40 values
Multiple Progress Notes for different dates in a patient with respiratory failure, on ventilator.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Multiple Progress Notes
PROGRESS NOTES,4/16/01:,Patient in respiratory failure, on ventilator,Request airline placement,Airline tracing good,4/17/01:,S: Sedated, intubated in NAD,O: Lungs: Increased bibasilar crackles,A/P: Respiratory arrest, pneumonia, COPD exacerbation,Replete K+, continue IVABX, start TPN, decrease TV, review ABGs,4/18/01:,S: Sedated and intubated, one episode NSVT,O: ABGs: 7.38/67/86/97,4/19/01:,S: Sedated and intubated, scant blood material from NGT,A/P: 1) Respiratory arrest,2) Exacerbation COPD - gastro cath NG aspiration,4/20/01:,S: Intubated/sedated, w/ NAD,O: Pulmonary - Increase L. basilar inspiration,A/P: Pneumonia,Respiratory arrest,COPD exacerbation,New onset low grade fever,D/C NGT - suspect sensitivity,4/20/01:,O: Preliminary blood culture gram + cocci,Dr. A called w/ result, no orders left,Pt. afebrile, WBC increase to 20.2,ABGs improved from 4/20/01, pt. noted to have less secretions,Last night had 8 beat run V-Tach,4/21/01:,O: Chest x-rays reviewed - improvement in lower lobe infiltrate,Gram + cocci in blood,Sputum H. influen. gram neg.,4/22/01:,atient up in chair,Decrease ventilator support,Preliminary blood cultures - Staph coag neg 1 of 2,04/23/01:,S: Awake, alert in NAD,O: Temp 99.8,Blood cultures: Staph coag. Neg. 1 of 2,A/P: Pneumonia, respiratory arrest, COPD,Continue wearing tirals,4/24/01:,S: Awake and alert, +N, refused trach,If fails extubation, will allow for reintubation
Patient with multiple medical problems (Alzheimer’s dementia, gradual weight loss, fatigue, etc.)
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Multiple Medical Problems
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient was seen today by me at Nursing Home for her multiple medical problems. The nurses report that she has been confused at times, having incontinent stool in the sink one time but generally she does not do that poorly. She does have trouble walking which she attributes to weak legs. She fell a couple of months ago. Her eating has been fair. She has been losing weight a little bit. She denies diarrhea. She does complain of feeling listless and unambitious and would like to try some Ensure.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Her meds are fairly extensive and include B12 1000 mg IM monthly, Digitek 250 p.o. every other day alternating with 125 mcg p.o. every other day, aspirin 81 mg daily, Theragran-M daily, Toprol XL 25 mg daily, vitamin B6 100 mg daily, Prevacid 30 mg daily, Oyster Shell calcium with D 500 mg t.i.d., Aricept 5 mg daily, Tylenol 650 mg q.4h. p.r.n., furosemide 20 mg daily p.r.n., and sublingual Nitro p.r.n., and alprazolam 0.25 mg p.r.n.,ALLERGIES:, Sulfa and trimethoprim.,OBJECTIVE:,General: She is a well-developed, well-nourished, elderly female in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Her age is 90. Temperature is 98.5 degrees. Blood pressure: 100/54. Pulse: 60. Respirations: 18. Weight was 132.6 about a week ago, which is down one pound from couple of months ago.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic.,Neck: Supple.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender without hepatosplenomegaly or mass.,Extremities: No calf tenderness or significant ankle edema x 2 in the lower extremities is noted.,Mental Status Exam: She was uncertain what season we are in. She thought we were almost in winter. She did know that today of the week was Friday. She seemed to recognize me.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Alzheimer’s dementia.,2. Gradual weight loss.,3. Fatigue.,4. B12 deficiency.,5. Osteoporosis.,6. Hypertension.,PLAN:, I ordered yearly digoxin levels. Increased her Aricept to 10 mg daily. She apparently does have intermittent atrial fibrillation as a reason for being on the digoxin. We will plan to recheck her in a couple of months. Ordered health supplement to be offered after each meal due to her weight loss.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. A 61-year-old woman with a history of polyarteritis nodosa, mononeuritis multiplex involving the lower extremities, and severe sleep apnea returns in followup following an overnight sleep study.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 61-year-old woman with a history of polyarteritis nodosa, mononeuritis multiplex involving the lower extremities, and severe sleep apnea returns in followup following an overnight sleep study, on CPAP and oxygen to evaluate her for difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep. She returns today to review results of an inpatient study performed approximately two weeks ago.,In the meantime, the patient reports she continues on substantial doses of opiate medication to control leg pain from mononeuritis multiplex.,She also takes Lasix for lower extremity edema.,The patient reports that she generally initiates sleep on CPAP, but rips her mask off, tosses and turns throughout the night and has "terrible quality sleep.",MEDICATIONS: , Current medications are as previously noted. Changes include reduction in prednisone from 9 to 6 mg by mouth every morning. She continues to take Ativan 1 mg every six hours as needed. She takes imipramine 425 mg at bedtime.,Her MS Contin dose is 150 mg every 8 to 12 hours and an immediate release morphine preparation, 45 to 75 mg by mouth every 8 hours as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital signs: Blood pressure 153/81, pulse 90, respiratory rate 20, weight 311.8 pounds (up 10 pounds from earlier this month), height 5 feet 6 inches, temperature 98.4 degrees, SaO2 is 88% on room air at rest. Chest is clear. Extremities show lower extremity pretibial edema with erythema.,LABORATORIES: , An arterial blood gas on room air showed a pH of 7.38, PCO2 of 52, and PO2 of 57.,CPAP compliance monitoring over the past two to three weeks showed average use of 3 hours 26 minutes on nights used. She used it for greater than 4 hours per night on 67% of night surveyed. Her estimated apnea/hypopnea index was 3 per hour. Her average leak flow was 67 liters per minute.,The patient's overnight sleep study was performed as an inpatient sleep study during a routine hospitalization for intravenous gamma globulin therapy. She slept for a total sleep time of 257 minutes out of 272 minutes in bed (sleep efficiency approximately 90%). Sleep stage distribution was relatively normal with 2% stage I, 72% stage II, 24% stage III, IV, and 2% stage REM sleep.,There were no periodic limb movements during sleep.,There was evidence of a severe predominantly central sleep apnea during non-REM sleep at 173 episodes per hour and during REM sleep at 77 episodes per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturations during non-REM sleep fluctuated from the baseline of 92% to an average low of 82%. During REM sleep, the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation was 87% , decreased to 81% with sleep-disordered breathing episodes.,Of note, the sleep study was performed on CPAP at 10.5 cm of H2O with oxygen at 8 liters per minute.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. The patient has evidence of a well-compensated respiratory acidosis, which is probably primarily related to severe obesity. In addition, there may be contribution from large doses of opiates and standing doses of gabapentin.,2. Severe central sleep apnea, on CPAP at 10 cmH2O and supplemental oxygen at 8 liters per minute. The breathing pattern is that of cluster or Biot's breathing throughout sleep. The primary etiology is probably opiate use, with contribution with further exacerbation by severe obesity which acts to lower the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation, and worsen desaturations during apneic episodes.,3. Mononeuritis multiplex with pain requiring significant substantial doses of analgesia.,4. Hypoxemia primarily due to obesity, hypoventilation, and presumably basilar atelectasis and a combination of V/Q mismatch and shunt on that basis.,PLANS: , My overall impression is that we should treat this patient's sleep disruption with measures to decrease central sleep apnea during sleep. These will include, (1). Decrease in evening doses of MS Contin, (2). Modest weight loss of approximately 10 to 20 pounds, and (3). Instituting Automated Servo Ventilation via nasal mask. With regard to latter, the patient will be returning for a trial of ASV to examine its effect on sleep-disordered breathing patterns.,In addition, the patient will benefit from modest diuresis, with improvement of oxygenation, as well as nocturnal desaturation and oxygen requirements. I have encouraged the patient to increase her dose of Lasix from 100 to 120 mg by mouth every morning as previously prescribed. I have also asked her to add Lasix in additional late afternoon to evening dose of Lasix at 40 mg by mouth at that time. She was instructed to take between one and two K-Tab with her evening dose of Lasix (10 to 20 mEq).,In addition, we will obtain a complete set of pulmonary function studies to evaluate this patient for underlying causes of parenchymal lung disease that may interfere with oxygenation. Further workup for hypoxemia may include high-resolution CT scanning if evidence for significant pulmonary restriction and/or reductions in diffusion capacity is evident on pulmonary function testing.
A 61-year-old white male with a diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma status post autologous transplant with BEAM regimen followed by relapse. Allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplant from match-related brother and the patient is 53 months out from transplant.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSES:,1. A 61-year-old white male with a diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma, diagnosed in 2001, status post autologous transplant with BEAM regimen in 04/02 followed by relapse.,2. Allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplant from match-related brother and the patient is 53 months out from transplant.,3. Graft versus host disease involving GI tracts, skin, and liver presently off immunosuppression.,4. Diabetes.,5. Bipolar disorder.,6. Chronic muscle aches.,7. Chronic lower extremity edema.,8. ECOG performance status 1.,INTERIM HISTORY: , The patient comes to the clinic today for followup. I am seeing him once every 4 to 8 weeks. He is off of all immunosuppression. He does have mild chronic GVHD but not enough to warrant any therapy and the disease has been under control and he is 4-1/2-years posttransplant.,He has multiple complaints. He has had hematochezia. I referred him to gastroenterology. They did an upper and lower endoscopy. No evidence of ulcers or any abnormality was found. Some polyps were removed. They were benign. He may have mild iron deficiency, but he is fatigued and has several complaints related to his level of activity.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Paxil 40 mg once daily.,2. Cozaar.,3. Xanax 1 mg four times a day.,4. Prozac 20 mg a day.,5. Lasix 40 mg a day.,6. Potassium 10 mEq a day.,7. Mirapex two tablets every night.,8. Allegra 60 mg twice a day.,9. Avandamet 4/1000 mg daily.,10. Nexium 20 mg a day.,11. NovoLog 25/50.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Fatigue, occasional rectal bleeding, and obesity. Other systems were reviewed and were found to be unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Today revealed that temperature 35.8, blood pressure 120/49, pulse 85, and respirations 18. HEENT: Oral cavity, no mucositis. NECK: No nodes. AXILLA: No nodes. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. ABDOMEN: No palpable masses. Morbid obesity. EXTREMITIES: Mild lower extremity edema. SKIN: Mild dryness. CNS: Grossly intact.,LABORATORY DATA:, White count 4.4, hemoglobin 10.1, platelet count 132,000, sodium 135, potassium 3.9, chloride 105, bicarbonate 24, BUN 15, and creatinine 0.9. Normal alkaline phosphatase 203, AST 58, and ALT 31.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. The patient with mantle cell lymphoma who is 4-1/2 years post allotransplant. He is without evidence of disease at the present time. Since he is 4-1/2 years posttransplant, I do not plan to scan him or obtain chimerisms unless there is reason to.,2. He is slightly anemic, may be iron deficient. He has had recurrent rectal bleeding. I told him to take multivitamin with iron and see how that helps the anemia.,3. Regarding the hematochezia, he had an endoscopy. I reviewed the results from the previous endoscopy. It appears that he has polyps, but there is no evidence of graft versus host disease.,4. Regarding the fatigue, I just reassured him that he should increase his activity level, but I am not sure how realistic that is going to be.,5. He is followed for his diabetes by his internist.,6. If he should have any fever or anything suggestive of infection, I advised him to call me. I will see him back in about 2 months from now.
Reason for ICU followup today is acute anemia secondary to upper GI bleeding with melena with dropping hemoglobin from 11 to 8, status post transfusion of 2 units PRBCs with EGD performed earlier today by Dr. X of Gastroenterology confirming diagnosis of ulcerative esophagitis, also for continuing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation with productive cough, infection and shortness of breath.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Melena - ICU Followup
HISTORY:, Reason for ICU followup today is acute anemia secondary to upper GI bleeding with melena with dropping hemoglobin from 11 to 8, status post transfusion of 2 units PRBCs with EGD performed earlier today by Dr. X of Gastroenterology confirming diagnosis of ulcerative esophagitis, also for continuing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation with productive cough, infection and shortness of breath. Please see dictated ICU transfer note yesterday detailing the need for emergent transfer transfusion and EGD in this patient. Over the last 24 hours, the patient has received 2 units of packed red blood cells and his hematocrit and hemoglobin have returned to their baseline of approximately 11 appropriate for hemoglobin value. He also underwent EGD earlier today with Dr. X. I have discussed the case with him at length earlier this afternoon and the patient had symptoms of ulcerative esophagitis with no active bleeding. Dr. X recommended to increase the doses of his proton pump inhibitor and to avoid NSAIDs in the future. The patient today complains that he is still having issues with shortness of breath and wheezing and productive cough, now producing yellow-brown sputum with increasing frequency, but he has had no further episodes of melena since transfer to the ICU. He is also complaining of some laryngitis and some pharyngitis, but is denying any abdominal complaints, nausea, or diarrhea.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 100/54, heart rate 80 and temperature 98.8. Is and Os negative fluid balance of 1.4 liters in the last 24 hours.,GENERAL: This is a somnolent 68-year-old male, who arouses to voice, wakes up, seems to have good appetite, has continuing cough. Pallor is improved.,EYES: Conjunctivae are now pink.,ENT: Oropharynx is clear.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Reveals distant heart tones with regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Have coarse breath sounds with wheezes, rhonchi, and soft crackles in the bases.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender with no organomegaly appreciated.,EXTREMITIES: Showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Capillary refill time is now normal in the fingertips.,NEUROLOGICAL: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact with no focal neurological deficits.,LABORATORY DATA:, Laboratories drawn at 1449 today, WBC 10, hemoglobin and hematocrit 11.5 and 33.1, and platelets 288,000. This is up from 8.6 and 24.7. Platelets are stable. Sodium is 134, potassium 4.0, chloride 101, bicarb 26, BUN 19, creatinine 1.0, glucose 73, calcium 8.4, INR 0.96, iron 13%, saturations 4%, TIBC 312, TSH 0.74, CEA elevated at 8.6, ferritin 27.5 and occult blood positive. EGD, final results pending per Dr. X's note and conversation with me earlier, ulcerative esophagitis without signs of active bleeding at this time.,IMPRESSION/PLAN,1. Melena secondary to ulcerative esophagitis. We will continue to monitor the patient overnight to ensure there is no further bleeding. If there are no further episodes of melena and hemoglobin is stable or unchanged in the morning, the patient will be transferred back to medical floor for continuing treatment of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. The patient is doing well, taking PO. We will continue him on his oral Omnicef and azithromycin and continuing breathing treatments. We will add guaifenesin and N-acetyl-cysteine in a hope to mobilize some of his secretions. This does appear to be improving. His white count is normalized and I am hopeful we can discharge him on oral antibiotics within the next 24 to 48 hours if there are no further complications.,3. Elevated CEA. The patient will need colonoscopy on an outpatient basis. He has refused this today. We would like to encourage him to do so. Of note, the patient when he came in was on bloodless protocol, but with urging did accept the transfusion. Similarly, I am hoping that with proper counseling, the patient will consent to further examination with colonoscopy given his guaiac-positive status, elevated CEA and risk factors.,4. Anemia, normochromic normocytic with low total iron binding capacity. This appears to be anemia of chronic disease. However, this is likely some iron deficiency superimposed on top of this given his recent bleeding, with consider iron, vitamin C, folate and B12 supplementation and discharge given his history of alcoholic malnutrition and recent gastrointestinal bleeding. Total critical care time spent today discussing the case with Dr. X, examining the patient, reviewing laboratory trends, adjusting medications and counseling the patient in excess is 35 minutes.
Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Biopsy of a left posterior auricular lymph node and pathology showed follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Received six cycles of CHOP chemotherapy.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Followup
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an extremely pleasant 69 year-old gentleman, who I follow for his follicular lymphoma. His history is that in February of 1988 he had a biopsy of a left posterior auricular lymph node and pathology showed follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. From 03/29/88 to 08/02/88, he received six cycles of CHOP chemotherapy. In 1990, his CT scan showed retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Therefore from 04/02/90 to 08/20/90, he received seven cycles of CVP. In 1999, he was treated with m-BACOD. He also received radiation to his pelvis. On 03/21/01, he had a right cervical lymph node biopsy, which again showed follicular lymphoma. His most recent PET scan dated 12/31/08 showed resolution of previously described hypermetabolic lymph nodes in the right lower neck.,Overall, he is doing well. He has a good energy level, his ECOG performance status is 0. He denies any fever, chills or night sweats. No lymphadenopathy. No nausea or vomiting. No change in bowel or bladder habits.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Avelox 400 mg q.d. p.r.n., cefuroxime 200 mg q.d. to be altered monthly with doxycycline 100 mg q.d., Coumadin 5 mg on Monday and 2.5 mg on all other days, dicyclomine 10 mg q.d., Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d., Vasotec 2.5 mg b.i.d., Zantac 150 mg q.d., Claritin D q.d., Centrum q.d., calcium q.d., omega-3 b.i.d., Metamucil q.d., and Lasix 40 mg t.i.d.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. He has chronic lymphedema of the bilateral lower extremities secondary to his pelvic radiation.,2. He had bilateral ureteral obstruction and is status post a stent placement. The obstruction was secondary to his pelvic radiation.,3. History of congestive heart failure.,4. History of schwannoma resection. It was resected from T12 to L1 in 1991.,5. He has chronic obstruction of his inferior vena cava.,6. Recurrent lower extremity cellulitis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,He has no tobacco use. No alcohol use. He is married. He is a retired Methodist minister.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother just died two days ago. There is no history of solid tumors or hematologic malignancies in his family.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
Patient is here to discuss possible open lung biopsy.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Lung Biopsy Discussion
CHART NOTE:, She is here to discuss possible open lung biopsy that she has actually scheduled for tomorrow. Dr. XYZ had seen her because of her complaints of shortness of breath. Then she had the pulmonary function test and CT scan and he felt that she probably had usual interstitial pneumonitis, but wanted her to have an open lung biopsy so he had her see Dr. XYZ Estep. He had concurred with Dr. XYZ that an open lung biopsy was appropriate and she was actually scheduled for this but both Dr. XYZ and I were unavailable before the procedure was originally scheduled so he had it delayed so that she could talk with us prior to having the biopsy. She was ready to go ahead with this and felt that it was important she find out why she is short of breath. She is very concerned about the findings on her CAT scan and pulmonary function test. She seemed alarmed to report that Dr. XYZ had found that her lung capacity was reduced to 60% of what should be normal. However, I told her that two years ago Dr. XYZ did pulmonary function studies which showed the same change in function. And that really her pulmonary function test, at least compared from two years ago, had not really changed over this period of time. After discussing the serious nature of an open lung biopsy, the fact that her pulmonary function studies have not changed in two years, the fact that she likely has a number of other things that are contributing to her being out of breath, which is deconditioning and obesity, she seemed comfortable with the thought of simply monitoring this a little bit longer before undergoing something as risky as an open lung biopsy. In fact when I called Dr. XYZ to talk to him about cancelling the procedure, he stated he would be very uncomfortable with doing an open lung biopsy on someone with pulmonary function studies which had not changed. I also explained to patient that I did not think Dr. XYZ was aware that she had had pulmonary function studies two years previously and certainly did not know that there results of those. And also I spoke with Dr. XYZ who agreed that although the two different tests may have some minor differences accounting for some of the similarity in results that may or may not be completely accurate, that generally a person with progressive interstitial lung disease without a fairly substantial change on pulmonary function tests even if they were done at different facilities.,I had a 30-minute discussion with patient about all of this and showed her the different test results and had a lengthy talk with her about the open lung biopsy and she ultimately felt very uncomfortable with going ahead and decided to cancel it. I also told her we could continue to monitor her breathing problems and continue to monitor her CAT scan, x-ray, and pulmonary function tests. And if there was some sign that this was a progressive problem, she could still go ahead with the lung biopsy. But she needed to understand that the treatment and likely diagnosis found from an open lung biopsy were not highly likely to be of any great help to her. She understands that the diagnoses made from open lung biopsy are not all that specific and that the treatment for the few specific things that can be detected are not often well tolerated or extremely helpful.,We are going to see her back in a month to see how her breathing is doing. We will cancel her open lung biopsy for tomorrow and decide whether she should follow up with a pulmonologist at that time. I told her I would try to talk to her sister sometime in the next day or two.
A female who has pain in her legs at nighttime that comes and goes, radiates from her buttocks to her legs, sometimes in her ankle.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Leg Pain & Bone Pain
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Leg pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 56-year-old female who has pain in her legs at nighttime and when she gets up it comes and goes, radiates from her buttocks to her legs, sometimes it is her ankle. She has noticed it since she has been on Lipitor. She has had some night sweats occasionally. She has had a little bit of fever and nausea. She has noticed her blood sugars have been low. She has lost over 30 pounds after exercising doing water aerobics at Genesis in Wichita. She has noticed her fasting blood sugars have been ranging from 100 to 120. Blood sugars one and a half hours after meals have been 185. She is coming in for a diabetic checkup in one month and wants lab prior to that time. She has been eating more meat recently and has not been on a diet for cholesterol.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include Lipitor 80 mg q.d. discontinued today, Vioxx 25 mg q.d., Maxzide 37/25 q.d., Protonix 40 mg q.d., hydroxyzine pamoate 50 mg at h.s., aspirin 81 mg q.d., Glucovance 1.25/250 b.i.d. decreased to one a day today, Monopril 20 mg q.d., estradiol one mg q.d., and glucosamine 1000 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES:, Cipro, sulfa, Bactrim, and Demerol.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight is 248 pounds which is a 12-pound drop from January. Blood pressure 120/70. Pulse 68.,General: This is a well-developed adult female, awake, alert, and in no acute distress.,HEENT: Oropharynx and HEENT are within normal limits.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rhythm and rate.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended without organomegaly.,GU: Palpation of femurs do not cause pain, rotation of hips do not cause pain, and compression of the hips do not cause pain.,Neurologic: Deep tendon reflexes are normal.,Extremities: Pulses in lower extremities are normal. Straight leg lifts are normal.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Leg pain/bone pain, I am going to check her CMP. I think this possibly is a side effect from Lipitor. We will stop Lipitor, have her follow up in one month which she has already got planned for diabetes appointment and check symptoms at that time. Certainly if her pain improves might consider something like Crestor, which is more water soluble, which may cause less adverse effects. We will check her comprehensive metabolic panel to make sure the alkaline phosphatase is okay, may need an x-ray of back, hip, and legs at that time if symptoms are not gone.,2. Hypercholesterolemia, this is somewhat bothersome as she is a diabetic. Did discuss with her that we need to stick to the diet especially after going off of Lipitor. We will see how she does with her bone pain/leg pain off of Lipitor. If she has improvement may consider Crestor in one month. I am going to check her lipid panel and a CMP. Apparently, she is going to get this at a different site, Mapleridge in Wichita.,3. Type II diabetes. We will decrease her Glucovance because she is having frequent low blood sugars. Her previous hemoglobin A1c was 5.6 so we will see if this improves her symptoms. I am also going to check a hemoglobin A1c at Mapleridge in Wichita and have a followup here in one month for that diabetes appointment.
History of right leg pain. Leg pain is no longer present.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Leg Pain - Progress Note
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 44-year-old man who was seen for complaints of low back and right thigh pain. He attributes this to an incident in which he was injured in 1994. I do not have any paperwork authenticating his claim that there is an open claim. Most recently he was working at Taco Bell, when he had a recurrence of back pain, and he was seen in our clinic on 04/12/05. He rated pain of approximately 8/10 in severity., ,He took a Medrol Dosepak and states that his pain level has decreased to approximately 4-5/10. He still localizes it to a band between L4 and the sacrum. He initially had some right leg pain but states that this is minimal and intermittent at the present time. His back history is significant for two laminectomies and a discectomy performed from 1990 to 1994. The area of concern was L4-L5., ,The patient's MRI dated 10/18/04 showed multi-level degenerative changes, with facet involvement at L2-L3, L3-L4 and L5-S1. There was no neural impingement. He also had an MR myelogram, which showed severe stenosis at L3-L4, however it was qualified in that it may have been artifact, rather than a genuine finding., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Focal lower paralumbar pain, affecting both right and left sides, as well as intermittent right leg pain which appears to have improved significantly with the Medrol Dosepak. He denies any recent illness. He has no constitutional complaints such as fevers, chills or sweats. HEENT: The patient denies any cephalgia, ocular, nasopharyngeal symptoms. He has no dysphagia. Cardiovascular: He denies any palpitations, chest pain, syncope or near-syncope. Pulmonary: He denies any dyspnea or respiratory difficulties. GI: The patient has no abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. GU: The patient denies any urinary frequency or dysuria. There is no gross hematuria. Dermatologic: The patient notes no new onset of rash or other dermatological abnormalities. Musculoskeletal: Denies any recent falls or near-falls. He denies any abnormalities of endocrine, immunologic, hematologic, organ systems. , ,MEDICATIONS: , Atenolol, Zestril, Vicodin., ,ALLERGIES:, None., ,SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS:, Lifting limitations of 5 pounds and limited stooping, bending and twisting., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vital signs: Blood pressure 158/86, respiration 14, pulse 60, temperature 100.2. He is sitting upright, alert and oriented and in no acute distress. Skin is warm and dry. Gross neurologic examination is normal. ENT examination reveals normal oropharynx, nasopharynx, and tympanic membranes. Neck: Full range of motion with no adenopathy or thyromegaly. Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. Lungs: Clear. , ,On examination of the lumbar spine, he is minimally tender to palpation. There is no overt muscular spasm. His range of motion is estimated at 40 degrees of flexion and 15 degrees of extension. Straight leg raises do not elicit any leg complaints on today's visit. Lower extremity reflexes are symmetric., ,DIAGNOSIS: , Low back pain with a history of right leg pain. The leg pain is no longer present. His pain level has improved., ,PLAN: ,1. The patient will take another Medrol Dosepak.,2. He can continue with physical therapy.,3. He also continues with the same lifting restrictions.,4. Follow up is within one week.
