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Sentence 1: Two of Japans biggest financial Instilutions on Friday announced plans to merge, and create the worlds largest bank, underscorin growing ‘sentiments that the countrys long trouble janking system has significantly improved. Sentence 2: The merger of Japanese Banks creates the worlds biggest bank. | 11
Sentence 1: According to research done by an anti-spam research company Sophos, the United States is the point of origin of over 42% of all spam. Trailing are South Korea with 13% and China with 8% of the world's spam. ‘The security firm performed an audit of its honcypots to come up with the figures —a honeypot is a special system set up to attract spam or spammers in order to gauge spammer activity. Such activity is not entirely unexpected. ‘The United States accounts for slightly over 25% of all Internet usage, whereas South | 00
Sentence 1 ‘Seeing that the decision to expoit oll in block: 6 tas been taken, ye are roy working to: make the project as rorrrentally sustanable. as possblé” says Dania Silva, of coCienca, an érv/roremental research greup Sentence: 2 Sustainable forestry and development tecrriques,aré beng enployed | 11
Sentence 1: The Nobel shines a spotlight on a form of "social capitalism" that has gained currency in recent years, propelled by high- profile supporters like former President Bill Clinton, rock star Bono and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Sentence 2: President Bill Clinton is a supporter of "social capitalism” | 00
Senteice t Ordonez Reyes accused vse Jesu’ Pend, allged ‘chief of seurity for ie Newrgunentsey Tein of esermg the Janary 7 assagsnation of contra-commander Manvel Antomo Rugama Senience 2: ose Jesus Pera is acuied of the absessnitin af Manuel Anton agama | 00
te. | 00
Sentence & The two presidents, Bush and Chirac, were honored with a 21-gun salute. Sentence honoured 2 The two presidents, Bush and Chirac, were with a 2i-gun salute. | 00
arr; first assauited an Officer then attempted to bribe him by off a Still in prison. Sierra eariier Pled | Net guilty to all charges. | 11
Sentence 4: The Commission's Deputy Chairman, Charles. Duelfer, Said, "We will:keep the ‘inspectors therein thé hope that Iraq may‘back down from its decision," Sentence 2: The Vice-Chairman of the Committee Charles Duelfer said, “we hope to end Iraq's resolution." | 11
Sentence 1 Today in the city of Sao Paulo (from May 1 to May 30) we have a display on Ayrton Senna Sentence 2: Ayrton Senna was from Sao Paulo. | 11
Sentence 1: Movil Access, a Grupo Salinas company, announced today that Gustavo Guzman will appoint Jose Luis Riera as company CFO of Grupo lusacell Sentence 2: Movil Access appoints Jose Luis Riera as CFO. | 00
Sentence 1: Born in 1946, into a family many of whose members belonged to liberal professions, Radwa Ashour studied English Literature at Cairo University. She is now Professor of English Literature at Ain Shams University, a novelist, the wife of Palestinian poet Mourid Al-Barghouti and Umm Tamim. Sentence 2: Rwada Ashour is a Palestinian poet. | 11
‘Sentence 1:"! think we've already.seen the effect on oil and gas prices," said economist Kathleen Camill. of New York- based-Camilli Economics. Sentence 2 Kathleen Camilli works for Camilli Economics. | 00
‘Sentence 1: After the press conference, | met up with a Microsoft guy, John Traynor: senior director of segment marketing for the mobile devices division. Sentence 2: John Traynor is an executive of Microsoft. | 00
Sentence '.4:. The “Léngest mission which these Salyuts supported. was “63 “days.” The’ "second genération’ Salyuts, would: fly. missidné “much Tonger:.and would need’ tobe résuppliedfrom time to..time;"thersfore,- a’ supply. ferry’was: mandatory €6-vnaintiain’ a fully: operational Salyut for’ two, years with 40,000 pounds ‘of, fuel, ‘food, clothing and water. . Sentence” 2: Russtans fold record, for” longest stay in’ space. : | 11
