579 values
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
otitis media
"Gave me severe diarrhea for a day and a half now. Started the medicine on Friday night and diarrhea started Saturday evening. Doubt I can go to work tomorrow - don't want to quit the medicine until I talk to my doctor tomorrow though."
February 8, 2009
weight loss
"I have been on belviq for a month now. I have lost a total of 13 lbs with no side effects other than dry mouth. And I look at that as a good thing because that only forces me to drink more water. I have never been a big water drinker... or drinker of anything for that matter. I truly believe my weight loss would be greater if it weren't for my job. I work a 14 on 14 off schedule in the oilfield. I sit behind a computer for 12 hours a day. I tend to lose very little weight while at work because I don't move a whole lot. During my 14 days at home it drops quite fast because I don't stop. I find belviq gives me the drive to move. I also don't have much of an appetite on it. And when I do eat I am eating half of what I used to eat."
September 18, 2015
non-small cell lung cance
"I found out that I suffer stage four lung adenocarcinoma three weeks ago. It has got into my bones. The pain and coughing is severe. Took fourteen days afatinib now, and five sessions of radiation therapy. Now cough, bone pain is almost gone. However I got severe oral ulceration, mild diarrhoea , and skin erythema on face and feet. The oral ulceration affect my life. So far it shows amazing effect on my lung cancer."
February 7, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I started this medication when I was 15 because I had extremely painful, irregular, and stressful periods. I never knew when it would start or end, and I almost always had to miss at least one day of school per period. It sucked. When I started this medication, I did notice some spotting for the first month of use. I then had my period and I never spotted again! It's been three years since I started this medication, and I've only gained 5 pounds in that time, so I'm assuming it's unrelated to the medication. I have not noticed any cravings, mood changes, or acne while on this medication."
August 8, 2017
benign essential trem
"I had struggled with Benign Essential Tremor for about 7 years (post-trauma), with shaky hands, stuttered speech, etc. For years I was given Valium or Xanax to treat it. In an effort to make a career change, I asked my doctor to find a non-narcotic solution. In short, after seeing a neurologist I was prescribed propranolol and I'm free of almost all symptoms with less side effects and the negative stigma of being prescribed a benzo."
February 11, 2010
Microgestin Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"I've been taking birth control regularly since I was 17 and this is by far my worst experience (I've been on 6 different pills that I can remember). Within the first month and a half I gained 12 pounds which has never been a problem before on any other b.c. The pills did nothing to help with the cramping that comes with a period, or with my endometriosis pain. All and all I was completely dissatisfied with this medication. The only "positive" here is that I didn't get pregnant while on this medication."
December 31, 2016
breast cancer, adjuvant
"After surgery and radiation therapy, I was unable to take Tamoxifen, so I got a 1-month shot of Lupron to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer. I had no symptoms, so I got the 3-month shot and immediately had problems. I expected the bad hot flashes and dryness, but wasn't prepared for the severe bone pain and muscle pain. I'm used to dealing with pain, but this was extreme. By the end of the 3-mos, the bone pain was gone, but the muscle pain and injection site soreness was still there. I got another 1-mo shot and have been doing better. Now I have unexplained swelling/soreness in my left hand. "
August 2, 2011
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
birth control
"I LOVE NUVARING! I have NO side effects and my doctor said it was safe to use it continuously each month, how convenient is that! I get to pick and choose when I have my cycle and I insert it and forget about it for the month, it's the most idiot proof product ever."
August 28, 2008
"I love this medication! I was on Zoloft and was a zombie! I couldn't sleep, and with a newborn sleep was critical to me! I also gained a lot of weight! I have no issues sleeping now and generally have a more positive mood and am losing weight. You can tell when I don't take this! It's a dream!"
February 6, 2013
high blood pressure
"I have taken 50 mg Cozaar daily since it was released. I have had no problems at all. My BP maintains at about 98/66 with a range of 86-114/56-68. I am 71 years old and had a massive heart attack 21 years ago."
September 25, 2010
renal cell carcinoma
"I am still on Sutent. 50mgs due to slight growth in the left lung otherwise stable. I have battled Ecoli this summer, that I got eating cooked seafood out of town. Otherwise I will celebrate my 5 year cancer Birthday 11/2/2013!"
September 1, 2013
Plan B One-Step
emergency contraception
"I, like many others, was having protected sex with my boyfriend when the condom broke. By the time we noticed it, it was too late. Frantic, I jumped in the shower and tried to wash off as best I could. We arrived at Walgreens less than an hour later and I took the plan B pill. For the next few days I was so queasy and was only able to dry heave. I felt a little more confident because I thought this meant that the plan B was working. However, when my period was supposed to come around on June 22nd. Turns out plan B didn't work for me, and I was 5 weeks pregnant. Currently undergoing a medication abortion from Planned Parenthood, and I can honestly say it's been one of the most painful experiences ever. I hope others have better luck..."
July 12, 2015
birth control
"I've had the nexplanon for over 2 years now. The whole time I never really had a period, light spotting here and there. Now it's close time to get removed and out of no where I have a full blown cycle, HEAVY."
September 27, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I love this birth control. I switched from Lo loestrin FE because I would get two periods on that (one in week 2 of active pills and one during the placebos) and my doctor said I needed to up my estrogen dose. I was so nervous to start this because of various negative reviews, but I'm almost finished with my first pack and I've had no horrible side effects at all. The first week there was mild bloating and I've had breast tenderness (more than usual) but other than that it's regulated my bleeding and I've gotten no other side effects! Give this pill a chance!"
April 29, 2014
Coal tar
"I have suffered psorasis on my legs in particular and on my trunk in various places for more than a decade. I was prescribed Daivobet with no real results...useless really. Whilst on vacation in the US I picked up some ointment from a Drug Store. I thought I may as well give it a go. This product is amazing. Within a few days there was a huge improvement and after 6 months my psoriasis is almost gone....I cannot believe it after having the ugly sores for such a long time. Highly recommended. My doctor tells me it is "old school treatment"...I don't works!! I wish it was available over the counter in Australia."
September 19, 2016
Gildess Fe 1 / 20
birth control
"This birth control had its pros and its cons. With this birth control, I knew exactly when I would start my period and what day I would get off my period. It was like clockwork that never seemed to fail. My period was a tad shorter and it was definitely lighter overall (aside from the first day). This BC didn't do much for my cramps. I didn't have any side effects such as moodiness or weight gain, that I seemed to notice. My reason for getting off this BC though is because it made me breakout like crazy. Before, I rarely had so much as a pimple. With this BC, I didn't feel comfortable going out without makeup because my complexion got so bad."
