1 value
3 values
2 values
3 values
2 values
Creeps but notstrafing Glaucium occurs.
({D} & ¬{C})
fact1: Solubleness does not happens. fact2: That hooking minim does not occurs causes that wangling bumptiousness does not happens. fact3: If denting happens then hypercatalectic occurs and detribalizing Cirsium does not occurs. fact4: That stargazing does not occurs yields that Stoning and wangling bumptiousness happens. fact5: That hat does not occurs prevents Lutheranness. fact6: If the fact that hooking minim occurs hold creeps but notstrafing Glaucium occurs. fact7: The fact that reloading and non-apnoeicness occurs does not hold. fact8: That Cyprioteness but notgyralness happens does not hold. fact9: If wangling bumptiousness does not happens then that both creeps and strafing Glaucium happens is incorrect. fact10: That whiff happens but xenogenesis does not occurs is incorrect. fact11: The fact that creeps occurs and strafing Glaucium occurs does not hold. fact12: Bidding leads to that notstargazing but corporateness occurs. fact13: That whiff occurs and cuneiform does not occurs does not hold if trapping ki does not occurs. fact14: Hooking minim does not occurs. fact15: Monomorphemicness is prevented by that voicing does not happens. fact16: Succinicness is prevented by non-monomorphemicness. fact17: That both thalamocorticalness and bidding occurs is triggered by that detribalizing Cirsium does not happens. fact18: That fussing ruefulness does not happens leads to that stalemating normal does not happens.
fact1: ¬{FM} fact2: ¬{A} -> ¬{B} fact3: {L} -> ({K} & ¬{J}) fact4: ¬{F} -> ({E} & {B}) fact5: ¬{FD} -> ¬{HK} fact6: {A} -> ({D} & ¬{C}) fact7: ¬({BR} & ¬{JH}) fact8: ¬({IB} & ¬{AS}) fact9: ¬{B} -> ¬({D} & {C}) fact10: ¬({AU} & ¬{EU}) fact11: ¬({D} & {C}) fact12: {H} -> (¬{F} & {G}) fact13: ¬{HE} -> ¬({AU} & ¬{CH}) fact14: ¬{A} fact15: ¬{FS} -> ¬{JG} fact16: ¬{JG} -> ¬{JC} fact17: ¬{J} -> ({I} & {H}) fact18: ¬{AF} -> ¬{EP}
[ "fact2 & fact14 -> int1: Wangling bumptiousness does not happens.;" ]
[ "fact2 & fact14 -> int1: ¬{B};" ]
Creeps but notstrafing Glaucium occurs.
({D} & ¬{C})
$facts$ = fact1: Solubleness does not happens. fact2: That hooking minim does not occurs causes that wangling bumptiousness does not happens. fact3: If denting happens then hypercatalectic occurs and detribalizing Cirsium does not occurs. fact4: That stargazing does not occurs yields that Stoning and wangling bumptiousness happens. fact5: That hat does not occurs prevents Lutheranness. fact6: If the fact that hooking minim occurs hold creeps but notstrafing Glaucium occurs. fact7: The fact that reloading and non-apnoeicness occurs does not hold. fact8: That Cyprioteness but notgyralness happens does not hold. fact9: If wangling bumptiousness does not happens then that both creeps and strafing Glaucium happens is incorrect. fact10: That whiff happens but xenogenesis does not occurs is incorrect. fact11: The fact that creeps occurs and strafing Glaucium occurs does not hold. fact12: Bidding leads to that notstargazing but corporateness occurs. fact13: That whiff occurs and cuneiform does not occurs does not hold if trapping ki does not occurs. fact14: Hooking minim does not occurs. fact15: Monomorphemicness is prevented by that voicing does not happens. fact16: Succinicness is prevented by non-monomorphemicness. fact17: That both thalamocorticalness and bidding occurs is triggered by that detribalizing Cirsium does not happens. fact18: That fussing ruefulness does not happens leads to that stalemating normal does not happens. ; $hypothesis$ = Creeps but notstrafing Glaucium occurs. ; $proof$ =
There exists somebody such that if that thing is not plumbable then the one is nonmoving and the thing is not autologous.
(Ex): ¬{A}x -> ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x)
fact1: Somebody arrives Valerianella and is not plumbable if the thing does not divert. fact2: The malacologist is nonmoving and non-autologous if the person is plumbable. fact3: There exists some person such that if the one is not plumbable the one is nonmoving.
fact1: (x): ¬{GU}x -> ({IK}x & ¬{A}x) fact2: {A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) fact3: (Ex): ¬{A}x -> {AA}x
The Swede arrives Valerianella but this thing is not plumbable if the thing does not divert.
¬{GU}{ds} -> ({IK}{ds} & ¬{A}{ds})
[ "fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Somebody arrives Valerianella and is not plumbable if the thing does not divert. fact2: The malacologist is nonmoving and non-autologous if the person is plumbable. fact3: There exists some person such that if the one is not plumbable the one is nonmoving. ; $hypothesis$ = There exists somebody such that if that thing is not plumbable then the one is nonmoving and the thing is not autologous. ; $proof$ =
Elbowing does not happens.
fact1: If that reassurance happens and mucousness happens is wrong then that reassurance does not happens is true. fact2: If that gastroscopy or astigmaticness or both occurs is wrong that centeringness happens hold. fact3: That internalising Orthilia does not happens is prevented by reassurance. fact4: The fact that gastroscopy happens and/or astigmaticness does not occurs is incorrect. fact5: That elbowing does not happens is prevented by leukotomy. fact6: The fact that preponderating antialiasing occurs or conduction does not happens or both is incorrect. fact7: That anoperinealness does not occurs is not right. fact8: Singalong occurs. fact9: The fact that centeringness occurs if the fact that gastroscopy or non-astigmaticness or both occurs is false is correct. fact10: Astigmaticness happens. fact11: Elbowing and/or that reassurance does not occurs is triggered by larking. fact12: If reassurance does not happens then the fact that leukotomy does not occurs and centeringness does not occurs is not correct. fact13: Solicitorship occurs.
fact1: ¬({D} & {F}) -> ¬{D} fact2: ¬({AA} v {AB}) -> {B} fact3: {D} -> {DO} fact4: ¬({AA} v ¬{AB}) fact5: {A} -> {C} fact6: ¬({DC} v ¬{CB}) fact7: {DE} fact8: {IF} fact9: ¬({AA} v ¬{AB}) -> {B} fact10: {AB} fact11: {E} -> ({C} v ¬{D}) fact12: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{A} & ¬{B}) fact13: {IC}
[ "fact9 & fact4 -> int1: Centeringness occurs.;" ]
[ "fact9 & fact4 -> int1: {B};" ]
Anisogamousness occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: If that reassurance happens and mucousness happens is wrong then that reassurance does not happens is true. fact2: If that gastroscopy or astigmaticness or both occurs is wrong that centeringness happens hold. fact3: That internalising Orthilia does not happens is prevented by reassurance. fact4: The fact that gastroscopy happens and/or astigmaticness does not occurs is incorrect. fact5: That elbowing does not happens is prevented by leukotomy. fact6: The fact that preponderating antialiasing occurs or conduction does not happens or both is incorrect. fact7: That anoperinealness does not occurs is not right. fact8: Singalong occurs. fact9: The fact that centeringness occurs if the fact that gastroscopy or non-astigmaticness or both occurs is false is correct. fact10: Astigmaticness happens. fact11: Elbowing and/or that reassurance does not occurs is triggered by larking. fact12: If reassurance does not happens then the fact that leukotomy does not occurs and centeringness does not occurs is not correct. fact13: Solicitorship occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Elbowing does not happens. ; $proof$ =
Reconnoitring occurs.
fact1: Satanicness does not happens if conducting happens. fact2: Incommodiousness is prevented by that detente does not happens and behavioralness does not occurs. fact3: Gracefulness happens. fact4: Septation prevents that conducting does not occurs. fact5: If junketinging Clive does not occurs then the fact that both septation and likingness happens is true. fact6: Junketinging Clive is prevented by directingness. fact7: Castling trainload leads to that Utopian occurs and transfixing Batna does not happens. fact8: If the fact that snorkeling but notdiscommoding mumps occurs is false then faucalness does not occurs. fact9: That impulsion and carnalness occurs is triggered by that matriculation does not occurs. fact10: That that gargling does not occurs results in castling trainload is right. fact11: If gracefulness occurs then detente does not occurs and behavioralness does not occurs. fact12: If faucalness does not occurs matriculation does not happens and modernization does not happens. fact13: Gargling does not happens if the fact that gargling and spirt occurs does not hold. fact14: Reconnoitring is brought about by that repressing unchangeableness happens. fact15: The fact that snorkeling but notdiscommoding mumps happens is wrong if satanicness does not happens. fact16: That junketinging Clive leads to spraying Ebola hold. fact17: That both directingness and taichi occurs is triggered by that transfixing Batna does not happens. fact18: That repressing unchangeableness does not happens and/or non-untechnicalness is triggered by impulsion. fact19: The fact that gargling and spirt occurs is incorrect if incommodiousness does not happens. fact20: Repressing unchangeableness happens. fact21: Stinger occurs. fact22: Uricness occurs.
fact1: {L} -> ¬{K} fact2: (¬{AC} & ¬{AD}) -> ¬{AB} fact3: {AE} fact4: {M} -> {L} fact5: ¬{O} -> ({M} & {N}) fact6: {P} -> ¬{O} fact7: {T} -> ({S} & ¬{R}) fact8: ¬({I} & ¬{J}) -> ¬{H} fact9: ¬{F} -> ({D} & {E}) fact10: ¬{U} -> {T} fact11: {AE} -> (¬{AC} & ¬{AD}) fact12: ¬{H} -> (¬{F} & ¬{G}) fact13: ¬({U} & {AA}) -> ¬{U} fact14: {A} -> {B} fact15: ¬{K} -> ¬({I} & ¬{J}) fact16: {O} -> {GA} fact17: ¬{R} -> ({P} & {Q}) fact18: {D} -> (¬{A} v ¬{C}) fact19: ¬{AB} -> ¬({U} & {AA}) fact20: {A} fact21: {DS} fact22: {DP}
[ "fact14 & fact20 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact14 & fact20 -> hypothesis;" ]
Reconnoitring does not happens.
[ "fact36 & fact32 -> int1: Detente does not happens and behavioralness does not occurs.; fact35 & int1 -> int2: Incommodiousness does not happens.; fact30 & int2 -> int3: The fact that gargling and spirt occurs is false.; fact38 & int3 -> int4: Gargling does not happens.; fact39 & int4 -> int5: Castling trainload occurs.; fact29 & int5 -> int6: Utopian happens and transfixing Batna does not happens.; int6 -> int7: Transfixing Batna does not happens.; fact25 & int7 -> int8: Directingness and taichi happens.; int8 -> int9: The fact that directingness happens is true.; fact31 & int9 -> int10: Junketinging Clive does not happens.; fact23 & int10 -> int11: Septation and likingness happens.; int11 -> int12: Septation happens.; fact33 & int12 -> int13: Conducting occurs.; fact28 & int13 -> int14: Satanicness does not occurs.; fact24 & int14 -> int15: The fact that snorkeling occurs but discommoding mumps does not occurs is false.; fact37 & int15 -> int16: Faucalness does not happens.; fact26 & int16 -> int17: Matriculation does not happens and modernization does not happens.; int17 -> int18: Matriculation does not occurs.; fact27 & int18 -> int19: Impulsion and carnalness happens.; int19 -> int20: Impulsion happens.; fact34 & int20 -> int21: Repressing unchangeableness does not happens or untechnicalness does not happens or both.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Satanicness does not happens if conducting happens. fact2: Incommodiousness is prevented by that detente does not happens and behavioralness does not occurs. fact3: Gracefulness happens. fact4: Septation prevents that conducting does not occurs. fact5: If junketinging Clive does not occurs then the fact that both septation and likingness happens is true. fact6: Junketinging Clive is prevented by directingness. fact7: Castling trainload leads to that Utopian occurs and transfixing Batna does not happens. fact8: If the fact that snorkeling but notdiscommoding mumps occurs is false then faucalness does not occurs. fact9: That impulsion and carnalness occurs is triggered by that matriculation does not occurs. fact10: That that gargling does not occurs results in castling trainload is right. fact11: If gracefulness occurs then detente does not occurs and behavioralness does not occurs. fact12: If faucalness does not occurs matriculation does not happens and modernization does not happens. fact13: Gargling does not happens if the fact that gargling and spirt occurs does not hold. fact14: Reconnoitring is brought about by that repressing unchangeableness happens. fact15: The fact that snorkeling but notdiscommoding mumps happens is wrong if satanicness does not happens. fact16: That junketinging Clive leads to spraying Ebola hold. fact17: That both directingness and taichi occurs is triggered by that transfixing Batna does not happens. fact18: That repressing unchangeableness does not happens and/or non-untechnicalness is triggered by impulsion. fact19: The fact that gargling and spirt occurs is incorrect if incommodiousness does not happens. fact20: Repressing unchangeableness happens. fact21: Stinger occurs. fact22: Uricness occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Reconnoitring occurs. ; $proof$ =
fact14 & fact20 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
There is some man such that that the man is not aerodynamic and the one does fry supremacism does not hold.
(Ex): ¬(¬{B}x & {C}x)
fact1: That this Coward is aerodynamic and does fry supremacism does not hold. fact2: If there is somebody such that it is not a kind of a crossbones then that this Coward is non-aerodynamic one that fries supremacism is incorrect. fact3: If something is a crossbones the fact that it does not apply and the one confronts is wrong. fact4: There exists something such that it is not aerodynamic and it fries supremacism. fact5: That this Coward is aerodynamic and the one fries supremacism is not true if there is someone such that the thing is not a kind of a crossbones. fact6: Someone is not a crossbones.
fact1: ¬({B}{a} & {C}{a}) fact2: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{B}{a} & {C}{a}) fact3: (x): {A}x -> ¬(¬{HC}x & {GC}x) fact4: (Ex): (¬{B}x & {C}x) fact5: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}{a} & {C}{a}) fact6: (Ex): ¬{A}x
[ "fact6 & fact2 -> int1: That this Coward is non-aerodynamic one that fries supremacism is not true.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact6 & fact2 -> int1: ¬(¬{B}{a} & {C}{a}); int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that that ramona does not apply but the one does confront does not hold.
¬(¬{HC}{eu} & {GC}{eu})
[ "fact7 -> int2: If that ramona is a crossbones the fact that that ramona does not apply but it confronts is false.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That this Coward is aerodynamic and does fry supremacism does not hold. fact2: If there is somebody such that it is not a kind of a crossbones then that this Coward is non-aerodynamic one that fries supremacism is incorrect. fact3: If something is a crossbones the fact that it does not apply and the one confronts is wrong. fact4: There exists something such that it is not aerodynamic and it fries supremacism. fact5: That this Coward is aerodynamic and the one fries supremacism is not true if there is someone such that the thing is not a kind of a crossbones. fact6: Someone is not a crossbones. ; $hypothesis$ = There is some man such that that the man is not aerodynamic and the one does fry supremacism does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact6 & fact2 -> int1: That this Coward is non-aerodynamic one that fries supremacism is not true.; int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
The fact that everyone is ratty is incorrect.
¬((x): {A}x)
fact1: That somebody is not a premise and the one is not inharmonious is incorrect if the one is joyful. fact2: If someone is not ratty then the thing is a kind of a charge. fact3: There is nobody that is non-joyful man that is not fine. fact4: If that someone is not joyful and the one is not fine does not hold that thing is joyful. fact5: Everyone is ratty. fact6: Everybody vaccinates skinniness.
fact1: (x): {D}x -> ¬(¬{B}x & ¬{C}x) fact2: (x): ¬{A}x -> {CM}x fact3: (x): ¬(¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) fact4: (x): ¬(¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) -> {D}x fact5: (x): {A}x fact6: (x): {BF}x
[ "fact5 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact5 -> hypothesis;" ]
Everybody is a charge.
(x): {CM}x
[ "fact8 -> int1: That that phenacomys is not a kind of a premise and the one is not inharmonious does not hold if that phenacomys is joyful.; fact9 -> int2: If the fact that that phenacomys is not joyful and not fine is incorrect then she is joyful.; fact7 -> int3: That that phenacomys is both not joyful and not fine does not hold.; int2 & int3 -> int4: That phenacomys is joyful.; int1 & int4 -> int5: The fact that that phenacomys is not a premise and the thing is not inharmonious is incorrect.; fact10 -> int6: That phenacomys is a charge if that phenacomys is not ratty.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That somebody is not a premise and the one is not inharmonious is incorrect if the one is joyful. fact2: If someone is not ratty then the thing is a kind of a charge. fact3: There is nobody that is non-joyful man that is not fine. fact4: If that someone is not joyful and the one is not fine does not hold that thing is joyful. fact5: Everyone is ratty. fact6: Everybody vaccinates skinniness. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that everyone is ratty is incorrect. ; $proof$ =
fact5 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This republican is closest.
fact1: If this scrapbook is not a kind of a roofed this republican is closest and is a Baccharis. fact2: If this scrapbook is a roofed then this republican is not closest. fact3: If someone is not a Wilkinson the one is not a roofed. fact4: Something is not uncrossed if that the thing is a doddering and/or a sliding is false. fact5: This conceptus is not a secondo but broad if the one is a kind of a Maroc. fact6: Someone is not a Puebla and does not revere Basiliscus if the one is not uncrossed. fact7: If this conceptus is not a secondo the fact that this scrapbook is a doddering and/or it is a sliding does not hold. fact8: This scrapbook is a kind of a Baccharis and it is a roofed. fact9: This scrapbook is a kind of a Baccharis. fact10: This scrapbook is not closest. fact11: If somebody that is not a kind of a Puebla does not revere Basiliscus the fact that it is not a kind of a Wilkinson is right.
fact1: ¬{B}{a} -> ({C}{b} & {A}{b}) fact2: {B}{a} -> ¬{C}{b} fact3: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬{B}x fact4: (x): ¬({H}x v {I}x) -> ¬{G}x fact5: {L}{c} -> (¬{J}{c} & {K}{c}) fact6: (x): ¬{G}x -> (¬{F}x & ¬{E}x) fact7: ¬{J}{c} -> ¬({H}{a} v {I}{a}) fact8: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact9: {A}{a} fact10: ¬{C}{a} fact11: (x): (¬{F}x & ¬{E}x) -> ¬{D}x
[ "fact8 -> int1: This scrapbook is a roofed.; int1 & fact2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact8 -> int1: {B}{a}; int1 & fact2 -> hypothesis;" ]
This republican is closest.
[ "fact17 -> int2: This scrapbook is not a roofed if this scrapbook is not a Wilkinson.; fact15 -> int3: If this scrapbook is not a Puebla and the one does not revere Basiliscus then this scrapbook is not a kind of a Wilkinson.; fact13 -> int4: If this scrapbook is not uncrossed then that this scrapbook is not a kind of a Puebla and that person does not revere Basiliscus is not wrong.; fact16 -> int5: This scrapbook is not uncrossed if that that this scrapbook is a kind of a doddering and/or the one is a sliding is true is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If this scrapbook is not a kind of a roofed this republican is closest and is a Baccharis. fact2: If this scrapbook is a roofed then this republican is not closest. fact3: If someone is not a Wilkinson the one is not a roofed. fact4: Something is not uncrossed if that the thing is a doddering and/or a sliding is false. fact5: This conceptus is not a secondo but broad if the one is a kind of a Maroc. fact6: Someone is not a Puebla and does not revere Basiliscus if the one is not uncrossed. fact7: If this conceptus is not a secondo the fact that this scrapbook is a doddering and/or it is a sliding does not hold. fact8: This scrapbook is a kind of a Baccharis and it is a roofed. fact9: This scrapbook is a kind of a Baccharis. fact10: This scrapbook is not closest. fact11: If somebody that is not a kind of a Puebla does not revere Basiliscus the fact that it is not a kind of a Wilkinson is right. ; $hypothesis$ = This republican is closest. ; $proof$ =
fact8 -> int1: This scrapbook is a roofed.; int1 & fact2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
If this pterion is beneficent the person does not form Hymenogastrales and is beneficent.
{C}{a} -> (¬{A}{a} & {C}{a})
fact1: This pterion is not presbyopic but the one is insurrectionary. fact2: This tuxedo is not a cat but the thing is a Rupicapra. fact3: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales and is a cat. fact4: If that despot is non-parheliacal that the one is both not unreportable and a waterproofed is not right. fact5: The traitor does not form Hymenogastrales and lashes. fact6: This pterion is beneficent or it indisposes stotinka or both if that despot does not compartmentalise haggling. fact7: This pterion is a cat. fact8: This pterion does form Hymenogastrales and is beneficent if this pterion is beneficent. fact9: The blockbuster is not a haemoglobinopathy but the one is beneficent if it is beneficent. fact10: If someone is beneficent then the one is a cat. fact11: This pterion does form Hymenogastrales if that despot is a cat. fact12: If the fact that something is not unreportable and is a kind of a waterproofed does not hold the one does not compartmentalise haggling. fact13: If this pterion does form Hymenogastrales Elva form Hymenogastrales. fact14: This pterion does not test Xenophanes and is beneficent if that is beneficent.
fact1: (¬{GU}{a} & {JB}{a}) fact2: (¬{B}{fr} & {HD}{fr}) fact3: (¬{A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact4: ¬{H}{b} -> ¬(¬{G}{b} & {F}{b}) fact5: (¬{A}{fp} & {CC}{fp}) fact6: ¬{D}{b} -> ({C}{a} v {E}{a}) fact7: {B}{a} fact8: {C}{a} -> ({A}{a} & {C}{a}) fact9: {C}{fj} -> (¬{HB}{fj} & {C}{fj}) fact10: (x): {C}x -> {B}x fact11: {B}{b} -> {A}{a} fact12: (x): ¬(¬{G}x & {F}x) -> ¬{D}x fact13: {A}{a} -> {A}{ac} fact14: {C}{a} -> (¬{GJ}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "fact3 -> int1: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales.; void -> assump1: Let's assume that this pterion is beneficent.; int1 & assump1 -> int2: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales but the one is beneficent.; [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact3 -> int1: ¬{A}{a}; void -> assump1: {C}{a}; int1 & assump1 -> int2: (¬{A}{a} & {C}{a}); [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
This Samoyed is admissible and does form Hymenogastrales.
(¬{GF}{ic} & {A}{ic})
[ "fact15 -> int3: That if the fact that this Samoyed is beneficent hold this Samoyed is a cat is correct.; fact18 -> int4: That despot does not compartmentalise haggling if the fact that the thing is not unreportable and is a kind of a waterproofed is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This pterion is not presbyopic but the one is insurrectionary. fact2: This tuxedo is not a cat but the thing is a Rupicapra. fact3: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales and is a cat. fact4: If that despot is non-parheliacal that the one is both not unreportable and a waterproofed is not right. fact5: The traitor does not form Hymenogastrales and lashes. fact6: This pterion is beneficent or it indisposes stotinka or both if that despot does not compartmentalise haggling. fact7: This pterion is a cat. fact8: This pterion does form Hymenogastrales and is beneficent if this pterion is beneficent. fact9: The blockbuster is not a haemoglobinopathy but the one is beneficent if it is beneficent. fact10: If someone is beneficent then the one is a cat. fact11: This pterion does form Hymenogastrales if that despot is a cat. fact12: If the fact that something is not unreportable and is a kind of a waterproofed does not hold the one does not compartmentalise haggling. fact13: If this pterion does form Hymenogastrales Elva form Hymenogastrales. fact14: This pterion does not test Xenophanes and is beneficent if that is beneficent. ; $hypothesis$ = If this pterion is beneficent the person does not form Hymenogastrales and is beneficent. ; $proof$ =
fact3 -> int1: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales.; void -> assump1: Let's assume that this pterion is beneficent.; int1 & assump1 -> int2: This pterion does not form Hymenogastrales but the one is beneficent.; [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That that this antique is not ambitious and not obtrusive is wrong is right.
¬(¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
fact1: This antique destines Mankato and/or the one is anticancer. fact2: The fact that this antique is ambitious and the thing is unobtrusive is wrong. fact3: That that muton is not universalist and is ambitious is false. fact4: If this undershrub is a Myrmeleontidae this undershrub is unobtrusive. fact5: That diptych is a disparity and bespeaks. fact6: That diptych bespeaks and is not a disparity if that diptych is preclinical. fact7: This antique is not unargumentative and/or the one is ambitious. fact8: That the fact that something is ambitious but not obtrusive is right is false if the one is a Cowpens. fact9: If that somebody destines Mankato and the thing is anticancer is incorrect then the thing is not a Cowpens. fact10: This antique is a Cowpens if that this antique destines Mankato hold. fact11: If something is ambitious that that does not destine Mankato and the one is anticancer does not hold. fact12: Someone is not ambitious but it is unobtrusive if the one is not a Cowpens. fact13: This antique is a Cowpens if the one is anticancer. fact14: If somebody is a Cowpens then the fact that that one is both not ambitious and unobtrusive is wrong. fact15: The fact that this antique does not figure abettal and destines Mankato is wrong. fact16: Either this antique is not non-anticancer or the person is a rateability or both. fact17: If this antique is a Cowpens that this antique is ambitious and is unobtrusive is not true. fact18: This antique is musicological and/or the one is a kind of a Guenevere. fact19: If that diptych bespeaks that diptych does not destine Mankato and the thing is not anticancer.
fact1: ({C}{aa} v {B}{aa}) fact2: ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) fact3: ¬(¬{HK}{ec} & {AA}{ec}) fact4: {HA}{ch} -> {AB}{ch} fact5: ({E}{a} & {D}{a}) fact6: {F}{a} -> ({D}{a} & ¬{E}{a}) fact7: ({AU}{aa} v {AA}{aa}) fact8: (x): {A}x -> ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) fact9: (x): ¬({C}x & {B}x) -> ¬{A}x fact10: {C}{aa} -> {A}{aa} fact11: (x): {AA}x -> ¬(¬{C}x & {B}x) fact12: (x): ¬{A}x -> (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) fact13: {B}{aa} -> {A}{aa} fact14: (x): {A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x & {AB}x) fact15: ¬(¬{IJ}{aa} & {C}{aa}) fact16: ({B}{aa} v {CN}{aa}) fact17: {A}{aa} -> ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) fact18: ({IN}{aa} v {J}{aa}) fact19: {D}{a} -> (¬{C}{a} & ¬{B}{a})
[ "fact14 -> int1: That this antique is not ambitious but the thing is unobtrusive does not hold if it is a kind of a Cowpens.; fact13 & fact10 & fact1 -> int2: This antique is a Cowpens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact14 -> int1: {A}{aa} -> ¬(¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}); fact13 & fact10 & fact1 -> int2: {A}{aa}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
This antique is not ambitious but that is unobtrusive.
(¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
[ "fact22 -> int3: If this antique is not a Cowpens then that person is both not ambitious and unobtrusive.; fact21 -> int4: This antique is not a Cowpens if that this antique destines Mankato and is anticancer is not true.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This antique destines Mankato and/or the one is anticancer. fact2: The fact that this antique is ambitious and the thing is unobtrusive is wrong. fact3: That that muton is not universalist and is ambitious is false. fact4: If this undershrub is a Myrmeleontidae this undershrub is unobtrusive. fact5: That diptych is a disparity and bespeaks. fact6: That diptych bespeaks and is not a disparity if that diptych is preclinical. fact7: This antique is not unargumentative and/or the one is ambitious. fact8: That the fact that something is ambitious but not obtrusive is right is false if the one is a Cowpens. fact9: If that somebody destines Mankato and the thing is anticancer is incorrect then the thing is not a Cowpens. fact10: This antique is a Cowpens if that this antique destines Mankato hold. fact11: If something is ambitious that that does not destine Mankato and the one is anticancer does not hold. fact12: Someone is not ambitious but it is unobtrusive if the one is not a Cowpens. fact13: This antique is a Cowpens if the one is anticancer. fact14: If somebody is a Cowpens then the fact that that one is both not ambitious and unobtrusive is wrong. fact15: The fact that this antique does not figure abettal and destines Mankato is wrong. fact16: Either this antique is not non-anticancer or the person is a rateability or both. fact17: If this antique is a Cowpens that this antique is ambitious and is unobtrusive is not true. fact18: This antique is musicological and/or the one is a kind of a Guenevere. fact19: If that diptych bespeaks that diptych does not destine Mankato and the thing is not anticancer. ; $hypothesis$ = That that this antique is not ambitious and not obtrusive is wrong is right. ; $proof$ =
fact14 -> int1: That this antique is not ambitious but the thing is unobtrusive does not hold if it is a kind of a Cowpens.; fact13 & fact10 & fact1 -> int2: This antique is a Cowpens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Let's assume that that appendage is a ignominiousness.
fact1: That that broth does not merchandise stooping but the one is unshrinkable does not hold. fact2: If that somebody is a ignominiousness and merchandises stooping is wrong the person is not a Haman. fact3: That appendage does not meander and the thing does not floor Onopordum. fact4: That that broth is not a ignominiousness and is not a Haman hold. fact5: Everyone does not floor Onopordum. fact6: If that appendage is a ignominiousness then that that broth is not a homeostasis and the one is not a kind of a Haman does not hold. fact7: That broth is not a homeostasis and is not a Haman if that broth does not merchandise stooping. fact8: If that broth merchandises stooping that that appendage is not a kind of a homeostasis and that thing is not a ignominiousness is incorrect. fact9: That broth is not a kind of a Haman. fact10: That broth is not a ignominiousness. fact11: If the fact that that broth merchandises stooping is true that the fact that that appendage is not a Haman and not a ignominiousness is incorrect is right. fact12: If that broth does not merchandise stooping then the one is not a Haman. fact13: That that broth does not merchandise stooping is true. fact14: that that stooping does not merchandise broth is true. fact15: That appendage merchandises stooping. fact16: If that appendage is a ignominiousness then the fact that that broth is not a homeostasis but the one is a Haman is false.
fact1: ¬(¬{B}{b} & {IH}{b}) fact2: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{AB}x fact3: (¬{JA}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) fact4: (¬{A}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact5: (x): ¬{D}x fact6: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact7: ¬{B}{b} -> (¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact8: {B}{b} -> ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{A}{a}) fact9: ¬{AB}{b} fact10: ¬{A}{b} fact11: {B}{b} -> ¬(¬{AB}{a} & ¬{A}{a}) fact12: ¬{B}{b} -> ¬{AB}{b} fact13: ¬{B}{b} fact14: ¬{AC}{aa} fact15: {B}{a} fact16: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that that appendage is a ignominiousness.; fact6 & assump1 -> int1: That that broth is not a kind of a homeostasis and the one is not a Haman is wrong.; fact7 & fact13 -> int2: That broth is not a homeostasis and not a Haman.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: {A}{a}; fact6 & assump1 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); fact7 & fact13 -> int2: (¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
That appendage is not a Haman.
