Abm abbr. Anti-ballistic missile.
Abnegate v. (-ting) give up or renounce (a pleasure or right etc.). [latin nego deny]
Abnegation n. Denial; renunciation of a doctrine.
Abnormal adj. Deviating from the norm; exceptional.  abnormality n. (pl. -ies). Abnormally adv. [french: related to *anomalous]
Abo (also abo) austral. Slang usu. Offens. 鈥攏. (pl. -s) aboriginal. 鈥攁dj. Aboriginal. [abbreviation]
Aboard adv. & prep. On or into (a ship, aircraft, etc.). [from *a2]
Abode1 n. Dwelling-place. [related to *abide]
Abode2 see *abide.
Abolish v. Put an end to (esp. A custom or institution). [latin aboleo destroy]
Abolition n. Abolishing or being abolished.  abolitionist n.
A-bomb n. = *atomic bomb. [a for *atomic]
Abominable adj. 1 detestable, loathsome. 2 colloq. Very unpleasant (abominable weather).  abominably adv. [latin abominor deprecate]
Abominable snowman n. Supposed manlike or bearlike himalayan animal; yeti.
Abominate v. (-ting) detest, loathe.  abomination n. [latin: related to *abominable]
Aboriginal 鈥攁dj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. 鈥攏. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n.
Aboriginal 鈥攁dj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. 鈥攏. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n.
Abortive adj. Fruitless, unsuccessful.
Abound v. 1 be plentiful. 2 (foll. By in, with) be rich; teem. [latin unda wave]
About 鈥攑rep. 1 a on the subject of (a book about birds). B relating to (glad about it). C in relation to (symmetry about a plane). 2 at a time near to (about six). 3 a in, round (walked about the town; a scarf about her neck). B all round from a centre (look about you). 4 at points in (strewn about the house). 5 carried with (no money about me). 6 occupied with (about her business). 鈥攁dv. 1 a approximately (about ten miles). B colloq. In an understatement (just about had enough). 2 nearby (a lot of flu about). 3 in every direction (look about). 4 on the move; in action (out and about). 5 in rotation or succession (turn and turn about).  be about (or all about) colloq. Have as its essential nature (life is all about having fun). Be about to be on the point of (was about to laugh). [old english]
About-face n. & int. = *about-turn, about turn.
About-turn 鈥攏. 1 turn made so as to face the opposite direction. 2 change of opinion or policy etc. 鈥攊nt. (about turn) mil. Command to make an about-turn.
Above 鈥攑rep. 1 over; on the top of; higher than; over the surface of (head above water; above the din). 2 more than (above twenty people). 3 higher in rank, importance, etc., than. 4 a too great or good for (not above cheating). B beyond the reach of (above my understanding; above suspicion). 鈥攁dv. 1 at or to a higher point; overhead (the floor above; the sky above). 2 earlier on a page or in a book (as noted above). 鈥攁dj. Preceding (the above argument). 鈥攏. (prec. By the) preceding text (the above shows).  above all most of all, more than anything else. Above oneself conceited, arrogant. [old english: related to *a2]
Above-board adj. & adv. Without concealment; open or openly.
Abracadabra 鈥攊nt. Supposedly magic word used in conjuring. 鈥攏. Spell or charm. [latin from greek]
Abrade v. (-ding) scrape or wear away (skin, rock, etc.) By rubbing. [latin rado scrape]
Abrasion n. 1 scraping or wearing away (of skin, rock, etc.). 2 resulting damaged area.
Abrasive 鈥攁dj. 1 a tending to rub or graze. B capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2 harsh or hurtful in manner. 鈥攏. Abrasive substance.
Abreast adv. 1 side by side and facing the same way. 2 (foll. By of) up to date.
Abridge v. (-ging) shorten (a book, film, etc.).  abridgement n. [latin: related to *abbreviate]
Abroad adv. 1 in or to a foreign country or countries. 2 widely (scatter abroad). 3 in circulation (rumour abroad).
Abrogate v. (-ting) repeal, abolish (a law etc.).  abrogation n. [latin rogo propose a law]
Abrupt adj. 1 sudden, hasty (abrupt end). 2 (of manner etc.) Curt. 3 steep, precipitous.  abruptly adv. Abruptness n. [latin: related to *rupture]
Abscess n. (pl. Abscesses) swelling containing pus. [latin: related to *ab-, *cede]
Abseil 鈥攙. Descend by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point. 鈥攏. Descent made by abseiling. [german ab down, seil rope]
Absence n. 1 being away. 2 time of this. 3 (foll. By of) lack of.  absence of mind inattentiveness. [latin absentia]
Absent 鈥攁dj. 1 not present. 2 not existing; lacking. 3 inattentive. 鈥攙.refl. Go, or stay, away.  absently adv. (in sense 3 of adj.).
Absentee n. Person not present.
Absenteeism n. Absenting oneself from work or school etc., esp. Frequently or illicitly.
Absentee landlord n. One who lets a property while living elsewhere.
Absent-minded adj. Forgetful or inattentive.  absent-mindedly adv. Absent-mindedness n.
Absinth n. 1 wormwood. 2 (usu. Absinthe) aniseed-flavoured liqueur based on this. [french from latin]
Absolute 鈥攁dj. 1 complete, utter (absolute bliss). 2 unconditional (absolute authority). 3 despotic (absolute monarch). 4 not relative or comparative (absolute standard). 5 gram. A (of a construction) syntactically independent of the rest of the sentence, as in dinner being over, we left the table. B (of an adjective or transitive verb) without an expressed noun or object (e.g. The deaf, guns kill). 6 (of a legal decree etc.) Final. 鈥攏. Philos. (prec. By the) that which can exist independently of anything else. [latin: related to *absolve]
Absolutely adv. 1 completely, utterly. 2 in an absolute sense (god exists absolutely). 3 colloq. (used in reply) quite so; yes.