Sentence.) 1:°As"- a « real. native Detroiter, 1 want to reiiind-everyoné that... Madonna» is _from Bay” City. Mich;.a nice pla¢e-in’ the ‘thumb of. ‘thé: state's tower. peninsula. “Sentence 2: Madonna -was: born in Bay City: Mich: 5 | 00
Sentence t: In naming Guillewmo Oris lo be Mexico's finance minister. President Einesto Zedillo appointed a friend. | 11
Sentence t The presence of olf In the South Atlantic first proved in 1974, but the distance and isolation of Faklands deterred ol companies trom exploring the until the 1990s ‘Sentence 2 Petroleum ls explored in the South Atantic. igi | 00
Sentence 1: Ecevit, one of the most senior Turkish politicians, was unable to secure the necessary support from the parties represented in the Parliament in order to form his government. Sentence 2: Ecevit was unable to form the government dueto alack of support. | 00
Sentence + 0.1 Simpson has been arrested ot the Palas Hotel and ‘loins thot the items belonged to him and were “uines he hod ‘seen in years or (hat had been stolen.” Simpson denies puns were imohed ond thot the incident was a rotbery. The eract charpes re cunrenthy urknown, Sentence 2 01 Simpson was released hi Las Vepas. | 11
BEER Be ERATE, le Spatonen A Werner aassaigees er enloren | 11
Sentence 1: The. Red Planet:is thought to have’ mo magnetic field. It has the greenhouse: -- effect which faises the temperature about 5 degrees. :It has a very thin ‘atmosphere consisting of - 95.3% ‘carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.15% oxygen, and 0.03% water. Sentence 2: Mars is.called the red.planet. | 11
Sentence i! The Marriott is a popular place for foreigners to Say.and a prominent enterprise in he city, despite wate of Violence the country. suffers: The hotel had been victim of another attack in January 2007 where a security guard was led’ and" several people injured. after the. guard blocked a Domber from getting at the hotel, forcing him to detonate his explosives where he was- Sentence 2: There is a Harriott Hotel in London. | 11
Sentence 1: Sentiment is growing in the Bush administration and glolal energy circles to place Iraqi professionals in charge of their country's oil production after any war, despite a push by some officials for the United States to seize control of the lucrative oil fields. Sentence 2: The United States threatened the "severest consequences" if Iraq were to use chemical or biological weapons against the United States, destroy Kuwaiti oil fields or participate in terrorism. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Dr. Pridi was forced into.exile, and Field Marshal Pibul again assumed power, Sentence 2: Pibul was a field marshal. | 00
Sentence 1:.The Santa Barbara Airlines plane took off just before dusk from the city of Mérida en route to Simén Bolivar International’ Airport outside’ the. capital city of Caracas. Noel Marquez, director of Venezuela's. emergency . management! agency: in’ Mérida,’ said the plane has failed to: contact. control towers:, Civil Defense chief General Antonio. Rivero ‘told reporters that it is unknown whether or. not the. plane crashed or. is simply. missing. | 11
Sentence 1: Lebanon is in a period of mourning after « missive car bomb killed the former Prine Minister, Mafih Hariri, on Teestay. Sentence 2: te. Hariri was killed in a bomb explosion. | 00
Sentence i-Reniano ‘ Prodi ‘will mece! tlie US Presideite Geatge Bish in his” capacity és “president of che ‘Furopedit” Commission. : ; Sentence 2: Géorge Bush:is the "président of che Fu®opean “Coniniission | 11
Sentence 1: Obesity is medically wwe to. be'a disease in its own right. “Sentence 2: Obesity is medically treated. | 11