[ "fact17 -> int4: If the fact that that appendage is a kind of a ignominiousness that merchandises stooping is wrong then that appendage is not a Haman.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That that broth does not merchandise stooping but the one is unshrinkable does not hold. fact2: If that somebody is a ignominiousness and merchandises stooping is wrong the person is not a Haman. fact3: That appendage does not meander and the thing does not floor Onopordum. fact4: That that broth is not a ignominiousness and is not a Haman hold. fact5: Everyone does not floor Onopordum. fact6: If that appendage is a ignominiousness then that that broth is not a homeostasis and the one is not a kind of a Haman does not hold. fact7: That broth is not a homeostasis and is not a Haman if that broth does not merchandise stooping. fact8: If that broth merchandises stooping that that appendage is not a kind of a homeostasis and that thing is not a ignominiousness is incorrect. fact9: That broth is not a kind of a Haman. fact10: That broth is not a ignominiousness. fact11: If the fact that that broth merchandises stooping is true that the fact that that appendage is not a Haman and not a ignominiousness is incorrect is right. fact12: If that broth does not merchandise stooping then the one is not a Haman. fact13: That that broth does not merchandise stooping is true. fact14: that that stooping does not merchandise broth is true. fact15: That appendage merchandises stooping. fact16: If that appendage is a ignominiousness then the fact that that broth is not a homeostasis but the one is a Haman is false. ; $hypothesis$ = Let's assume that that appendage is a ignominiousness. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that that appendage is a ignominiousness.; fact6 & assump1 -> int1: That that broth is not a kind of a homeostasis and the one is not a Haman is wrong.; fact7 & fact13 -> int2: That broth is not a homeostasis and not a Haman.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This tiller is cartographical.
fact1: There exists something such that the thing is not placable. fact2: If that something is bulbed but the thing is not a kind of a sonata is wrong then the thing is not cartographical. fact3: If there exists something such that the thing is implacable then that this tiller is bulbed and is not a sonata does not hold.
fact1: (Ex): {A}x fact2: (x): ¬({B}x & ¬{C}x) -> ¬{D}x fact3: (x): {A}x -> ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a})
[ "fact1 & fact3 -> int1: That this tiller is bulbed but not a sonata is incorrect.; fact2 -> int2: This tiller is not cartographical if the fact that the one is a kind of bulbed thing that is not a sonata is wrong.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact3 -> int1: ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}); fact2 -> int2: ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> ¬{D}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: There exists something such that the thing is not placable. fact2: If that something is bulbed but the thing is not a kind of a sonata is wrong then the thing is not cartographical. fact3: If there exists something such that the thing is implacable then that this tiller is bulbed and is not a sonata does not hold. ; $hypothesis$ = This tiller is cartographical. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact3 -> int1: That this tiller is bulbed but not a sonata is incorrect.; fact2 -> int2: This tiller is not cartographical if the fact that the one is a kind of bulbed thing that is not a sonata is wrong.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Nonionisedness does not happens.
fact1: That prank does not occurs brings about that nonionisedness does not occurs but smothering happens. fact2: If detraining happens that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not occurs does not hold. fact3: Nonionisedness occurs if the fact that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not occurs is not correct. fact4: Detraining happens.
fact1: ¬{D} -> (¬{B} & {C}) fact2: {A} -> ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}) fact3: ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}) -> {B} fact4: {A}
[ "fact2 & fact4 -> int1: The fact that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not happens does not hold.; int1 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact2 & fact4 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}); int1 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
Rails occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: That prank does not occurs brings about that nonionisedness does not occurs but smothering happens. fact2: If detraining happens that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not occurs does not hold. fact3: Nonionisedness occurs if the fact that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not occurs is not correct. fact4: Detraining happens. ; $hypothesis$ = Nonionisedness does not happens. ; $proof$ =
fact2 & fact4 -> int1: The fact that backwardness does not occurs and swoop does not happens does not hold.; int1 & fact3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness.
fact1: That precordium panics vaginitis and the thing is catkinate if that granule is non-achromatinic. fact2: Someone is not achromatinic if the one is a kind of a Khios and does not stay mirth. fact3: That that granule is unshapely and the one is a Jotun is wrong if the fact that that granule does not ammonify muscularity hold. fact4: That someone is a Iranian and does not universalise Kabbala is false if that the one is a kind of a robed hold. fact5: That that that granule does not universalise Kabbala but it does trespass ruggedness is not true is true if that granule is not a robed. fact6: If the fact that somebody is unshapely and the one is a Jotun does not hold then the one does not stay mirth. fact7: If this cartouch is a weightlift then this tunnel is a robed. fact8: That this Gantrisin is not a robed but the one is a kind of a Iranian is incorrect. fact9: If somebody does not universalise Kabbala that the one does trespass ruggedness is right. fact10: The fact that that granule does not ammonify muscularity hold. fact11: That granule is not a robed but a weightlift if this tunnel is not a staginess. fact12: This cartouch is a weightlift and a staginess if the TB is not a kind of a ulema. fact13: If this Gantrisin is a robed then it does not universalise Kabbala. fact14: This Gantrisin convolves Dix if that this Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness hold. fact15: That granule is a Khios. fact16: That somebody does not perforate thirteenth and the person is not a forlornness does not hold if the one panics vaginitis. fact17: That this Gantrisin is a robed that is a Iranian is wrong. fact18: This Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness if that this tunnel is a Iranian that does not universalise Kabbala is incorrect.
fact1: ¬{L}{e} -> ({J}{d} & {K}{d}) fact2: (x): ({M}x & ¬{N}x) -> ¬{L}x fact3: ¬{Q}{e} -> ¬({O}{e} & {P}{e}) fact4: (x): {D}x -> ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) fact5: ¬{D}{e} -> ¬(¬{B}{e} & {C}{e}) fact6: (x): ¬({O}x & {P}x) -> ¬{N}x fact7: {E}{b} -> {D}{a} fact8: ¬(¬{D}{aa} & {A}{aa}) fact9: (x): ¬{B}x -> {C}x fact10: ¬{Q}{e} fact11: ¬{F}{a} -> (¬{D}{e} & {E}{e}) fact12: ¬{G}{c} -> ({E}{b} & {F}{b}) fact13: {D}{aa} -> ¬{B}{aa} fact14: ¬{C}{aa} -> {CU}{aa} fact15: {M}{e} fact16: (x): {J}x -> ¬(¬{H}x & ¬{I}x) fact17: ¬({D}{aa} & {A}{aa}) fact18: ¬({A}{a} & ¬{B}{a}) -> ¬{C}{aa}
[ "fact9 -> int1: This Gantrisin trespasses ruggedness if he does not universalise Kabbala.;" ]
[ "fact9 -> int1: ¬{B}{aa} -> {C}{aa};" ]
This Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness.
[ "fact28 -> int2: If this tunnel is a kind of a robed then the fact that this tunnel is a Iranian but the one does not universalise Kabbala does not hold.; fact26 -> int3: If that precordium does panic vaginitis the fact that the one does not perforate thirteenth and is not a forlornness is incorrect.; fact24 -> int4: If that granule is a Khios but the one does not stay mirth that granule is not achromatinic.; fact19 -> int5: That granule does not stay mirth if that that granule is unshapely and the man is a kind of a Jotun does not hold.; fact20 & fact22 -> int6: That the fact that that granule is unshapely and the one is a Jotun is false is correct.; int5 & int6 -> int7: That granule does not stay mirth.; fact27 & int7 -> int8: That granule is a Khios but the one does not stay mirth.; int4 & int8 -> int9: That granule is non-achromatinic.; fact23 & int9 -> int10: That precordium panics vaginitis and the thing is catkinate.; int10 -> int11: That precordium panics vaginitis.; int3 & int11 -> int12: The fact that that precordium does not perforate thirteenth and is not a forlornness is incorrect.; int12 -> int13: There is somebody such that the fact that the one does not perforate thirteenth and the man is not a forlornness is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That precordium panics vaginitis and the thing is catkinate if that granule is non-achromatinic. fact2: Someone is not achromatinic if the one is a kind of a Khios and does not stay mirth. fact3: That that granule is unshapely and the one is a Jotun is wrong if the fact that that granule does not ammonify muscularity hold. fact4: That someone is a Iranian and does not universalise Kabbala is false if that the one is a kind of a robed hold. fact5: That that that granule does not universalise Kabbala but it does trespass ruggedness is not true is true if that granule is not a robed. fact6: If the fact that somebody is unshapely and the one is a Jotun does not hold then the one does not stay mirth. fact7: If this cartouch is a weightlift then this tunnel is a robed. fact8: That this Gantrisin is not a robed but the one is a kind of a Iranian is incorrect. fact9: If somebody does not universalise Kabbala that the one does trespass ruggedness is right. fact10: The fact that that granule does not ammonify muscularity hold. fact11: That granule is not a robed but a weightlift if this tunnel is not a staginess. fact12: This cartouch is a weightlift and a staginess if the TB is not a kind of a ulema. fact13: If this Gantrisin is a robed then it does not universalise Kabbala. fact14: This Gantrisin convolves Dix if that this Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness hold. fact15: That granule is a Khios. fact16: That somebody does not perforate thirteenth and the person is not a forlornness does not hold if the one panics vaginitis. fact17: That this Gantrisin is a robed that is a Iranian is wrong. fact18: This Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness if that this tunnel is a Iranian that does not universalise Kabbala is incorrect. ; $hypothesis$ = This Gantrisin does not trespass ruggedness. ; $proof$ =
That fudge is not lengthwise.
fact1: A timelessness does expiate dollop. fact2: If this badger does not analyse Asgard this pruning does not expiate dollop but it is a spotlessness. fact3: This pruning does expiate dollop if the fact that this pruning does stun manufactured is correct. fact4: If some man does not expiate dollop then that it is a timelessness and the one does not stun manufactured is incorrect. fact5: If that this badger does not expiate dollop and is lengthwise is false then that fudge does not expiate dollop. fact6: the manufactured stuns pruning. fact7: Somebody stuns manufactured if the one is not non-lengthwise. fact8: That fudge is a timelessness if this pruning stuns manufactured. fact9: Something is lengthwise if it does expiate dollop. fact10: If this badger either is not a Ostraciidae or jiggles Sylviinae or both then this badger is not a pandemonium. fact11: This pruning stuns manufactured. fact12: If somebody is not a pandemonium then the one does not analyse Asgard. fact13: A apian person is a Anagallis. fact14: That praline does stun manufactured. fact15: If this pruning is a Zanthoxylum the person is a kind of a timelessness.
fact1: (x): {B}x -> {C}x fact2: ¬{F}{c} -> (¬{C}{a} & {E}{a}) fact3: {A}{a} -> {C}{a} fact4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬({B}x & ¬{A}x) fact5: ¬(¬{C}{c} & {D}{c}) -> ¬{C}{b} fact6: {AA}{aa} fact7: (x): {D}x -> {A}x fact8: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact9: (x): {C}x -> {D}x fact10: (¬{I}{c} v {H}{c}) -> ¬{G}{c} fact11: {A}{a} fact12: (x): ¬{G}x -> ¬{F}x fact13: (x): {EL}x -> {FS}x fact14: {A}{gm} fact15: {FB}{a} -> {B}{a}
[ "fact8 & fact11 -> int1: That fudge is a timelessness.; fact1 -> int2: That fudge expiates dollop if that fudge is a timelessness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That fudge expiates dollop.; fact9 -> int4: That fudge is lengthwise if the one expiates dollop.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact8 & fact11 -> int1: {B}{b}; fact1 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: {C}{b}; fact9 -> int4: {C}{b} -> {D}{b}; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
This pruning is a kind of a timelessness.
$facts$ = fact1: A timelessness does expiate dollop. fact2: If this badger does not analyse Asgard this pruning does not expiate dollop but it is a spotlessness. fact3: This pruning does expiate dollop if the fact that this pruning does stun manufactured is correct. fact4: If some man does not expiate dollop then that it is a timelessness and the one does not stun manufactured is incorrect. fact5: If that this badger does not expiate dollop and is lengthwise is false then that fudge does not expiate dollop. fact6: the manufactured stuns pruning. fact7: Somebody stuns manufactured if the one is not non-lengthwise. fact8: That fudge is a timelessness if this pruning stuns manufactured. fact9: Something is lengthwise if it does expiate dollop. fact10: If this badger either is not a Ostraciidae or jiggles Sylviinae or both then this badger is not a pandemonium. fact11: This pruning stuns manufactured. fact12: If somebody is not a pandemonium then the one does not analyse Asgard. fact13: A apian person is a Anagallis. fact14: That praline does stun manufactured. fact15: If this pruning is a Zanthoxylum the person is a kind of a timelessness. ; $hypothesis$ = That fudge is not lengthwise. ; $proof$ =
fact8 & fact11 -> int1: That fudge is a timelessness.; fact1 -> int2: That fudge expiates dollop if that fudge is a timelessness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That fudge expiates dollop.; fact9 -> int4: That fudge is lengthwise if the one expiates dollop.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
The fact that both Nice and deletion happens is wrong.
¬({B} & {C})
fact1: If feathering Meissner happens the fact that reconnoitering hernia does not occurs and insecureness does not occurs is incorrect. fact2: Feathering Meissner happens. fact3: That deletion occurs and watching Cinnamomum occurs is caused by non-translationalness. fact4: If that reconnoitering hernia does not happens and insecureness does not occurs does not hold then Nice happens. fact5: Translationalness does not happens.
fact1: {A} -> ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}) fact2: {A} fact3: ¬{E} -> ({C} & {D}) fact4: ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}) -> {B} fact5: ¬{E}
[ "fact1 & fact2 -> int1: That reconnoitering hernia does not occurs and insecureness does not happens does not hold.; int1 & fact4 -> int2: Nice happens.; fact5 & fact3 -> int3: Deletion and watching Cinnamomum occurs.; int3 -> int4: Deletion happens.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact2 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA} & ¬{AB}); int1 & fact4 -> int2: {B}; fact5 & fact3 -> int3: ({C} & {D}); int3 -> int4: {C}; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If feathering Meissner happens the fact that reconnoitering hernia does not occurs and insecureness does not occurs is incorrect. fact2: Feathering Meissner happens. fact3: That deletion occurs and watching Cinnamomum occurs is caused by non-translationalness. fact4: If that reconnoitering hernia does not happens and insecureness does not occurs does not hold then Nice happens. fact5: Translationalness does not happens. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that both Nice and deletion happens is wrong. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact2 -> int1: That reconnoitering hernia does not occurs and insecureness does not happens does not hold.; int1 & fact4 -> int2: Nice happens.; fact5 & fact3 -> int3: Deletion and watching Cinnamomum occurs.; int3 -> int4: Deletion happens.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
The fact that that vicinity is not a Maoism but the one pleads does not hold.
¬(¬{A}{aa} & {B}{aa})
fact1: The workings does not undercoat but it pleads. fact2: That vicinity is not a Maoism. fact3: Everyone is not a Maoism. fact4: There is no person that is a tense and specialises sensationalism. fact5: If this longicorn is not acrocentric then the one is both not a tense and vesical. fact6: Every man is not unconnected and the man does schematise. fact7: If someone that is not a tense is vesical then the one does not specialise sensationalism. fact8: Every man does not striate Loiseleuria and the man is a ROTC. fact9: If the fact that somebody is a kind of a tense that specialises sensationalism is incorrect this thing does not specialises sensationalism. fact10: That vicinity is not a kind of a Trachinotus but it is a scours.
fact1: (¬{IA}{be} & {B}{be}) fact2: ¬{A}{aa} fact3: (x): ¬{A}x fact4: (x): ¬({D}x & {C}x) fact5: ¬{F}{a} -> (¬{D}{a} & {E}{a}) fact6: (x): (¬{EQ}x & {CP}x) fact7: (x): (¬{D}x & {E}x) -> ¬{C}x fact8: (x): (¬{EM}x & {JJ}x) fact9: (x): ¬({D}x & {C}x) -> ¬{C}x fact10: (¬{GJ}{aa} & {JD}{aa})
The fact that everybody is not a oxycephaly and the thing satellites tenner hold.
(x): (¬{U}x & {GT}x)
[ "fact12 -> int1: If that this longicorn is a tense and the one specialises sensationalism is incorrect the one does not specialises sensationalism.; fact11 -> int2: The fact that this longicorn is a kind of a tense and he does specialise sensationalism does not hold.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This longicorn does not specialise sensationalism.; int3 -> int4: Either this longicorn does not plead or the one does not specialise sensationalism or both.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The workings does not undercoat but it pleads. fact2: That vicinity is not a Maoism. fact3: Everyone is not a Maoism. fact4: There is no person that is a tense and specialises sensationalism. fact5: If this longicorn is not acrocentric then the one is both not a tense and vesical. fact6: Every man is not unconnected and the man does schematise. fact7: If someone that is not a tense is vesical then the one does not specialise sensationalism. fact8: Every man does not striate Loiseleuria and the man is a ROTC. fact9: If the fact that somebody is a kind of a tense that specialises sensationalism is incorrect this thing does not specialises sensationalism. fact10: That vicinity is not a kind of a Trachinotus but it is a scours. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that that vicinity is not a Maoism but the one pleads does not hold. ; $proof$ =
The fact that achlamydeousness does not happens is true.
fact1: Non-sharpness triggers that auctorialness and/or anabioticness happens. fact2: Unsyllabicness does not occurs. fact3: Nullification occurs. fact4: Grounder occurs. fact5: Roping happens. fact6: That clacking does not happens is prevented by that unrestrainedness happens. fact7: Vandalism occurs. fact8: That Buffaloing kibit does not happens is prevented by medusoidness. fact9: Onslaught is caused by glancing. fact10: Datableness does not occurs. fact11: Clacking yields achlamydeousness. fact12: If dispelling happens then clacking happens.
fact1: ¬{FI} -> ({DD} v {GD}) fact2: ¬{A} fact3: {HR} fact4: {HL} fact5: {CN} fact6: {AB} -> {B} fact7: {FN} fact8: {DH} -> {FF} fact9: {CB} -> {HN} fact10: ¬{AE} fact11: {B} -> {C} fact12: {AA} -> {B}
$facts$ = fact1: Non-sharpness triggers that auctorialness and/or anabioticness happens. fact2: Unsyllabicness does not occurs. fact3: Nullification occurs. fact4: Grounder occurs. fact5: Roping happens. fact6: That clacking does not happens is prevented by that unrestrainedness happens. fact7: Vandalism occurs. fact8: That Buffaloing kibit does not happens is prevented by medusoidness. fact9: Onslaught is caused by glancing. fact10: Datableness does not occurs. fact11: Clacking yields achlamydeousness. fact12: If dispelling happens then clacking happens. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that achlamydeousness does not happens is true. ; $proof$ =
Joyce is photographic and/or the one is a Keynesian.
({C}{b} v {B}{b})
fact1: That this percolator is photographic hold. fact2: Joyce is not a discography if this agriculturalist does not fade but the one is a Bruckenthalia. fact3: Isaias is a pleating if that this quay does not contort or it is not a kind of a pleating or both does not hold. fact4: That this quay does not contort and/or is not a pleating is incorrect if the fact that this bize is a malaise is correct. fact5: Either this workstation is a malaise or the thing rectifies Saprolegniales or both. fact6: This agriculturalist is not a kind of a discography. fact7: If some man is not a kind of a discography then the fact that the man is either photographic or a Keynesian or both is incorrect. fact8: If Joyce is a Bruckenthalia then the fact that this agriculturalist is photographic is right. fact9: If that chorizo is not antiapartheid then this agriculturalist does not fade but the one is a Bruckenthalia. fact10: Someone is a face if the fact that it does not slot coronach and is not non-annexational is incorrect. fact11: This agriculturalist groups Wise. fact12: That a face is not antiapartheid and is not appointive is true. fact13: If this jabot is not antiapartheid and the thing is not appointive that chorizo is not antiapartheid. fact14: If this workstation is a malaise then this bize is a kind of a malaise. fact15: The fact that somebody does not slot coronach but the one is annexational is false if the fact that the one is not a debt is right. fact16: If the fact that Isaias is a pleating but the one is not a kind of a Provencal is not wrong this jabot is not a debt.
fact1: {C}{dm} fact2: (¬{E}{a} & {D}{a}) -> ¬{A}{b} fact3: ¬(¬{O}{f} v ¬{M}{f}) -> {M}{e} fact4: {N}{g} -> ¬(¬{O}{f} v ¬{M}{f}) fact5: ({N}{h} v {Q}{h}) fact6: ¬{A}{a} fact7: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({C}x v {B}x) fact8: {D}{b} -> {C}{a} fact9: ¬{F}{c} -> (¬{E}{a} & {D}{a}) fact10: (x): ¬(¬{I}x & {J}x) -> {H}x fact11: {JC}{a} fact12: (x): {H}x -> (¬{F}x & ¬{G}x) fact13: (¬{F}{d} & ¬{G}{d}) -> ¬{F}{c} fact14: {N}{h} -> {N}{g} fact15: (x): ¬{K}x -> ¬(¬{I}x & {J}x) fact16: ({M}{e} & ¬{L}{e}) -> ¬{K}{d}
The fact that Joyce is photographic and/or the one is a Keynesian is not right.
¬({C}{b} v {B}{b})
[ "fact25 -> int1: That if Joyce is not a discography then that Joyce is photographic and/or the one is a Keynesian is wrong is right.; fact27 -> int2: This jabot is not antiapartheid and not appointive if this thing is a face.; fact18 -> int3: This jabot is a face if the fact that this jabot does not slot coronach and is annexational is wrong.; fact21 -> int4: The fact that the fact that this jabot does not slot coronach but the thing is annexational is wrong is true if the fact that this jabot is not a debt hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That this percolator is photographic hold. fact2: Joyce is not a discography if this agriculturalist does not fade but the one is a Bruckenthalia. fact3: Isaias is a pleating if that this quay does not contort or it is not a kind of a pleating or both does not hold. fact4: That this quay does not contort and/or is not a pleating is incorrect if the fact that this bize is a malaise is correct. fact5: Either this workstation is a malaise or the thing rectifies Saprolegniales or both. fact6: This agriculturalist is not a kind of a discography. fact7: If some man is not a kind of a discography then the fact that the man is either photographic or a Keynesian or both is incorrect. fact8: If Joyce is a Bruckenthalia then the fact that this agriculturalist is photographic is right. fact9: If that chorizo is not antiapartheid then this agriculturalist does not fade but the one is a Bruckenthalia. fact10: Someone is a face if the fact that it does not slot coronach and is not non-annexational is incorrect. fact11: This agriculturalist groups Wise. fact12: That a face is not antiapartheid and is not appointive is true. fact13: If this jabot is not antiapartheid and the thing is not appointive that chorizo is not antiapartheid. fact14: If this workstation is a malaise then this bize is a kind of a malaise. fact15: The fact that somebody does not slot coronach but the one is annexational is false if the fact that the one is not a debt is right. fact16: If the fact that Isaias is a pleating but the one is not a kind of a Provencal is not wrong this jabot is not a debt. ; $hypothesis$ = Joyce is photographic and/or the one is a Keynesian. ; $proof$ =
Magaly is not a staginess but the person mingles entity.
(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
fact1: That Magaly is not a staginess but the thing mingles entity does not hold.
fact1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That Magaly is not a staginess but the thing mingles entity does not hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Magaly is not a staginess but the person mingles entity. ; $proof$ =
fact1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This hemopoiesis is both not a forethought and not a Katsina.
(¬{B}{a} & ¬{A}{a})
fact1: That this hemopoiesis is not a forethought and he is not a kind of a Katsina is true if this shoulder is not a Katsina. fact2: Everyone is not a zloty. fact3: The fact that this hemopoiesis is not a forethought if this shoulder is not a forethought is right. fact4: Everyone is not a Katsina.
fact1: ¬{A}{aa} -> (¬{B}{a} & ¬{A}{a}) fact2: (x): ¬{GS}x fact3: ¬{B}{aa} -> ¬{B}{a} fact4: (x): ¬{A}x
[ "fact4 -> int1: This shoulder is not a kind of a Katsina.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 -> int1: ¬{A}{aa}; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That this hemopoiesis is not a forethought and he is not a kind of a Katsina is true if this shoulder is not a Katsina. fact2: Everyone is not a zloty. fact3: The fact that this hemopoiesis is not a forethought if this shoulder is not a forethought is right. fact4: Everyone is not a Katsina. ; $hypothesis$ = This hemopoiesis is both not a forethought and not a Katsina. ; $proof$ =
fact4 -> int1: This shoulder is not a kind of a Katsina.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
This careerist is subarctic.
fact1: That weirdy is a Pythia. fact2: This careerist is not a kind of a Crotophaga if that weirdy is not a kind of a Crotophaga. fact3: Something is subarctic if it does not substitute Rosidae and the one is a Crotophaga. fact4: Something is a Phallales but not an acknowledgement if it is not petaled. fact5: If somebody that does substitute Rosidae is a Crotophaga then that the thing is subarctic hold. fact6: That birdhouse does not jostle Illyrian if that lever is inactive and the one does jostle Illyrian. fact7: If that birdhouse does not substitute Rosidae this careerist does not substitute Rosidae. fact8: That weirdy is a Pythia and she covets osteoma. fact9: That weirdy is a Matisse but the thing is not petaled if the fact that that birdhouse does not jostle Illyrian is right. fact10: Something that is not a kind of a Phallales is not a kind of a Crotophaga and substitutes Rosidae. fact11: Something that is not a Crotophaga and does substitute Rosidae is not subarctic. fact12: If somebody that is a Pythia is a Crotophaga the thing is subarctic. fact13: If this careerist substitutes Rosidae and is a Crotophaga then this careerist is subarctic. fact14: This careerist does not substitute Rosidae. fact15: If that weirdy is a Phallales and is not an acknowledgement then this careerist is not a Phallales. fact16: That birdhouse does not substitute Rosidae if that weirdy is a Pythia that covets osteoma.
fact1: {AA}{a} fact2: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{A}{c} fact3: (x): (¬{B}x & {A}x) -> {C}x fact4: (x): ¬{F}x -> ({D}x & ¬{E}x) fact5: (x): ({B}x & {A}x) -> {C}x fact6: ({J}{d} & {H}{d}) -> ¬{H}{b} fact7: ¬{B}{b} -> ¬{B}{c} fact8: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact9: ¬{H}{b} -> ({G}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) fact10: (x): ¬{D}x -> (¬{A}x & {B}x) fact11: (x): (¬{A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}x fact12: (x): ({AA}x & {A}x) -> {C}x fact13: ({B}{c} & {A}{c}) -> {C}{c} fact14: ¬{B}{c} fact15: ({D}{a} & ¬{E}{a}) -> ¬{D}{c} fact16: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b}
[ "fact16 & fact8 -> int1: That birdhouse does not substitute Rosidae.; fact3 -> int2: This careerist is not non-subarctic if this careerist does not substitute Rosidae and is a kind of a Crotophaga.;" ]
[ "fact16 & fact8 -> int1: ¬{B}{b}; fact3 -> int2: (¬{B}{c} & {A}{c}) -> {C}{c};" ]
This careerist is not subarctic.
[ "fact21 -> int3: If this careerist is not a Crotophaga but the one substitutes Rosidae the person is not subarctic.; fact18 -> int4: This careerist is not a kind of a Crotophaga but that one substitutes Rosidae if that one is not a kind of a Phallales.; fact20 -> int5: That weirdy is a Phallales but the thing is not an acknowledgement if the one is not petaled.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That weirdy is a Pythia. fact2: This careerist is not a kind of a Crotophaga if that weirdy is not a kind of a Crotophaga. fact3: Something is subarctic if it does not substitute Rosidae and the one is a Crotophaga. fact4: Something is a Phallales but not an acknowledgement if it is not petaled. fact5: If somebody that does substitute Rosidae is a Crotophaga then that the thing is subarctic hold. fact6: That birdhouse does not jostle Illyrian if that lever is inactive and the one does jostle Illyrian. fact7: If that birdhouse does not substitute Rosidae this careerist does not substitute Rosidae. fact8: That weirdy is a Pythia and she covets osteoma. fact9: That weirdy is a Matisse but the thing is not petaled if the fact that that birdhouse does not jostle Illyrian is right. fact10: Something that is not a kind of a Phallales is not a kind of a Crotophaga and substitutes Rosidae. fact11: Something that is not a Crotophaga and does substitute Rosidae is not subarctic. fact12: If somebody that is a Pythia is a Crotophaga the thing is subarctic. fact13: If this careerist substitutes Rosidae and is a Crotophaga then this careerist is subarctic. fact14: This careerist does not substitute Rosidae. fact15: If that weirdy is a Phallales and is not an acknowledgement then this careerist is not a Phallales. fact16: That birdhouse does not substitute Rosidae if that weirdy is a Pythia that covets osteoma. ; $hypothesis$ = This careerist is subarctic. ; $proof$ =
The fact that cerebralness but notdeposit occurs does not hold.
¬({A} & ¬{B})
fact1: Cerebralness occurs and naturalisation happens. fact2: Imploring Regalecidae does not happens and probe does not occurs. fact3: Acapnialness happens but insulting does not occurs if cerebralness does not occurs.
fact1: ({A} & {C}) fact2: (¬{AA} & ¬{AB}) fact3: ¬{A} -> ({BQ} & ¬{IK})
[ "fact1 -> int1: Cerebralness happens.;" ]
[ "fact1 -> int1: {A};" ]
Acapnialness happens but insulting does not occurs.
({BQ} & ¬{IK})
$facts$ = fact1: Cerebralness occurs and naturalisation happens. fact2: Imploring Regalecidae does not happens and probe does not occurs. fact3: Acapnialness happens but insulting does not occurs if cerebralness does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that cerebralness but notdeposit occurs does not hold. ; $proof$ =
Spam does not happens.
fact1: Spam occurs if smudging does not occurs and asclepiadaceousness does not occurs. fact2: Asclepiadaceousness happens if the fact that notsmudging but checkers happens is false. fact3: Smudging does not happens and asclepiadaceousness does not happens if smudging does not occurs. fact4: That spam does not happens is caused by asclepiadaceousness. fact5: That southwester occurs and booting occurs prevents smudging.
fact1: (¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> {C} fact2: ¬(¬{B} & {D}) -> {A} fact3: ¬{B} -> (¬{B} & ¬{A}) fact4: {A} -> ¬{C} fact5: ({AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B}
Spam does not happens.
$facts$ = fact1: Spam occurs if smudging does not occurs and asclepiadaceousness does not occurs. fact2: Asclepiadaceousness happens if the fact that notsmudging but checkers happens is false. fact3: Smudging does not happens and asclepiadaceousness does not happens if smudging does not occurs. fact4: That spam does not happens is caused by asclepiadaceousness. fact5: That southwester occurs and booting occurs prevents smudging. ; $hypothesis$ = Spam does not happens. ; $proof$ =
The fact that both fronting and unreproducibleness happens does not hold.
¬({A} & {C})
fact1: That aiming and directing occurs does not hold. fact2: That dwindling Secotiaceae does not happens brings about that interrupting Mallotus and Setting silenced happens. fact3: That gapping happens hold if the fact that the fact that uncasing happens but gapping does not occurs is false is true. fact4: Cyclosis happens. fact5: That bivouacking Phoeniculus occurs and albuminuricness happens is caused by non-pyrogallicness. fact6: If commanding flawlessness does not happens that fronting happens and unreproducibleness occurs is incorrect. fact7: If that nucleatedness and belling occurs does not hold tradeoff does not occurs. fact8: That services prevents that befriending verboseness does not happens is correct. fact9: Uncasing does not occurs. fact10: Non-counterclockwiseness and radiophonicness happens if ploughing happens. fact11: That uncasing does not happens causes that both unreproducibleness and convenientness happens. fact12: If the fact that notnaturalizing Ocimum but infusing Manteidae occurs does not hold then commanding flawlessness happens. fact13: Fronting is triggered by commanding flawlessness. fact14: That phyllodialness and ploughing happens is brought about by that tradeoff does not occurs. fact15: Inconvenientness is prevented by that uncasing does not happens. fact16: That booing Sylvilagus does not occurs is prevented by blinking nanosecond. fact17: That girding happens but parching bowlful does not occurs is wrong if counterclockwiseness does not occurs. fact18: Czechoslovakianness occurs. fact19: Naturalizing Ocimum prevents that commanding flawlessness does not occurs. fact20: If that the fact that girding but notparching bowlful occurs is wrong is true the fact that uncasing happens is correct. fact21: Spout happens. fact22: Splat happens.
fact1: ¬({HM} & {DE}) fact2: ¬{FI} -> ({FQ} & {IE}) fact3: ¬({E} & ¬{AP}) -> {AP} fact4: {GT} fact5: ¬{EO} -> ({O} & {HB}) fact6: ¬{B} -> ¬({A} & {C}) fact7: ¬({M} & {N}) -> ¬{L} fact8: {FL} -> {IP} fact9: ¬{E} fact10: {J} -> (¬{H} & {I}) fact11: ¬{E} -> ({C} & {D}) fact12: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) -> {B} fact13: {B} -> {A} fact14: ¬{L} -> ({K} & {J}) fact15: ¬{E} -> {D} fact16: {HS} -> {GI} fact17: ¬{H} -> ¬({F} & ¬{G}) fact18: {CN} fact19: {AA} -> {B} fact20: ¬({F} & ¬{G}) -> {E} fact21: {FC} fact22: {HN}
[ "fact11 & fact9 -> int1: Unreproducibleness and convenientness happens.; int1 -> int2: Unreproducibleness happens.;" ]
[ "fact11 & fact9 -> int1: ({C} & {D}); int1 -> int2: {C};" ]
That gapping occurs and nonacceptance occurs hold.
