imagewidth (px)
1 value
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "default", "long sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "loose", "long", "printed", "typography", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "None", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "None", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "None", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "long", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "graphic", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "None", "regular", "printed", "quirky", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "regular", "regular", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "None", "regular", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "loose", "long", "printed", "quirky", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "regular", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "loose", "long", "printed", "funky print", "short sleeves", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "None", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "long", "default", "default", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "pink", "None", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "quirky", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "None", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "long", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "long", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "long", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "None", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "regular", "default", "default", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "boxy", "regular", "printed", "funky print", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "maroon", "loose", "long", "solid", "funky print", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "yellow", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "loose", "long", "default", "default", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "graphic", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "multicolor", "regular", "regular", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "loose", "long", "solid", "solid", "short sleeves", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "default", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "crop", "solid", "solid", "long sleeves", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "boxy", "crop", "printed", "funky print", "default", "None", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "loose", "long", "printed", "quirky", "default", "regular sleeves", "None" ]
Find the color, fit shape, length, pattern, print or pattern type, sleeve length, sleeve styling, surface styling from the image
[ "black", "regular", "regular", "default", "default", "default", "cuffed sleeves", "None" ]