579 values
birth control
"I got the Mirena January 2016. The insertion wasn't painful (I had a baby in November if that matters) I bled for 3 months straight. And the cramps were very painful I hated it. Sex is super painful for me and I can't do it for long at all. I get headaches almost everyday, and I'm very moody. BUT, this birthcontrol is 100% effective for me considering I use no protection with my boyfriend and he doesn't use the pull out method. And I have gained alot of weight since I got it. Im debating on getting it removed but Im scared of ending up pregnant again so Im sticking with it for now!"
October 16, 2016
Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
bowel preparation
"Disgusting taste. Prepare it several hours in advance and keep it in the fridge; the colder it is, the easier it is to swallow. I likened it to a combination of sour milk and fake lemon juice. I'm about 2.5 hours from check-in for my procedure; I began the process about 15 hours ago and the liquid is just now getting to the point where I think they'll say I'm cleaned enough (liquid looks like dark urine, should hopefully be light enough in an hour or so). I will NOT use this product next time. I did pills 10 years ago and they were much easier to deal with. This product was a horror."
May 3, 2017
obsessive compulsive disorde
"I started having panic attacks when I was 20. The docs put me on zoloft and it helped me tremendously. Not only that, I stopped being the shy person that I had been prior to that. However I stopped taking it after a year because I figured I had been cured. I spent years after that without any anxiety until I had a severe bout of OCD at the age of 27 which was threatening to really destroy my life. I resisted taking medication for 2 years which was such a stupid idea. I don't know why I chose to suffer even though I knew zoloft would help me again. Anyhow, I went back on zoloft and poof! problem solved. But then I quit again and now after many years that I tried going back on it its not working as much. I wish I had stayed on it :("
October 19, 2015
diabetes, type 2
"I have been on Bydurion, one shot a week, for 12 weeks. All seemed to be going well until the past two weeks when I have experienced sulfa burps (rotten egg smell, gas, and diarrhea. I never know when it will hit. It usually lasts two or three days, (and nights so I'm lacking sleep) then I have a few good days before it starts all over again. I have lost some weight and my blood sugars are down, sometimes too low. But, I am wondering if these bouts of burps, gas and diarrhea are worth it."
October 4, 2016
premenstrual dysphoric disorde
"I was diagnosed with PMDD about 9 months ago, after tracking symptoms with my Gynecologist. We tried the Yaz/Zoloft treatment (25mg) for three months, one week prior to your period. The first month, it worked like a charm. The second, I started feeling off, almost numb to things. By the third, I was a basket case. This is also when the weight gain kicked in - I gained almost 15 lbs in 5-6 weeks. If I wasn't depressed before, this definitely did the trick. My Doctor then took me off the Yaz/Zoloft regimen and opted to stop my periods altogether, to stop the monthly hormone fluctuation. I have been on Seasonique for three months and it has been amazing! I am finally feeling back to myself after almost a year."
December 6, 2011
Junel Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"My face currently looks like a pizza. Not only do I have the worst acne I have ever had in my ENTIRE life (I am 27 years old, mind you - I have been on birth control since I was 16) my last period was 10 days and I spot regularly. I absolutely HATE this birth control. Generic for Loestrin my butt, absolutely not. They need to remove this from the market today. Lomedia - the best birth control - had my period down to about 2 days, maybe. I am switching over to Blisovi as of today. This birth control is not worth it."
August 17, 2017
swine flu
"I rate Tamiflu highly, I was given it three days ago after contracting suspected swine flu and it has done the job very well. I did after taking the first tablet feel really sick but apart from that I had no other side effects."
August 7, 2009
birth control
"I've been on Lutera for 2 weeks now and I hate it. I'm a 20 year old college student 5'3 120 Lbs. after taking Lutera I now weigh 125 (already). I'm constantly crying at everything, for no reason and I never cried before. For example I tried to cross the road to get to class and I saw a car coming so I cried. I was sitting in class and got hungry and had to forceful hold tears back... Not normal. I also lash out very often at nothing I should be mad about. It's also making me break out SO MUCH!! Like huge cystic pimples that no one wants to see. I keep going back and fourth about whether or not I should get off cause well I don't want to get pregnant, but I also don't want to be fat, moody, and pimply."
October 7, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I have been on this pill for 2 years. Side effects experienced lasted about 4 months and then everything went back to normal .This included going from a C cup to D cup. Eventually went back down to C. Did NOT experience weight gain in other areas except chest. Breakouts pretty bad in first 4 months, but calmed down after my body got used to it. I'd recommend doing facials during this beginning period to calm the skin. I still get occasional breakouts, but nothing like the nightmare stories reading on the reviews. I'd suggest sticking through it for at least 6-8 months before you throw in the towel. Your body is going to react to new hormones entering your body. I get my period sometimes not at all and sometimes 2-5 days."
August 17, 2015
"This made my skin incredibly sensitive and irritated all the time, it dried out my cheeks and nose, it didn't get rid of hardly any acne. I have to stop using after only about 2 months of use due to the sensitivity."
January 7, 2017
"I took 1/2 of a 5MG tablet - 2.5 MG of this sent me into the abyss. I was suicidal for most of the day just barely holding on. The only thing keeping me from calling family for help was knowing it was the medication and not really me. I just had to wait for it to leave my system."
February 12, 2015
irritable bowel syndrome
"In my last review i praised my thoughts on Linzess. Unfortunately this med has lost its effectiveness for me. Suddenly I am all blocked up again. I am taking as directed and eat a good diet with plenty of exercise. Apparenty not for me long term."
May 16, 2017
rheumatoid arthritis
"I was diagnosed with RA in 2006, my profession was heavy bridge construction, inside 2 years while being treated with all the major RA drugs the bottom line was my being confined to a wheelchair by 2008 and the realization that the word invalid is a messed up word. I got my first infusion of Rituxan and asked how long before I would see results, if any, and was told 3 to 4 weeks, 3 days later I was walking! Rituxan has saved my life! Most if not all issues I have now are from the havoc the RA caused previously. Rituxan has proven to be a miracle cure for me although it is very expensive."