({AP} & {CG})
$facts$ = fact1: That aiming and directing occurs does not hold. fact2: That dwindling Secotiaceae does not happens brings about that interrupting Mallotus and Setting silenced happens. fact3: That gapping happens hold if the fact that the fact that uncasing happens but gapping does not occurs is false is true. fact4: Cyclosis happens. fact5: That bivouacking Phoeniculus occurs and albuminuricness happens is caused by non-pyrogallicness. fact6: If commanding flawlessness does not happens that fronting happens and unreproducibleness occurs is incorrect. fact7: If that nucleatedness and belling occurs does not hold tradeoff does not occurs. fact8: That services prevents that befriending verboseness does not happens is correct. fact9: Uncasing does not occurs. fact10: Non-counterclockwiseness and radiophonicness happens if ploughing happens. fact11: That uncasing does not happens causes that both unreproducibleness and convenientness happens. fact12: If the fact that notnaturalizing Ocimum but infusing Manteidae occurs does not hold then commanding flawlessness happens. fact13: Fronting is triggered by commanding flawlessness. fact14: That phyllodialness and ploughing happens is brought about by that tradeoff does not occurs. fact15: Inconvenientness is prevented by that uncasing does not happens. fact16: That booing Sylvilagus does not occurs is prevented by blinking nanosecond. fact17: That girding happens but parching bowlful does not occurs is wrong if counterclockwiseness does not occurs. fact18: Czechoslovakianness occurs. fact19: Naturalizing Ocimum prevents that commanding flawlessness does not occurs. fact20: If that the fact that girding but notparching bowlful occurs is wrong is true the fact that uncasing happens is correct. fact21: Spout happens. fact22: Splat happens. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that both fronting and unreproducibleness happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
The fact that both parading mustiness and non-hircineness occurs does not hold.
¬({D} & ¬{C})
fact1: Colourizing wigging happens. fact2: Provocation occurs. fact3: That Orthodoxness occurs is correct. fact4: Stiffening ephemeralness occurs. fact5: Non-hircineness is triggered by that stiffening ephemeralness occurs but munching Halcyon does not happens. fact6: Tending does not occurs. fact7: If stiffening ephemeralness does not occurs then the fact that parading mustiness happens and hircineness does not happens does not hold. fact8: Tangling keratodermia happens if reconsidering Grossulariaceae occurs. fact9: Shearing Petrogale happens. fact10: Stampeding occurs. fact11: Cytoplasmicness prevents that amazing does not happens. fact12: Munching Halcyon does not happens. fact13: If stampeding does not happens inconvenience does not happens and shearing Petrogale does not happens. fact14: That parading mustiness does not occurs is prevented by that inconvenience occurs. fact15: That inconvenience does not happens is prevented by shearing Petrogale. fact16: Stampeding does not occurs but bioclimaticness occurs if stealth happens.
fact1: {CL} fact2: {IJ} fact3: {JD} fact4: {A} fact5: ({A} & ¬{B}) -> ¬{C} fact6: ¬{II} fact7: ¬{A} -> ¬({D} & ¬{C}) fact8: {AE} -> {IN} fact9: {F} fact10: {G} fact11: {J} -> {AQ} fact12: ¬{B} fact13: ¬{G} -> (¬{E} & ¬{F}) fact14: {E} -> {D} fact15: {F} -> {E} fact16: {I} -> (¬{G} & {H})
[ "fact4 & fact12 -> int1: That stiffening ephemeralness happens but munching Halcyon does not happens is true.; int1 & fact5 -> int2: Hircineness does not happens.; fact15 & fact9 -> int3: Inconvenience occurs.; int3 & fact14 -> int4: Parading mustiness happens.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 & fact12 -> int1: ({A} & ¬{B}); int1 & fact5 -> int2: ¬{C}; fact15 & fact9 -> int3: {E}; int3 & fact14 -> int4: {D}; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that both parading mustiness and non-hircineness occurs does not hold.
¬({D} & ¬{C})
$facts$ = fact1: Colourizing wigging happens. fact2: Provocation occurs. fact3: That Orthodoxness occurs is correct. fact4: Stiffening ephemeralness occurs. fact5: Non-hircineness is triggered by that stiffening ephemeralness occurs but munching Halcyon does not happens. fact6: Tending does not occurs. fact7: If stiffening ephemeralness does not occurs then the fact that parading mustiness happens and hircineness does not happens does not hold. fact8: Tangling keratodermia happens if reconsidering Grossulariaceae occurs. fact9: Shearing Petrogale happens. fact10: Stampeding occurs. fact11: Cytoplasmicness prevents that amazing does not happens. fact12: Munching Halcyon does not happens. fact13: If stampeding does not happens inconvenience does not happens and shearing Petrogale does not happens. fact14: That parading mustiness does not occurs is prevented by that inconvenience occurs. fact15: That inconvenience does not happens is prevented by shearing Petrogale. fact16: Stampeding does not occurs but bioclimaticness occurs if stealth happens. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that both parading mustiness and non-hircineness occurs does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact4 & fact12 -> int1: That stiffening ephemeralness happens but munching Halcyon does not happens is true.; int1 & fact5 -> int2: Hircineness does not happens.; fact15 & fact9 -> int3: Inconvenience occurs.; int3 & fact14 -> int4: Parading mustiness happens.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That saccharase is rude.
fact1: this Dixieland trundles saccharase. fact2: That saccharase is a kind of a spiritualty. fact3: That saccharase is a guessing. fact4: That saccharase is a Lumpenus. fact5: That saccharase trundles Dixieland. fact6: That saccharase is bimetallistic one that does not fantasize if that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia. fact7: If the isoclinal is myalgic but the one is not a Abydos then it is pyknotic. fact8: That saccharase is rude if that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia and does flaunt Nevis. fact9: That something is rude one that swerves lx does not hold if it does not trundle Dixieland. fact10: If someone that decontaminates megalocardia does not trundle Dixieland the thing flaunts Nevis. fact11: The organizer is basophilic but the man does not trundle Dixieland. fact12: Luciano does flaunt Nevis but the one is not pyknotic. fact13: That saccharase is arthropodan. fact14: That saccharase is untheatrical. fact15: If this Catholic is a kind of a guessing that does not reconcile then it is a kind of a secret. fact16: If someone that decontaminates megalocardia does flaunt Nevis the person is rude. fact17: That saccharase is a kind of a Pinnotheridae that is not a manner. fact18: If that saccharase trundles Dixieland then that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia but the thing does not flaunt Nevis. fact19: If the fact that that balsa is rude and the one does swerve lx does not hold that saccharase is not rude. fact20: If somebody decontaminates megalocardia but it does not flaunt Nevis it is rude. fact21: If that saccharase trundles Dixieland then the one impedes secretariate and does not proceed. fact22: The hoya trundles Dixieland.
fact1: {AC}{ab} fact2: {CI}{aa} fact3: {BE}{aa} fact4: {BO}{aa} fact5: {A}{aa} fact6: {AA}{aa} -> ({FH}{aa} & ¬{EU}{aa}) fact7: ({IU}{t} & ¬{CA}{t}) -> {CC}{t} fact8: ({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa} fact9: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}x & {C}x) fact10: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{A}x) -> {AB}x fact11: ({EH}{cr} & ¬{A}{cr}) fact12: ({AB}{gs} & ¬{CC}{gs}) fact13: {FA}{aa} fact14: {BN}{aa} fact15: ({BE}{hm} & ¬{AI}{hm}) -> {BS}{hm} fact16: (x): ({AA}x & {AB}x) -> {B}x fact17: ({JH}{aa} & ¬{DU}{aa}) fact18: {A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) fact19: ¬({B}{a} & {C}{a}) -> ¬{B}{aa} fact20: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x fact21: {A}{aa} -> ({HN}{aa} & ¬{AR}{aa}) fact22: {A}{ci}
[ "fact20 -> int1: If that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia but the thing does not flaunt Nevis then that saccharase is rude.; fact18 & fact5 -> int2: That saccharase decontaminates megalocardia and does not flaunt Nevis.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact20 -> int1: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa}; fact18 & fact5 -> int2: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}); int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
That saccharase is not rude.
[ "fact24 -> int3: If that balsa does not trundle Dixieland the fact that the one is not non-rude and the one swerves lx does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: this Dixieland trundles saccharase. fact2: That saccharase is a kind of a spiritualty. fact3: That saccharase is a guessing. fact4: That saccharase is a Lumpenus. fact5: That saccharase trundles Dixieland. fact6: That saccharase is bimetallistic one that does not fantasize if that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia. fact7: If the isoclinal is myalgic but the one is not a Abydos then it is pyknotic. fact8: That saccharase is rude if that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia and does flaunt Nevis. fact9: That something is rude one that swerves lx does not hold if it does not trundle Dixieland. fact10: If someone that decontaminates megalocardia does not trundle Dixieland the thing flaunts Nevis. fact11: The organizer is basophilic but the man does not trundle Dixieland. fact12: Luciano does flaunt Nevis but the one is not pyknotic. fact13: That saccharase is arthropodan. fact14: That saccharase is untheatrical. fact15: If this Catholic is a kind of a guessing that does not reconcile then it is a kind of a secret. fact16: If someone that decontaminates megalocardia does flaunt Nevis the person is rude. fact17: That saccharase is a kind of a Pinnotheridae that is not a manner. fact18: If that saccharase trundles Dixieland then that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia but the thing does not flaunt Nevis. fact19: If the fact that that balsa is rude and the one does swerve lx does not hold that saccharase is not rude. fact20: If somebody decontaminates megalocardia but it does not flaunt Nevis it is rude. fact21: If that saccharase trundles Dixieland then the one impedes secretariate and does not proceed. fact22: The hoya trundles Dixieland. ; $hypothesis$ = That saccharase is rude. ; $proof$ =
fact20 -> int1: If that saccharase decontaminates megalocardia but the thing does not flaunt Nevis then that saccharase is rude.; fact18 & fact5 -> int2: That saccharase decontaminates megalocardia and does not flaunt Nevis.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That tactualness happens and atacticness happens does not hold.
¬({C} & {B})
fact1: Inframaxillariness results in atacticness. fact2: If inframaxillariness does not happens then the fact that the fact that tactualness and atacticness occurs does not hold is true. fact3: Either atacticness does not happens or tactualness happens or both if regionalness does not happens. fact4: Tactualness happens. fact5: Inframaxillariness happens. fact6: Non-Donneanness is prevented by polemics. fact7: Inframaxillariness is prevented by that balking does not occurs but regionalness happens.
fact1: {A} -> {B} fact2: ¬{A} -> ¬({C} & {B}) fact3: ¬{D} -> (¬{B} v {C}) fact4: {C} fact5: {A} fact6: {EL} -> {EQ} fact7: (¬{E} & {D}) -> ¬{A}
[ "fact1 & fact5 -> int1: Atacticness happens.; int1 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact5 -> int1: {B}; int1 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
That tactualness happens and atacticness happens does not hold.
¬({C} & {B})
$facts$ = fact1: Inframaxillariness results in atacticness. fact2: If inframaxillariness does not happens then the fact that the fact that tactualness and atacticness occurs does not hold is true. fact3: Either atacticness does not happens or tactualness happens or both if regionalness does not happens. fact4: Tactualness happens. fact5: Inframaxillariness happens. fact6: Non-Donneanness is prevented by polemics. fact7: Inframaxillariness is prevented by that balking does not occurs but regionalness happens. ; $hypothesis$ = That tactualness happens and atacticness happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact5 -> int1: Atacticness happens.; int1 & fact4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That there is nobody that is both a Chinookan and not undeterminable does not hold.
¬((x): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x))
fact1: There exists no person such that the one is a Chinookan and the person is not undeterminable. fact2: There is none such that the one relates Ortega and is not a skinful. fact3: There exists nobody that is a kind of a tensed that does not absorb. fact4: Somebody that does not descant gloved slithers and is colouring. fact5: There is nothing that is a kind of a psychotherapeutics that is not a Hsian. fact6: There is nothing such that that that is a kind of a mucoid and that does not slither is true. fact7: There is no man that is both a posturing and not variolar. fact8: There is nobody that is a Chinookan and is undeterminable. fact9: There is nothing that is a kind of lactic one that does not route Calamintha. fact10: There exists no person that is both thirsty and not a Sphyrapicus. fact11: There exists nobody such that that thing is a leering and that thing does not end.
fact1: (x): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) fact2: (x): ¬({AC}x & ¬{FH}x) fact3: (x): ¬({GD}x & ¬{DI}x) fact4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({A}x & {B}x) fact5: (x): ¬({GI}x & ¬{EJ}x) fact6: (x): ¬({BD}x & ¬{A}x) fact7: (x): ¬({BS}x & ¬{IR}x) fact8: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) fact9: (x): ¬({EE}x & ¬{DT}x) fact10: (x): ¬({ED}x & ¬{HM}x) fact11: (x): ¬({BP}x & ¬{AM}x)
[ "fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
There exists nothing such that the thing is a Corse that is not a Ctenocephalus.
(x): ¬({HE}x & ¬{AD}x)
[ "fact12 -> int1: Hope slithers and that is colouring if the one does not descant gloved.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: There exists no person such that the one is a Chinookan and the person is not undeterminable. fact2: There is none such that the one relates Ortega and is not a skinful. fact3: There exists nobody that is a kind of a tensed that does not absorb. fact4: Somebody that does not descant gloved slithers and is colouring. fact5: There is nothing that is a kind of a psychotherapeutics that is not a Hsian. fact6: There is nothing such that that that is a kind of a mucoid and that does not slither is true. fact7: There is no man that is both a posturing and not variolar. fact8: There is nobody that is a Chinookan and is undeterminable. fact9: There is nothing that is a kind of lactic one that does not route Calamintha. fact10: There exists no person that is both thirsty and not a Sphyrapicus. fact11: There exists nobody such that that thing is a leering and that thing does not end. ; $hypothesis$ = That there is nobody that is both a Chinookan and not undeterminable does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Nettling MAK occurs.
fact1: Non-Neanderthalianness is prevented by unscheduledness. fact2: Shuhaness is prevented by that domineeringness does not happens and/or Shuhanessness. fact3: Sinking does not happens. fact4: That avianness occurs is not wrong. fact5: Drinking is prevented by that nettling MAK but notcaramelizing happens. fact6: Callithump does not occurs. fact7: That domineeringness occurs and drinking happens is wrong. fact8: That showing does not occurs is prevented by truckling. fact9: That domineeringness does not occurs and/or that Shuhaness does not occurs is caused by that drinking does not occurs. fact10: That both oligopoly and domineeringness happens is triggered by that drinking does not occurs. fact11: Jordanian occurs and reexamination does not occurs if slippage occurs. fact12: That campaigning Araliaceae but notinterpolating occurs is not correct. fact13: Nettling MAK does not happens if that that notdomineeringness but drinking occurs is right is false. fact14: If caramelizing does not happens then that that domineeringness does not happens and drinking occurs is false is correct. fact15: That if that domineeringness occurs and drinking does not happens is not correct nettling MAK occurs is true. fact16: Exogenicness does not occurs. fact17: Caramelizing does not happens and drinking does not happens if reexamination does not occurs.
fact1: {EA} -> {DL} fact2: (¬{A} v ¬{CF}) -> ¬{CF} fact3: ¬{CB} fact4: {HA} fact5: ({C} & ¬{D}) -> ¬{B} fact6: ¬{GP} fact7: ¬({A} & {B}) fact8: {EB} -> {JE} fact9: ¬{B} -> (¬{A} v ¬{CF}) fact10: ¬{B} -> ({JI} & {A}) fact11: {G} -> ({F} & ¬{E}) fact12: ¬({U} & ¬{DU}) fact13: ¬(¬{A} & {B}) -> ¬{C} fact14: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{A} & {B}) fact15: ¬({A} & ¬{B}) -> {C} fact16: ¬{AJ} fact17: ¬{E} -> (¬{D} & ¬{B})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that domineeringness occurs and drinking does not happens.; assump1 -> int1: Domineeringness happens.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ({A} & ¬{B}); assump1 -> int1: {A};" ]
Nettling MAK does not happens.
$facts$ = fact1: Non-Neanderthalianness is prevented by unscheduledness. fact2: Shuhaness is prevented by that domineeringness does not happens and/or Shuhanessness. fact3: Sinking does not happens. fact4: That avianness occurs is not wrong. fact5: Drinking is prevented by that nettling MAK but notcaramelizing happens. fact6: Callithump does not occurs. fact7: That domineeringness occurs and drinking happens is wrong. fact8: That showing does not occurs is prevented by truckling. fact9: That domineeringness does not occurs and/or that Shuhaness does not occurs is caused by that drinking does not occurs. fact10: That both oligopoly and domineeringness happens is triggered by that drinking does not occurs. fact11: Jordanian occurs and reexamination does not occurs if slippage occurs. fact12: That campaigning Araliaceae but notinterpolating occurs is not correct. fact13: Nettling MAK does not happens if that that notdomineeringness but drinking occurs is right is false. fact14: If caramelizing does not happens then that that domineeringness does not happens and drinking occurs is false is correct. fact15: That if that domineeringness occurs and drinking does not happens is not correct nettling MAK occurs is true. fact16: Exogenicness does not occurs. fact17: Caramelizing does not happens and drinking does not happens if reexamination does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Nettling MAK occurs. ; $proof$ =
That Singhalese is collateral.
fact1: That something is attractive thing that foretells Taricha does not hold if it is not effortful. fact2: If the fact that the educationist does not bait pigeonholing is correct the educationist rebounds. fact3: Someone schematizes Gempylus. fact4: If that treasure is a polysomy and does not polymerize Geophilomorpha then that treasure is not effortful. fact5: Someone is a Amphineura and the thing schematizes Gempylus. fact6: That Singhalese enters Myrtaceae. fact7: A non-measurable one is tight and does not backslide. fact8: That Singhalese does not schematize Gempylus. fact9: If the fact that that treasure either does not schematize Gempylus or is not a Amphineura or both is not correct that Singhalese is a Amphineura. fact10: Some person that is not a Amphineura enters Myrtaceae and is not collateral. fact11: Somebody that is not a Amphineura enters Myrtaceae. fact12: The fact that someone does not schematize Gempylus or it is not a Amphineura or both is incorrect if it is unattractive. fact13: If some man is a Amphineura then that one is collateral. fact14: If that treasure does not muffle megabucks that treasure is a polysomy but the person does not polymerize Geophilomorpha. fact15: Someone is not a Amphineura but the man does schematize Gempylus. fact16: If that something is not unattractive and foretells Taricha is incorrect this is unattractive. fact17: Somebody is not a Amphineura. fact18: There is someone such that the one is not a kind of a Paleolithic and he limits Arales. fact19: That treasure does not muffle megabucks if this centerfielder counterpoints loti but it does not inundate Hopkins.
fact1: (x): ¬{E}x -> ¬(¬{C}x & {D}x) fact2: ¬{BI}{gt} -> {IB}{gt} fact3: (Ex): {B}x fact4: ({G}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) -> ¬{E}{a} fact5: (Ex): ({A}x & {B}x) fact6: {AA}{aa} fact7: (x): ¬{CM}x -> ({GF}x & ¬{HK}x) fact8: ¬{B}{aa} fact9: ¬(¬{B}{a} v ¬{A}{a}) -> {A}{aa} fact10: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) fact11: (x): ¬{A}x -> {AA}x fact12: (x): {C}x -> ¬(¬{B}x v ¬{A}x) fact13: (x): {A}x -> {AB}x fact14: ¬{H}{a} -> ({G}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) fact15: (Ex): (¬{A}x & {B}x) fact16: (x): ¬(¬{C}x & {D}x) -> {C}x fact17: (Ex): ¬{A}x fact18: (Ex): (¬{IL}x & {BQ}x) fact19: ({I}{b} & ¬{J}{b}) -> ¬{H}{a}
[ "fact10 -> int1: If that Singhalese is not a Amphineura the fact that that Singhalese enters Myrtaceae but the man is not collateral is right.;" ]
[ "fact10 -> int1: ¬{A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa});" ]
That Singhalese is collateral.
[ "fact25 -> int2: That Singhalese is collateral if that Singhalese is a Amphineura.; fact21 -> int3: That that treasure does not schematize Gempylus or the one is not a kind of a Amphineura or both is false if it is unattractive.; fact24 -> int4: That treasure is unattractive if that that treasure is not unattractive and foretells Taricha is not correct.; fact27 -> int5: If that treasure is not effortful then that that treasure is not unattractive but the thing foretells Taricha does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That something is attractive thing that foretells Taricha does not hold if it is not effortful. fact2: If the fact that the educationist does not bait pigeonholing is correct the educationist rebounds. fact3: Someone schematizes Gempylus. fact4: If that treasure is a polysomy and does not polymerize Geophilomorpha then that treasure is not effortful. fact5: Someone is a Amphineura and the thing schematizes Gempylus. fact6: That Singhalese enters Myrtaceae. fact7: A non-measurable one is tight and does not backslide. fact8: That Singhalese does not schematize Gempylus. fact9: If the fact that that treasure either does not schematize Gempylus or is not a Amphineura or both is not correct that Singhalese is a Amphineura. fact10: Some person that is not a Amphineura enters Myrtaceae and is not collateral. fact11: Somebody that is not a Amphineura enters Myrtaceae. fact12: The fact that someone does not schematize Gempylus or it is not a Amphineura or both is incorrect if it is unattractive. fact13: If some man is a Amphineura then that one is collateral. fact14: If that treasure does not muffle megabucks that treasure is a polysomy but the person does not polymerize Geophilomorpha. fact15: Someone is not a Amphineura but the man does schematize Gempylus. fact16: If that something is not unattractive and foretells Taricha is incorrect this is unattractive. fact17: Somebody is not a Amphineura. fact18: There is someone such that the one is not a kind of a Paleolithic and he limits Arales. fact19: That treasure does not muffle megabucks if this centerfielder counterpoints loti but it does not inundate Hopkins. ; $hypothesis$ = That Singhalese is collateral. ; $proof$ =
Inextinguishableness does not happens but moistening happens.
(¬{AA} & {AB})
fact1: That jehad occurs and acquisition occurs is caused by non-broadnosedness. fact2: That sabring Anaximander does not occurs and equestrian happens is not correct if jehad occurs. fact3: Dish and involuntaryness occurs. fact4: Unbaptisedness does not happens. fact5: Doubling Masoud does not occurs if that notmountaineering but dehiscing occurs does not hold. fact6: Acquisition happens and jehad does not occurs. fact7: That both broadnosedness and plain occurs is false if brutalization does not occurs. fact8: Acquisition does not happens if that both non-inextinguishableness and moistening occurs is incorrect. fact9: Broadnosedness does not occurs if the fact that broadnosedness and plain happens is false.
fact1: ¬{C} -> ({A} & {B}) fact2: {A} -> ¬(¬{S} & {BI}) fact3: ({EB} & ¬{R}) fact4: ¬{GL} fact5: ¬(¬{AH} & {HC}) -> ¬{AM} fact6: ({B} & ¬{A}) fact7: ¬{E} -> ¬({C} & {D}) fact8: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} fact9: ¬({C} & {D}) -> ¬{C}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that both extinguishableness and moistening occurs is incorrect.; fact8 & assump1 -> int1: Acquisition does not occurs.; fact6 -> int2: Acquisition occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}); fact8 & assump1 -> int1: ¬{B}; fact6 -> int2: {B}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
That the fact that notsabring Anaximander but equestrian happens is true is wrong.
¬(¬{S} & {BI})
$facts$ = fact1: That jehad occurs and acquisition occurs is caused by non-broadnosedness. fact2: That sabring Anaximander does not occurs and equestrian happens is not correct if jehad occurs. fact3: Dish and involuntaryness occurs. fact4: Unbaptisedness does not happens. fact5: Doubling Masoud does not occurs if that notmountaineering but dehiscing occurs does not hold. fact6: Acquisition happens and jehad does not occurs. fact7: That both broadnosedness and plain occurs is false if brutalization does not occurs. fact8: Acquisition does not happens if that both non-inextinguishableness and moistening occurs is incorrect. fact9: Broadnosedness does not occurs if the fact that broadnosedness and plain happens is false. ; $hypothesis$ = Inextinguishableness does not happens but moistening happens. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that both extinguishableness and moistening occurs is incorrect.; fact8 & assump1 -> int1: Acquisition does not occurs.; fact6 -> int2: Acquisition occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That this necking is a MIDI but the thing is not a Desmograthus does not hold.
¬({A}{a} & ¬{D}{a})
fact1: Something is undiluted and it is a kind of a Riviera if the thing is not unstressed. fact2: If that Post is undiluted then the fact that this necking is Tongan is not false. fact3: That someone is a MIDI but it is not a Desmograthus is false if the one does not parch polio. fact4: This spitz is not sturdy and/or is not unstressed. fact5: That this Ab parches polio and is a kind of a MIDI if this necking does not contract lease hold. fact6: Someone is a kind of a pinealoma but the thing does not rig favourableness if the one is a pinealoma. fact7: Some man is inaccessible and does not cart imprudence if the man is inaccessible. fact8: A Tongan one does not contract lease and is not a Desmograthus. fact9: This necking is a kind of a MIDI and the thing parches polio. fact10: That daisy is a kind of a duality and is not a kind of a Desmograthus. fact11: The fact that that broach does parch polio is correct. fact12: A MIDI is a kind of a MIDI that is not a Desmograthus. fact13: This necking covets and it is anaphrodisiac. fact14: If this necking is wholesome then this necking is a kind of wholesome person that does not parch polio. fact15: This necking is unproven.
fact1: (x): ¬{H}x -> ({F}x & {G}x) fact2: {F}{b} -> {E}{a} fact3: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬({A}x & ¬{D}x) fact4: (¬{I}{c} v ¬{H}{c}) fact5: ¬{C}{a} -> ({B}{al} & {A}{al}) fact6: (x): {BB}x -> ({BB}x & ¬{GI}x) fact7: (x): {EG}x -> ({EG}x & ¬{DA}x) fact8: (x): {E}x -> (¬{C}x & ¬{D}x) fact9: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact10: ({EH}{ck} & ¬{D}{ck}) fact11: {B}{eh} fact12: (x): {A}x -> ({A}x & ¬{D}x) fact13: ({GH}{a} & {EI}{a}) fact14: {EE}{a} -> ({EE}{a} & ¬{B}{a}) fact15: {HB}{a}
[ "fact9 -> int1: This necking is a MIDI.; fact12 -> int2: This necking is a MIDI but the one is not a Desmograthus if the one is a MIDI.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact9 -> int1: {A}{a}; fact12 -> int2: {A}{a} -> ({A}{a} & ¬{D}{a}); int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
This Ab parches polio.
[ "fact18 -> int3: If this necking is Tongan the one does not contract lease and is not a Desmograthus.; fact16 -> int4: That Post is undiluted and the person is a Riviera if that Post is not unstressed.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Something is undiluted and it is a kind of a Riviera if the thing is not unstressed. fact2: If that Post is undiluted then the fact that this necking is Tongan is not false. fact3: That someone is a MIDI but it is not a Desmograthus is false if the one does not parch polio. fact4: This spitz is not sturdy and/or is not unstressed. fact5: That this Ab parches polio and is a kind of a MIDI if this necking does not contract lease hold. fact6: Someone is a kind of a pinealoma but the thing does not rig favourableness if the one is a pinealoma. fact7: Some man is inaccessible and does not cart imprudence if the man is inaccessible. fact8: A Tongan one does not contract lease and is not a Desmograthus. fact9: This necking is a kind of a MIDI and the thing parches polio. fact10: That daisy is a kind of a duality and is not a kind of a Desmograthus. fact11: The fact that that broach does parch polio is correct. fact12: A MIDI is a kind of a MIDI that is not a Desmograthus. fact13: This necking covets and it is anaphrodisiac. fact14: If this necking is wholesome then this necking is a kind of wholesome person that does not parch polio. fact15: This necking is unproven. ; $hypothesis$ = That this necking is a MIDI but the thing is not a Desmograthus does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact9 -> int1: This necking is a MIDI.; fact12 -> int2: This necking is a MIDI but the one is not a Desmograthus if the one is a MIDI.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
The fact that this carpophore is a Zoomastigina and is tactful is incorrect.
¬({B}{b} & {C}{b})
fact1: The fact that this kinescope is a Yi and that is lunisolar does not hold. fact2: The fact that that martingale preserves repertoire and is not tactful does not hold if this carpophore diphthongises nothingness. fact3: If that martingale diphthongises nothingness that this carpophore does not endanger Gibson and it does not preserve repertoire does not hold. fact4: The fact that this carpophore is tactful and underwrites Osmanthus is right. fact5: The fact that this carpophore does not diphthongise nothingness and is not tactful is false if that martingale endangers Gibson. fact6: A non-bituminoid one underwrites Osmanthus and is a Zoomastigina. fact7: the noneness diphthongises martingale. fact8: That martingale diphthongises no personness. fact9: That somebody does underwrite Osmanthus and/or the one is non-bituminoid does not hold if the thing is not a Yi. fact10: This kinescope is non-bituminoid if that the thing is a kind of a Yi that is lunisolar does not hold.
fact1: ¬({F}{gr} & {G}{gr}) fact2: {A}{b} -> ¬({AB}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) fact3: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact4: ({C}{b} & {D}{b}) fact5: {AA}{a} -> ¬(¬{A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) fact6: (x): ¬{E}x -> ({D}x & {B}x) fact7: {AC}{aa} fact8: {A}{a} fact9: (x): ¬{F}x -> ¬({D}x v ¬{E}x) fact10: ¬({F}{gr} & {G}{gr}) -> ¬{E}{gr}
[ "fact3 & fact8 -> int1: The fact that this carpophore does not endanger Gibson and the thing does not preserve repertoire does not hold.; fact4 -> int2: This carpophore is tactful.;" ]
[ "fact3 & fact8 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); fact4 -> int2: {C}{b};" ]
The fact that this carpophore is a Zoomastigina and is tactful is incorrect.
¬({B}{b} & {C}{b})
[ "fact11 -> int3: The fact that this greeneye does underwrite Osmanthus or the one is not bituminoid or both is incorrect if the one is not a Yi.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The fact that this kinescope is a Yi and that is lunisolar does not hold. fact2: The fact that that martingale preserves repertoire and is not tactful does not hold if this carpophore diphthongises nothingness. fact3: If that martingale diphthongises nothingness that this carpophore does not endanger Gibson and it does not preserve repertoire does not hold. fact4: The fact that this carpophore is tactful and underwrites Osmanthus is right. fact5: The fact that this carpophore does not diphthongise nothingness and is not tactful is false if that martingale endangers Gibson. fact6: A non-bituminoid one underwrites Osmanthus and is a Zoomastigina. fact7: the noneness diphthongises martingale. fact8: That martingale diphthongises no personness. fact9: That somebody does underwrite Osmanthus and/or the one is non-bituminoid does not hold if the thing is not a Yi. fact10: This kinescope is non-bituminoid if that the thing is a kind of a Yi that is lunisolar does not hold. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that this carpophore is a Zoomastigina and is tactful is incorrect. ; $proof$ =
The fact that Hebraicalness happens and flatteringness occurs is not right.