Patient with a history of ischemic cardiac disease and hypercholesterolemia.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Ischemic Cardiac Disease - Progress Note
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 68-year-old man who returns for recheck. He has a history of ischemic cardiac disease, he did see Dr. XYZ in February 2004 and had a thallium treadmill test. He did walk for 8 minutes. The scan showed some mild inferior wall scar and ejection fraction was well preserved. He has not had difficulty with chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, or edema.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SURGERIES/HOSPITALIZATIONS: , He had tonsillectomy at the age of 8. He was hospitalized in 1996 with myocardial infarction and subsequently underwent cardiac catheterization and coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. He did have LIMA to the LAD and had three saphenous vein grafts performed otherwise.,MEDICATIONS:, Kerlone 10 mg 1/2 pill daily, gemfibrozil 600 mg twice daily, Crestor 80 mg 1/2 pill daily, aspirin 325 mg daily, vitamin E 400 units daily, and Citrucel one daily.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Father died at the age of 84. He had a prior history of cancer of the lung and ischemic cardiac disease. Mother died in her 80s from congestive heart failure. He has two brothers and six sisters living who remain in good health.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Quit smoking in 1996. He occasionally drinks alcoholic beverages.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Endocrine: He has hypercholesterolemia treated with diet and medication. He reports that he did lose 10 pounds this year.,Neurologic: Denies any TIA symptoms.,Genitourinary: He has occasional nocturia. Denies any difficulty emptying his bladder.,Gastrointestinal: He has a history of asymptomatic cholelithiasis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight: 225 pounds. Blood pressure: 130/82. Pulse: 83. Temperature: 96.4 degrees.,General Appearance: He is a middle-aged man who is not in any acute distress.,HEENT: Mouth: The posterior pharynx is clear.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Lungs are resonant to percussion. Auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.,Heart: Normal S1, S2, without gallops or rubs.,Abdomen: Without tenderness or masses.,Extremities: Without edema.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Ischemic cardiac disease. This remains stable. He will continue on the same medication. He reports he has had some laboratory studies today.,2. Hypercholesterolemia. He will continue on the same medication.,3. Facial tic. We also discussed having difficulty with the facial tic at the left orbital region. This occurs mainly when he is under stress. He has apparently had numerous studies in the past and has seen several doctors in Wichita about this. At one time was being considered for some type of operation. His description, however, suggests that they were considering an operation for tic douloureux. He does not have any pain with this tic and this is mainly a muscle spasm that causes his eye to close. Repeat neurology evaluation was advised. He will be scheduled to see Dr. XYZ in Newton on 09/15/2004.,4. Immunization. Addition of pneumococcal vaccination was discussed with him but had been decided by him at the end of the appointment. We will have this discussed with him further when his laboratory results are back.
The patient is a 65-year-old female who underwent left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer. She returns for a routine surveillance visit. The patient has no evidence of disease now status post left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer 13 months ago.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Lobectomy - Followup
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 65-year-old female who underwent left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer. She returns for a routine surveillance visit.,She has undergone since her last visit an abdominopelvic CT, which shows an enlarging simple cyst of the left kidney. She underwent barium swallow, which demonstrates a small sliding hiatal hernia with minimal reflux. She has a minimal delayed emptying secondary tertiary contractions. PA and lateral chest x-ray from the 11/23/09 was also reviewed, which demonstrates no lesions or infiltrates. Review of systems, the patient continues to have periodic odynophagia and mid thoracic dysphagia. This most likely is secondary to tertiary contractions with some delayed emptying. She has also had increased size of the left calf without tenderness, which has not resolved over the past several months. She has had a previous DVT in 1975 and 1985. She denies weight loss, anorexia, fevers, chills, headaches, new aches or pains, cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath at rest, or dyspnea on exertion.,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg p.o. q.d., Spiriva 10 mcg q.d., and albuterol p.r.n.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , BP: 117/78. RR: 18. P: 93.,WT: 186 lbs. RAS: 100%.,HEENT: Mucous membranes are moist. No cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema.,NEURO: Alert and oriented x3. Cranial nerves II through XII intact.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient has no evidence of disease now status post left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer 13 months ago.,PLAN: ,She is to return to clinic in six months with a chest CT. She was given a prescription for an ultrasound of the left lower extremity to rule out DVT. She will be called with the results. She was given a prescription for nifedipine 10 mg p.o. t.i.d. p.r.n. esophageal spasm.
Patient with hypertension, syncope, and spinal stenosis - for recheck.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Hypertension - Progress Note
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 78-year-old female who returns for recheck. She has hypertension. She denies difficulty with chest pain, palpations, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, or edema.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY / SURGERY / HOSPITALIZATIONS:, Reviewed and unchanged from the dictation on 12/03/2003.,MEDICATIONS: ,Atenolol 50 mg daily, Premarin 0.625 mg daily, calcium with vitamin D two to three pills daily, multivitamin daily, aspirin as needed, and TriViFlor 25 mg two pills daily. She also has Elocon cream 0.1% and Synalar cream 0.01% that she uses as needed for rash.,ALLERGIES: ,Benadryl, phenobarbitone, morphine, Lasix, and latex.,FAMILY HISTORY / PERSONAL HISTORY: , Reviewed. Mother died from congestive heart failure. Father died from myocardial infarction at the age of 56. Family history is positive for ischemic cardiac disease. Brother died from lymphoma. She has one brother living who has had angioplasties x 2. She has one brother with asthma.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Negative for use of alcohol or tobacco.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Bones and Joints: She has had continued difficulty with lower back pain particularly with standing which usually radiates down her right leg. She had been followed by Dr. Mills, but decided to see Dr. XYZ who referred to her Dr Isaac. She underwent several tests. She did have magnetic resonance angiography of the lower extremities and the aorta which were normal. She had nerve conduction study that showed several peripheral polyneuropathy. She reports that she has myelogram last week but has not got results of this. She reports that the rest of her tests have been normal, but it seems that vertebrae shift when she stands and then pinches the nerve. She is now seeing Dr. XYZ who comes to Hutchison from KU Medical Center, and she thinks that she probably will have surgery in the near future.,Genitourinary: She has occasional nocturia.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight: 227.2 pounds. Blood pressure: 144/72. Pulse: 80. Temperature: 97.5 degrees.,General Appearance: She is an elderly female patient who is not in acute distress.,Mouth: Posterior pharynx is clear.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Lungs are resonant to percussion. Auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.,Heart: Normal S1 and S2 without gallops or rubs.,Abdomen: Without masses or tenderness to palpation.,Extremities: Without edema.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Hypertension. She is advised to continue with the same medication.,2. Syncope. She previously had an episode of syncope around Thanksgiving. She has not had a recurrence of this and her prior cardiac studies did not show arrhythmias.,3. Spinal stenosis. She still is being evaluated for this and possibly will have surgery in the near future.
Upper respiratory tract infection, persistent. Tinea pedis. Wart on the finger. Hyperlipidemia. Tobacco abuse.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 9
SUBJECTIVE: ,This patient presents to the office today for a checkup. He has several things to go over and discuss. First he is sick. He has been sick for a month intermittently, but over the last couple of weeks it is worse. He is having a lot of yellow phlegm when he coughs. It feels likes it is in his chest. He has been taking Allegra-D intermittently, but he is almost out and he needs a refill. The second problem, his foot continues to breakout. It seems like it was getting a lot better and now it is bad again. He was diagnosed with tinea pedis previously, but he is about out of the Nizoral cream. I see that he is starting to breakout again now that the weather is warmer and I think that is probably not a coincidence. He works in the flint and it is really hot where he works and it has been quite humid lately. The third problem is that he has a wart or a spot that he thinks is a wart on the right middle finger. He is interested in getting that frozen today. Apparently, he tells me I froze a previous wart on him in the past and it went away. Next, he is interested in getting some blood test done. He specifically mentions the blood test for his prostate, which I informed him is called the PSA. He is 50 years old now. He will also be getting his cholesterol checked again because he has a history of high cholesterol. He made a big difference in his cholesterol by quitting smoking, but unfortunately after taking his social history today he tells me that he is back to smoking. He says it is difficult to quit. He tells me he did quit chewing tobacco. I told him to keep trying to quit smoking. ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, General: With this illness he has had no problems with fever. HEENT: Some runny nose, more runny nose than congestion. Respiratory: Denies shortness of breath. Skin: He has a peeling skin on the bottom of his feet, mostly the right foot that he is talking about today. At times it is itchy.,OBJECTIVE: , His weight is 238.4 pounds, blood pressure 128/74, temperature 97.8, pulse 80, and respirations 16. General exam: The patient is nontoxic and in no acute distress. Ears: Tympanic membranes pearly gray bilaterally. Mouth: No erythema, ulcers, vesicles, or exudate noted. Neck is supple. No lymphadenopathy. Lungs: Clear to auscultation. No rales, rhonchi, or wheezing. Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur. Extremities: No edema, cyanosis, or clubbing. Skin exam: I checked out the bottom of his right foot. He has peeling skin visible consistent with tinea pedis. On the anterior aspect of the right third finger there is a small little raised up area that I believe represents a wart. The size of this wart is approximately 3 mm in diameter.,ASSESSMENT: ,1. Upper respiratory tract infection, persistent.,2. Tinea pedis.,3. Wart on the finger.,4. Hyperlipidemia.,5. Tobacco abuse.,PLAN: , The patient is getting a refill on Allegra-D. I am giving him a refill on the Nizoral 2% cream that he should use to the foot area twice a day. I gave him instructions on how to keep the foot clean and dry because I think the reason we are dealing with this persistent problem is the fact that his feet are hot and sweaty a lot because of his work. His wart has been present for some time now and he would like to get it frozen. I offered him the liquid nitrogen treatment and he did agree to it. I used liquid nitrogen after a verbal consent was obtained from the patient to freeze the wart. He tolerated the procedure very well. I froze it once and I allowed for a 3 mm freeze zone. I gave him verbal wound care instructions after the procedure. Lastly, when he is fasting I am going to send him to the lab with a slip, which I gave him today for a basic metabolic profile, CBC, fasting lipid profile, and a screening PSA test. Lastly, for the upper respiratory tract infection, I am giving him amoxicillin 500 mg three times a day for 10 days.
One-month followup for unintentional weight loss, depression, paranoia, dementia, and osteoarthritis of knees. Doing well.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 7
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, One-month followup.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 88-year-old Caucasian female. She comes here today with a friend. The patient has no complaints. She states she has been feeling well. Her knees are not hurting her at all anymore and she is not needing Bextra any longer. I think the last steroid injection that she had with Dr. XYZ really did help. The patient denies any shortness of breath or cough. Has no nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. No diarrhea or constipation. She states her appetite is good. She clears her plate at noon. She has had no fevers, chills, or sweats. The friend with her states she is doing very well. Seems to eat excellently at noontime, despite this, the patient continues to lose weight. When I asked her what she eats for breakfast and for supper, she states she really does not eat anything. Her only meal that she eats at the nursing home is the noon meal and then I just do not think she is eating much the rest of the time. She states she is really not hungry the rest of the time except at lunchtime. She denies any fevers, chills, or sweats. We did do some lab work at the last office visit and CBC was essentially normal. Comprehensive metabolic was essentially normal as was of the BUN of 32 and creatinine of 1.3. This is fairly stable for her. Liver enzymes were normal. TSH was normal. Free albumin was normal at 23. She is on different antidepressants and that may be causing some difficulties with unintentional weight loss.,MEDICATIONS: ,Currently are Aricept 10 mg a day, Prevacid 30 mg a day, Lexapro 10 mg a day, Norvasc 2.5 mg a day, Milk of Magnesia 30 cc daily, and Amanda 10 mg b.i.d.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reviewed from 05/10/2004 and unchanged other than the addition of paranoia, which is much improved on her current medications.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is widow. She is a nonsmoker, nondrinker. She lives at Kansas Christian Home independently, but actually does get a lot of help with medications, having a driver to bring her here, and going to the noon meal.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As above in HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,General: This is a well-developed, pleasant Caucasian female, who appears thinner especially in her face. States are clothes are fitting more loosely.,Vital Signs: Weight: 123, down 5 pounds from last month and down 11 pounds from May 2004. Blood pressure: 128/62. Pulse: 60. Respirations: 20. Temperature: 96.8.,Neck: Supple. Carotids are silent.,Chest: Clear to auscultation.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender, nondistended with positive bowel sounds. No organomegaly or masses are appreciated.,Extremities: Free of edema.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Unintentional weight loss. I think this is more a problem of just not getting in any calories though does not appear to be a medical problem go on, although her dementia may make it difficult for her to remember to eat, and with her antidepressant medication she is on, she just may not have much of an appetite to eat unless food is prepared for her.,2. Depression, doing well.,3. Paranoia, doing well.,4. Dementia, stable.,5. Osteoarthritis of the knees, pain is much improved.,PLAN:,1. Continue on current medications.,2. I did call and talk with doctor at hospital. We discussed different options. We have decided to have the patient eat the evening meal at the nursing home also and have her take a supplement drink such as Ensure at breakfast time. Connie will weigh the patient once a week and I will go ahead and see the patient in one month. We can see how she is doing at that time. If she continues to lose weight despite eating better, then I think we will need to do further evaluation.
Patient today with multiple issues.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 8
SUBJECTIVE: , I am following the patient today for multiple issues. He once again developed gross hematuria, which was unprovoked. His Coumadin has been held. The patient has known BPH and is on Flomax. He is being treated with Coumadin because of atrial fibrillation and stroke. This is the second time he has had significant gross hematuria this month. He also fell about a week ago and is complaining of buttock pain and leg pain. We did get x-rays of hips, knees, and ankles. Clearly, he has significant degenerative disease in all these areas. No fractures noted however. He felt that the pain is pretty severe and particularly worse in the morning. His sinuses are bothering him. He wonders about getting some nasal saline spray. We talked about Coumadin, stroke risk, etc. in the setting of atrial fibrillation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is alert, pleasant, and cooperative. He is not in any apparent distress. He is comfortable in a seated position. I did not examine him further today.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Hematuria. Coumadin needs to be stopped, so we will evaluate what is going on, which is probably just some BPH. We will also obtain a repeat UA as he did describe to me some dysuria. However, I do not think this would account for the gross hematuria. He will be started on an aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily.,2. For the pain we will try him on Lortab. He will get a Lortab everyday in the morning 5/500 prior to getting out of bed, and then he will have the option of having a few more throughout the day if he requires it.,3. We will see about getting him set up with massage therapy and/or physical therapy as well for his back pain.,4. For his sinuses, we will arrange for him to have saline nasal spray at the bedside for p.r.n. use.
Patient with several medical problems - mouth being sore, cough, right shoulder pain, and neck pain
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 6
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is in with several medical problems. He complains his mouth being sore since last week and also some "trouble with my eyes." He states that they feel "funny" but he is seeing okay. He denies any more diarrhea or abdominal pain. Bowels are working okay. He denies nausea or diarrhea. Eating is okay. He is emptying his bladder okay. He denies dysuria. His back is hurting worse. He complains of right shoulder pain and neck pain over the last week but denies any injury. He reports that his cough is about the same.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Metronidazole 250 mg q.i.d., Lortab 5/500 b.i.d., Allegra 180 mg daily, Levothroid 100 mcg daily, Lasix 20 mg daily, Flomax 0.4 mg at h.s., aspirin 81 mg daily, Celexa 40 mg daily, verapamil SR 180 mg one and a half tablet daily, Zetia 10 mg daily, Feosol b.i.d.,ALLERGIES: , Lamisil, Equagesic, Bactrim, Dilatrate, cyclobenzaprine.,OBJECTIVE:,General: He is a well-developed, well-nourished, elderly male in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: His age is 66. Temperature: 97.7. Blood pressure: 134/80. Pulse: 88. Weight: 201 pounds.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic. Examination of the throat reveals it to be clear. He does have a few slight red patches on his upper inner lip consistent with yeast dermatitis.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm.,Extremities: He has full range of motion of his shoulders but some tenderness to the trapezius over the right shoulder. Back has limited range of motion. He is nontender to his back. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterally in lower extremities. Straight leg raising is positive for back pain on the right side at 90 degrees.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender without hepatosplenomegaly or mass. He has normal bowel sounds.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Clostridium difficile enteritis, improved.,2. Right shoulder pain.,3. Chronic low back pain.,4. Yeast thrush.,5. Coronary artery disease.,6. Urinary retention, which is doing better.,PLAN:, I put him on Diflucan 200 mg daily for seven days. We will have him stop his metronidazole little earlier at his request. He can drop it down to t.i.d. until Friday of this week and then finish Friday’s dose and then stop the metronidazole and that will be more than a 10-day course. I ordered physical therapy to evaluate and treat his right shoulder and neck as indicated x 6 visits and he may see Dr. XYZ p.r.n. for his eye discomfort and his left eye pterygium which is noted on exam (minimal redness is noted to the conjunctiva on the left side but no mattering was seen.) Recheck with me in two to three weeks.
Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Hand Discomfort - Followup
REASON FOR RETURN VISIT: , Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 56-year-old female with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus, who was last seen in rheumatology clinic approximately 4 months ago for bilateral hand discomfort, left greater than right. The patient was seen on 10/30/07. She had the same complaint. She was given a trial of Elavil at bedtime because the thought was to see that represented ulnar or radial neuropathy. She was also given a prescription for Zostrix cream but was unable to get it filled because of insurance coverage. The patient reports some worsening of the symptoms especially involving at the dorsum of the left hand, and she points to the area that actually involves the dorsal aspect of the second, third, and fourth digits. The patient recently has developed what sounds like an upper respiratory problem with a nonproductive cough for 3 days, although she reports that she has had subjective fevers for the past 3 or 4 days, but has not actually taken the temperature. She has not had any night sweats or chills. She has had no recent problems with chest pain, chest discomfort, shortness of breath or problems with GU or GI complaints. She is returning today for routine followup evaluation.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Plaquenil 200 mg twice a day.,2. Fosamax 170 mg once a week.,3. Calcium and vitamin D complex twice daily.,4. Folic acid 1 mg per day.,5. Trilisate 1000 mg a day.,6. K-Dur 20 mEq twice a day.,7. Hydrochlorothiazide 15 mg once a day.,8. Lopressor 50 mg one-half tablet twice a day.,9. Trazodone 100 mg at bedtime.,10. Prempro 0.625 mg per day.,11. Aspirin 325 mg once a day.,12. Lipitor 10 mg per day.,13. Pepcid 20 mg twice a day.,14. Reglan 10 mg before meals and at bedtime.,15. Celexa 20 mg per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Noncontributory except for what was noted in the HPI and the remainder or complete review of systems is unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 155/84, pulse 87, weight 223 pounds, and temperature 99.2. GENERAL: She is a well-developed, well-nourished female appearing her staged age. She is alert, oriented, and cooperative. HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. There is no facial rash. No oral lesions. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis or clubbing. Sensory examination of the upper extremity decreased to light touch on the distal tips of the left second and third digits compared to the fifth digit. Positive Tinel sign. Full range of motion of the wrist with no evidence of motor atrophy or muscle loss.,LABORATORY DATA: ,WBC 5100, hemoglobin 11.1, hematocrit 32.8, and platelets 200,000. Westergren sedimentation rate of 47. Urinalysis is negative for protein and blood. Lupus serology is pending.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Systemic lupus erythematosus that is chronically stable at this point.,2. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change.,3. Upper respiratory infection with cough, cold, and congestion.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient will have a trial of a resting wrist splint at night for the next 4 to 6 weeks. If there is no improvement, the patient will return for corticosteroid injection of her carpal tunnel.,2. Azithromycin 5-day dose pack.,3. Robitussin Cough and Cold Flu to be taken twice a day.,4. Atarax 25 mg at bedtime for sleep.,5. The patient will return to the rheumatology clinic for a routine followup evaluation in 4 months.
The patient has recently had an admission for pneumonia with positive blood count. She returned after vomiting and a probable seizure.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 11
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient has recently had an admission for pneumonia with positive blood count. She was treated with IV antibiotics and p.o. antibiotics; she improved on that. She was at home and doing quite well for approximately 10 to 12 days when she came to the ER with a temperature of 102. She was found to have strep. She was treated with penicillin and sent home. She returned about 8 o'clock after vomiting and a probable seizure. Temperature was 104.5; she was lethargic after that. She had an LP, which was unremarkable. She had blood cultures, which have not grown anything. The CSF has not grown anything at this point.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, She is alert, recovering from anesthesia. Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat are unremarkable. Chest is clear to auscultation and percussion. Abdomen is soft. Extremities are unremarkable.,LAB STUDIES: , White count in the emergency room was 9.8 with a slight shift. CSF glucose was 68, protein was 16, and there were no cells. The Gram-stain was unremarkable.,ASSESSMENT: , I feel that this patient has a febrile seizure.,PLAN: , My plan is to readmit the patient to control her temperature and assess her white count. I am going to observe her overnight.
The patient has NG tube in place for decompression.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP - 10
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient has NG tube in place for decompression. She says she is feeling a bit better.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: She is afebrile. Pulse is 58 and blood pressure is 110/56.,SKIN: There is good skin turgor.,GENERAL: She is not in acute distress.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation. There is good air movement bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second sounds are heard. No murmurs appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Less distended. Bowel sounds are absent.,EXTREMITIES: She has 3+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient is alert and oriented x3. Examination is nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA:, White count is down from 20,000 to 12.5, hemoglobin is 12, hematocrit 37, and platelets 199,000. Glucose is 157, BUN 14, creatinine 0.6, sodium is 131, potassium is 4.0, and CO2 is 31.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Small bowel obstruction/paralytic ileus, rule out obstipation. Continue with less aggressive decompression. Follow surgeon's recommendation.,2. Pulmonary fibrosis, status post biopsy. Manage as per pulmonologist.,3. Leukocytosis, improving. Continue current antibiotics.,4. Bilateral pedal swelling. Ultrasound of the lower extremity negative for DVT.,5. Hyponatremia, improving.,6. DVT prophylaxis.,7. GI prophylaxis.
Palpitations, possibly related to anxiety. Fatigue. Loose stools with some green color and also some nausea.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med SOAP
SUBJECTIVE: , This patient presents to the office today because he has not been feeling well. He was in for a complete physical on 05/02/2008. According to the chart, the patient gives a history of feeling bad for about two weeks. At first he thought it was stress and anxiety and then he became worried it was something else. He says he is having a lot of palpitations. He gets a fluttering feeling in his chest. He has been very tired over two weeks as well. His job has been really getting to him. He has been feeling nervous and anxious. It seems like when he is feeling stressed he has more palpitations, sometimes they cause chest pain. These symptoms are not triggered by exertion. He had similar symptoms about 9 or 10 years ago. At that time he went through a full workup. Everything ended up being negative and they gave him something that he took for his nerves and he says that helped. Unfortunately, he does not remember what it was. Also over the last three days he has had some intestinal problems. He has had some intermittent nausea and his stools have been loose. He has been having some really funny green color to his bowel movements. There has been no blood in the stool. He is not having any abdominal pain, just some nausea. He does not have much of an appetite. He is a nonsmoker.,OBJECTIVE: , His weight today is 168.4 pounds, blood pressure 142/76, temperature 97.7, pulse 68, and respirations 16. General exam: The patient is nontoxic and in no acute distress. There is no labored breathing. Psychiatric: He is alert and oriented times 3. Ears: Tympanic membranes pearly gray bilaterally. Mouth: No erythema, ulcers, vesicles, or exudate noted. Eyes: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light bilaterally. Neck is supple. No lymphadenopathy. Lungs: Clear to auscultation. No rales, rhonchi, or wheezing. Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur. Extremities: No edema, cyanosis, or clubbing.,ASSESSMENT: ,1. Palpitations, possibly related to anxiety.,2. Fatigue.,3. Loose stools with some green color and also some nausea. There has been no vomiting, possibly a touch of gastroenteritis going on here.,PLAN: , The patient admits he has been putting this off now for about two weeks. He says his work is definitely contributing to some of his symptoms and he feels stressed. He is leaving for a vacation very soon. Unfortunately, he is actually leaving Wednesday for XYZ, which puts us into a bit of a bind in terms of doing testing on him. My overall opinion is he has some anxiety related issues and he may also have a touch of gastroenteritis. A 12-lead EKG was performed on him in the office today. This EKG was compared with the previous EKG contained in the chart from 2006 and I see that these EKGs look very similar with no significant changes noted, which is definitely a good news. I am going to send him to the lab from our office to get the following tests done: Comprehensive metabolic profile, CBC, urinalysis with reflex to culture and we will also get a chest X-ray. Tomorrow morning I will manage to schedule him for an exercise stress test at Bad Axe Hospital. We were able to squeeze him in. His appointment is at 8:15 in the morning. He is going to have the stress test done in the morning and he will come back to the office in the afternoon for recheck. I am not going to be here so he is going to see Dr. X. Dr. X should hopefully be able to call over and speak with the physician who attended the stress test and get a preliminary result before he leaves for XYZ. Certainly, if something comes up we may need to postpone his trip. We petitioned his medical records from his former physician and with luck we will be able to find out what medication he was on about nine or ten years ago. In the meantime I have given him Ativan 0.5 mg one tablet two to three times a day as needed for anxiety. I talked about Ativan, how it works. I talked about the side effects. I told him to use it only as needed and we can see how he is doing tomorrow when he comes back for his recheck. I took him off of work today and tomorrow so he could rest.
A 3-year-old male brought in by his mother with concerns about his eating - a very particular eater, not eating very much in general.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 6
SUBJECTIVE:, This 3-year-old male is brought by his mother with concerns about his eating. He has become a very particular eater, and not eating very much in general. However, her primary concern was he was vomiting sometimes after particular foods. They had noted that when he would eat raw carrots, within 5 to 10 minutes he would complain that his stomach hurt and then vomit. After this occurred several times, they stopped giving him carrots. Last week, he ate some celery and the same thing happened. They had not given him any of that since. He eats other foods without any apparent pain or vomiting. Bowel movements are normal. He does have a history of reactive airway disease, intermittently. He is not diagnosed with intrinsic asthma at this time and takes no medication regularly.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, He is on no medications.,ALLERGIES: , He has no known medicine allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight: 31.5 pounds, which is an increase of 2.5 pounds since May. Temperature is 97.1. He certainly appears in no distress. He is quite interested in looking at his books.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear.,Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs.,Abdomen: Soft without organomegaly, masses, or tenderness.,ASSESSMENT:, Report of vomiting and abdominal pain after eating raw carrots and celery. Etiology of this is unknown.,PLAN:, I talked with mother about this. Certainly, it does not suggest any kind of an allergic reaction, nor obstruction. At this time, they will simply avoid those foods. In the future, they may certainly try those again and see how he tolerates those. I did encourage a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in his diet as a general principle. If worsening symptoms, she is welcome to contact me again for reevaluation.
