15 values
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""" Module contains console printing functions for the RXCS. |br| All of the console print in RxCS should be done using functions from this module. *Author*: Jacek Pierzchlewski, Aalborg University, Denmark. <> *Version*: 0.1 | 14-MAY-2014 : * Initial version. |br| 0.2 | 15-MAY-2014 : * Docstrings added. 0.21 | 15-MAY-2014 : * New colors ('PARAM' + 'OK') added to the dictionary 0.22 | 14-AUG-2015 : * New function (progress_doneNL) is added 0.23 | 20-AUG-2015 : * New function (newline) is added 0.24 | 30-NOV-2015 : * Progress bar is added 0.26 | 15-JAN-2016 : * Note, warning and info starts with a new line *License*: BSD 2-Clause """ from __future__ import division import sys import numpy as np import time # ===================================================================== # Print a new line # ===================================================================== def newline(): sys.stdout.write('\n') return # ===================================================================== # Print signal pack header # ===================================================================== def pack(inxPack): """ .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash Function prints header of the signal pack processed by RxCS. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> console.pack(1) gives an output: :bash:`>>> SIGNAL PACK #1:` Args: inxPack (int): Index of the current signal pack Returns: nothing """ strPackNumber = '#%d' % (inxPack) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + '>>> ' + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write('SIGNAL PACK ') sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + strPackNumber + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(':' + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print the sys progress sign + current stage + name of the current module # ===================================================================== def progress(strStage, strModule): """ .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash Function prints progress of the RxCS frames. |br| It prints the progress sign ('>>') + the current stage (signal generation, sampler, reconstruction, etc...) + name of the current module. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> console.progress('Signal generator', 'Random multitone') gives an output: :bash:`| >> Signal generator: Random multitone` Args: strStage (string): name of the stage |br| strModule (string): name of the module Returns: nothing """ sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + ' >> ' + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(strStage + ': ' + strModule + ' \n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print the module progress sign (>) + start the timer # ===================================================================== def module_progress(strInfo): """ Function prints an info about a module progress. The info is preceded by a tabulator and a module progress sign ('>'). |br| Additionally, the function starts a time counter. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> console.module_progress('The module X is starting') gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X is starting...` Args: strInfo (string): progress info to be printed Returns: tStart (float): time stamp of the start """ sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + '\n > ' + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(strInfo + '...') sys.stdout.flush() # Start the timer tStart = time.time() return tStart # ===================================================================== # Finish the progress print + print the tme of execution # ===================================================================== def progress_done(tStart): """ Function adds 'done' to a console message previously printed by a 'module_progress' function. |br| Additionally, the function print an info about an execution time of a module, based on the time stamp of the start of the module. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> tStart = console.module_progress('The module X is starting') >>> time.sleep(1) >>> console.module_progress_done(tStart) gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X is starting...done in 1.00 seconds` Args: tStart (float): time stamp of the start Returns: nothing """ # Measure the time tTime = time.time() - tStart strTime = ('done in %.2f seconds') % (tTime) sys.stdout.write(_colors('OK') + strTime + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Finish the progress print + print the tme of execution + new line # ===================================================================== def progress_doneNL(tStart): """ Function adds 'done' to a console message previously printed by a 'module_progress' function. |br| Additionally, the function print an info about an execution time of a module, based on the time stamp of the start of the module, + a new line.|br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> tStart = console.module_progressNL('The module X is starting') >>> time.sleep(1) >>> console.module_progress_done(tStart) gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X is starting...done in 1.00 seconds` Args: tStart (float): time stamp of the start Returns: nothing """ # Measure the time tTime = time.time() - tStart strTime = ('done in %.2f seconds') % (tTime) sys.stdout.write(_colors('OK') + strTime + _colors('ENDC') + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Start a progress bar # ===================================================================== def progress_bar_start(strInfo, iPrintIter, iMilestone, iLineBreak, bPrintSteps=1, bIteration0=0, bPrintTime=0): """ Function starts a progress bar The start is preceded by a tabulator and a module progress sign ('>>>'). |br| Additionally, the function starts a time counter. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| The function returns a progress bar dictionary. |br| >>> console.progress_bar_start('The module X:') gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X:` Args: strInfo (string): info to be printed iPrintIter (integer): print a step after 'iPrintIter' iterations iMilestone (integer): print X after 'iMilestone' iterations iLineBreak (integer): break the line after 'iLineBreak' iterations bPrintSteps (integer): 0 - do not print the number of iterations at the end 1 - print the number of iterations at the end bIteration0 (integer): 0 - iteration #0 is not allowed 1 - iteration #0 is allowed bPrintTime (integer): 0 - do not print time at all 1 - print time and average time for the last iteration (excluding iteration 0) Returns: dBar (dictionary): data with the progress bar """ # Correct the input arguments iPrintIter = int(round(iPrintIter)) iMilestone = int(round(iMilestone)) iLineBreak = int(round(iLineBreak)) # Check if the settings are correct if iMilestone % iPrintIter != 0: strError = '\'iMilestone\' must be a multiplication of \'iPrintIter\'! (%d is not a multiplication of %d)!' \ % (iMilestone, iPrintIter) raise ValueError(strError) if iLineBreak % iMilestone != 0: strError = '\'iLineBreak\' must be a multiplication of \'iMilestone\'! (%d is not a multiplication of %d)!' \ % (iLineBreak, iMilestone) raise ValueError(strError) #---------------------------------- # Construct the output dictionary dBar = dict() dBar['bActive'] = 1 dBar['iInfoLen'] = len(strInfo) # Length of the info string dBar['iPrintIter'] = iPrintIter dBar['iMilestone'] = iMilestone dBar['iLineBreak'] = iLineBreak dBar['bPrintSteps'] = bPrintSteps dBar['bIteration0'] = bIteration0 dBar['bPrintTime'] = bPrintTime # Start iterations if bIteration0 == 0: dBar['iLastIter'] = 0 else: dBar['iLastIter'] = -1 # Construct a new line tabulator if bIteration0 == 0: dBar['strNewLine'] = '\n ' + (' ' * dBar['iInfoLen']) else: dBar['strNewLine'] = '\n ' + (' ' * (dBar['iInfoLen'] + 1)) #---------------------------------- # Begin a progress bar sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + '\n >>> ' + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(strInfo + ' ') sys.stdout.flush() # Start the timer, if needed if bPrintTime == 1: tStart = time.time() dBar['tStart'] = tStart return dBar def progress_bar(dBar, iIter): """ Function prints printing bar Args: dBar (string): info to be printed iPrintIter (integer): print a step after 'iPrintIter' iterations Returns: dBar (dictionary): data with the progress bar iIter (integer): the current iteration """ # Is the bar still actve if dBar['bActive'] == 0: return dBar # Make iterations a round integer, in any case iIter = int(round(iIter)) # Is it the end of the story? if iIter < 0: dBar['bActive'] = 0 if dBar['bPrintSteps'] == 1: strMessage = ' (%d) ' % (dBar['iLastIter']) sys.stdout.write(strMessage) sys.stdout.flush() if dBar['bPrintTime'] == 1: sys.stdout.write(dBar['strNewLine']) tTime = time.time() - dBar['tStart'] # Measure the time strMessage = progress_bar_time(tTime, dBar['iLastIter']) sys.stdout.write(strMessage) sys.stdout.flush() return dBar # Was this iteration already given? if iIter <= dBar['iLastIter']: return dBar iPreviousLastIter = dBar['iLastIter'] dBar['iLastIter'] = iIter # Mark the current iteration as the last iteration # Loop over all the iterations for iIter in range(iPreviousLastIter + 1, iIter + 1): if iIter == 0: if dBar['bIteration0'] == 1: sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + '0' + _colors('ENDC')) return dBar elif (iIter % dBar['iMilestone']) == 0: sys.stdout.write(_colors('PROGRESS') + 'X' + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.flush() elif (iIter % dBar['iPrintIter']) == 0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Break the line, if it is needed if (iIter % dBar['iLineBreak']) == 0: sys.stdout.write(dBar['strNewLine']) sys.stdout.flush() return dBar def progress_bar_time(tTime, iIter): """ Time service for the progress bar. """ iHour = 3600 iMin = 60 strMessage = 'Total time = %.1f [s]' % (tTime) # Hours if tTime >= 1 * iHour: nHours = np.floor(tTime / iHour) tTimeSec = tTime - nHours * iHour if nHours == 1: strMessage = strMessage + ' (%d [hour]' % (nHours) else: strMessage = strMessage + ' (%d [hours]' % (nHours) if tTimeSec >= 1 * iMin: nMins = np.floor(tTimeSec / iMin) tTimeSec = tTimeSec - nMins * iMin strMessage = strMessage + ' %d [mins]' % (nMins) strMessage = strMessage + ' %.1f [sec])' % (tTimeSec) # Minutes elif tTime >= 10 * iMin: nMins = np.floor(tTime / iMin) tTimeSec = tTime - nMins * iMin strMessage = strMessage + ' (%d [mins]' % (nMins) strMessage = strMessage + ' %.1f [sec])' % (tTimeSec) # One iteration tTimeIter = tTime / iIter # Microseconds if tTimeIter < 1e-3: strMessage = strMessage + ' (%.1f [us] p. iteration)' % (tTimeIter * 1e6) # Miliseconds elif tTimeIter < 1: strMessage = strMessage + ' (%.3f [ms] p. iteration)' % (tTimeIter * 1e3) else: strMessage = strMessage + ' (%.3f [s] p. iteration)' % (tTimeIter) return strMessage # ===================================================================== # Finish the module progress print + print the tme of execution # ===================================================================== def module_progress_done(tStart): """ Function adds 'done' to a console message previously printed by a 'module_progress' function. |br| Additionally, the function print an info about an execution time of a module, based on the time stamp of the start of the module. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> tStart = console.module_progress('The module X is starting') >>> time.sleep(1) >>> console.module_progress_done(tStart) gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X is starting...done in 1.00 seconds` Args: tStart (float): time stamp of the start Returns: nothing """ # Measure the time tTime = time.time() - tStart if (tTime < 1) and (tTime >= 1e-3): # Miliseconds range tTime = tTime * 1e3 strTime = ('done in %.2f ms') % (tTime) elif (tTime < 1e-3) and (tTime >= 1e-6): # Microseconds range tTime = tTime * 1e6 strTime = ('done in %.2f us') % (tTime) else: strTime = ('done in %.2f s') % (tTime) sys.stdout.write(_colors('OK') + strTime + _colors('ENDC') + '\n\n\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Finish the module progress print + print the time of execution # (with 1 newline instead of 3) # ===================================================================== def module_progress_doneNoNew(tStart): """ Function adds 'done' to a console message previously printed by a 'module_progress' function. |br| Additionally, the function print an info about an execution time of a module, based on the time stamp of the start of the module. |br| This function do not add new lines after 'done'. The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> tStart = console.module_progress('The module X is starting') >>> time.sleep(1) >>> console.module_progress_doneNoNew(tStart) gives an output: :bash:`| > The module X is starting...done in 1.00 seconds` Args: tStart (float): time stamp of the start Returns: nothing """ # Measure the time tTime = time.time() - tStart strTime = ('done in %.2f seconds') % (tTime) sys.stdout.write(_colors('OK') + strTime + _colors('ENDC') + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print a warning # ===================================================================== def warning(strWarn): """ Function prints a warning preceded by a proper tabulator. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> console.warning('Mind the gap!') :bash:`| Mind the gap!` Args: strWarn (string): warning to be printed Returns: nothing """ # Add a tabulator to the warning message strWarn = ('\n %s') % (strWarn) # Write the warning sys.stdout.write(_colors('WARN')) sys.stdout.write(strWarn) sys.stdout.write(_colors('ENDC') + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print information # ===================================================================== def info(strInfo): """ Function prints an info preceded by a proper tabulator. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>>'Very important info') :bash:`| Very important info` Args: strInfo (string): info to be printed Returns: nothing """ # Add a tabulator to the info message strInfo = ('\n %s') % (strInfo) # Write the info sys.stdout.write(_colors('INFO')) sys.stdout.write(strInfo) sys.stdout.write(_colors('ENDC') + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print a bullet + information description + ':' + information # ===================================================================== def bullet_info(strDesc, strInfo): """ Function prints an info preceded by a proper tabulator, an info bullet '*' and a description of the info. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| >>> console.bullet_info('Please remeber', 'mind the gap!') gives an output :bash:`| * Please remeber: mind the gap!` Args: strDesc (string): description of the info |br| strInfo (string): info to be printed Returns: nothing """ # Write the tabulator with a bullet sys.stdout.write('\n' + _colors('BULLET') + ' * ' + _colors('ENDC')) # Write the description sys.stdout.write(strDesc + ': ') # Write the info sys.stdout.write(_colors('BULLET_INFO')) sys.stdout.write(strInfo) sys.stdout.write(_colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print a note (an information without coloring) # ===================================================================== def note(strNote): """ Function prints a note preceded by a proper tabulator. |br| There is no coloring of the output. |br| >>> console.note('mind the gap!') :bash:`| mind the gap!` Args: strInfo (string): info to be printed Returns: nothing """ # Add a tabulator to the info message strNote = ('\n %s') % (strNote) # Write the info sys.stdout.write(strNote) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return # ===================================================================== # Print name of the parameter + the parameter # ===================================================================== def param(strName, iVal, strForm, strUnit): """ Function prints a parameter and a parameter unit. The parameter is preceeded by a tabulator and a parameter name. |br| The parameter value is recalculated to a requested order of magnitude, or the function may decide itself about the order of magnitude. The formatting string (3rd parameter) controls the order of magnitude of a printed value. If it contains the '-' character, the function will decide about an order of magnitude. If it contains a magnitude unit symbol, the function recalculates the value to the given order of magnitude. |br| The formatting string (3rd parameter) must contain one or two characters. If there are two characters, the value is printed in two orders of magnitude, second is in the parantheses. |br| Available symbols of orders of magnitude: (femto): 'f' |br| (pico): 'p' |br| (nano): 'n' |br| (micro): 'u' |br| (mili): 'm' |br| (none): ' ' |br| (kilo): 'k' |br| (Mega): 'M' |br| (Giga): 'G' |br| (Tera): 'T' |br| (second) 's' |br| (hour): 'h' |br| |br| If the first character in the formatting string is 's', then the parameter is treated as time expressed in seconds. In this case the second character may either not exists in the string, or be equal to 'h'. In the latter case the time will be also expressed in hours. |br| The last argument is a unit name which will be printed after the values of the paramter. If the first character in the formatting string is 's', then the last argument shuld be empty. |br| The function takes care of the proper coloring of the console output. |br| Usage examples: >>> console.param('Size of a hard drive',500*1e9,'G ','bytes') :bash:`| Size of a hard drive: 500.000 G (500000000000) [bytes]` >>> console.param('Dist. from Aalborg to Auckland',10889,'k ','miles') :bash:`| Dist. from Aalborg to Auckland: 10.889 k (10889) [miles]` >>> console.param('The number of people in DK',5627235,'k-','souls') :bash:`| The number of people in DK: 5627.235 k (5.627 M) [souls]` >>> console.param('>E.T.< running time',115*60,'sh','') :bash:`| >E.T< running time: 6900.0 [seconds] (1.92 [hours])` >>> console.param('Honda Civic Type R 0-60',6.6,'s','') :bash:`| Honda Civic Type R 0-60: 6.6 [seconds]` Args: strName (string): name of the parameter |br| iVal (float): value |br| strForm (string): format string |br| strUnit (string): unit |br| Returns: nothing """ # Write the tabulator sys.stdout.write(' ') # Run the engine of parameter print _param(strName, iVal, strForm, strUnit) return # ===================================================================== # Print a bullet + name of the parameter + the parameter # ===================================================================== def bullet_param(strName, iVal, strForm, strUnit): """ Function prints a parameter preceded by a proper tabulator, a bullet and a parameter name. |br| The function is identical to the previous 'param' function, the only difference is a bullet added before the parameter name. Please refer to the 'param' function for description of the function and its input parameters. |br| """ # Write the tabulator with a bullet sys.stdout.write('\n' + _colors('BULLET') + ' * ' + _colors('ENDC')) # Run the engine of parameter print _param(strName, iVal, strForm, strUnit) return # ===================================================================== # The engine of parameter print # ===================================================================== def _param(strName, iVal, strForm, strUnit): """ It is an engine of the formated parameter printing. |br| The input to the fuctcion is identical to the previous 'param' function. Please refer to the 'param' function for description of the function and its input parameters. |br| """ # The name of the function (for error purposes) strFunc = 'rxcs.console._param' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Write the parameter name sys.stdout.write(strName + ': ') # Check the length of the format string, it should be 1 or 2 lForm = len(strForm) if lForm < 1 or lForm > 2: strErr = strFunc + ' : ' strErr = strErr + ('Parameter format string must be 1 or 2 characters') raise Exception(strErr) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Recalculate the unit to coefficient, if it is asked for if strForm[0] == '-': # <- the function should recalculate the unit (iCoef, strUnitRecalc) = _val2unit(iVal) elif strForm[0] == 's': # <- the parameter contains seconds _param_time_write(iVal, strForm) return else: # <- there is a correct unit already given # Get the name of the magnitude unit strUnitRecalc = strForm[0] # Get the correct coefficient for the 2nd representation iCoef = _unit2coef(strUnitRecalc) # Recalculate the value of the parameter iVal_recal = iVal / iCoef # Create a string with value if iVal == 0: # <- the value is zero strVal = '0' elif iCoef == 1: # <- there is no need to recalculate the value # Put the number as it is, but pay attention if it is float or int if isinstance(iVal, int): strVal = ('%d') % (iVal_recal) else: strVal = ('%.3f') % (iVal_recal) elif np.isinf(iCoef): # <- the value is an infinite strVal = ('inf') else: # <- the value should be recalculated strVal = ('%.3f %s') % (iVal_recal, strUnitRecalc) # Write the value sys.stdout.write(_colors('PARAM') + strVal + _colors('ENDC') + ' ') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # 2nd representation: # If the string has 2 characters, print also the recalculated number # (the 2nd representation) if lForm == 2: # Check if the user wants it to be recalculated to a given magnitude # or the function should decide if strForm[1] == '-': # <- the function should decide # Get the correct coefficient and magnitude unit (iCoef2, strUnit2Recalc) = _val2unit(iVal) else: # <- the user gives the magnitude representation # Get the name of the magnitude unit strUnit2Recalc = strForm[1] # Get the correct coefficient for the 2nd representation iCoef2 = _unit2coef(strUnit2Recalc) # If the magnitudes are identical, do no print the 2nd representation if iCoef != iCoef2: # Recalculate the value to the 2nd representation iVal_2Rep = iVal / iCoef2 # Create the string with the 2nd representation if iCoef2 == 1: strVal2 = ('%d') % (iVal_2Rep) else: strVal2 = ('%.3f %s') % (iVal_2Rep, strUnit2Recalc) # Print out the 2nd representation sys.stdout.write('(') sys.stdout.write(_colors('PARAM') + strVal2 + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(')' + ' ') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the unit, if it is not empty lUnit = len(strUnit) if lUnit > 0: sys.stdout.write(_colors('PARAM')) sys.stdout.write('[' + strUnit + ']') sys.stdout.write(_colors('ENDC')) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- sys.stdout.write('\n') return # ===================================================================== # The engine of time paramer print # ===================================================================== def _param_time_write(iVal, strForm): """ It is an engine of the formated time parameter printing. |br| Args: iVal (float): value strForm (string): format string Returns: nothing """ # The name of the function (for error purposes) strFunc = 'rxcs.console._param_time_write' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a string with seconds strSeconds = ('%.1f [seconds]') % (iVal) # Print the seconds sys.stdout.write(_colors('PARAM') + strSeconds + _colors('ENDC') + ' ') # Get the length of the format string lForm = len(strForm) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Add an info about the hours, if needed if lForm == 2: if not (strForm[1] == 'h'): strErr = strFunc + ' : ' strErr = strErr + ('If the first argument with parameter format ') strErr = strErr + (' is >s< then the second must be >h< or empty!') raise Exception(strErr) # Recalculate seconds to hours and create a propoer string with hours iHours = iVal / 3600 strHours = ('%.2f [hours]') % (iHours) # Print the hours sys.stdout.write('(') sys.stdout.write(_colors('PARAM') + strHours + _colors('ENDC')) sys.stdout.write(')') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- sys.stdout.write('\n') return # ===================================================================== # Recalculate a unit symbol to a unit coefficient # ===================================================================== def _unit2coef(strUnit): """ Function returns a unit coefficient based on a unit symbol. Available unit names, symbols and coefficients: (femto): 'f' = 1e-15 (pico): 'p' = 1e-12 (nano): 'n' = 1e-9 (micro): 'u' = 1e-6 (mili): 'm' = 1e-3 (none): ' ' = 1 (kilo): 'k' = 1e3 (Mega): 'M' = 1e6 (Giga): 'G' = 1e9 (Tera): 'T' = 1e12 (hour): 'h' = 3600 Args: strUnit (string): key of the unit Returns: iCoef (int): unit coefficient """ # The name of the function (for error purposes) strFunc = 'rxcs.console._unit2coef' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # femto if strUnit == 'f': iCoef = 1e-15 # pico elif strUnit == 'p': iCoef = 1e-12 # nano elif strUnit == 'n': iCoef = 1e-9 # micro elif strUnit == 'u': iCoef = 1e-6 # mili elif strUnit == 'm': iCoef = 1e-3 # none elif strUnit == ' ': iCoef = 1 # kilo elif strUnit == 'k': iCoef = 1e3 # Mega elif strUnit == 'M': iCoef = 1e6 # Giga elif strUnit == 'G': iCoef = 1e9 # Tera elif strUnit == 'T': iCoef = 1e12 # hour elif strUnit == 'h': iCoef = 3600 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Unknown unit else: strErr = strFunc + ' : ' strErr = strErr + ('> %s < is an unknown unit symbol') % (strUnit) raise Exception(strErr) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- return iCoef # ===================================================================== # Recalculate a value to a unit symbol and a unit coefficient # ===================================================================== def _val2unit(iVal): """ Function returns the unit coefficient and a unit symbol. Args: iVal (float): value Returns: iCoef (int): unit coefficient strUnit (string): unit symbol """ # femto if iVal < 1e-12: iCoef = 1e-15 strUnit = 'f' # pico elif iVal < 1e-9: iCoef = 1e-12 strUnit = 'p' # nano elif iVal < 1e-6: iCoef = 1e-9 strUnit = 'n' # micro elif iVal < 1e-3: iCoef = 1e-6 strUnit = 'u' # mili elif iVal < 1: iCoef = 1e-3 strUnit = 'm' # none elif iVal < 1e3: iCoef = 1 strUnit = ' ' # kilo elif iVal < 1e6: iCoef = 1e3 strUnit = 'k' # Mega elif iVal < 1e9: iCoef = 1e6 strUnit = 'M' # Giga elif iVal < 1e12: iCoef = 1e9 strUnit = 'G' # Infinite elif np.isinf(iVal): iCoef = np.inf strUnit = '' # Tera else: iCoef = 1e12 strUnit = 'T' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- return (iCoef, strUnit) # =====================================================================# # Colors dictionary # ===================================================================== def _colors(strKey): """ Function gives access to the RxCS console colors dictionary. The Function returns a proper console color formating string (ANSI colors) based on the key given to the function. |br| Available keys: 'PURPLE' 'BLUE' 'GREEN' 'YELLOW' 'RED' 'BLACK' 'DARK_MAGENTA' 'AQUA' 'BLUE_BG' 'DARK_BLUE' 'DARK_GREEN' 'GREY30' 'GREY70' 'PROGRESS' -> color for progress signs ('>>>', '>>', '>') 'INFO' -> color for info messages 'BULLET_INFO' -> color for bullet info messages 'BULLET' -> color for bullets ('*') 'WARN' -> color for warning messages 'PARAM' -> color for parameters printing 'OK' -> color for good messages 'ENDC' -> console formatting string which switches of the coloring Args: strKey (string): key of the color Returns: strColor (string): console color formating string """ # Define colors dColors = {} dColors['PURPLE'] = '\033[95m' dColors['BLUE'] = '\033[94m' dColors['GREEN'] = '\033[92m' dColors['YELLOW'] = '\033[93m' dColors['RED'] = '\033[91m' dColors['BLACK'] = '\033[30m' dColors['DARK_MAGENTA'] = '\033[35m' dColors['AQUA'] = '\033[96m' dColors['BLUE_BG'] = '\033[44m' dColors['DARK_BLUE'] = '\033[34m' dColors['DARK_GREEN'] = '\033[32m' dColors['GREY30'] = '\033[30m' dColors['GREY70'] = '\033[97m' # Define colors for communication dColors['PROGRESS'] = dColors['DARK_MAGENTA'] dColors['INFO'] = dColors['DARK_GREEN'] dColors['BULLET_INFO'] = dColors['AQUA'] dColors['BULLET'] = dColors['DARK_MAGENTA'] dColors['WARN'] = dColors['RED'] dColors['PARAM'] = dColors['AQUA'] dColors['OK'] = dColors['DARK_GREEN'] dColors['ENDC'] = '\033[0m' # Return the correct color strColor = dColors[strKey] return strColor
from collections import OrderedDict from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.flowspace.model import Constant from rpython.rlib import rarithmetic, objectmodel from rpython.rtyper import raddress, rptr, extregistry, rrange from rpython.rtyper.error import TyperError from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rstr from rpython.rtyper import rclass from rpython.rtyper.rmodel import Repr from rpython.tool.pairtype import pairtype BUILTIN_TYPER = {} def typer_for(func): def wrapped(rtyper_func): BUILTIN_TYPER[func] = rtyper_func return rtyper_func return wrapped class __extend__(annmodel.SomeBuiltin): def rtyper_makerepr(self, rtyper): if not self.is_constant(): raise TyperError("non-constant built-in function!") return BuiltinFunctionRepr(self.const) def rtyper_makekey(self): const = getattr(self, 'const', None) if extregistry.is_registered(const): const = extregistry.lookup(const) return self.__class__, const class __extend__(annmodel.SomeBuiltinMethod): def rtyper_makerepr(self, rtyper): assert self.methodname is not None result = BuiltinMethodRepr(rtyper, self.s_self, self.methodname) return result def rtyper_makekey(self): # NOTE: we hash by id of self.s_self here. This appears to be # necessary because it ends up in hop.args_s[0] in the method call, # and there is no telling what information the called # rtype_method_xxx() will read from that hop.args_s[0]. # See test_method_join in test_rbuiltin. # There is no problem with self.s_self being garbage-collected and # its id reused, because the BuiltinMethodRepr keeps a reference # to it. return (self.__class__, self.methodname, id(self.s_self)) def call_args_expand(hop): hop = hop.copy() from rpython.annotator.argument import ArgumentsForTranslation arguments = ArgumentsForTranslation.fromshape( hop.args_s[1].const, # shape range(hop.nb_args-2)) assert arguments.w_stararg is None keywords = arguments.keywords # prefix keyword arguments with 'i_' kwds_i = {} for key in keywords: kwds_i['i_' + key] = keywords[key] return hop, kwds_i class BuiltinFunctionRepr(Repr): lowleveltype = lltype.Void def __init__(self, builtinfunc): self.builtinfunc = builtinfunc def findbltintyper(self, rtyper): "Find the function to use to specialize calls to this built-in func." try: return BUILTIN_TYPER[self.builtinfunc] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass if extregistry.is_registered(self.builtinfunc): entry = extregistry.lookup(self.builtinfunc) return entry.specialize_call raise TyperError("don't know about built-in function %r" % ( self.builtinfunc,)) def _call(self, hop2, **kwds_i): bltintyper = self.findbltintyper(hop2.rtyper) hop2.llops._called_exception_is_here_or_cannot_occur = False v_result = bltintyper(hop2, **kwds_i) if not hop2.llops._called_exception_is_here_or_cannot_occur: raise TyperError("missing hop.exception_cannot_occur() or " "hop.exception_is_here() in %s" % bltintyper) return v_result def rtype_simple_call(self, hop): hop2 = hop.copy() hop2.r_s_popfirstarg() return self._call(hop2) def rtype_call_args(self, hop): # calling a built-in function with keyword arguments: # mostly for rpython.objectmodel.hint() hop, kwds_i = call_args_expand(hop) hop2 = hop.copy() hop2.r_s_popfirstarg() hop2.r_s_popfirstarg() # the RPython-level keyword args are passed with an 'i_' prefix and # the corresponding value is an *index* in the hop2 arguments, # to be used with hop.inputarg(arg=..) return self._call(hop2, **kwds_i) class BuiltinMethodRepr(Repr): def __init__(self, rtyper, s_self, methodname): self.s_self = s_self self.self_repr = rtyper.getrepr(s_self) self.methodname = methodname # methods of a known name are implemented as just their 'self' self.lowleveltype = self.self_repr.lowleveltype def convert_const(self, obj): return self.self_repr.convert_const(obj.__self__) def rtype_simple_call(self, hop): # methods: look up the rtype_method_xxx() name = 'rtype_method_' + self.methodname try: bltintyper = getattr(self.self_repr, name) except AttributeError: raise TyperError("missing %s.%s" % ( self.self_repr.__class__.__name__, name)) # hack based on the fact that 'lowleveltype == self_repr.lowleveltype' hop2 = hop.copy() assert hop2.args_r[0] is self if isinstance(hop2.args_v[0], Constant): c = hop2.args_v[0].value # get object from bound method c = c.__self__ hop2.args_v[0] = Constant(c) hop2.args_s[0] = self.s_self hop2.args_r[0] = self.self_repr return bltintyper(hop2) class __extend__(pairtype(BuiltinMethodRepr, BuiltinMethodRepr)): def convert_from_to((r_from, r_to), v, llops): # convert between two MethodReprs only if they are about the same # methodname. (Useful for the case r_from.s_self == r_to.s_self but # r_from is not r_to.) See test_rbuiltin.test_method_repr. if r_from.methodname != r_to.methodname: return NotImplemented return llops.convertvar(v, r_from.self_repr, r_to.self_repr) def parse_kwds(hop, *argspec_i_r): lst = [i for (i, r) in argspec_i_r if i is not None] lst.sort() if lst != range(hop.nb_args - len(lst), hop.nb_args): raise TyperError("keyword args are expected to be at the end of " "the 'hop' arg list") result = [] for i, r in argspec_i_r: if i is not None: if r is None: r = hop.args_r[i] result.append(hop.inputarg(r, arg=i)) else: result.append(None) del hop.args_v[hop.nb_args - len(lst):] return result # ____________________________________________________________ @typer_for(bool) def rtype_builtin_bool(hop): # not called any more? assert hop.nb_args == 1 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_bool(hop) @typer_for(int) def rtype_builtin_int(hop): if isinstance(hop.args_s[0], annmodel.SomeString): assert 1 <= hop.nb_args <= 2 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_int(hop) assert hop.nb_args == 1 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_int(hop) @typer_for(float) def rtype_builtin_float(hop): assert hop.nb_args == 1 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_float(hop) @typer_for(chr) def rtype_builtin_chr(hop): assert hop.nb_args == 1 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_chr(hop) @typer_for(unichr) def rtype_builtin_unichr(hop): assert hop.nb_args == 1 return hop.args_r[0].rtype_unichr(hop) @typer_for(unicode) def rtype_builtin_unicode(hop): return hop.args_r[0].rtype_unicode(hop) @typer_for(bytearray) def rtype_builtin_bytearray(hop): return hop.args_r[0].rtype_bytearray(hop) @typer_for(list) def rtype_builtin_list(hop): return hop.args_r[0].rtype_bltn_list(hop) #def rtype_builtin_range(hop): see #def rtype_builtin_xrange(hop): see #def rtype_builtin_enumerate(hop): see #def rtype_r_dict(hop): see @typer_for(rarithmetic.intmask) def rtype_intmask(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() vlist = hop.inputargs(lltype.Signed) return vlist[0] @typer_for(rarithmetic.longlongmask) def rtype_longlongmask(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() vlist = hop.inputargs(lltype.SignedLongLong) return vlist[0] @typer_for(min) def rtype_builtin_min(hop): v1, v2 = hop.inputargs(hop.r_result, hop.r_result) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.gendirectcall(ll_min, v1, v2) def ll_min(i1, i2): if i1 < i2: return i1 return i2 @typer_for(max) def rtype_builtin_max(hop): v1, v2 = hop.inputargs(hop.r_result, hop.r_result) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.gendirectcall(ll_max, v1, v2) def ll_max(i1, i2): if i1 > i2: return i1 return i2 @typer_for(reversed) def rtype_builtin_reversed(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.r_result.newiter(hop) @typer_for(getattr(object.__init__, 'im_func', object.__init__)) def rtype_object__init__(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() @typer_for(getattr(EnvironmentError.__init__, 'im_func', EnvironmentError.__init__)) def rtype_EnvironmentError__init__(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() v_self = hop.args_v[0] r_self = hop.args_r[0] if hop.nb_args <= 2: v_errno = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, 0) if hop.nb_args == 2: v_strerror = hop.inputarg(rstr.string_repr, arg=1) r_self.setfield(v_self, 'strerror', v_strerror, hop.llops) else: v_errno = hop.inputarg(lltype.Signed, arg=1) v_strerror = hop.inputarg(rstr.string_repr, arg=2) r_self.setfield(v_self, 'strerror', v_strerror, hop.llops) if hop.nb_args >= 4: v_filename = hop.inputarg(rstr.string_repr, arg=3) r_self.setfield(v_self, 'filename', v_filename, hop.llops) r_self.setfield(v_self, 'errno', v_errno, hop.llops) try: WindowsError except NameError: pass else: @typer_for( getattr(WindowsError.__init__, 'im_func', WindowsError.__init__)) def rtype_WindowsError__init__(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() if hop.nb_args == 2: raise TyperError("WindowsError() should not be called with " "a single argument") if hop.nb_args >= 3: v_self = hop.args_v[0] r_self = hop.args_r[0] v_error = hop.inputarg(lltype.Signed, arg=1) r_self.setfield(v_self, 'winerror', v_error, hop.llops) @typer_for(objectmodel.hlinvoke) def rtype_hlinvoke(hop): _, s_repr = hop.r_s_popfirstarg() r_callable = s_repr.const r_func, nimplicitarg = r_callable.get_r_implfunc() s_callable = r_callable.get_s_callable() nbargs = len(hop.args_s) - 1 + nimplicitarg s_sigs = r_func.get_s_signatures((nbargs, (), False)) if len(s_sigs) != 1: raise TyperError("cannot hlinvoke callable %r with not uniform" "annotations: %r" % (r_callable, s_sigs)) args_s, s_ret = s_sigs[0] rinputs = [hop.rtyper.getrepr(s_obj) for s_obj in args_s] rresult = hop.rtyper.getrepr(s_ret) args_s = args_s[nimplicitarg:] rinputs = rinputs[nimplicitarg:] new_args_r = [r_callable] + rinputs for i in range(len(new_args_r)): assert hop.args_r[i].lowleveltype == new_args_r[i].lowleveltype hop.args_r = new_args_r hop.args_s = [s_callable] + args_s hop.s_result = s_ret assert hop.r_result.lowleveltype == rresult.lowleveltype hop.r_result = rresult return hop.dispatch() typer_for(range)(rrange.rtype_builtin_range) typer_for(xrange)(rrange.rtype_builtin_xrange) typer_for(enumerate)(rrange.rtype_builtin_enumerate) # annotation of low-level types @typer_for(lltype.malloc) def rtype_malloc(hop, i_flavor=None, i_zero=None, i_track_allocation=None, i_add_memory_pressure=None): assert hop.args_s[0].is_constant() vlist = [hop.inputarg(lltype.Void, arg=0)] opname = 'malloc' kwds_v = parse_kwds( hop, (i_flavor, lltype.Void), (i_zero, None), (i_track_allocation, None), (i_add_memory_pressure, None)) (v_flavor, v_zero, v_track_allocation, v_add_memory_pressure) = kwds_v flags = {'flavor': 'gc'} if v_flavor is not None: flags['flavor'] = v_flavor.value if i_zero is not None: flags['zero'] = v_zero.value if i_track_allocation is not None: flags['track_allocation'] = v_track_allocation.value if i_add_memory_pressure is not None: flags['add_memory_pressure'] = v_add_memory_pressure.value vlist.append(hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, flags)) assert 1 <= hop.nb_args <= 2 if hop.nb_args == 2: vlist.append(hop.inputarg(lltype.Signed, arg=1)) opname += '_varsize' hop.has_implicit_exception(MemoryError) # record that we know about it hop.exception_is_here() return hop.genop(opname, vlist, resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for( def rtype_free(hop, i_flavor, i_track_allocation=None): vlist = [hop.inputarg(hop.args_r[0], arg=0)] v_flavor, v_track_allocation = parse_kwds(hop, (i_flavor, lltype.Void), (i_track_allocation, None)) # assert v_flavor is not None and v_flavor.value == 'raw' flags = {'flavor': 'raw'} if i_track_allocation is not None: flags['track_allocation'] = v_track_allocation.value vlist.append(hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, flags)) # hop.exception_cannot_occur() hop.genop('free', vlist) @typer_for(lltype.render_immortal) def rtype_render_immortal(hop, i_track_allocation=None): vlist = [hop.inputarg(hop.args_r[0], arg=0)] v_track_allocation = parse_kwds(hop, (i_track_allocation, None)) hop.exception_cannot_occur() if i_track_allocation is None or v_track_allocation.value: hop.genop('track_alloc_stop', vlist) @typer_for(lltype.typeOf) @typer_for(lltype.nullptr) @typer_for(lltype.getRuntimeTypeInfo) @typer_for(lltype.Ptr) def rtype_const_result(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.inputconst(hop.r_result.lowleveltype, hop.s_result.const) @typer_for(lltype.cast_pointer) def rtype_cast_pointer(hop): assert hop.args_s[0].is_constant() assert isinstance(hop.args_r[1], rptr.PtrRepr) v_type, v_input = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, hop.args_r[1]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_pointer', [v_input], # v_type implicit in r_result resulttype = hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.cast_opaque_ptr) def rtype_cast_opaque_ptr(hop): assert hop.args_s[0].is_constant() assert isinstance(hop.args_r[1], rptr.PtrRepr) v_type, v_input = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, hop.args_r[1]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_opaque_ptr', [v_input], # v_type implicit in r_result resulttype = hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.length_of_simple_gcarray_from_opaque) def rtype_length_of_simple_gcarray_from_opaque(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) v_opaque_ptr, = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('length_of_simple_gcarray_from_opaque', [v_opaque_ptr], resulttype = hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.direct_fieldptr) def rtype_direct_fieldptr(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) assert hop.args_s[1].is_constant() vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0], lltype.Void) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('direct_fieldptr', vlist, resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.direct_arrayitems) def rtype_direct_arrayitems(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('direct_arrayitems', vlist, resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.direct_ptradd) def rtype_direct_ptradd(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0], lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('direct_ptradd', vlist, resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.cast_primitive) def rtype_cast_primitive(hop): assert hop.args_s[0].is_constant() TGT = hop.args_s[0].const v_type, v_value = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, hop.args_r[1]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return gen_cast(hop.llops, TGT, v_value) _cast_to_Signed = { lltype.Signed: None, lltype.Bool: 'cast_bool_to_int', lltype.Char: 'cast_char_to_int', lltype.UniChar: 'cast_unichar_to_int', lltype.Float: 'cast_float_to_int', lltype.Unsigned: 'cast_uint_to_int', lltype.SignedLongLong: 'truncate_longlong_to_int', } _cast_from_Signed = { lltype.Signed: None, lltype.Char: 'cast_int_to_char', lltype.UniChar: 'cast_int_to_unichar', lltype.Float: 'cast_int_to_float', lltype.Unsigned: 'cast_int_to_uint', lltype.SignedLongLong: 'cast_int_to_longlong', } def gen_cast(llops, TGT, v_value): ORIG = v_value.concretetype if ORIG == TGT: return v_value if (isinstance(TGT, lltype.Primitive) and isinstance(ORIG, lltype.Primitive)): if ORIG in _cast_to_Signed and TGT in _cast_from_Signed: op = _cast_to_Signed[ORIG] if op: v_value = llops.genop(op, [v_value], resulttype=lltype.Signed) op = _cast_from_Signed[TGT] if op: v_value = llops.genop(op, [v_value], resulttype=TGT) return v_value elif ORIG is lltype.Signed and TGT is lltype.Bool: return llops.genop('int_is_true', [v_value], resulttype=lltype.Bool) else: # use the generic operation if there is no alternative return llops.genop('cast_primitive', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) elif isinstance(TGT, lltype.Ptr): if isinstance(ORIG, lltype.Ptr): if (isinstance(TGT.TO, lltype.OpaqueType) or isinstance(ORIG.TO, lltype.OpaqueType)): return llops.genop('cast_opaque_ptr', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) else: return llops.genop('cast_pointer', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) elif ORIG == llmemory.Address: return llops.genop('cast_adr_to_ptr', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) elif isinstance(ORIG, lltype.Primitive): v_value = gen_cast(llops, lltype.Signed, v_value) return llops.genop('cast_int_to_ptr', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) elif TGT == llmemory.Address and isinstance(ORIG, lltype.Ptr): return llops.genop('cast_ptr_to_adr', [v_value], resulttype=TGT) elif isinstance(TGT, lltype.Primitive): if isinstance(ORIG, lltype.Ptr): v_value = llops.genop('cast_ptr_to_int', [v_value], resulttype=lltype.Signed) elif ORIG == llmemory.Address: v_value = llops.genop('cast_adr_to_int', [v_value], resulttype=lltype.Signed) else: raise TypeError("don't know how to cast from %r to %r" % (ORIG, TGT)) return gen_cast(llops, TGT, v_value) raise TypeError("don't know how to cast from %r to %r" % (ORIG, TGT)) @typer_for(lltype.cast_ptr_to_int) def rtype_cast_ptr_to_int(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_ptr_to_int', vlist, resulttype=lltype.Signed) @typer_for(lltype.cast_int_to_ptr) def rtype_cast_int_to_ptr(hop): assert hop.args_s[0].is_constant() v_type, v_input = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_int_to_ptr', [v_input], resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) @typer_for(lltype.identityhash) def rtype_identity_hash(hop): vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('gc_identityhash', vlist, resulttype=lltype.Signed) @typer_for(lltype.runtime_type_info) def rtype_runtime_type_info(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rptr.PtrRepr) vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('runtime_type_info', vlist, resulttype=hop.r_result.lowleveltype) # _________________________________________________________________ # memory addresses @typer_for(llmemory.raw_malloc) def rtype_raw_malloc(hop): v_size, = hop.inputargs(lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('raw_malloc', [v_size], resulttype=llmemory.Address) @typer_for(llmemory.raw_malloc_usage) def rtype_raw_malloc_usage(hop): v_size, = hop.inputargs(lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('raw_malloc_usage', [v_size], resulttype=lltype.Signed) @typer_for(llmemory.raw_free) def rtype_raw_free(hop): s_addr = hop.args_s[0] if s_addr.is_null_address(): raise TyperError("raw_free(x) where x is the constant NULL") v_addr, = hop.inputargs(llmemory.Address) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('raw_free', [v_addr]) @typer_for(llmemory.raw_memcopy) def rtype_raw_memcopy(hop): for s_addr in hop.args_s[:2]: if s_addr.is_null_address(): raise TyperError("raw_memcopy() with a constant NULL") v_list = hop.inputargs(llmemory.Address, llmemory.Address, lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('raw_memcopy', v_list) @typer_for(llmemory.raw_memclear) def rtype_raw_memclear(hop): s_addr = hop.args_s[0] if s_addr.is_null_address(): raise TyperError("raw_memclear(x, n) where x is the constant NULL") v_list = hop.inputargs(llmemory.Address, lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('raw_memclear', v_list) @typer_for(llmemory.offsetof) def rtype_offsetof(hop): TYPE, field = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, lltype.Void) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, llmemory.offsetof(TYPE.value, field.value)) # _________________________________________________________________ # non-gc objects @typer_for(objectmodel.free_non_gc_object) def rtype_free_non_gc_object(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() vinst, = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) flavor = hop.args_r[0].gcflavor assert flavor != 'gc' flags = {'flavor': flavor} cflags = hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, flags) return hop.genop('free', [vinst, cflags]) @typer_for(objectmodel.keepalive_until_here) def rtype_keepalive_until_here(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() for v in hop.args_v: hop.genop('keepalive', [v], resulttype=lltype.Void) return hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, None) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr) def rtype_cast_ptr_to_adr(hop): vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) assert isinstance(vlist[0].concretetype, lltype.Ptr) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_ptr_to_adr', vlist, resulttype=llmemory.Address) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr) def rtype_cast_adr_to_ptr(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], raddress.AddressRepr) adr, TYPE = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0], lltype.Void) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_adr_to_ptr', [adr], resulttype=TYPE.value) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_adr_to_int) def rtype_cast_adr_to_int(hop): assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], raddress.AddressRepr) adr = hop.inputarg(hop.args_r[0], arg=0) if len(hop.args_s) == 1: mode = "emulated" else: mode = hop.args_s[1].const hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_adr_to_int', [adr, hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, mode)], resulttype=lltype.Signed) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_int_to_adr) def rtype_cast_int_to_adr(hop): v_input, = hop.inputargs(lltype.Signed) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_int_to_adr', [v_input], resulttype=llmemory.Address) @typer_for(isinstance) def rtype_builtin_isinstance(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() if hop.s_result.is_constant(): return hop.inputconst(lltype.Bool, hop.s_result.const) if hop.args_s[1].is_constant() and hop.args_s[1].const in (str, list, unicode): if hop.args_s[0].knowntype not in (str, list, unicode): raise TyperError("isinstance(x, str/list/unicode) expects x to be known" " statically to be a str/list/unicode or None") rstrlist = hop.args_r[0] vstrlist = hop.inputarg(rstrlist, arg=0) cnone = hop.inputconst(rstrlist, None) return hop.genop('ptr_ne', [vstrlist, cnone], resulttype=lltype.Bool) assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rclass.InstanceRepr) return hop.args_r[0].rtype_isinstance(hop) @typer_for(objectmodel.instantiate) def rtype_instantiate(hop, i_nonmovable=None): hop.exception_cannot_occur() s_class = hop.args_s[0] assert isinstance(s_class, annmodel.SomePBC) v_nonmovable, = parse_kwds(hop, (i_nonmovable, None)) nonmovable = (i_nonmovable is not None and v_nonmovable.value) if len(s_class.descriptions) != 1: # instantiate() on a variable class if nonmovable: raise TyperError("instantiate(x, nonmovable=True) cannot be used " "if x is not a constant class") vtypeptr, = hop.inputargs(rclass.get_type_repr(hop.rtyper)) r_class = hop.args_r[0] return r_class._instantiate_runtime_class(hop, vtypeptr, hop.r_result.lowleveltype) classdef = s_class.any_description().getuniqueclassdef() return rclass.rtype_new_instance(hop.rtyper, classdef, hop.llops, nonmovable=nonmovable) @typer_for(hasattr) def rtype_builtin_hasattr(hop): hop.exception_cannot_occur() if hop.s_result.is_constant(): return hop.inputconst(lltype.Bool, hop.s_result.const) raise TyperError("hasattr is only suported on a constant") @typer_for(OrderedDict) @typer_for(objectmodel.r_dict) @typer_for(objectmodel.r_ordereddict) def rtype_dict_constructor(hop, i_force_non_null=None): # 'i_force_non_null' is ignored here; if it has any effect, it # has already been applied to 'hop.r_result' hop.exception_cannot_occur() r_dict = hop.r_result cDICT = hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, r_dict.DICT) v_result = hop.gendirectcall(r_dict.ll_newdict, cDICT) if r_dict.custom_eq_hash: v_eqfn = hop.inputarg(r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn, arg=0) v_hashfn = hop.inputarg(r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn, arg=1) if r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn.lowleveltype != lltype.Void: cname = hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, 'fnkeyeq') hop.genop('setfield', [v_result, cname, v_eqfn]) if r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn.lowleveltype != lltype.Void: cname = hop.inputconst(lltype.Void, 'fnkeyhash') hop.genop('setfield', [v_result, cname, v_hashfn]) return v_result # _________________________________________________________________ # weakrefs import weakref from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import llmemory @typer_for(llmemory.weakref_create) @typer_for(weakref.ref) def rtype_weakref_create(hop): vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('weakref_create', vlist, resulttype=llmemory.WeakRefPtr) @typer_for(llmemory.weakref_deref) def rtype_weakref_deref(hop): c_ptrtype, v_wref = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, hop.args_r[1]) assert v_wref.concretetype == llmemory.WeakRefPtr hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('weakref_deref', [v_wref], resulttype=c_ptrtype.value) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_ptr_to_weakrefptr) def rtype_cast_ptr_to_weakrefptr(hop): vlist = hop.inputargs(hop.args_r[0]) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_ptr_to_weakrefptr', vlist, resulttype=llmemory.WeakRefPtr) @typer_for(llmemory.cast_weakrefptr_to_ptr) def rtype_cast_weakrefptr_to_ptr(hop): c_ptrtype, v_wref = hop.inputargs(lltype.Void, hop.args_r[1]) assert v_wref.concretetype == llmemory.WeakRefPtr hop.exception_cannot_occur() return hop.genop('cast_weakrefptr_to_ptr', [v_wref], resulttype=c_ptrtype.value)
import radio from microbit import button_a, button_b, display, Image, sleep, accelerometer DIRECTIONS = [ (accelerometer.get_y, "backwards", "forwards"), (accelerometer.get_x, "right", "left"), ] ARROWS = { "backwards": Image.ARROW_S, "forwards": Image.ARROW_N, "left": Image.ARROW_W, "right": Image.ARROW_E, } SLEEP_TIME = 150 def get_direction(method, positive, negative): value = (method() + 300) // 700 if value == 0: return None value = value // abs(value) if value > 0: return positive return negative radio.on() while True: rv = None ct_a = button_a.get_presses() if ct_a > 0: rv = 'btn:a' else: ct_b = button_b.get_presses() if ct_b > 0: rv = 'btn:b' if rv is not None: print(rv) radio.send(rv) sleep(SLEEP_TIME) value = None for direction in DIRECTIONS: value = get_direction(*direction) if value is not None: break if value is None:"00000:03730:07970:03730:00000")) else:[value]) rv = "move:{}".format(value) print(rv) radio.send(rv) sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Marco Benzi <> # @Date: 2015-06-08 16:12:27 # @Last Modified 2015-06-08 # @Last Modified time: 2015-06-08 17:38:03 #========================================================================== #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. #========================================================================== import cylLTX import rectLTX import uStripDesign __all__ = ["cylLTX", "uStripDesign","rectLTX"]
# Licensed under the MIT license # or see LICENSE file. # Copyright 2007-2008 Brisa Team <> """ Log module with colored logging feature. Common usage of this module can be only importing it and calling one of the available functions: debug, warning, info, critical, error. """ import os import logging from logging import getLogger from brisa import __enable_logging__ from brisa.core import config BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = list(range(8)) RESET_SEQ = '\033[0m' COLOR_SEQ = '\033[1;%dm' BOLD_SEQ = '\033[1m' COLORS = { 'WARNING': YELLOW, 'INFO': WHITE, 'DEBUG': BLUE, 'CRITICAL': YELLOW, 'ERROR': RED} def formatter_message(message, use_color = True): """ Method to format the pattern in which the log messages will be displayed. @param message: message log to be displayed @param use_color: Flag to indicates the use of colors or not @type message: str @type use_color: boolean @return: the new formatted message @rtype: str """ if use_color: message = message.replace('$RESET', RESET_SEQ).replace('$BOLD', BOLD_SEQ) else: message = message.replace('$RESET', '').replace('$BOLD', '') return message class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ ColoredFormatter class, which wrappers logging.Formatter. """ def __init__(self, msg, use_color = True): """ Constructor of the ColoredFormatter class. @param msg: message to be displayed @param use_color: Flag to indicate the use of color or not @type msg: str @type use_color: boolean """ logging.Formatter.__init__(self, msg) self.use_color = use_color def format(self, record): """ format method to the ColoredFormatter class that organizes the log message. @parameter record: information about the logger @type record: Instance of Logger, either its RootLogger or not """ levelname = record.levelname if self.use_color and levelname in COLORS: levelname_color = COLOR_SEQ % (30 + COLORS[levelname]) + levelname\ + RESET_SEQ record.levelname = levelname_color return logging.Formatter.format(self, record) class ColoredLogger(logging.Logger): FORMAT = '%(created)f $BOLD%(levelname)s$RESET $BOLD%(module)s:%(lineno)d'\ ':%(funcName)s()$RESET %(message)s' COLOR_FORMAT = formatter_message(FORMAT, True) def __init__(self, name): """ Constructor for the ColoredLogger class. @param name: name of the Logger. @type name: str """ global level logging.Logger.__init__(self, name, level) color_formatter = ColoredFormatter(self.COLOR_FORMAT) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(color_formatter) self.addHandler(console) log_dict = {'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR} def setup_logging(): """ Method to setup the logging options. """ global debug, info, warning, critical, error, root_logger, set_level,\ setLevel, filename, level level = log_dict.get(config.get_parameter('brisa', 'logging'), logging.DEBUG) filename = config.get_parameter('brisa', 'logging_output') if filename == 'file': filename = os.path.join(config.brisa_home, 'brisa.log') logging.basicConfig(level=level, filename=filename, format='%(created)f %(levelname)s %(module)s:'\ '%(lineno)d:%(funcName)s() %(message)s') root_logger = logging.getLogger('RootLogger') else: logging.setLoggerClass(ColoredLogger) root_logger = getLogger('RootLogger') root_logger.setLevel(level) def set_level(level): """ Real implementation of the set level function. """ root_logger.setLevel(log_dict.get(level)) def setLevel(level): """ Method to set the log level. """ set_level(level) root_logger = getLogger() if __enable_logging__: setup_logging() debug = root_logger.debug info = warning = root_logger.warning critical = root_logger.critical error = root_logger.error
# __ASG_GGEditMetaModel.py_____________________________________________________ from ASG import * from ATOM3Type import * from ATOM3 import * class ASG_GGEditMetaModel(ASG, ATOM3Type): def __init__(self, parent= None, ASGroot = None): ASG.__init__(self, ASGroot, ['ASG_GGEditMetaModel' ,'GGruleEdit']) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.generatedAttributes = { } def show(self, parent, parentWindowInfo):, parent, parentWindowInfo) self.containerFrame = Frame(parent) return self.containerFrame def toString(self, maxWide = None, maxLines = None ): rs = if maxWide: return self.strValue[0:maxWide-3]+'...' else: return rs def getValue(self): return () def setValue(self, value): pass def writeConstructor2File(self, file, indent, objName="at", depth = 0, generatingCode = 0): "Method that writes into a file the constructor and the value of the object. Must be overriden in children" def writeValue2File(self, file, indent, objName="at", depth = 0, generatingCode = 0): "Method that writes into a file the the value of the object. Must be overriden in children" def clone(self): cloneObject = GGEditMetaModel( self.parent ) return cloneObject def copy(self, other): ATOM3Type.copy(self, other) ASGNode.copy(self, other) def destroy(self): self.containerFrame = None def preCondition (self, actionID, * params): if self.graphObject_: return self.graphObject_.preCondition(actionID, params) else: return None def postCondition (self, actionID, * params): if self.graphObject_: return self.graphObject_.preCondition(actionID, params) else: return None
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright notice # ---------------- # # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Daniel Jung # Contact: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # # Original copyright statement by the authors of optparse # ======================================================= # # Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Gregory P. Ward. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # """Extension of the command line option parser from the module *optparse*, which was originally written by Gregory P. Ward. The most important changes are: - information about the default values is automatically appended to the help strings of each option (if they do not already include the word "%default") - options and option groups are displayed in alphabetical order on the help page - option string conflicts may not necessarily lead to an exception. First it is tried to move the option string to the new option (give it a new meaning), as long as at least one option string remains at the old option, thus overwriting the option string's meaning - pydoc.pager is now used to display the help (behavior similar to the bash command *less*) - by default, the *help* and *version* options are moved to an option group called "General options" - the *help* option does no longer have the short option string "-h", but instead "-?" - write *None* instead of *none* in default option value help string - preserve linebreaks in description (still needs improvement)""" # # To do: # --> only use pydoc.pager for showing help if the length of the help is # exceeding the terminal window height # __created__ = '2012-05-17' __modified__ = '2013-02-06' import optparse import pydoc import textwrap class OptionContainer(optparse.OptionContainer): """Extended version of optparse.OptionContainer.""" # 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-23 def get_option_by_name(self, name): """Get option by option name. A little bit different than *get_option()*, as it first checks *dest* before trying the option strings, and also does not expect the dashes ("-" or "--") when referencing the option strings.""" # 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-21 # check destinations for option in self.option_list: if option.dest and option.dest == name: return option # try option strings return self._long_opt.get('--'+name) or self._short_opt.get('-'+name) def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs): """Before calling the original method *add_option()*, this version checks if the same option strings (long and short) do already exist in another option definition. Instead of raising an exception rightaway, it tries to "overwrite" the meaning of the option string, i.e. the option string is deleted from the other option. However, this will only be done if this option string is not *the only one* defined by the other option, because at least one option string should persist for each option.""" # 2012-05-23 - 2012-05-23 # cycle all option strings of the new option for optionstring in args: # check if this option string already exists in some option if optionstring in self._short_opt: option = self._short_opt[optionstring] # make sure it is not the only option string of this option if len(option._short_opts)+len(option._long_opts) > 1: # delete this option string from the old option option._short_opts.remove(optionstring) del self._short_opt[optionstring] elif optionstring in self._long_opt: option = self._long_opt[optionstring] # make sure it is not the only option string of this option if len(option._short_opts)+len(option._long_opts) > 1: # delete this option string from the oLegold option option._long_opts.remove(optionstring) del self._long_opt[optionstring] # finally, call the original method optparse.OptionContainer.add_option(self, *args, **kwargs) class OptionGroup(optparse.OptionGroup, OptionContainer): """Just make sure the modified method *OptionContainer.add_option()* is used also by *OptionGroup* (monkey patch). Otherwise, the original class stays untouched.""" # 2012-05-23 - 2012-05-23 add_option = OptionContainer.add_option class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser, OptionContainer): """Improved version of *optparse.OptionParser* that overwrites some of its methods and changes its behavior a little bit.""" # 2012-05-17 - 2013-02-06 # former hdp._MyOptionParser from 2011-09-14 until 2011-12-19 # former tb.MyOptionParser from 2011-08-03 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Improved version of the constructor. Sets the version string if the user has not done so himself, because an empty version string would lead to a bug lateron. If the keyword argument *general* is set to *True*, move help and version options to the newly created option group "General options" (default: *True*).""" # 2012-05-17 - 2012-05-21 # former hdp._MyOptionParser.__init__ from 2011-11-11 # make sure the keyword argument "version" is set to a non-empty string if not 'version' in kwargs: kwargs.update(version=' ') if not 'formatter' in kwargs: kwargs.update(formatter=IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) # catch additional keyword arguments before calling the original method general = kwargs.pop('general', True) # call original initialisation method optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # create an option group "general options" and move help and version # option there if general: og = optparse.OptionGroup(self, 'General options') self.move_option('help', og) self.move_option('version', og) self.add_option_group(og) def cmp_opts(self, a, b): """Compare options by the first short option name or, if there is no short option name, by the first long option name. Needed for sorting the options.""" # 2012-05-17 # former hdp._MyOptionParser.cmp_opts from 2011-08-03 if len(a._short_opts) > 0: aname = a._short_opts[0][1:] else: aname = a._long_opts[0][2:] if len(b._short_opts) > 0: bname = b._short_opts[0][1:] else: bname = b._long_opts[0][2:] if aname == bname: return 0 elif aname < bname: return -1 else: return 1 def print_help(self, file=None): """Like the original, except it uses *pydoc.pager* to display the help text on the screen. The file argument no longer has any meaning, it just stays there for compatibility reasons. Also, the method now sorts all options and option groups before displaying the help text.""" # 2012-05-17 # former hdp._MyOptionParser.print_help from 2011-08-02 - 2011-12-19 # How can line breaks be preserved in epilog and description? Maybe # look at the responsible mothod in optparse.OptionParser to get a hint # sort options (also within option groups, and groups themselves) self.option_list.sort(cmp=self.cmp_opts) self.option_groups.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: -1 if a.title < b.title else 1) for ind in xrange(len(self.option_groups)): self.option_groups[ind].option_list.sort(cmp=self.cmp_opts) #if file is None: # file = _sys.stdout encoding = self._get_encoding(file) #file.write(self.format_help().encode(encoding, "replace")) pydoc.pager(self.format_help().encode(encoding, 'replace')) def _add_help_option(self): """Like the original method, but does not define the short option string "-h". Instead, defines a short option "-?".""" # 2012-05-17 - 2012-07-09 # former hdp._MyOptionParser.print_help 2011-08-03 self.add_option('-?', '--help', action='help', help='show this help message and exit') def add_all_default_values(self): """Automatically append the default values to the help strings of all the options of this option parser. Those options that already contain the substring "%default" are skipped.""" # 2012-05-18 self._add_default_values(self) for og in self.option_groups: self._add_default_values(og) def _add_default_values(self, op): """Automatically append information about the default values to the help string of the given option parser or option group object. Those options that already contain the substring "%default" are skipped. This method is used by *add_all_default_values()*, which is the one that should be called by the user. There should be no need for the user to call this method manually.""" # 2012-05-18 - 2012-05-22 # former hdp.BaseHDP.help_default from 2011-09-14 # former tb.BaseProc.help_default from 2011-02-11 for o in op.option_list: if and not '%default' in and o.action == 'store' \ and str(o.default) != '': # then append the information to the help string if not[-1] in '.!': += '.' if[-1] != ' ': += ' ' += 'Default: %default' def move_option(self, name, destination, source=None): """Move an already defined option from one option parser object to another. By default, the source object is the option parser object itself, but can also be set to any option group object. Also the destination can be any option parser or option group object.""" # 2012-05-18 - 2012-05-21 # set source to this option parser object by default if source is None: source = self # search for the given option name, remember its index try: index = source.option_list.index(self.get_option_by_name(name)) except ValueError: raise KeyError('option "%s" not found' % name) # move option object to new location destination.option_list.append(source.option_list.pop(index)) def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): """Does a little bit of extra stuff before calling the original method *parse_args()*.""" # 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-22 # add the default values to all help strings self.add_all_default_values() # make sure line breaks are respected in epilog and description #self.epilog = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in self.epilog.split('\n')]) #self.description = '\n'.join([s.strip() \ #for s in self.description.split('\n')]) # How can line breaks be preserved in epilog and description? Maybe # look at the responsible mothod in optparse.OptionParser to get a hint # call original method return optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self, args=args, values=values) # next thing will be to create an argument "dictionary" (or similar) to # feed the Values instance with extra values again, recall "dest" or # long or short option strings substitute kw2op with something more # reasonable I think this can already be done with the argument # "values" probably just say "values=optparse.Values(dictionary)" but # then, only the true option names are allowed, i.e. option.dest def get_option_group_by_title(self, title): """Get option group by group title. It is sufficient that the group title starts with the given string. All strings are converted to lower case before comparison.""" # 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-21 # check all groups for group in self.option_groups: if group.title.lower().startswith(title.lower()): return group else: raise KeyError('option group %s not found' % title) def walk(self): """Return iterator over all options of the option parser, including those in option groups.""" ### already exists by the name _get_all_options (but it is not an ### iterator) # 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-22 for option in self.option_list: yield option for group in self.option_groups: for option in group.option_list: yield option def search_option(self, name): """Search the whole option parser recursively (also in option groups) for an option by the given name. If no matching option is found, return *False*. Otherwise, return reference to the option object.""" # 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-22 for option in self.walk(): if option.dest and option.dest == name \ or '--'+name in option._long_opts \ or '-'+name in option._short_opts: return option else: return False add_option = OptionContainer.add_option class IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """Solve the problem that newline characters are erased in the docstring. Courtesy goes to Tim Chase:!topic/comp.lang.python/bfbmtUGhW8I""" __created__ = '2013-02-06' __modified__ = '2013-02-06' NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = 'None' def format_description(self, description): if not description: return '' desc_width = self.width - self.current_indent indent = " "*self.current_indent # the above is still the same bits = description.split('\n') formatted_bits = [ textwrap.fill(bit, desc_width, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent) for bit in bits] result = "\n".join(formatted_bits) + "\n" return result def format_option(self, option): # The help for each option consists of two parts: # * the opt strings and metavars # eg. ("-x", or "-fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME") # * the user-supplied help string # eg. ("turn on expert mode", "read data from FILENAME") # # If possible, we write both of these on the same line: # -x turn on expert mode # # But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help # string on a second line, indented to the same column it would # start in if it fit on the first line. # -fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME # read data from FILENAME result = [] opts = self.option_strings[option] opt_width = self.help_position - self.current_indent - 2 if len(opts) > opt_width: opts = "%*s%s\n" % (self.current_indent, "", opts) indent_first = self.help_position else: # start help on same line as opts opts = "%*s%-*s " % (self.current_indent, "", opt_width, opts) indent_first = 0 result.append(opts) if help_text = self.expand_default(option) # everything is the same up through here help_lines = [] for para in help_text.split("\n"): help_lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(para, self.help_width)) # everything is the same after here result.append("%*s%s\n" % ( indent_first, "", help_lines[0])) result.extend(["%*s%s\n" % (self.help_position, "", line) for line in help_lines[1:]]) elif opts[-1] != "\n": result.append("\n") return "".join(result)
import pygame import dotworld import menuworld from src.define import * from import DotText class GameOver(dotworld.DotWorld): def __init__(self, score): dotworld.DotWorld.__init__(self) self.counter = 0 self.limit = 400 self.alpha = 0 self.animState = 1 self.label = DotText("Game Over", 32, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) self.scorelabel = DotText("Score: " + str(int(score / GameDefine.SCORE_DECIMAL)), 24, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) def onAttachScreen(self): self.label.centerX(self.screen.width) self.label.centerY(self.screen.height) self.scorelabel.centerX(self.screen.width) self.scorelabel.marginTop(dotget(1)) self.scorelabel.below(self.label) def changeAlpha(self): self.label.surface.set_alpha(self.alpha) self.scorelabel.surface.set_alpha(self.alpha) def listen(self, inputResult): if inputResult == GameDefine.COMMAND_BOOST: self.pause() def step(self): if self.changeAlpha() self.label.draw(self.screen.displaysurf) self.scorelabel.draw(self.screen.displaysurf) self.counter += 1 if self.animState == 1: self.alpha += 2 if self.alpha > 255: self.animState = 2 self.counter = 0 if self.animState == 2: self.counter += 1 if self.counter > self.screen.fps * 3: self.animState = 3 if self.animState == 3: self.alpha -= 2 if self.alpha <= 0: self.pause() else: self.screen.setWorld(menuworld.MenuWorld()) del self