¬({B} & {C})
fact1: Disloyalness does not happens. fact2: Peppering nonuniformity occurs and arrangement occurs. fact3: Eightsome but notcomplaint occurs. fact4: Winkling Wilder occurs and ripeness happens. fact5: If motoringness does not happens then that Hebraicalness and flatteringness occurs is false. fact6: Motoringness occurs. fact7: Both motoringness and Hebraicalness happens. fact8: Epicureanness happens. fact9: Inviting hardihood and eightsome occurs. fact10: Basidialness happens. fact11: Both chopping IAEA and inviting hardihood occurs. fact12: Translationalness does not happens. fact13: Supervising Magadhan happens. fact14: Milling but notriblessness occurs. fact15: Pushover occurs if motoringness happens or Hebraicalness does not occurs or both. fact16: Coasting Beaverbrook does not happens and/or translationalness does not happens if interrogatory does not happens. fact17: If Hebraicalness does not happens topping writ occurs and motoringness occurs. fact18: That genotypicness happens is true. fact19: Uniate happens and uncharitableness happens.
fact1: ¬{JA} fact2: ({L} & {JK}) fact3: ({ER} & ¬{CE}) fact4: ({GH} & {EO}) fact5: ¬{A} -> ¬({B} & {C}) fact6: {A} fact7: ({A} & {B}) fact8: {AL} fact9: ({CH} & {ER}) fact10: {IN} fact11: ({BC} & {CH}) fact12: ¬{D} fact13: {GR} fact14: ({DP} & ¬{N}) fact15: ({A} v ¬{B}) -> {GG} fact16: ¬{F} -> (¬{E} v ¬{D}) fact17: ¬{B} -> ({HI} & {A}) fact18: {BS} fact19: ({IF} & {AJ})
[ "fact7 -> int1: Hebraicalness occurs.;" ]
[ "fact7 -> int1: {B};" ]
The fact that Hebraicalness happens and flatteringness occurs is not right.
¬({B} & {C})
$facts$ = fact1: Disloyalness does not happens. fact2: Peppering nonuniformity occurs and arrangement occurs. fact3: Eightsome but notcomplaint occurs. fact4: Winkling Wilder occurs and ripeness happens. fact5: If motoringness does not happens then that Hebraicalness and flatteringness occurs is false. fact6: Motoringness occurs. fact7: Both motoringness and Hebraicalness happens. fact8: Epicureanness happens. fact9: Inviting hardihood and eightsome occurs. fact10: Basidialness happens. fact11: Both chopping IAEA and inviting hardihood occurs. fact12: Translationalness does not happens. fact13: Supervising Magadhan happens. fact14: Milling but notriblessness occurs. fact15: Pushover occurs if motoringness happens or Hebraicalness does not occurs or both. fact16: Coasting Beaverbrook does not happens and/or translationalness does not happens if interrogatory does not happens. fact17: If Hebraicalness does not happens topping writ occurs and motoringness occurs. fact18: That genotypicness happens is true. fact19: Uniate happens and uncharitableness happens. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that Hebraicalness happens and flatteringness occurs is not right. ; $proof$ =
There is somebody such that that she is Twin and is unknowing does not hold.
(Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x)
fact1: There exists somebody such that the fact that the one is a Polypedatidae and is electromechanical does not hold. fact2: That that cartouche is a Hispanic and the one is not non-Twin does not hold. fact3: There exists somebody such that that it is a Pincus and the one is a pretrial does not hold. fact4: That that pandowdy is both annalistic and unknowing is false. fact5: That that pandowdy is a Nivose and the one is Twin is incorrect.
fact1: (Ex): ¬({J}x & {BG}x) fact2: ¬({IJ}{r} & {AA}{r}) fact3: (Ex): ¬({CO}x & {JC}x) fact4: ¬({GQ}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) fact5: ¬({DI}{aa} & {AA}{aa})
$facts$ = fact1: There exists somebody such that the fact that the one is a Polypedatidae and is electromechanical does not hold. fact2: That that cartouche is a Hispanic and the one is not non-Twin does not hold. fact3: There exists somebody such that that it is a Pincus and the one is a pretrial does not hold. fact4: That that pandowdy is both annalistic and unknowing is false. fact5: That that pandowdy is a Nivose and the one is Twin is incorrect. ; $hypothesis$ = There is somebody such that that she is Twin and is unknowing does not hold. ; $proof$ =
This subduction is not a ophthalmoplegia.
fact1: This subduction is a vampire. fact2: This daystar is a ophthalmoplegia if this subduction is a Camptosorus. fact3: If this Dramamine does not rook Yersin and is not a ophthalmoplegia this menorrhea is not a ophthalmoplegia. fact4: This subduction is a kind of a Camptosorus if this daystar is a ophthalmoplegia. fact5: If this subduction is anagrammatic this Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia. fact6: This Dramamine is a Herschel. fact7: If the fact that this Dramamine is a Camptosorus is correct this daystar is anagrammatic. fact8: If this Dramamine is a kind of a ophthalmoplegia then this subduction is not non-anagrammatic. fact9: This Dramamine is anagrammatic. fact10: If this daystar is anagrammatic then this Dramamine is a Camptosorus. fact11: This daystar is not mown. fact12: This tomb is a ophthalmoplegia. fact13: Something that is not a kind of a ophthalmoplegia is both a Camptosorus and not non-anagrammatic. fact14: This subduction is anagrammatic. fact15: This Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia. fact16: This subduction is a Camptosorus. fact17: If this Dramamine is not non-anagrammatic then this daystar is a kind of a Camptosorus. fact18: That this subduction is a ophthalmoplegia if this daystar is a Camptosorus hold. fact19: The fact that this subduction shares is true. fact20: If this daystar is anagrammatic then this Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia.
fact1: {AE}{c} fact2: {B}{c} -> {C}{b} fact3: (¬{D}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> ¬{C}{hq} fact4: {C}{b} -> {B}{c} fact5: {A}{c} -> {C}{a} fact6: {BP}{a} fact7: {B}{a} -> {A}{b} fact8: {C}{a} -> {A}{c} fact9: {A}{a} fact10: {A}{b} -> {B}{a} fact11: {IP}{b} fact12: {C}{dp} fact13: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & {A}x) fact14: {A}{c} fact15: {C}{a} fact16: {B}{c} fact17: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact18: {B}{b} -> {C}{c} fact19: {DR}{c} fact20: {A}{b} -> {C}{a}
[ "fact17 & fact9 -> int1: This daystar is a Camptosorus.; int1 & fact18 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact17 & fact9 -> int1: {B}{b}; int1 & fact18 -> hypothesis;" ]
This menorrhea is anagrammatic.
[ "fact21 -> int2: This menorrhea is a kind of a Camptosorus and this one is anagrammatic if that the one is not a ophthalmoplegia hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This subduction is a vampire. fact2: This daystar is a ophthalmoplegia if this subduction is a Camptosorus. fact3: If this Dramamine does not rook Yersin and is not a ophthalmoplegia this menorrhea is not a ophthalmoplegia. fact4: This subduction is a kind of a Camptosorus if this daystar is a ophthalmoplegia. fact5: If this subduction is anagrammatic this Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia. fact6: This Dramamine is a Herschel. fact7: If the fact that this Dramamine is a Camptosorus is correct this daystar is anagrammatic. fact8: If this Dramamine is a kind of a ophthalmoplegia then this subduction is not non-anagrammatic. fact9: This Dramamine is anagrammatic. fact10: If this daystar is anagrammatic then this Dramamine is a Camptosorus. fact11: This daystar is not mown. fact12: This tomb is a ophthalmoplegia. fact13: Something that is not a kind of a ophthalmoplegia is both a Camptosorus and not non-anagrammatic. fact14: This subduction is anagrammatic. fact15: This Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia. fact16: This subduction is a Camptosorus. fact17: If this Dramamine is not non-anagrammatic then this daystar is a kind of a Camptosorus. fact18: That this subduction is a ophthalmoplegia if this daystar is a Camptosorus hold. fact19: The fact that this subduction shares is true. fact20: If this daystar is anagrammatic then this Dramamine is a ophthalmoplegia. ; $hypothesis$ = This subduction is not a ophthalmoplegia. ; $proof$ =
fact17 & fact9 -> int1: This daystar is a Camptosorus.; int1 & fact18 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That byrnie does choke Dumuzi.
fact1: A pretend one does choke Dumuzi. fact2: This radiophotograph is not a containerful. fact3: The pravastatin does not choke Dumuzi. fact4: If someone does not fowl or it is pretend or both it chokes Dumuzi. fact5: If this radiophotograph is not a containerful then that byrnie does not fowl and/or the thing is pretend. fact6: If somebody does not choke Dumuzi and/or the man is pretend then the man is a containerful. fact7: If that byrnie is pretend the thing chokes Dumuzi. fact8: If this Pd is not a hygiene the fact that Simon is not a rheumatism and preposes tragicomedy is false. fact9: Somebody that worsens Heteromyidae is a Nox. fact10: This radiophotograph is not a kind of a Crotaphytus if that Simon is not a rheumatism and preposes tragicomedy is incorrect. fact11: This radiophotograph fowls. fact12: The nutmeg is not pretend or the thing lactates or both. fact13: Some person waters extropy if she is inexpressible. fact14: That byrnie is not a kind of a containerful and/or the thing beakeds. fact15: That that byrnie is a containerful and is algebraic is wrong if this radiophotograph is not a Crotaphytus. fact16: If this radiophotograph is not pretend and/or is a containerful he/she does fowl. fact17: That byrnie is a containerful. fact18: If the fact that this radiophotograph does not fowl and/or is a kind of a containerful is right the man chokes Dumuzi. fact19: This radiophotograph is a drudging. fact20: This radiophotograph is not a kind of a containerful and/or it is pretend. fact21: If something is not non-cataleptic then the thing is inexperient. fact22: This wolf is not a containerful. fact23: That byrnie does not faint MapQuest.
fact1: (x): {AB}x -> {B}x fact2: ¬{A}{a} fact3: ¬{B}{am} fact4: (x): (¬{AA}x v {AB}x) -> {B}x fact5: ¬{A}{a} -> (¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) fact6: (x): (¬{B}x v {AB}x) -> {A}x fact7: {AB}{aa} -> {B}{aa} fact8: ¬{G}{c} -> ¬(¬{F}{b} & {E}{b}) fact9: (x): {HR}x -> {JG}x fact10: ¬(¬{F}{b} & {E}{b}) -> ¬{D}{a} fact11: {AA}{a} fact12: (¬{AB}{gt} v {HE}{gt}) fact13: (x): {K}x -> {JK}x fact14: (¬{A}{aa} v {DP}{aa}) fact15: ¬{D}{a} -> ¬({A}{aa} & {C}{aa}) fact16: (¬{AB}{a} v {A}{a}) -> {AA}{a} fact17: {A}{aa} fact18: (¬{AA}{a} v {A}{a}) -> {B}{a} fact19: {O}{a} fact20: (¬{A}{a} v {AB}{a}) fact21: (x): {GU}x -> {JA}x fact22: ¬{A}{fm} fact23: ¬{EG}{aa}
[ "fact4 -> int1: If that byrnie does not fowl and/or the man is pretend then the man chokes Dumuzi.; fact2 & fact5 -> int2: That byrnie does not fowl or the one is pretend or both.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 -> int1: (¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa}; fact2 & fact5 -> int2: (¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}); int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
That byrnie does not choke Dumuzi.
$facts$ = fact1: A pretend one does choke Dumuzi. fact2: This radiophotograph is not a containerful. fact3: The pravastatin does not choke Dumuzi. fact4: If someone does not fowl or it is pretend or both it chokes Dumuzi. fact5: If this radiophotograph is not a containerful then that byrnie does not fowl and/or the thing is pretend. fact6: If somebody does not choke Dumuzi and/or the man is pretend then the man is a containerful. fact7: If that byrnie is pretend the thing chokes Dumuzi. fact8: If this Pd is not a hygiene the fact that Simon is not a rheumatism and preposes tragicomedy is false. fact9: Somebody that worsens Heteromyidae is a Nox. fact10: This radiophotograph is not a kind of a Crotaphytus if that Simon is not a rheumatism and preposes tragicomedy is incorrect. fact11: This radiophotograph fowls. fact12: The nutmeg is not pretend or the thing lactates or both. fact13: Some person waters extropy if she is inexpressible. fact14: That byrnie is not a kind of a containerful and/or the thing beakeds. fact15: That that byrnie is a containerful and is algebraic is wrong if this radiophotograph is not a Crotaphytus. fact16: If this radiophotograph is not pretend and/or is a containerful he/she does fowl. fact17: That byrnie is a containerful. fact18: If the fact that this radiophotograph does not fowl and/or is a kind of a containerful is right the man chokes Dumuzi. fact19: This radiophotograph is a drudging. fact20: This radiophotograph is not a kind of a containerful and/or it is pretend. fact21: If something is not non-cataleptic then the thing is inexperient. fact22: This wolf is not a containerful. fact23: That byrnie does not faint MapQuest. ; $hypothesis$ = That byrnie does choke Dumuzi. ; $proof$ =
fact4 -> int1: If that byrnie does not fowl and/or the man is pretend then the man chokes Dumuzi.; fact2 & fact5 -> int2: That byrnie does not fowl or the one is pretend or both.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Let's assume that that this sketch does not unload and/or is not conjunctival is wrong.
¬(¬{AA}{a} v ¬{AB}{a})
fact1: This sketch is a flail if that the thing does not unload or the thing is not conjunctival or both is not true. fact2: The chalybite is conjunctival. fact3: A ataxy is non-blastospheric person that is not a flail. fact4: There is someone such that the one does not pat. fact5: This sketch is not a trespassing. fact6: This sketch is conjunctival. fact7: The precinct is a flail and is blastospheric if the fact that this sketch is not a ataxy is correct. fact8: This sketch is not a kind of a flail but it is blastospheric. fact9: Someone that hastens is not a Salvadoraceae and does not indemnify. fact10: This sketch does not compress GMT or is blastospheric or both. fact11: Somebody that does not hasten indemnifies and is a Salvadoraceae. fact12: An audible thing hurtles firmness and is a kind of a ataxy. fact13: Something does not hurtle firmness and the thing is not a ataxy if the one is unhearable. fact14: If that this gladdon hastens and is a Adriatic is wrong this salpinx does not hastens. fact15: If this salpinx is a Adriatic and does not pat this sketch hastens. fact16: This sketch does not unload and/or the one is not non-conjunctival. fact17: The fact that something does not unload or the thing is not conjunctival or both does not hold if this is not blastospheric. fact18: If someone is not a kind of a Tawney the fact that he/she is a Adriatic and he/she does not pat hold. fact19: If the fact that this salpinx indemnifies hold then this sketch is unhearable. fact20: If someone that is not a Salvadoraceae does not indemnify then that is not unhearable. fact21: If the fact that some man is a kind of a quincentenary and/or the one does war obstipation does not hold then the man is not a Tawney. fact22: If the fact that this sketch does not unload or the thing is conjunctival or both is incorrect then this sketch is a flail.
fact1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} v ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{a} fact2: {AB}{hu} fact3: (x): {C}x -> (¬{A}x & ¬{B}x) fact4: (Ex): ¬{I}x fact5: ¬{FP}{a} fact6: {AB}{a} fact7: ¬{C}{a} -> ({B}{ah} & {A}{ah}) fact8: (¬{B}{a} & {A}{a}) fact9: (x): {H}x -> (¬{G}x & ¬{F}x) fact10: (¬{CU}{a} v {A}{a}) fact11: (x): ¬{H}x -> ({F}x & {G}x) fact12: (x): ¬{E}x -> ({D}x & {C}x) fact13: (x): {E}x -> (¬{D}x & ¬{C}x) fact14: ¬({H}{c} & {J}{c}) -> ¬{H}{b} fact15: ({J}{b} & ¬{I}{b}) -> {H}{a} fact16: (¬{AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) fact17: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x v ¬{AB}x) fact18: (x): ¬{K}x -> ({J}x & ¬{I}x) fact19: {F}{b} -> {E}{a} fact20: (x): (¬{G}x & ¬{F}x) -> ¬{E}x fact21: (x): ¬({M}x v {L}x) -> ¬{K}x fact22: ¬(¬{AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) -> {B}{a}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that that this sketch does not unload and/or is not conjunctival is wrong.; fact1 & assump1 -> int1: This sketch is a flail.; fact8 -> int2: This sketch is not a flail.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} v ¬{AB}{a}); fact1 & assump1 -> int1: {B}{a}; fact8 -> int2: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
The precinct is blastospheric.
[ "fact24 -> int4: If this sketch is not audible then this sketch does not hurtle firmness and the one is not a kind of a ataxy.; fact26 -> int5: This salpinx indemnifies and the one is a Salvadoraceae if this salpinx does not hasten.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This sketch is a flail if that the thing does not unload or the thing is not conjunctival or both is not true. fact2: The chalybite is conjunctival. fact3: A ataxy is non-blastospheric person that is not a flail. fact4: There is someone such that the one does not pat. fact5: This sketch is not a trespassing. fact6: This sketch is conjunctival. fact7: The precinct is a flail and is blastospheric if the fact that this sketch is not a ataxy is correct. fact8: This sketch is not a kind of a flail but it is blastospheric. fact9: Someone that hastens is not a Salvadoraceae and does not indemnify. fact10: This sketch does not compress GMT or is blastospheric or both. fact11: Somebody that does not hasten indemnifies and is a Salvadoraceae. fact12: An audible thing hurtles firmness and is a kind of a ataxy. fact13: Something does not hurtle firmness and the thing is not a ataxy if the one is unhearable. fact14: If that this gladdon hastens and is a Adriatic is wrong this salpinx does not hastens. fact15: If this salpinx is a Adriatic and does not pat this sketch hastens. fact16: This sketch does not unload and/or the one is not non-conjunctival. fact17: The fact that something does not unload or the thing is not conjunctival or both does not hold if this is not blastospheric. fact18: If someone is not a kind of a Tawney the fact that he/she is a Adriatic and he/she does not pat hold. fact19: If the fact that this salpinx indemnifies hold then this sketch is unhearable. fact20: If someone that is not a Salvadoraceae does not indemnify then that is not unhearable. fact21: If the fact that some man is a kind of a quincentenary and/or the one does war obstipation does not hold then the man is not a Tawney. fact22: If the fact that this sketch does not unload or the thing is conjunctival or both is incorrect then this sketch is a flail. ; $hypothesis$ = Let's assume that that this sketch does not unload and/or is not conjunctival is wrong. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that that this sketch does not unload and/or is not conjunctival is wrong.; fact1 & assump1 -> int1: This sketch is a flail.; fact8 -> int2: This sketch is not a flail.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This handset is not a whistling.
fact1: That besieger is not a Sciuridae if this filigree is a tutorial and the thing resounds Lapland. fact2: This filigree is a tutorial that is a discontent. fact3: That besieger is not zodiacal if this filigree is colors. fact4: Someone is both a whistling and zodiacal if the one is not a Phallaceae. fact5: If this handset is a whistling then that besieger is zodiacal. fact6: If that besieger is not a Phallaceae then that besieger is zodiacal and the thing is a whistling. fact7: The fact that somebody is not indexless but the one ditches Ghana does not hold if that it is a whistling hold. fact8: The wiretapper is colors. fact9: This filigree resounds Lapland and this is resolute if that this filigree is not a urethritis hold. fact10: That besieger is a Harefoot and does not HUM Congreve if the one is not a Sciuridae. fact11: The fact that that besieger is non-zodiacal but that one is colors is wrong. fact12: If that the fact that this filigree is non-colors but the one is zodiacal is incorrect is correct that besieger is not zodiacal. fact13: If that besieger is undedicated that this handset is not a Phallaceae and not colors is correct. fact14: If that besieger is a Harefoot but it does not HUM Congreve that besieger is undedicated. fact15: Someone is not a kind of a Phallaceae if the fact that the one is both not colors and not undedicated does not hold. fact16: The fact that this filigree is not colors but the one is zodiacal is not right. fact17: That this filigree is not non-colors and the one is not non-zodiacal is incorrect.
fact1: ({I}{c} & {J}{c}) -> ¬{H}{b} fact2: ({I}{c} & {K}{c}) fact3: {D}{c} -> ¬{B}{b} fact4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({A}x & {B}x) fact5: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact6: ¬{C}{b} -> ({B}{b} & {A}{b}) fact7: (x): {A}x -> ¬(¬{HP}x & {HQ}x) fact8: {D}{dr} fact9: ¬{M}{c} -> ({J}{c} & {L}{c}) fact10: ¬{H}{b} -> ({G}{b} & ¬{F}{b}) fact11: ¬(¬{B}{b} & {D}{b}) fact12: ¬(¬{D}{c} & {B}{c}) -> ¬{B}{b} fact13: {E}{b} -> (¬{C}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) fact14: ({G}{b} & ¬{F}{b}) -> {E}{b} fact15: (x): ¬(¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) -> ¬{C}x fact16: ¬(¬{D}{c} & {B}{c}) fact17: ¬({D}{c} & {B}{c})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that this handset is a whistling.; fact5 & assump1 -> int1: That besieger is zodiacal.; fact12 & fact16 -> int2: That besieger is not zodiacal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: {A}{a}; fact5 & assump1 -> int1: {B}{b}; fact12 & fact16 -> int2: ¬{B}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
Let's assume that this handset is a whistling.
[ "fact20 -> int4: This handset is a whistling and the thing is zodiacal if the fact that this handset is not a Phallaceae is true.; fact18 -> int5: This filigree is a kind of a tutorial.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That besieger is not a Sciuridae if this filigree is a tutorial and the thing resounds Lapland. fact2: This filigree is a tutorial that is a discontent. fact3: That besieger is not zodiacal if this filigree is colors. fact4: Someone is both a whistling and zodiacal if the one is not a Phallaceae. fact5: If this handset is a whistling then that besieger is zodiacal. fact6: If that besieger is not a Phallaceae then that besieger is zodiacal and the thing is a whistling. fact7: The fact that somebody is not indexless but the one ditches Ghana does not hold if that it is a whistling hold. fact8: The wiretapper is colors. fact9: This filigree resounds Lapland and this is resolute if that this filigree is not a urethritis hold. fact10: That besieger is a Harefoot and does not HUM Congreve if the one is not a Sciuridae. fact11: The fact that that besieger is non-zodiacal but that one is colors is wrong. fact12: If that the fact that this filigree is non-colors but the one is zodiacal is incorrect is correct that besieger is not zodiacal. fact13: If that besieger is undedicated that this handset is not a Phallaceae and not colors is correct. fact14: If that besieger is a Harefoot but it does not HUM Congreve that besieger is undedicated. fact15: Someone is not a kind of a Phallaceae if the fact that the one is both not colors and not undedicated does not hold. fact16: The fact that this filigree is not colors but the one is zodiacal is not right. fact17: That this filigree is not non-colors and the one is not non-zodiacal is incorrect. ; $hypothesis$ = This handset is not a whistling. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that this handset is a whistling.; fact5 & assump1 -> int1: That besieger is zodiacal.; fact12 & fact16 -> int2: That besieger is not zodiacal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Andalusianness occurs.
fact1: Andalusianness does not happens if notunderpayment but numbers occurs. fact2: That provoking Tellima does not happens brings about that notunderpayment but numbers happens. fact3: The fact that provoking Tellima does not occurs is right if resetting Eastertide does not occurs. fact4: If the fact that sufficientness and resetting Eastertide happens is incorrect provoking Tellima does not happens. fact5: The fact that both sufficientness and resetting Eastertide occurs does not hold.
fact1: (¬{A} & {C}) -> ¬{D} fact2: ¬{B} -> (¬{A} & {C}) fact3: ¬{AB} -> ¬{B} fact4: ¬({AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} fact5: ¬({AA} & {AB})
[ "fact4 & fact5 -> int1: The fact that provoking Tellima does not happens is true.; int1 & fact2 -> int2: Underpayment does not happens but numbers happens.; int2 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 & fact5 -> int1: ¬{B}; int1 & fact2 -> int2: (¬{A} & {C}); int2 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Andalusianness does not happens if notunderpayment but numbers occurs. fact2: That provoking Tellima does not happens brings about that notunderpayment but numbers happens. fact3: The fact that provoking Tellima does not occurs is right if resetting Eastertide does not occurs. fact4: If the fact that sufficientness and resetting Eastertide happens is incorrect provoking Tellima does not happens. fact5: The fact that both sufficientness and resetting Eastertide occurs does not hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Andalusianness occurs. ; $proof$ =
fact4 & fact5 -> int1: The fact that provoking Tellima does not happens is true.; int1 & fact2 -> int2: Underpayment does not happens but numbers happens.; int2 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
The fact that there is somebody such that if the one does not convict Trilisa and the thing does log it is not unmown does not hold.
¬((Ex): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{B}x)
fact1: If a predictable one is illegal then it is welcome. fact2: There is someone such that if she/he is a kind of non-indexical one that is a kind of a centner the one is not a ETF. fact3: There exists somebody such that if it is a Mollienesia and it does snow Eastertide then the thing is not woody. fact4: There exists someone such that if the thing convicts Trilisa and logs then the fact that it is mown is true. fact5: Somebody is not garlicky if the person does not rejuvenate sedulity and the person does signalise irresistibility. fact6: If Anna is not a Natal and is an intangible Anna is not Cenozoic. fact7: That WWW convicts Trilisa if that WWW does not capitalize and is a kind of a Afrikaans. fact8: That WWW is not a millilitre if that WWW lades and does jest piaster. fact9: That WWW does not welt Korda if the one does unzip diverticulum and it is a Garonne. fact10: If that WWW does not convict Trilisa but the thing logs the one is unmown. fact11: If this aquanaut is not admissible but she/he is mucoidal the one is not a kind of a wooded. fact12: If that carina is not unmown but it is unpredictable that carina does not give. fact13: There is someone such that if the one does not convict Trilisa and logs then the one is unmown. fact14: That WWW is not unmown if that WWW convicts Trilisa and the thing does log. fact15: There is somebody such that if that the one is not a Wilder but monoecious hold the fact that the person is not unvigilant is not wrong. fact16: If something that is not a kind of a chained is a Spirillaceae it is not a soapiness. fact17: The manta is not a kind of a uraemia if the one does not lade and the thing does drive.
fact1: (x): (¬{JI}x & {DB}x) -> ¬{CE}x fact2: (Ex): (¬{BI}x & {R}x) -> ¬{EG}x fact3: (Ex): ({DP}x & {JF}x) -> ¬{FK}x fact4: (Ex): ({AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{B}x fact5: (x): (¬{IL}x & {BM}x) -> ¬{JC}x fact6: (¬{GG}{ba} & {EF}{ba}) -> ¬{AC}{ba} fact7: (¬{DK}{aa} & {DI}{aa}) -> {AA}{aa} fact8: ({ED}{aa} & {FJ}{aa}) -> ¬{AO}{aa} fact9: ({GQ}{aa} & {HC}{aa}) -> ¬{DJ}{aa} fact10: (¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa} fact11: (¬{CJ}{fa} & {GI}{fa}) -> ¬{CC}{fa} fact12: (¬{B}{co} & {JI}{co}) -> ¬{EA}{co} fact13: (Ex): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) -> {B}x fact14: ({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) -> ¬{B}{aa} fact15: (Ex): (¬{AE}x & {BL}x) -> ¬{CH}x fact16: (x): (¬{CF}x & {FG}x) -> ¬{H}x fact17: (¬{ED}{al} & {EJ}{al}) -> ¬{DE}{al}
That there exists somebody such that if the thing is not unpredictable and it is illegal then the one is not unwelcome is correct.
(Ex): (¬{JI}x & {DB}x) -> ¬{CE}x
[ "fact18 -> int1: If this ribwort is both not unpredictable and illegal then it is welcome.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If a predictable one is illegal then it is welcome. fact2: There is someone such that if she/he is a kind of non-indexical one that is a kind of a centner the one is not a ETF. fact3: There exists somebody such that if it is a Mollienesia and it does snow Eastertide then the thing is not woody. fact4: There exists someone such that if the thing convicts Trilisa and logs then the fact that it is mown is true. fact5: Somebody is not garlicky if the person does not rejuvenate sedulity and the person does signalise irresistibility. fact6: If Anna is not a Natal and is an intangible Anna is not Cenozoic. fact7: That WWW convicts Trilisa if that WWW does not capitalize and is a kind of a Afrikaans. fact8: That WWW is not a millilitre if that WWW lades and does jest piaster. fact9: That WWW does not welt Korda if the one does unzip diverticulum and it is a Garonne. fact10: If that WWW does not convict Trilisa but the thing logs the one is unmown. fact11: If this aquanaut is not admissible but she/he is mucoidal the one is not a kind of a wooded. fact12: If that carina is not unmown but it is unpredictable that carina does not give. fact13: There is someone such that if the one does not convict Trilisa and logs then the one is unmown. fact14: That WWW is not unmown if that WWW convicts Trilisa and the thing does log. fact15: There is somebody such that if that the one is not a Wilder but monoecious hold the fact that the person is not unvigilant is not wrong. fact16: If something that is not a kind of a chained is a Spirillaceae it is not a soapiness. fact17: The manta is not a kind of a uraemia if the one does not lade and the thing does drive. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that there is somebody such that if the one does not convict Trilisa and the thing does log it is not unmown does not hold. ; $proof$ =
That megalopolis is not uninviting.
fact1: If that lazar is a Guinean that kinkajou is morphological. fact2: If that that that lazar unloads Epstein and is not a Guinean hold is incorrect that kinkajou is morphological. fact3: The bloater is a stick. fact4: That that lazar unloads Epstein but it is not a Guinean does not hold if this chatterbox is a stick. fact5: That lazar is morphological if that kinkajou unloads Epstein. fact6: That that lazar does unload Epstein and the one is a Guinean does not hold. fact7: If this chatterbox is a stick then that that lazar unloads Epstein and is a Guinean does not hold. fact8: That megalopolis is uninviting if that kinkajou is morphological. fact9: This chatterbox is a stick. fact10: The fact that that megalopolis is a kind of a stick but the one is not uninviting is false.
fact1: {AB}{b} -> {B}{c} fact2: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) -> {B}{c} fact3: {A}{ee} fact4: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact5: {AA}{c} -> {B}{b} fact6: ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) fact7: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) fact8: {B}{c} -> {C}{d} fact9: {A}{a} fact10: ¬({A}{d} & ¬{C}{d})
[ "fact4 & fact9 -> int1: The fact that that lazar does unload Epstein but this one is not a Guinean is false.; int1 & fact2 -> int2: That kinkajou is morphological.; int2 & fact8 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 & fact9 -> int1: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); int1 & fact2 -> int2: {B}{c}; int2 & fact8 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If that lazar is a Guinean that kinkajou is morphological. fact2: If that that that lazar unloads Epstein and is not a Guinean hold is incorrect that kinkajou is morphological. fact3: The bloater is a stick. fact4: That that lazar unloads Epstein but it is not a Guinean does not hold if this chatterbox is a stick. fact5: That lazar is morphological if that kinkajou unloads Epstein. fact6: That that lazar does unload Epstein and the one is a Guinean does not hold. fact7: If this chatterbox is a stick then that that lazar unloads Epstein and is a Guinean does not hold. fact8: That megalopolis is uninviting if that kinkajou is morphological. fact9: This chatterbox is a stick. fact10: The fact that that megalopolis is a kind of a stick but the one is not uninviting is false. ; $hypothesis$ = That megalopolis is not uninviting. ; $proof$ =
fact4 & fact9 -> int1: The fact that that lazar does unload Epstein but this one is not a Guinean is false.; int1 & fact2 -> int2: That kinkajou is morphological.; int2 & fact8 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That photomicrograph is not quadrisonic but this thing is marmoreal.
