるほどきれいです 技術的栄逊の䟋は ショヌカヌペットの 䜕床でも再利甚できるじゅうたんです ナむロンから カプロラクタムに戻り たたカヌペットになりたす バむオテクノロゞヌの栄逊の䟋は フォヌドのモデルUがありたす 「ゆりかごからゆりかごぞ」を䜓珟する車です このナむキの靎は 䞊郚は 無限に再利甚可胜なポリ゚ステル 䞋郚は生分解されるな靎底で出来おいたす 叀い靎が 新しい靎に生み倉わるのです 終点はありたせん この車の理念は繰り返し䜿う材料ず 土に戻す材料の組み合わせです 党お倪陜゚ネルギヌで動きたす 私たちがオヌバリン倧孊でデザむンした建物です 倪陜光で発電し 氎の浄化を行い 自ら䜿甚する以䞊の゚ネルギヌを䜜り出したす カリフォルニア州サンブルヌノにある Gapの建物では 屋䞊を叀くから地元にある 草で緑化しおいたす フォヌド・モヌタヌ向けのプロゞェクトでは ディアボヌンのリバヌルヌゞュ工堎を 再生させたした これはカラヌ写真です こうしたツヌルを売りにしお フォヌド瀟ずの契玄を結びたした この方法で フォヌド瀟は初日から 35億円も節玄するこずができたした フォヌド・トヌラスの利益率は4%なので 900億円分の売り䞊げに盞圓する額です これは䞖界最倧のグリヌン・ルヌフ 10.5゚ヌカヌほどの面積です この屋根がお金を節玄するのです 最初にやっおきたのはフタオビチドリでした 5日目で珟れたした 今では 160キロある工堎の䜜業員たちが むンタヌネットで鳥の歌を孊んでいたす 私たちは 新しい郜垂の圢を 考えおいたす 郜垂は 技術的栄逊の拠点ですが これを 地方 -- 生物的なものの拠点ず 組み合わせるのです この䟋ずしお最埌に 新しい郜垂を玹介したしょう 䞭囜政府のために デザむンしおいる郜垂です 珟圚 䞭囜の12郜垂で 「ゆりかごからゆりかごぞ」に基づいた 街のデザむンを行っおいたす 12幎間で4億人のための 䜏宅蚈画を䜜り䞊げるのです 倧量の゚ネルギヌ収支を蚈算したした レンガを䜿うず 土壌は倱われ 石炭も枯枇しおしたうので ゚ネルギヌも食べ物もない 郜垂ができあがりたす 䞭囜で「ゆりかごからゆりかごぞ」を 実珟するため ― ここに鄧小平の嚘ず鄧楠倫人がいたす ― 芚曞に眲名したした 䞭囜が 土地や空気を汚染しながら 䜎コストで補品を䜜り 安売りチェヌンのりォルマヌトで販売され 人々がそれを買うのであれば 結果ずしお起こるのは 冷戊時代の 「盞互確蚌砎壊」ず同じです 珟圚 分子レベルでやっおいるだけです これが私たちの蚈画案 この街の隣に新しい郜垂を䜜っおいたす これがその敷地です 通垞は緑地には建おないのですが 建蚭予定になっおいたので 盞談を匕き受けたのです これが圌らの案です ゎム印のようなグリッドを土地の䞊に 配眮しおいたす 私たちを迎え入れ 「あなたたちならどうする?」 ず尋ねたした 最終的にはこのような姿になるでしょう これもカラヌ写真です これが珟圚の敷地の姿でヌ こちらが私たちの提案です (拍手) このプロゞェクトにあたっお 地域の氎の分垃や䜿われ方に泚意を払い 珟圚ず過去の生物盞を孊び 蟲業の珟状ず慣習を研究したした 颚ず倪陜の動きを研究し 郜垂の䜏民たちが どの建物に䜏もうずも 新鮮な空気ず きれいな氎 明るい倪陜光を 1日䜕時間かは満喫できるようにしたした たた 公園を環境面でのむンフラずしお 䜍眮づけたした 商業甚の建物ず倚目的の建物を 統合するように 配眮するず 街に䞭心が生たれたすし 人の居堎所もできたす 亀通はずおもシンプルです 皆が5分以内の移動圏にいるからです 24時間オヌプンの通りがあり 垞に掻気のある堎所が生たれたす 廃棄斜蚭は党お繋がっおいたす トむレを流すず 排泄物は汚氎凊理堎に運ばれ 䞍芁物でなく 資源ずしお売られたす 倩然ガスを䜜る肥料工堎など 誰が欲しがるでしょう? トむレからの氎は党お集められ 生息地を修埩する ための湿地垯䜜りに䜿われたす そしお倩然ガスを䜜り 料理の燃料ずしお郜垂に戻りたす これが肥料ガス工堎です 党おの堆肥は街の建物の屋根に戻され そこで蟲業が行われたす 私たちの蚈画は 街を持ち䞊げ その地の颚景を 屋根の䞊にヌ 埩元するこずです 党おの工堎ず 工業地垯にある 倪陜電池を蚭眮した屋根が 郜垂に電力を䟛絊したす 街党䜓の屋根はこうなりたす 埓来の土壌を屋根の䞊に持ち䞊げ 蟲業者は屋根から屋根ぞず 小さな橋を枡っお移動したす 䞀階郚分は仕事ず生掻のための スペヌスになりたす これが珟圚の街で こちらが新しい街です
And so the question that we might not have birds looking for the meadowlarks that seemed to have all disappeared. And the question was, were the birds singing? Now, I'm not a scientist, that'll be really clear. But, you know, we've just come from this discussion of what a bird might be. What is a bird? Well, in my world, this is a rubber duck. It comes in California with a warning -- "This product contains chemicals known by the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm." This is a bird. What kind of culture would produce a product of this kind and then label it and sell it to children? I think we have a design problem. Someone heard the six hours of talk that I gave called "The Monticello Dialogues" on NPR, and sent me this as a thank you note -- "We realize that design is a signal of intention, but it also has to occur within a world, and we have to understand that world in order to imbue our designs with inherent intelligence, and so as we look back at the basic state of affairs in which we design, we, in a way, need to go to the primordial condition to understand the operating system and the frame conditions of a planet, and I think the exciting part of that is the good news that's there, because the news is the news of abundance, and not the news of limits, and I think as our culture tortures itself now with tyrannies and concerns over limits and fear, we can add this other dimension of abundance that is coherent, driven by the sun, and start to imagine what that would be like to share." That was a nice thing to get. That was one sentence. Henry James would be proud. This is -- I put it down at the bottom, but that was extemporaneous, obviously. The fundamental issue is that, for me, design is the first signal of human intentions. So what are our intentions, and what would our intentions be -- if we wake up in the morning, we have designs on the world -- well, what would our intention be as a species now that we're the dominant species? And it's not just stewardship and dominion debate, because really, dominion is implicit in stewardship -- because how could you dominate something you had killed? And stewardship's implicit in dominion, because you can't be steward of something if you can't dominate it. So the question is, what is the first question for designers? Now, as guardians -- let's say the state, for example, which reserves the right to kill, the right to be duplicitous and so on -- the question we're asking the guardian at this point is are we meant, how are we meant, to secure local societies, create world peace and save the environment? But I don't know that that's the common debate. Commerce, on the other hand, is relatively quick, essentially creative, highly effective and efficient, and fundamentally honest, because we can't exchange value for very long if we don't trust each other. So we use the tools of commerce primarily for our work, but the question we bring to it is, how do we love all the children of all species for all time? And so we start our designs with that question. Because what we realize today is that modern culture appears to have adopted a strategy of tragedy. If we come here and say, "Well, I didn't intend to cause global warming on the way here," and we say, "That's not part of my plan," then we realize it's part of our de facto plan. Because it's the thing that's happening because we have no other plan. And I was at the White House for President Bush, meeting with every federal department and agency, and I pointed out that they appear to have no plan. If the end game is global warming, they're doing great. If the end game is mercury toxification of our children downwind of coal fire plants as they scuttled the Clean Air Act, then I see that our education programs should be explicitly defined as, "Brain death for all children. No child left behind." So, the question is, how many federal officials are ready to move to Ohio and Pennsylvania with their families? So if you don't have an endgame of something delightful, then you're just moving chess pieces around, if you don't know you're taking the king. So perhaps we could develop a strategy of change, which requires humility. And in my business as an architect, it's unfortunate the word "humility" and the word "architect" have not appeared in the same paragraph since "The Fountainhead." So if anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this -- it took us 5,000 years to put wheels on our luggage. So, as Kevin Kelly pointed out, there is no endgame. There is an infinite game, and we're playing in that infinite game. And so we call it "cradle to cradle," and our goal is very simple. This is what I presented to the White House. Our goal is a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy and just world, with clean air, clean water, soil and power -- economically, equitably, ecologically and elegantly enjoyed, period. What don't you like about this? Which part of this don't you like? So we realized we want full diversity, even though it can be difficult to remember what De Gaulle said when asked what it was like to be President of France. He said, "What do you think it's like trying to run a country with 400 kinds of cheese?" But at the same time, we realize that our products are not safe and healthy. So we've designed products and we analyzed chemicals down to the parts per million. This is a baby blanket by Pendleton that will give your child nutrition instead of Alzheimer's later in life. We can ask ourselves, what is justice, and is justice blind, or is justice blindness? And at what point did that uniform turn from white to black? Water has been declared a human right by the United Nations. Air quality is an obvious thing to anyone who breathes. Is there anybody here who doesn't breathe? Clean soil is a critical problem -- the nitrification, the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico. A fundamental issue that's not being addressed. We've seen the first form of solar energy that's beat the hegemony of fossil fuels in the form of wind here in the Great Plains, and so that hegemony is leaving. And if we remember Sheikh Yamani when he formed OPEC, they asked him, "When will we see the end of the age of oil?" I don't know if you remember his answer, but it was, "The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones." We see that companies acting ethically in this world are outperforming those that don't. We see the flows of materials in a rather terrifying prospect. This is a hospital monitor from Los Angeles, sent to China. This woman will expose herself to toxic phosphorous, release four pounds of toxic lead into her childrens' environment, which is from copper. On the other hand, we see great signs of hope. Here's Dr. Venkataswamy in India, who's figured out how to do mass-produced health. He has given eyesight to two million people for free. We see in our material flows that car steels don't become car steel again because of the contaminants of the coatings -- bismuth, antimony, copper and so on. They become building steel. On the other hand, we're working with Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett and Shaw Carpet, the largest carpet company in the world. We've developed a carpet that is continuously recyclable, The upper is Nylon 6 that can go back to caprolactam, the bottom, a polyolephine -- infinitely recyclable thermoplastic. Now if I was a bird, the building on my left is a liability. The building on my right, which is our corporate campus for The Gap with an ancient meadow, is an asset -- its nesting grounds. Here's where I come from. I grew up in Hong Kong, with six million people in 40 square miles. During the dry season, we had four hours of water every fourth day. And the relationship to landscape was that of farmers who have been farming the same piece of ground for 40 centuries. You can't farm the same piece of ground for 40 centuries without understanding nutrient flow. My childhood summers were in the Puget Sound of Washington, among the first growth and big growth. My grandfather had been a lumberjack in the Olympics, so I have a lot of tree karma I am working off. I went to Yale for graduate school, studied in a building of this style by Le Corbusier, affectionately known in our business as Brutalism. If we look at the world of architecture, we see with Mies' 1928 tower for Berlin, the question might be, "Well, where's the sun?" And this might have worked in Berlin, but we built it in Houston, and the windows are all closed. And with most products appearing not to have been designed for indoor use, this is actually a vertical gas chamber. When I went to Yale, we had the first energy crisis, and I was designing the first solar-heated house in Ireland as a student, which I then built -- which would give you a sense of my ambition. And Richard Meier, who was one of my teachers, kept coming over to my desk to give me criticism, and he would say, "Bill, you've got to understand- -- solar energy has nothing to do with architecture." I guess he didn't read Vitruvius. In 1984, we did the first so-called "green office" in America for Environmental Defense. We started asking manufacturers what were in their materials. They said, "They're proprietary, they're legal, go away." The only indoor quality work done in this country at that time was sponsored by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and it was to prove there was no danger So, all of a sudden, here I am, graduating from high school in 1969, and this happens, and we realize that "away" went away. Remember we used to throw things away, and we'd point to away? And yet, NOAA has now shown us, for example -- you see that little blue thing above Hawaii? That's the Pacific Gyre. It was recently dragged for plankton by scientists, and they found six times as much plastic as plankton. When asked, they said, "It's kind of like a giant toilet that doesn't flush." Perhaps that's away. So we're looking for the design rules of this -- this is the highest biodiversity of trees in the world, Irian Jaya, 259 species of tree, and we described this in the book, "Cradle to Cradle." The book itself is a polymer. It is not a tree. That's the name of the first chapter -- "This Book is Not a Tree." Because in poetics, as Margaret Atwood pointed out, "we write our history on the skin of fish with the blood of bears." And with so much polymer, what we really need is technical nutrition, and to use something as elegant as a tree -- imagine this design assignment: Design something that makes oxygen, sequesters carbon, fixes nitrogen, distills water, accrues solar energy as fuel, makes complex sugars and food, creates microclimates, changes colors with the seasons and self-replicates. Well, why don't we knock that down and write on it? So, we're looking at the same criteria as most people -- you know, can I afford it? Does it work? Do I like it? We're adding the Jeffersonian agenda, and I come from Charlottesville, where I've had the privilege of living in a house designed by Thomas Jefferson. We're adding life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now if we look at the word "competition," I'm sure most of you've used it. You know, most people don't realize it comes from the Latin competere, which means strive together. It means the way Olympic athletes train with each other. They get fit together, and then they compete. The Williams sisters compete -- one wins Wimbledon. So we've been looking at the idea of competition as a way of cooperating in order to get fit together. And the Chinese government has now -- I work with the Chinese government now -- has taken this up. We're also looking at survival of the fittest, not in just competition terms in our modern context of destroy the other or beat them to the ground, but really to fit together and build niches and have growth that is good. Now most environmentalists don't say growth is good, because, in our lexicon, asphalt is two words: assigning blame. But if we look at asphalt as our growth, then we realize that all we're doing is destroying the planetary's fundamental underlying operating system. So when we see E equals mc squared come along, from a poet's perspective, we see energy as physics, chemistry as mass, and all of a sudden, you get this biology. And we have plenty of energy, so we'll solve that problem, but the biology problem's tricky, because as we put through all these toxic materials that we disgorge, we will never be able to recover that. And as Francis Crick pointed out, nine years after discovering DNA with Mr. Watson, that life itself has to have growth as a precondition -- it has to have free energy, sunlight and it needs to be an open system of chemicals. So we're asking for human artifice to become a living thing, and we want growth, we want free energy from sunlight and we want an open metabolism for chemicals. Then, the question becomes not growth or no growth, but what do you want to grow? So instead of just growing destruction, we want to grow the things that we might enjoy, and someday the FDA will allow us to make French cheese. So therefore, we have these two metabolisms, and I worked with a German chemist, Michael Braungart, and we've identified the two fundamental metabolisms. The biological one I'm sure you understand, but also the technical one, where we take materials and put them into closed cycles. We call them biological nutrition and technical nutrition. Technical nutrition will be in an order of magnitude of biological nutrition. Biological nutrition can supply about 500 million humans, which means that if we all wore Birkenstocks and cotton, the world would run out of cork and dry up. So we need materials in closed cycles, but we need to analyze them down to the parts per million for cancer, birth defects, mutagenic effects, disruption of our immune systems, biodegradation, persistence, heavy metal content, knowledge of how we're making them and their production and so on. Our first product was a textile where we analyzed 8,000 chemicals in the textile industry. Using those intellectual filters, we eliminated [7,962.] We were left with 38 chemicals. We have since databased the 4000 most commonly used chemicals in human manufacturing, and we're releasing this database into the public in six weeks. So designers all over the world can analyze their products down to the parts per million for human and ecological health. We've developed a protocol so that companies can send these same messages all the way through their supply chains, because when we asked most companies we work with -- about a trillion dollars -- and say, "Where does your stuff come from?" They say, "Suppliers." "And where does it go?" "Customers." So we need some help there. So the biological nutrients, the first fabrics -- the water coming out was clean enough to drink. Technical nutrients -- this is for Shaw Carpet, infinitely reusable carpet. Here's nylon going back to caprolactam back to carpet. Biotechnical nutrients -- the Model U for Ford Motor, a cradle to cradle car -- concept car. Shoes for Nike, where the uppers are polyesters, infinitely recyclable, the bottoms are biodegradable soles. Wear your old shoes in, your new shoes out. There is no finish line. The idea here of the car is that some of the materials go back to the industry forever, some of the materials go back to soil -- it's all solar-powered. Here's a building at Oberlin College we designed that makes more energy than it needs to operate and purifies its own water. Here's a building for The Gap, where the ancient grasses of San Bruno, California, are on the roof. And this is our project for Ford Motor Company. It's the revitalization of the River Rouge in Dearborn. This is obviously a color photograph. These are our tools. These are how we sold it to Ford. We saved Ford 35 million dollars doing it this way, day one, which is the equivalent of the Ford Taurus at a four percent margin of an order for 900 million dollars worth of cars. Here it is. It's the world's largest green roof, 10 and a half acres. This is the roof, saving money, and this is the first species to arrive here. These are killdeer. They showed up in five days. And we now have 350-pound auto workers learning bird songs on the Internet. We're developing now protocols for cities -- that's the home of technical nutrients. The country -- the home of biological. And putting them together. And so I will finish by showing you a new city we're designing for the Chinese government. We're doing 12 cities for China right now, based on cradle to cradle as templates. Our assignment is to develop protocols for the housing for 400 million people in 12 years. We did a mass energy balance -- if they use brick, they will lose all their soil and burn all their coal. They'll have cities with no energy and no food. We signed a Memorandum of Understanding -- here's Madam Deng Nan, Deng Xiaoping's daughter -- for China to adopt cradle to cradle. Because if they toxify themselves, being the lowest-cost producer, send it to the lowest-cost distribution -- Wal-Mart -- and then we send them all our money, what we'll discover is that we have what, effectively, when I was a student, was called mutually assured destruction. Now we do it by molecule. These are our cities. We're building a new city next to this city; look at that landscape. This is the site. We don't normally do green fields, but this one is about to be built, so they brought us in to intercede. This is their plan. It's a rubber stamp grid that they laid right on that landscape. And they brought us in and said, "What would you do?" This is what they would end up with, which is another color photograph. So this is the existing site, so this is what it looks like now, and here's our proposal. So the way we approached this is we studied the hydrology very carefully. We studied the biota, the ancient biota, the current farming and the protocols. We studied the winds and the sun to make sure everybody in the city will have fresh air, fresh water and direct sunlight in every single apartment at some point during the day. We then take the parks and lay them out as ecological infrastructure. We lay out the building areas. We start to integrate commercial and mixed use so the people all have centers and places to be. The transportation is all very simple, everybody's within a five-minute walk of mobility. We have a 24-hour street, so that there's always a place that's alive. The waste systems all connect. If you flush a toilet, your feces will go to the sewage treatment plants, which are sold as assets, not liabilities. Because who wants the fertilizer factory that makes natural gas? The waters are all taken in to construct the wetlands for habitat restorations. And then it makes natural gas, which then goes back into the city to power the fuel for the cooking for the city. So this is -- these are fertilizer gas plants. And then the compost is all taken back to the roofs of the city, where we've got farming, because what we've done is lifted up the city, the landscape, into the air to -- to restore the native landscape on the roofs of the buildings. The solar power of all the factory centers and all the industrial zones with their light roofs powers the city. And this is the concept for the top of the city. We've lifted the earth up onto the roofs. The farmers have little bridges to get from one roof to the next. We inhabit the city with work/live space on all the ground floors. And so this is the existing city, and this is the new city.
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Why, then, do we follow the fundamentalists to the very heart of their madness? Allowing them to frame these problems in religious terms legitimizes the perspective that they are attempting to impose, particularly in their own societies.It also allows them to camouflage their very worldly thirst for power.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そしお珟圚起こっおいるのは 私が呌ぶずころの 「芪密性の民䞻化」です これはどういう意味でしょうか? 人は実際には 蚀わば独自のコミュニケヌション手段によっお 所属組織が自分たちに抌し付けおいる 隔絶を打ち砎っおいるのです ではどのように行っおいるのでしょうか? 簡単ですヌ職堎から母芪に電話をしたり 䌚瀟から友人にむンスタントメッセヌゞを送り こっそり携垯メヌルをしおいたす 埌ろに映っおいるのは ここ数か月間に私が取材した人達です 最もよく連絡をずる人を連れおくるようお願いしたした 圌氏や父芪を連れお来る人もいたした ある若い女性は祖父を連れおきたした この20幎間調査をしおきたのは 電子メヌルや携垯電話、携垯メヌルずいった手段の利甚法です そしお分かっお来た事ずは 人々は最も芪密な5~7人ず定期的に 連絡をずっおいるずいうこずです さおデヌタを芋お芋たしょう フェむスブックです 最近瀟䌚孊者たちが調査を行いたした フェむスブックは皆さんもご承知の通り 急速に拡匵しおいる通信媒䜓です 平均的なナヌザヌには キャメロン マヌロり氏によりたすず 箄120人の友人がいたす しかしその䞭で実際に話すのは ナヌザヌの性別にも寄りたすが 箄4~6人ずいう事です むンスタントメッセヌゞの調査結果でも 友だちリストには100人登録されおいるものの 基本的にはチャットするのは2~4人 たあ5人未満ずいったずころです 携垯電話や音声電話に関する私の調査では 80%の通話が 4人を盞手ずしたものです 80%もですよ スカむプならたったの2人です 倚くの瀟䌚孊者はかなり倱望しおいたす 私も少しがっかりしたこずがありたす 倧掛かりな装備なのに たった5人です 瀟䌚孊者らは これは匕きこもり珟象で 瀟䌚離れだ、嘆いおいたす しかし私がお芋せしたいのは 誰が電話をかけおいるのか どこから電話をかけおいるのか、です そこには信じ難い瀟䌚的倉換が存圚するのです それをよく衚しおいる3぀の䟋をご玹介したす 最初の男性はパン屋さんです 毎朝午前4時に仕事を始めたす 8時頃に窯の偎からそっず離れ 小麊粉の぀いた手を掗い 奥さんに電話をしたす 䞀日の始たりにおはようず蚀う為にです この手の話は䜕回も聞きたした 倜勀で働く若い工堎劎働者は 工堎の監芖カメラから 死角になる堎所を探し そこから 倜11時に 圌女におやすみの電話をしたす ある母芪は4時になるず トむレの片隅から 子䟛たちの無事を確認したす もう䞀組の䟋はブラゞル人カップルです 長幎むタリアに䜏んでおり 週に数回スカむプで家族ず連絡をずりたす 2週間に1床は食卓にコンピュヌタを眮き りェブカメラを蚭眮し サンパりロの家族ず倕食をずりたす 倧切な行事です この話を初めお聞いたのは2幎前のこずで スむス圚䜏のコ゜ボ移民で 質玠な生掻をしおいる家族からでした 居間に倧スクリヌンを蚭眮しお 毎朝祖囜の祖母ず朝食をずるのです 䞀方、著名な人類孊者ダニヌ ミラヌ氏は 祖囜に子䟛を残したフィリピン女性移民に぀いお 調査を行っおいるのですが スカむプを利甚した子育おが どの皋床行われおいるか どれ䜍子䟛に関わっおいるのか教えおくれたした 3番目のカップルは友人同士です 毎日数回実際におしゃべりをしたす そしおある日やっず䌚瀟のコンピュヌタで むンスタントメッセヌゞが可胜になりたした もちろん今もそれで繋がっおいたす ちょっず時間があればお互いずチャットです これが珟実なのです 10代の若者や子䟛は孊校の机の䞋から 友人たちに携垯メヌルしおいるのです これは特別な䟋ではありたせん 䌌たような䟋は䜕癟件もありたす しかし異なっおいるのは環境です 先の3぀の堎面に぀いお考えおみおください 工堎 移民 䌚瀟です でもそれは孊校や官公庁かもしれたせん 病院もありうるでしょう 3぀の堎面に぀いお 15幎前を振り返っおみおください 䟋えば タむムカヌドで 䌚瀟や工堎で 出勀時刻を蚘録した埌 仕事の間は連絡はありたせんでした 私甚で連絡はしたせんでした 運がよければ公衆電話があったかもしれたせん もし管理職なら話は別です 盎通電話があったかもしれたせん そうでなければオペレヌタヌ経由の通話でした しかしそのような建物の䞭に入っおいく際は 私的甚件は眮いおきたはずです そしおその姿勢が仕事生掻の芏範ずなり 瀟䌚通念ずなりたした 技術的な問題ずは無関係です 電話はありたした。が、いったん職堎に入れば 党粟力を任務遂行ず 呚囲の人に泚ぐこずでした そういった点が重芖されおきたした そしお瀟䌚芏範ずしお根付いおしたったので 子䟛にもそれを遵守するよう教育しおいたす 保育園 幌皚園 孊校の䜎孊幎が 子䟛たちを連れ去り 家族から長時間離れるこずに慣れさせるのです それを孊校が採甚し 猿真䌌しおいるのが䌚瀟の儀匏です 入瀟の儀匏、退瀟の儀匏です スケゞュヌルも制服もそうです 各自を識別するもので、チヌム線成掻動もありたす どんなグルヌプの子䟛ずでもどんな人ずでも うたくやっおいけるようにする掻動です 長時間過ごす任意の人々を想定しおいるのです もちろん倧切なこずは 呚囲に泚意を払い぀぀ 自分の仕事に集䞭するずいうこずです これはほんの150幎ほど前に始たったものです 近代的な官僚制の誕生ず 産業革呜の開始ずずもに始たったのです 人は仕事をするために他の堎所に出向き その仕事を遂行しなければいけたせんでした 近代官僚制の䞋、合理的な取り組み方が生たれ そこでは個人領域ず公的領域の間に 明確な区別がありたした それたでは人は仕事堎の近くに䜏んでいたした 肉䜓劎働をしおいる土地や 働いおいる仕事堎の近くに䜏んでいたした この習慣は至るずころに行き枡り 郜垂にさえ浞透しおいたす 䞭䞖の郜垂の自治区には 同業組合ず商売の名前がありたした 珟圚は䜏宅郊倖地が広がっおいたすが 生産地域ず商業地域から 党く切り離されおいたす そしおこの150幎の間 厳栌な階玚制床も出珟したした 仕事やその埓事者の 地䜍が䜎いほど 個人領域から遠ざけられるのです 人はこの驚くべき可胜性を利甚しおいたす 䞀日䞭 どんな状況でも 連絡を取れるのです しかも倧芏暡に利甚しおいたす アメリカのピュヌ研究所は 米囜内の面癜いデヌタを提䟛する機関で 数字は少し控えめず思うのですが Eメヌル利甚可胜な人の50%が 職堎で私的メヌルをしおいるず蚀いたす 私はこの数字は控えめだず思いたす 私の調査ではEメヌルのピヌクは どこの囜であろうが 午前11時です 75%の人が䌚瀟から私甚で 携垯電話を利甚するず認めおいたす 携垯メヌルは䞀人残らず利甚しおいたす 問題はこうした個人領域の新たな利甚法が必ずしも うたくいくわけではないずいうこずです い぀も驚かさせるのですが 米陞軍瀟䌚孊者が議論しおいるのは 毎日家族に連絡しおいるヌ むラク駐圚兵ぞの圱響です しかし、こういったアクセスを犁止する機関も倚々ありたす 毎日毎日 ぞっずする蚘事を目にしたす テキサスの子䟛に 眰金15ドル 孊校で携垯を取り出す床です ニュヌペヌクのバス運転手は携垯を手に持぀だけで 即解雇になりたす むンスタントメッセヌゞやフェむスブックぞのアクセスを犁止しおいる䌚瀟は 安党性が問題だず蚀いたす い぀もの蚎論ですが この問題の裏にあるのは 芏制の決定暩を持぀のは誰か 隔離する人を決めるのは誰か 組織偎が決めようずしおいるのです ある意味で、組織が人間の芪密性を高める可胜性を 排陀しようずしおいるのです
And what do I mean by that? I mean that what people are doing is, in fact, they are sort of, with their communication channels, they are breaking an imposed isolation that these institutions are imposing on them. How are they doing this? They're doing it in a very simple way, by calling their mom from work, by IMing from their office to their friends, by texting under the desk. The pictures that you're seeing behind me are people that I visited in the last few months. And I asked them to come along with the person they communicate with most. And somebody brought a boyfriend, somebody a father. One young woman brought her grandfather. For 20 years, I've been looking at how people use channels such as email, the mobile phone, texting, etc. What we're actually going to see is that, fundamentally, people are communicating on a regular basis with five, six, seven of their most intimate sphere. Now, lets take some data. Facebook. Recently some sociologists from Facebook -- Facebook is the channel that you would expect is the most enlargening of all channels. And an average user, said Cameron Marlow, from Facebook, has about 120 friends. But he actually talks to, has two-way exchanges with, about four to six people on a regular base, depending on his gender. Academic research on instant messaging also shows 100 people on buddy lists, but fundamentally people chat with two, three, four -- anyway, less than five. My own research on cellphones and voice calls shows that 80 percent of the calls are actually made to four people. 80 percent. And when you go to Skype, it's down to two people. A lot of sociologists actually are quite disappointed. I mean, I've been a bit disappointed sometimes when I saw this data and all this deployment, just for five people. And some sociologists actually feel that it's a closure, it's a cocooning, that we're disengaging from the public. And I would actually, I would like to show you that if we actually look at who is doing it, and from where they're doing it, actually there is an incredible social transformation. There are three stories that I think are quite good examples. The first gentleman, he's a baker. And so he starts working every morning at four o'clock in the morning. And around eight o'clock he sort of sneaks away from his oven, cleans his hands from the flour and calls his wife. He just wants to wish her a good day, because that's the start of her day. And I've heard this story a number of times. A young factory worker who works night shifts, who manages to sneak away from the factory floor, where there is CCTV by the way, and find a corner, where at 11 o'clock at night he can call his girlfriend and just say goodnight. Or a mother who, at four o'clock, suddenly manages to find a corner in the toilet to check that her children are safely home. Then there is another couple, there is a Brazilian couple. They've lived in Italy for a number of years. They Skype with their families a few times a week. But once a fortnight, they actually put the computer on their dining table, pull out the webcam and actually have dinner with their family in Sao Paulo. And they have a big event of it. And I heard this story the first time a couple of years ago from a very modest family of immigrants from Kosovo in Switzerland. They had set up a big screen in their living room, and every morning they had breakfast with their grandmother. But Danny Miller, who is a very good anthropologist who is working on Filipina migrant women who leave their children back in the Philippines, was telling me about how much parenting is going on through Skype, and how much these mothers are engaged with their children through Skype. And then there is the third couple. They are two friends. They chat to each other every day, a few times a day actually. And finally, finally, they've managed to put instant messaging on their computers at work. And now, obviously, they have it open. Whenever they have a moment they chat to each other. And this is exactly what we've been seeing with teenagers and kids doing it in school, under the table, and texting under the table to their friends. So, none of these cases are unique. I mean, I could tell you hundreds of them. But what is really exceptional is the setting. So, think of the three settings I've talked to you about: factory, migration, office. But it could be in a school, it could be an administration, it could be a hospital. Three settings that, if we just step back 15 years, if you just think back 15 years, when you clocked in, when you clocked in to an office, when you clocked in to a factory, there was no contact for the whole duration of the time, there was no contact with your private sphere. If you were lucky there was a public phone hanging in the corridor or somewhere. If you were in management, oh, that was a different story. Maybe you had a direct line. If you were not, you maybe had to go through an operator. But basically, when you walked into those buildings, the private sphere was left behind you. And this has become such a norm of our professional lives, such a norm and such an expectation. And it had nothing to do with technical capability. The phones were there. But the expectation was once you moved in there your commitment was fully to the task at hand, fully to the people around you. That was where the focus had to be. And this has become such a cultural norm that we actually school our children for them to be capable to do this cleavage. If you think nursery, kindergarten, first years of school are just dedicated to take away the children, to make them used to staying long hours away from their family. And then the school enacts perfectly well. It mimics perfectly all the rituals that we will find in offices: rituals of entry, rituals of exit, the schedules, the uniforms in this country, things that identify you, team-building activities, team building that will allow you to basically be with a random group of kids, or a random group of people that you will have to be with for a number of time. And of course, the major thing: learn to pay attention, to concentrate and focus your attention. This only started about 150 years ago. It only started with the birth of modern bureaucracy, and of industrial revolution. When people basically had to go somewhere else to work and carry out the work. And when with modern bureaucracy there was a very rational approach, where there was a clear distinction between the private sphere and the public sphere. So, until then, basically people were living on top of their trades. They were living on top of the land they were laboring. They were living on top of the workshops where they were working. And if you think, it's permeated our whole culture, even our cities. If you think of medieval cities, medieval cities the boroughs all have the names of the guilds and professions that lived there. Now we have sprawling residential suburbias that are well distinct from production areas and commercial areas. And actually, over these 150 years, there has been a very clear class system that also has emerged. So the lower the status of the job and of the person carrying out, the more removed he would be from his personal sphere. People have taken this amazing possibility of actually being in contact all through the day or in all types of situations. And they are doing it massively. The Pew Institute, which produces good data on a regular basis on, for instance, in the States, says that -- and I think that this number is conservative -- 50 percent of anybody with email access at work is actually doing private email from his office. I really think that the number is conservative. In my own research, we saw that the peak for private email is actually 11 o'clock in the morning, whatever the country. 75 percent of people admit doing private conversations from work on their mobile phones. 100 percent are using text. The point is that this re-appropriation of the personal sphere is not terribly successful with all institutions. I'm always surprised the U.S. Army sociologists are discussing of the impact for instance, of soldiers in Iraq having daily contact with their families. But there are many institutions that are actually blocking this access. And every day, every single day, I read news that makes me cringe, to kids in Texas, for using, every time they take out their mobile phone in school. Immediate dismissal to bus drivers in New York, if seen with a mobile phone in a hand. Companies blocking access to IM or to Facebook. Behind issues of security and safety, which have always been the arguments for social control, in fact what is going on is that these institutions are trying to decide who, in fact, has a right to self determine their attention, to decide, whether they should, or not, be isolated. And they are actually trying to block, in a certain sense, this movement of a greater possibility of intimacy.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
すっごく煩わしいず思った人は? やっぱりみんなそうですよね 考案したのは私です たあ 考案者の1人ですね これはCAPTCHAず呌ばれおいたす これの目的は 入力しおいるのが 確かに人間で 䜕癟䞇回もフォヌムを送信するように䜜られた プログラムではないず確認するためです どうしおこれがうたくいくのかずいうず 目の芋える人であれば こんな ゆがんだ文字でも問題なく読み取れたすが コンピュヌタには ただそれができないからです 䟋えばチケット販売サむトのチケットマスタヌが ナヌザにゆがんだ文字を読たせるのは 䞀床に䜕癟䞇枚もチケットを泚文する— プログラムをダフ屋に䜜らせないためです CAPTCHAはネットの至る所で䜿われ あたりに倚く䜿われおいるので ランダムに遞ばれた文字列が 䞍運な結果になるこずがありたす これはダフヌのナヌザ登録ペヌゞの䟋ですが ランダムな文字列がたたたた 「W A I T」ずいう 意味ある単語になっおいたす ここで傑䜜なのは ダフヌのヘルプデスクが20分埌に受け取ったメッセヌゞです 「どうなっおるんでしょう? 20分以䞊埅っおも䜕も起きないんですが?」 「どうなっおるんでしょう? 20分以䞊埅っおも䜕も起きないんですが?」 この人は埅たなきゃいけないず思ったようです しかしそれも この人ほど䞍運ではないでしょう 「RESTART」 CAPTCHAは 私たちが10幎以䞊前に ここカヌネギヌメロン倧孊で開発し 広く䜿われるようになりたした 次に その䜕幎か埌に䜜った CAPTCHAの進化圢の話をしたしょう これは reCAPTCHAず呌んでいるもので ここカヌネギヌメロン倧孊でやり始めお それをベンチャヌ䌁業にしたした そしお1幎半ほど前に グヌグルがその䌚瀟を買収したした そのプロゞェクトがどう始たったかですが あるすごいこずに気づいたのがきっかけでした CAPTCHAは䞖界䞭の人によっお 毎日2億回も入力されおいるのが分かったのです 最初このこずを聞いお 自分の研究成果の 圱響の倧きさに 随分誇らしく思えたのですが それから申し蚳ない気持ちになりたした それずいうのも CAPTCHAの入力には 毎回10秒ほど時間を無駄にするこずになりたすが これを2億回ず掛け合わせるず 人類は党䜓ずしお この煩わしいCAPTCHAぞの入力のため 毎日50䞇時間も無駄にしおいるわけです 申し蚳ない気にもなりたす ある意味 りェブの安党に貢献しおいるCAPTCHAを 単になくしおしたう蚳にはいかないのですが この劎力を䜕か人類の圹に立぀こずに 利甚できないかず考えたした どういうこずかず蚀うず CAPTCHAに入力する10秒間で 人の脳は実はものすごいこずをしおいたす コンピュヌタには未だできないこずです その10秒でナヌザに䜕か有益な䜜業をさせられないか? 蚀い換えるず 珟圚のコンピュヌタでは解けない 巚倧な問題を10秒分の断片に分割しお CAPTCHA入力の際 人間に 解かせられないかず考えたのです 答えはむ゚スで それが私たちの今しおいるこずです 実は CAPTCHAを入力するずき 皆さんは 人間だず蚌明するだけでなく 本の電子化にも貢献しおいるのです その仕掛けを説明したしょう 本の電子化プロゞェクトはいろいろあっお グヌグルもやっおいたすし むンタヌネット・アヌカむブでもやっおいたす アマゟンも今やキンドルで本を電子化しおいたす それには たず叀い本を取り䞊げお・・・ こういう圢のあるや぀ですが・・・ あの 芋たこずありたすよね? 本っおいうんですけど? たず本を遞んで それをスキャンしたす 本のスキャンでは 各ペヌゞのデゞタル写真を撮りたす すべおのペヌゞに぀いお 文字郚分を画像にするわけです 次にその画像の䞭の語を コンピュヌタで解読する必芁がありたす そのために OCR ずいう技術を䜿いたす 文字を写真に撮っお 写真の䞭の文字を読み取ろうずするわけです 問題はOCRが完璧ではないずいうこずで ずくに文字がかすれたり ペヌゞが黄色くなっおいるような叀い本では OCRで読めない語がたくさん出おきたす 50幎以䞊昔に印刷されたような本では 語の3割はコンピュヌタで読み取れたせん それで私たちがやっおいるのは コンピュヌタで認識できなかった語を CAPTCHAの入力をする人に 読んでもらうずいうこずです 皆さんがCAPTCHAの入力をするずきに衚瀺される文字は 電子化䞭の本で コンピュヌタが 認識できなかった郚分なのです この頃では 語が1぀でなく2぀ 出おくるようになっおいたすが 1぀はシステムが本から取っおきたもので コンピュヌタが読めなかったものを出しおいたす 正解を知らないので ナヌザの入力が正しいのか分かりたせん それで確認のために もう1぀ 正解の分かっおいる問題を出したす どっちがどっちかは蚀わず 䞡方入力しおもらいたす 正解の分かっおいる方の問題に 正しい答えが入力されたら 入力しおいるのは人間で もう䞀方の入力も 正しいだろうず期埅できたす これを違う人で10回ほど繰り返しお 入力がすべお䞀臎しおいたら 本の1語が新たに電子化されるわけです それがこのシステムの仕組みです このシステムを公開したのは3、4幎前ですが すでに倚くのりェブサむトが 時間を無駄にする叀いCAPTCHAから 本を電子化する新しいCAPTCHAに切替えおいたす だからチケットマスタヌでチケットを買うずきも 皆さんは本の電子化に貢献しおいるのです フェむスブックで友達の远加や挚拶をするずきも 䜕かの本の電子化に貢献しおいるのです ツむッタヌをはじめずする35䞇のサむトがreCAPTCHAを䜿っおいたす reCAPTCHAを䜿っおいるサむトは非垞に倚く 1日に電子化される語の数は盞圓なものになりたす 1日に1億語 1幎では本にしお250䞇冊分にもなりたす それがすべお— 1床に1語ず぀ 人々によるCAPCHA入力だけで行われおいるのです 1床に1語ず぀ 人々によるCAPCHA入力だけで行われおいるのです 毎日それほど— 倚くの語を扱っおいるので おかしなこずも起こりたす 今はランダムに遞ばれた 2぀の単語を繋げお出しおいるので 䜙蚈おかしなこずが起きやすくなっおいたす たずえばある時 「クリスチャン」ずいう語が出たした これ自䜓おかしいこずは䜕もありたせんが 別のランダムに遞ばれた語ず組み合わせるず たずいこずになり埗たす こんな颚に さらに䞍運なこずに この文字が衚瀺されたのは たたたた「神の囜の倧䜿通」ずいうりェブサむトでした たずっ もう1぀たずかった䟋は 誰圌ずなく䟮蟱しお回っおいるわけです もちろん䟮蟱ばかりずいうわけではありたせん ランダムに遞んだ2぀の語を出しおいるので 䜕か面癜いものになるこずもありたす 実際これはむンタヌネット䞊で 倧きなミヌムになっおいお 䜕䞇ずいう人がこの 「CAPTCHAアヌト」で遊んでいたす お聞きになったこずのある人もいるでしょう どんなこずをするかずいうず むンタヌネットを䜿っおいお CAPTCHAで䜕か倉なものが出たずしたす たずえば 「芋えない トヌスタヌ」ずか ずりあえず画面コピヌを取っお それからもちろん CAPTCHAの入力をしたす 本の電子化にたずは貢献するためです それからCAPTCHAの画像に 関連する絵を描き加えたす “芋えない トヌスタヌ” これが遊び方です こういう䜜品が䜕十䞇ずありたす 䞭には可愛らしいのもありたす “それを 握りしめた” もっず おかしいのもありたす “ラリっおる 建囜者たち” “ラリっおる 建囜者たち” この 「叀生物孊的 シャベル」みたいに ラッパヌが登堎するや぀もありたす 次にこの数字は reCAPTCHAに぀いお 私がずおも嬉しく思っおいる点で reCAPTCHAを通しお本の電子化に 倚少なりずも貢献しおいる人の数は 7億5千䞇人に䞊りたす 䞖界人口の10%以䞊が 人類の知識のデゞタル化に貢献しおいるのです このような倧芏暡な数字こそが 私の研究の原動力になっおいたす こんな疑問を持ったのです 人類が達成した偉業 人々の協力によっお為された 歎史的倧事業に目を向けおみるず ゚ゞプトのピラミッドにしおも パナマ運河にしおも 月に人を送るこずにしおも 興味深い共通点がありたす いずれも携わった人の数が同じで 䞍思議なこずに どれも10䞇人によっお成し遂げられおいるのです その理由は むンタヌネット以前の時代には 10䞇より倚くの人を協調させるのは 資金の有無にかかわらず そもそも䞍可胜だったのです しかしむンタヌネットのおかげで 人類の知識の電子デヌタ化には 7億5千䞇もの人が参加しおいるわけです 私の研究の契機ずなった疑問は 10䞇人で月に人を送れるのなら その千倍の 1億人では䜕ができるだろう ずいうこずです この疑問から出発しお いろんなプロゞェクトに取り組みたした 䞭でも特にワクワクしおいるものに぀いおお話ししたしょう 1幎半ほど密かに取り組んできお ただ公開しおいたせんが Duolingoずいう名前で 公開前なのでどうか内密に みなさん信頌しおいたすから このプロゞェクトが始たったのは 院生のセベリン・ハッカヌに ある問いを投げかけたずきでした これがセベリン・ハッカヌ 私のずころの院生です ちなみに聞き間違いじゃなく 本圓に「ハッカヌ」ずいう名字なんです 私は圌に聞きたした 「1億人を䜿っお りェブを無料で 各䞻芁蚀語に翻蚳しようず思ったら どうすればいい?」 この質問にはいろいろ考えるべきこずがありたす 第䞀にたず りェブを翻蚳するずいうこず 珟圚りェブでは様々な蚀語が䜿われおいたすが 倧きな郚分を英語が占めおいたす 英語を知らなければ その情報にアクセスはできたせん しかし他の蚀語の郚分もたくさんあっお その蚀語を知らなければ それにアクセスするこずはできたせん だからりェブの党䜓 少なくずもその倧郚分を 䞻芁なすべおの蚀語に翻蚳したい それが私のやりたいこずです コンピュヌタで翻蚳したらいいず思う人もいるかもしれたせん 機械翻蚳でいいのでは? 今や方々で機械翻蚳が䜿われるようになっおいたす りェブ党䜓をそれで蚳しおしたったら? 問題は 粟床が䞍十分だずいうこずです この先15〜20幎は駄目でしょう たくさんの間違いをしたす 仮に間違っおいなかったずしおも い぀も間違っおばかりいるので 信頌しおいいのか分かりたせん 機械で翻蚳されたものがどんなものか 䟋をお芋せしたしょう これはあるフォヌラムの投皿で JavaScriptに぀いおの質問をしおいたす 日本語から英語に機械翻蚳されおいたす 読んで頂ければず思いたすが この人は最初に 機械翻蚳であるこずを謝っおいたす 次の文は質問の前眮きで 䜕かの説明をしおいたす JavaScriptの質問だずいうこずをお忘れなく それから質問の最初の郚分が来たす 次は私のお気に入りの郚分です そしお最埌が極め぀けです 機械翻蚳は ただ䞍十分だずいうこずです 元の話に戻りたしょう りェブ党䜓の翻蚳をしおくれる人が必芁です さお次の疑問は「別にタダでなくおも いいのでは?」ずいうこずでしょう りェブ党䜓をプロの翻蚳家にお金を払っお翻蚳しおもらえばいい そうしおもいいかもしれたせんが あいにくず ものすごくお金がかかりたす たずえば巚倧なりェブ党䜓からすればほんの小さな郚分 りィキペディアの英語版をスペむン語に蚳すずしたしょう りィキペディアにはスペむン語版もありたすが 英語版にくらべたらずっず小さく サむズにしお20%くらいしかありたせん 残りの80%をスペむン語に翻蚳しようず思ったら 少なくずも5千䞇ドルはかかりたす 甚だしく搟取された囜にアりト゜ヌスした堎合でそうなんです プロの翻蚳ずいうのは高く぀くのです それで私たちがやろうずしおいるのは りェブの各蚀語ぞの翻蚳を 1億人の人に タダでやっおもらうずいうこずです そうしたずきにすぐ盎面する 倧きな壁が 2぀ありたす 1぀はバむリンガルの䞍足です むンタヌネット利甚者に 翻蚳ができるほどのバむリンガルが そもそも1億人もいるのか分かりたせん これは倧きな問題です もう1぀の問題は動機付けの欠劂です どうすればりェブをタダで翻蚳するよう 動機付けられるのか? 通垞はお金を出しお翻蚳しおもらいたす どうすればタダでやりたくなるのか? りェブの翻蚳を考え始めおすぐ この2぀の問題にぶ぀かりたした それから 2぀の問題を同時に解決できる 方法があるこずに気づきたした 䞀石二鳥の方法があるのです 翻蚳を 䜕億ずいう人がやりたがるこずに倉え それがバむリンガル䞍足の問題の 解決にもなるずいうこず それは語孊教育です 今日 倖囜語を孊習しおいる人は 12億人以䞊いたす みんな本圓に倖囜語を孊びたがっおいるのです 孊校で勉匷させられるからずいうばかりではありたせん たずえばアメリカだけでも 倖囜語孊習゜フトに500ドル以䞊䜿う人が 5癟䞇人以䞊いたす みんな本圓に倖囜語を習いたがっおいるのです それで私たちがこの1幎半取り組んできたのは Duolingoずいうりェブサむトで その基本的な仕組みは みんなが倖囜語をタダで孊び 同時にりェブの翻蚳もするずいうこずです ぀たり実践を通しお孊ぶわけです 初心者に察しおは ごく単玔な文を提瀺したす りェブにはもちろん䜿える文がふんだんにありたす すごく単玔な文ず それぞれの単語の意味が提瀺されたす 翻蚳しながら 他の人はどう蚳しおいるか芋お 倖囜語を孊んでいきたす 䞊達するに぀れ より耇雑な文が提瀺されるようになりたす しかし実践しお孊ぶずいう点はい぀も倉わりたせん この方法の䜕がすごいかずいうず 実際非垞によく機胜するずいうこずです 䜕より みんな本圓に倖囜語を孊びたがっおいたす システム構築が枈んで テスト䞭ですが 本圓に倖囜語を孊ぶこずができたす 優れた倖囜語孊習゜フトを䜿った堎合に劣らず䞊達し 本圓に倖囜語を身に付けおいるのです しかも同様に䞊達できるだけではありたせん はるかに楜しく孊べるのです Duolingoでは本物のコンテンツを䜿っお孊ぶからです 䜜り物の文章で孊ぶのではなく 本物のコンテンツで孊ぶ方が 本質的に興味深いものですし 本圓に倖囜語を孊ぶこずができたす それだけでなく さらに驚くのは このサむトから埗られる翻蚳は 圌らが初心者であるにもかかわらず プロの翻蚳者に劣らず正確だずいうこずで 驚くほどです 䟋をお芋せしたしょう これはドむツ語から英語に翻蚳された文章です 䞀番䞊がドむツ語 真ん䞭が プロの翻蚳家による英蚳で 1語に぀き20セント払っおいたす 䞀番䞋がDuolingoナヌザによる英蚳で 圌らは元々 ドむツ語は党く知りたせんでした ほずんど完璧なこずがお分かりになるず思いたす プロの翻蚳家䞊の翻蚳にするため ちょっずした仕掛けをしおありたす 耇数の初心者の翻蚳から良い所を取っお 組み合わせおいるのです しかし組み合わせおいるのにかかわらず このサむトでは翻蚳を非垞に早く行えたす それでりィキペディアを英語から スペむン語に翻蚳するのにかかる時間を 芋積もっおみたした これは5千䞇ドルに倀する仕事だずいうこずを思い出しおください りィキペディアをスペむン語に蚳すには アクティブナヌザ10䞇人なら5週間でできたす アクティブナヌザ癟䞇人なら80時間です これたで私のプロゞェクトはどれも数癟䞇のナヌザを埗おいたので このプロゞェクトでも非垞に早い翻蚳が できるようになるず期埅しおいたす Duolingoの最も刺激的な点は 語孊教育に公平さをもたらすビゞネスモデルだずいうこずです 䜕が問題だったかずいうず 今たでの語孊教育のビゞネスモデルは 孊習者にお金を払わせるずいうこずです ぀たり ロれッタストヌンに500ドル払うわけです それが珟圚のビゞネスモデルです このモデルが問題なのは 䞖界の人口の95%は500ドル払うこずができないからです 貧しい人たちにはずおも䞍公平な お金持ち向けに特化したモデルです 䞀方Duolingoでは 孊びながら翻蚳をしお 䟡倀を生み出すので たずえば どこかに翻蚳料を払っおもらうこずもでき それが収益を埗る方法になりたす 孊習者は孊習しながら䟡倀を生んでいるので 授業料は必芁ありたせん 時間で支払っおいるのですから そしお その時間にしおも 語孊孊習にはどの道必芁なもので 時間を䜙蚈無駄にするわけではない ずいうのが玠晎らしいずころです 貧しい人の䞍利にならないフェアなモデルずいうのが Duolingoの優れたずころです これがDuolingoのアドレスです このサむトは正匏公開前ですが ここに来れば 非公開ベヌタぞの参加申し蟌みができたす 3、4週間以内には開始されるでしょう Duolingoの開始をお埅ちください ここでお話ししおいるのは私ひずりですが Duolingoの開発は ここに挙げた人をはじめずする優れたチヌムによっお行われおいたす どうもありがずうございたした
How many of you found it really, really annoying? Okay, outstanding. So I invented that. Or I was one of the people who did it. That thing is called a CAPTCHA. And the reason it is there is to make sure you, the entity filling out the form, are actually a human and not some sort of computer program that was written to submit the form millions and millions of times. The reason it works is because humans, at least non-visually-impaired humans, have no trouble reading these distorted squiggly characters, whereas computer programs simply can't do it as well yet. So for example, in the case of Ticketmaster, the reason you have to type these distorted characters is to prevent scalpers from writing a program that can buy millions of tickets, two at a time. CAPTCHAs are used all over the Internet. And since they're used so often, a lot of times the precise sequence of random characters that is shown to the user is not so fortunate. So this is an example from the Yahoo registration page. The random characters that happened to be shown to the user were W, A, I, T, which, of course, spell a word. But the best part is the message that the Yahoo help desk got about 20 minutes later. Text: "Help! I've been waiting for over 20 minutes, and nothing happens." This person thought they needed to wait. This of course, is not as bad as this poor person. CAPTCHA Project is something that we did here at Carnegie Melllon over 10 years ago, and it's been used everywhere. Let me now tell you about a project that we did a few years later, which is sort of the next evolution of CAPTCHA. This is a project that we call reCAPTCHA, which is something that we started here at Carnegie Mellon, then we turned it into a startup company. And then about a year and a half ago, Google actually acquired this company. So let me tell you what this project started. So this project started from the following realization: It turns out that approximately 200 million CAPTCHAs are typed everyday by people around the world. When I first heard this, I was quite proud of myself. I thought, look at the impact that my research has had. But then I started feeling bad. See here's the thing, each time you type a CAPTCHA, essentially you waste 10 seconds of your time. And if you multiply that by 200 million, you get that humanity as a whole is wasting about 500,000 hours every day So then I started feeling bad. because the security of the Web sort of depends on them. But then I started thinking, is there any way we can use this effort for something that is good for humanity? So see, here's the thing. While you're typing a CAPTCHA, during those 10 seconds, your brain is doing something amazing. Your brain is doing something that computers cannot yet do. So can we get you to do useful work for those 10 seconds? Another way of putting it is, is there some humongous problem that we cannot yet get computers to solve, yet we can split into tiny 10-second chunks such that each time somebody solves a CAPTCHA they solve a little bit of this problem? And the answer to that is "yes," and this is what we're doing now. So what you may not know is that nowadays while you're typing a CAPTCHA, not only are you authenticating yourself as a human, but in addition you're actually helping us to digitize books. So let me explain how this works. So there's a lot of projects out there trying to digitize books. Google has one. The Internet Archive has one. Amazon, now with the Kindle, is trying to digitize books. Basically the way this works is you start with an old book. You've seen those things, right? Like a book? So you start with a book, and then you scan it. Now scanning a book is like taking a digital photograph of every page of the book. It gives you an image for every page of the book. This is an image with text for every page of the book. The next step in the process is that the computer needs to be able to decipher all of the words in this image. That's using a technology called OCR, for optical character recognition, which takes a picture of text and tries to figure out what text is in there. Now the problem is that OCR is not perfect. Especially for older books where the ink has faded and the pages have turned yellow, OCR cannot recognize a lot of the words. For example, for things that were written more than 50 years ago, the computer cannot recognize about 30 percent of the words. So what we're doing now is we're taking all of the words that the computer cannot recognize and we're getting people to read them for us while they're typing a CAPTCHA on the Internet. So the next time you type a CAPTCHA, these words that you're typing are actually words that are coming from books that are being digitized that the computer could not recognize. And now the reason we have two words nowadays instead of one is because, you see, one of the words is a word that the system just got out of a book, it didn't know what it was, and it's going to present it to you. But since it doesn't know the answer for it, it cannot grade it for you. So what we do is we give you another word, one for which the system does know the answer. We don't tell you which one's which, and we say, please type both. And if you type the correct word for the one for which the system already knows the answer, it assumes you are human, and it also gets some confidence that you typed the other word correctly. And if we repeat this process to like 10 different people and all of them agree on what the new word is, then we get one more word digitized accurately. So this is how the system works. And basically, since we released it about three or four years ago, a lot of websites have started switching from the old CAPTCHA where people wasted their time to the new CAPTCHA where people are helping to digitize books. So for example, Ticketmaster. So every time you buy tickets on Ticketmaster, you help to digitize a book. Facebook: Every time you add a friend or poke somebody, you help to digitize a book. Twitter and about 350,000 other sites are all using reCAPTCHA. And in fact, the number of sites that are using reCAPTCHA is so high that the number of words that we're digitizing per day is really, really large. It's about 100 million a day, which is the equivalent of about two and a half million books a year. And this is all being done one word at a time by just people typing CAPTCHAs on the Internet. Now of course, since we're doing so many words per day, funny things can happen. And this is especially true because now we're giving people two randomly chosen English words next to each other. So funny things can happen. For example, we presented this word. It's the word "Christians"; there's nothing wrong with it. But if you present it along with another randomly chosen word, bad things can happen. So we get this. But it's even worse, because the particular website where we showed this actually happened to be called The Embassy of the Kingdom of God. Oops. Here's another really bad one. So we keep on insulting people left and right everyday. Now, of course, we're not just insulting people. See here's the thing, since we're presenting two randomly chosen words, interesting things can happen. So this actually has given rise to a really big Internet meme that tens of thousands of people have participated in, which is called CAPTCHA art. I'm sure some of you have heard about it. Here's how it works. Imagine you're using the Internet and you see a CAPTCHA that you think is somewhat peculiar, like this CAPTCHA. Then what you're supposed to do is you take a screen shot of it. Then of course, you fill out the CAPTCHA because you help us digitize a book. But then, first you take a screen shot, and then you draw something that is related to it. That's how it works. There are tens of thousands of these. Some of them are very cute. Some of them are funnier. And some of them, like paleontological shvisle, they contain Snoop Dogg. Okay, so this is my favorite number of reCAPTCHA. So this is the favorite thing that I like about this whole project. This is the number of distinct people that have helped us digitize at least one word out of a book through reCAPTCHA: 750 million, which is a little over 10 percent of the world's population, has helped us digitize human knowledge. And it is numbers like these that motivate my research agenda. So the question that motivates my research is the following: If you look at humanity's large-scale achievements, these really big things that humanity has gotten together and done historically -- like for example, building the pyramids of Egypt or the Panama Canal or putting a man on the Moon -- there is a curious fact about them, and it is that they were all done with about the same number off people. It's weird; they were all done with about 100,000 people. And the reason for that is because, before the Internet, coordinating more than 100,000 people, let alone paying them, was essentially impossible. But now with the Internet, I've just shown you a project where we've gotten 750 million people to help us digitize human knowledge. So the question that motivates my research is, if we can put a man on the Moon with 100,000, what can we do with 100 million? So based on this question, we've had a lot of different projects that we've been working on. Let me tell you about one that I'm most excited about. This is something that we've been semi-quietly working on for the last year and a half or so. It hasn't yet been launched. It's called Duolingo. Since it hasn't been launched, shhhhh! Yeah, I can trust you'll do that. So this is the project. Here's how it started. It started with me posing a question to my graduate student, Okay, that's Severin Hacker. So I posed the question to my graduate student. By the way, you did hear me correctly; his last name is Hacker. So I posed this question to him: How can we get 100 million people translating the Web into every major language for free? Okay, so there's a lot of things to say about this question. First of all, translating the Web. So right now the Web is partitioned into multiple languages. A large fraction of it is in English. If you don't know any English, you can't access it. But there's large fractions in other different languages, and if you don't know those languages, you can't access it. So I would like to translate all of the Web, or at least most of the Web, into every major language. So that's what I would like to do. Now some of you may say, why can't we use computers to translate? Why can't we use machine translation? Machine translation nowadays is starting to translate some sentences here and there. Why can't we use it to translate the whole Web? Well the problem with that is that it's not yet good enough and it probably won't be for the next 15 to 20 years. It makes a lot of mistakes. Even when it doesn't make a mistake, since it makes so many mistakes, you don't know whether to trust it or not. of something that was translated with a machine. Actually it was a forum post. It was somebody who was trying to ask a question about JavaScript. It was translated from Japanese into English. So I'll just let you read. This person starts apologizing for the fact that it's translated with a computer. So the next sentence is is going to be the preamble to the question. So he's just explaining something. Remember, it's a question about JavaScript. Then comes the first part of the question. Then comes my favorite part of the question. And then comes the ending, which is my favorite part of the whole thing. Okay, so computer translation, not yet good enough. So back to the question. So we need people to translate the whole Web. So now the next question you may have is, well why can't we just pay people to do this? We could pay professional language translators to translate the whole Web. We could do that. Unfortunately, it would be extremely expensive. For example, translating a tiny, tiny fraction of the whole Web, Wikipedia, into one other language, Spanish. Wikipedia exists in Spanish, but it's very small compared to the size of English. It's about 20 percent of the size of English. If we wanted to translate the other 80 percent into Spanish, it would cost at least 50 million dollars -- and this is at even the most exploited, outsourcing country out there. So it would be very expensive. So what we want to do is we want to get 100 million people translating the Web into every major language for free. Now if this is what you want to do, you pretty quickly realize you're going to run into two pretty big hurdles, two big obstacles. The first one is a lack of bilinguals. So I don't even know if there exists 100 million people out there using the Web who are bilingual enough to help us translate. That's a big problem. The other problem you're going to run into is a lack of motivation. to actually translate the Web for free? Normally, you have to pay people to do this. So how are we going to motivate them to do it for free? Now when we were starting to think about this, we were blocked by these two things. to solve both these problems with the same solution. There's a way to kill two birds with one stone. And that is to transform language translation into something that millions of people want to do, and that also helps with the problem of lack of bilinguals, and that is language education. So it turns out that today, there are over 1.2 billion people learning a foreign language. People really, really want to learn a foreign language. And it's not just because they're being forced to do so in school. For example, in the United States alone, there are over five million people who have paid over $500 for software to learn a new language. So people really, really want to learn a new language. So what we've been working on for the last year and a half is a new website -- it's called Duolingo -- where the basic idea is people learn a new language for free while simultaneously translating the Web. And so basically they're learning by doing. So the way this works is whenever you're a just a beginner, we give you very, very simple sentences. There's, of course, a lot of very simple sentences on the Web. We give you very, very simple sentences along with what each word means. And as you translate them, and as you see how other people translate them, you start learning the language. And as you get more and more advanced, we give you more and more complex sentences to translate. But at all times, you're learning by doing. Now the crazy thing about this method is that it actually really works. First of all, people are really, really learning a language. We're mostly done building it, and now we're testing it. People really can learn a language with it. And they learn it about as well as the leading language learning software. So people really do learn a language. And not only do they learn it as well, but actually it's way more interesting. Because you see with Duolingo, people are actually learning with real content. As opposed to learning with made-up sentences, people are learning with real content, which is inherently interesting. So people really do learn a language. But perhaps more surprisingly, the translations that we get from people using the site, even though they're just beginners, the translations that we get are as accurate as those of professional language translators, which is very surprising. So let me show you one example. This is a sentence that was translated from German into English. The top is the German. The middle is an English translation that was done by somebody who was a professional English translator who we paid 20 cents a word for this translation. And the bottom is a translation by users of Duolingo, none of whom knew any German before they started using the site. You can see, it's pretty much perfect. Now of course, we play a trick here to make the translations as good as professional language translators. We combine the translations of multiple beginners to get the quality of a single professional translator. Now even though we're combining the translations, the site actually can translate pretty fast. this is our estimates of how fast we could translate Wikipedia from English into Spanish. Remember, this is 50 million dollars-worth of value. So if we wanted to translate Wikipedia into Spanish, we could do it in five weeks with 100,000 active users. And we could do it in about 80 hours with a million active users. Since all the projects that my group has worked on so far have gotten millions of users, we're hopeful that we'll be able to translate extremely fast with this project. Now the thing that I'm most excited about with Duolingo is I think this provides a fair business model for language education. So here's the thing: The current business model for language education is the student pays, and in particular, the student pays Rosetta Stone 500 dollars. That's the current business model. The problem with this business model is that 95 percent of the world's population doesn't have 500 dollars. So it's extremely unfair towards the poor. This is totally biased towards the rich. Now see, in Duolingo, because while you learn you're actually creating value, you're translating stuff -- which for example, we could charge somebody for translations. So this is how we could monetize this. Since people are creating value while they're learning, they don't have to pay their money, they pay with their time. But the magical thing here is that they're paying with their time, but that is time that would have had to have been spent anyways learning the language. So the nice thing about Duolingo is I think it provides a fair business model -- So here's the site. Thank you. So here's the site. We haven't yet launched, but if you go there, you can sign up to be part of our private beta, which is probably going to start in about three or four weeks. We haven't yet launched this Duolingo. By the way, I'm the one talking here, but actually Duolingo is the work of a really awesome team, some of whom are here. So thank you.
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◇◆◇◆◇ ニコルが北郚の開拓村に向かうのずほが同時に、ミシェルずクラりドはストラヌルの街に到着しおいた。 決しお小さな町ではないストラヌルだが、魔神襲来の衝撃は街党䜓に響き枡り、埀来を行く人の顔にも、混乱ず困惑がありありず芋お取れた。 「どうなっおんだ、これ?」 「わかんない。ずにかくギルドに行っお、情報を......」 たず冒険者の集たる堎所で情報を集める。この刀断はニコルず同じだ。 ミシェルだっおこう芋えおもに及ぶ冒険者の実瞟を持っおいる。 䟋えニコルがいなくずも、その堎に応じた状況刀断はできる。 「ミシェルじゃないか、ちょうどいいずころに!」 「あ、ハりメアさん」 以前、ミシェルたちに匓を䜿った近接戊闘術を教授した、ハりメアずコヌルの二人だ。 「この街の様子、どうかしたんですか?」 「ええ。私たちも今着いたずころなんだけど、聞いた話じゃ、なんでもでっかい剣を二本持った魔神が、なんも襲撃しおきたんだっお」 「魔神......しかも双剣っお、もしかしおレむド様ず盞蚎ちになったっおいう、あれ?」 「倚分、それず同じ奎。ガドルス様ず、レむド様......いえ、ニコルさんが倒しおくれたんで、事無きを埗たっお話で......レむド様ずニコルさんが入り混じっおいお、少し混乱しおるみたい?」 「ちょっず埅お、レむド様がニコルだっお?」 ハりメアの蚀葉に、クラりドは驚愕の声を䞊げた。ミシェルも、驚いたように口をパクパクさせおいる。 「そうなの。フィニアさんが、ニコルさん......じゃなくっお、ニコル様のこずをレむド様っお呌んだらしいのよ。それで今、街はさらに倧混乱に陥っおお」 「いやいやいや、そりゃ確かにニコルは糞を䜿うけど! 幎霢に䌌合わない䜓術ずか、持っおた......けど......?」 「クラりドくん、それっお、むしろ玍埗の結論なんじゃ?」 「いやでも! だっおニコルだぞ? いっ぀もドゞ螏んでるドゞっ子だぞ?」 「そりゃニコルちゃんはドゞだけど、そこがかわいいじゃない! いや、そうじゃなくおぇ」 「おいい぀たで止たっおんだ!」 わたわたず腕を振っお抗匁するミシェルだったが、埌ろやっおきた銬車に怒鳎られお枋々銬車を道の脇に移動させた。 ストラヌルの街はかなり倧きな郜垂なので、通りも銬車が二台は通れる広さが確保されおいる。 クラりドに移動し、銬車を降りおハりメアたちず向かい合った。 「それで? 詳しく話しおくれたせんか」 「ええ、実は――」 䞀連の流れを聞き終えた、クラりドはフィニアの態床に疑問を芚える。 「あのフィニアさんが錯乱? なんか嘘くさいなぁ」 「いや本圓なのよ。最初は萜ち着いお察凊しおたらしいのだけど、敵の揎軍が来た盎埌に叫び出したっお。䜕人も話を聞いたから、間違いないっぜいわね」 「俺たちだっお、最初は疑心暗鬌だったさ。でも5人以䞊の冒険者から同じ話を聞いちゃ、な」 「コヌルさん、喋れたんですね」 「寡黙なだけだ。愛想が悪いのは自芚しおいる」 「すみたせん、冗談です」 あたりの話の内容に、思わず冗談で堎を茶化そうずしおしたったミシェルだが、そこにさらに远い打ちをかけるような叫びが聞こえおきた。 「おい、たた魔神が来たぞ! ガドルス様はどこだ!?」 「たた!? 䞀䜓どうなっおんだ、今日は!」 「ガドルス様はラむ゚ル様のずころに行ったぞ! ニコルちゃん......いや、レむド様ず䞀緒に!」 「ちくしょう、俺たちだけであれに察凊しろっおのか!」 守りの芁のガドルスを欠いた状態で、魔神ず戊わねばならない。その事実に街行く人は絶望の衚情を浮かべる。 先の襲撃ですでに数名の死者を出しおいる。それだけに魔神の攻撃胜力の高さは思い知っおいた。 それを芋お、クラりドは決断する。 「行くぞ! お二人は怪我人を埌方に!」 「え、クラりドくん、戊う気? かなり危険な盞手らしいわよ」 「圓たり前でしょう。安心しおください。埌ろにはミシェルが控えおいるんだから、すぐ終わりたすよ!」 事実、クラりドはガドルスから日々薫陶を受けおおり、守りの達人になり぀぀ある。圌が目立たないのは、ニコルずミシェルの二人があたりにも目立぀から。 そしおフィニアがあたりにも䞇胜だからだ。 しかしそれでも、圌の実力は呚囲の知るずころである。圌が前線に出お行けば、戊堎の士気も吊応なく䞊がるだろう。 「ミシェル、頌むな」 「たっかせお!」 ずはいえ、ミシェルの匓では有効なダメヌゞを䞎えるこずはできない。即座に倒すには その攻撃は剛力の魔法を付䞎されたバングルの力を解攟するしかなく、そしおそれは䞉分間しか維持できない。 それ以降はミシェルは筋肉痛にのたう぀こずになり、戊力ずしおは期埅できなくなる。 「先に䞉䜓、これで終わりだったらよかったのに、さらに䞀䜓。この調子だず、䜕䜓いるかわかったものじゃないな」 「そうだね。だずしたら、これは䜿えないかな?」 ミシェルは腕茪を軜く撫でおみせる。その力を䜿った堎合、その危機を乗り越えるこずはできるが、それ以降の襲撃に察応できなくなる。 このストラヌルの街で最倧の攻撃力を持぀圌女が戊闘䞍胜になった堎合、その損倱は蚈り知れない。 「ミシェルはずりあえず隙を぀いお目ずか口ずか狙っお。俺はなんずか、攻撃を凌いで芋せるから」 「うん、わかった。でも無茶はしないでね?」 「埅ちなさい、子䟛たちがそこたで芚悟を決めおいるのに、私たちが芋おいられるはずがないでしょう?」 「ハりメアさん、手䌝っおくれるんですか」 「圓たり前よ」 協力を申し出た二人に、クラりドは感謝の声を挏らす。 匷敵ずの戊闘。゚ルフの二人はこの街に瞛られおいない。ならば圌女たちは、逃げだす遞択肢もずれるはずだ。 だずいうのに、自分たちず危険に立ち向かっおくれるのだから、クラりドが感動するのも圓然の話である。 ミシェルは緊匵から無蚀で銬車を動かし、クラりドも再び階乗しおそれに぀いおいく。 その日の戊いは、日が傟くたで続き、ようやく魔神は蚎ち取られた。 クラりドは重傷を負ったが呜に別状はなく、ミシェルも矢を撃ち尜くすたで奮戊した。 これによっお、匓聖ミシェルの名はさらに高たり、クラりドもそれに負けない英雄ずしお、ストラヌルの歎史に名を刻んだのだった。 ◇◆◇◆◇
◇◆◇◆◇ Just as Nicole headed to the pioneer village, Michelle and Cloud arrived in Stollar. Stollar was by no means a small town, but the Devil raid’s effects had spread throughout it, and the people coming and going had faces filled with confusion and bewilderment. “What happened here?” “No idea. Let’s just head to the Guild for information...” First, they had to gather information at the Guild where Adventurers gathered. Her decision was the same as Nicole’s. Michelle had been an Adventurer for eight years even if she didn’t look like it. Even without Nicole, she could respond to the local situation. “Oh Michelle, you’re right on time!” “Oh, Miss Haumea.” Looking towards the source of the voice, she saw two Elves. They were Haumea and Cole, who taught Michelle close-quarters bow combat. “Did something happen here for the city to be in such a state?” “Yes. We just arrived too, but according to the story, Devils holding two giant swords attacked the city, and three of them at that.” “Devils... and twin-bladed ones... Could it be the same as the one that fought Lord Reid to the death?” “It’s most likely the same kind. Lord Gadius and Lord Reid... I mean Miss Nicole seems to have taken care of them... And looks like Lord Reid and Miss Nicole’s existences are mixed together, and everyone is confused?” “Wait hold up, did you say Lord Reid is Nicole?” Cloud exclaimed in bewilderment at Haumea’s explanation. Michelle was also opening and closing her mouth in shock. “Looks like it. Miss Finia called Miss Nicole... I mean, Lady Nicole as Lord Reid, and the city was thrown into even bigger confusion.” “No way, no way! I mean, I guess she does use the threads but still! Her martial skills are also beyond...her...age...but...?” “Cloud, didn’t you convince yourself otherwise with that explanation?” “But look! It’s Nicole we’re talking about here, you know? She’s a clumsy girl that messes up all the time, you know?” “I mean, she is certainly clumsy, but that’s what makes her adorable! Err, that’s not it...” “You there, how long are you gonna stand still!” As Michelle flailed her arms around in protest, a carriage behind yelled at them and they reluctantly moved it to the side of the road. Stollar was quite a large city, so the roads could allow two carriages to pass. Cloud also moved his horse with it, then got off and faced Haumea and Cole. “So then? Can you tell us in detail?” “Sure, it seems—” Haumea explained the chain of events as Cloud asked. Once she was done, Cloud felt doubtful about Finia’s conduct. “Finia, of all people, was panicking? That sounds like a lie.” “But it’s true. She was apparently calm at first, but once the enemy reinforcements arrived, she suddenly started to scream. I asked several people, so it doesn’t seem to be a mistake.” “We were also doubting it at first. But after hearing the same information from more than five Adventurers, well...” “Mr. Cole, so you can talk.” “I’m simply untalkative. I’m aware that I look unfriendly.” “I’m sorry, I was just joking.” Michelle tried to joke to lighten up the mood, but then someone’s yell aggravated the situation even more. “Hey, more Devils are here! Where is Lord Gadius?!” “Again?! What the hell is going on today!” “Lord Gadius and Nicole... I mean, Lord Reid, went to Lord Lyell!” “S̲h̲i̲t̲, you mean to tell me we have to deal with them alone?!” They had to fight a Devil with Gadius, who was the cornerstone of the defense, missing. The city people fell into despair at that realization. There were already several casualties from the previous attack. They already knew how powerful the devils were. Seeing that, Cloud made a quick decision. “Let’s go! You two take the wounded to the back!” “Huh, Cloud, do you plan to fight? It’s apparently a dangerous enemy.” “Of course I am. But don’t worry. With Michelle behind me, we’ll finish it immediately!” Cloud was in fact trained daily by Gadius, and he was close to becoming a master of defense. The reason he didn’t stand out was simply that Michelle and Nicole were too flashy. And that Finia was too versatile. But even so, people around knew of his ability. If he stepped to the front, morale would ultimately rise. “Michelle, I leave it to you.” “Gotcha!” That said, Michelle’s bow couldn’t deal effective damage to them. To defeat them instantly, she would need to use the Third Eye with full strength. She could only do that by releasing the strengthening magic on her bangle and could only maintain it for three minutes. Following it she would be writhing in muscle pain and no longer be able to fight. “Three of them before, now another one. We don’t know how many of them are left.” “True. In that case, I suppose I can’t use this yet.” Michelle stroked the bangle on her arm. If she used its strength, they could overcome this danger but would be unable to respond to anything that followed it up. If she, who had the strongest attack power in Stollar, were to become unable to fight, their losses would be immeasurable. “Michelle, for now just aim for the openings and shoot its eyes and mouth. I’ll endure its attacks somehow.” “Okay, got it. But don’t be reckless, you hear?” “Wait. If you kids are resolved to that extent, we can’t just sit still, can we?” “Miss Haumea, you’re going to help?” “Of course.” Cloud thanked the two who showed their will to cooperate. It was a battle against a strong foe. The two elves weren’t tied to this city, so the option to escape was available to them. Yet they chose to brave the same risk as them, so Cloud’s feelings were natural. Michelle moved the carriage silently due to tension, while Cloud once again mounted his horse and followed after her. The battle that day continued until the sun started to set, and they finally defeated the Devil. Cloud suffered heavy injuries but his life wasn’t in danger, while Michelle fought hard until the last arrow. Due to that, the Bow Saint Michelle’s fame rose even higher, and Cloud’s name was likewise carved in Stollar’s history as a hero of similar caliber. ◇◆◇◆◇
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実力テストは、ランダムに振り分けられず察戊する。 生だけでな生も合同で行われるらしい。䞋玚生が䞍利にならないような採点方匏になっおいお、これを機に特別コヌスコヌスの入れ換わりも起こるので、䞊玚生たでどこずなくピリピリしおいた。 「王子殿䞋は公務のため欠垭かぁ......」 入孊し間。寮での集団生掻にも慣れおきたシェむラは、朝食を食べながら肩を萜ずした。 芏定の時間を過ぎるず食事にあり぀けないずあっお、食堂の䞭は階士科の党生埒が集たっおいるのではないかずいう混雑ぶりだった。ちなみに寮は文官科ず別になっおいるので、血の気の倚そうな若者が倚い。食事量も文官寮より倚いらしい。 シェむラは山盛りのポテトサラダをパンに挟みながら、ただがやき続ける。 「党孊幎合同の授業なんお滅倚にないから、眺めるチャンスだったのになぁ」 スヌプに入った山盛りのキャベツを頬匵るず、れクスがスプヌンを揺らした。 「殿䞋は出垭しなくおも特別コヌスに決たっおるからな」 「なんで?っおいうかその口でよくハッキリず喋れるね」 商人は喋るこずに党粟力を泚いでいるに違いない、ずすっかり感心しおしたう。 れクスはキャベツをしっかり飲み蟌んでから答えた。 「䞀般コヌスの行く末は䞻に地方か䞋町の譊備だぞ?そんな任務に王子殿䞋を远いやれるず思うか?」 「あぁ、なるほど。理に叶っおるんだね」 それでもやはり残念だず思っおしたう。王子殿䞋の戊闘スタむルも気になっおいたし、単玔にご尊顔に興味があった。 レむディルヌンずいいペルンノェルナずいい、ずおも敎った顔立ちをしおいた。クロヌシェザヌドに至っおは、最早神の領域ず蚀っおも過蚀ではない壮絶さ。貎族ずはそういうものなのだず認識しおいるから、その頂点に立぀王族がどんな容貌をしおいるのか芋おみたかった。 「あぁ、そっか。王子殿䞋に䌚おうず思えば寮で䌚えるじゃん」 䜕ず蚀っおも寮で集団生掻をしおいるのだ。いずれどこかで䌚う機䌚もあるだろうず思ったのだが。 「お前はアホか。王子殿䞋が食堂でみんなず䞊んで仲よく飯食うず思うか?郚屋で食べるに決たっおんだろ」 れクスは四぀目のパンをかじりながら、シェむラの頭に軜い手刀を萜ずした。 「ちなみに殿䞋の郚屋は䞉階で、蚱可を受けた近衛階士以倖立ち入り犁止。しかも王族専甚の通甚口があるから、どこかですれ違おうず思っおもムダだからな」 「厳重だね」 「圓たり前だろ、王族だぞ?」 そんな軜口を叩いおいる間にも、食事は終盀に差し掛かっおいた。ようやく満腹感も出おきたし、あずは食埌のお茶でも飲もうかず考えおいるず、䌚話する二人の間に挟たれおいたコディが呻くように声を䞊げた。 「――――君達、よく平然ず䌚話できるね。僕は昚倜から、緊匵でお腹が痛くお痛くお......」 芋るず、コディのスプヌンは党く進んでおらず、トレヌの朝食はほずんど手付かずのたただった。 「この䞭で自分がどの皋床の実力なのか把握できおるれクスはずもかく、シェむラは䜕でそんなに萜ち着いおるの?䞭途入孊だから、自分の力がどこたで通甚するか、党くの未知数だろ?」 「うん。だからワクワクするよね」 「...............そっか............」 こぶしを握っお答えるず、コディは消え入りそうな声で呟いた。胃の蟺りをしきりに擊っおいる。 「コディ、お腹が痛いの?それならオりレンやコガネバナの根を也燥させたものが効くよ。䞀応村から持っおきおるから、あげようか?」 シェむラが怅子から立ち䞊がりかけた時、埌ろのテヌブルで食事をしおいた厳぀い男が身を乗り出し、コディの銖にガッシリず腕を回した。 「䜕ぃコディ、腹が痛いっお!?そんなもん気合いだ気合い!」 「寮長......」 寮長のアックスは、䌯爵家の子息らしいが暑苊しさが半端じゃなかった。ほずばしる汗ず茝く筋肉がこれほど䌌合う人もそういない。䞋街蚀葉も党く違和感がなく、䞀䜓どこで芚えたのか疑問を芚えるほどだ。 面倒芋はいいのだが、力加枛が間違っおいる。銖を絞められたコディは青息吐息だ。止めるべきか、郚屋に匕き返しすぐにでも薬を持っおくるべきか。シェむラがうろうろ迷っおいるず、れクスが軜く手を振る合図を芋せた。この堎は䜕ずかするからお前は早く行け、ずいうこずだろう。シェむラは小さく頷いお走り出した。 背埌から、アックスがれクスに絡む声が聞こえ出した。普段どれだけからかっお遊んでいおも、こういう時コディを芋捚おないのだから、やっぱり仲よしだよなぁず思った。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 始業匏の日に芋たあの皜叀堎に、ぞろぞろず人が集たりだした。 䜕床か授業で䜿甚しおいるけれど、四幎生から最高孊幎たで党お集たるのは初めおだ。それだけでシェむラはワクワクが止たらない。これから、顔も知らない盞手ず䞉回も戊えるのだ。 ――実力を芋るための詊合だから、負けおも問題ない。でも、党勝した方がいいに決たっおるよね。 頑匵ろうず改めおこぶしを握り、ふずコディを芋䞊げた。 「どう?少しは効いおきた?」 顔色は先ほどよりよくなっおいる。圌は匱々しくも笑顔を芋せた。 「うん、倧分楜になったよ。シェむラのおかげだ」 本圓はすり鉢で延々ず摺り続け粉状にしお飲むずいいのだが、そんな時間はなかったので现かく刻んで服甚しおもらった。実力テストたでに効くかは時間ずの勝負だったが、䜕ずかなったようだ。 「戊う盞手は、確か事前に決められおるんだよね。どこで発衚されるんだろう?」 キョロキョロず闘技堎を芋回しおいるず、遠くの人波がざわりず割れた。そこから颯爜ず珟れたのはクロヌシェザヌドだった。圌の登堎に、生埒達が䞀斉に静たり返る。 クロヌシェザヌドは呚囲をぐるりず睥睚するず、よく通る声で宣蚀した。 「これより、実力テストを開始する!」 いやが䞊にも興奮が高たる。誰もが静かに闘志をみなぎらせおいるのが分かった。テストずいう授業の䞀環ずはいえ、血気盛んな若者は察決ずいう響きにワクワクせずにいられないのだ。 「これよりここに、察決衚を貌り出す。自分の名前の暪に印が䞉぀あるはずだ。その印の䞊に曞かれおいる名前が、諞君らの察戊盞手だ」 正方圢の衚の暪ず瞊に、ズラリず名前が䞊んでいる。党く同じ順番で生埒の名前が曞かれおいるらしい。正方圢の衚には䞞印が幟぀もあった。芋たこずのない蚘し方だが、䞀人ひずりの察戊盞手をいちいち曞き出しおいくより効率的だ。 人数が倚いため、最䞊玚生の爵䜍が高い者から順番に衚を芋おいく。たたに倧きなどよめきが起こるため、気になっお仕方ない。けれど䞋玚生で平民のシェむラは、順番がほずんど最埌だった。 「どれどれ......」 ようやく番が回っおきたので、れクスずコディず共に衚を確認する。䞋の方に、シェむラ⋅ダナりの名前を発芋した。暪に芖線を走らせるず、早速䞉぀の䞞印を芋぀けた。そこに曞かれた名前は――――。 「シェむラ......お前、マゞかよ......」 れクスが固い声で呟く。コディもシェむラの察戊盞手を確認したのか、目を芋開いおいる。 第䞀詊合 セむリュり⋅ミフネ 第二詊合 リグレス⋅オルブラント 第䞉詊合 レむディルヌン⋅セントリクス 呚囲の同玚生達も、同情的な県差しでシェむラを芋おいる。よく分からないが、匷敵が倚いずいうこずだろうか。それこそやりがいがあるず思うのだが。 「厳しいんだな、クロヌシェザヌド先生っお」 「そりゃ厳しい人だけど、急にどうしたの?」 「それだけお前は厳しい詊合ばっかっおこずだよ」 詊合前だずいうのに疲劎困憊ずいった様子のれクスが、シェむラの肩に寄りかかった。 「いいか。レむディルヌン先茩が匷いのは蚀わずもがなだが、他も癖者だ。第䞀詊合のセむリュり先茩は最䞊玚生の平民なんだが、これが魔力もないのに滅法匷い。少し魔術を䜿える皋床の貎族なら盞手にならねぇ。そんで第二詊合のリグレス先茩は、そもそも貎族だから魔力がある。それだけで匷敵だっ぀ヌのに、シェむラず䞀番盞性の悪い盞手なんだ」 「戊い方がっおこず?」 「違う。あの人はな............レむディルヌン先茩の、芪衛隊隊長なんだよ」 「芪衛隊......?」 耳慣れない単語に、シェむラは目を瞬かせた。説明しおくれたのはコディだった。 「そうか。シェむラは知らないだろうね。レむディルヌン先茩ほどの方になるず、ファンみたいな人が集たっおくるんだよ。䜕しろ家柄も身分も匷さも容姿も欠点なしだからね」 確かにそう聞くずカリスマ性があるらしい。平民を蔑んでいるようなのであたり奜きになれないが、貎族の子息からすれば頂点に近い存圚だ。玍埗はできる。 「奜きっおこず?それは、恋っお意味で?」 シェむラが蚊くず、二人は顔を芋合わせお肩を組んだ。 「せっかくがかしおたのに、難しいこずを聞くよね......」 「こい぀っおたたに栞心突くよな」 ボ゜ボ゜ず喋っおいるが、シェむラには聞かせたくないのだろうか。ほずんど聞き取れない。 コディずれクスはしばらく芋合っお、瀺し合わせたように重々しく頷いた。 「いやぁ、これでシェむラを悪く蚀うダツもいなくなるんじゃないか?」 「そうだね。ここたで察戊盞手が厳しいのはシェむラだけだし」 よく分からないが、質問は黙殺されたらしい。けれどシェむラも単玔なもので、目先の話題にすかさず食い付いた。 「なになに?僕、悪口蚀われおたの?」 「クロヌシェザヌド先生が個人的に指導しおるから、お前が莔屓されおるんじゃないかっお蚀っおるダツが、少数だけどいたんだよ。でもおかげで、そんな噂も完璧に払拭されるだろうな」 シェむラはちらりずクロヌシェザヌドを芋た。 もしかしたらい぀も先を芋据えおいる圌のこずだから、そこたで考えお察戊を組んだのかもしれない。悪口を蚀われおいたこずすら、シェむラは知らなかったのに。 助けられおいる。い぀も、芋守っおくれおいる。 揺るぎない意思を感じお、シェむラは胞が枩かくなった。 クロヌシェザヌドの信頌に応えたい。圌のくれるもの以䞊のものを返したい。 シェむラは実力テストを前に、決意を新たにした。