December 14, 2015
birth control
"I just had the Mirena inserted yesterday. I'm 22 years old with no kids. The procedure was very painful. I felt nauseous afterwards and felt like I was gonna pass out during it. I had major cramping and bleeding for the rest of the day. Today I only have mild cramping and some spotting. So it seems to be getting better."
December 12, 2014
"I was placed on this medication due to my epilepsy. At first I didn't notice anything huge, other than I was stuttering more and "losing words". Then the intense dizziness and vertigo was hitting me every day. I'd randomly feel like I was under water and someone was spinning me. Once I made sure my balance was ok, I would have a very difficult time with my thought processes or communicating. This would last a while after the dizzy incidents. I was only on 200mg once a day. After I spoke with my neurologist, they stated that other patients on this medication have been reporting the same things. I was removed from it immediately. That was about a month and a half ago. The dizzy spells STILL happen a couple times a week."
September 1, 2016
Monistat 3-Day Combination Pack
vaginal yeast infection
"I've tried monistat 1 but it's extremely too strong for me (in the shower 5 minutes later) so I always used monistat 3... after insertion I have a horrible itch to where I can't stop moving. It's unbearable! But I use anti itch cream with it so it helps. I've never experienced the burning part. My husband had no clue what a yeast infection was so I explained it to him. I was moving and he asked what was wrong and I told him it itches after insertion and he looked puzzled so I googled it for him and let him read a few of these and he just giggled because he couldn't believe it. But once you get pass the itching, and burning as some people experience it work really well!"
January 13, 2016
birth control
"So I'm still currently on NR. And I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'm finding that I'm alot more dry, harder to get turned on and really not wanting to have sex in general. I also feel like I'm having crazy mood swings angry ones. Since starting this form of birth control my relationship has ended because I'm to angry (he says which I kind of agree with) I feel depressed constantly I can't stop crying ever. And I'm normally a very happy go luck kinda gal. Not sure what to do at this point if I should take it out or see how it goes..."
October 21, 2016
"It would be nice if everyone put the dosage in the message. There could be a correlation to the score and the age of the child. I have noticed age is usually there but if you were to list dosage, age, and sex - it would be great."
May 25, 2011
Microgestin Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"This is my first day starting this pill. I switched from the implant in my arm to this pill because I was told it would help with my acne and my heavy periods! I am hoping this will help and work I will keep you posted on my experience after 2 weeks!! I hope I have good luck like a lot of the woman on here saying it helped with acne and periods."
December 24, 2016
"I began taking 5 mg of lexapro 10 days ago, for postpartum depression/anxiety. It has been a lifesaver. The initial side effects faded within a week. I take it in the morning, because I knew that it would possibly make me jittery at first. I had tiredness in the afternoon and evening and a loss of appetite for the first 5 days, but those have faded completely. I searched and searched for positive reviews on this drug for postpartum depression/anxiety and could not find any. If anyone is on the fence about taking medication for postpartum depression, please consider it for a temporary aid in getting you past it."
March 24, 2017
bipolar disorde
"I have tried a few different anti-psychotics and find Geodon to be far and away the best. Risperdal worked as an anti-psychotic, but it made the depression worse and made me gain 25-30 lb's. So far, I have had no side effects with Geodon. I think I have found a winner."
December 18, 2009
"The only symptom I had not had from the flu was vomiting. I brought the Tamiflu home and took a pill. Within an hour I was feeling very nauseated I tried my best to ignore it and keep my stomach down, but within another hour I was in the bathroom vomiting horribly. Continued the entire night. Now the next morning I still cannot hold down anything. $100 down the drain, can't even take it"
March 21, 2017
birth control
"I got this implant a few days after my period, Oct. 7 .. then 2 weeks into having the implant, I got my period again. So I had 2 periods within a 2 week span. The period with the implant, lasted almost 2 weeks. It went away about a week ago, but I now have the feeling like I'm going to get my period again. Ladies, you know the feeling you get in your lower stomach when that time of the month is coming. But I don't understand; like am I going to keep getting my period every 2 weeks???? Nobody wants to deal with that. Another side effect I got is an increase in my appetite. I eat ALL day long. Needless to say, if I get my period again within the next week or so, I'm going to make an appointment to have this removed."
November 7, 2016
Plan B One-Step
emergency contraception
"I took the pill around noon today, less than 12 hours after the incident. I ate a small lunch after and I feel absolutely no side effects. I'm a tad tired but nothing out of the ordinary. My period is scheduled for next week. I'm impatiently waiting."
October 8, 2011
"Was on Cipro for 30 days. After 21 days my condition started to improve. After medication was gone my condition returned full force. Doctor put me on Bactrim DS. Hopefully it will work."
December 11, 2009
"Simply amazing! I was on Concerta from the age of 11-17 it worked, but didnt really appreciate its qualities being a young lad...I came off it. Since then life has gone dramatically down hill and I have had issues with keeping a job, focusing, social acceptance....the works! I had no commitment to anything and no drive to establish myself in the world. Im now 24 and have been back on them for 9 months. Since then I have been 100 milliom times more productive. Secured an amazing job (and held it down) even won a few employee of the month awards! Ive also gained a new amazing social circle and my relationships generally have never been better. Small side effects i.e sleep issues. But will never stop taking unless forced."
March 5, 2015
"Had my first ever Gout flare in 2009. Since then, had about 4 attacks till 2013, but uric acid was always more than 8; some times more than 10. In 2014, I got 2 flares in a year. That's when I started Febuxostat. Worked like a charm! I'm taking 40mg daily. Uric acid is maintained at 5.5 mg/dl since then. I was drinking water like crazy before to maintain uric acid - didn't help. Now, I'm careless about water in-take, still uric acid levels are fine. My doctor is very data driven, so we took baseline SGPT/SGOT (liver enzymes) test before starting the medication. Measured uric acid and liver enzymes again after 1 month, and then after 3 months. No side effects on liver enzymes but uric acid level went down drastically. So, I love it!"
March 12, 2015
bacterial infection
"I just got the shot of rocephin in the doctors office today I had been on oral antibiotic for a brown recluse spider bit I can tell a difference after getting the shot today my finger looks much better. I haven't had this shot since I was a baby."