from __future__ import print_function, division import os import util import scipy as sp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf from datetime import datetime LEARNING_RATE = 0.0002 BETA1 = 0.5 BATCH_SIZE = 64 EPOCHS = 2 SAVE_SAMPLE_PERIOD = 50 if not os.path.exists('samples'): os.mkdir('samples') def lrelu(x, alpha = 0.2): return tf.maximum(alpha * x, x) class ConvLayer: def __init__(self, name, mi, mo, apply_batch_norm, filtersz = 5, stride = 2, f = tf.nn.relu): self.W = tf.get_variable( "W_%s" % name, shape = (filtersz, filtersz, mi, mo), initializer = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev = 0.02) ) self.b = tf.get_variable( "W_%s" % name, shape = (mo,), initializer = tf.zeros_initializer() ) self.f = f = name self.stride = stride self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm self.params = [self.W, self.b] def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training): conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d( X, self.W, strides=[1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding='SAME' ) conv_out = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_out, self.b) if self.apply_batch_norm: conv_out = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( conv_out, decay = 0.9, updates_collections = None, epsilon = 1e-5, scale = True, is_training = is_training, reuse = reuse, scope = ) return self.f(conv_out) class FractionallyStridedConvLayer: def __init__(self, name, mi, mo, output_shape, apply_batch_norm, filtersz = 5, stride = 2, f = tf.nn.relu): self.W = tf.get_variable( "W_%s" % name, shape = (filtersz, filtersz, mo, mi), initializer = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev = 0.02) ) self.b = tf.get_variable( "W_%s" % name, shape = (mo,), initializer = tf.zeros_initializer() ) self.f = f = name self.stride = stride self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm self.params = [self.W, self.b] self.output_shape = output_shape def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training): conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose( value = X, filter = self.W, output_shape = self.output_shape, strides=[1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], ) conv_out = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_out, self.b) if self.apply_batch_norm: conv_out = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( conv_out, decay = 0.9, updates_collections = None, epsilon = 1e-5, scale = True, is_training = is_training, reuse = reuse, scope = ) return self.f(conv_out) class DenseLayer(object): def __init__(self, name, M1, M2, apply_batch_norm, f = tf.nn.relu): self.W = tf.get_variable( "W_%s" % name, shape = (M1, M2), initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev = 0.02) ) self.b = tf.get_variable( "b_%s" % name, shape = (M2, ), initializer = tf.zeros_initializer() ) self.f = f = name self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm self.params = [self.W, self.b] def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training): a = tf.matmul(X, self.W) + self.b if self.apply_batch_norm: a = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( a, decay = 0.9, updates_collections = None, epsilon = 1e-5, scale = True, is_training = is_training, reuse = reuse, scope = ) return self.f(a) class DCGAN: def __init__(self, img_length, num_colors, d_sizes, g_sizes): self.img_length = img_length self.num_colors = num_colors self.latent_dims = g_sizes['z'] self.X = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape = (None, img_length, img_length, num_colors), name = 'X' ) self.Z = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(None, self.latent_dims), name = 'Z' ) logits = self.build_discriminator(self.X, d_sizes) self.sample_images = self.build_generator(self.Z, g_sizes) with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope: scope.reuse_variables() sample_logits = self.d_forward(self.sample_images, reuse = True) with tf.variable_scope("generator") as scope: scope.reuse_variables() self.sample_images_test = self.g_forward( self.Z, reuse = True, is_training = False ) self.d_cost_real = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits = logits, labels = tf.ones_like(logits) ) self.d_cost_fake = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits = sample_logits, labels = tf.zeros_like(sample_logits) ) self.d_cost = tf.reduce_mean(self.d_cost_real) + tf.reduce_mean(self.d_cost_fake) self.g_cost = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits = sample_logits, labels = tf.ones_like(sample_logits) ) ) real_predictions = tf.cast(logits > 0, tf.float32) fake_predictions = tf.cast(sample_logits < 0, tf.float32) num_predictions = 2.0 * BATCH_SIZE num_correct = tf.reduce_sum(real_predictions) + tf.reduce_sum(fake_predictions) self.d_accuracy = num_correct / num_predictions # optimizers self.d_params = [t for t in tf.trainable_variables() if'd')] self.g_params = [t for t in tf.trainable_variables() if'g')] self.d_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( LEARNING_RATE, beta1 = BETA1 ).minimize( self.d_cost, var_list = self.d_params ) self.g_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( LEARNING_RATE, beta1 = BETA1 ).minimize( self.g_cost, var_list = self.g_params ) self.init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() def build_discriminator(self, X, d_sizes): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: self.d_convlayers = [] mi = self.num_colors dim = self.img_length count = 0 for mo, filtersz, stride, apply_batch_norm in d_sizes['conv_layers']: name = "convlayer_%s" % count count += 1 layer = ConvLayer(name, mi, mo, apply_batch_norm, filtersz, stride, lrelu) self.d_convlayers.append(layer) mi = mo print("dim: ", dim) dim = int(np.ceil(float(dim) / stride)) mi = mi * dim * dim self.d_denselayers = [] for mo, apply_batch_norm in d_sizes['dense_layers']: name = "denselayer_%s" % count count += 1 layer = DenseLayer(name, mi, mo, apply_batch_norm, lrelu) mi = mo self.d_denselayers.append(layer) name = "denselayer_%s" % count self.d_finallayer = DenseLayer(name, mi, 1, False, lambda x : x) logits = self.d_forward(X) return logits def d_forward(self, X, reuse = None, is_training = True): output = X for layer in self.d_convlayers: output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) output = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(output) for layer in self.d_denselayers: output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) logits = self.d_finallayer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) return logits def build_generator(self, Z, g_sizes): with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope: dims = [self.img_length] dim = self.img_length for _, _, stride, _ in reversed(g_sizes['conv_layers']): dim = int(np.ceil(float(dim) / stride)) dims.append(dim) dims = list(reversed(dims)) print("dims: ", dims) self.g_dims = dims mi = self.latent_dims self.g_denselayers = [] count = 0 for mo, apply_batch_norm in g_sizes['dense_layers']: name = "g_denselayers_%s" % count count += 1 layer = DenseLayer(name, mi, mp, apply_batch_norm) self.g_denselayers.append(layer) mi = mo mo = g_sizes['projection'] * dims[0] * dims[0] name = "g_denselayer_%s" % count layer = DenseLayer(name, mi, mo, not g_sizes['bn_after_project']) self.g_denselayers.append(layer) mi = g_sizes['projection'] self.g_convlayers = [] num_relus = len(g_sizes['conv_layers']) - 1 activation_functions = [tf.nn.relu] * num_relus + [g_sizes['output_activation']] for i in range(len(g_sizes['conv_layers'])): name = "fs_convlayer_%s" % i mo, filtersz, stride, apply_batch_norm = g_sizes['conv_layers'][i] f = activation_functions[i] output_shape = [BATCH_SIZE, dims[i+1], dims[i+1], mo] print("mi: ", mi, "mo: ", mo, "output_shape: ", output_shape) layer = FractionallyStridedConvLayer( name, mi, mo, output_shape, apply_batch_norm, filtersz, stride, f ) self.g_convlayers.append(layer) mi = mo self.g_sizes = g_sizes return self.g_forward(Z) def g_forward(self, Z, reuse = None, is_training = True): output = Z for layer in self.g_denselayers: output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) output = tf.reshape( output, [-1, self.g_dims[0], self.g_dims[0], self.g_sizes['projection']] ) # apply bnorm if self.g_sizes['bn_after_project']: output = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( output, decay = 0.9, updates_collections = None, epsilon=1e-5, scale = True, is_training = is_training, reuse = reuse, scope = 'bn_after_project' ) for layer in self.g_convlayers: output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) return output def fit(self, X): d_costs = [] g_costs = [] N = len(X) n_batches = N // BATCH_SIZE total_iters = 0 for i in range(0, EPOCHS): print("epoch: ", i) np.random.shuffle(X) for j in range(0, n_batches): t0 = if(type(X[0]) is str): batch = util.files2images( X[j*BATCH_SIZE:((j+1)*BATCH_SIZE)] ) else: batch = X[j*BATCH_SIZE:(j+1)*BATCH_SIZE] Z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, self.latent_dims)) _, d_cost, d_acc = (self.d_train_op, self.d_cost, self.d_accuracy), feed_dict = {self.X: batch, self.Z: Z} ) d_costs.append(d_cost) _, g_cost1 = (self.g_train_op, self.g_cost), feed_dict = {self.Z : Z} ) _, g_cost2 = (self.g_train_op, self.g_cost), feed_dict = {self.Z : Z} ) g_costs.append((g_cost1 + g_cost2) / 2) print("batch %d/%d - dt: %s - d_acc: %.2f" % (j+1, n_batches, - t0)) total_iters += 1 if total_iters % SAVE_SAMPLE_PERIOD == 0: print("saving sample...") samples = self.sample(64) d = self.img_length if samples.shape[-1] == 1: samples = samples.reshape(64, d, d) flat_image = np.empty((8*d, 8*d)) k = 0 for a in range(0, 8): for b in range(0, 8): flat_image[a*d:(a+1)*d, b*d:(b+1)*d] = samples[k].reshape(d,d) k+=1 else: flat_image = np.empty((8*d, 8*d, 3)) k = 0 for a in range(0, 8): for b in range(0, 8): flat_image[a*d:(a+1)*d, b*d:(b+1)*d] = samples[k] k+=1 sp.misc.imsave( 'samples/samples_at_iter_%d.png' % total_iters, (flat_image + 1) / 2 ) plt.clf() plt.plot(d_costs, label = 'discriminator cost') plt.plot(g_costs, label = 'generator cost') plt.legend() plt.savefig('cost_vs_iteration.png') def sample(self, n): Z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size = (n, self.latent_dims)) samples =, feed_dict = {self.Z : Z}) return samples def celeb(): X = util.get_celeb() dim = 64 colors = 3 d_sizes = { 'conv_layers' : [ (64,5,2,False), (128,5,2,True), (256,5,2,True), (512,5,2,True) ], 'dense_layers': [] } g_sizes = { 'z': 100, 'projection':512, 'bn_after_project': True, 'conv_layers' : [ (256,5,2,True), (128,5,2,True), (64,5,2,True), (colors, 5,2, False) ], 'dense_layers': [], 'output_activation' : tf.tanh } gan = DCGAN(dim, colors, d_sizes, g_sizes) def mnist(): X, Y = util.get_mnist() X = X.reshape(len(X), 28, 28, 1) dim = X.shape[1] colors = X.shape[-1] d_sizes = { 'conv_layers': [(2, 5, 2, False), (64, 5, 2, True)], 'dense_layers': [(1024, True)] } g_sizes = { 'z':100, 'projection': 128, 'bn_after_project': False, 'conv_layers': [(128, 5, 2, True), (colors, 5, 2, False)], 'dense_layers': [(1024, True)], 'output_activation' : tf.sigmoid } gan = DCGAN(dim, colors, d_sizes, g_sizes) if __name__ == '__main__': mnist()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011 David Malcolm <> # Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # # This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # <>. import gcc from gccutils import pprint def on_pass_execution(p, fn): if == '*warn_function_return': assert isinstance(fn, gcc.Function) print('fn: %r' % fn) assert isinstance(fn.decl, gcc.FunctionDecl) print(' %r' % assert isinstance(fn.cfg, gcc.Cfg) # None for some early passes assert fn.cfg.basic_blocks[0] == fn.cfg.entry assert fn.cfg.basic_blocks[1] == fn.cfg.exit for bb in fn.cfg.basic_blocks: if bb.gimple: for i,stmt in enumerate(bb.gimple): print('gimple[%i]:' % i) print(' str(stmt): %r' % str(stmt)) print(' repr(stmt): %r' % repr(stmt)) if isinstance(stmt, gcc.GimpleSwitch): print(' stmt.indexvar: %r' % stmt.indexvar) print(' stmt.labels: %r' % stmt.labels) for j, label in enumerate(stmt.labels): print(' label[%i].low: %r' % (j, label.low)) print(' label[%i].high: %r' % (j, label.high)) print(' label[%i].target: %r' % (j, gcc.register_callback(gcc.PLUGIN_PASS_EXECUTION, on_pass_execution)
# /psqtraviscontainer/ # # Helper classes to monitor and capture output as it runs. # # See / for Copyright information """Helper classes to monitor and capture output as it runs.""" import sys import threading def monitor(stream, modifier=None, live=False, output=sys.stdout): """Monitor and print lines from stream until end of file is reached. Each line is piped through :modifier:. """ from six import StringIO captured = StringIO() modifier = modifier or (lambda l: l) def read_thread(): """Read each line from the stream and print it.""" # No stream, not much we can really do here. if not stream: return for line in stream: line = modifier(line) captured.write(line) if live: output.write(line) output.flush() def joiner_for_output(thread): """Closure to join the thread and do something with its output.""" thread.start() def join(): """Join the thread and then return its output.""" thread.join() return captured return join # Note that while it is necessary to call joiner_for_output if you want # resources to be cleaned up, it is not necessary if you don't care # about cleanup and just want the program to keep running. return joiner_for_output(threading.Thread(target=read_thread))
import argparse from . import browser latest_channels = { 'firefox': 'nightly', 'chrome': 'nightly', 'chrome_android': 'dev', 'edgechromium': 'dev', 'safari': 'preview', 'servo': 'nightly', 'webkitgtk_minibrowser': 'nightly' } channel_by_name = { 'stable': 'stable', 'release': 'stable', 'beta': 'beta', 'dev': 'dev', 'canary': 'canary', 'nightly': latest_channels, 'preview': latest_channels, 'experimental': latest_channels, } channel_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) channel_args.add_argument('--channel', choices=channel_by_name.keys(), default='nightly', action='store', help=''' Name of browser release channel (default: nightly). "stable" and "release" are synonyms for the latest browser stable release; "beta" is the beta release; "dev" is only meaningful for Chrome (i.e. Chrome Dev); "nightly", "experimental", and "preview" are all synonyms for the latest available development or trunk release. (For WebDriver installs, we attempt to select an appropriate, compatible version for the latest browser release on the selected channel.) This flag overrides --browser-channel.''') def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[channel_args], description="Install a given browser or webdriver frontend.") parser.add_argument('browser', choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'servo'], help='name of web browser product') parser.add_argument('component', choices=['browser', 'webdriver'], help='name of component') parser.add_argument('--download-only', action="store_true", help="Download the selected component but don't install it") parser.add_argument('--rename', action="store", default=None, help="Filename, excluding extension for downloaded archive " "(only with --download-only)") parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', help='filesystem directory to place the component') return parser def get_channel(browser, channel): channel = channel_by_name[channel] if isinstance(channel, dict): channel = channel.get(browser) return channel def run(venv, **kwargs): import logging logger = logging.getLogger("install") browser = kwargs["browser"] destination = kwargs["destination"] channel = get_channel(browser, kwargs["channel"]) if channel != kwargs["channel"]:"Interpreting channel '%s' as '%s'", kwargs["channel"], channel) if destination is None: if venv: if kwargs["component"] == "browser": destination = venv.path else: destination = venv.bin_path else: raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "No --destination argument, and no default for the environment") install(browser, kwargs["component"], destination, channel, logger=logger, download_only=kwargs["download_only"], rename=kwargs["rename"]) def install(name, component, destination, channel="nightly", logger=None, download_only=False, rename=None): if logger is None: import logging logger = logging.getLogger("install") prefix = "download" if download_only else "install" suffix = "_webdriver" if component == 'webdriver' else "" method = prefix + suffix browser_cls = getattr(browser, name.title())'Now installing %s %s...', name, component) kwargs = {} if download_only and rename: kwargs["rename"] = rename path = getattr(browser_cls(logger), method)(dest=destination, channel=channel, **kwargs) if path:'Binary %s as %s', "downloaded" if download_only else "installed", path)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division import time import os.path import h5py import atexit import trajoptpy import numpy as np from lfd.environment import sim_util from lfd.environment import settings from constants import MAX_ACTIONS_TO_TRY from lfd.demonstration.demonstration import SceneState, GroundTruthRopeSceneState, AugmentedTrajectory, Demonstration from lfd.environment.simulation import DynamicRopeSimulationRobotWorld from lfd.environment.simulation_object import XmlSimulationObject, BoxSimulationObject, CylinderSimulationObject, RopeSimulationObject from lfd.environment.environment import LfdEnvironment, GroundTruthRopeLfdEnvironment from lfd.registration.registration import TpsRpmBijRegistrationFactory, TpsRpmRegistrationFactory, TpsSegmentRegistrationFactory, BatchGpuTpsRpmBijRegistrationFactory, BatchGpuTpsRpmRegistrationFactory from lfd.transfer.transfer import PoseTrajectoryTransferer, FingerTrajectoryTransferer from lfd.transfer.registration_transfer import TwoStepRegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer, UnifiedRegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer from lfd.action_selection import GreedyActionSelection from lfd.action_selection import FeatureActionSelection from lfd.rapprentice import eval_util, util from lfd.rapprentice import task_execution from lfd.rapprentice.knot_classifier import isKnot as is_knot from lfd.rapprentice.util import redprint, yellowprint class GlobalVars: exec_log = None actions = None actions_cache = None demos = None features = None def eval_on_holdout(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim): """TODO Args: action_selection: ActionSelection reg_and_traj_transferer: RegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer lfd_env: LfdEnvironment sim: DynamicSimulation """ holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.eval.holdoutfile, 'r') holdout_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(holdoutfile, task_list=args.tasks, task_file=args.taskfile, i_start=args.i_start, i_end=args.i_end) rope_params = sim_util.RopeParams() if args.eval.rope_param_radius is not None: rope_params.radius = args.eval.rope_param_radius if args.eval.rope_param_angStiffness is not None: rope_params.angStiffness = args.eval.rope_param_angStiffness num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: redprint("task %s" % i_task) init_rope_nodes = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] rope = RopeSimulationObject("rope", init_rope_nodes, rope_params) sim.add_objects([rope]) sim.settle(step_viewer=args.animation) for i_step in range(args.eval.num_steps): redprint("task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim) if args.animation: sim.viewer.Step() sim_state = sim.get_state() sim.set_state(sim_state) scene_state = lfd_env.observe_scene() # plot cloud of the test scene handles = [] if args.plotting: handles.append(sim.env.plot3([:,:3], 2, scene_state.color if scene_state.color is not None else (0,0,1))) sim.viewer.Step() eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() start_time = time.time() if len( == 0: redprint("Detected 0 points in scene") break try: (agenda, q_values_root), goal_found = action_selection.plan_agenda(scene_state, i_step) except ValueError: #e.g. if cloud is empty - any action is hopeless redprint("**Raised Value Error during action selection") break eval_stats.action_elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time eval_stats.generalized = True num_actions_to_try = MAX_ACTIONS_TO_TRY if args.eval.search_until_feasible else 1 for i_choice in range(num_actions_to_try): if q_values_root[i_choice] == -np.inf: # none of the demonstrations generalize eval_stats.generalized = False break redprint("TRYING %s"%agenda[i_choice]) best_root_action = str(agenda[i_choice]) start_time = time.time() try: test_aug_traj = reg_and_traj_transferer.transfer(GlobalVars.demos[best_root_action], scene_state, plotting=args.plotting) except ValueError: # If something is cloud/traj is empty or something redprint("**Raised value error during traj transfer") break eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp = lfd_env.execute_augmented_trajectory(test_aug_traj, step_viewer=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive, check_feasible=args.eval.check_feasible) eval_stats.exec_elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time if not args.eval.check_feasible or eval_stats.feasible: # try next action if TrajOpt cannot find feasible action and we care about feasibility break else: sim.set_state(sim_state) knot = is_knot(rope.rope.GetControlPoints()) results = {'scene_state':scene_state, 'best_action':best_root_action, 'values':q_values_root, 'aug_traj':test_aug_traj, 'eval_stats':eval_stats, 'sim_state':sim_state, 'knot':knot, 'goal_found': goal_found} eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, i_task, i_step, results) if not eval_stats.generalized: assert not knot break if args.eval.check_feasible and not eval_stats.feasible: # Skip to next knot tie if the action is infeasible -- since # that means all future steps (up to 5) will have infeasible trajectories assert not knot break if knot: num_successes += 1 break; sim.remove_objects([rope]) num_total += 1 redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total)) redprint('Success Rate: ' + str(float(num_successes)/num_total)) def eval_on_holdout_parallel(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim): raise NotImplementedError # holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.eval.holdoutfile, 'r') # holdout_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(holdoutfile, task_list=args.tasks, task_file=args.taskfile, i_start=args.i_start, i_end=args.i_end) # # rope_params = sim_util.RopeParams() # if args.eval.rope_param_radius is not None: # rope_params.radius = args.eval.rope_param_radius # if args.eval.rope_param_angStiffness is not None: # rope_params.angStiffness = args.eval.rope_param_angStiffness # # batch_transfer_simulate = BatchTransferSimulate(transfer, lfd_env) # # states = {} # q_values_roots = {} # best_root_actions = {} # state_id2i_task = {} # results = {} # successes = {} # for i_step in range(args.eval.num_steps): # for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: # if i_task in successes: # # task already finished # continue # # redprint("task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)) # # if i_step == 0: # sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(lfd_env) # # init_rope_nodes = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] # lfd_env.set_rope_state(RopeState(init_rope_nodes, rope_params)) # states[i_task] = {} # states[i_task][i_step] = lfd_env.observe_scene(**vars(args.eval)) # best_root_actions[i_task] = {} # q_values_roots[i_task] = {} # results[i_task] = {} # # if args.animation: # lfd_env.viewer.Step() # # state = states[i_task][i_step] # # num_actions_to_try = MAX_ACTIONS_TO_TRY if args.eval.search_until_feasible else 1 # # agenda, q_values_root = select_best(args.eval, state, batch_transfer_simulate) # TODO fix select_best to handle batch_transfer_simulate # q_values_roots[i_task][i_step] = q_values_root # # i_choice = 0 # if q_values_root[i_choice] == -np.inf: # none of the demonstrations generalize # successes[i_task] = False # continue # # best_root_action = agenda[i_choice] # best_root_actions[i_task][i_step] = best_root_action # # next_state_id = SceneState.get_unique_id() # batch_transfer_simulate.queue_transfer_simulate(state, best_root_action, next_state_id) # # state_id2i_task[next_state_id] = i_task # # batch_transfer_simulate.wait_while_queue_is_nonempty() # for result in batch_transfer_simulate.get_results(): # i_task = state_id2i_task[] # results[i_task][i_step] = result # # for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: # if i_task in successes: # # task already finished # continue # # result = results[i_task][i_step] # eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() # eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs, next_state = result.success, result.feasible, result.misgrasp, result.full_trajs, result.state # # TODO eval_stats.exec_elapsed_time # # if not eval_stats.feasible: # If not feasible, restore state # next_state = states[i_task][i_step] # # state = states[i_task][i_step] # best_root_action = best_root_actions[i_task][i_step] # q_values_root = q_values_roots[i_task][i_step] # eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, i_task, i_step, state, best_root_action, q_values_root, full_trajs, next_state, eval_stats,, new_rope_nodes=state.rope_nodes) # # states[i_task][i_step+1] = next_state # # if not eval_stats.feasible: # successes[i_task] = False # # Skip to next knot tie if the action is infeasible -- since # # that means all future steps (up to 5) will have infeasible trajectories # continue # # if is_knot(next_state.rope_nodes): # successes[i_task] = True # continue # # if i_step == args.eval.num_steps - 1: # for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: # if i_task not in successes: # # task ran out of steps # successes[i_task] = False # # num_successes = np.sum(successes.values()) # num_total = len(successes) # redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total)) def replay_on_holdout(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim): loadresultfile = h5py.File(args.replay.loadresultfile, 'r') loadresult_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(loadresultfile, task_list=args.tasks, task_file=args.taskfile, i_start=args.i_start, i_end=args.i_end) num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, task_info in loadresult_items: redprint("task %s" % i_task) for i_step in range(len(task_info)): redprint("task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)) replay_results = eval_util.load_task_results_step(args.replay.loadresultfile, i_task, i_step) sim_state = replay_results['sim_state'] if i_step > 0: # sanity check for reproducibility sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim) if sim.simulation_state_equal(sim_state, sim.get_state()): yellowprint("Reproducible results OK") else: yellowprint("The replayed simulation state doesn't match the one from the result file") sim.set_state(sim_state) if args.replay.simulate_traj_steps is not None and i_step not in args.replay.simulate_traj_steps: continue if i_step in args.replay.compute_traj_steps: # compute the trajectory in this step best_root_action = replay_results['best_action'] scene_state = replay_results['scene_state'] # plot cloud of the test scene handles = [] if args.plotting: handles.append(sim.env.plot3([:,:3], 2, scene_state.color if scene_state.color is not None else (0,0,1))) sim.viewer.Step() test_aug_traj = reg_and_traj_transferer.transfer(GlobalVars.demos[best_root_action], scene_state, plotting=args.plotting) else: test_aug_traj = replay_results['aug_traj'] feasible, misgrasp = lfd_env.execute_augmented_trajectory(test_aug_traj, step_viewer=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive, check_feasible=args.eval.check_feasible) if replay_results['knot']: num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('REPLAY Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total)) def parse_input_args(): parser = util.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--animation", type=int, default=0, help="animates if it is non-zero. the viewer is stepped according to this number") parser.add_argument("--plotting", type=int, default=1, help="plots if animation != 0 and plotting != 0") parser.add_argument("--interactive", action="store_true", help="step animation and optimization if specified") parser.add_argument("--resultfile", type=str, help="no results are saved if this is not specified") # selects tasks to evaluate/replay parser.add_argument("--tasks", type=int, nargs='*', metavar="i_task") parser.add_argument("--taskfile", type=str) parser.add_argument("--i_start", type=int, default=-1, metavar="i_task") parser.add_argument("--i_end", type=int, default=-1, metavar="i_task") parser.add_argument("--camera_matrix_file", type=str, default='../.camera_matrix.txt') parser.add_argument("--window_prop_file", type=str, default='../.win_prop.txt') parser.add_argument("--random_seed", type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument("--log", type=str, default="") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') # arguments for eval parser_eval = subparsers.add_parser('eval') parser_eval.add_argument('actionfile', type=str, nargs='?', default='../bigdata/misc/overhand_actions.h5') parser_eval.add_argument('holdoutfile', type=str, nargs='?', default='../bigdata/misc/holdout_set_Jun20_0.10.h5') parser.add_argument("--landmarkfile", type=str, default='../data/misc/landmarks.h5') parser_eval.add_argument('action_selection', type=str, nargs='?', choices=['greedy', 'feature']) parser_eval.add_argument('--weightfile', type=str, default='') parser_eval.add_argument('--feature_type', type=str, nargs='?', choices=['base', 'mul', 'mul_quad', 'mul_quad_ind', 'mul_quad_bendind', 'mul_quad_mapind', 'mul_s', 'mul_grip', 'mul_s_map', 'landmark', 'timestep'], default='base') parser_eval.add_argument("transferopt", type=str, nargs='?', choices=['pose', 'finger'], default='finger') parser_eval.add_argument("reg_type", type=str, choices=['segment', 'rpm', 'bij'], default='bij') parser_eval.add_argument("--unified", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--obstacles", type=str, nargs='*', choices=['bookshelve', 'boxes', 'cylinders'], default=[]) parser_eval.add_argument("--downsample", type=int, default=1) parser_eval.add_argument("--downsample_size", type=float, default=0.025) parser_eval.add_argument("--upsample", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--upsample_rad", type=int, default=1, help="upsample_rad > 1 incompatible with downsample != 0") parser_eval.add_argument("--ground_truth", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--fake_data_segment",type=str, default='demo1-seg00') parser_eval.add_argument("--fake_data_transform", type=float, nargs=6, metavar=("tx","ty","tz","rx","ry","rz"), default=[0,0,0,0,0,0], help="translation=(tx,ty,tz), axis-angle rotation=(rx,ry,rz)") parser_eval.add_argument("--search_until_feasible", action="store_true") parser_eval.add_argument("--check_feasible", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--width", type=int, default=1) parser_eval.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--alpha", type=float, default=1000000.0) parser_eval.add_argument("--beta_pos", type=float, default=1000000.0) parser_eval.add_argument("--beta_rot", type=float, default=100.0) parser_eval.add_argument("--gamma", type=float, default=1000.0) parser_eval.add_argument("--use_collision_cost", type=int, default=1) parser_eval.add_argument("--num_steps", type=int, default=5, help="maximum number of steps to simulate each task") parser_eval.add_argument("--dof_limits_factor", type=float, default=1.0) parser_eval.add_argument("--rope_param_radius", type=str, default=None) parser_eval.add_argument("--rope_param_angStiffness", type=str, default=None) parser_eval.add_argument("--use_color", type=int, default=0) parser_eval.add_argument("--parallel", action="store_true") parser_eval.add_argument("--batch", action="store_true", default=False) parser_replay = subparsers.add_parser('replay') parser_replay.add_argument("loadresultfile", type=str) parser_replay.add_argument("--compute_traj_steps", type=int, default=[], nargs='*', metavar='i_step', help="recompute trajectories for the i_step of all tasks") parser_replay.add_argument("--simulate_traj_steps", type=int, default=None, nargs='*', metavar='i_step', help="if specified, restore the rope state from file and then simulate for the i_step of all tasks") # if not specified, the rope state is not restored from file, but it is as given by the sequential simulation args = parser.parse_args() if not args.animation: args.plotting = 0 return args def setup_log_file(args): if args.log: redprint("Writing log to file %s" % args.log) GlobalVars.exec_log = task_execution.ExecutionLog(args.log) atexit.register(GlobalVars.exec_log.close) GlobalVars.exec_log(0, "main.args", args) def set_global_vars(args): if args.random_seed is not None: np.random.seed(args.random_seed) GlobalVars.actions = h5py.File(args.eval.actionfile, 'r') actions_root, actions_ext = os.path.splitext(args.eval.actionfile) GlobalVars.actions_cache = h5py.File(actions_root + '.cache' + actions_ext, 'a') GlobalVars.demos = {} for action, seg_info in GlobalVars.actions.iteritems(): if args.eval.ground_truth: rope_nodes = seg_info['rope_nodes'][()] scene_state = GroundTruthRopeSceneState(rope_nodes, settings.ROPE_RADIUS, upsample=args.eval.upsample, upsample_rad=args.eval.upsample_rad, downsample_size=args.eval.downsample_size) else: full_cloud = seg_info['cloud_xyz'][()] scene_state = SceneState(full_cloud, downsample_size=args.eval.downsample_size) lr2arm_traj = {} lr2finger_traj = {} lr2ee_traj = {} lr2open_finger_traj = {} lr2close_finger_traj = {} for lr in 'lr': arm_name = {"l":"leftarm", "r":"rightarm"}[lr] lr2arm_traj[lr] = np.asarray(seg_info[arm_name]) lr2finger_traj[lr] = sim_util.gripper_joint2gripper_l_finger_joint_values(np.asarray(seg_info['%s_gripper_joint'%lr]))[:,None] lr2ee_traj[lr] = np.asarray(seg_info["%s_gripper_tool_frame"%lr]['hmat']) lr2open_finger_traj[lr] = np.zeros(len(lr2finger_traj[lr]), dtype=bool) lr2close_finger_traj[lr] = np.zeros(len(lr2finger_traj[lr]), dtype=bool) opening_inds, closing_inds = sim_util.get_opening_closing_inds(lr2finger_traj[lr]) # # opening_inds/closing_inds are indices before the opening/closing happens, so increment those indices (if they are not out of bound) # opening_inds = np.clip(opening_inds+1, 0, len(lr2finger_traj[lr])-1) # TODO figure out if +1 is necessary # closing_inds = np.clip(closing_inds+1, 0, len(lr2finger_traj[lr])-1) lr2open_finger_traj[lr][opening_inds] = True lr2close_finger_traj[lr][closing_inds] = True aug_traj = AugmentedTrajectory(lr2arm_traj=lr2arm_traj, lr2finger_traj=lr2finger_traj, lr2ee_traj=lr2ee_traj, lr2open_finger_traj=lr2open_finger_traj, lr2close_finger_traj=lr2close_finger_traj) demo = Demonstration(action, scene_state, aug_traj) GlobalVars.demos[action] = demo def setup_lfd_environment_sim(args): actions = h5py.File(args.eval.actionfile, 'r') init_rope_xyz, init_joint_names, init_joint_values = sim_util.load_fake_data_segment(actions, args.eval.fake_data_segment, args.eval.fake_data_transform) table_height = init_rope_xyz[:,2].mean() - .02 sim_objs = [] sim_objs.append(XmlSimulationObject("robots/pr2-beta-static.zae", dynamic=False)) sim_objs.append(BoxSimulationObject("table", [1, 0, table_height + (-.1 + .01)], [.85, .85, .1], dynamic=False)) if 'bookshelve' in args.eval.obstacles: sim_objs.append(XmlSimulationObject("../data/bookshelve.env.xml", dynamic=False)) if 'boxes' in args.eval.obstacles: sim_objs.append(BoxSimulationObject("box0", [.7,.43,table_height+(.01+.12)], [.12,.12,.12], dynamic=False)) sim_objs.append(BoxSimulationObject("box1", [.74,.47,table_height+(.01+.12*2+.08)], [.08,.08,.08], dynamic=False)) if 'cylinders' in args.eval.obstacles: sim_objs.append(CylinderSimulationObject("cylinder0", [.7,.43,table_height+(.01+.5)], .12, 1., dynamic=False)) sim_objs.append(CylinderSimulationObject("cylinder1", [.7,-.43,table_height+(.01+.5)], .12, 1., dynamic=False)) sim_objs.append(CylinderSimulationObject("cylinder2", [.4,.2,table_height+(.01+.65)], .06, .5, dynamic=False)) sim_objs.append(CylinderSimulationObject("cylinder3", [.4,-.2,table_height+(.01+.65)], .06, .5, dynamic=False)) sim = DynamicRopeSimulationRobotWorld() world = sim sim.add_objects(sim_objs) if args.eval.ground_truth: lfd_env = GroundTruthRopeLfdEnvironment(sim, world, upsample=args.eval.upsample, upsample_rad=args.eval.upsample_rad, downsample_size=args.eval.downsample_size) else: lfd_env = LfdEnvironment(sim, world, downsample_size=args.eval.downsample_size) dof_inds = sim_util.dof_inds_from_name(sim.robot, '+'.join(init_joint_names)) values, dof_inds = zip(*[(value, dof_ind) for value, dof_ind in zip(init_joint_values, dof_inds) if dof_ind != -1]) sim.robot.SetDOFValues(values, dof_inds) # this also sets the torso (torso_lift_joint) to the height in the data sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim) if args.animation: viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(sim.env) if os.path.isfile(args.window_prop_file) and os.path.isfile(args.camera_matrix_file): print "loading window and camera properties" window_prop = np.loadtxt(args.window_prop_file) camera_matrix = np.loadtxt(args.camera_matrix_file) try: viewer.SetWindowProp(*window_prop) viewer.SetCameraManipulatorMatrix(camera_matrix) except: print "SetWindowProp and SetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt." else: print "move viewer to viewpoint that isn't stupid" print "then hit 'p' to continue" viewer.Idle() print "saving window and camera properties" try: window_prop = viewer.GetWindowProp() camera_matrix = viewer.GetCameraManipulatorMatrix() np.savetxt(args.window_prop_file, window_prop, fmt='%d') np.savetxt(args.camera_matrix_file, camera_matrix) except: print "GetWindowProp and GetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt." viewer.Step() if args.eval.dof_limits_factor != 1.0: assert 0 < args.eval.dof_limits_factor and args.eval.dof_limits_factor <= 1.0 active_dof_indices = sim.robot.GetActiveDOFIndices() active_dof_limits = sim.robot.GetActiveDOFLimits() for lr in 'lr': manip_name = {"l":"leftarm", "r":"rightarm"}[lr] dof_inds = sim.robot.GetManipulator(manip_name).GetArmIndices() limits = np.asarray(sim.robot.GetDOFLimits(dof_inds)) limits_mean = limits.mean(axis=0) limits_width = np.diff(limits, axis=0) new_limits = limits_mean + args.eval.dof_limits_factor * np.r_[-limits_width/2.0, limits_width/2.0] for i, ind in enumerate(dof_inds): active_dof_limits[0][active_dof_indices.tolist().index(ind)] = new_limits[0,i] active_dof_limits[1][active_dof_indices.tolist().index(ind)] = new_limits[1,i] sim.robot.SetDOFLimits(active_dof_limits[0], active_dof_limits[1]) return lfd_env, sim def setup_registration_and_trajectory_transferer(args, sim): if args.eval.batch: if args.eval.reg_type == 'rpm': reg_factory = BatchGpuTpsRpmRegistrationFactory(GlobalVars.demos, args.eval.actionfile) elif args.eval.reg_type == 'bij': reg_factory = BatchGpuTpsRpmBijRegistrationFactory(GlobalVars.demos, args.eval.actionfile) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid reg_type option %s"%args.eval.reg_type) else: if args.eval.reg_type == 'segment': reg_factory = TpsSegmentRegistrationFactory(GlobalVars.demos) elif args.eval.reg_type == 'rpm': reg_factory = TpsRpmRegistrationFactory(GlobalVars.demos) elif args.eval.reg_type == 'bij': reg_factory = TpsRpmBijRegistrationFactory(GlobalVars.demos, actionfile=args.eval.actionfile) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid reg_type option %s"%args.eval.reg_type) if args.eval.transferopt == 'pose' or args.eval.transferopt == 'finger': traj_transferer = PoseTrajectoryTransferer(sim, args.eval.beta_pos, args.eval.beta_rot, args.eval.gamma, args.eval.use_collision_cost) if args.eval.transferopt == 'finger': traj_transferer = FingerTrajectoryTransferer(sim, args.eval.beta_pos, args.eval.gamma, args.eval.use_collision_cost, init_trajectory_transferer=traj_transferer) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid transferopt option %s"%args.eval.transferopt) if args.eval.unified: reg_and_traj_transferer = UnifiedRegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer(reg_factory, traj_transferer) else: reg_and_traj_transferer = TwoStepRegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer(reg_factory, traj_transferer) return reg_and_traj_transferer def get_features(args): feat_type = args.eval.feature_type if feat_type== 'base': from lfd.mmqe.features import BatchRCFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul': from lfd.mmqe.features import MulFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_quad': from lfd.mmqe.features import QuadSimpleMulFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_quad_ind': from lfd.mmqe.features import QuadSimpleMulIndFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_quad_mapind': from lfd.mmqe.features import QuadSimpleMulMapIndFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_quad_bendind': from lfd.mmqe.features import QuadSimpleMulBendIndFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_s': from lfd.mmqe.features import SimpleMulFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_grip': from lfd.mmqe.features import SimpleMulGripperFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'mul_s_map': from lfd.mmqe.features import SimpleMulMapIndFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'landmark': from lfd.mmqe.features import LandmarkFeats as feat elif feat_type == 'timestep': from lfd.mmqe.features import TimestepActionMulFeats as feat else: raise ValueError('Incorrect Feature Type') feats = feat(args.eval.actionfile) try: feats.set_landmark_file(args.landmarkfile) except AttributeError: pass if args.eval.weightfile: feats.load_weights(args.eval.weightfile) GlobalVars.features = feats return feats def main(): args = parse_input_args() if args.subparser_name == "eval": eval_util.save_results_args(args.resultfile, args) elif args.subparser_name == "replay": loaded_args = eval_util.load_results_args(args.replay.loadresultfile) assert 'eval' not in vars(args) args.eval = loaded_args.eval else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid subparser name") setup_log_file(args) set_global_vars(args) trajoptpy.SetInteractive(args.interactive) lfd_env, sim = setup_lfd_environment_sim(args) reg_and_traj_transferer = setup_registration_and_trajectory_transferer(args, sim) if args.eval.action_selection == 'feature': get_features(args) if args.eval.action_selection == 'greedy': action_selection = GreedyActionSelection(reg_and_traj_transferer.registration_factory) else: action_selection = FeatureActionSelection(reg_and_traj_transferer.registration_factory, GlobalVars.features, GlobalVars.actions, GlobalVars.demos, simulator=reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env=lfd_env, width=args.eval.width, depth=args.eval.depth) if args.subparser_name == "eval": start = time.time() if args.eval.parallel: eval_on_holdout_parallel(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim) else: eval_on_holdout(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim) print "eval time is:\t{}".format(time.time() - start) elif args.subparser_name == "replay": replay_on_holdout(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid subparser name") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
'''Arsenal API ENC for puppet.''' # Copyright 2015 CityGrid Media, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging from pyramid.view import view_config from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from arsenalweb.models.common import ( DBSession, ) from arsenalweb.models.nodes import ( Node, ) from arsenalweb.views.api.common import ( api_200, api_400, api_500, api_501, ) from arsenalweb.views.api.data_centers import ( find_data_center_by_id, ) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def find_node_by_name_and_status(settings, node_name): '''Find a node by name, filtered by statuses''' try: status_ids = [s for s in settings['arsenal.enc.status_ids'].splitlines() if s] except KeyError as ex: msg = 'You must define arsenal.enc.status_ids in the main settings file to ' \ 'enable the enc.' LOG.error(msg) raise type(ex)(ex.message + ' {0}'.format(msg)) node = DBSession.query(Node) node = node.filter(Node.status_id.in_(status_ids)) node = node.filter( == node_name) return def process_tags(tags, tag_type): '''Processes tags. If the value is 'True' or 'False', converts it to a boolean. Otherwise returns as-is (what about integers?).''' results = {} for tag in tags: LOG.debug('{0} tag: {1}={2}'.format(tag_type,, tag.value)) if tag.value == 'True': results[] = bool(tag.value) elif tag.value == 'False': results[] = bool('') else: try: my_value = tag.value my_value = int(my_value) except ValueError: pass results[] = my_value return results def process_node_enc(settings, node_name, param_sources=False): '''Process enc for node. Merges tags from the following three objects in order from least to most specific: node_group data_center node Multiple node groups are sorted and take priority..?''' results = {} results['classes'] = [] results['parameters'] = {} results['status'] = { 'name': None, } if param_sources: results['param_sources'] = {} try: node = find_node_by_name_and_status(settings, node_name) results['name'] = results['id'] = results['status'] = node.status LOG.debug('node name is: {0}'.format( LOG.debug('node datacenter is: {0}'.format(node.data_center_id)) # What happens when there's more than one node group? What tags # win, alphabetic? for node_group in node.node_groups: LOG.debug('node_group: {0}'.format( results['classes'].append( my_tags = process_tags(node_group.tags, 'node_group') results['parameters'].update(my_tags) if param_sources: for tag in my_tags: results['param_sources'][tag] = 'node_group' data_center = find_data_center_by_id(node.data_center_id) my_tags = process_tags(data_center.tags, 'data_center') results['parameters'].update(my_tags) if param_sources: for tag in my_tags: results['param_sources'][tag] = 'data_center' my_tags = process_tags(node.tags, 'node') results['parameters'].update(my_tags) if param_sources: for tag in my_tags: results['param_sources'][tag] = 'node' except NoResultFound: LOG.debug('node not found: {0}'.format(node_name)) except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise return results @view_config(route_name='api_enc', request_method='GET', renderer='json') def api_enc(request): '''External node classifier for puppet. Takes a required request parameter 'name', finds all node_groups associated witht he node, and all tags merged based on the following hierarchy: node_group data_center node Optional request parameter 'param_sources' will add an additional key that identifies what level of the hierarchy each tag comes from. Returns a dict.''' settings = request.registry.settings try: try: name = request.params['name'] except KeyError as ex: msg = "Bad Request. Parameter 'name' is required." LOG.error(msg) return api_400(msg=msg) try: param_sources = request.params['param_sources'] except KeyError: param_sources = False LOG.debug('Starting enc for node: {0}'.format(name)) try: results = process_node_enc(settings, name, param_sources=param_sources) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as ex: return api_501(msg=repr(ex)) except Exception as ex: msg = 'Error calling enc! Exception: {0}'.format(repr(ex)) LOG.error(msg) return api_500(msg=msg) return api_200(results=results)
"""Chord processing utilities. A library of utility functions used throughout the Jazz Parser relating to chord processing in the input. """ """ ============================== License ======================================== Copyright (C) 2008, 2010-12 University of Edinburgh, Mark Granroth-Wilding This file is part of The Jazz Parser. The Jazz Parser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Jazz Parser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The Jazz Parser. If not, see <>. ============================ End license ====================================== """ __author__ = "Mark Granroth-Wilding <>" import xml.dom.minidom import re, copy import logging # Get the logger from the logging system logger = logging.getLogger("main_logger") # Conversions between Lilypond notes and their numeric representation ly_note_to_int = {"c" : 0, "C" : 0,\ "d" : 2, "D" : 2,\ "e" : 4, "E" : 4,\ "f" : 5, "F" : 5,\ "g" : 7, "G" : 7,\ "a" : 9, "A" : 9,\ "b" : 11, "B" : 11,\ "r" : None } ly_note_to_base_int = {"c" : 0, "C" : 0,\ "d" : 1, "D" : 1,\ "e" : 2, "E" : 2,\ "f" : 3, "F" : 3,\ "g" : 4, "G" : 4,\ "a" : 5, "A" : 5,\ "b" : 6, "B" : 6,\ "r" : None } int_to_ly_note = { 0 : "c",\ 1 : "cis",\ 2 : "d",\ 3 : "dis",\ 4 : "e",\ 5 : "f",\ 6 : "fis",\ 7 : "g",\ 8 : "gis",\ 9 : "a",\ 10: "ais",\ 11: "b",\ None: "r"} int_to_note_name = { 0 : "C", \ 1 : "Db", \ 2 : "D", \ 3 : "Eb", \ 4 : "E", \ 5 : "F", \ 6 : "Gb", \ 7 : "G", \ 8 : "Ab", \ 9 : "A", \ 10: "Bb", \ 11: "B" } ROMAN_NUMERALS = { 0 : "I", 1 : "bII", 2 : "II", 3 : "bIII", 4 : "III", 5 : "IV", 6 : "#IV", 7 : "V", 8 : "bVI", 9 : "VI", 10 : "bVII", 11 : "VII" } def chord_numeral_to_int(chord_numeral, strict=False): """ Given a chord numeral (e.g. "I" or "bVII"), returns the integer that corresponds to this chord root. Returns None if input is either a chord variable ("X", "Y") or itself None. If strict is set, doesn't allow variable names. """ if strict: numerals = { "I" : 0, "II" : 2, "III" : 4, "IV" : 5, "V" : 7, "VI" : 9, "VII" : 11, } root_pattern = re.compile(r'^([b|\#]?)(I{1,3}|I?V|VI{0,2})$') else: # Map roman numerals to numbers numerals = { "I" : 0, "II" : 2, "III" : 4, "IV" : 5, "V" : 7, "VI" : 9, "VII" : 11, "X" : None, "Y" : None, "Z" : None, None : None } # Use a regular expression to split the chord root into a # its accidental and numeral. root_pattern = re.compile(r'^([b|\#]?)(I{1,3}|I?V|VI{0,2}|X|Y|Z)$') # Map accidentals to a numeric adjustment accidentals = { "#" : 1, "" : 0, "b" : -1 } result = if result is None: raise ChordError, "The string '%s' cannot be parsed as a chord" % chord_numeral result = result.groups() accidental = result[0] numeral = result[1] # Map the root name to a number if numeral not in numerals: raise ChordError, "Chord numeral \"%s\" was not recognised." % numeral chord_num = numerals[numeral] # Adjust this number according to the accidental if chord_num is not None: if accidental not in accidentals: raise ChordError, "Accidental \"%s\" was not recognised." \ % accidental chord_num += accidentals[accidental] return chord_num def pitch_class_to_int(chord_numeral): """ Like L{chord_numeral_to_int}, but for pitch class labels. """ pcs = { "C" : 0, "D" : 2, "E" : 4, "F" : 5, "G" : 7, "A" : 9, "B" : 11, } root_pattern = re.compile(r'^([A-G])(b*|\#*)$') result = if result is None: raise ChordError, "The string '%s' cannot be parsed as a chord" % \ chord_numeral pc_str,accidental_str = result.groups() pc = pcs[pc_str] # Adjust this number according to the accidentals if accidental_str: if accidental_str[0] == "#": pc += len(accidental_str) elif accidental_str[0] == "b": pc -= len(accidental_str) return pc % 12 def int_to_chord_numeral(chord_int): """ Given an internal integer representation of a chord root (i.e. a note of the scale), returns the roman numeral as a string. This will always use the same convention for #s and bs, so may not be the same as the numeral that generated the note number. The input numbers 0-11 correspond to I-VII in the scale. The input need to be in this range. Outside it, numbers will be mapped into this range by "% 12". Returns "X" if input is None. """ if chord_int is None: return "X" # Take number mod 12, in case it's not in correct range return ROMAN_NUMERALS[chord_int % 12] def int_to_pitch_class(chord_int): """ Like L{int_to_chord_numeral}, but outputs a pitch class name instead of roman numeral. Returns "X" if input is None. """ if chord_int is None: return "X" else: # Take number mod 12, in case it's not in correct range return int_to_note_name[chord_int % 12] def generalise_chord_name(chord_name): """ The grammar generalises over chord names, using X to mean "any roman numeral chord root". When a chord name comes as input to the parser, say "IIm", we look up not "IIm", but "Xm". Given any chord name, this function returns the generalised chord name to look up in the grammar. """ from import Chord # Try building a chord from the chord name chord = Chord.from_name(chord_name) # Only interested in the tetrad type return "X%s" % chord.tetrad_type def interval_observation_from_chord_string_pair(chord1, chord2, type_mapping=None): """ Given two strings representing chords, produces a string representing a chord observation of the form x-t, where x is the interval between the chords (numeric) and t is the type of the first chord. """ from import Chord chord1 = Chord.from_name(chord1) if chord2 is None: interval = "" else: chord2 = Chord.from_name(chord2) interval = "%d" % Chord.interval(chord1,chord2) # Apply a mapping to the chord type if one was given if type_mapping is not None: ctype = type_mapping[chord1.type] else: ctype = chord1.type return "%s-%s" % (interval, ctype) class ChordError(Exception): """ Raised when there's a problem recognising or processing a chord. """ pass
""" A Digital Communications Synchronization and PLLs Function Module A collection of useful functions when studying PLLs and synchronization and digital comm Copyright (c) March 2017, Mark Wickert All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. """ import numpy as np from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) import warnings def NDA_symb_sync(z,Ns,L,BnTs,zeta=0.707,I_ord=3): """ zz,e_tau = NDA_symb_sync(z,Ns,L,BnTs,zeta=0.707,I_ord=3) z = complex baseband input signal at nominally Ns samples per symbol Ns = Nominal number of samples per symbol (Ts/T) in the symbol tracking loop, often 4 BnTs = time bandwidth product of loop bandwidth and the symbol period, thus the loop bandwidth as a fraction of the symbol rate. zeta = loop damping factor I_ord = interpolator order, 1, 2, or 3 e_tau = the timing error e(k) input to the loop filter Kp = The phase detector gain in the symbol tracking loop; for the NDA algoithm used here always 1 Mark Wickert July 2014 Motivated by code found in M. Rice, Digital Communications A Discrete-Time Approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2009. (ISBN 978-0-13-030497-1). """ # Loop filter parameters K0 = -1.0 # The modulo 1 counter counts down so a sign change in loop Kp = 1.0 K1 = 4*zeta/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta))*BnTs/Ns/Kp/K0 K2 = 4/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta))**2*(BnTs/Ns)**2/Kp/K0 zz = np.zeros(len(z),dtype=np.complex128) #zz = np.zeros(int(np.floor(len(z)/float(Ns))),dtype=np.complex128) e_tau = np.zeros(len(z)) #e_tau = np.zeros(int(np.floor(len(z)/float(Ns)))) #z_TED_buff = np.zeros(Ns) c1_buff = np.zeros(2*L+1) vi = 0 CNT_next = 0 mu_next = 0 underflow = 0 epsilon = 0 mm = 1 z = np.hstack(([0], z)) for nn in range(1,Ns*int(np.floor(len(z)/float(Ns)-(Ns-1)))): # Define variables used in linear interpolator control CNT = CNT_next mu = mu_next if underflow == 1: if I_ord == 1: # Decimated interpolator output (piecewise linear) z_interp = mu*z[nn] + (1 - mu)*z[nn-1] elif I_ord == 2: # Decimated interpolator output (piecewise parabolic) # in Farrow form with alpha = 1/2 v2 = 1/2.*np.sum(z[nn+2:nn-1-1:-1]*[1, -1, -1, 1]) v1 = 1/2.*np.sum(z[nn+2:nn-1-1:-1]*[-1, 3, -1, -1]) v0 = z[nn] z_interp = (mu*v2 + v1)*mu + v0 elif I_ord == 3: # Decimated interpolator output (piecewise cubic) # in Farrow form v3 = np.sum(z[nn+2:nn-1-1:-1]*[1/6., -1/2., 1/2., -1/6.]) v2 = np.sum(z[nn+2:nn-1-1:-1]*[0, 1/2., -1, 1/2.]) v1 = np.sum(z[nn+2:nn-1-1:-1]*[-1/6., 1, -1/2., -1/3.]) v0 = z[nn] z_interp = ((mu*v3 + v2)*mu + v1)*mu + v0 else: log.error('I_ord must 1, 2, or 3') # Form TED output that is smoothed using 2*L+1 samples # We need Ns interpolants for this TED: 0:Ns-1 c1 = 0 for kk in range(Ns): if I_ord == 1: # piecewise linear interp over Ns samples for TED z_TED_interp = mu*z[nn+kk] + (1 - mu)*z[nn-1+kk] elif I_ord == 2: # piecewise parabolic in Farrow form with alpha = 1/2 v2 = 1/2.*np.sum(z[nn+kk+2:nn+kk-1-1:-1]*[1, -1, -1, 1]) v1 = 1/2.*np.sum(z[nn+kk+2:nn+kk-1-1:-1]*[-1, 3, -1, -1]) v0 = z[nn+kk] z_TED_interp = (mu*v2 + v1)*mu + v0 elif I_ord == 3: # piecewise cubic in Farrow form v3 = np.sum(z[nn+kk+2:nn+kk-1-1:-1]*[1/6., -1/2., 1/2., -1/6.]) v2 = np.sum(z[nn+kk+2:nn+kk-1-1:-1]*[0, 1/2., -1, 1/2.]) v1 = np.sum(z[nn+kk+2:nn+kk-1-1:-1]*[-1/6., 1, -1/2., -1/3.]) v0 = z[nn+kk] z_TED_interp = ((mu*v3 + v2)*mu + v1)*mu + v0 else: log.error('Error: I_ord must 1, 2, or 3') c1 = c1 + np.abs(z_TED_interp)**2 * np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi/Ns*kk) c1 = c1/Ns # Update 2*L+1 length buffer for TED output smoothing c1_buff = np.hstack(([c1], c1_buff[:-1])) # Form the smoothed TED output epsilon = -1/(2*np.pi)*np.angle(np.sum(c1_buff)/(2*L+1)) # Save symbol spaced (decimated to symbol rate) interpolants in zz zz[mm] = z_interp e_tau[mm] = epsilon # log the error to the output vector e mm += 1 else: # Simple zezo-order hold interpolation between symbol samples # we just coast using the old value #epsilon = 0 pass vp = K1*epsilon # proportional component of loop filter vi = vi + K2*epsilon # integrator component of loop filter v = vp + vi # loop filter output W = 1/float(Ns) + v # counter control word # update registers CNT_next = CNT - W # Update counter value for next cycle if CNT_next < 0: # Test to see if underflow has occured CNT_next = 1 + CNT_next # Reduce counter value modulo-1 if underflow underflow = 1 # Set the underflow flag mu_next = CNT/W # update mu else: underflow = 0 mu_next = mu # Remove zero samples at end zz = zz[:-(len(zz)-mm+1)] # Normalize so symbol values have a unity magnitude zz /=np.std(zz) e_tau = e_tau[:-(len(e_tau)-mm+1)] return zz, e_tau def DD_carrier_sync(z, M, BnTs, zeta=0.707, mod_type = 'MPSK', type = 0, open_loop = False): """ z_prime,a_hat,e_phi = DD_carrier_sync(z,M,BnTs,zeta=0.707,type=0) Decision directed carrier phase tracking z = complex baseband PSK signal at one sample per symbol M = The PSK modulation order, i.e., 2, 8, or 8. BnTs = time bandwidth product of loop bandwidth and the symbol period, thus the loop bandwidth as a fraction of the symbol rate. zeta = loop damping factor type = Phase error detector type: 0 <> ML, 1 <> heuristic z_prime = phase rotation output (like soft symbol values) a_hat = the hard decision symbol values landing at the constellation values e_phi = the phase error e(k) into the loop filter Ns = Nominal number of samples per symbol (Ts/T) in the carrier phase tracking loop, almost always 1 Kp = The phase detector gain in the carrier phase tracking loop; This value depends upon the algorithm type. For the ML scheme described at the end of notes Chapter 9, A = 1, K 1/sqrt(2), so Kp = sqrt(2). Mark Wickert July 2014 Updated for improved MPSK performance April 2020 Added experimental MQAM capability April 2020 Motivated by code found in M. Rice, Digital Communications A Discrete-Time Approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2009. (ISBN 978-0-13-030497-1). """ Ns = 1 z_prime = np.zeros_like(z) a_hat = np.zeros_like(z) e_phi = np.zeros(len(z)) theta_h = np.zeros(len(z)) theta_hat = 0 # Tracking loop constants Kp = 1 # What is it for the different schemes and modes? K0 = 1 K1 = 4*zeta/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta))*BnTs/Ns/Kp/K0; K2 = 4/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta))**2*(BnTs/Ns)**2/Kp/K0; # Initial condition vi = 0 # Scaling for MQAM using signal power # and known relationship for QAM. if mod_type == 'MQAM': z_scale = np.std(z) * np.sqrt(3/(2*(M-1))) z = z/z_scale for nn in range(len(z)): # Multiply by the phase estimate exp(-j*theta_hat[n]) z_prime[nn] = z[nn]*np.exp(-1j*theta_hat) if mod_type == 'MPSK': if M == 2: a_hat[nn] = np.sign(z_prime[nn].real) + 1j*0 elif M == 4: a_hat[nn] = (np.sign(z_prime[nn].real) + \ 1j*np.sign(z_prime[nn].imag))/sqrt(2) elif M > 4: # round to the nearest integer and fold to nonnegative # integers; detection into M-levels with thresholds at mid points. a_hat[nn] = np.mod((np.rint(np.angle(z_prime[nn])*M/2/np.pi)).astype(,M) a_hat[nn] = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*a_hat[nn]/M) else: print('M must be 2, 4, 8, etc.') elif mod_type == 'MQAM': # Scale adaptively assuming var(x_hat) is proportional to if M ==2 or M == 4 or M == 16 or M == 64 or M == 256: x_m = np.sqrt(M)-1 if M == 2: x_m = 1 # Shift to quadrant one for hard decisions a_hat_shift = (z_prime[nn] + x_m*(1+1j))/2 # Soft IQ symbol values are converted to hard symbol decisions a_hat_shiftI = np.int16(np.clip(np.rint(a_hat_shift.real),0,x_m)) a_hat_shiftQ = np.int16(np.clip(np.rint(a_hat_shift.imag),0,x_m)) # Shift back to antipodal QAM a_hat[nn] = 2*(a_hat_shiftI + 1j*a_hat_shiftQ) - x_m*(1+1j) else: print('M must be 2, 4, 16, 64, or 256'); if type == 0: # Maximum likelihood (ML) Rice e_phi[nn] = z_prime[nn].imag * a_hat[nn].real - \ z_prime[nn].real * a_hat[nn].imag elif type == 1: # Heuristic Rice e_phi[nn] = np.angle(z_prime[nn]) - np.angle(a_hat[nn]) # Wrap the phase to [-pi,pi] e_phi[nn] = np.angle(np.exp(1j*e_phi[nn])) elif type == 2: # Ouyang and Wang 2002 MQAM paper e_phi[nn] = imag(z_prime[nn]/a_hat[nn]) else: print('Type must be 0 or 1') vp = K1*e_phi[nn] # proportional component of loop filter vi = vi + K2*e_phi[nn] # integrator component of loop filter v = vp + vi # loop filter output theta_hat = np.mod(theta_hat + v,2*np.pi) theta_h[nn] = theta_hat # phase track output array if open_loop: theta_hat = 0 # for open-loop testing # Normalize MQAM outputs if mod_type == 'MQAM': z_prime *= z_scale return z_prime, a_hat, e_phi, theta_h def time_step(z, ns, t_step, n_step): """ Create a one sample per symbol signal containing a phase rotation step Nsymb into the waveform. :param z: complex baseband signal after matched filter :param ns: number of sample per symbol :param t_step: in samples relative to Ns :param n_step: symbol sample location where the step turns on :return: the one sample per symbol signal containing the phase step Mark Wickert July 2014 """ z_step = np.hstack((z[:ns * n_step], z[(ns * n_step + t_step):], np.zeros(t_step))) return z_step def phase_step(z, ns, p_step, n_step): """ Create a one sample per symbol signal containing a phase rotation step Nsymb into the waveform. :param z: complex baseband signal after matched filter :param ns: number of sample per symbol :param p_step: size in radians of the phase step :param n_step: symbol sample location where the step turns on :return: the one sample symbol signal containing the phase step Mark Wickert July 2014 """ nn = np.arange(0, len(z[::ns])) theta = np.zeros(len(nn)) idx = np.where(nn >= n_step) theta[idx] = p_step*np.ones(len(idx)) z_rot = z[::ns] * np.exp(1j * theta) return z_rot def PLL1(theta,fs,loop_type,Kv,fn,zeta,non_lin): """ Baseband Analog PLL Simulation Model :param theta: input phase deviation in radians :param fs: sampling rate in sample per second or Hz :param loop_type: 1, first-order loop filter F(s)=K_LF; 2, integrator with lead compensation F(s) = (1 + s tau2)/(s tau1), i.e., a type II, or 3, lowpass with lead compensation F(s) = (1 + s tau2)/(1 + s tau1) :param Kv: VCO gain in Hz/v; note presently assume Kp = 1v/rad and K_LF = 1; the user can easily change this :param fn: Loop natural frequency (loops 2 & 3) or cutoff frquency (loop 1) :param zeta: Damping factor for loops 2 & 3 :param non_lin: 0, linear phase detector; 1, sinusoidal phase detector :return: theta_hat = Output phase estimate of the input theta in radians, ev = VCO control voltage, phi = phase error = theta - theta_hat Notes ----- Alternate input in place of natural frequency, fn, in Hz is the noise equivalent bandwidth Bn in Hz. Mark Wickert, April 2007 for ECE 5625/4625 Modified February 2008 and July 2014 for ECE 5675/4675 Python version August 2014 """ T = 1/float(fs) Kv = 2*np.pi*Kv # convert Kv in Hz/v to rad/s/v if loop_type == 1: # First-order loop parameters # Note Bn = K/4 Hz but K has units of rad/s #fn = 4*Bn/(2*pi); K = 2*np.pi*fn # loop natural frequency in rad/s elif loop_type == 2: # Second-order loop parameters #fn = 1/(2*pi) * 2*Bn/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta)); K = 4 *np.pi*zeta*fn # loop natural frequency in rad/s tau2 = zeta/(np.pi*fn) elif loop_type == 3: # Second-order loop parameters for one-pole lowpass with # phase lead correction. #fn = 1/(2*pi) * 2*Bn/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta)); K = Kv # Essentially the VCO gain sets the single-sided # hold-in range in Hz, as it is assumed that Kp = 1 # and KLF = 1. tau1 = K/((2*np.pi*fn)**2) tau2 = 2*zeta/(2*np.pi*fn)*(1 - 2*np.pi*fn/K*1/(2*zeta)) else: warnings.warn('Loop type must be 1, 2, or 3') # Initialize integration approximation filters filt_in_last = 0; filt_out_last = 0; vco_in_last = 0; vco_out = 0; vco_out_last = 0; # Initialize working and final output vectors n = np.arange(len(theta)) theta_hat = np.zeros_like(theta) ev = np.zeros_like(theta) phi = np.zeros_like(theta) # Begin the simulation loop for k in range(len(n)): phi[k] = theta[k] - vco_out if non_lin == 1: # sinusoidal phase detector pd_out = np.sin(phi[k]) else: # Linear phase detector pd_out = phi[k] # Loop gain gain_out = K/Kv*pd_out # apply VCO gain at VCO # Loop filter if loop_type == 2: filt_in = (1/tau2)*gain_out filt_out = filt_out_last + T/2*(filt_in + filt_in_last) filt_in_last = filt_in filt_out_last = filt_out filt_out = filt_out + gain_out elif loop_type == 3: filt_in = (tau2/tau1)*gain_out - (1/tau1)*filt_out_last u3 = filt_in + (1/tau2)*filt_out_last filt_out = filt_out_last + T/2*(filt_in + filt_in_last) filt_in_last = filt_in filt_out_last = filt_out else: filt_out = gain_out; # VCO vco_in = filt_out if loop_type == 3: vco_in = u3 vco_out = vco_out_last + T/2*(vco_in + vco_in_last) vco_in_last = vco_in vco_out_last = vco_out vco_out = Kv*vco_out # apply Kv # Measured loop signals ev[k] = vco_in theta_hat[k] = vco_out return theta_hat, ev, phi def PLL_cbb(x,fs,loop_type,Kv,fn,zeta): """ Baseband Analog PLL Simulation Model :param x: input phase deviation in radians :param fs: sampling rate in sample per second or Hz :param loop_type: 1, first-order loop filter F(s)=K_LF; 2, integrator with lead compensation F(s) = (1 + s tau2)/(s tau1), i.e., a type II, or 3, lowpass with lead compensation F(s) = (1 + s tau2)/(1 + s tau1) :param Kv: VCO gain in Hz/v; note presently assume Kp = 1v/rad and K_LF = 1; the user can easily change this :param fn: Loop natural frequency (loops 2 & 3) or cutoff frequency (loop 1) :param zeta: Damping factor for loops 2 & 3 :return: theta_hat = Output phase estimate of the input theta in radians, ev = VCO control voltage, phi = phase error = theta - theta_hat Mark Wickert, April 2007 for ECE 5625/4625 Modified February 2008 and July 2014 for ECE 5675/4675 Python version August 2014 """ T = 1/float(fs) Kv = 2*np.pi*Kv # convert Kv in Hz/v to rad/s/v if loop_type == 1: # First-order loop parameters # Note Bn = K/4 Hz but K has units of rad/s #fn = 4*Bn/(2*pi); K = 2*np.pi*fn # loop natural frequency in rad/s elif loop_type == 2: # Second-order loop parameters #fn = 1/(2*pi) * 2*Bn/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta)); K = 4 *np.pi*zeta*fn # loop natural frequency in rad/s tau2 = zeta/(np.pi*fn) elif loop_type == 3: # Second-order loop parameters for one-pole lowpass with # phase lead correction. #fn = 1/(2*pi) * 2*Bn/(zeta + 1/(4*zeta)); K = Kv # Essentially the VCO gain sets the single-sided # hold-in range in Hz, as it is assumed that Kp = 1 # and KLF = 1. tau1 = K/((2*np.pi*fn)^2); tau2 = 2*zeta/(2*np.pi*fn)*(1 - 2*np.pi*fn/K*1/(2*zeta)) else: warnings.warn('Loop type must be 1, 2, or 3') # Initialize integration approximation filters filt_in_last = 0; filt_out_last = 0; vco_in_last = 0; vco_out = 0; vco_out_last = 0; vco_out_cbb = 0 # Initialize working and final output vectors n = np.arange(len(x)) theta_hat = np.zeros(len(x)) ev = np.zeros(len(x)) phi = np.zeros(len(x)) # Begin the simulation loop for k in range(len(n)): #phi[k] = theta[k] - vco_out phi[k] = np.imag(x[k] * np.conj(vco_out_cbb)) pd_out = phi[k] # Loop gain gain_out = K/Kv*pd_out # apply VCO gain at VCO # Loop filter if loop_type == 2: filt_in = (1/tau2)*gain_out filt_out = filt_out_last + T/2*(filt_in + filt_in_last) filt_in_last = filt_in filt_out_last = filt_out filt_out = filt_out + gain_out elif loop_type == 3: filt_in = (tau2/tau1)*gain_out - (1/tau1)*filt_out_last u3 = filt_in + (1/tau2)*filt_out_last filt_out = filt_out_last + T/2*(filt_in + filt_in_last) filt_in_last = filt_in filt_out_last = filt_out else: filt_out = gain_out; # VCO vco_in = filt_out if loop_type == 3: vco_in = u3 vco_out = vco_out_last + T/2*(vco_in + vco_in_last) vco_in_last = vco_in vco_out_last = vco_out vco_out = Kv*vco_out # apply Kv vco_out_cbb = np.exp(1j*vco_out) # Measured loop signals ev[k] = vco_in theta_hat[k] = vco_out return theta_hat, ev, phi
#!/usr/env python3 try: import numpypy as np except: import numpy as np try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle #import ipdb ## Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm(a.k.a Thomas algorithm) solver def TDMAsolver(a, b, c, d): ''' TDMA solver, a b c d can be NumPy array type or Python list type. refer to ''' nf = len(a) # number of equations ac, bc, cc, dc = map(np.array, (a, b, c, d)) # copy the array for it in xrange(1, nf): mc = ac[it]/bc[it-1] bc[it] = bc[it] - mc*cc[it-1] dc[it] = dc[it] - mc*dc[it-1] xc = ac xc[-1] = dc[-1]/bc[-1] for il in xrange(nf-2, -1, -1): xc[il] = (dc[il]-cc[il]*xc[il+1])/bc[il] del bc, cc, dc # delete variables from memory return xc class Vector(object): def __init__(self, parent): # save the pointer to the parent (dynamical) self.p = parent # initial G = 0, G[k,n] self.G = np.zeros((self.p.Nz, self.p.NFourier), dtype="float64") # access via G[k][n] def step(self): # save the old G self.G_old = self.G.copy() # compute the new one self.compute_G() # new += dt/2*(3G-G_old) self.field[1:-1] = (self.field[1:-1] + self.p.dt/2*(3*self.G[1:-1] - self.G_old[1:-1]) ) # conditions at top and bottom : null self.field[0 ,:] = 0 self.field[-1,:] = 0 def compute_G(self): raise Exception("Vector class is a base class, not supposed to be "+ "used like that") def initial(self, init_cond): if init_cond == 'null': self.field = np.zeros((self.p.Nz, self.p.NFourier)) elif init_cond == "T": self.field = np.array([[T_0(n,k,self.p) for n in range(self.p.NFourier)] for k in range(self.p.Nz)]) else: raise Exception("init_cond must be either `null` or `T`") class Temp(Vector): name = "T" def compute_G(self): # compute G except for k = 0, Nz-1 and n = 0 for n in range(1, self.p.NFourier): self.G[1:-1,n] = ((self.field[:-2,n]-2*self.field[1:-1,n]+self.field[2:,n]) * self.p.oodz2 - (n*self.p.pi/self.p.a)**2 * self.field[1:-1,n] ) class Vort(Vector): name = "ω" def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.compute_wk() def compute_wk(self): # init. the arrays: self.wk1 = np.zeros((self.p.Nz, self.p.NFourier)) self.wk2 = np.zeros((self.p.Nz, self.p.NFourier)) self.sub = np.zeros((self.p.Nz, self.p.NFourier)) for n in range(1,self.p.NFourier): # save some usefull functions sub_f = lambda k : -self.p.oodz2 if k<self.p.Nz-1 else 1 dia = lambda k : (n*self.p.pi/self.p.a)**2 + 2*self.p.oodz2 if 0<k<self.p.Nz-1 else 1 sup = lambda k : -self.p.oodz2 if k>0 else 1 # tridiag. solver self.wk1[0,n] = 1/dia(0) self.wk2[0,n] = sup(0) * self.wk1[0,n] for k in range(1, self.p.Nz-1): self.wk1[k,n] = 1 /(dia(k)-sub_f(k)*self.wk2[k-1,n]) self.wk2[k,n] = sup(k)*self.wk1[k,n] self.wk1[-1,n] = 1/(dia(self.p.Nz-1)-sub_f(self.p.Nz-1)*self.wk2[-2,n]) self.sub[:,n] = [sub_f(k) for k in range(self.p.Nz)] def step(self): rhs = self.p.psi.field.copy() # boundary conditions k=0, Nz-1 : psi = 0 rhs[0, :] = 0 rhs[-1,:] = 0 for n in range(1,self.p.NFourier): # tridiag. solver self.field[0,n] = rhs[0,n]*self.wk1[0,n] for k in range(1, self.p.Nz): self.field[k,n] = (rhs[k,n] - self.sub[k,n]*self.field[k-1,n]*self.wk1[k,n]) for k in range(self.p.Nz-2, 0, -1): self.field[k,n] = self.field[k,n]-self.wk2[k,n]*self.field[k+1,n] class Stream(Vector): name = "ψ" def compute_G(self): # compute G except for k=0, Nz-1 and n=0 for n in range(1, self.p.NFourier): a = self.p.Ra*n*self.p.pi/self.p.a*self.p.T.field[1:-1,n] b = (self.field[:-2,n] - 2*self.field[1:-1,n] + self.field[2:,n])*self.p.oodz2 c = (n*self.p.pi/self.p.a)**2*self.field[1:-1,n] self.G[1:-1,n] = self.p.Pr*( a + b - c) class Simulation(object): param_list = {'Re': 1, 'Pr': 1, 'Ra': 1, 'a' : 1, 'Nz': 100, 'NFourier': 50, 'dt_security': 0.9, 'maxiter': 100, 'freq_output': 10, 'freq_critical_Ra':50, 'verbose': False} def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): # save the default parameters for param, value in self.param_list.items(): setattr(self, param, value) # override if necessary for param, value in kargs.items(): if param not in self.param_list: raise Exception("`%s' not recognized" % param) else: setattr(self, param, value) # set the initial values self.t = 0 self.niter = 0 = 1/(self.Nz-1) # some usefull quantities self.oodz2 = 1/**2 self.pi = np.pi # create the inner fields self.T = Temp(self) = Vort(self) self.psi = Stream(self) # previous fields for critical Ra number self.T_old = np.zeros((self.NFourier,)) self.omega_old = np.zeros((self.NFourier,)) self.psi_old = np.zeros((self.NFourier,)) def __del__(self): pass def growth(self): ''' Calculate the log-growth rate and return a string containing all the growth rate''' amp = lambda v: np.log(abs(v)) if v != 0 else 0 gr = lambda new,old,n: str(amp(new.field[self.Nz//3,n]) - amp(abs(old[n]))) out = "".join([ gr(self.T, self.T_old,n) + "\t" + gr(, self.omega_old,n) + "\t" + gr(self.psi, self.psi_old,n) + "\t" for n in range(self.NFourier) ]) # save the arrays for next output self.T_old = self.T.field[self.Nz//3,:].copy() self.omega_old =[self.Nz//3,:].copy() self.psi_old = self.psi.field[self.Nz//3,:].copy() return out+"\n" def step(self): # eventually output if self.verbose and self.niter % self.freq_output == 0: self.dump() # eventually calculate the d-ln term for the critical Ra if self.verbose and self.niter % self.freq_critical_Ra == 0 : output = "# growth : \t" output+= "".join([ "{}_{n}\t{}_{n}\t{}_{n}\t".format(T=self.T,, psi=self.psi, n=n) for n in range(self.NFourier)]) output+= "\n" output+= "# growth : \t" output+= self.growth() print(output) # get the max timestep self.CFL() # increase the time, the iteration self.t += self.dt self.niter += 1 # check that the end is not reached if self.niter > self.maxiter: return False else: return True def dump(self): output = "#k\t" for n in range(self.NFourier): o = "{T}_{n}\t{w}_{n}\t{psi}_{n}\t".format(,,, n=n) output += o output += "\n" for k in range(self.Nz): output += str(k) + "\t" for n in range(self.NFourier): l = "{T}\t{w}\t{psi}\t".format(T=self.T.field[k,n],[k,n], psi=self.psi.field[k,n]) output += l output += "\n" print(output) def CFL(self): # dt < (dz)^2/4 or (dz)^2/(4Pr) if Pr > 1 self.dt = self.dt_security ***2/(4*max(1,self.Pr)) def T_0 (n,k,s): if n > 0: return np.sin(s.pi*k* else: return 1-k* if __name__ == '__main__': # create a new simulation s = Simulation(Re=5) # initial conditions psi(0) = 0, Omega(0) = 0 s.psi.initial("null")"null") # T_n(t=0) = sin(pi*k*dz) & T_0(t=0) = 1-k*dz s.T.initial(lambda n, k: T_0(n,k,s)) # main loop over time while s.step(): s.T.step() s.psi.step() del s
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This file is part of CosmicFish. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by the CosmicFish authors # # The CosmicFish code is free software; # You can use it, redistribute it, and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at # the top level of the CosmicFish distribution. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ .. module:: fisher_operations :platform: Unix :synopsis: Module that contains operations that can be performed on Fisher matrices. All of them are safeguarded against non-Fisher input. .. moduleauthor:: Marco Raveri <> for the CosmicFish code. """ # *************************************************************************************** import numpy as np from . import fisher_matrix as fm import math # *************************************************************************************** def eliminate_columns_rows( fisher_matrix, indexes ): """ This function eliminates the row and columns corresponding to the given indexes from the Fisher matrix. It also deletes all the other informations like the names of the parameters. Notice that the index corresponding to the first parameter is zero. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param indexes: list of integers with the indexes to delete from the Fisher matrix :type indexes: :class:`list` of :class:`int` :returns: A Fisher matrix with the columns and rows deleted :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check validity of the input: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # write the param names: new_param_names = [] new_param_names_latex = [] new_param_fiducial = [] for i in range( fisher_matrix.num_params ): if i not in indexes: new_param_names.append( fisher_matrix.param_names[i] ) new_param_names_latex.append( fisher_matrix.param_names_latex[i] ) new_param_fiducial.append( fisher_matrix.param_fiducial[i] ) # write the Fisher matrix: fisher_temp = np.delete ( np.delete( fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix, indexes , 0 ), indexes , 1 ) # initialize the new Fisher matrix: fisher_new = fm.fisher_matrix(fisher_matrix=fisher_temp, param_names=new_param_names, param_names_latex=new_param_names_latex, fiducial=new_param_fiducial ) = + '_reduced' fisher_new.path = fisher_matrix.path fisher_new.indir = fisher_matrix.indir return fisher_new # *************************************************************************************** def eliminate_parameters( fisher_matrix, names ): """ This function eliminates the row and columns corresponding to the given parameter name from the Fisher matrix. It also deletes all the other informations like the names of the parameters. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param names: list of names of the parameters to delete from the Fisher matrix :type names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :returns: A Fisher matrix with the parameters deleted :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check validity of the input: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # get the indexes of the parameters: index_list = [] for i in names: if i not in fisher_matrix.param_names_dict: raise ValueError('Error, parameter '+str(i)+' is not in a parameter of fisher_matrix') index_list.append(fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[i]-1) # elminate them from the list and return: return eliminate_columns_rows( fisher_matrix, index_list ) # *************************************************************************************** def reshuffle( fisher_matrix, names ): """ This function reshuffles a Fisher matrix. The new Fisher matrix will have the parameters specified in names, in the order specified by names. Can be used to delete parameters, change their order or extract the Fisher for some parameters without marginalizing over the others. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param names: list of names of the parameters that are desired in the output Fisher matrix, in the desired order. :type names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :returns: A Fisher matrix with the new parameters :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check validity of the input: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # check wether the names required are inside the Fisher matrix: for i in names: if i not in fisher_matrix.param_names_dict: raise ValueError('Error, parameter '+str(i)+' is not in a parameter of fisher_matrix') # get the new latex names and fiducial: new_param_names_latex = [] new_param_fiducial = [] for i in names: ind = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[i] -1 new_param_names_latex.append(fisher_matrix.param_names_latex[ind]) new_param_fiducial.append(fisher_matrix.param_fiducial[ind]) # initialize an empty matrix: num_param_new = len(names) new_matrix = np.zeros([num_param_new,num_param_new]) # fill the new matrix: for i in range(num_param_new): for j in range(num_param_new): # get the name: x = names[i] y = names[j] # get the parameter name: x1 = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[x]-1 y1 = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[y]-1 # get the entrance of the new matrix: new_matrix[i,j] = fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix[x1,y1] # create the new Fisher matrix: fisher_new = fm.fisher_matrix(fisher_matrix=new_matrix, param_names=names, param_names_latex=new_param_names_latex, fiducial=new_param_fiducial) = + '_reshuffled' fisher_new.path = fisher_matrix.path fisher_new.indir = fisher_matrix.indir return fisher_new # *************************************************************************************** def marginalise( fisher_matrix, names ): """ This function marginalises a Fisher matrix over all parameters but the ones in names. The new Fisher matrix will have the parameters specified in names, in the order specified by names. The calculation is performed in the numerically stable way. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param names: list of names of the parameters of the output Fisher matrix, in the order that will appear in the output Fisher matrix. All other parameters will be marginalized over. :type names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :returns: A Fisher matrix with the marginalized parameters :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check validity of the input: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # check wether the names required are inside the Fisher matrix: for i in names: if i not in fisher_matrix.param_names_dict: raise ValueError('Error, parameter '+str(i)+' is not in a parameter of fisher_matrix') # get the new latex names and fiducial: new_param_names_latex = [] new_param_fiducial = [] for i in names: ind = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[i] -1 new_param_names_latex.append(fisher_matrix.param_names_latex[ind]) new_param_fiducial.append(fisher_matrix.param_fiducial[ind]) # initialize an empty matrix: num_param_new = len(names) new_matrix = np.zeros([num_param_new,num_param_new]) # fill the new inverse matrix: for i in range(num_param_new): for j in range(num_param_new): # get the name: x = names[i] y = names[j] # get the parameter name: x1 = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[x]-1 y1 = fisher_matrix.param_names_dict[y]-1 # get the entrance of the new matrix: new_matrix[i,j] = fisher_matrix.get_fisher_inverse()[x1,y1] fisher_temp = np.linalg.inv( new_matrix ) # create the new Fisher matrix: fisher_new = fm.fisher_matrix(fisher_matrix=fisher_temp, param_names=names, param_names_latex=new_param_names_latex, fiducial=new_param_fiducial) = + '_marginal' fisher_new.path = fisher_matrix.path fisher_new.indir = fisher_matrix.indir return fisher_new # *************************************************************************************** def marginalise_over( fisher_matrix, names ): """ This function marginalises a Fisher matrix over the parameters in names. The new Fisher matrix will not have the parameters specified in names. The calculation is performed in the numerically stable way. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param names: list of names of the parameters over which the Fisher will be marginalised. :type names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :returns: A Fisher matrix with the names parameters marginalized. :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check validity of the input: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # check wether the names required are inside the Fisher matrix: for i in names: if i not in fisher_matrix.param_names_dict: raise ValueError('Error, parameter '+str(i)+' is not in a parameter of fisher_matrix') # get the indexes: new_names = [ i for i in fisher_matrix.param_names if i not in names ] return marginalise( fisher_matrix, new_names ) # *************************************************************************************** def information_gain( fisher_1, fisher_2, fisher_prior, units=math.log(2.0), stat=True ): """ This function computes the Fisher approximation of Kullback-Leibler information gain. For the details of the formula we refer to the CosmicFish notes. :param fisher_1: first input Fisher matrix :type fisher_1: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param fisher_2: second input Fisher matrix :type fisher_2: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param fisher_prior: input Fisher matrix with the prior information. :type fisher_prior: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param units: Units of information gain. Optional by default in Bits. :type units: :class:`float` :param stat: wether to output the expected value and variance :type stat: :class:`logical` :returns: a :class:`float` with the information gain. :rtype: :class:`float` """ info_gain = 0.0 # first computations: F1p = fisher_1 + fisher_prior F2p = fisher_2 + fisher_prior # get common parameter names: param_names = [ name for name in F1p.get_param_names() if name in F2p.get_param_names() ] # reshuffle the second matrix: F1p = reshuffle( F1p, param_names ) F2p = reshuffle( F2p, param_names ) # define a dummy Fisher matrix with empty entrances and with the same parameters as the others: fisher_temp = fm.fisher_matrix( fisher_matrix=0.0*F2p.get_fisher_matrix(), param_names=F2p.get_param_names(), param_names_latex=F2p.get_param_names_latex(), fiducial=F2p.get_param_fiducial() ) fisher_temp = fisher_2 + fisher_temp # the first term: info_gain = info_gain -math.log( F1p.determinant()/F2p.determinant() ) info_gain = info_gain -F1p.get_fisher_matrix().shape[0] # the second trace term: info_gain = info_gain + np.trace( F2p.get_fisher_inverse() , F1p.get_fisher_matrix() ) ) # add additional term if statistical average over data is wanted if stat: # we break down the third term into two pieces: temp = fisher_temp.get_fisher_matrix(), F2p.get_fisher_inverse() ),F1p.get_fisher_matrix() ), F2p.get_fisher_inverse() ) temp = temp + temp,fisher_temp.get_fisher_matrix() ), F1p.get_fisher_inverse() ) info_gain = info_gain + np.trace( temp ) # compute variance: temp = temp, temp ) info_variance = np.trace( temp ) # output info_gain = info_gain/2.0/units return info_gain # ***************************************************************************************
