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- Thank you, Your Honor. | 謝謝 庭上... |
Let's have something to drink. | 咱们喝一杯 Let's have something to drink. |
Wish I'd just gone home and played FIFA like Biggz said. | 真希望我只是回到家 像比格兹说的那样玩游戏 |
- Chandra Dawkin? | - 桑德拉·道金? |
The East Asian Triangle | 东亚三角 |
COMPUTER: Vector one entered and confirmed. | 第一星系确认进入 |
Bailey, what would I do without you? | Bailey 沒你我可怎麼辦? |
I know this is a terrible shock for you, but you need to try and remain calm. | 我知道这对你打击不小,但你得冷静下来 |
I'm Mary Jane. | -我是玛丽简 |
Not to mention that he's been shot here twice with a. 45. | 更不用說他在這裡 被一把點45打了兩槍 |
Available from www.unidroit.org. | 可查阅www.unidroit.org。 |
The British delegation reiterated its position. | 英国代表团重申其立场。 |
1980: License en droit (bachelor's degree in law), National School of Public Administration, Rabat, Morocco | 1980年:摩洛哥拉巴特国家公共行政学院毕业,法学学士 |
Hang him . | 绞死他 |
Agenda item 9 | 议程项目9 |
I should be grateful if you would have the text of this letter circulated as a document of the Security Council. | 请将本信作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。 |
Then we agree. | 那我们达成一致 |
I ask nothing in return but a kind smile." | "我不求回报 只要你对我一笑" |
I did not know his crew very well. | 但对他的船员所知不多 |
Nothing important. | 没什么 |
- Sneak in? | 偷溜? |
Where are you fucking going? | 你狗日的往哪儿跑? |
We are here We, we are here | 我们到了 我们 我们到了 |
Check these out! | 检查这些了! |
Go on Dus... | 加油塵. . |
See you some other day | 對了,老總,改天我到報館去拜訪你 |
How has this spring been for you? | 这个春天过得怎么样? |
As a result, training programmes will not be carried out unless positions for practical work and gaining work experience have previously been secured. | 结果,凡是参加培训方案的学员都能获得具体的工作岗位并且取得工作经验。 |
One, two, three. | 一 二 三 |
Ally, I'm in the kitchen. | 艾莉,我在厨房 |
You are under arrest! | 不要动 把手放在背后 |
(f) To conduct seminars, as appropriate, for the purpose of receiving and disseminating information on the work of the Special Committee, and to facilitate participation by the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories in those seminars; | (f) 酌情举办讨论会,以便获取和传播关于特别委员会工作的信息,并为非自治领土人民参加这些讨论会提供便利; |
The Committee recalls that, while it gives considerable weight to the findings of fact of the State party's bodies, it is entitled to freely assess the facts of each case. | 委员会回顾说,尽管委员会相当重视缔约国有关机构的事实调查结论,但委员会有权自由评估每个案件的事实。 |
Make war on them. Allah will chastise them through you and will humiliate them. He will grant you victory over them, and will soothe the bosoms of those who believe, | 你們應當討伐他們,真主要借你們的手來懲治他們,凌辱他們,並相助你們制服他們,以安慰信道的民眾, |
We just located the car. | 我们只要找到车。 |
The show's on now. | 表演進行中 |
Agenda item 64: Promotion and protection of human rights (continued) | 议程项目64:促进和保护人权(续) |
He hoped development partners would make generous contributions to the LDC Trust Fund. | 他希望各发展合作伙伴向最不发达国家信托基金慷慨捐款。 |
Pack your things. | 收拾行李 |
Then we shall see who is the better man. | -不 就这样办 |
I deserve to die | 是,我该死,我该死 |
Fuck you, Alvin. | 去你妈的 |
I order you! | 我命令你回来! |
You haven't got a single proper entry in this register. | - 你沒有權利進去 - 長官 - 跟我來... |
I'll tell you the story. | 告诉你一个故事 |
The nomenclature alone is enough to make your head spin. | 光是術語就足夠讓你們頭暈了 |
- Not in any way. | 不论什么情况 我都不会 |
That's me! | 是我 |
It's gonna work. | 这会工作。 |
13. Urges the nuclear-weapon States to carry out further reductions of non-strategic nuclear weapons, based on unilateral initiatives and as an integral part of the nuclear arms reduction and disarmament process; | 13. 敦促核武器国家根据单方面的主动行动,并作为削减核武器和裁军进程不可分割的组成部分,进一步削减非战略性核武器; |