(¬{C}{b} & {D}{b})
fact1: If that photomicrograph is a Prosimii and this is a guideword then the fact that the thing is not marmoreal is correct. fact2: That photomicrograph is a kind of non-marmoreal one that is quadrisonic if this geologist is not marmoreal. fact3: This geologist is a Prosimii. fact4: That photomicrograph is non-quadrisonic if this geologist is not non-quadrisonic. fact5: This watercraft is not supernaturalistic if the radial is supernaturalistic. fact6: If somebody does not dismount freehold and the person is not a Jeffersonian the one is not a guideword. fact7: Something does not dismount freehold and the thing is not a Jeffersonian if the one is non-supernaturalistic. fact8: That dainty is not a kind of a guideword. fact9: That photomicrograph is not a Prosimii if the thing is quadrisonic and is a guideword. fact10: The refrigerator is quadrisonic and is a Apios. fact11: This geologist is a guideword. fact12: That photomicrograph is not quadrisonic. fact13: The fact that this geologist is a Pteridophyta and the person is a kind of a Prosimii is wrong if this watercraft is not a guideword. fact14: If this geologist is not quadrisonic then that photomicrograph is quadrisonic but he/she is marmoreal. fact15: If something that is a Prosimii is a guideword the one is not quadrisonic. fact16: That photomicrograph is a kind of aquatic one that is a guideword. fact17: The radial is supernaturalistic.
fact1: ({A}{b} & {B}{b}) -> ¬{D}{b} fact2: ¬{D}{a} -> (¬{D}{b} & {C}{b}) fact3: {A}{a} fact4: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬{C}{b} fact5: {H}{d} -> ¬{H}{c} fact6: (x): (¬{F}x & ¬{G}x) -> ¬{B}x fact7: (x): ¬{H}x -> (¬{F}x & ¬{G}x) fact8: ¬{B}{de} fact9: ({C}{b} & {B}{b}) -> ¬{A}{b} fact10: ({C}{ae} & {ET}{ae}) fact11: {B}{a} fact12: ¬{C}{b} fact13: ¬{B}{c} -> ¬({E}{a} & {A}{a}) fact14: ¬{C}{a} -> (¬{C}{b} & {D}{b}) fact15: (x): ({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}x fact16: ({DO}{b} & {B}{b}) fact17: {H}{d}
[ "fact3 & fact11 -> int1: This geologist is a kind of a Prosimii and is a guideword.; fact15 -> int2: This geologist is not quadrisonic if this geologist is a kind of a Prosimii and the thing is a kind of a guideword.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This geologist is not quadrisonic.; int3 & fact14 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact3 & fact11 -> int1: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}); fact15 -> int2: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{C}{a}; int3 & fact14 -> hypothesis;" ]
That that photomicrograph is non-quadrisonic but not non-marmoreal is wrong.
¬(¬{C}{b} & {D}{b})
[ "fact19 -> int4: If this watercraft does not dismount freehold and is not a kind of a Jeffersonian then this watercraft is not a guideword.; fact18 -> int5: If this watercraft is not supernaturalistic then this watercraft does not dismount freehold and is not a Jeffersonian.; fact20 & fact21 -> int6: This watercraft is not supernaturalistic.; int5 & int6 -> int7: This watercraft does not dismount freehold and she is not a Jeffersonian.; int4 & int7 -> int8: This watercraft is not a guideword.; fact22 & int8 -> int9: That this geologist is a Pteridophyta that is a Prosimii is incorrect.; int9 -> int10: There exists someone such that that the fact that the one is a Pteridophyta and is a Prosimii hold is not right.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If that photomicrograph is a Prosimii and this is a guideword then the fact that the thing is not marmoreal is correct. fact2: That photomicrograph is a kind of non-marmoreal one that is quadrisonic if this geologist is not marmoreal. fact3: This geologist is a Prosimii. fact4: That photomicrograph is non-quadrisonic if this geologist is not non-quadrisonic. fact5: This watercraft is not supernaturalistic if the radial is supernaturalistic. fact6: If somebody does not dismount freehold and the person is not a Jeffersonian the one is not a guideword. fact7: Something does not dismount freehold and the thing is not a Jeffersonian if the one is non-supernaturalistic. fact8: That dainty is not a kind of a guideword. fact9: That photomicrograph is not a Prosimii if the thing is quadrisonic and is a guideword. fact10: The refrigerator is quadrisonic and is a Apios. fact11: This geologist is a guideword. fact12: That photomicrograph is not quadrisonic. fact13: The fact that this geologist is a Pteridophyta and the person is a kind of a Prosimii is wrong if this watercraft is not a guideword. fact14: If this geologist is not quadrisonic then that photomicrograph is quadrisonic but he/she is marmoreal. fact15: If something that is a Prosimii is a guideword the one is not quadrisonic. fact16: That photomicrograph is a kind of aquatic one that is a guideword. fact17: The radial is supernaturalistic. ; $hypothesis$ = That photomicrograph is not quadrisonic but this thing is marmoreal. ; $proof$ =
fact3 & fact11 -> int1: This geologist is a kind of a Prosimii and is a guideword.; fact15 -> int2: This geologist is not quadrisonic if this geologist is a kind of a Prosimii and the thing is a kind of a guideword.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This geologist is not quadrisonic.; int3 & fact14 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
This arch sparks Melia.
fact1: This arch does not spark Melia if this interchange is a kind of a Innsbruck that does not symmetrize Dicranaceae. fact2: That this arch does not symmetrize Dicranaceae and/or the one is a soldiership is wrong if that borsh is a Innsbruck. fact3: That that borsh is a kind of non-alchemic person that does not esteem rictus does not hold. fact4: If the fact that something does not symmetrize Dicranaceae and/or is a soldiership is not right the thing does spark Melia. fact5: If that somebody is a kind of a surrebuttal and sparks Melia does not hold the one is not a kind of a Innsbruck. fact6: If that that borsh is not alchemic and the thing does not esteem rictus is false this interchange is a soldiership. fact7: Somebody dawns Agee if that it does not dawns Agee and it is a kind of a Mandaean is not right. fact8: If someone is a soldiership the thing is a Innsbruck and it does not symmetrize Dicranaceae. fact9: Everyone does not dawn Agee. fact10: That borsh is not a surrebuttal and is a Innsbruck if this interchange dawns Agee.
fact1: ({C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}) -> ¬{D}{c} fact2: {C}{a} -> ¬(¬{A}{c} v {B}{c}) fact3: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact4: (x): ¬(¬{A}x v {B}x) -> {D}x fact5: (x): ¬({E}x & {D}x) -> ¬{C}x fact6: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} fact7: (x): ¬(¬{F}x & {G}x) -> {F}x fact8: (x): {B}x -> ({C}x & ¬{A}x) fact9: (x): ¬{F}x fact10: {F}{b} -> (¬{E}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "fact6 & fact3 -> int1: This interchange is a soldiership.; fact8 -> int2: This interchange is a Innsbruck and does not symmetrize Dicranaceae if the man is a soldiership.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This interchange is a kind of a Innsbruck and does not symmetrize Dicranaceae.; int3 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact6 & fact3 -> int1: {B}{b}; fact8 -> int2: {B}{b} -> ({C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}); int1 & int2 -> int3: ({C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}); int3 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that that brooding is a soldiership is right.
[ "fact12 -> int4: That brooding is not a kind of a Innsbruck if the fact that the thing is a surrebuttal and the thing sparks Melia is wrong.; fact11 -> int5: That borsh does not dawn Agee.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This arch does not spark Melia if this interchange is a kind of a Innsbruck that does not symmetrize Dicranaceae. fact2: That this arch does not symmetrize Dicranaceae and/or the one is a soldiership is wrong if that borsh is a Innsbruck. fact3: That that borsh is a kind of non-alchemic person that does not esteem rictus does not hold. fact4: If the fact that something does not symmetrize Dicranaceae and/or is a soldiership is not right the thing does spark Melia. fact5: If that somebody is a kind of a surrebuttal and sparks Melia does not hold the one is not a kind of a Innsbruck. fact6: If that that borsh is not alchemic and the thing does not esteem rictus is false this interchange is a soldiership. fact7: Somebody dawns Agee if that it does not dawns Agee and it is a kind of a Mandaean is not right. fact8: If someone is a soldiership the thing is a Innsbruck and it does not symmetrize Dicranaceae. fact9: Everyone does not dawn Agee. fact10: That borsh is not a surrebuttal and is a Innsbruck if this interchange dawns Agee. ; $hypothesis$ = This arch sparks Melia. ; $proof$ =
fact6 & fact3 -> int1: This interchange is a soldiership.; fact8 -> int2: This interchange is a Innsbruck and does not symmetrize Dicranaceae if the man is a soldiership.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This interchange is a kind of a Innsbruck and does not symmetrize Dicranaceae.; int3 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Culminating does not happens and villainy does not happens.
(¬{A} & ¬{B})
fact1: Culminating does not occurs.
fact1: ¬{A}
$facts$ = fact1: Culminating does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Culminating does not happens and villainy does not happens. ; $proof$ =
This lawgiver is non-syndetic.
fact1: The cardholder is syndetic. fact2: That this lawgiver is dermic is correct. fact3: The bloodstone is syndetic. fact4: This lawgiver is a kind of a DDS.
fact1: {A}{ba} fact2: {FN}{a} fact3: {A}{dm} fact4: {IO}{a}
$facts$ = fact1: The cardholder is syndetic. fact2: That this lawgiver is dermic is correct. fact3: The bloodstone is syndetic. fact4: This lawgiver is a kind of a DDS. ; $hypothesis$ = This lawgiver is non-syndetic. ; $proof$ =
This zoo is not a ternion.
fact1: If that Paiute is atomistic the fact that this zoo is not atomistic but it is not non-aeromedical does not hold. fact2: That airstrip does not debauch if that airstrip leavens and the thing confounds romance. fact3: That this opener is a lowercase is true. fact4: If that that interchange is aeromedical and/or is not a lowercase is right then that Paiute is not a lowercase. fact5: That airstrip is not a sneezing if there exists something such that the fact that that thing is not intravenous but a sneezing is false. fact6: If the fact that someone is both not atomistic and aeromedical is not true then the thing is a kind of a ternion. fact7: If some person is not a Sully the fact that it does not razor Balthazar and does institutionalise does not hold. fact8: If somebody is not a kind of a lowercase then the one is a ternion. fact9: There exists somebody such that the fact that the thing is a kind of non-intravenous a sneezing does not hold. fact10: If a non-onshore one is not a Bligh then the thing is not a lowercase. fact11: Everyone is not a kind of a Sully. fact12: If there exists somebody such that the one does not debauch that interchange is both not a Bligh and a Bronte. fact13: That airstrip leavens and the man confounds romance if that person is not a sneezing. fact14: Somebody is not onshore if the fact that the man does not razor Balthazar and the man institutionalises is false. fact15: If that Paiute is not a lowercase the fact that this opener is atomistic but the one is not a ternion is wrong. fact16: That Paiute is atomistic if this opener is a lowercase.
fact1: {B}{b} -> ¬(¬{B}{c} & {D}{c}) fact2: ({L}{f} & {K}{f}) -> ¬{J}{f} fact3: {A}{a} fact4: ({D}{d} v ¬{A}{d}) -> ¬{A}{b} fact5: (x): ¬(¬{N}x & {M}x) -> ¬{M}{f} fact6: (x): ¬(¬{B}x & {D}x) -> {C}x fact7: (x): ¬{O}x -> ¬(¬{H}x & {G}x) fact8: (x): ¬{A}x -> {C}x fact9: (Ex): ¬(¬{N}x & {M}x) fact10: (x): (¬{F}x & ¬{E}x) -> ¬{A}x fact11: (x): ¬{O}x fact12: (x): ¬{J}x -> (¬{E}{d} & {I}{d}) fact13: ¬{M}{f} -> ({L}{f} & {K}{f}) fact14: (x): ¬(¬{H}x & {G}x) -> ¬{F}x fact15: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) fact16: {A}{a} -> {B}{b}
[ "fact16 & fact3 -> int1: That Paiute is atomistic.; int1 & fact1 -> int2: The fact that this zoo is not atomistic but this person is aeromedical does not hold.; fact6 -> int3: If that this zoo is a kind of non-atomistic one that is aeromedical does not hold this zoo is a ternion.; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact16 & fact3 -> int1: {B}{b}; int1 & fact1 -> int2: ¬(¬{B}{c} & {D}{c}); fact6 -> int3: ¬(¬{B}{c} & {D}{c}) -> {C}{c}; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
This zoo is not a ternion.
[ "fact24 -> int4: If that interchange is not onshore and is not a Bligh then the one is not a lowercase.; fact27 -> int5: If the fact that that interchange does not razor Balthazar but the one does institutionalise does not hold the thing is not onshore.; fact26 -> int6: That the fact that this rain does not razor Balthazar and institutionalises is not true is right if this rain is not a Sully.; fact23 -> int7: This rain is not a Sully.; int6 & int7 -> int8: The fact that this rain does not razor Balthazar but the thing institutionalises does not hold.; int8 -> int9: There exists nothing that does not razor Balthazar and institutionalises.; int9 -> int10: The fact that that interchange does not razor Balthazar but it institutionalises is false.; int5 & int10 -> int11: That interchange is not onshore.; fact22 & fact20 -> int12: That airstrip is not a kind of a sneezing.; fact17 & int12 -> int13: That airstrip leavens and confounds romance.; fact21 & int13 -> int14: That airstrip does not debauch.; int14 -> int15: There is something such that this does not debauch.; fact18 & int15 -> int16: That interchange is not a Bligh but the one is a Bronte.; int16 -> int17: That interchange is not a Bligh.; int11 & int17 -> int18: That interchange is a kind of non-onshore thing that is not a Bligh.; int4 & int18 -> int19: That interchange is not a lowercase.; int19 -> int20: That interchange is aeromedical or the thing is not a lowercase or both.; fact25 & int20 -> int21: That Paiute is not a lowercase.; fact19 & int21 -> int22: The fact that this opener is atomistic and not a ternion does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If that Paiute is atomistic the fact that this zoo is not atomistic but it is not non-aeromedical does not hold. fact2: That airstrip does not debauch if that airstrip leavens and the thing confounds romance. fact3: That this opener is a lowercase is true. fact4: If that that interchange is aeromedical and/or is not a lowercase is right then that Paiute is not a lowercase. fact5: That airstrip is not a sneezing if there exists something such that the fact that that thing is not intravenous but a sneezing is false. fact6: If the fact that someone is both not atomistic and aeromedical is not true then the thing is a kind of a ternion. fact7: If some person is not a Sully the fact that it does not razor Balthazar and does institutionalise does not hold. fact8: If somebody is not a kind of a lowercase then the one is a ternion. fact9: There exists somebody such that the fact that the thing is a kind of non-intravenous a sneezing does not hold. fact10: If a non-onshore one is not a Bligh then the thing is not a lowercase. fact11: Everyone is not a kind of a Sully. fact12: If there exists somebody such that the one does not debauch that interchange is both not a Bligh and a Bronte. fact13: That airstrip leavens and the man confounds romance if that person is not a sneezing. fact14: Somebody is not onshore if the fact that the man does not razor Balthazar and the man institutionalises is false. fact15: If that Paiute is not a lowercase the fact that this opener is atomistic but the one is not a ternion is wrong. fact16: That Paiute is atomistic if this opener is a lowercase. ; $hypothesis$ = This zoo is not a ternion. ; $proof$ =
fact16 & fact3 -> int1: That Paiute is atomistic.; int1 & fact1 -> int2: The fact that this zoo is not atomistic but this person is aeromedical does not hold.; fact6 -> int3: If that this zoo is a kind of non-atomistic one that is aeromedical does not hold this zoo is a ternion.; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That if that fretsaw is not shaven then that fretsaw either is not a kind of a coinsurance or does foal Phalacrocoracidae or both does not hold.
¬({A}{aa} -> (¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}))
fact1: Something is not false or the thing coppers pourboire or both if the thing enjoys. fact2: A Dactyloscopidae is not mesodermal and/or is a kind of a Euler. fact3: Something that is cybernetic either does not dull countersign or is a operand or both. fact4: Either the alyssum is not a thermochemistry or it is unshaved or both if the one is incommodious. fact5: A epigraph is either not physiotherapeutic or an el or both. fact6: A unshaved one either is a kind of a coinsurance or foals Phalacrocoracidae or both. fact7: If someone is unshaved then the one is not a coinsurance and/or the one foals Phalacrocoracidae. fact8: Something does not unite Dortmund or that is unwaxed or both if that is apologetic. fact9: If that fretsaw is not non-interdepartmental then either that fretsaw is not a Kongo or the thing is a coinsurance or both. fact10: That fretsaw is shaven and/or uniovulate if that fretsaw is a kind of a Megatheriidae. fact11: Something that is bibliomaniacal is not a modesty or weightless or both. fact12: If some person perches Echeneididae either the person is not an intangible or the person does concretise seismology or both. fact13: That fretsaw is not an intangible or a coinsurance or both if that fretsaw is uninvolved. fact14: If something is a kind of a epigraph then the one is non-false or a Zairean or both. fact15: If somebody is unshaded then the thing is not disagreeable or the one does concretise seismology or both. fact16: If that fretsaw is unshaved then either that fretsaw is a coinsurance or the thing does foal Phalacrocoracidae or both.
fact1: (x): {FN}x -> (¬{ER}x v {G}x) fact2: (x): {HP}x -> (¬{HT}x v {FJ}x) fact3: (x): {GB}x -> (¬{BR}x v {J}x) fact4: {FF}{ip} -> (¬{IB}{ip} v {A}{ip}) fact5: (x): {IS}x -> (¬{DJ}x v {BK}x) fact6: (x): {A}x -> ({AA}x v {AB}x) fact7: (x): {A}x -> (¬{AA}x v {AB}x) fact8: (x): {GE}x -> (¬{E}x v {BI}x) fact9: {C}{aa} -> (¬{JI}{aa} v {AA}{aa}) fact10: {IM}{aa} -> (¬{A}{aa} v {GI}{aa}) fact11: (x): {U}x -> (¬{GC}x v {D}x) fact12: (x): {ES}x -> (¬{HJ}x v {CF}x) fact13: {AR}{aa} -> (¬{HJ}{aa} v {AA}{aa}) fact14: (x): {IS}x -> (¬{ER}x v {IF}x) fact15: (x): {GO}x -> (¬{DF}x v {CF}x) fact16: {A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa})
[ "fact7 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact7 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Something is not false or the thing coppers pourboire or both if the thing enjoys. fact2: A Dactyloscopidae is not mesodermal and/or is a kind of a Euler. fact3: Something that is cybernetic either does not dull countersign or is a operand or both. fact4: Either the alyssum is not a thermochemistry or it is unshaved or both if the one is incommodious. fact5: A epigraph is either not physiotherapeutic or an el or both. fact6: A unshaved one either is a kind of a coinsurance or foals Phalacrocoracidae or both. fact7: If someone is unshaved then the one is not a coinsurance and/or the one foals Phalacrocoracidae. fact8: Something does not unite Dortmund or that is unwaxed or both if that is apologetic. fact9: If that fretsaw is not non-interdepartmental then either that fretsaw is not a Kongo or the thing is a coinsurance or both. fact10: That fretsaw is shaven and/or uniovulate if that fretsaw is a kind of a Megatheriidae. fact11: Something that is bibliomaniacal is not a modesty or weightless or both. fact12: If some person perches Echeneididae either the person is not an intangible or the person does concretise seismology or both. fact13: That fretsaw is not an intangible or a coinsurance or both if that fretsaw is uninvolved. fact14: If something is a kind of a epigraph then the one is non-false or a Zairean or both. fact15: If somebody is unshaded then the thing is not disagreeable or the one does concretise seismology or both. fact16: If that fretsaw is unshaved then either that fretsaw is a coinsurance or the thing does foal Phalacrocoracidae or both. ; $hypothesis$ = That if that fretsaw is not shaven then that fretsaw either is not a kind of a coinsurance or does foal Phalacrocoracidae or both does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact7 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That platypus projects Asurbanipal.
fact1: If that woodpecker is a Stowe the one is a harrowing. fact2: This Revere does not hasp Snellen. fact3: Something does not exceed Fabaceae. fact4: That woodpecker suckles and is a kind of a recognisance. fact5: If this vet does not project Asurbanipal that platypus does not project Asurbanipal. fact6: This vet is not lowborn if that woodpecker is a Ochotonidae and the one is a harrowing. fact7: This Revere is an altruism or the one is anisometropic or both if the one does not hasp Snellen. fact8: That woodpecker is a Stowe if this Revere is an altruism. fact9: That this vet is not a Amentiferae and arranges Manzoni is wrong if someone does not exceed Fabaceae. fact10: That woodpecker is lowborn if this vet is a Amentiferae. fact11: If somebody does not exceed Fabaceae then the fact that it is a Amentiferae and it projects Asurbanipal is incorrect. fact12: If that this vet is not a Amentiferae and the thing does not arrange Manzoni is incorrect then the fact that that worsted arrange Manzoni is correct. fact13: If that woodpecker is lowborn then that platypus projects Asurbanipal. fact14: Someone that does suckle is a Ochotonidae. fact15: If the fact that some man exceeds Fabaceae and arranges Manzoni is incorrect the man does not exceeds Fabaceae. fact16: If the fact that that some person is a Amentiferae and the one does project Asurbanipal is correct is incorrect then this one does not project Asurbanipal.
fact1: {I}{b} -> {F}{b} fact2: ¬{L}{d} fact3: (Ex): ¬{A}x fact4: ({H}{b} & {M}{b}) fact5: ¬{E}{a} -> ¬{E}{c} fact6: ({G}{b} & {F}{b}) -> ¬{D}{a} fact7: ¬{L}{d} -> ({K}{d} v {J}{d}) fact8: {K}{d} -> {I}{b} fact9: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{B}{a} & {C}{a}) fact10: {B}{a} -> {D}{b} fact11: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}x & {E}x) fact12: ¬(¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> {C}{p} fact13: {D}{b} -> {E}{c} fact14: (x): {H}x -> {G}x fact15: (x): ¬({A}x & {C}x) -> ¬{A}x fact16: (x): ¬({B}x & {E}x) -> ¬{E}x
[ "fact3 & fact9 -> int1: That this vet is not a Amentiferae and arranges Manzoni is false.;" ]
[ "fact3 & fact9 -> int1: ¬(¬{B}{a} & {C}{a});" ]
That platypus does not project Asurbanipal.
[ "fact27 -> int2: This vet does not project Asurbanipal if that this vet is a Amentiferae and the thing does project Asurbanipal is false.; fact26 -> int3: That this vet is a kind of a Amentiferae and projects Asurbanipal does not hold if it does not exceed Fabaceae.; fact17 -> int4: This vet does not exceed Fabaceae if the fact that this vet exceed Fabaceae and the one arranges Manzoni is wrong.; fact18 -> int5: If that woodpecker suckles that woodpecker is a Ochotonidae.; fact23 -> int6: That woodpecker suckles.; int5 & int6 -> int7: That woodpecker is a Ochotonidae.; fact22 & fact24 -> int8: This Revere is an altruism and/or the person is anisometropic.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If that woodpecker is a Stowe the one is a harrowing. fact2: This Revere does not hasp Snellen. fact3: Something does not exceed Fabaceae. fact4: That woodpecker suckles and is a kind of a recognisance. fact5: If this vet does not project Asurbanipal that platypus does not project Asurbanipal. fact6: This vet is not lowborn if that woodpecker is a Ochotonidae and the one is a harrowing. fact7: This Revere is an altruism or the one is anisometropic or both if the one does not hasp Snellen. fact8: That woodpecker is a Stowe if this Revere is an altruism. fact9: That this vet is not a Amentiferae and arranges Manzoni is wrong if someone does not exceed Fabaceae. fact10: That woodpecker is lowborn if this vet is a Amentiferae. fact11: If somebody does not exceed Fabaceae then the fact that it is a Amentiferae and it projects Asurbanipal is incorrect. fact12: If that this vet is not a Amentiferae and the thing does not arrange Manzoni is incorrect then the fact that that worsted arrange Manzoni is correct. fact13: If that woodpecker is lowborn then that platypus projects Asurbanipal. fact14: Someone that does suckle is a Ochotonidae. fact15: If the fact that some man exceeds Fabaceae and arranges Manzoni is incorrect the man does not exceeds Fabaceae. fact16: If the fact that that some person is a Amentiferae and the one does project Asurbanipal is correct is incorrect then this one does not project Asurbanipal. ; $hypothesis$ = That platypus projects Asurbanipal. ; $proof$ =
That there exists somebody such that if the fact that the one pours or the one is not topological or both does not hold it is a kind of a Gosainthan is wrong.
¬((Ex): ¬({AA}x v ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x)
fact1: That there is something such that if that either the one is not non-major or the thing is not a kind of a drip or both does not hold then the thing is phocine is true. fact2: Ethan is a kind of a Gosainthan if Ethan pours and/or is not topological. fact3: There is somebody such that if that the one pours and/or is topological does not hold then it is a Gosainthan. fact4: There is somebody such that if that the one does turn Bach or the one is not a jobbery or both does not hold then it sterilises foetor. fact5: That Ethan is a kind of a Gosainthan is true if the fact that the thing pours and/or is not non-topological is incorrect. fact6: Ethan is a Morse if the fact that either Ethan pours or the thing does not unravel dysgenesis or both does not hold. fact7: If that this flashbulb is overarm and/or is not a Gosainthan does not hold this flashbulb is genotypic. fact8: There exists someone such that if the one pours and/or he/she is not topological he/she is a Gosainthan. fact9: There is somebody such that if the fact that it mothers ADHD and/or is not a shebang is false the thing teams peag. fact10: If the fact that Ethan either is aleuronic or does not shape Entebbe or both does not hold then Ethan nestles chancre. fact11: The rapeseed is topological if the fact that the rapeseed is a hypertensive and/or do notwse Vombatidae does not hold. fact12: There exists someone such that if that the one is a halogen and/or the one is not a kind of a Ptilonorhynchus is wrong then the person is continuous. fact13: Someone is a kind of a jolt if the fact that the one is fossil and/or is not macroeconomic is false. fact14: If that that baton either is a Petrarca or does not sterilise foetor or both is not correct that baton is a Ticino. fact15: There is some person such that if the fact that this one approximates Cordylidae and/or does not deglaze Esperantidoes not hold then the person is transdermic. fact16: There is somebody such that if that the one is a jobbery or is not unweaned or both does not hold then the one is a kind of a langsyne.
fact1: (Ex): ¬({CH}x v ¬{ID}x) -> {BM}x fact2: ({AA}{aa} v ¬{AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa} fact3: (Ex): ¬({AA}x v {AB}x) -> {B}x fact4: (Ex): ¬({G}x v ¬{FK}x) -> {BI}x fact5: ¬({AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa} fact6: ¬({AA}{aa} v ¬{DT}{aa}) -> {CK}{aa} fact7: ¬({IK}{ch} v ¬{B}{ch}) -> {GU}{ch} fact8: (Ex): ({AA}x v ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x fact9: (Ex): ¬({FS}x v ¬{DP}x) -> {FN}x fact10: ¬({GC}{aa} v ¬{F}{aa}) -> {BK}{aa} fact11: ¬({IF}{hu} v ¬{IN}{hu}) -> {AB}{hu} fact12: (Ex): ¬({JJ}x v ¬{EN}x) -> {CA}x fact13: (x): ¬({GN}x v ¬{I}x) -> {IH}x fact14: ¬({GL}{cs} v ¬{BI}{cs}) -> {BB}{cs} fact15: (Ex): ¬({CQ}x v ¬{EJ}x) -> {HU}x fact16: (Ex): ¬({FK}x v ¬{FO}x) -> {AK}x
There exists someone such that if that the fact that that person is fossil or the one is not macroeconomic or both hold is not right the one is a jolt.
(Ex): ¬({GN}x v ¬{I}x) -> {IH}x
[ "fact17 -> int1: The fact that that Sheetrock is a jolt hold if the fact that this person is fossil or is not macroeconomic or both is incorrect.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That there is something such that if that either the one is not non-major or the thing is not a kind of a drip or both does not hold then the thing is phocine is true. fact2: Ethan is a kind of a Gosainthan if Ethan pours and/or is not topological. fact3: There is somebody such that if that the one pours and/or is topological does not hold then it is a Gosainthan. fact4: There is somebody such that if that the one does turn Bach or the one is not a jobbery or both does not hold then it sterilises foetor. fact5: That Ethan is a kind of a Gosainthan is true if the fact that the thing pours and/or is not non-topological is incorrect. fact6: Ethan is a Morse if the fact that either Ethan pours or the thing does not unravel dysgenesis or both does not hold. fact7: If that this flashbulb is overarm and/or is not a Gosainthan does not hold this flashbulb is genotypic. fact8: There exists someone such that if the one pours and/or he/she is not topological he/she is a Gosainthan. fact9: There is somebody such that if the fact that it mothers ADHD and/or is not a shebang is false the thing teams peag. fact10: If the fact that Ethan either is aleuronic or does not shape Entebbe or both does not hold then Ethan nestles chancre. fact11: The rapeseed is topological if the fact that the rapeseed is a hypertensive and/or do notwse Vombatidae does not hold. fact12: There exists someone such that if that the one is a halogen and/or the one is not a kind of a Ptilonorhynchus is wrong then the person is continuous. fact13: Someone is a kind of a jolt if the fact that the one is fossil and/or is not macroeconomic is false. fact14: If that that baton either is a Petrarca or does not sterilise foetor or both is not correct that baton is a Ticino. fact15: There is some person such that if the fact that this one approximates Cordylidae and/or does not deglaze Esperantidoes not hold then the person is transdermic. fact16: There is somebody such that if that the one is a jobbery or is not unweaned or both does not hold then the one is a kind of a langsyne. ; $hypothesis$ = That there exists somebody such that if the fact that the one pours or the one is not topological or both does not hold it is a kind of a Gosainthan is wrong. ; $proof$ =
Both pinochle and filarialness occurs.
({A} & {C})
fact1: That episode does not occurs triggers that nonoperationalness happens and pinochle happens. fact2: Unenforceableness happens and lifting Psilotaceae occurs. fact3: Idling happens. fact4: Equating tagged leads to that idling does not happens and episode does not happens. fact5: Pressurizing Priam occurs and determinateness occurs. fact6: If Gregorianness does not occurs then non-avocationalness and non-anisotropicness occurs. fact7: If avocationalness does not happens then portion and onset occurs. fact8: Gregorianness does not occurs if that aberrating fright happens and deserting Cetoniidae does not occurs is wrong. fact9: That deserting Cetoniidae does not happens prevents that aberrating fright does not happens. fact10: Enforceableness leads to that Guatemalanness does not happens and twisting does not occurs. fact11: Inframaxillariness happens. fact12: That portion does not happens and onset does not happens is not right if avocationalness does not occurs. fact13: If episode does not happens that pinochle happens and filarialness happens does not hold. fact14: If equating tagged does not occurs then idling and/or filarialness occurs. fact15: Both pinochle and episode happens. fact16: The fact that aberrating fright but notdeserting Cetoniidae happens does not hold if Guatemalanness does not occurs. fact17: Equating tagged happens if portion occurs. fact18: Cornhusking and nonconformity occurs. fact19: Episode happens. fact20: Equating tagged does not happens if that portion does not occurs and onset does not occurs does not hold. fact21: Rightfield and holdout happens.
fact1: ¬{B} -> ({GA} & {A}) fact2: ({O} & {HJ}) fact3: {D} fact4: {E} -> (¬{D} & ¬{B}) fact5: ({GG} & {DC}) fact6: ¬{J} -> (¬{H} & ¬{I}) fact7: ¬{H} -> ({F} & {G}) fact8: ¬({K} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{J} fact9: ¬{L} -> {K} fact10: ¬{O} -> (¬{M} & ¬{N}) fact11: {DU} fact12: ¬{H} -> ¬(¬{F} & ¬{G}) fact13: ¬{B} -> ¬({A} & {C}) fact14: ¬{E} -> ({D} v {C}) fact15: ({A} & {B}) fact16: ¬{M} -> ¬({K} & ¬{L}) fact17: {F} -> {E} fact18: ({GU} & {ID}) fact19: {B} fact20: ¬(¬{F} & ¬{G}) -> ¬{E} fact21: ({IU} & {BU})
[ "fact15 -> int1: Pinochle happens.;" ]
[ "fact15 -> int1: {A};" ]
The fact that both pinochle and filarialness occurs does not hold.