import math from renderer import RenderNode from terrain.bakery.gpuBakery import tileMapSize from terrain.bakery.bakery import loadTex from panda3d.core import * #from terrain.textureRenderer import * class GeoClipMapper(RenderNode): def __init__(self,path,tileSource,minScale,focus): RenderNode.__init__(self,path,NodePath(path+"_terrainNode"),heightScale=300.0) heightMapName=self.specialMaps['height'] self.heightMapRez=0 for s in tileSource.shaders: if self.heightMapRez=s.getRez(tileMapSize) break if self.heightMapRez==0: print 'Failed to determain height map resolution' self.setShaderInput("heightMapRez",self.heightMapRez,0,0,0) self.focus=focus self.minScale=minScale self.tileSource=tileSource self.heightStage=TextureStage("height") rezFactor=50 n=rezFactor*4-1 if n+4>=self.heightMapRez: print 'Error: Can not have geoClipMap rez higher than height map rez' self.rez=n m=(n+1)/4 self.baseTileScale=minScale/n*self.heightMapRez scale=minScale/(n-1) self.terrainNode.setScale(scale,scale,scale) self.shaderHeightScale=self.heightScale/scale self.terrainNode.setShaderInput("heightScale",self.shaderHeightScale,0,0) self.terrainNode.setShader(loader.loadShader("terrain/geoClip.sha")) def makeGrid(xSize,ySize): """ Size is in verts, not squares """ format=GeomVertexFormat.getV3() vdata=GeomVertexData('grid', format, Geom.UHStatic) vertex=GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'vertex') grid=Geom(vdata) #snode=GeomNode('grid') for x in xrange(xSize): for y in xrange(ySize): vertex.addData3f(x,y,0) tri=GeomTristrips(Geom.UHStatic) def index(lx,ly): return ly+lx*(ySize) for x in xrange(xSize-1): for y in xrange(ySize): tri.addVertex(index(x,y)) tri.addVertex(index(x+1,y)) tri.closePrimitive() grid.addPrimitive(tri) grid.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) grid.setBounds(BoundingBox(Point3(0,0,0),Point3(xSize-1,ySize-1,self.shaderHeightScale))) #snode.addGeom(grid) #snode.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) #snode.setBounds(BoundingBox(Point3(0,0,0),Point3(xSize-1,ySize-1,self.shaderHeightScale))) #snode.setFinal(True) return grid nxn=makeGrid(n,n) mxm=makeGrid(m,m) mx3=makeGrid(m,3) x3xm=makeGrid(3,m) m2x2=makeGrid(2*m+1,2) cNode=GeomNode('center') cGeom=nxn.makeCopy() cGeom.transformVertices(Mat4.translateMat(-n/2,-n/2,0)) cNode.addGeom(cGeom) cGeom.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) cGeom.setBounds(BoundingBox(Point3(-n/2,-n/2,0),Point3(n/2-1,n/2-1,self.shaderHeightScale))) cNode.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) center=_GeoClipLevel(0,self,cNode) #NodePath(nxn).instanceTo(center).setPos(-n/2,-n/2,0) center.reparentTo(self.terrainNode) halfOffset=n/2 #ring=NodePath("Ring") ring=GeomNode('ring') def doCorner(x,y): xd=x*n/2-(x+1)*m/2 yd=y*n/2-(y+1)*m/2 def doGeom(g,x,y): cGeom=(g).makeCopy() cGeom.transformVertices(Mat4.translateMat(x,y,0)) cGeom.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) b=g.getBounds() p=b.getPoint(7) cGeom.setBounds(BoundingBox(Point3(x,y,0),Point3(p.getX()+x,p.getY()+y,self.shaderHeightScale))) ring.addGeom(cGeom) doGeom(mxm,xd,yd) doGeom(mxm,xd,yd-y*(m-1)) doGeom(mxm,xd-x*(m-1),yd) #NodePath(mxm).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd,yd,0) #NodePath(mxm).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd,yd-y*(m-1),0) #NodePath(mxm).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd-x*(m-1),yd,0) if x==-1: if y==1: doGeom(mx3,xd,yd-y*(m+1)) #NodePath(mx3).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd,yd-y*(m+1),0) else: xd2=n/2-m doGeom(mx3,xd2,yd+2*m-2) #NodePath(mx3).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd2,yd+2*m-2,0) else: doGeom(x3xm,xd-x*(m+1),yd) #NodePath(x3xm).copyTo(ring).setPos(xd-x*(m+1),yd,0) doCorner(-1,-1) doCorner(1,-1) doCorner(-1,1) doCorner(1,1) ring.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) ringCount=4 self.levels=[center] for i in xrange(ringCount): cNode=GeomNode('ring'+str(i)) cNode.addGeomsFrom(ring) '''for c in ring.getChildren(): x=c.copyTo(r) #v1=Point3() #v2=Point3() #x.calcTightBounds(v1,v2) #v2.setZ(1) node=x.node() node.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) node.setBounds(c.node().getBounds())#(BoundingBox(v1,v2)) node.setFinal(1) x.showBounds()''' #r.showBounds() r=_GeoClipLevel(i+1,self,cNode) r.reparentTo(self.terrainNode) r.node().setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) #r.showBounds() self.levels.append(r) self.terrainNode.setShaderInput("n",n,0,0,0) # Add a task to keep updating the terrain taskMgr.add(self.update, "update") self.grass=self.setUpGrass(center,n) grassTex = loadTex("terrain/grassSheet",True) self.grass.setShaderInput("grassSheet",grassTex) grassTex.setWrapU(Texture.WMClamp) grassTex.setWrapV(Texture.WMClamp) self.terrainNode.setShaderInput("offset",0,0,0,0) #for r in self.levels: # for node in r.getChildren(): # node.setShaderInput("offset",node.getX()+halfOffset,node.getY()+halfOffset,0,0) self.centerTile=None def setUpGrass(self,node,rez): # create a mesh thats a bunch of disconnected rectangles, 1 tall, 0.5 wide, at every grid point format=GeomVertexFormat.getV3() snode=GeomNode('grass') grass=NodePath(snode) grass.reparentTo(node) grass.setAttrib(CullFaceAttrib.make(CullFaceAttrib.MCullNone)) grass.setShader(loader.loadShader("terrain/geoClipGrass.sha")) cullmargin=3 def makeGrid(ofx,ofy,xStart,yStart,xEnd,yEnd): # does not include end values, but does include start ones vdata=GeomVertexData('grid', format, Geom.UHStatic) vertex=GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'vertex') grid=Geom(vdata) snode.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) for x in xrange(xStart,xEnd): for y in xrange(yStart,yEnd): xp=x-ofx-.25-1 yp=y-ofy-1 vertex.addData3f(xp,yp,0) vertex.addData3f(xp+.5,yp,0) vertex.addData3f(xp,yp,1) vertex.addData3f(xp+.5,yp,1) tri=GeomTristrips(Geom.UHStatic) def index(lx,ly): return ((ly-yStart)+(lx-xStart)*(yEnd-yStart))*4 for x in xrange(xStart,xEnd): for y in xrange(yStart,yEnd): i=index(x,y) tri.addVertex(i) tri.addVertex(i+1) tri.addVertex(i+2) tri.addVertex(i+3) tri.closePrimitive() grid.addPrimitive(tri) snode.addGeom(grid) #block=NodePath(snode) #block.reparentTo(grass) grid.setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) grid.setBounds(BoundingBox(Point3(xStart-cullmargin-ofx,yStart-cullmargin-ofy,0),Point3(xEnd-1+cullmargin-ofx,yEnd-1+cullmargin-ofy,self.shaderHeightScale+cullmargin))) #block.node().setFinal(True) # #grass.showBounds() #makeGrid(rez/2,rez/2,0,0,rez,rez) c=5 for x in xrange(c): for y in xrange(c): makeGrid(rez/2,rez/2,x*rez//c,y*rez//c,(x+1)*rez//c,(y+1)*rez//c) grass.node().setBoundsType(BoundingVolume.BTBox) #grass.showBounds() return grass def height(self,x,y): if self.centerTile is None: return 0 #print 'y' tile=self.centerTile peeker=self.heightPeeker tx=(x-tile.x)/tile.scale ty=(y-tile.y)/tile.scale c=Vec4() sx=peeker.getXSize() sy=peeker.getYSize() px=(sx*tx) py=(sy*ty) #u=math.floor(px)/sx #v=math.floor(py)/sy fu=px-math.floor(px) fv=py-math.floor(py) #u2=math.floor(px+1)/sx #v2=math.floor(py)/sy px=math.floor(px) py=math.floor(py) #peeker.lookup(c,u,v) def getH(x,y): peeker.lookup(c,x/sx,y/sy) return c.getX()+c.getY()/256+c.getZ()/(256*256) h=(getH(px+1,py+1)*fu+getH(px,py+1)*(1-fu))*fv+(getH(px+1,py)*fu+getH(px,py)*(1-fu))*(1-fv) #peeker.filterRect(c,px/sx,py/sy,px/sx,py/sy) #h=c.getX()+c.getY()/256+c.getZ()/(256*256) return h*self.heightScale def update(self,task): center=self.levels[0] if center.lastTile: maps=center.lastTile.renderMaps t=maps[self.specialMaps['height']].tex if self.centerTile is not center.lastTile: # new height tex! self.heightPeeker=t.peek() self.centerTile=center.lastTile for i in xrange(len(self.levels),0,-1): self.levels[i-1].update(self.levels[i] if i<len(self.levels) else None) return task.cont #def height(self,x,y): return 0 class _GeoClipLevel(NodePath): def __init__(self,level,geoClipMapper,node=None): """ level starts at 0 in center scale is 2**level """ if node: NodePath.__init__(self,node) else: NodePath.__init__(self,"GeoClipLevel_"+str(level)) self.level=level self.geoClipMapper=geoClipMapper self.heightTex=Texture()#loadTex("renderData/textures/grass") # some texture as place holder before map is made. self.setShaderInput("height",self.heightTex) scale=2**(level) self.setScale(scale,scale,1) self.lastTile=None self.tileScale=geoClipMapper.baseTileScale*scale self.makingTile=False self.setShaderInput("tileOffset",0,0,0,0) self.setShaderInput("tilePos",0,0,0,0) def update(self,bigger): """ bigger is next larger _GeoClipLevel, or None is self is biggest """ # Place me! s=int(self.getScale().getX())*2 fx=self.geoClipMapper.focus.getX(self.geoClipMapper.terrainNode) fy=self.geoClipMapper.focus.getY(self.geoClipMapper.terrainNode) x=int(fx)/s+1 y=int(fy)/s+1 self.setPos(x*s,y*s,0) # Tex Offset #node.setShaderInput("texOffset",node.getX()+halfOffset,node.getY()+halfOffset,0,0) if self.lastTile is not None: # get dist from center of self.lastTile to focuse tx=(self.lastTile.x+self.tileScale/2.0)/self.geoClipMapper.terrainNode.getSx() ty=(self.lastTile.y+self.tileScale/2.0)/self.geoClipMapper.terrainNode.getSy() dx=self.getX()-tx dy=self.getY()-ty # convert dx and dy to current level scale dx/=self.getSx() dy/=self.getSy() # get margin in px between current tile edge and level edge s=self.geoClipMapper.heightMapRez mx=s/2-abs(dx)-self.geoClipMapper.rez/2 my=s/2-abs(dy)-self.geoClipMapper.rez/2 ox=dx+s/2 oy=dy+s/2 self.setShaderInput("tileOffset",ox,oy,0,0) self.setShaderInput("tilePos",self.lastTile.x,self.lastTile.y,self.lastTile.scale,0) self.setShaderInput("grassData",self.lastTile.renderMaps[self.geoClipMapper.specialMaps['grassData']].tex) self.setShaderInput("grassData2",self.lastTile.renderMaps[self.geoClipMapper.specialMaps['grassData2']].tex) m=min(mx,my) if (not self.makingTile) and (self.lastTile is None or m<2): self.makingTile=True x=self.geoClipMapper.focus.getX(self.geoClipMapper)-self.tileScale/2 y=self.geoClipMapper.focus.getY(self.geoClipMapper)-self.tileScale/2 self.geoClipMapper.tileSource.asyncGetTile(x,y,self.tileScale,self.asyncTileDone) def asyncTileDone(self,tile): self.lastTile=tile print "Tile Level: "+str(self.level) self.makingTile=False tex=self.lastTile.renderMaps[self.geoClipMapper.specialMaps['height']].tex tex.setMinfilter(Texture.FTNearest) tex.setMagfilter(Texture.FTNearest) self.setShaderInput("height",tex)
# # Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from import base_resource from import base_response from import options from import nitro_exception from import nitro_util class systemcmdpolicy(base_resource) : """ Configuration for command policy resource. """ def __init__(self) : self._policyname = "" self._action = "" self._cmdspec = "" self._builtin = [] self.___count = 0 @property def policyname(self) : """Name for a command policy. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore (_) character, and must contain only alphanumeric, hyphen (-), period (.), hash (#), space ( ), at (@), equal (=), colon (:), and underscore characters. Cannot be changed after the policy is created. CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, "my policy" or 'my policy').<br/>Minimum length = 1. """ try : return self._policyname except Exception as e: raise e @policyname.setter def policyname(self, policyname) : """Name for a command policy. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore (_) character, and must contain only alphanumeric, hyphen (-), period (.), hash (#), space ( ), at (@), equal (=), colon (:), and underscore characters. Cannot be changed after the policy is created. CLI Users: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, "my policy" or 'my policy').<br/>Minimum length = 1 """ try : self._policyname = policyname except Exception as e: raise e @property def action(self) : """Action to perform when a request matches the policy.<br/>Possible values = ALLOW, DENY. """ try : return self._action except Exception as e: raise e @action.setter def action(self, action) : """Action to perform when a request matches the policy.<br/>Possible values = ALLOW, DENY """ try : self._action = action except Exception as e: raise e @property def cmdspec(self) : """Regular expression specifying the data that matches the policy.<br/>Minimum length = 1. """ try : return self._cmdspec except Exception as e: raise e @cmdspec.setter def cmdspec(self, cmdspec) : """Regular expression specifying the data that matches the policy.<br/>Minimum length = 1 """ try : self._cmdspec = cmdspec except Exception as e: raise e @property def builtin(self) : """.<br/>Possible values = MODIFIABLE, DELETABLE, IMMUTABLE, PARTITION_ALL. """ try : return self._builtin except Exception as e: raise e def _get_nitro_response(self, service, response) : """ converts nitro response into object and returns the object array in case of get request. """ try : result = service.payload_formatter.string_to_resource(systemcmdpolicy_response, response, self.__class__.__name__) if(result.errorcode != 0) : if (result.errorcode == 444) : service.clear_session(self) if result.severity : if (result.severity == "ERROR") : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) else : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) return result.systemcmdpolicy except Exception as e : raise e def _get_object_name(self) : """ Returns the value of object identifier argument """ try : if (self.policyname) : return str(self.policyname) return None except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def add(cls, client, resource) : """ Use this API to add systemcmdpolicy. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : addresource = systemcmdpolicy() addresource.policyname = resource.policyname addresource.action = resource.action addresource.cmdspec = resource.cmdspec return addresource.add_resource(client) else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : addresources = [ systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : addresources[i].policyname = resource[i].policyname addresources[i].action = resource[i].action addresources[i].cmdspec = resource[i].cmdspec result = cls.add_bulk_request(client, addresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def delete(cls, client, resource) : """ Use this API to delete systemcmdpolicy. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : deleteresource = systemcmdpolicy() if type(resource) != type(deleteresource): deleteresource.policyname = resource else : deleteresource.policyname = resource.policyname return deleteresource.delete_resource(client) else : if type(resource[0]) != cls : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : deleteresources = [ systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : deleteresources[i].policyname = resource[i] else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : deleteresources = [ systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : deleteresources[i].policyname = resource[i].policyname result = cls.delete_bulk_request(client, deleteresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def update(cls, client, resource) : """ Use this API to update systemcmdpolicy. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : updateresource = systemcmdpolicy() updateresource.policyname = resource.policyname updateresource.action = resource.action updateresource.cmdspec = resource.cmdspec return updateresource.update_resource(client) else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : updateresources = [ systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : updateresources[i].policyname = resource[i].policyname updateresources[i].action = resource[i].action updateresources[i].cmdspec = resource[i].cmdspec result = cls.update_bulk_request(client, updateresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def get(cls, client, name="", option_="") : """ Use this API to fetch all the systemcmdpolicy resources that are configured on netscaler. """ try : if not name : obj = systemcmdpolicy() response = obj.get_resources(client, option_) else : if type(name) != cls : if type(name) is not list : obj = systemcmdpolicy() obj.policyname = name response = obj.get_resource(client, option_) else : if name and len(name) > 0 : response = [systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(name))] obj = [systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(len(name))] for i in range(len(name)) : obj[i] = systemcmdpolicy() obj[i].policyname = name[i] response[i] = obj[i].get_resource(client, option_) return response except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def get_filtered(cls, client, filter_) : """ Use this API to fetch filtered set of systemcmdpolicy resources. filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP". """ try : obj = systemcmdpolicy() option_ = options() option_.filter = filter_ response = obj.getfiltered(client, option_) return response except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def count(cls, client) : """ Use this API to count the systemcmdpolicy resources configured on NetScaler. """ try : obj = systemcmdpolicy() option_ = options() option_.count = True response = obj.get_resources(client, option_) if response : return response[0].__dict__['___count'] return 0 except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def count_filtered(cls, client, filter_) : """ Use this API to count filtered the set of systemcmdpolicy resources. Filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP". """ try : obj = systemcmdpolicy() option_ = options() option_.count = True option_.filter = filter_ response = obj.getfiltered(client, option_) if response : return response[0].__dict__['___count'] return 0 except Exception as e : raise e class Builtin: MODIFIABLE = "MODIFIABLE" DELETABLE = "DELETABLE" IMMUTABLE = "IMMUTABLE" PARTITION_ALL = "PARTITION_ALL" class Action: ALLOW = "ALLOW" DENY = "DENY" class systemcmdpolicy_response(base_response) : def __init__(self, length=1) : self.systemcmdpolicy = [] self.errorcode = 0 self.message = "" self.severity = "" self.sessionid = "" self.systemcmdpolicy = [systemcmdpolicy() for _ in range(length)]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2011, Martín Raúl Villalba # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################## from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from threading import Lock # USB1 driver uses a USB<->Serial bridge from serial import Serial, SerialException, SerialTimeoutException # USB2 driver uses direct USB connection. Requires PyUSB from usb.control import get_interface from usb.core import USBError, find as findDeviceUSB from usb.util import (find_descriptor, claim_interface, release_interface, endpoint_direction, ENDPOINT_OUT, ENDPOINT_IN) from ant.core.exceptions import DriverError class Driver(object): def __init__(self, device, log=None, debug=False): self.device = device self.debug = debug self.log = log self._lock = Lock() def open(self): with self._lock: if self._opened: raise DriverError("Could not open device (already open).") self._open() if self.log: self.log.logOpen() @property def opened(self): with self._lock: return self._opened def close(self): with self._lock: if not self._opened: raise DriverError("Could not close device (not open).") self._close() if self.log: self.log.logClose() def read(self, count): if count <= 0: raise DriverError("Could not read from device (zero request).") if not self.opened: raise DriverError("Could not read from device (not open).") data = self._read(count) with self._lock: if self.log: self.log.logRead(data) if self.debug: self._dump(data, 'READ') return data def write(self, data): if len(data) <= 0: raise DriverError("Could not write to device (no data).") if not self.opened: raise DriverError("Could not write to device (not open).") ret = self._write(data.encode()) with self._lock: if self.debug: self._dump(data, 'WRITE') if self.log: self.log.logWrite(data[0:ret]) return ret @staticmethod def _dump(data, title): if len(data) == 0: return print("========== [{0}] ==========".format(title)) length = 8 line = 0 while data: row = data[:length] data = data[length:] hex_data = [b'%02X' % ord(byte) for byte in row] print(b'%04X' % line, b' '.join(hex_data)) print() @property def _opened(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _open(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _close(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _read(self, count): raise NotImplementedError() def _write(self, data): raise NotImplementedError() class USB1Driver(Driver): def __init__(self, device, baud_rate=115200, log=None, debug=False): super(USB1Driver, self).__init__(log, debug) self.device = device self.baud = baud_rate self._serial = None def _open(self): try: dev = Serial(self.device, self.baud) except SerialException as e: raise DriverError(str(e)) if not dev.isOpen(): raise DriverError("Could not open device") self._serial = dev self._serial.timeout = 0.01 @property def _opened(self): return self._serial is not None def _close(self): self._serial.close() def _read(self, count): return def _write(self, data): try: count = self._serial.write(data) self._serial.flush() except SerialTimeoutException as e: raise DriverError(str(e)) return count class USB2Driver(Driver): def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): super(USB2Driver, self).__init__(log, debug) self._ep_out = None self._ep_in = None self._dev = None self._int = None def _open(self): # Most of this is straight from the PyUSB example documentation dev = findDeviceUSB(idVendor=0x0fcf, idProduct=0x1008) if dev is None: raise DriverError("Could not open device (not found)") # make sure the kernel driver is not active if dev.is_kernel_driver_active(0): try: dev.detach_kernel_driver(0) except USBError as e: exit("could not detach kernel driver: {}".format(e)) dev.set_configuration() cfg = dev.get_active_configuration() interface_number = cfg[(0, 0)].bInterfaceNumber intf = find_descriptor(cfg, bInterfaceNumber=interface_number, bAlternateSetting=get_interface(dev, interface_number) ) claim_interface(dev, interface_number) ep_out = find_descriptor(intf, custom_match= \ lambda e: endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == ENDPOINT_OUT ) assert ep_out is not None ep_in = find_descriptor(intf, custom_match= \ lambda e: endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == ENDPOINT_IN ) assert ep_in is not None self._ep_out = ep_out self._ep_in = ep_in self._dev = dev self._int = interface_number @property def _opened(self): return self._dev is not None def _close(self): release_interface(self._dev, self._int) self._dev = None def _read(self, count): return def _write(self, data): return self._ep_out.write(data)
#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at # Copyright (c) 2014 Mozilla Corporation # # This code alerts on every successfully opened session on any of the host from a given list from lib.alerttask import AlertTask from mozdef_util.query_models import SearchQuery, TermMatch, PhraseMatch class WriteAudit(AlertTask): def main(self): self.parse_config('write_audit.conf', ['skipprocess', 'expectedusers']) search_query = SearchQuery(minutes=15) search_query.add_must([ TermMatch('category', 'write'), TermMatch('details.auditkey', 'audit'), ]) for processname in self.config.skipprocess.split(): search_query.add_must_not(PhraseMatch('details.processname', processname)) self.filtersManual(search_query) self.searchEventsAggregated('details.originaluser', samplesLimit=10) self.walkAggregations(threshold=2) def onAggregation(self, aggreg): category = 'write' severity = 'WARNING' tags = ['audit'] users = set() paths = set() for event in aggreg['events']: users.add(event['_source']['details']['user']) paths.add(event['_source']['summary'].split(' ')[1]) summary = '{0} Filesystem write(s) to an auditd path ({1}) by {2} ({3})'.format( aggreg['count'], ', '.join(paths), ', '.join(users), aggreg['value'] ) if aggreg['value'] in self.config.expectedusers.split(' '): severity = 'NOTICE' hostnames = self.mostCommon(aggreg['allevents'], '_source.hostname') # did they modify more than one host? # or just modify an existing configuration more than once? if len(hostnames) > 1: for i in hostnames[:5]: summary += ' on {0} ({1} hosts)'.format(i[0], i[1]) return self.createAlertDict(summary, category, tags, aggreg['events'], severity)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011 Florian Ledermann <> # # This file is part of OpenResources # # # OpenResources is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OpenResources is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with OpenResources. If not, see <>. from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.conf import settings from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template from openresources import views from openresources.models import Tag # commenting out autocomplete stuff for now, probably needs custom implementation #from autocomplete.views import autocomplete #autocomplete.register( # id = 'keys', # queryset = Tag.objects.values('key').distinct(), # fields = ('key',), # limit = 20, # key = 'key', # label = 'key', #) view_patterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', views.view, name='openresources_view'), url(r'^in/(?P<area>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.view, name='openresources_view'), url(r'^json/$', views.view_json, name='geojson'), url(r'^(?P<mode>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.view, name='openresources_view'), url(r'^in/(?P<area>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/(?P<mode>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.view, name='openresources_view'), ) urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^views/$', views.views, name='openresources_views'), url(r'^views/new/$', views.edit_view, name='openresources_new_view'), url(r'^views/edit/(?P<name>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.edit_view, name='openresources_edit_view'), url(r'^templates/$', views.templates, name='openresources_templates'), url(r'^templates/new/$', views.edit_template, name='openresources_template_edit'), url(r'^template/(?P<name>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.edit_template, name='openresources_template_edit'), # temporary, until resource view support assigned template url(r'^template-resource/(?P<template>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/(?P<resource>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.edit_with_template, name='openresources_edit_with_template'), url(r'^template-resource/(?P<template>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/$', views.edit_with_template, name='openresources_edit_with_template'), #url(r'^all/$', views.all_resources, name='openresources_all'), url(r'^tags/$', views.tags, name='openresources_tags'), # *? matches key non-greedy, matching only as few as possible characters if value has = sign in it url(r'^tag/(?P<key>.*?)=(?P<value>.*)/$', views.tag, name='openresources_tag'), url(r'^tag/(?P<key>.*)/$', views.tag, name='openresources_tag_key'), url(r'^tools/rename_tag/$', views.rename_tag, name='openresources_rename_tag'), url(r'^icons/$', views.icons, name='openresources_icons'), url(r'^icons/add/$', views.add_icon, name='openresources_new_icon'), url(r'^choices.json$', views.resource_choices), url(r'^tag/(?P<key>.*)/choices.json$', views.tag_choices), # *? matches key non-greedy, matching only as few as possible characters if value has '=' sign in it url(r'^with/tag/(?P<key>.*?)=(?P<value>.*)/$', views.resources_by_tag, name='openresources_with_tag'), url(r'^with/tag/(?P<key>.*)/$', views.resources_by_tag, name='openresources_with_key'), url(r'^resource/(?P<key>.*)/$', views.resource, name='openresources_resource'), url(r'^new/$', views.edit_resource, name='openresources_new'), url(r'^edit/(?P<key>.*)/$', views.edit_resource, name='openresources_edit'), #url('^autocomplete/(\w+)/$', autocomplete, name='autocomplete'), url(r'^context/set/$', views.set_context, name='openresources_set_context'), url(r'^search/$',, name='openresources_search'), url(r'^credits/$', direct_to_template, {'template': 'openresources/credits.html'}, name='openresources_credits'), url(r'^json/all/$', views.all_json, name='geojson_all'), url(r'^', include(view_patterns)), url(r'^view/(?P<name>[0-9A-Za-z-_]+)/', include(view_patterns)), # this cannot be reached, as we show the default view as an index page # however this is used for reversing the index page url in templates url(r'^$', views.index, name='openresources_index'), )
#! /usr/bin/env python import argparse import sys import tensorflow as tf import netifaces import dns.resolver import pieshell import multiprocessing import click FLAGS = None def run_server(spec, job_name, task_index): print "Starting server /job:%s/task:%s as %s..." % (job_name, task_index, spec[job_name][task_index]) tf.train.Server( tf.train.ClusterSpec(spec), job_name=job_name, task_index=task_index ).join() def generate_tasks(servers, base_port): """Input: {"server1": ncpus, "server2":ncpus...} Output: (("server1", port1), ("server1", port2)...("serverN", "portM")) """ for server, ncpus in servers: for cpuidx in xrange(0, ncpus): yield (server, base_port + cpuidx) def generate_cluster(servers, base_port, n_ps_tasks): tasks = ["%s:%s" % (server, port) for server, port in generate_tasks(servers, base_port)] ps_tasks = tasks[:n_ps_tasks] worker_tasks = tasks[n_ps_tasks:] return {'ps': ps_tasks, 'worker': worker_tasks} def find_local_server_idx(servers): local_ips = set([netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] for iface in netifaces.interfaces() if netifaces.AF_INET in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)]) local_ips.add("") # Hack for debian task_ips = [server[0] for server in servers] task_ips = [record.address for ip in task_ips for record in dns.resolver.query(ip, 'A')] local_task_ip = iter(local_ips.intersection(set(task_ips))).next() return task_ips.index(local_task_ip) def generate_task_indexes(servers, server_idx, n_ps_tasks): base_task_idx = sum(s[1] for s in servers[:server_idx]) server = servers[server_idx] for n in xrange(0, server[1]): task_idx = base_task_idx + n if task_idx >= n_ps_tasks: yield "worker", task_idx - n_ps_tasks else: yield "ps", task_idx def servers_to_str(servers): return ",".join("%s:%s" % s for s in servers) def str_to_servers(str): return [(name, int(ncpus)) for name, ncpus in (s.split(":") for s in str.split(","))] def introspect_cluster(servernames): return ",".join(pieshell.env.parallel("--no-notice", "--nonall", "--line-buffer", "-S", servernames, 'echo -n "$(hostname):"; cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | wc -l')) def start_cluster(servernames, base_port, n_ps_tasks): servers = introspect_cluster(servernames) print pieshell.env.parallel( '--no-notice', '--nonall', '--line-buffer', '--tag', '-S', servernames, 'nohup tfprism node run --base_port %s --ps_tasks %s %s < /dev/null > tfprism.log 2>&1 & echo "$!" > /var/run/; sleep 2' % ( base_port, n_ps_tasks, servers)) def stop_cluster(servernames): print pieshell.env.parallel( '--no-notice', '--nonall', '--line-buffer', '--tag', '-S', servernames, "kill -KILL $(cat /var/run/" % servers) def run_node(servers, base_port, n_ps_tasks): servers = str_to_servers(servers) cluster_spec = generate_cluster(servers, base_port, n_ps_tasks) procs = [multiprocessing.Process(target=run_server, args=(cluster_spec, job_name, task_index)) for job_name, task_index in generate_task_indexes(servers, find_local_server_idx(servers), n_ps_tasks)] for proc in procs: proc.daemon = True proc.start() for proc in procs: proc.join() def main(): pass def node(): pass @node.command() @click.argument("servers") @click.option('--base_port', default=5600) @click.option('--ps_tasks', default=1) def run(servers, base_port, ps_tasks): run_node(servers, base_port, ps_tasks) def cluster(): pass @cluster.command() @click.argument("servers") @click.option('--base_port', default=5600) @click.option('--ps_tasks', default=1) def start(servers, base_port, ps_tasks): start_cluster(servers, base_port, ps_tasks) @cluster.command() @click.argument("servers") def stop(servers): stop_cluster(servers) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ @author: @time: 8/10/17 @desc: virtual card route """ import json from flask import Blueprint from flask import jsonify from flask import request from peewee import DoesNotExist from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required, get_jwt_identity from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from server.service import virtual_card_service from server.utility.json_utility import models_to_json, custom_models_to_json from server.utility.exception import * from server.service import wx_payment_service from server.database.model import User from server.database.model import VirtualCard from server.utility.constant.basic_constant import \ WxPaymentBody, WxPaymentAttach PREFIX = '/virtual_card' virtual_card_app = Blueprint("virtual_card", __name__, url_prefix=PREFIX) # ***************************** 虚拟卡 ***************************** # # 获取虚拟卡 @virtual_card_app.route('', methods=['GET']) @jwt_required def get_virtual_card(): username = get_jwt_identity() # username = request.args.get("username") try: virtual_card = virtual_card_service.get_virtual_card( card_no=username ) virtual_card = model_to_dict(virtual_card, recurse=False) return jsonify({'response': virtual_card}), 200 except DoesNotExist as e: return jsonify({ 'response': { 'error': e.args, 'message': '未开通虚拟消费卡' } }), 400 # ***************************** 押金 ***************************** # # # 获取押金数额 # @virtual_card_app.route('/deposit', methods=['GET']) # def get_deposit(): # """ # check if the card deposited # :param card_no: card number # :return: True of False # """ # username = request.args.get("username") # try: # deposit = virtual_card_service.get_deposit( # card_no=username # ) # return jsonify({'response': deposit}), 200 # # except DoesNotExist as e: # return jsonify({ # 'response': { # 'error': e.args, # 'message': '未开通虚拟消费卡' # } # }) # 支付押金 @virtual_card_app.route('/deposit', methods=['POST']) @jwt_required def pay_deposit(): """ pay deposit eg = { # "card_no": "bingwei", # "deposit_fee": 199 } :return: """ username = get_jwt_identity() data = request.get_json() openid = data.get("openid") # 如果没有openid传入,则从用户信息中获取 if not openid: user = User.get(username=username) openid = user.we_chat_id try: deposit_fee = virtual_card_service.pre_pay_deposit( card_no=username, ) # 生成预付订单 result = wx_payment_service.get_prepay_id_json( openid=openid, body=WxPaymentBody.DEPOSIT, total_fee=deposit_fee * 100, attach={ "code": WxPaymentAttach.DEPOSIT } ) return jsonify({ 'response': result }), 200 except Error as e: return jsonify({ 'response': { 'error': e.args, 'message': '%s' % e.args } }), 400 # 退还押金 @virtual_card_app.route('/deposit/return_deposit', methods=['POST']) @jwt_required def return_deposit(): """ eg = { # "comment": "test", } return deposit :return: """ username = get_jwt_identity() try: result, record, refund_record = \ virtual_card_service.return_deposit( card_no=username ) return jsonify({ 'response': { "result": result, "record": model_to_dict(record, recurse=False), "refund_record": model_to_dict(refund_record, recurse=False) }}), 200 except Error as e: return jsonify({ 'response': { 'error': e.args, 'message': '%s' % e.args } }), 400 # ***************************** 余额 ***************************** # # # 获取余额 # @virtual_card_app.route('/balance', methods=['GET']) # def get_card_balance(): # """ # get card balance # # :return: balance # """ # username = request.args.get("username") # try: # balance = virtual_card_service.get_card_balance( # card_no=username # ) # return jsonify({ # 'response': { # 'balance': balance, # } # }) # except DoesNotExist as e: # return jsonify({ # 'response': { # 'error': e.args, # 'message': '未开通虚拟消费卡' # } # }) # # 消费余额 # @virtual_card.route('/balance/consume', methods=['POST']) # def consume_virtual_card(): # """ # consume virtual card # # eg = { # "username": "bingwei", # "amount": 120 # } # :return: # """ # data = request.get_json() # result, record = virtual_card_service.consume_virtual_card( # card_no=data["username"], # amount=data["amount"], # ) # return jsonify({'response': { # "result": result, # "record": model_to_dict(record) # }}), 200 # 充值 @virtual_card_app.route('/balance/top_up', methods=['POST']) @jwt_required def pre_top_up(): """ generate top up prepay top up virtual card eg = { "top_up_fee": 120, "openid": "", } :return: :rtype: """ username = get_jwt_identity() data = request.get_json() openid = data.get("openid") # 如果没有openid传入,则从用户信息中获取 try: top_up_fee = float(data["top_up_fee"]) except ValueError as e: return jsonify({ 'response': { 'error': e.args, 'message': "金额不是数字" } }), 400 if not openid: user = User.get(username=username) openid = user.we_chat_id try: # check virtual_card_service.pre_top_up( card_no=username, ) # 生成预付订单 result = wx_payment_service.get_prepay_id_json( openid=openid, body=WxPaymentBody.BALANCE, total_fee=top_up_fee * 100, attach={ "code": WxPaymentAttach.BALANCE } ) return jsonify({ 'response': result }), 200 except Error as e: return jsonify({ 'response': { 'error': e.args, 'message': '%s' % e.args } }), 400 # ***************************** 消费记录 ***************************** # # 获取消费记录 @virtual_card_app.route('/consume_record', methods=['GET']) @jwt_required def get_consume_record(): """ get consume records :param card_no: card number :return: consume records """ username = get_jwt_identity() # username = request.args.get("username") record = virtual_card_service.get_consume_record( card_no=username ) new_records = custom_models_to_json(record, [ "consume_date_time", "consume_event", "consume_fee", "id" ]) if record: return jsonify({'response': new_records}), 200 else: return jsonify({'response': 'No record found'}), 404
# encoding: UTF-8 ''' 本文件中实现了CTA策略引擎,针对CTA类型的策略,抽象简化了部分底层接口的功能。 关于平今和平昨规则: 1. 普通的平仓OFFSET_CLOSET等于平昨OFFSET_CLOSEYESTERDAY 2. 只有上期所的品种需要考虑平今和平昨的区别 3. 当上期所的期货有今仓时,调用Sell和Cover会使用OFFSET_CLOSETODAY,否则 会使用OFFSET_CLOSE 4. 以上设计意味着如果Sell和Cover的数量超过今日持仓量时,会导致出错(即用户 希望通过一个指令同时平今和平昨) 5. 采用以上设计的原因是考虑到vn.trader的用户主要是对TB、MC和金字塔类的平台 感到功能不足的用户(即希望更高频的交易),交易策略不应该出现4中所述的情况 6. 对于想要实现4中所述情况的用户,需要实现一个策略信号引擎和交易委托引擎分开 的定制化统结构(没错,得自己写) ''' from __future__ import division import json import os import traceback from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from vnpy.event import Event from vnpy.trader.vtEvent import * from vnpy.trader.vtConstant import * from vnpy.trader.vtObject import VtTickData, VtBarData from vnpy.trader.vtGateway import VtSubscribeReq, VtOrderReq, VtCancelOrderReq, VtLogData from vnpy.trader.vtFunction import todayDate from import * from import STRATEGY_CLASS ######################################################################## class CtaEngine(object): """CTA策略引擎""" settingFileName = 'CTA_setting.json' path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) settingFileName = os.path.join(path, settingFileName) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, mainEngine, eventEngine): """Constructor""" self.mainEngine = mainEngine self.eventEngine = eventEngine # 当前日期 = todayDate() # 保存策略实例的字典 # key为策略名称,value为策略实例,注意策略名称不允许重复 self.strategyDict = {} # 保存vtSymbol和策略实例映射的字典(用于推送tick数据) # 由于可能多个strategy交易同一个vtSymbol,因此key为vtSymbol # value为包含所有相关strategy对象的list self.tickStrategyDict = {} # 保存vtOrderID和strategy对象映射的字典(用于推送order和trade数据) # key为vtOrderID,value为strategy对象 self.orderStrategyDict = {} # 本地停止单编号计数 self.stopOrderCount = 0 # stopOrderID = STOPORDERPREFIX + str(stopOrderCount) # 本地停止单字典 # key为stopOrderID,value为stopOrder对象 self.stopOrderDict = {} # 停止单撤销后不会从本字典中删除 self.workingStopOrderDict = {} # 停止单撤销后会从本字典中删除 # 持仓缓存字典 # key为vtSymbol,value为PositionBuffer对象 self.posBufferDict = {} # 成交号集合,用来过滤已经收到过的成交推送 self.tradeSet = set() # 引擎类型为实盘 self.engineType = ENGINETYPE_TRADING # 注册事件监听 self.registerEvent() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def sendOrder(self, vtSymbol, orderType, price, volume, strategy): """发单""" contract = self.mainEngine.getContract(vtSymbol) req = VtOrderReq() req.symbol = contract.symbol = req.price = self.roundToPriceTick(contract.priceTick, price) req.volume = volume req.productClass = strategy.productClass req.currency = strategy.currency # 设计为CTA引擎发出的委托只允许使用限价单 req.priceType = PRICETYPE_LIMITPRICE # CTA委托类型映射 if orderType == CTAORDER_BUY: req.direction = DIRECTION_LONG req.offset = OFFSET_OPEN elif orderType == CTAORDER_SELL: req.direction = DIRECTION_SHORT # 只有上期所才要考虑平今平昨 if != EXCHANGE_SHFE: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE else: # 获取持仓缓存数据 posBuffer = self.posBufferDict.get(vtSymbol, None) # 如果获取持仓缓存失败,则默认平昨 if not posBuffer: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE # 否则如果有多头今仓,则使用平今 elif posBuffer.longToday: req.offset= OFFSET_CLOSETODAY # 其他情况使用平昨 else: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE elif orderType == CTAORDER_SHORT: req.direction = DIRECTION_SHORT req.offset = OFFSET_OPEN elif orderType == CTAORDER_COVER: req.direction = DIRECTION_LONG # 只有上期所才要考虑平今平昨 if != EXCHANGE_SHFE: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE else: # 获取持仓缓存数据 posBuffer = self.posBufferDict.get(vtSymbol, None) # 如果获取持仓缓存失败,则默认平昨 if not posBuffer: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE # 否则如果有空头今仓,则使用平今 elif posBuffer.shortToday: req.offset= OFFSET_CLOSETODAY # 其他情况使用平昨 else: req.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE vtOrderID = self.mainEngine.sendOrder(req, contract.gatewayName) # 发单 self.orderStrategyDict[vtOrderID] = strategy # 保存vtOrderID和策略的映射关系 self.writeCtaLog(u'策略%s发送委托,%s,%s,%s@%s' %(, vtSymbol, req.direction, volume, price)) return vtOrderID #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def cancelOrder(self, vtOrderID): """撤单""" # 查询报单对象 order = self.mainEngine.getOrder(vtOrderID) # 如果查询成功 if order: # 检查是否报单还有效,只有有效时才发出撤单指令 orderFinished = (order.status==STATUS_ALLTRADED or order.status==STATUS_CANCELLED) if not orderFinished: req = VtCancelOrderReq() req.symbol = order.symbol = req.frontID = order.frontID req.sessionID = order.sessionID req.orderID = order.orderID self.mainEngine.cancelOrder(req, order.gatewayName) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def sendStopOrder(self, vtSymbol, orderType, price, volume, strategy): """发停止单(本地实现)""" self.stopOrderCount += 1 stopOrderID = STOPORDERPREFIX + str(self.stopOrderCount) so = StopOrder() so.vtSymbol = vtSymbol so.orderType = orderType so.price = price so.volume = volume so.strategy = strategy so.stopOrderID = stopOrderID so.status = STOPORDER_WAITING if orderType == CTAORDER_BUY: so.direction = DIRECTION_LONG so.offset = OFFSET_OPEN elif orderType == CTAORDER_SELL: so.direction = DIRECTION_SHORT so.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE elif orderType == CTAORDER_SHORT: so.direction = DIRECTION_SHORT so.offset = OFFSET_OPEN elif orderType == CTAORDER_COVER: so.direction = DIRECTION_LONG so.offset = OFFSET_CLOSE # 保存stopOrder对象到字典中 self.stopOrderDict[stopOrderID] = so self.workingStopOrderDict[stopOrderID] = so return stopOrderID #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def cancelStopOrder(self, stopOrderID): """撤销停止单""" # 检查停止单是否存在 if stopOrderID in self.workingStopOrderDict: so = self.workingStopOrderDict[stopOrderID] so.status = STOPORDER_CANCELLED del self.workingStopOrderDict[stopOrderID] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processStopOrder(self, tick): """收到行情后处理本地停止单(检查是否要立即发出)""" vtSymbol = tick.vtSymbol # 首先检查是否有策略交易该合约 if vtSymbol in self.tickStrategyDict: # 遍历等待中的停止单,检查是否会被触发 for so in self.workingStopOrderDict.values(): if so.vtSymbol == vtSymbol: longTriggered = so.direction==DIRECTION_LONG and tick.lastPrice>=so.price # 多头停止单被触发 shortTriggered = so.direction==DIRECTION_SHORT and tick.lastPrice<=so.price # 空头停止单被触发 if longTriggered or shortTriggered: # 买入和卖出分别以涨停跌停价发单(模拟市价单) if so.direction==DIRECTION_LONG: price = tick.upperLimit else: price = tick.lowerLimit so.status = STOPORDER_TRIGGERED self.sendOrder(so.vtSymbol, so.orderType, price, so.volume, so.strategy) del self.workingStopOrderDict[so.stopOrderID] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processTickEvent(self, event): """处理行情推送""" tick = event.dict_['data'] # 收到tick行情后,先处理本地停止单(检查是否要立即发出) self.processStopOrder(tick) # 推送tick到对应的策略实例进行处理 if tick.vtSymbol in self.tickStrategyDict: # 添加datetime字段 if not tick.datetime: tick.datetime = datetime.strptime(' '.join([, tick.time]), '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%f') # 逐个推送到策略实例中 l = self.tickStrategyDict[tick.vtSymbol] for strategy in l: self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onTick, tick) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processOrderEvent(self, event): """处理委托推送""" order = event.dict_['data'] if order.vtOrderID in self.orderStrategyDict: strategy = self.orderStrategyDict[order.vtOrderID] self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onOrder, order) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processTradeEvent(self, event): """处理成交推送""" trade = event.dict_['data'] # 过滤已经收到过的成交回报 if trade.vtTradeID in self.tradeSet: return self.tradeSet.add(trade.vtTradeID) # 将成交推送到策略对象中 if trade.vtOrderID in self.orderStrategyDict: strategy = self.orderStrategyDict[trade.vtOrderID] # 计算策略持仓 if trade.direction == DIRECTION_LONG: strategy.pos += trade.volume else: strategy.pos -= trade.volume self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onTrade, trade) # 更新持仓缓存数据 if trade.vtSymbol in self.tickStrategyDict: posBuffer = self.posBufferDict.get(trade.vtSymbol, None) if not posBuffer: posBuffer = PositionBuffer() posBuffer.vtSymbol = trade.vtSymbol self.posBufferDict[trade.vtSymbol] = posBuffer posBuffer.updateTradeData(trade) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processPositionEvent(self, event): """处理持仓推送""" pos = event.dict_['data'] # 更新持仓缓存数据 if pos.vtSymbol in self.tickStrategyDict: posBuffer = self.posBufferDict.get(pos.vtSymbol, None) if not posBuffer: posBuffer = PositionBuffer() posBuffer.vtSymbol = pos.vtSymbol self.posBufferDict[pos.vtSymbol] = posBuffer posBuffer.updatePositionData(pos) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def registerEvent(self): """注册事件监听""" self.eventEngine.register(EVENT_TICK, self.processTickEvent) self.eventEngine.register(EVENT_ORDER, self.processOrderEvent) self.eventEngine.register(EVENT_TRADE, self.processTradeEvent) self.eventEngine.register(EVENT_POSITION, self.processPositionEvent) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def insertData(self, dbName, collectionName, data): """插入数据到数据库(这里的data可以是VtTickData或者VtBarData)""" self.mainEngine.dbInsert(dbName, collectionName, data.__dict__) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadBar(self, dbName, collectionName, days): """从数据库中读取Bar数据,startDate是datetime对象""" startDate = - timedelta(days) d = {'datetime':{'$gte':startDate}} barData = self.mainEngine.dbQuery(dbName, collectionName, d) l = [] for d in barData: bar = VtBarData() bar.__dict__ = d l.append(bar) return l #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadTick(self, dbName, collectionName, days): """从数据库中读取Tick数据,startDate是datetime对象""" startDate = - timedelta(days) d = {'datetime':{'$gte':startDate}} tickData = self.mainEngine.dbQuery(dbName, collectionName, d) l = [] for d in tickData: tick = VtTickData() tick.__dict__ = d l.append(tick) return l #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def writeCtaLog(self, content): """快速发出CTA模块日志事件""" log = VtLogData() log.logContent = content event = Event(type_=EVENT_CTA_LOG) event.dict_['data'] = log self.eventEngine.put(event) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadStrategy(self, setting): """载入策略""" try: name = setting['name'] className = setting['className'] except Exception, e: self.writeCtaLog(u'载入策略出错:%s' %e) return # 获取策略类 strategyClass = STRATEGY_CLASS.get(className, None) if not strategyClass: self.writeCtaLog(u'找不到策略类:%s' %className) return # 防止策略重名 if name in self.strategyDict: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例重名:%s' %name) else: # 创建策略实例 strategy = strategyClass(self, setting) self.strategyDict[name] = strategy # 保存Tick映射关系 if strategy.vtSymbol in self.tickStrategyDict: l = self.tickStrategyDict[strategy.vtSymbol] else: l = [] self.tickStrategyDict[strategy.vtSymbol] = l l.append(strategy) # 订阅合约 contract = self.mainEngine.getContract(strategy.vtSymbol) if contract: req = VtSubscribeReq() req.symbol = contract.symbol = # 对于IB接口订阅行情时所需的货币和产品类型,从策略属性中获取 req.currency = strategy.currency req.productClass = strategy.productClass self.mainEngine.subscribe(req, contract.gatewayName) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'%s的交易合约%s无法找到' %(name, strategy.vtSymbol)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def initStrategy(self, name): """初始化策略""" if name in self.strategyDict: strategy = self.strategyDict[name] if not strategy.inited: strategy.inited = True self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onInit) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'请勿重复初始化策略实例:%s' %name) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例不存在:%s' %name) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def startStrategy(self, name): """启动策略""" if name in self.strategyDict: strategy = self.strategyDict[name] if strategy.inited and not = True self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onStart) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例不存在:%s' %name) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def stopStrategy(self, name): """停止策略""" if name in self.strategyDict: strategy = self.strategyDict[name] if = False self.callStrategyFunc(strategy, strategy.onStop) # 对该策略发出的所有限价单进行撤单 for vtOrderID, s in self.orderStrategyDict.items(): if s is strategy: self.cancelOrder(vtOrderID) # 对该策略发出的所有本地停止单撤单 for stopOrderID, so in self.workingStopOrderDict.items(): if so.strategy is strategy: self.cancelStopOrder(stopOrderID) else: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例不存在:%s' %name) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def saveSetting(self): """保存策略配置""" with open(self.settingFileName, 'w') as f: l = [] for strategy in self.strategyDict.values(): setting = {} for param in strategy.paramList: setting[param] = strategy.__getattribute__(param) l.append(setting) jsonL = json.dumps(l, indent=4) f.write(jsonL) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadSetting(self): """读取策略配置""" with open(self.settingFileName) as f: l = json.load(f) for setting in l: self.loadStrategy(setting) self.loadPosition() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getStrategyVar(self, name): """获取策略当前的变量字典""" if name in self.strategyDict: strategy = self.strategyDict[name] varDict = OrderedDict() for key in strategy.varList: varDict[key] = strategy.__getattribute__(key) return varDict else: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例不存在:' + name) return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getStrategyParam(self, name): """获取策略的参数字典""" if name in self.strategyDict: strategy = self.strategyDict[name] paramDict = OrderedDict() for key in strategy.paramList: paramDict[key] = strategy.__getattribute__(key) return paramDict else: self.writeCtaLog(u'策略实例不存在:' + name) return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def putStrategyEvent(self, name): """触发策略状态变化事件(通常用于通知GUI更新)""" event = Event(EVENT_CTA_STRATEGY+name) self.eventEngine.put(event) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def callStrategyFunc(self, strategy, func, params=None): """调用策略的函数,若触发异常则捕捉""" try: if params: func(params) else: func() except Exception: # 停止策略,修改状态为未初始化 = False strategy.inited = False # 发出日志 content = '\n'.join([u'策略%s触发异常已停止', traceback.format_exc()]) self.writeCtaLog(content) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def savePosition(self): """保存所有策略的持仓情况到数据库""" for strategy in self.strategyDict.values(): flt = {'name':, 'vtSymbol': strategy.vtSymbol} d = {'name':, 'vtSymbol': strategy.vtSymbol, 'pos': strategy.pos} self.mainEngine.dbUpdate(POSITION_DB_NAME, strategy.className, d, flt, True) content = '策略%s持仓保存成功' self.writeCtaLog(content) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadPosition(self): """从数据库载入策略的持仓情况""" for strategy in self.strategyDict.values(): flt = {'name':, 'vtSymbol': strategy.vtSymbol} posData = self.mainEngine.dbQuery(POSITION_DB_NAME, strategy.className, flt) for d in posData: strategy.pos = d['pos'] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def roundToPriceTick(self, priceTick, price): """取整价格到合约最小价格变动""" if not priceTick: return price newPrice = round(price/priceTick, 0) * priceTick return newPrice #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def stop(self): """停止""" pass ######################################################################## class PositionBuffer(object): """持仓缓存信息(本地维护的持仓数据)""" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): """Constructor""" self.vtSymbol = EMPTY_STRING # 多头 self.longPosition = EMPTY_INT self.longToday = EMPTY_INT self.longYd = EMPTY_INT # 空头 self.shortPosition = EMPTY_INT self.shortToday = EMPTY_INT self.shortYd = EMPTY_INT #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def updatePositionData(self, pos): """更新持仓数据""" if pos.direction == DIRECTION_LONG: self.longPosition = pos.position self.longYd = pos.ydPosition self.longToday = self.longPosition - self.longYd else: self.shortPosition = pos.position self.shortYd = pos.ydPosition self.shortToday = self.shortPosition - self.shortYd #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def updateTradeData(self, trade): """更新成交数据""" if trade.direction == DIRECTION_LONG: # 多方开仓,则对应多头的持仓和今仓增加 if trade.offset == OFFSET_OPEN: self.longPosition += trade.volume self.longToday += trade.volume # 多方平今,对应空头的持仓和今仓减少 elif trade.offset == OFFSET_CLOSETODAY: self.shortPosition -= trade.volume self.shortToday -= trade.volume # 多方平昨,对应空头的持仓和昨仓减少 else: self.shortPosition -= trade.volume self.shortYd -= trade.volume else: # 空头和多头相同 if trade.offset == OFFSET_OPEN: self.shortPosition += trade.volume self.shortToday += trade.volume elif trade.offset == OFFSET_CLOSETODAY: self.longPosition -= trade.volume self.longToday -= trade.volume else: self.longPosition -= trade.volume self.longYd -= trade.volume
from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import os import redis import string import time from datetime import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import connection from django.test import LiveServerTestCase from django.utils import timezone from djorm_hstore.models import register_hstore_handler from smartmin.tests import SmartminTest from temba.contacts.models import Contact, ContactGroup, TEL_SCHEME, TWITTER_SCHEME from temba.orgs.models import Org from temba.channels.models import Channel from temba.locations.models import AdminBoundary from temba.flows.models import Flow from temba.msgs.models import Msg, INCOMING from temba.utils import dict_to_struct def unix_time(dt): epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) delta = dt - epoch return delta.total_seconds() def unix_time_millis(dt): return unix_time(dt) * 1000.0 def add_testing_flag_to_context(*args): return dict(testing=settings.TESTING) def uuid(id): return '00000000-00000000-00000000-%08d' % id class TembaTest(SmartminTest): def setUp(self): self.clear_cache() self.superuser = User.objects.create_superuser(username="super", email="", password="super") # some users not tied to our org self.non_org_user = self.create_user("NonOrg") self.non_org_manager = self.create_user("NonOrgManager") # our three user types inside our org self.user = self.create_user("User") self.root = self.create_user("Root") self.root.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name="Alpha")) self.admin = self.create_user("Administrator") # setup admin boundaries for Rwanda = AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='171496', name='Rwanda', level=0) state1 = AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='1708283', name='Kigali City', level=1, state2 = AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='171591', name='Eastern Province', level=1, AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='1711131', name='Gatsibo', level=2, parent=state2) AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='1711163', name='Kayonza', level=2, parent=state2) AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='60485579', name='Kigali', level=2, parent=state1) AdminBoundary.objects.create(osm_id='1711142', name='Rwamagana', level=2, parent=state2) = Org.objects.create(name="Temba", timezone="Africa/Kigali",, created_by=self.user, modified_by=self.user) # add users to the org self.admin.set_org( self.root.set_org( self.user.set_org( self.superuser.set_org( # welcome topup with 1000 credits self.welcome_topup = # a single Android channel = Channel.objects.create(, name="Test Channel", address="+250785551212", country='RW', channel_type='A', secret="12345", gcm_id="123", created_by=self.user, modified_by=self.user) # reset our simulation to False Contact.set_simulation(False) def clear_cache(self): # we are extra paranoid here and actually hardcode redis to 'localhost' and '10' # Redis 10 is our testing redis db r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', db=10) r.flushdb() def import_file(self, file, site=''): handle = open('%s/test_imports/%s.json' % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, file), 'r+') data = handle.close() # import all our bits, self.admin, site=site) def create_secondary_org(self): self.admin2 = self.create_user("Administrator2") self.org2 = Org.objects.create(name="Trileet Inc.", timezone="Africa/Kigali", created_by=self.admin2, modified_by=self.admin2) self.org2.administrators.add(self.admin2) self.admin2.set_org( def create_contact(self, name=None, number=None, twitter=None): """ Create a contact in the master test org """ urns = [] if number: urns.append((TEL_SCHEME, number)) if twitter: urns.append((TWITTER_SCHEME, twitter)) if not name and not urns: raise ValueError("Need a name or URN to create a contact") return Contact.get_or_create(, self.user, name, urns=urns) def create_group(self, name, contacts): group = ContactGroup.create(, self.user, name) group.contacts.add(*contacts) return group def create_msg(self, **kwargs): if not 'org' in kwargs: kwargs['org'] = if not 'channel' in kwargs: kwargs['channel'] = if not 'contact_urn' in kwargs: kwargs['contact_urn'] = kwargs['contact'].get_urn(TEL_SCHEME) if not 'created_on' in kwargs: kwargs['created_on'] = if not kwargs['contact'].is_test: kwargs['topup_id'] = kwargs['org'].decrement_credit() return Msg.objects.create(**kwargs) def create_flow(self): start = int(time.time() * 1000) % 1000000 definition = dict(action_sets=[dict(uuid=uuid(start + 1), x=1, y=1, destination=uuid(start + 5), actions=[dict(type='reply', msg='What is your favorite color?')]), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 2), x=2, y=2, destination=None, actions=[dict(type='reply', msg='I love orange too!')]), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 3), x=3, y=3, destination=None, actions=[dict(type='reply', msg='Blue is sad. :(')]), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 4), x=4, y=4, destination=None, actions=[dict(type='reply', msg='That is a funny color.')]) ], rule_sets=[dict(uuid=uuid(start + 5), x=5, y=5, label='color', response_type='C', rules=[ dict(uuid=uuid(start + 12), destination=uuid(start + 2), test=dict(type='contains', test='orange'), category="Orange"), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 13), destination=uuid(start + 3), test=dict(type='contains', test='blue'), category="Blue"), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 14), destination=uuid(start + 4), test=dict(type='true'), category="Other"), dict(uuid=uuid(start + 15), test=dict(type='true'), category="Nothing")]) # test case with no destination ], entry=uuid(start + 1)) flow = Flow.create(, self.admin, "Color Flow") flow.update(definition) return flow class FlowFileTest(TembaTest): def setUp(self): super(FlowFileTest, self).setUp() = self.create_contact('Ben Haggerty', '+12065552020') register_hstore_handler(connection) def assertLastResponse(self, message): response = Msg.objects.filter('-created_on', '-pk').first() self.assertTrue("Missing response from contact.", response) self.assertEquals(message, response.text) def send_message(self, flow, message, restart_participants=False, contact=None, initiate_flow=False, assert_reply=True): """ Starts the flow, sends the message, returns the reply """ if not contact: contact = try: if contact.is_test: Contact.set_simulation(True) incoming = self.create_msg(direction=INCOMING, contact=contact, text=message) # start the flow if initiate_flow: flow.start(groups=[], contacts=[contact], restart_participants=restart_participants, start_msg=incoming) else: flow.start(groups=[], contacts=[contact], restart_participants=restart_participants) self.assertTrue(flow.find_and_handle(incoming)) # our message should have gotten a reply if assert_reply: reply = Msg.objects.get(response_to=incoming) self.assertEquals(contact, return reply.text return None finally: Contact.set_simulation(False) def get_flow(self, filename, substitutions=None): flow = Flow.create(, self.admin, name=filename) self.update_flow(flow, filename, substitutions) return flow def update_flow(self, flow, filename, substitutions=None): from django.conf import settings handle = open('%s/test_flows/%s.json' % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, filename), 'r+') contents = handle.close() if substitutions: for key in substitutions.keys(): contents = contents.replace(key, str(substitutions[key])) flow.update(json.loads(contents)) return flow from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import WebDriver from HTMLParser import HTMLParser class MLStripper(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): self.reset() self.fed = [] def handle_data(self, d): self.fed.append(d) def get_data(self): return ''.join(self.fed) class BrowserTest(LiveServerTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.driver = WebDriver() try: import os os.mkdir('screenshots') except: pass super(BrowserTest, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass #cls.driver.quit() #super(BrowserTest, cls).tearDownClass() def strip_tags(self, html): s = MLStripper() s.feed(html) return s.get_data() def save_screenshot(self): time.sleep(1) valid_chars = "-_.() %s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits) filename = ''.join(c for c in self.driver.current_url if c in valid_chars) self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file("screenshots/%s.png" % filename) def fetch_page(self, url=None): if not url: url = '' if 'http://' not in url: url = self.live_server_url + url self.driver.get(url) self.save_screenshot() def get_elements(self, selector): return self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector) def get_element(self, selector): if selector[0] == '#' or selector[0] == '.': return self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(selector) else: return self.driver.find_element_by_name(selector) def keys(self, selector, value): self.get_element(selector).send_keys(value) def click(self, selector): time.sleep(1) self.get_element(selector).click() self.save_screenshot() def link(self, link_text): self.driver.find_element_by_link_text(link_text).click() time.sleep(2) self.save_screenshot() def submit(self, selector): time.sleep(1) self.get_element(selector).submit() self.save_screenshot() time.sleep(1) def assertInElements(self, selector, text, strip_html=True): for element in self.get_elements(selector): if text in (self.strip_tags(element.text) if strip_html else element.text): return"Couldn't find '%s' in any element '%s'" % (text, selector)) def assertInElement(self, selector, text, strip_html=True): element = self.get_element(selector) if text not in (self.strip_tags(element.text) if strip_html else element.text):"Couldn't find '%s' in '%s'" % (text, element.text)) #def flow_basics(self): def browser(self): self.driver.set_window_size(1024, 2000) # view the homepage self.fetch_page() # go directly to our signup self.fetch_page(reverse('orgs.org_signup')) # create account self.keys('email', '') self.keys('password', 'SuperSafe1') self.keys('first_name', 'Joe') self.keys('last_name', 'Blow')'#form-one-submit') self.keys('name', 'Temba')'#form-two-submit') # set up our channel for claiming anon = User.objects.get(pk=settings.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) channel = Channel.objects.create(name="Test Channel", address="0785551212", country='RW', created_by=anon, modified_by=anon, claim_code='AAABBBCCC', secret="12345", gcm_id="123") # and claim it self.fetch_page(reverse('channels.channel_claim_android')) self.keys('#id_claim_code', 'AAABBBCCC') self.keys('#id_phone_number', '0785551212') self.submit('.claim-form') # get our freshly claimed channel channel = Channel.objects.get( # now go to the contacts page'#menu-right .icon-contact')'#id_import_contacts') # upload some contacts directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.keys('#csv_file', '%s/../media/test_imports/sample_contacts.xls' % directory) self.submit('.smartmin-form') # make sure they are there'#menu-right .icon-contact') self.assertInElements('.value-phone', '+250788382382') self.assertInElements('.value-text', 'Eric Newcomer') self.assertInElements('.value-text', 'Sample Contacts') class MockResponse(object): def __init__(self, status_code, text, method='GET', url=''): self.text = text self.status_code = status_code # mock up a request object on our response as well self.request = dict_to_struct('MockRequest', dict(method=method, url=url)) def json(self): return json.loads(self.text) def raise_for_status(self): if self.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Got HTTP error: %d" % self.status_code) class AnonymousOrg(object): """ Makes the given org temporarily anonymous """ def __init__(self, org): = org def __enter__(self): = True def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): = False
""" Author -------- Best regards, Sungjin (James) Kim, PhD Postdoc, CCB in Harvard [Web] [Linkedin] [Facebook] [alternative email] Licence --------- MIT License """ from __future__ import print_function # I started to use __future__ so as to be compatible with Python3 import numpy as np from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn import metrics import pandas as pd from collections import OrderedDict # To improve the speed, I using pyx. import jpyx import jutil from jsklearn import codes def mld( r_l, mod_l = [-0.70710678, 0.70710678]): """ maximum likelihood detection r_l: received signals after reception processing mod_l: list of all modulation signals BPSK: [-0.70710678, 0.70710678] return the demodulated signals (0, 1, ...) """ sd_l = list() # store demodulated signal for r in r_l: dist = list() #Store distance for m in mod_l: d = np.power( np.abs( r - m), 2) dist.append( d) sd = np.argmin( dist) sd_l.append( sd) return np.array( sd_l) def calc_BER( r_l, x_l): """ calculate bit error rate (BER) r_l: demodulated signals (ndarray, 1D) x_l: transmitted signals (ndarray, 1D) """ err_l = r_l - x_l errs = np.where( err_l != 0)[0] # print 'err_l =', err_l # print 'errs =', errs Nerr = len(np.where( err_l != 0)[0]) return float( Nerr) / len( err_l), Nerr def db2var( SNRdB): return np.power( 10.0, SNRdB / 10.0) def gen_BPSK(Nx, Nt): """ Generate BPSK modulated signals """ BPSK = np.array( [1, -1]) / np.sqrt( 2.0) s_a = np.random.randint( 0, 2, Nx * Nt) x_flat_a = BPSK[ s_a] x_a = np.reshape( x_flat_a, (Nx, Nt)) return BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a def gen_H( Nr, Nt): return np.random.randn( Nr, Nt) def gen_Rx( Nr, Nx, SNR, H_a, x_a): """ The received signals are modeled. """ n_a = np.random.randn( Nr, Nx) / np.sqrt( SNR) y_a = H_a, x_a.T) + n_a return y_a def normalize( W_a): "Weight is normalized." nW_a = np.linalg.norm( W_a, axis = 1) for a0 in range( W_a.shape[0]): W_a[a0,:] = np.divide( W_a[a0,:], nW_a[a0]) return W_a class MIMO(object): """ Modeling for a MIMO wireless communication system. """ def __init__(self, Nt = 2, Nr = 4, Nx = 10, SNRdB = 10, model = "Ridge", Npilot = 10, Nloop = 10): """ The parameter of 'model' determines the regression method. """ self.set_param( (Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB)) self.model = model self.Npilot = Npilot self.Nloop = Nloop # The function of test_ridge_all() uses 3 cases for testing. # self.N_test_ridge_all = 3 def set_param( self, param_NtNrNxSNRdB): Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB = param_NtNrNxSNRdB # The antenna configuration is conducted. self.Nt = Nt self.Nr = Nr # No of streams is fixed. self.Nx = Nx # Initial SNR is defined self.SNRdB = SNRdB self.SNR = db2var(SNRdB) def _gen_BPSK_r0(self): """ Generate BPSK modulated signals """ self.BPSK = np.array( [1, -1]) / np.sqrt( 2.0) self.s_a = np.random.randint( 0, 2, self.Nx * self.Nt) self.x_flat_a = self.BPSK[ self.s_a] self.x_a = np.reshape( self.x_flat_a, (self.Nx, self.Nt)) def gen_BPSK( self): """ Generate BPSK signals using global function gen_BPSK(). This function will be used to generate pilot signal as well. """ self.BPSK, self.s_a, self.x_flat_a, self.x_a = gen_BPSK( self.Nx, self.Nt) def gen_H(self): """ The MIMO channel is generated. """ self.H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) def _gen_Rx_r0(self): """ The received signals are modeled. """ self.n_a = np.random.randn( self.Nr, self.Nx) / np.sqrt( self.SNR) self.y_a = self.H_a, self.x_a.T) + self.n_a def gen_Rx(self): """ The received signals are modeled. """ self.y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, self.Nx, self.SNR, self.H_a, self.x_a) def gen_WR_ideal(self): """ The reception process with ideal channel estimation is conducted. each reception vector of W_a should be noramlized to one. """ self.W_a = np.linalg.pinv( self.H_a) # The reception signal vector is transposed. self.gen_Decoding() def gen_WR_pilot(self, pilot_SNRdB): """ The reception process with pilot channel estimation is conducted. Pilot will be transmitted through random information channel. """ pilot_SNR = db2var(pilot_SNRdB) N_a = np.random.randn( *self.H_a.shape) / np.sqrt( pilot_SNR) Hp_a = self.H_a + N_a self.W_a = np.linalg.pinv( Hp_a) self.gen_Decoding() def gen_WR_pilot_channel(self, pilot_SNRdB): """ The reception process with pilot channel estimation is conducted. """ Npilot = self.Npilot SNRpilot = db2var( pilot_SNRdB) BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T # print( x_a.shape, yT_a.shape) lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() yT_a, x_a) """ Power normalization should be considered unless it is multiplied with both sinal and noise. In this case, MMSE weight is calculated while pinv() obtain ZF filter. """ self.W_a = lm.coef_ # print( " W_a, H_a) =", self.W_a, self.H_a)) self.gen_Decoding() def gs_pilot_reg_only(self, alpha_l): """ Grid search is applied for alpha_l. Later, the best alpha will be selected and decode data using it. """ pdo = pd.DataFrame() for alpha in alpha_l: pdi = self.cv_pilot_reg_only( alpha) pdo = pdo.append( pdi, ignore_index = True) return pdo def gs_pilot_reg_full(self, alpha_l): """ Full means data and pilot are both generated and processed including data decoding """ self.gen_BPSK() self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() self.rx_pilot() return self.gs_pilot_reg_only( alpha_l) def gs_pilot_reg_best(self, alpha_l): """ Find the best alpha using Ridge regression. Return -------- The best alpha is returned. """ pdi = self.gs_pilot_reg_only( alpha_l) # print( 'pdi["E[scores]"]', pdi["E[scores]"]) i_max = np.argmin( pdi["E[scores]"]) alpha_best = pdi["alpha"][i_max] return alpha_best def gs_pilot_reg_best_full(self, alpha_l): """ Full means data and pilot are both generated and processed including data decoding """ self.gen_BPSK() self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() self.rx_pilot() return self.gs_pilot_reg_best( alpha_l) def rx_pilot(self): Npilot = self.Npilot SNRpilot = self.SNR BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T self.rx_p = dict() self.rx_p["yT_a"] = yT_a self.rx_p["x_a"] = x_a def cv_pilot_only(self): """ Cross-validatin scores are evaluated using LOO. SNRpilot is equal to SNR, which is SNRdata. """ yT_a = self.rx_p["yT_a"] x_a = self.rx_p["x_a"] lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() scores = codes.cross_val_score_loo( lm, yT_a, x_a) # Output is stored with enviromental variables. pdi = pd.DataFrame() pdi["model"] = ["LinearRegression"] pdi["alpha"] = [0] pdi["metric"] = ["mean_squared_error"] pdi["E[scores]"] = [np.mean(scores)] pdi["std[scores]"] = [np.std(scores)] pdi["scores"] = [scores] return pdi def cv_pilot( self): self.rx_pilot() return self.cv_pilot_only() def _cv_pilot_reg_only_r0(self, alpha = 0): model = self.model yT_a = self.rx_p["yT_a"] x_a = self.rx_p["x_a"] # kf = KFold() # loo = cross_validation.LeaveOneOut( x_a.shape[0]) if alpha == 0: lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() else: lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha) scores = codes.cross_val_score_loo( lm, yT_a, x_a) return scores def cv_pilot_reg_only(self, alpha = 0): model = self.model yT_a = self.rx_p["yT_a"] x_a = self.rx_p["x_a"] # kf = KFold() # loo = cross_validation.LeaveOneOut( x_a.shape[0]) if alpha == 0: lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() else: lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha) scores = codes.cross_val_score_loo( lm, yT_a, x_a) # Output is stored with enviromental variables. pdi = pd.DataFrame() pdi["model"] = [model] pdi["alpha"] = [alpha] pdi["metric"] = ["mean_squared_error"] pdi["E[scores]"] = [np.mean(np.power(scores,2))] # MSE pdi["std[scores]"] = ["t.b.d."] pdi["scores"] = [scores] return pdi def cv_pilot_reg( self, alpha = 0): self.rx_pilot() return self.cv_pilot_reg_only( alpha) def _cv_pilot_reg_r0(self, alpha = 0): """ Cross-validatin scores are evaluated using LOO. SNRpilot is equal to SNR, which is SNRdata. """ Npilot = self.Npilot SNRpilot = self.SNR model = self.model BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T # kf = KFold() # loo = cross_validation.LeaveOneOut( x_a.shape[0]) if alpha == 0: lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() else: lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha) scores = codes.cross_val_score_loo( lm, yT_a, x_a) return scores def _gen_WR_pilot_ch_r0(self, pilot_SNRdB, alpha = 0): """ The reception process with pilot channel estimation is conducted. """ Npilot = 10 SNRpilot = db2var( pilot_SNRdB) BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T # print( x_a.shape, yT_a.shape) lm = linear_model.Ridge( alpha) yT_a, x_a) self.W_a = lm.coef_ # print( " W_a, H_a) =", self.W_a, self.H_a)) self.gen_Decoding() def _gen_WR_pilot_ch_r1(self, pilot_SNRdB, alpha = 0, model = "Ridge"): """ The reception process with pilot channel estimation is conducted. """ Npilot = 10 SNRpilot = db2var( pilot_SNRdB) BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T # print( x_a.shape, yT_a.shape) # Now you can use either Ridge or Lasso methods. #lm = linear_model.Ridge( alpha) lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha) yT_a, x_a) self.W_a = lm.coef_ # print( " W_a, H_a) =", self.W_a, self.H_a)) self.gen_Decoding() def gen_WR_pilot_ch(self, pilot_SNRdB, alpha_l1r = 0, model = "Ridge"): """ The reception process with pilot channel estimation is conducted. """ Npilot = self.Npilot SNRpilot = db2var( pilot_SNRdB) BPSK, s_a, x_flat_a, x_a = gen_BPSK( Npilot, self.Nt) # H_a = gen_H( self.Nr, self.Nt) # H_a = self.H_a y_a = gen_Rx( self.Nr, Npilot, SNRpilot, self.H_a, x_a) yT_a = y_a.T # print( x_a.shape, yT_a.shape) # Now you can use either Ridge or Lasso methods. #lm = linear_model.Ridge( alpha) if model == "ElasticNet": lm = linear_model.ElasticNet( alpha_l1r[0], alpha_l1r[1]) else: lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha_l1r) yT_a, x_a) self.W_a = lm.coef_ # print( " W_a, H_a) =", self.W_a, self.H_a)) self.gen_Decoding() def gen_WR_pilot_only(self, alpha_l1r = 0): """ yT_a and x_a was prepared already. Now, W_a is calculated using alpha and then, decode data. For linear regression, alpha_l1r should not be specified except 0. """ yT_a = self.rx_p["yT_a"] x_a = self.rx_p["x_a"] # for alpha == 0, model is changed to linear regression. if alpha_l1r == 0: model = "LinearRegression" else: model = self.model if model == "LinearRegression": lm = linear_model.LinearRegression() elif model == "ElasticNet": lm = linear_model.ElasticNet( alpha_l1r[0], alpha_l1r[1]) else: # This is either Ridge or Lasso lm = getattr( linear_model, model)(alpha_l1r) yT_a, x_a) self.W_a = lm.coef_ # print( " W_a, H_a) =", self.W_a, self.H_a)) self.gen_Decoding() def gen_WR( self, pilot_SNRdB = None): if pilot_SNRdB: gen_WR_pilot( pilot_SNRdB) else: gen_WR_ideal() def gen_Decoding(self): """ The reception process is conducted. """ self.W_a = normalize( self.W_a) # not important (useless at this moment) self.rT_a = self.W_a, self.y_a) self.r_flat_a = self.rT_a.T.flatten() #print( "type( self.r_flat_a), type( self.BPSK)") #print( type( self.r_flat_a), type( self.BPSK)) # self.sd_a = jpyx.mld( self.r_flat_a, self.BPSK) self.sd_a = jpyx.mld_fast( self.r_flat_a, self.BPSK) self.BER, self.Nerr = calc_BER( self.s_a, self.sd_a) def run_ideal( self, param_NtNrNxSNRdB = None, Nloop = 10, disp = False): """ A system is run from the transmitter to the receiver. """ return self.run_pilot( param_NtNrNxSNRdB = param_NtNrNxSNRdB, Nloop = Nloop, disp = disp) def run_pilot( self, pilot_SNRdB = None, param_NtNrNxSNRdB = None, Nloop = 10, disp = False): """ A system is run from the transmitter to the receiver. """ if param_NtNrNxSNRdB: self.set_param( param_NtNrNxSNRdB) self.gen_BPSK() BER_l = list() Nerr_total = 0 for nloop in range( Nloop): self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() if pilot_SNRdB is not None: self.gen_WR_pilot( pilot_SNRdB) else: self.gen_WR_ideal() BER_l.append( self.BER) Nerr_total += self.Nerr self.BER = np.mean( BER_l) if disp: Ntot = self.Nt * self.Nx * Nloop print( "BER is {} with {}/{} errors at {} SNRdB ".format( self.BER, Nerr_total, Ntot, self.SNRdB)) return self.BER def run_pilot_channel( self, pilot_SNRdB = None, param_NtNrNxSNRdB = None, Nloop = 10, disp = False): """ A system is run from the transmitter to the receiver. """ if param_NtNrNxSNRdB: self.set_param( param_NtNrNxSNRdB) self.gen_BPSK() BER_l = list() Nerr_total = 0 for nloop in range( Nloop): self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() if pilot_SNRdB is not None: # self.gen_WR_pilot( pilot_SNRdB) self.gen_WR_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB) # self.gen_WR_pilot_ch( pilot_SNRdB, alpha) else: self.gen_WR_ideal() BER_l.append( self.BER) Nerr_total += self.Nerr self.BER = np.mean( BER_l) if disp: Ntot = self.Nt * self.Nx * Nloop print( "BER is {} with {}/{} errors at {} SNRdB ".format( self.BER, Nerr_total, Ntot, self.SNRdB)) return self.BER def run_pilot_ch( self, pilot_SNRdB = None, param_NtNrNxSNRdB = None, Nloop = 10, alpha = 0, disp = False): """ A system is run from the transmitter to the receiver. """ if param_NtNrNxSNRdB: self.set_param( param_NtNrNxSNRdB) self.gen_BPSK() BER_l = list() Nerr_total = 0 for nloop in range( Nloop): self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() if pilot_SNRdB: # self.gen_WR_pilot( pilot_SNRdB) # self.gen_WR_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB) self.gen_WR_pilot_ch( pilot_SNRdB, alpha) else: self.gen_WR_ideal() BER_l.append( self.BER) Nerr_total += self.Nerr self.BER = np.mean( BER_l) if disp: Ntot = self.Nt * self.Nx * Nloop print( "BER is {} with {}/{} errors at {} SNRdB ".format( self.BER, Nerr_total, Ntot, self.SNRdB)) return self.BER def test_ridge_iter( self, alpha_l): # Ideal ZF(H) ID = 0 self.method = "Ideal ZF(H)" self.model = "ZF" self.alpha = 0 self.gen_WR_ideal() yield ID # Multiple Ridge regressions with alpha_l for alpha in alpha_l: ID += 1 self.method = "Ridge each" self.model = "Ridge" self.alpha = alpha self.gen_WR_pilot_only( self.alpha) yield ID # Ridge regression with the best alpha among alpha_l ID += 1 self.method = "Ridge best" self.model = "Ridge" self.alpha = self.gs_pilot_reg_best( alpha_l) self.gen_WR_pilot_only( self.alpha) yield ID def test_ridge_all( self, pdi_d_prev, alpha_l): """ 1. LinearRegression 2. multiple Ridge regression with each alpha in alpha_l 3. Ridge regression with the best alpha among alpha_l """ # pdi_d is generated only once. if pdi_d_prev is None: pdi_d = dict() else: pdi_d = pdi_d_prev for ID in self.test_ridge_iter(alpha_l): """ If pdi_l is not defined yet, it will be generated first and initial values are stored. Otherwise, new data are added for the corresponding space. """ if pdi_d_prev is None: pdi = pd.DataFrame() pdi["Nerr_total"] = [0] pdi["BER_l"] = [[self.BER]] else: pdi = pdi_d[ ID] pdi["Nerr_total"] = [ pdi["Nerr_total"][0] + self.Nerr] pdi["BER_l"] = [pdi["BER_l"][0] + [self.BER]] pdi["method"] = [self.method] pdi["model"] = [self.model] pdi["alpha"] = [self.alpha] # print( 'pdi["BER_l"]', pdi["BER_l"]) pdi["BER"] = [np.mean( pdi["BER_l"][0])] pdi_d[ ID] = pdi return pdi_d def run_gs_pilot_Ridge( self, alpha_l): """ Search the best alpha using Ridge. I focus on Ridge for simplicity at this moment. Other regularization modes will be used later on. """ Nloop = self.Nloop pdi_d = None for nloop in range( Nloop): self.gen_BPSK() self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() # For fair comparision, pilot is also generated commonly for all methods. self.rx_pilot() pdi_d = self.test_ridge_all( pdi_d, alpha_l) pdo = pd.DataFrame() for pdi in pdi_d.values(): pdo = pdo.append( pdi, ignore_index = True) return pdo def run_pilot_ch_model( self, pilot_SNRdB = None, param_NtNrNxSNRdB = None, Nloop = 10, alpha = 0, disp = False): """ A system is run from the transmitter to the receiver. self.model is used to determine the regression model such as Ridge and Lasso """ if param_NtNrNxSNRdB: self.set_param( param_NtNrNxSNRdB) self.gen_BPSK() BER_l = list() Nerr_total = 0 for nloop in range( Nloop): self.gen_H() self.gen_Rx() if pilot_SNRdB is not None: # 'is' needed for checking None # self.gen_WR_pilot( pilot_SNRdB) # self.gen_WR_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB) self.gen_WR_pilot_ch( pilot_SNRdB, alpha, self.model) else: self.gen_WR_ideal() BER_l.append( self.BER) Nerr_total += self.Nerr self.BER = np.mean( BER_l) if disp: Ntot = self.Nt * self.Nx * Nloop print( "BER is {} with {}/{} errors at {} SNRdB ".format( self.BER, Nerr_total, Ntot, self.SNRdB)) return self.BER def get_BER_pilot_ch_model_eqsnr( self, SNRdB_l = [5,6,7], param_NtNrNx = (2,4,100), Nloop = 1000, pilot_ch = False, alpha = 0, model = "Ridge"): """ Ridge regression will be using to estimate channel. If alpha is zero, linear regression will be applied. If alpha is more than zero, Ridge regression will be applied. The default value of alpha is zero. """ Nt, Nr, Nx = param_NtNrNx BER_pilot = list() for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: # if pilot channel is used, SNRdB is given # Otherwise, ideal channel estimation is assumed. if pilot_ch: pilot_SNRdB = SNRdB else: pilot_SNRdB = None if alpha > 0: """ Ridge or Lasso is used. """ self.model = model ber = self.run_pilot_ch_model( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, alpha = alpha, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) else: """ LinearRegression is used. """ ber = self.run_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) # print( "List of average BERs =", BER_pilot) return BER_pilot def get_BER_pilot_ch_model( self, SNRdB_l = [5,6,7], param_NtNrNx = (2,4,100), Nloop = 1000, pilot_SNRdB = None, alpha = 0, model = "Ridge"): """ Ridge regression will be using to estimate channel. If alpha is zero, linear regression will be applied. If alpha is more than zero, Ridge regression will be applied. The default value of alpha is zero. This function becomes a member function of class MIMO. """ BER_pilot = list() Nt, Nr, Nx = param_NtNrNx if alpha > 0: """ Ridge or Lasso is used. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: self.model = model ber = self.run_pilot_ch_model( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, alpha = alpha, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) else: """ LinearRegression is used. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = self.run_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) # print( "List of average BERs =", BER_pilot) return BER_pilot def get_BER( SNRdB_l = [5,6,7], param_NtNrNx = (2,4,100), Nloop = 1000, pilot_SNRdB = None): BER_pilot = list() Nt, Nr, Nx = param_NtNrNx for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = MIMO().run_pilot( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) # print( "List of average BERs =", BER_pilot) return BER_pilot def get_BER_pilot_ch( SNRdB_l = [5,6,7], param_NtNrNx = (2,4,100), Nloop = 1000, pilot_SNRdB = None, alpha = 0): """ Ridge regression will be using to estimate channel. If alpha is zero, linear regression will be applied. If alpha is more than zero, Ridge regression will be applied. The default value of alpha is zero. """ BER_pilot = list() Nt, Nr, Nx = param_NtNrNx if alpha > 0: """ LinearRegression is using. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = MIMO().run_pilot_ch( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, alpha = alpha, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) else: """ Ridge is using. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = MIMO().run_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) # print( "List of average BERs =", BER_pilot) return BER_pilot def get_BER_pilot_ch_model( SNRdB_l = [5,6,7], param_NtNrNx = (2,4,100), Nloop = 1000, pilot_SNRdB = None, alpha = 0, model = "Ridge"): """ Ridge regression will be using to estimate channel. If alpha is zero, linear regression will be applied. If alpha is more than zero, Ridge regression will be applied. The default value of alpha is zero. """ BER_pilot = list() Nt, Nr, Nx = param_NtNrNx if alpha > 0: """ Ridge or Lasso is used. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = MIMO( model = model).run_pilot_ch_model( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, alpha = alpha, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) else: """ LinearRegression is used. """ for SNRdB in SNRdB_l: ber = MIMO().run_pilot_channel( pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNxSNRdB =(Nt, Nr, Nx, SNRdB), Nloop = Nloop, disp = True) BER_pilot.append( ber) # print( "List of average BERs =", BER_pilot) return BER_pilot def pd_gen_4_snr_pilot(Method, BER_l, alpha = None, Npilot = 10, sim_task = "Fixed SNRpilot", pilot_SNRdB = 7, param_NtNrNx = (2,10,100), SNRdB_l = range(-5, 5, 5)): """ This is a generalized pd_gen() which can be used for both fixed_snr_pilot() and snr_snr_pilot(). """ pdi = pd.DataFrame() pdi["Simulation task"] = [ sim_task] * len( BER_l) pdi["Method"] = [ Method] * len( BER_l) if type(pilot_SNRdB) is list: pdi["SNRpilot"] = pilot_SNRdB else: pdi["SNRpilot"] = [pilot_SNRdB] * len( BER_l) pdi["#pilots"] = [Npilot] * len( BER_l) pdi["Nt,Nr,Nx"] = [param_NtNrNx] * len( BER_l) if alpha is None: pdi["alpha"] = ["Not defined"] * len( BER_l) else: pdi["alpha"] = [alpha] * len( BER_l) pdi["SNR"] = SNRdB_l pdi["BER"] = BER_l return pdi def fixed_snr_pilot( SNRdB_l = range(-5, 5, 1), param_NtNrNx = (2,10,100), pilot_SNRdB = 7, alpha_l = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100], Nloop = 5000): """ Simulate BER for fixed SNRpilot cases the results will be saved to pandas dataframe. The basic parameters are given from the input argements. """ def pd_gen(Method, BER_l, alpha = None, Npilot = 10): """ This is a meta-function of pd_gen_4_snr_pilot() """ return pd_gen_4_snr_pilot( Method = Method, BER_l = BER_l, Npilot = Npilot, alpha = alpha, sim_task = "Fixed SNRpilot", pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, SNRdB_l = SNRdB_l) pdi_l = list() BER_l = get_BER( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_SNRdB = None) pdi_l.append( pd_gen( "Ideal, ZF Rx", BER_l)) BER_l = get_BER_pilot_ch( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB) pdi_l.append( pd_gen( r"Pilot, $\alpha$=0 (MMSE)", BER_l, alpha = 0)) for alpha in alpha_l: BER_l = get_BER_pilot_ch( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_SNRdB = pilot_SNRdB, alpha = alpha) pdi_l.append( pd_gen( r"Pilot, $\alpha$={}".format(alpha),BER_l, alpha)) pdo = pd.concat( pdi_l, ignore_index = True) return pdo def snr_snr_pilot( SNRdB_l = range(-5, 5, 1), param_NtNrNx = (2,10,100), alpha_l = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100], Npilot = 15, Nloop = 5000): """ Simulate BER for fixed SNRpilot cases the results will be saved to pandas dataframe. The basic parameters are given from the input argements. """ def pd_gen(Method, BER_l, alpha = None): """ This is a meta-function of pd_gen_4_snr_pilot() """ return pd_gen_4_snr_pilot( Method = Method, BER_l = BER_l, alpha = alpha, Npilot = Npilot, sim_task = "SNRpilot = SNR", pilot_SNRdB = SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, SNRdB_l = SNRdB_l) pdi_l = list() mlm = MIMO( Npilot = Npilot) print( "Ideal channel estimation without considering noise: ZF decoding with perfect H") BER_l = mlm.get_BER_pilot_ch_model_eqsnr( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_ch = False) pdi_l.append( pd_gen( "Ideal, ZF Rx", BER_l)) print( "General channel estimation: MMSE decoding with H and noise") BER_l = mlm.get_BER_pilot_ch_model_eqsnr( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_ch = True) pdi_l.append( pd_gen( r"Pilot, $\alpha$=0 (MMSE)", BER_l, alpha = 0)) print( "Ridge channel estimation: MMSE decoding with H and noise") for alpha in alpha_l: print( "Ridge with alpha =", alpha) BER_l = mlm.get_BER_pilot_ch_model_eqsnr( SNRdB_l, param_NtNrNx = param_NtNrNx, Nloop = Nloop, pilot_ch = True, alpha = alpha, model = "Ridge") pdi_l.append( pd_gen( r"Pilot, $\alpha$={}".format(alpha),BER_l, alpha)) pdo = pd.concat( pdi_l, ignore_index = True) return pdo
