#!/usr/bin/python3 import base64 import pickle from flask import Flask, request from handies import file_contents, safe_unpickle import flag app = Flask(__name__) class Credential: "If the user wants the flag, he or she must have a credential." def __init__(self, username: str, password: str): self.username = username self.password = password def __hash__(self): return hash(self.username) ^ hash(self.password) def __str__(self): raise NotImplemented() class CredentialProxy: "A credential proxy is an authorized credential, with its own flag." def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, flag: str): self.username = username self.password = password self.flag = flag def flag(self): return self.flag def __str__(self): return "wtf, the proxy is not supported??" @app.route('/') def index(): apple = request.args.get('credential') if apple: try: banana = base64.b64decode(apple) # Good safe_unpickle can prevent 99% attacks! orange = safe_unpickle(banana) # if the orange is a credential, try it if isinstance(orange, Credential): flag.try_login(orange) return flag.flag # TODO: no proxy support # Time is limited, so this feature is delayed # return the orange to confuse the user! :-) else: return str(orange) except pickle.UnpicklingError as e: return str(e) except: return 'Wrong user or password' else: return " " + file_contents('app.py') + " " app.run(host="", port=8888, threaded=True) # _ooOoo_ # o8888888o # 88" . "88 # (| -_- |) # O\ = /O # ____/`---'\____ # .' \\| |// `. # / \\||| : |||// \ # / _||||| -:- |||||- \ # | | \\\ - /// | | # | \_| ''\---/'' | | # \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. / # ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . __ # ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"". # | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | | # \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / / # ======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'====== # `=---=' # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 佛祖保佑 永无BUG
The Stock Arrival and Stock Adjustment windows need a good update. Would be useful if we could only see the items for a specific supplier? It's a pain to find an item through the entire stock list. Also, the fields are so narrow, it's hard to find things as the desciption gets chopped off. Hi Meaghan. We will look to introduce some improvements in this area in a future version of Front Desk. As this is a low priority change, look for this to be introduced in the second half of the year. We will keep this post up to date when the changes are available.
from positioning.chains import LocalLinRegDataChain from positioning.computations.rssi_linear_regression import RssiLinearRegression from positioning.computations.trilateration import Trilateration from positioning.strategy import NearestNeighbourStrategy from positioning.strategy.abstract_location_strategy import AbstractLocationStrategy class NnWithLinearRegressionStrategy(AbstractLocationStrategy): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.access_point_dao = kwargs["access_point_dao"] self.locations = {ap.mac.mac: ap.location for ap in self.access_point_dao.active()} self.linregs_per_location = None self.lin_reg_chain = LocalLinRegDataChain(**kwargs) self.trilateration = Trilateration() self.nn_strategy = NearestNeighbourStrategy(**kwargs) def initialise(self, **kwargs): self.nn_strategy.initialise(**kwargs) lin_reg_datas_per_location = self.lin_reg_chain.calculate(**kwargs)["lin_reg_data_per_location"] self.linregs_per_location = {} for loc_str, lin_reg_datas in lin_reg_datas_per_location.items(): reg = RssiLinearRegression() reg.fit(lin_reg_datas) self.linregs_per_location[loc_str] = reg def locate(self, measures): loc = self.nn_strategy.locate(measures) dists = self.linregs_per_location[str(loc)].predict(measures) sorted_dists = list(sorted(dists.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) closest = dict(sorted_dists[:min(100, len(sorted_dists))]) return self.trilateration.locate(closest, self.locations, start_pos=(loc.x, loc.y))
I teach at the University of California, Irvine in the History Department, the Department of Film and Media Studies, and the Critical Theory Emphasis. I have courtesy appointments in the Department of Information and Computer Science and the Department of Comparative Literature. Some of my recent publications are: What's the Matter with the Internet? (University of Minnesota Press, 2001), The Second Media Age (Blackwell, 1995), The Mode of Information (Chicago Press, 1990) and Cultural History and Postmodernity (Columbia University Press, 1997). A collection of pieces old and new with a critical introduction by Stanley Aronowitz is published as The Information Subject (G & B Arts International, 2001). I continue my study of the social and cultural theory of electronically mediated information with a forthcoming work entitled Information Please: Culture and Politics in a Digital Age (Duke University Press, 2006). A full bibliography of my works may be found at this site . Here are syllabi for recent and upcoming quarters. Lycos has awarded this page. My favorite site is Alan Liu's Voice of the Shuttle Page. This page was originally constructed by Elizabeth Finson to whom I am grateful. Please send me your comments or criticism by email at the address poster@uci.edu.
# Spatial Filter # # Applies a Lowpass, Highpass, Band Reject or Bandpass circular symmetric filter # by convolution # import sys,os import numpy as np import scipy.special as ss # # Import the module with the I/O scaffolding of the External Attribute # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')) import extattrib as xa # # The attribute parameters # xa.params = { 'Inputs': ['Input'], 'StepOut' : {'Value': [9,9], 'Minimum': [9,9], 'Hidden': False, 'Same': True}, 'Par_0' : {'Name': 'Norm. Spatial Frequency', 'Value': 0.5}, 'Select' : {'Name': 'Type', 'Values': ['Low Pass', 'High Pass', 'Band Pass', 'Band Reject'], 'Selection': 0}, 'Help' : 'http://waynegm.github.io/OpendTect-Plugin-Docs/external_attributes/Spatial_Filter_Circular.html' } # # Define the compute function # def doCompute(): # # Compute the filter kernel # nil = xa.SI['nrinl'] nxl = xa.SI['nrcrl'] centre_trace_x = nil//2 centre_trace_y = nxl//2 freq = xa.params['Par_0']['Value'] type = xa.params['Select']['Selection'] kernelFunc = lpKernel if type==0 else hpKernel if type==1 else bpKernel if type==2 else brKernel kernel = np.zeros((nil,nil,1)) N = nil//2 if (N%2 == 0): N=N-1 kernel[1:2*N+2,1:2*N+2,1] = kernelFunc(N, freq) else: kernel = kernelFunc(N, freq) # # This is the trace processing loop # while True: xa.doInput() # # Get the input # indata = xa.Input['Input'] # # Apply the kernel # outdata = np.sum(kernel * indata, axis=(0,1)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # xa.Output = outdata xa.doOutput() def lpKernel(N, freq): # # Lowpass filter kernel generator # # N is the filter half-size, must be odd # freq is the normalised cutoff frequency # # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1) # num = 2*N + 1 result = np.zeros((num,num,1)) for m in range(N+1): i = m+N im = -m+N for n in range(N+1): j = n+N jm = -n+N if (m==0 and n==0): result[i,j] = np.pi*freq**2/4 else: pandq = m%2 + n%2 mandn = np.sqrt(m*m+n*n) val = (ss.factorial2(N)**4 * np.pi**pandq * freq * ss.jn(1,np.pi * freq * mandn)) / ( 2**(pandq+1) * ss.factorial2(N+m) * ss.factorial2(N-m) * ss.factorial2(N+n) *ss.factorial2(N-n) *mandn ) result[i,j] = val result[j,i] = val result[im,j] = val result[i,jm] = val result[im,jm] = val return result/np.sum(result) def hpKernel(N, freq): # # Highpass circular symmetric filter kernel generator # # N is the filter half-size, must be odd # freq is the normalised cutoff frequency # # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1) # result = lpKernel(N, freq) for m in range(-N,N+1): i = m+N for n in range(-N,N+1): j = n+N if (m==0 and n==0): result[i,j] = 1-result[i,j] else: result[i,j] = -result[i,j] return result def brKernel(N, freq, halfwidth=0.1): # # Band Reject circular symmetric filter kernel generator # # N is the filter half-size, must be odd # freq is the normalised centre frequency of the reject band # halfwidth controls the aperture of the reject band to freq +/- halfwidth # # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1) # kernel_lp = lpKernel(N, freq-halfwidth) kernel_hp = hpKernel(N, freq+halfwidth) result = kernel_lp + kernel_hp return result def bpKernel(N, freq , halfwidth=0.1): # # Bandpass circular symmetric filter kernel generator # # N is the filter half-size, must be odd # freq is the normalised centre frequency of the pass band # halfwidth controls the aperture of the pass band to freq +/- halfwidth # # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1) # result = brKernel(N, freq, halfwidth) for m in range(-N,N+1): i = m+N for n in range(-N,N+1): j = n+N if (m==0 and n==0): result[i,j] = 1-result[i,j] else: result[i,j] = -result[i,j] return result # # Assign the compute function to the attribute # xa.doCompute = doCompute # # Do it # xa.run(sys.argv[1:])
As a result, some pics might be (slightly) cropped to correct basic errors (eg tilted horizons) or because I think a particular composition works better than the original shot. Sometimes I'll stitch multiple frames to create panorama type images, if I think the result will work. I don't clone / modify subjects.The majority of photos on this site have been taken within a 10km radius /bike ride of my home - Leicester,UK. Approach - I consider that the challenge involved in capturing a 'hrp' of a commonplace subject - often in less than ideal surroundings - is one worthy of the time and effort involved. For shots of waterfowl, I prefer the results obtained from using a low / water level viewpoint. Using suitable locations at a nearby venue, combined with home-made support gear has helped me obtain this type of image.
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- #*************************************************************************** #* Copyright (c) 2014 Yorik van Havre <yorik@uncreated.net> * #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * #* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * #* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * #* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * #* * #* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * #* GNU Library General Public License for more details. * #* * #* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * #* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * #* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * #* USA * #* * #*************************************************************************** __title__ = "FreeCAD Equipment" __author__ = "Yorik van Havre" __url__ = "https://www.freecadweb.org" import FreeCAD,ArchComponent,DraftVecUtils if FreeCAD.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui from PySide import QtGui from DraftTools import translate from PySide.QtCore import QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP else: # \cond def translate(ctxt,txt): return txt def QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(ctxt,txt): return txt # \endcond ## @package ArchEquipment # \ingroup ARCH # \brief The Equipment object and tools # # This module provides tools to build equipment objects. # Equipment is used to represent furniture and all kinds of electrical # or hydraulic appliances in a building def makeEquipment(baseobj=None,placement=None,name="Equipment"): "makeEquipment([baseobj,placement,name]): creates an equipment object from the given base object." if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No active document. Aborting\n") return obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","Equipment") _Equipment(obj) if baseobj: if baseobj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): obj.Mesh = baseobj else: obj.Base = baseobj obj.Label = translate("Arch",name) if placement: obj.Placement = placement if FreeCAD.GuiUp: _ViewProviderEquipment(obj.ViewObject) if baseobj: baseobj.ViewObject.hide() return obj def createMeshView(obj,direction=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-1),outeronly=False,largestonly=False): """createMeshView(obj,[direction,outeronly,largestonly]): creates a flat shape that is the projection of the given mesh object in the given direction (default = on the XY plane). If outeronly is True, only the outer contour is taken into consideration, discarding the inner holes. If largestonly is True, only the largest segment of the given mesh will be used.""" import Mesh, math, Part, DraftGeomUtils if not obj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): return mesh = obj.Mesh # 1. Flattening the mesh proj = [] for f in mesh.Facets: nf = [] for v in f.Points: v = FreeCAD.Vector(v) a = v.negative().getAngle(direction) l = math.cos(a)*v.Length p = v.add(FreeCAD.Vector(direction).multiply(l)) p = DraftVecUtils.rounded(p) nf.append(p) proj.append(nf) flatmesh = Mesh.Mesh(proj) # 2. Removing wrong faces facets = [] for f in flatmesh.Facets: if f.Normal.getAngle(direction) < math.pi: facets.append(f) cleanmesh = Mesh.Mesh(facets) #Mesh.show(cleanmesh) # 3. Getting the bigger mesh from the planar segments if largestonly: c = cleanmesh.getSeparateComponents() #print(c) cleanmesh = c[0] segs = cleanmesh.getPlanarSegments(1) meshes = [] for s in segs: f = [cleanmesh.Facets[i] for i in s] meshes.append(Mesh.Mesh(f)) a = 0 for m in meshes: if m.Area > a: boundarymesh = m a = m.Area #Mesh.show(boundarymesh) cleanmesh = boundarymesh # 4. Creating a Part and getting the contour shape = None for f in cleanmesh.Facets: p = Part.makePolygon(f.Points+[f.Points[0]]) #print(p,len(p.Vertexes),p.isClosed()) try: p = Part.Face(p) if shape: shape = shape.fuse(p) else: shape = p except Part.OCCError: pass shape = shape.removeSplitter() # 5. Extracting the largest wire if outeronly: count = 0 largest = None for w in shape.Wires: if len(w.Vertexes) > count: count = len(w.Vertexes) largest = w if largest: try: f = Part.Face(w) except Part.OCCError: print("Unable to produce a face from the outer wire.") else: shape = f return shape class _CommandEquipment: "the Arch Equipment command definition" def GetResources(self): return {'Pixmap' : 'Arch_Equipment', 'MenuText': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Arch_Equipment","Equipment"), 'Accel': "E, Q", 'ToolTip': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Arch_Equipment","Creates an equipment object from a selected object (Part or Mesh)")} def IsActive(self): return not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument is None def Activated(self): s = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if not s: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Arch","You must select a base shape object and optionally a mesh object")) else: base = "" mesh = "" if len(s) == 2: if hasattr(s[0],'Shape'): base = s[0].Name elif s[0].isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): mesh = s[0].Name if hasattr(s[1],'Shape'): if mesh: base = s[1].Name elif s[1].isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): if base: mesh = s[1].Name else: if hasattr(s[0],'Shape'): base = s[0].Name elif s[0].isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): mesh = s[0].Name FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction(str(translate("Arch","Create Equipment"))) FreeCADGui.addModule("Arch") if base: base = "FreeCAD.ActiveDocument." + base FreeCADGui.doCommand("obj = Arch.makeEquipment(" + base + ")") if mesh: FreeCADGui.doCommand("obj.Mesh = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument." + mesh) FreeCADGui.addModule("Draft") FreeCADGui.doCommand("Draft.autogroup(obj)") FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # get diffuse color info from base object if base and hasattr(s[0].ViewObject,"DiffuseColor"): FreeCADGui.doCommand("FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects[-1].ViewObject.DiffuseColor = " + base + ".ViewObject.DiffuseColor") return class _Command3Views: "the Arch 3Views command definition" def GetResources(self): return {'Pixmap' : 'Arch_3Views', 'MenuText': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Arch_3Views","3 views from mesh"), 'ToolTip': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Arch_3Views","Creates 3 views (top, front, side) from a mesh-based object")} def IsActive(self): return not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument is None def Activated(self): s = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if len(s) != 1: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Arch","You must select exactly one base object")) else: obj = s[0] if not obj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Arch","The selected object must be a mesh")) else: if obj.Mesh.CountFacets > 1000: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(translate("Arch","This mesh has more than 1000 facets.")) msgBox.setInformativeText(translate("Arch","This operation can take a long time. Proceed?")) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return elif obj.Mesh.CountFacets >= 500: FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning(translate("Arch","The mesh has more than 500 facets. This will take a couple of minutes...")) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction(str(translate("Arch","Create 3 views"))) FreeCADGui.addModule("Arch") FreeCADGui.addModule("Part") FreeCADGui.doCommand("s1 = Arch.createMeshView(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument." + obj.Name + ",FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-1),outeronly=False,largestonly=False)") FreeCADGui.doCommand("Part.show(s1)") FreeCADGui.doCommand("s2 = Arch.createMeshView(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument." + obj.Name + ",FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0),outeronly=False,largestonly=False)") FreeCADGui.doCommand("Part.show(s2)") FreeCADGui.doCommand("s3 = Arch.createMeshView(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument." + obj.Name + ",FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),outeronly=False,largestonly=False)") FreeCADGui.doCommand("Part.show(s3)") FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() return class _Equipment(ArchComponent.Component): "The Equipment object" def __init__(self,obj): ArchComponent.Component.__init__(self,obj) obj.Proxy = self self.setProperties(obj) from ArchIFC import IfcTypes if "Furniture" in IfcTypes: # IfcFurniture is new in IFC4 obj.IfcType = "Furniture" elif "Furnishing Element" in IfcTypes: # IFC2x3 does know a IfcFurnishingElement obj.IfcType = "Furnishing Element" else: obj.IfcType = "Undefined" def setProperties(self,obj): pl = obj.PropertiesList if not "Model" in pl: obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Model","Equipment",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The model description of this equipment")) if not "ProductURL" in pl: obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","ProductURL","Equipment",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The URL of the product page of this equipment")) if not "StandardCode" in pl: obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","StandardCode","Equipment",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","A standard code (MasterFormat, OmniClass,...)")) if not "SnapPoints" in pl: obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorList","SnapPoints","Equipment",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Additional snap points for this equipment")) if not "EquipmentPower" in pl: obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","EquipmentPower","Equipment",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The electric power needed by this equipment in Watts")) obj.setEditorMode("VerticalArea",2) obj.setEditorMode("HorizontalArea",2) obj.setEditorMode("PerimeterLength",2) self.Type = "Equipment" def onDocumentRestored(self,obj): ArchComponent.Component.onDocumentRestored(self,obj) self.setProperties(obj) def onChanged(self,obj,prop): self.hideSubobjects(obj,prop) ArchComponent.Component.onChanged(self,obj,prop) def execute(self,obj): if self.clone(obj): return pl = obj.Placement if obj.Base: base = None if hasattr(obj.Base,'Shape'): base = obj.Base.Shape.copy() base = self.processSubShapes(obj,base,pl) self.applyShape(obj,base,pl,allowinvalid=False,allownosolid=True) def computeAreas(self,obj): return class _ViewProviderEquipment(ArchComponent.ViewProviderComponent): "A View Provider for the Equipment object" def __init__(self,vobj): ArchComponent.ViewProviderComponent.__init__(self,vobj) def getIcon(self): import Arch_rc if hasattr(self,"Object"): if hasattr(self.Object,"CloneOf"): if self.Object.CloneOf: return ":/icons/Arch_Equipment_Clone.svg" return ":/icons/Arch_Equipment_Tree.svg" def attach(self, vobj): self.Object = vobj.Object from pivy import coin sep = coin.SoSeparator() self.coords = coin.SoCoordinate3() sep.addChild(self.coords) self.coords.point.deleteValues(0) symbol = coin.SoMarkerSet() symbol.markerIndex = FreeCADGui.getMarkerIndex("", 5) sep.addChild(symbol) rn = vobj.RootNode rn.addChild(sep) ArchComponent.ViewProviderComponent.attach(self,vobj) def updateData(self, obj, prop): if prop == "SnapPoints": if obj.SnapPoints: self.coords.point.setNum(len(obj.SnapPoints)) self.coords.point.setValues([[p.x,p.y,p.z] for p in obj.SnapPoints]) else: self.coords.point.deleteValues(0) if FreeCAD.GuiUp: FreeCADGui.addCommand('Arch_Equipment',_CommandEquipment()) FreeCADGui.addCommand('Arch_3Views', _Command3Views())
There has never been a better time for foreign businesses to establish themselves in China, whether for access to the massively important Chinese domestic consumer market, nor as a base for bonded trade internationally. Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone exists to support and promote international business in and with China and bonded trade worldwide. As the powerhouse of Hainan’s increasing connection with global economy, the Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone incorporates and leverages a raft of policies and regulations specifically designed to attract and incentivise foreign companies looking to establish or expand their operations in China. Please press here to read more.
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/env python """Base Task class.""" import collections import os import random import string import cv2 import numpy as np import pybullet as p from ravens import cameras from ravens import primitives from ravens import utils from ravens.grippers import Suction class Task(): """Base Task class.""" def __init__(self): self.ee = Suction self.mode = 'train' self.sixdof = False self.primitive = primitives.PickPlace() self.oracle_cams = cameras.Oracle.CONFIG # Evaluation epsilons (for pose evaluation metric). self.pos_eps = 0.01 self.rot_eps = np.deg2rad(15) # Workspace bounds. self.pix_size = 0.003125 self.bounds = np.array([[0.25, 0.75], [-0.5, 0.5], [0, 0.3]]) def reset(self, env): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.goals = [] self.progress = 0 # Task progression metric in range [0, 1]. self._rewards = 0 # Cumulative returned rewards. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Oracle Agent #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def oracle(self, env): """Oracle agent.""" OracleAgent = collections.namedtuple('OracleAgent', ['act']) def act(obs, info): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Calculate action.""" # Oracle uses perfect RGB-D orthographic images and segmentation masks. _, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env) # Unpack next goal step. objs, matches, targs, replace, rotations, _, _, _ = self.goals[0] # Match objects to targets without replacement. if not replace: # Modify a copy of the match matrix. matches = matches.copy() # Ignore already matched objects. for i in range(len(objs)): object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1) for j in targets_i: if self.is_match(pose, targs[j], symmetry): matches[i, :] = 0 matches[:, j] = 0 # Get objects to be picked (prioritize farthest from nearest neighbor). nn_dists = [] nn_targets = [] for i in range(len(objs)): object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] xyz, _ = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1) if len(targets_i) > 0: # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test targets_xyz = np.float32([targs[j][0] for j in targets_i]) dists = np.linalg.norm( targets_xyz - np.float32(xyz).reshape(1, 3), axis=1) nn = np.argmin(dists) nn_dists.append(dists[nn]) nn_targets.append(targets_i[nn]) # Handle ignored objects. else: nn_dists.append(0) nn_targets.append(-1) order = np.argsort(nn_dists)[::-1] # Filter out matched objects. order = [i for i in order if nn_dists[i] > 0] pick_mask = None for pick_i in order: pick_mask = np.uint8(obj_mask == objs[pick_i][0]) # Erode to avoid picking on edges. # pick_mask = cv2.erode(pick_mask, np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)) if np.sum(pick_mask) > 0: break # Trigger task reset if no object is visible. if pick_mask is None or np.sum(pick_mask) == 0: self.goals = [] print('Object for pick is not visible. Skipping demonstration.') return # Get picking pose. pick_prob = np.float32(pick_mask) pick_pix = utils.sample_distribution(pick_prob) # For "deterministic" demonstrations on insertion-easy, use this: # pick_pix = (160,80) pick_pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pick_pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size) pick_pose = (pick_pos, (0, 0, 0, 1)) # Get placing pose. targ_pose = targs[nn_targets[pick_i]] # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(objs[pick_i][0]) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable if not self.sixdof: obj_euler = utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(obj_pose[1]) obj_quat = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, obj_euler[2])) obj_pose = (obj_pose[0], obj_quat) world_to_pick = utils.invert(pick_pose) obj_to_pick = utils.multiply(world_to_pick, obj_pose) pick_to_obj = utils.invert(obj_to_pick) place_pose = utils.multiply(targ_pose, pick_to_obj) # Rotate end effector? if not rotations: place_pose = (place_pose[0], (0, 0, 0, 1)) return {'pose0': pick_pose, 'pose1': place_pose} return OracleAgent(act) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reward Function and Task Completion Metrics #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reward(self): """Get delta rewards for current timestep. Returns: A tuple consisting of the scalar (delta) reward, plus `extras` dict which has extra task-dependent info from the process of computing rewards that gives us finer-grained details. Use `extras` for further data analysis. """ reward, info = 0, {} # Unpack next goal step. objs, matches, targs, _, _, metric, params, max_reward = self.goals[0] # Evaluate by matching object poses. if metric == 'pose': step_reward = 0 for i in range(len(objs)): object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1) for j in targets_i: target_pose = targs[j] if self.is_match(pose, target_pose, symmetry): step_reward += max_reward / len(objs) break # Evaluate by measuring object intersection with zone. elif metric == 'zone': zone_pts, total_pts = 0, 0 obj_pts, zones = params for zone_pose, zone_size in zones: # Count valid points in zone. for obj_id in obj_pts: pts = obj_pts[obj_id] obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id) world_to_zone = utils.invert(zone_pose) obj_to_zone = utils.multiply(world_to_zone, obj_pose) pts = np.float32(utils.apply(obj_to_zone, pts)) if len(zone_size) > 1: valid_pts = np.logical_and.reduce([ pts[0, :] > -zone_size[0] / 2, pts[0, :] < zone_size[0] / 2, pts[1, :] > -zone_size[1] / 2, pts[1, :] < zone_size[1] / 2, pts[2, :] < self.bounds[2, 1]]) zone_pts += np.sum(np.float32(valid_pts)) total_pts += pts.shape[1] step_reward = max_reward * (zone_pts / total_pts) # Get cumulative rewards and return delta. reward = self.progress + step_reward - self._rewards self._rewards = self.progress + step_reward # Move to next goal step if current goal step is complete. if np.abs(max_reward - step_reward) < 0.01: self.progress += max_reward # Update task progress. self.goals.pop(0) return reward, info def done(self): """Check if the task is done or has failed. Returns: True if the episode should be considered a success, which we use for measuring successes, which is particularly helpful for tasks where one may get successes on the very last time step, e.g., getting the cloth coverage threshold on the last alllowed action. However, for bag-items-easy and bag-items-hard (which use the 'bag-items' metric), it may be necessary to filter out demos that did not attain sufficiently high reward in external code. Currently, this is done in `main.py` and its ignore_this_demo() method. """ # # For tasks with self.metric == 'pose'. # if hasattr(self, 'goal'): # goal_done = len(self.goal['steps']) == 0 # pylint: # disable=g-explicit-length-test return (len(self.goals) == 0) or (self._rewards > 0.99) # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test # return zone_done or defs_done or goal_done #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Environment Helper Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_match(self, pose0, pose1, symmetry): """Check if pose0 and pose1 match within a threshold.""" # Get translational error. diff_pos = np.float32(pose0[0][:2]) - np.float32(pose1[0][:2]) dist_pos = np.linalg.norm(diff_pos) # Get rotational error around z-axis (account for symmetries). diff_rot = 0 if symmetry > 0: rot0 = np.array(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(pose0[1]))[2] rot1 = np.array(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(pose1[1]))[2] diff_rot = np.abs(rot0 - rot1) % symmetry if diff_rot > (symmetry / 2): diff_rot = symmetry - diff_rot return (dist_pos < self.pos_eps) and (diff_rot < self.rot_eps) def get_true_image(self, env): """Get RGB-D orthographic heightmaps and segmentation masks.""" # Capture near-orthographic RGB-D images and segmentation masks. color, depth, segm = env.render(self.oracle_cams[0]) # Combine color with masks for faster processing. color = np.concatenate((color, segm[Ellipsis, None]), axis=2) # Reconstruct real orthographic projection from point clouds. hmaps, cmaps = utils.reconstruct_heightmaps( [color], [depth], self.oracle_cams, self.bounds, self.pix_size) # Split color back into color and masks. cmap = np.uint8(cmaps)[0, Ellipsis, :3] hmap = np.float32(hmaps)[0, Ellipsis] mask = np.int32(cmaps)[0, Ellipsis, 3:].squeeze() return cmap, hmap, mask def get_random_pose(self, env, obj_size): """Get random collision-free object pose within workspace bounds.""" # Get erosion size of object in pixels. max_size = np.sqrt(obj_size[0]**2 + obj_size[1]**2) erode_size = int(np.round(max_size / self.pix_size)) _, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env) # Randomly sample an object pose within free-space pixels. free = np.ones(obj_mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for obj_ids in env.obj_ids.values(): for obj_id in obj_ids: free[obj_mask == obj_id] = 0 free[0, :], free[:, 0], free[-1, :], free[:, -1] = 0, 0, 0, 0 free = cv2.erode(free, np.ones((erode_size, erode_size), np.uint8)) if np.sum(free) == 0: return pix = utils.sample_distribution(np.float32(free)) pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size) pos = (pos[0], pos[1], obj_size[2] / 2) theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta)) return pos, rot #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fill_template(self, template, replace): """Read a file and replace key strings.""" filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) template = os.path.join(filepath, '..', template) with open(template, 'r') as file: fdata = file.read() for field in replace: for i in range(len(replace[field])): fdata = fdata.replace(f'{field}{i}', str(replace[field][i])) alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits rname = ''.join(random.choices(alphabet, k=16)) fname = f'{template}.{rname}' with open(fname, 'w') as file: file.write(fdata) return fname def get_random_size(self, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z): """Get random box size.""" size = np.random.rand(3) size[0] = size[0] * (max_x - min_x) + min_x size[1] = size[1] * (max_y - min_y) + min_y size[2] = size[2] * (max_z - min_z) + min_z return tuple(size) def get_object_points(self, obj): obj_shape = p.getVisualShapeData(obj) obj_dim = obj_shape[0][3] xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-obj_dim[0] / 2, obj_dim[0] / 2, 0.02), np.arange(-obj_dim[1] / 2, obj_dim[1] / 2, 0.02), np.arange(-obj_dim[2] / 2, obj_dim[2] / 2, 0.02), sparse=False, indexing='xy') return np.vstack((xv.reshape(1, -1), yv.reshape(1, -1), zv.reshape(1, -1))) def color_random_brown(self, obj): shade = np.random.rand() + 0.5 color = np.float32([shade * 156, shade * 117, shade * 95, 255]) / 255 p.changeVisualShape(obj, -1, rgbaColor=color)
We’re still seeing too many tragic accidents in Washington state. And unfortunately, these accidents are sending people to the hospital and claiming lives. The latest crash we learned about comes from the Newport region, where a man from Spokane Valley suffered deadly injuries due to an accident. He was driving a 2004 Subaru Impreza. The driver was trying to pass a truck in a no-passing zone. Needless to say, the maneuver did not turn out as expected, and his vehicle collided head-on with a car heading the opposite direction. Because of the impact, the passing driver ended up colliding with the truck he was trying to pass. The 38-year-old man behind the wheel of the Subaru was on U.S. Highway 2 when he collided with a 2007 Saturn Outlook. The 44-year-old driver in the second car suffered injuries as a result. Thankfully, she is expected to survive. The truck driver did not sustain any injuries. The 38-year-old man suffered deadly injuries. Officials say he did not have his seat belt on at the time of the crash. Officials are still looking into other potential factors. However, it’s clear that the accident happened after the man tried to pass another car in a no-passing zone. Drivers must do all in their power to be responsible. Acting accordingly and following road rules are part of that. Most importantly, drivers must remember that rules are in place for a reason. Ignoring them will lead to crashes and crashes will lead to injuries. For more on this tragic accident, click here. And to stay on top of what’s going on in Washington state, continue to read our blog. We update it daily with stories that help our readers learn more about factors that lead to accidents. Knowledge is power. And when it comes to the road, it’s also safety.
""" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm """ def euclidean_gcd(a: int, b: int) -> int: """ Examples: >>> euclidean_gcd(3, 5) 1 >>> euclidean_gcd(6, 3) 3 """ while b: a, b = b, a % b return a def euclidean_gcd_recursive(a: int, b: int) -> int: """ Recursive method for euclicedan gcd algorithm Examples: >>> euclidean_gcd_recursive(3, 5) 1 >>> euclidean_gcd_recursive(6, 3) 3 """ return a if b == 0 else euclidean_gcd_recursive(b, a % b) def main(): print(f"euclidean_gcd(3, 5) = {euclidean_gcd(3, 5)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd(5, 3) = {euclidean_gcd(5, 3)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd(1, 3) = {euclidean_gcd(1, 3)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd(3, 6) = {euclidean_gcd(3, 6)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd(6, 3) = {euclidean_gcd(6, 3)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd_recursive(3, 5) = {euclidean_gcd_recursive(3, 5)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd_recursive(5, 3) = {euclidean_gcd_recursive(5, 3)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd_recursive(1, 3) = {euclidean_gcd_recursive(1, 3)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd_recursive(3, 6) = {euclidean_gcd_recursive(3, 6)}") print(f"euclidean_gcd_recursive(6, 3) = {euclidean_gcd_recursive(6, 3)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Prairie Road Iron Works in Linn, KS is located in the Heart of America and are pleased to offer our customers our great services. This husband and wife team pair up to design and build the best possible products. Shelly has created various types of art for over 30 years and has taken over much of the design process in the last three years. Todd has over 20 years working in the metal business and has been creating custom metal pieces for the past 5 years. The business began when Todd purchased a plasma cutter with the intent of cutting parts for livestock equipment and fences. On a whim they created some signs to take to the Fairbury Flea Market and have been designing ever since. As their industry knowledge has grown, so has their skills. Most products have a powder coat finish, which is a process by which powder is baked into the metal to create a hard and durable finish which will last up to 20 years outdoors, but much longer indoors. They use the latest equipment and techniques with a CNC laser cutting machine. Both have a true passion for metal art. We are sure you will ove your custom artwork! We take pride in every piece that we make and offer these attractive Iron works at excellent prices. We are now offering heavy duty carbon steel benches for your collegiate team. We are happy to make custom benches as well. We create metal art that can be customized with your name, address, phrase, etc. Sign themes: hunting, farm, garden, rodeo, military, family, patriotic, collegiate, etc. Contact us by phone, website or Facebook. We promise you won’t be sorry with our work and our customer satisfaction!!
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from queues import create_queues_for_bucket from termcolor import cprint FLAGS = None class Seq2Seq(object): def __init__(self, buckets, forward_only=False): """ Seq2Seq model :param buckets: List of pairs Each pair correspond to (max_size_in_bucket_for_encoder_sentence, max_size_in_bucket_for_decoder_sentence) :param forward_only: Boolean (False) Whether to update the model, or only predict. Now it only supports False, but it should not be a big deal """ self.max_gradient_norm = FLAGS.max_gradient_norm self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(FLAGS.learning_rate), trainable=False) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) self.learning_rate_decay_op = tf.train.exponential_decay(FLAGS.learning_rate, self.global_step, FLAGS.decay_learning_rate_step, FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor, staircase=True) self.buckets = buckets self.encoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_inputs = [] self.targets = [] self.target_weights = [] for i in range(self.buckets[-1][0]): self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="encoder{0}".format(i))) for i in range(self.buckets[-1][1]): self.targets.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="decoder{0}".format(i))) # decoder inputs : 'GO' + [ y1, y2, ... y_t-1 ] self.decoder_inputs = [tf.zeros_like(self.targets[0], dtype=tf.int64, name='GO')] + self.targets[:-1] #Binary mask useful for padded sequences. self.target_weights = [tf.ones_like(label, dtype=tf.float32) for label in self.targets] self.gradient_norms = [] self.updates = [] self.forward_only = forward_only # Which bucket to extract examples self.bucket_id = tf.placeholder_with_default(0, [], name="bucket_id") def _build_queues(self): """ Build the queues :return: """ self.queues, self.op_starting_queue = create_queues_for_bucket(FLAGS.batch_size, "train", self.buckets) q = tf.QueueBase.from_list(self.bucket_id, self.queues) inputs = tf.squeeze(q.dequeue()) self._questions = inputs[0] self._answers = inputs[1] def build(self): """ Build the model :return: """ cprint("[*] Building model (G)", color="yellow") single_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size) cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(single_cell, output_keep_prob=FLAGS.keep_prob) if FLAGS.num_layers > 1: cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * FLAGS.num_layers) def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode): return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq( encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, cell, num_encoder_symbols=FLAGS.vocab_size, num_decoder_symbols=FLAGS.vocab_size, embedding_size=128, output_projection=None, feed_previous=do_decode) with tf.variable_scope("seq2seq") as scope: self.train_outputs, self.train_losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets( self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, self.targets, self.target_weights, self.buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False)) scope.reuse_variables() self.test_outputs, self.test_losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets( self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, self.targets, self.target_weights, self.buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True)) cprint("[*] Building model (D)", color="yellow") # Question encoder for D. # Should be similar to the one used for G. single_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size) disc_q_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(single_cell, output_keep_prob=FLAGS.keep_prob) if FLAGS.num_layers > 1: disc_q_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * FLAGS.num_layers) disc_q_outputs, disc_q_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell=disc_q_cell, inputs=self.encoder_inputs, # TODO, we need a 2D tensor instead of list, should be this with Louis'code. sequence_length=question_length, #TODO use length dtype=tf.float32, swap_memory=True) # TODO: Combine Real and Fake answers into a single minibatch. Use DECODER max length. # TODO: Should we use vs.get_variable? # Another "classic" dynamic RNN, therefore, transfer LIST inputs into 2D tensor inputs. real_fake_answers = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size*2, self.max_decoder_sequence_length], name="real_and_fake_answers") for t in range(self.max_decoder_sequence_length): real_fake_answers[:self.batch_size, t] = self.decoder_inputs[t] real_fake_answers[self.batch_size:, t] = self.decoder_outputs[0][t] #TODO use eventual G_decoder outputs # TODO: Produce target weights (binary mask) for this too! # TODO: get char/word embeddings of real+fake inputs - use Louis' function : # We assume d_embeddings.shape = (batch, T, embedding_size) - similar to dynamic RNN outputs. d_inputs, d_embeddings = embedded_sequence(real_fake_answers, num_encoder_symbols, embedding_size_encoder) # TODO: Get length of minibatch for dynamic RNN - use Louis's function: answer_length = length_sequence(d_inputs) # TODO: take last state or output question encoder ... # TODO: Do we need a call to tf.expand_dims to keep the time dimension (to further allow broadcast durin concat)? self.question_representation = disc_q_outputs[0][:, question_length-1, :] #shape = (batch, 1, cell_size) # TODO: ... and double the values for the double batch (real - fake) ... self.question_representation = tf.concat(0, [question_representation, question_representation], name="question_representation" ) # TODO: ... and concat to each embedding_t self.question_representation = tf.concat(2, [question_representation, d_embeddings], name="question_representation" ) # TODO: Feed this to a "basic" stacked gru/lstm single_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(FLAGS.hidden_size) disc_a_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(single_cell, output_keep_prob=FLAGS.keep_prob) last_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(1) if FLAGS.num_layers > 1: disc_a_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * FLAGS.num_layers + [last_cell]) else: disc_a_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell, last_cell]) disc_a_outputs, disc_a_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell=disc_a_cell, inputs=self.question_representation, sequence_length=answer_length, dtype=tf.float32, swap_memory=True) # TODO: use sigmoid to classify each timestep as real/fake. d_probs = tf.sigmoid(disc_a_outputs) # TODO: define optimization for D and for G d_loss = - tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(d_probs)) g_rewards = 1.0 - d_probs[self.batch_size:] g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(d_probs[self.batch_size:])) # Optimization : params = tf.trainable_variables() if not self.forward_only: opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) for b in range(len(self.buckets)): cprint("Constructing the forward pass for bucket {}".format(b)) gradients = tf.gradients(self.train_losses[b], params, aggregation_method=2) clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, self.max_gradient_norm) self.gradient_norms.append(norm) self.updates.append(opt.apply_gradients( zip(clipped_gradients, params), global_step=self.global_step)) self._summary() cprint("[!] Model built", color="green") def _summary(self, scope_name="summary"): """ Create an operation to retrieve all summaries added to the graph :return: """ with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) as _: self.merged_summary = [] for bucket_id in range(len(self.buckets)): self.merged_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar(name="training_loss_bucket_{}".format(bucket_id), tensor=self.train_losses[bucket_id])) tf.summary.scalar(name="bucket_id", tensor=self.bucket_id) def forward_with_feed_dict(self, bucket_id, session, questions, answers): encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id] input_feed = {self.bucket_id: bucket_id} # Instead of an array of dim (batch_size, bucket_length), # the model is passed a list of sized batch_size, containing vector of size bucket_length for l in range(encoder_size): input_feed[self.encoder_inputs[l].name] = questions[:, l] # Same for decoder_input for l in range(decoder_size): input_feed[self.targets[l].name] = answers[:, l] input_feed[self.target_weights[l].name] = np.not_equal(answers[:, l], 0).astype(np.float32) #input_feed[self.decoder_inputs[decoder_size].name] = np.zeros_like(answers[:, 0], dtype=np.int64) output_feed = [self.merged_summary[bucket_id], # Summary operation self.global_step, # Current global step self.updates[bucket_id], # Nothing self.gradient_norms[bucket_id], # A scalar the gradient norm self.train_losses[bucket_id]] # Training loss, a scalar for l in range(decoder_size): # Will return a numpy array [batch_size x size_vocab x 1]. Value are not restricted to [-1, 1] output_feed.append(self.train_outputs[bucket_id][l]) # outputs is a list of size (3 + decoder_size) outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed) return outputs def predict(self, bucket_id, session, questions, answers): """ Forward pass and backward :param bucket_id: :param session: :return: """ # Retrieve size of sentence for this bucket encoder_size, decoder_size = self.buckets[bucket_id] input_feed = {self.bucket_id: bucket_id} # questions, answers = session.run([self._questions, self._answers], input_feed) # Instead of an array of dim (batch_size, bucket_length), # the model is passed a list of sized batch_size, containing vector of size bucket_length for l in range(encoder_size): input_feed[self.encoder_inputs[l].name] = questions[:, l] # Same for decoder_input for l in range(decoder_size): input_feed[self.targets[l].name] = answers[:, l] input_feed[self.target_weights[l].name] = np.not_equal(answers[:, l], 0).astype(np.float32) output_feed = [] for l in range(decoder_size): output_feed.append(self.test_outputs[bucket_id][l]) outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed) return outputs, questions, answers
The Chipotle restaurant chain said Wednesday in a securities filing that it’s been hit with a Federal Grand Jury Subpoena after a norovirus outbreak. I find it a little suspicious that the E-coli and norovirus outbreaks at Chipotle started right after they declared they were going non-GMO. I would not be surprised if GMO-loving, big-business bullies, like Monsanto, decided to sabotage Chipotle by contaminating their food supplies out of spite.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Osman Baskaya" import sys from collections import Counter, defaultdict as dd import os from nlp_utils import calc_perp key_file = sys.argv[1] d = dd(list) all_senses = [] total_num_instance = 0 for line in open(key_file): total_num_instance += 1 word, instance_id, sense = line.split() d[word].append(sense) all_senses.append(sense) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(key_file))[0] print basename with open("instance-num-%s.txt" % basename, 'w') as f: f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format("Word", "Number of Instance", "Number of Sense", "Perplexity")) sense_dist = dd(int) for word, senses in d.iteritems(): num_sense = len(set(senses)) perplexity = calc_perp(senses) f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(word, len(senses), num_sense, perplexity)) sense_dist[num_sense] += 1 with open("sense-dist-%s.txt" % basename, 'w') as f: f.write("Total # of Instance: {}\tTotal # of words: {}\n".format(total_num_instance, len(d))) f.write("Mean # of instance: {}\n".format(float(total_num_instance) / len(d))) f.write("Dataset Perplexity: {}\n".format(calc_perp(all_senses))) for n, c in sorted(sense_dist.items()): f.write("{}\t{}\n".format(n, c))
"How purely can you find your Essence? How completely can you open to the sweet, transforming light of your own connection to Source?" What does it mean to lift the veils to who you are? If you get an answer to a question, is that lifting the veils? If you receive guidance about the next steps to take, is that lifting the veils? While answers are useful, and guidance quite practical, neither one requires your transformation. Don't get me wrong, answers and guidance can definitely help you operate better in the world you know. It's great to get information about your path. It's great to get insights and answers about what's next. Yet there is something profoundly transcendent about stepping into your next level of knowing Who You Are, your next stage of evolution. We've all had so many influences throughout our lives that have obscured our true nature. We have been bombarded with many different opinions, beliefs, and interpretations about what you should be, do and have. In fact, many of our "choices" have simply been reactions against those influences, rather than seeing our highest path from a clear knowing of our deepest Self. Your (and others) concepts of you will by nature, always be much more limited than the actual You. It is possible to find your "Pre-mind Essence," the You as you exist before devolving into thought. You can also find your life purpose from this pre-thought state. Finding and experiencing yourself at this level expands and empowers your concepts about yourself. Connect with a more pure aspect of your Self. Gain clarity and knowing of your next expressions of the Divine Plan. Expand into Divine Intelligence and be Carried and Empowered by Divine Purpose. Learn from the Energy Patterns in you aura. Be empowered to truer and richer Self-expression. Empower your Life Purpose, your current role and your path ahead. Bathe in powerful Transmissions from many Masters of Light, as they transmit the purest frequencies of Clarity into your energy field. Side 2 Asking Soul About Purpose, Role, Path, etc. Your life purpose is continually evolving as you move through your lessons and make the next steps of your contributions. Receive light to empower your Life Purpose, and then ask about your purpose, your current role, and your path ahead; as many light beings set an energy field to make it easier for you to receive messages. Receive a sweet gift of light and energy to help you Love yourself unconditionally, and begin to open your awareness of and ability to experience your Lord Self - an aspect of your expanded consciousness. Bring streams of Pure Essence Energy into your heart from beyond the veils. Give permission to all of your being to join that shift, being moved and carried upon the light. Allow your light to go out with it's own intelligence, with you being the peaceful source at the center of the light. Let this light move into your previous creations, through your personality, demonstrating a new paradigm of Self-transformation. Receive support from a group of masters from a very high dimension, who teach about absorbing larger volumes of light and consciousness. Especially for people who wrestle with the need to control life, working with the Volume Beings can be a very helpful way to get beyond that need to grip and control. Instead of struggling with your need to control, the Volume Beings can teach you how to open to greater and greater flows. For just as trying to control and limit your world and your experience is a skill that you have developed, so too, learning how to allow greater flows is a skill that you can develop. So instead of trying to fight a negative (resisting the need to control), you are learning to create a positive (opening to more). Become a larger energy presence, receiving frequencies of clarity to be aware of the infinite dance of life that is contained within and about you. Allow the qualities of magic and aliveness to increase. Remove layers of unconsciousness, adjusting to the raw, unfiltered beauty of this light. Bring a new fluidity to the patterns that make up your personality. Receive a message on how to more completely express your life purpose in the world. You will be guided in this journey to experience the energy patterns that have been, and are being built into your aura, that represent the contributions that you will be making. Many Powerful Beings of light reach through dimensions to transmit to you, to support you in more fully making your contribution in the earth plane. Begin to notice the light structures and energy patterns that have become a part of who you are. Find the energy patterns that source the contribution you are here to make, as they exist in their "pre-thought" state. As you find the contribution you are here to make in this pure state, before it devolves into thoughts, you can learn a great deal. This is a great exercise in "para-cerebral knowing." Notice how the energy structures that represent the contribution you're here to make in the earth plane have changed or expanded. Learn about the contribution you're here to make: how you are being empowered in your purpose here; and how you can best create a shift in an area of your choice in your life. Allow your energy to open another level out, as the flow of Divine Intelligence caresses your heart, lifting and clearing your mind, becoming a conduit for magical energy. Shift from being a holder of miracle frequencies, to a being a Co-Creator, joining as source. As co-creator with source, direct these miracle frequencies into the area of your life that could most benefit from them at this time. Experience streams of light and clarity, as a clearing quality moves into your space, caressing, enlightening, transforming and evolving your energy field. Experience a partnership of joy, as the space you are, meets the exquisite energy of Divine Will. Get comfortable with this feeling of being exquisitely infused with Divine Purpose. For as you feel more peaceful with it, you can relax into that feeling of being carried upon the energy of Divine Purpose. The more you are infused with Divine Will, the more you feel yourself ripe with magic, ripe with possibilities.
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__) import math import morse.actuators.armature_actuator from morse.helpers.morse_math import normalise_angle from morse.core.services import service from morse.core.exceptions import MorseRPCInvokationError class KukaActuatorClass(morse.actuators.armature_actuator.ArmatureActuatorClass): """ Class to control the KUKA LWR arm using Blender armatures. Sub class of ArmatureActuatorClass, that considers the specific case of objects that can be mounted on the arm. This class has many MORSE Services that you can access via sockets/telnet. """ def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. Receives the reference to the Blender object. """ logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name) # Call the constructor of the parent class super(self.__class__,self).__init__(obj, parent) # Get the references to the segment at the tip of the arm for child in self.blender_obj.childrenRecursive: if 'kuka_7' in child.name: self._arm_tip = child # Any other objects children of the Kuka arm are assumed # to be mounted on the tip of the arm for child in self.blender_obj.children: if not 'kuka' in child.name: child.setParent(self._arm_tip) #self._tolerance = math.radians(0.5) logger.info('Component initialized') def default_action(self): """ Apply rotation angles to the segments of the arm """ armature = self.blender_obj logger.debug("The armature is: '%s' (%s)" % (armature, type(armature))) for channel in armature.channels: segment_angle = channel.joint_rotation logger.debug("Channel '%s' st: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (channel, segment_angle[0], segment_angle[1], segment_angle[2])) # Get the normalised angle for this segment target_angle = normalise_angle(self.local_data[channel.name]) # Use the corresponding direction for each rotation if self._dofs[channel.name][1] == 1: segment_angle[1] = target_angle elif self._dofs[channel.name][2] == 1: segment_angle[2] = target_angle logger.debug("Channel '%s' fn: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (channel, segment_angle[0], segment_angle[1], segment_angle[2])) channel.joint_rotation = segment_angle armature.update() @service def set_rotation(self, channel_name, rotation): """ MORSE Service to set the rotation angle of the given channel_name to the angles list (x,y,z). Overrides the default method of the ArmatureActuatorClass, so that data is stored in the expected format of a list of angles for each joint. """ try: for i in range(3): if self._dofs[channel_name][i] != 0: self.local_data[channel_name] = rotation[i] return None except KeyError: msg = str(channel_name) + " is not a valid channel name " raise MorseRPCInvokationError(msg) @service def set_rotation_array(self, *rotation_array): """ MORSE service to set the rotation for each of the arm joints. It receives an array containing the angle to give to each of the robot articulations. The array contains only one angle for each joint. """ i = 0 for channel in self.blender_obj.channels: try: self.local_data[channel.name] = rotation_array[i] i += 1 # If there are no more arguments, set the rotation values to zero except IndexError: self.local_data[channel.name] = 0.0 return None
He watched Alana kill his parents and vowed to kill any vampire that crossed his path. He has a criminal record where he killed two women. One was trying to assault him and he killed accidentally. The other was in to pretending to be a vampire, and he killed her in a club for "vampires" called Vlad's Bar.
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Tuxemon # Copyright (C) 2014, William Edwards <shadowapex@gmail.com>, # Benjamin Bean <superman2k5@gmail.com> # # This file is part of Tuxemon. # # Tuxemon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Tuxemon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Tuxemon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Contributor(s): # # William Edwards <shadowapex@gmail.com> # # # core.components.controller Controller overlay functions for mobile. # # import logging import pygame from . import screen # Create a logger for optional handling of debug messages. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("core.controller successfully imported") class Controller(object): """Handles the controller overlay functionality for mobile versions of the game. This includes detecting screen touches of on-screen buttons so they can be translated to keystrokes as well as drawing the controller overlay itself. .. image:: images/menu/controller_overlay01.png :param game: The main game object that contains all the game’s variables. :type game: tuxemon.Game """ def __init__(self, game): self.game = game self.dpad = {} def load(self): from core import prepare self.dpad["surface"] = pygame.image.load("resources/gfx/d-pad.png").convert_alpha() self.dpad["surface"] = pygame.transform.scale(self.dpad["surface"], (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() * prepare.SCALE, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() * prepare.SCALE)) self.dpad["position"] = (0, prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[1] - self.dpad["surface"].get_height() ) # Create the collision rectangle objects for the dpad so we can see if we're pressing a button self.dpad["rect"] = {} self.dpad["rect"]["up"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3), self.dpad["position"][1], # Rectangle position_y self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3, # Rectangle size_x self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2) # Rectangle size_y self.dpad["rect"]["down"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3), self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2) self.dpad["rect"]["left"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0], self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3) self.dpad["rect"]["right"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2), self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3), self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2, self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3) # Create the buttons self.a_button = {} self.a_button["surface"] = pygame.image.load("resources/gfx/a-button.png").convert_alpha() self.a_button["surface"] = pygame.transform.scale(self.a_button["surface"], (self.a_button["surface"].get_width() * prepare.SCALE, self.a_button["surface"].get_height() * prepare.SCALE)) self.a_button["position"] = (prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int( self.a_button["surface"].get_width() * 1.0 ), (self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.a_button["surface"].get_height() / 2))) self.a_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect( self.a_button["position"][0], self.a_button["position"][1], self.a_button["surface"].get_width(), self.a_button["surface"].get_height()) self.b_button = {} self.b_button["surface"] = pygame.image.load("resources/gfx/b-button.png").convert_alpha() self.b_button["surface"] = pygame.transform.scale(self.b_button["surface"], (self.b_button["surface"].get_width() * prepare.SCALE, self.b_button["surface"].get_height() * prepare.SCALE)) self.b_button["position"] = (prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int( self.b_button["surface"].get_width() * 2.1 ), (self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.b_button["surface"].get_height() / 2))) self.b_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect( self.b_button["position"][0], self.b_button["position"][1], self.b_button["surface"].get_width(), self.b_button["surface"].get_height()) def draw(self, game): """Draws the controller overlay to the screen. :param game: The main game object that contains all the game’s variables. :type game: tuxemon.Game :rtype: None :returns: None """ screen.blit_alpha(game.screen, self.dpad["surface"], self.dpad["position"], game.config.controller_transparency) screen.blit_alpha(game.screen, self.a_button["surface"], self.a_button["position"], game.config.controller_transparency) screen.blit_alpha(game.screen, self.b_button["surface"], self.b_button["position"], game.config.controller_transparency) #game.screen.fill((122,122,122, 22), self.dpad["rect"]["right"], special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MIN)
Habibi, based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers. In the meantime however Dodola is forced to prostitute herself to desert traders in order to provide for Zam. When he seeks an alternative means of income Dodola is captured by the Sultan and Zam is forced into a quest to try and rescue her. At heart Habibi is, like Blankets, a profound love story, but it also functions as a parable about the environment and the state of the world. Set in the place where Christianity and Islam began, it explores the fundamental connection between these religions, and also the relationship between the first and the third world and the increasingly important battle for the earth's resources. Ambitious, but always deeply felt, Habibi is a beautifully drawn and moving graphic novel that will get a huge amount of attention. Habibi, based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers. In the meantime however Dodola is forced to prostitute herself to desert traders in order to provide for Zam. When he seeks an alternative means of income Dodola is captured by the Sultan and Zam is forced into a quest to try and rescue her. At heart Habibi is, like Blankets, a profound love story, but it also functions as a parable about the environment and the state of the world. Set in the place where Christianity and Islam began, it explores the fundamental connection between these religions, and also the relationship between the first and the third world and the increasingly important battle for the earth's resources. Ambitious, but always deeply felt, Habibi is a beautifully drawn and moving graphic novel that will get a huge amount of attention. Craig Thompson's previous graphic novels include Blankets (which won three 2004 Harvey Awards for Best Artist, Best Graphic Album of Original Work, and Best Cartoonist; the Prix de la critique at Angouleme; and two 2004 Eisner Awards for Best Graphic Album and Best Writer/Artist); Goodbye, Chunky Rice; and Carnet de Voyage.
import os import re from collections import namedtuple from random import seed, sample from tqdm import tqdm as log_progress from natasha import NamesExtractor from natasha.markup import show_markup from natasha.grammars.name import Name FACTRU_DIR = 'factRuEval-2016' DEVSET_DIR = os.path.join(FACTRU_DIR, 'devset') TESTSET_DIR = os.path.join(FACTRU_DIR, 'testset') RESULTS_DIR = os.path.join(FACTRU_DIR, 'results') TAGS = { Name: 'PER' } Factru = namedtuple( 'Factru', ['id', 'text'] ) Task1Record = namedtuple( 'Task1Record', ['tag', 'start', 'size'] ) def load_text(path): with open(path) as file: return file.read() def load_factru(dir): for filename in os.listdir(dir): match = re.match('book_(\d+)\.txt', filename) if match: id = int(match.group(1)) path = os.path.join(dir, filename) text = load_text(path) yield Factru(id, text) def get_task1_path(id): filename = 'book_{id}.task1'.format(id=id) return os.path.join( RESULTS_DIR, filename ) def format_task1(result): for record in result: yield '{record.tag} {record.start} {record.size}'.format( record=record ) def dump_lines(lines, path): with open(path, 'w') as file: for line in lines: file.write(line + '\n') def dump_task1(id, result): path = get_task1_path(id) lines = format_task1(result) dump_lines(lines, path) def match_to_task1(match): start, stop = match.span size = stop - start fact = match.fact tag = TAGS[type(fact)] return Task1Record(tag, start, size) def maybe_mkdir(dir): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) if __name__ == '__main__': factru = list(load_factru(TESTSET_DIR)) extractor = NamesExtractor() maybe_mkdir(RESULTS_DIR) for record in log_progress(factru): matches = extractor(record.text) guess = [match_to_task1(_) for _ in matches] dump_task1(record.id, guess)
Transposition is very much what poetry and all literary art is about. To hear snatches from the huge unknowable symphony of experience, to catch them and transpose them to a key that resonates with our understanding, so that at some point they harmonise with that unheard melody from heaven we are always trying to hear, that is the purpose of poetry. In a happy coincidence, this quote from Malcolm Guite’s Faith, Hope, and Poetry speaks directly to the name of ‘Transpositions’ and to the heart of this post. Guite manages to craft an image of the purpose of poetry which is fascinating in that in describing poetry’s purpose he employs one of poetry’s most powerful tools – metaphor. As abstract and beautifully succinct as Guite’s assertion is, one concrete way in which poetry transposes is Ekphrasis. An example of ekphrasis in poetry from the nineteenth century is “To A Picture by Giovanni Bellini” by E. Nesbit. Let thy pure light for ever shine. Though dimly, through this life of mine ! Though what I dream, and what I do. O thou whose deeds and dreams are one ! Yet let Death’s sunrise shine on me. Still reaching arms and heart to thee ! Though to which painting Nesbit is responding is not clear, it is likely that it is one of Bellini’s studies of the Madonna. The Madonna was Bellini’s special study. However, which of the almost a dozen “Madonna and Child” paintings it could be is not clear. Though, strictly speaking, ekphrasis can refer to a direct comparison or experience of a specific work, in this case it may reflect the experience of a number of different Bellini paintings. In literary terms, and especially given its classical roots and the way it came to prominence in the work of many nineteenth century poet theologians (like John Ruskin and Walter Pater), ekphrasis is rarely spoken about in relation to contemporary poetry. However, contemporary poetry is not ignorant of the ekphrastic mode. Some contemporary poets who are particularly successful in their employment of ekphrasis include Eavan Boland,Geoffrey Hill, and Les Murray. Finally, it could be said that in our reflections on the arts and in reflecting on our experiences of specific works of art, much of what Transpositions is about is ekphrastic. Can you suggest any other examples of ekphrasis that might be helpful to this discussion? (Guite 23). You can read the Transpositions review of Guite’s book here. This poem was included in the 1888 collection titled Easter-tide and published by E.P. Dutton.
from panels import * from panels.config import panels_config as config def url_domain(url): url = url.strip().replace('//', '/') url = re.sub(r'^https?:/', '', url) url = re.sub(r'^www\.', '', url) return url.split('/', 1)[0].strip('@#?=. ') @Session.model_mixin class SessionMixin: def panel_apps(self): return self.query(PanelApplication).order_by('applied').all() def panel_applicants(self): return self.query(PanelApplicant).options(joinedload(PanelApplicant.application)).order_by('first_name', 'last_name') class SocialMediaMixin(JSONColumnMixin('social_media', c.SOCIAL_MEDIA)): _social_media_urls = config.get('social_media_urls', {}) _social_media_placeholders = config.get('social_media_placeholders', {}) @classmethod def get_placeholder(cls, name): name = cls.unqualify(name) return cls._social_media_placeholders.get(name, '') @property def has_social_media(self): return any(getattr(self, f) for f in self._social_media_fields.keys()) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.endswith('_url'): field_name = self.unqualify(name[:-4]) if field_name in self._social_media_fields: attr = super(SocialMediaMixin, self).__getattr__(field_name) attr = attr.strip('@#?=. ') if attr else '' if attr: if attr.startswith('http:') or attr.startswith('https:'): return attr else: url = self._social_media_urls.get(field_name, '{}') if url_domain(url.format('')) in url_domain(attr): return attr return url.format(attr) return '' else: return super(SocialMediaMixin, self).__getattr__(name) elif name.endswith('_placeholder'): return self.get_placeholder(name[:-12]) else: return super(SocialMediaMixin, self).__getattr__(name) @Session.model_mixin class Attendee: assigned_panelists = relationship('AssignedPanelist', backref='attendee') panel_applicants = relationship('PanelApplicant', backref='attendee') panel_applications = relationship('PanelApplication', backref='poc') panel_feedback = relationship('EventFeedback', backref='attendee') class Event(MagModel): location = Column(Choice(c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS)) start_time = Column(UTCDateTime) duration = Column(Integer) # half-hour increments name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) description = Column(UnicodeText) assigned_panelists = relationship('AssignedPanelist', backref='event') applications = relationship('PanelApplication', backref='event') panel_feedback = relationship('EventFeedback', backref='event') @property def half_hours(self): half_hours = set() for i in range(self.duration): half_hours.add(self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=30 * i)) return half_hours @property def minutes(self): return (self.duration or 0) * 30 @property def start_slot(self): if self.start_time: return int((self.start_time_local - c.EPOCH).total_seconds() / (60 * 30)) @property def end_time(self): return self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=self.minutes) class AssignedPanelist(MagModel): attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='cascade')) event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('event.id', ondelete='cascade')) def __repr__(self): if self.attendee: return '<{self.attendee.full_name} panelisting {self.event.name}>'.format(self=self) else: return super(AssignedPanelist, self).__repr__() class PanelApplication(MagModel): event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('event.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), nullable=True) poc_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), nullable=True) name = Column(UnicodeText) length = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_LENGTH_OPTS), default=c.SIXTY_MIN) length_text = Column(UnicodeText) length_reason = Column(UnicodeText) description = Column(UnicodeText) unavailable = Column(UnicodeText) available = Column(UnicodeText) affiliations = Column(UnicodeText) past_attendance = Column(UnicodeText) presentation = Column(Choice(c.PRESENTATION_OPTS)) other_presentation = Column(UnicodeText) tech_needs = Column(MultiChoice(c.TECH_NEED_OPTS)) other_tech_needs = Column(UnicodeText) need_tables = Column(Boolean, default=False) tables_desc = Column(UnicodeText) has_cost = Column(Boolean, default=False) cost_desc = Column(UnicodeText) livestream = Column(Choice(c.LIVESTREAM_OPTS), default=c.DONT_CARE) panelist_bringing = Column(UnicodeText) extra_info = Column(UnicodeText) applied = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow()) status = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_APP_STATUS_OPTS), default=c.PENDING, admin_only=True) comments = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True) applicants = relationship('PanelApplicant', backref='application') email_model_name = 'app' @property def email(self): return self.submitter and self.submitter.email @property def submitter(self): for a in self.applicants: if a.submitter: return a return None @property def other_panelists(self): return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.submitter] @property def matched_attendees(self): return [a.attendee for a in self.applicants if a.attendee_id] @property def unmatched_applicants(self): return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.attendee_id] class PanelApplicant(SocialMediaMixin, MagModel): app_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('panel_application.id', ondelete='cascade')) attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='cascade'), nullable=True) submitter = Column(Boolean, default=False) first_name = Column(UnicodeText) last_name = Column(UnicodeText) email = Column(UnicodeText) cellphone = Column(UnicodeText) communication_pref = Column(MultiChoice(c.COMMUNICATION_PREF_OPTS)) other_communication_pref = Column(UnicodeText) occupation = Column(UnicodeText) website = Column(UnicodeText) other_credentials = Column(UnicodeText) @property def has_credentials(self): return any([self.occupation, self.website, self.other_credentials]) @property def full_name(self): return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name class EventFeedback(MagModel): event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('event.id')) attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='cascade')) headcount_starting = Column(Integer, default=0) headcount_during = Column(Integer, default=0) comments = Column(UnicodeText) rating = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_RATING_OPTS), default=c.UNRATED) from panels.models.attraction import * # noqa: F401,E402,F403
1.YiFei Colorful Industrial Co,.Ltdis a fan makeup brush,flat makeup brushin one large multi-functional integrated modern enterprise,and devote the high-quality foundation makeup brush and first-class service for the masses of customers. 2.YiFei Colorful Industrial Co,.Ltd is specialized in Industry and agriculture,Manufacturing,Beauty products processing since established in 10 years ago.So far,our company has established its branch companies in major cities throughout the country.Formed in 1011, Building 13, Tiedong logistics, Huanancheng, Pinghu street, Longgang district, Shenzhen,Longgang District,Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province,China as the center, the radiation sales system and service network.Details:sable makeup brush:It is extremely soft and smooth, and does not need to be processed. Mao Genji is fine. The hair of the existing makeup brush is the finest and its hair is thin and straight. Disadvantages: too soft and not elastic enough. It is usually used for making powder brush and shadow brush. Among all the cosmetic brushes, the precious degree of hair in turn is marten hair, squirrel hair (including Canadian squirrel hair, chinchilla hair, blue belly rat hair, etc.), horse hair, wool, fiber hair, there is no so-called good or bad, depending on what kind of makeup you need.If you like natural and soft makeup, synthetic makeup brushor if your skin is allergic and fragile, a soft brush is better. 3.Adhering to the spirit of enterprise, YiFei bases on long-term development, technology as the core, market-oriented, and constantly open up new areas, undertaking to provide fast, high-quality service for the vast numbers of users. For further information about YiFeiProfessional makeup brushx2b33de7n, please visit our official website: www.lecoellon.com.