November 30, 2015
birth control
"This pill by far cleared up my acne! I've been trying different face washes for years, and the thing that worked the most was THIS PILL, which isn't even a face wash! I experienced no weight gain at all, I was actually hoping for weight gain. Also everyone was talking about how birth control pills helped your breast grow, and with Portia, it just didn't happen for me. Maybe because it was a low dose. It prevented pregnancy, and I had NO CRAMPS! Wooohoo! My periods were a lot lighter. I actually felt healthy on it!"
May 26, 2012
Hylan g-f 20
"Was treated on 3/5/2016. The injection of Synvisc-One was painless and I felt immediate relief in my knee. Now, just hours later, I notice a greater range of motion for my leg and almost no pain in the knee joint."
March 5, 2016
birth control
"I absolutely love my ParaGard IUD choice. It has been the best choice for me in terms of birth control as hormonal birth control was not something that I wanted to be on any longer. I did not find insertion painful, more like a heavy period cramp that lasted 10-20 seconds. I had light cramping with my periods prior to the IUD insertion and my cramping has not changed significantly at all. My cycle is slightly longer. The first few months were tender and I did have some increased cramping initially but it returned to my normal within a few months. I also experienced a pH change in the first few months resulting in a vaginal infection. This went away after my body adjusted to the IUD. Since then, it has been such a great choice!"
May 23, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
birth control
"I've been on the Nuvaring for about four years and love it. I've been on three other types on birth control and non compares to the Nuvaring. I've never encountered a problem with it during sex. I guess what works for me may not work for you and what works for you may not work me."
August 25, 2011
"This is VERY tricky to evaluate. My new doc raved about as it had helped her. "They should pipe it right into the water supply!" She squealed. Well... I would rather be clear and sad, than in a zombie-twilight world. 20mg after 2 weeks and I am fed up. Utterly impossible to climax and have an orgasm. And believe me-I tried! 2nd-My girlfriend noticed that I completely stopped playing and practicing guitar! And I am a pro. It's just too dangerous of a mind drug, and perhaps only suitable in extreme situations like death of a family member. Certainly not for just being in a rut, sadness or the blues. It will just zombie you out. Glad I experienced it. Time to move on with life. Without a brain fog chemical. Orgasms are a sign of life"
February 27, 2016
alcohol withdrawal
"I only drank for 6 months, but in that time I ended up in the ER 3 times with alcohol poisoning. This last time, they sent me home with Librium for the shakes, and while it definitely has been a lifesaver, I'm so groggy that I can't drive right now, and after putting away the laundry I collapse in my chair like I've just ran a marathon. Hopefully, this will go away soon. I wish I'd known how bad the withdrawal would be, even after only a short time: I've never been suicidal, but I honestly would have rather died than go through the DTs (thank god the ER doc shot me full of Ativan, which knocked me out for the worst of it)"
May 15, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
abnormal uterine bleeding
"After years and years of having the worst unbearable "I want to kill myself" cramps a doctor put me on Sprintec. Promising that it'll stop my periods. Meaning no more pain. I'd only have one period every three months. WRONG!!! Each month I prepared myself for not having a period. And sure enough here it was! When it wasn't suppose to be. Sure it made the cramps bearable. Now! I had a period for February 2017. Okay. Fine. Not two weeks later here's another period. I'm aggravated. NOW not even FOUR days after that last period I have ANOTHER ONE! And I wonder why I'm dizzy and sick! I'm not taking that crap anymore!"
March 17, 2017
nasal congestion
"Very effective for nasal congestion. Took 1 tablet on an empty stomach coz it was 5am in the morning and I couldnt sleep as my nose and ears were blocked. Effect took place in 5 - 10 minutes. I think it works better than chlorpheniramine for me."
July 30, 2016
"After a couple of days on 2mg Abilify added to my Zoloft and Lamictal, the fog began to clear up a bit. (It reminds me of that Claritin commercial when everything all of a sudden on the TV screen becomes more clear and less fuzzy). That was a warm welcome after 25 years of, on and off "anti-depressant poop-out"! However, I am most certain that it has caused weight gain! I do not EVER weigh myself (past eating disorder issue), but my clothes are tighter around the waist. BUT I AM NOT EATING ANY DIFFERENTLY! In fact, I have made a concerted effort to eat less but nothing seems to give! Is it fluid? I'm baffled! Yes, I'm 43 now, but my metabolism wouldn't come to a screeching halt so quickly, would it? "
December 26, 2011
birth control
"Just inserted yesterday. Insertion took about 20 mins between stretching cervix and placement of skyla. The whole process was very painful for me and I can take pain very well. I left my obg slouched over and sat in my car in pain in a ball. When I got home I have a heated pad on the cramps all day and night. Just woke up, have the same cramping, spotting, and, alot of gas. I am unsure of its effectiveness, but so far I'm in pain."
December 16, 2015
weight loss
"Been taking Saxenda since 19th May - and so far I haven't lost anymore weight since I last posted here on 28th May. I'm on the full 3mg Dose, no side effects, no weight loss and if anything my hunger has gone back to normal Really don't think its work for me. Which is very upsetting and disappointing. I have very irritating rash at the injection site and I also have discovered a cyst on my lady parts which I never had before using this drug. I think it's time to come off Saxenda."
July 30, 2017
obsessive compulsive disorde
"First month, bad side effects. Felt worsening anxiety, and felt like a zombie. After about 4 weeks the magic happened. My obsessions became minimal, and my depression/pmdd improved imensely. Sideeffects include some weight gain like 15 lbs, and loss of sex drive. However I was on 50 mg, and the improvement in my mental state was worth it. I could only take this drug at night, in the morning it would make me dizzy. I was in this for 4years, it does improve obsessive worrying and depression."
June 4, 2016
birth control
"Hello everyone, I have had my Mirena for 5 weeks now and I guess everyone's body responds to medication differently. Mine was inserted due to heavy bleeding and removal of a polyp within my uterus that had caused even more heavy PROLONGED bleeding. I have had 3 children so I felt no pain during insertion but mild cramping after insertion that lasted the rest of the evening that I cured with Aleve. 3 days after insertion I begin to have mild spotting that only required the use of a panty liner but quickly turned into heavy bleeding that lasted 2 weeks then all of sudden stopped as quickly as it came. I am happy to say no problem since, no side effects, would recommend Mirena to my friends & family. I will do it all over again."