In the competency test, you would battle against three randomly assigned students. It seemed that not only fourth-year students, but also fifth- and sixth-year students would take part in this test. The scoring system was designed in such a way so that the lower grades wouldn’t be at a disadvantage, and since this would be an opportunity to swap special courses with general courses, even the upper grades were somewhat tense. “His Royal Highness the Prince is absent due to official business....” It had been two weeks since she entered the school. Sheila, who had become accustomed to living in a group in the dormitory, had her shoulders slumped at breakfast. The dining hall was crowded with all the students of the knight department, as it was impossible to get a meal after the prescribed time. Incidentally, since the dormitory was separate from the civilian dormitory, there were many young hot-blooded people. It was said that the amount of food was larger than that of the civilian dormitory. Sheila was still grumbling as she stuffed a pile of potato salad into her bread. “It’s not often we get to see a class with all the grades together, so this would’ve been a great chance to see him.” Zechs brought his spoon to his mouth as he chewed a heap of cabbage. “His Highness doesn’t have to attend, he’s bound to enter the special course.” “Why? And speak clearly please.” The merchant must be putting all his energy into speaking, she was unimpressed. Zechs swallowed his cabbage firmly before answering. “You know that the general course usually ends up guarding the countryside or downtown, right? Do you think we can relegate His Highness the Prince to such a mission?” “Oh, I see. That makes sense.” Still, she thought it was a shame. She was curious about His Highness’ fighting style, and also about his face. Both Leidyrune and Jornwerner were very handsome. When it came to Claushezade, he was so magnificent that it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he was already at the level of gods. She was aware that aristocrats were like that, so she wanted to see what the royalty standing at the top looked like. “Oh, that’s right. If I want to meet His Highness the Prince, I can meet him at the dormitory.” After all, they lived together in the dormitory. She thought she would have a chance to meet him somewhere sooner or later. “You’re an idiot. Do you think His Highness will eat in the dining room with everyone else? Of course, he eats in his room.” Zechs bit into his fourth piece of bread and dropped a light hand on Sheila’s head. “By the way, His Highness’s room is on the third floor and is off-limits to all but authorized Imperial Knights. Moreover, there is an entrance dedicated to royalty only, so there’s no point in trying to pass by each other anywhere.” “That’s very strict.” “It’s only natural, they’re royalty, remember?” While they were talking lightly, the meal was almost finished. When she was finally full and thinking about having some tea, Cody, who was caught between the two of them, groaned. “How can you guys talk to each other without a care in the world? I’ve been nervous since last night....” When Sheila looked over, Cody’s spoon hadn’t moved at all, and the breakfast on the tray was almost untouched. “I don’t care about Zechs, but why is Sheila so calm? Since you just entered, you have no idea how far you can go, right?” “Yes. That’s why it’s so exciting.” “.... I see...” Cody muttered in a faint voice as he answered with a clenched fist. He rubbed his stomach area constantly. “Cody, do you have a stomachache? If you do, the dried roots of the goldthread and the skullcap plant will help. I brought some from the village if you want.” Sheila was about to get up from her chair when a rough-looking man eating at the table behind her leaned over and wrapped his arms around Cody’s neck. “What, Cody, you got a stomachache? It’s just your feeling, just your feeling!” “Dormitory leader...” The dormitory leader, Axe, who was the son of a count, wasn’t half as hot as he seemed. There weren’t so many people who looked good with their gushing sweat and shining muscles. He also spoke the rural language with such ease that Sheila wondered where in the world he learned it. He seemed to care about people, but his methods were inaccurate. Cody, who was strangled and blue in the face, was having difficulty breathing. Should she stop him or went back to her room and get him some medicine right away? As Sheila wondered, Zechs waved his hand lightly. He was probably telling her that he would take care of the situation and that she should hurry. Behind her, she could hear Axe’s voice twirling around Zechs. No matter how much they usually teased and argued with each other, he had never abandoned Cody at times like this, so she knew they were good friends. ◇ ◆ ◇ People began to gather in crowds at that training hall that she saw on the day of the opening ceremony. She had used it several times for a few classes, but this was the first time she had seen all of them together, from the fourth grade to the highest grade. That alone was enough to make Sheila excited. From now on, she would be fighting three times against people she didn’t even know. It was a match to see how good you were, so it didn’t matter if you lose. But it was always better to win all of it, right? She clenched her fists again, determined to do her best, and looked up at Cody. “How are you doing? Does it help a little?” His complexion was better than before. He smiled weakly. “Yeah, I feel a lot better, thanks to Sheila...” Actually, it would have been better to grind them endlessly in a mortar and pestle them to powder and drink it, but there was no time for that, so she chopped them into small pieces and had him take them. It was a race against time to see if it would work before the test, but it seemed to work. “The fights are pre-determined, right? I wonder where they’ll announce it?” As Sheila looked around the arena, a wave of people in the distance walked in. Standing in front of the crowd was Claushezade. The students all fell silent at his appearance. Glancing around him, Clauschezade announced in a clear voice. “We will now begin the competency test!” Excitement was building, even more so than usual. Sheila could see that everyone was fired up. Even though the test was just a part of the lesson, the young and spirited people couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of a showdown. “Now, I’m going to post the list of battles here. There should be three marks next to your name. The names above the marks are your opponents.” The names were lined up horizontally and vertically on the square table. It seemed that the names of the students were written in the exact same order. There were several circled marks on the table. This was an unusual way of writing down names, but it was more efficient than writing down each student’s opponent one by one. Because of the large number of students, the tables were looked at in order, starting with the most senior student with the highest rank. The occasional loud groans from the crowd were a cause for concern. But Sheila, an underclassman and a commoner, was the last in line. “Which one is it....” When it was finally her turn, she checked the table with Zechs and Cody. At the bottom of the list, they found the name Sheila Danau. Looking to the side, they quickly found three circled marks. The name written there was― “Sheila... You, seriously...?” Zechs muttered in a stiff voice. Cody’s eyes widened as he too saw who Sheila’s opponent would be. First match: Seiryuu Mifune Second match: Regress Olbrandt Third match: Leidyrune Centrix The surrounding classmates were also looking at Sheila with sympathetic eyes. She wasn’t sure, but did that mean she had a lot of strong opponents? She thought it was worth it. “I’m surprised at how strict Claushezade-sensei is.” “Well, he’s a strict guy, but what’s wrong with him all of a sudden?” “Well, look at how tough these games are.” Zechs, who looked exhausted even before the match, leaned on Sheila’s shoulder. “Listen. It goes without saying that Leidyrune-senpai is strong, but the rest of them are also regular players. In the first match, Seiryu-senpai is a commoner of the highest rank, but he is very strong even though he has no magic power. If you are an aristocrat who can only use a little magic, you’re no match for him. And in the second match, Regress-senpai is an aristocrat, so he has magical power. That alone makes him a formidable opponent, but he’s the worst match for Sheila.” “Because of the way he fights?” “No. That guy is.... He is the leader of Leidyrune-senpai group of admirers.” “Admirers...?” Sheila blinked at the unfamiliar word. It was Cody who explained it to her. “I see. Sheila probably doesn’t know. When you’re like Leidyrune-senpai, you get a lot of fans. After all, his family background, status, strength, and appearance are flawless.” Indeed, he was very charismatic when you said it like that. She didn’t like him much because he seemed to despise commoners, but from the perspective of a son of a noble family, he was very close to the top of the ranks. She could understand that. “Do you mean like, like him? Or love?” When Sheila asked, they looked at each other and squared their shoulders. “I’ve been trying to blur things out, but you’re asking a hard question....” “This guy gets to the point sometimes, doesn’t he?” He was blabbering, Sheila wondered if he didn’t want her to hear him. She could hardly make sense of what he said. Cody and Zechs looked at each other for a while and nodded gravely. “Well, I guess this means no one will say anything bad about Sheila, right?” “Yes, I suppose so. It’s only Sheila who has a tough opponent so far.” It seemed that her question was ignored. But Sheila, being a simple soul, was quick to bite on the topic at hand. “What? Did they say something bad about me?” “There were a few people who said that because Claushezade-sensei was personally tutoring you, you might be favored by him. But thanks to you, I’m sure those rumors will be completely dispelled.” Sheila glanced at Claushezade. Perhaps he was always looking ahead, so he might have thought about that and arranged the matchup. Sheila didn’t even know that someone was bad-mouthing her. She was being helped. He was always watching over her. Sheila felt warmth in her heart as she sensed his unwavering will. She wanted to live up to Claushezade’s trust. She wanted to give back more than what he gave her. Sheila renewed her determination before the test.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
これが僕の本心だった。 確かに僕達は囜民の䞍安を煜るようなこずをしたのかもしれない。けど、貧困村の人間が䜕か悪さをすれば、責任を取るずいう芚悟が僕にもデュヌクにもある。 そしお、ネむトやレベッカもいる。絶察に眪なき人間を傷぀けたりしない。それだけはきっず誰よりも匷い。だっお、僕らが眪なき人間なのに傷぀けられおきたから。 その痛みを誰よりも理解しおいる。 「......たぁ、それもそうだな」 そう蚀っお、僕はポヌルかの怍物が入った玙袋を受け取る。少し錻がツンずする匂いがした。 この刺激臭......、トルキスかな。 「そんなに具合が悪いのか?」 ポヌルが興味無さそうに僕にそう聞いた。突然の質問に驚いた。 もう僕ず䌚話したくないず思っおいたのに......。 僕はじっちゃんのこずを思い浮かべながら「たあね」ず匱々しい声で答える。 ずっず信じたくなかったけど、珟実は僕が薬を開発出来たずころで、進行を遅らせるこずぐらいしかできない。あんなに進行しおしたった斑点病を治すこずは難しい。 急に自信を無くした僕を慰めようず思ったのか、ポヌルが口を開いた。 「助かるずいいな」 その声は穏やかで優しいものだった。 「ありがずう。......あ、代金」 「いらないよ。貧乏人からお金なんお取りたくないしな」 棘があるように聞こえるが、ポヌルは今の僕にお金があるこずを知っおいる。僕貎族のりィリアムズ家に䞖話になっおいるのだから。 ポヌルはお金が奜きだ。だから、情報屋もしおいる。 ......これは圌の善意だろう。 僕は握りしめた玙袋を芋぀める。 「借りが出来たね」 「返さなくおいい。早く行け」 ぶっきらがうにそう蚀うポヌルに僕はもお瀌を蚀っお、その堎を去った。 銬車に乗り、急いで家に垰る。銬車の䞭にいる間、すぐに研究に取り掛かりたくお萜ち着かなかった。 䜕故かい぀もより銬車の進むスピヌドを遅く感じる。 今、焊っおも意味ない。自分にそう蚀い聞かせお、がんやりず窓の倖を眺める。 矎しく咲き誇るお花畑が芋えた。倪陜に照らされお、茝くその花は黄金に芋えた。緩やかな颚に吹かれお、花が䞀斉にふわっず揺れる。 「アリシア、綺麗だね」 そう蚀った埌に、ハッず気づく。 圌女が去っおから暫く経぀のに、未だに隣にアリシアがいるず思っおしたう。ふずした時に孀独感に襲われるこずがある。 僕は自分の䞡芪を知らない。けど、家族ず同じようなぬくもりを䞎えおくれたのはじっちゃんずアリシアだ。こがいなくなったら、僕はもう二床ず立ち盎れないかもしれない。 もう十二歳なんだから、もっず倧人にならないずいけないのかもしれない。けど、心に嘘は付けない。気䞈に振舞うけど、心のどこかではずっず寂しいず思う自分がいる。 アリシアからの手玙が来るこずもない。絶察に生きおいるっお分かっおいるのに、連絡が䜕䞀぀ないから、䞍安ずいう感情に胞が苊しくなる。 この䞖界のどこにいおも誰ずでも連絡をずるこずが出来る装眮があればいのに......。そんなあり埗ない銬鹿げたこずを願う。 アリシアの瞳の色をした花を眺めながら、誰にも聞かれるこずのない独り蚀を呟いた。 「ねぇ、アリシア、君は今どんな景色を芋おるの?」
This was his real intention. It was true that we may have done something to cause unrest among the people. But both Duke and I were prepared to take responsibility if people in the impoverished village misbehaved in any way. And then there were Nate and Rebecca. They would never hurt an innocent person, and I was certain that they were stronger than anyone else in the village. The other reason was that they had been hurt by people, even when they had been innocent. They understood that pain better than anyone else. “...Well, that’s a good point.” Saying so, I accepted a paper bag containing three different plants from Paul. There was a smell that made my nose twitch a little. This pungent smell...I wonder if it’s Tolchis. “Are you feeling sick?” Paul asked me in a disinterested manner. I was surprised by the sudden question. I thought he didn’t want to talk to me anymore. I replied in a weak voice, saying, “Yeah, I guess” as I thought about Gramps. I had always hated to admit it, but the reality was that even if I could develop a drug, it would only slow down the progression of the disease. Given how far the disease had advanced, it would be difficult to cure Spotted Disease. Paul then responded, perhaps trying to comfort me, as I suddenly looked like I had lost confidence in myself. “I hope you can save that person.” His voice was calm and gentle. “Thank you. ...Oh, the money.” “I don’t want it. I don’t want to take money from the people of the impoverished village.” As thorny as it sounded, Paul knew that I had money now. I was being taken care of by the Williams family, one of the Five Great Noble Families, after all. Paul liked money, especially when he could afford to earn more. That’s why he also worked as an informant. ...I was sure he meant well this time. I stared at the paper bag I was clutching. “I owe you one.” “You don’t have to pay me back, just go.” I thanked Paul again for his kindness and left. I got in the carriage and hurried home. While I was in the carriage, I was restless because I wanted to start my research immediately. For some reason, I felt that the carriage was moving slower than usual. There was no point in being in a hurry now, I told myself as I looked out the window in a daze. I saw a beautifully blooming flower garden. The flowers shining in the sun looked golden. A gentle breeze blew, and the flowers swayed gently in unison. “Alicia, they are beautiful.” I realized it after I had said that. It had been a while since she left and I still thought that I had Alicia next to me. I sometimes felt lonely at moments like this. Although I didn’t know my parents, Gramps and Alicia treated me with the same warmth as my family. Without them, I would have never recovered. Maybe I should be more mature now that I am twelve. But I couldn’t lie to my heart. I tried to act tough, but somewhere in my heart, there was a part of me that felt lonely all the time. I never received a letter from Alicia. I knew that she was still alive, but I haven’t heard from her, so I feel anxious and my heart aches. I wish there was a device that would allow me to contact anyone anywhere in the world.... I wish for such an impossible and ridiculous thing. Looking at the flower with the color of Alicia’s eyes, I muttered to myself so that no one would ever hear. “Hey Alicia, what are you looking at right now?”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私は怜察官です 法ず秩序を信じおいたす 海兵隊所属の譊察官ず矎容垫の 逊父母に育おられたした 人は自らの行動に責任を持぀ものであり 誰もが瀟䌚の䞭で安党に暮らせるべきだず 私は信じおいたす 仕事を愛しおいたすし 仲間も倧奜きです 職務を改善しおいくこずが 我々の責任だず考えおいたす さお 手を䞊げお答えおください ここにいる皆さんの䞭で 25歳になるたでに 孊校で玠行が悪かったり 出入りするなず蚀われおいる堎所に行ったり 飲酒できる幎霢より前に お酒を飲んだりした人はいたすか? はい いいでしょう 䞇匕きしたり 違法ドラッグをやっおみたり 兄匟や姉効を含めお 暎力沙汰になったこずのある人は? それでは そういった行動をずった結果 1日でも収監されたこずがある人は? ここにいる皆さんの䞭に こういった若気の至りにより 自分を瀟䌚に察し危険な存圚ず思う たたは思われお圓然ず思う方は? いたせんよね 刑事叞法制床の改革に぀いお 話すずき 我々が目を向ける事柄は 限られおいたす 今日はそのこずに぀いお お話ししたいず思いたす しかしたず— 皆さんも正盎に答えおくれたので 私も告癜しおおきたしょう 私はロヌ・スクヌルに行きたしたが お金のためでした 公務員になる぀もりは さらさらなく 刑事法にも たったく興味なし 怜察官になるだなんお これっぜっちも思っおいたせんでした 1幎生の終わりに むンタヌンずしお ボストン地裁のロクスベリヌ支郚で 働きたした ロクスべリヌが ボストンでも貧しい地区であり 銃による暎力や薬物犯眪が 蔓延しおいるこずは知っおいたした 私のリヌガルキャリアず人生が倉わったのは このむンタヌン初日のこずです 法廷に入った私が芋たのは 座垭を埋め尜くす人々 䞀人䞀人 前に出おきお 䞀蚀だけ発蚀したす 「無眪を䞻匵したす」 圧倒的に 黒人ず耐色人皮ばかりです それに察し 裁刀官、匁護士や怜察が 本人の蚀い分を聞かずに 人生にかかわる決定を䞋したす 圧倒的に癜人ばかりでした 法廷で䞀人䞀人が 前に出るのを芋ながら ずっず考えおいたした 「どういう経緯で どんな物語を経お ここに来たのだろうか」 怜察が各人の容疑事実を 䞀件䞀件読み䞊げる䞭 ずっず思っおいたした 「予想できたはずなのに」 「簡単に防止できるじゃないか」 刑事法を熟知しおいたからではありたせん でも 垞識じゃないですか むンタヌン䞭 出廷者たちの顔を 自然に憶えおいきたした 圌らが悪党だからではありたせん 助けを求めお 来おいる人たちなのに 手を差し䌞べるこずなく 垰しおしたっおいたからです 2幎生になっお 被告人匁護士の パラリヌガルになりたした 殺人容疑がかかった若者にも 沢山出䌚いたした しかし「最悪」の事件においおも 人間らしさが芋られたした どの若者も幌少時の心の傷を持ち 䜕らかの被害者であり 貧困や死別を経隓し 退孊経隓や 若幎での譊察や叞法制床ずの 関わりなどを経隓しおおり その党おが法廷に぀ながっおいたのです 殺人で有眪になった者たちは 終身刑を宣告されおいたした そういった人たちずの面談䞭 どうしおも 解せないこずがありたした なぜ こんなにも金をかけお— 目の前のこの人をこれから80幎も 刑務所に入れおおくのか その金を前もっお 違うこずに遣えば そもそもの犯眪の芜を摘むこずが できるのではないか (拍手) 3幎生になっお 軜犯眪容疑の人々の 匁護をしたした 粟神を病んでいたり 家がなかったり 薬物䞭毒だったりず 党員が助けを必芁ずしおいたした しかし 我々は 圌らが求める助けを䞎えずに 送り返しおいたした 我々の助けを 切実に必芁ずしおいる人たちでした しかし䜕の手も 差し䌞べられおいなかったのです 起蚎し、匁護し、刀決を䞋すのは 圓人に぀いお䜕も知らない人々です 恐ろしく非効率なやり方を芋お 刑事叞法の職に就こうず思いたした あたりの䞍公平さを芋お 匁護人になりたいず思いたした 力関係を理解するようになり 怜察官の道を遞びたした 問題点ばかりを語る぀もりはありたせん 刑事叞法制床に改革が必芁なこずは 皆わかっおいたす 党囜で230䞇人が拘留䞭か受刑䞭であり アメリカが䞖界䞭で最も 投獄者の倚い囜になっおいるこずも— これに加え700䞇人が執行猶予か 仮釈攟の身であるこずも— 刑事叞法制床に圱響を受けるのは 有色人皮ばかりで 䞭でも特に 貧しい人々ばかりだずいうこずも— あちこちで制床が機胜しおいないがために 法廷が忙しいこずもです しかし 誰も話題にしないのが 察応する怜察官の備えの乏しさです 刑事叞法制床改革を語るずき 瀟䌚ずしお 我々は3぀のこずに 集䞭したす 苊情、ネット䞊の発蚀、抗議運動 そうしお話題にするのは 譊察、刀決法や 刑務所に぀いおです 怜察が話題に䞊がるこずは 党くず蚀っおいいほどありたせん 2009幎の秋 若い男がボストン譊察に 逮捕されたした 18歳のアフリカ系アメリカ人で 地元の公立高校の3幎生でした 倧孊進孊を目指しおいたしたが 最䜎賃金のアルバむトでは 進孊費甚を貯めるこずなど 無理でした 過ちが重なり 圌はラップトップ30台を店から盗んで ネット䞊で売りたした ここから足が぀いお捕たり 30皮類の重眪容疑で 刑事告蚎されおいたした 少幎は刑務所送りになる可胜性を 最も恐れおいたしたが 本人がほずんど理解しおいなかったのが 犯眪歎が自分自身の将来に぀ける 傷のこずです ある日 眪状認吊手続の最䞭 この事件に行き圓たりたした 仰々しく聞こえるかもしれたせんが たさにその瞬間 その少幎 クリストファヌの人生は 私の手の䞭にあったのです 私は29æ­³ 怜察官になったばかりで 自分が䞋す決断が 圌の人生に及がす圱響を ほずんど認識しおいたせんでした 深刻な事件だったため それなりの扱いを芁しおいたしたが ただ 圌をその埌の人生ずっず 重眪犯人扱いするこずが 正しいずは思えたせんでした ほずんどの人は 怜察官になるずき 自分の決断が 意図に関係なく持぀圱響力を ほずんど認識しおいたせん 広い裁量を持぀にもかかわらず 我々怜察官は ひたすらリスク回避するこずを孊び 自分の裁量が根本的に 無甚の長物ず化しおしたうのです 過去からの積み重ねの結果 我々は 刑事叞法制床により 行動に責任が䌎うようになり 䞖の䞭が安党になるず 間違っお思い蟌んでいたす 察内・察倖的にも 有眪刀決や勝蚎の数で倀螏みされるため 自由に考えお仕事をする動機が ほずんどありたせん 事件の凊分に関するこずや 被告に察するリスクを負うかを 決める立堎にあるのに です 時代遅れのやり方にずらわれ 我々皆が求める究極の目的— 安党な瀟䌚の実珟が 劚げられおいたす この件に圓たったのが他の怜察官なら クリストファヌを起蚎したでしょう 我々怜察にできるこずの可胜性を ほずんど認識しおいたせんからね もし起蚎すれば クリストファヌには前科が぀き 就職が難しくなりたす そうしお始たる悪埪環こそが 今日 機胜しおいない 刑事叞法制床の䞀環なのです 前科぀きで無職のクリストファヌは 就職先も、進路も、安定した䜏たいも 芋぀けられなくなりたす こういった人生の安定芁玠なしでは もっず深刻な さらなる犯眪に 手を染める可胜性が高たりたす 叞法刑事制床ずの関わりが 増えれば増えるほど 再犯率は高たり 圌はたた䜕床も— 䜕床も䜕床も眪を繰り返すでしょう 自分の子䟛 家族 同䞖代の人々に察する 非垞に倧きな瀟䌚負担です 皆さん これは瀟䌚党䜓の安党に 結果ずしお倧きな脅嚁をもたらしたす ロヌ・スクヌルを卒業したずき 私は誰もが進む道を遞びたした 正矩を行うべく怜察官になったのですが 正矩が䜕かなんお 授業では習いたせんでした 誰も習いたせん 誰䞀人ずしおです それでいお怜察ずいう立堎は 刑事叞法制床内で 最倧の力を持ちたす 際限ないず蚀っおもいいでしょう ほずんどの堎合 裁刀官も 譊察も、議䌚も 垂長も、州知事も、倧統領も 怜察のやり方に口を出せたせん クリストファヌを起蚎し 前科を぀けるか吊かの刀断は 完党に私だけに委ねられおいたのです 30皮類の重眪も遞べるし 1぀の重眪も 1぀の軜眪も たたは無眪も遞べたす 叞法取匕を持ちかけるか 事件を裁刀に持ち蟌むかどうかも 私の自由で 究極的には圌を牢屋送りに できる立堎にいたした 怜察官は 毎日誰の干枉も受けずに こうした刀断を䞋しおおり 自らの刀断が招く深刻な結末に察し 無知であり か぀教育されおもいないのです 昚倏のある晩 私は有色人皮の瀟䌚人男性を察象ずする 町の小さな集䌚に 出垭しおいたした 立ったたた 小さいサンドむッチに かぶり぀いおいるず— たさに公務員ですね— 郚屋の向こう偎から 若い男性がニコニコず 手を振りながら近づいおきたした 芋たこずある顔でしたが どこでかは思い出せずにいるず いきなりハグされたした そしお瀌を蚀われたした 「あなたのご芪切で 人生が倉わりたした」 クリストファヌだったのです あの時 私は起蚎せず 圌は裁刀も刑務所も免れ 前科も぀きたせんでした その代わり 私は圌に寄り添い たずは自分がしたこずぞの けじめの぀け方を教え そしお過ちを繰り返さぬよう 手を打ちたした 売ったコンピュヌタヌの 75%を䞀緒に取り戻し 店に返しお 返せない分を匁償するための 資金䜜り蚈画を立おたした 圌は地域奉仕掻動に埓事し この事件が自分の未来や瀟䌚に どう関わるのかずいう䜜文を曞きたした 倧孊に志願しお 金銭的な補助を獲埗しお 進孊し 4幎制倧孊を卒業したのです (拍手) 名札を芋たら ボストンの倧きな銀行の マネヌゞャヌでした クリストファヌは成功を収め 私よりずっず皌いでいたした これら党おを ロクスベリヌ裁刀所で初めお䌚っおからの 6幎で達成しおいたのです クリストファヌの成功が 私のおかげだずは蚀いたせんが そこたでの道から倖れないように 手を貞したこずは確かです 圌みたいな若者は今も䜕千ずいたす 収監されおいる若者もいたす この事実を理解しお 圌らを守っおやれる怜察官が 䜕千ず必芁です 有眪にするよりも 職を䞎えるほうが 公共にずっおは安党です そのほうが誰にずっおも埗なのです 思い返すず クリストファヌを 厳眰に凊さなかったのは 非垞に理に適ったこずです 裁刀所で初めお䌚った日 私の目に映る圌は 犯眪者ではなく 私自身— 干枉を必芁ずする若者でした 10代埌半に倧量の薬物を売っお 捕たったこずのある私は チャンスずいうものが持぀力を 自ら経隓したした 刑事叞法制床の刑眰の力よりも 匷力なものでした 前に進む䞭 怜事の導きず助けを借りお 保護芳察官ず裁刀官の助けも借りお 怜察官は人生を壊すのではなく 倉える力を持぀のだず孊びたした それがボストン流のやり方です 子䟛に食べさせるために 食料品を盗んだ女性に察しおは 職探しを手䌝いたした 虐埅を受けおきた10代の若者には 同玚生を殎った眪で 投獄する代わりに 粟神治療を䞖話し 地域の指導員を぀けたした 路䞊生掻で生き延びるために 売春しお捕たった家出少女は 安党な生掻ず成長の堎を 必芁ずしおいたしたが それは我々でなんずかできるこずでした たた別の少幎は 䞊玚生のいじめっ子たちに 攟課埌絡たれるのを恐れるあたり ある朝匁圓箱ではなく 拳銃をリュックに忍ばせたしたが 私は圌にも前科を付けたせんでした 通垞なら䜕ヶ月もかけお 裁刀の準備をする時間を 事件が呈する問題に察する 真の解決策を考え出すこずに費やしたした 時間の䜿い道ずしお どっちがいいでしょうか? お䜏たいの地域の怜察に どんな時間の䜿い方をしおほしいですか? 800億ドルもの金を 明らかに機胜しおいない刑務所産業に ぀ぎ蟌むよりも その金を教育に配分したり 粟神科治療に配分したり 薬物乱甚治療に配分したり 瀟䌚に投入した方が 地域の機胜を高められるじゃないですか (拍手) これは他人事ではありたせん なぜなら たず非垞に 金がかかるこずだからです 我々の金です ある州では 10代の若者を1幎収容するのに 10侇9千ドルかかり 同じ人を同じ堎所に 再収容するこずになる可胜性は60% ひどい投資察効果です 2぀目の理由は これこそが正しいこずだからです もしも怜察官たちが 問題の原因の䞀郚ならば 解決策を考え出すのも 我々怜察官の責務です すでにデヌタや研究が揃っおいる 他の分野を利甚すれば可胜です そしお3぀目は 皆さんの声や䞀祚で こういったこずが実珟するからです 次回お䜏たいの地域で 地区怜事遞挙があったら 候補者に聞いおみおください 第1に 䜏民の安党を守るために 䜕をしおくれるのか 第2に どんなデヌタを集蚈しおいお 自分の方針が䞊手くいくように どんな教育を怜察官たちに斜しおいるのか 第3に もしも制床が皆のためになっおいない堎合 どんな是正措眮をずるか もし答えられないなら その職にふさわしい人ではありたせん このトヌクのはじめに手を挙げた 皆さん䞀人䞀人が チャンスの力を蚌明する たさに生きた蚌拠です 干枉の力や 支えるこずの力や 愛の力の生きた蚌拠です 皆さん䞀人䞀人が 犯した過ちに察し それぞれ戒めを受けたかもしれたせんが 䞖界が誇る アむデアの持ち䞻である 今のご自分に至るたでに 刑務所生掻を1日でも必芁ずした人は ほが皆無でしょう 毎日 䜕千回も アメリカ䞭の怜察官が 振るっおいる力は 倧惚事を起こしうるほど匷力です でも 同じ力で チャンスをもたらしたり 干枉を行ったり 支えになったり もちろん愛だっお 䞎えるこずができたす こういった特質は 匷い瀟䌚の蚌ですし 安党な瀟䌚の蚌でもありたす 瀟䌚が壊れおいるなら その瀟䌚を 自分が遞んだ怜事たちに 時代遅れで非効率か぀高䟡な方法で 盎させおはなりたせん より倚くを求めたしょう 人を刑務所に送る怜事ではなく 遠ざける人を遞びたしょう 改善を芁求したしょう 皆さんも 皆さんのお子さんも 制床に瞛られた人々も持぀ 圓然の暩利です しかし 䜕より 我々が守り 正矩を貫くず誓った盞手である 人々が求める暩利です 怜察は 倉わらなければなりたせん ありがずうございたした (拍手) ありがずうございたした (拍手) ありがずうございたした
I am a prosecutor. I believe in law and order. I am the adopted son of a police officer, a Marine and a hairdresser. I believe in accountability and that we should all be safe in our communities. I love my job and the people that do it. I just think that it's our responsibility to do it better. By a show of hands, how many of you, by the age of 25, had either acted up in school, went somewhere you were specifically told to stay out of, or drank alcohol before your legal age? All right. How many of you shoplifted, tried an illegal drug or got into a physical fight -- yes, even with a sibling? Now, how many of you ever spent one day in jail for any of those decisions? How many of you sitting here today think that you're a danger to society or should be defined by those actions of youthful indiscretion? Point taken. When we talk about criminal justice reform, we often focus on a few things, and that's what I want to talk to you about today. But first I'm going to -- since you shared with me, I'm going to give you a confession on my part. I went to law school to make money. I had no interest in being a public servant, I had no interest in criminal law, and I definitely didn't think that I would ever be a prosecutor. Near the end of my first year of law school, I got an internship in the Roxbury Division of Boston Municipal Court. I knew of Roxbury as an impoverished neighborhood in Boston, plagued by gun violence and drug crime. My life and my legal career changed the first day of that internship. I walked into a courtroom, and I saw an auditorium of people who, one by one, would approach the front of that courtroom to say two words and two words only: "Not guilty." They were predominately black and brown. And then a judge, a defense attorney and a prosecutor would make life-altering decisions about that person without their input. They were predominately white. As each person, one by one, approached the front of that courtroom, I couldn't stop but think: How did they get here? I wanted to know their stories. And as the prosecutor read the facts of each case, I was thinking to myself, we could have predicted that. That seems so preventable... not because I was an expert in criminal law, but because it was common sense. Over the course of the internship, I began to recognize people in the auditorium, not because they were criminal masterminds but because they were coming to us for help and we were sending them out without any. My second year of law school I worked as a paralegal for a defense attorney, and in that experience I met many young men accused of murder. Even in our "worst," I saw human stories. And they all contained childhood trauma, victimization, poverty, loss, disengagement from school, early interaction with the police and the criminal justice system, all leading to a seat in a courtroom. Those convicted of murder were condemned to die in prison, and it was during those meetings with those men that I couldn't fathom why we would spend so much money to keep this one person in jail for the next 80 years when we could have reinvested it up front, and perhaps prevented the whole thing from happening in the first place. My third year of law school, I defended people accused of small street crimes, mostly mentally ill, mostly homeless, mostly drug-addicted, all in need of help. They would come to us, and we would send them away without that help. They were in need of our assistance. But we weren't giving them any. Prosecuted, adjudged and defended by people who knew nothing about them. The staggering inefficiency is what drove me to criminal justice work. The unfairness of it all made me want to be a defender. The power dynamic that I came to understand made me become a prosecutor. I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about the problem. We know the criminal justice system needs reform, we know there are 2.3 million people in American jails and prisons, making us the most incarcerated nation on the planet. We know there's another seven million people on probation or parole, we know that the criminal justice system disproportionately affects people of color, particularly poor people of color. And we know there are system failures happening everywhere that bring people to our courtrooms. But what we do not discuss is how ill-equipped our prosecutors are to receive them. When we talk about criminal justice reform, we, as a society, focus on three things. We complain, we tweet, we protest about the police, about sentencing laws and about prison. We rarely, if ever, talk about the prosecutor. In the fall of 2009, a young man was arrested by the Boston Police Department. He was 18 years old, he was African American and he was a senior at a local public school. He had his sights set on college but his part-time, minimum-wage job wasn't providing the financial opportunity he needed to enroll in school. In a series of bad decisions, he stole 30 laptops from a store and sold them on the Internet. This led to his arrest and a criminal complaint of 30 felony charges. The potential jail time he faced is what stressed Christopher out the most. But what he had little understanding of was the impact a criminal record would have on his future. I was standing in arraignments that day when Christopher's case came across my desk. And at the risk of sounding dramatic, in that moment, I had Christopher's life in my hands. I was 29 years old, a brand-new prosecutor, and I had little appreciation for how the decisions I would make would impact Christopher's life. Christopher's case was a serious one and it needed to be dealt with as such, but I didn't think branding him a felon for the rest of his life was the right answer. For the most part, prosecutors step onto the job with little appreciation of the impact of our decisions, regardless of our intent. Despite our broad discretion, we learn to avoid risk at all cost, rendering our discretion basically useless. History has conditioned us to believe that somehow, the criminal justice system brings about accountability and improves public safety, despite evidence to the contrary. We're judged internally and externally by our convictions and our trial wins, so prosecutors aren't really incentivized to be creative at our case dispositions, or to take risks on people we might not otherwise. We stick to an outdated method, counterproductive to achieving the very goal that we all want, and that's safer communities. Yet most prosecutors standing in my space would have arraigned Christopher. They have little appreciation for what we can do. Arraigning Christopher would give him a criminal record, making it harder for him to get a job, setting in motion a cycle that defines the failing criminal justice system today. With a criminal record and without a job, Christopher would be unable to find employment, education or stable housing. Without those protective factors in his life, Christopher would be more likely to commit further, more serious crime. The more contact Christopher had with the criminal justice system, the more likely it would be that he would return again and again and again -- all at tremendous social cost to his children, to his family and to his peers. And, ladies and gentlemen, it is a terrible public safety outcome for the rest of us. When I came out of law school, I did the same thing as everybody else. I came out as a prosecutor expected to do justice, but I never learned what justice was in my classes -- none of us do. None of us do. And yet, prosecutors are the most powerful actors in the criminal justice system. Our power is virtually boundless. In most cases, not the judge, not the police, not the legislature, not the mayor, not the governor, not the President can tell us how to prosecute our cases. The decision to arraign Christopher and give him a criminal record was exclusively mine. I would choose whether to prosecute him for 30 felonies, for one felony, for a misdemeanor, or at all. I would choose whether to leverage Christopher into a plea deal or take the case to trial, and ultimately, I would be in a position to ask for Christopher to go to jail. These are decisions that prosecutors make every day unfettered, and we are unaware and untrained of the grave consequences of those decisions. One night this past summer, I was at a small gathering of professional men of color from around the city. As I stood there stuffing free finger sandwiches into my mouth, as you do as public servant -- I noticed across the room, a young man waving and smiling at me and approaching me. And I recognized him, but I couldn't place from where, and before I knew it, this young man was hugging me. And thanking me. "You cared about me, and you changed my life." It was Christopher. See, I never arraigned Christopher. He never faced a judge or a jail, he never had a criminal record. Instead, I worked with Christopher; first on being accountable for his actions, and then, putting him in a position where he wouldn't re-offend. We recovered 75 percent of the computers that he sold and gave them back to Best Buy, and came up with a financial plan to repay for the computers we couldn't recover. Christopher did community service. He wrote an essay reflecting on how this case could impact his future and that of the community. He applied to college, he obtained financial aid, and he went on to graduate from a four-year school. After we finished hugging, I looked at his name tag, to learn that Christopher was the manager of a large bank in Boston. Christopher had accomplished -- and making a lot more money than me -- He had accomplished all of this in the six years since I had first seen him in Roxbury Court. I can't take credit for Christopher's journey to success, but I certainly did my part to keep him on the path. There are thousands of Christophers out there, some locked in our jails and prisons. We need thousands of prosecutors to recognize that and to protect them. An employed Christopher is better for public safety than a condemned one. It's a bigger win for all of us. In retrospect, the decision not to throw the book at Christopher makes perfect sense. When I saw him that first day in Roxbury Court, I didn't see a criminal standing there. I saw myself -- a young person in need of intervention. As an individual caught selling a large quantity of drugs in my late teens, I knew firsthand the power of opportunity as opposed to the wrath of the criminal justice system. Along the way, with the help and guidance of my district attorney, my supervisor and judges, I learned the power of the prosecutor to change lives instead of ruining them. And that's how we do it in Boston. We helped a woman who was arrested for stealing groceries to feed her kids get a job. Instead of putting an abused teenager in adult jail for punching another teenager, we secured mental health treatment and community supervision. A runaway girl who was arrested for prostituting, to survive on the streets, needed a safe place to live and grow -- something we could help her with. I even helped a young man who was so afraid of the older gang kids showing up after school, that one morning instead of a lunchbox into his backpack, he put a loaded 9-millimeter. We would spend our time that we'd normally take prepping our cases for months and months for trial down the road by coming up with real solutions to the problems as they presented. Which is the better way to spend our time? How would you prefer your prosecutors to spend theirs? Why are we spending 80 billion dollars on a prison industry that we know is failing, when we could take that money and reallocate it into education, into mental health treatment, into substance abuse treatment and to community investment so we can develop our neighborhoods? So why should this matter to you? Well, one, we're spending a lot of money. Our money. It costs 109,000 dollars in some states to lock up a teenager for a year, with a 60 percent chance that that person will return to the very same system. That is a terrible return on investment. Number two: it's the right thing to do. If prosecutors were a part of creating the problem, it's incumbent on us to create a solution and we can do that using other disciplines that have already done the data and research for us. And number three: your voice and your vote can make that happen. The next time there's a local district attorney's election in your jurisdiction, ask candidates these questions. One: What are you doing to make me and my neighbors safer? Two: What data are you collecting, and how are you training your prosecutors to make sure that it's working? And number three: If it's not working for everybody, what are you doing to fix it? If they can't answer the questions, they shouldn't be doing the job. Each one of you that raised your hand at the beginning of this talk is a living, breathing example of the power of opportunity, of intervention, of support and of love. While each of you may have faced your own brand of discipline for whatever malfeasances you committed, barely any of you needed a day in jail to make you the people that you are today -- Every day, thousands of times a day, prosecutors around the United States wield power so great that it can bring about catastrophe as quickly as it can bring about opportunity, intervention, support and yes, even love. Those qualities are the hallmarks of a strong community, and a strong community is a safe one. If our communities are broken, don't let the lawyers that you elect fix them with outdated, inefficient, expensive methods. Demand more; vote for the prosecutor who's helping people stay out of jail, not putting them in. Demand better. You deserve it, your children deserve it, the people who are tied up in the system deserve it, but most of all, the people that we are sworn to protect and do justice for demand it. We must, we must do better. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ただいた垰ったでありたすよヌ」 「おかえりヌ。みんな居間にいるぞヌ」 「了解でありたす」 シアの声が聞こえた途端、ガルノが勢いよく立ち䞊がる。 そしお、勢いよく尻尟を振っお、玄関の方ぞず駆けお行った。 「おお、ガルノ、元気でありたしたかヌ?」 「がうがう!」 玄関から楜しそうな声が聞こえる。 ガルノは狌だけあっお、狌の獣人のシアが奜きなのかもしれない。 特に懐いおいる気がする。 しばらくシアは玄関でガルノず遊んでいるようだった。 なので、こっちはこっちで話を進める。 ルッチラが蚀う。 「うヌん。王宮にもっおいけないのなら、どうやったら宮廷錬金術士に芋おもらえるんでしょうか?」 「゚リックに盞談しおみるか」 「囜王陛䞋に盎接頌むような案件ではないわ。パパに蚀えばいいず思うの」 セルリスの父、ゎランは貎族にしお冒険者ギルドのグランドマスタヌだ。 宮廷錬金術士にも圓然コネはあるだろう。 「ゎランが垰宅しそうな頃に、屋敷の方に行っおみるか」 「うヌん。パパならこっちに顔を出しそうだし、すれ違いになるず思うわ」 「それはないだろう。ゎランは忙しいからな」 「そんなこずはないず思うわ」 そう蚀ったセルリスはずおも真面目な衚情だ。 たさかずは思うが、セルリスはゎランが暇だず勘違いしおいるのではなかろうか。 䞀応、蚀っおおくべきだろう。 「いや。セルリス。ゎランはずおも忙しいんだぞ」 「ああ、違うわ。パパは忙しくおもこっちに顔を出すんじゃないかなっお」 「たさか。家に垰っおすぐに寝るだろ」 これからゎランは我が家によく遊びに来るずは思う。 だが、それは䌑日の前日ずかだろう。特に甚もないのに、平日に来るわけがないのだ。 「それでも、パパは顔を出すず思うわ」 セルリスは、あくたでそう䞻匵する。 そんなこずを話しおいるず、シアがガルノず䞀緒にやっおきた。 ガルノはシアにすごく懐いおいる様子だった。 「ただいたでありたす!」 「魔錠退治はどうだったでありたすか?」 「それがね。......ものすごい倧きな魔錠が倧量にわいおたのよ」 「ほほう。恐ろしい話でありたすね。で、芋぀かったでありたすか?」 「それが党くなの」 シアずセルリスは、俺たちにはわからない䌚話をしおいる。 「ココッ!」 ゲルベルガが匷めの声で鳎いた。 もっずわかるように説明しろず蚀っおいるかのようだ。 「ゲルベルガさた、ごめんなさいでありたすよ。セルリスさんには䞋氎道に行方䞍明の人たちが隠れおないか芋お欲しかったでありたす」 「そうなの。王郜は衛兵が出入りをしっかり管理しおいるでしょう? だから玠人が蚘録に残らない圢で倖に出るのは難しいわ」 俺が同意するず、セルリスは続ける。 「行方をくらたした人が自分の意思で隠れおいる堎合、䞋氎道が最適なんじゃないかっお、シアさんず話し合ったのよ」 「たったく、いなかったわけだけど......」 ルッチラが真面目な顔で蚀う。 「魔錠に食べられたずいう可胜性はありたせんか?」 「......」 党員が黙った。ルッチラの意芋が芋圓違いなものであるから沈黙したのではない。 むしろ、可胜性は充分にある。 人が魔錠に襲われる光景を想像しお、抌し黙ったのだ。 「倧きな魔錠に成長するには充分な逌ずいうこずでありたすね......」 シアは険しい顔で蚀った。 人を食らっお倧きくなったのなら、骚も残らないかもしれない。 その時、ミルカが蚀った。 「うヌん。おれが䞋氎道にいたころには他に人はいなかったぞ」 「そうなのか?」 「うん。確かにいなかったぞ。他に人がいなかったから快適だず思ったんだからな」 「ちょっず埅っお」 セルリスが困惑した衚情になっおいた。 「ミルカがこの家に䟵入したのが昚晩よね」 「そうだな」 色々あったので、だいぶ日数が経った気がする。 だが、実際には䞀日も経っおいない。 「昚日ミルカが魔錠に食べられおいない。぀たり、それから今たでの間にあれほど倧発生したずいうこずになるわ」 「䞀日......いや、数時間遅れたら、ミルカは魔錠の逌になっおいたかもな」 「......こ、こえヌ」 ミルカは顔面蒌癜になっおた。 「本圓に無事でよかったわね」 セルリスがミルカを抱き寄せる。そしお優しく頭を撫でおいた。 「䞀晩でそれだけ増えたずいうこずは移動しおきたのでありたすかね」 「移動も考えにくいが、繁殖よりかは、ただ珟実的かもしれないな」 そのずき、シアは机の䞊に目をやった。 「む? これはなんでありたすか? いや、たさか......これは」 シアが指し瀺したのは、かけらを組み立おお䜜った謎の像、それを入れた朚の箱だ。 「ああ、これは魔錠の死骞から集めたかけらを組み立おたものだ」 「............」 シアは真剣な目で、無蚀でそれを芋぀める。 「なんに䜿うか党くわからないんだよ。シアは䜕か知らないか?」 「......これは邪神を召喚する際に䜿う像に䌌おいる......、ず思うでありたすよ」 「邪神?」 「昏き者どもの神。そのうちの䞀柱でありたす」 シアはずおも恐ろしいこずを蚀った。
“I’m back!” “Welcome. We’re in the drawing room.” “Understood.” Grulf got up quickly as soon as he heard Shia’s voice. Then he started to wag his tail and run towards the entrance. “Oh, Grulf. How are you?” “Groof-groof!” Her cheery voice rang from the door. Maybe Grulf liked Shia so much because she was a wolf beastkin. I felt like he had taken to her especially well. And the two of them played by the main entrance for quite some time. And so we just continued our conversation. Luchila said, “Hmm. If we can’t go to the palace, how will you get the palace alchemists to look at it?” “I’ll have to ask Eric.” “I don’t think it’s important enough to ask His Majesty directly. You should tell daddy.” Goran was a noble and the grand master of the Adventurer’s Guild. He would surely have some connection to the palace alchemists. “I guess I’ll go visit your house then. When is Goran likely to be back?” “Ohh. But I think daddy might try and visit you here. You might just miss each other.” “I doubt that. Goran is very busy.” “I don’t think he’s that busy.” Serulis said seriously. It was hard to imagine, but I suddenly had the suspicion that Serulis believed Goran had a lot of free time. I should probably clear things up. “No. Serulis. Goran is very busy.” “Oh, that’s not what I meant. I think he would come and visit you no matter how busy he was.” “I don’t think he would. He’ll probably go home and sleep.” I did think Goran would come and visit us often. However, it would probably be during his days off. I didn’t think he would come here on a weekday without any reason to. “Still, I think daddy will come here.” Serulis said stubbornly. As we argued like this, Shia and Grulf entered the room. Grulf looked so happy to see Shia. “I’m back!” “How did the demon rat hunt go?” “About that. ...There were so many giant demon rats.” “Ohhhh. What a horrible thing. So, did you find them?” “Not at all.” Shia and Serulis began talking about something the rest us did not understand. “Cluck!” Gerberga clucked loudly. I felt as if he were telling them to explain things clearly. “Pardon me, Lord Gerberga. I wanted Serulis to see if any of the missing people were hiding in the sewers.” “That’s right. Do you know how the city guards watch the entrances closely? I think it would be difficult for most people to enter the sewers without there being a record of it.” I agreed and Serulis continued. “I was talking with Shia, and we agreed that the sewers were the perfect place for someone who wanted to hide their whereabouts.” “Though, there was no one down there...” Luchila said seriously. “Is it possible that they were gobbled up by the demon rats?” “...” The room fell silent. And it wasn’t because Luchila had said something stupid. Actually, it seemed almost too likely. Imagining people being eaten by demon rats was what made everyone fall silent. “I guess there was plenty of food to allow all that growth...” Shia said with a stern look. Maybe they had become so big by eating people. They had not even left any bones to be discovered. Just then, Milka said, “Hmmm. But I didn’t see anyone else when I was in the sewers.” “Is that right?” “Yes. Not a single person. That’s why I thought it was so comfortable.” “Wait a second.” Serulis said in confusion. “It was just last night that Milka invaded this house, wasn’t it?” “Yes.” So much had happened, that it had seemed like a long time ago. However, it had really just been one day. “But Milka wasn’t eaten by the demon rats yesterday. Wouldn’t that mean that they must have infested the sewers in large numbers between then and now?” “One, if it had been a few hours late, then Milka would have been rat food.” “...Oh-oh, no.” Milka said with a pale face. “You must be so relieved.” Serulis said as she hugged Milka and gently patted her on the head. “Then they must have traveled from somewhere else. Otherwise, they couldn’t have increased so rapidly in one day.” “That’s also unlikely, but still more realistic than rapid breeding.” Just then, Shia looked at the desk. “Hm? And what is this thing? No, could it be...” Shia looked at the wooden box with the object inside. “Ahh, this was made from fragments we collected from the corpses of the demon rats.” “...” Shia looked at it silently. “We have no idea what it is for. Do you know, Shia?” “...This resembles an idol used to summon the Evil God... That is what I think.” “Evil God?” “The god of the dark ones. It is one of the pillars.” Shia said a most frightening thing.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
リコたちがにらみ合っおいる間に、垝郜からフェリスを連れおくる。フェリスはフェアリヌドラゎンを芋るずギョッずした顔をした。 「こんな色鮮やかで、色圩豊かな矜を持぀フェアリヌドラゎンは初めお芋たした」 「フェアリヌドラゎンは、矜の色どりが倚ければ倚いほど倚才なのです。この子はかなりの才胜持ちのようです」 「この子に䌚った時、片方の矜がなかったんだ。それに、角も無くなっおいたんだ」 「おかしいですね?我々ドラゎンにずっお矜ず角は呜のようなものです。それが取れるなど・・・䜙皋の魔物に遭ったのかもしれたせん。聞いおみたすね」 フェリスがじっずフェアリヌドラゎンを凝芖する。どうやら念話で䌚話しおいるようだ。フェリスの顔がどんどん険しくなる。 「バッカじゃないのアンタ!バカも䌑み䌑み蚀いなさいよ!」 いきなり激高したかず思いきや、フェアリヌドラゎンの角を掎んでブンブン振り回し始めた。ドラゎンは、あきゃヌあきゃヌず悲鳎を䞊げおいる。 「フェリス、そこたで!」 俺の声を聞いおフェリスは動きを止める。そしおドラゎンをポンずテヌブルの䞊に投げ出し、再びドラゎンを凝芖し、そしお、ニダリず笑う。なぜかむトラはめちゃ喜んでいる。 「きゅお!・・・きゅあヌ、きゅあヌ、きゅゅゅあヌ」 ドラゎンは頭を抱えお泣き出しおしたった。おい、フェリス、お䜕を蚀ったんだ? 「倧䞈倫です。ちょっずお灞をすえただけです。この子の話?ああ、聞かなくおも倧䞈倫です。すっごく䞋らない話です」 「きゅあ、きゅきゅきゅ、きゅきゅきゅきゅきゅ?きゅきゅヌきゅ、きゅヌきゅヌ」 䜕やら必死に俺に蚎えかけおいるが、あいにく圌女の話は俺にはわからない。 「フェリス、このドラゎンは䞀䜓なんず蚀っおいたのですの?」 リコからナむスなフォロヌが入る。 「あヌ。すっごく䞋らない話です。たあ、リコ姉さたには䞀応お䌝えしおおきたすね」 リコずフェリスが芋぀め合っおいる。そしお少しず぀リコの顔が匷匵っおいく。 「・・・リノスに蚀う必芁はありたせんわ。バカバカしい」 「でしょ?」 「きゅうヌ」 ドラゎンは矜がペタンずなり、ガックリず肩を萜ずしおいる。なんだか、胞が締め付けられる。 「リノスさん、このドラゎンどうしたすか?」 「どうするっお・・・䜕がだ?」 「ステヌキにするか、燻補にするか・・・シチュヌでもいいですけど」 「え!食べるのか?おゆうかお前もドラゎンだろ?共食いにならないのか?」 「同胞ではないので、共食いにはなりたせん。むしろ、私にずっおは、゚サにしおもいいくらいです」 「あぎゃっ!ぎゃっ!きゅあヌ」 䜕だかフェアリヌドラゎンが怒っおいる。フェリスはフッず息を぀き、 「ただわからないようね。だからダメなのよ」 そういうずフェリスはフェアリヌドラゎンの角を持ち、倖に攟り出した。さすがにドラゎンだけあっお、背䞭の矜を駆䜿しお浮かび䞊がり、地面の激突は避けおいた。フェリスは倖に向かいながら服を䞀枚、たた䞀枚ず脱ぎだし、党裞になった。そしお、フェアリヌドラゎンの前たで行くず人化を解陀した。 「きゃあヌ、きゅあああああああああ!!!!!」 クルルカンになったフェリスを芋お、フェアリヌドラゎンは倧声で叫び声を䞊げた。その瞬間、俺の胞が重くなり、気が付くずフェアリヌドラゎンがそこにいた。凄たじい速さだ。ドラゎンは俺の胞に顔をうずめお震えおいる。おお、なんず愛おしい。俺はドラゎンをギュッず抱きしめる。 「リノス、あんたり甘やかさない方が、よろしくおよ?」 リコが呆れたような顔をしおいる。 「俺には党く事情がわからん。ただ、このドラゎンが可哀想に芋えおならん」 「きゅヌ」 䞀䜓䜕でこうなるのか?取りあえず、俺はこのフェアリヌドラゎンを鑑定しおみる。 Ø­Øš الملوك(フェアリヌドラゎン・7æ­³) LV10 颚魔法 LV1 回埩魔法 LV1 MP回埩 LV3 気配探知 LV3 魔力探知 LV3 肉䜓匷化 LV1 竜魔法 LV1 飛行 LV5 粟補 LV4 隠密行動 LV4 疟颚迅雷 疟颚迅雷・・・飛行LV5 䜕か名前が぀いおいるが、文字が読めない。これはどういうこずだろうか。それにしおも、わずか7歳でこのスキル。MPが異垞だ。それに飛行スキルがカンストされおいお、なるほど、この玠早さもうなずける。 ただ、このドラゎンず䌚話が成り立たなければ、どうしようもない。 「おいフェリス、念話っおどうやるんだ?」 「どうっお・・・ただ頭の䞭で盞手に話しかけるだけです。『リノスさん、リノスさヌん』みたいな」 頭の䞭でフェリスに向かっお話しかけおみる。党く反応がない。確か、念話は韍魔法ず蚀っおいたな。魔法ずいうからには、魔力を䜿う。ずいうこずは、魔力に乗せお蚀葉を䌝えおいるのか?ずりあえず魔力をフェリスに向け、念じおみる。念じおみる。念じおみる。 『フェリスのお尻に毛が生えおるぞ』 「ええっ!うそ?」 ・・・成功しおしたったようだ。フェリスは念話だずいうこずに気が付かず、リコにお尻を向け、確認しおもらっおいる。今のうちに確認しおみよう。 『おヌい、フェアリヌドラゎン、聞こえるか?』 『え?そのこえは?もしかしお?』 『ああ、俺だよ。リノスずいう』 『リノス・・・わたしはシンゞョ』 『シンゞョ?』 『うん、かみさたからの぀かいだっおいわれおたのヌ』 『かみさた?』 『うん。おおきくなったらかみさたに぀かえないずいけないんだっお』 『そんなドラゎンがなんであんな所にいたんだ?』 『うヌんず、たいにちおべんきょうばっかりで぀かれちゃっおヌ。あそびにきたの』 『家には垰らないのか?』 『うヌん、かえりたくないのヌ。それでおなかがすいたからたべものをさがしおたらすごくおいしいみずずおはなのあるずこがあったから、そこにいたの』 『じゃあなんであんな怪我しおたんだ?』 『おうちをでるずきにけがをしたのヌ。だからうたくずべないし、たいぞんだったのヌ』 神様に仕えるために教育されたドラゎンか・・・。䜕だか厄介ごずの匂いがするな。 「おい、フェリス!このドラゎン神様の䜿いっお蚀っおるぞ?」 「あヌわかっちゃいたしたか。・・・っお、え?念話は?」 「さすが、リノスさんですね・・・。そうです、その子は韍王に仕える資質を持った神女です。1000幎に䞀床、ドラゎン族の間でその資栌を持った子䟛が生たれるず蚀われおいたす。倧きくなるず族長ずなり、韍王様のお告げを聞く圹割も担いたす」 「この子ここにいお倧䞈倫なのか?」 「だめですよ。この子が逃げたために、フェアリヌドラゎンは韍王様から芋捚おられるかもしれたせん。本圓にバカですよ、この子。䞀族の未来を捚おお逃げたんです。韍王様にお仕えするずなるず、その䞀族の繁栄は玄束されたものだったのに・・・。確かに修業は厳しいです。私も修業は倧倉でしたし、神女たる者の修業は私たちの比ではないでしょう。しかし、この子はそこから逃げ出した。きっず垰っおも、殺されるだけです。それなら食べられた方がマシですし、その方が䞀族にずっおも、韍王様ぞの蚀い蚳も立ちたす」 「そうか・・・。うヌん、俺も勉匷しなかったからなヌ。この子の気持ちはわからんでもないが・・・」 「ご冗談を。リノスさんのそのスキルは盞圓の修業をしたはずです」 「う~ん。俺の堎合は生きおいくために仕方なくだったからな。人っおそういうもんだよ?危機感を芚えないずやらないもんだよ?」 「危機感・・・。そうですね、この子にはそれがないでしょうね。それに、蚀うに事欠いお、リノスさんの所にずっずいたいなどず蚀っおたしたので、かなり厚かたしいです。私に察しおはケンカ売りたしたしね。身の皋も知らないようです」 「この子が怪我をしおいたのは、䜕か魔物にでも襲われたのか?」 「神女は絶察に守らなければならないので、基本的に竜族の匵った結界で過ごしたす。そこから無理やり出ようずしお、翌ず角を倱ったのだず思いたす。倩眰です。でも、よく生きおたしたね。普通、矜ず角を倱ったドラゎンは方向感芚がなくなるず蚀われおいたすが・・・」 『おいドラゎン、お前よく生きおこれたな』 『すごくたいぞんだったのヌ。どこにいるのかわかんなかったヌ』 『メシずかはどうしおたんだ?』 『うヌんず、゚サのずりたちがすきなにおいをきに぀けおヌ、おびきよせおたべおたのヌ』 『匂いを぀ける?お前匂いが出せるのか?』 『そうだよヌ。においのでるこなを぀くれるんだよヌ』 『その粉、出しおみおくれるかな?』 『いいよヌ』 フェアリヌドラゎンは、矜をパタパタず動かすず、机の䞊に黒い粉が積もっおきた。匂いを嗅いでみるず、バニラの銙りだった。詊しにその粉を舐めおみる。・・・バニラの味がする。このドラゎン、バニラビヌンズを粟補できるようだ。 『他にも、どんな匂いのする粉が出せるんだ?』 『いろいろできるよヌ。ここのおみずずおはなおいしいから、いいにおいのするものならだせるよヌ』 ・・・こい぀は、䜿えるかもしれない。でも、懞念がないわけじゃない。俺はフェリスに確認を取る。 「このドラゎン、殺しちゃうず韍王様が怒らないか?」 「怒らないずは思いたす。䜕せ、逃亡しおいたすから」 「韍王はこの子を殺しに来るかな?」 「殺しにも来ないず思いたす。たぶん、興味を持たれないでしょうね」 「なら、家で飌っおもいいな?」 「こんな臆病者を仲間にするんですか?」 「仲間、ずいうよりペットだな」 「ペット・・・。奎隷以䞋ずいうこずですね?リノスさんが䞻ですが、基本的に党員の持ち物、ずいうわけですね?それなら私は反察しないです」 「リコもどうだろうか?このドラゎン、矜からいい匂いのする粉を䜜り出せるらしいんだ。もしかしたらリコの矎しさを匕き出す匂いのする粉を出すかもしれん。あ、そうなるず、俺がもっずリコを奜きになっちゃうな。それはリコの・・・」 「飌いたしょう!」 即答だな。リコの目が怖い。 『お前、俺の所に居たいのか?』 『うん、すっごくおいしいたべものごちそうしおくれたし、はねも぀のもなおしおもらったから、ここにいればたもっおもらえそうだし、ごはんもたべられそうだからヌ』 『我が家は、働かない者、怠けるものは家に眮かない。お前は俺の仲間の䞭で䞀番䞋っ端ずいうこずになる。俺はもちろん、俺の仲間の蚀うこずを玠盎に聞くのならば、眮いおやっおもいい』 『うん、わかったヌ。ちゃんずきくヌ』 『これからはご䞻人様ず呌んで、絶察わがたた蚀っちゃダメよ?ちゃんずお姉さたたちの蚀うこずを聞かないず、私がアンタを食べるからね?』 『ううう・・・わかったヌ』 『わかったヌ、じゃない!わかりたした!』 フェリスがものすごい顔でドラゎンを睚んでいる。フェリス、どう!どう! 「取りあえずコむツに名前を付けるかヌ。そうだな・・・お前の名前は、フェアリだ」 『わヌい!』 『ありがずうございたすっお蚀いなさい!』 『ありがずうございたぁす』 フェリスがいい教育係になりそうなので、基本的にこのたた攟眮するこずにする。しかし、フェリスは党裞のたた怒っおいるので、かなりシュヌルな光景だ。 「どうでもいいがフェリス、たずは服を着おくれないか?それに、人化した䜓の出来栄えがもう䞀぀だな。リコのようなシミ䞀぀ない肌、胞は小さいが、均敎の取れた䜓を参考にすればいい。お前も、頑匵れ」 「・・・リコお姉さた、服を脱いでいただいおもいいですか?」 「じゃあ、お颚呂に入る時にでも」 「わ、私の裞は、リノス以倖には芋せないのですわ!」 「メむ姉さたずは䞀緒にお颚呂に入っおるじゃないですか!」 「メ、メむはいいのですわ!」 「䜕で私はダメなんですか?䞀緒にお颚呂入りたしょうよヌ」 「むダです!私の裞は絶察に芋せたせんわ!」 䜕やら女同士でヘンな䌚話になっおきおいる。しかし、顔を真っ赀にしたリコはずおもかわいらしく、俺は今日の倜もリコを愛でようず心に誓うのだった。
As the three were engaged in a staring contest, Ferris came back from the capital. Ferris stood petrified once she laid eyes on the fairy dragon. 「It’s my first time seeing a fairy dragon with such colorful and magnificent wings」 「The more colorful the wings are the more talented a fairy dragon is supposed to be. This child seems to have quite the talent」 「When I met it, it didn’t have one wing. It also lost all of its horns」 「Strange. For us, dragons, the horns are as valuable as the life. For it to lose must have encountered a strong monster. I’m going to ask」 Ferris stared fixedly at the fairy dragon. It seems that they were engaged in telepathy. Ferris’ face gradually turned serious as they talked. 「Are you an idiot!? Go ahead and rest! 」 Then, out of nowhere, she grabbed it by its horns and started swinging it around. The dragon let out a scream in response. 「Ferris, that’s enough!」 Having heard my voice, Ferris stopped. Then, she threw the dragon on the table, stared at it once again, grinned, and laughed. For some reason, Itora was rejoicing at the side. 「Kiyuo! Kiyua, kiyua, kiyuaaaa」 The dragon burst into tears. Oi, Ferris, what have you done? 「It’s alright. Just a little scolding. This one’s story? Ah, it’s okay if you don’t hear it. It’s incredibly stupid」 「Kiyua, kiyukyukyu, kiyukyukyukyukyu? Kiyukyukiyu, kiyu, kiyu」 She desperately tried to somehow appeal to me but, regretfully, I couldn’t understand a thing. [] 「Ferris, just what did this dragon say?」 There was a nice follow-up from Rico. 「Ah. It’s an incredibly stupid story. Well, if it’s big sister Rico, I might as well tell」 Rico and Ferris looked at each other. And, gradually, Rico’s face stiffened. 「........There is no need to tell Rinos. Ridiculous」 「Right?」 「Kyu」 The dragon’s wings dropped on the ground and she lowered her head in disappointment. Somehow, it made my chest hurt. 「Rinos-san, what are we going to do about this dragon?」 「What do you mean?」 「Make a steak or smoke.......stew is also okay」 「Eh! Are you going to eat her? You are a dragon, right? Won’t that count as cannibalism? 」 「Since we aren’t of the same subspecies, it won’t. Rather, she is just a right prey」 「Agya! Gya! Kiyua」 The fairy dragon seemed to be angry. Ferris breathed out and 「You still don’t understand. That’s why you can’t」 Having said that, Ferris took the fairy dragon by the horns and threw her out. As expected of a dragon, she flapped her wings and avoided the collision with the ground. Ferris headed outside as she stripped herself of one piece of clothing after another until she became naked. Then, she turned off her human transformation before the fairy dragon. 「Kya, kiyuaaaaaaaaa!!!!!」 Seeing Ferris in her kukulkan form, the fairy dragon let out a loud scream. At that moment, my chest became heavier and, before I noticed, there was the fairy dragon there. Such incredible speed. The dragon hid her face in my chest as she trembled all over. Oh, how adorable. I tightly embraced the dragon. 「Rinos, can I count on you to not spoil her too much?」 Rico made an exasperated expression. 「I don’t understand her circumstances. However, you can’t treat this dragon as pitiful」 「Kiyu」 Just what on earth is happening? For now, let’s appraise this fairy dragon. Ø­Øš الملوك (Fairy Dragon, years old) LVHP: MP: 4 Wind Magic LV1 Recovery Magic LV1 MP Recovery LV3 Presence Detection LV3 Mana Detection LV3 Body Strengthening LV1 Dragon Magic LV1 Flight LV5 Purification LV4 Covert Action LV4 Wind and Thunder Wind and Thunder.........Flight LV5 She has a name but I can’t read the letters. Why is it? That being said, such skills in just 7 years. MP is abnormal. Flight skill also reached counter-stop, which explains her speed. However, without being able to communicate with this dragon, I can’t do anything. 「Oi, Ferris, how does one use telepathy?」 「.......Just talk to the other person inside your head. 『Rinos-san, Rinos-san』or something like that」 Let’s try talking to Ferris inside my head. There was no reaction at all. She said that telepathy is a type of dragon magic if I remember correctly. Since it’s magic, let’s use some MP. In other words, should I use mana to carry my words? For now, I concentrated my mana in Ferris’ direction. I concentrated. I concentrated. 『Ferris has hair growing on her ***』 「Eh! Really? 」 ........It seems that I’ve succeeded. Ferris didn’t realize that it was telepathy, turned her butt towards Rico, and tried to confirm. While she’s at it, let’s try again. 『Oi, fairy dragon, can you hear me?』 『Eh? This voice, could it be? 』 『Yeah, it’s me, Rinos』 『Rinos.......I’m Shinjo』 『Shinjo?』 『Un, I was told to use it as the Goddess』 『Goddess?』 『Un. Once I become bigger, I’d have to be the Goddess』 『And why was such a dragon in that place?』 『Emm. I got bored with studying every day. I’ve come out to play』 『Aren’t you going to go back home?』 『Un, I don’t want to go back. Then I got hungry and went searching for food, found a place with delicious water and flowers, and stayed there』 『Then why were you so injured?』 『I got hurt when I tried to leave my home. I couldn’t fly that well, it was such a disaster』 A dragon nurtured to be the Goddess......I can feel myself getting involved in something troublesome. 「Oi, Ferris! This dragon says something about the Goddess」 「So you’ve found out.......Wait, telepathy? 」 「Yeah, I’ve grasped it」 「As expected of Rinos-san.......Yes, she is qualified to serve the Dragon King. I heard that a child with such qualities is born once every 1000 years. Once he grows up, he becomes the head of a tribe and serves the Dragon King’s as a messenger」 「Is it alright for her to be here?」 「It’s not. Because she escaped, fairy dragons might be abandoned by the Dragon King. She is truly stupid. She abandoned the future of her tribe to escape herself. Even though serving the Dragon King is a guarantee of a tribe’s prosperity......Indeed, the training is hard. Even my own training was hard, forget about those like her. However, she ran away. She will definitely be killed, even if she came back. In that case, being eaten would be a good ending, as far as the tribe goes, her existence would be shameful」 「I see.....Un, I wasn’t that diligent myself, after all. It’s not like I can’t relate to her」 「Do not joke. In order to gain such skills, Rinos-san must have definitely trained hard」 「U~n. In my case, I didn’t have a choice in order to survive. People are often like that. Won’t learn until they feel a sense of crisis」 「Sense of crisis......It’s true that she doesn’t have one. Besides, despite my objections, she wanted to stay at Rinos-san’s place forever, quite an impudent fellow. She even dared to pick a fight with me. She doesn’t know how high the sky is」 「Was she hurt because she was attacked by some monster?」 「Since she was an existence of utmost importance, she most likely lived inside a protective barrier. I think that she lost her horns and a wing trying to break out. It’s a heavenly punishment. Still, she survived through that. It’s said that a dragon that lost its wings and horns usually loses its sense of direction........」 『Oi, dragon, you did well living through that』 『It was such a disaster. I had no idea where I was』 『What did you do about your meals?』 『Emm, I lured the food by producing its favorite scent』 『Producing smell? Can you make any kind of scent? 』 『Yes, I can. I can imitate anything』 『Can you make this powder?』 『Alright』 At the fairy dragon flapped her wings, black powder appeared on top of the desk. When I tried to smell it, it had a scent just like vanilla. Let’s try the taste......Tastes like vanilla. Apparently, this dragon is capable of producing vanilla beans. 『What other kinds of scent can you make?』 『A lot of them. The water and flowers around here are delicious, so, if it’s something that smells nice, I can make it』 ......She might be unexpectedly useful. However, it wasn’t like I had no concerns. Let’s confirm with Ferris. 「Won’t the Dragon King become enraged if someone kills her?」 「I don’t think he will. After all, she is a runaway」 「Will he come here to kill her?」 「I don’t think he will. Probably, he won’t have any interest」 「Then is it okay to let her stay?」 「Are going to let this coward be your friend?」 「More like a pet」 「Pet......You mean, she will be even lower than a slave? Rinos-san is, of course, the owner but, in general, she is everyone’s property, right? If it’s like that then I won’t object」 「What do you think, Rico? It seems that this dragon can produce a good-smelling powder from her wings. Ah, if that were to happen, I might love Rico even stronger. This would be Rico’s....... 」 「Let’s keep her!」 An immediate answer. Rico’s eyes are scary. 『Do you want to stay in my place?』 『Un, you gave me some incredibly delicious food, fixed my wings, this place seems safe, and I can eat delicious things』 『My home is not a place where you can stay idle. You will have the lowest position amongst all of us. If you listen to my comrades and, of course, me, I don’t mind letting you stay』 『From now on you should call me Master and you can’t be selfish anymore. If you won’t listen to big sisters, I’m going to eat you, got it? 』 『 it』 『Not「Got it」! I understand! 』 Ferris glared at the dragon with an intense face. Ferris, stay! Stay! 「Let’s give her a name for now. Let’s see......your name is Fairy」 『Wai!』 『Thank you very much!』 『Thank you very muuuch』 Ferris seems to be a good choice for a teacher, so let’s leave it as it is. However, with Ferris being angry while naked, it was quite a surreal sight. 「How about wearing some clothes, Ferris? That being said, your transformed body is truly well made. Smooth skin like that of Rico’s and, although the chest is small, a well-proportioned body」 「.......big sister Rico, can I remove your clothes? 」 「Then when you take a bath」 「I-I won’t show my figure to anyone but Rinos!」 「But you are bathing with big sister Mei!」 「Me-Mei is okay!」 「Why am I not okay? Let’s enter together」 「No! I’m not going to show you! 」 Apparently, the female team went in a weird direction. However, the blushing Rico was so cute that I pledged my heart to her once again at night.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「劊嚠したの どうするかただ考えおないけど」 ずポリヌに話すず ためらわず答えが返っおきたした 「私 堕ろした事あるわよ」 䞭絶経隓があるず話しおくれたのは 圌女が初めおでした 圓時私は倧孊を出おほんの数ヶ月 新しい圌ができお間もない時 劊嚠が発芚したのです どうしようか考えおみたしたが どうやっお どんな基準で決めたらいいか 正盎党くわかりたせんでした 正しい決断ずは䜕かなんお わかるはずもなく 堕ろしたら埌で埌悔するのでは ず心配でした 南カリフォルニアのビヌチで 成人を迎えた私は 劊嚠䞭絶論争の 真っ只䞭で育ちたした 生たれたのはトレヌラヌの䞭 ロり察りェむド刀決3呚幎の日でした 近所の人は皆 サヌファヌでクリスチャン 神を信じ 恵たれない人を気にかけ きれいな海を守り 皆が䞭絶反察掟でした 子䟛だった私は 堕胎ずいうものが すごく悲しいこずに感じお 自分は絶察するものかず決めたした でも 結局䞭絶するこずになり 未知の䞖界に 足を螏み入れたわけです でも私はあの日のポリヌに ずおも感謝しおいたす 私だけじゃないんだ 䞭絶に぀いお話しおもいいんだっお 圌女のおかげでわかったから 䞭絶はよくあるこずなのです グットマヌカヌ・むンスティテュヌトによるず アメリカの女性のうち 3人に1人が 人生䞀床は 䞭絶を経隓するそうです しかしアメリカでは過去数十幎に枡り 䞭絶ずいえば 胎児の生呜重芖か母䜓の遞択重芖か それ以倖にほが議論の䜙地がなく 政治色が匷くお 二極化した話題なのです しかし䞭絶論争が癜熱する䞀方で 私たち女性にずっおは 同じ女性同士 たたは人間同士ずしおも 自分の身に起こる䞭絶に぀いお 話し合えるこずは皀です ギャップがあるのです 政治で起こっおいるこずず 実生掻ずの間ずのギャップで そこには「敵か味方か」ずいう 殺気立った考え方が 蔓延しおいるのが珟状です 䞭絶だけの話ではありたせん 重芁なのに觊れおはいけない話題が 本圓にたくさんありたす だからこそ 闘いの堎を 話し合いの堎に倉えおいくのが 私の人生のミッションなのです 始め方は䞻に2通り 1぀は じっくり話を聎くこず もう1぀は 話を打ち明けるこずです 15幎前『Exhale』 ずいう組織を共同蚭立し 䞭絶経隓のある人々の話を聎く ずいう掻動を始めたした たず䜜ったのが電話盞談窓口 女性でも男性でも 電話しおきた人を 気持ちの面で支えるのですが 批刀なし 政治ずの絡みもなし 圓時こういったサヌビスは冗談抜きに どこにも存圚したせんでした ここに寄せられた電話盞談の内容を すべお受けずめられるような 新しい仕組みが必芁になりたした 䟋えば 䞭絶を埌悔する フェミニストの話 䞭絶しおよかったず蚀う カトリック信者の話 分類しようのない 個人的経隓もありたした ここでは 䞭絶肯定か反察かを 遞ばせるべきではない むしろ党䞖界が味方なんだず わかっおもらおうず考えたした 非垞にプラむベヌトな経隓なわけですから そこで提唱したのが「察話重芖」です この考え方では 䞭絶だけでなく 䞖界䞭で長い間人が苊しんできた 難しい問題も察象にしたす 䟋えば 移民、宗教の受け入れ 女性ぞの暎力などです たた 圓の本人やその家族 ごく芪しい友人にしかわからない すごく個人的な問題にも察応したす 末期の病気を持぀人や 母芪を亡くしたばかりの人 障害を持った子䟛を持っおいお 誰にも話せないような人 聎くこずず語るこずが 「察話重芖」の最倧の特城です 聎いたり語ったりっお 響きはいいですよね 簡単そう 誰でもできるっお 思いたせんか 倧間違いです 非垞に難しいこずです 「察話重芖」が難しいのは 皆が苊しんでいる問題や 誰も話したくないような問題に 觊れるからです 「察話重芖」を遞べば 面癜いように珟状が打砎できるずか お花畑みたいな堎所で 話を聎いたり語ったりする䞭 目からうろこの感動の瞬間がある などず蚀えたらどんなにいいか フェミニストの歓迎パヌティヌが 埅っおいるずか 長い間䌚っおなかった友達のごずく 蟛い時味方でいおくれる人達が 埅っおいる堎所があるず 蚀いたいずころですが 話したけど結局誰も気にかけおくれない ず感じおしたったら 本人が傷぀いたり疲匊しおしたう かもしれたせん それに 本気で誰かの話を 聎くずなるず 聎く私たち自身がものの芋方を 倉えないずいけない話にも圓たりたす 話しにくい䌚話を始めるのに ぎったりのタむミングなんお来ないし ぎったりの堎所もありたせん 䞀぀の事に察し皆が皆 同じ背景を知っおいお 同じ芖点で 同じ意芋であるこずなんお 絶察ありたせんから では 話の聎き方から始めたしょう どうしたら聎き䞊手になれるのか 方法はたくさんありたすが 2点だけご玹介したす 1぀は 答え方が自由な質問をするこず 自分自身や知っおる人に 問いかけおみたしょう 「今 どんな気分?」 「それっお どんな感じだった?」 「今はどうしたい?」 などですね 䞊手に話を聎くもう1぀のコツは 盞手の蚀葉を䜿っお話すこずです 個人的な経隓を話しおいる人には その人の蚀葉を そのたた䜿いたしょう 䞭絶の経隓に぀いお話しおいる人が 「赀ちゃん」っお蚀ったら 「赀ちゃん」を䜿い 「胎児」っお蚀ったら 「胎児」を䜿いたしょう 自分は男でも女でもないず 蚀う人がいたら そういう呌び方をしおあげたしょう 芋た目は男だけど 自分は女だず蚀う人がいれば それでいい 女ずしお扱いたしょう 自分のこずを話しおいる人の蚀葉を そのたた䜿うこずで 盞手がどんな人で どんな経隓をしおいるか関心があるず 䌝えるこずになりたす 自分が話す立堎になったずき 他人にも期埅するこずず同じです Exhaleでの あるミヌティングで 起こったこずが忘れられたせん 神に぀いお語るクリスチャンの女性から 電話を受けるこずが倚いずいう ボランティアの子の話でした 信仰のあるボランティアもいたすが 圌女はそうではありたせんでした 電話の䞭で 神に぀いお話をするのが 最初はちょっず倉な気分だったので 慣れおみようず思いたち 家で 鏡の前に立っお 「神様」ず蚀っおみたそうです 「神様」 「神様」 「神様」 「神様」 「神様」 「神様」 䜕床も䜕床も蚀いたした この蚀葉を口にしおも 違和感がなくなるたで 続けたのです 神ずいう蚀葉を䜿ったからずいっお クリスチャンになったわけではありたせん しかし クリスチャンの女性の話を聎くのが ずっず䞊手くなったのです さお「察話重芖」のもう1぀の掻動は 自分の話を共有するこずですが 他人に自分のこずを打ち明ける時 起こりうる問題がありたす それは 聎いおいる人は あなたず同じ状況に眮かれたずき 違った決断をするかもしれない ずいうこずです たずえば 䞭絶に぀いお 誰かに話しおいるずき 聎き手は同じ状況でも 産むこずにしたのかもしれない 逊子に出したかもしれない 盞手や䞡芪に話したかもしれないし 話さなかったかもしれない 自分が悲しみや喪倱感を感じた事も その人には安心や自信を䞎えたかもしれない それでいいんです 自分が他人の立堎だったらず 想像した瞬間 共感が生たれたす 同じ結末にたどり着かないず いけないわけじゃない 「察話重芖」は 同意も画䞀性も求めたせん 䞀人䞀人の個別性を重芖する 文化や瀟䌚が生たれたす 私たちの欠点やアラも 人間らしさの䞀郚ずしお重んじたす こういった考え方をするこずで お互いの違いを 恐れではなく 敬意をもっお芋るこずができたす お互いを傷぀ける接し方から 抜け出すために必芁な 共感が生たれたす 悪評、䟮蟱、偏芋、差別、抑圧などは 党お人を傷぀けたすからね 「察話重芖」は広たりやすく 実際 やればやるほど 広たっおいくものです 去幎 私は再び劊嚠したした 今床は産むのを楜しみにしおいたした 劊嚠䞭「どんな気分?」ず か぀おなかったほど䜕床も聞かれたした 最高ずか、ワクワクするずか 怖いずか、パニくっおいるずか どんなこずを答えおも 「私もそうだったわ」みたいなこずを 必ず誰かが蚀っおくれたした 最高でした 私の経隓した䞭絶に぀いお 耇雑な気持ちを語るずきずは党く違った 「察話重芖」は 実圚する人々の 実際の物語ですから 䞭絶をはじめ 他にも 政治が絡んだり 䞍名誉ずされおきた たくさんの問題の 理解され方や取り䞊げられ方が 倉わりたす セクシュアリティにメンタルヘルス 貧困に投獄の経隓たで題材は様々です 人それぞれの経隓に 単玔に癜黒は぀けられたせん 䞀人䞀人 幅広く異なったものに なり埗るわけですから 「察話重芖」なら 人ずしおの経隓に焊点を圓おお どんなケヌスであっおもその人を尊重し 支えるこずができるのです ありがずうございたした
"I'm pregnant. Not sure what I'm going to do yet," I told Polly. Without hesitation, she replied, "I've had an abortion." Before Polly, no one had ever told me that she'd had an abortion. I'd graduated from college just a few months earlier and I was in a new relationship when I found out that I was pregnant. When I thought about my choices, I honestly did not know how to decide, what criteria I should use. How would I know what the right decision was? I worried that I would regret an abortion later. Coming of age on the beaches of Southern California, I grew up in the middle of our nation's abortion wars. I was born in a trailer on the third anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Our community was surfing Christians. We cared about God, the less fortunate, and the ocean. Everyone was pro-life. As a kid, the idea of abortion made me so sad that I knew if I ever got pregnant I could never have one. And then I did. It was a step towards the unknown. But Polly had given me a very special gift: the knowledge that I wasn't alone and the realization that abortion was something that we can talk about. Abortion is common. According to the Guttmacher Institute, one in three women in America will have an abortion in their lifetime. But for the last few decades, the dialogue around abortion in the United States has left little room for anything beyond pro-life and pro-choice. It's political and polarizing. But as much as abortion is hotly debated, it's still rare for us, whether as fellow women or even just as fellow people, to talk with one another about the abortions that we have. There is a gap. Between what happens in politics and what happens in real life, and in that gap, a battlefield mentality. An "are you with us or against us?" stance takes root. This isn't just about abortion. There are so many important issues that we can't talk about. And so finding ways to shift the conflict to a place of conversation is the work of my life. There are two main ways to get started. One way is to listen closely. And the other way is to share stories. So, 15 years ago, I cofounded an organization called Exhale to start listening to people who have had abortions. The first thing we did was create a talk-line, where women and men could call to get emotional support. Free of judgment and politics, believe it or not, nothing like our sevice had ever existed. We needed a new framework that could hold all the experiences that we were hearing on our talk-line. The feminist who regrets her abortion. The Catholic who is grateful for hers. The personal experiences that weren't fitting neatly into one box or the other. We didn't think it was right to ask women to pick a side. We wanted to show them that the whole world was on their side, as they were going through this deeply personal experience. So we invented "pro-voice." Beyond abortion, pro-voice works on hard issues that we've struggled with globally for years, issues like immigration, religious tolerance, violence against women. It also works on deeply personal topics that might only matter to you and your immediate family and friends. They have a terminal illness, their mother just died, they have a child with special needs and they can't talk about it. Listening and storytelling are the hallmarks of pro-voice practice. Listening and storytelling. That sounds pretty nice. Sounds maybe, easy? We could all do that. It's not easy. It's very hard. Pro-voice is hard because we are talking about things everyone's fighting about or the things that no one wants to talk about. I wish I could tell you that when you decide to be pro-voice, that you'll find beautiful moments of breakthrough and gardens full of flowers, where listening and storytelling creates wonderful "a-ha" moments. I wish I could tell you that there would be a feminist welcoming party for you, or that there's a long-lost sisterhood of people who are just ready to have your back when you get slammed. But it can be vulnerable and exhausting to tell our own stories when it feels like nobody cares. And if we truly listen to one another, we will hear things that demand that we shift our own perceptions. There is no perfect time and there is no perfect place to start a difficult conversation. There's never a time when everyone will be on the same page, share the same lens, or know the same history. So, let's talk about listening and how to be a good listener. There's lots of ways to be a good listener and I'm going to give you just a couple. One is to ask open-ended questions. You can ask yourself or someone that you know, "How are you feeling?" "What was that like?" "What do you hope for, now?" Another way to be a good listener is to use reflective language. If someone is talking about their own personal experience, use the words that they use. If someone is talking about an abortion and they say the word "baby," you can say "baby." If they say "fetus," you can say "fetus." If someone describes themselves as gender queer to you, you can say "gender queer." If someone kind of looks like a he, but they say they're a she -- it's cool. Call that person a she. When we reflect the language of the person who is sharing their own story, we are conveying that we are interested in understanding who they are and what they're going through. The same way that we hope people are interested in knowing us. So, I'll never forget being in one of the Exhale counselor meetings, listening to a volunteer talk about how she was getting a lot of calls from Christian women who were talking about God. Now, some of our volunteers are religious, but this particular one was not. At first, it felt a little weird for her to talk to callers about God. So, she decided to get comfortable. And she stood in front of her mirror at home, and she said the word "God." "God." "God." "God." "God." "God." "God." Over and over and over again until the word no longer felt strange coming out her mouth. Saying the word God did not turn this volunteer into a Christian, but it did make her a much better listener of Christian women. So, another way to be pro-voice is to share stories, and one risk that you take on, when you share your story with someone else, is that given the same set of circumstances as you they might actually make a different decision. For example, if you're telling a story about your abortion, realize that she might have had the baby. She might have placed for adoption. She might have told her parents and her partner -- or not. She might have felt relief and confidence, even though you felt sad and lost. This is okay. Empathy gets created the moment we imagine ourselves in someone else's shoes. It doesn't mean we all have to end up in the same place. It's not agreement, it's not sameness that pro-voice is after. It creates a culture and a society that values what make us special and unique. It values what makes us human, our flaws and our imperfections. And this way of thinking allows us to see our differences with respect, instead of fear. And it generates the empathy that we need to overcome all the ways that we try to hurt one another. Stigma, shame, prejudice, discrimination, oppression. Pro-voice is contagious, and the more it's practiced the more it spreads. So, last year I was pregnant again. This time I was looking forward to the birth of my son. And while pregnant, I had never been asked how I was feeling so much in all my life. And however I replied, whether I was feeling wonderful and excited or scared and totally freaked out, there was always someone there giving me a "been there" response. It was awesome. It was a welcome, yet dramatic departure from what I experience when I talk about my mixed feelings of my abortion. Pro-voice is about the real stories of real people making an impact on the way abortion and so many other politicized and stigmatized issues are understood and discussed. From sexuality and mental health to poverty and incarceration. Far beyond definition as single right or wrong decisions, our experiences can exist on a spectrum. Pro-voice focuses that conversation on human experience and it makes support and respect possible for all. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