June 24, 2017
"I was told this drug would fix my symptoms in 12 months but I had to take it for almost 10 years and my hormone levels fluctuated greatly over that time."
February 15, 2017
urinary tract infection
"I react to every antibiotic out there. Levaquin is the only one I can take with no side effects. This is an excellent drug and gets rid of my urinary tract infections fast, with no yeast infection after it."
March 27, 2009
"Caught a cold which gradually started affecting my chest and lungs. I typically avoid the doctors but after a few weeks of severe coughing and wheezing, I went to the doctor and was initially prescribed a z pak. This antibiotic did nothing for me. After finishing that round of antibiotics, I dropped by urgent care and the doctor prescribed me 10 days of 500mg Levofloxacin. I experienced zero side effects except for insomnia and feeling a little warmer than usual at night the first night. Highly recommend taking this antibiotic either with breakfast or lunch, not dinner. I just finished my 10 day dose and although I still have a slight cough and post nasal drip still, my wheezing is completely gone and I'm feeling like I'm getting better."
December 3, 2015
weight loss
"My doctor recommended this to me 6 years ago for weight loss, which now seems an irresponsible thing for a doctor to do. I lost weight quickly at a rate of about 3 pounds a week.By the 3rd week I was experiencing side effects like constipation and some dizziness. I decided the side effects weren't worth it and stopped taking them I have been able to lose weight through natural means"
January 20, 2016
Loestrin 24 Fe
birth control
"This is a summary of my experience so far Month1 Week1 - 1 period, 2 to 4 light period, 5 normal, 6 light period, 7 spotting Week2 - 1 to 3 normal, 4 spotting, 5 bb, 6 to 7 spotting Week3 - 1 to 4 spotting, 5 to 7 normal Week4 - 1 to 3 normal, 4 normal, 5 light period, 6 light period, 7 light period Month2 Week1 - 1 light period, 2 to 7 normal Week2 - 1 to 2 normal, 3 light spotting, 4 spotting, 5 light bb, 6 to 7 bb Week3 - 1 bb and cried for no reason, 2 bb For reference, bb - breakthrough bleeding normal - no periods"
September 5, 2015
hepatitis c
"I am on the Harvoni treatment, starting my second month of 3 and so far my only side effects are the headache and feeling tired at times, both quite tolerable , anxious to hear my blood results from month one ... Thank you Harvoni ."
June 2, 2015
multiple sclerosis
"I had been on it for two years. My insurance didn't cover it, the company provided it for me free (thankful) until recently when my dh got a raise (also thankful). The first year was really good, some flushing but tolerable. However, in the past year, it seemed to stop working and I wasn't feeling any better - I know that is vague. But, I began falling for the first time, fatigue really returned. At this same time, I developed a rather large rash and unbearable itching centered around my neck and back of head, around ears. The company nurse said this would be a 'serious side-effect' so while I dread doing any needles, the itching is unbearable, the drug too expensive w/o insurance, so I've stopped taking it."
March 25, 2016
"I first started taking 5mg and it didn't work then I started taking one and a half and it started working. My doctor prescribed this in the beginning and I had some side effects I was ordering things online, talking on the phone and I didn't remember things I was saying. I was getting up in the middle of night eating, I had out of body experience & hallucinations, but my doctor said it has to be in your system to work. Just recently my family told me I got up sleepwalking, unfortunately I still take the medication because I am unable to sleep without it but it does work. You have to turn off all your TVs and lights and go lay down in the dark, no reading books, no getting on your tablet or phone and you will go straight to sleep and have a nice good seven to eight hours of rest."
October 19, 2015
Tetrahydrozoline / zinc sulfate
eye redness/itching
"After applying the eye drops I experienced burning and itching in my eyes that lasts for about five minutes and then subsides. I don't know if this is something that should keep me from using it or not. I use it in the morning about 30 minutes before putting in my contacts, (Only when I need it though)."
August 6, 2011
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
birth control
"It took me a year to realize that this product was causing my ITCHY PALMS. I had hives on my palms that would flare up when I ate soy, and sometimes after touching things at the gym. After starting the nuva ring, I became very sensitive to soy allergens. I kept trying to eliminate every trace drop of soy in my diet, but it seemed like I was more sensitive to soy everyday. Then one month, I put in a new ring and suddenly my palms itched like a hundred fire ant bites, and I realized I was not just allergic to soy. I was actually ALLERGIC TO THE NUVA RING!!!!! My soy allergy persists after quitting the Nuva Ring, but no more itchy palms."
August 31, 2015
bacterial infection
"I have been suffering from chronic sore throats for over a year and have had a horrible time with ups and downs of feeling well and then suddenly sick to the point where I had to miss work, like death. Doctors kept telling me "oh it's just a virus and will pass". It always came back. Finally my doctor tried a shot of Rocephin and it started to work within a couple HOURS. I still felt sick the next day and had to miss work and wound up in ER the following evening due to extreme migraine headache, high BP, nausea but I think it was from the doxycycline that was also given to me to take orally. Was a VERY rough night. But the next day I felt 100% better and I've been feeling so much healthier since. Like a miracle!"
May 14, 2017
breast cance
"I have been on Arimidex for 4 years. Side effects I have had are severe hot flashes, and ever increasing joint pain. I am considering going off the medication entirely, even though it has not been the full five years yet, or switching to a different medicine. "
September 8, 2010
diabetes, type 2
"I started on Byetta about 4 months ago. I have lost 45 lbs and have never felt better. My blood sugar readins have gone from 275 to 135 2 hours after a meal. I take the 5, doctor tried to put me on 10 but was vomiting after meals and had to go back to five. This drug has been a God send for me."
June 16, 2008
benign prostatic hyperplasia
"I am 73, but an active man. I suffer from not being able to empty my bladder due to an enlarged prostrate. My new doctor put me on tamsulosin and it improved my urine flow, but not a massive difference to the number of times I need to urinate in a day, but I thought any improvement was worthwhile. However, I noticed the last few times I had sex, the feeling I had with ejaculation seemed to diminish until now I have no sensual feeling at all, although it has not affected my drive or erection. Having read some of the other comments, it seems that this drug is the culprit. I think I will have to stop taking it and see if there is something else that might work."
