The Fed’s mandate to keep prices stable is “precious,” and without the public’s confidence that the Fed will control inflation, “expectations can lead to creating inflation itself,” he said.
[ "Fed", "Fed" ]
The ORGANIZATION’s mandate to keep prices stable is “precious,” and without the public’s confidence that the ORGANIZATION will control inflation, “expectations can lead to creating inflation itself,” he said.
‘Moderate Pace’ The FOMC said April 27 after a two-day meeting that the economy is recovering at a “moderate pace” and a pickup in inflation is likely to be temporary.
[ "FOMC", "April 27", "two-day" ]
‘Moderate Pace’ The ORGANIZATION said DATE after a QUANTITY meeting that the economy is recovering at a “moderate pace” and a pickup in inflation is likely to be temporary.
Fed officials agreed to finish the large-scale bond purchases on schedule in June, completing what’s been dubbed QE2 for a second round of so- called quantitative easing.
[ "Fed", "June", "QE2", "second round" ]
ORGANIZATION officials agreed to finish the large-scale bond purchases on schedule in DATE, completing what’s been dubbed OTHER for a QUANTITY of so- called quantitative easing.
The Fed has left its benchmark interest rate close to zero since December 2008.
[ "Fed", "zero", "December 2008" ]
The ORGANIZATION has left its benchmark interest rate close to QUANTITY since DATE.
Bernanke, speaking on April 27 at his first regular press conference, signaled that the central bank will maintain its record stimulus after June and indicated that the need to contain inflation means further easing is unlikely.
[ "Bernanke", "April 27", "first regular press\nconference", "bank", "June" ]
PERSON, speaking on DATE at his QUANTITY, signaled that the central ORGANIZATION will maintain its record stimulus after DATE and indicated that the need to contain inflation means further easing is unlikely.
Economic data today signaled that a slowdown in growth that began in the first three months of the year may be extending into the second quarter.
[ "today", "first three months", "second quarter" ]
Economic data DATE signaled that a slowdown in growth that began in the QUANTITY of the year may be extending into the DATE.
Service Industries Service industries expanded at the slowest pace in eight months in April, according to the Institute for Supply Management , as companies cut back in response to rising energy costs.
[ "eight\nmonths", "April", "Institute for Supply\nManagement" ]
Service Industries Service industries expanded at the slowest pace in QUANTITY in DATE, according to the ORGANIZATION , as companies cut back in response to rising energy costs.
A separate report from ADP Employer Services showed companies expanded payrolls last month at the slowest pace in five months.
[ "ADP Employer Services", "last month", "five months" ]
A separate report from ORGANIZATION showed companies expanded payrolls DATE at the slowest pace in QUANTITY.
Fisher said today that while “bad winter weather” and higher energy prices “sapped some steam from the recovery this year,” other indicators suggest growth is likely to “pick up in coming months.” He said manufacturing is expanding, benefiting from increased exports and company spending on equipment and software.
[ "PERSON", "DATE", "DATE" ]
[ "Fisher", "today", "this\nyear" ]
PERSON said DATE that while “bad winter weather” and higher energy prices “sapped some steam from the recovery DATE,” other indicators suggest growth is likely to “pick up in coming months.” He said manufacturing is expanding, benefiting from increased exports and company spending on equipment and software.
The recovery in the housing market will be a “slow crawl,” he told reporters.
The recovery in the housing market will be a “slow crawl,” he told reporters.
Fisher, 62, has been president of the Dallas Fed since 2005.
[ "Fisher", "62", "Dallas Fed", "2005" ]
PERSON, QUANTITY, has been president of the ORGANIZATION since DATE.
When Fisher last had a Federal Open Market Committee vote in 2008, he dissented five times in favor of tighter policy.
[ "Fisher", "Federal Open Market Committee", "2008", "five times" ]
When PERSON last had a ORGANIZATION vote in DATE, he dissented QUANTITY in favor of tighter policy.
To contact the reporter on this story: Scott Lanman in Washington at ; Tom Korosec in Las Cruces , New Mexico, at .
[ "Scott Lanman", "Washington", "", "Tom Korosec", "Las Cruces , New Mexico", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER ; PERSON in LOCATION, at OTHER .
