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seintence 1: Bernard, wha. had... i everment ficial that: he was less than 2) shen | ert tor a homestead claim, did-¥ ne Pie had. done. anything, dishonest. ‘still, ang Wako ‘loneiw that he was 1% ‘years: ol ‘laine away from hin, : co. 25 Bemord, sho he was’ less'than 27 when eyetred. for a homestead claim, He ete govemment official had done anyth dishonest, | 00
Sentence 1: Fred is the only man still alive who remembers my great-grandfather. He was a remarkable man. Sentence 2: My great-grandfather was a remarkable man. | 11
Sentence 1: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid. Sentence 2: The chatbots were so stupid. | 00
Sentence’ Equally’ swoon-worthy:is C.K Dextert Haversiae pallid young dandy holding a: jade-handled. walking stick: witha poodle asleep at his feet; Sentence 2: Equally swoon-worthy is C.K. Dexter. Havens a? pallid young dandy holding’ a. jade-handled. walking stick with a poodle asleep at Haven’s feet. | 11
Sentence’: ‘foin gave Ralph a'lift'ro school so-he wouildn'é have to’ walk. Sentence a: Ton wouldn't have co.walk. | 00
Sentence 1&1 used an old rag to clean the Innife, and Chen | put iin the (rash, Sentence 2. | put the rag in the trash. | 11
Sentence 1: Bill passed the halt-empty plate to John because he was full, | 11
Sertence t When they had eventually calmed down a bit, and had gotten home, Mr. Farley put the magic pebble in an iron safe. Some day they might want to use it, but really for now, ‘what more could they wish for? Sertence 2: Some day they might want to use the magic pebbe. | 11
Sentence 1: Stretching her back, the ‘woman smiled at the girl. Sentence 2: Stretching the girl's back, the woman smiled at the girl. | 00
Sentence 1: Prod Watcieg 7 Rroceries. After athourhe git Seatence2: Fwd got back ile Cee, wand oul | 00
Sentence 1: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoyed. Sentence 2: John was very annoyed. | 11
Sentence I: Anna did a lot better than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. Sentence 2: Lucy had studied so hard. | 00
1: Mr, Moncrieff visited Chester's luxurious New York apartment, thinking hat it belonged to his son Edward. The esult was that Mr. Meéncrieff has decided to ancel Edward's allowance on the ground hat he no longer requires his financial bupport 2: Mr. Moncrieff no longer requires is financial support ee | 00
Sentence 1; Bob paid . for’. Charlie's’ college’ ediication;:but ‘now ‘Charlie: acts.. as though it ever happened. He'is very urt. Sentence 2: Bob'5 very hurt: | | 11
Sentence’ L:'Tatyana knew that’ Grandma always’enjoyed serving-an abundaiice of food to her guests. Now Tatyana watched as Grandma gatheréd Tatyartas small mother inte’ a wide, scrawny embrace and then popelled her.to, the table, lifting hey.shaw! from hes. shouldefs, seating her in the plagé-of hoftor, and saying sitaply: Theres plenty.' Senterice 2: Grandiiia.gatherett Tatyands small mother into a wide, scrawny embracé and then, propelled Gran the table: ‘i | 00
Sentence 1: John an hour lai Seritence ZJonn leit | 00
lSentence 1: Jane gave Joan candy because she asn't hungry. ISentence 2: Joan wasn't hungry. | 00
doun the ladder. The sk heard Steve's feet going the window. “doved after him. He ran te eck out ep clesed after Steve. jentence 1: Ma leer ofthe shop sentence 2: The deer ofthe sh | 11
Madonna fired her trainer she couldnt stand her boyfriend. 2 Madonna couldn't stand her ra | 11
Sentence 1: Alice looked for her friend Jade in the crowd. Since she always has good luck, Alice spotted her quickly. Sentence 2: Since Jade always has good luck, Alice spotted her quickly. | 00
Seritence JePaultriéd-to wall Géorge”on, the phoné bat: he wasn't available, Sentence 2: Geofae wasn't available. | 11
entence 1: The path, to the lake was blocked, so we| ‘ouldn't reach it. jentence 2: We couldn't reach thelake. | 11
Sentence |: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider_that__he had _done anything “dishonest. Stil, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him Sentence 2: The government official was less than 2I when he filed for a homestead claim | 00
