6 values
i said at the beginning i have combination oily skin but i still use this around once a week because my skin feels absolutely gorgeous the morning after applying it
i couldnt feel more blessed at this time
i feel amused looking at the little turtle who sneaked in with them
i also feel this conversation could dovetail quite easily into another about images and objects that are ugly to serve the purpose of being ironic
im feeling just a little proud
i do that made me feel excited about life
i feel like a moronic bastard
i don t know if it s mostly because he s forcing himself to be distracted or if he s feeling more determined or what but i think that though he s still hurting he is learning to cope with it kame takes a breath
i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast
i think ive just been feeling a little bothered
im trying to be understanding open minded and fair but im feeling completely pissed to the max about a few things
im not sure if its just me who feels this way or if its everyone but tortured souls dont make for the best boyfriends
i feel so relaxed and happy when im in the water
i remember that i moved them but i cant remember where and i feel so foolish
i firmly believe that the only way to go about this craft is to write the book that you feel passionate about and not to worry about finding the book that the mass audience desires
im definitely not feeling fearful or anything right now
i feel unfathomably rich in having had a healthy pregnancy so far
i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever
i really feel like we were successful in identifying some pretty scary early warning signs and sticking our foot in the door before it shut
i feel like im still quite bad at describing my feelings with good words and beautiful phrases
i wanted to skate fast wanted to try everything just to see the difference in feel which was amazing
i made my way to class feeling a sense of fond connection with childhood only to discover i was without supplies which stirred other memories
i guess as long as the table in the above is policy discussions and not working and fighting for change within the american theater which i feel im very devoted to i can get behind it though it seems slanted
im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait
i am feeling uncertain of the merits of posting to this blog with the frequency or earnestness i had been over the previous year
i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me
ive been soo excited for him to feel and it was amazing
i started feeling a little stressed about leaving on time and making sure we got the getting ready pictures i wanted but everything seemed to workout perfectly
im feeling excited about it
i cant help but think if id just shut up if id just not made a big deal of what was essentially two adults meeting at the same table for a hot beverage then perhaps i wouldnt have spent the bulk of the weekend feeling like a stupid shit
i have a feeling this is a bit naughty scanning an article from a magazine but i know that so many people would love to read thi
i just feel extremely comfortable with the group of people that i dont even need to hide myself
i asked her what she meant by shes gonna feel jealous having loada of girls over me and then she said maybee i do like you a bitt
i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran
i always feel so pressured
i was wasting my life away going out with one person after another to find love feeling shitty and anti social about my polytechnic life i met this guy
im feeling and if ive liked being pregnant
i then realized that if i want to shoot weddings of clients who i connect with and feel comfortable with i must allow them to get to know me
im not sure the feeling of loss will ever go away but it may dull to a sweet feeling of nostalgia at what i shared in this life with my dad and the luck i had to have a dad for years
i want you to know that if i become prime minister in less than a year s time i will be proud to do so as a friend of israel a jew and most of all someone who feels so proud to be part of the community gathered here today
i feel so amazing musicjuzz
ive been getting have been making me feel suspicious like its someone elses great work they are trying to get credit for
i feel that passionate about
i feel nervous about leaving my kid with you
im learning mandarin chinese now in preparation for a trip to tianjin this september and already only four lessons in i feel like i have a handle on the basics and im thrilled to have some insight into a language that had always been a total mystery to me
i feel like i m not pretty smart interesting enough for my boyfriend and that he would feel more stimulated or happy with someone else
i was an year old girl who just wanted to feel important
ive got a off sale the ad says starting tomorrow but im feeling generous and started it now
i was worried that maybe she was sleeping so well because she wasn t getting enough milk and was feeling lethargic
i feel gorgeous yes
im sick of feeling unimportant like nobody needs me
i wonder how it feels to be loved by someone you love
i loved about ellie is that she didnt feel insulted by all the rude douche baggy things lothaire said to her because according to ellie insults only hurt when they come from somebody you respect damn straight
i feel guilty i wont be able to give this little one the same amount of time with just me
i feel like i m part of the problem when i call out missy jane s trusting an angel cover for not airbrushing out all the real skin on the cover model s
i have to give it to men as women we complain a lot about the heals we have to wear but at least we can wear a dress and feel cool in the summer
i found myself looking at the clock and starting to feel irritated
i stopped myself and began telling myself what i wanted to feel i am peaceful
i feel perfectly mellow
i feel bothered by any of these things i open a door
i feel bitchy saying it but i think that next saturday i just want to be alone
i don t really believe because i walked through all the water stops in my first marathon and i actually don t think that walking is bad but dammit i was feeling stubborn and i wanted to get home and needed to be motivated by something
i want you to feel just as humiliated as you made me feel in school
i tune out the rest of the world and focus on the rhythm of the needles and the softness of the yarn and for that time i feel my most peaceful
i feel so guilty for putting my child in daycare
i feel like ive gotten to know many of you through comments and emails and for that im appreciative and glad you are a part of this little space
i also baked enough cookies to take to my local bbw tomorrow night i feel so bad for the employees who have to work
i decent article which i knew likely had good information because my initial response was to feel offended and want to argue despite the fact that it was talking about not doing exactly that
i feel agitated a lot im straddling articulacy and incoherence
i feel fine about feeling well fine
i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant
i like doing reviews and i got this from target a few days ago so i feel its acceptable to review this for all you makeup lovers
i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death
i feel it is a worthwhile item to me or within my company s mission
i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy
i feel even more determined to keep up our once per week tradition that my son started
is hand started fondling his aching cock through the fabric of his boxers and he instinctively arched his back to feel more of the delicious sensation
i think i love her enough now to feel pretty insulted and rawr about it
i feel more assured having made my peace with atheism
i get the impression that banjo was really feeling it but molly still prefers her beloved katy perry purrrr
i feel that this information is vital to moving on with your day and you re not complete until you read it
i wish him and i could go out and i could do my hair and makeup and feel cute and flirt and talk and stuff but that never occurs
i feel suffocated and paranoid
i feel like the writer wants me to think so and proclaiming he no longer liked pulsars is a petty and hilarious bit of character
i appreciate how clean their lifestyles are even though i admit there were a few moments where the complete aversion to substances sex made me feel a little repressed
i am feeling so happy
i feel that they ignored the systemic nature of a pattern of sexual abuse and mishandling of reports of sexual abuse in the service of understandably wishing to defend and protect a friend and his reputation
i feel very indecisive about it
i feel bad knocking show down this far but i didnt see smackdown this week and i cant just assume he carried the show like he does every week daniel bryan doesnt appear on it
i feel his hand on me to stay faithful
made a wonderfull new friend
im feeling adventurous i might even make it multiple tiers too
im feeling extremely fabulous with my jacket and shoes aint no bitches gonna bring me down hahah
i declined to purchase any this time i enjoyed feeling squishing and project thinking all the divine yarn
im sorry i feel so uncertain about it
i help my daughter when she is feeling angry
i continue to write this i feel more and more distraught
i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school
i never feel like anythings getting resolved with my counseling so i just drift away
i come in contact on a regular basis and the sooner i can figure out how to be kind to them in all situations the sooner they will feel valued appreciated loved and the desire to learn how to pass that kindness on to others as i am learning to do