1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
2 values
[ "Web access through the 3G network is so slow, it's very frustrating and VERY DISAPPOINTING." ]
[['3G network', 'negative'], ['Web access', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I was originally concerned that I couldn't view work I had done in college on my Mac because of the PC formatting, but I was even more thrilled to learn of programs like iLife and iWork that allow you to convert your PC documents into readable files on Macs." ]
[['programs', 'positive'], ['iLife', 'positive'], ['iWork', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "They sent it back with a huge crack in it and it still didn't work." ]
[['work', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Now,,,,,my monitor has been acting up for about 2 months." ]
[['monitor', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "While most people say that PCs hold functionality and value and Macs are just pretty to look at, I think there's something to be said about the simplicity of Macs." ]
[['functionality', 'positive'], ['value', 'positive'], ['simplicity', 'positive'], ['look', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Mac also has many apps and programs that are quite cheap or free." ]
[['apps', 'positive'], ['programs', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "For the Bluetooth to work properly, you must install the Launch Manager on the Drivers/Applications DVD, or it will not show after the reload." ]
[['Bluetooth', 'neutral'], ['Drivers/Applications DVD', 'neutral'], ['Launch Manager', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Acer was no help and Garmin could not determine the problem(after spending about 2 hours with me), so I returned it and purchased a Toshiba R700 that seems even nicer and I was able to load all of my software with no problem." ]
[['software', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I had to pay for the shipping!" ]
[['shipping', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The ATI graphics card is a huge plus, definitely a good value if you need to be able to run some slightly older games that a Intel built-in card would have trouble with, such as Half-Life 2 or even World of Warcraft." ]
[['ATI graphics card', 'positive'], ['Intel built-in card', 'positive'], ['games', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Its Office compatible, but the features and its functioning is all new again so you might as well save the money and just learn the pre installed mac programs." ]
[['features', 'neutral'], ['functioning', 'neutral'], ['programs', 'neutral'], ['Office', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The Mac version of Microsoft Office is cheaper than buying the actual and works just as well." ]
[['Mac version of Microsoft Office', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "but now i have realized its a problem with this brand." ]
[['brand', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Fan vents to the side, so no cooling pad needed, great feature!" ]
[['Fan', 'positive'], ['cooling pad', 'neutral'], ['feature', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I noticed windows has a new system called Windows 7, what about us Vista users?  They should get all the bugs out of Vista before investing in a new system." ]
[['Windows 7', 'neutral'], ['Vista', 'neutral'], ['Vista', 'negative'], ['windows', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "But if you're willing to pay another 200 dollar for a windows disc." ]
[['windows disc', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Can't close the 2nd HDD bay since there are brackets you have to break off (even then, it still doesn't shut) That could be a major flaw for the dual HDD user." ]
[['HDD bay', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "lots of extra space but the keyboard is ridiculously small." ]
[['space', 'positive'], ['keyboard', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Another included program that is laughable is the chess game." ]
[['included program', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Speaking of the browser, it too has problems." ]
[['browser', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Size: I know 13 is small (especially for a desktop replacement) but with an external monitor, who cares." ]
[['Size', 'negative'], ['external monitor', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Its white color is stylish for college students and easy to take to carry and take to classes." ]
[['color', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "-Called headquarters again, they report that TFT panel is broken, should be fixed by the end of the week (week 3)." ]
[['TFT panel', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "  My opinion of Sony has been dropping as fast as the stock market, given their horrible support, but this machine just caused another plunge." ]
[['support', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "He has replaced his hard drive twice and (of course) has had to pay for antivirus software every year." ]
[['hard drive', 'negative'], ['antivirus software', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The Nortons virus scan is only for a very short time unlike others that usually are good for a year." ]
[['Nortons virus scan', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "This is the first time that I tried and owning a netbook although I have used 3 different laptops in the past 10 years, I find not much difference except of course for the screen size." ]
[['screen size', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I believe that the quality of a mac is worth the price." ]
[['quality', 'positive'], ['price', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It could be a perfect laptop if it would have faster system memory and its radeon 5850 would have DDR5 instead of DDR3." ]
[['system memory', 'negative'], ['radeon 5850', 'negative'], ['DDR5', 'positive'], ['DDR3', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "This is not a serious gaming laptop or a serious media machine;" ]