July 14, 2017
Bupropion / naltrexone
"I am in the middle of week 3. I have lost 11 pounds and am thrilled. I had no side effects except a little constipation. I was feeling great. Then 2 days ago I noticed my jaw clenching up. I felt like I was grinding my teeth. Then the last time I had this happen to me I was on Buproprion. Same drug in this Contrave. By the next day I was feeling jittery, clenched jaw and a little spacey. Not feeling quite right at all. Kind of nervous and almost feeling like I shouldn't be driving. If I was busy I didn't notice it. But when I was still it was terrible. I am so sad, I think I am going to have to quit taking it. I have had such good results and it was really helping me with my cravings. I just was not hungry."
March 18, 2017
birth control
"I just received the Paragard today and wanted to share about the procedure. I'm 30, with 5 kids (just had twins 3 months ago today)I said 'over my dead body I'm getting pregnant again, knowing I'm prone to having twins!'. I told my doc I wanted something as close to being sterile as possible without going under. So, I chose the Paragard. Hormone free and stays for 10yrs, or until you want it removed. The process wasn't painful. But you have to remember, the more kids you have, it's not painful. And, if you just gave birth, it's not as painful either. Of course if you're uterus hasn't been through any changes, it will feel like a big cramp and discomfort. I've spotted so far. I will keep posting on changes every month!"
July 7, 2016
high blood pressure
"I'm supposed to take this medication for my blood pressure but a year and half later the pressure is still the same even though doctor increase the dose from 50 to 100 mg. Seems like the doctor care more about my heart rate (that is Lower than before so is working), but my blood pressure is ever the same, especially the night time is ever 8 around 85/140 (sometimes 150 or 160). I told this many times but he still thinking about the at the end the BPM decrease but not the blood pressure so is working 50/50. PS I gained more than 10lb after using the metoprolol"
October 3, 2017
"Citalopram works great for me. I've been on and off of it for about 5 years. When I was on it several years ago it was like night and day. I have major depression and general anxiety. When going back on it most recently (4 months ago), I started at 20mg for the first month. The first dose helped my anxiety immensely. Within a few weeks my depression lifted some. I'm now on 40mg again and it is definitely helping, but I feel like in the past it worked better for the depression. So Today I've started 5mg Abilify in addition; hoping it will help some more."
March 30, 2017
"I tried EVERY over the counter gastric acid reliever on the planet and nothing worked. Then I got my doctor to prescribe Protonix and never had any problems after that. I was very pleased."
March 28, 2009
"Reading the comments on this forum I have come to a conclusion that a lot of people do not give this drug time to work! It's an older drug than many on the market and has come very much the choice of doctors in the U.K. Again as it's range of doses is long example 25mg to 200 mg so it's not a massive heavy drug, and to many people read all the negative comments on forums regarding not just sertilne but other ADs, as my doctor has said many times there is no true happy pill in the world."
November 30, 2016
"This tablet deserves a zero! GENTLE ?! In what world was what I just experienced on the toilet GENTLE?! Cold Sweat, uncontrollable burping, stomach cramps, vomiting and of course the liquid coming out the back of me... FOR AN HOUR! It was truly worse than labor and I wanted to die! Do not buy this! Just don't! WALK AWAY!"
March 11, 2017
Lo Loestrin Fe
birth control
"I want this review to influence anyone who's considering birth control to STEER CLEAR. I am very upset & frustrated, but I will try to refrain from using profanities, hopefully to make the point more effective. I have suffered from heavy, painful periods ever since I started it when I was 13. I am now seventeen. I dealt with being 'sick' 3-5 days a month. After conducting some research, & asking around, many people advised birth control was the way to go. I finally gathered up the courage & collected my nerves & went to the doctor for a solution. At sixteen, a magic pill that made everything about your period better seemed like a pretty sweet deal to me. I didn't even hesitate to grab the trial sample from my doctors hand. I was excited to be rid of what was a seemingly huge issue at the time. The first month was absolute hell. I cried at the drop of a hat the entire month. I got extremely depressed & anxious. I bled basically the whole second & third month. I read that it was all normal. I was fed up, but there was still that small glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel promising painless, light, short periods. I stuck it out five whole months. In this short time I have experienced a plethora of awful side effects. I have acne now, which rarely occurred in the past. This is not your run of the mill acne. They are all over my chin & forehead. They are rooted so deep you can't squeeze them hard enough to save your life. They take a month to go away/dry up just to reoccur in little time. I have lost a lot of my hair, I now have a bald spot, I guess it's more of a receding hairline. Please know that I am SEVENTEEN. I've dealt with excess anxiety, way beyond what is normal, crazy mood swings, constant bleeding, headaches that would last for a WEEK, & the list goes on. The biggest thing for me is that I am having short term memory issues. I am positive that this is another lovely side effect that can be attributed to this pill. Had I known that these things could happen, I never would have started taking this medication. This Dr. had failed to inform me of all of these things. I was naive & I was sixteen. All she told me was that my "breasts & stomach may hurt" while I am adjusting. That is bullshit. I do not trust "medical professionals" anymore. Please do not take this medication or any other birth control medications. Do your own research & don't just take your doctor's word."
October 21, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
"I've been on this birth control for my acne. And my experience has been really bad. Within the first couple days my forehead has broken out terribly there's a ton of little bumps a crossed it. I usually never get pimples on my forehead. I started also breaking out around my mouth. I hardly get acne there maybe a little. My jaw breaks out really bad. This gave me major anxiety to be in public. I hate going out on dates Bc of my face. Although my face looks terrible it kinda helped clear up my shoulders and chest. It definitely made my chest break out more but slowly cleared up. But , my face being so bad I am now switching to the big guns of acne control. Can't wait to see those results."