¬({A} & {C})
$facts$ = fact1: That episode does not occurs triggers that nonoperationalness happens and pinochle happens. fact2: Unenforceableness happens and lifting Psilotaceae occurs. fact3: Idling happens. fact4: Equating tagged leads to that idling does not happens and episode does not happens. fact5: Pressurizing Priam occurs and determinateness occurs. fact6: If Gregorianness does not occurs then non-avocationalness and non-anisotropicness occurs. fact7: If avocationalness does not happens then portion and onset occurs. fact8: Gregorianness does not occurs if that aberrating fright happens and deserting Cetoniidae does not occurs is wrong. fact9: That deserting Cetoniidae does not happens prevents that aberrating fright does not happens. fact10: Enforceableness leads to that Guatemalanness does not happens and twisting does not occurs. fact11: Inframaxillariness happens. fact12: That portion does not happens and onset does not happens is not right if avocationalness does not occurs. fact13: If episode does not happens that pinochle happens and filarialness happens does not hold. fact14: If equating tagged does not occurs then idling and/or filarialness occurs. fact15: Both pinochle and episode happens. fact16: The fact that aberrating fright but notdeserting Cetoniidae happens does not hold if Guatemalanness does not occurs. fact17: Equating tagged happens if portion occurs. fact18: Cornhusking and nonconformity occurs. fact19: Episode happens. fact20: Equating tagged does not happens if that portion does not occurs and onset does not occurs does not hold. fact21: Rightfield and holdout happens. ; $hypothesis$ = Both pinochle and filarialness occurs. ; $proof$ =
Outdoorness does not happens and expostulation does not occurs.
(¬{C} & ¬{D})
fact1: Seating Liliaceae does not happens and jamming lira does not occurs. fact2: Outdoorness does not occurs and expostulation does not occurs if outdoorness does not occurs. fact3: Unboxing cabal does not occurs if unboxing cabal does not occurs or clutching unfamiliarity does not occurs or both. fact4: Subvention does not happens and bottoming does not occurs if that pretentiousness does not happens hold. fact5: Pretentiousness occurs. fact6: That unboxing cabal and expostulation happens is caused by that covetousness does not occurs. fact7: Extralinguisticness does not occurs and precentorship does not occurs if extralinguisticness does not occurs. fact8: Covetousness is prevented by that both non-dissimilarness and clutching unfamiliarity happens. fact9: That both pretentiousness and anencephalousness occurs causes non-outdoorness. fact10: Reenactment happens. fact11: Anencephalousness happens. fact12: Stooping sinusitis does not occurs if nonattendance occurs and metaphysicalness occurs. fact13: That both anencephalousness and pretentiousness happens is incorrect if unboxing cabal does not occurs. fact14: If expostulation happens then outdoorness does not happens and anencephalousness occurs. fact15: If pretentiousness does not happens the fact that outdoorness does not happens and expostulation does not happens is wrong.
fact1: (¬{AT} & ¬{FI}) fact2: ¬{C} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) fact3: (¬{E} v ¬{G}) -> ¬{E} fact4: ¬{A} -> (¬{FR} & ¬{IC}) fact5: {A} fact6: ¬{F} -> ({E} & {D}) fact7: ¬{IK} -> (¬{IK} & ¬{AS}) fact8: (¬{H} & {G}) -> ¬{F} fact9: ({A} & {B}) -> ¬{C} fact10: {CT} fact11: {B} fact12: ({CC} & {ES}) -> ¬{EK} fact13: ¬{E} -> ¬({B} & {A}) fact14: {D} -> (¬{C} & {B}) fact15: ¬{A} -> ¬(¬{C} & ¬{D})
[ "fact5 & fact11 -> int1: Both pretentiousness and anencephalousness occurs.; int1 & fact9 -> int2: That outdoorness does not happens is correct.; int2 & fact2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact5 & fact11 -> int1: ({A} & {B}); int1 & fact9 -> int2: ¬{C}; int2 & fact2 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that that outdoorness does not happens and expostulation does not happens is true is false.
¬(¬{C} & ¬{D})
$facts$ = fact1: Seating Liliaceae does not happens and jamming lira does not occurs. fact2: Outdoorness does not occurs and expostulation does not occurs if outdoorness does not occurs. fact3: Unboxing cabal does not occurs if unboxing cabal does not occurs or clutching unfamiliarity does not occurs or both. fact4: Subvention does not happens and bottoming does not occurs if that pretentiousness does not happens hold. fact5: Pretentiousness occurs. fact6: That unboxing cabal and expostulation happens is caused by that covetousness does not occurs. fact7: Extralinguisticness does not occurs and precentorship does not occurs if extralinguisticness does not occurs. fact8: Covetousness is prevented by that both non-dissimilarness and clutching unfamiliarity happens. fact9: That both pretentiousness and anencephalousness occurs causes non-outdoorness. fact10: Reenactment happens. fact11: Anencephalousness happens. fact12: Stooping sinusitis does not occurs if nonattendance occurs and metaphysicalness occurs. fact13: That both anencephalousness and pretentiousness happens is incorrect if unboxing cabal does not occurs. fact14: If expostulation happens then outdoorness does not happens and anencephalousness occurs. fact15: If pretentiousness does not happens the fact that outdoorness does not happens and expostulation does not happens is wrong. ; $hypothesis$ = Outdoorness does not happens and expostulation does not occurs. ; $proof$ =
fact5 & fact11 -> int1: Both pretentiousness and anencephalousness occurs.; int1 & fact9 -> int2: That outdoorness does not happens is correct.; int2 & fact2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Nesting Hoagland but notirrevokableness occurs.
({A} & ¬{B})
fact1: Non-conjugalness is prevented by repulse. fact2: Irrevokableness brings about conjugalness. fact3: That notprofessorship but visibleness happens is not true. fact4: Repulse happens and nesting Hoagland happens. fact5: Reconstruction and smuggling lipaemia happens. fact6: If that repulse does not happens is right the fact that nesting Hoagland happens but irrevokableness does not happens does not hold. fact7: Etherialising Roystonea is prevented by that commixing does not occurs and/or non-pupillariness. fact8: Repulse occurs. fact9: If the fact that notprofessorship but visibleness happens is wrong irrevokableness does not happens. fact10: Either commixing does not occurs or pupillariness does not occurs or both. fact11: Repulse and/or irrevokableness happens if etherialising Roystonea does not occurs. fact12: Non-visibleness causes non-irrevokableness. fact13: The fact that that fondling dyscrasia happens and nesting Hoagland occurs is caused by that midwifery does not happens hold.
fact1: {C} -> {GR} fact2: {B} -> {GR} fact3: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) fact4: ({C} & {A}) fact5: ({EK} & {EA}) fact6: ¬{C} -> ¬({A} & ¬{B}) fact7: (¬{L} v ¬{K}) -> ¬{D} fact8: {C} fact9: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} fact10: (¬{L} v ¬{K}) fact11: ¬{D} -> ({C} v {B}) fact12: ¬{AB} -> ¬{B} fact13: ¬{E} -> ({AM} & {A})
[ "fact9 & fact3 -> int1: Irrevokableness does not happens.; fact4 -> int2: The fact that nesting Hoagland happens is right.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact9 & fact3 -> int1: ¬{B}; fact4 -> int2: {A}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
Conjugalness and fondling dyscrasia happens.
({GR} & {AM})
[ "fact14 & fact19 -> int3: Etherialising Roystonea does not occurs.; fact17 & int3 -> int4: Repulse happens or irrevokableness occurs or both.; int4 & fact15 & fact18 -> int5: Conjugalness happens.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Non-conjugalness is prevented by repulse. fact2: Irrevokableness brings about conjugalness. fact3: That notprofessorship but visibleness happens is not true. fact4: Repulse happens and nesting Hoagland happens. fact5: Reconstruction and smuggling lipaemia happens. fact6: If that repulse does not happens is right the fact that nesting Hoagland happens but irrevokableness does not happens does not hold. fact7: Etherialising Roystonea is prevented by that commixing does not occurs and/or non-pupillariness. fact8: Repulse occurs. fact9: If the fact that notprofessorship but visibleness happens is wrong irrevokableness does not happens. fact10: Either commixing does not occurs or pupillariness does not occurs or both. fact11: Repulse and/or irrevokableness happens if etherialising Roystonea does not occurs. fact12: Non-visibleness causes non-irrevokableness. fact13: The fact that that fondling dyscrasia happens and nesting Hoagland occurs is caused by that midwifery does not happens hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Nesting Hoagland but notirrevokableness occurs. ; $proof$ =
fact9 & fact3 -> int1: Irrevokableness does not happens.; fact4 -> int2: The fact that nesting Hoagland happens is right.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That that grandfather is not a Lange hold.
fact1: That grandfather is not a kind of a Lange if that the fact that this harvester is not a kind of a biquadrate but it fidgets Pediocactus does not hold is right. fact2: This iodin is not a Eolic. fact3: That this harvester is not a biquadrate and fidgets Pediocactus is incorrect if that this iodin is not a Eolic is right.
fact1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} fact2: ¬{A}{a} fact3: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b})
[ "fact3 & fact2 -> int1: That that this harvester is not a kind of a biquadrate and fidgets Pediocactus is true is false.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact3 & fact2 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b}); int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That grandfather is not a kind of a Lange if that the fact that this harvester is not a kind of a biquadrate but it fidgets Pediocactus does not hold is right. fact2: This iodin is not a Eolic. fact3: That this harvester is not a biquadrate and fidgets Pediocactus is incorrect if that this iodin is not a Eolic is right. ; $hypothesis$ = That that grandfather is not a Lange hold. ; $proof$ =
fact3 & fact2 -> int1: That that this harvester is not a kind of a biquadrate and fidgets Pediocactus is true is false.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That that sesamoid is not macroeconomic is true.
fact1: That sesamoid is a kind of a aerodontalgia and the thing postposes ducat. fact2: The pelisse is macroeconomic. fact3: This corporal is macroeconomic and a aerodontalgia. fact4: This corporal is a kind of a aerodontalgia and it is macroeconomic. fact5: That sesamoid is a kind of a myocardiopathy. fact6: This corporal is a whistle. fact7: The gazania is a Skopje and the man does monetize Acanthisitta. fact8: If this corporal is macroeconomic that sesamoid is a Monrovia. fact9: That sesamoid is a aerodontalgia if the fact that this corporal is macroeconomic hold. fact10: That sesamoid is a Monrovia. fact11: The portrayal is a Monrovia. fact12: This corporal is a kind of a aerodontalgia. fact13: If that sesamoid is a Monrovia this corporal is a aerodontalgia. fact14: That sesamoid is a kind of a aerodontalgia. fact15: This corporal is a aerodontalgia and this thing is a Monrovia. fact16: That usance is macroeconomic and mainlines Jolliet. fact17: If that sesamoid is a kind of a Monrovia this corporal is not non-macroeconomic. fact18: This corporal is a aerodontalgia and abstract.
fact1: ({A}{b} & {P}{b}) fact2: {C}{bh} fact3: ({C}{a} & {A}{a}) fact4: ({A}{a} & {C}{a}) fact5: {GU}{b} fact6: {CU}{a} fact7: ({BK}{am} & {DU}{am}) fact8: {C}{a} -> {B}{b} fact9: {C}{a} -> {A}{b} fact10: {B}{b} fact11: {B}{df} fact12: {A}{a} fact13: {B}{b} -> {A}{a} fact14: {A}{b} fact15: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact16: ({C}{ct} & {GH}{ct}) fact17: {B}{b} -> {C}{a} fact18: ({A}{a} & {FI}{a})
[ "fact15 -> int1: This corporal is a Monrovia.;" ]
[ "fact15 -> int1: {B}{a};" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That sesamoid is a kind of a aerodontalgia and the thing postposes ducat. fact2: The pelisse is macroeconomic. fact3: This corporal is macroeconomic and a aerodontalgia. fact4: This corporal is a kind of a aerodontalgia and it is macroeconomic. fact5: That sesamoid is a kind of a myocardiopathy. fact6: This corporal is a whistle. fact7: The gazania is a Skopje and the man does monetize Acanthisitta. fact8: If this corporal is macroeconomic that sesamoid is a Monrovia. fact9: That sesamoid is a aerodontalgia if the fact that this corporal is macroeconomic hold. fact10: That sesamoid is a Monrovia. fact11: The portrayal is a Monrovia. fact12: This corporal is a kind of a aerodontalgia. fact13: If that sesamoid is a Monrovia this corporal is a aerodontalgia. fact14: That sesamoid is a kind of a aerodontalgia. fact15: This corporal is a aerodontalgia and this thing is a Monrovia. fact16: That usance is macroeconomic and mainlines Jolliet. fact17: If that sesamoid is a kind of a Monrovia this corporal is not non-macroeconomic. fact18: This corporal is a aerodontalgia and abstract. ; $hypothesis$ = That that sesamoid is not macroeconomic is true. ; $proof$ =
That phytoplankton is not endomorphic but the man is sexy.
(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b})
fact1: If the fact that someone is not a fascism but the one is a Haber does not hold then it is sexy. fact2: If this counsel is a Haber then that the fact that that phytoplankton is a kind of non-endomorphic one that is not unsexy hold is not right. fact3: That phytoplankton is not a quodlibet and does not utilize wheeled. fact4: This counsel is a Haber. fact5: Somebody that is not a kind of a quodlibet is non-endomorphic.
fact1: (x): ¬(¬{B}x & {A}x) -> {AB}x fact2: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) fact3: (¬{D}{b} & ¬{E}{b}) fact4: {A}{a} fact5: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬{AA}x
[ "fact2 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact2 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
That phytoplankton is not endomorphic but the man is sexy.
(¬{AA}{b} & {AB}{b})
[ "fact6 -> int1: That phytoplankton is not endomorphic if the man is not a quodlibet.; fact8 -> int2: That phytoplankton is not a quodlibet.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That phytoplankton is non-endomorphic.; fact7 -> int4: That that phytoplankton is sexy is true if that that phytoplankton is not a fascism and is a Haber does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If the fact that someone is not a fascism but the one is a Haber does not hold then it is sexy. fact2: If this counsel is a Haber then that the fact that that phytoplankton is a kind of non-endomorphic one that is not unsexy hold is not right. fact3: That phytoplankton is not a quodlibet and does not utilize wheeled. fact4: This counsel is a Haber. fact5: Somebody that is not a kind of a quodlibet is non-endomorphic. ; $hypothesis$ = That phytoplankton is not endomorphic but the man is sexy. ; $proof$ =
fact2 & fact4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
If this ileum numbs cheloid then the fact that the one does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is wrong.
{A}{aa} -> ¬(¬{AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa})
fact1: This ileum does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae if she/he numbs cheloid. fact2: If someone numbs cheloid then the fact that the one keynotes Oncorhynchus and the one is not a Taccaceae is incorrect. fact3: That somebody does not keynote Oncorhynchus but the thing is a Taccaceae is not right if the one numbs cheloid. fact4: If somebody numbs cheloid the fact that the one does not keynote Oncorhynchus and the one is not a Taccaceae is wrong. fact5: The fact that something that numbs cheloid does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is not wrong. fact6: That this ileum keynotes Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is incorrect if the one does numb cheloid.
fact1: {A}{aa} -> (¬{AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) fact2: (x): {A}x -> ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) fact3: (x): {A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x & {AB}x) fact4: (x): {A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x & ¬{AB}x) fact5: (x): {A}x -> (¬{AA}x & ¬{AB}x) fact6: {A}{aa} -> ¬({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa})
[ "fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This ileum does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae if she/he numbs cheloid. fact2: If someone numbs cheloid then the fact that the one keynotes Oncorhynchus and the one is not a Taccaceae is incorrect. fact3: That somebody does not keynote Oncorhynchus but the thing is a Taccaceae is not right if the one numbs cheloid. fact4: If somebody numbs cheloid the fact that the one does not keynote Oncorhynchus and the one is not a Taccaceae is wrong. fact5: The fact that something that numbs cheloid does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is not wrong. fact6: That this ileum keynotes Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is incorrect if the one does numb cheloid. ; $hypothesis$ = If this ileum numbs cheloid then the fact that the one does not keynote Oncorhynchus and is not a Taccaceae is wrong. ; $proof$ =
fact4 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Let's assume that both Angelus and odorousness occurs.
({AA} & ¬{AB})
fact1: That Angelus and odorousness occurs leads to sexualising hundredth. fact2: That bastardization happens causes that notrenouncement but building Glaux happens. fact3: Formation occurs. fact4: Whispering censored does not happens. fact5: Singsongness is prevented by either respectfulness or singsongnessness or both. fact6: Dilation does not occurs and/or sexualising hundredth occurs. fact7: That gauntlet does not happens is caused by that notunmodulatedness but spill occurs. fact8: That unmanliness does not occurs and googly does not occurs is caused by unscholarliness. fact9: Dilation does not occurs and/or sexualising hundredth does not occurs. fact10: Sexualising hundredth is prevented by that either dilation does not occurs or sexualising hundredth does not happens or both. fact11: Coating Voltaire occurs and braiding occurs if renouncement does not happens. fact12: Non-abstemiousness and/or non-apomicticalness occurs. fact13: That crushing does not occurs is caused by that notsexualising hundredth but dilation occurs. fact14: Chromaticness prevents that unscholarliness does not happens. fact15: That unmodulatedness does not occurs hold if either contingence does not happens or tsaristness does not occurs or both. fact16: Chromaticness is caused by coating Voltaire. fact17: Spill does not occurs if gauntlet does not occurs and/or spill does not happens. fact18: That sexualising hundredth does not occurs but dilation occurs is brought about by manlyness. fact19: Spill occurs if non-underhandedness and non-cracklingness occurs. fact20: If Crowing happens then exertion does not occurs but bastardization occurs. fact21: Contingence does not occurs and/or tsaristness does not occurs. fact22: That Crowing and showstopper happens is caused by that gauntlet does not occurs.
fact1: ({AA} & ¬{AB}) -> {B} fact2: {K} -> (¬{I} & {J}) fact3: {HN} fact4: ¬{JG} fact5: (¬{CK} v ¬{GO}) -> ¬{GO} fact6: (¬{A} v {B}) fact7: (¬{P} & {Q}) -> ¬{O} fact8: {E} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) fact9: (¬{A} v ¬{B}) fact10: (¬{A} v ¬{B}) -> ¬{B} fact11: ¬{I} -> ({G} & {H}) fact12: (¬{GG} v ¬{BB}) fact13: (¬{B} & {A}) -> ¬{EO} fact14: {F} -> {E} fact15: (¬{S} v ¬{R}) -> ¬{P} fact16: {G} -> {F} fact17: (¬{O} v ¬{Q}) -> ¬{Q} fact18: ¬{C} -> (¬{B} & {A}) fact19: (¬{T} & ¬{U}) -> {Q} fact20: {M} -> (¬{L} & {K}) fact21: (¬{S} v ¬{R}) fact22: ¬{O} -> ({M} & {N})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that both Angelus and odorousness occurs.; fact1 & assump1 -> int1: Sexualising hundredth happens.; fact10 & fact9 -> int2: Sexualising hundredth does not happens.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ({AA} & ¬{AB}); fact1 & assump1 -> int1: {B}; fact10 & fact9 -> int2: ¬{B}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
Crushing does not happens.
[ "fact35 & fact31 -> int4: Unmodulatedness does not occurs.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That Angelus and odorousness occurs leads to sexualising hundredth. fact2: That bastardization happens causes that notrenouncement but building Glaux happens. fact3: Formation occurs. fact4: Whispering censored does not happens. fact5: Singsongness is prevented by either respectfulness or singsongnessness or both. fact6: Dilation does not occurs and/or sexualising hundredth occurs. fact7: That gauntlet does not happens is caused by that notunmodulatedness but spill occurs. fact8: That unmanliness does not occurs and googly does not occurs is caused by unscholarliness. fact9: Dilation does not occurs and/or sexualising hundredth does not occurs. fact10: Sexualising hundredth is prevented by that either dilation does not occurs or sexualising hundredth does not happens or both. fact11: Coating Voltaire occurs and braiding occurs if renouncement does not happens. fact12: Non-abstemiousness and/or non-apomicticalness occurs. fact13: That crushing does not occurs is caused by that notsexualising hundredth but dilation occurs. fact14: Chromaticness prevents that unscholarliness does not happens. fact15: That unmodulatedness does not occurs hold if either contingence does not happens or tsaristness does not occurs or both. fact16: Chromaticness is caused by coating Voltaire. fact17: Spill does not occurs if gauntlet does not occurs and/or spill does not happens. fact18: That sexualising hundredth does not occurs but dilation occurs is brought about by manlyness. fact19: Spill occurs if non-underhandedness and non-cracklingness occurs. fact20: If Crowing happens then exertion does not occurs but bastardization occurs. fact21: Contingence does not occurs and/or tsaristness does not occurs. fact22: That Crowing and showstopper happens is caused by that gauntlet does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Let's assume that both Angelus and odorousness occurs. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that both Angelus and odorousness occurs.; fact1 & assump1 -> int1: Sexualising hundredth happens.; fact10 & fact9 -> int2: Sexualising hundredth does not happens.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That wartweed does screw Faulkner.
fact1: The fact that that Quakers is a putridity is true. fact2: The sail is straight. fact3: That wartweed is a putridity if that wartweed is straight. fact4: This analyst screws Faulkner. fact5: That that wartweed is not a kind of a putridity but it is straight if this breechcloth is a M.M. is true. fact6: This breechcloth dwells if that wartweed is straight. fact7: Something does not screw Faulkner if it is not a putridity. fact8: If this breechcloth is straight then that wartweed is a putridity. fact9: If this breechcloth screws Faulkner then that wartweed is a putridity. fact10: That wartweed is a putridity. fact11: This breechcloth is a putridity. fact12: A straight one screws Faulkner. fact13: If that this breechcloth is a putridity is correct then that wartweed is straight. fact14: The fact that this breechcloth is opportune is right.
fact1: {A}{ca} fact2: {B}{gk} fact3: {B}{b} -> {A}{b} fact4: {C}{gf} fact5: {D}{a} -> (¬{A}{b} & {B}{b}) fact6: {B}{b} -> {FI}{a} fact7: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{C}x fact8: {B}{a} -> {A}{b} fact9: {C}{a} -> {A}{b} fact10: {A}{b} fact11: {A}{a} fact12: (x): {B}x -> {C}x fact13: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact14: {AC}{a}
[ "fact13 & fact11 -> int1: That wartweed is straight.; fact12 -> int2: That wartweed screws Faulkner if that wartweed is straight.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact13 & fact11 -> int1: {B}{b}; fact12 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
That wartweed does not screw Faulkner.
[ "fact15 -> int3: If that wartweed is not a putridity the fact that he does not screw Faulkner is right.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The fact that that Quakers is a putridity is true. fact2: The sail is straight. fact3: That wartweed is a putridity if that wartweed is straight. fact4: This analyst screws Faulkner. fact5: That that wartweed is not a kind of a putridity but it is straight if this breechcloth is a M.M. is true. fact6: This breechcloth dwells if that wartweed is straight. fact7: Something does not screw Faulkner if it is not a putridity. fact8: If this breechcloth is straight then that wartweed is a putridity. fact9: If this breechcloth screws Faulkner then that wartweed is a putridity. fact10: That wartweed is a putridity. fact11: This breechcloth is a putridity. fact12: A straight one screws Faulkner. fact13: If that this breechcloth is a putridity is correct then that wartweed is straight. fact14: The fact that this breechcloth is opportune is right. ; $hypothesis$ = That wartweed does screw Faulkner. ; $proof$ =
fact13 & fact11 -> int1: That wartweed is straight.; fact12 -> int2: That wartweed screws Faulkner if that wartweed is straight.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That that cote is not a hypolipoproteinemia but the one is a Oersted is not true.
¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
fact1: That cote disambiguates disconcertment. fact2: That cote is not a Passover but the one is silicious. fact3: That cote is not an ode but the one is a Oersted. fact4: The fact that the calender does not yack but the one is a hypolipoproteinemia is right. fact5: That purdah is not a hypolipoproteinemia but the one is fouled. fact6: The rouser does not nod Acnidosporidia and is a Oersted.
fact1: {GQ}{a} fact2: (¬{AQ}{a} & {GD}{a}) fact3: (¬{JF}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact4: (¬{E}{bd} & {AA}{bd}) fact5: (¬{AA}{gc} & {EC}{gc}) fact6: (¬{S}{ee} & {AB}{ee})
$facts$ = fact1: That cote disambiguates disconcertment. fact2: That cote is not a Passover but the one is silicious. fact3: That cote is not an ode but the one is a Oersted. fact4: The fact that the calender does not yack but the one is a hypolipoproteinemia is right. fact5: That purdah is not a hypolipoproteinemia but the one is fouled. fact6: The rouser does not nod Acnidosporidia and is a Oersted. ; $hypothesis$ = That that cote is not a hypolipoproteinemia but the one is a Oersted is not true. ; $proof$ =
That archegonium is dimmed.
fact1: That archegonium is a Volvox and the thing is dimmed if this pabulum is not ascetic. fact2: That placeholder is not a Volvox if the fact that that placeholder is ascetic and is a Juarez is not correct. fact3: This pabulum is both a Volvox and ascetic. fact4: If the fact that that tineid is not a hepatitis and is not unmeasured is false that aragonite tastes remittance. fact5: If either someone does not transmute or the one does not dam meagreness or both the one does not dam meagreness. fact6: If the fact that that physic is ascetic but the thing is not a Juarez is false this pabulum is not ascetic. fact7: If the fact that that tineid is a Acanthopterygii and the person is a wrap is false then the person is not a Septuagint. fact8: If someone is not a Limnodromus that the one is both a Acanthopterygii and a wrap is false. fact9: Some man is a meromelia and the man is a combined if this one does not dam meagreness. fact10: If the fact that that aragonite is a meromelia hold then that that physic is ascetic but the one is not a Juarez is not correct. fact11: That archegonium is undimmed if this pabulum is a Juarez and that one is ascetic. fact12: The fact that this pabulum is a Juarez is correct. fact13: The fact that somebody is not a hepatitis and is measurable does not hold if she/he is not a Septuagint. fact14: That archegonium is a Juarez. fact15: That somebody does not transmute and/or does not dam meagreness is true if the one tastes remittance. fact16: This pabulum is a Volvox.
fact1: ¬{B}{a} -> ({A}{b} & {D}{b}) fact2: ¬({B}{go} & {C}{go}) -> ¬{A}{go} fact3: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact4: ¬(¬{J}{e} & ¬{K}{e}) -> {I}{d} fact5: (x): (¬{H}x v ¬{G}x) -> ¬{G}x fact6: ¬({B}{c} & ¬{C}{c}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact7: ¬({M}{e} & {N}{e}) -> ¬{L}{e} fact8: (x): ¬{O}x -> ¬({M}x & {N}x) fact9: (x): ¬{G}x -> ({E}x & {F}x) fact10: {E}{d} -> ¬({B}{c} & ¬{C}{c}) fact11: ({C}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{D}{b} fact12: {C}{a} fact13: (x): ¬{L}x -> ¬(¬{J}x & ¬{K}x) fact14: {C}{b} fact15: (x): {I}x -> (¬{H}x v ¬{G}x) fact16: {A}{a}
[ "fact3 -> int1: This pabulum is ascetic.; int1 & fact12 -> int2: This pabulum is a Juarez and she is ascetic.; int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact3 -> int1: {B}{a}; int1 & fact12 -> int2: ({C}{a} & {B}{a}); int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
That placeholder is not a Volvox.
$facts$ = fact1: That archegonium is a Volvox and the thing is dimmed if this pabulum is not ascetic. fact2: That placeholder is not a Volvox if the fact that that placeholder is ascetic and is a Juarez is not correct. fact3: This pabulum is both a Volvox and ascetic. fact4: If the fact that that tineid is not a hepatitis and is not unmeasured is false that aragonite tastes remittance. fact5: If either someone does not transmute or the one does not dam meagreness or both the one does not dam meagreness. fact6: If the fact that that physic is ascetic but the thing is not a Juarez is false this pabulum is not ascetic. fact7: If the fact that that tineid is a Acanthopterygii and the person is a wrap is false then the person is not a Septuagint. fact8: If someone is not a Limnodromus that the one is both a Acanthopterygii and a wrap is false. fact9: Some man is a meromelia and the man is a combined if this one does not dam meagreness. fact10: If the fact that that aragonite is a meromelia hold then that that physic is ascetic but the one is not a Juarez is not correct. fact11: That archegonium is undimmed if this pabulum is a Juarez and that one is ascetic. fact12: The fact that this pabulum is a Juarez is correct. fact13: The fact that somebody is not a hepatitis and is measurable does not hold if she/he is not a Septuagint. fact14: That archegonium is a Juarez. fact15: That somebody does not transmute and/or does not dam meagreness is true if the one tastes remittance. fact16: This pabulum is a Volvox. ; $hypothesis$ = That archegonium is dimmed. ; $proof$ =
fact3 -> int1: This pabulum is ascetic.; int1 & fact12 -> int2: This pabulum is a Juarez and she is ascetic.; int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This facula is genuine.
fact1: If Aldoes not foreboding nineteenth and the one is not a kind of a tachygraphy this facula is not genuine. fact2: If some man does not buoy bravery then the man does not flocculate and does not apologise. fact3: A stringency is not a kind of a Anguillidae and is a Pomacanthus. fact4: That carbine is a tachygraphy but the one does not foreboding nineteenth if this facula is not a Anguillidae. fact5: Aldoes not buoy bravery. fact6: If a tachygraphy does not foreboding nineteenth then that is genuine. fact7: Someone is a kind of a stringency and comforts if this is not a Carnegiea. fact8: The silique is a wade. fact9: This facula is genuine if that the thing is not a wade is correct. fact10: This facula is not a Carnegiea if Aldoes not flocculate and does not apologise. fact11: That this facula is a wade and not foliaceous is wrong.
fact1: (¬{C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact2: (x): ¬{K}x -> (¬{I}x & ¬{J}x) fact3: (x): {F}x -> (¬{D}x & {E}x) fact4: ¬{D}{a} -> ({A}{at} & ¬{C}{at}) fact5: ¬{K}{b} fact6: (x): ({A}x & ¬{C}x) -> {B}x fact7: (x): ¬{H}x -> ({F}x & {G}x) fact8: {AA}{fa} fact9: ¬{AA}{a} -> {B}{a} fact10: (¬{I}{b} & ¬{J}{b}) -> ¬{H}{a} fact11: ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a})
This facula is not genuine.
$facts$ = fact1: If Aldoes not foreboding nineteenth and the one is not a kind of a tachygraphy this facula is not genuine. fact2: If some man does not buoy bravery then the man does not flocculate and does not apologise. fact3: A stringency is not a kind of a Anguillidae and is a Pomacanthus. fact4: That carbine is a tachygraphy but the one does not foreboding nineteenth if this facula is not a Anguillidae. fact5: Aldoes not buoy bravery. fact6: If a tachygraphy does not foreboding nineteenth then that is genuine. fact7: Someone is a kind of a stringency and comforts if this is not a Carnegiea. fact8: The silique is a wade. fact9: This facula is genuine if that the thing is not a wade is correct. fact10: This facula is not a Carnegiea if Aldoes not flocculate and does not apologise. fact11: That this facula is a wade and not foliaceous is wrong. ; $hypothesis$ = This facula is genuine. ; $proof$ =
That that paretic is not a ingeniousness and not unreactive does not hold.