January 5, 2013
Lo Loestrin Fe
birth control
"This BC is not bad to be honest. I mean, this is the first one I have ever tried but I will be coming off completely in the next month. I workout and eat right for the most part and I have gained 7lbs on this BC in less than 3 months. It is concerning and I would like to discontinue. Also, I have noticed less hair growth, which I think is great but now for others. I also, noticed more migraines and more acne. I have had more depressing thoughts and way more mood swings- which I think is almost normal on BC. However, I really don't want to have tender breasts and significant weight gain and be a crazy person. Different for everyone I suppose.. but not pregnant.. so that's a plus. I also got my period twice a month on this and both bad ."
February 8, 2017
systemic lupus erythematosus
"I was diagnosed with SLE lupus in 2011, my lupus is mild and has remained mild. My only ailments are inflammation of my joints, mainly my right hand fingers and my left foot baby toe. I have been taking the Hydroxychloroquine 200mg Tab twice a day. I have not found any change to my pain from taking this drug. I was given pain meds for the inflammation that helps after two weeks of taking them. I noticed my hair breaking off the past 3 yrs after taking the drug, prior to taking it my hair was growing very well and doing good. I went to a dermatologist who said my scalp was healthy and gave me shampoo for the itchy scalp and desoximetasone ointment usp 0.05%. Could this low dose of Hydroxychloroquine cause my hair loss?"
March 7, 2017
emergency contraception
"This product worked for me so I decided to write a review. Took it after me and my boyfriend went unprotected and he came as he pulled out. There was some cum on the outside of my vagina but we both played it safe and bout plan b. I took it 30 mins after the accident . My last period started on January 12 and ended January 16th so I wasn't ovulating. About a week after taking the pill I bled brownish red for about 4-5 days. Didn't experience any other symptoms besides tender breasts.I was supposed to get my next period on February 12 but just got it today , February 15. About 3 days late! Please don't stress. As long as you take the pill asap and when you're not ovulating you should be totally fine."
February 16, 2017
birth control
"I have been on Errin 3 weeks now. I'm a breastfeeding/pumping mother. I was unlucky and got my first period 5 weeks pp. :( My ob said a mini pill would be best for me. So I got put on Errin. I know I haven't been on it long at all, but I have continued to lose weight while taking this pill so far. (knock on wood) So I'm not to terribly worried about excessive weight gain. My biggest issue with it so far is, like I've said, I've only been on the pill 3 weeks and I have just started my second period this month. I was on my period when I started it. I stopped for 5 days, I started back for 5 days, I again stopped for 5 days, and I have just started again! If I continue to bleed every few days I will be looking into a diffent bc method."
August 15, 2016
"I am 44 years old and was recently diagnosed as ADD. I am a successful professional that always had to work a little harder to achieve results due to my lack of concentration and tendency toward distractions. I started taking Vyvanse, and have to admit I felt like Superwoman for about a week and ranted and raved about how much I was getting done without the jittery feeling most stimulants provide. But then all in one day, I crashed. I started getting extremely agitated. I then would get so angry I would cry hysterically. I quit taking the medication and within a few days my mood and attitude have leveled off. Although, I have suffered from extreme vertigo and exhaustion since I have been off this medicine. I was on 30mg."
September 26, 2010
smoking cessation
"Day 20 no smokes can't believe it. Have had most of the side effects but just keep on going and think they won't last forever. Been smoking over a packet of 30 a day for 40 years. JUST KEEP GOING"
August 23, 2016
smoking cessation
"I started on June 15. I set my quit date for July 15. That gave me a whole month to smoke if I so desired and to get my mind set to quitting. I had 2 packs of cigarettes left when I started. It was amazing how this worked. I didn't make it to my quit date. The desire to smoke was completely gone about 5 days before the 15th, and I still have 1/2 a pack of cigarettes sitting right out where I see them every time I walk by. No desire to pick one up at all. I've smoked for 50 years. The only side effect that I have is severe nausea and dry heaves, No matter when or how I take it. I have tried everything to calm it, but nothing has worked so far. I am now trying ginger tea. I sip on it all day long. "
July 16, 2017
prostate cance
"In January 2009 - My Prostate Cancer had metastasised into both ischia (Pelvis). My PSA was 33. I was prescribed Casodex as a forerunner to Zoladex LA (to avoid Tumour Flare. I was then lucky because I managed to rid myself of the Secondary Cancer by June 2009. I had altogether 15 implants of Zoladex LA over the last 3¼ years - and after my bone scan still showed "Image Clear" - my Urologist allowed me to discontinue any future treatment for the time being - but - keeping a careful watch my PSA (which most recently was down at 0.270) and the Testosterone level - (down at 0.2). I am now in my 5th week since the end of the last of the 12-week cycle and I am due to have a Blood test in 3 days' time. I felt very little side effects any time."
September 30, 2012
weight loss
"I highly recommend this product from your doctor. My dr lost over 200 pounds and shows everyone his results when he puts you on the pill. My life has changed alot so far. I was pushing 220lbs and now day 6 im at 207lbs. I have so much energy to play with my 2 year old son. And I'm finally able to start running again like I used to. Before I hated exercising. I still do but its worth extra motivation now after seeing my own results."
April 21, 2015
"I have had insomnia for about 7 years. I took temazepam (Restoril) for about 3 years, but it eventually quit working entirely so I started taking 10 mg of zolpidem nightly about 4 months ago. It is very good at helping me to go to sleep quickly and I stay asleep about 6 hours but not much longer. I haven't felt any drowsiness the next morning or had any headaches or other side effects. I have learned a few things about zolpidem, though. I cannot eat at all for at least 2 or 3 hours before taking it. Also, I need to go to bed within 15 or 20 minutes after taking it or it doesn't work very well. Lastly, I learned that I can't eat chocolate for at least 5 or 6 hours before taking it because of chocolate's high caffeine content."