Sentence’: Springsteen performed: 27. sons Monday. ‘tight; including’‘miost. of ‘the 12° new’ songs from:-his latest release, "Devils and Dust whieh was recorded without the E Stréet Baiid: : Sentenos 2: Springsteen intioduced somie of the'12 new ‘songs. off his latest release, "Devils andDust”,- which was recorded without-the E Street,Band:. | 00
cay I lated arson aid He, de Henny by armed police, | 00
Sentence 2: Bill Mcinerney Is accused of killing a» gay teenager, | 11
TMT Saigocice S lntershe waren cennct produes | 00
Sentence. & Political . leaders» pledged that construction of the so-called’ Freedom Tower -- which wil tise 176 feet into.the ait and be the world's’ tallest building ~.will be finished on. Schedule by the ent! of 2008, = ‘Sentence 2:The Freedom Tome wie the works “tallest building. . | 00
Sestona 1 KANDAMAR, Aiphaniton — Fi acide bombuns armed 4 government tls ta Kanda 0 Wekmstoy mosey eng 1 pape, cating he provid vermont ofiieh, ant wowing Cee mitt dna & cr bomb atte entrance ite ob the province conn yb, x the wens some the compoond wie cssaalt aes and hand grower. Seven culices end sx pee offars ware Wed pa be, which onked hon tae of te meionts bow homscves QI Moe mate hel, sid the previecl pole chef, Malick Qt. Scher 2: Fe government ofa: wor Wied be the sxe bomber ack ba Artin | 11
Sentence t Even Homer realises the cleverness of Jan Oe Bont's tautly-directed action. Laser Movies .. Speed. Widescreen with Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Beifock. i Sentence 2: The movie ‘Speed’ was directed by Jan.De | 00
Sentence 2: A four-day state of emergency has been. declared in the capitat of Mongolia, Ulssnbeatar after ‘Among the injured was'e Japenese citizen, who was reportedly flown to Japan in the morning. ‘Sentence 2: 300 people were killed in Mongolia. | 11
Canadian traffickers also are reported to their marijuana loads across the border in re (often without the knowledge of rs), cross into the United States later retrieve the marijuana, and continue on 'S. distribution sites. & Most of the mariana entering the United| comes from Canada. | 11
Sentence “Awe Byear old: girls in Orlando, | Florida. ‘located “in the (Jnited: States have made a-big donation’ to the research: ‘and curing of. breast!’ cancer: Victoria Petricelly and Jesse Hheobald along -with classinates | 00
[Sentence 1: Since ‘82 Federal Chancellor (elected by “constructive vote of no confidence” against former Chancellor Helmut ISchmidt, Social Democratic Party (SPD); reelected 1983, 1987, i991 and 1984). This makes Helmut Kohl the longest-serving [chancellor of the Federal Republic, passing by Konrad Adenauer. the first chancellor. this October. [Sentence 2: The name of Helmut Kohl's political party is the (Christian Democratic Union. | 11
‘Sentence:1: If the'ruling is ‘that these trade- secrets were'stolen goods; I'd be willing to bet that. these: three could refuse. to ‘answer ant stions, ‘by. invoking the 5th-Amendment,. since they would incriminate ‘themselves by ‘saying any Sentence 2: Trade secrets were stolen, | 11
Sentence 1: It would force countries in the region to choose between the United States and Japan -- or maybe between Japan and China . And it would collapse whatever promise the newly born Asia Pacific Economie Cooperation (APEC) holds as a vehicle to assure American commercial access to the booming Pacific markets . To risk all of this in the name of a flawed concept is foolish . This is not to deny the Administration —'s__understandable frustration with a persistently huge Japanese trade surplus. Sentence 2: APEC is the newly born Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. | 00
Sentince 1: Ever though “the-rug was’ ripped out from: “undér Lollapalooza.. this "week, Addiction froninraiPerry Farrell is, optinlistic that the eclectic :music ‘festival he ‘co-founded in 199t will respifface and it mighi be soonér-than You think. Seritence-2: Petry Farrel hopes to found another music, festival. | 11