from django.db import models import ast # from utils import get_config class ListField(models.TextField): __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase description = "Stores a python list" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ListField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def to_python(self, value): if not value: value = [] if isinstance(value, list): return value return ast.literal_eval(value) def get_prep_value(self, value): if value is None: return value return unicode(value) def value_to_string(self, obj): value = self._get_val_from_obj(obj) return self.get_db_prep_value(value, None) class CertDestinations(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Name of the destination") iam_role_arn = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="ARN of the IAM Role to assume when accessing the AWS ELB" "destination.") zlb_hostname = models.CharField(max_length=253, help_text="DNS name of the Zeus load balancer destination") username = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Username to access the destination") password = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Password to access the destination") DESTINATION_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('', 'None'), ('elb', 'AWS ELB'), ('zlb', 'Zeus Load Balancer'), ('usr', 'The user') ) type = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=DESTINATION_TYPE_CHOICES, default='', blank=True) def __unicode__(self): return class Certificate(models.Model): common_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Primary DNS name for the certificate") sans = ListField(blank=True, help_text="List of alternative DNS names for the certificate") validity = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=1, help_text="Number of years certificate is valid for") server_type = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, default="-1", help_text="2: Apache, 45: Nginx, -1: Other") signature_hash = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="sha1 or sha256", default="sha256") org_unit = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) org_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="Mozilla Foundation or Mozilla Corporation") org_addr1 = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="331 E Evelyn Ave") org_addr2 = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) org_city = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="Mountain View") org_state = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="CA") org_zip = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="94041") org_country = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="US") # telephone = models.CharField(max_length=255) # org_contact_job_title = models.CharField(max_length=255) # org_contact_firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255) # org_contact_lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255) # org_contact_email = models.EmailField() # org_contact_telephone = models.CharField(max_length=255) # org_contact_telephone_ext = models.CharField(max_length=255) ev = models.BooleanField(default=False) destinations = models.ManyToManyField(CertDestinations) private_key = models.TextField(max_length=16384, blank=True) certificate_request = models.TextField(max_length=16384, blank=True) request_id = models.IntegerField(null=True) order_id = models.IntegerField(null=True) serial = models.TextField(max_length=32, blank=True) certificate = models.TextField(max_length=16384, blank=True) intermediate_cert = models.TextField(max_length=2097152, blank=True) root_cert = models.TextField(max_length=16384, blank=True) pkcs7 = models.TextField(max_length=2097152, blank=True) business_unit = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) STATE_CHOICES = ( ('', 'None'), ('req', 'Requested'), ('rej', 'Rejected'), ('app', 'Approved'), ('iss', 'Issued'), ('dep', 'Deployed') ) REQUESTED = 'req' REJECTED = 'rej' APPROVED = 'app' ISSUED = 'iss' DEPLOYED = 'dep' state = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=STATE_CHOICES, default='', blank=True) # RFC 5280 openssl_arg_map = {'common_name': 'commonName', 'org_city': 'localityName', 'org_country': 'countryName', 'org_unit': 'organizationalUnitName', 'org_name': 'organizationName', 'org_state': 'stateOrProvinceName'} def __unicode__(self): return self.common_name
"""Mock callback module to support device and state testing.""" import logging _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class MockCallbacks(): """Mock callback class to support device and state testing.""" def __init__(self): """Init the MockCallbacks Class.""" self.callbackvalue1 = None self.callbackvalue2 = None self.callbackvalue3 = None self.callbackvalue4 = None self.callbackvalue5 = None self.callbackvalue6 = None self.callbackvalue7 = None self.callbackvalue8 = None self.callbackvalue9 = None def callbackmethod1(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 1.""" self._report_callback(1, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue1 = value def callbackmethod2(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 2.""" self._report_callback(2, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue2 = value def callbackmethod3(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 3.""" self._report_callback(3, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue3 = value def callbackmethod4(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 5.""" self._report_callback(4, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue4 = value def callbackmethod5(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 5.""" self._report_callback(5, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue5 = value def callbackmethod6(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 6.""" self._report_callback(6, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue6 = value def callbackmethod7(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 7.""" self._report_callback(7, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue7 = value def callbackmethod8(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 8.""" self._report_callback(8, addr, state, value) self.callbackvalue8 = value def callbackmethod9(self, addr, state, value): """Receive notice of callback method 9.""" _LOGGER.debug('Called method 9 callback') self.callbackvalue9 = value @staticmethod def _report_callback(callback, addr, state, value): _LOGGER.debug('Called method %d for address %s group %s value %s', callback, addr, state, value)
import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import svd from math import log from scipy.optimize import leastsq from skcv.multiview.util import normalize_points def fundamental_matrix_from_two_cameras(camera1, camera2): """ Computes the fundamental matrix from two projection matrices Parameters ---------- camera1: numpy array Projection matrix of first camera camera2: numpy array Projection matrix of second camera Returns ------- Fundamental matrix """ Pp = np.linalg.pinv(camera1) # camera center u, d, vh = svd(camera1) center = vh[3, :] # epipole on the second image e =, center) se = np.array(((0, -e[2], e[1]), (e[2], 0, -e[0]), (-e[1], e[0], 0))) f_matrix =,, Pp)) return f_matrix def eight_point_algorithm(x1, x2): """ Computes the fundamental matrix from 8 (or more) projection point pairs Parameters ---------- x1: numpy array projections of points in the first image, in homogeneous coordinates x2: numpy array projections of points in the second image, in homogeneous coordinates Returns ------- F, the fundamental matrix satisfying x2.T * F * x1 = 0 """ n_points = x1.shape[1] if x2.shape[1] != n_points: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Shape must be the same") # normalize points x1n, t1 = normalize_points(x1, is_homogeneous=True) x2n, t2 = normalize_points(x2, is_homogeneous=True) # build the vector a = np.vstack((x2n[0, :] * x1n, x2n[1, :] * x1n, x2n[2, :] * x1n)) # find F in the normalized coordinates and transform it u, d, vh = svd(a.T, full_matrices=True) f_matrix = np.reshape(vh[8, :], (3, 3)) # force the rank 2 constraint u, d, vh = svd(f_matrix, full_matrices=True) d[2] = 0 f_matrix =,, vh)) # transform coordinates f_matrix =,, t1)) return f_matrix def right_epipole(f_matrix): """ Computes the right epipole (first image) of fundamental matrix the right epipole satisfies Fe = 0 **Parameters** f_matrix: numpy array Fundamental matrix **Returns** the right epipole """ u, d, vh = svd(f_matrix) return vh[2, :] def left_epipole(f_matrix): """ Computes the right epipole (first image) of fundamental matrix the left epipole satisfies Fe = 0 **Parameters** f_matrix: numpy array Fundamental matrix **Returns** the left epipole """ u, d, vh = svd(f_matrix) return u[:, 2] def canonical_cameras_from_f(f_matrix): """ Retrieves the two canonical cameras given a fundamental matrix **Parameters** f_matrix: numpy array Fundamental matrix **Returns** one pair of canonical cameras """ # the first camera is the identity camera1 = np.eye(3, 4) e = left_epipole(f_matrix) se = np.array(((0, -e[2], e[1]), (e[2], 0, -e[0]), (-e[1], e[0], 0))) camera2 = np.hstack((, f_matrix), e[:, np.newaxis])) return camera1, camera2 def sampson_error(x1, x2, f_matrix): """ Computes the sampson error for a set of point pairs Parameters ---------- x1: numpy array projections of points in the first image, in homogeneous coordinates x2: numpy array projections of points in the second image, in homogeneous coordinates f_matrix: numpy_array fundamental matrix Returns ------- sampson error of each point pair """ f_x1 =, x1) f_x2 =, x2) #get the denominator den = np.sum(f_x1[:2, :] ** 2, axis=0) +\ np.sum(f_x2[:2, :] ** 2, axis=0) #get the numerator num = np.sum((x2 * f_x1), axis=0)**2 return num / den def reprojection_error(x1, x2, f_matrix): """ Computes the sampson error for a set of point pairs Parameters ---------- x1: numpy array projections of points in the first image, in homogeneous coordinates x2: numpy array projections of points in the second image, in homogeneous coordinates f_matrix: numpy_array fundamental matrix Returns ------- reprojection error of each point pair """ def __sampson_residual(f, x1, x2): """ computes the residual of the sampson error """ f_matrix = np.reshape(f, (3, 3)) f_x1 =, x1) f_x2 =, x2) #get the denominator den = np.sum(f_x1[:2, :] ** 2, axis=0) +\ np.sum(f_x2[:2, :] ** 2, axis=0) #get the numerator num = np.sum((x2 * f_x1), axis=0) return num / np.sqrt(den) def robust_f_estimation(x1, x2, max_iter=1000, distance='sampson', n_samples=8, prob = 0.99, refine_result=True, inlier_threshold=2): """ Computes the fundamental matrix using the eight point algorithm (Hartley 1997) Parameters ---------- x1: numpy array projections of points in the first image, in homogeneous coordinates x2: numpy array projections of points in the second image, in homogeneous coordinates max_iter: int, optional maximum number of iterations of the ransac algorithm distance: string, option distance to use to find inliers/outliers n_samples: int, optional number of points to samples at each RANSAC iteration prob: float, optional probability of having a free from outliers sample refine_result: bool, optional whether after RANSAC a non linear estimation is performed inlier_threshold: float, optional maximum distance to consider a point pair inlier Returns ------- F, the fundamental matrix satisfying x2.T * F * x1 = 0 """ iteration = 0 n_points = x1.shape[1] is_inlier = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=bool) # variables to store the best result found best_inliers = is_inlier best_n_inliers = 0 while iteration < max_iter: #select 8 points at random idx = np.random.choice(n_points, n_samples, replace=False) selected_x1 = x1[:, idx] selected_x2 = x2[:, idx] #get inliers f_matrix = eight_point_algorithm(selected_x1, selected_x2) # find the error distance if distance == 'sampson': e = sampson_error(x1, x2, f_matrix) else: # pragma : no cover raise ValueError() is_inlier = e < inlier_threshold n_inliers = np.count_nonzero(is_inlier) if n_inliers > best_n_inliers: best_inliers = is_inlier best_n_inliers = n_inliers #update max_iterations if estimation is improved # the epsilon (1e-10) is added in case of all inliers eps = 1 - n_inliers / n_points new_iter = log(1 - prob) / log(1e-10 + 1 - (1-eps)**n_samples) if new_iter < max_iter: max_iter = new_iter iteration += 1 #refine the estimate using all inliers best_x1 = x1[:, best_inliers] best_x2 = x2[:, best_inliers] f_matrix = eight_point_algorithm(best_x1, best_x2) if refine_result: if distance == 'sampson': f = np.reshape(f_matrix, 9) f_matrix, jac = leastsq(__sampson_residual, f, args=(best_x1, best_x2)) f_matrix = np.reshape(f_matrix, (3, 3)) return f_matrix
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # sweeplinux v0.1: a simple script to look for signs of HackingTeam RCS Linux agent # # # based on: import glob import sys from platform import platform,architecture from os.path import expanduser whoopsie=expanduser('~/.whoopsie*') crashreports='/var/crash/.reports-*-*' tmpreports='/var/tmp/.reports-*-*' #print(sys.version,platform(),architecture()) ok=True if glob.glob(whoopsie)!=[]: print('WARNING: Detected HT whoopsie file in home directory, Your computer may be infected with a version of HackingTeam RCS Agent!') ok=False if glob.glob(crashreports)!=[]: print('WARNING: Detected HT crash reports, Your computer may be infected with a version of HackingTeam RCS Agent!') ok=False if glob.glob(tmpreports)!=[]: print('WARNING: Detected HT tmp reports, Your computer may be infected with a version of HackingTeam RCS Agent!') ok=False if ok: print('OK: Nothing strange to report.') else: print('Please shutdown your network connection NOW!')
from camera import CameraViewport from OpenGL import GL import mceutils class ChunkViewport(CameraViewport): defaultScale = 1.0 # pixels per block def __init__(self, *a, **kw): CameraViewport.__init__(self, *a, **kw) def setup_projection(self): w, h = (0.5 * s / self.defaultScale for s in self.size) minx, maxx = - w, w miny, maxy = - h, h minz, maxz = -4000, 4000 GL.glOrtho(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz) def setup_modelview(self): x, y, z = self.cameraPosition GL.glRotate(90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) GL.glTranslate(-x, 0, -z) def zoom(self, f): x, y, z = self.cameraPosition mx, my, mz = self.blockFaceUnderCursor[0] dx, dz = mx - x, mz - z s = min(4.0, max(1 / 16., self.defaultScale / f)) if s != self.defaultScale: self.defaultScale = s f = 1.0 - f self.cameraPosition = x + dx * f, self.editor.level.Height, z + dz * f self.editor.renderer.loadNearbyChunks() incrementFactor = 1.4 def zoomIn(self): self.zoom(1.0 / self.incrementFactor) def zoomOut(self): self.zoom(self.incrementFactor) def mouse_down(self, evt): if evt.button == 4: # wheel up - zoom in # if self.defaultScale == 4.0: # self.editor.swapViewports() # else: self.zoomIn() elif evt.button == 5: # wheel down - zoom out self.zoomOut() else: super(ChunkViewport, self).mouse_down(evt) def rightClickDown(self, evt): pass def rightClickUp(self, evt): pass def mouse_move(self, evt): pass @mceutils.alertException def mouse_drag(self, evt): if evt.buttons[2]: x, y, z = self.cameraPosition dx, dz = evt.rel self.cameraPosition = ( x - dx / self.defaultScale, y, z - dz / self.defaultScale) else: super(ChunkViewport, self).mouse_drag(evt) def render(self): super(ChunkViewport, self).render() @property def tooltipText(self): text = super(ChunkViewport, self).tooltipText if text == "1 W x 1 L x 1 H": return None return text def drawCeiling(self): pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.views.generic import DeleteView from django.contrib import messages from groups.models import Group def groups_list(request): groups = Group.objects.all() # order groups list order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', '') # ordering groups by title by default groups = groups.order_by('title') if order_by in ('title', 'leader', 'id'): groups = groups.order_by(order_by) if request.GET.get('reverse', '') == '1': groups = groups.reverse() return render(request, 'groups_list.html', {'groups': groups}) def groups_add(request): return HttpResponse('<h1>Group Add Form</h1>') def groups_edit(request, gid): return HttpResponse('<h1>Edit Group %s</h1>' % gid) class GroupDeleteView(DeleteView): model = Group template_name = 'groups_confirm_delete.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('home') success_message = u"Група видалена успішно." def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): messages.success(self.request, self.success_message) return super(GroupDeleteView, self).delete( request, *args, **kwargs)
import random from battlePy.default_config import BOARD_HEIGHT, BOARD_WIDTH from battlePy.player import Player from battlePy.ship import RIGHT, UP class RandomPlayer(Player): def initPlayer(self): = 'RandomPlayer' def placeShips(self): for ship in self.ships: isValid = False while not isValid: orientation = random.choice([UP, RIGHT]) if orientation == UP: location = ( random.randint(0, BOARD_WIDTH - 1), random.randint(0, BOARD_HEIGHT - 1 - ship.size), ) else: location = ( random.randint(0, BOARD_WIDTH - 1 - ship.size), random.randint(0, BOARD_HEIGHT - 1), ) ship.placeShip(location, orientation) if self.isShipPlacedLegally(ship): isValid = True def fireShot(self): return (random.randint(0, BOARD_WIDTH - 1), random.randint(0, BOARD_HEIGHT - 1))
# Twisted lazy computations # (from rmo-sketchbook/cyst/ import mimetypes import os from twisted.web.static import File from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import Site, NOT_DONE_YET from twisted.internet import reactor class Insist(Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, cacheloc): self.cacheloc = cacheloc self.cachefile = None if os.path.exists(cacheloc): self.cachefile = File(cacheloc) self.reqs_waiting = [] self.started = False Resource.__init__(self) def render_GET(self, req): # Check if someone else has created the file somehow if self.cachefile is None and os.path.exists(self.cacheloc): self.cachefile = File(self.cacheloc) # Check if someone else has *deleted* the file elif self.cachefile is not None and not os.path.exists(self.cacheloc): self.cachefile = None if self.cachefile is not None: return self.cachefile.render_GET(req) else: self.reqs_waiting.append(req) req.notifyFinish().addErrback( self._nevermind, req) if not self.started: self.started = True reactor.callInThread(self.desist) return NOT_DONE_YET def _nevermind(self, _err, req): self.reqs_waiting.remove(req) def desist(self): self.serialize_computation(self.cacheloc) reactor.callFromThread(self.resist) def _get_mime(self): return mimetypes.guess_type(self.cacheloc)[0] def resist(self): if not os.path.exists(self.cacheloc): # Error! print("%s does not exist - rendering fail!" % (self.cacheloc)) for req in self.reqs_waiting: req.headers[b"Content-Type"] = b"text/plain" req.write(b"cyst error") req.finish() return self.cachefile = File(self.cacheloc) # Send content to all interested parties for req in self.reqs_waiting: self.cachefile.render(req) def serialize_computation(self, outpath): raise NotImplemented class HelloCyst(Insist): def serialize_computation(self, outpath): import time time.sleep(10) open(outpath, "w").write("Hello, World") if __name__=='__main__': import sys c = HelloCyst(sys.argv[1]) site = Site(c) port = 7984 reactor.listenTCP(port, site) print("http://localhost:%d" % (port))
import pytest from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.admin.sites import AdminSite from django.test.client import RequestFactory from pontoon.base.admin import UserAdmin from pontoon.base.models import PermissionChangelog from pontoon.test.factories import ( GroupFactory, LocaleFactory, ) @pytest.fixture def locale_c(): translators_group = GroupFactory.create(name="locale translators",) managers_group = GroupFactory.create(name="locale managers",) return LocaleFactory.create( code="nv", name="Na'vi", translators_group=translators_group, managers_group=managers_group, ) @pytest.fixture def user_form_request(): """ Mock for a request object which is passed to every django admin form. """ def _get_user_form_request(request_user, user, **override_fields): rf = RequestFactory() fields = ( "username", "email", "first_name", "last_name", ) form_request = {f: (getattr(user, f, "") or "") for f in fields} form_request["date_joined_0"] = "2018-01-01" form_request["date_joined_1"] = "00:00:00" form_request.update(override_fields) request ="/dummy/", form_request,) request.user = request_user return request return _get_user_form_request @pytest.fixture def get_useradmin_form(): """ Get a UserAdmin form instance. """ def _get_user_admin_form(request, user): useradmin = UserAdmin(User, AdminSite(),) form = useradmin.get_form(request=request, obj=user,) return ( useradmin, form(request.POST, instance=user, initial={"password": "password"},), ) return _get_user_admin_form @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_admin_form_log_no_changes( user_a, user_b, user_form_request, get_useradmin_form, ): _, form = get_useradmin_form(user_form_request(user_a, user_b), user_b,) assert form.is_valid() assert list(PermissionChangelog.objects.all()) == [] @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_admin_form_log_add_groups( locale_c, user_a, user_b, user_form_request, get_useradmin_form, assert_permissionchangelog, ): request = user_form_request(user_a, user_b, groups=[],) useradmin, form = get_useradmin_form(request, user_b,) assert form.is_valid() useradmin.save_model(request, user_b, form, True) (changelog_entry0,) = PermissionChangelog.objects.all() assert_permissionchangelog( changelog_entry0, "added", user_a, user_b, locale_c.managers_group, ) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_admin_form_log_removed_groups( locale_c, user_a, user_b, user_form_request, get_useradmin_form, assert_permissionchangelog, ): user_b.groups.add(locale_c.managers_group) request = user_form_request(user_a, user_b, groups=[],) useradmin, form = get_useradmin_form(request, user_b,) assert form.is_valid() useradmin.save_model(request, user_b, form, True) (changelog_entry0,) = PermissionChangelog.objects.all() assert_permissionchangelog( changelog_entry0, "removed", user_a, user_b, locale_c.managers_group, )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from nettest.sockets import TcpSocket import argparse import time import select import socket class TcpReceiver(object): def __init__(self): self._setup_args() def _setup_args(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=_("accept tcp connection and receive tcp message")) parser.add_argument('--ip', type=str, help=_("Specifies the ip to bind"), default='') parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help=_("Specifies the port to bind")) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help=_("Quiet mode, don't print the message received")) self._args = parser.parse_args() def run(self): sock = TcpSocket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((self._args.ip, self._args.port)) sock.listen(10) sockets = [sock,] while True: infds, outfds, errfds =, [], []) for fd in infds: if fd == sock: client, client_addr = sock.accept() sockets.append(client) if not self._args.quiet: print(_("accept connection from {0}".format(client_addr))) else: buffer = fd.recv(1024) if len(buffer) != 0: if not self._args.quiet: print(fd.getpeername(),buffer) else: client_addr = fd.getpeername() fd.close() if not self._args.quiet: print(_("close connection from {0}".format(client_addr))) sockets.remove(fd) if __name__ == '__main__': try: tool = TcpReceiver() except KeyboardInterrupt: print()
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.views.generic import ListView from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView from django.db.models import Q from django.views.generic.edit import ( CreateView, UpdateView ) from django.contrib.auth.models import User from .models import Room, Message from .forms import MessageSendForm class ListUsers(ListView): model = User context_object_name = 'user_list' queryset = User.objects.filter(is_active=True, is_superuser=False) template_name = 'chat/user_list.html' def list_chats(request, user_id): if user_id is not None: user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) users = User.objects.filter(~Q(id=user_id), is_active=True, is_superuser=False) return render(request, 'chat/room_list.html', {'list_users': users, 'usuario':}) else: return render(request, 'chat/room_list.html') def messages(request, user_id, room_id=None): user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) form = MessageSendForm() if request.method == 'POST': form = MessageSendForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() room_chat = Room.objects.get(id=room_id) message = message.message = request.POST['message'] = room_chat message.user = user if room_id: room_chat, created = Room.objects.get_or_create(user=user_id) #messages = Message.objects.filter(room=room_chat[0], user=) messages = reversed(room_chat.messages.order_by('-time')[:50]) users = User.objects.filter(~Q(id=user_id), is_active=True, is_superuser=False) return render(request, 'chat/chat.html', {'messages': messages, 'users': users, 'user_chat': user.username, 'usuario':, 'user_name': '%s %s' % (user.first_name, user.last_name), 'form': form}) else: return render(request, 'chat/room_list.html')
""" Utilities for PyMDP module """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as mlines import matplotlib.patches as mpatches def BarycentricInterpolation(bins, pnts): """ barycentricinterpolation for given points, return the barycentric coordinates for points within the grids INPUT bins - grids for discretization, m-length array where bins[i] indicates the mesh along dimension i pnts - an array of pnts, each points is an m-length indicates the Cartesian coordinates can be n pnts in total RETURN indices - an n-length list of indices, each indices is d-length (d=m+1) for interpolating points invovled coeffs - an n-length list of coefficients, each coefficients is d-length for reconstructing points n A pythonic version barycentricinterpolation from Russ' drake utility function does not support dcoefs currently... """ #note here the layout of input and output is different from the C++ version of drake m = pnts.shape[1] n = pnts.shape[0] d = m+1 if len(bins) != m: print 'The number of bins must equal to the dimension of the points.' #validation return None, None binsize = [len(bins[i]) for i in range(m)] nskip = np.concatenate([[1], np.cumprod([binsize[i] for i in range(m-1)])]) #a list of bary points for future sorting... b = [{'dim':0, 'fracway':0.0, 'dfracway':0.0} for i in range(d)] indices = np.zeros((n, d)) coeffs = np.zeros((n, d)) for j in range(n): sidx = 0 # 0-index in our case... for i in range(m): pt = pnts[j, i] curr_bin = bins[i] curr_bin_size = binsize[i] b[i]['dim'] = i if curr_bin_size == 1: #singleton dimensions #sidx is unchanged b[i]['fracway'] = 1.0 elif pt > curr_bin[curr_bin_size-1]: #larger than max bound of bin sidx += nskip[i] * (curr_bin_size-1) b[i]['fracway'] = 1.0 b[i]['dfracway'] = 0.0 elif pt < curr_bin[0]: #less than min bound of bin sidx += nskip[i] b[i]['fracway'] = 0.0 b[i]['dfracway'] = 0.0 else: #Russ commented that smarter search can be done here... #i guess we can do it in a pythonic way... next_bin_index = np.argmax(curr_bin>pt) sidx += nskip[i]*next_bin_index b[i]['fracway'] = (pt - curr_bin[next_bin_index-1])/(curr_bin[next_bin_index]- curr_bin[next_bin_index-1]) b[i]['dfracway'] = 1./(curr_bin[next_bin_index]- curr_bin[next_bin_index-1]) #sort dimension based on fracway (lowest to highest) b_sorted = sorted(b[:-1], key=lambda b_elem: b_elem['fracway']) # final element of b_sorted, b_sorted.append({'dim':m-1,'fracway':1.0, 'dfracway':0.0}) # top right corner indices[j, 0] = sidx coeffs[j, 0] = b_sorted[0]['fracway'] for i in range(m): if binsize[b_sorted[i]['dim']] > 1: #support singletone dimension sidx -= nskip[b_sorted[i]['dim']] indices[j, i+1] = sidx coeffs[j, i+1] = b_sorted[i+1]['fracway'] - b_sorted[i]['fracway'] return indices, coeffs def add_arrow_to_line2D( axes, line, arrow_locs=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8], arrowstyle='-|>', arrowsize=1, transform=None): """ Add arrows to a matplotlib.lines.Line2D at selected locations. Parameters: ----------- axes: line: list of 1 Line2D obbject as returned by plot command arrow_locs: list of locations where to insert arrows, % of total length arrowstyle: style of the arrow arrowsize: size of the arrow transform: a matplotlib transform instance, default to data coordinates Returns: -------- arrows: list of arrows """ if (not(isinstance(line, list)) or not(isinstance(line[0], mlines.Line2D))): raise ValueError("expected a matplotlib.lines.Line2D object") x, y = line[0].get_xdata(), line[0].get_ydata() arrow_kw = dict(arrowstyle=arrowstyle, mutation_scale=10 * arrowsize) color = line[0].get_color() use_multicolor_lines = isinstance(color, np.ndarray) if use_multicolor_lines: raise NotImplementedError("multicolor lines not supported") else: arrow_kw['color'] = color linewidth = line[0].get_linewidth() if isinstance(linewidth, np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError("multiwidth lines not supported") else: arrow_kw['linewidth'] = linewidth if transform is None: transform = axes.transData arrows = [] for loc in arrow_locs: s = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(x) ** 2 + np.diff(y) ** 2)) n = np.searchsorted(s, s[-1] * loc) arrow_tail = (x[n], y[n]) arrow_head = (np.mean(x[n:n + 2]), np.mean(y[n:n + 2])) p = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch( arrow_tail, arrow_head, transform=transform, **arrow_kw) axes.add_patch(p) arrows.append(p) return arrows def draw_err_bar_with_filled_shape(ax, x_data, y_data, err=None, color=(0, 0, 1), transp=0.2): ''' wrapped function to draw curve with filled shape to indicate error bar ''' line = None shade = None #validate the length of err if err is not None: if len(x_data) != len(y_data) or len(x_data) != len(err): print 'The length of data and err must be consistent.' return line, shade line, = ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=color) ax.hold(True) #<hyin/Jan-22nd-2016> linewidth=0 does not work on matplotlib 1.4.2, it is fixed on 1.4.3 though... shade = plt.fill_between(x_data, y_data-err, y_data+err, alpha=transp, edgecolor=color, facecolor=color, linewidth=3.0) return line, shade else: #just draw curve... line, = ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=color) return line, shade
#!/usr/bin/env python # This file was taken from Riverbank's examples, # which was an adaptation of the original C++ Qt's examples. from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import animatedtiles_rc # PyQt doesn't support deriving from more than one wrapped class so we use # composition and delegate the property. class Pixmap(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, pix): super(Pixmap, self).__init__() self.pixmap_item = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(pix) self.pixmap_item.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) def set_pos(self, pos): self.pixmap_item.setPos(pos) def get_pos(self): return self.pixmap_item.pos() pos = QtCore.Property(QtCore.QPointF, get_pos, set_pos) class Button(QtGui.QGraphicsWidget): pressed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, pixmap, parent=None): super(Button, self).__init__(parent) self._pix = pixmap self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) def boundingRect(self): return QtCore.QRectF(-65, -65, 130, 130) def shape(self): path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.addEllipse(self.boundingRect()) return path def paint(self, painter, option, widget): down = option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_Sunken r = self.boundingRect() grad = QtGui.QLinearGradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomRight()) if option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver: color_0 = QtCore.Qt.white else: color_0 = QtCore.Qt.lightGray color_1 = QtCore.Qt.darkGray if down: color_0, color_1 = color_1, color_0 grad.setColorAt(0, color_0) grad.setColorAt(1, color_1) painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.darkGray) painter.setBrush(grad) painter.drawEllipse(r) color_0 = QtCore.Qt.darkGray color_1 = QtCore.Qt.lightGray if down: color_0, color_1 = color_1, color_0 grad.setColorAt(0, color_0) grad.setColorAt(1, color_1) painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(grad) if down: painter.translate(2, 2) painter.drawEllipse(r.adjusted(5, 5, -5, -5)) painter.drawPixmap(-self._pix.width() / 2, -self._pix.height() / 2, self._pix) def mousePressEvent(self, ev): self.pressed.emit() self.update() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev): self.update() class View(QtGui.QGraphicsView): def resizeEvent(self, event): super(View, self).resizeEvent(event) self.fitInView(self.sceneRect(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import math app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) kineticPix = QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/kinetic.png') bgPix = QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/Time-For-Lunch-2.jpg') scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(-350, -350, 700, 700) items = [] for i in range(64): item = Pixmap(kineticPix) item.pixmap_item.setOffset(-kineticPix.width() / 2, -kineticPix.height() / 2) item.pixmap_item.setZValue(i) items.append(item) scene.addItem(item.pixmap_item) # Buttons. buttonParent = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem() ellipseButton = Button(QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/ellipse.png'), buttonParent) figure8Button = Button(QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/figure8.png'), buttonParent) randomButton = Button(QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/random.png'), buttonParent) tiledButton = Button(QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/tile.png'), buttonParent) centeredButton = Button(QtGui.QPixmap(':/images/centered.png'), buttonParent) ellipseButton.setPos(-100, -100) figure8Button.setPos(100, -100) randomButton.setPos(0, 0) tiledButton.setPos(-100, 100) centeredButton.setPos(100, 100) scene.addItem(buttonParent) buttonParent.scale(0.75, 0.75) buttonParent.setPos(200, 200) buttonParent.setZValue(65) # States. rootState = QtCore.QState() ellipseState = QtCore.QState(rootState) figure8State = QtCore.QState(rootState) randomState = QtCore.QState(rootState) tiledState = QtCore.QState(rootState) centeredState = QtCore.QState(rootState) # Values. for i, item in enumerate(items): # Ellipse. ellipseState.assignProperty(item, 'pos', QtCore.QPointF(math.cos((i / 63.0) * 6.28) * 250, math.sin((i / 63.0) * 6.28) * 250)) # Figure 8. figure8State.assignProperty(item, 'pos', QtCore.QPointF(math.sin((i / 63.0) * 6.28) * 250, math.sin(((i * 2)/63.0) * 6.28) * 250)) # Random. randomState.assignProperty(item, 'pos', QtCore.QPointF(-250 + QtCore.qrand() % 500, -250 + QtCore.qrand() % 500)) # Tiled. tiledState.assignProperty(item, 'pos', QtCore.QPointF(((i % 8) - 4) * kineticPix.width() + kineticPix.width() / 2, ((i // 8) - 4) * kineticPix.height() + kineticPix.height() / 2)) # Centered. centeredState.assignProperty(item, 'pos', QtCore.QPointF()) # Ui. view = View(scene) view.setWindowTitle("Animated Tiles") view.setViewportUpdateMode(QtGui.QGraphicsView.BoundingRectViewportUpdate) view.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(bgPix)) view.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsView.CacheBackground) view.setRenderHints( QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing | QtGui.QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) states = QtCore.QStateMachine() states.addState(rootState) states.setInitialState(rootState) rootState.setInitialState(centeredState) group = QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup() for i, item in enumerate(items): anim = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(item, 'pos') anim.setDuration(750 + i * 25) anim.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.InOutBack) group.addAnimation(anim) trans = rootState.addTransition(ellipseButton.pressed, ellipseState) trans.addAnimation(group) trans = rootState.addTransition(figure8Button.pressed, figure8State) trans.addAnimation(group) trans = rootState.addTransition(randomButton.pressed, randomState) trans.addAnimation(group) trans = rootState.addTransition(tiledButton.pressed, tiledState) trans.addAnimation(group) trans = rootState.addTransition(centeredButton.pressed, centeredState) trans.addAnimation(group) timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.start(125) timer.setSingleShot(True) trans = rootState.addTransition(timer.timeout, ellipseState) trans.addAnimation(group) states.start() sys.exit(app.exec_())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/python __author__ = 'Ray' from flask import g, render_template, send_from_directory, Blueprint, current_app, url_for, jsonify from os import path from urlparse import urljoin from werkzeug.contrib.atom import AtomFeed from fnmatch import fnmatch from datetime import datetime from werkzeug.exceptions import abort from flask_babel import gettext, refresh class SimplePage(object): title = '' path = '' _locale = '' _is_default = False def __init__(self, title=''): self.title = title def set_lang(locale_name): if locale_name != '': g.lang = locale_name.split('-')[0] refresh() def create_views(name, app): main = Blueprint(name, name, template_folder='templates', static_url_path='/static', static_folder='static') try: if app.config['TESTING'] is False: pkg_file = path.join(app.path, '') if path.exists(pkg_file): import imp ext_module = imp.load_source(name, pkg_file) routes_func_name = 'register' if hasattr(ext_module, routes_func_name) and callable(getattr(ext_module, routes_func_name)): ext_module.register(main) finally: __init_views(main, app) app.register_blueprint(main) return main def __init_views(main, app): @main.route('/') @main.route('/<path:page_path>/') def index(page_path='index'): if fnmatch(page_path, '*.*'): _abs_path = path.abspath(path.join('pages', path.dirname(page_path))) return send_from_directory(_abs_path, path.basename(page_path)) page = current_app.pages.get_or_404(page_path) default_layout = 'page' if page._is_post: default_layout = 'post' set_lang(page._locale) template = 'layouts/%s.html' % page.meta.get('layout', default_layout) return render_template(template, page=page, locale=page._locale, @main.route('/api/pages/<path:search_path>.json') def data_pages(search_path): if search_path == 'all': return jsonify(pages=[p.to_json for p in]) else: _page = current_app.pages.get_or_404(search_path) json_page = _page.to_json json_page.update(pages=[p.to_json for p in]) return jsonify(json_page) @main.route('/api/posts.json') def data_posts(): return jsonify(posts=[p.to_json for p in]) @main.route('/<regex("[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}"):locale_name>/tags/') @main.route('/tags/') def tags(locale_name=''): set_lang(locale_name) return render_template('layouts/tags.html', page=SimplePage('All tags'),, locale=locale_name) @main.route('/<regex("[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}"):locale_name>/tags/<name>/') @main.route('/tags/<name>/') def tag(name, locale_name=''): set_lang(locale_name) if (name is None) or name == '': abort(404) return render_template('layouts/tagged.html', page=SimplePage(gettext(u'Articles tagged with:%(value)s', value=name)), tag=name, locale=locale_name, @main.route('/<regex("[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}"):locale_name>/archives/') @main.route('/archives/') def archives(locale_name=''): set_lang(locale_name) return render_template('layouts/archives.html', page=SimplePage(gettext(u'All archives')), locale=locale_name, @main.route('/<regex("[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}"):locale_name>/archives/<name>/') @main.route('/archives/<name>/') def archive(name, locale_name=''): set_lang(locale_name) results = [a for a in if a.title == name] if len(results) == 0: abort(404) return render_template('layouts/archived.html', page=SimplePage(gettext(u'Archive:%(value)s', value=name)), locale=locale_name, archive=results[0], def render_404(): """Render the not found page """ return render_template('404.html', page={'title': gettext(u'Page not found'), 'path': '404'}, locale='', @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_404(), 404 @main.route('/404.html') def static_404(): return render_404() @app.route('/sitemap.xml') def sitemap(): locations = [(lambda p: (post.url, post.last_updated))(post) for post in current_app.pages] sites = [( + l[0], l[1]) for l in locations] return render_template('sitemap.xml', sites=sites), 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'} @app.route('/feeds/<path:name>.atom') def feed(name='recent'): _feed_url = url_for('.feed', name=name, _external=True) _posts = if name != 'recent': _posts =, all=True) feed = AtomFeed(gettext('Recent posts'), feed_url=_feed_url, # if len(_posts) > 20: # _posts = _posts[20] for post in _posts: feed.add(post.meta.get('title', ''), unicode(post.html), content_type='html', subtitle=post.meta.get('summary', ''), author=post.meta.get('author'), url=urljoin(, post.url), updated=post.last_updated, published=post.published) return feed.get_response()
import MySQLdb def consultaRecuperar(consulta): cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(consulta) #cnx.close() no se cierra porque activa una excepcion. return cursor def consultaSQL(consulta): respuesta=False cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(consulta) respuesta=cursor.fetchone() if respuesta=='1': respuesta=True cnx.close() return respuesta def consultaId(consulta): cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(consulta) respuesta=cursor.fetchone() #cnx.close() return respuesta def consultaPromociones(consulta): cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() try: cursor.execute(consulta) #cnx.close() no se cierra porque activa una excepcion. except Exception, e: print ' ' return cursor def registroSQL(consulta): respuesta=False cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() try: cursor.execute(consulta) cnx.commit() cnx.close() respuesta=True except Exception, e: print 'No se logro realizar la accion' return respuesta def consultaCodigo(consulta): respuesta=False cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='manuel13580', passwd='Manuel5897-', db='micupongt') cursor = cnx.cursor() try: cursor.execute(consulta) cnx.commit() respuesta=cursor.fetchone() #cnx.close() no se cierra porque activa una excepcion. except Exception, e: print ' ' return respuesta
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # **********************************************************************************# # File: # **********************************************************************************# from section_cmab.agent import Agent from section_cmab.algorithms.lp_solvers import primal_dual_recover from section_cmab.display.rewards import display_single_ def simulate_with_(algorithm, config=None, circles=200, dump=True, algorithm_type='original', fixed_theta=False, prefix='', **kwargs): """ Simulate with parameters. Args: algorithm(function): algorithm config(string): config path circles(int): circles dump(boolean): whether to dump result to file algorithm_type(string): original, optimal, comparison fixed_theta(boolean): fixed theta prefix(string): prefix """ config = config or '../cfg/default.cfg' agent = Agent.from_(config) if algorithm_type == 'optimal': algorithm_rewards = agent.find_optimal_with_bnd_(primal_dual_recover, circles=circles, dump=dump, fixed_theta=fixed_theta, prefix=prefix) elif algorithm_type == 'original': algorithm_rewards = agent.iter_with_(algorithm, circles=circles, dump=dump, prefix=prefix) elif algorithm_type == 'greedy': algorithm_rewards = agent.iter_with_greedy_(algorithm, circles=circles, dump=dump, prefix=prefix) else: algorithm_rewards = agent.comparison_(algorithm, circles=circles, dump=dump, prefix=prefix) return algorithm_rewards if __name__ == '__main__': config_path = '../cfg/myron.cfg' current_algorithm = primal_dual_recover # current_algorithm = branch_and_bound rewards = simulate_with_(current_algorithm, config=config_path, circles=30, dump=False) display_single_(rewards, all_curves=False, display_length=500, line_width=1.8, title_size=20, label_size=16, color='#1E90FF')
# Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import unittest from urllib2 import HTTPError from import NetworkTransaction, NetworkTimeout from webkitpy.common.system.logtesting import LoggingTestCase class NetworkTransactionTest(LoggingTestCase): exception = Exception("Test exception") def test_success(self): transaction = NetworkTransaction() self.assertEqual( 42), 42) def _raise_exception(self): raise self.exception def test_exception(self): transaction = NetworkTransaction() did_process_exception = False did_throw_exception = True try: self._raise_exception()) did_throw_exception = False except Exception, e: did_process_exception = True self.assertEqual(e, self.exception) self.assertTrue(did_throw_exception) self.assertTrue(did_process_exception) def _raise_500_error(self): self._run_count += 1 if self._run_count < 3: raise HTTPError("", 500, "internal server error", None, None) return 42 def _raise_404_error(self): raise HTTPError("", 404, "not found", None, None) def test_retry(self): self._run_count = 0 transaction = NetworkTransaction(initial_backoff_seconds=0) self.assertEqual( self._raise_500_error()), 42) self.assertEqual(self._run_count, 3) self.assertLog(['WARNING: Received HTTP status 500 loading "". ' 'Retrying in 0 seconds...\n', 'WARNING: Received HTTP status 500 loading "". ' 'Retrying in 0.0 seconds...\n']) def test_convert_404_to_None(self): transaction = NetworkTransaction(convert_404_to_None=True) self.assertEqual( self._raise_404_error()), None) def test_timeout(self): self._run_count = 0 transaction = NetworkTransaction(initial_backoff_seconds=60*60, timeout_seconds=60) did_process_exception = False did_throw_exception = True try: self._raise_500_error()) did_throw_exception = False except NetworkTimeout, e: did_process_exception = True self.assertTrue(did_throw_exception) self.assertTrue(did_process_exception)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name' : 'Fleet Management', 'version' : '0.1', 'sequence': 165, 'category': 'Human Resources', 'website' : '', 'summary' : 'Vehicle, leasing, insurances, costs', 'description' : """ Vehicle, leasing, insurances, cost ================================== With this module, Odoo helps you managing all your vehicles, the contracts associated to those vehicle as well as services, fuel log entries, costs and many other features necessary to the management of your fleet of vehicle(s) Main Features ------------- * Add vehicles to your fleet * Manage contracts for vehicles * Reminder when a contract reach its expiration date * Add services, fuel log entry, odometer values for all vehicles * Show all costs associated to a vehicle or to a type of service * Analysis graph for costs """, 'depends': [ 'base', 'mail', ], 'data': [ 'security/fleet_security.xml', 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'views/fleet_view.xml', 'views/fleet_board_view.xml', 'data/fleet_cars_data.xml', 'data/fleet_data.xml', ], 'demo': ['data/fleet_demo.xml'], 'installable': True, 'application': True, }
#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################### # $Id$ # # Project: GDAL2Tiles, Google Summer of Code 2007 & 2008 # Global Map Tiles Classes # Purpose: Convert a raster into TMS tiles, create KML SuperOverlay EPSG:4326, # generate a simple HTML viewers based on Google Maps and OpenLayers # Author: Klokan Petr Pridal, klokan at klokan dot cz # Web: # ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2008 Klokan Petr Pridal. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ############################################################################### """ Global Map Tiles as defined in Tile Map Service (TMS) Profiles ============================================================== Functions necessary for generation of global tiles used on the web. It contains classes implementing coordinate conversions for: - GlobalMercator (based on EPSG:900913 = EPSG:3785) for Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Maps compatible tiles - GlobalGeodetic (based on EPSG:4326) for OpenLayers Base Map and Google Earth compatible tiles More info at: Created by Klokan Petr Pridal on 2008-07-03. Google Summer of Code 2008, project GDAL2Tiles for OSGEO. In case you use this class in your product, translate it to another language or find it usefull for your project please let me know. My email: klokan at klokan dot cz. I would like to know where it was used. Class is available under the open-source GDAL license ( """ import math class GlobalMercator(object): """ TMS Global Mercator Profile --------------------------- Functions necessary for generation of tiles in Spherical Mercator projection, EPSG:900913 (EPSG:gOOglE, Google Maps Global Mercator), EPSG:3785, OSGEO:41001. Such tiles are compatible with Google Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps, UK Ordnance Survey OpenSpace API, ... and you can overlay them on top of base maps of those web mapping applications. Pixel and tile coordinates are in TMS notation (origin [0,0] in bottom-left). What coordinate conversions do we need for TMS Global Mercator tiles:: LatLon <-> Meters <-> Pixels <-> Tile WGS84 coordinates Spherical Mercator Pixels in pyramid Tiles in pyramid lat/lon XY in metres XY pixels Z zoom XYZ from TMS EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 .----. --------- -- TMS / \ <-> | | <-> /----/ <-> Google \ / | | /--------/ QuadTree ----- --------- /------------/ KML, public WebMapService Web Clients TileMapService What is the coordinate extent of Earth in EPSG:900913? [-20037508.342789244, -20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244] Constant 20037508.342789244 comes from the circumference of the Earth in meters, which is 40 thousand kilometers, the coordinate origin is in the middle of extent. In fact you can calculate the constant as: 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / 2.0 $ echo 180 85 | gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:900913 Polar areas with abs(latitude) bigger then 85.05112878 are clipped off. What are zoom level constants (pixels/meter) for pyramid with EPSG:900913? whole region is on top of pyramid (zoom=0) covered by 256x256 pixels tile, every lower zoom level resolution is always divided by two initialResolution = 20037508.342789244 * 2 / 256 = 156543.03392804062 What is the difference between TMS and Google Maps/QuadTree tile name convention? The tile raster itself is the same (equal extent, projection, pixel size), there is just different identification of the same raster tile. Tiles in TMS are counted from [0,0] in the bottom-left corner, id is XYZ. Google placed the origin [0,0] to the top-left corner, reference is XYZ. Microsoft is referencing tiles by a QuadTree name, defined on the website: The lat/lon coordinates are using WGS84 datum, yeh? Yes, all lat/lon we are mentioning should use WGS84 Geodetic Datum. Well, the web clients like Google Maps are projecting those coordinates by Spherical Mercator, so in fact lat/lon coordinates on sphere are treated as if the were on the WGS84 ellipsoid. From MSDN documentation: To simplify the calculations, we use the spherical form of projection, not the ellipsoidal form. Since the projection is used only for map display, and not for displaying numeric coordinates, we don't need the extra precision of an ellipsoidal projection. The spherical projection causes approximately 0.33 percent scale distortion in the Y direction, which is not visually noticable. How do I create a raster in EPSG:900913 and convert coordinates with PROJ.4? You can use standard GIS tools like gdalwarp, cs2cs or gdaltransform. All of the tools supports -t_srs 'epsg:900913'. For other GIS programs check the exact definition of the projection: More info at The same projection is degined as EPSG:3785. WKT definition is in the official EPSG database. Proj4 Text: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs Human readable WKT format of EPGS:900913: PROJCS["Google Maps Global Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP"], PARAMETER["central_meridian",0], PARAMETER["scale_factor",1], PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]] """ def __init__(self, tileSize=256): "Initialize the TMS Global Mercator pyramid" self.tileSize = tileSize self.initialResolution = 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / self.tileSize # 156543.03392804062 for tileSize 256 pixels self.originShift = 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / 2.0 # 20037508.342789244 def LatLonToMeters(self, lat, lon ): "Converts given lat/lon in WGS84 Datum to XY in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913" mx = lon * self.originShift / 180.0 my = math.log( math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi / 360.0 )) / (math.pi / 180.0) my = my * self.originShift / 180.0 return mx, my def MetersToLatLon(self, mx, my ): "Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum" lon = (mx / self.originShift) * 180.0 lat = (my / self.originShift) * 180.0 lat = 180 / math.pi * (2 * math.atan( math.exp( lat * math.pi / 180.0)) - math.pi / 2.0) return lat, lon def PixelsToMeters(self, px, py, zoom): "Converts pixel coordinates in given zoom level of pyramid to EPSG:900913" res = self.Resolution( zoom ) mx = px * res - self.originShift my = py * res - self.originShift return mx, my def MetersToPixels(self, mx, my, zoom): "Converts EPSG:900913 to pyramid pixel coordinates in given zoom level" res = self.Resolution( zoom ) px = (mx + self.originShift) / res py = (my + self.originShift) / res return px, py def PixelsToTile(self, px, py): "Returns a tile covering region in given pixel coordinates" tx = int( math.ceil( px / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) ty = int( math.ceil( py / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) return tx, ty def PixelsToRaster(self, px, py, zoom): "Move the origin of pixel coordinates to top-left corner" mapSize = self.tileSize << zoom return px, mapSize - py def MetersToTile(self, mx, my, zoom): "Returns tile for given mercator coordinates" px, py = self.MetersToPixels( mx, my, zoom) return self.PixelsToTile( px, py) def TileBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Returns bounds of the given tile in EPSG:900913 coordinates" minx, miny = self.PixelsToMeters( tx*self.tileSize, ty*self.tileSize, zoom ) maxx, maxy = self.PixelsToMeters( (tx+1)*self.tileSize, (ty+1)*self.tileSize, zoom ) return ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) def TileLatLonBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom ): "Returns bounds of the given tile in latutude/longitude using WGS84 datum" bounds = self.TileBounds( tx, ty, zoom) minLat, minLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[0], bounds[1]) maxLat, maxLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[2], bounds[3]) return ( minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon ) def Resolution(self, zoom ): "Resolution (meters/pixel) for given zoom level (measured at Equator)" # return (2 * math.pi * 6378137) / (self.tileSize * 2**zoom) return self.initialResolution / (2**zoom) def ZoomForPixelSize(self, pixelSize ): "Maximal scaledown zoom of the pyramid closest to the pixelSize." for i in range(30): if pixelSize > self.Resolution(i): return i-1 if i!=0 else 0 # We don't want to scale up def GoogleTile(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Converts TMS tile coordinates to Google Tile coordinates" # coordinate origin is moved from bottom-left to top-left corner of the extent return tx, (2**zoom - 1) - ty def QuadTree(self, tx, ty, zoom ): "Converts TMS tile coordinates to Microsoft QuadTree" quadKey = "" ty = (2**zoom - 1) - ty for i in range(zoom, 0, -1): digit = 0 mask = 1 << (i-1) if (tx & mask) != 0: digit += 1 if (ty & mask) != 0: digit += 2 quadKey += str(digit) return quadKey #--------------------- class GlobalGeodetic(object): """ TMS Global Geodetic Profile --------------------------- Functions necessary for generation of global tiles in Plate Carre projection, EPSG:4326, "unprojected profile". Such tiles are compatible with Google Earth (as any other EPSG:4326 rasters) and you can overlay the tiles on top of OpenLayers base map. Pixel and tile coordinates are in TMS notation (origin [0,0] in bottom-left). What coordinate conversions do we need for TMS Global Geodetic tiles? Global Geodetic tiles are using geodetic coordinates (latitude,longitude) directly as planar coordinates XY (it is also called Unprojected or Plate Carre). We need only scaling to pixel pyramid and cutting to tiles. Pyramid has on top level two tiles, so it is not square but rectangle. Area [-180,-90,180,90] is scaled to 512x256 pixels. TMS has coordinate origin (for pixels and tiles) in bottom-left corner. Rasters are in EPSG:4326 and therefore are compatible with Google Earth. LatLon <-> Pixels <-> Tiles WGS84 coordinates Pixels in pyramid Tiles in pyramid lat/lon XY pixels Z zoom XYZ from TMS EPSG:4326 .----. ---- / \ <-> /--------/ <-> TMS \ / /--------------/ ----- /--------------------/ WMS, KML Web Clients, Google Earth TileMapService """ def __init__(self, tileSize = 256): self.tileSize = tileSize def LatLonToPixels(self, lat, lon, zoom): "Converts lat/lon to pixel coordinates in given zoom of the EPSG:4326 pyramid" res = 180 / 256.0 / 2**zoom px = (180 + lat) / res py = (90 + lon) / res return px, py def PixelsToTile(self, px, py): "Returns coordinates of the tile covering region in pixel coordinates" tx = int( math.ceil( px / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) ty = int( math.ceil( py / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) return tx, ty def Resolution(self, zoom ): "Resolution (arc/pixel) for given zoom level (measured at Equator)" return 180 / 256.0 / 2**zoom #return 180 / float( 1 << (8+zoom) ) def TileBounds(tx, ty, zoom): "Returns bounds of the given tile" res = 180 / 256.0 / 2**zoom return ( tx*256*res - 180, ty*256*res - 90, (tx+1)*256*res - 180, (ty+1)*256*res - 90 ) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys, os def Usage(s = ""): print "Usage: [-profile 'mercator'|'geodetic'] zoomlevel lat lon [latmax lonmax]" print if s: print s print print "This utility prints for given WGS84 lat/lon coordinates (or bounding box) the list of tiles" print "covering specified area. Tiles are in the given 'profile' (default is Google Maps 'mercator')" print "and in the given pyramid 'zoomlevel'." print "For each tile several information is printed including bonding box in EPSG:900913 and WGS84." sys.exit(1) profile = 'mercator' zoomlevel = None lat, lon, latmax, lonmax = None, None, None, None boundingbox = False argv = sys.argv i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if arg == '-profile': i = i + 1 profile = argv[i] if zoomlevel is None: zoomlevel = int(argv[i]) elif lat is None: lat = float(argv[i]) elif lon is None: lon = float(argv[i]) elif latmax is None: latmax = float(argv[i]) elif lonmax is None: lonmax = float(argv[i]) else: Usage("ERROR: Too many parameters") i = i + 1 if profile != 'mercator': Usage("ERROR: Sorry, given profile is not implemented yet.") if zoomlevel == None or lat == None or lon == None: Usage("ERROR: Specify at least 'zoomlevel', 'lat' and 'lon'.") if latmax is not None and lonmax is None: Usage("ERROR: Both 'latmax' and 'lonmax' must be given.") if latmax != None and lonmax != None: if latmax < lat: Usage("ERROR: 'latmax' must be bigger then 'lat'") if lonmax < lon: Usage("ERROR: 'lonmax' must be bigger then 'lon'") boundingbox = (lon, lat, lonmax, latmax) tz = zoomlevel mercator = GlobalMercator() mx, my = mercator.LatLonToMeters( lat, lon ) print "Spherical Mercator (ESPG:900913) coordinates for lat/lon: " print (mx, my) tminx, tminy = mercator.MetersToTile( mx, my, tz ) if boundingbox: mx, my = mercator.LatLonToMeters( latmax, lonmax ) print "Spherical Mercator (ESPG:900913) cooridnate for maxlat/maxlon: " print (mx, my) tmaxx, tmaxy = mercator.MetersToTile( mx, my, tz ) else: tmaxx, tmaxy = tminx, tminy for ty in range(tminy, tmaxy+1): for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx+1): tilefilename = "%s/%s/%s" % (tz, tx, ty) print tilefilename, "( TileMapService: z / x / y )" gx, gy = mercator.GoogleTile(tx, ty, tz) print "\tGoogle:", gx, gy quadkey = mercator.QuadTree(tx, ty, tz) print "\tQuadkey:", quadkey, '(',int(quadkey, 4),')' bounds = mercator.TileBounds( tx, ty, tz) print print "\tEPSG:900913 Extent: ", bounds wgsbounds = mercator.TileLatLonBounds( tx, ty, tz) print "\tWGS84 Extent:", wgsbounds print "\tgdalwarp -ts 256 256 -te %s %s %s %s %s %s_%s_%s.tif" % ( bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], "<your-raster-file-in-epsg900913.ext>", tz, tx, ty) print
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2011 Lukas Martini, Phillip Thelen. # This file may be used and distributed under the terms found in the # file COPYING, which you should have received along with this # program. If you haven't, please refer to from django.template import Library, Node from homepage.navigation.models import Entry register = Library() class SimpleMenuNode(Node): def __init__(self, menu=None): if menu != None: = menu else: = 1 def addmenu(self, parentid = None): entrylist = Entry.objects.all().filter(menu__menuname =, parent__id = parentid) self.menuhtml += '<ul>' for entry in entrylist: self.menuhtml += '<li><a href="{0}">{1}</a></li>'.format(, if entry.children.count() != 0: self.addmenu( self.menuhtml += '</ul>' def render(self, context): self.menuhtml = '' self.addmenu() return self.menuhtml class SimpleMenuOneNode(Node): def __init__(self, menu=None, parent=None): if menu != None: = menu else: = 1 if parent != None: self.parent = parent else: self.parent = None def render(self, context): entrylist = Entry.objects.all().filter(menu__menuname =, parent__id = self.parent) menuhtml = '<ul>' for entry in entrylist: menuhtml += '<li><a href="{0}">{1}</a></li>'.format(, menuhtml += '</ul>' return menuhtml class CheckmenuNode(Node): def render(self, context): return '' def simpleMenu(parser, token): try: tag_name, menu = token.split_contents() except: menu = None return SimpleMenuNode(menu) def simpleMenuOne(parser, token): parent = None menu = None try: content = token.split_contents() except: menu = None if len(content) > 1: if len(content) > 2: menu = content[1] parent = content[2] else: menu = content[1] return SimpleMenuOneNode(menu, parent) def checkmenu(parser, token): try: tag_name, menuname = token.split_contents() entrylist = Entry.objects.all().filter(menu__menuname = menuname) except: parser.skip_past('endcheckmenu') return CheckmenuNode() def endcheckmenu(parser, token): return CheckmenuNode() simpleMenu = register.tag(simpleMenu) simpleMenuOne = register.tag(simpleMenuOne) checkmenu = register.tag(checkmenu) endcheckmenu = register.tag(endcheckmenu)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Charts with two subcharts. """ from decimal import Decimal import swisseph as swe from oroboros.core.charts import Chart from oroboros.core.planets import all_planets from oroboros.core.aspects import all_aspects from oroboros.core.results import PlanetDataList from oroboros.core.aspectsresults import AspectDataList, MidPointAspectDataList, InterMidPointAspectDataList __all__ = ['BiChart'] class BiChart(list): """Chart object with comparisons functions for two subcharts.""" __slots__ = ('_interaspects', '_intermidp1', '_intermidp2', '_intermidpoints', '_switched') def _get_interaspects(self): """Get inter-aspects. :rtype: AspectDataList """ if self._interaspects == None: self._calc_interaspects() return self._interaspects def _get_intermidp1(self): """Get aspects between chart 1 midpoints and chart 2 planets. :rtype: MidPointAspectDataList """ if self._intermidp1 == None: self._calc_intermidp(0) return self._intermidp1 def _get_intermidp2(self): """Get aspects between chart 2 midpoints and chart 1 planets. :rtype: MidPointAspectDataList """ if self._intermidp2 == None: self._calc_intermidp(1) return self._intermidp2 def _get_intermidpoints(self): """Get aspects between midpoints. :rtype: InterMidPointAspectDataList """ if self._intermidpoints == None: self._calc_intermidpoints() return self._intermidpoints def _get_switched(self): """Get switch state flag. :rtype: bool """ return self._switched def _set_switched(self, boolean): """Set switched state flag. :type boolean: bool """ self._switched = bool(boolean) interaspects = property(_get_interaspects, doc='Inter-aspects.') intermidp1 = property(_get_intermidp1, doc='Aspects to chart 1 midpoints.') intermidp2 = property(_get_intermidp2, doc='Aspects to chart 2 midpoints.') intermidpoints = property(_get_intermidpoints, doc='Aspects between midpoints.') switched = property(_get_switched, _set_switched, doc='Bichart switched state (bool).') def __init__(self, cht1=None, cht2=None): """Init bi-chart. :type cht1: Chart, str, int or None :type cht2: Chart, str, int or None """ self._switched = False if cht1 != None: self.append(cht1) if cht2 != None: self.append(cht2) self.calc() def append(self, cht): """Append a chart. :type cht: Chart, str or int :raise TypeError: invalid chart """ if not isinstance(cht, Chart): try: cht = Chart(cht) except: raise raise TypeError('Invalic chart %s.' % cht) list.append(self, cht) self.calc() def insert(self, idx, cht): """Insert a chart. :type idx: int :type cht: Chart, str or int :raise IndexError: invalid index :raise TypeError: invalid chart """ if idx > 1 or idx < -2: raise IndexError('Invalid index %s.' % idx) if not isinstance(cht, Chart): try: cht = Chart(cht) except: raise TypeError('Invalic chart %s.' % cht) list.insert(self, idx, cht) self.calc() def __setitem__(self, idx, cht): if idx > 1 or idx < -2: raise IndexError('Invalid index %s.' % idx) if not isinstance(cht, Chart): try: cht = Chart(cht) except: raise TypeError('Invalic chart %s.' % cht) list.__setitem__(self, idx, cht) self.calc() def __delitem__(self, idx): self._switched = False list.__delitem__(self, idx) def set(self, idx, **kwargs): """Set charts properties.""" self[idx].set(**kwargs) if any((x for x in kwargs if x in ('datetime', 'calendar', 'location', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'zoneinfo', 'timezone', 'dst', 'utcoffset', 'filter'))): self.reset_calc() def reset_calc(self): """Trigger recalculation of aspects.""" self._interaspects = None self._intermidp1 = None self._intermidp2 = None self._intermidpoints = None # calculations def _calc_interaspects(self): """Calculate inter-aspects of planets between charts 1 and 2.""" res = AspectDataList() if len(self) != 2: self._interaspects = res return f1 = self[0]._filter f2 = self[1]._filter all_asp = all_aspects() for pos1 in self[0]._planets: p1, lon1, lonsp1 = pos1._planet, pos1._longitude, pos1._lonspeed for pos2 in self[1]._planets: p2, lon2, lonsp2 = pos2._planet, pos2._longitude, pos2._lonspeed for asp, doasp in f1._aspects.items(): if not doasp: continue if not f2._aspects[asp]: continue if not f1._asprestr[p1._name] or not f2._asprestr[p1._name]: continue if not f2._asprestr[p2._name] or not f2._asprestr[p2._name]: continue asp = all_asp[asp] orb = (f1._orbs[asp._name]+f2._orbs[asp._name])/Decimal('2') orbmod1 = f1.orbrestr[p1._name].get_absolute(orb) orbmod2 = f2.orbrestr[p2._name].get_absolute(orb) orb += (orbmod1 + orbmod2) / Decimal('2') if orb < 0: continue diff, apply, factor = swe._match_aspect2( lon1, lonsp1, lon2, lonsp2, float(asp._angle), float(orb)) if diff != None: res.feed(pos1, pos2, asp, diff, apply, factor) self._interaspects = res def _calc_intermidp(self, idx): """Calculate aspects between one midpoints and other planets.""" res = MidPointAspectDataList() try: if len(self) != 2 or not self[idx]._filter._calc_midp: if idx == 0: self._intermidp1 = res else: self._intermidp2 = res return except IndexError: if idx == 0: self._intermidp1 = res else: self._intermidp2 = res return # ok do calc oth = 1 if idx in (0, -2) else 0 # other's idx midpres = self[idx]._midpoints jd = self[oth].julday flag = self[oth]._filter.get_calcflag() self[oth]._setup_swisseph() f = self[idx]._filter._midpoints all_pl = all_planets() all_asp = all_aspects() # get all concerned planets, if not already calculated plres = PlanetDataList() for pl in [x for x in f._planets if f._planets[x] and f._asprestr[x]]: try: plres.append(self[oth]._planets.get_data(pl)) except KeyError: p = all_pl[pl] plres.feed(p, p.calc_ut(jd, flag, self[oth])) # get midp aspects plres.sort_by_ranking() for i, midp in enumerate(midpres): ##p1, p2 = midp._planet, midp._planet2 lon1, lonsp1 = midp._longitude, midp._lonspeed for pos in plres: pl, lon2, lonsp2 = pos._planet, pos._longitude, pos._lonspeed for asp, doasp in f._aspects.items(): if not doasp: # dont use this aspect continue asp = all_asp[asp] # modify orb orb = f._orbs[asp._name] #orbmod1 = plorbfilt[p1._name].get_absolute(orb) orbmod1 = 0 # todo?: midp obrestr orbmod2 = f._orbrestr[pl._name].get_absolute(orb) orb += (orbmod1 + orbmod2) / Decimal('2') if orb < 0: # we'll never get such a precision continue # check aspect match diff, apply, factor = swe._match_aspect2( lon1, lonsp1, lon2, lonsp2, float(asp._angle), float(orb)) if diff != None: res.feed(midp, pos, asp, diff, apply, factor) if idx == 0: self._intermidp1 = res else: self._intermidp2 = res def _calc_intermidpoints(self): """Calculate aspects between midpoints.""" res = InterMidPointAspectDataList() if len(self) != 2: self._intermidpoints = res return elif not self[0]._filter._calc_midp or not self[1]._filter._calc_midp: self._intermidpoints = res return f1 = self[0]._filter._midpoints f2 = self[1]._filter._midpoints all_asp = all_aspects() # begin calc for i, pos1 in enumerate(self[0]._midpoints): p1, lon1, lonsp1 = pos1._data2, pos1._longitude, pos1._lonspeed for pos2 in self[1]._midpoints: p2, lon2, lonsp2 = pos2._data2, pos2._longitude, pos2._lonspeed for asp, doasp in f1._aspects.items(): if not doasp: # dont use this aspect continue if not f2._aspects[asp]: continue # no asp restr asp = all_asp[asp] # modify orb orb1 = f1._orbs[asp._name] orb2 = f2._orbs[asp._name] orb = orb1 + orb2 / Decimal('2') # nor orb restr # check aspect match diff, apply, factor = swe._match_aspect2( lon1, lonsp1, lon2, lonsp2, float(asp._angle), float(orb)) if diff != None: res.feed(pos1, pos2, asp, diff, apply, factor) self._intermidpoints = res def calc(self): """Do all calculations.""" self._calc_interaspects() self._calc_intermidp(0) self._calc_intermidp(1) self._calc_intermidpoints() def _all_draw_aspects(self): """Return a list of all drawable aspects (incl. activated midpoints). :rtype: AspectDataList """ ret = AspectDataList() ret.extend(self._interaspects) try: if self[0]._filter._draw_midp: ret.extend(self._intermidp1) except IndexError: # none chart pass try: if self[1]._filter._draw_midp: ret.extend(self._intermidp2) except IndexError: # none chart pass # try: # if self[0]._filter._draw_midp and self[1]._filter._draw_midp: # ret.extend(self._intermidpoints) # except IndexError: # none chart # pass return ret def _all_draw_planets(self, idx=0): """Get all planets and midpoints to draw when comparing charts. :type idx: int :rtype: PlanetDataList """ ret = PlanetDataList() if idx == 0: ret.extend(self[0]._planets) ret.extend(self._intermidp1.get_midpoints()) else: ret.extend(self[1]._planets) ret.extend(self._intermidp2.get_midpoints()) return ret def switch(self): """Switch chart 1 and 2.""" self.reverse() self._switched = not self._switched self.calc() def synastry_mode(self): """Set comparison mode transit/synastry.""" for i, cht in enumerate(self): self[i].calc() self.calc() def progression_of(self, idx=0): """Set comparison mode progression. :type idx: int :raise IndexError: missing chart """ if len(self) != 2: raise IndexError('Missing chart(s).') if idx == 0: cht1 = 0 cht2 = 1 elif idx == 1: cht1 = 1 cht2 = 0 self[cht2].progression_of(self[cht1].julday) self.calc() def direction_of(self, idx=0): """Set comparison mode direction. :type idx: int :raise IndexError: missing chart """ if len(self) != 2: raise IndexError('Missing chart(s)') if idx == 0: cht1 = 0 cht2 = 1 elif idx == 1: cht1 = 1 cht2 = 0 self[cht2].direction_of(self[cht1].julday) self.calc() def multiply_pos(self, value, idx): """Multiply positions by value. :type value: numeric :type idx: int """ self[idx].multiply_pos(value) self.calc() def add_pos(self, value, idx): """Add value to positions. :type value: numeric :type idx: int """ self[idx].add_pos(value) self.calc() def profection_of(self, op, value, unit, idx=0): """Profection. :type op: str :type value: numeric :type unit: str :type idx: int :raise IndexError: missing chart """ if len(self) != 2: raise IndexError('Missing chart(s)') if idx == 0: cht1 = 0 cht2 = 1 elif idx == 1: cht1 = 1 cht2 = 0 self[cht2].profection_of(op, value, unit, self[cht1].julday) self.calc() def __repr__(self): return "BiChart(%s)" % ', '.join([repr(x) for x in self]) # End.