Patient with a three-day history of emesis and a four-day history of diarrhea
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 7
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 7-year-old male who comes in today with a three-day history of emesis and a four-day history of diarrhea. Apparently, his brother had similar symptoms. They had eaten some chicken and then ate some more of it the next day, and I could not quite understand what the problem was because there is a little bit of language barrier, although dad was trying very hard to explain to me what had happened. But any way, after he and his brother got done eating with chicken, they both felt bad and have continued to feel bad. The patient has had diarrhea five to six times a day for the last four days and then he had emesis pretty frequently three days ago and then has just had a couple of it each day in the last two days. He has not had any emesis today. He has urinated this morning. His parents are both concerned because he had a fever of 103 last night. Also, he ate half of a hamburger yesterday and he tried drinking some milk and that is when he had an emesis. He has been drinking Pedialyte, Gatorade, white grape juice, and 7Up, otherwise he has not been eating anything.,MEDICATIONS: ,None.,ALLERGIES: ,He has no known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative as far as sore throat, earache, or cough.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: He is awake and alert, no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure: 106/75. Temperature: 99. Pulse: 112. Weight is 54 pounds.,HEENT: His TMs are normal bilaterally. Posterior pharynx is unremarkable.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Benign.,Skin: Turgor is intact. His capillary refill is less than 3 seconds.,LABORATORY: , White blood cell count is 5.3 with 69 segs, 15 lymphs, and 13 monos. His platelet count on his CBC is 215.,ASSESSMENT:, Viral gastroenteritis.,PLAN:, The parents did point out to me a rash that he had on his buttock. There were some small almost pinpoint erythematous patches of papules that have a scab on them. I did not see any evidence of petechiae. Therefore, I just reassured them that this is a viral gastroenteritis. I recommended that they stop giving him juice and just go with the Gatorade and water. He is to stay away from milk products until his diarrhea and stomach upset have calmed down. We talked about BRAT diet and slowly advancing his diet as he tolerates. They have used some Kaopectate, which did not really help with the diarrhea. Otherwise follow up as needed.
A 62-year-old white female with multiple chronic problems including hypertension and a lipometabolism disorder.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 5
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 62-year-old white female with multiple chronic problems including hypertension and a lipometabolism disorder. She follows with Dr. XYZ on her hypertension, as well as myself. She continues to gain weight. Diabetes is therefore a major concern. In fact, her dad had diabetes and she has a brother who has diabetes. The patient also has several additional concerns she brings up today. One is that her left knee continues to bother her and it hurts. She cannot really isolate where the pain is, it just seems to hurt through her knee. She has had this for some time now and in fact as we reviewed her records, her left knee has been x-rayed in 1999. There was some minimal narrowing of the weightbearing joint with some minor hypertrophic spurring medially. She would like to have this x-rayed again today. She is certainly not interested in any surgery. She has noted that it particularly hurts to kneel. In addition, she complains of her stools being a baby-yellow. She has rectal bleeding off and on. It is bright red. She had a colonoscopy done in 1999. She does have a family history of colon cancer questionable in her mother, who is deceased. She complains of some diffuse abdominal pain off and on. She has given up fast foods and her pop and this has not seemed to help. She does admit however, that she is not eating right. Sometimes her stools are hard. Sometimes they are runny. The blood does not really seem to be related to necessarily a hard stool. It is always bright red and will sometimes drip into the toilet. Over the last couple of days, she had also been sneezing and has had an itchy throat. She tried some Claritin and this did not help. She has had some body aches. She is finally feeling better today with this. She also is questioning whether she has some sleep apnea. She will awaken suddenly in the middle of the night. She was told that she does snore. She does not smoke. As stated, she has gained significant weight.,GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY: , She does not bleed. She has both ovaries, as well as her uterus and cervix. She is on no hormonal therapy.,PREVENTATIVE HISTORY:, She is not exercising. She does not do self breast examinations. She has recently had her mammogram and it was unremarkable. She does take her low-dose aspirin daily as well as her multivitamin. She does wear her seatbelt. As previously noted, she does not smoke or drink alcohol.,PAST MEDICAL, FAMILY AND SOCIAL HISTORY:, Per health summary sheet, unchanged.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unremarkable with the exception of that above. ,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Benicar 20 mg daily; multivitamin; glucosamine; vitamin B complex; vitamin E and a low-dose aspirin.,OBJECTIVE:,General: Well-nourished, well-developed, a very pleasant 61-year-old in no acute distress.,Vitals: Her weight today is 246 pounds. In March of 2002 she weighed 231 pounds. In March 2001 she weighed 203 pounds. Her blood pressure is 160/78. Pulse is 84. Respiratory rate of 20. She is afebrile.,HEENT: Head is of normocephalic, atraumatic. PERLA. Conjunctivae clear. TMs are unremarkable and canals are patent. Nasal mucosa is slightly reddened. Nares are patent. Throat shows some clear posterior pharyngeal drainage. Throat is slightly reddened. Non-exudative. No oral lesions or dental caries noted.,Neck: Supple, No adenopathy. Thyroid without any nodules or enlargements, no JVD or carotid bruits.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, clicks or rubs. PMI is nondisplaced.,Lungs: Clear to A&P. No CVA tenderness.,Breast exam: Negative for any axillary nodes, skin changes, discrete nodules or nipple discharge. Breasts were examined both lying and sitting.,Abdomen: Soft, nondistended, normoactive bowel sounds, no hepatosplenomegaly or masses. Non tender.,Pelvic exam: BUS unremarkable. Speculum exam shows normal physiologic discharge. There are some atrophic vaginal changes. Cervix visualized, no gross abnormalities. Pap smear obtained. Bimanual is negative for any adnexal masses or tenderness. Rectal exam is negative for any adnexal masses or tenderness. No rectal masses. She does have some external hemorrhoids, none of which are inflamed at this time. No palpable rectal masses.,Neuromusculoskeletal exam: Cranial nerves II-XII are grossly intact. No cerebellar signs are noted. No evidence of a gait disturbance. DTRs are 1+/4+ and equal throughout. Good uptoeing. Skin: Inspection of her skin, subcuticular tissues negative for any concerning skin lesions, rashes or subcuticular masses.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Weight-gain.,2. Hypertension.,3. Lipometabolism disorder.,4. Rectal bleeding.,5. Left knee pain.,6. Question of sleep apnea.,7. Upper respiratory infection, improving.,8. Gynecological examination is unremarkable for her age.,PLAN:, We discussed at length, the issue of sleep apnea and its negative sequela. I have recommended that she be referred for a sleep study. She is certainly at risk for sleep apnea. She refuses this. I do not think that her upper respiratory tract infection needs any further treatment at this time since she is feeling better. I did x-ray her knee and with the exception of some degenerative changes, it was unremarkable. I reviewed this with her. I do think that since she is having rectal bleeding, while this is not real unusual for her, with her family history of colon cancer, I am going to have her discuss this further with Dr. XYZ and leave further studies up to them. I will dictate Dr. XYZ a note. I am not going to order any further studies at this time in terms of her yellow stools and right upper quadrant discomfort. She has had a gallbladder sonogram done in the past, this has been unremarkable and these symptoms really have not changed for her. This however, has been some time ago. I suspect she has an element of irritable bowel syndrome. I have strongly encouraged weight reduction, both through diet and exercise. I would like to see her back in the office in six months. I did retake her blood pressure today and it was 130/70. She is fasting this morning, so we will get a fasting blood sugar, chem-12, lipid profile, and CPK. I will her mail the results. I have strongly encouraged medication management if her lipids are elevated. I think she is amenable to this. Her DEXA scan is up to date having been done on 04/09/03. I do not recommend one this year.
Rhabdomyolysis, acute on chronic renal failure, anemia, leukocytosis, elevated liver enzyme, hypertension, elevated cardiac enzyme, obesity.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 12
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient was seen and examined. He feels much better today, improved weakness and decreased muscular pain. No other complaints.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: Not in acute distress, awake, alert and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 147/68, heart rate 82, respiratory rate 20, temperature 97.7, O2 saturation 99% on 3 L.,HEENT: NC/T, PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear bilateral.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilateral.,LABORATORY DATA: , Total CK coming down 70,142 from 25,573, total CK is 200, troponin is 2.3 from 1.9 yesterday.,BNP, blood sugar 93, BUN of 55.7, creatinine 2.7, sodium 137, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22.,Liver function test, AST 704, ALT 298, alkaline phosphatase 67, total bilirubin 0.3. CBC, WBC count 9.1, hemoglobin 9.9, hematocrit 29.2, and platelet count 204. Blood cultures are still pending.,Ultrasound of abdomen, negative abdomen, both kidneys were echogenic, cortices suggesting chronic medical renal disease. Doppler of lower extremities negative for DVT., ,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Rhabdomyolysis, most likely secondary to statins, gemfibrozil, discontinue it on admission. Continue IV fluids. We will monitor.,2. Acute on chronic renal failure. We will follow up with Nephrology recommendation.,3. Anemia, drop in hemoglobin most likely hemodilutional. Repeat CBC in a.m.,4. Leukocytosis, improving.,5. Elevated liver enzyme, most likely secondary to rhabdomyolysis. The patient denies any abdominal pain and ultrasound is unremarkable.,6. Hypertension. Blood pressure controlled.,7. Elevated cardiac enzyme, follow up with Cardiology recommendation.,8. Obesity.,9. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. Continue Lovenox 40 mg subcu daily.
Sample progress note - Gen Med.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 3
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Followup on diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and sinusitis. ,SUBJECTIVE:, A 70-year-old female who was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus last fall. She has been checking her Accu-Cheks generally once a day, and they range from 82 to a high of 132. She feels well. She walks 1-2 miles most days. If the weather is bad, they go to a local mall. Otherwise they walk outside. She does complain of some sinus congestion and drainage for the last several days. She is up-to-date on her mammogram that she had at the Baylis Building. She sees Dr. Cheng for her gynecological care. She is a nonsmoker. Denies abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, blood in her urine, blood in her stools. She has nocturia x 1. Denies swelling in her ankles. She checks her feet regularly., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Refer to chart.,MEDICATIONS:, Refer to chart.,ALLERGIES:, Refer to chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Vitals: Wt: 185 B/P: 142/70. When she checks it at the mall and other places, it is usually about 120/56. T: 96.5 P: 84 and regular.,General: A 70-year-old female who does not appear to be in acute distress. ,HEENT: She has frontal and maxillary sinus tenderness on the right to palpation. The right TM is slightly dull.
Patient comes in for two-month followup - Hypertension, family history of CVA, Compression fracture of L1, and osteoarthritis of knee.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 10
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient is here for two-month followup.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 55-year-old Caucasian female. She has hypertension. She has had no difficulties with chest pain. She has some shortness of breath only at walking up the stairs. She has occasional lightheadedness only if she bends over then stands up quickly. She has had no nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. She does have severe osteoarthritis of the left knee and is likely going to undergo total knee replacement with Dr. XYZ in January of this coming year. The patient is wanting to lose weight before her surgery. She is concerned about possible coronary disease or stroke risk. She has not had any symptoms of cardiac disease other than some shortness of breath with exertion, which she states has been fairly stable. She has had fairly normal lipid panel, last being checked on 11/26/2003. Cholesterol was 194, triglycerides 118, HDL 41, and LDL 129. The patient is a nonsmoker. Her fasting glucose in November 2003 was within normal limits at 94. Her fasting insulin level was normal. Repeat nonfasting glucose was 109 on 06/22/2004. She does not have history of diabetes. She does not exercise regularly and is not able to because of knee pain. She also has had difficulties with low back pain. X-ray of the low back did show a mild compression fracture of L1. She has had no falls that would contribute to a compression fracture. She has had a normal DEXA scan on 11/07/2003 that does not really correlate with having a compression fracture of the lumbar spine; however, it is possible that arthritis could contribute to falsely high bone density reading on DEXA scan. She is wanting to consider treatment for prevention of further compression fractures and possible osteoporosis.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg a day, Prozac 20 mg a day, Vioxx 25 mg a day, vitamin C 250 mg daily, vitamin E three to four tablets daily, calcium with D 1500 mg daily, multivitamin daily, aspirin 81 mg daily, Monopril 40 mg daily, Celexa p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: ,Bactrim, which causes nausea and vomiting, and adhesive tape.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. Depression.,3. Myofascitis of the feet.,4. Severe osteoarthritis of the knee.,5. Removal of the melanoma from the right thigh in 1984.,6. Breast biopsy in January of 1997, which was benign.,7. History of Holter monitor showing ectopic beat. Echocardiogram was normal. These were in 1998.,8. Compression fracture of L1, unknown cause. She had had no injury. Interestingly, DEXA scan was normal 11/07/2003, which is somewhat conflicting.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is married. She is a nonsmoker and nondrinker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As per the HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: This is a well-developed, well-nourished, pleasant Caucasian female, who is overweight.,Vital signs: Weight: Refused. Blood pressure: 148/82, on recheck by myself with a large cuff, it was 125/60. Pulse: 64. Respirations: 20. Temperature: 96.3.,Neck: Supple. Carotids are silent.,Chest: Clear to auscultation.,Cardiovascular: Revealed a regular rate and rhythm without murmur, S3, or S4.,Extremities: Revealed no edema.,Neurologic: Grossly intact.,RADIOLOGY: EKG revealed normal sinus rhythm, rate 61, borderline first degree AV block, and poor R-wave progression in the anterior leads.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Hypertension, well controlled.,2. Family history of cerebrovascular accident.,3. Compression fracture of L1, mild.,4. Osteoarthritis of the knee.,5. Mildly abnormal chest x-ray.,PLAN:,1. We will get a C-reactive protein cardiac.,2. We discussed weight loss options. I would recommend Weight Watchers or possibly having her see a dietician. She will think about these options. She is not able to exercise regularly right now because of knee pain.,3. We would recommend a screening colonoscopy. She states that we discussed this in the past and she canceled her appointment to have that done. She will go ahead and make an appointment to see Dr. XYZ for screening colonoscopy.,4. We will start Fosamax 70 mg once weekly. She is to take this in the morning on an empty stomach with full glass of water. She is not to eat, lie down, or take other medications for at least 30 minutes after taking Fosamax.,5. I would like to see her back in one to two months. At that time, we can do preoperative evaluation and we will probably send her to a cardiologist because of mildly abnormal EKG for preoperative cardiac testing. One would also consider preoperative beta-blocker for cardiac protection.
Sample progress note - Gen Med.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Followup on diabetes mellitus, status post cerebrovascular accident.,SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 70-year-old male who has no particular complaints other than he has just discomfort on his right side. We have done EMG studies. He has noticed it since his stroke about five years ago. He has been to see a neurologist. We have tried different medications and it just does not seem to help. He checks his blood sugars at home two to three times a day. He kind of adjusts his own insulin himself. Re-evaluation of symptoms is essentially negative. He has a past history of heavy tobacco and alcohol usage.,MEDICATIONS:, Refer to chart.,ALLERGIES:, Refer to chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Vitals: Wt; 118 lbs, B/P; 108/72, T; 96.5, P; 80 and regular. ,General: A 70-year-old male who does not appear to be in acute distress but does look older than his stated age. He has some missing dentition.,Skin: Dry and flaky. ,CV: Heart tones are okay, adequate carotid pulsations. He has 2+ pedal pulse on the left and 1+ on the right.,Lungs: Diminished but clear.,Abdomen: Scaphoid.,Rectal: His prostate check was normal per Dr. Gill.,Neuro: Sensation with monofilament testing is better on the left than it is on the right.,IMPRESSION:,1. Diabetes mellitus.,2. Neuropathy.,3. Status post cerebrovascular accident.,PLAN:, Refill his medications x 3 months. We will check an A1c and BMP. I have talked to him several times about a colonoscopy, which he has refused, and so we have been doing stools for occult blood. We will check a PSA. Continue with yearly eye exams, foot exams, Accu-Cheks, and we will see him in three months and p.r.n.
Patient having foot pain.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Foot Pain - SOAP
SUBJECTIVE:, This 32-year-old female comes in again still having not got a primary care physician. She said she was at Dr. XYZ office today for her appointment, and they cancelled her appointment because she has not gotten her Project Access insurance into affect. She says that Project Access is trying to find her a doctor. She is not currently on Project Access, and so she is here to get something for the pain in her foot. I did notice that she went in to see Dr. XYZ for a primary care physician on 05/14/2004. She said she does not have a primary care physician. She was in here just last week and saw Dr. XYZ for back pain and was put on pain medicines and muscle relaxers. She has been in here multiple times for different kinds of pain. This pain she is having is in her foot. She had surgery on it, and she has plates and screws. She said she was suppose to see Dr. XYZ about getting some of the hardware out of it. The appointment was cancelled, and that is why she came here. It started hurting a lot yesterday, but she had this previous appointment with Dr. XYZ so she thought she would take care of it there, but they would not see her. She did not injure her foot in any way recently. It is chronically painful. Every time she does very much exercise it hurts more. We have x-rayed it in the past. She has some hardware there. It does not appear to be grossly abnormal or causing any loosening or problems on x-ray.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Examination of her foot shows some well-healed surgical scars. On the top of her foot she has two, and then on the lateral aspect below her ankle she has a long scar. They are all old, and the surgery was done over a year ago. She is walking with a very slight limp. There is no redness. No heat. No swelling of the foot or the ankle. It is mildly tender around the medial side of the foot just inferior to the medial malleolus. It is not warm or red.,ASSESSMENT:, Foot pain.,PLAN:, She has been in here before. She seems very pleasant. Thought maybe she certainly might be having some significant pain, so I gave her some Lortab 7.5 to take with a refill. After she left, I got to thinking about it and looked into her record. She has been in here multiple times for pain medicine. She has a primary care physician, and now she is telling us she does not have a primary care physician even though she had seen Dr. XYZ not too long ago. We called Dr. XYZ office. Dr. XYZ nurse said that the patient did not have an appointment today. She has an appointment on June 15, 2004, for a postop check. They did not tell her they would not see her today because of insurance, so the patient was lying to me. We will keep that in mind the next time she returns, because she will likely be back. She did say that Project Access will be approving her insurance next week, so she will be able to see Dr. XYZ soon.
The patient states that he feels sick and weak.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient states that he feels sick and weak.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Highest temperature recorded over the past 24 hours was 101.1, and current temperature is 99.2.,GENERAL: The patient looks tired.,HEENT: Oral mucosa is dry.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation. He states that he has a mild cough, not productive.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds were heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are positive. Murphy's sign is negative.,EXTREMITIES: There is no swelling.,NEURO: The patient is alert and oriented x 3. Examination is nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA: , White count is normal at 6.8, hemoglobin is 15.8, and platelets 257,000. Glucose is in the low 100s. Comprehensive metabolic panel is unremarkable. UA is negative for infection.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Fever of undetermined origin, probably viral since white count is normal. Would continue current antibiotics empirically.,2. Dehydration. Hydrate the patient.,3. Prostatic hypertrophy. Urologist, Dr. X.,4. DVT prophylaxis with subcutaneous heparin.
Followup of laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy. Laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy was done because of the need for enteral feeding access.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Fundoplication & Gastrostomy Followup
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup of laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a delightful baby girl, who is now nearly 8 months of age and had a tracheostomy for subglottic stenosis. Laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy was done because of the need for enteral feeding access and to protect her airway at a time when it is either going to heal enough to improve and allow decannulation or eventually prove that she will need laryngotracheoplasty. Dr. X is following The patient for this and currently plans are to perform a repeat endoscopic exam every couple of months to assist the status of her airway caliber.,The patient had a laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy on 10/05/2007. She has done well since that time. She has had some episodes of retching intermittently and these seemed to be unpredictable. She also had some diarrhea and poor feeding tolerance about a week ago but that has also resolved. The patient currently takes about 1 ounce to 1.5 ounce of her feedings by mouth and the rest is given by G-tube. She seems otherwise happy and is not having an excessive amount of stools. Her parents have not noted any significant problems with the gastrostomy site.,The patient's exam today is excellent. Her belly is soft and nontender. All of her laparoscopic trocar sites are healing with a normal amount of induration, but there is no evidence of hernia or infection. We removed The patient's gastrostomy button today and showed her parents how to reinsert one without difficulty. The site of the gastrostomy is excellent. There is not even a hint of granulation tissue or erythema, and I am very happy with the overall appearance.,IMPRESSION: , The patient is doing exceptionally well status post laparoscope fundoplication and gastrostomy. Hopefully, the exquisite control of acid reflux by fundoplication will help her airway heal, and if she does well, allow decannulation in the future. If she does require laryngotracheoplasty, the protection from acid reflux will be important to healing of that procedure as well.,PLAN: ,The patient will follow up as needed for problems related to gastrostomy. We will see her when she comes in the hospital for endoscopic exams and possibly laryngotracheoplasty in the future.
Follow up consultation, second opinion, foreskin.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Foreskin - Followup
REASON FOR VISIT: , Follow up consultation, second opinion, foreskin.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 2-week-old who at this point has otherwise been doing well. He has a relatively unremarkable foreskin. At this point in time, he otherwise seems to be doing reasonably well. The question is about the foreskin. He otherwise has no other significant issues. Severity low, ongoing since birth two weeks. Thank you for allowing me to see this patient in consultation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Male exam. Normal and under the penis, report normal uncircumcised 2-week-old. He has a slightly insertion on the penile shaft from the median raphe of the scrotum.,IMPRESSION: , Slightly high insertion of the median raphe. I see no reason he cannot be circumcised as long as they are careful and do a very complete Gomco circumcision. This kid should otherwise do reasonably well.,PLAN: ,Follow up as needed. But my other recommendation is that this kid as I went over with the mother may actually do somewhat better if he simply has a formal circumcision at one year of age, but may do well with a person who is very accomplished doing a Gomco circumcision.
5-month recheck on type II diabetes mellitus, as well as hypertension.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Gen Med Progress Note - 11
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 66-year-old female who presents to the clinic today for a five-month recheck on her type II diabetes mellitus, as well as hypertension. While here she had a couple of other issues as well. She stated that she has been having some right shoulder pain. She denies any injury but certain range of motion does cause it to hurt. No weakness, numbness or tingling. As far as her diabetes she states that she only checks her blood sugars in the morning and those have all been ranging less than 100. She has not been checking any two hours after meals. Her blood pressures when she does check them have been running normal as well but she does not have any record of these present with her. No other issues or concerns. Upon review of her chart it did show that she had a benign breast biopsy done back on 06/11/04 and was told to have a repeat mammogram in six months but she has never had that done so she is needing to have this done as well.,ALLERGIES: , None.,MEDICATIONS:, She is on Hyzaar 50/12.5 one-half p.o. daily, coated aspirin daily, lovastatin 40 mg one-half tab p.o. daily, multivitamin daily, metformin 500 mg one tab p.o. b.i.d.; however, she has been skipping her second dose during the day.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As noted above.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Temperature: 98.2. Pulse: 64. Respirations: 16. Blood pressure: 110/56. Weight: 169.,General: Alert and oriented x 3. No acute distress noted.,Neck: No lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, JVD or bruits.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur or gallops present.,Breasts: Exam performed with a female nurse present. The breasts do have some scars present underneath them bilaterally from prior breast reduction surgery. There is no axillary adenopathy or tenderness. Breasts appear to be symmetric. There was no nipple discharge or retraction. No breast tissue retraction noted in either the sitting or the supine position. Upon palpation there were no palpable lumps or bumps and no palpable discharge.,Musculoskeletal: She did have full range of motion of her shoulders. She did have tenderness upon palpation over the right bicipital tendon. There is no swelling, crepitus or discoloration noted.,MEDICAL DECISION MAKING: Most recent hemoglobin A1c was 5.6% back in October 2004. Most recent lipid checks were obtained back in July 2004. We have not had this checked since that time.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Type II diabetes mellitus.,2. Hypertension.,3. Right shoulder pain.,4. Hyperlipidemia.,PLAN:,1. She is going to go to lab to obtain a hemoglobin A1c, BMP, lipids, CPK, liver enzymes and quantitative microalbumin.,2. We are going to set her up for a diagnostic bilateral mammogram due to a history of abnormal mammogram in the past which subsequently showed a benign breast cyst.,3. I told her for her shoulder to take ibuprofen 600 mg three times daily with her meals for a minimum of the next one week.,4. She is going to follow up in the clinic in three months for a complete comprehensive examination. If any questions, concerns or problems arise between now and then she should let us know.
Fifth disease with sinusitis
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Fifth Disease - SOAP
SUBJECTIVE:, Grandfather brings the patient in today because of headaches, mostly in her face. She is feeling pressure there with a lot of sniffles. Last night, she complained of sore throat and a loose cough. Over the last three days, she has had a rash on her face, back and arms. A lot of fifth disease at school. She says it itches and they have been doing some Benadryl for this. She has not had any wheezing lately and is not taking any ongoing medications for her asthma.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Asthma and allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Sister is dizzy but no other acute illnesses.,OBJECTIVE:,General: The patient is an 11-year-old female. Alert and cooperative. No acute distress.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,HEENT: Ear canals clear. TMs, bilaterally, gray in color and good light reflex. Oropharynx is pink and moist. No erythema or exudates. She has postnasal discharge. Nares are swollen and red. Purulent discharge in the posterior turbinates. Both maxillary sinuses are tender. She has some mild tenderness in the left frontal sinus. Eyes are puffy and she has dark circles.,Chest: Respirations are regular and nonlabored.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation throughout.,Heart: Regular rhythm without murmur.,Skin: Warm, dry and pink. Moist mucous membranes. Red, lacey rash from the wrists to the elbows, both sides. It is very faint on the lower back and she has reddened cheeks, as well.,ASSESSMENT:, Fifth disease with sinusitis.,PLAN:, Omnicef 300 mg daily for 10 days. May use some Zyrtec for the itching. Samples are given.
Preop evaluation regarding gastric bypass surgery.