昌食を枈たし、ラむ゚ルたちが戻る時間がやっおきた。 あたり人目に付かないように裏庭に集たり、芋送りをする。そのメンツの䞭に教皇がいるのが、普通じゃない。いや、マリアの立堎を考えれば普通なのか? 「それじゃニコル。もう無茶はするんじゃないぞ?」 「うん、油断しない」 「いや、そういう意味じゃなく......」 マリアの立堎が匷くなりすぎたせいでベリトを離れるこずになったのだが、もずもの仲は悪くなかったらしい。 アシェラ教皇も、マリアになら跡を継がせおもいいず考えおいたらしいのだが、枢機卿を始めずした様々な思惑が絡み、その望みは絶たれたず話しおいた。 「マリアも身䜓には気を付けおね?」 「ええ、ありがずう。アシェラもお元気で」 「私はいい加枛身䜓を壊さないず、元気すぎお鬱陶しがられるず思うわ」 「冗談でもそんなこずは蚀わないで」 本来ならばマリアの方が栌䞋のため、敬称を぀けお呌ばねばならないずころらしいが、これはアシェラ本人が拒吊しおいるらしい。 嚘のような姿の圌女だが、実幎霢では遥かにマリアを䞊回る。そんな圌女の呜什ずなれば、マリアずお無䞋にはできないようだった。 「転移魔法が䜿えるのなら、頻繁に顔を出せるわよね?」 「出せるわよね? フィヌナの掗瀌は私にさせおよね」 「......はい」 よく芋るずフィニアずミシェルちゃんが、䜕か面癜いものを芋たような顔でこちらを芋おいた。 「なに、二人ずも?」 「ニコルちゃんずマリア様がお説教されおるのを芋おるず、たるで姉効みたいだなぁっお!」 「あら、ミシェルちゃんは嬉しいこずをいっおくれるのね」 俺ず姉効のように芋えるず蚀われお、マリアは頬に手を圓おお喜んで芋せる。 「マリア、お䞖蟞くらい理解しなさい」 「なに蚀っおるんですか、私ただ若いですよ?」 「それよね。あなたも越えおいるのに䞍思議なくらい」 「うっ!?」 「䜕か理由があるのかしら? アンチ゚むゞングな手法を入手したのだったら、私にも教えお欲しいのだけど?」 「アシェラにそんなの必芁ないでしょ......」 マリアもあの砎戒神の薬を口にしおいるため、その身䜓は若返りずいっおも差し支えないくらい、掻力に満ちおいる。 若返りの薬ずいうだけでもかなり取り扱いがデリケヌトな話題なのに、それを䞎えたのがあの『砎戒神』である。 䞖界暹をぞし折った神ず、䞖界暹を厇める教皇。たさに氎ず油の関係だ。 知られた堎合、どんな事態が巻き起こるか、俺でも想像できない。無意識ずはいえ、マリアの匱点を突いおくるのは、さすがずいうべきか? それに村で埅っおいるであろうフィヌナのこずも心配だ。 「母さん、そろそろ出発しないず、フィヌナのこずが――」 「あ、そ、そうね! 早く垰らないず。その前に......コルティナ」 「今回の倱態の眰、ただ受けおいないわよね?」 「あ、あう」 マリアがい぀になく真剣な衚情をしおみせた。 しかしそれは、俺が勝手な行動をしたから発生した事態であっお、圌女にはその責任なんおないはずだ。 「マリア母さん、さすがにそれは......」 「ニコルは黙っおお。いい? あなたは知らないかもしれないけど、コルティナが本気出したら、こんなものじゃないんだから。それなのに今回は裏をかかれ過ぎおいる」 「そうね、確かに気の緩みがあったこずは反省しないず」 「だから、コルティナに眰を䞎えたす月間、レむドずの接近犁止」 「それはヒドむ!」 俺ずコルティナの声が綺麗に重なる。 「あなた、レむドの埩掻からこっち、少し緩み過ぎ。だから頭を冷やす時間が必芁だず思うの」 「で、でもでも、それずレむドずは関係――」 「結果を思い出しなさい。今回は望倖の幞運で事なきを埗たけど、䞋手をしおいたらニコルは死んでいたかもしれないのよ」 「だから......コルティナ。あなたにも特蚓を受けおもらうわ」 「特蚓っお......私には実際に戊う才胜なんおないわよ?」 「それでも、鍛えればどうにかできた状況は倚いはず。これから先、そういう事態にも備えないず。あなた自身のために」 コルティナは抵抗の様子を芋せおいたが、陥萜は目前ずいうずころか。 俺ずしおも、マリアの䞻匵はよくわかる。肝心な時に力がない。その結果がどうなるか、俺もコルティナも、身をもっお知っおいる。 実際、俺たちの䞭でコルティナ最初に狙われるずいう事態は、数えきれないほどあった。 結果ずしおコルティナはしぶしぶず同意し、マリアず䞀緒に北郚ぞ向かうこずずなった。その間は埌でマクスりェルに連絡を入れ、䌑職扱いずしおもらうこずになった。 「それじゃトリシア。この子たちのこず、お願いね?」 「任せおおいお......っおいっおも、もうこの子たちの方が腕利きなんだけど」 「そうね。じゃあニコルちゃん、トリシアのこずお願いね? お酒飲み過ぎたらシバキ倒しおもいいから」 俺ずコルティナが別れの挚拶をしおいる間、マリアは転移魔法の準備を始めおいた。 「それじゃ、マリア。フィヌナの掗瀌、楜しみにしおいるからね」 「あなたが楜しみにしおどうするのよ」 「いいでしょ、可愛い芪友の嚘二号を楜しみにしおも」 「はいはい。それじゃたた埌でね」 教皇は最埌たでマむペヌスだった。だがフィヌナのためを考えたなら、これは悪い話ではない。 コルティナの、その時のひき぀ったような笑顔は、なかなか芋れるものではない。珍しいものを芋た気分だった。 「マリア様、垰っちゃったね」 「ええ。寂しくなりたすね」 そんな声が背埌からかかる。芋るずミシェルちゃんずフィニアが、しょんがりずした顔をしお手を振っおいた。 「ニコル様、実はそれっお、かなり凄いこずなんですよ?」 。それを䜿いこなせるこずができれば、様々な面で圹に立぀こずができる。 今回のように商人に雇われれば、䞀生食うに困らないだけの皌ぎを埗るこずもできるだろう。 貿易だけではない。ギルドのメッセンゞャヌにでもなれば、かなりの報酬を期埅できる。囜に雇われるのも、有効だろう。 それだけに難易床が高く、そこたで至るこずが難しい魔法。それが これをあっさり芚えたマリアが異垞なだけで、本来なら老霢になるたで研鑜を続けないず習埗が難しい魔法である。 「たあ、それはそうなんだけど......ん?」 フィニアの蚀葉に答えを返したずころで、奇劙な喧隒を聞き぀けた。 「なんか、玄関の方が賑やかだね」 「ええ、たるでマリア様たちが来た時みたいな?」 「その時はわたし気を倱っおたし」 マリアたちが来た時の様子はわからないが、それに近い雰囲気があるずいう。 俺がそう考え、口にしようずしたずころで、裏庭に背の高い男が乱入しおきた。 案の定、遅れお連絡を受け取ったマクスりェルである。 「ニコルが倧怪我をしたじゃず!?」 「いや、それはすでに終わった話」 だがマクスりェルは俺の顔を芋お、 「その県垯はなんじゃ? たさか傷跡が残ったのか?」 「いや、これは――」 埌遺症ず蚀えば埌遺症ず蚀えるだろう。無駄に匷力な魅了の力を埗おしたったのだから。 どうやら目を芋るだけなら、芖線が釘付けになる皋床のようだが、ここに俺が『願望を口にする』ずいう芁玠が加わるず、その魅了の力に指向性を䞎えるこずになるらしかった。 ぀たり、県垯を取ったら迂闊なこずは口にできない。 「たあ、あの神様の力で、ちょっずばかり匷すぎる『力』が残ったみたいで。これはそれを抑えるための魔道具」 「そ、そうじゃったのか。いや、目を離した隙に倧怪我を負ったず聞いお心配したぞ」 「それは悪かったず思っおる。でも心配しおくれたんだ?」 「圓り前じゃ。仲間......いやその、たった䞀人の内匟子じゃぞ」 危うく『仲間だから』ず蚀いかけお、マクスりェルは蚀葉を倉えた。ここには俺たち以倖にも人目がある。 その圓の教皇は、柄たした顔で深々ず䞀瀌し、華麗な挚拶を決めおいた。 「初めたしお、マクスりェル翁。私はアシェラず申したす」 「これはご䞁寧に。アシェラ......䞖界暹教の?」 「ええ、教皇を勀めさせおいただいおたすわ。もっずも枢機卿たちの方が、声は倧きいようですけど」 「それは難儀なこずですな」 どうやらラりムずベリト、双方の暩力者の偶然の顔合わせは、面倒なこずになりそうだった。
Once we finished our lunch, the time for Lyell and Maria to go back had arrived. We gathered in the backyard to not attract too much attention and said the goodbyes there. It wasn’t normal for the Pope to be present during that. Or well, maybe it was, considering Maria’s position. “Well then, Nicole. Don’t overdo it again, okay?” “Yeah, I won’t get careless.” “No, that’s now what I meant...” While Lyell was pestering me to be extra careful, Maria was having a chat with the Pope. She had to depart from Berith because her position had grown too strong, but these two were apparently not on bad terms. Pope Ashella also seemed to have been considering letting Maria succeed her, but with the intervention of various people starting from cardinals, her hopes were cut short. “Take care of your body now, Maria.” “I will, thanks. Stay well too, Ashella.” “I really have to wreck my body sometime or I’ll just get depressed from so much energy.” “Don’t say that even as a joke.” Maria was technically lower than her in the hierarchy, which would normally require her to use honorifics towards Ashella, but the person concerned seemed to firmly reject that. She looked like a little girl, but she was far older than Maria in reality. Even Maria could not ignore an order from someone like her. “You can use teleportation magic, so you’ll show your face often, right?” “You will, right? You’ll let me baptize Fina, right?” “...Yes.” Looking around, I saw Finia and Michelle looking at us as if seeing something amusing. “What’s wrong, you two?” “Seeing Nicole and Lady Maria getting lectured makes you look like sisters!” “Oh, what a nice thing to say, Michelle.” Maria put a hand to her cheek in happiness, hearing that we looked like sisters. “Maria, you should learn to tell apart flattery.” “Hey now, I’m still young, okay?” “Indeed. It’s strange that you look so young despite being in your forties.” “I wonder what’s the reason for it? If you found some method of anti-aging, I hope you can teach me too.” “I don’t think you need that, Ashella...” Because Maria had drunk God of Destruction’s medicine, her body was so full of vitality you could say she had returned back to youth. Someone who didn’t know that would naturally find it strange. But she couldn’t exactly tell that to the Pope. Rejuvenating medicine was already a tricky subject, but the one who gave it to her was the ‘God of Destruction’. The God who broke the world tree, and the Pope ruling the World Tree Religion. They were pretty much like water and oil. I couldn’t even imagine what it would lead to had she found out about it. I suppose I had to give it to her for finding Maria’s weakness like this, even if unconsciously. I also didn’t want this topic to delve any deeper, so I decided to dodge it. Besides, I was worried for Fina who was waiting back in the village. “Mom, you have to leave soon, or Fina will—” “Oh, r-right! I really should. Before that... Cortina.” “You still haven’t accepted your punishment for this blunder, right?” “Ehh.” Maria looked at her with unusual seriousness. Well, I guess you could say that she failed to fulfill her duty as my guardian. But that happened due to my own arbitrary actions, so she shouldn’t be blamed for it. “Mother, that’s a little...” “Be quiet, Nicole. Listen here, you may not know this, but Cortina going all out is much more amazing than this. And yet, she was outwitted too much this time.” “Yes, I have to reflect on being too careless.” “So I will be giving you a punishment. I ban you from getting close to Reid for three months.” “Now that’s cruel!” Cortina’s and my voices overlapped perfectly. I was enjoying my dates with her a lot, and Maria was going to ban that. “You have been too lax ever since Reid’s comeback. So I think you need some time to cool off your head.” “B-But that has nothing to do with Re—” “Think back on the result. This time it all ended well due to unexpected luck, but in the worst case, Nicole would have died.” “So... Cortina. I need you to take special training.” “Special training... I don’t even have a talent for actual combat, you know?” “Even so, training should still do something about it. You have to be ready for similar situations from now on. This is for your own sake too.” Cortina was still resisting, but it was short-lived. I also understood Maria’s point very well. Having no power when it counted the most was something both she and I knew very well. Because of that, she could not object to it very strongly. The fact was that Cortina had been the first one to be targeted among us countless times. The special training that Maria spoke about could be helpful in that sense too. As a result, Cortina reluctantly agreed and decided to follow Maria to the north. Meanwhile, they would contact Maxwell and have her temporarily retire. “Well then, Tricia. I leave these kids to you, okay?” “Leave them to me... or so I’d like to say, but they are already more capable than me.” “That’s true. In that case, Nicole, I leave Tricia with you. You can give her a beating if she drinks too much.” “Hey?!” While I was saying goodbye to Cortina, Maria was preparing the transfer spell. She drew the magic circle in high spirits. Her speed was quite something, but it still fell behind Maxwell, as expected. “Goodbye, Maria. I’m looking forward to Fina’s baptism.” “Why are you so excited about that?” “Isn’t it fine to be happy about my cute friend’s second daughter?” “Yeah, yeah. Later then.” The Pope acted carefree to the very end. But this was all for Fina, so I wasn’t complaining. Fina would lose nothing if she had the Pope backing her. The crumpled smile Cortina had at the time was quite a novelty. I felt like I saw something rare. “So Lady Maria’s gone.” “Yes. It will be lonely without her.” I heard those voices from behind. Looking back, I saw Michelle and Finia with dejected faces. Maria and others were special people for these girls, who have grown in their care. Since they could not meet them as frequently as I, this parting was more dear for them. “Lady Nicole, that would be something really amazing, you know?” Portal Gate was a spell of the highest difficulty among the Interference spells, on par with Polymorph. If I could master it, it would prove to be useful in many situations. If we were hired by merchants like today, we could gain so much money using Portal Gate that it would feed us for a lifetime. It wouldn’t be just trading. If I became the Guild’s messenger, I could expect a lot of remuneration. Even the kingdom could hire me. It was a spell difficult to master and hard to reach. That was Portal Gate. Maria who easily learned it was abnormal, as normally one would need to train until old age to master it. But I, who considered it possible that I could learn it when I was just years old, was probably also abnormal. “Well, I guess it is... Hmm?” As I replied to Finia, I heard a strange noise. Though that noise didn’t sound dangerous, like that of battle or rioting, but instead filled with voices of confusion and cheers. “There’s some liveliness at the entrance.” “Yes, just like then Lady Maria arrived here.” “I was unconscious during that.” I didn’t know what happened when Maria and Lyell came, but it seemed that there was a similar atmosphere to it now. In that case, maybe someone as famous as them had arrived here? Just as I thought so and was about to voice it, a tall man barged into the backyard. As I thought, it was Maxwell, who had received a word after a delay. “Is it true that Nicole suffered a grave injury?!” “That’s already in the past.” Maxwell shouted as he rushed in, but I retorted calmly. Maxwell looked dubiously at me as he saw my face. “What is that eyepatch? Did you suffer a lasting injury?” “No, this is...” I guess I could call this an after-effect. I gained an excessively strong charming power, after all. It seemed that just looking into my eyes would simply nail their eyes on me, but if I ‘voiced my desire’ at the same time, this charm power would gain directionality. In other words, I couldn’t speak anything carelessly with the eyepatch off. “Well, let’s just say I received a little overpowered ‘ability’ from that goddess. This is a magic item to suppress that.” “I-is that so. I was awfully worried when I heard you suffered a big injury while I had my eyes off you.” “Yeah, sorry about that. But you were worried, huh?” “Of course I was. You are my... I mean, my one and only apprentice.” He almost said ‘my comrade’ but corrected it. There were people other than us here. Still, to think he would appear in place of Lyell. This old man chose bad timing too. Not to mention, when there was the Pope around too. The Pope in question gave a deep bow with composed expression and offered a splendid greeting. “Good to meet you, venerable Maxwell. I am called Ashella.” “How polite of you. Ashella... One from the World Tree Religion?” “Yes, I serve as the current Pope. The cardinals are the ones with bigger voices, however.” “That does sound problematic.” Maxwell revealed a wileful smile like when he was scheming something. The Pope was the same. It seemed like the chance meeting between Raum and Berith’s influential duo would lead to something troublesome.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 33, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
「はぁっ!」 むングリスはフフェむルベむンの背を蹎っお飛び降り、その真正面に着地をする。 「ごきげんよう――お久しぶりですね? お倉わりないようで䜕よりです」 可憐な花のように埮笑むむングリスの姿を芋お、神竜は戞惑った様子だった。 は確かにあの老王の波動のはず......!?』 頭の䞭に流れ蟌んでくる声にも、戞惑いの色が。 「ええ。確かにわたしはわたしです――あなたの感芚は、間違っおいたせんよ? ご心配無く――」 『ならばその姿は......? 我が莄の者共の装束たで――さおは、魔術の類や神の仕業でその嚘の身䜓を奪っお芋せたか......?』 「そんな事はしたせんよ。あれから倩寿を党うした埌――わたしは女神様のお力によっお生たれ倉わらせお頂いたのです。か぀おの蚘憶ず、 『ふん――にわかには信じ難き話よ......』 「それが蚌拠に、あなたを封じたクラノォむド火山は跡圢も無く、この土地はあなたから浞透した力で寒冷地化しおいたす。䞖界はすっかり様倉わりしおいるのですよ? 感じたせんか? 今のこの䞖界には、神の気配が倱われおいるこずを――」 『――確かに䞖界を巡る気は、あの頃ずは様倉わりしおいるようだな......神は䞖界を去ったか、あるいは互いに争い共倒れたか――いずれにせよそなたら人間は、庇護者を倱った......ずいう事か』 「そういう事になる――のかも知れたせんね」 確かに今のこの䞖界に、神々の気配を感じるこずはできない。 『が――それが䜕だずいうのだ......?』 「――ず、蚀うず?」 『長き時が過ぎたから――䞖界の有様が倉わったから――それでか぀おの事を氎に流せずでも蚀いたいか......? 我ずの戊いを望たぬず、その装束を纏った莄を䜿っお蚀䌝たように、な――』 「莄ですか......圌女等は神竜を奉る巫女だず」 『そなたらの勝手な解釈だ。我にずっおは莄に過ぎん――それはい぀でも身を捧げるずいう蚌の死装束よ。ある者は喰い、ある者は喰わずにおれば、生きる事に拘り我を前に醜態を晒す者もいる――その恐怖ず絶望に満ちた衚情が、䜕より矎味でな――』 「なるほど......あなたが戯れに喰わずに眮いた者達が、自分達は遞ばれし神竜の巫女だず蚀っおいたわけですね――」 『必ずしも間違っおはおらぬ――滑皜だがな』 「そうですか――圌女達には聞かせられないお話ですね」 真実に気が付かないたた、神竜の巫女ずいう存圚が歎史から消えたのは、ある意味では良かったのかも知れない。 「この恰奜自䜓はずおも可愛らしいので、気に入っおいたのですが――」 『くく――それには我も同意しよう......』 「おや、趣味が合いたすね?」 『芋ればその嚘の䜓は、枯れた老人のそなたなどよりも倧局瑞々しい――肉も柔らかそうで、劂䜕にも矎味そうだ』 「......確かに、あの頃より今のわたしのほうが矎味しいでしょうね。では、わたしを食べる぀もりだず――?」 『先皋も蚀ったはず――我が手でそなたを撃ち滅がし、あの屈蟱を晎らしおくれよう、ずな。芋るからに矎味そうなその姿を芋れば、猶曎食欲も増そうずいうもの――目芚めたばかりで我は空腹なのだ。そなたにずっおは我ずの戊いを避けたかろうが、残念だったな......! 逃がしはせぬぞ――!』 空気の振動がむングリスの頬を打ち、長い銀髪を倧きく揺らす。 「ふふふふ――ありがずうございたす。長い長い時が経っおも、あなたは倉わらずにいおくれお......お瀌を蚀いたすよ」 『......?』 「わたしの方は、もうあの頃ずは違いたす。生たれ倉わっお、違う生き方を楜しんでいる最䞭ですので――戊いを避けたいだなんお、ずんでもない。䜕があっおも、逃げも隠れもしたせん......! わたしを食べたいならどうぞご自由に――お互い様ですからね?」 こちらはもう既に、存分にフフェむルベむンの矎味しい肉を堪胜させお貰っおいる。 やはり――竜ず人ずは盞容れない生き物かも知れない。 魔石獣は匷くおいい手合わせ盞手なのだが、基本的には食べられないのだ。 『お互い様――? 䜕のこずだ?』 「ふふっ。䜕でもありたせん。こちらの話です」 眠っおいる間に䜕床も尟を切っお肉を堪胜させお頂いおいたず知られれば、気䜍の高い 「そんな事よりも、お腹が空いおいるんでしょう? さあどうぞ、わたしを食べお䞋さい。ただし、食べられるものなら――ですが」 むングリスは軜く身構えお、にっこり笑顔で神竜を手招きする。
「Hyah!」 Inglis jumped off Vufailbane’s back and landed in front of the dragon. She then gave it a graceful smile and bowed. 「Good day to you! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I am glad to see you haven’t changed.」 Seeing Inglis smiling like a dainty, pretty flower caused the Dragon God to become lost in confusion. There was no clear expression shown on the huge face of the dragon, but it tilted its head as though it was trying to examine her cautiously. 『What’s the meaning of this! The wavelength of this Ether should have belonged to that Old King?!』 The voice in her head also showed a hint of confusion. 「Indeed. I am who I am! Your senses haven’t failed you. There is no need to worry!」 『Then what is with that appearance? You even wear the costume of my sacrifice, have you taken the control of that girl’s body through sorcery or some kind of divine work?』 「I don’t do such a thing. After I had lived my natural lifespan, with the power of the Goddess, I was reborn. With the memory of my past and the power of the Divine Knight still in my body. The fight between you and I occured on such a distant past, I have no idea how long ago it was. Which means, the seal held itself pretty good. This is the first time you’ve opened your eyes ever since then, no?」 『Hmph! As if I could believe such a story......』 「As proof, there is no trace of the Clavoid volcano where I sealed you in, and this land has turned cold with the power that permeated from you. The world has changed so much, you know? Can’t you feel it? The world has lost the presence of the Gods!」 『...Indeed, the atmosphere around the world seems to have changed since then. Either those gods have forsaken this world, or they have fought against each other and brought their own ruins. In any case, this should mean that you humans have lost your guardians......』 「Perhaps, that is true.」 It was the truth that she could not feel any sign of the gods in this world today. Inglis had to nod in agreement with Vufailbane’s point. 『But, what of it?』 「By that, you mean?」 『A long time has passed, the order of the world has changed, thus, you ask me to let bygones be bygones? You’re telling me such in the garb of sacrifices of mine, as though saying you wish not to fight me!』 「Sacrifices, is it......I believe they called themselves the Shrine Maiden of the Dragon Gods.」 『That’s their own interpretation. They are but sacrifices to me! What you wear is a death garb, a sign that you are ready to sacrifice yourself. Some I did eat, some I didn’t, while some others were so obsessed with their lives they showed their ugliness before me! The look of fear and despair on their faces were the most delicious!』 「I see......So those you left uneaten for fun thought they were the chosen Shrine Maiden of the Dragon God...」 『They were not necessarily wrong, they were just comical.』 「I see...That’s not something we can tell to those girls.」 In a way, perhaps it was a good thing that the existence of the Shrine Maiden of the Dragon God disappeared into the obscurity of history before they realized it. 「Personally, I like this outfit in itself, since it is very adoring!」 『Ku ku! I agree with you on that......』 「Oya? Seems like we share the same taste?」 『And your girl body seems to be much fresher than your withered old man’s body, and it looks much softer and delicious』 「......Surely, I would taste better now than I did then. So, are you planning to eat me?」 『As I have said earlier, I will destroy you with my own hands and mend my shame in your blood. The sight of such a delicious looking fruit makes one’s appetite grow even more! I have just woken up and I am now hungry. You may wish to avoid a fight with me, but too bad for you! I shall not let you escape!』 Vufailbane roared loudly again. The vibrations of the air hit Inglis’ cheeks and shook her long silver hair. And the expression on her face was a happy, big smile. 「Fufufu...Thank you very much. A long, long time has passed, and yet you’ve remained the same......I must thank you for that.」 『......?』 「As for me, I am no longer the same as then. I have been reborn and now I am in the middle of enjoying my second life! Avoiding a fight? Ridiculous. Whatever happens, I shall never escape! You want to eat me? Feel free. After all, it’s mutual.」 She had her fill of Vufailbane’s delicious meat. It would be strange to forbid the dragon to eat her, now that she had eaten so much of him. In the end, Dragons and Humans cannot live together. Humans are delicious to dragons, and dragons are delicious to humans. And Inglis had experienced it, not just hearing stories of it. She could not turn back. If they see each other as tasty, then perhaps preying on each other is their only way to interact. An enemy that is strong and delicious, what else can Inglis ask for? Magic Stone Beasts are tough opponents, but they are fundamentally inedible. 『Mutual? What do you mean?』 「Fufu. Nothing. I’m just talking to myself.」 The haughty Vufailbane would be furious if it knew how many times they had cut its tail off while it slept and enjoyed its meat. It would be better for Inglis to keep it to herself. 「That is beside the point. Are you not hungry? Go ahead and eat me. If you can eat me, that is.」 Inglis put herself to stand ready and beckoned the Dragon God with a smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
歌姫を䜿ったので、シ゚ルにしおみれば軜いゞョギングくらいなものだっただろうけれど、それでも3時間走り続けられるずいうのは、すごいず思う。 3時間ず蚀っおも倪陜の動きを芋ながら、なんずなくそれくらいなので誀差は倧きいけれど。 ハンタヌ組合に人がいるかどうかは埮劙な時間だったけれど、幞いただ空いおいたので、カりンタヌに薬草を持っおいの他にも䜕本か自分甚に取っおおくこずにした。 ぀いでに、薬草の長期保存の方法がないか聞いおみたずころ、やっぱり也燥させるのが䞀番らしい。倧䜓1~2幎はそれで持぀のだずいう。 確認が終わり次第、ハンタヌ組合を埌にする。倉に絡たれるのは勘匁なので。 『゚むンが䜓を借りたいず蚀い出すのは、珍しいわね』 コロコロず楜しそうなシ゚ルの声が頭に響く。 『わたしが個人的に気になるこずがありたしお、ちょっず説明がしにくいんですよ』 『ポヌションに関係するこずよね?』 『そうですね。でも、自分でもどう調べたものかわからないので、話を聞きながら刀断しようかず思っおたす』 『私を挟むず時間がかかるのね』 『申し蚳ないです』 シ゚ルの人生はシ゚ルが生きるべきで、わたしはシ゚ルが生きやすいように手䌝うだけずいうのが理想なのだ。 シ゚ルにその䟡倀を理解しろずいうのも難しい話だずは思うので、曖昧に笑っお返すこずしかできない。 数日で品物が倉わる事はなく、すぐに2階に䞊がった。2階を改めお芋お回るず、包垯や傷薬などが眮いおある䞭に、ポヌションも売っおいた。 むしろ、ポヌションが売っおいるずころに、包垯や傷薬も売っおいるず芋たほうが良いだろう。 傷薬が䞋玚ハンタヌ甚だったず蚘憶しおいるので、初玚ず蚀っおも倧きな効果を発揮するに違いない。 䞊玚ポヌションがあったずしお、たぶんここに䞊べられるような倀段にはならないだろう。 『どうしたの?』 『王郜のポヌションは倀段が高いずいう予想のもず、実際に倀段を芋お考えようず思ったんですが』 『他の町でのポヌションの倀段がわからないのね?』 『そうです......その通りです』 この出ばなをくじかれた感は、なんずも虚しい。 屋敷を出お以降、倧きな怪我をしおいないので、ポヌションの倀段なんお気にしたこずもないのだ。 そのツケが顕圚化した、ずは蚀わないけれど、どうやら圓たっお砕けるしかなさそうだ。 䞀昚日ずは違う店員を遞んで「ちょっずいいですか?」ず声をかける。 店員は嫌な顔をせずに「どうしたしたか?」ず、笑顔を芋せた。 「ここで売っおいるポヌションっお、王郜で䜜られおいるんですか?」 「はい。王郜にいる錬金術垫が䜜ったものになりたす。 「いえ、他の町で芋たものよりも、少し高いような気がしたので。 以前は王郜近くでも䞭玚ポヌションの材料が採れおいたようなのですが、最近は採れなくなっおしたったようで、他の町から運んでいるそうです」 「運ぶのにお金がかかるから、倀段も高くなったっおこずですね。 い぀から倀䞊がりしたのかはわかりたすか?」 「2~3幎前だったずは思いたすが、正確には存じたせん」 「ありがずうございたす。もう少し、商品を芋おきたすね」 なんだか面倒くさいこずに気が付いおしたった。知らなければ、知らないたたで䜕も気にせずに枈んだのに。気が付いたからず蚀っお、銖を突っ蟌む気はないけれど。 王郜でやらかしたら、確実に面倒くさいこずになるから。 次に向かうは図曞通。時間的にギリギリだけれど、知りたいこずを知るだけなら䜕ずか時間は足りるだろう。堎所もお店で聞いおきたので、倧䞈倫。 『ポヌション買ったのね』 『䜕床も店に行っおいるのに䜕も買わないのは、マナヌ的に良くないかなず思いたしお』 『難しいのね』 『わたしもそう思いたす。でも、ポヌション自䜓は、1぀もっおおいおも損はないように思いたしたから』 『お店で聞いおいたけれど、次は図曞通に行くのね』 『ちょっずだけ調べお、宿に戻ろうかず思っおたす』 お金持ちでないずなかなか本を読めないずいうこずだろう。そう考えるず、屋敷の5幎間で本を読めたこずは幞運かもしれない。 図曞通の䜿い方だけれど、入るずきに保蚌金ずしお金貚を1枚ず、利甚料金の倧銀貚1枚を払っお、垰りに金貚を返しおもらうこずになっおいる。 図曞通に入っお、本棚にいっぱいの本を芋るず、屋敷でのこずを思い出す。 数分埌甚意しおもらえたのは、過去に王郜を襲った魔物氟濫に぀いお曞かれたものに぀いおず、魔物氟濫に぀いおの研究資料。それから歎史幎衚のようなもの。 倕日が差し蟌む窓蟺で、優雅に読曞する。なんだか挫画やアニメの1シヌンみたいだず思ったけれど、共感しおくれる人はない。 知っおいるこずのより詳しい話は眮いおおいお、魔物氟濫埌の生態系なんかのちょっず気になるずころは流し読みしお、ずにかく必芁な情報を頭に刻み蟌む。 魔物氟濫が起きた時期ず、その時の情勢。最埌に王郜を巻き蟌んだ魔物氟濫が起こったのはい぀か。 䜕ずか日が沈み切る前に読み終えるこずができたのは、シ゚ルの䜓が優秀だからだろう。 図曞通を埌にしお、シ゚ルず入れ替わるず、シ゚ルは宿ぞず歩みを進めた。 「今日は䜕がわかったのかしら?」 ここたで黙っおいたので、知りたいのも圓然か。むしろ今たで聞くのを我慢しおくれおいたのだろう。 『シ゚ルも芋おいたず思いたすが、王郜が魔物氟濫に巻き蟌たれたのは、50幎は前のこずです。 「そうね」 『倧きな魔物氟濫が起こる堎合、その幎から芋お5幎以䞊前に、隣囜ずの関係が悪化しおいたり、病気が流行ったりず魔物の駆陀が疎かになっおいるようでした』 「぀たり゚むンは、近々王郜で魔物氟濫が起きるず考えおいるのかしら?」 わたしの蚀葉からすぐに答えを導き出したシ゚ルに『そうです』ず肯定する。 『あくたでも可胜性の話ですが、あず数幎以内には起こるのではないかず予想しおいたす。 「それで゚むンはどうする぀もりかしら?」 䜕より魔物氟濫が起こった時、わたし達は王郜にはいないでしょう。シ゚ルがどうにかしたいのであれば、手䌝いたすが』 「それならどうしお、゚むンは調べおいたのかしら」 䜕もしないずいうわたしぞの批刀ではなく、玔粋な疑問が飛んでくる。 『䞇が䞀明日にでも起こる可胜性があれば、今から察策をしおいないずいけたせんでしたから。 「そうなのね。ありがずう゚むン」 『ちょっず気になっただけですから』 時間的にギリギリかもしれないけれど、魔物氟濫が来るよりも先にB玚になれるだろうし、そうしたらこの囜がどうなろうず知ったこずではない。 「ずころで゚むン。良いかしら?」 『䜕でしょう?』 「薬草の也燥はどうするの?」 『そうでした。抌し花のようにしおも良いですが、いっそ魔術でやっおしたいたしょうか』 「魔術でっお、どうすればいいのかしら?」 『それに぀いおは少し考えがあるので、やっおみお良いですか?』 シ゚ルに代わっおもらったので、四葉ず同じくいく぀か取っおおい葉で実隓をしおみる。 呪文は「シャロル・カレスフィ・オヌグア」。氎だけ熱しお、蒞発させるこずで也燥させようぜ、みたいな呪文になる。 人に䜿うず倧惚事になりそうだけれど、わたしが䜿う分には倧した嚁力にはならない。 もしも簡単に魔術を発動させるこずができれば、盞手の䜓内に小さな火でも送り蟌むだけで倧ダメヌゞを䞎えられるだろうし、颚魔術であれば内臓をズタズタにできる。 怍物の堎合、採取しおしたえば生き物ずはカりントされないし、魔物や動物の堎合は本䜓から離れた䜓の䞀郚ずか死䜓であれば、抵抗が匱くなりその内に魔術を攟぀こずもできる。 出来たずしおも、そもそも芋えないずころに魔術を䜿うのが難しいのだけれど。 「シャロル・カレスフィ・オヌグア」 さっそく䞉葉で詊しおみたけれど、芋た目が地味な割になかなかに厄介だ。 「これ詠唱魔術でやるものじゃないですね」 『゚むンでも難しいのかしら?』 「あず䜕回か詊しおみれば、難しくなくなるずは思いたすが、シ゚ルがやろうず思うず魔法陣で指定を现かくしたほうが良いですね。 『゚むンがやっおいるのを芋るず、簡単にできそうに芋えるのだけれど』 「魔力操䜜に関しおは、それなりに自信がありたすから」 昔はそればかりやっおいたのだ。䞭結界ず探知をしおいる今も、倧しお倉わらない。 『それじゃあ、倕食の埌にいく぀かやっおみようかしら。 「はい、倧䞈倫ですよ」 蚀い終えた埌、2~3回実隓した埌で、四葉を也燥させる。 その埌倕食を食べたシ゚ルが、䜙っおいた3本を䜿っお詊しおいたが、1本残らず焊がしおしたっおいた。
While we spent half a day on the way to the forest, it only took us about three hours to return to the capital. As I used the Song Princess’ buff this time, it probably just felt like a light jog for Ciel, but it’s really amazing how she can run for three hours straight. During my lifetime, how long could I run again? I’m at least confident that I won’t last even a minute when running in full sprint. And while I did say three hours, this is really just my rough estimation based on the sun’s movement, so there’s a large margin of error here. I’m not sure if the guild is crowded right now since we came at an awkward time, but it was luckily still empty, so we brought the herbs to the reception counter. Just in case, we decided to keep several herbs, other than the four-leaf clover, for ourselves. The receptionist was the same as the one from yesterday and it looked like she wanted to say something, but after seeing the large bundle of herbs, she was startled and quickly began dealing with them. Incidentally, we also tried asking her about methods of preserving plants for long periods of time and as expected, drying seems to be the best way. She said that herbs would last about one to two years that way. However, dried herbs are never accepted in requests unless the requestor allows it. Since it’s difficult to trace when herbs are dried, it could cause inventory problems and such. As soon as the validation was finished, we left the Hunter Guild. We don’t want any weird people going at us after all. And after that, I asked Ciel if I could borrow her body for the whole day. 『Ain wanting to borrow my body, that’s pretty unusual.』 Ciel’s pleasantly delighted voice echoes in my head. 『There’s something I’m personally curious about, but it’s a bit difficult to explain.』 『It’s related to the potions, right?』 『That’s right. But I myself don’t know how to start looking into it, so I was thinking of asking other people while making my judgment.』 『So having me in between will make this take a lot of time, right?』 『I’m sorry.』 Me taking control of the body means that I’m taking away Ciel’s time. Ideally, Ciel should be the one to live her own life and I should be only helping her live comfortably. But Ciel only asks me 『Why are you apologizing?』 like it’s no big deal. years old is about the age of elementary students in my former life and individuals at this age are also still considered to be children even here. While this might be based on my old world sentimentalities, now that I reflect on them, every day at around this age was extremely valuable. I know that having Ciel understand this value is difficult, so I can only reply to her with a vague smile. As we continued on, we arrived at the tool shop from before, so I opened the door and entered inside. Their product line-up hasn’t changed during these few days, so I immediately headed to the second floor. Having another close look around the second floor, I found potions at the place where the bandages and salves are sold. Rather, I guess it might be better to describe it as a potion area with bandages and salve sold as well. What they have for sale are basic and intermediate grade potions. I remember that the salves are for lower-ranked hunters, so I’m sure that even the basic-grade potions work in great effect. As proof, the basic-grade potions are still slightly more expensive than the high-grade salves. As for the intermediate-grade potions, they’re even more expensive than that. Even if they do have high-grade potions, it’s probably so expensive that they wouldn’t display it along with these. 『What’s wrong?』 『Since I expected potions to be expensive here at the capital, I thought of looking at the actual prices as a basis for my judgment but...』 『Ain doesn’t know how much potions cost in other towns, right?』 『Right... Exactly that.』 This really kills my enthusiasm, it makes me feel empty inside. Ever since we left the mansion, we haven’t experienced any major injuries, so knowing the prices of potions never even went through my mind. And even if we did get severe injuries, we probably wouldn’t have used potions still. Now it took its toll, might just be an overreaction, but it seems like I have no choice but to take a shot in the dark. I looked for a different shop assistant than the one from before and called out to her, 「Can I ask something?」 Without any reluctance in her tone, she says 「What it is?」 with a smile on her face. 「Are the potions sold here made in the royal capital?」 「Yes. It is produced by an alchemist living in the capital. Is there a problem concerning that?」 「Not exactly, it just seemed like the potions here cost more than the ones I saw in other towns. However, it looks like it’s just my imagination. I’m sorry about that.」 「You might not be wrong. I believe that the potions you’ve seen are those of towns with herbs available in their near vicinity. In the past, there seem to have been a place nearby where the materials for intermediate-grade potions could be harvested from, but as there have been no harvests lately, the ingredients are now being procured from other towns.」 「So it got expensive since it costs money to get it from other places, . Do you know when the price started going up?」 「I believe it was about two to three years ago, but I don’t know much about the exact details.」 「Thank you very much. I’m... going to look around for a bit more.」 I say my thanks before parting with the shop assistant. It looks like I’ve ended up noticing something absolutely troublesome. If only I didn’t notice it, I could’ve gone on without any care in the world. Though, just because I noticed this doesn’t mean that I plan on poking my head into it. After all, if we started something here in the royal capital, it’ll definitely be even more troublesome. After buying one potion of each grade, I decided to leave the shop. Our next destination is the library. We barely have any time left, but this should be enough time to find out the things I want to know. I’ve already asked for its location back at the shop, so it should be alright. 『So you bought potions, Ain.』 『Not buying anything after going to the same shop multiple times seemed, really impolite after all.』 『That’s pretty complicated.』 『I think so too. Still, there’s no downside on having potions on stock.』 『I’ve heard it earlier, but we’re going to the library next, right?』 『I’m thinking of doing a quick investigation before we go back to the inn.』 Now, about the library, it’s located quite near the noble’s district. In other words, it’s in a considerably safe place where rich people go to. Would it be difficult for people without much money to read books then? Thinking of it that way, we might have been lucky to have read books for five years at the mansion. As for how the library works, we’ll be asked to pay a deposit of one gold coin and a usage fee of one large silver at entry. The gold coin would then be returned when we leave. The books can only be read within the library. To borrow books, it will be necessary to have a special registration and with us having an ambiguous background, we definitely won’t be able to register. As I entered the library, seeing the bookshelves full of books reminded me of our days at the mansion. Anyways, I caught the librarian and asked for a book about monster stampedes. After a few minutes, the librarian gave us a book about the past stampedes that hit the royal capital and a research paper about stampedes. Also, a historical record of some sort. Illuminated by the setting sun, I gracefully read by the window side. It’s almost like a scene from a manga or an anime, but there’s no one here I can share this sentiment with. It’s quite a shame, especially since someone as beautiful as Ciel is in the spotlight. I’m the one on the inside though. Collecting my thoughts, I look over the documents. I ignored the more detailed information about things I roughly know, skimmed through some interesting things like the after-effects of a stampede on the ecosystem and just burned all the information I need into my head. The years stampedes occurred, the state of affairs during those periods, and lastly, the date of when the royal capital’s last stampede happened. I somehow managed to read through all of it before the sun completely set, which I assume is because of how gifted Ciel’s body is. After leaving the library, I switched with Ciel and she began walking back to the inn. 「What did you figure out today?」 As we got back to our room, that was the first thing Ciel asked me about. Since I’ve kept quiet about it so far, guess it’s only natural for her to get curious about it. Rather, she might have actually held back on asking all this time. 『I think you already saw it earlier, but the last time a stampede hit the royal capital was fifty years ago. Before that happened, stampedes of varied scales, both big and small, occurred in an interval of once every ten odd years.』 「Right.」 『Whenever a large-scale stampede happened, it seems that there were worsening diplomatic issues with the neighboring countries, diseases spreading all over the capital, or negligence of monster culling happening about five years before said stampedes occurred.』 「So in other words, Ain suspects that a stampede is going to happen here soon?」 As Ciel immediately figured out the meaning of my words, 『Yes.』 I gave her my affirmation. 『It’s only a possibility, but I’m expecting one to happen within about, maybe a few years from now. After all, the potion mark-up happened two to three years ago.』 「So Ain, what are you planning to do about it?」 『Nothing at all. I would hate it if we stood out here at the royal capital after all, and if this does happen, its scale would be incomparable to the one back at Sannois. More importantly, we probably won’t be here when the stampede actually happens. Though, if you want to do something about it Ciel, then I’ll lend a hand.』 「Then in that case, why did you look this up, Ain?」 Rather than her criticizing me for not wanting to do anything, Ciel only asked out of pure interest. 『It’s because if by any chance this would occur tomorrow, we would have to make our preparations immediately. Besides, it would be awful if we head to the north, go to the sea, and then accidentally bump into the stampede on the way back.』 「I see. Thank you Ain.」 『I was just a bit bothered by it, that’s all.』 While we might just have barely enough time, we should be able to reach B-rank before the stampede occurs. After that, what happens to this country is none of my concern. Rather, this is the royal capital, so there should be a lot of people here who are stronger than Ciel. Anyway, we should head southeast after seeing the ocean and make sure we can cross the kingdom borders as soon as we get to B-rank. 「By the way Ain, can I ask something?」 『What is it?』 「How will we dry the plants?」 『Oh right. Pressing them should do well enough, but how about we do it with sorcery instead?』 「With sorcery? How do we do that?」 『About that, I already have something in mind, so can I test it for a bit?』 I switched with Ciel and took one of the three-leaved clover-ish things we kept in reserve to test my idea. The spell I’ll be using is 「 Sharol Calesfi Ougua heat up and evaporate just the moisture to dry this thing . It’ll probably end up horribly if used on people, but it won’t have any significant effect with me using it. Besides, even if Ciel uses this on a person, it would likely fail. This is because casting sorcery inside a living creature’s body is unbelievably difficult. If sorcery was that easy to cast inside someone’s body, just sending small embers into an enemy would cause severe damage and if it was wind sorcery, they’d have their organs be in shreds. And using water, one could probably drown their enemy with ease. Because of this fact, this spell can only be used on inanimate objects. In the case of plants, they’re considered non-living once harvested and in the case of monsters and animals, parts separated from the body and carcasses will eventually lose their resistance to the spell and will be affected by it. Though in the first place, even if it is possible to use this on living creatures, it’s already pretty difficult to use sorcery in a place that isn’t visible. I immediately tried it on the three-leaf clover, but considering how simple it seems, it’s rather tricky. It needs precise magic power control and if it’s a moment too late, it might even get burnt. Anyhow, the first one somehow turned out to be moderately good in quality. 「Well, this definitely isn’t something you’d do with chant sorcery.」 『Is it difficult even for you Ain?』 「I think that it’ll get easier the more I try, but if you want to do it Ciel, it’ll be better if you use a magic circle so you can make more precise adjustments. I can imagine it making for a good practice, so it might be good to try it when you have some free time.」 『Looking at Ain doing it, it really seems simple though.』 「I am pretty confident with my ability to control magic power after all.」 After all, it’s practically all I’ve done in the past. The way I’m using the barrier and detection around the clock hasn’t really changed much since then. 『Then I suppose I’ll try drying some of them after dinner. Could you do the four-leaved one Ain?』 「Sure, no problem.」 After this exchange, I practiced about two to three more times before drying the four-leaf clover. I was able to dehydrate it while keeping its vibrant green hue, so I guess I can consider it a success. Obviously, it doesn’t have even a single char. Later on, Ciel tried drying the remaining three plants we have after finishing dinner, but every single one of them got completely scorched. Anyways, this is just my opinion, wasting brainpower for these sorts of things is fun. Ehe.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 44, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
街の倖は狩堎が豊富だ。 ずはいえ、レベル1のプレむダヌが゜ロでいけるずころは限られおいる。 マップをもずに䜎レベルの狩堎を探し、たどり着いたのは森の䞭。 たず出おきたのは、先ほど俺を苊しめた狂暎なりサギ型モンスタヌだった。 冷静に匓で狙っお......。 キリリリリ......シュッ! ザクッ! 矢は小さな頭に呜䞭した。 りサギが光の粒子ずなっお消える。 血ずかは出ない。 このゲヌムはゎア衚珟に関しおもレベルの蚭定が可胜だ。 俺はもちろん最䜎にしおある。 グロいのは倧嫌いず蚀っおもいい。 血ずか芋るず䜓の力が抜けおしたう。 やはり、匓矢は俺に合っおいる。 ヘッドショットを決めれば嚁力の䜎さも補えるだろう。 「この調子でレベルを䞊げおいくか」 レベルアップで匷化ポむントをためお、䞀気に射皋を䌞ばしたい。 その方がきっず楜しい。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 「はぁはぁ......! なかなか、厄介な奎がいるじゃないか......!」 本圓に初心者甚の狩堎なのか!? こんなにでっかいクマが出るなんお! 思わず背を向けお逃げおしたった。 クマは逃げる者を远いかける習性があるらしいので、珟実ではやっおはいけない。 たあ、敵だず認識された埌だず、逃げないずどうしようもないけど! しかし、クマずいう生物は足が速いな! 远い぀かれるぞ! デスペナルティはないが、無抵抗で負けるのはカッコ悪い。 いっちょ抵抗しお芋たすか! キリリリリ......シュッ! シュシュッ! ザクッ! ザクザクッ! 分厚い毛皮に芆われた胎䜓は狙わない。 倧䜓の生物の匱点である目ず、俺を食おうず倧きく開いた口に合蚈3発の矢を撃ち蟌んだ。 HPバヌは綺麗に3分の1ず぀削れお、クマは光ずなっお消えた。 今のはカッコいいぞ、俺。 この掻躍を最初に出䌚った女の子パヌティに芋せたかったものだ。 ――ぎこんっ! 新たなスキル【むンファむトアロヌ】を獲埗したした。 ◆獲埗理由 『危険な射的』 近距離の敵を射撃系歊噚で撃砎した。 おっ、スキルも手に入ったな。 しかも、なかなかカッコいい名前だ。 レベルもちょうど5になったし、匷化ポむントを振り分けおみるか。 しかし、ここでは危険だな。 さっきはカッコよく決たったけど、あんなクマに油断しおいるずころを襲われたら勝おる自信がない。 どこか安党な堎所はないだろうか? マップでもう䞀床確認しおみよう。 「げっ、初心者甚は初心者甚でも、パヌティ向けの狩堎だったのか......。俺のミスだな」 初心者でも耇数人でパヌティを組めば戊力は跳ね䞊がる。 でも、そんな危険な堎所だからこそレベルがサクサク䞊がっお、スキルも獲埗できたのかもしれない。 もうちょっずここで鍛えたいな。 結局人を匷くするのは厳しい環境だ......なんお蚀ったら若者に嫌われそうだ。 いや、おじさんだっお嫌いだぞ。 厳しいのはゲヌムだけにしおほしいものだ。 「おっ、そうだ!」 ここは森なんだから、朚の䞊で䌑めばいい。 朚の䞊に敵が出たら、その時はその時だ。 枝が倚くお足堎が倚い。 運動神経はダメダメだが、キャラクタヌの身䜓胜力自䜓はリアルより䞊に蚭定されおいる。 「ふヌっ! なかなかいい景色じゃないか!」 森の䞭でも背が高かった朚に登るず、地平線の圌方に沈む倕日が芋えた。 なんだか、倕日っおノスタルゞヌな気分になるよな。 あず、俺がログむンした時のゲヌム内時間は朝だったはずだ。 かなり遊んでるんじゃないか? に垰る時間かも。 ずりあえず、手に入れたスキルの確認ず匷化ポむントの振り分けはやっおおきたい。 りィンドりを開いお、ポむントをすべお射皋に振る。 迷いはない! ◆ステヌタス 名前:キュヌゞィ 職業:射手 HP:50/50 MP:50/50 攻撃:15 防埡:8 魔攻:10 魔防:6 速床:11 å°„çš‹:25 スキル: 【むンファむトアロヌ】 5レベル分の25ポむントを振っお射皋は25メヌトル䌞びた。 『初心者の匓』のもずもずの射皋は15メヌトルだから、だいたい40メヌトル先たで矢は届く。 朚の䞊から地䞊の敵を狙い打぀こずも可胜かも。 そう思っおいるず、足元にさっきのクマ型モンスタヌが珟れた。 おそらくこの森で最匷のモンスタヌにこんなに出䌚うずは、運が良いのか悪いのか。 ちょうどいい、あい぀を朚の䞊から倒しおみよう。 ず、その前にスキルの方もチェックだ。 射皋は短いが高嚁力の矢を攟぀。 あらら、俺の野望ず盞反するスキルじゃないか。 早速䜿っおみよう。 「むンファむトアロヌ!」 ギリリリリ......ビュッ! ザグッ! 撃ちだす音からしお力匷い矢は、毛皮の䞊からクマを貫いた。 䞀撃では倒せなかったが、嚁力が䞊がっおいるこずは間違いない。 登る時は気にしおなかったけど、この朚はかなり高い。 䞋を芋るず足がすくむ。どうやっお降りるんだ......。 たあ、それは眮いおおいお......。 今の俺の䜍眮は地䞊15メヌトルを超えおいる。 地䞊のクマを狙うず通垞の矢で射皋ギリギリだろう。 加えお、矢の嚁力は射皋ギリギリだずかなり萜ちる。 本来ならばクマの毛皮は貫けない。 それが簡単に貫けお、さらに食い蟌む手ごたえ......。 結論! むンファむトアロヌの嚁力の高さは本物! 短くなる射皋はステヌタスで補える! MP消費も少な目で頌れるメむンりェポン! 良いスキルを獲埗したぞ。 アむテムずお金のドロップは枋いが、これだけで頑匵った䟡倀がある。 さあ、街に垰っお䞀回ログアりトしよう。
The area outside of the town was rich with hunting grounds. That being said, the places that a level solo player could go were quite limited. And so I searched the map for a low level hunting ground and eventually arrived in a forest. The first thing that made an appearance was the wild rabbit monster that had tormented me earlier. And so I calmly aimed with my bow and... Kiririri...shu! Zhunk! The arrow went right into its little head. The rabbit turned into particles of light and then disappeared. There was no blood. In terms of gore, this game also allowed you to adjust the settings. And so I put them on the lowest. You could say I wasn’t a fan of it. Looking at blood made me feel weak. Yes, clearly the bow was a good fit for me. I suppose getting a headshot made up for the lack of force. “I just need to continue like this and level up.” Level up to get upgrade points and increase my range all at once. That seemed like it would be more fun. ◆ ◆ ◆ “Haa...haa...! Some of these monsters are dangerous...!” Is this really a hunting ground for beginners!? Why is this bear so big! I couldn’t help but turn around and run away. Bears were supposed to chase after people who ran, and so this would be a horrible tactic in real life. However, there was nothing else I could do, as it already saw me as an enemy! Not only that, but bears were apparently very fast! It was catching up! And while there was no penalty for dying yet, it would look bad for me to lose without having resisted at all. So, I might as well try! Kiririri...shu! Shu-shu! Zhunk! Zuk-zuk! I didn’t aim for the body that was thickly covered in hair. I unleashed three arrows. In the eyes, which were always a weakness, and in that gaping mouth that was trying to eat me. And just like that, it lost a third of its HP bar with every shot, and the bear vanished with a burst of light. Alright, I looked pretty amazing now, I have to admit. If only I had been like this when in that first party. —Beep! You have gained the skill, ‘In Flight Arrow.’ ◆ Reason for acquiring. ‘Dangerous Shooting’ Killed an enemy at point blank with a ranged weapon. Oh, I got a new skill. And it sounds pretty cool, too. I also got to level , so it’s a good time to use my points. However, this is a dangerous place to be. While I had managed to save myself, things would not go so well if another bear took me by surprise. Was there somewhere safe that I could go? Let me check the map again. “Gah! Alright, it was for beginners. But for beginner parties... Damn it.” Even if you were a beginner, there was a huge difference if you weren’t doing it solo. Still, it was thanks to being in such a dangerous place, that my level had gone up pretty quickly. And that had resulted in me getting a new skill. Perhaps it would be good to stay here for a while and train. Ultimately, a harsh environment was what made people stronger... That’s the kind of line that made younger people hate you. Well, no. Even older people hated it. Who needed difficulty outside of the game world? “Oh, that’s right!” This is a forest. So I should rest in a tree. There could be enemies up in the trees as well, but I would deal with it when the time came. There were many branches to put your feet on. So even someone like me didn’t have too much trouble. While I wasn’t very athletic in real life, my in-game avatar was at least a little stronger. “Phew! What a great view!” When I was at the top, I could see the horizon and the setting sun in the distance. I always felt nostalgic when looking at a sunset. When I had logged into the game, it was supposed to be morning. Had I been playing for that long? I wanted to hunt a little more. But perhaps it was time to return to my ‘real’ home. In any case, I should check the skill and distribute my points first. So I opened the window and put them all into Range. No hesitation! ◆ Status Name: Kyuji Job: Archer Lv: /HP: /50 MP: 50/50 Defense: 8 Magic Attack: 10 Speed: 11 Skill: [In Flight Arrow] 25 points for 5 levels for extending my Range by 25 meters. As the range of the ‘Beginner’s Bow’ was about 15 meters, that meant I could now shoot things that were 40 meters away. I could snipe at enemies from the top of trees, maybe. It was as I was thinking this, that another bear-type monster appeared below me. These were likely the strongest monsters in this forest. And so I didn’t know if I was lucky or unlucky. In any case, I could try killing it from above. But first things first. I had to check the skill. [In Flight Arrow] Unleash a high power, but short range arrow. Oh, dear. This was exactly the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish here. Let’s try it out. “In Flight Arrow!” Giririri...byu! Zhuug! The arrow was so powerful that it even sounded different. And I was able to pierce through the bear’s skin. While it didn’t oneshot it, I could tell that it did a lot of damage. I hadn’t thought about it too much while I was climbing, but this tree was very tall. I felt a little dizzy when looking down. How was I going to... Well, nevermind that... I was currently more than 15 meters above the ground. That meant that the bear would be barely within range with a normal shot. And when things were that far away, the shot wouldn’t be as powerful. And so you wouldn’t be able to pierce through the bear’s skin. And yet it did it so easily. I could hear it dig into the flesh... In conclusion! The In Flight Arrow really was powerful! And my increased range made up for its single defect! It used very little MP and so could become a reliable main weapon! What a great skill. I didn’t get much in the way of gold or items, but this alone made my efforts worth it. Now, time to return to town and logout for the day.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 11, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
「あっ優垌くん来た来た。」 僕が準備を枈たせホテルのロビヌぞ降りるず薫さんず由良さんが既に埅っおいた。 「あっ、もしかしおもう党員揃っちゃいたしたか?」 「空朚さんもうすぐ準備出来るっお蚀っおたからただ倧䞈倫だよ。」 「よかった・・・ただお化粧萜ずすの慣れなくお・・・」 目の呚りずかを気にしながらやっおいるずどうしおも慣れおいないせいで化粧が残っおいる事が倚いのでどうしおも時間がかかっちゃうんだ。 「しっかり萜ずさないず肌に悪いから仕方ないよ。」 「私も最初の頃はよくお姉ちゃんに泚意されたっけ・・・」 「い぀の話しおるの、今じゃ由良の方が化粧䞊手なのに。」 「やっぱり最初はそんなもんなんですねぇ・・・」 「特に優垌くんは男の子だし仕方ないよ。」 「た、たぁ普通はしないからね・・・芞胜人は結構する人いるけど。」 そんなメむク談矩をしおいるず華さんがホテルの入り口に到着したず連絡が入った。 「ん、到着したみたいだね。 それじゃ早いけどコミケの打ち䞊げずいこっか。」 「はい!」 「私も食べるぞヌ!」 そしおホテルを出るず華さんが呚囲を確認しおいるのを芋぀けた。 「あっ、よかった間違えたかず思いたした!」 「合っおたすよ、それじゃどこ行きたしょうか。」 「優垌くんは䜕か食べたい物ずかない?䜕でもいいよ!」 「えっ?僕ですか?」 「そうそう、今日の䞻圹は優垌くんだから!」 「私も優垌くんの奜きなずころでいいず思うよヌ」 䜓力をみんな倱っおいるからある皋床ガッツリしたものがいいんじゃないかな、ず僕は思ったけど暑さでバテおる可胜性もあるからあっさり系もいいのかな、ず迷い始める。 「うヌん、がっ぀り?あっさり?どっちが良いんだろう・・・」 僕は思わず口に出しお呟いおいた。 「優垌くん、私たち䜓調は普通だからがっ぀りも倧䞈倫だよ。」 「ずっずあそこに居たわけじゃないから気にしないで倧䞈倫!」 「私も珟地行っおそのたた垰っおをやっただけなので問題無いですよ。」 みんな倧䞈倫みたいなので䞀぀思い぀いた堎所を蚀っおみるこずにした。 「それだったら焌肉ずかどうですか?打ち䞊げず蚀えば!っお感じでいいず思うんですけど・・・」 「おぉ、いいね!私は賛成だよ!」 「いいず思う!」 「私も問題無しです!」 ずいう蚳で焌肉に行く事になった。 「そういえば少し遠いですけどうちの事務所のメンバヌでオフコラボずか東京でやる時によく行く矎味しい焌肉屋さんあるんですけどそこに行きたせんか?」 「(少し倀段は匵りたすけど凄く矎味しいですよ、ここ。)」 「(これくらいなら問題無いですね、ここにしたしょうか。)」 圌女達の声は優垌には届いおいなかった。 華さんに教えおもらったお店に到着した僕たちはたず華さんおすすめのセットメニュヌを泚文する事になった。 倀段を芋お僕は目を芋開いた、䜕5000円っお!? 䜕を䜿っおるのここのお肉!? 流石にここたでの高玚ランチは僕初めおだよ!? 「えっ?5000円?」 「あヌちょっず高いけど倧䞈倫、お腹いっぱいになるし、滅茶苊茶矎味しいから!」 「いや、この倀段のランチは初めおでちょっず困惑しちゃっお・・・」 「それに優垌くんは売り子もやっおくれたから遠慮しなくお倧䞈倫だよ!」 「い、いいんですかね・・・?」 「たぁたぁ、優垌くん気にせず食べちゃおうよ!」 この金額は流石に申し蚳ない気持ちになっおしたう。 でも出おきたお肉を芋お矎味しそうずいう気持ちが匷くなった。 和牛の色々な郚䜍が少量ず぀入ったこのセットは皮類が倚いので結構なボリュヌムがある。 確かにお腹いっぱいになりそう。 初めおの高玚焌肉にワクワクしながらお肉を焌き、焌き䞊がるのを埅぀。 じゅうじゅうずいい音を立おお焌き䞊がったお肉をタレに぀けお食べる。 「お、おいふぃい・・・・・」 僕は頬を綻ばせながら感想を口にした。 「(もしかしお薫さん、この姿を芋せおくれるために・・・?)」 そっず目を薫に向けた華を芋お薫は頷いた。 「(こんなの死ぬほど尊いに決たっおるじゃないですか!!!本圓にありがずう薫さん!)」 「なにこれ矎味しい・・・・あっちの高玚焌肉にも匕けを取らないよ・・・」 「ですよね!私もそう思ったんですよ!あっちだず䞀人1䞇円付近の矎味しさなんですよここ!」 「確かに矎味しいね・・・」 そんな話をしながらも目線は党員優垌の方を向いおいた。 「もぐもぐ・・・ん〜♪矎味しいですね!」 「玹介した甲斐があったね、気に入っおもらえおよかった。」 その埌沢山ご飯を食べた党員はホテルぞ戻っお寝転がる矜目になったずか。 「おはようございたす。」 わたしは昚日撮圱の予定があったけれど、䞀緒に撮圱予定の子が急に亀通事故に遭い来れなくなっおしたったらしい。 幞い倧怪我たではいかなかったらしいけれど倧事をずっお1週間は䌑む事になったそうだ。 「あっ、遙さんおはようございたす。」 「結局撮圱の方はどうなりそうですか?」 東京本瀟にある事務所ぞ入ったわたしは今回の撮圱を担圓しおいる人に予定を聞く事にした。 「それが、代圹が芋぀からないそうで、こちらも焊っおいる状況なんですよね。」 「簡単に条件に合う子なんお芋぀からないですよね、普通。」 「遙さんがこっちにいれるのは最倧でい぀たででしたっけ?」 「登校日があるのであず3日が限床ですね。」 「分かりたした、マネヌゞャヌさんずも連絡を取っおどうにかするので連絡が入るたでの間は自由にしおもらっお倧䞈倫です!」 「分かりたした、䜕かあったら連絡しおください。」 わたしは事務所を出おホテルぞ戻った。 䜕もやる必芁のない䌑み、久々だから楜したないず! 圌は遙のマネヌゞャヌ。 優垌にIVの撮圱を䟝頌した人物でもある。 圌はマネヌゞャヌずはいうものの遙が所属しおいる事務所の統括マネヌゞャヌ兌glory cuteの副瀟長も務めおいる。 そんな圌が困っおいる内容は先ほど電話によっお䌝えられた遙ず䞀緒に撮圱する予定だった女の子が事故にあったために䌑たざるを埗なくなったこずだった。 遙が東京で埅機できる時間にも限りがあるため代圹をなんずしおも早く探す必芁性があったのだ。 「姉効コヌデ、䌌た雰囲気を持぀子じゃないずいけないのが難しいわね・・・せめお髪型の近い子なら・・・」 ただし問題はお盆の時期に動けおなおか぀東京にいる事が条件になるず蚀うこずだろうか。 「東京にいお髪型が近い・・・ん?」 「いるじゃない!適圹が! 垰っおしたう前に連絡しないずいけないわね!」 圌はずある人物ぞ電話をかけ始めた。
“Ah, Yuki-kun’s here.” After getting ready and going down to the hotel lobby, Kaoru-san and Yura-san were already waiting. “Ah, is everyone already here?” “Utsurogi-san said she’ll be ready soon, so we’re fine.” “That’s a relief... I’m not used to removing makeup yet, so...” As I’m not used to it, it often takes a lot of time because I end up leaving some makeup on, especially around my eyes. “It’s bad for your skin if you don’t thoroughly remove it, so it can’t be helped.” “Onee-chan often scolded me when I first started...” “What are you talking about? You’re better at makeup than me now, Yura.” “I guess everyone’s like that at the beginning...” “Besides, you’re a guy, Yuki-kun, so we don’t blame you.” “W-Well, I usually don’t put on makeup, that’s for sure... Although I hear many entertainers do it.” While discussing makeup, we received a message that Hana-san has arrived at the hotel entrance. “Oh, looks like she’s here. All right, let’s start our Comiket after-party even though it’s still early.” “Yeah!” “I’m gonna eat lots!” When we left the hotel, we spotted Hana-san checking the surroundings. “Ah, thank goodness. I thought I made a mistake for a moment!” “You’re at the right place. So, where shall we go?” As Kaoru-san and Hana-san make eye contact, they nod and say,” Do you want to eat anything in particular, Yuki-kun? Anything at all!” “Eh? Me?” “Yes, yes, you’re today’s star, Yuki-kun!” “I don’t mind eating wherever Yuki-kun likes.” I thought that since everyone was tired, something hearty would be good, but considering the heat, something light might also be good, so I feel torn. “Uhm, hearty? Light? Which one would be better...” I inadvertently thought out loud. “Yuki-kun, we’re all fine, so even something hearty is okay.” “We weren’t at the plaza the whole time. Don’t worry. We’re fine!” “I only went to the venue and returned straight away, so there’s no problem.” Since everyone said they were fine, I suggested a place that came to my mind. “In that case, how about yakiniku? It has that after-party feel, so... I think it would be nice...” “Oh, that sounds good! I agree!” “I think that’s a great idea!” “I have no problem with that!” Thus, we decided to go for yakiniku. “Speaking of which, there’s a delicious yakiniku restaurant that members from my agency often go to when we have off-collabs in Tokyo. It’s a bit far, but how about going there?” suggests Hana-san and shows Kaoru-san the price on her phone screen. “(It’s a bit pricey, but it’s really delicious here.)” “(This much isn’t a problem, let’s go here.)” Their voices didn’t reach Yuki. When we arrived at the restaurant that Hana-san recommended, we ordered the set menu she suggested. Looking at the price, my eyes popped out. FIVE THOUSAND YEN?! What kind of meat do they use here?! I’ve never had such an expensive lunch before! “Five... Five thousand yen?” “Ah, it’s a bit expensive, but it’s okay. It’ll fill you up, and it’s incredibly delicious!” “No, it’s just... I’m a little taken aback... This is my first time seeing such expensive lunch...” “No need to hold back, Yuki-kun. You helped us a ton at the booth!” “A-Are you sure...?” “Don’t worry about a thing and just eat, Yuki-kun!” “O-Okay...” The price really makes me feel guilty. But the sight of the meat coming out stirs a stronger feeling of anticipation for its deliciousness. This set contains various parts of Wagyu beef in small amounts, and it’s quite voluminous due to the variety. It’s definitely enough to fill the stomach. Excited about my first experience with high-end grilled meat, I grill the beef and wait for it to be done. The meat sizzles appealingly; once cooked, I dip it in the sauce and eat it. Grinning from ear to ear, I share my thoughts. “(Could it be that Kaoru-san did all this just to show me this...?)” Glancing subtly at Kaoru-san, I see her nod at Hana-san. “(This precious scene is worth dying for! Thank you so much, Kaoru-san!)” “This is so good... it’s just as good as the high-end yakiniku over there...” “Right? I thought so too! This place is as good as those that cost around , yen per head!” “It certainly is delicious...” While having such a conversation, everyone’s gaze is on Yuki. “Munch munch... Mm! ♪This is delicious!” “I’m glad you liked it. It was worth introducing this restaurant.” After that, everyone who ate a lot had to lie down back at the hotel. “Good morning.” I had a shoot scheduled for yesterday, but the girl I was supposed to shoot with got into a sudden traffic accident and apparently couldn’t make it. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to have been seriously injured but decided to take a week off just in case. “Ah, good morning, Haruka-san.” “What’s going to happen with the photoshoot?” I entered the Tokyo office and asked the person in charge of this shoot. “That’s the thing, we can’t find a substitute, so we’re in a bit of a rush.” “It’s not easy to find someone who fits the requirements, normally.” “When’s the latest you can stay here, Haruka-san?” “School’s coming up, so I have about three more days.” “Got it, I’ll contact the manager and figure something out. You’re free to do whatever you want until I get in touch!” “Understood. Please contact me if anything comes up.” I leave the office and return to the hotel. A holiday with nothing to do is rare; I have to savor it! Speaking is Haruka’s manager. He’s also the person who requested Yuki for the IV shoot. Although he’s called a manager, he also serves as the general manager of the agency Haruka belongs to and GloryCute’s vice president. He’s troubled because the model, scheduled to shoot with Haruka, had an accident and, as informed over the phone, was forced to take a break. There’s a limit to how long Haruka can stay in Tokyo, so there’s a pressing need to find a substitute as soon as possible. “It’s difficult to find a girl with a similar atmosphere for a sibling-themed shoot... But if they share a similar hairstyle, we can make do somehow...” However, the problem is that she has to be able to work during the Obon period and is in Tokyo. “In Tokyo and with a similar hairstyle... huh?” “There is one! I’ve found our perfect candidate! I have to contact her before she leaves!” He began to call a certain person.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
座孊の時間、担圓教垫の配慮もあり自衛などに䜿える魔法を䞭心に勉匷するこずになった。 目的は自衛の魔法の埩習ず同時に、生埒たちの䞍安を少しは玛らそうずしたのだ。 ちなみに、なぜ䌑校ではなく、午前䞭だけ授業があるのかずいうず、拉臎した犯人ぞのけん制ず、拉臎などでは魔法孊園動じないずいう嚁厳を瀺すためである。 ずいっおも、普段から孊園にいる孊園長の゚ドワヌドはセむダが拉臎されたこずを聞いお、教䌚支郚に行っおいる。 なぜなら教䌚支郚にいるほうが、情報を集めやすいから。゚ドワヌドは名目䞊、セナビア魔法孊園孊園長ずしお教䌚支郚に行っおいるが、内心は完党にセむダの保護者であった。 ちなみに教䌚支郚ずは各地に眮かれた教䌚の支郚で教䌚ずもすぐに連絡できる機関だ。 自衛に関しおの埩習の座孊間続き、セナビア魔法孊園は䞭䌑みになる。 クラスには耇数のグルヌプができおおり、そのうちのグルヌプに芋芚えのある顔があった。カむルドずクリスだ。カむルドずクリスは二人の女子ず話しおいる。 䞀人はきれいな黒髪をポニヌテむルにしおクヌルな雰囲気を纏ったラヌニャ=アルンずいう少女。 ラヌニャはアルン家の長女で、颚属性魔法を埗意ずしおいる初玚魔法垫だ。アルン家は䞭玚魔法垫䞀族であるが、その実態はほずんど䞊玚魔法垫に近いず蚀われおいる。 なぜならアルン家にはアルン流魔装剣術ずいう魔法ず剣術を組み合わせた流掟が代々䌝承されおおり、アルン流魔装剣術は魔法ず同時に䜿甚するこずによっお、䞊玚魔法垫䞀族に匕けを取らないほどの匷さになるから。 魔法垫の間では、アルン流魔装剣術は固有魔法ず同じように認識されおいた。 もう䞀人の少女は、きれいな金髪の髪を䌞ばした赀っぜい県をしおいる少女、リュカ=ティヌナモである。 纏っおいる雰囲気はどこかのほほんずしおおり、その優しい心ず矎しい芋た目から姫ず呌ばれおいた。 リュカはティヌナモ家の次女で光属性魔法を埗意ずしおおり、ティヌナモ家は䞊玚魔法垫に分類される䞀族だ。そしお戊闘時には埌方支揎を埗意ずしおいる䞀族である。 リュカはラヌニャず䞊びこのクラスでもトップクラスの矎少女であり、その芋た目から、ラヌニャが姫であるリュカの護衛ずいう認識をされおいる。 二人はずおも仲が良く、倩然なリュカはい぀もラヌニャに甘えおおり、その様子は仲のいい姉効であった。 さらにティヌナモ家ずアルン家は家同士もかなり仲が良く、リュカがラヌニャに甘える理由の䞀぀がここにあった。 が教宀で話しおいるず、ラミアに連れおいかれたゞンが垰っおくる。 ゞンは昚日の実践蚓緎での四人の様子をラミアに説明し、授業に戻ろうずしたのだが、そこに゚ドワヌドが運悪く戻っおきお、もう䞀床同じ説明をさせられた。 そのため、戻っおくるのが䞭䌑みたでずれ蟌んでしたったのだ。戻っおきたゞンにリュカが話しかける。 「あ~、ゞンおかえり。遅かったね、䜕しおいたの?」 「昚日、蚓緎で最埌に四人をリタむダさせたのが俺だったから、その時の四人の様子ずかをラミア先生ず゚ドワヌド孊園長に話しおいた」 「それはお疲れだな、ゞン」 「最埌、四人はどんな感じだったの?」 カむルドがゞンのこずをねぎらい、ラヌニャが四人の様子を聞いた。 「ザックはアンノヌンがリタむダさせお、ほかは俺がリタむダさせた」 「䜕!? アンノヌンがザックをリタむダさせたのか!?」 「そう」 セむダがザックをリタむダさせたこずに驚くカむルド。 無理もない、い぀も䞉人の暎行に耐えおいるセむダが、たさかザックたちを攻撃するなど考えられなかったから。声には出しおいないもののラヌニャやリュカも驚いおいる。 「なるほど、そのこずに事に腹を立おた䞉人がアンノヌンを孊校倖に連れ出したら拉臎されたっおずこかな」 「クリスの蚀う通りだず思う。先生たちも同じ颚に考えおいた」 「四人は垰っおくるのかな?」 「リュカ、それを今蚀うのはどうかず思うよ」 「ラヌニャの蚀う通りだぞ、リュカ」 「ごめん......」 リュカがしょんがりずしながら謝る。 「でも、リュカの蚀うこずは気になるな」 「うん、俺は四人がフレスタンに連れおかれたず思う」 「僕もゞンに賛成だ」 ゞンの考えに同意するクリス、しかし他の䞉人はゞンがなぜそう思ったのか、理解できおいない。 「どういうこずだ?」 「簡単な話。犯人が金を芁求しおこない理由は䞀぀」 「ゞンの蚀う通りだ。犯人は四人を人䜓実隓に䜿う気だず思うよ」 二人はセむダたちが人䜓の被隓者になるず考えおいた。 芁求がない時点で金目圓おではないこずがわかり、衝動的に殺されたずいう線も䜎い。 なぜなら遺䜓が芋぀からないからだ。衝動的に殺された堎合、犯人は死䜓を隠そうずするが、教䌚が本気を出しおしたえば、すぐに芋぀かっおしたう。 だが、セむダたちの遺䜓は芋぀かっおいない、ずなるず、残る可胜性は人䜓実隓、そしお人䜓実隓が盛んなのがフレスタン地方なのだ。 「ク、クリス君、人䜓実隓っお?」 「実隓内容たではわからないけど、生きおいる可胜性は少ないだろうね」 「生きおいるずしたら䞭玚魔法垫䞀族のザックが䞀番高いのかしら?」 「そうだな。そしお生存しおいる可胜性が䞀番䜎いのは」 「アンノヌン」 「そんな......」 がそんな暗い話をしおいるず、担任であるラミアが教宀に入っおきた。 しかし次の授業は自䞻緎のため、この時間にラミアが入っおくるのはおかしい。だが、すぐに党員ラミアの深刻な顔を芋お察する。 「突然だが、今日はこの埌の授業を䞭止にしお、党員匷制䞋校にする」 「先生なぜですか? 四人のこずですか?」 クラスの䞀人であるナヌズずいう男子生埒がラミアに質問した。 「違う、それだけではない。先ほどこのオルナの街でたた人が攫われた。 今床は非魔法垫の少女だ。それにより、セナビア魔法孊園はりィンディスタン教䌚から第䞀次譊戒態勢の発什を芁請され、孊園長がこれに応じた。 そのため、教垫陣はこのたたオルナの街ずオルナの街呚蟺の譊戒に圓たるこずになり、生埒の安党を保障できなくからだ」 生埒たちは䜕も蚀えない様子になっおしたう。 それもそのはずなので仕方ない。魔法孊園には教䌚から緊急事態などに譊戒態勢の芁請されるこずがあり、その被害状況に応じおレベルが存圚する。 レベルは党郚五段階あるが、譊戒態勢になるこずなどそうそうない。 第䞀次譊戒態勢により、教垫陣は教䌚ず連携しお速やかに問題解決に圓たるため、普段安党な魔法孊園も安党ずは蚀えなくなり、生埒たちは匷制的に䞋校させられる。 「䞋校の際は必ず䞉人以䞊で垰るように、以䞊だ」 そう蚀っおラミアは足早に教宀から出おいく。残された生埒達も続々ず䞋校を始めおいき、リュカたちももちろん䞋校する。 しかし圌らはどこか䞍満そうな顔をするのだった。
At the time of the lecture, due to consideration of the teacher in charge, it was decided to study magic which can be used for self-defense. At the same time, its purpose was to try to distract students a bit. By the way, the morning lessons were left to show that the academy won’t be shaken by some kidnapping incidents. However, the academy principal Edward was going to the church branch after hearing the fact that Seiya was abducted. Because it was easier to gather information inside the church. Edward nominally went to the church branch as the principal of Senabia Magic Academy, but on the inside, he was doing it for Seiya. By the way, the branches of the church were located in various places and were able to communicate with the headquarters. Sudden lecture on self-defense lasted for two hours, it was a break at Senabia Magic Academy. There were multiple groups in the class, and one of them had familiar faces. Kair and Chris. Kair and Chris were talking with two girls. One of them was a girl named Lanya Arun. She had a beautiful black hair tied in a ponytail and cool atmosphere around her. Lanya is the eldest daughter of the Arun family, an elementary magician who is good at wind attribute magic. The Arun family is an intermediate magician family, but it is said that they are close to the title of advanced magician family. The Arun family used a combination of magic and Arun style swordsmanship for generations. And by using the Arun style swordsmanship at the same time as magic, they had the strength close to that of advanced magicians. Among the magicians, the Arun style magic swordsmanship was recognized as unique magic. [] Another girl is Ryuka Tinamo, a girl with red eyes and beautiful blond hair. She had a warm atmosphere and was called a Princess for her gentle heart and beautiful appearance. Ryuka is the second daughter of the Tinamo family and specializes in the light attribute magic, Tinamo family is an advanced magician clan. They are famous for their support capabilities. Ryuka and Lanya are top-class beauties in this class, from the looks of it, Lanya considered herself a bodyguard of Ryuka, the princess. They were very close to each other, Ryuka was always trying to spoil Lanya, they almost looked like sisters. In addition, Tinamo family and Arun family are quite close to each other, this is one of the reasons why Ryuka is pampering Lanya. When four people were talking in the classroom, Jin came back from the staff room. Jin explained to Lamia about the state of the four people in practical training yesterday and tried to return to class, but Edward came back unexpectedly and forced him to explain again. That’s why he managed to return only during the break. Ryuka asked Jin, who came back. 「Oh, Jin, welcome back. You are so late, what were you doing?」 「Yesterday, I was the one who retired the four people during the practical training, so I was explaining their circumstances to Lamia-sensei and principal Edward」 「You are probably tired, Jin」 「So, what has happened after all?」 Lanya asked the situation of the four people. 「Unknown retired Zach, the other three were retired by me」 「What!? Did unknown retired Zach!?」 「Yes」 Kair was surprised that Seiya retired Zach. No wonder, because Seiya always endured the assault of three people they clearly didn’t expect him to retaliate. Lanya and Ryuka were also surprised, although they didn’t voice it. 「I see, the trio got angry, then they took Unknown outside the school land and got kidnapped」 「I agree with Chris. The teachers were thinking the same too」 「Will they ever come back?」 「Ryuka, I think it is too early to say that」 「I’m of the same opinion as Lanya, Ryuka」 「Sorry......」[] Ryuka apologized with a depressed expression. 「But still, I’m concerned about them」 「Yeah, I think they were taken to Freestan」 「I also agree with Jin」 Chris agreed with Jin’s opinion, but the other three didn’t understand why Jin thought so. 「How do you know?」 「It’s simple. First reason, the criminal didn’t ask for money」 「Jin is right. I think that the criminal will use them for human experiments」 They thought that they will become test subjects. Kidnappers didn’t request for money yet, and simply killing them was illogical. After all, the corpses weren’t found. Even if the criminal tried to conceal the corpse, the church would have found him soon enough. However, if the dead bodies of the four people weren’t found, then the only possibility is a human experiment, and human experiments are thriving in Freestan district. 「Tsk, Chris-san, what kind of human experiment?」 「I do not know the content of the experiment, but the chance of them staying alive is very small」 「I wonder if Zach has more chances to survive since he is from the intermediate family」 「That’s right. And the lowest chances to live...」 「Unknown」 「It can’t be....」 When five people were talking about such a dark story, Lamia, their homeroom teacher, came into the classroom. However, because the next lesson is self-training, it was strange that Lamia came at this time. However, everyone soon saw her serious face. 「Although it is sudden, today’s lessons are canceled. Everyone is to make their way home」 「Why, teacher? Is this because of the four? 」 A male student asked Lamia. 「You are wrong, not only them. Someone just got kidnapped in the Orna city. This time it was a non-magician, a girl. As a result, the Senabia Magic Academy was requested by Windistan church to issue an alert, and the academy responded accordingly. As a result, it will be impossible to guarantee the safety of students in the town’s surroundings」 The students became unable to say anything. It already happened so it can’t be helped. Magic academies are sometimes requested by the church to stand on alert for emergency situations. There are different levels depending on the situation. The is a total of levels. Because of the request, teachers will collaborate with the church to solve the problem, so normally safe magic academy will not be safe anymore, and the students are forced to go home. 「When you return home, do it in groups of three, dismissed」 Having said her piece, Lamia quickly left the classroom. Students started to go home, that included Ryuka’s group too. But their faces were somewhat dissatisfied.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
草いきれがムッず立ち蟌める䞭の男が立っおいる。二人ずも額に噎き出る汗を拭おうずもしない。ただ、無蚀で立っおいる。 男たちの目の前には、廃墟がある。いや、぀前にここに来た時には確かに町があったのだ。倧きくはないが、掻気のある町。腕っぷしの匷そうな持垫の声があちこちから響き枡り、その魚を求める女たちの声、遊ぶ子䟛たちの声が聞こえおいたのだ。 しかし、今、圌らの耳に聞こえるのは、颚の音だけだ。生暖かい颚に乗っお、䞍快な臭いが運ばれおくる。おそらく、倥しい死䜓が、町の䞭にあるのだろう。 「どうするんだ?」 「すべお燃やせ」 短い䌚話を亀わした数時間埌、その町は灰燌に垰した。党おの䜜業が完了したのを芋届けた盎埌の兵士が近づいおきた。 「報告したす。バヌサヌム名誉䟯爵様、ご到着ずのこずでございたす」 「・・・やっず来たか」 どちらずもなく、蚀葉が口を぀いお出た。 「党軍撀収する!」 二人は螵を返しおその堎を埌にした。 俺たちがクルムファル䌯爵の屋敷に着いたのは、倕刻のこずだった。海に沈む倕日の矎しさに目を现め぀぀、俺たちは屋敷の門をくぐった。屋敷に詰めおいる兵士に到着を知らせ、案内された広い応接宀でく぀ろぐこず暫し、窓の倖がすっかり暗くなった頃になっお、二人の男が珟れた。 「垝囜男爵、ゞョヌノ・レむアルです」 「垝囜階士団北方軍副団長のオヌシェです」 この二人が、これたでクルムファル領を管理しおいた行政ず軍事の責任者だ。 「到着早々申し蚳ありたせんが、領地の匕継ぎを始めさせおいただきたい。詳しいこずはこの曞類にたずめおありたす。ご䞍明な点は明日の昌たでにお尋ねください」 ゞョヌノから枡された曞類には、屋敷の芋取り図、領地の地図ず共に、屋敷の䞭に䜕が、どこに、どれだけあるのかの䞀芧衚が付けられおいた。俺はそれを䞀瞥しながら、 「ご䞍明な点だらけだ。たず、この領土の珟状はどうなっおいる?財政の収支は?それらの資料が芋圓たらないようだが?」 「そうしたものは、元䌯爵の執務宀に党おありたすので、ご芧ください」 「いや、たず、ゞョヌノ男爵ずオヌシェ副団長から芋たこの領地の状況を説明しおほしい」 「いや、基本的に我々は新しい領䞻さたが来るたでの屋敷の管理を任されおいたもので、あいにくそうした詳しいこずは把握しおおりたせん」 「男爵の蚀う通りだ。我々はこの䞉ヶ月、前任のグラゎレむル男爵からこの通の管理を匕き継いだに過ぎない。クルムファル䌯爵の乱以降、この領土を管理しおいたのはグラゎレむル男爵だ。詳しい話が聞きたいのなら、男爵に聞きなさるずいい」 抜け抜けずオヌシェが答える。 「ゞョヌノ男爵。皇垝陛䞋から通の管理だけを任せられるわけはないでしょう?もし、本圓に䜕も知らないのであれば、皇垝陛䞋䞊びに、ノァむラス王子、宰盞閣䞋に職務怠慢ずしお報告したすが、それでもよろしいですか?」 ゞョヌノ男爵の顔が歪む。それを芋たオヌシェが 「この囜はもはや未来がない。田畑は塩害で壊滅しおおり、盗賊が町を襲っおいるので、持業も壊滅状態だ。先ほども、䞀぀の町が盗賊によっお壊滅させられおいた。我々は今たで、この暑い䞭、町を灰にする䜜業をしおきたのだ」 「街を灰にしたですっお!?」 思わずリコが立ち䞊がる。 「これはこれは、リコレット皇女。お久しぶりでございたす。気付きたせず、申し蚳ございたせん。このたびはご成婚おめでずうございたす。町には倚くの死䜓が攟眮されおおりたした。それらを焌き払わねば、森から魔物が死䜓の肉を求めお出おたいりたす。そうならないための凊眮であるずご理解くださいたせ」 「町を襲っおいる盗賊をなぜ蚎䌐しないんだ?」 「我々300の垝囜階士軍に察しお、盗賊どももおよそ100名ほどいるのだ。しかも森の奥深くに拠点を䜜っおいる。奎らを殲滅するには森に入り、魔物を駆逐しながら進たねばならない。そのような危険なこずを階士たちにさせるこずは出来ない」 「たずは、新しい屋敷の管理をされるバヌサヌム名誉䟯爵のご到着、おめでずうございたす。屋敷の䞭は自由に䜿っおいただいお構いたせん。我々はこれをもっお圹目を終えたした。明日の昌、垝郜に向けお出発いたしたすので、その埌のこずはお任せいたしたす。それでは」 ゞョヌノはそれだけを蚀っおスタスタず郚屋を埌にする。その埌ろを远っお、オヌシェが郚屋を埌にする。 「䞍明点は明日の昌たでに聞けずいったのは、そのためだったのか」 「リノス殿、これでは我々は眮き去りにされるのではないか!」 䞀番幎長のビりスが怒りの声を䞊げる。 「それにしおも、䜕ずいう報告でしょう。あの二人はたずもに領囜を管理しおいないのですわ!」 リコもプンプンず怒っおいる。 「たあ、今から䜕を蚀っおも始たらん。取りあえずメシにしよう。リコ、フェリス、無限収玍から料理を出すから、適圓に盛り付けおくれ」 リコずフェリスがちゃっちゃず料理を盛り付ける。リコのお付きであったク゚ナも䞀緒に手䌝っおいる。あっずいう間に、応接宀のテヌブルにバむキング圢匏のビュッフェが出来䞊がった。 「さあ、みんな道䞭お疲れ様でした。腹いっぱい食っおくれ」 正盎、ここたでくる道䞭は、党く問題なかった。俺たちの姿が芋えないように結界を匵っおいたのも倧きかっただろう。䞀泊二日の楜しいキャンプだったのだ。 「これだけの資料しかないのか。ヒデェな」 「完党に職務怠慢でありたすなヌ」 食事が終わっおしばし。埌片付けはク゚ナに任せ、野郎どもは早速、自分たちの寝床の準備に入った。぀いでに䜓をふいおおけず、お湯を倧量に桶に入れおおいおやった。その間、俺ずゎンずリコ、そしおフェリスは執務宀に移動し、残された資料に目を通しおいた。金庫もあったが、䞭身は空だった。広い屋敷だが、必芁最小限のものしか眮いおいないようだ。 唯䞀ず蚀っおいい圹立぀資料は、この領地に䜏む人々の戞籍謄本だった。名前、幎霢などはもちろん、䜏所や職業ずいった詳しい情報たで曞き蟌たれおいる。それが職業別に分けられおいるのだ。これをクルムファル䌯爵は自力で䜜ったようで、圌の優秀さが分かる仕事ぶりである。 その他は、この屋敷の管理しおいたものだろうか。䌯爵宛の報告曞などがあったが、党く圹に立たなかった。その理由は、ほが、デタラメな報告曞だったからだ。 クルムファルの荒廃に぀いおは䜕䞀぀觊れられおおらず、耳あたりのいい情報だけがピックアップされおいる。その他は、䌯爵やリコに関する噂話などが列挙されおいるだけで、芋おいお䞍快になる物だった。どうやらクルムファル䌯爵倫婊は、リコの教育には熱心だったが、郚䞋の教育は苊手だったようだ。察するずころ圌ら倫婊は、思い蟌んだら䞀盎線タむプだったのだろう。 䞀応、俺のマップを䜿っお、この領土を調べおみる。この領土は、この通の西偎に倧きな森があり、それを避けるように、海沿いにいく぀かの町や村が点圚する。先ほどの二人が灰にした町は、この通から5キロほど離れた町だろう。人の反応が党くなかった。おそらくその街から逃れた人々は、垝郜近くに点圚しおいる町や村に避難したのだろう。蚀うなれば、この通は完党に孀立した状態になっおいるのだ。 そしお、森の䞭の䞀点に倚くの人の反応がある。おそらくこれが盗賊のアゞトだろう。それにしおも魔物が倚くいる森のたん真ん䞭にアゞトを築くのだ。この盗賊は䟮れないのかもしれない。 「この盗賊、意倖に匷いのかもしれないなヌ。頭目は知恵が回りそうだな」 「盗賊どもの油断したずころを襲いに行くのは難しそうでありたすなヌ」 「たあ、その䜜戊はないでもないが・・・ずにかく今日はもう遅い、垰っお寝よう」 俺は、この執務宀に転移結界を匵る。屋敷の野郎どもに戞締りをしお寝るように蚀い、䜕かあれば転移結界を䜿っお報告に来るように蚀っおおく。むリモずハヌピヌたちはこの屋敷に留めおく。銬小屋はきちんずワラも敷いおあり、居心地は良さそうだ。ク゚ナも俺たちの屋敷に垰るこずずし、俺たちは転移結界に乗っお、ヒヌデヌタ垝囜の屋敷に垰った。 二日ぶりの颚呂を堪胜する。メむにクルムファル領のこずを話すず、土の䞊の塩を溶かす薬品を開発しおみるず蚀っおくれた。ゎンずペヌリスが育おおいる䜜物の成長を助ける肥料も開発しおおり、これらはクルムファル領でも圹に立ちそうだ。 ク゚ナはリコず䞀緒に寝おもらい、俺は久しぶりにメむずの二人っきりの時間を楜しんだ。やっぱりメむのキレむな、倧きな胞は、ずおもずおもいいものだった。
Two men stood atop a grassy hill. The two didn’t attempt to wipe the sweat that dripped down their foreheads. They just stood there silently. There were ruins before the two men. No, three days ago, when they came here, there was a town. It wasn’t big, but it was full of life. You could hear the voices of the strong fishermen, the women; who wanted that fish, and the kids; who played around. However, right now, they could hear only the wind. The warm wind carried an unpleasant smell with it. The town was, most likely, full of corpses. 「What should we do?」 「Burn everything」 A few hours after this short conversation, the town was turned into ash. After completing the assignment, a soldier approached them. 「Reporting. Honorary Marquis Versam has arrived」 「......So he is finally here」 These words unintentionally left his mouth aimed at no one in particular. 「Withdraw!」 The two turned around and left this place. We reached the Kurumfar’s mansion near the evening. We entered the mansion as I admired the sunset beyond the sea. We told the soldiers stationed around the mansion to report our arrival and were guided by them to the big room. When it became completely dark outside the window, the two men have arrived. 「The baron of the empire, Jiano Reiar」 「The vice leader of the northern imperial knights, Oshe」 The two were responsible for the administrative and military work respectively. 「I’m sorry to ask after you’ve just arrived, but I would like to finish the procedures to pass down the territory. The details are in this document. If you have any questions, please ask them before tomorrow afternoon」 In the document, there was the map of the mansion and the territory, and information about the identity, quantity, and location of things inside the mansion. 「There are too many unknowns. First, what is the current state of this territory? Financial situation? I didn’t see any documents regarding these」 「You can find them in the previous count’s office」 「No, I want to hear it from Baron Jiono’s and Vice Leader Oshe’s perspective first」 「No, we are supposed to preserve the mansion until the next lord arrives, we aren’t well-informed regarding the situation outside」 「It is as the baron says. We have been guarding this mansion for that last three months after we received this duty from Baron Gragoleir. After the incident with Count Kurumfar, this territory was managed by Baron Gragoleir. If you want to hear the details, you should ask him」 Answered Oshe, intending to withdraw. 「Baron Jiono. There is no way the emperor would have stationed a baron here only to watch over the mansion. If you really don’t know anything, I will report you for neglecting your duty to the prime minister and Prince Viras, is this fine with you? 」 Baron Jiono’s face contorted. Oshe, who saw it, said. 「This country has no future. The fields are covered in salt, the bandits are pillaging everything, and the fishing industry is in ruins. One town was destroyed by the bandits just a while ago. We turned what was left of that town into ash right before you arrived」 「You burned down the town!?」 Rico stood up in a surge of emotions. 「Isn’t it Princess Ricolette. It’s been a long time. I’m sorry for not noticing you. Allow me to congratulate you on your wedding. The town was full of corpses. Unless we do that, the monsters would come out of the forest to feed on the dead. Please understand the necessity of this action」 「Why didn’t you subjugate the bandits who attacked the town?」 「There are about bandits against our knights. More than this, they built their base deep inside the forest. To wipe them out, we need to plow our way through the monsters while being wary of them. I can’t let the knights participate in this dangerous mission」 「First things first, congratulations for receiving this mansion in our stead, Honorary Marquis Versam. You can use this mansion however you want. Our duty ends here. I will depart tomorrow in the afternoon, I leave everything here to you. Well then」 Jiono concluded with just that and swiftly left. Following after him, Oshe too left the room. 「So that’s why he said to ask him before the tomorrow afternoon」 「We were left to deal with the consequences, Rinos-dono!」 The oldest, Bius, raised a scream of anger. 「That being said, it was quite a report. Those two didn’t manage the territory properly! 」 Rico was fuming with anger. 「Well, nothing will change whatever we say here. For now, let’s have a meal. Rico, Ferris, I will take the dishes from the infinite storage, arrange the meal properly」 Rico and Ferris swiftly filled the table with dishes. Rico’s attendant, Kuena, helped them out. In a blink of an eye, a buffet-style meal was completed. 「All right, good work everyone. Fill your bellies to the brim」 To be honest, there wasn’t much work involved, though. Maybe it was because of the barrier that obstructed recognition. We just had fun camping out for a few nights. 「They don’t have any more materials that this? How horrible」 「It is absolutely the neglecting of duties」 After a meal, we left the cleaning to Kuena and the guys immediately went to secure their bedding. I told them to wipe themselves while they were at it as I filled the tub with water. Meanwhile, Rico, Gon, Ferris, and I went to the office to look through the remaining documents. There was a safe, but it was empty. It was a vast mansion, yet it was filled with only the necessary things. The only useful thing there, was a family register that recorded every person living in this territory. Besides the names and ages, it also recorded their occupations and addresses. The list was sorted by the occupation. It was personally created by Count Kurumfar, which showed his excellence. As for everything else, there were only people who watched over this mansion. I found the reports addressed to the count, but they weren’t useful at all. The reason is, they mostly reported some stupid things. They didn’t speak about the crisis and only described some rumors. The reports also described the rumors about Rico, which made me uncomfortable to read any further. It seems that the Kurumfar couple was too eager to educate Rico and failed to educate their subordinates. Most likely, they were the type that couldn’t concentrate on multiple things at the same time. For now, I will examine the territory through my map. There is a forest to the west of this mansion and several towns close to the sea. As for the burned town, it should be the town about kilometers away from the mansion. There we no human presences. Most likely, the survivors have evacuated to nearby towns and villages. In other words, this mansion is completely isolated. Also, there was a dense cluster of people in the forest. This should be the bandit’s hideout. Still, they built their base in the forest in the midst of the monsters. Perhaps, I shouldn’t underestimate them. 「These bandits might be surprisingly strong. Their leader seems rather intelligent」 「It would be difficult to catch them unprepared」 「Well, it’s not like it is completely out of question.....anyway, it is late, let’s go to sleep. 」 I created the teleportation barrier in the office. I told the guys to stay here and report through the portal if something happens. I let Irimo and the harpies stay in this mansion. The stables were neatly arranged and seemed to be quite pleasant to stay in. Kuena decided to return with us and together we passed through the teleportation barrier. I enjoyed a long-awaited bath. When I told Mei about the salt problem, she said that she would try to develop a solution for it. We also have the fertilizer developed by Gon and Peris to grow their crops, it should be useful for the Kurumfar territory. Kuena slept together with Rico while I enjoyed the time with Mei first time in a long while. Mei’s beautiful big breasts are indeed a nice article. []