July 13, 2016
vaginal yeast infection
"I wish I looked at these reviews before using. I am in the worst pain I've ever felt in my ENTIRE life. I've been crying for the last hour and it's about 1am and there's no chance I'm sleeping. This medicine is literally evil I can't believe this is still on the shelves........ 502 of these reviews rated monistat a ONE. Where is monistats response to this?! Absolutely terrible. Only thing helping the pain right now is reading that all of you went through the same thing."
February 12, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"First brand of birth control ever, was feeling iffy about it from the start since the doctor said it was a "very basic brand" to start me off with. A week in and I was getting a headache after every pill, along with nausea, bloating, spotting, and just a general feeling of being constantly hungover. Fortunately I was taking it at night but it would mean I would be like a zombie for the rest of the time. I'm only just finishing the first pack but I already called to get switched to another brand. Not a fan."
December 2, 2015
alcohol dependence
"I took the Vivitrol for the recommended year, and have not had cravings and remain alcohol free (since 1-31-14). In some ways, I think it also helped me quit smoking. However after 13 shots I feel stiffer than I ever have, and I was wondering if anyone else shared this experience. Some days my shoulders are almost immoveable. I didn't feel this way before the medicine, and I was wondering if there was a correlation. It is actually painful to get out of bed some days."
March 2, 2015
"I started on 08/31/2017, so only my second dose of 0.6 mg. No side effects at this point. Dr. Administered the first injection at the office around noon yesterday. By that evening, I wasn't hungry and seemed to have more energy than normal. Took the second dose at 7 am this morning. Haven't felt like eating, and my normal coca cola (my drug of choice) just didn't taste right. Which I feel is a good thing. Easier to stop something when it doesn't taste good. I am 49 years old, PCOS, and yesterday at the Dr. office weighed in at 330.4 lbs. I got my insulin tested this morning fasting. I will meet with the nutritionist next week. Since this is a great long weekend, I am planning on starting the Keto diet that my Dr. is recommending."
September 1, 2017
inflammatory conditions
"I've been taking Meloxicam on and off for about five years since I began having back problems (pain), which have not been diagnosed. I'm a 55 yr old overweight woman. I take two 7.5 mg tablets a few hours before I know I'll be active and it really dulls the pain of walking, bending, etc. I do try not to take it very often, just when I need it, but it helps me a lot. No side effects that I have noticed."
November 28, 2016
abnormal uterine bleeding
"I had the shot March 20th 2016. I had 2 weeks before the bleeding started. At first it was spotting, but every day. Then it was heavier bleeding. Then it got so heavy I was changing an ultra tampon every 45m to 2h, even at night. I was at my doctors exhausted from lack of sleep, crying, anemic, with hormonal acne, horrible back pain from constant period pain, and terrible mood swings. I only had the 1 shot. I refused any more. It's currently August and I am still bleeding. There is no sign of it ending!!! I would not have this shot again, even if they paid me!!!"
August 4, 2016
"I am writing this review to bring to attention to the health community at large that the length of prescription of Azithromycin needs to be re-investigated by proper medical research. The 5 day protocol has been effective only while I've been on the antibiotics for 2 cases of broncitis and 1 of lobar pneumonia that I have had, but shortly after the protocol has ended, on 3 occasions now I have experienced a relapse of symptoms, and a need to go onto another antibiotic. During my present bronchitis episode, yesterday I finallyconvinced a doctor to agree to put me on a 10 day regimen, and I am hoping this will be effective in eliminating my current bronchitis with out recurrence. Most other antibiotics suggest 7-10 day protocols."
November 19, 2016
birth control
"I have had the Mirena for about 4 and a half years now I got it at my 6 week appointment after my son was born. I have always been blessed with super light cycles lasting maybe 3 days with no cramping, bloating things of that nature and even now I don't have one at all just a little spotting randomly. My weight has been cool and my skin, I'm a hairstylist so my hair is in great condition. I had 2 of my 3 sisters had the Mirena. One made hers come out and got pregnant and the other had to take hers out due to thyroid issues being a heavy smoker and just poor health. I have not got pregnant so I recommend it."
September 28, 2012
birth control
"I had skyla inserted this morning and for me at least it did not hurt that bad I'm 19 and never had a child I haven't really encountered any cramps post insertion. To be completely honest my pain tolerance is the lowest of the low and coming from a wimp it was completely bearabl. The worst pain lasted about 10 seconds and it was just like a bad period cramp nothing to stress about. Honestly I think the worst part of the day was how nervous I was and I was reading everything about how much it hurt and I was working myself up but everyone is different if you go in with an open mind and your comfortable with your doctor I'm sure you will be fine"
January 6, 2016
birth control
"Okay. So i just got my skyla put in yesterday (6-8-16) and i felt a little pinchy as it was inserted. He assured me it was normal and he walked through the process with me. Pain was about a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. The process took about 10 minutes if that and i was good to go. I had been reading for months about IUDs since this is my first form of BC other then condoms. After reading all these "horror stories" on IUD insertion i had my self siked out before i ever got in there. My doc reassured me once again its different for everyone. After the process was done i felt no cramping, no spotting nothing. After i left the clinic i went grocery shopping then came home and cleaned and still feel 100% fine. Curious to see how my body changes."
June 9, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / ethynodiol
birth control
"I recently switched from Loestrin to Zovia. Loestrin make me cramp really bad when I spotted. And I took them everyday at the same time. I also would spot for about a week. When I started taking Zovia which has been for a month and a half it made nauseous and had/have tenderness of the breast. Nausea went away and my skin cleared up but I am still experiencing tenderness of the breast.. they hurt really bad and my nipples are sore. My breast have also enlarged to a cup size. I don't know if this will be for only a short time or will I continue having this soreness. But overall I like it minus my breast being sore and huge!!"
December 12, 2013
"This drug greatly helped my psoriatic arthritis, but not the plaque poriasis, which always came back. I've been through the scrip topicals, light treatments, Amiveve, etc. I was 98% covered. Why did not a single doctor ever tell me NOT to touch beer???? If you drink beer put it DOWN and see how quickly you begin to clear up. Pork is another culprit as it is slow to digest and effects the immune system. For topical relief? Try OTC Boudreaux's Butt Paste baby diaper rash cream, which far outshines Dovonex. Scalp treatment? Nutrogena T-Gel Shampoo works quickly. If you are severely covered add zinc or zinc supplements to your diet. I haven't gone to a derm in years and I am clear!!!!"