¬(¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b})
fact1: The stucco is not digestible. fact2: If somebody is not a exegesis then that the thing is digestible and discharges Islamism is not correct. fact3: That crinkleroot is not a exegesis. fact4: Some man is not a kind of a ingeniousness if that the one is digestible and is a bimester does not hold. fact5: The fact that that paretic is a ingeniousness but it is not unreactive is wrong if that crinkleroot is not a kind of a ingeniousness. fact6: A non-digestible one is not a ingeniousness. fact7: That crinkleroot is not a kind of a ingeniousness if that crinkleroot is indigestible. fact8: That that crinkleroot is digestible and the thing is a kind of a bimester does not hold if the one is not a exegesis. fact9: That that paretic is not a ingeniousness but reactive is wrong if that crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness. fact10: That that paretic is not unreactive and he is not a exegesis is false if that crinkleroot is not unreactive. fact11: If that crinkleroot is a exegesis then that paretic is both not a ingeniousness and not unreactive.
fact1: ¬{AA}{di} fact2: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({AA}x & {ET}x) fact3: ¬{A}{a} fact4: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{B}x fact5: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) fact6: (x): ¬{AA}x -> ¬{B}x fact7: ¬{AA}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} fact8: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact9: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬(¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) fact10: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}) fact11: {A}{a} -> (¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b})
[ "fact8 & fact3 -> int1: That that crinkleroot is digestible and the thing is a bimester is false.; fact4 -> int2: If the fact that that crinkleroot is digestible and the one is a bimester is not right then that crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness.; int3 & fact9 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact8 & fact3 -> int1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}); fact4 -> int2: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{B}{a}; int3 & fact9 -> hypothesis;" ]
That paretic is not a ingeniousness and is not unreactive.
(¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b})
$facts$ = fact1: The stucco is not digestible. fact2: If somebody is not a exegesis then that the thing is digestible and discharges Islamism is not correct. fact3: That crinkleroot is not a exegesis. fact4: Some man is not a kind of a ingeniousness if that the one is digestible and is a bimester does not hold. fact5: The fact that that paretic is a ingeniousness but it is not unreactive is wrong if that crinkleroot is not a kind of a ingeniousness. fact6: A non-digestible one is not a ingeniousness. fact7: That crinkleroot is not a kind of a ingeniousness if that crinkleroot is indigestible. fact8: That that crinkleroot is digestible and the thing is a kind of a bimester does not hold if the one is not a exegesis. fact9: That that paretic is not a ingeniousness but reactive is wrong if that crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness. fact10: That that paretic is not unreactive and he is not a exegesis is false if that crinkleroot is not unreactive. fact11: If that crinkleroot is a exegesis then that paretic is both not a ingeniousness and not unreactive. ; $hypothesis$ = That that paretic is not a ingeniousness and not unreactive does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact8 & fact3 -> int1: That that crinkleroot is digestible and the thing is a bimester is false.; fact4 -> int2: If the fact that that crinkleroot is digestible and the one is a bimester is not right then that crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That crinkleroot is not a ingeniousness.; int3 & fact9 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
The fact that both festinating midwinter and creedalness occurs is wrong.
¬({C} & {B})
fact1: Wresting Magh and tantalization occurs. fact2: Novelisation does not happens. fact3: Notnovelisation but festinating midwinter happens. fact4: If discontinuance does not happens Light does not happens and novelisation does not occurs. fact5: Belling typicality occurs and behaviouristness happens if creedalness does not occurs. fact6: If that skirmish happens hold then bounding GATT does not occurs and discontinuance does not happens. fact7: The fact that Abkhazness happens but cambering ovoid does not occurs is false. fact8: That deceasing Dolichotis occurs and recriminating does not happens is brought about by utilisation. fact9: Utilisation happens if ligating happens. fact10: If Ford does not occurs then italic does not occurs and obliging daimon does not occurs. fact11: Ford is prevented by that deceasing Dolichotis happens but recriminating does not happens. fact12: Belling typicality happens. fact13: Avalanching Rabelais happens. fact14: Vanquishing overmuchness occurs. fact15: Cometicness happens. fact16: Dereliction triggers utilisation. fact17: If Abkhazness does not occurs then ligating or dereliction or both occurs. fact18: Abkhazness does not happens if that Abkhazness but notcambering ovoid occurs is not true. fact19: Belling typicality occurs and creedalness occurs. fact20: Skirmish and photographicness occurs if obliging daimon does not occurs.
fact1: ({HN} & {GN}) fact2: ¬{D} fact3: (¬{D} & {C}) fact4: ¬{F} -> (¬{E} & ¬{D}) fact5: ¬{B} -> ({A} & {AA}) fact6: {H} -> (¬{G} & ¬{F}) fact7: ¬({R} & ¬{S}) fact8: {O} -> ({M} & ¬{N}) fact9: {Q} -> {O} fact10: ¬{L} -> (¬{K} & ¬{J}) fact11: ({M} & ¬{N}) -> ¬{L} fact12: {A} fact13: {GR} fact14: {HL} fact15: {AU} fact16: {P} -> {O} fact17: ¬{R} -> ({Q} v {P}) fact18: ¬({R} & ¬{S}) -> ¬{R} fact19: ({A} & {B}) fact20: ¬{J} -> ({H} & {I})
[ "fact19 -> int1: That creedalness happens hold.; fact3 -> int2: Festinating midwinter occurs.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact19 -> int1: {B}; fact3 -> int2: {C}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
Behaviouristness happens.
[ "fact29 & fact32 -> int3: Abkhazness does not occurs.; fact21 & int3 -> int4: Either ligating or dereliction or both occurs.; int4 & fact27 & fact28 -> int5: The fact that utilisation occurs is correct.; fact22 & int5 -> int6: Deceasing Dolichotis occurs and recriminating does not occurs.; fact23 & int6 -> int7: The fact that Ford does not occurs hold.; fact24 & int7 -> int8: Italic does not happens and obliging daimon does not happens.; int8 -> int9: Obliging daimon does not occurs.; fact25 & int9 -> int10: Both skirmish and photographicness occurs.; int10 -> int11: That skirmish occurs is right.; fact30 & int11 -> int12: Bounding GATT does not occurs and discontinuance does not occurs.; int12 -> int13: Discontinuance does not happens.; fact26 & int13 -> int14: Light does not occurs and novelisation does not occurs.; int14 -> int15: Novelisation does not happens.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Wresting Magh and tantalization occurs. fact2: Novelisation does not happens. fact3: Notnovelisation but festinating midwinter happens. fact4: If discontinuance does not happens Light does not happens and novelisation does not occurs. fact5: Belling typicality occurs and behaviouristness happens if creedalness does not occurs. fact6: If that skirmish happens hold then bounding GATT does not occurs and discontinuance does not happens. fact7: The fact that Abkhazness happens but cambering ovoid does not occurs is false. fact8: That deceasing Dolichotis occurs and recriminating does not happens is brought about by utilisation. fact9: Utilisation happens if ligating happens. fact10: If Ford does not occurs then italic does not occurs and obliging daimon does not occurs. fact11: Ford is prevented by that deceasing Dolichotis happens but recriminating does not happens. fact12: Belling typicality happens. fact13: Avalanching Rabelais happens. fact14: Vanquishing overmuchness occurs. fact15: Cometicness happens. fact16: Dereliction triggers utilisation. fact17: If Abkhazness does not occurs then ligating or dereliction or both occurs. fact18: Abkhazness does not happens if that Abkhazness but notcambering ovoid occurs is not true. fact19: Belling typicality occurs and creedalness occurs. fact20: Skirmish and photographicness occurs if obliging daimon does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that both festinating midwinter and creedalness occurs is wrong. ; $proof$ =
fact19 -> int1: That creedalness happens hold.; fact3 -> int2: Festinating midwinter occurs.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Toño is a scoffing and the one does ulcerate pneumonoconiosis.
({B}{b} & {A}{b})
fact1: This tamandu is a continency. fact2: Toño is a cravenness if the fact that Toño is not a cravenness and is not a Mwanza is wrong. fact3: Toño is both boustrophedonic and architectural. fact4: If someone is boustrophedonic the fact that the one is not a cravenness and it is not a Mwanza is false. fact5: If Toño is a cravenness but not non-gynecological the fact that that duellist is not non-gynecological is correct. fact6: If someone is not a kind of a mown the one is a scoffing and the one ulcerates pneumonoconiosis. fact7: If that duellist is not a continency and that person is not a mown then Celia is not a mown. fact8: That philhellenist loads Manawydan. fact9: That that duellist does not load Manawydan but this is chlorotic is not correct. fact10: Toño is gynecological. fact11: A non-gynecological one is not a continency and not a mown. fact12: the pneumonoconiosis does ulcerate Toño. fact13: Toño does ulcerate pneumonoconiosis. fact14: If somebody ulcerates pneumonoconiosis then the one is not non-chlorotic. fact15: That someone is a mown and not a continency is wrong if the one is not gynecological.
fact1: {E}{da} fact2: ¬(¬{F}{b} & ¬{G}{b}) -> {F}{b} fact3: ({H}{b} & {I}{b}) fact4: (x): {H}x -> ¬(¬{F}x & ¬{G}x) fact5: ({F}{b} & {D}{b}) -> ¬{D}{a} fact6: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & {A}x) fact7: (¬{E}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> ¬{C}{ho} fact8: {AA}{c} fact9: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact10: {D}{b} fact11: (x): ¬{D}x -> (¬{E}x & ¬{C}x) fact12: {AC}{aa} fact13: {A}{b} fact14: (x): {A}x -> {AB}x fact15: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬({C}x & ¬{E}x)
The fact that Toño is a scoffing and that thing ulcerates pneumonoconiosis does not hold.
¬({B}{b} & {A}{b})
[ "fact16 -> int1: If that philhellenist is non-gynecological then that that philhellenist is a mown and not a continency does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This tamandu is a continency. fact2: Toño is a cravenness if the fact that Toño is not a cravenness and is not a Mwanza is wrong. fact3: Toño is both boustrophedonic and architectural. fact4: If someone is boustrophedonic the fact that the one is not a cravenness and it is not a Mwanza is false. fact5: If Toño is a cravenness but not non-gynecological the fact that that duellist is not non-gynecological is correct. fact6: If someone is not a kind of a mown the one is a scoffing and the one ulcerates pneumonoconiosis. fact7: If that duellist is not a continency and that person is not a mown then Celia is not a mown. fact8: That philhellenist loads Manawydan. fact9: That that duellist does not load Manawydan but this is chlorotic is not correct. fact10: Toño is gynecological. fact11: A non-gynecological one is not a continency and not a mown. fact12: the pneumonoconiosis does ulcerate Toño. fact13: Toño does ulcerate pneumonoconiosis. fact14: If somebody ulcerates pneumonoconiosis then the one is not non-chlorotic. fact15: That someone is a mown and not a continency is wrong if the one is not gynecological. ; $hypothesis$ = Toño is a scoffing and the one does ulcerate pneumonoconiosis. ; $proof$ =
The fact that this bibliothec is a Gramineae and/or it is a leresis does not hold.
¬({A}{a} v {C}{a})
fact1: If someone does not apotheosize Dracula then the fact that the one is a Gramineae and/or a leresis is false. fact2: If someone chimes shapeliness the one is avascular. fact3: The fact that this gooney chimes shapeliness if this gooney observes palpitation is true. fact4: This bibliothec is a Gramineae and the one apotheosizes Dracula. fact5: If the fact that that testicle is a ruined but not topological does not hold that coralbells is not a kind of a ruined. fact6: The fact that the brooch apotheosizes Dracula hold. fact7: Everything is not a leresis. fact8: The fact that this bibliothec apotheosizes Dracula hold. fact9: That some man is not a chromaesthesia and is not explorative is false if the one is not nonreturnable. fact10: This porridge is a boxed or the person is a psychosis or both if there exists some person such that it is a boxed. fact11: The pushchair does not squirm colpocele. fact12: That compact is anagrammatical and the man apotheosizes Dracula if this bibliothec is not a leresis. fact13: If somebody is a scrofula then that the one is a kind of a ruined and is not topological is false. fact14: Someone does not apotheosize Dracula if the fact that that person is not a chromaesthesia and not explorative is wrong. fact15: This bibliothec is not nonreturnable if the fact that that coralbells does not scale Zygocactus and is not a key is correct. fact16: If this gooney is avascular that tongueflower is a kind of a boxed. fact17: If somebody is not a ruined the one does not scale Zygocactus and is not a key. fact18: That testicle is a scrofula if this porridge is a boxed. fact19: This gooney observes palpitation and deepens meningioma if the pushchair does not squirm colpocele.
fact1: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬({A}x v {C}x) fact2: (x): {O}x -> {N}x fact3: {P}{f} -> {O}{f} fact4: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact5: ¬({I}{c} & ¬{J}{c}) -> ¬{I}{b} fact6: {B}{cg} fact7: (x): ¬{C}x fact8: {B}{a} fact9: (x): ¬{F}x -> ¬(¬{E}x & ¬{D}x) fact10: (x): {L}x -> ({L}{d} v {M}{d}) fact11: ¬{R}{g} fact12: ¬{C}{a} -> ({AB}{ep} & {B}{ep}) fact13: (x): {K}x -> ¬({I}x & ¬{J}x) fact14: (x): ¬(¬{E}x & ¬{D}x) -> ¬{B}x fact15: (¬{G}{b} & ¬{H}{b}) -> ¬{F}{a} fact16: {N}{f} -> {L}{e} fact17: (x): ¬{I}x -> (¬{G}x & ¬{H}x) fact18: {L}{d} -> {K}{c} fact19: ¬{R}{g} -> ({P}{f} & {Q}{f})
[ "fact4 -> int1: This bibliothec is a Gramineae.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 -> int1: {A}{a}; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that this bibliothec is a Gramineae and/or it is a leresis does not hold.
¬({A}{a} v {C}{a})
[ "fact32 -> int2: If this bibliothec does not apotheosize Dracula that either it is a kind of a Gramineae or the thing is a leresis or both is wrong.; fact31 -> int3: This bibliothec does not apotheosize Dracula if that this bibliothec is both not a chromaesthesia and not explorative is false.; fact22 -> int4: That this bibliothec is not a kind of a chromaesthesia and the thing is not explorative does not hold if this bibliothec is not nonreturnable.; fact28 -> int5: That coralbells does not scale Zygocactus and is not a kind of a key if that coralbells is not a ruined.; fact27 -> int6: If that testicle is a kind of a scrofula the fact that that testicle is both a ruined and non-topological is wrong.; fact23 -> int7: The fact that this gooney is avascular if this gooney chimes shapeliness hold.; fact21 & fact24 -> int8: This gooney observes palpitation and does deepen meningioma.; int8 -> int9: This gooney observes palpitation.; fact26 & int9 -> int10: This gooney chimes shapeliness.; int7 & int10 -> int11: This gooney is avascular.; fact20 & int11 -> int12: That tongueflower is a boxed.; int12 -> int13: There is somebody such that that one is a kind of a boxed.; int13 & fact29 -> int14: This porridge is a boxed and/or she is a psychosis.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If someone does not apotheosize Dracula then the fact that the one is a Gramineae and/or a leresis is false. fact2: If someone chimes shapeliness the one is avascular. fact3: The fact that this gooney chimes shapeliness if this gooney observes palpitation is true. fact4: This bibliothec is a Gramineae and the one apotheosizes Dracula. fact5: If the fact that that testicle is a ruined but not topological does not hold that coralbells is not a kind of a ruined. fact6: The fact that the brooch apotheosizes Dracula hold. fact7: Everything is not a leresis. fact8: The fact that this bibliothec apotheosizes Dracula hold. fact9: That some man is not a chromaesthesia and is not explorative is false if the one is not nonreturnable. fact10: This porridge is a boxed or the person is a psychosis or both if there exists some person such that it is a boxed. fact11: The pushchair does not squirm colpocele. fact12: That compact is anagrammatical and the man apotheosizes Dracula if this bibliothec is not a leresis. fact13: If somebody is a scrofula then that the one is a kind of a ruined and is not topological is false. fact14: Someone does not apotheosize Dracula if the fact that that person is not a chromaesthesia and not explorative is wrong. fact15: This bibliothec is not nonreturnable if the fact that that coralbells does not scale Zygocactus and is not a key is correct. fact16: If this gooney is avascular that tongueflower is a kind of a boxed. fact17: If somebody is not a ruined the one does not scale Zygocactus and is not a key. fact18: That testicle is a scrofula if this porridge is a boxed. fact19: This gooney observes palpitation and deepens meningioma if the pushchair does not squirm colpocele. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that this bibliothec is a Gramineae and/or it is a leresis does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact4 -> int1: This bibliothec is a Gramineae.; int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Stocking contrariety does not occurs.
fact1: Drinking does not happens and amoeboidness does not occurs if mattering Lophius happens. fact2: That mattering Lophius and non-synchronalness occurs is brought about by supping Gypsophila. fact3: Stocking contrariety does not occurs if seeman Baryshnikov does not occurs and astomatalness occurs. fact4: Rehousing social does not occurs if either inclining shahadah does not happens or mutant occurs or both. fact5: Seething Baryshnikov does not occurs if disgorging Blantyre occurs. fact6: That flushing disfunction occurs is true. fact7: That inviting occurs and seething Baryshnikov occurs does not hold if atoning does not happens. fact8: Granularness does not occurs. fact9: That unexchangeableness does not happens but astomatalness happens is caused by that seeperson Baryshnikov does not happens. fact10: If kissing and non-granularness happens then disgorging Blantyre occurs. fact11: If rehousing social does not occurs the fact that atoning does not happens is not incorrect. fact12: Disgorging Blantyre prevents that mutant does not occurs. fact13: Moonshining happens. fact14: If unexchangeableness does not happens then flushing disfunction occurs and/or stocking contrariety does not happens. fact15: If that inviting does not happens but atoning occurs does not hold then astomatalness occurs. fact16: If the fact that unexchangeableness does not happens and flushing disfunction does not occurs is false then masking Araucariaceae occurs. fact17: That drinking does not happens results in that kissing and granularness happens. fact18: Unexchangeableness occurs if flushing disfunction happens. fact19: If that the fact that inviting occurs and seething Baryshnikov happens does not hold is right then seething Baryshnikov does not happens. fact20: Disgorging Blantyre happens if granularness occurs.
fact1: {P} -> (¬{N} & ¬{O}) fact2: {R} -> ({P} & ¬{Q}) fact3: (¬{E} & {D}) -> ¬{C} fact4: (¬{J} v {I}) -> ¬{H} fact5: {K} -> ¬{E} fact6: {A} fact7: ¬{F} -> ¬({G} & {E}) fact8: ¬{L} fact9: ¬{E} -> (¬{B} & {D}) fact10: ({M} & ¬{L}) -> {K} fact11: ¬{H} -> ¬{F} fact12: {K} -> {I} fact13: {GH} fact14: ¬{B} -> ({A} v ¬{C}) fact15: ¬(¬{G} & {F}) -> {D} fact16: ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> {HD} fact17: ¬{N} -> ({M} & {L}) fact18: {A} -> {B} fact19: ¬({G} & {E}) -> ¬{E} fact20: {L} -> {K}
[ "fact18 & fact6 -> int1: Unexchangeableness occurs.;" ]
[ "fact18 & fact6 -> int1: {B};" ]
Masking Araucariaceae occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: Drinking does not happens and amoeboidness does not occurs if mattering Lophius happens. fact2: That mattering Lophius and non-synchronalness occurs is brought about by supping Gypsophila. fact3: Stocking contrariety does not occurs if seeman Baryshnikov does not occurs and astomatalness occurs. fact4: Rehousing social does not occurs if either inclining shahadah does not happens or mutant occurs or both. fact5: Seething Baryshnikov does not occurs if disgorging Blantyre occurs. fact6: That flushing disfunction occurs is true. fact7: That inviting occurs and seething Baryshnikov occurs does not hold if atoning does not happens. fact8: Granularness does not occurs. fact9: That unexchangeableness does not happens but astomatalness happens is caused by that seeperson Baryshnikov does not happens. fact10: If kissing and non-granularness happens then disgorging Blantyre occurs. fact11: If rehousing social does not occurs the fact that atoning does not happens is not incorrect. fact12: Disgorging Blantyre prevents that mutant does not occurs. fact13: Moonshining happens. fact14: If unexchangeableness does not happens then flushing disfunction occurs and/or stocking contrariety does not happens. fact15: If that inviting does not happens but atoning occurs does not hold then astomatalness occurs. fact16: If the fact that unexchangeableness does not happens and flushing disfunction does not occurs is false then masking Araucariaceae occurs. fact17: That drinking does not happens results in that kissing and granularness happens. fact18: Unexchangeableness occurs if flushing disfunction happens. fact19: If that the fact that inviting occurs and seething Baryshnikov happens does not hold is right then seething Baryshnikov does not happens. fact20: Disgorging Blantyre happens if granularness occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Stocking contrariety does not occurs. ; $proof$ =
That this mihrab is not a Gothic hold.
fact1: The fact that this mihrab is a Cervidae and not normative does not hold. fact2: That this mihrab does relate anisometropia and is not a Sartre does not hold. fact3: If this mihrab is a Sartre then Virginia is not a Gothic. fact4: If Virginia economizes Brittanic then that the man is not a Sartre and does not caravan Pizarro is incorrect. fact5: Virginia does not caravan Pizarro if this mihrab is a Gothic. fact6: Virginia is not a kind of a Helicidae. fact7: this Brittanic economizes Virginia. fact8: That Virginia is not a kind of a Gothic and the one does not caravan Pizarro is incorrect. fact9: Virginia economizes Brittanic. fact10: If Virginia is a kind of a Gothic then this mihrab does not economize Brittanic and is not a Sartre.
fact1: ¬({HC}{a} & ¬{BP}{a}) fact2: ¬({EK}{a} & ¬{AA}{a}) fact3: {AA}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} fact4: {B}{b} -> ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact5: {A}{a} -> ¬{AB}{b} fact6: ¬{FD}{b} fact7: {AC}{aa} fact8: ¬(¬{A}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact9: {B}{b} fact10: {A}{b} -> (¬{B}{a} & ¬{AA}{a})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that this mihrab is a Gothic.; fact9 & fact4 -> int1: The fact that Virginia is not a Sartre and the one does not caravan Pizarro is incorrect.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: {A}{a}; fact9 & fact4 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b});" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The fact that this mihrab is a Cervidae and not normative does not hold. fact2: That this mihrab does relate anisometropia and is not a Sartre does not hold. fact3: If this mihrab is a Sartre then Virginia is not a Gothic. fact4: If Virginia economizes Brittanic then that the man is not a Sartre and does not caravan Pizarro is incorrect. fact5: Virginia does not caravan Pizarro if this mihrab is a Gothic. fact6: Virginia is not a kind of a Helicidae. fact7: this Brittanic economizes Virginia. fact8: That Virginia is not a kind of a Gothic and the one does not caravan Pizarro is incorrect. fact9: Virginia economizes Brittanic. fact10: If Virginia is a kind of a Gothic then this mihrab does not economize Brittanic and is not a Sartre. ; $hypothesis$ = That this mihrab is not a Gothic hold. ; $proof$ =
Everybody is not a legalism and the one is papal.
(x): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x)
fact1: Everyone is not a Papio and the man worries hyponym. fact2: Everybody is not a limitlessness and the person paves Nummulitidae. fact3: Everything is not acidic and the thing does furlough yore. fact4: Everybody is not a legalism and the one is papal. fact5: Every person does not gorge Eolic and it is endogamic. fact6: Everything is both non-estrogenic and not non-zodiacal. fact7: Everything is not a exodontics but an alsatian. fact8: Everybody does not weigh and this person scrubs Sarpanitu. fact9: Everybody does not browse fad and is Goethean. fact10: Everybody is not a legalism.
fact1: (x): (¬{BJ}x & {II}x) fact2: (x): (¬{AH}x & {AT}x) fact3: (x): (¬{IB}x & {S}x) fact4: (x): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) fact5: (x): (¬{DM}x & {HR}x) fact6: (x): (¬{CJ}x & {CM}x) fact7: (x): (¬{BH}x & {HF}x) fact8: (x): (¬{HM}x & {GF}x) fact9: (x): (¬{IP}x & {IL}x) fact10: (x): ¬{AA}x
[ "fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Everyone is not a Papio and the man worries hyponym. fact2: Everybody is not a limitlessness and the person paves Nummulitidae. fact3: Everything is not acidic and the thing does furlough yore. fact4: Everybody is not a legalism and the one is papal. fact5: Every person does not gorge Eolic and it is endogamic. fact6: Everything is both non-estrogenic and not non-zodiacal. fact7: Everything is not a exodontics but an alsatian. fact8: Everybody does not weigh and this person scrubs Sarpanitu. fact9: Everybody does not browse fad and is Goethean. fact10: Everybody is not a legalism. ; $hypothesis$ = Everybody is not a legalism and the one is papal. ; $proof$ =
fact4 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That earphone is not a firing and is a kind of a lysinemia.
(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
fact1: If the monopolist does not benumb Shakti the monopolist does not berry November but the one is seismologic. fact2: That that earphone does not index Romanal but the one swears hold. fact3: If that earphone is non-seismologic the one is not a firing. fact4: That earphone is a kind of non-cerulean one that is a blasted if this thing does not jostle fallacy. fact5: If that earphone is not seismologic then it is not a firing but a lysinemia. fact6: That cornmeal is not a lysinemia. fact7: This lycopod is not seismologic but the thing is pyroelectric. fact8: That earphone is not neuromuscular and is advisable. fact9: The wiretapper is not a kind of a firing. fact10: That that earphone is both not a firing and a lysinemia does not hold if that tangency is seismologic. fact11: That earphone is not seismologic. fact12: This symphysion is not a bellicosity and depreciates terabit. fact13: That earphone is not a firing. fact14: That earphone is not a shmear. fact15: If somebody unmades Daedal then that is seismologic. fact16: That earphone is not a bellicosity but a firing if it does not finish nexus. fact17: That earphone is not a Lipchitz.
fact1: ¬{AU}{ek} -> (¬{DI}{ek} & {A}{ek}) fact2: (¬{D}{a} & {JG}{a}) fact3: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{AA}{a} fact4: ¬{HP}{a} -> (¬{BN}{a} & {FM}{a}) fact5: ¬{A}{a} -> (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact6: ¬{AB}{jk} fact7: (¬{A}{o} & {FI}{o}) fact8: (¬{DK}{a} & {CB}{a}) fact9: ¬{AA}{es} fact10: {A}{b} -> ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact11: ¬{A}{a} fact12: (¬{DD}{ch} & {F}{ch}) fact13: ¬{AA}{a} fact14: ¬{IU}{a} fact15: (x): {B}x -> {A}x fact16: ¬{AK}{a} -> (¬{DD}{a} & {AA}{a}) fact17: ¬{Q}{a}
[ "fact5 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact5 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that that earphone is not a firing but the thing is a lysinemia is false.
¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "fact19 -> int1: If that tangency unmades Daedal that tangency is seismologic.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If the monopolist does not benumb Shakti the monopolist does not berry November but the one is seismologic. fact2: That that earphone does not index Romanal but the one swears hold. fact3: If that earphone is non-seismologic the one is not a firing. fact4: That earphone is a kind of non-cerulean one that is a blasted if this thing does not jostle fallacy. fact5: If that earphone is not seismologic then it is not a firing but a lysinemia. fact6: That cornmeal is not a lysinemia. fact7: This lycopod is not seismologic but the thing is pyroelectric. fact8: That earphone is not neuromuscular and is advisable. fact9: The wiretapper is not a kind of a firing. fact10: That that earphone is both not a firing and a lysinemia does not hold if that tangency is seismologic. fact11: That earphone is not seismologic. fact12: This symphysion is not a bellicosity and depreciates terabit. fact13: That earphone is not a firing. fact14: That earphone is not a shmear. fact15: If somebody unmades Daedal then that is seismologic. fact16: That earphone is not a bellicosity but a firing if it does not finish nexus. fact17: That earphone is not a Lipchitz. ; $hypothesis$ = That earphone is not a firing and is a kind of a lysinemia. ; $proof$ =
fact5 & fact11 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Seppuku occurs.
fact1: That seppuku does not happens is triggered by either effleurage or banding or both. fact2: Banqueting Maginot does not occurs and atomization does not happens. fact3: Non-chloroticness leads to that banding does not occurs. fact4: Drumming is triggered by dieting discarded. fact5: Appraisal and motoring Neurotrichus happens. fact6: If irrationalness occurs or decontamination does not happens or both then tombola occurs. fact7: That both drumming and appraisal occurs brings about that scud does not occurs. fact8: That acculturation occurs is prevented by that unscriptedness occurs. fact9: Tombola leads to that crib does not happens and purifying Capitonidae does not happens. fact10: Irrationalness happens or decontamination does not happens or both if banqueting Maginot does not occurs. fact11: Boring is caused by that acculturation does not happens and unapologeticness does not happens. fact12: Rape and/or dieting discarded occurs if egging Ukrayina does not occurs. fact13: If scud does not happens then unscriptedness and paring happens. fact14: The fact that egging Ukrayina does not occurs is true. fact15: Banding is prevented by that boring happens and chloroticness occurs. fact16: Drumming happens if rape happens. fact17: That boring occurs yields that chloroticness does not happens. fact18: Originating occurs. fact19: That banding occurs yields that seppuku does not happens. fact20: That purifying Capitonidae does not occurs yields that apologeticness and misrule occurs.
fact1: ({B} v {C}) -> ¬{D} fact2: (¬{R} & ¬{U}) fact3: ¬{E} -> ¬{C} fact4: {AA} -> {S} fact5: ({T} & {AC}) fact6: ({P} v ¬{Q}) -> {O} fact7: ({S} & {T}) -> ¬{N} fact8: {J} -> ¬{G} fact9: {O} -> (¬{M} & ¬{K}) fact10: ¬{R} -> ({P} v ¬{Q}) fact11: (¬{G} & ¬{H}) -> {F} fact12: ¬{AD} -> ({AB} v {AA}) fact13: ¬{N} -> ({J} & {L}) fact14: ¬{AD} fact15: ({F} & {E}) -> ¬{C} fact16: {AB} -> {S} fact17: {F} -> ¬{E} fact18: {A} fact19: {C} -> ¬{D} fact20: ¬{K} -> (¬{H} & {I})
Seppuku occurs.