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Gastric Bypass - Preop Eval
REASON FOR VISIT:, Preop evaluation regarding gastric bypass surgery.,The patient has gone through the evaluation process and has been cleared from psychological, nutritional, and cardiac standpoint, also had great success on the preop Medifast diet.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , The patient is alert and oriented x3. Temperature of 97.9, pulse of 76, blood pressure of 114/74, weight of 247.4 pounds. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, The patient is currently in stable condition with morbid obesity, scheduled for gastric bypass surgery in less than two weeks. Risks and benefits of the procedure were reiterated with the patient and significant other and mother, which included but not limited to death, pulmonary embolism, anastomotic leak, reoperation, prolonged hospitalization, stricture, small bowel obstruction, bleeding, and infection. Questions regarding hospital course and recovery were addressed. We will continue on the Medifast diet until the time of surgery and cleared for surgery.
Patient with complaint of a very painful left foot because of the lesions on the bottom of the foot.
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Foot Lesions
S -, An 84-year-old diabetic female, 5'7-1/2" tall, 148 pounds, history of hypertension and diabetes. She presents today with complaint of a very painful left foot because of the lesions on the bottom of the foot. She also has a left great toenail that is giving her problems as well.,O - ,Plantar to the left first metatarsal head is a very panful hyperkeratotic lesion that measures 1.1 cm in diameter. There is a second lesion plantar to the fifth plantarflex metatarsal head which also measures 1.1 cm in diameter. These lesions have become so painful that the patient is now having difficulty walking wearing shoes or even doing gardening. The first and fifth metatarsal heads are plantarflexed. Vibratory sensation appears to be absent. Dorsal pedal pulses are nonpalpable. Varicose veins are visible to the skin on the patient's feet that are very thin, almost transparent. The medial aspect of the left great toenail has dried blood under the nail. The nail itself is very opaque, loose from the nailbed almost rotten, opaque, discolored, hypertrophic. All of the patient's toenails are elongated and discolored and opaque as well. There is dried blood under the medial aspect of the left great toenail.,A - ,1. Painful feet.,
Evaluation and recommendations regarding facial rhytids.
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Facial Rhytids
HISTORY: , This 57-year-old female who presented today for evaluation and recommendations regarding facial rhytids. In summary, the patient is a healthy 57-year-old female, nonsmoker with no history of skin disease, who has predominant fullness in the submandibular region and mid face region and prominent nasolabial folds.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , I do believe a facelift procedure would be of maximum effect for the patient's areas of concern and a "quick lift" type procedure certainly would address these issues. I went over risks and benefits with the patient along with the preoperative and postoperative care, and risks include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, discharge, scar formation, need for further surgery, facial nerve injury, numbness, asymmetry of face, problems with hypertrophic scarring, problems with dissatisfaction with anticipated results, and she states she will contact us later in the summer to possibly make arrangements for a quick lift through Memorial Medical Center.
Followup 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of a right Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and second through fifth metatarsal head fractures treated nonoperatively.
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Followup Screw Fixation
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Followup 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of a right Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and second through fifth metatarsal head fractures treated nonoperatively.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 59-year-old gentleman who is now approximately 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and nonoperative management of second through fifth metatarsal head fractures. He is currently at home and has left nursing home facility. He states that his pain is well controlled. He has been working with physical therapy two to three times a week. He has had no drainage or fever. He has noticed some increasing paresthesias in his bilateral feet but has a history of spinal stenosis with lower extremity neuropathy.,FINDINGS: , On physical exam, his incision is near well healed. He has no effusion noted. His range of motion is 10 to 105 degrees. He has no pain or crepitance. On examination of his right foot, he is nontender to palpation of the metatarsal heads. He has 4 out of 5 strength in EHL, FHL, tibialis, and gastroc-soleus complex. He does have decreased sensation to light touch in the L4-L5 distribution of his feet bilaterally.,X-rays taken including AP and lateral of the right knee demonstrate a healed medial tibial plateau fracture status post percutaneous screw fixation. Examination of three views of the right foot demonstrates the second through fifth metatarsal head fractures. These appear to be extraarticular. They are all in a bayonet arrangement, but there appears to be bridging callus between the fragments on the oblique film.,ASSESSMENT: ,Four months status post percutaneous screw fixation of the right medial tibial plateau and second through fifth metatarsal head fractures.,PLANS: , I would like the patient to continue working with physical therapy. He may be weightbearing as tolerated on his right side. I would like him to try to continue to work to gain full extension of the right knee and increase his knee flexion. I also would like him to work on ambulation and strengthening.,I discussed with the patient his concerning symptoms of paresthesias. He said he has had the left thigh for a number of years and has been followed by a neurologist for this. He states that he has had some right-sided paresthesias now for a number of weeks. He claims he has no other symptoms of any worsening stenosis. I told him that I would see his neurologist for evaluation or possibly a spinal surgeon if his symptoms progress.,The patient should follow up in 2 months at which time he should have AP and lateral of the right knee and three views of the right foot.
Dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction.
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Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 56-year-old female who comes in for a dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. The patient states that her husband has been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol as well. She wants some support with some dietary recommendations to assist both of them in healthier eating. The two of them live alone now, and she is used to cooking for large portions. She is having a hard time adjusting to preparing food for the two of them. She would like to do less food preparation, in fact. She is starting a new job this week.,OBJECTIVE:, Her reported height is 5 feet 4 inches. Today’s weight was 170 pounds. BMI is approximately 29. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on a 1200 calorie meal plan emphasizing low-saturated fat sources with moderate amounts of sodium as well. Information on fast food eating was supplied, and additional information on low-fat eating was also supplied.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient’s basal energy expenditure is estimated at 1361 calories a day. Her total calorie requirement for weight maintenance is estimated at 1759 calories a day. Her diet history reflects that she is making some very healthy food choices on a regular basis. She does emphasize a lot of fruits and vegetables, trying to get a fruit or a vegetable or both at most meals. She also is emphasizing lower fat selections. Her physical activity level is moderate at this time. She is currently walking for 20 minutes four or five days out of the week but at a very moderate pace with a friend. We reviewed the efforts at weight reduction identifying 3500 calories in a pound of body fat and the need to gradually and slowly chip away at this number on a long-term basis for weight reduction. We discussed the need to reduce calories from what her current patterns are and to hopefully increase physical activity slightly as well. We discussed menu selection, as well as food preparation techniques. The patient appears to have been influenced by the current low-carb, high-protein craze and had really limited her food selections based on that. I was able to give her some more room for variety including some moderate portions of potatoes, pasta and even on occasion breading her meat as long as she prepares it in a low-fat fashion which was discussed.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient increase the intensity and the duration of her physical activity with a goal of 30 minutes five days a week working at a brisk walk. Recommend the patient reduce calories by 500 daily to support a weight loss of one pound a week. This translates into a 1200-calorie meal plan. I encouraged the patient to keep food records in order to better track calories consumed. I recommended low fat selections and especially those that are lower in saturated fats. Emphasis would be placed on moderating portions of meat and having more moderate snacks between meals as well. This was a one-hour consultation. I provided my name and number should additional needs arise.
Some improvement of erectile dysfunction, on low dose of Cialis, with no side effects.
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Erectile Dysfunction - Followup
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presents today for followup, history of erectile dysfunction, last visit started on Cialis 10 mg. He indicates that he has noticed some mild improvement of his symptoms, with no side effect. On this dose, he is having firm erection, able to penetrate, lasting for about 10 or so minutes. No chest pain, no nitroglycerin usage, no fever, no chills. No dysuria, gross hematuria, fever, chills. Daytime frequency every three hours, nocturia times 0, good stream. He does have a history of elevated PSA and biopsy June of this year was noted for high grade PIN, mid left biopsy, with two specimens being too small to evaluate. PSA 11.6. Dr. X's notes are reviewed.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Some improvement of erectile dysfunction, on low dose of Cialis, with no side effects. The patient has multiple risk factors, but denies using any nitroglycerin or any cardiac issues at this time. We reviewed options of increasing the medication, versus trying other medications, options of penile prosthesis, Caverject injection use as well as working pump is reviewed.,2. Elevated PSA in a patient with a recent biopsy showing high-grade PIN, as well as two specimens not being large enough to evaluate. The patient tells me he has met with his primary care physician and after discussion, he is in consideration of repeating a prostate ultrasound and biopsy. However, he would like to meet with Dr. X to discuss these prior to biopsy.,PLAN: , Following detailed discussion, the patient wishes to proceed with Cialis 20 mg, samples are provided as well as Levitra 10 mg, may increase this to 20 mg and understand administration of each and contraindication as well as potential side effects are reviewed. The patient not to use them at the same time. Will call if any other concern. In the meantime, he is scheduled to meet with Dr. X, with a prior PSA in consideration of a possible repeating prostate ultrasound and biopsy. He declined scheduling this at this time. All questions answered.
A 46-year-old white male with Down’s syndrome presents for followup of hypothyroidism, as well as onychomycosis.
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Down's syndrome
SUBJECTIVE:, This 46-year-old white male with Down’s syndrome presents with his mother for followup of hypothyroidism, as well as onychomycosis. He has finished six weeks of Lamisil without any problems. He is due to have an ALT check today. At his appointment in April, I also found that he was hypothyroid with elevated TSH. He was started on Levothroid 0.1 mg and has been taking that daily. We will recheck a TSH today as well. His mother notes that although he does not like to take the medications, he is taking it with encouragement. His only other medications are some eyedrops for his cornea.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight was 149 pounds, which is up 2 pounds. Blood pressure was 120/80. Pulse is 80 and regular.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy. No thyromegaly or nodules were palpable.,Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs.,Skin: Examination of the toenails showed really no change yet. They are still quite thickened and yellowed.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Down’s syndrome.,2. Onychomycosis.,3. Hypothyroidism.,PLAN:,1. Recheck ALT and TSH today and call results.,2. Lamisil 250 mg #30 one p.o. daily with one refill. They will complete the next eight weeks of therapy as long as the ALT is normal. I again reviewed the symptoms of liver dysfunction.,3. Continue Levothroid 0.1 mg daily unless dosage need to be adjusted based on the TSH.
Followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome
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Dietary Consult - Hyperlipidemia
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome. The patient reports that she has worked hard for a number of weeks following the meal plan prescribed, but felt like she was gaining weight and not losing weight on it. She is not sure that she was following it accurately. She is trying to walk 1-1/2 to 2 miles every other day, but is increasing her time in the garden and doing other yard work as well. Once she started experiencing some weight gain, she went back to her old South Beach Diet and felt like she was able to take some of that weight off. However she realizes that the South Beach Diet is not a healthy diet for her and so is coming back for better instruction on safe weight loss and low-fat eating.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight is 275 pounds. Food records were reviewed.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient experienced a weight gain of 2 pounds since our last consultation which was two months ago. I did carefully review her food records and evaluated calories consumed. While she was carefully tracking the volume of protein and carbohydrates, she was getting some excess calories from the fatty proteins selected. Thus we rearranged her meal plan a little bit and talked about how to track her fat calories as well. She was more open to reducing the amount of protein from the previous meal plan and increasing slightly the amount of carbohydrates. While this still is not as much carbohydrate as I would normally recommend, I am certainly willing to work with her on how she feels her body best handles weight reduction. We also discussed a snack that could be eliminated in the morning because she really is not hungry at that time.,PLAN:, A new 1500 calorie meal plan was developed based on 35% of the calories coming from protein, 40% of the calories from carbohydrate, and 25% of the calories from fat. This translates in to 10 servings at 15 grams a piece of carbohydrates throughout the day dividing them in to groups of two servings per meal and per snack. This also translates in to 2 ounces of protein at breakfast, 6 ounces at lunch, 2 ounces in the afternoon snack, 6 ounces at supper, and 2 ounces in the evening snack. We have eliminated the morning snack. The patient will now track the grams of fat in her meats as well as added fats. Her goal for total fats over the course of the day is no more than 42 grams of fat per day. This was a half hour consultation. We will plan to see the patient back in one month for support.
Counting calorie points, exercising pretty regularly, seems to be doing well
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Dietary Consult - 4
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is keeping a food journal that she brought in. She is counting calorie points, which ranged 26 to 30 per day. She is exercising pretty regularly. She attends Overeaters Anonymous and her sponsor is helping her and told her to get some ideas on how to plan snacks to prevent hypoglycemia. The patient requests information on diabetic exchanges. She said she is feeling better since she has lost weight.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: The patient's weight today is 209 pounds, which is down 22 pounds since I last saw her on 06/07/2004. I praised her weight loss and her regular exercising. I looked at her food journal. I praised her record keeping. I gave her a list of the diabetic exchanges and explained them. I also gave her a food dairy sheet so that she could record exchanges. I encouraged her to continue.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient seems happy with her progress and she seems to be doing well. She needs to continue.,PLAN:, Followup is on a p.r.n. basis. She is always welcome to call or return.
The patient has been successful with weight loss due to assistance from others in keeping a food diary, picking lower-calorie items, her three-meal pattern, getting a balanced diet, and all her physical activity.
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Dietary Consult - 2
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient's assistant brings in her food diary sheets. The patient says she stays active by walking at the mall.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight today is 201 pounds, which is down 3 pounds in the past month. She has lost a total of 24 pounds. I praised this and encouraged her to continue. I went over her food diary. I praised her three-meal pattern and all of her positive food choices, especially the use of sugar-free Kool-Aid, sugar-free Jell-O, sugar-free lemonade, diet pop, as well as the variety of foods she is using in her three-meal pattern. I encouraged her to continue all of this.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient has been successful with weight loss due to assistance from others in keeping a food diary, picking lower-calorie items, her three-meal pattern, getting a balanced diet, and all her physical activity. She needs to continue all this.,PLAN:, Followup is set for 06/13/05 to check the patient's weight, her food diary, and answer any questions.
Dietary consult for a 79-year-old African-American female diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1983.
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Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 2
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 79-year-old African-American female with a self reported height of 5 foot 3 inches and weight of 197 pounds. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1983. She is not allergic to any medicines.,DIABETES MEDICATIONS:, Her diabetes medications include Humulin insulin 70/30, 44 units at breakfast and 22 units at supper. Also metformin 500 mg at supper.,OTHER MEDICATIONS: , Other medications include verapamil, Benicar, Toprol, clonidine, and hydrochlorothiazide.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient and her daughter completed both days of diabetes education in a group setting. Blood glucose records and food diaries are reviewed by the diabetes educator and the dietician. Fasting blood sugars are 127, 80, and 80. Two-hour postprandial breakfast reading was 105, two-hour postprandial lunch reading was 88, and two-hour postprandial dinner reading was 73 and 63. Her diet was excellent.,Seven hours of counseling about diabetes mellitus was provided on this date.,Blood glucose values obtained at 10 a.m. were 84 and at 2.30 p.m. were 109. Assessment of her knowledge is completed at the end of the counseling session. She demonstrated increased knowledge in all areas and had no further questions. She also completed an evaluation of the class.,The patient's feet were examined during the education session. She had flat feet bilaterally. Skin color was pink, temperature warm. Pedal pulses 2+. Her right second and third toes lay on each other. Also, the same on her left foot. However, there was no skin breakdown. She had large bunions, medial aspect of the ball of both feet. She had positive sensitivity to most areas of her feet, however, she had negative sensitivity to the medial and lateral aspect of the balls of her left foot.,During the education session, she set behavioral goals for self care. First goal is to eat three meals a day and eat three snacks daily to improve her blood glucose levels. Second goal is to eat a well balanced meal at 1200 calories in order to lose one-half pound of weight per week and improve her blood glucose control. Third goal is to exercise by walking for 15 to 30 minutes a day, three to five days a week to increase her blood glucose control. Her success in achieving these goals will be followed in three months by a letter from the diabetes education class.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Since she is doing so well with her diet changes, her blood sugars have been within normal limits and sometimes on the low side, especially considering the fact that she has low blood sugar unawareness. She is to followup with Dr. XYZ for possible reduction in her insulin doses.
Elevated PSA with nocturia and occasional daytime frequency.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Elevated PSA - Chart Note
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Elevated PSA with nocturia and occasional daytime frequency.,HISTORY: , A 68-year-old male with a history of frequency and some outlet obstructive issues along with irritative issues. The patient has had history of an elevated PSA and PSA in 2004 was 5.5. In 2003, he had undergone a biopsy by Dr. X, which was negative for adenocarcinoma of the prostate. The patient has had PSAs as high as noted above. His PSAs have been as low as 1.6, but those were on Proscar. He otherwise appears to be doing reasonably well, off the Proscar, otherwise does have some irritative symptoms. This has been ongoing for greater than five years. No other associated symptoms or modifying factors. Severity is moderate. PSA relatively stable over time.,IMPRESSION: , Stable PSA over time, although he does have some irritative symptoms. After our discussion, it does appear that if he is not drinking close to going to bed, he notes that his nocturia has significantly decreased. At this juncture what I would like to do is to start with behavior modification. There were no other associated symptoms or modifying factors.,PLAN: , The patient will discontinue all caffeinated and carbonated beverages and any fluids three hours prior to going to bed. He already knows that this does decrease his nocturia. He will do this without medications to see how well he does and hopefully he may need no other additional medications other than may be changing his alpha-blocker to something of more efficacious.
Hand dermatitis.
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Dermatitis - SOAP
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 29-year-old Vietnamese female, established patient of dermatology, last seen in our office on 07/13/04. She comes in today as a referral from ABC, D.O. for a reevaluation of her hand eczema. I have treated her with Aristocort cream, Cetaphil cream, increased moisturizing cream and lotion, and wash her hands in Cetaphil cleansing lotion. She comes in today for reevaluation because she is flaring. Her hands are very dry, they are cracked, she has been washing with soap. She states that the Cetaphil cleansing lotion apparently is causing some burning and pain because of the fissures in her skin. She has been wearing some gloves also apparently. The patient is single. She is unemployed.,FAMILY, SOCIAL, AND ALLERGY HISTORY: , The patient has asthma, sinus, hives, and history of psoriasis. No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , The patient is a nonsmoker. No bad sunburns or blood pressure problems in the past.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Claritin and Zyrtec p.r.n.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient has very dry, cracked hands bilaterally.,IMPRESSION:, Hand dermatitis.,TREATMENT:,1. Discussed further treatment with the patient and her interpreter.,2. Apply Aristocort ointment 0.1% and equal part of Polysporin ointment t.i.d. and p.r.n. itch.,3. Discontinue hot soapy water and wash her hands with Cetaphil cleansing lotion.,4. Keflex 500 mg b.i.d. times two weeks with one refill. Return in one month if not better; otherwise, on a p.r.n. basis and send Dr. XYZ a letter on this office visit.
An 83-year-old diabetic female presents today stating that she would like diabetic foot care.
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Diabetic Foot Care
S - ,An 83-year-old diabetic female presents today stating that she would like diabetic foot care.,O - ,On examination, the lateral aspect of her left great toenail is deeply ingrown. Her toenails are thick and opaque. Vibratory sensation appears to be intact. Dorsal pedal pulses are 1/4. There is no hair growth seen on her toes, feet or lower legs. Her feet are warm to the touch. All of her toenails are hypertrophic, opaque, elongated and discolored.,A - ,1. Onychocryptosis.,
The patient is a 40-year-old female with a past medical history of repair of deviated septum with complication of a septal perforation. At this time, the patient states that her septal perforation bothers her as she feels that she has very dry air through her nose as well as occasional epistaxis.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Deviated Septum Repair - Followup
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Septal irritation.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 39-year-old African-American female status post repair of septal deviation but unfortunately, ultimately ended with a large septal perforation. The patient has been using saline nasal wash 2-3 times daily, however, she states that she still has discomfort in her nose with a "stretching" like pressure. She says her nose is frequently dry and she occasionally has nosebleeds due to the dry nature of her nose. She has no other complaints at this time.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,GENERAL: This is a pleasant African-American female resting in the examination room chair in no apparent distress.,ENT: External auditory canals are clear. Tympanic membrane shows no perforation, is intact.,NOSE: The patient has a slightly deviated right septum. Septum has a large perforation in the anterior 2/3rd of the septum. This appears to be well healed. There is no sign of crusting in the nose.,ORAL CAVITY: No lesions or sores. Tonsils show no exudate or erythema.,NECK: No cervical lymphadenopathy.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 77, respirations 18, blood pressure 130/73.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,The patient is a 40-year-old female with a past medical history of repair of deviated septum with complication of a septal perforation. At this time, the patient states that her septal perforation bothers her as she feels that she has very dry air through her nose as well as occasional epistaxis. At this time, I counseled the patient on the risks and benefits of surgery. She will consider surgery but at this time, would like to continue using the saline nasal wash as well as occasional Bactroban to the nose if there is occasional irritation or crusting, which she will apply with the edge of a Q-tip. We will see her back in 3 weeks and if the patient does not feel relieved from the Bactroban as well as saline nasal spray wash, we will consider setting the patient for surgery at that time.
Elevated cholesterol and is on medication to lower it.
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Dietary Consult - 1
SUBJECTIVE:, His brother, although he is a vegetarian, has elevated cholesterol and he is on medication to lower it. The patient started improving his diet when he received the letter explaining his lipids are elevated. He is consuming less cappuccino, quiche, crescents, candy from vending machines, etc. He has started packing his lunch three to four times per week instead of eating out so much. He is exercising six to seven days per week by swimming, biking, running, lifting weights one and a half to two and a half hours each time. He is in training for a triathlon. He says he is already losing weight due to his efforts.,OBJECTIVE:, Height: 6 foot 2 inches. Weight: 204 pounds on 03/07/05. Ideal body weight: 190 pounds, plus or minus ten percent. He is 107 percent standard of midpoint ideal body weight. BMI: 26.189. A 48-year-old male. Lab on 03/15/05: Cholesterol: 251. LDL: 166. VLDL: 17. HDL: 68. Triglycerides: 87. I explained to the patient the dietary guidelines to help improve his lipids. I recommend a 26 to 51 to 77 fat grams per day for a 10 to 20 to 30 percent fat level of 2,300 calories since he is interested in losing weight. I went over the printed information sheet on lowering your cholesterol and that was given to him along with a booklet on the same topic to read. I encouraged him to continue as he is doing.,ASSESSMENT:, Basal energy expenditure 1960 x 1.44 activity factor is approximately 2,800 calories. His 24-hour recall shows he is making many positive changes already to lower his fat and cholesterol intake. He needs to continue as he is doing. He verbalized understanding and seemed receptive.,PLAN:, The patient plans to recheck his lipids through Dr. XYZ I gave him my phone number and he is to call me if he has any further questions regarding his diet.
Return visit to the endocrine clinic for followup management of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Plan today is to make adjustments to her pump based on a total daily dose of 90 units of insulin.
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Diabetes Mellitus Followup
PROBLEM LIST:,1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, insulin pump.,2. Hypertension.,3. Hyperlipidemia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 39-year-old woman returns for followup management of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Her last visit was approximately 4 months ago. Since that time, the patient states her health had been good and her glycemic control had been good, however, within the past 2 weeks she had a pump malfunction, had to get a new pump and was not certain of her pump settings and has been having some difficulty with glycemic control over the past 2 weeks. She is not reporting any severe hypoglycemic events, but is having some difficulty with hyperglycemia both fasting and postprandial. She is not reporting polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia. She is not exercising at this point and has a diet that is rather typical of woman with twins and a young single child as well. She is working on a full-time basis and so eats on the run a lot, probably eats more than she should and not making the best choices, little time for physical activity. She is keeping up with all her other appointments and has recently had a good eye examination. She had lab work done at her previous visit and this revealed persistent hyperlipidemic state with a LDL of 144.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Zoloft 50 mg p.o. once daily.,2. Lisinopril 40 mg once daily.,3. Symlin 60 micrograms, not taking at this point.,4. Folic acid 2 by mouth every day.,5. NovoLog insulin via insulin pump about 90 units of insulin per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She denies fever, chills, sweats, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dyspnea on exertion or change in exercise tolerance. She is not having painful urination or blood in the urine. She is not reporting polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: Today showed a very pleasant, well-nourished woman, in no acute distress. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature not taken, pulse 98, respirations 20, blood pressure 148/89, and weight 91.19 kg. THORAX: Revealed lungs clear, PA and lateral without adventitious sounds. CARDIOVASCULAR: Demonstrated regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 without murmur. No S3, no S4 auscultated. ABDOMEN: Nontender. EXTREMITIES: Showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. SKIN: Intact and do not appear atrophic. Deep tendon reflexes were 2+/4 without a delayed relaxation phase.,LABORATORY DATA:, Dated 10/05/08 showed a total cholesterol of 223, triglyceride 140, HDL 54, and LDL 144. The hemoglobin A1c was 6.4 and the spot urine for microalbumin was 9.2 micrograms of protein, 1 mg of creatinine. Sodium 136, potassium 4.5, chloride 102, CO2 30 mEq, BUN 11 mg/dL, creatinine 0.6 mg, estimated GFR greater than 60, blood sugar 118, calcium 9.4, and her LFTs were unremarkable. TSH is 1.07 and free T4 is 0.81.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. This is a return visit to the endocrine clinic for the patient, a 39-year-old woman with history as noted above. Plan today is to make adjustments to her pump based on a total daily dose of 90 units of insulin. Basal rate is as follows, 12 a.m. 1.5, 02:30 a.m. 1.75, and 6 a.m. 1.5. Her correction factor is 19. Her carb/insulin ratio is 6. Her active insulin time is 5 and her targets are at 12 a.m. 110 and 6 a.m. to midnight is 100. We made adjustments to her pump and the plan will be to see her back in approximately 2 months.,2. Hyperlipidemia. The patient is not taking statin, therefore, we will prescribe Lipitor 20 mg one p.o. once daily. Have her watch for side effects from the medication and plan to do a fasting lipid panel and CMP approximately 8 weeks from now.,3. We will get a hemoglobin A1c and spot urine for albumin in 8 weeks as well.
