1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
[ "up until this point , asus chromebooks have been my favorite ." ]
[['asus chromebooks', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i chose this device because of its power , app store , and a few other features trading off the option for an onboard stylus and improved screen resolution ." ]
[['power', 'power_supply general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['app store', 'software general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['screen resolution', 'display quality', 'positive', 'improved']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it also has a great backlit keyboard ." ]
[['backlit keyboard', 'keyboard design_features', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i love how i can charge my laptop on both sides of the device ." ]
[['laptop', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'love'], ['device', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'love']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "wifi sketchy to nonexistent ." ]
[['wifi', 'ports quality', 'negative', 'sketchy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i much suspect that google ' s half baked sustem is at fault ." ]
[["google ' s half baked sustem", 'os general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i liked the look , the speed , and the quality of the device but two had problems and not giving it a 3rd try ." ]
[['look', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'liked'], ['speed', 'laptop operation_performance', 'positive', 'liked'], ['device', 'laptop quality', 'positive', 'liked'], ['NULL', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it ' s great other than the weak speakers and the touchpad ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'great'], ['speakers', 'multimedia_devices general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['touchpad', 'keyboard general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "not only is the touchpad not great in use but it also feels poorly made ." ]
[['touchpad', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'not great'], ['touchpad', 'keyboard design_features', 'negative', 'poorly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i have been happy with this purchase ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'happy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "10 months in my battery will no longer charge ." ]
[['battery', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the first week i had my chromebook it locked up ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "bought this specific unit because quality is well reviewed here and online albeit at 2x average chrome book price ." ]
[['specific unit', 'laptop quality', 'positive', 'well'], ['specific unit', 'laptop price', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "look and feel of asus unit seems high quality but keyboard failed in 45 days ." ]
[['asus unit', 'laptop quality', 'positive', 'high'], ['keyboard', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'failed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i opened the box after ordering on black friday , and the machine wouldn ' t charge ." ]
[['machine', 'power_supply operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the battery stopped charging after 3 months ." ]
[['battery', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "customer service is difficult ." ]
[['customer service', 'support operation_performance', 'negative', 'difficult']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "also battery life is max 8 hours , not 10 ." ]
[['battery life', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "however , the resolution could be higher , the scaling is bad , the colors are a bit washy , the weight is off as said earlier , the keys are kinda awkward , travel could be more , and the keys start squeaking soon after use" ]
[['resolution', 'display quality', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['scaling', 'software general', 'negative', 'bad'], ['colors', 'display general', 'negative', 'washy'], ['NULL', 'laptop general', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['keys', 'keyboard general', 'negative', 'awkward'], ['keys', 'keyboard quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "this product is built well , but it won ' t run the one android app i hoped it would run , and for whatever reason the app and os update download speeds are abysmal ." ]
[['product', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'well'], ['app and os update download speeds', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'abysmal']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "but , now i realize the design is flawed ." ]
[['design', 'laptop design_features', 'negative', 'flawed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "and the worst customer service ever !" ]
[['customer service', 'support quality', 'negative', 'worst']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "this laptop was supposed to be in ` ` like new ` ` condition but unfortunately , it was not ." ]
[['laptop', 'laptop design_features', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "after updating the software i noticed that the was a lot of backlight bleeding from the display ." ]
[['display', 'display quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "upon further inspection , i had noticed that one of the side speakers was pushed in and the plastic surrounding it had a crack ." ]
[['side speakers', 'multimedia_devices design_features', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "only three months in , and the laptop won ' t charge ." ]
[['laptop', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "something wrong with the battery ." ]
[['battery', 'battery quality', 'negative', 'wrong']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the keyboard broke after three months and it has been difficult to get any help from the manufacturer ." ]
[['keyboard', 'keyboard quality', 'negative', 'broke']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the second the screen did not rotate ." ]
[['screen', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "and the screen was changing like creazy ." ]
[['screen', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'creazy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "worked great for a couple of months , but now the sound goes in and out after a couple minutes of use like watching a video or playing music ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop operation_performance', 'positive', 'great'], ['sound', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "but right out the box the battery will not charge ." ]
