2005-07-16 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[In response to allegations of people altering the Bible] Theres no doubt in my mind that God would not let his word be altered in any way he did not want it to be. If Sodam and Gomorah were struck dead just 4 lying, then why can't some monk be struck dead?
2005-07-16 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Male primates don't shave. They never shaved. They do not grow beards. Male humans who never shave grow beards. Therefore humans and primates do not share a common ancestor.
2005-07-16 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Just go to the first day of the sales of any of these books [Harry Potter] and see all the people standing out in the rain at midnight to stampede into the bookstores to get these books. Satanism doesn't usually manifest as blood drinking self mutilators who talk backwards. All that Satan requies is the rejection of God. The author will keep churning out this trash as long as the money keeps coming.
2005-07-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I mean Neo-Liberal when I use the word Liberal. I think you know that. I cannot walk with you politically until the Godless anti-Christians who promote sexual perversion are gone as a political platform issue of the Democrats. I cannot look at Jesus and knowingly support Democrats. You are caught up in hating George Bush. I'd be a Democrat in a heart beat if they weren't bald-faced liars. And, there is no proof of Bush lying. Being wrong is not complicity. Unfortunately, no politician can ever admit they are wrong or they are doomed. But I have confidence that Bush repents. He just shouldn't cast pearls before Liberal you know whats.
2005-07-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I've come to understand that many things happened to the earth at the Fall, having to do with God's cursing it for our sake, and that includes the bombardment by meteors that is evident on the moon but not evident on earth -- probably because the Flood erased the craters (I had thought that bombardment must have occurred during the Flood but I believe now it was part of the cursing of the creation with the Fall), and this cursing also includes the "ice age" which explains the development of the wooly mammoth too, as well as that beast's huge tusks and the sabre-toothed tiger and the like for the purpose of defense or killing prey.
2005-07-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
HINT: The reason this has become a problem in London -- where born and bred Brits are starting to blow themselves up is because we didn't nuke Damascus 30 years ago. The plague of Islam is continuing to spread -- and will continue to do so until drastic actions are taken to exterminate this disease. Your post proves the opposite of what you'd hoped to prove -- the British citizenship of these bombers shows the disease is spreading and that the cowardice that didn't bomb Damascus yesterday is directly responsible for the Islamic bombing of London on 7/7. Refusing to fight this in Damascus means we must now fight it in London. Your policy has failed. Enjoy the carnage. You've earned it.
2005-07-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Why is it that apes and monkeys have no beards or mustaches. Apes do not seen to be into body art or body piercing either. This is just an observation. Beards have been around seemingly since Adam and yet I see no connection with primates. Come to think of it, I've seen no ape sporting the "Tarzan" look. After supposed "millions" of years of cavemen hanging around with apes, apes still are not into sporting clothing. In fact, they (unlike us) do not even seem to understand the idea of modesty. It would seem that apart from a few similarities in form, that is where the similarities end. They are animals-----we are humans.
2005-07-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
The problem is that no known person today lived 6000 or more years ago so we cannot test any of these theories.
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Hmm, How about the fact that there are no 0 species still evolving on the level humans did supposedly. No species in the intermediate stages. HOw about if you think you can find out everything about the earth's history or humankind's history just by digging ten feet in the earth, and looking at remains you are being naive and furthermore ridiculous. And that is just for starters. I could go on forever. I don't have enough time to expose them all. How about the fact that an evolutionary jump was made in the last 100,000 years that should not have been possible, homo-erectus to sapien. No intermediate stages. How about, scientists have found foot prints and bones that were supposedly hominids, but could not tell the differenc between them and apes.
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Review of the book "The Truth About Hillary : What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President"] WAKE UP PEOPLE!! THIS WOMAN IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL!! Look at her eyes...Satan personified in a female body! This book is factual, ripe with truth and that's why her supporters are writing these 1 star reviews and calling it a hack job. Those of us who know the Clintons and particularly this evil, bigoted, woman who will destroy anything and anyone who crosses her path the wrong way know that the devil is alive and real! She is evil personified! This book tells the truth!
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Also, this little tolerance movement has to stop. I honestly dont even feel safe going to my college these days because there's so many muslims walking around, but not every day ones, the ones that wear the long robes with the hats and women who cover themselves and everything, you know the hard line muslims. People want to try and make them look like they're peacefull, but they're not and it just ticks me off because people wont just let something be what it is, evil.
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Isn't it funny how Muslims appear to get overly touchy with the word "terrorist". Do MUSLIMS see themselves synonymous as "terrorists" ? Maybe these Muslims aren't as "moderate" as they'd like to believe or say they are.