import uuid import datetime import re import os import sqlite3 import time import itertools import pytz import lockfile import memdam import memdam.common.field import memdam.common.event import memdam.eventstore.api @memdam.vtrace() def execute_sql(cur, sql, args=()): '''Just for debugging''' return cur.execute(sql, args) @memdam.vtrace() def execute_many(cur, sql, values=()): '''Just for debugging''' cur.executemany(sql, values) #TODO: validate the various bits of data--should not start or end with _, should not contain __, should only contain numbers and digits #also have to validate all of the things that we are inserting in a raw way class Eventstore(memdam.eventstore.api.Eventstore): """ An archive for all events that uses Sqlite as the backing store. Stores all tables in their own file for the following reasons: - Lower contention (read and write) when working with multiple data types at once - Smaller files (easier to back up, encrypt, decrypt, etc) - Safety. Reduces chances of corrupting all data. Note: pass in a folder called :memory: to keep everything in memory for testing When inserting new events, automatically creates new columns if necessary. All columns are given appropriate indices (usually ASC, except in the case of TEXT, which is given an FTS virtual table, and the column in the main table because an INTEGER that refers to the document id in the FTS table) Columns are created with exactly the same name as the variables. Variable names uniquely define the type of the column, as well as the type of any index. TEXT attributes will createa column that contains docid integer references in the main table, AS WELL AS a second (virtual, fts4) table (name__text__docs) Indices are named "name__type__secondary__indextype" """ EXTENSION = '.sql' LOCK_EXTENSION = '.lock' CREATE_TABLE_EXTENSION = '.creating_sql' def __init__(self, folder): self.folder = folder self.memory_connection = None def save(self, events): memdam.log().debug("Saving events") sorted_events = sorted(events, key=lambda x: x.namespace) for namespace, grouped_events in itertools.groupby(sorted_events, lambda x: x.namespace): table_name = namespace_to_table_name(namespace) self._save_events(list(grouped_events), table_name) def get(self, event_id): for table_name in self._all_table_names(): conn = self._connect(table_name, read_only=True) namespace = table_name_to_namespace(table_name) cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id__id = ?;" % (table_name) execute_sql(cur, sql, (buffer(event_id.bytes),)) names = [x[0] for x in cur.description] for row in cur.fetchall(): return _create_event_from_row(row, names, namespace, conn) raise Exception("event with id %s not found" % (event_id)) def find(self, query): events = [] for table_name in self._all_table_names(): if _matches_namespace_filters(table_name, query): events += self._find_matching_events_in_table(table_name, query) return events def delete(self, event_id): for table_name in self._all_table_names(): conn = self._connect(table_name, read_only=False) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE") sql = "SELECT _id FROM %s WHERE id__id = ?;" % (table_name) execute_sql(cur, sql, (buffer(event_id.bytes),)) for row in cur.fetchall(): rowid = row[0] names = [x[0] for x in cur.description] for i in range(0, len(names)): name = names[i] if name == '_id': continue if memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(name) == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT: execute_sql(cur, "DELETE FROM %s__%s__docs WHERE docid = ?;" % (table_name, name), (rowid)) execute_sql(cur, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE _id = %s" % (table_name, rowid), ()) conn.commit() def _find_matching_events_in_table(self, table_name, query): conn = self._connect(table_name, read_only=True) namespace = table_name_to_namespace(table_name) cur = conn.cursor() args = () sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" % (table_name) field_filters, _ = _separate_filters(query.filters) if field_filters: filter_string, new_args = _get_field_filter_string(field_filters) args = args + new_args sql += " WHERE " + filter_string if query.order: order_string = self._get_order_string(query.order) sql += " ORDER BY " + order_string if query.limit: sql += " LIMIT " + str(long(query.limit)) sql += ';' execute_sql(cur, sql, args) events = [] names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cur.description)) for row in cur.fetchall(): events.append(_create_event_from_row(row, names, namespace, conn)) return events def _get_order_string(self, order): sql_order_elems = [] for elem in order: order_type = 'ASC' if elem[1] == False: order_type = 'DESC' safe_column_name = elem[0].lower() assert SqliteColumn.SQL_NAME_REGEX.match(safe_column_name), "Invalid name for column: %s" % (safe_column_name) assert memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(safe_column_name) != memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT, "text keys are currently unsupported for ordering. Doesn't make a lot of sense." sql_order_elems.append("%s %s" % (safe_column_name, order_type)) return ", ".join(sql_order_elems) def _all_table_names(self): """ :returns: the names of all tables :rtype: list(unicode) """ if self.folder == ":memory:": #list all tables that are not "__docs" conn = self._get_or_create_memory_connection() cur = conn.cursor() execute_sql(cur, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") tables = [] for row in cur.fetchall(): table_name = row[1] if not "__docs" in table_name: tables.append(table_name) else: tables = [r[:-1*len(Eventstore.EXTENSION)] for r in list(os.listdir(self.folder)) if r.endswith(Eventstore.EXTENSION)] return [unicode(r) for r in tables] def _get_or_create_memory_connection(self): assert self.folder == ":memory:" #TODO: when all tests are passing again, do we need memory_connection at all? I don't think so... if self.memory_connection == None: self.memory_connection = sqlite3.connect(self.folder, isolation_level="EXCLUSIVE") return self.memory_connection def _connect(self, table_name, read_only=True): """ Connect to the database with this namespace in it. """ if self.folder == ":memory:": return self._get_or_create_memory_connection() db_file = os.path.join(self.folder, table_name + Eventstore.EXTENSION) if read_only: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level="DEFERRED") #TODO: set PRAGMA read_uncommitted = TRUE; #otherwise can't read while writing return conn else: return sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level="EXCLUSIVE") def _save_events(self, events, table_name): """ Save all events of the same type to the database at once """ memdam.log().debug("Saving %s events to %s" % (len(events), table_name)) if len(events) <= 0: return assert SqliteColumn.SQL_NAME_REGEX.match(table_name), "Invalid name for table: %s" % (table_name) key_names = set() for event in events: for key in event.keys: key_names.add(key) #certain key names are ignored because they are stored implicity in the location of #this database (user, namespace) for reserved_name in ("type__namespace", "user__id"): if reserved_name in key_names: key_names.remove(reserved_name) should_update_columns = True if self.folder != ":memory:": #does table not exist? db_file = os.path.join(self.folder, table_name + Eventstore.EXTENSION) if not os.path.exists(db_file): #try to acquire lock lock_file = os.path.join(self.folder, table_name + Eventstore.LOCK_EXTENSION) lock = lockfile.LockFile(lock_file) with lock: #two possible scenarios: #1. we got the lock AFTER someone else, who already made the table: if os.path.exists(db_file): #TODO: move this somewhere more sensible try: os.remove(lock) except: pass #2. we got the lock BEFORE anyone else, so we're responsible for making the table: else: should_update_columns = False #make the table and create the columns temp_db_file = os.path.join(self.folder, table_name + Eventstore.CREATE_TABLE_EXTENSION) self._create_database(table_name, key_names, temp_db_file) #move the file back to it's regular location os.rename(temp_db_file, db_file) #TODO: move this somewhere more sensible try: os.remove(lock) except: pass conn = self._connect(table_name, read_only=False) if should_update_columns: def update_columns(): cur = conn.cursor() existing_columns = self._query_existing_columns(cur, table_name) required_columns = self._generate_columns(cur, key_names, table_name) self._update_columns(cur, existing_columns, required_columns) #TODO: use the locking approach for updating as well as creating? execute_with_retries(update_columns, 5) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE") self._insert_events(cur, events, key_names, table_name) conn.commit() def _create_database(self, table_name, key_names, db_file): assert self.folder != ":memory:", 'because we don\'t have to do this with memory' conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level="EXCLUSIVE") cur = conn.cursor() #TODO: this should NOT have the side-effect of creating the table, that is just weird existing_columns = self._query_existing_columns(cur, table_name) required_columns = self._generate_columns(cur, key_names, table_name) self._update_columns(cur, existing_columns, required_columns) def _query_existing_columns(self, cur, table_name): """ :param cur: the current writable database cursor :type cur: sqlite3.Cursor :returns: a list of SqliteColumn's """ columns = {} execute_sql(cur, "PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % (table_name,)) allrows = cur.fetchall() if len(allrows) == 0: self._create_table(cur, table_name) execute_sql(cur, "PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % (table_name,)) allrows = cur.fetchall() for row in allrows: #ignore our unique id row if row[1] == '_id': continue col = SqliteColumn.from_row(row, table_name) columns[] = col return columns def _create_table(self, cur, table_name): """ Create a table with the default column (sample_time) """ execute_sql(cur, "PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8';") execute_sql(cur, "CREATE TABLE %s(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, time__time INTEGER, id__id STRING);" % (table_name,)) execute_sql(cur, "CREATE INDEX %s__time__time__asc ON %s (time__time ASC);" % (table_name, table_name)) execute_sql(cur, "CREATE INDEX %s__id__id__asc ON %s (id__id ASC);" % (table_name, table_name)) def _generate_columns(self, cur, key_names, table_name): """ Make a bunch of SqliteColumn's based on the key names of all of the events :param cur: the current writable database cursor :type cur: sqlite3.Cursor :param key_names: the superset of all key field names :type key_names: set(string) :returns: a list of SqliteColumn's """ return [SqliteColumn(key, table_name) for key in key_names] def _update_columns(self, cur, existing_column_map, required_columns): """ Modify the schema of the table to include new columns or indices if necessary """ for required_column in required_columns: if in existing_column_map: existing_column = existing_column_map[] assert required_column.sql_type == existing_column.sql_type else: required_column.create(cur) def _insert_events(self, cur, events, key_names, table_name): """ Insert all events at once. Assumes that the schema is correct. """ #required because of stupid text fields. #we need to explicitly set the ids of everything inserted, or iteratively insert and check for lastrowid (which is slow and pathological and will end up doing this effectively anyway I think) #figure out what the next id to insert should be cur.execute("SELECT _id FROM %s ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1" % (table_name)) next_row_id = 1 results = cur.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: next_row_id = results[0][0] + 1 #need to insert text documents into separate docs tables for key in key_names: if memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(key) == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT: sql = "INSERT INTO %s__%s__docs (docid,data) VALUES (?,?);" % (table_name, key) values = [(next_row_id + i, getattr(events[i], key, None)) for i in range(0, len(events))] execute_many(cur, sql, values) #finally, insert the actual events into the main table column_names = list(key_names) column_name_string = ", ".join(column_names) value_tuple_string = "(" + ", ".join(['?'] * (len(column_names)+1)) + ")" sql = "INSERT INTO %s (_id, %s) VALUES %s;" % (table_name, column_name_string, value_tuple_string) values = [make_value_tuple(events[i], key_names, next_row_id + i) for i in range(0, len(events))] execute_many(cur, sql, values) #TODO: this whole notion of filters needs to be better thought out @memdam.vtrace() def _separate_filters(filters): field_filters = [] namespaces = [] for f in filters: if f.rhs == 'namespace__namespace': assert f.operator == '=' namespaces.append(f.lhs) elif f.lhs == 'namespace__namespace': assert f.operator == '=' namespaces.append(f.rhs) else: field_filters.append(f) return field_filters, namespaces @memdam.vtrace() def _matches_namespace_filters(table_name, query): _, namespaces = _separate_filters(query.filters) if len(namespaces) <= 0: return True return table_name_to_namespace(table_name) in namespaces @memdam.vtrace() def _get_field_filter_string(field_filters): #TODO (security): lol so bad. filter_string = ' AND '.join(('%s %s %s' % (f.lhs, f.operator, f.rhs) for f in field_filters)) return filter_string, () @memdam.vtrace() def make_value_tuple(event, key_names, event_id): """Turns an event into a sql value tuple""" values = [event_id] for key in key_names: value = getattr(event, key, None) if value != None: #convert time to long for more efficient storage (and so it can be used as a primary key) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = convert_time_to_long(value) #convert text tuple entries into references to the actual text data elif memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(key) == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT: value = event_id #convert UUIDs to byte representation elif memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(key) == memdam.common.field.FieldType.ID: value = buffer(value.bytes) elif memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(key) == memdam.common.field.FieldType.FILE: value = values.append(value) return values @memdam.vtrace() def convert_time_to_long(value): """turns a datetime.datetime into a long""" return long(round(1000000.0 * (value - EPOCH_BEGIN).total_seconds())) @memdam.vtrace() def convert_long_to_time(value): """turns a long into a datetime.datetime""" return EPOCH_BEGIN + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=value) @memdam.vtrace() def table_name_to_namespace(table_name): return table_name.replace(u'_', u'.') @memdam.vtrace() def namespace_to_table_name(namespace): return namespace.replace(u'.', u'_') @memdam.vtrace() def _create_event_from_row(row, names, namespace, conn): """returns a memdam.common.event.Event, generated from the row""" data = {} table_name = namespace_to_table_name(namespace) for i in range(0, len(names)): name = names[i] if name == '_id': continue value = row[i] if value != None: field_type = memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(name) if field_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TIME: value = convert_long_to_time(value) elif field_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT: cur = conn.cursor() execute_sql(cur, "SELECT data FROM %s__%s__docs WHERE docid = '%s';" % (table_name, name, value)) value = cur.fetchall()[0][0] elif field_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.ID: value = uuid.UUID(bytes=value) elif field_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.BOOL: value = value == 1 elif field_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.FILE: parsed_data = value.split('.') value = memdam.common.blob.BlobReference(uuid.UUID(parsed_data[0]), parsed_data[1]) data[name] = value data['type__namespace'] = namespace return memdam.common.event.Event(**data) EPOCH_BEGIN = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) class SqliteColumn(memdam.Base): """ Represents a column in sqlite. Note that the name here is the raw key name (eg, without the data type or index) :attr name: the name of the column. No type, no index, none of that nonsense. :type name: string :attr data_type: the type of data :type data_type: memdam.common.field.FieldType :attr table_name: the name of the table. The namespace for the events :type table_name: string """ SQL_NAME_REGEX = re.compile(r"[a-z][a-z0-9_]*") data_type_to_sql_type = { memdam.common.field.FieldType.NUMBER: 'FLOAT', memdam.common.field.FieldType.STRING: 'TEXT', #this might seems strange, but it's because we store an index to a document in another table memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT: 'INTEGER', memdam.common.field.FieldType.ENUM: 'TEXT', memdam.common.field.FieldType.RAW: 'BLOB', memdam.common.field.FieldType.BOOL: 'BOOL', memdam.common.field.FieldType.TIME: 'INTEGER', memdam.common.field.FieldType.ID: 'TEXT', memdam.common.field.FieldType.LONG: 'INTEGER', memdam.common.field.FieldType.FILE: 'TEXT', memdam.common.field.FieldType.NAMESPACE: 'TEXT', } def __init__(self, column_name, table_name): self.column_name = column_name name = memdam.common.event.Event.raw_name(column_name) assert SqliteColumn.SQL_NAME_REGEX.match(name), "Invalid name for column: %s" % (name) = name self.data_type = memdam.common.event.Event.field_type(column_name) assert SqliteColumn.SQL_NAME_REGEX.match(name), "Invalid name for table: %s" % (table_name) self.table_name = table_name @property def is_text(self): """ :returns: True iff this is a text "column", which must be handled specially """ return self.data_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.TEXT def create(self, cur): """ Create the column and index. Only call if the column and index don't already exist. """ if self.is_text: execute_sql(cur, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE %s__%s__docs USING fts4(data,tokenize=porter);" % (self.table_name, self.column_name)) execute_sql(cur, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s;" % (self.table_name, self.column_name, self.sql_type)) if self.sql_index != None: index_name = self.table_name + "__" + self.column_name + "__" + self.sql_index execute_sql(cur, "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (%s %s);" % (index_name, self.table_name, self.column_name, self.sql_index)) def __repr__(self): data_type_name = memdam.common.field.FieldType.names[self.data_type] return "SqliteColumn(%s/%s/%s)" % (self.table_name,, data_type_name) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() @property def sql_type(self): """ :returns: the sqlite type corresponding to our data_type :rtype: string """ return self.data_type_to_sql_type[self.data_type] @property def sql_index(self): """ Note: everything returns ASC because the only alternative is FTS, which is handled specially and ends up making an ASC index on the column anyway. :returns: the sqlite type corresponding to our index type :rtype: string """ if self.data_type == memdam.common.field.FieldType.RAW: return None return 'ASC' @staticmethod def from_row(row, table_name): """ Alternative constructor from a sqlite row. """ column_name = row[1] return SqliteColumn(column_name, table_name) @memdam.vtrace() def execute_with_retries(command, num_retries=3, retry_wait_time=0.1, retry_growth_rate=2.0): """ Try to accomplish the command a few times before giving up. """ retry = 0 last_exception = None while retry < num_retries: try: return command() except Exception, e: last_exception = e time.sleep(retry_wait_time) retry_wait_time *= retry_growth_rate else: break retry += 1 raise last_exception
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #from __future__ import division import PIL import sys import os import argparse import numpy as np def print_fqr_format(): print('''fqr file format: ****x*x**x xx****xxxx*..*** 'x' or 'X' => black '.' => white '*' => unknown It should be an NxN matrix with only 'x', '.' and '*' characters Spaces around lines will be erased and empty lines will be ignored Size must be NxN where N is (4*qr_version+17) meaning 21, 25, 29..., 177 1<=qr_version<=40 ''') class MalformedFQRException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(MalformedFQRException, self).__init__(msg) # calculate mask val at pos i, j with mask k def get_mask(k): if k == 0: return lambda i, j: (i + j) % 2 == 0 if k == 1: return lambda i, j: i % 2 == 0 if k == 2: return lambda i, j: j % 3 == 0 if k == 3: return lambda i, j: (i + j) % 3 == 0 if k == 4: return lambda i, j: (i // 2 + j // 3) % 2 == 0 if k == 5: return lambda i, j: (i * j) % 2 + (i * j) % 3 == 0 if k == 6: return lambda i, j: ((i * j) % 2 + (i * j) % 3) % 2 == 0 if k == 7: return lambda i, j: ((i * j) % 3 + (i + j) % 2) % 2 == 0 def bin_ar_to_int(bin_ar): bs = ''.join(bin_ar).replace('x', '1').replace('.', '0') return int(bs, 2) class FQR(object): FINDER_POS = ['LT', 'RT', 'LB', 'LT'] FINDER_POS_PATTERN = np.array([ list(x) for x in [ 'xxxxxxx', 'x.....x', '', '', '', 'x.....x', 'xxxxxxx' ] ]) ALIGN_PATTERN = np.array([ list(x) for x in [ 'xxxxx', 'x...x', 'x.x.x', 'x...x', 'xxxxx' ] ]) # version, location list ALIGN_PATTERN_LOC = [ (2, [6, 18]), (3, [6, 22]), (4, [6, 26]), (5, [6, 30]), (6, [6, 34]), (7, [6, 22, 38]), (8, [6, 24, 42]), (9, [6, 26, 46]), (10, [6, 28, 50]), (11, [6, 30, 54]), (12, [6, 32, 58]), (13, [6, 34, 62]), (14, [6, 26, 46, 66]), (15, [6, 26, 48, 70]), (16, [6, 26, 50, 74]), (17, [6, 30, 54, 78]), (18, [6, 30, 56, 82]), (19, [6, 30, 58, 86]), (20, [6, 34, 62, 90]), (21, [6, 28, 50, 72, 94]), (22, [6, 26, 50, 74, 98]), (23, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102]), (24, [6, 28, 54, 80, 106]), (25, [6, 32, 58, 84, 110]), (26, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114]), (27, [6, 34, 62, 90, 118]), (28, [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122]), (29, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126]), (30, [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130]), (31, [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134]), (32, [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138]), (33, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142]), (34, [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146]), (35, [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126]), (36, [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128]), (37, [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132]), (38, [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136]), (39, [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138]), (40, [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142]) ] BLACK = ord('x') WHITE = ord('.') UNKNW = ord('*') # Error Correction Level, mask, format string FORMATS = [ ('L', 0, 'xxx.xxxxx...x..'), ('L', 1, 'xxx..x.xxxx..xx'), ('L', 2, 'xxxxx.xx.x.x.x.'), ('L', 3, ''), ('L', 4, 'xx..xx...x.xxxx'), ('L', 5, 'xx...xx...xx...'), ('L', 6, 'xx.xx...x.....x'), ('L', 7, ''), ('M', 0, 'x.x.x.....x..x.'), ('M', 1, 'x.x...x..x..x.x'), ('M', 2, 'x.xxxx..xxxxx..'), ('M', 3, 'x.xx.xx.x..x.xx'), ('M', 4, 'x...x.xxxxxx..x'), ('M', 5, ''), ('M', 6, ''), ('M', 7, 'x..x.x.x.x.....'), ('Q', 0, '.xx.x.x.x.xxxxx'), ('Q', 1, '.xx.....xx.x...'), ('Q', 2, '.xxxxxx..xx...x'), ('Q', 3, '.xxx.x......xx.'), ('Q', 4, '.x..x..x.xx.x..'), ('Q', 5, '.x....xx.....xx'), ('Q', 6, ''), ('Q', 7, '.x.x.xxxxx.xx.x'), ('H', 0, '..x.xx.x...x..x'), ('H', 1, ''), ('H', 2, ''), ('H', 3, ''), ('H', 4, ''), ('H', 5, '.....x..x.x.x.x'), ('H', 6, '...xx.x....xx..'), ('H', 7, '') ] # bit encryption modes MODES = { '0001':'numeric', '0010':'alphanumeric', '0100':'byte', '1000':'kanji', '0000':'terminator' } ALPHANUM = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:' @staticmethod def get_char_count_ind_len(mode, version): mode = 4-mode.find('1') # fix this but too lazy now # I first wrote as 1 2 3 4 then converted to 0001 strings upper line is a quick fix if version < 10: if mode == 1: return 10 if mode == 2: return 9 if mode == 3: return 8 if mode == 4: return 8 if version < 27: if mode == 1: return 12 if mode == 2: return 11 if mode == 3: return 16 if mode == 4: return 10 if mode == 1: return 14 if mode == 2: return 13 if mode == 3: return 16 if mode == 4: return 12 def __init__(self, path=None): self.dirty = True self.N = -1 self.qr = [] # corner position self.pos_finderp = [] # 0: LT, 1: RT, 2: LB, 3: LT as in FINDER_POS # align position self.pos_align = [] # 0,1,... depends on version if path is not None: self.load_qr(path) def get_qr(self): return self.qr @staticmethod def print_qr(qr): print('\n'+'\n'.join([ ''.join(x) for x in qr])+'\n') # '*' in mstr will ignored cstr can't have '*' @staticmethod def _qstr_match(cstr, mstr): cstr = ''.join(cstr) mstr = ''.join(mstr) for a, b in zip(cstr, mstr): if a != '*' and a != b: return False return True @staticmethod def size2version(N): error = 'Size is invalid must be N = (4*version + 17) and NxN N='+str(N) N -= 17 if N % 4 != 0: raise MalformedFQRException(error) N /= 4 if N < 0 or N > 40: raise MalformedFQRException('Unknown version: ' + N) return N @staticmethod def version2size(N): return 4*N+17 # if path is set save image to path @staticmethod def save_qr_img(qr, path=None): dqr = qr[:, :] # copy dqr[dqr == 'x'] = '0' # turn str array to color array dqr[dqr == '.'] = '1' dqr[dqr == '*'] = '2' dqr = dqr.astype(np.uint32) dqr[dqr == 0] = 0 dqr[dqr == 1] = 255 dqr[dqr == 2] = 128 from PIL import Image N = len(dqr) nqr = np.zeros((N*8, N*8)) # x8 zoom image for i in range(N*8): for j in range(N*8): nqr[i, j] = dqr[i//8, j//8] if nqr[i, j] == 128: nqr[i, j] = ((i+j)%2)*255 img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(nqr)) if path is None: else: def load_qr(self, path): self.dirty = True with open(path, 'r') as f: # read non empty lines, erase end of lines self.qr = np.array([ list( x.strip('|\n').lower() ) for x in f.readlines() if len(x)>1]) self.N = len(self.qr) self.version = FQR.size2version(self.N) print("Version:", self.version, "\nSize: {0}x{0}".format(self.N), "\n") error = '' for line in self.qr: print(''.join(line)) if len(line) != self.N: error = 'Dimensions does not match: line_len, N: '+str(len(line))+', '+str(self.N) elif any(ch not in 'x.*' for ch in line): error = 'Not allowed character(s): ' + ', '.join([ch for ch in line if ch not in 'x.*']) if error != '': raise MalformedFQRException(error) self.dirty = False self.bc_qr = self.qr[:, :] # take a copy for reversing print('FQR file loaded successfully:', path, '\n') # TODO: make this accept a percentage of matches i.e there can be * in there # TODO: add this timing finder as well so as to more accurate results def find_positioning(self): s_qr = self.qr[:7, :7] if np.array_equal(FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN, s_qr): print('Position found: LT') self.pos_finderp.append(0) s_qr = self.qr[:7, -7:] if np.array_equal(FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN, s_qr): print('Position found: RT') self.pos_finderp.append(1) s_qr = self.qr[-7:, :7] if np.array_equal(FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN, s_qr): print('Position found: LB') self.pos_finderp.append(2) s_qr = self.qr[-7:, -7:] if np.array_equal(FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN, s_qr): print('Position found: RB') self.pos_finderp.append(3) # get not found corners miss_finder = [x for x in range(4) if x not in self.pos_finderp] return miss_finder # assumes alignment is found # need to check other format positions currently only RT is checked def find_format(self): fstr = ''.join(self.qr[8, -8:]) res = [] for f in FQR.FORMATS: print(f) print(fstr) print(f[2][-len(fstr):]) print() if self._qstr_match(f[2][-len(fstr):], fstr): res.append(f) return res def fix_rotation(self, align, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr num_turns = [2, 1, 3, 0] qr = np.rot90(qr, num_turns[align]) # assumes rotation is already fixed and fixes finder patterns def fix_position_patterns(self, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr #fix LT qr[:7, :7] = FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN[:, :] for i in range(8): qr[7][i] = qr[i][7] = '.' # fix RT qr[:7, -7:] = FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN[:, :] for i in range(8): qr[7][-i-1] = qr[i][ -8] = '.' # fix LB qr[-7:, :7] = FQR.FINDER_POS_PATTERN[:, :] for i in range(8): qr[-i-1][7] = qr[-8][i] = '.' # RB is always empty def fix_finder_patterns(self, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr pass def fix_timing_patterns(self, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr for i in range(7, len(qr)-7): p = ('x' if i%2 == 0 else '.') qr[i][6] = qr[6][i] = p def fix_format(self, f, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr fs = np.array(list(f)) print('Fixing format with:', fs) qr[8, :6] = fs[:6] qr[8, 7:9] = fs[6:8] qr[7, 8] = fs[8] qr[8, -8:] = fs[-8:] qr[:6, 8] = np.transpose(fs[-6:])[::-1] qr[-7:, 8] = np.transpose(fs[:7])[::-1] def fix_alignment_patterns(self, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr if len(qr) <= 21: # these dont have align patterns return locs = None for l in FQR.ALIGN_PATTERN_LOC: if self.version == l[0]: locs = l[1] break loc1 = locs[0] # first loc locN = locs[len(locs)-1] # last loc for i in locs: for j in locs: if i == loc1 and (j == loc1 or j == locN): continue elif i == locN and j == loc1: continue qr[i-2:i+3, j-2:j+3] = FQR.ALIGN_PATTERN[:, :] def fix_dark_module(self, qr=None): if qr is None: qr = self.qr qr[4*self.version+9][8] = 'x' @staticmethod def get_next_bit(qr): N = len(qr) j = N-1 while j > 0: if j == 6: # skip vertical timing patt. j -= 1 for i in range(N-1, -1, -1): yield i, j yield i, j-1 j -= 2 for i in range(0, N, 1): yield i, j yield i, j-1 j -= 2 def try_read(self): # generate protected area of qr code by mimicing fixes pr_qr = np.zeros(self.qr.shape, dtype=str) self.fix_dark_module(pr_qr) self.fix_dark_module(pr_qr) self.fix_position_patterns(pr_qr) self.fix_alignment_patterns(pr_qr) self.fix_finder_patterns(pr_qr) self.fix_timing_patterns(pr_qr) self.fix_format('...............', pr_qr) # convert string to truth values is_data = (pr_qr == '') mask = get_mask(self.format[1]) d = '' for i, j in FQR.get_next_bit(self.qr): if not is_data[i][j]: continue c = self.qr[i][j] m = mask(i, j) if not m: d += c elif c == 'x': d += '.' else: d += 'x' ### TODO find a better solution for here sinde data segments are constant ds = d[:26*8].replace('x', '1').replace('.', '0') # re arrange d1-d13 and d14-d26 d = '' for i in range(0, len(ds), 16): d += ds[i:i+8] for i in range(8, len(ds), 16): d += ds[i:i+8] ds = d print('Read valid data: ', ds) LDS = len(ds) k = 0 res = '' while k < LDS: mode = ds[k:k+4] k += 4 print(k, 'Read: ', ds[:k]) ds = ds[k:] k = 0 if mode not in FQR.MODES: raise TypeError('Bits are broken unknown mode: '+mode) if mode == '0000': print('Found:', res) return res print('Mode:', FQR.MODES[mode]) ind_len = FQR.get_char_count_ind_len(mode, self.version) char_cnt = bin_ar_to_int(ds[k:k+ind_len]) k += ind_len print('Ind len:', ind_len) print('Char count:', char_cnt) if mode == '0001': # numeric for t in range(char_cnt): raise NotImplementedError('will look how to do later') k += 3 elif mode == '0010': # alphanumeric for t in range(char_cnt//2): x = bin_ar_to_int(ds[k:k+11]) x1 = x//45 x2 = x%45 c1 = FQR.ALPHANUM[x1] res += c1 c2 = FQR.ALPHANUM[x2] res += c2 print('ch1:', c1, x1) print('ch2:', c2, x2) k += 11 if char_cnt % 2 == 1: x = bin_ar_to_int(ds[k:k+11]) print('ch3:', FQR.ALPHANUM[x], x) res += FQR.ALPHANUM[x] k += 11 elif mode == '0100': # byte for t in range(char_cnt): x = bin_ar_to_int(ds[k:k+8]) c = chr(x) res += c k += 8 print('ch0:', c, x, ds[k-8:k]) elif mode == '1000': # kanji raise NotImplementedError('will look how to do later (sorry you bumped into one using :)') def fix_qr(self): poses = self.find_positioning() poses = [3] for p in poses: print('Trying alignment:', p) bc_qr = self.qr[:, :] self.fix_rotation(p) self.fix_dark_module() self.fix_position_patterns() self.fix_alignment_patterns() self.fix_finder_patterns() self.fix_timing_patterns() fmts = self.find_format() if len(fmts) == 0: print('no matching format for: ', p) continue for f in fmts: print('Trying format:', f) fbc_qr = self.qr[:, :] self.format = f self.fix_format(self.format[2]) res = self.try_read() if res is not None: return res self.qr = fbc_qr self.qr = bc_qr if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='FQR file to fix') parser.add_argument('-g','--gen-qr', action='store', type=int, help='generate empty fqr matrix') parser.add_argument('--show-format', action='store_true', help='shows fqr matrix format') args = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if args.gen_qr: N = args.gen_qr if N < 1: N = 1 if N > 40: N = 40 N = N*4+17 qr = [['*' for col in range(N)] for row in range(N)] qr_str = '\n'.join([''.join(s) for s in qr])+'\n' if args.file: with open(args.file, 'w') as f: f.write(qr_str) else: print(qr_str) sys.exit(0) if args.show_format: print_fqr_format() sys.exit(0) fqr = FQR(args.file) res = fqr.fix_qr() print('Result:', res) #fqr.print_qr(fqr.get_qr()) FQR.save_qr_img(fqr.get_qr(), args.file+'-fixed.png') ''' TODO LIST * for each possible fqr matrix we will try to fix it by ** trying possible missing bits ** give possible results (with filters such as visible ascii) '''
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ File containing simple spacial fact definition. """ from pssfb_additional import enum # RCC5 # DR - disconnected # PO - partially overlapping # PP - proper part # PPI - proper part inversed # EQ - equal rel_type = enum(DR = "DR", PO = "PO", PP = "PP", PPI = "PPI", EQ = "EQ") ALL_RELATIONS = set([rel_type.DR, rel_type.PO, rel_type.PP, rel_type.PPI, rel_type.EQ]) class spacial_fact(object): f_subject = None f_object = None f_relation = None def __init__(self, sub, rel, obj): """Constructor.""" self.f_subject = sub self.f_object = obj if type(rel) is type(set()): self.f_relation = set() | rel else: self.f_relation = set() self.f_relation.add(rel) def __repr__(self): return str(self.f_subject) + " " + str(self.f_relation) + " " + str(self.f_object) def get_id(self): return str(self.f_subject) + " " + str(self.f_relation).replace("', '", ",").replace("set(['", "--").replace("'])", "->") + " " + str(self.f_object) def compose(self, second_fact): if str(self.f_object) == str(second_fact.f_subject): new_rel = set() for one_fr_rel in self.f_relation: if new_rel == ALL_RELATIONS: break; for one_to_rel in second_fact.f_relation: new_rel = new_rel | _compose_relations_(one_fr_rel, one_to_rel) return spacial_fact(self.f_subject, new_rel, second_fact.f_object) else: # Tried to compose facts without common part! return None def _compose_(prev_rel_set, next_rel_set): new_rel = set() for one_fr_rel in prev_rel_set: if new_rel == ALL_RELATIONS: break; for one_to_rel in next_rel_set: new_rel = new_rel | _compose_relations_(one_fr_rel, one_to_rel) return new_rel def _compose_relations_(prev_rel, next_rel): """ Typical for RCC5. """ if next_rel == rel_type.EQ: return set([prev_rel]) elif prev_rel == rel_type.EQ: return set([next_rel]) elif next_rel == rel_type.PPI: if prev_rel == rel_type.PP: return ALL_RELATIONS elif prev_rel == rel_type.PO: return set([rel_type.DR, rel_type.PO, rel_type.PPI]) elif prev_rel == rel_type.DR: return set([prev_rel]) else: return set([next_rel]) elif next_rel == rel_type.PP: if prev_rel == rel_type.DR: return set([rel_type.DR, rel_type.PO, rel_type.PP]) elif prev_rel == rel_type.PO: return set([rel_type.PO, rel_type.PP]) elif prev_rel == rel_type.PPI: return set([rel_type.PO, rel_type.PP, rel_type.PPI, rel_type.EQ]) else: return set([next_rel]) elif next_rel == rel_type.PO: if prev_rel == rel_type.PO: return ALL_RELATIONS elif prev_rel == rel_type.PPI: return set([rel_type.PO, rel_type.PPI]) else: return set([rel_type.DR, rel_type.PO, rel_type.PP]) else: if prev_rel == rel_type.DR: return ALL_RELATIONS elif prev_rel == rel_type.PP: return set([next_rel]) else: return set([rel_type.DR, rel_type.PO, rel_type.PPI])
""" This module implements the Emocracy game rules as far as score keeping is concerned. The rest of the game rules are in this module needs to get a lot bigger.. """ from gamelogic.levels import change_score VOTE_SCORE = 1 USER_VOTE_SCORE = 20 TAG_SCORE = 1 PROPOSE_SCORE = 2 PROPOSE_VOTE_SCORE = 1 ISSUE_VOTE_SCORE = 1 def vote(user, issue, direction , voted_already): """Score keeping for voting.""" if not voted_already: # User only gets poinst if it is the first vote on the issue. change_score(user , VOTE_SCORE ) if direction in [-1, 1]: # Proposer only gets points if the issue gets a for or against vote change_score(issue.user , PROPOSE_VOTE_SCORE ) issue.score += ISSUE_VOTE_SCORE # Write all changes back to the database. def vote_user(user, voted_user, direction, voted_already): """score keeping for voting on an other user """ if not voted_already: # User only gets points if user is the first vote. change_score(voted_user, USER_VOTE_SCORE) change_score(user, USER_VOTE_SCORE) change_score(voted_user, 0) #check parelement score voted_user def propose(user): """Score keeping for proposing of issues""" change_score(user, PROPOSE_SCORE) def tag(user, tag): pass def multiply(user, issue): pass
#! /usr/bin/env python import math import numpy from scipy.stats import fisher_exact as fisher import re target = re.compile( '([\+\-])([0-9]+)([ACGTNRMacgtnrm]+)' ) remove_chr = re.compile( '\^.' ) class FisherInfo: def __init__(self): self.chr = 0 self.start = 0 self.end = 0 self.ref = "" self.tumor_bases = { "A": 0, "C": 0, "G": 0, "T": 0, "a": 0, "c": 0, "g": 0, "t": 0 } self.ctrl_bases = { "A": 0, "C": 0, "G": 0, "T": 0, "a": 0, "c": 0, "g": 0, "t": 0 } self.rna_bases = { "A": 0, "C": 0, "G": 0, "T": 0, "a": 0, "c": 0, "g": 0, "t": 0 } self.tumor_quals = { "A": [], "C": [], "G": [], "T": [], "a": [], "c": [], "g": [], "t": [] } self.ctrl_quals = { "A": [], "C": [], "G": [], "T": [], "a": [], "c": [], "g": [], "t": [] } self.rna_quals = { "A": [], "C": [], "G": [], "T": [], "a": [], "c": [], "g": [], "t": [] } def bases_format_process(self, read_bases, qual_list): deleted = 0 iter = target.finditer( read_bases ) for m in iter: site = m.start() type = 1 ) num = 2 ) bases = 3 )[ 0:int( num ) ] read_bases = read_bases[ 0:site - deleted ] + read_bases[ site + int( num ) + len( num ) + 1 - deleted: ] deleted += 1 + len( num ) + int( num ) # Remove '^.' and '$' read_bases = remove_chr.sub( '', read_bases ) read_bases = read_bases.translate( None, '$' ) # Error check if len( read_bases ) != len( qual_list ): print >> sys.stderr, ("mpileup data is not good: {0}, {1}".format( read_bases, read_bases )) return None # Count mismatch return read_bases def set_mpileup_data(self, mp_list): # Prepare mpileup data self.chr = mp_list[0] self.start = mp_list[1] self.end = mp_list[1] tumor_bases = self.bases_format_process(mp_list[4], mp_list[5]) for base in tumor_bases: self.add_tumor_base(base) for base, qual in zip(tumor_bases, mp_list[5]): self.add_tumor_quals(base, qual) if len(mp_list) > 7: ctrl_bases = self.bases_format_process(mp_list[7], mp_list[8]) for base in ctrl_bases: self.add_ctrl_base(base) for base, qual in zip(ctrl_bases, mp_list[8]): self.add_ctrl_quals(base, qual) if len(mp_list) > 10: rna_bases = self.bases_format_process(mp_list[10], mp_list[11]) for base in rna_bases: self.add_rna_base(base) for base, qual in zip(rna_bases, mp_list[11]): self.add_rna_quals(base, qual) def set_ref(self,ref): self.ref = ref def add_base(self,bases,base): if base in 'ATGCatgc': bases[base] += 1 def add_tumor_base(self, base): self.add_base(self.tumor_bases, base) def add_ctrl_base(self, base): self.add_base(self.ctrl_bases, base) def add_rna_base(self, base): self.add_base(self.rna_bases, base) def add_quals(self, quals, base, qual): if base in 'ATGCatgc': ord_qual = (int(ord(qual))-33) q = quals[base] q.append(min(ord_qual,41)) def add_tumor_quals(self, base, qual): self.add_quals(self.tumor_quals, base, qual) def add_ctrl_quals(self, base, qual): self.add_quals(self.ctrl_quals, base, qual) def add_rna_quals(self, base, qual): self.add_quals(self.rna_quals, base, qual) def get_depth(self, bases): count = 0 for n in "ACGTacgt": count += bases[n] return count def get_tumor_depth(self): return self.get_depth(self.tumor_bases) def get_ctrl_depth(self): return self.get_depth(self.ctrl_bases) def get_rna_depth(self): return self.get_depth(self.rna_bases) def get_depth_plus_strand(self, bases): count = 0 for n in "ACGT": count += bases[n] return count def get_tumor_depth_plus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_plus_strand(self.tumor_bases) def get_ctrl_depth_plus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_plus_strand(self.ctrl_bases) def get_rna_depth_plus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_plus_strand(self.rna_bases) def get_depth_minus_strand(self, bases): count = 0 for n in "acgt": count += bases[n] return count def get_tumor_depth_minus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_minus_strand(self.tumor_bases) def get_ctrl_depth_minus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_minus_strand(self.ctrl_bases) def get_rna_depth_minus_strand(self): return self.get_depth_minus_strand(self.rna_bases) def get_tumor_base_total(self, base): return (self.tumor_bases[base.upper()] + self.tumor_bases[base.lower()]) def get_ctrl_base_total(self, base): return (self.ctrl_bases[base.upper()] + self.ctrl_bases[base.lower()]) def get_rna_base_total(self, base): return (self.rna_bases[base.upper()] + self.rna_bases[base.lower()]) def get_tumor_base_plus_strand(self, base): return (self.tumor_bases[base.upper()]) def get_ctrl_base_plus_strand(self, base): return (self.ctrl_bases[base.upper()]) def get_rna_base_plus_strand(self, base): return (self.rna_bases[base.upper()]) def get_tumor_base_minus_strand(self, base): return (self.tumor_bases[base.lower()]) def get_ctrl_base_minus_strand(self, base): return (self.ctrl_bases[base.lower()]) def get_rna_base_minus_strand(self, base): return (self.rna_bases[base.lower()]) def get_misrate(self,mis_base_count,depth): if mis_base_count == 0: return float(0) else: return (mis_base_count / float(depth)) def get_tumor_misrate(self,base): return self.get_misrate(self.get_tumor_base_total(base), self.get_tumor_depth()) def get_ctrl_misrate(self,base): return self.get_misrate(self.get_ctrl_base_total(base), self.get_ctrl_depth()) def get_rna_misrate(self,base): return self.get_misrate(self.get_rna_base_total(base), self.get_rna_depth()) def get_strand_ratio(self,mis_base_count_plus,mis_base_count_minus): if (mis_base_count_plus + mis_base_count_minus) == 0: return float(-1) elif mis_base_count_plus == 0: return float(0) else: return (mis_base_count_plus / float(mis_base_count_plus + mis_base_count_minus)) def get_tumor_strand_ratio(self,base): return self.get_strand_ratio(self.get_tumor_base_plus_strand(base), self.get_tumor_base_minus_strand(base)) def get_ctrl_strand_ratio(self, base): return self.get_strand_ratio(self.get_ctrl_base_plus_strand(base), self.get_ctrl_base_minus_strand(base)) def get_rna_strand_ratio(self, base): return self.get_strand_ratio(self.get_rna_base_plus_strand(base), self.get_rna_base_minus_strand(base)) def get_fisher_pvalue(self,base): odds_ratio, fisher_pvalue = fisher( ((int(self.get_tumor_base_total(self.ref)), int(self.get_ctrl_base_total(self.ref))), (int(self.get_tumor_base_total(base)), int(self.get_ctrl_base_total(base)))), alternative='two-sided' ) val = float(0.0) if fisher_pvalue < 10**(-60): val = float(60.0) elif fisher_pvalue > 1.0 - 10**(-10) : val = float(0.0) else: val = -math.log( fisher_pvalue, 10 ) return val def lod_qual(self, base): score = float(0) for qual in self.tumor_quals[base]: q = float(qual) p = 10**-(q/10) score += -math.log(p/(1-p),10) return score def get_lod_score(self,base): return (self.lod_qual(base.upper()) + self.lod_qual(base.lower())) def get_lod_score_plus_strand(self,base): return self.lod_qual(base.upper()) def get_lod_score_minus_strand(self,base): return self.lod_qual(base.lower()) def get_score_median(self,base): med = 0 if len(self.tumor_quals[base]) != 0 or len(self.tumor_quals[base.lower()]) != 0: alt_array = self.tumor_quals[base] + self.tumor_quals[base.lower()] med = numpy.median(alt_array) return med
""" Utilities for Dox. """ from ace import config import os.path from os import getcwd, mkdir, remove, walk import hashlib def check_init(): """ Checks if Dox has been properly initialized. """ env = config.get_env() if not env.has_option('Project','project'): raise ValueError('Project not set. Set project with `ace project set` command.') if not env.has_section('Dox'): raise ValueError('Dox not initalized. Initialze Dox with `ace dox init --content-type=<content-type> --body-field=<body-field> --key-field=<key-field>` command.') def dox_dir(): """ Gets or creates the .dox directory. """ dox_dirpath = os.path.join(getcwd(),'.dox') if not os.path.exists(dox_dirpath): mkdir(dox_dirpath) return dox_dirpath def is_modified(markdown_file_path): """ Tests if the markdown file has been modified. """ with open(markdown_file_path,'r') as markdown_file: hashfile_path = '%s.hash' % os.path.join(dox_dir(),'hashes',os.path.split([1]) if os.path.exists(hashfile_path): d = hashlib.sha256() d.update( digest = d.hexdigest() with open(hashfile_path) as hashfile: stored_hash = if stored_hash != digest: return True # non-matching hashes - file is modified else: return False # hashes match - file has not been modified else: return True # no stored hash - file is modified by definition def write_hash(markdown_file_path): """ Scans the file and records a hash digest of the contents. """ with open(markdown_file_path) as markdown_file: d = hashlib.sha256() d.update( digest = d.hexdigest() hash_file_path = '%s.hash' % os.path.join(dox_dir(),'hashes',os.path.split([1]) with open(hash_file_path,'wb') as hash_file: hash_file.write(digest) def clean_hashes(): """ Cleans the local file hash directory out. """ hash_path = os.path.join(dox_dir(),'hashes') if os.path.exists(hash_path): for root, dirs, files in walk(hash_path): for name in files: if name.endswith('.hash'): remove(os.path.join(root,name)) else: mkdir(hash_path) def get_keyfields(): """ Gets the keyfields data. """ dirpath = dox_dir() keyfield_path = os.path.join(dirpath,'keyfields.json') if os.path.exists(keyfield_path): with open(keyfield_path,'r') as keyfield_file: keyfield_data = json.loads( return keyfield_data else: return {} def write_keyfields(data): """ Writes the keyfield data file. """ dirpath = dox_dir() keyfield_path = os.path.join(dirpath,'keyfields.json') with open(keyfield_path,'wb') as keyfield_file: keyfield_file.write(json.dumps(data)) def get_keymap(): """ Gets the keymap data. """ dirpath = dox_dir() keymap_path = os.path.join(dirpath,'keymap.json') if os.path.exists(keymap_path): with open(keymap_path,'r') as keymap_file: keymap_data = json.loads( return keymap_data else: return {} def write_keymap(data): """ Saves the keymap data. """ dirpath = dox_dir() keymap_path = os.path.join(dirpath,'keymap.json') with open(keymap_path,'wb') as keymap_file: keymap_file.write(json.dumps(data))
#coding=utf-8 # # Code to test the system. # import unittest import urlparse import os from webtest import TestApp from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api import datastore_file_stub from google.appengine.api import mail_stub from google.appengine.api import user_service_stub from google.appengine.api.memcache import memcache_stub from google.appengine.api.taskqueue import taskqueue_stub from debianmeeting import application APP_ID = u'debianmeeting' AUTH_DOMAIN = '' LOGGED_IN_ADMIN = '' LOGGED_IN_USER = '' TITLE = 'test1' PREWORK = 'test4' USER_PREWORK = 'test4' USER_REALNAME = 'Mr Test9' CAPACITY = 123456789 class SystemTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """set up stub """ # API proxy apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy = apiproxy_stub_map.APIProxyStubMap() # have a dummy datastore stub = datastore_file_stub.DatastoreFileStub( APP_ID, '/dev/null', '/dev/null') apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub('datastore_v3', stub) os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'] = APP_ID # user authentication apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub( 'user', user_service_stub.UserServiceStub()) os.environ['AUTH_DOMAIN'] = AUTH_DOMAIN os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = LOGGED_IN_ADMIN # I don't know why this is needed but there's a warning from taskqueue. os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost:8080' # mail apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub( 'mail', mail_stub.MailServiceStub()) # memcache apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub( 'memcache', memcache_stub.MemcacheServiceStub()) # taskqueue apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub( 'taskqueue', taskqueue_stub.TaskQueueServiceStub()) self.taskqueue_stub = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub( 'taskqueue' ) self.taskqueue_stub._root_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # ============================================================== # Utility functions # ============================================================== def login(self, username): """change login account""" os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = username def createPageCommitHelper(self, app, capacity=CAPACITY): """ Creates an event. @return eventid """ response ='/eventadmin/register', { 'eventid': 'na', 'title': TITLE, 'prework': PREWORK, 'capacity': capacity, }) self.assertEqual('302 Moved Temporarily', response.status) self.assertTrue('/thanks?eventid=' in response.location) eventid = response.location.split('=')[1] return eventid def verifyThanksPage(self, app, eventid): """verify that the Thanks Page content is okay.""" response = app.get('/thanks?eventid=%s' % eventid) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(eventid in response) def userEventEntryFormSimple(self, app, eventid, new_entry): response = app.get('/event', { 'eventid': eventid, 'ui': 'simple', }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('<!-- simple_ui -->' in response) self.assertEqual(not new_entry, '<!-- not new entry -->' in response) return response def userEventEntryForm(self, app, eventid, new_entry): """Show the page user is prompted with before registration to an event. """ response = app.get('/event', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('<!-- non_simple_ui -->' in response) self.assertEqual(not new_entry, '<!-- not new entry -->' in response) return response def checkUserEventEntryFormReturnValue( self, app, eventid, remaining_seats, response): """Check remaining seats value for event entry form.""" self.assertTrue(str(remaining_seats) in response) def userEventEntry(self, app, eventid, capacity=CAPACITY, user_realname=USER_REALNAME): """Register user to event. Check that state changes before and after the event. """ # check entry page has right number of remaining seats in the # two possible UIs. self.checkUserEventEntryFormReturnValue( app, eventid, capacity, self.userEventEntryFormSimple(app, eventid, True)) self.checkUserEventEntryFormReturnValue( app, eventid, capacity, self.userEventEntryForm(app, eventid, True)) response ='/eventregister', { 'eventid': eventid, 'user_prework': USER_PREWORK, 'user_attend': 'attend', 'user_enkai_attend': 'enkai_attend', 'user_realname': user_realname, }) self.assertEqual('302 Moved Temporarily', response.status) self.assertTrue('/thanks?eventid=%s' % eventid in response.location) self.verifyThanksPage(app, eventid) # check entry page has right number of remaining seats self.checkUserEventEntryFormReturnValue( app, eventid, capacity - 1, self.userEventEntryFormSimple(app, eventid, False)) self.checkUserEventEntryFormReturnValue( app, eventid, capacity - 1, self.userEventEntryForm(app, eventid, False)) def createEnquete(self, app, eventid, question_text = '''question 1 question 2 question 3'''): """Create an enquete. Should be ran as the admin.""" response = app.get('/enquete/edit', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) response ='/enquete/editdone', { 'eventid': eventid, 'overall_message': 'hello', 'question_text': question_text, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) # make sure the next time to edit will show the content the # next time. response = app.get('/enquete/edit', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(question_text in response) # ============================================================== # Tests # ============================================================== def testTopPage(self): """test displaying of the top page.""" app = TestApp(application) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('Debian勉強会予約管理システム' in response) def testCreatePage(self): app = TestApp(application) response = app.get('/newevent') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('幹事用イベント管理ページ' in response) def testCreatePageCommit(self): app = TestApp(application) eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # basic sanity checking of the event ID value. self.assertEqual(len(eventid), 40) def testListKnownAdminEvents(self): """Check admin dashboard if the newly created event can be seen. """ app = TestApp(application) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertFalse(TITLE in response) # generate event data self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # check the event is viewable. response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(TITLE in response) def testThanksPageFailCase(self): """test that Thanks page will fail when wrong eventid is requested.""" app = TestApp(application) # try to get some incorrect eventid eventid = 'zzz' response = app.get('/thanks?eventid=%s' % eventid, status=404) self.assertTrue(eventid in response) def testUserRegisterEvent(self): """Test user registration workflow. """ # generate event data first app = TestApp(application) eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # check user does not see the event yet self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertFalse(TITLE in response) # check user sees the event after registering self.userEventEntry(app, eventid) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(TITLE in response) def testUserRegisterEventFull(self): """Test user registration failure workflow. """ # generate event data first app = TestApp(application) # generate a event with capacity of 1 eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app, capacity=1) # check user does not see the event yet self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertFalse(TITLE in response) # check user sees the event after registering self.userEventEntry(app, eventid, capacity=1) response = app.get('/') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(TITLE in response) # check adding a different user to the event self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) response ='/eventregister', { 'eventid': eventid, 'user_prework': USER_PREWORK, 'user_attend': 'attend', 'user_enkai_attend': 'enkai_attend', 'user_realname': USER_REALNAME, }, status=404) self.assertTrue('you cannot reserve a place' in response) def testAdminReviewEvent(self): """Verify the event admin summary review flow. """ app = TestApp(application) # register the event eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # user joins the event self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) self.userEventEntry(app, eventid) self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) response = app.get('/eventadmin/summary', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue(LOGGED_IN_USER in response) self.assertTrue(USER_PREWORK in response) def testLatexEnqueteEscape(self): app = TestApp(application) eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # user joins the event self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) self.userEventEntry(app, eventid, user_realname='man_with_underscore') # be the admin and create the enquete. self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) response = app.get('/eventadmin/preworklatex', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('man\_{}with\_{}underscore' in response.body) def testEnqueteCreate(self): """Test Enquete creation flow. """ # generate event data first app = TestApp(application) eventid = self.createPageCommitHelper(app) # user joins the event self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) self.userEventEntry(app, eventid) # does not see enquete request because there is no enquete yet. response = app.get('/', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertFalse('アンケートに回答する' in response) # be the admin and create the enquete. self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) self.createEnquete(app, eventid) # admin sends out the enquete mail. response = app.get('/enquete/sendmail', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) # user responds to enquete # user sees top page with enquete requirement. self.login(LOGGED_IN_USER) response = app.get('/', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertTrue('アンケートに回答する' in response) # user responds to enquete response = app.get('/enquete/respond', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertTrue('question 1' in response) self.assertTrue('question 2' in response) self.assertTrue('question 3' in response) response ='/enquete/responddone', { 'eventid': eventid, 'question0': 0, 'question1': 5, 'question2': 4, 'overall_comment': 'hello world', }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) # user no longer sees top page with enquete requirement response = app.get('/', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertFalse('アンケートに回答する' in response) # admin views the list self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) response = app.get('/enquete/showresult', { 'eventid': eventid, }) self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) self.assertEquals("question 1,question 2,question 3,自由記入\r\nNA,5,4,hello world\r\n", response.body) # admin views all the results self.login(LOGGED_IN_ADMIN) response = app.get('/enquete/showallresults') self.assertEqual('200 OK', response.status) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import re from datetime import datetime from ika.models import Account, Channel from ika.utils import tokenize_modestring class IRCModeMixin: modesdef = dict() def __init__(self): self.modes = dict() @property def modestring(self): string = '+' params = list() for k, v in self.modes.items(): if not isinstance(v, set): string += k if v: params.append(v) if len(params) > 0: string += ' ' + ' '.join(params) return string @property def listmodestring(self): string = '+' params = list() for k, v in self.modes.items(): if isinstance(v, set): for e in v: string += k params.append(e) if len(params) > 0: string += ' ' + ' '.join(params) return string def update_modes(self, *modes): adds, removes = tokenize_modestring(self.modesdef, *modes) for k, v in adds.items(): if isinstance(v, set): s = self.modes.get(k, set()) self.modes[k] = s | v else: self.modes[k] = v for k, v in removes.items(): if isinstance(v, set): self.modes[k] -= v if len(self.modes[k]) == 0: del self.modes[k] else: del self.modes[k] return adds, removes class IRCUser(IRCModeMixin): def __init__(self, uid, timestamp, nick, host, dhost, ident, ipaddress, signon, gecos): super().__init__() self.uid = uid self.timestamp = int(timestamp) self.nick = nick = host self.dhost = dhost self.ident = ident self.ipaddress = ipaddress self.signon = int(signon) self.gecos = gecos self.opertype = None self.metadata = dict() # For backref self.channels = set() def __str__(self): return self.nick def __repr__(self): return f'<IRCUser {self.mask}>' def match_mask(self, mask): pattern = re.escape(mask) pattern = pattern.replace('\*', '.+?') pattern = '^{}$'.format(pattern) return re.match(pattern, self.mask, re.IGNORECASE) is not None @property def mask(self): return '{}!{}@{}'.format(self.nick, self.ident, self.dhost) @property def account(self) -> Account: name = self.metadata.get('accountname') return name and Account.get(name) @property def connected_at(self): return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.signon) @property def is_operator(self): return self.opertype == 'NetAdmin' @property def is_service(self): return self.opertype == 'Services' def update_modes(self, *modes): adds, removes = super().update_modes(*modes) if 'o' in removes.keys(): self.opertype = None class IRCChannel(IRCModeMixin): umodesdef = dict() def __init__(self, name, timestamp): super().__init__() = name self.timestamp = int(timestamp) self.users = dict() self.usermodes = dict() self.metadata = dict() def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'<IRCChannel {}>' @property def umodestring(self): return ' '.join([f'{"".join(mode)},{uid}' for uid, mode in self.usermodes.items()]) @property def channel(self): try: return Channel.get( except UnicodeEncodeError: # surrogates are not allowed. return None def update_modes(self, *modes): super().update_modes(*modes) adds, removes = tokenize_modestring(self.umodesdef, *modes) for mode, v in adds.items(): for uid in v: self.usermodes.setdefault(uid, set()) self.usermodes[uid].add(mode) for mode, v in removes.items(): for uid in v: self.usermodes[uid].remove(mode) def generate_synchronizing_modestring(self, uid=None, account=None, mask=None): if account and mask: raise ValueError('Exactly one of [account, mask] must be set') if not return '' to_be_added = list() to_be_removed = list() if uid: usermodes = {uid: self.usermodes[uid]} else: usermodes = self.usermodes for uid, umode in usermodes.items(): user = self.users[uid] if user.is_service: continue if mask and (not user.match_mask(mask)): continue if account and (user.account != account): continue flags = modes = flags.modes adds = modes - umode removes = umode - modes for add in adds: to_be_added.append((add, uid)) for remove in removes: to_be_removed.append((remove, uid)) modestring = str() params = list() if len(to_be_added) > 0: modestring += '+' for mode, uid in to_be_added: modestring += mode params.append(uid) if len(to_be_removed) > 0: modestring += '-' for mode, uid in to_be_removed: modestring += mode params.append(uid) if len(params) > 0: modestring += ' ' modestring += ' '.join(params) return modestring
from setuptools import setup, Extension from codecs import open from os import path # from Michael Hoffman's class NumpyExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from numpy import get_include from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_info kwargs.update(get_info('npymath')) kwargs['include_dirs'] += [get_include()] Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) # Get the long description from the relevant file with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = setup( name='pyhacrf', version='0.1.2', packages=['pyhacrf'], install_requires=['numpy>=1.9', 'PyLBFGS>=0.1.3'], ext_modules=[NumpyExtension('pyhacrf.algorithms', ['pyhacrf/algorithms.c'])], url='', download_url='', license='BSD', author='Dirko Coetsee', author_email='', description='Hidden alignment conditional random field, a discriminative string edit distance', long_description=long_description, classifiers=[ 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', ], )
#! /usr/bin/env python2 """ Copyright: Obtain gene list from pathway databases Copyright (C) 2016 William Brazelton, Alex Hyer This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import atexit import argparse import os import pycyc import re import stat from subprocess import CalledProcessError, Popen import sys import time __author__ = 'Alex Hyer' __email__ = '' __license__ = 'GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Alex Hyer' __status__ = 'Alpha' __version__ = '0.0.1a16' def print_nested_list(lst, level=0): yield(' ' * (level - 1) + '+---' * (level > 0) + str(lst[0])) for l in lst[1:]: if type(l) is list: for i in print_nested_list(l, level + 1): yield i else: yield(' ' * level + '+---' + str(l)) # This method is literally just the Python 3.5.1 which function from the # shutil library in order to permit this functionality in Python 2. # Minor changes to style were made to account for indentation. def which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None): """Given a command, mode, and a PATH string, return the path which conforms to the given mode on the PATH, or None if there is no such file. `mode` defaults to os.F_OK | os.X_OK. `path` defaults to the result of os.environ.get("PATH"), or can be overridden with a custom search path. """ # Check that a given file can be accessed with the correct mode. # Additionally check that `file` is not a directory, as on Windows # directories pass the os.access check. def _access_check(fn, mode): return (os.path.exists(fn) and os.access(fn, mode) and not os.path.isdir(fn)) # If we're given a path with a directory part, look it up directly # rather than referring to PATH directories. This includes checking # relative to the current directory, e.g. ./script if os.path.dirname(cmd): if _access_check(cmd, mode): return cmd return None if path is None: path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath) if not path: return None path = path.split(os.pathsep) if sys.platform == "win32": # The current directory takes precedence on Windows. if not os.curdir in path: path.insert(0, os.curdir) # PATHEXT is necessary to check on Windows. pathext = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep) # See if the given file matches any of the expected path # extensions. This will allow us to short circuit when given # "python.exe". If it does match, only test that one, otherwise # we have to try others. if any(cmd.lower().endswith(ext.lower()) for ext in pathext): files = [cmd] else: files = [cmd + ext for ext in pathext] else: # On other platforms you don't have things like PATHEXT to tell you # what file suffixes are executable, so just pass on cmd as-is. files = [cmd] seen = set() for dir in path: normdir = os.path.normcase(dir) if not normdir in seen: seen.add(normdir) for thefile in files: name = os.path.join(dir, thefile) if _access_check(name, mode): return name return None def main(args): """Run program Args: args (NameSpace): ArgParse arguments controlling program flow """ def shutdown(pid): print('>>> Shutdown sequence initiated.') print('>>> Terminating Pathway Tools LISP Daemon') pid.terminate() pid.wait() print('>>> Daemon destroyed.') print('>>> Until next time. :)') print('>>> Hi, I am DPS (Derive Pathway Steps).') print('>>> I will be analyzing pathways for you today.') print('>>> I am using the {0} database as per your command.' .format(args.database)) if args.database == 'metacyc': # Obtain executable pathway_tools = which('pathway-tools', path=args.executable) if pathway_tools is None: raise EnvironmentError('I cannot find pathway-tools: please ' 'specify -e.') else: print('>>> I found pathway-tools: {0}.'.format(pathway_tools)) # Start pathway-tools daemon while True: print('>>> Summoning Pathway Tools LISP Daemon.') pid = Popen([pathway_tools, '-lisp', '-api'], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w')) print('>>> Let\'s give it five seconds to spawn.') time.sleep(5) if os.path.exists('/tmp/ptools-socket') and \ stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat('/tmp/ptools-socket').st_mode): print('>>> The daemon is is up!') break else: print('>>> The daemon took too long to boot. :(') print('>>> This makes me sad, so I will kill it.') pid.kill() print('>>> Let\'s wait five seconds for it to die!') time.sleep(5) pid.poll() if pid.returncode is None: raise CalledProcessError('Pathway Tools won\'t die!') else: print('>>> The daemon is dead!') print('>>> I miss it. :( I\'m going to try again. :)') atexit.register(shutdown, pid) # Connect to daemon try: metacyc ='meta') except IOError: print('>>> I cannot connect to Pathway Tools Daemon.') print('>>> Here is the original error message:') raise else: print('>>> I have connected to the Pathway Tools Daemon.') print('>>> Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty memory footprint!') # Index genes file print('>>> Indexing {0}.'.format( reactions_to_genes = {} start_time = time.time() for line in args.reactions_file: parts = line.strip().split() reactions_to_genes[parts[0]] = (parts[1], parts[2:]) end_time = time.time() print('>>> I indexed {0} reactions in {1} seconds.' .format(str(len(reactions_to_genes)), str(end_time - start_time))) print('>>> I\'m so fast.') # Index all pathways by name print('>>> Time to index all the pathways from Metacyc.') pathways = {} start_time = time.time() for frame in metacyc.all_pathways(): pathways[frame.common_name] = frame end_time = time.time() print('>>> I indexed {0} pathways in {1} seconds.' .format(str(len(pathways)), str(end_time - start_time))) print('>>> Aren\'t you proud of me?') # Index gene abundance print('>>> Recording gene abundances from {0}.' .format( abundances = {} start_time = time.time() for line in args.abundance_file: gene, abundance = line.strip().split('\t') abundances[gene] = abundance end_time = time.time() print('>>> I indexed {0} gene abundances in {1} seconds.' .format(str(len(abundances)), str(end_time - start_time))) # Obtain pathway of interest print('>>> Time to do some science!') print('>>> Note: you can input all or part of a pathway name.') print('>>> Type "q" for input at any time to exit the program.') while True: # Rest of program runs in a loop until user ends it possibilities = {} user_input = raw_input('>>> Enter a pathway: ') if user_input.lower() == 'q': break for name, frame in pathways.items(): if user_input in name: possibilities[name] = frame if len(possibilities) == 0: print('>>> I couldn\'t find any pathways matching your ' 'request.') print('>>> Try an alternative name for the pathway.') continue print('>>> I found {0} pathways matching your request.' .format(str(len(possibilities)))) shutdown = False restart = False pathway = None while True: print('>>> Here are possible pathways:') max_entry = len(possibilities) - 1 for possibility in enumerate(possibilities.items()): print('{0}: {1}'.format(str(possibility[0]), possibility[1][1].common_name)) path_num = raw_input('>>> Select a pathway ("r" to restart): ') if path_num.lower() == 'q': shutdown = True break elif path_num.lower() == 'r': restart = True break else: try: path_num = int(path_num) except ValueError: print('>>> Your answer is not an integer.') print('>>> I only understand integers.') print('>>> Please correct.') continue if path_num > max_entry or path_num < 0: print('>>> {0} is not a valid pathway.' .format(str(path_num))) print('>>> Valid pathways are: {0}.'.format(' '.join( [str(i) for i in range(max_entry + 1)]))) print('>>> Try again.') continue pathway = possibilities[possibilities.keys()[path_num]] print('>>> You selected: {0}.'.format(pathway.common_name)) print('>>> Neat! I\'ll analyze it now.') break if restart is True: continue if shutdown is True: break # Add genes and abundances to pathway reactions print('>>> Collecting reactions in pathway.') try: if type(pathway.reaction_list) is list: rxns = [str(rxn) for rxn in pathway.reaction_list] else: rxns = [str(pathway.reaction_list)] except KeyError: print('>>> I cannot access the reactions for this pathway. :(') print('>>> I\'m sorry I\'ve failed you. :(') print('>>> Please have me analyze something else.') continue print('>>> Analyzing pathway for key reactions.') if hasattr(pathway, 'key_reactions') is True and\ pathway.key_reactions is not None: key_rxns = [str(key) for key in pathway.key_reactions] for rxn in enumerate(rxns): if rxn[1] in key_rxns: rxns[rxn[0]] = rxn[1] + '*' print('>>> Acquiring gene families for each reaction from {0}.' .format( reactions = {} for rxn in rxns: rxn_name = re.sub('\*$', '', rxn) if rxn_name in reactions_to_genes.keys(): ec, uniref_list = reactions_to_genes[rxn_name] rxn_name = rxn + ' (' + ec + ')' reactions[rxn_name] = {} for uniref in uniref_list: reactions[rxn_name][uniref] = 0.0 print('>>> Adding abundances from {0}.' .format( for rxn in reactions.keys(): for gene in reactions[rxn]: if gene in abundances.keys(): reactions[rxn][gene] = abundances[gene] print('>>> Removing unused gene families.') for rxn in reactions.keys(): for uniref in reactions[rxn].keys(): if reactions[rxn][uniref] == 0.0: del reactions[rxn][uniref] for rxn in reactions.keys(): if reactions[rxn] == {}: reactions[rxn] = 'None\tN/A' continue # Format reactions for printing rxn_list = [pathway.common_name] for rxn in reactions.keys(): if reactions[rxn] == 'None\tN/A': temp = [rxn, ['None\tN/A']] rxn_list.append(temp) elif type(reactions[rxn]) is dict: temp = [rxn] for uniref in reactions[rxn].keys(): temp.append('{0}\t{1}'.format(uniref, str(reactions[rxn][uniref]))) rxn_list.append(temp) # Print output print('>>> I\'ve finished analyzing everything!') print('>>> Here it is (asterisks represent key reactions):') rxn_print = [rxn for rxn in print_nested_list(rxn_list)] for rxn in rxn_print: print(rxn) # Save output print('>>> What file would you like me to save this to?') print('>>> Type "n" if you don\'t want to save this output.') while True: out_file = raw_input('>>> File: ') if out_file.lower() != 'n' and out_file.lower() != 'q': try: with open(out_file, 'w') as out_handle: for rxn in rxn_print: out_handle.write(rxn + os.linesep) print('>>> Output written to {0}.'.format(out_file)) break except IOError as error: print('>>> I could not write to {0}.'.format(out_file)) print('>>> Original error:') print(error) print('>>> Let\'s try again (enter "n" to skip).') elif out_file.lower() == 'q': shutdown = True break else: break if shutdown is True: break print('>>> All done!') print('>>> Let\'s do more science (enter "q" to exit program)!') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse. RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Database', dest='database') metacyc = subparsers.add_parser('metacyc', help='Analyze MetaCyc Database') metacyc.add_argument('abundance_file', metavar='Abundance File', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='TSV containing gene ID and abundance columns') metacyc.add_argument('reactions_file', metavar='Reactions File', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='metacyc1 file mapping Unirefs to reactions') metacyc.add_argument('-e', '--executable', default=None, type=str, help='pathways-tree executable if not in PATH') args = parser.parse_args() main(args) sys.exit(0)