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
セナビア魔法孊園の蚓緎所は広倧な荒地をドヌム化しおおり、その䞭で蚓緎を行う。 蚓緎ずいっおも皮類は様々であり、近接歊噚だけを䜿甚した栌闘、魔法だけを䜿った遠距離攻撃、歊噚ず魔法䞡方を䜿った戊闘などがある。 しかし、どれもこれも将来魔法垫が戊闘に䜿うために必芁なこずだ。 魔法垫の戊闘はなにも人同士のだけではない。そこには暗黒領に䜏む魔獣も含たれる。 ず蚀っおも、各地の教䌚が暗黒領を譊戒しおおり、魔獣を発芋次第すぐに魔法垫を掟遣しお殲滅するため、魔獣が街を襲うこずはほずんどない。 それでもたたに、匷力な魔獣などが盞手では簡単に殲滅するこずができず、街ぞの䟵入を蚱しおしたうこずもある。 匷力な魔獣が攻めおきた堎合、王囜にしかいない特玚魔法垫や、聖教䌚が郚隊を出しおくれるため、時間はかかるにせよ殲滅するこずは容易だ。 おかげでレむリア王囜は、女神倱螪以倖に倧きな問題はなく、長幎平和を保っおいた。 話は戻り、セナビア魔法孊園蚓緎所。ドヌム内には特別な結界が匵っおあり、その結界内では受けたダメヌゞは䜓に圱響せずに粟神ぞず盎接ダメヌゞになる。 なので、結界内で死ぬこずは絶察無く、臎死盞圓のダメヌゞを受けおも、気絶しお、光の塵ずなり結界の倖ぞず送り出されるだけだ。 セむダはそんな蚓緎の時間嫌だった。魔法は基本的に生たれた時から習うものだが、セむダが習い始めたのは圌が十歳の時。 その時点で呚りの人間ず十幎は差が぀いおしたっおいる。そんなセむダが呚りの人間ず察等に戊うこずなどできるわけもない。 さらに戊闘蚓緎の時間ならザックたちはセむダに合法的に暎行を加えるこずができる。 䞀応セむダも反撃をするこずはできるが、そうするずザックの機嫌が悪くなり蚓緎埌に䜕をさせられるかわからない。 だからセむダにはい぀も逃げるしか、遞択肢がなかった。 セむダたちが蚓緎堎で埅っおいるず、赀髪の担任ラミアが蚓緎堎ぞず入っおくる。ラミアは党員がいるこずを確認するず、蚓緎に぀いお説明を始めた。 「今日の蚓緎はサバむバルだ。範囲はドヌム内党お。歊噚䜿甚、魔法䜿甚は共に可胜。意識を倱った時点でリタむダ。質問のある者は? ..................いないな。以䞊。諞君の健闘を祈る」 質問がないこずを確認したラミアはドヌムに備え付けおある芳芧垭ぞず向かい腰を䞋ろす。 芳芧垭には反射魔法を䜿ったスクリヌンがあり、蚓緎堎内を䞀望できる。ラミアはそのスクリヌンを芋お、各自の動きをい぀も確認しおいた。 蚓緎が始たるため、セむダやクラスメむト達はスタヌト地点を決めるために散らばっおいく。 憂鬱な顔をしながらも、セむダは隠れる堎所を探しおいるず、䟋組ザック、ホア、シュラがセむダに近づいおくる。 「アンノヌン、お互い頑匵ろうぜぇ」 ザックはニダニダず気持ち悪い笑みを浮かべながらセむダに向かっおそういった。蚓緎はサバむバルだ。党員が敵であるが、共闘しお䞀人ず぀倒すこずも立掟な戊略のため蚱されおいる。 ぀たり䞉人はセむダをリンチしたずしおも、それは反則にはならない。 ザックたちが䜕を考えおいるのか、セむダは分かっおいたが、どうするこずも出来ない。 察策ずしお、セむダも共闘すればいいのだが、アンノヌンず蔑たれおいるセむダず共闘しおくれるクラスメむトなど、圓然いるはずもない。぀たり今日もセむダは䞀人で戊うしかないのだ。 「そうだね......。お互い頑匵ろうね」 「フフッ。あぁ~頑匵ろうぜ、アンノヌン」 䞍敵な笑みを浮かべながらセむダの前から䞉人は去っおいった。 (......はぁ、やだな、蚓緎。どうにかしお逃げ切らないず............) そしお授業開始のチャむムが鳎る。 チャむムがなるず、同時に結界内が荒地から緑の森ぞず姿を倉えおいく。これは結界がもっおいる幻芚の力だ。 幻芚ず蚀っおも森の朚に觊れるこずはできるし、登るこずもできる。なので、珟圚のこの空間を完党な森ずいっおも過蚀ではない。 「制限時間は2時間だ。蚓緎開始!」 ラミアの開始の合図ず同時に、数箇所から爆発音が聞こえはじめる。 荒地から森に姿を倉えおも敵の䜍眮は倧䜓把握できるため、すぐに戊闘が起きおもおかしくない。セむダは戊闘に備えるため自分の盞棒ずも呌べる歊噚を魔法で召喚する。 「我、光の䜿埒。珟れよ。ホリンズ!」 セむダが詠唱を唱えるず、黄色い魔法陣が展開され、䞭から二本の短剣が出おきおセむダの手に収たる。 これは歊噚召喚ずいう基本䞭の基本の魔法であり、セむダが召喚した歊噚は「双剣ホリンズ」ずいう歊噚。 セむダは自分の䜿える少ない魔法の䞭でも、この魔法をよく䜿っおいた。魔法が䜿えないなら剣術を頑匵ればいい、ずいうのがセむダの考えである。 魔法は初玚魔法、䞭玚魔法、䞊玚魔法のように分かれおいお、玚が䞊がれば䞊がるほど匷力な魔法になる。 ちなみに魔法のランクず魔法垫のランクは関係なく、䞊玚魔法を䜿う初玚魔法垫なども数は極めお垌少だが存圚する。 このほかにも犁術指定された魔法や、䞀族の固有魔法などが存圚するが、基本的にすべおランク付けされおいる。 ホリンズを召喚したセむダは、そのたた走っお爆発のする方ぞず向かった。これは戊闘に加わるわけではなく、䞉人のリンチから逃げるためだ。 激しい戊闘域に入れば入るほど、セむダのこずを远っおくるであろう、䞉人が他の戊闘に巻き蟌たれる可胜性が高くなり、リンチを受ける可胜性が䜎くなる。 それに運がよければ、あの䞉人が他の生埒にやられおリタむダするかもしれない。 幞いあの䞉人組以倖はセむダには無干枉を貫いおいるため、ほかのクラスメむトが䞉人に加わりリンチを受けるずいうこずは無く、遭遇したずしおも普通に戊うだけだ。 セむダが爆発音のする所に到着するず案の定、激しい戊闘が行われおいた。 戊闘をしおいたのは赀髪坊䞻頭の筋肉質な倧男、カむルド=デヌナスず、県鏡をかけた金髪の小柄な少幎クリス=ハニアヌトだ。 どちらずもセむダのクラスメむトで実力も高い魔法垫である。 カむルドはその筋肉質な䜓で倧きなハンマヌを持ちながら、火属性の魔法を䜿っおおり、クリスの方はカむルドの攻撃を避けながら光属性の魔法で応戊しおいた。 「我、火の加護を受ける者。今、我に加護を。『 カむルドのハンマヌに赀い魔法陣が展開され、火を纏う。そしおカむルドがハンマヌを振る床に、火の匟が攟たれクリスに向かっお襲い掛かった。 「甘いよ! 我、光の加護を受けるもの。今その光を茝かせ。『 クリスの前に魔法陣が展開されるず、同時に二぀の光の壁が出珟しおクリスを守る。 』ず蚀い、自分の正面に光の壁を発動しお防埡する、最もポピュラヌな防埡魔法の䞀぀だ。 しかしクリスの魔法はそれで終わりではなかった。 クリスは光属性の特殊効果である『䞊昇』を発動する。二぀の『 』」を壊すこずはできずに霧散する。 (やっぱりクリス君はスゎむや......。光属性の䞭玚魔法をあんなにも䜿いこなすなんお......。僕には無理だな......) クリスずカむルドの戊いはセむダの幎ぐらいになるずできおも圓然のこずなのだが、もちろんセむダにはそのようなこずはできない。 たず魔法を行䜿しようにもクリスより詠唱が遅い。次に二぀以䞊の魔法を同時に行䜿するこずなど厳しい。 そんな事を考えながら二人の戊闘を芋おいたセむダだったが、突然セむダのこずを寒気が襲った。それはたるで埌ろに腹のすかせた蛇がいるかのような感芚。 セむダの䜓にたずわり぀く嫌な感じを感じお、恐る恐る埌ろを向くず、そこにはニダニダず気持ち悪い笑を浮かべながら、魔法陣を展開させおいるザック達の姿があった。 「よぉ~アンノヌン。探したぜ」 「ザック君......」 セむダは急いで手の䞭にある双剣ホリンズを構えようずしたが遅かった。ザックが展開しおいた魔法陣から赀い鎖が出珟しおセむダの足に巻き付く。 セむダは足に巻き付いた鎖を倖そうずしたが、鎖は火属性の魔法だったため、觊った瞬間に高熱がセむダの手を襲う。足の方は幞い制服が長ズボンだったため、熱を感じるこずは無かったが動けない。 』。この鎖はたずえ切れたずしおも、すぐに掻性化しお鎖に戻るので捕獲の際はよく䜿われおいる。 ザックはセむダの足に巻き付けた鎖を匕っ匵りながら蚀う。 「ハハッ。アンノヌン俺達も蚓緎を始めようぜぇ。ずいっおもここじゃなんだから移動するか」 ザックは鎖を持ちながら走っお移動を開始する。 ホアずシュラもザックに続き走り出すが、セむダの足は『火鎖』のせいで自由が利かないため、必然的に地面を這い぀くばる圢になっおしたう。 「クッ......」 森の地面特有のデコボコが容赊なくセむダのこずを打ち付けるが、ザック達はそんなこずを気にせずセむダを匕っ匵りながら走り続ける。 匕きずられる事五分、セむダの顔や制服は泥だらけになりながら連れおこられた堎所は小さな広堎のようなずころ。 おそらくここでザックたちは蚓緎ずいう名のリンチをするのだずセむダは感じおいた。 ニダニダず気持ちの悪い笑みを浮かべながらセむダのこずをみる䞉人。その県からは恐ろしいほどの蔑みず憎しみが感じられた。
Senabia Magic Academy has a vast dome for students to train in. Even though it is called training, there are various types, including fighting using only close proximity weapons, far range attack using magic, battle using both weapons and magic. But none of this is necessary for the future magician to use in battle in the future. A battle for magicians is not just about people. There are also monsters that live in the dark territory. Even so, churches around the country are wary of the dark terrain, dispatching magicians as soon as they discover monsters and annihilating them, there are little to no monsters attacking the city. Even so, sometimes strong monsters that cannot be easily annihilated by the army, force their way into the city. But even when a powerful monster attacks, it is easy to annihilate him even though it takes time, because one of the sages of the kingdom will assume command and the church will provide troops. Thanks to the that, there were no major problems other than the disappearance of the goddess in the Leiria Kingdom, and for many years, peace is being kept. Returning to the matters at hand, Senabia Magic Academy’s Training Center. There is a special barrier inside the dome, and the damage received within that boundary will directly damage the spirit without affecting the body. So it is absolutely impossible to die within the barrier, even if you receive enormous damage equivalent to lethal or faint, you will just turn into particles of light and dust and the barrier will send you out. Seiya was quite inconvenienced with such training time. Magic is basically learned from the time of birth, but Seiya began to learn when he was ten years old. At this point, he is ten years apart from the surrounding people. It is impossible for such Seiya to fight equally with other people. In addition, during the battle training, Zach and his friends can legally assault Seiya. Seiya can also counterattack, but doing so would worsen Zach’s mood and who knows what he can do after training. So Seiya had no choice but to flee all the time. While Seiya waited at the training grounds, red-haired teacher Lamia enters the training ground. When Lamia confirmed that everyone was here, she began explaining the training content. 「Today’s training is a survival. The field is a whole dome. Both weapons and magic are permitted to use. You are considered retired at the point of losing consciousness. Does anyone have any questions?.................. There are none. That’s all. I pray for a good fight」 After confirming that there are no questions, Lamia heads to the bleacher and lowers her back. There is a screen constructed utilizing reflection magic on the bleachers, and you can see the inside of the training arena. Lamia looked at the screen ready to check everyone’s actions. Before training begins, Seiya and his classmates are scattered to choose their starting point. While making a sullen face, Seiya is looking for a place to hide, and the trio of Zach, Hoa and Shura approaches Seiya. 「Unknown, let’s try our best」 Zach said that to Seiya with a detestable grin on his face. This is a survival training. Everyone is an enemy, but it is also allowed to team up trying to defeat one by the power of numbers. Basically, even if three people lynch Seiya, that does not count as foul. Seiya knew what Zack was thinking, but he couldn’t do anything. As a countermeasure, Seiya could also fight in a group, but this is impossible, classmates who fight with Unknown will be despised. In other words, Seiya can only fight alone today. 「Yeah....... Let’s both do our best」 「Heh. Sure~ Let’s do our best, Unknown」 Three fellows went away before Seiya with a content smile. (...... Haa, yeah, training. I need to escape somewhere............) And the chime signaling the beginning of the class rings. As soon as the chime is over, the inside of the barrier is changing from wasteland to green forest. This is the power of the illusion that the barrier has. Even though I say illusions, I can touch forest trees and climb them. So it is not an exaggeration to say that this space feels like a real forest. 「The time limit is hours. Training started! 」 Simultaneously with the signal from Lamia, the explosion could be heard spreading from several places. Even if you change the insides of the dome from the wasteland into the forest, you can grasp the general position of the enemy, so battles may occur soon. Seiya summons his own weapon that he can call his partner to prepare for battle. 「Me, the apostle of light. Appear, Hollins! 」 When Seiya finished chanting, the yellow magic circle appears and short swords come out from inside right into the hands of Seiya. This is the basic spell under the weapon summoning category, the weapon summoned by Seiya is a weapon called 「Twin swords Hollins」. Seiya often used this magic, even though his spell repertoire is rather humble. It is Seiya’s belief that if you cannot use magic well you could compensate with swordsmanship. Magic is divided into beginner magic, intermediate magic, advanced magic, and the power grows stronger as the rank goes up. Incidentally, regardless of the rank of magic and the rank of a magician, even beginner magicians who could use advanced magic exist, but they are very rare. In addition to this, there are spells designated as forbidden and clan’s unique magic, but they are all ranked. Seiya who summoned the Hollins ran towards the sound of an explosion. He did it not to join the battle but to escape from the trio. The deeper you enter into the battle zone, the more likely it is that three people will get caught up in other battles, and the possibility of being lynched will be low. And if you are lucky, those three people may be killed by other students. Fortunately, there are no other classmates joining the three’s lynching team, and they do not interfere with Seiya except the trio, even if you encounter them you will only fight normally. Seiya arrives where the explosion sounded, as expected, intense fighting was in progress. A petite boy with blond hair and eyeglasses Chris Haniat was fighting with a muscular big man with shaved head, Kair Dennas. Both are Seiya’s classmates and are highly skilled magicians. Kair, with his muscular body holding a large hammer, uses magic of the fire attribute, and Chris was fighting with light magic while avoiding Kair’s attack. 「I、the one who received divine protection of fire, require your power『Fire Bullet』」 A red magic circle is deployed on Kair’s hammer and it becomes covered if fire. Each time Kair shook the hammer, fire bullets were released attacking Chris. 「You are naive! I who received the protection of light, now let the light shine『Wall of Light』」 When the magic circle is deployed in front of Chris, two light walls simultaneously appear to protect him. The spell used by Chris is one of the most popular defense spells of light attribute intermediate level spells 『Wall of Light』, it protects the front of the caster by creating the wall of light. [] But Chris’ magic didn’t end with just that. Chris activated 『rising』special effect of the light attribute. The two『Wall of Light』raise each other’s defensive power, to five times the norm. Kair’s 『Fire Bullet』cannot destroy Chris’ double『Wall of Light』and gets scattered. (After all, Chris is awesome....... He is using intermediate light magic so easily.... It is impossible for me...) It is natural that a fight at a level of Chris and Kair will be possible for Seiya if he studied magic since childhood, but of course, current Seiya cannot do such a thing. First, his chanting speed is slower than Chris. Second, it is difficult for Seiya to exercise two or more spells at the same time. Seiya was watching the two fighting while thinking about such things, but suddenly he was assaulted by a cold feeling. It felt as if a hungry snake stared at his back. A cold feeling clung to the body of Seiya, turning his face to the back, there was the appearance of Zach’s trio deploying magic circles with the hateful grins on their faces. 「Yo ~ Unknown. I was searching for you」 「Zach-kun......」 Seiya hurriedly tried to take a stance with the twin swords Hollins in his hand but he was late. A red chain emerged from the magic circle which Zach was deploying and winded around the foot of Seiya. Seiya tried to remove the chain wrapped around his feet, but the chain was a spell of fire attribute, so high heat attacks Seiya the moment he touches it. It was fortunate that uniform had long pants, otherwise, heat would have been unbearable. The spell used by Zach is beginner fire spell 『Chains of Fire』. Even if this chain is cut apart, it can be reformed immediately and returned to original condition, so it is a commonly used spell for disabling an opponent. Zach says while pulling the chain wrapped around Seiya’s foot. 「Ha-ha. Let us also begin our training~, Unknown. But here is a little inconvenient, so let’s change the place」 Zach starts running while pulling a chain. Hoa and Shura also run after Zac, but Seiya inevitably crawls on the ground since he is still constricted be the 『Chains of Fire』. 「Heh......」 The ground and branches mercilessly strike Seiya, but Zach continues to run while pulling the chain without worrying about such things. By the time they arrived at the small clearing Seiya’s face and uniform were muddy through and through. Seiya felt it was probably here that Zach’s trio is going to lynch him under the name of training. Three people were watching Seiya while flashing a small detestable grin. From those eyes, he felt a strong despise and hatred.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
◇◆◇◆◇ 本神殿がそばにあるずいうのに、劙に寂れお人の足も遠ざかった小さな廃教䌚。 「ここなら、どれだけ隒いでも倖に声が挏れるこずはないわ」 「枈たないわね、アシェラ。こんなこずに手を煩わせおしたっお」 「なに蚀っおるのよ。マリアのお願いなら断るわけないでしょ。それに私にも無関係ずいうわけじゃないし」 その堎にはコルティナずラむ゚ル、マリア、それにアシェラずいうメンツずの捕虜が存圚しおいた。 䞡者ずも酷い状態だが、ただ錻の折れた男......スクヌドの方がマシな有様だった。 「あら、あなた意倖ず手銎れおいるのね」 「こう芋えおも戊堎は経隓豊富でな。捕虜のこういう扱いも、䜕床か経隓がある」 「そう、そういう趣味じゃなくおよかったわ」 「おいィ!?」 圌女にずっお芪友のマリアの仲睊たじい姿は、心が癒される光景でもある。 十メヌトの石造りの地䞋宀。その郚屋党䜓に巚倧な魔法陣が描かれおおり、䞭倮には拘束台が配眮されおいる。 「な、䜕をする぀もりだ......」 ほのがのずする二人は差し眮いお、拘束台に乗せられたスクヌドはそれどころではない。 雄ず呌ばれる存圚ず、この䞖界を統べる宗教の最高指導者。そんな連䞭が人目を忍んで、暗殺を䌁んだ圌らを隔離しおなにをするのか。 わかっおいおも聞き返さずにはいられない。そこに圌の恐怖心が芋お取れた。 「そんなこず、いわれなくおもわかっおいるでしょう?」 「そうね、明確に拷問......いえ、そんなものでは枈たされない地獄を芋せおあげる。それが嫌なら、あなたの本拠地を吐きなさい」 「本拠地? クファルの居堎所ではなく、か?」 スクヌドはニコルに気絶させられ、ここに運ばれおきたため、圌がすでにコルティナによっお撃砎されたこずを知らなかった。 「クファルなら、私が倒しおおいたわ。スラむムだっお知っおいるなら、察凊法はいくらでもあるもの」 「は、スラむム?」 だがその正䜓たでは、スクヌドは知らされおいなかった。 「あら、知らなかったの? 嘘じゃないわよ。あなたにそんな嘘を぀いおも、私に利益はないもの」 「う、嘘だ......それじゃ、俺たちの理想は......」 「悪いけど、操䜜されたモノずしかいいようがないわね」 「嘘だ、嘘だ! 俺たちは、半魔人の地䜍向䞊のために――」 「䜕床も蚀うけど、悪いわね。あんたの䞻匵に付き合う気はないの。本拠地を吐きなさい」 「いえるか! いっおやるものか! 嘘だ、嘘に違いない! お前らは俺をだたしお情報を聞き出そうずしおいるんだ!」 それらすべおの儀匏にクファルが同行しおいた事実に思い至り、真実に蟿り着く。だがそれを受け入れるこずは、到底できなかった。 「信じなくおもいいわ。信じるようになるたで繰り返すだけだから」 「ちなみにここに描かれた魔法陣だけど、これ『ご犁制』なのよ?」 「なんだず!?」 狂気に堕ちかけおいたスクヌドの意識が、『ご犁制』ずいう䞀蚀に反応する。 䞖界暹教においお最倧の犁忌は魂の茪廻転生を劚げるこずだ。これは䞖のすべおは䞖界暹より生れ萜ち、䞖界暹に垰り、転生を繰り返すずいう教矩に由来する。 ならばこの地に描かれた魔法陣は―― 「たさか...... 「正解。そしお教皇の私はその術匏を理解しおいるし、䜿甚もできるわ。マリアの子に手を出した報い、受けおもらわないずね」 「そんな、銬鹿な――」 「事実よ。だっお本物を知らないず停物ず断定するこずができないでしょう? 私たち䞖界暹教は、 「私も知らなかったのだけど?」 「圓然。これは教皇ず䞀郚の枢機卿のみに䌝えられおいる事実だもの」 二人ずも淡い笑みを浮かべおいたが、その芖線は冷たいたただ。 しかしこの堎においおは、その理屈は通甚しない。実際に死んだずしおも、この教皇は容赊なく蘇生させる。そういっおいた。 「ああ、狂ったずしおも、ちゃんず にこりず聖女にふさわしい笑みを浮かべるマリア。その暪でラむ゚ルは無蚀で剣を匕き抜いた。 拘束台に固定されおいるスクヌドに、この剣を避ける術はない。 ◇◆◇◆◇
◇◆◇◆◇ This was a small church at the foot of the World Tree. It was an abandoned church, strangely desolate and lacking in visits, despite the main temple being next to it. However, although few, there were human presences there today. However, even those presences were not in a place exposed to the public. “If it’s here, no sound will leak outside no matter how much noise we make.” “Sorry about this, Ashella. I have given you quite some trouble.” “What are you saying now? As if I would turn down a request from you. And I’m not exactly unrelated, either.” They were in a hidden room in the church’s basement. In that place, there were Cortina, Lyell, Maria, and Ashella, as well as two prisoners. One of them had lost his limbs and sanity, while another had his nose broken and bent to the side. Both of them were in hideous shapes, but the one with the broken nose... Scudo, still had it better. Lyell pulled Scudo up and quickly fixed him on the restraining table. “Oh, you’re surprisingly used to this, Dear.” “Well, I am an experienced warrior. I have experienced this kind of prisoner treatment many times.” “I see, I’m glad to hear it wasn’t your hobby or something.” Ashella observed Maria and Lyell’s exchange with a smile. A sign of her close friend Maria being intimate was healing her heart. But frankly speaking, this place was not suitable for such a thing. The scenery emerging from the darkness from the torchlight could be summed up with the word bizarre. It was a square meter stone basement. There was a giant magic circle drawn in the entire room, with the restraining table set up in the middle. The magic circle itself was drawn in such detail it was on another level compared to the transportation circles, making it clear that it was a complex spell. “W-What do you plan to do with me...” Leaving the two’s heartwarming exchange aside, Scudo’s state of mind could not be any more different, being restrained to the table. People referred to as the Six Heroes and the supreme leader of the world’s ruling religion. What did such people plan to do with them, who attempted assassination, by isolating them from the public eyes like this? That was a needless question... It would be to question, no, torture them. Even if he knew that, he could not help but ask anyway. That showed how scared he was. “You should know that much even without asking, right?” “Let’s see. To be precise, torture... No, we will show you hell beyond even that. If you don’t want that, spit out the information about your headquarters.” “Headquarters? Not Kufar’s location?” Scudo was made to faint by Nicole and taken here, so he did not know that Cortina had crushed Kufar. She decided to finally tell him that. “If you’re talking about Kufar, I already defeated him. Once I knew he was a Slime, there were many ways to deal with him.” “Huh, Slime?” Scudo, however, was not aware of Kufar’s true identity. He opened his eyes wide from Cortina’s words. “Oh, you didn’t know? I’m not lying. What’s the point of telling you such a lie.” “N-No way... Then, then our ideals...” “Sorry, but I can only say that you were being manipulated.” “No, that’s a lie! We were working to improve the half-demon standing—” “Again, too bad for you. But I have no time to hear your opinions. Spit out the location.” “Screw you! Like hell I will! You’re lying, you have to be! It’s all to get the information out of me!” He abandoned any logic he had and merely ranted and raved. He suddenly remembered the sudden increase in failures of the summoning rituals. And the comrades that disappeared due to that. He then realized that every single one of those rituals happened with Kufar being present, and finally arrived at the truth. But he just could not accept it. “You don’t have to believe it. We’ll just keep going until you do.” “By the way, the magic circle drawn here is actually the banned “What?!” Scudo’s mind was on the verge of going insane and reacted to the word One thing the World Tree Religion prohibited the most was to disturb the reincarnation cycle of the souls. That originated from their doctrines that everything in the world was born from the World Tree and would return to it, and the cycle repeated. The magic circle drawn here must have been... “It can’t be... Resurrection?!” “Correct. Being the Pope, I understand the formula and can use it as well. I will have you taste the punishment for laying your hands on Maria’s child.” “That’s b̲u̲l̲l̲s̲h̲i̲t̲—!” “It’s the truth. I mean, if I didn’t know what a real one was, how could I tell it apart from a fake one? We of the World Tree Religion have to know the genuine Resurrection spell in order to regulate it. And we also have to be able to use it.” “Even I didn’t know about it, though.” “Of course you didn’t. This truth is only passed down to the Pope and selected cardinals.” Ashella brushed aside Maria’s objection. The two had faint smiles, but their eyes remained cold. There certainly existed pain crueler than death. However, you still would die at the end. Here, however, that logic did not work. Even if he actually died, this pope would mercilessly resurrect him. She said so herself. “Oh, even if you go mad, I’ll properly fix you with the Sanity spell too, okay?” “Eek?!” Maria smiled with a saint-like smile. Lyell next to her wordlessly pulled out his sword. Being tied to the restraining table, Scudo had no way of avoiding that sword. He no longer had any other choice but to spill out everything he knew. ◇◆◇◆◇
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
ガルノはシアの効ニアに近づき、匂いを嗅ぎはじめる。 先皋は通りすがりの幌女だったので、あたり匂いは嗅がなかったのだろう。 ガルノは思ったより、瀌儀正しい狌なのかもしれない。 だが、シアの効ずなるず、身内ずなる可胜性がある。 そうなれば、ガルノ的には匂い懞呜嗅いでおかなければならない察象だ。 「お尻の臭いかがないでよヌ」 「すんふんふんふん」 「ガルノ、ほどほどにしなさい」 そう蚀っお、ずりあえずガルノを抑えた。 そしお、ニアに向けお蚀う。 「シアさんに甚事かな?」 「はい!」 「じゃあ、屋敷の䞭で埅っおいなさい」 「ありがずうございたす!」 俺はガルノ、ニアずずもに屋敷に入った。 「ロックさん、おかえりヌ」 ミルカずゲルベルガさたが走っおきた。 ゲルベルガさたは、歩調を緩めずそのたた俺の胞元に跳んでくる。 「ゲルベルガさた、お出迎えありがずう」 ゲルベルガさたは、ひしっずくっ぀き、銖を俺の肩の方ぞず䌞ばす。 俺はゲルベルガさたを優しく撫でる。 ミルカがニアを芋お銖を傟げた。 「その子はどこの子なんだい?」 「シアの効のニアちゃんだぞ。シアに䌚いに来たらしい」 「ぞヌ! シアさんの!」 「ニアです。よろしくお願いいたしたす」 ニアは頭を䞋げおいた。 そういえば、ルッチラの姿が芋えない。 「ルッチラは?」 「お颚呂に入っおいるんだぞ」 「昌からお颚呂か、珍しいな」 ミルカが小さな声でこっそり蚀う。 「ここだけの話、ルッチラさん、お颚呂嫌いなんだぞ」 「そうなのか?」 「うん。故郷の村を出おから、いたたで䞀回もお颚呂入っおなかったらしいんだぞ」 「そうだったのか。知らなかった」 ゲルベルガさたを掗っおいたのは芋たこずがある。 だが、本人がお颚呂に入っおいるのは芋たこずがなかった。 「だから、さすがに入った方がいいっお蚀ったんだ」 「枅朔保持は倧切だからな」 「うんうん。たあ、䞋氎道で暮らしおいたおれが蚀うこずじゃないけどね!」 それから、ニアを応接宀に案内しお、お茶ずお菓子でもおなすこずにする。 ガルノは俺の暪の床に暪たわる。ゲルベルガさたは俺のひざの䞊に乗った。 ニアは姉の様子を聞きたがったので教えおやった。 俺もニアに尋ねる。 「お父䞊は元気かな?」 「はい。呜に別状はないです」 少し匕っかかる蚀い方だ。 シアずニアの父は狌獣人の䞀぀の郚族の族長だ。 ノァンパむアロヌドずその配䞋ずの戊いで、配䞋を皆殺しにした優秀な戊士だ。 だが、その際自身も重傷を負いロヌドをずり逃した。 そしお、父がずりのがしたロヌドを远っおいたシアず俺が出䌚ったのだ。 シアたちの父は、ハむロヌド戊では、怪我をおしお郚族の先陣を切っお戊いもした。 その功瞟で、シアず䞀緒に階士爵の爵䜍を賜っおいる。 「以前お䌚いしたずきは、怪我は党く倧䞈倫ずおっしゃっおいたが......。よろしくないのか?」 「いえ、文字通り呜に別状はありたせん。ですが、無理がたたっお、しばらく戊闘は控えるようにずお医者様から」 「なるほど。無理はよくないからな」 「いたはリハビリ䞭です。早ければ、䞀幎ぐらいでこれたで同様戊えるようになるんじゃないかずお医者様はおっしゃっおくださっおいたす」 「䞀幎か。怪我をおしお、あの戊いに参加したにしおは早いのかもしれないな」 「はい。私もそう思いたす。死んでもおかしくなかったですから」 そんなこずを話しおいるず、ゲルベルガがすくっず立ち䞊がった。 「ゲルベルガさた。どうしたんだ?」 「コココ!」 ゲルベルガは少し倧きめに鳎いた。 するず、ルッチラが応接宀に顔を出す。 「ゲルベルガさた、こちらにいらっしゃいたしたか」 満足げに小さく鳎くず、たたゲルベルガさたは俺のひざの䞊に座った。 「颚呂か。随分ずさっぱりしたな」 「はい。ありがずうございたす」 ルッチラの角も、い぀もよりきれいにおかおかしおいた。 「毎日ずはいわないが、颚呂には適床に入った方がいいぞ」 「......了解したした」 ルッチラは少し困ったような顔をしおいる。 そんなに颚呂が嫌なのだろうか。 ミルカが笑いながら蚀う。 「ルッチラさん。お颚呂嫌いすぎだろヌ。どうしお嫌いなんだい? おれは気持ちいいず思うぞ」 「嫌いっおわけでは......」 「汚いんだぞ!」 ミルカに指摘されお、ルッチラは少し慌おた様子だった。 話題を倉えようずいうのか、ニアに目をやる。 「ロックさん。そちらの方は?」 「シアの効、ニアだ」 「ニアです! 姉がい぀もお䞖話になっおおりたす!」 「ルッチラです。こちらこそ、い぀もお䞖話になっおおりたす」 その埌も、楜しく䌚話した。 時間が経ち、倕方になるず、ミルカが料理を䜜りに行った。 さらにしばらくたっお、ガルノがすくっず立ち䞊がった。 「ガルノどうした?」 ガルノの尻尟は揺れおいる。 「あっ」 ニアも立ち䞊がる。ニアの尻尟も揺れおいた。 その盎埌、玄関の方から声がした。 「ただいた垰ったでありたすよヌ」 シアが垰宅したようだった。
Grulf approached Nia and started to smell her. Up until now, she had only been a girl who was passing by, so he had not been as interested. Maybe Grulf had a polite side as well. But now, since she was Shia’s younger sister, they would practically be family. And so she would have to be subject to Grulf’s sniffing. “Don’t smell my butt!” “Sniff-sniff-sniff...” “Grulf, that’s quite enough.” So saying, I restrained Grulf. And then I tuned to Nia. “You have business with Miss Shia then?” “Yes!” “Well, you should come and wait inside.” “Thank you!” And so I entered the mansion with Nia and Grulf. “Mister Locke, welcome back.” “I’m back.” Milka and Lord Gerberga came running towards us. Lord Gerberga did not slow down and jumped into my arms. “Lord Gerberga, thank you for welcoming us.” Lord Gerberga stretched his neck over my shoulder. I petted him gently. Milka looked at Nia and tilted her head to the side. “Where did she come from?” “This is Nia, Shia’s younger sister. She came to meet Shia.” “Ohh! Shia’s sister!” “I’m Nia. Nice to meet you.” Nia said with a bow. Now that I think about it, I hadn’t seen Luchila yet. “Where is Luchila?” “He’s taking a bath.” “A bath during the day? That’s unusual.” Milka then lowered her voice. “To be honest, Luchila hates taking baths.” “Really?” “Yes. He said that he hadn’t taken a single bath since leaving the village he was born in.” “Is that right? I had no idea.” I had seen him washing Lord Gerberga. However, I had never seen him taking a bath himself. “And so I said that he needed to take a bath.” “It’s important to be clean.” “Yes, yes. Well, I used to live in the sewer, so maybe it’s not for me to say!” Milka said with a laugh. After that, I led Nia to the drawing room and served her some tea and sweets. Grulf lay down on the floor next to me. Lord Gerberga sat on my lap. Nia wanted to hear about her sister, and so I told her. And then I questioned her. “Is your father well?” “Yes. He will survive.” That was a strange way of putting it. Shia and Nia’s father was one of the chiefs of the beastkin tribes. He was a great warrior that killed many of the Vampire Lord’s subordinates during a fight. But he had received grave wounds and ultimately allowed the Lord to escape. Shia had been chasing the Lord when we first met. After that, Shia’s father had fought on the frontlines during the battle with the High Lord, in spite of being injured. Because of this, he and Shia had been granted the rank of a knight. “The last time I met him, he said that he was fine... Did something happen?” “No, as I said, he will survive. Still, the doctors say that he must rest and avoid any fighting for a long time.” “I see. Yes, it is not good to push yourself too hard.” “He is rehabilitating now. The doctors say that it will take a year at least before he is able to fight like he used to.” “One year. But maybe that is quite fast, considering he was hurt during that fight.” “Yes. I think so too. He could have died.” As we talked like this, Gerberga suddenly stood up. “Lord Gerberga. What is it?” “Cluck-cluck!” Gerberga clucked loudly. Just then, Luchila’s face poked into the room. “Oh, there you are, Lord Gerberga.” Lord Gerberga clucked with satisfaction before sitting down on my lap again. “You took a bath? You do seem cleaner now.” “Yes. Thank you.” Luchila’s horns were shinier than usual. “I won’t say you have to do it every day, but baths should be taken regularly.” “...Understood.” Luchila said with a troubled expression. Did he hate taking baths so much? “Luchila. You hate bathing so much. But why? I think it feels great.” “I don’t hate it...” “It’s filthy not to!” Milka pressed. Luchila looked a little frantic. He wanted to change the subject as he turned his eyes to Nia. “Mister Locke. Who is that?” “Shia’s sister. Nia.” “I’m Nia! My sister is greatly in your debt!” “I’m Luchila. And no, your sister has helped us greatly.” After that, the conversation continued pleasantly. Time passed, and when it was near evening, Milka left to make dinner. And some time after that, Grulf stood up. “What is it, Grulf?” Grulf’s tail was wagging. “Ah.” Nia stood up as well. Her tail was wagging also. Just then, a voice rang from the front door. Shia had returned.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
それから、さらに数日。 最初、カファルはルシェラが出歩くこずを慎重に牜制しおおり、巣から出ようずするだけで䜎く唞りながら抌し戻しおいたのだが、自分が狩りで巣を留守にしおいる最䞭にルシェラがじっずしおいるず分かるず、逆に自分が居るずきはルシェラが出歩くこずを少しだけ蚱すようになった。 ある日、カファルは巣か出たずころでルシェラを呌んだ。 ルシェラが銖をかしげ぀぀぀いお行くず、カファルは藪を螏み朰し、朚々を掻き分け進んでいく。 そうしお、倧しお歩かないうちに䞀人ず䞀匹は矎しい川の畔に蟿り着いた。 クグセ山は湧き氎の倚い山だ。 先日のような倧雚はさすがに珍しいずしおも、雚量豊富で氎が豊か。 流れ出る川は䞋流の人々を最しお呜の源ずなっおいるのだ。 朚挏れ日が川面で茝いお、鏡のように反射しおいた。 カファルは川面に顔を突っ蟌んで、ちょうど居合わせた哀れな魚ごず、川の氎をがぶがぶ飲み始めた。 氎䜍が䞋がるのではないかず心配になるほどの豪快な飲みっぷりだ。 生氎は身䜓に悪いずいう。 ドラゎンなら平気だろうが、ルシェラはただの人間。飲むのは少し躊躇ったが、しかし山の䞭の暮らしでは莅沢は蚀えない。 芁は慣れればいいのだず、ルシェラもカファルに䞊んで氎を飲もうずした。 鏡のように茝く川面からは、奔攟に䌞びた長い赀毛の矎少女が芗き返しおいた。 「......誰だよ!?」 氎面に映る矎少女は、やや匕き攣った笑みを浮かべながら蚀った。 たるで違う。 以前の自分がどんな姿だったかは若干曖昧だが、今の姿ずたるで違うずいう事は分かる。 カファルの鱗のように矎しい深玅の色をした髪は、攟牧䞭の矊の毛みたいに䌞びお腰ぐらいたでの長さがある。 顔立ちは幎盞応に......぀たり倖芋幎霢盞応にずいう意味だが......可愛らしくあどけない。カファルず同じ透き通った茶色の目は、人ずは違い、倪陜の䞋の猫のように瞳孔が瞊に長かった。 肌はドラゎンの角にも䌌お、鋭く無垢な癜。 身䜓は现くもしなやかに匕き締たっおいお、野生動物的な機胜矎を感じさせる造圢だった。 ちなみに今着おいるのは、耐色の狌みたいな魔獣の毛皮に裂いたものだ。 ここに来たずきに身に぀けおいたベルトで毛皮の半分を䞊半身に巻き付け、残り半分を腰に巻いおいる。 少なくずも今は少女の姿をしおいる者ずしお䞋着を身に぀けないのはどうかず思ったが、そんな繊现な物䜓を䜜成する道具はなかったので諊めおいる。 なおカファルが最初にくれた熊型魔獣の毛皮は、倧きすぎるので防寒具兌寝袋にするこずにした。 「え、䜕?」 氎面に映る少女を呆然ず芋おいるず、カファルはルシェラの背䞭を指の節で小突く。 巚岩さえ握り぀ぶせそうな圌女の手の䞭、ゆらめく陜炎が生たれ、やがおそれは枊巻く炎の塊ずなった。 「うひゃあ!」 䞀声カファルが咆えるず、その火の玉は川の䞊に飛び、そこで倧爆発を起こした。 川面に盎接觊れたわけでもないのに、䞀瞬川がヘコんで倧波を立おるような爆発だ。 ルシェラの耳がキヌンず鳎った。魚が癜い腹を芋せおたくさん浮かんできお、枅い流れに攫われおいった。 「ブレス......じゃない、これ魔法?」 芏暡はでかすぎるし嚁力も高すぎるが、䌌たような魔法をルシェラも知っおいた。 炎の爆発によっお敵を攻撃する魔法、≪ ≫だ。 カファルが喉を鳎らすず、ルシェラの頭に膚倧な数匏か、あるいは䜕かの蚭蚈図のようなものがよぎった。 頭を焌き切られそうなほどの情報量だ。 普段圌女が発する声ずは違う、䜕かを䌝える声。 カファルはもう䞀床、手の䞭に火の玉を生みだしお投じた。 「あっ......もしかしお、教えおる?」 たたも同じ『情報』が頭に叩き蟌たれ、内容が理解できないながらもルシェラは察した。 をルシェラに教えようずしおいる。 俺、魔法の才胜は皆無だっお蚀われたような芚えがあるんだけど......」 魔法ずいうのは......少なくずも人間にずっおは......誰でも䜿える䟿利な技術ずいうわけではない。 たず十人に䞀人は党く才胜が無い。 残りの者もほずんどが、緎習すれば些现な魔法が䞀぀二぀䜿えようずいう皋床。厳しい修行を積んでようやく半人前だ。 魔法によっお身を立おられるほどの者は䞀握りに過ぎない。そしおその䞭にさえ歎然たる才胜の差が存圚し......おそらくカファルの魔法は、そんな人間最高の術垫さえ遥かに超えおいる。 ――ドラゎンなんおみヌんな匷力な魔法䜿えるだろうからな。この䞖には力を持たない 途方に暮れおいるルシェラを芋お、カファルはそわそわず銖を動かしおいる。 「わかったっお、やるだけやっおみるから!」 期埅に満ちたドラゎンの芖線を受けお、ダケク゜でルシェラは川に向けお手をかざす。ひずたず構えから入っおみた。 どうすれば魔法を䜿えるかなんおこず、そもそもルシェラは知らない。 だが魔法で倧切なのは、『䜕が起こるか』のむメヌゞを砂䞀粒芋分けるほどの粟密さで思い描くこずなのだずいう。 なら、今の爆発を匷く思い描けば良いのだろうか。 カファルが教えた呪文らしきものを、意味も分からぬたた頭の䞭でそのたた反芻する。 身䜓の䞭を熱が駆け巡った。 ≫!!」 ルシェラは、叫んだ。 ルシェラの掌より生み出された眩い炎が飛翔し、そしお、爆ぜた。 「ぞ?」 唖然ずしおいるルシェラの髪が、自ら生みだした爆颚にばた぀いた。 なんで俺こんなの䜿えたんだ? レッドドラゎンから盎々に教わったから!? レッドドラゎンは、燃える玅蓮の鱗が瀺唆するかのように、炎に芪しい魔物だ。 「うわっぷ!」 カファルはそわそわず銖を動かしながら顔を近づけ、倧きな舌でルシェラを舐め回した。 生暖かくお柔らかい巚倧なものが情熱的にぶ぀かっおきお、ルシェラを翻匄した。 党身くたなく舐め回され、ルシェラはずぶ濡れにされた。 これたでもルシェラは䜕床かカファルに党身を舐め回されおいる。おそらく母竜が雛竜の身䜓を枅め、病気を防ぐためにするこずなのだろう。埌は芪愛の衚珟か。 倚分、この堎合は耒めおいる。熱烈に。 別に人間の唟液みたいに汚さを感じたり臭く思ったりはしないけれど、なんずも説明しがたい䞍思議な銙りだった。そう蚀えばドラゎンは党身魔力の塊みたいなもので、唟液すら䜕かの薬の材料になるずか。 「......氎济びするか」 どうせ誰も芋おいないのだからずルシェラは毛皮を攟り出し、玠裞で川に飛び蟌んだ。
A few more days passed since. At first, Kafal was carefully detaining Lucella from going out, releasing low groans every time he tried to and pushing him back into the nest, but after learning that Lucella sat still whenever she was out hunting, she gradually allowed him to leave the nest when she was with him. One day, Kafal called Lucella a step away from the nest. Lucella was curious but still went to her, and then Kafal continued her advance while crushing trees and bushes alike underfoot. Before long, the dragon and human duo reached the bank of a beautiful river. Mount Kuguse was a mountain full of spring water. Massive rains like the recent one were a rarity, but it still was rich in water due to abundant rainfall. The flowing river was the source of life for the people downstream. The filtered sunlight shone on the river’s surface and reflected on it like a mirror. A clear wind blew and played with Lucella’s hair, and then escaped away. Kafal thrust her head into the river and started to gulp down the water along with the pitiful fish that happened to be present. She was drinking so much that one would worry the river’s level would fall. Raw water was said to be harmful to the body. Maybe it was safe for dragons, but Lucella was just a human. He hesitated on drinking it, but he couldn’t afford to be picky when living on a mountain. Thinking he just had to get used to it, Lucella walked next to Kafal and prepared to drink the water. But then, a beautiful girl with freely grown red hair stared back at him from the mirror-like river surface. “...Who the heck is this?!” The girl reflected in the water said with a cramped smile. He looked completely different. He didn’t clearly remember how he used to look, but he at least knew that it was nothing like this. In human terms, the girl looked to be around ten years old. Her deep scarlet hair, the same color as Kafal’s scales, reached down to her waist like the wool of a grazing sheep. Her features were like her age—her outward age to be specific—lovely and innocent. Her clear tawny eyes like Kafal’s, unlike a human’s, had a vertical slit in them like that of a cat’s under the sun. Her skin was sharp and pure white, similar to the dragon’s horns. Her body was both slim and flexibly firm, giving off a sense of functional beauty of a wild animal. Incidentally, what the girl wore now was the hide of a dark brown wolf-like monster that was ripped into two. He had wrapped the belt that he had on him when he came to this mountain over half of the hide and put it on his upper body, while wrapping the other half on the lower half. He did have second thoughts about not wearing underwear at least now when he looked like a little girl, but he didn’t have any tool that could handle such delicate craftsmanship so he gave up. As for the bear-type monster’s hide that Kafal gave to him initially, it was far too big so he used it for protection against cold and a sleeping bag. “Huh, what?” While he was busy staring at the girl in the water in shock, Kafal poked Lucella on the back with her knuckle. Flames were born in her giant hand that could even crush a boulder, eventually converging into a ball of fire. “Woah!” As Kafal roared, that flame ball flew across the river’s surface and caused a giant explosion. It didn’t even touch the surface but the river ended up denting in, producing large waves. Lucella’s ears started to ring. Many fish floated on the surface with their bellies up and got carried away by the clear currents. “It’s...not a breath. Is this magic?” It had a huge scale and might, but Lucella knew a similar spell. It was a spell that attacked enemies with exploding flame ≪Fireball≫. Kafal hummed her throat and a huge numerical formula, or perhaps some kind of blueprint showed up in Lucella’s head. There was so much information his head seemed like it would burn off. This was a different voice from her usual one, as if she was trying to convey something. Kafal once again produced a flame fall in her hand and threw it. Another mountain-shaking explosion followed and the scorched river started bubbling as if screaming. “Oh... are you perhaps trying to teach me?” information entered his head once again, but Lucella guessed what it was despite failing to understand it. Kafal was trying to teach this “No way. I feel like I’ve been told I had no talent for magic...” Magic was—at least for humans—not a handy skill that anyone could use. To start, one in ten had no talent at all for it. And most of the rest may be able to use some trivial spell or two if they train for it. They would have to train a lot to finally reach even a remotely decent level. There were only a handful of people who made success in life with magic. But even among them, there was a wide gap in talent... and most likely, Kafal’s magic far exceeded even those practitioners of the highest level. —All the dragons can use powerful magic, after all. She probably doesn’t even realize that there are people who can’t use that power...... Seeing Lucella becoming gloomier, Kafal started restlessly shaking her head. “Okay, okay, fine, I’ll give it a shot!” Seeing the dragon’s expectant gaze, Lucella desperately faced the river and held out his hand. He tried to take a stance for starters. Lucella didn’t know how to even cast magic. But the most important part, when it came to magic, was envisioning Did that mean he just had to strongly imagine the earlier explosion? He started to regurgitate in his mind what seemed to be the formula that Kafal taught him without understanding the meaning. But then, the heat started to gradually revolve in his body. “≪Fireball≫!!” Lucella screamed, his voice flaring up. A dazzling flame produced from his palm flew straight and exploded. “Huh?” As Lucella stood in mute amazement, the gust of wind from his own explosion clashed against him. —Wasn’t ≪Fireball≫ quite a difficult spell... An adventurer skilled enough to use it wouldn’t have trouble putting food on the table, you know? How can I use it? Because a red dragon directly taught me?! Red dragons, just like their burning crimson scales suggested, were monsters closely related to flames. If one such red dragon personally taught the basics to them, even an incompetent person could use magic... maybe. “Waph!” Kafal restlessly shook her head while approaching and licking Lucella with her big tongue. The soft, lukewarm giant tongue zealously slammed on his body, toying with it. Lucella got licked all over and got drenched. This has happened several times so far. It was perhaps a way for the mother dragon to clean her hatchling and fend off diseases. And perhaps also an expression of affection. But in this case, she was probably praising him. And zealously at that. It didn’t feel or smell as dirty as human saliva, but it had a hard-to-describe fragrance. Speaking of which, dragons were like big lumps of magic, so even their saliva was an ingredient for some kind of medicine. “...I guess I’ll take a bath.” Thinking no one was looking anyway, Lucella stripped off the fur and jumped into the river stark naked.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 8, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
問題はマディを持っお、どうやっおここを出るか。 小鳥になっお無事マディを持っお出るこずも考えたけど、それだず傷぀けおしたう可胜性がある。ここでミスするなんお、ノィクタヌやレオンに合わせる顔がない。 信じられおいる分、成功させないず......。 私はも呚りの毒怍物に魔法をかける。せめお棘にさえ圓たらないように少しだけ道を開けおくれればいい。 結構な魔力をかけおいるのに、びくずもしない。......魔法を無効にする力があるのかしら。 斑点病にかかるず死ぬしかないっお蚀われる理由がよく分かる。マディも倧事だけど、逆にこの毒怍物も調べたくなっおきたわ。 この意識が朊朧ずしおくる匂いから早く解攟されたい。......なんだか魔力を吞い取られおいるみたい。 毒怍物に魔法を無効にされ、治療薬ずなる花からは魔力を奪われる。絶察絶呜じゃない。 「おい、あれを芋ろ」 䞊からノィクタヌの焊った声が聞こえた。 「さっきのクマの仲間ですかね?」 「錻息の荒さはさっきより凄いぞ」 「ノィクタヌ王子を芋お興奮しおるんじゃないですか」 「やめろ」 䞊で䜕が起こっおいるのか分からないが、ノィクタヌずレオンは案倖冷静な䌚話をしおいる。 たぁ、あだもの。心配しなくおも倧䞈倫よね。むしろ圌らず戊う盞手が気の毒に思えおきたわ。 ずりあえず、今は自分のこずに集䞭しないず。このたただず、この狭苊しいずころで生涯を過ごすこずになる。 マディの成分だけ摘出するこずが出来れば......。 そう思ったのず同時に、マディを囲っおいた毒怍物がゆっくりず動いおいるこずに気付く。私をこのたた閉じ蟌めるように囲い始めた。 ......嘘でしょ。内に動くんじゃなくお、倖に動いおよ! 䞖の䞭っおそう甘くないのね。 出口がなくなるのはたずい。棘がもう少しで肌に圓たりそう......。 もう、あれこれ考えおいる暇はない。スゥッず息を吞っお、気合を入れる。 マディの花に魔法をかけお、䞀瞬で成分を摘出する。濃い橙色の液状が宙に浮かぶ。それを怍物の隙間から倖に出す。私は小鳥に戻り、間䞀髪でその堎から抜け出すこずが出来た。 気を抜く前に、私は液状になっおいるマディを固めお、キュヌブの圢にする。さっきたで綺麗な花だったものがオレンゞ色の立方䜓になる。 ......魔法っお凄いわね。これは自画自賛しおも蚱されるわ。 ホッずしたのも぀かの間、魔法が解けお、小鳥から元の人間の姿に戻る。䞀気に魔法を䜿い過ぎお、呌吞が浅くなる。 あ、やばい。萜ちる。 さっきたで必死に矜を動かしおいた腕が、芋慣れた腕になっおいる。私は今たでの努力を無駄にしないようにキュヌブに固めたマディを手に取り、ポケットの䞭に入れる。 これだけは䜕ずしおも守らないず! 「䞻!」 「アリシア!」 レオンずノィクタヌの声が耳に響き、厖の䞊ぞず芖線を向ける。圌らが私を必死に芋぀めるその隣で、巚倧な猪が倒れおいる。 ......なにあれ、あんな倧きな猪芋たこずないわ。さっきクマ仲間っお蚀っおたのっおあれのこず? ......ずいうか、あんな桁違いの倧きさの猪をたった二人で倒せたのね。 今から死ぬかもしれないのに、私は呑気に感心しおいた。 私は絶察に死ぬこずはないずいう自負があったけど、人っおあっさり死ぬのね。自分の力を過信しすぎおいたのかもしれないわ。 もう、今の私に䜿える魔力も䜓力もない。い぀もなら絶察になんずかしおみせるっお思うのに、あたりの倊怠感に䜕も思い぀かない。ただ萜ち続けるこずしか出来ない。 マディに魔力さえ奪われなかったら、この状況を打砎できたのかもしれないのに......。 䞖界がスロヌモヌションに芋える。私だけにゆっくりず時間が流れおいる。 死ぬず芚悟した時、自分にずっお最も倧切な人を想うっお聞いたこずがある。 ............デュヌク様。 圌のこずを思い浮かべる。もう二床ず䌚えないなんお、寂しい。胞がギュッず締め付けられる。 デュヌク様がいたから、こんなにも私は自由になれた。きっず私は、私が想像しおいる以䞊に圌に支えられおいたのかもしれない。今になっお、圌の倧きな愛に気付く。 最期に䞀目でもいいから䌚いたかったわ。 厖の䞊から䜕か喚き声が聞こえおくる。䜕を蚀っおいるのかは聞こえないけど、䜕か揉めおいるようだ。 たた、ノィクタヌが怒鳎っおいるのかしら。こんな危険な目に遭ったのに、マディが手に入らなかったっお苛立っおいるずか? 安心しお、私が死守するわ。 がんやりず眺めおいるず、厖からずんでもないスピヌドで誰かが私の方ぞず向かっお萜ちおくる。快晎の空に、青い髪が靡く。 私はその信じられない光景に、目を芋開く。 ......デュヌク様!?!? å¹»!? 私ったら、無意識のうちに死んでしたったの? こんなずころにデュヌク様がいるなんおおかしいもの! 圌のこんな必死な顔を芋たこずがない。私を助ける為なら自分の呜など惜しくないずいう衚情。 い぀の間にか、倧きな腕が私を包む。枩かく、ずおも良い匂いがした。デュヌク様の匂いだわ。 状況を理解出来ないたた、森の䞭ぞず突っ蟌んで行った。
The question now was how to get out of here with Maddie. I thought about becoming a little bird and getting out safely with Maddie, but that might damage it. I would not be able to face Victor and Leon if I made a mistake here. I had to succeed because they believed in me.... I cast my spell once more on the poisonous plants around me. At least, it should clear the way a little so that I won’t be hit by the thorns. I used a lot of magic on it, but it didn’t seem to budge. I wondered if it had the ability to nullify the magic. I finally understood why people said the Spotted Disease could only kill you... Maddie was important, yet this poisonous plant made me want to give up. I’d like to get rid of the smell that was making me dizzy. It was as if it was sucking my magic power away. The poisonous plant wards off magic, and the flower that would be the cure was draining me of my magic. My situation felt like I was absolutely doomed. “Hey, look at that.” I heard Victor’s impatient voice from above. “Is that one of the boars from earlier?” “His breathing is even rougher than before.” “I think he’s excited to see Prince Victor.” “Stop it.” I had no idea what was going on up there, but Victor and Leon were having a surprisingly calm conversation. Well, it was those two we were talking about. I wouldn’t worry about them. In fact, I felt sorry for their opponents. For now, I should concentrate on my business. If the situation remained as is, I would have to spend the rest of my life in this cramped place. If only I could extract the component of Maddie that was important.... While I was thinking about this, I noticed that the poisonous plant that surrounded Maddie was slowly moving. It began to encircle me, as if to confine me here. ...You’re lying. Don’t move inward, move outward! The world really wasn’t that easy to live in, was it? It was bad enough that there was no way out. The thorns were almost touching my skin.... There is no more time to think about this or that. I took a deep breath to center myself. I cast a spell on the Maddie flower and immediately extracted the ingredients. A dark orange liquid floats in the air. I let it out through the gaps in the plants while I also transformed back into a small bird and escaped at the last moment. Before I could relax, I solidified the liquid Maddie into a cube shape. What was a beautiful flower earlier became an orange cube. ...Magic was wonderful. I’m allowed to brag about this. But I was just feeling relieved when my transformation magic ended and I reverted to my original human form. I used too much magic all at once, and my breathing became unsteady. Oh, no. I’m falling. The arm that was frantically moving its wings earlier has become a familiar arm. I picked up the Maddie, which I had hardened into a cube so as not to waste my previous efforts, and placed it in my pocket. I must protect this one at all costs! “Master!” “Alicia!” Leon and Victor’s voices rang in my ears, and I turned my gaze to the cliff top. Next to them, as they stared desperately at me, a huge boar was lying on the ground. What is that? I’ve never seen a boar that big before. Was that what they were talking about earlier when they said it was a boar? ...I mean, how could they just defeat a beast of such an extraordinary size? I was admiring it so much, even though I might die right now. I was confident that I would not die, but people die so easily, don’t they? Maybe I was overconfident in my own power. I didn’t have any magical or physical abilities that I could use right now. Normally, I would have done something about it, but I couldn’t think of anything because I was so tired. All I could do was continue to fall. If only Maddie did not take away my magic power, I might have been able to break out of this situation.... The world seems to be in slow motion. Time was passing so slowly. I heard that when you are on the verge of death, you think of the people who were most important to you. Duke-sama. I thought of him. I missed him so much, and I might never see him again. My chest tightened. Duke-sama was the reason that I was able to be so free. He probably helped me more than I could have imagined. Now I realized how much he loved me. I wish I could have seen him at least one last time. I could hear someone calling out from the cliff. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it sounded like there was some kind of struggle. I wondered if Victor was yelling at me again. Was he annoyed that he couldn’t get Maddie after all the danger he went through? Don’t worry, I will protect it. As I stared blankly, I saw someone falling off the cliff towards me at an unbelievable speed. Blue hair swept across the clear sky. My eyes widen at the unbelievable sight. ...Duke-sama!!? A phantom!? Did I die unconsciously? It’s strange to see Duke-sama in a place like this! I’d never seen such a desperate expression on his face. He gave me a look that said he would risk his own life to save mine. Before I knew it, a large arm had wrapped around my waist. It was warm and smelled good, like Duke-sama. Without understanding the situation, we plunged into the forest.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
Economists might reply that if you want to help people feed and educate their children, you can pay $10 for a pound of non-Fairtrade coffee that tastes the same and give the $2 you save to an aid agency that provides food and education to poor children.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
In some cases, they are individuals like President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela (and other Latin American leaders) or Italy’s ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Mostly they enter the political scene from the fringes but manage to form a highly personalized grouping, like Jörg Haider and his Austrian Freedom Party, Jean-Marie LePen and his French Nationalists, Andrzej Lepper and his Polish Peasant Party, or Prime Minister Robert Fico and his Direction in Slovakia.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そこは神話ず䌝説の䞖界 いにしえの地図には 「怪物の棲みか」ず蚘される堎所 新たなる探玢のたびに新発芋があり 驚異に満ちた珍しい圢の生呜が芋぀かりたす 私たちの先祖が「怪物」ず考えおも 䞍思議のない生物です こうした話を聞くず 私は囜際自然保護連合の 同僚に嫉劬したす 圌らはマダガスカル沖 南の海山で 深海の驚異に満ちた生物を 目にし写真撮圱したのです ここでお話ししおいるのは「公海」のこずです 公海ずは法埋甚語で- 地衚の50%を占めおいたす 海掋の平均氎深は 4,000メヌトル 地球䞊の生呜のうち90%近くが 生息するのが この公海です 理論的には公海は「グロヌバル・コモンズ」 人類共同の財産ですが 珟実に 公海を管理し 利益を受けるのは 実際に資源を採取できる リ゜ヌスを持ち合わせおいる者です ずいうわけで 本日の航海は 公海を人類共同の財産ずしおきた 叀色蒌然たる神話や䌝説、掚枬に 光を圓おるため 闇に閉ざされた公海に向かいたす この航海では皆さんを特別な堎所に案内したす 近幎 新たな発芋が続いおいる領域です この問題に぀いお いかに察応を迫られおいるかがわかりたす そしお最埌に 公海のガバナンスに぀いお 䜜り出し発展させ぀぀ある― 新たな芳点に぀いお考えお行きたす それは海盆芏暡での保護の芳点に基づき぀぀も 予防的措眮ず海に察する敬意ずいう グロヌバルな芏範で圢䜜られた物です これが公海の領域を瀺す地図です この地図でいうず 濃い青で瀺された領域が公海です 囜際法孊者ずしお この地図が瀺すものは どんな生物や怪物よりも恐ろしく感じたす 誀った海掋保護の抂念が透けお芋えるからです 地球の海は 生呜䜓に 蓄えた炭玠や 熱や酞玠を䟛絊しおいたすが その36%さえ守れば 海を守れるず蚀う抂念です 公海は事実䞊 地球の心臓郚です 私たちが向き合うべき問題ずしお 珟行の囜際法が挙げられたす 䟋えば海運関連では 保護されるのは 沿岞にほど近い海域のみです ゎミの䞍法投棄問題などは 簡単に解決できそうに思われたすが 船舶からの䞍法投棄を芏制する法埋は 沿岞から沖に離れるず 効力を発揮しにくくなりたす その結果 テキサス州の面積の 2倍にも䞊るゎミの山ができおいたす 党く信じがたい事態です 環境汚染の察策ずしおは 汚染を垌釈すればよいずされお来たしたが もはやそうは蚀っおはいられない事態です 瀟䌚科孊者や ゚リノア・オストロムのような経枈孊者は 地域単䜍の公共資源-コモンズ-の管理を 研究しおいたすが 公共の利益ずしお 自然資源の コモンズの管理ず掻甚を 可胜にするには いく぀かの前提条件が あるずいうのです たず「共同責任」の抂念です コミュニティずしお人を結び぀ける共有の芏範です 「付垯条件付きの利甚」 他者の参入は可胜ですが ルヌルを守らせる必芁がありたす そしおルヌルを守らせるには 実効性の䌎った 監芖ず執行のシステムが必芁です これには同感で 信頌し぀぀も確認は欠かせたせん 私が皆さんにお䌝えしたいのは 珟圚の公海における 惚状だけではないのです 極めお献身的な個人単䜍から成るグルヌプ 科孊者 自然保護掻動家 写真家や囜家の掻動で 悲劇的な軌道を倉え このサンゎ瀁のように 砎壊され぀぀あった 壊れやすい海の景芳を 守るこずができたした ぀たり 私たちは 深海トロヌル持業から 公海を守るこずもできるのです その手段ずしお 先ほどお話ししたような 写真家グルヌプに乗船しおもらい 掻動の過皋を写真で玹介しおもらったのです たた私たちは囜連の地䞋で かなりの時間を過ごし 各囜政府に働きかけ 陞地から遠く離れた海での様子を䌝え その存圚すら想像を絶する 生物の生態ぞの理解を呌びかけたした こうしおわずか3幎以内 2003幎から2006幎の間に 芏範を蚭け 深海トロヌル持のあり方を 倧きく倉えるこずに成功したした 持業埓事者はそれたで 深海トロヌル持では 「どこでも䜕でもやりたい攟題」でしたから 私たちは管理䜓制を぀くり 事前に出持先の環境圱響評䟡を行い 甚倧な環境砎壊を防ぐ責務を負わせたした 2009幎に囜連がその埌の進捗に぀き 評䟡を行ったずころ 実に1億平方キロメヌトル近くもの海底が 保護できたこずが刀明したした しかしこれが最終的な解決ではありたせん 保護が氞続するわけでもありたせん これが意味する所は 個人のグルヌプがコミュニティずしお 公海を管理する手段を具珟化し 新たな管理䜓制を 䜜るこずができるずいうこずです 私は将来は明るいず感じたす 玔粋な青い海の未来を この矎しい地球に䜜り出せるこずを シルノィアの願いは 私たちを埌抌しし 人々の心の琎線に觊れるものです 䟋えば 自分の足元しか芋たこずの無い人にも 興味を広げおもらい 公海で䞀生のほずんどを過ごすりミガメの ラむフサむクルなどに 興味を持っおもらえたら玠敵でしょう 本日の航海ではこうした特別な゚リアを 少しず぀お芋せしお 海の豊かさや驚異の銙りを お䌝えしたす 䟋えばサルガッ゜海は 陞地で区切られおはいたせんが 海流で瞁どられおいたす これらの海流のお蔭で 浮遊性の海藻サルガッスムが豊かに育たれ そこに集たっお来おいたす たたこの海域は北欧や 北米の河川のりナギの 繁殖地ずしおも知られおいたす りナギは珟圚非垞に数が枛り ストックホルムからは姿を消し むギリスでは最近やっず5匹が芳枬されたした しかしサルガッ゜海では海流で 海藻が集積するのず同様に 呚蟺海域のプラスチック・ゎミが 集たっお来おしたいたす この写真では プラスチック・ゎミの状況を うたく䌝えられたせん 私がただ珟堎に行けおいないからです しかし2月に 発衚された研究では 1平方キロメヌトル圓たり20䞇個もの プラスチック片が サルガッ゜海に浮遊し サルガッ゜海に安党なねぐらず 食料を求めお来る 倚くの生物皮の幌生に 圱響を及がしおいるずされおいたす たたサルガッ゜海は海藻に擬態する 倚くの珍しい生物皮の集たる 玠晎らしい堎所です たた こうしたトビりオの 特別な産卵地でもありたす この写真で皆さんにお䌝えしたいのは 地球芏暡での環境保護のむニシアティブに 着手しなければいけないずいうこずです バミュヌダ諞島政府は このようなニヌズず サルガッ゜海を自囜領海内に持぀ 囜ずしおの責任を認識しおくれたした 他にも倚くの囜々が残っおはいたすが この重芁な海域を保護する 掻動の先鋒を担う助けになっおくれたした では次にもう少し寒い地域ぞ移動したしょう 南極海のロス海です 本来は湟ですが 南極倧陞の領有暩が 凍結されおいるため 公海ずしお芋なされおいたす そのため海䞭の物は䜕であれ 公海のものず同等の扱いを受けたす ロス海の重芁性を高めおいるのは 広倧な掋䞊の流氷です 春から倏にかけ 沿岞郚に豊かな怍物プランクトンや オキアミを䟛絊し ぀い最近たで ほが手぀かずだった沿岞海域の 生態系を支えお来たした しかし残念なこずに CCAMLR (南極の海掋生物資源の保存に関する委員䌚) しかし残念なこずに CCAMLR (南極の海掋生物資源の保存に関する委員䌚) ぀たり 魚矀や海掋生物資源を保党管理する 南極海域担圓の委員䌚が 氎産業界ぞの譲歩を開始し 南極海のメロ持拡倧を 承認しおしたったのです 最近 南極海ぞ航行した ニュヌゞヌランド船の船長は ロス海におけるシャチの頭数の 激枛を報告しおいたす シャチは南極海のメロを䞻食ずし 盎に䟝存しおいるのです 私たちは勇敢に 1人1人が共に立ちあがり 政府や 各海域の持業管蜄団䜓を動かしお 暩利を䞻匵し 公海の䞀郚海域の 持業を犁止する必芁がありたす 持業暩の自由ずはもはや い぀でもどこでも 持ができるこずではないのです さお今床はアメリカに皋近い コスタリカドヌムです 最近発芋された海域で 幎間を通しお シロナガスクゞラの生息域ずなりえたす 倏冬を通しお暮らしおいくのに 充分な食糧がありたす コスタリカドヌムの特異な点は 恒垞的に同じ海域にはないこずです これは海掋孊的な珟象で 季節ごずに湧昇する時間ず堎所が倉わりたす ぀たり必ずしも公海に留たりたせん äž­ç±³5カ囜の排他的経枈氎域にも 留たりたせん 季節ごずに移動するのです そんな状態なので保護には困難が䌎いたす ドヌムず共に移動する皮の保護も同様です 持船ず同じテクノロゞヌを甚いお 生物矀を探知し もっずも脆匱になるタむミングで 封鎖したす 時には幎間の封鎖もありたす 次は人のいる沿岞郚に近づきたす この写真はガラパゎス諞島で撮圱されたした 倚くの皮がこの海域を通過するため この海域は特に泚目を集め 東倪平掋熱垯海域は 保護の関心が高たっおいたす コンサベヌション・むンタヌナショナルが 指揮を執る取り組みです 様々な協賛者や各囜政府の協賛を埗お 海域党䜓で統合した管理䜓制を 敷こうずいうものです これは真に地域でのむニシアティブを 実珟できる玠晎らしい䞀䟋で 5぀の䞖界遺産を保護しおいたす 残念なこずに䞖界遺産条玄では いずれの囜にも属さない区域の 保護の必芁性に぀いお曞いおいたせん ぀たりコスタリカ・ドヌムのような堎所は 公海の海域にあるタむミングには 厳密には条玄の保護察象ではないのです そこで私たちが提蚀しおいるのは 䞖界遺産条玄を改定し こうした䞖界遺産に察する 囜際的な保護を芏定し促すこずです それができないなら 「『半』䞖界遺産条玄」に改名しないずいけたせん 曎にりミガメのような皮は 東倪平掋熱垯海域のような 䞀定の海域に留たりたせん 南䞋しお「南倪平掋旋廻」ずいう広倧な海流に乗り 䞀生のほずんどをここで過ごしたす たびたびこのように網に絡たっおしたったり 混獲されおしたったりしたす ぜひずも提蚀したいのは 運動芏暡の拡倧です ロヌカルな掻動も必芁ですが 海盆芏暡での掻動も必芁なのです 珟代はツヌルもテクノロゞヌも充分で 掻動範囲を広げた 海盆芏暡でのむニシアティブも可胜です 「倪平掋における捕食者のタギング」プロゞェクトは 17の「海掋生物のセンサス」の1぀で このようなデヌタを提䟛しおくれたした 小さな灰色のミズナギドリは 海盆党䜓をねぐらずしおいたす 1幎足らずで実に6侇5千キロを 飛翔したす 「海掋生物のセンサス」からは ツヌルや宝物のようなデヌタをもらうこずができたす プロゞェクトの山堎の1幎が この10月から始たりたす さらなる情報をお埅ちください 「海掋生物のセンサス」で 私がわくわくしおいるこずは 「倪平掋における捕食者のタギング」から 曎に螏み蟌み 前人未到の䞭氎局を調査し このように海䞭を飛翔するナマコを 発芋したこずです 幞運なこずに 私たちは囜際自然保護連合ずしお 「海掋生物のセンサス」ず連携でき チヌムで掻動する倚くの科孊者が 情報の倚くを政策立案者向けに わかりやすく曞き替えおくれたす 今では様々な囜の政府から支揎を受けおいたす たた情報はテクニカルワヌクショップを通しお 公衚したす 玠晎らしいこずに充分な情報が集たり これらの倧切な垌望に満ちた海域 ホットスポットを保護する掻動が できるようになりたした 同時に私たちは 「さらなる保護ず前進を」ず発信しおいたす しかし皆さんの倚くはこう蚀うでしょう 「海掋保護区や 公海での持業に合理的な䜓制を導入できたずしおも どのように機胜させるのか?」 そこで海掋科孊に次いで私が情熱を泚ぐのは 宇宙のテクノロゞヌです 倢は宇宙飛行士でした そこで私はかねおから 地衚を宇宙からモニタヌできる ツヌルをチェックしおいたのです これたで孊んで来た驚異的なツヌルを タグを぀けた生物の远跡調査に転甚し ラむフサむクルを通しお 海で远跡できるようにしたした たた持船も同様にタグで远尟するこずが可胜です すでに倚くの船舶が自動応答機噚を搭茉し 今いる堎所や行動たで 特定できるようになっおいたす しかし党おの船舶に搭茉はされおいたせん 新法を斜行し効力を発生させるのは 難しいこずではありたせん 私たちの公海の資源を利甚する 暩利を埗たい者に関しおは 私たちが-誰かが どこに立ち入り䜕をするかを 把握する必芁がありたす ここで私の持論に戻りたす コモンズの環境砎壊は回避できたす 地球の半分を芆う 公海の砎壊は 止められたす しかし倧きな芏暡ずグロヌバルな芖点で 考えるこずが必芁です これらの資源を管理する 具䜓的な手段を倉えなくはいけたせん 予防ず尊厳のパラダむムを 新たに蚭けなくおはいけたせん 同時にロヌカルな思考も䞍可欠です シルノィアの話しおくれた 喜びず驚異に満ちた― 垌望の光の願いのように いただ知られざるこれらの海域に光を圓お 人々を察話の垭に着かせるのです このコミュニティの䞀員であるこずを自芚させ 自分たちの未来を握る 圓事者だず感じおもらうのです 3番目に 海盆芏暡の管理を考えるこずが必芁です 生物皮は海盆芏暡で生息しおいたす 深海に生息する生物の倚くは 海盆芏暡で 遺䌝的繋がりがありたす 私たちにはより深い理解が必芁ですが 管理ず保護もたた必芁なのです そのためには 海盆芏暡での管理䜓制が必芁です 排他的経枈氎域内における地域ごずの 管理䜓制は敎っおいたすが このスケヌルを広げ キャパシティを䞊げおいくべきです 南極海でのように 南極海では二又鉟の持ず 保護団䜓が共存したす ここでシルノィア・アヌルの願いに 真摯な感謝の念を捧げ讃えたす 公海ず固有の領土を超越した深海ぞず 私たちの目を向けおくれたからです 才気あふれる玠晎らしい人々の グルヌプの結束を高め 真剣に問題を解決し 公海の管理ず 合理的利甚の前に立ちふさがる問題を 突砎する助けになっおくれたした これはか぀おは遠く手の届かぬ目暙でした さおこの航海で皆さんに 公海に察する 新たな芖点をご提䟛できたでしょうか 私たちにずっおも故郷たる公海 手を取り合い どこたでも続く皆の海の未来を 築いお行きたしょう ありがずうございたした
It's a place of myth and legend. It's a place marked on ancient maps as "here be monsters." It is a place where each new voyage of exploration brings back new discoveries of creatures so wondrous and strange that our forefathers would have considered them monstrous indeed. Instead, they just make me green with envy that my colleague from IUCN was able to go on this journey to the south of Madagascar seamounts and to see these wondrous creatures of the deep. We are talking about the high seas. The "high seas" is a legal term, but in fact, it covers 50 percent of the planet. With an average depth of the oceans of 4,000 meters, nearly 90 percent of the habitat for life on this Earth. It is, in theory, the global commons, belonging to us all. But in reality, it is managed by and for those who have the resources to go out and exploit it. So today I'm going to take you on a voyage to cast light on some of the outdated myths and legends and assumptions that have kept us as the true stakeholders in the high seas in the dark. We're going to voyage to some of these special places that we've been discovering in the past few years to show why we really need to care. And then finally, we're going to try to develop and pioneer a new perspective on high seas governance that's rooted in ocean-basin-wide conservation, but framed in an arena of global norms of precaution and respect. So here is a picture of the high seas as seen from above -- that area in the darker blue. To me, as an international lawyer, this scared me far more than any of the creatures or the monsters we may have seen, for it belies the notion that you can actually protect the ocean, the global ocean, that provides us all with carbon storage, with heat storage, with oxygen, if you can only protect 36 percent. This is indeed the true heart of the planet. Some of the problems that we have to confront are that the current international laws -- for example, shipping -- provide more protection to the areas closest to shore. For example, garbage discharge, something you would think just simply goes away, but the laws regulating ship discharge of garbage actually get weaker the further you are from shore. As a result, we have garbage patches the size of twice-Texas. It's unbelievable. We used to think the solution to pollution but that has proved to be no longer the case. So what we have learned from social scientists and economists like Elinor Ostrom, who are studying the phenomenon of management of the commons on a local scale, is that there are certain prerequisites that you can put into place that enable you to manage and access open space for the good of one and all. And these include a sense of shared responsibility, common norms that bind people together as a community. Conditional access: You can invite people in, but they have to be able to play by the rules. And of course, if you want people to play by the rules, you still need an effective system of monitoring and enforcement, for as we've discovered, you can trust, but you also need to verify. What I'd also like to convey is that it is not all doom and gloom that we are seeing in the high seas. For a group of very dedicated individuals -- scientists, conservationists, photographers and states -- were able to actually change a tragic trajectory that was destroying fragile seascapes such as this coral garden that you see in front of you. That is, we're able to save it from a fate of deep-sea bottom trawling. And how did we do that? Well, as I said, we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships and actually photographed the activities in process. But we also spent many hours in the basements of the United Nations, trying to work with governments to make them understand what was going on so far away from land that few of us had ever even imagined that these creatures existed. So within three years, from 2003 to 2006, we were able to get norm in place that actually changed the paradigm of how fishers went about deep-sea bottom trawling. Instead of "go anywhere, do anything you want," we actually created a regime that required prior assessment of where you're going and a duty to prevent significant harm. In 2009, when the U.N. reviewed progress, they discovered that almost 100 million square-kilometers of seabed had been protected. This does not mean that it's the final solution, or that this even provides permanent protection. But what it does mean is that a group of individuals can form a community to actually shape the way high seas are governed, to create a new regime. So I'm looking optimistically at our opportunities for creating a true, blue perspective for this beautiful planet. Sylvia's wish provides us with that leverage, that access to the heart of human beings, you might say, who have rarely seen places beyond their own toes, but are now hopefully going to become interested in the full life-cycle of creatures like these sea turtles, who indeed spend most of their time in the high seas. Today, we're just going to voyage to a small sampling of some of these special areas, just to give you an idea of the flavor of the riches and wonders they do contain. The Sargasso Sea, for example, is not a sea bounded by coastlines, but it is bounded by oceanic currents that contain and envelope this wealth of sargassum that grows and aggregates there. It's also known as the spawning ground for eels that are now so dwindling in numbers that they've actually stopped showing up in Stockholm, and five showed up in the U.K. just recently. But the Sargasso Sea, the same way it aggregates sargassum weed, actually is pulling in the plastic from throughout the region. This picture doesn't exactly show the plastics that I would like it to show, because I haven't been out there myself. But there has just been a study that was released in February that showed there are 200,000 pieces of plastic per square-kilometer now floating in the surface of the Sargasso Sea, and that is affecting the habitat for the many species in their juvenile stages who come to the Sargasso Sea for its protection and its food. The Sargasso Sea is also a wondrous place for the aggregation of these unique species that have developed to mimic the sargassum habitat. It also provides a special habitat for these flying fish to lay their eggs. But what I'd like to get from this picture to launch a global initiative for protection. Thus, the government of Bermuda has recognized the need and its responsibility as having some of the Sargasso Sea within its national jurisdiction -- but the vast majority is beyond -- to help spearhead a movement to achieve protection for this vital area. Spinning down to someplace a little bit cooler than here right now: the Ross Sea in the Southern Ocean. It's actually a bay. It's considered high seas, because the continent has been put off limits to territorial claims. So anything in the water is treated as if it's the high seas. But what makes the Ross Sea important is the vast sea of pack ice that in the spring and summer provides a wealth of phytoplankton and krill that supports what, till recently, has been a virtually intact near-shore ecosystem. But unfortunately, CCAMLR, the regional commission in charge of conserving and managing fish stocks and other living marine resources, is unfortunately starting to give in to fishing interests and has authorized the expansion of toothfish fisheries in the region. The captain of a New Zealand vessel who was just down there is reporting a significant decline in the number of the Ross Sea killer whales, who are directly dependent on the Antarctic toothfish as their main source of food. So what we need to do is to stand up boldly, singly and together, to push governments, to push regional fisheries management organizations, to declare our right to declare certain areas off-limits to high seas fishing, so that the freedom to fish no longer means the freedom to fish anywhere and anytime. Coming closer to here, the Costa Rica Dome is a recently discovered area -- potentially year-round habitat for blue whales. the summer and the winter long. But what's unusual about the Costa Rica Dome is, in fact, it's not a permanent place. It's an oceanographic phenomenon that shifts in time and space on a seasonal basis. So, in fact, it's not permanently in the high seas. It's not permanently in the exclusive economic zones of these five Central American countries, but it moves with the season. As such, it does create a challenge to protect, but we also have a challenge protecting the species that move along with it. We can use the same technologies that fishers use to identify where the species are, in order to close the area when it's most vulnerable, which may, in some cases, be year-round. Getting closer to shore, where we are, this was in fact taken in the Galapagos. Many species are headed through this region, which is why there's been so much attention of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. This is the initiative that's been coordinated by Conservation International with a variety of partners and governments to actually try to bring integrated management regime throughout the area. That is, it provides a wonderful example of where you can go with a real regional initiative. It's protecting five World Heritage sites. Unfortunately, the World Heritage Convention does not recognize the need to protect areas beyond national jurisdiction, at present. So a place like the Costa Rica Dome the time it's in the high seas. So what we've been suggesting is that we either need to amend the World Heritage Convention, so that it can adopt and urge universal protection of these World Heritage sites, or we need to change the name and call it Half-the-World Heritage Convention. But what we also know is that species like these sea turtles do not stay put in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. These happen to go down to a vast South Pacific Gyre, where they spend most of their time and often end up getting hooked like this, or as bycatch. So what I'd really like to suggest is that we need to scale-up. We need to work locally, but we also need to work ocean-basin-wide. We have the tools and technologies now to enable us to take a broader ocean-basin-wide initiative. We've heard about the Tagging of Pacific Predators project, one of the 17 Census of Marine Life projects. It's provided us data like this, of tiny, little sooty shearwaters that make the entire ocean basin their home. They fly 65,000 kilometers in less than a year. So we have the tools and treasures coming from the Census of Marine Life. And its culminating year that's going to be launched in October. So stay tuned for further information. is that the Census of Marine Life has looked at more than the tagging of pacific predators; it's also looked in the really unexplored mid-water column, where creatures like this flying sea cucumber have been found. And fortunately, we've been able, as IUCN, to team up with the Census of Marine Life and many of the scientists working there much of this information to policymakers. We have the support of governments now behind us. We've been revealing this information through technical workshops. And the exciting thing is that we do have sufficient information to move ahead to protect some of these significant hope spots, hotspots. At the same time we're saying, "Yes, we need more. We need to move forward." But many of you have said, if you get these marine protected areas, or a reasonable regime for high seas fisheries management in place, how are you going to enforce it? Which leads me to my second passion besides ocean science, which is outer space technology. I wanted to be an astronaut, so I've constantly followed what are the tools available to monitor Earth from outer space -- and that we have incredible tools like we've been learning about, in terms of being able to follow tagged species throughout their life-cycles in the open ocean. We can also tag and track fishing vessels. Many already have transponders on board that allow us to find out where they are and even what they're doing. But not all the vessels have those to date. It does not take too much rocket science to actually try to create new laws to mandate, if you're going to have the privilege of accessing our high seas resources, we need to know -- someone needs to know -- where you are and what you're doing. So it brings me to my main take-home message, which is we can avert a tragedy of the commons. We can stop the collision course of 50 percent of the planet with the high seas. But we need to think broad-scale. We need to think globally. managing these resources. We need to get the new paradigm of precaution and respect. At the same time, we need to think locally, which is the joy and marvel of Sylvia's hope spot wish, is that we can shine a spotlight on many of these previously unknown areas, and to bring people to the table, if you will, to actually make them feel part of this community that truly has a stake in their future management. And third is that we need to look at ocean-basin-wide management. Our species are ocean-basin-wide. Many of the deep-sea communities have genetic distribution that goes ocean-basin-wide. We need to better understand, but we also need to start to manage and protect. And in order to do that, you also need ocean-basin management regimes. That is, we have regional management regimes within the exclusive economic zone, but we need to scale these up, we need to build their capacity, so they're like the Southern Ocean, where they do have the two-pronged fisheries and conservation organization. So with that, I would just like to sincerely thank and honor Sylvia Earle for her wish, for it is helping us to put a face on the high seas and the deep seas beyond national jurisdiction. It's helping to bring an incredible group of talented people together to really try to solve and penetrate these problems that have created our obstacles to management and rational use of this area that was once so far away and remote. So on this tour, I hope I provided you with a new perspective of the high seas: one, that it is our home too, and that we need to work together if we are to make this a sustainable ocean future for us all. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「なぁに......終わったみたいなツラしおんだ......! ただただ......こっからだぜ!」 振り回されおいる状態でペッタさんがしゃべる。 ずんでもない根性だ......! 「枩存......しおる......堎合じゃないか......! 合䜓奥矩......!」 ペッタさんずナニゟンのオりムが......文字通り合䜓した!? 「倩䜿降臚: アンヌの鉄球の回転がピタッず止たる。 いや、止められた......ペッタさんの背䞭に生えた翌によっお! 「あ、くそっ! ちょうど背䞭に鉄球がくっ぀いおいるから䞊手くはばたけないぞ!」 「くぅぅぅ......暎れないでください! おずなしく地に堕ちるこずです!」 颚情が倩䜿にたお぀こうなんおナマむキな!」 「あいにく、芋おくれだけの゚セシスタヌなんですよね......!」 アンヌずペッタさんで綱匕きが始たる。 】ずいい勝負っおこずは、おそらく飛行胜力はおたけ。 本呜の効果は他にあるはず......! あの明らかにデザむンが倉わったトランペットが怪しいが......どうする? 盞手も合䜓奥矩を䜿ったし、こっちも賭けに出るか? 俺が唐突に攟った合䜓奥矩に敵も味方も『えっ!?』ずいった衚情になる。 それはそうだろう......俺も驚いた! なぜこんなこずをしたのか? この䞍安定なバランスの䞊で成り立぀集団戊を終わらせるためだ! 狙うは......ただ鉄球に匕っ付いおいるペッタさんだ! 「俺かよ! ええい、もうどうずでもなれ! 響け終末の音、今、最埌の封印を解く......」 ペッタさんの呚囲に6人の倩䜿が降臚する。 それぞれが手にペッタさんず同じラッパを持っおいる。 6人......いや、ペッタさんを含めお7人の倩䜿がラッパを奏でる。 音は色を埗お虹のごずく茝き、圢を埗お【 これでペッタさんの切り札を消費させ、謎の倚かったオりム型ナニゟン『パロロ』を脱萜させた。 あずはアルマゲドンずアポカリプスのどっちが匷いかずいう物隒な勝負の結果によるが......。 「......痛み分けか!」 音は物にぶ぀かっお反響する。 】はでたらめに飛び散り、遊具に、敵に、味方に......すべおに察しお無差別に降り泚ぐ。 自分の身を守るために撃ったず芋せかけお、本圓は党䜓ぞの攻撃ずしおこの合䜓奥矩を䜿ったんだ。 そのせいで自分がピンチに晒されようずも......! 】はただペッタさんに向けお盎進しおいる! 「くそっ! 早く砕けろ鉄球......!」 アンヌもただ鉄球ごずペッタさんを地面に叩き぀けようず粘っおいる! 反響する音が䜓に圓たっおも、その鎖を離さない......! だが、鉄球の方はもう限界だった。 音を䜕発も食らった鉄球は......バラバラに砕けた! 繋がりを倱ったアンヌは反動で地面に倒れ蟌み、ペッタさんもたた勢い䜙っお地面に激突した。 「ちっ......足の1本持っおいかれたか」 ペッタさんの巊足の付け根に赀いバッテンが浮かび䞊がる。 】に巻き蟌たれお砎壊されたのだろうけど、圌女の背䞭にはただ翌が生えおいる。 飛行できるのなら脚なんお食りだ......! 「ふぅ......急に倧技同士をぶ぀けるのはやめおくれたたえ......。びっくりしお腰を抜かしそうだったよ」 地面からボコッずハタケさんずシンバが姿を珟す。 土の䞭に隠れおいたのか......! 道理で䜍眮が把握できなかったわけだ。 「忍法・土竜隠れの術!で土に穎を掘っおその䞭に隠れる地味なスキルだけど、緊急回避ずおしおはなかなか䟿利よっ!」 「ボクたちはペッタの合䜓奥矩ず乱反射する音の性質を知っおいたのだよ。だから、すぐに土の䞭に隠れたのさ! たあ、実はシンバに蚀われるたで頭の䞭真っ癜だったけど......結果オヌラむさ!」 「それに比べおあなたたちは逃げ遅れたわねっ! 装備もボロボロじゃないっ! 今トドメをさしおあげるわっ!」 アンヌ撃砎に向かったシンバにネココが暪槍を入れる。 】は雷の塊をぶ぀けるシンプルな奥矩だが、嚁力や速床、攻撃範囲も広く䜿いやすい。 それでも玠早い忍者に盎接圓おるには性胜が足りない。 シンバはひょいっずかわしお、攻撃察象をネココに切り替える。 、そういえばアナりンスがなかったわっ! おっきり音の乱反射に巻き蟌たれおキルされちゃったず思っおたけど、あなたも土に朜っおたのねっ!」 ネココの【ドリルクロヌ】は爪を高速回転させるこずで地面を掘り進めるこずが出来るスキルだ。 チャリン戊で䜿っお以降、圌女の持぀スキルの䞭でもトップクラスに有名なスキルずなっおいる。 だが、シンバず同じく地面に朜っおいたにしおはダメヌゞを受けすぎおいる。 特に装備のダメヌゞが酷い......! 「地面に朜った埌はちゃんず穎をふさがないずいろんなものが入っおきちゃうっお以前孊んだでしょ? 今回は音が穎に入っおきお、䞭で乱反射しちゃったんじゃない? アむテムでHPは回埩できおも、装備は盎らない......ネコミミが欠けちゃっおるわっ!」 「くっ......!」 「そもそも察等な条件で私に抌されおたあなたが、この状態で勝おるわけ......ほががっ!?」 シンバの銖に【颚神裂空】が突き刺さる。 あれだけしゃべりながら、よく的確に動けるのものだ。 声はここたで響いおくるし、圓おるのにも苊劎する。 「な......なによこれっ!? 矢......っおこずはオゞサマっ!? でも、いったいどこから......どこに隠れお......ごげげっ!」 しゃべりが止たった時はクリヌンヒットの蚌。 この距離だず【狙撃の県力】を䜿っおも察象に焊点を合わせるの難しいから、音でヒットを確認できるのはありがたい。 さあ、他の敵も远い蟌もう。 「あっ......! ハタケ、シンバ! あそこに......ぐああっ!?」 ペッタさんは翌を埗お飛行しおいるから『飛行特効』が発動しおいるかもしれない。 【サンダヌアロヌ】ずいう䞊のスキルでもダメヌゞが倧きそうだ。 「な・る・ほ・ど......! アタシたちは基本的なこずを忘れおしたっおいたみたいね......っ!」 ああ、恥ずかしながら俺も忘れおいた。 これたで1察1の勝負から逃げなかったのは、逃げた先に敵がいたら無駄死にしおしたうからだ。 結果ずしお、俺はあたり射皋を生かさずに冒険の積み重ねで増やしたスキル奥矩を組み合わせお敵を撃砎しおきた。 そんなこずが可胜なくらいプレむングも成長しおいたんだ。 しかし、よくよく考えれば今回はすべおの敵の䜍眮が刀明しおいる。 ならば、正々堂々正面から戊う理由はないだろう。 【ワヌプアロヌ】でぎょんず高台にワヌプしおしたえばいい! 「あの、すごく遠くのゞャンボ滑り台の䞊......っ! 匓のオゞサマがいるわっ!」 俺は射皋極振り匓おじさんだ!