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I dont know what happened to the Garden of Eden physically (if someone can explain, please do) but I was just sitting one day thinking, if God made it so no one could enter the Garden anymore, you ever think that the Bermuda triangle could be near where its at or was at? People still disappear out there and compasses dont work and there's been alot of speculation of why, but never a real answer. Boats and airplanes disappear though, so what could cause both of these types of vehicles to have problems? Another thing is that people and their vessels/planes never get found. I could just be misunderstanding, but as far as I can tell wasn't the garden a place on earth, not the entire earth at that point in time?
2005-07-12 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
It's only in recent times that the claim has been made that homosexuality is an inborn, genetic thing; if this were the case, why did earlier generations not make the claim?
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
And it was some 3.68 years earlier, was on May 16th 1983, that I had my first and only open-eye Biblical like apparition, when at 2:30am I was woken up whilst sleeping next to my sleeping wife and looked towards the windows, when the curtains ‘disappeared’ and in their place was a large white screen. Then, the metaphysical ‘movie’ first showed me a wilderness location, and temporary accommodation units of a rather different type, in that each unit consisted of four interlocking circular and tents standing on a 10 x 10 metre square base. I knew it was exactly 10 metres because a ‘voice’ spoke into my mind. The second part of the apparition was seeing the Adversary himself face to face and eyeball to eye ball. The appartion showed me clearly that the Devil also resides in Satan for they are as One. So to the metaphysical, the Adversary, seems to like the two common denominators 155 and 508. And Satan at 155 x the Devil 508 and /2,000 is 39.37 and 39.37 inches is one metre, (unless one likes the square root of 1550 at 39.37003937 inches). And the reciprocal of 508 x 20,000 is 39.370078 inches. And there are 508 days from September 11, 2001 to the destruction of Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. Thus the New World Order Elite re-established during the French Revolution a former cubit they termed a metre at 39.37 inches.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Well if you call demon worshiping nice. Hey whatever gets your rocks off right? I mean if you are a person who follow the Bible then Im surely confused at how you can state such an inane phrase as that one. So oral sex is nice eh? Tell that to Isis and Osiris too.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Notice that when London was just bombed, how Americans were showing support and sympathy. Yet when the WTC towers were hit, all the pressed showed was how the people in Europe were saying we deserved it. We're already sending financial aid and support to them, but we're evil. Remember that.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
......evolution cannot be used to explain bodily symmetry for one simple reason...In the evolution theory, all things in nature are supposed to be in balance...equal spacing of it really isn't a fair question that evolution can answer because we know all matter in the universe is not in balance and or equally spaced...trying to use evolution theory as a unit of measure to weigh an argument against or for, is like trying to measure in centimeters with an imperial ruler.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "Did you just spout the words 'rolled back as a scroll' and 'scientifically' in the same breath?"] According to the 2LoT, a closed system (such as the universe) ALWAYS increases in disorder. So what is to prevent the laws from collapsing and making the stars destroy Earth?
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "A species could not exist unless it reproduced."] Exactly That is why evolution is impossible
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
If it [earth's magenetic field] repolarizes, as you claim, why don't birds ever migrate NORTH for the winter? Also, magnets of a like polarity REPEL each other, so why don't animals that eat a lot of iron fly off into space? As to the magnetic field, this would pull the moon closer because the Moon has iron in it. Therefore, it's magnetic. The magnetic field 3 billion years ago would destroy ALL life forms, and a repolarization would send EVERYTHING into space.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Btw, according to the Bible, Revelation says the skies shall be rolled back as a scroll, and the Sun, Moon, and stars will fall on Earth. Thus, the moon's recession and slowing fits PERFECTLY with the Bible scientifically.
2005-07-11 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[After realizing his previous claim about iron-eating animals being flung into space was dismantled] I have a question, though. If it's not repolarizing for 200,000 years, how come we still have it? I mean, it's caused by the hot insides of Earth. However, you fail to understand, too, that magnets LOSE strength over time. 20,000 years ago, the Earth would have been destroyed by the heat of the planet.
2005-07-10 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
We are all rebellious even in our thoughts which according to the Lord is a sin, and no one can stop our stupid brains from having a stupid thought, why do you think He died and rose for us?
2005-07-09 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
After flipping past the Drudge Report, I see that Hurricane Dennis is now packing 185mph winds and heading right for the U.S. mainland. Many storm centers have predicted this year (and perhaps subsequent years) will have a higher than average amount of hurricanes and tropical storms that will impact the U.S. All of this has been determined from 100+ years of weather data and the latest technology. Perhaps I could have made the same prediction that these folks did, with only one book at my disposal...the Bible. Folks, I sincerely believe that this hurricane is the mere tip of the iceberg of up and coming judgement upon the U.S. We have officially turned our back on God's chosen people with this road map to disaster along with the crumbling morals that once made this country great. God's protection has been in the process of being lifted (9/11) and we are only going to see things like this intensify. No believer should be caught off guard by this as America has earned its judgement from the Lord who has been incredibly more patient with us then we ever did deserve. Hurricanes, droughts, floods, earthquakes...hang on...its going to get bumpy.