[['gaming', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "So, after Apple replaced the hard drive I enjoyed another 4 months of my new computer, until it froze this morning--completely." ]
[['hard drive', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "  It gets stuck all of the time you use it, and you have to keep tapping on it to get it to work." ]
[['use', 'negative'], ['work', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The computer will constantly be getting hot and burning your leg unless you go through the hassle of taking off the entire back of it just to clean out the fan." ]
[['fan', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Everything is so easy to use, Mac software is just so much simpler than Microsoft software." ]
[['Mac software', 'positive'], ['Microsoft software', 'negative'], ['use', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "My husband got me this for Chrismas after getting me a very expensve laptop that did not work after 2 days." ]
[['work', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "  since then i have had minor problems with slow operation." ]
[['operation', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The Final Cut Pro on this laptop is so fast and easy, and I can use this to seemlessly transfer all my work to my home computer, which is also a mac." ]
[['Final Cut Pro', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "A cheaper price should not equal a \"cheap\" product." ]
[['price', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "One suggestion I do have, is to not bother getting Microsoft office for the mac expecting it will work just like you knew it to on a PC." ]
[['Microsoft office for the mac', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "2.The wireless card is low quality." ]
[['wireless card', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Delivery was early too." ]
[['Delivery', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "You can do it all on this bad boy but the main thing this netbook was desinged for was surfing the web and boy o boy does it ever." ]
[['surfing the web', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The display is awesome." ]
[['display', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I bought a Logitech desktop set in anticipation for using with the MBP, but I use the touchpad 90% of the time." ]
[['touchpad', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It works fine with our wireless and they've had not problems." ]
[['works', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ ") And printing from either word processor is an adventure." ]
[['word processor', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I got it back again and was told the motherboard had been replaced, so I was now on the SECOND motherboard within 3 months." ]
[['motherboard', 'negative'], ['motherboard', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "While I mostly use it for email, internet and gaming, I'm confident all other applications live up to the high standard I've come to appreciate from Mac laptops." ]
[['applications', 'positive'], ['internet', 'neutral'], ['gaming', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "This computer is exceptionally thin for it's screen size and processing power." ]
[['screen size', 'positive'], ['processing power', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The difference is the Toshiba had a lot more memory and hard drive space." ]
[['memory', 'positive'], ['hard drive space', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I know that ASUS is known for making motherboards, but this is the worst computer experience that I have ever had." ]
[['motherboards', 'conflict']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The price premium is a little much, but when you start looking at the features it is worth the added cash." ]
[['price premium', 'negative'], ['features', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "tons of bloatware and junk programs." ]
[['programs', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It is so nice not to worry about that and the extra expense that comes along with the necessary virus protection on PC's." ]
[['virus protection', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I regret buying it before understanding how awful it is to use." ]
[['use', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It has easy to use features and all the speed and power I could ask for." ]
[['features', 'positive'], ['speed', 'positive'], ['power', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "the programs are esay to use and are quick to process this computer works like a charm." ]
[['programs', 'positive'], ['use', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "There also seemed to be a problem with the hard disc as certain times windows loads but claims to not be able to find any drivers or files." ]
[['hard disc', 'negative'], ['windows', 'negative'], ['drivers', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The paint wears off easily due to the keyboard being farther back than usual." ]
[['paint', 'negative'], ['keyboard', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I take it everywhere with me because it's so easy to carry." ]
[['carry', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Windows Vista makes this computer almost unusable for online service." ]
[['Windows Vista', 'negative'], ['online service', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "This laptop is a great price and has a sleek look." ]
[['price', 'positive'], ['look', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "very convenient when you travel and the battery life is excellent." ]
[['battery life', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "They sent out the box right away for me to send in my computer, they paid postage and whatnot, but when I got my computer back it still wasn't running right, and now my CD drive wasn't reading anything!" ]
[['CD drive', 'negative'], ['running', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It was not clear that the Microsoft Student Edition that was loaded on the computer, was a six month trial." ]
[['Microsoft Student Edition', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The battery life, before the battery completely died of course, left much to be desired." ]