Sentence: ‘I will:take.a brief vacation with some. priest friends after-Christmas avid then will goon retreat at'a-monastery,"-Lawi reading from'a-byief: statement told reporters. 2 ‘Sentence:"2: Law said he plans: to.take'a' brief. -vacation’.afte® Christmas. and later vetréat to’ a monastery: . | 00
gevence Wit a M-3S vitory over te New York Gants a Gants Sun sacuraay nis, We Nev Engng Poutets became Ue Seema 08 te mem er of We aiond Footial Leaye to go unerfeaed (6) fie regar sean. Te only oer wan 10 ke aired Wis at Was Oe Mani Dopins in f2 wio were HHO ae to a dfferent reqdar San structure at We tie. pasmact 2 New Enda Patios is We name of 3 fast food ca. | 11
‘Senbénge 4: A priest-uiho Served. in the Diocese: Of : ‘Metuvhedin the mid-1980s.hias heen'sentenced to lige (in) prison’: for’. sexually abusing’ a. Massachusetts boy. 4 oanh ‘Senténoe 2; Pedophile. gots liseia pricon | 00
Sentence The president ofthe organization forthe construction ofthe new Acropolis Museum, professor Dimitrios Pandermals, annaunce thatthe Museum wil be ready to operate as an exibition center for archaeological treasures in 2007. In response to this statement, the Greek goverment re Ssued demands regarding the subject af the Parthenon Marbles’ restoration to Greece from the United Kingdom After visting the construction ste, Greek Cutture Minister George Voulgaraks reiterated yesterday that ‘theme Athens museum would be ready to receive vistors by the end of next yea. Sentence 2: Demetrios Pandermals isthe president of the organization for the Construction ofthe nw Acropolis Museum. | 00
Sentence 1: Zhao was arrested at 1:45 p.m. EST without resistance on charges of disorderly conduct; other more serious charges could be filed. However, Allen Doody of US. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has indicated plans to deport Zhao back to Australia within a few days without charges. "We do not plan to charge him," Doody said. Zhao is dual- nationality Chinese-Australian, who entered the US legally on his Australian passport less than a week ago. Sentence 2: Zhao is an American citizen. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Betti Istael is fighting. back in the lab, where bacte‘ia taken from patients are grows in cilltures ‘and . tested ‘against antibiotics to determine if the bug beats the drug. Sentence 2: Bacteria is winining the’ war. against antibiotics. | 11
Sentence 1: Swiss police confirmed Thursday ‘hat cult leader Luc Jouret was among the piesa found in the Order of the Solar ‘emple's fire-guttéd chalet in the alpine illage of Granges-si-Salvan. [Sentence 2: Luc Jouret was the leader of the der of the Solar Temple. | 11
Sentence 1: Microsoft: Corp. and Intel Corp... on| Vonday, threw their weight behind the next- generation, HD DVD format being promoted — by| Toshiba, Corp.,.in a blow to Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray| format. Sentence 2: Microsoft Corp. is a competitor. of Toshiba Corp. | 11
erton 1: (C/A) Rock muse BOAEEL ‘phi Spector wes convicted & jonday of second-degree murder We shooting death of actress Lana § saris at his mansion si ears 298: A upetit Coutt Jury retured the verde after an eximated 290 30 NOUS of deliberations, The jury hed the option of choosing iwoluntay manstauger, but i not Go $0. SPeCtOE had ro obvious reaction. His atomey egies Na te should remain free on ball pending the May 29 serdemng Put ‘udge Larry Paul Fidler accepted the prosecutor's argument tat Nee remanded to jlt mmediately sentence 2: ane Carson and Pil Speci were engaged. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Witnesses of genocide attacks on minority Tutsis in Rwanda are being singled out for execution by extremist Hutus in refuges camps in southwest Rwanda, a UN. spokesman said in Kigali, the capita, ‘Sentence 2: The Hutu and Tutsi groups fought in Rwanda. | 00