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Wellisz at
[ "Christopher Wellisz", "" ]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T13:15:46Z -- Brazilian central bank President Alexandre Tombini yesterday pledged that policy makers will raise interest rates for as long as needed to bring inflation back to their target next year.
[ "2011-05-04T13:15:46", "", "Brazilian", "bank", "President", "Alexandre Tombini", "yesterday", "next year" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER OTHER central ORGANIZATION PERSON PERSON DATE pledged that policy makers will raise interest rates for as long as needed to bring inflation back to their target DATE.
“It’s not a 100-meter sprint, it’s a long process,” Tombini said in an interview with Globo News TV station.
[ "100-meter", "Tombini", "Globo News TV" ]
“It’s not a QUANTITY sprint, it’s a long process,” PERSON said in an interview with ORGANIZATION station.
“Obviously, the monetary policy instrument that will get inflation back to its 4.5 percent target in 2012 is the conventional instrument that is being used, and will continue to be used for as long as necessary.” President Dilma Rousseff ’s administration is relying on a mix of higher borrowing costs, measures to scale back credit growth and spending cuts to bring the fastest inflation in 29 months back to policy makers’ target in 2012.
[ "4.5 percent", "2012", "President", "Dilma Rousseff", "29\nmonths", "2012" ]
“Obviously, the monetary policy instrument that will get inflation back to its QUANTITY target in DATE is the conventional instrument that is being used, and will continue to be used for as long as necessary.” PERSON PERSON ’s administration is relying on a mix of higher borrowing costs, measures to scale back credit growth and spending cuts to bring the fastest inflation in QUANTITY back to policy makers’ target in DATE.
Tombini said interest rates remain the favored tool for fighting inflation.
[ "PERSON" ]
[ "Tombini" ]
PERSON said interest rates remain the favored tool for fighting inflation.
The central bank had not changed this strategy when it introduced curbs on consumer credit , Tombini said.
[ "bank", "Tombini" ]
The central ORGANIZATION had not changed this strategy when it introduced curbs on consumer credit , PERSON said.
Inflation accelerated to 6.44 percent in the month through mid-April and will exceed the 6.5 percent upper limit of the target range in the near future, Tombini said.
[ "6.44 percent", "mid-April", "6.5 percent", "Tombini" ]
Inflation accelerated to QUANTITY in the month through DATE and will exceed the QUANTITY upper limit of the target range in the near future, PERSON said.
“It’s highly possible that two more rate increases won’t be enough, and that we’ll need a bigger dose to suppress inflation” said Paulo Vieira da Cunha, a former Brazil central bank director who’s now a partner at Tandem Global Partners LLC in New York .
[ "two more rate", "Paulo Vieira da Cunha", "Brazil", "Tandem Global Partners LLC", "New York" ]
“It’s highly possible that QUANTITY increases won’t be enough, and that we’ll need a bigger dose to suppress inflation” said PERSON, a former LOCATION central bank director who’s now a partner at ORGANIZATION in LOCATION .
“This willingness to say that now they are going to do it as long as necessary, that’s positive.” Rate Horizons The central bank said it will raise interest rates at a slower pace for a longer period than initially planned as the country’s inflation outlook worsens, according to the minutes of its April 19-20 meeting.
[ "Rate Horizons", "central bank", "April 19-20" ]
“This willingness to say that now they are going to do it as long as necessary, that’s positive.” TITLE The ORGANIZATION said it will raise interest rates at a slower pace for a longer period than initially planned as the country’s inflation outlook worsens, according to the minutes of its DATE meeting.
The central bank board, led by Tombini, raised the benchmark Selic rate by 25 basis points, to 12 percent, on April 20 after 50 basis-point increases at each of their two previous meetings this year.
[ "central bank board", "Tombini", "25 basis points", "12 percent", "April\n20", "50 basis-point", "each", "two previous\nmeetings", "this year" ]
The ORGANIZATION, led by PERSON, raised the benchmark Selic rate by QUANTITY, to QUANTITY, on DATE after QUANTITY increases at QUANTITY of their QUANTITY DATE.