[['battery life', 'negative'], ['battery', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "No luck, although I waited for hours on the phone-Visited MacHouse, they stated the their call center is down due to too many phonecalls (difficult to believe)." ]
[['call center', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The laptop was very easy to set up." ]
[['set up', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Although the price is higher then Dell laptops, the Macbooks are worth the dough." ]
[['price', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The screen resolution was exactly what I was looking for." ]
[['screen resolution', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "I wasn't really as concerned about portability (it's a very large laptop) but it's not hard to move around or take on a trip which was a pleasant surprise." ]
[['portability', 'conflict']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "they had to replace the motherboard in April." ]
[['motherboard', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "*=Webcam is a bit laggy, not the greatest." ]
[['Webcam', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[['KEYBOARD', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Took several hours with customer support before I could even start the PC out of the box." ]
[['customer support', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "This is a nicely sized laptop with lots of processing power and long battery life." ]
[['processing power', 'positive'], ['battery life', 'positive'], ['sized', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The computer continued to give me issues and in Late June it completely died again and I tried to call Acer again to get it fixed and they refused to help me, they said my warrenty was up and hung up on me." ]
[['warrenty', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Strong performance in this device makes use of fun and a strong sense of the era of speed This device serves all modern requirements is a very strong game and is very useful for designers." ]
[['performance', 'positive'], ['speed', 'positive'], ['use', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Every driver on the drivers/applications DVD is everything you will need for a reload." ]
[['driver', 'positive'], ['drivers/applications DVD', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It's so bad that I'm thinking I only got half a battery or something." ]
[['battery', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It is fast booting up , shutting down, and connection with the internet." ]
[['connection with the internet', 'positive'], ['booting up', 'positive'], ['shutting down', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "After about a week I finally got it back and was told that the motherboard had failed and so they installed a new motherboard." ]
[['motherboard', 'negative'], ['motherboard', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Again, decent comp for the price, and I was in need of one quickly as my other laptop died on me." ]
[['price', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "and they replaced the awesome ergonomic small lightweight power supply with a power supply that weighed more than the machine itself." ]
[['power supply', 'positive'], ['power supply', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Microsoft word was not on it andI had to buy it seperately." ]
[['Microsoft word', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "You can even run a parallels type program easily and run any leftover PC software that you absolutely cannot be without." ]
[['parallels type program', 'positive'], ['software', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It was secure and easy to navigate." ]
[['navigate', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "  It is easy to use, fast and has great graphics for the money." ]
[['graphics', 'positive'], ['use', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Really like the textured surface which shows no fingerprints." ]
[['surface', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "everything about a mac is wonderful, it takes a little used to learning and getting used to the new system, but you will learn fast and its all worth it." ]
[['system', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Well, I have to say since I bought my Mac, I won't ever go back to any Windows." ]
[['Windows', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Is this partially due to the fact that it is running Windows Vista?" ]
[['Windows Vista', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "It is always reliable, never bugged and responds well." ]
[['responds', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The image is great, and the soud is excelent." ]
[['image', 'positive'], ['soud', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "  I considered I may have too much on the computer, but after looking, there was plenty of space and that is not the issue." ]
[['space', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Sometimes you really have to tap the pad to get it to works." ]
[['pad', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "The keyboard feels good and I type just fine on it." ]
[['keyboard', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Not only are the versions of these programs able to be saved, worked on and opened on both a PC and Mac, the versions of these programs on a Mac are graphically and functionally superior." ]
[['programs', 'positive'], ['programs', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "power supply went bad after 2 weeks ." ]
[['power supply', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]
[ "Keyboard is great, very quiet for all the typing that I do." ]
[['Keyboard', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 2-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect category and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "The first full charge of this battery got me only about 2 full hours." Output: [['battery', 'negative'], ['full charge', 'negative']]