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. # Copyright (C) Kai Blin <kai@samba.org> 2011 # Copyright (C) Catalyst.NET 2021 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import sys from samba import dsdb from samba import dsdb_dns from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack, ndr_pack from samba.samdb import SamDB from samba.auth import system_session import ldb from samba import credentials from samba.dcerpc import dns, dnsp, dnsserver from samba.dnsserver import TXTRecord, ARecord from samba.dnsserver import recbuf_from_string, ipv6_normalise from samba.tests.subunitrun import SubunitOptions, TestProgram from samba import werror, WERRORError from samba.tests.dns_base import DNSTest import samba.getopt as options import optparse import time from samba.colour import c_RED, c_GREEN, c_DARK_YELLOW parser = optparse.OptionParser( "dns_aging.py <server name> <server ip> [options]") sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(sambaopts) # use command line creds if available credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(credopts) subunitopts = SubunitOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(subunitopts) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) LP = sambaopts.get_loadparm() CREDS = credopts.get_credentials(LP) SERVER_NAME = args[0] SERVER_IP = args[1] CREDS.set_krb_forwardable(credentials.NO_KRB_FORWARDABLE) DOMAIN = CREDS.get_realm().lower() # Unix time start, in DNS timestamp (24 * 365.25 * 369) # These are ballpark extremes for the timestamp. DNS_TIMESTAMP_1970 = 3234654 DNS_TIMESTAMP_2101 = 4383000 DNS_TIMESTAMP_1981 = 3333333 # a middling timestamp IPv4_ADDR = "" IPv6_ADDR = "::1" IPv4_ADDR_2 = "" IPv6_ADDR_2 = "1::1" def get_samdb(): return SamDB(url=f"ldap://{SERVER_IP}", lp=LP, session_info=system_session(), credentials=CREDS) def get_file_samdb(): # For Samba only direct file access, needed for the tombstoning functions. # (For Windows, we instruct it to tombstone over RPC). return SamDB(url=LP.samdb_url(), lp=LP, session_info=system_session(), credentials=CREDS) def get_rpc(): return dnsserver.dnsserver(f"ncacn_ip_tcp:{SERVER_IP}[sign]", LP, CREDS) def create_zone(name, rpc=None, aging=True): if rpc is None: rpc = get_rpc() z = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_LONGHORN() z.pszZoneName = name z.dwZoneType = dnsp.DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY z.fAging = int(bool(aging)) z.dwDpFlags = dnsserver.DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT z.fDsIntegrated = 1 z.fLoadExisting = 1 z.fAllowUpdate = dnsp.DNS_ZONE_UPDATE_UNSECURE rpc.DnssrvOperation2(dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, None, 0, 'ZoneCreate', dnsserver.DNSSRV_TYPEID_ZONE_CREATE, z) def delete_zone(name, rpc=None): if rpc is None: rpc = get_rpc() rpc.DnssrvOperation2(dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, name, 0, 'DeleteZoneFromDs', dnsserver.DNSSRV_TYPEID_NULL, None) def txt_s_list(txt): """Construct a txt record string list, which is a fiddly matter.""" if isinstance(txt, str): txt = [txt] s_list = dnsp.string_list() s_list.count = len(txt) s_list.str = txt return s_list def make_txt_record(txt): r = dns.txt_record() r.txt = txt_s_list(txt) return r def copy_rec(rec): copy = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_RECORD() copy.wType = rec.wType copy.dwFlags = rec.dwFlags copy.dwSerial = rec.dwSerial copy.dwTtlSeconds = rec.dwTtlSeconds copy.data = rec.data copy.dwTimeStamp = rec.dwTimeStamp return copy def guess_wtype(data): if isinstance(data, list): data = make_txt_record(data) return (data, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT) if ":" in data: return (data, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_AAAA) return (data, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_A) class TestDNSAging(DNSTest): """Probe DNS aging and scavenging, using LDAP and RPC to set and test the timestamps behind DNS's back.""" server = SERVER_NAME server_ip = SERVER_IP creds = CREDS def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.rpc_conn = get_rpc() self.samdb = get_samdb() # We always have a zone of our own named after the test function. self.zone = self.id().rsplit('.', 1)[1] self.addCleanup(delete_zone, self.zone, self.rpc_conn) try: create_zone(self.zone, self.rpc_conn) except WERRORError as e: if e.args[0] != werror.WERR_DNS_ERROR_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: raise print(f"zone {self.zone} already exists") # Though we set this in create_zone(), that doesn't work on # Windows, so we repeat again here. self.set_zone_int_params(AllowUpdate=dnsp.DNS_ZONE_UPDATE_UNSECURE) self.zone_dn = (f"DC={self.zone},CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=DomainDNSZones," f"{self.samdb.get_default_basedn()}") def set_zone_int_params(self, zone=None, **kwargs): """Keyword arguments set parameters on the zone. e.g.: self.set_zone_int_params(Aging=1, RefreshInterval=222) See [MS-DNSP] "DNS Zone Integer Properties" for names. """ if zone is None: zone = self.zone for key, val in kwargs.items(): name_param = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_NAME_AND_PARAM() name_param.dwParam = val name_param.pszNodeName = key try: self.rpc_conn.DnssrvOperation2( dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, zone, 0, 'ResetDwordProperty', dnsserver.DNSSRV_TYPEID_NAME_AND_PARAM, name_param) except WERRORError as e: self.fail(str(e)) def rpc_replace(self, name, old=None, new=None): """Replace a DNS_RPC_RECORD or DNS_RPC_RECORD_BUF""" # wrap our recs, if necessary if isinstance(new, dnsserver.DNS_RPC_RECORD): rec = new new = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_RECORD_BUF() new.rec = rec if isinstance(old, dnsserver.DNS_RPC_RECORD): rec = old old = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_RECORD_BUF() old.rec = rec try: self.rpc_conn.DnssrvUpdateRecord2( dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, self.zone, name, new, old) except WERRORError as e: self.fail(f"could not replace record ({e})") def get_unique_txt_record(self, name, txt): """Get the TXT record on Name with value txt, asserting that there is only one.""" if isinstance(txt, str): txt = [txt] recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) match = None for r in recs: if r.wType != dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT: continue txt2 = [x for x in r.data.str] if txt2 == txt: self.assertIsNone(match) match = r return match def get_unique_ip_record(self, name, addr, wtype=None): """Get an A or AAAA record on name with the matching data.""" if wtype is None: addr, wtype = guess_wtype(addr) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) # We need to use the internal dns_record_match because not all # forms always match on strings (e.g. IPv6) rec = dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord() rec.wType = wtype rec.data = addr match = None for r in recs: if dsdb_dns.records_match(r, rec): self.assertIsNone(match) match = r return match def dns_query(self, name, qtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_ALL): """make a query, which might help Windows notice LDAP changes""" p = self.make_name_packet(dns.DNS_OPCODE_QUERY) fullname = "%s.%s" % (name, self.zone) q = self.make_name_question(fullname, qtype, dns.DNS_QCLASS_IN) self.finish_name_packet(p, [q]) r, rp = self.dns_transaction_udp(p, host=SERVER_IP) return r def dns_update_non_text(self, name, data, wtype=None, qclass=dns.DNS_QCLASS_IN): if wtype is None: data, wtype = guess_wtype(data) if qclass == dns.DNS_QCLASS_IN: ttl = 123 else: ttl = 0 fullname = "%s.%s" % (name, self.zone) p = self.make_name_packet(dns.DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE) u = self.make_name_question(self.zone, dns.DNS_QTYPE_SOA, dns.DNS_QCLASS_IN) self.finish_name_packet(p, [u]) r = dns.res_rec() r.name = fullname r.rr_type = wtype r.rr_class = qclass r.ttl = ttl if data is not None: r.length = 0xffff r.rdata = data else: r.length = 0 p.nscount = 1 p.nsrecs = [r] (code, response) = self.dns_transaction_udp(p, host=SERVER_IP) self.assert_dns_rcode_equals(code, dns.DNS_RCODE_OK) return response def dns_delete(self, name, data, wtype=None): return self.dns_update_non_text(name, data, wtype, qclass=dns.DNS_QCLASS_NONE) def dns_delete_type(self, name, wtype): return self.dns_update_non_text(name, None, wtype, qclass=dns.DNS_QCLASS_ANY) def dns_update_record(self, name, txt, ttl=900): if isinstance(txt, str): txt = [txt] p = self.make_txt_update(name, txt, self.zone, ttl=ttl) (code, response) = self.dns_transaction_udp(p, host=SERVER_IP) if code.operation & dns.DNS_RCODE == dns.DNS_RCODE_REFUSED: # sometimes you might forget this print("\n\ngot DNS_RCODE_REFUSED\n") print("Are you running this in the fl2003 environment?\n") print("try `SELFTEST_TESTENV='fl2003dc:local' make testenv`\n\n") self.assert_dns_rcode_equals(code, dns.DNS_RCODE_OK) return self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt) def rpc_update_record(self, name, txt, **kwargs): """Add the record that self.dns_update_record() would add, via the dnsserver RPC pipe. As with DNS update, if the record already exists, we replace it. """ if isinstance(txt, str): txt = [txt] old = TXTRecord(txt) rec = TXTRecord(txt) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(rec, k, v) try: self.rpc_replace(name, old, rec) except AssertionError as e: # we have caught and wrapped the WERRor inside if 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST' not in str(e): raise self.rpc_replace(name, None, rec) return self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt) def rpc_delete_txt(self, name, txt): if isinstance(txt, str): txt = [txt] old = TXTRecord(txt) self.rpc_replace(name, old, None) def get_one_node(self, name): expr = f"(&(objectClass=dnsNode)(name={name}))" nodes = self.samdb.search(base=self.zone_dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=expr, attrs=["dnsRecord", "dNSTombstoned", "name"]) if len(nodes) > 1: self.fail( f"expected 0 or 1 dnsNodes for {name}, found {len(nodes)}") if len(nodes) == 0: return None return nodes[0] def ldap_get_records(self, name): node = self.get_one_node(name) if node is None: return [] records = node.get('dnsRecord') return [ndr_unpack(dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord, r) for r in records] def ldap_get_non_tombstoned_records(self, name): all_records = self.ldap_get_records(name) records = [] for r in all_records: if r.wType != dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TOMBSTONE: records.append(r) return records def assert_tombstoned(self, name, tombstoned=True, timestamp=None): # If run with tombstoned=False, assert it isn't tombstoned # (and has no traces of tombstone). Otherwise assert it has # all the necessary bits. # # with timestamp=<non-zero number of hours>, we assert that # the nttime timestamp is about that time. # # with timestamp=None, we assert it is within a century or so. # # with timestamp=False (or 0), we don't assert on it. node = self.get_one_node(name) if node is None: self.fail(f"no node named {name}") dnsts = node.get("dNSTombstoned") if dnsts is None: is_tombstoned = False else: self.assertEqual(len(dnsts), 1) if dnsts[0] == b'TRUE': is_tombstoned = True else: is_tombstoned = False if tombstoned != is_tombstoned: if is_tombstoned: self.fail(f"{name} is tombstoned") else: self.fail(f"{name} is not tombstoned") recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) if is_tombstoned: self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assertEqual(recs[0].wType, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TOMBSTONE) if timestamp is None: self.assert_nttime_in_hour_range(recs[0].data) elif timestamp: self.assert_nttime_in_hour_range(recs[0].data, timestamp - 3, timestamp + 3) else: for r in recs: self.assertNotEqual(recs[0].wType, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TOMBSTONE) def ldap_replace_records(self, name, records): # We use raw ldap to avoid the "helpfulness" of dsdb_dns.replace() dn = f'DC={name},{self.zone_dn}' msg = ldb.Message.from_dict(self.samdb, {'dn': dn, 'dnsRecord': [ndr_pack(r) for r in records] }, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE) try: self.samdb.modify(msg) except ldb.LdbError as e: if 'LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT' not in e.args[1]: raise # We need to do an add msg["objectClass"] = ["top", "dnsNode"] msg["dnsRecord"].set_flags(ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD) self.samdb.add(msg) def ldap_update_core(self, name, wtype, data, **kwargs): """This one is not TXT specific.""" records = self.ldap_get_records(name) # default values rec = dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord() rec.wType = wtype rec.rank = dnsp.DNS_RANK_ZONE rec.dwTtlSeconds = 900 rec.dwSerial = 110 rec.dwTimeStamp = 0 rec.data = data # override defaults, as required for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(rec, k, v) for i, r in enumerate(records[:]): if dsdb_dns.records_match(r, rec): records[i] = rec break else: # record not found records.append(rec) self.ldap_replace_records(name, records) return rec def ldap_update_record(self, name, txt, **kwargs): """Add the record that self.dns_update_record() would add, via ldap, thus allowing us to set additional dnsRecord features like dwTimestamp. """ rec = self.ldap_update_core(name, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT, txt_s_list(txt), **kwargs) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) match = None for r in recs: if r.wType != rec.wType: continue if r.data.str == rec.data.str: self.assertIsNone(match, f"duplicate records for {name}") match = r self.assertEqual(match.rank, rec.rank & 255) self.assertEqual(match.dwTtlSeconds, rec.dwTtlSeconds) self.assert_timestamps_equal(match.dwTimeStamp, rec.dwTimeStamp) return match def ldap_delete_record(self, name, data, wtype=dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT): rec = dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord() if wtype == dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TXT: data = txt_s_list(data) rec.wType = wtype rec.data = data records = self.ldap_get_records(name) for i, r in enumerate(records[:]): if dsdb_dns.records_match(r, rec): del records[i] break else: self.fail(f"record {data} not found") self.ldap_replace_records(name, records) def add_ip_record(self, name, addr, wtype=None, **kwargs): if wtype is None: addr, wtype = guess_wtype(addr) rec = self.ldap_update_core(name, wtype, addr, **kwargs) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) match = None for r in recs: if dsdb_dns.records_match(r, rec): self.assertIsNone(match, f"duplicate records for {name}") match = r self.assertEqual(match.rank, rec.rank & 255) self.assertEqual(match.dwTtlSeconds, rec.dwTtlSeconds) self.assert_timestamps_equal(match.dwTimeStamp, rec.dwTimeStamp) return match def ldap_modify_timestamps(self, name, delta): records = self.ldap_get_records(name) for rec in records: rec.dwTimeStamp += delta self.ldap_replace_records(name, records) def get_rpc_records(self, name, dns_type=None): if dns_type is None: dns_type = dnsp.DNS_TYPE_ALL select_flags = dnsserver.DNS_RPC_VIEW_AUTHORITY_DATA buflen, res = self.rpc_conn.DnssrvEnumRecords2( dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, self.zone, name, None, dns_type, select_flags, None, None) recs = [] if not res or res.count == 0: return [] for rec in res.rec: recs.extend(rec.records) return recs def dns_tombstone(self, name, epoch_hours=DNS_TIMESTAMP_1981, epoch_nttime=None): dn = f'DC={name},{self.zone_dn}' r = dnsp.DnssrvRpcRecord() r.wType = dnsp.DNS_TYPE_TOMBSTONE # r.dwTimeStamp is a 32 bit value in hours, and r.data is an # NTTIME (100 nanosecond intervals), both in the 1601 epoch. A # tombstome will have both, but expiration calculations use # the r.data NTTIME EntombedTime timestamp (see [MS-DNSP]). r.dwTimeStamp = epoch_hours if epoch_nttime is None: r.data = epoch_hours * 3600 * 10 * 1000 * 1000 else: r.data = epoch_nttime msg = ldb.Message.from_dict(self.samdb, {'dn': dn, 'dnsRecord': [ndr_pack(r)], 'dnsTombstoned': 'TRUE' }, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE) try: self.samdb.modify(msg) except ldb.LdbError as e: if 'LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT' not in e.args[1]: raise # We need to do an add msg["objectClass"] = ["top", "dnsNode"] self.samdb.add(msg) def set_aging(self, enable=False): self.set_zone_int_params(Aging=int(bool(enable))) def assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(self, rec): self.assertGreater(rec.dwTimeStamp, DNS_TIMESTAMP_1970) self.assertLess(rec.dwTimeStamp, DNS_TIMESTAMP_2101) def assert_nttime_in_hour_range(self, t, hour_min=DNS_TIMESTAMP_1970, hour_max=DNS_TIMESTAMP_2101): t //= int(3600 * 1e7) self.assertGreater(t, hour_min) self.assertLess(t, hour_max) def assert_soon_after(self, timestamp, reference): """Assert that a timestamp is the same or very slightly higher than a reference timestamp. Typically we expect the timestamps to be identical, unless an hour has clicked over since the reference was taken. However we allow one more hour in case it happens during a daylight savings transition or something. """ if hasattr(timestamp, 'dwTimeStamp'): timestamp = timestamp.dwTimeStamp if hasattr(reference, 'dwTimeStamp'): reference = reference.dwTimeStamp diff = timestamp - reference days = abs(diff / 24.0) if diff < 0: msg = f"timestamp is {days} days ({abs(diff)} hours) before reference" elif diff > 2: msg = f"timestamp is {days} days ({diff} hours) after reference" else: return raise AssertionError(msg) def assert_timestamps_equal(self, ts1, ts2): """Just like assertEqual(), but tells us the difference, not the absolute values. e.g: self.assertEqual(a, b) AssertionError: 3685491 != 3685371 self.assert_timestamps_equal(a, b) AssertionError: -120 (first is 5.0 days earlier than second) Also, we turn a record into a timestamp if we need """ if hasattr(ts1, 'dwTimeStamp'): ts1 = ts1.dwTimeStamp if hasattr(ts2, 'dwTimeStamp'): ts2 = ts2.dwTimeStamp if ts1 == ts2: return diff = ts1 - ts2 days = abs(diff / 24.0) if ts1 == 0 or ts2 == 0: # when comparing to zero we don't want the number of days. msg = f"timestamp {ts1} != {ts2}" elif diff > 0: msg = f"{ts1} is {days} days ({diff} hours) after {ts2}" else: msg = f"{ts1} is {days} days ({abs(diff)} hours) before {ts2}" raise AssertionError(msg) def test_update_timestamps_aging_off_then_on(self): # we will add a record with aging off # it will have the current timestamp self.set_aging(False) name = 'timestamp-now' name2 = 'timestamp-eightdays' rec = self.dns_update_record(name, [name]) start_time = rec.dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(rec) # alter the timestamp -8 days using RPC # with aging turned off, we expect no change # when aging is on, we expect change eight_days_ago = start_time - 8 * 24 rec = self.ldap_update_record(name2, [name2], dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec.dwTimeStamp, eight_days_ago) # if aging was on, this would change rec = self.dns_update_record(name2, [name2]) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec.dwTimeStamp, eight_days_ago) self.set_aging(True) rec = self.dns_update_record(name2, [name2]) self.assertGreaterEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, start_time) def test_rpc_update_timestamps(self): # RPC always sets timestamps to zero on Windows. self.set_aging(False) name = 'timestamp-now' rec = self.dns_update_record(name, [name]) start_time = rec.dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(rec) # attempt to alter the timestamp to something close by. eight_days_ago = start_time - 8 * 24 rec = self.rpc_update_record(name, [name], dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # try again, with aging on self.set_aging(True) rec = self.rpc_update_record(name, [name], dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # now that the record is static, a dns update won't change it rec = self.dns_update_record(name, [name]) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # but another record on the same node will behave normally # i.e. the node is not static, the record is. name2 = 'timestamp-eightdays' rec = self.dns_update_record(name2, [name2]) self.assert_soon_after(rec.dwTimeStamp, start_time) def get_txt_timestamps(self, name, *txts): records = self.ldap_get_records(name) ret = [] for t in txts: for r in records: t2 = [x for x in r.data.str] if t == t2: ret.append(r.dwTimeStamp) return ret def test_update_aging_disabled_2(self): # With aging disabled, Windows updates the timestamps of all # records when one is updated. name = 'test' txt1 = ['test txt'] txt2 = ['test', 'txt2'] txt3 = ['test', 'txt3'] self.set_aging(False) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp six_days_ago = current_time - 6 * 24 eight_days_ago = current_time - 8 * 24 fifteen_days_ago = current_time - 15 * 24 hundred_days_ago = current_time - 100 * 24 thousand_days_ago = current_time - 1000 * 24 for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=timestamp) self.assertEqual(self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1), [timestamp]) # no change here update_timestamp = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(update_timestamp, timestamp) # adding a fresh record for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 100): # wind back timestamp1 = self.ldap_update_record( name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=timestamp).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp) self.dns_update_record(name, txt2) timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [timestamp, current_time]) self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt2) timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [timestamp]) # add record 2. timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 100): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=timestamp) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp # txt1 timestamp is now current time timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [timestamp, current_time]) # with 3 records, no change for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 10): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=timestamp) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=timestamp) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=(timestamp + 30)) timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, timestamp + 30) self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2, txt3) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [timestamp, timestamp, timestamp + 30]) # with 3 records, one of which is static # first we set the updatee's timestamp to a recognisable number self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=999999) for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 10): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=(timestamp - 9)) timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, timestamp - 9) self.dns_update_record(name, txt2) timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2, txt3) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [0, 999999, timestamp - 9]) # with 3 records, updating one which is static timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 10): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=0) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=(timestamp + 30)) timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, timestamp + 30) self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2, txt3) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [0, 0, timestamp + 30]) # with 3 records, after the static nodes have been replaced self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=777777) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=888888) timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp for timestamp in (current_time, six_days_ago, eight_days_ago, fifteen_days_ago, hundred_days_ago, thousand_days_ago, 100000, 10): # wind back self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=(timestamp)) timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, timestamp) self.dns_update_record(name, txt2) timestamps = self.get_txt_timestamps(name, txt1, txt2, txt3) self.assertEqual(timestamps, [777777, 888888, timestamp]) def _test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(self, n_days): name = 'test' txt1 = ['1'] txt2 = ['2'] self.set_aging(False) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # rewind timestamp using ldap self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, n_days * -24) n_days_ago = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertGreater(current_time, n_days_ago) # no change when updating this record update_timestamp = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(update_timestamp, n_days_ago) # add another record, which should have the current timestamp timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) # get the original record timestamp. NOW it matches current_time timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # let's repeat that, this time with txt2 existing self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) # this update is not an add timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) # now timestamp1 is not changed timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) # delete record2, try again self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt2) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) # here we are re-adding the deleted record timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # It gets weird HERE. # note how the SIBLING of the deleted, re-added record differs # from the sibling of freshly added record, depending on the # time difference. if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # re-timestamp record2, try again self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) # no change timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) # also no change timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # let's introduce another record txt3 = ['3'] self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp3) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, timestamp3) self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt3) timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp3) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, timestamp3) # and here we'll make txt3 static txt4 = ['4'] # and here we'll make txt1 static self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp4 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, n_days_ago) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp4, current_time) def test_update_aging_disabled_in_no_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(4) def test_update_aging_disabled_on_no_refresh_boundary(self): self._test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(7) def test_update_aging_disabled_in_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(9) def test_update_aging_disabled_beyond_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(16) def test_update_aging_disabled_in_eighteenth_century(self): self._test_update_aging_disabled_n_days_ago(100000) def test_update_aging_disabled_static(self): name = 'test' txt1 = ['1'] txt2 = ['2'] self.set_aging(False) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) # no change when updating this record timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) # add another record, which should have the current timestamp timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) # let's repeat that, this time with txt2 existing timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) # delete record2, try again self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt2) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) # no change when updating this record timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp2, 0) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) # re-timestamp record2, try again self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=1) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) # no change when updating this record timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, 1) def test_update_aging_disabled(self): # With aging disabled, Windows updates the timestamps of all # records when one is updated. name = 'test' txt1 = ['test txt'] txt2 = ['test', 'txt2'] txt3 = ['test', 'txt3'] minus_6 = -6 * 24 minus_8 = -8 * 24 self.set_aging(False) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # rewind timestamp using ldap self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, minus_6) after_mod = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1) six_days_ago = after_mod.dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(six_days_ago, current_time + minus_6) # no change update_timestamp = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(update_timestamp, six_days_ago) self.check_query_txt(name, txt1, zone=self.zone) # another record timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # without aging, timestamp1 is changed!! self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # Set both records back to 8 days ago. self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, minus_8) eight_days_ago = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(eight_days_ago, current_time + minus_8) update2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2) # Without aging on, an update should not change the timestamps. self.assert_timestamps_equal(update2.dwTimeStamp, eight_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, eight_days_ago) # Add another txt record. The new record should have the now # timestamp, and drag the others up with it. timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp3) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, timestamp3) hundred_days_ago = current_time - 100 * 24 thousand_days_ago = current_time - 1000 * 24 record = self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=hundred_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(record.dwTimeStamp, hundred_days_ago) record = self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=thousand_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(record.dwTimeStamp, thousand_days_ago) # update 3, will others change (because beyond RefreshInterval)? yes. timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, hundred_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, thousand_days_ago) fifteen_days_ago = current_time - 15 * 24 self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=fifteen_days_ago) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp # DNS update has no effect because all records are old self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, thousand_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, hundred_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, fifteen_days_ago) # Does update of old record affect timestamp of refreshable record? No. self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp # DNS update has no effect because all records are old self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, thousand_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, hundred_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # RPC zeros timestamp, after which updates won't change it. # BUT it refreshes all others! self.rpc_update_record(name, txt2) timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp2, 0) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) def test_update_aging_enabled(self): name = 'test' txt1 = ['test txt'] txt2 = ['test', 'txt2'] txt3 = ['test', 'txt3'] txt4 = ['4'] self.set_aging(True) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp six_days_ago = current_time - 6 * 24 eight_days_ago = current_time - 8 * 24 fifteen_days_ago = current_time - 15 * 24 hundred_days_ago = current_time - 100 * 24 self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=six_days_ago) # with or without aging, a delta of -6 days does not affect # timestamps, because dwNoRefreshInterval is 7 days. timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, six_days_ago) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # update 1, what happens to 2 and 3? Nothing? timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, six_days_ago) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # now set 1 to 8 days, and we should see changes self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) # update 1, what happens to 2 and 3? Nothing? timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # next few ones use these numbers self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=fifteen_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=six_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) # change even though 1 is outside the window timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # reset 1 self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=fifteen_days_ago) # no change, because 2 is outside the window timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, fifteen_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # 3 changes, others do not timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, fifteen_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) # reset 3 to 100 days self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=hundred_days_ago) # 3 changes, others do not timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, fifteen_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) # reset 1 and 3 to 8 days. does update of 1 affect 3? self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) # 1 changes, others do not timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # Try an RPC update, zeroing 1 --> what happens to 3? timestamp1 = self.rpc_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) # with 2 and 3 at 8 days, does static record change things? self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=eight_days_ago) # 2 changes, but to zero! timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=six_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=3000000) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, 3000000) # dns update remembers that node is static, even with no # static records. timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(timestamp1, 0) # Add another txt record. The new record should have the now # timestamp, and the others should remain unchanged. # BUT somehow record 1 is static!? timestamp4 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, six_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, eight_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp4, 0) def _test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(self, n_days): name = 'test' txt1 = ['1'] txt2 = ['2'] delta = n_days * -24 self.set_aging(True) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # rewind timestamp using ldap self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, delta) n_days_ago = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assertGreater(current_time, n_days_ago) # update changes timestamp depending on time. timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) # add another record, which should have the current timestamp timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) # first record should not have changed timestamp1_b = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp1_b) # let's repeat that, this time with txt2 existing self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp1_b) # this update is not an add. record 2 is already up-to-date timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) # now timestamp1 is not changed timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp1_b) # delete record2, try again self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt2) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_soon_after(timestamp1, current_time) # here we are re-adding the deleted record timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp2, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # It gets weird HERE. # note how the SIBLING of the deleted, re-added record differs # from the sibling of freshly added record, depending on the # time difference. if n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # re-timestamp record2, try again self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) # this should make no difference timestamp1_b = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp1_b) # no change timestamp2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, timestamp1) # also no change timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, timestamp2) # let's introduce another record txt3 = ['3'] self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt3) timestamp3 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(timestamp3, current_time) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) txt4 = ['4'] # Because txt1 is static, txt4 is static self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=0) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp4 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp4, 0) longer_ago = n_days_ago // 2 # remove all static records. self.ldap_delete_record(name, txt4) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt1, dwTimeStamp=longer_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt3, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, longer_ago) timestamp4 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp timestamp2 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt2).dwTimeStamp timestamp3 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt3).dwTimeStamp timestamp1 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp # Here, although there is no record frm which to get the zero # timestamp, record 4 does it anyway. self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, longer_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp2, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp3, n_days_ago) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp4, 0) # and now record 1 wants to be static. self.ldap_update_record(name, txt4, dwTimeStamp=longer_ago) timestamp4 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp4, longer_ago) timestamp1 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt1).dwTimeStamp timestamp4 = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, txt4).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp1, 0) self.assert_timestamps_equal(timestamp4, longer_ago) def test_update_aging_enabled_in_no_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(4) def test_update_aging_enabled_on_no_refresh_boundary(self): self._test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(7) def test_update_aging_enabled_in_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(9) def test_update_aging_enabled_beyond_refresh_window(self): self._test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(16) def test_update_aging_enabled_in_eighteenth_century(self): self._test_update_aging_enabled_n_days_ago(100000) def test_update_static_stickiness(self): name = 'test' A = ['A'] B = ['B'] C = ['C'] D = ['D'] self.set_aging(False) self.dns_update_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp self.ldap_update_record(name, B, dwTimeStamp=0) self.dns_update_record(name, B) self.dns_update_record(name, C) ctime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, C).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(ctime, 0) btime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(btime, 0) self.ldap_replace_records(name, []) self.dns_update_record(name, D) dtime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, D).dwTimeStamp self.assertEqual(dtime, 0) def _test_update_timestamp_weirdness(self, n_days, aging=True): name = 'test' A = ['A'] B = ['B'] self.set_aging(aging) current_time = self.dns_update_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp # rewind timestamp using ldap self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, n_days * -24) n_days_ago = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp time_A = self.dns_update_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp # that dns_update should have reset the timestamp ONLY if # aging is on and the old timestamp is > noRefresh period (7 # days) if n_days > 7 and aging: self.assert_soon_after(time_A, current_time) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, n_days_ago) # add another record, which should have the current timestamp time_B = self.dns_update_record(name, B).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(time_B, current_time) time_A = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp if aging and n_days <= 7: self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, n_days_ago) else: self.assert_soon_after(time_A, current_time) # delete B, try again self.ldap_delete_record(name, B) self.ldap_update_record(name, A, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) time_A = self.dns_update_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp # here we are re-adding the deleted record time_B = self.dns_update_record(name, B).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(time_B, current_time) time_A = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp return n_days_ago, time_A, time_B def test_update_timestamp_weirdness_no_refresh_no_aging(self): n_days_ago, time_A, time_B = \ self._test_update_timestamp_weirdness(5, False) # the timestamp of the SIBLING of the deleted, re-added record # differs from the sibling of freshly added record. self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, n_days_ago) def test_update_timestamp_weirdness_no_refresh_aging(self): n_days_ago, time_A, time_B = \ self._test_update_timestamp_weirdness(5, True) # the timestamp of the SIBLING of the deleted, re-added record # differs from the sibling of freshly added record. self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, n_days_ago) def test_update_timestamp_weirdness_refresh_no_aging(self): n_days_ago, time_A, time_B = \ self._test_update_timestamp_weirdness(9, False) self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, time_B) def test_update_timestamp_weirdness_refresh_aging(self): n_days_ago, time_A, time_B = \ self._test_update_timestamp_weirdness(9, True) self.assert_timestamps_equal(time_A, time_B) def test_aging_refresh(self): name, txt = 'agingtest', ['test txt'] no_refresh = 200 refresh = 160 self.set_zone_int_params(NoRefreshInterval=no_refresh, RefreshInterval=refresh, Aging=1) before_mod = self.dns_update_record(name, txt) start_time = before_mod.dwTimeStamp # go back 86 hours, which is in the no-refresh time (but # wouldn't be if we had stuck to the default of 168). self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, -170) rec = self.dns_update_record(name, txt) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec.dwTimeStamp, start_time - 170) # back to -202 hours, into the refresh zone # the update should reset the timestamp to now. self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, -32) rec = self.dns_update_record(name, txt) self.assert_soon_after(rec.dwTimeStamp, start_time) # back to -362 hours, beyond the end of the refresh period. # Actually nothing changes at this time -- we can still # refresh, but the record is liable for scavenging. self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, -160) rec = self.dns_update_record(name, txt) self.assert_soon_after(rec.dwTimeStamp, start_time) def test_add_no_timestamp(self): # check zero timestamp is implicit self.set_aging(True) rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) def test_add_zero_timestamp(self): rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTimeStamp=0) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTimeStamp=0) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) def test_add_update_timestamp(self): # LDAP can change timestamp, RPC can't rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTimeStamp=123456) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 123456) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTimeStamp=123456) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # second time is a different code path (add vs update) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTimeStamp=123456) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # RPC update the one with timestamp, zeroing it. rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTimeStamp=123456) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) def test_add_update_ttl(self): # RPC *can* set dwTtlSeconds. rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=1234) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 1234) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=1234) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 1234) # does update work like add? rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=4321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 4321) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=5678) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 5678) def test_add_update_ttl_serial(self): # when setting dwTtlSeconds, what happens to serial number? rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=1234, dwSerial=123) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 1234) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=1234) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 1234) serial = rec.dwSerial self.assertLess(serial, 4) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=4321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 4321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, serial + 1) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwTtlSeconds=5678) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 5678) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 124) def test_add_update_dwFlags(self): # dwFlags splits into rank and flags. # according to [MS-DNSP], flags MUST be zero rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', flags=22222, rank=222) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 22222) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 222) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwFlags=3333333) # rank != 3333333 & 0xff == 213 self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) # RPC fixes rank self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, self.ldap_update_record, 'ldap', 'test', flags=777777777, rank=777) # reset to no default (rank overflows) rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', flags=7777, rank=777) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 7777) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 9) # DNS update zeros flags, sets rank to 240 (RANK_ZONE) rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test', ttl=999) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwFlags=321) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) # RPC adding a new record: fixed rank, zero flags rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test 2', dwFlags=12345) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) def test_add_update_dwReserved(self): # RPC does not change dwReserved. rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwReserved=54321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 54321) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwReserved=54321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwReserved=54321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwReserved=12345) self.assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 54321) def test_add_update_dwSerial(self): # On Windows the RPC record ends up with serial 2, on Samba # serial 3. Rather than knownfail this, we accept anything # below 4 (for now). rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwSerial=123) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwSerial=123) self.assertLess(rec.dwSerial, 4) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc', 'test', dwSerial=123) self.assertLess(rec.dwSerial, 4) rec = self.dns_update_record('rpc', 'test') self.assertLess(rec.dwSerial, 4) rec = self.dns_update_record('dns-0', 'test') self.assertLess(rec.dwSerial, 5) rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwSerial=123) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwSerial=12) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 12) # when we dns-updated ldap/test, we alerted Windows to 123 as # a high water mark for the zone. (even though we have since # dropped the serial to 12, 123 is the base serial for new # records). rec = self.dns_update_record('dns', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 124) rec = self.dns_update_record('dns2', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 125) rec = self.rpc_update_record('rpc2', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 126) rec = self.dns_update_record('dns', 'test 2') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 127) def test_add_update_dwSerial_2(self): # On Samba the RPC update resets the serial to a low number, # while Windows leaves it high. rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwSerial=123) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', dwSerial=321) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 123) def test_rpc_update_disparate_types(self): """Can we use update to replace a TXT with an AAAA?""" name = 'x' old = TXTRecord("x") new = ARecord("") self.rpc_replace(name, None, old) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assertEqual(recs[0].wType, old.wType) self.rpc_replace(name, old, new) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assertEqual(recs[0].wType, new.wType) def test_add_update_many(self): # Samba fails often in this set, but we want to see how it # goes further down, so we print the problems and defer the # failure. failures = 0 total = 0 def _defer_wrap(f): def _defer(*args): nonlocal failures, total total += 1 try: f(*args) except self.failureException as e: from traceback import format_stack print(f"{format_stack()[-2]} {e}\n") failures += 1 return _defer defer_assertEqual = _defer_wrap(self.assertEqual) defer_assert_timestamp_in_ballpark = \ _defer_wrap(self.assert_timestamp_in_ballpark) self.set_aging(False) rec = self.ldap_update_record('ldap', 'test', version=11, rank=22, flags=33, dwSerial=44, dwTtlSeconds=55, dwReserved=66, dwTimeStamp=77) self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) # disobeys request self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 22) self.assertEqual(rec.flags, 33) self.assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 44) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 55) self.assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 66) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 77) # DNS updates first rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test', ttl=999) self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) # rank gets fixed by DNS update defer_assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) # flags gets fixed defer_assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 45) # serial increments self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 999) # TTL set defer_assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) # reserved fixed defer_assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(rec) # changed on Windows ?! self.set_aging(True) rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test', ttl=1111) self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) defer_assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) defer_assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 46) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 1111) # TTL set defer_assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) self.assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(rec) # RPC update rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test', version=111, dwFlags=333, dwSerial=444, dwTtlSeconds=555, dwReserved=666, dwTimeStamp=777) self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) # no change self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) # no change defer_assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) # no change defer_assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 47) # Serial increments self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 555) # TTL set defer_assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) # no change self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # timestamp zeroed # RPC update, using default values rec = self.rpc_update_record('ldap', 'test') self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) defer_assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) defer_assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 48) # serial increments self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 900) # TTL changed defer_assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) self.set_aging(False) rec = self.dns_update_record('ldap', 'test', ttl=888) self.assertEqual(rec.version, 5) self.assertEqual(rec.rank, 240) defer_assertEqual(rec.flags, 0) defer_assertEqual(rec.dwSerial, 49) # serial increments self.assertEqual(rec.dwTtlSeconds, 888) # TTL set defer_assertEqual(rec.dwReserved, 0) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # timestamp stays zero if failures: self.fail(f"failed {failures}/{total} defered assertions") def test_static_record_dynamic_update(self): """Add a static record, then a dynamic record. The dynamic record should have a timestamp set.""" name = 'test' txt = ['static txt'] txt2 = ['dynamic txt'] self.set_aging(True) rec = self.ldap_update_record(name, txt, dwTimeStamp=0) rec2 = self.dns_update_record(name, txt2) self.assert_timestamp_in_ballpark(rec2) ts2 = rec2.dwTimeStamp # update the first record. It should stay static (timestamp 0) rec = self.dns_update_record(name, txt) self.assertEqual(rec.dwTimeStamp, 0) # and rec2 should be unchanged. self.assertEqual(rec2.dwTimeStamp, ts2) def test_dynamic_record_static_update(self): name = 'agingtest' txt1 = ['dns update before'] txt2 = ['ldap update'] txt3 = ['dns update after'] self.set_aging(True) self.dns_update_record(name, txt1) self.ldap_update_record(name, txt2) self.dns_update_record(name, txt3) recs = self.get_rpc_records(name) for r in recs: d = [x.str for x in r.data.str] if d == txt1: self.assertNotEqual(r.dwTimeStamp, 0) elif d == txt2: self.assertEqual(r.dwTimeStamp, 0) elif d == txt3: self.assertNotEqual(r.dwTimeStamp, 0) def test_tombstone_in_hours_and_nttime(self): # Until now Samba has measured tombstone timestamps in hours, # not ten-millionths of a second. After now, we want Samba to # handle both. nh, oh, nn, on, on0, onf, nn0, nnf, _1601 = 'abcdefgij' now_hours = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) old_hours = now_hours - 24 * 90 now_nttime = dsdb_dns.dns_timestamp_to_nt_time(now_hours) old_nttime = dsdb_dns.dns_timestamp_to_nt_time(old_hours) # calculations on hours might be based on the lower 32 bits, # so we test with these forced to extremes (the maximum change # is 429 seconds in NTTIME). old_nttime0 = old_nttime & 0xffffffff00000000 old_nttimef = old_nttime | 0xffffffff now_nttime0 = now_nttime & 0xffffffff00000000 now_nttimef = now_nttime | 0xffffffff self.dns_tombstone(nh, epoch_nttime=now_hours) self.dns_tombstone(oh, epoch_nttime=old_hours) self.dns_tombstone(nn, epoch_nttime=now_nttime) self.dns_tombstone(on, epoch_nttime=old_nttime) self.dns_tombstone(nn0, epoch_nttime=now_nttime0) self.dns_tombstone(nnf, epoch_nttime=now_nttimef) self.dns_tombstone(on0, epoch_nttime=old_nttime0) self.dns_tombstone(onf, epoch_nttime=old_nttimef) # this is our (arbitrary) threshold that will make us think in # NTTIME, not hours. self.dns_tombstone(_1601, epoch_nttime=(10 * 1000 * 1000 + 1)) try: file_samdb = get_file_samdb() except ldb.LdbError as e: raise AssertionError( f"failing because '{e}': this is Windows?") from None dsdb._dns_delete_tombstones(file_samdb) # nh and nn should not be deleted for name in nh, nn, nn0, nnf: recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(name, timestamp=False) # oh and on should be GONE for name in oh, on, on0, onf, _1601: recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 0) def test_dns_query_for_tombstoned_results(self): # This one fails on Windows, because the dns cache holds B # after it has been tombstoned behind its back. A = 'a' B = 'b' self.dns_tombstone(A) self.assert_tombstoned(A) r = self.dns_query(A, qtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 0) self.dns_update_record(B, B) self.dns_tombstone(B) self.assert_tombstoned(B) r = self.dns_query(B, qtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 0) def test_basic_scavenging(self): # NOTE: This one fails on Windows, because the RPC call to # prompt scavenging is not immediate. On Samba, in the # testenv, we don't have the RPC call but we can connect to # the database directly. # just to be sure we have the right limits. self.set_zone_int_params(NoRefreshInterval=168, RefreshInterval=168, Aging=1) ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6 = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6') self.dns_update_record(ts1, ts1) self.dns_update_record(ts2, ts2) # ts2 is tombstoned and timestamped in 1981 self.dns_tombstone(ts2) # ts3 is tombstoned and timestamped in the future self.dns_tombstone(ts3, epoch_hours=(DNS_TIMESTAMP_2101 - 1)) # ts4 is tombstoned and timestamped in the past self.dns_tombstone(ts4, epoch_hours=1111111) # ts5 is tombstoned in the past and timestamped in the future self.dns_tombstone(ts5, epoch_hours=5555555, epoch_nttime=int(1e10)) # ts2 and ts3 should now be tombstoned. self.assert_tombstoned(ts2) self.assert_tombstoned(ts3) # let's un-tombstone ts2 # ending up with dnsTombstoned: FALSE in Samba # and no dNSTombstoned in Windows. self.dns_update_record(ts2, "ts2 untombstoned") ts2_node = self.get_one_node(ts2) ts2_tombstone = ts2_node.get("dNSTombstoned") if ts2_tombstone is not None: self.assertEqual(ts2_tombstone[0], b"FALSE") self.assert_tombstoned(ts2, tombstoned=False) r = self.dns_update_record(ts6, ts6) # put some records into the death zone. self.ldap_modify_timestamps(ts1, -15 * 24) self.ldap_modify_timestamps(ts2, -14 * 24 - 2) self.ldap_modify_timestamps(ts6, -14 * 24 + 2) # ts1 will be saved by this record self.dns_update_record(ts1, "another record") try: # Tell the server to clean-up records. # This is how it *should* work on Windows: self.rpc_conn.DnssrvOperation2( dnsserver.DNS_CLIENT_VERSION_LONGHORN, 0, SERVER_IP, None, 0, "StartScavenging", dnsserver.DNSSRV_TYPEID_NULL, None) # Samba won't get here (NOT_IMPLEMENTED error) # wait for Windows to do its cleanup. time.sleep(2) except WERRORError as e: if e.args[0] == werror.WERR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: # This is the Samba way, talking to the file directly, # as if we were the server process. The direct # connection is needed because the tombstoning search # involves a magic system only filter. file_samdb = get_file_samdb() dsdb._scavenge_dns_records(file_samdb) dsdb._dns_delete_tombstones(file_samdb) else: raise # Now what we should have: # ts1: alive: the old record is deleted, the new one not. # ts2: tombstoned # ts3: tombstoned # ts4: deleted. gone. # ts5: deleted. timestamp affects tombstoning, but not deletion. # ts6: alive # # We order our assertions to make the windows test # fail as late as possible (on ts4, ts5, ts2). r = self.get_unique_txt_record(ts1, ["another record"]) self.assertIsNotNone(r) r = self.get_unique_txt_record(ts6, [ts6]) self.assertIsNotNone(r) self.assert_tombstoned(ts3) n = self.get_one_node(ts4) self.assertIsNone(n) n = self.get_one_node(ts5) self.assertIsNone(n) self.assert_tombstoned(ts2) def test_samba_scavenging(self): # We expect this one to fail on Windows, because scavenging # and tombstoning cannot be performed on demand. try: file_samdb = get_file_samdb() except ldb.LdbError as e: raise AssertionError( f"failing because '{e}': this is Windows?") from None # let's try different limits. self.set_zone_int_params(NoRefreshInterval=30, RefreshInterval=20, Aging=1) now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) A, B, C, D = 'ABCD' # A has current time # B has safe, non-updateable time # C has safe time # D is scavengeable atime = self.dns_update_record(A, A).dwTimeStamp btime = self.ldap_update_record(B, B, dwTimeStamp=now-20).dwTimeStamp btime = self.ldap_update_record(C, C, dwTimeStamp=now-40).dwTimeStamp dtime = self.ldap_update_record(D, D, dwTimeStamp=now-60).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(atime, now) self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, now-20) self.assert_timestamps_equal(ctime, now-40) self.assert_timestamps_equal(dtime, now-60) dsdb._scavenge_dns_records(file_samdb) # D should be gone (tombstoned) r = self.get_unique_txt_record(D, D) self.assertIsNone(r) r = dns_query(self, D, qtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 0) recs = self.ldap_get_records(D) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(recs[0]) # others unchanged. atime = self.get_unique_txt_record(A, A).dwTimeStamp btime = self.get_unique_txt_record(B, B).dwTimeStamp ctime = self.get_unique_txt_record(C, C).dwTimeStamp self.assert_soon_after(atime, now) self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, now-20) self.assert_timestamps_equal(ctime, now-40) btime = self.dns_update_record(B, B).dwTimeStamp ctime = self.dns_update_record(C, C).dwTimeStamp self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, now-40) self.assert_soon_after(ctime, now) # after this, D *should* still be a tombstone, because its # tombstone timestamp is not very old. dsdb._dns_delete_tombstones(file_samdb) recs = self.ldap_get_records(D) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(recs[0]) # Let's delete C using rpc, and ensure it survives dns_delete_tombstones self.rpc_delete_txt(C, C) recs = self.ldap_get_records(C) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(recs[0]) dsdb._dns_delete_tombstones(file_samdb) recs = self.ldap_get_records(C) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(recs[0]) # now let's wind A and B back to either side of the two week # threshold. A should survive, B should not. self.dns_tombstone(A, (now - 166)) self.dns_tombstone(B, (now - 170)) dsdb._dns_delete_tombstones(file_samdb) recs = self.ldap_get_records(A) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) self.assert_tombstoned(recs[0]) recs = self.ldap_get_records(B) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 0) def _test_A_and_AAAA_records(self, A, B, a_days, b_days, aging): self.set_aging(aging) name = 'aargh' now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) a_initial = now - 24 * a_days b_initial = now - 24 * b_days self.dns_update_non_text(name, A) self.ldap_modify_timestamps(name, a_days * -24) rec_a = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, A) rec_b = self.add_ip_record(name, B, dwTimeStamp=b_initial) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_a, a_initial) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_b, b_initial) # touch the A record. self.dns_update_non_text(name, A) # check the A timestamp, depending on norefresh rec_a = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, A) if aging and a_days > 7: time_a = now self.assert_soon_after(rec_a, now) elif a_days > 7: # when we have NO aging and are in the refresh window, the # timestamp now reads as a_initial, but will become now # after we manipulate B for a bit. time_a = now self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_a, a_initial) else: time_a = a_initial self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_a, a_initial) # B timestamp should be unchanged? rec_b = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, B) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_b, b_initial) # touch the B record. self.dns_update_non_text(name, B) # check the B timestamp rec_b = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, B) if not aging: self.windows_variation( self.assert_soon_after, rec_b, now, msg="windows updates non-aging, samba does not") else: self.assert_soon_after(rec_b, now) # rewind B rec_b = self.add_ip_record(name, B, dwTimeStamp=b_initial) # NOW rec A might have changed! with no aging, and out of refresh. rec_a = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, A) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_a, time_a) self.dns_update_non_text(name, A) rec_a = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, B) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_b, b_initial) # now delete A _, wtype = guess_wtype(A) self.ldap_delete_record(name, A, wtype=wtype) # re-add it self.dns_update_non_text(name, A) rec_a = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, A) self.assert_soon_after(rec_a, now) rec_b = self.get_unique_ip_record(name, B) self.assert_timestamps_equal(rec_b, b_initial) def test_A_5_days_AAAA_5_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 5, 5, aging=True) def test_A_5_days_AAAA_5_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 5, 5, aging=False) def test_A_5_days_AAAA_10_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 5, 10, aging=True) def test_A_5_days_AAAA_10_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 5, 10, aging=False) def test_A_10_days_AAAA_5_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 10, 5, aging=True) def test_A_10_days_AAAA_5_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 10, 5, aging=False) def test_A_10_days_AAAA_9_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 10, 9, aging=True) def test_A_9_days_AAAA_10_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 9, 10, aging=False) def test_A_20_days_AAAA_2_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 20, 2, aging=True) def test_A_6_days_AAAA_40_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR, 6, 40, aging=False) def test_A_5_days_A_5_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv4_ADDR_2, 5, 5, aging=True) def test_A_5_days_A_10_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv4_ADDR, IPv4_ADDR_2, 5, 10, aging=False) def test_AAAA_5_days_AAAA_6_days_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv6_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR_2, 5, 6, aging=True) def test_AAAA_5_days_AAAA_6_days_no_aging(self): self._test_A_and_AAAA_records(IPv6_ADDR, IPv6_ADDR_2, 5, 6, aging=False) def _test_multi_records_delete(self, aging): # Batch deleting a type doesn't update other types timestamps. self.set_aging(aging) name = 'aargh' now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) back_5_days = now - 5 * 24 back_10_days = now - 10 * 24 back_25_days = now - 25 * 24 ip4s = { '': now, '': back_5_days, '': back_10_days, } ip6s = { '::1': now, '::2': back_5_days, '::3': back_25_days, } txts = { '1': now, '2': back_5_days, '3': back_25_days, } # For windows, if we don't DNS update something, it won't know # there's anything. self.dns_update_record(name, '3') for k, v in ip4s.items(): r = self.add_ip_record(name, k, wtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_A, dwTimeStamp=v) for k, v in ip6s.items(): r = self.add_ip_record(name, k, wtype=dns.DNS_QTYPE_AAAA, dwTimeStamp=v) for k, v in txts.items(): r = self.ldap_update_record(name, k, dwTimeStamp=v) self.dns_delete_type(name, dnsp.DNS_TYPE_A) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_A) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 0) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 3) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set(txts)) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_AAAA) self.assertEqual(r.ancount, 3) rset = set(ipv6_normalise(x.rdata) for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set(ip6s)) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 6) for r in recs: if r.wType == dns.DNS_QTYPE_AAAA: k = ipv6_normalise(r.data) expected = ip6s[k] elif r.wType == dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT: k = r.data.str[0] expected = txts[k] else: self.fail(f"unexpected wType {r.wType}") self.assert_timestamps_equal(r.dwTimeStamp, expected) def test_multi_records_delete_aging(self): self._test_multi_records_delete(True) def test_multi_records_delete_no_aging(self): self._test_multi_records_delete(False) def _test_dns_delete_times(self, n_days, aging=True): # In these tests, Windows replaces the records with # tombstones, while Samba just removes them. Both are # reasonable approaches (there is no reanimation pathway for # tombstones), but this means self.ldap_get_records() gets # different numbers for each. So we use # self.ldap_get_non_tombstoned_record(). name = 'test' A = ['A'] B = ['B'] C = ['C'] D = ['D'] self.set_aging(aging) now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) n_days_ago = max(now - n_days * 24, 0) self.dns_update_record(name, A) self.ldap_update_record(name, A, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, B, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, C, dwTimeStamp=n_days_ago) self.dns_update_record(name, D) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set('ABCD')) atime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp btime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B).dwTimeStamp ctime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, C).dwTimeStamp dtime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, D).dwTimeStamp recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 4) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set('ABCD')) self.dns_delete(name, D) self.assert_timestamps_equal(atime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A)) self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B)) self.assert_timestamps_equal(ctime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, C)) recs = self.ldap_get_non_tombstoned_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 3) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set('ABC')) self.rpc_delete_txt(name, C) self.assert_timestamps_equal(atime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A)) self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B)) recs = self.ldap_get_non_tombstoned_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 2) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, set('AB')) self.dns_delete(name, A) self.assert_timestamps_equal(btime, self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B)) recs = self.ldap_get_records(name) self.assertEqual(len(recs), 1) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(rset, {'B'}) self.dns_delete(name, B) recs = self.ldap_get_non_tombstoned_records(name) # Windows leaves the node with zero records. Samba ends up # with a tombstone. self.assertEqual(len(recs), 0) r = self.dns_query(name, dns.DNS_QTYPE_TXT) rset = set(x.rdata.txt.str[0] for x in r.answers) self.assertEqual(len(rset), 0) def test_dns_delete_times_5_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(5, True) def test_dns_delete_times_11_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(11, True) def test_dns_delete_times_366_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(366, True) def test_dns_delete_times_static_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(1e10, True) def test_dns_delete_times_5_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(5, False) def test_dns_delete_times_11_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(11, False) def test_dns_delete_times_366_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(366, False) def test_dns_delete_times_static_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_times(1e10, False) def _test_dns_delete_simple(self, a_days, b_days, aging=True, touch=False): # Here we show that with aging enabled, the timestamp of # sibling records is *not* modified when a record is deleted. # # With aging disabled, it *is* modified, if the dns server has # seen it updated before ldap set the time (that is, probably # the dns server overwrites AD). This happens even if AD # thinks the record is static. name = 'test' A = ['A'] B = ['B'] self.set_aging(aging) now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) a_days_ago = max(now - a_days * 24, 0) b_days_ago = max(now - b_days * 24, 0) if touch: self.dns_update_record(name, A) self.dns_update_record(name, B) self.ldap_update_record(name, A, dwTimeStamp=a_days_ago) self.ldap_update_record(name, B, dwTimeStamp=b_days_ago) atime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp self.dns_delete(name, B) if not aging and touch: # this resets the timestamp even if it is a static record. self.assert_soon_after(self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A), now) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A), atime) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_3_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 3, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_3_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 3, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_13_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 13, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_13_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 13, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_12_13_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(12, 13, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_12_13_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(12, 13, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_113_days_aging(self): # 1e9 hours ago evaluates to 0, i.e static self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 113, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_113_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 113, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_0_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 1e9, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_0_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 1e9, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_10_0_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(10, 1e9, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_10_0_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(10, 1e9, False) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_3_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 3, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_3_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 3, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_13_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 13, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_2_13_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(2, 13, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_12_13_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(12, 13, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_12_13_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(12, 13, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_112_113_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(112, 113, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_113_days_aging_touch(self): # 1e9 hours ago evaluates to 0, i.e static self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 113, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_113_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 113, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_0_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 1e9, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_0_0_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(1e9, 1e9, False, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_10_0_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(10, 1e9, True, True) def test_dns_delete_simple_10_0_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_delete_simple(10, 1e9, False, True) def windows_variation(self, fn, *args, msg=None, **kwargs): try: fn(*args, **kwargs) except AssertionError as e: print("Expected success on Windows only, failed as expected:\n" + c_GREEN(e)) return print(c_RED("known Windows failure")) if msg is not None: print(c_DARK_YELLOW(msg)) print("Expected success on Windows:\n" + c_GREEN(f"{fn.__name__} {args} {kwargs}")) def _test_dns_add_sibling(self, a_days, refresh, aging=True, touch=False): # Here we show that with aging enabled, the timestamp of # sibling records *is* modified when a record is added. # # With aging disabled, it *is* modified, if the dns server has # seen it updated before ldap set the time (that is, probably # the dns server overwrites AD). This happens even if AD # thinks the record is static. name = 'test' A = ['A'] B = ['B'] self.set_zone_int_params(RefreshInterval=int(refresh), NoRefreshInterval=7, Aging=int(aging)) now = dsdb_dns.unix_to_dns_timestamp(int(time.time())) a_days_ago = max(now - a_days * 24, 0) if touch: self.dns_update_record(name, A) self.ldap_update_record(name, A, dwTimeStamp=a_days_ago) atime = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A).dwTimeStamp self.dns_update_record(name, B) a_rec = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, A) if not aging and touch: # On Windows, this resets the timestamp even if it is a # static record, though in that case it may be a # transitory effect of the DNS cache. We will insist on # the Samba behaviour of not changing (that is # un-static-ing) a zero timestamp, because that is the # sensible thing. if a_days_ago == 0: self.windows_variation( self.assert_soon_after, a_rec, now, msg="Windows resets static siblings (cache effect?)") self.assert_timestamps_equal(a_rec, 0) else: self.assert_soon_after(a_rec, now) else: self.assert_timestamps_equal(a_rec, atime) b_rec = self.get_unique_txt_record(name, B) self.assert_soon_after(b_rec, now) def test_dns_add_sibling_2_7_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(2, 7, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_2_7_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(2, 7, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_7_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 7, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_7_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 7, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_3_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 3, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_3_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 3, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_112_7_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(112, 7, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_112_7_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(112, 7, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_113_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 113, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_113_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 113, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_7_days_aging(self): # 1e9 days ago evaluates to 0, i.e static self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 7, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_7_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 7, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_0_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 0, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_0_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 0, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_10_0_days_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(10, 0, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_10_0_days_no_aging(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(10, 0, False) def test_dns_add_sibling_2_7_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(2, 7, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_2_7_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(2, 7, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_7_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 7, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_7_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 7, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_3_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 3, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_3_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 3, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_112_7_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(112, 7, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_112_7_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(112, 7, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_113_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 113, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_12_113_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(12, 113, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_7_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 7, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_7_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 7, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_0_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 0, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_0_0_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(1e9, 0, False, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_10_0_days_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(10, 0, True, True) def test_dns_add_sibling_10_0_days_no_aging_touch(self): self._test_dns_add_sibling(10, 0, False, True) TestProgram(module=__name__, opts=subunitopts)
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import copy import inspect import platform import re import sys import unittest import warnings import mock import numpy as np import pytest import six import chainer from chainer import backend from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer.backends import intel64 import chainer.functions as F from chainer import initializers from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr import chainer.testing.backend from chainer import variable import chainerx if chainerx.is_available(): import chainerx.testing class Constant(chainer.Function): def __init__(self, outputs): self.__outputs = outputs def forward_cpu(self, inputs): return self.__outputs def forward_gpu(self, inputs): return tuple(map(cuda.to_gpu, self.__outputs)) def backward_cpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs): return tuple(map(np.zeros_like, inputs)) def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs): return tuple(map(cuda.cupy.zeros_like, inputs)) def constant(xs, value): return Constant(value)(*xs) def get_array(xp, arr): if xp is np: return arr if xp is cuda.cupy: return cuda.to_gpu(arr) if xp is chainerx: return chainerx.array(arr) assert False def get_variable(xp, arr): return chainer.Variable(get_array(xp, arr)) class MulAdd(chainer.FunctionNode): def forward(self, inputs): self.retain_inputs((0, 1)) a, b, c = inputs return a * b + c, def backward_accumulate(self, target_input_indexes, grad_outputs, grad_inputs): a, b = self.get_retained_inputs() g, = grad_outputs ret = [] for i, g_in in zip(target_input_indexes, grad_inputs): if i == 0: ret.append( g * b if g_in is None else muladd(g, b, g_in) ) elif i == 1: ret.append( a * g if g_in is None else muladd(a, g, g_in) ) elif i == 2: ret.append( g if g_in is None else g + g_in ) else: assert False return tuple(ret) def muladd(a, b, c): return MulAdd().apply((a, b, c))[0] @testing.parameterize(*( testing.product({ 'var_mapping': [(0, 1, 2)], # distinct 'in0_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], 'in1_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], 'in2_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], }) + testing.product({ 'var_mapping': [ (0, 0, 1), # a == b != c (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), ], 'in0_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], 'in1_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], }) + testing.product({ 'var_mapping': [(0, 0, 0)], # a == b == c 'in0_isvar_hasgrad': [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)], }) )) class TestBackwardAccumulate(unittest.TestCase): shape = 3, def setUp(self): n = max(self.var_mapping) + 1 self.inputs_isvar_hasgrad = [ getattr(self, 'in{}_isvar_hasgrad'.format(i)) for i in range(n)] shape = self.shape self.inputs_data = [ np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) for _ in range(n)] self.inputs_grad = [ np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) if hasgrad else None for _, hasgrad in self.inputs_isvar_hasgrad] self.gy = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) def _get_inputs(self): copied_data = [x.copy() for x in self.inputs_data] copied_grad = [ None if g is None else g.copy() for g in self.inputs_data] return [ chainer.Variable(x, grad=g) if isvar else x for x, g, (isvar, _) in zip( copied_data, copied_grad, self.inputs_isvar_hasgrad ) ] def check_backward_accumulate(self, xp): inputs = self._get_inputs() a, b, c = [inputs[i] for i in self.var_mapping] y = muladd(a, b, c) y.grad = self.gy y.backward() inputs2 = self._get_inputs() a2, b2, c2 = [inputs2[i] for i in self.var_mapping] y2 = chainer.as_variable(a2 * b2 + c2) y2.grad = self.gy y2.backward() tol = {'atol': 1e-4, 'rtol': 1e-4} for x, x2, (isvar, _) in zip( inputs, inputs2, self.inputs_isvar_hasgrad): if isvar: xp.testing.assert_allclose(x.grad, x2.grad, **tol) def test_backward_accumulate_cpu(self): self.check_backward_accumulate(np) def _to_gpu(self): self.inputs_data = [cuda.to_gpu(x) for x in self.inputs_data] self.inputs_grad = [ None if g is None else cuda.to_gpu(g) for g in self.inputs_grad] self.gy = cuda.to_gpu(self.gy) @attr.gpu def test_backward_accumulate_gpu(self): self._to_gpu() self.check_backward_accumulate(cuda.cupy) class TestVariableNode(unittest.TestCase): def test_grad(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): variable.VariableNode(chainer.Variable(), '', grad=None) @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,), 'c_shape': (2, 5), 'label': '(2, 5), float32'}, {'x_shape': (), 'c_shape': (1,), 'label': '(1), float32'}, ) class TestVariable(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.x_shape).astype(np.float32) self.a = np.random.uniform(0.1, 10, self.x_shape).astype(np.float32) self.size = int(np.prod(self.x_shape)) self.c = np.arange(self.size).reshape(self.c_shape).astype(np.float32) @attr.chainerx def test_chainerx_init(self): a = chainerx.asarray(self.x) x = chainer.Variable(a) chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal(x.array, a) def check_attributes(self, xp): a = get_array(xp, self.x) x = chainer.Variable(a) xp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.array, a) assert x.array is x.data assert x.shape == self.x.shape assert x.ndim == self.x.ndim assert x.size == self.x.size assert x.dtype == self.x.dtype assert x.requires_grad @attr.chainerx def test_attributes_chainerx(self): self.check_attributes(chainerx) def test_attributes_cpu(self): self.check_attributes(np) @attr.gpu def test_attributes_gpu(self): self.check_attributes(cuda.cupy) def test_uninitialized(self): a = chainer.Variable(None) assert a.xp is np def check_grad(self, xp, x, g): v = chainer.Variable(x) v.grad = g xp.testing.assert_array_equal(v.grad, g) def test_grad_cpu(self): self.check_grad(np, self.x, self.a) @attr.gpu def test_grad_gpu(self): self.check_grad(cuda.cupy, cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.a)) @attr.chainerx def test_grad_chainerx(self): self.check_grad( chainerx, chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.a)) def check_grad_var(self, xp, x, g): v = chainer.Variable(x) gv = chainer.Variable(g) v.grad_var = gv xp.testing.assert_array_equal(v.grad, g) # Same instance should be returned each time. assert v.grad_var is gv def test_grad_var_cpu(self): self.check_grad_var(np, self.x, self.a) @attr.gpu def test_grad_var_gpu(self): self.check_grad_var( cuda.cupy, cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.a)) @attr.chainerx def test_grad_var_chainerx(self): self.check_grad_var( chainerx, chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.a)) def check_len(self, a): x = chainer.Variable(a) if x.ndim == 0: pytest.raises(TypeError, x.__len__) else: assert len(x) == self.x_shape[0] def test_len_cpu(self): self.check_len(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_len_gpu(self): self.check_len(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) @attr.chainerx def test_len_chainerx(self): self.check_len(chainerx.array(self.x)) def check_get_item(self, a): x = chainer.Variable(a) if len(self.x_shape) > 0: slices = slice(2, 5) np.testing.assert_equal(backend.CpuDevice().send(x[slices].data), backend.CpuDevice().send(self.x[slices])) slices = slice(2, 5), np.testing.assert_equal(backend.CpuDevice().send(x[slices].data), backend.CpuDevice().send(self.x[slices])) def test_get_item_cpu(self): self.check_get_item(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_get_item_gpu(self): self.check_get_item(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def check_label(self, expected, c): c = chainer.Variable(c) assert c.label == expected def test_label_cpu(self): self.check_label(self.label, self.c) @attr.gpu def test_label_gpu(self): self.check_label(self.label, cuda.to_gpu(self.c)) def check_backward(self, inputs, intermediates, outputs, retain_grad): for o in outputs: o.backward(retain_grad) assert all([x.grad_var is not None for x in inputs]) if retain_grad: assert all([x.grad_var is not None for x in intermediates]) else: assert all([x.grad_var is None for x in intermediates]) assert any([x.grad_var is not None for x in outputs]) # length is number of edges. So, # of Variables created is length+1 def create_linear_chain(self, length, xp): x = get_variable(xp, self.x) ret = [x] for i in six.moves.range(length): ret.append(constant((ret[i], ), (self.a, ))) if xp is cuda.cupy: ret[-1].grad = cuda.cupy.zeros_like(ret[-1].data) elif xp is np: ret[-1].grad = np.zeros_like(ret[-1].data) else: assert False return ret def test_backward_cpu(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, np) self.check_backward((ret[0], ), (ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), False) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, np) self.check_backward((ret[0], ), (ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), False) @attr.chainerx def test_backward_chainerx(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, np) self.check_backward((ret[0], ), (ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), False) def check_backward_accumulate(self, xp): x = get_variable(xp, self.x) y = x * x y.grad = xp.zeros_like(y.data) y.backward() assert x.grad_var.shape == self.x_shape def test_backward_accumulate_cpu(self): self.check_backward_accumulate(np) @attr.gpu def test_backward_accumulate_gpu(self): self.check_backward_accumulate(cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_backward_accumulate_chainerx(self): self.check_backward_accumulate(chainerx) def test_backward_cpu_retain_grad(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, np) self.check_backward((ret[0], ), (ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), True) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu_retain_grad(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, cuda.cupy) self.check_backward((ret[0], ), (ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), True) def check_double_backprop(self, xp): x = get_variable(xp, self.x) x.grad_var = None y = x * x * x y.grad = xp.ones_like(y.data) y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) gx = x.grad_var x.grad_var = None # clear grad gx.grad = xp.ones_like(x.data) gx.backward() expect = 6 * x testing.assert_allclose(x.grad_var.data, expect.data) def test_double_backprop_cpu(self): self.check_double_backprop(np) @attr.gpu def test_double_backprop_gpu(self): self.check_double_backprop(cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_double_backprop_chainerx(self): self.check_double_backprop(chainerx) def test_backward_no_grad_required(self): class DummyId(chainer.functions.math.identity.Identity): def backward(self, a, b): raise Exception('backward should not be called on inputs that ' 'do not require grads') x = chainer.Variable(self.x) y1, y2 = DummyId().apply((x, x)) x.node._requires_grad = False y1.backward() def test_unchain(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, np) old_rank = ret[1].rank ret[1].unchain() assert ret[1].creator is None assert ret[1].rank == old_rank self.check_backward((ret[1],), (ret[2],), (ret[3],), False) def check_set_none_to_creator(self, use_creator_node): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, np) old_rank = ret[1].rank if use_creator_node: ret[1].creator_node = None else: ret[1].creator = None assert ret[1].creator is None assert ret[1].creator_node is None assert ret[1].rank == old_rank self.check_backward((ret[1],), (ret[2],), (ret[3],), False) def test_set_none_to_creator(self): self.check_set_none_to_creator(False) def test_set_none_to_creator_node(self): self.check_set_none_to_creator(True) def test_set_none_and_original_to_creator(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(2, np) old_rank = ret[1].rank creator_node = ret[1].creator_node ret[1].creator = None assert ret[1].creator is None assert ret[1].rank == old_rank ret[1].node._rank = -1 ret[1].creator_node = creator_node assert ret[1].creator_node is creator_node assert ret[1].rank == creator_node.rank + 1 self.check_backward((ret[0],), (ret[1],), (ret[2],), False) def test_set_fresh_creator(self): v = chainer.Variable() f = chainer.Function() v.creator = f assert v.creator is f assert v.creator_node is f.node assert v.rank == 1 def test_set_fresh_creator_node(self): v = chainer.Variable() f = chainer.FunctionNode() v.creator_node = f assert v.creator is f assert v.creator_node is f assert v.rank == 1 def test_unchain_backward_cpu(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, np) ret[1].unchain_backward() self.check_backward((ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), (ret[3], ), False) @attr.gpu def test_unchain_backward_gpu(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, cuda.cupy) ret[1].unchain_backward() self.check_backward((ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), (ret[3], ), False) def test_unchain_backward_cpu_retain_grad(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, np) ret[1].unchain_backward() self.check_backward((ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), (ret[3], ), False) @attr.gpu def test_unchain_backward_gpu_retain_grad(self): ret = self.create_linear_chain(3, np) ret[1].unchain_backward() self.check_backward((ret[1], ), (ret[2], ), (ret[3], ), False) def test_invalid_value_type(self): with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'int'): chainer.Variable(1) def test_grad_type_check_pass(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) a.grad = np.ndarray((3,), dtype=np.float32) def test_grad_type_check_pass_type(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), dtype=np.float32)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): a.grad = np.float32() @attr.gpu def test_grad_type_check_type_cpu_gpu_mixture(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): a.grad = cuda.cupy.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32) def test_grad_type_check_dtype(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): a.grad = np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float64) def test_grad_type_check_shape(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): a.grad = np.empty((2,), dtype=np.float32) def check_cleargrad(self, a_data, fill=False): xp = backend.get_array_module(a_data) a = chainer.Variable(a_data) if fill: a.grad = xp.full_like(a_data, np.nan) a.cleargrad() assert a.grad is None def test_cleargrad_cpu(self): self.check_cleargrad(np.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) def test_cleargrad_fill_cpu(self): self.check_cleargrad(np.empty(3, dtype=np.float32), fill=True) @attr.gpu def test_cleargrad_gpu(self): self.check_cleargrad(cuda.cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_cleargrad_fill_gpu(self): self.check_cleargrad(cuda.cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32), fill=True) @attr.chainerx def test_cleargrad_chainerx(self): # TODO(hvy): Simplify to chainerx.empty(int, ...) when supported. self.check_cleargrad(chainerx.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) @attr.chainerx def test_cleargrad_fill_chainerx(self): # TODO(hvy): Simplify to chainerx.empty(int, ...) when supported. self.check_cleargrad(chainerx.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32), fill=True) def check_zerograd(self, a_data, fill=False, grad_var_requires_grad=True, expect_error=False): xp = backend.get_array_module(a_data) a = chainer.Variable(a_data) if fill: a.grad_var = chainer.Variable(xp.full_like(a_data, np.nan), requires_grad=grad_var_requires_grad) if xp is not chainerx: a.grad_var.creator_node = chainer.FunctionNode() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): if expect_error: with pytest.raises(Exception): a.zerograd() return a.zerograd() assert a.grad is not None if fill and xp is not chainerx: assert a.grad_var.creator_node is None xp.testing.assert_array_equal(a.grad, xp.zeros_like(a.grad)) def test_zerograd_cpu(self): self.check_zerograd(np.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) def test_zerograd_fill_cpu(self): self.check_zerograd(np.empty(3, dtype=np.float32), fill=True) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_zerograds_multi_gpu(self): cupy = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = chainer.Variable(cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): a.zerograd() assert a.grad is not None assert int(a.grad.device) == 1 with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): g_expect = cupy.zeros_like(a.data) cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(a.grad, g_expect) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_zerograds_fill_multi_gpu(self): cupy = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = chainer.Variable(cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) a.grad = cupy.empty_like(a.data) with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): a.zerograd() assert int(a.grad.device) == 1 with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): g_expect = cupy.zeros_like(a.data) cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(a.grad, g_expect) @attr.gpu def test_zerograd_gpu(self): self.check_zerograd(cuda.cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_zerograd_fill_gpu(self): self.check_zerograd(cuda.cupy.empty(3, dtype=np.float32), fill=True) @attr.chainerx def test_zerograd_chainerx(self): # TODO(hvy): Simplify to chainerx.empty(int, ...) when supported. self.check_zerograd(chainerx.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32)) @attr.chainerx def test_zerograd_fill_chainerx(self): # TODO(hvy): Simplify to chainerx.empty(int, ...) when supported. self.check_zerograd(chainerx.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32), fill=True, grad_var_requires_grad=False) @attr.chainerx def test_zerograd_fill_chainerx_requiring_grad(self): # TODO(hvy): Simplify to chainerx.empty(int, ...) when supported. self.check_zerograd(chainerx.empty((3,), dtype=np.float32), fill=True, grad_var_requires_grad=True, expect_error=True) def check_copydata(self, data1, data2, expect): xp = backend.get_array_module(data1) v = chainer.Variable(data1) w = chainer.Variable(data2) v.copydata(w) xp.testing.assert_array_equal(v.data, expect) def test_copydata_cpu_to_cpu(self): self.check_copydata(np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_copydata_cpu_to_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_copydata(cp.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32), cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.ideep def test_copydata_cpu_to_ideep(self): self.check_copydata(intel64.ideep.array(np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_copydata_gpu_to_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_copydata(cp.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32), cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32), cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_copydata_gpu_to_cpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_copydata(np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32), cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.ideep def test_copydata_ideep_to_cpu(self): self.check_copydata(np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32), intel64.ideep.array(np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)), np.ones(3, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_copydata_gpu_to_another_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): data1 = cp.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) expect = cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): data2 = cp.ones(3, dtype=np.float32) self.check_copydata(data1, data2, expect) def check_addgrad(self, src, dst, expect, clear_src_grad=False, clear_dst_grad=False): xp = backend.get_array_module(dst) a = chainer.Variable(src) a.grad = src b = chainer.Variable(dst) b.grad = dst if clear_src_grad: a.cleargrad() if clear_dst_grad: b.cleargrad() b.addgrad(a) xp.testing.assert_array_equal(b.grad, expect) assert cuda.get_device_from_array(b.data) \ == cuda.get_device_from_array(b.grad) def test_addgrad_cpu_to_cpu(self): self.check_addgrad(np.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_cpu_to_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_addgrad(np.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_gpu_to_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_addgrad(cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_gpu_to_cpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_addgrad(cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32)) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_gpu_multi(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) b = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): self.check_addgrad(a, b, c) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_another_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): b = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 30, dtype=np.float32) self.check_addgrad(a, b, c) def test_addgrad_cpu_to_cpu_none_src(self): self.check_addgrad(np.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), clear_src_grad=True) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_gpu_to_gpu_none_src(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_addgrad(cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), clear_src_grad=True) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_another_gpu_none_src_dev0(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): b = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): self.check_addgrad(a, b, c, clear_src_grad=True) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_another_gpu_none_src_dev1(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): b = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): self.check_addgrad(a, b, c, clear_src_grad=True) def test_addgrad_cpu_to_cpu_none_dst(self): self.check_addgrad(np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), np.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), clear_dst_grad=True) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_gpu_to_gpu_none_dst(self): cp = cuda.cupy self.check_addgrad(cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32), cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32), clear_dst_grad=True) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_another_gpu_none_dst_dev0(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): b = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): self.check_addgrad(a, b, c, clear_dst_grad=True) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_gpu_to_another_gpu_none_dst_dev1(self): cp = cuda.cupy with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): a = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(0): b = cp.full(3, 10, dtype=np.float32) c = cp.full(3, 20, dtype=np.float32) with cuda.get_device_from_id(1): self.check_addgrad(a, b, c, clear_dst_grad=True) def test_addgrad_none_src_dst(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) y = chainer.Variable(self.x) y.addgrad(x) assert y.grad is None def test_pickle_cpu(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) x.grad = np.ones_like(x.data) binary = six.moves.cPickle.dumps(x) d = six.moves.cPickle.loads(binary) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, d.data) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, d.grad) @attr.gpu def test_pickle_gpu(self): cp = cuda.cupy x = chainer.Variable(self.x) x.grad = np.ones_like(x.data) x.to_gpu() binary = six.moves.cPickle.dumps(x) d = six.moves.cPickle.loads(binary) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, d.data) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, d.grad) @testing.parameterize( {'array_require_grad': False, 'requires_grad': 'default', 'expected': True}, {'array_require_grad': False, 'requires_grad': False, 'expected': False}, {'array_require_grad': False, 'requires_grad': True, 'expected': True}, {'array_require_grad': True, 'requires_grad': 'default', 'expected': True}, {'array_require_grad': True, 'requires_grad': False, 'expected': 'raise'}, {'array_require_grad': True, 'requires_grad': True, 'expected': True}, ) @attr.chainerx class TestVariableChainerXInitRequiresGrad(unittest.TestCase): def test_chainerx_init_requires_grad(self): x = chainerx.ones((2,), dtype=np.float32) if self.array_require_grad: x.require_grad() def v(): if self.requires_grad == 'default': return chainer.Variable(x) else: return chainer.Variable(x, requires_grad=self.requires_grad) if self.expected == 'raise': with pytest.raises(ValueError): v() else: assert v().requires_grad is self.expected @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) class TestVariableToCpu(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.gx = np.ones_like(self.x) def check_to_cpu(self, x, gx, requires_grad=True): x_var = chainer.Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad) set_grad_var = requires_grad or not isinstance(x, chainerx.ndarray) if set_grad_var: x_var.grad_var = chainer.Variable(gx, requires_grad=requires_grad) x_var.to_cpu() assert x_var.xp is np assert x_var.node is not None assert isinstance(x_var.data, np.ndarray) assert x.shape == x_var.shape assert x.dtype == x_var.dtype np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.data), backend.CpuDevice().send(x)) if set_grad_var: assert isinstance(x_var.grad, np.ndarray) assert gx.shape == x_var.grad.shape assert gx.dtype == x_var.grad.dtype np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.grad), backend.CpuDevice().send(gx)) assert x_var.grad_var is not None assert x_var.grad_var.node is not None else: assert x_var.grad is None assert x_var.grad_var is None orig_xp = backend.get_array_module(x, gx) if orig_xp is np: assert x_var.data is x assert x_var.grad is gx else: assert x_var.data is not x assert not set_grad_var or x_var.grad is not gx assert x_var.xp is not chainerx def test_to_cpu_from_cpu(self): self.check_to_cpu(self.x, self.gx) @attr.gpu def test_to_cpu_from_gpu(self): self.check_to_cpu(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gx)) @attr.chainerx def test_to_cpu_from_chainerx(self): self.check_to_cpu( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx), requires_grad=False) @attr.chainerx def test_to_cpu_from_chainerx_requiring_grad(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.check_to_cpu( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx), requires_grad=True) @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @attr.gpu class TestVariableToGpu(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.gx = np.ones_like(self.x) def check_to_gpu(self, x, gx, device=None, requires_grad=True): x_var = chainer.Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad) set_grad_var = requires_grad or not isinstance(x, chainerx.ndarray) if set_grad_var: x_var.grad_var = chainer.Variable(gx, requires_grad=requires_grad) x_var.to_gpu(device) assert x_var.xp is cuda.cupy assert x_var.node is not None assert isinstance(x_var.data, cuda.cupy.ndarray) assert x.shape == x_var.shape assert x.dtype == x_var.dtype device = cuda.Device(device) assert cuda.get_device_from_array(x_var.data) == device np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.data), backend.CpuDevice().send(x)) if set_grad_var: assert isinstance(x_var.grad, cuda.cupy.ndarray) assert gx.shape == x_var.grad.shape assert gx.dtype == x_var.grad.dtype assert cuda.get_device_from_array(x_var.grad) == device np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.grad), backend.CpuDevice().send(gx)) assert x_var.grad_var is not None assert x_var.grad_var.node is not None else: assert x_var.grad is None assert x_var.grad_var is None orig_xp = backend.get_array_module(x, gx) orig_device = cuda.get_device_from_array(x) if orig_xp is cuda.cupy and orig_device == device: assert x_var.data is x assert x_var.grad is gx else: assert x_var.data is not x assert not set_grad_var or x_var.grad is not gx assert x_var.xp is not chainerx def test_to_gpu_from_cpu(self): self.check_to_gpu(self.x, self.gx) def test_to_gpu_from_gpu(self): self.check_to_gpu(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gx)) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_to_gpu_from_another_gpu(self): self.check_to_gpu(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gx), 1) @attr.chainerx def test_to_gpu_from_chainerx(self): self.check_to_gpu( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx), requires_grad=False) @attr.chainerx def test_to_gpu_from_chainerx_requiring_grad(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.check_to_gpu( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx), requires_grad=True) @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @attr.chainerx class TestVariableToChainerX(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.gx = np.ones_like(self.x) def infer_expected_device(self, *arrays): xp = backend.get_array_module(*arrays) if xp is np: return chainerx.get_device('native', 0) elif xp is cuda.cupy: return chainerx.get_device('cuda', arrays[0].device.id) elif xp is chainerx: return arrays[0].device assert False def check_to_chainerx(self, x, gx, requires_grad=True): x_var = chainer.Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad) x_var.grad_var = chainer.Variable(gx, requires_grad=requires_grad) x_var.to_chainerx() expected_device = self.infer_expected_device(x, gx) assert x_var.xp is chainerx with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): x_var.node assert isinstance(x_var.array, chainerx.ndarray) assert x.shape == x_var.shape assert x.dtype == x_var.dtype assert x_var.data.device is expected_device np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.data), backend.CpuDevice().send(x)) if requires_grad: assert isinstance(x_var.grad, chainerx.ndarray) assert gx.shape == x_var.grad.shape assert gx.dtype == x_var.grad.dtype assert x_var.grad.device is expected_device np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.grad), backend.CpuDevice().send(gx)) assert x_var.grad_var is not None with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): x_var.grad_var.node else: assert x_var.grad is None assert x_var.grad_var is None assert x_var.xp is chainerx def test_to_chainerx_from_numpy(self): self.check_to_chainerx(self.x, self.gx) @attr.gpu def test_to_chainerx_from_cupy(self): self.check_to_chainerx(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gx)) # TODO(hvy): Write test when implemented. @attr.ideep def test_ideep_to_chainerx(self): raise unittest.SkipTest('Not yet supported') def test_to_chainerx_from_chainerx(self): self.check_to_chainerx( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx)) def test_to_chainerx_from_another_device(self): self.check_to_chainerx( chainerx.array(self.x), chainerx.array(self.gx)) def test_to_chainerx_not_requiring_grad(self): self.check_to_chainerx(self.x, self.gx, requires_grad=False) def test_to_chainerx_with_creator(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) y = x * x with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): y.to_chainerx() @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @chainer.testing.backend.inject_backend_tests( ['test_from_chainerx'], [ # NumPy {}, # CuPy {'use_cuda': True, 'cuda_device': 0}, {'use_cuda': True, 'cuda_device': 1}, # ChainerX {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'native:0'}, {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'cuda:0'}, {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'cuda:1'}, ]) @attr.chainerx class TestVariableFromChainerX(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = chainerx.