Tombini predicted that monthly inflation will slow to a level consistent with the bank’s goals by June.
[ "Tombini", "monthly", "June" ]
PERSON predicted that QUANTITY inflation will slow to a level consistent with the bank’s goals by DATE.
The decision to hold rates or continue raising them beyond July will hinge on whether this has happened, said Jankiel Santos , chief economist at Espirito Santo Investment Bank.
[ "July", "Jankiel Santos", "chief", "Espirito Santo Investment Bank" ]
The decision to hold rates or continue raising them beyond DATE will hinge on whether this has happened, said PERSON , PERSON economist at ORGANIZATION.
Santos said he may trim his forecast for interest rate increases this year, based on Tombini’s comments this evening.
[ "Santos", "this year", "Tombini", "this evening" ]
PERSON said he may trim his forecast for interest rate increases DATE, based on PERSON’s comments DATE.
Santos is currently predicting three more quarter point increases.
[ "Santos", "three more quarter point" ]
PERSON is currently predicting QUANTITY increases.
Traders are wagering that the central bank will raise borrowing costs by 25 basis points, or 0.25 percentage point, to 12.25 percent on June 8, interest-rate futures contracts show.
[ "central bank", "25 basis points", "0.25 percentage point", "12.25 percent", "June 8" ]
Traders are wagering that the ORGANIZATION will raise borrowing costs by QUANTITY, or QUANTITY, to QUANTITY on DATE, interest-rate futures contracts show.
The yield on the interest rate futures contract maturing in January 2013, the most traded in Sao Paulo today, rose three basis points, or 0.03 percentage point, to 12.69 percent at 10:05 a.m.
[ "January 2013", "Sao Paulo", "today", "three\nbasis points", "0.03 percentage point", "12.69 percent", "10:05 a.m." ]
The yield on the interest rate futures contract maturing in DATE, the most traded in LOCATION DATE, rose QUANTITY, or QUANTITY, to QUANTITY at DATE
New York time.
[ "DATE" ]
[ "New York time" ]
The real strengthened 0.2 percent to 1.5848 per dollar.
[ "0.2 percent", "1.5848 per dollar" ]
The real strengthened QUANTITY to QUANTITY.
The central bank targets inflation of 4.5 percent, plus or minus two percentage points.
[ "4.5 percent", "two percentage points" ]
The central bank targets inflation of QUANTITY, plus or minus QUANTITY.
To contact the reporter on this story: Andre Soliani in Brasilia at Matthew Bristow in Brasilia at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Joshua Goodman at
[ "Andre Soliani", "Brasilia", "", "Matthew Bristow", "Brasilia", "", "Joshua Goodman", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T07:38:47Z -- France’s telecommunications regulator expects Iliad SA (ILD) ’s Free unit will be able to achieve its target of providing a mobile-phone network covering 27 percent of the country’s population by January 2012, Les Echos said, citing an interview with Jean-Ludovic Silicani, head of the regulator.
[ "2011-05-04T07:38:47", "", "France", "Iliad SA", "ILD", "27 percent", "January 2012", "Les Echos", "Jean-Ludovic Silicani" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION’s telecommunications regulator expects ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) ’s Free unit will be able to achieve its target of providing a mobile-phone network covering QUANTITY of the country’s population by DATE, ORGANIZATION said, citing an interview with PERSON, head of the regulator.
The regulatory agency, known as Arcep, is optimistic that Free will meet the goal, Silicani said in an interview, according to the newspaper.
[ "Arcep", "Free", "Silicani" ]
The regulatory agency, known as ORGANIZATION, is optimistic that ORGANIZATION will meet the goal, PERSON said in an interview, according to the newspaper.
The frequency access contract between the country’s mobile-phone operators and France Telecom SA (FTE) , which owns the infrastructure, requires mobile operators to meet their coverage obligations, the regulator said, according to Les Echos.
[ "France Telecom\nSA", "FTE", "Les Echos" ]
The frequency access contract between the country’s mobile-phone operators and ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) , which owns the infrastructure, requires mobile operators to meet their coverage obligations, the regulator said, according to ORGANIZATION.