November 4, 2013
bacterial vaginitis
"The only side effect that I've had is mild headaches and hazy eyes from time to time. I am a heavy social drinker and couldn't fathom stopping drinking for 7-10 days because of my social life and career taking out clients. I was prescribed 500mg twice per day for 7 days. I started medication on a Monday and had 2 glasses of wine on Thursday evening. I prepped with lots of water, vitamin c and tums and felt fine. I'm 5'9 and 145lbs. I'm sure this medication affects everyone differently, as does alcohol, so it all depends on your reaction to both. I only kept it to 2 glasses of wine to make sure not to overdue it and all went well. Hopefully this helps some of the heavier pourers out there! Cheers."
October 29, 2015
Wellbutrin SR
"I have tried all sorts of antidepressants but Wellbutrin SR has been the only one that actually gave me energy instead of making me want to take a nap every afternoon. One of the nice side effects of Wellbutrin is it helped me lose weight."
June 14, 2008
high blood pressure
"Headache and weight gain, almost a pound after being on it for one week. Now I am gain almost a pound a day, needless to say I will be getting off of this drug."
October 10, 2015
alcohol withdrawal
"I was a benzo/opiate addict for 10 years. Using strong narcotics including H, Methadone, Oxycodone, Xanax, and Klonopin. I was given Buprenorphine (Subutex) and Diazepam (Valium) for Detox. The Diazepam was a god send. It helped tremendously with both detoxes. It wasn't easy of course, but I fought it through. Diazepam is a thumbs up for detox!"
August 12, 2016
"My general physician first prescribed me Concerta (Intermediate dosage) and it seemed to make me feel depressed, anxious, and more obsessive (thought-wise anyway). I was then prescribed Adderall XR (10 mg) and found that I would feel more productive and relaxed earlier in the day upon taking it, but then the side effects really began to hit hard. I was hesitant to continue to try another stimulant because I was actually diagnosed with anxiety (by my psychiatrist) and mild depression and the stimulants seemed to heighten these symptoms. He then suggested that I try Vyvanse and he also put me on Atterax (for anxiety/allergies ---weird combination, I know) in addition to Prozac. Vyvanse has been a life-saver, mild side effects, and no "crash"."
April 17, 2012
vaginal yeast infection
"I haven't had a YI in years I woke up in the middle of the a little itchy. As soon as the stores opened I went & got monistat 1. I was skeptical. I took it around noon. About 25 minutes after insertion, I decided to read the reviews. I almost took it out after reading some of them. It is now 5 hours later & I have not had one negative side effect so far. The minimal itching that I had, has subsided thus far. Hope it continues to work..."
July 22, 2017
"I am a 33 year old female. I was Ddiagnosed with ADD when I was 10 years old. I have been on all the older ADD medicines. Ritalin, Vyvanse and Focalin. This is my third week on Intuniv. I started on the 3mg dose last night. I can hardly get up in the morning. I am so tired at work. When I get home, all I want to do is sleep. I am also so cranky. I am also noticing that I am having the famous "ADD stare" often. I haven't had that in years. I started this medicine because the Concerta 72 mg I take every morning at 7am is wearing off at 1pm."
May 6, 2010
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"I started taking Orsythia about a month ago. Since then, I’ve been depressed and I have no clue why; I have also had more anxiety in the past month than I have had in the past 3. I read that others have had some anxiety and depression problems while on Orsythia. However, I am not as overly-emotional as I was on the birth control that I was taking before this one. I’d honestly be overly emotional 24/7 than depressed often. I don’t have very noticeable cramps but Tylenol helps take them away. I also have gained a couple pounds while on Orsythia. I would not recommend this to someone that has a history of anxiety/depression because it will drain you. Many others have also had this problem while on Orsythia"
November 25, 2017
birth control
"I have had Implanon for a year now. I liked it at first because I was living with my boyfriend at the time and it avoided pregnancy but after having it for a few months I gained 20 pounds! I was 110 now I'm 130lbs. I want to get it removed asap and hopefully go back to my regular weight. I also experienced crazy mood swings. It's great to take if you want to avoid pregnancy and to avoid the pill and other annoying birth control but I would suggest sticking to condoms."
November 18, 2009
birth control
"It is amazing! I have tried the Pill and an IUD, both were horrible. I went to my midwife and asked her what are the best options, she recommended the Nexplanon. I was currently on my monthly cycle, which was fine. They cleaned my arm, numbed the area before insertion with a little of medication, then inserted the Nexplanon! VERY quick and easy, also no pain! I had a nasty bruise for 1 1/2 weeks, but that's all. I finished my cycle, had a week of no bleeding, then I had slight spotting for almost a month. Afterwards, no random bleeding, no fatigue, no depression, NO nasty side effects at all!! It has helped a lot with my painful cycles and lightened them up greatly. Overall, I would highly recommend this method of birth control."
September 5, 2012
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"I have had the most irregular periods for years as well as horrible acne. When I would get my period I had really bad cramps and it was heavy. Since starting Sronyx 3 weeks ago I have been so happy and my sex drive is way higher. My acne has gotten much better and my boyfriend has said sex feels better (I agree) I should be getting my first period since starting the pill this week!"
March 23, 2015
bowel preparation
"I am 51 and am preparing for my first colonoscopy. 20 years ago I had to clear my bowels for a different procedure, and I used "GoLightly." I had to drink one gallon of stuff, and the entire experience was horrible. I am well into my second dose, and I am doing OK. It's not horrible, nor is it pleasant. I chased my gulps with apple juice. As some others have mentioned, the hardest part of the prep is not eating for 32+ hours. Oh well, it could be so much worse. Cheers!!!"