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) def infer_expected_xp_and_device(self, x): xp = backend.get_array_module(x) if xp is np: return xp, None elif xp is cuda.cupy: return xp, x.device elif xp is chainerx: backend_name = x.device.backend.name if backend_name == 'native': return np, None elif backend_name == 'cuda': return cuda.cupy, cuda.cupy.cuda.Device(x.device.index) assert False def test_from_chainerx(self, backend_config): x = backend_config.get_array(self.x) x_var = chainer.Variable(x, requires_grad=False) x_var.from_chainerx() expected_xp, expected_device = self.infer_expected_xp_and_device(x) assert x_var.xp is expected_xp assert x_var.node is not None assert isinstance(x_var.array, expected_xp.ndarray) assert expected_device is None or x_var.array.device == expected_device assert x.shape == x_var.shape assert x.dtype == x_var.dtype assert x_var.grad is None assert x_var.grad_var is None np.testing.assert_array_equal( backend.CpuDevice().send(x_var.array), backend.CpuDevice().send(x)) def test_invalid_from_chainerx_requires_grad(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x, requires_grad=True) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): x.from_chainerx() @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @attr.chainerx class TestVariableToDevice(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.gx = np.ones_like(self.x) def check_to_device(self, x, gx, device_spec, expected_xp): x_var = chainer.Variable(x) x_var.grad_var = chainer.Variable(gx) x_var.to_device(device_spec) assert x_var.xp is expected_xp assert x_var.grad_var.xp is expected_xp def test_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_to_device(self.x, self.gx, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_to_device(self.x, self.gx, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_to_device(self.x, self.gx, 'native:0', chainerx) _to_device_twice_backend_params = [ # NumPy {}, # CuPy {'use_cuda': True, 'cuda_device': 0}, {'use_cuda': True, 'cuda_device': 1}, # ChainerX {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'native:0'}, {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'cuda:0'}, {'use_chainerx': True, 'chainerx_device': 'cuda:1'}, ] @testing.parameterize(*testing.product( { 'x_shape': [(10,), (), None], 'requires_grad': [True, False], })) @testing.backend.inject_backend_tests(None, _to_device_twice_backend_params) @testing.backend.inject_backend_tests(None, _to_device_twice_backend_params) class TestVariableToDeviceTwice(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if self.x_shape is None: self.x = None else: self.x = np.zeros(self.x_shape, dtype=np.float32) def test_to_device_twice(self, backend_config1, backend_config2): device1 = backend_config1.device device2 = backend_config2.device var = chainer.Variable(self.x, requires_grad=self.requires_grad) # Transfer to device 1 var.to_device(device1) # Transfer to device 2 should_fail = ( self.requires_grad and self.x is not None and device1.xp is chainerx and device2.xp is not chainerx) if should_fail: # Non-ChainerX device to ChainerX device should fail if # requires_grad with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): var.to_device(device2) else: # Should succeed var.to_device(device2) assert var.requires_grad == self.requires_grad if self.x is None: assert var.array is None assert var.data is None else: assert isinstance(var.array, device2.xp.ndarray) assert backend.get_device_from_array(var.array) == device2 np.testing.assert_array_equal( self.x, backend.CpuDevice().send(var.array)) class TestVariableBasic(unittest.TestCase): def test_unhashable(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, '^unhashable type: '): hash(a) def test_unequatable(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) b = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a == b with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a == a with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a != b with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a != a def test_uncomparable(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) b = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a < b with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a <= b with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a > b with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a >= b def test_bool_inconvertible(self): a = chainer.Variable(np.ones((2,))) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): if a: pass with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): if not a: pass class TestVariableDataAssign(unittest.TestCase): def test_variable_data_assign(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.ones((3, 2), np.float32)) chainer.functions.sin(x) x.data = np.ones((2, 4), np.float64) assert x.data.shape == (2, 4) assert x.data.dtype == np.float64 assert x.shape == (2, 4) assert x.dtype == np.float64 assert x.node.shape == (2, 4) assert x.node.dtype == np.float64 assert x.node.data.shape == (2, 4) assert x.node.data.dtype == np.float64 @attr.gpu def test_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.ones((3, 2), np.float32)) chainer.functions.sin(x) x.to_gpu() assert x.data is x.node.data x.to_cpu() assert x.data is x.node.data @attr.ideep def test_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.ones((3, 2), np.float32)) chainer.functions.sin(x) x.to_intel64() assert x.data is x.node.data x.to_cpu() assert x.data is x.node.data class TestParameter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.a = np.random.rand(3, 2).astype(np.float32) def test_initializer(self): x = chainer.Parameter(shape=(1,)) assert x.initializer is not None def test_initialize_by_scalar(self): x = chainer.Parameter(2., (3,)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, np.array([2., 2., 2.])) def test_initialize_by_initializer(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.One(), (3,)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( x.data, np.array([1., 1., 1.], dtype='f')) def test_initialize_by_none(self): x = chainer.Parameter(None, (3,)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( x.data, np.full((3,), np.nan, dtype='f')) def test_initialize_by_array(self): data = np.array([1., 2., 3.], dtype='f') x = chainer.Parameter(data) assert x.data is data @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_cupy_array(self): data = cuda.cupy.array([1., 2., 3.], dtype='f') x = chainer.Parameter(data, (3,)) assert isinstance(x.data, cuda.cupy.ndarray) cuda.cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, data) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_chainerx_array(self): data = chainerx.array([1., 2., 3.], dtype='f') x = chainer.Parameter(data) assert isinstance(x.data, chainerx.ndarray) chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, data) def test_update_rule(self): update_rule = mock.MagicMock() g = self.a.copy() x = chainer.Parameter(self.a) x.grad = g x.update_rule = update_rule x.update() assert update_rule.update.call_count == 1 assert update_rule.update.call_args_list[0] == [(x,), {}] def test_update_rule_without_grad(self): update_rule = mock.MagicMock() x = chainer.Parameter(self.a) x.update_rule = update_rule x.update() assert update_rule.update.call_count == 1 @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) class TestParameterToDevice(unittest.TestCase): def check_to_device(self, x, device_spec, expected_xp): assert isinstance(x, chainer.Parameter) x.to_device(device_spec) assert x.xp is expected_xp def check_initializer(self, shape, device_spec, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(shape=shape) self.check_to_device(x, device_spec, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_scalar(self, shape, device_spec, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(2., shape) self.check_to_device(x, device_spec, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_initializer(self, shape, device_spec, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.One(), shape) self.check_to_device(x, device_spec, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_none(self, shape, device_spec, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(None, shape) self.check_to_device(x, device_spec, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_array(self, shape, device_spec, expected_xp): data = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape).astype('f') x = chainer.Parameter(data) self.check_to_device(x, device_spec, expected_xp) def test_initializer_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_initializer(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initializer_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_initializer(self.x_shape, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initializer_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_initializer(self.x_shape, 'native:0', chainerx) def test_initialize_by_scalar_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_scalar(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_scalar_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_scalar( self.x_shape, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_scalar_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_scalar(self.x_shape, 'native:0', chainerx) def test_initialize_by_initializer_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_initializer(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_initializer_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_initializer( self.x_shape, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_initializer_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_initializer( self.x_shape, 'native:0', chainerx) def test_initialize_by_none_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_none(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_none_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_none(self.x_shape, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_none_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_none(self.x_shape, 'native:0', chainerx) def test_initialize_by_array_to_device_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_array_to_device_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, (cuda.cupy, 0), cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_array_to_device_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, 'native:0', chainerx) @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @attr.chainerx class TestParameterToChainerX(unittest.TestCase): def check_to_chainerx(self, x): assert isinstance(x, chainer.Parameter) x.to_chainerx() assert x.xp is chainerx def check_initializer(self, shape): x = chainer.Parameter(shape=shape) self.check_to_chainerx(x) def check_initialize_by_scalar(self, shape): x = chainer.Parameter(2., shape) self.check_to_chainerx(x) def check_initialize_by_initializer(self, shape): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.One(), shape) self.check_to_chainerx(x) def check_initialize_by_none(self, shape): x = chainer.Parameter(None, shape) self.check_to_chainerx(x) def check_initialize_by_array(self, shape, xp, device=None): if device is not None: data = xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape, device=device).astype('f') else: data = xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape).astype('f') x = chainer.Parameter(data) self.check_to_chainerx(x) def test_initializer_to_chainerx(self): self.check_initializer(self.x_shape) def test_initialize_by_scalar_to_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_scalar(self.x_shape) def test_initialize_by_initializer_to_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_initializer(self.x_shape) def test_initialize_by_none_to_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_none(self.x_shape) def test_initialize_by_array_to_chainerx_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_array_to_chainerx_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_array_to_chainerx_chainerx_native(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, chainerx, 'native:0') @attr.gpu @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_array_to_chainerx_chainerx_cuda(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, chainerx, 'cuda:0') @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': (10,)}, {'x_shape': ()}, ) @attr.chainerx class TestParameterFromChainerX(unittest.TestCase): def check_from_chainerx(self, x, expected_xp): assert isinstance(x, chainer.Parameter) x.from_chainerx() assert x.xp is expected_xp def check_initializer(self, shape, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(shape=shape) self.check_from_chainerx(x, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_scalar(self, shape, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(2., shape) self.check_from_chainerx(x, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_initializer(self, shape, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.One(), shape) self.check_from_chainerx(x, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_none(self, shape, expected_xp): x = chainer.Parameter(None, shape) self.check_from_chainerx(x, expected_xp) def check_initialize_by_array(self, shape, xp, expected_xp, device=None): if device is not None: data = xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape, device=device).astype('f') else: data = xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape).astype('f') x = chainer.Parameter(data) self.check_from_chainerx(x, expected_xp) def test_initializer_from_chainerx(self): self.check_initializer(self.x_shape, np) def test_initialize_by_scalar_from_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_scalar(self.x_shape, np) def test_initialize_by_initializer_from_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_initializer(self.x_shape, np) def test_initialize_by_none_from_chainerx(self): self.check_initialize_by_none(self.x_shape, np) def test_initialize_by_array_from_chainerx_numpy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, np, np) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_by_array_from_chainerx_cupy(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, cuda.cupy, cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_array_from_chainerx_chainerx_native(self): self.check_initialize_by_array(self.x_shape, chainerx, np, 'native:0') @attr.gpu @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_by_array_from_chainerx_chainerx_cuda(self): self.check_initialize_by_array( self.x_shape, chainerx, cuda.cupy, 'cuda:0') class TestUninitializedParameter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.a = np.random.rand(3, 2).astype(np.float32) self.b = np.random.rand(*self.a.shape).astype(self.a.dtype) def test_init_without_data(self): x = chainer.Parameter() assert x.data is None assert x.grad is None def test_initialize(self): x = chainer.Parameter() x.initialize((3, 2)) assert x.shape == (3, 2) assert x.dtype == np.float32 np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, np.float32('nan')) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, np.float32('nan')) assert backend.get_device_from_array(x.data).xp is np assert backend.get_device_from_array(x.grad).xp is np def check_constant_initialization(self, x, a, xp, expected_device): x.initialize(a.shape) assert isinstance(x.data, xp.ndarray) xp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, xp.asarray(a)) xp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, np.float32('nan')) assert backend.get_device_from_array(x.data) == expected_device assert backend.get_device_from_array(x.grad) == expected_device def test_initialize_with_initializer(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.Constant(self.a)) self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, np, chainer.get_device(np)) def test_initialize_dtype(self): initializer = initializers.Zero(np.float64) x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializer) x.initialize((2, 3)) assert x.data.dtype == np.float64 assert x.grad.dtype == np.float64 def test_initialize_by_callable_default_dtype(self): def initializer(array): array.fill(1.0) x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializer) with chainer.using_config('dtype', np.float16): x.initialize((3, 2)) assert x.data.dtype == np.float16 assert x.grad.dtype == np.float16 def test_initialize_node(self): initializer = initializers.Zero(np.float64) x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializer) x.initialize((2, 3)) assert x.node.shape == (2, 3) assert x.node.dtype == np.float64 @attr.gpu def test_initialize_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_gpu() self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, cuda.cupy, chainer.get_device((cuda.cupy, 0))) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_initialize_to_noncurrent_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_gpu(1) self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, cuda.cupy, chainer.get_device((cuda.cupy, 1))) @attr.gpu def test_initialize_to_cpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_gpu() x.to_cpu() self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, np, chainer.get_device(np)) @attr.ideep def test_initialize_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) assert x.data is None x.to_intel64() x.initialize(self.a.shape) assert isinstance(x.data, intel64.mdarray) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, self.a) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, np.float32('nan')) @attr.chainerx def test_initialize_to_chainerx_native(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_device(np) x.to_chainerx() self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, chainerx, chainer.get_device('native:0')) @attr.chainerx @attr.gpu def test_initialize_to_chainerx_cuda(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_device((cuda.cupy, 0)) x.to_chainerx() self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, chainerx, chainer.get_device('cuda:0')) @attr.chainerx @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_initialize_to_chainerx_cuda_noncurrent_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializer=initializers.Constant(self.a)) x.to_device((cuda.cupy, 1)) x.to_chainerx() self.check_constant_initialization( x, self.a, chainerx, chainer.get_device('cuda:1')) def test_copy_to_initialize(self): # This test intends the use case of link.copy() method. x = chainer.Parameter() y = copy.copy(x) x.initialize((3, 2)) assert x.data is y.data def test_cleargrad(self): x = chainer.Parameter() x.cleargrad() x.initialize((3, 2)) assert x.grad is None def check_zerograd(self, x, xp): assert isinstance(x.grad, xp.ndarray) assert x.grad.shape == x.data.shape assert x.grad.dtype == x.data.dtype xp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, 0) def test_zerograd(self): x = chainer.Parameter() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.initialize((3, 2)) self.check_zerograd(x, np) @attr.gpu def test_zerograd_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.to_gpu() x.initialize((3, 2)) self.check_zerograd(x, cuda.cupy) @attr.gpu def test_to_gpu_zerograd(self): x = chainer.Parameter() x.to_gpu() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.initialize((3, 2)) self.check_zerograd(x, cuda.cupy) @attr.chainerx def test_zerograd_to_chainerx(self): x = chainer.Parameter() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.to_device(np) x.to_chainerx() x.initialize((3, 2)) self.check_zerograd(x, chainerx) @attr.chainerx def test_to_chainerx_zerograd(self): x = chainer.Parameter() x.to_device(np) x.to_chainerx() with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.initialize((3, 2)) self.check_zerograd(x, chainerx) def test_zerograd_dtype(self): x = chainer.Parameter(initializers.Zero(dtype=np.float16)) with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): x.zerograd() x.initialize((3, 2)) assert x.grad.dtype == x.data.dtype def test_copydata_to_uninitialized_parameter(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) x.copydata(y) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, self.a) @attr.gpu def test_copydata_to_uninitialized_parameter_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) x.to_gpu() x.copydata(y) cp = cuda.cupy assert isinstance(x.data, cp.ndarray) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, self.a) @attr.chainerx def test_copydata_to_uninitialized_parameter_chainerx(self): # TODO(sonots): Support copyto with ChainerX raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support copyto') def test_copydata_from_uninitialized_parameter(self): initializer = initializers.Zero() x = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y = chainer.Parameter(initializer) x.copydata(y) assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(y.data, np.ndarray) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, y.data) @attr.gpu def test_copydata_from_uninitialized_parameter_gpu(self): initializer = initializers.Zero() x = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y = chainer.Parameter(initializer) y.to_gpu() x.copydata(y) cp = cuda.cupy assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(y.data, cp.ndarray) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.data, y.data) @attr.chainerx def test_copydata_from_uninitialized_parameter_chainerx(self): # TODO(sonots): Support copydata with ChainerX raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support copydata') def test_copydata_from_to_uninitialized_parameters(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter() x.copydata(y) assert x.data is None assert y.data is None def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y.grad = self.b x.cleargrad() x.addgrad(y) assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(x.grad, np.ndarray) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, self.b) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter_cpu_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y.grad = self.b x.to_gpu() x.cleargrad() x.addgrad(y) cp = cuda.cupy assert isinstance(x.data, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(x.grad, cp.ndarray) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, self.b) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter_gpu_to_cpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y.grad = self.b y.to_gpu() x.cleargrad() x.addgrad(y) assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(x.grad, np.ndarray) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, self.b) @attr.gpu def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter_gpu_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y.grad = self.b x.to_gpu() y.to_gpu() x.cleargrad() x.addgrad(y) cp = cuda.cupy assert isinstance(x.data, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(x.grad, cp.ndarray) cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, self.b) @attr.multi_gpu(2) def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter_gpu_to_another_gpu(self): x = chainer.Parameter() y = chainer.Parameter(self.a) y.grad = self.b x.to_gpu(1) y.to_gpu(0) x.cleargrad() x.addgrad(y) cp = cuda.cupy assert isinstance(x.data, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(x.grad, cp.ndarray) assert int(x.data.device) == 1 assert int(x.grad.device) == 1 cp.testing.assert_array_equal(x.grad, self.b) @attr.chainerx def test_addgrad_to_uninitialized_parameter_cpu_to_chainerx(self): # TODO(sonots): Support addgrad with ChainerX raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support addgrad') class TestDebugPrint(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.arr = np.random.randn(5, 3, 5, 5).astype(np.float32) def check_debug_print(self, v, mean, std): result = v.debug_print() assert v.summary() in result assert 'dtype: float32' in result # py2.7 on win64 returns shape as long assert re.match(r'- shape: \(5L?, 3L?, 5L?, 5L?\)', result.splitlines()[3]) # no grad msg = 'statistics: mean={mean:.8f}, std={std:.8f}' msg = msg.format(mean=mean, std=std) assert msg in result assert 'grad: None' in result # zero grad with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): v.zerograd() result = v.debug_print() assert 'grad: 0' in result # add grad v.grad = v.data result = v.debug_print() msg = 'grad: mean={mean:.8f}, std={std:.8f}'.format(mean=mean, std=std) assert msg in result def check_debug_print_empty(self, v): result = v.debug_print() assert 'device: None' in result assert 'backend: None' in result assert 'shape: None' in result assert 'dtype: None' in result assert 'statistics: None' in result assert 'grad: None' in result def test_debug_print_cpu(self): v = chainer.Variable(self.arr) result = v.debug_print() assert 'device: CPU' in result assert 'numpy.ndarray' in result self.check_debug_print(v, mean=float(np.mean(v.data)), std=float(np.std(v.data))) @attr.gpu def test_debug_print_gpu(self): v = chainer.Variable(self.arr) v.to_gpu(0) result = v.debug_print() assert 'device: <CUDA Device 0>' in result assert 'cupy.core.core.ndarray' in result self.check_debug_print(v, mean=float(cuda.cupy.mean(v.data)), std=float(cuda.cupy.std(v.data))) def test_debug_print_empty(self): v = chainer.Variable() self.check_debug_print_empty(v) class TestVariableSetCreator(unittest.TestCase): class MockFunction(chainer.Function): pass def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 5)).astype(np.float32) self.f = self.MockFunction() self.node = self.f.node self.node.rank = 10 def check_set_creator(self, x): x = chainer.Variable(x) x.set_creator(self.f) assert x.creator == self.f assert x.rank == 11 def test_set_creator_cpu(self): self.check_set_creator(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_set_creator_gpu(self): self.check_set_creator(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def check_set_creator_node(self, x): x = chainer.Variable(x) x.set_creator_node(self.node) assert x.creator_node == self.node assert x.rank == 11 def test_set_creator_node_cpu(self): self.check_set_creator_node(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_set_creator_node_gpu(self): self.check_set_creator_node(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) class TestVariableBackwardError(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.array([1], np.float32) def check_type_mismatch(self, x_data, retain): xp = backend.get_array_module(x_data) class DummyFunction(chainer.Function): label = 'dummy_function' def forward(self, inputs): if not retain: self.retain_inputs(()) return xp.array(1, np.float32), def backward(self, inputs, grads): return [1] x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = DummyFunction()(x) with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'dummy_function'): y.backward() def test_type_mismatch_cpu(self): self.check_type_mismatch(self.x, True) def test_type_mismatch_unretain_cpu(self): self.check_type_mismatch(self.x, False) @attr.gpu def test_type_mismatch_gpu(self): self.check_type_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), True) @attr.gpu def test_type_mismatch_unretain_gpu(self): self.check_type_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), False) def check_dtype_mismatch(self, x_data, retain): xp = backend.get_array_module(x_data) class DummyFunction(chainer.Function): label = 'dummy_function' def forward(self, inputs): if not retain: self.retain_inputs(()) return xp.array(1, np.float32), def backward(self, inputs, grads): return xp.array([1], np.int32), x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = DummyFunction()(x) with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'dummy_function'): y.backward() def test_dtype_mismatch_cpu(self): self.check_dtype_mismatch(self.x, True) def test_dtype_mismatch_unretain_cpu(self): self.check_dtype_mismatch(self.x, False) @attr.gpu def test_dtype_mismatch_gpu(self): self.check_dtype_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), True) @attr.gpu def test_dtype_mismatch_unretain_gpu(self): self.check_dtype_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), False) def check_shape_mismatch(self, x_data, retain): xp = backend.get_array_module(x_data) class DummyFunction(chainer.Function): label = 'dummy_function' def forward(self, inputs): if not retain: self.retain_inputs(()) return xp.array(1, np.float32), def backward(self, inputs, grads): return xp.array([1, 2], np.float32), x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = DummyFunction()(x) with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'dummy_function'): y.backward() def test_shape_mismatch_cpu(self): self.check_shape_mismatch(self.x, True) def test_shape_mismatch_unretain_cpu(self): self.check_shape_mismatch(self.x, False) @attr.gpu def test_shape_mismatch_gpu(self): self.check_shape_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), True) @attr.gpu def test_shape_mismatch_unretain_gpu(self): self.check_shape_mismatch(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), False) class TestVariableBackwardErrorTraceback(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.array([1], np.float32) chainer.set_debug(True) def tearDown(self): chainer.set_debug(False) def check_traceback(self, x_data): xp = backend.get_array_module(x_data) class DummyFunction(chainer.Function): label = 'dummy_function' def forward(self, inputs): return xp.array(1, np.float32), def backward(self, inputs, grads): return xp.array([1, 2], np.float32), x = chainer.Variable(x_data) line = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno + 1 y = DummyFunction()(x) # `line` is THIS line try: y.backward() self.fail() except ValueError as e: assert 'Stacktrace' in str(e) assert 'line %d' % line in str(e) def test_traceback_cpu(self): self.check_traceback(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_traceback_gpu(self): self.check_traceback(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def test_raise(self): x = np.array([1], np.float32) x = chainer.Variable(x) y = F.identity(x) y.grad = np.array([np.nan], np.float32) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): y.backward() def test_int(self): x = np.array([1], np.int) x = chainer.Variable(x) y = F.identity(x) y.grad = np.array([0], np.int) y.backward() @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'in_shape': [(4, 3, 2)], 'out_shape': [(2, 2, 6), (2, -1, 6), 24, (-1,), [2, 12]], 'dtype': [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64], })) class TestReshape(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.in_shape).astype(self.dtype) def check_forward(self, x_data): shape = self.out_shape x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = x.reshape(shape) assert y.data.dtype == self.dtype assert (self.x.reshape(shape) == backend.CpuDevice().send(y.data)).all() def test_forward_cpu(self): self.check_forward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_forward_gpu(self): self.check_forward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) @attr.chainerx def test_forward_chainerx(self): # TODO(imanishi): chainerx does not support fp16 yet if self.dtype == np.float16: raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support float16') self.check_forward(chainerx.array(self.x)) def check_backward(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = x.reshape(self.out_shape) y.grad = y.data y.backward() testing.assert_allclose(backend.CpuDevice().send(x.data), backend.CpuDevice().send(x.grad), atol=0, rtol=0) def test_backward_cpu(self): self.check_backward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu(self): self.check_backward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) @attr.chainerx def test_backward_chainerx(self): # TODO(niboshi): Support it if self.dtype == np.float16: raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support float16') self.check_backward(chainerx.array(self.x)) @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'in_shape': [(4, 3, 2)], 'axes': [[], [(-1, 0, 1)], [[-1, 0, 1]], [None], [-1, 0, 1]], 'dtype': [np.float16, np.float32, np.float32], })) class TestTranspose(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.in_shape).astype(self.dtype) def check_forward(self, x_data): axes = self.axes x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = x.transpose(*axes) assert y.data.dtype == self.dtype assert (self.x.transpose(*axes) == backend.CpuDevice().send(y.data)).all() def test_forward_cpu(self): self.check_forward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_forward_gpu(self): self.check_forward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) @attr.chainerx def test_forward_chainerx(self): # TODO(hvy): chainerx does not support fp16 yet if self.dtype == np.float16: raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support float16') self.check_forward(chainerx.array(self.x)) def check_backward(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = x.transpose(*self.axes) y.grad = y.data y.backward() testing.assert_allclose(x.data, x.grad, atol=0, rtol=0) def test_backward_cpu(self): self.check_backward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu(self): self.check_backward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) @attr.chainerx def test_backward_chainerx(self): # TODO(niboshi): Support it if self.dtype == np.float16: raise unittest.SkipTest('ChainerX does not support float16') self.check_backward(chainerx.array(self.x)) class UnnamedVariableToStringTestBase(object): def setUp(self): if self.x_shape is None: self.x = chainer.Variable() else: x = np.empty(self.x_shape) x = np.arange(x.size).reshape(self.x_shape) x = x.astype(self.dtype) self.x = chainer.Variable(x) def test_repr_cpu(self): assert repr(self.x) == self.repr def test_str_cpu(self): assert str(self.x) == self.str @attr.gpu def test_repr_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.gpu def test_str_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert str(self.x) == self.str def _skip_chainerx_unsupported_dtype(self): supported_dtypes = chainerx.testing.dtypes.all_dtypes if (self.dtype is not None and self.dtype.__name__ not in supported_dtypes): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'ChainerX does not support {} dtype'.format( self.dtype.__name__)) @attr.chainerx def test_repr_chainerx_cpu(self): self._skip_chainerx_unsupported_dtype() self.x.to_chainerx() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.chainerx def test_str_chainerx_cpu(self): self._skip_chainerx_unsupported_dtype() self.x.to_chainerx() assert str(self.x) == self.str @attr.chainerx @attr.gpu def test_repr_chainerx_gpu(self): self._skip_chainerx_unsupported_dtype() self.x.to_gpu() self.x.to_chainerx() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.chainerx @attr.gpu def test_str_chainerx_gpu(self): self._skip_chainerx_unsupported_dtype() self.x.to_gpu() self.x.to_chainerx() assert str(self.x) == self.str @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': None, 'dtype': None, 'repr': 'variable(None)', 'str': 'variable(None)'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float16, 'repr': 'variable([[ 0., 1.],\n [ 2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[ 0. 1.]\n [ 2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable([[ 0., 1.],\n [ 2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[ 0. 1.]\n [ 2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float64, 'repr': 'variable([[ 0., 1.],\n [ 2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[ 0. 1.]\n [ 2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (3,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable([ 0., 1., 2.])', 'str': 'variable([ 0. 1. 2.])'}, ) @testing.with_requires('numpy<1.14') class TestUnnamedVariableToStringLegacy( UnnamedVariableToStringTestBase, unittest.TestCase): # Textual representation of arrays in NumPy 1.13 or earlier. pass @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': None, 'dtype': None, 'repr': 'variable(None)', 'str': 'variable(None)'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float16, 'repr': 'variable([[0., 1.],\n [2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[0. 1.]\n [2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable([[0., 1.],\n [2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[0. 1.]\n [2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float64, 'repr': 'variable([[0., 1.],\n [2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable([[0. 1.]\n [2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (3,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable([0., 1., 2.])', 'str': 'variable([0. 1. 2.])'}, ) @testing.with_requires('numpy>=1.14') class TestUnnamedVariableToStringModern( UnnamedVariableToStringTestBase, unittest.TestCase): # Textual representation of arrays in NumPy 1.14 or later. pass class TestUnnamedVariableDim2Size0ToString(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): x = np.empty((0, 0)) x = x.astype(np.float32) self.x = chainer.Variable(x) if (sys.version_info < (3,) and sys.maxsize > 2**32 and platform.system() == 'Windows'): self.repr = 'variable([], shape=(0L, 0L))' else: self.repr = 'variable([], shape=(0, 0))' self.str = 'variable([])' def test_repr_cpu(self): assert repr(self.x) == self.repr def test_str_cpu(self): assert str(self.x) == self.str @attr.gpu def test_repr_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.gpu def test_str_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert str(self.x) == self.str class NamedVariableToStringTestBase(object): def setUp(self): if self.x_shape is None: self.x = chainer.Variable(name='x') else: x = np.empty(self.x_shape) x = np.arange(x.size).reshape(self.x_shape) x = x.astype(self.dtype) self.x = chainer.Variable(x, name='x') def test_named_repr(self): assert repr(self.x) == self.repr def test_named_str(self): assert str(self.x) == self.str @attr.gpu def test_repr_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.gpu def test_str_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert str(self.x) == self.str @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': None, 'dtype': None, 'repr': 'variable x(None)', 'str': 'variable x(None)'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable x([[ 0., 1.],\n [ 2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable x([[ 0. 1.]\n [ 2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable x(0.0)', 'str': 'variable x(0.0)'}, ) @testing.with_requires('numpy<1.14') class TestNamedVariableToStringLegacy( NamedVariableToStringTestBase, unittest.TestCase): # Textual representation of arrays in NumPy 1.13 or earlier. pass @testing.parameterize( {'x_shape': None, 'dtype': None, 'repr': 'variable x(None)', 'str': 'variable x(None)'}, {'x_shape': (2, 2,), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable x([[0., 1.],\n [2., 3.]])', 'str': 'variable x([[0. 1.]\n [2. 3.]])'}, {'x_shape': (), 'dtype': np.float32, 'repr': 'variable x(0.)', 'str': 'variable x(0.)'}, ) @testing.with_requires('numpy>=1.14') class TestNamedVariableToStringModern( NamedVariableToStringTestBase, unittest.TestCase): # Textual representation of arrays in NumPy 1.14 or later. pass class TestNamedVariableDim2Size0ToString(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): x = np.empty((0, 0)) x = x.astype(np.float32) self.x = chainer.Variable(x, name='x') if (sys.version_info < (3,) and sys.maxsize > 2**32 and platform.system() == 'Windows'): self.repr = 'variable x([], shape=(0L, 0L))' else: self.repr = 'variable x([], shape=(0, 0))' self.str = 'variable x([])' def test_named_repr(self): assert repr(self.x) == self.repr def test_named_str(self): assert str(self.x) == self.str @attr.gpu def test_repr_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert repr(self.x) == self.repr @attr.gpu def test_str_gpu(self): self.x.to_gpu() assert str(self.x) == self.str class IdentityFunction(chainer.Function): def forward(self, inputs): return inputs def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs): return grad_outputs class TestVariableDoubleBackward(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_backward(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), np.float32)) y = x * 2 # x.grad_var will be different from y.grad_var y.backward() assert x.grad_var is not y.grad_var assert x.grad_var.creator is None x.grad_var.backward() assert y.grad_var.grad_var is None def test_raise_double_backprop(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), np.float32)) y = IdentityFunction()(x) y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): x.grad_var.backward() def test_raise_double_backprop_2(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), np.float32)) z = F.identity(x) # new style y = IdentityFunction()(z) # old style y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): x.grad_var.backward() def test_grad_raise_double_backprop(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), np.float32)) y = IdentityFunction()(x) y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): chainer.grad([x.grad_var], [y.grad_var]) def test_grad_raise_double_backprop_2(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty((), np.float32)) z = F.identity(x) # new style y = IdentityFunction()(z) # old style y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): chainer.grad([x.grad_var], [y.grad_var]) class TestVariableDoubleBackwardOneElementScalar(unittest.TestCase): # Tests for old-styled (1-element array) scalar. # See: https://github.com/chainer/chainer/pull/4199 def test_default_backward(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty(1, np.float32)) y = x * 2 # x.grad_var will be different from y.grad_var with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): y.backward() assert x.grad_var.creator is None with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ok to be warned that x.grad_var is old-styled scalar warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) x.grad_var.backward() assert y.grad_var.grad_var is None def test_raise_double_backprop(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty(1, np.float32)) y = IdentityFunction()(x) with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ok to be warned that x.grad_var is old-styled scalar warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) x.grad_var.backward() def test_raise_double_backprop_2(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty(1, np.float32)) z = F.identity(x) # new style y = IdentityFunction()(z) # old style with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ok to be warned that x.grad_var is old-styled scalar warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) x.grad_var.backward() def test_grad_raise_double_backprop(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty(1, np.float32)) y = IdentityFunction()(x) with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): chainer.grad([x.grad_var], [y.grad_var]) def test_grad_raise_double_backprop_2(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.empty(1, np.float32)) z = F.identity(x) # new style y = IdentityFunction()(z) # old style with testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning): y.backward(enable_double_backprop=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): chainer.grad([x.grad_var], [y.grad_var]) class TestAsVariable(unittest.TestCase): def check_to_variable_from_array(self, x): y = chainer.as_variable(x) assert isinstance(y, chainer.Variable) assert y.data is x assert not y.requires_grad def test_to_variable_from_numpy(self): self.check_to_variable_from_array(np.empty(1, np.float32)) @attr.gpu def test_to_variable_from_cupy(self): self.check_to_variable_from_array(cuda.cupy.empty(1, np.float32)) def test_to_variable_from_variable(self): x = chainer.Variable(np.array(1, np.float32)) y = chainer.as_variable(x) assert x is y assert y.requires_grad @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'in_shape': [(4, 3, 2)], 'dtype': [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64], 'loss_scale': [None, 1, 10], })) class TestLossScale(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.in_shape).astype(self.dtype) self.y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.in_shape).astype(self.dtype) def check_loss_scale(self, x_data, y_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = chainer.Variable(y_data) z = x * y loss = F.sum(z) loss.backward(loss_scale=self.loss_scale) if self.loss_scale is not None: x.grad /= self.loss_scale y.grad /= self.loss_scale rtol, atol = 1e-4, 1e-5 if self.dtype is np.float16: rtol, atol = 1e-1, 1e-2 testing.assert_allclose(x.data, y.grad, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) testing.assert_allclose(y.data, x.grad, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def test_loss_scale_cpu(self): self.check_loss_scale(self.x, self.y) @attr.gpu def test_loss_scale_gpu(self): self.check_loss_scale(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.y)) @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ # ideep2.0.0 not support shape 0 'shape': [(1,), (3, 2), (2, 3, 4, 3)], 'dtype': [ np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64], })) @attr.ideep class TestIntel64(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x_data = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) def _check_variable_shape_and_dtype(self, var): assert var.data.shape == self.shape assert var.data.dtype == self.dtype assert var.shape == self.shape assert var.dtype == self.dtype def test_cpu_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) assert x.xp is np prev_x_data = x.data x.to_intel64() assert x.xp is np # Converted to mdarray only if dtype == float32. # Otherwise, data should be left untouched. if self.dtype == np.float32: assert isinstance(x.data, intel64.ideep.mdarray) else: assert x.data is prev_x_data self._check_variable_shape_and_dtype(x) def test_intel64_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_intel64() prev_x_data = x.data x.to_intel64() # Data should be left untouched assert x.data is prev_x_data @attr.gpu def test_gpu_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_gpu() x.to_intel64() # Converted to mdarray only if dtype == float32. # Otherwise, data should be converted to numpy.ndarray. if self.dtype == np.float32: assert isinstance(x.data, intel64.ideep.mdarray) else: assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) self._check_variable_shape_and_dtype(x) @attr.gpu def test_intel64_to_gpu(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_intel64() x.to_gpu() # Data should be converted to cuda.ndarray assert isinstance(x.data, cuda.cupy.ndarray) self._check_variable_shape_and_dtype(x) def test_intel64_to_cpu(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_intel64() x.to_cpu() # Data should be converted to numpy.ndarray assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) self._check_variable_shape_and_dtype(x) @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'shape': [(), (3, 2, 3), (4, 4, 3, 2, 3)], 'dtype': [ np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, ], })) @attr.ideep class TestIntel64Unsupported(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for arrays that should not be converted to iDeep array.""" def setUp(self): self.x_data = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) def test_cpu_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_intel64() assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) @attr.gpu def test_gpu_to_intel64(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x_data) x.to_gpu() x.to_intel64() assert isinstance(x.data, np.ndarray) @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'shape': [(3,), (3, 2), (3, 2, 2), (3, 2, 2, 3)], 'dtype': [ np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64], })) class TestLazyGradSum(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) y10 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) gy00 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) f10 = chainer.FunctionNode() f10.check_type_forward = mock.MagicMock() f10.forward_cpu = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(y10,)) f10.retain_outputs((0,)) f10.backward = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(gy00,)) self.y10 = y10 self.f10 = f10 self.gy00 = gy00 y11 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) gy01 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) f11 = chainer.FunctionNode() f11.check_type_forward = mock.MagicMock() f11.forward_cpu = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(y11,)) f11.retain_outputs((0,)) f11.backward = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(gy01,)) self.y11 = y11 self.f11 = f11 self.gy01 = gy01 y12 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) gy02 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) f12 = chainer.FunctionNode() f12.check_type_forward = mock.MagicMock() f12.forward_cpu = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(y12,)) f12.retain_outputs((0,)) f12.backward = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(gy02,)) self.y12 = y12 self.f12 = f12 self.gy02 = gy02 y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) gy10 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) gy11 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) gy12 = chainer.Variable( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype)) f2 = chainer.FunctionNode() f2.check_type_forward = mock.MagicMock() f2.forward_cpu = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(y,)) f12.retain_outputs((0,)) f2.backward = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(gy10, gy11, gy12)) self.y = y self.f2 = f2 self.gy10 = gy10 self.gy11 = gy11 self.gy12 = gy12 self.gx = gy00 + gy01 + gy02 def forward(self, x): y0 = F.identity(x) y10 = self.f10.apply((y0,)) y11 = self.f11.apply((y0,)) y12 = self.f12.apply((y0,)) y = self.f2.apply((y10[0], y11[0], y12[0])) return y def check_backward(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) y = self.forward(x) y[0].grad = np.ones(y[0].shape, y[0].dtype) y[0].backward() testing.assert_allclose(self.gx.data, x.grad, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-2) def test_backward_cpu(self): with chainer.using_config('lazy_grad_sum', False): self.check_backward() def test_backward_cpu_lazy_grad_sum(self): with chainer.using_config('lazy_grad_sum', True): self.check_backward() testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
Subaru is developing its first hybrid model and the new hybrid powertrian will be ready to make its global debut this year at the 2013 New York Auto Show. The Detroit Bureau is reporting that Subaru official Kenichi Yamamoto, director of product management and coordination at Subaru of America, confirmed parent Fuji Heavy Industries is working on a hybrid. While we already knew Subaru is planning on bringing out a hybrid, the publication says the new Subaru hybrid will make its world debut at the 2013 New York Auto Show at the end of March. And the new hybrid model is expected to make its launch sometime later this year. In the Detroit Bureau article, Yamamoto explained that “Subaru’s interest in hybrid vehicles follows the steady expansion of hybrid sales in Japan. Hybrids now account for a large and growing share of the new vehicles sold in Japan particularly those from Toyota, Honda and Nissan, Japan’s three largest automakers.” Even though Subaru has seen record sales in the U.S., Australia and Japan, sales are lagging in Europe for the Japanese automaker. Subaru needs to compete around the globe and will feature a new gas-electric hybrid vehicle to keep the sales momentum going. Subaru has been tight-lipped about the new hybrid, but we can get an idea of what might power the hybrid with a powertrain similar to the Advanced Tourer Concept that made its debut at the 2011 Tokyo Motor Salon. The hybrid show-car was powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged inline-four engine paired with an electric motor producing just 13 horsepower of assist. Energy was stored in a small lithium-ion battery pack recharged by regeneration during braking and coasting. We reported here earlier this month that Subaru could be offering the new Subaru hybrid powertrain in the all-new Forester. There has been speculation that it could also be the Legacy mid-size sedan or possible the newly designed Impreza that is already the most fuel-efficient all-wheel-drive in their lineup at 36 mpg. The new Impreza has been wildly popular here in the U.S. and has led the charge for Subaru’s record sales in 2012. It very possible that Subaru could offer the hybrid model in the new Forester, and then eventually offer it in several different models in their lineup. The popular new 2014 Forester could be the perfect model for Subaru to launch the new hybrid. The Forester has been completely redone both inside and out and is built on the Impreza platform. We do know that Subaru is designing the new hybrid technology in-house and will not be getting the system from another company like Toyota. Subaru has been working on developing their own gas-electric system and it shows their plans for the future will include the new technology. Subaru has plans to boost fleet-wide fuel efficiency by 30 percent by 2015 and new hybrid powertrain and fuel-thrifty continuously variable transmissions (CVT) will move them in that direction. Regardless of which model will feature the first Subaru hybrid powertrain, the Japanese automaker is planning to aggressively market their new hybrid vehicle around the world as they advance their global stategy. It will be a major part of their vehicle lineup in the future and it won’t be just a token hybrid in their lineup to help them create a “green” image or meet regulatory requirements. Look for the new Subaru hybrid model to make its global debut in New York at the end of March. If it has a 13HP electric motor, then it's a mild hybrid not a full hybrid. Not advantageous on the highway. It's a start for Subaru who has been slow to react, most likely dues to the financial constraints of designing a car like that. I was wondering if they were going to use the Toyota Synergy Drive system of their own. Most likely, Toyota's. It's normal for them to introduce a mild hybrid. I can't recall a mainstream carmaker introducing a sophisticated hybrid yet. I'm glad they are finally doing it. My wife's 2002 WRX is getting to the point where we are looking at options.
try: from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule except ImportError: pass def kernels(BSZ, Nm, K_fine, P, REAL): mod = SourceModule( """ #define REAL %(precision)s #define BSZ %(blocksize)d #define Nm %(Nmult)d #define K_fine %(K_near)d #define P %(Ptree)d /* __device__ int getIndex(int P, int i, int j, int k) { int I=0, ii, jj; for (ii=0; ii<i; ii++) { for (jj=1; jj<P+2-ii; jj++) { I+=jj; } } for (jj=P+2-j; jj<P+2; jj++) { I+=jj-i; } I+=k; return I; } */ __device__ int getIndex(int i, int j, int k, int *Index) { return Index[(P+1)*(P+1)*i + (P+1)*j + k]; } __device__ void getCoeff(REAL *a, REAL dx, REAL dy, REAL dz, REAL kappa, int *index, int LorY) { REAL b[Nm]; REAL R = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); REAL R2 = R*R; REAL R3 = R2*R; int i,j,k,I,Im1x,Im2x,Im1y,Im2y,Im1z,Im2z; REAL C,C1,C2,Cb; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[0] = exp(-kappa*R); a[0] = b[0]/R; } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[0] = 1/R; } // Two indices = 0 I = getIndex(1,0,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = -kappa * (dx*a[0]); // 1,0,0 b[P+1] = -kappa * (dy*a[0]); // 0,1,0 b[1] = -kappa * (dz*a[0]); // 0,0,1 a[I] = -1/R2*(kappa*dx*b[0]+dx*a[0]); a[P+1] = -1/R2*(kappa*dy*b[0]+dy*a[0]); a[1] = -1/R2*(kappa*dz*b[0]+dz*a[0]); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = -dx/R3; a[P+1] = -dy/R3; a[1] = -dz/R3; } for (i=2; i<P+1; i++) { Cb = -kappa/i; C = 1./(i*R2); I = getIndex(i,0,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x] + b[Im2x]) -(2*i-1)*dx*a[Im1x] - (i-1)*a[Im2x] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dx*a[Im1x] - (i-1)*a[Im2x] ); } I = getIndex(0,i,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i+1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y] + b[Im2y]) -(2*i-1)*dy*a[Im1y] - (i-1)*a[Im2y] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dy*a[Im1y] - (i-1)*a[Im2y] ); } I = i; Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z] + b[Im2z]) -(2*i-1)*dz*a[Im1z] - (i-1)*a[Im2z] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dz*a[Im1z] - (i-1)*a[Im2z] ); } } // One index = 0, one = 1 other >=1 Cb = -kappa/2; I = getIndex(1,1,0, index); Im1x = P+1; Im1y = I-(P+2-1-1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]) -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) ); } I = getIndex(1,0,1, index); Im1x = 1; Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]) -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } I = getIndex(0,1,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]) -(2*2-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } for (i=2; i<P; i++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+1); C = 1./((1+i)*R2); I = getIndex(1,i,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } I = getIndex(1,0,i, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,0,i, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } I = getIndex(0,1,i, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } I = getIndex(i,1,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1-i); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dx*b[Im1x]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } I = getIndex(i,0,1, index); Im1z = I-1; Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,1, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,1, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z]+dx*b[Im1x]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } I = getIndex(0,i,1, index); Im1z = I-1; Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i+1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } } // One index 0, others >=2 for (i=2; i<P+1; i++) { for (j=2; j<P+1-i; j++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+j); C = 1./((i+j)*R2); I = getIndex(i,j,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-j-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-j-i); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } I = getIndex(i,0,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,j, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,j, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } I = getIndex(0,i,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } } } if (P>2) { // Two index = 1, other>=1 Cb = -kappa/3; I = getIndex(1,1,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,1,1, index); Im1y = getIndex(1,0,1, index); Im1y = I-(P); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1/(3*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]) -5*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1/(3*R2) * ( -5*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } for (i=2; i<P-1; i++) { Cb = -kappa/(2+i); C = 1./((i+2)*R2); I = getIndex(i,1,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im1z = I-1; Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,1, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } I = getIndex(1,i,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-1); Im1z = I-1 ; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } I = getIndex(1,1,i, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,1,i, index); Im1y = I-(P); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } } } // One index = 1, others >=2 if (P>4) { for (i=2; i<P-2; i++) { for (j=2; j<P-i; j++) { Cb = -kappa/(1+i+j); C = 1./((1+i+j)*R2); C1 = -(2.*(1+i+j)-1); C2 = (i+j); I = getIndex(1,i,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-1-i); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } I = getIndex(i,1,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,j, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } I = getIndex(i,j,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,1, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-j); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-j); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } } } } // All indices >= 2 if (P>5) { for (i=2;i<P-3;i++) { for (j=2;j<P-1-i;j++) { for (k=2;k<P+1-i-j;k++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+j+k); C = 1./((i+j+k)*R2); C1 = -(2.*(i+j+k)-1); C2 = i+j+k-1.; I = getIndex(i,j,k, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,k, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,k, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-j); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-j); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } } } } } } __device__ void getCoeff_shift(REAL *ax, REAL *ay, REAL *az, REAL dx, REAL dy, REAL dz, REAL kappa, int *index, int LorY) { REAL b[Nm], a[Nm]; REAL R = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); REAL R2 = R*R; REAL R3 = R2*R; int i,j,k,I,Im1x,Im2x,Im1y,Im2y,Im1z,Im2z; REAL C,C1,C2,Cb; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[0] = exp(-kappa*R); a[0] = b[0]/R; } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[0] = 1/R; } // Two indices = 0 I = getIndex(1,0,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = -kappa * (dx*a[0]); // 1,0,0 b[P+1] = -kappa * (dy*a[0]); // 0,1,0 b[1] = -kappa * (dz*a[0]); // 0,0,1 a[I] = -1/R2*(kappa*dx*b[0]+dx*a[0]); a[P+1] = -1/R2*(kappa*dy*b[0]+dy*a[0]); a[1] = -1/R2*(kappa*dz*b[0]+dz*a[0]); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = -dx/R3; a[P+1] = -dy/R3; a[1] = -dz/R3; } ax[0] = a[I]; ay[0] = a[P+1]; az[0] = a[1]; for (i=2; i<P+1; i++) { Cb = -kappa/i; C = 1./(i*R2); I = getIndex(i,0,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x] + b[Im2x]) -(2*i-1)*dx*a[Im1x] - (i-1)*a[Im2x] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dx*a[Im1x] - (i-1)*a[Im2x] ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; I = getIndex(0,i,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i+1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y] + b[Im2y]) -(2*i-1)*dy*a[Im1y] - (i-1)*a[Im2y] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dy*a[Im1y] - (i-1)*a[Im2y] ); } ay[Im1y] = a[I]*i; I = i; Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z] + b[Im2z]) -(2*i-1)*dz*a[Im1z] - (i-1)*a[Im2z] ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*i-1)*dz*a[Im1z] - (i-1)*a[Im2z] ); } az[Im1z] = a[I]*i; } // One index = 0, one = 1 other >=1 Cb = -kappa/2; I = getIndex(1,1,0, index); Im1x = P+1; Im1y = I-(P+2-1-1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]) -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; I = getIndex(1,0,1, index); Im1x = 1; Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]) -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]; I = getIndex(0,1,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]) -(2*2-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1./(2*R2) * ( -(2*2-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]; for (i=2; i<P; i++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+1); C = 1./((1+i)*R2); I = getIndex(1,i,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; I = getIndex(1,0,i, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,0,i, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]*i; I = getIndex(0,1,i, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]*i; I = getIndex(i,1,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1-i); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,0, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dx*b[Im1x]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } ay[Im1y] = a[I]; ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; I = getIndex(i,0,1, index); Im1z = I-1; Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,1, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,1, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + dx*a[Im1x] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z]+dx*b[Im1x]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dx*a[Im1x]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } az[Im1z] = a[I]; ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; I = getIndex(0,i,1, index); Im1z = I-1; Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+2-i+1); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dz*a[Im1z] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dz*b[Im1z]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(1+i)-1)*(dz*a[Im1z]+dy*a[Im1y]) - (1+i-1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } az[Im1z] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*i; } // One index 0, others >=2 for (i=2; i<P+1; i++) { for (j=2; j<P+1-i; j++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+j); C = 1./((i+j)*R2); I = getIndex(i,j,0, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,0, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,0, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-j-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-j-i); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*j; I = getIndex(i,0,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,0,j, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,0,j, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; az[Im1z] = a[I]*j; I = getIndex(0,i,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+j)-1)*(dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) -(i+j-1)*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } ay[Im1y] = a[I]*i; az[Im1z] = a[I]*j; } } if (P>2) { // Two index = 1, other>=1 Cb = -kappa/3; I = getIndex(1,1,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,1,1, index); Im1y = getIndex(1,0,1, index); Im1y = I-(P); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z]); a[I] = 1/(3*R2) * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]) -5*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = 1/(3*R2) * ( -5*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]; for (i=2; i<P-1; i++) { Cb = -kappa/(2+i); C = 1./((i+2)*R2); I = getIndex(i,1,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im1z = I-1; Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,1, index); if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2x]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]; I = getIndex(1,i,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-1); Im1z = I-1 ; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2y]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*i; az[Im1z] = a[I]; I = getIndex(1,1,i, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,1,i, index); Im1y = I-(P); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2z]) -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( -(2*(i+2)-1)*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - (i+1)*(a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]*i; } } // One index = 1, others >=2 if (P>4) { for (i=2; i<P-2; i++) { for (j=2; j<P-i; j++) { Cb = -kappa/(1+i+j); C = 1./((1+i+j)*R2); C1 = -(2.*(1+i+j)-1); C2 = (i+j); I = getIndex(1,i,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(0,i,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-1-i); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-1-i); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*i; az[Im1z] = a[I]*j; I = getIndex(i,1,j, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,1,j, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-1); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,1,j, index); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; ay[Im1y] = a[I]; az[Im1z] = a[I]*j; I = getIndex(i,j,1, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,1, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,1, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-j); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-j); Im1z = I-1; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*j; az[Im1z] = a[I]; } } } // All indices >= 2 if (P>5) { for (i=2;i<P-3;i++) { for (j=2;j<P-1-i;j++) { for (k=2;k<P+1-i-j;k++) { Cb = -kappa/(i+j+k); C = 1./((i+j+k)*R2); C1 = -(2.*(i+j+k)-1); C2 = i+j+k-1.; I = getIndex(i,j,k, index); Im1x = getIndex(i-1,j,k, index); Im2x = getIndex(i-2,j,k, index); Im1y = I-(P+2-i-j); Im2y = Im1y-(P+3-i-j); Im1z = I-1; Im2z = I-2; if (LorY==2) // if Yukawa { b[I] = Cb * (dx*a[Im1x] + dy*a[Im1y] + dz*a[Im1z] + a[Im2x] + a[Im2y] + a[Im2z]); a[I] = C * ( -kappa*(dx*b[Im1x]+dy*b[Im1y]+dz*b[Im1z]+b[Im2x]+b[Im2y]+b[Im2z]) + C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } if (LorY==1) // if Laplace { a[I] = C * ( C1*(dx*a[Im1x]+dy*a[Im1y]+dz*a[Im1z]) - C2*(a[Im2x]+a[Im2y]+a[Im2z]) ); } ax[Im1x] = a[I]*i; ay[Im1y] = a[I]*j; az[Im1z] = a[I]*k; } } } } } __device__ void multipole(REAL &K, REAL &V, REAL *M, REAL *Md, REAL *a, int CJ_start, int jblock, int j) { int offset; for (int i=0; i<Nm; i++) { offset = (CJ_start+j)*Nm + jblock*BSZ*Nm + i; V += M[offset] * a[i]; K += Md[offset]* a[i]; } } __device__ void multipoleKt(REAL &Ktx, REAL &Kty, REAL &Ktz, REAL *M, REAL *ax, REAL *ay, REAL *az, int CJ_start, int jblock, int j) { int offset; for (int i=0; i<Nm; i++) { offset = (CJ_start+j)*Nm + jblock*BSZ*Nm + i; Ktx += M[offset] * ax[i]; Kty += M[offset] * ay[i]; Ktz += M[offset] * az[i]; } } __device__ REAL mynorm(REAL *x) { return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2]); } __device__ void cross(REAL *x, REAL *y, REAL *z) // z is the resulting array { z[0] = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1]; z[1] = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2]; z[2] = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0]; } __device__ void MV(REAL *M, REAL *V, REAL *res) // 3x3 mat-vec { REAL V2[3] = {V[0], V[1], V[2]}; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { REAL sum = 0.; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { sum += M[3*i+j]*V2[j]; } res[i] = sum; } } __device__ void MVip(REAL *M, REAL *V) // 3x3 mat-vec in-place { REAL V2[3] = {V[0], V[1], V[2]}; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { REAL sum = 0.; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { sum += M[3*i+j]*V2[j]; } V[i] = sum; } } __device__ REAL dot_prod(REAL *x, REAL *y) // len(3) vector dot product { return x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]; } __device__ void axpy(REAL *x, REAL *y, REAL *z, REAL alpha, int sign, int N) { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { z[i] = sign*alpha*x[i] + y[i]; } } __device__ void ax(REAL *x, REAL *y, REAL alpha, int N) { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { y[i] = alpha*x[i]; } } __device__ void axip(REAL *x, REAL alpha, int N) { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { x[i] = alpha*x[i]; } } __device__ void lineInt(REAL &PHI_K, REAL &PHI_V, REAL z, REAL x, REAL v1, REAL v2, REAL kappa, REAL *xk, REAL *wk, int K, int LorY) { REAL theta1 = atan2(v1,x); REAL theta2 = atan2(v2,x); REAL absZ = fabs(z), signZ; if (absZ<1e-10) signZ = 0; else signZ = z/absZ; // Loop over gauss points REAL thetak, Rtheta, R, expKr, expKz = exp(-kappa*absZ); for (int i=0; i<K; i++) { thetak = (theta2 - theta1)/2*xk[i] + (theta2 + theta1)/2; Rtheta = x/cos(thetak); R = sqrt(Rtheta*Rtheta + z*z); expKr = exp(-kappa*R); if (LorY==2) { if (kappa>1e-12) { PHI_V+= -wk[i]*(expKr - expKz)/kappa * (theta2 - theta1)/2; PHI_K+= wk[i]*(z/R*expKr - expKz*signZ) * (theta2 - theta1)/2; } else { PHI_V+= wk[i]*(R-absZ) * (theta2 - theta1)/2; PHI_K+= wk[i]*(z/R - signZ) * (theta2 - theta1)/2; } } if (LorY==1) { PHI_V += wk[i]*(R-absZ) * (theta2 - theta1)/2; PHI_K += wk[i]*(z/R - signZ) * (theta2 - theta1)/2; } } } __device__ void intSide(REAL &PHI_K, REAL &PHI_V, REAL *v1, REAL *v2, REAL p, REAL kappa, REAL *xk, REAL *wk, int K, int LorY) { REAL v21u[3]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { v21u[i] = v2[i] - v1[i]; } REAL L21 = mynorm(v21u); axip(v21u, 1/L21, 3); REAL unit[3] = {0.,0.,1.}; REAL orthog[3]; cross(unit, v21u, orthog); REAL v1new_x = dot_prod(orthog, v1); REAL v1new_y = dot_prod(v21u, v1); if (v1new_x<0) { axip(v21u, -1, 3); axip(orthog, -1, 3); v1new_x = dot_prod(orthog, v1); v1new_y = dot_prod(v21u, v1); } REAL v2new_y = dot_prod(v21u, v2); if ((v1new_y>0 && v2new_y<0) || (v1new_y<0 && v2new_y>0)) { lineInt(PHI_K, PHI_V, p, v1new_x, 0, v1new_y, kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); lineInt(PHI_K, PHI_V, p, v1new_x, v2new_y, 0, kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); } else { REAL PHI_Kaux = 0., PHI_Vaux = 0.; lineInt(PHI_Kaux, PHI_Vaux, p, v1new_x, v1new_y, v2new_y, kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); PHI_K -= PHI_Kaux; PHI_V -= PHI_Vaux; } } __device__ void SA(REAL &PHI_K, REAL &PHI_V, REAL *y, REAL x0, REAL x1, REAL x2, REAL K_diag, REAL V_diag, REAL kappa, int same, REAL *xk, REAL *wk, int K, int LorY) { REAL y0_panel[3], y1_panel[3], y2_panel[3], x_panel[3]; REAL X[3], Y[3], Z[3]; x_panel[0] = x0 - y[0]; x_panel[1] = x1 - y[1]; x_panel[2] = x2 - y[2]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { y0_panel[i] = 0.; y1_panel[i] = y[3+i] - y[i]; y2_panel[i] = y[6+i] - y[i]; X[i] = y1_panel[i]; } // Find panel coordinate system X: 0->1 cross(y1_panel, y2_panel, Z); REAL Xnorm = mynorm(X); REAL Znorm = mynorm(Z); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { X[i] /= Xnorm; Z[i] /= Znorm; } cross(Z,X,Y); // Rotate the coordinate system to match panel plane // Multiply y_panel times a rotation matrix [X; Y; Z] REAL x_aux, y_aux, z_aux; x_aux = dot_prod(X, y0_panel); y_aux = dot_prod(Y, y0_panel); z_aux = dot_prod(Z, y0_panel); y0_panel[0] = x_aux; y0_panel[1] = y_aux; y0_panel[2] = z_aux; x_aux = dot_prod(X, y1_panel); y_aux = dot_prod(Y, y1_panel); z_aux = dot_prod(Z, y1_panel); y1_panel[0] = x_aux; y1_panel[1] = y_aux; y1_panel[2] = z_aux; x_aux = dot_prod(X, y2_panel); y_aux = dot_prod(Y, y2_panel); z_aux = dot_prod(Z, y2_panel); y2_panel[0] = x_aux; y2_panel[1] = y_aux; y2_panel[2] = z_aux; x_aux = dot_prod(X, x_panel); y_aux = dot_prod(Y, x_panel); z_aux = dot_prod(Z, x_panel); x_panel[0] = x_aux; x_panel[1] = y_aux; x_panel[2] = z_aux; // Shift origin so it matches collocation point for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { y0_panel[i] -= x_panel[i]; y1_panel[i] -= x_panel[i]; y2_panel[i] -= x_panel[i]; } // Loop over sides intSide(PHI_K, PHI_V, y0_panel, y1_panel, x_panel[2], kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); // Side 0 intSide(PHI_K, PHI_V, y1_panel, y2_panel, x_panel[2], kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); // Side 1 intSide(PHI_K, PHI_V, y2_panel, y0_panel, x_panel[2], kappa, xk, wk, K, LorY); // Side 2 if (same==1) { PHI_K += K_diag; PHI_V += V_diag; } } __device__ __inline__ void GQ_fine(REAL &PHI_K, REAL &PHI_V, REAL *panel, int J, REAL xi, REAL yi, REAL zi, REAL kappa, REAL *Xk, REAL *Wk, REAL *Area, int LorY) { REAL nx, ny, nz; REAL dx, dy, dz, r, aux; PHI_K = 0.; PHI_V = 0.; int j = J/9; aux = 1/(2*Area[j]); nx = ((panel[J+4]-panel[J+1])*(panel[J+2]-panel[J+8]) - (panel[J+5]-panel[J+2])*(panel[J+1]-panel[J+7])) * aux; ny = ((panel[J+5]-panel[J+2])*(panel[J+0]-panel[J+6]) - (panel[J+3]-panel[J+0])*(panel[J+2]-panel[J+8])) * aux; nz = ((panel[J+3]-panel[J+0])*(panel[J+1]-panel[J+7]) - (panel[J+4]-panel[J+1])*(panel[J+0]-panel[J+6])) * aux; #pragma unroll for (int kk=0; kk<K_fine; kk++) { dx = xi - (panel[J+0]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+3]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+6]*Xk[3*kk+2]); dy = yi - (panel[J+1]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+4]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+7]*Xk[3*kk+2]); dz = zi - (panel[J+2]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+5]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+8]*Xk[3*kk+2]); r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! if (LorY==1) { aux = Wk[kk]*Area[j]*r; PHI_V += aux; PHI_K += aux*(nx*dx+ny*dy+nz*dz)*(r*r); } else { aux = Wk[kk]*Area[j]*exp(-kappa*1/r)*r; PHI_V += aux; PHI_K += aux*(nx*dx+ny*dy+nz*dz)*r*(kappa+r); } } } __device__ __inline__ void GQ_fineKt(REAL &PHI_Ktx, REAL &PHI_Kty, REAL &PHI_Ktz, REAL *panel, int J, REAL xi, REAL yi, REAL zi, REAL kappa, REAL *Xk, REAL *Wk, REAL *Area, int LorY) { REAL dx, dy, dz, r, aux; PHI_Ktx = 0.; PHI_Kty = 0.; PHI_Ktz = 0.; int j = J/9; #pragma unroll for (int kk=0; kk<K_fine; kk++) { dx = xi - (panel[J+0]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+3]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+6]*Xk[3*kk+2]); dy = yi - (panel[J+1]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+4]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+7]*Xk[3*kk+2]); dz = zi - (panel[J+2]*Xk[3*kk] + panel[J+5]*Xk[3*kk+1] + panel[J+8]*Xk[3*kk+2]); r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! if (LorY==1) { aux = Wk[kk]*Area[j]*r*r*r; PHI_Ktx -= aux*dx; PHI_Kty -= aux*dy; PHI_Ktz -= aux*dz; } else { aux = Wk[kk]*Area[j]*exp(-kappa*1/r)*r*r*(kappa+r); PHI_Ktx -= aux*dx; PHI_Kty -= aux*dy; PHI_Ktz -= aux*dz; } } } __global__ void M2P(REAL *K_gpu, REAL *V_gpu, int *offMlt, int *sizeTar, REAL *xc, REAL *yc, REAL *zc, REAL *M, REAL *Md, REAL *xt, REAL *yt, REAL *zt, int *Index, int ptr_off, int ptr_lst, REAL kappa, int BpT, int NCRIT, int LorY) { int I = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int CJ_start = offMlt[ptr_off+blockIdx.x]; int Nmlt = offMlt[ptr_off+blockIdx.x+1] - CJ_start; REAL xi, yi, zi, dx, dy, dz; REAL a[Nm]; __shared__ REAL xc_sh[BSZ], yc_sh[BSZ], zc_sh[BSZ]; __shared__ int Index_sh[(P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)]; for (int ind=0; ind<((P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-1)/BSZ; ind++) { Index_sh[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x] = Index[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; } int ind = ((P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-1)/BSZ; if (threadIdx.x<(P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-BSZ*ind) { Index_sh[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x] = Index[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; } int i; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { i = I + iblock*BSZ; xi = xt[i]; yi = yt[i]; zi = zt[i]; REAL K = 0., V = 0.; for(int jblock=0; jblock<(Nmlt-1)/BSZ; jblock++) { __syncthreads(); xc_sh[threadIdx.x] = xc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yc_sh[threadIdx.x] = yc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zc_sh[threadIdx.x] = zc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<BSZ; j++) { dx = xi - xc_sh[j]; dy = yi - yc_sh[j]; dz = zi - zc_sh[j]; getCoeff(a, dx, dy, dz, kappa, Index_sh, LorY); multipole(K, V, M, Md, a, CJ_start, jblock, j); } } } __syncthreads(); int jblock = (Nmlt-1)/BSZ; xc_sh[threadIdx.x] = xc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yc_sh[threadIdx.x] = yc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zc_sh[threadIdx.x] = zc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<Nmlt-(jblock*BSZ); j++) { dx = xi - xc_sh[j]; dy = yi - yc_sh[j]; dz = zi - zc_sh[j]; getCoeff(a, dx, dy, dz, kappa, Index_sh, LorY); multipole(K, V, M, Md, a, CJ_start, jblock, j); } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { K_gpu[i] += K; V_gpu[i] += V; } } } __global__ void M2PKt(REAL *Ktx_gpu, REAL *Kty_gpu, REAL *Ktz_gpu, int *offMlt, int *sizeTar, REAL *xc, REAL *yc, REAL *zc, REAL *M, REAL *xt, REAL *yt, REAL *zt, int *Index, int ptr_off, int ptr_lst, REAL kappa, int BpT, int NCRIT, int LorY) { int I = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int CJ_start = offMlt[ptr_off+blockIdx.x]; int Nmlt = offMlt[ptr_off+blockIdx.x+1] - CJ_start; REAL xi, yi, zi, dx, dy, dz; REAL ax[Nm], ay[Nm], az[Nm]; __shared__ REAL xc_sh[BSZ], yc_sh[BSZ], zc_sh[BSZ]; __shared__ int Index_sh[(P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)]; for (int ind=0; ind<((P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-1)/BSZ; ind++) { Index_sh[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x] = Index[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; } int ind = ((P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-1)/BSZ; if (threadIdx.x<(P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1)-BSZ*ind) { Index_sh[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x] = Index[ind*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; } int i; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { i = I + iblock*BSZ; xi = xt[i]; yi = yt[i]; zi = zt[i]; REAL Ktx = 0., Kty = 0., Ktz = 0.; for(int jblock=0; jblock<(Nmlt-1)/BSZ; jblock++) { __syncthreads(); xc_sh[threadIdx.x] = xc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yc_sh[threadIdx.x] = yc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zc_sh[threadIdx.x] = zc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<BSZ; j++) { for (int ii=0; ii<Nm; ii++) { ax[ii] = 0.; ay[ii] = 0.; az[ii] = 0.; } dx = xi - xc_sh[j]; dy = yi - yc_sh[j]; dz = zi - zc_sh[j]; getCoeff_shift(ax, ay, az, dx, dy, dz, kappa, Index_sh, LorY); multipoleKt(Ktx, Kty, Ktz, M, ax, ay, az, CJ_start, jblock, j); } } } __syncthreads(); int jblock = (Nmlt-1)/BSZ; xc_sh[threadIdx.x] = xc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yc_sh[threadIdx.x] = yc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zc_sh[threadIdx.x] = zc[ptr_lst + CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<Nmlt-(jblock*BSZ); j++) { for (int ii=0; ii<Nm; ii++) { ax[ii] = 0.; ay[ii] = 0.; az[ii] = 0.; } dx = xi - xc_sh[j]; dy = yi - yc_sh[j]; dz = zi - zc_sh[j]; getCoeff_shift(ax, ay, az, dx, dy, dz, kappa, Index_sh, LorY); multipoleKt(Ktx, Kty, Ktz, M, ax, ay, az, CJ_start, jblock, j); } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { Ktx_gpu[i] += Ktx; Kty_gpu[i] += Kty; Ktz_gpu[i] += Ktz; } } } __global__ void P2P(REAL *K_gpu, REAL *V_gpu, int *offSrc, int *offTwg, int *P2P_list, int *sizeTar, int *k, REAL *xj, REAL *yj, REAL *zj, REAL *m, REAL *mx, REAL *my, REAL *mz, REAL *mKc, REAL *mVc, REAL *xt, REAL *yt, REAL *zt, REAL *Area, REAL *sglInt, REAL *vertex, int ptr_off, int ptr_lst, int LorY, REAL kappa, REAL threshold, int BpT, int NCRIT, REAL K_diag, int *AI_int_gpu, REAL *Xsk, REAL *Wsk) { int I = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int list_start = offTwg[ptr_off+blockIdx.x]; int list_end = offTwg[ptr_off+blockIdx.x+1]; REAL xi, yi, zi, dx, dy, dz, r, auxK, auxV; __shared__ REAL ver_sh[9*BSZ], xj_sh[BSZ], yj_sh[BSZ], zj_sh[BSZ], A_sh[BSZ], k_sh[BSZ], sglInt_sh[BSZ], m_sh[BSZ], mx_sh[BSZ], my_sh[BSZ], mz_sh[BSZ], mKc_sh[BSZ], mVc_sh[BSZ], Xsk_sh[K_fine*3], Wsk_sh[K_fine]; if (threadIdx.x<K_fine*3) { Xsk_sh[threadIdx.x] = Xsk[threadIdx.x]; if (threadIdx.x<K_fine) Wsk_sh[threadIdx.x] = Wsk[threadIdx.x]; } __syncthreads(); int i, same, near, CJ_start, Nsrc, CJ; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { REAL sum_K = 0., sum_V = 0.; i = I + iblock*BSZ; xi = xt[i]; yi = yt[i]; zi = zt[i]; int an_counter = 0; for (int lst=list_start; lst<list_end; lst++) { CJ = P2P_list[ptr_lst+lst]; CJ_start = offSrc[CJ]; Nsrc = offSrc[CJ+1] - CJ_start; for(int jblock=0; jblock<(Nsrc-1)/BSZ; jblock++) { __syncthreads(); xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mx_sh[threadIdx.x] = mx[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; my_sh[threadIdx.x] = my[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mz_sh[threadIdx.x] = mz[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mVc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mVc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; sglInt_sh[threadIdx.x] = sglInt[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*(CJ_start+jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x)+vert]; } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<BSZ; j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6]) *0.333333333333333333; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])*0.333333333333333333; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])*0.333333333333333333; r = 1/(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! same = (r>1e12); near = ((2*A_sh[j]*r) > threshold*threshold); auxV = 0.; auxK = 0.; if (near==0) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!!! if (LorY==2) { auxV = exp(-kappa*1/r)*r; auxK = (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)*auxV*(r)*(kappa+r); auxV *= m_sh[j]; } if (LorY==1) { auxV = m_sh[j]*r; auxK = (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)*(r*r*r); } } if ( (near==1) && (k_sh[j]==0)) { if (same==1) { auxK = K_diag; auxV = sglInt_sh[j]; } else { GQ_fine(auxK, auxV, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, kappa, Xsk_sh, Wsk_sh, A_sh, LorY); } auxV *= mVc_sh[j]; auxK *= mKc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } sum_V += auxV; sum_K += auxK; } } } __syncthreads(); int jblock = (Nsrc-1)/BSZ; if (jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x < Nsrc) { xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mx_sh[threadIdx.x] = mx[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; my_sh[threadIdx.x] = my[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mz_sh[threadIdx.x] = mz[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mVc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mVc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; sglInt_sh[threadIdx.x] = sglInt[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*(CJ_start+jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x)+vert]; } } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<Nsrc-(jblock*BSZ); j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6]) *0.3333333333333333333; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])*0.3333333333333333333; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])*0.3333333333333333333; r = 1/(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! same = (r>1e12); near = ((2*A_sh[j]*r) > threshold*threshold); auxV = 0.; auxK = 0.; if (near==0) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! if (LorY==2) { auxV = exp(-kappa*1/r)*r; auxK = (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)*auxV*(r)*(kappa+r); auxV *= m_sh[j]; } if (LorY==1) { auxV = m_sh[j]*r; auxK = (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)*(r*r*r); } } if ( (near==1) && (k_sh[j]==0)) { if (same==1) { auxK = K_diag; auxV = sglInt_sh[j]; } else { GQ_fine(auxK, auxV, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, kappa, Xsk_sh, Wsk_sh, A_sh, LorY); } auxV *= mVc_sh[j]; auxK *= mKc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } sum_V += auxV; sum_K += auxK; } } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { K_gpu[i] += sum_K; V_gpu[i] += sum_V; AI_int_gpu[i] = an_counter; } } } __global__ void P2PKt(REAL *Ktx_gpu, REAL *Kty_gpu, REAL *Ktz_gpu, int *offSrc, int *offTwg, int *P2P_list, int *sizeTar, int *k, REAL *xj, REAL *yj, REAL *zj, REAL *m, REAL *mKtc, REAL *xt, REAL *yt, REAL *zt, REAL *Area, REAL *vertex, int ptr_off, int ptr_lst, int LorY, REAL kappa, REAL threshold, int BpT, int NCRIT, int *AI_int_gpu, REAL *Xsk, REAL *Wsk) { int I = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int list_start = offTwg[ptr_off+blockIdx.x]; int list_end = offTwg[ptr_off+blockIdx.x+1]; REAL xi, yi, zi, dx, dy, dz, r, auxKtx, auxKty, auxKtz; __shared__ REAL ver_sh[9*BSZ], xj_sh[BSZ], yj_sh[BSZ], zj_sh[BSZ], A_sh[BSZ], k_sh[BSZ], m_sh[BSZ], mKtc_sh[BSZ], Xsk_sh[K_fine*3], Wsk_sh[K_fine]; if (threadIdx.x<K_fine*3) { Xsk_sh[threadIdx.x] = Xsk[threadIdx.x]; if (threadIdx.x<K_fine) Wsk_sh[threadIdx.x] = Wsk[threadIdx.x]; } __syncthreads(); int i, same, near, CJ_start, Nsrc, CJ; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { REAL sum_Ktx = 0., sum_Kty = 0., sum_Ktz = 0.; i = I + iblock*BSZ; xi = xt[i]; yi = yt[i]; zi = zt[i]; int an_counter = 0; for (int lst=list_start; lst<list_end; lst++) { CJ = P2P_list[ptr_lst+lst]; CJ_start = offSrc[CJ]; Nsrc = offSrc[CJ+1] - CJ_start; for(int jblock=0; jblock<(Nsrc-1)/BSZ; jblock++) { __syncthreads(); xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKtc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKtc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*(CJ_start+jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x)+vert]; } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<BSZ; j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6]) *0.333333333333333333; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])*0.333333333333333333; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])*0.333333333333333333; r = 1/(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! same = (r>1e12); near = ((2*A_sh[j]*r) > threshold*threshold); auxKtx = 0.; auxKty = 0.; auxKtz = 0.; if (near==0) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!!! if (LorY==2) { auxKtx = -m_sh[j]*exp(-kappa*1/r)*r*r*(kappa+r); auxKty = auxKtx*dy; auxKtz = auxKtx*dz; auxKtx *= dx; } if (LorY==1) { auxKtx = -m_sh[j]*r*r*r; auxKty = auxKtx*dy; auxKtz = auxKtx*dz; auxKtx *= dx; } } if ( (near==1) && (k_sh[j]==0)) { if (same==1) { auxKtx = 0.0; auxKty = 0.0; auxKtz = 0.0; } else { GQ_fineKt(auxKtx, auxKty, auxKtz, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, kappa, Xsk_sh, Wsk_sh, A_sh, LorY); } auxKtx *= mKtc_sh[j]; auxKty *= mKtc_sh[j]; auxKtz *= mKtc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } sum_Ktx += auxKtx; sum_Kty += auxKty; sum_Ktz += auxKtz; } } } __syncthreads(); int jblock = (Nsrc-1)/BSZ; if (jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x < Nsrc) { xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKtc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKtc[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[CJ_start + jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*(CJ_start+jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x)+vert]; } } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int j=0; j<Nsrc-(jblock*BSZ); j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6]) *0.3333333333333333333; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])*0.3333333333333333333; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])*0.3333333333333333333; r = 1/(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! same = (r>1e12); near = ((2*A_sh[j]*r) > threshold*threshold); auxKtx = 0.; auxKty = 0.; auxKtz = 0.; if (near==0) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = rsqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); // r is 1/r!!! if (LorY==2) { auxKtx = -m_sh[j]*exp(-kappa*1/r)*r*r*(kappa+r); auxKty = auxKtx*dy; auxKtz = auxKtx*dz; auxKtx *= dx; } if (LorY==1) { auxKtx = -m_sh[j]*r*r*r; auxKty = auxKtx*dy; auxKtz = auxKtx*dz; auxKtx *= dx; } } if ( (near==1) && (k_sh[j]==0)) { if (same==1) { auxKtx = 0.0; auxKty = 0.0; auxKtz = 0.0; } else { GQ_fineKt(auxKtx, auxKty, auxKtz, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, kappa, Xsk_sh, Wsk_sh, A_sh, LorY); } auxKtx *= mKtc_sh[j]; auxKty *= mKtc_sh[j]; auxKtz *= mKtc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } sum_Ktx += auxKtx; sum_Kty += auxKty; sum_Ktz += auxKtz; } } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { Ktx_gpu[i] += sum_Ktx; Kty_gpu[i] += sum_Kty; Ktz_gpu[i] += sum_Ktz; AI_int_gpu[i] = an_counter; } } } __global__ void get_phir(REAL *phir, REAL *xq, REAL *yq, REAL *zq, REAL *m, REAL *mx, REAL *my, REAL *mz, REAL *mKc, REAL *mVc, REAL *xj, REAL *yj, REAL *zj, REAL *Area, int *k, REAL *vertex, int Nj, int Nq, int K, REAL *xk, REAL *wk, REAL threshold, int *AI_int_gpu, int Nk, REAL *Xsk, REAL *Wsk) { int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*BSZ; REAL xi, yi, zi, dx, dy, dz, r; int jblock, triangle; __shared__ REAL ver_sh[9*BSZ], xj_sh[BSZ], yj_sh[BSZ], zj_sh[BSZ], A_sh[BSZ], k_sh[BSZ], m_sh[BSZ], mx_sh[BSZ], my_sh[BSZ], mz_sh[BSZ], mKc_sh[BSZ], mVc_sh[BSZ]; REAL sum_V = 0., sum_K = 0.; xi = xq[i]; yi = yq[i]; zi = zq[i]; int an_counter = 0; for(jblock=0; jblock<(Nj-1)/BSZ; jblock++) { __syncthreads(); xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mx_sh[threadIdx.x] = mx[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; my_sh[threadIdx.x] = my[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mz_sh[threadIdx.x] = mz[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKc[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mVc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mVc[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[(jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x)]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { triangle = jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x; ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*triangle+vert]; } __syncthreads(); for (int j=0; j<BSZ; j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6])/3; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])/3; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])/3; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); if((sqrt(2*A_sh[j])/r) < threshold) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); sum_V += m_sh[j]/r; sum_K += (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)/(r*r*r); } else if(k_sh[j]==0) { REAL PHI_K = 0.; REAL PHI_V = 0.; GQ_fine(PHI_K, PHI_V, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, 1e-15, Xsk, Wsk, A_sh, 1); //REAL panel[9] = {ver_sh[9*j], ver_sh[9*j+1], ver_sh[9*j+2], // ver_sh[9*j+3], ver_sh[9*j+4], ver_sh[9*j+5], // ver_sh[9*j+6], ver_sh[9*j+7], ver_sh[9*j+8]}; //SA(PHI_K, PHI_V, panel, xi, yi, zi, // 1., 1., 1e-15, 0, xk, wk, 9, 1); sum_V += PHI_V * mVc_sh[j]; sum_K += PHI_K * mKc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } } } __syncthreads(); jblock = (Nj-1)/BSZ; if (threadIdx.x<Nj-jblock*BSZ) { xj_sh[threadIdx.x] = xj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; yj_sh[threadIdx.x] = yj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; zj_sh[threadIdx.x] = zj[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mx_sh[threadIdx.x] = mx[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; my_sh[threadIdx.x] = my[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mz_sh[threadIdx.x] = mz[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mKc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mKc[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; mVc_sh[threadIdx.x] = mVc[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; k_sh[threadIdx.x] = k[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; A_sh[threadIdx.x] = Area[jblock*BSZ + threadIdx.x]; for (int vert=0; vert<9; vert++) { triangle = jblock*BSZ+threadIdx.x; ver_sh[9*threadIdx.x+vert] = vertex[9*triangle+vert]; } } __syncthreads(); for (int j=0; j<Nj-(jblock*BSZ); j++) { dx = xi - (ver_sh[9*j] + ver_sh[9*j+3] + ver_sh[9*j+6])/3; dy = yi - (ver_sh[9*j+1] + ver_sh[9*j+4] + ver_sh[9*j+7])/3; dz = zi - (ver_sh[9*j+2] + ver_sh[9*j+5] + ver_sh[9*j+8])/3; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); if (i<Nq) { if ((sqrt(2*A_sh[j])/r) < threshold) { dx = xi - xj_sh[j]; dy = yi - yj_sh[j]; dz = zi - zj_sh[j]; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); sum_V += m_sh[j]/r; sum_K += (mx_sh[j]*dx+my_sh[j]*dy+mz_sh[j]*dz)/(r*r*r); } else if(k_sh[j]==0) { REAL PHI_K = 0.; REAL PHI_V = 0.; GQ_fine(PHI_K, PHI_V, ver_sh, 9*j, xi, yi, zi, 1e-15, Xsk, Wsk, A_sh, 1); sum_V += PHI_V * mVc_sh[j]; sum_K += PHI_K * mKc_sh[j]; an_counter += 1; } } } if (i<Nq) { phir[i] = (-sum_K + sum_V)/(4*M_PI); AI_int_gpu[i] = an_counter; } } __global__ void compute_RHS(REAL *F, REAL *xq, REAL *yq, REAL *zq, REAL *q, REAL *xi, REAL *yi, REAL *zi, int *sizeTar, int Nq, REAL E_1, int NCRIT, int BpT) { int II = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int I; REAL x, y, z, sum; REAL dx, dy, dz, r; __shared__ REAL xq_sh[BSZ], yq_sh[BSZ], zq_sh[BSZ], q_sh[BSZ]; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { I = II + iblock*BSZ; x = xi[I]; y = yi[I]; z = zi[I]; sum = 0.; for (int block=0; block<(Nq-1)/BSZ; block++) { __syncthreads(); xq_sh[threadIdx.x] = xq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; yq_sh[threadIdx.x] = yq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; zq_sh[threadIdx.x] = zq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; q_sh[threadIdx.x] = q[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int i=0; i<BSZ; i++) { dx = xq_sh[i] - x; dy = yq_sh[i] - y; dz = zq_sh[i] - z; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); sum += q_sh[i]/(E_1*r); } } } int block = (Nq-1)/BSZ; __syncthreads(); xq_sh[threadIdx.x] = xq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; yq_sh[threadIdx.x] = yq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; zq_sh[threadIdx.x] = zq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; q_sh[threadIdx.x] = q[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int i=0; i<Nq-block*BSZ; i++) { dx = xq_sh[i] - x; dy = yq_sh[i] - y; dz = zq_sh[i] - z; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); sum += q_sh[i]/(E_1*r); } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { F[I] = sum; } } } __global__ void compute_RHSKt(REAL *Fx, REAL *Fy, REAL *Fz, REAL *xq, REAL *yq, REAL *zq, REAL *q, REAL *xi, REAL *yi, REAL *zi, int *sizeTar, int Nq, REAL E_1, int NCRIT, int BpT) { int II = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*NCRIT; int I; REAL x, y, z, sum_x, sum_y, sum_z; REAL dx, dy, dz, r, aux; __shared__ REAL xq_sh[BSZ], yq_sh[BSZ], zq_sh[BSZ], q_sh[BSZ]; for (int iblock=0; iblock<BpT; iblock++) { I = II + iblock*BSZ; x = xi[I]; y = yi[I]; z = zi[I]; sum_x = 0., sum_y = 0, sum_z = 0; for (int block=0; block<(Nq-1)/BSZ; block++) { __syncthreads(); xq_sh[threadIdx.x] = xq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; yq_sh[threadIdx.x] = yq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; zq_sh[threadIdx.x] = zq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; q_sh[threadIdx.x] = q[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int i=0; i<BSZ; i++) { dx = x - xq_sh[i]; dy = y - yq_sh[i]; dz = z - zq_sh[i]; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); aux = -q_sh[i]/(r*r*r); sum_x += aux*dx; sum_y += aux*dy; sum_z += aux*dz; } } } int block = (Nq-1)/BSZ; __syncthreads(); xq_sh[threadIdx.x] = xq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; yq_sh[threadIdx.x] = yq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; zq_sh[threadIdx.x] = zq[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; q_sh[threadIdx.x] = q[block*BSZ+threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { for (int i=0; i<Nq-block*BSZ; i++) { dx = x - xq_sh[i]; dy = y - yq_sh[i]; dz = z - zq_sh[i]; r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); aux = -q_sh[i]/(r*r*r); sum_x += aux*dx; sum_y += aux*dy; sum_z += aux*dz; } } if (threadIdx.x+iblock*BSZ<sizeTar[blockIdx.x]) { Fx[I] = sum_x; Fy[I] = sum_y; Fz[I] = sum_z; } } } """%{'blocksize':BSZ, 'Nmult':Nm, 'K_near':K_fine, 'Ptree':P, 'precision':REAL}, nvcc="nvcc", options=["-use_fast_math"]) return mod
Star Tile Roof Repair is going to be there for all your needs regarding Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. We have a crew of competent contractors and the most modern solutions in the industry to supply exactly what you might need. We are going to use high standard supplies and affordable techniques to be certain that you'll get the finest services at the best rate. We're going to make it easier to come up with decisions for your own project, resolve your questions, and schedule a meeting with our specialists whenever you contact us by dialing 888-738-5526. At Star Tile Roof Repair, nothing is more essential than customer care. We recognize your objectives and requirements, and we'll work hard to be sure that you approve of our efforts. We fully understand all of your questions and concerns, and we are here to help. We predict all of your concerns and questions, and we'll settle them whenever you call. You want to make the ideal decisions for your work, and we understand how to help you do just that. You have a financial budget to comply with, and you intend to save money. On top of that, you require the most effective and highest quality of services when it comes to Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. Our endeavors to save a little money are not going to compromise on the high quality of our results. We work with the leading practices and supplies to be certain that the project can hold up against the years, and save a little money in ways that won't modify the high quality of the job. That is feasible given that we know the way to save you time and resources on materials and labor. Save your time and funds by contacting Star Tile Roof Repair now. Contact 888-738-5526 to talk with our customer service agents, right now. Tile Roof Repair are available in Mount Olive, AL. To make the ideal decisions for Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL, you have got to be kept informed. We will never let you put together imprudent decisions, because we understand what we are doing, and we ensure you know exactly what to be expecting with the task. This is the reason we make every attempt to make sure you understand the plan and are not confronted by any sort of unexpected surprises. The first step will be to contact us today at 888-738-5526 to arrange your project. We're going to answer all your important questions and arrange your initial meeting. We work closely with you all through the entire process, and our company will appear promptly and prepared. You have plenty of good reasons to pick Star Tile Roof Repair regarding Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. Our equipment are of the highest quality, our cash saving techniques are realistic and efficient, and our client satisfaction scores are unparalleled. We are aware of your requirements and objectives, and we are ready to assist you using our skills. When you need Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, get in touch with Star Tile Roof Repair by dialing 888-738-5526, and we are going to be happy to help.
from PIL import Image import sys import os class ImageMerger: format = "%(z)d.%(x)d.%(y)d.jpg" def __init__(self, target): self.target = target self.size = 256 def start(self): level = 0 while True: total = self._merge(level) if total == 1: break level += 1 print "done." def _merge(self, level): print "Merging images on level %d.." % level size = self.size size2 = size * 2 target = self.target total = 0 y = 0 py = 0 while True: x = 0 px = 0 first = True while True: xlist = [x, x+1] ylist = [y, y+1] im = Image.new("RGB", (size2, size2)) cnt = 0 for ix in [0,1]: for iy in [0,1]: sx, sy = xlist[ix], ylist[iy] fname = os.path.join(target, self.format % {'z': level, 'x': sx, 'y': sy}) if os.path.isfile(fname): ims = Image.open(fname) w, h = ims.size im.paste(ims, (ix * size, iy * size, ix * size + w, iy * size + h)) cnt += 1 if cnt > 0: fname = os.path.join(target, self.format % {'z': level + 1, 'x': px, 'y': py}) resized = im.resize((size, size)) resized.save(fname) total += 1 print "-", fname if cnt == 0: break px += 1 x += 2 first = False if first and cnt == 0: break py += 1 y += 2 return total if __name__ == '__main__': target = sys.argv[1] im = ImageMerger(target) im.start()
There’s no shortage of motorcycle meets, rallies and other events to attend every year. Keeping track of them can be problematic. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the Event Calendar page on RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland is the most viewed page on the website over the course of a year. Another reason is certainly that riders of all ilks just like to gather. Over the past month or so, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been working sporadically yet diligently to up date the calendar for 2019. New events, such as the Ride1 Rally at Lime Rock Park in CT next month, have been added. Some others that have fallen by the wayside have been deleted. Charity rides are not listed because there are too many to keep track of and printed guides published by others include them. However, if you know of a meet or other motorcycle gathering that’s worthy of listing here, please let us know. Email: budw@ride-ct.com.
import json import os import discord from discord.ext import commands from clembot.exts.utils.utilities import Utilities class AutoResponder(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.guild_dict = bot.guild_dict self.utilities = Utilities() self.pokemon_forms = [] with open(os.path.join('data', 'pokemon_forms.json'), 'r') as fd: data = json.load(fd) self.pokemon_forms = data['pokemon_forms'] @commands.group(pass_context=True, hidden=True, aliases=["auto-response", "ar"]) async def _autoresponse(self, ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await self.utilities._send_message(ctx.channel, f"Beep Beep! **{ctx.message.author.display_name}**, **!{ctx.invoked_with}** can be used with various options.") @_autoresponse.command(aliases=["add-image"]) async def _autoresponse_add_image(self, ctx, *, ar_message_text): ar_key, _, ar_message = ar_message_text.partition(' ') ctx.bot.guild_dict[ctx.guild.id].setdefault('auto-responses-image', {}).setdefault(ctx.channel.id,{})[ar_key] = ar_message await self.utilities._send_message(ctx.channel, f"{ar_key} has been set correctly.", user=ctx.message.author) @_autoresponse.command(aliases=["add"]) async def _autoresponse_add(self, ctx, *, ar_message_text): ar_key, _, ar_message = ar_message_text.partition(' ') ctx.bot.guild_dict[ctx.guild.id].setdefault('auto-responses', {}).setdefault(ctx.channel.id,{})[ar_key] = ar_message await self.utilities._send_message(ctx.channel, f"{ar_key} has been set correctly.", user=ctx.message.author) @_autoresponse.command(aliases=["clear-all"]) async def _autoresponse_clear_all(self, ctx): try: for guild_id in list(ctx.bot.guild_dict.keys()): for channel_id in list(ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses', {}).keys()): if not ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses', {}).get(channel_id, None) : print(ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses', {}).pop(channel_id,None)) for channel_id in list(ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses-image', {}).keys()): if not ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses-image', {}).get(channel_id, None) : print(ctx.bot.guild_dict[guild_id].get('auto-responses-image', {}).pop(channel_id,None)) await self.utilities._send_message(ctx.channel, f"auto-responses are cleaned up.", user=ctx.message.author) except Exception as error: print(error) beep_notes = ("""**{member}** here are the commands for trade management. **!trade offer <pokemon>** - to add pokemon to your offers list. **!trade request <pokemon>** - to add pokemon to your requests list. **!trade clear <pokemon>** - to remove pokemon from your trade offer or request list. **!trade list** - brings up pokemon in your trade offer/request list. **!trade list @user** - brings up pokemon in user's trade offer/request list. **!trade list pokemon** - filters your trade offer/request list by sepcified pokemon. **!trade search <pokemon>** - brings up a list of 10 users who are offering pokemon with their pokemon request as well. **<pokemon> - can be one or more pokemon or pokedex# separated by space.** """) def get_beep_embed(self, title, description, usage=None, available_value_title=None, available_values=None, footer=None, mode="message"): if mode == "message": color = discord.Colour.green() else: color = discord.Colour.red() help_embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=f"{description}", colour=color) help_embed.set_footer(text=footer) return help_embed @classmethod async def _help(self, ctx): footer = "Tip: < > denotes required and [ ] denotes optional arguments." await ctx.message.channel.send(embed=self.get_beep_embed(self, title="Help - Trade Management", description=self.beep_notes.format(member=ctx.message.author.display_name), footer=footer)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(AutoResponder(bot))
NEW YORK—Two Bronx residents were arrested by Humane Law Enforcement (HLE) agents of the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) on Sunday, October 24, and charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty. Cesar Rivera, 49, was arrested by ASPCA Special Agent Pat Breen for starving and neglecting his neighbor’s dog. The dog, a 12-year-old Samoyed mixed-breed named Bear, had been left in Rivera’s care while his owner was out of town. On July 9, 2010, Bear was surrendered to Animal Care & Control. He was emaciated, maggot-infested and in distress. ASPCA HLE agents responded to Animal Care & Control’s complaint and transferred Bear to the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital, where veterinarians determined he had sustained heat stroke and starvation. In the days preceding Bear’s surrender, temperatures in New York City reached some of their highest on record: On July 6, temperatures soared to 103 degrees, and on July 7 and July 9, they reached 100 degrees.
# Copyright 2013 Mario Graff Guerrero # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from SimpleGP import GP import numpy as np class TestEval(object): def __init__(self): x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100) pol = np.array([0.2, -0.3, 0.2]) X = np.vstack((x**2, x, np.ones(x.shape[0]))) y = (X.T * pol).sum(axis=1) x = x[:, np.newaxis] self._gp = GP(fname_best=None).train(x, y) self._gp.create_population() self._cons = 1.2 self._gp._p_constants[0][0] = self._cons self._nfunc = self._gp._nop.shape[0] self._nvar = self._nfunc + self._gp._x.shape[1] def test_sum(self): self._gp._p[0] = np.array([0, self._nfunc, self._nvar], dtype=np.int) y = self._gp._x.flatten() + self._cons yh = self._gp.eval(0) assert np.fabs(y - yh).sum() == 0 def test_subtract(self): self._gp._p[0] = np.array([1, self._nfunc, self._nvar], dtype=np.int) y = self._gp._x.flatten() - self._cons yh = self._gp.eval(0) assert np.fabs(y - yh).sum() == 0 def test_multiply(self): self._gp._p[0] = np.array([2, self._nfunc, self._nvar], dtype=np.int) y = self._gp._x.flatten() * self._cons yh = self._gp.eval(0) assert np.fabs(y - yh).sum() == 0
Is it possible to use the 6300 with one of the ipads,nexus pads,windows pads successfully without going to the expense of a full blown pc set up.Thanks to the forum for any advice. So far no one has been able to run SSDR under iOS or android. Hope they consider android. With the openness and ability to tinker and hack the operating system, it seems to be a nice fit with amateur radio. otherwise, for now, some remote desktops provide some functionality.. Every Android device manufacturer has their own flavor of. Android so picking a specific device such a Note 3 covers just a tiny part of the Android Ecosystem so significant programming effort would be required to extend it to the next manufacturers device. By contrast, while Apple iOS is a much more closed ecosystem it. Is absolutely consistent across all devices (iPad, iPhone) so there. Is only a single programming effort to cover all devices across the ecosystem. I suspect since Android is so open, some hams will port SSDR to some flavor of Android but it likely won't work that well on some other flavor or manufacturers version of Android. and, some of us 'android geeks' like to 'root' our phones, to get the crapware off them....and play with different ROM's..