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # This script unpacks the payload from Winnti Group samples using their custom # packer. For details, see: # # # For feedback or questions contact us at: # # # Author: # Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé <> # # This code is provided to the community under the two-clause BSD license as # follows: # # Copyright (C) 2019 ESET # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import os import struct from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 import hashlib import json # Those are the last functions of the shellcode returning the address of the # payload header (minus 3) GET_PAYLOAD_FUNCTIONS = [ # 32-bit "558BECE800000000585DC3".decode('hex'), # 64-bit "E80000000058C3".decode('hex') ] def get_payload_indexes(s): r = [] for p in GET_PAYLOAD_FUNCTIONS: i = s.find(p) while i >= 0: r.append(i + len(p)) i = s.find(p, i + 1) r.sort() return r for path in sys.argv[1:]: with open(path, 'rb') as f: file_content = for offset_to_bin in get_payload_indexes(file_content): rc4_key, \ added_code_size, \ rc4_key_size, \ filename_size, \ filename_wide_size, \ pe_size, \ launch_type = \ struct.unpack("16s" + "I" * 6, file_content[offset_to_bin:][:40]) if launch_type not in (1, 2): sys.stderr.write( "Possibly invalid header (launch_type = {:d}) at {:s}:{:d}\n".format( launch_type, path, offset_to_bin ) ) rc4_key = ''.join([ chr(ord(c) ^ 0x37) for c in rc4_key[:rc4_key_size] ]) i = offset_to_bin + 40 filename =[i:][:filename_size])[:-1] i += filename_size filename_wide =[i:][:filename_wide_size]) filename_wide = filename_wide.decode('utf-16')[:-1] i += filename_wide_size pe =[i:][:pe_size]) if pe[:2] == 'MZ': payload_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(pe).hexdigest() desc = { "parent_sha1": hashlib.sha1(file_content).hexdigest(), "rc4_key": rc4_key, "filename": filename, "filename_w": filename_wide, "launch_type": launch_type, "payload_sha1": payload_sha1, } if os.path.exists(payload_sha1): sys.stderr.write("File {:s} already exists, skipping\n".format( payload_sha1 )) else: with file(payload_sha1, "wb") as o: o.write(pe) json.dump(desc, sys.stdout) sys.stdout.write("\n") else: sys.stderr.write( "Payload not decrypted sucessfully at {:s}:{:d}\n".format( path, offset_to_bin ) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # A NNTP Binary File Representation # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Chris Caron <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. from newsreap.NNTPContent import NNTPContent from newsreap.Utils import bytes_to_strsize class NNTPBinaryContent(NNTPContent): """ A Binary file representation """ def __init__(self, filepath=None, part=None, total_parts=None, begin=None, end=None, total_size=None, work_dir=None, sort_no=10000, *args, **kwargs): """ Intitialize NNTPBinaryContent """ super(NNTPBinaryContent, self).__init__( filepath=filepath, part=part, total_parts=total_parts, begin=begin, end=end, total_size=total_size, work_dir=work_dir, sort_no=sort_no, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): """ Return a printable version of the file being read """ if self.part is not None: return '<NNTPBinaryContent sort=%d filename="%s" part=%d/%d len=%s />' % ( self.sort_no, self.filename, self.part, self.total_parts, bytes_to_strsize(len(self)), ) else: return '<NNTPBinaryContent sort=%d filename="%s" len=%s />' % ( self.sort_no, self.filename, bytes_to_strsize(len(self)), )
# import the necessary packages from sklearn import svm from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV # from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split # resolvendo problemas de compatibilidade from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from imutils import paths import numpy as np import argparse import imutils import cv2 import os data_path = "DBIM/alldb" model_pxl = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm.LinearSVC()) model_hst = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm.LinearSVC()) def image_to_feature_vector(image, size=(32, 32)): # resize the image to a fixed size, then flatten the image into # a list of raw pixel intensities return cv2.resize(image, size).flatten() def extract_color_histogram(image, bins=(8, 8, 8)): # extract a 3D color histogram from the HSV color space using # the supplied number of `bins` per channel hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) hist = cv2.calcHist([hsv], [0, 1, 2], None, bins, [0, 180, 0, 256, 0, 256]) # handle normalizing the histogram if we are using OpenCV 2.4.X if imutils.is_cv2(): hist = cv2.normalize(hist) # otherwise, perform "in place" normalization in OpenCV 3 (I # personally hate the way this is done else: cv2.normalize(hist, hist) # return the flattened histogram as the feature vector return hist.flatten() def initializate(data_p = "DBIM/alldb"): data_path = dbp model_pxl = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm.LinearSVC()) model_hst = CalibratedClassifierCV(svm.LinearSVC()) def fit(info=False): # grab the list of images that we'll be describing if(info): print("[INFO] describing images...") imagePaths = list(paths.list_images(data_path)) # initialize the raw pixel intensities matrix, the features matrix, # and labels list rawImages = [] features = [] labels = [] # loop over the input images for (i, imagePath) in enumerate(imagePaths): # load the image and extract the class label (assuming that our # path as the format: /path/to/dataset/{class}/{image_num}.jpg image = cv2.imread(imagePath) label = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[2] # extract raw pixel intensity "features", followed by a color # histogram to characterize the color distribution of the pixels # in the image pixels = image_to_feature_vector(image) hist = extract_color_histogram(image) # update the raw images, features, and labels matricies, # respectively rawImages.append(pixels) features.append(hist) labels.append(label) # show an update every 1,000 images if i > 0 and i % 1000 == 0 and info: print("[INFO] processed {}/{}".format(i, len(imagePaths))) # show some information on the memory consumed by the raw images # matrix and features matrix rawImages = np.array(rawImages) features = np.array(features) labels = np.array(labels) if(info): print("[INFO] pixels matrix: {:.2f}MB".format( rawImages.nbytes / (1024 * 1000.0))) print("[INFO] features matrix: {:.2f}MB".format( features.nbytes / (1024 * 1000.0))) (trainRI, testRI, trainRL, testRL) = train_test_split( rawImages, labels, test_size=0, random_state=42) (trainFeat, testFeat, trainLabels, testLabels) = train_test_split( features, labels, test_size=0, random_state=42), trainRL), trainLabels) def get_predict_proba(model, input): prob = model.predict_proba(input) label = model.predict(input)[0] return {'label':label, '0':prob[0][0] ,'1':prob[0][1], '2': prob[0][2] } def print_proba(ret, full=False): if(full): print("SVM") print("\n PIXEL") print("Probability:") print("label 0: " + str(ret['pxl']['0']) ) print("label 1: " + str(ret['pxl']['1'])) print("label 2: " + str(ret['pxl']['2'])) print("image label:" + str(ret['pxl']['label'])) print("") print("\n HISTOGRAM") print("Probability:") print("label 0: " + str(ret['hst']['0']) ) print("label 1: " + str(ret['hst']['1'])) print("label 2: " + str(ret['hst']['2'])) print("image label:" + str(ret['hst']['label'])) print("") else: print("SVM\n") print("Label: " + str(ret['pxl']['label']) + " prob:" + str(ret['pxl'][str(ret['pxl']['label'])])) print("Label: " + str(ret['hst']['label']) + " prob:" + str(ret['hst'][str(ret['hst']['label'])])) def classify(img_path, imshow=False): img = cv2.imread(img_path) if(imshow): cv2.imshow('image',img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() pxl = image_to_feature_vector(np.array(img)).reshape(1,-1) hst = extract_color_histogram(np.array(img)).reshape(1,-1) pxl_c = get_predict_proba(model_pxl, pxl) hst_c = get_predict_proba(model_hst, hst) return {'pxl':pxl_c, 'hst':hst_c }
import boto.sqs import logging import time import boto import json import numpy as np import tempfile import hashlib from collections import defaultdict from boto.sqs.message import Message from boto.s3.key import Key import base64 import datetime from boto.dynamodb2.exceptions import ConditionalCheckFailedException import os.path from import NetworkInfo from masterdirac.models.aggregator import ( TruthGPUDiracModel, RunGPUDiracModel, DataForDisplay ) import as run_mdl import random import pandas import re class TruthException(Exception): pass class FileCorruption(Exception): pass class DirtyRunException(Exception): pass class InvalidMask(Exception): #the given mask doesnt parse pass MASK_PATTERN_MATCH = r'([\[\(]\d+,\d+[\)\]])' MASK_PATTERN_PARSE = r'[\[\(](\d+),(\d+)[\)\]]' class ResultSet(object): """ Abstract BaseClass For representing and manipulating a result """ def __init__(self, instructions ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._result_bucket = None self._alleles = None #print instructions self._instructions = instructions self.run_id = instructions['run_id'] self._file_id = instructions['file_id'] self.result_files = instructions['result_files'] self.sample_allele = instructions['sample_allele'] self.sample_names = instructions['sample_names'] self.shuffle = instructions['shuffle'] self.strain = instructions['strain'] self.num_networks = instructions['num_networks'] self._data = None self._classified = None self._truth = None self._compare_mat = None @property def nsamp(self): return len(self.sample_names) @property def file_id(self): return self._file_id @property def nnets(self): return self.num_networks @property def alleles(self): if not self._alleles: self._alleles = self.result_files.keys() self._alleles.sort() return self._alleles @property def data(self): if self._data is None: stacked = [] for allele in self.alleles: stacked.append(self._get_data(allele)) self._data = np.array(stacked) return self._data @property def classified(self): if self._classified is None: self._classified = np.argmax(, axis=0 ) return self._classified @property def truth(self): if self._truth is None: classes = [] for a in self.alleles: classes.append(set([sn for _, sn in self.sample_allele[a]])) def clsfy(classes, s): for i,_set in enumerate(classes): if s in _set: return i t_list = [clsfy(classes, sname) for sname in self.sample_names] self._truth = np.array(t_list) return self._truth def get_run_id(self): return self.run_id def get_strain(self): return self.strain def get_result_files(self): return self.result_files def archive_package(self): return (self.file_id, self._instructions, @property def compare_mat(self): if self._compare_mat is None: truth_mat = np.tile(self.truth, (self.nnets, 1)) #T.D. could slice here or compute once and check with map self._compare_mat = (truth_mat == self.classified) return self._compare_mat class S3ResultSet(ResultSet): def __init__(self, instructions, from_gpu_bucket_name ): """ instructions dictified run model """ super(S3ResultSet,self).__init__(instructions) self._s3_from_gpu= from_gpu_bucket_name self._from_gpu_bucket = None @property def from_gpu_bucket(self): """ Returns the S3 bucket object that contains the gpu generated results """ attempts = 0 while not self._from_gpu_bucket: attempts += 1 try: conn = boto.connect_s3() self._from_gpu_bucket = conn.get_bucket(self._s3_from_gpu) except: if attempts > 5: raise msg = "Could not connect to %s. Trying again. " msg = msg % self._s3_from_gpu self.logger.exception( msg ) time.sleep(2 + (random.random() * attempts)) return self._from_gpu_bucket def _get_data(self, allele ): """ Returns the given alleles rms matrix """ complete = False count = 0 while not complete: try: with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as temp: key = self.from_gpu_bucket.get_key( self.result_files[allele] ) key.get_contents_to_file( temp ) buffered_matrix = np.load( temp ) complete = True except Exception as e: print e #print "error on get[%r], trying again" % self.result_files[allele] count += 1 if count > 1: raise FileCorruption('Error on File [%s] [%r]' % (allele, self.result_files[allele] ) ) pass return buffered_matrix[:self.nnets, :self.nsamp] class LocalResultSet(ResultSet): def __init__(self, instructions, data_obj ): super(LocalResultSet, self).__init__( instructions ) self._data = data_obj self.local_path = local_path class Masked(object): """ Receives a resultset object and a mask (start, end) i.e. (5,10) Returns the accuracy for all networks over that range as a numpy array """ def __init__(self, result_set, mask): self._result_set = result_set self._mask = mask @property def mask(self): return self._mask @property def run_id(self): return self._result_set.run_id @property def result_set(self): return self._result_set @property def accuracy(self): """ Returns a vector representing the accuracy of a each network given this age range and ordering """ rs = self.result_set mask_map = self._select_range() accuracy = rs.compare_mat[:,mask_map].sum(axis=1)/float(len(mask_map)) return accuracy def _select_range(self): """ Returns the set of samples within the afformentioned age range. (numpy vector containing their indices) T.D. could only compute once """ rs = self.result_set start = float(self.mask[0]) - .0001 end = float(self.mask[1]) + .0001 samp = set([]) for _, sl in rs.sample_allele.iteritems(): samp |= set([ sample_name for age, sample_name in sl if start <= age < end ]) return np.array([i for i,s in enumerate(rs.sample_names) if s in samp]) class ResultSetArchive(object): def __init__( self,run_id, num_result_sets=100): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._run_id = run_id self._num = num_result_sets self._rs_ctr = 0 # a single archive count self._arch_ctr = 0 # the total count for this resultset archive self._instructions = {} self._data = {} self._sent = {} self._file_name = hashlib.md5() self._arch_name = hashlib.md5() self._truth = False @property def run_id(self): return self._run_id def add_result_set( self, result_set): (file_id, inst, data) = result_set.archive_package() self._instructions[file_id] = inst self._data[file_id] = data self._file_name.update( file_id ) self._rs_ctr += 1 self._arch_ctr += 1 if not result_set.shuffle: self._truth = True if self._rs_ctr >= self._num: self.write() def write(self): self._write_instructions() self._write_data() self._sent[self.file_hash] = self._instructions.keys() self._arch_name.update( self.file_hash ) self._instructions = {} self._data = {} self._rs_ctr = 0 self._file_name = hashlib.md5() @property def file_hash(self): return self._file_name.hexdigest() @property def archive_hash(self): return self._arch_name.hexdigest() @property def sent(self): return self._sent class S3ResultSetArchive(ResultSetArchive): def __init__(self,run_id, bucket_name, path=None, num_result_sets=100 ): super(S3ResultSetArchive,self).__init__(run_id, num_result_sets) self._bucket_name = bucket_name self._bucket = None self._path = path def _write_data(self): with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as temp: json.dump( self._instructions, temp) key = Key(self.bucket) if self._path: key.key = '%s/%s.json' % ( self._path, self.file_hash) else: key.key = '%s.json' % self.file_hash key.set_contents_from_file( temp ) def _write_instructions(self): with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as temp: np.savez(temp, **self._data) key = Key(self.bucket) if self._path: key.key = '%s/%s.npz' % ( self._path, self.file_hash) else: key.key = '%s.npz' % self.file_hash key.set_contents_from_file( temp ) @property def bucket(self): attempts = 0 while not self._bucket: attempts += 1 try: conn = boto.connect_s3() self._bucket = conn.get_bucket(self._bucket_name) except: if attempts > 5: raise msg = "Could not connect to %s. Trying again. " msg = msg % self._bucket_name self.logger.exception( msg ) time.sleep(2 + (random.random() * attempts)) return self._bucket def close_archive(self): if self._rs_ctr > 0: self.write() with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as temp: json.dump( self._sent, temp) key = Key(self.bucket) if self._path: key.key = '%s/%s.manifest.json' % ( self._path, self.archive_hash) else: key.key = '%s.manifest.json' % self.archive_hash key.set_contents_from_file( temp ) run_mdl.insert_ANRunArchive( self.run_id, self.archive_hash, self._arch_ctr, bucket = self._bucket_name, archive_manifest = '%s.manifest.json' % self.archive_hash, path = self._path, truth = self._truth) if __name__ == "__main__": sqs = boto.connect_sqs() d2a = sqs.create_queue( 'from-data-to-agg-b6-canonical-q92-bak' ) archive = S3ResultSetArchive('this-is-a-test-run-id', 'an-scratch-bucket', path="S3ResultSetArchiveTest3", num_result_sets=9 ) ctr = 0 for i in range(2): messages = d2a.get_messages(10) for message in messages: ctr += 1 instructions = json.loads( message.get_body() ) rs = S3ResultSet(instructions, 'an-from-gpu-to-agg-b6-canonical-q92') """ print "rs.nsamp" print rs.nsamp print "rs.file_id" print rs.file_id print "rs.nnets" print rs.nnets print "rs.alleles" print rs.alleles print "" print print "rs.classified" print rs.classified print "rs.truth" print rs.truth print "rs.get_run_id()" print rs.get_run_id() print "rs.get_strain()" print rs.get_strain() print "rs.get_result_files()" print rs.get_result_files() print "rs.archive_package()" print rs.archive_package() for m in ["[0,100)", "[10,20)", "[13,17)", "[0,100)"]: mrs = Masked( rs, m) print "Mask id" print mrs.mask_id print "mrs.mask" print mrs.mask print "Masked accuracy" print mrs.accuracy() """ archive.add_result_set( rs ) print ctr print archive.sent archive.close_archive()
from ecell4.reaction_reader.decorator2 import species_attributes, reaction_rules from import generate_reactions @species_attributes def attributegen(): R(r1,r2,r=(r1,r2)) | R0 L(l1,l2,l=(l1,l2)) | L0 @reaction_rules def rulegen(): # Ligand addition R(r) + L(_1,_2,l=[_1,_2]) == R(r^1).L(_1^1,_2,l=[_1,_2]) | (kp1, km1) # R(r) + L(l1,l2) == R(r^1).L(l1^1,l2) | (kp1, km1) # Chain elongation R(r) + L(_1,_2^_,l=[_1,_2]) == R(r^1).L(_1^1,_2^_,l=[_1,_2]) | (kp2, km2) # R(r) + L(l1,l2^_) == R(r^1).L(l1^1,l2^_) | (kp2, km2) # Ring closure R(r).L(l) == R(r^1).L(l^1) | (kp3, km3) if __name__ == "__main__": newseeds = [] for i, (sp, attr) in enumerate(attributegen()): print i, sp, attr newseeds.append(sp) print '' rules = rulegen() for i, rr in enumerate(rules): print i, rr print '' seeds, reactions = generate_reactions( newseeds, rules, max_stoich={"R": 5, "L": 5}) for i, seed in enumerate(seeds): print i, seed # print '' # for i, reaction in enumerate(reactions): # print i, reaction # setOption("SpeciesLabel","HNauty") # begin model # begin parameters # kp1 1 # km1 1 # kp2 1 # km2 1 # kp3 1 # km3 1 # R0 3e5 # L0 3e5 # end parameters # # begin seed species # R(r,r) R0 # L(l,l) L0 # end seed species # # begin reaction rules # # Ligand addition # R(r) + L(l,l) <-> R(r!1).L(l!1,l) kp1,km1 # # # Chain elongation # R(r) + L(l,l!+) <-> R(r!1).L(l!1,l!+) kp2,km2 # # # Ring closure # R(r).L(l) <-> R(r!1).L(l!1) kp3,km3 # end reaction rules # end model # # ## actions ## # generate_network({overwrite=>1,max_stoich=>{R=>5,L=>5}})
import ctypes _jboolean = ctypes.c_ubyte _jbyte = ctypes.c_ubyte _jchar = ctypes.c_short _jshort = ctypes.c_int16 _jint = ctypes.c_int32 _jlong = ctypes.c_int64 _jfloat = ctypes.c_float _jdouble = ctypes.c_double _jsize = _jint class _jobject_struct(ctypes.Structure): __fields = [] _jobject = ctypes.POINTER(_jobject_struct) _jclass = _jobject _jthrowable = _jobject _jstring = _jobject _jarray = _jobject _jobjectArray = _jarray _jbooleanArray = _jarray _jbyteArray = _jarray _jcharArray = _jarray _jshortArray = _jarray _jintArray = _jarray _jlongArray = _jarray _jfloatArray = _jarray _jdoubleArray = _jarray _jobjectArray = _jarray _jweak = _jobject class _jvalue(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [ ('z', _jboolean), ('b', _jbyte), ('c', _jchar), ('s', _jshort), ('i', _jint), ('j', _jlong), ('f', _jfloat), ('d', _jdouble), ('l', _jobject), ] class _jmethodID_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [] _jmethodID = ctypes.POINTER(_jmethodID_struct) class _jfieldID_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [] _jfieldID = ctypes.POINTER(_jfieldID_struct) class _JNINativeMethod(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('name', ctypes.c_char_p, ), ('signature', ctypes.c_char_p), ('fnPtr', ctypes.c_void_p), ] class _JavaVMOption(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('optionString', ctypes.c_char_p), ('extraInfo', ctypes.c_void_p), ] class _JavaVMInitArgs(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('version', _jint), ('nOptions', _jint), ('options', ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVMOption)), ('ignoreUnrecognized', _jboolean) ] class _JavaVM(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('functions', ctypes.c_void_p), # really a ctypes.POINTER(_JNIInvokeInterface) ] class _JNIInvokeInterface(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('reserved0', ctypes.c_void_p), ('reserved1', ctypes.c_void_p), ('reserved2', ctypes.c_void_p), ('DestroyJavaVM', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( _jint, ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM) # JavaVM* vm )) ), ('AttachCurrentThread', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( _jint, ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM), # JavaVM* vm ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), # void** penv ctypes.c_void_p, # void* args )) ), ('DetachCurrentThread', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( _jint, ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM), # JavaVM* vm )) ), ('GetEnv', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( _jint, ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM), # JavaVM* vm ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), # void** penv _jint, # jint version )) ), ('AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( _jint, ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM), # JavaVM* vm ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), # void** penv ctypes.c_void_p, # void* args )) ), ] class _JNIEnv(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('functions', ctypes.c_void_p), # really a ctypes.POINTER(_JNINativeInterface) ] class _JNINativeInterface(ctypes.Structure): _fields = [ ('reserved0', ctypes.c_void_p), ('reserved1', ctypes.c_void_p), ('reserved2', ctypes.c_void_p), ('reserved3', ctypes.c_void_p), ('foo', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.c_int, # a ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), # b )) ), ('GetVersion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env )) ), ('DefineClass', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name _jobject, # loader ctypes.POINTER(_jbyte), # buf _jsize, # len )) ), ('FindClass', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name )) ), ('FromReflectedMethod', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # method )) ), ('FromReflectedField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # field )) ), ('ToReflectedMethod', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # cls _jmethodID, # methodID _jboolean, # isStatic )) ), ('GetSuperclass', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # sub )) ), ('IsAssignableFrom', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # sub _jclass, # sup )) ), ('ToReflectedField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # cls _jfieldID, # fieldID _jboolean, # isStatic )) ), ('Throw', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jthrowable, # obj )) ), ('ThrowNew', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # msg )) ), ('ExceptionOccurred', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env )) ), ('ExceptionDescribe', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env )) ), ('ExceptionClear', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env )) ), ('FatalError', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # msg )) ), ('PushLocalFrame', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jint, # capacity )) ), ('PopLocalFrame', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # result )) ), ('NewGlobalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # lobj )) ), ('DeleteGlobalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # gref )) ), ('DeleteLocalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ('IsSameObject', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj1 _jobject, # obj2 )) ), ('NewLocalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # ref )) ), ('EnsureLocalCapacity', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jint, # capacity )) ), ('AllocObject', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz )) ), # NewObject skipped because of varargs # NewObjectV skipped because of varargs ('NewObjectA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), ('GetObjectClass', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ('IsInstanceOf', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz )) ), ('GetMethodID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # sig )) ), # CallObjectMethod skipped because of varargs # CallObjectMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallObjectMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallBooleanMethod skipped because of varargs # CallBooleanMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallBooleanMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallByteMethod skipped because of varargs # CallByteMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallByteMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallCharMethod skipped because of varargs # CallCharMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallCharMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallShortMethod skipped because of varargs # CallShortMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallShortMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallIntMethod skipped because of varargs # CallIntMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallIntMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallLongMethod skipped because of varargs # CallLongMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallLongMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallFloatMethod skipped because of varargs # CallFloatMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallFloatMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallDoubleMethod skipped because of varargs # CallDoubleMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallDoubleMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallVoidMethod skipped because of varargs # CallVoidMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallVoidMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualObjectMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualByteMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualByteMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualByteMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualCharMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualCharMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualCharMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualShortMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualShortMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualShortMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualIntMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualIntMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualIntMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualLongMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualLongMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualLongMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualFloatMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallNonvirtualVoidMethod skipped because of varargs # CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), ('GetFieldID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # sig )) ), ('GetObjectField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetBooleanField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetByteField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetCharField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetShortField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetIntField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetLongField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetFloatField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetDoubleField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('SetObjectField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jobject, # val )) ), ('SetBooleanField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jboolean, # val )) ), ('SetByteField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jbyte, # val )) ), ('SetCharField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jchar, # val )) ), ('SetShortField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jshort, # val )) ), ('SetIntField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jint, # val )) ), ('SetLongField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jlong, # val )) ), ('SetFloatField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jfloat, # val )) ), ('SetDoubleField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj _jfieldID, # fieldID _jdouble, # val )) ), ('GetStaticMethodID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # sig )) ), # CallStaticObjectMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticObjectMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticObjectMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticBooleanMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticBooleanMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticBooleanMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticByteMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticByteMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticByteMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticCharMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticCharMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticCharMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticShortMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticShortMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticShortMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticIntMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticIntMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticIntMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticLongMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticLongMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticLongMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticFloatMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticFloatMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticFloatMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticDoubleMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticDoubleMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticDoubleMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), # CallStaticVoidMethod skipped because of varargs # CallStaticVoidMethodV skipped because of varargs ('CallStaticVoidMethodA', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # cls _jmethodID, # methodID ctypes.POINTER(_jvalue), # args )) ), ('GetStaticFieldID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # name ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # sig )) ), ('GetStaticObjectField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticBooleanField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticByteField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticCharField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticShortField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticIntField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticLongField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticFloatField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('GetStaticDoubleField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID )) ), ('SetStaticObjectField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jobject, # value )) ), ('SetStaticBooleanField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jboolean, # value )) ), ('SetStaticByteField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jbyte, # value )) ), ('SetStaticCharField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jchar, # value )) ), ('SetStaticShortField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jshort, # value )) ), ('SetStaticIntField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jint, # value )) ), ('SetStaticLongField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jlong, # value )) ), ('SetStaticFloatField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jfloat, # value )) ), ('SetStaticDoubleField', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz _jfieldID, # fieldID _jdouble, # value )) ), ('NewString', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # unicode _jsize, # len )) ), ('GetStringLength', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str )) ), ('GetStringChars', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('ReleaseStringChars', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # chars )) ), ('NewStringUTF', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # utf )) ), ('GetStringUTFLength', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str )) ), ('GetStringUTFChars', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('ReleaseStringUTFChars', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # chars )) ), ('GetArrayLength', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jarray, # array )) ), ('NewObjectArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len _jclass, # clazz _jobject, # init )) ), ('GetObjectArrayElement', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobjectArray, # array _jsize, # index )) ), ('SetObjectArrayElement', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobjectArray, # array _jsize, # index _jobject, # val )) ), ('NewBooleanArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewByteArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewCharArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewShortArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewIntArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewLongArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewFloatArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('NewDoubleArray', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jsize, # len )) ), ('GetBooleanArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbooleanArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetByteArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbyteArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetCharArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jcharArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetShortArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetIntArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetLongArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jlongArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetFloatArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jfloatArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('GetDoubleArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jdoubleArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('ReleaseBooleanArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbooleanArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseByteArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbyteArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jbyte), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseCharArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jcharArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseShortArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jshort), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseIntArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jint), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseLongArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jlongArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jlong), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseFloatArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jfloatArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jfloat), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('ReleaseDoubleArrayElements', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jdoubleArray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jdouble), # elems _jint, # mode )) ), ('GetBooleanArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbooleanArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # l ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # buf )) ), ('GetByteArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbyteArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jbyte), # buf )) ), ('GetCharArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jcharArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # buf )) ), ('GetShortArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jshort), # buf )) ), ('GetIntArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jint), # buf )) ), ('GetLongArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jlongArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jlong), # buf )) ), ('GetFloatArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jfloatArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jfloat), # buf )) ), ('GetDoubleArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jdoubleArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jdouble), # buf )) ), ('SetBooleanArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbooleanArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # l ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # buf )) ), ('SetByteArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jbyteArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jbyte), # buf )) ), ('SetCharArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jcharArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # buf )) ), ('SetShortArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jshort), # buf )) ), ('SetIntArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jintArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jint), # buf )) ), ('SetLongArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jlongArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jlong), # buf )) ), ('SetFloatArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jfloatArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jfloat), # buf )) ), ('SetDoubleArrayRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jdoubleArray, # array _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jdouble), # buf )) ), ('RegisterNatives', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz ctypes.POINTER(_JNINativeMethod), # methods _jint, # nMethods )) ), ('UnregisterNatives', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jclass, # clazz )) ), ('MonitorEnter', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ('MonitorExit', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ('GetJavaVM', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(_JavaVM)), # vm )) ), ('GetStringRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # buf )) ), ('GetStringUTFRegion', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # str _jsize, # start _jsize, # len ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), # buf )) ), ('GetPrimitiveArrayCritical', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jarray, # array ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jarray, # array ctypes.c_void_p, # carray _jint, # mode )) ), ('GetStringCritical', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # string ctypes.POINTER(_jboolean), # isCopy )) ), ('ReleaseStringCritical', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jstring, # string ctypes.POINTER(_jchar), # cstring )) ), ('NewWeakGlobalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ('DeleteWeakGlobalRef', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jweak, # ref )) ), ('ExceptionCheck', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env )) ), ('NewDirectByteBuffer', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env ctypes.c_void_p, # address _jlong, # capacity )) ), ('GetDirectBufferAddress', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # buf )) ), ('GetDirectBufferCapacity', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # buf )) ), ('GetObjectRefType', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE( ctypes.POINTER(_JNIEnv), # env _jobject, # obj )) ), ]
from django.conf import settings from django.utils.http import urlquote class ChangeContentType(object): STATIC_CONTENT = [settings.MEDIA_URL, settings.STATIC_URL, settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX, ] FILE_ASSOCIATION = {'htc': 'text/x-component'} def is_supported(self, path): for p in self.STATIC_CONTENT: if path.startswith(p): return True def process_response(self, request, response): path = urlquote(request.get_full_path()) try: extension = path.split('.')[-1] except IndexError: extension = None if self.is_supported(path) and extension in self.FILE_ASSOCIATION: response['Content-Type'] = self.FILE_ASSOCIATION[extension] return response class StagingMarquee(object): def process_response(self, request, response): content = response.content index = content.upper().find('</BODY>') if index == -1: return response marquee = "<div style='color:red;position:absolute;top:0;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;'>STAGING</div>" response.content = content[:index] + marquee + content[index:] return response
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import time from report import report_sxw from osv import osv class report_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): super(report_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context) self.localcontext.update({ 'time': time, 'cr':cr, 'uid': uid, 'general_info': self.general_info, 'tab_year': self.tab_year }) def tab_year(self, obj): cr = self.localcontext.get('cr') uid = self.localcontext.get('uid') users_active_obj = self.pool.get('') all_active_users_ids =, uid,[]) all_active_users = users_active_obj.browse(cr, uid, all_active_users_ids) tab_year = [] for active_user in all_active_users : if active_user.year in tab_year : print 'continue' else : tab_year.append(active_user.year) return tab_year def general_info(self, obj): cr = self.localcontext.get('cr') uid = self.localcontext.get('uid') context = self.localcontext db = cr.dbname obj_user = self.pool.get('res.users') users_active_obj = self.pool.get('') res_lang_obj = self.pool.get('res.lang') user = obj_user.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) obj_company = obj_user.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id company_name = lang_ids =, uid, [('code','=',context.get('lang'))]) if len(lang_ids) == 1 : lang = res_lang_obj.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids[0]) format = lang.date_format data = { 'company_name' : company_name, 'user' : user, 'database' : db, 'date_print' : time.strftime(format), } return data report_sxw.report_sxw('', '', 'addons/users_statistics/report/users_by_month.mako', parser=report_parser)
#pylint: disable=bare-except, invalid-name, too-many-nested-blocks, too-many-locals, too-many-branches """ Optional utilities to communicate with ONcat. ONcat is an online data catalog used internally at ORNL. @copyright: 2018 Oak Ridge National Laboratory """ import sys import datetime import logging from django.conf import settings try: import pyoncat HAVE_ONCAT = True except: HAVE_ONCAT = False from fitting.models import CatalogCache def decode_time(timestamp): """ Decode timestamp and return a datetime object :param timestamp: timestamp to decode """ try: tz_location = timestamp.rfind('+') if tz_location < 0: tz_location = timestamp.rfind('-') if tz_location > 0: date_time_str = timestamp[:tz_location] # Get rid of fractions of a second sec_location = date_time_str.rfind('.') if sec_location > 0: date_time_str = date_time_str[:sec_location] return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except: logging.error("Could not parse timestamp '%s': %s", timestamp, sys.exc_value) return None def get_run_info(instrument, run_number): """ Legacy issue: Until the facility information is stored in the DB so that we can retrieve the facility from it, we'll have to use the application configuration. :param str instrument: instrument name :param str run_number: run number :param str facility: facility name (SNS or HFIR) """ facility = 'SNS' if hasattr(settings, 'FACILITY_INFO'): facility = settings.FACILITY_INFO.get(instrument, 'SNS') return _get_run_info(instrument, run_number, facility) def _get_run_info(instrument, run_number, facility='SNS'): """ Get ONCat info for the specified run Notes: At the moment we do not catalog reduced data :param str instrument: instrument short name :param str run_number: run number :param str facility: facility name (SNS or HFIR) """ run_info = {} cached_entry = [] #CatalogCache.objects.filter(data_path="%s/%s" % (instrument, run_number)) if len(cached_entry) > 0: return dict(title=cached_entry[0].title, proposal=cached_entry[0].proposal) if not HAVE_ONCAT: return run_info try: oncat = pyoncat.ONCat( settings.CATALOG_URL, # Here we're using the machine-to-machine "Client Credentials" flow, # which requires a client ID and secret, but no *user* credentials. flow = pyoncat.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_FLOW, client_id = settings.CATALOG_ID, client_secret = settings.CATALOG_SECRET, ) oncat.login() datafiles = oncat.Datafile.list( facility = facility, instrument = instrument.upper(), projection = ['experiment', 'location', 'metadata.entry.title'], tags = ['type/raw'], ranges_q = 'indexed.run_number:%s' % str(run_number) ) if datafiles: run_info['title'] = datafiles[0].metadata.get('entry', {}).get('title', None) run_info['proposal'] = datafiles[0].experiment run_info['location'] = datafiles[0].location except: logging.error("Communication with ONCat server failed: %s", sys.exc_value) return run_info
#!/usr/bin/env python #===-- - COFF object file dump utility-------------------------===# # # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # # COFF File Definition # def string_table_entry (offset): return ('ptr', '+ + PointerToSymbolTable * NumberOfSymbols 18 %s' % offset, ('scalar', 'cstr', '%s')) def secname(value): if value[0] == '/': return string_table_entry(value[1:].rstrip('\0')) else: return '%s' def symname(value): parts = struct.unpack("<2L", value) if parts[0] == 0: return string_table_entry(parts[1]) else: return '%s' file = ('struct', [ ('MachineType', ('enum', '<H', '0x%X', { 0x0: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN', 0x1d3: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33', 0x8664: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64', 0x1c0: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM', 0xebc: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC', 0x14c: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386', 0x200: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64', 0x904: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R', 0x266: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16', 0x366: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU', 0x466: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16', 0x1f0: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC', 0x1f1: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP', 0x166: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000', 0x1a2: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3', 0x1a3: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP', 0x1a6: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4', 0x1a8: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5', 0x1c2: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB', 0x169: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2', })), ('NumberOfSections', ('scalar', '<H', '%d')), ('TimeDateStamp', ('scalar', '<L', '%d')), ('PointerToSymbolTable', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%0X')), ('NumberOfSymbols', ('scalar', '<L', '%d')), ('SizeOfOptionalHeader', ('scalar', '<H', '%d')), ('Characteristics', ('flags', '<H', '0x%x', [ (0x0001, 'IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED', ), (0x0002, 'IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE', ), (0x0004, 'IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED', ), (0x0008, 'IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED', ), (0x0010, 'IMAGE_FILE_AGGRESSIVE_WS_TRIM', ), (0x0020, 'IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE', ), (0x0080, 'IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_LO', ), (0x0100, 'IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE', ), (0x0200, 'IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED', ), (0x0400, 'IMAGE_FILE_REMOVABLE_RUN_FROM_SWAP', ), (0x0800, 'IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP', ), (0x1000, 'IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM', ), (0x2000, 'IMAGE_FILE_DLL', ), (0x4000, 'IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY', ), (0x8000, 'IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_HI', ), ])), ('Sections', ('array', '1', 'NumberOfSections', ('struct', [ ('Name', ('scalar', '<8s', secname)), ('VirtualSize', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )), ('VirtualAddress', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )), ('SizeOfRawData', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )), ('PointerToRawData', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )), ('PointerToRelocations', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )), ('PointerToLineNumbers', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )), ('NumberOfRelocations', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )), ('NumberOfLineNumbers', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )), ('Charateristics', ('flags', '<L', '0x%X', [ (0x00000008, 'IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD'), (0x00000020, 'IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE'), (0x00000040, 'IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA'), (0x00000080, 'IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA'), (0x00000100, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER'), (0x00000200, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO'), (0x00000800, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE'), (0x00001000, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT'), (0x00008000, 'IMAGE_SCN_GPREL'), (0x00020000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE'), (0x00020000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT'), (0x00040000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED'), (0x00080000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD'), (0x00F00000, 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN', { 0x00100000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES', 0x00200000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES', 0x00300000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES', 0x00400000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES', 0x00500000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES', 0x00600000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES', 0x00700000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES', 0x00800000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES', 0x00900000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES', 0x00A00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES', 0x00B00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES', 0x00C00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES', 0x00D00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES', 0x00E00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES', }), (0x01000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL'), (0x02000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE'), (0x04000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED'), (0x08000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED'), (0x10000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED'), (0x20000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE'), (0x40000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ'), (0x80000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE'), ])), ('SectionData', ('ptr', 'PointerToRawData', ('blob', 'SizeOfRawData'))), ('Relocations', ('ptr', 'PointerToRelocations', ('array', '0', 'NumberOfRelocations', ('struct', [ ('VirtualAddress', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X')), ('SymbolTableIndex', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )), ('Type', ('enum', '<H', '%d', ('MachineType', { 0x14c: { 0x0000: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE', 0x0001: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16', 0x0002: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16', 0x0006: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32', 0x0007: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB', 0x0009: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SEG12', 0x000A: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION', 0x000B: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL', 0x000C: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_TOKEN', 0x000D: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL7', 0x0014: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32', }, 0x8664: { 0x0000: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ABSOLUTE', 0x0001: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64', 0x0002: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32', 0x0003: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB', 0x0004: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32', 0x0005: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1', 0x0006: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2', 0x0007: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3', 0x0008: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4', 0x0009: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5', 0x000A: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION', 0x000B: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL', 0x000C: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7', 0x000D: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN', 0x000E: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32', 0x000F: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR', 0x0010: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32', }, }))), ('SymbolName', ('ptr', '+ PointerToSymbolTable * SymbolTableIndex 18', ('scalar', '<8s', symname))) ])))), ]))), ('Symbols', ('ptr', 'PointerToSymbolTable', ('byte-array', '18', '* NumberOfSymbols 18', ('struct', [ ('Name', ('scalar', '<8s', symname)), ('Value', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )), ('SectionNumber', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )), ('_Type', ('scalar', '<H', None )), ('SimpleType', ('enum', '& _Type 15', '%d', { 0: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL', 1: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_VOID', 2: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_CHAR', 3: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_SHORT', 4: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_INT', 5: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_LONG', 6: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_FLOAT', 7: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DOUBLE', 8: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_STRUCT', 9: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UNION', 10: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_ENUM', 11: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_MOE', 12: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_BYTE', 13: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_WORD', 14: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UINT', 15: 'IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DWORD', })), # (Type & 0xF0) >> 4 ('ComplexType', ('enum', '>> & _Type 240 4', '%d', { 0: 'IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_NULL', 1: 'IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_POINTER', 2: 'IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION', 3: 'IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_ARRAY', })), ('StorageClass', ('enum', '<B', '%d', { -1: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_FUNCTION', 0: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_NULL', 1: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_AUTOMATIC', 2: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL', 3: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC', 4: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER', 5: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL_DEF', 6: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_LABEL', 7: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_LABEL', 8: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_STRUCT', 9: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ARGUMENT', 10: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STRUCT_TAG', 11: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_UNION', 12: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNION_TAG', 13: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_TYPE_DEFINITION', 14: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_STATIC', 15: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ENUM_TAG', 16: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_ENUM', 17: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER_PARAM', 18: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BIT_FIELD', 100: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BLOCK', 101: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FUNCTION', 102: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_STRUCT', 103: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FILE', 104: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_SECTION', 105: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_WEAK_EXTERNAL', 107: 'IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_CLR_TOKEN', })), ('NumberOfAuxSymbols', ('scalar', '<B', '%d' )), ('AuxillaryData', ('blob', '* NumberOfAuxSymbols 18')), ])))), ]) # # Definition Interpreter # import sys, types, struct, re Input = None Stack = [] Fields = {} Indent = 0 NewLine = True def indent(): global Indent Indent += 1 def dedent(): global Indent Indent -= 1 def write(input): global NewLine output = "" for char in input: if NewLine: output += Indent * ' ' NewLine = False output += char if char == '\n': NewLine = True sys.stdout.write(output) def read(format): return struct.unpack(format, def read_cstr(): output = "" while True: char = if len(char) == 0: raise RuntimeError ("EOF while reading cstr") if char == '\0': break output += char return output def push_pos(seek_to = None): Stack [0:0] = [Input.tell()] if seek_to: def pop_pos(): assert(len(Stack) > 0)[0]) del Stack[0] def print_binary_data(size): value = "" while size > 0: if size >= 16: data = size -= 16 else: data = size = 0 value += data bytes = "" text = "" for index in xrange(16): if index < len(data): if index == 8: bytes += "- " ch = ord(data[index]) bytes += "%02X " % ch if ch >= 0x20 and ch <= 0x7F: text += data[index] else: text += "." else: if index == 8: bytes += " " bytes += " " write("%s|%s|\n" % (bytes, text)) return value idlit = re.compile("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*") numlit = re.compile("[0-9]+") def read_value(expr): input = iter(expr.split()) def eval(): token = if expr == 'cstr': return read_cstr() if expr == 'true': return True if expr == 'false': return False if token == '+': return eval() + eval() if token == '-': return eval() - eval() if token == '*': return eval() * eval() if token == '/': return eval() / eval() if token == '&': return eval() & eval() if token == '|': return eval() | eval() if token == '>>': return eval() >> eval() if token == '<<': return eval() << eval() if len(token) > 1 and token[0] in ('=', '@', '<', '!', '>'): val = read(expr) assert(len(val) == 1) return val[0] if idlit.match(token): return Fields[token] if numlit.match(token): return int(token) raise RuntimeError("unexpected token %s" % repr(token)) value = eval() try: except StopIteration: return value raise RuntimeError("unexpected input at end of expression") def write_value(format,value): format_type = type(format) if format_type is types.StringType: write(format % value) elif format_type is types.FunctionType: write_value(format(value), value) elif format_type is types.TupleType: Fields['this'] = value handle_element(format) elif format_type is types.NoneType: pass else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected type: %s" % repr(format_type)) def handle_scalar(entry): iformat = entry[1] oformat = entry[2] value = read_value(iformat) write_value(oformat, value) return value def handle_enum(entry): iformat = entry[1] oformat = entry[2] definitions = entry[3] value = read_value(iformat) if type(definitions) is types.TupleType: selector = read_value(definitions[0]) definitions = definitions[1][selector] if value in definitions: description = definitions[value] else: description = "unknown" write("%s (" % description) write_value(oformat, value) write(")") return value def handle_flags(entry): iformat = entry[1] oformat = entry[2] definitions = entry[3] value = read_value(iformat) write_value(oformat, value) indent() for entry in definitions: mask = entry[0] name = entry[1] if len (entry) == 3: map = entry[2] selection = value & mask if selection in map: write("\n%s" % map[selection]) else: write("\n%s <%d>" % (name, selection)) elif len(entry) == 2: if value & mask != 0: write("\n%s" % name) dedent() return value def handle_struct(entry): global Fields members = entry[1] newFields = {} write("{\n"); indent() for member in members: name = member[0] type = member[1] if name[0] != "_": write("%s = " % name.ljust(24)) value = handle_element(type) if name[0] != "_": write("\n") Fields[name] = value newFields[name] = value dedent() write("}") return newFields def handle_array(entry): start_index = entry[1] length = entry[2] element = entry[3] newItems = [] write("[\n") indent() start_index = read_value(start_index) value = read_value(length) for index in xrange(value): write("%d = " % (index + start_index)) value = handle_element(element) write("\n") newItems.append(value) dedent() write("]") return newItems def handle_byte_array(entry): ent_size = entry[1] length = entry[2] element = entry[3] newItems = [] write("[\n") indent() item_size = read_value(ent_size) value = read_value(length) end_of_array = Input.tell() + value prev_loc = Input.tell() index = 0 while Input.tell() < end_of_array: write("%d = " % index) value = handle_element(element) write("\n") newItems.append(value) index += (Input.tell() - prev_loc) / item_size prev_loc = Input.tell() dedent() write("]") return newItems def handle_ptr(entry): offset = entry[1] element = entry[2] value = None offset = read_value(offset) if offset != 0: push_pos(offset) value = handle_element(element) pop_pos() else: write("None") return value def handle_blob(entry): length = entry[1] write("\n") indent() value = print_binary_data(read_value(length)) dedent() return value def handle_element(entry): handlers = { 'struct': handle_struct, 'scalar': handle_scalar, 'enum': handle_enum, 'flags': handle_flags, 'ptr': handle_ptr, 'blob': handle_blob, 'array': handle_array, 'byte-array': handle_byte_array, } if not entry[0] in handlers: raise RuntimeError ("unexpected type '%s'" % str (entry[0])) return handlers[entry[0]](entry) if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == '-': import StringIO Input = StringIO.StringIO( else: Input = open (sys.argv[1], "rb") try: handle_element(file) finally: Input.close() Input = None
# # Copyright (c) 2016 nexB Inc. and others. All rights reserved. # and # The ScanCode software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. # Data generated with ScanCode require an acknowledgment. # ScanCode is a trademark of nexB Inc. # # You may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed # under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # When you publish or redistribute any data created with ScanCode or any ScanCode # derivative work, you must accompany this data with the following acknowledgment: # # Generated with ScanCode and provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES # OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. No content created from # ScanCode should be considered or used as legal advice. Consult an Attorney # for any legal advice. # ScanCode is a free software code scanning tool from nexB Inc. and others. # Visit for support and download. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import string import re from commoncode.text import toascii """ Extract raw ASCII strings from (possibly) binary strings. Both plain ASCII and UTF-16-LE-encoded (aka. wide) strings are extracted. The later is found typically in some Windows PEs. This is more or less similar to what GNU Binutils strings does. Does not recognize and extract non-ASCII characters Some alternative and references: (also included) """ # at least three characters are needed to consider some blob as a good string MIN_LEN = 3 def strings_from_file(location, buff_size=1024 * 1024, ascii=False, clean=True, min_len=MIN_LEN): """ Yield unicode strings made only of ASCII characters found in file at location. Process the file in chunks (to limit memory usage). If ascii is True, strings are converted to plain ASCII "str or byte" strings instead of unicode. """ min_len = MIN_LEN with open(location, 'rb') as f: while 1: buf = if not buf: break for s in strings_from_string(buf, clean=clean, min_len=min_len): if ascii: s = toascii(s) s = s.strip() if not s or len(s) < min_len: continue yield s # Extracted text is digit, letters, punctuation and white spaces punctuation = re.escape(string.punctuation) whitespaces = ' \t\n\r' printable = 'A-Za-z0-9' + whitespaces + punctuation null_byte = '\x00' ascii_strings = re.compile( # plain ASCII is a sequence of printable of a minimum length '(' + '[' + printable + ']' + '{' + str(MIN_LEN) + ',}' + ')' # or utf-16-le-encoded ASCII is a sequence of ASCII+null byte + '|' + '(' + '(?:' + '[' + printable + ']' + null_byte + ')' + '{' + str(MIN_LEN) + ',}' + ')' ).finditer def strings_from_string(binary_string, clean=False, min_len=0): """ Yield strings extracted from a (possibly binary) string. The strings are ASCII printable characters only. If clean is True, also clean and filter short and repeated strings. Note: we do not keep the offset of where a string was found (e.g. match.start). """ for match in ascii_strings(binary_string): s = decode( if s: if clean: for ss in clean_string(s, min_len=min_len): yield ss else: yield s def string_from_string(binary_string, clean=False, min_len=0): """ Return a unicode string string extracted from a (possibly binary) string, removing all non printable characters. """ return u' '.join(strings_from_string(binary_string, clean, min_len)) def decode(s): """ Return a decoded unicode string from s or None if the string cannot be decoded. """ if '\x00' in s: try: return s.decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: return s.decode('ascii') remove_junk = re.compile('[' + punctuation + whitespaces + ']').sub def clean_string(s, min_len=MIN_LEN, junk=string.punctuation + string.digits + string.whitespace): """ Yield cleaned strings from string s if it passes some validity tests: * not made of white spaces * with a minimum length * not made of only two repeated character * not made of only of digits, punctuations and whitespaces """ s = s.strip() def valid(st): st = remove_junk('', st) return (st and len(st) >= min_len # ignore character repeats, e.g need more than two unique characters and len(set(st.lower())) > 1 # ignore string made only of digit or punctuation and not all(c in junk for c in st)) if valid(s): yield s.strip() ##################################################################################### # TODO: Strings classification # Classify strings, detect junk, detect paths, symbols, demangle symbols, unescape # def is_file(s): """ Return True if s looks like a file name. Exmaple: dsdsd.dll """ filename = re.compile('^[\w_\-]+\.\w{1,4}$', re.IGNORECASE).match return filename(s) def is_shared_object(s): """ Return True if s looks like a shared object file. Example: """ so = re.compile('^[\w_\-]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.*.[0-9]*$', re.IGNORECASE).match return so(s) def is_posix_path(s): """ Return True if s looks like a posix path. Example: /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib """ # TODO: implement me posix = re.compile('^/[\w_\-].*$', re.IGNORECASE).match posix(s) return False def is_relative_path(s): """ Return True if s looks like a relative posix path. Example: usr/lib/ or ../usr/lib """ relative = re.compile('^(?:([^/]|\.\.)[\w_\-]+/.*$', re.IGNORECASE).match return relative(s) def is_win_path(s): """ Return True if s looks like a win path. Example: c:\usr\lib\ """ winpath = re.compile('^[\w_\-]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.*.[0-9]*$', re.IGNORECASE).match return winpath(s) def is_c_source(s): """ Return True if s looks like a C source path. Example: this.c FIXME: should get actual algo from contenttype. """ return s.endswith(('.c', '.cpp', '.hpp', '.h')) def is_java_source(s): """ Return True if s looks like a Java source path. Example: FIXME: should get actual algo from contenttype. """ return s.endswith(('.java', '.jsp', '.aj',)) def is_glibc_ref(s): """ Return True if s looks like a reference to GLIBC as typically found in Elfs. """ return '@@GLIBC' in s def is_java_ref(s): """ Return True if s looks like a reference to a java class or package in a class file. """ jref = re.compile('^.*$', re.IGNORECASE).match # TODO: implement me jref(s) return False def is_win_guid(s): """ Return True if s looks like a windows GUID/APPID/CLSID. """ guid = re.compile('"\{[A-Z0-9]{8}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{12}\}"', re.IGNORECASE).match # TODO: implement me guid(s) return False class BinaryStringsClassifier(object): """ Classify extracted strings as good or bad/junk. The types of strings that are recognized include: file file_path junk text """ # TODO: Implement me if __name__ == '__main__': # also usable a simple command line script import sys location = sys.argv[1] for s in strings_from_file(location): print(s)
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see # <>. """ Cryptography-related functions for handling JAR signature block files. :author: Konstantin Shemyak <> :license: LGPL v.3 """ from M2Crypto import SMIME, X509, BIO, RSA, DSA, EC, m2 class CannotFindKeyTypeError(Exception): """ Failed to determine the type of the private key. """ pass class SignatureBlockVerificationError(Exception): """ The Signature Block File verification failed. """ pass def private_key_type(key_file): """ Determines type of the private key: RSA, DSA, EC. :param key_file: file path :type key_file: str :return: one of "RSA", "DSA" or "EC" :except CannotFindKeyTypeError """ keytypes = (("RSA", RSA), ("DSA", DSA), ("EC", EC)) for key, ktype in keytypes: try: ktype.load_key(key_file) except (RSA.RSAError, DSA.DSAError, ValueError): continue else: return key else: raise CannotFindKeyTypeError() def create_signature_block(openssl_digest, certificate, private_key, extra_certs, data): """ Produces a signature block for the data. Reference --------- Note: Oracle does not specify the content of the "signature file block", friendly saying that "These are binary files not intended to be interpreted by humans". :param openssl_digest: alrogithm known to OpenSSL used to digest the data :type openssl_digest: str :param certificate: filename of the certificate file (PEM format) :type certificate: str :param private_key:filename of private key used to sign (PEM format) :type private_key: str :param extra_certs: additional certificates to embed into the signature (PEM format) :type extra_certs: array of filenames :param data: the content to be signed :type data: bytes :returns: content of the signature block file as produced by jarsigner :rtype: bytes """ # noqa smime = SMIME.SMIME() with BIO.openfile(private_key) as k, BIO.openfile(certificate) as c: smime.load_key_bio(k, c) if extra_certs is not None: # Could we use just X509.new_stack_from_der() instead? stack = X509.X509_Stack() for cert in extra_certs: stack.push(X509.load_cert(cert)) smime.set_x509_stack(stack) pkcs7 = smime.sign(BIO.MemoryBuffer(data), algo=openssl_digest, flags=(SMIME.PKCS7_BINARY | SMIME.PKCS7_DETACHED | SMIME.PKCS7_NOATTR)) tmp = BIO.MemoryBuffer() pkcs7.write_der(tmp) return def ignore_missing_email_protection_eku_cb(ok, ctx): """ For verifying PKCS7 signature, m2Crypto uses OpenSSL's PKCS7_verify(). The latter requires that ExtendedKeyUsage extension, if present, contains 'emailProtection' OID. (Is it because S/MIME is/was the primary use case for PKCS7?) We do not want to fail the verification in this case. At present, M2Crypto lacks possibility of removing or modifying an existing extension. Let's assign a custom verification callback. """ # The error we want to ignore is indicated by X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE. err = ctx.get_error() if err != m2.X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE: return ok # PKCS7_verify() has this requriement only for the signing certificate. # Do not modify the behavior for certificates upper in the chain. if ctx.get_error_depth() > 0: return ok # There is another cause of ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE: incompatible keyUsage. # Do not modify the default behavior in this case. cert = ctx.get_current_cert() try: key_usage = cert.get_ext('keyUsage').get_value() if 'digitalSignature' not in key_usage \ and 'nonRepudiation' not in key_usage: return ok except LookupError: pass # Here, keyUsage is either absent, or contains the needed bit(s). # So ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE is caused by EKU not containing 'emailProtection'. # Ignore this error. return 1 def verify_signature_block(certificate_file, content, signature): """ Verifies the 'signature' over the 'content', trusting the 'certificate'. :param certificate_file: the trusted certificate (PEM format) :type certificate_file: str :param content: The signature should match this content :type content: str :param signature: data (DER format) subject to check :type signature: str :return None if the signature validates. :exception SignatureBlockVerificationError """ sig_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(signature) pkcs7 = SMIME.PKCS7(m2.pkcs7_read_bio_der(sig_bio._ptr()), 1) signers_cert_stack = pkcs7.get0_signers(X509.X509_Stack()) trusted_cert_store = X509.X509_Store() trusted_cert_store.set_verify_cb(ignore_missing_email_protection_eku_cb) trusted_cert_store.load_info(certificate_file) smime = SMIME.SMIME() smime.set_x509_stack(signers_cert_stack) smime.set_x509_store(trusted_cert_store) data_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(content) try: smime.verify(pkcs7, data_bio) except SMIME.PKCS7_Error as message: raise SignatureBlockVerificationError(message) else: return None # # The end.