December 3, 2014
diabetes, type 2
"Started this last night. I have zero appetite. How is this possible? I love food, but I don't really feel like eating. All I've had today is some grapes. I have a sandwich in my lunchbox, but I don't have any appetite. I haven't had any of the side effects so far. I started with the 1.2 dose. The "pen" is really easy to use compared to my intramuscular testosterone. However, this drug is ridiculously expensive. Even with good insurance, I would have to pay almost $400 a MONTH!!! Fortunately, another serious illness pushed me over my out-of-pocket annual. So, I filled the script for $0. Due to politics I may have no insurance next year. Anyway, so far, so good with Victoza."
May 6, 2017
high blood pressure
"After using Diovan for only a few days I developed shortness of breath and my blood pressure skyrocketed. I was also very lethargic. Within 2 days of stopping going back to my old blood pressure medication my pressure dropped significantly. This drug did NOT work for me for what it was prescribed for."
August 20, 2009
Adapalene / benzoyl peroxide
"I've been on this medication for a little over two months. These past two months have been a roller coaster with my skin. The first week, my skin cleared up. By the second week, everything got worse. There have been times where my skin was very tender and any face wash or lotion I used made my skin burn. It really sucks but it's been working for me. I've read other reviews and people said it's going to get worse before it gets better. I had horrible acne for a few weeks. I use it now day and night religiously. I only put it on the affected areas. This past week I haven't had one breakout. My advice is stick with it for at least a few months."
July 31, 2016
allergic rhinitis
"It worked to prevent a runny nose but it made my sinuses feel so DRY. I switched to this from Flonase because it gave me frequent bloody noses. QNASL did not cause bloody noses, but didn't really make me feel any better. It made me feel more congested but a "dry " congestion. I will not longer be taking this."
September 30, 2015
obsessive compulsive disorde
"I was diagnosed with OCD a little more than 2 months ago. My doctor started me on 50 mg of Fluvoxamine for the first month. I had no noticeable benefits from the medication and four side effects. The side effects included the following: weight gain, fatigue / disrupted sleep pattern, headaches, and sexual dis-function. The second month my doctor increased the dosage to 100 mg. The results were the same as the first month. He has since switched me to another SSRI."
October 25, 2013
muscle spasm
"It worked for me after about four days, which is all I could take. It relieves my constant back muscle spasms, but it knocks you out! It does make you feel very "on medication" in a very unpleasant sort of way. Difficult to perform everyday tasks such as driving."
October 16, 2010
constipation, chronic
"It was the only thing that actually improved my chronic constipation and bloating and since it's gone of the market I haven't found anything too close to the results I experienced with Zelnorm."
June 16, 2009
"I believe Savella has been the most effective out of everything I've tried. I've had no side effects and it works quickly. My only complaint is after a year and a half my body built up a tolerance and I had to stop taking it for a while. I'm happy to say that I'm back on it and I'm pain free."
July 7, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin
birth control
"I am 19 years old and was looking for a birth control that was easier for me because I am lazy when it comes to taking pills and forgetful so the patch ultimately would work better with my schedule. I was really nervous trying it out because of some reviews. I jut finished my first month with the patch which I've heard it's the hardest and for me it was really easy. I haven't noticed any mood swings or any other side effects thankfully. I place the patch on my butt-cheek and I would say the very first time I put it on I automatically started feeling cramps on my tailbone and I have also noticed that my hands are super dry like extremely dry now and I got a few rash on my hands as well. Other than that I like the patch."
February 25, 2013
Wellbutrin XL
bipolar disorde
"Tons better than medicines like Paxil and Depakote (sleep your life away)...even-keel pretty much...sometimes I have coffee with friends (10a.m.) and I can feel a slight rush but if that's the down side of this for me, then I'll take it until they tell me that I can't anymore."
March 6, 2010
"I have arthritis in both shoulders. It's a wear and tear issue as I'm 68 years old and have been exercising fanatically for 50 years. My orthopedic doctor recommended Orthovisc injections and I have had great results. I heartedly recommend Orthovisc. Some studies have shown that people facing replacement issues have been able to put off the surgery or even avoid it altogether when following a regimen of two series a year with Orthovisc."
March 21, 2014
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
"I developed a rash and after testing at the NY Medical College and Vanderbilt Center for Dysautonomias, we found my blood volume was not low (often the case with POTS patients) and the mechanism that florinef acts upon."
December 20, 2009
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
birth control
"I have been on the nuvaring since I was 16; I'm 25 now. It really is the best thing I have tried. The only side effects I have experienced are breast tenderness, being really dry or really wet at times and possible uti's. Although I'm still unsure of that because I have gotten uti's for as long as I could remember. I got off it recently because my doctor prescribed me a pill with less hormones but I felt the difference right away. I didn't feel myself at all. I'm giving my body a break for a month or two and will probably go back on the ring."
February 10, 2016
smoking cessation
"Dear Chartix, I have smoked for 27 years, I was so ready for that to change, I asked my doctor to give me a chance with trying it, she agreed! For me to tell you how now I have been free of smoking for 16 months now!! Thank you Chantix for helping me!!! Sincerely, Joanne"
February 19, 2017
weight loss
"I started 5/26/2017 on one 37.5 mg tablet daily, my starting weight was 220 lbs, and one week later I am down 10 lbs, I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 210! I had to completely cut out all simple carbs like bread, pasta, tortilla, and also absolutely no sweets which is my downfall but to be honest I have no interest in any of those foods because the results I am seeing are more addicting than the food! I stay under 1200 calories a day and I drink 1 gallon of water a day. The only side affect I have noticed is dry mouth, and when I workout really hard my heart rate did creep up to about 198 which freaked me out a little so I had to tone it down a bit on the run that day. I have also workout 5 days a wk. It's been worth it so far!"
June 4, 2017
birth control
"Hi, everyone! Well, I have been on the Depo on and off since I was 18 years old. Frankly, it has been the best birth control method for me. My period stopped completely and I gained no weight because of it. I've been off of it now for exactly a year. I began to spot within the month I was off of it and only skipped the January cycle; by June my cycle ranged from 25 to 30 days, and by now to an avg of 25, which is normal. This month, however, I have experienced breast enlargement and soreness, along with weight gain from 6 days before my period started. My doctor says that might be a sign that I may start ovulating on my own. The only negatives are the bone density loss and the length of time it takes to become fertile again."