I won't ask where the money comes from. | 我都没问这些钱是从何来 |
Well, as of September 1 st... we will no longer be the Cock-rocking Kings of Tampa. | 从九月一号起 我们不再只是坦帕市的脱衣舞至尊王者 |
The European Union must tell the Greek Cypriots that they will not be admitted before a final settlement. | 欧洲联盟必须告诉希族塞人在实现最后解决之前将不会接纳他们。 |
- Yeah. Yeah. | 一是的 是的 |
Sir, I'm gonna ask you to step out the vehicle. | 先生 我现在要你从车里出来 |
Aren't you dizzy? | 你不晕吗 |
- Don't worry | - 别担心 |
Multi-year funding framework | 多年筹资框架 |
Five years ago, a man named Sylar exploded in the heart of the city, changing the world forever. | 五年前,名叫赛勒的人 在市中心爆炸 永远改变了世界 |
Jake, Jake! Oh, no, no! | 杰克 杰克 不 不 |
So what if I did? | 有又怎麼樣? |
"Hey, handsome man, let's go undercover. | 喂,帅男帅男,来玩卧底游戏 "Hey, handsome man, let's go undercover. |
Are you OK? | 没事吧? |
- Did you notice? | - 你聽出來了嗎? |
Have a drink! Come on! | 喝一杯吧 |
And then it didn't rain a drop for a full year. | 然后那里整年都没有下过一滴雨 |
You're gonna kill us both. | 你这样我们都会死的 |
Well, then you probably won't want to be looking at that. | 那么,你可能不想看这个 |
Yeah? She sleep over yet? | 是吗 她还是没回来住? |
- So I'm good? | - 那么,通过啦? |
You live here? | 你住这? |
Tell me something, Henry. | 告诉我一些情况,亨利 |
The Assistant Director, Division for Finance, Budget and Administration, is responsible for the implementation of this recommendation. | 财务、预算和行政司助理主任负责执行本建议 |
Walk silently, but let her know you're there. | 脚步要轻,还不能让小姐听不见 |
At the end of all this, | 一切结束之后 At the end of all this, |
Look, kid, with your record, you're 4F. | 看吶, 年轻人, 根据你的过往记录, 你已经 4F. |
Treaties relating to the occasion for resort to armed conflict | 导致诉诸武装冲突的有关条约 |
Sometimes we get to them, there's so many maggots, it looks like a stewpot boiling. | 有时我们走近了看他们 就看见 很多蛆虫 简直像煮开了的炖锅 |
Commission on Population and Development | 人口与发展委员会 |
The paragraph should read: | 该段应为: |
- I'm not testifying! | - 我不会去作证的! - 我知道. |
Flowers for the man. l'm none of those things, Ali. | 我什么都不是,阿里 |
The Office of Internal Oversight Services was informed that the Division continues to work consistently with other United Nations agencies to ensure that all issues of sustainable development are covered. | 10. 监督厅获悉,可持续发展司继续不断地与联合国其他机构合作,确保囊括可持续发展的所有问题。 |
I'm gonna call you later. | 我会再给你打电话的 |
(Such were the circumstances) when We sent forth Noah to his people. (He said): 'I have been sent to you to warn you plainly | 我确已派遣努哈去教化他的宗族说:我对你们确是一个坦率的警告者。 |
(Agenda item 1) | 一、会议开幕 (议程项目1) |
What the hell? | 她一定說我的電子郵箱正來了 |
(c) The Convention on Nuclear Safety; | (c) 《核安全公约》; |
I guess - about my future. | 我想是我的将来吧 |
Jeez, another one? | 警察在路边被人一枪毙命 天呐 又出事了 |
Do we have to? | 我们必需要吗? |
I don't really know, but I kind of wish I did. | 我真的不知道 但是有点希望与众不同 |
They talked... They were talking to him, then they shot him in the head. | 先询问,后枪击头部 |
The three options described above would obviously have a different impact on the format for future meetings of the CRIC: | 29. 上述三种备选方案显然对审评委今后会议的形式具有不同影响: |
Every person who chooses... the service of God as his life's work... has something in common. | 每一个 选择以侍奉神明为终身职责的人都有共同点 |
- Good night. | -晚安 |
The audit was based on the following broad audit objectives, mentioned by the Board in its progress report on the capital master plan (see A/58/321, para. | 3. 这项审查是依据委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的进度报告中提出的以下广泛审计目标(A/58/321,第2段)进行的: |
Committees | 大 会 |
Health was another area requiring collective action. | 15. 保健是另一个需要采取集体行动的领域。 |
She lives 10 miles from here, okay? It's my only chance. | 她家离这里有10英里远 这是我唯一的机会 |
Subsets and Splits