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Sentence ; Nan zenji is a former 13th-century palace whose precincts now house a: dozen affiliated temples and monasteries. Sentence. 2: Nan zenji, which was’ built in the 1200s, used:to be a palace. 2 | 00
Sentence 1: In the preamble to the final rule, VA responded to comments submitted on the interim rule, including comments concerning the effective date. Sentence 2: The responses submitted by VA were compiled by thyee legislators. | 11
1: King Farouk, who had come to e throne in 1936, was seen as a playboy with a love of luxurious living. 2: King Farouk was known as an juent womanizer. | 00
Sentence 1: Many islonders have learned to regard the latest occupations with a sense of dry humor. Sentence 2: The lotest occupations ore regarded with holy respect by the islanders. | 22
Sentence t: Recently | asked a neighbor how | coute keep my plants alive when 1 wenn home for three lWwoeks. pontence 2:1 said to my neighbor 'would be leaving for throe weeks to got home, | 00
Sentence. 1: When the.:nation's. overall ‘trade’ deficit increases, it meas. that “Américans,: on. average,.:are Spending more than they ate-earning. : Sentence 2s: ‘American spénding habits depend greatly on traded | 11
Sentence 1: Malk though the gates ofthe 100m (300+) high west fom, designed by Theodore Jacobsen and builtin 1732. ‘Semence 2: The old gate from the 1700s used tobe taller. | 11
1: Companies that coud pay Bar fonagn cibts when a doar, SOO won could not pay when a dof Coal TAC won, 2. The. niiaton of he dale Io Ihe won hes cand! Noto be abe to par Ge | 00
Seahaarere nemo | 11
Sentence 1: Your sergeant very rightly broke itup. tence 2: It was rightly broken up by your sergeant. | 00
Sentence (The Russians chose to guard Moscow with their 100 anti-missiles.) Sentence 2: Russia didnt protect Moscow at all. | 22
Sentence 1: Others may feel that the money would be beffer spent in paying the defense industry not fo produce the latest round of high-fech weaponry, thus saving us fhe expense of generating still more lethal weapons when the current crop inevitably falls Info the hands of our enemies. Sentence 2: Lethal weapons are perfectly safe for lending fo anyone in the world. | 22
Sentence 1: This collaboration is noteworthy for at least two it is a model for future partnerships between the government and the private sector, and it is an example of some of the very diverse pro bono opportunities for lawyers that have been created in recent years. Sentence 2: There are many pro bono opportunities for lawyers. | 00
Sentence 1: no my husband does Sentence 2: My spouse does. | 00
<f youre: valing on peep ju 4 the whale thing ebout ple dont redly understand o bot voting for or agpret. | 00
Sentence 1: Look for the elephants with their trunks raised like snorkels. Sentence 2: The elephants are using their trunks to spray water everywhere because it's showertime! | 11
Sentence 1: and however long it took however long we've been on that's how long it took for some for the computer to find somebody Sentence 2 The computer was able to find someone instantly | 22
Sentence 1: Chinese government officials tried to steer foreign donations to the Democratic National Committee, according to a Justice Department leak to the Washington Post . The Post said electronic eavesdropping bolstered the case. Sentence 2: The Chinese government officials tried to influence American politics. | 00
Sentence tHe was -remixdedof Me Carter. ae Sentence 2''Mr. Carter vias not oft bis mind at ail | 22
‘Sentence F los thot o command ta him fo go? ‘Sentance ® Wos that on order for him to stoy? | 22
Sentence 4: But it remains exceedingly hard to watch, nét.so much because of the repulsivencss of De Niro's Jake. La: Motta as hecause of _its overall sense of aesthetic claustrophobia. | 11
Sentence 1: The place ‘at -which these two meet is.what Kipling called Scandal Point. Sentence. 2: Kipling named the location where these twa.intersect Scandal Point | 00