[['battery', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i loved this chromebook but i had to return it bevause it had sound issues ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'loved'], ['sound', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "this worked ok for about a year and then just totally died ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop operation_performance', 'neutral', 'ok'], ['NULL', 'laptop operation_performance', 'positive', 'died']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "had the chromebook for 1month and 5 days and it stopped charging ." ]
[['chromebook', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "very good in all respects except a very important one which is the pathetic sound volume especially during movie playback ." ]
[['sound volume', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'pathetic']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "on the higher end for chromebook , but it looked really nice and had a good features and reviews , was in love with it until the power failed last november ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'nice'], ['chromebook', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'good'], ['chromebook', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'love'], ['power', 'power_supply operation_performance', 'negative', 'failed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "a thoroughly disappointing machine ." ]
[['machine', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "mouse and wi - fi never functioned correctly ." ]
[['mouse', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'never functioned correctly'], ['wi - fi', 'ports operation_performance', 'negative', 'never functioned correctly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "machine periodically crashed ." ]
[['machine', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'crashed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "after seven months , the usb - c ports stopped charging ." ]
[['usb - c ports', 'ports operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "now the hole thing crashed out of nowhere and i ' m going to lose everything i had on it ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'crashed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "+ nice , large screen" ]
[['screen', 'display design_features', 'positive', 'nice'], ['screen', 'display design_features', 'positive', 'large']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "+ good battery life" ]
[['battery life', 'battery quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "+ play store compatibility is available now ." ]
[['play store', 'software general', 'positive', 'available']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "some apps don ' t play well yet , but should with time ." ]
[['some apps', 'software operation_performance', 'neutral', "' t play well"]]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "- although the screen is nice , the screen ratio is not optimal when using it as a tablet ." ]
[['screen', 'display general', 'positive', 'nice'], ['screen ratio', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'not optimal']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "- 3 months after purchase , the chromebook has issues with the screen flickering constantly and has been sent in to asus for repairs" ]
[['screen', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['chromebook', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "- the rma process needs improvement - buyer must pay to return the product for repair ." ]
[['rma process', 'hardware quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "chromebooks are a waste of time / money ." ]
[['chromebooks', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'waste']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "so disappointing to receive the laptop and it wouldn ' t even power up ." ]
[['laptop', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "when in use , the lower screen is flickering ." ]
[['screen', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i contacted asus support twice so far , however , they are not able to provide a solution to choppy video ." ]
[['asus support', 'support general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the performance of my chromebook is the issue ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "video playback is poor with the amazon prime video player ." ]
[['amazon prime video player', 'software operation_performance', 'negative', 'poor']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "great device until battery won ' t charge ." ]
[['device', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'great'], ['battery', 'battery quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "really disappointing results with sound volume and volume consistency ." ]
[['sound volume', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'disappointing'], ['volume consistency', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the aluminum body looks great , but feels cheap and thin ." ]
[['aluminum body', 'hardware design_features', 'positive', 'great'], ['aluminum body', 'hardware design_features', 'positive', 'cheap'], ['aluminum body', 'hardware design_features', 'positive', 'thin']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "speakers are weak and the volume range tops off half way ." ]
[['speakers', 'multimedia_devices operation_performance', 'negative', 'weak']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i just fear for the long term ruggedness of the exterior ." ]
[['exterior', 'hardware general', 'negative', 'fear']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "after 3 weeks using this flip , i am quite happy with its performance , design ." ]
[['flip', 'laptop operation_performance', 'positive', 'happy'], ['flip', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'happy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it ' s easy to use , convenient ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop usability', 'positive', 'easy'], ['NULL', 'laptop usability', 'positive', 'convenient']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the keyboard is comfortable to type with backlit , screen quality is good enough for me ." ]
[['keyboard', 'keyboard design_features', 'positive', 'comfortable'], ['screen quality', 'display quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "thin , light , cool are what i feel when holding it and carry around ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'thin'], ['NULL', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'light'], ['NULL', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'cool']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the reason for 3 stars is due to that i have a rickety feeling when touching middle of the right side frame of the screen , it doesn ' t affect to screen , i am not sure it is faulty or normal , kind of uncomfortable to hold in tablet mode ." ]