Acute on chronic COPD exacerbation and community acquired pneumonia both resolving. However, she may need home O2 for a short period of time.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
COPD & Pneumonia - SOAP
SUBJECTIVE: , Review of the medical record shows that the patient is a 97-year-old female patient who has been admitted and has been treated for community acquired pneumonia along with COPD exacerbation. The patient does have a longstanding history of COPD. However, she does not use oxygen at her independent assisted living home. Yesterday, she had made improvement since being here at the hospital. She needed oxygen. She was tested for home O2 and qualified for it yesterday also. Her lungs were very tight. She did have wheezes bilaterally and rhonchi on the right side mostly. She appeared to be a bit weak and although she was requesting to be discharged home, she did not appear to be fit for it.,Overnight, the patient needed to use the rest room. She stated that she needed to urinate. She awoke, decided not to call for assistance. She stated that she did have her nurse call light button next to her and she was unable to gain access to her walker. She attempted to walk to the rest room on her own. She sustained a fall. She stated that she just felt weak. She bumped her knee and her elbow. She had femur x-rays, knee x-rays also. There was possibility of subchondral fracture and some swelling of her suprapatellar bursa on the right side. This morning, she denied any headache, back pain or neck pain. She complained mostly of right anterior knee pain for which she had some bruising and swelling.,OBJECTIVE:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient's max temperature over the past 24 hours was 36.5; her blood pressure is 148/77, her pulse is 87 to 106. She is 95% on 2 L via nasal cannula.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop or rub.,LUNGS: Reveal no expiratory wheezing throughout. She does have some rhonchi on the right mid base. She did have a productive cough this morning and she is coughing green purulent sputum finally.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Her bowel sounds x4 are normoactive.,NEUROLOGIC: She is alert and oriented x3. Her pupils are equal and reactive. She has got a good head and facial muscle strength. Her tongue is midline. She has got clear speech. Her extraocular motions are intact. Her spine is nontender on palpation from neck to lumbar spine. She has good range of motion with regard to her shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers. Her grip strengths are equal bilaterally. Both elbows are strong from extension to flexion. Her hip flexors and extenders are also strong and equal bilaterally. Extension and flexion of the knee bilaterally and ankles also are strong. Palpation of her right knee reveals no crepitus. She does have suprapatellar inflammation with some ecchymosis and swelling. She has got good joint range of motion however.,SKIN: She did have a skin tear involving her right forearm lateral, which is approximately 2 to 2.5 inches in length and is at this time currently Steri-Stripped and wrapped with Coban and is not actively bleeding.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute on chronic COPD exacerbation.,2. Community acquired pneumonia both resolving. However, she may need home O2 for a short period of time.,3. Generalized weakness and deconditioning secondary to the above. Also sustained a fall secondary to instability and not using her walker or calling for assistance. The patient stated that she knew better and she should have called for assistance and she had been told repeatedly from her family members and staff to call for assistance if she needed to get out of bed.,PLAN:,1. I will have PT and OT evaluate the patient and give recommendation to safety and appliance use at home i.e. walker. Myself and one of her daughter's spoke today about the fact that she generally lives independently at the Brooke and she may need assisted living along with physical therapy and oxygen for a period of time rather than going back to independent living.,2. We will obtain an orthopedic consult secondary to her fall to evaluate her x-rays and function.
The patient is a 61-year-old female who was treated with CyberKnife therapy to a right upper lobe stage IA non-small cell lung cancer. CyberKnife treatment was completed one month ago. She is now being seen for her first post-CyberKnife treatment visit.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
CyberKnife Treatment - Followup
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 61-year-old female who was treated with CyberKnife therapy to a right upper lobe stage IA non-small cell lung cancer. CyberKnife treatment was completed one month ago. She is now being seen for her first post-CyberKnife treatment visit.,Since undergoing CyberKnife treatment, she has had low-level nausea without vomiting. She continues to have pain with deep inspiration and resolving dysphagia. She has no heartburn, cough, hemoptysis, rash, or palpable rib pain.,MEDICATIONS: , Dilantin 100 mg four times a day, phenobarbital 30 mg three times per day, levothyroxine 0.025 mg p.o. q. day, Tylenol with Codeine b.i.d., prednisone 5 mg p.r.n., citalopram 10 mg p.o. q. day, Spiriva q. day, Combivent inhaler p.r.n., omeprazole 20 mg p.o. q. day, Lidoderm patch every 12 hours, Naprosyn 375 mg p.o. b.i.d., oxaprozin 600 mg p.o. b.i.d., Megace 40 mg p.o. b.i.d., and Asacol p.r.n.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , BP: 122/86. Temp: 96.8. HR: 79. RR: 26. RAS: 100%.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. EOMs intact.,NECK: Supple without masses or lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without rubs, murmurs, or gallops.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient has done well with CyberKnife treatment of a stage IA non-small cell lung cancer, right upper lobe, one month ago.,PLAN: , She is to return to clinic in three months with a PET CT.
Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Clostridium Difficile Colitis Followup
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seen and examined feels better today. Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite. Good urine output 600 mL since 7 o'clock in the morning. Afebrile.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Nonacute distress, awake, alert, and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 102/64, heart rate of 89, respiratory rate of 12, temperature 96.8, and O2 saturation 94% on room air.,HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are positive, soft, and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA: ,CBC, WBC count today down 10.9 from 17.3 yesterday 26.9 on admission, hemoglobin 10.2, hematocrit 31.3, and platelet count 370,000. BMP, BUN of 28.3 from 32.2, creatinine 1.8 from 1.89 from 2.7. Calcium of 8.2. Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22. Liver function test is unremarkable.,Stool positive for Clostridium difficile. Blood culture was 131. O2 saturation result is pending.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Most likely secondary to Clostridium difficile colitis and urinary tract infection improving. The patient hemodynamically stable, leukocytosis improved and today he is afebrile.,2. Acute renal failure secondary to dehydration, BUN and creatinine improving.,3. Clostridium difficile colitis, Continue Flagyl, evaluation Dr. X in a.m.,4. Urinary tract infection, continue Levaquin for last during culture.,5. Leucocytosis, improving.,6. Minimal elevated cardiac enzyme on admission. Followup with Cardiology recommendations.,7. Possible pneumonia, continue vancomycin and Levaquin.,8. The patient may be transferred to telemetry.
D&C and hysteroscopy. Abnormal uterine bleeding, enlarged fibroid uterus, hypermenorrhea, intermenstrual spotting, and thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining. 6. Grade 1+ rectocele.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
D&C & Hysteroscopy Followup
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,6. Grade 1+ rectocele.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,D&C and hysteroscopy.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 48-year-old para 2, vaginal delivery. She has heavy periods lasting 7 to 14 days with spotting in between her periods. The patient's uterus is 12.2 x 6.2 x 5.3 cm. Her endometrial thickness is 2 cm. Her adnexa is within normal limits. The patient and I had a long discussion. Consent was reviewed in layman's terms. The patient understood the foreseeable risks and complications, the alternative treatments and procedure itself and recovery. Questions were answered. The patient was taken back to the operative suite. The patient underwent pelvic examination and then carefully placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient had excellent femoral pulses and there was no excessive extension or hyperflexion of the lower extremities. The patient's history is that she is at risk for development of condyloma. The patient's husband was found to have a laryngeal papillomatosis. She has had a laparotomy, which is an infraumbilical incision appendectomy, a laparoscopy, and bilateral tubal ligation. Her uterus appears to be mobile by 12-week size. There is a good descend. There appears to be no adnexal abnormalities. Uterus is 12-week sized and has fibroids, it is boggy and probably has a component of adenomyosis. The patient's cervix was dilated without difficulty utilizing Circon ACMI hysteroscope with a 12-degree lens. The patient underwent hysteroscopy. The outflow valve was opened at all times. The inflow valve was opened just to achieve appropriate distension. The patient did have no evidence of trauma of the cervix. No Trendelenburg as we were in room #9. The patient also had the bag held two fingerbreadths above the level of the heart. The patient was seen. There is a 2 x 3 cm focal thickening of the posterior wall of the uterus' endometrial lining, a more of a polypoid nature. The patient also has one in the fundal area. The thickened tissue was removed via sharp curettage. Therefore, we reinserted the hysteroscope. It appeared that there was an appropriate curettage and that all areas of suspicion were indeed removed. The patient's procedure was ended with specimen being obtained and sent to Department of Pathology. We will follow her up in the office.
Followup circumcision. The patient had a pretty significant phimosis and his operative course was smooth. Satisfactory course after circumcision for severe phimosis with no perioperative complications.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Circumcision Followup
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup circumcision.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient had his circumcision performed on 09/16/2007 here at Children's Hospital. The patient had a pretty significant phimosis and his operative course was smooth. He did have a little bit of bleeding when he woke in recovery room, which required placement of some additional sutures, but after that, his recovery has been complete. His mom did note that she had to him a couple of days of oral analgesics, but he seems to be back to normal and pain free now. He is having no difficulty urinating, and his bowel function remains normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Today, The patient looks healthy and happy. We examined his circumcision site. His Monocryl sutures are still in place. The healing is excellent, and there is only a mild amount of residual postoperative swelling. There was one area where he had some recurrent adhesions at the coronal sulcus, and I gently lysed this today and applied antibiotic ointment showing this to mom had to especially lubricate this area until the healing is completed.,IMPRESSION: , Satisfactory course after circumcision for severe phimosis with no perioperative complications.,PLAN: ,The patient came in followup for his routine care with Dr. X, but should not need any further routine surgical followup unless he develops any type of difficulty with this surgical wound. If that does occur, we will be happy to see him back at any time.,
Patient with hip pain, osteoarthritis, lumbar spondylosis, chronic sacroiliitis, etc.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Chiropractic Progress Note
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,Hip pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: ,The patient is a very pleasant 41-year-old white female that is known to me previously from our work at the Pain Management Clinic, as well as from my residency training program, San Francisco. We have worked collaboratively for many years at the Pain Management Clinic and with her departure there, she has asked to establish with me for clinic pain management at my office. She reports moderate to severe pain related to a complicated past medical history. In essence, she was seen at a very young age at the clinic for bilateral knee and hip pain and diagnosed with bursitis at age 23. She was given nonsteroidals at that time, which did help with this discomfort. With time, however, this became inadequate and she was seen later in San Francisco in her mid 30s by Dr. V, an orthopedist who diagnosed retroverted hips at Hospital. She was referred for rehabilitation and strengthening. Most of this was focused on her SI joints. At that time, although she had complained of foot discomfort, she was not treated for it. This was in 1993 after which she and her new husband moved to the Boston area, where she lived from 1995-1996. She was seen at the Pain Center by Dr. R with similar complaints of hip and knee pain. She was seen by rheumatologists there and diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as osteophytosis of the back. Medications at that time were salicylate and Ultram.,When she returned to Portland in 1996, she was then working for Dr. B. She was referred to a podiatrist by her local doctor who found several fractured sesamoid bones in her both feet, but this was later found not to be the case. Subsequently, nuclear bone scans revealed osteoarthritis. Orthotics were provided. She was given Paxil and Tramadol and subsequently developed an unfortunate side effect of grand mal seizure. During this workup of her seizure, imaging studies revealed a pericardial fluid-filled cyst adhered to her ventricle. She has been advised not to undergo any corrective or reparative surgery as well as to limit her activities since. She currently does not have an established cardiologist having just changed insurance plans. She is establishing care with Dr. S, of Rheumatology for her ongoing care. Up until today, her pain medications were being written by Dr. Y prior to establishing with Dr. L.,Pain management in town had been first provided by the office of Dr. F. Under his care, followup MRIs were done which showed ongoing degenerative disc disease, joint disease, and facet arthropathy in addition to previously described sacroiliitis. A number of medications were attempted there, including fentanyl patches with Flonase from 25 mcg titrated upwards to 50 mcg, but this caused oversedation. She then transferred her care to Ab Cd, FNP under the direction of Dr. K. Her care there was satisfactory, but because of her work schedule, the patient found this burdensome as well as the guidelines set forth in terms of monthly meetings and routine urine screens. Because of a previous commitment, she was unable to make one unscheduled request to their office in order to produce a random urine screen and was therefore discharged.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Attention deficit disorder.,2. TMJ arthropathy.,3. Migraines.,4. Osteoarthritis as described above.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Cystectomies.,2. Sinuses.,3. Left ganglia of the head and subdermally in various locations.,4. TMJ and bruxism.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,The patient's father also suffered from bilateral hip osteoarthritis.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Methadone 2.5 mg p.o. t.i.d.,2. Norco 10/325 mg p.o. q.i.d.,3. Tenormin 50 mg q.a.m.,4. Skelaxin 800 mg b.i.d. to t.i.d. p.r.n.,5. Wellbutrin SR 100 mg q.d.,6. Naprosyn 500 mg one to two pills q.d. p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , IV morphine causes hives. Sulfa caused blisters and rash.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , A well-developed, well-nourished white female in no acute distress, sitting comfortably and answering questions appropriately, making good eye contact, and no evidence of pain behavior.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 110/72 with a pulse of 68.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular motions are intact. No scleral icterus. No nystagmus. Tongue is midline. Mucous membranes are moist without exudate.,NECK: Free range of motion without thyromegaly.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation without wheeze or rhonchi.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop, or rub.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: There is musculoskeletal soreness and tenderness found at the ankles, feet, as well as the low back, particularly above the SI joints bilaterally. Passive hip motion also elicits bilateral hip pain referred to the ipsilateral side. Toe-heel walking is performed without difficulty. Straight leg raises are negative. Romberg's are negative.,NEUROLOGIC: Grossly intact. Intact reflexes in all extremities tested. Romberg is negative and downgoing.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Osteoarthritis.,2. Chronic sacroiliitis.,3. Lumbar spondylosis.,4. Migraine.,5. TMJ arthropathy secondary to bruxism.,6. Mood disorder secondary to chronic pain.,7. Attention deficit disorder, currently untreated and self diagnosed.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. Agree with Rheumatology referral and review. I would particularly be interested in the patient pursuing a bone density scan as well as thyroid and parathyroid studies.,2. Given the patient's previous sulfa allergies, we would recommend decreasing her Naprosyn usage.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus, insulin pump requiring. Chronic kidney disease, stage III. Sweet syndrome, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Chronic Kidney Disease Followup - 1
PROBLEMS LIST:,1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, insulin pump requiring.,2. Chronic kidney disease, stage III.,3. Sweet syndrome.,4. Hypertension.,5. Dyslipidemia.,6. Osteoporosis.,7. Anemia.,8. A 25-hydroxy-vitamin D deficiency.,9. Peripheral neuropathy manifested by insensate feet.,10. Hypothyroidism.,11. Diabetic retinopathy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a return visit to the renal clinic for the patient where she is followed up for diabetes and kidney disease management. Her last visit to this clinic was approximately three months ago. Since that time, the patient states that she has had some variability in her glucose control too largely to recent upper and lower respiratory illnesses. She did not seek attention for these, and the symptoms have begun to subside on their own and in the meantime, she continues to have some difficulties with blood sugar management. Her 14-day average is 191. She had a high blood sugar this morning, which she attributed to a problem with her infusion set; however, in the clinic after an appropriate correction bolus, she subsequently became quite low. She was treated appropriately with glucose and crackers, and her blood sugar came back up to over 100. She was able to manage this completely on her own. In the meantime, she is not having any other medical problems that have interfered with glucose control. Her diet has been a little bit different in that she had been away visiting with her family for some period of time as well.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. A number of topical creams for her rash.,2. Hydroxyzine 25 mg 4 times a day.,3. Claritin 5 mg a day.,4. Fluoxetine 20 mg a day.,5. Ergocalciferol 800 international units a day.,6. Protonix 40 mg a day.,7. Iron sulfate 1.2 cc every day.,8. Actonel 35 mg once a week.,9. Zantac 150 mg daily.,10. Calcium carbonate 500 mg 3 times a day.,11. NovoLog insulin via insulin pump about 30 units of insulin daily.,12. Zocor 40 mg a day.,13. Valsartan 80 mg daily.,14. Amlodipine 5 mg a day.,15. Plavix 75 mg a day.,16. Aspirin 81 mg a day.,17. Lasix 20 mg a day.,18. Levothyroxine 75 micrograms a day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Really not much change. Her upper respiratory symptoms have resolved. She is not describing fevers, chills, sweats, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain. She is not having any decreased appetite. She is not having painful urination, any blood in the urine, frequency or hesitancy. She is not having polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia. Her visual acuity has declined, but she does not appear to have any acute change.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 36.1, pulse 56, respirations 16, blood pressure 117/48, and weight is 109.7 pounds. HEENT: Examination found her to be atraumatic and normocephalic. She has pupils that are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles intact. Sclerae and conjunctivae are clear. The paranasal sinuses are nontender. The nose is patent. The external auditory canal and tympanic membranes are clear A.U. Oral cavity and oropharynx examination is free of lesions. The mucosus membranes are moist. NECK: Supple. There is no lymphadenopathy. There is no thyromegaly. THORAX: Reveals lungs that are clear, PA and lateral, without adventitious sounds. CARDIOVASCULAR: Demonstrated regular rate and rhythm. EXTREMITIES: Reveal no edema and is otherwise deferred.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This is a return visit to the renal clinic for the patient with history as noted above. She has had variability in her glucose control, and the plan today is to continue her current regimen, which includes the following: Basal rate, 12 a.m. 0.6 units per hour, 4 a.m. 0.7 units per hour, and 9 a.m. 0.6 units per hour. Her target pre-meal is 120 and bedtime is 150. Her insulin/carbohydrate ratio is 10 and her correction factor is 60. We are not going to make any changes to her insulin pump settings at this time. I have encouraged her to watch the number of processed high-calorie foods that she is consuming late at night. She has agreed to try that and cut back on this a little bit. I want to get fasting labs to include her standard labs for us today but include a fasting C-peptide and a hemoglobin A1C, so that we can make arrangements for her to get an upgraded insulin pump. She states to me that she has been having some battery problems in the recent past, although she says the last time that she went four weeks without having to change batteries and that is about the appropriate amount of time. Nonetheless, she is out of warranty and we will try to get her a new pump.,Plan to see the patient back here in approximately two months, and we will try to get the new pump through Medicare.
A lady was admitted to the hospital with chest pain and respiratory insufficiency. She has chronic lung disease with bronchospastic angina.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Chest Pain & Respiratory Insufficiency
We discovered new T-wave abnormalities on her EKG. There was of course a four-vessel bypass surgery in 2001. We did a coronary angiogram. This demonstrated patent vein grafts and patent internal mammary vessel and so there was no obvious new disease.,She may continue in the future to have angina and she will have nitroglycerin available for that if needed.,Her blood pressure has been elevated and so instead of metoprolol, we have started her on Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d. This should be increased up to 25 mg b.i.d. as preferred antihypertensive in this lady's case. She also is on an ACE inhibitor.,So her discharge meds are as follows:,1. Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d.,2. Simvastatin 40 mg nightly.,3. Lisinopril 5 mg b.i.d.,4. Protonix 40 mg a.m.,5. Aspirin 160 mg a day.,6. Lasix 20 mg b.i.d.,7. Spiriva puff daily.,8. Albuterol p.r.n. q.i.d.,9. Advair 500/50 puff b.i.d.,10. Xopenex q.i.d. and p.r.n.,I will see her in a month to six weeks. She is to follow up with Dr. X before that.
Followup cervical spinal stenosis. Her symptoms of right greater than left upper extremity pain, weakness, paresthesias had been worsening after an incident when she thought she had exacerbated her conditions while lifting several objects.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Cervical Spinal Stenosis
REASON FOR VISIT: ,Followup cervical spinal stenosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Ms. ABC returns today for followup regarding her cervical spinal stenosis. I have last seen her on 06/19/07. Her symptoms of right greater than left upper extremity pain, weakness, paresthesias had been worsening after an incident on 06/04/07, when she thought she had exacerbated her conditions while lifting several objects.,I referred her to obtain a cervical spine MRI.,She returns today stating that she continues to have right upper extremity pain, paresthesias, weakness, which she believes radiates from her neck. She had some physical therapy, which has been helping with the neck pain. The right hand weakness continues. She states she has a difficult time opening jars, and doors, and often drops items from her right greater than left upper extremity. She states she have several occasions when she is sleeping at night, she has had sharp shooting radicular pain and weakness down her left upper extremity and she feels that these symptoms somewhat scare her.,She has been undergoing nonoperative management by Dr. X and feels this has been helping her neck pain, but not the upper extremity symptoms.,She denies any bowel and bladder dysfunction. No lower back pain, no lower extremity pain, and no instability with ambulation.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative for fevers, chills, chest pain, and shortness of breath.,FINDINGS: ,On examination, Ms. ABC is a very pleasant well-developed, well-nourished female in no apparent distress. Alert and oriented x3. Normocephalic and atraumatic. Afebrile to touch.,She ambulates with a normal gait.,Motor strength is 4 plus out of 5 in the bilateral deltoids, biceps, triceps muscle groups, 4 out of 5 in the bilateral hand intrinsic muscle groups, grip strength 4 out of 5, 4 plus out of 5 bilateral wrist extension and wrist flexion.,Light touch sensation decreased in the right greater than left C6 distribution. Biceps and brachioradialis reflexes are 3 plus. Hoffman sign normal bilaterally.,Lower extremity strength is 5 out of 5 in all muscle groups. Patellar reflex is 3 plus. No clonus.,Cervical spine radiographs dated 06/21/07 are reviewed.,They demonstrate evidence of spondylosis including degenerative disk disease and anterior and posterior osteophyte formation at C4-5, C5-6, C6-7, and C3-4 demonstrates only minimal if any degenerative disk disease. There is no significant instability seen on flexion-extension views.,Updated cervical spine MRI dated 06/21/07 is reviewed.,It demonstrates evidence of moderate stenosis at C4-5, C5-6. These stenosis is in the bilateral neural foramina and there is also significant disk herniation noted at the C6-7 level. Minimal degenerative disk disease is seen at the C6-7. This stenosis is greater than C5-6 and the next level is more significantly involved at C4-5.,Effacement of the ventral and dorsal CSF space is seen at C4-5, C5-6.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Ms. ABC's history, physical examination, and radiographic findings are compatible with C4-5, C5-6 cervical spinal stenosis with associated right greater than left upper extremity radiculopathy including weakness.,I spent a significant amount of time today with the patient discussing the diagnosis, prognosis, natural history, nonoperative, and operative treatment options.,I laid out the options as continued nonoperative management with physical therapy, the same with the addition of cervical epidural steroid injections and surgical interventions.,The patient states she would like to avoid injections and is somewhat afraid of having these done. I explained to her that they may help to improve her symptoms, although they may not help with the weakness.,She feels that she is failing maximum nonoperative management and would like to consider surgical intervention.,I described the procedure consisting of C4-5, C5-6 anterior cervical decompression and fusion to the patient in detail on a spine model.,I explained the rationale for doing so including the decompression of the spinal cord and improvement of her upper extremity weakness and pain. She understands.,I discussed the risks, benefits, and alternative of the procedure including material risks of bleeding, infection, neurovascular injury, dural tear, singular or multiple muscle weakness, paralysis, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, pseudoarthrosis, adjacent segment disease, and the risk of this given the patient's relatively young age. Of note, the patient does have a hoarse voice right now, given the fact that she feels she has allergies.,I also discussed the option of disk arthroplasty. She understands.,She would like to proceed with the surgery, relatively soon. She has her birthday coming up on 07/20/07 and would like to hold off, until after then. Our tentative date for the surgery is 08/01/07. She will go ahead and continue the preoperative testing process.
Patient follows up for cataract extraction with lens implant 2 weeks ago. Recovering well from her cataract operation in the right eye with residual corneal swelling, which should resolve in the next 2 to 3 weeks.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Cataract Extraction Followup
Her past medical history includes insulin requiring diabetes mellitus for the past 28 years. She also has a history of gastritis and currently is being evaluated for inflammatory bowel disease. She is scheduled to see a gastroenterologist in the near future. She is taking Econopred 8 times a day to the right eye and Nevanac, OD, three times a day. She is allergic to penicillin.,The visual acuity today was 20/50, pinholing, no improvement in the right eye. In the left eye, the visual acuity was 20/80, pinholing, no improvement. The intraocular pressure was 14, OD and 9, OS. Anterior segment exam shows normal lids, OU. The conjunctiva is quiet in the right eye. In the left eye, she has an area of sectoral scleral hyperemia superonasally in the left eye. The cornea on the right eye shows a paracentral area of mild corneal edema. In the left eye, cornea is clear. Anterior chamber in the right eye shows trace cell. In the left eye, the anterior chamber is deep and quiet. She has a posterior chamber intraocular lens, well centered and in sulcus of the left eye. The lens in the left eye shows 3+ nuclear sclerosis. Vitreous is clear in both eyes. The optic nerves appear healthy in color and normal in size with cup-to-disc ratio of approximately 0.48. The maculae are flat in both eyes. The retinal periphery is flat in both eyes.,Ms. ABC is recovering well from her cataract operation in the right eye with residual corneal swelling, which should resolve in the next 2 to 3 weeks. She will continue her current drops. In the left eye, she has an area of what appears to be sectoral scleritis. I did a comprehensive review of systems today and she reports no changes in her pulmonary, dermatologic, neurologic, gastroenterologic or musculoskeletal systems. She is, however, being evaluated for inflammatory bowel disease. The mild scleritis in the left eye may be a manifestation of this. We will notify her gastroenterologist of this possibility of scleritis and will start Ms. ABC on a course of indomethacin 25 mg by mouth two times a day. I will see her again in one week. She will check with her primary physician prior to starting the Indocin.