November 12, 2012
opiate dependence
"I had been on Oxycodone for 4 years until yesterday for a back injury which I am still awaiting surgery. I was taking anywhere from 100mg to 200mg per day. After several attempts to quit "cold turkey", the withdrawal symptoms were pure hell and I would reach for the pill bottle again. I was taking my pain medicines as prescribed even. OXycodone was beginning to cause a serious problem and were taking so much of my life away. I talked to my wife and she found a doctor who was certified with the Suboxone treatment. 36 hours after beginning the Suboxone I feel great! My pain is manageable and my thought process is so much clearer. I thank Heavenly Father, my wife, and my doctor. Highly recommended."
September 21, 2011
vaginal yeast infection
"Okay well day one here.. inserted this stuff maybe 20 mins ago.. holy freaking crap.. the ITCHING WAS UNREAL. I was itchy just a bit from my infection.. this made the inside outside area itch like a crazy. Oh my god. I felt like ripping my hair out!! It's died down a bit now.. but feel a little burning, nothing too bad I hope it stays that way. Glad I found these reviews I didn't know what was going on.. MILD increase of itching and burning?? Lies. Hopefully day two goes better.. never gone through this, I had one YI before this and got the pill.. now I'm 25 weeks pregnant and can't take it so this is my only option. :( wish me luck tomorrow isn't as miserable"
April 10, 2017
Ambien CR
"I was given two choices for my insomnia; melatonin or ambien as a quick fix. Of course I picked the quick fix and went with ambien. I took the first night and for 20-30 minutes after taking read reviews online. While reading I noticed my phone screen seemed to move and I lost focus over and over again. I thought maybe because I had been up for over 24 hours from the insomnia prior to getting the prescription, but upon the second time taking it realized that if you fight the window of time to fall asleep, you do get quiet a high. Hallucinations do occur occasionally. However, i was given a two week trial of this drug to see how well it worked for me and as I continue to take it I notice that I fall asleep quickly, but wake up throughout nite"
July 7, 2016
urinary tract infection
"Given one shot Rocephin (IM, dorsogluteal) for severe UTI. Shot a little painful, but experienced relief of abdominal discomfort within about 30 minutes. Some bruising, but definitely worth it for the quick relief."
April 6, 2016
"I have been on Lyrica for around a year now, I take 300mg twice a day, initially this was a wonder drug that helped immensely with my pain, I couldn't stay awake for first few weeks but since getting used to it I've been fine. The massive downside for me is that it's affects have weaned dramatically and I once again find myself in pain, being a single parent to 4 children and working full time is becoming increasingly difficult and I'm not sure I can continue working."
January 4, 2016
vaginal yeast infection
"This is my first YI I am 21 and my sister recommend this product. I can't sit. I can't sleep. It is 12:02 and I'm exhausted. I have to wake up in 6 hours for work and I can't sleep through this HORRIBLE PAIN !!! Never again !"
October 3, 2015
social anxiety disorde
"Zoloft has helped me so much so far. I have spent the last three months getting worse and worse. Panic, anxiety and depression. I was on Wellbutrine but it just seemed to make me worse. Two days after starting Zoloft (I take it before I go to bed), I woke up happy. I felt normal - like myself! I don't know about the sexual side effects yet because frankly it was difficult to want to be intimate when I was living in an emotional hell. Thank you Zoloft!! "
December 17, 2016
birth control
"I'm going on 8 months now. The birth control is great, the only issue I had was my period. I feel like I've had my period all those months and they last about 2 weeks. I'll get a little break (1 week) and I'll get it again. I did get really bad cramps one month but other than that I haven't had any side effects. I feel like a lot of woman blame birth control for gain weight. But it's all about will power you can't let one thing control your life. People just need to get off their butts and workout. That's how you won't gain weight."
December 22, 2014
"I was suffering from depression, anxiety and bad insomnia . I've tried so many meds from zoloft ( horrible drug) celexa and seraqual. So finally I went to my pcp and he prescribed Wellbutrin 150mg FIRST DAY anxiety was bad so I had to take seraqual to calm down also my hand swelled up. SECOND DAY anxiety was still high and I felt a little spaced out so I decided to call my doctor and he put me on 75 mg. THIRD DAY no symptoms. I'm now on FIFTH DAY no side effects I'm telling you this drug really helps. It's worth a shot to try and if it doesn't work switch medication. Don't be discouraged by other posts. Some peoples body just respond different. Iit didn't believe anything would ever help I've been putting myself through hell for a year. Glad I took it"
September 11, 2015
"Had moderate acne for 10 years and tried just about everything: BP, topical/oral antibiotics, retinoids, spirono, birth control, etc. and my skin was very oily to top it off, making my acne practically undefeatable. Last year I developed horrible cystic acne on my chin and my derm urged me towards accutane. Well I can tell you it's caused the worst breakout ever on my cheeks: painful, blistering nodules connected deep under my skin. I got prescribed prednisone and azithromycin for that, but it didn't help. I have to take benzaclin now and my face has never been this dry, painful, and red. I'm going into my 4th month with horrible skin and things are looking bleak. The only good thing that's happened so far is that my blackheads are gone."
November 9, 2015
birth control
"so i just felt the need to come on here and put in a good word. it has only been 4 days for me but I haven't had any crazy side effects. The bad so far is: a little nausea, and definitely some dizziness which is improving. I had some fatigue day 1-2 also and some cramping and headache day 3. my sex drive has been insanely high. I feel like I am more sane than normal and kinder lol. I don't feel the ring when its in really and I do have this compulsion to keep checking to make sure its still in there. I have had sex and no change (so far?) in ability to orgasm or vaginal lubrication. Previously I was on loestrin and was experiencing more side effects than this from the get-go. So overall I am happy. I will update after a few weeks and see how its going."
October 30, 2015
birth control
"There are so many women who have trouble that I thought I would write a review. I have tried many birth control options over the years. and ALWAYS got very sick. I recently tried loestrein and was really sick. So my doctor gave me the patch. I had tried ortho eva. Years ago. And was very sick. Sick to my stomach. Couldn't keep anything down. I'm on my second patch. The first week I was moody and wanted to throw out the patch but it went away. I'm not sick like on the pill. Due to some health problems I think any hormones make me a little tired. So in the future I plan on something permanent but until then the patch is working. I'm not getting super sick. So if you are considering trying it. It's worth a try. Everyone is different."