A violation of that duty would result in sanctions, the newspaper quoted him as saying.
A violation of that duty would result in sanctions, the newspaper quoted him as saying.
To contact the reporter on this story: Heather Smith in Paris at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Anthony Aarons at .
[ "Heather Smith", "Paris", "", "Anthony Aarons", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER .
-- 2011-05-04T14:25:15Z -- An Azeri youth who called on his Facebook friends in February to stage a “day of rage” protest against the government of President Ilham Aliyev was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in jail on drug charges.
[ "2011-05-04T14:25:15", "", "Azeri", "Facebook", "February", "day of rage", "President", "Ilham Aliyev", "2 1/2 years" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER An OTHER youth who called on his TITLE friends in DATE to stage a “EVENT” protest against the government of PERSON PERSON was sentenced to QUANTITY in jail on drug charges.
The allegations against Jabbar Savalanli, 19, were “groundless,” defense lawyer Asabali Mustafayev said by phone.
[ "Jabbar Savalanli", "19", "Asabali Mustafayev" ]
The allegations against PERSON, QUANTITY, were “groundless,” defense lawyer PERSON said by phone.
The defense team will appeal today’s verdict, he said.
[ "DATE" ]
[ "today" ]
The defense team will appeal DATE’s verdict, he said.
Several dozen Savalanli supporters protested the conviction outside the court in Sumqayit, Azerbaijan’s third-largest city, chanting “Freedom,” according to a video on the website of the Azeri-language service of Radio Free Europe /Radio Liberty.
[ "Several dozen", "Savalanli", "Sumqayit, Azerbaijan", "third-largest city", "Azeri", "Radio Free Europe", "Radio Liberty" ]
QUANTITY OTHER supporters protested the conviction outside the court in LOCATION’s QUANTITY, chanting “Freedom,” according to a video on the website of the OTHER-language service of ORGANIZATION /ORGANIZATION.
Police briefly detained seven protesters, Orkhan Mansurzade, an Interior Ministry spokesman, told the radio station.
[ "seven protesters", "Orkhan Mansurzade", "Interior Ministry" ]
Police briefly detained QUANTITY, PERSON, an ORGANIZATION spokesman, told the radio station.
Azerbaijan’s political opposition is seeking to replicate the uprisings that ousted rulers in Egypt and Tunisia .
[ "Azerbaijan", "Egypt", "Tunisia" ]
ORGANIZATION’s political opposition is seeking to replicate the uprisings that ousted rulers in LOCATION and LOCATION .
Young people, including Savalanli, started a campaign on the Facebook Inc.
[ "Savalanli", "Facebook" ]
Young people, including PERSON, started a campaign on the ORGANIZATION Inc.
social-networking website to hold nationwide protests.
social-networking website to hold nationwide protests.
Aliyev took over from his father in 2003 in the first dynastic succession in a former Soviet republic.
[ "Aliyev", "2003", "first\ndynastic", "Soviet" ]
PERSON took over from his father in DATE in the QUANTITY succession in a former OTHER republic.
To contact the reporter on this story: Zulfugar Agayev in Moscow at ; To contact the editor responsible for this story: Hellmuth Tromm at
[ "Zulfugar Agayev", "Moscow", "", "Hellmuth Tromm", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER ; To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T05:13:40Z -- OCI Co.
[ "2011-05-04T05:13:40", "", "OCI Co." ]
retreated in Seoul trading after First Solar Inc., the world’s largest maker of thin-film solar modules, said first-quarter profit fell and forecast lower sales for the year.
[ "Seoul", "First Solar Inc.", "first-quarter" ]
retreated in LOCATION trading after ORGANIZATION, the world’s largest maker of thin-film solar modules, said DATE profit fell and forecast lower sales for the year.
South Korea ’s biggest maker of polysilicon lost 4.4 percent to 562,000 won as of 2:01 p.m.
[ "South Korea", "4.4 percent", "562,000", "2:01 p.m." ]
ORGANIZATION ’s biggest maker of polysilicon lost QUANTITY to QUANTITY won as of DATE
on the Korea Exchange.