Care conference with family at the bedside and decision to change posture of care from aggressive full code status to terminal wean with comfort care measures in a patient with code last night with CPR and advanced cardiac life support.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Care Conference With Family
REASON FOR FOLLOWUP:, Care conference with family at the bedside and decision to change posture of care from aggressive full code status to terminal wean with comfort care measures in a patient with code last night with CPR and advanced cardiac life support.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 65-year-old patient originally admitted by me several weeks ago with profound hyponatremia and mental status changes. Her history is also significant for likely recurrent aspiration pneumonia and intubation earlier on this admission as well. Previously while treating this patient I had met with the family and discussed how aggressive the patient would wish her level of care to be given that there was evidence of possible ovarian malignancy with elevated CA-125 and a complex mass located in the ovary. As the patient was showing signs of improvement with some speech and ability to follow commands, decision was made to continue to pursue an aggressive level of care, treat her dysphagia, hypertension, debilitation and this was being done. However, last night the patient had apparently catastrophic event around 2:40 in the morning. Rapid response was called and the patient was intubated, started on pressure support, and given CPR. This morning I was called to the bedside by nursing stating the family had wished at this point not to continue this aggressive level of care. The patient was seen and examined, she was intubated and sedated. Limbs were cool. Cardiovascular exam revealed tachycardia. Lungs had coarse breath sounds. Abdomen was soft. Extremities were cool to the touch. Pupils were 6 to 2 mm, doll's eyes were not intact. They were not responsive to light. Based on discussion with all family members involved including both sons, daughter and daughter-in-law, a decision was made to proceed with terminal wean and comfort care measures. All pressure support was discontinued. The patient was started on intravenous morphine and respiratory was requested to remove the ET tube. Monitors were turned off and the patient was made as comfortable as possible. Family is at the bedside at this time. The patient appears comfortable and the family is in agreement that this would be her wishes per my understanding of the family and the patient dynamics over the past month, this is a very reasonable and appropriate approach given the patient's failure to turn around after over a month of aggressive treatment with likely terminal illness from ovarian cancer and associated comorbidities.,Total time spent at the bedside today in critical care services, medical decision making and explaining options to the family and proceeding with terminal weaning was excess of 37 minutes.
Problem of essential hypertension. Symptoms that suggested intracranial pathology.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Cardiology Progress Note
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 78-year-old female with the problem of essential hypertension. She has symptoms that suggested intracranial pathology, but so far work-up has been negative.,She is taking hydrochlorothiazide 25-mg once a day and K-Dur 10-mEq once a day with adequate control of her blood pressure. She denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, PND, ankle swelling, or dizziness.,OBJECTIVE:, Heart rate is 80 and blood pressure is 130/70. Head and neck are unremarkable. Heart sounds are normal. Abdomen is benign. Extremities are without edema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, The patient reports that she had an echocardiogram done in the office of Dr. Sample Doctor4 and was told that she had a massive heart attack in the past. I have not had the opportunity to review any investigative data like chest x-ray, echocardiogram, EKG, etc. So, I advised her to have a chest x-ray and an EKG done before her next appointment, and we will try to get hold of the echocardiogram on her from the office of Dr. Sample Doctor4. In the meantime, she is doing quite well, and she was advised to continue her current medication and return to the office in three months for followup.
He is a 67-year-old man who suffers from chronic anxiety and coronary artery disease and DJD. He has been having some chest pains, but overall he does not sound too concerning. He does note some more shortness of breath than usual. He has had no palpitations or lightheadedness. No problems with edema.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
CAD - 6-Month Followup
REASON FOR VISIT:, Six-month follow-up visit for CAD.,He is a 67-year-old man who suffers from chronic anxiety and coronary artery disease and DJD.,He has been having a lot of pain in his back and pain in his left knee. He is also having trouble getting his nerves under control. He is having stomach pains and occasional nausea. His teeth are bad and need to be pulled.,He has been having some chest pains, but overall he does not sound too concerning. He does note some more shortness of breath than usual. He has had no palpitations or lightheadedness. No problems with edema.,MEDICATIONS:, Lipitor 40 mg q.d., metoprolol 25 mg b.i.d., Plavix 75 mg q.d-discontinued, enalapril 10 mg b.i.d., aspirin 325 mg-reduced to 81 mg, Lorcet 10/650-given a 60 pill prescription, and Xanax 0.5 mg b.i.d-given a 60 pill prescription.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Otherwise unremarkable.,PEX:, BP: 140/78. HR: 65. WT: 260 pounds (which is up one pound). There is no JVD. No carotid bruit. Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm and distant heart sounds with a 1/6 murmur at the upper sternal border. Lungs: Clear. Abdomen: Mildly tender throughout the epigastrium.,Extremities: No edema.,EKG:, Sinus rhythm, left axis deviation, otherwise unremarkable.,Echocardiogram (for dyspnea and CAD): Normal systolic and diastolic function. Moderate LVH. Possible gallstones seen.,IMPRESSION:,1. CAD-Status post anterior wall MI 07/07 and was found to a have multivessel CAD. He has a stent in his LAD and his obtuse marginal. Fairly stable.,2. Dyspnea-Seems to be due to his weight and the disability from his knee. His echocardiogram shows no systolic or diastolic function.,3. Knee pain-We well refer to Scotland Orthopedics and we will refill his prescription for Lorcet 60 pills with no refills.,4. Dyslipidemia-Excellent numbers today with cholesterol of 115, HDL 45, triglycerides 187, and LDL 33, samples of Lipitor given.,5. Panic attacks and anxiety-Xanax 0.5 mg b.i.d., 60 pills with no refills given.,6. Abdominal pain-Asked to restart his omeprazole and I am also going to reduce his aspirin to 81 mg q.d.,7. Prevention-I do not think he needs to be on the Plavix any more as he has been relatively stable for two years.,PLAN:,1. Discontinue Plavix.,2. Aspirin reduced to 81 mg a day.,3. Lorcet and Xanax prescriptions given.,4. Refer over to Scotland Orthopedics.,5. Peridex mouthwash given for his poor dentition and told he was cardiovascularly stable and have his teeth extracted.
Congestive heart failure due to rapid atrial fibrillation and systolic dysfunction.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Cardiology Progress Note - 1
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient is not in acute distress.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure of 121/63, pulse is 75, and O2 saturation is 94% on room air.,HEAD AND NECK: Face is symmetrical. Cranial nerves are intact.,CHEST: There is prolonged expiration.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds are heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: He has 2+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is asleep, but easily arousable.,LABORATORY DATA:, PTT is 49. INR is pending. BUN is improved to 20.6, creatinine is 0.7, sodium is 123, and potassium is 3.8. AST is down to 45 and ALT to 99.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , Nuclear stress test showed moderate size, mostly fixed defect involving the inferior wall with a small area of peri-infarct ischemia. Ejection fraction is 25%.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Congestive heart failure due to rapid atrial fibrillation and systolic dysfunction. Continue current treatment as per Cardiology. We will consider adding ACE inhibitors as renal function improves.,2. Acute pulmonary edema, resolved.,3. Rapid atrial fibrillation, rate controlled. The patient is on beta-blockers and digoxin. Continue Coumadin. Monitor INR.,4. Coronary artery disease with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Continue beta-blockers.,5. Urinary tract infection. Continue Rocephin.,6. Bilateral perfusion secondary to congestive heart failure. We will monitor.,7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stable.,8. Abnormal liver function due to congestive heart failure with liver congestion, improving.,9. Rule out hypercholesterolemia. We will check lipid profile.,10. Tobacco smoking disorder. The patient has been counseled.,11. Hyponatremia, stable. This is due to fluid overload. Continue diuresis as per Nephrology.,12. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. The patient is on heparin drip.
Dietary consultation for carbohydrate counting for type I diabetes.
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Carbohydrate Counting
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 62-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for carbohydrate counting for type I diabetes. The patient reports that she was hospitalized over the weekend for DKA. She indicates that her blood sugar on Friday night was 187 at bedtime and that when she woke up in the morning her blood sugar was 477. She gave herself, in smaller increments, a total of 70 extra units of her Humalog. Ten of those units were injectable; the others were in the forms of pump. Her blood sugar was over 600 when she went to the hospital later that day. She is here at this consultation complaining of not feeling well still because she has a cold. She realizes that this is likely because her immune system was so minimized in the hospital.,OBJECTIVE:, Current insulin doses on her insulin pump are boluses set at 5 units at breakfast, 6 units at lunch and 11 units at supper. Her basal rates have not been changed since her last visit with Charla Yassine and totaled 30.5 units per 24 hours. A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on carbohydrate counting at 1 unit of insulin for every 10 g carbohydrate ratio was recommended. A correction dose of approximately 1 unit of insulin to bring the blood sugars down 30 mg/dl was also recommended. The Lilly guide for meal planning was provided and reviewed. Additional carbohydrate counting book was provided.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient was taught an insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio of 1 unit to 10 g of carbohydrates as recommended at the previous visit two years ago, which she does not recall. It is based on the 500 rule which suggests this ratio. We did identify carbohydrate sources in the food supply, recognizing 15-g equivalents. We also identified the need to dose her insulin at the time that she is eating her carbohydrate sources. She does seem to have a pattern of fixing blood sugars later in the day after they are elevated. We discussed the other option of trying to eat a consistent amount of carbohydrates at meals from day to day and taking a consistent amount of insulin at those meals. With this in mind, she was recommended to follow with three servings or 45 g of carbohydrate at breakfast, three servings or 45 g of carbohydrate at lunch and four servings or 60 g of carbohydrate at dinner. Joanne Araiza joined our consultation briefly to discuss whether her pump was working appropriately. The patient was given an 800 number for the pump to contact should there be any question about its failure to deliver insulin appropriately.,PLAN:, Recommend the patient use 1 unit of insulin for every 10-g carbohydrate load consumed. Recommend the patient either use this as a carbohydrate counting tool or work harder at keeping carbohydrate content consistent at meals from day to day. This was a one-hour consultation. Provided my name and number should additional needs arise.
The patient seeks evaluation for a second opinion concerning cataract extraction.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Cataract - Second Opinion
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seeks evaluation for a second opinion concerning cataract extraction. She tells me cataract extraction has been recommended in each eye; however, she is nervous to have surgery. Past ocular surgery history is significant for neurovascular age-related macular degeneration. She states she has had laser four times to the macula on the right and two times to the left, she sees Dr. X for this.,OBJECTIVE: , On examination, visual acuity with correction measures 20/400 OU. Manifest refraction does not improve this. There is no afferent pupillary defect. Visual fields are grossly full to hand motions. Intraocular pressure measures 17 mm in each eye. Slit-lamp examination is significant for clear corneas OU. There is early nuclear sclerosis in both eyes. There is a sheet like 1-2+ posterior subcapsular cataract on the left. Dilated examination shows choroidal neovascularization with subretinal heme and blood in both eyes.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: ,Advanced neurovascular age-related macular degeneration OU, this is ultimately visually limiting. Cataracts are present in both eyes. I doubt cataract removal will help increase visual acuity; however, I did discuss with the patient, especially in the left, cataract surgery will help Dr. X better visualize the macula for future laser treatment so that her current vision can be maintained. This information was conveyed with the use of a translator.,
Breast radiation therapy followup note. Left breast adenocarcinoma stage T3 N1b M0, stage IIIA.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Breast Radiation Therapy Followup
DIAGNOSIS: , Left breast adenocarcinoma stage T3 N1b M0, stage IIIA.,She has been found more recently to have stage IV disease with metastatic deposits and recurrence involving the chest wall and lower left neck lymph nodes.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Glucosamine complex.,2. Toprol XL.,3. Alprazolam,4. Hydrochlorothiazide.,5. Dyazide.,6. Centrum.,Dr. X has given her some carboplatin and Taxol more recently and feels that she would benefit from electron beam radiotherapy to the left chest wall as well as the neck. She previously received a total of 46.8 Gy in 26 fractions of external beam radiotherapy to the left supraclavicular area. As such, I feel that we could safely re-treat the lower neck. Her weight has increased to 189.5 from 185.2. She does complain of some coughing and fatigue.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,NECK: On physical examination palpable lymphadenopathy is present in the left lower neck and supraclavicular area. No other cervical lymphadenopathy or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy is present.,RESPIRATORY: Good air entry bilaterally. Examination of the chest wall reveals a small lesion where the chest wall recurrence was resected. No lumps, bumps or evidence of disease involving the right breast is present.,ABDOMEN: Normal bowel sounds, no hepatomegaly. No tenderness on deep palpation. She has just started her last cycle of chemotherapy today, and she wishes to visit her daughter in Brooklyn, New York. After this she will return in approximately 3 to 4 weeks and begin her radiotherapy treatment at that time.,I look forward to keeping you informed of her progress. Thank you for having allowed me to participate in her care.
School reports continuing difficulties with repetitive questioning, obsession with cleanness on a daily basis, concerned about his inability to relate this well in the classroom. Asperger disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Asperger Disorder
SUBJECTIVE: ,School reports continuing difficulties with repetitive questioning, obsession with cleanness on a daily basis, concerned about his inability to relate this well in the classroom. He appears confused and depressed at times. Mother also indicates that preservative questioning had come down, but he started collecting old little toys that he did in the past. He will attend social skills program in the summer. ABCD indicated to me that they have identified two psychologists to refer him to for functional behavioral analysis. There is lessening of tremoring in both hands since discontinuation of Zoloft. He is now currently taking Abilify at 7.5 mg.,OBJECTIVE: , He came in less perseverative questioning, asked appropriate question about whether I talked to ABCD or not, greeted me with Japanese word to say hello, seemed less.,I also note that his tremors were less from the last time.,ASSESSMENT: , 299.8 Asperger disorder, 300.03 obsessive compulsive disorder.,PLAN:, Decrease Abilify from 7.5 mg to 5 mg tablet one a day, no refills needed. I am introducing slow Luvox 25 mg tablet one-half a.m. for OCD symptoms, if no side effects in one week we will to tablet one up to therapeutic level.,I also will call ABCD regarding the referral to psychologists for functional behavioral analysis. Parents will call me in two weeks. I will see him for medication review in four weeks. Mother signed informed consent. I reviewed side effects to observe including behavioral activation.,Abilify has been helpful in decreasing high emotional arousal. Combination of medication and behavioral intervention is recommended.
Stage IIA right breast cancer. The pathology showed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma Nottingham grade II. The tumor was ER positive, PR positive and HER-2/neu negative.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Breast Cancer Followup - 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Stage IIA right breast cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is an extremely pleasant 58-year-old woman, who I am following for her stage IIA right breast cancer. She noticed a lump in the breast in November of 2007. A mammogram was obtained dated 01/28/08, which showed a mass in the right breast. On 02/10/08, she underwent an ultrasound-guided biopsy. The pathology showed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma Nottingham grade II. The tumor was ER positive, PR positive and HER-2/neu negative. On 02/22/08, she underwent a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. The pathology showed a 3.3 cm infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade I, one sentinel lymph node was negative. Therefore it was a T2, N0, M0 stage IIA breast cancer. Of note, at that time she was taking hormone replacement therapy and that was stopped. She underwent radiation treatment ending in May 2008. She then started on Arimidex, but unfortunately she did not tolerate the Arimidex and I changed her to Femara. She also did not tolerate the Femara and I changed it to tamoxifen. She did not tolerate the tamoxifen and therefore when I saw her on 11/23/09, she decided that she would take no further antiestrogen therapy. She met with me again on 02/22/10, and decided she wants to rechallenge herself with tamoxifen. When I saw her on 04/28/10, she was really doing quite well with tamoxifen. She tells me 2 weeks after that visit, she developed toxicity from the tamoxifen and therefore stopped it herself. She is not going take to any further tamoxifen.,Overall, she is feeling well. She has a good energy level and her ECOG performance status is 0. She denies any fevers, chills, or night sweats. No lymphadenopathy. No nausea or vomiting. No change in bowel or bladder habits.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Avapro 300 mg q.d., Pepcid q.d., Zyrtec p.r.n., and calcium q.d.,ALLERGIES:, Sulfa, Betadine, and IV contrast.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Asthma.,2. Hypertension.,3. GERD.,4. Eczema.,5. Status post three cesarean sections.,6. Status post a hysterectomy in 1981 for fibroids. They also removed one ovary.,7. Status post a cholecystectomy in 1993.,8. She has a history of a positive TB test.,9. She is status post repair of ventral hernia in November 2008.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She has no tobacco use. Only occasional alcohol use. She has no illicit drug use. She has two grown children. She is married. She works as a social worker dealing with adult abuse and neglect issues. Her husband is a high school chemistry teacher.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Her father had prostate cancer. Her maternal uncle had Hodgkin's disease, melanoma, and prostate cancer.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
A 75-year-old female comes in with concerns of having a stroke.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Bell's Palsy
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 75-year-old female who comes in today with concerns of having a stroke. She states she feels like she has something in her throat. She started with some dizziness this morning and some left hand and left jaw numbness. She said that she apparently had something about three weeks ago where she was dizzy and ended up falling down and she saw Dr. XYZ for that who gave her some Antivert. She said that today though she woke up in the middle of the night and her left hand was numb and she was having numbness on the left side of her face, as well as the left side of her neck. She said she had an earache a day or so ago. She has not had any cold symptoms.,ALLERGIES:, Demerol and codeine.,MEDICATIONS: , Lotensin, Lopid, metoprolol, and Darvocet.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient says that she feels little bit nauseated at times. She denies chest pain or shortness of breath and again feels like she has something in her throat. She has been able to swallow liquids okay. She said that she did brush her teeth this morning and did not have any fluid dripping out of her mouth. She does say that she occasionally has numbness in her left hand prior to today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: She is awake and alert, no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure: 175/86. Temperature: She is afebrile. Pulse: 78. Respiratory rate: 20. O2 sat: 93% on room air.,HEENT: Her TMs are normal bilaterally. Posterior pharynx is unremarkable. It should be noted that her uvula did not deviate and neither did her tongue. When she smiles though she has some drooping of the left side of her face, as well as some mild nasolabial fold flattening.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotids pulses are brisk without bruits.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Extremities: Her muscle strength is symmetrical and intact bilaterally. DTRs are 2+/4+ bilaterally and muscle strength is intact in the upper extremities. She has a positive Tinel’s sign on her left wrist.,Neurological: I also took monofilament and she could sense it easily when testing her sensation on her face.,ASSESSMENT:, Bell’s Palsy.,PLAN:, We did get an EKG showed some ST segment changes anterolaterally. The only EKG I have here is from 1998 and she actually had bypass in 1999, but there certainly does not appear to be anything acute on his EKG. I assured her that it does not look like she has a stroke. If she wants to prevent a stroke, obviously quitting her smoking would help. It should be noted she also takes Synthroid and Zocor. We are going to give her Valtrex 1 g t.i.d. for seven days and then if she starts noticing any other drooping or worsening of her symptoms on the left side of her face, she needs to come back, but I will not start her on steroids at this time, which she agreed with.
A critically ill 67-year-old with multiple medical problems probably still showing signs of volume depletion with hypotension and atrial flutter with difficult to control rate.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Atrial Flutter - Progress Note
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Hospitalist followup is required for continuing issues with atrial flutter with rapid ventricular response, which was resistant to treatment with diltiazem and amiodarone, being followed by Dr. X of cardiology through most of the day. This afternoon, when I am seeing the patient, nursing informs me that rate has finally been controlled with esmolol, but systolic blood pressures have dropped to the 70s with a MAP of 52. Dr. X was again consulted from the bedside. We agreed to try fluid boluses and then to consider Neo-Synephrine pressure support if this is not successful. In addition, over the last 24 hours, extensive discussions have been held with the family and questions answered by nursing staff concerning the patient's possible move to Tahoe Pacific or a long-term acute care. Other issues requiring following up today are elevated transaminases, continuing fever, pneumonia, resolving adult respiratory distress syndrome, ventilatory-dependent respiratory failure, hypokalemia, non-ST-elevation MI, hypernatremia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, BPH, atrial flutter, inferior vena cava filter, and diabetes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: T-max 103.2, blood pressure at this point is running in the 70s/mid 40s with a MAP of 52, heart rate is 100.,GENERAL: The patient is much more alert appearing than my last examination of approximately 3 weeks ago. He denies any pain, appears to have intact mentation, and is in no apparent distress.,EYES: Pupils round, reactive to light, anicteric with external ocular motions intact.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Reveals an irregularly irregular rhythm.,LUNGS: Have diminished breath sounds but are clear anteriorly.,ABDOMEN: Somewhat distended but with no guarding, rebound, or obvious tenderness to palpation.,EXTREMITIES: Show trace edema with no clubbing or cyanosis.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient is moving all extremities without focal neurological deficits.,LABORATORY DATA: , Sodium 149; this is down from 151 yesterday. Potassium 3.9, chloride 114, bicarb 25, BUN 35, creatinine 1.5 up from 1.2 yesterday, hemoglobin 12.4, hematocrit 36.3, WBC 16.5, platelets 231,000. INR 1.4. Transaminases are continuing to trend upwards of SGOT 546, SGPT 256. Also noted is a scant amount of very concentrated appearing urine in the bag.,IMPRESSION: , Overall impressions continues to be critically ill 67-year-old with multiple medical problems probably still showing signs of volume depletion with hypotension and atrial flutter with difficult to control rate.,PLAN,1. Hypotension. I would aggressively try and fluid replete the patient giving him another liter of fluids. If this does not work as discussed with Dr. X, we will start some Neo-Synephrine, but also continue with aggressive fluid repletion as I do think that indications are that with diminished and concentrated urine that he may still be down and fluids will still be required even if pressure support is started.,2. Increased transaminases. Presumably this is from increased congestion. This is certainly concerning. We will continue to follow this. Ultrasound of the liver was apparently negative.,3. Fever and elevated white count. The patient does have a history of pneumonia and empyema. We will continue current antibiotics per infectious disease and continue to follow the patient's white count. He is not exceptionally toxic appearing at this time. Indeed, he does look improved from my last examination.,4. Ventilatory-dependent respiratory failure. The patient has received a tracheostomy since my last examination. Vent management per PMA.,5. Hypokalemia. This has resolved. Continue supplementation.,6. Hypernatremia. This is improving somewhat. I am hoping that with increased fluids this will continue to do so.,7. Diabetes mellitus. Fingerstick blood glucoses are reviewed and are at target. We will continue current management. This is a critically ill patient with multiorgan dysfunction and signs of worsening renal, hepatic, and cardiovascular function with extremely guarded prognosis. Total critical care time spent today 37 minutes.
Aplastic anemia. After several bone marrow biopsies, she was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. She started cyclosporine and prednisone.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Aplastic Anemia Followup
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Aplastic anemia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a very pleasant 72-year-old woman, who I have been following for her pancytopenia. After several bone marrow biopsies, she was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. She started cyclosporine and prednisone on 03/30/10. She was admitted to the hospital from 07/11/10 to 07/14/10 with acute kidney injury. Her cyclosporine level was 555. It was thought that her acute kidney injury was due to cyclosporine toxicity and therefore that was held.,Overall, she tells me that now she feels quite well since leaving the hospital. She was transfused 2 units of packed red blood cells while in the hospital. Repeat CBC from 07/26/10 showed white blood cell count of 3.4 with a hemoglobin of 10.7 and platelet count of 49,000.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Folic acid, Aciphex, MiraLax, trazodone, prednisone for 5 days every 4 weeks, Bactrim double strength 1 tablet b.i.d. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.,ALLERGIES: ,No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. GERD.,3. Osteoarthritis.,4. Status post tonsillectomy.,5. Status post hysterectomy.,6. Status post bilateral cataract surgery.,7. Esophageal stricture status post dilatation approximately four times.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She has no tobacco use. She has rare alcohol use. She has three children and is a widow. Her husband died after they were married only eight years. She is retired.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her sister had breast cancer.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
Return visit to the endocrine clinic for acquired hypothyroidism, papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland status post total thyroidectomy in 1992, and diabetes mellitus.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Acquired Hypothyroidism Followup
PROBLEM LIST:,1. Acquired hypothyroidism.,2. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland, status post total thyroidectomy in 1992.,3. Diabetes mellitus.,4. Insomnia with sleep apnea.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a return visit to the endocrine clinic for the patient with history as noted above. She is 45 years old. Her last visit was about 6 months ago. Since that time, the patient states her health has remained unchanged. Currently, primary complaint is one of fatigue that she feels throughout the day. She states, however, she is doing well with CPAP and wakes up feeling refreshed but tends to tire out later in the day. In terms of her thyroid issues, the patient states that she is not having signs or symptoms of thyroid excess or hypothyroidism. She is not reporting temperature intolerance, palpitations, muscle weakness, tremors, nausea, vomiting, constipation, hyperdefecation or diarrhea. Her weight has been stable. She is not reporting proximal muscle weakness.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Levothyroxine 125 micrograms p.o. once daily.,2. CPAP.,3. Glucotrol.,4. Avandamet.,5. Synthroid.,6. Byetta injected twice daily.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As stated in the HPI. She is not reporting polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia. She is not reporting fevers, chills, sweats, visual acuity changes, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. She is not having any lightheadedness, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, orthopnea or dyspnea on exertion.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is an overweight, very pleasant woman, in no acute distress. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.9, pulse 85, respirations not counted, blood pressure 135/65, and weight 85.7 kg. NECK: Reveals well healed surgical scar in the anteroinferior aspect of the neck. There is no palpable thyroid tissue noted on this examination today. There is no lymphadenopathy. THORAX: Reveals lungs that are clear, PA and lateral, without adventitious sounds. CARDIOVASCULAR: Demonstrated regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 without murmur. No S3, no S4 is auscultated. EXTREMITIES: Deep tendon reflexes 2+/4 without a delayed relaxation phase. No fine resting tremor of the outstretched upper extremity. SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS: All are unremarkable.,LABORATORY DATABASE: , Lab data on 08/29/07 showed the following: Thyroglobulin quantitative less than 0.5 and thyroglobulin antibody less than 20, free T4 1.35, and TSH suppressed at 0.121.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,This is a 45-year-old woman with history as noted above.,1. Acquired hypothyroidism, status post total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma in 1992.,2. Plan to continue following thyroglobulin levels.,3. Plan to obtain a free T4, TSH, and thyroglobulin levels today.,4. Have the patient call the clinic next week for followup and continued management of her hypothyroid state.,5. Plan today is to repeat her thyroid function studies. This case was discussed with Dr. X and the recommendation. We are giving the patient today is for us to taper her medication to get her TSH somewhere between 0.41 or less. Therefore, labs have been drawn. We plan to see the patient back in approximately 6 months or sooner. A repeat body scan will not been done, the one in 03/06 was negative.