April 25, 2017
"I have a patient with fibromyalgia in Kent UK who was given Low-dose naltrexone by another physician. Her energy improved and her pain reduced so much that she was able to return to working 20 hours a week. I am currently trying it on a second patient."
May 5, 2017
birth control
"I've been taking Trinessa for over a year now and I started taking it because I had such bad pains, where I would lay on the couch and cry. I started taking it and pains were still there but not anywhere near as bad I could still function and want to get up and do things. It does not cause me to be moody, I've never gained weight from this pill and I've never had any pregnancy scares on this pill. I do recommend this for anyone wanting to start taking birth control!"
February 1, 2012
birth control
"I've been taking Yaz for over a year now. I switched to it from Necon 1/35. I was interested in a lower dose over the long term. My anxiety decreased and blood sugar leveled. However, I improved my eating and exercise habits, so I cannot truly attribute the cause or cessation of any symptoms to either pill. Yaz must be taken at the same time daily or spotting may occur. I cannot attest to its ability to prevent pregnancy as I use other methods concurrently. I would continue on Yaz if it were not so expensive."
October 14, 2009
"I suffer from mild depression and back pain associated with scoliosis. I hoped Cymbalta could help. It did not help me. Initially (first few days), it was positive mentally, despite side effects: headache, nausea, then bad anxiety. As I took it more, I just started to feel not like myself, lethargic and weak. I almost felt too calm and didn't care. I can see how this might be helpful to those that are severely depressed. I am not. I'm sharing my experience because if you only suffer from minor blues, I would not recommend a strong anti-depressant. I told my doctor it was minor, yet he prescribed me 60 mg immediately. I gave it a month and felt worse each day."
August 4, 2013
renal cell carcinoma
"Lost my first kidney 5 years ago two months ago cancer was found in my remaining kidney. It had metastasized to my brain and lungs. Had gamma knife surgery on brain tumor. Started votrient about 1 month ago. Side effects include fatigue and high blood pressure.So far doing well on 800 milligrams. Have lost about 45 pounds I know now I need to eat regular meals in order to keep up my strength. This also helps with the fatigue. So far lab work looks good looking for the best results with votrient"
May 2, 2016
overactive bladde
"I had Botox for an OAB. Before I had a terrible urge to go but I could not fully empty BUT I COULD GO ! The date is Oct in April it would have been three years since I had this done. At the beginning I was reluctant but my urologist recommended this. I was told I was going to have to be totally reliant of self catheterisation which I was ok. She did however say there are instances where the Botox would get rid of the urge but you would still be able to pee. A week after having Botox I have been 100% reliant on catheters. Without them I have urinary retention I cannot go at all. I feel totally let down by the medical profession and the company that makes this drug as they have washed their hands of me and the only suggestion is to have MORE Botox !"
October 8, 2017
"I was prescribed these for insomnia and anxiety. I've been on every anti-depressant you can think of, all with awful side effects. I do get a dry mouth, tiredness, headaches and mild anxiety with Amitryptaline, but it's much more manageable - I was suffering from daily, pretty constant anxiety before starting Amitryptaline. I'm on 30mg. My sleep is 90% better (which after 12 years of chronic insomnia is a amazing)."
April 16, 2017
Buprenorphine / naloxone
opiate dependence
"I have been on Suboxone for 3 days now and so far its amazing. I have zero cravings, or withdrawals. I hope I can finally kick my addiction with Suboxone, I was taking 200mg of oxycodone a day. The doctor put me on 8mgs a day and so far so good."
December 13, 2014
Homatropine / hydrocodone
"I have an upper respiratory infection, sinus congestion, and middle ear infection, and was given Hycodan for the first time in my life last night at a local emergency room, Within 45 minutes I actually felt human again, and my symptoms did not return until almost 8 hours later. This is an AWESOME medication!"
February 7, 2011
"I've been down 3 surgeries in 11 months. Lost 60lbs and could not eat. I have been on Megace for 10 day's and I have gained 17 lbs. UNREAL! I have eaten $200 in groceries and have no plans to stop. MEGACE has beyond a doubt saved my life. Side effects are little to none. Dry mouth/more frequent urination/"Incredible appetite"! I am in it for the weight gain. Today I feel so good and strong, I caught myself running home from the store. "
January 26, 2012
Tussionex Pennkinetic
"This is a wonderful medicine that will turn off the most vicious coughs. Having said that, my doctor and I found that 5ml every 8hrs (instead of the usual max of 10ml/day) is most effective IN MY CASE; I'm about 2 meters tall and about 105 kilo. I have asthma which is easily exacerbated; when I get any sort of cough it can (and, in the past has) turn(ed) into pneumonia. In my doctor's estimation, Tussionex has saved me about 5 trips to the hospital, over the last 10 years. In summary: This medicine, (expensive as it may be) has, in my opinion, plausibly saved my life. It shuts the cough off and allows my lungs to heal."
January 24, 2011
"PLEASE PLEASE READ !!! I was prescribed the medicine a few years ago... JUST now found that I could leave a review ~ After q while ... I guess after the medicine got into my system at a certain level... I STARTING HAVING.. SEIZURES.. NOT REGULAR ONES... but one sooo BAD that I would have to have CPR... I would be "OUT" for approx. 45 minutes!!! I would take my medicine and about 30 minutes later I'd "awaken" with Paramedics SURROUNDING ...NOT HAVING A CLUE WHY.... AND LYING IN MY OWN HUGE PUDDLE OF URINE... THE NEXT DAY I'D FIND BRUISES in the ODDEST places ! Like on the INSIDE OF MY UPPER ARMS AND ON MY FEET AND EVERY WHERE! And I would have simply been walking in an isle of a Vitamin Shoppe or sitting under a dryer at a Hair Salon."
August 14, 2017
major depressive disorde
"I an on 30 mg of Cymbalta for depression and anxiety. I also take generic buspar 30 mg a day. I have found the addition of the generic Abilify,2.5 mg, assists with my tendency to forget and that I am not as interested in food, both results are welcome. In addition to the meds I participate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy."
October 20, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"I am new to birth control. I first took it when I was 19 and turn 20 shortly after. My first three months were hell. My nausea was terrible that I could not eat anything, engage in sexual activities without the urge of vomiting and be dizzy. My period was very off. My body was almost on a whole month of just my menstrual cycle. It was nasty. HOWEVER, I decided to stay on it because those side effects are normal. On my second pack (4-6 months) my ACNE CLEARED UP!!! Since I had gone through puberty at 11,and had acne since then and now my skin is like a baby again. My period is officially 2 weeks long (I begin spotting and gradually have a heavier flow). I have gained about 17 pounds but I think that's because I stopped exercising rigorously since graduating high school."