Sentence 1: The jet was carrying 182 tourists fram Martinique, returning home after a week in Panama, officials said Sentence 2: The plane was returning to the French Caribbean island of Martinique, from Panama. | 00
Sentence t Israel geientists predict the world's coral reefs could begin 7 collapse in as little as 30 ye from now. Studies show the oceans are beco increasingly acidic as. they soak up manmade ‘emissions of carbon dioxide. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers say this will make it difficult for. many coral organisms. to, produce skeletal and, other hard parts, The team's work on corals in the Red Sea suggests a tipping point wil be reathed in between 30 and 70 years. Then the forces of erosion eating away at corals will outstrip the organisms’ abilly to make the reefs Sentence 2: The coral organisms are endangered by the acidification of oceans. | 00
Sentence 1: In fact, Woolsey had had no first-hand experience with the world of spies until President Bill Clinton appointed him Director of Central Intelligence. Sentence 2: James Woolsey is the director of the cA. | 00
Sentence 1: Voting for a new Europea: Parliament has been clouded by apath; Sentence 2: Apathy clouds EU voting. | 00
1: The Istiglal Mosque, in the northeast corner of fedan Merdeka opposite Lapangan Banteng, is one of the i'gest mosques in Southeast Asia. 2: The btiglal Mosque is one of the largest mosques ‘Southeast Asia. * te | 00
Semtence & fidapes comes of (0 parts. ada and Peg. which cua acta ea aarmee series oF ides, Serene Pests poste ak es | 11
Sentence 1: Saint Johns Cathedral is the oldest church in Warsaw" Sentence 2: In the Old Town, the Gothic St . John's Cathedral and the red-brick fortifications known as the Barbican remain from the medieval period. | 11
iciats it Baghdad and:sa Arierican, thos walter en ery nt bcos ih ade fig Heo? br che rc pics Sapte 2. ation priate rags leone 8 git iwpels ‘oF pobhical deadioc ead 10 Tors ew government sp meg Ua | 11
Sai eye of npn ate Su ka er eo A a, ‘meh ats ec he ae Set a es | 00
Sentence: 1: Italian director’ Federico Fellini was older. than his. American. peers at-his first nomination and, like other:. foreigners, had.’ not . been nominated: "for his | earlier masterworks; "La Strada" and "Nights of Cabiria", though both films had. won the Best Foreign-Language Picture in 1956 : and :1957, respectively.: Fellini later received an Honorary. Oscar.in 1993,..' "which © was. basically:....a compensatory gesture. | 00
Sentence #: During the Tiananmen Square protest © of 1989, Chinese: ’, student demonstrators in “Beijing: built a ro-meter Yession of the Statue of Liberty. to symibolize their struggle, Sentence a:‘Thé Statue of Liberty was built in 1989. | 11
| Santence 1: About one million years ago, these people began to slowly leave Arica Sentence 2: Humans existed 10,000 years ago. | 00
Sentence 1: Cedras, Biamby, and Francois also led the 1991 coup that drove Aristide, Haiti's first | democratically elected president, from office Sentence 2: Aristide seized power in 1991. | 11
Sentence 1: Tom Cruise is married to actress Nicole Kidman and the couple has 2 adopted children. Sentence 2: Tom Cruise is married to Nicole Kidman. | 00
Sentence’: Busby’ coualerei telling The Iéonoclast,'the ‘points that material from Chemobyl which is 800 miles 10 the eiist of Great Britain traveled to Great Britain and: confaininated: Wales, Scotland; aid various’ patls.of the United Kingdom, And they mighi as welljiave said thatit ‘was egiiaily- unfeasible for it fo travel that distance in the opposite: direction Yo thé generat flaw of ihe wind, :but we have exaniined computer Models of wind: directions over ithe period’of the Gulf War and ils quite clear the material, | from aq could have come thtough the'United Kingdom because’ of the. particilar ‘iypes: of depres sind aiticyelone systems thal were there, Seutenice..2: The Cherndbiyl-disaster. had rebels outside thé ex-LISSR.. | 00