Sentence 1: thought | might as well go down to the village at once, and look up Poirot; but | met him half-way, coming Up to the house, and at once gaue him Dorcas's message. Sentence 2:1 was trying to auoid Poirot completely, | 22
Sentence 1: When almost anything can be said in public, profanity ceases to exist in any meaningful way at all. Sentence 2: Profanity doesn’t have the same ited when almost anything can be said in public. | 00
Senteiice 1:1 have mariy questions, and I'm: sure’ he'll. be. only, too, happy . to answer them. Sentence 2: It was cbvious he would not be dissuaded ‘from! interrogating the man. | 11
‘Sentence’: and just baratyt amoults (0 munninggout the bask ‘dogf énd.h headingfor the pool urapiig in-swiniming some -spnints or something ike that éndthen runing back gen Sentahee 2°1's-ndnning, dying inta ihe poo and x Suir someraps anid then runningagan. ¥, *. | 00
Sentence 1: weapon systems over the next 5 years requires an approach that keeps cost, schedule, and performance risks to a minimum. Sentence 2: Cost is an irrelevant factor in ‘weapons systems in the next five years. | 22
Sentence t it is expected that one SCR system requires about 21 months of total effort for planning engineering, installation and startup. Sentence 2: One SCR system can be set up in a week. | 22
Sentence J: The Per'sians. were ‘defeated, and Athéns duly -punished the islands that-had turned against it Sentence 2' Athens déstroyed the islands’ ecoijomies, | 11
Sentence 1: The first omitted benefit is spillover and productivity gains beyond energy bill savings. Sentence 2 Productivity gains beyond energy bill savings were eliminated. | 00
Sentence 1: Cove lated load time is the fixed portion Sentence 2: called cove The fixed amour age related load t | 00
lSentence 4: But I night at all events. 's do dinner and a show to- |Sentence 2: We should go to dinner and a show. | 00
Sentence I:My pride forbde me to ask any questions ‘Sentence 2: My sense of sell satistaction stopped me from (posing any questions | 00
1: He has served os President of the Hisponic Notional ‘Association, Chairman of the Boord of Directors of the ndelphia Bor Association and @ member of the House of 165 of the Americon Bor Association, 2 Though he has been @ member of Hisponic National “Association for decades, he has never tren anything except on inary member | 22
Sentence % The report cho cites Chino's tromporent intentions to abolish Hong Kong's chil liberties when i cossumes control of the territory in July. ‘Sentence 2: The report cites China's intentions to squash civil libertiés in Hong Kong, but preserve the zoos, | 11
Sentence 1: don't you have to why people just kind of debate expect certain services then then they don't really think they should pay for them or something maybe i don't know Sentence 2: People are not obligated to offer their services for free. | 00
ts Sentence 1: Basic then be $55, ts fees have Sentence 2: Basic eased 30%, | 11
Sentence 1: but what what i plan to do in the future is um go ahead and get my upper education as far as my masters and work on my doctorate and teach un} college Sentence 2: Sometime soon I will go to school. | 11
Sentence 1: The whole mountain was once blanketed in forest and designated ‘asa royal hunting area. Sentence: The forest used tobe exclusive for mya. | 11
Sentence 1: yeah i think uh President Bush covered that in his uh State of the Union address this year when he said that you know it's time for you know the individuals to start thinking about what they can do to help each other out instead of counting on government to do everything Sentence 2: I think Bush talked about it in his speech. | 00
Sentence 1: There are separate sections of the prayer area facing the ‘Wall reserved for the Stand female worshippers. Sentence 2: Male worshippers are, required to Sentence male worshipper with them ot all times. | 22