[['tablet mode', 'laptop usability', 'negative', 'uncomfortable']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the screen is nice ." ]
[['screen', 'display general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "google play support is lip service only ." ]
[['google play support', 'support quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the problem dinvolves the headphone jack ." ]
[['headphone jack', 'multimedia_devices general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it would not charge at all !" ]
[['NULL', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "this is a great laptop ." ]
[['laptop', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it has a weird smell that ' s why i ' m giving it 3 stars ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop design_features', 'negative', 'weird']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i wanted a large screen laptop with backlit keyboard and a lot of memory and this computer does not disappoint ." ]
[['screen', 'display design_features', 'positive', 'large'], ['backlit keyboard', 'keyboard general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['memory', 'memory general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the notebook is decent ." ]
[['notebook', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'decent']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it is easy to use , light , and you have the ability to download apps for just about any need ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop portability', 'positive', 'easy'], ['NULL', 'laptop design_features', 'positive', 'light']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "however , the bluetooth is a nightmare ." ]
[['bluetooth', 'ports general', 'negative', 'nightmare']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it just stopped working in the middle of my paper i was writing ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the screen is good , the tablet mode is nice , and the keyboard has a good feel ." ]
[['screen', 'display general', 'positive', 'good'], ['tablet mode', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'nice'], ['keyboard', 'keyboard design_features', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "but after three charge cycles the screen started vibrating vigorously from side - to - side ." ]
[['screen', 'display operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "the tablet is good also , however can ' t they design something that covers the keyboard during tablet mode ." ]
[['tablet', 'os design_features', 'neutral', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it is the best chromebook that i have ever used ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'best']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "both forward and rear facing cameras would be nice too ." ]
[['cameras', 'multimedia_devices general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "great product ( perfect for student use ) but did n ' t last past 2 months ." ]
[['product', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'great'], ['product', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "then the power cord went bad and i had to pay $ 50 for a new one ." ]
[['power cord', 'power_supply general', 'negative', 'bad']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it ' s fine as a computer , but the lack of a real guest account made it not workable as a family room media machine ." ]
[['guest account', 'software general', 'negative', 'not workable']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "hardware is still pretty sound ." ]
[['hardware', 'hardware operation_performance', 'positive', 'sound']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "but i ' m growing ever more disenchanted with the core m3 processing speed ." ]
[['core m3', 'cpu operation_performance', 'negative', 'disenchanted']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "also , the batterly life that is reported by industry affiliates is way off ." ]
[['batterly life', 'battery quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "google locked me out because after an update , my keyboard output was not as it should have been ( some keys were inverted ) ." ]
[['keyboard output', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "when i go to type something , it sticks and will not release ." ]
[['NULL', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "i will probably be sending it back as it seems too complicated ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'complicated']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "by far this is the most disappointing experiences that i ever had doing online shopping ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop general', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "at this stage i am disappointed than raging up and it wasn ' t the end yet the keyboard didn ' t work at all ." ]
[['keyboard', 'keyboard operation_performance', 'negative', 'disappointed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "nice chromebook ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "but seemed very poorly made for the money ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop quality', 'negative', 'poorly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it is may 14 and it ' s not connecting to wifi ." ]
[['wifi', 'ports connectivity', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "it won ' t hold a charge for longer than an hour , my son has to relay on this piece of cheap equipment primarily for taking notes and doing schoolwork ." ]
[['equipment', 'power_supply operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['equipment', 'laptop price', 'neutral', 'cheap']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "nice piece but battery holds only 3h - not 10 ." ]
[['NULL', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'nice'], ['battery', 'battery operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "manufacturing seems unreliable ." ]
[['manufacturing', 'laptop quality', 'negative', 'unreliable']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "also , often , the device simply would not power on ." ]
[['device', 'laptop operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '
[ "loved this chromebook ." ]
[['chromebook', 'laptop general', 'positive', 'loved']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "Also it's not a true SSD drive in there but eMMC, which makes a difference. " Output: [['SSD drive', 'hard_disc operation_performance', 'negative', 'NULL']] '