2005-07-09 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
"Natural selection"?" That is again a term made up by evolutionists to try to explain things they don't understand.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
This world is full of various religions - All of which I disagree with but all of which I can live side by side with... With the exception of Islam... Its time for all reasonable open-minded people to admit that Islam is a cult of slavery and death... This is a world-wide social desease we cannot afford to live with... <p>Since Islam proper will not stand up and take the responsible position to rein in these animals or even condemn them, we can only conclude that they tacitly approve of and even collude with these murderers... <p>Islam has lost its right to live in peace in this world... Its time to take action...
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Seriously, this happened .... My son has a t-shirt I bought for him last year. He wore it the other day and I noticed around the surfing logo is a very well cleverly hidden skull face. He has had this shirt for a year and when I looked at it before buying it I didn't see it either until two days ago. My husband has a "hawaiian shirt" that also has the skull on it cleverly hidden in its pattern. He wore it several times before I saw the skull in the pattern. He had the shirt a couple years and never noticed it. Can't be too careful these days as they imbed stuff into what you buy and you never know it.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Years ago on a family vacation, my son-in-law had a pillow pushed against his face during the night as if in attempt to suffocate him. No one else was in the room. He had to struggle to push the pillow away. At that time, there is no doubt that he was the member of our family who had the closest walk with the Lord. Later I found out that the house we were vacationing in was owned by atheists who were also nudists. There was a presence in the house that did not want a godly young man there.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
With the dark enities that bother me,I too would feel their presence move about and on my bed.Trying to shake my bed even,at that point I would locate the pestering demon by the vibrations that it gave off and would wack that area with a cross;the shaking then stops.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "I've seen one of those small and discusting demons...yuck..but before i saw the thing, i could smell this awful musty stench..and even taste it..and when i opened my eyes i saw it-- and it looked like a cross between an owl and a gargoyle, if i had to describe it. It was brown with neon green/yellow eyes. when i realized what it was, i immediately rebuked it in Jesus name and it left."] <p>Did they have BIG heads, long spidery jelly arms and move like ghost almost? Cause the one I saw looked almost like you described but his eyes were little slits....feerrreeeaaakkkkyyy.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
oh my, so many of these stories are identical, have felt the bed being shaken, walked on, i've been pushed while in the bed, my head has been pushed into doors or walls or counters that i have been close to, at one point in my life for a six year period my head was always being knocked into something and there was never anyone there. i know it's a demonic force, many of my friends have related stories to me about hearing the voices or a baby crying and it stops when the light is turned on. i have told them not to speak to them any more except ot rebuke them in Jesus' name, i too have heard my name being called. the war is on and becoming more and more evident as time passes. i've seen those ugly little retarded demons too, i know they are pretty stupid, i wonder if they can read? Nothing but the blood of Jesus can protect us.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
i used to have a microwave that spelled out 'child' in an space that only held 4 numbers and no lettters and a car stereo that spelled out 'Lord' when i would listen to it. this is all within the past 4 years or so.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
Ali M.
[ "#fundie" ]
One of my best friends in life is a Completed Jew who got Saved 2 months before I did. About 1 year after salvation he called me in the middle of the night in a state of fear and confusion. Let me first say, his wife whom he met in Church,suffered with problems with mental illness, we believed it was demonic oppression. Anyway, he called and said come over now I need to tell you what has happened. when i got their we sat doun and this is what he told me. He was sound asleep in bed when he felt his mattress shaking as if someone was hitting it . He tried to ignore it thinking his wife was kicking in her sleep. It didn't stop though, so finally he sat up to see what was causing this agravation, in the dark room with no lights on he saw about a half dozen demonic beings scurrying around the side and the foot of his bed. They were having a type of taunting victory party right their in his bedroom. Marks blood ran cold and he immediately screamed out, get out of here in the name of Jesus Christ. The demons stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shock that he could evidently see them and in a second they dissapeared. They were small and disgusting in appearance but very real to him. And knowing him as i do i believe this happened exactly as he said it.
2005-07-08 00:00:00
Pastor Visser
[ "#fundie" ]
I feel that most 'atheists' are only as such out of pure ignorance of the facts. Sure, tons of these guys say things like "It's been forced down my throat" or "they've been trying to predict the end of the world forever" but only a fool would allow the mistakes or misinterpretations of others to dictate their beliefs to them. One merely need to look at the intricacies of human birth and pregnancy or the simple beauty of a lake or tree to know that man can't 'create' those things yet how many cling to 'chance theories' dreamed up by even bigger antichrists then they. <p>But hey! Let's see what Almighty God thinks about it: <p>[Insert Psalm 14:1, 53:1]
2005-07-06 00:00:00
All-Star Superman
[ "#fundie" ]
I am now seeing at gas stations and stores where you can now by things by them scaning your hand. I have also now seen micro-chips that they are trying to implant eitther in humans for head or hand. So you can keep trak of money,buy things,know where you are,etc. I for one am happy to see these things taking place because to me it says the coming of the Lord is soon. Please everyone just keep faith and pray for those lost.