# ##### # This file is part of the RobotDesigner of the Neurorobotics subproject (SP10) # in the Human Brain Project (HBP). # It has been forked from the RobotEditor (https://gitlab.com/h2t/roboteditor) # developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the # High Performance Humanoid Technologies Laboratory (H2T). # ##### # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # ##### # # Copyright (c) 2015, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) # Copyright (c) 2016, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik # # Changes: # # 2016-01-15: Stefan Ulbrich (FZI), Major refactoring. Integrated into complex plugin framework. # # ###### """ Sphinx-autodoc tag """ # ###### # System imports # import os # import sys # import math # ###### # Blender imports import bpy from bpy.props import StringProperty # import mathutils # ###### # RobotDesigner imports from ...core import config, PluginManager from ...core.operators import RDOperator from ...operators.helpers import ModelSelected, ObjectMode # ###### # Plugin imports from . import fix from . import collada def extractData(segment_name): tree = collada.Tree() arm = bpy.context.active_object bpy.ops.roboteditor.select_segment(segment_name=segment_name) currentBone = bpy.context.active_bone tree.name = segment_name if currentBone.parent: parentName = currentBone.parent.name else: parentName = None if currentBone.RobotEditor.axis_revert: inverted = -1 else: inverted = 1 axis = ["0", "0", "0"] if currentBone.RobotEditor.axis == 'X': axis[0] = str(inverted) elif currentBone.RobotEditor.axis == 'Y': axis[1] = str(inverted) elif currentBone.RobotEditor.axis == 'Z': axis[2] = str(inverted) tree.axis = axis trafo, dummy = currentBone.RobotEditor.getTransform() # translation tree.addTrafo([str(element) for element in trafo.translation]) # rotation rotation = trafo.to_euler() tree.addTrafo([str(element) for element in [0, 0, 1, rotation.z]]) tree.addTrafo([str(element) for element in [0, 1, 0, rotation.y]]) tree.addTrafo([str(element) for element in [1, 0, 0, rotation.x]]) if currentBone.RobotEditor.jointMode == 'REVOLUTE': tree.initialValue = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.theta.offset) tree.min = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.theta.min) tree.max = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.theta.max) tree.axis_type = 'revolute' else: tree.initialValue = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.d.offset) tree.min = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.d.min) tree.max = str(currentBone.RobotEditor.d.max) tree.axis_type = 'prismatic' children = [child.name for child in currentBone.children] tree.meshes = [mesh.name for mesh in bpy.data.objects if mesh.type == 'MESH' and mesh.parent_bone == segment_name] markers = [m for m in bpy.data.objects if m.RobotEditor.tag == 'MARKER' and m.parent_bone == segment_name] # tree.markers = [(m.name,(currentBone.matrix_local.inverted()*m.matrix_world.translation).to_tuple()) # for m in markers] # tree.markers = [(m.name,(m.matrix_parent_inverse*m.matrix_world.translation).to_tuple()) for m in markers] poseBone = arm.pose.bones[segment_name] tree.markers = [ (m.name, ( poseBone.matrix.inverted() * arm.matrix_world.inverted() * m.matrix_world.translation).to_tuple()) for m in markers] for child in children: tree.addChild(extractData(child)) return tree # @PluginManager.register_class # class ImportCollada15(RDOperator): # """ # Not implemented # **Preconditions:** # # **Postconditions:** # """ # bl_idname = config.OPERATOR_PREFIX + "selectarmature" # bl_label = "Select model" # # model_name = StringProperty() # # @classmethod # def run(cls, model_name=""): # return super().run(**cls.pass_keywords()) # # @classmethod # def poll(cls, context): # """ # Checks whether preconditions are met for this :ref:`operator` # # :param context: :ref:`context` # :return: True when conditions are met, False otherwise # """ # return check_conditions(ObjectMode) # # @OperatorLogger # @Postconditions(ModelSelected) # def execute(self, context): # self.report({'ERROR'},"Not implemented") @RDOperator.Preconditions(ObjectMode, ModelSelected) @PluginManager.register_class class RobotEditor_exportCollada(RDOperator): """ :term:`operator` for exporting a :term:`robot model` to COLLADA 1.5 **Preconditions:** **Postconditions:** """ bl_idname = "roboteditor.colladaexport" bl_label = "Export to COLLADA 1.5" filepath = StringProperty(subtype='FILE_PATH') @RDOperator.OperatorLogger @RDOperator.Postconditions(ModelSelected) def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath=self.filepath, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, apply_modifiers=True, filter_folder=True) fix.fixCollada(self.filepath, self.filepath, context) handler = collada.COLLADA() handler.import14(self.filepath) arm = context.active_object baseBoneName = arm.data.bones[0].name tree = collada.Tree() tree.name = arm.name tree.addChild(extractData(baseBoneName)) handler.attach(tree) massFrames = [obj for obj in context.scene.objects if obj.RobotEditor.tag == 'PHYSICS_FRAME' and obj.parent_bone is not ''] for frame in massFrames: # transform = frame.parent.data.bones[frame.parent_bone].matrix_local.inverted() * frame.matrix_local segment_name = frame.parent.data.bones[frame.parent_bone].name poseBone = arm.pose.bones[segment_name] transform = poseBone.matrix.inverted() * arm.matrix_world.inverted() * frame.matrix_world frameTrafos = [tuple(v for v in transform.translation)] frameRotation = transform.to_euler() frameTrafos.append(tuple([0, 0, 1, frameRotation.z])) frameTrafos.append(tuple([0, 1, 0, frameRotation.y])) frameTrafos.append(tuple([1, 0, 0, frameRotation.x])) collisionModels = [] collisionModelTransformations = {} for model in [i for i in context.scene.objects if i.parent == frame]: modelName = model.data.name.replace('.', '_') + '-mesh' collisionModels.append(modelName) # matrix = model.parent.data.bones[model.parent_bone].matrix_local.inverted() * model.matrix_local matrix = model.matrix_local collisionModelTransformations[modelName] = [tuple(v for v in matrix.translation)] rotation = matrix.to_euler() collisionModelTransformations[modelName].append(tuple([0, 0, 1, rotation.z])) collisionModelTransformations[modelName].append(tuple([0, 1, 0, rotation.y])) collisionModelTransformations[modelName].append(tuple([1, 0, 0, rotation.x])) # TODO also bring the matrix_local to all collisionmodels print("mass frames", frame.name, collisionModels) handler.addMassObject(frame.name, frameTrafos, tuple(v for v in frame.RobotEditor.dynamics.inertiaTensor), frame.RobotEditor.dynamics.mass, collisionModels, collisionModelTransformations) handler.write(self.filepath) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} return {'FINISHED'}
Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to express my strong opposition to H.R. 620, the ADA Education and Reform Act, which recently passed out of the Judiciary Committee. For 27 years, the Americans with Disabilities Act has made a difference in millions of lives, including my own, by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of a disability and requiring accessibility in places of public accommodation. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 620 decimates the underlying intent of the ADA by allowing entities to wait before addressing barriers to access. It would roll back years of progress, and it sends a message to the disability community that we are not worthy of being included like everyone else. I urge my colleagues to consider the true implications of this policy. Mr. Speaker, I was injured in 1980, a full 10 years before the ADA was enacted. I remember what our country was like before the ADA. I do not wish to go back. Instead of weakening our civil rights, let us work together to protect them.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from models import area, character, place, item, item_container import core.command from core.localisation import _ class look(core.command.command): """ Look command """ def run(self): """ c.run() Display some informations about the player's current position (characters arround, availables directions...). """ sections = { _('LOOK_REGION_PARAM'): ['region', self._getRegionInfo], _('LOOK_FIGHT_PARAM'): ['fight', self._getFightInfo], _('LOOK_CHARACTERS_PARAM'): ['characters', self._getCharacters], _('LOOK_DIRECTIONS_PARAM'): ['directions', self._getDirections], _('LOOK_PLACES_PARAM'): ['places', self._getPlaces], _('LOOK_OBJECTS_PARAM'): ['items', self._getObjects], _('LOOK_CONTAINERS_PARAM'): ['item_containers', self._getContainers] } result = dict() areaId = self._player.getAreaId() what = None if len(self._args) > 0: what = self._args[0] if what is not None: if what not in sections.keys(): raise core.command.exception(_('ERROR_LOOK_UNKNOWN_SECTION')) result[sections[what][0]] = sections[what][1](areaId) else: for s in sections: values = sections[s][1](areaId) if values: result[sections[s][0]] = values return result def _getRegionInfo(self, areaId): curArea = area.model.loadById(areaId) return { 'name': area.area.getRegionNameFromAreaId(areaId), 'x': curArea['x'], 'y': curArea['y'], 'has_save_point': area.area.hasSavePoint(areaId) } def _getFightInfo(self, areaId): f = core.fight.fight.getFight() if f is None: return None else: return f.getEnemy() def _getCharacters(self, areaId): characters = list() # Display surrounding characters for c in character.character.searchByIdArea(areaId): if c._model['id_character'] != self._player._model['id_character']: characters.append(c._model['name']) return characters def _getDirections(self, areaId): directions = list() # Display accessible areas areas = area.model.getSurroundingAreas(areaId) for d in area.area.getValidDirections(areas['directions']): directions.append(d) return directions def _getPlaces(self, areaId): places = list() # Display accessible places for p in place.model.getSurroundingPlaces(areaId): places.append(p['name']) return places def _getObjects(self, areaId): objects = list() # Display surrounding objects items = area.area.getItems(areaId) for i in items: it = item.model.loadById(i) objects.append({ 'name': it['name'], 'quantity': items[i]['quantity'] }) return objects def _getContainers(self, areaId): containers = dict() for c in item_container.container.getAllFromIdArea(areaId): try: containers[c['type_label']] = containers[c['type_label']] + 1 except KeyError: containers[c['type_label']] = 1 return containers def render(self, data): sections = data.keys() output = list() if 'region' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('CURRENT_REGION_%s') % data['region']['name']) if data['region']['has_save_point']: o.append(_('AREA_HAS_SAVE_POINT')) output.append('\n'.join(o)) if 'fight' in sections and data['fight'] is not None: output.append(_('CURRENTLY_FIGHTING_%s') % data['fight']['name']) if 'characters' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('PRESENT_CHARACTERS')) for c in data['characters']: o.append(' ' + str(c)) output.append('\n'.join(o)) if 'directions' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('AVAILABLE_DIRECTIONS')) for d in data['directions']: o.append(' ' + d) output.append('\n'.join(o)) if 'places' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('AVAILABLE_PLACES')) for p in data['places']: o.append(' ' + p) output.append('\n'.join(o)) if 'items' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('AVAILABLE_ITEMS')) for i in data['items']: o.append(str(i['quantity']).rjust(3) + ' ' + i['name']) output.append('\n'.join(o)) if 'item_containers' in sections: o = list() o.append(_('AVAILABLE_ITEMS_CONTAINERS')) for c in sorted(data['item_containers'].keys()): for nb in range(data['item_containers'][c]): o.append(' ' + c + ' #' + str(nb + 1)) output.append('\n'.join(o)) return '\n\n'.join(output)
"Genetic Variants in the SIRT6 Transcriptional Regulatory Region" by Lin-sheng Gui, Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza et al. Background: The aim of this study was to analyze potential influences of polymorphisms within the regulatory region of the bovine SIRT6 gene on carcass quality traits. Expression analyses suggested that SIRT6 gene is predominately expressed in kidney, compared with other tissues. In 535 indigenous Chinese beef cattle, two novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified within the promoter region of the SIRT6 gene. Results: Association analysis indicated that G allele of the c.-1100 A > G had a positive effect on fat deposition, and the Hap4/4 diplotype had more favourable results than other dipoltypes with respect to the evaluation of carcass quality traits. Furthermore, promoter activity associated with the Hap3 haplotype was measured at higher levels than the Hap1 haplotype, which would be in agreement with the previously described association analysis. Conclusion: The SIRT6 promoter variants significantly affect transcriptional levels and subsequently significantly influence bovine intramscular fat content.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2012 Dariusz Suchojad <dsuch at zato.io> Licensed under LGPLv3, see LICENSE.txt for terms and conditions. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals # stdlib from contextlib import closing from traceback import format_exc # Zato from zato.common import ZatoException from zato.common.odb.model import Server from zato.server.service.internal import AdminService, AdminSIO class Edit(AdminService): """ Updates a server. """ class SimpleIO(AdminSIO): request_elem = 'zato_server_edit_request' response_elem = 'zato_server_edit_response' input_required = ('id', 'name') output_required = ('id', 'cluster_id', 'name', 'host') output_optional = ('bind_host', 'bind_port', 'last_join_status', 'last_join_mod_date', 'last_join_mod_by', 'up_status', 'up_mod_date') def handle(self): with closing(self.odb.session()) as session: existing_one = session.query(Server).\ filter(Server.id!=self.request.input.id).\ filter(Server.name==self.request.input.name).\ first() if existing_one: raise Exception('A server of that name [{0}] already exists on this cluster'.format(self.request.input.name)) try: item = session.query(Server).filter_by(id=self.request.input.id).one() item.name = self.request.input.name session.add(item) session.commit() self.response.payload = item except Exception, e: msg = 'Could not update the server, id:[{}], e:[{}]'.format(self.request.input.id, format_exc(e)) self.logger.error(msg) session.rollback() raise class GetByID(AdminService): """ Returns a particular server """ class SimpleIO(AdminSIO): request_elem = 'zato_server_get_by_id_request' response_elem = 'zato_server_get_by_id_response' input_required = ('id',) output_required = ('id', 'cluster_id', 'name', 'host') output_optional = ('bind_host', 'bind_port', 'last_join_status', 'last_join_mod_date', 'last_join_mod_by', 'up_status', 'up_mod_date') def get_data(self, session): return session.query(Server).\ filter(Server.id==self.request.input.id).\ one() def handle(self): with closing(self.odb.session()) as session: self.response.payload = self.get_data(session) for name in('last_join_mod_date', 'up_mod_date'): attr = getattr(self.response.payload, name, None) if attr: setattr(self.response.payload, name, attr.isoformat()) class Delete(AdminService): """ Deletes a server. """ class SimpleIO(AdminSIO): request_elem = 'zato_server_delete_request' response_elem = 'zato_server_delete_response' input_required = ('id',) def handle(self): with closing(self.odb.session()) as session: try: server = session.query(Server).\ filter(Server.id==self.request.input.id).\ one() # Sanity check if server.id == self.server.id: msg = 'A server cannot delete itself, id:[{}], name:[{}]'.format(server.id, server.name) self.logger.error(msg) raise ZatoException(self.cid, msg) # This will cascade and delete every related object session.delete(server) session.commit() except Exception, e: session.rollback() msg = 'Could not delete the server, e:[{e}]'.format(e=format_exc(e)) self.logger.error(msg) raise
How Uni Level MLM Plan Works ? Before getting into the Unilevel MLM Software, let's discuss what’s Unilevel compensation plan (or) Unilevel MLM Plan. The Unilevel MLM Plan allows you to sponsor only one line of distributors, so everyone you sponsor is on your forehead(i.e no spillover).There's no width limit on this plan and the commissions usually paid out at a specified level depth. In this plan, each member can recruit as many members in his downline. As there is no further restriction, you can build stronger and longer (length) network down the line. The objective of this compensation plan is to recruit as many members of the team first and then line them even. Uni-level MLM plan is the simplest, purest and a clear-cut MLM structure. Apart from this, To make this plan more attractive New generation uniline plans dispense some additional bonus features also. While compared other MLM Plans, Uni-Level Plan is much easier to understand, so that time for explaining and the training this plan is comparatively less. Hence, the part-timers can also make benefit from this MLM plan. Unilevel Level compensation plan is a type of bonuses where the top level distributors gain commission from the sales achieved by the down level distributors. Unilevel Plan may have unlimited direct downlines in the first level, and each downline members can have unlimited downlines under them. This Unilevel Plan makes unlimited commissions from sales by the members till nth level. Unilevel MLM plan companies have different strategies to make their distributors happy by giving tremendous opportunities to earn unlimited income. This Unilevel Plan will help long term stability of MLM business also helps the wider reach of company reputation. Rank advancement bonuses are also a common compensation in most of the Unilevel MLM Software. This bonus is paid to existing members when they turn eligible to the higher level or rank. This achievement will be the one time bonus. Some Unilevel MLM Plan companies have rank maintenance criteria. So the rank may get downgraded if a distributor does not meet the level hierarchy standards.
#!/bin/python import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer vec = CountVectorizer() from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch es = Elasticsearch() import zerorpc import array import json db = client.tweetsClassifier collection = db['scoredTweets'] clf = LogisticRegression(class_weight="auto") res = es.search(index="test2", body={"query": {"match_all": {}}}) totalHits = res['hits']['total'] res = es.search(index="test2", size=totalHits, body={"query": {"match_all": {}}}) for hit in res['hits']['hits']: print("%(text)s" % hit["_source"]) epsilon = 0.5 class TrainClassifier(object): def fit(self, object): print ("currently fitting") print("object :", object) textTweetsArray = [] scores = [] for document in collection.find({ "sessionname": object }, { "text": 1, "id": 1, "score": 1, "sessionname": 1, "_id": 0 }): textTweetsArray.append(document['text']) scores.append(document['score']) resultMatrix = vec.fit_transform(textTweetsArray).toarray() clf.fit(resultMatrix, scores) def predict(self, object): print ("currently predicting") textUnlabledTweets = [] idTweetsThatMatchTheCriterion = [] for i in range(len(object)): textUnlabledTweets.append(object[i]['fields']['text']) matrixUnlabledTweets = vec.transform(textUnlabledTweets).toarray() predictUnlabledTweets = clf.predict_proba(matrixUnlabledTweets) print("predict : " , predictUnlabledTweets) for j in range(len(predictUnlabledTweets)): if (predictUnlabledTweets[j][1] >= epsilon): idTweetsThatMatchTheCriterion.append(object[j]['_id']) #tweets that respect the criterion (more than a certain probability) will be sent to node.js print ("id tweets sent back ", idTweetsThatMatchTheCriterion) return "%s " % idTweetsThatMatchTheCriterion s = zerorpc.Server(TrainClassifier()) s.bind("tcp://") s.run()
This cherry wood board is perfect for slicing bread and serving your guests. Don't forget to add a jar of Cutter Butter to keep your board in great shape. Measurements: 19.75" x 3.75" x .75"
import requests import datetime import operator import sys url= 'http://localhost:9000/test?' file_qs='file=fddoo&' sig_qs ='signature=' siglen= 40 byte_count= 0 guessed_bytes= '' req_url= '' ''' http://localhost:9000/test?file=foo&signature=24b2d4322e50bf57c88697644e2fd1450794ab5c ''' ''' http://localhost:9000/test?file=fddoo&signature=6f62e47b625aeec1cb239258523dd7e03d4cb906 ''' while len(guessed_bytes) < siglen: req_time= {} byte_count += 1 for byte in range(0,256): req_url= url+file_qs+sig_qs+guessed_bytes diff= siglen - len(guessed_bytes) req_url += hex(byte)[2:].zfill(2) start_time= datetime.datetime.now() resp= requests.get(req_url) end_time= datetime.datetime.now() diff= end_time - start_time req_time[hex(byte)]= diff.total_seconds() sorted_req_time= [] for key, value in sorted(req_time.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)): sorted_req_time.append(key) print 'Guessed byte', byte_count, sorted_req_time[-1][2:].zfill(2) guessed_bytes += sorted_req_time[-1][2:].zfill(2) req_url= url+file_qs+sig_qs+guessed_bytes resp= requests.get(req_url) if resp.content == '500': print 'Match not found' else: print 'Match found', guessed_bytes
Before we begin, we want to say that the following is not a prediction but a warning; albeit one that has enough substance to prove worthy of sharing. If anything, the economic information we can across gives you something to watch out for, and perhaps a reason to prepare yourself, should the forecast materialize. If you’re not already familiar with reports concerning the national Money Supply, here’s a brief explanation: money supply is “the entire stock of currency and other liquid instruments circulating in a country’s economy as of a particular time” (as defined by Investopedia). This includes cash, coins, savings and checking accounts, etc. Basically, it’s a nation’s entire stock of money. More money in the economy typically means lower interest rates. This translates to more investment, an increase in business activity, and more jobs. When the money supply dries up, the opposite effect takes place. That’s the simple explanation. For a more detailed overview, click here. Jeffrey Peshut at Realforecasts provides a series of charts based on an indicator called the Rothbard-Salerno True Money Supply (TMS). As you can see below, the TMS shows that in 2016, the money supply begun drying up as the Fed initiated its first of many subsequent rate hikes. But here’s something that makes for an interesting comparison: the current monetary deceleration is comparable to the conditions preceding the 2008 financial crisis. We’re expecting three, possibly four, more rate hikes in 2018. The Fed has approximately $450 Billion to unwind from its balance sheet by the end of the year. Stocks are once again climbing toward its record-highs. Housing prices are soaring as well. Yet the True Money Supply growth rate trend points lower. What might happen if the money supply slows to a crawl or grinds to a halt? Might there be another credit crisis? Another housing bust? A recession? Perhaps this data shouldn’t be all that alarming; after all, isn’t this a natural expression of the business cycle? The chart tells us that since 1978, a recession had followed four out of five times that the TMS had reached levels near 0.00%. The data is there for you to interpret. It may not predict an exact date for when a recession might occur, but it does show you that recessions take place in the “natural” course of a cycle, and that perhaps one is due…soon. Again, the question is not how or when to react, but rather, how and when to prepare. And prudence might be telling us that the time to prepare is now.
""" CALIBRATION Function(s) to perform calibration. """ from optima import OptimaException, Link, Par, dcp, asd, printv, findinds, isnumber, odict from numpy import zeros, array, mean import six if six.PY3: unicode = str def autofit(project=None, name=None, fitwhat=None, fitto=None, method='wape', maxtime=None, maxiters=1000, verbose=2, doplot=False, randseed=None, **kwargs): ''' Function to automatically fit parameters. Parameters: fitwhat = which parameters to vary to improve the fit; these are defined in parameters.py under the 'auto' attribute; default is 'force' (FOI metaparameters only) fitto = what kind of data to fit to; options are anything in results.main; default is 'prev' (prevalence) or everything method = which method of calculating the objective/goodness-of-fit to use; default weighted absolute percentage error to place less weight on outliers Others should be self-explanatory. Version: 2017may22 ''' if doplot: # Store global information for debugging global autofitfig, autofitresults autofitfig, autofitresults = [None]*2 timestr = 'unlimited' if maxtime is None else str(maxtime) itersstr = 'unlimited' if maxiters is None else str(maxiters) printv('Performing automatic fitting for %s seconds/%s iterations...' % (timestr,itersstr), 1, verbose) # Validate input if project is None: raise OptimaException('autofit() requires a project in order to run') if name is None: name = -1 # Calibrate last parameter set elif type(name) not in (str,unicode) and not(isnumber(name)): raise OptimaException('%s must be the name or index of a parameter set' % name) # Initialization parset = project.parsets[name] # Shorten the original parameter set parset.projectref = Link(project) # Try to link the parset back to the project pars = dcp(parset.pars) # Just get a copy of the pars for parsing if fitwhat is None: fitwhat = ['force'] # By default, automatically fit force-of-infection only if type(fitwhat)==str: fitwhat = [fitwhat] if type(fitto)==str: fitto = [fitto] parset.improvement = [] # For storing the improvement for each fit # Create the list of parameters to be fitted and set the limits parlist = makeparlist(pars, fitwhat) parlower = array([item['limits'][0] for item in parlist]) parhigher = array(project.settings.convertlimits([item['limits'][1] for item in parlist])) # Replace text labels with numeric values # Perform fit parvec = convert(pars, parlist) args = {'pars':pars, 'parlist':parlist, 'project':project, 'fitto':fitto, 'method':method, 'doplot':doplot, 'verbose':verbose} res = asd(objectivecalc, parvec, args=args, xmin=parlower, xmax=parhigher, maxtime=maxtime, maxiters=maxiters, randseed=randseed, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) # Save, along with some additional info pars = convert(pars, parlist, res.x) parset.pars = pars parset.improvement.append(res.details.fvals) # Store improvement history parset.autofitsettings = odict([('fitwhat', fitwhat), ('fitto', fitto), ('maxtime', maxtime), ('maxiters', maxiters), ('randseed', randseed)]) return parset ## WARNING -- the following two functions must be updated together! # Populate lists of what to fit def makeparlist(pars, fitwhat): ''' This uses the "manual" attribute to decide what to calibrate (e.g., just the metaparameter or all the values. "fitwhat" options (see parameters.py, especially listparattributes()): ['init','popsize','test','treat','force','other','const'] ''' parlist = [] for parname in pars: # Just use first one, since all the same par = pars[parname] if issubclass(type(par), Par): # Check if it's a parameter if par.short in fitwhat: # It's in the list of things to fit if par.manual =='meta': parlist.append({'name':par.short, 'type':par.manual, 'limits':par.limits, 'ind':None}) elif par.manual =='pop': for i in range(len(par.y)): parlist.append({'name':par.short, 'type':par.manual, 'limits':par.limits, 'ind':i}) elif par.manual =='exp': for i in range(len(par.i)): parlist.append({'name':par.short, 'type':par.manual, 'limits':par.limits, 'ind':i}) elif par.manual =='const' or par.manual =='year': parlist.append({'name':par.short, 'type':par.manual, 'limits':par.limits, 'ind':None}) else: raise OptimaException('Parameter "manual" type "%s" not understood' % par.manual) else: pass # It's like popkeys or something -- don't worry, be happy return parlist def convert(pars, parlist, parvec=None): ''' If parvec is not supplied: Take a parameter set (e.g. P.parsets[0].pars), a list of "types" (e.g. 'force'), and a list of keys (e.g. 'hivtest'), and return a vector of values, e.g. "dehydrate" them. If parvec is supplied: Take a vector of parameter values and "hydrate" them into a pars object using a list of "types" (e.g. 'force'), and a list of keys (e.g. 'hivtest'). Relies on the structure of makeparlist() above... ''' # Handle inputs nfitpars = len(parlist) if parvec is None: tv = True # to vector parvec = zeros(nfitpars) else: tv = False # Do the loop for i in range(nfitpars): thistype = parlist[i]['type'] # Should match up with par.manual thisname = parlist[i]['name'] thisind = parlist[i]['ind'] if thistype in ['force', 'pop']: if tv: parvec[i] = pars[thisname].y[thisind] else: pars[thisname].y[thisind] = parvec[i] elif thistype=='exp': if tv: parvec[i] = pars[thisname].i[thisind] # Don't change growth rates, just intercept i else: pars[thisname].i[thisind] = parvec[i] elif thistype=='meta': if tv: parvec[i] = pars[thisname].m else: pars[thisname].m = parvec[i] elif thistype=='const': if tv: parvec[i] = pars[thisname].y else: pars[thisname].y = parvec[i] else: raise OptimaException('Parameter type "%s" not understood' % thistype) # Decide which to return if tv: return parvec else: return pars def extractdata(xdata, ydata): ''' Return the x and y data values for non-nan y data ''' from numpy import isnan, array nonnanx = array(xdata)[~isnan(array(ydata))] nonnany = array(ydata)[~isnan(array(ydata))] return nonnanx, nonnany def objectivecalc(parvec=None, pars=None, parlist=None, project=None, fitto='prev', method='wape', bestindex=0, doplot=False, verbose=2): ''' Calculate the mismatch between the model and the data -- may or may not be related to the likelihood. Either way, it's very uncertain what this function does. TODO: replace 'bestindex' with upper and lower limits for the data ''' if doplot: # Store global information for debugging -- TODO, consider better ways of doing this global autofitfig, autofitresults from pylab import figure, ceil, sqrt, subplot, scatter, xlabel, ylabel, plot, show, pause, ylim, bar, arange if autofitfig is None: autofitfig = figure(figsize=(16,12), facecolor=(1,1,1)) autofitfig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.1, top=0.95, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) if autofitresults is None: autofitresults = {'count':[], 'mismatch':[], 'allmismatches':[]} # Validate input -- check everything in one go if any([arg is None for arg in [parvec, pars, parlist, project]]): raise OptimaException('objectivecalc() requires parvec, pars, parlist, and project inputs') eps = project.settings.eps # Specify absolute error -- can't be larger than ~0.001 because then general population prevalence might be weighted incorrectly pars = convert(pars, parlist, parvec) results = project.runsim(pars=pars, start=project.data['years'][0], end=project.data['years'][-1], verbose=0, resultname=project.name+'-autofit', addresult=False) ## Loop over all results allmismatches = [] count = 0 mismatch = 0 if doplot: debugdata = [] if fitto in [None, 'all', ['all']]: fitto = list(results.main.keys()) # If not specified, use everything for key in fitto: # The results! e.g. key='prev' try: this = results.main[key] except: errormsg = 'autofit(): Key to fit "%s" not found; valid keys are:\n%s' % (key, results.main.keys()) raise OptimaException(errormsg) for attr in ['tot', 'pops']: # Loop over either total or by population denominators tmpdata = getattr(this, 'data'+attr) # Get this data, e.g. results.main['prev'].datatot if tmpdata is not None: # If it actually exists, proceed tmpmodel = getattr(this, attr) # Get this result, e.g. results.main['prev'].tot datarows = tmpdata[bestindex] # Pull out data without uncertainty modelrows = tmpmodel[bestindex] # Pull out just the best result (likely only 1 index) -- TODO: check if should be another index nrows = len(datarows) for row in range(nrows): # Loop over each available row datarow = datarows[row] if len(modelrows.shape)>1: modelrow = modelrows[row] else: modelrow = modelrows datax, datay = extractdata(results.datayears, datarow) # Pull out the not-NaN values if doplot: rowname = 'total' if nrows==1 else pars['popkeys'][row] for i,year in enumerate(datax): # Loop over each data point available count += 1 modelx = findinds(results.tvec, year) # Find the index of the corresponding time point modely = modelrow[modelx] # Finally, extract the model result! if method=='wape': thismismatch = abs(modely - datay[i]) / mean(datay+eps) elif method=='mape': thismismatch = abs(modely - datay[i]) / (datay[i]+eps) elif method=='mad': thismismatch = abs(modely - datay[i]) elif method=='mse': thismismatch = (modely - datay[i])**2 else: errormsg = 'autofit(): "method" not known; you entered "%s", but must be one of:\n' % method errormsg += '"wape" = weighted absolute percentage error (default)\n' errormsg += '"mape" = mean absolute percentage error\n' errormsg += '"mad" = mean absolute difference\n' errormsg += '"mse" = mean squared error' raise OptimaException(errormsg) allmismatches.append(thismismatch) mismatch += thismismatch if doplot: tmpdebugdata = (count, key, rowname, year, datay[i], modely, thismismatch, mismatch) printv('#%i. Key="%s" pop="%s" year=%f datay=%f modely=%f thismis=%f totmis=%f' % tmpdebugdata, 4, verbose) debugdata.append(tmpdebugdata) if doplot: autofitresults['count'].append(len(autofitresults['count'])) # Append new count autofitresults['mismatch'].append(mismatch) # Append mismatch autofitresults['allmismatches'].append(array(allmismatches).flatten()) # Append mismatch autofitfig.clear() nplots = len(set([d[1]+d[2] for d in debugdata]))+2 # 1 is the mismatch rows = ceil(sqrt(nplots)) cols = rows-1 if rows*(rows-1)>=nplots else rows subplot(rows,cols,1) scatter(autofitresults['count'], autofitresults['mismatch']) xlabel('Count') ylabel('Mismatch') ylim((0,ylim()[1])) subplot(rows,cols,2) allmis = autofitresults['allmismatches'][-1] # Shorten bar(arange(len(allmis)), allmis) xlabel('Data point') ylabel('Mismatch') ylim((0,ylim()[1])) # Process data for plotting plotdata = odict() for count,key,rowname,year,datay,modely,thismismatch,mismatch in debugdata: if key not in plotdata: plotdata[key] = odict() if rowname not in plotdata[key]: plotdata[key][rowname] = odict([('x',[]), ('datay',[]), ('modely',[])]) plotdata[key][rowname]['x'].append(year) plotdata[key][rowname]['datay'].append(datay) plotdata[key][rowname]['modely'].append(modely) count = 0 for key1,tmp1 in plotdata.items(): for key2,tmp2 in tmp1.items(): count += 1 subplot(rows, cols, count+2) scatter(tmp2['x'], tmp2['datay']) plot(tmp2['x'], tmp2['modely']) ylabel(key1+' - '+key2) ylim((0,ylim()[1])) show() pause(0.001) printv('Current mismatch: %s' % array(mismatch), 4, verbose=verbose) return mismatch
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium skillet, lightly brown sausage and drain. While sausage is still hot, add cream cheese and stir until cheese is melted and mixture is creamy. Cool completely. Separate crescent rolls and arrange into two rectangles. Form log of sausage mixture lengthwise down center of each rectangle. Fold over the long sides of pastry to cover sausage log. Place on ungreased cookie sheet, seam down. Brush with egg white and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake for 20 minutes until crust is golden. When completely cooled, slice into one and one-half inch slices.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @author waxa <waxaman@gmail.com> import json import requests class GCMPush : # @param servKey : A serer key from google console # @param verbose : optional param to print info from push request def __init__(self, servKey, verbose = False) : self.servKey = servKey self.url = "https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send" self.header = {"Authorization": "key="+self.servKey, "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Accept-Encoding" : "application/json" } self.verbose = verbose # @param regIds : A list with registers ID's from android devices. Must be strings # @param title : A title for you notification, for basic usage on cordova push plugin, don't need on android native # @param message : The text on you notification, for basic usage on cordova push plugin, don't need on android native # @param extras : You can pass extra data (string, json, etc) on this param def push(self, regIds, title, message, extras = None) : data = { "registration_ids" : regIds, "data" : { "message" : message, "title" : title } } if extras is not None: data["data"]["extras"] = extras r = requests.post(self.url, data = json.dumps(data), headers = self.header) if self.verbose : print "-------------------------------" print "push info" print r.text print "-------------------------------"
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# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import itertools import web_idl from . import name_style from .blink_v8_bridge import blink_class_name from .blink_v8_bridge import blink_type_info from .blink_v8_bridge import make_default_value_expr from .blink_v8_bridge import make_v8_to_blink_value from .blink_v8_bridge import make_v8_to_blink_value_variadic from .blink_v8_bridge import native_value_tag from .blink_v8_bridge import v8_bridge_class_name from .code_node import EmptyNode from .code_node import FormatNode from .code_node import ListNode from .code_node import SequenceNode from .code_node import SymbolDefinitionNode from .code_node import SymbolNode from .code_node import SymbolScopeNode from .code_node import TextNode from .code_node import WeakDependencyNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxBlockNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxBreakableBlockNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxClassDefNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxFuncDeclNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxFuncDefNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxLikelyIfNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxMultiBranchesNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxNamespaceNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxSwitchNode from .code_node_cxx import CxxUnlikelyIfNode from .codegen_accumulator import CodeGenAccumulator from .codegen_context import CodeGenContext from .codegen_expr import CodeGenExpr from .codegen_expr import expr_and from .codegen_expr import expr_from_exposure from .codegen_expr import expr_or from .codegen_format import format_template as _format from .codegen_utils import component_export from .codegen_utils import component_export_header from .codegen_utils import enclose_with_header_guard from .codegen_utils import make_copyright_header from .codegen_utils import make_forward_declarations from .codegen_utils import make_header_include_directives from .codegen_utils import write_code_node_to_file from .mako_renderer import MakoRenderer from .package_initializer import package_initializer from .path_manager import PathManager from .task_queue import TaskQueue def _is_none_or_str(arg): return arg is None or isinstance(arg, str) def backward_compatible_api_func(cg_context): """ Returns the Blink function name compatible with the old bindings generator. """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) name = (cg_context.member_like.code_generator_info.property_implemented_as or cg_context.member_like.identifier or cg_context.property_.identifier) if cg_context.attribute_get: # modules/webaudio/biquad_filter_node.idl has readonly attribute "Q" # and somehow it's implemented as "q" in Blink. if name == "Q": name = "q" if cg_context.attribute_set: tokens = name_style.raw.tokenize(name) if tokens[0] in ("IDL", "css", "xml"): tokens[0] = tokens[0].upper() else: tokens[0] = tokens[0].capitalize() tokens.insert(0, "set") name = "".join(tokens) if cg_context.indexed_property_getter and not name: name = "AnonymousIndexedGetter" if cg_context.indexed_property_setter and not name: name = "AnonymousIndexedSetter" if cg_context.named_property_getter and not name: name = "AnonymousNamedGetter" if cg_context.named_property_setter and not name: name = "AnonymousNamedSetter" if cg_context.named_property_deleter and not name: name = "AnonymousNamedDeleter" return name def callback_function_name(cg_context, overload_index=None, argument_count=None, for_cross_origin=False): """ Args: cg_context: A CodeGenContext of the target IDL construct. overload_index: An overload index if the target is an overloaded IDL operation. argument_count: When the target is an IDL operation that has optional arguments and is annotated with [NoAllocDirectCall], the value is the number of arguments that V8 passes in (excluding the fixed arguments like the receiver object and the v8::FastApiCallbackOptions.) for_cross_origin: True if the target is the cross origin accessible version. """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert overload_index is None or isinstance(overload_index, int) assert argument_count is None or isinstance(argument_count, int) assert isinstance(for_cross_origin, bool) def _cxx_name(name): """ Returns a property name that the bindings generator can use in generated code. Note that Web IDL allows '-' (hyphen-minus) and '_' (low line) in identifiers but C++ does not allow or recommend them. This function encodes these characters. """ # In Python3, we can use str.maketrans and str.translate. # # We're optimistic about name conflict. It's highly unlikely that # these replacements will cause a conflict. assert "Dec45" not in name assert "Dec95" not in name name = name.replace("-", "Dec45") name = name.replace("_", "Dec95") return name if cg_context.constant: property_name = cg_context.property_.identifier else: property_name = _cxx_name(cg_context.property_.identifier) if cg_context.attribute_get: kind = "AttributeGet" elif cg_context.attribute_set: kind = "AttributeSet" elif cg_context.constant: kind = "Constant" elif cg_context.constructor_group: if cg_context.is_named_constructor: kind = "NamedConstructor" else: property_name = "" kind = "Constructor" elif cg_context.exposed_construct: if cg_context.is_named_constructor: kind = "NamedConstructorProperty" elif cg_context.legacy_window_alias: kind = "LegacyWindowAlias" else: kind = "ExposedConstruct" elif cg_context.operation_group: kind = "Operation" elif cg_context.stringifier: kind = "Operation" if cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call: nadc = "NoAllocDirectCall" elif cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing: nadc = "NoAllocDirectCallForTesting" else: nadc = "" overload = "" if overload_index is not None and (len(cg_context.constructor_group or cg_context.operation_group) > 1): overload += "Overload{}".format(overload_index + 1) if argument_count is not None: overload += "Arg{}".format(argument_count) if for_cross_origin: suffix = "CrossOrigin" elif nadc or overload: suffix = nadc + overload else: suffix = "Callback" if cg_context.for_world == CodeGenContext.MAIN_WORLD: world_suffix = "ForMainWorld" elif cg_context.for_world == CodeGenContext.NON_MAIN_WORLDS: world_suffix = "ForNonMainWorlds" elif cg_context.for_world == CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS: world_suffix = "" return name_style.func(property_name, kind, suffix, world_suffix) def constant_name(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert cg_context.constant property_name = cg_context.property_.identifier.lower() return name_style.constant(property_name) def custom_function_name(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) if cg_context.named_property_getter: return "NamedPropertyGetterCustom" if cg_context.named_property_setter: return "NamedPropertySetterCustom" if cg_context.named_property_deleter: return "NamedPropertyDeleterCustom" if cg_context.attribute_get: suffix = "AttributeGetterCustom" elif cg_context.attribute_set: suffix = "AttributeSetterCustom" elif cg_context.operation_group: suffix = "MethodCustom" else: assert False return name_style.func(cg_context.property_.identifier, suffix) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bind_blink_api_arguments(code_node, cg_context): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) if cg_context.attribute_get: return if cg_context.attribute_set: real_type = cg_context.attribute.idl_type.unwrap(typedef=True) if real_type.is_enumeration: pattern = """\ // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-attribute-setter // step 4.6.1. Let S be ? ToString(V). const auto&& arg1_value_string = NativeValueTraits<IDLStringV2>::NativeValue( ${isolate}, ${v8_property_value}, ${exception_state}); if (${exception_state}.HadException()) return; // step 4.6.2. If S is not one of the enumeration's values, then return // undefined. const auto arg1_value_maybe_enum = {enum_type}::Create(arg1_value_string); if (!arg1_value_maybe_enum) {{ bindings::ReportInvalidEnumSetToAttribute( ${isolate}, arg1_value_string, "{enum_type_name}", ${exception_state}); return; // Return undefined. }} const auto ${arg1_value} = arg1_value_maybe_enum.value(); """ text = _format(pattern, enum_type=blink_class_name( real_type.type_definition_object), enum_type_name=real_type.identifier) code_node.register_code_symbol(SymbolNode("arg1_value", text)) return name = "arg1_value" v8_value = "${v8_property_value}" code_node.register_code_symbol( make_v8_to_blink_value(name, v8_value, cg_context.attribute.idl_type)) return for argument in cg_context.function_like.arguments: name = name_style.arg_f("arg{}_{}", argument.index + 1, argument.identifier) if argument.is_variadic: code_node.register_code_symbol( make_v8_to_blink_value_variadic(name, "${info}", argument.index, argument.idl_type)) else: v8_value = "${{info}}[{}]".format(argument.index) code_node.register_code_symbol( make_v8_to_blink_value(name, v8_value, argument.idl_type, argument=argument, cg_context=cg_context)) def bind_callback_local_vars(code_node, cg_context): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) S = SymbolNode T = TextNode F = FormatNode local_vars = [] template_vars = {} local_vars.extend([ S("blink_property_name", ("const AtomicString& ${blink_property_name} = " "ToCoreAtomicString(${v8_property_name}.As<v8::String>());")), S("class_like_name", ("const char* const ${class_like_name} = " "\"${class_like.identifier}\";")), S("current_context", ("v8::Local<v8::Context> ${current_context} = " "${isolate}->GetCurrentContext();")), S("current_script_state", ("ScriptState* ${current_script_state} = " "ScriptState::From(${current_context});")), S("isolate", "v8::Isolate* ${isolate} = ${info}.GetIsolate();"), S("non_undefined_argument_length", ("const int ${non_undefined_argument_length} = " "bindings::NonUndefinedArgumentLength(${info});")), S("per_context_data", ("V8PerContextData* ${per_context_data} = " "${script_state}->PerContextData();")), S("per_isolate_data", ("V8PerIsolateData* ${per_isolate_data} = " "V8PerIsolateData::From(${isolate});")), S("property_name", "const char* const ${property_name} = \"${property.identifier}\";"), S("receiver_context", ("v8::Local<v8::Context> ${receiver_context} = " "${v8_receiver}->CreationContext();")), S("receiver_script_state", ("ScriptState* ${receiver_script_state} = " "ScriptState::From(${receiver_context});")), ]) is_receiver_context = not ( (cg_context.member_like and cg_context.member_like.is_static) or cg_context.constructor) # creation_context pattern = "const v8::Local<v8::Context>& ${creation_context} = {_1};" _1 = "${receiver_context}" if is_receiver_context else "${current_context}" local_vars.append(S("creation_context", _format(pattern, _1=_1))) # creation_context_object text = ("${v8_receiver}" if is_receiver_context else "${current_context}->Global()") template_vars["creation_context_object"] = T(text) # script_state pattern = "ScriptState* ${script_state} = {_1};" _1 = ("${receiver_script_state}" if is_receiver_context else "${current_script_state}") local_vars.append(S("script_state", _format(pattern, _1=_1))) # execution_context pattern = "ExecutionContext* ${execution_context} = {_1};" _1 = ("${receiver_execution_context}" if is_receiver_context else "${current_execution_context}") local_vars.append(S("execution_context", _format(pattern, _1=_1))) node = S("current_execution_context", ("ExecutionContext* ${current_execution_context} = " "ExecutionContext::From(${current_context});")) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h" ])) local_vars.append(node) node = S("receiver_execution_context", ("ExecutionContext* ${receiver_execution_context} = " "ExecutionContext::From(${receiver_context});")) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h" ])) local_vars.append(node) # execution_context_of_document_tree pattern = "ExecutionContext* ${execution_context_of_document_tree} = {_1};" if is_receiver_context: _1 = "bindings::ExecutionContextFromV8Wrappable(${blink_receiver})" else: _1 = "${current_execution_context}" text = _format(pattern, _1=_1) local_vars.append(S("execution_context_of_document_tree", text)) # exception_state_context_type pattern = ( "const ExceptionState::ContextType ${exception_state_context_type} = " "{_1};") if cg_context.attribute_get: _1 = "ExceptionState::kGetterContext" elif cg_context.attribute_set: _1 = "ExceptionState::kSetterContext" elif cg_context.constructor_group: _1 = "ExceptionState::kConstructionContext" elif cg_context.indexed_property_getter: _1 = "ExceptionState::kIndexedGetterContext" elif cg_context.indexed_property_setter: _1 = "ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext" elif cg_context.named_property_getter: _1 = "ExceptionState::kNamedGetterContext" elif cg_context.named_property_setter: _1 = "ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext" elif cg_context.named_property_deleter: _1 = "ExceptionState::kNamedDeletionContext" else: _1 = "ExceptionState::kExecutionContext" local_vars.append( S("exception_state_context_type", _format(pattern, _1=_1))) # exception_state def create_exception_state(symbol_node): node = SymbolDefinitionNode(symbol_node) pattern = ("{exception_state_type} ${exception_state}({init_args});" "{exception_to_reject_promise}") exception_state_type = "ExceptionState" init_args = ["${isolate}", "${exception_state_context_type}"] exception_to_reject_promise = "" if (cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call or cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing): exception_state_type = "NoAllocDirectCallExceptionState" init_args.insert(0, "${blink_receiver}") node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/no_alloc_direct_call_exception_state.h" ])) if cg_context.is_named_constructor: init_args.append("\"{}\"".format(cg_context.property_.identifier)) else: init_args.append("${class_like_name}") if (cg_context.property_ and cg_context.property_.identifier and not cg_context.constructor_group): init_args.append("${property_name}") if cg_context.is_return_type_promise_type: exception_to_reject_promise = ( "\n" "ExceptionToRejectPromiseScope reject_promise_scope" "(${info}, ${exception_state});") node.append( F(pattern, exception_state_type=exception_state_type, init_args=", ".join(init_args), exception_to_reject_promise=exception_to_reject_promise)) return node local_vars.append( S("exception_state", definition_constructor=create_exception_state)) # blink_receiver if cg_context.class_like.identifier == "Window": # TODO(yukishiino): Window interface should be # [ImplementedAs=LocalDOMWindow] instead of [ImplementedAs=DOMWindow], # and [CrossOrigin] properties should be implemented specifically with # DOMWindow class. Then, we'll have less hacks. if (not cg_context.member_like or "CrossOrigin" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes): text = ("DOMWindow* ${blink_receiver} = " "${class_name}::ToWrappableUnsafe(${v8_receiver});") else: text = ("LocalDOMWindow* ${blink_receiver} = To<LocalDOMWindow>(" "${class_name}::ToWrappableUnsafe(${v8_receiver}));") else: pattern = ("{_1}* ${blink_receiver} = " "${class_name}::ToWrappableUnsafe(${v8_receiver});") _1 = blink_class_name(cg_context.class_like) text = _format(pattern, _1=_1) local_vars.append(S("blink_receiver", text)) # v8_property_value if cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext.V8_FUNCTION_CALLBACK: # In case of V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_SETTER_CALLBACK, |v8_property_value| is # defined as an argument. In case of V8_FUNCTION_CALLBACK (of IDL # attribute set function), |info[0]| is the value to be set. local_vars.append( S("v8_property_value", "v8::Local<v8::Value> ${v8_property_value} = ${info}[0];")) # v8_receiver if cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext.V8_FUNCTION_CALLBACK: # In case of v8::FunctionCallbackInfo, This() is the receiver object. local_vars.append( S("v8_receiver", "v8::Local<v8::Object> ${v8_receiver} = ${info}.This();")) else: # In case of v8::PropertyCallbackInfo, Holder() is the object that has # the property being processed. local_vars.append( S("v8_receiver", "v8::Local<v8::Object> ${v8_receiver} = ${info}.Holder();")) # v8_return_value def create_v8_return_value(symbol_node): return SymbolDefinitionNode( symbol_node, [ T("v8::Local<v8::Value> ${v8_return_value};"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( # cond=F( "!ToV8Traits<{}>::ToV8" "(${script_state}, ${return_value})" ".ToLocal(&${v8_return_value})", native_value_tag(cg_context.return_type)), body=T("return;")), ]) local_vars.append( S("v8_return_value", definition_constructor=create_v8_return_value)) # throw_security_error template_vars["throw_security_error"] = T( "BindingSecurity::FailedAccessCheckFor(" "${info}.GetIsolate(), " "${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), " "${info}.Holder());") code_node.add_template_vars(template_vars) # Allow implementation-specific symbol definitions to have priority. for symbol_node in local_vars: if symbol_node.name not in code_node.own_template_vars: code_node.register_code_symbol(symbol_node) def _make_reflect_content_attribute_key(code_node, cg_context): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) name = (cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes.value_of("Reflect") or cg_context.attribute.identifier.lower()) if cg_context.attribute_get and name in ("class", "id", "name"): return None if cg_context.class_like.identifier.startswith("SVG"): namespace = "svg_names" code_node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers( ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg_names.h"])) else: namespace = "html_names" code_node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers( ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/html_names.h"])) return "{}::{}".format(namespace, name_style.constant(name, "attr")) def _make_reflect_accessor_func_name(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert cg_context.attribute_get or cg_context.attribute_set if cg_context.attribute_get: name = (cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes.value_of("Reflect") or cg_context.attribute.identifier.lower()) if name in ("class", "id", "name"): return name_style.func("get", name, "attribute") if "URL" in cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes: return "GetURLAttribute" FAST_ACCESSORS = { "boolean": ("FastHasAttribute", "SetBooleanAttribute"), "long": ("GetIntegralAttribute", "SetIntegralAttribute"), "unsigned long": ("GetUnsignedIntegralAttribute", "SetUnsignedIntegralAttribute"), } idl_type = cg_context.attribute.idl_type.unwrap() accessors = FAST_ACCESSORS.get(idl_type.keyword_typename) if accessors: return accessors[0 if cg_context.attribute_get else 1] if (idl_type.is_interface and idl_type.type_definition_object.does_implement("Element")): if cg_context.attribute_get: return "GetElementAttribute" else: return "SetElementAttribute" if idl_type.element_type: element_type = idl_type.element_type.unwrap() if (element_type.is_interface and element_type.type_definition_object.does_implement("Element")): if cg_context.attribute_get: return "GetElementArrayAttribute" else: return "SetElementArrayAttribute" if cg_context.attribute_get: return "FastGetAttribute" else: return "setAttribute" def _make_reflect_process_keyword_state(cg_context): # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#keywords-and-enumerated-attributes assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert cg_context.attribute_get or cg_context.attribute_set T = TextNode F = FormatNode if not cg_context.attribute_get: return None ext_attrs = cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes keywords = ext_attrs.values_of("ReflectOnly") missing_default = ext_attrs.value_of("ReflectMissing") empty_default = ext_attrs.value_of("ReflectEmpty") invalid_default = ext_attrs.value_of("ReflectInvalid") def constant(keyword): if not keyword: return "g_empty_atom" return "keywords::{}".format(name_style.constant(keyword)) branches = CxxMultiBranchesNode() branches.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers( ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/keywords.h"])) nodes = [ T("// [ReflectOnly]"), T("const AtomicString reflect_value(${return_value}.LowerASCII());"), branches, ] if missing_default is not None: branches.append( cond="reflect_value.IsNull()", body=F("${return_value} = {};", constant(missing_default))) elif cg_context.return_type.unwrap(nullable=False).is_nullable: branches.append( cond="reflect_value.IsNull()", body=T("// Null string to IDL null.")) if empty_default is not None: branches.append( cond="reflect_value.IsEmpty()", body=F("${return_value} = {};", constant(empty_default))) expr = " || ".join( map(lambda keyword: "reflect_value == {}".format(constant(keyword)), keywords)) branches.append(cond=expr, body=T("${return_value} = reflect_value;")) if invalid_default is not None: branches.append( cond=True, body=F("${return_value} = {};", constant(invalid_default))) else: branches.append( cond=True, body=F("${return_value} = {};", constant(""))) return SequenceNode(nodes) def _make_blink_api_call(code_node, cg_context, num_of_args=None, overriding_args=None): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert num_of_args is None or isinstance(num_of_args, int) assert (overriding_args is None or (isinstance(overriding_args, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in overriding_args))) arguments = [] ext_attrs = cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes values = ext_attrs.values_of("CallWith") + ( ext_attrs.values_of("GetterCallWith") if cg_context.attribute_get else ext_attrs.values_of("SetterCallWith") if cg_context.attribute_set else ()) if "Isolate" in values: arguments.append("${isolate}") if "ScriptState" in values: arguments.append("${script_state}") if "ExecutionContext" in values: arguments.append("${execution_context}") if "Document" in values: arguments.append( "*bindings::ToDocumentFromExecutionContext(${execution_context})") if "ThisValue" in values: arguments.append("ScriptValue(${isolate}, ${v8_receiver})") code_generator_info = cg_context.member_like.code_generator_info is_partial = code_generator_info.defined_in_partial if (is_partial and not (cg_context.constructor or cg_context.member_like.is_static)): arguments.append("*${blink_receiver}") if "Reflect" in ext_attrs: # [Reflect] key = _make_reflect_content_attribute_key(code_node, cg_context) if key: arguments.append(key) if overriding_args is not None: arguments.extend(overriding_args) elif cg_context.attribute_get: pass elif cg_context.attribute_set: arguments.append("${arg1_value}") else: for index, argument in enumerate(cg_context.function_like.arguments): if num_of_args is not None and index == num_of_args: break name = name_style.arg_f("arg{}_{}", index + 1, argument.identifier) arguments.append(_format("${{{}}}", name)) if cg_context.is_return_by_argument: arguments.append("${return_value}") if cg_context.may_throw_exception: arguments.append("${exception_state}") func_name = backward_compatible_api_func(cg_context) if cg_context.constructor: if cg_context.is_named_constructor: func_name = "CreateForJSConstructor" else: func_name = "Create" if "Reflect" in ext_attrs: # [Reflect] func_name = _make_reflect_accessor_func_name(cg_context) if (cg_context.constructor or cg_context.member_like.is_static or is_partial): class_like = cg_context.member_like.owner_mixin or cg_context.class_like class_name = (code_generator_info.receiver_implemented_as or name_style.class_(class_like.identifier)) func_designator = "{}::{}".format(class_name, func_name) else: func_designator = _format("${blink_receiver}->{}", func_name) expr = _format("{_1}({_2})", _1=func_designator, _2=", ".join(arguments)) if cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing: expr = "\n".join([ # GCC extension: a compound statement enclosed in parentheses "({", "ThreadState::NoAllocationScope nadc_no_allocation_scope" "(ThreadState::Current());", "v8::Isolate::DisallowJavascriptExecutionScope " "nadc_disallow_js_exec_scope" "(${isolate}, " "v8::Isolate::DisallowJavascriptExecutionScope::CRASH_ON_FAILURE);", "blink::NoAllocDirectCallScope nadc_nadc_scope" "(${blink_receiver}, &${v8_fast_api_callback_options});", _format("{};", expr), "})", ]) return expr def bind_return_value(code_node, cg_context, overriding_args=None): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert (overriding_args is None or (isinstance(overriding_args, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in overriding_args))) T = TextNode F = FormatNode def create_definition(symbol_node): api_calls = [] # Pairs of (num_of_args, api_call_text) if overriding_args is None: arguments = (cg_context.function_like.arguments if cg_context.function_like else []) for index, arg in enumerate(arguments): if arg.is_optional and not arg.default_value: api_calls.append((index, _make_blink_api_call( code_node, cg_context, index))) api_calls.append((None, _make_blink_api_call( code_node, cg_context))) else: api_calls.append((None, _make_blink_api_call( code_node, cg_context, overriding_args=overriding_args))) nodes = [] is_return_type_void = ((not cg_context.return_type or cg_context.return_type.unwrap().is_void) and not cg_context.does_override_idl_return_type) if not (is_return_type_void or cg_context.does_override_idl_return_type): return_type = blink_type_info(cg_context.return_type).value_t if len(api_calls) == 1: _, api_call = api_calls[0] if is_return_type_void: nodes.append(F("{};", api_call)) elif cg_context.is_return_by_argument: nodes.append(F("{} ${return_value};", return_type)) nodes.append(F("{};", api_call)) elif "ReflectOnly" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: # [ReflectOnly] nodes.append(F("auto ${return_value} = {};", api_call)) else: nodes.append(F("auto&& ${return_value} = {};", api_call)) else: branches = SequenceNode() for index, api_call in api_calls: if is_return_type_void or cg_context.is_return_by_argument: assignment = "{};".format(api_call) else: assignment = _format("${return_value} = {};", api_call) if index is not None: branches.append( CxxLikelyIfNode( cond=_format( "${non_undefined_argument_length} <= {}", index), body=[ T(assignment), T("break;"), ])) else: branches.append(T(assignment)) if not is_return_type_void: nodes.append(F("{} ${return_value};", return_type)) nodes.append(CxxBreakableBlockNode(branches)) if cg_context.may_throw_exception: nodes.append( CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="${exception_state}.HadException()", body=T("return;"))) if "ReflectOnly" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: # [ReflectOnly] node = _make_reflect_process_keyword_state(cg_context) if node: nodes.append(EmptyNode()) nodes.append(node) return SymbolDefinitionNode(symbol_node, nodes) code_node.register_code_symbol( SymbolNode("return_value", definition_constructor=create_definition)) def make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) event_name = "{}.{}".format(cg_context.class_like.identifier, cg_context.property_.identifier) if cg_context.attribute_get: event_name = "{}.{}".format(event_name, "get") elif cg_context.attribute_set: event_name = "{}.{}".format(event_name, "set") elif cg_context.constructor_group and not cg_context.is_named_constructor: event_name = "{}.{}".format(cg_context.class_like.identifier, "constructor") return TextNode("BLINK_BINDINGS_TRACE_EVENT(\"{}\");".format(event_name)) def make_check_argument_length(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode F = FormatNode if cg_context.v8_callback_type != CodeGenContext.V8_FUNCTION_CALLBACK: return None if cg_context.attribute_get: num_of_required_args = 0 elif cg_context.attribute_set: idl_type = cg_context.attribute.idl_type if not (idl_type.does_include_nullable_or_dict or idl_type.unwrap().is_any or "LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull" in idl_type.unwrap().extended_attributes or "PutForwards" in cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes or "Replaceable" in cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes): # ES undefined in ${v8_property_value} will cause a TypeError # anyway, so omit the check against the number of arguments. return None num_of_required_args = 1 elif cg_context.function_like: num_of_required_args = ( cg_context.function_like.num_of_required_arguments) elif isinstance(cg_context.property_, web_idl.OverloadGroup): num_of_required_args = ( cg_context.property_.min_num_of_required_arguments) else: assert False if num_of_required_args == 0: return None return CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond=_format("UNLIKELY(${info}.Length() < {})", num_of_required_args), body=[ F(("${exception_state}.ThrowTypeError(" "ExceptionMessages::NotEnoughArguments" "({}, ${info}.Length()));"), num_of_required_args), T("return;"), ]) def make_check_constructor_call(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode node = SequenceNode([ CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="!${info}.IsConstructCall()", body=T("${exception_state}.ThrowTypeError(" "ExceptionMessages::ConstructorCalledAsFunction());\n" "return;")), ]) if not cg_context.is_named_constructor: node.append( CxxLikelyIfNode( cond=("ConstructorMode::Current(${isolate}) == " "ConstructorMode::kWrapExistingObject"), body=T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${v8_receiver});\n" "return;"))) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_object_constructor.h" ])) return node def make_check_receiver(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode if cg_context.member_like.is_static: return None if (cg_context.attribute and "LegacyLenientThis" in cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes): return SequenceNode([ T("// [LegacyLenientThis]"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="!${class_name}::HasInstance(${isolate}, ${v8_receiver})", body=T("return;")), ]) if cg_context.is_return_type_promise_type: return SequenceNode([ T("// Promise returning function: " "Convert a TypeError to a reject promise."), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="!${class_name}::HasInstance(${isolate}, ${v8_receiver})", body=[ T("${exception_state}.ThrowTypeError(" "\"Illegal invocation\");"), T("return;"), ]) ]) return None def make_check_security_of_return_value(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode check_security = cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes.value_of( "CheckSecurity") if check_security != "ReturnValue": return None web_feature = _format( "WebFeature::{}", name_style.constant("CrossOrigin", cg_context.class_like.identifier, cg_context.property_.identifier)) use_counter = _format( "UseCounter::Count(${current_execution_context}, {});", web_feature) cond = T("!BindingSecurity::ShouldAllowAccessTo(" "ToLocalDOMWindow(${current_context}), ${return_value}, " "BindingSecurity::ErrorReportOption::kDoNotReport)") body = [ T(use_counter), T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr);\n" "return;"), ] node = SequenceNode([ T("// [CheckSecurity=ReturnValue]"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond=cond, body=body), ]) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/binding_security.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/web_feature.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/use_counter.h", ])) return node def make_cooperative_scheduling_safepoint(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) node = TextNode("scheduler::CooperativeSchedulingManager::Instance()" "->Safepoint();") node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/cooperative_scheduling_manager.h" ])) return node def make_log_activity(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ ext_attrs = target.extended_attributes if "LogActivity" not in ext_attrs: return None target = ext_attrs.value_of("LogActivity") if target: assert target in ("GetterOnly", "SetterOnly") if ((target == "GetterOnly" and not cg_context.attribute_get) or (target == "SetterOnly" and not cg_context.attribute_set)): return None if (cg_context.for_world == cg_context.MAIN_WORLD and "LogAllWorlds" not in ext_attrs): return None pattern = "{_1}${per_context_data} && ${per_context_data}->ActivityLogger()" _1 = "" if (cg_context.attribute and "PerWorldBindings" not in ext_attrs and "LogAllWorlds" not in ext_attrs): _1 = "${script_state}->World().IsIsolatedWorld() && " cond = _format(pattern, _1=_1) pattern = "${per_context_data}->ActivityLogger()->{_1}(\"{_2}.{_3}\"{_4});" _2 = cg_context.class_like.identifier _3 = cg_context.property_.identifier if cg_context.attribute_get: _1 = "LogGetter" _4 = "" elif cg_context.attribute_set: _1 = "LogSetter" _4 = ", ${v8_property_value}" elif cg_context.operation_group: _1 = "LogMethod" _4 = ", ${info}" body = _format(pattern, _1=_1, _2=_2, _3=_3, _4=_4) pattern = ("// [LogActivity], [LogAllWorlds]\n" "if ({_1}) {{ {_2} }}") node = TextNode(_format(pattern, _1=cond, _2=body)) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_dom_activity_logger.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_per_context_data.h", ])) return node def _make_overload_dispatcher_per_arg_size(cg_context, items): """ https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-overload-resolution-algorithm Args: items: Partial list of an "effective overload set" with the same type list size. Returns: A pair of a resulting CodeNode and a boolean flag that is True if there exists a case that overload resolution will fail, i.e. a bailout that throws a TypeError is necessary. """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(items, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(item, web_idl.OverloadGroup.EffectiveOverloadItem) for item in items) # Variables shared with nested functions if len(items) > 1: arg_index = web_idl.OverloadGroup.distinguishing_argument_index(items) else: arg_index = None func_like = None dispatcher_nodes = SequenceNode() # True if there exists a case that overload resolution will fail. can_fail = True def find_test(item, test): # |test| is a callable that takes (t, u) where: # t = the idl_type (in the original form) # u = the unwrapped version of t idl_type = item.type_list[arg_index] t = idl_type u = idl_type.unwrap() return test(t, u) or (u.is_union and any( [test(m, m.unwrap()) for m in u.flattened_member_types])) def find(test): for item in items: if find_test(item, test): return item.function_like return None def find_all_interfaces(): result = [] # [(func_like, idl_type), ...] for item in items: idl_type = item.type_list[arg_index].unwrap() if idl_type.is_interface: result.append((item.function_like, idl_type)) if idl_type.is_union: for member_type in idl_type.flattened_member_types: if member_type.unwrap().is_interface: result.append((item.function_like, member_type.unwrap())) return result def make_node(pattern): value = _format("${info}[{}]", arg_index) func_name = callback_function_name( cg_context, overload_index=func_like.overload_index) return TextNode(_format(pattern, value=value, func_name=func_name)) def dispatch_if(expr): if expr is True: pattern = "return {func_name}(${info});" else: pattern = ("if (" + expr + ") {{\n" " return {func_name}(${info});\n" "}}") node = make_node(pattern) conditional = expr_from_exposure(func_like.exposure) if not conditional.is_always_true: node = CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond=conditional, body=node) dispatcher_nodes.append(node) return expr is True and conditional.is_always_true if len(items) == 1: func_like = items[0].function_like can_fail = False return make_node("return {func_name}(${info});"), can_fail # 12.2. If V is undefined, ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: t.is_optional) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsUndefined()") # 12.3. if V is null or undefined, ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: t.does_include_nullable_or_dict) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsNullOrUndefined()") # 12.4. if V is a platform object, ... def inheritance_length(func_and_type): return (len(func_and_type[1].type_definition_object. inclusive_inherited_interfaces), func_and_type[1].type_definition_object.identifier) # Attempt to match from most derived to least derived. for func_like, idl_type in sorted( find_all_interfaces(), key=inheritance_length, reverse=True): v8_bridge_name = v8_bridge_class_name( idl_type.unwrap().type_definition_object) dispatch_if( _format("{}::HasInstance(${isolate}, {value})", v8_bridge_name)) # V8 specific optimization: BufferSource = ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer is_typedef_name = lambda t, name: t.is_typedef and t.identifier == name func_like = find( lambda t, u: is_typedef_name(t.unwrap(typedef=False), "BufferSource")) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsArrayBufferView() || " "{value}->IsArrayBuffer() || " "{value}->IsSharedArrayBuffer()") else: # 12.5. if Type(V) is Object, V has an [[ArrayBufferData]] internal # slot, ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_array_buffer) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsArrayBuffer() || " "{value}->IsSharedArrayBuffer()") # V8 specific optimization: ArrayBufferView func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_array_buffer_view) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsArrayBufferView()") # 12.6. if Type(V) is Object, V has a [[DataView]] internal slot, ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_data_view) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsDataView()") # 12.7. if Type(V) is Object, V has a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, ... typed_array_types = ("Int8Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Float32Array", "Float64Array") for typed_array_type in typed_array_types: func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.keyword_typename == typed_array_type) if func_like: dispatch_if(_format("{value}->Is{}()", typed_array_type)) # 12.8. if IsCallable(V) is true, ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_callback_function) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsFunction()") # 12.9. if Type(V) is Object and ... @@iterator ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_sequence or u.is_frozen_array) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsArray() || " # Excessive optimization "bindings::IsEsIterableObject" "(${isolate}, {value}, ${exception_state})") dispatcher_nodes.append( CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond="${exception_state}.HadException()", body=TextNode("return;"))) # 12.10. if Type(V) is Object and ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_callback_interface or u.is_dictionary or u.is_record or u.is_object) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsObject()") # 12.11. if Type(V) is Boolean and ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_boolean) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsBoolean()") # 12.12. if Type(V) is Number and ... func_like = find(lambda t, u: u.is_numeric) if func_like: dispatch_if("{value}->IsNumber()") # 12.13. if there is an entry in S that has ... a string type ... # 12.14. if there is an entry in S that has ... a numeric type ... # 12.15. if there is an entry in S that has ... boolean ... # 12.16. if there is an entry in S that has any ... func_likes = [ find(lambda t, u: u.is_enumeration), find(lambda t, u: u.is_string), find(lambda t, u: u.is_numeric), find(lambda t, u: u.is_boolean), find(lambda t, u: u.is_any), ] for func_like in func_likes: if func_like: if dispatch_if(True): can_fail = False break return dispatcher_nodes, can_fail def make_overload_dispatcher(cg_context): # https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-overload-resolution-algorithm assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode F = FormatNode overload_group = cg_context.property_ items = overload_group.effective_overload_set() args_size = lambda item: len(item.type_list) items_grouped_by_arg_size = itertools.groupby( sorted(items, key=args_size, reverse=True), key=args_size) # TODO(yukishiino): Runtime-enabled features should be taken into account # when calculating the max argument size. max_arg_size = max(map(args_size, items)) arg_count_def = F("const int arg_count = std::min(${info}.Length(), {});", max_arg_size) branches = SequenceNode() did_use_break = False for arg_size, items in items_grouped_by_arg_size: items = list(items) node, can_fail = _make_overload_dispatcher_per_arg_size( cg_context, items) if arg_size > 0: node = CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="arg_count == {}".format(arg_size), body=[node, T("break;") if can_fail else None]) did_use_break = did_use_break or can_fail conditional = expr_or( list( map( lambda item: expr_from_exposure(item.function_like.exposure ), items))) if not conditional.is_always_true: node = CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond=conditional, body=node) branches.append(node) if did_use_break: branches = CxxBreakableBlockNode(branches) branches = SequenceNode([ arg_count_def, branches, ]) if not did_use_break and arg_size == 0 and conditional.is_always_true: return branches return SequenceNode([ branches, EmptyNode(), make_check_argument_length(cg_context), T("${exception_state}.ThrowTypeError" "(\"Overload resolution failed.\");\n" "return;"), ]) def make_report_coop_access(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) if cg_context.class_like.identifier != "Window": return None ext_attrs = cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes if "CrossOrigin" not in ext_attrs: return None values = ext_attrs.values_of("CrossOrigin") if (cg_context.attribute_get and not (not values or "Getter" in values)): return None elif (cg_context.attribute_set and not ("Setter" in values)): return None return TextNode("${blink_receiver}->ReportCoopAccess(${property_name});") def make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ name = target.extended_attributes.value_of("DeprecateAs") if not name: return None pattern = ("// [DeprecateAs]\n" "Deprecation::CountDeprecation(" "${current_execution_context}, WebFeature::k{_1});") _1 = name node = TextNode(_format(pattern, _1=_1)) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers( ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/deprecation.h"])) return node def _make_measure_web_feature_constant(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ ext_attrs = target.extended_attributes suffix = "" if cg_context.attribute_get: suffix = "_AttributeGetter" elif cg_context.attribute_set: suffix = "_AttributeSetter" elif cg_context.constructor: suffix = "_Constructor" elif cg_context.exposed_construct: suffix = "_ConstructorGetter" elif cg_context.operation: suffix = "_Method" name = ext_attrs.value_of("MeasureAs") or ext_attrs.value_of("Measure") if name: name = "k{}".format(name) elif cg_context.constructor: name = "kV8{}{}".format(cg_context.class_like.identifier, suffix) else: name = "kV8{}_{}{}".format( cg_context.class_like.identifier, name_style.raw.upper_camel_case(cg_context.property_.identifier), suffix) return "WebFeature::{}".format(name) def make_report_high_entropy(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ ext_attrs = target.extended_attributes if cg_context.attribute_set or "HighEntropy" not in ext_attrs: return None assert "Measure" in ext_attrs or "MeasureAs" in ext_attrs, "{}: {}".format( cg_context.idl_location_and_name, "[HighEntropy] must be specified with either [Measure] or " "[MeasureAs].") if ext_attrs.value_of("HighEntropy") == "Direct": text = _format( "// [HighEntropy=Direct]\n" "Dactyloscoper::RecordDirectSurface(" "${current_execution_context}, {measure_constant}, " "${return_value});", measure_constant=_make_measure_web_feature_constant(cg_context)) else: text = _format( "// [HighEntropy]\n" "Dactyloscoper::Record(" "${current_execution_context}, {measure_constant});", measure_constant=_make_measure_web_feature_constant(cg_context)) node = TextNode(text) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers( ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/dactyloscoper.h"])) return node def make_report_measure_as(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ ext_attrs = target.extended_attributes if not ("Measure" in ext_attrs or "MeasureAs" in ext_attrs): return None text = _format( "// [Measure], [MeasureAs]\n" "UseCounter::Count(${current_execution_context}, {measure_constant});", measure_constant=_make_measure_web_feature_constant(cg_context)) node = TextNode(text) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/web_feature.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/use_counter.h", ])) return node def make_return_value_cache_return_early(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) pred = cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes.value_of( "CachedAttribute") if pred: return TextNode("""\ // [CachedAttribute] static const V8PrivateProperty::SymbolKey kPrivatePropertyCachedAttribute; auto&& v8_private_cached_attribute = V8PrivateProperty::GetSymbol(${isolate}, kPrivatePropertyCachedAttribute); if (!${blink_receiver}->""" + pred + """()) { v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value; if (!v8_private_cached_attribute.GetOrUndefined(${v8_receiver}) .ToLocal(&v8_value)) { return; } if (!v8_value->IsUndefined()) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_value); return; } }""") if "SaveSameObject" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: return TextNode("""\ // [SaveSameObject] static const V8PrivateProperty::SymbolKey kPrivatePropertySaveSameObject; auto&& v8_private_save_same_object = V8PrivateProperty::GetSymbol(${isolate}, kPrivatePropertySaveSameObject); { v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value; if (!v8_private_save_same_object.GetOrUndefined(${v8_receiver}) .ToLocal(&v8_value)) { return; } if (!v8_value->IsUndefined()) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_value); return; } }""") def make_return_value_cache_update_value(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) if "CachedAttribute" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: return TextNode("// [CachedAttribute]\n" "v8_private_cached_attribute.Set" "(${v8_receiver}, ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get());") if "SaveSameObject" in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: return TextNode("// [SaveSameObject]\n" "v8_private_save_same_object.Set" "(${v8_receiver}, ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get());") def make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context, overriding_name=None): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert _is_none_or_str(overriding_name) target = cg_context.member_like or cg_context.property_ suffix = "" if cg_context.attribute_get: suffix = "_Getter" elif cg_context.attribute_set: suffix = "_Setter" elif cg_context.exposed_construct: suffix = "_ConstructorGetterCallback" counter = (target and target.extended_attributes.value_of("RuntimeCallStatsCounter")) if counter: macro_name = "RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE" counter_name = "RuntimeCallStats::CounterId::k{}{}".format( counter, suffix) else: macro_name = "RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT" counter_name = "\"Blink_{}_{}{}\"".format( blink_class_name(cg_context.class_like), overriding_name or target.identifier, suffix) return TextNode( _format( "{macro_name}(${info}.GetIsolate(), {counter_name});", macro_name=macro_name, counter_name=counter_name)) def make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert (cg_context.attribute_set or cg_context.operation or cg_context.indexed_property_setter or cg_context.named_property_setter or cg_context.named_property_deleter) if "CEReactions" not in cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes: return None nodes = [ TextNode("// [CEReactions]"), TextNode("CEReactionsScope ce_reactions_scope;"), ] nodes[-1].accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/custom/ce_reactions_scope.h" ])) # CEReactions scope is not tolerant of V8 exception, so it's necessary to # invoke custom element reactions before throwing an exception. Thus, put # an ExceptionState before CEReactions scope. nodes.insert(0, WeakDependencyNode(dep_syms=["exception_state"])) return SequenceNode(nodes) def make_steps_of_put_forwards(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode return SequenceNode([ T("// [PutForwards]"), T("v8::Local<v8::Value> target;"), T("if (!${v8_receiver}->Get(${current_context}, " "V8AtomicString(${isolate}, ${property_name}))" ".ToLocal(&target)) {\n" " return;\n" "}"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="!target->IsObject()", body=[ T("${exception_state}.ThrowTypeError(" "\"The attribute value is not an object\");"), T("return;"), ]), T("bool did_set;"), T("if (!target.As<v8::Object>()->Set(${current_context}, " "V8AtomicString(${isolate}, " "\"${attribute.extended_attributes.value_of(\"PutForwards\")}\"" "), ${v8_property_value}).To(&did_set)) {{\n" " return;\n" "}}"), ]) def make_steps_of_replaceable(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode return SequenceNode([ T("// [Replaceable]"), T("bool did_create;"), T("if (!${v8_receiver}->CreateDataProperty(${current_context}, " "V8AtomicString(${isolate}, ${property_name}), " "${v8_property_value}).To(&did_create)) {\n" " return;\n" "}"), ]) def make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode F = FormatNode if cg_context.does_override_idl_return_type: return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${return_value});") if not cg_context.return_type or cg_context.return_type.unwrap().is_void: # Request a SymbolNode |return_value| to define itself without # rendering any text. return T("<% return_value.request_symbol_definition() %>") operation = cg_context.operation if operation and (operation.is_setter or operation.is_deleter): # Blink implementation returns in a type different from the IDL type. # Namely, IndexedPropertySetterResult, NamedPropertySetterResult, and # NamedPropertyDeleterResult are returned ignoring the operation's # return type. return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${return_value});") return_type = cg_context.return_type if return_type.is_typedef: if return_type.identifier in ("EventHandler", "OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler", "OnErrorEventHandler"): return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${return_value}, " "${isolate}, ${blink_receiver});") # [CheckSecurity=ReturnValue] # # The returned object must be wrapped in its own realm instead of the # receiver object's relevant realm or the current realm. # # [CheckSecurity=ReturnValue] is used only for 'contentDocument' attribute # and 'getSVGDocument' operation of HTML{IFrame,Frame,Object,Embed}Element # interfaces, and Window.frameElement attribute, so far. # # All the interfaces above except for Window support 'contentWindow' # attribute and that's the global object of the creation context of the # returned V8 wrapper. Window.frameElement is implemented with [Custom] # for now and there is no need to support it. # # Note that the global object has its own context and there is no need to # pass the creation context to ToV8. if (cg_context.member_like.extended_attributes.value_of("CheckSecurity") == "ReturnValue"): condition = F( "!ToV8Traits<{}>::ToV8(ToScriptState(To<LocalFrame>(" "${blink_receiver}->contentWindow()->GetFrame()), " "${script_state}->World()), ${return_value})" ".ToLocal(&v8_value)", native_value_tag(return_type)) node = CxxBlockNode([ T("// [CheckSecurity=ReturnValue]"), T("DCHECK(IsA<LocalFrame>(" "${blink_receiver}->contentWindow()->GetFrame()));"), T("v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value;"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond=condition, body=T("return;")), T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_value);"), ]) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h", ])) return node return_type = return_type.unwrap(typedef=True) return_type_body = return_type.unwrap() PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TO_CXX_TYPE = { "boolean": "bool", "byte": "int8_t", "octet": "uint8_t", "short": "int16_t", "unsigned short": "uint16_t", "long": "int32_t", "unsigned long": "uint32_t", "long long": "int64_t", "unsigned long long": "uint64_t", "float": "float", "unrestricted float": "float", "double": "double", "unrestricted double": "double", } cxx_type = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TO_CXX_TYPE.get( return_type_body.keyword_typename) if cxx_type: return F( "bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${return_value}, " "bindings::V8ReturnValue::PrimitiveType<{cxx_type}>());", cxx_type=cxx_type) if return_type_body.is_string or return_type_body.is_enumeration: args = ["${info}", "${return_value}", "${isolate}"] if return_type.is_nullable: args.append("bindings::V8ReturnValue::kNullable") else: args.append("bindings::V8ReturnValue::kNonNullable") return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue({});".format(", ".join(args))) if return_type_body.is_interface: args = ["${info}", "${return_value}"] if return_type_body.identifier == "Window": args.append("${blink_receiver}") args.append("bindings::V8ReturnValue::kMaybeCrossOriginWindow") elif cg_context.constructor or cg_context.member_like.is_static: args.append("${creation_context}") elif cg_context.for_world == cg_context.MAIN_WORLD: args.append("bindings::V8ReturnValue::kMainWorld") else: args.append("${blink_receiver}") return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue({});".format(", ".join(args))) if return_type.is_any or return_type_body.is_object: return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${return_value});") if return_type.is_promise: return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue" "(${info}, ${return_value}.V8Value());") return T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${v8_return_value});") def _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) if cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext.V8_FUNCTION_CALLBACK: arg_decls = ["const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] elif (cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext. V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK): arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] elif (cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext. V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_SETTER_CALLBACK): arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_value", "info"] elif (cg_context.v8_callback_type == CodeGenContext. V8_GENERIC_NAMED_PROPERTY_SETTER_CALLBACK): arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_value", "info"] if cg_context.no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing: arg_decls.append( "v8::FastApiCallbackOptions& v8_fast_api_callback_options") arg_names.append("v8_fast_api_callback_options") func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void") func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body for arg_name in arg_names: body.add_template_var(arg_name, arg_name) bind_callback_local_vars(body, cg_context) if cg_context.attribute or cg_context.function_like: bind_blink_api_arguments(body, cg_context) bind_return_value(body, cg_context) return func_def def make_attribute_get_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body body.extend([ make_check_receiver(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), make_report_coop_access(cg_context), make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) if "Getter" in cg_context.property_.extended_attributes.values_of( "Custom"): text = _format("${class_name}::{}(${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_def body.extend([ make_return_value_cache_return_early(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_check_security_of_return_value(cg_context), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), make_report_high_entropy(cg_context), make_return_value_cache_update_value(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_attribute_set_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) ext_attrs = cg_context.attribute.extended_attributes if cg_context.attribute.is_readonly and not any( ext_attr in ext_attrs for ext_attr in ("LegacyLenientSetter", "PutForwards", "Replaceable")): return None func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body if "LegacyLenientSetter" in ext_attrs: body.append(TextNode("// [LegacyLenientSetter]")) return func_def body.extend([ make_check_receiver(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) if "Setter" in cg_context.property_.extended_attributes.values_of( "Custom"): text = _format("${class_name}::{}(${v8_property_value}, ${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_def # Binary size reduction hack # 1. Drop the check of argument length although this is a violation of # Web IDL. # 2. Leverage the nature of [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull] (ES to IDL # conversion never fails). if (cg_context.attribute.idl_type.is_typedef and (cg_context.attribute.idl_type.identifier in ( "EventHandler", "OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler", "OnErrorEventHandler"))): body.extend([ TextNode("""\ EventListener* event_handler = JSEventHandler::CreateOrNull( ${v8_property_value}, JSEventHandler::HandlerType::k${attribute.idl_type.identifier});\ """), ]) code_generator_info = cg_context.attribute.code_generator_info func_name = name_style.api_func("set", cg_context.attribute.identifier) if code_generator_info.defined_in_partial: class_name = (code_generator_info.receiver_implemented_as or name_style.class_( cg_context.attribute.owner_mixin.identifier)) text = _format( "{class_name}::{func_name}" "(*${blink_receiver}, event_handler);", class_name=class_name, func_name=func_name) else: text = _format("${blink_receiver}->{func_name}(event_handler);", func_name=func_name) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_def # Binary size reduction hack # When the following conditions are met, the implementation is shared. # 1. The attribute is annotated with [CEReactions, Reflect] and not # annotated with other extended attributes having side effect. # 2. The interface is implementing Element. def optimize_element_cereactions_reflect(): has_cereactions = False has_reflect = False for key in ext_attrs.keys(): if key == "CEReactions": has_cereactions = True elif key == "Reflect": has_reflect = True elif key in ("Affects", "CrossOriginIsolated", "DeprecateAs", "DirectSocketEnabled", "Exposed", "LogActivity", "LogAllWorlds", "Measure", "MeasureAs", "ReflectEmpty", "ReflectInvalid", "ReflectMissing", "ReflectOnly", "RuntimeCallStatsCounter", "RuntimeEnabled", "SecureContext", "URL", "Unscopable"): pass else: return None if not (has_cereactions and has_reflect): return None if not cg_context.interface.does_implement("Element"): return None content_attribute = _make_reflect_content_attribute_key( body, cg_context) idl_type = cg_context.attribute.idl_type.unwrap(typedef=True) if idl_type.is_boolean: func_name = "PerformAttributeSetCEReactionsReflectTypeBoolean" elif idl_type.type_name == "String": func_name = "PerformAttributeSetCEReactionsReflectTypeString" elif idl_type.type_name == "StringTreatNullAs": func_name = ("PerformAttributeSetCEReactionsReflect" "TypeStringLegacyNullToEmptyString") elif idl_type.type_name == "StringOrNull": func_name = "PerformAttributeSetCEReactionsReflectTypeStringOrNull" else: return None text = _format( "bindings::{func_name}" "(${info}, {content_attribute}, " "${class_like_name}, ${property_name});", func_name=func_name, content_attribute=content_attribute) return TextNode(text) node = optimize_element_cereactions_reflect() if node: body.append(node) return func_def body.extend([ make_check_argument_length(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) if "PutForwards" in ext_attrs: body.append(make_steps_of_put_forwards(cg_context)) return func_def if "Replaceable" in ext_attrs: body.append(make_steps_of_replaceable(cg_context)) return func_def body.extend([ make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_constant_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) logging_nodes = SequenceNode([ make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), ]) if not logging_nodes: return None func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body v8_set_return_value = _format( "bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, ${class_name}::Constant::{});", constant_name(cg_context)) body.extend([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), logging_nodes, EmptyNode(), TextNode(v8_set_return_value), make_report_high_entropy(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_constant_constant_def(cg_context, constant_name): # IDL constant's C++ constant definition assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(constant_name, str) constant_type = blink_type_info(cg_context.constant.idl_type).value_t return TextNode("static constexpr {type} {name} = {value};".format( type=constant_type, name=constant_name, value=cg_context.constant.value.literal)) def make_overload_dispatcher_function_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body if cg_context.operation_group: body.append(make_operation_entry(cg_context)) body.append(EmptyNode()) body.append(make_cooperative_scheduling_safepoint(cg_context)) body.append(EmptyNode()) if cg_context.constructor_group: body.append(make_constructor_entry(cg_context)) body.append(EmptyNode()) body.append(make_overload_dispatcher(cg_context)) return func_def def make_constructor_entry(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) return SequenceNode([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_check_constructor_call(cg_context), ]) def make_constructor_function_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) T = TextNode func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body if len(cg_context.constructor_group) == 1: body.append(make_constructor_entry(cg_context)) body.append(EmptyNode()) body.extend([ make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_check_argument_length(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) if "HTMLConstructor" in cg_context.constructor.extended_attributes: body.append(T("// [HTMLConstructor]")) text = _format( "V8HTMLConstructor::HtmlConstructor(" "${info}, *${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), " "HTMLElementType::{});", name_style.constant(cg_context.class_like.identifier)) body.append(T(text)) body.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_html_constructor.h" ])) else: body.append( T("v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_wrapper = " "${return_value}->AssociateWithWrapper(${isolate}, " "${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), ${v8_receiver});")) body.append(T("bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_wrapper);")) return func_def def make_constructor_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) constructor_group = cg_context.constructor_group if len(constructor_group) == 1: return make_constructor_function_def( cg_context.make_copy(constructor=constructor_group[0]), function_name) node = SequenceNode() for constructor in constructor_group: cgc = cg_context.make_copy(constructor=constructor) node.extend([ make_constructor_function_def( cgc, callback_function_name( cgc, overload_index=constructor.overload_index)), EmptyNode(), ]) node.append( make_overload_dispatcher_function_def(cg_context, function_name)) return node def make_exposed_construct_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body if (cg_context.exposed_construct.is_interface or cg_context.exposed_construct.is_callback_interface): tag = "bindings::V8ReturnValue::kInterfaceObject" elif cg_context.exposed_construct.is_namespace: tag = "bindings::V8ReturnValue::kNamespaceObject" else: assert False v8_set_return_value = _format( "bindings::V8SetReturnValue" "(${info}, {bridge}::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), {tag});", bridge=v8_bridge_class_name(cg_context.exposed_construct), tag=tag) body.extend([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), TextNode(v8_set_return_value), ]) return func_def def make_named_constructor_property_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body body.extend([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) constructor_group = cg_context.exposed_construct assert isinstance(constructor_group, web_idl.ConstructorGroup) assert isinstance(constructor_group.owner, web_idl.Interface) named_ctor_v8_bridge = v8_bridge_class_name(constructor_group.owner) cgc = CodeGenContext( interface=constructor_group.owner, constructor_group=constructor_group, is_named_constructor=True, class_name=named_ctor_v8_bridge) named_ctor_name = callback_function_name(cgc) named_ctor_def = make_constructor_callback_def(cgc, named_ctor_name) return_value_cache_return_early = """\ static const V8PrivateProperty::SymbolKey kPrivatePropertyNamedConstructor; auto&& v8_private_named_constructor = V8PrivateProperty::GetSymbol(${isolate}, kPrivatePropertyNamedConstructor); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_named_constructor; if (!v8_private_named_constructor.GetOrUndefined(${v8_receiver}) .ToLocal(&v8_named_constructor)) { return; } if (!v8_named_constructor->IsUndefined()) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_named_constructor); return; } """ pattern = """\ v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value; if (!bindings::CreateNamedConstructorFunction( ${script_state}, {callback}, "{func_name}", {func_length}, {v8_bridge}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()) .ToLocal(&v8_value)) { return; } bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_value); """ create_named_constructor_function = _format( pattern, callback=named_ctor_name, func_name=constructor_group.identifier, func_length=constructor_group.min_num_of_required_arguments, v8_bridge=named_ctor_v8_bridge) return_value_cache_update_value = """\ v8_private_named_constructor.Set(${v8_receiver}, v8_value); """ body.extend([ TextNode(return_value_cache_return_early), TextNode(create_named_constructor_function), TextNode(return_value_cache_update_value), ]) return SequenceNode([named_ctor_def, EmptyNode(), func_def]) def list_no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks(cg_context): """ Returns a list of [NoAllocDirectCall] callback functions to be registered at V8, including all overloaded operations annotated with [NoAllocDirectCall] and their variants of optional arguments. Example: Given the following Web IDL fragments, void f(DOMString); // (a) [NoAllocDirectCall] void f(Node node); // (b) [NoAllocDirectCall] void f(optional long a, optional long b); // (c) the following callback functions should be generated, void F(v8::Local<v8::Value> node); // (b) void F(); // (c) void F(int32_t a); // (c) void F(int32_t a, int32_t b); // (c) thus the following entries are returned. [ Entry(operation=(b), argument_count=1), # overload_index=2 Entry(operation=(c), argument_count=2), # overload_index=3 Entry(operation=(c), argument_count=1), # overload_index=3 Entry(operation=(c), argument_count=0), # overload_index=3 ] """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) class Entry(object): def __init__(self, operation, argument_count): self.operation = operation self.argument_count = argument_count self.callback_name = callback_function_name( cg_context, overload_index=self.operation.overload_index, argument_count=self.argument_count) entries = [] for operation in cg_context.operation_group: if "NoAllocDirectCall" not in operation.extended_attributes: continue for argument in reversed(operation.arguments): entries.append(Entry(operation, argument.index + 1)) if not argument.is_optional: break else: entries.append(Entry(operation, 0)) return entries def make_no_alloc_direct_call_callback_def(cg_context, function_name, argument_count): """ Args: cg_context: A CodeGenContext of the target IDL construct. function_name: The function name to be produced. argument_count: The number of arguments that the produced function takes, which may be different from the number of arguments of the target cg_context.function_like due to optional arguments. """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(argument_count, int) S = SymbolNode T = TextNode F = FormatNode function_like = cg_context.function_like class ArgumentInfo(object): def __init__(self, v8_type, v8_arg_name, blink_arg_name, symbol_node): self.v8_type = v8_type self.v8_arg_name = v8_arg_name self.blink_arg_name = blink_arg_name self.symbol_node = symbol_node def v8_type_and_symbol_node(argument, v8_arg_name, blink_arg_name): if argument.idl_type.unwrap().is_interface: return ("v8::Local<v8::Value>", make_v8_to_blink_value(blink_arg_name, "${{{}}}".format(v8_arg_name), argument.idl_type, argument=argument, cg_context=cg_context)) else: return (blink_type_info(argument.idl_type).value_t, S(blink_arg_name, "auto&& {} = {};".format(blink_arg_name, v8_arg_name))) arg_list = [] for argument in function_like.arguments: if not (argument.index < argument_count): break blink_arg_name = name_style.arg_f("arg{}_{}", argument.index + 1, argument.identifier) v8_arg_name = name_style.arg_f("v8_arg{}_{}", argument.index + 1, argument.identifier) v8_type, symbol_node = v8_type_and_symbol_node(argument, v8_arg_name, blink_arg_name) arg_list.append( ArgumentInfo(v8_type, v8_arg_name, blink_arg_name, symbol_node)) arg_decls = (["v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_arg0_receiver"] + list( map(lambda arg: "{} {}".format(arg.v8_type, arg.v8_arg_name), arg_list)) + ["v8::FastApiCallbackOptions& v8_arg_callback_options"]) return_type = ("void" if function_like.return_type.is_void else blink_type_info(function_like.return_type).value_t) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body for arg in arg_list: body.add_template_var(arg.v8_arg_name, arg.v8_arg_name) body.register_code_symbol(arg.symbol_node) body.add_template_vars({ "v8_arg0_receiver": "v8_arg0_receiver", "v8_arg_callback_options": "v8_arg_callback_options" }) body.register_code_symbols([ S("blink_receiver", (_format( "{}* ${blink_receiver} = " "${class_name}::ToWrappableUnsafe(${v8_receiver});", blink_class_name(cg_context.interface)))), S("isolate", "v8::Isolate* ${isolate} = ${v8_receiver}->GetIsolate();"), S("v8_receiver", ("v8::Local<v8::Object> ${v8_receiver} = " "${v8_arg0_receiver};")), ]) bind_callback_local_vars(body, cg_context) body.extend([ T("ThreadState::NoAllocationScope " "thread_no_alloc_scope(ThreadState::Current());"), T("v8::Isolate::DisallowJavascriptExecutionScope no_js_exec_scope(" "${isolate}, " "v8::Isolate::DisallowJavascriptExecutionScope::CRASH_ON_FAILURE);"), T("blink::NoAllocDirectCallScope no_alloc_direct_call_scope(" "${blink_receiver}, &${v8_arg_callback_options});"), EmptyNode(), ]) blink_arguments = list( map(lambda arg: "${{{}}}".format(arg.blink_arg_name), arg_list)) # If there are following optional arguments with default values, append # them filled with the default values. for argument in function_like.arguments[argument_count:]: if not argument.default_value: break blink_arg_name = name_style.arg_f("arg{}_{}", argument.index + 1, argument.identifier) default_expr = make_default_value_expr(argument.idl_type, argument.default_value) body.register_code_symbol( S((blink_arg_name), "auto&& {}{{{}}};".format(blink_arg_name, default_expr.initializer_expr))) blink_arguments.append("${{{}}}".format(blink_arg_name)) if cg_context.may_throw_exception: blink_arguments.append("${exception_state}") body.append( F("${blink_receiver}->{member_func}({blink_arguments});", member_func=backward_compatible_api_func(cg_context), blink_arguments=", ".join(blink_arguments))) if cg_context.may_throw_exception: body.append( CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="UNLIKELY(${exception_state}.HadException())", body=T("return;"))) return func_def def make_no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body body.extend([ make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) node = ListNode([ TextNode("#if DCHECK_IS_ON()"), func_def, TextNode("#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()"), ]) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers(["base/dcheck_is_on.h"])) return node def make_no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing_call(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) T = TextNode F = FormatNode if "NoAllocDirectCall" not in cg_context.operation.extended_attributes: return None scope = SymbolScopeNode() scope.register_code_symbol( SymbolNode( "v8_fast_api_callback_options", "v8::FastApiCallbackOptions ${v8_fast_api_callback_options}" " = v8::FastApiCallbackOptions::CreateForTesting(${isolate});")) scope.extend([ F(("{}(${info}, ${v8_fast_api_callback_options});"), callback_function_name( cg_context.make_copy(no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing=True), overload_index=cg_context.operation.overload_index)), CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond="${blink_receiver}->HasDeferredActions()", body=[ T("${blink_receiver}->FlushDeferredActions();"), T("return;"), ]), CxxLikelyIfNode(cond="!