Sentence: 1: ollution.. “and .-Acute Respirataby. “JA Multiple Polluta Sentence ey- studied aip-pollution ‘and profound’ : tory issiés. | 22
Sentence t: Shadows here were not gray or black; they were violet and purple. Sentence 2: The shadows were pitch black. | 22
Sentence 1: Like.Jon, hishedd.was shaved: Senteniée 2: Jon tiad long; flowing hair. | 22
Sentence 1: A domestic Maggie (Anne Heche) and Pistone Depp) (30 seconds) Sentence 2: Depp plays-a domestic Maggle In the movie. | 22
Sentence 1: And the one important clue they overlooked." Sentence 2: Other clues were unimportant. | 11
Sentence 1: His position was desperate. Sentence 2: The man was running out of options, | 00
Sentence 1: Here, rich Persian culture dictated taste in dress, d??cor, manners, and morals, enriched by the Hindu culture of the Rajputs in literature, cuisine, and sexuality. Sentence 2: Rich Persian culture here dictated taste in many things, also manners, said the documentary. | 11
Sentence |: Maybe we'll never know what really goes on inside Microsoft. Sentence 2: Everyone knows what really goes on inside Microsoft. | 22
than-59 meters dex | 22
Sentence |: it's best to buy it that way because like our sales tax up here is seven percent Sentence 2: We don’t have any sales tax up here so buy it here. | 22
Sentence 1: However, he noted that these officers are often assigned to hardship locations that require difficult travel. Sentence 2: The locations they are sent to are low: income regions. | 11
Sentence 1: And Hong Kong legislator Martin Lee deplores China's plan to wipe out the colony's democratic government. Sentence 2: Martin Lee doesn't think China cares about Hong Kong's democratic government. | 22
Sentence 1: Surprisingly, the plan contained little detail for the buildings that would line the streets and frame the squares. Sentence 2: There was an incredible amount of detail about the houses and the streets in the plan. | 22
Sentence “I. Your. Gist on’ alleged payments to David Hale .is so sloppy that: one’ is tempted to assume some bias dn the part of its author, Associate Editor Franklin Foer, Sentence 2: You send payments to.David Hale, eee ‘ | 00
Sentence’i: ch ‘that too:that'tod yeati’” ve Seftence 2:Nes, fhat a8, | 00
Sentence (ht hats ght oh ats for them ’ Sentence 2: That is abig déal for them!” | 00
Sentence 1? but. um: but the “more popular: musi¢i don't care for usually ~: Sentence’ 2: Popular’-mitisi¢: takes -mé’ vet'y. angry, so dori't usually listen’ to it. | 11
tt fea | 00
Sentence 1: The woman who wants an abortion says its her uterus, not Pat Robertson's. Sentence 2: Pat Robertson does not have a uterus. | 11
Sentence 13 okay um have you ever'| been involved in any rials Sentence 2: Have you at anytime been a pariy io a legal action thai} went to court? | 00
Sentence t: Sure thing! Sentence 2: No way fe | 22
Sentence [hen he pulled his hat on tight and refastergd his leather neck guard. Sentence 2e fastened his neck guard after he pulled his hat as tight as possible on his head. * | 00
t Yes, ges. that's what’ the witch told Hansel and Gretel: Pigrdit she. supply Inst. of Wredierts to prove), 2 The wtdh 334 nak provide evidence ‘what she had.told Hansel and Gretel. . | 11
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. | 22
Senterice ‘1: Maybe hie was becoming. 4 magician himself, witha new magic that might still. accomplish something. Sentence 2: After a long struggle, he might finally be on the verge of becoming a magician. | 11
Seamus hu ogustaustmiaaart aban tes ana was goos to See, Z ey coage a fortune wile producing subpar work accoring | 22
‘Semeace 1: Site And have 4 nice millenium. Sestonce 2: We're in the callensium | 00
Sentence 1: There were too many monasteries in and around Nara. Sentence 2: Monks set up many monasteries in Nara because the name rhymed with Lara, the head monk's girlfriend. | 11
Séuience 11 AML poses atike livery of conscience “and smmanities: of. cifzenship. Senitace'at Bretyone ‘is“devand of cit’ rightas | 22
Icentence 1: sentence 2: | 00