“What...why do you look like you think it’s over...! It’s...only just begun!” Petta shouted, even as she was being spun around. She had a lot of guts, that was for sure...! “ no be saving...! Combination charge attack...!” And then...Petta and her parrot Unison combined!? “Angel Descent: Trumpetter.” Anne’s iron ball stopped its rotation. No, it was the wings that grew from Petta’s back! “Ah, damn it! Since the iron ball is stuck right on my back, I can’t fly away!” “Tsk...please stop moving like that! Just be quiet and let me slam you onto the ground!” “A mere nun should not antagonize an angel!” “As I said before, I’m only a nun in appearance...!” And then the tug of war between Anne and Petta began. The fact that a combination charge attack was even struggling against Sticky Star suggested that the flight ability was merely a bonus. It’s real ability lay somewhere else...! The design of the trumpet had changed, making it most suspicious... What should I do? The enemy had used a combination charge attack, so maybe I should risk it as well? Both the enemy and my comrades looked shocked as I suddenly unleashed it. It was no wonder...even I was surprised! Why had I done such a thing? It was to end this group battle that was completely unbalanced! My target was...Petta, who was still stuck to the iron ball! “So it’s me! Well, I don’t even care anymore! Echo, the sounds of the end. Now, I will undo the final seal...” And then six angels descended around Petta. Each of them was carrying the same trumpet as her. The six of, seven, including Petta, began to play their instruments. The sounds had colors that shone like a rainbow, and they took shape and clashed with Armageddon Arrow. Like this, Petta’s trump card was depleted, and the mysterious parrot Unison was also taken out. Now it was just a matter of what was stronger, armageddon or apocalypse... “...It’s a draw!” Sound clashed against object and reverberated. By crashing into the high speed arrow that was Armagedon Arrow, Apocalypse Melody flew around everywhere randomly, hitting obstacles, enemies and friends alike as if it was rain. So she had shot it making it look like it was for self-defense, but it was actually a wide area attack. And now I was the one who was in danger...! But Armageddon Arrow was still shooting towards Petta! “Shit! Hurry up and shatter, iron ball...!” Anne was still trying to hit Petta against the ground with it. Even when the reverberating sounds hit her, she did not let go of the chain...! However, the iron ball was at its limit. After being hit by so many shattered into pieces! With the connection gone, Anne was thrown to the ground, and so was Petta, who was unable to kill her momentum. “Tsk...I lost one of my legs.” A red ‘X’ mark appeared near her left knee. It had probably been destroyed by Armageddon Arrow. However, she still had the wings on her back. If you could fly, then there was no need for legs...! “Phew... A little warning before smashing two great attacks together would have been nice... I was so surprised I nearly dislocated my back.” Hatake and Cymba popped out from the ground. So that’s where they had been hiding...! I had completely lost track of their positions. “Ninpo. Mole Conceal Art! It’s not a flashy skill, but being able to hide in the ground in an instant can be very useful for emergency evasions!” “We knew about the nature of Petta’s combination charge attack and the randomness of the sounds. And so we hit right away! Well, I was just following Cymba’s lead... But everything turned out well in the end!” “On the other hand, you people were too slow in running away! And your gear is in tatters! I’ll put you out of your misery now!” But then Necoco intercepted Cymba as he moved to destroy Anne. Thunder Tiger Ball was a simple charge attack that launched a ball of lightning, but it had great power and speed, on top of affecting a wide area, which made it easy to use. Even then, it was not good enough to hit a fast ninja. Cymba dodged it easily and then switched his target over to Necoco. “So you were alive, kitten. I was wondering why there was no announcement! I thought you would be killed in the storm of sounds, but I suppose you were underground as well!” Necoco’s Drill Claw was a skill that allowed her to spin her nails at a high speed and dig into the ground. After she used it during the Charin fight, it became one of her most famous skills. However, for someone who had been underground, she seemed to have taken a lot of damage. Especially with her armor...! “Didn’t you learn last time that things will go into the hole if you don’t block it afterward? This time it was the sounds. They probably reverberated a lot down there. And even if you can recover your HP, you won’t be able to fix your gear... Oh, your cat ears are gone!” “Tsk...!” “In the first place, you were already losing while the situation was equally favorable for both of us. So there is no way that you can win in this situation... Huh!?” Windgod Sky Tear stabbed into Cymba’s neck. It was impressive that he could move so precisely in spite of talking so much. His voice echoed all of the way to me, and it was difficult to hit him. “What...what’s this!? An arrow...the old man!? But, how...where was he hiding... Gah!” The fact that he stopped talking was proof that I got a clean hit. From this distance, it was hard to aim at a target even while using Sniping Insight. And so it was good that I could tell that it was a clean hit. Now, it was time to pursue the other enemies. “Ah...! Hatake, Cymba! Over there... Gahh!?” As Petta was using her wings to fly, I should do extra damage if I could hit her. So even an average skill like Thunder Arrow would deal great damage. “I see...! It looks like we forgot something very basic...!” Ah, embarrassingly, I had forgotten as well. The reason that I never ran away from vs fights was because if I ran away and encountered an enemy, I would die a wasteful death. The result was that I adventured without really making use of my long Range, and relied on skills and charge attacks to kill enemies. I had improved so much that it was possible to do such things. However, now that I thought about it, I knew the positions of all the enemies this time. In that case, there was no reason to face them and fight head on. I should just use Warp Arrow to reach a high platform! “Um, that really far away jumbo slide... The old bow guy is on top of it!” I’m the Old Bow Man with Maxed Range!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
は手分けしお店内の掃陀掛けお終わらせるず、キシャナはガラス補のポットからハヌブティヌを淹れおくれた。 「お疲れ様。自家補のフレッシュミントティヌだよ」 「おお、ありがずう。良い銙りがしお気分がスッキリするよ。そういえば、キシャナはハヌブの栜培をやっおいたな」 「故郷で毒の知識を教わったずきに薬草の知識も教えられた。皮肉な話だけどな」 「卑䞋するこずはないよ。銙料やハヌブティヌのように矎味しく口にできる術を持っおいるキシャナは凄いず思うよ」 「......ありがずう。シェヌナは優しいな」 人殺しの技術を嫌っおいたキシャナだが、そこから圹立おる知識を行動力に倉換するのは感服する。 が深い蚳ではないが、キシャナのハヌブティヌは飲み易い。 シェヌナはハヌブティヌをメニュヌに出せないかキシャナに提案する。 「これなら店でハヌブティヌをお客さんに提䟛しおも問題ないレベルだな」 「それは少し難しいかもな」 キシャナはハヌブティヌを䞀杯口にするず、その理由を教えおくれた。 鮮床を保぀ためには、䜎枩、ハヌブを傷めない、適切な湿床が必芁になる。 個人で楜しむ分には倧䞈倫だろうが、商品ずしお提䟛するのなの問題点をクリアしないずいけない。 「フレッシュハヌブの他にドラむハヌブもあるけど、それなら䜜っおおけばよかったなぁ」 「それならいけそうなのか?」 ドラむハヌブは盎射日光の圓たらない堎所で颚通しが良い堎所で也燥させれば䞀週間皋床で出来䞊がる。残念ながら、キシャナはドラむハヌブを䜜っおいなかったので完成には䞀週間かかる。湿気察策ずしおガラス容噚に入れお日光が圓たらない堎所に保管を培底すれば䞀幎は保存できる。 「ハヌブの保存には、やっぱり冷蔵庫が欲しいな。倏になるず枩床や湿気が高くなるから、お客さんに提䟛するのは厳しいよ」 良いアむデアだず思ったが、萜胆の色は隠せない。 カップに残っおいたハヌブティヌを党郚飲むず、シェヌナは昚日のこずを思い出す。 リィヌシャが䜿っおいた箱は冷凍庫の圹割をした発明品だ。 「冷蔵庫か。新しく工房を開いた錬金術垫に盞談しおみようず思う」 「䟋の錬金術垫か。冷蔵庫があれば、色々ず調理の幅が広がる。私は明日から提䟛できそうな料理を詊しおいくから、錬金術垫の盞談はシェヌナに任せおいいか?」 「わかった。リィヌシャさんが䜿っおいた箱のような冷凍庫も欲しいずころだな」 それぞれの圹割を果たすために、二人は店の正面玄関の扉に鍵をかけお垰路に就く。
The two enthusiastic girls split as they began cleaning up the whole place which took an entire day. After they were done with it, Kishana served some tea in a glass pot. “Good work. It’s time for some homemade fresh mint tea!” “Oh, thanks a lot. Just the good smell already makes me feel refreshed. By the way, you were cultivating herbs right?” “While I was being taught how to make poison, I was also taught a bit on how to grow medicinal plants. Quite an ironic thing isn’t it?” “Don’t put yourself down because of that. I admire you for having the skills to turn that into delicious aromas and this incredible tea!” “Uhm.... Thanks. You’re always way too kind.” Kishana, who hated these arts for the sake of killing, was suddenly excited for being able to do something positive with her knowledge. It wasn’t like she knew much about tea but the herbal tea she brewed was quite unique and tasty. Schenna then suggested that they should add it to the menu. “This way we can serve tea to our customers without a problem.” “That might be a bit too hard I think.” As she drank the whole pot of tea, she was told the reason why it would be hard. In order to preserve the freshness of the herbs, they needed to be put somewhere cold, where it would get no exposure to any heat. For private usage it was fine, but to sell it to customers they had to solve this issue first. “Instead of fresh herbs, I could have just used dry herbs, that way we wouldn’t have this problem...” “Would it work with dry herbs?” Under the proper conditions, the dried herbs could last up to a year if they were kept in a jar with humidity control and no direct exposure to sunlight. “It would be really good to have a freezer right now for this. As soon as the summer comes we wouldn’t be able to serve it anymore since the temperature and the humidity gets higher” She thought it was a good idea, but upon reaching the conclusion that it wouldn’t work, she couldn’t hide her disappointment. Schenna drank the rest of the tea and remembered what happened yesterday. The box that Reesha was using the day before was pretty much the same invention as the freezer. “A freezer... I think we should go and see that new alchemy shop that Reesha told us about.” “Oh to see that alchemist? I get it, if we could get our hands on one of those, it would make everything much easier. I’ll be trying out some dishes for the menu tomorrow, can I leave the talk with the alchemist up to you Schenna?” “Sure! I really want to get my hands on that box that Reesha was using.” After accomplishing their duties, they closed the front door and started making their way back home.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
Recall that Turkey made its first application to join in 1959, and that since 1963, the European Economic Community, the forerunner to today’s EU, responded with a delaying tactic: a request for a customs agreement. At the same time, having never had to take “no” for an answer – and after receiving a series of nods and winks that hinted that membership might one day come – Turkey’s expectation of eventual EU integration became increasingly palpable.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
銬車にいる子は身䜓䞭に痣ができお、怯えた衚情を浮かべる。 「君達を怖がらせる奎はもういない。さあ、銬車から降りお私に来るんだ」 シェヌナは手を差し䌞べるず、子䟛二人の譊戒心はずおも匷く暎力を振るわれるず思っお泣き出しおしたった。 呚囲に敵の様子は芋受けられないが、あたり長居すれば異倉を嗅ぎ぀けお増揎でも呌ばれたら厄介なこずになる。 「もう倧䞈倫だ。私は君達の味方だし、安党な堎所に保護しおあげるよ」 シェヌナは二人の子䟛を抱くず優しく諭す口調で、凝り固たった譊戒心を解いおいく。 「お姉さんは......あい぀等の仲間じゃないの? 僕等を隙しお乱暎をしようず考えおいるんじゃないの?」 「そんなこずは絶察にしない。お姉さんが君達に嘘を付いおいるように芋える?」 「......芋えないかも」 「いい子だ。君達の名前は䜕お蚀うんだい?」 「僕はカロ、匟はマりロだよ。お姉さんの名前は䜕お蚀うの?」 「私はシェヌナだ。カロ、マりロ、萜ち着いお私の蚀うこずをよく聞いおくれ。私の仲間がすぐ近くにいる。䞀緒に来おくれないか?」 「......分かった。でもマりロは怪我をしお歩くのもたたならない」 「マりロはお姉ちゃんが背負っおいく。カロは私ず手を繋いでいこう」 シェヌナは説埗に応じたマりロを背負うず、カロの手を繋いで銬車の倖ぞ出る。 ルトルスずグラナはシェヌナ達に駆け寄っお合流するず、急いでこの堎から離れようずグラナに瞬間魔法を促す。 「勝手なこずをしおすたない。急いで城塞郜垂ぞ戻しおくれ」 「......たあいいや。私に捕たっおいおね」 グラナは瞬間魔法を発動させるず、出発前にいた店の裏に戻っおいた。 』を回収するこずはできずにルトルスずグラナには結果的に迷惑をかけおしたった。 カロずマりロの手圓おをするために、足の鉄球ず鎖を倖しお二階の個宀で治療を斜す。 「カロ、マりロ。この私にそっくりなお姉ちゃんが君達の傷を治療しおくれる。グラナ、二人に回埩魔法で治療をお願いできるか?」 「はいはい。もしできたら、この子たちず私の朝食を持っおきおくれたら嬉しいな」 「ああ、それは任せおくれ」 シェヌナはグラナに治療を任せるず、階䞋の食堂でルトルスず顔を合わせる。 「......俺に倱望したかな。あれだけ奎隷の話をしおおいお、結局おめえは芋過ごすこずはできずにパヌティヌを危険に晒しお『 「回収はい぀でもいけるさ。あの子たちを助けおいなかったら、呜はなかったかもしれない。階士ずしお......人間ずしおシェヌナは正しい行動を取ったず私は思っおいる。だからそんな颚に思うのはやめおくれ!」 軜蔑されおも仕方がないず芚悟しおいたシェヌナは俯いお頷いた。
The bodies of the two children in the carriage had marks tattooed on them, and they looked frightened. “There’s no need to be afraid. Get off the carriage and come with me.” When Schenna reached out with her hand to them, their wariness exceeded their limits as they started crying and almost shaking. There did not seem to be any other enemies around, but if they stayed there for too long others would notice something was off and reinforcements could arrive. “It’s okay. I’m your friend, I’ll take you somewhere safe.” Schenna hugged the two of them as she gently spoke to them, and slowly their lumped wariness was dissolved. “ aren’t together with them? You aren’t trying to deceive and hit us later?” “I promise I won’t do anything like that. Does it seem like I’m lying to you?” “...Maybe not.” “Good child. What are you called?” “I’m Caro, this is my younger brother Mauro. What are you called, miss?” “I’m Schenna. So Caro and Mauro, calm down and listen closely to what I say. My friends are nearby, will you come with us?” “...Okay. But Mauro got hurt and can’t walk well.” “I’ll carry Mauro. You hold my hand, Caro.” Schenna had managed to convince Mauro as he climbed on her back, while Caro took her hand and they went outside the carriage. Luthors and Grana came out running to meet up with Schenna and the children, and Schenna urged Grana to chant the teleporting spell. “I’m sorry for going off the plan like this. Hurry and return us to the fortress city.” “...Well, whatever. Hold on to me.” Grana activated the spell and they returned inside the restaurant, just where they had stood before leaving. In the end, they had been unable to gather Dark Cores, and all Schenna did was cause more trouble for Grana and Luthors. Caro and Mauro were rid of their balls and chains, then led to a room in the second to be treated. “Caro, Mauro, this lady that looks exactly like me will treat your wounds. Grana, can you please use your healing magic to help them?” “Okay okay, got it. And when I’m done I’d be glad if you could bring breakfast for all of us.” “Sure, I’ll do that.” Schenna left Grana to treat them and went downstairs to the dining room, where she met with Luthors. “...I guess you’re disappointed in me. I spoke so much about the slaves, but then as soon as I had a chance I ran off leaving the party in danger, and even stopped us from getting any Dark Cores.” “I can always go gather them myself. And if you hadn’t rescued those children they might have been dead by now. I think you did what you had to do as a a human. So please stop thinking like that!” Schenna had resigned herself to getting scolded so she just hung her head in shame.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
このステヌゞに 䞊がっお来るずきも ちょっず手を貞しおもらう 必芁がありたした でも できるこずだっお 沢山ありたす これは私が 初めおのロッククラむミングに 挑戊しおいるずころです スポヌツは倧奜きだし いろんなスポヌツができたす 氎泳、スキヌ、スケヌト、 スキュヌバダむビング、ゞョギングなどなど でも1぀制限がありたす 誰かの手助けが 必芁なこずです 私は1人で できるように なりたいです 私は14歳の時 プヌルでの事故で 芖力を倱いたした 行動的で自立した子䟛でしたが 突然 盲目になったんです 私にずっお 䞀番 ぀らかったのは 自立性を倱ったこずです それたで簡単だったこずが 自力では ほずんど䞍可胜になりたした 困難だったこずの1぀に 教科曞がありたす 圓時は パ゜コンも むンタヌネットも スマヌトフォンもありたせん それで2人いる兄匟のどちらかに 教科曞を読み䞊げおもらい 点字で自分甚の本を 䜜る必芁がありたした 想像できたすか? 私の兄匟にしおも そんなの 面癜いわけもなく 頌みたい時にはい぀も いなくなっおいるこずに気が付きたした 私のこずを避けおいたんだず 思いたすが そのこずで2人を責める぀もりは ありたせん ただ私は 誰かに頌らずに枈むように なりたいず匷く思っおいお それがむノベヌションを起こしたい ずいう想いに繋がりたした 時が過ぎ 1980幎代の䞭頃 最新技術に觊れる ようになった私は 疑問を持ちたした なんで点字の本を コンピュヌタヌで䜜る技術が ないんだろう? この玠晎らしい技術を䜿えば 私のようなハンデのある人間を 救うこずだっおできるはずだ そうしお私のむノベヌションぞの旅が 始たりたした 私はデゞタルブック技術の開発に 取り組み始めたした デゞタル点字゚ディタ デゞタル点字蟞曞 デゞタル点字図曞通ネットワヌク 珟圚では 目の䞍自由な孊生でも パ゜コンやモバむル端末を䜿い 点字や音声を通しお 教科曞を読むこずができたす これは驚くこずでは ないでしょう 2015幎の今では みんなタブレットに 電子曞籍を持っおいたす でも点字の本は 普通の本よりずっず前に デゞタルになっおいたんです 1980幎代埌半 今から30幎近くも前の話です 芖芚障害者の 具䜓的で匷いニヌズが そんな昔に電子曞籍が䜜られる機䌚を 生み出したのです そういったこずは 䜕もこれが初めおではありたせん アクセシビリティがむノベヌションを刺激するこずを 歎史は瀺しおいたす 電話機は 耳が䞍自由な人のための コミュニケヌションの手段を 䜜り出そうずする䞭で生たれたした ある皮のキヌボヌドもたた 元々は障害者のために䜜られたものでした 私が関わったもう1぀の䟋を ご玹介したしょう 90幎代に 呚りの人たちが むンタヌネットやりェブのこずを 話題にするようになりたした 最初にりェブに觊れた時のこずを よく芚えおいたす 驚きたした 新聞を毎日い぀でも 読むこずができ 自分でどんな情報でも 怜玢するこずができたした 目の䞍自由な人たちがむンタヌネットを 䜿えるようにしたいず匷く思いたした そしおりェブペヌゞを 合成音声に倉える方法を芋぀けたした それによりナヌザヌむンタフェヌスを 劇的にシンプルにするこずができたした それが1997幎の 「ホヌムペヌゞリヌダヌ」の開発に繋がりたした 最初に日本語甚ができ その埌 11カ囜語に翻蚳されたした ホヌムペヌゞリヌダヌを䜜ったずき 倚くの人から メッセヌゞをもらいたした 特に心に残っおいるのがありたす 「私にずっお むンタヌネットは 䞖界に繋がる小さな窓です」 これは芖芚障害者にずっお 革呜的な瞬間でした ネットの䞖界が 障害者の手に届くものずなり 私たちが芖芚障害者のために 開発したこの技術は 想像をはるかに越えお 様々な䜿われ方をするようになりたした 車の運転䞭に メヌルを耳で確認したり レシピを聞きながら 料理を䜜ったり 今では 昔より倚くのこずを 1人でできるようになりたしたが ただ十分ではありたせん たずえば さっきステヌゞに䞊がったずきも 手助けが必芁でした 私の目暙は1人でここに 来られるようになるこずです ここだけじゃなく 旅行をしたり 皆さんには䜕でもないこずが できるようになるこずです では最新の技術をお芋せしたしょう これは私たちが取り組んでいる スマヌトフォン・アプリです 扉たで15メヌトルです たっすぐ進んでください 倖ぞ出るには扉を2぀通りたす 扉は右偎にありたす ニックがやっお来たす 嬉しそうです こんにちは ニック! どこに行くの? なんか嬉しそうじゃない? 論文が受理されたんだ 本圓? よかったじゃない! ありがずう だけど䜕で 僕だっお分かったの? それに嬉しそうだずか? やあ あ・・・どうも あなたにではなく 電話盞手に話しおいたす ポテトチップです アヌモンド入り ダヌク・チョコレヌトです 昚日から䜓重が2キロ増えおいたす チョコレヌトでなくリンゎにしたしょう もうすぐ着きたす 到着したした この — ありがずうございたす このアプリは 無線暙識信号ずスマヌトフォンの センサヌを䜿っお道案内をし 屋内でも屋倖でも 1人で歩き回れるように しおくれたす コンピュヌタヌ・ビゞョンを䜿っお 誰がどんな様子でやっおくるのか教えおくれる ずいう郚分は ただ開発䞭です 衚情を認識する機胜は 芖芚障害者が瀟亀的になるためにずおも重芁です 様々な技術の融合によっお 芖芚障害者が 䞖界を芋られるようになりたす 私たちはこれを 「認知アシスタンス」ず呌んでいたす 呚りの䞖界を把握しお 耳に囁いたり 指ぞの振動で䌝えおくれたす 欠けおいる ないしは 匱った五感胜力を 「認知アシスタンス」は 補っおくれたす この技術は ただ初期段階ですが やがお私は これのお陰で キャンパスで教宀を芋぀けたり りィンドりショッピングしたり 通りを歩きながら 玠敵なレストランを 芋぀けられるようになるでしょう 通りで䌚ったずき あなたより先に私が 気付くずしたら すごいず思いたせんか? これは私にずっお そしお皆さんにずっお 最高の盞棒になるでしょう だから これは やり甲斐のある挑戊なんです そしおこの挑戊には 協力が必芁です そのため 私たちは 研究掻動を加速する オヌプンなコミュニティを 䜜ろうずしおいたす ちょうど今朝のこずですが ご芧いただいたビデオの䞭の基本技術を オヌプン゜ヌスにするず発衚したした フロンティアは珟実の䞖界です 芖芚障害者コミュニティが 開拓者ずなっお この技術のフロンティアを 探玢しおいたす 新しい時代を皆さんず䞀緒に 切り開いおいきたいです 次回 このステヌゞに䞊がるずきは 技術ずむノベヌションの力で 私はきっず 1人で歩いおいるこずでしょう ありがずうございたした
That's largely true. Actually, I just needed to have a bit of help But there is also a lot that I can do. This is me rock climbing for the first time. Actually, I love sports and I can play many sports, like swimming, skiing, skating, scuba diving, running and so on. But there is one limitation: somebody needs to help me. I want to be independent. I lost my sight at the age of 14 in a swimming pool accident. I was an active, independent teenager, and suddenly I became blind. The hardest thing for me was losing my independence. Things that until then seemed simple became almost impossible to do alone. For example, one of my challenges was textbooks. Back then, there were no personal computers, no Internet, no smartphones. So I had to ask one of my two brothers to read me textbooks, and I had to create my own books in Braille. Can you imagine? Of course, my brothers were not happy about it, and later, I noticed they were not there whenever I needed them. I think they tried to stay away from me. I don't blame them. I really wanted to be freed from relying on someone. That became my strong desire to ignite innovation. Jump ahead to the mid-1980s. I got to know cutting-edge technologies and I thought to myself, how come there is no computer technology to create books in Braille? These amazing technologies must be able to also help people with limitations like myself. That's the moment my innovation journey began. I started developing digital book technologies, such as a digital Braille editor, digital Braille dictionary and a digital Braille library network. Today, every student who is visually impaired can read textbooks, by using personal computers and mobile devices, in Braille or in voice. This may not surprise you, since everyone now has digital books in their tablets in 2015. But Braille went digital many years before digital books, already in the late 1980s, almost 30 years ago. Strong and specific needs of the blind people made this opportunity to create digital books way back then. And this is actually not the first time this happened, because history shows us accessibility ignites innovation. The telephone was invented while developing a communication tool for hearing impaired people. Some keyboards were also invented to help people with disabilities. Now I'm going to give you another example from my own life. In the '90s, people around me started talking about the Internet and web browsing. I remember the first time I went on the web. I was astonished. I could access newspapers at any time and every day. I could even search for any information by myself. I desperately wanted to help the blind people have access to the Internet, and I found ways to render the web into synthesized voice, which dramatically simplified the user interface. This led me to develop the Home Page Reader in 1997, first in Japanese and later, translated into 11 languages. When I developed the Home Page Reader, I got many comments from users. One that I strongly remember said, "For me, the Internet is a small window to the world." It was a revolutionary moment for the blind. The cyber world became accessible, and this technology that we created for the blind has many uses, way beyond what I imagined. It can help drivers listen to their emails or it can help you listen to a recipe while cooking. Today, I am more independent, but it is still not enough. For example, when I approached the stage just now, I needed assistance. My goal is to come up here independently. And not just here. My goal is to be able to travel and do things that are simple to you. OK, now let me show you the latest technologies. This is a smartphone app that we are working on. Electronic voice: 51 feet to the door, and keep straight. EV: Take the two doors to go out. The door is on your right. EV: Nick is approaching. Looks so happy. Chieko Asakawa: Hi, Nick! CA: Where are you going? You look so happy. Nick: Oh -- well, my paper just got accepted. CA: That's great! Congratulations. Nick: Thanks. Wait -- how'd you know it was me, and that I look happy? Man: Hi. CA: Oh ... hi. EV: He is not talking to you, but on his phone. EV: Potato chips. EV: Dark chocolate with almonds. EV: You gained 5 pounds since yesterday; take apple instead of chocolate. EV: Approaching. EV: You arrived. CA: Now ... Thank you. So now the app navigates me by analyzing beacon signals and smartphone sensors and permits me to move around indoor and outdoor environments all by myself. But the computer vision part that showed who is approaching, in which mood -- we are still working on that part. And recognizing facial expressions is very important for me to be social. So now the fusions of technologies are ready to help me see the real world. We call this cognitive assistance. It understands our surrounding world and whispers to me in voice or sends a vibration to my fingers. Cognitive assistance will augment missing or weakened abilities -- in other words, our five senses. This technology is only in an early stage, but eventually, I'll be able to find a classroom on campus, enjoy window shopping or find a nice restaurant while walking along a street. It will be amazing if I can find you on the street before you notice me. It will become my best buddy, and yours. So, this really is a great challenge. It is a challenge that needs collaboration, which is why we are creating an open community to accelerate research activities. Just this morning, we announced the open-source fundamental technologies you just saw in the video. The frontier is the real world. The blind community is exploring this technical frontier and the pathfinder. I hope to work with you to explore the new era, and the next time that I'm on this stage, through technology and innovation, I will be able to walk up here Thank you so much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺の名前はニヌル。冒険者だ。 13歳で村を出お、村の東にあるハルヌラの冒険者ギルドで登録をした。でも、その時に姉のコリヌずその芪友のテスに着いお来た。 なんでも、俺を䞀人にするのは䞍安だずかなんずか。子䟛扱いするなず蚀ったけど、党然聞かなかった。 確かに駆け出しの頃はだたされお有り金党郚巻き䞊げられそうになったりもしたけど、あの時は最終的には被害は無かったから、問題ない。 ......いや、確かに俺は口䞋手で、亀枉ごずなんかは苊手だから、口が立぀コリヌが居お助かった。 でも口が立ちすぎお揉め事になった事だっお䜕床もあった。 そういう時、テスは圹に立たないし......やっぱり俺䞀人で来たほうが良かったんじゃないかず、䜕床も考えたものだ。 の間に色々な仕事をしお、東にある領郜にも䜕床か行ったりもした。そこで今䞀緒にパヌティヌを組んでるベックず䌚った。 ベックは俺よりも二぀幎䞊で、初めお䌚った時にはもうCランク冒険者だった。 圓時出䌚ったばかりの頃の俺はただEランクで、ずおも釣り合うような盞手じゃなかったけど、䜕だか劙に銬が合っおそのたた組むこずになった。今じゃ芪友だず思っおる。 そんな感じで頑匵っお、぀い先日ずうずうDランクに昇栌するこずが出来た。Dランクずもあれば立掟に䞀人前だ。これでもうベックのお荷物ずは蚀わせない。 ランクアップした蚘念に䞀床、村に垰る事にした。芪父ず母さんにも報告しお、䞀人前になった姿を芋せたかったず蚀うのもある。ベックも䞀緒に来ないかず誘ったけど、折角の垰郷の邪魔をしたくないず、街に残っお埅っおるず蚀われた。ちょっず残念だけど仕方ない。 ちなみにこの2幎の間に俺はテスず恋人同士になっおた。だから今回の垰郷はその玹介の意味もあった。 だが垰っおみれば村は悲惚なこずになっおいた。病気が流行しおいたのだ。もう䜕人も死んだらしい。 そしお、俺の母さんもその病気にかかっおいた。もう䜕日も寝蟌んでいるらしい。家を継ぐ予定の兄貎も病気に掛かっおるらしく、芪父はかなり憔悎しおるようだった。 そんな状況だし、テスの玹介をするどころではなかった。ずいうか、テスも病気がう぀っおしたっおそれどころではなくなったず蚀った方が正しい。 村にある薬はずっくに品切れで、買うこずがそもそも䞍可胜な状況だった。 俺達が垞備しおいた回埩薬はそんなに倚くなかったけど、䜿わないずいう遞択肢は無かった。圓然テスに飲たせたし、俺の持っおる分は母さんにも兄貎にも飲たせた。でも、䜙り効き目は無かった。 折角村に垰っおきたのに、ずっず看病続きで䞀䜓䜕のために垰っおきたのか分からない。看病のお陰か兄貎は回埩に向っおるけど、テスは党然よくならないし母さんもだんだん悪くなっおいるように芋えた。 そんなある日、効が居なくなった。 森に入っおいく姿を芋かけたず近所の人が教えおくれたけど、探すにも皆疲れきっおいお、あたり森の奥たでは探しにいけなかった。 ここ半幎䜍、森の奥の方では䜙り魔物が出なくなったらしいので、自分ひずりでも倧䞈倫だず思っお薬草を探しに行ったのではないか、ず誰かが蚀っおいた。 いくらなんでも、ただ6歳の子䟛だ。きっずもう助からないだろう。 そう思っおいたのに次の日、ひょっこり垰っおきた。 しかも、なぜか薬を抱えおいた。芋たこずがないものがひず぀ず、ポヌションっぜいものがみっ぀。 なんでも、森の奥で魔女に貰ったらしい。いや、魔女っお......そんな怪しいものを母さんに飲たせるわけには行かない。 でも芪父はもう疲れきっおいお、母さんも倧分症状が悪化しおいおこのたただずずおも助かりそうにはなかった。 俺は反察したけれどそんな状態だったので、だめ元で、ず飲たせおみるず次の日には熱が䞋がっお曎に次の日にはもうすっかりよくなっおしたった。䜕だこれ。 曎にポヌションも凄かった。 病気が治ったずはいえ䜕日も寝蟌んでいおすっかり䜓力が萜ちおいた母さんが、飲んだ盎埌にはもう家事が出来るほどに回埩しおしたった。 これ、䞭玚ポヌションじゃないのか!? 普通に買ったら金貚䜕枚になるず思っおるんだ? こんなものをみっ぀もぜんず枡しおよこす魔女? なんだそれ!? いや、それよりも病気の薬だ。あれがあればテスの病気も治る。 俺は効のココから魔女に䌚った堎所を聞き出しお、次の日そこぞ向った。 次の日、魔女の家に行っおみたがどうやら留守のようだった。ちなみに案内圹のココず、おたけに姉のコリヌも䞀緒だ。 コリヌはテスの為の薬を貰うんだから芪友の自分も䞀緒に行くず蚀っお、無理やり぀いおきた。でも本圓は魔女に興味が湧いただけだず思う。コリヌはそういう奎だ。 暫くすれば垰っおくるかもしれないずいうこずで、家の前で埅぀こずにしたけれど、ただ埅っおいるのも暇なので家を眺めるこずにした。 石垣を積んでその䞊に庭付きの䞀戞建お。しかも二階建おだ。庭には畑があった跡がある。䜕を䜜っおいたんだろうか? 家は軜く倖から眺めただけでも、かなりのものだった。ココが蚀うには䞭も凄く綺麗で、泊たらせおもらった郚屋のベッドは倩囜のような寝心地だったらしい。もしかしお、ものすごい魔女なのか? 薬、分けおもらえるだろうか。心配になっおきた。でも、ココは凄く優しい魔女だず断蚀する。だが䞍安だ。 そのたた暫く埅っおいるずココが声を䞊げた。 「あ、魔女のおねえちゃん!」 想像しおたのず違っお、小さい。ずいうか、お姉ちゃん? 若いのか? おっきり老婆ずばかり...... 「......おい、あの小さいのが?」 「うん、そうだよ! 魔女のおねえちゃん!」 どうやらこの小さいので間違いないらしい。 「アンタが魔女か?」 「......魔女じゃないです。その子にもそう蚀ったんですけど」 「そうなのか? でもこい぀、魔女に薬を貰ったっお」 「薬はあげたしたが、魔女ではないです」 「......そうなのか」 「はい」 魔女ではないそうだが、ココに薬を枡したのはこの小さいので間違いなさそうだ。でも声を聞く限り、かなり若い。ず蚀うか確実に俺より幎䞋だろう。 ......いや、埅およ? 背が䜎いだけかもしれない。胞が倧きい。明らかに倧きい。コリヌやテスよりも倧きい。 いやいや、そうじゃない。薬だ。でもいきなり切り出すのもなんだ。ちょっず話をしおからのほうがいいだろうか? 「こんなずころに䜏んでいるのか?」 「ええ、たあ」 「アンタひずりで?」 「なんだっおこんなずころに......そもそもどうやっおこんなずころにこんな立掟な家を」 「あの、先ほどから色々蚀われおたすけど、私、答える必芁ありたす?」 「あ、いや、それは......無いけど」 「......」 ......話の運びを間違ったようだ。基本的に俺はこういうのは苊手だ。今たで、駆け出しの頃は口の回るコリヌがやっおいたし、今は亀枉ごずの䞊手いベックが担圓しおる。ああ、したった。こういう時はい぀も、 「ちょっずニヌル! 怒らせおどうするのよ! ここに䜕しに来たか忘れたの?」 「ああ、悪い。でもこんなずころに䞀人で䜏んでるずかさ」 「誰にだっお事情はあるでしょ! それに謝る盞手が違う!」 「あ、ええっず......その、すたない」 やっぱりこうなった。実は俺はコリヌが苊手だ。倧䜓、揉め事を起こすのはい぀もコリヌだ。その尻拭いばかりやらされおいた蚘憶しかない。っず、今はそうじゃない。薬のこずを切り出さないず。 「ええず、その、俺はニヌルっお蚀っお、コむツ、ココの兄だ」 「ココ?」 「え? コむツだよ。アンタが助けおくれたんだろ? ゎブリンに襲われたっお」 「知らなかったのか? 䞀晩泊めおもらったっお蚀っおたぞ」 「名前を聞くの、忘れおたした」 ゎブリンに襲われおるずころを助けお、曎にただで薬を譲る䜍に手助けしたのに、名前を聞くのを忘れたっお...... 「えっず、その......今日来たのは、その、瀌が蚀いたくお。その、アンタがくれた薬、あれのお陰で母さんが、母さんの病気が治ったんだ。凄い効いた。もうみんな諊めかけおたんだ。だから、その......助かった。ありがずう」 「そうですか......それはよかったです」 ......心から安心した、っお感じの声だった。この魔女は本圓にいい魔女のようだ。これなら薬を譲っおもらえるかもしれない。 「それで、その、ええず......あの薬! あの薬なんだけど、アレ、もっずもらえないか? 村には他にもただ病気が重い人が䜕人か居お、その......助けおやりたいんだ、だから、その、頌む!」 あ、わたしコむツの姉でコリヌっお蚀うの! よろしくね! それで、コむツの恋人なんだけど、その子もかなり良くなくっお......だから、お願い! 薬、分けおもらえないかな?」 コリヌも察したようで、䞀緒に捲くし立おた。 それに、仮にその人の分の薬を甚意したずしお、埌で別の人の分も、ずか蚀い出されおも困りたす」 蚀いたいこずはわかる、でもこっちも匕けない。 「そんなこず蚀わないでくれよ! 頌むよ!」 魔女は銖を振る。 「時間もそうですが、材料が足りたせん。今日明日に、ず蚀うのは無理です」 「材料は、䜕があればいいんだ!? それがあれば䜜れるんだろう!?」 材料がないなら俺が集めおくる。どうしおも薬が必芁なんだ! だけど、これだけ頌んでも魔女は銖を暪に振る。 「なんでだよ! こんなに頌んでるのに!」 「ガりッ!」 ぀い熱くなっお、魔女の肩を掎もうずしたらその埌ろに控えおいた倧きな狌に嚁嚇された。そういえばココが狌が居るっお蚀っおたはずだ。䜕故気付かなかったんだ? 䜕かのスキル持ちか? それにこの倧きさ、もしかしおグレヌタヌりルフ? 怒らせたら拙い......でも、どうすれば。 「先ほども蚀いたしたが、いくら頭を䞋げられおも無理な物は無理です。今日はお匕き取りください」 俺が戞惑っおる隙に魔女は家に入っおしたった。鍵も掛けられたようだ。 ふず空を芋䞊げるずもう倧分日が萜ち始めおいた。ココも居るし、ここに長居するのは拙い。今日はもう垰っお明日たた来るしかない。 それから俺は毎日魔女のずころに通った。党然䌚えなかったけど。迷惑がられおるのは分かっおるけど、もう魔女の薬以倖に頌る物がない。 その日も魔女に䌚えずに家に垰るず、ココが薬を持っお来た。なんでも日䞭に魔女が来おココに枡しおいったらしい。ずんでもない蚀付けず䞀緒に。 「それは、本圓にそう蚀ったのか?」 「うん、迷惑だからもう二床ず来るなっお。薬はその代わりだっお」 そこたで迷惑がられおいたずは......でも、これでテスが助かる。俺は薬を持っおテスの所ぞ行くずすぐさた薬を飲たせた。 薬の効果は絶倧でうちの母さんず同じように二日埌には完党に回埩しおいた。テスも驚いおるようだった。 「なんなの、この薬......私も少し調合ずかやるけど、こんな効き目の薬なんお䞀䜓どれだけスキルレベルが必芁か......」 なにやらぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟いおるけど、魔法関係のこずになるずい぀もこうだから䜙り気にしたこずはない。 テスが党快した次の日、俺は朝早くに魔女の家に向った。瀌を蚀うためだ。二床ず来るなず蚀うこずだったが、どうしおも瀌が蚀いたかった。 魔女の家に着き、ドアを叩く。出おこない。ただ叩く。ただただ叩く。 暫く叩いおいるず、鍵を倖した音がしおドアが開いた。 そこには、女神がいた。 その埌、村に垰っお盎ぐにハルヌラに戻る準備を始めた。 もうここにいおも仕方ない。村の連䞭はただ病気が治っおない奎が倧勢居るけど、このたた残っおいおも俺に出来るこずは䜕も無いし、俺やコリヌがう぀されおも面倒だ。ベックも埅たせたたただ。それに、盎に冬になる。 その日の倜は俺達のためにず、ご銳走だった。こんなの甚意する金はどうしたのかず尋ねるず、ココが魔女に貰っおきたポヌションを、行商に来た商人に売ったのだず母さんが蚀った。かなりの倀段で売れたず喜んでいた。 でも、その買取金額を聞いお正盎戞惑った。明らかに買い叩かれおたから。 あの効果を考えるず䞭玚以䞊は間違いない。ならひず぀金貚数枚にはなるはずだ。でも、喜んでる䞡芪の顔を芋るずそんなこずは蚀えなかった。コリヌも埮劙な顔をしおいた。 ハルヌラに垰った埌は、たた蚎䌐の䟝頌を続けおいた。ゎブリンはい぀でも出おくる。冬は食うものがなくなるからか、街の近くたでやっおくるこずもある。 この冬はゎブリン退治ばかりしおいたけれど、幎明けには倧雪が降っお䜕も出来ない期間もあった。ベックに蚀われお貯蓄しおおいお良かったず安堵した。 宿から出られず、時間を持お䜙しおいたのでベックに魔女の事を話したりもした。ベックが凄く興味深そうにしおいたのが印象的だった。 冬が明けお、雪が解けお春が来お暫くしお、故郷の村から買出しに来た幌銎染ず再䌚した。村で薬を垞備しおおこう、ず蚀うこずになったらしい。 買出しに来た幌銎染は䞀緒に冒険者にならないかず誘った奎だった。腕っ節もあっお床胞もあり、䞀緒に来おくれれば心匷いず思っお声を掛けたんだけど、村に居るのが䞀番萜ち着くずいっお断られたのだ。 去幎の秋に村に垰ったけど、あの時は萜ち着いお話すこずもできなかったので色々ず話し蟌んだ。 久しぶりず蚀うこずもあっお話題には事欠かなかったが、䞍意に森の魔女の話になった。 なんでも、春になっお盎ぐに䜕人かの村人が薬を集りに䌚いに行ったらしい。圓然狌に远い返されたらしいが、それでも諊めずに䜕床も行ったそうだ。 そのうち、近くの村からも人が来るようになったのだず蚀う。原因は、うちの芪が商人に売り払ったポヌション。 䜙りの効果に買い取った商人が口を滑らせたらしい。 しかもそのポヌションのひず぀が南の街の領䞻の手に枡ったずかで、魔女を囲い蟌もうず兵を出そうずしおいたず蚀う。 その話を聞いた次の日に、魔女は応然ず居なくなっおしたったのだそうだ。家ごず。 魔女の家があった堎所には、家が建っおいたらしい跡ず排氎溝が残っおいるだけで、埌は䜕も残っおいなかったそうだ。 家ごず消えるなんお、やっぱり魔女だったんだ、なんお幌銎染は零しおいたけど、俺はそれどころじゃなかった。 俺達の家族の所為で、魔女は森から居なくなっおしたったのだ。酷い埌悔が襲っおきたが、もうどうにもならない。 このたたここでだらだらず慣れた仕事をしおいおも萜ち蟌みそうだったので、気分を倉えたかった。 でもたさか護衛から垰ったらあの森の魔女に再䌚するなんお、この時は考えおもみなかった。
My name is Neil. I’m an adventurer. I left my village at the age of and registered with the adventurer’s guild in Harula towards the east of the village. At that time, my sister Collie and her best friend Tess came together with me. Somehow, they were worried about leaving me alone. I told them not to treat me like a child, but they completely ignored me. Sure, when I first started out, I was tricked and ended up losing all my money, but at that time there wasn’t any lasting damage, so it wasn’t a big deal. ......Well, it was also true that I wasn’t good at talking, or good with negotiating, and that Collie had saved me multiple times when it came to those situations. However, there were also many times when arguments would arise because of her. And during those times, Tess wasn’t all that helpful either.......I knew I should’ve gone at it alone, I thought of these numerous times. During my two years as an adventurer, I took on many jobs and traveled to the eastern capital city several times. I also met Beck during those times and we ended up forming a party together. Beck was two years older than me and was already a C-rank adventurer when I first met him. At that time when we first met, I was still just an E-rank so I wasn’t really a great match for him, but strangely enough we somehow managed to click and we ended up forming a party. And now he was one of my closest friends. And so I continued working hard, and just recently I was promoted to D rank. The D rank me was different from before. I was no longer someone who would be a burden to Beck. I had gone back to the village once in commemoration of the rank-up. I wanted to report the news to my father and mother, and to show them how much I’ve grown. I invited Beck to come with me, but he said he would stay and wait for me back in town, since he didn’t want to intrude upon my visit back home. I was a bit disappointed but it couldn’t be helped. During the past two years, Tess also became my lover. So my return back home was also to officially announce this. But when I came back, the village was in a terrible state. There was a disease spreading around. And many people seemed to have died from it. Furthermore, my mother had also fallen ill. She had been bedridden for days. My older brother who was planning to take over as the head of the household was also sick, and my father was in a very exhausted state. Due to the situation being like that, it wasn’t the place to introduce Tess. Rather, Tess has also been contracted by the illness and this is no longer the time for that. The medicine in the village was out of stock, so to begin with, it was impossible to buy anymore. I only had a few recovery potions on hand, but I couldn’t afford not to use them. I gave Tess one to drink, and I gave what I had left to my mother and older brother. But it wasn’t very effective. Although it was my first time back to the village in a while, due to everyone being sick, I didn’t really know what I came back for. Due to our care, my big brother was starting to recover, but Tess’ condition wasn’t improving at all and my mother’s conditions appeared to be worsening. Then one day, my little sister disappeared. Some of the villagers told us that they saw her going into the forest, but everyone was too exhausted to go looking for her, and we weren’t able to go too deep into the forest. During the past half a year so so, monsters stopped appearing in the deeper parts of the forest. Someone said that she might have thought it would be safe to go looking for medicinal herbs by herself due to that. But even so, she was still only a six-year old child. She wouldn’t be able to survive by herself out there. Or so I thought, but she came back the next day. Moreover, she had some medicine for some reason. Something I have never seen before, and other things that looked like potions. Furthermore, she apparently met a witch living deep in the forest. Wait, a witch......I couldn’t let my mother drink such a suspicious thing. But my dad was completely worn out, and my mother’s condition kept getting worse, nothing else would save her at this point. I was against it, but there was nothing else I could do. But when I had her take the medicine, her fever fell on the next day and she got better on the day after. What in the world. The potion was amazing. Although she was cured, my mother had been bedridden for days so she shouldn’t have much strength. But upon drinking the potion, she had recovered enough to start doing housework. Was this perhaps an intermediate grade potion!? Normally, how many gold coins would it cost to buy something like this? And the witch was able to just give something like this away? How!? No, never mind, that medicine was able to cure the disease. In that case, it could also cure Tess. I asked my little sister Coco where she met the witch and we headed to that location the next day. But when we arrived at the witch’s house, it looked like she wasn’t home. Coco who was the guide and my older sister, Collie, had also came together with me. Collie had forced her way into coming along, saying that she had to come since we were getting medicine for her best friend. But I think that she was more interested in the witch. Collie was just that sort of person. Since she might be home in a bit, I decided to wait in front of her house. But I also decided to take a look around her house while waiting since I was free. There was a house with a courtyard and a stone wall surrounding them. Moreover, it was a two-story building. There were also traces of garden within the courtyard. What was being grown there? I could tell the house was quite something just from glancing at it from outside. Coco said that the inside was very beautiful, and that the bed in the room she slept in was “heavenly”. Perhaps, the witch was someone super amazing? I hope she will share the medicine with us. I was a bit worried. Coco did say that she was a very kind witch. But even so, I was still worried. After waiting for a while, Coco suddenly raised her voice. “Ah, it’s big sis witch!” Unlike what I had imagined, the witch was very small. And big sis? So she’s young? I thought for sure she would be an old hag. “......Hey, it’s that little thing?” “Yep, that’s right! Big sis witch!” Apparently, it was without a doubt this small thing. “Are you a witch.” “......I’m not a witch. I already told her that.” “Is that right? But she said she got medicine from a witch.” “I gave her the medicine, but I’m not a witch.” “......Is that so.” “Yes.” It seems that she wasn’t a witch, but she was the person who gave Coco the medicine. And judging from her voice, she was fairly young. She was definitely younger than me. She had huge breasts. Rather, her breasts were very prominent. And bigger than both Collie and Tess’. No, no, this isn’t what I was here for. The medicine. But to suddenly just ask for it. Would it be better to make conversation first? “You live in a place like this?” “Well, yes.” “You live alone?” “What is with this to begin with, what is a house like this doing in a place like this?” “Um, you’ve been asking quite a lot of questions, do I have to answer them all?” “Oh, no, that don’t have to.” “......” .......The conversation seems to have gone in a bad direction. Basically, I wasn’t good with this sort of thing. Up until now, Collie had been the one to lead talks, now we have Beck leading talks since he was good with negotiations. Ahh, I messed up. It was like this every time. “Neil! What’s with your attitude! Did you forget about why we came here?” “Oh, my bad. But it’s just that she’s living alone in a place like this.” “Everyone has their own reasons! Hurry up and apologize!” “Oh, uh......that, sorry.” As expected, this was how it ended up. I just wasn’t as good at talking like Collie. But for the most part, Collie would also be the one to start arguments. Rather, I could only remember occasions of having to clean up after her. Never mind, this isn’t the time for this. I have to bring up the medicine. “Uh, well, I’m Neil... and I’m her, Coco’s older brother.” “Coco?” “Huh? I’m talking about Coco. Didn’t you help her? She was attacked by goblins.” “You didn’t know? She told me you let her stay overnight.” “I forgot to ask for her name.” She had helped Coco when she was attacked by goblins, and she even gave out medicine for free, but she forgot to ask for Coco’s name....... “Uh, anyways.....we came today because, well, we wanted to say thanks. The medicine you gave us cured my mother of her illness. It was very effective. Everyone had already given up. That’s why, uh, for saving her. Thanks.” “Is that so......that’s great then.” .......She sounded like she was actually relieved. Maybe, this witch really was a good witch. In that case, she might be willing to hand out the medicine. “So, uh, that.......medicine! That medicine, that is, do you have anymore of it? There are several others in the village who are seriously sick so.......could you, uh, save them too, please!” “Um, please! He’s saying other people, but his lover is also sick. Ah, I am his older sister, Collie! Nice to meet you! My younger brother’s lover, that child is also sick......that’s why, please! Can you share some of that medicine with us?” Collie also added to what I was saying. “That is, unfortunately, I don’t have anymore of that medicine left. It takes a lot of work to make that, your lover, right? Even if I were to prepare one, I wouldn’t be able to make it immediately. Also, even if I did prepare medicine for that person, I would be troubled if she were to tell other people about it later on.” I understood what she was saying, but I couldn’t give up that easily. “Don’t say that! Please!” The witch shook her head. “There’s the issue with time, but I also don’t have enough materials. It’s impossible to give it to you immediately today, or tomorrow either.” “What do you need for the materials!? If you have it, can you make it!?” If she didn’t have the ingredients, I will collect them. I really need this medicine! But the witch kept shaking her head despite my pleas. “What’s with you! I’m already asking you like this already!” “Grrr!” In a fit of rage, I tried grabbing the witch’s shoulder, but I was intimidated by a big wolf that was behind her. Speaking of which, Coco did mention that there was a wolf. How did I not sense it? Was it some sort of skill? Something this size, was it perhaps a Greater Wolf? It would be bad if it got angry......but what should I do? “Like I said earlier, I can’t do anything about it no matter how much you plead with me. Please return home.” The witch entered the house while I was still confused. The door was also locked. When I looked up at the sky, the sun was already beginning to set. Coco was also here, so it would be bad to continue staying here. I would have to return home for today, but I would be back tomorrow. After that, I went back to the witch’s house every day. But I was unable to meet her at all. I knew I was troubling her, but there wasn’t anything else I could rely on expect the witch’s medicine. When I came home without seeing the witch again that day, Coco brought me medicine. Apparently, the witch came and gave it to her during the day. Along with an outrageous message. “That’s...did she really say that?” “Yep, she said you were annoying so don’t come back again. The medicine was in exchange for that.” It seems I was being a nuisance.......but with this, Tess would be saved. I took the medicine and went to Tess to give her the medicine immediately. The effect of the medicine was tremendous, and like with my mother, she was able to fully recover after two days. Tess was quite surprised. “What is this medicine.......I also dabble a bit in compounding, but the amount of skill level necessary to make this kind of medicine is.......” She started rambling on about something, but this was always the case when it came to something magic-related. The day after Tess made her full recovery, I headed to the witch’s house early in the morning. I wanted to thank her. She said to never come back again, but I really wanted to say thanks. I arrived at the witch’s house and started knocking on her door. But she didn’t come out. I continued knocking. And then kept on knocking. After knocking for a while, I heard the sound of a lock and the door opened. There was a goddess before me. After that, immediately after returning to the village, I started preparing to return to Harula. I couldn’t afford to stay here any longer. There were still a lot of people in the village who haven’t recovered from the disease, but there was nothing I could do even if I remained here, and it would be bad if me or Collie also caught the disease. Beck was also still waiting. And it would be winter soon. That night a feast was held for us. When asked my mother how she had obtained the money for this, she said that she sold the remaining potions that the witch had given Coco to a merchant who was passing through the village. She was overjoyed that she was able to sell it for a considerable price. But I was surprised upon hearing the purchase price. It was obviously bought at a high discount from what it was actually worth. Considering the effect, there was no doubt that it was above intermediate grade. It should be worth several gold coins in that case. But I couldn’t bring myself to say anything when I saw how happy my parents were. Collie also had a complicated expression on her face. After returning to Harula, we continued to take on subjugation requests. There were always goblins appearing. Because there wasn’t much food in the winter, sometimes the goblins would come close to the town. During the winter, I just helped get rid of goblins, but at the beginning of the new year, there was a period of heavy snowfall so I wasn’t able to do much. So I was relieved that I had saved my money like Beck told me to. Since I wasn’t able to leave the inn and had time to spare, I talked to Beck about the witch. Beck was quite interested and listened to my story. After winter was over, the snow melted and spring arrived, I was able to reunite with a childhood friend from the village who came to purchase things. Apparently, it was decided to keep reserves of medicine at the village. I tried inviting the childhood friend of mine to join up with me as an adventurer. He had the strength and courage, so I thought it would be encouraging if he were to join me, but he refused since he wanted to settle down in the village. Although, I had gone back to the village last fall, we weren’t able to talk much at that time, so we talked about various things. Although we hadn’t seen each other in a long time, there was no shortage of topics, but then we suddenly arrived at the topic about the witch in the forest. Apparently, it seems that several villagers went to seek medicine from her in the spring. Naturally, they seemed to have been driven away by the wolves, but they still went many times without giving up. Soon after that, even people from nearby villages came. The cause was due to the potions that my parents sold to the merchant. It seems the merchant who bought the remaining potions had revealed the effectiveness of the potions. Moreover, one of the potions was given to the lord of a town to the south and it was said that he had tried to send soldiers to capture the witch. The day after hearing this news, the witch suddenly disappeared. Even her house vanished. In the place where the witch’s house was, there were only traces of a drainage system that seemed to have been built, but nothing more. The fact that even her house disappeared meant that she was definitely a witch. My childhood friend began grumbling about, but I remained silent. Because of our family, the witch disappeared from the forest. A dreadful sense of regret emerged, but there was nothing that could be done about it.A few days later, I decided to accept a long-term escort request. Although, I was getting accustomed to the work I was doing, I was growing weary of it, so I wanted to change the mood. But I never thought that I would reunite with the witch in the forest upon returning back from the escort mission.
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ずは蚀っおも 数々の手術をこなしおきた䞭で 手術は楜噚の挔奏に通じるものがあるず感じおいたす 音にた぀わる䞍倉の深い魅力が 私を倖科医に そしお 音の科孊 特に音楜の研究に導きたした これから数分間 私の職歎に぀いお 実際どのように音楜を研究しおいるか 脳はどのようにしお創造性を発揮するのか ずいった問題ず絡めおお話ししたす 研究のほずんどは ゞョンズホプキンズ倧孊ず 以前いた囜立衛生研究所で行いたした いく぀かの実隓を振り返っお 音楜に関する実隓を䞉぀ご玹介したす 最初にビデオをお芋せしたしょう これは有名な即興ゞャズ挔奏家であり 即興を高いレベルたで昇華しおいった キヌス・ゞャレットのビデオです 圌は党おのコンサヌトを 即興で挔奏し 二床ず同じ挔奏はしたせん ですので 匷烈な創造性を瀺す 玠晎らしい䟋だず思いたす ではビデオを芋おいきたしょう この即興は本圓に玠晎らしく 驚異的です 䞀人の聎衆ずしお 䞀人のファンずしお これを聎くずい぀も感動したす 䜕がこれを可胜にしおいるのでしょう? 脳はどのようにしおあれだけの情報や 音を同時に生み出しおいるのでしょう? 芞術における創造性は魔法のようですが マゞックではありたせん 私はこの考えに埓っお この問題に科孊的に着手したした ぀たり創造性は脳によるものです 頭を䜿わずに芞術を創り出す人はそうそういたせん この考えでいくず 芞術における創造性は 神経による産物であり 他の耇雑な神経プロセスの研究ず同様に この珟象も研究できるず考えおいたす スラむドに䞋䜍問題ずしお蚘しおありたすが 創造性を科孊的に研究するこずは本圓に可胜でしょうか? これは良い蚭問だず思いたす 音楜の科孊的な研究のほずんどは 非垞に難解です たた それらの研究の䞭に音楜を芋出すのは困難です 事実 音楜の研究には党く音楜らしさが無く 音楜の芁点を芋倱っおいたす そしお二぀目の問題が出おきたす 䜕故私たち科孊者が創造性を研究するべきなのでしょう? 私たちは適任者でないかもしれたせん もしかするずそうかもしれたせんが しかし科孊的芋地から蚀わせおもらえば 本日は倚くの 科孊的な革新をお話ししたすが 脳がどのようにしお革新を可胜ずするかは ただほずんど分かっおいたせん 人がどうやっお創造的になるのか ほんの少ししか明らかになっおいたせん 今埌10幎 20幎 30幎で 創造性の科孊が本圓に 芜生え 花開くこずになるず思いたす なぜなら 私たちは今 新たな手法で 耇雑な即興ゞャズ挔奏ずいったプロセスを 綿密に研究できるようになったからです こちらが脳です 私たちは皆この玠晎らしい脳を持っおいたす 未だ解明されおいるずは蚀い難いですが 神経孊者は 答えより 問題の方を断然倚く抱えおいるでしょう 私自身も 本日のお話では ただ沢山質問をするだけです ラボで私が基本的に行っおいるこずです 脳がどのようにしおこれらを可胜ずしおいるかを探求しおいたす こちらが私が䞻に甚いおいる手法です これは fMRIず呌ばれるものです MRI スキャナヌずほが同じですが fMRI は別の方向に特化しおおり 脳の画像を取るだけでなく 掻発な郚䜍の画像を取るこずができたす さお 仕組みは次のようなもので 血䞭酞玠濃床を意味する BOLD むメヌゞング ず呌ばれるものです fMRI スキャナヌは 巚倧な磁石で 䜓の特定の郚䜍にある分子を䞊べたす 脳の ある神経郚䜍が掻性化するず その郚䜍には血液が流れ蟌みたす その血流によっお その郚䜍の血液量が増加し デオキシヘモグロビン濃床が倉化したす デオキシヘモグロビンは MRI で怜出できたすが オキシヘモグロビンはできたせん 神経掻動ではなく血流を枬定する この掚論手法によっお 特定の䜜業䞭 より倚くの血流が認められる郚䜍は より掻発であるず私たちは刀断したす 以䞊が fMRI の仕組みの芁点です これは 90 幎代からずっず 非垞な耇雑なプロセスの研究に甚いられおきたした では私の過去の研究を振り返っおいきたす fMRI スキャナヌ内でのゞャズ挔奏の研究です 私の同僚である NIH のアラン・ブラりンず共同で行われたした このショヌトビデオはその研究の様子です チャヌルス・リム: こちらはゞャズの実隓に甚いる MIDI キヌボヌドです 鍵盀の数は 35 スキャナヌに入るサむズで 磁気内でも動䜜し 芞術を創り出す為の 最䜎限のむンタフェヌスがあり スキャナヌ内で 仰向けで挔奏する奏者の 足の䞊に眮けるよう クッションが付いおいたす 仕組みはこうです これ自䜓は䜕も音を鳎らしたせんが 楜噚のデゞタル信号である MIDI 信号を この箱を経由しコンピュヌタぞ送りたす そしおこのような高音質のピアノ音を鳎らしたす CL: ちゃんず動いおいたす このキヌボヌドを通じお 音楜のプロセスを研究する手法が埗られたした ではこの栌奜良いキヌボヌドで䜕ができるでしょう? 単に「キヌボヌドが手に入っお良かった」ではいけたせん 科孊的な実隓を考案しなくおはなりたせん 実隓は次のような問題に基づいたものずなりたす 暗蚘および埩習したものを挔奏しおいるずき たた 即興挔奏をしおいるずき 脳内では䜕が起こっおいるでしょうか? 運動ずの䞀臎や 感芚運動機胜レベルの芳点ではどうでしょう? こちらはパラダむムず呌ばれるものです 暗蚘しお 単に音階を䞊䞋に挔奏しおいくスケヌルパラダむムです 次に スケヌルに即興を加えたものです 四分音笊 メトロノヌム 右手 科孊的には堅実ですが 音楜ずしおはずおも぀たらないものです 䞀番䞋はゞャズパラダむムず呌ばれるものです 実隓ずしお我々はプロのゞャズ奏者を NIH ぞ招いお 私が挔奏しおいた巊䞋の楜譜を 暗蚘しおもらい 党く同じコヌド進行で即興しおもらいたした 右䞋の音のアむコンをクリックしお頂けたすか スキャナヌ内で録音したものを聎いおみたしょう 結局 ずおも䞍自然な環境ではありたしたが 圌らは挔奏できたした その゜ロを 200 回は聎きたしたが 未だに気に入っおいたす ミュヌゞシャンたちにも 最終的には慣れおもらえたした さお 私たちは初めに音笊の数を数えたした 圌らは即興挔奏䞭に 単により倚くの音を出しただけだったのでしょうか? そうではありたせんでした 次に脳の掻動を調べおみたした こちらの画像に぀いお説明しおいきたす これらは脳の察比画像で 即興挔奏時ず 暗譜挔奏時ずの 掻動の差を瀺しおいたす 掻性化しおいる赀い郚䜍は前頭前皮質ず 前頭皮質です 青いずころは非掻性化しおいる郚䜍です 内偎前頭前皮質ず呌ばれる領域が 挔奏䞭に掻性化しおいるこずが分かりたした 倖偎前頭前皮質ず呌ばれる領域が 挔奏䞭に非掻性化しおおり これに぀いお説明したす 以䞊の郚䜍は脳の䞭でも倚機胜な領域で ゞャズを担圓しおいる領域ずいうわけではありたせん 反省 内省 ワヌキングメモリなど その他さたざたなこずず 関連しおいる領域です 実は 意識は前頭葉に座しおいたす ずころがここでは 内省など 抑制に関わっおいる郚䜍ず 自䌝的あるいは自己衚珟ずいった 促進に関わっおいる郚䜍ずの 連携が芋られたす 予備実隓的な段階ですが 私たちが考えおいるのは -- 䞀぀の実隓の結果です 間違っおいるかもしれたせん それでも 䞀぀の実隓結果です 筋が通った説明ずしお私たちが考えおいるのは 創造的になるには 前頭葉においお奇劙な解離が必芁であるずいうこずです 䞀方の領域が掻性化し 別の倧きな領域は沈静化したす その結果 人は間違えるこずを恐れなくなり 新たな創造の神経掻動を 停止させない ずいうこずになりたす さお 倚くの方がご存じの通り 音楜は゜ロだけでなく コミュニヌケヌションの䞭でも行われたす 埓っお次の問題です ゞャズ挔奏においお通垞行われるような トレヌディングフォヌスず呌ばれる ミュヌゞシャンたちが亀互に挔奏しおいる時には䜕が起こっおいるのでしょうか? こちらは 12 小節のブルヌスです どこで亀代するか分かるように 4 小節グルヌプに分割したした 実隓では先ほどず同様 ミュヌゞシャンをスキャナヌに入れ メロディヌを蚘憶しおもらい 制埡宀の別のミュヌゞシャンず 亀互に挔奏しおもらいたした こちらはミュヌゞシャンのマむク・ポヌプです 䞖界最高のベヌシストの䞀人で 玠晎らしいピアノ奏者です 先ほどの楜譜を 圌が匟いおくれおいたす 私が楜譜に曞いたものより少し良くね CL: マむク どうぞ 看護垫: ポケットの䞭には䜕も入っおいたせんね? マむク・ポヌプ: 入っおいたせん CL: スキャナヌに入るにはそれなりの姿勢が必芁なんです 実際おもしろいですよ 私たちは亀互に挔奏しおいたす 圌はあの䞭です 足が芋えるでしょう 私はこちらの制埡宀で亀互に挔奏しおいたす マむク・ポヌプ: これはなかなか良く トレヌディングフォヌスを再珟しおいたす 早すぎず䞁床いい 繰り返し挔奏するこずで 環境にも慣れたす 私にずっお難しかったのは運動たわりのこずです 手元を芋るのに 二぀の鏡を介しおいるこずや 仰向けでいるこずで 手以倖動かすこずができなかったこずです 難しかったです それでも 確かにありたした 確かに 本圓の 玔粋な音楜の盞互䜜甚がありたした CL: ここでいったん止めたす 科孊でこれをするのは倧眪なのですが こちらにお芋せしおいるのは 予備デヌタです 䞀人の被隓者のデヌタ マむク・ポヌプのデヌタです これはどういう画像かずいうず 圌ず私 即興察暗譜の挔奏では 巊脳の䞋前頭回にある 蚀語野 ブロヌカ野が掻性化しおいたす 実は右脳でも同様の掻性が芋られたのですが ここがコミュニケヌション衚珟に関わっおいるずされおいる領域です 音楜は蚀語であるずいうこずで 実際そのような神経基盀があるのかもしれたせんが 二人のミュヌゞシャンが音楜の䌚話をしおいる時にこのようなデヌタが取れたした 珟圚たでに 8 名の被隓者でデヌタが取れおおり 今はそれをたずめおいるずころです 䜕か意味のある報告ができればず思っおいたす さお 即興 蚀語ずきたら次は䜕でしょう? ラップ そうそう ラップです フリヌスタむルです 私は以前からフリヌスタむルに惹かれおいたした 早速こちらのビデオを芋おみたしょう ♫ モス・デフ: 5:10 に起きおいるだろうか♫ ♫お前の近くで Rockしおやる♫ ♫䞞ごずシナゞヌに察称性が芋えるか♫ ♫俺を傷぀けおみろ 化孊的に厩壊させお♫ ♫最高のMCじゃないか 俺がどうしおいたかっお話か♫ ♫ケネディヌスタむルで 倜曎けの 2:50 ♫ ♫俺がそこにいるずき 女たちが合鍵を曲げろず蚀う♫ CL: フリヌスタむルラップずゞャズには 倚くの共通点がありたす この二぀の音楜は異なる時代にあっお お互いに関係があるず思いたす か぀おゞャズが担っおいた瀟䌚的機胜を ラップも同様に持っおいたす ではどうしたらラップを科孊的に研究できるでしょうか? 同僚は 私が狂っおいるず思っおいたすが 私は可胜だず考えおいたす 実隓手続きはこうです フリヌスタむルアヌティストを招いお 圌らが聞いたこずのない 新しく曞き䞋ろしたラップを蚘憶しおもらい フリヌスタむルラップをしおもらいたす 私はラボのメンバヌに TED でラップをするず蚀っおきたした 圌らは「嘘だろ」ず蚀ったのですが 私は -- こうしたす 巚倧スクリヌンを芋お 皆さん䞀緒にラップしおください 実隓ずしお行ったこずは 巊䞋のサりンドアむコンをクリックしおください 統制矀の実隓で アヌティストに暗蚘しおもらったのはこちらです コンピュヌタ: ♫ 芚えおください 「衝撃」 ♫ CL: ♫ ビヌトの衝撃を既知の繰り返しで ♫ ♫ リズムずラむム が俺を満たす♫ ♫ マむクを持぀ず高たりは圧倒的 ♫ ♫ シビれるラむムを届ける ♫ ♫ 無限の探求の䞭で真実を探す ♫ ♫ 情熱は栌奜じゃない この栌奜が芋えるだろう ♫ ♫ ブッ飛んだ蚀葉が脳裏に浮かび ♫ ♫ 俺だけに聞こえる詩をささやく ♫ ♫ 発芋の術ず 自由な発想の ♫ ♫ 䞭に浮かぶ発芋 ♫ ♫ 雚のように降り泚いでくる蚀葉 ♫ ♫ 俺の脳を蚺おくれるマッドサむ゚ンティストを呌んでくれ♫ 玄束したす 二床ずやりたせんよ さお フリヌスタむルアヌティストの凄いずころは たず圌らは別々の蚀葉を呈瀺されたす 突然呈瀺され たた圌らは䜕が呈瀺されるか分かりたせん 右のサりンドアむコンをクリックしおください 四角で囲われた䞉぀の蚀葉「like」「not」「head」が呈瀺されたすが 圌はそのこずを知りたせん フリヌスタむラヌ: ♫ 俺は [...] のようなもので ♫ ♫ この䞖のものずは思えない玠晎らしい景色 ♫ ♫ 以前はピラミッドに座っお ♫ ♫ 頭䞊に浮かぶ二぀のマむクを介しおいた ♫ ♫ もし音を玡ぎ぀぀ ただ聞こえたなら ♫ ♫ 䜕に埮笑んでいるだろうか ♫ ♫ 教宀の埌ろの子䟛に教える ♫ ♫ 啓瀺的なメッセヌゞを ♫ ♫ いやでも シンプルにやらなきゃいけないから ♫ ♫ [...] 楜噚 ♫ ♫ 害するものがスヌパヌマリオをする ♫ ♫ ç®± [...] ヒップホップ ♫ CL: 繰り返したすが 信じられないこずが起きおいたす 神経孊的に驚くべきこずをしおいたす この音楜が奜きか吊かは問題ではありたせん 創䜜ずいう点で これはずにかく驚異的なこずです こちらのビデオはスキャナヌでの暡様です CL: ゚マニュ゚ルに来お頂いおいたす CL: ちなみにこれはスキャナヌで録画したものです CL: あちらがスキャナヌ内の゚マニュ゚ルです 詩を暗蚘しお頂きたした ゚マニュ゚ル: ♫ 繰り返しのないビヌトの頂点 ♫ ♫ リズムずラむムが俺を満たす ♫ ♫ マむクを持぀ず高たりは圧倒的 ♫ ♫ シビれるラむムを届ける ♫ ♫ 無限の探求の䞭で真実を探す ♫ ♫ 情熱は栌奜じゃない この栌奜が芋えるだろう ♫ CL: ここで止めたす 圌の脳内で䜕が起きおいるでしょう? こちらは実はラッパヌ 4 名の脳のデヌタです 蚀語野が掻性化しおいるのは分かりたすが 閉県条件においお 暗蚘したものをラップするのに比べ フリヌスタむルでは芖芚野が掻性化しおいたす 運動協調に関わっおいる小脳が掻性しおいたす 類䌌しおいるタスクを行っおいるずき 暗蚘に比べ 創造性に関わっおいるタスクでは脳がより掻発になっおいたす ただただ初期段階ですが 私は玠晎らしいず思いたす 締めに入りたす 私たちはさたざたな問題を抱えおいたす 先に觊れたずおり質問するだけで 私たちは答えを持っおいたせん ただ 創造の才ずは䜕か 神経孊的に突き止めたいのです ご玹介した手法で近づき぀぀あるず思いたす そしお願わくばこの先 10幎 20幎で 科孊が芞術に远い぀いたずいえるような 実のある研究が出おくればず思いたす 私たちはおそらく 今 出発したばかりです ご拝聎頂きありがずうございたした
I will say though that, after having done surgery a lot, it's somewhat similar to playing a musical instrument. And for me, this sort of deep and enduring fascination with sound is what led me to both be a surgeon and also to study the science of sound, particularly music. And so I'm going to try to talk to you over the next few minutes about my career in terms of how I'm able to actually try to study music and really try to grapple with all these questions of how the brain is able to be creative. I've done most of this work at Johns Hopkins University, but also at the National Institute of Health where I was previously. I'm going to go over some science experiments and try to cover three musical experiments. I'm going to start off by playing a video for you. And this video is a video of Keith Jarrett, who's a well-known jazz improviser and probably the most well-known, iconic example of someone who takes improvisation to a really higher level. And he'll improvise entire concerts off the top of his head, and he'll never play it exactly the same way again, and so, as a form of intense creativity, I think this is a great example. And so why don't we go and click the video. It's really a remarkable, awesome thing that happens there. I've always -- just as a listener, as just a fan -- I listen to that, and I'm just astounded. I think -- how can this possibly be? How can the brain generate that much information, that much music, spontaneously? And so I set out with this concept, scientifically, that artistic creativity, it's magical, but it's not magic, meaning that it's a product of the brain. There's not too many brain-dead people creating art. And so with this notion that artistic creativity is in fact a neurologic product, I took this thesis that we could study it just like we study any other complex neurologic process. And I think there's some sub-questions there that I put there. Is it truly possible to study creativity scientifically? And I think that's a good question. And I'll tell you that most scientific studies of music, they're very dense, and when you actually go through them, it's very hard to recognize the music in it. In fact, they seem to be very unmusical entirely and to miss the whole point of the music. And so it brings the second question: Why should scientists study creativity? Maybe we're not the right people to do it. Well it may be, but I will say that, from a scientific perspective -- we talked a lot about innovation today -- the science of innovation, how much we understand about how the brain is able to innovate is in its infancy, and truly, we know very little about how we are able to be creative. over the next 10, 20, 30 years a real science of creativity that's burgeoning and is going to flourish. Because we now have new methods that can enable us to take this process of something like this, complex jazz improvisation, and study it rigorously. And so it gets down to the brain. And so all of us have this remarkable brain, which is poorly understood to say the least. I think that neuroscientists have many more questions than answers, and I myself, I'm not going to give you many answers today, just ask a lot of questions. And fundamentally that's what I do in my lab. I ask questions about what is this brain doing to enable us to do this. This is the main method that I use. This is called functional MRI. If you've been in an MRI scanner, it's very much the same, but this one is outfitted in a special way to not just take pictures of your brain, but to also take pictures of active areas of the brain. Now the way that's done is by the following. There's something called BOLD imaging, which is Blood Oxygen Level Dependent imaging. Now when you're in an fMRI scanner, you're in a big magnet that's aligning your molecules in certain areas. When an area of the brain is active, meaning a neural area is active, it gets blood flow shunted to that area. That blood flow causes an increase in local blood to that area with a deoxyhemoglobin change in concentration. Deoxyhemoglobin can be detected by MRI, whereas oxyhemoglobin can't. and we're measuring blood flow, not neural activity -- we say that an area of the brain that's getting more blood was active during a particular task, and that's the crux of how fMRI works. And it's been used since the '90s to study really complex processes. Now I'm going to review a study that I did, which was jazz in an fMRI scanner. And this was done with a colleague of mine, Alan Braun, at the NIH. This is a short video of how we did this project. Charles Limb: This is a plastic MIDI piano keyboard that we use for the jazz experiments. And it's a 35-key keyboard that is designed to fit both inside the scanner, be magnetically safe, have minimal interference that would contribute to any artifact and have this cushion so that it can rest on the players' legs while they're lying down in the scanner, playing on their back. And it works like this -- this doesn't actually produce any sound. It sends out what's called a MIDI signal -- or a Musical Instrument Digital Interface -- through these wires into the box and then the computer, which then trigger high-quality piano samples like this. CL: Okay, so it works. And so through this piano keyboard, we now have the means to take a musical process and study it. So what do you do now that you have this cool piano keyboard? You can't just sort of -- "It's great we've got this keyboard." We actually have to come up with a scientific experiment. And so the experiment really rests on the following: What happens in the brain during something that's memorized and over-learned, and what happens in the brain during something that is spontaneously generated, or improvised, in a way that's matched motorically and in terms of lower-level sensory motor features? And so, I have here what we call the "paradigms." There's a scale paradigm, which is just playing a scale up and down, memorized. And then there's improvising on a scale -- quarter notes, metronome, right hand -- scientifically very safe, but musically really boring. And then there's the bottom one, which is called the jazz paradigm. And so what we did was we brought professional jazz players to the NIH, and we had them memorize this piece of music on the left, the lower-left -- which is what you heard me playing -- and then we had them improvise to the same exact chord changes. And if you can hit that lower-right sound icon, that's an example of what was recorded in the scanner. So in the end, it's not the most natural environment, but they're able to play real music. And I've listened to that solo 200 times, and I still like it. And the musicians, they were comfortable in the end. And so we first measured the number of notes. Were they in fact just playing a lot more notes when they were improvising? That was not what was going on. And then we looked at the brain activity. I'm going to try to condense this for you. These are contrast maps that are showing subtractions between what changes when you're improvising versus when you're doing something memorized. In red is an area that active in the prefrontal cortex, the frontal lobe of the brain, and in blue is this area that was deactivated. And so we had this focal area called the medial prefrontal cortex that went way up in activity. We had this broad patch of area called the lateral prefrontal cortex that went way down in activity, and I'll summarize that for you here. Now these are multifunctional areas of the brain. As I like to say, these are not the "jazz areas" of the brain. They do a whole host of things that have to do with self-reflection, introspection, working memory and so forth. Really, consciousness is seated in the frontal lobe. But we have this combination of an area that's thought to be involved in self-monitoring, turning off, and this area that's thought to be autobiographical, or self-expressive, turning on. And we think, at least in this preliminary -- it's one study; it's probably wrong, but it's one study -- we think that at least a reasonable hypothesis is that, to be creative, you have to have this weird dissociation in your frontal lobe. One area turns on, and a big area shuts off, so that you're not inhibited, so that you're willing to make mistakes, so that you're not constantly shutting down Now a lot of people know that music is not always a solo activity -- sometimes it's done communicatively. And so the next question was: What happens when musicians are trading back and forth, something called "trading fours," which is something they do normally in a jazz experiment? So this is a twelve-bar blues. And I've broken it down into four-bar groups here, so you would know how you would trade. Now what we did was we brought a musician into the scanner -- same way -- had them memorize this melody and then had another musician out in the control room trading back and forth interactively. So this is a musician, Mike Pope, one of the world's best bassists and a fantastic piano player. So he's now playing the piece that we just saw just a little better than I wrote it. CL: Mike, come on in. Mike Pope: May the force be with you. Nurse: Nothing's in your pockets, right Mike? MP: Nope. Nothing's in my pockets. Nurse: Okay. CL: You have to have the right attitude to agree to it. It's kind of fun actually. And so now we're playing back and forth. He's in there. You can see his legs up there. And then I'm in the control room here, playing back and forth. Mike Pope: This is a pretty good representation of what it's like. And it's good that it's not too quick. The fact that we do it over and over again lets you acclimate to your surroundings. So the hardest thing for me was the kinesthetic thing, of looking at my hands through two mirrors, laying on my back and not able to move at all except for my hand. That was challenging. But again, there were moments, for sure, there were moments of real, honest-to-God musical interplay, for sure. CL: At this point, I'll take a few moments. And so what you're seeing here -- and I'm doing a cardinal sin in science, which is to show you preliminary data. This is one subject's data. This is, in fact, Mike Pope's data. So what am I showing you here? When he was trading fours with me, improvising versus memorized, his language areas lit up, his Broca's area, which is inferior frontal gyrus on the left. He actually had it also homologous on the right. This is an area thought to be involved in expressive communication. This whole notion that music is a language -- well maybe there's a neurologic basis to it in fact after all, and we can see it when two musicians are having a musical conversation. And so we've done this actually on eight subjects now, and we're just getting all the data together, so hopefully we'll have something to say about it meaningfully. Now when I think about improvisation and the language, well what's next? Rap, of course, rap -- free-style. And so I've always been fascinated by free-style. And let's go ahead and play this video here. Mos Def: ♫ ... brown skin I be, standing five-ten I be ♫ ♫ Rockin' it when I be, in your vicinity ♫ ♫ Whole-style synergy, recognize symmetry ♫ ♫ Go and try to injure me, broke 'em down chemically ♫ ♫ Ain't the number 10 MC, talk about how been I be ♫ ♫ Styled it like Kennedy, late like a 10 to three ♫ ♫ When I say when I be, girls say bend that key cut ♫ CL: And so there's a lot of analogy between what takes place in free-style rap and jazz. There are, in fact, a lot of correlations between the two forms of music I think in different time periods. In a lot a ways, rap serves the same social function that jazz used to serve. So how do you study rap scientifically? And my colleagues kind of think I'm crazy, but I think it's very viable. And so this is what you do: you have a free-style artist come in and memorize a rap that you write for them, and then you have them free-style. So I told my lab members that I would rap for TED, and they said, "No, you won't." And then I thought -- But here's the thing. With this big screen, you can all rap with me. Okay? So what we had them do was memorize this lower-left sound icon, please. This is the control condition. This is what they memorized. Computer: ♫ Memory, thump. ♫ CL: ♫ Thump of the beat in a known repeat ♫ ♫ Rhythm and rhyme, they make me complete ♫ ♫ The climb is sublime when I'm on the mic ♫ ♫ Spittin' rhymes that hit you like a lightning strike ♫ ♫ I search for the truth in this eternal quest ♫ ♫ My passion's not fashion, you can see how I'm dressed ♫ ♫ Psychopathic words in my head appear ♫ ♫ Whisper these lyrics only I can hear ♫ ♫ The art of discovering and that which is hovering ♫ ♫ Inside the mind of those unconfined ♫ ♫ All of these words keep pouring out like rain ♫ ♫ I need a mad scientist to check my brain ♫ I guarantee you that will never happen again. So now, what's great about these free-stylers, they will get cued different words. They don't know what's coming, but they'll hear something off the cuff. Go ahead and hit that right sound icon. They are going to be cued these three square words: "like," "not" and "head." He doesn't know what's coming. Free-styler: ♫ I'm like some kind of [unclear] ♫ ♫ [unclear] extraterrestrial, celestial scene ♫ ♫ Back in the days, I used to sit in pyramids and meditate ♫ ♫ With two microphones hovering over my head ♫ ♫ See if I could still listen, spittin' off the sound ♫ ♫ See what you grinning ♫ ♫ I teach the children in the back of the classroom ♫ ♫ About the message of apocalyptical ♫ ♫ Not really though, 'cause I've got to keep it simple ♫ ♫ [unclear] instrumental ♫ ♫ Detrimental playing Super Mario ♫ ♫ [unclear] boxes [unclear] hip hop ♫ CL: So again, it's an incredible thing that's taking place. It's doing something that, neurologically, is remarkable. Whether or not you like the music is irrelevant. Creatively speaking, it's just a phenomenal thing. This is a short video of how we actually do this in a scanner. CL: We're here with Emmanuel. CL: That was recorded in the scanner, by the way. CL: That's Emmanuel in the scanner. He's just memorized a rhyme for us. Emmanuel: ♫ Top of the beat with no repeat ♫ ♫ Rhythm and rhyme make me complete ♫ ♫ Climb is sublime when I'm on the mic ♫ ♫ Spittin' rhymes that'll hit you like a lightning strike ♫ ♫ I search for the truth in this eternal quest ♫ ♫ I'm passing on fashion; you can see how I'm dressed ♫ CL: Okay. So I'm going to stop that there. So what do we see in his brain? Well, this is actually four rappers' brains. And what we see, we do see language areas lighting up, but then -- eyes closed -- when you are free-styling versus memorizing, you've got major visual areas lighting up. You've got major cerebellar activity, which is involved in motor coordination. You have heightened brain activity when you're doing a comparable task, when that one task is creative and the other task is memorized. It's very preliminary, but I think it's kind of cool. So just to conclude, we've got a lot of questions to ask, and like I said, we'll ask questions here, not answer them. But we want to get at the root of what is creative genius, neurologically, and I think, with these methods, we're getting close to being there. And I think hopefully in the next 10, 20 years you'll actually see real, meaningful studies that say science has to catch up to art, and maybe we're starting now to get there. And so I want to thank you for your time. I appreciate it.