[ "Korea Exchange" ]
“Weak result of some solar companies affected sentiment, and there seems to be a bit of concern over polysilicon prices,” said Lee Eung Ju, an analyst with Shinhan Investment Corp.
[ "some solar companies", "Lee Eung Ju", "Shinhan Investment\nCorp." ]
“Weak result of QUANTITY affected sentiment, and there seems to be a bit of concern over polysilicon prices,” said PERSON, an analyst with ORGANIZATION
OCI shares have jumped 71 percent this year.
[ "OCI", "71 percent", "this year" ]
OTHER shares have jumped QUANTITY DATE.
To contact the reporter on this story: Saeromi Shin in Seoul at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Shinhye Kang at
[ "Saeromi Shin", "Seoul", "", "Shinhye Kang", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T08:59:53Z -- TYNTEK CORP (2426) said unconsolidated sales in April rose 2.08% to NT$326,743,000 from NT$320,091,000, according to a statement filed to the Taiwan Stock Exchange .
[ "2011-05-04T08:59:53", "", "TYNTEK CORP", "2426", "April", "2.08%", "NT$326,743,000", "NT$320,091,000", "Taiwan Stock Exchange" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION (OTHER) said unconsolidated sales in DATE rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY from QUANTITY, according to a statement filed to the ORGANIZATION .
(Figures are in thousands of New Taiwan dollars) ================================================================= 4/2011 4/2010 Sales 326,743 320,091 YOY% 2.08% -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales 1,135,830 1,117,702 YOY% 1.62% =================================================================
[ "thousands", "New Taiwan", "4/2011 4/2010", "326,743", "320,091", "YOY% 2.08%", "1,135,830", "1,117,702", "YOY% 1.62" ]
(Figures are in QUANTITY of LOCATION dollars) ================================================================= DATE Sales QUANTITY QUANTITY OTHER -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales QUANTITY QUANTITY OTHER% =================================================================
-- 2011-05-04T13:44:32Z -- India ’s government bonds fell, pushing yields to the highest level in 31 months, after the central bank boosted its benchmark lending rate by more than most economists predicted.
[ "2011-05-04T13:44:32", "", "India", "31 months", "central bank", "economists" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION ’s government bonds fell, pushing yields to the highest level in QUANTITY, after the ORGANIZATION boosted its benchmark lending rate by more than most QUANTITY predicted.
The Reserve Bank of India lifted the repurchase rate by 0.5 percentage point to 7.25 percent yesterday, the ninth increase since the beginning of last year.
[ "Reserve Bank of India", "0.5\npercentage point", "7.25 percent", "yesterday", "ninth increase", "beginning of last year" ]
The ORGANIZATION lifted the repurchase rate by QUANTITY to QUANTITY DATE, the QUANTITY since the DATE.
Seven of 25 economists surveyed by Bloomberg expected the move, with 18 forecasting 0.25 percentage point.
[ "Seven of 25 economists", "Bloomberg", "18", "0.25 percentage point" ]
QUANTITY surveyed by ORGANIZATION expected the move, with QUANTITY forecasting QUANTITY.
Oil companies may increase fuel prices this month, which would create more inflationary pressure, said A.Y.
[ "DATE", "PERSON" ]
[ "this month", "A.Y." ]
Oil companies may increase fuel prices DATE, which would create more inflationary pressure, said PERSON
Shedshale, a Mumbai-based deputy general manager in charge of fixed-income at Bank of Maharashtra.
[ "Shedshale", "Mumbai", "Bank of Maharashtra" ]
PERSON, a LOCATION-based deputy general manager in charge of fixed-income at ORGANIZATION.
(BOMH) “Investors are probably pricing in a hike in fuel prices,” he said.
[ "BOMH" ]
(ORGANIZATION) “Investors are probably pricing in a hike in fuel prices,” he said.
“The aggressive rate increase has damped demand for debt.” The yield on the 7.80 percent note due April 2021 rose six basis points to 8.29 percent at the 5 p.m.
[ "7.80 percent", "April 2021", "six\nbasis points", "8.29 percent", "5 p.m." ]
“The aggressive rate increase has damped demand for debt.” The yield on the QUANTITY note due DATE rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY at the DATE
close in Mumbai, according to the central bank’s trading system.