June 9, 2015
Methylin ER
"My doctor recently switched me from Ritalin LA to Methylin ER since it comes in a generic form and is much more affordable. Sometimes I can't even tell I have taken the Methylin ER, the performance is so sub-standard to the Ritalin LA. "
April 13, 2009
"This med is amazing. 23 year old christian college grad with every type of anxiety for the past 2 years. Could barely go to class or the grocery store, felt dissociated, distant and terrified of people (including friends). Was scared to try any drug but after losing my job and needing to go out and interview I decided to try something. 3 days in and I feel totally changed. No anxiety. Clear head. Feel like I could even move countries to work and I've been out more in a weekend than I have been in 3 months combined. I take 5mg and 25mg of hydroxyzine to balance out the side effects (blurry vision, headaches, muscle spasms etc). Don't be scared just try it. I regret not going on this sooner."
March 14, 2015
Gildess Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"NOT RATING IT HELP ME. I started this a week ago. 3 days after I started I woke up horribly nauseated but no vomit so I sucked it up and went to work just to get there and throw up repeatedly for about two hours. Once that stopped I was fatigued. Then exhausted. Then the migraines started. I had minor migraines in my forehead that got worse with light or after waking up. That went on for three days. That stopped two days ago and yesterday I started feeling weird cramping in my left side just below my ribs and it went into the tops on my thighs and hips. Today the cramps are still in my side (not painful just uncomfortable and concerning) and possible constipation. Wondering if any of this matches anyone else pls and thanks."
May 9, 2016
abnormal uterine bleeding
"I went to pick up my Jolessa refill (I loved) and they gave me Quasense. Had spotting/bleeding all summer - 2 months, serious weight gain, terrible cramps, and no libido. With 30 days left in the pack - I could no longer bear the symptoms and stopped 3 days ago. It's nice to have my life back! Bleeding stopped, bloating diminished and desired intimacy with my husband again. This was really a terrible experience. Lesson - stop sooner if not working, don't change your medicine."
August 20, 2011
major depressive disorde
"My psychiatrist wanted to get me off Effexor, which was making me extremely irritable and hypersensitive. He weaned me off of it VERY quickly, while he had me start taking Trintellix. That first week was pure hell - and I know it's because of the fast weaning of Effexor: horrible digestive issues, mood swings, random crying spells, etc. Now, I'm now into my 5 th week on Trintellix (for MDD) and clonazepam (for anxiety), and I can definitely feel myself starting to "level out." I don't have major mood swings, no crying spells (thank goodness), no physical side effects, and I'm not so sad about things. But overall, I still feel depressed. So I'm hoping he'll increase my dose at our next appointment. So far, it's looking good. Will update."
February 7, 2017
bipolar disorde
"I started on 20 mg of Latuda for bipolar and anxiety disorder. I felt the same as I always do during the first week of starting latuda. Then I upped it to 40 mg a week later and about an hour later I felt super tired , dizzy , confused , slow heart beat , and UN aware of what was going on around me. And to make it all worse I had trouble sleeping. But I felt so weak like I needed to sleep but couldn't. I'm unsure whether I should continue or discontinue it. Overall rating on this drug would be a 5. Those were terrible side effects and they hit me hard."
August 30, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin
birth control
"I have been on Ortho Evra for three months and my experiences so far have been okay. The very first week of starting the patch, I was very nauseous, had some diarrhea, and very bad headaches (however I think this would be the case with most methods). Usually the first week is the worst. Since then, I've had random headaches and nausea (mostly on the patch "change" days). Unfortunately, I had terrible abnormal vaginal bleeding that seemed to be like a heavy period for a little bit over two weeks. My only other complaint is that the patch gets stuck to my clothing a lot and it concerns me. Sometime it gets bubbles in it or it looks like its falling off. However, I like the ease of use, and the fact that it is not a pill."
April 19, 2012
birth control
"I've had Implanon for almost 3 years now. No period since I've had it in. Not pregnant, so it's effective but ever since getting this I've noticed horrible mood swings in the first year, major loss of sex drive and now I've had horrible acne on my cheeks for about 8 months. I'm calling tomorrow to get this thing out. It has to come out in May anyway, but I'm hoping my body will get back to normal sooner."
October 17, 2013
"I was put om buspar due to getting custody of my niece and nephew from dhr and getting a promotion to a new much more stressful job. The buspar helped keep me calm enough to focus at the tasks before me and help me get through my day to day life. I was super stressed and scared bc of all of the changes in my life and buspar helped me calm down and cope"
December 4, 2015
"I've been on Lunesta now for approximately 8 years. I take the 3 mg does at this point and usually take it every other night. The few nights that I can't fall asleep within 30 minutes or so, I'll take 1 pill and normally I can fall asleep within the next half hour for about 6 hours. When I do fall asleep at bedtime without taking a Lunesta, I'll usually wake up at 2 or 3 and can't fall back to sleep. Taking a Lunesta at that point will give me the additional 3-5 hours more of sleep. After taking it for so many years, I don't even notice any metallic taste . I usually do not wake up feeling groggy or tired. Works great even though I'm concerned about long term unknown health issues. Don't want to grow two heads.."
July 27, 2017
bacterial infection
"NP put me on zpack 5 day. I took the first dose (500 mg) yesterday at 4pm. I have diarrhea about 2 hours after I took it. I get home from work at 10pm and start having the most severe abdominal pains that moved up to my upper abdomen, chest, and wrapped around my back. I couldn't sleep, no position helped alleviate the pain I was in. It felt like my lungs were tightening to the point I couldn't breath normal nor talk in full sentences to tell my bf what was wrong. I'm not one to go to the ER over anything but I made him drive me and on the route there the pain stopped and I was fine. So I never went in the ER but the pain was severe enough to make me go. I ate a full meal before and drank plenty of water. I won't take it again. So scary."
June 19, 2017
"My nurse practitioner was uninformed . None of the "NEW" meds worked for me. Every two weeks she would try another med. This meds was the worst. I had headaches constantly with this med. I have the impression she was not educated about the meds and the side effects."
April 26, 2017
"I've been on 50 mg Pristiq for 2 weeks now. As a 39 year old male with anger/depression issues, I've already seen a change in my behavior. I stay pretty mellow and let the small stuff roll (the things that used to make me really angry). It's just starting to kick in so I still get angry but not near as much. I've also lost 8 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Side effects have been mild headaches, loss of appetite, and the weight loss. I experienced night sweats and weird dreams only once."