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セむダたちが昌食を終えお教宀に戻るず、すで以倖の生埒たちが揃っおいた。そしお教段の䞊にはセむダたちのクラスの担任であるダナヌナがいる。 ダナヌナはセむダたちが自分の垭に座ったのを確認するず、話を始めた。 「党員揃いたしたね。それでは午埌の蚓緎の説明をしたす。午埌の蚓緎は決闘で、決闘の盞手は自由です。盞手に申し蟌んでください。申し蟌たれた人は嫌だったら、もちろん断っおも構いたせん。 説明を終えたダナヌナは教宀から退出し、先に蚓緎所ぞず向かう。 そしおダナヌナが教宀から退出したず同時に、セむダのもずぞ二人の生埒がやっおくる。芪衛隊ずファンクラブのリヌダヌ的な少女ず少幎の二人だ。 二人はセむダの前に来るず倧きな声で蚀う。 「「私(俺)ず決闘しお(しろ)」」 「わかった」 うすうす予想しおいたセむダは二人の申し出をあっさりず受け入れた。 「あなたをコテンパンにしおナア様を解攟するわ」 「ナア様を解攟するためにお前を倒す」 どうやら二人は、ずいうより二぀の団䜓は、いただにナアが無理やりあんなこずやこんなこずをさせられおいるず、本気で思っおいるらしい。 アルセニア魔法孊園の蚓緎所はセナビア魔法孊園の蚓緎所ずほずんど倉わらない。 唯䞀、違いがあるずするならば、それは氎路があるくらいだろう。 蚓緎所は氎路に囲たれた䞭にあり、決闘は蚓緎所を分した小さいスペヌスで行われる。䞀蟺二十メヌトルの正方圢に区切られおいるスペヌスの䞭で決闘は行われる。 担任であるダナヌナが现かな説明を終えるず、぀い間目の授業が始たる。 セむダは最初に六ず曞かれたスペヌスに入った。 セむダの最初の盞手は、芪衛隊のリヌダヌ的少女だ。セむダが蚓緎所に入るず、少女は自己玹介を始める。 「私はナア様芪衛隊隊長゚レン=ナヌベリア。䞊玚魔法垫䞀族だから、謝るなら今のうちよ」 昔のセむダだったら、䞊玚魔法垫䞀族ずいう蚀葉を聞いただけで、土䞋座を芚悟しおいた。しかし今のセむダは違う。 暗黒領の魔獣を経隓したセむダにずっお、䞊玚魔法垫䞀族など、恐怖に倀しない。そしおそれは目の前にいる少女も同じ。 「あっそ」 「今に芋おるずいいわ。すぐにそんな態床取れなくなるわよ」 ゚レンは長い銀髪をふわりずさせおセむダに向かい合う。そしお戊闘開始の合図ずずもに、詠唱を始めた。 「我が氷の魂、今、我の手に『ブリス』」 次の瞬間、魔法を行䜿した゚レンの右手に氷の剣が握られた。 氷の剣ブリスを握った゚レンは、そのたた歊噚も持たないセむダに斬りかかる。 「はぁ!」 「遅い」 セむダぱレンの攻撃に察し、バックステップでの回避を遞択する。しかし盎埌、埌ろに回避したセむダを芋た゚レンはわずかながら笑みを浮かべた。 「氷の巫女、今、我が期埅に応えよ。『 次の瞬間、セむダが着地しようずした地面が突然氷に芆われ、セむダはバランスを厩しおしたう。 ゚レンはニダリず笑みを浮かべるず、再びブリスでセむダに斬りかかる。 氷のよっおバランスを厩したセむダは、巊手で氷の地面に着地し、そのたた腕力で䜓を持ち䞊げお、埌ろに倧きく回避した。 「なかなかやるわね。でもそのたたじゃ私は倒せないわよ」 ゚レンはブリスで再びセむダに斬りかかる。 しかしセむダはこれたた同じように手を䜿い、腕力で埌ろに倧きく飛んで回避した。 セむダの動きを芋た゚レンが䞍機嫌そうに蚀う。 「い぀たで回避する気なの?」 「やっぱお前、その魔法を連続行䜿はできないんだな」 「ぞぇ、よく芋おいるわね。そうよ。だから䜕? あなたは避けおばかりで攻撃をしおこないけども、もしかしお攻撃できないの?」 セむダのこずを挑発しようずする゚レン。しかしそんな挑発に乗るほど、セむダの実力は䜎くなかった。 「そうかもな」 「なら逃げられなくなるたで、远い続けるわ!」 ゚レンは再びブリスでセむダに斬りかかるが、今床のセむダの動きは、先ほどたでずは党く違っおいた。 埌ろに回避ではなく、玙䞀重でブリスを避けるセむダ。それにより、゚レンは『氷化』を䜿うこずができない。なぜなら䞋手をすれば自分にも圱響が出おしたうから。 すでに゚レンの剣筋を完党に芋切っおいるセむダに、ブリスを玙䞀重で避けるこずは容易だった。そしおセむダの回避に察し、゚レンのストレスが溜たっおいく。 「避けおないで攻撃しおきたらどうなの?」 「攻撃する意味もないだろ」 「あなたね!」 ゚レンの剣筋がどんどんず荒々しくなっおいく。そんな゚レンのこずを芋たセむダは、反撃に移った。 頭の䞊から倧きくブリスを振り䞋ろす゚レンに察し、セむダは右に回避しながら、巊手に光属性の魔力を纏わせる。そしおその拳を゚レンのお腹に思いっきりくい蟌たせた。 ドスッ、鈍い音が響く。 「終わりだ」 「うっ......」 セむダの掌底を受けた゚レンは、ぐらりず揺れお、意識を倱う。゚レンが倒れたこずによっおセむダの勝利が決たった。 呚りで二人の決闘を芋おいた芪衛隊のメンバヌたちは、驚愕の衚情を浮かべながら倒れおいる゚レンのこずを芋぀める。 なぜなら゚レンはセむダの所属するクラスの䞭でもトップクラスの実力を備えおいたから。そんな゚レンがセむダに觊れるこずすらできずに、負けおしたった。 誰も声が出ない。 その埌、セむダは意識を倱っおいる゚レンを担ぎ、決闘甚のスペヌスから出る。そしお驚愕の衚情を浮かべながら固たっおいる芪衛隊たちに、゚レンのこずを枡しお、次なる決闘のスペヌスぞず向かう。 セむダが次の決闘が行われる蚓緎所に入るず、すでにファンクラブのリヌダヌ的存圚がセむダのこず埅っおいた。 「俺はナア様ファンクラブ副䌚長ブリック=ステアシメヌル。䞊玚魔法垫䞀族の次男だ。もし、俺が勝ったらナア様から離れろ」 ブリックず名乗る男子生埒は、セむダのこずを睚みながらそう蚀った。そんなブリックに察し、セむダが聞く。 「もし俺が勝ったら?」 ブリックはセむダの質問に察しおありえないず蚀いながら、笑っお答える。 「ハッハッハ、䞇が䞀にそんなこずはないが、もしお前が勝ったら今埌、俺達ファンクラブはお前らに䞍干枉を誓おう」 「それはいいな」 「ずいっおも、さっきの゚レンずの決闘芋おいたぞ。お前は回避するだけしか胜がない男みたいだな。そんなや぀に俺は負けない」 すでにセむダに勝った確信しおいるブリックは、䜙裕な態床でセむダのこずを睚む。 ゚レンが負けたこずには驚いたブリックだが、決闘の内容は魔法垫の戊いずいうより、歊人の戊いに近かった。そこでブリックはある仮説を立おた。 それは、セむダが魔法を䜿えないのではないかずいう仮説。 確蚌などどこにもない単なる仮説だ。しかしブリックは、そんな仮説をい぀の間にか事実に倉えおしたっおいた。 だから魔法がある自分が負けるわけがないず思っおいた。 セむダは぀たらなそうにブリックのこずを芋据える。 婚玄者であるナアに近づく二぀の団䜓。芪衛隊はただ女子生埒たちだから蚱せるが、ファンクラブに所属する人間はナアに察しお䞋心しかない男子たち。 セむダにそんなファンクラブの連䞭たちを認める気はない。ナアはセむダの倧切な人であっお、他の誰にも枡す気はない。特に男には。 だからセむダは決めた。この戊い、䞀瞬で終わらせるこずを。 二人の間には十メヌトルの距離がある。 二人は詊合開始の合図を静かに埅぀。 静寂が二人のこずを包み蟌み、呚りで芋おいる生埒たちも息をひそめお二人のこずを芋぀めおいる。 そしお次の瞬間、詊合開始の合図が振り䞋ろされた。 「我、火の加護の受ける......」 詊合開始の合図ずずもに、ブリックが魔法を行䜿するための詠唱を始める。しかし次の瞬間、ブリックの銖は䞀瞬にしお胎䜓から萜ちおしたった。 「!?」 そしおブリックは声を䞊げるこずもできず、光の塵ずなっお消えおしたい、近くのシヌトの䞊に意識を倱ったたた転送された。 䞀瞬の出来事に、呚りで芋おいた生埒たちが固たる。 それは今、目の前で䜕が起きたのかを理解できなかった驚きず、実力者であるブリックが負けたずいう驚きによるもの。 固たっおいるクラスメむトたちをよそに、セむダは決闘甚のスペヌスから出た。 セむダが行ったこずは至っお単玔な事だ。 』で脚力を䞊昇させ、ブリックに迫るず同時に無詠唱で召喚した双剣ホリンズを䜿い、ブリックの銖を斬り萜ずした。 どれも単玔な魔法だ。ただ、詠唱がないだけ。 これでセむダの蚓緎はすべお終了した。 呚りの生埒たちは、あちらこちらでセむダの芋せた実力に぀いお、いろいろず話しおいたが、セむダは気にしない。 そんなセむダに察し、ナアが近づいおいく。 「お疲れ......」 こうしお転校初日の授業は幕を閉じるのであった。
When they returned to the classroom after the lunch, everyone else was present. Their homeroom teacher, Yayuna, was also there. When Yayuna confirmed that they took their seats, she started talking. 「Everyone is finally here. I will explain the content of the next lesson. The next lesson is a duel. You are free to pick your opponent. Please, everyone, decide on your opponent. Of course, you are allowed to refuse. The fight is one on one, the location is the training field, you. Well then, everyone should proceed to the training field」 Yayuna finished her explanation and walked away first. And as soon as she left the classroom, two people walked up to Seiya. They looked like a leader of the fan club and the royal guard. Then, they said in a loud voice. 「「Fight with me!」」[]「All right」 Seiya somewhat expected that and readily accepted. 「I will release Yua-sama from you」 「For the sake of Yua-sama, I will defeat you」 It seems that these two people or these two organizations still thought that Seiya was forcing her to do this and that. The training field of Arsenia Magic Academy wasn’t particularly different from Senabia Magic Academy. The only difference was a stream of water flowing through it. The training field was divided into sixteen segments, square meters in size. When Yayuna finished explaining, the fifth lesson finally started. For his first fight, Seiya entered the space number . Seiya’s first opponent is the leader-like girl from the royal guard. The moment Seiya entered the field, she started introducing herself. 「I’m the captain of the Yua-sama’ royal guard Elen Naberia. I’m from an advanced magician clan, so if you want to apologize this is your last chance」 If it was still in the past, hearing that she is a member of an advanced magician clan would have made him prostrate. But now, it is different. After the monsters from the dark territory, a member of an advanced clan isn’t worth mentioning. Just like the girl before him. 「Keep your attitude while you still can, soon, you won’t be able to」 The girl with long silver hair, Elen, stood opposite of Seiya, and with the start of the battle, she immediately started to chant. 「My soul of ice, right now, in my hand『Bliss』」[] In the next moment, an ice blade appeared in her hand. Elen, holding Bliss in her hand, immediately closes in on the weaponless Seiya. 「Ha!」 「Slow」 Seiya chose to avoid her slash by jumping back. However soon afterward, he noticed that she had a smile on her face. 「The shrine maiden of ice, answer my call『Ice Coating』」 Immediately after that, the ground behind Seiya turned into the ice and he lost his balance. Elen grinned and slashed at Seiya again. Seiya turned midair, landed on his left hand and propelled himself outside the ice floor. Seeing his impressive movements, Elen said. 「You are quite capable. But you won’t be able to defeat me with just that」 Elen slashed with Bliss again. However, Seiya performed his acrobatic movements in the same fashion and propelled himself outside. [] 「How long are you going to keep dodging?」 「I see. It seems you can’t cast this spell continuously」 「Hee, so you noticed. Yes. So what? You have been avoiding me since the beginning. Could it be that you aren’t able to attack? 」 Elen tried to provoke Seiya into action. However, Seiya wasn’t so immature as to go along with it. 「Maybe」 「Then I will chase you until you have nowhere to escape to!」 Elen came slashing at him again, but this time, Seiya’s movements were different. Instead of jumping back, he dodged the Bliss by a paper-thin margin. From this distance, she couldn’t use the『Ice Coating』, unless she decided to harm herself too. Seiya was able to see through her movements and easily avoid the attack. And because of this dodge, Elen’s stress started to build up. 「Stop dodging, how about you attack me already?」 「There is no need」 「Hey, you!」 Her swordplay was becoming increasingly wilder. Looking at such an Elen, he decided to launch the counterattack. Facing her slash from above, he dodged to the right while wrapping his left fist with the mana of light. Then, he punched Elen in the belly with considerable force. The dull sound was heard. 「This is the end」 「Uuu....」 Having accepted his punch, Elen wobbled and lost her consciousness. The moment she fainted was the moment of Seiya’s victory. The members of the royal guard were watching Elen with stunned expressions. After all, Elen was at the top of the class and she lost without even putting a scratch on her opponent. No one could utter a word. Following that, Seiya carried Elen out of the dueling space, handed her to the still stunned members of the royal guard and headed for his next duel. When he arrived, the leader-like person from the fan club was already waiting for him. 「I’m the vice president of Yua-sama’s fan club, Brick Steashmer, the second son of an advanced magician clan. If I win, stay away from Yua-sama」 The male student that called himself Brick said so while staring at Seiya. Facing such a Brick, he asked. [] 「And if I win?」 To his question, Brick muttered “no way” and answered while laughing. 「Hahaha, no chance. But if you somehow win, the fan club won’t bother you anymore」 「That would be nice」 「Even though I said that I watched your fight with Elen. It seems you can only evade. There is no way I will lose to someone like you」 「I see」 Already convinced that he won, Brick faced Seiya with a relaxed attitude. He was surprised that Elen had lost, but it looked more like a duel of warriors than magicians, so Brick made a speculation. He speculated that Seiya wasn’t able to use magic. There is no proof, but Brick had already accepted it as a fact. That’s why, he, who can use magic, won’t lose to Seiya. Seiya looked at Brick with annoyed eyes. Two groups tried to approach Yua. He can still forgive the women-only royal guard, but the fan club consists of male students that try to get close to her. Therefore, Seiya will not be lenient towards the members of the fan club. Yua is a precious person to him and he doesn’t want to hand her to anyone, especially to men. That’s why he decided to end this fight in a moment. There are 0 meters between them. The two quietly waited for the start of the duel. Silence wraps around the surroundings, the students were holding their breath in anticipation. And in the next second, the duel started. 「I, who received the divine protection of fire....」 With the sign to start the duel, Brick started to cast his spell, but in the next moment, his head fell off from his body. 「!?」 And Brick, being unable to say another word, becomes dust and disappears. He lost his consciousness and was transferred to the seat close by. The students in the surroundings were frozen. They were unable to understand what happened as well as were surprised that Brick lost. Under the stares of the frozen student, Seiya left the duel space. What Seiya did is very simple. At the start of the battle, he casted『Single Light』on his feet and raised their strength, closed in on Brick and slashed at his neck with Hollins, which he summoned chantless. Both are simple spells, just without the chant. With that, Seiya’s training came to an end. The students around him were discussing his earlier performance, but he didn’t care. Then, Yua approached such a Seiya. 「Good work....」 「Ou」 This marked the end of the first day after his transfer.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
驚き぀぀も冷静に圌女は私をじっず芋぀める。 『なるほど......。だが、そんな小さなナむフで私を殺せるず? 私はお前を簡単に殺せるぞ。この状況だず圧倒的に䞍利なのはお前だ』 『......殺しおも良いわよ。ただ、どうしお私を殺したいのかだけ教えおくれる?』 私も圌女を芋぀め返し、芚悟を決めた衚情を浮かべる。 囜倖远攟されお、他囜の森で殺されるのも悪くないかもしれない......。たさに悪女っぜいわ。 『神の花を奪っただろ』 私は圌女の蚀葉に思わず銖を少し傟げおしたう。 『......神の花?』 『厖に咲いおいたオレンゞ色の矎しい花だ』 マディのこずかしら? あれが神の花なの? ずいうか、い぀から私達のこずを監芖しおいたのだろう。人に芋られおいる感芚なんお党くなかった。 『シャティを返せば呜だけは助けおやる』 シャティ? ......マディのこずを圌女達はそう呌んでいるっおこず? マディよりもお排萜な発音ね。 『それは出来ないわ』 私の返答に圌女はピクッず眉を動かし、怪蚝な衚情を浮かべる。 『この女を殺すなら俺から殺せ。俺はこの囜の王子、ハリスト・ノィクタヌだ』 意地でも子っお蚀わないのね。 それにしおも、たさかノィクタヌがそんな台詞を吐くずは思わなかった。圌が自分の呜を懞けお私を庇うなんお、どういう心情の倉化? 私はただの駒のはずでしょ。 芖線を圌らの方ぞゆっくり向ける。デュヌク様はノィクタヌの発蚀に驚いたのか、少し目を䞞くした埌、ノィクタヌを鋭い目で睚む。 『ほう、お前がこの囜の王子か。私はこの森の女王、クシャナだ』 クシャナ......。珍しい名前ね。聞いたこずがない。 「俺にも分かる蚀葉で話しおくれたせんか? おか、叀語を話せるあんた達がおかしいんだよ。なんで俺がはみ出し者みたいな存圚になっおるんだよ。バケモンばっかかよ」 レオンが途䞭で䌚話に割り蟌んでくる。党く分からない蚀葉をずっず喋られお機嫌を損ねたのか、ぶ぀ぶ぀ず文句を発しおる。 普通に䌚話しおくれるのもいいのだけれど、そろそろ私の銖を抌し付けおいる鎌をどけおくれないかしら......。 「ああ、今思えば、お前たちは皆、叀語を喋れるのだな......。䜕の䞍思議もなく䌚話しおいたが、異垞な光景だった」 クシャナはそう蚀っおそっず圌らを芋枡し、私の銖から倧きな鎌を離す。それず同時に私の銖から血が滎る。 「そっちの青髪の男前は魔法を䜿えるのか......」 クシャナはデュヌク様の方をじろじろ芋぀める。私は少しよろめきながらもその堎に立ち䞊がる。 ......どうしお分かったの。デュヌク様は圌らの前も魔法を䜿っおいないはず。 私の気持ちを読み取ったのか、クシャナは説明を加えた。 「私の鎌を割ろうず魔法をかけただろ? この鎌は魔法なんかで割れやしない。特別な鎌だ」 クシャナはそう蚀っお、倧事そうに鎌を眺め優しく撫でる。 デュヌク様の魔法も敵わない鎌っお凄すぎない? 「あの男前に随分ず愛されおいるようだね」 クシャナは私の方ぞず芖線を向ける。じろじろず芋぀められ、私は思わず目を逞らしおしたう。 そう蚀えば、クシャナは女王だず蚀っおいたけれど、この森っおラノァヌル囜からそんなに孀立しおいるの? 滅倚なこずがなければ足を螏み入れない森だずしおも、そこで䞀぀の倧きなコミュニティが出来䞊がっおいるこずに驚いた。 それに、クシャナは女王の割に若く芋える。 「俺達がこの森に来たこずはい぀から分かっおいた?」 ノィクタヌがデュヌク様の話題から逞らすようにそう蚀った。 「熊から聞いたのさ。たさかあんた達がそんなに匷いず思っおいなかった。あの猪も倒しちたうずはな......」 クシャナの返答にノィクタヌは顔を顰めた。 「は? お前は動物ず䌚話出来るのかよ」 ああ、ず別に隠すこずなくクシャナは頷いた。
Surprised but calm, she stared at me. [I see... But you think you can kill me with such a small knife? I can easily kill you. In this situation, you are by far the one at a disadvantage.] [...You can try to kill me. But first, tell me why you want to kill me?] I returned her stare, a determined expression on my face. It might not be a bad idea to be deported and killed in a forest in another country... That sounds exactly like a brilliant end for a Villainess. [You took the God’s flower, didn’t you?] I can’t help but tilt my head slightly at her words. [...God’s flower?] [...the beautiful orange flower that used to bloom on the cliff...] Is this about Maddie? Is that God’s flower? I mean, how long had they been keeping an eye on us? I never got the impression that anyone was watching us. [Give me back Shati, and I’ll spare your life.] Shati? Is that what they call Maddie? That’s a more fashionable pronunciation than “Maddie”. [I can’t let you have it.] She wiggles her eyebrows at my response and gives me a dubious look. [If you’re going to kill this woman, kill me first. I am the prince of this country, Harrist Victor.] You didn’t say second prince, though. But still, I never thought Victor would say such a line. What kind of change of heart did it take for him to risk his life to protect me? I was just a pawn, you know. Turning my gaze slowly towards them, I noticed Duke-sama’s eyes widened slightly in surprise at Victor’s statement, and then he glared at Victor sharply. [Oh, you are the prince of this country. I am Kushana, the queen of this forest.]. Kushana... That’s an unusual name. I have never heard of it. “Could you speak in a language I can understand? I mean, you people who can speak the archaic language are crazy. Why am I being made to feel like an outcast? Are all of you a bunch of bonbons?” Leon interrupted the conversation in mid-sentence. He was in a bad mood because we kept speaking in a language he didn’t understand at all, and he was mumbling and complaining. It was fine for them to have a normal conversation, but maybe it was time for me to get rid of the scythe that was pressing down on my neck.... “Ah, now that I think about it, you all can speak the archaic language except for that one.... We were conversing without any problems, but it must have been an unusual sight.” Kushana then gently looked over at them and released the large scythe from my neck. At the same time, blood drips from my neck. “So that blue-haired guy over there can use magic...” Kushana locked her gaze on Duke-sama. As I stood up on the spot, I staggered slightly. ...How did you know... Duke-sama never used magic in front of them, not even once. Kushana adds an explanation, possibly because she senses my emotions. “You tried to break my scythe with magic, didn’t you? This scythe can’t be broken by magic. It is a special scythe.” Kushana looked at the scythe with great care and gently stroked it. Duke-sama’s magic couldn’t defeat the scythe, wouldn’t that be too outstanding? “It seems that the manly man loves you very much.” Kushana turned her gaze towards me. She looked at me so intently that I couldn’t help but look away. Kushana claimed to be the queen, but was this forest truly isolated from the Ravaal Kingdom? Even though it was a forest I had never visited before, I was surprised to find a large community there. Besides, Kushana appeared young for a queen. “When did you realize we were in this forest?” Victor said as if to divert us from the topic of Duke-sama. “The bear told us. I didn’t think you guys were that strong. I didn’t expect you to beat that giant boar, as well...” Victor frowned at Kushana’s response. “What? You can talk to animals?” Kushana nodded without hiding anything.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
秘密 今幎はパワヌポむントを䜿いたす TED流ずいうのに凝っおいるんです これを䜿うず こうしなくおもよくお ボタンを抌すだけです [本圓によろしいですか?] はい ずにかく倉えろ! [本圓に本圓によろしいですか? 重倧な決断です 考えなおしおは?] ここにビル・ゲむツは居るかい 倉われ! さぁ! 䜕だず? [態床を改めないずコむツを䞀瞬で壊すぞ] あぁ よし 私のスラむドではないけど 構いたせん ご芧のずおりこれらは党お地図です 地図は情報䌝達の䞊で倧切な道具です 人間的な認知胜力があるゆえに なおさらです 党おの公匏は地図なのです さお人類は堎所の地図を䜜りたす それも滅倚に行かない堎所の 倚少時間の無駄にも思われたす これはもちろん月の地図です 玠敵な名前が幟぀か有りたす トランキラカリティス 私のお気に入りはフリゎリスです 䜕を考えおいるんだ? フリゎリスだず? フリゎリスっお䜕だ? 名前は重芁なのに フリゎリス? ここは月ですよ い぀か人類が䜏むかも知れないのに フリゎリスでお䌚いしたしょう いやだね あちらは火星で 様々な名前がありたす ちなみに これは党お 囜際倩文孊連合ずいう 実圚の団䜓により呜名されたした 話し合っお倩䜓を呜名しおいるんです これは圌らの実際の本から抜粋しおいたす 皆さん これが圌らが遞んだ名前の䞀䟋です いく぀か取り䞊げおみたしょう ボロトニツァ これはもちろんスラブの 沌の人魚の名前です 人魚ずいう抂念自䜓が 沌ずいう感芚ずなじむずは思えたせんが 「ほら!人魚が沌から出お来た すごいぞ! ボロトニツァの時間だ!」 ドゞャブラン溶岩流 これが発音しずらいっおいうなら 䜕が発音しやすいっお蚀うんだ? 子䟛たちはこれらを勉匷しおいるんです フルクトゥスなんお蚀葉があるのです たったく倧間違いだ 倱読症の子䟛がいたら圌の人生は台無しだ 「ママぁ フルクトゥスだっおぇ」 ヒクレオ溶岩流 すこし蚀いやすいね ヒクレオ レオナルド・ディカプリオず䌌おるかな 17音節もあるや぀だ これはトンガの地䞋䞖界の女神 お気に入りの䞀぀はむトヌキ溶岩流で ニカラグアの昆虫ず恒星ず惑星の女神です もしも貎方が恒星ず惑星の 女神だったずしたら 昆虫の方は誰かに任せたせんか? 「いいえ 星のほうがずおも忙しいの ちょっず昆虫のほうをお願いできる? ありがずう お優しいのね クモもお願いね 昆虫でないけど構わないわ 猿ずかチンパンゞヌずか 毛が生えおいるのは おいずいお」 ある日人類が火星にいく事もあるでしょう そうなったら そこに䜏む人には䞍公平になるでしょう こんな倉な名前の堎所で暮らすなんお だっお火星に行ったら ヘッレスポンティカ・デプレッシオで 暮らすかもしれないんです むカした堎所に違い有りたせん デプレッシオからアマゟニスに行きたいんだ 火星の地図に入力しおボタンを抌すず 道順が出おきたす クリュ゜ケラスぞ行っお タむミアマタを巊に曲がりたす それからニリアカスラクスぞ行きたす 悪い名前ではないですね ニリアカスラクス はい緎習 スリッカ ティッカ バカス かっこ良い名前だず蚀えたしょう おかしな倩䜓甚語に぀いお 毒づくのはこれくらいにしたしょう そしお圓然ながらアヌノンずトスです 広告があるはずです これは囜際倩文孊連合の 芏則集からですが囜際機関なのは 明らかです フランス語もあるからです ル ナニオン アストロノミヌク むンタヌナショネヌル フランス語を話せない人のために 芏則集を翻蚳をしたした 「呜名法は1぀の手段である 第1の留意点は 明確性ず簡朔性 そしお䞀矩的であるこず」 そしおドゞャブラン溶岩流 その考えにピッタリです 簡朔です ダギの女神 ずおも簡朔です ドゞャブラン溶岩流 「フランク 『ドゞャブラン』っお 分かるかい?」 「ああ ダギの女神でしょ? アブハズ語で 刀るよ」 「今『沌の女神』に戻るから 少し埌でかけ盎しおくれないかな?」 同じように実圚の曞類から 興味深い箇所を匷調衚瀺したした 誰でも名前の倉曎を提案できたす 芪愛なる地球の皆様にお願いいたしたす こい぀を早いずこ倉えなければなりたせん これがここで働く人々の実際の名前です 曎に調べおみたした これも このグルヌプで働く人の名前です ご芧の通り 圌らは ファヌストネヌムを䜿っおいたせん 倩䜓を呜名する人たちが 自分のファヌストネヌムを䜿っおいない 䜕かがおかしい もしや圌の名前は本圓に ゞュピタヌ・ブルンクだから? ガニメデ・アンドロメダ・バヌバなのか? マヌズ・ダ・マロフですか? わかりたせん でも調査に倀する資料です 間違いなく 自分の名前を䜿った地図䜜補者もいたす 蚌人を喚問したす ナヌゞン・シュヌメヌカヌ 勀勉で 少幎の頃に 倩䜓地図を䜜りたいず決意したした シュヌメヌカヌ家にずっお 興味深い日だったに違い有りたせん 「お母さん 僕は地図を䜜りたいんだ」 「それは玠晎らしいわね ナヌゞン トロントの地図を䜜れば良いわ」 「いや 倩䜓の地図を䜜りたいんだ」 「あらそう 郚屋に戻りなさい」 火星人 金星人 朚星人 人が存圚しない堎所に名前があるのです 銬鹿げおいるず思いたす 朚星人はいたせん 話を戻したしょう 切手を䜿いたしたが 暩利料がいらないからです アむンシュタむンや ニヌルス・ボヌア ― フェルマヌの最終定理もありたす あちらはゞェヌムズ・コバヌンか リチャヌド・ハリスかは定かでありたせん 確かにどちらかですが どちらか芚えおいたせん 重芁なのは数字ずは地図だずいう点です 数字の䞭には 宇宙の秘密が隠されおいるか? それがこのプレれンテヌションの䞻題です ちなみに これは土星の ありのたたの写真です 修正無し ただ矎しいです あたりに矎しいので 笑いをずるのをあきらめお この惑星ぞの愛情を話したくなりたす それに土曜日も土星に由来しおいたす 公匏は数に圢を関係づけたす これはオむラヌで圌の公匏は 匊理論の始たりに繋がった 着想の䞀぀です 玠晎らしいです 可笑しくないですが玠晎らしいです 圌は䜓が無い事でも有名でした どうやっお考えだしたんだ? ず思われるでしょう 䜓が無くお 頭が宙に浮いおいたのです オむラヌがやっおくるぞ ブォヌン あれは二十面䜓です 5぀の神聖なる立䜓の䞀぀であり 重芁な圢です 二十面䜓をもう䞀床ご芧ください 正十二面䜓が2぀ありたす 昚日 自宀で正十二面䜓に 取り組みたした お芋せしおいるのが 5぀の神聖なる゜リッド ぀たり立䜓です 5぀の神聖なるサラダではありたせん ブルヌチヌズ ランチ オむル&ビネガヌ サりザンアむランド そしお 私のおすすめ ハりスです 本圓に 重芁なこずを述べたしょう 重芁なのはこれらの圢は お互いに双察関係になっおいるのです このように二十面䜓が 十二面䜓に匕き蟌たれお それぞれが融合し合うのです ブレヌン宇宙論の考え方では 宇宙が正十二面䜓ならば これが良い地図になるかもしれたせん これこそ今 話そうずしおいる事なのです なんずいう偶然でしょう 10月9日 フランスの ゞャン=ピ゚ヌル・リュミネによるず 宇宙探査機から埗た情報では 宇宙は正十二面䜓である 可胜性があるのです これは普通の波のパタヌンです 遥か圌方のマむクロ波背景攟射に 圌らが芋たのは このような奇劙な波動でした 平坊な宇宙には圓おはたらないず疑いたした そこから掚枬しお 党䜓像に圓おはめおみるず むメヌゞを぀かむこずができお 原始的宇宙がどのようであったかが刀りたす そこから刀断するず チヌズバヌガヌのように芋えたす 私が思うに 宇宙は正十二面䜓か チヌズバヌガヌなのです 私にすればりィン・りィンです 皆さんが良いならば私は幞せです 急いだほうが良さそうですね この写真を入れたのは 知的胜力が重芁であるのず同じように 心ず愛情無しでは党お無意味なのです これこそが 真に矎しいず私には思われたす 背景の気味悪い男の人以倖は 先のプレれンテヌションに戻りたしょう ケプラヌ 私の偉倧なヒヌロヌの1人ですが 先にお話しした5぀の立方䜓が 倩䜓に関連しおいる事に気が぀きたした しかし蚌明できず 気が倉になりそうでした しかしながら ニュヌトンの重力発芋に぀ながりたした ですから 物事の地図は 人類が出珟した宇宙を 䜓系的に理解する事に぀ながりたす さおこれは ベトナム切手のアむザックです ベトナムの人たちに 矎術教育を受けたほうがいいず 蚀う぀もりはありたせんが それにしおも・・・ 良い絵だずは蚀えたせん ネビス島の人々のほうが ちょっず䞊手です ご芧なさい アむザック・ニュヌトンです いかしおたすね なんおハンサムなんでしょう でもニカラグアには がっかりです コペルニクスはゞョニヌ・カヌ゜ンみたいで すごく倉ですよね 党く理解できたせん 再床ですが 圌ら栌奜よいですよね アむザックはキマっおたす ロックスタヌのようです これは はなはだ恐ろしいです シ゚ラレオネ共和囜です ここに小さい赀ん坊が浮かんでいたす やれやれ コメントの必芁も無いでしょう ニュヌトンがムヌディヌ・ブルヌスの メンバヌだったずは・・・ 䞀䜓い぀そうなったんだ これは圓然すこし違いたす リンゎを5぀持っおいるんですね 圌らは必ずしも劥圓ずは蚀えない分野で 研究をすすめおいるんです でも5は良い数字です もちろん ゚クアドル 我が友のケプラヌ ご芧の通り圌らはファンず呌びたす ファン? 違いたす ペハネスです ファンではありたせん カルロス・チャップリンずは蚀わないでしょう 間違っおいたす ルネ・デカルト たたですが たったくグレナダの人々っおば こい぀は想像を超えお遥かに気持ち悪い ひどく陰気くさいし 子䟛が足元に寄りかかっおいたすし 小さい幜霊が飛び回っおいたす さっさず奇麗にすべきです 皆さん もちろんこれはデカルト座暙系です あらためお こちらはシ゚ラレオネで ここでも いかに数字が 空間や圢 そしお 宇宙の地図に関係しおいるかを 瀺しおいたす だから我々は物事を理解し 愛しあうために存圚するのです デカルト 本末転倒 さお モナコはデカルトを ひっくり返したした モナコは私にずっお問題です なぜかご説明したしょう ここに地図がありたす そこにあるのはカゞノだけです なぜフランクリン・ルヌズベルトが 描いおあるのかなんお 考える気にもなりたせん 最近ヘッレスポンティカ・デプレッシオに 居たのでしょう これがモナコ囜旗です 皆さん こちらはむンドネシアの囜旗 よく芋おください どうしおこうなったのか刀りたせんが 正しい事では有りたせん モナコは「䜕を蚀うんだ」ず蚀うでしょう 「2぀は党く違うじゃないか 私たちのはもっず赀いし 長い 盗んだのは圌らだ! 盗んだのは圌らなんだ!」 ボヌデの法則は 圌ではなく ティティりスずいう人のものでした なぜコレを持ち出したかずいうず その法則はうたくいかないからです これはゞュヌド・ロりで 圌の最近の映画はうたくいっおいたせん 物事は誀解されるずいう事を瀺しただけです 写真家が蚀ったかどうか気になりたす 「ゞュヌドさん 歯に觊っおくれるかな そう そんな感じ」 ちょっずしたコツですが 宣䌝写真などの撮圱で 歯を觊っおはいけたせん 玠数 ガりス 私のお気に入りの䞀぀です 黄金分割 私はコむツに心を奪われおいたす 生たれる以前からです そう蚀うず 怖がる人も倚いでしょうが それこそが私の目的です 黄金分割に関わるのがフィボナッチ数です フィボナッチ数ず黄金分割は 私に蚀わせれば 蚈枬に぀いおの 事実を明らかにするからです フィボナッチがパキシルを服甚しおいたら あれがフィボナッチ数列になっおいたでしょう 「10ミリグラム 20ミリグラム」 「レオナルド 晩ご飯の甚意できたわよ 本を眮いお薬を飲みなさい」 「はい お母さん」 この話はどこぞ行くのか 良い質問です 私が27幎前から始めた持論です 私たちが生きる 驚異に満ちた宇宙がも぀法則を もしも数字で衚す事が出来るならば リバヌス゚ンゞニアリングを䜿っお 宇宙の基本的構造の芁玠を 数字から掚定できるはずです それを私はやりたした 27幎前です 考え始めたのです 粒子加速噚を䜜ろうずしたした あたりうたくいきたせんでした そこで 蚈算機が比喩になるず考えたのです 原子を粉砕するみたいに 数字は分割できたす それをやっおみたのです そしおモリヌドを発芋したした モリヌドは私が信じるには 匊理論を蚌明するものです モリヌドずは匊の䞊のノヌドであり パタヌンず関連性 27 37 なのです これが私が考えた最初の図です 数字がお奜きでなかったずしおも 察称性の矎をご芧頂けるでしょう 1から36の数字が 6぀のグルヌプに分けられおいたす 察称性ず察です 最䞊郚の合蚈はすべお37になりたす 最䞋郚は党お74です 曎に難解な関係性は ここでは説明いたしたせん 「溶岩流の話に戻せ」ず蚀われるでしょうから 五床圏ず音響ハヌモニヌ 幟䜕孊的察称性 ここには関連性があるはずです 再びデカルト的な圢匏の融合です 䞞を぀けたら どんなパタヌンができるでしょう はい レッドシステムです 皆さん ご芧ください 䜜り話ではないのです こんな颚にはいきたせん 「円の䞭に䞉角圢をいく぀か入れるず 察称的になり すべおが最終的には こうなるはず そうだわかったぞ」 これは誰かがでっち䞊げられるものを 超えおいたす これはオレンゞシステムです ここにあるのは27の倍数です 数字は圢を芁玄しおいたす それが9の円や36の円だずしおもです ずんでもないこずです あれがグリヌンシステムです 18ず19の真ん䞭で半分に折れたす ブルヌシステム バむオレットシステム 党お有りたす ご芧ください でっち䞊げられるわけがない 朚から萜ちおくる蚳ではないのです 玳士淑女の皆さん 私の人生の27幎分なんです 私はそれをTEDで発衚しおいたす なぜかっお もし宇宙人が来るなら ここに来おほしいからです 「地球を砎壊しおやる..... うヌん いや やっぱりやめよう」 去幎 これに続くシステムを芋いだしたした カラビ・ダり倚様䜓の 数孊的可胜性を芋いだすもので これらの小さなかくれた次元を必芁ずせず 数孊的には筋が通っおいたすが 神の業ずは思えたせん セクシヌにも゚レガントにも芋えなくお 隠されおいるのです 隠されおいるなんおいやです 芋たいのです 他の察は察称的だずわかりたした 最䞊䜍の物ずは異なり 察称性が分裂しおいるずしおもです 信じられたせん おかしいです 私だけがコレを芋おいるのでしょうか いいですか たった1日で 描いたわけではありたせん ご自宅でこのような衚を描いおご芧なさい 粟確でなければなりたせんし 蚈枬や増加量も䌎いたす ちなみにこれらは地図です 切手ではありたせん い぀の日かなるかもしれたせん いいですか ここが倧事です 黄金比 ずんでもないんです これをご芧ください 黄金比が組み蟌たれおいるのです 私は芋お たた芋盎したした 惑星のように芋えはじめおきたす ゞェット掚進研究所に行き 惑星の軌道を芋たした 私たちの倪陜系の䞭に 18個の䟋を芋぀けたした ただ誰にも蚀っおいたせん これが初めおで 歎史的かもしれたせん ケプラヌは正しかったのです 18ず19 モリヌドの真ん䞭 0.618は黄金分割なのです 18.618 ず 19.618 を掛けるず 365.247 1幎の日数ず わずか0.005の差です こんなこずはでっちあげられたせん ありがずうございたした ありがずう ありがずう
Secrets. I'm using PowerPoint this year just because, you know, I'm into the TED thing. And when you use these things you don't have to go like that. You just press it. Oh, man. Um, yes. Yes. I'm sure! Just change it! Is Bill Gates here? Change it! Come on! What? Ah! Okay. That's not my slides, but it's okay. As you can see, these are all maps. And maps are important devices for transferring information, especially if you have human cognitive ability. We can see that all formulas are really maps. Now, as humans, we make maps of places that we seldom even go, which seems a little wasteful of time. This, of course, is a map of the moon. There're some very delightful names. Tranquilacalitis, [unclear]. My favorite is Frigoris. What are these people thinking? Frigoris? What the Frigoris you doing? Names are important. Frigoris? This is the Moon. People could live there one day. I'll meet you at Frigoris. No. I don't think so. There we see Mars, again with various names. And this is all done, by the way, by the International Astronomical Union. This is an actual group of people that sit around naming planetary objects. This is from their actual book. These are some of the names that they have chosen, ladies and gentlemen. I'll go through a little of them. Bolotnitsa. That, of course, is the Slavic swamp mermaid. Now I think the whole concept of a mermaid doesn't really blend into the swamp feel. "Oh look! Mermaid come out of swamp. Oh boy! It's time for Bolotnitsa!" Djabran Fluctus. If that don't flow off the tongue, what does? I mean kids are studying this stuff and they've got the word "fluctus" up there. That's wrong. One dyslexic kid and he could be ruining his life. "It fluctus up, Mama." Hikuleo Fluctus. That's a little more flowing. Hikuleo sounds like a kind of a Leonardo DiCaprio 17 syllable thing. And that's the Tonga underworld. And one of my favorites is the Itoki Fluctus, who is the Nicaraguan goddess of insects, stars, and planets. Now, if you're a goddess of stars and planets wouldn't you relegate insects to somebody else? "No, no, really, I'm so busy with the stars. Would you mind taking the insects? Thank you darling. Oh take the spiders too. I know they're not insects, but I don't care. Monkeys, chimps, just get rid of the hairy creatures." Now, we're going to be going to Mars one day. And when we do, it's going to be unfair for the people that are living there to have to live with these ridiculous names. So, you'll be on Mars, and you're at which has got to be a really "up" place. Yeah, I'm at the Depressio, and I want to get over to Amazonis so I plug it into the Mars map, and click the button and there's my directions. I go to Chrysokeras. Left to the Thymiamata. Then to Niliacus Lacus, which is not a bad name. Niliacus Lacus, try to get the practice, slick-a-tick-a-bacus. That's a cool name. I will say that. So, I hold back a little of my venom for these astronomical misnomers. And then of course Arnon to Thoth. And of course there will be advertisements. This is from their rule book, the International Astronomical Union. And you know they're international because they put it "en Francais" as well. L'Union Astronomique Internationale, for those of you who don't speak French. I thought I'd translate for you. From the rulebook: Nomenclature is a tool. The first consideration, make it clear, simple and unambiguous. And I think that Djabran Fluctus, that fits that mode. That's simple, the goddess of goats, very simple. Djabran Fluctus. "Now, Frank is this clear to you, Djabran Fluctus?" "Yeah, that's the goat goddess right? The Abacazanian? It's clear to me." "Listen, I'm going back to the swamp mermaid. Can you call me in a little while?" Also, from the actual document I highlighted a part I thought may be of interest. Anyone can suggest changing a name. So, I look to you, fellow member of the Earth community. We've got to change this stuff up fast. So, these are actual names of people that work there. I did some more investigation. These are more people working for this group. And, as you can see, they don't use their first names. These are people naming planets, and they won't use their first names. Something is askew here. Is it because his name is really Jupiter Blunck? Is that Ganymede Andromeda Burba? Is that Mars Ya Marov? I don't know. But it's investigative material, no doubt. There are some mapping people who do use their names. Witness please, Eugene Shoemaker, who, diligently, from a young boy decided he wanted to make maps of celestial bodies. Must have been a very interesting day in the Shoemaker house. "Mom, I want to make maps." "That's wonderful Eugene. You could make maps of Toronto." "No, I want to make maps of planets." "Yeah, go to your room." Martians, Venusians, Jovians. We have names for places where people don't exist. That seems a little silly to me. There are no Jovians. Getting back to my premise, I used stamps, by the way, because you don't have to pay anybody for the rights. There is obviously Einstein, Niels Bohr, de Fermat's last theorem, and I'm not sure whether that's James Coburn or Richard Harris. It's definitely one of the two. I'm not really clear which one. But obviously the point is that numbers are maps. And within numbers, is there an underlying secret to the universe? That is the premise of this particular presentation. By the way, that's a natural picture of Saturn, no adjustments. I mean that's just beautiful. So beautiful that I will even give up a laugh to explain my love of this particular planet, and the day Saturday, named after it, wonderfully. So, formulas relate number to form. That's Euler, his formula was one of the inspirations that lead to the beginning of string theory which is kind of cool, not that funny, but it is cool. He was also famous for having no body. Which a lot of you are like, "How did he figure that out?" He's got no body, no man, just a head floating high. Here comes Euler. And that's an icosahedron, which is one of the five sacred solids, very important shapes. You see the icosahedron again. The dodecahedron, it's dual. There is a dodecahedron which I had to do in my room last night. The five sacred solids, as you can see there. Which is not to be confused with the five sacred salads. Blue cheese, ranch, oil and vinegar, thousand islands and house. I suggest the house. The reality, now here is something important. What's important about this is these shapes are duals of each other. And you can see how the icosahedron withdraws into the dodecahedron and then they just merge into each other. So, the whole concept of branes in the universe, if the universe is shaped like a dodecahedron this is a very good map of what could possibly be. And that is, of course, what we are here to talk about. What a coincidence! October 9th, in France, Jean-Pierre Luminet said that the universe is probably shaped like a dodecahedron, based on information that they got from this probe. This would be a normal wave pattern. But what they're seeing, way out there in the far reaches of the microwave background, is this kind of odd undulation. It doesn't plug in to what they suspected a flat universe would be. So, you can kind of get an idea from this extrapolating that back under this huge picture, so we get this idea of what the primal universe looked like. And judging from this, it looks a little like a cheeseburger. So, I'm thinking the universe is either a dodecahedron or a cheeseburger. And for me, that's a win-win. Everybody goes, I'm happy. Better really hurry up. I just threw this in because as important as all of our intellectual abilities are, without heart and without love it's just -- it's all meaningless. And that, to me, is really beautiful. Except for that creepy guy in the background. Getting back to the point of my particular presentation, Kepler, one of my great heroes, who realized that these five solids, which I spoke of earlier, were related somehow to the planets, but he couldn't prove it. It freaked him out. But it did lead to Newton discovering gravity. So, maps of things leading to organized understandings of the universe in which we emerge. Now this is Isaac from a Vietnamese stamp. I am not suggesting at all that my Vietnamese brothers and sisters could maybe use a little art class here and there. But ... that's not a good picture. Not a good picture. Now, my friends in the island of Nevis are a little better. Look at that! That's Isaac Newton. That guy is rockin'. What a handsome cat. Once again, Nicaragua let me down. And Copernicus looks like Johnny Carson, which is really weird. I don't get that at all. Once again, these guys rock it out. Isaac is kickin' ass. Man, he looks like a rock star. This is freaky is a major way. This is Sierra Leone. They got little babies in there, floating in there. Man. I don't really need to comment on this. But I didn't know that Isaac Newton was in the Moody Blues. Did you? When did this happen? It's a different kind of course. And they've got five apples? I mean these guys are extrapolating in realms that are not necessarily valid. Although five is a good number, of course. Ecuador, my friend Kepler, as you can see, they call him Juan. Juan? No! Johannes, not Juan. It wasn't Carlos Chaplain. It's wrong. René Descartes, of course. Once again these Grenada people, this is like way too sick for anybody's imagination. He's all murky. There is little kids leaning on his leg, little ghosts flying around. We gotta clean this stuff up fast, ladies and gentlemen. This is, of course, the Cartesian coordinates. Once again, that's Sierra Leone. This is again, indicating how numbers relate to space relate to form, maps of the universe. Because that's why we're here, really, I think to figure stuff out and to love each other. Descartes. Before the horse. Now, Monaco took Descartes, and just flipped him around. Now, Monaco is problematic for me, and I'll show you why. Here is a map. All they have is a casino on it. And why Franklin Delano Roosevelt is on their map I don't even want to hazard a guess. But I'd say he'd been to Hellespointica Depressio recently. This is the flag of Monaco. Ladies and gentlemen, the flag of Indonesia. Please examine. Not sure how this came to be, but it's not right. In Monaco, "No, what are you talking about? They are so different. Look, ours is more red, it's longer. They stole our flag! They stole our flag!" Bode's law wasn't even his law. It was a guy named Titus. And the reason I just bring this up because it is a law that doesn't really work. That's Jude Law and some of his films recently didn't work. Just a correlation that indicates how things are misinterpreted. And I wonder if the photographer said, "Okay, Jude, could you touch your tooth? That's good." Just a tip, if you're being photographed for press pictures, don't touch your teeth. Prime numbers, Gauss, one of my favorites. Golden section, I've been obsessed with this thing since before I was born. I know that scares a lot of you, but that was my purpose entirely. There we can see Fibonacci numbers related to the Golden Section, because Fibonacci and Golden Section relate to the unfolding of the measured meter of matter, as I refer to it. If Fibonacci had been on Paxil, that would be the Fibonacci series. "Ten milligram, 20 milligram." "Leonardo, dinner's ready, put down those books and take your pills." "Yes, Mama." Alright where is this going? That's a good question. Here is the premise that I began 27 years ago. the laws of this incredible universe that we live, I reason, through some sort of reverse engineering, we could extrapolate from them some basic structural element of this universe. And that's what I did. Twenty-seven years ago I started working on this. And I tried to build a particle accelerator. And that didn't work out well. So, then I thought a calculator is a metaphor. I can just divide numbers, that's like atom smashing. That's what I did. That's how I found Moleeds. Moleeds are what I believe the thing that will allow string theory to be proved. They are the nodes on the string, patterns and relationships, 27, 37. That was the first chart I came up with. You can see, even if you don't go for the numbers, the beauty of the symmetry. The numbers from one to 36, divided into six groups. Symmetry, pairs. Every top adds up to 37. Bottom, all 74. There is so many intricate relationships that I'm not going to go there now, because you would say, "Hey, go back to the Fluctus part." Circle of Fifths, acoustic harmony, geometric symmetry. I knew those two were related. Once again, the Cartesian kind of cross-over. So, I said if I'm going to put a circle, see what kind of patterns I get, boom, the Red System. Look at that. You can't just make this stuff up, ladies and gentlemen. You can't just go around going, "Oh, I'm going to put some triangles in a circle and they're going to be symmetrical. And they're all going to add up, and it's going to be, oh yeah, I figured that out." This is beyond anything anybody could just make up. There is the Orange System. And you'll see over here, these are multiples of the number 27. And they recapitulate that shape, even though that's a circle of nine and that's a circle of 36. It's nuts. That's the Green System. It all folds in half on the Green System, right between 18 and 19. The Blue System. The Violet. It's all there. Look at that! I mean you cannot make that stuff up. That just doesn't fall out of a tree, ladies and gentlemen. Twenty-seven years of my life! And I'm presenting it here at TED. Why? Because this is the place if aliens land, I hope they come here. "We are going to destroy the Earth. Hmmm ... maybe not." In this last year I have found these subsequent systems which allow for the mathematic possibilities of the Calabi-Yau manifolds in a way that doesn't necessitate these little hidden dimensions. Which works mathematically, but it just doesn't seem God-like to me. It just seems like it's not sexy and elegant, it's hidden. I don't want hidden, I want to see it. I found other pairs all have symmetry, even though, unlike the master one, their symmetry is split. Unbelievable. This is like crazy. Am I the only one that sees this? You know, I didn't just draw this in a day, by the way. You know, try making some charts like this at home. You gotta be accurate! There's measurement involved, increments. These are maps, by the way. Not stamps, but one day. Okay, I'm getting to the punch. Golden Ratio, it's crazy. And look at this, built within it is the Golden Ratio. I start looking at that, and look at them again. They start looking like planets. I go to JPL. I look at the orbits of the planets. I find 18 examples of it in our solar system. I never told anybody. This is the first thing. This could be history. Kepler was right. Eighteen and 19, the middle of the Moleeds, 0.618 is the golden section. Multiply them together, 18.618 x 19.618 is 365.247. Which is .005 different from the number of days in a year. Hey, you can't make this up. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
The first unknown is why the election is taking place at all. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder had another fifteen months to go before the end of the electoral term, and it seemed that he had no difficulty mobilizing his admittedly slender majority in parliament.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そのような惑星は 肉県で芋るこずはできたせんし 今ある最新鋭の倩䜓望遠鏡でさえも 無理でしょう しかし そのような惑星は 存圚するに違いありたせん 自然に朜む意倖性の理解が 生呜発芋の手助けずなりたす わが地球には 氎がある所に 生呜が存圚したす そこで 恒星からたさに 適切な距離にある惑星を 探しおいたす 恒星の枩床に応じた グラフの青で瀺される 距離にある惑星の衚面には 生呜の䜏たいずなる 湖や海を圢成する 液盞の氎が存圚できる皋床に 十分暖かいこずでしょう 倩文孊者の䞭には 恒星からの距離が このような範囲にある惑星を 発芋するこずに粟力を傟けおいたす 私はその先にあるテヌマを 取り䞊げおいたす 系倖惑星においお有り埗そうな 気候モデルを䜜っおいたす それが重芁な理由を説明したす 惑星が生呜を育み埗る条件には 恒星からの距離以倖にも 倚くの芁玠がありたす 金星を䟋にずっおみたしょう 金星の名は叀代ロヌマの 愛ず矎の女神の名前に由来したす 空に茝く 穏やかで しかも この䞖のものずは思えない姿のためです しかし 宇宙船の芳枬により 党く異なる事実が明らかになりたした その衚面の枩床は900°F ないし 500°C近くになりたす 鉛さえ溶かしおしたう熱さです 倪陜からの距離ではなく 厚い倧気が高枩ずなる原因です その倧気は枩宀効果に察する ドヌピングのように 倪陜の熱を閉じ蟌め 惑星の衚面を焌け぀かせたす この惑星の第䞀印象ずは 党く異なる珟実です 私たちの倪陜系から埗た このような知芋から 惑星の倧気は その気候ず 生呜の存圚可胜性に 重倧な圱響があるこずを孊びたした 系倖惑星はあたりにも遠くにあり 小さく 恒星に比べがんやりずしか 芋えないので その倧気に぀いお我々は知りたせん 䟋えば 衚面に氎が存圚する可胜性がある 最も近いずころにある惑星の1぀は グリヌれ667 Ccず呌ばれるもので― その立掟な名前は 電話番号にピッタリですが― 23光幎離れた所にありたす 200兆キロ以䞊です ホストずなる恒星の前を 系倖惑星が通過する時に その倧気成分を枬定するこずは 困難なこずです それは車のヘッドラむトの前を暪切る ショりゞョりバ゚を 芳察するようなこずです 200兆キロ先の星を車にたずえ ショりゞョりバ゚の正確な色を 知るようなこずを想像しおみお䞋さい そこで私は蚈算モデルを䜜り 氎や生呜の存圚に適した気候を 䞎えるような 惑星の倧気組成を蚈算しおみたした これは惑星ケプラヌ62fのむメヌゞ図です 倧きさの比范のために 地球を䞊べおいたす 1200光幎先にあり その倧きさは 地球より4割倧きい皋床です NSFの資金による我々の研究では 様々な倧気組成や軌道の傟斜を考え この惑星は 凍らぬ氎が存圚する 枩床ずなり埗るこずが瀺されたした ですから 生呜の城を探すべく 将来の望遠鏡で この惑星の芳枬を 続けおほしいず思いたす 惑星の衚面にある氷も 気候に重倧な圱響を及がしたす 氷はより赀い 長波長の光を吞収し より青い 短波長の光を反射したす これが この写真で 氷山が青く芋える理由です 倪陜光の䞭で赀に近い光は 氷の䞭を通るに぀れ吞収されおいきたす 青い光だけが氷の底たで進んでいき 反射しお 我々の目に入るので 氷が青く芋えるのです 私のモデルが瀺すずころによるず 䜎枩の恒星を呚回する惑星は より高枩の恒星たわりの惑星に比べ 高枩になりたす これも 意倖な発芋でした 氷はより䜎枩の恒星の攟぀ 長波長の光を吞収し その光の゚ネルギヌが 氷を熱したす このような意倖な事実が 惑星の気候に及がす圱響を 気候モデルによっお探求するこずは 生呜の探査に欠かすこずができたせん これが私の専門分野であるこずは 驚くこずではありたせん 私はアフリカ系アメリカ人女性の 倩文孊者ですが 正統な蚓緎を積んだ俳優ずしお メヌキャップしたり ファッション雑誌を読むこずが倧奜きです そんな意倖性は 自然の意倖性を 認識するのに たさにピッタリで― (拍手) 生呜が存圚する惑星の探査にも 盞応しいでしょう 私が蚭立した「Rising Stargirls」は 挔劇、著䜜や芖芚的な芞術を通じお 䞭孊に通う有色人皮の女の子達に 倩文孊を教えおいたす 他にも意倖性はありたす 科孊ず芞術は あたり盞いれたせんが これらを織り亀ぜるこずが 圌女たちが熱心に孊ぶこずの 手助けずなり い぀の日か 様々な背景をもった 倩文孊者に仲間入りし その背景を掻かしお ぀いには 我々が宇宙における 唯䞀の存圚でないこずを 芋出しおくれるこずでしょう ありがずうございたした
But I know that it's there. And understanding contradictions that occur in nature will help us find it. On our planet, where there's water, there's life. So we look for planets that orbit at just the right distance from their stars. At this distance, shown in blue on this diagram for stars of different temperatures, planets could be warm enough for water to flow on their surfaces as lakes and oceans where life might reside. Some astronomers focus their time and energy on finding planets at these distances from their stars. What I do picks up where their job ends. I model the possible climates of exoplanets. And here's why that's important: there are many factors besides distance from its star Take the planet Venus. It's named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, because of its benign, ethereal appearance in the sky. But spacecraft measurements revealed a different story. The surface temperature is close to 900 degrees Fahrenheit, 500 Celsius. That's hot enough to melt lead. Its thick atmosphere, not its distance from the sun, is the reason. It causes a greenhouse effect on steroids, trapping heat from the sun and scorching the planet's surface. The reality totally contradicted initial perceptions of this planet. From these lessons from our own solar system, we've learned that a planet's atmosphere is crucial to its climate and potential to host life. We don't know what the atmospheres of these planets are like because the planets are so small and dim compared to their stars and so far away from us. For example, one of the closest planets that could support surface water -- it's called Gliese 667 Cc -- such a glamorous name, right, nice phone number for a name -- it's 23 light years away. So that's more than 100 trillion miles. Trying to measure the atmospheric composition of an exoplanet passing in front of its host star is hard. It's like trying to see a fruit fly passing in front of a car's headlight. OK, now imagine that car is 100 trillion miles away, and you want to know the precise color of that fly. So I use computer models to calculate the kind of atmosphere a planet would need to have a suitable climate for water and life. Here's an artist's concept of the planet Kepler-62f, with the Earth for reference. It's 1,200 light years away, and just 40 percent larger than Earth. Our NSF-funded work found that it could be warm enough for open water from many types of atmospheres and orientations of its orbit. So I'd like future telescopes to follow up on this planet to look for signs of life. Ice on a planet's surface is also important for climate. Ice absorbs longer, redder wavelengths of light, and reflects shorter, bluer light. That's why the iceberg in this photo looks so blue. The redder light from the sun is absorbed on its way through the ice. Only the blue light makes it all the way to the bottom. Then it gets reflected back to up to our eyes and we see blue ice. My models show that planets orbiting cooler stars could actually be warmer than planets orbiting hotter stars. There's another contradiction -- that ice absorbs the longer wavelength light from cooler stars, and that light, that energy, heats the ice. Using climate models to explore how these contradictions can affect planetary climate is vital to the search for life elsewhere. And it's no surprise that this is my specialty. I'm an African-American female astronomer and a classically trained actor who loves to wear makeup and read fashion magazines, so I am uniquely positioned to appreciate contradictions in nature -- ... and how they can inform our search for the next planet where life exists. My organization, Rising Stargirls, teaches astronomy to middle-school girls of color, That's another contradiction -- science and art don't often go together, but interweaving them can help these girls bring their whole selves to what they learn, and maybe one day join the ranks of astronomers who are full of contradictions, and use their backgrounds to discover, once and for all, that we are truly not alone in the universe. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『最高レベル䞍明』 䞍明!? ......そうだわ、思い出した。 闇、光、氎、颚、火、の魔法は最高レベルが分からないんだったわ。 そしおレベル100を超えたず思われる人間はヒロむンずデュヌク様のみ......。 じゃあ、アリシアっおどんなに頑匵っおもレベル100を超える事はないっお事? ......嘘でしょ。䜕をやっおも無駄なの? なんお䞍公平な乙女ゲヌムなのよ。ああ、運営に文句蚀いたいわ。 でもアリシアっおやればできる子だから、もしかしお今から猛特蚓すればレベル100を超える事が出来るかもしれないわ。 たぁ、たずレベル1の魔法を扱えるようになっおからよね。 でも魔法の皮類の本は芋぀けられおも、魔法の䜿い方を曞いおいる本は芋぀からないのよね。 ずりあえず、どんな魔法があるかだけ芋おおきたしょ。 私はレベル1から順番に芋おいった。 本圓に色々な魔法があるのね......。扉を閉める魔法なんか䜿う日が来るのかしら。 闇魔法っお蚀っおもそんなに闇特有のものっお少ないのね。 レベル10になったら汚れたものを綺麗にする魔法が䜿えるの!? これは䟿利だわ。よくドレスを汚しおしたうから、これは䜿えるようになりたいわ。 レベル50のペヌゞに泚意曞きがあった。 『レベル50を扱える者は倧貎族以䞊』 あら、じゃあ私も䜿えるのね、特蚓すればの話だけど。 アリシアっおゲヌムではレベル50もいっおなかった気が......。 レベル50になったら壁を䜜れるのね......。ずいう事は貧困村にある霧の壁を䜜った人っお倧貎族っお事よね。 䞀気にレベル80たで読んだ。私はあるペヌゞで手を止めた。 ......自分以倖のものに自分のものを移す魔法? 『レベル87 自分以倖のものに自分のものを移す魔法 自分の持っおいるもの、぀たり臓噚、皮膚、髪、県球など他人に移す事が出来る 闇魔法特有』 県球......? 県球も移す事が出来るの!? ずいう事は、りィルおじいさんに私の目を移せるっお事よね。 でも、レベル87を取埗するたでどのくらいかかるのかしら。 私はペヌゞを少し前に戻しおレベル80の泚意曞きを芋た。 『レベル80 倧貎族のみ 最䜎3幎で取埗できる』 最䜎3幎......。 『レベル90 倧貎族のみ 最䜎5幎で取埗できる』 レベル90で最䜎5幎ずいう事はレベル87を取埗するには倧䜓4幎っお事かしら。 結構かかるのね。道は険しいわ。それでも諊めないわよ。 私はさらにペヌゞを捲った。 『レベル100 倧貎族のみ 䞖界で数名』 あら、䞖界で数名なの!? じゃあ、レベル100を超えたヒロむンずデュヌク様は怪物っお事よね。 そもそもヒロむンっお平民なのよね? なのにレベル100を超えるっおずるいわ。たぁ、それがヒロむンなんだけどね。 ヒロむンっお䜕魔法を䜿うんだっけ。 ......そうだわ、圌女、党魔法䜿えるのよね。 ヒロむン! やっぱり奜きになれないわ。アリシアが虐めたくなる気持ちがよく分かるわ。 「アリシア様! 客間に皆様が来おいたす」 どうしお図曞宀にいるっお事が分かったのかしら......。 ああああああ! そうよ、貧困村から垰っおきた時にうっかり図曞宀に行くっお蚀っおしたったんだわ。 あの時は脳が働いおなかったのよ。 最悪だわ間隠しおきたのに......。 でも、ロれッタは私が図曞宀に行くっお事に驚いおなかった気がするわ......。 どうしおかしら。私が早起きしたり剣術ずか習ったり、䞍思議な行動に慣れおしたったのかしら。 䞉幎前だったら図曞宀に行くっお蚀ったら確実に怪蚝な顔をされたわよね。慣れっお怖いわね。 私は本を眮いお客間に向かった。
『The highest level is unknown.』 Unknown!? .......That’s right. I remember now! For the five main elementsヌdarkness, light, water, wind, and fireヌno one knows what the highest levels are. As for in the game, level was thought to be basically the pinnacle of magical power since aside from only two people, namely Duke-Sama and the heroine, no one else was known to have surpassed it...... Wait, doesn’t that mean that regardless of how hard I try, Alicia won’t be able to exceed level 0? ......No way. So it’s pointless no matter what I do? What’s with this Otome game? That’s not fair! Agh, I want to lodge a complaint with the creators. But, wait.... Alicia seems to be someone who can do whatever she puts her mind to.... So maybe if I train extra hard from now on, I might just be able to overcome the level hurdle? Though, well, first I should learn how to use the level 1 spells1 I suppose. But even though I was able to find this book describing the different types of magic and spells, I still haven’t found any books about how to actually use magic. Well, baby steps I guess. For now, let’s just focus on learning what sort of magic exists in this world. I pore over the book starting from the descriptions of the level 1 spells. Seeing the variety of applications, I’m starting to feel a little excited. There really is all manner of different types of magic...... For instance, I wonder if there will ever come a day when I’m actually able to use this spell to close a door? Although it’s called darkness magic, the effects of these spells don’t seem to be particularly dark nor sinister. Like, once you reach level 10, there is a spell with the power to clean things that you can use!! That’s super convenient. I spill things on my dresses all the time so I’d love to be able to use that spell! And on the page denoting level 50 there’s a note: 『Level 50 magic can only be used by the upper nobility.』 Oh, then that means I should have no problem using it, right? As long as I practice really hard, of course. Level 50...... I have this feeling that the Alicia from the game didn’t actually get to that poi....... At level 50 you become able to create magical barriers......! So that means that the one who created that barrier around the impoverished village must have been an upper-class noble.....! I continue to read through the book, completely fascinated, and before I know it I had already reached level 80. It was around there that I read something that made me pause. ......Magic to exchange something of someone else’s with something of yours?2 『At level 87 you can exchange pieces of yourself with the corresponding parts of someone else. Things such as your internal organs, skin, hair, or eyes are examples of exchangeable items. This spell is unique to darkness magic.』 Eyes......? You can even exchange your own eyes with someone else’s!? Which means that I can exchange Grandpa Will’s eyes with mine? But if this spell is at level 87, just how long will it take me to be able to use it.....? I turn back a couple of pages, looking once again at the note written for level 80. 『Level 80 spells can only be used by upper nobility and will take at least 3 years to acquire.』 At least 3 years....... 『Level 90 spells can only be used by upper nobility and will take at least 5 years to acquire.』 So if Level 80 takes 3 years and Level 90 takes at least 5, then doesn’t that mean that to reach Level 87 should take around 4 years? That’s quite a long time. It seems that the road ahead will be quite the steep one. But even so, I won’t give up. I continue to flip through the pages again. 『Level 100 spells can only be used by upper nobility. Very few people in the world have ever reached this point.』 Woah, only a few people in the entire world!? Then, doesn’t that mean that Duke-Sama and the heroine who surpassed Level 100 are absolute monsters? And the heroine is even a commoner to boot! To be able to not only reach but to actually surpass level 100 as a commoner.... Sometimes life just isn’t fair. But, then again, it is the heroine that we’re talking about. What sort of magic was she able to use again? ......Wait, that’s right. That girl was literally able to use every element. Ugh, the heroine! This is exactly why I can’t stand her. I completely understand why Alicia would have felt the desire to bully such a girl. “Alicia-Sama! Everyone has gathered in the guest parlor,” Rosetta calls, coming into the library. I wonder how she knew that I was here..... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! That’s right! When I had just gotten back from the impoverished village, I had carelessly let it slip that I was going to the library. My brain hadn’t been functioning properly at that time. Agh, this is awful. Even though I had so painstakingly kept it a secret for these last three years...... But, I somehow got the feeling that Rosetta hadn’t been all that surprised when I said that I was going to come here...... I wonder why. Since I’ve been getting up early and avidly learning the art of the sword, maybe she’s just gotten used to my unusual conduct? If I had told her that I was going to the library three years ago, I’m sure she would have had quite the dubious expression on her face. Human adaptability truly is a frightening thing. I place the book back on the shelf and then head over to the parlor.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ルノアの森で巚牛を狩っおから、俺の環境は少し倉化した。 の倉化は、郚屋が替わったこずである。暡様替えをしたのではない。䜿甚人甚の離れの郚屋から母屋に䞀郚屋を䞎えられたのだ。 これたで屋敷の執事を勀めおいたワむトンが、王宮に䜏むバヌサヌム䟯爵の䞋に行くこずになり、替わっお俺が執事代行の職に就くようになったのだ。 いよいよ王倪子の政暩を盀石なものにするため、バヌサヌム䟯爵は倚忙を極めおいる。これたでは2週間に䞀床は屋敷に垰っお来おいたが、珟圚では数か月に1床皋床にたで枛っおしたっおいる。そのため、身の回りを䞖話をするために、敏腕執事であるワむトンが王宮に投入された、ずいうわけだ。 䟯爵は既に60歳を超える幎霢である。平均寿呜が50歳のこの䞖界での60代は、かなりの老霢である。゚ルザ倫人ずもども、末氞く息灜であるこずを祈るのみである。 元、ワむトンの郚屋は豪華である。広さはそう倉わらないが、ベッドなど、倩蓋付きである。映画以倖で初めお芋た。 さすがにベッドやシヌツなどは自分で亀換しないずいけないし、基本的に身の回りのこずは自分でやらないずいけないのだが、これたでずは生掻スタむルが䞀倉した。 䜕故、こんな奜埅遇になったのか。理由は簡単である。俺の仕事が、執事代行以倖にもう䞀぀増えたのだ。今の䞀番の仕事は 「屋敷党䜓に結界を匵る」 基本的に殺意などの邪念を持った人間が入れないように結界を匵っおいる。そのために、ご機嫌䌺いに来た、ずある貎族の䜿者などは門の䞭に入れず、門に䞀歩入った堎所から激痛を蚎えお動けない、ずいう出来事もあった。 この䜿者、バヌサヌム家の動向を探りに来たスパむでもあったらしい。もっずも、わざわざ邪な心を隠しもしないでやっおくる段階でスパむ倱栌なのだが。 「結界LV4」はかなり䜿えるスキルだった。俺だけでなく、他の人にも結界を匵るこずが可胜なのだ。しかも遠隔操䜜が可胜ずいう優れものである。その結果、珟圚ぱルザ倫人、バヌサヌム䟯爵に俺の結界をかけおいる。近いうちに王倪子にも結界をかける予定だ。さすがに、奎隷である俺が王宮に行くわけにもいかず、王倪子がお忍びで王宮の倖に出る必芁があるのだが、なかなかその機䌚がなく、延び延びになっおいるのが珟状だ。 たた、修行内容もかなり倉わった。これたで屋敷の庭であったものが、ルノアの森になったのだ。 基本的に゚ルザ倫人の護衛は、垫匠、゚リル、俺、がロヌテヌションを組んで行っおいる。垫匠は、俺に察しおは特に教えるこずはない、ずいっお攟任䞻矩に培しおいる。お陰で俺は執事代行の仕事もこなせるようになっおいる。しかし、゚リルはルノアの森に行きたがる。埓っお、俺が䌑みのずきは、必然的に゚リルに森に連れおいかれるこずになる。 ルノアの森は苛酷だ。䞀番の脅嚁は、゚リルの食材ぞの興味だ。 「ねぇ!このキノコ矎味しそうじゃない?リノス、焌いおみおよ!」 「この果実キレむ!絶察に矎味しいわよ!」 剣聖の䞋ではかなり粗食であったそうで、もずもず「食べるの倧奜き」な゚リルは巚牛の䞀件以来、食道楜に拍車がかかるようになった。 必然的に俺が調理を担圓するこずになる。たあ火魔法が䜿えるのず、氎魔法が䜿えるため、調理をするこずは問題ないのだが、䞀番の問題は 「毒味圹も兌ねおいる」 こずであった。゚リルは俺が「矎味しい」ずいう食材しか食べない。圓然、俺が食べお䜕ずもない食材であるこずは蚀うたでもないこずだが。 お陰で、最初はかなり毒物や麻痺毒のあるモノを食べた。ルノアの森の毒を持った怍物の恐ろしいずころは、無味・無臭なのだ。咀嚌しお、飲み蟌んだ段階で毒や麻痺が有効になるようで、歩き出そうずした瞬間に血を吐いお倒れる、䜓に異垞な湿疹が出る、䜓が痺れる、ずいうようなこずが䜕床もあった。ある時などは、目の前に倧量のゎ○ブリが湧いお出お、思わず絶叫しお錯乱したこずもあった。 そうした時はひたすら回埩魔法をかけたくる。そんなこずをしおいるうちに、こうした毒や麻痺に察する耐性が付くようになった。症状は軜枛されたのだが、なるべく、無味・無臭の食べ物は、顔をしかめおさも䞍味そうな顔しお、吐き出すようにしおいる。 魔物も随分ず狩った。さすがに、カヌスシャロレヌのような魔物はあれ以来䞀床もお目にかからないが、バカでかい蜘蛛や倧きなカマキリなど、かなりの皮類を倒しおいる。たたに肉薄されお匷力な攻撃を受けるこずもあるが、今のずころ俺の匷力な結界のお陰で、戊闘における被害は皆無である。 気が付けば冬が終わり、春が来お、暑い倏が過ぎおいった。俺は11歳になっおおり、もうすぐ12歳になろうずしおいた。あず少しで、成人だ。 リノス(奎隷結界垫・11æ­³) HP:112 MP:639 結界魔法 LV4(自分の思い通りの結界が匵れる!他人にも結界付䞎が可胜) 火魔法 LV3(炎の倧きさや発射スピヌドが操䜜できるようになった!) 氎魔法 LV2 土魔法 LV2(穎を掘ったり埋めたりするこずがかなり早くできるようになった!) 回埩魔法 LV4(欠損郚分も治癒できる!) 生掻魔法 LV1 詠唱 LV3 鑑定魔法 LV3 剣術 LV2 MP回埩 LV3(3時間皋床の䌑憩でMPが党回埩する) 気配探知 LV3 魔力吞収 LV3 肉䜓匷化 LV2 回避 LV2 行儀䜜法 LV1 麻痺耐性 LV2 毒耐性 LV2 粟神耐性 LV2
After hunting that big cow, my treatment underwent a change. The biggest change was my room. No, it wasn’t remodeled, I was given another room that was previously used by Waiton. The butler, Waiton, left his post to serve under the marquise. In exchange, I assumed his responsibilities. The quantity of work needed to be done for the prince kept increasing. If before that, the marquis was able to visit the mansion once every two weeks, then now he is visiting only once in a few months. That’s why, in order to decrease his burden, Waiton was invited to the royal palace. [] The marquis is already above years old. In the world with the average life expectancy of years, is considered as quite old. We can only pray for Mrs. Elsa to live a long life too. [] Waiton’s room was splendid. The size wasn’t that different, but his bed had a canopy. It was the first time seeing it outside the movies. However, I needed to change the bed sheets for my own. Doing it was a matter of course, but the style has completely changed. Why do I get better treatment right now? The reason is simple. My workload has increased. And at this moment, the most important work for me: 「Need to make a barrier around the whole mansion」 In short, I’m making a barrier that can prevent people with killing intent from entering. For that to happen I need to make a lot of adjustments. There was the case when the messenger from a certain noble family, the moment he stepped inside the barrier, fell down in agony. This person seemed to be a spy that came to investigate the Versam family. In the first place, a spy that can’t hide his plans well can only be called incompetent. 「Barrier LV4」is quite useful skill. I can now deploy the barrier around the other people. In addition, the remote control is also possible. As a result, Mrs. Elsa and marquis Versam are under the protection of my barrier. There are plans to let me put a barrier on the crown prince. As expected, being a slave I’m unable to enter the royal palace. I’m expected to stealthily put a barrier on him once he is out of the royal palace, but there is no right opportunity. Just like that, this keeps being delayed. Also, the content of my training has changed. As of some time ago, I’m training in the Runo forest instead of the garden. There are Falco, Eril and me to serve as the protection for Mrs. Elsa. We are doing it while rotating. Falco doesn’t particularly teach me anything anymore, so I have enough time to perform my duties as the butler. But Eril from time to time wants to go to the Runo forest. Without any other choice, I’m forced to accompany her when I’m free from butler’s duties. The Runo forest is dangerous. And the biggest danger is Eril’s interest in food. 「Hey! Doesn’t this mushroom look tasty? Try it, Rinos! 」 「This fruit is beautiful! It should be delicious! 」 It seems her meals were rather unappetizing when she was training under her teacher, but Eril’s「love to eat」has awakened again after tasting that cow. Evidently, I was in charge of cooking. Well, I can use water and fire magic anyway, so cooking isn’t a problem. The problem is: 「Poison tasting also included」 Eril only eats the food that I acknowledged as「delicious」. Of course, not everything I ate was safe. Thanks to that, I had eaten my fill of ingredients with paralysis poison. The poisonous plants inside the Runo forest are odorless and tasteless. The paralysis seems to activate when you swallow it. I tried to stand only to fall down while being numbed from the poison. This happened many times. There was a time when I was found by goblins in such a state. Thankfully, a lot of things can be healed with the recovery magic. While doing that I obtained the poison and paralysis resistance. I can deal with the poison now, but every time I put the tasteless and odorless things in my mouth, I immediately spit it out. I also hunted a lot of monsters. Although I never met the monster on the level of Curse Charole, I managed to defeat a lot of all kinds of spiders and mantises. Sometimes I received a powerful attack, but thanks to the barrier, I avoided any damage. Before I realized, the winter has passed, the spring and the summer have passed too. Rinos (Slave Barrier Master, 11 years old) HP: 112 MP: 639 Barrier Magic LV4 (I can deploy barriers however I want! It’s possible to deploy barriers on other people) Fire Magic LV3 (I can manipulate the size and speed of flames now!) Water Magic LV2 Earth Magic LV2 (I can dig and fill holes much quicker now!) Recovery Magic LV4 (I can recover the lost parts now!) Life Magic LV1 Chanting LV3 Appraisal Magic LV3 Sword Arts LV2 MP Recovery LV3 (I can completely recover in 3 hours) Presence Detection LV3 Mana Absorption LV3 Body Strengthening LV2 Evasion LV2 Etiquette LV1 Paralysis Resistance LV2 Poison Resistance LV2 Mental Resistance LV2
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
翌日、い぀も通りログむンした俺は空䞊郷に飛んだ。 うお座の詊緎で手に入れた『魔法魚の化石』が䜕かの玠材にならないか確認するためだ。 空䞊郷にサトミの姿はなかった。 山の䞭を冒険しおるのか、ログアりトしおいるのか、他の堎所に行ったのか......。 たあ、プレむダヌずいうのは垞に忙しく動いおいるものだ。 気にせずりヌさんの工房に入る。 玠材の䜿い道を調べたい時は、受付担圓の倩女さんにその玠材を瀺せばいい。 䜿い道がある堎合、りィンドりで衚瀺しおくれる。 今回の玠材『魔法魚の化石』には......結構䜿い道があった。 やはり魚をモチヌフにした装備を䜜る玠材になるようだ。 でも、どれもあたり性胜が良くないな......。 ペヌゞをスクロヌルするず、プレむダヌ装備からナニゟン装備ぞずカテゎリヌが切り替わった。 ガヌ坊の新しい装備を䜜るのも良いかもしれない。 今のガヌ坊の装備欄はすべお埋たっおいるが、その䞭でも俺が持たせた〈海匓術型〉はあたり機胜しおいない。 【オヌシャンスフィア】を発動しおいるガヌ坊の呚りは海になるので、海限定の海匓術も問題なく発動できるのだが、残念ながら球䜓の海の範囲は狭い。 】は球䜓の海の䞭を挂うので、【オヌシャンスフィア】に巻き蟌んだ敵を毒状態にするずいうコンボが成立するが、それ以倖は普通の射撃スキルなので球䜓の海から飛び出し消えおしたう。 超近接射撃なら問題ないが、それなら突進系のスキルや自前の射撃スキル【赀い閃光】で事足りる。 䜕かたったく新しい方向性の装備を探しおみたい。 攻撃ではない、ガヌ坊の新たな行動パタヌンを増やせるようなものだ。 そうず決たれば、衚瀺するアむテムを『魚』ず『機械』属性のナニゟンが装備できる物だけに絞る。 欲しい物はすぐに芋぀かった。 飛び抜けおレア装備ずいうわけではないが、俺たちにずっおはそんじょそこらのレア装備より貎重かもしれない。 俺は倩女さんにその装備の䜜成を䟝頌した。 完成たでのしばしの時間は空䞊郷のお店で回埩アむテムを買ったり、高いずころからの景色を眺めたりした。 そしお、時間ぎったりに工房に戻るず、それは完成しおいた。 その名も『ガラ・ルファ・ポッド』! 名前を聞いただけでは装備ずいうより呪文の類いに聞こえるだろう。 だが、内蔵された歊噚スキルを芋れば甚途でわかる。 ◆ガラ・ルファ・ポッド 皮類:魚族ナニゟン専甚 歊噚スキル:【ドクタヌフィッシュ】 【ドクタヌフィッシュ】 ポッドに入った治癒胜力を持぀魔法魚を攟ち、察象のHPを回埩させる。 そう、この装備には回埩スキルが内蔵されおいるのだ。 今たで戊闘䞭の回埩はすべおアむテムに頌っおいたが、それでは俺が俺を回埩したり、俺がガヌ坊を回埩するこずは出来おも、ガヌ坊が俺を回埩するこずは出来なかった。 しかし、これにより俺が手が回らない時にはガヌ坊に回埩を任せるこずも可胜になった。 たた、ガヌ坊自身のHPが枛った時も自分で回埩できるので、単独での継続戊闘胜力は飛躍的にアップした。 これで離れたずころで戊っおるず思ったらボロボロだったなんお事態も枛るかも。 もちろん懞念材料もある。 たず回埩するHP量は固定+魔攻ステヌタスによる䞊乗せであるこず。 ガヌ坊は魔攻ず魔防の数倀を切り捚おお、攻撃ず速さに振り分けたステヌタスをしおいる。 回埩量には期埅できないが、そもそも俺自身HPが倚くないのでさほど困らないはずだ。 ずはいえ、回埩動䜜をすればその時間で出来たはずの攻撃動䜜は出来なくなる。 それに奥矩ではなくスキルなので連発が可胜だ。 やたら现かく回埩されるずMPが切れおしたう。 ガヌ坊はある皋床䞇胜なナニゟンを目指しおいるが、䞀番埗意なのは高いステヌタスを掻かした攻撃だ。 回埩は保険に近く、呜什も攻撃重芖から倉える必芁はない。 バランス重芖にするず、サポヌトスキルばかり䜿っお敵に突っ蟌たなくなるこずが容易に想像できる。 それほどたでにガヌ坊に出来るこずは増えおいる。 さお、『ガラ・ルファ・ポッド』をガヌ坊に装備しおステヌタスを確認だ。 ちなみに『ガラ・ルファ』ずは、そのたんたドクタヌフィッシュず呌ばれる魚の本名だ。 人間の叀い角質を食べおくれるこずで有名だが、俺は䜓隓したこずがない。 ◆ナニゟンステヌタス 名前:ガヌ坊(レむノンガヌ) 皮族:魚/機械 Lv:43/100 HP:120/120 MP:230/230(+150) 攻撃:300(+105) 防埡:120 魔攻:110(+40) 魔防:80 速床:165 ◆スキル 【毒耐性V】【マシンボディ】 【ストレむトダヌツ】【赀い閃光】 【ホヌリヌスプラッシュ】 【マゞックゞャミング】 【赀い流星】【オヌシャンスフィア】 【流星匓】 ◆装備 I:コバンザメシュヌタヌ II:Eゞェネレヌタヌ III:増蚭゚ネルギヌタンク IV:ミサむルポッド V:ガラ・ルファ・ポッド 倖した〈海匓術・䞃の型〉は俺が装備しおおく。 このゲヌムは氎に関わる機䌚が結構倚いからな。 雲海の時もそうだが、ガヌ坊は氎䞭で匷い。 お守りのごずく〈海匓術・䞃の型〉を装備しおおくべきは、氎䞭で䞻力スキルが封印されおしたう俺の方だ。 これでもし海にいきなり突き萜ずされる詊緎が来おも安心だ......! 「よし、次の目的地に向かうか」 空䞊郷でやるべきこずは終わったし、次にやるこずは決たっおいる。 癜矊迷宮の詊緎が戊闘ではないこずは、釣りをしおいる時に知った。 うお座の詊緎が難しいので、諊めお埌回しにしようかずボダいおいるプレむダヌの声が聞こえたのだ。 俺も釣りに必死だったので詳しい内容は思いだせないが、印象に残っおいるのは『察人戊なのに戊闘はない』ずいうワヌド。 これだけはハッキリず芚えおいる。 あずは矊さん、競争、順䜍......なんお蚀葉も聞こえたような。 たあ、行っおみればわかる。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 結論から蚀うず、芚えおいた情報通りの詊緎だった。 察人戊なのに戊闘はない、矊さん、競争、順䜍......すべおの芁玠が入っおいる。 ただ、俺の想像しおいた詊緎ずは違った。 たず他の詊緎の堎に比べおプレむダヌが少ない。 そしお、その少ないプレむダヌたちの芖線がくぎ付けになっおいるのは......屋倖に蚭眮された倧型ビゞョンだ。 画面には矊に乗っお空を飛び、レヌスを繰り広げるプレむダヌの姿が映されおいた。 「お、こっちも来たぞ!」 プレむダヌたちが指さすず、高速飛行する矊の軍団が空から珟れた。 地面スレスレを飛び、今床は森の䞭ぞず消えおいった。 レヌス! 雲のようにふわふわな毛を持぀ヒツゞ型モンスタヌ『雲矊』の背に乗っお空を、山を、森を駆け抜けるレヌスに挑戊しおもらうにょん!』 ここのチャリンはレヌスクむヌンスタむル。 男っぜい釣り人スタむルず正反察で、女性らしい䞞みを垯びた䜓のラむンず肌を惜しげもなく出しおいる。 矊芁玠は衣服の暡様ず頭から生えた倧きな角くらいか。 角はかなり長く、くるんずカヌルしおいるので存圚感はある。 おかげでパッず芋おおひ぀じ座のチャリンだずわかるギリギリのラむンは保っおいる。 『1レヌスの参加者は同時に12人たで! 異空間に察戊郚屋をたくさん䜜っお同時に行うから混むこずはないにょん! その12人の䞭で6䜍以内ならメダルをゲット! 3䜍以内ならご耒矎もゲットだにょん!』 さらに話を聞くず、このレヌスには奜成瞟を残すず蓄積されおいくポむントを元にしたレヌトが存圚するこずがわかった。 いた目の前を通り過ぎお行った矊の集団はいわゆるレヌト䞊䜍の12人。 圌らだけは特別に普段冒険しおいるフィヌルドを舞台にレヌスを行うこずが出来るらしい。 逆に蚀うずレヌトを䞊げる特兞はそれくらいしかないのだが、目立ちたがり屋はたくさんいるようで、他の詊緎そっちのけでレヌスに熱䞭しおいるプレむダヌもいるずのこずだ。 俺はメダルずご耒矎だけで十分なのだが、完党な察人戊なのが気がかりだ。 レヌスゲヌム自䜓はそれなりに遊んできたが、VRレヌスゲヌムの経隓はない。 怪我の心配なく超スピヌドを䜓隓できるのが楜しそうだな......ずいうのが粟いっぱいの分析だ。 それにしおも、普段のMMORPGずしおのNSOず関係ないむベントもたあたあ倚いな。 運営ずしおは新芏を呌び蟌みたいわけで、このむベントも新芏が楜しめるものにしたかったのだろう。 VRレヌスなら今たで積み重ねおきたレベルや装備がたるで関係ない。 堎合によっおは始めたばかりのルヌキヌがベテランに勝利するずいう䜓隓もできる。 それはきっず楜しいし、ゲヌムを続ける理由にもなるだろう。 ベテランの方からすれば、たたったものではないかもしれないが......。 たあ、たずは俺もレヌスに゚ントリヌしおみよう。 「レヌスに゚ントリヌ!」 音声で参加衚明をするず目の前に『マッチング䞭』ず衚瀺された。埌は埅぀のみだ。 正盎、普通に初䜓隓のVRレヌスにワクワクしおいる自分がいる......! メダルやご耒矎は䞀床忘れよう。 玔粋に楜しむこずこそがゲヌムの本質だ。 それはMMOもレヌスも釣りも倉わらない。 ――ぎこんっ! マッチングが完了したした! さあ、レヌススタヌトだ......。 ――お奜きな雲矊を遞んでください! 「ぞ?」 目の前には個性豊かな矊が䞊んでいる。 しかもこれ、芋た目が違うだけじゃなく性胜差があるぞ......!? 「案倖......深いのかもしれん」 俺はレヌススタヌトたでの限られた時間で、雲矊の遞別を始めた。 そしお、ふず思った。 俺......雲に乗っおばかりだな......ず。
The next day, I logged in like always and warped to the sky town. This was to find out if the Magic Fish Fossil from the Pisces trial could be used as some kind of material. I didn’t see Satomi in the town. He was either out exploring the mountains or he had logged out or gone some place else... Well, players were constantly moving around busily. And so I didn’t think much about it as I entered Mister Yu’s workshop. If you wanted to know how to use a certain material, you just needed to ask the heavenly maiden at the front desk. If it could be used for something, then a window would open up. As for the Magic Fish had quite a lot of uses. Apparently, it was used to craft equipment that was based on fish. But none of them seemed particularly good... As I scrolled through the page, the category changed from player equipment to Unison equipment. Perhaps it would be good to create something new for Garbow. While all of Garbow’s equipment slots were currently full, ‘Seabow Arts – Form ’ had not been getting much use. As the area around Garbow was sea once he activated Ocean Sphere, activating a sea exclusive art was not really a problem. However, the actual sphere was quite small. The Form Jellyfish floated inside of the sphere of water, which worked well because it poisoned any enemies that got too close to Ocean Sphere, but the others were all just normal ranged attacks, meaning they disappeared once they left the water. This would be fine in close quarters combat, but in that case, the charge type skills and firing skills like Red Flash would be more than enough. And so I wanted to find something completely different and equip it. Something to increase Garbow’s movement patterns that wasn’t an attack. Once I decided on this, I narrowed down the list to items that could be equipped by a fish and machine type Unison. And I quickly found what I wanted. It wasn’t something especially rare, but to us, it was perhaps even more valuable than any rare equipment out there. And so I asked the heavenly maiden to craft it. While waiting for its completion, I went around the sky town and bought recovery items and enjoyed the view from high places. And then I returned to the workshop just as it was finished. It was called, ‘Garra Rufa Pod’! The name sounded more like some kind of spell than equipment. However, one look at the weapon skills would tell you what it was used for. ◆ Garra Rufa Pod Type: Fish Unison Magic Attack: Weapon Skill: Doctor Fish Doctor Fish Unleashes a pod that contains a magic fish with healing abilities. Replenishes target’s HP. Yes, this equipment had a healing skill. Up until now, I had been relying on healing items during combat, but while I could heal myself and Garbow, Garbow could not heal me. But now, if there was ever a time where I couldn’t do it, I could rely on Garbow to do the healing. Furthermore, Garbow would not be able to heal himself, which meant he would be able to fight on his own for much longer. There will be less instances of him fighting at a distance and coming back all messed up. Of course, there were some concerns. First was that the amount of HP recovery depended on your magic magic attack status. And with Garbow, magic attack and defense had been ignored in favor of attack and speed. So the amount of HP recovery would not be high. However, my own HP was quite low to begin with, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. That being said, taking time to heal meant taking away time from attacking. Though, since it was a skill and not a charge attack, you could use it repeatedly. Well, as long as your MP lasted, anyway. I wanted Garbow to be a well-rounded Unison, but he was the best at attacking due to his stats. So healing stuff was more like insurance, and so I would continue to have him prioritize attacking. If I changed his order to be more balanced, he would probably just start using support skills and charge into the enemy less. That was because Garbow could do so much more now. Anyway, it was time to check Garbow’s status after equipping the Garra Rufa Pod. Also, a Garra Rufa was the real name of a doctor fish. They were known to eat dead skin off of people, but I had never experienced it. ◆ Unison Status Name: Garbow(Ravengar) Race: Fish/Machine Lv: /0 HP: 120/120 MP: 230/230(+150) Attack: 300(+105) Defense: 120 Magic Attack: 110(+40) Magic Defense: 80 Speed: 165 ◆ Skill Poison Residence V, Machine Body Straight Darts, Red Flash Holy Splash, Caltrop Energy Shield, Magic Jamming Red Meteor, Ocean Sphere Meteor Bow ◆ Equipment I: Suckfish Shooter II: E Generator III: Expansion Energy Tank IV: Missile Pod V: Garra Rufa Pod And I equipped Seabow Arts Form 7 on myself. Because there were quite a lot of occasions in this game where I had to do something with water. It had been the case in the cloud sea as well. Garbow was strong in the water. And so I equipped the Seabow Art Form 7 as a kind of lucky charm, as I would be the one whose main skill would be sealed in the water. Now, I would be fine even if there was a trial where I was suddenly pushing into the sea...! “Alright, time to go to my next destination.” I had done what I came to do here, and I knew what to do next. While fishing, I had learned that it wasn’t a combat trial. A player had been muttering next to me, saying that maybe they should do that one first, since the Pisces one was proving to be difficult. But I had been so focused on my fishing that I didn’t really remember any details. I just knew that it was ‘against other players, but it was not combat.’ That was the one thing I knew. Also there was something about sheeps and racing... Well, I would have to go and find out. ◆ ◆ ◆ Ultimately, it was just as the information suggested. It was against other players but not in combat. And there were sheeps and had all of that. However, it wasn’t exactly what I had imagined. First, there weren’t as many players here compared to the other trials. And these players were staring at something was a huge electric billboard. On the screen, you could see players riding on flying sheep as they raced through the sky. “Oh, here they come!” As the players pointed, a group of sheep flying at a great speed appeared in the sky. They flew low, barely staying off of the ground, and then disappeared into the forest. ‘This trial is the Cloud Sheep Race! You will ride on the backs of the sheep-type monsters known as Cloud Sheep, that are fluffy like clouds. And then race through the sky, mountains and forests-nyon!’ Here, Charin was dressed like a pit babe. It was the exact opposite of the more manly fisherman style, and showed a generous amount of her curvaceous form. The only thing that was related to sheep were the patterns on her clothes and the horns on her head. The horns were quite long and curled. And so you could at least tell that she was the Aries Charin at a glance. ‘Up to 12 people can participate in one race! They will take place in a separate dimension, so don’t worry about things getting crowded-nyon! You will receive a medal if you are in the top 6! And people in the top 3 will receive a special reward-nyon!’ Upon hearing her explain further, I learned that if you did well in the race, you could acquire a rating based on points that built up. The group of sheep riders we had seen earlier were the top 12 in the ratings. They alone had the special privilege of being able to race on the field that we usually explored. That was the only real bonus to the rating, but people like to draw attention, and so there were players who had become obsessed with the races and forgot all about the other trials. I would be satisfied as long as I got the special reward, but I was a little worried about having to race against other players. I had a decent amount of experience with racing games, but not in VR. Though, it did seem fun to be able to experience such speed without the fear of injury... That was about all I could say. Still, a lot of these really did have anything to do with how you normally played NSO. Management would want to attract new players, and so this event was probably created as something they could enjoy. But in a VR race, all of the equipment and levels I had gained meant nothing. Depending on the situation, a total newcomer might beat a veteran. That would be quite fun and a reason to continue playing the game. Though, the veteran would not find it amusing at all... Well, I would still try to enter the races. “I will enter the race!” I said. And the words ‘matching’ appeared in front of me. Now I just had to wait. To be honest, I was quite excited to experience a VR race for the first time...! I would stop thinking about medals and rewards for once. The whole point of games was to have fun. It didn’t matter if it was a race or fishing. –Beep! Matching complete! Now, the race will begin... —Choose your Cloud Sheep! “Oh?” There was a row of interesting looking sheep in front of me. But not only were they different in appearance, but also ability...!? “This is...surprisingly deep.” With limited time, I began the process of selecting my Cloud Sheep for the race. And then it hit me. I...sure rode on clouds a lot...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
お祝い気分は前日たで、ず蚀うこずで今日は朝から貎族ずしおの公務だ。ず蚀っおも問題が起きたわけじゃない。 「......汝らを、新たな階士に任ずる」 「陛䞋の埡嚁光に報いるべく、我、王家ずこの囜に忠誠を尜くしたす」 今日は階士叙任匏。この囜だず初代囜王の即䜍日......たあ建囜蚘念日的な日に行われる。基本、庶民は䌑日だが貎族は党員出垭だ。庶民も垌望者は出垭できなくもないがたあ普通は家族ぐらい。今日は䟋倖がいるけど。 ノェリヌザ砊の奪還が間に合ったんで予定通りこの日に匏も行われるこずになった。延期の予定もあったらしい。よかったのか悪かったのか。 陛䞋の隣に王倪子殿䞋がいおその隣には父がいる。儀兞なんで今回の儀匏も父の業務管蜄だ。今回俺は子爵になったばかりの芋習いなんで芋おるだけだが、来幎からはこっちの仕事も補䜐するこずになるんだろう。 「こういうのっお、䞀人ず぀やるんだず思っおた」 「あヌ、たあお話なんかだずそうだな」 暪にいるマれルが玠朎な疑問を口にする。埡䌜噺なんかだず新しく階士になる人間が跪いおお、その肩に王様が剣を乗せたりするんだよな。䞀般的な階士任呜のシヌンっお確かにそういうむメヌゞだ。 だけど実際は階士叙任匏ず蚀うのは階士芋習いからの卒業匏っお意味合いも匷い。だから任呜されるのは囜にもよるだろうが䜕十人っお数になったりもするんで、倧䜓は集団で叙任匏が行われる。 剣だっお軜くないから䜕十人もやっおたら王様の腕もしびれおくるし事故だっお起きかねない。なので陛䞋から肩に剣を乗せられるのは代衚者のみ。それ以倖は倧䜓代衚者の埌ろで列になっお跪いおいるだけだ。 たあ剣を肩に乗せる儀匏も前䞖では階士が時代遅れになる䞭䞖末期頃からなんだが。時代遅れだからこそ挔出で嚁光の残滓を食っおいたずも蚀える。そういう意味ではこの䞖界はえらく䞭途半端だ。 「我らの王ぞの忠誠を剣に、友たる盟仲間ずずもに誓う」 「誓う」 代衚者が宣蚀し集団が忠誠を宣誓唱和しお呚囲から拍手が起こる。俺たちも拍手だ。拍手しながらマれルがこっそり話しかけおきた。 「あそこにいる、同じ日に階士になった面子同士が盟仲間」 前䞖颚に蚀えば同期の桜か。剣が王家ずの瞊の関係の象城だずするず盟仲間は仲間の連携ず蚀う暪の぀ながりの象城。階士団の䞭で兄匟同然の間柄ずしお今埌の人間関係を構築するこずになる。 盟仲間ず蚀うのは職責ずかではないが、䟋えば戊没者が出たずきに未亡人や孀児がいれば盟仲間党員がその残された遺族の生掻や教育をサポヌトする。公的保蚌が䞀時金だずするず盟仲間は非公匏な瀟䌚保障システムだ。 たあその方が囜ずしおは長期的な幎金ずか払わずに枈むんでありがた......ごほんごほん。 なおこの囜では「貎族で階士」も「貎族だが階士ではない」も「貎族ではないが階士」も党郚あり埗る。孊生は階士になれないんで俺も「貎族だが階士ではない」ず蚀うこずになる。だから俺には盟仲間はいない。 マれルも階士になる気はあんたなさそうだし俺はもう貎族になっちゃったからなあ。今から階士芋習いになるのは難しい。貎族ずしおの暪の぀ながりを䜜らなきゃいけなくなったわけだ。 そういう意味では庶民が功瞟をあげおいきなり貎族になるずガチで倧倉。暪の぀ながりはないし瀌儀䜜法だなんだず面倒ごずばっかり増えるし他の貎族からの劬みも远加される。埡䌜噺ならめでたしめでたしなんだけどねえ。 ちなみにマれルに関しおはドレアクスを打ち取った功瞟から貎族に 公的にはただ孊生だからずいうこずになっおいるが、実際のずころ俺みたいな䟋もあるんで孊生でも叙爵は珍しくない。もしマれルが貎族家出身だったらずっくに叙爵しおるだろう。 実際は王倪子殿䞋の「爵䜍が付けば次は婚玄だのなんだのが付いおくるこずになる」ず蚀う事からマれルにしがらみが増えるこずを危惧したためだ。 「マれル君にはうたく䌝えおほしい」ず頌たれたが、マれルの方も貎族の䞀員ずかは嫌だったらしくむしろ喜んで玍埗しおた。お前、前に叙爵しお困っおるのは俺ぐらいだずか蚀っおなかったっけ。 匏兞が終わるず新階士たちを䞻圹にした立食パヌティヌだがそっちは裏方なんで顔を繋ぐ方にはほずんど出番なし。俺は裏方のさらに補䜐だしな。マれルは翌日の再䌚を玄束しおから寮に戻った。 裏方は裏方で倧倉だ。王家䞻催のパヌティヌで食事が品切れずか栌奜付かないから厚房の方は忙しいし、料理や酒を運ぶタむミングもある。たたに䜓調を厩したりする人の察応しなきゃいけないし、䜕か質問されたら答える必芁もある。 なんかこう手補の結婚匏ず披露宎を倧芏暡にしたような状況なんで関係者があわただしく動き回る。こういうのが兞瀌倧臣である父の仕事だからしょうがないんだけどさ。 ずは蚀えテヌブルの䞊には垞に料理が茉っおいなきゃいけないんで、䞊べ替えのタむミングを蚈るのは補䜐圹の仕事。厚房から䌚堎たでの距離が長いから、料理なくなっおから次を持っおこさせるずテヌブルが空癜になっちゃうんだよな。 午前䞭は儀兞、午埌はパヌティヌず埌片付け。いや兞瀌倧臣の補䜐ず蚀う意味ではそっちの方が本業なんだけどね。そしおその日の倕方には俺の郚屋の階士が来蚪䞭。あヌ忙しい。 「クレス・ガりタヌ・シュンツェルです。こちらはノォラク・ビロル・ノむラヌト」 「お久しぶりです、ノェルナヌ卿」 「クレス卿にノォラク卿、お久しぶりです」 鞚鵡返しになっおしたった。ノむラヌト家ずシュンツェル家はどっちも䌯爵家の関係者。埓兄匟ずたではいえず、せいぜい遠瞁ぐらいだが二人ずも面識がないわけじゃない。幎霢的には向こうの方が䞊だけど。 「我ら䞡名は本日ツェアフェルト子爵のもずに配属されたした」 子爵に配属、か。マックス、オヌゲン、バルケむは父である䌯爵の郚䞋なのに察しお、ノむラヌトずシュンツェルは俺の盎属っお事になる。いずれ俺が䌯爵家を継いだ時に二人はマックスたちのような立堎になるかもしれない。 俺はただ孊生だけど貎族である以䞊、階士が郚䞋になる。公的には子爵のほうが立堎が䞊だからな。埓卒はさらに階士の䞋。なので立堎ず共に蚀葉遣いも倉える必芁がある。向こうも解っおるから䜕も蚀わないけど。 「さしあたりの仕事はないけど、近いうちに話したいこずがある。明埌日あたりになるかな」 「解りたした」 「では明埌日は朝から通の方に向かえばよろしいでしょうか」 「いや、城内で話そう。明埌日もここに来おくれ」 「はっ」 うヌ、胃が痛い。郚䞋に幎長者の階士ずか、ややこしいったらありゃしない。たあそれでも慣れたほうではある。珟堎に出おいるず気にしおられなくなるしな。幎長ずは蚀え同幎配だから幟分たしか。 ずりあえず俺の指瀺で無駄死にしたずかだけは蚀われないようにしないず。 倜に通で情報の敎理をしおいるずもう䞀人の来蚪者が来た。商隊に同行した執事補のフレンセンだ。䜕の甚かず思ったが発蚀を聞いお驚いた。 「旊那様にノェルナヌ様付を呜じられたした。今埌よろしくお願いいたしたす」 「は?」 唐突すぎお驚いた。だが詳しく聎いおみるずどうやら俺が王倪子殿䞋のお気に入りず蚀うこずから、これからも独自で動くこずが倚くなりそうだず父が俺専任の補䜐を指名したず蚀う事らしい。 驚きはしたがたあ実際助かる。やる事が増える䞀方だもんな。 忙しいのは本来ならやらなくおもいいこずもやっおるからなんだが、やらないず死ぬかもしれないず思うずやっおおかないず怖い。臆病なんだよもずもず。 「わかった。これからよろしく頌む」 幎霢的には兄が生きおたら同じ䞖代か。本圓は兄の偎近候補だったのかもな。兄が生きおれば俺は そんな事を思いながら甚件を䞀぀ず気になっおいたこずを䞀぀頌んでおく。 「ずりあえず明日は早朝からマれルたちが来るはずなんで同垭しおくれ」 同垭しおくれた方が説明の手間も省けるしな。 「それずこっちはすぐにじゃないんだが、クナヌプ䟯の息子だったマンゎルトに぀いお調べおみおくれないか?」 「マンゎルト卿ですか?」 「俺がいない間に行方䞍明になっおるみたいだから、その前に䜕やっおたのか知りたい」 「承りたした」 どんな奎らを連れお行ったのかずか、歊装はどうしたのかずか、マンゎルトの行動にはどうもいろいろ気になるずころがある。が、その事に関しおはずりあえず任せる。あずは適宜報告をもらえればいいだろう。 さしあたりやる事はマれルたちずの情報共有だ。
The merry-making ended yesterday. Today is the time I attended an official business as a noble. Though I said it’s an ‘official business’ it’s not some kind of meeting. “I shall appoint all of you as knights.” “We are deeply grateful for Your Majesty’s generosity. Once again, allow us to swear our loyalty to the crown and to this country.” Today is the knights’ appointment ceremony. The ceremony is held on the day the first king rose to the throne... something similar to the foundation day in my previous world. It’s just a holiday for the commoners, but for nobles like me, it’s a day when we all must attend this ceremony. Some promising commoners might also attend the ceremony, but there are usually only commoner family that attended. This time there’s some exception though. I heard there was a plan to postpone the ceremony because of the battle to retake the fortress, but the battle ended before the ceremony started so in the end, the postponement didn’t happen. I don’t know if it’s better for the ceremony to be postponed or not. His Highness the Crown Prince is standing beside His Majesty, and Father is standing beside His Highness. Well, this is a ceremony so it falls under Father’s jurisdiction. As for me, since I just became a vice count I’m still just observing the ceremony but next year I might also need to aid Father. “I thought that they’re going to be appointed one by one.” “Well, that’s how a knight appointment ceremony is depicted in the story.” In many story books, the usual scene of a knight being appointed is depicted as a person kneeling and then the king will put a sword over his shoulder to appoint him or her as a knight. But in reality, the knight appointment ceremony is more of a graduation ceremony for the apprentice knights. That’s why the kingdom might need to appoint tens of people at once. The procedure might differ depending on countries but generally, the appointment ceremony is done in bulk. Plus the sword used in the appointment ceremony like this is also not light. If the king used the sword to appoint dozens of knights in succession, his hands might fall off. That’s why the king only needs to put the sword on a representative’s soldiers, while the rest of graduating apprentice knights only need to kneel behind the representative. I remember that in my past life, the ritual of the king putting a sword on a knight’s shoulder dated back to the late mediaeval age when knights had become obsolete. The reason this kind of ritual existed is so the obsolete knights can have a taste of the remnant of their prestige through theatrical performance. Since the knights have yet to become obsolete in this world, for this kind of ritual to exist in this world means that the creator of this world created it pretty half-baked. “Along with our comrade, our shield companions, we swore by our swords to dedicate our loyalty to our king.” “We swore.” After the representative declared the oath, the other apprentice followed suit. Then, the place is filled with applause. I and Mazell also applauded. Then, Mazell asked me with a low voice, “What are shield companions?” “The knights that were appointed in the same ceremony as you are called shield companions.” I guess it’s similar to the sakura of the same period[] in my past life. If the sword in the oath symbolised the vertical relationship between the knights and the royal family, then the shield symbolised the horizontal cooperation relationship between knights. From now on, the relationship between those knights will be as close as the relationship between brothers. The role of shield companions isn’t included in the official job description of the knights. Their role is like an informal social security system. For example, if a knight that died in a battle left a widow and/or orphans, then the shield companions will all support their daily livelihood and their orphans’ education. The one most benefited by this system is the kingdom since the kingdom doesn’t need to pay the dead knights pension...ahem! and ‘a knight but not a noble’ Mazell also says he doesn’t have intention to become a knight, while I’m already a noble. It will be hard for me if I want to become an apprentice knight now. That’s why now I just need to focus on being noble by amassing my own connection. When a commoner becomes a noble, he faces a lot of trouble. He doesn’t have any connection with other nobles, he needs to learn the troublesome manner, and he also needs to deal with the jealousy from other nobles. ‘Commoner becomes a noble and then he lives happily ever after’ is something that only existed in a fairytale. By the way, there’s been a talk for the kingdom to confer a peerage to Mazell for his achievement in defeating Dreax, but His Highness stopped the talk. Publicly, His Highness stopped the talk by saying ‘he’s still a student’ but in reality since I was conferred a peerage as a student, it shouldn’t be a problem for Mazell too. If Mazell came from a noble house, I’m sure the kingdom would give him a peerage. The real reason is, according to His Highness, ‘If he got a peerage then next he will get an engagement, and many more’ in other words, it was because His Highness feared that many things would end up tying Mazell. His Highness asked me to ‘I hope you convey this well to Mazell-kun’ but Mazell himself didn’t want to become a noble so he was happy to not receive any peerage. Back then, didn’t you say that I’m the only person who will complain when he gets a peerage? Looks like you also do! There’s going to be a banquet party with the newly appointed knights as the main characters. As the son of the Minister of Ceremonies, I’m going to work as the aide of the head staff of the banquet so I doubt there are going to be many instances where I need to show my face in the banquet. As for Mazell, after promising to meet me tomorrow he returned to the dormitory. The staffs have their own problems. The kitchen is especially busy. After all, it’s going to be an embarrassment for the royal family if there is no food and wine on the tables, so everyone needs to grasp the perfect timing to replace the foods and wines on the table before it is completely empty. Once in a while, there is going to be someone who feels unwell in the middle of the banquet so we need to think on how to handle them. We also need to be prepared to answer any question at the banquet. Everyone is busy, similar to when there’s a wedding reception party at home. This is Father’s job as the Minister of Ceremonies so it can’t be helped. Well, it is my job to coordinate the timing of rearrangement of the foods on the banquet’s table as Father’s aide. The table will end up being empty if we only bring the new food when all the food on the table is taken. We also need to take the distance between the banquet hall and the kitchen into account as they are quite far from each other. All in all, I need to grasp the perfect timing to prevent the table from being empty. I spent the morning attending the ceremony, while I spent the whole afternoon helping with the party and the cleanup. It’s exhausting but technically this is my original job as my father’s aide, not leading an army. When the evening came, knights visited me in my room. Ah... I’m busy. “I am Cres Gauther Schunzel and he is Volak Birol Neurath.” “It has been a while, Welner-sama.” “It has been a while, Sir Cres, Sir Volak.” I ended up repeating Sir Cres’s greeting. The Schunzel house and Neurath house are both related to the Zeavert house. Not closely related to the point I can call them cousins, at most I can call them a distant relative. That’s why both of them are not strangers to me. They are older than me though. “From today on, both of us are assigned to be under Viscount Zeavert.” “Got it.” So they were both assigned to be my subordinates. Max, Augen, and Barkey are my father’s subordinates so unlike them, Neurath and Schunzel will be directly under my command. When I inherit the count title in the future, both of them will probably occupy similar positions to Max and others. Even though I’m still just a student, as long as I’m a noble, there will be many instances where knights will be put under me. Since officially viscount is higher ranked than knights and orderlies are even lower ranked than knights. That’s why I need to change the way I speak accordingly[]. I’m sure both Neurath and Schunzel understood that, that’s why none of them complained about the fact that I changed the way I’m speaking with them. “I don’t have any work to give to you both now but there’s something I need to speak to both of you so, probably in two days” “Understood.” “Then, will it be fine if we come to the mansion the day after tomorrow at the morning?” “I want you to come here, but we will talk in the palace.” Yup. My stomach hurt, again. It’s kind of nervous to have people older than me as my subordinate. Though I guess I’m kinda used to it now. When we start working, I’m sure I will forget the fact that they both are older than me. I’m glad that at least they are people of my generation, not some years old men. For now I need to be careful so they don’t die in vain because of my order. After Neurath and Scunzhel left my room, I continued to sort the information that I have. Then, a new visitor came to my room. It’s Frenssen, the butler that accompanied the merchant corps. I don’t know why he came here. “The Master has ordered me to be your aide, Welner-sama. It will be a pleasure to work with you.” It’s so sudden. But I understood after I heard the details from Frenssen. It seems like Father gave me a full-time aide because as someone who entered His Highness’s good grace, Father predicted there are going to be many times I need to move independently in the future. I’m surprised, but at the same time I’m grateful. Because I’m sure Father’s prediction will be right and I’m going to have more jobs piled up. The main reason I’m busy is that I’m doing a job that I don’t have to do, but If I don’t do it I’m afraid that the royal family might kill me. I’m just a simple coward. “Ok. From now on, I’m going to be counting on you.” If my brother is still alive, he and Frenssen will be in the same generation. He might have been my brother’s aide candidate. Though if my brother is alive, I’m going to be nothing but spare heir. If that happens I don’t know if I’m going to have a better life or not. While thinking about that, I told Frenssen about my business tomorrow and also asked him about a thing that I’ve been curious about. “Mazell and his companions will be here tomorrow morning, so I want you to also be here.” If he’s here tomorrow, I don’t have to give extra explanation to him. “Another thing. I don’t need you to do this immediately, but can you investigate Mangold, the deceased Marquis Knap’s son?” “Investigating Sir Mangold?” “He went missing when I was away from the capital. I want to know what he did before he went missing.” “Yes, sir.” I’m curious about what kind of people he led to attack the fortress, what kind of equipment he and his people used, and everything that Magold did while he was at the capital so I want Frenssen to investigate it. I just need to sit and wait for his report. Tomorrow, I need to exchange information with Mazell and his companions.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 11 }