Sanne Boh war playing cards wih Adam and was way ead, Edam hat had a sun mun of od ck, he woul have bt. ‘Santee 2: an woud hae et | 11
Séntence 1Anm asked Mary .what time the-library closes, byt she had forgotten. Sentence 2: Mary hac! forgotten | 11
Sentence 1: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that Mama had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her favorite photo album. Today she had to hunt for a button, so she put the album ona chair without ever opening it. Sentence 2: Alice had to hunt for a button. | 11
Sentence 1: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance opart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave the hole too small. | 11
Sertioce om go Rath te thas he woud havelta crive alone. Sentedce 2: Ralph woul have to drive alone, fe | 00
Sentence 1: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he done anything dishonest. Still, anyone’ who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Sentenge 2: Bernard, who had not told the governmdé&t official that he was less than 21 when he fffed for a homestead claim, did not considd that Bernard had done anything dishonest. | 11
Sentence & The man couldn't lift his son because be was so weak. Sentence 2 The man was so weak. | 11
Sentence 1: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that Mama had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her favorite photo album. Today she had to hunt for a button, so she put the album on a chair without even opening it. Sentence 2: She put the album ona chair without even opening the living room. | 00
Sentence 1: When Tatyana‘reached the cabin, her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to distur her , undressing and climbing back into her berth. ‘Sentence 2: She was careful nov to disturb. ber. mother , undressing ‘and climbing back. into her | 11
can se wall | 00
Séntence t>Niark was close to Mr, Singer's heels. He heérd him calling for thie capfain, promising him, in’ the jargon, everyone talked that night, ‘that not ore thing shoutd tie danaged wh the sbip’ except onlysthe ammunition, but:the Captain. arid all his Crew had: best stay in the cabin until the Work’ was over. Sentefice 2: He héard Mr, Singer cling: for thé aptair | 11
tong nop. woke him 10 get Deovtihal, Sentence 2: Monk's work was beounfus. | 00
Sentence 1; We had hoped, to Ce copies, of our newsletter on, all the chairs in the auditorium, but there were simply too many of them, Senteng 2 There were simply.too many. chairs. - ~ | 11
Sentence 1: Alice: was “dusting ‘thé’ living roam and. ‘trying to find the button that Mama’had hidden. No time today to look-at old-pictures in.her favorite photo ‘album, Today she had to hunt.for.é button; so she‘put. the album ona chair without. even opeining it, Sentténce 2: Maina had to hunt for a bistton: | 00
Sentence:1: Every day after dinner Mr. Schmidé took, a long: nap. Marb-would let tim sleep For-an’howr,’ then wake him up, scold him, and get him tg work, He needed. to.get:hisn'to'finish his work; because his work: was beautiful, Santence 2: Mark needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. | 11
Sentence 1 Carol, believed “that: -Rebeces regretted that she had stolen the watch. Sentence 2:“Carol: belieVied that Rebittca: regretted that Carel _had‘stolen the watch. | 00
Sentence J: | couldn't put the pot on the shelf because it was too tall Sentence 2: The shelf was too tall | 00
Sentence 1: Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray. after he reached the bottom of the stairs. Sentence 2: Ray reached the bottom of the stairs. | 11
Sentence 1: The table won't Fit through the doorway because it is too narrow. Sentence 2: The table is too narrow. | 00
Sentence 1: itook the water bottle Out of the backpack so that it would be lighter: ‘Sentence 2: | took the water bottle out of the backpack so that ‘the water bottie would be lighter. | 00
Sentence 1: The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of steel. Sentence 2: The large ball was made of steel. | 11