Acne with folliculitis.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Acne - SOAP
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 49-year-old white female, established patient to Dermatology, last seen in the office on 08/10/2004. She comes in today for reevaluation of her acne plus she has had what she calls a rash for the past two months now on her chest, stomach, neck, and back. On examination, this is a flaring of her acne with small folliculitis lesions. The patient has been taking amoxicillin 500 mg b.i.d. and using Tazorac cream 0.1, and her face is doing well, but she has been out of her medicine now for three days also. She has also been getting photofacials at Healing Waters and was wondering about what we could offer as far as cosmetic procedures and skin care products, etc. The patient is married. She is a secretary.,FAMILY, SOCIAL, AND ALLERGY HISTORY:, She has hay fever, eczema, sinus, and hives. She has no melanoma or skin cancers or psoriasis. Her mother had oral cancer. The patient is a nonsmoker. No blood tests. Had some sunburn in the past. She is on benzoyl peroxide and Daypro.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Lexapro, Effexor, Ditropan, aspirin, vitamins.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient is well developed, appears stated age. Overall health is good. She has a couple of acne lesions, one on her face and neck but there are a lot of small folliculitis-like lesions on her abdomen, chest, and back.,IMPRESSION:, Acne with folliculitis.,TREATMENT:,1. Discussed condition and treatment with the patient.,2. Continue the amoxicillin 500 mg two at bedtime.,3. Add Septra DS every morning with extra water.,4. Continue the Tazorac cream 0.1; it is okay to use on back and chest also.,5. Referred to ABC clinic for an aesthetic consult. Return in two months for followup evaluation of her acne.
EEG during wakefulness, drowsiness, and sleep with synchronous video monitoring demonstrated no evidence of focal or epileptogenic activity.
Sleep Medicine
Video EEG - 2
IMPRESSION: ,EEG during wakefulness, drowsiness, and sleep with synchronous video monitoring demonstrated no evidence of focal or epileptogenic activity.
A 23-year-old white female presents with complaint of allergies.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Allergic Rhinitis
SUBJECTIVE:, This 23-year-old white female presents with complaint of allergies. She used to have allergies when she lived in Seattle but she thinks they are worse here. In the past, she has tried Claritin, and Zyrtec. Both worked for short time but then seemed to lose effectiveness. She has used Allegra also. She used that last summer and she began using it again two weeks ago. It does not appear to be working very well. She has used over-the-counter sprays but no prescription nasal sprays. She does have asthma but doest not require daily medication for this and does not think it is flaring up.,MEDICATIONS: , Her only medication currently is Ortho Tri-Cyclen and the Allegra.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known medicine allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vitals: Weight was 130 pounds and blood pressure 124/78.,HEENT: Her throat was mildly erythematous without exudate. Nasal mucosa was erythematous and swollen. Only clear drainage was seen. TMs were clear.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear.,ASSESSMENT:, Allergic rhinitis.,PLAN:,1. She will try Zyrtec instead of Allegra again. Another option will be to use loratadine. She does not think she has prescription coverage so that might be cheaper.,2. Samples of Nasonex two sprays in each nostril given for three weeks. A prescription was written as well.
EEG during wakefulness and light sleep is abnormal with independent, positive sharp wave activity seen in both frontotemporal head regions, more predominant in the right frontotemporal region.
Sleep Medicine
Video EEG - 3
PROCEDURE: , EEG during wakefulness demonstrates background activity consisting of moderate-amplitude beta activity seen bilaterally. The EEG background is symmetric. Independent, small, positive, sharp wave activity is seen in the frontotemporal regions bilaterally with sharp-slow wave discharges seen more predominantly in the right frontotemporal head region. No clinical signs of involuntary movements are noted during synchronous video monitoring. Recording time is 22 minutes and 22 seconds. There is attenuation of the background, faster activity during drowsiness and some light sleep is recorded. No sustained epileptogenic activity is evident, but the independent bilateral sharp wave activity is seen intermittently. Photic stimulation induced a bilaterally symmetric photic driving response.,IMPRESSION:, EEG during wakefulness and light sleep is abnormal with independent, positive sharp wave activity seen in both frontotemporal head regions, more predominant in the right frontotemporal region. The EEG findings are consistent with potentially epileptogenic process. Clinical correlation is warranted.
The patient has a history of epilepsy and has also had non-epileptic events in the past. Video EEG monitoring is performed to assess whether it is epileptic seizures or non-epileptic events.
Sleep Medicine
Video EEG - 1
DATE OF EXAMINATION: , Start: 12/29/2008 at 1859 hours. End: 12/30/2008 at 0728 hours.,TOTAL RECORDING TIME:, 12 hours, 29 minutes.,PATIENT HISTORY:, This is a 46-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. The patient has a history of epilepsy and has also had non-epileptic events in the past. Video EEG monitoring is performed to assess whether it is epileptic seizures or non-epileptic events.,VIDEO EEG DIAGNOSES,1. Awake: Normal.,2. Sleep: Activation of a single left temporal spike seen maximally at T3.,3. Clinical events: None.,DESCRIPTION: ,Approximately 12 hours of continuous 21-channel digital video EEG monitoring was performed. During the waking state, there is a 9-Hz dominant posterior rhythm. The background of the record consists primarily of alpha frequency activity. At times, during the waking portion of the record, there appears to be excessive faster frequency activity. No activation procedures were performed.,Approximately four hours of intermittent sleep was obtained. A single left temporal, T3, spike is seen in sleep. Vertex waves and sleep spindles were present and symmetric.,The patient had no clinical events during the recording.,CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: ,This is abnormal video EEG monitoring for a patient of this age due to the presence of a single left temporal spike seen during sleep. The patient had no clinical events during the recording period. Clinical correlation is required.
This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.
Sleep Medicine
Video EEG
TIME SEEN: , 0734 hours and 1034 hours.,TOTAL RECORDING TIME: , 27 hours 4 minutes.,PATIENT HISTORY: , This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.,VIDEO EEG DIAGNOSES,1. AWAKE: Normal.,2. SLEEP: No activation.,3. CLINICAL EVENTS: None.,DESCRIPTION: , Approximately 27 hours of continuous 21-channel digital video EEG monitoring was performed. The waking background is unchanged from that previously reported. Hyperventilation produced no changes in the resting record. Photic stimulation failed to elicit a well-developed photic driving response.,Approximately five-and-half hours of spontaneous intermittent sleep was obtained. Sleep spindles were present and symmetric.,The patient had no clinical events during the recording.,CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: ,This is normal video EEG monitoring for a patient of this age. No interictal epileptiform activity was identified. The patient had no clinical events during the recording. Clinical correlation is required.
Chronic snoring in children
Sleep Medicine
CHRONIC SNORING,Chronic snoring in children can be associated with obstructive sleep apnea or upper airway resistant syndrome. Both conditions may lead to sleep fragmentation and/or intermittent oxygen desaturation, both of which have significant health implications including poor sleep quality and stress on the cardiovascular system. Symptoms like daytime somnolence, fatigue, hyperactivity, behavior difficulty (i.e., ADHD) and decreased school performance have been reported with these conditions. In addition, the most severe cases may be associated with right ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary and/or systemic hypertension and even cor pulmonale.,In this patient, the risks for a sleep-disordered breathing include obesity and the tonsillar hypertrophy. It is therefore indicated and medically necessary to perform a polysomnogram for further evaluation. A two week sleep diary will be given to the parents to fill out daily before the polysomnogram is performed.
Followup after a full-night sleep study performed to evaluate her for daytime fatigue and insomnia. This patient presents with history of sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness with fatigue. Her symptoms are multifactorial.
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Study Followup
REASON FOR VISIT:, This 48-year-old woman returns in followup after a full-night sleep study performed to evaluate her for daytime fatigue and insomnia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presented initially to the Pulmonary Clinic with dyspnea on minimal exertion. At that time, she was evaluated and found to have evidence for sleep disruption and daytime fatigue. She also complained of nocturnal choking episodes that have since abated over the past several months. In the meantime, she had been scheduled for an overnight sleep study performed to evaluate her for sleep apnea, returns today to review her study results.,The patient's sleep patterns consist of going to bed between 9.00 and 10.00 p.m. and awakening in the morning between 5.00 and 6.00 a.m. She reports difficulty in initiating sleep and then recurrent awakenings every 1 to 2 hours throughout the night. She reports tossing and turning throughout the night and awakening with the sheets in disarray. She reports that her sleep was much better quality in the sleep laboratory as compared to home. When she awakens, she might have a dull headache and feels tired in the morning. Her daughter reports that she has heard the patient talking during sleep and snoring. There are no apneic episodes. The patient reports that she used to cough a lot in the middle of the night, but has no longer been doing so in recent weeks.,During the daytime, the patient reports spending a lot of sedentary time reading and watching TV. She routinely dozes off during these sedentary activities. She also might nap between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m., and nods off in the evening hours.,The patient smokes perhaps one to two packs of cigarettes per day, particularly after dinner.,She reports that her weight has fluctuated and peaked at 260 pounds approximately 1 year ago. Since that time, her weight is down by approximately 30 pounds.,The patient is managed in Outpatient Psychiatry and at her Maintenance Clinic. She takes methadone, trazodone, and Seroquel.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Depression.,2. Hepatitis C.,3. Hypertension.,4. Inhaled and intravenous drug abuse history.,The patient has a history of smoking two packs per day of cigarettes for approximately 25 pounds. She also has a history of recurrent atypical chest pain for which she has been evaluated.,FAMILY HISTORY: , As previously documented.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient has a history of inhalation on intravenous drug abuse. She is currently on methadone maintenance. She is being followed in Psychiatry for depression and substance abuse issues. She lives with a room-mate.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not contributory.,MEDICATIONS: , Current medications include the following:,1. Methadone 110 mg by mouth every day.,2. Paxil 60 mg by mouth every day.,3. Trazodone 30 mg by mouth nightly.,4. Seroquel 20 mg by mouth nightly.,5. Avalide (irbesartan) and hydrochlorothiazide.,6. Albuterol and Flovent inhalers two puffs by mouth twice a day.,7. Atrovent as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital Signs: Blood pressure 126/84, pulse 67, respiratory rate 18, weight 232 pounds, height 5 feet 8 inches, temperature 97.4 degrees, SaO2 is 99 percent on room air at rest. HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae pink. Extraocular movements are intact. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. The nasal passages show deviation in the nasal septum to the right. There is a slight bloody exudate at the right naris. Some nasal mucosal edema was noted with serous exudate bilaterally. The jaw is not foreshortened. The tongue is not large. Mallampati airway score was 3. The oropharynx was not shallow. There is no pharyngeal mucosa hypertrophy. No tonsillar tissue noted. The tongue is not large. Neck is supple. Thyroid without nodules or masses. Carotid upstrokes normal. No bruits. No jugular venous distention. Chest is clear to auscultation and percussion. No wheezing, rales, rhonchi or adventitious sounds. No prolongation of the expiratory phase. Cardiac: PMI not palpable. Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal. No murmurs or gallops. Abdomen: Nontender. Bowel sounds normal. No liver or spleen palpable. Extremities: No clubbing or cyanosis. There is 1+ pretibial edema. Pulses are 2+ in upper and lower extremities. Neurologic: Grossly nonfocal.,LABORATORIES:, Pulmonary function studies reportedly show a mild restrictive ventilatory defect without obstruction. Diffusing capacity is well preserved.,An overnight sleep study was performed on this patient at the end of 02/07. At that time, she reported that her sleep was better in the laboratories compared to home. She slept for a total sleep time of 398 minutes out of 432 minutes in bed (sleep proficiency 92 percent). She fell asleep in the middle of latency of less than 1 minute. She woke up after sleep onset of 34 minutes. She had stage I sleep that was some elevated at 28 percent of total sleep time, and stage I sleep is predominantly evident in the lateral portion of the night. The remainders were stage II at 69 percent, stage III and IV at 3 percent of total sleep time.,The patient had no REM sleep.,The patient had no periodic limb movements during sleep.,The patient had no significant sleep-disordered breathing during non-REM sleep with less than one episode per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturation remained in the low to mid 90s throughout the night.,Intermittent inspiratory flow limitation compatible with snoring was observed during non-REM sleep.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This patient presents with history of sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness with fatigue. Her symptoms are multifactorial.,Regarding the etiology of difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, the patient has a component of psychophysiologic insomnia, based on reports of better sleep in the laboratory as compared to home. In addition, nontrivial smoking in the home setting may be contributing significantly to sleep disruption.,Regarding her daytime sleepiness, the patient is taking a number of long-acting central nervous system acting medications to sedate her and can produce a lasting sedation throughout the daytime. These include trazodone, Seroquel, and methadone. Of these medications, the methadone is clearly indicative, given the history of substance abuse. It would be desirable to reduce or discontinue trazodone and then perhaps consider doing the same with Seroquel. I brought this possibility up with the patient, and I asked her to discuss this further with her psychiatrist.,Finally, to help mitigate sleep disruption at night, I have provided her with tips for sleep hygiene. These include bedtime rituals, stimulus control therapy, and sleep restriction as well as avoidance of nicotine in the evening hours.
The patient underwent an overnight polysomnogram.
Sleep Medicine
Overnight Polysomnogram
The patient underwent an overnight polysomnogram on 09/22/06 and the details of the polysomnographic study are reported separately. The highlights of the study include the following:,A. Obstructive apneas and hypopneas were identified with an overall apnea-hypopnea index of 15.2 events per hour in the supine position. All events occurred in the supine position and were more prominent during stage REM sleep. Minimum oxygen saturation was 88%.,B. Periodic limb movements in sleep were identified with an overall index of 32 events per hour of sleep.,C. The patient's sleep efficiency was reduced to 89.2%. There was significant sleep fragmentation due to the obstructive apneas and hypopneas as well as due to the periodic limb movements in sleep disorder. The patient did not achieve any stage III/IV sleep and stage REM sleep was diminished at 12.7%. There was a corresponding increase in stage I sleep and stage II sleep at 10.8% and 65.7% respectively.,DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION:,1. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, supine position dependent, moderate (780.53-0).,2. Periodic limb movement in sleep disorder, moderate (780.53-4).,CASE DISCUSSION: , Thank you once again for allowing us to participate in the care of the patient here at the Sleep Clinic.,The patient exhibits obstructive sleep apnea, a condition associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and sudden death. Furthermore, patients with this condition are susceptible to excessive daytime sleepiness while driving and there is a higher incidence of automobile accident. The patient should be warned with regards to these possibilities.,Patients with this condition can be successfully treated with nasal CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), so that the patient should return to the sleep laboratory for repeat overnight polysomnogram with CPAP titration. The sleep laboratory if necessary can introduce the patient to the proper use of the CPAP equipment and to determine a necessary pressure to prevent apneas.,It is reported that the patient undergo careful ENT/maxillofacial evaluation by a physician familiar with sleep disorders. Anatomical abnormalities in the upper airway often cause or predispose to this condition. Surgical intervention may be helpful or necessary if such conditions exist. Alternatively, ________ may be of benefit in some patients depending upon the anatomical abnormalities.,Obstructive sleep apnea is worsened by obesity. The patient should be encouraged to lose weight. Patients usually lose weight more effectively when involved in a behavioral weight loss program. It is sometimes difficult for patients to lose weight until the OSA is adequately treated because excessive daytime sleepiness results in decreased physical activity in the daytime.,Patient may have worsening obstructive sleep apnea by nasal airway obstruction and nasal congestion. If present, these conditions should be treated. In addition, any home allergens such as pets, down bedding or other factors should be removed from the sleep environment.,The patient should be informed that obstructive sleep apnea may be worsened by the use of alcohol or sedative medications particularly taken in the evening. Therefore, the evening use of sedative medications and alcohol are to be avoided.,The patient also exhibits periodic limb movements in sleep disorder. This may require treatment. However, it will be appropriate to obtain the repeat overnight polysomnogram with CPAP titration to see if the PLMS continues to be troublesome. If so, treatment recommendations will be made.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Loud snoring. Schedule an overnight sleep study.
Sleep Medicine
Pulmonary Consultation - 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Rule out obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.,Sample Patient is a pleasant, 61-year-old, obese, African-American male with a past medical history significant for hypertension, who presents to the Outpatient Clinic with complaints of loud snoring and witnessed apnea episodes by his wife for at least the past five years. He denies any gasping, choking, or coughing episodes while asleep at night. His bedtime is between 10 to 11 p.m., has no difficulty falling asleep, and is usually out of bed around 7 a.m. feeling refreshed. He has two to three episodes of nocturia per night. He denies any morning symptoms. He has mild excess daytime sleepiness manifested by dozing off during boring activities.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension, gastritis, and low back pain.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, TURP.,MEDICATIONS:, Hytrin, Motrin, Lotensin, and Zantac.,ALLERGIES:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Hypertension.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Significant for about a 20-pack-year tobacco use, quit in 1991. No ethanol use or illicit drug use. He is married. He has one dog at home. He used to be employed at Budd Automotors as a die setter for about 37 to 40 years.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, His weight has been steady over the years. Neck collar size is 17½". He denies any chest pain, cough, or shortness of breath. Last chest x-ray within the past year, per his report, was normal.,PHYSICAL EXAM:, A pleasant, obese, African-American male in no apparent respiratory distress. T: 98. P: 90. RR: 20. BP: 156/90. O2 saturation: 97% on room air. Ht: 5' 5". Wt: 198 lb. HEENT: A short thick neck, low-hanging palate, enlarged scalloped tongue, narrow foreshortened pharynx, clear nares, and no JVD. CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without any adventitious sounds. CHEST: Clear lungs bilaterally. ABDOMEN: An obese abdomen with active bowel sounds. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. NEUROLOGIC: Non-focal.,IMPRESSION:,1. Probable obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.,2. Hypertension.,3. Obesity.,4. History of tobacco use.,PLAN:,1. We will schedule an overnight sleep study to evaluate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.,2. Encouraged weight loss.,3. Check TSH.,4. Asked not to drive and engage in any activity that could endanger himself or others while sleepy.,5. Asked to return to the clinic one week after sleep the study is done.
Followup of moderate-to-severe sleep apnea. The patient returns today to review his response to CPAP. Recommended a fiberoptic ENT exam to exclude adenoidal tissue that may be contributing to obstruction.
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Apnea
REASON FOR VISIT: , Mr. ABC is a 30-year-old man who returns in followup of his still moderate-to-severe sleep apnea. He returns today to review his response to CPAP.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient initially presented with loud obnoxious snoring that disrupted the sleep of his bed partner. He was found to have moderate-to-severe sleep apnea (predominantly hypopnea), was treated with nasal CPAP at 10 cm H2O nasal pressure. He has been on CPAP now for several months, and returns for followup to review his response to treatment.,The patient reports that the CPAP has limited his snoring at night. Occasionally, his bed partner wakes him in the middle of the night, when the mask comes off, and reminds him to replace the mask. The patient estimates that he uses the CPAP approximately 5 to 7 nights per week, and on occasion takes it off and does not replace the mask when he awakens spontaneously in the middle of the night.,The patient's sleep pattern consists of going to bed between 11:00 and 11:30 at night and awakening between 6 to 7 a.m. on weekdays. On weekends, he might sleep until 8 to 9 a.m. On Saturday night, he might go to bed approximately mid night.,As noted, the patient is not snoring on CPAP. He denies much tossing and turning and does not awaken with the sheets in disarray. He awakens feeling relatively refreshed.,In the past few months, the patient has lost between 15 and 18 pounds in combination of dietary and exercise measures.,He continues to work at Smith Barney in downtown Baltimore. He generally works from 8 to 8:30 a.m. until approximately 5 to 5:30 p.m. He is involved in training purpose to how to sell managed funds and accounts.,The patient reports no change in daytime stamina. He has no difficulty staying awake during the daytime or evening hours.,The past medical history is notable for allergic rhinitis.,MEDICATIONS: , He is maintained on Flonase and denies much in the way of nasal symptoms.,ALLERGIES: , Molds.,FINDINGS: ,Vital signs: Blood pressure 126/75, pulse 67, respiratory rate 16, weight 172 pounds, height 5 feet 9 inches, temperature 98.4 degrees and SaO2 is 99% on room air at rest.,The patient has adenoidal facies as noted previously.,Laboratories: The patient forgot to bring his smart card in for downloading today.,ASSESSMENT: , Moderate-to-severe sleep apnea. I have recommended the patient continue CPAP indefinitely. He will be sending me his smart card for downloading to determine his CPAP usage pattern. In addition, he will continue efforts to maintain his weight at current levels or below. Should he succeed in reducing further, we might consider re-running a sleep study to determine whether he still requires a CPAP.,PLANS: , In the meantime, if it is also that the possible nasal obstruction is contributing to snoring and obstructive hypopnea. I have recommended that a fiberoptic ENT exam be performed to exclude adenoidal tissue that may be contributing to obstruction. He will be returning for routine followup in 6 months.
Sleep study - patient with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea with snoring.
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Study Interpretation
PROCEDURE:, Sleep study.,CLINICAL INFORMATION:, This patient is a 56-year-old gentleman who had symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea with snoring, hypertension. The test was done 01/24/06. The patient weighed 191 pounds, five feet, seven inches tall.,SLEEP QUESTIONNAIRE:, According to the patient's own estimate, the patient took about 15 minutes to fall asleep, slept for six and a half hours, did have some dreams. Did not wake up and the sleep was less refreshing. He was sleepy in the morning.,STUDY PROTOCOL:, An all night polysomnogram was recorded with a Compumedics E Series digital polysomnograph. After the scalp was prepared, Ag/AgCl electrodes were applied to the scalp according to the International 10-20 System. EEG was monitored from C4-A1, C3-A2, O2-A1 and O2-A1. EOG and EMG were continuously monitored by electrodes placed at the outer canthi and chin respectively. Nasal and oral airflow were monitored using a triple port Thermistor. Respiratory effort was measured by piezoelectric technology employing an abdominal and thoracic belt. Blood oxygen saturation was continuously monitored by pulse oximetry. Heart rate and rhythm were monitored by surface electrocardiography. Anterior tibialis EMG was studied by using surface mounted electrodes placed 5 cm apart on both legs. Body position and snoring level were also monitored.,TECHNICAL QUALITY OF STUDY:, Good.,ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC MEASUREMENTS:, Total recording time 406 minutes, total sleep time 365 minutes, sleep latency 25.5 minutes, REM latency 49 minutes, _____ 90%, sleep latency measured 86%. _____ period was obtained. The patient spent 10% of the time awake in bed.,Stage I: 3.8,Stage II: 50.5,Stage III: 14%,Stage REM: 21.7%,The patient had relatively good sleep architecture, except for excessive waking.,RESPIRATORY MEASUREMENTS:, Total apnea/hypopnea 75, age index 12.3 per hour. REM age index 15 per hour. Total arousal 101, arousal index 15.6 per hour. Oxygen desaturation was down to 88%. Longest event 35 second hypopnea with an FiO2 of 94%. Total limb movements 92, PRM index 15.1 per hour. PRM arousal index 8.9 per hour.,ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS:, Heart rate while asleep 60 to 64 per minute, while awake 70 to 78 per minute.,CONCLUSIONS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with moderately loud snoring and significant apnea/hypopnea index.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,AXIS B: Overnight polysomnography.,AXIS C: Hypertension.,The patient should return for nasal CPAP titration. Sleep apnea if not treated, may lead to chronic hypertension, which may have cardiovascular consequences. Excessive daytime sleepiness, dysfunction and memory loss may also occur.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. A 61-year-old woman with a history of polyarteritis nodosa, mononeuritis multiplex involving the lower extremities, and severe sleep apnea returns in followup following an overnight sleep study.
Sleep Medicine
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 61-year-old woman with a history of polyarteritis nodosa, mononeuritis multiplex involving the lower extremities, and severe sleep apnea returns in followup following an overnight sleep study, on CPAP and oxygen to evaluate her for difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep. She returns today to review results of an inpatient study performed approximately two weeks ago.,In the meantime, the patient reports she continues on substantial doses of opiate medication to control leg pain from mononeuritis multiplex.,She also takes Lasix for lower extremity edema.,The patient reports that she generally initiates sleep on CPAP, but rips her mask off, tosses and turns throughout the night and has "terrible quality sleep.",MEDICATIONS: , Current medications are as previously noted. Changes include reduction in prednisone from 9 to 6 mg by mouth every morning. She continues to take Ativan 1 mg every six hours as needed. She takes imipramine 425 mg at bedtime.,Her MS Contin dose is 150 mg every 8 to 12 hours and an immediate release morphine preparation, 45 to 75 mg by mouth every 8 hours as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital signs: Blood pressure 153/81, pulse 90, respiratory rate 20, weight 311.8 pounds (up 10 pounds from earlier this month), height 5 feet 6 inches, temperature 98.4 degrees, SaO2 is 88% on room air at rest. Chest is clear. Extremities show lower extremity pretibial edema with erythema.,LABORATORIES: , An arterial blood gas on room air showed a pH of 7.38, PCO2 of 52, and PO2 of 57.,CPAP compliance monitoring over the past two to three weeks showed average use of 3 hours 26 minutes on nights used. She used it for greater than 4 hours per night on 67% of night surveyed. Her estimated apnea/hypopnea index was 3 per hour. Her average leak flow was 67 liters per minute.,The patient's overnight sleep study was performed as an inpatient sleep study during a routine hospitalization for intravenous gamma globulin therapy. She slept for a total sleep time of 257 minutes out of 272 minutes in bed (sleep efficiency approximately 90%). Sleep stage distribution was relatively normal with 2% stage I, 72% stage II, 24% stage III, IV, and 2% stage REM sleep.,There were no periodic limb movements during sleep.,There was evidence of a severe predominantly central sleep apnea during non-REM sleep at 173 episodes per hour and during REM sleep at 77 episodes per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturations during non-REM sleep fluctuated from the baseline of 92% to an average low of 82%. During REM sleep, the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation was 87% , decreased to 81% with sleep-disordered breathing episodes.,Of note, the sleep study was performed on CPAP at 10.5 cm of H2O with oxygen at 8 liters per minute.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. The patient has evidence of a well-compensated respiratory acidosis, which is probably primarily related to severe obesity. In addition, there may be contribution from large doses of opiates and standing doses of gabapentin.,2. Severe central sleep apnea, on CPAP at 10 cmH2O and supplemental oxygen at 8 liters per minute. The breathing pattern is that of cluster or Biot's breathing throughout sleep. The primary etiology is probably opiate use, with contribution with further exacerbation by severe obesity which acts to lower the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation, and worsen desaturations during apneic episodes.,3. Mononeuritis multiplex with pain requiring significant substantial doses of analgesia.,4. Hypoxemia primarily due to obesity, hypoventilation, and presumably basilar atelectasis and a combination of V/Q mismatch and shunt on that basis.,PLANS: , My overall impression is that we should treat this patient's sleep disruption with measures to decrease central sleep apnea during sleep. These will include, (1). Decrease in evening doses of MS Contin, (2). Modest weight loss of approximately 10 to 20 pounds, and (3). Instituting Automated Servo Ventilation via nasal mask. With regard to latter, the patient will be returning for a trial of ASV to examine its effect on sleep-disordered breathing patterns.,In addition, the patient will benefit from modest diuresis, with improvement of oxygenation, as well as nocturnal desaturation and oxygen requirements. I have encouraged the patient to increase her dose of Lasix from 100 to 120 mg by mouth every morning as previously prescribed. I have also asked her to add Lasix in additional late afternoon to evening dose of Lasix at 40 mg by mouth at that time. She was instructed to take between one and two K-Tab with her evening dose of Lasix (10 to 20 mEq).,In addition, we will obtain a complete set of pulmonary function studies to evaluate this patient for underlying causes of parenchymal lung disease that may interfere with oxygenation. Further workup for hypoxemia may include high-resolution CT scanning if evidence for significant pulmonary restriction and/or reductions in diffusion capacity is evident on pulmonary function testing.