def extractKobatoChanDaiSukiScan(item): """ """ vol, chp, frag, postfix = extractVolChapterFragmentPostfix(item['title']) if not (chp or vol) or 'preview' in item['title'].lower(): return None if 'Lookism' in item['tags']: return None if 'webtoon' in item['tags']: return None if '*Announcements*' in item['tags']: return None if '*STAFF ONLY*' in item['tags']: return None tagmap = [ ("Can't Stop Craving Potions Again and Again", "Can't Stop Craving Potions Again and Again", 'translated'), ("Can't Stop Craving Potions", "Can't Stop Craving Potions", 'translated'), ("Royal Roader on My Own", "Royal Roader on My Own", 'translated'), ('A Bird That Drinks Tears', 'A Bird That Drinks Tears', 'translated'), ('All Things Wrong', 'Doing All Things Wrong And Somehow Becoming The Best In The Game', 'translated'), ('Cheat Skill: Sleep Learning', 'Cheat Skill: Sleep Learning', 'translated'), ('Coder Lee YongHo', 'Coder Lee YongHo', 'translated'), ('FFF-Class Trashero', 'FFF-Class Trashero', 'translated'), ('Dragon Poor', 'Dragon Poor', 'translated'), ('Everyone Else is a Returnee', 'Everyone Else is a Returnee', 'translated'), ('God of Cooking', 'God of Cooking', 'translated'), ('God of Crime', 'God of Crime', 'translated'), ('God of Music', 'God of Music', 'translated'), ('God of Thunder', 'God of Thunder', 'translated'), ('God-level Bodyguard in the City', 'God-level Bodyguard in the City', 'translated'), ('Green Skin', 'Green Skin', 'translated'), ('I am the monarch', 'I am the Monarch', 'translated'), ('Kenkyo kenjitsu o motto ni ikite orimasu!', 'Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu!', 'translated'), ('Life of the Damned', 'Life of the Damned', 'translated'), ('Forest of Funerals', 'Forest of Funerals', 'translated'), ('Link the Orc', 'Link the Orc', 'translated'), ('maou no hajimekata', 'Maou no Hajimekata', 'translated'), ('Miracle Drawing!', 'Miracle Drawing!', 'translated'), ('Omni Genius', 'Omni Genius', 'translated'), ('Omocha no Kyousou-sama', 'Omocha no Kyousou-sama', 'translated'), ('One Man Army', 'One Man Army', 'translated'), ('Reincarnator', 'Reincarnator', 'translated'), ('Rise Strongest Warrior', 'Rise Strongest Warrior', 'translated'), ('Solo Clear', 'Solo Clear', 'translated'), ('Survival World RPG', 'Survival World RPG', 'translated'), ('Ten Thousand Heaven Controlling Sword', 'Ten Thousand Heaven Controlling Sword', 'translated'), ('The Bird That Drinks Tears', 'The Bird That Drinks Tears', 'translated'), ('The Sorcerer Laughs in the Mirror', 'The Sorcerer Laughs in the Mirror', 'translated'), ('The Stone of Days', 'The Stone of Days', 'translated'), ('The Strongest System', 'The Strongest System', 'translated'), ('Wagahai no Kare wa Baka de aru', 'Wagahai no Kare wa Baka de aru', 'translated'), ('When The Star Flutters', 'When The Star Flutters', 'translated'), ('Magician of Insa-Dong', 'Magician of Insa-Dong', 'translated'), ("Hero", "Hero", 'oel'), ("Immortal Ascension Tower", "Immortal Ascension Tower", 'oel'), ("The Overlord's Elite is now a Human?!", "The Overlord's Elite is now a Human?!", 'oel'), ("Titan's Throne", "Titan's Throne", 'oel'), ('Conquest', 'Conquest', 'oel'), ('The Empyrean Nethervoid', 'The Empyrean Nethervoid', 'oel'), ] for tag, sname, tl_type in tagmap: if tag in item['tags']: return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, sname, vol, chp, frag=frag, tl_type=tl_type) titlemap = [ ('fujimaru wrote a new post, FFF-Class Trashero - Chapter', 'FFF-Class Trashero', 'translated'), ('kobatochandaisuki wrote a new post, I Am the Monarch - Chapter', 'I Am the Monarch', 'translated'), ('Engebu wrote a new post, I Am the Monarch - Chapter', 'I Am the Monarch', 'translated'), ('Calvis wrote a new post, Dragon Poor - Chapter', 'Dragon Poor', 'translated'), ('Calvis wrote a new post, Green Skin - Chapter', 'Green Skin', 'translated'), ('Calvis wrote a new post, Rise, Strongest Warrior - Chapter', 'Rise, Strongest Warrior', 'translated'), ('Calvis wrote a new post, The Stone of Days - ', 'The Stone of Days', 'translated'), ('Calvis wrote a new post, The Stone of Days - Chapter', 'The Stone of Days', 'translated'), ('csvtranslator wrote a new post, I Am the Monarch - Chapter', 'I Am the Monarch', 'translated'), ('Koukouseidesu wrote a new post, Everyone Else is a Returnee - Chapter', 'Everyone Else is a Returnee', 'translated'), ('kuhaku wrote a new post, Solo Clear - Chapter ', 'Solo Clear', 'translated'), ('miraclerifle wrote a new post, God of Cooking - Chapter', 'God of Cooking', 'translated'), ('miraclerifle wrote a new post, Royal Roader on My Own - Chapter', 'Royal Roader on My Own', 'translated'), ('pyrenose wrote a new post, Rise, Strongest Warrior - Chapter', 'Rise, Strongest Warrior', 'translated'), ('Saquacon wrote a new post, All Things Wrong - Chapter', 'Doing All Things Wrong And Somehow Becoming The Best In The Game', 'translated'), ] for titlecomponent, name, tl_type in titlemap: if titlecomponent.lower() in item['title'].lower(): return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, name, vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix, tl_type=tl_type) return False
import six import copy import json class lazy_format(object): __slots__ = ("fmt", "args", "kwargs") def __init__(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs): self.fmt = fmt self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): return self.fmt.format(*self.args, **self.kwargs) def safe_issubclass(x, y): """Safe version of issubclass() that will not throw TypeErrors. Invoking issubclass('object', some-abc.meta instances) will result in the underlying implementation throwing TypeError's from trying to memoize the result- 'object' isn't a usable weakref target at that level. Unfortunately this gets exposed all the way up to our code; thus a 'safe' version of the function.""" try: return issubclass(x, y) except TypeError: return False def coerce_for_expansion(mapping): """Given a value, make sure it is usable for f(**val) expansion. In py2.7, the value must be a dictionary- thus a as_dict() method will be invoked if available. In py3k, the raw mapping is returned unmodified.""" if six.PY2 and hasattr(mapping, "as_dict"): return mapping.as_dict() return mapping class ProtocolJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): from python_jsonschema_objects import classbuilder from python_jsonschema_objects import wrapper_types if isinstance(obj, classbuilder.LiteralValue): return obj._value if isinstance(obj, wrapper_types.ArrayWrapper): return obj.for_json() if isinstance(obj, classbuilder.ProtocolBase): props = {} for raw, trans in six.iteritems(obj.__prop_names__): props[raw] = getattr(obj, trans) if props[raw] is None: del props[raw] for raw, data in six.iteritems(obj._extended_properties): props[raw] = data if props[raw] is None: del props[raw] return props else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def propmerge(into, data_from): """ Merge JSON schema requirements into a dictionary """ newprops = copy.deepcopy(into) for prop, propval in six.iteritems(data_from): if prop not in newprops: newprops[prop] = propval continue new_sp = newprops[prop] for subprop, spval in six.iteritems(propval): if subprop not in new_sp: new_sp[subprop] = spval elif subprop == "enum": new_sp[subprop] = set(spval) & set(new_sp[subprop]) elif subprop == "type": if spval != new_sp[subprop]: raise TypeError("Type cannot conflict in allOf'") elif subprop in ("minLength", "minimum"): new_sp[subprop] = new_sp[subprop] if new_sp[subprop] > spval else spval elif subprop in ("maxLength", "maximum"): new_sp[subprop] = new_sp[subprop] if new_sp[subprop] < spval else spval elif subprop == "multipleOf": if new_sp[subprop] % spval == 0: new_sp[subprop] = spval else: raise AttributeError("Cannot set conflicting multipleOf values") else: new_sp[subprop] = spval newprops[prop] = new_sp return newprops def resolve_ref_uri(base, ref): if ref[0] == "#": # Local ref uri = base.rsplit("#", 1)[0] + ref else: uri = ref return uri """namespace module""" __all__ = ("Namespace", "as_namespace") from import Mapping, Sequence class _Dummy: pass CLASS_ATTRS = dir(_Dummy) NEWCLASS_ATTRS = dir(object) del _Dummy class Namespace(dict): """A dict subclass that exposes its items as attributes. Warning: Namespace instances do not have direct access to the dict methods. """ def __init__(self, obj={}): dict.__init__(self, obj) def __dir__(self): return list(self) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, super(dict, self).__repr__()) def __getattribute__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: msg = "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" raise AttributeError(msg % (type(self).__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name): del self[name] # ------------------------ # "copy constructors" @classmethod def from_object(cls, obj, names=None): if names is None: names = dir(obj) ns = {name: getattr(obj, name) for name in names} return cls(ns) @classmethod def from_mapping(cls, ns, names=None): if names: ns = {name: ns[name] for name in names} return cls(ns) @classmethod def from_sequence(cls, seq, names=None): if names: seq = {name: val for name, val in seq if name in names} return cls(seq) # ------------------------ # static methods @staticmethod def hasattr(ns, name): try: object.__getattribute__(ns, name) except AttributeError: return False return True @staticmethod def getattr(ns, name): return object.__getattribute__(ns, name) @staticmethod def setattr(ns, name, value): return object.__setattr__(ns, name, value) @staticmethod def delattr(ns, name): return object.__delattr__(ns, name) def as_namespace(obj, names=None): # functions if isinstance(obj, type(as_namespace)): obj = obj() # special cases if isinstance(obj, type): names = (name for name in dir(obj) if name not in CLASS_ATTRS) return Namespace.from_object(obj, names) if isinstance(obj, Mapping): return Namespace.from_mapping(obj, names) if isinstance(obj, Sequence): return Namespace.from_sequence(obj, names) # default return Namespace.from_object(obj, names)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Raoul Snyman # # Portions copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan # # Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, # # Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. # # Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, # # Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, # # Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, # # Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky, Patrick Zimmermann # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ Provide the theme XML and handling functions for OpenLP v2 themes. """ import os import re import logging from xml.dom.minidom import Document from lxml import etree, objectify from openlp.core.lib import str_to_bool, ScreenList log = logging.getLogger(__name__) BLANK_THEME_XML = \ '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <theme version="1.0"> <name> </name> <background type="image"> <filename></filename> <borderColor>#000000</borderColor> </background> <background type="gradient"> <startColor>#000000</startColor> <endColor>#000000</endColor> <direction>vertical</direction> </background> <background type="solid"> <color>#000000</color> </background> <font type="main"> <name>Arial</name> <color>#FFFFFF</color> <size>40</size> <bold>False</bold> <italics>False</italics> <line_adjustment>0</line_adjustment> <shadow shadowColor="#000000" shadowSize="5">True</shadow> <outline outlineColor="#000000" outlineSize="2">False</outline> <location override="False" x="10" y="10" width="1004" height="690"/> </font> <font type="footer"> <name>Arial</name> <color>#FFFFFF</color> <size>12</size> <bold>False</bold> <italics>False</italics> <line_adjustment>0</line_adjustment> <shadow shadowColor="#000000" shadowSize="5">True</shadow> <outline outlineColor="#000000" outlineSize="2">False</outline> <location override="False" x="10" y="690" width="1004" height="78"/> </font> <display> <horizontalAlign>0</horizontalAlign> <verticalAlign>0</verticalAlign> <slideTransition>False</slideTransition> </display> </theme> ''' class ThemeLevel(object): """ Provides an enumeration for the level a theme applies to """ Global = 1 Service = 2 Song = 3 class BackgroundType(object): """ Type enumeration for backgrounds. """ Solid = 0 Gradient = 1 Image = 2 Transparent = 3 @staticmethod def to_string(background_type): """ Return a string representation of a background type. """ if background_type == BackgroundType.Solid: return u'solid' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Gradient: return u'gradient' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Image: return u'image' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Transparent: return u'transparent' @staticmethod def from_string(type_string): """ Return a background type for the given string. """ if type_string == u'solid': return BackgroundType.Solid elif type_string == u'gradient': return BackgroundType.Gradient elif type_string == u'image': return BackgroundType.Image elif type_string == u'transparent': return BackgroundType.Transparent class BackgroundGradientType(object): """ Type enumeration for background gradients. """ Horizontal = 0 Vertical = 1 Circular = 2 LeftTop = 3 LeftBottom = 4 @staticmethod def to_string(gradient_type): """ Return a string representation of a background gradient type. """ if gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal: return u'horizontal' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Vertical: return u'vertical' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Circular: return u'circular' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop: return u'leftTop' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom: return u'leftBottom' @staticmethod def from_string(type_string): """ Return a background gradient type for the given string. """ if type_string == u'horizontal': return BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal elif type_string == u'vertical': return BackgroundGradientType.Vertical elif type_string == u'circular': return BackgroundGradientType.Circular elif type_string == u'leftTop': return BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop elif type_string == u'leftBottom': return BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom class HorizontalType(object): """ Type enumeration for horizontal alignment. """ Left = 0 Right = 1 Center = 2 Justify = 3 Names = [u'left', u'right', u'center', u'justify'] class VerticalType(object): """ Type enumeration for vertical alignment. """ Top = 0 Middle = 1 Bottom = 2 Names = [u'top', u'middle', u'bottom'] BOOLEAN_LIST = [u'bold', u'italics', u'override', u'outline', u'shadow', u'slide_transition'] INTEGER_LIST = [u'size', u'line_adjustment', u'x', u'height', u'y', u'width', u'shadow_size', u'outline_size', u'horizontal_align', u'vertical_align', u'wrap_style'] class ThemeXML(object): """ A class to encapsulate the Theme XML. """ FIRST_CAMEL_REGEX = re.compile(u'(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)') SECOND_CAMEL_REGEX = re.compile(u'([a-z0-9])([A-Z])') def __init__(self): """ Initialise the theme object. """ # Create the minidom document self.theme_xml = Document() self.parse_xml(BLANK_THEME_XML) def extend_image_filename(self, path): """ Add the path name to the image name so the background can be rendered. ``path`` The path name to be added. """ if self.background_type == u'image': if self.background_filename and path: self.theme_name = self.theme_name.strip() self.background_filename = self.background_filename.strip() self.background_filename = os.path.join(path, self.theme_name, self.background_filename) def _new_document(self, name): """ Create a new theme XML document. """ self.theme_xml = Document() self.theme = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'theme') self.theme_xml.appendChild(self.theme) self.theme.setAttribute(u'version', u'2.0') = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'name') text_node = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(name) self.theme.appendChild( def add_background_transparent(self): """ Add a transparent background. """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'background') background.setAttribute(u'type', u'transparent') self.theme.appendChild(background) def add_background_solid(self, bkcolor): """ Add a Solid background. ``bkcolor`` The color of the background. """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'background') background.setAttribute(u'type', u'solid') self.theme.appendChild(background) self.child_element(background, u'color', unicode(bkcolor)) def add_background_gradient(self, startcolor, endcolor, direction): """ Add a gradient background. ``startcolor`` The gradient's starting colour. ``endcolor`` The gradient's ending colour. ``direction`` The direction of the gradient. """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'background') background.setAttribute(u'type', u'gradient') self.theme.appendChild(background) # Create startColor element self.child_element(background, u'startColor', unicode(startcolor)) # Create endColor element self.child_element(background, u'endColor', unicode(endcolor)) # Create direction element self.child_element(background, u'direction', unicode(direction)) def add_background_image(self, filename, borderColor): """ Add a image background. ``filename`` The file name of the image. """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'background') background.setAttribute(u'type', u'image') self.theme.appendChild(background) # Create Filename element self.child_element(background, u'filename', filename) # Create endColor element self.child_element(background, u'borderColor', unicode(borderColor)) def add_font(self, name, color, size, override, fonttype=u'main', bold=u'False', italics=u'False', line_adjustment=0, xpos=0, ypos=0, width=0, height=0, outline=u'False', outline_color=u'#ffffff', outline_pixel=2, shadow=u'False', shadow_color=u'#ffffff', shadow_pixel=5): """ Add a Font. ``name`` The name of the font. ``color`` The colour of the font. ``size`` The size of the font. ``override`` Whether or not to override the default positioning of the theme. ``fonttype`` The type of font, ``main`` or ``footer``. Defaults to ``main``. ``weight`` The weight of then font Defaults to 50 Normal ``italics`` Does the font render to italics Defaults to 0 Normal ``xpos`` The X position of the text block. ``ypos`` The Y position of the text block. ``width`` The width of the text block. ``height`` The height of the text block. ``outline`` Whether or not to show an outline. ``outline_color`` The colour of the outline. ``outline_size`` How big the Shadow is ``shadow`` Whether or not to show a shadow. ``shadow_color`` The colour of the shadow. ``shadow_size`` How big the Shadow is """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'font') background.setAttribute(u'type', fonttype) self.theme.appendChild(background) # Create Font name element self.child_element(background, u'name', name) # Create Font color element self.child_element(background, u'color', unicode(color)) # Create Proportion name element self.child_element(background, u'size', unicode(size)) # Create weight name element self.child_element(background, u'bold', unicode(bold)) # Create italics name element self.child_element(background, u'italics', unicode(italics)) # Create indentation name element self.child_element(background, u'line_adjustment', unicode(line_adjustment)) # Create Location element element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'location') element.setAttribute(u'override', unicode(override)) element.setAttribute(u'x', unicode(xpos)) element.setAttribute(u'y', unicode(ypos)) element.setAttribute(u'width', unicode(width)) element.setAttribute(u'height', unicode(height)) background.appendChild(element) # Shadow element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'shadow') element.setAttribute(u'shadowColor', unicode(shadow_color)) element.setAttribute(u'shadowSize', unicode(shadow_pixel)) value = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(unicode(shadow)) element.appendChild(value) background.appendChild(element) # Outline element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'outline') element.setAttribute(u'outlineColor', unicode(outline_color)) element.setAttribute(u'outlineSize', unicode(outline_pixel)) value = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(unicode(outline)) element.appendChild(value) background.appendChild(element) def add_display(self, horizontal, vertical, transition): """ Add a Display options. ``horizontal`` The horizontal alignment of the text. ``vertical`` The vertical alignment of the text. ``transition`` Whether the slide transition is active. """ background = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'display') self.theme.appendChild(background) # Horizontal alignment element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'horizontalAlign') value = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(unicode(horizontal)) element.appendChild(value) background.appendChild(element) # Vertical alignment element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'verticalAlign') value = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(unicode(vertical)) element.appendChild(value) background.appendChild(element) # Slide Transition element = self.theme_xml.createElement(u'slideTransition') value = self.theme_xml.createTextNode(unicode(transition)) element.appendChild(value) background.appendChild(element) def child_element(self, element, tag, value): """ Generic child element creator. """ child = self.theme_xml.createElement(tag) child.appendChild(self.theme_xml.createTextNode(value)) element.appendChild(child) return child def set_default_header_footer(self): """ Set the header and footer size into the current primary screen. 10 px on each side is removed to allow for a border. """ current_screen = ScreenList().current self.font_main_y = 0 self.font_main_width = current_screen[u'size'].width() - 20 self.font_main_height = current_screen[u'size'].height() * 9 / 10 self.font_footer_width = current_screen[u'size'].width() - 20 self.font_footer_y = current_screen[u'size'].height() * 9 / 10 self.font_footer_height = current_screen[u'size'].height() / 10 def dump_xml(self): """ Dump the XML to file used for debugging """ return self.theme_xml.toprettyxml(indent=u' ') def extract_xml(self): """ Print out the XML string. """ self._build_xml_from_attrs() return self.theme_xml.toxml(u'utf-8').decode(u'utf-8') def extract_formatted_xml(self): """ Pull out the XML string formatted for human consumption """ self._build_xml_from_attrs() return self.theme_xml.toprettyxml(indent=u' ', newl=u'\n', encoding=u'utf-8') def parse(self, xml): """ Read in an XML string and parse it. ``xml`` The XML string to parse. """ self.parse_xml(unicode(xml)) def parse_xml(self, xml): """ Parse an XML string. ``xml`` The XML string to parse. """ # remove encoding string line = xml.find(u'?>') if line: xml = xml[line + 2:] try: theme_xml = objectify.fromstring(xml) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: log.exception(u'Invalid xml %s', xml) return xml_iter = theme_xml.getiterator() for element in xml_iter: master = u'' if element.tag == u'background': if element.attrib: for attr in element.attrib: self._create_attr(element.tag, attr, element.attrib[attr]) parent = element.getparent() if parent is not None: if parent.tag == u'font': master = parent.tag + u'_' + parent.attrib[u'type'] # set up Outline and Shadow Tags and move to font_main if parent.tag == u'display': if element.tag.startswith(u'shadow') or element.tag.startswith(u'outline'): self._create_attr(u'font_main', element.tag, element.text) master = parent.tag if parent.tag == u'background': master = parent.tag if master: self._create_attr(master, element.tag, element.text) if element.attrib: for attr in element.attrib: base_element = attr # correction for the shadow and outline tags if element.tag == u'shadow' or element.tag == u'outline': if not attr.startswith(element.tag): base_element = element.tag + u'_' + attr self._create_attr(master, base_element, element.attrib[attr]) else: if element.tag == u'name': self._create_attr(u'theme', element.tag, element.text) def _translate_tags(self, master, element, value): """ Clean up XML removing and redefining tags """ master = master.strip().lstrip() element = element.strip().lstrip() value = unicode(value).strip().lstrip() if master == u'display': if element == u'wrapStyle': return True, None, None, None if element.startswith(u'shadow') or element.startswith(u'outline'): master = u'font_main' # fix bold font if element == u'weight': element = u'bold' if value == u'Normal': value = False else: value = True if element == u'proportion': element = u'size' return False, master, element, value def _create_attr(self, master, element, value): """ Create the attributes with the correct data types and name format """ reject, master, element, value = self._translate_tags(master, element, value) if reject: return field = self._de_hump(element) tag = master + u'_' + field if field in BOOLEAN_LIST: setattr(self, tag, str_to_bool(value)) elif field in INTEGER_LIST: setattr(self, tag, int(value)) else: # make string value unicode if not isinstance(value, unicode): value = unicode(str(value), u'utf-8') # None means an empty string so lets have one. if value == u'None': value = u'' setattr(self, tag, unicode(value).strip().lstrip()) def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of this object. """ theme_strings = [] for key in dir(self): if key[0:1] != u'_': theme_strings.append(u'%30s: %s' % (key, getattr(self, key))) return u'\n'.join(theme_strings) def _de_hump(self, name): """ Change Camel Case string to python string """ sub_name = ThemeXML.FIRST_CAMEL_REGEX.sub(r'\1_\2', name) return ThemeXML.SECOND_CAMEL_REGEX.sub(r'\1_\2', sub_name).lower() def _build_xml_from_attrs(self): """ Build the XML from the varables in the object """ self._new_document(self.theme_name) if self.background_type == BackgroundType.to_string(BackgroundType.Solid): self.add_background_solid(self.background_color) elif self.background_type == BackgroundType.to_string(BackgroundType.Gradient): self.add_background_gradient( self.background_start_color, self.background_end_color, self.background_direction ) elif self.background_type == BackgroundType.to_string(BackgroundType.Image): filename = os.path.split(self.background_filename)[1] self.add_background_image(filename, self.background_border_color) elif self.background_type == BackgroundType.to_string(BackgroundType.Transparent): self.add_background_transparent() self.add_font( self.font_main_name, self.font_main_color, self.font_main_size, self.font_main_override, u'main', self.font_main_bold, self.font_main_italics, self.font_main_line_adjustment, self.font_main_x, self.font_main_y, self.font_main_width, self.font_main_height, self.font_main_outline, self.font_main_outline_color, self.font_main_outline_size, self.font_main_shadow, self.font_main_shadow_color, self.font_main_shadow_size ) self.add_font( self.font_footer_name, self.font_footer_color, self.font_footer_size, self.font_footer_override, u'footer', self.font_footer_bold, self.font_footer_italics, 0, # line adjustment self.font_footer_x, self.font_footer_y, self.font_footer_width, self.font_footer_height, self.font_footer_outline, self.font_footer_outline_color, self.font_footer_outline_size, self.font_footer_shadow, self.font_footer_shadow_color, self.font_footer_shadow_size ) self.add_display( self.display_horizontal_align, self.display_vertical_align, self.display_slide_transition )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'pyslvs_ui/entities/relocate_point.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.2 # # WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is # run again. Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_Dialog(object): def setupUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setObjectName("Dialog") Dialog.resize(366, 468) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("icons:calculator.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) Dialog.setWindowIcon(icon) Dialog.setModal(True) self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(Dialog) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.tab_widget = QtWidgets.QTabWidget(Dialog) self.tab_widget.setObjectName("tab_widget") self.plap_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.plap_tab.setObjectName("plap_tab") self.verticalLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.plap_tab) self.verticalLayout_4.setObjectName("verticalLayout_4") self.panel_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.panel_layout.setObjectName("panel_layout") self.verticalLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout_3.setObjectName("verticalLayout_3") self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_2") self.plap_p1_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.plap_tab) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.plap_p1_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.plap_p1_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.plap_p1_label.setObjectName("plap_p1_label") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.plap_p1_label) self.plap_p1_box = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.plap_tab) self.plap_p1_box.setObjectName("plap_p1_box") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.plap_p1_box) self.verticalLayout_3.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout") self.plap_p1x_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.plap_tab) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.plap_p1x_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.plap_p1x_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.plap_p1x_label.setObjectName("plap_p1x_label") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.plap_p1x_label) self.plap_p1x_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.plap_tab) self.plap_p1x_box.setDecimals(4) self.plap_p1x_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.plap_p1x_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.plap_p1x_box.setObjectName("plap_p1x_box") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.plap_p1x_box) self.plap_p1y_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.plap_tab) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.plap_p1y_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.plap_p1y_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.plap_p1y_label.setObjectName("plap_p1y_label") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.plap_p1y_label) self.plap_p1y_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.plap_tab) self.plap_p1y_box.setDecimals(4) self.plap_p1y_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.plap_p1y_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.plap_p1y_box.setObjectName("plap_p1y_box") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.plap_p1y_box) self.verticalLayout_3.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.formLayout.setObjectName("formLayout") self.plap_angle_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.plap_tab) self.plap_angle_label.setObjectName("plap_angle_label") self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.plap_angle_label) self.plap_angle_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.plap_tab) self.plap_angle_box.setDecimals(4) self.plap_angle_box.setMaximum(360.0) self.plap_angle_box.setObjectName("plap_angle_box") self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.plap_angle_box) self.plap_distance_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.plap_tab) self.plap_distance_label.setObjectName("plap_distance_label") self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.plap_distance_label) self.plap_distance_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.plap_tab) self.plap_distance_box.setDecimals(4) self.plap_distance_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.plap_distance_box.setObjectName("plap_distance_box") self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.plap_distance_box) self.verticalLayout_3.addLayout(self.formLayout) self.panel_layout.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_3) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.panel_layout) spacerItem = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 126, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.verticalLayout_4.addItem(spacerItem) self.tab_widget.addTab(self.plap_tab, "") self.pllp_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.pllp_tab.setObjectName("pllp_tab") self.verticalLayout_7 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.pllp_tab) self.verticalLayout_7.setObjectName("verticalLayout_7") self.widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self.pllp_tab) self.widget.setObjectName("widget") self.verticalLayout_5 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.widget) self.verticalLayout_5.setObjectName("verticalLayout_5") self.horizontalLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_4.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_4") self.pllp_p1_label = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.widget) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p1_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p1_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p1_label.setChecked(True) self.pllp_p1_label.setObjectName("pllp_p1_label") self.horizontalLayout_4.addWidget(self.pllp_p1_label) self.pllp_p1_box = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.widget) self.pllp_p1_box.setObjectName("pllp_p1_box") self.horizontalLayout_4.addWidget(self.pllp_p1_box) self.verticalLayout_5.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_4) self.horizontalLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_3.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_3") self.pllp_p1xy_label = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.widget) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p1xy_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p1xy_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p1xy_label.setText("") self.pllp_p1xy_label.setObjectName("pllp_p1xy_label") self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pllp_p1xy_label) self.pllp_p1x_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.widget) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p1x_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p1x_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p1x_label.setObjectName("pllp_p1x_label") self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pllp_p1x_label) self.pllp_p1x_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.widget) self.pllp_p1x_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_p1x_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.pllp_p1x_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.pllp_p1x_box.setObjectName("pllp_p1x_box") self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pllp_p1x_box) self.pllp_p1y_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.widget) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p1y_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p1y_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p1y_label.setObjectName("pllp_p1y_label") self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pllp_p1y_label) self.pllp_p1y_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.widget) self.pllp_p1y_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_p1y_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.pllp_p1y_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.pllp_p1y_box.setObjectName("pllp_p1y_box") self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pllp_p1y_box) self.verticalLayout_5.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_3) self.verticalLayout_7.addWidget(self.widget) self.widget1 = QtWidgets.QWidget(self.pllp_tab) self.widget1.setObjectName("widget1") self.verticalLayout_6 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.widget1) self.verticalLayout_6.setObjectName("verticalLayout_6") self.horizontalLayout_5 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_5.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_5") self.pllp_p2_label = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.widget1) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p2_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p2_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p2_label.setChecked(True) self.pllp_p2_label.setObjectName("pllp_p2_label") self.horizontalLayout_5.addWidget(self.pllp_p2_label) self.pllp_p2_box = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.widget1) self.pllp_p2_box.setObjectName("pllp_p2_box") self.horizontalLayout_5.addWidget(self.pllp_p2_box) self.verticalLayout_6.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_5) self.horizontalLayout_6 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_6.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_6") self.pllp_p2xy_label = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.widget1) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p2xy_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p2xy_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p2xy_label.setText("") self.pllp_p2xy_label.setObjectName("pllp_p2xy_label") self.horizontalLayout_6.addWidget(self.pllp_p2xy_label) self.pllp_p2x_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.widget1) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p2x_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p2x_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p2x_label.setObjectName("pllp_p2x_label") self.horizontalLayout_6.addWidget(self.pllp_p2x_label) self.pllp_p2x_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.widget1) self.pllp_p2x_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_p2x_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.pllp_p2x_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.pllp_p2x_box.setObjectName("pllp_p2x_box") self.horizontalLayout_6.addWidget(self.pllp_p2x_box) self.pllp_p2y_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.widget1) sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.pllp_p2y_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.pllp_p2y_label.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.pllp_p2y_label.setObjectName("pllp_p2y_label") self.horizontalLayout_6.addWidget(self.pllp_p2y_label) self.pllp_p2y_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.widget1) self.pllp_p2y_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_p2y_box.setMinimum(-9999.99) self.pllp_p2y_box.setObjectName("pllp_p2y_box") self.horizontalLayout_6.addWidget(self.pllp_p2y_box) self.verticalLayout_6.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_6) self.verticalLayout_7.addWidget(self.widget1) self.formLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.formLayout_2.setObjectName("formLayout_2") self.pllp_distance1_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.pllp_tab) self.pllp_distance1_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_distance1_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.pllp_distance1_box.setObjectName("pllp_distance1_box") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.pllp_distance1_box) self.pllp_distance1_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.pllp_tab) self.pllp_distance1_label.setObjectName("pllp_distance1_label") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.pllp_distance1_label) self.pllp_distance2_box = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.pllp_tab) self.pllp_distance2_box.setDecimals(4) self.pllp_distance2_box.setMaximum(9999.99) self.pllp_distance2_box.setObjectName("pllp_distance2_box") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.pllp_distance2_box) self.pllp_distance2_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.pllp_tab) self.pllp_distance2_label.setObjectName("pllp_distance2_label") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.pllp_distance2_label) self.verticalLayout_7.addLayout(self.formLayout_2) self.pllp_inversed_box = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self.pllp_tab) self.pllp_inversed_box.setObjectName("pllp_inversed_box") self.verticalLayout_7.addWidget(self.pllp_inversed_box) spacerItem1 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.verticalLayout_7.addItem(spacerItem1) self.tab_widget.addTab(self.pllp_tab, "") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.tab_widget) self.preview_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(Dialog) self.preview_label.setObjectName("preview_label") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.preview_label) self.button_box = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(Dialog) self.button_box.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.button_box.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.button_box.setObjectName("button_box") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.button_box) self.retranslateUi(Dialog) self.button_box.rejected.connect(Dialog.reject) self.button_box.accepted.connect(Dialog.accept) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate Dialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("Dialog", "Relocate")) self.plap_p1_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Point")) self.plap_p1x_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "X")) self.plap_p1y_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Y")) self.plap_angle_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Angle")) self.plap_distance_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Distance")) self.tab_widget.setTabText(self.tab_widget.indexOf(self.plap_tab), _translate("Dialog", "Polar")) self.pllp_p1_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Point &1")) self.pllp_p1x_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "X")) self.pllp_p1y_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Y")) self.pllp_p2_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Point &2")) self.pllp_p2x_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "X")) self.pllp_p2y_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Y")) self.pllp_distance1_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Distance 1")) self.pllp_distance2_label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Distance 2")) self.pllp_inversed_box.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Inverse the position to another side.")) self.tab_widget.setTabText(self.tab_widget.indexOf(self.pllp_tab), _translate("Dialog", "Two Points"))
# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright Buildbot Team Members import mock from buildbot.buildslave.protocols import pb from buildbot.test.fake import fakemaster from buildbot.test.util import protocols as util_protocols from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.spread import pb as twisted_pb from twisted.trial import unittest class TestListener(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.master = fakemaster.make_master() def test_constructor(self): listener = pb.Listener(self.master) self.assertEqual(listener.master, self.master) self.assertEqual(listener._registrations, {}) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_updateRegistration_simple(self): listener = pb.Listener(self.master) reg = yield listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass', 'tcp:1234') self.assertEqual(self.master.pbmanager._registrations, [('tcp:1234', 'example', 'pass')]) self.assertEqual(listener._registrations['example'], ('pass', 'tcp:1234', reg)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_updateRegistration_pass_changed(self): listener = pb.Listener(self.master) listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass', 'tcp:1234') reg1 = yield listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass1', 'tcp:1234') self.assertEqual(listener._registrations['example'], ('pass1', 'tcp:1234', reg1)) self.assertEqual(self.master.pbmanager._unregistrations, [('tcp:1234', 'example')]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_updateRegistration_port_changed(self): listener = pb.Listener(self.master) listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass', 'tcp:1234') reg1 = yield listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass', 'tcp:4321') self.assertEqual(listener._registrations['example'], ('pass', 'tcp:4321', reg1)) self.assertEqual(self.master.pbmanager._unregistrations, [('tcp:1234', 'example')]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_getPerspective(self): listener = pb.Listener(self.master) buildslave = mock.Mock() buildslave.slavename = 'test' mind = mock.Mock() listener.updateRegistration('example', 'pass', 'tcp:1234') self.master.buildslaves.register(buildslave) conn = yield listener._getPerspective(mind, buildslave.slavename) self.assertIsInstance(conn, pb.Connection) class TestConnectionApi(util_protocols.ConnectionInterfaceTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.master = fakemaster.make_master() self.conn = pb.Connection(self.master, mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()) class TestConnection(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.master = fakemaster.make_master() self.mind = mock.Mock() self.buildslave = mock.Mock() def test_constructor(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) self.assertEqual(conn.mind, self.mind) self.assertEqual(conn.master, self.master) self.assertEqual(conn.buildslave, self.buildslave) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_attached(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) att = yield conn.attached(self.mind) self.assertNotEqual(conn.keepalive_timer, None) self.buildslave.attached.assert_called_with(conn) self.assertEqual(att, conn) conn.detached(self.mind) def test_detached(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.attached(self.mind) conn.detached(self.mind) self.assertEqual(conn.keepalive_timer, None) self.assertEqual(conn.mind, None) def test_loseConnection(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.loseConnection() self.assertEqual(conn.keepalive_timer, None) def test_remotePrint(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.remotePrint(message='test') conn.mind.callRemote.assert_called_with('print', message='test') @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_remoteGetSlaveInfo(self): def side_effect(*args, **kwargs): if 'getSlaveInfo' in args: return defer.succeed({'info': 'test'}) if 'getCommands' in args: return defer.succeed({'x': 1, 'y': 2}) if 'getVersion' in args: return defer.succeed('TheVersion') self.mind.callRemote.side_effect = side_effect conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) info = yield conn.remoteGetSlaveInfo() r = {'info': 'test', 'slave_commands': {'y': 2, 'x': 1}, 'version': 'TheVersion'} self.assertEqual(info, r) calls = ['getSlaveInfo'),'getCommands'),'getVersion')] self.mind.callRemote.assert_has_calls(calls) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_remoteGetSlaveInfo_getSlaveInfo_fails(self): def side_effect(*args, **kwargs): if 'getSlaveInfo' in args: return if 'getCommands' in args: return defer.succeed({'x': 1, 'y': 2}) if 'getVersion' in args: return defer.succeed('TheVersion') self.mind.callRemote.side_effect = side_effect conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) info = yield conn.remoteGetSlaveInfo() r = {'slave_commands': {'y': 2, 'x': 1}, 'version': 'TheVersion'} self.assertEqual(info, r) calls = ['getSlaveInfo'),'getCommands'),'getVersion')] self.mind.callRemote.assert_has_calls(calls) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_remoteSetBuilderList(self): builders = ['builder1', 'builder2'] self.mind.callRemote.return_value = defer.succeed(builders) conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) r = yield conn.remoteSetBuilderList(builders) self.assertEqual(r, builders) self.assertEqual(, builders) self.mind.callRemote.assert_called_with('setBuilderList', builders) def test_remoteStartCommand(self): builders = ['builder'] ret_val = {'builder': mock.Mock()} self.mind.callRemote.return_value = defer.succeed(ret_val) conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.remoteSetBuilderList(builders) RCInstance, builder_name, commandID = None, "builder", None remote_command, args = "command", "args" conn.remoteStartCommand(RCInstance, builder_name, commandID, remote_command, args) ret_val['builder'].callRemote.assert_called_with('startCommand', RCInstance, commandID, remote_command, args) def test_doKeepalive(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.doKeepalive() self.mind.callRemote.assert_called_with('print', message="keepalive") def test_remoteShutdown(self): self.mind.callRemote.return_value = defer.succeed(None) conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) # note that we do not test the "old way", as it is now *very* old. conn.remoteShutdown() self.mind.callRemote.assert_called_with('shutdown') def test_remoteStartBuild(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) builders = {'builder': mock.Mock()} self.mind.callRemote.return_value = defer.succeed(builders) conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.remoteSetBuilderList(builders) conn.remoteStartBuild('builder') builders['builder'].callRemote.assert_called_with('startBuild') def test_startStopKeepaliveTimer(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.startKeepaliveTimer() self.assertNotEqual(conn.keepalive_timer, None) conn.stopKeepaliveTimer() self.assertEqual(conn.keepalive_timer, None) def test_perspective_shutdown(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.perspective_shutdown() conn.buildslave.shutdownRequested.assert_called_with() conn.buildslave.messageReceivedFromSlave.assert_called_with() def test_perspective_keepalive(self): conn = pb.Connection(self.master, self.buildslave, self.mind) conn.perspective_keepalive() conn.buildslave.messageReceivedFromSlave.assert_called_with()
import logging log = logging.getLogger("Thug") def launch(self, arg): log.ThugLogging.add_behavior_warn("[Java Deployment Toolkit ActiveX] Launching: %s" % (arg, )) tokens = arg.split(' ') if tokens[0].lower() != 'http:': return for token in tokens[1:]: if not token.lower().startswith('http'): continue log.ThugLogging.add_behavior_warn("[Java Deployment Toolkit ActiveX] Fetching from URL %s" % (token, )) log.ThugLogging.log_exploit_event(self._window.url, "Java Deployment Toolkit ActiveX", "Fetching from URL", data = { "url": token }, forward = False) try: self._window._navigator.fetch(token, redirect_type = "Java Deployment Toolkit Exploit") except Exception: log.ThugLogging.add_behavior_warn("[Java Deployment Toolkit ActiveX] Fetch Failed") def launchApp(self, pJNLP, pEmbedded = None, pVmArgs = None): cve_2013_2416 = False if len(pJNLP) > 32: cve_2013_2416 = True log.ThugLogging.Shellcode.check_shellcode(pJNLP) if pEmbedded: cve_2013_2416 = True log.ThugLogging.Shellcode.check_shellcode(pEmbedded) if cve_2013_2416: log.ThugLogging.log_exploit_event(self._window.url, "Java Deployment Toolkit ActiveX", "Java ActiveX component memory corruption (CVE-2013-2416)", cve = "CVE-2013-2416", forward = True) log.ThugLogging.log_classifier("exploit", log.ThugLogging.url, "CVE-2013-2416")
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. ############################################# from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import fnmatch import os import subprocess import sys import re import itertools from ansible.compat.six import string_types, iteritems from ansible import constants as C from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.inventory.dir import InventoryDirectory, get_file_parser from import Group from import Host from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address from ansible.plugins import vars_loader from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE = {} class Inventory(object): """ Host inventory for ansible. """ def __init__(self, loader, variable_manager, host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST): # the host file file, or script path, or list of hosts # if a list, inventory data will NOT be loaded self.host_list = unfrackpath(host_list, follow=False) self._loader = loader self._variable_manager = variable_manager self.localhost = None # caching to avoid repeated calculations, particularly with # external inventory scripts. self._vars_per_host = {} self._vars_per_group = {} self._hosts_cache = {} self._pattern_cache = {} self._group_dict_cache = {} self._vars_plugins = [] self._basedir = self.basedir() # Contains set of filenames under group_vars directories self._group_vars_files = self._find_group_vars_files(self._basedir) self._host_vars_files = self._find_host_vars_files(self._basedir) # to be set by calling set_playbook_basedir by playbook code self._playbook_basedir = None # the inventory object holds a list of groups self.groups = {} # a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to self._restriction = None self._subset = None # clear the cache here, which is only useful if more than # one Inventory objects are created when using the API directly self.clear_pattern_cache() self.clear_group_dict_cache() self.parse_inventory(host_list) def serialize(self): data = dict() return data def deserialize(self, data): pass def parse_inventory(self, host_list): if isinstance(host_list, string_types): if "," in host_list: host_list = host_list.split(",") host_list = [ h for h in host_list if h and h.strip() ] self.parser = None # Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups, even if host_list is # empty: in this case we will subsequently an the implicit 'localhost' to it. ungrouped = Group('ungrouped') all = Group('all') all.add_child_group(ungrouped) self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped) if host_list is None: pass elif isinstance(host_list, list): for h in host_list: try: (host, port) = parse_address(h, allow_ranges=False) except AnsibleError as e: display.vvv("Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s" % to_text(e)) host = h port = None new_host = Host(host, port) if h in C.LOCALHOST: # set default localhost from inventory to avoid creating an implicit one. Last localhost defined 'wins'. if self.localhost is not None: display.warning("A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s" % (h, display.vvvv("Set default localhost to %s" % h) self.localhost = new_host all.add_host(new_host) elif self._loader.path_exists(host_list): # TODO: switch this to a plugin loader and a 'condition' per plugin on which it should be tried, restoring 'inventory pllugins' if self.is_directory(host_list): # Ensure basedir is inside the directory host_list = os.path.join(self.host_list, "") self.parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=self._loader, groups=self.groups, filename=host_list) else: self.parser = get_file_parser(host_list, self.groups, self._loader) vars_loader.add_directory(self._basedir, with_subdir=True) if not self.parser: # should never happen, but JIC raise AnsibleError("Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % host_list) else: display.warning("Host file not found: %s" % to_text(host_list)) self._vars_plugins = [ x for x in vars_loader.all(self) ] # set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins for g in self.groups: group = self.groups[g] group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars, self.get_group_variables( self.get_group_vars(group) # get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins for host in self.get_hosts(ignore_limits=True, ignore_restrictions=True): host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars, self.get_host_variables( self.get_host_vars(host) def _match(self, str, pattern_str): try: if pattern_str.startswith('~'): return[1:], str) else: return fnmatch.fnmatch(str, pattern_str) except Exception: raise AnsibleError('invalid host pattern: %s' % pattern_str) def _match_list(self, items, item_attr, pattern_str): results = [] try: if not pattern_str.startswith('~'): pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str)) else: pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:]) except Exception: raise AnsibleError('invalid host pattern: %s' % pattern_str) for item in items: if pattern.match(getattr(item, item_attr)): results.append(item) return results def get_hosts(self, pattern="all", ignore_limits=False, ignore_restrictions=False): """ Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions or applied subsets """ # Check if pattern already computed if isinstance(pattern, list): pattern_hash = u":".join(pattern) else: pattern_hash = pattern if not ignore_limits and self._subset: pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._subset) if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction: pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._restriction) if pattern_hash not in HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE: patterns = Inventory.split_host_pattern(pattern) hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns) # mainly useful for hostvars[host] access if not ignore_limits and self._subset: # exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined subset = self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset) hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in subset ] if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction: # exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts) hosts = [ h for h in hosts if in self._restriction ] seen = set() HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash] = [x for x in hosts if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)] return HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:] @classmethod def split_host_pattern(cls, pattern): """ Takes a string containing host patterns separated by commas (or a list thereof) and returns a list of single patterns (which may not contain commas). Whitespace is ignored. Also accepts ':' as a separator for backwards compatibility, but it is not recommended due to the conflict with IPv6 addresses and host ranges. Example: 'a,b[1], c[2:3] , d' -> ['a', 'b[1]', 'c[2:3]', 'd'] """ if isinstance(pattern, list): return list(itertools.chain(*map(cls.split_host_pattern, pattern))) # If it's got commas in it, we'll treat it as a straightforward # comma-separated list of patterns. elif ',' in pattern: patterns = re.split('\s*,\s*', pattern) # If it doesn't, it could still be a single pattern. This accounts for # non-separator uses of colons: IPv6 addresses and [x:y] host ranges. else: try: (base, port) = parse_address(pattern, allow_ranges=True) patterns = [pattern] except: # The only other case we accept is a ':'-separated list of patterns. # This mishandles IPv6 addresses, and is retained only for backwards # compatibility. patterns = re.findall( r'''(?: # We want to match something comprising: [^\s:\[\]] # (anything other than whitespace or ':[]' | # ...or... \[[^\]]*\] # a single complete bracketed expression) )+ # occurring once or more ''', pattern, re.X ) return [p.strip() for p in patterns] @classmethod def order_patterns(cls, patterns): # Host specifiers should be sorted to ensure consistent behavior pattern_regular = [] pattern_intersection = [] pattern_exclude = [] for p in patterns: if p.startswith("!"): pattern_exclude.append(p) elif p.startswith("&"): pattern_intersection.append(p) elif p: pattern_regular.append(p) # if no regular pattern was given, hence only exclude and/or intersection # make that magically work if pattern_regular == []: pattern_regular = ['all'] # when applying the host selectors, run those without the "&" or "!" # first, then the &s, then the !s. return pattern_regular + pattern_intersection + pattern_exclude def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns): """ Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names, taking into account any negative and intersection patterns. """ patterns = Inventory.order_patterns(patterns) hosts = [] for p in patterns: # avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host if p in self._hosts_cache: hosts.append(self.get_host(p)) else: that = self._match_one_pattern(p) if p.startswith("!"): hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in that ] elif p.startswith("&"): hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in that ] else: to_append = [ h for h in that if not in [ for y in hosts ] ] hosts.extend(to_append) return hosts def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern): """ Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names. Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers. The pattern may be: 1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*' 2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*' 3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo' The pattern is matched using the following rules: 1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups. 2. Otherwise, for each known group name: (a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts in the group or any of its children. (b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results include the matching hosts. This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups. The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name, and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups other than all and ungrouped. If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules, it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results. This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]' would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups. Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results. """ if pattern.startswith("&") or pattern.startswith("!"): pattern = pattern[1:] if pattern not in self._pattern_cache: (expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern) hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr) try: hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice) except IndexError: raise AnsibleError("No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern) self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts return self._pattern_cache[pattern] def _split_subscript(self, pattern): """ Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given subscript (or None if there is no subscript). Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make sure the actual indices make sense in context. """ # Do not parse regexes for enumeration info if pattern.startswith('~'): return (pattern, None) # We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript. # (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the # fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.) pattern_with_subscript = re.compile( r'''^ (.+) # A pattern expression ending with... \[(?: # A [subscript] expression comprising: (-?[0-9]+)| # A single positive or negative number ([0-9]+)([:-]) # Or an x:y or x: range. ([0-9]*) )\] $ ''', re.X ) subscript = None m = pattern_with_subscript.match(pattern) if m: (pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups() if idx: subscript = (int(idx), None) else: if not end: end = -1 subscript = (int(start), int(end)) if sep == '-': display.warning("Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed") return (pattern, subscript) def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript): """ Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts). """ if not hosts or not subscript: return hosts (start, end) = subscript if end: if end == -1: end = len(hosts)-1 return hosts[start:end+1] else: return [ hosts[start] ] def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern): """ Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the rules explained above in _match_one_pattern. """ results = [] hostnames = set() def __append_host_to_results(host): if not in hostnames: hostnames.add( results.append(host) groups = self.get_groups() for group in groups.values(): if pattern == 'all': for host in group.get_hosts(): if host.implicit: continue __append_host_to_results(host) else: if self._match(, pattern) and not in ('all', 'ungrouped'): for host in group.get_hosts(): if host.implicit: continue __append_host_to_results(host) else: matching_hosts = self._match_list(group.get_hosts(), 'name', pattern) for host in matching_hosts: __append_host_to_results(host) if pattern in C.LOCALHOST and len(results) == 0: new_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(pattern) results.append(new_host) return results def _create_implicit_localhost(self, pattern): if self.localhost: new_host = self.localhost else: new_host = Host(pattern) new_host.address = "" new_host.implicit = True new_host.vars = self.get_host_vars(new_host) new_host.set_variable("ansible_connection", "local") if "ansible_python_interpreter" not in new_host.vars: py_interp = sys.executable if not py_interp: # sys.executable is not set in some cornercases. #13585 display.warning('Unable to determine python interpreter from sys.executable. Using /usr/bin/python default.' ' You can correct this by setting ansible_python_interpreter for localhost') py_interp = '/usr/bin/python' new_host.set_variable("ansible_python_interpreter", py_interp) self.get_group("ungrouped").add_host(new_host) self.localhost = new_host return new_host def clear_pattern_cache(self): ''' called exclusively by the add_host plugin to allow patterns to be recalculated ''' global HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE = {} self._pattern_cache = {} def clear_group_dict_cache(self): ''' called exclusively by the add_host and group_by plugins ''' self._group_dict_cache = {} def groups_for_host(self, host): if host in self._hosts_cache: return self._hosts_cache[host].get_groups() else: return [] def get_groups(self): return self.groups def get_host(self, hostname): if hostname not in self._hosts_cache: self._hosts_cache[hostname] = self._get_host(hostname) return self._hosts_cache[hostname] def _get_host(self, hostname): matching_host = None if hostname in C.LOCALHOST: if self.localhost: matching_host= self.localhost else: for host in self.get_group('all').get_hosts(): if in C.LOCALHOST: matching_host = host break if not matching_host: matching_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(hostname) # update caches self._hosts_cache[hostname] = matching_host for host in C.LOCALHOST.difference((hostname,)): self._hosts_cache[host] = self._hosts_cache[hostname] else: for group in self.groups.values(): for host in group.get_hosts(): if host not in self._hosts_cache: self._hosts_cache[] = host if hostname == matching_host = host return matching_host def get_group(self, groupname): return self.groups.get(groupname) def get_group_variables(self, groupname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None): if groupname not in self._vars_per_group or update_cached: self._vars_per_group[groupname] = self._get_group_variables(groupname, vault_password=vault_password) return self._vars_per_group[groupname] def _get_group_variables(self, groupname, vault_password=None): group = self.get_group(groupname) if group is None: raise Exception("group not found: %s" % groupname) vars = {} # plugin.get_group_vars retrieves just vars for specific group vars_results = [ plugin.get_group_vars(group, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'get_group_vars')] for updated in vars_results: if updated is not None: vars = combine_vars(vars, updated) # Read group_vars/ files vars = combine_vars(vars, self.get_group_vars(group)) return vars def get_group_dict(self): """ In get_vars() we merge a 'magic' dictionary 'groups' with group name keys and hostname list values into every host variable set. Cache the creation of this structure here """ if not self._group_dict_cache: for (group_name, group) in iteritems(self.groups): self._group_dict_cache[group_name] = [ for h in group.get_hosts()] return self._group_dict_cache def get_vars(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None): host = self.get_host(hostname) if not host: raise AnsibleError("no vars as host is not in inventory: %s" % hostname) return host.get_vars() def get_host_variables(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None): if hostname not in self._vars_per_host or update_cached: self._vars_per_host[hostname] = self._get_host_variables(hostname, vault_password=vault_password) return self._vars_per_host[hostname] def _get_host_variables(self, hostname, vault_password=None): host = self.get_host(hostname) if host is None: raise AnsibleError("no host vars as host is not in inventory: %s" % hostname) vars = {} # retrieves all vars (also from groups) for host vars_results = [, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'run')] for updated in vars_results: if updated is not None: vars = combine_vars(vars, updated) # plugin.get_host_vars retrieves just vars for specific host vars_results = [ plugin.get_host_vars(host, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'get_host_vars')] for updated in vars_results: if updated is not None: vars = combine_vars(vars, updated) # still need to check InventoryParser per host vars # which actually means InventoryScript per host, # which is not performant if self.parser is not None: vars = combine_vars(vars, self.parser.get_host_variables(host)) return vars def add_group(self, group): if not in self.groups: self.groups[] = group else: raise AnsibleError("group already in inventory: %s" % def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"): """ return a list of hostnames for a pattern """ result = [ h for h in self.get_hosts(pattern) ] if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST: result = [pattern] return result def list_groups(self): return sorted(self.groups.keys(), key=lambda x: x) def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction): """ Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction. This is used to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other reasons. """ if restriction is None: return elif not isinstance(restriction, list): restriction = [ restriction ] self._restriction = [ for h in restriction ] def subset(self, subset_pattern): """ Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa. Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook """ if subset_pattern is None: self._subset = None else: subset_patterns = Inventory.split_host_pattern(subset_pattern) results = [] # allow Unix style @filename data for x in subset_patterns: if x.startswith("@"): fd = open(x[1:]) results.extend("\n")) fd.close() else: results.append(x) self._subset = results def remove_restriction(self): """ Do not restrict list operations """ self._restriction = None def is_file(self): """ Did inventory come from a file? We don't use the equivalent loader methods in inventory, due to the fact that the loader does an implict DWIM on the path, which may be incorrect for inventory paths relative to the playbook basedir. """ if not isinstance(self.host_list, string_types): return False return os.path.isfile(self.host_list) or self.host_list == os.devnull def is_directory(self, path): """ Is the inventory host list a directory? Same caveat for here as with the is_file() method above. """ if not isinstance(self.host_list, string_types): return False return os.path.isdir(path) def basedir(self): """ if inventory came from a file, what's the directory? """ dname = self.host_list if self.is_directory(self.host_list): dname = self.host_list elif not self.is_file(): dname = None else: dname = os.path.dirname(self.host_list) if dname is None or dname == '' or dname == '.': dname = os.getcwd() if dname: dname = os.path.abspath(dname) return dname def src(self): """ if inventory came from a file, what's the directory and file name? """ if not self.is_file(): return None return self.host_list def playbook_basedir(self): """ returns the directory of the current playbook """ return self._playbook_basedir def set_playbook_basedir(self, dir_name): """ sets the base directory of the playbook so inventory can use it as a basedir for host_ and group_vars, and other things. """ # Only update things if dir is a different playbook basedir if dir_name != self._playbook_basedir: # we're changing the playbook basedir, so if we had set one previously # clear the host/group vars entries from the VariableManager so they're # not incorrectly used by playbooks from different directories if self._playbook_basedir: self._variable_manager.clear_playbook_hostgroup_vars_files(self._playbook_basedir) self._playbook_basedir = dir_name # get group vars from group_vars/ files # TODO: excluding the new_pb_basedir directory may result in group_vars # files loading more than they should, however with the file caching # we do this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Still, this should # be fixed at some point to allow a "first load" to touch all of the # directories, then later runs only touch the new basedir specified found_group_vars = self._find_group_vars_files(self._playbook_basedir) if found_group_vars: self._group_vars_files = self._group_vars_files.union(found_group_vars) for group in self.groups.values(): self.get_group_vars(group) found_host_vars = self._find_host_vars_files(self._playbook_basedir) if found_host_vars: self._host_vars_files = self._host_vars_files.union(found_host_vars) # get host vars from host_vars/ files for host in self.get_hosts(): self.get_host_vars(host) # invalidate cache self._vars_per_host = {} self._vars_per_group = {} def get_host_vars(self, host, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False): """ Read host_vars/ files """ return self._get_hostgroup_vars(host=host, group=None, new_pb_basedir=new_pb_basedir, return_results=return_results) def get_group_vars(self, group, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False): """ Read group_vars/ files """ return self._get_hostgroup_vars(host=None, group=group, new_pb_basedir=new_pb_basedir, return_results=return_results) def _find_group_vars_files(self, basedir): """ Find group_vars/ files """ if basedir in ('', None): basedir = './' path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, 'group_vars')) found_vars = set() if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): found_vars = set(os.listdir(to_text(path))) else: display.warning("Found group_vars that is not a directory, skipping: %s" % path) return found_vars def _find_host_vars_files(self, basedir): """ Find host_vars/ files """ if basedir in ('', None): basedir = './' path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, 'host_vars')) found_vars = set() if os.path.exists(path): found_vars = set(os.listdir(to_text(path))) return found_vars def _get_hostgroup_vars(self, host=None, group=None, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False): """ Loads variables from group_vars/<groupname> and host_vars/<hostname> in directories parallel to the inventory base directory or in the same directory as the playbook. Variables in the playbook dir will win over the inventory dir if files are in both. """ results = {} scan_pass = 0 _basedir = self._basedir _playbook_basedir = self._playbook_basedir # look in both the inventory base directory and the playbook base directory # unless we do an update for a new playbook base dir if not new_pb_basedir and _playbook_basedir: basedirs = [_basedir, _playbook_basedir] else: basedirs = [_basedir] for basedir in basedirs: # this can happen from particular API usages, particularly if not run # from /usr/bin/ansible-playbook if basedir in ('', None): basedir = './' scan_pass = scan_pass + 1 # it's not an eror if the directory does not exist, keep moving if not os.path.exists(basedir): continue # save work of second scan if the directories are the same if _basedir == _playbook_basedir and scan_pass != 1: continue # Before trying to load vars from file, check that the directory contains relvant file names if host is None and any(map(lambda ext: + ext in self._group_vars_files, C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS)): # load vars in dir/group_vars/name_of_group base_path = to_text(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_bytes(basedir), b"group_vars/" + to_bytes(, errors='surrogate_or_strict') host_results = self._variable_manager.add_group_vars_file(base_path, self._loader) if return_results: results = combine_vars(results, host_results) elif group is None and any(map(lambda ext: + ext in self._host_vars_files, C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS)): # same for hostvars in dir/host_vars/name_of_host base_path = to_text(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_bytes(basedir), b"host_vars/" + to_bytes(, errors='surrogate_or_strict') group_results = self._variable_manager.add_host_vars_file(base_path, self._loader) if return_results: results = combine_vars(results, group_results) # all done, results is a dictionary of variables for this particular host. return results def refresh_inventory(self): self.clear_pattern_cache() self.clear_group_dict_cache() self._hosts_cache = {} self._vars_per_host = {} self._vars_per_group = {} self.groups = {} self.parse_inventory(self.host_list)
import os import re import csv import glob import shutil import gzip import operator import subprocess from datetime import datetime from taca.utils.filesystem import chdir, control_fastq_filename from taca.illumina.HiSeq_Runs import HiSeq_Run from taca.utils import misc from flowcell_parser.classes import RunParametersParser, SampleSheetParser, RunParser, LaneBarcodeParser, DemuxSummaryParser import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MiSeq_Run(HiSeq_Run): def __init__(self, path_to_run, configuration): #constructor, it returns a MiSeq object only if the MiSeq run belongs to NGI facility, i.e., contains #Application or production in the Description super(MiSeq_Run, self).__init__( path_to_run, configuration) self._set_sequencer_type() self._set_run_type() def _set_sequencer_type(self): self.sequencer_type = "MiSeq" def _set_run_type(self): ssname = os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'Data', 'Intensities', 'BaseCalls','SampleSheet.csv') if not os.path.exists(ssname): #case in which no samplesheet is found, assume it is a non NGI run self.run_type = "NON-NGI-RUN" else: #it SampleSheet exists try to see if it is a NGI-run ssparser = SampleSheetParser(ssname) if ssparser.header['Description'] == "Production" or ssparser.header['Description'] == "Applications": self.run_type = "NGI-RUN" else: #otherwise this is a non NGI run self.run_type = "NON-NGI-RUN" def _get_samplesheet(self): """ Locate and parse the samplesheet for a run. In MiSeq case this is located in FC_DIR/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/SampleSheet.csv """ ssname = os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'Data', 'Intensities', 'BaseCalls','SampleSheet.csv') if os.path.exists(ssname): #if exists parse the SampleSheet return ssname else: #some MiSeq runs do not have the SampleSheet at all, in this case assume they are non NGI. #not real clean solution but what else can be done if no samplesheet is provided? return None def _generate_clean_samplesheet(self, ssparser): """ Will generate a 'clean' samplesheet, for bcl2fastq2.17 """ output="" #Header output+="[Header]{}".format(os.linesep) for field in ssparser.header: output+="{},{}".format(field.rstrip(), ssparser.header[field].rstrip()) output+=os.linesep #now parse the data section data = [] for line in entry = {} for field, value in line.iteritems(): if ssparser.dfield_sid in field: entry[field] ='Sample_{}'.format(value) elif ssparser.dfield_proj in field: entry[field] = value.replace(".", "__") else: entry[field] = value if 'Lane' not in entry: entry['Lane'] = '1' data.append(entry) fields_to_output = ['Lane', ssparser.dfield_sid, ssparser.dfield_snm, 'index', ssparser.dfield_proj] #now create the new SampleSheet data section output+="[Data]{}".format(os.linesep) for field in ssparser.datafields: if field not in fields_to_output: fields_to_output.append(field) output+=",".join(fields_to_output) output+=os.linesep #now process each data entry and output it for entry in data: line = [] for field in fields_to_output: line.append(entry[field]) output+=",".join(line) output+=os.linesep return output
""" A utility class which wraps the RateLimitMixin 3rd party class to do bad request counting which can be used for rate limiting """ from __future__ import absolute_import from django.conf import settings from ratelimitbackend.backends import RateLimitMixin class RequestRateLimiter(RateLimitMixin): """ Use the 3rd party RateLimitMixin to help do rate limiting. """ def is_rate_limit_exceeded(self, request): """ Returns if the client has been rated limited """ counts = self.get_counters(request) return sum(counts.values()) >= self.requests def tick_request_counter(self, request): """ Ticks any counters used to compute when rate limt has been reached """ self.cache_incr(self.get_cache_key(request)) class BadRequestRateLimiter(RequestRateLimiter): """ Default rate limit is 30 requests for every 5 minutes. """ pass class PasswordResetEmailRateLimiter(RequestRateLimiter): """ Rate limiting requests to send password reset emails. """ email_rate_limit = getattr(settings, 'PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_RATE_LIMIT', {}) requests = email_rate_limit.get('no_of_emails', 1) cache_timeout_seconds = email_rate_limit.get('per_seconds', 60) reset_email_cache_prefix = 'resetemail' def key(self, request, dt): """ Returns cache key. """ return '%s-%s-%s' % ( self.reset_email_cache_prefix, self.get_ip(request), dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), ) def expire_after(self): """ Returns timeout for cache keys. """ return self.cache_timeout_seconds
from import * from import * from import * from spgl.gtimer import * from spgl.grandom import * import time window = GWindow() window.setWindowTitle("Breakout") # waitForClick() ball = GOval(20,20, window.getWidth()/2, window.getHeight()/2) ball.setFilled(True) window.add(ball) vx = 2.7 vy = 3.0 paddle = GRect(125, 15, window.getWidth()/2, window.getHeight() - 50) paddle.setFilled(True) window.add(paddle) spacer = 5 recW = (window.getWidth() - (9*spacer)) / 10.0 for i in range(10): for j in range(10): rec = GRect(recW, 15, j*(recW + spacer), 50 + i * (15 + spacer)) rec.setFilled(True) if(i<2): rec.setColor(color = "RED") elif(i<4): rec.setColor(color = "ORANGE") elif(i<6): rec.setColor(color = "YELLOW") elif(i<8): rec.setColor(color = "GREEN") elif(i<10): rec.setColor(color = "BLUE") window.add(rec) timer = GTimer(milliseconds=15) import sys timer.start() # sys.exit(0) while(True): e = getNextEvent() if(e.getEventType() == EventType.MOUSE_MOVED): newX = e.getX() if(newX - paddle.getWidth()/2 > 0 and \ newX + paddle.getWidth()/2 < window.getWidth()): paddle.setLocation(x = newX - paddle.getWidth()/2, y = paddle.getY()) elif(newX - paddle.getWidth()/2 < 0): paddle.setLocation(x = 0, y = paddle.getY()) elif(newX + paddle.getWidth()/2 > window.getWidth()): paddle.setLocation(x = window.getWidth() - paddle.getWidth(), \ y = paddle.getY()) elif(e.getEventType() == EventType.TIMER_TICKED): ball.move(vx, vy) # check for wall collisions if(ball.getX() + ball.getWidth() > window.getWidth() or \ ball.getX() < 0): vx = -vx if(ball.getY() + ball.getHeight() > window.getHeight() or \ ball.getY() < 0): vy = -vy obj1 = window.getObjectAt(ball.getX()-1, ball.getY()-1) obj2 = window.getObjectAt(ball.getX() + ball.getWidth() + 1, ball.getY()-1) obj3 = window.getObjectAt(ball.getX()-1, ball.getY() + ball.getHeight()+1) obj4 = window.getObjectAt(ball.getX() + ball.getWidth() + 1, ball.getY() + ball.getHeight()+1) # check for paddle collisions if(window.getObjectAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY()) == paddle or \ window.getObjectAt(ball.getX() + ball.getWidth(), ball.getY()) == paddle or \ window.getObjectAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY() + ball.getHeight()) == paddle or \ window.getObjectAt(ball.getX() + ball.getWidth(), ball.getY() + ball.getHeight()) == paddle): if(vy > 0): vy = -vy elif(obj1 != None and obj1 != paddle): vy = -vy window.remove(obj1) elif(obj2 != None and obj2 != paddle): vy = -vy window.remove(obj2) elif(obj3 != None and obj3 != paddle): vy = -vy window.remove(obj3) elif(obj4 != None and obj4 != paddle): vy = -vy window.remove(obj4) elif(e.getEventType() == EventType.KEY_TYPED): initRandomSeed() window.remove(ball) ball = GOval(20,20, window.getWidth()/2, window.getHeight()/2) ball.setFilled(True) window.add(ball) vx = randomReal(2,4) if(randomChance(.5)): vx = -vx vy = 3.0
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, lil_matrix, diags from JacobianBased import IwamotoNR np.set_printoptions(linewidth=10000, precision=3) # pd.set_option('display.height', 1000) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) class Graph: """ Program to count islands in boolean 2D matrix """ def __init__(self, row, col, g): """ :param row: number of columns :param col: number of rows :param g: adjacency matrix """ self.ROW = row self.COL = col self.graph = g def is_safe(self, i, j, visited): """ A function to check if a given cell (row, col) can be included in DFS :param i: row index :param j: column index :param visited: 2D array of visited elements :return: if it is safe or not """ # row number is in range, column number is in range and value is 1 and not yet visited return 0 >= i < self.ROW and 0 >= j < self.COL and not visited[i][j] and self.graph[i][j] def dfs(self, i, j, visited): """ A utility function to do DFS for a 2D boolean matrix. It only considers the 8 neighbours as adjacent vertices :param i: row index :param j: column index :param visited: 2D array of visited elements """ # TODO: Use a proper DFS with sparsity considerations # These arrays are used to get row and column numbers of 8 neighbours of a given cell rowNbr = [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] colNbr = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1] # Mark this cell as visited visited[i][j] = True # Recur for all connected neighbours for k in range(8): if self.is_safe(i + rowNbr[k], j + colNbr[k], visited): self.dfs(i + rowNbr[k], j + colNbr[k], visited) def count_islands(self): """ The main function that returns count of islands in a given boolean 2D matrix :return: count of islands """ # Make a bool array to mark visited cells. Initially all cells are unvisited # TODO: Replace with sparse matrix visited = [[False for j in range(self.COL)] for i in range(self.ROW)] # Initialize count as 0 and traverse through the all cells of given matrix count = 0 # TODO: replace with sparse version for i in range(self.ROW): for j in range(self.COL): # If a cell with value 1 is not visited yet, then new island found if not visited[i][j] and self.graph[i][j] == 1: # Visit all cells in this island and increment island count self.dfs(i, j, visited) count += 1 return count class Terminal: def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return class ConnectivityNode: def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return class ShuntDevice: def __init__(self, name, terminal: Terminal): = name self.terminal = terminal def __str__(self): return class Load(ShuntDevice): def __init__(self, name, terminal: Terminal, P=0, Q=0): ShuntDevice.__init__(self, name, terminal) self.P = P self.Q = Q class Shunt(ShuntDevice): def __init__(self, name, terminal: Terminal, G=0, B=0): ShuntDevice.__init__(self, name, terminal) self.G = G self.B = B class Generator(ShuntDevice): def __init__(self, name, terminal: Terminal, P=0, Vset=0): ShuntDevice.__init__(self, name, terminal) self.P = P self.Vset = Vset class Branch: def __init__(self, name, t1, t2): = name self.t1 = t1 self.t2 = t2 def get_y(self): return 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 def __str__(self): return class Jumper(Branch): def __init__(self, name, t1, t2): Branch.__init__(self, name, t1, t2) class Switch(Branch): def __init__(self, name, t1, t2, state=True): Branch.__init__(self, name, t1, t2) self.state = state class Line(Branch): def __init__(self, name, t1, t2, r=0, x=0, r0=0, x0=0, g=0, b=0, g0=0, b0=0, length=1, tap_module=1.0, tap_angle=0): Branch.__init__(self, name, t1, t2) self.r = r self.x = x self.r0 = r0 self.x0 = x0 self.g = g self.b = b self.g0 = g0 self.b0 = b0 self.length = length self.tap_module = tap_module self.tap_angle = tap_angle def get_y(self): tap = self.tap_module * np.exp(-1j * self.tap_angle) Ysh = complex(self.g * self.length, self.b * self.length) / 2 if self.r > 0 or self.x: Ys = 1 / complex(self.r * self.length, self.x * self.length) else: raise ValueError("The impedance at " + + " is zero") Ytt = Ys + Ysh Yff = Ytt / (tap * np.conj(tap)) Yft = - Ys / np.conj(tap) Ytf = - Ys / tap return Yff, Yft, Ytf, Ytt class Connectivity: def __init__(self, n_terminals, n_nodes, n_br, n_sw, n_ld, n_gen, n_sh, Sbase): """ Constructor :param n_terminals: number of terminals :param n_nodes: number of nodes :param n_br: number of branches :param n_sw: number of switches :param n_ld: number of loads :param n_gen: number of generators :param n_sh: number of shunts """ self.Sbase = Sbase # connectivity nodes - terminals matrix self.CN_T = lil_matrix((n_nodes, n_terminals), dtype=int) # lines, transformers and jumpers to terminals matrix self.BR_T_f = lil_matrix((n_br, n_terminals), dtype=int) self.BR_T_t = lil_matrix((n_br, n_terminals), dtype=int) # switches - terminals matrix self.SW_T = lil_matrix((n_sw, n_terminals), dtype=int) self.SW_states = np.zeros(n_sw, dtype=int) # shunt elements (loads, shunts, generators) self.LD_T = lil_matrix((n_ld, n_terminals), dtype=int) self.GEN_T = lil_matrix((n_gen, n_terminals), dtype=int) self.SH_T = lil_matrix((n_sh, n_terminals), dtype=int) # admittance components vectors self.BR_yff = np.zeros(n_br, dtype=complex) self.BR_yft = np.zeros(n_br, dtype=complex) self.BR_ytf = np.zeros(n_br, dtype=complex) self.BR_ytt = np.zeros(n_br, dtype=complex) # load generation and shunts self.LD_Power = np.zeros(n_ld, dtype=complex) self.Gen_Power = np.zeros(n_gen, dtype=float) self.Gen_voltage = np.zeros(n_gen, dtype=float) self.SH_Power = np.zeros(n_sh, dtype=complex) # names self.T_names = [None] * n_terminals self.CN_names = [None] * n_nodes self.BR_names = [None] * n_br self.SW_names = [None] * n_sw self.LD_names = [None] * n_ld self.GEN_names = [None] * n_gen self.SH_names = [None] * n_sh # resulting matrices self.BR_CN = None # nodes - branch self.CN_CN = None # node - node self.SW_T_state = None # switch - terminal with the switches state applied self.BR_SW_f = None # branch - switch self.BR_SW_t = None # branch - switch self.CN_SW = None # node - switch self.LD_CN = None # load - node self.GEN_CN = None # generator - node self.SH_CN = None # shunt - node # resulting matrices self.Cf = None self.Ct = None self.Yf = None self.Yt = None self.Ybus = None self.Ysh = None self.Sbus = None self.Ibus = None self.Vbus = None self.types = None self.pq = None self.pv = None self.ref = None def compute(self): """ Compute the cross connectivity matrices to determine the circuit connectivity towards the calculation Additionally, compute the calculation matrices """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connectivity matrices # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # switches connectivity matrix with the switches state applied self.SW_T_state = diags(self.SW_states) * self.SW_T # Branch-Switch connectivity matrix self.BR_SW_f = self.BR_T_f * self.SW_T_state.transpose() self.BR_SW_t = self.BR_T_t * self.SW_T_state.transpose() # Node-Switch connectivity matrix self.CN_SW = self.CN_T * self.SW_T_state.transpose() # load-Connectivity Node matrix self.LD_CN = self.LD_T * self.CN_T.transpose() # generator-Connectivity Node matrix self.GEN_CN = self.GEN_T * self.CN_T.transpose() # shunt-Connectivity Node matrix self.SH_CN = self.SH_T * self.CN_T.transpose() # branch-node connectivity matrix (Equals A^t) # A branch and a node can be connected via a switch or directly self.Cf = self.CN_SW * self.BR_SW_f.transpose() + self.CN_T * self.BR_T_f.transpose() self.Ct = self.CN_SW * self.BR_SW_t.transpose() + self.CN_T * self.BR_T_t.transpose() self.BR_CN = (self.Cf - self.Ct).transpose() # node-node connectivity matrix self.CN_CN = self.BR_CN.transpose() * self.BR_CN self.CN_CN = self.CN_CN.astype(bool).astype(int) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculation matrices # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # form the power injections vector PD = self.LD_CN.transpose() * self.LD_Power # demand (complex) PG = self.GEN_CN.transpose() * self.Gen_Power # generation (real) self.Sbus = (PG - PD) / self.Sbase self.Ibus = np.zeros_like(self.Sbus) # types logic: # if the number is < 10 -> PQ # if the number is >= 10 -> PV # later, choose a PV gen as Slack self.types = (self.LD_CN.sum(axis=0).A1 + self.GEN_CN.sum(axis=0).A1 * 10).reshape(-1) # Voltage vector # self.Vbus = self.GEN_CN.transpose() * self.Gen_voltage self.Vbus = np.ones_like(self.Sbus) # form the shunt vector self.Ysh = self.SH_CN.transpose() * self.SH_Power # form the admittance matrix self.Yf = diags(self.BR_yff) * self.Cf.transpose() + diags(self.BR_yft) * self.Ct.transpose() self.Yt = diags(self.BR_ytf) * self.Cf.transpose() + diags(self.BR_ytt) * self.Ct.transpose() self.Ybus = self.Cf * self.Yf + self.Ct * self.Yt + diags(self.Ysh) self.pq = np.where(self.types < 10)[0] self.pv = np.where(self.types >= 10)[0] if self.ref is None: self.ref = self.pv[0] self.pv = self.pv[:-1] # pick all bu the first, which is not a ref def print(self): """ print the connectivity matrices :return: """ print('\nCN_T\n', pd.DataFrame(self.CN_T.todense(), index=self.CN_names, columns=self.T_names).to_latex()) print('\nBR_T_f\n', pd.DataFrame(self.BR_T_f.todense(), index=self.BR_names, columns=self.T_names).to_latex()) print('\nBR_T_t\n', pd.DataFrame(self.BR_T_t.todense(), index=self.BR_names, columns=self.T_names).to_latex()) print('\nSW_T\n', pd.DataFrame(self.SW_T.todense(), index=self.SW_names, columns=self.T_names).to_latex()) print('\nSW_states\n', pd.DataFrame(self.SW_states, index=self.SW_names, columns=['States']).to_latex()) # resulting print('\n\n' + '-' * 40 + ' RESULTS ' + '-' * 40 + '\n') print('\nLD_CN\n', pd.DataFrame(self.LD_CN.todense(), index=self.LD_names, columns=self.CN_names).to_latex()) print('\nSH_CN\n', pd.DataFrame(self.SH_CN.todense(), index=self.SH_names, columns=self.CN_names).to_latex()) print('\nGEN_CN\n', pd.DataFrame(self.GEN_CN.todense(), index=self.GEN_names, columns=self.CN_names).to_latex()) print('\nBR_CN\n', pd.DataFrame(self.BR_CN.astype(int).todense(), index=self.BR_names, columns=self.CN_names).to_latex()) print('\nCN_CN\n', pd.DataFrame(self.CN_CN.todense(), index=self.CN_names, columns=self.CN_names).to_latex()) print('\ntypes\n', self.types) print('\nSbus\n', self.Sbus) print('\nVbus\n', self.Vbus) print('\nYsh\n', self.Ysh) print('\nYbus\n', self.Ybus.todense()) class Circuit: def __init__(self, Sbase=100): """ Circuit constructor """ self.Sbase = Sbase self.connectivity_nodes = list() self.terminals = list() self.switches = list() self.branches = list() self.jumpers = list() self.loads = list() self.shunts = list() self.generators = list() self.nodes_idx = dict() self.terminals_idx = dict() # relations between connectivity nodes and terminals # node_terminal[some_node] = list of terminals self.node_terminal = dict() def add_node_terminal_relation(self, connectivity_node, terminal): """ Add the relation between a Connectivity Node and a Terminal :param terminal: :param connectivity_node: :return: """ if connectivity_node in self.node_terminal.keys(): self.node_terminal[connectivity_node].append(terminal) else: self.node_terminal[connectivity_node] = [terminal] def add_connectivity_node(self, node): """ add a Connectivity node :param node: :return: """ self.connectivity_nodes.append(node) def add_terminal(self, terminal): self.terminals.append(terminal) def add_switch(self, switch): """ Add a switch :param switch: :return: """ self.switches.append(switch) def add_branch(self, branch): """ Add a branch :param branch: :return: """ self.branches.append(branch) def add_jumper(self, jumper): """ :param jumper: """ self.jumpers.append(jumper) def add_load(self, load): """ :param load: """ self.loads.append(load) def add_shunt(self, shunt): """ :param shunt: """ self.shunts.append(shunt) def add_generator(self, generator): """ :param generator: """ self.generators.append(generator) def load_file(self, fname): """ Load file :param fname: file name """ xls = pd.ExcelFile(fname) # Terminals T_dict = dict() df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Terminals') for i in range(df.shape[0]): val = df.values[i, 0] T = Terminal(val) T_dict[val] = T self.add_terminal(T) # ConnectivityNodes CN_dict = dict() df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'ConnectivityNodes') for i in range(df.shape[0]): val = df.values[i, 0] CN = ConnectivityNode(val) CN_dict[val] = CN self.add_connectivity_node(CN) # Branches df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Branches') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] T2 = T_dict[df.values[i, 2]] r = df.values[i, 3] x = df.values[i, 4] r0 = df.values[i, 5] x0 = df.values[i, 6] g = df.values[i, 7] b = df.values[i, 8] g0 = df.values[i, 9] b0 = df.values[i, 10] l = df.values[i, 11] self.add_branch(Line(df.values[i, 0], T1, T2, r, x, r0, x0, g, b, g0, b0, l)) df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Jumpers') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] T2 = T_dict[df.values[i, 2]] self.add_branch(Jumper(df.values[i, 0], T1, T2)) # Switches df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Switches') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] T2 = T_dict[df.values[i, 2]] state = bool(df.values[i, 3]) self.add_switch(Switch(df.values[i, 0], T1, T2, state)) # Loads df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Loads') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] p = df.values[i, 2] q = df.values[i, 3] self.add_load(Load(df.values[i, 0], T1, p, q)) # shunts df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Shunts') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] g = df.values[i, 2] b = df.values[i, 3] self.add_shunt(Shunt(df.values[i, 0], T1, g, b)) # Generators df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Generators') for i in range(df.shape[0]): T1 = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] p = df.values[i, 2] vset = df.values[i, 3] self.add_generator(Generator(df.values[i, 0], T1, p, vset)) # CN_T df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'CN_T') for i in range(df.shape[0]): CN = CN_dict[df.values[i, 0]] T = T_dict[df.values[i, 1]] self.add_node_terminal_relation(CN, T) def compile(self): """ Compile the circuit """ n_nodes = len(self.connectivity_nodes) n_terminals = len(self.terminals) n_br = len(self.branches) + len(self.jumpers) n_sw = len(self.switches) n_ld = len(self.loads) n_gen = len(self.generators) n_sh = len(self.shunts) self.nodes_idx = dict() # dictionary of node object -> node index self.terminals_idx = dict() # dictionary of terminals -> terminal index conn = Connectivity(n_terminals=n_terminals, n_nodes=n_nodes, n_br=n_br, n_sw=n_sw, n_ld=n_ld, n_gen=n_gen, n_sh=n_sh, Sbase=self.Sbase) # Terminals for i, terminal in enumerate(self.terminals): self.terminals_idx[terminal] = i conn.T_names[i] = # Connectivity Nodes for i, node in enumerate(self.connectivity_nodes): self.nodes_idx[node] = i conn.CN_names[i] = terminals = self.node_terminal[node] for terminal in terminals: j = self.terminals_idx[terminal] conn.CN_T[i, j] = 1 # Switches for i, switch in enumerate(self.switches): j = self.terminals_idx[switch.t1] conn.SW_T[i, j] = 1 j = self.terminals_idx[switch.t2] conn.SW_T[i, j] = 1 conn.SW_states[i] = int(switch.state) conn.SW_names[i] = # Branches (lines, transformers and jumpers) for i, branch in enumerate(self.branches): # from f = self.terminals_idx[branch.t1] conn.BR_T_f[i, f] = 1 # to t = self.terminals_idx[branch.t2] conn.BR_T_t[i, t] = 1 # name conn.BR_names[i] = # branch admittances yff, yft, ytf, ytt = branch.get_y() conn.BR_yff[i] = yff conn.BR_yft[i] = yft conn.BR_ytf[i] = ytf conn.BR_ytt[i] = ytt # Loads for i, load in enumerate(self.loads): j = self.terminals_idx[load.terminal] conn.LD_T[i, j] = 1 conn.LD_names[i] = conn.LD_Power[i] = complex(load.P, load.Q) # Generators for i, generator in enumerate(self.generators): j = self.terminals_idx[generator.terminal] conn.GEN_T[i, j] = 1 conn.GEN_names[i] = conn.Gen_Power[i] = generator.P conn.Gen_voltage[i] = generator.Vset # Shunts for i, shunt in enumerate(self.shunts): j = self.terminals_idx[shunt.terminal] conn.SH_T[i, j] = 1 conn.SH_names[i] = conn.SH_Power[i] = complex(shunt.G, shunt.B) # compute topology conn.compute() return conn class PowerFlow: def __init__(self, circuit: Circuit): self.circuit = circuit def run(self): """ Run power flow :return: """ # compile circuit conn = self.circuit.compile() # run power flow V, converged, normF, Scalc, iter_, elapsed = IwamotoNR(Ybus=conn.Ybus, Sbus=conn.Sbus, V0=conn.Vbus, Ibus=conn.Ibus, pv=conn.pv, pq=conn.pq, tol=conn.ref, max_it=15, robust=False) return V if __name__ == '__main__': circuit = Circuit() # circuit.load_file('substation_data.xlsx') circuit.load_file('lynn5.xlsx') conn_ = circuit.compile() conn_.print() pf = PowerFlow(circuit) Vsol = print('\nVsol:', np.abs(Vsol))