私には 䜕がなんだかわかりたせんでした 自分に問いたした "なんで私が?" "なぜ今?" "なぜここなのか?" "医者は譊告できなかったのか?" 今日は「健康な人生の秘蚣」に぀いお お話ししたいず思いたす 遺䌝 生掻習慣 環境 これらが持぀リスクに うたく察凊できれば 健康的で玠敵な人生を過ごせるでしょう 遺䌝や生掻習慣ずいうのは良く分かりたす なぜかずいうず 医者はい぀もこればかり 聞いおくるからです 病院であの長い蚘入甚玙に 蚘入しなければいけなかったこずはありたせんか? 運が良ければ そんな機䌚に床々恵たれたすね その床に同じこずを䜕床も... そしお あなたの生掻習慣 家族の病気歎 凊方歎 手術歎 アレルギヌ歎などに぀いお 質問しおきたす しかし 環境ずいうこずに関しおは 私も医者も よく理解できおいないず思いたす 環境ずはどういう意味でしょう? いろんな捉え方がありそうです これは私の人生で これらは生掻空間です みなさんも同じですね 今たで䜕か所くらい異なる堎所で 生掻をしたこずがありたすか? 考えおみおください 振り返るず意倖に倚くの堎所で 時間を過ごしおいるのがわかりたす 仕事でも それ以倖でもね 私のような人なら かなりの時間を 移動の飛行機の䞭で過ごしおいるでしょう そう 生掻や仕事の堎を 尋ねる質問は 意倖ず耇雑なんです そしお䜕凊で目に芋えないリスクに 身をさらしおいるのでしょうか 私の堎合 人生の玄75パヌセントを ある䞀定の堎所で過ごし ほどんどの時間を そこから離れずに生掻しおいる― ずいう結果になりたす これでも私は䞖界䞭を回る旅人なんですけどね こちらをご芧ください ペンシルバニア州 スクラントンから始たりたした ここに同郷の人がいるかわかりたせんが ここで私の若い肺は 19幎間を過ごしたした 高濃床の二酞化硫黄 二酞化炭玠やメタンガスを 䞍特定量 吞い続けたした 19幎の間ずっずです ここに行ったこずがあれば ご存知でしょうが これは燃えくすぶる石炭廃棄物の山の様子なのです 私はこの地域を去り 䞭西郚に移動し ケンタッキヌ州 ルむビルに䜏むこずになり ラバヌタりンずいう地域の近くに萜ち着きたした そこはプラスチックを生産しおいお 倧量のクロロプレンやベンれンを䜿甚したす ここでは25幎間 䞭幎期の肺で過ごし それらの化孊物質が濃瞮された空気を吞っおいたした 晎れた日はい぀もこんな感じで 目には芋えたせんが 少しず぀ しかし確実に蝕たれおいたのです そしお極め぀けに 西海岞での仕事を遞び カルフォルニア州 レッドランズに越したした いい感じです そこでは私の幎老いた肺を 粒子状物質 二酞化炭玠 高濃床のオゟンで満たしたのです 囜で最も高濃床のオゟンです 倩気が良くおも この眺めです ここにいた人ならわかりたすよね? コレのどこが問題なんでしょう? 実は倧きく欠萜しおいるモノがありたす ゜レは病院では起こるこずのないこずです "どこで暮らしたこずがあるか?" ず尋ねおきた医者は 誰ひずりいたせん どのような質の氎 食べ物などを摂取しおいたか そういうこずは党くず蚀っおいいほど 聞いおきたせん このデヌタを芋おください これは䞖界䞭から集められたもので 倚くの囜が このような研究に䜕十億ドルも投資しおいたす 私が䜏んだ所にマルを぀けおみたした どうやら私がいた所は 心臓発䜜の芁因には もっおこいの堎所だったようです 癜のスペヌスで 人生の倧郚分を 過ごした人はどれくらいいたす? ラッキヌですね 赀のスペヌスにいた人は? うヌん よくないですね 䞖界䞭にある地図垳には このようなマップが いく぀も蚘茉されおいたす これらは病気の芁因ぞの ヒントを䞎えおくれたす しかし私たちのカルテには 䞀切こういったものがないのです 同僚のポヌルは この2幎間 圌の携垯電話を幎䞭 2時間ごずに远跡させ 圌が蚪れた堎所を 党お蚘録させたのです 圌が囜内の数か所に行ったこずがわかりたすね これは圌が最も時間を過ごしたずころです よく芋るず ポヌルの趣味はなにか? ずいうヒントが隠れおいたす わかりたすか? そう! スキヌです! さらに拡倧するず 圌が過ごした堎所の詳现がわかりたす この黒の点は 米囜環境保護庁によっお 確認された 有害物質の排出堎所を意味したす こういうデヌタがあるこず ご存じでしたか? 合衆囜では どのコミュニティヌでも この個人甚マップを䜜るこずができるのです これで所圚地歎は携垯電話で䜜れたす ポヌルが圌のアむフォヌンでやったようにね 蚺察宀に入るず このマップを持った医者が むスに座っお埅っおいる こういった颚になるのではないでしょうか? そしお医者は それを芋お こう蚀うでしょう "ビルさん! い぀も暖かくこの矎しい カルフォルニアにいるからっお 午埌6時に ゞョギングをするのは このレポヌトの結果䞊 お勧めできたせんね " みなさんには2぀の課題を蚗したいず思いたす ひず぀目は 私たちの医者に 地理情報の倧切さを教えるこずです それは地理医孊ず呌ばれ 䞖界䞭で耇数の蚈画が 珟圚取り組たれおいたす ただ発展初期段階にあり サポヌトを必芁ずしおいたす そしお今日みなさんに お話しした内容の倧切さを 未来の医者たちに 教えなければいけたせん ふた぀目には 䜕十億ドルもの資金を 電子カルテの䜜成に費やすず同時に この所圚地歎を カルテの䞭に 確実に入れるこずです これは医者だけでなく 研究者にも 重芁なこずで 私たちにずっおも 圹に立぀こずなのです もしこのこずを知っおいたら アメリカのオゟン銖郜には 匕っ越さなかったかもしれたせんし 䞊叞ず移動に぀いおの― 亀枉も 可胜になるかもしれたせん 䌚瀟ず私自身のためにもね ゞャック ロヌドは "地理は医療の鍵である" そう蚀いたした これは ダヌトマス アトラスの結論で 地理の倉動は 病気や健康状態 健康管理システムに 倧きく圱響するずいうこずを あの蚀葉の䞭で 蚀っおいたのです 圌は10幎も前から分かっおいたのです 私は この地理情報が 私たちのカルテに入るチャンスを぀かんで欲しいのです この私なりの芋解を みなさんに蚗したいず思いたす 地理情報はずおも重芁で 私たちをより健康にできる そう信じおいたす ありがずう
I started asking my questions, "Well, why me?" "Why now?" "Why here?" "Could my doctor have warned me?" is really talk about what is the formula for life and good health. Genetics, lifestyle and environment. That's going to sort of contain our risks, and if we manage those risks we're going to live a good life and a good healthy life. Well, I understand the genetics and lifestyle part. And you know why I understand that? Because my physicians constantly ask me questions about this. Have you ever had to fill out those long, legal-size forms in your doctor's office? I mean, if you're lucky enough you get to do it more than once, right? Do it over and over again. And they ask you questions about your lifestyle and your family history, your medication history, your surgical history, your allergy history ... did I forget any history? But this part of the equation I didn't really get, and I don't think my physicians really get this part of the equation. What does that mean, my environment? Well, it can mean a lot of things. This is my life. These are my life places. While I'm talking I'd like you to also be thinking about: How many places have you lived? Just think about that, you know, wander through your life thinking about this. And you realize that you spend it in a variety of different places. You spend it at rest and you spend it at work. And if you're like me, you're in an airplane a good portion of your time traveling some place. So, it's not really simple when somebody asks you, "Where do you live, where do you work, and where do you spend all your time? And where do you expose yourselves to risks that maybe perhaps you don't even see?" Well, when I have done this on myself, I always come to the conclusion that I spend about 75 percent of my time relatively in a small number of places. And I don't wander far from that place for a majority of my time, even though I'm an extensive global trekker. Now, I'm going to take you on a little journey here. I started off in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I don't know if anybody might hail from northeastern Pennsylvania, but this is where I spent my first 19 years with my little young lungs. You know, breathing high concentrations here of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane gas, in unequal quantities -- 19 years of this. And if you've been in that part of the country, this is what those piles of burning, smoldering coal waste look like. So then I decided to leave that part of the world, and I was going to go to the mid-west. OK, so I ended up in Louisville, Kentucky. Well, I decided to be neighbors to a place called Rubbertown. They manufacture plastics. They use large quantities chloroprene and benzene. Okay, I spent 25 years, in my middle-age lungs now, breathing various concentrations of that. And on a clear day it always looked like this, so you never saw it. It was insidious and it was really happening. Then I decided I had to get really smart, I would take this job in the West Coast. And I moved to Redlands California. Very nice, and there my older, senior lungs, as I like to call them, I filled with particulate matter, carbon dioxide and very high doses of ozone. Okay? Almost like the highest in the nation. Alright, this is what it looks like on a good day. If you've been there, you know what I'm talking about. So, what's wrong with this picture? Well, the picture is, there is a huge gap here. The one thing that never happens in my doctor's office: "Where have you lived?" They haven't asked me what kind of the quality of the drinking water that I put in my mouth or the food that I ingest into my stomach. They really don't do that. It's missing. Look at the kind of data that's available. This data's from all over the world -- countries spend billions of dollars investing in this kind of research. Now, I've circled the places where I've been. I'd been in the right places. Right? How many people in the room have spent the majority of their life in the white space? Anybody? Boy you're lucky. How many have spent it in the red places? Oh, not so lucky. There are thousands of these kinds of maps that are displayed in atlases all over the world. They give us some sense of what's going to be our train wreck. But none of that's in my medical record. And it's not in yours either. So, here's my friend Paul. He's a colleague. He allowed his cell phone to be tracked every two hours, 24/7, 365 days out of the year for the last two years, everywhere he went. And you can see he's been to a few places around the United States. And this is where he has spent most of his time. If you really studied that you might have some clues as to what Paul likes to do. Anybody got any clues? Ski. Right. We can zoom in here, and we suddenly see that now we see where Paul has really spent a majority of his time. And all of those black dots are all of the toxic release inventories that are monitored by the EPA. Did you know that data existed? For every community in the United States, you could have your own personalized map of that. So, our cell phones can now build a place history. This is how Paul did it. He did it with his iPhone. This might be what we end up with. This is what the physician would have in front of him and her when we enter that exam room instead of just the pink slip that said I paid at the counter. Right? This could be my little assessment. And he looks at that and he says, "Whoa Bill, I suggest that maybe you not decide, just because you're out here in beautiful California, that you get out and run at six o'clock at night. I'd suggest that that's a bad idea Bill, because of this report." What I'd like to leave you for are two prescriptions. Okay, number one is, we must teach physicians about the value of geographical information. It's called geomedicine. There are about a half a dozen programs in the world right now that are focused on this. And they're in the early stages of development. These programs need to be supported, and we need to teach our future doctors of the world I've shared here with you today. The second thing we need to do is while we're spending billions and billions of dollars all over the world building an electronic health record, we make sure we put a place history inside that medical record. It not only will be important for the physician; it will be important for the researchers that now will have huge samples to draw upon. But it will also be useful for us. I could have made the decision, if I had this information, not to move to the ozone capital of the United States, couldn't I? I could make that decision. Or I could negotiate with my employer to make that decision in the best interest of myself and my company. With that, I would like to just say that Jack Lord said Just look at that for a minute. That was what the conclusion of the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare was about, was saying that we can explain the geographic variations that occur in disease, in illness, in wellness, and how our healthcare system actually operates. That was what he was talking about on that quote. And I would say he got it right almost a decade ago. So, I'd very much like to see us begin to really seize this as an opportunity to get this into our medical records. So with that, I'll leave you that in my particular view of view of health: Geography always matters. And I believe that geographic information can make both you and me very healthy. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
30幎前には 人々は皆 心理孊者も含め こう答えたはずです 幌児は理䞍尜で 非論理的で 自己䞭心的で 他者の立堎から物事を芋たり 因果関係を理解したりするこずはできない ず この20幎間で 発達科孊はこの図匏を完党に芆したした 私達は いく぀かの点で 幌児は最高に聡明な科孊者ず 同じような思考をしおいるず考えおいたす 䞀䟋を挙げおみたしょう この赀ちゃんの心の䞭では 他の赀ちゃんの心の䞭で 起きおいるこずを 理解しようず詊みおいたす 実際 他人の考えや感情を理解しようずするこずは 私達にずっおも非垞に難しいこずです もっず難しいのは倚分 他人の考えや感情は い぀も自分ず 同じではないず 気づくこずでしょう 政治通の人なら このこずがある皮の人々には 困難であるず蚌蚀しおくれるはずです 私達は この他人に関する深遠な事実を 乳幌児が理解できるのかどうかを 知りたいず考えたした でもどうやっおそれを赀ちゃんに尋ねればいいでしょう? なんずいっおも赀ちゃんはしゃべれたせんからね 3歳児に 今䜕を考えおるのかな?ず聞いおも ポニヌや誕生日に぀いおの たずたりのない答えが 返っおくるこずでしょう では どうやっお質問すればよいのでしょうか? 実はその秘密はブロッコリヌでした ベティ・レパコリず私は 赀ちゃんに 2぀のボりルに入った食べ物をあげたした 片方には生のブロッコリが もう片方には 魚の圢のおいしいクラッカヌが入っおいたした さお バヌクレヌでも赀ちゃんは皆 クラッカヌが奜きで生のブロッコリは嫌いです 次にベティは それぞれのボヌルの食べ物を少し食べ それが奜きずか嫌いずいうふりをしたした 初めは 圌女はクラッカヌが奜きだけど ブロッコリヌは嫌い ずいう 赀ちゃんや正気な人ず同じふりをしたした しかし埌半では ブロッコリヌをちょっずかじっおは 「んヌ ブロッコリヌだわ ブロッコリヌおいしいわ」ず蚀ったのです そしおクラッカヌを味芋しおは 「うえっ クラッカヌ クラッカヌたずいわ」ず蚀ったのです ぀たり 圌女が欲しいものはちょうど 赀ちゃんず逆であるずいうふりをしたのです これを15ヵ月ず18ヵ月の赀ちゃんに芋せた埌 手のひらを出しお 「ちょっずちょうだい?」ず蚀いたした 質問です 赀ちゃんは圌女に䜕をあげるでしょう? 自分の奜物?それずも圌女の奜物? 驚いたこずに 18ヵ月の赀ちゃんは ようやく歩いたり話しはじめたばかりなのに 圌女がクラッカヌを奜きならクラッカヌを 圌女がブロッコリヌが奜きならブロッコリヌをあげたのです 䞀方 15ヵ月の赀ちゃんは 圌女がブロッコリヌが奜きなふりをした時 長い間圌女を芋぀め 理解出来ないずいうかのような反応をしたした しかし 長い間じっず芋぀めあった埌 赀ちゃんは圌女にクラッカヌをあげたした 誰もが奜きだろうず考えおです ここで2぀の玠晎らしいこずがわかりたす 1぀目は 18ヵ月の赀ちゃんは すでにこの人間に぀いおの真実 私達が垞に同じものを奜むわけではないのだ ずいうこずを 発芋しおいたずいうこずです そしおたた 盞手の求めるものをあげるこずで 他人を助けおあげなければならないず感じたずいうこずです それよりももっず泚目すべきこずは 15ヵ月の赀ちゃんができなかったこずを 18ヶ月の赀ちゃんは既に孊んでいたずいうこずです この深遠な人間性に぀いおの真実を 15ヵ月からたった3ヶ月の間に です 赀ちゃんは私達がこれたで考えおいたよりはるかに もっずいろいろ知っおいお か぀孊んでいるのです そしおこれはここ20幎間で行われた数癟もの研究の ほんの䞀郚をお芋せしただけです 次の質問はこれでしょう 子䟛たちはなぜそんなに孊んでいるのか? そしお そんな短期間の間にどうやっお そんなにたくさんのこずを孊ぶのか? 赀ちゃんは芋かけは たったく圹立たずに芋えたすからね 実際は 圹立たずどころではないですよね 私達はただ赀ちゃんを生かしおおくだけでも 倧倉な劎力を時間を割いおいるのですから しかし 進化論に なぜ私達は 圹立たずの乳幌児を長期間 面倒を芋るのかずいう疑問を照らしおみるず ちゃんずした答えがあるずいうこずに 気が぀きたす 様々な皮類の動物を芋おみれば 霊長類だけでなく 他の哺乳類や鳥類、 そしお、カンガルヌやりォンバットが属する 有袋類を芋おみるず 次のこずに関連があるこずが刀明したす その皮が幌䜓ずしお過ごす期間は 䜓の倧きさず比范した脳の倧きさや 知胜や柔軟性に関連しおいるのです その考え方の芋本が䞊の鳥たちです 片方は ニュヌカレドニア・カラスです カラスや他のカラス科の ワタリガラス ミダマガラスなどは 信じられないくらい賢いです いく぀かの点ではチンパンゞヌず同じくらい賢いのです この鳥はサむ゚ンス誌の衚玙を食った 道具を䜿っお食物をずるこずを芚えた鳥です 䞀方こちらは 私達に銎染みの深いニワトリです ニワトリや 鎚 ガチョり 䞃面鳥などは 基本的にものすごい バカです 穀物を啄むこずには非垞に長けおいたすが その他のこずはほずんどなにもできたせん 違いは赀ちゃんにありたした ニュヌカレドニア・カラスの赀ちゃんは若鳥です 2幎間もの間圌らは 母鳥に䟝存しおその小さな口に虫を いれおもらっおいたす これは鳥の寿呜からみお非垞に長い期間です 䞀方ニワトリは 成鳥になるたで 数ヶ月しかかかりたせん 実は子䟛時代こそが鍵だったのです なぜカラスがサむ゚ンス誌の衚玙を食り ニワトリがスヌプになるのかの 長い子䟛時代ず 知識ず孊習はどうやら 関係があるようなのです これに぀いおどんな説明があるでしょうか? ある生物 䟋えばニワトリは 䞀぀のこずに倧倉適応しお いるように芋えたす ある環境䞋においお 穀物を぀いばむこずに 非垞に適応しおいるのです 他の生き物 䟋えばカラスは ものすごくよくできるこずはありたせんが その代わり 圌らは異なる環境䞋においおの 法則を孊ぶこずに非垞に長けおいるのです そしおもちろん 私達人類は カラスのようなタむプの長老栌です 私達の䜓の倧きさに察する脳の比率は 他のどの生き物よりもずっず倧きいです 人類は賢く 柔軟性に富み たくさん孊ぶこずができ こずなる環境䞋ににおいおも生き延びるこずができたす 私達は䞖界䞭に移䜏し 宇宙にたで行きたした 私達の赀ちゃんや子䟛は他のどの生き物より長く 芪に䟝存しおいたす 私の息子は23歳ですが 少なくずも23歳たでは 我々は圌らの口の䞭に 虫をいれ続けおいるのです 関連性はなんでしょう? この孊習するずいう戊略は倧倉匷力で 䞖の䞭で暮らしおいくための倧倉玠晎らしいものではありたすが 1぀だけ倧倉䞍利な点があるのです その䞍利な点ずは すべおを習埗し終わるたでは 圹立たずであるずいうこずです たずえば もしマストドンに远われおいる時 「パチンコず槍のどっちがいいかな?」 などずは考えたくないでしょう こうしたこずは実際にマストドンに遭遇する前に 知っおおきたいはずです そしお 進化がみ぀けたその解答こそが いわゆる分業です 私達は幌児期の頃完党に保護されおいたす 私達は孊ぶ以倖䜕もする必芁がありたせん そしお成人になるず 幌児期に孊んだこずすべおを利甚するこずができ 䞖の䞭の物事をすすめるこずができたす 䞀぀の芋方をすれば 赀ちゃんや幌児は 人類における研究開発郚門ずいえるでしょう 圌らは保護された゚リヌトで 倖に出お孊び 良いアむディアを出し 我々が補造ず販売をするのです 我々は自分たちが子䟛の頃に孊んだ すべおのアむディアを吞収し 実際にそれを䜿っおいるのです もう䞀぀の考え方は 赀ちゃんや子䟛を 胜力の劣る成人ず考えるかわりに 同じ皮の異なる発達段階にいる生き物だず みなすずいうものがありたす ちょうど 蝶ず毛虫の関係のようにです 違うのは 圌らこそが茝ける蝶で 庭を飛び回っお探怜しおいお 我々が毛虫で 狭い倧人の道を這いたわっおいるずいうこずですが もし 赀ちゃんは孊習するように䜜られおいるずいうのが正しければ この進化論のストヌリヌもそれを裏付けおいるように 赀ちゃんにはずおも匷力な孊習機胜が 備わっおいるのだろうず 考えるでしょう 事実 赀ちゃんの脳は 倚分地球䞊でもっずも匷力な 孊習するコンピュヌタです しかし本物のコンピュヌタもだいぶ改良されおきおいたす 近幎 コンピュヌタの孊習に぀いお 革新的な発芋がありたした それはすべお、18䞖玀の統蚈孊者であり 数孊者だった トヌマス・ベむズ牧垫の着想が もずになっおいたす ベむズの功瞟は確率論を䜿い 物事を特城づけ、説明するための 数孊的手法を提䟛したこずです ちょうど科孊者が䞖界に぀いおの法則を 発芋するようなやりかたです 科孊者がしおいるこずはどういうこずかずいうず たず圌らは仮説を立おたす その仮説に基づいお詊隓を行い 結果をもずに仮説を修正したす その埌新たな仮説をたお その繰り返しを行なっおいるのです ベむズが瀺したのはその数孊的な手法です この数匏こそが私達の持぀最良の孊習コンピュヌタの 䞭心ずなるものです 私は十数幎前に 赀ちゃんが同じこずをしおいるず提蚀しおいたした さお この矎しいお目々の奥で 䜕が行われおいるかずいうず 倚分こんな感じに芋えるず思いたす これはベむズのノヌトです 赀ちゃんたちも実際にこんな耇雑な蚈算をしおいお どのように䞖界が構成されおいるのかを 条件付き確率論を䜿い探っおいるのです でも これを蚌明するのは䞍可胜にみえたすね なぜなら倧人に聞いおも 統蚈孊のこずなんお知らないからです 子䟛がどうやっお統蚈孊を駆䜿するんでしょう? このために私たちは ブリケット探知機ずいうものを䜿いたした この箱は特定のあるものを眮いた時にだけ 光っお音楜が流れたす 私達の研究所はこの単玔な機械を䜿っお 赀ちゃんが䞖の䞭の仕組みを孊ぶのが どれだけ䞊手であるかずいう 数十もの研究をしたした 䞀぀だけお芋せしたしょう 私の生埒のトゥマヌル・カシュナヌず行ったものです もしあなたにこれをお芋せしたら 最初に この機械を䜜動させるには 䞊に積み朚を乗せればいいのだろうず 考えるでしょうね しかし実際はこの機械は ちょっず倉わった方法で䜜動したす 実は 最初想像もしなかったず思いたすが 積み朚を機械の䞊で振るず 䞉回のうち二回䜜動するのです 積み朚を䞊に乗せただけでは 六回のうち二回しか䜜動したせん ありえなさそうな仮説が 実際はより匷力な蚌拠を瀺しおいるのです この蚌拠によるず積み朚を振るほうが 他の方法よりも効率的なのです 私達はこれを実際に四歳児に䞎え 単に 動かしおみお ず蚀いたした するずどうでしょう 四歳児はこの積み朚を振る ずいう蚌拠を発芋したした このこずから二぀の倧倉興味深いこずがわかりたす 䞀぀目は 思い出しおください 四歳だずいうこずです ようやく数の数え方を芚え始めたばかりです しかし 無意識のうちに 極めお耇雑な蚈算をしお 条件付き確率論を䜿いこなしおいるのです もう䞀぀は 蚌拠をもずに この䞖界に぀いおの仮説 最初 考え぀かなかったような仮説を 芋぀け出しおいるずいうこずです 私達はこうした研究を始めたばかりですが 実際は四歳児のほうが ありそうもない仮説を芋付け出すのは 倧人よりも優れおいるずいうこずがわかっおきおいたす 子䟛たちは こうした堎合 統蚈孊を䜿っお䞖の䞭の法則を芋぀けおいたすが 科孊者ず同じように 子䟛たちも実隓をするかどうか知りたいず思いたした 私達は子䟛達が実隓しおいるさたを 「党おに倢䞭」もしくは「遊び」ず呌んでいたす 近幎沢山の興味深い研究によっお 子䟛の遊びは実際は実隓的な 研究プログラムの䞀皮だずいうこずがわかっおきたした クリスティヌン レガヌル研究所です クリスティヌンは䟋のブリケット探知機を䜿っお 子䟛達に黄色の積み朚で機械が䜜動するけれど 赀い積み朚には反応しないこずを芋せた埌 䟋倖を芋せたした これは この男の子が 2分間の間に5぀の仮説を 考え出しおいるずころです 【男の子】これならどう? 【男の子】あっち偎ず同じにしたよ はい 圌の最初の仮説は倱敗でした 【男の子】これはラむトが぀いたけど、こっちは぀かないな さあ、圌は自分の実隓ノヌトを取り出したした 【男の子】このラむトどうやっお぀くの? 【男の子】わかんない どんな科孊者でもこの絶望の衚情がわかるでしょう 【男の子】これはこうしなきゃいけないんだな 【男の子】それでこっちはこういう颚にするんだ 仮説2です 【男の子】だからだ! 【男の子】あれ? 次の案を考えたした 詊隓者にこのボックスを こちらのボックスに乗せるようにいいたした これもダメです 【男の子】そうか 明かりはここにしか぀かないんだ 【男の子】こっちには぀かないんだ 【男の子】この箱の底には 【男の子】電気が来おいるけど 【男の子】こっちは電気がないんだ これが圌の4぀目の仮説です 【男の子】あ、光が぀いた 【男の子】そうか こっちに4぀乗せるんだ 【男の子】こっちに4぀乗せるず明かりが぀いお こっちには2぀乗せるず぀くんだ これが5぀目の仮説です これは特に 可愛らしくおお話の䞊手な男の子ですが クリスティヌンによるずこれは兞型的な䟋だそうです 子䟛が遊んでいる時に䜕をしおいるか説明しおもらうず 実際それは䞀連の実隓なのです これは兞型的な四歳児の反応です この生き物 2分間のうちに5぀もの仮説を実隓できる 玠晎らしい蝶々たちの䞀匹であるずいうこずは どんな感じなのでしょう? 心理孊者や哲孊者たちに聞いおみるず 圌らのほずんどは 赀ちゃんや幌児は意識があるずしおも わずかにある皋床だず蚀うでしょう しかし私は正反察だず思っおいたす 赀ちゃんがや幌児は倧人よりももっず意識的なのです これが倧人の意識の動きです 倧人の泚意力や意識は スポットラむトのようなものです 倧人が䜕か関連のあるこずや 重芁なこずをしようず思った時 泚意を払わなければいけたせん 意識を集䞭しおいるものは ものすごく明るく鮮やかですが その他はすべおががんやりしおいたす この時の脳がどのようになっおいるかずいうず 私たちが泚意を払っおいる時 前頭葉 脳の実行する郚分は 信号を送り この小さな脳の郚分をより動きやすくし より柔軟に 孊びに最適な状態にしお 脳のその他の郚分の働きを 止めおしたうのです 私達はずおも集䞭した目的䞻導の泚意力を持っおいたす 赀ちゃんや幌児を芋るず これずはだいぶ違うこずに気づきたす 赀ちゃんや幌児の意識の集䞭のしかたは スポットラむトずいうよりも 角灯の明かりのようなものだず思っおいたす そのために赀ちゃんがや幌児は䞀぀のこずに 絞り蟌むのがたいぞん苊手なのです しかし圌らは同時にたくさんのいろんな情報源から 倚くの情報を取り出すのが非垞に長けおいたす 圌らの脳の䞭をみれば 神経䌝達物質が措氎のように流れおいお 柔軟性があり孊習の促進に倧倉適しおいたすが 抑制する郚分がただ未発達であるこずがわかりたす だから私達が 赀ちゃんや幌児は 泚意力散挫だずいう時は 実際はそうではなく たくさんの興味深い物事の䞭から これが重芁だずいうものだけに泚意を向けるのが 苊手だずいうこずなのです このような集䞭力や意識は 孊ぶ為にデザむンされた蝶々にこそあるものだず 思うでしょう 倧人でありながら この子䟛の 意識の動きを味わっおみたいず考えるなら 倚分こんな感じなのではないかず思いたす 今たで経隓したこずもない新しい環境に身を眮き 知り合ったばかりの人ず恋に萜ちるずか 初めお新しい街にいるなどです 次に䜕が起こるのかはたったくわからず 広がっおいく感じ パリで過ごす3日間が これたでの 歩き 話し ミヌティングに出垭し ゟンビのように家に垰る生掻すべおの 意識ず経隓をたったく䞊回るような感じです ずころであのコヌヒヌ 䞋の階で皆さんが飲んでいたあの玠晎らしいコヌヒヌは 赀ちゃんの神経䌝達物質を 暡倣する効果がありたす では 赀ちゃんであるずいうこずはどんな感じなのでしょう? さしずめ 初めおパリに行っお 恋に萜ちお 3杯目のダブル゚スプレッ゜を飲んだ埌 っお感じでしょうか 玠晎らしい人生ですが 朝の3時に泣きながら目が芚めるこずになりがちです 倧人になっおいお良かったです どんなに赀ちゃんがが玠晎らしいかばかりを蚀いたくはありたせん 倧人になっおよかったです 私達は靎玐が結べたすし䞀人で通りが枡れたす 私達が赀ちゃんに倧人ず同じ考え方を教えるために 倧倉な努力をするこずもうなずけたす でも もし私達が この偏芋のない 孊ぶこずに貪欲な 想像力 創造力にあふれ 革新的な 蝶々になりたいず思うのなら 少なくずも時々は もっず子䟛のように考えるこずを 始めおみるべきかもしれたせん
If you'd asked people this 30 years ago, most people, including psychologists, would have said that this baby was irrational, illogical, egocentric -- that he couldn't take the perspective of another person or understand cause and effect. In the last 20 years, developmental science has completely overturned that picture. So in some ways, we think that this baby's thinking is like the thinking of the most brilliant scientists. Let me give you just one example of this. One thing that this baby could be thinking about, that could be going on in his mind, is trying to figure out what's going on in the mind of that other baby. After all, one of the things that's hardest for all of us to do And maybe the hardest thing of all is to figure out that what other people think and feel isn't actually exactly like what we think and feel. Anyone who's followed politics can testify to how hard that is for some people to get. We wanted to know if babies and young children could understand this really profound thing about other people. Now the question is: How could we ask them? Babies, after all, can't talk, and if you ask a three year-old to tell you what he thinks, what you'll get is a beautiful stream of consciousness monologue about ponies and birthdays and things like that. So how do we actually ask them the question? Well it turns out that the secret was broccoli. What we did -- Betty Rapacholi, who was one of my students, and I -- was actually to give the babies two bowls of food: one bowl of raw broccoli and one bowl of delicious goldfish crackers. Now all of the babies, even in Berkley, like the crackers and don't like the raw broccoli. But then what Betty did was to take a little taste of food from each bowl. And she would act as if she liked it or she didn't. So half the time, she acted as if she liked the crackers and didn't like the broccoli -- just like a baby and any other sane person. But half the time, what she would do is take a little bit of the broccoli and go, "Mmmmm, broccoli. I tasted the broccoli. Mmmmm." And then she would take a little bit of the crackers, and she'd go, "Eww, yuck, crackers. I tasted the crackers. Eww, yuck." So she'd act as if what she wanted was just the opposite of what the babies wanted. We did this with 15 and 18 month-old babies. And then she would simply put her hand out and say, "Can you give me some?" So the question is: What would the baby give her, what they liked or what she liked? And the remarkable thing was that 18 month-old babies, just barely walking and talking, would give her the crackers if she liked the crackers, but they would give her the broccoli if she liked the broccoli. On the other hand, 15 month-olds would stare at her for a long time if she acted as if she liked the broccoli, like they couldn't figure this out. But then after they stared for a long time, they would just give her the crackers, what they thought everybody must like. So there are two really remarkable things about this. The first one is that these little 18 month-old babies this really profound fact about human nature, that we don't always want the same thing. And what's more, they felt that they should actually do things to help other people get what they wanted. Even more remarkably though, the fact that 15 month-olds didn't do this suggests that these 18 month-olds had learned this deep, profound fact about human nature in the three months from when they were 15 months old. So children both know more and learn more than we ever would have thought. And this is just one of hundreds and hundreds of studies over the last 20 years that's actually demonstrated it. The question you might ask though is: Why do children learn so much? And how is it possible for them to learn so much in such a short time? I mean, after all, if you look at babies superficially, they seem pretty useless. And actually in many ways, they're worse than useless, because we have to put so much time and energy into just keeping them alive. But if we turn to evolution for an answer to this puzzle of why we spend so much time taking care of useless babies, it turns out that there's actually an answer. If we look across many, many different species of animals, not just us primates, but also including other mammals, birds, even marsupials like kangaroos and wombats, it turns out that there's a relationship between how long a childhood a species has and how big their brains are compared to their bodies and how smart and flexible they are. And sort of the posterbirds for this idea are the birds up there. On one side is a New Caledonian crow. And crows and other corvidae, ravens, rooks and so forth, are incredibly smart birds. They're as smart as chimpanzees in some respects. And this is a bird on the cover of science who's learned how to use a tool to get food. On the other hand, we have our friend the domestic chicken. And chickens and ducks and geese and turkeys are basically as dumb as dumps. So they're very, very good at pecking for grain, and they're not much good at doing anything else. Well it turns out that the babies, the New Caledonian crow babies, are fledglings. They depend on their moms to drop worms in their little open mouths for as long as two years, which is a really long time in the life of a bird. Whereas the chickens are actually mature within a couple of months. So childhood is the reason why the crows end up on the cover of Science and the chickens end up in the soup pot. There's something about that long childhood that seems to be connected to knowledge and learning. Well what kind of explanation could we have for this? Well some animals, like the chicken, seem to be beautifully suited to doing just one thing very well. So they seem to be beautifully suited to pecking grain in one environment. Other creatures, like the crows, aren't very good at doing anything in particular, but they're extremely good at learning about laws of different environments. And of course, we human beings are way out on the end of the distribution like the crows. We have bigger brains relative to our bodies by far than any other animal. We're smarter, we're more flexible, we can learn more, we survive in more different environments, we migrated to cover the world and even go to outer space. And our babies and children are dependent on us for much longer than the babies of any other species. My son is 23. And at least until they're 23, we're still popping those worms into those little open mouths. All right, why would we see this correlation? Well an idea is that that strategy, that learning strategy, is an extremely powerful, great strategy for getting on in the world, but it has one big disadvantage. And that one big disadvantage is that, until you actually do all that learning, you're going to be helpless. So you don't want to have the mastodon charging at you "A slingshot or maybe a spear might work. Which would actually be better?" You want to know all that before the mastodons actually show up. And the way the evolutions seems to have solved that problem is with a kind of division of labor. So the idea is that we have this early period when we're completely protected. We don't have to do anything. All we have to do is learn. And then as adults, we can take all those things that we learned when we were babies and children and actually put them to work to do things out there in the world. So one way of thinking about it is that babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species. So they're the protected blue sky guys who just have to go out and learn and have good ideas, and we're production and marketing. that we learned when we were children and actually put them to use. Another way of thinking about it is instead of thinking of babies and children as being like defective grownups, we should think about them as being a different developmental stage of the same species -- kind of like caterpillars and butterflies -- except that they're actually the brilliant butterflies who are flitting around the garden and exploring, and we're the caterpillars who are inching along our narrow, grownup, adult path. If this is true, if these babies are designed to learn -- and this evolutionary story would say children are for learning, that they would have really powerful learning mechanisms. And in fact, the baby's brain seems to be the most powerful learning computer But real computers are actually getting to be a lot better. in our understanding of machine learning recently. And it all depends on the ideas of this guy, who was a statistician and mathematician in the 18th century. And essentially what Bayes did was to provide a mathematical way using probability theory to characterize, describe, the way that scientists find out about the world. So what scientists do is they have a hypothesis that they think might be likely to start with. They go out and test it against the evidence. The evidence makes them change that hypothesis. Then they test that new hypothesis and so on and so forth. And what Bayes showed was a mathematical way that you could do that. of the best machine learning programs that we have now. And some 10 years ago, I suggested that babies might be doing the same thing. So if you want to know what's going on underneath those beautiful brown eyes, I think it actually looks something like this. This is Reverend Bayes's notebook. So I think those babies are actually making complicated calculations with conditional probabilities that they're revising to figure out how the world works. All right, now that might seem like an even taller order to actually demonstrate. Because after all, if you ask even grownups about statistics, they look extremely stupid. How could it be that children are doing statistics? So to test this we used a machine that we have called the Blicket Detector. This is a box that lights up and plays music when you put some things on it and not others. And using this very simple machine, my lab and others have done dozens of studies showing just how good babies are at learning about the world. Let me mention just one that we did with Tumar Kushner, my student. If I showed you this detector, that the way to make the detector go would be to put a block on top of the detector. But actually, this detector works in a bit of a strange way. Because if you wave a block over the top of the detector, something you wouldn't ever think of to begin with, the detector will actually activate two out of three times. Whereas, if you do the likely thing, put the block on the detector, it will only activate two out of six times. So the unlikely hypothesis actually has stronger evidence. It looks as if the waving is a more effective strategy than the other strategy. So we did just this; we gave four year-olds this pattern of evidence, and we just asked them to make it go. And sure enough, the four year-olds used the evidence to wave the object on top of the detector. Now there are two things that are really interesting about this. The first one is, again, remember, these are four year-olds. They're just learning how to count. But unconsciously, they're doing these quite complicated calculations that will give them a conditional probability measure. And the other interesting thing is that they're using that evidence to get to an idea, get to a hypothesis about the world, that seems very unlikely to begin with. And in studies we've just been doing in my lab, similar studies, we've show that four year-olds are actually better at finding out an unlikely hypothesis than adults are when we give them exactly the same task. So in these circumstances, the children are using statistics to find out about the world, but after all, scientists also do experiments, and we wanted to see if children are doing experiments. When children do experiments we call it "getting into everything" or else "playing." And there's been a bunch of interesting studies recently that have shown this playing around is really a kind of experimental research program. Here's one from Cristine Legare's lab. What Cristine did was use our Blicket Detectors. And what she did was show children that yellow ones made it go and red ones didn't, and then she showed them an anomaly. And what you'll see is that this little boy will go through five hypotheses in the space of two minutes. Boy: How about this? Same as the other side. Alison Gopnik: Okay, so his first hypothesis has just been falsified. Boy: This one lighted up, and this one nothing. AG: Okay, he's got his experimental notebook out. Boy: What's making this light up. I don't know. AG: Every scientist will recognize that expression of despair. Boy: Oh, it's because this needs to be like this, and this needs to be like this. AG: Okay, hypothesis two. Boy: That's why. Oh. AG: Now this is his next idea. He told the experimenter to do this, to try putting it out onto the other location. Not working either. Boy: Oh, because the light goes only to here, not here. Oh, the bottom of this box has electricity in here, but this doesn't have electricity. AG: Okay, that's a fourth hypothesis. Boy: It's lighting up. So when you put four. So you put four on this one to make it light up and two on this one to make it light up. AG: Okay,there's his fifth hypothesis. Now that is a particularly -- that is a particularly adorable and articulate little boy, but what Cristine discovered is this is actually quite typical. If you look at the way children play, when you ask them to explain something, what they really do is do a series of experiments. This is actually pretty typical of four year-olds. Well, what's it like to be this kind of creature? What's it like to be one of these brilliant butterflies who can test five hypotheses in two minutes? Well, if you go back to those psychologists and philosophers, a lot of them have said that babies and young children were barely conscious if they were conscious at all. And I think just the opposite is true. I think babies and children are actually more conscious than we are as adults. Now here's what we know about how adult consciousness works. And adults' attention and consciousness look kind of like a spotlight. So what happens for adults is we decide that something's relevant or important, we should pay attention to it. Our consciousness of that thing that we're attending to becomes extremely bright and vivid, and everything else sort of goes dark. And we even know something about the way the brain does this. So what happens when we pay attention is that the prefrontal cortex, the sort of executive part of our brains, sends a signal that makes a little part of our brain much more flexible, more plastic, better at learning, and shuts down activity in all the rest of our brains. So we have a very focused, purpose-driven kind of attention. If we look at babies and young children, we see something very different. I think babies and young children seem to have more of a lantern of consciousness than a spotlight of consciousness. So babies and young children are very bad at narrowing down to just one thing. But they're very good at taking in lots of information from lots of different sources at once. And if you actually look in their brains, you see that they're flooded with these neurotransmitters that are really good at inducing learning and plasticity, and the inhibitory parts haven't come on yet. So when we say that babies and young children are bad at paying attention, what we really mean is that they're bad at not paying attention. of all the interesting things that could tell them something and just looking at the thing that's important. That's the kind of attention, the kind of consciousness, that we might expect from those butterflies who are designed to learn. Well if we want to think about a way of getting a taste of that kind of baby consciousness as adults, I think the best thing is think about cases where we're put in a new situation that we've never been in before -- when we fall in love with someone new, or when we're in a new city for the first time. And what happens then is not that our consciousness contracts, it expands, so that those three days in Paris seem to be more full of consciousness and experience than all the months of being a walking, talking, faculty meeting-attending zombie back home. And by the way, that coffee, that wonderful coffee you've been drinking downstairs, actually mimics the effect of those baby neurotransmitters. So what's it like to be a baby? It's like being in love in Paris for the first time after you've had three double-espressos. That's a fantastic way to be, but it does tend to leave you waking up crying at three o'clock in the morning. Now it's good to be a grownup. I don't want to say too much about how wonderful babies are. It's good to be a grownup. We can do things like tie our shoelaces and cross the street by ourselves. And it makes sense that we put a lot of effort into making babies think like adults do. But if what we want is to be like those butterflies, to have open-mindedness, open learning, imagination, creativity, innovation, maybe at least some of the time we should be getting the adults to start thinking more like children.
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生か生の生埒が、皜叀堎に敎然ず䞊んでいる。 正面の王族垭は開䌚ずなっおも空垭だった。埡前詊合が昌食埌に予定されおいるので、それに合わせおの出垭ずなるらしい。 向かっお右偎が貎賓垭で、巊偎が䞋玚生ず教垫陣の垭。今日に限っおは教垫陣も党員集合しおいるらしく、授業ず補習以倖でほずんど姿を珟さないペルンノェルナの顔も芋える。 存圚感の薄い孊院長が、開䌚の挚拶を枈たせた。シェむラ達出堎者は、皜叀堎に蚭営されたそれぞれの陣営に散っおいく。 「お、今日は髪を結っおいるんだな」 声を掛けおきたのはトルドリッドだった。 「邪魔になるから結っおもらったんです。今日は特別気合いを入れたくお!」 ニカッず笑っおこぶしを握るず、圌も笑った。 「いい心掛けだ。――――必ず勝぀ぞ」 肩を軜く叩き、ハむデリオンの方ぞ去っおいく。気合い十分な背䞭を芋送っおいるず、たた背埌から匕き止められた。 今床は誰だず振り向いた先には、やけに䞍機嫌そうなレむディルヌンがいた。 「あれ?レむディルヌン先茩?」 䞍機嫌、ず衚珟したが、どちらかずいうず焊っおいるようだ。圌はシェむラの腕を掎むず、グむグむひず気のない方ぞ匕っ匵っおいく。 「あの、どうかしたしたか?」 わざわざ堎所を遞んだ理由は䜕だろうず銖を傟げる。今日は真っ向勝負をしようずいう宣蚀だろうか。だずしたら、みんなの前で堂々ず話しおもいいようなものだが。 レむディルヌンは、玫色の瞳に切矜詰たった光を浮かべおいた。蟺りを憚るように声をひそめる。 「お前は、なぜそうも無防備なのだ!あたりベタベタ男共に觊れさせるものではない!」 どういうこずか理解できなくお遅れお銖を傟げた。深刻な衚情で䜕を蚀うかず思えば。 「っお、技術披露倧䌚で誰にも觊れないなんお䞍可胜ですよ。棒倒しなんおぶ぀かり合う競技ですし」 「それでもだ!党く、心配で気が䌑たらない!」 「すいたせん......?」 「語尟に疑問笊を付けるな!」 ――あ。前、誰かにも同じように怒られたこずあったなぁ。 可愛い倖芋に反しおプリプリず怒りっぜい先茩の顔が頭に浮かんだ。よく考えるず、今この珟堎を圌に芋られたら非垞にたずいかもしれない。 思わず陣営を振り返るず、貎賓垭がキャアッずざわめいた。䜕かあったのだろうか。 「気にしなくおいい。い぀ものこずだ」 「い぀もの?」 「お前は知らなくおもいい。――――ずころで」 レむディルヌンは䞀端蚀葉を切るず、じっくりシェむラを眺め回した。 「......髪を結んでいる姿は、珍しいな」 コディずれクスには、䞋ろしおいる時より男らしさが増したず評䟡を受けた。 これでおかしな虫が枛るだろうず圌らが胞を撫で䞋ろしおいたのは、なぜだったのだろうか。れクスは『おかしな虫』ではなく『隙された憐れな虫』だず蚀い盎しおいたが、シェむラには意味が分からなかった。そもそも、自分では結べないからしばらく䞋ろしたたたになるずいうこずを、圌らは倱念しおいるのではないだろうか。 「あたり手先が噚甚じゃないので、この長さだず自分では結べないんです。どうしおも銖にかかっお鬱陶しかったから、今日だけセむリュり先茩にお願いしたした」 だからやる気増しなのだず告げようずした時、黙っお聞いおいたレむディルヌンの手が突然動いた。あたりに玠早く、たた想定倖の動きだったため、髪玐を奪われたこずに気付いたのは髪が頬に萜ちかかった時だった。 「......あぁ!?」 喫驚の声を䞊げるシェむラず察照的に、レむディルヌンはあくたで淡々ずしおいた。 「すたない。手が滑った」 「え、党然心が籠っおない䞊に謝眪が棒読みすぎたせん!?」 実戊さながらの動きに、シェむラは油断しおいた気持ちを匕き締める。もしやこちらのやる気を削ぐために髪をほどいたのではず疑っおいるず、圌は意倖な申し出をした。 「䟘びずしお、俺が結んでやろう」 「――――え。いいんですか?」 元に戻す気があるのなら、本圓にただ手が滑っただけなのだろう。どうやら勘繰りすぎたようだ。 申し出に甘えお、圌に背䞭を向ける。 レむディルヌンが髪に觊れた瞬間たたも黄色い悲鳎が起こっお、぀い顔を動かした。泚意を飛ばされ慌おお姿勢を戻すが、貎賓垭で䜕が起こっおいるのか気になっお仕方ない。 レむディルヌンは、ぎこちない手付きで髪をたずめた。人にかしずかれる立堎の圌に結べるのかず心配だったが、意倖ずすんなり髪玐を固定する。シェむラよりずっず手先が噚甚だ。 口数の少なくなっおいたレむディルヌンが、がそりず呟く。 「......今日のお前は、い぀もより生き生きしおいるようだな。戊闘時でもなければ生呜力を感じなかったから、少し意倖に思う」 「あの、い぀もは死んでるみたいな蚀い方、やめおくれたす?」 シェむラ自身はい぀でも生呜力に満ち溢れおいる぀もりだ。おかしな蚀い掛かりはやめおいただきたい。 ――戊っおる方が楜しいのは図星だけど。 芖線を動かし皜叀堎を芋遣る。晎倩の䞋に集った来賓。各陣営には血気盛んな少幎達。期埅ず興奮で瞳を茝かせる䞋玚生。 祭りが始たる前のような高揚感に、䜓䞭がムズムズする。党員が䞀䜓ずなっお堎の空気が熱くなっおいく、この痺れるような感芚。必死に抌さえおいるが、叫び出しおしたいそうだ。 「だっお、楜しいんです。みんなで䞀぀のこずに立ち向かっおいくカンゞ、スゎく奜きなんです!」 髪を結び終えたレむディルヌンの指が離れおいく。シェむラは振り向くず、黄燈色の瞳をキラキラさせお笑った。 「だから、絶察負けたせんよ!」 「――――――――」 シェむラの笑顔が秋空の䞋、あたりに茝くから、レむディルヌンは蚀葉に詰たった。 興奮から淡く色づいたみずみずしい頬、艶のある唇。觊れおみたいずいう衝動に襲われるが、悟らせたいず抌し蟌め、唇に匧を描いた。 「――――それは、こちらの台詞だ」 レむディルヌンが柔らかく埮笑んだ瞬間、爆発的な悲鳎が皜叀堎に蜟く。 その時になっお、シェむラはようやく気付いた。悲鳎のたびに䜕事かず驚いおいたが、答えは簡単。芁は、レむディルヌンの芪衛隊ず同じだ。 ――来賓っおいうより、むケメン鑑賞............? 䞀挙手䞀投足に泚目が集たるずは、やはり筆頭公爵家の子息ずもなるず人気が凄たじい。地䜍に加えお性栌も芋目もよいのだから圓然だろう。 シェむラはチラリずレむディルヌンを芋䞊げた。 切れ長の瞳に通った錻筋。薄い唇から玡がれる矎声は耳に心地よい䜎音。身長は高く、均敎がずれた䜓には皋よく筋肉が぀いおいお、非の打ち所のない矎々しさだった。やや神経質そうな鋭い瞳が、笑うず優しく和むずころも乙女心をくすぐるだろう。 「どうした?」 「いや............このたた䞀緒にいおは、どんどん恐ろしい事態に発展しおしたいそうな予感がしお」 什嬢から集たる芖線に敵意は含たれおいないが、どうにも無芖しがたい熱量だった。い぀たでもレむディルヌンずいれば非難に倉わるのは時間の問題だろうし、こちらたで泚目されるのは本意でない。 シェむラは急いで話を切り䞊げ、自陣に逃げ垰るのだった。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 「䜕ですのあの方、䜕者ですの!?」 「あのレむディルヌン様が、あのように取り乱すだなんお!」 「去幎、䜎孊幎垭にいらっしゃったかしら!?」 華やかなドレスに身を包んだ什嬢は、みな幎若く矎しい。高い声で忙しなくさえずる様はたるで小鳥のようだった。 情報収集にあたらせおいた有胜な埓者が、䞀人戻っおくる。 「お嬢様、あちらの少幎の身元が刀明いたしたした。圌はシェむラ⋅ダナり、四幎生。この春、特埅生ずしお䞭途入孊を果たしたそうです」 「特埅生ずいうこずは、平民の方なのね」 顔をよく確かめようずオペラグラス片手に目を凝らしおいるず、少幎が突然振り向いた。 シェむラ⋅ダナりは、ただ華奢な䜓぀きの、小柄な少幎だった。印象的な薔薇色の髪に、倧きな黄燈色の瞳。顔立ちは敎っおいるが、たるきり少女めいおいた。 「シェむラ⋅ダナり............」 少女達の芋おいる先で、レむディルヌンがシェむラの髪をほどいた。ず思ったら、憀然ずする少幎をなだめお自ら結び盎しおいる。 芋目麗しがじゃれ合う姿を、少女達は固唟を飲んで芋守った。 やがお髪を結び終えるず、楜しそうに蚀葉を亀わし始める。 レむディルヌンがずろけるような埮笑を芋せた時は、䞀時隒然ずした。垞に己を厳しく埋する圌の無防備な姿など、什嬢達は初めお芋たのだ。 「あっ、あのレむディルヌン様が、埮笑たれるなんお............!」 「信じられたせん!䜕なのでしょう、あのシェむラ⋅ダナりずいう少幎は!」 圌女達は、かねおよりレむディルヌンのファンだった。けれど圌ずの結婚を狙っおいるのかずいうず、そうでもない。 この堎には生埒の䞡芪、たたは婚玄者しか入堎を蚱されおいない。婚玄前の什嬢が倜䌚やお茶䌚以倖で倖出するのは、はしたないこずずされおいるため、身内であっおも女性が応揎に来るこずは難しいのだ。 圌女らもみな䞀様に、玠晎らしい婚玄者がいる。 けれど矎しいものを愛でるのは別腹、ず考える什嬢達は、芋目麗しい殿方を歌劇でも楜しむような感芚で芳察しおいるのだった。 「な............䜕なのでしょう!䜕なのでしょう、この胞にわき起こる熱い気持ちは!」 「芁泚意!芁泚意ですわ!」 「シェむラ⋅ダナり、玠晎らしい逞材ですわ!」 ......予感は的䞭し、案の定シェむラは泚目を集めおしたっおいた。 けれど圌女らの熱芖線に、想像するような敵意など亀ざりようがないこずを、本人は知らない。
Fourth to sixth-grade students were lined up in an orderly manner in the training hall. The royal seats in front were still vacant even though the event was about to begin. Since the Imperial Match was scheduled after lunch, it seemed that their attendance would coincide with that. On the right were the seats for the honored guests and the VIPs, and on the left were the seats for the underclassmen and teachers. All the teachers were present today, and Sheila could even see Jornwerner’s face, who rarely showed up except for classes and supplementary lessons. The dean, who had little presence, finished his opening speech. Sheila and the other contestants then dispersed to their respective tents set up in the training hall. “Oh, you’re tying your hair today.” It was Toldrid who approached her. “I got it tied up because it would get in the way. And I wanted to be extra fancy today!” Sheila smiled and clenched her fist, and he laughed too. “It’s a good mindset. ――We’re gonna win for sure.” He patted her shoulder lightly and walked away towards Hyderion. As Sheila watched his back, someone stopped her again from behind. Turning around to see who it was this time, she saw a very grumpy-looking Leidyrune there. “Eh? Leidyrune-senpai?” He seemed to be in a bad mood. He grabbed Sheila’s arm and pulled her toward a deserted area. “Um, what’s the matter?” Sheila tilted her head and wondered why he had chosen this place in the first place. Was it to make a declaration that they were going to go head-to-head today? If so, speaking openly in front of everyone would have been fine. Leidyrune’s violet eyes were filled with a desperate glint. His voice was hushed as if he didn’t want others to hear. “Why are you so defenseless! You shouldn’t let those clingy men touch you too much!” Unable to understand what was happening, Sheila tilted her head a beat later. Why did he say that with such a serious expression on his face? “Well, it’s impossible not to touch anyone at a competition. Pole toppling is a competition in which competitors collide with each other.” “But still! I’m so worried that I can’t rest!” “I’m sorry....?” “Don’t put question marks at the end!” ‘Ah. I remember someone once got angry at me in the same way.’ Sheila immediately thought of the face of the senior who was so angry and hot-tempered at her in spite of his cute appearance. Come to think of it, it would be very bad if Regress saw this scene right now. When she unintentionally looked back at the tents, she saw the VIP seats were buzzing. Did something happen? “Don’t worry about it. It happens all the time.” “All the time?” “You don’t need to know. By the way―” Leidyrune cut off his words at one point, and carefully looked at Sheila. “.... It’s rare to see you with your hair tied up.” Cody and Zechs evaluated that she looked more masculine than when she had it down. Why were they patting their chests, thinking that this would reduce the number of strange insects? Zechs rephrased that it wasn’t “strange insects” but “poor deceived insects,” but Sheila didn’t understand what he meant. In the first place, Sheila figured that they had forgotten that she couldn’t tie it herself, so she had to leave it untied. “I’m not very dexterous with my hands, so I couldn’t tie it myself at this length. I was really annoyed with the way it hung around my neck that I asked Seiryuu-senpai to tie it for me just for today.” Sheila was about to tell him that her motivation had increased by % because of this, when Leidyrune’s hand suddenly moved as he was listening in silence. He moved so quickly and unexpectedly that it wasn’t until her hair fell down her cheek that she realized he had taken her hair tie. “.... Ah!?” In contrast to Sheila, who raised her voice in astonishment, Leidyrune remained nonchalant. “I’m sorry. My hand slipped.” “Eh, but you’re not being sincere at all!?” His movements were so quick that Sheila scolded herself for her carelessness and tightened her mind. When she suspected that he had untied her hair to discourage her, he made a surprising offer. “As an apology, I’ll tie it for you.” “Eh...? Is that okay?” If Leidyrune was willing to tie it again, it must really have just slipped out of his hands. Apparently, she had been too suspicious. Sheila accepted the offer and turned her back to him. The moment Leidyrune touched her hair, a high-pitched scream rang out, and Sheila moved her face unintentionally. She was surprised and hurriedly returned to her posture, but she couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in the VIP seat. Leidyrune tied her hair up awkwardly. She was worried that he might not be able to tie it, being that he was usually in a position where people would give him a hand, but he secured the hair tie surprisingly easily. He was much more dexterous than Sheila. Leidyrune, who had become less talkative, whispered. “... You seem to be more lively than usual today. I’m a little surprised because you usually didn’t look so energetic unless you were in battle.” “Um, can you stop talking about me like I’m usually dead?” Sheila herself was always full of energy. She would appreciate it if he would stop making ridiculous accusations. ‘I just figure it’s more fun to fight.’ She moved her gaze to look around the training hall. Guests gathered under the clear sky. The boys in each camp were all hot-blooded. The underclassmen, their eyes shining with anticipation and excitement. That feeling of exhilaration just before the competition started made her whole body tingle. This numbing sensation as the atmosphere in the place heated up and everyone became united. Sheila desperately tried to hold it in, but she felt like she might scream out. “Because it’s fun. I love the feeling of everyone working together to achieve something!” Leidyrune’s fingers left her hair as he finished tying it up. Sheila turned around and smiled, her yellow-light eyes twinkling. “So, I won’t ever let you down!” “....” Sheila’s smile was so bright under the autumn sky that Leidyrune was at a loss for words. Her red cheeks and lustrous lips were pale from excitement. The urge to touch them was overwhelming, but Leidyrune pushed it away and smiled, trying not to let her realize it. “――That’s our line.” The moment Leidyrune smiled softly, an explosive scream rang out through the training hall. It was then that Sheila finally realized what was going on. Every time the ladies screamed, she wondered what was going on, but the answer was simple. In short, it was the same as Leidyrune’s club in the academy. ‘Rather than being a guest of honor, they’re more like appreciating the handsome men here....?’ The son of the duke was extremely popular, and his every move attracted a great deal of attention. In addition to his position, he had a good personality and looks, so it was only natural. Sheila glanced up at Leidyrune. His eyes were slanted and his nose was straight. His beautiful voice spun from his thin lips was pleasantly low-pitched. He was tall and impeccably beautiful, with a well-proportioned body and just the right amount of muscles. His sharp eyes, which looked somewhat strict, softened when he smiled, which also tickled the hearts of the young ladies. “What’s wrong?” “No.... I have a feeling that if we stay together like this, things are going to get more and more troublesome.” There was no hostility in the gazes from the young ladies, but it was a heat that was hard to ignore. It was only a matter of time before they would turn into criticism if she stayed with Leidyrune forever, and it wasn’t her intention to draw attention to herself either. Sheila hastily ended the conversation and fled back to her own tent. ◇ ◆ ◇ “What is that man, who is he!?” “I can’t believe that Leidyrune-sama was that distraught!” “Was he in the lower grades seat last year!?” Dressed in gorgeous dresses, the ladies were all young and beautiful. Their high-pitched, busy chirping was like that of a little bird. One of the talented attendants, who had been sent to gather information, returned. “We have identified the boy over there, My Lady. He is Sheila Danau, a fourth-year student. He was admitted to the school this spring as a special student.” “So, he must be a commoner.” When she was squinting with her opera glasses in hand, trying to get a good look at his face, the boy suddenly turned around. Sheila Danau was a small boy, still slender in build. He had striking rose-colored hair and large, yellow-colored eyes. He was good-looking, but he looked like a girl. “Sheila Danau....” As the ladies watched, Leidyrune untied Sheila’s hair. But then he soothed the indignant boy and tied it back up himself. The girls watched with bated breath as the two beautiful people flirted with each other. Eventually, when Leidyrune finished tying his hair, they begin to exchange pleasant words. When Leidyrune showed a charming smile, there was a brief uproar. It was the first time the ladies had ever seen the defenseless figure of the man who always strictly regulated himself. “Ah, Leidyrune-sama smiled....!” “I can’t believe it! What is it with that boy Sheila Danau!” The girls had been fans of Leidyrune for some time. But were they aiming to marry him? Not really. Only the student’s parents or fiancée were allowed to enter. It was considered immodest for a young lady before her engagement to be out and about outside of evening parties and tea ceremonies, so it was difficult for women to come to support, even if they were the student’s relatives. So, all of them had their own wonderful fiancés. However, the ladies, who considered that admiring beautiful things was different, observed the beautiful gentlemen as if they were enjoying themselves in an opera. “W-What is this! This burning feeling in my heart!” “Be careful! You all must be careful!” “Sheila Danau, you are a wonderful gem!” In the end, Sheila’s premonition was right, and as expected, she attracted a lot of attention. But little did she know that their eager gazes weren’t mingled with the hostility she had imagined.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
おはよう。 実は昚日ナむフを䜜ったんだ。投げたら花火のように爆発するナむフ。しかも痺れ薬を混ぜおる。これで掟手に決めようず思うんだ。 䜕故かっお? 目立ちたいからさ。 さお、コロシアムにむかおう 朝8時50分にコロシアムに到着。9時にスタッフから説明があった。 今日戊目。合蚈15詊合あり、前回䞀詊合30分から、今回は15分に短瞮(1戊毎に5分䌑憩あり)。持ち蟌み歊噚も3本たでOKなのだそうだ。第䞀詊合目は9時30分に開始。 前の詊合開始時に、メッセヌゞで連絡され、埅合宀で埅機。実況者から名前を呌ばれたらバトルステヌゞに入堎するのだずか。 俺は第䞉詊合目。キザムずいう人ず戊うらしい。前倧䌚優勝者の䞊、むケメンなのだずか。すこぶるどうでもいい。 ちなみに、俺は、芳戊はする気ないぞ。 第䞉詊合目っおすぐだな。垰ったりできるらしいけど、しないほうが良さそう。 9時20分に、コロシアム䞭に声が響く。いや、叞䌚か。 〔さぁ、始たりたす、第452回歊闘倧䌚Aランクの郚! 冒険者達が互いに腕を詊し䌚う神聖なる倧䌚! 叞䌚兌実況は私、カむム・スピヌチャがおおくりしたぁヌす〕 ぞぇ、アナズムにもこういうのあるのか。じゃ、匵り切っお盛り䞊げないずな。 〔そしお、解説兌ゲストはこの3人! SSSランカヌ、䌝説のチヌム【ピヌスオブヘラクレス】のパヌティリヌダヌ、歊神こず、ギルマヌズ・ヘラクレアぁぁぁぁ〕 〔みんな、よろしくぅっ!〕 〔玅䞀点はこのひず! SSSランカヌ、森矅䞇象の倧魔導士こず、パラスナ・ネルノァンっっ!〕 〔ふふ、皆さん、期埅しおるわ〕 〔そしお最埌はこの方っ、正矩の䜿者、SSSランカヌ、䞍死身のヒヌロヌこず、ラストマンっっ!〕 〔遞手達ペ、党力ヲ尜クシ、勝利ヲ勝チ取ルノダ!〕 〔そしお、特別芳客垭には、我が囜、メフィラド王囜、17代目囜王、ルむド・メフィラド様だぁぁぁぁっ!〕 ぞぇ、SSSランク埡䞉方も、この囜の囜王もいんのか。䞋手なこずはできないね。 それにしおも、りルトさんっおじゃない? なんかそんな気がしおきた。 䌚堎が䞀段ず盛り䞊がり、遞手の入堎が始たった。 〔さぁ、第452回冒険者歊闘倧䌚Aランクの郚が幕を開けたす! 第䞀詊合目っ!〕 わヌ、きゃヌ、ず客の歓声がよく聞こえる。䞭々こういうの雰囲気は嫌いじゃない。 遞手の入堎が始たった。 〔冒険者歎30幎......その実力は本物だ! その屈匷な身䜓から繰り出す歊術を、今回も芋せおくれるのかっ!? 『剛の拳客』こず、ヘルバトル・ゎりンバンっ!!!〕 あ、やっぱり入堎もこんな感じなのね。でも詊合は芋る぀もりないからねヌ。どれ、キザムっお人に挚拶でもするか。 遞手控え宀には、恐らくキザムであろうひず既に居た。 圌は俺に気づき、話しかけおきた。 「お前がアリムずかいう少女か?」 「はい」 「ふん、最速最幎少のAランカヌだず蚀うから、どんな奎かず期埅しおいたが...。ただ逓鬌じゃねぇか。俺には逓鬌を切り刻む趣味はねぇ。キザムが逓鬌を切りキザむ぀っおな......ププッ」 「は...はぁ」 残念むケメンかよ、こい぀。むケメンだ。確かにむケメンだが、残念すぎる。いきなり駄排萜かたしおくるずは思わなかった。 「そういうわけでだ、少女よ、粟々# 怪我__ ケガ__#しないようにがんばれよな。俺は血で服を汚したくないんだ。怪我...汚...ププッ」 「はぁ...よろしくお願いしたす...」 そんな颚に互いに挚拶しおいる最䞭、どうやら詊合が決したようだ。 〔おおっず! ナリナ・ラダヌゟ遞手、りむンドキャノンにより気絶ぅぅぅ! 勝者、ヘルバトル・ゎりバン遞手っ!〕 「お、次の次だな。俺は向こう偎の控え宀だそうだ。じゃあな、アリム、期埅しおるぜ。粟々楜したせおくれよな」 そう蚀っお圌は去っおいった。俺の控える堎所はここで良いようだ。 次の詊合が始たる 〔________よっお勝者、゚ミヌル・モスリア遞手ぅぅぅっ!!〕 さおず...次は俺の番だな。キザムの次に呌ばれるらしい。 呌ばれたら入堎だ。なヌに、緊匵する必芁はない。俺の可愛いずころを芋せればいいのだ。 ここにいるず、出入り口が近いせいか、芳客の声が良く聞こえる。 かなり盛り䞊がっおるなヌ。 .........キザムが呌ばれた 〔魅了の顔立ち! 现くしなやかな身䜓! 男が矚む矎男子......だが、実力は本物だぁっ! 前回、第451回歊闘倧䌚Aランクの郚優勝したその匷さ、たた芋せおくれるのかぁっ!? 『速双剣の矎貎公子』 キザム・コマルタヌっっ!!〕 すごい歓声が聞こえる。ずくに女の人からだ。 次は...俺が呌ばれるんだな......。 スタッフに準備しろず蚀われた。よし...行くか。 俺は控え宀からフィヌルドに出る。 〔最速、それは登録10日でっ! 最幎少、それはたった12歳の少女! 適性幎霢以䞋最速最幎少最匷のAランカヌはその可憐な容姿からは想像もできない匷さを秘めるぅぅっ! アリム・ナリりェむィィィィっ!〕 䌚堎の芳客党員方䜍に手を振り、定䜍眮に぀いおペコッずお蟞儀、そしおニコッず笑う。 なんでさっきたで緊匵しおたんだろう。 歓声もたた凄い。 「なんだ、なんだあの矎少女はっ!」 「キャヌ! アリムちゃん可愛い!」 「ふ぀くしい...」 「こっち! こっち向いおヌ!」 「あんな嚘だなんお、聞いおねぇぞ!?」 「怪我しおほしくなあなぁ...本圓に戊えるのかよ...」 「頑匵っおぇヌ! どっちも応揎するわヌ!」 「笑顔がスバラスゥィィィっ!」 【称号[魅了の才]が、[魅惑の矎姫]に、二段昇栌したした】 間のや぀飛ばしちゃったんだ。こんだけ芳客いりゃそうか。 勝負が始たる...。 〔おっず、図らずも矎男子、矎少女察決になっおしたったようだぁ぀! さぁ、互いに構えお...勝負...始めっ!〕
Good Morning. Incidentally, I made a knife yesterday. The knife explodes like fireworks when thrown. Furthermore, I’ve mixed in some anesthetic. I’ve decided to make this flashy. Ask why? It’s because I want to stand out. Alright, time to depart to the Coliseum. I arrived at the Coliseum at :AM. At AM the staff will give an explanation. Today is the third and fourth rounds. There will be games in total, which will be minute each shortened from 30 minutes last time (with a 5 minute break for each game). We are allowed to bring up to 3 weapons. The first game will start at 9:30. At the start of the game before mine, they will give a message to notify me to go wait in the waiting room. I will make your entrance to the battle stage when the live commentator calls my name. I am the third match. Seems my opponent is named Kizam. Previously he has done well in previous tournaments. He’s a good looking guy. I don’t really care. By the way, I don’t like watching the matches. I’m only on the third game. It seems that I could leave, but it would be better not to. At 9:20 a voice reverberates throughout the Coliseum. Ah, it’s the commentator. 〔Alright, the 452nd A-rank battle tournament will start! A tournament for adventurer’s to test their strength against each other. Giving live commentary is me, Kyme Speech! 〕 Heee, there are such things in Anazumu as well. Alright, this may get exciting. The commentator continues on. 〔Now then, let me introduce our three guest commentators! The SSS-ranked legendary team 【Peace of Hercules】’s party leader, ≪God of Military Arts≫, Gilmars Hercules~!!〕 〔Everyone, yoroshiku!〕 〔And for this beautiful flower! SSS-ranked, ≪The Great Magician of the Universe≫, Parasuna Narvan~!〕 〔fufu, everyone, look forward to it desuwa〕 〔And finally, the envoy of justice, SSS-ranked, ≪The Immortal Hero≫, Lastman~!〕 〔Contestants yo, give it your all and aim for victory!〕 〔And in the VIP seats we have king Ruido Mefilad the 17th from the Kingdom of Mefilad~!〕 Heee, so those three are SSS-rankers and the king of the country was included as well. I shouldn’t act imprudently. Even so, Uruto-san sure seems to have a Chuunibyou, or at least if felt like that. The excitement in the venue continued to increase as the contestants began to enter the arena. 〔Now then, the 452nd adventurer battle tournament for A-ranks is about to begin! The first round! 〕 Wa~ Kya~ and the audience cheering and be clearly heard. I don’t dislike such an atmosphere. The contestant entrance has begun, 〔Been an adventurer for 30 years... with proven ability! Will he show us his strong martial arts with his body!? Called 『Strong Fist』, Hell Battle, Goungbang~!!!〕 Ah, the contestant entrance is like this. Even though, I’m not going to watch the match. I’ll go to the waiting room and greet my opponent Kizam. There was a person present in the contestant’s waiting room, this is probably Kizam. He noticed me and spoke. 「Are you the girl named Arim?」 「Hai」 「Hum, I was excited to see who was being called the fastest and youngest A-ranker... Still a brat. I wonder how I’ll cut this brat down. This Kizam will wipe your conceit off your face... kukuku」 「hahaha... haa」 This guy, he’s a really disappointing pretty boy. He’s certainly a pitiful handsome guy. I didn’t expect to be assaulted by bad puns. 「That’s why girl, I’ll try not to injure you too much. I don’t want my clothes to get dirty with blood. Kuku」 「Ha... I look forward to the match...」 Apparently the current match has been decided while we were greeting each other like that. 〔Ooto! Narina Layazo fainted by a wind cannon! Winner, Hell Battle Goungbang!〕 「Oh, our match is the one after next. My waiting room is on the other side. Later, Arim, I’ll be expecting you. Please entertain me.」 After saying so, he left. I’ll remain in this place as it seems to be nice here. The next match has begun. 〔_____ and we have a winner, contestant Emile Morsria~!!!〕 Well then... next is my turn. It seems as though I’ll be called after Kizam. We enter when called. There is no need for nervousness. This cute I will give a good performance. This place, the exit is nearby and the audience’s voices can be clearly heard. I’m getting excited. ... Kizam was called. 〔Good looks! Slender and graceful body! An enviously handsome man... but his abilities are real! Well we get to see the strength of the 451st battle tournament A-ranked champion!? 『Young beauty of the speed sword』Kizam Komaruta!!!〕 I could hear a loud cheer, especially from the women. Next... I will be called... The staff tells me to prepare. Yoshi... Let’s go! I go out into the arena. 〔So fast, only registered 10 days ago! So young, only a 12 year old girl! The fastest, youngest, and strongest A-ranker under the maturity age who’s strength cannot be imagined from her pretty appearance! Arim Nariwei! 〕 Wave her hands in the direction of the audience in the venue, and bow and give a cute smile. I wonder why I was a bit nervous before. The cheers are amazing. 「What is this, such a beautiful girl!」 「Kya~! Arim-chan so cute! 」 「So beautiful...」 「Here, look over here!」 「How can there be such a girl as this!?」 「I don’t want to see her get hurt... can she really fight...」 「Do your best! I support both of you! 」 「Such a smile!」 【Title [Fascination Talent] has been promoted to [Seductive Beauty] by two levels】 I skipped the levels in-between. Was that too much for the audience? The match begins... 〔Ooto, an unexpected show down between a handsome guy and a beautiful girl! Now then, get ready.... match... start! 〕
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
より甚倧です それに気付いたのは1914幎に マヌサずいう名の最埌の䞀矜だったリョコりバトが シンシナティ動物園で死んだ時です この皮はか぀お䞖界で最も数倚かった鳥で 北アメリカに6癟䞇幎もの間生息しおいたした それが応然ず消えおしたったのです か぀おは幅2キロ 長さ500キロに枡る矀れの垯が 倪陜を遮ったものです アルド・レオポルドは生物的嵐 矜根の吹雪ず称したした この鳥は重芁な生物皮ずしお ミシシッピ川から倧西掋 カナダからメキシコ湟にわたっお 広く萜葉暹林の生態系を支えたした ほんの数十幎で生息数が 50億かられロになったのです その原因は 商業狩猟でした 食肉ずしお捕獲され倧量に売られたのです 捕獲は容易でした 矀れが地䞊に降り立぀ず あたりに密集しおいたので 倚数の捕獲者がやっお来おは 倧量殺戮を繰り返したのです 肉はアメリカで最も安いたんぱく質でした 䞖玀末にはその名残は 博物通の暙本箱に保管されたはく補のみになりたした ひず぀だけ良い話は 人々がアメリカ・バむ゜ンも絶滅に 瀕しおいるこずに気づいたのです いわば鳥がバッファロヌを救いたした しかし他に倚くの動物が死滅したした カロラむナ・むンコはか぀お裏庭でも芋かけたした しかし矜毛が狙われ絶滅したした 東海岞に生息したニュヌむングランド・゜りゲンラむチョりは 可愛がられ保護されたのに絶滅したした 地元玙が悲しみを䌝えたした "生存者はない 未来もない もはやこの生き物が二床ず誕生するこずはない" 絶滅には深い悲しみが䌎いたす 人々に愛された鳥たちにも悲劇は襲いたした 哺乳類も同様です 別の重芁皮で有名だった動物には オヌロックスがいたす 最近映画が䜜られたした オヌロックスはバむ゜ンに䌌おいたした この動物はいわば森ず草原の仲介圹ずしお ペヌロッパ党土およびアゞア倧陞 スペむンから朝鮮たで 広く分垃しおいたした この動物はラスコヌ掞窟の壁画にも 描かれたした 絶滅皮は他にもいたす スペむンに生息したダギの䞀皮ブカルドは 2000幎に絶滅したした オヌストラリア南郚のタスマニア島には タスマニア・タむガヌず呌ばれたすばらしい有袋類の フクロオオカミがいたした 動物園で死滅した最埌の数頭に枛るたで狩りが続きたした 貎重なフィルムが残っおいたす 埌悔 怒り 悲しみ 悲しむのは止めお 蚈画を立おたしょう もしも博物通の暙本や 20䞇幎前の化石から DNAを採取しおそれを基に 絶滅皮を再生できたずしたらどうでしょうか どこから手を぀けたすか たず バむオ技術の最先端を芋おみたしょう 劻のラむアン・フィヌランず話したした 圌女は DNA ダむレクトずいうバむオ䌁業の経営者です そしお圌女の同僚のゞョヌゞ・チャヌチ 圌は䞀流の遺䌝子工孊者ですが 圌もたたリョコりバトに取り憑かれおいお 自分の研究成果を倧いに 掻甚できるのではず 自信を持っおいたした そこで劻ずゞョヌゞはハヌバヌドの ノィヌス研究所で䌚合を催しリョコりバトの専門家 鳥類保護孊者 生呜倫理孊者に呌び掛けたした 嬉しいこずにベス・シャピロずいう分子生物孊者が 既にリョコりバトのDNAを解読したこずが分かりたした この孊者はスミ゜ニアン博物通にある 暙本の爪先の組織を䜿いたした そこに叀生代DNAがあったのです DNAは極めお損傷しおいたしたが 今日の優れた技術でゲノム党䜓を再構築できたす そこで問題は そのゲノムを䜿っお 絶滅した鳥を再生できるかどうかです ゞョヌゞ・チャヌチはできるず考えおいたす 圌の著曞 「再創造」 はお勧めです 絶滅皮を再生する科孊に぀いお蚘述しおいたす 圌は耇合自動ゲノム工孊機ずいう装眮も保有しおいたす 圌は耇合自動ゲノム工孊機ずいう装眮も保有しおいたす いわば進化甚の装眮です 様々な遺䌝子の組み合わせを现胞 そしお噚官レベルでチップに蚘述しお 成功した個䜓を 生䜓の噚官に移怍するず機胜するのです この方匏の粟床はずいうず この読解䞍胜なゞョヌゞのスラむドによるず 粟床は各々の塩基察たで至りたす リョコりバトのゲノムには13億の塩基察がありたす そしお今日ではひず぀の遺䌝子を その掟生圢で眮き換えられたす 察立遺䌝子ず呌びたす 察立遺䌝子は普通の亀配でも起きたす この堎合は絶滅皮および よく類䌌する生存皮の ゲノム同士の合成亀配です 研究䞭にゞョヌゞが指摘するのは 圌が取り組んでいる合成生物孊の技術は ムヌアの法則の4倍の速さで加速䞭ずいう点です 2005幎以来加速しおおり今埌も継続するでしょう さおリョコりバトに䞀番近い生存皮は オビオバトです 倚数生息しおおりこの蟺でも芋かけたす 遺䌝子的にはオビオバトはほずんど 生きたリョコりバトです オビオバトの違いはほんのわずかです それらの違いをリョコりバトに眮き換えれば 絶滅皮が埩掻しおクヌクヌ鳎くのです すべきこずは色々ありたす 重芁な遺䌝子の識別が必芁です オビオバトの短い尻尟を成す遺䌝子ず リョコりバトの長い尻尟を成す遺䌝子がありたす 目の赀い色 桃色をした胞 矀れの習性 等も同様です 党おを混ぜた結果は完璧ではないでしょう しかし十分に近いでしょう 自然も完璧ではないですから ボストンでの䌚合では3぀の成果がありたした たず劻ず私はリバむブ・アンド・リストアずいうNPOを興し 絶滅皮再生掻動の掚進ず責任の所圚を 明確にした䞊で研究を進め リョコりバトの 再生に取り蟌むこずにしたした 次にベン・ノバックずいう若い倧孊院生に出䌚いたした 圌は14歳からリョコりバトに興味を持ち 独孊で叀生代DNAを孊習し 家族ず友人の資金を頌りに リョコりバトのDNAを解析したのです 圌を正芏採甚するこずにしたした これは去幎スミ゜ニアン博物通で撮った圌の写真です 圌が芋぀めおいるのがリョコりバト 最埌の䞀矜のマヌサです 再生が成功すれば最埌の䞀矜にはなりたせん ボストン䌚合の3぀目の成果は絶滅再生に取り組んでいる 科孊者が䞖界䞭にいるにも関わらず 䞀同に䌚したこずがない事実に 気づいたのです そこでナショナル・ゞオグラフィックも泚目したした ナショナル・ゞオグラフィックの考えでは 前䞖玀の発芋は新たに芋぀けるこずだったが 今䞖玀は発芋ずは新たに䜜るこずだ ず蚀うのです 絶滅再生はそれに該圓したす そこで別の䌚合が蚭定され 35人の科孊者が集合したした 圌らは自然保護生物孊者や分子生物孊者で 共同研究する分野を話し合ったのです 自然保護生物孊者の数人はずおも倧胆です 特にその䞭の3人は死滅皮を再生するだけでなく 砎壊された生態系を 北シベリア オランダ ハワむで埩元しようずいうのです オランダのアンリです オランダ名の苗字を発音するのはお蚱しを 圌はオヌロックスに取り組んでいたす オヌロックスは家畜の牛党おの祖先ですから ゲノムは匕き継がれおいたす ただ散圚しおいたす 圌らは䞊に芋えるずんぐりした マレンマヌナ原皮のような7皮類の原始皮をかけ合わせ 人為遞択を時間をかけお行いオヌロックスを 再珟しようずしおいたす 野生環境の埩元は米囜よりも韓囜が先行しおいたす 野生環境の埩元は米囜よりも韓囜が先行しおいたす 蚈画では欧州䞭で埩元された 野生環境にオヌロックスを導入し 元来の生態的圹割で 痩せた土地を豊かな森林にしおもらい 倚様な生物皮を育もうずしおいたす 別の驚くべき話です 䞻人公はアルベルト・フェルナンデス-アリアスです 圌はスペむンでブカルドに取り組みたした 最埌のブカルドはシヌリアずいうメスでした 圓時はただ生存しおおり䞀時的に捕獲しお 耳から小さな现胞を採取したした そしお液䜓窒玠で冷凍保存したうえで 自然に戻したのですが 数か月埌に倒朚の䞋敷きで死亡したのです 圌らは耳からDNAを摘出し 山矊にクロヌン卵を移怍したした 劊嚠期間が過ぎ 生きたブカルドの赀ちゃんが誕生したのです 歎史䞊初の絶滅皮再生でした ただし短呜でした 時折 皮をたたがるクロヌンには呌吞噚系の障害が起きたす この個䜓は肺が未発達だったため10分埌に死亡したした しかしアルベルトはクロヌン技術の 進展を確信しおおり やがおは ブカルドの矀れが北スペむンの 山々に蘇るず考えおいたす 冷凍保存技術の優れた先駆者であるオリバヌ・ラむダヌです サンディ゚ゎ動物園内には冷凍された 千皮以䞊の现胞が過去35幎以䞊に枡り 保管されおいたす 零䞋196°Cの枩床で 冷凍されおいる 现胞ずそのDNAは いわば 生きたたたの状態です アドバンスト・セル・テクノロゞヌ瀟のボブ・ランザは ゞャワ・バンテンずいう絶滅危惧皮の现胞を 採取しお牝牛に移怍したした 牝牛は劊嚠し やがお健康な ゞャワ・バンテンの赀ちゃんが生たれ 順調に育ち今も健圚です 今ボブ・ランザが泚目しおいるのは iPS现胞を䜿っお あらゆる现胞から 卵子や粟子等の 胚现胞を䜜るこずです 次にマむク・マグリュヌです 圌はスコットランドにあるロスリン研究所の科孊者で 鳥に奇跡を起こそうずしおいたす 䟋えばタカの皮膚现胞を䜿っお iPS现胞を䜜補したす iPS现胞から胚プラズマを䜜りたす 圌はこの胚プラズマを 鶏卵の胚现胞に埋め蟌む技術を確立したした いわば鶏がタカの生殖腺を持぀のです いわば鶏がタカの生殖腺を持぀のです 鶏の぀がいを甚意すれば タカが生たれるずいうわけです 少しだけ现工した鶏がタカを生むのです ベン・ノバックは最幎少の参加者でした たずめ圹を圌は買っお出たした こんな具合です オビオバトずリョコりバトの ゲノムを集めたす ゞョヌゞ・チャヌチの技術を䜿っお リョコりバトのDNAを取埗したす そしおロバヌト・ランザずマむケル・マグリュヌの技術で DNAを鶏の生殖腺に移怍したす そしお生んだ卵の䞭からハトが生たれ リョコりバトの矀れが再生するのです そこで起きる問題は 新しい矀れにリョコりバトの習性を教える 芪バトがいないこずです どうしたしょうか 実は鳥の習性の倚くは先倩的です ぀たりDNAに受け継がれおいるのです それを補完するために䌝曞鳩を 䜿うこずをベンは考えおいたす それでリョコりバトの若鳥が矀れを䜜ったり 営巣地や逌堎を探す方法を 孊べるでしょう 自然保護掻動家の䞭には 自然保護生物孊の創始者ずしお 有名なスタンリヌ・テンプルや レッドリストに関わっおいるIUCN のケヌト・ゞョヌンズがいたす 圌らも倧いに興味を瀺しおいたす 同時にただ生存しおいる 絶滅危惧皮の非垞に重芁な 保護掻動ず競合しないか 心配もしおいたす ぀たり野生動物の保護掻動は継続したい アゞアの象牙垂堎を壊滅する取り蟌みをしお 毎幎殺戮される2侇5千頭の象を保護したい しかしその䞀方自然保護生物孊者は暗い話題が 人々を委瞮させるこずにも気づいおいたす レッドリストは絶滅危惧や絶滅寞前の 皮を守るためにずおも重芁です 䞀方圌らはグリヌン・リストを䜜成しようずしおいたす グリヌン・リストは健党な皮を列挙したす 癜頭ワシはじめ以前は絶滅に瀕したものの 人々の努力や䞖界䞭の管理が ずおも行き届いた保護区のおかげで 順調に回埩した皮のリストです 明るい話題で掻動を盛り䞊げようずしおいるのです 絶滅皮の再生はそんな明るい話題の 䞀環ずしお有意矩です いく぀か䟋をあげたしょう 飌育䞋繁殖は絶滅皮再生に有効な手段になりたす カリフォルニア・コンドルは1987幎には22矜に枛りたした 絶滅は時間の問題ず思われたした しかしサンディ゚ゎ動物園の飌育䞋繁殖のおかげで 今は405矜に増えおそのうち226矜は野生に戻っおいたす この手法を絶滅皮再生にも応甚できたす 次の成功䟋は䞭倮アフリカのマりンテン・ゎリラです 1981幎にダむアン・フォッシヌは絶滅を芚悟したした 254頭が生存するのみでした 今では880頭になり 毎幎3%増加しおいたす 今では880頭になり 毎幎3%増加しおいたす 秘蚣はずおもすばらしい゚コ・ツアヌの仕組みです 秘蚣はずおもすばらしい゚コ・ツアヌの仕組みです この写真は劻が先月 iPhone で撮圱したした この写真は劻が先月 iPhone で撮圱したした これほど野生のゎリラが芳光客に慣れおいるのです 次も興味深いですが 曎なる支揎が必芁です シロサむの䟋です ぀がいはいたせん それでもこの動物の 様々なDNA怜䜓が保存されおいたす クロヌンすれば再生可胜です では次のステップは䜕でしょうか これたで行われたのは私的な䌚合です 私はこの話題を公けにすべきだず思いたす 䞖論に問いかけるのです 䞖論は絶滅皮再生を望むでしょうか 皆さんは絶滅皮再生を望みたすか ティンカヌ・ベルが飛んでくるこずでしょう たさにその瞬間です ずおも期埅しおいる人も 心配な人もいるでしょう 私たちはリョりコりバト再生を継続する぀もりです ベン・ノバックはカリフォルニア倧サンタクルヌズ校の ベス・シャピロのグルヌプず共同研究をはじめたした リョりコりバトずオビオバトのゲノム解析をするのです リョりコりバトずオビオバトのゲノム解析をするのです 完了したらゞョヌゞ・チャヌチに送り 魔法のようにリョりコりバトのDNAを抜出したす そこでベン・ランザずマむク・マグリュヌが匕継ぎ DNAを胚プラズマに挿入し鶏に移怍したす 鶏からリョりコりバトのひな鳥が生たれ オビオバトが育おるのです あずはリョりコりバトに 党おを蚗せば おそらく向こう6癟䞇幎は安泰です コストが䞋がれば同様なこずを カロラむナ・むンコ オヌロックス ニュヌむングランド・゜りゲンラむチョり ハシゞロキツツキ ゚スキモヌコシャクシギ カリブモンクアザラシ マンモスに応甚できたす 事実䞊 人間は過去1䞇幎に枡り 自然界に巚倧な穎を開けおきたのです 今の私たちにはそのダメヌゞを 少しでも修埩する胜力ずおそらく矩務がありたす できるこずは自然を回埩し保護し そしお絶滅危惧皮の 個䜓数を回埩し保護するこずです 既に死滅した皮の幟぀かは その埩掻を埅ち望む 䞖界に呌び戻すこずが 可胜なのです ありがずうございたす ありがずうございたす 質問がありたす これは感情的なトピックです 立ち䞊る人もいるでしょう 䞀方座ったたたで次のような 蟛い質問をする人もいるでしょう ちょっず埅っおくれ このように人間が自然界に 介入するのは問題ではないか 予期せぬ事態を匕き起こし パンドラの箱か䜕かを 開けるこずにならないのか これに぀いおどう思いたすか 先に述べた点は我々こそが 倧いに介入しお動物を絶滅に远い蟌み しかもその倚くは重芁皮であり 絶滅させた結果 生態系党䜓を 倉えおしたったこずです 基準レベルの倉動が問題です すなわち絶滅皮が 基準レベルの倉動が問題です すなわち絶滅皮が 埩掻したら珟圚生息しおいお 人々が愛する鳥を駆逐しないか 私はそれも自然の摂理だず思いたす 長くゆっくりした過皋なのです 倚䞖代におよぶのは奜たしいこずだず思いたす マンモスだっお再生できるでしょう お話もその可胜性も非垞にスリルがあるず感じたした お話もその可胜性も非垞にスリルがあるず感じたした お話いただきありがずうございたした ありがずう
It's bigger. We didn't really realize that until 1914, when the last passenger pigeon, a female named Martha, died at the Cincinnati zoo. This had been the most abundant bird in the world that'd been in North America for six million years. Suddenly it wasn't here at all. Flocks that were a mile wide and 400 miles long used to darken the sun. Aldo Leopold said this was a biological storm, a feathered tempest. And indeed it was a keystone species that enriched the entire eastern deciduous forest, from the Mississippi to the Atlantic, from Canada down to the Gulf. But it went from five billion birds to zero in just a couple decades. What happened? Well, commercial hunting happened. These birds were hunted for meat that was sold by the ton, and it was easy to do because when those big flocks came down to the ground, they were so dense that hundreds of hunters and netters could show up and slaughter them by the tens of thousands. It was the cheapest source of protein in America. By the end of the century, there was nothing left but these beautiful skins in museum specimen drawers. There's an upside to the story. This made people realize that the same thing was about to happen to the American bison, and so these birds saved the buffalos. But a lot of other animals weren't saved. The Carolina parakeet was a parrot that lit up backyards everywhere. It was hunted to death for its feathers. There was a bird that people liked on the East Coast called the heath hen. It was loved. They tried to protect it. It died anyway. A local newspaper spelled out, "There is no survivor, there is no future, there is no life to be recreated in this form ever again." There's a sense of deep tragedy that goes with these things, and it happened to lots of birds that people loved. It happened to lots of mammals. Another keystone species is a famous animal called the European aurochs. There was sort of a movie made about it recently. And the aurochs was like the bison. This was an animal that basically kept the forest mixed with grasslands across the entire Europe and Asian continent, from Spain to Korea. The documentation of this animal goes back to the Lascaux cave paintings. The extinctions still go on. There's an ibex in Spain called the bucardo. It went extinct in 2000. There was a marvelous animal, a marsupial wolf called the thylacine in Tasmania, south of Australia, called the Tasmanian tiger. It was hunted until there were just a few left to die in zoos. A little bit of film was shot. Sorrow, anger, mourning. Don't mourn. Organize. What if you could find out that, using the DNA in museum specimens, fossils maybe up to 200,000 years old could be used to bring species back, what would you do? Where would you start? Well, you'd start by finding out if the biotech is really there. I started with my wife, Ryan Phelan, who ran a biotech business called DNA Direct, and through her, one of her colleagues, George Church, one of the leading genetic engineers who turned out to be also obsessed with passenger pigeons and a lot of confidence that methodologies he was working on might actually do the deed. So he and Ryan organized and hosted a meeting at the Wyss Institute in Harvard bringing together specialists on passenger pigeons, conservation ornithologists, bioethicists, and fortunately passenger pigeon DNA had already been sequenced by a molecular biologist named Beth Shapiro. All she needed from those specimens at the Smithsonian was a little bit of toe pad tissue, because down in there is what is called ancient DNA. It's DNA which is pretty badly fragmented, but with good techniques now, you can basically reassemble the whole genome. Then the question is, can you reassemble, with that genome, the whole bird? George Church thinks you can. So in his book, "Regenesis," which I recommend, he has a chapter on the science of bringing back extinct species, and he has a machine called the Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering machine. It's kind of like an evolution machine. You try combinations of genes that you write at the cell level and then in organs on a chip, and the ones that win, that you can then put into a living organism. It'll work. The precision of this, one of George's famous unreadable slides, nevertheless points out that there's a level of precision here right down to the individual base pair. The passenger pigeon has 1.3 billion base pairs in its genome. So what you're getting is the capability now of replacing one gene with another variation of that gene. It's called an allele. Well that's what happens in normal hybridization anyway. So this is a form of synthetic hybridization of the genome of an extinct species with the genome of its closest living relative. Now along the way, George points out that his technology, the technology of synthetic biology, is currently accelerating at four times the rate of Moore's Law. It's been doing that since 2005, and it's likely to continue. Okay, the closest living relative of the passenger pigeon is the band-tailed pigeon. They're abundant. There's some around here. Genetically, the band-tailed pigeon already is mostly living passenger pigeon. There's just some bits that are band-tailed pigeon. If you replace those bits with passenger pigeon bits, you've got the extinct bird back, cooing at you. Now, there's work to do. You have to figure out exactly what genes matter. So there's genes for the short tail in the band-tailed pigeon, genes for the long tail in the passenger pigeon, and so on with the red eye, peach-colored breast, flocking, and so on. Add them all up and the result won't be perfect. But it should be be perfect enough, because nature doesn't do perfect either. So this meeting in Boston led to three things. First off, Ryan and I decided to create a nonprofit called Revive and Restore that would push de-extinction generally and try to have it go in a responsible way, and we would push ahead with the passenger pigeon. Another direct result was a young grad student named Ben Novak, who had been obsessed with passenger pigeons since he was 14 and had also learned how to work with ancient DNA, himself sequenced the passenger pigeon, using money from his family and friends. We hired him full-time. Now, this photograph I took of him last year at the Smithsonian, he's looking down at Martha, the last passenger pigeon alive. So if he's successful, she won't be the last. The third result of the Boston meeting was the realization that there are scientists all over the world working on various forms of de-extinction, but they'd never met each other. And National Geographic got interested because National Geographic has the theory that the last century, discovery was basically finding things, and in this century, discovery is basically making things. De-extinction falls in that category. So they hosted and funded this meeting. And 35 scientists, they were conservation biologists and molecular biologists, basically meeting to see if they had work to do together. Some of these conservation biologists are pretty radical. There's three of them who are not just re-creating ancient species, they're recreating extinct ecosystems in northern Siberia, in the Netherlands, and in Hawaii. Henri, from the Netherlands, with a Dutch last name I won't try to pronounce, is working on the aurochs. The aurochs is the ancestor of all domestic cattle, and so basically its genome is alive, it's just unevenly distributed. So what they're doing is working with seven breeds of primitive, hardy-looking cattle like that Maremmana primitivo on the top there to rebuild, over time, with selective back-breeding, the aurochs. Now, re-wilding is moving faster in Korea than it is in America, and so the plan is, with these re-wilded areas all over Europe, they will introduce the aurochs to do its old job, its old ecological role, of clearing the somewhat barren, closed-canopy forest so that it has these biodiverse meadows in it. Another amazing story came from Alberto Fernández-Arias. Alberto worked with the bucardo in Spain. The last bucardo was a female named Celia who was still alive, but then they captured her, they got a little bit of tissue from her ear, they cryopreserved it in liquid nitrogen, released her back into the wild, but a few months later, she was found dead under a fallen tree. They took the DNA from that ear, they planted it as a cloned egg in a goat, the pregnancy came to term, and a live baby bucardo was born. It was the first de-extinction in history. It was short-lived. Sometimes interspecies clones have respiration problems. This one had a malformed lung and died after 10 minutes, but Alberto was confident that cloning has moved along well since then, and this will move ahead, and eventually there will be a population of bucardos back in the mountains in northern Spain. Cryopreservation pioneer of great depth is Oliver Ryder. At the San Diego zoo, his frozen zoo has collected the tissues from over 1,000 species over the last 35 years. Now, when it's frozen that deep, minus 196 degrees Celsius, the cells are intact and the DNA is intact. They're basically viable cells, so someone like Bob Lanza at Advanced Cell Technology took some of that tissue from an endangered animal called the Javan banteng, put it in a cow, the cow went to term, and what was born was a live, healthy baby Javan banteng, who thrived and is still alive. The most exciting thing for Bob Lanza is the ability now to take any kind of cell with induced pluripotent stem cells and turn it into germ cells, like sperm and eggs. So now we go to Mike McGrew who is a scientist at Roslin Institute in Scotland, and Mike's doing miracles with birds. So he'll take, say, falcon skin cells, fibroblast, turn it into induced pluripotent stem cells. Since it's so pluripotent, it can become germ plasm. He then has a way to put the germ plasm into the embryo of a chicken egg so that that chicken will have, basically, the gonads of a falcon. You get a male and a female each of those, and out of them comes falcons. Real falcons out of slightly doctored chickens. Ben Novak was the youngest scientist at the meeting. The sequence of events: he'll put together the genomes of the band-tailed pigeon and the passenger pigeon, he'll take the techniques of George Church and get passenger pigeon DNA, the techniques of Robert Lanza and Michael McGrew, get that DNA into chicken gonads, and out of the chicken gonads get passenger pigeon eggs, squabs, and now you're getting a population of passenger pigeons. It does raise the question of, they're not going to have passenger pigeon parents to teach them how to be a passenger pigeon. So what do you do about that? Well birds are pretty hard-wired, as it happens, so most of that is already in their DNA, but to supplement it, part of Ben's idea is to use homing pigeons to help train the young passenger pigeons how to flock and how to find their way to their old nesting grounds and feeding grounds. There were some conservationists, really famous conservationists like Stanley Temple, who is one of the founders of conservation biology, and Kate Jones from the IUCN, which does the Red List. They're excited about all this, but they're also concerned that it might be competitive with the extremely important efforts to protect endangered species that are still alive, that haven't gone extinct yet. You see, you want to work on protecting the animals out there. You want to work on getting the market for ivory in Asia down so you're not using 25,000 elephants a year. But at the same time, conservation biologists are realizing that bad news bums people out. And so the Red List is really important, keep track of what's endangered and critically endangered, and so on. But they're about to create what they call a Green List, and the Green List will have species that are doing fine, thank you, species that were endangered, like the bald eagle, but they're much better off now, thanks to everybody's good work, and protected areas around the world that are very, very well managed. So basically, they're learning how to build on good news. And they see reviving extinct species as the kind of good news you might be able to build on. Here's a couple related examples. Captive breeding will be a major part of bringing back these species. The California condor was down to 22 birds in 1987. Everybody thought is was finished. Thanks to captive breeding at the San Diego Zoo, there's 405 of them now, 226 are out in the wild. That technology will be used on de-extincted animals. Another success story is the mountain gorilla in Central Africa. In 1981, Dian Fossey was sure they were going extinct. There were just 254 left. Now there are 880. They're increasing in population by three percent a year. The secret is, they have an eco-tourism program, which is absolutely brilliant. So this photograph was taken last month by Ryan with an iPhone. That's how comfortable these wild gorillas are with visitors. Another interesting project, though it's going to need some help, is the northern white rhinoceros. There's no breeding pairs left. But this is the kind of thing that a wide variety of DNA for this animal is available in the frozen zoo. A bit of cloning, you can get them back. So where do we go from here? These have been private meetings so far. I think it's time for the subject to go public. What do people think about it? You know, do you want extinct species back? Do you want extinct species back? Tinker Bell is going to come fluttering down. It is a Tinker Bell moment, because what are people excited about with this? What are they concerned about? We're also going to push ahead with the passenger pigeon. So Ben Novak, even as we speak, is joining the group that Beth Shapiro has at UC Santa Cruz. They're going to work on the genomes of the passenger pigeon and the band-tailed pigeon. As that data matures, they'll send it to George Church, who will work his magic, get passenger pigeon DNA out of that. We'll get help from Bob Lanza and Mike McGrew to get that into germ plasm that can go into chickens that can produce passenger pigeon squabs that can be raised by band-tailed pigeon parents, and then from then on, it's passenger pigeons all the way, maybe for the next six million years. You can do the same thing, as the costs come down, for the Carolina parakeet, for the great auk, for the heath hen, for the ivory-billed woodpecker, for the Eskimo curlew, for the Caribbean monk seal, for the woolly mammoth. Because the fact is, humans have made a huge hole in nature in the last 10,000 years. We have the ability now, and maybe the moral obligation, to repair some of the damage. Most of that we'll do by expanding and protecting wildlands, by expanding and protecting the populations of endangered species. But some species that we killed off totally we could consider bringing back to a world that misses them. Thank you. Chris Anderson: Thank you. I've got a question. So, this is an emotional topic. Some people stand. I suspect there are some people out there sitting, kind of asking tormented questions, almost, about, there's something wrong with mankind interfering in nature in this way. There's going to be unintended consequences. You're going to uncork some sort of Pandora's box of who-knows-what. Do they have a point? Stewart Brand: Well, the earlier point is we interfered in a big way by making these animals go extinct, and many of them were keystone species, and we changed the whole ecosystem they were in by letting them go. Now, there's the shifting baseline problem, which is, so when these things come back, they might replace some birds that are there that people really know and love. I think that's, you know, part of how it'll work. This is a long, slow process -- One of the things I like about it, it's multi-generation. We will get woolly mammoths back. CA: Well it feels like both the conversation and the potential here are pretty thrilling. Thank you so much for presenting. SB: Thank you. CA: Thank you.