May 12, 2015
"I am a long time sufferer of frequent (chronic) migraines, up to 15+ a month. I have used sumatriptan since it became available, both in pill form and self-injection. Yesterday I tried the new patch “Zecuity” for the first time (and likely the last). The actual cost per patch is about $300.00. The packaging is ridiculous: a box overnight delivered which was about two feet square with a weight of about 15 pounds. It contained a large, thick styrofoam container, six special, red “PureTemp Bricks”, designed to keep the drug at room temperature (it must be kept between 68 it 77 degrees Fahrenheit–NOT refrigerated), and a box of four patches. The patches themselves contain the medication, but also the “release/delivery” system which includes a computer chip, the red light to indicate activation and completion of medication delivery (four hours–then the light turns off and patch can be removed) and two lithium-manganese dioxide batteries (perchlorate material), which are considered TOXIC WASTE by the federal government and cannot be thrown away in the regular trash. Instructions say to contact your local authorities to inquire how to properly (and legally) dispose of the used patches. The above in and of itself should give most people pause as to whether this is all worth it. But, as anyone who is suffering from a migraine will tell you, the pain and other symptoms are so bad you feel like you’d try practically anything. So, hey, even though this is the same drug, maybe this fancy delivery system is the magic relief we have been searching for. Personally, sumatriptan lessons the duration and severity of my migraines but has never “relieved’ them. It may for some, but not for me. Other than the powerful narcotics I take for other chronic pain, it’s the only other thing that helps at all. Of course, there are strict limits on the number of times it can be used per month for safety reasons, so I can only use it for my worst migraines. The limit on the patches: no more than four per month. So, okay, I decide to give them a try. I followed all of the (somewhat detailed and involved) instructions and “activate it”, apply it, and push the “start” button and the little red light comes on. Within a few minutes, I start to feel a tingling, itchy, burning sensation, though not too bad and certainly not unbearable, or even anything as bad as the pain of the migraine. Within about five minutes, the gel (I assume the medication), starts to ooze out the sides of the patch, making a sticky mess and of course causing the adhesive of the patch to stop working and the thing starts to practically fall off. Okay, the directions say if there are problems with the patch staying in place to use medical tape. So I use medical tape. All around the entire patch I use medical tape. Five minutes later, even the medical tape starts to come loose due to the ozzing gel, so I apply even more tape, a lot of tape. I am also concerned that there is more medicine sticking to the tape than being absorbed into my body. I also only feel, very slightly, any effect of the sumatriptan. I felt a mild burning sensation the entire time the patch was on, as well as red, irritated, itchy, rashy skin upon removal. Oh yeah, and now what the heck do I do with this environmentally hazardous medical waste? Are most users really going to properly dispose of these things? As far a headache relief, obviously intramuscular injection is a quicker way of getting this drug into your body, to provide whatever amount of relief you are going to get from it as quickly as possible. Another consideration: my health insurance required Prior Approval to cover the patches, part of which was a statement from me and my doctor that the other forms of ingestion of sumatriptan (pill, self-injection, intranasal spray) were inadequate and that I required the patches. When I found that out, I refused and told my doctor to do the same. I had little faith that a 4-hour patch of the same drug would work better than a 5 second injection, and I did not want to give up my ability to keep receiving the injections. The drug company provided the one month free trial (four patches), so I agreed to try them. Several years ago, I remember how happy I was when Imetrix finally went generic and I was able to obtain sumatriptan much cheaper. It saved me (and my insurance company) a lot of money. I don’t really want to give that up either. So, I suppose that there are people who may find these patches amazing and effective, especially those who for whatever reason are unable or unwilling to use the self-injections. For me however, considering all of the factors above, I think I’ll stick with the injectable (pun intended), and sometimes the pills, as I don’t like to carry the auto-injections around in my purse (I already have to carry an epipen with me…). I wish the best to other migraine sufferers; perhaps the patches will give them the relief they seek. For me however, they are not the answer."
December 26, 2015
"While on this medication 20mg 2x daily I had chest pain and shortness of breath. I was taking to the hospital multiple times because I thought I was having a heart attack."
December 21, 2016
birth control
"Welp! 5 years later and I didnt get pregnant so thats an A+ but the largest side effect has been my plummeted sex drive. About 6 months after having it implanted, the idea of sex was so....bleh. My poor husband has really taken a blow to his ego in the last few years. Our sex life has certaintly taken a hit. So much so that he has been researching vasectomies now that I need a new BC implanted. Other than that, it worked out."
December 20, 2016
birth control
"Have had a very good experience with Apri! It's the first birth control I've been on and it's been about 9 months now. It's regulated my periods so I can predict it down to the hour, they're less painful, I feel less nausea, and they're much shorter and lighter! I haven't gained any weight - just fluxed a bit up and down a few pounds. Overall - really good!"
September 9, 2012
"Day 2 of using Belviq. Normally I Have to eat breakfast within one hour of waking, or I'm nauseous and feel like there's a big pit in my belly. My hubby and I run a lot of errands daily and often hit up several stores through the day, I would have to buy snacks at every store. I noticed yesterday while in each store that I didn't even have the urge to get snacks, of course I looked at them VERY briefly, but never touched. I noticed so far I don't have an appetite until 5 or so hours after waking. I'm already a huge water drinker. I take one about 9th and 2nd about 6pm. Haven't weighed myself yet, starting weight was (is?) 229LBS (5'4"). When I do eat I get full much faster. Because I'm diabetic 2, I force myself to eat."
June 28, 2014
plaque psoriasis
"I started September 1st 2017 with the starter pack. Had the usual symptoms that everyone is talking about. Toughed it out. Then the monthly dosage started after the starter pack finished. About the third and a half week I had pain in the lower left side of my stomach. I stopped the pill for a week. Pain was gone. So I thought lets try again. I then started the pill only in the evenings. Basically half dose. Since the start till now October 20 2017, my plaque psoriasis has been noticeably reduced. Halving the half (1 pill a day) dose has also calmed my usual symptoms. I am tempted to start back on 2 pills a day again."