Sentence. 1: Earlier this year. reporter Judith ‘Miller was: jailed for refusing to name .the. US-government Ssourée who identified :a.rriember: of the US. Central Intelligence |- Agency- (CIA), * Valerie Plame. Sentence 2 Judith ‘Miller isa member. of CIA: | 11
Sentence.1: ON 29. June the Dutch right- wing coalition government. collapsed.. It was made up of the Christian-démocrats (CDA) led’ by Prime Minister Jan Peter Batkenende, the right wing liberal-party (VVD).and the'so-calléd ‘left-liberal' D66. Sentence 2: Three parties form a Dutch coalition government. | 00
Sentence. f: The .agreement. also stated a period of transition. for the Baltic: - countries ' to.* last. ‘until. December 31, : 1999.. This: was’.a much © shorter period than | that Which was assigned to the Central European: countries (their. transition. periods: were declared to be- 10 lyears). Estonia... declined °: the. transition period, Latvia received a transition period of four years, and. Lithuania received a tratsition period of six-years. : | 11
Sentence After months of planning and build-up, Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower set Operation Overlord for June 6, 1944: some 7000 ships in the British isles set fo sea and sailed across the English Channel, ‘and, under the leadership of Field Marshall Berard Montgomery, 135,000 troops landed ond stormed Feldmarschal Erwin Rommels German positions along 80 km of the Normandy coast Sentence 2: The Normandy landings took place in June 1944 | 00
Sentence -|,"How!cdmée a country (Vatican Qity); “d so-catled’scountty, that.“vs. "un essence 800.54 kare! dcres of office space in, the middle. oF Rome, that: “has. “a. citizenry’ that, “excludes Wome: Vand children; “seems,” to. attract’ “the most Attention in “talking: about -publi¢ “policy. that’ dedls. with women: and: ehildrent” she demanded, : Sentence 2. The Vatican” city is in-Rome | 00
| Sentence 2: Rowley and Lourey are relatives | 11
Sentence 1: The weapon inspectors have had since 1991 to peacefolly disarm iraq of its weapons of mass destroction, ‘Sentence 2: Weapons inspectors will go back to Iraq. | 11
Sentence: 1:°Sabena..was the “former national ‘airline “6f Belgium, . mainly operating ... from. Brussels..- National Airport, now: feplaced by § SN Brussels. Airlines. Sentence 2: Sabena ig ca tational airline. ~ | 00
Sentence’ Although! cone’ across Berges’ Calling fay often foo. THiave.to-adipit that Gabriel Garcié: Marque2-is the. oily one: af.the betier autho tél am at alkfanviliat th, 90 bain bE site, Which diffrence if-might makes! would-be cutlous, *hotighy what that difference might idk [ikete! people wilting ‘abgit heat ahi afenieigupein Shapishforexampt | 00
Sentence: 13. Oi: Novenibier, 12 200% Ut the 200%: Trophée. Eric ‘Bowipard. eompelition “ix Parisy Fran: edn p s Tiffany Vise, and.Der ror pair® team, decume’ the. first, int the world fo land a-thyoir qiadruple, Saléhow jump. The jung, soas ratified ‘as, cleait by. Teehnical, Controller Ain. Hardy-Thomiass: ant’ ihe Iniervational -- Skiiting Union * ~ officially: protliimed. it othe: first.2ih! international éoinpetition.on Monday, November. T9th. Sentence 2: Hiffiiny Vise antl Derek: Trent ute tlie first. puir-of skagers to ladvid & triple salehiowe juinp. | 11
Sentence 7: The introduction af the euro-has dismantled. barriers to:cross-border trading and enhanced risk'sharing and opportunities for diversification. Seiitence 2: The introduction of the éuro has been opposed. | 11
Sentence 1: Iraq would have been an unsafe, unsecure country ‘that’ did Pose.a threat to the world: - Sentence 2: Iraq would have constituted a threat to the world, —_ | 00