February 24, 2011
birth control
"ParaGard works great for me! I've had it for about 8 months now and no problems!! I would highly recommend for those of you who don't want to deal with annoying hormone treatments!"
April 22, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel
birth control
"I really love this birth control, but as someone else stated, I think it might be affecting my libido. I haven't noticed any weight gain at all since I've been using this. I have been on it for over two years and really have no true complaints. My skin is completely clear during my placebo week, and relatively clear the rest of the time. But I still have some random nasty breakouts. This could just be my skin type though, and might not have anything to do with the birth control. I was on a high estrogen birth control before this, which negatively affected my mood, but I feel great on this one. I don't ever find myself feeling super moody, just my usual self. My period usually lasts 4 days, nothing bad at all. Overall, I recommend it."
May 17, 2017
"This medication does help out a lot when you have nausea. I have taken a lot of different medications before and this is the first one in seven years that has actually worked for me. The only side effect that I get from it is being tired after taking it but it is so much better then being sick to my stomach."
January 5, 2010
persistent depressive disorde
"Got Wellbutrin prescribed for dysthymia, 150 mg in the morning. On the fourth day, after a terrible night coughing, quit my 20-a-day cigarette habit cold turkey. Bupropion does work! The physical cigarette cravings disappear. You just have to fight the habit, which is not easy, but if you say no, well, no it is. And for the dysthymia, perhaps it is too early to tell. Irritation is not as bad as before, but it is more a flatliner feeling than a positive one. Not sad anymore, but not happy either. No bad side effects, perhaps the only one is that you do not sleep as much, so it is better to change your habits and start doing more things during the day and getting to bed later, so you can get at least 5 hours of decent sleep."
February 11, 2016
"It works well for my anxiety, but tends to last longer than I need it to. Also I get an odd effect when taken with my Ritalin. It causes me to remain focused but on many random tasks so its some times counter productive at work."
March 16, 2012
generalized anxiety disorde
"I was on Effexor XR for over 9 years and it finally pooped out on me. My Anxiety and Panic Attacks came back with a vengeance! I was barely functioning, always afraid that I was going to drop dead. My psychiatrist recommended a tricyclic antidepressant but I am afraid of those medications. He then recommended Lexapro. So I've been on Lexapro generic 10 Mgs for 2 and half weeks now. I have mixed feelings about it right now. The first week I felt no difference in my anxiety. The second week, I felt great! Hardly felt anxious and hardly reached for the Ativan. I was sure this was the med for me. Now I feel out of and a bit anxious again"
December 15, 2016
panic disorde
"So many other reviews on here but this drug is important. I will chime in as well since it has been prescribed a little different for me. I used to wake up in a panic a couple of times a week, but it's pretty easy for me to gauge my stress level and predict which nights are going to be bad ones. I take 0.25 or 0.5 mg 1 or 2 nights a week, before 2 am or I'll be so zonked I don't respond to my alarm. It does the trick so I can fall right back to sleep after waking, instead of panicking and then ruminating for 5-6 hours, and being a mess at work and with my kids the next day. It works so well & I can easily see how it would be addictive, but it's a life-changer so I am very careful."
December 9, 2017
"I use to take 10 mg before public speaking/presentation in school and shakiness when performing certain medical tasks at work. I have high blood pressure, anxiety, shakiness during certain presentation tasks. My dr was concerned about my blood pressure sometimes being 158/90, usually when I knew it was going to be taken. After discussing with her I'm now taking 60 mg SR, it keeps me stable without the peaks and crashes. I feel a little more energy physically because the fight or flight responses I felt were exhausting my body, although just not much will to get up and at it, and does make me feel a little lazy/apathetic/foggy, but my dr said it's still ok to drink coffee. And I feel not as irritable with my boyfriend."
June 21, 2015
"I had clinical depression and anxiety before, 1996-2001. I had taken Paxil, Remeron, Effexor and about 3 others I can't remember. None of them worked for me. And the doc always said give it 6 weeks to take effect. That was all hell for me. Then I felt the symptoms that I recognized from before coming on again about 2 weeks ago. I jumped early this time. My doc asked me what medication worked for me before. I told her Effexor, somewhat. She prescribed that for me. Two days of a deeper depression and higher anxiety on it. I called her today after reading online about how good Lexapro was. She prescribed it for me 5mg dose. I took it about four hours ago. I feel great now! I kid not."
February 5, 2013
panic disorde
"This was the first medication I was prescribed for anxiety, panic attacks, post traumatic stress disorder, and a few other problems I had going on at the same time. I started taking 1mg once per day, then 1mg twice per day... this worked well for quite a while. Then I changed to 2mg once per day and after several months went to 2mg twice per day. I took this for about 4yrs. total and had no nightmares, seldom had racing thoughts, the panic attacks stopped pretty much all together after the first week or two, and this also kept the general anxiety at bay as well. The only problem was that if you have no insurance or discount card it's very expensive! I had to go to 10mg valium 3x daily at 1/3 the cost, but wish I could still afford the XR's because they work well!"
December 21, 2013
chronic pain
"I was prescribed Oxycodone 8 months ago due chronic pain from Lumbar Stenosis and, also, OsteoArthritis of the knees. My prescription is for 5 to 10 mg as needed every 12 hrs for severe pain. So far, this is the only medication that has made a difference. It has made it less painful to walk and move around. I take a teaspoon of MetaMucil or ground Psyllium powder every other day or so to keep my stool soft and regular. My doctor now suggests switching to the extended release version, Oxycontin, but I am hesitant to do so until I do more reading of the experiences of others."
June 25, 2014
migraine prevention
"I just took my first dose of Topamax last night and have already started to notice some of the side effects. I normally am ADDICTED to Red Bull. Now I can't even stand the taste, just after one dose. My mouth has also been tingling all day and I ate just one pop tart and got extremely full. Reading every one else's reviews is comforting. I am also still on propranolol because my migraines were coming back."
May 8, 2009