2005-07-06 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
It's [Talk Origins] the Unbible of the ETBs. Whenever a point is raised for which they don't have a pre-programmed response, they turn to TO to see what they're supposed to think and say. It reminds me of the JWs relying on the Watchtower for their doctrines. <p>The evowackos are biologically incapable of independent thought. They have a group mentality. They recite their "arguments" with all the spontaneity and individualism of a voicemail system. <p>For Invoking Natural Selection As The Way To Avoid Dealing Intellectually With Inescapable Mathematical Impossibilities, press or say 1. <p>For Random Genetic Mutations Turning One Primitive Lifeform Into All Life On Earth In A Pathetically Inadequate Billion Years, press or say 2. <p>For New Ways To Launch Scathing Ad-Hominem Attacks on Creationists To Divert Attention From Your Own Egregious Stupidity, press or say 3. <p>For Emergency Instructions On How To Respond To Having The Living Shit Blown Out Of Your Standard Arguments, press or say 4. <p>For Other Mountains Of Harebrained Pseudoscientific Bullshit To Be Chanted Religiously By Mind-Numbed ETBs, press or say TO. <p>TO is a bad joke.
2005-07-06 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
That's pretty much my concensus. Why should I cite sources when giving an opinon or theory of my own? In that case I AM the source. However, small minded people, incapable of original thought, want sources for everything. They believe it adds validation. [...] <p>Here's what Americans believe. As of 1997 in a Gallop poll, 44% of all Americans believed in creation and 39% believed in intelligent design. ONLY 10% of Americans believe in naturalistic evolution. Far from being a majority, you atheistic evolutionists make up only a FRACTION of the population. If majority opinion accounts for anything, it proves that American has REJECTED your faulty appplications of pseudo science. If 10% seems a vindication to you, remember that twice that amount 20% of dentists DO NOT RECOMMEND sugarless gum to their patients who chew gum. [...] <p>Your problems are daunting. You are attempting to promote a religion based on lies, pseudo science and atheism to a Christian nation in which 95% of all Americans believe in God, 80% believe He STILL works miracles and 36% have personally witnessed or experienced miracles. In other words more than THREE TIMES as many Americans have EXPERIENCED miracles as believe in your baseless theory.
2005-07-05 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
BTW, since the flag is considered a living thing, I say anyone who burns one should be charged with murder. They would if they burned a person to death now wouldn't they? They're both living things!!
2005-07-05 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Rationalist Manifesto <p>I find this sad. It expresses well what is wrong in the world, in politics, in much we are now blind to. The basis for rationality is God and His Word, God and His Revelation to us. Were the lie that the Bible is at variance with rationality not so key in keeping people blind to God it would be humorous. Someone asked me to explain something in "rational" terms for the benefit of scientists. I find most scientists and other educated fools, to be just that. I wonder how "reporters" can be so stupid, how come Barbara Boxer even finds people to talk to her. I think this is the reason....How ironic...rational??? <p>"A Rationalist is one who finds reliance on reason as the basis for establishment of religious truth; one who holds the view that reason and experience rather than the nonrational are the fundamental criteria in the solution of problems. Our focus is to educate on issues of importance; to encourage men, women, and children to think for themselves; To eliminate the need for religious protection; and most importantly, to point the lost toward logic which is our only hope for eternal salvation. "
2005-07-04 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
No it [the Bible] shouldnt be heavly scrutinized because god did it and god can do anyhting
2005-07-04 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Responding to poster linking to pictures of Photoshopped peacock-crocodile hybrids from <a href="" target="_blank">this parody site</a> as a sarcastic reply to creationists redefining the meaning of "transitional fossil".] <p>Actual photos of fossils please, (not that weird combos refute theistic evolution). [...] <p>Just so everybody is clear, these were made up, like Piltdown man and Nebraska man- other supposedly "missing links."
2005-07-04 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
damn gay people taking over the world we must stop them i say we bomb canada to start
2005-07-04 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
PBS has some doozy shows. <p>It was late at night, 2 or 3AM, and I couldn't sleep and didn't feel like reading. I went downstairs and flipped through the channels. I thought I saw something strange and turned back to PBS. Sure enough, there was a young boy having sex with a horse in a barn. No kidding. I was AWAKE when I saw THAT. I couldn't believe it. <p>I have no doubt that some find that to be art or entertainment. I call it sick. <p>Just think YOU get to fund this stuff. Of course whenever our lovely representatives want to stop funding this stuff, PBS will highlight Barney, Sesame Street, Mister Rogers, Dragon Tales etc. but NOT the sewer stuff.