${v8_fast_api_callback_options}.fallback", body=T("return;")), ]) return ListNode([ T("#if DCHECK_IS_ON()"), T("// [NoAllocDirectCall]"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode(cond=("RuntimeEnabledFeatures::" "FakeNoAllocDirectCallForTestingEnabled()"), body=scope), T("#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()"), ]) def make_no_alloc_direct_call_flush_deferred_actions(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) if "NoAllocDirectCall" not in cg_context.operation.extended_attributes: return None return SequenceNode([ TextNode("// [NoAllocDirectCall]"), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="UNLIKELY(${blink_receiver}->HasDeferredActions())", body=[ TextNode("${blink_receiver}->FlushDeferredActions();"), TextNode("return;"), ]), ]) def make_operation_entry(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) return SequenceNode([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context), make_bindings_trace_event(cg_context), ]) def make_operation_function_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = _make_empty_callback_def(cg_context, function_name) body = func_def.body if not cg_context.operation_group or len(cg_context.operation_group) == 1: body.append(make_operation_entry(cg_context)) body.append(EmptyNode()) body.extend([ make_check_receiver(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_report_coop_access(cg_context), make_report_deprecate_as(cg_context), make_report_measure_as(cg_context), make_log_activity(cg_context), EmptyNode(), ]) if "Custom" in cg_context.property_.extended_attributes: text = _format("${class_name}::{}(${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_def body.extend([ make_no_alloc_direct_call_flush_deferred_actions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_check_argument_length(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing_call(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_check_security_of_return_value(cg_context), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), make_report_high_entropy(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_operation_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) operation_group = cg_context.operation_group assert (not ("Custom" in operation_group.extended_attributes) or len(operation_group) == 1) nodes = SequenceNode() if "NoAllocDirectCall" in operation_group.extended_attributes: for entry in list_no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks(cg_context): cgc = cg_context.make_copy(operation=entry.operation, no_alloc_direct_call=True) nodes.extend([ make_no_alloc_direct_call_callback_def( cgc, callback_function_name( cgc, overload_index=entry.operation.overload_index, argument_count=entry.argument_count), argument_count=entry.argument_count), EmptyNode(), ]) for operation in operation_group: if "NoAllocDirectCall" not in operation.extended_attributes: continue cgc = cg_context.make_copy(operation=operation, no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing=True) nodes.extend([ make_no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing_callback_def( cgc, callback_function_name( cgc, overload_index=operation.overload_index)), EmptyNode(), ]) if len(operation_group) == 1: nodes.append( make_operation_function_def( cg_context.make_copy(operation=operation_group[0]), function_name)) return nodes for operation in operation_group: cgc = cg_context.make_copy(operation=operation) nodes.extend([ make_operation_function_def( cgc, callback_function_name( cgc, overload_index=operation.overload_index)), EmptyNode(), ]) nodes.append( make_overload_dispatcher_function_def(cg_context, function_name)) return nodes def make_stringifier_callback_def(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) if cg_context.stringifier.attribute: return make_attribute_get_callback_def( cg_context.make_copy( attribute=cg_context.stringifier.attribute, attribute_get=True), function_name) elif cg_context.stringifier.operation: return make_operation_function_def( cg_context.make_copy(operation=cg_context.stringifier.operation), function_name) assert False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback functions of indexed and named interceptors # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _make_interceptor_callback(cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, class_name, runtime_call_timer_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(arg_decls, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(arg_decl, str) for arg_decl in arg_decls) assert isinstance(arg_names, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(arg_name, str) for arg_name in arg_names) assert _is_none_or_str(class_name) assert isinstance(runtime_call_timer_name, str) func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void", static=True) func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def(cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, class_name, runtime_call_timer_name) return func_decl, func_def def _make_interceptor_callback_def(cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, class_name, runtime_call_timer_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(arg_decls, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(arg_decl, str) for arg_decl in arg_decls) assert isinstance(arg_names, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(arg_name, str) for arg_name in arg_names) assert _is_none_or_str(class_name) assert isinstance(runtime_call_timer_name, str) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void", class_name=class_name) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body for arg_name in arg_names: body.add_template_var(arg_name, arg_name) bind_callback_local_vars(body, cg_context) body.extend([ make_runtime_call_timer_scope(cg_context, runtime_call_timer_name), EmptyNode(), ]) return func_def def make_indexed_property_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); ${class_name}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback(property_name, ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def bind_return_value(body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${index}"]) body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // step 1.2. If index is a supported property index, then: // step 3. Return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). if (${index} >= ${blink_receiver}->length()) return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. """), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_indexed_property_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); ${class_name}::NamedPropertySetterCallback( property_name, ${v8_property_value}, ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def if not cg_context.indexed_property_setter: body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.2. [[Set]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-set // OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor will end up calling DefineOwnProperty, // which will fail when the receiver object is this legacy platform // object. bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError( "Indexed property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_decl, func_def bind_return_value( body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${index}", "${blink_property_value}"]) body.register_code_symbol( make_v8_to_blink_value( "blink_property_value", "${v8_property_value}", cg_context.indexed_property_setter.arguments[1].idl_type, argument=cg_context.indexed_property_setter.arguments[1])) body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // 3.9.2. [[Set]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-set // step 1. If O and Receiver are the same object, then:\ """), CxxLikelyIfNode(cond="${info}.Holder() == ${info}.This()", body=[ TextNode("""\ // step 1.1.1. Invoke the indexed property setter with P and V.\ """), make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), TextNode("""\ bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); return;"""), ]), EmptyNode(), TextNode("""\ // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor. """), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_indexed_property_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); ${class_name}::NamedPropertyDeleterCallback(property_name, ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.4. [[Delete]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-delete // step 1.2. If index is not a supported property index, then return true. // step 1.3. Return false. const bool is_supported = ${index} < ${blink_receiver}->length(); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, !is_supported); if (is_supported and ${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Index property deleter is not supported."); } """)) return func_decl, func_def def make_indexed_property_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); ${class_name}::NamedPropertyDefinerCallback( property_name, ${v8_property_desc}, ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.3. [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty // step 1.1. If the result of calling IsDataDescriptor(Desc) is false, then // return false. if (v8_property_desc.has_get() || v8_property_desc.has_set()) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Accessor properties are not allowed."); } return; } """)) if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_setter: body.append( TextNode("""\ // step 1.2. If O does not implement an interface with an indexed property // setter, then return false. bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Index property setter is not supported."); } """)) else: body.append( TextNode("""\ // step 1.3. Invoke the indexed property setter with P and Desc.[[Value]]. ${class_name}::IndexedPropertySetterCallback( ${index}, ${v8_property_desc}.value(), ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def def make_indexed_property_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); ${class_name}::NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback(property_name, ${info}); """)) return func_decl, func_def pattern = """\ // LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // step 1.2.3. If operation was defined without an identifier, then set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface // description to determine the value of an indexed property with index // as the index. // step 1.2.4. Otherwise, operation was defined with an identifier. Set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the description // of operation with index as the only argument value. ${class_name}::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback(${index}, ${info}); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(); // step 1.2. If index is a supported property index, then: // step 3. Return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). if (v8_value->IsUndefined()) return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. // step 1.2.6. Set desc.[[Value]] to the result of converting value to an // ECMAScript value. // step 1.2.7. If O implements an interface with an indexed property setter, // then set desc.[[Writable]] to true, otherwise set it to false. // step 1.2.8. Set desc.[[Enumerable]] and desc.[[Configurable]] to true. v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8_value, /*writable=*/{cxx_writable}); desc.set_enumerable(true); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc);""" writable = bool( cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_setter) cxx_writable = "true" if writable else "false" body.append(TextNode(_format(pattern, cxx_writable=cxx_writable))) return func_decl, func_def def make_indexed_property_enumerator_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) if not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: return None, None arg_decls = ["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "IndexedPropertyEnumerator") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.6. [[OwnPropertyKeys]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-ownpropertykeys // step 2. If O supports indexed properties, then for each index of O's // supported property indices, in ascending numerical order, append // ! ToString(index) to keys. uint32_t length = ${blink_receiver}->length(); v8::Local<v8::Array> array = bindings::EnumerateIndexedProperties(${isolate}, length); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, array); """)) body.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/generated_code_helper.h" ])) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body bind_return_value( body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${blink_property_name}"]) if "Custom" in cg_context.named_property_getter.extended_attributes: text = _format("${class_name}::{}(${blink_property_name}, ${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_decl, func_def # The named property getter's implementation of Blink is not designed to # represent the property existence, and we have to determine the property # existence by heuristics. type = cg_context.return_type.unwrap() if type.is_any or type.is_object: not_found_expr = "${return_value}.IsEmpty()" elif type.is_string: not_found_expr = "${return_value}.IsNull()" elif type.is_interface: not_found_expr = "!${return_value}" elif type.is_union: not_found_expr = "!${return_value}" else: assert False body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // step 2.1. If the result of running the named property visibility // algorithm with property name P and object O is true, then:\ """), CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond=not_found_expr, body=[ TextNode("// step 3. Return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P)."), TextNode("return; // Do not intercept."), ]), TextNode("""\ // step 2.1.3. If operation was defined without an identifier, then set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface // description to determine the value of a named property with P as the // name. // step 2.1.4. Otherwise, operation was defined with an identifier. Set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the description // of operation with P as the only argument value.\ """), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body if not cg_context.named_property_setter: body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.2. [[Set]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-set // step 3. Perform ? OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor(O, P, V, Receiver, ownDesc).\ """)) if ("LegacyOverrideBuiltIns" in cg_context.interface.extended_attributes): body.append( TextNode("""\ // [LegacyOverrideBuiltIns] if (${info}.Holder()->GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain( ${current_context}, ${v8_property_name}).IsJust()) { return; // Fallback to the existing property. } """)) body.append( TextNode("""\ ${class_name}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback(${v8_property_name}, ${info}); const bool is_creating = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get()->IsUndefined(); if (!is_creating) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError( "Named property setter is not supported."); } return; } // Do not intercept. Fallback and let it define a new own property. """)) return func_decl, func_def bind_return_value( body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${blink_property_name}", "${blink_property_value}"]) body.register_code_symbol( make_v8_to_blink_value( "blink_property_value", "${v8_property_value}", cg_context.named_property_setter.arguments[1].idl_type, argument=cg_context.named_property_setter.arguments[1])) if "Custom" in cg_context.named_property_setter.extended_attributes: text = _format( "${class_name}::{}" "(${blink_property_name}, ${v8_property_value}, ${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_decl, func_def body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // 3.9.2. [[Set]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-set // step 1. If O and Receiver are the same object, then:\ """), CxxLikelyIfNode(cond="${info}.Holder() == ${info}.This()", body=[ TextNode("""\ // step 1.2.1. Invoke the named property setter with P and V.\ """), make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), TextNode("""\ % if interface.identifier == "CSSStyleDeclaration": // CSSStyleDeclaration is abusing named properties. // Do not intercept if the property is not found. % else: bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); % endif return;"""), ]), EmptyNode(), TextNode("""\ // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor. """), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body props = cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties if (not cg_context.named_property_deleter and "NotEnumerable" in props.named_getter.extended_attributes): body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.4. [[Delete]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-delete // step 2. If O supports named properties, O does not implement an interface // with the [Global] extended attribute and the result of calling the // named property visibility algorithm with property name P and object O // is true, then: // // There is no easy way to determine whether the named property is visible // or not. Just do not intercept and fallback to the default behavior. """)) return func_decl, func_def if not cg_context.named_property_deleter: body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.4. [[Delete]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-delete // step 2. If O supports named properties, O does not implement an interface // with the [Global] extended attribute and the result of calling the // named property visibility algorithm with property name P and object O // is true, then: // step 2.1. If O does not implement an interface with a named property // deleter, then return false. ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); bool does_exist = ${blink_receiver}->NamedPropertyQuery( ${blink_property_name}, exception_state); if (exception_state.HadException()) return; if (does_exist) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, false); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property deleter is not supported."); } return; } // Do not intercept. """)) return func_decl, func_def bind_return_value( body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${blink_property_name}"]) if "Custom" in cg_context.named_property_deleter.extended_attributes: text = _format("${class_name}::{}(${blink_property_name}, ${info});", custom_function_name(cg_context)) body.append(TextNode(text)) return func_decl, func_def body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // 3.9.4. [[Delete]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-delete\ """), make_steps_of_ce_reactions(cg_context), EmptyNode(), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), TextNode("""\ if (${return_value} == NamedPropertyDeleterResult::kDidNotDelete) { if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Failed to delete a property."); } return; }"""), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body if cg_context.interface.identifier == "CSSStyleDeclaration": body.append( TextNode("""\ // CSSStyleDeclaration is abusing named properties. // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty. """)) elif cg_context.interface.identifier in ("HTMLEmbedElement", "HTMLObjectElement"): body.append( TextNode("""\ // HTMLEmbedElement and HTMLObjectElement are abusing named properties. // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty. """)) elif not cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties.named_setter: body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.3. [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty // step 2.1. Let creating be true if P is not a supported property name, and // false otherwise. // step 2.2.1. If creating is false and O does not implement an interface // with a named property setter, then return false. ${class_name}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback(${v8_property_name}, ${info}); const bool is_creating = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get()->IsUndefined(); if (!is_creating) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property setter is not supported."); } return; } // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty. """)) else: body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.3. [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-defineownproperty // step 2.2.2. If O implements an interface with a named property setter, // then: // step If the result of calling IsDataDescriptor(Desc) is false, // then return false. if (v8_property_desc.has_get() || v8_property_desc.has_set()) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Accessor properties are not allowed."); } return; } // step Invoke the named property setter with P and Desc.[[Value]]. ${class_name}::NamedPropertySetterCallback( ${v8_property_name}, ${v8_property_desc}.value(), ${info}); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); """)) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty\ """)) if ("LegacyOverrideBuiltIns" not in cg_context.interface.extended_attributes): body.append( TextNode("""\ // step 2.1. If the result of running the named property visibility algorithm // with property name P and object O is true, then: if (${v8_receiver}->GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain( ${current_context}, ${v8_property_name}).IsJust()) { return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. } """)) pattern = """\ // step 2.1.3. If operation was defined without an identifier, then set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the interface // description to determine the value of a named property with P as the // name. // step 2.1.4. Otherwise, operation was defined with an identifier. Set // value to the result of performing the steps listed in the description // of operation with P as the only argument value. ${class_name}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback(${v8_property_name}, ${info}); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(); // step 2.1. If the result of running the named property visibility // algorithm with property name P and object O is true, then: // step 3. Return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). if (v8_value->IsUndefined()) return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. // step 2.1.6. Set desc.[[Value]] to the result of converting value to an // ECMAScript value. // step 2.1.7. If O implements an interface with a named property setter, // then set desc.[[Writable]] to true, otherwise set it to false. // step 2.1.8. If O implements an interface with the // [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties] extended attribute, then set // desc.[[Enumerable]] to false, otherwise set it to true. // step 2.1.9. Set desc.[[Configurable]] to true. v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8_value, /*writable=*/{cxx_writable}); desc.set_enumerable({cxx_enumerable}); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); """ props = cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties writable = bool(props.named_setter) cxx_writable = "true" if writable else "false" enumerable = props.is_named_property_enumerable cxx_enumerable = "true" if enumerable else "false" body.append( TextNode( _format( pattern, cxx_writable=cxx_writable, cxx_enumerable=cxx_enumerable))) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_query_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) props = cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties if "NotEnumerable" in props.named_getter.extended_attributes: return None, None arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyQuery") body = func_def.body flags = [] if not props.named_setter: flags.append("v8::ReadOnly") if not props.is_named_property_enumerable: flags.append("v8::DontEnum") if not flags: flags.append("v8::None") if len(flags) == 1: property_attribute = flags[0] else: property_attribute = " | ".join(flags) body.extend([ TextNode("""\ ExceptionState exception_state(${isolate}, ExceptionState::kNamedGetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); bool does_exist = ${blink_receiver}->NamedPropertyQuery( ${blink_property_name}, exception_state); if (!does_exist) return; // Do not intercept. """), TextNode( _format( "bindings::V8SetReturnValue" "(${info}, uint32_t({property_attribute}));", property_attribute=property_attribute)), ]) return func_decl, func_def def make_named_property_enumerator_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) props = cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties if "NotEnumerable" in props.named_getter.extended_attributes: return None, None arg_decls = ["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] func_decl, func_def = _make_interceptor_callback( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, cg_context.class_name, "NamedPropertyEnumerator") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // 3.9.6. [[OwnPropertyKeys]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#legacy-platform-object-ownpropertykeys // step 3. If O supports named properties, then for each P of O's supported // property names that is visible according to the named property // visibility algorithm, append P to keys. Vector<String> blink_property_names; ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kEnumerationContext, "${interface.identifier}"); ${blink_receiver}->NamedPropertyEnumerator( blink_property_names, exception_state); if (exception_state.HadException()) return; bindings::V8SetReturnValue( ${info}, ToV8(blink_property_names, ${creation_context_object}, ${isolate})); """)) return func_decl, func_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback functions of interceptors on named properties object # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_named_props_obj_indexed_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_IndexedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); NamedPropsObjNamedGetterCallback(property_name, ${info}); """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_indexed_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_IndexedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-defineownproperty bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_indexed_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_IndexedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, false); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property deleter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_indexed_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_IndexedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-defineownproperty bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_indexed_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_IndexedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ v8::Local<v8::String> property_name = V8AtomicString(${isolate}, AtomicString::Number(${index})); NamedPropsObjNamedDescriptorCallback(property_name, ${info}); """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_named_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_NamedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[GetOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-getownproperty // // TODO(yukishiino): Update the following hard-coded call to an appropriate // one. V8Window::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(${blink_property_name}, ${info}); """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_named_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_NamedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-defineownproperty bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_named_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_NamedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[Delete]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-delete bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, false); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property deleter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_named_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_NamedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[DefineOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-defineownproperty bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kNamedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Named property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_named_props_obj_named_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "NamedPropertiesObject_NamedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // [[GetOwnProperty]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object-getownproperty // step 4. If the result of running the named property visibility algorithm // with property name P and object object is true, then: if (${v8_receiver}->GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain( ${current_context}, ${v8_property_name}).IsJust()) { return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. } // TODO(yukishiino): Update the following hard-coded call to an appropriate // one. V8Window::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(${blink_property_name}, ${info}); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(); if (v8_value->IsUndefined()) return; // Do not intercept. Fallback to OrdinaryGetOwnProperty. // step 4.7. If A implements an interface with the // [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties] extended attribute, then set // desc.[[Enumerable]] to false, otherwise set it to true. // step 4.8. Set desc.[[Writable]] to true and desc.[[Configurable]] to // true. v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8_value, /*writable=*/true); desc.set_enumerable(false); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); """)) return func_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback functions of cross origin interceptors # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_cross_origin_access_check_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[ "v8::Local<v8::Context> accessing_context", "v8::Local<v8::Object> accessed_object", "v8::Local<v8::Value> unused_data", ], return_type="bool") func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body body.add_template_var("accessing_context", "accessing_context") body.add_template_var("accessed_object", "accessed_object") bind_callback_local_vars(body, cg_context) if cg_context.interface.identifier == "Window": blink_class = "DOMWindow" else: blink_class = blink_class_name(cg_context.interface) body.extend([ TextNode( _format( "{blink_class}* blink_accessed_object = " "${class_name}::ToWrappableUnsafe(${accessed_object});", blink_class=blink_class)), TextNode("return BindingSecurity::ShouldAllowAccessTo(" "ToLocalDOMWindow(${accessing_context}), " "blink_accessed_object, " "BindingSecurity::ErrorReportOption::kDoNotReport);"), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body if cg_context.interface.identifier != "Window": body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def bind_return_value(body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${index}"]) body.extend([ TextNode("""\ if (${index} >= ${blink_receiver}->length()) { ${throw_security_error} return; } """), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body if cg_context.interface.identifier != "Window": body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def body.append( TextNode("""\ CrossOriginIndexedGetterCallback(${index}, ${info}); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(); if (v8_value->IsUndefined()) { // Must have already thrown a SecurityError. return; } v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8_value, /*writable=*/false); desc.set_enumerable(true); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); """)) return func_def def make_cross_origin_indexed_enumerator_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = ["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyEnumerator") body = func_def.body if cg_context.interface.identifier != "Window": return func_def body.append( TextNode("""\ uint32_t length = ${blink_receiver}->length(); v8::Local<v8::Array> array = bindings::EnumerateIndexedProperties(${isolate}, length); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, array); """)) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body string_case_body = [] string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ for (const auto& attribute : kCrossOriginAttributeTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != attribute.name) continue; if (UNLIKELY(!attribute.get_value)) { ${throw_security_error} return; } attribute.get_value(${v8_property_name}, ${info}); return; } for (const auto& operation : kCrossOriginOperationTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != operation.name) continue; v8::Local<v8::Function> function; if (bindings::GetCrossOriginFunction( ${info}.GetIsolate(), operation.callback, operation.func_length, ${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()) .ToLocal(&function)) { bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, function); } return; } """)) if cg_context.interface.identifier == "Window": string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ // Window object's document-tree child browsing context name property set // // TODO(yukishiino): Update the following hard-coded call to an appropriate // one. V8Window::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(${blink_property_name}, ${info}); if (!${info}.GetReturnValue().Get()->IsUndefined()) return; """)) body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="${v8_property_name}->IsString()", body=string_case_body), EmptyNode(), TextNode("""\ // CrossOriginPropertyFallback ( P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#crossoriginpropertyfallback-(-p-) if (bindings::IsSupportedInCrossOriginPropertyFallback( ${info}.GetIsolate(), ${v8_property_name})) { return ${info}.GetReturnValue().SetUndefined(); } ${throw_security_error} """), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body string_case_body = [] string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ for (const auto& attribute : kCrossOriginAttributeTable) { if (${blink_property_name} == attribute.name && attribute.set_value) { attribute.set_value(${v8_property_name}, ${v8_property_value}, ${info}); return; } } """)) body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="${v8_property_name}->IsString()", body=string_case_body), EmptyNode(), TextNode("${throw_security_error}"), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body body.append(TextNode("${throw_security_error}")) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body string_case_body = [] string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ // CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper ( O, P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#crossorigingetownpropertyhelper-(-o,-p-) for (const auto& attribute : kCrossOriginAttributeTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != attribute.name) continue; v8::Local<v8::Value> get; v8::Local<v8::Value> set; if (!bindings::GetCrossOriginFunctionOrUndefined( ${info}.GetIsolate(), attribute.get_callback, 0, ${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()) .ToLocal(&get) || !bindings::GetCrossOriginFunctionOrUndefined( ${info}.GetIsolate(), attribute.set_callback, 1, ${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()) .ToLocal(&set)) { return; } v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(get, set); desc.set_enumerable(false); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); return; } for (const auto& operation : kCrossOriginOperationTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != operation.name) continue; v8::Local<v8::Function> function; if (!bindings::GetCrossOriginFunction( ${info}.GetIsolate(), operation.callback, operation.func_length, ${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()) .ToLocal(&function)) { return; } v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(function, /*writable=*/false); desc.set_enumerable(false); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); return; } """)) if cg_context.interface.identifier == "Window": string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ // Window object's document-tree child browsing context name property set // // TODO(yukishiino): Update the following hard-coded call to an appropriate // one. V8Window::NamedPropertyGetterCustom(${blink_property_name}, ${info}); if (!${info}.GetReturnValue().Get()->IsUndefined()) { v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(), /*writable=*/false); desc.set_enumerable(false); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); return; } """)) body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="${v8_property_name}->IsString()", body=string_case_body), EmptyNode(), TextNode("""\ // CrossOriginPropertyFallback ( P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#crossoriginpropertyfallback-(-p-) if (bindings::IsSupportedInCrossOriginPropertyFallback( ${info}.GetIsolate(), ${v8_property_name})) { v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8::Undefined(${info}.GetIsolate()), /*writable=*/false); desc.set_enumerable(false); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); return; } ${throw_security_error} """), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_query_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Name> v8_property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info", ] arg_names = ["v8_property_name", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyQuery") body = func_def.body string_case_body = [] string_case_body.append( TextNode("""\ // CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper ( O, P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#crossorigingetownpropertyhelper-(-o,-p-) for (const auto& attribute : kCrossOriginAttributeTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != attribute.name) continue; int32_t v8_property_attribute = v8::DontEnum; if (!attribute.set_callback) v8_property_attribute |= v8::ReadOnly; bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_property_attribute); return; } for (const auto& operation : kCrossOriginOperationTable) { if (${blink_property_name} != operation.name) continue; int32_t v8_property_attribute = v8::DontEnum | v8::ReadOnly; bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_property_attribute); return; } """)) body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="${v8_property_name}->IsString()", body=string_case_body), EmptyNode(), TextNode("""\ // CrossOriginPropertyFallback ( P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#crossoriginpropertyfallback-(-p-) if (bindings::IsSupportedInCrossOriginPropertyFallback( ${info}.GetIsolate(), ${v8_property_name})) { int32_t v8_property_attribute = v8::DontEnum | v8::ReadOnly; bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, v8_property_attribute); return; } """), ]) return func_def def make_cross_origin_named_enumerator_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = ["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "CrossOriginProperty_NamedPropertyEnumerator") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ bindings::V8SetReturnValue( ${info}, bindings::EnumerateCrossOriginProperties( ${isolate}, kCrossOriginAttributeTable, kCrossOriginOperationTable)); """)) return func_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callback functions of same origin interceptors # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_same_origin_indexed_getter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyGetter") body = func_def.body bind_return_value(body, cg_context, overriding_args=["${index}"]) body.extend([ TextNode("""\ if (${index} >= ${blink_receiver}->length()) { return; } """), make_v8_set_return_value(cg_context), ]) return func_def def make_same_origin_indexed_setter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_value", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertySetter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError( "Indexed property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_same_origin_indexed_deleter_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDeleter") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // 7.4.9 [[Delete]] ( P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#windowproxy-delete const bool is_supported = ${index} < ${blink_receiver}->length(); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, !is_supported); if (is_supported and ${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedDeletionContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Index property deleter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_same_origin_indexed_definer_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyDescriptor& v8_property_desc", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "v8_property_desc", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDefiner") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // 7.4.6 [[DefineOwnProperty]] ( P, Desc ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#windowproxy-defineownproperty bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, nullptr); if (${info}.ShouldThrowOnError()) { ExceptionState exception_state(${info}.GetIsolate(), ExceptionState::kIndexedSetterContext, "${interface.identifier}"); exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Index property setter is not supported."); } """)) return func_def def make_same_origin_indexed_descriptor_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = [ "uint32_t index", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info", ] arg_names = ["index", "info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyDescriptor") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ // 7.4.5 [[GetOwnProperty]] ( P ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#windowproxy-getownproperty SameOriginIndexedGetterCallback(${index}, ${info}); v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${info}.GetReturnValue().Get(); if (v8_value->IsUndefined()) { return; // Do not intercept. } v8::PropertyDescriptor desc(v8_value, /*writable=*/false); desc.set_enumerable(true); desc.set_configurable(true); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, desc); """)) return func_def def make_same_origin_indexed_enumerator_callback(cg_context, function_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) arg_decls = ["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Array>& info"] arg_names = ["info"] func_def = _make_interceptor_callback_def( cg_context, function_name, arg_decls, arg_names, None, "SameOriginProperty_IndexedPropertyEnumerator") body = func_def.body body.append( TextNode("""\ uint32_t length = ${blink_receiver}->length(); v8::Local<v8::Array> array = bindings::EnumerateIndexedProperties(${isolate}, length); bindings::V8SetReturnValue(${info}, array); """)) return func_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installer functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FN = function name FN_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE = name_style.func("InstallInterfaceTemplate") FN_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS = name_style.func( "InstallUnconditionalProperties") FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS = name_style.func( "InstallContextIndependentProperties") FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS = name_style.func( "InstallContextDependentProperties") # TP = trampoline name TP_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE = name_style.member_var( "install_interface_template_func") TP_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS = name_style.member_var( "install_unconditional_props_func") TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS = name_style.member_var( "install_context_independent_props_func") TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS = name_style.member_var( "install_context_dependent_props_func") def bind_installer_local_vars(code_node, cg_context): assert isinstance(code_node, SymbolScopeNode) assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) S = SymbolNode local_vars = [] local_vars.extend([ S("is_cross_origin_isolated", ("const bool ${is_cross_origin_isolated} = " "${execution_context}->CrossOriginIsolatedCapability();")), S("is_direct_socket_enabled", ("const bool ${is_direct_socket_enabled} = " "${execution_context}->DirectSocketCapability();")), S("is_in_secure_context", ("const bool ${is_in_secure_context} = " "${execution_context}->IsSecureContext();")), S("isolate", "v8::Isolate* ${isolate} = ${v8_context}->GetIsolate();"), S("script_state", "ScriptState* ${script_state} = ScriptState::From(${v8_context});"), S("wrapper_type_info", ("const WrapperTypeInfo* const ${wrapper_type_info} = " "${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo();")), ]) if cg_context.interface: local_vars.extend([ S("interface_function_template", ("v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> " "${interface_function_template} = " "${interface_template}.As<v8::FunctionTemplate>();")), S("instance_object_template", ("v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> ${instance_object_template} = " "${interface_function_template}->InstanceTemplate();")), S("instance_template", ("v8::Local<v8::Template> ${instance_template} = " "${instance_object_template};")), S("prototype_object_template", ("v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> ${prototype_object_template} = " "${interface_function_template}->PrototypeTemplate();")), S("prototype_template", ("v8::Local<v8::Template> ${prototype_template} = " "${prototype_object_template};")), S("signature", ("v8::Local<v8::Signature> ${signature} = " "v8::Signature::New(${isolate}, " "${interface_function_template});")), ]) elif cg_context.namespace: local_vars.extend([ S("namespace_object_template", ("v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> " "${namespace_object_template} = " "${interface_template}.As<v8::ObjectTemplate>();")), S("instance_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> ${instance_template};"), S("prototype_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> ${prototype_template};"), S("signature", "v8::Local<v8::Signature> ${signature};"), ]) elif cg_context.callback_interface: local_vars.extend([ S("interface_function_template", ("v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> " "${interface_function_template} = " "${interface_template}.As<v8::FunctionTemplate>();")), S("instance_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> ${instance_template};"), S("prototype_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> ${prototype_template};"), S("signature", "v8::Local<v8::Signature> ${signature};"), ]) # context_feature_settings node = S("context_feature_settings", ("const ContextFeatureSettings* ${context_feature_settings} = " "ContextFeatureSettings::From(" "${execution_context}, " "ContextFeatureSettings::CreationMode::kDontCreateIfNotExists" ");")) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/context_features/context_feature_settings.h" ])) local_vars.append(node) # execution_context node = S("execution_context", ("ExecutionContext* ${execution_context} = " "ExecutionContext::From(${script_state});")) node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h" ])) local_vars.append(node) # parent_interface_template pattern = ( "v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${parent_interface_template}{_1};") interface = cg_context.interface if not interface: _1 = "" elif (interface and "Global" in interface.extended_attributes and interface.indexed_and_named_properties and interface.indexed_and_named_properties.has_named_properties): # https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object _1 = " = ${npo_interface_template}" # npo = named properties object elif interface.inherited: _1 = (" = ${wrapper_type_info}->parent_class" "->GetV8ClassTemplate(${isolate}, ${world})" ".As<v8::FunctionTemplate>()") else: _1 = "" local_vars.append(S("parent_interface_template", _format(pattern, _1=_1))) # npo_interface_template # npo = named properties object text = """\ // Named properties object v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${npo_interface_template} = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${isolate}); v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> ${npo_prototype_template} = ${npo_interface_template}->PrototypeTemplate(); ${npo_interface_template}->Inherit( ${wrapper_type_info}->parent_class ->GetV8ClassTemplate(${isolate}, ${world}).As<v8::FunctionTemplate>()); ${npo_prototype_template}->SetImmutableProto(); ${npo_prototype_template}->Set( v8::Symbol::GetToStringTag(${isolate}), V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "${interface.identifier}Properties"), static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontEnum)); // Make the named properties object look like the global object. Note that // the named properties object is _not_ a prototype object, plus, we'd like // the named properties object to behave just like the global object (= the // wrapper object of the global object) from the point of view of named // properties. // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object ${npo_prototype_template}->SetInternalFieldCount( kV8DefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount); """ local_vars.append(S("npo_interface_template", text)) local_vars.append( S("npo_prototype_template", "<% npo_interface_template.request_symbol_definition() %>")) # Arguments have priority over local vars. for symbol_node in local_vars: if symbol_node.name not in code_node.own_template_vars: code_node.register_code_symbol(symbol_node) def _make_property_entry_cross_origin_check(property_, is_get=False, is_set=False): constants = { False: "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagCrossOriginCheck::kCheck)", True: "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagCrossOriginCheck::kDoNotCheck)", } if property_.is_static: return constants[True] if "CrossOrigin" not in property_.extended_attributes: return constants[False] values = property_.extended_attributes.values_of("CrossOrigin") if is_get: return constants[not values or "Getter" in values] elif is_set: return constants["Setter" in values] else: return constants[True] def _make_property_entry_location(property_): if hasattr(property_, "is_static") and property_.is_static: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagLocation::kInterface)" if "Global" in property_.owner.extended_attributes: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagLocation::kInstance)" if "LegacyUnforgeable" in property_.extended_attributes: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagLocation::kInstance)" return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagLocation::kPrototype)" def _make_property_entry_receiver_check(property_): if ("LegacyLenientThis" in property_.extended_attributes or property_.is_static or (isinstance(property_, web_idl.Attribute) and property_.idl_type.unwrap().is_promise) or (isinstance(property_, web_idl.OverloadGroup) and property_[0].return_type.unwrap().is_promise)): return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagReceiverCheck::kDoNotCheck)" else: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagReceiverCheck::kCheck)" def _make_property_entry_v8_cached_accessor(property_): return "unsigned(V8PrivateProperty::CachedAccessor::{})".format( property_.extended_attributes.value_of("CachedAccessor") or "kNone") def _make_property_entry_v8_property_attribute(property_): values = [] if "NotEnumerable" in property_.extended_attributes: values.append("v8::DontEnum") if "LegacyUnforgeable" in property_.extended_attributes: if not isinstance(property_, web_idl.Attribute): values.append("v8::ReadOnly") values.append("v8::DontDelete") if not values: values.append("v8::None") if len(values) == 1: return "unsigned({})".format(values[0]) else: return "unsigned({})".format(" | ".join(values)) def _make_property_entry_v8_side_effect(property_): if property_.extended_attributes.value_of("Affects") == "Nothing": return "unsigned(v8::SideEffectType::kHasNoSideEffect)" else: return "unsigned(v8::SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)" def _make_property_entry_world(world): if world == CodeGenContext.MAIN_WORLD: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagWorld::kMainWorld)" if world == CodeGenContext.NON_MAIN_WORLDS: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagWorld::kNonMainWorlds)" if world == CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS: return "unsigned(IDLMemberInstaller::FlagWorld::kAllWorlds)" assert False def _make_attribute_registration_table(table_name, attribute_entries): assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert isinstance(attribute_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryAttribute) for entry in attribute_entries) T = TextNode entry_nodes = [] pattern = ("{{" "\"{property_name}\", " "{attribute_get_callback}, " "{attribute_set_callback}, " "{v8_property_attribute}, " "{location}, " "{world}, " "{receiver_check}, " "{cross_origin_check_for_get}, " "{cross_origin_check_for_set}, " "{v8_side_effect}, " "{v8_cached_accessor}" "}},") for entry in attribute_entries: text = _format( pattern, property_name=entry.property_.identifier, attribute_get_callback=entry.attr_get_callback_name, attribute_set_callback=(entry.attr_set_callback_name or "nullptr"), v8_property_attribute=_make_property_entry_v8_property_attribute( entry.property_), location=_make_property_entry_location(entry.property_), world=_make_property_entry_world(entry.world), receiver_check=_make_property_entry_receiver_check( entry.property_), cross_origin_check_for_get=( _make_property_entry_cross_origin_check(entry.property_, is_get=True)), cross_origin_check_for_set=( _make_property_entry_cross_origin_check(entry.property_, is_set=True)), v8_side_effect=_make_property_entry_v8_side_effect( entry.property_), v8_cached_accessor=_make_property_entry_v8_cached_accessor( entry.property_)) entry_nodes.append(T(text)) return ListNode([ T("static const IDLMemberInstaller::AttributeConfig " + table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), T("};"), ]) def _make_constant_callback_registration_table(table_name, constant_entries): assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert isinstance(constant_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryConstant) and isinstance(entry.const_callback_name, str) for entry in constant_entries) T = TextNode entry_nodes = [] pattern = ( "{{" # "\"{property_name}\", " "{constant_callback}" "}},") for entry in constant_entries: text = _format( pattern, property_name=entry.property_.identifier, constant_callback=entry.const_callback_name) entry_nodes.append(T(text)) return ListNode([ T("static const IDLMemberInstaller::ConstantCallbackConfig " + table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), T("};"), ]) def _make_constant_value_registration_table(table_name, constant_entries): assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert isinstance(constant_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryConstant) and entry.const_callback_name is None for entry in constant_entries) T = TextNode entry_nodes = [] pattern = ( "{{" # "\"{property_name}\", " "{constant_value}" "}},") for entry in constant_entries: text = _format(pattern, property_name=entry.property_.identifier, constant_value=entry.const_constant_name) entry_nodes.append(T(text)) return ListNode([ T("static const IDLMemberInstaller::ConstantValueConfig " + table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), T("};"), ]) def _make_exposed_construct_registration_table(table_name, exposed_construct_entries): assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert isinstance(exposed_construct_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryExposedConstruct) for entry in exposed_construct_entries) T = TextNode entry_nodes = [] for entry in exposed_construct_entries: pattern = ("{{" "\"{property_name}\", " "{exposed_construct_callback}" "}}, ") text = _format(pattern, property_name=entry.property_.identifier, exposed_construct_callback=entry.prop_callback_name) entry_nodes.append(T(text)) return ListNode([ T("static const IDLMemberInstaller::ExposedConstructConfig " + table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), T("};"), ]) def _make_operation_registration_table(table_name, operation_entries): assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert isinstance(operation_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryOperationGroup) for entry in operation_entries) T = TextNode F = FormatNode no_alloc_direct_call_count = len( list( filter(lambda entry: entry.no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks, operation_entries))) assert (no_alloc_direct_call_count == 0 or no_alloc_direct_call_count == len(operation_entries)) no_alloc_direct_call_enabled = bool(no_alloc_direct_call_count) entry_nodes = [] nadc_overload_nodes = ListNode() pattern = ("{{" "\"{property_name}\", " "{operation_callback}, " "{function_length}, " "{v8_property_attribute}, " "{location}, " "{world}, " "{receiver_check}, " "{cross_origin_check}, " "{v8_side_effect}" "}}, ") if no_alloc_direct_call_enabled: pattern = ("{{" + pattern + "{v8_cfunction_table}, " "base::size({v8_cfunction_table})}}, ") for entry in operation_entries: if no_alloc_direct_call_enabled: nadc_overload_table_name = name_style.constant( "no_alloc_direct_call_overloads_of_", entry.property_.identifier) nadc_overload_nodes.append( ListNode([ T("static const v8::CFunction " + nadc_overload_table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode([ F("v8::CFunctionBuilder().Fn({}).Build(),", nadc_entry.callback_name) for nadc_entry in entry.no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks ]), T("};"), ])) else: nadc_overload_table_name = None text = _format( pattern, property_name=entry.property_.identifier, operation_callback=entry.op_callback_name, function_length=entry.op_func_length, v8_property_attribute=_make_property_entry_v8_property_attribute( entry.property_), location=_make_property_entry_location(entry.property_), world=_make_property_entry_world(entry.world), receiver_check=_make_property_entry_receiver_check( entry.property_), cross_origin_check=_make_property_entry_cross_origin_check( entry.property_), v8_side_effect=_make_property_entry_v8_side_effect( entry.property_), v8_cfunction_table=nadc_overload_table_name) entry_nodes.append(T(text)) table_decl_before_name = ( "static const IDLMemberInstaller::OperationConfig") if no_alloc_direct_call_enabled: table_decl_before_name = ( "static const " "IDLMemberInstaller::NoAllocDirectCallOperationConfig") node = ListNode() if nadc_overload_nodes: node.extend([ nadc_overload_nodes, EmptyNode(), ]) node.extend([ T(table_decl_before_name + " " + table_name + "[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), T("};"), ]) return node class _PropEntryBase(object): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, property_): assert isinstance(is_context_dependent, bool) assert isinstance(exposure_conditional, CodeGenExpr) self.is_context_dependent = is_context_dependent self.exposure_conditional = exposure_conditional self.world = world self.property_ = property_ class _PropEntryAttribute(_PropEntryBase): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, attribute, attr_get_callback_name, attr_set_callback_name): assert isinstance(attr_get_callback_name, str) assert _is_none_or_str(attr_set_callback_name) _PropEntryBase.__init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, attribute) self.attr_get_callback_name = attr_get_callback_name self.attr_set_callback_name = attr_set_callback_name class _PropEntryConstant(_PropEntryBase): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, constant, const_callback_name, const_constant_name): assert _is_none_or_str(const_callback_name) assert isinstance(const_constant_name, str) _PropEntryBase.__init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, constant) self.const_callback_name = const_callback_name self.const_constant_name = const_constant_name class _PropEntryConstructorGroup(_PropEntryBase): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, constructor_group, ctor_callback_name, ctor_func_length): assert isinstance(ctor_callback_name, str) assert isinstance(ctor_func_length, int) _PropEntryBase.__init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, constructor_group) self.ctor_callback_name = ctor_callback_name self.ctor_func_length = ctor_func_length class _PropEntryExposedConstruct(_PropEntryBase): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, exposed_construct, prop_callback_name): assert isinstance(prop_callback_name, str) _PropEntryBase.__init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, exposed_construct) self.prop_callback_name = prop_callback_name class _PropEntryOperationGroup(_PropEntryBase): def __init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, operation_group, op_callback_name, op_func_length, no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks=None): assert isinstance(op_callback_name, str) assert isinstance(op_func_length, int) _PropEntryBase.__init__(self, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world, operation_group) self.op_callback_name = op_callback_name self.op_func_length = op_func_length self.no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks = no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks def make_property_entries_and_callback_defs(cg_context, attribute_entries, constant_entries, constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries): """ Creates intermediate objects to help property installation and also makes code nodes of callback functions. Args: attribute_entries: constructor_entries: exposed_construct_entries: operation_entries: Output parameters to store the intermediate objects. """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(attribute_entries, list) assert isinstance(constant_entries, list) assert isinstance(constructor_entries, list) assert isinstance(exposed_construct_entries, list) assert isinstance(operation_entries, list) class_like = cg_context.class_like interface = cg_context.interface global_names = class_like.extended_attributes.values_of("Global") callback_def_nodes = ListNode() def iterate(members, callback): for member in members: is_context_dependent = member.exposure.is_context_dependent( global_names) exposure_conditional = expr_from_exposure( member.exposure, global_names=global_names, may_use_feature_selector=True) if "PerWorldBindings" in member.extended_attributes: worlds = (CodeGenContext.MAIN_WORLD, CodeGenContext.NON_MAIN_WORLDS) else: worlds = (CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS, ) for world in worlds: callback(member, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world) def process_attribute(attribute, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): if "CSSProperty" in attribute.extended_attributes: return # [CSSProperty] will be installed in a special manner. cgc_attr = cg_context.make_copy(attribute=attribute, for_world=world) cgc = cgc_attr.make_copy(attribute_get=True) attr_get_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) attr_get_callback_node = make_attribute_get_callback_def( cgc, attr_get_callback_name) cgc = cgc_attr.make_copy(attribute_set=True) attr_set_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) attr_set_callback_node = make_attribute_set_callback_def( cgc, attr_set_callback_name) if attr_set_callback_node is None: attr_set_callback_name = None callback_def_nodes.extend([ attr_get_callback_node, EmptyNode(), attr_set_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) attribute_entries.append( _PropEntryAttribute( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, attribute=attribute, attr_get_callback_name=attr_get_callback_name, attr_set_callback_name=attr_set_callback_name)) def process_constant(constant, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( constant=constant, for_world=world, v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext.V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK) const_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) const_callback_node = make_constant_callback_def( cgc, const_callback_name) if const_callback_node is None: const_callback_name = None # IDL constant's C++ constant name const_constant_name = _format("${class_name}::Constant::{}", constant_name(cgc)) callback_def_nodes.extend([ const_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) constant_entries.append( _PropEntryConstant( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, constant=constant, const_callback_name=const_callback_name, const_constant_name=const_constant_name)) def process_constructor_group(constructor_group, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( constructor_group=constructor_group, for_world=world) ctor_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) ctor_callback_node = make_constructor_callback_def( cgc, ctor_callback_name) callback_def_nodes.extend([ ctor_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) constructor_entries.append( _PropEntryConstructorGroup( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, constructor_group=constructor_group, ctor_callback_name=ctor_callback_name, ctor_func_length=( constructor_group.min_num_of_required_arguments))) def process_exposed_construct(exposed_construct, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): if isinstance(exposed_construct, web_idl.LegacyWindowAlias): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( exposed_construct=exposed_construct.original, legacy_window_alias=exposed_construct, for_world=world, v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext. V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK) elif ("LegacyNoInterfaceObject" in exposed_construct.extended_attributes): return # Skip due to [LegacyNoInterfaceObject]. else: cgc = cg_context.make_copy( exposed_construct=exposed_construct, for_world=world, v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext. V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK) prop_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) prop_callback_node = make_exposed_construct_callback_def( cgc, prop_callback_name) callback_def_nodes.extend([ prop_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) exposed_construct_entries.append( _PropEntryExposedConstruct( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, exposed_construct=exposed_construct, prop_callback_name=prop_callback_name)) def process_named_constructor_group(named_constructor_group, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( exposed_construct=named_constructor_group, is_named_constructor=True, for_world=world, v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext.V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK) prop_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) prop_callback_node = make_named_constructor_property_callback_def( cgc, prop_callback_name) callback_def_nodes.extend([ prop_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) exposed_construct_entries.append( _PropEntryExposedConstruct( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, exposed_construct=named_constructor_group, prop_callback_name=prop_callback_name)) def process_operation_group(operation_group, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( operation_group=operation_group, for_world=world) op_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) op_callback_node = make_operation_callback_def(cgc, op_callback_name) no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks = ( list_no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks( cgc.make_copy(no_alloc_direct_call=True)) if "NoAllocDirectCall" in operation_group.extended_attributes else None) callback_def_nodes.extend([ op_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) operation_entries.append( _PropEntryOperationGroup( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, operation_group=operation_group, op_callback_name=op_callback_name, op_func_length=operation_group.min_num_of_required_arguments, no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks=no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks)) def process_stringifier(_, is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional, world): cgc = cg_context.make_copy( stringifier=interface.stringifier, for_world=world) op_callback_name = callback_function_name(cgc) op_callback_node = make_stringifier_callback_def(cgc, op_callback_name) callback_def_nodes.extend([ op_callback_node, EmptyNode(), ]) operation_entries.append( _PropEntryOperationGroup( is_context_dependent=is_context_dependent, exposure_conditional=exposure_conditional, world=world, operation_group=cgc.property_, op_callback_name=op_callback_name, op_func_length=0)) iterate(class_like.attributes, process_attribute) iterate(class_like.constants, process_constant) if interface: iterate(interface.constructor_groups, process_constructor_group) iterate(interface.exposed_constructs, process_exposed_construct) iterate(interface.legacy_window_aliases, process_exposed_construct) named_constructor_groups = [ group for construct in interface.exposed_constructs for group in construct.named_constructor_groups if construct.named_constructor_groups ] iterate(named_constructor_groups, process_named_constructor_group) if not class_like.is_callback_interface: iterate(class_like.operation_groups, process_operation_group) if interface and interface.stringifier: iterate([interface.stringifier.operation], process_stringifier) collectionlike = interface and (interface.iterable or interface.maplike or interface.setlike) if collectionlike: def should_define(target): if not target[0].is_optionally_defined: return True return all(target.identifier != member.identifier for member in itertools.chain( interface.attributes, interface.constants, interface.operation_groups)) iterate(collectionlike.attributes, process_attribute) iterate( filter(should_define, collectionlike.operation_groups), process_operation_group) return callback_def_nodes def _make_install_prototype_object(cg_context): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) nodes = [] class_like = cg_context.class_like interface = cg_context.interface unscopables = [] is_unscopable = lambda member: "Unscopable" in member.extended_attributes unscopables.extend(filter(is_unscopable, class_like.attributes)) unscopables.extend(filter(is_unscopable, class_like.operations)) if unscopables: nodes.extend([ TextNode("""\ // [Unscopable] // 3.7.3. Interface prototype object // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#interface-prototype-object // step 10. If interface has any member declared with the [Unscopable] // extended attribute, then:\ """), ListNode([ TextNode("static constexpr const char* " "kUnscopablePropertyNames[] = {"), ListNode([ TextNode("\"{}\", ".format(member.identifier)) for member in unscopables ]), TextNode("};"), ]), TextNode("""\ bindings::InstallUnscopablePropertyNames( ${isolate}, ${v8_context}, ${prototype_object}, kUnscopablePropertyNames); """), ]) if "LegacyNoInterfaceObject" in class_like.extended_attributes: nodes.append( TextNode("""\ // [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] // 3.7.3. Interface prototype object // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#interface-prototype-object // step 13. If the [LegacyNoInterfaceObject] extended attribute was not // specified on interface, then: // // V8 defines "constructor" property on the prototype object by default. ${prototype_object}->Delete( ${v8_context}, V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "constructor")).ToChecked(); """)) collectionlike = interface and (interface.iterable or interface.maplike or interface.setlike) if collectionlike: property_name = None for operation_group in collectionlike.operation_groups: if operation_group[0].is_iterator: property_name = operation_group.identifier break if property_name: pattern = """\ // @@iterator == "{property_name}" {{ v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${prototype_object}->Get( ${v8_context}, V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "{property_name}")) .ToLocalChecked(); ${prototype_object}->DefineOwnProperty( ${v8_context}, v8::Symbol::GetIterator(${isolate}), v8_value, v8::DontEnum).ToChecked(); }} """ nodes.append( TextNode(_format(pattern, property_name=property_name))) if class_like.identifier == "FileSystemDirectoryHandle": pattern = """\ // Temporary @@asyncIterator support for FileSystemDirectoryHandle // TODO(https://crbug.com/1087157): Replace with proper bindings support. // @@asyncIterator == "{property_name}" {{ v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value = ${prototype_object}->Get( ${v8_context}, V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "{property_name}")) .ToLocalChecked(); ${prototype_object}->DefineOwnProperty( ${v8_context}, v8::Symbol::GetAsyncIterator(${isolate}), v8_value, v8::DontEnum).ToChecked(); }} """ nodes.append(TextNode(_format(pattern, property_name="entries"))) if ("Global" in class_like.extended_attributes and class_like.indexed_and_named_properties and class_like.indexed_and_named_properties.has_named_properties): nodes.append( TextNode("""\ // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object // V8 defines "constructor" property on the prototype object by default. // Named properties object is currently implemented as a prototype object // (implemented with v8::FunctionTemplate::PrototypeTemplate()). ${prototype_object}->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>()->Delete( ${v8_context}, V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "constructor")).ToChecked(); """)) return SequenceNode(nodes) if nodes else None def make_install_interface_template(cg_context, function_name, class_name, trampoline_var_name, constructor_entries, supplemental_install_node, install_unconditional_func_name, install_context_independent_func_name): """ Returns: A triplet of CodeNode of: - function declaration - function definition - trampoline function definition (from the API class to the implementation class), which is supposed to be defined inline """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert _is_none_or_str(class_name) assert _is_none_or_str(trampoline_var_name) assert isinstance(constructor_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryConstructorGroup) for entry in constructor_entries) assert isinstance(supplemental_install_node, SequenceNode) assert _is_none_or_str(install_unconditional_func_name) assert _is_none_or_str(install_context_independent_func_name) T = TextNode class_like = cg_context.class_like interface = cg_context.interface arg_decls = [ "v8::Isolate* isolate", "const DOMWrapperWorld& world", "v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template", ] return_type = "void" if trampoline_var_name is None: trampoline_def = None else: trampoline_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, static=True) trampoline_def.body.append( TextNode( _format("return {}(isolate, world, interface_template);", trampoline_var_name))) func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, static=True) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, class_name=class_name) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body body.add_template_vars({ "isolate": "isolate", "world": "world", "interface_template": "interface_template", }) bind_installer_local_vars(body, cg_context) if cg_context.interface: body.extend([ T("bindings::SetupIDLInterfaceTemplate(" "${isolate}, ${wrapper_type_info}, " "${instance_object_template}, " "${prototype_object_template}, " "${interface_function_template}, " "${parent_interface_template});"), EmptyNode(), ]) elif cg_context.namespace: body.extend([ T("bindings::SetupIDLNamespaceTemplate(" "${isolate}, ${wrapper_type_info}, " "${namespace_object_template});"), EmptyNode(), ]) elif cg_context.callback_interface: body.extend([ T("bindings::SetupIDLCallbackInterfaceTemplate(" "${isolate}, ${wrapper_type_info}, " "${interface_function_template});"), EmptyNode(), ]) else: assert False for entry in constructor_entries: set_callback = _format( "${interface_function_template}->SetCallHandler({});", entry.ctor_callback_name) set_length = _format("${interface_function_template}->SetLength({});", entry.ctor_func_length) if entry.world == CodeGenContext.MAIN_WORLD: body.append( CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="${world}.IsMainWorld()", body=[T(set_callback), T(set_length)])) elif entry.world == CodeGenContext.NON_MAIN_WORLDS: body.append( CxxLikelyIfNode( cond="!${world}.IsMainWorld()", body=[T(set_callback), T(set_length)])) elif entry.world == CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS: body.extend([T(set_callback), T(set_length)]) else: assert False body.append(EmptyNode()) body.extend([ supplemental_install_node, EmptyNode(), ]) if class_like.identifier == "CSSStyleDeclaration": css_properties = list( filter(lambda attr: "CSSProperty" in attr.extended_attributes, class_like.attributes)) if css_properties: prop_name_list = "".join( map(lambda attr: "\"{}\", ".format(attr.identifier), css_properties)) body.append( T("""\ // CSSStyleDeclaration-specific settings // [CSSProperty] { static constexpr const char* kCssProperties[] = { """ + prop_name_list + """ }; bindings::InstallCSSPropertyAttributes( ${isolate}, ${world}, ${instance_template}, ${prototype_template}, ${interface_template}, ${signature}, kCssProperties); } """)) if class_like.identifier == "DOMException": body.append( T("""\ // DOMException-specific settings // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-DOMException-specialness { v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> intrinsic_error_prototype_interface_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${isolate}, nullptr, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::Local<v8::Signature>(), 0, v8::ConstructorBehavior::kThrow); intrinsic_error_prototype_interface_template->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "prototype"), v8::kErrorPrototype); ${interface_function_template}->Inherit( intrinsic_error_prototype_interface_template); } """)) if class_like.identifier == "FileSystemDirectoryIterator": body.append( T("""\ // Temporary @@asyncIterator support for FileSystemDirectoryHandle // TODO(https://crbug.com/1087157): Replace with proper bindings support. { v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${isolate}, nullptr, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::Local<v8::Signature>(), 0, v8::ConstructorBehavior::kThrow); intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "prototype"), v8::kAsyncIteratorPrototype); ${interface_function_template}->Inherit( intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template); } """)) if class_like.identifier == "HTMLAllCollection": body.append( T("""\ // HTMLAllCollection-specific settings // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#the-htmlallcollection-interface ${instance_object_template}->SetCallAsFunctionHandler( ${class_name}::LegacyCallCustom); ${instance_object_template}->MarkAsUndetectable(); """)) if class_like.identifier == "Iterator": body.append( T("""\ // Iterator-specific settings // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterator-prototype-object { v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${isolate}, nullptr, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::Local<v8::Signature>(), 0, v8::ConstructorBehavior::kThrow); intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "prototype"), v8::kIteratorPrototype); ${interface_function_template}->Inherit( intrinsic_iterator_prototype_interface_template); } """)) if class_like.identifier == "Location": body.append( T("""\ // Location-specific settings // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#the-location-interface // To create a Location object, run these steps: // step 3. Let valueOf be location's relevant // Realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ObjProto_valueOf%]]. // step 3. Perform ! location.[[DefineOwnProperty]]("valueOf", // { [[Value]]: valueOf, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, // [[Configurable]]: false }). ${instance_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "valueOf"), v8::kObjProto_valueOf, static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontEnum | v8::DontDelete)); // step 4. Perform ! location.[[DefineOwnProperty]](@@toPrimitive, // { [[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, // [[Configurable]]: false }). ${instance_template}->Set( v8::Symbol::GetToPrimitive(${isolate}), v8::Undefined(${isolate}), static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontEnum | v8::DontDelete)); // [[SetPrototypeOf]] ( V ) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#location-setprototypeof ${instance_object_template}->SetImmutableProto(); ${prototype_object_template}->SetImmutableProto(); """)) if (interface and interface.indexed_and_named_properties and interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter and "Global" not in interface.extended_attributes): body.append( T("""\ // @@iterator for indexed properties // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#define-the-iteration-methods ${prototype_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( v8::Symbol::GetIterator(${isolate}), v8::kArrayProto_values, v8::DontEnum); """)) if interface and interface.iterable and not interface.iterable.key_type: body.append( T("""\ // Value iterator's properties // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#define-the-iteration-methods ${prototype_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "entries"), v8::kArrayProto_entries, v8::None); ${prototype_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "keys"), v8::kArrayProto_keys, v8::None); ${prototype_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "values"), v8::kArrayProto_values, v8::None); ${prototype_template}->SetIntrinsicDataProperty( V8AtomicString(${isolate}, "forEach"), v8::kArrayProto_forEach, v8::None); """)) if interface and "IsCodeLike" in interface.extended_attributes: body.append( CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond="RuntimeEnabledFeatures::TrustedTypesUseCodeLikeEnabled()", body=[ TextNode("// [IsCodeLike]"), TextNode("${instance_object_template}->SetCodeLike();"), ])) if "Global" in class_like.extended_attributes: body.append( TextNode("""\ // [Global] // 3.7.1. [[SetPrototypeOf]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#platform-object-setprototypeof ${instance_object_template}->SetImmutableProto(); ${prototype_object_template}->SetImmutableProto(); """)) elif interface and any("Global" in derived.extended_attributes for derived in interface.deriveds): body.append( TextNode("""\ // [Global] - prototype object in the prototype chain of global objects // 3.7.1. [[SetPrototypeOf]] // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#platform-object-setprototypeof ${prototype_object_template}->SetImmutableProto(); """)) func_call_pattern = ("{}(${isolate}, ${world}, ${instance_template}, " "${prototype_template}, ${interface_template});") if install_unconditional_func_name: func_call = _format(func_call_pattern, install_unconditional_func_name) body.append(T(func_call)) if install_context_independent_func_name: func_call = _format(func_call_pattern, install_context_independent_func_name) body.append(T(func_call)) return func_decl, func_def, trampoline_def class PropInstallMode(object): class Mode(int): pass UNCONDITIONAL = Mode(0) CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT = Mode(1) CONTEXT_DEPENDENT = Mode(2) V8_CONTEXT_SNAPSHOT = Mode(3) def make_install_properties(cg_context, function_name, class_name, prop_install_mode, trampoline_var_name, attribute_entries, constant_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries): """ Returns: A triplet of CodeNode of: - function declaration - function definition - trampoline function definition (from the API class to the implementation class), which is supposed to be defined inline """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert _is_none_or_str(class_name) assert isinstance(prop_install_mode, PropInstallMode.Mode) assert _is_none_or_str(trampoline_var_name) assert isinstance(attribute_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryAttribute) for entry in attribute_entries) assert isinstance(constant_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryConstant) for entry in constant_entries) assert isinstance(exposed_construct_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryExposedConstruct) for entry in exposed_construct_entries) assert isinstance(operation_entries, (list, tuple)) assert all( isinstance(entry, _PropEntryOperationGroup) for entry in operation_entries) if prop_install_mode == PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_DEPENDENT: install_prototype_object_node = _make_install_prototype_object( cg_context) else: install_prototype_object_node = None if not (attribute_entries or constant_entries or exposed_construct_entries or operation_entries or install_prototype_object_node): if prop_install_mode != PropInstallMode.V8_CONTEXT_SNAPSHOT: return None, None, None if prop_install_mode in (PropInstallMode.UNCONDITIONAL, PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT): arg_decls = [ "v8::Isolate* isolate", "const DOMWrapperWorld& world", "v8::Local<v8::Template> instance_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> prototype_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template", ] arg_names = [ "isolate", "world", "instance_template", "prototype_template", "interface_template", ] elif prop_install_mode == PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_DEPENDENT: arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Context> context", "const DOMWrapperWorld& world", "v8::Local<v8::Object> instance_object", "v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype_object", "v8::Local<v8::Object> interface_object", "v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template", "FeatureSelector feature_selector", ] arg_names = [ "context", "world", "instance_object", "prototype_object", "interface_object", "interface_template", "feature_selector", ] elif prop_install_mode == PropInstallMode.V8_CONTEXT_SNAPSHOT: arg_decls = [ "v8::Local<v8::Context> context", "const DOMWrapperWorld& world", "v8::Local<v8::Object> instance_object", "v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype_object", "v8::Local<v8::Object> interface_object", "v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template", ] arg_names = [ "context", "world", "instance_object", "prototype_object", "interface_object", "interface_template", ] return_type = "void" is_per_context_install = ( prop_install_mode in (PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_DEPENDENT, PropInstallMode.V8_CONTEXT_SNAPSHOT)) if trampoline_var_name is None: trampoline_def = None else: trampoline_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, static=True) text = _format( "return {func}({args});", func=trampoline_var_name, args=", ".join(arg_names)) trampoline_def.body.append(TextNode(text)) func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, static=bool(class_name)) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type, class_name=class_name) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body for arg_name in arg_names: if arg_name == "context": # 'context' is reserved by Mako. body.add_template_var("v8_context", "context") else: body.add_template_var(arg_name, arg_name) bind_installer_local_vars(body, cg_context) body.extend([ TextNode("using bindings::IDLMemberInstaller;"), EmptyNode(), ]) if (is_per_context_install and "Global" in cg_context.class_like.extended_attributes): body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode(cond="${instance_object}.IsEmpty()", body=[ TextNode("""\ ${instance_object} = ${v8_context}->Global()->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>();\ """), ]), EmptyNode(), ]) if install_prototype_object_node: body.extend([ CxxLikelyIfNode(cond="${feature_selector}.IsAll()", body=[install_prototype_object_node]), EmptyNode(), ]) def group_by_condition(entries): unconditional_entries = [] conditional_to_entries = {} for entry in entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: unconditional_entries.append(entry) else: conditional_to_entries.setdefault(entry.exposure_conditional, []).append(entry) return unconditional_entries, conditional_to_entries def install_properties(table_name, target_entries, make_table_func, installer_call_text): unconditional_entries, conditional_to_entries = group_by_condition( target_entries) if unconditional_entries: body.append( CxxBlockNode([ make_table_func(table_name, unconditional_entries), TextNode(installer_call_text), ])) body.append(EmptyNode()) for conditional, entries in conditional_to_entries.items(): body.append( CxxUnlikelyIfNode( cond=conditional, body=[ make_table_func(table_name, entries), TextNode(installer_call_text), ])) body.append(EmptyNode()) if is_per_context_install: pattern = ("{install_func}(" "${isolate}, ${world}, " "${instance_object}, " "${prototype_object}, " "${interface_object}, " "${signature}, {table_name});") else: pattern = ("{install_func}(" "${isolate}, ${world}, " "${instance_template}, " "${prototype_template}, " "${interface_template}, " "${signature}, {table_name});") table_name = "kAttributeTable" installer_call_text = _format( pattern, install_func="IDLMemberInstaller::InstallAttributes", table_name=table_name) install_properties(table_name, attribute_entries, _make_attribute_registration_table, installer_call_text) table_name = "kConstantCallbackTable" installer_call_text = _format( pattern, install_func="IDLMemberInstaller::InstallConstants", table_name=table_name) constant_callback_entries = list( filter(lambda entry: entry.const_callback_name, constant_entries)) install_properties(table_name, constant_callback_entries, _make_constant_callback_registration_table, installer_call_text) table_name = "kConstantValueTable" installer_call_text = _format( pattern, install_func="IDLMemberInstaller::InstallConstants", table_name=table_name) constant_value_entries = list( filter(lambda entry: not entry.const_callback_name, constant_entries)) install_properties(table_name, constant_value_entries, _make_constant_value_registration_table, installer_call_text) table_name = "kExposedConstructTable" installer_call_text = _format( pattern, install_func="IDLMemberInstaller::InstallExposedConstructs", table_name=table_name) install_properties(table_name, exposed_construct_entries, _make_exposed_construct_registration_table, installer_call_text) table_name = "kOperationTable" installer_call_text = _format( pattern, install_func="IDLMemberInstaller::InstallOperations", table_name=table_name) entries = list( filter(lambda entry: not entry.no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks, operation_entries)) install_properties(table_name, entries, _make_operation_registration_table, installer_call_text) entries = list( filter(lambda entry: entry.no_alloc_direct_call_callbacks, operation_entries)) install_properties(table_name, entries, _make_operation_registration_table, installer_call_text) return func_decl, func_def, trampoline_def def make_indexed_and_named_property_callbacks_and_install_node(cg_context): """ Implements non-ordinary internal methods of legacy platform objects. https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-legacy-platform-objects Also implements the same origin case of indexed access to WindowProxy objects just same as indexed properties of legacy platform objects. https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#the-windowproxy-exotic-object """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) F = FormatNode func_decls = ListNode() func_defs = ListNode() install_node = SequenceNode() interface = cg_context.interface if not (interface and interface.indexed_and_named_properties and "Global" not in interface.extended_attributes): return func_decls, func_defs, install_node props = interface.indexed_and_named_properties def add_callback(func_decl, func_def): func_decls.append(func_decl) if func_def: func_defs.append(func_def) func_defs.append(EmptyNode()) def most_derived_interface(*interfaces): key = lambda interface: len(interface.inclusive_inherited_interfaces) return sorted(filter(None, interfaces), key=key)[-1] cg_context = cg_context.make_copy( v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext.V8_OTHER_CALLBACK) if props.own_named_getter: add_callback(*make_named_property_getter_callback( cg_context.make_copy(named_property_getter=props.named_getter), "NamedPropertyGetterCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_setter_callback( cg_context.make_copy(named_property_setter=props.named_setter), "NamedPropertySetterCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_deleter_callback( cg_context.make_copy(named_property_deleter=props.named_deleter), "NamedPropertyDeleterCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_definer_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropertyDefinerCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_query_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropertyQueryCallback")) add_callback(*make_named_property_enumerator_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback")) if props.named_getter: impl_bridge = v8_bridge_class_name( most_derived_interface( props.named_getter.owner, props.named_setter and props.named_setter.owner, props.named_deleter and props.named_deleter.owner)) flags = ["v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kOnlyInterceptStrings"] if "LegacyOverrideBuiltIns" not in interface.extended_attributes: flags.append("v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNonMasking") if (props.named_getter.extended_attributes.value_of("Affects") == "Nothing"): flags.append("v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kHasNoSideEffect") property_handler_flags = ( "static_cast<v8::PropertyHandlerFlags>({})".format(" | ".join( map(lambda flag: "int32_t({})".format(flag), flags)))) pattern = """\ // Named interceptors ${instance_object_template}->SetHandler( v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyGetterCallback, {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertySetterCallback, % if "NotEnumerable" not in \ interface.indexed_and_named_properties.named_getter.extended_attributes: {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyQueryCallback, % else: nullptr, // query % endif {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyDeleterCallback, % if "NotEnumerable" not in \ interface.indexed_and_named_properties.named_getter.extended_attributes: {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback, % else: nullptr, // enumerator % endif {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyDefinerCallback, {impl_bridge}::NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), {property_handler_flags}));""" install_node.append( F(pattern, impl_bridge=impl_bridge, property_handler_flags=property_handler_flags)) if props.own_indexed_getter or props.own_named_getter: add_callback(*make_indexed_property_getter_callback( cg_context.make_copy(indexed_property_getter=props.indexed_getter), "IndexedPropertyGetterCallback")) add_callback(*make_indexed_property_setter_callback( cg_context.make_copy(indexed_property_setter=props.indexed_setter), "IndexedPropertySetterCallback")) add_callback(*make_indexed_property_deleter_callback( cg_context, "IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback")) add_callback(*make_indexed_property_definer_callback( cg_context, "IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback")) add_callback(*make_indexed_property_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback")) add_callback(*make_indexed_property_enumerator_callback( cg_context, "IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback")) if props.indexed_getter or props.named_getter: impl_bridge = v8_bridge_class_name( most_derived_interface( props.indexed_getter and props.indexed_getter.owner, props.indexed_setter and props.indexed_setter.owner, props.named_getter and props.named_getter.owner, props.named_setter and props.named_setter.owner, props.named_deleter and props.named_deleter.owner)) flags = [] if (props.indexed_getter and props.indexed_getter.extended_attributes. value_of("Affects") == "Nothing"): flags.append("v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kHasNoSideEffect") else: flags.append("v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone") property_handler_flags = flags[0] pattern = """\ // Indexed interceptors ${instance_object_template}->SetHandler( v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertyGetterCallback, {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertySetterCallback, nullptr, // query {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback, % if interface.indexed_and_named_properties.indexed_getter: {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback, % else: nullptr, // enumerator % endif {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback, {impl_bridge}::IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), {property_handler_flags}));""" install_node.append( F(pattern, impl_bridge=impl_bridge, property_handler_flags=property_handler_flags)) func_defs.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_set_return_value_for_core.h" ])) return func_decls, func_defs, install_node def make_named_properties_object_callbacks_and_install_node(cg_context): """ Implements non-ordinary internal methods of named properties objects. https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#named-properties-object """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) callback_defs = [] install_node = SequenceNode() interface = cg_context.interface if not (interface and interface.indexed_and_named_properties and interface.indexed_and_named_properties.named_getter and "Global" in interface.extended_attributes): return callback_defs, install_node cg_context = cg_context.make_copy( v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext.V8_OTHER_CALLBACK) func_defs = [ make_named_props_obj_named_getter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjNamedGetterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_named_setter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjNamedSetterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_named_deleter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjNamedDeleterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_named_definer_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjNamedDefinerCallback"), make_named_props_obj_named_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjNamedDescriptorCallback"), make_named_props_obj_indexed_getter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjIndexedGetterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_indexed_setter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjIndexedSetterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_indexed_deleter_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjIndexedDeleterCallback"), make_named_props_obj_indexed_definer_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjIndexedDefinerCallback"), make_named_props_obj_indexed_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "NamedPropsObjIndexedDescriptorCallback"), ] for func_def in func_defs: callback_defs.append(func_def) callback_defs.append(EmptyNode()) text = """\ // Named interceptors ${npo_prototype_template}->SetHandler( v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( NamedPropsObjNamedGetterCallback, NamedPropsObjNamedSetterCallback, nullptr, // query NamedPropsObjNamedDeleterCallback, nullptr, // enumerator NamedPropsObjNamedDefinerCallback, NamedPropsObjNamedDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), static_cast<v8::PropertyHandlerFlags>( int32_t(v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNonMasking) | int32_t(v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kOnlyInterceptStrings)))); // Indexed interceptors ${npo_prototype_template}->SetHandler( v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( NamedPropsObjIndexedGetterCallback, NamedPropsObjIndexedSetterCallback, nullptr, // query NamedPropsObjIndexedDeleterCallback, nullptr, // enumerator NamedPropsObjIndexedDefinerCallback, NamedPropsObjIndexedDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone));""" install_node.append(TextNode(text)) return callback_defs, install_node def make_cross_origin_property_callbacks_and_install_node( cg_context, attribute_entries, operation_entries): """ Implements non-ordinary internal methods of WindowProxy and Location objects. https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#the-windowproxy-exotic-object https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#the-location-interface """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) callback_defs = [] install_node = SequenceNode() CROSS_ORIGIN_INTERFACES = ("Window", "Location") if cg_context.class_like.identifier not in CROSS_ORIGIN_INTERFACES: return callback_defs, install_node props = cg_context.interface.indexed_and_named_properties entry_nodes = [] for entry in attribute_entries: attribute = entry.property_ if "CrossOrigin" not in attribute.extended_attributes: continue assert entry.world == CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS values = attribute.extended_attributes.values_of("CrossOrigin") get_func = "nullptr" set_func = "nullptr" get_value = "nullptr" set_value = "nullptr" if not values or "Getter" in values: get_func = entry.attr_get_callback_name cgc = cg_context.make_copy( attribute=attribute, attribute_get=True, v8_callback_type=( CodeGenContext.V8_ACCESSOR_NAME_GETTER_CALLBACK)) get_value = callback_function_name(cgc, for_cross_origin=True) func_def = make_attribute_get_callback_def(cgc, get_value) callback_defs.extend([func_def, EmptyNode()]) if values and "Setter" in values: set_func = entry.attr_set_callback_name cgc = cg_context.make_copy( attribute=attribute, attribute_set=True, v8_callback_type=( CodeGenContext.V8_GENERIC_NAMED_PROPERTY_SETTER_CALLBACK)) set_value = callback_function_name(cgc, for_cross_origin=True) func_def = make_attribute_set_callback_def(cgc, set_value) callback_defs.extend([func_def, EmptyNode()]) pattern = ("{{\"{property_name}\", " "{get_func}, {set_func}, {get_value}, {set_value}}},") entry_nodes.append( TextNode( _format( pattern, property_name=attribute.identifier, get_func=get_func, set_func=set_func, get_value=get_value, set_value=set_value))) callback_defs.append( ListNode([ TextNode("constexpr bindings::CrossOriginAttributeTableEntry " "kCrossOriginAttributeTable[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), TextNode("};"), EmptyNode(), ])) entry_nodes = [] for entry in operation_entries: operation_group = entry.property_ if "CrossOrigin" not in operation_group.extended_attributes: continue assert entry.world == CodeGenContext.ALL_WORLDS entry_nodes.append( TextNode( _format( "{{\"{property_name}\", {op_callback}, {op_func_length}}},", property_name=operation_group.identifier, op_callback=entry.op_callback_name, op_func_length=entry.op_func_length))) callback_defs.append( ListNode([ TextNode("constexpr bindings::CrossOriginOperationTableEntry " "kCrossOriginOperationTable[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), TextNode("};"), EmptyNode(), ])) cg_context = cg_context.make_copy( v8_callback_type=CodeGenContext.V8_OTHER_CALLBACK) func_defs = [ make_cross_origin_access_check_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginAccessCheckCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_getter_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedGetterCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_setter_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedSetterCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_deleter_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedDeleterCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_definer_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedDefinerCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedDescriptorCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_query_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedQueryCallback"), make_cross_origin_named_enumerator_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginNamedEnumeratorCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_getter_callback( cg_context.make_copy( indexed_property_getter=(props and props.indexed_getter)), "CrossOriginIndexedGetterCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_setter_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginIndexedSetterCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_deleter_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginIndexedDeleterCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_definer_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginIndexedDefinerCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginIndexedDescriptorCallback"), make_cross_origin_indexed_enumerator_callback( cg_context, "CrossOriginIndexedEnumeratorCallback"), ] for func_def in func_defs: callback_defs.append(func_def) callback_defs.append(EmptyNode()) text = """\ // Cross origin properties ${instance_object_template}->SetAccessCheckCallbackAndHandler( CrossOriginAccessCheckCallback, v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( CrossOriginNamedGetterCallback, CrossOriginNamedSetterCallback, CrossOriginNamedQueryCallback, CrossOriginNamedDeleterCallback, CrossOriginNamedEnumeratorCallback, CrossOriginNamedDefinerCallback, CrossOriginNamedDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone), v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( CrossOriginIndexedGetterCallback, CrossOriginIndexedSetterCallback, nullptr, // query CrossOriginIndexedDeleterCallback, CrossOriginIndexedEnumeratorCallback, CrossOriginIndexedDefinerCallback, CrossOriginIndexedDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone), v8::External::New( ${isolate}, const_cast<WrapperTypeInfo*>(${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()))); """ install_node.append(TextNode(text)) install_node.accumulate( CodeGenAccumulator.require_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/binding_security.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_cross_origin_property_support.h", ])) if cg_context.interface.identifier != "Window": return callback_defs, install_node func_defs = [ make_same_origin_indexed_getter_callback( cg_context.make_copy( indexed_property_getter=(props and props.indexed_getter)), "SameOriginIndexedGetterCallback"), make_same_origin_indexed_setter_callback( cg_context, "SameOriginIndexedSetterCallback"), make_same_origin_indexed_deleter_callback( cg_context, "SameOriginIndexedDeleterCallback"), make_same_origin_indexed_definer_callback( cg_context, "SameOriginIndexedDefinerCallback"), make_same_origin_indexed_descriptor_callback( cg_context, "SameOriginIndexedDescriptorCallback"), make_same_origin_indexed_enumerator_callback( cg_context, "SameOriginIndexedEnumeratorCallback"), ] for func_def in func_defs: callback_defs.append(func_def) callback_defs.append(EmptyNode()) text = """\ // Same origin interceptors ${instance_object_template}->SetHandler( v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration( SameOriginIndexedGetterCallback, SameOriginIndexedSetterCallback, nullptr, // query SameOriginIndexedDeleterCallback, SameOriginIndexedEnumeratorCallback, SameOriginIndexedDefinerCallback, SameOriginIndexedDescriptorCallback, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)); """ install_node.append(TextNode(text)) return callback_defs, install_node def make_cross_component_init( cg_context, function_name, class_name, has_unconditional_props, has_context_independent_props, has_context_dependent_props): """ Returns: A triplet of CodeNode of: - function declaration - function definition - trampoline member variable definitions """ assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(class_name, str) assert isinstance(has_unconditional_props, bool) assert isinstance(has_context_independent_props, bool) assert isinstance(has_context_dependent_props, bool) F = FormatNode def filter_four_trampolines(nodes): assert len(nodes) == 4 flags = (True, has_unconditional_props, has_context_independent_props, has_context_dependent_props) return [node for node, flag in zip(nodes, flags) if flag] trampoline_var_decls = ListNode( filter_four_trampolines([ F("static InstallInterfaceTemplateFuncType {};", TP_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE), F("static InstallUnconditionalPropertiesFuncType {};", TP_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS), F("static InstallContextIndependentPropertiesFuncType {};", TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS), F("static InstallContextDependentPropertiesFuncType {};", TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS), ])) trampoline_var_defs = ListNode( filter_four_trampolines([ F(("${class_name}::InstallInterfaceTemplateFuncType " "${class_name}::{} = nullptr;"), TP_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE), F(("${class_name}::InstallUnconditionalPropertiesFuncType " "${class_name}::{} = nullptr;"), TP_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS), F(("${class_name}::InstallContextIndependentPropertiesFuncType " "${class_name}::{} = nullptr;"), TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS), F(("${class_name}::InstallContextDependentPropertiesFuncType " "${class_name}::{} = nullptr;"), TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS), ])) trampoline_var_defs.