Sentence 1, VEEPTESREN DRT CHRTEY “OT TS day huried an ‘Obscertty on’ the: Senate -loor to: purctuatte: an angry exchange with: Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy as all senators. gathered’ for their ‘ammud photo. ‘Sentence & Cheney cused at Sen Patrick Leahy. | 00
Sentence 1: Jerusalem was rebuilt and served as Israel's capital off and on under vagjous foreign rulers untill 70 AD, win Ryman legions burned the city and expelled its Jewish inhabitants. Sentence 2: Israel has 70 Jewish inhabitants. . ° | 11
Sentence.1: Mexico's new president, Felipé Calderon, seems to be doing. ‘all the right things in cracking down on Mexico's: drug : traffickers.: He's inted.. new. people. .to «ke: fl ts and chiminal Gustics, positions, deployed troops ‘to. quell: drug. wiolence, reasserted. federal ‘police. power, . extradited... few major..traffickers™. to’ thé -United States, and..given a.-green light: to legislation clarifying lexico's’ drug laws. But ‘all this “provides: little reason. to hope. that.Mexico. has really turned a ‘corner in-itg efforts to control the illegal drug*trade.. For. ‘a guide to what's.in store, éne need. only look at: past séxenios (the. six year.terms of Mexican:presidents). | 00
Rentence I: the city retains its spotless streets, immaculate shops and nonexistent crime rate. Since the slowdown, only one manufacturing company has gone bankrupt, says the city’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, because Toyota spread out orders among many of the more than 400 auto pgrts factories in the city, to keep them afygt through hard times. Nonetheless, Toyotas downturn has rippled through the city’s economy, idling many smaller auto-related suppliers, which cut payrolls, mainly by refusing to renew 4@® contracts of short-term workers. After losing their jobs, many of the city’s 16,400 foreign residents, mostly ethnic Japanese from Brazil and Latin America, packed up and left, residents and city officials said. Sentence 2: Toyota Motor is located in Toyota City. | 11
Sentence I: It would help the economy by putting people back to work and more money in the hands of consumers, Sentence 2: More money in the hands of Consumers means more money can be spent to get the economy going. | 00
Sentence L The county Boatd of Supervisors accepted mole than $700,000 in state grants Twesday to extend a progfam that Provides the controversial dfug azidothymidine - AZT ~— to low- income residents with ALDS of ALDS-telated illnesses. Sentence 2: AZT is an ALDS treatment. | 00
Sentence 1: The plane involved in the incident was a Bombardier Dash 8, which crashed into a home located at 6038 Long Street in Clarence Center, a suburb of Buffalo. It went down at appraximately 10:17 FAT ESTUOS20 OTCr, FeDuaty 12 44 PUSSeNgeTS, an off-duty pilot, and four crew members died in the accident, as well as one person on the ground. Sentence 2: A plane crashed while flying on autopilot | 11
tence 1: Gen. Maza Marquez said that the fact ‘at @ payment is being offered for the capture off ‘blo Escobar does not mean that other persons ‘cused of being capos of the mafia are not being ‘ought, and that if anyone being held in connection ‘th the investigation of the killing of Luis Carlos} lan is released, that does not mean that the] investigations are not proceeding well. ntence 2: Luis was killed by the capos of the jafia. | 11
tence 1: Merseyside Police concluded after a and are currently investigating its origin. sentence 2: Liverpool Evil Cabal is the name of in online blog. | 00
Sentence 1: These days are special for St Petersburg - on January 18, 1943 the siege of Leningrad was broken. Sentence 2: The siege of Leningrad was broken on January 18, 1943. | 00
Sentence t Sentwnce2 ~*~ | 11
Sentence i! Maiti Amine ead. oF “Afghenistal's” quick reaction force. said Monday's bomb in the capital detonated asa Urited ations vehicle drove past Sentence & The United Natioris prodices vehicles. | 11
in Hi THA | 11