[ "Mumbai" ]
close in LOCATION, according to the central bank’s trading system.
The rate is the highest for a 10-year security since October 2008.
[ "10-year", "October 2008" ]
The rate is the highest for a QUANTITY security since DATE.
A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.
[ "0.01 percentage" ]
A basis point is QUANTITY point.
Inflation may stay around 9 percent until September because of higher fuel prices, the central bank said in a statement yesterday.
[ "around 9 percent", "September", "central bank", "yesterday" ]
Inflation may stay QUANTITY until DATE because of higher fuel prices, the ORGANIZATION said in a statement DATE.
India’s benchmark wholesale price index rose 8.98 percent in March from a year earlier, exceeding the Reserve Bank of India’s 8 percent estimate.
[ "India", "8.98\npercent", "March", "a year earlier", "Reserve Bank \nof India", "8 percent" ]
ORGANIZATION’s benchmark wholesale price index rose QUANTITY in DATE from DATE, exceeding the Reserve Bank of ORGANIZATION’s QUANTITY estimate.
The Reserve Bank of India’s interest-rate increases will start slowing prices from October, Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn said in a conference call with analysts today.
[ "Reserve Bank of India", "October", "Deputy Governor", "Subir Gokarn", "today" ]
The ORGANIZATION’s interest-rate increases will start slowing prices from DATE, PERSON PERSON said in a conference call with analysts DATE.
India sold 110 billion rupees of treasury bills as planned at a weekly auction, the central bank said.
[ "India", "110 billion rupees", "weekly", "bank" ]
ORGANIZATION sold QUANTITY of treasury bills as planned at a QUANTITY auction, the central ORGANIZATION said.
The government sold 80 billion rupees of 91-day bills at a maximum yield of 7.8936 percent, the highest level since October 2008.
[ "80 billion rupees", "91-day", "7.8936\npercent", "October 2008" ]
The government sold QUANTITY of QUANTITY bills at a maximum yield of QUANTITY, the highest level since DATE.
It also auctioned 30 billion rupees of 364-day bills at a maximum yield of 8.2007 percent.
[ "30 billion rupees", "364-day", "8.2007\npercent" ]
It also auctioned QUANTITY of QUANTITY bills at a maximum yield of QUANTITY.
The cost of one-year interest-rate, or derivative contracts used to guard against fluctuations in borrowing costs, gained five basis points to 8.15 percent.
[ "one-year", "five basis points", "8.15 percent" ]
The cost of QUANTITY interest-rate, or derivative contracts used to guard against fluctuations in borrowing costs, gained QUANTITY to QUANTITY.
To contact the reporter on this story: V Ramakrishnan in Mumbai at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at
[ "V Ramakrishnan", "Mumbai", "", "Sandy Hendry", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T07:04:21Z -- FREE POWER ENERG said unconsolidated sales in April rose 49.35% to NT$4,960,000 from NT$3,321,000, according to a statement filed to the Taiwan Stock Exchange .
[ "2011-05-04T07:04:21", "", "FREE POWER ENERG", "April", "49.35%", "NT$4,960,000", "NT$3,321,000", "Taiwan Stock Exchange" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION said unconsolidated sales in DATE rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY from QUANTITY, according to a statement filed to the ORGANIZATION .
(Figures are in thousands of New Taiwan dollars) ================================================================= 4/2011 4/2010 Sales 4,960 3,321 YOY% 49.35% -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales 15,289 12,767 YOY% 19.75% =================================================================
[ "thousands", "New Taiwan", "4/2011 4/2010", "4,960 3,321", "49.35%", "15,289", "12,767", "YOY% 19.75%" ]
(Figures are in QUANTITY of LOCATION dollars) ================================================================= DATE Sales QUANTITY YOY% OTHER -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales QUANTITY QUANTITY OTHER =================================================================
-- 2011-05-04T05:59:48Z -- The European Union’s planned safety checks on nuclear power plants will be less strict than initially announced, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported, citing people familiar with the matter.