2005-07-04 00:00:00
Sentient Zero
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "Why wouldn't Christ allow Mary Magdalene to touch Him after the Resurrection?"] Personally, I tend to believe it had something to do with the lingering effects of the massive expenditure of power used in the bodily resurrection of Christ. It was probably physically harmful for Mary M. (or anyone else for that matter) to come in contact with His glorified form at that point. After He had "cooled down", it became possible to touch Him.
2005-07-03 00:00:00
john crawford
[ "#fundie" ]
Theorizing that any human skulls are directly related to non-human African apes by evolutionary descent is a form of scientific racism.
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I can't see a majority of scientists saying "We were wrong, God is real and we all better start going to church" - I wish I did ! But don't think I will, belief in God for a scientist is paramount to career suicide isn't it ?
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Yes i did but it doesnt matter i have faith that what the bible says is true so unless you can show me biblical evidence that we evolved then i wont beleive you
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Besides, our model is the early christians, they had a great old time burning books. I think one time they counted they cost of the books as well. Lets have thousands of good old book burnings. Bring the marshmallows!
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie", "#dunning-kruger" ]
[Replying to "do you think that the theroy of evolution is that people are born monkeys then change to humans?"] That is what evolution is
2005-07-03 00:00:00
infinite worth
[ "#fundie" ]
I definately have this strong feeling that something is on the verge of happening. I went to enroll in the radiology program at school today. Before I left I had this strange feeling and while I was there filling out the paper work the words COUPLE MONTHS LEFT popped in my head. Maybe it meant nothing.But the rest of the time I was there I couldn't get it out of my head. Then when my counselor told me my graduation date 2007, I couldn't help but think that I won't even be here.
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
My point is that a majority of people aren't always right. Which you acknowledged, so although a lot of scientists might believe something, might they not also all being deceived ? or working from a false set of assumptions ?
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "Transitional fossils are going to be by definition nearly like those species just before and just after the 'transition.'"] <p>So are you saying that the fossil record doesn't show transitions ? Just sudden animals appearing almost like they were created ?
2005-07-03 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "as far as I know, there isn't such a thing as 'vitamin b17'"] <p>And yes, B-17 is a classified vitamin. <p>If you have any problems with B-17 then I'll offer you a challenge. I'll take apricot seeds for 11 months and you take a toxic chemotherapy drug, and we'll see who's the better at the end of it. Or more to the point, we'll see who's alive at the end of it.
2005-07-02 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Charles Darwin was trying to disprove God. That was his whole point in the Origin of the Species. I think you need to read up on his history a bit more if you think otherwise. <p>Evolution is not supported by evidence. (Nonsense babble and fakes do not count as evidence). <p>Evolution serves a political Marxist, Freudian agenda. Evolutionphiles who do not support the evolutionist morales are just the dummies caught up in the middle.
2005-06-30 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I was taught in school that acres of rain forest were being destroyed by the second, and yet we still have rain forests. Honestly, I don't believe them [about global warming]. And if they are right, I'm not to worried about it anyway. The Bible says that this earth will be destroyed by God anyway. We can take care of what we've got now, but I'm not going to let what some scientist thinks is going to happen worry me.
2005-06-30 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Look maybe some organisms evolve....But there is absolutely no possible way anything on this planet turned to MAN government scientists in DNA know for a fact we are not of this planet but they cannot speak for themselves.
2005-06-30 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
The reason why I don't worship the earth like Liberals do is because I know Jesus is coming back.Most liberals believe that the earth will end because of global warming,when in fact the earth never ends,just ask Jesus.
2005-06-29 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Do you have to be baptized to go to heaven me and this guy were arguing about it and Ive been reading it like you have to be baptized w/ water Im like huh I was always taught growing up that if you love Jesus and ask him to forgive you of ur sins and that you believe he died for you then ur saved plz help
2005-06-28 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "Pull [the troops] out and nuke them. Be cheaper on American blood and dollars."] <p>You Know I may get in trouble for saying this and I DONT ENDORSE ANY TYPE MURDER /CRIME But I too at the start of this war remeber saying "KILL them ALL and let GOD sort them out!" [...] I know its hard to imagine Nuking innocent Children BUT without a Change in Think what do you think those Little children will grow up to be? BIG TEERORIST!
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
If I had to chose between Islamic Fundamentalists and a Secularist state I think I might want the Muslims to win. <p>I'd lose my civil rights but at least I'd be with people who have a sense of 'holy' and 'right and wrong' even if it is misdirected. I find the utter cowardice of the Secularist to be nauseating as well.
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Stalin and Hitler were both greatly influenced by Darwin's theory which led them to believe there was no God, and that oppression and extinction of the inferior was inevitable anyway. That is why after the widespread publication of the NT, such mass injustices and murder slow to a trickle, and where it is removed again in Communist states, evil and oppression spread like wildfire again. <p>Oh wait! It's just a huge coincidence that where there are no New Testaments, there is darkness, and where they are plentiful, there is "enlightenment."