import bayessb from pysb.examples.robertson import model import pysb.integrate import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as mgridspec import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import functools import sys def likelihood(mcmc, position, data, scale_factor, sigma): yout = mcmc.simulate(position) yout_norm = yout / scale_factor # fit to first two species return numpy.sum((data[:,0:2] - yout_norm[:,0:2]) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) def prior(mcmc, position): est = [1e-2, 1e7, 1e4] mean = numpy.log10(est) var = 10 return numpy.sum((position - mean) ** 2 / ( 2 * var)) def step(mcmc): if mcmc.iter % 20 == 0: print 'iter=%-5d sigma=%-.3f T=%-.3f acc=%-.3f, lkl=%g prior=%g post=%g' % \ (mcmc.iter, mcmc.sig_value, mcmc.T, float(mcmc.acceptance)/(mcmc.iter+1), mcmc.accept_likelihood, mcmc.accept_prior, mcmc.accept_posterior) def scatter(mcmc, mask=True, example_pos_r=None, example_pos_g=None, show_model=False): """ Display a grid of scatter plots for each 2-D projection of an MCMC walk. Parameters ---------- mcmc : bayessb.MCMC The MCMC object to display. mask : bool/int, optional If True (default) the annealing phase of the walk will be discarded before plotting. If False, nothing will be discarded and all points will be plotted. If an integer, specifies the number of steps to be discarded from the beginning of the walk. """ # number of dimensions in position vector ndims = mcmc.num_estimate # vector of booleans indicating accepted MCMC moves accepts = mcmc.accepts.copy() # mask off the annealing (burn-in) phase, or up to a user-specified step if mask is True: mask = mcmc.options.anneal_length if mask is False: mask = 0 accepts[0:mask] = 0 # grab position vectors and posterior values from accepted moves positions = mcmc.positions[accepts] posteriors = mcmc.posteriors[accepts] # calculate actual range of values on each dimension maxes = positions.max(0) mins = positions.min(0) ranges = abs(maxes - mins) # use 2% of the maximum range as a margin for all scatter plots margin = max(ranges) * 0.02 # calculate upper and lower plot limits based on min/max plus the margin lims_top = maxes + margin lims_bottom = mins - margin # calculate new ranges based on limits lim_ranges = abs(lims_top - lims_bottom) plt.figure() # build a GridSpec which allocates space based on these ranges import matplotlib.gridspec as mgridspec gs = mgridspec.GridSpec(ndims, ndims, width_ratios=lim_ranges, height_ratios=lim_ranges[-1::-1]) # build an axis locator for each dimension locators = [] for i, r in enumerate(lim_ranges): # place ticks on the integers, unless there is no integer within the # given dimension's calculated range nbins = numpy.ceil(r) * 5 + 1 locators.append(mticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins, steps=[2, 10])) fignum = 0 # reverse the param list along the y axis so we end up with the "origin" # (i.e. the first param) at the bottom left instead of the top left. note # that y==0 will be along the bottom now, but the figure numbers in the # gridspec still begin counting at the top. for y, py in reversed(list(enumerate(mcmc.options.estimate_params))): for x, px in enumerate(mcmc.options.estimate_params): ax = plt.subplot(gs[fignum]) ax.tick_params(left=False, right=True, top=True, bottom=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=False, direction='in') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locators[y]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locators[x]) if x == y: # 1-D histograms along the diagonal # # distribute 200 total bins across all histograms, # proportionally by their width, such that the bin density looks # consistent across the different histograms bins = 200 * lim_ranges[x] / numpy.sum(lim_ranges) ax.hist(positions[:,x], bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', color='salmon', ec='tomato') if example_pos_r is not None: ax.vlines(example_pos_r[x], *ax.get_ylim(), color='red', linewidth=2) if example_pos_g is not None: ax.vlines(example_pos_g[x], *ax.get_ylim(), color='green', linewidth=2) arrow_scale = ax.get_ylim()[1] / lim_ranges[x] arrow_len = arrow_scale * 0.1 arrow_head_l = arrow_len * 0.4 arrow_head_w = min(lim_ranges) * .1 ax.arrow(numpy.log10(px.value), arrow_len, 0, -arrow_len, head_length=arrow_head_l, head_width=arrow_head_w, ec='k', fc='k', length_includes_head=True) ax.set_xlim(lims_bottom[x], lims_top[x]) #ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.LinearLocator()) else: # 2-D scatter plots off the diagonal ax.plot(positions[:, x], positions[:, y], color='darkblue', alpha=0.2) ax.scatter(positions[:, x], positions[:, y], s=1, color='darkblue', alpha=0.2) ax.set_xlim(lims_bottom[x], lims_top[x]) ax.set_ylim(lims_bottom[y], lims_top[y]) # parameter name labels along left and bottom edge of the grid if x == 0: ax.set_ylabel(, weight='black', size='large', labelpad=10, rotation='horizontal', horizontalalignment='right') if y == 0: ax.set_xlabel(, weight='black', size='large', labelpad=10,) # tick labels along the right and top edge of the grid if True:#x == ndims - 1: # XXX ax.tick_params('y', labelright=True) if y == ndims - 1: ax.tick_params('x', labeltop=True) # move to next figure in the gridspec fignum += 1 # TODO: would axis('scaled') force the aspect ratio we want? def prediction(mcmc, n, species_idx, scale_factor, data_std, plot_samples=False): plt.figure() positions = mcmc.positions[-n:] accepts = mcmc.accepts[-n:] accept_positions = positions[accepts] tspan = mcmc.options.tspan ysamples = numpy.empty((len(accept_positions), len(tspan))) for i, pos in enumerate(accept_positions): ysim = mcmc.simulate(pos) ysamples[i] = ysim[:, species_idx] / scale_factor ymean = numpy.mean(ysamples, 0) ystd = numpy.std(ysamples, 0) if plot_samples: for y in ysamples: plt.plot(tspan, y, c='gray', alpha=.01) plt.plot(tspan, ymean, 'b:', linewidth=2) std_interval = ystd[:, None] * [+1, -1] plt.plot(tspan, ymean[:, None] + std_interval * 0.842, 'g-.', linewidth=2) plt.plot(tspan, ymean[:, None] + std_interval * 1.645, 'k-.', linewidth=2) plt.errorbar(tspan, ymean, yerr=data_std, fmt=None, ecolor='red') plt.xlim(tspan[0] - 1, tspan[-1] + 1) def data(mcmc, data_norm, scale_factor, data_species_idxs): plt.figure() colors = ('r', 'g', 'b') labels = ('A', 'B', 'C') tspan = mcmc.options.tspan true_pos = numpy.log10([p.value for p in mcmc.options.estimate_params]) true_norm = mcmc.simulate(true_pos) / scale_factor for i, (rl, dl, c, l) in enumerate(zip(true_norm.T, data_norm.T, colors, labels)): plt.plot(tspan, rl, color=c, label=l) if i in data_species_idxs: plt.plot(tspan, dl, linestyle=':', marker='o', color=c, ms=4, mew=0) def main(): seed = 2 random = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) sigma = 0.1; ntimes = 20; tspan = numpy.linspace(0, 40, ntimes); solver = pysb.integrate.Solver(model, tspan) ydata = solver.y * (random.randn(*solver.y.shape) * sigma + 1); ysim_max = solver.y.max(0) ydata_norm = ydata / ysim_max opts = bayessb.MCMCOpts() opts.model = model opts.tspan = tspan # estimate rates only (not initial conditions) from wild guesses opts.estimate_params = [p for p in model.parameters if'k') ] opts.initial_values = [1e-4, 1e3, 1e6] opts.nsteps = 10000 opts.likelihood_fn = functools.partial(likelihood, data=ydata_norm, scale_factor=ysim_max, sigma=sigma) opts.prior_fn = prior opts.step_fn = step opts.use_hessian = True opts.hessian_period = opts.nsteps / 10 opts.seed = seed mcmc = bayessb.MCMC(opts) mixed_nsteps = opts.nsteps / 2 mixed_positions = mcmc.positions[-mixed_nsteps:] mixed_accepts = mcmc.accepts[-mixed_nsteps:] mixed_accept_positions = mixed_positions[mixed_accepts] marginal_mean_pos = numpy.mean(mixed_accept_positions, 0) # position is far from marginal mean, but posterior is good (determined by # trial and error and some interactive plotting) interesting_step = 8830 print "\nGenerating figures..." # show scatter plot scatter(mcmc, opts.nsteps / 2, mcmc.positions[interesting_step], marginal_mean_pos) # show prediction for C trajectory, which was not fit to prediction(mcmc, opts.nsteps / 2, 2, ysim_max[2], sigma, plot_samples=True) plt.title("Prediction for C") # show "true" trajectories and noisy data data(mcmc, ydata_norm, ysim_max, [0, 1]) plt.title("True trajectories and noisy data") # show all plots at once if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Script to calculate per-residue RSCCs for a model versus an EM map with an arbitrary origin. """ from __future__ import division from mmtbx import real_space_correlation import iotbx.phil from cctbx import crystal from cctbx import maptbx from scitbx.array_family import flex import sys master_phil_str = """ model = None .type = path map = None .type = path d_min = 3.0 .type = float .help = Optional cutoff resolution for computing F(calc). This will not \ affect the dimensions of the ultimate FC map. atom_radius = 1.5 .type = float """ def run (args, out=sys.stdout) : cmdline = iotbx.phil.process_command_line_with_files( args=args, master_phil_string=master_phil_str, pdb_file_def="model", map_file_def="map", usage_string="""\ model.pdb map.ccp4 %s""" % __doc__) params = assert (not None in [params.model,]) pdb_in = cmdline.get_file(params.model).file_object m = cmdline.get_file( print >> out, "Input electron density map:" print >> out, "m.all() :", print >> out, "m.focus() :", print >> out, "m.origin():", print >> out, "m.nd() :", print >> out, "m.size() :", print >> out, "m.focus_size_1d():", print >> out, "m.is_0_based() :", print >> out, "map: min/max/mean:", flex.min(, flex.max(, flex.mean( print >> out, "unit cell:", m.unit_cell_parameters symm = crystal.symmetry( space_group_symbol="P1", unit_cell=m.unit_cell_parameters) xrs = pdb_in.input.xray_structure_simple(crystal_symmetry=symm) print >> out, "Setting up electron scattering table (d_min=%g)" % params.d_min xrs.scattering_type_registry( d_min=params.d_min, table="electron") fc = xrs.structure_factors(d_min=params.d_min).f_calc() cg = maptbx.crystal_gridding( unit_cell=symm.unit_cell(), space_group_info=symm.space_group_info(), fc_map = fc.fft_map( crystal_gridding=cg).apply_sigma_scaling().real_map_unpadded() assert (fc_map.all() == fc_map.focus() == em_data = unit_cell_for_interpolation = m.grid_unit_cell() frac_matrix = unit_cell_for_interpolation.fractionalization_matrix() sites_cart = xrs.sites_cart() sites_frac = xrs.sites_frac() print >> out, "PER-RESIDUE CORRELATION:" for chain in pdb_in.hierarchy.only_model().chains() : for residue_group in chain.residue_groups() : i_seqs = residue_group.atoms().extract_i_seq() values_em = flex.double() values_fc = flex.double() for i_seq in i_seqs : rho_em = maptbx.non_crystallographic_eight_point_interpolation( map=em_data, gridding_matrix=frac_matrix, site_cart=sites_cart[i_seq]) rho_fc = fc_map.eight_point_interpolation(sites_frac[i_seq]) values_em.append(rho_em) values_fc.append(rho_fc) cc = flex.linear_correlation(x=values_em, y=values_fc).coefficient() print >> out, residue_group.id_str(), cc def exercise () : import mmtbx.regression from iotbx import file_reader from cStringIO import StringIO pdb_file = "tmp_em_rscc.pdb" map_file = "" f = open(pdb_file, "w") for line in mmtbx.regression.model_1yjp.splitlines() : if line.startswith("ATOM") : f.write(line + "\n") f.close() pdb_in = file_reader.any_file(pdb_file).file_object symm = crystal.symmetry( space_group_symbol="P1", unit_cell=(30, 30, 30, 90, 90, 90)) xrs = pdb_in.input.xray_structure_simple(crystal_symmetry=symm) xrs.scattering_type_registry( d_min=3.0, table="electron") fc = xrs.structure_factors(d_min=3.0).f_calc() fft_map = fc.fft_map(resolution_factor=1/3).apply_sigma_scaling() assert (fft_map.n_real() == (32,32,32)) fft_map.as_ccp4_map( file_name=map_file, gridding_first=(-16,-16,-16), gridding_last=(15,15,15)) out = StringIO() run(args=[pdb_file, map_file], out=out) assert ("""\ PER-RESIDUE CORRELATION: A 1 1.0 A 2 1.0 A 3 1.0 A 4 1.0 A 5 1.0 A 6 1.0 A 7 1.0 """ in out.getvalue()), out.getvalue() if (__name__ == "__main__") : if ("--test" in sys.argv) : exercise() print "OK" else : run(sys.argv[1:])
""" Lift Curve Widget ----------------- """ from collections import namedtuple import numpy import sklearn.metrics as skl_metrics from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor, QPen from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt import pyqtgraph as pg import import Orange.evaluation.testing from Orange.widgets import widget, gui, settings from Orange.widgets.utils import colorpalette, colorbrewer from .owrocanalysis import convex_hull CurvePoints = namedtuple( "CurvePoints", ["cases", "tpr", "thresholds"] ) CurvePoints.is_valid = property(lambda self: self.cases.size > 0) LiftCurve = namedtuple( "LiftCurve", ["points", "hull"] ) LiftCurve.is_valid = property(lambda self: self.points.is_valid) def LiftCurve_from_results(results, clf_index, target): x, y, thresholds = lift_curve_from_results(results, target, clf_index) points = CurvePoints(x, y, thresholds) hull = CurvePoints(*convex_hull([(x, y, thresholds)])) return LiftCurve(points, hull) PlotCurve = namedtuple( "PlotCurve", ["curve", "curve_item", "hull_item"] ) class OWLiftCurve(widget.OWWidget): name = "Lift Curve" description = "" icon = "icons/LiftCurve.svg" priority = 1020 inputs = [ {"name": "Evaluation Results", "type": Orange.evaluation.testing.Results, "handler": "set_results"} ] target_index = settings.Setting(0) selected_classifiers = settings.Setting([]) display_convex_hull = settings.Setting(False) display_cost_func = settings.Setting(True) fp_cost = settings.Setting(500) fn_cost = settings.Setting(500) target_prior = settings.Setting(50.0) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.results = None self.classifier_names = [] self.colors = [] self._curve_data = {} box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Plot") tbox = gui.widgetBox(box, "Target Class") tbox.setFlat(True) self.target_cb = gui.comboBox( tbox, self, "target_index", callback=self._on_target_changed) cbox = gui.widgetBox(box, "Classifiers") cbox.setFlat(True) self.classifiers_list_box = gui.listBox( cbox, self, "selected_classifiers", "classifier_names", selectionMode=QtGui.QListView.MultiSelection, callback=self._on_classifiers_changed) gui.checkBox(box, self, "display_convex_hull", "Show lift convex hull", callback=self._replot) self.plotview = pg.GraphicsView(background="w") self.plotview.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.plot = pg.PlotItem() self.plot.getViewBox().setMenuEnabled(False) pen = QPen(self.palette().color(QtGui.QPalette.Text)) tickfont = QtGui.QFont(self.font()) tickfont.setPixelSize(max(int(tickfont.pixelSize() * 2 // 3), 11)) axis = self.plot.getAxis("bottom") axis.setTickFont(tickfont) axis.setPen(pen) axis.setLabel("P Rate") axis = self.plot.getAxis("left") axis.setTickFont(tickfont) axis.setPen(pen) axis.setLabel("TP Rate") self.plot.showGrid(True, True, alpha=0.1) self.plot.setRange(xRange=(0.0, 1.0), yRange=(0.0, 1.0)) self.plotview.setCentralItem(self.plot) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.plotview) def set_results(self, results): """Set the input evaluation results.""" self.clear() self.error(0) if results is not None: if is None: self.error(0, "Give me data!!") results = None elif not isinstance(, self.error(0, "Need discrete class variable") results = None self.results = results if results is not None: self._initialize(results) self._setup_plot() def clear(self): """Clear the widget state.""" self.plot.clear() self.results = None self.target_cb.clear() self.target_index = 0 self.classifier_names = [] self.colors = [] self._curve_data = {} def _initialize(self, results): N = len(results.predicted) names = getattr(results, "learner_names", None) if names is None: names = ["#{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(N)] self.colors = colorpalette.ColorPaletteGenerator( N, colorbrewer.colorSchemes["qualitative"]["Dark2"]) self.classifier_names = names self.selected_classifiers = list(range(N)) for i in range(N): item = self.classifiers_list_box.item(i) item.setIcon(colorpalette.ColorPixmap(self.colors[i])) self.target_cb.addItems( def plot_curves(self, target, clf_idx): if (target, clf_idx) not in self._curve_data: curve = LiftCurve_from_results(self.results, clf_idx, target) color = self.colors[clf_idx] pen = QPen(color, 1) pen.setCosmetic(True) shadow_pen = QPen(pen.color().lighter(160), 2.5) shadow_pen.setCosmetic(True) item = pg.PlotDataItem( curve.points[0], curve.points[1], pen=pen, shadowPen=shadow_pen, symbol="+", symbolSize=3, symbolPen=shadow_pen, antialias=True ) hull_item = pg.PlotDataItem( curve.hull[0], curve.hull[1], pen=pen, antialias=True ) self._curve_data[target, clf_idx] = \ PlotCurve(curve, item, hull_item) return self._curve_data[target, clf_idx] def _setup_plot(self): target = self.target_index selected = self.selected_classifiers curves = [self.plot_curves(target, clf_idx) for clf_idx in selected] for curve in curves: self.plot.addItem(curve.curve_item) if self.display_convex_hull: hull = convex_hull([c.curve.hull for c in curves]) self.plot.plot(hull[0], hull[1], pen="y", antialias=True) pen = QPen(QColor(100, 100, 100, 100), 1, Qt.DashLine) pen.setCosmetic(True) self.plot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], pen=pen, antialias=True) def _replot(self): self.plot.clear() if self.results is not None: self._setup_plot() def _on_target_changed(self): self._replot() def _on_classifiers_changed(self): self._replot() def lift_curve_from_results(results, target, clf_idx, subset=slice(0, -1)): actual = results.actual[subset] scores = results.probabilities[clf_idx][subset][:, target] yrate, tpr, thresholds = lift_curve(actual, scores, target) return yrate, tpr, thresholds def lift_curve(ytrue, ypred, target=1): P = numpy.sum(ytrue == target) N = ytrue.size - P fpr, tpr, thresholds = skl_metrics.roc_curve(ytrue, ypred, target) rpp = fpr * (N / (P + N)) + tpr * (P / (P + N)) return rpp, tpr, thresholds def main(): import sip from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication from Orange.classification import logistic_regression, svm from Orange.evaluation import testing app = QApplication([]) w = OWLiftCurve() w.raise_() data ="ionosphere") results = testing.CrossValidation( data, [logistic_regression.LogisticRegressionLearner(penalty="l2"), logistic_regression.LogisticRegressionLearner(penalty="l1"), svm.SVMLearner(probability=True), svm.NuSVMLearner(probability=True) ], store_data=True ) results.learner_names = ["LR l2", "LR l1", "SVM", "Nu SVM"] w.set_results(results) rval = app.exec_() sip.delete(w) del w app.processEvents() del app return rval if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # For copyright and license notices, see file in module root # directory ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp import _ class create_contract(osv.osv_memory): _name = 'create_contract' _description = 'Wizard to create contract' _rec_name = 'start_date' _columns = { 'start_date':'Contract Date', required=True), 'start_code': fields.char(string='Contract Number', required=True), 'expiration_date':'Expiration Date'), } _defaults = { } def create_contract(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0] active_id = context.get('active_id', False) contract_obj = self.pool.get('nautical.contract') craft_obj = self.pool.get('nautical.craft') craft = craft_obj.browse(cr, uid, [active_id])[0] if active_id: start_date = wizard.start_date start_code = wizard.start_code expiration_date = wizard.expiration_date new_contract_vals = {'start_date': start_date, 'start_code': start_code, 'expiration_date': expiration_date, 'owner_id':, 'craft_id':, 'state': 'contracted'} contract_obj.create( cr, uid, new_contract_vals, context=context) craft_obj.write( cr, uid,, {'state': 'contracted'}, context=context) return True
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) zhongjie luo <> import datetime, random, os, sys, copy, json if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from .tools.StopWatch import StopWatch from .tools.ProgressBar import ProgressBar, MultiBar from .tools.ColorPrint import ColorPrint from .tools.MultiProcess import MultiProcess from .tools.Options import Options as toolsOptions, Option, string2bool else: from tools.StopWatch import StopWatch from tools.ProgressBar import ProgressBar, MultiBar from tools.ColorPrint import ColorPrint from tools.MultiProcess import MultiProcess from tools.Options import Options as toolsOptions, Option, string2bool from multiprocessing import Lock, Queue, Semaphore class Options(toolsOptions): options = ( Option("host", "h", ""), Option("port", "p", 0), Option("processor_num", "n", 1), Option("record_num", "r", 1000), Option("processor_num_max", "n_max", 50), Option("record_num_max", "r_max", 10000000), Option("out_dir", "d", "result"), Option("tag", "t", "tag", help=u"添加到输出文件名中,可用于区分同类型测试\r\n" \ u"例如用时间来命名每次测试结果的输出文件\r\n"), Option("table", "T", "__benchmark"), Option("key_start", "k", 10000), Option("w", "w", True, help="warm up, use --w enable"), Option("quiet", "q", False, string2bool)) def __init__(self, options=None, args=None): if options is None: options = Options.options super(Options, self).__init__(options, args) def parse_option(self, raise_when_fail=False): if super(Options, self).parse_option(raise_when_fail) is False: print(self.usage() + return False return True class DbConnection(object): """type(record)->((k, v), index, last_index)""" def __init__(self, options): = options.get("_name") = options.get("host") self.port = options.get("port") self.table = options.get("table") = options.get("_id") self.quiet = options.get("quiet") self.record_num = options.get("_count_per_processor") self.options = options self._benchmark_funcs = {} default_funcs = ("insert", "search", "update", "delete") for func_name in default_funcs: func = getattr(self, func_name, None) func_self = getattr(DbConnection, func_name, None) if getattr(func, "__code__") != getattr(func_self, "__code__"): self._benchmark_funcs[func.__name__] = func for func in self.__class__.__dict__.values(): if getattr(func, "benchmark", None) is True: self._benchmark_funcs[func.__name__] = getattr(self, func.__name__) def connect(self): """must override""" raise NotImplemented def disconnect(self): """must override""" raise NotImplemented def insert(self, record): raise NotImplemented def search(self, record): raise NotImplemented def update(self, record): raise NotImplemented def delete(self, record): raise NotImplemented def set_up(self): """invoke before benchmark""" raise NotImplemented def tear_down(self): """invoke after benchmark""" raise NotImplemented @staticmethod def benchmark(label=None): """:param label, for echarts label""" def _benchmark(func): func.benchmark = True func.label = label if label else func.__name__ return func return _benchmark def benchmark_funcs(self): """benchmark_funcs()->{func_name: func}""" return self._benchmark_funcs def _warm_up(self, record): (k, v), index, last_index = record return True def __str__(self): return "%d %s[%s] %s:%s" % \ (,, self.table,, self.port) class Data(object): def __init__(self, size, range_l=10000, options=None): self.__size = int(size) self.size = int(size) self.range_l = int(range_l) self.options = options self.__cursor = int(0) self.reset() def hook_reset(self): pass def hook_get_key_and_value(self, index): return (None, None) def reset(self): self.__cursor = 0 self.hook_reset() def next(self): if self.__cursor >= self.__size: raise StopIteration() item = self.hook_get_key_and_value(self.__cursor) self.__cursor += 1 return item def __next__(self): return def __len__(self): return self.__size def __iter__(self): return self class DataRecord(Data): def __init__(self, size, range_l=10000, options=None): super(DataRecord, self).__init__(size, range_l, options) def hook_get_key_and_value(self, index): key = str(index + self.range_l) return (key, key) class DataRandom(DataRecord): def __init__(self, size, range_l=10000, options=None): self.__seed = range_l + size self.__range_l = range_l self.__range_r = range_l + size * 10 self.__value = str( + " " super(DataRandom, self).__init__(size, range_l, options) def hook_get_key_and_value(self, index): return (str(random.randint(self.__range_l, self.__range_r)), self.__value + str(index)) def hook_reset(self): random.seed(self.__seed) class DataFile(DataRecord): def __init__(self, size, range_l=10000, options=None): super(DataFile, self).__init__(size, range_l, options) file_name = options.get("file", None) if file_name is None: raise Exception("require option file") with open(file_name, "r") as fp: self.lines = fp.readlines() self.size = len(self.lines) self.key = str( + " " + str(range_l) + " " def hook_get_key_and_value(self, index): return (self.key + str(index), self.lines[index % self.size]) def benchmark(theme, data, watch, func, func_hook, context): failed_counter = 0 data.reset() size = len(data) last_index = size - 1 step = size / 10 next_level = 0 __func_get_kv = data.hook_get_key_and_value __func_hook = func_hook __context = context watch.reset() if __func_hook is not None: for index in range(size): kv = __func_get_kv(index) record = (kv, index, last_index) if not func(record): failed_counter += 1 if index >= next_level: __func_hook(theme, record, __context) next_level += step if next_level > last_index: next_level = last_index else: for index in range(size): kv = __func_get_kv(index) if not func((kv, index, last_index)): failed_counter += 1 watch.stop() return failed_counter class DbBench: def __init__(self, connection, data, hook_func=None, context=None): if not issubclass(type(connection), DbConnection): raise TypeError("param 1 must be a instance of DbConnection's subclass ") if not issubclass(type(data), Data): raise TypeError("param 2 must be a instance of Data's subclass ") self.__connected = False self.conn = connection self.conn.connect() self.__connected = True = data self.__hook_func = hook_func self.__result = {} self.__context = context self.__warm_up = False if connection.options.get("w", False) is False: self.__warm_up = True def __del__(self): if self.__connected: self.conn.disconnect() def get_result(self): return self.__result def __test_func(self, func, theme): watch = StopWatch() __benchmark = benchmark m = sys.modules.get('db_bench.DbBench', None) if m and m.__file__.endswith(".so") and DataRecord == import importlib temp = importlib.import_module("db_bench.DbBenchCython") __benchmark = temp.benchmark_cython # warm up if self.__warm_up is False: self.__warm_up = True __benchmark("warmup",, watch, self.conn._warm_up, self.__hook_func, self.__context) failed_counter = __benchmark(theme,, watch, func, self.__hook_func, self.__context) cost = max(float("%.3f" % watch.seconds_float()), 0.001) self.__result[theme] = {} stat = self.__result[theme] size = len( stat["label"] = getattr(func, "label", theme) stat["sum"] = size stat["cost"] = cost stat["qps"] = float("%.3f" % (size / cost)) stat["fail"] = failed_counter def benchmark(self): funcs = DbConnection.benchmark_funcs(self.conn) for name, func in funcs.items(): self.__test_func(func, name) def process_func(msg, context): id = int(msg) multi_bar = context["bar"] options = context["options"] options.set("_id", id) def progress_bar(theme, record, context): bar, bar_index = context cur_index, last_index = record[1:] if bar.check(bar_index, cur_index + 1): bar.print_bar(bar_index, cur_index + 1, "%d %s" % (bar_index + 1, theme)) if cur_index == last_index: bar.reset(bar_index) data_count = context["data_count"] key_start = options.get("key_start") data = context["data_class"](data_count, key_start + id * data_count, options) bar_index = id - 1 semaphore = context["semaphore"] queue_startline = context["queue_startline"] conn_c = context["connection_class"] connection = conn_c(options) try: if options.get("quiet") is True: db_bench = DbBench(connection, data) else: db_bench = DbBench(connection, data, hook_func=progress_bar, context=(multi_bar, bar_index)) multi_bar.reset(id) queue_startline.put(id) semaphore.acquire() db_bench.benchmark() context["queue"].put(db_bench.get_result(), True) finally: if db_bench: del db_bench del data del connection def multi_process_bench(options, connection_class, data_class=DataRecord): if not isinstance(options, Options): raise TypeError("param options must be a instance of Options") if not issubclass(connection_class, DbConnection): raise TypeError("param connection_class must be DbConnection's subclass ") if not issubclass(data_class, Data): raise TypeError("param data_class must be Data's subclass ") processor_num = options.get("processor_num") processor_num_max = options.get("processor_num_max") record_num = options.get("record_num") record_num_max = options.get("record_num_max") if processor_num > processor_num_max: processor_num = processor_num_max print("processor_num to %d" % processor_num) if record_num > record_num_max: record_num = record_num_max print ("change record_num to %d" % record_num) count_per_processor = int(record_num / processor_num) if count_per_processor <= 0: print("count_per_processor is 0") return options.set("_id", 0) def clear(func): hook = connection_class.__dict__.get(func, None) if hook is not None: print("%s..." % func) conn = connection_class(options) conn.connect() hook(conn) conn.disconnect() clear("set_up") quiet = options.get("quiet") if quiet: bar = None else: bar = MultiBar(color=ColorPrint(36)) for i in range(processor_num): bar.append_bar(ProgressBar(count_per_processor, "processor " + str(i))) queue = Queue() semaphore = Semaphore(processor_num) options.set("_name", connection_class.__dict__.get("name", connection_class.__name__)) options.set("_count_per_processor", count_per_processor) queue_startline = Queue() context = { "data_class": data_class, "connection_class": connection_class, "data_count": count_per_processor, "bar": bar, "lock": Lock(), "queue": queue, "queue_startline": queue_startline, "semaphore": semaphore, "options": copy.deepcopy(options) } pool = MultiProcess(processor_num, process_func, context, True) # barrier lock for i in range(processor_num): semaphore.acquire() for i in range(processor_num): pool.process_msg(i + 1) for i in range(processor_num): queue_startline.get() for i in range(processor_num): semaphore.release() pool.join() clear("tear_down") result = { "stat": {}, "detail": [], "dbinfo": {"type": options.get("_name"), "host": options.get("host"), "port": options.get("port"), "table": options.get("table")}} stat = result["stat"] detail = result["detail"] try: for i in range(processor_num): msg = queue.get(True, 1) detail.append(copy.deepcopy(msg)) if len(stat) == 0: result["stat"] = msg stat = result["stat"] continue for k, v in msg.items(): target = stat[k] target["fail"] += v["fail"] target["sum"] += v["sum"] target["cost"] = max(target["cost"], v["cost"]) except: raise RuntimeError("benchmark lost, name: " + options.get("_name")) if stat is not None: for k, v in stat.items(): v["qps"] = int(v["sum"] / v["cost"]) print("%s %s" % (str(k), str(v))) out_dir = options.get("out_dir") if os.path.exists(out_dir) is False: os.mkdir(out_dir) with open("%s/benchmark_%s_%d_%d_%s.json" % (out_dir, options.get("_name").replace("_", " "), record_num, processor_num, options.get("tag", "tag")), "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(result, indent=2)) return result class ConnectionExample(DbConnection): def __init__(self, options): super(ConnectionExample, self).__init__(options) self.__client = None def connect(self): self.__client = {} def disconnect(self): self.__client = None @DbConnection.benchmark(u"测试") def null(self, record): return True def insert(self, record): k, v = record[0] self.__client[k] = v return True def search(self, record): k, v = record[0] self.__client[k] = v return self.__client.get(k) == v def update(self, record): return def delete(self, record): k, v = record[0] return self.__client.pop(k, None) is not None def clear(self): self.__client = {} def example(): option = Options() option.set("record_num", 100000) option.set("processor_num", 2) if option.parse_option() is False: return # option.set("quiet", True) print(option) result = multi_process_bench(option, ConnectionExample) print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": example()
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Marc Cluet <> # Based on code by Scott Moser <> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """ Mcollective ----------- **Summary:** install, configure and start mcollective This module installs, configures and starts mcollective. If the ``mcollective`` key is present in config, then mcollective will be installed and started. Configuration for ``mcollective`` can be specified in the ``conf`` key under ``mcollective``. Each config value consists of a key value pair and will be written to ``/etc/mcollective/server.cfg``. The ``public-cert`` and ``private-cert`` keys, if present in conf may be used to specify the public and private certificates for mcollective. Their values will be written to ``/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem`` and ``/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem``. .. note:: The ec2 metadata service is readable by non-root users. If security is a concern, use include-once and ssl urls. **Internal name:** ``cc_mcollective`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: mcollective: conf: <key>: <value> public-cert: | -------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-------- <cert data> -------END CERTIFICATE-------- private-cert: | -------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-------- <cert data> -------END CERTIFICATE-------- """ import errno import six from six import BytesIO # Used since this can maintain comments # and doesn't need a top level section from configobj import ConfigObj from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import util PUBCERT_FILE = "/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem" PRICERT_FILE = "/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem" SERVER_CFG = '/etc/mcollective/server.cfg' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def configure(config, server_cfg=SERVER_CFG, pubcert_file=PUBCERT_FILE, pricert_file=PRICERT_FILE): # Read server.cfg (if it exists) values from the # original file in order to be able to mix the rest up. try: old_contents = util.load_file(server_cfg, quiet=False, decode=False) mcollective_config = ConfigObj(BytesIO(old_contents)) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: LOG.debug("Did not find file %s (starting with an empty" " config)", server_cfg) mcollective_config = ConfigObj() for (cfg_name, cfg) in config.items(): if cfg_name == 'public-cert': util.write_file(pubcert_file, cfg, mode=0o644) mcollective_config[ 'plugin.ssl_server_public'] = pubcert_file mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl' elif cfg_name == 'private-cert': util.write_file(pricert_file, cfg, mode=0o600) mcollective_config[ 'plugin.ssl_server_private'] = pricert_file mcollective_config['securityprovider'] = 'ssl' else: if isinstance(cfg, six.string_types): # Just set it in the 'main' section mcollective_config[cfg_name] = cfg elif isinstance(cfg, (dict)): # Iterate through the config items, create a section if # it is needed and then add/or create items as needed if cfg_name not in mcollective_config.sections: mcollective_config[cfg_name] = {} for (o, v) in cfg.items(): mcollective_config[cfg_name][o] = v else: # Otherwise just try to convert it to a string mcollective_config[cfg_name] = str(cfg) try: # We got all our config as wanted we'll copy # the previous server.cfg and overwrite the old with our new one util.copy(server_cfg, "%s.old" % (server_cfg)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # Doesn't exist to copy... pass else: raise # Now we got the whole (new) file, write to disk... contents = BytesIO() mcollective_config.write(contents) util.write_file(server_cfg, contents.getvalue(), mode=0o644) def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args): # If there isn't a mcollective key in the configuration don't do anything if 'mcollective' not in cfg: log.debug(("Skipping module named %s, " "no 'mcollective' key in configuration"), name) return mcollective_cfg = cfg['mcollective'] # Start by installing the mcollective package ... cloud.distro.install_packages(("mcollective",)) # ... and then update the mcollective configuration if 'conf' in mcollective_cfg: configure(config=mcollective_cfg['conf']) # restart mcollective to handle updated config util.subp(['service', 'mcollective', 'restart'], capture=False) # vi: ts=4 expandtab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import unittest from pathlib import Path import nbformat import pandas as pd import pytest from nbconvert.preprocessors import CellExecutionError, ExecutePreprocessor from msticpy.analysis.timeseries import timeseries_anomalies_stl _NB_FOLDER = "docs/notebooks" _NB_NAME = "TimeSeriesAnomaliesVisualization.ipynb" _test_data_folders = [ d for d, _, _ in os.walk(os.getcwd()) if d.endswith("/docs/notebooks/data") ] if len(_test_data_folders) == 1: _TEST_DATA = _test_data_folders[0] else: _TEST_DATA = "./docs/notebooks/data" class TestTimeSeries(unittest.TestCase): """Unit test class.""" def setUp(self): input_file = os.path.join(_TEST_DATA, "TimeSeriesDemo.csv") self.input_df = pd.read_csv( input_file, index_col=["TimeGenerated"], usecols=["TimeGenerated", "TotalBytesSent"], ) def test_timeseries_anomalies_stl(self): out_df = timeseries_anomalies_stl(data=self.input_df) self.assertIn("residual", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("trend", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("seasonal", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("weights", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("baseline", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("score", out_df.columns) self.assertIn("anomalies", out_df.columns) self.assertGreater(len(out_df[out_df["anomalies"] == 1]), 0) @pytest.mark.skipif( not os.environ.get("MSTICPY_TEST_NOSKIP"), reason="Skipped for local tests." ) def test_timeseries_controls(self): nb_path = Path(_NB_FOLDER).joinpath(_NB_NAME) abs_path = Path(_NB_FOLDER).absolute() with open(nb_path) as f: nb =, as_version=4) ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name="python3") try: ep.preprocess(nb, {"metadata": {"path": abs_path}}) except CellExecutionError: nb_err = str(nb_path).replace(".ipynb", "-err.ipynb") msg = f"Error executing the notebook '{nb_path}'.\n" msg += f"See notebook '{nb_err}' for the traceback." print(msg) with open(nb_err, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: nbformat.write(nb, f) raise
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Command for removing health checks from target pools.""" from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute import base_classes from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.compute import flags as compute_flags from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.compute.http_health_checks import ( flags as http_health_check_flags) from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.compute.target_pools import flags class RemoveHealthChecks(base_classes.NoOutputAsyncMutator): """Remove an HTTP health check from a target pool. *{command}* is used to remove an HTTP health check from a target pool. Health checks are used to determine the health status of instances in the target pool. For more information on health checks and load balancing, see []( """ HEALTH_CHECK_ARG = None TARGET_POOL_ARG = None @classmethod def Args(cls, parser): cls.HEALTH_CHECK_ARG = ( http_health_check_flags.HttpHealthCheckArgumentForTargetPool( 'remove from')) cls.HEALTH_CHECK_ARG.AddArgument(parser) cls.TARGET_POOL_ARG = flags.TargetPoolArgument( help_suffix=' from which to remove the health check.') cls.TARGET_POOL_ARG.AddArgument( parser, operation_type='remove health checks from') @property def service(self): return self.compute.targetPools @property def method(self): return 'RemoveHealthCheck' @property def resource_type(self): return 'targetPools' def CreateRequests(self, args): http_health_check_ref = self.HEALTH_CHECK_ARG.ResolveAsResource( args, self.resources) target_pool_ref = self.TARGET_POOL_ARG.ResolveAsResource( args, self.resources, scope_lister=compute_flags.GetDefaultScopeLister(self.compute_client, self.project)) request = self.messages.ComputeTargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest( region=target_pool_ref.region, project=self.project, targetPool=target_pool_ref.Name(), targetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest=( self.messages.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest( healthChecks=[self.messages.HealthCheckReference( healthCheck=http_health_check_ref.SelfLink())]))) return [request]
from subprocess import call import shutil import simplejson from collections import OrderedDict import os import sys # this is almost done but there is something wrong with the # updating of the package.json file ## Helpers # performs git clone into a new directory def _clone_mkdir(git_url, new_name): hole_path = git_url + ' ' + new_name call('git clone '+ hole_path, shell=True) def _remove_git(new_name): git_path = new_name + '/.git' shutil.rmtree(git_path) def _prep_json(path): # overkill but I was having issues. The following steps load and clean up # the package.json string before loading it into simplejson json_file = open(path, 'r+') f = g = f.split('\n') for i, item in enumerate(g): print item print item.strip() g[i] = item.strip() together = ''.join(g) # load json into as an OrderedDict to retain original order return simplejson.loads(together, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # object to collect appropriate data and to then use it class Boil(object): def _keywords(pack_keys): if ',' in pack_keys: return pack_keys.split(',') else: return pack_keys.split() @classmethod def git_clone(cls, git_url, new_name): _clone_mkdir(git_url, new_name) _remove_git(new_name) @classmethod def cleanup_packagejson(cls, new_name, author, description, version, license, pack_keys): # package.json path pack_path = new_name + '/package.json' data = _prep_json(pack_path) # update feilds. Need to update keywords data["name"] = new_name data["author"] = author data["description"] = description data["version"] = version data["license"] = license data["keywords"] = self._keywords(pack_keys) # convert OrderedDict into a json string outfile = simplejson.dumps(data, indent=4) # remove old package.json and create/write a new one os.remove(pack_path) new_pack = open(pack_path, 'w') new_pack.write(outfile) new_pack.close() @classmethod def remove_licence(cls, new_name): license_path = new_name + '/LICENCE' try: os.remove(license_path) except: print('Something went wrong when removing the license! Can\'t tell what?') sys.exit(0) # quit Python @classmethod def clean_readme(cls, new_name): readme_path = new_name + '/' # readme_path = 'new-JS' + '/' try: os.remove(readme_path) readme = open(readme_path,'w') readme.close() except: print('Something went wrong when updating the readme! Can\'t tell what?') sys.exit(0) # quit Python
from __future__ import division from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, fromstr from mobiletrans.mtlocation import models from mobiletrans.mtdistmap.cta_conn import load_transitnetwork from mobiletrans.mtdistmap.transit_network import Path def distance_to_time(distance, unit="m", units_per_min=60): return_value = getattr(distance, unit) * (1 / units_per_min ) return return_value class RoutePlanner(object): def __init__(self, tn, unit="m", units_per_min=60, max_distance=1500, num_routes=2): = tn self.unit = unit self.units_per_min = units_per_min self.max_distance = max_distance self.num_routes = num_routes def get_distance_dict(self): return {self.unit:self.max_distance} def fastest_route_from_point(self, point, station_id): distance_dict=self.get_distance_dict() stations = models.TransitStop.objects.filter(location_type=1).get_closest_x(point, distance_dict, number=self.num_routes ) paths = [] for station in stations: path =, station_id) if path: walking_distance = station.distance walking_time = distance_to_time(walking_distance, self.unit, self.max_distance) new_path = Path(, ["walk_%s" % (walking_time)] + path.stops, path.total_time + walking_time ) paths.append(new_path) sorted(paths, key=lambda x:x.total_time) return paths """ from mobiletrans.mtdistmap.cta_conn import load_transitnetwork from mobiletrans.mtdistmap.route_planner import RoutePlanner from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, fromstr from_point = fromstr('POINT(%s %s)' % ("-87.66638826", "41.96182144")) #from_point = GPlace.objects.get(name__icontains='Precious Blood Church') tn = load_transitnetwork() t = RoutePlanner(tn) p = t.fastest_route_from_point(from_point, '41320') """
# # Copyright (c), 2016-2020, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies). # All rights reserved. # This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. # See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present # distribution, or # # @author Davide Brunato <> # """ This module defines Unicode character categories and blocks. """ from sys import maxunicode from import Iterable, MutableSet from .unicode_categories import RAW_UNICODE_CATEGORIES from .codepoints import code_point_order, code_point_repr, iter_code_points, get_code_point_range class RegexError(Exception): """ Error in a regular expression or in a character class specification. This exception is derived from `Exception` base class and is raised only by the regex subpackage. """ def iterparse_character_subset(s, expand_ranges=False): """ Parses a regex character subset, generating a sequence of code points and code points ranges. An unescaped hyphen (-) that is not at the start or at the and is interpreted as range specifier. :param s: a string representing the character subset. :param expand_ranges: if set to `True` then expands character ranges. :return: yields integers or couples of integers. """ escaped = False on_range = False char = None length = len(s) subset_index_iterator = iter(range(len(s))) for k in subset_index_iterator: if k == 0: char = s[0] if char == '\\': escaped = True elif char in r'[]' and length > 1: raise RegexError("bad character %r at position 0" % char) elif expand_ranges: yield ord(char) elif length <= 2 or s[1] != '-': yield ord(char) elif s[k] == '-': if escaped or (k == length - 1): char = s[k] yield ord(char) escaped = False elif on_range: char = s[k] yield ord(char) on_range = False else: # Parse character range on_range = True k = next(subset_index_iterator) end_char = s[k] if end_char == '\\' and (k < length - 1): if s[k + 1] in r'-|.^?*+{}()[]': k = next(subset_index_iterator) end_char = s[k] elif s[k + 1] in r'sSdDiIcCwWpP': msg = "bad character range '%s-\\%s' at position %d: %r" raise RegexError(msg % (char, s[k + 1], k - 2, s)) if ord(char) > ord(end_char): msg = "bad character range '%s-%s' at position %d: %r" raise RegexError(msg % (char, end_char, k - 2, s)) elif expand_ranges: yield from range(ord(char) + 1, ord(end_char) + 1) else: yield ord(char), ord(end_char) + 1 elif s[k] in r'|.^?*+{}()': if escaped: escaped = False on_range = False char = s[k] yield ord(char) elif s[k] in r'[]': if not escaped and length > 1: raise RegexError("bad character %r at position %d" % (s[k], k)) escaped = on_range = False char = s[k] if k >= length - 2 or s[k + 1] != '-': yield ord(char) elif s[k] == '\\': if escaped: escaped = on_range = False char = '\\' yield ord(char) else: escaped = True else: if escaped: escaped = False yield ord('\\') on_range = False char = s[k] if k >= length - 2 or s[k + 1] != '-': yield ord(char) if escaped: yield ord('\\') class UnicodeSubset(MutableSet): """ Represents a subset of Unicode code points, implemented with an ordered list of integer values and ranges. Codepoints can be added or discarded using sequences of integer values and ranges or with strings equivalent to regex character set. :param codepoints: a sequence of integer values and ranges, another UnicodeSubset \ instance ora a string equivalent of a regex character set. """ __slots__ = '_codepoints', def __init__(self, codepoints=None): if not codepoints: self._codepoints = list() elif isinstance(codepoints, list): self._codepoints = sorted(codepoints, key=code_point_order) elif isinstance(codepoints, UnicodeSubset): self._codepoints = codepoints.codepoints.copy() else: self._codepoints = list() self.update(codepoints) @property def codepoints(self): return self._codepoints def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __str__(self): return ''.join(code_point_repr(cp) for cp in self._codepoints) def copy(self): return self.__copy__() def __copy__(self): return UnicodeSubset(self._codepoints) def __reversed__(self): for item in reversed(self._codepoints): if isinstance(item, int): yield item else: yield from reversed(range(item[0], item[1])) def complement(self): last_cp = 0 for cp in self._codepoints: if isinstance(cp, int): cp = cp, cp + 1 diff = cp[0] - last_cp if diff > 2: yield last_cp, cp[0] elif diff == 2: yield last_cp yield last_cp + 1 elif diff == 1: yield last_cp elif diff: raise ValueError("unordered code points found in {!r}".format(self)) last_cp = cp[1] if last_cp < maxunicode: yield last_cp, maxunicode + 1 elif last_cp == maxunicode: yield maxunicode def iter_characters(self): return map(chr, self.__iter__()) # # MutableSet's abstract methods implementation def __contains__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): try: value = ord(value) except TypeError: return False for cp in self._codepoints: if not isinstance(cp, int): if cp[0] > value: return False elif cp[1] <= value: continue else: return True elif cp > value: return False elif cp == value: return True return False def __iter__(self): for cp in self._codepoints: if isinstance(cp, int): yield cp else: yield from range(*cp) def __len__(self): k = 0 for _ in self: k += 1 return k def update(self, *others): for value in others: if isinstance(value, str): for cp in iter_code_points(iterparse_character_subset(value), reverse=True): self.add(cp) else: for cp in iter_code_points(value, reverse=True): self.add(cp) def add(self, value): try: start_value, end_value = get_code_point_range(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a Unicode code point value/range".format(value)) code_points = self._codepoints last_index = len(code_points) - 1 for k, cp in enumerate(code_points): if isinstance(cp, int): cp = cp, cp + 1 if end_value < cp[0]: code_points.insert(k, value if isinstance(value, int) else tuple(value)) elif start_value > cp[1]: continue elif end_value > cp[1]: if k == last_index: code_points[k] = min(cp[0], start_value), end_value else: next_cp = code_points[k + 1] higher_bound = next_cp if isinstance(next_cp, int) else next_cp[0] if end_value <= higher_bound: code_points[k] = min(cp[0], start_value), end_value else: code_points[k] = min(cp[0], start_value), higher_bound start_value = higher_bound continue elif start_value < cp[0]: code_points[k] = start_value, cp[1] break else: self._codepoints.append(tuple(value) if isinstance(value, list) else value) def difference_update(self, *others): for value in others: if isinstance(value, str): for cp in iter_code_points(iterparse_character_subset(value), reverse=True): self.discard(cp) else: for cp in iter_code_points(value, reverse=True): self.discard(cp) def discard(self, value): try: start_cp, end_cp = get_code_point_range(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a Unicode code point value/range".format(value)) code_points = self._codepoints for k in reversed(range(len(code_points))): cp = code_points[k] if isinstance(cp, int): cp = cp, cp + 1 if start_cp >= cp[1]: break elif end_cp >= cp[1]: if start_cp <= cp[0]: del code_points[k] elif start_cp - cp[0] > 1: code_points[k] = cp[0], start_cp else: code_points[k] = cp[0] elif end_cp > cp[0]: if start_cp <= cp[0]: if cp[1] - end_cp > 1: code_points[k] = end_cp, cp[1] else: code_points[k] = cp[1] - 1 else: if cp[1] - end_cp > 1: code_points.insert(k + 1, (end_cp, cp[1])) else: code_points.insert(k + 1, cp[1] - 1) if start_cp - cp[0] > 1: code_points[k] = cp[0], start_cp else: code_points[k] = cp[0] # # MutableSet's mixin methods override def clear(self): del self._codepoints[:] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Iterable): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, UnicodeSubset): return self._codepoints == other._codepoints else: return self._codepoints == other def __ior__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Iterable): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, UnicodeSubset): other = reversed(other._codepoints) elif isinstance(other, str): other = reversed(UnicodeSubset(other)._codepoints) else: other = iter_code_points(other, reverse=True) for cp in other: self.add(cp) return self def __isub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Iterable): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, UnicodeSubset): other = reversed(other._codepoints) elif isinstance(other, str): other = reversed(UnicodeSubset(other)._codepoints) else: other = iter_code_points(other, reverse=True) for cp in other: self.discard(cp) return self def __sub__(self, other): obj = self.copy() return obj.__isub__(other) __rsub__ = __sub__ def __iand__(self, other): for value in (self - other): self.discard(value) return self def __ixor__(self, other): if other is self: self.clear() return self elif not isinstance(other, Iterable): return NotImplemented elif not isinstance(other, UnicodeSubset): other = UnicodeSubset(other) for value in other: if value in self: self.discard(value) else: self.add(value) return self UNICODE_CATEGORIES = {k: UnicodeSubset(v) for k, v in RAW_UNICODE_CATEGORIES.items()} # See UNICODE_BLOCKS = { 'IsBasicLatin': UnicodeSubset('\u0000-\u007F'), 'IsLatin-1Supplement': UnicodeSubset('\u0080-\u00FF'), 'IsLatinExtended-A': UnicodeSubset('\u0100-\u017F'), 'IsLatinExtended-B': UnicodeSubset('\u0180-\u024F'), 'IsIPAExtensions': UnicodeSubset('\u0250-\u02AF'), 'IsSpacingModifierLetters': UnicodeSubset('\u02B0-\u02FF'), 'IsCombiningDiacriticalMarks': UnicodeSubset('\u0300-\u036F'), 'IsGreek': UnicodeSubset('\u0370-\u03FF'), 'IsCyrillic': UnicodeSubset('\u0400-\u04FF'), 'IsArmenian': UnicodeSubset('\u0530-\u058F'), 'IsHebrew': UnicodeSubset('\u0590-\u05FF'), 'IsArabic': UnicodeSubset('\u0600-\u06FF'), 'IsSyriac': UnicodeSubset('\u0700-\u074F'), 'IsThaana': UnicodeSubset('\u0780-\u07BF'), 'IsDevanagari': UnicodeSubset('\u0900-\u097F'), 'IsBengali': UnicodeSubset('\u0980-\u09FF'), 'IsGurmukhi': UnicodeSubset('\u0A00-\u0A7F'), 'IsGujarati': UnicodeSubset('\u0A80-\u0AFF'), 'IsOriya': UnicodeSubset('\u0B00-\u0B7F'), 'IsTamil': UnicodeSubset('\u0B80-\u0BFF'), 'IsTelugu': UnicodeSubset('\u0C00-\u0C7F'), 'IsKannada': UnicodeSubset('\u0C80-\u0CFF'), 'IsMalayalam': UnicodeSubset('\u0D00-\u0D7F'), 'IsSinhala': UnicodeSubset('\u0D80-\u0DFF'), 'IsThai': UnicodeSubset('\u0E00-\u0E7F'), 'IsLao': UnicodeSubset('\u0E80-\u0EFF'), 'IsTibetan': UnicodeSubset('\u0F00-\u0FFF'), 'IsMyanmar': UnicodeSubset('\u1000-\u109F'), 'IsGeorgian': UnicodeSubset('\u10A0-\u10FF'), 'IsHangulJamo': UnicodeSubset('\u1100-\u11FF'), 'IsEthiopic': UnicodeSubset('\u1200-\u137F'), 'IsCherokee': UnicodeSubset('\u13A0-\u13FF'), 'IsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics': UnicodeSubset('\u1400-\u167F'), 'IsOgham': UnicodeSubset('\u1680-\u169F'), 'IsRunic': UnicodeSubset('\u16A0-\u16FF'), 'IsKhmer': UnicodeSubset('\u1780-\u17FF'), 'IsMongolian': UnicodeSubset('\u1800-\u18AF'), 'IsLatinExtendedAdditional': UnicodeSubset('\u1E00-\u1EFF'), 'IsGreekExtended': UnicodeSubset('\u1F00-\u1FFF'), 'IsGeneralPunctuation': UnicodeSubset('\u2000-\u206F'), 'IsSuperscriptsandSubscripts': UnicodeSubset('\u2070-\u209F'), 'IsCurrencySymbols': UnicodeSubset('\u20A0-\u20CF'), 'IsCombiningMarksforSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\u20D0-\u20FF'), 'IsLetterlikeSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\u2100-\u214F'), 'IsNumberForms': UnicodeSubset('\u2150-\u218F'), 'IsArrows': UnicodeSubset('\u2190-\u21FF'), 'IsMathematicalOperators': UnicodeSubset('\u2200-\u22FF'), 'IsMiscellaneousTechnical': UnicodeSubset('\u2300-\u23FF'), 'IsControlPictures': UnicodeSubset('\u2400-\u243F'), 'IsOpticalCharacterRecognition': UnicodeSubset('\u2440-\u245F'), 'IsEnclosedAlphanumerics': UnicodeSubset('\u2460-\u24FF'), 'IsBoxDrawing': UnicodeSubset('\u2500-\u257F'), 'IsBlockElements': UnicodeSubset('\u2580-\u259F'), 'IsGeometricShapes': UnicodeSubset('\u25A0-\u25FF'), 'IsMiscellaneousSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\u2600-\u26FF'), 'IsDingbats': UnicodeSubset('\u2700-\u27BF'), 'IsBraillePatterns': UnicodeSubset('\u2800-\u28FF'), 'IsCJKRadicalsSupplement': UnicodeSubset('\u2E80-\u2EFF'), 'IsKangxiRadicals': UnicodeSubset('\u2F00-\u2FDF'), 'IsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters': UnicodeSubset('\u2FF0-\u2FFF'), 'IsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation': UnicodeSubset('\u3000-\u303F'), 'IsHiragana': UnicodeSubset('\u3040-\u309F'), 'IsKatakana': UnicodeSubset('\u30A0-\u30FF'), 'IsBopomofo': UnicodeSubset('\u3100-\u312F'), 'IsHangulCompatibilityJamo': UnicodeSubset('\u3130-\u318F'), 'IsKanbun': UnicodeSubset('\u3190-\u319F'), 'IsBopomofoExtended': UnicodeSubset('\u31A0-\u31BF'), 'IsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths': UnicodeSubset('\u3200-\u32FF'), 'IsCJKCompatibility': UnicodeSubset('\u3300-\u33FF'), 'IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA': UnicodeSubset('\u3400-\u4DB5'), 'IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs': UnicodeSubset('\u4E00-\u9FFF'), 'IsYiSyllables': UnicodeSubset('\uA000-\uA48F'), 'IsYiRadicals': UnicodeSubset('\uA490-\uA4CF'), 'IsHangulSyllables': UnicodeSubset('\uAC00-\uD7A3'), 'IsHighSurrogates': UnicodeSubset('\uD800-\uDB7F'), 'IsHighPrivateUseSurrogates': UnicodeSubset('\uDB80-\uDBFF'), 'IsLowSurrogates': UnicodeSubset('\uDC00-\uDFFF'), 'IsPrivateUse': UnicodeSubset('\uE000-\uF8FF\U000F0000-\U000FFFFF\U00100000-\U0010FFFF'), 'IsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs': UnicodeSubset('\uF900-\uFAFF'), 'IsAlphabeticPresentationForms': UnicodeSubset('\uFB00-\uFB4F'), 'IsArabicPresentationForms-A': UnicodeSubset('\uFB50-\uFDFF'), 'IsCombiningHalfMarks': UnicodeSubset('\uFE20-\uFE2F'), 'IsCJKCompatibilityForms': UnicodeSubset('\uFE30-\uFE4F'), 'IsSmallFormVariants': UnicodeSubset('\uFE50-\uFE6F'), 'IsArabicPresentationForms-B': UnicodeSubset('\uFE70-\uFEFE'), 'IsSpecials': UnicodeSubset('\uFEFF\uFFF0-\uFFFD'), 'IsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms': UnicodeSubset('\uFF00-\uFFEF'), 'IsOldItalic': UnicodeSubset('\U00010300-\U0001032F'), 'IsGothic': UnicodeSubset('\U00010330-\U0001034F'), 'IsDeseret': UnicodeSubset('\U00010400-\U0001044F'), 'IsByzantineMusicalSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\U0001D000-\U0001D0FF'), 'IsMusicalSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\U0001D100-\U0001D1FF'), 'IsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols': UnicodeSubset('\U0001D400-\U0001D7FF'), 'IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB': UnicodeSubset('\U00020000-\U0002A6D6'), 'IsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement': UnicodeSubset('\U0002F800-\U0002FA1F'), 'IsTags': UnicodeSubset('\U000E0000-\U000E007F'), } UNICODE_BLOCKS['IsPrivateUse'].update('\U000F0000-\U0010FFFD'), def unicode_subset(name): if name.startswith('Is'): try: return UNICODE_BLOCKS[name] except KeyError: raise RegexError("%r doesn't match to any Unicode block." % name) else: try: return UNICODE_CATEGORIES[name] except KeyError: raise RegexError("%r doesn't match to any Unicode category." % name)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'nickl-' __all__ = ('Npm', ) from string import strip from re import match, sub from aero.__version__ import __version__,enc from .base import BaseAdapter class Npm(BaseAdapter): """ Node package manager adapter. """ def search(self, query): response = self.command('search -q', query)[0].decode(*enc) lst = list( self.__parse_search(line) for line in response.splitlines() if 'npm http' not in line and not bool(match( '^NAME\s+DESCRIPTION\s+AUTHOR\s+DATE\s+KEYWORDS', line )) ) if lst: return dict([(k, v) for k, v in lst if k != 0]) return {} def __parse_search(self, result): r = match( '^([A-Za-z0-9\-]*)\s+(\w.*)=(.+)\s+(\d\d\d\d[\d\-: ]*)\s*?(\w?.*?)$', result ) if r and len(r.groups()) == 5: r = map(strip, list(r.groups())) pkg = self.package_name(r.pop(0)) return pkg, r[2] + '\n' + r[0] return 0, 0 def install(self, query): return'install', query, ['--global']) def info(self, query): response = self.command('view', query)[0].decode(*enc) try: import json r = json.loads(sub("'", '"', sub('\s(\w+):', r' "\1":', response.strip()))) response = [] for k in sorted(r): if isinstance(r[k], dict): r[k] = '\n'.join([': '.join(list(l)) for l in r[k].items()]) elif isinstance(r[k], list): r[k] = ', '.join(r[k]) if r[k]: response.append((k, str(r[k]))) return response except ValueError: return ['Aborted: No info available']
""" this file contains the definitions of the functions used to answer the questions of exercise 2.1 of PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS to execute these functions, one first needs to import a few libraries as listed at the beginning of the file as well as this file. the functions can then be called as explained in the file the functions defined here can be modified. In that case, is is necessary, before using the modified version, to do "reload(ex1_1)" from the terminal sometimes this does not work well. it is then recommended to quit python (ctrl D) and enter again (ipython --pylab) """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyneb as pn from pyneb.utils.misc import parseAtom #pn.atomicData.setDataFile('cl_iii_atom_M83-KS86.fits') def p1(ion): # split ion into elem and spec, e.g 'O3' into 'O' and 3 elem, spec = parseAtom(ion) # instanciate the corresponding Atom object atom = pn.Atom(elem, spec) # print information including transition probabilities #atom.printIonic(printA = True) # prepare a new figure plt.figure() # plot energy levels atom.plotGrotrian() def p2(diag): # get the ion, and diagnostic description from the dictionary: ion, diag_eval, err = pn.diags_dict[diag] # split ion into elem and spec, e.g 'O3' into 'O' and 3 elem, spec = parseAtom(ion) # prepare a new figure plt.figure() # create a grid of emissivities #NB: one can use a pypic file containing all the emissivities, if already made # in that case set restore_file to the name of the pypic file. grid = pn.EmisGrid(elem, spec, restore_file=None, OmegaInterp='Linear') # plot the contours grid.plotContours(to_eval=diag_eval, low_level=None, high_level=None, n_levels=20, linestyles='-', clabels=True, log_levels=True, title='{0} {1}'.format(ion, diag_eval)) # save the plot into pdf files plt.savefig('{0}_{1}.pdf'.format(ion, diag_eval.replace('/', '_'))) # the following is to plot all the possible diagnostic ratiios available in pyneb def plot_all(save=False): pn.log_.level=1 AA = pn.getAtomDict(OmegaInterp='Linear') for diag in pn.diags_dict: atom, diag_eval, err = pn.diags_dict[diag] if atom in AA: plt.figure() grid = pn.EmisGrid(atomObj=AA[atom]) grid.plotContours(to_eval=diag_eval) if save: plt.savefig('{0}_{1}.pdf'.format(atom, diag_eval.replace('/', '_')))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """\ This is a python port of "Goose" orignialy licensed to under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Python port was written by Xavier Grangier for Recrutae licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from goose.images.image import Image import re class ImageExtractor(object): def __init__(self, config, article): self.article = article self.config = config self.parser = self.config.get_parser() def get_images(self, top_node): return self.get_opengraph_tags() + self.get_content_images(top_node) def get_opengraph_tags(self): node = self.article.raw_doc meta = self.parser.getElementsByTag(node, tag='meta', attr='property', value='og:image') images = [] for item in meta: if self.parser.getAttribute(item, attr='property') == 'og:image': src = self.parser.getAttribute(item, attr='content') if src: images.append(self.from_image_node_to_image(item, src)) return images def get_content_images(self, top_node): images = [] image_nodes = self.parser.getElementsByTag(top_node, tag='img') for image_node in image_nodes: image = self.from_image_node_to_image(image_node) images.append(image) return images def from_image_node_to_image(self, image_node, src=None): image = Image() if src: image.src = src else: image.src = self.parser.getAttribute(image_node, 'src') image.width = self.size_to_int(image_node, 'width') image.height = self.size_to_int(image_node, 'height') return image def size_to_int(self, image_node, attribute_name): size = self.parser.getAttribute(image_node, attribute_name) if size is None: return None digits_only = re.sub("\D", "", size) if len(digits_only) is 0: return None return int(digits_only)
#!/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" Program name: Author: Bernardo Gomez/Alex Cooper Date: june, 2016 Purpose: """ import os import sys import re import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as elementTree def get_item_info(result_node,id_list): outcome=1 try: rows=result_node.findall("Row") except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find Rows."+"\n") return id_list,outcome mms_id="" item_creation="" item_modification="" item_status="" timestamp="" process_type="" receiving_date="" barcode="" holding_id="" item_id="" for this_row in rows: item_row="" try: this_node=this_row.find("Column1") mms_id=str(this_node.text) except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find Column1."+"\n") return id_list,outcome try: this_node=this_row.find("Column2") active_date=str(this_node.text) except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find Column2."+"\n") return id_list,outcome item_row=str(mms_id) id_list.append(item_row) return id_list,0 def get_record_ids(result_node,id_list): outcome=1 try: rows=result_node.findall("Row") except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find Rows."+"\n") return id_list,outcome for this_row in rows: try: id_node=this_row.find("Column3") id_list.append(str(id_node.text)) except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find Column3."+"\n") return id_list,outcome return id_list,0 def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("system failure. configuration file is missing."+"\n") return 1 try: configuration=open(sys.argv[1], 'Ur') except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't open configuration file "+sys.argv[1]+"\n") return 1 pat=re.compile("(.*?)=(.*)") for line in configuration: line=line.rstrip("\n") m=pat.match(line) if m: if == "url": if == "path": if == "apikey": if == "limit": configuration.close() in_string="" outcome=1 payload={'apikey':apikey,'path':path,'limit':limit} try: r=requests.get(url,params=payload) except: sys.stderr.write("api request failed."+"\n") return [],outcome return_code=r.status_code if return_code == 200: response=r.content else: sys.stderr.write("FAILED(1)\n") response=r.content sys.stderr.write(str(response)+"\n") return 1 in_string=response in_string=in_string.replace("\n","") in_string=in_string.replace(" xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset\"","") try: tree=elementTree.fromstring(in_string) except: sys.stderr.write("parse failed(1)."+"\n") return outcome try: finished=tree.find("QueryResult/IsFinished") except: sys.stderr.write("parse failed(2)."+"\n") return outcome id_list=[] if finished.text == "false": try: token=tree.find("QueryResult/ResumptionToken") except: sys.stderr.write("parse failed(3)."+"\n") return outcome this_token=str(token.text) id_list=[] sys.stderr.write(str(url)+" "+str(apikey)+" "+this_token+" "+str(id_list)+" "+limit+"\n") try: result_node=tree.find("QueryResult/ResultXml/rowset") except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find rowset."+"\n") return outcome id_list,outcome=get_item_info(result_node,id_list) work_to_do=True outcome=1 while work_to_do: payload={'apikey':apikey,'token':this_token,'limit':limit} try: r=requests.get(url,params=payload) except: sys.stderr.write("api request failed."+"\n") return outcome return_code=r.status_code if return_code == 200: response=r.content else: sys.stderr.write("FAILED(2)\n") response=r.content sys.stderr.write(str(response)+"\n") return outcome in_string=response in_string=in_string.replace("\n","") in_string=in_string.replace(" xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset\"","") try: tree=elementTree.fromstring(in_string) except: sys.stderr.write("parse failed(1)."+"\n") return outcome try: finished=tree.find("QueryResult/IsFinished") except: sys.stderr.write("parse failed(2)."+"\n") return outcome if finished.text == "true": work_to_do=False try: result_node=tree.find("QueryResult/ResultXml/rowset") # print result_node except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find rowset."+"\n") return outcome id_list,outcome=get_item_info(result_node,id_list) else: try: result_node=tree.find("QueryResult/ResultXml/rowset") except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't find rowset."+"\n") return outcome id_list,outcome=get_item_info(result_node,id_list) for id in id_list: print str(id) return 0 if __name__=="__main__": sys.exit(main())
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from builtins import input import sys import pmagpy.pmag as pmag def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Allows user to specify acceptance criteria, saves them in pmag_criteria.txt SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f IFILE, reads in existing criteria -F OFILE, writes to pmag_criteria format file DEFAULTS IFILE: pmag_criteria.txt OFILE: pmag_criteria.txt OUTPUT creates a pmag_criteria.txt formatted output file """ infile,critout="","pmag_criteria.txt" # parse command line options if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') infile=sys.argv[ind+1] crit_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(infile) if file_type!='pmag_criteria': print('bad input file') print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() print("Acceptance criteria read in from ", infile) if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') critout=sys.argv[ind+1] Dcrit,Icrit,nocrit=0,0,0 custom='1' crit=input(" [0] Use no acceptance criteria?\n [1] Use default criteria\n [2] customize criteria \n ") if crit=='0': print('Very very loose criteria saved in ',critout) crit_data=pmag.default_criteria(1) pmag.magic_write(critout,crit_data,'pmag_criteria') sys.exit() crit_data=pmag.default_criteria(0) if crit=='1': print('Default criteria saved in ',critout) pmag.magic_write(critout,crit_data,'pmag_criteria') sys.exit() CritRec=crit_data[0] crit_keys=list(CritRec.keys()) crit_keys.sort() print("Enter new threshold value.\n Return to keep default.\n Leave blank to not use as a criterion\n ") for key in crit_keys: if key!='pmag_criteria_code' and key!='er_citation_names' and key!='criteria_definition' and CritRec[key]!="": print(key, CritRec[key]) new=input('new value: ') if new != "": CritRec[key]=(new) pmag.magic_write(critout,[CritRec],'pmag_criteria') print("Criteria saved in pmag_criteria.txt") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import os import collections import numpy import operator import math import dateutil.parser from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from nupic_studio import getInstantiatedClass from nupic_studio.ui import Global from nupic_studio.htm import maxPreviousSteps, maxFutureSteps, maxPreviousStepsWithInference from nupic_studio.htm.node import Node, NodeType from nupic_studio.htm.bit import Bit from nupic_studio.htm.encoding import FieldDataType from nupic.encoders import MultiEncoder from import FileRecordStream class DataSourceType: """ Types of data sources which a sensor gets inputs. """ file = 1 database = 2 class PredictionsMethod: """ Methods used to get predicted values and their probabilities """ reconstruction = "Reconstruction" classification = "Classification" class Sensor(Node): """ A super class only to group properties related to sensors. """ #region Constructor def __init__(self, name): """ Initializes a new instance of this class. """ Node.__init__(self, name, NodeType.sensor) #region Instance fields self.bits = [] """An array of the bit objects that compose the current output of this node.""" self.dataSource = None """Data source which provides records to fed into a region.""" self.dataSourceType = DataSourceType.file """Type of the data source (File or Database)""" self.fileName = '' """The input file name to be handled. Returns the input file name only if it is in the project directory, full path otherwise.""" self.databaseConnectionString = "" """Connection string of the database.""" self.databaseTable = '' """Target table of the database.""" self.encoder = None """Multi-encoder which concatenate sub-encodings to convert raw data to htm input and vice-versa.""" self.encodings = [] """List of sub-encodings that handles the input from database""" self.predictionsMethod = PredictionsMethod.reconstruction """Method used to get predicted values and their probabilities.""" self.enableClassificationLearning = True """Switch for classification learning""" self.enableClassificationInference = True """Switch for classification inference""" #endregion #region Statistics properties self.statsPrecisionRate = 0. #endregion #endregion #region Methods def getBit(self, x, y): """ Return the bit located at given position """ bit = self.bits[(y * self.width) + x] return bit def initialize(self): """ Initialize this node. """ Node.initialize(self) # Initialize input bits self.bits = [] for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): bit = Bit() bit.x = x bit.y = y self.bits.append(bit) if self.dataSourceType == DataSourceType.file: """ Initialize this node opening the file and place cursor on the first record. """ # If file name provided is a relative path, use project file path if self.fileName != '' and os.path.dirname(self.fileName) == '': fullFileName = os.path.dirname(Global.project.fileName) + '/' + self.fileName else: fullFileName = self.fileName # Check if file really exists if not os.path.isfile(fullFileName): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", "Input stream file '" + fullFileName + "' was not found or specified.", QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) return # Create a data source for read the file self.dataSource = FileRecordStream(fullFileName) elif self.dataSourceType == DataSourceType.database: pass self.encoder = MultiEncoder() for encoding in self.encodings: encoding.initialize() # Create an instance class for an encoder given its module, class and constructor params encoding.encoder = getInstantiatedClass(encoding.encoderModule, encoding.encoderClass, encoding.encoderParams) # Take the first part of encoder field name as encoder name # Ex: timestamp_weekend.weekend => timestamp_weekend = encoding.encoderFieldName.split('.')[0] # Add sub-encoder to multi-encoder list self.encoder.addEncoder(encoding.dataSourceFieldName, encoding.encoder) # If encoder size is not the same to sensor size then throws exception encoderSize = self.encoder.getWidth() sensorSize = self.width * self.height if encoderSize > sensorSize: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", "'" + + "': Encoder size (" + str(encoderSize) + ") is different from sensor size (" + str(self.width) + " x " + str(self.height) + " = " + str(sensorSize) + ").", QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) return return True def nextStep(self): """ Performs actions related to time step progression. """ # Update states machine by remove the first element and add a new element in the end for encoding in self.encodings: encoding.currentValue.rotate() if encoding.enableInference: encoding.predictedValues.rotate() encoding.bestPredictedValue.rotate() Node.nextStep(self) for bit in self.bits: bit.nextStep() # Get record value from data source # If the last record was reached just rewind it data = self.dataSource.getNextRecordDict() if not data: self.dataSource.rewind() data = self.dataSource.getNextRecordDict() # Pass raw values to encoder and get a concatenated array outputArray = numpy.zeros(self.encoder.getWidth()) self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(data, outputArray) # Get values obtained from the data source. outputValues = self.encoder.getScalars(data) # Get raw values and respective encoded bit array for each field prevOffset = 0 for i in range(len(self.encodings)): encoding = self.encodings[i] # Convert the value to its respective data type currValue = outputValues[i] if encoding.encoderFieldDataType == FieldDataType.boolean: currValue = bool(currValue) elif encoding.encoderFieldDataType == FieldDataType.integer: currValue = int(currValue) elif encoding.encoderFieldDataType == FieldDataType.decimal: currValue = float(currValue) elif encoding.encoderFieldDataType == FieldDataType.dateTime: currValue = dateutil.parser.parse(str(currValue)) elif encoding.encoderFieldDataType == FieldDataType.string: currValue = str(currValue) encoding.currentValue.setForCurrStep(currValue) # Update sensor bits for i in range(len(outputArray)): if outputArray[i] > 0.: self.bits[i].isActive.setForCurrStep(True) else: self.bits[i].isActive.setForCurrStep(False) # Mark falsely predicted bits for bit in self.bits: if bit.isPredicted.atPreviousStep() and not bit.isActive.atCurrStep(): bit.isFalselyPredicted.setForCurrStep(True) self._output = outputArray def getPredictions(self): """ Get the predictions after an iteration. """ if self.predictionsMethod == PredictionsMethod.reconstruction: # Prepare list with predictions to be classified # This list contains the indexes of all bits that are predicted output = [] for i in range(len(self.bits)): if self.bits[i].isPredicted.atCurrStep(): output.append(1) else: output.append(0) output = numpy.array(output) # Decode output and create predictions list fieldsDict, fieldsOrder = self.encoder.decode(output) for encoding in self.encodings: if encoding.enableInference: predictions = [] encoding.predictedValues.setForCurrStep(dict()) # If encoder field name was returned by decode(), assign the the predictions to it if encoding.encoderFieldName in fieldsOrder: predictedLabels = fieldsDict[encoding.encoderFieldName][1].split(', ') predictedValues = fieldsDict[encoding.encoderFieldName][0] for i in range(len(predictedLabels)): predictions.append([predictedValues[i], predictedLabels[i]]) encoding.predictedValues.atCurrStep()[1] = predictions # Get the predicted value with the biggest probability to happen if len(predictions) > 0: bestPredictionRange = predictions[0][0] min = bestPredictionRange[0] max = bestPredictionRange[1] bestPredictedValue = (min + max) / 2.0 encoding.bestPredictedValue.setForCurrStep(bestPredictedValue) elif self.predictionsMethod == PredictionsMethod.classification: # A classification involves estimate which are the likely values to occurs in the next time step. offset = 0 for encoding in self.encodings: encoderWidth = encoding.encoder.getWidth() if encoding.enableInference: # Prepare list with predictions to be classified # This list contains the indexes of all bits that are predicted patternNZ = [] for i in range(offset, encoderWidth): if self.bits[i].isActive.atCurrStep(): patternNZ.append(i) # Get the bucket index of the current value at the encoder actualValue = encoding.currentValue.atCurrStep() bucketIdx = encoding.encoder.getBucketIndices(actualValue)[0] # Perform classification clasResults = encoding.classifier.compute(recordNum=Global.currStep, patternNZ=patternNZ, classification={'bucketIdx': bucketIdx, 'actValue': actualValue}, learn=self.enableClassificationLearning, infer=self.enableClassificationInference) encoding.predictedValues.setForCurrStep(dict()) for step in encoding.steps: # Calculate probability for each predicted value predictions = dict() for (actValue, prob) in zip(clasResults['actualValues'], clasResults[step]): if actValue in predictions: predictions[actValue] += prob else: predictions[actValue] = prob # Remove predictions with low probabilities maxVal = (None, None) for (actValue, prob) in predictions.items(): if len(predictions) <= 1: break if maxVal[0] is None or prob >= maxVal[1]: if maxVal[0] is not None and maxVal[1] < encoding.minProbabilityThreshold: del predictions[maxVal[0]] maxVal = (actValue, prob) elif prob < encoding.minProbabilityThreshold: del predictions[actValue] # Sort the list of values from more probable to less probable values # an decrease the list length to max predictions per step limit predictions = sorted(predictions.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) predictions = predictions[:maxFutureSteps] encoding.predictedValues.atCurrStep()[step] = predictions # Get the predicted value with the biggest probability to happen bestPredictedValue = encoding.predictedValues.atCurrStep()[1][0][0] encoding.bestPredictedValue.setForCurrStep(bestPredictedValue) offset += encoderWidth def calculateStatistics(self): """ Calculate statistics after an iteration. """ if Global.currStep > 0: precision = 0. # Calculate the prediction precision comparing if the current value is in the range of any prediction. for encoding in self.encodings: if encoding.enableInference: predictions = encoding.predictedValues.atPreviousStep()[1] for predictedValue in predictions: min = None max = None value = predictedValue[0] if self.predictionsMethod == PredictionsMethod.reconstruction: min = value[0] max = value[1] elif self.predictionsMethod == PredictionsMethod.classification: min = value max = value if isinstance(min, (int, long, float, complex)) and isinstance(max, (int, long, float, complex)): min = math.floor(min) max = math.ceil(max) if min <= encoding.currentValue.atCurrStep() <= max: precision = 100. break # The precision rate is the average of the precision calculated in every step self.statsPrecisionRate = (self.statsPrecisionRate + precision) / 2 else: self.statsPrecisionRate = 0. for bit in self.bits: bit.calculateStatistics() #endregion
# Copyright (c) 2017 Trail of Bits, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import binaryninja as binja from binaryninja.enums import ( Endianness, LowLevelILOperation, SectionSemantics ) import inspect import logging import magic import re import struct from collections import defaultdict LOGNAME = 'binja.cfg' log = logging.getLogger(LOGNAME) class StackFormatter(logging.Formatter): def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None): logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt) self.stack_base = len(inspect.stack()) + 7 def format(self, record): record.indent = ' ' * (len(inspect.stack()) - self.stack_base) res = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) del record.indent return res def init_logger(log_file): formatter = StackFormatter('[%(levelname)s] %(indent)s%(message)s') handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ENDIAN_TO_STRUCT = { Endianness.LittleEndian: '<', Endianness.BigEndian: '>' } def read_dword(bv, addr): # type: (binja.BinaryView, int) -> int # Pad the data if fewer than 4 bytes are read endianness = ENDIAN_TO_STRUCT[bv.endianness] data =, 4) padded_data = '{{:\x00{}4s}}'.format(endianness).format(data) fmt = '{}L'.format(endianness) return struct.unpack(fmt, padded_data)[0] def read_qword(bv, addr): # type: (binja.BinaryView, int) -> int # Pad the data if fewer than 8 bytes are read endianness = ENDIAN_TO_STRUCT[bv.endianness] data =, 8) padded_data = '{{:\x00{}8s}}'.format(endianness).format(data) fmt = '{}Q'.format(endianness) return struct.unpack(fmt, padded_data)[0] def load_binary(path): magic_type = magic.from_file(path) if 'ELF' in magic_type: bv_type = binja.BinaryViewType['ELF'] elif 'PE32' in magic_type: bv_type = binja.BinaryViewType['PE'] elif 'Mach-O' in magic_type: bv_type = binja.BinaryViewType['Mach-O'] else: bv_type = binja.BinaryViewType['Raw'] # Can't do anything with Raw type log.fatal('Unknown binary type: "{}", exiting'.format(magic_type)) exit(1) log.debug('Loading binary in binja...') bv = bv.update_analysis_and_wait() # NOTE: at the moment binja will not load a binary # that doesn't have an entry point if len(bv) == 0: log.error('Binary could not be loaded in binja, is it linked?') exit(1) return bv def find_symbol_name(bv, addr): """Attempt to find a symbol for a given address Args: bv (binja.BinaryView) addr (int): Address the symbol should point to Returns: (str): Symbol name if found, empty string otherwise """ sym = bv.get_symbol_at(addr) if sym is not None: return return '' def get_func_containing(bv, addr): """ Finds the function, if any, containing the given address Args: bv (binja.BinaryView) addr (int) Returns: binja.Function """ funcs = bv.get_functions_containing(addr) return funcs[0] if funcs is not None else None def get_section_at(bv, addr): """Returns the section in the binary that contains the given address""" if not is_valid_addr(bv, addr): return None for sec in bv.sections.values(): if sec.start <= addr < sec.end: return sec return None def is_external_ref(bv, addr): sym = bv.get_symbol_at(addr) return sym is not None and 'Import' in def is_valid_addr(bv, addr): return bv.get_segment_at(addr) is not None def is_code(bv, addr): """Returns `True` if the given address lies in a code section""" # This is a bit more specific than checking if a segment is executable, # Binja will classify a section as ReadOnlyCode or ReadOnlyData, though # both sections are still in an executable segment sec = get_section_at(bv, addr) return sec is not None and sec.semantics == SectionSemantics.ReadOnlyCodeSectionSemantics def is_executable(bv, addr): """Returns `True` if the given address lies in an executable segment""" seg = bv.get_segment_at(addr) return seg is not None and seg.executable def is_readable(bv, addr): """Returns `True` if the given address lies in a readable segment""" seg = bv.get_segment_at(addr) return seg is not None and seg.writable def is_writeable(bv, addr): """Returns `True` if the given address lies in a writable segment""" seg = bv.get_segment_at(addr) return seg is not None and seg.readable def is_ELF(bv): return bv.view_type == 'ELF' def is_PE(bv): return bv.view_type == 'PE' def clamp(val, vmin, vmax): return min(vmax, max(vmin, val)) # Caching results of is_section_external _EXT_SECTIONS = set() _INT_SECTIONS = set() def is_section_external(bv, sect): """Returns `True` if the given section contains only external references Args: bv (binja.BinaryView) sect (binja.binaryview.Section) """ if sect.start in _EXT_SECTIONS: return True if sect.start in _INT_SECTIONS: return False if is_ELF(bv): if'\.(got|plt)', _EXT_SECTIONS.add(sect.start) return True if is_PE(bv): if '.idata' in _EXT_SECTIONS.add(sect.start) return True _INT_SECTIONS.add(sect.start) return False def is_tls_section(bv, addr): sect_names = ( for sect in bv.get_sections_at(addr)) return any(sect in ['.tbss', '.tdata', '.tls'] for sect in sect_names) def _search_phrase_op(il, target_op): """ Helper for finding parts of a phrase[+displacement] il """ op = il.operation # Handle starting points if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_SET_REG: return _search_phrase_op(il.src, target_op) if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_STORE: return _search_phrase_op(il.dest, target_op) # The phrase il may be inside a LLIL_LOAD if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_LOAD: return _search_phrase_op(il.src, target_op) # Continue left/right at an ADD if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_ADD: return (_search_phrase_op(il.left, target_op) or _search_phrase_op(il.right, target_op)) # Continue left/right at an ADD if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_SUB: return (_search_phrase_op(il.left, target_op) or _search_phrase_op(il.right, target_op)) # Continue left/right at an ADD if op == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_CMP_E: return (_search_phrase_op(il.left, target_op) or _search_phrase_op(il.right, target_op)) # Terminate when constant is found if op == target_op: return il def search_phrase_reg(il): """ Searches for the register used in a phrase ex: dword [ebp + 0x8] -> ebp Args: il (binja.LowLevelILInstruction): Instruction to parse Returns: str: register name """ res = _search_phrase_op(il, LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_REG) if res is not None: return def search_displ_base(il): """ Searches for the base address used in a phrase[+displacement] ex: dword [eax * 4 + 0x08040000] -> 0x08040000 dword [ebp + 0x8] -> 0x8 Args: il (binja.LowLevelILInstruction): Instruction to parse Returns: int: base address """ res = _search_phrase_op(il, LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_CONST) if res is not None: # Interpret the string representation to avoid sign issues return int(res.tokens[0].text, 16) def is_jump_tail_call(bv, il): """ Returns `True` if the given il is a jump to another function """ return il.operation == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_JUMP and \ il.dest.operation == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_CONST_PTR and \ get_jump_tail_call_target(bv, il) is not None def get_jump_tail_call_target(bv, il): """ Get the target function of a tail-call. Returns: binja.Function """ try: return bv.get_function_at(il.dest.constant) except: return None def collect_il_groups(il_func): """ Gather all il instructions grouped by address Some instructions (cmov, set, etc.) get expanded into multiple il instructions when lifted, but `Function.get_lifted_il_at` will only return the first of all the il instructions at an address. This will group all the il instructions into a map of address to expanded instructions as follows: { addr1 => [single il instruction], addr2 => [expanded il 1, expanded il 2, ...], ... } Args: il_func: IL function to gather all il groups from Returns: dict: Map from address to all IL instructions at that address """ il_map = defaultdict(list) for blk in il_func: for il in blk: il_map[il.address].append(il) return il_map