[ "2011-05-04T05:59:48", "", "European Union", "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER The ORGANIZATION’s planned safety checks on nuclear power plants will be less strict than initially announced, ORGANIZATION reported, citing people familiar with the matter.
The tests will only cover threats from earthquakes, floods and extreme temperature variations, according to the report.
The tests will only cover threats from earthquakes, floods and extreme temperature variations, according to the report.
The effects of terror attacks, operating errors and unexpected emergency situations on the reactors’ cooling systems and power supply won’t be tested EU-wide, the newspaper said.
The effects of terror attacks, operating errors and unexpected emergency situations on the reactors’ cooling systems and power supply won’t be tested EU-wide, the newspaper said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Christian Vits in Frankfurt at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Craig Stirling at
[ "Christian Vits", "Frankfurt", "", "Craig Stirling", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T08:45:29Z -- VISUAL PHOTONICS said unconsolidated sales in April rose 41.06% to NT$209,668,000 from NT$148,641,000, according to a statement filed to the Taiwan Stock Exchange .
[ "2011-05-04T08:45:29", "", "VISUAL PHOTONICS", "April", "41.06%", "NT$209,668,000", "NT$148,641,000", "Taiwan Stock Exchange" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION said unconsolidated sales in DATE rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY from QUANTITY, according to a statement filed to the ORGANIZATION .
(Figures are in thousands of New Taiwan dollars) ================================================================= 4/2011 4/2010 Sales 209,668 148,641 YOY% 41.06% -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales 791,084 538,901 YOY% 46.80% =================================================================
[ "thousands", "New Taiwan", "4/2011 4/2010", "209,668 148,641 \nYOY% 41.06%", "791,084 538,901", "YOY% 46.80%" ]
(Figures are in QUANTITY of LOCATION dollars) ================================================================= DATE Sales OTHER -----------------Year-to-date----------------- Sales OTHER OTHER =================================================================
-- 2011-05-04T14:57:24Z -- English Premier League soccer leader Manchester United will raise ticket prices by a pound a seat next season after freezing the cost this campaign.
[ "2011-05-04T14:57:24", "", "English", "Premier League", "Manchester United", "a pound a seat", "season" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER EVENT ORGANIZATION soccer leader ORGANIZATION will raise ticket prices by QUANTITY next DATE after freezing the cost this campaign.
The cost will rise 3.7 percent to 28 pounds ($46.30) for the cheapest adult ticket, while the highest-cost seat will be boosted by 2 percent to 50 pounds a game, the team said today in an e-mailed statement.
[ "3.7 percent", "28 pounds", "$46.30", "2 percent", "50 pounds a game", "today" ]
The cost will rise QUANTITY to QUANTITY (QUANTITY) for the cheapest adult ticket, while the highest-cost seat will be boosted by QUANTITY to QUANTITY, the team said DATE in an e-mailed statement.
The increase will account for a 2.5 percentage-point rise in U.K.
[ "2.5\npercentage-point", "U.K." ]
The increase will account for a QUANTITY rise in LOCATION
sales tax, the team said.
sales tax, the team said.
Last season the club’s owners, the Glazer family, faced a backlash from supporters about the way the team was run.
[ "Last season", "Glazer" ]
DATE the club’s owners, the ORGANIZATION family, faced a backlash from supporters about the way the team was run.
Fans questioned the debt the Americans used to secure a 790 million- pound takeover in 2005, and criticized seat prices.
[ "Americans", "790 million", "pound", "2005" ]
Fans questioned the debt the PERSON used to secure a QUANTITY- QUANTITY takeover in DATE, and criticized seat prices.
Ticket costs at Old Trafford, the Premier League’s largest venue, have risen an average of 5.8 percent since the Glazers’ buyout, compared with an average 5.9 percent increase during the previous six years, the club says.
[ "Old Trafford", "Premier League", "5.8 percent", "Glazers’", "5.9 percent", "previous six", "years" ]
Ticket costs at LOCATION, the ORGANIZATION’s largest venue, have risen an average of QUANTITY since the ORGANIZATION buyout, compared with an average QUANTITY increase during the DATE QUANTITY, the club says.