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell them that a codom will protect them from sexually transmitted disease? <p>No. <p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and pretend that porno-rock, violent movies and violent video games and so forth have no effect on the human condition? <p>No. <p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell 'em there is no G_d to fear? <p>No. <p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell 'em abortion is a 'choice' and that a baby is a parasite? <p>No. <p>How many people die in the USA alone every year due to abortion? <p>About a million. <p>How many people die due to suicide bombers every year? <p>About a thousand. <p>That means fundamentalist secularist marshmallow-heads are easily about 1,000 times more deadly then fundamentalist Islamic towel-heads. <p>Secularists in the USA will kill more people this year than Islamic Extremists have killed through terror techniques in 50 years. More disease will be spread by the lies of Secularists than will be spread by the backwards middle east practice of wiping their own behinds with their left hands. <p>Who is backwards? Who is destructive? Who is really racking up the body count? <p>The only reason you don't see the body count is because you term an abortion as choice, irresponsible sex as 'boys being boys' and violent rock songs as 'freedom of speech'. Guess what? The Islamic Fundamentalists do the same thing -- they attribute their acts to G_d or call it a holy war while the secularist sacrifices vicitims on the alter of 'choice.' <p>Semantics.
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Oh they weren't killed in the name of atheism. They were killed because that's what people do who do not have the NT or Christians around to tell them its wrong. That is why humans made so little social progress until the NT was published, and why they went backwards where it was not published.
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Unborn babies are safe in Muslim countries. You see, from my perspective the USA is killing more innocent people in 1 year than Sadam killed in his entire rule.
2005-06-27 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
After the media played long excerpts of the Chicago Gay pride parade and had the audacity to play a rebroadcast of the entire parade after the news, This morning news hit me in the gut in the same manner as I watched the planes hit the Trade towers on 9/11.
2005-06-25 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
God cannot be proven not to exist, so in turn he must exist -Basics of Science.
2005-06-25 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
we are ALL ignorant of many things that go on in our of those things is Scientific Frontiers.... <p>But the point I was trying to make is that if your actually into SCIENCE and all its would begin to see that Science is BEGINNING to Explain Religion...Something I couldnt post cuz it would take maybe HOURS to go through every little amazing Detail. <p>Connective Physics begins to show that WE ARE ALL TRULY ONE. We are essentially a great big SOUP OF WAVES...interacting in so many ways to give the world you see around you. Physics also PROVES that Electrons and other small particles truly exhibit CHOICE...something simply unheard of at any other time. If you've heard of the Uncertainty Principle, you would understand that Chance and Choice are to of the Same things. <p>Oh and dont Take my Word for it....check this RESPECTED SITE.... <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
2005-06-25 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Well antichristsuperstar [pun of username "AnarchistSuperstar"] what would you say to the thousands of people who have reported and seen what they called supernatural events. What would yos say to people who have witnessed what they believe to be miraculous events. What would you say to me who experienced a direct revelation of GOD? Indeed God directly revealed His existence to me. What would you say to me?
2005-06-25 00:00:00
Matrix Freak
[ "#fundie" ]
If it's truly mental, than how come when the high priest prayed onto her, she came back? <p>I know it's hard to believe and you will try to find some rational answers, but I can tell you that i am more sure there are angels and demons than there is a god. yea I know it's contradictory, but it's just to show you how real that experience was. <p>The red green face that the girl had, the screams out of her launges for more than two and a half hours, i've heard all of them... I can still hear them sometimes... Not like a person screaming, it wasn't like that... it had an echo, a deep deep voice.. you know those voices that they make with computer aid, the ones that are trying to imitate the devil's voice? it's not even close.... it's was more like a wolf growling.... I can still remember how they carried her away... oh my god....
2005-06-24 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
What you refuse to do is to acknowledge intelligent design when it comes to all of creation. You look around you and see these things and can't help but admit to the intelligence of their design. Ok, maybe you can, but not honestly I don't beleive. Chance just isn't that good, and if you disagree, take your entire life's savings to the nearest casino and put it all down at the roulette wheel and let's see just how much you trust chance to be in your favor then. <p>What the real problem here is that people refuse to acknowledge God, therefore something else, anything else, we'll think of something, had to have been behind creation. Nevermind that it shows all the markings of great intelligence behind it. We can refuse to admit this and move on with our theories and claims. <p>I'm afraid my commonsense overrides this nonsense!