October 23, 2017
"I just received my third injection today and it may be a bit too early to guage how effective it will be. However, I am pleased to report that unlike some of the reviewers I did not find the injections to be painful. I just felt pressure and some discomfort when the fluid was injected but it was quickly over. And for that I thankful. I'll report back after a month or so."
July 13, 2016
bipolar disorde
"Well, I don't know what to say. If only I would have been taking lamotrigine when I was younger. I've been having moods swings and anger since I can remember, since the age of 11. I am 31 now and this is the only medicine that makes me feel the way I knew I should feel. I have no side effects. The worst thing of having bipolar 2 was dealing with my horrible anger problems and having people scared of me. I used to hold on to the fact that my son was the only reason I was alive but lamotrigine has given me a new lease on life. Lamotrigine makes me feel like I should have felt since I was younger!"
June 25, 2012
birth control
"I got the Nexplanon in Nov 2013. It is definitely the most effective and easiest form of birth control I have experienced. The first 3 months I had some spotting & break through bleeding. Then after 3 months I quit having periods. I have to admit that part is nice! However, I have gained about 25 pounds, averaging 10 pounds per year. I work out on weekends, eat healthy and do what I can to control it but it seems to have minimal impact. I have always been thin. I'm 5'9.5 and had been approximately 130-135 for the past 8 years. Now I'm between 155-160. Also the weight I have put on makes me look pregnant.I have been more mellow and my sex drive has drastically lowered."
June 30, 2015
"I had a very positive experience with citalopram. It literally saved my life when I was in the worst emotional abyss in my life. Depression is the worst illness I have experienced in my life and this particular medication worked wonders for me. It started working after about 2 weeks and I stayed on it for roughly two months. I discontinued taking the medication after just 2 months because I did not want to become addicted to it and living on medication for the rest of my life was a scary concept. The only main side effect I experiences was loss of sleep while I was taking the medication. I am doing fine for now but if at any point I experience the symptoms coming back, I'll be happy to get back on this medication."
March 23, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"I have been on Alesse, Aviane and Sronyx and they were amazing. No acne, weight gain or mood swings. I have been on for Orsythia for three months. The first month I noticed I felt strange and high anxiety with many mood swings. The second month I had all the same symptoms with a five pound weight gain. This month I got vertigo so bad I could barely stand and walk. It made me feel so dizzy and so irritated that I was snapping at everybody. I called my insurance carrier and beg them to put me on any thing but Orsythia and they are going to put me back on Aviane. I've been on the pill for over 12 years straight and I have never had a series of side effects like I did with this pill. I would not recommend this to anyone."
March 15, 2017
birth control
"I've had the nexplanon implant for about a year now and I have mixed feelings about it. Yes, it worked great in the aspect of me not getting pregnant, however I did gain about 20 pounds since getting the implant. It's also made it almost impossible for me to lose any weight, I've been exercising, eating healthy, etc. At first I would get a lot of headaches but they've died down now, and I've also been very "gaggy," any little smell, texture, or sight of something gross makes me gag a lot. The one thing that's been keeping me from having it removed is the fact that I only get my period about 3-4 times a year. I used to have very painful cramps and heavy bleeding but since getting the implant my periods have been a lot lighter."
December 31, 2015
bacterial infection
"I just got the shot of rocephin in the doctors office today I had been on oral antibiotic for a brown recluse spider bit I can tell a difference after getting the shot today my finger looks much better. I haven't had this shot since I was a baby."
June 24, 2017
"I have been on Zoloft for years now and love it this medicine saved my life before I started taking Zoloft I was a mess!!! depressed and angry all the time I finally after several years decided I'd had enough I told my therapist I wanted an antidepressant I was going to call the doctor myself but she called the doctor. Honestly I remember a girl I met when I was in college who told me I needed help and to go home for the weekend however, I was reluctant to get help only because my parents felt that at the time antidepressants weren't that safe. I must say she was right I feel so much better not a lot of side effects sometimes I get diarrhea from it but mostly it works"
August 24, 2017
birth control
"I just got my Skyla put in (8/2/16) and honestly, it really comes down to how well you can handle pain. I handle pain fairly well and it did cause discomfort as the procedure occurred. My doctor explained it to me in 3 steps. Measuring your uterus, holding your cervix, and insertion, which means only 3 really tough cramps. Luckily, I was able to drive myself home right after and haven't felt any kind of discomfort. So far, I'm really loving it and I'd say do your research, ask your physician and if everything's checks out, do it. The pain is well worth it."
August 3, 2016
birth control
"Where do I start? I first started with Implanon at age 19 and once removed, had Nexplanon replacing it. I am now 24. 25lbs heavier, have had major depression and suicidal tendencies since the beginning. Body pain, stomach issues, dizziness to the extent of having vertigo, etc. I bled for 6months at the beginning of having Implanon, but once replaced with Nexplanon, my body was use to it so I simply continued to not have a period. I have had gross, brown "blood" discharge in place of periods and some weeks have to wear panty liners constantly. It looks pretty gross. Anyways, I am getting this taken out in a few days and really hoping the depression lessens and I get my life back."
April 8, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I started this pill about 2 months ago and during both months I bled in the middle of the pack. My doc insists its just breakthrough bleeding and that I am still protected but the bleeding is hard to deal with. It's about as heavy as a period and it lasts at least 10 days! I'm considering switching because of this. Other than that, no side effects, maybe a slight shift in mood... I'm a little more agitated than usual."
May 14, 2015
Monistat 7-Day Combination Pack
vaginal yeast infection
"After reading the reviews for this product on here, I was terrified! All the ladies who said it burned them so bad and to never use it, made me hesitate a few days because my infection was mild. However, it got worse so I decided to suck it up and use it! I was laying down after applying it and I was shocked that I felt no burning or anything! It actually felt good and the irritation immediately subsided! I'm on my 3rd day and I feel excellent! I still have a slight redness but it has gotten better!"
October 4, 2017
muscle spasm
"I've been taking Soma for one week. It works. Fell from a horse 25 years ago - chronic back spasms. Tried Flexeril, Robaxin and Skelaxin. This works best. Flexeril comes in 2nd. I did notice some disorientation while driving. Not sure if it is a combination of Chantix and Soma, or only one. I can sleep almost through the entire night - what a relief!"
August 14, 2009