“Fans have seen prices rise 55 percent in the seasons since the Glazers took over and at a time when the club has been enjoying continued commercial success, something they seem more than happy to crow about, along with more than 100 million pounds cash sitting in the bank unspent, they want to take yet more from ordinary supporters, many of whom are struggling in difficult economic conditions,” Duncan Drasdo, chief executive of the Manchester United Supporters Trust said in a statement.
[ "55 percent", "Glazers", "more than 100 million\npounds", "Duncan Drasdo", "chief executive", "Manchester United Supporters Trust" ]
“Fans have seen prices rise QUANTITY in the seasons since the ORGANIZATION took over and at a time when the club has been enjoying continued commercial success, something they seem more than happy to crow about, along with QUANTITY cash sitting in the bank unspent, they want to take yet more from ordinary supporters, many of whom are struggling in difficult economic conditions,” PERSON, PERSON of the ORGANIZATION said in a statement.
United is trying to win a record 19th English championship and may reach the Champions League final after a semifinal second-leg match at home to Germany ’s Schalke tonight.
[ "United", "19th", "English", "Champions League", "second-leg", "Germany", "Schalke", "tonight" ]
ORGANIZATION is trying to win a record QUANTITY OTHER championship and may reach the EVENT final after a semifinal QUANTITY match at home to ORGANIZATION ’s ORGANIZATION DATE.
It holds a 2-0 lead from the first leg.
[ "first leg" ]
It holds a 2-0 lead from the QUANTITY.
VAT Increase The team said the cost covers a boost in the value-added- tax to 20 percent from 17.5 percent and didn’t include higher energy and player salary costs.
[ "VAT", "Increase", "20 percent", "17.5 percent" ]
OTHER TITLE The team said the cost covers a boost in the value-added- tax to QUANTITY from QUANTITY and didn’t include higher energy and player salary costs.
The club has also, after consulting with fans groups, agreed to cap tickets for 16 to 17- year-olds at 20 pounds, so they don’t face a sudden increase from the 10 pounds they paid for so-called junior tickets.
[ "16", "17-\nyear-", "20 pounds", "10 pounds" ]
The club has also, after consulting with fans groups, agreed to cap tickets for QUANTITY to QUANTITYolds at QUANTITY, so they don’t face a sudden increase from the QUANTITY they paid for so-called junior tickets.
Senior tickets will cost 20 pounds.
[ "20 pounds" ]
Senior tickets will cost QUANTITY.
Earlier this week, third-place Arsenal faced supporter anger after announcing a 6.5 percent rise.
[ "Earlier this week", "third-place", "Arsenal", "6.5 percent" ]
DATE, QUANTITY ORGANIZATION faced supporter anger after announcing a QUANTITY rise.
The north London club was the first to charge 100 pounds for a match ticket.
[ "north", "London", "first", "100 pounds" ]
The LOCATION ORGANIZATION club was the QUANTITY to charge QUANTITY for a match ticket.
“I share your concerns that ordinary fans are being priced out of live football,” Arsenal Chief Executive Officer Ivan Gazidis said in a letter to the Arsenal Supporters Trust, a group representing some the club’s small shareholders.
[ "Arsenal", "Chief Executive Officer", "Ivan Gazidis", "Arsenal Supporters Trust" ]
“I share your concerns that ordinary fans are being priced out of live football,” ORGANIZATION PERSON PERSON said in a letter to the ORGANIZATION Supporters Trust, a group representing some the club’s small shareholders.
“This is bad for the continued health of the game and is driven primarily by escalating and ultimately unsustainable levels of spending on transfer fees and salaries.” Gazidis said the club was more reliant on income from its stadium than its “major competitors” and Arsenal was trying to boost its commercial operation in order to reduce the reliance on fans who attend matches at the 60,000-seat Emirates Stadium.
[ "Gazidis", "Arsenal", "60,000-seat", "Emirates Stadium" ]
“This is bad for the continued health of the game and is driven primarily by escalating and ultimately unsustainable levels of spending on transfer fees and salaries.” PERSON said the club was more reliant on income from its stadium than its “major competitors” and ORGANIZATION was trying to boost its commercial operation in order to reduce the reliance on fans who attend matches at the QUANTITY LOCATION.