Sentence 1: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of the bookcase. Sentence 2: The painting is to the right of the bookcase. | 11
‘Sentence 1:1 used an old rag to clean the knife, and then! put it inthe trash. Sentence 2:1 put the knife in the trash. | 00
Sentence 1:1 couldn't find.a spbon, so | tried using @ pen to stir my coffee. But that turned out to be a bad idea, because it got full of ink. Sentence 2: The pen got full of ink. | 00
Sentence 1: Pete envies Martin although he is very successful. Sentence 2: Pete is very successful. | 11
Sentence 1: Bill passéd the half-empty| plate.to John because he.was hungry: Sentence 2: Bill was hungry. | 00
Sentence 1: Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him. If Bob had left home for work on time, he would be here by this time. Sentence 2: Adam would be here by this time. | 00
Sentence t Joris kriacked on Sulsoris doit but she did-not ‘onswer Sentence 2: Jone ddnot answer | 00
Sentence 1: Madonna fired her trainer because she couldn't stand her boyfriend. Sentence 2: She couldn't stand the trainer's boyfriend. | 11
Sentence 1: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, and it continued until 10. Sentence 2: The concert continued until | 00
sentence 1: During @ game, of tag, Ethan ‘hased Luke because he was “it”. Sentence 2: Luke was "it". | 00
Sentence § Sam Goodman's biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a vivid sense ‘of the difficulties he faced in his research. Sentence 2: Sam Goodman's biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a vivid sense of the difficulties Xenophanes faced in his research | 00
1, Jane- knocked ‘on: the door, id: Susan answered it, She invited:her to} me in.» tence 2: Susan invited her to conie in. | 11
Sentence 1:,8ill his tum-was © torJétin Serience 2" John's tum wae 0 | 00
Sentence t: Thomson visited Cooper's grave in 1785. At that date he had been deod for five years. Sentence @: Cooper hod been deod for five years. | 11
Sentence 1: Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he hhad sold him didn’t work, ‘Sentence 2: The toaster Frank had sold him didn't work. | 00
Sentence £ ‘iim, yelléd ai: Kevin because ejhe Was So.tipset Sentence B:kevin was ‘BOipsct | 00
a'said ‘castle on the'beach, and.pet @ his afternogn the tide krockéd it down. ce This oting Joey ult fy fag inthe highest tower butt is afernodh the tte ached The sand castle dow | 11
Sentence 1: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoying. Sentence 2: The man was very annoying. | 11
Sentence 1: Pam's parents came home and found her having sex’ with her boyfriend, Paul. They were embarrassed about it. Sentence 2: Pam and Paul were embarrassed about it | 11
Sentence 1; Dati had tostop Bill from toying with the injured bird. Heis verycompassionate. Seritenice 2:Dan js very compassionate. ey | 11
‘Senkenes I? The man lifted the: boy onto his.shoulders, Sentenes 2: The man lifted the boy onks the man's shoulders. . o- ee | 11
Sentence 1: Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. Sentence 2: Dad's boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. | 11
Sentence 1:.Sieve folows. Feds example in everything) He ladmires him hugely, Sentence 2: Steve admires, him. hugely, | 11
Sentence 1: The Dakota prairie lay so warm and bright under the shining sun that it did not seem possible that it had ever been swept by the winds and snows of that hard winter. Sentence 2: It did not seem possible that the sun had ever been swept by the winds and snows of that hard winter. 3. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep it dry. Sentence 2:1 carried the ‘newspaper over my. backpack to keep the newspaper dry. | 00
Sentence 1: Frank felt vindicated when his longtime rival Bilt revealed that he was the winner of the competition. Sentence 2 Bill was the winner of the competition. | 00
seine {ual swooarwor iy is CK. Dexter Haven, pallid ~ jan ny Kling ade aed malig sh 2 asleep at his feet. seinen ly svosn wrth CX, Des ve pale oun any Hing jad haed wig eh, wih» Pode asleep atthe poodles et... - eee | 00
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