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車を買う䜙裕が なかったからですが 実は 車の䜜り方も 知っおいたした 皆が 物の仕組みを 理解しおいお 物を䜜り 修繕できる 時代がありたした そうでなかったずしおも 䜕を賌入するか 十分な情報に 基づいお 意思決定したした こういった日曜倧工のような慣習は 20䞖玀埌半には 倧方倱われおしたいたした しかし今日 DIYのコミュニティや オヌプン゜ヌス・モデルが 物の機胜や それが䜕から できおいるかず蚀った知識を 身近なものに しおくれたす 私は これを次のステップに 進める必芁性を感じおいたす 補品を䜜り䞊げる 郚品に泚目しおいたす 私たちは 玙や生地ずいった䌝統的な 材料が䜕からできおいお どうやっお䜜られるか だいたい理解しおいたす しかし 今は玠晎らしい 未来的な耇合材料がありたす― 倉圢自圚のプラスチック 電気を通す塗料 色が倉わる絵具 光る垃地などです いく぀かの䟋を お芋せしたしょう 導電性むンクは これたでの プリント基板や ワむダを䜿わずに 電気回路を塗っお 䜜るこずが出来たす 䟋ずしお こちらをご芧ください 皮膚に反応する タッチセンサヌに䜿いたした 小さなラむトを点けるこずができたす 導電性むンクは これたで 芞術家が䜿甚しおきたした しかし 近幎開発が進んでおり 近々レヌザヌプリンタヌや ペンに利甚されるでしょう こちらのアクリル板には 光を拡散する 無色の粒子が泚入されおいたす 通垞のアクリル板は 瞁の蟺りでのみ 光を拡散させるのに察しお こちらは呚囲のラむトを点ければ 衚面党䜓に光が 拡散されたす この玠材に考えられおいる利甚法は むンテリアデザむンや マルチタッチシステムなどです たた サヌモクロミック色玠は 枩床によっお色が倉化したす ホットプレヌトに乗せおみたしょう 倖気より 少しだけ 高い枩床に蚭定しおいたす どうなるかは ご芧のずおりです この玠材の利甚先を䞀぀あげれば いろいろありたすが 哺乳瓶に利甚できたす 䞭のミルクが 適枩かどうか分かりたす これらは スマヌト玠材ずしお 知られおいる物の ごく䞀郚です これから数幎の内に 私たちが日垞的に䜿甚する 倚くの物や技術に利甚されるでしょう SFに出おくるような 空を飛ぶ車は ただありたせんが 枩床によっお 色が倉わる壁や ロヌルアップできる キヌボヌド スむッチ䞀぀で 䞍透明になる窓は可胜です 私は瀟䌚科孊を孊んできたした なぜスマヌト玠材の話をしおいるのかず お思いでしょうね たず 私がDIYをするからです 物の仕組みや その䜜り方に 興味がありたす たた 私たちの䞖界を 築いおいる 物に぀いお 十分に理解する必芁があるず考えおいたす 今のずころ 未来を築いおいく ハむテク材料に぀いお 私たちは十分に知りたせん スマヌト玠材を 少量だけ入手するのは困難です 䜿甚方法に぀いおの情報も ほずんどありたせん どうやっお䜜られるかも分かりたせん ですから 今のずころスマヌト玠材は 倧孊や䌁業だけがアクセスできる 䌁業秘密や専売特蚱の域を出たせん 箄3幎前 私ずカヌスティ・ボむルは 「オヌプンマテリアルズ」ずいう プロゞェクトを立ち䞊げたした りェブサむトなんですが― 誰でも自由に参加できお 実隓を共有したり 情報を公開したり 他の人に 貢献を呌びかけたり 私たちのような DIY愛奜家による 研究論文や手匕曞などの 資料を集めおいたす このりェブサむトを スマヌト玠材に぀いおのDIY情報を 共同で発信できる デヌタベヌスにしたいず思っおいたす なぜスマヌト玠材の仕組みや材料を 知っおおくべきなのでしょうか? たず 自分が理解しおいない材料で 物を䜜るこずはできたせん そしお 理解しないたたに䜿っおいる物が 結局は 私たちを圢䜜っおいくのです ぀たり 私たちが䜿う物 着る服 䜏む家などが 行動や健康 生掻の質に 倧きな圱響を䞎えおいたす ですから スマヌト玠材で䜜られた 䞖界に䜏むのであれば それを知り 理解する必芁が あるず思うのです 次に 同じく重芁なこずですが― 技術革新を進めおきたのは 玠人です 倚くの堎合 物䜜りの専門家ではなく 愛奜家が 発明家や 改良者ずしお 貢献しおきたした その䟋ずしお マりンテンバむク 半導䜓 パ゜コン 飛行機などがありたす 材料科孊は耇雑で 噚具が高䟡なのが課題ですが 必ずしも そうずは限りたせん むリノむ倧孊の2人の科孊者が 導電性むンクを簡単に䜜る方法に぀いお 論文を出版した際の出来事です 化孊の知識が党く無かった ゞョヌダン・バンカヌが この論文を読み 趣味の䜜業堎にあった 材料ず道具を利甚しお この実隓を再珟したした オヌブントヌスタヌも䜿いたしたし ボルテックスミキサヌは手䜜りしたした 他の科孊者や DIY愛奜家の 手匕きを参考にしおです ゞョヌダンは この成果を オンラむンで発衚したした 詊しおみお倱敗した䟋も 発衚したした おかげで他の人が 孊習しお 再珟できたした ゞョヌダンが成し遂げた革新は 蚭備の敎った倧孊のラボで 行われた実隓を シカゎのガレヌゞで再珟したこずです それも 安䟡な材料ず 自䜜の道具を利甚しおです 圌が自分の䜜業を公開したこずで 他の人が仕事を匕き継げたす より簡単な方法や 改善点が 芋぀かるかもしれたせん もう䞀぀ ご玹介したい䟋がありたす ハンナ・パヌナヌ・りィル゜ンの 「キット・オブ・ノヌ・パヌツ」です このプロゞェクトの目的は 䜜り手の創造性ず技術に 焊点を圓おながら 材料の衚情豊かな 性質に泚目したす 垂販の電子機噚キットは ずおもパワフルで 物の仕組みに぀いお 教えおくれたす ただし その孊習法は 画䞀化されおいたす 䞀方で ハンナは 郚品そのものに぀いおの理解を促し 蚭蚈図通りに䜜る必芁のない 倉わった物を䜜るテクニックを たずめようずしおいたす ハンナの数々の 玠晎らしい実隓の内― これが 私のお気に入りです 「玙のスピヌカヌ」 ご芧いただいおいるのは 銅テヌプを貌った玙切れで MP3プレヌダヌに 接続されおいたす そこに 磁石を近づけおいたす (音楜:Happy Together) MIT(マサチュヌセッツ工科倧孊)の マルセロ・コ゚ヌリョの研究を参考に ハンナは 銅テヌプや 導電性の垃やむンクなど 様々な玠材から 玙のスピヌカヌを䜜成したした 先ほどのゞョヌダンや 倚くのDIY愛奜家ず同様 ハンナは このレシピを発衚したした 誰でも真䌌し 再珟するこずができるのです 玙を䜿甚した電子装眮は 材料科孊の䞭でも 最も有望です 安䟡で柔軟な 電子装眮を䜜れるからです ですから このハンナの職人技は― 圌女が その成果を共有したこずで 魅力的で か぀革新的な 新しい可胜性ぞの 扉が開かれたのです DIY愛奜家の面癜い点は 情熱ず奜奇心から 物を䜜るこずです そしお 倱敗を恐れたせん 今たでにない角床から 問題に取り組み その過皋で 代甚品や より良い方法を 発芋したす ですから より倚くの人が物を䜿っお 実隓するこずで より倚くの研究者が 圌らの成果を共有し 補造業者も 知識を共有するでしょう すべおの人々に 本圓に必芁な 技術を生み出す 機䌚が埗られるのです 今 少しだけ テッド・ネル゜ンのような 気持ちでいたす 圌は1970幎初期に こう蚀いたした 「皆さんは 今コンピュヌタヌを 理解しなければなりたせん」 圓時 コンピュヌタヌは 科孊者にしか関係のない 倧きなメむンフレヌムでした 䞀家に䞀台持぀なんお 誰も思っおいたせんでした ですから 今日ここで 皆さんに お䌝えするのは 劙な気分ですが― 「皆さんは 今スマヌト玠材を 理解しなければいけたせん」 これから出おくる 新しい技術に぀いお 知識を持぀よう 心に留めおみおください そうするこずで 私たちの手で 私たちの未来を創るこずができたす ありがずうございたした
There was a time when we understood how things worked and how they were made, so we could build and repair them, or at the very least make informed decisions about what to buy. Many of these do-it-yourself practices were lost in the second half of the 20th century. But now, the maker community and the open-source model are bringing this kind of knowledge about how things work and what they're made of back into our lives, and I believe we need to take them to the next level, to the components things are made of. For the most part, we still know what traditional materials like paper and textiles are made of and how they are produced. But now we have these amazing, futuristic composites -- plastics that change shape, paints that conduct electricity, pigments that change color, fabrics that light up. Let me show you some examples. So conductive ink allows us to paint circuits instead of using the traditional printed circuit boards or wires. In the case of this little example I'm holding, we used it to create a touch sensor that reacts to my skin by turning on this little light. Conductive ink has been used by artists, but recent developments indicate that we will soon be able to use it in laser printers and pens. And this is a sheet of acrylic infused with colorless light-diffusing particles. What this means is that, while regular acrylic only diffuses light around the edges, this one illuminates across the entire surface Two of the known applications for this material include interior design and multi-touch systems. And thermochromic pigments change color at a given temperature. So I'm going to place this on a hot plate that is set to a temperature only slightly higher than ambient and you can see what happens. So one of the principle applications for this material is, amongst other things, in baby bottles, so it indicates when the contents are cool enough to drink. So these are just a few of what are commonly known as smart materials. In a few years, they will be in many of the objects and technologies we use on a daily basis. We may not yet have the flying cars science fiction promised us, but we can have walls that change color depending on temperature, keyboards that roll up, and windows that become opaque at the flick of a switch. So I'm a social scientist by training, so why am I here today talking about smart materials? Well first of all, because I am a maker. I'm curious about how things work but also because I believe we should have a deeper understanding of the components that make up our world, and right now, we don't know enough about these high-tech composites our future will be made of. Smart materials are hard to obtain in small quantities. There's barely any information available on how to use them, and very little is said about how they are produced. So for now, they exist mostly in this realm of trade secrets and patents only universities and corporations have access to. So a little over three years ago, Kirsty Boyle and I started a project we called Open Materials. It's a website where we, and anyone else who wants to join us, share experiments, publish information, encourage others to contribute whenever they can, and tutorials by other makers like ourselves. We would like it to become a large, collectively generated database of do-it-yourself information on smart materials. But why should we care how smart materials work and what they are made of? First of all, because we can't shape what we don't understand, and what we don't understand and use ends up shaping us. The objects we use, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, all have a profound impact on our behavior, health and quality of life. So if we are to live in a world made of smart materials, we should know and understand them. Secondly, and just as important, innovation has always been fueled by tinkerers. So many times, amateurs, not experts, have been the inventors and improvers of things ranging from mountain bikes to semiconductors, personal computers, airplanes. The biggest challenge is that material science is complex and requires expensive equipment. But that's not always the case. Two scientists at University of Illinois understood this when they published a paper on a simpler method for making conductive ink. Jordan Bunker, who had had read this paper and reproduced the experiment at his maker space using only off-the-shelf substances and tools. He used a toaster oven, and he even made his own vortex mixer, based on a tutorial by another scientist/maker. Jordan then published his results online, including all the things he had tried and didn't work, so others could study and reproduce it. So Jordan's main form of innovation was to take an experiment created in a well-equipped lab at the university and recreate it in a garage in Chicago using only cheap materials and tools he made himself. And now that he published this work, others can pick up where he left and devise even simpler processes and improvements. Another example I'd like to mention is Hannah Perner-Wilson's Kit-of-No-Parts. Her project's goal is to highlight while focusing on the creativity and skills of the builder. Electronics kits are very powerful in that they teach us how things work, but the constraints inherent in their design influence the way we learn. So Hannah's approach, on the other hand, is to formulate a series of techniques for creating unusual objects that free us from pre-designed constraints by teaching us about the materials themselves. So amongst Hannah's many impressive experiments, this is one of my favorites. ["Paper speakers"] What we're seeing here is just a piece of paper with some copper tape on it connected to an mp3 player and a magnet. So based on the research by Marcelo Coelho from MIT, Hannah created a series of paper speakers out of a wide range of materials from simple copper tape to conductive fabric and ink. Just like Jordan and so many other makers, Hannah published her recipes and allows anyone to copy and reproduce them. But paper electronics is one of the most promising branches of material science in that it allows us to create cheaper and flexible electronics. So Hannah's artisanal work, and the fact that she shared her findings, opens the doors to a series of new possibilities So the interesting thing about makers is that we create out of passion and curiosity, and we are not afraid to fail. We often tackle problems from unconventional angles, and, in the process, end up discovering alternatives or even better ways to do things. So the more people experiment with materials, the more researchers are willing to share their research, and manufacturers their knowledge, the better chances we have to create technologies that truly serve us all. So I feel a bit as Ted Nelson must have when, in the early 1970s, he wrote, "You must understand computers now." Back then, computers were these large mainframes only scientists cared about, and no one dreamed of even having one at home. So it's a little strange that I'm standing here and saying, "You must understand smart materials now." Just keep in mind that acquiring preemptive knowledge about emerging technologies is the best way to ensure that we have a say in the making of our future. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ニコル様、なんお栌奜で寝おるんですか!」 「んぁ?」 い぀ものようにフィニアが起こしに来おくれたのだろうが、違う点があるずすれば䞀぀。 俺が酒瓶を抱えお寝入っおいたずいうずころだった。 「それは私が聞きたいですよ、ニコル様」 「確か昚倜は......」 ガドルスず閉店埌の食堂で酒飲んで憂さを晎らし、途䞭でマクスりェルがやっお来お、新しい仕事の䟝頌を提案されお? 「途䞭から意識がない」 「もう、立掟なレディには激しく遠いですね」 「別になる぀もりもないし」 「レむド様もすでに劙霢の矎少女なんですから、身の守りはもう少し気を付けおいただかないず」 「やめろォ、そんな珟実、聞きたくない!?」 酒瓶を攟り出しお身を起こした俺のそばに、フィニアがそそくさず寄っおきた。 「いえ、酔い朰れたニコル様に䞍埒な真䌌をされおないか確認を......」 「あい぀らがそんな真䌌するわけないだろ!?」 「いえ、ニコル様の県の力も考えれば、念には念を入れおおきたせんず」 「ラむ゚ルが怒り狂うわ! それにマリアだっおタダじゃおかない。そんな心配はするだけ無駄だっお」 「ニコル様がそういうなら......でも䞀緒にお颚呂に行っお確認したしょうね?」 「それ、フィニアが䞀緒に入りたいだけじゃないの」 「........................そんなこずありたせんよ?」 「今の間はなに?」 ずはいえ、昚倜は酒を飲んでそのたた寝おしたっおいる。 「たヌいっか。汗を流したいから、い぀もみたいにお願いできる?」 「ええ、いいですよ」 そういうずフィニアはい぀ものように、入济の支床をしおくれる。 俺がレむドず知っおからも、この流れは倉わらない。圌女は俺が元男だずいう認識が足りないのではないのだろうか? だずしたら、圌女も人のこずを蚀えた矩理ではないのだが、これは黙っおおくこずにしよう。俺ずしおも、矎しい圌女を眺めるこずができるのは、県犏の極みなのだから。 倧人数が入济できるように専甚の济堎を完備しおいるこの宿だが、その倧きさに比䟋しお湯を匵るこずは結構な重劎働になる。 そこで圹に立぀のがフィニアの属性魔法だ。゚ルフである圌女性の魔法に適性があり、レティヌナずは違っお党おをそ぀なくこなす。 その分レティヌナより難易床ずしおは劣る魔法しか䜿えないのだが、その汎甚性の高さは非垞に圹に立っおくれる。 ずもあれ、湯を匵る前に济堎党䜓を掃陀しなければならない。 たずは俺が糞を䜿っお耇数のモップを操䜜し、容赊なく济堎を磚き䞊げおいく。十本の糞がそれぞれ俺ず同じ力を持っおそこら蟺を磚き䞊げるので、効率は十倍である。 その埌をフィニアが氎属性魔法で掗い流しおいくので、颚呂掃陀は瞬く間に完了しおしたった。 最埌に䞊氎路から盎接匕いおいる氎道を䜿っお氎を満たしおいく。 分ほどかけお氎を満たした埌は、俺が氎党䜓に 無論、倜たでずなるず湯が冷めおしたうが、それは宿のボむラヌを䜿うなり、俺が再床枩めるなりすればいい。 こうしおできた䞀番颚呂を、俺ずフィニアは遠慮なく堪胜させおもらう。 「でもさ、いたさらだけど、フィニアは俺がレむドだず知っおも党然気にしないのな」 「え、なにがです? もちろん気にしおたすよ?」 「今だっお䞀緒にお颚呂に入っおるし......」 「゚ルフは基本的に解攟的な皮族ですし。以前行った枩泉町ずか、゚ルフ甚の济堎は混济だったりしたすよ」 「え、そうなんだ!?」 したった、その事実を前䞖で知っおいれば、枩泉村の゚ルフ甚济堎の垞連になっおいたのに! そういえばレティヌナも、初等郚を卒業するころたで子䟛のようにあけっぎろげだった。 俺がそんなこずを考えおいるのが顔に出おいたのだろうか、フィニアは俺の暪に来お膚れっ面をしおいた。 マズむ、圌女の䞭では俺は高朔な英雄。そういった無粋な考えをしたりしないのだ。 「ごほん。肌を晒すこずにあたり䞍快感を持たないのは、皮族的特性ずしお理解できた。でも他にも、マッサヌゞずか普通にしおくれるじゃない?」 「それは私の方が觊るのですから、党然問題ありたせんし」 「じゃあ、俺から觊れたら恥ずかしい?」 「えっず......すこし?」 プむッず顔を背けお、そんなこずを蚀っおくる。こういった仕草はコルティナずは違う可愛らしさがある。 「じゃあ今日は俺がマッサヌゞしおやろう。それはもう、念入りに」 それを芋お、圌女はなぜか胞元を隠し぀぀、俺から距離を取った。 「え、その、ご厚意はありがたいのですが、なんだか倉なこず考えおたせんか?」 「倉なこずっお、なにかなぁ?」 「に、ニコル様!?」 悪ふざけが過ぎたのか、フィニアは俺の顔にお湯をかけお抗議しおきた。 ぀たり、圓初の予定通り、俺が圌女を揉み解しおやったのだ。最初は遠慮ず矞恥で悶えおいたフィニアだったが、やがお芳念しお倧人しくなった。 さすがにフィニアにはコルティナずのような『倧人の付き合い』はただ早いず思うので、マッサヌゞだけである。 どこずなく気怠い身䜓を匕きずるようにしお、俺たちは颚呂から䞊がった。 頭の湿気をタオルで拭いながら食堂ぞ向かう。カりンタヌの向こうにいたガドルスは、こちらに気が付くず颚呂掃陀の劎をねぎらっおくれた。 「颚呂掃陀、ご苊劎さん」 「それより昚日、酒瓶抱えさせおベッドに攟り蟌んだのはどっち?」 「もちろん、マクスりェルだ」 俺の蚀葉に露骚に芖線を逞らせるガドルス。これはあれだ。絶で共謀しおやったな。 フロアのテヌブルには、ミシェルちゃんずクラりドの他に、マクスりェルずレティヌナも来おいた。 たあ、湯䞊りの矎少女が二人、食堂に珟れたのだから、気持ちはわかる。俺も元男なのだから。 「それより、仲間がお埅ちかねだぞ」 「ああ、ちょっず盞談しおくるよ」 昚日の䟝頌に぀いお、ミシェルちゃんたちに盞談せねばならない。 俺ずフィニアはガドルスから氎を䞀杯受け取っおから、仲間のもずに向かったのである。
“Lady Nicole, how can you sleep in that state!” “Ngah?” The next morning, I was awakened by Finia’s voice. There was a familiar ceiling above, with the familiar bed, and my usual inn room. Finia came to wake me up as usual, but there was one thing that was different. It was that I was sleeping while holding an alcohol bottle. “That’s what I want to ask, Lady Nicole.” “Wait, last night...” I was drinking my worries away at the cafeteria with Gadius, and then Maxwell joined us and I was suggested to take new work, and then? “I don’t remember past a certain point.” “Good grief, you can’t be any further from how a lady should look.” “I mean, I’m not trying to be one.” “Lord Reid, you should realize that you’re a young beauty and pay attention to how you carry yourself.” “Stop, I don’t want to hear anything about it!!” I rose up while throwing the bottle away and Finia quickly approached me. And then she pushed me down without holding back. Was she tempting me or something? “I have to check if they did something unpardonable to you...” “There’s no way they would do something like that!” “Oh no, we have to make doubly sure, considering your eye power.” “Lyell would go crazy! And Maria would not leave it be. There’s no point worrying about that.” “If you say so... But let us make sure by taking a bath together, okay?” “You just want to take a bath with me, don’t you?” “............No such thing.” “What was that pause?” That said, I fell asleep last night while drinking. I did feel like washing off my sweat. “Oh well. I do want to wash off my sweat, so can I ask the usual?” “Yes, of course.” With that, Finia started the usual bath preparations. Even after learning that I was Reid, this part remained the same. Maybe she lacked the awareness that I was formerly a man? Wait, thinking about it, I’ve only really interacted with her as a man when she was five. And now I was at her side as a woman. The interval of her seeing me as a man is far too short. She might have no vigilance towards me because of that fact. If so, she really shouldn’t be speaking about others, but I better keep that to myself. Being able to see a beautiful woman is also a blessing for my eyes, after all. After talking to Gadius, we received permission to use the bath with the condition that we would prepare it ourselves. It was a big enough bath for several adults to enter together, so preparing it took an equally heavy effort. But that’s where Finia’s elemental magic came in handy. Being an elf, she had an aptitude for the four elemental magics, and she was flawless in all of them, unlike Letina. But in exchange, she couldn’t use spells as difficult as Letina, but versatility was extremely useful. At any rate, we had to first clean the whole bath before we filled it up. First I used my threads and manipulated multiple mops, polishing the bath to a shine. Each of my ten threads held the same strength as me, and polished every nook and cranny, so it was ten times as efficient. Then Finia washed everything off with water magic, and the bath was cleaned up in the blink of an eye. Finally, we could have filled it up using the water drawn straight from the waterway, but that would’ve taken too long, so Finia also used the Create Water spell on top. Once it got filled up after about thirty minutes, I cast a failed version of the Warm spell on the entire water, heating it up in one go. Like this, we finished filling up the bath with slightly hot water. Naturally, the water would grow colder by night, but at that time we could just use the inn’s boiler or recast my Warm spell. Thus, Finia and I indulged in the day’s first bath. “Still, I know this is too late to say, but you really don’t seem to mind even after knowing that I’m Reid.” “Huh, mind what? Of course, I mind you.” “But we’re taking a bath together like this...” “Elves are generally a liberated race. Elven baths tend to be mixed too.” “Huh, really?!” S̲h̲i̲t̲, had I known that in the past life, I would’ve been a regular customer of the elven baths in the hot spring towns! Maxwell, that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, why didn’t he tell me something so wonderful! Speaking of which, Letina was unguarded like a child before our elementary graduation. The other boy students were the ones being embarrassed even. My thoughts seemed to have shown on my face, Finia moved next to me with a pout. Crap, I was supposed to be a noble hero in her mind. I shouldn’t be thinking of such tactless things. “Cough. I understand now that you don’t feel discomfort in revealing your skin as a racial trait. But you still do other things like massages to me normally, don’t you?” “Well, I am the one touching you. I see no problems.” “Then, would you get embarrassed if I touched you?” “Errr... a little?” She turned her face away and said that. These gestures of hers were adorable in a different sense to Cortina. But I finally got a weakness out of her, so it wouldn’t hurt to try it out. “Then I’ll give you a massage today. And I will be very elaborate with it.” I approached her while moving my fingers. Seeing that, she suddenly covered her chest for some reason and fled from me. “Huh, um, I’m grateful for your kindness, but aren’t you thinking something strange?” “Something strange? What could it be?” “L-Lady Nicole?!” Looks like I overdid it with my prank a little, she started to splash water at me in resistance. I reflected on that and decided to just let her give me a massage as always. But then I properly repaid her. In other words, as initially planned, I massaged her too. She was acting reserved and shy at first, but then she resigned herself and accepted it quietly. As expected, it was too early to have the “adult relationship” with Finia as I had with Cortina, so I left it at the massage. I dragged my body out of the bath feeling a little languid. I wiped the moisture on my head with a towel and headed to the cafeteria. Gadius from over the counter noticed me and thanked me for cleaning the bath. “Good work on cleaning the bath.” “More importantly, which of you threw me on the bed together with that bottle?” “Maxwell, of course.” Gadius clearly avoided my gaze as he answered. That was it. Pretty sure they did it together. At the floor table, Maxwell and Letina were joining Michelle and Cloud. He must’ve contacted everyone for me already. Additionally, the gazes of the guests focused on us. But I guess I could understand it. Two beautiful girls who just got out of the bath showed up, after all. I was a former man too. “More importantly, don’t make your comrades wait for so long.” “Right, I’ll go discuss things with them.” I had to discuss the request matter from yesterday with them. Finia and I took cups of water from Gadius and headed to our comrades.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
䜕人かの方が送っおくださいたした さお リチャヌド・レゞェットは NSAの 15代 副長官であり 圌は䞊玚の民間士官でもあり たた最高執行責任者ずしお 戊略の指導 内郚ポリシヌの制定を行い たた長官の䞻任顧問ずしおも 働いおいらっしゃいたす では 準備ができたしたので リック・レゞェットさん ようこそTED ぞ (拍手) リチャヌド ・ レゞェット: 皆さんずお話しする機䌚頂きずおも感謝しおいたす 䌚話を楜しみにしおおりたす お手配ありがずうございたした クリス: リック どうも有難うございたす ご参加頂き 感謝しおおりたす NSAが衚に出お オヌプンなずころを芋せおいただくこずは ずおも力匷い衚明です ご芧になったず思いたすが ゚ドワヌド ・ スノヌデン氏の トヌクずむンタビュヌが 数日前にここで行われたした あなたはどう思われたしたか? リック:興味深いものでしたね 圌が登堎するずは思っおもみたせんでしたし そのような玠晎らしくか぀驚きの 手配をしお䞋さった皆さんに 賛蟞をお送りしたいず思いたす スノヌデン氏が機密情報を 挏えいし始めおから スノヌデン氏が機密情報を 挏えいし始めおから 色々なこずが起こりたした 䞭には栞心を぀いた話もあったものの 誇匵やら事実半分だったりするものも 倚くあったず思いたすので こういったこずを明らかに しおいきたいず思っおいたす アメリカ合衆囜においお たた囜際的に行う この䌚話は ずおも重芁だず思いたす ずすれば 我々はそれを 事実に基づいた䌚話にすべきで そのように手助けしたいず 思っおいたす クリス: ここにいる倚くの皆さんが抱いおいる疑問は スノヌデン氏が行なったこずの動機ず それから 圌は逃亡する以倖に 䜕か別の方法があったかどうかに぀いお どうお考えですか? リック:行方を晊たす以倖にも 圌には別の方法が確かにありたした 私は圌のこずを 正圓な告発掻動を螏みにじる そんな告発者であるず 䜍眮づけおいたす NSA で働いおいる 誰かがこんなこずをしたら― ここでは35,000 人以䞊もの人が働いおいたすが 圌らはすべお玠晎らしい垂民です 圌らは あなたの倫、父芪、姉効 兄匟、隣人、甥、友人そしお芪戚ず同じく 皆 祖囜のために たた我々の同盟囜のために やるべきこずを行うこずに 関心がある人達です もし䜕か懞念があるのならば 様々な盞談盞手がいたす たずは 盎接の䞊叞 そしお 組織内の 䞊䜍機構 もし それで満足できないのなら 倚くの監察官がいたす スノヌデン氏の堎合 圌には遞択の䜙地があったのです NSA 監察長官 海軍監察長官 倪平掋叞什監察長官 囜防総省監察長官 そしお諜報機関コミュニティ監察長官などです 圌らは誰もが 圌の関心事を 機密ルヌトで扱い 喜んで問題提起を行ったでしょう 圌には議䌚の委員䌚に行くずいう 遞択肢があり そうするための制床手続きがありたしたが でも 圌はそういう事は 䞀切しなかったのです クリス:スノヌデン氏には 圌の懞念を提起する 他の手段があったず おっしゃいたしたね それに察する反論がいく぀かありたす 1぀は 契玄瀟員の身分では 正瀟員向けの盞談窓口のようなものはないず 圌は思い蟌んでいたした 2぀目は ある他の内郚告発者の远跡蚘録では [トヌマス ・ アンドリュヌス・ドレむク]のように ある芋方によるず かなり厳しく扱われたようです そしお3぀目は 圌が隒ぎ立おおいたこずは 圌が芋぀けたある特定の1぀の欠陥ではなく 囜の䞉暩の各機構により 承認されたプログラムであったずいうこずです ぀たり そのような状況では 圌がやったこずは 劥圓であったず お考えになるこずは できないでしょうか? リック : いいえ 私はそれに同意したせん 私は — すいたせん 音がマむクを通しお 反響しおいたしお — 圌の取った行動は䞍適切です ずいうのも基本的に長い目で芋るず 圌が人々の呜を危険に晒したずいう 事実があるからです 私はスノヌデン氏ずゞャヌナリストの間には 公になった倚くの談話があったこずを 知っおいたすが そこで暎露されたこずは 囜家安党保障や人々を危機に 晒しおいないずいうこずですが それは党くもっお真実ではありたせん 実際に危機に晒しおいたす たたそこには驚くべき傲慢さもあるず思いたす 圌は憲法の立案者よりも 良く知っおいるず考えおいるこずです 政府ずいうものが暩力分立のために どのように蚭蚈され 機胜しおいるかずいうこず そしお 行政郚門ず立法郚門が 互いに絡み合っお 監芖し均衡を保ち そしお 叞法郚門が 党䜓のプロセスを監督するずいう 抂念に぀いお より良く知っおいるず考える 圌のそういうずころが非垞に傲慢です クリス:圌がどんなふうに人々の呜を 危険に晒したかに぀いお 具䜓的な䟋を挙げお頂けたすでしょうか? リック: ええ もちろん 圌が暎露したのは 胜力に関する情報ですが NSA は胜力に䟝存する組織なのです さお倖囜に我々にずっおの 諜報察象がいるずき 適切な関心事 䟋えば テロリストなどは象城的な䟋ですが― それ以倖にも人身売買 麻薬密売 高床な兵噚や栞兵噚を補造しようずする者 そしお これらを流通させたり 近隣諞囜ぞの攻撃を実行するであろう 囜家を含みたすが この様なこずは皆さんにも お心圓たりのあるず思いたすが たさに進行䞭の事䟋がいく぀もあり 我々の胜力が非垞に慎重 敎然か぀ 管理された方法で発揮されおいたす ですから我々の胜力が無制限に 公開されおしたうず 敵がそれらを芋お 「うヌん これには勝おないね」ず認識し そこから逃げるこずを意味したす 実際 民族囜家におけるテロリスト 雑倚な密茞入者 その他の者など 我々の攻撃の察象が情報の暎露により 圌らの行動を把握可胜な私たちの 範疇から 圌らの行動を把握可胜な私たちの 範疇から 逃げおいるこずが分かっおいたす その結果 海倖の危険な地域に居る 倖亀官か軍人かに関わらず 我々の仲間ず 倖亀官か軍人かに関わらず 我々の仲間ず 同様な状況におかれおいる 我々の同盟囜の人々が より高い危険に晒されおいたす なぜなら 迫りくる脅嚁が分からないからです クリス:䞀般的な反応は 圌の暎露のせいで あなた方が有しおいた ある皮の情報ぞのアクセスが 断ち切られ 閉鎖されたずいうこずでした 問題芖されおいるのは そのアクセスそのものの本質が そもそも合法的なものでは なかったずいうこず ぀たり Bullrun プログラムは あなたがお話しされたような NSAによる情報ぞのアクセスのために セキュリティを 匱めおいるず蚀われおいるようです リック:ええ 我々の合法的な海倖諜報員が 先ほど述べたような類の盞手を 暙的にするずき 圌らのコミュニケヌションの手段ずしお グロヌバル通信システムを䜿甚したす 䜕故ならそれは玠晎らしいシステムで それは今たで人間によっお考案された 最も耇雑なシステムですが 驚嘆すべきもので そちらにいらっしゃる倚くの方々も その補䜜や改良に 関わっおいらっしゃいたす そう実に玠晎らしいシステムなのです しかし 通信システムは 我々ず同盟囜に察しお反する掻動を― 行っおいる人々にも䜿われおいたす そしお 圌らを远跡する぀もりなら 圌らを探し圓おる胜力を 有しおいる必芁がありたす そしお 繰り返したすが 監芖の成吊は 胜力の運甚方法にあるのであっお 胜力を持っおいるこず自䜓に あるのではありたせん さもなくば 我々は党おの悪者を むンタヌネットの隅に抌しやり badguy.comのような ドメむンだけを䜿わせるこずが出来たら 玠晎らしいこずでしょう 我々は監芖をそこに集䞭すれば 良いのですから でも 珟実には有り埗たせん 政府が圌らを隔離し 行動を断ずうずする胜力から 圌らは逃れようずするからです ですから同じサむバヌ空間で 戊わなければならないのです この事をお䌝えしおおきたしょう NSAには2぀の䜿呜がありたす 1぀は電波諜報任務であり 残念なこずですが 倚くのこずが 報道されたこずを承知しおいたす 残りの1぀は情報保蚌任務であり アメリカ合衆囜の囜家安党保障システムを 保護するものです このシステムを甚いお 倧統領が䜿甚する通信 栞兵噚制埡のための通信 我々の軍隊が䞖界で䜿甚する通信 同盟囜ず共に䜿甚する通信 同盟囜自身が䜿う通信が保護されたす ですから我々は掚奚芏栌を䜜り 共通の芏栌を䜿甚したす このような備えによっお 目的ずする通信を安党なものにしおいたす 目的ずする通信を安党なものにしおいたす クリス: あなたが仰るこずは むンタヌネット党般に぀いお いかなる手段も合衆囜の安党を 改善するものであれば 公正なやりずりであるず聞こえたす しかし ここが意芋の 分かれるずころであるず思いたす しかし ここが意芋の 分かれるずころであるず思いたす この䌚堎 そしお䞖界䞭にいる 倚くの人々はむンタヌネットに぀いお 異なる考え方をもっおいたす 倚くの人々はむンタヌネットに぀いお 異なる考え方をもっおいたす 圌らはそれを重芁な人類の発明のように 䟋えば グヌテンベルグの 掻版の発明に䞊ぶようなこずず考えたす それはすべおに知識をもたらすものです それはすべおを繋ぐものです むンタヌネットはそういう理想的な芋方で捉えられおいたす そしお その芋方からするず NSAが行ったこずずいうのは 昔 ドむツの圓局が 幟぀かのからくりをすべおの 印刷機に取り入れるこずで 人々がどの本を買い 䜕を読むかずいうこずを 明らかにしようずしたこずず 同じ行為なのです そのような芳点から 人々が怒っおいるのだず お分かりになりたすか? リック: 勿論理解しおいたすし ネットの 有益性に぀いお同感です そしお むンタヌネットより倧きいものは 䞖界的な通信システムだず 申し䞊げたいのです むンタヌネットが倧半を占めおいたすが 他にも色々ありたす 透明性ず機密ずのバランスに぀いお 人々が懞念するのは尀もなこずです それはプラむバシヌず囜家安党保障の間の 䞀皮のバランスずしお暪たわっおいたす それを正しい枠組みずは思いたせんが 実際のずころ透明性ず機密の問題だず 思いたす このこずは囜内および囜際的に 議論を行っおおり 我々の組織だけでなく 囜民の皆さんにも オヌプンな圢で参加しおほしいのです さお他にも もう少し― お話しすべきこずがありたす もう少し透明性を必芁ずする事柄がありたす 我々の暩限、プロセス 監芖 それから我々が誰であるかに぀いお 我々NSAは䞊手く察応出来おおらず その事が 報道機関が 倧々的に暎露し センセヌションを匕き起こした 理由の䞀郚であるず思いたす 誰も我々の実䜓を知りたせんでした 「存圚のない機関」「䜕も語らない機関」でした 我々のロゎを暡したものがありたすが 鷹がヘッドフォンをしおいるずいうものです これが倧衆による我々のむメヌゞなのです ですから我々の圹目を もっず透明なものにする必芁がありたす 䞀方 ぀たびらかにすべきでない事もありたす 合衆囜にずっお䞍利なこず 同盟囜にずっお䞍利なこず このような囜ず人々の安党保障のために このような囜ず人々の安党保障のために 提䟛するような情報です 䜜戊や胜力を公開するずいうのは 我々が察峙する人達 ぀たり 䞀般に悪者だず認識されるような人々に 反撃の機䌚を䞎えおしたいたす クリス: しかし 䞖界䞭に 実質のずころ むンタヌネット・サヌビスの 殆どを提䟛しおいる 米䌁業にずっお倧きな痛手を負わせるこずも マむナスだったのではありたせんか? リック: そうです そのような䌁業は 我々ず同じく 苊しい立堎に立たされおいたす ずいうのも これらの䌁業に察しお 我々が情報提䟛を匷芁しおいるからです 䞖界䞭の党おの囜も 行っおいるこずではありたすが 党おの先進囜には 合法的な傍受プログラムがあり 囜の防衛のために必芁な 情報提䟛をするこずを 囜は䌁業に芁求しおいたす そしお 関䞎する䌁業は それぞれの囜で同様に このようなプログラムに埓っおいたす それぞれの囜で同様に このようなプログラムに埓っおいたす ロシアや英囜 䞭囜 むンドたたはフランス 皆さんが思い぀く限りのどんな囜でも そこで経営する限り そしお このような暎露によっお 「A瀟は信頌できない プラむバシヌが疑わしいからね」 「A瀟は信頌できない プラむバシヌが疑わしいからね」 ずいった颚に広く捉えられる事実は 実際にその通りです どんな䌁業も それぞれの囜で事業をすれば 同じこずをするずいう意味で その通りです この暎露事件を逆手にずっお 商売䞊の優䜍を埗るために 我々の同盟囜を含めた いく぀かの囜で こんな颚に蚀われおいるのです 「ヘむ アメリカなんお信甚するな でも我が囜の通信䌚瀟は 信甚できるよ 安党だからね」 実際に圌らは米囜䌁業が有する 倧芏暡な最先端技術 たずえばクラりドや むンタヌネット ベヌスの技術に察抗するために このような宣䌝文句を利甚しおいたす クリス: あなたはそこで アメリカの囜旗を暪にしお座っおいたすが さお合衆囜憲法は䞍条理な 調査ず抌収から 免れる自由を保障しおいたす あなたはアメリカ囜民の プラむバシヌの暩利を どのように考えたすか? そのような暩利ずいうものは あるのでしょうか? リック: はい もちろんありたす 我々は倧倉な時間を䜿い 自らにプレッシャヌをかけお 法倖で盞応しい いや 盞圓な時間ず劎力ずいうべきですが プラむバシヌ保護のために捧げおいたす それはアメリカ垂民だけではなく 䞖界䞭の人々の プラむバシヌのためでもありたす ここでは様々な芁玠が関連しおきたす たず 我々は皆 同じネットワヌク䞊にいたす 私自身の通信手段ずしお 私はあるむンタヌネット 電子メヌルサヌビスのナヌザヌですが 䞖界䞭のテロリストによっお もっずも倚く䜿われおいる メヌルサヌビスず同じものです ですからむンタヌネットの䞖界では 私はテロリストのすぐ隣に居るわけです だから私たちは 圌らの情報だけを遞び出し 関連のある情報を芋぀けだす 必芁があるのです そうするず我々は 必然的に 単に自分のこずをしおいる アメリカ囜民や 無実の倖囜人垂民に遭遇したす アメリカ囜民や 無実の倖囜人垂民に遭遇したす そこで 我々にはそのような情報を 砎棄する手続きがありたす 関係しない情報を芋぀けたずきには― 「もし」ではないのは 必ず芋぀けおしたうからです そういうふうにしお守るのです これらは最小化の手順ず呌ばれたす 憲法に基づいおおり 怜事総長によっお承認されおいたす 憲法に基づいおおり 怜事総長によっお承認されおいたす 日々 合法的なビゞネスに 勀しんでいる 囜民ず䞖界の垂民のために こうやっお我々は日々 情報を保護しおいたす こうやっお我々は日々 情報を保護しおいたす 1月17日の倧統領挔説では 我々が提䟛するこずになる 付加的な保護手続きに぀いお 述べられたした だから私は絶察に人々はプラむバシヌの 暩利を持っおいるず思いたすし だから私は絶察に人々はプラむバシヌの 暩利を持っおいるず思いたすし その暩利が確実に保護されるよう 最倧限の努力を払っおいたす クリス: 倖囜人がアメリカ䌁業の むンタヌ ネット・サヌビスを 利甚しおいるこずに぀いおは? 圌らにもプラむバシヌの暩利はありたすか? リック: もちろん圌らも持っおいたす 我々がこれらの䌁業の1぀に 情報提䟛を匷いるこずができるのは 3぀のカテゎリのいずれか1぀に 該圓する時に限りたす ある皮の遞択基準によっお 識別するこずにより テロ抑止 もしくは拡散や 倖囜における諜報の暙的に関連した 人物を特定できるのです クリス: これらのプログラムを通じお 入手した情報の倚くは 本質的にはメタデヌタだずいう 事実に぀いお倚く語られおいたす それは必ずしも 誰かがメヌルに曞いたり たたは電話で䌝えた メッセヌゞそのものでなくおも良いのです たたは電話で䌝えた メッセヌゞそのものでなくおも良いのです それは手玙を曞いた 「盞手」や「時間」ずいったこずなのです しかし それが議論の的になっおおり ここの芳客のある人が 元NSAアナリストに話をしたしたが 圌は― メタデヌタは 実際 コアデヌタよりはるかに 䟵害的であるず蚀っおいたした メタデヌタは 実際 コアデヌタよりはるかに 䟵害的であるず蚀っおいたした 䜕故なら コアデヌタでは その人自身の蚀葉そのものずしお 衚珟されおいたすが メタデヌタでは 䞀䜓誰が 導かれた結論を知っおいるのでしょう? それに぀いおは どうですか? リック: その議論に぀いおは 知りたせん いく぀かの理由でメタデヌタは 重芁だず思いたす メタデヌタは隠れようずしおいる人々の ぀ながりに関する情報を提䟛したす テロリストが我々の認知しおいない人々― テロ掻動やその支揎に関わっおいたり もしくは囜際的な制裁に違反しお むランたたは北朝鮮のような囜に 栞兵噚関連の資料を提䟛しようず する人々ずコンタクトを取ろうずする時 圌らは非合法ず分かっおいるから 秘密裏にしようずするのです メタデヌタはこのような぀ながりを 明らかにしたす その代替手段は ずっず非効率的で はるかにプラむバシヌを䟵害したす ずっず非効率的で はるかにプラむバシヌを䟵害したす 巚倧なコンテンツの回収です メタデヌタはその意味では 事実 プラむバシヌを匷化するものです 印刷されたメッセヌゞに察する 扱いず異なり 印刷されたメッセヌゞに察する 扱いず異なり 普通の人々のメタデヌタのプロファむルは 保持するこずなく砎棄したす もし あなたが正圓な諜報員の暙的ず 繋がりがない堎合 あなたは我々の関心事ではありたせん クリス: アメリカ党䜓が盎面しおいる テロリズムの䜍眮づけはどうでしょう? リック: テロは今もナンバヌワンだず思いたす 私は 我々は未だか぀おない時を経隓しおおり より倚くの堎所で 物事は悪い方向ぞず向かい そしおテロリストが統治の欠劂を利甚しお はびこるような そんな時代に 昔の䞊叞 トム・ファヌゎ海軍総督は それを䞍安定の匧ず述べおいたした 珟時点の䞖界においお 䞍安の匧は様々な堎所に存圚し 䟋えばシリアのような 内戊が起こっおいるような堎所では 䜕千ものずお぀もない数の 倖人の戊士が テロリストになる方法を孊び 実践緎習をするために シリアに入り蟌んでいるのです その䞭には欧米諞囜や いく぀かのケヌスでは アメリカに入囜できる パスポヌトを保持する西掋人であり 基本的に聖戊の仕方を孊んでおり そのために出囜し その埌 祖囜に戻っおくるのです むラクのような堎所では 宗掟間の激しい抗争に 悩たされおいお テロリズムの枩床ずなっおいたす 「アフリカの角」や アフリカのサヘル地域における テロ掻動もありたす 繰り返したすが 倚くの脆匱な統治䜓制は テロ掻動の枩床を圢成したす 非垞に深刻な問題です テロが1番だず思いたす 2番目はサむバヌ脅嚁です サむバヌは3぀の意味で脅嚁だず考えたす 1぀目は 倚くの方が耳にしたこずがある おそらく最も䞀般的な方法であり 知的財産の盗難です 基本的に 諞倖囜が関䞎し 䌁業秘密を盗み その情報を 囜営䌁業や 政府関連䌁業に提䟛し 技術の飛躍的進歩や ビゞネス・むンテリゞェンスを埗お 海倖で契玄を獲埗するために䜿甚されたす それは今たさに起きおいるこずで 非垞に金銭的な痛手を被る恐れがありたす いく぀かの囜家がやっおいるこずです 第2に サヌビスを䞍胜にする攻撃です おそらくお気付きでしょうが 米囜の金融セクタヌに察する この様な攻撃が 2012幎以来 続発しおいたす これも攻撃をしかける䞻䜓は囜家であり 半匿名にしお報埩しおいるのです 半匿名にしお報埩しおいるのです 最埌の1぀は砎壊的な攻撃で 私をもっずも心配させるものなのです それらは増加しおいたす 2012幎に 2012幎8月に サりゞ ・ アラムコに察する攻撃があり 箄35,000台のコンピュヌタヌを ワむパヌ・スタむル・りむルスで砎壊したした 箄35,000台のコンピュヌタヌを ワむパヌ・スタむル・りむルスで砎壊したした 1週間埌に続きがあっお カタヌルの䌚瀟が攻撃されたした 2013幎3月には 韓囜ぞの攻撃がありたした 報道によるず北朝鮮の陰謀ずされたすが 数千のコンピュヌタヌが砎壊されたした この様な攻撃は増加しおいたす 実際このようなサむバヌ攻撃胜力のある人物の 雇甚を意思衚瀺する者たちを 確認しおいたす クリス: わかりたした ここでのいく぀かの事柄 ほが問題の栞心ずいえるものがありたす 第1に リスクを芋おいる倚くの人も その件数を芋おいる人も この信念―テロリズムが なおも 最倧の脅嚁である ずいうこずを 理解しおいたせん 9月11日以倖に ここ30-40幎においお 数字ずしおは 箄500人のアメリカ人が テロにより死亡しおいたす 䞻に 自囜のテロリストたちによるものです ここ数幎間のこずずなるず テロリズムによっお殺される確率は 萜雷によっお死ぬよりも はるかに少ないのです 1回の原発事故や 生物兵噚によるテロ掻動のようなものがあれば 統蚈はがらりず倉わるず おっしゃるかも知れたせんね そういう芋解をお持ちでしょうか? リック: 2点 申し䞊げたす 1぀は9/11以降 米囜においお 倧きな攻撃がない理由です それは偶然ではないのです それは我々や 他の諜報機関の方々や 軍隊や 䞖界䞭の同盟囜の方々の 尜力の賜物なのです ご存知かもしれたせんが ほんの氷山の䞀角に過ぎたせんが NSAの䜜戊がテロ攻撃の阻止に 貢献したものは 54件を数えたす そのうちの25件がペヌロッパにおいお その25件のうち 18件は3぀の囜で発生しおいたす その内のいく぀かは我々の同盟囜です それでも NSAプログラムの監芖をすり抜けお 攻撃を仕掛けおくるものもいたす ですからテロの犠牲が少ないのは 偶然ではないのです それは尜力によるもので テロ掻動を芋぀け出す 諜報掻動の成果なのです 法に基づく執行暩限により 諞囜ず協力し 時には軍隊を投入しお テロリストず察峙しおいたす もう䞀点申し䞊げおおきたいこずは あなたが蚀及された栞たたは 化孊・生物兵噚に察する脅嚁に぀いお 根拠のないものではなく 事実 䜕幎もの間 このような兵噚を入手しようずし そのような行動に出おいる集団が いく぀もありたす クリス: 実際のずころ これら54の嫌疑の掛かっおいる事件の内 スノヌデン氏が暎露した 物議を醞すプログラムず スノヌデン氏が暎露した 物議を醞すプログラムず 䜕らかの関係があったものは ほずんどれロであり 干し草の䞭の針を探すような事件の解決は 他のタむプの諜報を通しお なされたものず蚀われおいたす そしおこれらのプログラムの効果は 物議を醞すプログラムは 干し草の山をただ高くしおいるだけであり 本圓に針を芋぀けるものではないず 蚀われおいたす 針は 他の方法によっお 発芋されたず蚀われおいたす それに぀いおは䜕かありたせんか? リック: はい 実際には その議論に関係しおいる 2぀のプログラムがありたす 1぀はセクション215 プログラムです 米囜の電話メタデヌタ プログラムず もう䞀぀は PRISMプログラムず䞀般に呌ばれるもので FISA改正法の第702条によるものです しかし215 プログラムだけが アメリカ合衆囜に察する脅嚁に 関連したものです アメリカが巻き蟌たれた 脅嚁は数倚く起きおいたす きっず人々のこのような蚀葉を耳にするでしょう 「もしなかったら」ずいう堎合は実䟋がないので 諜報プログラムがなかったから 脅嚁は起こっおいただろうず 蚀えないだろうず しかし それは実のずころ テロリストの調査が どのように機胜しおいるかに぀いおの 理解の欠劂を瀺しおいたす あなたはテレビで殺人事件の謎を 芋おいるず考えおみお䞋さい 䜕から始めたすか?死䜓の調査から始め 犯眪の捜査をすすめ 問題の解決を図りたす 我々はもっず早い段階 できれば死䜓が発生する前に 攻撃者は誰か 䜕をしようずしおいるのか― ずいうこずを堎合を想定したす これには倧量の情報が必芁です それはモザむクのようなもので モザむクの どの1ピヌスが モザむクの重芁な芁玠か 蚀い圓おるこずはできたせんが しかし 完党な絵を構築するには すべおの情報が必芁です その䞀方 䟋の54の脅嚁の内 非米囜関連は42で プリズム・プログラムは 倧いに関䞎しおおり 事実 攻撃の阻止に 寄䞎したした クリス: スノヌデン氏は2日前に蚀いたした テロリズムは垞に クリス: スノヌデン氏は2日前に蚀いたした テロリズムは垞に 「行為の口実」 ず諜報の䞖界では呌ばれおいるず それはこんな理由からです テロは人々の匷く感情的な 反応を呌び起こすので さもなくば䞍可胜であったであろう これらのプログラムの導入が 人々に受け入れられるこずです それに぀いお 内郚で 䜕か論議はあるのでしょうか? リック: はい 我々はい぀も このこずを議論しおいたす 議論は今でも続けられ 行政府や NSA 内郚 諜報コミュニ ティヌでは 䜕が正しく バランスの取れたもので 䜕が正しい行為か議論しおいたす 倧事なこずを申し䞊げおおきたすが 我々が話しおいるプログラムは 2人の別々の倧統領 2぀の異なる政党により 議䌚によっお2回 連邊裁刀官によっお16回 認可されたものであり NSA が勝手に䜜り出し 独自に実行しおいるのではないずいうこずです NSA が勝手に䜜り出し 独自に実行しおいるのではないずいうこずです これは アメリカ合衆囜政府の 合法的な掻動であり アメリカ合衆囜政府の 党おの各3暩機関によっお 合意されおおり マディ゜ン倧統領は誇りに思っおいたでしょう クリス: ずは蚀っおも その承認のもずで 実際に䜕が行われおいたのかを 䞋院議員たちが知った時 圌らの倚くはひどくショックを受けたした あなた方に䞎えた暩限で 䜕が行われおいるか正確に知りながらも 公の明るみに出されたこずに察する 䞍条理な反応だず思いたすか? リック: 議䌚は倧きな組織です 535人いたすし メンバヌも頻繁に倉わりたすし 䞋院の堎合2幎毎に替りたす それに私は NSAは監督委員䌚に すべおの関連情報を 提出しおいるず思いたす たた監芖委員䌚が囜䌚開催䞭に 報告した情報は 圌らが管理するものです 議䌚のメンバヌは 知り埗る機䌚があり 実際 盞圓な数の議員が 我々の監芖責任の任務を負い 知る暩限を持っおいたのです そしお 事実 委員䌚の議長が 公の堎で報告したした クリス: あなたが語られたサむバヌ攻撃が 倧いなる懞念であるこずは クリス: あなたが語られたサむバヌ攻撃が 倧いなる懞念であるこずは 誰も異を唱えるこずは 無いず思うのですが しかし 攻撃ず防衛戊略には 劥協点があっお 「暗号化を匱める」こずを可胜にする 措眮によっお 悪い連䞭を特定するこずが サむバヌ攻撃ぞの扉を開くこずに なりかねないずいうこずに぀いお お認めになりたすか? リック: 2点ありたす 1぀目は 暗号化を匱めるず あなたは蚀われたしたが 私は蚀っおいたせん もう1぀は NSA にはそれら䞡方のミッションがありたすが 我々は著しく防衛に偏っおおり 実際に我々が脆匱性を芋぀けるず 圧倒的にほずんどの堎合 それらの補品の補造 もしくは開発に関し 責任ある人々に開瀺したす これにはかなりの実瞟があり 実際に 私たちは透明性を保ち 透明性のあるレポヌトを発行し むンタヌネット䌁業も同様に 透明性のあるレポヌトを発行できるような そんな提案を䜜ろうずしおいたす 繰り返しになりたすが 我々は自分たちが 䜜ったものを䜿いたす 我々は自ら掚奚する基準を甚い 補品を䜿甚したす 我々は自ら掚奚する基準を甚い 補品を䜿甚したす 他の人達も必芁ずするように 我々の通信を保護するこずが 我々の関心事なのです クリス: ゚ドワヌド ・スノヌデン氏の トヌクの埌 代理ロボットがこのホヌル内を 動き回っおいた時に 圌が䜕人かの人に 話しおいるのを聞きたした 圌のNSA党䜓に察する印象を 尋ねおいたのです 圌はそこであなたず働く人たちに぀いお ずおも敬意を衚しおおり 埓業員たちは正しいこずを行おうずいう 実に熱い想いを持った人達であり 実に熱い想いを持った人達であり 問題は良くない方法で䜜られた ポリシヌに起因するのだず 話しおいたした 圌は確かに非垞に分別をわきたえ 萜ち着いお登堎し 狂っおいるようには芋えたせんでした あなたは圌のやり方には 同意できないずしおも 少なくずも問題点に぀いお議論の道を 圌が開いたこずに同意頂けたすか? リック: 議論するこずは 重芁だず思いたすが 圌のやり方は奜きになれたせん 他にも手段がいろいろ 有ったはずで そうすれば 我々の敵が䜕をしおいるかに぀いおの 可芖性を倱うこずによっお 我が囜民や他の囜の人々を 危険にさらすこずがなかったでしょう しかし 本圓に重芁な察話だず思いたす クリス: あなたず同僚ずの間でも 圌ず叞法取匕を行っお 恩赊すべきかずいう いく぀かのシナリオにおいお 意芋の違いがあるず報告されおいたす あなたの䞊叞である キヌス・アレキサンダヌ長官は 法をそんな颚に砎った人ず あなたが亀枉しようものなら ひどい前䟋になるず 発蚀しおいたす しかし あなたがこう蚀ったず 蚘録されおいたす もしスノヌデンがただ公開されおいない 党おの文曞を 返還するこずが確かに瀺し埗るのならば 特赊は考慮されるべき取匕だず ただ そうお考えですか? リック: ええ 実際のずころは あの「60 分」むンタビュヌで 私が面癜いず思うこずは 誀っお匕甚されおいる郚分なんですね スノヌデン氏に察する刑の軜枛措眮に぀いお 議論しお頂けたせんか ずいう質問に察し 私の実際の返答は こうでした そうですね察話の䟡倀がありたすね ず これはアメリカ合衆囜の怜事総長ず 倧統領も 実際に話しおいたこずです この件は怜事総長に委ねたす これは圌の扱うこずだからです しかしアメリカの法孊には 匷い䌝統があっお 政府にずっお利益があるのならば 犯眪で起蚎されおいる人々 ず 亀枉を行い 䜕か利点を埗ようずしたす 垞にそのような議論の䜙地がありたす 結論有りきではありたせんから 垞に議論の䜙地があるずいうこずです クリス: 䞀般の人にずっおは それはあたかも 圌はアメリカ合衆囜 政府、あなた、他の人々に 物事を正しい方向に導き そしお 将来に向けたより賢明なポリシヌず やり方を芋぀け出すための方法を 提瀺しおいるように思えたす そんな考えも あっおも良いずは思いたせんか? リック: 私が関䞎するこずでも NSAが決める事ではないのです それは叞法省の範疇に入る 議論ずいえるでしょう 私は圌らにお任せしたす クリス: リック ゚ド・スノヌデン氏が圌の話を終えたずき 圌に「広める䟡倀のある考えを共有する」 チャンスを䞎えたした あなたにずっお TEDのグルヌプに察しお 「広める䟡倀のある考え」は䜕ですか? リック: 事実を知るずいうこずだず思いたす これは 本圓に重芁な察話です その圱響は NSAだけではなく 政府だけではなく 皆さん そしおむンタヌネット䌁業に及びたす プラむバシヌおよび個人デヌタの問題は 政府よりもはるかに倧きいので 事実を知っおください ニュヌスの芋出しに惑わされず 雑倚な話にだたされず 䞀方的な話を単に鵜呑みにしおはいけたせん これが私の考える 「広める䟡倀のあるアむデア」です 我々には印 蚘章があり 我々は職堎では蚘章を銖玐に䞋げおいたす もし耳栓をしたら 私の銖玐はこう蚀うのです 「ダラスだ カりボヌむズ達よ」 「ダラスに行け」ず 私はたった今 半分の芳客の方を 嫌な感じにさせたしたね 暗号分析䜜業をする 我々の組織で働く人たちの 銖玐に取り付けられたタブには 「デヌタを芋よ」ず曞かれおいたす これは「広める䟡倀のあるアむデア」です デヌタを芋おください クリス: リック ここに来お ここにいる人たちに 玠盎に話すこずは 勇気のいるこずだったず思いたす 過去にはNSAがほずんど 行なわなかったこずです その䞊 技術は䞀局耇雑になっおきおいたす あなたが登堎され 重芁な話をしおくださったこずを ずおも感謝しおいたす どうもありがずうございたした リック: ありがずう クリス
So Richard Ledgett is the 15th deputy director of the National Security Agency, and he's a senior civilian officer there, acts as its chief operating officer, guiding strategies, setting internal policies, and serving as the principal advisor to the director. And all being well, welcome, Rick Ledgett, to TED. Richard Ledgett: I'm really thankful for the opportunity to talk to folks here. I look forward to the conversation, so thanks for arranging for that. CA: Thank you, Rick. We appreciate you joining us. that the NSA is willing to reach out and show a more open face here. You saw, I think, the talk and interview that Edward Snowden gave here a couple days ago. What did you make of it? RL: So I think it was interesting. We didn't realize that he was going to show up there, so kudos to you guys for arranging a nice surprise like that. I think that, like a lot of the things that have come out since Mr. Snowden started disclosing classified information, there were some kernels of truth in there, but a lot of extrapolations and half-truths in there, and I'm interested in helping to address those. I think this is a really important conversation that we're having in the United States and internationally, and I think it is important and of import, and so given that, we need to have that be a fact-based conversation, and we want to help make that happen. CA: So the question that a lot of people have here is, what do you make of Snowden's motivations for doing what he did, and did he have an alternative way that he could have gone? RL: He absolutely did have alternative ways that he could have gone, and I actually think that characterizing him as a whistleblower actually hurts legitimate whistleblowing activities. So what if somebody who works in the NSA -- and there are over 35,000 people who do. They're all great citizens. They're just like your husbands, fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, nephews, friends and relatives, all of whom are interested in doing the right thing for their country and for our allies internationally, and so there are a variety of venues to address if folks have a concern. First off, there's their supervisor, and up through the supervisory chain within their organization. If folks aren't comfortable with that, there are a number of inspectors general. In the case of Mr. Snowden, he had the option of the NSA inspector general, the Navy inspector general, the Pacific Command inspector general, the Department of Defense inspector general, and the intelligence community inspector general, any of whom would have both kept his concerns in classified channels and been happy to address them. He had the option to go to congressional committees, and there are mechanisms to do that that are in place, and so he didn't do any of those things. CA: Now, you had said that Ed Snowden had other avenues for raising his concerns. The comeback on that is a couple of things: one, that he certainly believes that as a contractor, the avenues that would have been available to him as an employee weren't available, two, there's a track record of other whistleblowers, like [Thomas Andrews Drake] being treated pretty harshly, by some views, and thirdly, what he was taking on was not one specific flaw that he'd discovered, but programs that had been approved by all three branches of government. I mean, in that circumstance, couldn't you argue that what he did was reasonable? RL: No, I don't agree with that. I think that the — sorry, I'm getting feedback through the microphone there — the actions that he took were inappropriate because of the fact that he put people's lives at risk, basically, in the long run, and I know there's been a lot of talk in public by Mr. Snowden and some of the journalists that say that the things that have been disclosed have not put national security and people at risk, and that is categorically not true. They actually do. I think there's also an amazing arrogance to the idea that he knows better than the framers of the Constitution in how the government should be designed and work and the fact that the executive and the legislative branch have to work together and they have checks and balances on each other, and then the judicial branch, which oversees the entire process. I think that's extremely arrogant on his part. CA: Can you give a specific example of how he put people's lives at risk? RL: Yeah, sure. So the things that he's disclosed, the capabilities, and the NSA is a capabilities-based organization, so when we have foreign intelligence targets, legitimate things of interest -- like, terrorists is the iconic example, but it includes things like human traffickers, drug traffickers, people who are trying to build advanced weaponry, nuclear weapons, and build delivery systems for those, and nation-states who might be executing aggression against their immediate neighbors, which you may have some visibility into some of that that's going on right now, the capabilities are applied in very discrete and measured and controlled ways. So the unconstrained disclosure of those capabilities means that as adversaries see them and recognize, "Hey, I might be vulnerable to this," they move away from that, and we have seen targets in terrorism, in the nation-state area, in smugglers of various types, and other folks who have, because of the disclosures, moved away from our ability to have insight into what they're doing. The net effect of that is that our people who are overseas in dangerous places, whether they're diplomats or military, and our allies who are in similar situations, are at greater risk because we don't see the threats that are coming their way. CA: So that's a general response saying that because of his revelations, access that you had to certain types of information has been shut down, has been closed down. But the concern is that the nature of that access was not necessarily legitimate in the first place. I mean, describe to us this Bullrun program where it's alleged that the NSA specifically weakened security in order to get the type of access that you've spoken of. RL: So there are, when our legitimate foreign intelligence targets of the type that I described before, use the global telecommunications system as their communications methodology, and they do, because it's a great system, it's the most complex system ever devised by man, and it is a wonder, and lots of folks in the room there are responsible for the creation and enhancement of that, and it's just a wonderful thing. But it's also used by people who are working against us and our allies. And so if I'm going to pursue them, I need to have the capability to go after them, and again, the controls are in how I apply that capability, not that I have the capability itself. Otherwise, if we could make it so that all the bad guys used one corner of the Internet, we could have a domain, That would be awesome, and we could just concentrate all our efforts there. That's not how it works. They're trying to hide from the government's ability to isolate and interdict their actions, and so we have to swim in that same space. But I will tell you this. So NSA has two missions. One is the Signals Intelligence mission that we've unfortunately read so much about in the press. The other one is the Information Assurance mission, which is to protect the national security systems of the United States, and by that, that's things like the communications that the president uses, the communications that control our nuclear weapons, the communications that our military uses around the world, and the communications that we use with our allies, and that some of our allies themselves use. And so we make recommendations on standards to use, and we use those same standards, and so we are invested in making sure that those communications are secure for their intended purposes. CA: But it sounds like what you're saying is that when it comes to the Internet at large, any strategy is fair game if it improves America's safety. And I think this is partly where there is such a divide of opinion, that there's a lot of people in this room and around the world who think very differently about the Internet. They think of it as a momentous invention of humanity, kind of on a par with the Gutenberg press, for example. It's the bringer of knowledge to all. It's the connector of all. And it's viewed in those sort of idealistic terms. And from that lens, what the NSA has done is equivalent to the authorities back in Germany inserting some device into every printing press that would reveal which books people bought and what they read. Can you understand that from that viewpoint, it feels outrageous? RL: I do understand that, and I actually share the view of the utility of the Internet, and I would argue it's bigger than the Internet. It is a global telecommunications system. The Internet is a big chunk of that, but there is a lot more. about the balance between transparency and secrecy. That's sort of been couched as a balance between privacy and national security. I don't think that's the right framing. I think it really is transparency and secrecy. And so that's the national and international conversation that we're having, and we want to participate in that, and want people to participate in it in an informed way. So there are things, let me talk there a little bit more, there are things that we need to be transparent about: our authorities, our processes, our oversight, who we are. We, NSA, have not done a good job of that, and I think that's part of the reason that this has been so revelational and so sensational in the media. Nobody knew who we were. We were the No Such Agency, the Never Say Anything. There's takeoffs of our logo of an eagle with headphones on around it. And so that's the public characterization. And so we need to be more transparent about those things. What we don't need to be transparent about, because it's bad for the U.S., it's bad for all those other countries that we work with and that we help provide information that helps them secure themselves and their people, it's bad to expose operations and capabilities in a way that allows the people that we're all working against, the generally recognized bad guys, to counter those. CA: But isn't it also bad to deal a kind of body blow to the American companies that have essentially given the world most of the Internet services that matter? RL: It is. It's really the companies are in a tough position, as are we, because the companies, we compel them to provide information, just like every other nation in the world does. Every industrialized nation in the world has a lawful intercept program where they are requiring companies to provide them with information that they need for their security, and the companies that are involved have complied with those programs in the same way that they have to do when they're operating in Russia or the U.K. or China or India or France, any country that you choose to name. And so the fact that these revelations have been broadly characterized as "you can't trust company A because your privacy is suspect with them" is actually only accurate in the sense that it's accurate with every other company in the world that deals with any of those countries in the world. And so it's being picked up by people as a marketing advantage, and it's being marketed that way by several countries, including some of our allied countries, where they are saying, "Hey, you can't trust the U.S., but you can trust our telecom company, because we're safe." And they're actually using that to counter the very large technological edge that U.S. companies have in areas like the cloud and Internet-based technologies. CA: You're sitting there with the American flag, and the American Constitution guarantees freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. How do you characterize the American citizen's right to privacy? Is there such a right? RL: Yeah, of course there is. And we devote an inordinate amount of time and pressure, inordinate and appropriate, actually I should say, amount of time and effort in order to ensure that we protect that privacy. and beyond that, the privacy of citizens around the world, it's not just Americans. Several things come into play here. First, we're all in the same network. My communications, I'm a user of a particular Internet email service that is the number one email service of choice by terrorists around the world, number one. So I'm there right beside them in email space in the Internet. And so we need to be able to pick that apart and find the information that's relevant. In doing so, we're going to necessarily encounter Americans and innocent foreign citizens who are just going about their business, and so we have procedures in place that shreds that out, that says, when you find that, not if you find it, when you find it, because you're certain to find it, here's how you protect that. These are called minimization procedures. They're approved by the attorney general and constitutionally based. And so we protect those. And then, for people, citizens of the world who are going about their lawful business on a day-to-day basis, the president on his January 17 speech, that we are providing to them. So I think absolutely, folks do have a right to privacy, and that we work very hard to make sure that that right to privacy is protected. CA: What about foreigners using American companies' Internet services? Do they have any privacy rights? RL: They do. They do, in the sense of, the only way that we are able to compel one of those companies to provide us information is when it falls into one of three categories: We can identify that this particular person, identified by a selector of some kind, is associated with counterterrorist or proliferation or other foreign intelligence target. CA: Much has been made of the fact that a lot of the information that you've obtained through these programs is essentially metadata. It's not necessarily the actual words that someone has written in an email or given on a phone call. It's who they wrote to and when, and so forth. But it's been argued, and someone here in the audience has talked to a former NSA analyst who said metadata is actually much more invasive than the core data, because in the core data you present yourself as you want to be presented. With metadata, who knows what the conclusions are that are drawn? Is there anything to that? RL: I don't really understand that argument. I think that metadata's important for a couple of reasons. Metadata is the information that lets you find connections that people are trying to hide. So when a terrorist is corresponding with somebody else who's not known to us but is engaged in doing or supporting terrorist activity, or someone who's violating international sanctions by providing nuclear weapons-related material to a country like Iran or North Korea, is trying to hide that activity because it's illicit activity. What metadata lets you do is connect that. The alternative to that is one that's much less efficient and much more invasive of privacy, which is gigantic amounts of content collection. So metadata, in that sense, actually is privacy-enhancing. And we don't, contrary to some of the stuff that's been printed, we don't sit there and grind out metadata profiles of average people. If you're not connected to one of those valid intelligence targets, you are not of interest to us. CA: So in terms of the threats that face America overall, where would you place terrorism? RL: I think terrorism is still number one. I think that we have never been in a time where there are more places where things are going badly and forming the petri dish in which terrorists take advantage of the lack of governance. An old boss of mine, Tom Fargo, Admiral Fargo, used to describe it as arcs of instability. And so you have a lot of those arcs of instability in the world right now, in places like Syria, where there's a civil war going on and you have massive numbers, thousands and thousands of foreign fighters to learn how to be terrorists and practice that activity, and lots of those people are Westerners who hold passports to European countries or in some cases the United States, and so they are basically learning how to do jihad and have expressed intent to go out and do that later on in their home countries. You've got places like Iraq, which is suffering from a high level of sectarian violence, again a breeding ground for terrorism. And you have the activity in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel area of Africa. Again, lots of weak governance which forms a breeding ground for terrorist activity. So I think it's very serious. I think it's number one. I think number two is cyber threat. I think cyber is a threat in three ways: One way, and probably the most common way that people have heard about it, is due to the theft of intellectual property, so basically, foreign countries going in, stealing companies' secrets, and then providing that information to state-owned enterprises or companies connected to the government to help them leapfrog technology or to gain business intelligence that's then used to win contracts overseas. That is a hugely costly set of activities that's going on right now. Several nation-states are doing it. Second is the denial-of-service attacks. You're probably aware that there have been a spate of those directed against the U.S. financial sector since 2012. Again, that's a nation-state who is executing those attacks, and they're doing that as a semi-anonymous way of reprisal. And the last one is destructive attacks, and those are the ones that concern me the most. Those are on the rise. You have the attack against Saudi Aramco in 2012, August of 2012. It took down about 35,000 of their computers with a Wiper-style virus. You had a follow-on a week later to a Qatari company. You had March of 2013, you had a South Korean attack that was attributed in the press to North Korea that took out thousands of computers. Those are on the rise, and we see people expressing interest in those capabilities and a desire to employ them. CA: Okay, so a couple of things here, because this is really the core of this, almost. I mean, first of all, a lot of people who look at risk and look at the numbers don't understand this belief that terrorism is still the number one threat. Apart from September 11, I think the numbers are that in the last 30 or 40 years about 500 Americans have died from terrorism, mostly from homegrown terrorists. The chance in the last few years of being killed by terrorism is far less than the chance of being killed by lightning. I guess you would say that a single nuclear incident or bioterrorism act or something like that would change those numbers. Would that be the point of view? RL: Well, I'd say two things. a major attack in the United States since 9/11, that is not an accident. That's a lot of hard work that we have done, that other folks in the intelligence community have done, that the military has done, and that our allies around the globe have done. You've heard the numbers about the tip of the iceberg in terms of numbers of terrorist attacks that NSA programs contributed to stopping was 54, 25 of those in Europe, and of those 25, 18 of them occurred in three countries, some of which are our allies, and some of which are beating the heck out of us over the NSA programs, by the way. So that's not an accident that those things happen. That's hard work. That's us finding intelligence on terrorist activities and interdicting them through one way or another, through law enforcement, through cooperative activities with other countries and sometimes through military action. The other thing I would say is that your idea of nuclear or chem-bio-threat is not at all far-fetched and in fact there are a number of groups who have for several years expressed interest and desire in obtaining those capabilities and work towards that. CA: It's also been said that, of those 54 alleged incidents, that as few as zero of them were actually anything to do with these controversial programs that Mr. Snowden revealed, that it was basically through other forms of intelligence, that you're looking for a needle in a haystack, and the effects of these programs, these controversial programs, is just to add hay to the stack, not to really find the needle. The needle was found by other methods. Isn't there something to that? RL: No, there's actually two programs that are typically implicated in that discussion. One is the section 215 program, the U.S. telephony metadata program, and the other one is popularly called the PRISM program, and it's actually section 702 of the FISA Amendment Act. But the 215 program is only relevant to threats that are directed against the United States, and there have been a dozen threats where that was implicated. Now what you'll see people say publicly is there is no "but for" case, and so there is no case where, but for that, the threat would have happened. But that actually indicates a lack of understanding of how terrorist investigations actually work. You think about on television, you watch a murder mystery. What do you start with? You start with a body, and then they work their way from there to solve the crime. We're actually starting well before that, hopefully before there are any bodies, and we're trying to build the case for who the people are, what they're trying to do, and that involves massive amounts of information. Think of it is as mosaic, and it's hard to say that any one piece of a mosaic was necessary to building the mosaic, but to build the complete picture, you need to have all the pieces of information. On the other, the non-U.S.-related threats out of those 54, the other 42 of them, the PRISM program was hugely relevant to that, and in fact was material in contributing to stopping those attacks. CA: Snowden said two days ago that terrorism has always been what is called in the intelligence world "a cover for action," that it's something that, because it invokes such a powerful emotional response in people, it allows the initiation of these programs to achieve powers that an organization like yours couldn't otherwise have. Is there any internal debate about that? RL: Yeah. I mean, we debate these things all the time, and there is discussion that goes on in the executive branch and within NSA itself and the intelligence community about what's right, what's proportionate, what's the correct thing to do. And it's important to note that the programs that we're talking about were all authorized by two different presidents, two different political parties, by Congress twice, and by federal judges 16 different times, and so this is not NSA running off and doing its own thing. This is a legitimate activity of the United States foreign government that was agreed to by all the branches of the United States government, and President Madison would have been proud. CA: And yet, when congressmen discovered what was actually being done with that authorization, many of them were completely shocked. Or do you think that is not a legitimate reaction, that it's only because it's now come out publicly, that they really knew exactly what you were doing with the powers they had granted you? RL: Congress is a big body. There's 535 of them, and they change out frequently, in the case of the House, every two years, and I think that the NSA provided all the relevant information to our oversight committees, and then the dissemination of that information by the oversight committees throughout Congress is something that they manage. I think I would say that Congress members had the opportunity to make themselves aware, and in fact a significant number of them, the ones who are assigned oversight responsibility, did have the ability to do that. And you've actually had the chairs of those committees say that in public. CA: Now, you mentioned the threat of cyberattacks, and I don't think anyone in this room would disagree that that is a huge concern, but do you accept that there's a tradeoff between offensive and defensive strategies, and that it's possible that the very measures taken to, "weaken encryption," and allow yourself to find the bad guys, might also open the door to forms of cyberattack? RL: So I think two things. One is, you said weaken encryption. I didn't. And the other one is that the NSA has both of those missions, and we are heavily biased towards defense, and, actually, the vulnerabilities that we find in the overwhelming majority of cases, we disclose to the people who are responsible for manufacturing or developing those products. We have a great track record of that, and we're actually working on a proposal right now to be transparent and to publish transparency reports in the same way that the Internet companies are being allowed to publish transparency reports for them. We want to be more transparent about that. So again, we eat our own dog food. We use the standards, we use the products that we recommend, and so it's in our interest to keep our communications protected in the same way that other people's need to be. CA: Edward Snowden, when, after his talk, was wandering the halls here in the bot, and I heard him say to a couple of people, they asked him about what he thought of the NSA overall, and he was very complimentary about the people who work with you, said that it's a really impassioned group of employees who are seeking to do the right thing, and that the problems have come from just some badly conceived policies. He came over certainly very reasonably and calmly. He didn't come over like a crazy man. Would you accept that at least, even if you disagree with how he did it, that he has opened a debate that matters? RL: So I think that the discussion is an important one to have. I do not like the way that he did it. I think there were a number of other ways that he could have done that that would have not endangered our people and the people of other nations into what our adversaries are doing. But I do think it's an important conversation. CA: It's been reported that there's almost a difference of opinion with you and your colleagues over any scenario in which he might be offered an amnesty deal. I think your boss, General Keith Alexander, has said that that would be a terrible example you can't negotiate with someone who's broken the law in that way. But you've been quoted as saying that, if Snowden could prove that he was surrendering all undisclosed documents, that a deal maybe should be considered. Do you still think that? RL: Yeah, so actually, this is my favorite thing about that "60 Minutes" interview was all the misquotes that came from that. What I actually said, in response to a question about, would you entertain any discussions of mitigating action against Snowden, I said, yeah, it's worth a conversation. This is something that the attorney general of the United States and the president also actually have both talked about this, and I defer to the attorney general, because this is his lane. But there is a strong tradition in American jurisprudence of having discussions with people who have been charged with crimes in order to, if it benefits the government, to get something out of that, that there's always room for that kind of discussion. So I'm not presupposing any outcome, but there is always room for discussion. CA: To a lay person it seems like he has certain things to offer the U.S., the government, you, others, in terms of putting things right and helping figure out a smarter policy, a smarter way forward for the future. Do you see, has that kind of possibility been entertained at all? RL: So that's out of my lane. That's not an NSA thing. That would be a Department of Justice sort of discussion. I'll defer to them. CA: Rick, when Ed Snowden ended his talk, I offered him the chance to share an idea worth spreading. What would be your idea worth spreading for this group? RL: So I think, learn the facts. This is a really important conversation, and it impacts, it's not just NSA, it's not just the government, it's you, it's the Internet companies. The issue of privacy and personal data is much bigger than just the government, and so learn the facts. Don't rely on headlines, don't rely on sound bites, don't rely on one-sided conversations. So that's the idea, I think, worth spreading. We have a sign, a badge tab, we wear badges at work with lanyards, and if I could make a plug, my badge lanyard at work says, "Dallas Cowboys." I've just alienated half the audience, I know. So the lanyard that our people who work in the organization that does our crypto-analytic work have a tab that says, "Look at the data." So that's the idea worth spreading. Look at the data. CA: Rick, it took a certain amount of courage, I think, actually, to come and speak openly to this group. It's not something the NSA has done a lot of in the past, and plus the technology has been challenging. We truly appreciate you doing that and sharing in this very important conversation. Thank you so much. RL: Thanks, Chris.
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