Electroencephalogram, electromyogram of the chin and lower extremities, electrooculogram, electrocardiogram, air flow from the nose and mouth, respiratory effort at the chest and abdomen, and finger oximetry.
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Difficulties
CLINICAL HISTORY: , This is a 16-year-old man evaluated for sleep difficulties. He states he is "feeling bad in the mornings" that he has daytime somnolence and "whenever I wake up I experience dizziness, weakness, stomachache, loss of appetite, drowsiness, overall sore body and a general feeling of unwell." He does state that he has only rarely he got anything suggestive of restless leg syndrome, is unaware of any apnea or like symptoms. He has a mouth breather. He states he wakens up during the night, usually goes to bed at 10 to 11, gets up at 7 to 7:30. In the weekends, he stays up late and sleeps until 1 in the afternoon. He lists sporadic use of melatonin and Benadryl, and Tylenol PM for sleep. His other medicines are Accutane, Nasonex and oxymetazoline. There is no smoking, no alcohol intake. He does have three caffeinated beverages a week. He is 75 inches, 185 pounds, BMI 23.1. He rated himself 4/7 on the Stanford Sleepiness Scale at the onset of the study and 6 on the Epworth Sleeping Scale, said that his night sleep in the lab was characterized by a longer than usual sleep onset latency with more arousals than usual. He woke up feeling equally rested and the only comment he made on the post sleep questionnaire was "some of the wires" is the source of problems.,TECHNIQUE: , The study was performed with the following parameters measured throughout the entirety of the recording:,Electroencephalogram, electromyogram of the chin and lower extremities, electrooculogram, electrocardiogram, air flow from the nose and mouth, respiratory effort at the chest and abdomen, and finger oximetry.,The record was scored for sleep and the various other parameters in 30-second epochs.,RESULTS: , This study was performed in 61 minutes in duration during which he slept 432 minutes after 19 minutes sleep onset latency; thereafter, he had 10 awakenings for 6 minutes of wakefulness giving him a normal sleep efficiency of 95%. Sleep staging was actually fairly deep and normal for age with 5% stage I, 51% stage II, 22% slow wave sleep and 22% REM. He had 5 REM periods during the night. The first beginning 66 minutes after sleep onset. He did have 63 arousals, giving him a borderline elevated arousal index of 8.8, 16 were driven by limb movements, 41 of unclear origin, 6 from hypopneas.,EEG PARAMETERS: , No abnormalities.,EKG PARAMETERS: , Normal sinus rhythm, mean rate 76, no ectopics noted.,EMG PARAMETERS: , 88 PLMs were noted. There was fairly small excursion with a movement index of 12, only 16 led to arousals with a movement arousal index of 2.2, not considered as a significant feature for sleep fragmentation.,RESPIRATORY PARAMETERS:, Breathing rate in the high teens, reaching as high as 20 in REM. There was really no snoring noted. He slept in all positions and during the night had 9 respiratory events, one was a postarousal central event, the other eight were obstructive hypopneas mean duration 26 seconds, little worse in the supine position where his AHI was 4.7, but overall his AHI was 1.3. This is only a marginal abnormality and is well below the threshold for CPAP intervention.,IMPRESSION:, Largely normal polysomnogram demonstrating very modest obstructive sleep apnea in the supine position and a very modest periodic limb movement disturbance.
The patient was monitored for EEG, EOG, jaw and leg EMG, thoracoabdominal impedance, oral/nasal thermistors, EKG, and oximetry. The test was performed due to suspicion of sleep apnea and poor sleep quality with frequent awakenings.
Sleep Medicine
PROCEDURE:, The test was performed in an observed hospital laboratory. The patient was monitored for EEG, EOG, jaw and leg EMG, thoracoabdominal impedance, oral/nasal thermistors, EKG, and oximetry. The test was performed due to suspicion of sleep apnea and poor sleep quality with frequent awakenings.,The patient's height 6 feet, 1 inch and his weight 260 pounds.,DETAILS: , Total sleep period 377 minutes, total sleep time 241 minutes, sleep onset 33 minutes, and sleep efficiency 64%. Stage I 9%, stage II 59%, stage III 23%, and REM stage 9%. There were 306 apneas and hypopnea with apnea/hypopnea index 76. Out of them 109 apneas and 197 hypopneas. There were 40 arousals with index 9.9. Mean oxygen saturation 91% with lowest oxygen saturation 70%. A 19% of sleep time was spent with oxygen saturation less than 90% and 1% with less than 80%. Oxygen saturation during awake 95%. The patient slept in supine left side and right side, no preferred body position identified for apneas. Average pulse 85 BPMs with lowest 61 and highest 116 BPMs. No significant snoring throughout the study. No significant leg jerk movement.,SUMMARY: , Severe obstructive sleep apnea with apnea/hypopnea index 76 and respiratory disturbance index 9.9. Suggest weight loss, thyroid function evaluation, and CPAP titration study.
Abnormal electroencephalogram revealing generalized poorly organized slowing, with more prominent slowing noted at the right compared to the left hemisphere head regions and rare sharp wave activity noted bilaterally, somewhat more prevalent on the right.
Sleep Medicine
Electroencephalogram - 3
IMPRESSION:, Abnormal electroencephalogram revealing generalized poorly organized slowing, with more prominent slowing noted at the right compared to the left hemisphere head regions and rare sharp wave activity noted bilaterally, somewhat more prevalent on the right. Clinical correlation is suggested.
Electroencephalographic findings and interpretation
Sleep Medicine
HISTORY:, This is a digital EEG performed on a 75-year-old male with seizures.,BACKGROUND ACTIVITY:, The background activity consists of a 8 Hz to 9 Hz rhythm arising in the posterior head region. This rhythm is also accompanied by some beta activity which occurs infrequently. There are also muscle contractions occurring at 4 Hz to 5 Hz which suggests possible Parkinson's. Part of the EEG is obscured by the muscle contraction artifact. There are also left temporal sharps occurring infrequently during the tracing. At one point of time, there was some slowing occurring in the right frontal head region.,ACTIVATION PROCEDURES:, Photic stimulation was performed and did not show any significant abnormality.,SLEEP PATTERNS:, No sleep architecture was observed during this tracing.,IMPRESSION:, This awake/alert/drowsy EEG is abnormal due to the presence of slowing in the right frontal head region, due to the presence of sharps arising in the left temporal head region, and due to the tremors. The slowing can be consistent with underlying structural abnormalities, so a stroke, subdural hematoma, etc., should be ruled out. The tremor probably represents a Parkinson's tremor and the sharps arising in the left temporal head region can potentially give way to seizures or may also represent underlying structural abnormalities, so clinical correlation is recommended.
Electroencephalogram (EEG). Photic stimulation reveals no important changes. Essentially normal.
Sleep Medicine
Electroencephalogram - 1
REPORT:, The electroencephalogram shows background activity at about 9-10 cycle/second bilaterally. Little activity in the beta range is noted. Waves of 4-7 cycle/second of low amplitude were occasionally noted. Abundant movements and technical artifacts are noted throughout this tracing. Hyperventilation was not performed. Photic stimulation reveals no important changes.,CLINICAL INTERPRETATION:, The electroencephalogram is essentially normal.
A 21-channel digital electroencephalogram was performed on a patient in the awake state.
Sleep Medicine
Electroencephalogram - 4
PROCEDURE:, A 21-channel digital electroencephalogram was performed on a patient in the awake state. Per the technician's notes, the patient is taking Depakene.,The recording consists of symmetric 9 Hz alpha activity. Throughout the recording, repetitive episodes of bursts of 3 per second spike and wave activity are noted. The episodes last from approximately1 to 7 seconds. The episodes are exacerbated by hyperventilation.,IMPRESSION:, Abnormal electroencephalogram with repetitive bursts of 3 per second spike and wave activity exacerbated by hyperventilation. This activity could represent true petit mal epilepsy. Clinical correlation is suggested.
The patient was monitored for EEG, EOG, jaw and leg EMG, thoracoabdominal impedance, oral/nasal thermistors, EKG, and oximetry.
Sleep Medicine
CPAP Titration Study
PROCEDURE: , The test was performed in an observed hospital laboratory due to the evidence of obstructive sleep apnea. The patient was monitored for EEG, EOG, jaw and leg EMG, thoracoabdominal impedance, oral/nasal thermistors, EKG, and oximetry.,CPAP TITRATION STUDY:, Total sleep time 425 minutes, sleep onset 7.8 minutes, and sleep efficiency 95%. Stage I 6%, stage II 53%, stage III 20%, and REM stage 15%, and awake 5%. Number of awakenings 6. Total arousals 36 with index 5.4, mild leg jerk movement with index 10.1. There was one apnea and 17 hypopneas with apnea/hypopnea index 2.7. The pressures required to prevent apnea/hypopnea varied between 5 and 11 cm H2O. The optimal pressure was 11 cm H2O, which prevented all of the apneas/hypopneas. The patient spent all his sleeping time in supine position. Average oxygen saturation 94% with lowest oxygen saturation 89%. Only less than 0.2 minutes was spent with oxygen saturation less than 90%.,SUMMARY: , Weight loss, PFTs if not done and CPAP with nasal mask at 11 cm H2O.
A sample note on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, (or RA) is a chronic, systemic condition with primary involvement of the joints. Joint inflammation is present due to an abnormal immune response in which the body attacks its own tissue. Specifically, the tissues lining the joint are involved as well as cartilage and muscle and sometimes the eyes and blood vessels. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is obscure but it is associated with a family history, genetic and autoimmune problems, people ages 20-60, female gender 3:1 or a Native American background.,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:,* Joint pain, swelling, redness, warmth. Commonly involved joints are the small joints of the hands and feet and the ankles, wrists, knees, shoulders and elbows.,* Multiple swollen joints (more than 3) with simultaneous involvement of same joints on opposite side of the body.,* Morning stiffness that lasts longer than 30 minutes.,* Difficulty making a fist; poor grip strength.,* Night pain.,* Feeling "sick" - low fever, loss of appetite, tiredness, generalized aching and stiffness, weakness.,* Rheumatoid nodules under the skin, usually along the surface of tendons or over bony prominences.,* Disease may lead to deformed joints, decreased vision, anemia, muscle weakness, peripheral nerve problems, pericarditis, enlarged spleen, increased frequency of infections.,* Blood tests will reveal a positive rheumatoid factor (RF) to be present the majority of the time.,TREATMENT:,* To diagnose RA, blood studies are done to detect a substance known as rheumatoid factor and x-rays may show typical findings.,* Night splints for involved joints. Avoid putting a pillow under the knees as this will contribute to joint contracture.,* Heat helps relieve the pain; hot water soaks, whirlpool baths, heat lamps, heating pads, etc. applied to affected joints 15-20 minutes 3 times per day is helpful.,* Sleep on a firm mattress and sleep at least 10-12 hours per night. Get rest during the day; take naps.,* Get bed rest during an active flare-up until symptoms subside.,* Avoid humid weather if possible.,* NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).,* DMARDs (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) - gold compounds, D-penicillamine, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, antimalarials.,* Immunosuppressive drugs.,* Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief only when necessary.,* Oral corticosteroids short term; corticosteroid injection into joint can temporarily relieve pain and inflammation.,* Exercise as recommended by your physician. Exercise helps keep the joints limber and increases strength. Swimming and water activities are a good way to workout. Put all your joints through their full ranges of motion every day to prevent contractures. * Physical therapy may be recommended.,* Surgical intervention.,* Lose excess weight as being overweight will only stress the joints further.,* Eat a normal, well-balanced diet.
Normal awake and drowsy (stage I sleep) EEG for patient's age.
Sleep Medicine
DESCRIPTION OF RECORD: ,This tracing was obtained utilizing 27 paste-on gold-plated surface disc electrodes placed according to the International 10-20 system. Electrode impedances were measured and reported at less than 5 kilo-ohms each.,FINDINGS: , In general, the background rhythms are bilaterally symmetrical. During the resting awake state they are composed of moderate amounts of low amplitude fast activity intermixed with moderate amounts of well-modulated 9-10 Hz alpha activity best seen posteriorly. The alpha activity attenuates with eye opening.,During some portions of the tracing the patient enters a drowsy state in which the background rhythms are composed predominantly of moderate amounts of low amplitude fast activity intermixed with moderate amounts of low to medium amplitude polymorphic theta activity.,There is no evidence of focal slowing or paroxysmal activity.,IMPRESSION: , Normal awake and drowsy (stage I sleep) EEG for patient's age.
Epicondylitis. history of lupus. Injected with 40-mg of Kenalog mixed with 1 cc of lidocaine.
Rheumatology Progress Note
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is here for a follow-up. The patient has a history of lupus, currently on Plaquenil 200-mg b.i.d. Eye report was noted and appreciated. The patient states that she is having some aches and pains of the hands and elbows that started recently a few weeks ago. She denied having any trauma. She states that the pain is bothering her. She denies having any fevers, chills, or any joint effusion or swelling at this point. She noted also that there is some increase in her hair loss in the recent times.,OBJECTIVE:, The patient is alert and oriented. General physical exam is unremarkable. Musculoskeletal exam reveals positive tenderness in both lateral epicondyles of both elbows, no effusion. Hand examination is unremarkable today. The rest of the musculoskeletal exam is unremarkable.,ASSESSMENT:, Epicondylitis, both elbows, possibly secondary to lupus flare-up.,PLAN:, We will inject both elbows with 40-mg of Kenalog mixed with 1 cc of lidocaine. The posterior approach was chosen under sterile conditions. The patient tolerated both procedures well. I will obtain CBC and urinalysis today. If the patient's pain does not improve, I will consider adding methotrexate to her therapy.,Sample Doctor M.D.
Patient presents for treatment of suspected rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - H&P
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, This 26 year old male presents today for treatment of suspected rheumatoid arthritis. Associated signs and symptoms include aching, joint pain, and symmetrical joint swelling bilateral. Patient denies any previous history, related trauma or previous treatments for this condition. Condition has existed for 2 weeks. He indicates the problem location is the right hand and left hand. Patient indicates no modifying factors. Severity of condition is slowly worsening. Onset was unknown.,ALLERGIES:, Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in GI upset, disorientation.,MEDICATION HISTORY: , Patient is currently taking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Past medical history is unremarkable.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Patient admits a family history of rheumatoid arthritis associated with maternal grandmother.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Patient denies alcohol use. Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Neurological: (+) paralysis Musculoskeletal: (+) joint pain (+) joint swelling (+) stiffness Cardiovascular: (+) ankle swelling Neurological: (-) numbness,Musculoskeletal: (-) back pain (chronic) (-) decreased ROM (-) episodic weakness,Cardiovascular: (-) chest pressure Respiratory: (-) breathing difficulties, respiratory symptoms (-) sleep apnea,PHYSICAL EXAM: , BP Standing: 120/84 HR: 79 Temp: 98.6 Height: 5 ft. 8 in. Weight: 168 lbs. Patient is a 26 year old male who appears pleasant, in no apparent distress, his given age, well developed, well nourished and with good attention to hygiene and body habitus. Skin: No skin rash, subcutaneous nodules, lesions or ulcers observed. Palpation of skin shows no abnormalities.,HEENT: Inspection of head and face shows no abnormalities. Hair growth and distribution is normal. Examination of scalp shows no abnormalities. Conjunctiva and lids reveal no signs or symptoms of infection. Pupil exam reveals round and reactive pupils without afferent pupillary defect. Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping. Inspection of ears reveals no abnormalities. Otoscopic examination reveals no abnormalities. Examination of oropharynx reveals no abnormalities and tissues pink and moist. ENT: Inspection of ears reveals no abnormalities. Examination of larynx reveals no abnormalities. Inspection of nose reveals no abnormalities.,Neck: Neck exam reveals neck supple and trachea that is midline, without adenopathy or crepitance palpable. Thyroid examination reveals no abnormalities and smooth and symmetric gland with no enlargement, tenderness or masses noted. Lymphatic: Neck lymph nodes are normal.,Respiratory: Assessment of respiratory effort reveals even respirations without use of accessory muscles and no intercostal retractions noted. Chest inspection reveals chest configuration non-hyperinflated and symmetric expansion. Auscultation of lungs reveals clear lung fields and no rubs noted.,Cardiovascular: Heart auscultation reveals normal S1 and S2 and no murmurs, gallop, rubs or clicks. Examination of peripheral vascular system reveals full to palpation, varicosities absent, extremities warm to touch and no edema.,Abdomen: Abdominal contour is slightly rounded. Abdomen soft, nontender, bowel sounds present x 4 without palpable masses. Palpation of liver reveals no abnormalities. Palpation of spleen reveals no abnormalities.,Musculoskeletal: Gait and station examination reveals normal arm swing, with normal heel-toe and tandem walking. Inspection and palpation of bones, joints and muscles is unremarkable. Muscle strength is 5/5 for all groups tested. Muscle tone is normal.,Neurologic/Psychiatric: Psychiatric: Oriented to person, place and time. Mood and affect normal and appropriate to situation. Testing of cranial nerves reveals no deficits. Coordination is good. Touch, pin, vibratory and proprioception sensations are normal. Deep tendon reflexes normal.,TEST & X-RAY RESULTS:, Rheumatoid factor: 52 U/ml. Sed rate: 31 mm/hr. C4 complement: 19 mg/dl.,IMPRESSION: , Rheumatoid arthritis.,PLAN:, ESR ordered; automated. Ordered RBC. Ordered quantitative rheumatoid factor. Return to clinic in 2 week (s).,PRESCRIPTIONS:, Vioxx Dosage: 12.5 mg tablet Sig: BID Dispense: 30 Refills: 2 Allow Generic: No
A 7-year-old white male started to complain of pain in his fingers, elbows, and neck. This patient may have had reactive arthritis.
Pediatric Rheumatology Consult
HISTORY: ,We had the pleasure of seeing the patient today in our Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic. He was sent here with a chief complaint of joint pain in several joints for few months. This is a 7-year-old white male who has no history of systemic disease, who until 2 months ago, was doing well and 2 months ago, he started to complain of pain in his fingers, elbows, and neck. At this moment, this is better and is almost gone, but for several months, he was having pain to the point that he would cry at some point. He is not a complainer according to his mom and he is a very active kid. There is no history of previous illness to this or had gastrointestinal problems. He has problems with allergies, especially seasonal allergies and he takes Claritin for it. Other than that, he has not had any other problem. Denies any swelling except for that doctor mentioned swelling on his elbow. There is no history of rash, no stomach pain, no diarrhea, no fevers, no weight loss, no ulcers in his mouth except for canker sores. No lymphadenopathy, no eye problems, and no urinary problems.,MEDICATIONS: , His medications consist only of Motrin only as needed and Claritin currently for seasonal allergies and rhinitis.,ALLERGIES: , He has no allergies to any drugs.,BIRTH HISTORY: ,Pregnancy and delivery with no complications. He has no history of hospitalizations or surgeries.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for arthritis in his grandmother. No history of pediatric arthritis. There is history of psoriasis in his dad.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives with mom, dad, brother, sister, and everybody is healthy. They live in Easton. They have 4 dogs, 3 cats, 3 mules and no deer. At school, he is in second grade and he is doing PE without any limitation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.7, pulse is 96, respiratory rate is 24, height is 118.1 cm, weight is 22.1 kg, and blood pressure is 61/44.,GENERAL: He is alert, active, in no distress, very cooperative.,HEENT: He has no facial rash. No lymphadenopathy. Oral mucosa is clear. No tonsillitis. His ear canals are clear and pupils are reactive to light and accommodation.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rhythm and no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender with no visceromegaly.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Shows no limitation in any of his joints or active swelling today. He has no tenderness either in any of his joints. Muscle strength is 5/5 in proximal muscles.,LABORATORY DATA:, Includes an arthritis panel. It has normal uric acid, sedimentation rate of 2, rheumatoid factor of 6, and antinuclear antibody that is negative and C-reactive protein that is 7.1. His mother stated that this was done while he was having symptoms.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This patient may have had reactive arthritis. He is seen frequently and the patient has family history of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. I do not see any problems at this moment on his laboratories or on his physical examination. This may have been related to recent episode of viral infection or infection of some sort. Mother was oriented about the finding and my recommendation is to observe him and if there is any recurrence of the symptoms or persistence of swelling or limitation in any of his joints, I will be glad to see him back.,If you have any question on further assessment and plan, please do no hesitate to contact us.
A 71-year-old female who I am seeing for the first time. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis for the last 6 years. She is not on DMARD, but as she recently had a surgery followed by a probable infection.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Consult
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 71-year-old female who I am seeing for the first time. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis for the last 6 years. She was followed by another rheumatologist. She says she has been off and on, on prednisone and Arava. The rheumatologist, as per the patient, would not want her to be on a long-term medicine, so he would give her prednisone and then switch to Arava and then switch her back to prednisone. She says she had been on prednisone for the last 6 to 9 months. She is on 5 mg a day. She recently had a left BKA and there was a question of infection, so it had to be debrided. I was consulted to see if her prednisone is to be continued. The patient denies any joint pains at the present time. She says when this started she had significant joint pains and was unable to walk. She had pain in the hands and feet. Currently, she has no pain in any of her joints.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies photosensitivity, oral or nasal ulcer, seizure, psychosis, and skin rashes.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and left BKA.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Denies tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: BP 130/70, heart rate 80, and respiratory rate 14.,HEENT: EOMI. PERRLA.,NECK: Supple. No JVD. No lymphadenopathy.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: S1 and S2. No S3, no murmurs.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. No organomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No edema.,NEUROLOGIC: Deferred.,ARTICULAR: She has swelling of bilateral wrists, but no significant tenderness.,LABORATORY DATA:, Labs in chart was reviewed.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, A 71-year-old female with a history of rheumatoid arthritis, on longstanding prednisone. She is not on DMARD, but as she recently had a surgery followed by a probable infection, I will hold off on that. As she has no pain, I have decreased the prednisone to 2.5 mg a day starting tomorrow if she is to go back to her nursing home tomorrow. If in a couple of weeks her symptoms stay the same, then I would discontinue the prednisone. I would defer that to Dr. X. If she flares up at that point, prednisone may have to be restarted with a DMARD, so that eventually she could stay off the prednisone. I discussed this at length with the patient and she is in full agreement with the plan. I explained to her that if she is to be discharged, if she wishes, she could follow up with me in clinic or if she goes back to Victoria, then see her rheumatologist over there.
Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change.
Hand Discomfort - Followup
REASON FOR RETURN VISIT: , Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 56-year-old female with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus, who was last seen in rheumatology clinic approximately 4 months ago for bilateral hand discomfort, left greater than right. The patient was seen on 10/30/07. She had the same complaint. She was given a trial of Elavil at bedtime because the thought was to see that represented ulnar or radial neuropathy. She was also given a prescription for Zostrix cream but was unable to get it filled because of insurance coverage. The patient reports some worsening of the symptoms especially involving at the dorsum of the left hand, and she points to the area that actually involves the dorsal aspect of the second, third, and fourth digits. The patient recently has developed what sounds like an upper respiratory problem with a nonproductive cough for 3 days, although she reports that she has had subjective fevers for the past 3 or 4 days, but has not actually taken the temperature. She has not had any night sweats or chills. She has had no recent problems with chest pain, chest discomfort, shortness of breath or problems with GU or GI complaints. She is returning today for routine followup evaluation.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Plaquenil 200 mg twice a day.,2. Fosamax 170 mg once a week.,3. Calcium and vitamin D complex twice daily.,4. Folic acid 1 mg per day.,5. Trilisate 1000 mg a day.,6. K-Dur 20 mEq twice a day.,7. Hydrochlorothiazide 15 mg once a day.,8. Lopressor 50 mg one-half tablet twice a day.,9. Trazodone 100 mg at bedtime.,10. Prempro 0.625 mg per day.,11. Aspirin 325 mg once a day.,12. Lipitor 10 mg per day.,13. Pepcid 20 mg twice a day.,14. Reglan 10 mg before meals and at bedtime.,15. Celexa 20 mg per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Noncontributory except for what was noted in the HPI and the remainder or complete review of systems is unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 155/84, pulse 87, weight 223 pounds, and temperature 99.2. GENERAL: She is a well-developed, well-nourished female appearing her staged age. She is alert, oriented, and cooperative. HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. There is no facial rash. No oral lesions. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis or clubbing. Sensory examination of the upper extremity decreased to light touch on the distal tips of the left second and third digits compared to the fifth digit. Positive Tinel sign. Full range of motion of the wrist with no evidence of motor atrophy or muscle loss.,LABORATORY DATA: ,WBC 5100, hemoglobin 11.1, hematocrit 32.8, and platelets 200,000. Westergren sedimentation rate of 47. Urinalysis is negative for protein and blood. Lupus serology is pending.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Systemic lupus erythematosus that is chronically stable at this point.,2. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change.,3. Upper respiratory infection with cough, cold, and congestion.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient will have a trial of a resting wrist splint at night for the next 4 to 6 weeks. If there is no improvement, the patient will return for corticosteroid injection of her carpal tunnel.,2. Azithromycin 5-day dose pack.,3. Robitussin Cough and Cold Flu to be taken twice a day.,4. Atarax 25 mg at bedtime for sleep.,5. The patient will return to the rheumatology clinic for a routine followup evaluation in 4 months.