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="void", static=True) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="void", class_name=class_name) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body body.extend( filter_four_trampolines([ F("${class_name}::{} = {};", TP_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE, FN_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE), F("${class_name}::{} = {};", TP_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS, FN_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS), F("${class_name}::{} = {};", TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS, FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS), F("${class_name}::{} = {};", TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS, FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS), ])) return func_decl, func_def, trampoline_var_decls, trampoline_var_defs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WrapperTypeInfo # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_wrapper_type_info(cg_context, function_name, has_context_dependent_props): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert function_name == "GetWrapperTypeInfo" assert isinstance(has_context_dependent_props, bool) F = FormatNode func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="constexpr const WrapperTypeInfo*", static=True) func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) func_def.body.append(TextNode("return &wrapper_type_info_;")) member_var_def = TextNode( "static const WrapperTypeInfo wrapper_type_info_;") wrapper_type_info_def = ListNode() wrapper_type_info_def.set_base_template_vars( cg_context.template_bindings()) pattern = """\ // Construction of WrapperTypeInfo may require non-trivial initialization due // to cross-component address resolution in order to load the pointer to the // parent interface's WrapperTypeInfo. We ignore this issue because the issue // happens only on component builds and the official release builds // (statically-linked builds) are never affected by this issue. #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors" #endif const WrapperTypeInfo ${class_name}::wrapper_type_info_{{ gin::kEmbedderBlink, ${class_name}::{install_interface_template_func}, {install_context_dependent_func}, "${{class_like.identifier}}", {wrapper_type_info_of_inherited}, {wrapper_type_prototype}, {wrapper_class_id}, {active_script_wrappable_inheritance}, {idl_definition_kind}, }}; #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif """ class_like = cg_context.class_like if has_context_dependent_props: install_context_dependent_func = _format( "${class_name}::{}", FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS) else: install_context_dependent_func = "nullptr" if class_like.is_interface and class_like.inherited: wrapper_type_info_of_inherited = "{}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()".format( v8_bridge_class_name(class_like.inherited)) else: wrapper_type_info_of_inherited = "nullptr" if class_like.is_interface: wrapper_type_prototype = "WrapperTypeInfo::kWrapperTypeObjectPrototype" else: wrapper_type_prototype = "WrapperTypeInfo::kWrapperTypeNoPrototype" if class_like.is_interface and class_like.does_implement("Node"): wrapper_class_id = "WrapperTypeInfo::kNodeClassId" else: wrapper_class_id = "WrapperTypeInfo::kObjectClassId" if class_like.code_generator_info.is_active_script_wrappable: active_script_wrappable_inheritance = ( "WrapperTypeInfo::kInheritFromActiveScriptWrappable") else: active_script_wrappable_inheritance = ( "WrapperTypeInfo::kNotInheritFromActiveScriptWrappable") if class_like.is_interface: idl_definition_kind = "WrapperTypeInfo::kIdlInterface" elif class_like.is_namespace: idl_definition_kind = "WrapperTypeInfo::kIdlNamespace" elif class_like.is_callback_interface: idl_definition_kind = "WrapperTypeInfo::kIdlCallbackInterface" wrapper_type_info_def.append( F(pattern, install_interface_template_func=FN_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE, install_context_dependent_func=install_context_dependent_func, wrapper_type_info_of_inherited=wrapper_type_info_of_inherited, wrapper_type_prototype=wrapper_type_prototype, wrapper_class_id=wrapper_class_id, active_script_wrappable_inheritance=( active_script_wrappable_inheritance), idl_definition_kind=idl_definition_kind)) if class_like.is_interface: blink_class = blink_class_name(class_like) pattern = """\ const WrapperTypeInfo& {blink_class}::wrapper_type_info_ = ${class_name}::wrapper_type_info_; """ wrapper_type_info_def.append(F(pattern, blink_class=blink_class)) if class_like.code_generator_info.is_active_script_wrappable: pattern = """\ // [ActiveScriptWrappable] static_assert( std::is_base_of<ActiveScriptWrappableBase, {blink_class}>::value, "{blink_class} does not inherit from ActiveScriptWrappable<> despite " "the IDL has [ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute."); static_assert( !std::is_same<decltype(&{blink_class}::HasPendingActivity), decltype(&ScriptWrappable::HasPendingActivity)>::value, "{blink_class} is not overriding hasPendingActivity() despite " "the IDL has [ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute.");""" else: pattern = """\ // non-[ActiveScriptWrappable] static_assert( !std::is_base_of<ActiveScriptWrappableBase, {blink_class}>::value, "{blink_class} inherits from ActiveScriptWrappable<> without " "[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute."); static_assert( std::is_same<decltype(&{blink_class}::HasPendingActivity), decltype(&ScriptWrappable::HasPendingActivity)>::value, "{blink_class} is overriding hasPendingActivity() without " "[ActiveScriptWrappable] extended attribute.");""" if class_like.is_interface: wrapper_type_info_def.append(F(pattern, blink_class=blink_class)) return func_def, member_var_def, wrapper_type_info_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # V8 Context Snapshot # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_v8_context_snapshot_api(cg_context, component, attribute_entries, constant_entries, constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries, named_properties_object_callback_defs, cross_origin_property_callback_defs, install_context_independent_func_name): assert isinstance(cg_context, CodeGenContext) assert isinstance(component, web_idl.Component) if not cg_context.interface: return None, None derived_interfaces = cg_context.interface.deriveds derived_names = list( map(lambda interface: interface.identifier, derived_interfaces)) derived_names.append(cg_context.interface.identifier) if not ("Window" in derived_names or "HTMLDocument" in derived_names): return None, None header_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("v8_context_snapshot")) source_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("v8_context_snapshot")) export_text = component_export(component, False) def add_func(func_decl, func_def): header_ns.body.extend([ TextNode(export_text), func_decl, EmptyNode(), ]) source_ns.body.extend([ func_def, EmptyNode(), ]) add_func(*_make_v8_context_snapshot_get_reference_table_function( cg_context, name_style.func("GetRefTableOf", cg_context.class_name), attribute_entries, constant_entries, constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries, named_properties_object_callback_defs, cross_origin_property_callback_defs)) add_func(*_make_v8_context_snapshot_install_props_per_context_function( cg_context, name_style.func("InstallPropsOf", cg_context.class_name), attribute_entries, constant_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries)) add_func(*_make_v8_context_snapshot_install_props_per_isolate_function( cg_context, name_style.func("InstallPropsOf", cg_context.class_name), install_context_independent_func_name)) return header_ns, source_ns def _make_v8_context_snapshot_get_reference_table_function( cg_context, function_name, attribute_entries, constant_entries, constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries, named_properties_object_callback_defs, cross_origin_property_callback_defs): callback_names = ["${class_name}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()"] for entry in attribute_entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: callback_names.append(entry.attr_get_callback_name) callback_names.append(entry.attr_set_callback_name) for entry in constant_entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: callback_names.append(entry.const_callback_name) for entry in constructor_entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: callback_names.append(entry.ctor_callback_name) for entry in exposed_construct_entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: callback_names.append(entry.prop_callback_name) for entry in operation_entries: if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: callback_names.append(entry.op_callback_name) def collect_callbacks(node): if isinstance(node, CxxFuncDefNode): callback_names.append(node.function_name) elif hasattr(node, "__iter__"): for child_node in node: collect_callbacks(child_node) collect_callbacks(named_properties_object_callback_defs) collect_callbacks(cross_origin_property_callback_defs) entry_nodes = list( map( lambda name: TextNode("reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>({}),".format(name )), filter(None, callback_names))) table_node = ListNode([ TextNode("static const intptr_t kReferenceTable[] = {"), ListNode(entry_nodes), TextNode("};"), ]) func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="base::span<const intptr_t>") func_def = CxxFuncDefNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="base::span<const intptr_t>") func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body body.extend([table_node, TextNode("return kReferenceTable;")]) return func_decl, func_def def _make_v8_context_snapshot_install_props_per_context_function( cg_context, function_name, attribute_entries, constant_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries): def selector(entry): if entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true: return False if entry.is_context_dependent: return False return True func_decl, func_def, _ = make_install_properties( cg_context, function_name, class_name=None, prop_install_mode=PropInstallMode.V8_CONTEXT_SNAPSHOT, trampoline_var_name=None, attribute_entries=list(filter(selector, attribute_entries)), constant_entries=list(filter(selector, constant_entries)), exposed_construct_entries=list( filter(selector, exposed_construct_entries)), operation_entries=list(filter(selector, operation_entries))) return func_decl, func_def def _make_v8_context_snapshot_install_props_per_isolate_function( cg_context, function_name, install_context_independent_func_name): arg_decls = [ "v8::Isolate* isolate", "const DOMWrapperWorld& world", "v8::Local<v8::Template> instance_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> prototype_template", "v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template", ] arg_names = [ "isolate", "world", "instance_template", "prototype_template", "interface_template", ] return_type = "void" func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type) func_def = CxxFuncDefNode(name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type=return_type) if not install_context_independent_func_name: return func_decl, func_def func_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) body = func_def.body for arg_name in arg_names: body.add_template_var(arg_name, arg_name) pattern = """\ return ${class_name}::{func}( ${isolate}, ${world}, ${instance_template}, ${prototype_template}, ${interface_template});\ """ body.append( TextNode(_format(pattern, func=install_context_independent_func_name))) return func_decl, func_def # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _collect_include_headers(class_like): assert isinstance(class_like, (web_idl.Interface, web_idl.Namespace)) headers = set(class_like.code_generator_info.blink_headers) def collect_from_idl_type(idl_type): idl_type.apply_to_all_composing_elements(add_include_headers) def add_include_headers(idl_type): # ScriptPromise doesn't require any header for the result type. if idl_type.is_promise: raise StopIteration(idl_type.syntactic_form) type_def_obj = idl_type.type_definition_object if type_def_obj is not None: if (type_def_obj.identifier in ( "OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull", "OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull")): raise StopIteration(idl_type.syntactic_form) headers.add(PathManager(type_def_obj).api_path(ext="h")) if type_def_obj.is_interface or type_def_obj.is_namespace: headers.add(PathManager(type_def_obj).blink_path(ext="h")) raise StopIteration(idl_type.syntactic_form) union_def_obj = idl_type.union_definition_object if union_def_obj is not None: headers.add(PathManager(union_def_obj).api_path(ext="h")) for attribute in class_like.attributes: collect_from_idl_type(attribute.idl_type) operations = [] operations.extend(class_like.constructors) operations.extend(class_like.operations) if class_like.is_interface: for x in [class_like.iterable, class_like.maplike, class_like.setlike]: if x: operations.extend(x.operations) for operation in operations: collect_from_idl_type(operation.return_type) for argument in operation.arguments: collect_from_idl_type(argument.idl_type) if class_like.is_interface: for exposed_construct in class_like.exposed_constructs: headers.add(PathManager(exposed_construct).api_path(ext="h")) for legacy_window_alias in class_like.legacy_window_aliases: headers.add( PathManager(legacy_window_alias.original).api_path(ext="h")) path_manager = PathManager(class_like) headers.discard(path_manager.api_path(ext="h")) headers.discard(path_manager.impl_path(ext="h")) # TODO(yukishiino): Window interface should be # [ImplementedAs=LocalDOMWindow] instead of [ImplementedAs=DOMWindow], and # [CrossOrigin] properties should be implemented specifically with # DOMWindow class. Then, we'll have less hacks. if class_like.identifier == "Window": headers.add("third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_dom_window.h") return headers def generate_class_like(class_like): assert isinstance(class_like, (web_idl.Interface, web_idl.Namespace)) path_manager = PathManager(class_like) api_component = path_manager.api_component impl_component = path_manager.impl_component is_cross_components = path_manager.is_cross_components for_testing = class_like.code_generator_info.for_testing # Class names api_class_name = v8_bridge_class_name(class_like) if is_cross_components: impl_class_name = "{}::Impl".format(api_class_name) else: impl_class_name = api_class_name interface = None namespace = None if class_like.is_interface: interface = class_like cg_context = CodeGenContext(interface=interface, class_name=api_class_name) elif class_like.is_namespace: namespace = class_like cg_context = CodeGenContext(namespace=namespace, class_name=api_class_name) # Filepaths api_header_path = path_manager.api_path(ext="h") api_source_path = path_manager.api_path(ext="cc") if is_cross_components: impl_header_path = path_manager.impl_path(ext="h") impl_source_path = path_manager.impl_path(ext="cc") # Root nodes api_header_node = ListNode(tail="\n") api_header_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) api_header_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) api_source_node = ListNode(tail="\n") api_source_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) api_source_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) if is_cross_components: impl_header_node = ListNode(tail="\n") impl_header_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) impl_header_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) impl_source_node = ListNode(tail="\n") impl_source_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) impl_source_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) else: impl_header_node = api_header_node impl_source_node = api_source_node # Namespaces api_header_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) api_source_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) if is_cross_components: impl_header_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) impl_source_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) else: impl_header_blink_ns = api_header_blink_ns impl_source_blink_ns = api_source_blink_ns # Class definitions api_class_def = CxxClassDefNode( cg_context.class_name, base_class_names=[ _format("bindings::V8InterfaceBridge<${class_name}, {}>", blink_class_name(class_like)), ], final=True, export=component_export(api_component, for_testing)) api_class_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) api_class_def.bottom_section.append( TextNode("friend class {};".format(blink_class_name(class_like)))) if is_cross_components: impl_class_def = CxxClassDefNode(impl_class_name, final=True, export=component_export( impl_component, for_testing)) impl_class_def.set_base_template_vars(cg_context.template_bindings()) api_class_def.public_section.extend([ TextNode("// Cross-component implementation class"), TextNode("class Impl;"), EmptyNode(), ]) else: impl_class_def = api_class_def # Constants constants_def = None if class_like.constants: constants_def = CxxClassDefNode(name="Constant", final=True) constants_def.top_section.append(TextNode("STATIC_ONLY(Constant);")) for constant in class_like.constants: cgc = cg_context.make_copy(constant=constant) constants_def.public_section.append( make_constant_constant_def(cgc, constant_name(cgc))) # Custom callback implementations custom_callback_impl_decls = ListNode() def add_custom_callback_impl_decl(**params): arg_decls = params.pop("arg_decls") name = params.pop("name", None) if name is None: name = custom_function_name(cg_context.make_copy(**params)) custom_callback_impl_decls.append( CxxFuncDeclNode( name=name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void", static=True)) if class_like.identifier == "HTMLAllCollection": add_custom_callback_impl_decl( name=name_style.func("LegacyCallCustom"), arg_decls=["const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&"]) for attribute in class_like.attributes: custom_values = attribute.extended_attributes.values_of("Custom") is_cross_origin = "CrossOrigin" in attribute.extended_attributes cross_origin_values = attribute.extended_attributes.values_of( "CrossOrigin") if "Getter" in custom_values: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( attribute=attribute, attribute_get=True, arg_decls=["const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&"]) if is_cross_origin and (not cross_origin_values or "Getter" in cross_origin_values): add_custom_callback_impl_decl( attribute=attribute, attribute_get=True, arg_decls=["const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&"]) if "Setter" in custom_values: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( attribute=attribute, attribute_set=True, arg_decls=[ "v8::Local<v8::Value>", "const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&", ]) if is_cross_origin and (not cross_origin_values or "Setter" in cross_origin_values): add_custom_callback_impl_decl( attribute=attribute, attribute_set=True, arg_decls=[ "v8::Local<v8::Value>", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>&", ]) for operation_group in class_like.operation_groups: if "Custom" in operation_group.extended_attributes: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( operation_group=operation_group, arg_decls=["const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&"]) if interface and interface.indexed_and_named_properties: props = interface.indexed_and_named_properties operation = props.own_named_getter if operation and "Custom" in operation.extended_attributes: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( named_property_getter=operation, arg_decls=[ "const AtomicString& property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&", ]) operation = props.own_named_setter if operation and "Custom" in operation.extended_attributes: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( named_property_setter=operation, arg_decls=[ "const AtomicString& property_name", "v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&", ]) operation = props.own_named_deleter if operation and "Custom" in operation.extended_attributes: add_custom_callback_impl_decl( named_property_deleter=operation, arg_decls=[ "const AtomicString& property_name", "const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&", ]) # Cross-component trampolines if is_cross_components: # tp_ = trampoline name tp_install_interface_template = TP_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE tp_install_unconditional_props = TP_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS tp_install_context_independent_props = ( TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS) tp_install_context_dependent_props = TP_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS else: tp_install_interface_template = None tp_install_unconditional_props = None tp_install_context_independent_props = None tp_install_context_dependent_props = None # Callback functions attribute_entries = [] constant_entries = [] constructor_entries = [] exposed_construct_entries = [] operation_entries = [] callback_defs = make_property_entries_and_callback_defs( cg_context, attribute_entries=attribute_entries, constant_entries=constant_entries, constructor_entries=constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries=exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries=operation_entries) supplemental_install_node = SequenceNode() # Indexed and named properties # Shorten a function name to mitigate a style check error. f = make_indexed_and_named_property_callbacks_and_install_node (indexed_and_named_property_decls, indexed_and_named_property_defs, indexed_and_named_property_install_node) = f(cg_context) supplemental_install_node.append(indexed_and_named_property_install_node) supplemental_install_node.append(EmptyNode()) # Named properties object (named_properties_object_callback_defs, named_properties_object_install_node) = ( make_named_properties_object_callbacks_and_install_node(cg_context)) callback_defs.extend(named_properties_object_callback_defs) supplemental_install_node.append(named_properties_object_install_node) supplemental_install_node.append(EmptyNode()) # Cross origin properties (cross_origin_property_callback_defs, cross_origin_property_install_node) = ( make_cross_origin_property_callbacks_and_install_node( cg_context, attribute_entries, operation_entries)) callback_defs.extend(cross_origin_property_callback_defs) supplemental_install_node.append(cross_origin_property_install_node) supplemental_install_node.append(EmptyNode()) # Installer functions is_unconditional = lambda entry: entry.exposure_conditional.is_always_true is_context_dependent = lambda entry: entry.is_context_dependent is_context_independent = ( lambda e: not is_context_dependent(e) and not is_unconditional(e)) (install_unconditional_props_decl, install_unconditional_props_def, install_unconditional_props_trampoline) = make_install_properties( cg_context, FN_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS, class_name=impl_class_name, prop_install_mode=PropInstallMode.UNCONDITIONAL, trampoline_var_name=tp_install_unconditional_props, attribute_entries=list(filter(is_unconditional, attribute_entries)), constant_entries=list(filter(is_unconditional, constant_entries)), exposed_construct_entries=list( filter(is_unconditional, exposed_construct_entries)), operation_entries=list(filter(is_unconditional, operation_entries))) (install_context_independent_props_decl, install_context_independent_props_def, install_context_independent_props_trampoline) = make_install_properties( cg_context, FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS, class_name=impl_class_name, prop_install_mode=PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT, trampoline_var_name=tp_install_context_independent_props, attribute_entries=list( filter(is_context_independent, attribute_entries)), constant_entries=list(filter(is_context_independent, constant_entries)), exposed_construct_entries=list( filter(is_context_independent, exposed_construct_entries)), operation_entries=list( filter(is_context_independent, operation_entries))) (install_context_dependent_props_decl, install_context_dependent_props_def, install_context_dependent_props_trampoline) = make_install_properties( cg_context, FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_PROPS, class_name=impl_class_name, prop_install_mode=PropInstallMode.CONTEXT_DEPENDENT, trampoline_var_name=tp_install_context_dependent_props, attribute_entries=list(filter(is_context_dependent, attribute_entries)), constant_entries=list(filter(is_context_dependent, constant_entries)), exposed_construct_entries=list( filter(is_context_dependent, exposed_construct_entries)), operation_entries=list(filter(is_context_dependent, operation_entries))) (install_interface_template_decl, install_interface_template_def, install_interface_template_trampoline) = make_install_interface_template( cg_context, FN_INSTALL_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE, class_name=impl_class_name, trampoline_var_name=tp_install_interface_template, constructor_entries=constructor_entries, supplemental_install_node=supplemental_install_node, install_unconditional_func_name=(install_unconditional_props_def and FN_INSTALL_UNCONDITIONAL_PROPS), install_context_independent_func_name=( install_context_independent_props_def and FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS)) installer_function_decls = ListNode([ install_interface_template_decl, install_unconditional_props_decl, install_context_independent_props_decl, install_context_dependent_props_decl, ]) installer_function_defs = ListNode([ install_interface_template_def, EmptyNode(), install_unconditional_props_def, EmptyNode(), install_context_independent_props_def, EmptyNode(), install_context_dependent_props_def, ]) installer_function_trampolines = ListNode([ install_interface_template_trampoline, install_unconditional_props_trampoline, install_context_independent_props_trampoline, install_context_dependent_props_trampoline, ]) # WrapperTypeInfo (get_wrapper_type_info_def, wrapper_type_info_var_def, wrapper_type_info_init) = make_wrapper_type_info( cg_context, "GetWrapperTypeInfo", has_context_dependent_props=bool( install_context_dependent_props_decl)) # Cross-component trampolines if is_cross_components: (cross_component_init_decl, cross_component_init_def, trampoline_var_decls, trampoline_var_defs) = make_cross_component_init( cg_context, "Init", class_name=impl_class_name, has_unconditional_props=bool(install_unconditional_props_decl), has_context_independent_props=bool( install_context_independent_props_decl), has_context_dependent_props=bool( install_context_dependent_props_decl)) # V8 Context Snapshot (header_v8_context_snapshot_ns, source_v8_context_snapshot_ns) = make_v8_context_snapshot_api( cg_context, impl_component, attribute_entries, constant_entries, constructor_entries, exposed_construct_entries, operation_entries, named_properties_object_callback_defs, cross_origin_property_callback_defs, (install_context_independent_props_def and FN_INSTALL_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT_PROPS)) # Header part (copyright, include directives, and forward declarations) api_header_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), enclose_with_header_guard( ListNode([ make_header_include_directives(api_header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), api_header_blink_ns, ]), name_style.header_guard(api_header_path)), ]) api_header_blink_ns.body.extend([ make_forward_declarations(api_header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), ]) api_source_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), TextNode("#include \"{}\"".format(api_header_path)), EmptyNode(), make_header_include_directives(api_source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), api_source_blink_ns, ]) api_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ make_forward_declarations(api_source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), ]) if is_cross_components: impl_header_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), enclose_with_header_guard( ListNode([ make_header_include_directives( impl_header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), impl_header_blink_ns, ]), name_style.header_guard(impl_header_path)), ]) impl_header_blink_ns.body.extend([ make_forward_declarations(impl_header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), ]) impl_source_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), TextNode("#include \"{}\"".format(impl_header_path)), EmptyNode(), make_header_include_directives(impl_source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), impl_source_blink_ns, ]) impl_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ make_forward_declarations(impl_source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), ]) api_header_node.accumulator.add_include_headers([ class_like.code_generator_info.blink_headers[0], component_export_header(api_component, for_testing), "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_interface_bridge.h", ]) if interface and interface.inherited: api_source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers( [PathManager(interface.inherited).api_path(ext="h")]) if is_cross_components: impl_header_node.accumulator.add_include_headers([ api_header_path, component_export_header(impl_component, for_testing), ]) impl_source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/generated_code_helper.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/native_value_traits_impl.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/to_v8_traits.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_set_return_value_for_core.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_messages.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/idl_member_installer.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/runtime_call_stats.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_binding.h", ]) impl_source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers( _collect_include_headers(class_like)) # Assemble the parts. api_header_blink_ns.body.extend([ api_class_def, EmptyNode(), ]) if is_cross_components: impl_header_blink_ns.body.extend([ impl_class_def, EmptyNode(), ]) if constants_def: api_class_def.public_section.extend([ TextNode("// Constants"), constants_def, EmptyNode(), ]) api_class_def.public_section.append(get_wrapper_type_info_def) api_class_def.public_section.append(EmptyNode()) api_class_def.private_section.append(wrapper_type_info_var_def) api_class_def.private_section.append(EmptyNode()) api_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ wrapper_type_info_init, EmptyNode(), ]) if is_cross_components: api_class_def.public_section.append(installer_function_trampolines) api_class_def.public_section.append(EmptyNode()) api_class_def.private_section.extend([ TextNode("// Cross-component trampolines"), trampoline_var_decls, EmptyNode(), ]) api_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ TextNode("// Cross-component trampolines"), trampoline_var_defs, EmptyNode(), ]) impl_class_def.public_section.append(cross_component_init_decl) impl_class_def.private_section.append(installer_function_decls) impl_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ cross_component_init_def, EmptyNode(), ]) else: api_class_def.public_section.append(installer_function_decls) api_class_def.public_section.append(EmptyNode()) if custom_callback_impl_decls: api_class_def.public_section.extend([ TextNode("// Custom callback implementations"), custom_callback_impl_decls, EmptyNode(), ]) if indexed_and_named_property_decls: api_class_def.public_section.extend([ TextNode("// Indexed properties and named properties"), indexed_and_named_property_decls, EmptyNode(), ]) api_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ indexed_and_named_property_defs, EmptyNode(), ]) debugging_namespace_name = name_style.namespace("v8", class_like.identifier) impl_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ CxxNamespaceNode( name="", body=[ # Enclose the implementations with a namespace just in order to # include the class_like name in a stacktrace, such as # # blink::(anonymous namespace)::v8_class_like::XxxCallback # # Note that XxxCallback doesn't include the class_like name. CxxNamespaceNode(name=debugging_namespace_name, body=callback_defs), EmptyNode(), TextNode( "using namespace {};".format(debugging_namespace_name)), ]), EmptyNode(), installer_function_defs, EmptyNode(), ]) if header_v8_context_snapshot_ns: impl_header_blink_ns.body.extend([ CxxNamespaceNode(name=name_style.namespace("bindings"), body=header_v8_context_snapshot_ns), EmptyNode(), ]) impl_source_blink_ns.body.extend([ CxxNamespaceNode(name=name_style.namespace("bindings"), body=source_v8_context_snapshot_ns), EmptyNode(), ]) # Write down to the files. write_code_node_to_file(api_header_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(api_header_path)) write_code_node_to_file(api_source_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(api_source_path)) if path_manager.is_cross_components: write_code_node_to_file(impl_header_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(impl_header_path)) write_code_node_to_file(impl_source_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(impl_source_path)) def generate_interface(interface_identifier): assert isinstance(interface_identifier, web_idl.Identifier) web_idl_database = package_initializer().web_idl_database() interface = web_idl_database.find(interface_identifier) generate_class_like(interface) def generate_install_properties_per_feature(function_name, filepath_basename, for_testing=False): assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(filepath_basename, str) assert isinstance(for_testing, bool) web_idl_database = package_initializer().web_idl_database() # Filepaths header_path = PathManager.component_path("modules", "{}.h".format(filepath_basename)) source_path = PathManager.component_path("modules", "{}.cc".format(filepath_basename)) # Root nodes header_node = ListNode(tail="\n") header_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) header_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) source_node = ListNode(tail="\n") source_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) source_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) # Namespaces header_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) source_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) header_bindings_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("bindings")) source_bindings_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("bindings")) header_blink_ns.body.extend([ make_forward_declarations(header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), header_bindings_ns, ]) source_blink_ns.body.append(source_bindings_ns) # Function nodes arg_decls = [ "ScriptState* script_state", "OriginTrialFeature feature", ] func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void") func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=arg_decls, return_type="void") func_def.body.add_template_vars({ "script_state": "script_state", "feature": "feature", }) helper_func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name="InstallPropertiesPerFeatureInternal", arg_decls=[ "ScriptState* script_state", "OriginTrialFeature feature", "base::span<const WrapperTypeInfo* const> wrapper_type_info_list", ], return_type="void") # Assemble the parts. header_node.accumulator.add_class_decls(["ScriptState"]) header_node.accumulator.add_include_headers([ "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h", ]) header_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), enclose_with_header_guard( ListNode([ make_header_include_directives(header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), header_blink_ns, ]), name_style.header_guard(header_path)), ]) source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers([ "base/containers/span.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_state.h", "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_per_context_data.h", ]) source_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), TextNode("#include \"{}\"".format(header_path)), EmptyNode(), make_header_include_directives(source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), source_blink_ns, ]) header_bindings_ns.body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // Install ES properties associated with the given origin trial feature.\ """), func_decl, ]) source_bindings_ns.body.extend([ CxxNamespaceNode(name="", body=helper_func_def), EmptyNode(), func_def, ]) # The public function feature_to_class_likes = {} set_of_class_likes = set() for class_like in itertools.chain(web_idl_database.interfaces, web_idl_database.namespaces): if class_like.code_generator_info.for_testing != for_testing: continue for member in itertools.chain(class_like.attributes, class_like.constants, class_like.operation_groups, class_like.exposed_constructs): features = list( member.exposure.context_dependent_runtime_enabled_features) for entry in member.exposure.global_names_and_features: if entry.feature and entry.feature.is_context_dependent: features.append(entry.feature) for feature in features: feature_to_class_likes.setdefault(feature, set()).add(class_like) if features: set_of_class_likes.add(class_like) switch_node = CxxSwitchNode(cond="${feature}") switch_node.append( case=None, body=[ TextNode("// Ignore unknown, deprecated, and unused features."), TextNode("return;"), ], should_add_break=False) for feature, class_likes in sorted(feature_to_class_likes.items()): entries = [ TextNode("{}::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), ".format( v8_bridge_class_name(class_like))) for class_like in sorted(class_likes, key=lambda x: x.identifier) ] table_def = ListNode([ TextNode("static const WrapperTypeInfo* const wti_list[] = {"), ListNode(entries), TextNode("};"), ]) switch_node.append( case="OriginTrialFeature::k{}".format(feature), body=[ table_def, TextNode("selected_wti_list = wti_list;"), ]) func_def.body.extend([ TextNode( "base::span<const WrapperTypeInfo* const> selected_wti_list;"), EmptyNode(), switch_node, EmptyNode(), TextNode("InstallPropertiesPerFeatureInternal" "(${script_state}, ${feature}, selected_wti_list);"), ]) for class_like in set_of_class_likes: path_manager = PathManager(class_like) source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers( [path_manager.api_path(ext="h")]) # The helper function helper_func_def.body.append( TextNode("""\ V8PerContextData* per_context_data = script_state->PerContextData(); v8::Isolate* isolate = script_state->GetIsolate(); v8::Local<v8::Context> context = script_state->GetContext(); const DOMWrapperWorld& world = script_state->World(); V8InterfaceBridgeBase::FeatureSelector feature_selector(feature); for (const auto* wrapper_type_info : wrapper_type_info_list) { v8::Local<v8::Object> instance_object; v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype_object; v8::Local<v8::Function> interface_object; v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template = wrapper_type_info->GetV8ClassTemplate(isolate, world); switch (wrapper_type_info->idl_definition_kind) { case WrapperTypeInfo::kIdlInterface: if (!per_context_data->GetExistingConstructorAndPrototypeForType( wrapper_type_info, &prototype_object, &interface_object)) { continue; } break; case WrapperTypeInfo::kIdlNamespace: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } wrapper_type_info->install_context_dependent_props_func( context, world, instance_object, prototype_object, interface_object, interface_template, feature_selector); }\ """)) # Write down to the files. write_code_node_to_file(header_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(header_path)) write_code_node_to_file(source_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(source_path)) def generate_init_idl_interfaces(function_name, filepath_basename, for_testing=False): assert isinstance(function_name, str) assert isinstance(filepath_basename, str) assert isinstance(for_testing, bool) web_idl_database = package_initializer().web_idl_database() # Filepaths header_path = PathManager.component_path("modules", "{}.h".format(filepath_basename)) source_path = PathManager.component_path("modules", "{}.cc".format(filepath_basename)) # Root nodes header_node = ListNode(tail="\n") header_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) header_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) source_node = ListNode(tail="\n") source_node.set_accumulator(CodeGenAccumulator()) source_node.set_renderer(MakoRenderer()) # Namespaces header_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) source_blink_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("blink")) header_bindings_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("bindings")) source_bindings_ns = CxxNamespaceNode(name_style.namespace("bindings")) header_blink_ns.body.append(header_bindings_ns) source_blink_ns.body.append(source_bindings_ns) # Function nodes func_decl = CxxFuncDeclNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="void") func_def = CxxFuncDefNode( name=function_name, arg_decls=[], return_type="void") header_bindings_ns.body.extend([ TextNode("""\ // Initializes cross-component trampolines of IDL interface / namespace.\ """), func_decl, ]) source_bindings_ns.body.append(func_def) # Assemble the parts. header_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), enclose_with_header_guard( ListNode([ make_header_include_directives(header_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), header_blink_ns, ]), name_style.header_guard(header_path)), ]) source_node.extend([ make_copyright_header(), EmptyNode(), TextNode("#include \"{}\"".format(header_path)), EmptyNode(), make_header_include_directives(source_node.accumulator), EmptyNode(), source_blink_ns, ]) init_calls = [] for class_like in itertools.chain(web_idl_database.interfaces, web_idl_database.namespaces): if class_like.code_generator_info.for_testing != for_testing: continue path_manager = PathManager(class_like) if path_manager.is_cross_components: source_node.accumulator.add_include_headers( [path_manager.impl_path(ext="h")]) class_name = v8_bridge_class_name(class_like) init_calls.append(_format("{}::Impl::Init();", class_name)) for init_call in sorted(init_calls): func_def.body.append(TextNode(init_call)) # Write down to the files. write_code_node_to_file(header_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(header_path)) write_code_node_to_file(source_node, path_manager.gen_path_to(source_path)) def generate_interfaces(task_queue): assert isinstance(task_queue, TaskQueue) web_idl_database = package_initializer().web_idl_database() for interface in web_idl_database.interfaces: task_queue.post_task(generate_interface, interface.identifier) task_queue.post_task(generate_install_properties_per_feature, "InstallPropertiesPerFeature", "properties_per_feature_installer") task_queue.post_task(generate_install_properties_per_feature, "InstallPropertiesPerFeatureForTesting", "properties_per_feature_installer_for_testing", for_testing=True) task_queue.post_task(generate_init_idl_interfaces, "InitIDLInterfaces", "init_idl_interfaces") task_queue.post_task(generate_init_idl_interfaces, "InitIDLInterfacesForTesting", "init_idl_interfaces_for_testing", for_testing=True)
Play is a purists freestyle board. The Polish slopestyle champion Piotrek ‘The Aviator’ Tokarczyk rides it and says he wants no other. Why? Because he helped design it to meet his demanding needs as a pro snowboarder. He chose the flex, the pop, shape and profile to ensure the Play won’t let him down on bigger jumps, or when jibbing – it won’t let you down either.
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys,getopt,os from fastq_reader import Fastq_Reader help_message = "usage example: python create_hash.py -i /project/home/original_reads/ -o /project/home/hashed_reads/ -k kmer_size -s hash_size" if __name__ == "__main__": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hi:o:k:s:',["inputdir=","outputdir=","kmersize=","hashsize="]) except: print help_message sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h','--help'): print help_message sys.exit() elif opt in ('-i','--inputdir'): inputdir = arg if inputdir[-1] != '/': inputdir += '/' elif opt in ('-o','--outputdir'): outputdir = arg if outputdir[-1] != '/': outputdir += '/' elif opt in ('-k','--kmersize'): k_size = int(arg) elif opt in ('-s','--hashsize'): h_size = int(arg) hashobject = Fastq_Reader(inputdir,outputdir,new_hash=(h_size,k_size)) total_rand_kmers = k_size*h_size*2 hashobject.rand_kmers_for_wheel(total_rand_kmers) hashobject.set_wheels(wheels=1) os.system('rm %s/random_kmers.fastq' % inputdir) f = open(outputdir + 'hashParts.txt','w') f.write('%d\n' % (2**h_size/10**6 + 1)) f.close()
Just as in humans, pets can develop glaucoma as they age. Glaucoma is a disease of one or both eyes, causing permanent loss of vision in a very short time. The eye is a fluid-filled structure in which the pressure of the fluid within the eye is controlled by both a filling mechanism and a drainage mechanism. Glaucoma is most commonly the result of a dysfunction of the drainage mechanism, causing increased fluid pressure in the eye. The increased pressure can cause damage to tissues within the eye such as the retina and optic nerve, eventually leading to blindness. Drainage of the fluid within the eye may be impaired due to primary or secondary causes. Primary causes are generally hereditary, and are most often seen in Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, Sharpeis and Samoyeds. Dogs suffering glaucoma due to hereditary causes are more likely to have both eyes affected. Secondary causes of glaucoma include trauma to the eye, infection of the fluid within the eye, cancers of the iris or ciliary body or corneal ulcers. The clinical signs of glaucoma depend on the cause as well as whether the condition appeared acutely or over time. Acute glaucoma, which presents very suddenly, is generally very painful. It is accompanied by tearing and squinting, and the fluid within the eye may appear hazy. The pupil may be enlarged, and the eye may appear larger than normal or feel very hard. In chronic cases of glaucoma, the signs may include a change in the color of the iris, watering of the eye, a large eye and blindness. The diagnosis of glaucoma can only be made by your veterinarian. Using a special device called a tonometer, your veterinarian can measure the fluid pressure of the eye. Your veterinarian can also use an opthalomoscope to determine whether there are any changes to the retina and optic nerve and possibly find the cause of the drainage problem. For acute cases of glaucoma, your veterinarian may advise that your pet be hospitalized to receive medications intravenously. These medications quickly reduce the intraocular pressure and may prevent vision loss. In more chronic cases of glaucoma, the fluid pressure may be controlled with topical eye medications or oral medications. Depending on the cause of fluid build-up, surgical methods to reduce fluid production may also be considered or recommended. For those pets which have already lost vision in the eye, surgery may be considered to implant a prosthesis or remove the eye altogether. If you have questions or comments that you would like to share, please EMAIL US. Please do not use our website to attempt to diagnose or treat your pet. The consultation with your veterinarian is the best source of health advice for your individual pet. You should not rely, on the veterinary advice or any other information provided on this site for the diagnosis or treatment of any specific condition. You should always consult your own veterinarian for specific advice concerning the medical condition or general treatment of your pet. Günbil German shepherd dogs, worldclassgsd.com and or Günbil German shepherds, accepts no liability related to the veterinary advice and information provided on this site regarding health matters. We believe in our German shepherd PUPPIES breeding program, you should too! © 2012 World Class German Shepherds, world-class German shepherds breeders, world-class German shepherd puppies.
import json import re from django import http from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Count from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import jingo import redisutils from tower import ugettext as _ import amo.utils from amo.decorators import post_required from amo.utils import urlparams from amo.urlresolvers import reverse from addons.models import Addon from versions.compare import version_int as vint from .models import CompatReport, AppCompat from .forms import CompatForm def index(request, version=None): COMPAT = [v for v in settings.COMPAT if v['app'] == request.APP.id] compat_dict = dict((v['main'], v) for v in COMPAT) if not COMPAT: raise http.Http404() if version not in compat_dict: return redirect('compat.index', COMPAT[0]['main']) qs = AppCompat.search() binary = None initial = {'appver': '%s-%s' % (request.APP.id, version), 'type': 'all'} initial.update(request.GET.items()) form = CompatForm(initial) if request.GET and form.is_valid(): if form.cleaned_data['appver']: app, ver = form.cleaned_data['appver'].split('-') if int(app) != request.APP.id or ver != version: new = reverse('compat.index', args=[ver], add_prefix=False) url = '/%s%s' % (amo.APP_IDS[int(app)].short, new) type_ = form.cleaned_data['type'] or None return redirect(urlparams(url, type=type_)) if form.cleaned_data['type'] != 'all': binary = form.cleaned_data['type'] == 'binary' compat, app = compat_dict[version], str(request.APP.id) compat_queries = ( ('prev', qs.query(**{ 'top_95.%s.%s' % (app, vint(compat['previous'])): True, 'support.%s.max__gte' % app: vint(compat['previous'])})), ('top_95', qs.query(**{'top_95_all.%s' % app: True})), ('all', qs), ) compat_levels = [(key, version_compat(qs, compat, app, binary)) for key, qs in compat_queries] usage_addons, usage_total = usage_stats(request, compat, app, binary) return jingo.render(request, 'compat/index.html', {'version': version, 'usage_addons': usage_addons, 'usage_total': usage_total, 'compat_levels': compat_levels, 'form': form}) def version_compat(qs, compat, app, binary): facets = [] for v, prev in zip(compat['versions'], (None,) + compat['versions']): d = {'from': vint(v)} if prev: d['to'] = vint(prev) facets.append(d) # Pick up everything else for an Other count. facets.append({'to': vint(compat['versions'][-1])}) facet = {'range': {'support.%s.max' % app: facets}} if binary is not None: facet['facet_filter'] = {'term': {'binary': binary}} qs = qs.facet(by_status=facet) result = qs[:0].raw() total_addons = result['hits']['total'] ranges = result['facets']['by_status']['ranges'] titles = compat['versions'] + (_('Other'),) faceted = [(v, r['count']) for v, r in zip(titles, ranges)] return total_addons, faceted def usage_stats(request, compat, app, binary=None): # Get the list of add-ons for usage stats. redis = redisutils.connections['master'] qs = (AppCompat.search().order_by('-usage.%s' % app).values_dict() .filter(**{'support.%s.max__gte' % app: vint(compat['previous'])})) if binary is not None: qs = qs.filter(binary=binary) addons = amo.utils.paginate(request, qs) for obj in addons.object_list: obj['usage'] = obj['usage'][app] obj['max_version'] = obj['max_version'][app] total = int(redis.hget('compat:%s' % app, 'total')) return addons, total @csrf_exempt @post_required def incoming(request): # Turn camelCase into snake_case. snake_case = lambda s: re.sub('[A-Z]+', '_\g<0>', s).lower() try: data = [(snake_case(k), v) for k, v in json.loads(request.raw_post_data).items()] except Exception: return http.HttpResponseBadRequest() # Build up a new report. report = CompatReport(client_ip=request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')) fields = CompatReport._meta.get_all_field_names() for key, value in data: if key in fields: setattr(report, key, value) else: return http.HttpResponseBadRequest() report.save() return http.HttpResponse(status=204) def reporter(request): query = request.GET.get('guid') if query: qs = None if query.isdigit(): qs = Addon.objects.filter(id=query) if not qs: qs = Addon.objects.filter(slug=query) if not qs: qs = Addon.objects.filter(guid=query) if not qs and len(query) > 4: qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid__startswith=query) if qs: return redirect('compat.reporter_detail', qs[0].guid) addons = (request.amo_user.addons.all() if request.user.is_authenticated() else []) return jingo.render(request, 'compat/reporter.html', dict(query=query, addons=addons)) def reporter_detail(request, guid): qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid=guid) works_ = dict(qs.values_list('works_properly').annotate(Count('id'))) works = {'success': works_.get(True, 0), 'failure': works_.get(False, 0)} if 'works_properly' in request.GET: qs = qs.filter(works_properly=request.GET['works_properly']) reports = amo.utils.paginate(request, qs.order_by('-created'), 100) addon = Addon.objects.filter(guid=guid) name = addon[0].name if addon else guid return jingo.render(request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html', dict(reports=reports, works=works, name=name, guid=guid))
When you enrol at Southport College, if you have identified a learning difficulty and/or a disability, the Learning Support Team will contact you to discuss how to support you appropriately. As a student at Southport College, you will have access to a wide variety of support services. We have a large team of trained staff dedicated to providing you with any additional support you may need. Where applicable, the Learning Support Team can also gather evidence in order to apply for extra time, readers, scribes etc for exams. All identified students who disclose a support need are individually interviewed to assess their needs and the level/type of support or tutoring required. We also regularly review all students receiving support to ensure the correct and most appropriate support is being provided. The Learning Support Co-ordinators are situated in the Learning Support Transition Suite which provides a timeout space and quiet working area for identified students. The room also hosts meetings for groups such as the Snack & Chat Social Communication Club and LGBT+. You can contact the Learner Support Team by visiting them in person, by email to HayesV@southport.ac.uk or RobinsP@southport.ac.ukor on one of the relevant direct contact numbers below. Our Engagement Officers are available if you need to talk to someone for support. Southport College is committed to creating an environment that is safe and welcoming to all students. It believes safeguarding is an essential element and aims to promote a positive culture where students are able to learn and develop. We recognise our duty of care to students and the wellbeing of our students is paramount at all times. We have a dedicated team of safeguarding officers based in the Student Guidance Centre who can be contacted should you have any concerns while at the College. As a college, our community includes young people aged 14 to 18 and vulnerable adults. For this reason and as part of our commitment to safeguard our students and provide a safe place to learn, we ask all potential students to disclose if they have a violent or sexual conviction. You will be asked to complete a declaration at the point of enrolment. If you do have convictions of this nature, you won’t be automatically excluded from enrolling on a college course. Each case will be considered on its own merit. For further information please contact the Student Guidance Centre and ask to speak to a member of the Safeguarding team.
""" shisetsu.middlewares <github.com/kixpanganiban> Contains `Middlewares`. """ from .contract import Contract from .exceptions import MiddlewareError class Middlewares(object): """Middlewares facilitate registering and executing middlwares wherever they are defined. To add a middleware handler, a function called `handler` may be passed to `Middlewares.register_before` or `Middlewares.register_after`. In a Server: All handlers registered via the former are called before the contract is sent to the `func` it calls, that is, after it is unpacked and created. Handlers registered via the latter are called after the `func` returns a response and an outgoing contract is created. In a Client: All handlers registered via the former are called before the request is packed and sent to the channel. Handlers registered via the latter are called after the response is received, and before the response body is returned. A `handler` MUST return a Contract after execution, or a `MiddlewareError` will be raised. To interrupt processing of a contract, you may raise a custom exception inside a handler. Example usage: from shisetsu.server import Server def dictify(contract): contract.body = { 'status': 'OK', 'content': contract.body } return contract s = Server('db_reader') server.middlewares.register_after(dictify) """ def __init__(self): self._middlewares = { 'before': [], 'after': [] } @classmethod def check_return(cls, return_value): """Check if the middleware handler's response is a valid Contract. """ if not return_value: raise MiddlewareError('Middleware handler returned None') if not isinstance(return_value, Contract): raise MiddlewareError('Middleware must return a contract') return return_value def register_before(self, handler): """Register a before `handler`. """ self._middlewares['before'].append(handler) def register_after(self, handler): """Register an after `handler`. """ self._middlewares['after'].append(handler) def execute_before(self, contract): """Execute all before `handler`s on the contract. """ for handler in self._middlewares['before']: contract = self.check_return(handler(contract)) return contract def execute_after(self, contract): """Execute all after `handler`s on the contract. """ for handler in self._middlewares['after']: contract = self.check_return(handler(contract)) return contract
The purpose of having an Aquifer Protection Area is to provide a financing method to preserve, protect and rehabilitate the aquifer. Directly below the ground surface of the metropolitan area of Spokane County lies an enormous water-bearing layer of sand and water known as the Spokane-Rathdrum Aquifer. This aquifer serves as the only source of drinking water for more than 400,000 people. Expanded growth has led to concerns regarding the future quality of this resource. Several water quality studies have been conducted over the last 25 years. Results of these studies prove conclusively that there was degradation of the Spokane area's drinking water in unsewered areas. The major source of this pollution came from the daily disposal of several million gallons of wastewater directly into the aquifer from on-site sewage disposal systems, i.e. septic systems, cesspools and treatment plants. Revenue collected from the Aquifer Protection Area is used to help offset the homeowner costs for connecting to an approved sewer system. By providing sewers to homeowners with on-site systems, Spokane County is able to divert this contamination source to a suitable regional treatment plant, thereby protecting this area's drinking water. In May 1985, the Washington State Legislature approved a bill giving counties the authority to create an Aquifer Protection Area. This measure was passed in the House by a vote of 96 to 2 and in the Senate by 44 to 3. In July 1985, the Spokane County Commissioners passed a resolution creating the Spokane-Rathdrum Aquifer Protection Area. The resolution allows for the collection of fees for water withdrawal and on-site sewage disposal. In September of 1985, this measure was approved by the voters who resided within the designated area. The voters authorized the collection of aquifer fees for a 20-year period. The Aquifer Protection Area billing commenced in 1986 and the last billing year was 2005. In November 2004, a ballot measure to collect Aquifer Protection Area fees for 20 more years was approved by voters. The approved measure includes most of the Aquifer Protection Areas from the previous 20 years, but excludes areas in the City of Spokane. Voting precinct changes over the last 20 years also resulted in some minor adjustments of the Aquifer Protection Area boundary. The construction of facilities for the removal of water-borne pollution, sanitary sewage collection, disposal and treatment, and stormwater or surface water drainage. Paying the costs necessary and incidental to the collection of the fees. The Washington State Legislature passed legislation in 1985 giving counties the authority to create aquifer protection areas. Further, the state authorized the imposition of 2 fees for aquifer associated impacts. First, a fee for the withdrawal of water and 2nd, a fee for sewage disposal. The water withdrawal fee is charged to all citizens residing in the aquifer area who use the water. This charge helps insure that the water you drink will remain clean. The 2nd fee, the sewage disposal charge, is charged to those citizens who dispose of their waste through any ground disposal method that may impact water quality, such as septic systems.
from __future__ import print_function # for printing to stderr # for exmaple: print(state.character.get_attack(), file=sys.stderr) import sys import random import abc import places from raffle import Raffle import money import items import persons from outcome import Outcome class Action(object): """ abstract class """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractproperty def slot(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, state): self.name = "" self.combat_action = False self.outcomes = Raffle() @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, state): """ returns nothing, edits game state """ def get_outcome(self, state): self.execute(state) outcome = self.outcomes.get() # outcome may be function or instance return outcome def __str__(self): return self.name # A slot actions class KissYourFrog(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(KissYourFrog, self).__init__(state) self.name = random.choice(["Kiss your frog."]*9 + ["Snog your frog."]) def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into an assassin. He assassinates you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into a cat.", remove_item=items.frog, add_item=items.cat, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into a prince. The prince rewards you with a bag " "of jewels.", remove_item=items.frog, add_item=items.jewels, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into a prince. The prince is disgusted to be " "kissing a man and has you put to death.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into a peasant woman. \"Oh blessed be Lord " "Bartholomew!\" she exclaims.", remove_item=items.frog, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into an ugly fat man. He starts shaking you " "violently. \"I liked being a frog!\" he yells before storming " "off.", remove_item=items.frog, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog seems to enjoy it.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel stupid kissing a frog.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into a guard. He says you must be a lunatic for " "kissing a frog, but he lets this one slide.", remove_item=items.frog, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The frog turns into an old woman. She thanks you and gives you " "some mushrooms.", succeed=True, funcs_with_args=[(state.character.add_item, items.white_mushroom), (state.character.add_item, items.black_mushroom), (state.character.add_item, items.yellow_mushroom), (state.character.add_item, items.many_colored_mushroom), ], remove_item=items.frog, ), weight=1) class Anne(Action): """ used when guessing Eve's name """ slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(Anne, self).__init__(state) self.name = "\"Anne.\"" def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She grimaces. \"That's my mother, you idiot!\"", die=True, ), weight=1) class AskForAnAudienceWithLordBartholomew(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AskForAnAudienceWithLordBartholomew, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask for an audience with Lord Bartholomew." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The first person you meet is Lord Bartholomew.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The line to meet Lord Bartholomew is very long, " "so you lose patience and wander off.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["countryside"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are granted one." , new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"], ), weight=1) class AskForAnAudienceWithLordDaniel(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AskForAnAudienceWithLordDaniel, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask for an audience with Lord Daniel." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards laugh. \"{0},\" " "one of the guards says.".format(random.choice([ "He has no time for peasants", "Such audacity", ])), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], clover=True, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards mistake you for someone important and take you " "to Lord Daniel.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_daniel"], ), weight=1) class A3(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(A3, self).__init__(state) self.name = "a3." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After seeing your pitifully stupid move, Lord Carlos is no " "longer concerned that you might beat him and has his " "servants assassinate you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You eventually win the game. Lord Carlos says no one " "can know of his defeat. He assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class LaughAboutWarden(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(LaughAboutWarden, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Laugh about the warden doing it alone on holidays." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "One of the prison guards pokes you with an eleven-foot pole. " "\"No laughing!\" he says.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel good for a second, then you remember you're " "in prison.", ), weight=1) class GiveHimTheYellowMushroom(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(GiveHimTheYellowMushroom, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Give him the yellow mushroom." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard chows down on the yellow mushroom.", remove_item=items.yellow_mushroom, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard gives you a potion in return.", add_item=random.choice([items.love_potion, items.tail_potion, items.strength_potion]), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Having no further use for you, the wizard turns you into a frog.", funcs=[state.character.frogify], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard swallows the mushroom whole and chokes to death.", kill=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], ), weight=1) class EnactYourElaborateScheme(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(EnactYourElaborateScheme, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Enact your elaborate scheme." def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are just about to dump a cauldron of hot soup on Lord " "Carlos when he looks up and notices you. You then dump the " "hot soup on him and he dies.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"], kill=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Everything goes as planned until you ask a dragon to do your " "bidding.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your plan goes swimmingly.", add_item=items.jeweled_cutlass, move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After several months, you realize you don't have what it takes " "to be a clown.", fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After several years, you realize you don't have what it takes " "to be a priest.", fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["church"], ), weight=1) class AskHerToTakeYouBackToLand(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AskHerToTakeYouBackToLand, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask her to take you back to land." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She doesn't know where land is, but " "she gives you a fish.", add_item=items.fish, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"You're on land, silly!\" she says.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She takes you out to sea, but gets bored and leaves you " "there.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She does.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["docks"], ), weight=1) class AskHerToBrew(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, potion): super(AskHerToBrew, self).__init__(state) self.potion = potion self.name = "Ask her to brew a {0}.".format(self.potion.name) def execute(self, state): # potential errors here if none of the if statements execute # we'll have an empyt raffle if self.potion.name == "love potion": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The witch puts your ingredients in her cauldron and brews " "a large batch.", add_item=self.potion, funcs=[lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.bottle_of_sap), lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.bouquet_of_flowers), lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.many_colored_mushroom)] ), weight=1) if self.potion.name == "potion of tail growth": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The witch puts your ingredients in her cauldron and brews " "a large batch.", add_item=self.potion, funcs=[lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.cat), lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.pearl)], ), weight=1) if self.potion.name == "potion of strength": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The witch puts your ingredients in her cauldron and brews " "a large batch.", add_item=self.potion, funcs=[lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.white_mushroom), lambda: state.character.remove_item(items.deep_cave_newt)], ), weight=1) class Think(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(Think, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Think." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You come up with four brilliant ideas.", actions=[(LickTheGround(state, state.character.place), 10)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You concoct an elaborate scheme.", actions=[(EnactYourElaborateScheme(state), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "All you can think is \"Think. Think. Think.\".", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You come up with a plan B in case things go south.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Since you're a man, you think about sex." ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend some time reevaluating your life and conclude " "that you need to stay the course.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get lost in your thoughts.", ), weight=1) if state.character.place != state.places.places_dict["tavern"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].name != "Olga": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about a pretty lady you saw in the tavern.", topic="marriage", ), weight=1) elif state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].name == "Olga": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about Olga.", topic="marriage", ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["wizards_lab"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think you probably shouldn't be here.", ), weight=8) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["dark_alley"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about how painful it would be to get stabbed. " "You soon find out.", die=True, ), weight=4) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some pirates laugh at you for thinking.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["pirates"], ), weight=8) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think it would be a bad idea to join Lord Arthur's " "crew. Lord Arthur gives you no choice.", add_employer=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=4) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["ocean"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think the ocean is really big.", ), weight=8) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think the bad smell might be coming from you.", ), weight=2) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tower"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think you can survive the jump from the top of the " "tower.", die=True, ), weight=5) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While you're thinking, a guard hands you an ax and tells " "you to chop firewood for the cooks.", add_item=items.ax, ), weight=5) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about Lord Bartholomew.", topic="Lord Bartholomew", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wonder if any peasant women would " "go for a man like you.", topic="peasants", ), weight=2) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["woods"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about fire.", topic="fire", ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["church"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wonder what life is all about and feel smug " "for being so philosophical.", topic="yourself", ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["arctic"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about ice.", topic="ice", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't think about much besides how cold you are.", topic="misery", ), weight=4) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["cave"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about the darkness that is crushing in on you from " "all sides.", ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think you hear bats, but you also think you might be crazy.", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about death.", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think about suffocation.", ), weight=3) if state.character.person: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You zone out while " + state.character.person.name + " talk" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + ".", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You space out.", ), weight=2) class Yell(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, exclamation): super(Yell, self).__init__(state) self.exclamation = exclamation self.name = "Yell \"{0}!\"".format(exclamation) def execute(self, state): if self.exclamation == "I lost my leg": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "No one cares.", fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur says he knows a town where you can " "find a wooden leg.", ), weight=10000) if self.exclamation == "There aren't penguins in the arctic": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The penguins don't care.", fail=True, ), weight=1) if self.exclamation == "Don't leave without me": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard ignores you and sails away before you can " "get to his boat.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard leaves without you.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class ReadASpellBook(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(ReadASpellBook, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Read a spellbook." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You open a book of curses. It's cursed.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You learn that it takes sap, flowers, and a many-colored " "mushroom to make a love potion.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You learn that it takes a cat and a pearl " "to brew a potion of tail growth.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You learn that it takes a white mushroom and a deep-cave " "newt to brew a potion of strength.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the book arcane and boring.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You learn a spell to set things on fire, but it requires a " "focused mind.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard's handwriting is terrible.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a four-leaf clover in the pages of the " "spellbook.", add_item=items.four_leaf_clover, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The first book you open appears to be the wizard's diary. " "{0}.".format(random.choice([ "It is full of details about how he is too chicken to " "ask out a woman he often sees in the market", "He appears to be obsessed with void dust, but can't " "figure out how to get any.", "It's mostly math proofs."])), ), weight=1) class SuckUpTo(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, person): super(SuckUpTo, self).__init__(state) self.person = person self.name = "Suck up to {0}.".format(person) self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur sends you on a mission to find him a pet sea " "turtle.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=1) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew wishes you well and sends you on your way.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["countryside"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew takes a liking to you and gives you a long " "pitchfork.", add_item=items.long_pitchfork, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew tells you to take more pride in yourself.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He tells you that your are forgiven, but his men never fail.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He has you thrown out the window.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos is having none of it. He kills you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_daniel"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel sends you away.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel questions your sanity.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class TellThemYouAreALunatic(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(TellThemYouAreALunatic, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Tell them you are a lunatic." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"A rich lunatic,\" they say before moving along.", new_person=None, ), weight=1) class Swashbuckle(Action): """ Note: only use when attacking merchant ship """ slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(Swashbuckle, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Swashbuckle." def execute(self, state): if state.character.has_item(items.cutlass) or \ state.character.has_item(items.jeweled_cutlass): if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You kill several innocent merchants. Lord Arthur is " "pleased and gives you a large share of the plunder.", get_money=money.large_fortune, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You kill several innocent merchants. The captain is " "pleased and gives you a large share of the plunder.", get_money=money.large_fortune, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find it difficult to swashbuckle without a cutlass. " "You are soon killed.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to hold your own. Afterwards Lord Arthur divvies " "up the booty.", add_item=items.jewels, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to hold your own. Afterwards you divide " "the booty.", add_item=items.jewels, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A cabin boy stabs you in the back during the fight.", die=True, ), weight=1) if not state.character.has_item(items.sailor_peg) and \ state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You lose your leg in the battle, but Lord Arthur gives you a " "sailor peg as a replacement.", add_item=items.sailor_peg, ), weight=1) class LookForAssassins(Action): """ Note: only use in dark alley """ slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForAssassins, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for assassins." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't see any.", die=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The dark alley appears to be safe.", ), weight=1) class PickSomeFlowers(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(PickSomeFlowers, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Pick some flowers." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "{0}".format(random.choice([ "You find many pretty flowers.", "A peasant girl picks flowers with you. She tells you she " "wants to be like Lord Bartholomew when she grows up.", "You spend all day looking for flowers, but it was worth it.", "You get stung by a bee, but you still find many pretty flowers.", ])), add_item=items.bouquet_of_flowers, succeed=True, ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't find any flowers, but you find a four-leaf clover.", add_item=items.four_leaf_clover, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find any flowers. Only grass.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class GoFishing(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(GoFishing, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Go fishing." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some pirates laugh at you. \"You'll never make a large " "fortune that way,\" one of them says.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["pirates"], ), weight=10) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't catch any fish.", fail=True, ), weight=10) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fish up an ax.", add_item=items.ax, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fish up a pitchfork.", add_item=items.pitchfork, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You catch a fish.", add_item=items.fish, succeed=True, ), weight=10) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't catch any fish, but the assassins catch you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) class TakeIt(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, wronged_party, item): super(TakeIt, self).__init__(state) self.wronged_party = wronged_party self.item = item self.name = "Take it." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, add_item=self.item, ), weight=3) if self.wronged_party.alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, self.wronged_party.name[0].upper() + self.wronged_party.name[1:] + " notice" + persons.get_tense(self.wronged_party) + " you taking it and kill" + persons.get_tense(self.wronged_party) + " you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, self.wronged_party.name[0].upper() + self.wronged_party.name[1:] + " notice" + persons.get_tense(self.wronged_party) + " you taking it and " + "become" + persons.get_tense(self.wronged_party) + " wroth with you.", new_person=self.wronged_party, threat=True, ), weight=1) class AskAboutAssassins(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AskAboutAssassins, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask about assassins." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The first person you ask about assassins turns " "out to be an assassin. She assassinates you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You ask around, but nobody has heard anything " "about assassins.", fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "During your search, you strike up a conversation " "with a pretty lady.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You ask a servant about assassins. She asks you to wait where " "you are.", ), weight=10) class AskDirections(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AskDirections, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask directions." def execute(self, state): if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["simple_peasant"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He tells you there are four directions, north, south, " "east, and west.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He tells you the only direction worth going is to Lord " "Bartholomew's house.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He says the town is yonder.", ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["peasant_lass"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She says Lord Carlos' manor is in the woods.", actions=[(GoTo(state, state.character.place, specific_dest=state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She says Lord Bartholomew's manor is nearby.", actions=[(GoTo(state, state.character.place, specific_dest=state.places.places_dict["lord_bartholomews_manor"]), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She says there's good mushroom picking in the woods.", actions=[(GoTo(state, state.character.place, specific_dest=state.places.places_dict["woods"]), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She babbles incoherently while eating a many-colored " "mushroom.", ), weight=1) class AdmireYourJewels(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(AdmireYourJewels, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Admire your jewels." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You decide that your jewels outclass everything else you have.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You decide to store your jewels in your stomach for safe " "keeping.", remove_item=items.jewels, topic="mules", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a pearl in your bag of jewels", add_item=items.pearl, topic="pearls", ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You notice the reflection of a dagger in a particularly " "large ruby.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.town: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards catch you with your pants down. They conclude you " "must be a lunatic", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, topic='curious', ), weight=2) class Apologize(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(Apologize, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Tell him you're sorry." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"I'm afraid 'sorry' won't cut it.\" His knife does.", die=True, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"Oh, you're not sorry yet,\" he says as he steps toward you.", threat=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A bystander notices the assassin threatening you. " "\"The man said he was sorry, isn't that enough?\" " "he says. \"No,\" the assassin replies.", threat=True, ), weight=1) class Attack(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, person): super(Attack, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Attack " + person.name + "." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): if state.character.person.attack >= state.character.get_attack(): self.outcomes.add(state.character.person.preferred_attack(state)) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You kill " + state.character.person.name + ".", unthreat=True, kill=True, ), weight=1) class GoDivingForPearls(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(GoDivingForPearls, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Go diving for pearls." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur's pet shark eats you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You soon find a pearl in an oyster.", add_item=items.pearl, succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown on a fool's errand", die=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You soon pry open an oyster and find a beautiful pearl. " "It's so dazzling you drown while gazing at it.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You exhaust yourself trying to find pearls and start to drown. " "A beautiful mermaid grabs you and hoists you to safety.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], ), weight=1) class LickTheGround(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, place): super(LickTheGround, self).__init__(state) self.place = place if place in state.places.inside: self.ground = "floor" elif place == state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"]: self.ground = "deck" else: self.ground = "ground" self.name = "Lick the {0}.".format(self.ground) def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You catch an infection and spend {0} weeks fighting " "it.".format(random.choice(["two", "three", "four", "five", "six"])), clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the flavor of the {0} distasteful.".format(self.ground), fail=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local guards see you licking the {0} and accuse you of " "being a lunatic.".format(self.ground), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["wizards_lab"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You lick some spilled potion off the floor and start " "growing at a monstrous rate.", funcs=[state.character.monstrosify], ), weight=20) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["ocean"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown while swimming toward the ocean floor with your " "tongue extended.", die=True, ), weight=10000) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["woods"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you lick the ground, you notice it smells oddly familiar.", ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["arctic"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The ice tastes really cold.", ), weight=10) class LookForAWeapon(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForAWeapon, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for a weapon." def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["wealthy_merchant"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find yourself talking to a wealthy war merchant.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wealthy_merchant"], ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find one... in your back as an assassin walks away smoothly.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) class LookForVoidDust(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForVoidDust, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for void dust." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The void is very clean. You can't find any.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The void is very dirty. You soon find some.", add_item=items.bottle_of_void_dust, succeed=True, ), weight=1) class GoMushroomPicking(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(GoMushroomPicking, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Go mushroom picking." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a yellow mushroom.", add_item=items.yellow_mushroom, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a white mushroom.", add_item=items.white_mushroom, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a black mushroom.", add_item=items.black_mushroom, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a many-colored mushroom.", add_item=items.many_colored_mushroom, succeed=True, ), weight=1) class LookForStGeorge(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForStGeorge, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for St. George." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You forget what you were doing.", move=1, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You trip over a cat and break your neck.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find St. George at the church.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["church"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=10) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find St. George in the streets.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=5) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find St. George in the market.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=3) class KillYourselfInFrustration(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(KillYourselfInFrustration, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Kill yourself in frustration." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place in [ state.places.places_dict["docks"], state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"], state.places.places_dict["arctic"]]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You walk into the ocean and are suddenly inspired to write " "a novel. You drown.", die=True, ), weight=5) if state.character.place in [state.places.places_dict["streets"], state.places.places_dict["market"], state.places.places_dict["church"]] \ and state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You throw yourself off a rooftop, but St. George catches " "you and gives you a large fortune.", get_money=money.large_fortune, new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=2) if state.character.place in [state.places.places_dict["docks"]]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find Lord Arthur and ask him to kill you with his " "jeweled cutlass. He gladly obliges.", die=True, ), weight=5) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You perform the ritual of seppuku.", die=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place != state.places.places_dict["ocean"]: if not state.character.has_item(items.fire_proof_cloak): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You set yourself on fire and burn to a crisp.", die=True, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You try to set yourself on fire, but your fancy red " "cloak is fireproof.", fail=True, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown trying to set yourself on fire.", die=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_bartholomews_manor"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["streets"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are about to impale yourself on a fence post when a " "small boy walks by. By the time he leaves, your stupidity " "is no longer compelling you to kill yourself.", ), weight=3) class KillEverybodyInAFitOfRage(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(KillEverybodyInAFitOfRage, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Kill everybody in a fit of rage." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You start with yourself.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You make no exceptions.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["pirates"] and \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You kill all the pirates. Lord Arthur says he is impressed " "with your skills and also happens to be in the market for " "a new crew. He forces you into his service.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=10) class SayYouLoveHer(Action): """ NOTE: right now this is only for Felicity """ slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, person): super(SayYouLoveHer, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Say you love her too." self.person = person def execute(self, state): if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"What a shame,\" an assassin says as he steps into the room. " "He shoots you with a crossbow.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity is overjoyed and secretly lets you out of prison " "that night. \"Let's get married!\" she says.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], actions=[ (MarryFelicity(state), 777), (RunLikeTheDevil(state), 666)], ), weight=9) class MarryOlga(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(MarryOlga, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Marry Olga." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A bleary-eyed priestess performs a wedding for you and Olga in " "an alley behind the church. Olga asks the priestess if she would " "like to come along for the honeymoon, but the priestess " "declines.", win=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur performs a wedding for you and Olga on the deck " "of his pirate ship. By the time the ceremony is over the " "ship has sailed. You are now both members of the crew.", win=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard performs a wedding for you and Olga in the market. " "He turns you both into sheep after the vows, but it is much " "safer being sheep.", win=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew performs a wedding for you and Olga in the " "countryside. 20,000 people attend your wedding, but you " "suspect they just wanted to see Lord Bartholomew.", win=True, ), weight=1) class MarryFelicity(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(MarryFelicity, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Marry Felicity." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George secretly performs a wedding for you and Felicity.", win=True, ), weight=9) class ThumpYourselfOnTheChest(Action): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state): super(ThumpYourselfOnTheChest, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Thump yourself on the chest." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel quite manly.", ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You thump yourself a bit too hard.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.populated or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A peasant woman sees you thump your chest and seems " "impressed. Unfortunately, her husband is not. He ushers her " "away.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some peasants laugh at you for acting like a gorilla.", fail=True, ), weight=9) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard says, \"If you like behaving like a gorilla so " "much why not be a gorilla?\" He tries to turn you into a " "gorilla, but his spell only makes you walk like a gorilla.", grow_stronger=2, ), weight=20) # B slot actions class TrainWithTheGuards(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(TrainWithTheGuards, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Train with the guards." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards throw you out for not filling out the proper " "paperwork.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You accidentally break your neck during training.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get the badly beaten in wooden swordplay.", grow_stronger=1, ), weight=1) if state.character.get_attack() > 4: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You defeat the captain of the guards at wooden " "swordplay. \"Not bad for a {0},\" he says" ".".format(random.choice([ "peasant", "lunatic", "simpleton", ])), succeed=True, ), weight=1) class Beth(Action): """ Used when guessing Eve's name """ slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(Beth, self).__init__(state) self.name = "\"Beth.\"" def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Wrong answer. Lord Carlos' daughter assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class HowlWithPain(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(HowlWithPain, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Howl with pain." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The manor's servants rush to your aid and carry you to " "Lord Bartholomew's priest " "to be healed. The priest informs them that it will require " "a true master to save you, so the servants rush you to " "town to be healed by St. George. He informs them " "that nothing is wrong with you. The servants are relieved and " "head back to the manor.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["church"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A maid shushes you. She says Lord Bartholomew's children are " "napping.", ), weight=1) class RepayYourDebts(Action): """ Assumes state.character.person == state.state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"] """ slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(RepayYourDebts, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Repay your debts." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He takes your money but says, \"No amount of money can make up " "for what you've done.\"", lose_all_money=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He informs you that your death is the only form of repayment he " "will accept. Your debts are soon settled.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He takes your money and kills you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class Nf3(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(Nf3, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Nf3." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You eventually checkmate Lord Carlos. He tosses the chessboard " "on the floor and pulls out a dagger.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos soon has you backed into a corner. Checkmate.", die=True, ), weight=1) class TryToTakeKeys(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(TryToTakeKeys, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Try to take the keys the next chance you get." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you try to take the warden's keys, the guards notice and " "beat the life out of you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you try to take the warden's keys, the guards notice and " "beat the tar out of you.", ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "It's surprisingly easy to steal keys and get out of prison.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], succeed=True, ), weight=1) class Grovel(Action): """ Only use when state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"] """ slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(Grovel, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Grovel." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos is having none of it. He kills you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos kills you for being obsequious.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He is not interested in your tired excuses. He kills you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He asks a servant to get you out of his sight. You are " "unceremoniously thrown out of the manor.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], ), weight=1) class ArmWrestle(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(ArmWrestle, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Arm wrestle with them to reclaim your dignity." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Even the lady pirates can easily beat you. They toss you " "in the ocean when they're done humiliating you.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You lose what little dignity you had left.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to hold out long enough for Lord Arthur to " "bark orders at his men to press-gang hands for the voyage.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=1) class SlurpDown(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state, potion): super(SlurpDown, self).__init__(state) self.potion = potion self.name = "{0}".format(random.choice([ "Slurp down your ", "Take a swig of your ", "Down your ", "Chug your ",])) + self.potion.name + "." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Like homeopathy, the potion does nothing.", ), weight=1) if self.potion.name == "love potion": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fall in love with yourself and give yourself a hug.", remove_item=items.love_potion, ), weight=10000) if self.potion.name == "potion of strength": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, remove_item=items.strength_potion, grow_stronger=4, ), weight=10000) if self.potion.name == "potion of tail growth": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You now have a tail.", remove_item=items.tail_potion, ), weight=10000) class LookForWitches(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForWitches, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for witches" def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a witch deep in the woods.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["witch"], ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find any witches. Only trees.", fail=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find any witches. Only burnt trees.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class GawkAtWomen(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(GawkAtWomen, self).__init__(state) self.name = "{0} at women.".format(random.choice( ["Gawk", "Leer", "Stare"])) def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A fair woman notices you and hastens away.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A woman becomes annoyed with you and throws salt in your eyes.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are too distracted by all the women to notice the " "assassins closing in on you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if self.name == "Gawk at women.": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You stop gawking when you realize it wasn't a woman.", fail=True, topic="androgyny", ), weight=1) if self.name == "Stare at women.": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "An equally creepy woman stares back at you before " "disappearing into a dark alley.", actions=[(GoTo(state, state.places.places_dict["dark_alley"]), 5)], ), weight=1) if self.name == "Leer at women.": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't notice any women worth leering at, but you see a " "cat worth leering at.", add_item=items.cat, ), weight=1) class SwingOnARope(Action): """ Note: only use when attacking merchant ship """ slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(SwingOnARope, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Swing on a Rope." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fall into the ocean and no one bothers to save you.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to knock a merchant off a rope. Lord Arthur " "rewards your bravery after the battle is over.", succeed=True, add_item=items.fish, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to knock a merchant off a rope. The captain " "rewards your bravery after the battle is over.", succeed=True, add_item=items.fish, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A merchant cuts you down.", die=True, ), weight=1) class Tithe(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(Tithe, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Tithe." def execute(self, state): if state.character.money == money.pittance: state.character.lose_all_money() self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel {0}.".format(random.choice( ["like your sins will be forgiven", "holier", "holy", "like a good person"])), succeed=True, ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel {0}.".format(random.choice( ["like you've been cheated", "like you wasted your money", "like the church will waste the money", "unfulfilled"])), fail=True, ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A priestess blesses you.", ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "It was a good time to make peace with God. Lord Carlos steps " "out from behind a pillar and assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.get_attack() < 7 and state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George sees that you are a righteous man and gives you an " "iron hammer to help you do God's work.", add_item=items.iron_hammer, new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=1) class BarterWithInuits(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BarterWithInuits, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Barter with the Inuits." def execute(self, state): if not state.character.has_any_items: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have nothing they want.", fail=True, ), weight=10000) if state.character.has_item(items.seal_carcass): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You trade your seal for passage back to land.", remove_item=items.seal_carcass, move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], topic="the Inuits", ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Inuits drive a hard bargain, but take you to land in " "one of their kayaks.", funcs=[state.character.remove_all_items], move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], topic="the Inuits", ), weight=1) class BuildAnIgloo(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BuildAnIgloo, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Build an igloo." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While building your igloo, you slip on some ice.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't figure out how to build an igloo.", fail=True, ), weight=1) if not state.character.has_item(items.seal_carcass): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your igloo protects you from the elements, " "but not from your hunger.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get bored and hungry inside your igloo.", ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You survive in your igloo until winter by eating your seal. " "The winter ice sheet allows you to get back to land.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], remove_item=items.seal_carcass, succeed=True, ), weight=50) class Disguise(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(Disguise, self).__init__(state) self.fake_name = random.choice(["St. George.", "Lord Arthur.", "Lord Daniel."]) self.name = "Tell the next person you meet that you are " + \ "{0}".format(self.fake_name) def execute(self, state): if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_bartholomews_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "No one is buying it.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You soon have an audience with Lord Bartholomew. When he " "realizes he's been tricked, he has his servants escort you " "out of the manor.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["countryside"], ), weight=1) if self.fake_name == "Lord Arthur": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you tell a gardener that you are Lord Arthur, " "he laughs and says, \"Lord Arthur? This far inland? I " "really doubt it.\"", fail=True, ), weight=3) if self.fake_name == "Lord Daniel": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you tell a servant woman you are Lord Daniel, she beats " "do death with a broom.", die=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You soon have an audience with Lord Carlos. He recognizes you " "when you are admitted to his study.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"], threat=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "No one is buying it. You are soon assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=1) class BurnThePlaceToTheGround(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state, place): super(BurnThePlaceToTheGround, self).__init__(state) self.place = place self.name = "Burn {0} to the ground.".format(place.name) def execute(self, state): if not state.character.has_item(items.fire_proof_cloak): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You accidentally set yourself on fire and promptly burn to " "the ground.", die=True, ), weight=1) else: if self.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You almost perish in the blaze, but your " "fancy red cloak is fireproof.", burn_place=self.place, succeed=True, move_to=self.place, ), weight=1) if self.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, burn_place=self.place, succeed=True, move_to=self.place, ), weight=4) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get assassinated while looking for kindling.", die=True, ), weight=40) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George sees you attempting arson and smites you.", die=True, ), weight=30) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard sees you attempting arson and turns you into a " "frog. He steps on you.", die=True, ), weight=20) class SetThePlaceOnFire(BurnThePlaceToTheGround): slot = "a" def __init__(self, state, place): super(SetThePlaceOnFire, self).__init__(state, place) self.place = place self.name = "Set {0} ablaze.".format(place.name) class BurnThePlaceToACrisp(BurnThePlaceToTheGround): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state, place): super(BurnThePlaceToACrisp, self).__init__(state, place) self.place = place self.name = "Burn {0} to a crisp.".format(place.name) class LightUpThePlace(BurnThePlaceToTheGround): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, place): super(LightUpThePlace, self).__init__(state, place) self.place = place self.name = "Light up {0}.".format(place.name) class ClimbIntoTheCrowsNest(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(ClimbIntoTheCrowsNest, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Climb into the crow's nest." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spot a merchant ship. A raid ensues.", actions=[ (Swashbuckle(state), 1000), (SwingOnARope(state), 1000), (FireACanon(state), 1000), (HideUnderTheDeck(state), 1000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are able to help guide the ship to land.", succeed=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are able to help guide the ship to the docks.", succeed=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["docks"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drop your bag on your way up the mast. A pirate takes it.", remove_all_items=True, fail=True, topic="treachery", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fall off the mast on the way up mast.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A crow in the crow's nest caws in your face, startling " "you. You fall off the mast and land on the deck.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A crow in the crow's nest caws in your face, startling " "you. You fall off the mast and land in the water.", fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=1) class RaiseASail(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(RaiseASail, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Raise a sail." def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur has you killed for raising the wrong sail.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur yells at you to scrub the deck.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you are raising a sail you see a merchant ship. Lord Arthur " "calls all hands to raid the ship.", actions=[ (Swashbuckle(state), 1000), (SwingOnARope(state), 1000), (FireACanon(state), 1000), (HideUnderTheDeck(state), 1000)], ), weight=1) if not state.character.is_employed_by(state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"]): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur is impressed by your initiative and makes you a " "member of the crew.", add_employer=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you are raising a sail you see a merchant ship. The " "captain calls all hands to raid the ship.", actions=[ (Swashbuckle(state), 1000), (SwingOnARope(state), 1000), (FireACanon(state), 1000), (HideUnderTheDeck(state), 1000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You help the ship return to the docks quicker.", succeed=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["docks"], ), weight=1) class ScrubTheDeck(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(ScrubTheDeck, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Scrub the deck." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You scrub the deck until it sparkles, then you scrub it some " "more.", ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you are scrubbing the deck, you hear Lord Arthur calling " "all hands to raid an approaching merchant ship.", actions=[ (Swashbuckle(state), 1000), (SwingOnARope(state), 1000), (FireACanon(state), 1000), (HideUnderTheDeck(state), 1000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur yells at you to raise a sail.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You dislocate your shoulder scrubbing and Lord Arthur has no " "further use for you. He has you thrown off the ship.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.is_employed_by(state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"]): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur yells at you to scrub harder.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur is impressed by your initiative and makes you a " "member of the crew.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], add_employer=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], ), weight=1) class PlayDead(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(PlayDead, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Play dead." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You soon are.", die=True, ), weight=2) if state.character.person != state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are too pathetic for {0} to kill.".format( state.character.person.name), unthreat=True, new_person=None, fail=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your charade does not soften Lord Carlos' {0} " "heart.".format(random.choice(["stony", "icy", "cold", "evil", "bitter", "cruel",])), die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You go the extra mile to make it realistic.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Just to be sure, {0} kill{1} you.".format( state.character.person.name, persons.get_tense(state.character.person)), die=True, ), weight=1) class PrayToAHigherPower(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(PrayToAHigherPower, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Pray to a higher power." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your prayers go unanswered.", fail=True, ), weight=2) if state.character.has_any_items(): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God decides to test you.", remove_all_items=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God speaks to you and shows you the way.", topic="arson", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God tells you to marry the nymph queen.", topic="nymphs", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your prayers are answered.", get_money=money.small_fortune, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your prayers for a beautiful wife are answered but she soon " "leaves you.", fail=True, topic="divorce", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your prayers aren't answered, but the assassins' are.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your prayers are answered.", burn_place=state.character.place, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God does nothing for you, but you do find a small sack of " "jewels someone left on a counter.", add_item=items.jewels, topic='jewels', ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.town and \ state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George joins you in prayer.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=1) class BegForMoney(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BegForMoney, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Beg for money." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place != state.places.places_dict["church"] and \ state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George tells you he has lost his wallet in the church.", ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"]: if state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].state.get("given money", False): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George becomes irritated by your begging " "and crushes you with his iron hammer.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George smites you with his saintly wraith " "for being ungrateful.", die=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, state.character.person.name + " give" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " you a pittance.", beg=True, get_money=money.pittance, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, state.character.person.name + " give" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " you a small fortune.", beg=True, get_money=money.small_fortune, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, state.character.person.name + " give" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " you a large fortune.", beg=True, get_money=money.large_fortune, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your begging falls on deaf ears.", fail=True, beg=True, topic="money", ), weight=1) class BideYourTime(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BideYourTime, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Bide your time." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You die of old age.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As the days drag on, you go insane.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The days turn to weeks and the weeks turn to months.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You eventually manage to dig a secret passage from your cell " "into a cave network.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["cave"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You notice the warden carries the keys when he " "inspects the cells. He inspects the cells with " "an entourage of guards most weekends, but he " "does it alone on holidays.", actions=[(LaughAboutWarden(state), 100), (TryToTakeKeys(state), 100), (WaitForAHoliday(state), 100), ], ), weight=2) if state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].attracted > -1 and \ state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].attracted < 3: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As the days pass, you find yourself more and more " "attracted to the fat woman who feeds you.", ), weight=2) class BuyBlackMarketItem(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BuyBlackMarketItem, self).__init__(state) self.item = random.choice( state.persons.persons_dict["black_market_merchant"].get_sells()) self.price = state.persons.persons_dict["black_market_merchant"].get_sell_price(self.item) self.name = "Make a shady deal." def execute(self, state): if state.character.money >= self.price: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You cut a deal with a {0}.".format(random.choice([ "black market peddler", "merchant witch", "monger of rare items",])), add_item=self.item, lose_money=self.price, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You try to buy {0} {1}, but you don't have the money.".format( items.a_or_an(self.item), str(self.item)), fail=True, topic="poverty", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find an assassin posing as a black market peddler.", die=True, ), weight=1) class BuyItem(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BuyItem, self).__init__(state) self.item = random.choice(state.persons.persons_dict["local_merchant"].get_sells()) self.price = state.persons.persons_dict["local_merchant"].get_sell_price(self.item) self.name = "Buy {0} {1}.".format( items.a_or_an(self.item), str(self.item)) def execute(self, state): if state.character.money != money.none: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, add_item=self.item, new_person=None, lose_money=self.price, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't afford {0} {1}.".format( items.a_or_an(self.item), str(self.item)), new_person=None, fail=True, topic="poverty", ), weight=3) class BuyWeapon(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BuyWeapon, self).__init__(state) self.weapon = random.choice(state.persons.persons_dict["wealthy_merchant"].get_sells()) self.price = state.persons.persons_dict["wealthy_merchant"].get_sell_price(self.weapon) self.name = "Buy a " + str(self.weapon) + "." def execute(self, state): if state.character.money >= self.price: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, add_item=self.weapon, lose_money=self.price, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't afford it.", fail=True, topic="poverty", ), weight=3) class BuyADrink(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BuyADrink, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Buy a drink." def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["blind_bartender"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The blind bartender grumbles as he passes you a drink.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["blind_bartender"], ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The drink is poisoned.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "An assassin walks up and starts hitting on you... very hard.", die=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you drink, you hear a peasant talking about how great " "Lord Bartholomew is.", topic="Lord Bartholomew", ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A man in a black cloak sits next to you and orders a drink.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["assassin"], topic="assassins", ), weight=2) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "No one is selling.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class BoastOfYourBravery(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(BoastOfYourBravery, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Boast of your bravery." def execute(self, state): if not state.character.person: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You impress yourself.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, state.character.person.name[0].upper() + state.character.person.name[1:] + " is not impressed.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you boast of your exploits, {0} walks away.".format( state.character.person.name), new_person=None, fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["blind_bartender"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The blind bartender starts pretending to be deaf.", fail=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George warns you of the dangers of hubris.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You tell St. George about the time you burnt a house " "down and he slays you for your wicked ways.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George lauds your noble deeds and rewards you.", get_money=money.large_fortune, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George becomes irate when you claim to have slain a " "dragon. He obliterates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Her eyes glaze over as you struggle to remember times " "you were brave.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She sees through your lies.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She seems interested in your stories.", ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She points out several inconsistencies in your story.", flirt=-1, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She seems to buy it.", flirt=1, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["guards"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You tell the guards that you are brave.\n 'A brave " "lunatic,' they say and they throw you in prison.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], ), weight=1) class LookForACat(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForACat, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for a cat." def execute(self, state): if state.character.has_item(items.fish): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A cat smells your fish and approaches you.", succeed=True, add_item=items.cat, ), weight=20) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After days of searching, you manage to find a cat.", succeed=True, add_item=items.cat, ), weight=14) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your efforts to find a cat are fruitless.", fail=True, ), weight=6) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see something out of the corner of your eye that looks like " "a cat. You chase it to no avail.", fail=True, topic="cats", ), weight=6) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a ferocious cat. It kills you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.burnable and \ state.character.place in state.places.town: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You knock a lantern over as you chase a cat.", burn_place=state.character.place, ), weight=4) if state.character.place in state.places.populated and not \ state.character.place in state.places.locked: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You follow a cat through the streets but " "eventually lose track of it.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["dark_alley"], ), weight=6) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local guards notice you searching for a cat " "and conclude that you must be a lunatic.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, topic="lonely", ), weight=6) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find Lord Arthur's freakish cat. The cat has " "eight more tails than a normal cat.", ), weight=20) class TellThemYouAreNotALunatic(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state, topic): super(TellThemYouAreNotALunatic, self).__init__(state) self.topic = topic self.name = "Tell them you are not a lunatic, " + \ "you're just {0}.".format(topic) def execute(self, state): if self.topic[0] in "aeiou": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"An {0} lunatic,\" they say.".format(self.topic), fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"A {0} lunatic,\" they say.".format(self.topic), fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=1) class TipACow(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(TipACow, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Tip a cow." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are disappointed to find out that cows can get back up " "easily.", new_person=None, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some peasants see you trying to tip a cow and laugh at you.", new_person=None, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find any cows. Only sheep.", new_person=None, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You pull a cow on top of yourself and it crushes you.", new_person=None, clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You're not strong enough to push the cow over.", new_person=None, topic="cows", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some peasants mistake you for a cow thief and form a lynch mob.", threat=True, new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mob"], ), weight=1) class LookForSeaTurtles(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForSeaTurtles, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for sea turtles." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see one. You also drown because you are in the ocean.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your efforts to find a sea turtle are fruitless.", fail=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a sea turtle and follow it to shore.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], topic="sea turtles", succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find a sea turtle. Everywhere looks the same.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a shark instead. It minds its own business.", ), weight=1) class LookForMermaids(Action): slot = "b" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForMermaids, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for mermaids." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a wooden mermaid figurehead on the front of Lord " "Arthur's ship. The crew hoists you abroad.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are taken out by a storm during your search.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a sea turtle instead.", fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "{0} {1}".format(random.choice([ "You almost step on one", "You find one putting seashells in her hair.", "There are mermaids everywhere, there's one next to you.", "After hours of climbing around on the rocks you find " "one.", ]), random.choice([ "She spits water in your face and laughs.", "She trips you with her fish tail.", "She gives you some nasty tasting seaweed.", "She's beautiful, but smells terrible.", "She sings a song about Lord Arthur.", ])), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't find any mermaids, but you find a shiny foreign " "coin.", add_item=items.foreign_coin, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't find any mermaids, but you find a small fortune " "in lost treasure.", get_money=money.small_fortune, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You slip on a rock.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["ocean"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mermaid. She leads you back to her rock.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are not sure where to look.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After days of searching, you are not sure mermaids exist.", fail=True, ), weight=2) # C slot actions class ChatWithLordBartholomew(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ChatWithLordBartholomew, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Chat with Lord Bartholomew." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew talks about the injustices in the world " "and how action is needed to set them right.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew is genuinly interested in your life story.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says that a cause is the only " "thing worth dying for.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew stresses the value of hard work and the " "importance of the peasant class.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew takes you on a walk and shows you the " "sights around the countryside. You don't get much of a chance " "to talk to him because too many peasants are clamoring to get " "his autograph.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says the only man of any value in the town is " "St. George.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says Lord Arthur is a rascal who will be " "dealt with when the time comes.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says Lord Daniel is a tyrant who will be " "dealt with when the time comes.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says Lord Carlos is a thug who will be " "dealt with when the time comes. You couldn't agree more.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says the wizard is a dangerous man who will be " "dealt with when the time comes.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says family is the only thing worth living " "for.", ), weight=1) class Eve(Action): """ Used when guessing Eve's name """ slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(Eve, self).__init__(state) self.name = "\"Eve.\"" def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She gives you the evil eye.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 2), ), weight=1) class WaitForAHoliday(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(WaitForAHoliday, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Wait for a holiday to make your move." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to swipe the keys off the warden during his " "inspection. You make your escape that night.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You almost get the keys off the warden.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to snatch the keys off the warden, but he notices and " "has you thrown in a deep dark dungeon. However, you end up in " "a cell with some of Lord Bartholomew's men. They are soon rescued " "and so are you.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["lord_bartholomews_manor"], ), weight=1) class ChallengeThemToAGameOfChess(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ChallengeThemToAGameOfChess, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Challenge them to a game of chess." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Their opening move is smashing a bottle of rum over your head " ". You aren't thinking too straight during the game and " "quickly lose.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The pirates slash the chessboard in half with a cutlass and " "leave.", add_item=items.cutlass, new_person=None, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You beat all the pirates easily. Lord Arthur says your " "wits could be invaluable on the high seas. They soon are.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], actions=[(LickTheGround(state, state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"]), 1000)], ), weight=1) class SunYourselfOnARock(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(SunYourselfOnARock, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Sun yourself on a rock." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get sunburnt.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get bronzed.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A roc snatches you and carries you 2000 miles before feeding " "you to its hatchlings.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person != state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you open your eyes you see a mermaid sunbathing next to " "you.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], ), weight=1) class ComplainAboutUnfairImprisonment(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ComplainAboutUnfairImprisonment, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Complain about unfair imprisonment." def execute(self, state): if state.character.person != state.persons.persons_dict["lord_daniel"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards say it's fair if Lord Daniel says it's fair.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards argue with you about the finer points " "of the justice system.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards arrest you on charges of lunacy and throw you in " "prison with the other lunatics.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A bureaucrat says she'll let Lord Daniel know of your " "concerns.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A cook assures you that Lord Bartholomew will set things right.", ), weight=1) else: # when talking wiht Lord Daniel self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel has his guards carry out of the tower and dump " "in a pile of manure.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel explains to you that your lack of mental " "capacity would never allow you to understand his complex " "policies.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel gives you a lengthy lecture about how life " "isn't fair.", topic="boredom", ), weight=1) class Hide(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(Hide, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Hide." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You hide from the assassins, but not from your own " "dark thoughts.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You hide for a couple of days, long enough " "that you think the whole assassin thing has probably " "blown over.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You try to hide in the sewer, but you end up " "drowning in filth.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You try to hide in the sewer, but you are killed " "by a rat.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You trip in the darkness and break your neck.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) class E4(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(E4, self).__init__(state) self.name = "e4." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The game ends when Lord Carlos pins you with three queens.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You beat Lord Carlos in chess. He beats you in life.", die=True, ), weight=1) class LookForAWayOut(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForAWayOut, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for a way out." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fumble around in the darkness.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You think you're going around in circles.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't see anything, so you only manage to bump your head " "on a rock.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You slip on a slippery slope and fall to your death.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't find a way out, but you find a deep-cave newt.", add_item=items.deep_cave_newt, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find your way out of the cave.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], succeed=True, ), weight=1) class ClimbUpTheTopSails(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ClimbUpTheTopSails, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Climb up the top sails." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your sailor peg falls into the ocean while you work on the sails.", remove_item=items.sailor_peg, funcs=[state.character.depegify], ), weight=1) class TellAPriest(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(TellAPriest, self).__init__(state) self.idea = random.choice([ "that God doesn't exist", "that he's fat", "that you are the chosen one"]) self.name = "Tell a priest " + self.idea + "." def execute(self, state): if self.idea == "that God doesn't exist": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The priest thinks for a moment and realizes you're " "right. \"What a fool I've been,\" he says. \"I'll go and " "become a peasant.\"", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The priest thinks for a moment and realizes you're " "right. \"What a fool I've been,\" he says. \"I'm going to " "go and find a wife.\"", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God smites you for your {0}.".format(random.choice([ "arrogance", "foolishness", "rudeness", "heresy", "tactlessness", "faithlessness"])), clover=True, die=True, ), weight=2) if self.idea == "that he's fat": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He runs off crying.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"Only God can judge me,\" he says.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"Food is my only indulgence,\" he says proudly.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George overhears your comment and agrees with you, " "but throws you out of the church for rudeness.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=1) if self.idea == "that you are the chosen one": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The priest finds your arguments so pitiful that he gives " "you a pittance and sends you on your way.", get_money=money.pittance, move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He says he has his doubts.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"I would know it when I see it,\" he says.", ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George overhears your comment and turns you, " "over to the guards on charges of lunacy.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=1) class FireACanon(Action): """ Note: only use when attacking merchant ship """ slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(FireACanon, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Fire a cannon." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to knock the merchant ship's mast down. " "It falls on you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sink the merchant ship, plunder and all. Lord Arthur " "is not pleased, so he flogs you with his cat. The cat seems " "more traumatized than you, but you get fairly scratched up.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fumble around with the cannon, but Lord Arthur is " "convinced you contributed to his victory and gives you a bag " "of jewels.", add_item=items.jewels, ), weight=1) class ClubASeal(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ClubASeal, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Club a seal." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After a few days of waiting at a hole in the ice, you freeze " "do death.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local polar bears aren't happy with you on their turf. " "You are soon mauled.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "After a few days of waiting at a hole in the ice, you manage " "to club a seal.", add_item=items.seal_carcass, succeed=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage " "to club a seal, but it swims away.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While waiting for a seal, you are very cold.", ), weight=1) class CelebrateYourSuccess(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(CelebrateYourSuccess, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Celebrate your success." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't think of a better way to celebrate than twiddling " "your thumbs.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You dance a jig.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a song.", ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, burn_place=state.character.place, succeed=True, move_to=state.character.place, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.town: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You go see a play in the market.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You go to a brothel and admire the decorations.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.populated and \ state.character.money != money.none: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wander around throwing all of your money in the air.", funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["arctic"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You make a snow woman.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You make a snow angel.", ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drink until you black out.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drink until you black out. You wake up weary and " "penniless.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["dark_alley"], funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drink until you black out. " "Lord Arthur wakes you by yelling that you need to get on " "with your duties.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drink until you black out. " "You wake up in bed next to a peasant woman. " "Once the hangover wears off, you " "both live happily ever after.", win=True, ), weight=1) class ChopDownATree(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ChopDownATree, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Chop down a tree." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The tree falls on you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A nymph hexes you. " "Throwing yourself in a pond suddenly seems like a good idea.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The tree makes a loud noise as it falls.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A tree falls in the forest. You hear it.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The tree starts to bleed and you collect its blood.", add_item=items.bottle_of_sap, succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get your ax stuck in the tree and can't get it out.", remove_item=items.ax, fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You enjoy chopping down the tree so much that you chop down " "many more trees and build a cabin.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) class ChowDown(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state, food): super(ChowDown, self).__init__(state) self.food = food self.name = "Chow down on the " + str(food) + "." def execute(self, state): if self.food == items.many_colored_mushroom: if not state.character.trip: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your perception of the world begins to change.", remove_item=items.many_colored_mushroom, funcs=[state.character.start_tripping], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You feel normal again.", remove_item=items.many_colored_mushroom, funcs=[state.character.stop_tripping], ), weight=1) if self.food == items.yellow_mushroom: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the mushroom distasteful.", remove_item=items.yellow_mushroom, ), weight=1) if self.food == items.black_mushroom: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The mushroom tastes bittersweet.", remove_item=items.black_mushroom, die=True, ), weight=1) if self.food == items.white_mushroom: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You grow larger.", remove_item=items.white_mushroom, grow_stronger=1, ), weight=2) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["woods"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You shrink to the size of a peanut. A weasel " "soon comes along and eats you.", remove_item=items.white_mushroom, die=True, ), weight=1) class FlirtWith(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state, person): super(FlirtWith, self).__init__(state) self.person = person self.name = "Flirt with {0}.".format(person.name) def execute(self, state): if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You run into the mermaid problem.", fail=True, ), weight=1000) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].name != "Felicity": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores your hoots.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], -1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores your whistling.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores you when you say \"Hello,\" but " "you catch her glancing at you throughout the day.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She smiles, but doesn't reply to the love " "poem you recite to her.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores you, but wears a low-cut blouse the next day.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores you, but gives you more food the next day.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].attracted > 3: def change_name(): state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].name = "Felicity" self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You strike up a conversation and learn that her name is " "Felicity.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), funcs=[change_name], ), weight=1000) elif self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"]: # We know her name self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity blows you kisses.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity leans in close and kisses your cheek.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity talks with you for hours. She only " "stops when the warden barks at her to get " "back to work.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity tells you she asked the warden to " "let you out, but he has a strict \"No lunatics " "on the streets\" policy.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity says she thinks about you a lot.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity laughs at all your jests, even the bad ones.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity asks if she looks fat in her new dress. " "You say \"Yes.\" She doesn't speak to you for several days.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], -1), ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].attracted > 10: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Felicity whispers that she loves you.", love_confessor=state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], ), weight=100) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].name != "Olga": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you squeeze her butt, she stabs you in the heart with a " "poisoned dagger.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You play a game of darts together, but you get upset when " "you lose and ruin the mood.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], -1), fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find out that you both like " "cats. She says her cat loves being petted.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You amuse her with realistic impreesions of bird " "songs. She says she likes a man who's good with his tongue.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She is impressed with your juggling and says she likes a man " "with skilled hands.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You say the flower in her hair goes well with " "her eyes. She says you can smell her flower if you like.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She sits on your lap when you buy her a drink.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["blind_bartender"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You both laugh about how bad the ale is. The blind bartender " "is not pleased.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have a meal together.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She plays with your hair while you talk of your exploits.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].attracted > 3: def change_name(): state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].name = "Olga" self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She says her name is Olga. You also tell your name.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), funcs=[change_name], ), weight=10000) elif self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"] and \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You follow Olga to her room, " "where she shows you some paintings she's borrowing " "from Lord Carlos.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["upstairs"], flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You follow her to her room upstairs. Lots of passionate " "stabbing ensues.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) elif self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"] and \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["upstairs"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "{0}".format(random.choice([ "You make passionate love together.", "You sleep together.", "Olga does lots of nice things to you.", ])), succeed=True, flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Olga whispers that she's been stalking you.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You both stay up late talking by candlelight.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 3), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Olga tells you her life story. Half of it seems made up.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You compliment her on her borrowed paintings. She is pleased.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Olga turns out to be an assassin. She assassinates you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].attracted > 10: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Olga grabs your hand. \"Life's too short, " "let's get married!\"", love_confessor=state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], ), weight=1000) if self.person == state.persons.persons_dict["eve"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She asks if you even remember her name. " "You say, \"Of course I remember your name. It's...\"", actions=[(Anne(state), 10000), (Beth(state), 10000), (Eve(state), 10000), (Donna(state), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You look at her bookshelf and compliment her on her choice " "of books. She casts doubt on your ability to read.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you try to get close to her, she trips you and laughs.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She lets you live with her for a few months under the " "condition that she gets to treat you poorly.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You say she has pretty lips. She says your lips are only " "pretty when they're shut.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She ignores your innuendos, but lets you come to the river " "with her so she can drown a bag of kittens.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She tells you to hide in a chest, because she thinks her " "father is coming. She locks you in the chest and doesn't " "let you out for a week.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She says she wants to make love to you in the woods, " "but you lose track of her in the darkness. She doesn't " "come back for you.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], fail=True, flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She asks you to prove your devotion to her by cleaning her " "room. She seems pleased with your work.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], 1), ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["eve"].attracted > 3: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your suave advances lead to several rounds of passionate " "sex with Lord Carlos' daughter that night. Unfortunately, " "you don't wake up at " "dawn. You wake up in the middle of the night when two " "hooded assassins kidnap you take you to a dungeon full " "of torture devices. They are about to put you in an " "iron maiden when they take off their hoods and reveal " "that they are Lord Carlos' daughter and a priest. The " "priest officiates your wedding.", win=True, ), weight=10000) class GoToSleep(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(GoToSleep, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Go to sleep." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up dead.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have a nightmare about weasels.", topic="weasels", new_person=None, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You dream of fire.", topic="fire", new_person=None ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have a wonderful dream that you married a nymph and took her " "to bed in Lord Carlos' manor.", new_person=None, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up well-rested some hours later.", new_person=None, ), weight=2) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["prison"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up just in time to see an assassin slip a weasel " "between the bars of your cell. The weasel kills you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up in Lord Carlos' dungeon. You never leave.", die=True, ), weight=100) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["ocean"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown in your sleep.", die=True, ), weight=100) if not state.character.place in state.places.locked: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up some hours later.", move=2, new_person=None, ), weight=3) if state.character.place in state.places.populated and not \ state.character.place in state.places.locked: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are pleasantly awakened by a cat rubbing itself against " "you.", add_item=items.cat, new_person=None, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up robbed of all your worldly possessions.", remove_all_items=True, funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], new_person=None, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are rudely awakened by an assassin's dagger.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wake up with some coins on your cloak.", get_money=money.pittance, topic="money", new_person=None, ), weight=2) class LookForTheWizard(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForTheWizard, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for the wizard." def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"].alive: if state.character.has_item(items.yellow_mushroom): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you find him, he can smell that you have a yellow " "mushroom. He asks if he can have it.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], actions=[(GiveHimTheYellowMushroom(state), 100)], ), weight=100) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find him. He turns you into a frog and steps on you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find him. He turns you into a frog and tries to step on you " "but you manage to hop away.", funcs=[state.character.frogify], ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "When you find him. He gives you a frog.", add_item=items.frog, move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the wizard. He is telling a woman how he " "cursed the icicles in the arctic.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the wizard. He is telling a woman about " "a mesmerizing pearl.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see the wizard emptying a flask into a well.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["market"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You look for the wizard, but the assassins are looking for you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: if state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find the wizard, but you find St. George. " "He says the wizard is a little testy.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't find the wizard since the wizard is dead, " "but you find St. George. He says the wizard was a " "complicated man.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=1) class LeaveInAHuff(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(LeaveInAHuff, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Leave in a huff." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, move=1, ), weight=49) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The huffy manner in which you left causes some assassins to " "notice you. They assassinate you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class LeaveInAPuff(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(LeaveInAPuff, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Leave in a puff." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): place = state.character.place while place == state.character.place: place = state.places.places_dict[random.choice( list(state.places.places_dict.keys()))] self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, move_to=place, ), weight=3) class FleeTheScene(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(FleeTheScene, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Flee the scene." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, move=2, new_person=None, unthreat=True, ), weight=3) class GoTo(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state, place, specific_dest=None): super(GoTo, self).__init__(state) if specific_dest: self.dest = specific_dest else: self.dest = random.sample(place.connections, 1)[0] self.name = "Go to " + str(self.dest) + "." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, move_to=self.dest, new_person=None, ), weight=3) if self.dest == state.places.places_dict["dark_alley"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You go into a dark alley. You do not come out.", die=True, ), weight=3) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "On your way out of {0} you run headlong into some guards. " "They say you must be a lunatic.".format(state.character.place), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, topic="oblivious", ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you are entering {0}, you notice an assassin following " "you.".format(self.dest), move_to=self.dest, threat=True, new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["assassin"], ), weight=2) if state.character.has_item(items.cat): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your cat notices an assassin approaching. You do not.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) overhear_template = "As you leave " + state.character.place.name + \ " you overhear {0}." self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, overhear_template.format("someone say that the town's well " "has been poisoned"), move_to=self.dest, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, overhear_template.format("someone talking about how nice St. " "George was to them"), move_to=self.dest, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, overhear_template.format("a man talking about being a pirate on " "Lord Arthur's ship"), move_to=self.dest, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, overhear_template.format("a woman asking around about " "assassins"), move_to=self.dest, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, overhear_template.format("some men are planning a trip to " "the woods to look for nymphs"), move_to=self.dest, ), weight=1) class RunLikeTheDevil(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(RunLikeTheDevil, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Run like the Devil." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Devil is very fast, so you manage to get away.", move=2, succeed=True, ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You run like the Devil, but " + state.character.person.name + " also run" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " like the Devil " "and overtake" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"].attracted > 9: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Devil is very fast and not very fat, so you manage to get " "away unmarried.", new_person=None, move=2, succeed=True, flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["felicity"], -666), ), weight=666) if state.character.person == \ state.persons.persons_dict["olga"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["olga"].attracted > 9: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Devil is pretty fast but Olga is prettier and faster. " "She strangles you to death.", die=True, flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], -666), ), weight=666) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Devil is very fast, so you manage to get away unmarried.", new_person=None, move=2, succeed=True, flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], -666) ), weight=666) class WaddleLikeGod(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(WaddleLikeGod, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Waddle like God." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "God is very slow, so you don't manage to get away.", die=True, ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You waddle like God, but " + state.character.person.name + " also waddle" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " like God and " "fail to overtake" + persons.get_tense(state.character.person) + " you. You " "slowly get away.", move=1, ), weight=1) class WanderTheCountryside(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(WanderTheCountryside, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Wander the countryside." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Not all those who wander are lost, but you are.", fail=True, new_person=None, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mob of peasants about to perform a witch burning.", actions=[(SaveTheWitch(state), 30)], new_person=None, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mob of peasant children about to perform a cat " "burning.", actions=[(SaveTheCat(state), 30)], new_person=None, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "All of the peasants you meet talk about Lord Bartholomew like " "he's God's gift to the world.", new_person=None, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mob of peasants burning Lord Daniel in effigy.", new_person=None, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["simple_peasant"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a simple peasant.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["simple_peasant"], ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["peasant_lass"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a peasant lass.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["peasant_lass"], ), weight=1) class Swim(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(Swim, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Swim." def execute(self, state): if type(self) == JustKeepSwimming or type(self) == KeepSwimming: next_action = JustKeepSwimming(state) else: next_action = KeepSwimming(state) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to stay afloat.", actions=[(next_action, 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You keep your head up.", actions=[(next_action, 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see a ship in the distance. You are unable to reach it.", actions=[(next_action, 10000)], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You make very little progress.", actions=[(next_action, 10000)], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You die of dehydration.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are in way over your head.", die=True, ), weight=1) class KeepSwimming(Swim): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(KeepSwimming, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Keep swimming." def execute(self, state): super(KeepSwimming, self).execute(state) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You die of exhaustion.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are picked up by Lord Arthur's pirate ship.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["pirate_ship"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mermaid sitting on a rock.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], ), weight=1) if state.character.has_item(items.cat): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your cat dies.", actions=[(JustKeepSwimming(state), 10000)], remove_item=items.cat, fail=True, ), weight=1) class JustKeepSwimming(KeepSwimming): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(JustKeepSwimming, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Just keep swimming." def execute(self, state): super(JustKeepSwimming, self).execute(state) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You die of exhaustion.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You finally find land.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["docks"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you swim, you notice the water getting colder. You eventually " "find ice.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["arctic"], fail=True ), weight=1) class E4(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(E4, self).__init__(state) self.name = "E4." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You lose the game. Lord Carlos celebrates his victory by " "assassinating you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class ChallengeHimToAGameOfChess(Action): """ Used with Lord Carlos and Lord Bartholomew """ slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(ChallengeHimToAGameOfChess, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Challenge him to a game of chess." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos says he has no time to waste on fools, but " "when you imply that he's afraid he'll lose, " "he has his servants set up a chessboard.", actions=[(A3(state), 10000), (Nf3(state), 10000), (E4(state), 10000), (AskForADraw(state), 10000)], ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew says there's always time for a little fun " "in his life. He takes you to his chess parlor and sets up " "a board.", #actions=[(A3(state), 10000), # (Nf3(state), 10000), # (E4(state), 10000), # (TurnBoard(state), 10000)], ), weight=1) class WalkThePlank(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(WalkThePlank, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Walk the plank." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You walk across one of the planks on the deck.", topic="walking the plank", ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fall into the ocean.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur's pet shark emerges from the depths and snatches you " "as you fall.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) class TrashThePlace(Action): slot = "c" def __init__(self, state): super(TrashThePlace, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Trash the place." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, trash_place=state.character.place, succeed=True, move_to=state.character.place, ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a fancy red cloak in the wreckage.", add_item=items.fire_proof_cloak, trash_place=state.character.place, succeed=True, move_to=state.character.place, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["market"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get trampled to death by a spooked horse.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are arrested on charges of lunacy and get " "thrown in prison with the other lunatics.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["wizards_lab"]: if not state.character.has_item(items.fire_proof_cloak): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "One of the potions you break blows up the lab.", die=True, ), weight=2) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "One of the potions you break blows up the lab, but " "Your fancy red cloak protects you from annihilation.", ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You snap a staff in half and a dark spirit escapes from the " "staff.", die=True, ), weight=2) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard incinerates you.", die=True, ), weight=20) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["wizards_lab"] and \ state.character.person != state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"] and \ state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard walks in and starts yelling obscenities.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], threat=True, ), weight=1) # D slot actions class TurnBoard(Action): """ Used for chess games against Lord Bartholomew """ slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(TurnBoard, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Play poorly and turn the board around once you're losing." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew laughs and concedes.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) class Donna(Action): """ Used when guessing Eve's name """ slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(Donna, self).__init__(state) self.name = "\"Donna.\"" def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She snakes her head. \"What a shame. I was starting to like " "you.\" She throws a dagger into your guts.", die=True, ), weight=1) class AskForAsylum(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(AskForAsylum, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask for asylum." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew grants you asylum and gives you work shoveling " "coal into ovens. After a few years, you fall in love with a cook " "who also works in the kitchens. You eventually win her heart and " "live happily ever after.", win=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew grants you asylum, but his manor is soon " "stormed by Lord Daniel's guards. You are arrested for " "treason.", burn_place=state.character.place, kill=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], ), weight=1000) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Bartholomew grants you asylum, but his manor is soon " "stormed by Lord Daniel's guards. You are arrested for " "treason.", kill=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"], move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], ), weight=1000) class AskForADraw(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(AskForADraw, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Ask for a draw." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos has you drawn and quartered for your impudence.", die=True, ), weight=1) class MakeItHard(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(MakeItHard, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Make it hard for Lord Carlos to kill you." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos is no slouch, he kills you anyway.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Screaming gibberish in his face only stuns him for so long.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos is better at killing than you are at not " "being killed.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You prevent Lord Carlos from killing you, but he calls in " "one of his assassins and has her do it.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You tell Lord Carlos that you're his son, he doesn't care.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spit in his eyes.", actions=[RunLikeTheDevil(state), 666], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You hide behind a painting Lord Carlos that is loathe " "to destroy. He loathes you more.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "He kills you as you try to get into an suit of " "armor.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You flee the country.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["arctic"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You flee to the woods and hide in a deep cave... " "perhaps a little too deep.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["cave"], ), weight=1) class ShowYourForeignCoin(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(ShowYourForeignCoin, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Show him your shiny foreign coin." def execute(self, state): if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_bartholomew"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"Damn, son. Where'd you find this?\" Lord Bartholomew asks. " "He doesn't wait for your answer. Instead he takes the " "coin and gives you a small fortune.", remove_item=items.foreign_coin, get_money=money.small_fortune, ), weight=1) elif state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["lord_daniel"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Daniel has his guards seize you and take your coin. " "They then defenestrate you. Fortunately, you land in a pile " "hay.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], remove_item=items.foreign_coin, ), weight=1) class DouseHerWithYourLovePotion(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, lady): super(DouseHerWithYourLovePotion, self).__init__(state) self.lady = lady self.name = "Douse " + self.lady.name + " with your love potion." def execute(self, state): if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The mermaid falls madly in love with you. " "You run into the mermaid problem, but {0}, " "so you still live happily ever after." ".".format(random.choice([ "she has a mouth", "she has breasts", "she is fun to be around", ])), win=True, ), weight=1) elif state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["eve"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She dodges the potion and starts screaming. You are " "soon assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos' daughter falls madly in love with you. " "You flee to another country and get married. She is fun " "to be around since she's magically enchanted to always be " "nice to you. However, she is still horrible to everyone " "else. So your life is always filled with adventure and " "danger.", win=True, ), weight=1) elif state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["nymph_queen"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You miss. The nymph queen giggles and turns you into a shrub.", score=100, lose=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The nymph queen falls madly in love with you. All of the " "woodland creatures attend your wedding.", win=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fumble around in your bags looking for the love potion, " "but your lack of organization hinders you.", ), weight=1) class DrugHerWithYourLovePotion(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, lady): super(DrugHerWithYourLovePotion, self).__init__(state) self.lady = lady self.name = "Drug " + self.lady.name + " with your love potion." def execute(self, state): if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The pretty lady notices you slipping the potion into her " "drink. She stabs you in the gut and leaves.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["blind_bartender"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You distract her by pointing out a wart on the blind " "bartender's nose. After she takes a drink, she looks " "back at the blind bartender and falls in love with him.", new_person=None, fail=True, remove_item=items.love_potion, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to drug her. She becomes very flirty with you.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 10), remove_item=items.love_potion, succeed=True, ), weight=1) class LookForNymphs(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(LookForNymphs, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look for nymphs." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find the nymph queen {0}. Her beauty is " "{1}.".format(random.choice(["watering flowers in a meadow", "levitating above a pond", "feeding a stag", "teaching a goblin to read", "tanning in a ray of sunshine", "doing tai chi in a meadow"]), random.choice(["intoxicating", "dazzling", "exhilarating", "overwhelming", "only rivaled by her attractiveness" ])), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["nymph_queen"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see some nymphs bathing in a waterfall, but they hex " "you for gawking. You climb a ridge and throw yourself " "to your death.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You see some nymphs but they fade away before you can get close.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You slip and tumble into a hole in the ground.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["cave"], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "{0}.".format(random.choice(["You can't find any", "Your efforts to find nymphs are fruitless", "You find an apple tree instead", "You don't see any nymphs. Only trees", ])), ), weight=4) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a witch instead.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["witch"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You notice a man in a dark cloak stalking you.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["assassin"], threat=True, ), weight=1) class GiveCat(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, woman): super(GiveCat, self).__init__(state) self.woman = woman self.name = "Give " + woman.name + " your cat." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She thinks the cat is adorable.", remove_item=items.cat, flirt=(state.character.person, 3), ), weight=3) class GiveFlowers(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, woman): super(GiveFlowers, self).__init__(state) self.woman = woman self.name = "Give " + woman.name + " your bouquet of flowers." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She is pleased with your gift.", remove_item=items.bouquet_of_flowers, flirt=(state.character.person, 3), ), weight=3) class Loot(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(Loot, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Loot." def execute(self, state): item = random.choice(state.persons.persons_dict["local_merchant"].get_sells() + state.persons.persons_dict["wealthy_merchant"].get_sells()) if item.name[0] in "aeiou": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get away with an " + item.name + ".", add_item=item, move=1, ), weight=3) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get away with a " + item.name + ".", add_item=item, move=1, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are killed by a merchant defending her store.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are arrested for attempting to steal an apple.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=1) class WatchAPlay(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(WatchAPlay, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Watch a play." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The play satirizes Lord Daniel's policy on lunacy. " "The actors are arrested at the end of the play.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The play portrays Lord Bartholomew in a glorious light. The " "audience is very pleased and claps for so long that it becomes " "awkward.", ), weight=1) if state.places.places_dict["market"] in state.places.burnable: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The play is put on by some of Lord Daniel's guards. The " "acting is horrible and the play portrays Lord Bartholomew in " "a negative light. The audience starts a riot.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], actions=[ (Attack(state, state.persons.persons_dict["guards"]), 10000), (BurnThePlaceToTheGround(state, state.places.places_dict["market"]), 10000), (TrashThePlace(state), 10000), (Loot(state), 10000) ], ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The play is put on by some Lord Daniel's guards, the acting is " "terrible and the play portrays Lord Bartholomew in a negative " "light. The audience starts a riot.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], actions=[ (Attack(state, state.persons.persons_dict["guards"]), 10000), (TrashThePlace(state), 10000), (Loot(state), 10000) ], ), weight=1) class FlauntYourWealth(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(FlauntYourWealth, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Flaunt your wealth." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local peasants mob you. They take your money and your life.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The guards notice you and conclude you must be rich.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], actions=[(TellThemYouAreALunatic(state), 10000)], ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "St. George notices you and warns you of the dangers of " "flamboyance.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["st_george"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some truly wealthy people see you and sneer.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class FreezeToDeath(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(FreezeToDeath, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Freeze to death." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While you're trying to freeze to death, you notice some " "penguins nearby.", actions=[(Yell(state, "that there aren't penguins in the arctic"), 100)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While you are waiting to freeze to death, you notice " "the wizard dropping off a boatload of penguins.", actions=[(Yell(state, "Don't leave without me"), 10000)], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "It's easy.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get sleepy.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You do.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You freeze to death.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get mauled by a polar bear before you get a chance to " "freeze to death.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some Inuits save you from the cold and take you back to land " "in a kayak. They also give you a fish.", add_item=items.fish, move_to=state.places.places_dict["countryside"], succeed=True, ), weight=2) class Panic(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(Panic, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Panic!" self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): #under revision """ options = state.places.Place.instances - set([state.character.place]) place = random.sample(options, 1)[0] self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You don't remember what you did, but you seem to have gotten " "away.", move_to=place, succeed=True, ), weight=1) """ self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Panicking doesn't help.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Panicking doesn't save you.", die=True, ), weight=1) class SingASong(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state, topic=None): super(SingASong, self).__init__(state) self.topic = topic if topic: self.name = "Sing a song about {0}.".format(topic) else: self.name = "Sing a song." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["church"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A priestess finds your lyrics {0} and has you thrown out of " "the church.".format(random.choice( ["blasphemous", "crude", "idiotic", "offensive", "mildly offensive", "uncreative"])), fail=True, move_to=state.places.places_dict["streets"], ), weight=10) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are soon joined in song by a gang of drunken pirates. " "They spill rum on you and ruin your song.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["pirates"], ), weight=5) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["upstairs"] and \ state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["olga"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a romantic ballad. Olga is impressed.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=20) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Olga interrupts your song by kissing you.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], 2), ), weight=20) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "This is no place for merry-making. You are soon " "assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=5) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your singing alerts Lord Carlos' assassins to your " "presence.", die=True, ), weight=10) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["mermaid_rock"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "As you sing, a ship sails by. The " "captain is tied to the mast. He is not " "impressed.", fail=True, ), weight=10) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The mermaid enjoys your singing and sings with you.", flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], 2), ), weight=20) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The mermaid is displeased with your choice of lyrics and " "pushes you into the ocean.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], flirt=(state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"], -1), fail=True, ), weight=10) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your singing is too loud for you to hear the footsteps of an " "assassin. He assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "A crowd gathers to hear your music and throws you a small " "fortune in coins.", get_money=money.small_fortune, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The locals hate your voice and soon mob you.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) if not state.character.person: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While you're singing, some men in black cloaks start to " "edge their way toward you.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["assassins"], threat=True, ), weight=3) if self.topic == "assassins": self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "An assassin notices you singing about assassins and " "assassinates you", die=True, ), weight=5) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The wizard complains that you are singing off-key. He turns " "you into a frog and steps on you.", die=True, ), weight=20) if not state.character.place in state.places.locked: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You wander aimlessly as you work your way through an epic " "ballad.", move=1, ), weight=1) if self.topic is None: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a song about Lord Arthur, captain of the pirates.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a song about Lord Bartholomew, leader of the " "peasants.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a song about Lord Carlos, kingpin of the assassins.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing a song about Lord Daniel, leader of the guards.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You sing your favorite song. No one cares.", ), weight=2) class SwingYourCat(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(SwingYourCat, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Swing your cat." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your cat manages to escape.", remove_item=items.cat, ), weight=2) if state.character.place in state.places.populated: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You hit an assassin with your cat.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["assassin"], threat=True, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local guards notice you swinging your cat around and " "conclude that you must be a lunatic.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, topic="mad", ), weight=3) class LookThroughSomeTrash(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(LookThroughSomeTrash, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Look through some trash." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You attempt to look through the trash, but an assassin takes it " "out.", die=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While you are searching through the trash you find a somewhat " "agreeable cat.", add_item=items.cat, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local guards see you searching through the trash and accuse " "you of being a lunatic.", add_item=items.cat, new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["guards"], threat=True, topic="curious", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You do not find anything useful in the trash.", fail=True, topic="trash", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a mirror in the trash. You see nothing of value.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a bad smell.", fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find an old ax.", succeed=True, add_item=items.ax, ), weight=1) class DanceAJig(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(DanceAJig, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Dance a jig." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place != state.places.places_dict["ocean"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get sweaty.", ), weight=9) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have a grand old time.", ), weight=5) if state.character.place != state.places.places_dict["void"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You step in a puddle and get your britches wet.", fail=True, ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You break your ankle and fall to the ground. You catch " "yourself but break your wrist, hit your head on the " "ground and your neck.", die=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown trying to dance.", die=True, ), weight=5) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You swim a jig", topic="jigs", ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You can't dance a jig, you're in the ocean.", fail=True, ), weight=2) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["woods"]: fae = random.choice(["fairaes", "sprites", "pixies", "dryads", "nymphs", "spirits"]) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some {0} dance with you and then fade away.".format(fae), ), weight=20) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some goblins dance with you and then kill you.", die=True, ), weight=3) if (state.character.place in state.places.town and \ state.character.place not in state.places.locked) or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The local peasants are entertained by your antics and toss " "you some coins.", get_money=money.pittance, ), weight=10) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Many peasants start dancing with you and begin singing about " "Lord Bartholomew.", ), weight=15) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["countryside"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Many peasants start dancing with you and begin singing an " "ode to Lord Bartholomew.", ), weight=25) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["mermaid"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "She laughs and claps and seems completely in awe of your " "legs.", ), weight=1) if state.character.person == state.persons.persons_dict["guards"]: # TODO these don't happen # because this is not a # combat action self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"We got a dancer,\" one of them says. They throw you in " "prison.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["prison"], new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["other_lunatics"], ), weight=100) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "\"Eh, he's all right,\" one of them says. The guards " "go on their way.", topic="guards", ), weight=100) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["arctic"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get sweaty. The sweat freezes on you. " "You freeze to death.", die=True, ), weight=30) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["cave"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Dancing fails to cheer you up.", fail=True, ), weight=10) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You slip on a rock and fall to your death.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=15) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Some assassins immediately notice you dancing and assassinate " "you.", die=True, ), weight=15) class Drown(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(Drown, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Drown." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You drown.", die=True, ), weight=1) class Sink(Drown): def __init__(self, state): super(Sink, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Sink." class SaveTheCat(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(SaveTheCat, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Save the cat." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You escape with the cat.", succeed=True, add_item=items.cat, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You escape with the cat, but the cat escapes you.\n" "You almost got a cat", fail=True, ), weight=1) class YellAPiratePhrase(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(YellAPiratePhrase, self).__init__(state) self.phrase = random.choice( ["Shiver me timbers", "Dead men tell no tales", "Arr Matey", "Avast", "Aye Aye", "Send 'em to Davy Jones' locker", "Thare she blows", "Hoist the Jolly Roger", "Walk the plank", "Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum", "All hands on deck", "Land ho", "X marks the spot", "Ahoy"]) self.name = "Yell \"{0}!\"".format(self.phrase) def execute(self, state): if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur has you thrown off the ship.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["ocean"], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur tells you that no true pirate " "says \"{0}.\"".format( self.phrase), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.is_employed_by(state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"]): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur tells you that you are no longer a member of " "the crew.", remove_employer=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], fail=True, ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur is impressed by your enthusiasm and makes " "you a member of the crew.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], add_employer=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_arthur"], topic="piracy", ), weight=1) else: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Since Lord Arthur is dead, you get away with it.", succeed=True, ), weight=1) class SaveTheWitch(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(SaveTheWitch, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Save the witch." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You have trouble untying her and the peasants kill you for " "meddling.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You escape with her. She thanks you and gives you " "a deep-cave newt before you part ways.", add_item=items.deep_cave_newt, move_to=state.places.places_dict["woods"], topic=random.choice(["heroism", "newts", "witches"]), ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "In your rush to save the witch, you trip over a rock. " "You wake up near the smoldering remains of the witch's " "pyre.", fail=True, ), weight=1) class DoSomeFarmWork(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(DoSomeFarmWork, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Do some farm work." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend a season picking apples.", get_money=money.pittance, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend a season milking cows for a farmer woman. " "She keeps trying to marry you to her attractive " "daughter, but her daughter is having none of it.", get_money=money.pittance, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend a season bailing hay.", get_money=money.pittance, add_item=items.pitchfork, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend a season harvesting wheat. You enjoy the change of " "pace.", get_money=money.pittance, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You spend a season slaughtering hogs. You find a shiny foreign " "coin in one of the hogs.", get_money=money.pittance, add_item=items.foreign_coin, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find work, but the assassins find you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "During your duties, you get kicked by a mule. You somehow don't " "die.", get_money=money.pittance, topic="mules", ), weight=1) class DoSomeGambling(Action): slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(DoSomeGambling, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Do some gambling." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You win.", get_money=random.choice([money.pittance, money.small_fortune]), succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You lose.", funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get cleaned out by a pretty lady.", new_person = state.persons.persons_dict["olga"], funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], fail=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["tavern"] or \ state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "It was a gamble to stay here. The assassins find you.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["docks"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You play some dice with Lord Arthur. He whips you soundly. " "However, you win and earn a small fortune.", get_money=money.small_fortune, succeed=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You play some dice with Lord Arthur. He whips you soundly.", funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], fail=True, ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You dice with some pirates. They easily beat you.", new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["pirates"], funcs=[state.character.lose_all_money], fail=True, ), weight=1) class SneakAround(Action): """ Only use in Lord Carlos' manor """ slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(SneakAround, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Sneak around." def execute(self, state): if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_bartholomews_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While prowling in the shadows of a hallway, you stub your " "pinkie toe.", actions=[(HowlWithPain(state), 10000)], fail=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While lurking in a shrub, you catch sight of the fair Lady " "Beatrice.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While hiding behind a door, you overhear Lord Bartholomew " "and his men plotting insurrection.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "While creeping around in the stables, you find a long " "pitchfork.", add_item=items.long_pitchfork ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "An old man notices you skulking around and starts yelling " "about an assassin. You look behind you, but the old " "man stabs you in the front.", die=True, ), weight=1) if state.character.place == state.places.places_dict["lord_carlos_manor"]: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "One of the assassin guards sees you tiptoeing around in " "broad daylight. He assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Your smell gives you away. You are soon assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get the hiccups. You are soon assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You are sneaking through the stables when a man too fat to " "avoid bumps into you. You are soon assassinated.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a poisoned dagger in a glass case.", add_item=items.poisoned_dagger, succeed=True, ), weight=1) if state.persons.persons_dict["eve"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to sneak into Lord Carlos' " "daughter's bedroom. She is {0}".format(random.choice( ["reading at her desk.", "sharpening a dagger.", "petting her cat.", "putting on jewelry.", "painting a picture of you getting assassinated.",])), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["eve"], ), weight=2) if state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"].alive: self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Carlos jumps down from some rafters and assassinates you.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You manage to sneak into Lord Carlos' " "study. He is {0}".format(random.choice( ["writing a letter.", "reading a book.", "looking straight at you.", "eating a heart.", "training a weasel.", "pacing around."])), new_person=state.persons.persons_dict["lord_carlos"], threat=True, ), weight=2) class HideUnderTheDeck(Action): """ Note: only use when attacking merchant ship """ slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(HideUnderTheDeck, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Hide under the deck." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You miss all of the action." ), weight=2) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You fight an epic battle against one of the rats on the " "lower decks.", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "Lord Arthur has you killed when he hears of your cowardice.", die=True, ), weight=1) class SnoopAround(Action): """ Only use in Wizard's lab """ slot = "d" def __init__(self, state): super(SnoopAround, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Snoop around." def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "The Wizard finds you and conks you on the head with his staff.", move_to=state.places.places_dict["arctic"], ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You accidentally knock over a bottle of roiling black vapor.", clover=True, die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a fancy red cloak.", actions=[(TakeIt(state, state.persons.persons_dict["wizard"], items.fire_proof_cloak), 100)], topic="cloaks", ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You find a frog.", add_item=items.frog, topic="frogs", ), weight=1) # E slot actions class EnterTheVoid(Action): slot = "e" def __init__(self, state): super(EnterTheVoid, self).__init__(state) self.name = "Enter the void." self.combat_action = True def execute(self, state): self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, None, move_to=state.places.places_dict["void"], ), weight=3) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "There's no air in the void.", die=True, ), weight=1) self.outcomes.add(Outcome(state, "You get lost in limbo forever.", lose=True, ), weight=1)
You're better off with Cuprinol Ducksback. Wow £12 for a shed, I’ll buy two for the garden at this price! Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone know if this live until 15th April instead? Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone k …Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone know if this live until 15th April instead? Yeah just re-read, sorry makes sense now! Silly question but I am buying some racking with mdf shelves to go in the garage. Ive heard/seen photos of these shelves covered in mould. Would this stuff offer any protection? Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. Oil based not water mixed with wax like this stuff. Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. …Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. Oil based not water mixed with wax like this stuff. Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a carcinogenic. If you have a new fence or painting on top of another water based it'll probably work great, I bought this but won't open till weekend. Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a …Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a carcinogenic. There are a number of colours available... Tudor black, charcoal grey, dark oak, medium oak, forest green, red cedar. Can you creocote (not creosote) over this ? Cuprinol is better. Never use a spray gun, especially in a semi-detached area. Just buy a thick brush. toolstation.com/woo…655 - on offer for £17.20 at the moment as well. Personally I think this is a much better product for garden timber. Its a thin oil based preserver that soaks into the wood and a couple of coats builds a surface film to repel water. It soaks in and lets the grain of the wood remain visible. Unlike wax based paint the colour will last a lot longer and the preservative that soaks into the wood will stop it rotting. It also wont start peeling and flaking after 6 months and look a mess. Its really easy to slosh a new coat on and theres no prep required as its an oil that soaks in. It's kinda like creocote, but doesn't have the weird smell and comes in a lot more colours. The only complaint is that the light brown was more of a dark brown imo. I ended up buying golden brown which is what I was expecting the light brown to be. My tiny garden has 6 fence panels after 2 the new spray gun went in the bin, I might as well have just given b&q £40 and gone home with nothing. The fence spray gun is without doubt the worst DIY thing I have ever bought. Hot! Bought 10 sheds, one for me, will sell the rest on ebay, just need to find a courier that will deliver these on the cheap.
import os import subprocess datafile = 'data/benchmark_GAN_generated_cosmo_maps_128.npy' output_size = 128 epoch = 1 flip_labels = 0.01 batch_size = 128 z_dim = 64 nd_layers = 4 ng_layers = 4 gf_dim = 64 df_dim = 64 save_every_step = 'False' data_format = 'NHWC' transpose_matmul_b = False verbose = 'False' arch = 'KNL' #default, KNL or HSW experiment = 'cosmo_primary_256_200k_batchSize%i_flipLabel%0.3f_'\ 'nd%i_ng%i_gfdim%i_dfdim%i_zdim%i'%(batch_size, flip_labels, nd_layers,\ ng_layers, gf_dim, df_dim, z_dim) command = 'python dcgan/main.py --dataset cosmo --datafile %s '\ '--output_size %i --flip_labels %f --experiment %s '\ '--epoch %i --batch_size %i --z_dim %i '\ '--nd_layers %i --ng_layers %i --gf_dim %i --df_dim %i --save_every_step %s '\ '--data_format %s --transpose_matmul_b %s --verbose %s --arch %s'%(datafile, output_size, flip_labels, experiment,\ epoch, batch_size, z_dim,\ nd_layers, ng_layers, gf_dim, df_dim, save_every_step,\ data_format, transpose_matmul_b, verbose, arch) # if not os.path.isdir('output'): # os.mkdir('output') if os.path.exists('logs'): subprocess.call('rm -rf ./logs'.split()) print(command.split()) # f_out = open('output/'+experiment+'.log', 'w') # subprocess.call(command.split(), stdout=f_out) subprocess.call(command.split())
If you're choosing the final touches to your kitchen and becoming overwhelmed by the choice available, you have come to the right place. We at CK Kitchens have a variety of kitchen door handles that will suit every style, every budget, and most importantly, every kitchen. Do you have a more traditional style of kitchen and want a rustic handle? Or maybe you have gone glossy and chic, and want a handle that represents contemporary glamour; we have products that fit all of your needs just search through our catalogue to find the product that catches your eye and add to basket - it's as simple as that! If you want one place you can get expert advice as well as quality products, then you'll be pleased with what we have to offer. With stainless steel, chrome, timber and so much more choice of door handles that are, quite literally, at your fingertips. A range of high quaility Solid Pewter kitchen handles and knobs, available in variable sizes. Our solid pewter kitchen handles are hand finished. Their natural patina improves with age and they are the perfect complement to our timber doors and painted collection. These kitchen handles are all handmade and contain 70% Iron, Bronze or Ebony.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.3 on 2017-07-25 14:02 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import gallery.models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ('article', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Attachment', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('attachment_type', models.CharField(choices=[('IMG', 'Image'), ('FILE', 'Fichier')], default='FILE', max_length=30)), ('file', models.FileField(null=True, upload_to=gallery.models.Attachment.get_upload_to)), ('image', models.ImageField(null=True, upload_to=gallery.models.Attachment.get_upload_to)), ('article', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='article.Article')), ], ), ]
Professional high resolution images of your automobile, enclosed in a hard wearing laminated outer cover. Our A4 book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box, ideal to display in your office, study or Man Cave. We have a standard package comprising of 21 high resolution images, which includes 1 on the cover and 20 inside the book. Each book comprise of 3 rolling/action shots, stills from various angles and detailed shots of the interior, engine bay, wheels, etc. The book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box and the book is wrapped in protective tissue paper. All of this for only R4 500. We are also able to custom the book to your requirements, so you are not limited to the amount of vehicles or pages. We also offer a premium A3 leather bond book, with a bespoke box which can include your logo or coat of arms, see the display below. Q: Why can’t I purchase one of these Motor Books? A: Each Motor Book is of a particular individual’s pride and joy and is merely shown as an example. Q: How can I have a motor book made of my own car? A: Send a request and a time and date will be scheduled to have your car photographed by our professional in-house pro. Q: How many images will my book contain? A: We have a standard package comprising of 21 high resolution images, which includes 1 on the cover and 20 inside the book. Each book comprise of 3 rolling/action shots, stills from various angles and detailed shots of the interior, engine bay, wheels, etc. The book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box and the book is wrapped in protective tissue paper. Q: Can I have a book with more than one car? A: Yes, we can customise the book to your requirements, so you are not limited to the amount of vehicles or pages. Q: How long will the shoot of my car take and where will it take place? A: It will take approximately 3 to 4 hours and you can prescribe a location of your choice or we could recommend one. Q: How long will it take for me to get the book once the shoot is done? A: It will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the shoot is done. A: As the owner of the book the images belong to you and you can do with it as you please. As an additional service, we could also have a custom poster made of your car once the images of your car has been captured.
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Dell EMC Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'metadata_version': '1.1'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: redfish_facts version_added: "2.7" short_description: Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs description: - Builds Redfish URIs locally and sends them to remote OOB controllers to get information back. - Information retrieved is placed in a location specified by the user. options: category: required: false description: - List of categories to execute on OOB controller default: ['Systems'] command: required: false description: - List of commands to execute on OOB controller baseuri: required: true description: - Base URI of OOB controller username: required: true description: - User for authentication with OOB controller version_added: "2.8" password: required: true description: - Password for authentication with OOB controller timeout: description: - Timeout in seconds for URL requests to OOB controller default: 10 type: int version_added: '2.8' author: "Jose Delarosa (@jose-delarosa)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Get CPU inventory redfish_facts: category: Systems command: GetCpuInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - debug: msg: "{{ redfish_facts.cpu.entries | to_nice_json }}" - name: Get CPU model redfish_facts: category: Systems command: GetCpuInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - debug: msg: "{{ redfish_facts.cpu.entries.0.Model }}" - name: Get memory inventory redfish_facts: category: Systems command: GetMemoryInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get fan inventory with a timeout of 20 seconds redfish_facts: category: Chassis command: GetFanInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" timeout: 20 - name: Get default inventory information redfish_facts: baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - debug: msg: "{{ redfish_facts | to_nice_json }}" - name: Get several inventories redfish_facts: category: Systems command: GetNicInventory,GetBiosAttributes baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get default system inventory and user information redfish_facts: category: Systems,Accounts baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get default system, user and firmware information redfish_facts: category: ["Systems", "Accounts", "Update"] baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get Manager NIC inventory information redfish_facts: category: Manager command: GetManagerNicInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get boot override information redfish_facts: category: Systems command: GetBootOverride baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get chassis inventory redfish_facts: category: Chassis command: GetChassisInventory baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get all information available in the Manager category redfish_facts: category: Manager command: all baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get firmware update capability information redfish_facts: category: Update command: GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Get all information available in all categories redfish_facts: category: all command: all baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" ''' RETURN = ''' result: description: different results depending on task returned: always type: dict sample: List of CPUs on system ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.redfish_utils import RedfishUtils CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL = { "Systems": ["GetSystemInventory", "GetPsuInventory", "GetCpuInventory", "GetMemoryInventory", "GetNicInventory", "GetStorageControllerInventory", "GetDiskInventory", "GetBiosAttributes", "GetBootOrder", "GetBootOverride"], "Chassis": ["GetFanInventory", "GetPsuInventory", "GetChassisPower", "GetChassisThermals", "GetChassisInventory"], "Accounts": ["ListUsers"], "Update": ["GetFirmwareInventory", "GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities"], "Manager": ["GetManagerNicInventory", "GetLogs"], } CATEGORY_COMMANDS_DEFAULT = { "Systems": "GetSystemInventory", "Chassis": "GetFanInventory", "Accounts": "ListUsers", "Update": "GetFirmwareInventory", "Manager": "GetManagerNicInventory" } def main(): result = {} resource = {} category_list = [] module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( category=dict(type='list', default=['Systems']), command=dict(type='list'), baseuri=dict(required=True), username=dict(required=True), password=dict(required=True, no_log=True), timeout=dict(type='int', default=10) ), supports_check_mode=False ) # admin credentials used for authentication creds = {'user': module.params['username'], 'pswd': module.params['password']} # timeout timeout = module.params['timeout'] # Build root URI root_uri = "https://" + module.params['baseuri'] rf_uri = "/redfish/v1/" rf_utils = RedfishUtils(creds, root_uri, timeout) # Build Category list if "all" in module.params['category']: for entry in CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL: category_list.append(entry) else: # one or more categories specified category_list = module.params['category'] for category in category_list: command_list = [] # Build Command list for each Category if category in CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL: if not module.params['command']: # True if we don't specify a command --> use default command_list.append(CATEGORY_COMMANDS_DEFAULT[category]) elif "all" in module.params['command']: for entry in range(len(CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL[category])): command_list.append(CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL[category][entry]) # one or more commands else: command_list = module.params['command'] # Verify that all commands are valid for cmd in command_list: # Fail if even one command given is invalid if cmd not in CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL[category]: module.fail_json(msg="Invalid Command: %s" % cmd) else: # Fail if even one category given is invalid module.fail_json(msg="Invalid Category: %s" % category) # Organize by Categories / Commands if category == "Systems": # execute only if we find a Systems resource resource = rf_utils._find_systems_resource(rf_uri) if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "GetSystemInventory": result["system"] = rf_utils.get_multi_system_inventory() elif command == "GetCpuInventory": result["cpu"] = rf_utils.get_multi_cpu_inventory() elif command == "GetMemoryInventory": result["memory"] = rf_utils.get_multi_memory_inventory() elif command == "GetNicInventory": result["nic"] = rf_utils.get_multi_nic_inventory(category) elif command == "GetStorageControllerInventory": result["storage_controller"] = rf_utils.get_multi_storage_controller_inventory() elif command == "GetDiskInventory": result["disk"] = rf_utils.get_multi_disk_inventory() elif command == "GetBiosAttributes": result["bios_attribute"] = rf_utils.get_multi_bios_attributes() elif command == "GetBootOrder": result["boot_order"] = rf_utils.get_multi_boot_order() elif command == "GetBootOverride": result["boot_override"] = rf_utils.get_multi_boot_override() elif category == "Chassis": # execute only if we find Chassis resource resource = rf_utils._find_chassis_resource(rf_uri) if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "GetFanInventory": result["fan"] = rf_utils.get_fan_inventory() elif command == "GetPsuInventory": result["psu"] = rf_utils.get_psu_inventory() elif command == "GetChassisThermals": result["thermals"] = rf_utils.get_chassis_thermals() elif command == "GetChassisPower": result["chassis_power"] = rf_utils.get_chassis_power() elif command == "GetChassisInventory": result["chassis"] = rf_utils.get_chassis_inventory() elif category == "Accounts": # execute only if we find an Account service resource resource = rf_utils._find_accountservice_resource(rf_uri) if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "ListUsers": result["user"] = rf_utils.list_users() elif category == "Update": # execute only if we find UpdateService resources resource = rf_utils._find_updateservice_resource(rf_uri) if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "GetFirmwareInventory": result["firmware"] = rf_utils.get_firmware_inventory() elif command == "GetFirmwareUpdateCapabilities": result["firmware_update_capabilities"] = rf_utils.get_firmware_update_capabilities() elif category == "Manager": # execute only if we find a Manager service resource resource = rf_utils._find_managers_resource(rf_uri) if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "GetManagerNicInventory": result["manager_nics"] = rf_utils.get_multi_nic_inventory(category) elif command == "GetLogs": result["log"] = rf_utils.get_logs() # Return data back module.exit_json(ansible_facts=dict(redfish_facts=result)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Background: Anastomotic leak, bleeding, and stricture are recognized complications with increase morbidity and mortality. The frequency of anastomoses leakage rages from 1% to 24%. The leakage rate is generally higher for rectal anastomosis (12% – 19%) than for colonic anastomoses (11%)(1,2). During laparoscopic colorectal surgery, the anastomosis may be created intra or extracorporeally. The aim of this study is to describe our experience, quality of anastomosis, and the low rate of complications in laparoscopic colorectal anastomosis procedures with SeamguardR , and how it improves the outcomes. Methods: Retrospective study and collected data of 739 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic colorectal resection and primary anastomosis using SEAMGUARD since January 2006 to September 2015 were reviewed. Results: There were no differences in patients’ demographics, surgical procedure, and anesthesia used. Complete data was available for 739 patients; 371 (50.3%) female, 368 (49.7%) male. Procedures included were: 305(41%) right hemicolectomy, 222 (30%) sigmoidectomy, 144 (19.5%) low anterior resection, 29 (4%) subtotal colectomy, 28 (3.8%) left hemicolectomy, and 11 (1.5%) transverse solon resection. The diagnoses of the patients were: colorectal cancer 290 (39.5%), diverticulitis 168 (23%), polyps 128 (17.7%), Crohn’s disease 11 (1.5%), dysmotility 4 (0.5%), rectal prolapse 2 (0.3%), ulcerative colitis 12 (1.7%), fistula 22(3%), ischemic colitis 11 (1.5%), perforation 28 (3.8%), volvulus 14 (1.9%), and obstruction 49 (6.7%). Median follow-up was 7 months (range 1-13). Total intracorporeal anastomosis was done in 532 (72%), and hand assisted anastomosis in 207 (28%). There were 3 (0.4%) anastomotic leak detected and treated intraoperativelly. No strictures, and no bleeding in our early postoperative follow-up period. Conclusion: The use of SEAMGUARD at the anastomosis site is feasible and safe, and seems to show a low rate of stenosis, leaks, bleeding, and better quality of anastomosis.
"""List of supported formats """ from collections import namedtuple _FORMAT = namedtuple('FormatDefinition', 'mime_type,' 'extension, schema') _FORMATS = namedtuple('FORMATS', 'GEOJSON, JSON, SHP, GML, GEOTIFF, WCS,' 'WCS100, WCS110, WCS20, WFS, WFS100,' 'WFS110, WFS20, WMS, WMS130, WMS110,' 'WMS100') FORMATS = _FORMATS( _FORMAT('application/vnd.geo+json', '.geojson', None), _FORMAT('application/json', '.json', None), _FORMAT('application/x-zipped-shp', '.zip', None), _FORMAT('application/gml+xml', '.gml', None), _FORMAT('image/tiff; subtype=geotiff', '.tiff', None), _FORMAT('application/xogc-wcs', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.0.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=1.1.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wcs; version=2.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wfs', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.0.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=1.1.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wfs; version=2.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wms', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.3.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.1.0', '.xml', None), _FORMAT('application/x-ogc-wms; version=1.0.0', '.xml', None) )
“Then would you please explain what a cow looks like?” the disciple requested. The Master explained: “A cow has four legs, It does not live in the forest. Its a domestic animal, one can find it in the villages. It gives milk, a liquid white in color, which is good for health.” His Master gave him a lot more information on the features of a cow: the eyes, ears, legs, stomach, udder, horns. The disciple went to a village, where he saw a statue of a cow.Someone was who was painting an adjacent compound wall with chalk, had left a bucket full of lime water near the statue of the cow.The disciple saw the cow, carefully observed its features, came to the conclusion that it must be the cow.He also saw a bucket with white liquid near by. ‘This is definitely a cow, so this must be the milk’ thought the disciple and drank some of it. He soon started screaming with pain, had to be hospitalized. “Master you don’t know anything about the cows or the milk, you are totally wrong.” the disciple answered. “Tell me what happened.” The Master sought an explanation. The disciple explained everything. “Did you milk the cow yourself?” asked the Guru. “That’s why you are in trouble. If you rely on what others say, you won’t get to the truth which will liberate you.” te Wise Master replied. One has to experience and not merely learn and follow others blindly. Experience is the best teacher for acquiring material as well as spiritual knowledge.
"""Enhanced Pygame module for loading and rendering computer fonts""" import sys from pygame._freetype import ( Font, STYLE_NORMAL, STYLE_OBLIQUE, STYLE_STRONG, STYLE_UNDERLINE, STYLE_WIDE, STYLE_DEFAULT, init, quit, get_init, was_init, get_cache_size, get_default_font, get_default_resolution, get_error, get_version, set_default_resolution, _PYGAME_C_API, __PYGAMEinit__, ) from pygame.sysfont import match_font, get_fonts, SysFont as _SysFont from pygame import compat def SysFont(name, size, bold=0, italic=0, constructor=None): """pygame.ftfont.SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False, constructor=None) -> Font create a pygame Font from system font resources This will search the system fonts for the given font name. You can also enable bold or italic styles, and the appropriate system font will be selected if available. This will always return a valid Font object, and will fallback on the builtin pygame font if the given font is not found. Name can also be a comma separated list of names, in which case set of names will be searched in order. Pygame uses a small set of common font aliases, if the specific font you ask for is not available, a reasonable alternative may be used. if optional contructor is provided, it must be a function with signature constructor(fontpath, size, bold, italic) which returns a Font instance. If None, a pygame.freetype.Font object is created. """ if constructor is None: def constructor(fontpath, size, bold, italic): font = Font(fontpath, size) font.strong = bold font.oblique = italic return font return _SysFont(name, size, bold, italic, constructor)
18 1/2" x 13" x 3" Drawer Satchel Storage Case with 4-16 compartments features a high-impact, scratch-resistant clear tinted lid for a quick view of parts. Case base, dividers, handle and catches are molded from impact-resistant polypropylene. The case also features a rust-proof, heavy-duty hinge and fold-down handle.
import json from Exceptions import * class ClassyClientResponse: """Returned after an API request by ClassyClient. Allows for paging of results.""" def __init__(self, response, session): self.total = None self.per_page = None self.last_page = None self.current_page = None self.__response = response self.__session = session self.__refresh() def __refresh(self): """Refresh the ClassyClientResponse object after paging.""" json = self.__response.json() if "total" in json: self.collection = True self.total = json["total"] self.per_page = json["per_page"] self.current_page = json["current_page"] self.last_page = json["last_page"] self.data = json["data"] self.__next_page_url = json["next_page_url"] self.__prev_page_url = json["prev_page_url"] self.cursor = 0 else: self.collection = False self.data = json def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.data) def __len__(self): """Return the length of the result""" if self.collection: return self.total raise ClassyNotACollection("Not a collection") def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): """Get the next item. Handles paging when needed.""" if not self.collection: raise ClassyNotACollection("Not a collection") if self.cursor < len(self.data): item = self.data[self.cursor] self.cursor += 1 return item if self.next_page(): self.cursor = 0 item = self.data[self.cursor] self.cursor += 1 return item else: raise StopIteration def next_page(self): """ Get the next page of results. Returns True on success, False is there isn't a next page. """ if not self.collection: raise ClassyNotACollection("Not a collection") if self.current_page is self.last_page or not self.__next_page_url: return False self.__response.request.url = self.__next_page_url self.__response = self.__session.send(self.__response.request) self.__refresh() return True def previous_page(self): """ Get the previous page of results. Returns True on success, False is there isn't a previous page. """ if not self.collection: raise ClassyNotACollection("Not a collection") if self.current_page is 1 or not self.__previous_page_url: return False self.__response.request.url = self.__prev_page_url self.__response = self.__session.send(self.__response.request) self.__refresh() return True
Stay tuned-- More Details Coming Soon! CRU Presents The 1st Annual Latino Greek Exhibition!!!!!! Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc.