‘Senin can tbe shie realy dof thems ‘Senne 2S thin se aay oe the. | 00
‘Sentence t The demise of Communism in 1989 and the move to a freemarket economy have had a dramatic impact on Poland as a shopping destination. ‘Sentence 2: Poland has been significantly impacted by ‘their free-market economy. | 00
= Sentence 1: Bleached so blond that he looks like ar radiated android, Pitt expels a expression from his face and all tone from his voice. Sentence 2: Pitt was bleached and ‘kept his face blank, | 00
Sentence 1: |s that it, eh?" He was cooling down. Sentence 2: "Is that the reason he's acting like that, eh?" He said. | 11
i i | 22
Sentence t To the east is Nigatsu-do (Second Month Hall), one of Todaiji's most famous subtemples, whose front portion rests on a vast network of wooden beams. Sentence 2: Nigatsu-do is still used today by buddhist monks. | 11
} Sentence 1: See Electronic Challenges | Must Be “Addressed Wich Effective | Leadership “and GAO-01-9697, July 11, 2001). Sentence 2: Do not view the challenges to be spoken of with effective leadership lanagement | 22
Sentence 1: okay all right bye-bye Sentence 2: Let's keep talking. | 22
2 Sentence Lwhen iwhen att Eo camping iusvalytakea sleeping ‘some cooking stuff and thats about it Sevtemce2:Whon|gocampinglaboiketeestwildbeies, | 11
Senterice ti News videx “piéce. deseubes.“(aihd amply ‘ilustretes).ow the. men’s-miagazine Maxim: /s strhuuating the Plauboy wation‘of the gerive Sentence! 2:4. newsweels pieve .describes' now ie méné: magazine's stimulating the Playboy i2atiat of the gérve, | 00
Sentence ‘1: Theré was. a large. company. assembled - round the table: Sentence-2: There were: ‘nly ‘two’people sitting arouid the table. | 22
[Sentence t The place is shut [Sentence 2 The place is shut because of authorities. | 11
Sentence 1: But-seriously.... Sentenice 2: Still; genuinely-... | 00
Senberca ye isk go Calor on Wie Spe aaa ent ia ae | 11
"Sentence 1: i haven't’ seen any of that stuff: teally Sentence 2::I've never: seen. anything like the morintains, | 11
Sentence 1: | looked at Poirot. Sentence 2: He looked back at me. | 11
Sentence 41:1 seems that the Chinese people vacillate between craving {oreign goods and giving vent to anti-foreign passions. Sentence Bbe Chinese love other nations and their imports. | 22
Sentence I: Nor are all lies deceptions-some lies. are told without any .intention . to deceive (Youi've lost weight! Sentence. 2: All lies are, told with the intention to deceive. 25 | 22
Semtarece FB ster fas bee Neath at rebel, a he ram of oe crop Ppo-Nerman vir ectare. Semtance 2 be Cane 0 4 reryectyy rresar ves Aeypo-Norman tire tere. | 22
Sentenoe i:Afobs and Crusaders Sentérice 2; Possibly #atis'and Crusaders | 11
Sentenée 1 Nove than any “of the’ emupire’s colossal arenas, ‘searing aquedicts, or triumphal arches,’ youl lis’ hie everyday “féality ‘of Roman: in: (he bakeries; ‘wine. shiaps; groceties: aig braihels of Pomipeli, a:twn of about 25,000 Gunded.beiore. te, 6ufbceatdry: Bc Sentence, 2:1 about 3 illage: of Pong gobd place ancient imes. | 00
Sentence / My yenteup excitement burst forth. Sentence £ My excitement is non-existent: | 22
entéhice tithe Gosts,4i) ‘direct investment costs: (2) operating and. inainténanoe costs. 3) research. and, development. and other Hovcirament. program costs, (4) tralisaction. search," ane .. compliance ;+- costs... (5)] adjustment costs’ associated with large changes: in.specific, capital stacks, (6)-lost sconomic Flexibility’ created by “additional Smission “requirements, and (7) “potential interactions with the existing tax system, Penrencg 2 Operating and maintenance g0st: out. GF this -HSt, vusizally account, for, ihe most money. spent, . | 11
Sentence 4: but uh i can i'm from California and i can remember being in uh in these earthquakes and i mean they were they were very minor kinds of things from my point of view and it seemed Sentence 2: |'m from California, | got used to earthquakes. | 00