2005-06-24 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Evidence of evolution is just too scanty. And specifically evidence that humans evolved from any other form. Yes there have been many various forms of bipedal creatures that resemble humans but not one shred of hard evidence that there was ever a transition from one form to another except for manufactured evidence by people who were desperately trying to find substantiation to a pre existing theory. Case in point is Lucy, manufactured from a couple fragments that were not even found on the same site but actually miles apart. Intersting to note is that anthripological evidence of the present species of humans cannot be found that is much older than what Biblical origens would dictate. Now I realize this is arguable at some level and I am just a casual scholar of such things, but as far as I know Kenniwick man is the oldest know human found in our country and if I remember right he was dated back some 6000 years.
2005-06-23 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I much prefer the savor of arterial blood from the jugulars of liberals and atheists (two forms of parasites that the world be infinitely richer without).
2005-06-23 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Atheists, the proud Officers of Islam, with their footsoldier Agnostic Allies manning the front line, are prone to defend Islam against attack on forums such as these, why do you think this hypocrisy shows itself as such? Have they not read the Quran?
2005-06-23 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to "Can you point to a post where an atheist "defends" Islam? Just for discussion."] <p>MustafaTerrorist: Allah is the greatest. <p>HouseApe: Those who criticize Islam are stupid, it is a religion of peace unlike the unholy Christian *******s. <p>Seriously now, you know you defend Islam a hell of a lot against christian Attacks. Why is this? Are you proud of your Atheistic Heritage in slaughtering 6 year olds?
2005-06-23 00:00:00
C. Little
[ "#fundie" ]
They start w/ Pokemon, and then get into this. In my opinion Pokemon is pretty harmless. Almost all the characters are just kind of cute. The only problem I have w/ Pokemon is the characters evolve into other characters. We've had discussions about how things DON'T evolve, but I do let him play w/ that. I know some would not agree w/ letting him, but I've looked at it all and I don't really have a problem w/ it. He has to be able to do some things.
2005-06-22 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
So instead I should listen to similar men who think they have it all figured out because of a particular interpretation of the geological column???? <p>Or a story of how some silica-rich clay turned into little greasy bits...then began to eat each other???? <p>Does anyone have a hotline to the past so we can watch evolution? Perhaps a time machine? (just don't set it past 6,000 years)
2005-06-22 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
it seems ovious to me if you are a christian then you defently havent read the bible. and heres more proof, scientists have found footprents of human and dinasaur alike walking side-by-side, can you explain that!?
2005-06-22 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
When I see a PG-13 rated movie I have to read the fine print to see if it is rated like that because of violence, language, or adult situations. If its the latter two, I skip it.
2005-06-22 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[<a href="" target="_blank">Post 1</a>] God is not going to let Terri's death go unpunished. there are hard times ahead for America. <p>[Post 2] jusdt don't be surprised if we have a worse hurricane season than usual this year, or maybe earthquakes, tornados, etc.
2005-06-22 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
There is a lot of evidence supporting the idea that the end times and the rapture are very near to happening. for example, the United Nations fulfill the prophesy that very near to the end times, the world will be united as one, and there will be peace on the earth(even though we're a long way from peace). also, barcodes, credit cards etc. are an early warning to the mark of the beast being used to pay for all of our expenses. In college station, Texas, there are stores where you can pay for your groceries, appliances, etc., with your thumbprint. So what does everyone else think? Are the end times and Judgement Day near?
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
One of my first experiences [in casting out demons] included a house that was occupied and had things move on their own in the house. It of course scared the people. Those people ask me over but had forgotten they were going to have guest visiting. (Family) They ask if I could still do 'it'. I said that what I was doing was spiritual and they wouldn't interfere. <p>After using anointing oil and praying in the natural and in the spirit I stood in the street and took authority over the house and the property and commanded every demon in that space from the throne of heaven to the gates of hell to get out. <p>A man in the house let out a yell and was slammed against a hall wall. He had been demonized. That demon left with the other(s). Now tyhat man was swept and clean; since he wasn't a Christian I dont know if the demon returned with others."
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
With all that I have done to try and plant seed for the here & now need for Salvation, I have also done all I know to do to continue the Lord's work even after the Rapture occurs. About 2 years ago I got a strong urgency to strip down my possesions to the bare basics. My family has a very limited budget, living paycheck to paycheck, but even so, I felt the need to simplify my life the best I could. Now that the notebook & the letters are all finished, (just adding as I find info I think will be useful) & now that my life is about as simple and basic as it can be, I now find myself with a new constant & strong urgency. To gt my house clean. I mean clean it top to bottom and do my very best to keep it that way. [...] <p>Can anyone help me understand this urgency? Has anyone or is anyone else feeling this same urgency? <p>Don't get me wrong, my house was presentable, it was tidy and neat the majrity of the time. But, now I have this constant and continuing urgency to keep it very organised and very clean. You know how you clean your house spic & span before a special guest or guests come by? or how you might clean extra well right before you go on a long trip so that when you return you come back to a clean and tidy house? Well, that is what I feel the urgency to do with my house. Only thing is... I don't have plans for anyone special to come over and I have no plan on going on a trip. <p>I do believe the Rapture will be coming soon & that Jesus will call us all home, but will He really care if my house isn't tidy?