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from flexbe_core import EventState, Logger from flexbe_core.proxy import ProxyPublisher from flexbe_core.proxy import ProxyServiceCaller from ethzasl_icp_mapper.srv import SetMode, GetMode, SetModeRequest from smach import CBState class SetMappingState(EventState): ''' Activate or deactivate mapping. -- active bool Mapping changed to active or inactive. <= succeeded Mapping changed. ''' def __init__(self, active): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(SetMappingState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded']) self._mappingTopicSet = '/mapper/set_mode' self._srvSet = ProxyServiceCaller({self._mappingTopicSet: SetMode}) #self.set_mapper_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mapper/set_mode', SetMode) self._switch = active def execute(self, userdata): return 'succeeded' def on_enter(self, userdata): #map_state = userdata.switch #resp = self.set_mapper_mode(True, map_state, True) request = SetModeRequest(True,self._switch, True) #request.map = self._switch resp = self._srvSet.call(self._mappingTopicSet, request) def on_exit(self, userdata): pass def on_start(self): pass def on_stop(self): pass
Get details on the 2018 Vancouver city election. Voting can take as little as 10 minutes. It’s a right we sometimes ignore or take for granted. Find 2017 by-election results and candidate profiles. View results, candidate profiles, and capital plan borrowing questions. Voter turn-out was 43.4%. Learn about past elections in Vancouver, including previous election results, election documents, and campaign costs.
from itertools import chain from lazy import lazy from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as NamedTempFile import regex as re import random from lxml import etree from html import unescape __all__ = ["Structure", "iterstruct", "config"] __version__ = "0.0.0" # disable security preventing DoS attacks with huge files etree.set_default_parser(etree.ETCompatXMLParser(huge_tree=True)) STRUCTS = None class Structure(): """A structure extracted from a vertical. """ def __init__(self, raw_vert, structs): self.raw = raw_vert.strip() + "\n" self.structs = structs first_line = self.raw.split("\n", maxsplit=1)[0] self.name = re.search(r"\w+", first_line).group() self.attr = dict(re.findall(r'(\w+)="(.*?)"', first_line)) @lazy def xml(self): """The structure represented as an ElementTree. """ xml = self._xmlize() try: xml = etree.fromstring(xml) xml.tail = "\n" return xml except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: with NamedTempFile(mode="w", suffix=".xml", delete=False) as fh: fh.write(xml) e = str(e) e += "\nAn XMLSyntaxError occurred while processing a document. " \ "It has been dumped to {} for inspection.".format(fh.name) raise Exception(e) def chunk(self, child, name, minmax, fallback_orig_id=None): """Split the structure into chunks of a given size. :param name: The name to give to the XML element representing the chunks. :type name: str :param child: The child element of which the chunks will be composed and whose boundaries will be respected. :type child: str :param minmax: The length range the individual chunks should roughly fall into. :type minmax: (int, int) :param fallback_orig_id: If structure has no @id attribute, this will be used instead to generate the @ids of the chunks. :rtype: etree.Element """ def chunk_pos(idx, total): if total <= 2: return "beginning" if idx == 0 else "end" else: # the threshold is 1 non-inclusive for a total of 3, 1 for 4, 2 # for 5 etc. if idx < round(total / 3): return "beginning" # the threshold is 2 non-inclusive for a total of 3, 2 for 4, 4 # for 5 etc. elif idx < round(2 * total / 3): return "middle" else: return "end" root = etree.Element(self.xml.tag, attrib=self.xml.attrib) root.text = root.tail = "\n" def loop_vars(name, attrib, minmax): chunk = etree.Element(name, attrib=attrib) chunk.text = chunk.tail = "\n" chunk_length = random.randint(*minmax) return chunk, chunk_length, 0 chunk, chunk_length, positions = loop_vars(name, root.attrib, minmax) for child in self.xml.iter(child): # we'll be modifying this, so no choice but to make a new one, or # else self.xml would end up modified new_child = etree.SubElement(chunk, child.tag, attrib=child.attrib) # the child might not directly contain text -- it might be a # paragraph, not a sentence; or, as in SYN2015, sentences might # contain lower-level structures like <hi> -- so first, get ALL the # text dominated by the child node text = child.xpath("string()") text = text.strip("\n") # collapse newlines text = re.sub(r"\n{2,}", "\n", text) # only NOW compute the number of positions positions += len(text.splitlines()) # set the child's text (remember, if it was a paragraph to start # with, it only had newlines in its text) new_child.text = "\n" + text + "\n" new_child.tail = child.tail if positions >= chunk_length: root.append(chunk) chunk, chunk_length, positions = loop_vars(name, root.attrib, minmax) # after the for-loop ends, check if there's a final non-empty chunk # that didn't accumulate the required number of positions else: if positions > 0: root.append(chunk) # annotate chunks with metadata chunk_count = len(root) for i, chunk in enumerate(root): orig_id = chunk.get("id", fallback_orig_id) if orig_id is None: raise RuntimeWarning( "Original structure has no @id attribute, the @id attributes " "of groups under it might therefore not be unique. Specify a " "``fallback_root_id`` to bypass the issue.") chunk.set(root.tag + "_id", orig_id) chunk.set("id", "{}_{}".format(orig_id, i)) chunk.set("position_in_text", chunk_pos(i, chunk_count)) return root def group(self, target, attr, as_struct, fallback_root_id=False): """Group target structures under the root according to attribute values. :param target: The structures to group. :param attr: Iterable of attributes by whose values to group them by. :param as_struct: The tag name to use for the groups. :param fallback_root_id: If structure has no @id attribute, this will be used instead to generate the @ids of the groups. If None, the @ids will consist solely of the grouping attributes and it is the user's responsibility to ensure they're unique. :rtype: etree.Element """ root = etree.Element(self.xml.tag, attrib=self.xml.attrib) root.text = root.tail = "\n" root_id = root.get("id", fallback_root_id) if root_id is False: raise RuntimeWarning( "Parent structure has no @id attribute, the @id attributes of " "groups under it might therefore not be unique. Specify a " "``fallback_root_id`` to bypass the issue, or set it to None " "if uniqueness is ensured otherwise.") def new_group(attrib, id): g = etree.SubElement(root, as_struct, attrib=attrib) g.set("id", id) g.text = g.tail = "\n" return g groups = {} for target in self.xml.iter(target): t_val = tuple(target.get(a, None) for a in attr) id = ",".join(map(str, t_val)) if fallback_root_id is not None: id = root_id + "/" + id if t_val not in groups: # new Python 3.5 syntax; in case of dupes, the last occurrence # of a key takes precedence: # attrib = {**root.attrib, **target.attrib} attrib = dict(root.attrib.items()) attrib.update(target.attrib) group = groups.setdefault(t_val, new_group(attrib, id)) else: group = groups.get(t_val) group.append(target) return root def project(self, child): """Project the root structure's metadata onto its children. The structure is *modified in place*. Projected attributes are prefixed with the parent structure's name, and if necessary, postfixed with underscores so as to avoid collisions with any existing attributes in the child structure. :param child: The child structure onto which to project. """ attrib = self.xml.attrib for child in self.xml.iter(child): for key in attrib: ckey = self.name + "_" + key while ckey in child.attrib: ckey += "_" if key not in child.attrib: child.attrib[ckey] = attrib[key] def _xmlize(self): """Transform vertical into marginally valid XML. """ # get rid of all XML entities and HTML entity references vert = unescape(self.raw) # escape only the bare minimum necessary for successful parsing as XML vert = re.sub(r"&", r"&amp;", vert) vert = re.sub(r"<", "&lt;", vert) vert = re.sub(r">", "&gt;", vert) # now put pointy brackets back where they belong (= only on lines which # we are reasonably sure are structure start / end tags) match = r"^&lt;(/?({})[^\t]*?)&gt;$".format("|".join(self.structs)) vert = re.sub(match, r"<\1>", vert, flags=re.M) return vert class ValidTags: """Keep track of valid tag names in a vertical file. """ def __init__(self, start=None, end=None, void=None, structs=None): self.start = start if start else re.compile(r"<(\w+).*?(?<!/)>") self.end = end if end else re.compile(r"</(\w+)>") self.void = void if void else re.compile(r"<(\w+).*?/>") self.stags = set() self.etags = set() self.vtags = set() def add(self, line): s = self.start.fullmatch(line) e = self.end.fullmatch(line) v = self.void.fullmatch(line) if s: self.stags.add(s.group(1)) elif e: self.etags.add(e.group(1)) elif v: self.vtags.add(v.group(1)) return bool(s or e or v) def resolve(self): return self.stags.intersection(self.etags).union(self.vtags) class DummyValidTags: """Anamorphous to ValidTags but returns structs passed to constructor on self.resolve(). """ def __init__(self, structs): self.structs = structs def add(self, line): pass def resolve(self): return self.structs def iterstruct(vert_file, struct=None, structs=None): """Yield input vertical one struct at a time. :param vert_file: Input vertical. :param struct: The name of the struct into which the vertical will be chopped. If None, the whole vertical is returned, wrapped in a ``<root/>`` element. :param structs: A set of tag names to be considered as valid nested structures under ``struct``. When in doubt, leave ``None`` (automatic discovery), otherwise those you missed might be XML-escaped. :rtype: Structure """ # override structs with global STRUCTS if they aren't set (STRUCTS in turn # might not be set, in which case this is a no-op) if structs is None: structs = STRUCTS # if the whole input vertical is to be wrapped and structs were provided, # we can take a shortcut if struct is None and structs: structs.add("root") yield Structure("<root>\n" + vert_file.read().strip() + "\n</root>", structs) raise StopIteration # else, we'll just surround the vertical with <root/> tags and go the # regular way (line by line) elif struct is None: struct = "root" vert_file = chain(["<root>"], vert_file, ["</root>"]) # NOTE: string concatenation inside a for-loop is supposedly slow in # python, but building and then joining lists was comparably slow (mostly # even slower); unless there's a point where it starts to make a big # difference (in terms of the number of concatenations / length of the list # required), there's no real incentive to change this code buffer = "" structs = DummyValidTags(structs) if structs else ValidTags() start = re.compile(r"<{}.*?>".format(struct)) end = re.compile(r"</{}>".format(struct)) for line in vert_file: line = line.strip() # if the buffer already contains something or if the current line # starts with the given structure name, then we're inside a target # structure that we want to collect; otherwise, just skip to the next # line if buffer or start.fullmatch(line): structs.add(line) buffer += line + "\n" if end.fullmatch(line): yield Structure(buffer, structs.resolve()) # NOTE: it might be a good idea to reset structs to a new # ValidTags object at this point, if we truly want to allow for # the possibility that different structures in the same # vertical might allow different nested substructures; in # practice though, indexing tools like manatee have just one # set of valid tag names per vertical buffer = "" def config(**kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): globals()[k.upper()] = v
We’re delighted to be able to tell you about our Pearson ELT 2015 Advent Calendar with a whole range of great ideas for this special time of the year. Christmas songs for your teen and adult students. Christmas crafts for the younger ones. Reading texts for this special time of the year. We’re delighted to be able to tell you about our Pearson ELT 2014 Advent Calendar with a whole range of great ideas for this special time of the year. There really is something for everyone! Don’t miss a day on our Pearson ELT Advent Calendar!!! Wishing you a great December and of course a happy Christmas! PS. You can also see our Advent Calendar suggestions every day on our Facebook site. 2013 was a dizzying year for Ed Tech. It was the year of the tablet, the app, the MOOC and gamification. We learned that you can quantify yourself, augment reality and wear technology. We found out that data can be big and live in a cloud. And of course there was the inevitable chorus of voices heralding in each new tool or trend as THE definitive game-changer. Things, we were often told, would simply never be the same again. But much like the glittery promise of beautifully-wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree, once opened and inspected the inevitable consumer malaise sets in. Things do return to normal (with a vengeance!) and the holiday splurge gives way to a nagging sense of remorse and the obligatory resolutions that next year will be different: simpler, more frugal, truer to our principles. We all know this drill (all too well I would guess) and so any hope that 2014 is likely to ring in even a momentary lull in Ed Tech investment will probably sound naïve in the extreme. In fact if 2013 is anything to go by we’re going to be seeing at least as much splurge, start-ups and shiny cool stuff (much of which will still be a flash in the pan) over the coming year. But I have reason to believe (OK, not too many reasons actually, more of a gut feeling) that this year is shaping up to be a little bit different in other respects. Particularly in terms of the kind of conversations we are having around the technology. A case in point is the 2014 Horizon Report Higher Education Preview which strikes me as differing in some interesting ways from the 2012 and 2013 versions. The report continues to focus on key Ed Tech developments, trends and challenges. But whereas the versions from previous years focused first on the developments (think of these as the shiny new stuff) and left the trends and challenges towards the end (almost as afterthoughts) this year they’ve flipped it on its head giving the trends and challenges prominence. The language of the report has a marked shift in tone as well. For example “fast moving trends” are not only put forth as “likely to contribute to substantive change in one or two years”, but there is also an admission that they might “burn out” in the same time frame. The toughest challenges facing us are termed “wicked” and described elusively as “those that are complex to even define, much less address”. And among the “slow moving trends” is the matter-of-fact observation that “making online learning natural” (no technical language obfuscation there) is a key priority. The take-away for me is that we have reached a key moment of maturity in the Ed Tech debate which owes itself to a number of factors. One is that the conversation is much more inclusive, particularly with respect to more critical voices wary of the direction and effects of change. As with other historical moments of extremely rapid technological innovation, there is often a lag before arguments questioning its use are formed. But the concerns now being heard are going to have an important impact on the conversation because they raise the fundamental questions as to WHY we will choose to implement certain technical solutions in education, HOW that is best accomplished and WHO the key stakeholders are. Another is undoubtedly the hangover produced from the excesses of the start-up boom. Personally I think that excess at times is inevitable and even necessary. In times of intense disruption you’ve sometimes got to throw a lot of stuff at the wall before you can see what sticks. This has been going on for years now and the result is that what is sticking is starting to clump together around some key areas. Things haven’t yet gelled completely around concepts that are always obvious or meaty enough for teachers to sink their teeth into on a practical day-to-day basis, but general trends are more discernible all the time and, as a result, much easier for everyone to talk about. In my next post I’d like to take a look at what I think some of those trends are, and where they might be taking us.
import sys keys=tuple(sys.modules.keys()) for key in keys: if "music" in key: del sys.modules[key] import music as M from percolation.rdf import c H = M.utils.H durs = 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1,1, 1, 1 notes = 0, 2, 4, 5, 7,9, 11, 12 text = 'sin-ging my ass out for you yes' sonic_vector=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes,reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) sonic_vector_=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes[::-1],reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) M.utils.write(H(sonic_vector,sonic_vector_) ,filename="some.wav",samplerate=44100) durs = 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1,1, 1, 1 notes = 0, 2, 3, 5, 7,9, 11, 12 notes_ = 12, 10, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 0 text = 'sin-ging my ass out for you yes' sonic_vector=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes,reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) sonic_vector_=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes_,reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) M.utils.write(H(sonic_vector,sonic_vector_) ,filename="some_.wav",samplerate=44100) sonic_vector=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes,reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) sonic_vector_=M.singing.sing(text = text, notes=notes_,reference=60, durs=durs,Q=120,lang='en',M="4/4",transpose=0) M.utils.write(H(sonic_vector,sonic_vector_) ,filename="some__.wav",samplerate=44100)
The Circle of Love is a Tiffany Inspired design and a very popular item. This beautiful Circle of Love pendant sparkles with pave set cubic zirconia and comes on an 18" box chain. Set in sterling silver that is finished with rhodium for an anti-tarnish platinum look. This is a high quality piece of replica jewelry that looks as good as the real thing! Approximate diameter of circle is 3/4".
# Copyright (c) 2010, Sam Charrington (@samcharrington), http://geekfactor.charrington.com # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from models import Example, ExampleForm urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', { 'url': '/examples' }), # # The upload_example view renders the Uploadify file upload form. # url(r'^examples/(?P<object_id>[\d]*)/upload$', 'examples.views.upload_example', name='examples_example_upload'), # # The upload_example_done view is a callback that receives POST data # from uploadify when the download is complete. # See also /media/js/uploadify_event_handlers.js. # url(r'^examples/(?P<object_id>[\d]*)/upload/done$', 'examples.views.upload_example_done', name='examples_example_upload_done'), # The rest are boring generic views url(r'^examples/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', { 'queryset': Example.objects.all() }, name='examples_example_list'), url(r'^examples/new$', 'django.views.generic.create_update.create_object', { 'model': Example }, name='examples_example_new'), url(r'^examples/(?P<object_id>[\d]*)$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail', { 'queryset': Example.objects.all() }, name='examples_example_detail'), url(r'^examples/(?P<object_id>[\d]*)/edit$', 'django.views.generic.create_update.update_object', { 'form_class': ExampleForm }, name='examples_example_edit'), url(r'examples/(?P<object_id>[\d]*)/delete$', 'django.views.generic.create_update.delete_object', { 'model': Example, 'post_delete_redirect': '/examples' }, name='examples_example_delete'), )
TUF-Line XP is braided with Tension Lock Technology, creating more compaction of the fibers and a rounder profile. XP has less diameter, better knot performance, casts longer, and boasts higher abrasion resistance. XP's state-of-the-art coating is permanently bonded to the fibers, offering long service life with zero shedding. Available in 4 colors, plus Indicator 3-color. TUF-Line XP is braided with Tension Lock Technology, creating compact fibers and a rounder profile. XP has less diameter, better knot performance, casts longer, and has higher abrasion resistance. XP's state-of-the-art coating is permanently bonded to the fibers, offering long service life with zero shedding. Available in 4 colors, plus Indicator 3-color. Click on the item# for color options.
# encoding: utf-8 # 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@arcig.cz> """Functions for accessing timing information stored in engines and functors. See :ref:`timing` section of the programmer's manual, `wiki page <http://yade-dem.org/index.php/Speed_profiling_using_TimingInfo_and_TimingDeltas_classes>`_ for some examples. """ from yade.wrapper import * def _resetEngine(e): if e.timingDeltas: e.timingDeltas.reset() if isinstance(e,Functor): return if isinstance(e,Dispatcher): for f in e.functors: _resetEngine(f) elif isinstance(e,ParallelEngine): for s in e.slaves: _resetEngine(s) e.execTime,e.execCount=0,0 def reset(): "Zero all timing data." for e in O.engines: _resetEngine(e) _statCols={'label':40,'count':20,'time':20,'relTime':20} _maxLev=3 def _formatLine(label,time,count,totalTime,level): sp,negSp=' '*level*2,' '*(_maxLev-level)*2 raw=[] raw.append(label) raw.append(str(count) if count>=0 else '') raw.append((str(time/1000)+u'us') if time>=0 else '') raw.append(('%6.2f%%'%(time*100./totalTime)) if totalTime>0 else '') return u' '.join([ (sp+raw[0]).ljust(_statCols['label']), (raw[1]+negSp).rjust(_statCols['count']), (raw[2]+negSp).rjust(_statCols['time']), (raw[3]+negSp).rjust(_statCols['relTime']), ]) def _delta_stats(deltas,totalTime,level): ret=0 deltaTime=sum([d[1] for d in deltas.data]) for d in deltas.data: print _formatLine(d[0],d[1],d[2],totalTime,level); ret+=1 if len(deltas.data)>1: print _formatLine('TOTAL',deltaTime,sum(d[2] for d in deltas.data),totalTime,level); ret+=1 return ret def _engines_stats(engines,totalTime,level): lines=0; hereLines=0 for e in engines: if not isinstance(e,Functor): print _formatLine(u'"'+e.label+'"' if e.label else e.__class__.__name__,e.execTime,e.execCount,totalTime,level); lines+=1; hereLines+=1 if e.timingDeltas: if isinstance(e,Functor): print _formatLine(e.__class__.__name__,sum(d[1] for d in e.timingDeltas.data),sum(d[2] for d in e.timingDeltas.data),totalTime,level); lines+=1; hereLines+=1 execTime=sum([d[1] for d in e.timingDeltas.data]) else: execTime=e.execTime lines+=_delta_stats(e.timingDeltas,execTime,level+1) if isinstance(e,Dispatcher): lines+=_engines_stats(e.functors,e.execTime,level+1) if isinstance(e,InteractionLoop): lines+=_engines_stats(e.geomDispatcher.functors,e.execTime,level+1) lines+=_engines_stats(e.physDispatcher.functors,e.execTime,level+1) lines+=_engines_stats(e.lawDispatcher.functors,e.execTime,level+1) elif isinstance(e,ParallelEngine): lines+=_engines_stats(e.slave,e.execTime,level+1) if hereLines>1 and not isinstance(e,Functor): print _formatLine('TOTAL',totalTime,-1,totalTime,level); lines+=1 return lines def stats(): """Print summary table of timing information from engines and functors. Absolute times as well as percentages are given. Sample output: .. code-block:: none Name Count Time Rel. time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ForceResetter 102 2150us 0.02% "collider" 5 64200us 0.60% InteractionLoop 102 10571887us 98.49% "combEngine" 102 8362us 0.08% "newton" 102 73166us 0.68% "cpmStateUpdater" 1 9605us 0.09% PyRunner 1 136us 0.00% "plotDataCollector" 1 291us 0.00% TOTAL 10733564us 100.00% sample output (compiled with -DENABLE_PROFILING=1 option): .. code-block:: none Name Count Time Rel. time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ForceResetter 102 2150us 0.02% "collider" 5 64200us 0.60% InteractionLoop 102 10571887us 98.49% Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom 1222186 1723168us 16.30% Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom 1222186 1723168us 100.00% Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom 753 1157us 0.01% Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom 753 1157us 100.00% Ip2_CpmMat_CpmMat_CpmPhys 11712 26015us 0.25% end of Ip2_CpmPhys 11712 26015us 100.00% Ip2_FrictMat_CpmMat_FrictPhys 0 0us 0.00% Law2_ScGeom_CpmPhys_Cpm 3583872 4819289us 45.59% GO A 1194624 1423738us 29.54% GO B 1194624 1801250us 37.38% rest 1194624 1594300us 33.08% TOTAL 3583872 4819289us 100.00% Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack 0 0us 0.00% "combEngine" 102 8362us 0.08% "newton" 102 73166us 0.68% "cpmStateUpdater" 1 9605us 0.09% PyRunner 1 136us 0.00% "plotDataCollector" 1 291us 0.00% TOTAL 10733564us 100.00% """ print 'Name'.ljust(_statCols['label'])+' '+'Count'.rjust(_statCols['count'])+' '+'Time'.rjust(_statCols['time'])+' '+'Rel. time'.rjust(_statCols['relTime']) print '-'*(sum([_statCols[k] for k in _statCols])+len(_statCols)-1) _engines_stats(O.engines,sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines]),0) print
15$ off for 2nd child registration. The U4 to U8 programs are coached by volunteer parents and young coaches under the responsibility of a technician. The U9 to U16 Local programs are coached by young coaches or uncertified coaches under the responsibility of a technician. AA programs and year-round development teams (Elite and Academy) are coached by certified technicians. Click on your child's year of birth to access available programs. 9 weeks of fun, Mixed practice, Soccer and leisure activities, Daycare, outdoor activities. Registration for winter season are now closed. Are your values similar to ours and you want to be part of our adventure? Associate your company, your brand to the success of our project. What is the location of Aylmer Soccer Club? Does the club offers different payement plans? The club can offer payment plan when you are paying by cheque. The payment plant will be offer on demand at the time of the subscription. How do I pay my subscription to a program? We only accept payement in cash, by cheque or debit card. We do not accept credit cards. Fill out a contact form by clicking here or call us at 819 682-2084 during the office hours available in this section.
"""Choose 3 colors at random from the six color options - "red","blue","green","purple","yellow","orange" """ import random myColors=(["red","blue","green","purple","yellow","orange"]) a=random.choice(myColors) b=random.choice(myColors) c=random.choice(myColors) d=random.choice(myColors) line=[a,b,c,d] D=dict() for color in line: if color not in D: D[color]=1 else: D[color] +=1 guess=[0]*4 C=dict() def guess_colors(): w=input("Enter a color") x=input("Enter a second color") y=input("Enter a third color") z=input("Enter a fourth color") guess[0]=w guess[1]=x guess[2]=y guess[3]=z for color in guess: if color not in C: C[color]=1 else: C[color] +=1 return(w,x,y,z) def cf_colors(A): results=0 for i,j in zip(guess,line): q=D.get(i) r=C.get(i) if i==j: results+=1 print("Black", None) elif i not in line: print("Wrong", None) else: if r<=q: print("White", None) else: print("Wrong", None) return (results) B=0 n=10 for i in range (n): print("You have "+str(n-i) +" guesses left") if B<4: A=guess_colors() B=cf_colors(A) C.clear() elif B==4: print("You win - you don't need them") break
The Very Best Christmas Episodes Greatest Episodes Ridiculous and Great Fan Theories Unbelievable Fan Art Ranking the Saddest Episodes Ever Risqué Jokes You Totally Missed Predictions That Came True Favorite Characters Jokes You Need a PhD to Understand Opening Captions in Every Episode Inspired Tattoos Great Gifts for Futurama Fans Times Bender Was the Greatest Funniest Robots Need to Quote Someone? Why Not Zoidberg? List Rules Vote up the best seasons of Futurama. Good news everybody! We're ranking the best seasons of Futurama, and we want you to help by voting for your favorites. Following the adventures of Fry, Bender, Leela, and the rest of the Planet Express crew, every season of Futurama has its own unique charm. From missions to Mars to sad stories about dead dogs, this show really tugs at the heartstrings. It's hard to argue that Futurama isn't an amazing show (some would even say it's better than Matt Groening's original creation, a little show called The Simpsons) but which season of Futurama is the greatest? For this poll we're ranking the best seasons of Futurama, with the help of your votes. Which season of Futurama really had you hooked? Whether you liked the earlier seasons that aired on Fox, or the Comedy Central seasons that aired after that network revived the series, vote up the top Futurama seasons that you think are the greatest. Most people would agree that the earlier seasons are the best, but there really were some great episodes toward the end of the show, too. This season's weirdness features Leela and Fry going down to the sewers, Leela learning her true heritage, Bender doing ever crazier robot stunts, and Zoidberg becoming a superhero (of sorts). Not to mention a deal with the Robot Devil! And the gang meeting the Star Trek cast in space! Top episodes include "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV," "The Why of Fry," and "The Farnsworth Paradox." This season sees more alien encounters, more Bender, and Fry doing something about his relationship with Leela. There are however many encounters where the dim-witted Fry falls in love with many different women. There's also an alien invasion, a robot cloning of a 20th century actress, and time travel paradoxes. Top episodes include "Bendless Love," "The Cyber House Rules," and "Godfellas." This season's major change included a move from Fox to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, after initially being canceled by Fox. It also marked a return after a few years on hiatus. This season is full of multi-part storylines, starting with the tattoo scam involving Hermes, to the journey to what seems like a twisted medieval fantasy world. Things then speed up to become a more fast-paced, adventure-filled season. Top episodes include "Bender's Big Score 3," "Bender's Game 3," and "Into the Wild Green Yonder 2." This season continues the story Fry's adjustment issues in the year 3000. Bender and Leela continue to have their own zany misadventures. It leads to a host of discoveries and revelations that show the year 3000 is more exciting than the 20th century every was. Top episodes this season include "A Head in the Polls," "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?" and "A Clone of My Own."
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """MainWindow.py @author: rilutham """ from PyQt4 import QtGui from RawData import RawData from Preprocessing import Bining, DeriveAttribute from Segmentation import Segmentation from About import About import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.init_ui() def init_ui(self): # Main window setting self.setGeometry(0, 0, 980, 768) self.setWindowTitle("Sistem Segmentasi Pelanggan") self.center_on_screen() # Menu action import_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/new.png'), 'Impor data', self) import_action.setShortcut('Ctrl+i') import_action.setStatusTip('Impor data pelanggan') import_action.triggered.connect(self.show_import) exit_action = QtGui.QAction('Keluar', self) exit_action.setShortcut('Ctrl+q') exit_action.setStatusTip('Keluar dari aplikasi') exit_action.triggered.connect(self.close) fill_zero_act = QtGui.QAction('Isi dengan nilai 0', self) fill_zero_act.triggered.connect(self.fill_with_zero) delete_row_act = QtGui.QAction('Hapus baris', self) delete_row_act.triggered.connect(self.delete_missing_row) miss_value_action = QtGui.QMenu('Tangani nilai kosong', self) miss_value_action.addAction(fill_zero_act) miss_value_action.addAction(delete_row_act) bining_act = QtGui.QAction('Bining atribut', self) bining_act.triggered.connect(self.show_bining) derive_act = QtGui.QAction('Penurunan atribut', self) derive_act.triggered.connect(self.derive_attribute) self.seg_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/run.png'),'Proses', self) self.seg_action.setShortcut('F5') self.seg_action.setStatusTip('Jalankan proses segmentasi') self.seg_action.setEnabled(False) self.seg_action.triggered.connect(self.segmen_customer) self.save_result_action = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/save.png'),\ 'Simpan data hasil', self) self.save_result_action.setShortcut('Ctrl+Shift+S') self.save_result_action.setStatusTip('Simpan data hasil segmentasi') self.save_result_action.setEnabled(False) self.save_result_action.triggered.connect(self.save_result_data) about_action = QtGui.QAction('Tentang Aplikasi', self) about_action.triggered.connect(self.show_about) # Menubar setting menubar = self.menuBar() data_menu = menubar.addMenu('&Data') data_menu.addAction(import_action) data_menu.addAction(exit_action) preprocess_menu = menubar.addMenu('&Preprocessing') preprocess_menu.addMenu(miss_value_action) preprocess_menu.addAction(bining_act) preprocess_menu.addAction(derive_act) segmen_menu = menubar.addMenu('&Segmentasi') segmen_menu.addAction(self.seg_action) result_menu = menubar.addMenu('&Hasil Segmentasi') result_menu.addAction(self.save_result_action) help_menu = menubar.addMenu('&Bantuan') help_menu.addAction(about_action) # Toolbar setting toolbar = self.addToolBar('Exit') toolbar.addAction(import_action) toolbar.addAction(self.seg_action) toolbar.addAction(self.save_result_action) # Show statusbar self.statusBar() # Setting TabWidget self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.tab1 = QtGui.QWidget() self.tab2 = QtGui.QWidget() self.tab3 = QtGui.QWidget() self.tab4 = QtGui.QWidget() ### Setting Tab 1 ### self.tabs.addTab(self.tab1, "Pengolahan Data") ## Left side # Frame "data detail" self.stat_frame = QtGui.QFrame() self.stat_frame.setMaximumHeight(200) self.txt_data_detail = QtGui.QLabel("Rincian Data:") self.txt_data_detail.setStyleSheet("font: bold; ") self.txt_stats = QtGui.QLabel('', self) self.txt_note = QtGui.QLabel("Keterangan Tabel: ", self) self.txt_note.setStyleSheet("font: bold") txt_label_1 = QtGui.QLabel(" Label/ Meta atribut", self) txt_label_1.setStyleSheet("background-color:#19B5FE; color:black") # VLayout for frame "data detail" self.stat_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.stat_frame.setLayout(self.stat_layout) self.stat_layout.insertWidget(0, self.txt_data_detail) self.stat_layout.insertWidget(1, self.txt_stats) self.stat_layout.insertWidget(2, self.txt_note) self.stat_layout.insertWidget(3, txt_label_1) # Empty frame self.empty_frame_1 = QtGui.QFrame() # Left side frame in Tab 1 self.left_frame = QtGui.QFrame() self.left_frame.setMaximumWidth(275) self.left_frame.setMinimumWidth(275) self.left_frame.setStyleSheet("background-color:#dadfe1; color:black") self.left_side_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.left_frame.setLayout(self.left_side_layout) self.left_side_layout.addWidget(self.stat_frame) self.left_side_layout.addWidget(self.empty_frame_1) ## Tab 1 layout self.txt_table_exist = QtGui.QLabel("""Tidak ada data yang ditampilkan.\n Pilih menu Data > Impor data (Ctrl+i) untuk mengimpor data""", self) self.txt_table_exist.setStyleSheet("color: gray; font: italic;") self.raw_data_table = QtGui.QTableWidget(self) self.v_box_layout_1 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.v_box_layout_1.addWidget(self.txt_table_exist) self.v_box_layout_1.addWidget(self.left_frame) self.v_box_layout_1.addWidget(self.raw_data_table) self.left_frame.hide() self.raw_data_table.hide() ### Setting Tab 2 ### self.tabs.addTab(self.tab2, "Visualisasi Model") self.txt_visual_exist = QtGui.QLabel("""Tidak ada visualisasi model yang ditampilkan.\n Impor data pelanggan, kemudian lakukan proses segmentasi dengan menekan F5 atau pilih menu Segmentasi > Proses""", self) self.txt_visual_exist.setStyleSheet("color: gray; font: italic;") self.txt_set_distance = QtGui.QLabel('Masukkan jarak potong dendrogram: ', self) self.treshold_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.btn_treshold = QtGui.QPushButton("Submit", self) self.btn_treshold.clicked.connect(self.set_treshold) self.figure = plt.figure(facecolor='#dadfe1') self.canvas_for_dendrogram = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas_for_dendrogram, self) self.treshold_frame = QtGui.QFrame() self.treshold_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.treshold_frame.setLayout(self.treshold_layout) self.treshold_layout.addWidget(self.txt_set_distance) self.treshold_layout.addWidget(self.treshold_edit) self.treshold_layout.addWidget(self.btn_treshold) #self.treshold_layout.addWidget(self.txt_n_cluster) self.v_box_layout_2 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.v_box_layout_2.addWidget(self.txt_visual_exist) self.v_box_layout_2.addWidget(self.treshold_frame) self.v_box_layout_2.addWidget(self.canvas_for_dendrogram) self.v_box_layout_2.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.treshold_frame.hide() self.canvas_for_dendrogram.hide() self.toolbar.hide() ### Setting Tab 3 ### self.tabs.addTab(self.tab3, "Informasi Hasil Segmentasi") self.txt_information_exist = QtGui.QLabel("""Tidak ada informasi yang ditampilkan.\n Impor data pelanggan, kemudian lakukan proses segmentasi dengan menekan F5 atau pilih menu Segmentasi > Proses.""", self) self.txt_information_exist.setStyleSheet("color: gray; font: italic;") self.txt_summary = QtGui.QLabel("Hasil Segmentasi Pelanggan: ", self) self.txt_summary.setStyleSheet("font: bold;") self.txt_n_cluster = QtGui.QLabel('',self) self.cluster_list = QtGui.QListWidget() self.cluster_list.setMaximumHeight(225) txt_note_3 = QtGui.QLabel("Keterangan Tabel: ", self) txt_note_3.setStyleSheet("font: bold") txt_label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(" ID_Segmen", self) txt_label_3.setStyleSheet("background-color:#3FC380; color:black") self.summary_frame = QtGui.QFrame() self.summary_frame.setMaximumHeight(300) self.summary_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.summary_frame.setLayout(self.summary_layout) self.summary_layout.insertWidget(0, self.txt_summary) self.summary_layout.insertWidget(1, self.txt_n_cluster) self.summary_layout.insertWidget(2, self.cluster_list) self.summary_layout.insertWidget(3, txt_note_3) self.summary_layout.insertWidget(4, txt_label_3) # Empty frame self.empty_frame_3 = QtGui.QFrame() # Left side frame in Tab 3 self.left_frame_3 = QtGui.QFrame() self.left_frame_3.setMaximumWidth(275) self.left_frame_3.setMinimumWidth(275) self.left_frame_3.setStyleSheet("background-color:#dadfe1; color:black") self.left_side_3_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.left_frame_3.setLayout(self.left_side_3_layout) self.left_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.summary_frame) self.left_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.empty_frame_3) # Right side self.txt_summary_stat = QtGui.QLabel("Statistik: ", self) self.txt_summary_stat.setStyleSheet("font: bold;") self.knowledge_table = QtGui.QTableWidget(self) self.txt_summary_exp = QtGui.QLabel("Keterangan: ", self) self.txt_summary_exp.setStyleSheet("font: bold;") self.knowledge_text = QtGui.QTextBrowser(self) self.right_frame_3 = QtGui.QFrame() self.right_side_3_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.right_frame_3.setLayout(self.right_side_3_layout) self.right_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.txt_summary_stat) self.right_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.knowledge_table) self.right_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.txt_summary_exp) self.right_side_3_layout.addWidget(self.knowledge_text) self.v_box_layout_3 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.v_box_layout_3.addWidget(self.txt_information_exist) self.v_box_layout_3.addWidget(self.left_frame_3) self.v_box_layout_3.addWidget(self.right_frame_3) self.left_frame_3.hide() self.knowledge_table.hide() self.knowledge_text.hide() self.txt_summary_exp.hide() self.txt_summary_stat.hide() ### Setting Tab 4 ### self.tabs.addTab(self.tab4, "Data Hasil Segmentasi") self.txt_result_exist = QtGui.QLabel("""Tidak ada data hasil yang ditampilkan.\n Impor data pelanggan, kemudian lakukan proses segmentasi dengan menekan F5 atau pilih menu Segmentasi > Proses.""", self) self.txt_result_exist.setStyleSheet("color: gray; font: italic;") self.result_data_table = QtGui.QTableWidget(self) self.v_box_layout_4 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.v_box_layout_4.insertWidget(0, self.txt_result_exist) self.v_box_layout_4.insertWidget(1, self.result_data_table) self.result_data_table.hide() #Set Layout for each tab self.tab1.setLayout(self.v_box_layout_1) self.tab2.setLayout(self.v_box_layout_2) self.tab3.setLayout(self.v_box_layout_3) self.tab4.setLayout(self.v_box_layout_4) # main layout self.main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() # add all main to the main vLayout self.main_layout.addWidget(self.tabs) # central widget self.central_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.central_widget.setLayout(self.main_layout) # set central widget self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) def show_import(self): self.imp = RawData() self.imp.exec_() if self.imp.display_table == True: if len(self.imp.selected_col) == 0: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Tidak ada atribut yang dipilih!") msgBox.setInformativeText("Silahkan pilih minimal 2 atribut") msgBox.setIcon(2) msgBox.exec_() elif len(self.imp.selected_col) == 1: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Hanya satu atribut yang dipilih!") msgBox.setInformativeText("Silahkan pilih minimal 2 atribut") msgBox.setIcon(2) msgBox.exec_() else: self.display_raw_data(self.imp.df_selected_data) # Count data statistics self.imp.count_stats(self.imp.df_selected_data) self.txt_stats.setText(self.imp.stats) # Set to Tab 1 self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab1) self.left_frame.show() self.raw_data_table.show() self.txt_visual_exist.show() self.txt_information_exist.show() self.txt_result_exist.show() # Close widget self.txt_table_exist.hide() self.treshold_frame.hide() self.canvas_for_dendrogram.hide() self.toolbar.hide() self.figure.clf() self.left_frame_3.hide() self.result_data_table.hide() self.knowledge_table.hide() self.knowledge_text.hide() self.txt_summary_exp.hide() self.txt_summary_stat.hide() # Enable/ disable some menu self.seg_action.setEnabled(True) self.save_result_action.setEnabled(False) def display_raw_data(self, data): self.ready_data = data # Specify the number of rows and columns of table self.raw_data_table.setRowCount(len(self.ready_data.index)) self.raw_data_table.setColumnCount(len(self.ready_data.columns)) # Set cell value of table for i in range(len(self.ready_data.index)): for j in range(len(self.ready_data.columns)): self.raw_data_table.setItem(i, j, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(self.ready_data.iget_value(i, j)))) # Color first column for i in range(len(self.ready_data.index)): for j in range(len(self.ready_data.columns)): self.raw_data_table.item(i,0).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(25,181,254)) # Create the columns header self.raw_data_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(list(self.ready_data.columns.values)) return self.ready_data def fill_with_zero(self): self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab1) if self.imp.missing_row_num == 0: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Tidak terdapat data kosong!") msgBox.setIcon(2) msgBox.exec_() elif self.imp.missing_row_num > 0: self.df_clean_data = self.imp.df_selected_data.fillna(0) # Count data statistics self.imp.count_stats(self.df_clean_data) self.txt_stats.setText(self.imp.stats) self.display_raw_data(self.df_clean_data) def delete_missing_row(self): self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab1) msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setInformativeText("Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus data kosong?") msgBox.setIcon(4) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: #Save was clicked if self.imp.missing_row_num == 0: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Tidak terdapat data kosong!") msgBox.setIcon(2) msgBox.exec_() elif self.imp.missing_row_num > 0: self.df_clean_data = self.imp.df_selected_data.dropna(axis=0) # Count data statistics self.imp.count_stats(self.df_clean_data) self.txt_stats.setText(self.imp.stats) self.display_raw_data(self.df_clean_data) def show_bining(self): self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab1) self.bin = Bining() self.bin.add_attribute_to_list(self.ready_data) self.bin.exec_() if self.bin.display_table: if not self.bin.selected_col: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Tidak ada atribut yang dipilih!") msgBox.setInformativeText("Silahkan pilih atribut") msgBox.setIcon(2) msgBox.exec_() else: self.display_raw_data(self.bin.data) def derive_attribute(self): self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab1) self.derv = DeriveAttribute() self.derv.add_attribute_to_list(self.ready_data) self.derv.exec_() if self.derv.display_table: if not self.derv.selected_col: print("Tidak ada atribut dipilih!") #Seharusnya tampilkan dalam dialog else: self.display_raw_data(self.derv.data) def segmen_customer(self): if self.imp.missing_num > 0: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setText("Masih terdapat data kosong!") msgBox.setIcon(3) msgBox.exec_() elif self.imp.missing_num == 0: self.sgm = Segmentation(self.ready_data) self.sgm # Set Tab 2 and Tab 3 self.left_frame_3.show() self.txt_n_cluster.setText(self.sgm.n_cluster) self.txt_visual_exist.hide() self.treshold_frame.show() plt.ylabel("Jarak antar pelanggan") plt.xlabel("Pelanggan") self.canvas_for_dendrogram.show() self.toolbar.show() self.txt_result_exist.hide() self.result_data_table.show() self.txt_information_exist.hide() self.knowledge_table.show() self.knowledge_text.show() self.txt_summary_exp.show() self.txt_summary_stat.show() self.show_result_summary() # Draw dendrogram on canvas self.canvas_for_dendrogram.draw() # Set to Tab 2 self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab2) # Display result data in QTableWidget self.display_result_data(self.sgm.df_result_data) # Enable some menu item self.save_result_action.setEnabled(True) self.show_knowledge(self.sgm.df_result_data) def show_result_summary(self): self.cluster_list.clear() # Segment result summary for x in self.sgm.summary_list: self.item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(x) self.cluster_list.addItem(self.item) def set_treshold(self): self.figure.clf() self.treshold_text = str(self.treshold_edit.text()) self.treshold_value = float(self.treshold_text) self.sgm.refresh_result_data(self.treshold_value) self.txt_n_cluster.setText(self.sgm.n_cluster) self.show_result_summary() # Draw dendrogram on canvas plt.ylabel("Jarak antar pelanggan") plt.xlabel("Pelanggan") self.canvas_for_dendrogram.draw() # Set to Tab 2 self.tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.tab2) # Display result data in QTableWidget self.display_result_data(self.sgm.df_result_data) self.show_knowledge(self.sgm.df_result_data) def display_result_data(self, data): # Specify the number of rows and columns of table self.result_data_table.setRowCount(len(data.index)) self.result_data_table.setColumnCount(len(data.columns)) # Set cell value of table for i in range(len(data.index)): for j in range(len(data.columns)): self.result_data_table.setItem\ (i, j, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(data.iget_value(i, j)))) if (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 1): # Green self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(177, 245, 67)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 2): # Blue self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(0, 214, 221)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 3): # Pink self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 53, 139)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 4): # Yellow self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(242, 255, 46)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 5): # Fresh Orange self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(255, 94, 0)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 6): # Gray self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(151, 104, 209)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 7): # Cream self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(252, 125, 73)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 8): # Dark gray self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(126, 138, 162)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 9): # Dark Green self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(2, 166, 118)) elif (self.sgm.cluster_index[i] % 10 == 0): # Blue self.result_data_table.item(i,j).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(102, 12, 232)) # Create the columns header self.result_data_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(list(data.columns.values)) def show_knowledge(self, data): # Show knowledge result grouped_data = data.groupby('ID_Segmen') summed_data = grouped_data.sum() # Add new column (cluster_ID) to knowledge data #summed_data['ID_Segmen'] = #self.cluster_index # Specify the number of rows and columns of table self.knowledge_table.setRowCount(grouped_data.ngroups) self.knowledge_table.setColumnCount(len(grouped_data.sum().columns) + 1) # Set cell value of table for i in range(grouped_data.ngroups): self.knowledge_table.setItem(i,0,QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(i+1))) for j in range(len(grouped_data.sum().columns)): self.knowledge_table.setItem\ (i, j+1, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(summed_data.get_values()[i][j]))) # Create the columns header knowledge_column_name = list(grouped_data.sum().columns.values) knowledge_column_name.insert(0,"Segmen ke-") self.knowledge_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(knowledge_column_name) # Color first column for i in range(grouped_data.ngroups): for j in range(len(grouped_data.sum().columns) + 1): self.knowledge_table.item(i,0).setBackground(QtGui.QColor(63,195,128)) self.knowledge_text.clear() for i in range(grouped_data.ngroups): size_of_each_group = list(grouped_data.size())[i] item1 = int(summed_data['jumlah_item_1'].get_values()[i]) item2 = int(summed_data['jumlah_item_2'].get_values()[i]) item3 = int(summed_data['jumlah_item_lbs3'].get_values()[i]) transaksi1 = int(summed_data['jumlah_transaksi_1'].get_values()[i]) transaksi2 = int(summed_data['jumlah_transaksi_lbs2'].get_values()[i]) custom_name = int(summed_data['custom_name'].get_values()[i]) segmen_title = "Segmen ke-{0}".format(i+1) self.knowledge_text.append(segmen_title) ket1 = "> Pelanggan pada segmen ke-{0} membeli: ".format(i+1) self.knowledge_text.append(ket1) if item1 > 0: item1_note = " 1 jersey: {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(item1, float(item1) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(item1_note) if item2 > 0: item2_note = " 2 jersey: {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(item2, float(item2) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(item2_note) if item3 > 0: item3_note = " lebih dari 2 jersey: {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(item3, float(item3) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(item3_note) self.knowledge_text.append("dalam:") if transaksi1 > 0: transaksi1_note = " 1x transaksi: {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(transaksi1, float(transaksi1) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(transaksi1_note) if transaksi2 > 0: transaksi2_note = " lebih dari 1x transaksi: {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(transaksi2, float(transaksi2) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(transaksi2_note) if custom_name > 0: custom_name_note = "> Pelanggan yang membeli custom name sebanyak {0} pelanggan ({1:.2f}%)".format(custom_name, float(custom_name) / size_of_each_group * 100) self.knowledge_text.append(custom_name_note) new_line = "\n" self.knowledge_text.append(new_line) def save_result_data(self): # Provides a dialog that allow users to give file name and location on disk. self.file_name_save = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName\ (self, "Save File", ".", "(Comma Separated Value *.csv)") # Write DataFrame into *.csv file. self.sgm.df_result_data.to_csv(self.file_name_save, sep=',', index=False) def show_about(self): abt = About() abt.exec_() def center_on_screen(self): # Centers the window on the screen. size = self.frameSize() desktop_size = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() left = (desktop_size.width()/2)-(size.width()/2) top = (desktop_size.height()/2)-(size.height()/2) self.move(left, top)
Low Cost January Games Are Purrfect!! The January Sales are in full swing across a number of bingo sites but we’ve found one who’s offers are just purr-fect for penny fans. You may well have guessed that we’re talking about Kitty Bingo who want us to spend less and win more this month. They have a number of great promos running during Low Cost January and we thought we’d tell you about them. First up is Mews At Ten! This is a daily sliding jackpot game which will cost just 2p a card to play. It plays at 10pm and you can win up to £200. The top prize varies daily as does the minimum guaranteed. Typically though there’s a £30 prize, but it drops to £20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays but increases to £50 on Fridays and Saturdays. A sliding jackpot is one which is determined by the number of calls. The quicker house is called the higher the prize. There’s a mouse loose at Kitty Bingo and rather than employing their moggy icons to hunt it down they’re giving that task to players. Chase the Mouse is in fact a special jackpot game that can appear at random times in the Kitty Cat & Splish Splash rooms. To help you Kitty tell us that the games play between 10am-noon & 6pm-8pm. When the mouse appears you’ll have the chance to play for a £30 jackpot for just 1p a card. Every month Kitty Bingo like to hold a Flash The Cash jackpot game that has a £5000 prize pot. This month though there’s something different. Every Friday in January you can play for £1000 for just 5p a card. This game plays at 9pm and offers a £200 prize for the 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L and full house winner. Pre-buy is available for all the special games mentioned. Let us know how you get on! Wagering terms and conditions apply. All details above were correct when published on January 14, 2014.
from core.himesis import Himesis import uuid class HCityCompany2Association(Himesis): def __init__(self): """ Creates the himesis graph representing the DSLTrans rule CityCompany2Association. """ # Flag this instance as compiled now self.is_compiled = True super(HCityCompany2Association, self).__init__(name='HCityCompany2Association', num_nodes=0, edges=[]) # Set the graph attributes self["mm__"] = ['HimesisMM'] self["name"] = """CityCompany2Association""" self["GUID__"] = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS,'CityCompany2Association') # match model. We only support one match model self.add_node() self.vs[0]["mm__"] = """MatchModel""" # apply model node self.add_node() self.vs[1]["mm__"] = """ApplyModel""" # paired with relation between match and apply models self.add_node() self.vs[2]["mm__"] = """paired_with""" # match class City() node self.add_node() self.vs[3]["mm__"] = """City""" self.vs[3]["attr1"] = """+""" # match_contains node for class City() self.add_node() self.vs[4]["mm__"] = """match_contains""" # match class Company() node self.add_node() self.vs[5]["mm__"] = """Company""" self.vs[5]["attr1"] = """+""" # match_contains node for class Company() self.add_node() self.vs[6]["mm__"] = """match_contains""" # apply class Association() node self.add_node() self.vs[7]["mm__"] = """Association""" self.vs[7]["attr1"] = """1""" # apply_contains node for class Association() self.add_node() self.vs[8]["mm__"] = """apply_contains""" # match association City--companies-->Company node self.add_node() self.vs[9]["attr1"] = """companies""" self.vs[9]["mm__"] = """directLink_S""" # match association Company--isIn-->City node self.add_node() self.vs[10]["attr1"] = """isIn""" self.vs[10]["mm__"] = """directLink_S""" # Add the edges self.add_edges([ (0,4), # matchmodel -> match_contains (4,3), # match_contains -> match_class City() (0,6), # matchmodel -> match_contains (6,5), # match_contains -> match_class Company() (1,8), # applymodel -> apply_contains (8,7), # apply_contains -> apply_class Association() (3,9), # match_class City() -> association companies (9,5), # association companies -> match_class Company() (5,10), # match_class Company() -> association isIn (10,3), # association isIn -> match_class City() (0,2), # matchmodel -> pairedwith (2,1) # pairedwith -> applyModel ]) # Add the attribute equations self["equations"] = [((7,'name'),('concat',((3,'name'),(5,'name')))), ]
The Elite Red Sister skin has been added for Alchemists who have reached Level 25! The skin is also available in the store. Spawn logic now accounts for path distance to body rather than raw distance to address cases where humans spawned "near" the body, but had a long walk to intercept it. A few changes have been introduced in today's update, with more to come! Addressed an issue with the "-usetexturepool" parameter that was disabling it if your video card had 512mb of VRAM or less. Textures will not reduce to original levels but will still function for reducing framerate spikes. Love the sound (no pun intended) of the new Sonic shriek! Can't wait to test that out! If not, you'll be able to do it now. Matches from last time count as well, so if you completed 2 at the time, it'll just take 1 more match and then you'll be eligible to get it. Note the banners are being awarded on Tuesday though, after all the tests are done. They have to be granted to accounts that are eligible. We should be coming back online soon! Patch notes are also looking good, thx for the update. Soooooo, when are we getting a state of play? I'm impatient and bored and if possible would like to know when I could read up on what you guys have been doing and know what you plan to do. On that note, there was a rather meaty forum post in the feedback and suggestions area that I believe is essential to Nosgoth's being something big in the future. I'll leave the link below. :thud::poke: nooo - def. stay @ the old skin. r there any changes with the spawnsystem? New echo seems rly nice but I think it is kinda bugged.. sometimes I'm miles away and it reaches me. and what happened to Flashpoint? It would be nice if you'd stop omitting changes from the patch notes; the range nerf to Infect makes it damn near useless. +1 for complete patch notes. anyone got a video of what the sonic shriek effect looks like for humans? I still can't believe you guys are not releasing complete patch notes, that is unacceptable. A good rule of thumb is that if you're embarrassed to admit a change/nerf has been made it probably not good enough to merit implementation. +1 to giving Tyrant jump a function indoors. It probably shouldn't be as powerful as a regular jump but it needs to do something. Finally, please either rework Sonic Shriek or implement a "motion sickness" option (similar to how many games have a "colorblind" option) that removes the visual distortion from Sonic Shriek. It is literally painful to me and others and I can't play Nosgoth until it is fixed. The problem with removing the "blurring" is that it's the only major benefit of the skill. It's a defensive CC that counteracts the human's hitscan weapons. Removing sound helps, but it does nothing for accuracy. Increasing spread isn't a good way either because it becomes more RNG based. Side note: It also allows you to see things while blinded. No, it's not. The deafness is by far the major benefit because it is guaranteed to reduce the awareness of all humans. Every primary Vampire ability has a very obvious audio tell that talented players will pick up on every time. Not being able to hear properly makes it impossible to know when to time your dodges without actually watching the enemy. And with no sound you can't locate enemies by sound alone. In my discussions with other players some have indicated that the blurring has no adverse impact on their aim while to some (including myself) the blurring is literally crippling. And if spread is a bad mechanic because of RNG... well then why is it used at all in this game? Spread isn't an ideal solution for anything but it is in place because it works. It is significantly easier to approach players with high spread than those with minimal spread. Regardless, Spread doesn't have to be the solution. There could be a "dimming" effect to prevent players from seeing very far. There could an increase in damage fall-off to reduce the long range DPS of affected Humans. Or maybe the targeting reticule could be removed from humans for the duration. The problem isn't dodging the primary ability, it's once you're already in combat. This is the first real buff a sentinel has seen in forever and removing the blurring is like cutting their legs out from under than again. While, I'm in agreement that there is wiggle room, CCing the player, as opposed to the character is definitely the right way to approach it. please either rework Sonic Shriek or implement a "motion sickness" option (similar to how many games have a "colorblind" option) that removes the visual distortion from Sonic Shriek. It is literally painful to me and others and I can't play Nosgoth until it is fixed. Came back after a couple weeks off from Nosgoth. CAPTURE DA BOOTY ! Motion Blur in Video options is active after patching. I literally had to hug the floor after my first match in ages afterwards. Took about an hour and a half before nausea cleared. Motion Blur + Shriek was insane torture and I couldn't figure out what was happening until it already took hold. After Motion Blur was deactivated, shriek was half as painful. Personally motion blur is the bigger culprit for me but atleast I can turn that off. Aside from that, my first capture the body was a premade 4 vs Kine + 2 AFK farmers. Took awhile to find a game the first time I queued so did 1 TDM before that infernal 4 vs Kine match. Got into that TDM within seconds of searching. I asked the guys in lobby why they aren't playing CTB and they all said they couldn't see the option to. Damn silly arrow to find CTB needs to go. Games take longer to start on 'Any' than when I specified a region. Kinda weird. And ofcourse leavers plaguing this game as usual. Justifying spending time in queue waiting gets harder and harder. Dear Nosgoth, I love you but love hurts. Motion Sickness mode - disable Sonic Shriek's blurring. Instead you deal only 50% damage while affected. That would be too severe for your average player to take but would allow the rest of us to play the game without headaches. On a side note I decided to try capture the body, and thankfully haven't run into Sonic Shriek yet. Having fun with Nosgoth for the first time in a long while. Match balance is as poor as ever but who cares in that mode, its crazy good fun. Infect was not intentionally modified, we're looking into it. Maybe while fixing it back to its old range you could work to improve its hit detection? Also, I may be crazy but the reaver's kick feels very different now too. Would definitely recommend looking in to that. @Hoople: That seems a poor substitute. The idea is not to explicitly decrease damage but interfere with sight. If the blur is really such an issue for the sickness-afflicted though, perhaps said 'motion sickness' mode could replace the blur with a tunnel vision effect, considerably shrinking the visible portion of the screen. you internally test the patch before release? ah, the alchemist self damage is terrible change, and i use alchemist a lot... stop keep make this game easier for noobs, please. I disagree, I think removing Alchemist self damage was a good decision. It was kind of silly that Alchemists would damage themselves if they hit Vampires that were too close, as Vampires attack in melee range. I also had heard that the Alchemist's self-damage would inflict on slowing effect on her as well, which was probably never intended. If for whatever reason the Alchemist proves to be too good, which I highly doubt (lack of instantly hitting, long range attacks and a hard counter keep her balanced) the answer is to increase self-damage from her abilities rather than adding it back to her weaponry.
"""Function/variables common to all the commands""" import email.utils import os import re import sys from stgit import templates from stgit.compat import decode_utf8_with_latin1 from stgit.config import config from stgit.exception import StgException from stgit.lib.git import CommitData, MergeException, RepositoryException from stgit.lib.stack import StackRepository from stgit.lib.transaction import ( StackTransaction, TransactionException, TransactionHalted, ) from stgit.out import out from stgit.run import Run, RunException from stgit.utils import ( EditorException, add_trailer, edit_string, get_hook, run_hook_on_bytes, strip_prefix, ) __copyright__ = """ Copyright (C) 2005, Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. """ class CmdException(StgException): pass def parse_rev(rev): """Parse a revision specification into its branch:patch parts.""" try: branch, patch = rev.split(':', 1) except ValueError: branch = None patch = rev return (branch, patch) def git_commit(name, repository, branch_name=None): """Return the a Commit object if 'name' is a patch name or Git commit. The patch names allowed are in the form '<branch>:<patch>' and can be followed by standard symbols used by ``git rev-parse``. If <patch> is '{base}', it represents the bottom of the stack. """ # Try a [branch:]patch name first branch, patch = parse_rev(name) if not branch: branch = branch_name or repository.current_branch_name # The stack base if patch.startswith('{base}'): base_id = repository.get_stack(branch).base.sha1 return repository.rev_parse(base_id + strip_prefix('{base}', patch)) # Other combination of branch and patch try: return repository.rev_parse( 'patches/%s/%s' % (branch, patch), discard_stderr=True ) except RepositoryException: pass # Try a Git commit try: return repository.rev_parse(name, discard_stderr=True) except RepositoryException: raise CmdException('%s: Unknown patch or revision name' % name) def color_diff_flags(): """Return the Git flags for coloured diff output if allowed.""" stdout_is_tty = (sys.stdout.isatty() and 'true') or 'false' if config.get_colorbool('color.diff', stdout_is_tty) == 'true': return ['--color'] else: return [] def check_local_changes(repository): out.start('Checking for changes in the working directory') iw = repository.default_iw iw.refresh_index() tree = repository.refs.get(repository.head_ref).data.tree local_changes = iw.changed_files(tree) out.done() if local_changes: raise CmdException('local changes in the tree. Use "refresh" or "reset --hard"') def check_head_top_equal(stack): if stack.head != stack.top: raise CmdException( 'HEAD and top are not the same. This can happen if you modify a ' 'branch with git. "stg repair --help" explains more about what to ' 'do next.' ) def check_conflicts(iw): if iw.index.conflicts(): raise CmdException( 'Unsolved conflicts. Please fix the conflicts then use "git add ' '--update <files>" or revert the changes with "reset --hard".' ) def print_current_patch(stack): if stack.patchorder.applied: out.info('Now at patch "%s"' % stack.patchorder.applied[-1]) else: out.info('No patches applied') def parse_patches(patch_args, patch_list, boundary=0, ordered=False): """Parse patch_args list for patch names in patch_list. The names can be individual patches and/or in the 'patch1..patch2' format. """ # in case it receives a tuple patch_list = list(patch_list) patches = [] for name in patch_args: pair = name.split('..') for p in pair: if p and p not in patch_list: raise CmdException('Unknown patch name: %s' % p) if len(pair) == 1: # single patch name pl = pair elif len(pair) == 2: # patch range [p1]..[p2] # inclusive boundary if pair[0]: first = patch_list.index(pair[0]) else: first = -1 # exclusive boundary if pair[1]: last = patch_list.index(pair[1]) + 1 else: last = -1 # only cross the boundary if explicitly asked if not boundary: boundary = len(patch_list) if first < 0: if last <= boundary: first = 0 else: first = boundary if last < 0: if first < boundary: last = boundary else: last = len(patch_list) if last > first: pl = patch_list[first:last] else: pl = patch_list[(last - 1) : (first + 1)] pl.reverse() else: raise CmdException('Malformed patch name: %s' % name) for p in pl: if p in patches: raise CmdException('Duplicate patch name: %s' % p) patches += pl if ordered: patches = [p for p in patch_list if p in patches] return patches def name_email(address): p = email.utils.parseaddr(address) if p[1]: return p else: raise CmdException( 'Incorrect "name <email>"/"email (name)" string: %s' % address ) def address_or_alias(addr_pair): """Pass-through name/email address or lookup alias from config. Returns a name-email tuple if the e-mail address is valid, otherwise looks up the alias in the config files. """ addr = addr_pair[1] if '@' in addr: # it's an e-mail address return addr_pair alias = config.get('mail.alias.' + addr) if alias: # it's an alias return name_email(alias) raise CmdException('unknown e-mail alias: %s' % addr) def apply_patch(stack, diff, base=None, reject=False, strip=None, context_lines=None): iw = stack.repository.default_iw iw.refresh_index() if base: orig_head = stack.head iw.checkout(orig_head.data.tree, base.data.tree) stack.set_head(base, msg='apply patch') try: iw.apply( diff, quiet=False, reject=reject, strip=strip, context_lines=context_lines ) except MergeException: if base: iw.checkout_hard(orig_head.data.tree) raise if base: iw.update_index(iw.changed_files(base.data.tree)) top = stack.repository.commit( CommitData( tree=stack.repository.default_index.write_tree(), message='temporary commit used for applying a patch', parents=[base], ) ) iw.checkout(top.data.tree, orig_head.data.tree) stack.set_head(orig_head, msg='post apply') iw.merge(base.data.tree, orig_head.data.tree, top.data.tree) def prepare_rebase(stack, cmd_name): # pop all patches iw = stack.repository.default_iw trans = StackTransaction(stack, '%s (pop)' % cmd_name, check_clean_iw=iw) out.start('Popping all applied patches') try: trans.reorder_patches( applied=[], unapplied=trans.applied + trans.unapplied, iw=iw, allow_interactive=True, ) except TransactionException: pass retval = trans.run(iw, print_current_patch=False) if retval: out.done('Failed to pop applied patches') else: out.done() return retval def rebase(stack, iw, target_commit=None): command = config.get('branch.%s.stgit.rebasecmd' % stack.name) or config.get( 'stgit.rebasecmd' ) if not command and not target_commit: raise CmdException('Default rebasing requires a commit') elif target_commit: out.start('Rebasing to "%s"' % target_commit.sha1) else: out.start('Rebasing to the default target') if command: command = command.split() if target_commit is not None: command.append(target_commit.sha1) iw.run(command).run() else: iw.checkout_hard(target_commit) stack.set_head(target_commit, 'rebase') out.done() def post_rebase(stack, applied, cmd_name, check_merged): iw = stack.repository.default_iw trans = StackTransaction(stack, '%s (reapply)' % cmd_name) try: if check_merged: merged = set(trans.check_merged(applied)) else: merged = set() for pn in applied: trans.push_patch( pn, iw, allow_interactive=True, already_merged=pn in merged ) except TransactionHalted: pass return trans.run(iw) def delete_patches(stack, iw, patches): def allow_conflicts(trans): # Allow conflicts if the topmost patch stays the same. if stack.patchorder.applied: return trans.applied and trans.applied[-1] == stack.patchorder.applied[-1] else: return not trans.applied trans = StackTransaction(stack, 'delete', allow_conflicts=allow_conflicts) try: to_push = trans.delete_patches(lambda pn: pn in patches) for pn in to_push: trans.push_patch(pn, iw) except TransactionHalted: pass return trans.run(iw) # # Patch description/e-mail/diff parsing # def __split_descr_diff(string): """Return the description and the diff from the given string.""" m = re.search( br''' ^ (?: --- \s* | --- \s \w | diff \s - | Index: \s ) ''', string, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE, ) if m: desc = string[: m.start()] diff = string.split(m.group(), 1)[1] else: desc = string diff = b'' return desc, diff def __parse_description(descr): """Parse the patch description for author information.""" subject = '' authname = authemail = authdate = None descr_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in descr.splitlines()] lasthdr = 0 descr_strip = 0 # Parse the patch header for pos, line in enumerate(descr_lines): if not line: continue # check for a "From|Author:" line if re.match(r'\s*(?:from|author):\s+', line, re.I): auth = re.findall(r'^.*?:\s+(.*)$', line)[0] authname, authemail = name_email(auth) lasthdr = pos + 1 continue # check for a "Date:" line if re.match(r'\s*date:\s+', line, re.I): authdate = re.findall(r'^.*?:\s+(.*)$', line)[0] lasthdr = pos + 1 continue if subject: break # get the subject subject = line[descr_strip:] if re.match(r'commit [\da-f]{40}$', subject): # 'git show' output, look for the real subject subject = '' descr_strip = 4 lasthdr = pos + 1 body = ''.join(line[descr_strip:] + '\n' for line in descr_lines[lasthdr:]) message = subject + '\n' + body return (message, authname, authemail, authdate) def parse_patch(patch_data, contains_diff): """Parse patch data. Returns (description, authname, authemail, authdate, diff) """ assert isinstance(patch_data, bytes) if contains_diff: (descr, diff) = __split_descr_diff(patch_data) else: descr = patch_data diff = None (descr, authname, authemail, authdate) = __parse_description( decode_utf8_with_latin1(descr) ) # we don't yet have an agreed place for the creation date. # Just return None return (descr, authname, authemail, authdate, diff) def run_commit_msg_hook(repo, cd, editor_is_used=True): """Run the commit-msg hook (if any) on a commit. :param cd: The :class:`stgit.lib.git.CommitData` to run the hook on. :returns: the new :class:`stgit.lib.git.CommitData` """ env = dict(cd.env) if not editor_is_used: env['GIT_EDITOR'] = ':' commit_msg_hook = get_hook(repo, 'commit-msg', env) if commit_msg_hook: try: new_msg = run_hook_on_bytes(commit_msg_hook, cd.message) except RunException as exc: raise EditorException(str(exc)) return cd.set_message(new_msg) else: return cd COMMIT_MESSAGE_INSTRUCTIONS = """ # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored. # # """ COMMIT_MESSAGE_DEMARCATION_LINE = """ # ------------------------ >8 ------------------------""" COMMIT_MESSAGE_INSTRUCTIONS_2 = """ # Do not modify or remove the line above. # Everything below it will be ignored. """ def _git_status(): out = Run('git', 'status').output_lines() # strip out git's "instruction" lines, such as '(use "git add <file>..." to update' return [line for line in out if '(use' not in line] def _git_diff(): return Run('git', 'diff').output_lines() def update_commit_data( cd, message=None, author=None, sign_str=None, edit=False, verbose=False ): """Create updated CommitData according to the command line options.""" # Set the commit message from commandline. if message is not None: cd = cd.set_message(message) # Modify author data. if author is not None: cd = cd.set_author(author) # Add Signed-off-by: or similar. if sign_str is None: sign_str = config.get("stgit.autosign") if sign_str: cd = cd.set_message( add_trailer(cd.message_str, sign_str, cd.committer.name, cd.committer.email) ) if edit: message_str = cd.message_str tmpl = templates.get_template('patchdescr.tmpl') if tmpl: message_str += tmpl status = '\n# '.join(_git_status()) message_str += COMMIT_MESSAGE_INSTRUCTIONS + status if verbose: # include a diff message_str += ( COMMIT_MESSAGE_DEMARCATION_LINE + COMMIT_MESSAGE_INSTRUCTIONS_2 ) message_str += '\n'.join(_git_diff()) new_message = edit_string(message_str, '.stgit-new.txt') new_message = new_message.split(COMMIT_MESSAGE_DEMARCATION_LINE)[0] new_message = '\n'.join( line for line in new_message.splitlines() if not line.startswith('#') ) cd = cd.set_message(new_message) return cd class DirectoryException(StgException): pass class DirectoryAnywhere: def setup(self): pass class DirectoryHasRepository: def setup(self): # This will throw an exception if we don't have a repository. self.repository = StackRepository.default() def cd_to_topdir(self): worktree_top = ( Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup') .discard_stderr() .raw_output() .rstrip() ) if worktree_top: os.chdir(worktree_top) class DirectoryInWorktree(DirectoryHasRepository): def setup(self): DirectoryHasRepository.setup(self) if not self._is_inside_worktree(): raise DirectoryException('Not inside a git worktree') def _is_inside_worktree(self): return ( Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree').output_one_line() == 'true' ) class DirectoryGotoTopLevel(DirectoryInWorktree): def setup(self): DirectoryInWorktree.setup(self) self.cd_to_topdir()
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Municipality of León (Guanajuato, Mexico) have signed an agreement to carry out the country’s first project to develop Shopping Tourism, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato. The project is expected to serve as an international reference point and as a showcase at major tourism forums. The Tourism Observatory of the State of Guanajuato has been a member of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories since 2014. At the World Tourism Organization’s General Assembly held in Medellín, Colombia, in September 2015, Guanajuato expressed its interest in being one of the destinations to develop a project on shopping tourism, and León was the selected destination in light of the fact that 27% of its tourists visit the city to go shopping. The project will help León (Guanajuato, Mexico) to develop innovative shopping tourism offerings that link the public and private sectors and that highlight the destination’s tourism attractions and products as well as tourism’s contribution to socio-economic development, which includes the creation of jobs directly in the tourism sector and in the many activities related to the sector.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sahana Eden Vulnerability Model @copyright: 2012 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __all__ = ["S3VulnerabilityModel", ] from gluon import * from gluon.storage import Storage from ..s3 import * # ============================================================================= class S3VulnerabilityModel(S3Model): """ Vulnerability Management """ names = ["vulnerability_indicator", "vulnerability_aggregated_indicator", "vulnerability_data", "vulnerability_resilience_id", "vulnerability_ids", "vulnerability_resilience", ] resilience_pid = None # id of the resilience indicator indicator_pids = None # List of ids used to calculate the resilence indicator def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db configure = self.configure crud_strings = current.response.s3.crud_strings define_table = self.define_table super_link = self.super_link # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vulnerability Indicator # tablename = "vulnerability_indicator" table = define_table(tablename, super_link("parameter_id", "stats_parameter"), Field("posn", "integer"), Field("name", label = T("Name")), s3_comments("description", label = T("Description")), *s3_meta_fields() ) # CRUD Strings ADD_VULNERABILITY = T("Add Vulnerability Indicator") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( title_create = ADD_VULNERABILITY, title_display = T("Vulnerability Indicator Details"), title_list = T("Vulnerability Indicators"), title_update = T("Edit Vulnerability Indicator"), title_search = T("Search Vulnerability Indicators"), title_upload = T("Import Vulnerability Indicator"), subtitle_create = T("Add New Vulnerability Indicator"), label_list_button = T("List Vulnerability Indicators"), label_create_button = ADD_VULNERABILITY, msg_record_created = T("Vulnerability Indicator added"), msg_record_modified = T("Vulnerability Indicator updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Vulnerability Indicator deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No vulnerability indicators currently defined")) configure(tablename, super_entity = "stats_parameter", deduplicate = self.vulnerability_indicator_duplicate, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator # tablename = "vulnerability_aggregated_indicator" table = define_table(tablename, super_link("parameter_id", "stats_parameter"), Field("name", label = T("Name")), s3_comments("description", label = T("Description")), *s3_meta_fields() ) # CRUD Strings ADD_VULNERABILITY = T("Add Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( title_create = ADD_VULNERABILITY, title_display = T("Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator Details"), title_list = T("Vulnerability Aggregated Indicators"), title_update = T("Edit Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator"), title_search = T("Search Vulnerability Aggregated Indicators"), title_upload = T("Import Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator"), subtitle_create = T("Add New Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator"), label_list_button = T("List Vulnerability Aggregated Indicators"), label_create_button = ADD_VULNERABILITY, msg_record_created = T("Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator added"), msg_record_modified = T("Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Vulnerability Aggregated Indicator deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No vulnerability aggregated indicators currently defined")) configure(tablename, super_entity = "stats_parameter", deduplicate = self.vulnerability_indicator_duplicate, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vulnerability Data # tablename = "vulnerability_data" table = define_table(tablename, super_link("data_id", "stats_data"), self.stats_param_id( label = T("Indicator"), requires = IS_ONE_OF(db, "stats_parameter.parameter_id", self.stats_parameter_represent, filterby="instance_type", filter_opts=["vulnerability_indicator"], orderby="stats_parameter.name", sort=True) ), self.gis_location_id( widget = S3LocationAutocompleteWidget(), requires = IS_LOCATION() ), Field("value", "double", label = T("Value")), s3_date(), # Unused but needed for the stats_data SE Field("date_end", "date", readable=False, writable=False ), self.stats_group_id(), *s3_meta_fields() ) # CRUD Strings ADD_DATA = T("Add Vulnerability Data") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( title_create = ADD_DATA, title_display = T("Vulnerability Data Details"), title_list = T("Vulnerability Data"), title_update = T("Edit Vulnerability Data"), title_search = T("Search Vulnerability Data"), title_upload = T("Import Vulnerability Data"), subtitle_create = T("Add New Vulnerability Data"), label_list_button = T("List Vulnerability Data"), label_create_button = ADD_DATA, msg_record_created = T("Vulnerability Data added"), msg_record_modified = T("Vulnerability Data updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Vulnerability Data deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No vulnerability data currently defined")) configure(tablename, super_entity = "stats_data", deduplicate = self.vulnerability_data_duplicate, requires_approval=True, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass model-global names to response.s3 # return Storage( vulnerability_resilience_id = self.vulnerability_resilience_id, vulnerability_ids = self.vulnerability_ids, vulnerability_resilience = self.vulnerability_resilience, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def defaults(self): """ Safe defaults if the module is disabled """ return Storage( vulnerability_resilience_id = lambda i: [], vulnerability_ids = lambda i: None, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def vulnerability_resilience_id(): """ Return the parameter_id of the resilience indicator """ if S3VulnerabilityModel.resilience_pid is None: # Get the parameter_id of the aggregated_indicator table = current.s3db.vulnerability_aggregated_indicator query = (table.uuid == "Resilience") & \ (table.deleted == False) row = current.db(query).select(table.parameter_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() try: S3VulnerabilityModel.resilience_pid = row.parameter_id except: # DB not initialised pass return S3VulnerabilityModel.resilience_pid # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def vulnerability_ids(): """ Return a list of the parameter_id's that are to be used when calculating the resilience indicator """ if S3VulnerabilityModel.indicator_pids is None: table = current.s3db.vulnerability_indicator query = (table.deleted == False) rows = current.db(query).select(table.parameter_id) S3VulnerabilityModel.indicator_pids = [i.parameter_id for i in rows] return S3VulnerabilityModel.indicator_pids # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def vulnerability_resilience(loc_level, location_id, resilience_pid, indicator_pids, date_period_start, date_period_end, use_location, ): """ Calculates the resilience held in the vulnerability_data table for a specific location and time period. This is run async Where appropriate add test cases to modules/unit_tests/eden/stats.py """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db vtable = s3db.vulnerability_data stable = s3db.stats_aggregate # Get the data from the vulnerability_data table query = (vtable.deleted != True) & \ (vtable.approved_by != None) & \ (vtable.parameter_id.belongs(indicator_pids)) ward_count = 1 if use_location: query &= (vtable.location_id == location_id) else: # Get all the child locations child_locations = current.gis.get_children(location_id, loc_level) child_ids = [row.id for row in child_locations] ward_count = len(child_ids) query &= (vtable.location_id.belongs(child_ids)) if date_period_end is None: pass elif date_period_end == "None": date_period_end = None else: query &= (vtable.date <= date_period_end) rows = db(query).select(vtable.parameter_id, vtable.location_id, vtable.value, vtable.date, orderby=(vtable.location_id, vtable.parameter_id, ~vtable.date ) ) # The query may return duplicate records for the same # location+parameter: use the most recent, which because # of the ordering will be the first values = [] append = values.append locations = [] new_location = locations.append last_record = (0, 0) for row in rows: value = row.value if not value: continue l = row.location_id key = (l, row.parameter_id) if last_record != key: last_record = key append(value) if l not in locations: new_location(l) # Aggregate the values values_len = len(values) if not values_len: return import numpy values_sum = sum(values) values_min = min(values) values_max = max(values) values_avg = float(values_sum) / values_len values_med = numpy.median(values) values_mad = numpy.median([abs(v - values_med) for v in values]) reported_count = len(locations) # Store Resilience value in the stats_aggregate table query = (stable.location_id == location_id) & \ (stable.date == date_period_start) & \ (stable.parameter_id == resilience_pid) record = db(query).select(stable.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if record: # Update db(query).update(date = date_period_start, end_date = date_period_end, reported_count = reported_count, ward_count = ward_count, min = values_min, max = values_max, mean = values_avg, median = values_med, mad = values_mad, ) else: # Insert new id = stable.insert(agg_type = 4, # indicator parameter_id = resilience_pid, location_id = location_id, date = date_period_start, end_date = date_period_end, reported_count = reported_count, ward_count = ward_count, min = values_min, max = values_max, mean = values_avg, median = values_med, mad = values_mad, ) return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def vulnerability_indicator_duplicate(item): """ Import item de-duplication """ if (item.tablename == "vulnerability_indicator") or \ (item.tablename == "vulnerability_aggregated_indicator"): table = item.table name = item.data.get("name", None) query = (table.name.lower() == name.lower()) duplicate = current.db(query).select(table.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if duplicate: item.id = duplicate.id item.method = item.METHOD.UPDATE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def vulnerability_data_duplicate(item): """ Import item de-duplication """ if item.tablename == "vulnerability_data": data = item.data param = data.get("parameter_id", None) location = data.get("location_id", None) date = data.get("date", None) table = item.table query = (table.parameter_id == param) & \ (table.location_id == location) & \ (table.date == date) duplicate = current.db(query).select(table.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if duplicate: item.id = duplicate.id item.method = item.METHOD.UPDATE # END =========================================================================
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Contracting out or outsourcing is quite a well rooted practice not just in our professional lives but also in our everyday routines. Offshoring lets you utilize your time for strengthening the marketing and sales of your business and focus on business development. Moreover, such outsourcing organizations are extremely interested in the evolution of your organization and the long-term character of outsourcing. Thus the project should include no less than a comprehensive set of wireframes of all screens. Therefore, the pace of execution in a customized computer software development project which could be decided by the hiring company. Assuming that you’ve provided all of the crucial info about the undertaking, the software development company should, consequently, produce a proposal. Not every software developer is a superior fit for your organization. An offshore software development business will require you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Tech_University_College_of_Media_%26_Communication to have an incredibly defined project with thorough requirements and a dedicated project manager. For instance, you must decide to partner with an offshore software development company that utilizes agile strategy. Thus, when deciding on a provider with a seemingly very affordable offer, you must comprehend what you’ll need to sacrifice. The selection of the appropriate model can be a hard choice. Optimization improves search engine crawling, which then helps to improve search ranking. Being a wildly popular software development methodology, it’s popular by agile software development teams. Agile methodologies need time-and-materials pricing model.
import os import time import subprocess import logging import json import sys import structpack from collections import defaultdict IDLE_TIME = 15 APP_TIME = 1 log = logging.getLogger() logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, # format='%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s', filename='logs/window.log', ) class Entry(structpack.msg): idle = structpack.bool app = structpack.str window = structpack.str start_time = structpack.int end_time = structpack.int def __init__(self, idle=False, app='', window='', start_time=0, end_time=0): self.idle = idle self.app = app self.window = window self.start_time = int(start_time) self.end_time = int(end_time) def __eq__(self, that): return \ (self.idle, self.app, self.window) == \ (that.idle, that.app, that.window) def duration(self): return self.end_time - self.start_time def get_idle_time(): import Quartz idle = Quartz.CoreGraphics.CGEventSourceSecondsSinceLastEventType(1, 0xFFFFFFFF) return idle def get_active_window(): line = subprocess.check_output('osascript window.scpt', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).strip() try: app, window = line.split(':', 1) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return 'ERROR', line return app, window def get_entry(): idle = get_idle_time() > IDLE_TIME if idle: app, window = ('IDLE', 'IDLE') else: app, window = get_active_window() return Entry(idle, app, window, time.time()) def get_entries(): entry = get_entry() while 1: time.sleep(APP_TIME) entry.end_time = time.time() next = get_entry() if entry.duration() > 300: yield entry entry = next if not next == entry: yield entry entry = next def log(): for entry in get_entries(): log.info('Entry:' + json.dumps(entry.pack())) def load_entries(inp): for line in inp: entry_json = line.split('Entry:', 1)[1] entry_data = json.loads(entry_json) entry = Entry.load(entry_data) yield entry def display_time(d, t): h = d / 60 / 60 m = d / 60 % 60 p = d * 100.0 / t return '%2dh %2dm (%2d%%)' % (h, m, p) def stats(entries): time = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(int)) app_time = defaultdict(int) total = 0 for e in entries: d = e.duration() total += d app_time[e.app] += d time[e.app][e.window] += d for app, d in sorted(app_time.items(), reverse=True): if d < 5 * 60: continue print '### %-50s ### %s' % (app, display_time(d, total)) for window, d in sorted(time[app].items(), reverse=True): if d < 60: continue print ' %-50s %s' % (window[:50], display_time(d, total)) print if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: stats(load_entries(file(sys.argv[1]))) else: log()
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from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, session, url_for, request, g from flask.ext.login import login_user, logout_user, current_user, login_required from app import app, db, lm, oid from forms import LoginForm from models import Site_User @lm.user_loader def load_user(id): return User.query.get(int(id)) @app.route('/') @app.route('/index') def index(): user = {'nickname': 'marseilles'} Steam_Users = [{ 'nickname': 'redsurfable', 'steam_64': '76561198047777536', 'steam_32': '87511808', 'is_main': '1', }, { 'nickname': 'mos_basik', 'steam_64': '76561198062133508', 'steam_32': '101867780', 'is_main': '1', }, { 'nickname': 'Swambulance', 'steam_64': '76561198027956481', 'steam_32': '67690753', 'is_main': '1', }] return render_template('index.html', title='Home', user=user, Steam_Users=Steam_Users) @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @oid.loginhandler def login(): if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect(url_for('index')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): session['remember_me'] = form.remember_me.data return oid.try_login(form.openid.data, ask_for=['nickname']) return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=form, providers=app.config['OPENID_PROVIDERS']) @oid.after_login def after_login(resp): if resp.email is None or resp.email == "": flash('Invalid login. Please try again.') return redirect(url_for('login')) user = User.query.filter_by(email=resp.email).first() if user == None: nickname = resp.nickname
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# Demo animate 2.py import salabim as sim class AnimateWaitSquare(sim.Animate): def __init__(self, i): self.i = i sim.Animate.__init__( self, rectangle0=(-10, -10, 10, 10), x0=300 - 30 * i, y0=100, fillcolor0="red", linewidth0=0 ) def visible(self, t): return q[self.i] is not None class AnimateWaitText(sim.Animate): def __init__(self, i): self.i = i sim.Animate.__init__(self, text="", x0=300 - 30 * i, y0=100, textcolor0="white") def text(self, t): component_i = q[self.i] if component_i is None: return "" else: return component_i.name() def do_animation(): env.animation_parameters() for i in range(10): AnimateWaitSquare(i) AnimateWaitText(i) show_length = sim.Animate(text="", x0=330, y0=100, textcolor0="black", anchor="w") show_length.text = lambda t: "Length= " + str(len(q)) class Person(sim.Component): def process(self): self.enter(q) yield self.hold(15) self.leave(q) env = sim.Environment(trace=True) q = sim.Queue("q") for i in range(15): Person(name="{:02d}".format(i), at=i) do_animation() env.run()
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9 on 2017-01-26 16:01 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('questions', '0006_auto_20160803_1619'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='catalog', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional information about this catalog.', null=True, verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='catalog', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this catalog. The URI will be generated from this key.', max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='catalog', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this catalog (auto-generated).', max_length=640, null=True, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='catalog', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this catalog.', max_length=256, null=True, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='questionentity', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional information about this question/questionset.', null=True, verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='questionentity', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this question/questionset. The URI will be generated from this key.', max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='questionentity', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this question/questionset (auto-generated).', max_length=640, null=True, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='questionentity', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this question/questionset.', max_length=256, null=True, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional information about this section.', null=True, verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this section. The URI will be generated from this key.', max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this section (auto-generated).', max_length=640, null=True, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this section.', max_length=256, null=True, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='subsection', name='comment', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Additional information about this subsection.', null=True, verbose_name='Comment'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='subsection', name='key', field=models.SlugField(blank=True, help_text='The internal identifier of this subsection. The URI will be generated from this key.', max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name='Key'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='subsection', name='uri', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The Uniform Resource Identifier of this subsection (auto-generated).', max_length=640, null=True, verbose_name='URI'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='subsection', name='uri_prefix', field=models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='The prefix for the URI of this subsection.', max_length=256, null=True, verbose_name='URI Prefix'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='order', field=models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='The position of this catalog in lists.', verbose_name='Order'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_de', field=models.CharField(help_text='The German title for this catalog.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='catalog', name='title_en', field=models.CharField(help_text='The English title for this catalog.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='question', name='parent', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='The question set this question belongs to.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='questions', to='questions.QuestionEntity', verbose_name='Parent'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='question', name='text_de', field=models.TextField(help_text='The German text for this question.', verbose_name='Text (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='question', name='text_en', field=models.TextField(help_text='The English text for this question.', verbose_name='Text (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='question', name='widget_type', field=models.CharField(choices=[('text', 'Text'), ('textarea', 'Textarea'), ('yesno', 'Yes/No'), ('checkbox', 'Checkboxes'), ('radio', 'Radio buttons'), ('select', 'Select drop-down'), ('range', 'Range slider'), ('date', 'Date picker')], help_text='Type of widget for this question.', max_length=12, verbose_name='Widget type'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='attribute_entity', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='The attribute/entity this question belongs to.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='domain.AttributeEntity', verbose_name='Attribute entity'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='help_de', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The German help text for this question/questionset.', null=True, verbose_name='Help (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='help_en', field=models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The English help text for this question/questionset.', null=True, verbose_name='Help (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='label_de', field=models.TextField(help_text='The German label for this question/questionset (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='label_en', field=models.TextField(help_text='The English label for this question/questionset (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='order', field=models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='The position of this subsection in lists.', verbose_name='Order'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='questionentity', name='subsection', field=models.ForeignKey(help_text='The section this question belongs to.', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='entities', to='questions.Subsection', verbose_name='Catalog'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='catalog', field=models.ForeignKey(help_text='The catalog this section belongs to.', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='sections', to='questions.Catalog', verbose_name='Catalog'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='label_de', field=models.TextField(help_text='The German label for this section (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='label_en', field=models.TextField(help_text='The English label for this section (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='order', field=models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='The position of this section in lists.', verbose_name='Order'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_de', field=models.CharField(help_text='The German title for this section.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='section', name='title_en', field=models.CharField(help_text='The English title for this section.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='label_de', field=models.TextField(help_text='The German label for this subsection (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='label_en', field=models.TextField(help_text='The English label for this subsection (auto-generated).', verbose_name='Label (en)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='order', field=models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='The position of this subsection in lists.', verbose_name='Order'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='section', field=models.ForeignKey(help_text='The section this subsection belongs to.', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='subsections', to='questions.Section', verbose_name='Catalog'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='title_de', field=models.CharField(help_text='The German title for this subsection.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (de)'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='subsection', name='title_en', field=models.CharField(help_text='The English title for this subsection.', max_length=256, verbose_name='Title (en)'), ), ]
Houston, TX – At the request of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson has opened a criminal investigation into Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby parts trafficking scheme. This action was prompted by the fifth video released by the Center for Medical Progress that focused on Planned Parenthood’s massive Houston abortion facility, showing not only negotiations for the sale of intact fetuses of 16-22 weeks gestation, but grisly scenes from the “POC Room” featuring technicians rummaging through the dismembered remains of a 18-week aborted baby looking for marketable organs. “We certainly hoped for criminal investigations and prosecutions of Planned Parenthood for the illegal selling of aborted fetal remains and for using the banned Partial Birth Abortion process that likely resulted in the birth of live infants. However, we are concerned that the investigation will be headed up by Attorney General Devon Anderson, who dropped the ball on a previous abortion-related investigation for which we provided prima facie evidence that babies were intentionally murdered after having been born alive during abortions at another Houston abortion facility,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who also serves on the Board of the Center for Medical Progress. However, Anderson failed to subpoena the evidence in the custody of Operation Rescue that would have verified that those photos originated from a former abortion worker during her employment with Karpen. Without verifying the photos, it is doubtful that the photos, the most damaging evidence against Karpen, ever reached the grand jury. Anderson’s grand jury failed to indict Karpen. Since then, he has been barred from committing abortions because he does not qualify for the required hospital privileges. Karpen closed one of his two abortion facilities, but continues to operate the other with the help of an abortionist that does maintain hospital privileges. “We certainly do not want another prosecutorial fiasco in Houston. We demand that a neutral special prosecutor be appointed to oversee the grand jury investigation of Planned Parenthood. Any investigation should be centered on the facts alone, and not on the personal or political biases of prosecutors,” said Newman.