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Anyway I think the Bible is very very old, perhaps as old as 120 million years. Maybe people lived much longer in ancient times and could travel along the planets. Jfr. Ezekiel's describsion of space crafts.
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
In my understanding, most supporters of the big bang theory, claim that it happened by itself, i.e. that there was no God involved. Since they can't show another event of this kind, they say it is a singularity.Yet they deny that Jesus Christ could have been a singularity.
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
do you really think that the Quran will be the religion of the world?..if so not in my lifetime, how? those crazy people blow themselves up for nothing and everyone knows it except them
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
If God's Word is full on contradictions, how can we as Christians have confidence in our in faith which is based on the Word of God? Romans 10:17.
2005-06-21 00:00:00
Uncle El;f=10;t=000531;p=1#000001
[ "#fundie" ]
Einstein believed in God. Shouldn't you?
2005-06-21 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
My 3 names (Malcolm Douglas Lambert) add up to 219. The planet Venus makes one complete rotation in 243 days and the planet is retrograde, which means that it's rotation is opposite in comparison to earth, and relatively speaking it is upside down (because the sun rises in the west instead of the east, in relative orientation to our earth. So hypothetically speaking, if you were to stand at the equator of Venus and orient yourself so that south becomes north, the sun would rise in the east and Earth would be upside down. This technically makes Venus an "upside down star" for all intents and purposes) <p>I have been studying a thing called "Publius Enigma" which involves the band Pink Floyd. They came out with the album called "The Division Bell" in 1994 and an 8 month tour which began in March. <p>The tour actually began, I discovered, on my birthday which is March 16, at Norton Airforce Base in San Bernardino California for the very first rehearsal of the tour. On October 20, 1994 Pink Floyd's management recorded a video for the tour at Earl's Court, London, England, which they called P*U*L*S*E (which was also made into a live album). This was a total of 219 days, which is also the number that my 3 names add up to.
2005-06-20 00:00:00
Father Daniel
[ "#fundie" ]
[Commenting after he and several others crucify and murder a schizophrenic nun] I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this.
2005-06-18 00:00:00
Devoted Servant
[ "#fundie" ]
I know that much of the destruction from the Tsunami occured where sexual perversion with children was/is rampant. Selling children for sex and making pornography with children was huge there. <p>I always wonder when Las Vegas will be swallowed up in an earthquake
2005-06-18 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Another question: presuming you're saved, you donate an organ to someone that isn't saved, and the Rapture occurs, what happens to the organ? Would it go with you, or stay with the new person?
2005-06-17 00:00:00
The Deacon
[ "#fundie" ]
It [stem-cell research] is the culture of death. The secular humanist left is only interested in maintaining the right to murder babies. Anything that seems to help their cause is acceptable to them because there is no fear of God before their eyes.
2005-06-17 00:00:00
the J Man
[ "#fundie" ]
It's a known fact that Hitler was a follower of Alleister Crowley. Crowley bragged about being the most wickedest man in the world and had 666 written on his forehead. If you don't want to beleive that Hitler was a satanist, I won't go on debating with you about it. You can research that and find that to be true, but it's up to you if you wish to believe that.
2005-06-17 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Thread title "The Earth Reacts to Sexual Perversion"] <p>I have always believed it to be so, yet so many times when the thought was brought up of violent storms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and etc it has been dismissed as things continuing as they always have. However I came across a passage of scripture that I believe shows that God actually programmed or created the earth with a built in mechanism to destroy the inhabitants of a region if they continued in vile sexual perversion.
2005-06-17 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
a time of war, when Jesus returns {2and Coming} ............ Do you think he is going to turn the other Cheek.........I DON'T THINK SO! his vesture will be dipped in his enemies BLOOD! He is returning to rid the world of evil.....with a vengeance......How do you think he is going to do this? Preach!? Nope, he is going to "war" with them. And they will be dead and gone! <p>War. A terrible last resort! but at times it must be Done.............The Bible says there is a time for WAR! Ecclesiastes 3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
2005-06-16 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Replying to <a href="">results of Terri Schiavo's autopsy</a>] <p>first of all as a Christian, i beleieve in miracles. they can and do happen. second of all, i don't for a minute believe the words of the crooked socialist medical examiner. just by reading the report it's obvious that he clearly has an agenda.
2005-06-16 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
I hope every as*hole who went along with dehydrating and starving Terri to death suffers a painful death by natural causes [skull and crossbones]
2005-06-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
[Going on vacation to] Amsterdam? That's good... You'll be with like-minded people... You can sit around with the whores smokin all the legal pot you want and indulge in your own self-importance by running down America... Have fun... Dont come back...
2005-06-15 00:00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
Christianity is evil? <p>Christians don't go around reaming each other in the a$$!