[ "fact29 & fact23 -> int1: Rape and/or dieting discarded occurs.; int1 & fact34 & fact36 -> int2: Drumming occurs.; fact31 -> int3: Appraisal happens.; int2 & int3 -> int4: Drumming occurs and appraisal happens.; fact27 & int4 -> int5: Scud does not occurs.; fact35 & int5 -> int6: Unscriptedness happens and paring happens.; int6 -> int7: Unscriptedness occurs.; fact21 & int7 -> int8: Acculturation does not occurs.; fact33 -> int9: Banqueting Maginot does not occurs.; fact32 & int9 -> int10: The fact that irrationalness happens and/or decontamination does not happens hold.; fact24 & int10 -> int11: Tombola occurs.; fact22 & int11 -> int12: Crib does not happens and purifying Capitonidae does not happens.; int12 -> int13: That purifying Capitonidae does not happens is true.; fact28 & int13 -> int14: Notunapologeticness but misrule happens.; int14 -> int15: Unapologeticness does not happens.; int8 & int15 -> int16: Acculturation does not occurs and unapologeticness does not happens.; fact30 & int16 -> int17: That boring happens is true.; fact26 & int17 -> int18: Chloroticness does not happens.; fact25 & int18 -> int19: Banding does not occurs.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That seppuku does not happens is triggered by either effleurage or banding or both. fact2: Banqueting Maginot does not occurs and atomization does not happens. fact3: Non-chloroticness leads to that banding does not occurs. fact4: Drumming is triggered by dieting discarded. fact5: Appraisal and motoring Neurotrichus happens. fact6: If irrationalness occurs or decontamination does not happens or both then tombola occurs. fact7: That both drumming and appraisal occurs brings about that scud does not occurs. fact8: That acculturation occurs is prevented by that unscriptedness occurs. fact9: Tombola leads to that crib does not happens and purifying Capitonidae does not happens. fact10: Irrationalness happens or decontamination does not happens or both if banqueting Maginot does not occurs. fact11: Boring is caused by that acculturation does not happens and unapologeticness does not happens. fact12: Rape and/or dieting discarded occurs if egging Ukrayina does not occurs. fact13: If scud does not happens then unscriptedness and paring happens. fact14: The fact that egging Ukrayina does not occurs is true. fact15: Banding is prevented by that boring happens and chloroticness occurs. fact16: Drumming happens if rape happens. fact17: That boring occurs yields that chloroticness does not happens. fact18: Originating occurs. fact19: That banding occurs yields that seppuku does not happens. fact20: That purifying Capitonidae does not occurs yields that apologeticness and misrule occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Seppuku occurs. ; $proof$ =
Irremovableness and infallibleness occurs.
({D} & ¬{C})
fact1: Irremovableness but notfallibleness occurs if micturating girlhood happens. fact2: Uncontaminatingness happens and micturating girlhood happens.
fact1: {B} -> ({D} & ¬{C}) fact2: ({A} & {B})
[ "fact2 -> int1: Micturating girlhood occurs.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact2 -> int1: {B}; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Irremovableness but notfallibleness occurs if micturating girlhood happens. fact2: Uncontaminatingness happens and micturating girlhood happens. ; $hypothesis$ = Irremovableness and infallibleness occurs. ; $proof$ =
fact2 -> int1: Micturating girlhood occurs.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
Postmodernness does not happens.
fact1: Candying F.I.S.C. is caused by thoriatedness. fact2: Pecuniariness happens. fact3: That candying F.I.S.C. occurs and smiling happens prevents postmodernness. fact4: Angiospermousness happens. fact5: That smiling does not occurs and pecuniariness does not happens is triggered by that fracturing happens. fact6: If reassuring Andvari does not occurs both fracturing and ambages happens. fact7: Thoriatedness happens. fact8: Pecuniariness prevents that smiling does not occurs. fact9: Unselfishness causes that cybernation occurs.
fact1: {A} -> {B} fact2: {E} fact3: ({B} & {C}) -> ¬{D} fact4: {CG} fact5: {F} -> (¬{C} & ¬{E}) fact6: ¬{H} -> ({F} & {G}) fact7: {A} fact8: {E} -> {C} fact9: {JG} -> {EO}
[ "fact1 & fact7 -> int1: Candying F.I.S.C. occurs.; fact8 & fact2 -> int2: Smiling occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: Candying F.I.S.C. occurs and smiling occurs.; int3 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact7 -> int1: {B}; fact8 & fact2 -> int2: {C}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ({B} & {C}); int3 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
Postmodernness occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: Candying F.I.S.C. is caused by thoriatedness. fact2: Pecuniariness happens. fact3: That candying F.I.S.C. occurs and smiling happens prevents postmodernness. fact4: Angiospermousness happens. fact5: That smiling does not occurs and pecuniariness does not happens is triggered by that fracturing happens. fact6: If reassuring Andvari does not occurs both fracturing and ambages happens. fact7: Thoriatedness happens. fact8: Pecuniariness prevents that smiling does not occurs. fact9: Unselfishness causes that cybernation occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Postmodernness does not happens. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact7 -> int1: Candying F.I.S.C. occurs.; fact8 & fact2 -> int2: Smiling occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: Candying F.I.S.C. occurs and smiling occurs.; int3 & fact3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That notinuring momentousness but territorialization happens is incorrect.
¬(¬{AA} & {AB})
fact1: If reserving Kepler does not happens notinuring momentousness but territorialization happens. fact2: The fact that inuring momentousness occurs and territorialization occurs is false. fact3: The fact that the fact that reserving Kepler does not happens and working Jove happens is true is incorrect. fact4: That reserving Kepler does not happens is brought about by that both working Jove and sulphurousness occurs. fact5: Weighting Opiliones causes that teleporting newscast does not happens and intertribalness does not happens. fact6: That teleporting newscast does not happens results in that working Jove happens and sulphurousness occurs. fact7: That both inuring momentousness and territorialization happens causes non-sulphurousness. fact8: Islamicness occurs if the fact that notdithyramb but noncollapsableness occurs is wrong. fact9: If notinuring momentousness but territorialization occurs then that sulphurousness does not occurs is right. fact10: That sulphurousness does not occurs is prevented by that working Jove does not occurs. fact11: If that reserving Kepler does not happens but working Jove occurs is incorrect sulphurousness occurs. fact12: Inuring momentousness does not occurs.
fact1: ¬{A} -> (¬{AA} & {AB}) fact2: ¬({AA} & {AB}) fact3: ¬(¬{A} & {C}) fact4: ({C} & {B}) -> ¬{A} fact5: {F} -> (¬{D} & ¬{E}) fact6: ¬{D} -> ({C} & {B}) fact7: ({AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} fact8: ¬(¬{U} & {AM}) -> {HD} fact9: (¬{AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} fact10: ¬{C} -> {B} fact11: ¬(¬{A} & {C}) -> {B} fact12: ¬{AA}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that inuring momentousness does not occurs and territorialization occurs.; fact9 & assump1 -> int1: Sulphurousness does not occurs.; fact11 & fact3 -> int2: Sulphurousness occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: (¬{AA} & {AB}); fact9 & assump1 -> int1: ¬{B}; fact11 & fact3 -> int2: {B}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
Let's assume that inuring momentousness does not occurs and territorialization occurs.
(¬{AA} & {AB})
$facts$ = fact1: If reserving Kepler does not happens notinuring momentousness but territorialization happens. fact2: The fact that inuring momentousness occurs and territorialization occurs is false. fact3: The fact that the fact that reserving Kepler does not happens and working Jove happens is true is incorrect. fact4: That reserving Kepler does not happens is brought about by that both working Jove and sulphurousness occurs. fact5: Weighting Opiliones causes that teleporting newscast does not happens and intertribalness does not happens. fact6: That teleporting newscast does not happens results in that working Jove happens and sulphurousness occurs. fact7: That both inuring momentousness and territorialization happens causes non-sulphurousness. fact8: Islamicness occurs if the fact that notdithyramb but noncollapsableness occurs is wrong. fact9: If notinuring momentousness but territorialization occurs then that sulphurousness does not occurs is right. fact10: That sulphurousness does not occurs is prevented by that working Jove does not occurs. fact11: If that reserving Kepler does not happens but working Jove occurs is incorrect sulphurousness occurs. fact12: Inuring momentousness does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = That notinuring momentousness but territorialization happens is incorrect. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that inuring momentousness does not occurs and territorialization occurs.; fact9 & assump1 -> int1: Sulphurousness does not occurs.; fact11 & fact3 -> int2: Sulphurousness occurs.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
This bobbin pats distinction.
fact1: Someone pats distinction if it is a lame. fact2: The neurosurgeon is not a tunnage but it models PHS. fact3: The psychodoes not pat distinction but the one is a kind of a solidarity. fact4: The darts is not a lame. fact5: This bobbin does not burglarize but the one is a scowling. fact6: This bobbin does not batter Kuvi but the one espies Parseeism. fact7: This bobbin is not a kind of a lame but it pats distinction. fact8: This bobbin is not a lame but a sleuthing.
fact1: (x): {A}x -> {B}x fact2: (¬{BM}{db} & {S}{db}) fact3: (¬{B}{cc} & {EL}{cc}) fact4: ¬{A}{jf} fact5: (¬{CH}{a} & {JE}{a}) fact6: (¬{EC}{a} & {M}{a}) fact7: (¬{A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact8: (¬{A}{a} & {GN}{a})
[ "fact7 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact7 -> hypothesis;" ]
That laparoscope does pat distinction.
[ "fact9 -> int1: If that laparoscope is a lame that laparoscope pats distinction.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Someone pats distinction if it is a lame. fact2: The neurosurgeon is not a tunnage but it models PHS. fact3: The psychodoes not pat distinction but the one is a kind of a solidarity. fact4: The darts is not a lame. fact5: This bobbin does not burglarize but the one is a scowling. fact6: This bobbin does not batter Kuvi but the one espies Parseeism. fact7: This bobbin is not a kind of a lame but it pats distinction. fact8: This bobbin is not a lame but a sleuthing. ; $hypothesis$ = This bobbin pats distinction. ; $proof$ =
fact7 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That this venturi is a feud and is not a kind of a Turgot does not hold.
¬({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b})
fact1: Something that does not disembark Nyctereutes brushes cost and does not disembark Nyctereutes. fact2: If this Jamaican is undrained this venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis. fact3: If somebody is undrained the fact that this thing is a feud and the thing is not a Turgot is false. fact4: If this venturi sobers and the one does time Nymphalis this venturi is not a Turgot. fact5: If somebody that sobers does not time Nymphalis the one is not a Turgot. fact6: If this Jamaican is undrained this venturi does not time Nymphalis. fact7: This venturi does not time Nymphalis. fact8: This venturi slants Psyllidae and is not autotomic if this Jamaican is a consumptive. fact9: This Jamaican is undrained. fact10: Something that is not a Turgot is a kind of a feud that is not a Turgot. fact11: If something that slants Psyllidae is not autotomic the one is undrained.
fact1: (x): ¬{HU}x -> ({IQ}x & ¬{HU}x) fact2: {A}{a} -> ({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) fact3: (x): {A}x -> ¬({C}x & ¬{B}x) fact4: ({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{b} fact5: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> ¬{B}x fact6: {A}{a} -> ¬{AB}{b} fact7: ¬{AB}{b} fact8: {F}{a} -> ({E}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) fact9: {A}{a} fact10: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({C}x & ¬{B}x) fact11: (x): ({E}x & ¬{D}x) -> {A}x
[ "fact2 & fact9 -> int1: This venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis.; fact5 -> int2: If this venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis it is not a kind of a Turgot.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This venturi is not a Turgot.; fact10 -> int4: This venturi is a feud but the man is not a Turgot if this venturi is not a kind of a Turgot.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact2 & fact9 -> int1: ({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); fact5 -> int2: ({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{B}{b}; fact10 -> int4: ¬{B}{b} -> ({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b}); int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
That this venturi is a feud and is not a kind of a Turgot does not hold.
¬({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b})
[ "fact13 -> int5: If this venturi is undrained then that the thing is both a feud and not a Turgot is incorrect.; fact12 -> int6: If this venturi slants Psyllidae and is not autotomic it is undrained.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Something that does not disembark Nyctereutes brushes cost and does not disembark Nyctereutes. fact2: If this Jamaican is undrained this venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis. fact3: If somebody is undrained the fact that this thing is a feud and the thing is not a Turgot is false. fact4: If this venturi sobers and the one does time Nymphalis this venturi is not a Turgot. fact5: If somebody that sobers does not time Nymphalis the one is not a Turgot. fact6: If this Jamaican is undrained this venturi does not time Nymphalis. fact7: This venturi does not time Nymphalis. fact8: This venturi slants Psyllidae and is not autotomic if this Jamaican is a consumptive. fact9: This Jamaican is undrained. fact10: Something that is not a Turgot is a kind of a feud that is not a Turgot. fact11: If something that slants Psyllidae is not autotomic the one is undrained. ; $hypothesis$ = That this venturi is a feud and is not a kind of a Turgot does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact2 & fact9 -> int1: This venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis.; fact5 -> int2: If this venturi sobers and does not time Nymphalis it is not a kind of a Turgot.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This venturi is not a Turgot.; fact10 -> int4: This venturi is a feud but the man is not a Turgot if this venturi is not a kind of a Turgot.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That both sympathizing and ventilatoriness occurs is incorrect.
¬({C} & {D})
fact1: Smashing happens. fact2: Epiphany occurs. fact3: Approaching occurs. fact4: Non-unaccompaniedness is prevented by importunity. fact5: Overmastering tularaemia and venting Naze happens. fact6: Misdeal happens. fact7: Hydroelectricity happens and questioning Pacific occurs. fact8: Strepness is triggered by that chicane does not happens. fact9: Hydroelectricity happens. fact10: Ventilatoriness happens if questioning Pacific occurs. fact11: The fact that depopulating landed happens hold. fact12: Energeticness yields cycling Acre. fact13: That intromission does not happens prevents that farcing Outaouais does not occurs. fact14: If ventilatoriness does not occurs then that the fact that notsympathizing but ruminating Gerrhonotus occurs is wrong is correct. fact15: Both unstudiedness and flirting Volvox happens. fact16: Enchanting Triticum occurs and exuviating occurs. fact17: Ventilatoriness does not happens and questioning Pacific does not happens if hydroelectricity does not occurs. fact18: Hydroelectricity does not occurs if ballooning happens. fact19: That ruminating Gerrhonotus does not occurs is prevented by that effecting Dimash does not occurs. fact20: If preservation does not happens then twitting Armenia occurs. fact21: If arbitrage does not occurs importunity and ballooning happens. fact22: Ruminating Gerrhonotus yields sympathizing. fact23: That preservation happens is true. fact24: Effecting Dimash does not happens. fact25: Rouging happens if smash does not happens.
fact1: {GG} fact2: {BT} fact3: {J} fact4: {H} -> {IE} fact5: ({CB} & {AK}) fact6: {FT} fact7: ({F} & {E}) fact8: ¬{DO} -> {CD} fact9: {F} fact10: {E} -> {D} fact11: {HQ} fact12: {DI} -> {O} fact13: ¬{FU} -> {DD} fact14: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{C} & {B}) fact15: ({GF} & {DE}) fact16: ({AQ} & {DH}) fact17: ¬{F} -> (¬{D} & ¬{E}) fact18: {G} -> ¬{F} fact19: ¬{A} -> {B} fact20: ¬{HA} -> {EB} fact21: ¬{I} -> ({H} & {G}) fact22: {B} -> {C} fact23: {HA} fact24: ¬{A} fact25: ¬{EK} -> {DL}
[ "fact19 & fact24 -> int1: The fact that ruminating Gerrhonotus occurs is right.; int1 & fact22 -> int2: Sympathizing happens.; fact7 -> int3: Questioning Pacific happens.; int3 & fact10 -> int4: Ventilatoriness occurs.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact19 & fact24 -> int1: {B}; int1 & fact22 -> int2: {C}; fact7 -> int3: {E}; int3 & fact10 -> int4: {D}; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
Coating occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: Smashing happens. fact2: Epiphany occurs. fact3: Approaching occurs. fact4: Non-unaccompaniedness is prevented by importunity. fact5: Overmastering tularaemia and venting Naze happens. fact6: Misdeal happens. fact7: Hydroelectricity happens and questioning Pacific occurs. fact8: Strepness is triggered by that chicane does not happens. fact9: Hydroelectricity happens. fact10: Ventilatoriness happens if questioning Pacific occurs. fact11: The fact that depopulating landed happens hold. fact12: Energeticness yields cycling Acre. fact13: That intromission does not happens prevents that farcing Outaouais does not occurs. fact14: If ventilatoriness does not occurs then that the fact that notsympathizing but ruminating Gerrhonotus occurs is wrong is correct. fact15: Both unstudiedness and flirting Volvox happens. fact16: Enchanting Triticum occurs and exuviating occurs. fact17: Ventilatoriness does not happens and questioning Pacific does not happens if hydroelectricity does not occurs. fact18: Hydroelectricity does not occurs if ballooning happens. fact19: That ruminating Gerrhonotus does not occurs is prevented by that effecting Dimash does not occurs. fact20: If preservation does not happens then twitting Armenia occurs. fact21: If arbitrage does not occurs importunity and ballooning happens. fact22: Ruminating Gerrhonotus yields sympathizing. fact23: That preservation happens is true. fact24: Effecting Dimash does not happens. fact25: Rouging happens if smash does not happens. ; $hypothesis$ = That both sympathizing and ventilatoriness occurs is incorrect. ; $proof$ =
fact19 & fact24 -> int1: The fact that ruminating Gerrhonotus occurs is right.; int1 & fact22 -> int2: Sympathizing happens.; fact7 -> int3: Questioning Pacific happens.; int3 & fact10 -> int4: Ventilatoriness occurs.; int2 & int4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That everybody is autosomal and the one is not contrapuntal is wrong.
¬((x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x))
fact1: If somebody is numerical then the man is a kind of a beth and the one does not chaffer hypocapnia. fact2: Some person is both numerical and a aneuploidy if the fact that the one does not liquidize definiteness is true. fact3: The fact that someone does not right rates and she/he is not a Marceau is wrong if she/he is cetaceous. fact4: If some man does not liquidize definiteness then the man is a aneuploidy and the one is numerical. fact5: If somebody rights rates it does liquidize definiteness. fact6: Every man is apocryphal and it is not a Cordaites. fact7: Everybody does embody Aesculus and that one is not a kind of a healthfulness. fact8: If something is numerical the one is a Ivanov and the thing is not a Aire. fact9: Everything is Tasmanian and the one is not a nyctalopia. fact10: If the fact that somebody does not right rates and this person is not a Marceau does not hold the one does not liquidize definiteness. fact11: Some person is cetaceous if the fact that the person is both a Mutawa and not cetaceous does not hold. fact12: Every man conventionalises elephantiasis and the man is not allantoic. fact13: If something liquidizes definiteness then the thing is not numerical and the thing is not a aneuploidy. fact14: If something that is a kind of a Marceau does not right rates then the fact that the thing does not liquidize definiteness hold. fact15: If some person is non-numerical the person is disadvantageous and does not skew swashbuckling. fact16: The fact that everybody is not contrapuntal is right. fact17: There is no one such that this is a Mutawa and is not cetaceous. fact18: The fact that every man is autosomal and not contrapuntal is correct.
fact1: (x): {A}x -> ({DL}x & ¬{GP}x) fact2: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({A}x & {B}x) fact3: (x): {F}x -> ¬(¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) fact4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & {A}x) fact5: (x): {D}x -> {C}x fact6: (x): ({DN}x & ¬{CH}x) fact7: (x): ({GF}x & ¬{GI}x) fact8: (x): {A}x -> ({HA}x & ¬{I}x) fact9: (x): ({AP}x & ¬{J}x) fact10: (x): ¬(¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) -> ¬{C}x fact11: (x): ¬({H}x & ¬{F}x) -> {F}x fact12: (x): ({DF}x & ¬{IG}x) fact13: (x): {C}x -> (¬{A}x & ¬{B}x) fact14: (x): ({E}x & ¬{D}x) -> ¬{C}x fact15: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({BA}x & ¬{FP}x) fact16: (x): ¬{AB}x fact17: (x): ¬({H}x & ¬{F}x) fact18: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x)
[ "fact18 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact18 -> hypothesis;" ]
That everybody is a kind of disadvantageous person that does not skew swashbuckling hold.
(x): ({BA}x & ¬{FP}x)
[ "fact20 -> int1: If this sulfanilamide is non-numerical then he/she is disadvantageous and does not skew swashbuckling.; fact19 -> int2: This sulfanilamide is not numerical and it is not a kind of a aneuploidy if the one liquidizes definiteness.; fact21 -> int3: The fact that this sulfanilamide liquidizes definiteness is true if the thing does right rates.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If somebody is numerical then the man is a kind of a beth and the one does not chaffer hypocapnia. fact2: Some person is both numerical and a aneuploidy if the fact that the one does not liquidize definiteness is true. fact3: The fact that someone does not right rates and she/he is not a Marceau is wrong if she/he is cetaceous. fact4: If some man does not liquidize definiteness then the man is a aneuploidy and the one is numerical. fact5: If somebody rights rates it does liquidize definiteness. fact6: Every man is apocryphal and it is not a Cordaites. fact7: Everybody does embody Aesculus and that one is not a kind of a healthfulness. fact8: If something is numerical the one is a Ivanov and the thing is not a Aire. fact9: Everything is Tasmanian and the one is not a nyctalopia. fact10: If the fact that somebody does not right rates and this person is not a Marceau does not hold the one does not liquidize definiteness. fact11: Some person is cetaceous if the fact that the person is both a Mutawa and not cetaceous does not hold. fact12: Every man conventionalises elephantiasis and the man is not allantoic. fact13: If something liquidizes definiteness then the thing is not numerical and the thing is not a aneuploidy. fact14: If something that is a kind of a Marceau does not right rates then the fact that the thing does not liquidize definiteness hold. fact15: If some person is non-numerical the person is disadvantageous and does not skew swashbuckling. fact16: The fact that everybody is not contrapuntal is right. fact17: There is no one such that this is a Mutawa and is not cetaceous. fact18: The fact that every man is autosomal and not contrapuntal is correct. ; $hypothesis$ = That everybody is autosomal and the one is not contrapuntal is wrong. ; $proof$ =
fact18 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This lyssavirus does not stoop.
fact1: Something is fruticose if the fact that the thing is avian and the thing is not fruticose is false. fact2: This lyssavirus does not stoop if the fact that that harem is a paint and the person does criticise does not hold. fact3: The fact that that harem is not uncultivated but the one is chiasmatic is not right. fact4: This lyssavirus is chiasmatic. fact5: If this caries is not a arccosine the fact that the one is not a Dalian and the one is a cooling is incorrect. fact6: Someone is not nonarbitrary if the fact that the one is both not a Dalian and a cooling is wrong. fact7: That that harem does criticise and the thing is chiasmatic does not hold. fact8: That riflebird is fruticose if this detector is fruticose. fact9: The fact that that harem is not arbitrary hold if this caries is a gradualness and the thing is not arbitrary. fact10: That that harem is a renown hold. fact11: That that ventriloquist is a transcendentalism and is not a kind of a Kabbala is false. fact12: That antidiabetic does not crystalize Nepenthes. fact13: That this lyssavirus does not stoop but the thing is uncultivated is false. fact14: If something is not a nonabsorbency and it do notuble Krebs this caries is a kind of a gradualness. fact15: This lyssavirus criticises. fact16: If this caries criticises this lyssavirus stoops. fact17: That ventriloquist is not a nonabsorbency if the fact that that ventriloquist is a transcendentalism and is not a Kabbala does not hold. fact18: If that riflebird is fruticose then this caries is not a arccosine. fact19: If that that harem is uncultivated is not false this caries criticises. fact20: That that harem is not cultivated and not non-chiasmatic does not hold. fact21: If that antidiabetic does not crystalize Nepenthes then that ventriloquist do notuble Krebs. fact22: This caries criticises if the fact that that harem is not uncultivated but the one is chiasmatic is not right. fact23: That something is a paint and does criticise is incorrect if the one is not arbitrary.
fact1: (x): ¬({M}x & ¬{K}x) -> {K}x fact2: ¬({C}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{A}{c} fact3: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact4: {AB}{c} fact5: ¬{H}{b} -> ¬(¬{G}{b} & {F}{b}) fact6: (x): ¬(¬{G}x & {F}x) -> {D}x fact7: ¬({B}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact8: {K}{g} -> {K}{e} fact9: ({E}{b} & {D}{b}) -> ¬{D}{a} fact10: {HI}{a} fact11: ¬({N}{d} & ¬{O}{d}) fact12: ¬{L}{f} fact13: ¬(¬{A}{c} & {AA}{c}) fact14: (x): (¬{I}x & ¬{J}x) -> {E}{b} fact15: {B}{c} fact16: {B}{b} -> {A}{c} fact17: ¬({N}{d} & ¬{O}{d}) -> ¬{I}{d} fact18: {K}{e} -> ¬{H}{b} fact19: {AA}{a} -> {B}{b} fact20: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact21: ¬{L}{f} -> ¬{J}{d} fact22: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} fact23: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬({C}x & {B}x)
[ "fact22 & fact3 -> int1: This caries criticises.; int1 & fact16 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact22 & fact3 -> int1: {B}{b}; int1 & fact16 -> hypothesis;" ]
This lyssavirus does not stoop.
[ "fact32 -> int2: That that harem is a paint and criticises does not hold if that harem is not arbitrary.; fact25 & fact27 -> int3: That ventriloquist is not a kind of a nonabsorbency.; fact28 & fact36 -> int4: That ventriloquist do notuble Krebs.; int3 & int4 -> int5: That ventriloquist is not a nonabsorbency and do notuble Krebs.; int5 -> int6: Something is not a nonabsorbency and do notuble Krebs.; int6 & fact24 -> int7: This caries is a gradualness.; fact26 -> int8: If the fact that this caries is not a Dalian but the one is a cooling does not hold this caries is arbitrary.; fact31 -> int9: This detector is fruticose if the fact that the fact that this detector is not non-avian but it is not fruticose does not hold is true.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Something is fruticose if the fact that the thing is avian and the thing is not fruticose is false. fact2: This lyssavirus does not stoop if the fact that that harem is a paint and the person does criticise does not hold. fact3: The fact that that harem is not uncultivated but the one is chiasmatic is not right. fact4: This lyssavirus is chiasmatic. fact5: If this caries is not a arccosine the fact that the one is not a Dalian and the one is a cooling is incorrect. fact6: Someone is not nonarbitrary if the fact that the one is both not a Dalian and a cooling is wrong. fact7: That that harem does criticise and the thing is chiasmatic does not hold. fact8: That riflebird is fruticose if this detector is fruticose. fact9: The fact that that harem is not arbitrary hold if this caries is a gradualness and the thing is not arbitrary. fact10: That that harem is a renown hold. fact11: That that ventriloquist is a transcendentalism and is not a kind of a Kabbala is false. fact12: That antidiabetic does not crystalize Nepenthes. fact13: That this lyssavirus does not stoop but the thing is uncultivated is false. fact14: If something is not a nonabsorbency and it do notuble Krebs this caries is a kind of a gradualness. fact15: This lyssavirus criticises. fact16: If this caries criticises this lyssavirus stoops. fact17: That ventriloquist is not a nonabsorbency if the fact that that ventriloquist is a transcendentalism and is not a Kabbala does not hold. fact18: If that riflebird is fruticose then this caries is not a arccosine. fact19: If that that harem is uncultivated is not false this caries criticises. fact20: That that harem is not cultivated and not non-chiasmatic does not hold. fact21: If that antidiabetic does not crystalize Nepenthes then that ventriloquist do notuble Krebs. fact22: This caries criticises if the fact that that harem is not uncultivated but the one is chiasmatic is not right. fact23: That something is a paint and does criticise is incorrect if the one is not arbitrary. ; $hypothesis$ = This lyssavirus does not stoop. ; $proof$ =
fact22 & fact3 -> int1: This caries criticises.; int1 & fact16 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Frontness does not occurs.
fact1: Non-frontness is prevented by that threading happens. fact2: Tipping happens. fact3: That diabolatry occurs hold.
fact1: {A} -> {C} fact2: {IM} fact3: {B}
$facts$ = fact1: Non-frontness is prevented by that threading happens. fact2: Tipping happens. fact3: That diabolatry occurs hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Frontness does not occurs. ; $proof$ =
The fact that that flamboyant is a kind of a Sciuromorpha that Twins trying is false.
¬({A}{a} & {B}{a})
fact1: That flamboyant is a Sciuromorpha. fact2: This serendipity is a kind of a Sciuromorpha. fact3: that trying does Twin flamboyant. fact4: Everyone is not matriarchal and is not a thermostatics. fact5: That flamboyant does Twin trying.
fact1: {A}{a} fact2: {A}{ar} fact3: {AA}{aa} fact4: (x): (¬{D}x & ¬{E}x) fact5: {B}{a}
[ "fact1 & fact5 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact5 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that that flamboyant is a kind of a Sciuromorpha that Twins trying is false.
¬({A}{a} & {B}{a})
[ "fact6 -> int1: This syconium is not matriarchal and the one is not a thermostatics.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That flamboyant is a Sciuromorpha. fact2: This serendipity is a kind of a Sciuromorpha. fact3: that trying does Twin flamboyant. fact4: Everyone is not matriarchal and is not a thermostatics. fact5: That flamboyant does Twin trying. ; $hypothesis$ = The fact that that flamboyant is a kind of a Sciuromorpha that Twins trying is false. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact5 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Bewaring occurs.
fact1: That astrolatry does not happens and electiveness does not happens is false if melt does not occurs. fact2: If that the fact that try and katharobicness happens is incorrect is not wrong then try does not occurs. fact3: If betokening baud does not happens then feathering nineteenth occurs and petty occurs. fact4: If feathering nineteenth occurs brasslikeness occurs but bewaring does not happens. fact5: Brasslikeness does not happens if the fact that sellout does not occurs but brasslikeness occurs is incorrect. fact6: Leavedness occurs. fact7: Taoistness occurs and corbelledness occurs. fact8: The fact that both ruffle and melt happens does not hold if try does not happens. fact9: Bewaring happens and antiquating Humperdinck occurs if brasslikeness does not occurs. fact10: Betokening baud does not occurs if the fact that astrolatry does not happens and electiveness does not occurs is wrong. fact11: Unionness occurs. fact12: The fact that the fact that that sellout does not happens but brasslikeness happens hold is wrong if staging Walpole does not happens hold. fact13: Excretoriness occurs. fact14: Clutching occurs. fact15: Brasslikeness happens. fact16: If squawk does not occurs then the fact that both try and katharobicness happens is false. fact17: That melt does not happens is true if the fact that ruffle and melt occurs does not hold. fact18: If the fact that anaemicness occurs and intolerableness does not happens is incorrect then staging Walpole does not occurs. fact19: That inoculation does not occurs and Easter happens results in that squawk does not occurs.
fact1: ¬{I} -> ¬(¬{E} & ¬{F}) fact2: ¬({J} & {M}) -> ¬{J} fact3: ¬{D} -> ({C} & {CD}) fact4: {C} -> ({B} & ¬{A}) fact5: ¬(¬{G} & {B}) -> ¬{B} fact6: {BT} fact7: ({HE} & {FE}) fact8: ¬{J} -> ¬({K} & {I}) fact9: ¬{B} -> ({A} & {FF}) fact10: ¬(¬{E} & ¬{F}) -> ¬{D} fact11: {BC} fact12: ¬{H} -> ¬(¬{G} & {B}) fact13: {GD} fact14: {U} fact15: {B} fact16: ¬{P} -> ¬({J} & {M}) fact17: ¬({K} & {I}) -> ¬{I} fact18: ¬({N} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{H} fact19: (¬{Q} & {R}) -> ¬{P}
Petty and antiquating Humperdinck happens.
({CD} & {FF})
$facts$ = fact1: That astrolatry does not happens and electiveness does not happens is false if melt does not occurs. fact2: If that the fact that try and katharobicness happens is incorrect is not wrong then try does not occurs. fact3: If betokening baud does not happens then feathering nineteenth occurs and petty occurs. fact4: If feathering nineteenth occurs brasslikeness occurs but bewaring does not happens. fact5: Brasslikeness does not happens if the fact that sellout does not occurs but brasslikeness occurs is incorrect. fact6: Leavedness occurs. fact7: Taoistness occurs and corbelledness occurs. fact8: The fact that both ruffle and melt happens does not hold if try does not happens. fact9: Bewaring happens and antiquating Humperdinck occurs if brasslikeness does not occurs. fact10: Betokening baud does not occurs if the fact that astrolatry does not happens and electiveness does not occurs is wrong. fact11: Unionness occurs. fact12: The fact that the fact that that sellout does not happens but brasslikeness happens hold is wrong if staging Walpole does not happens hold. fact13: Excretoriness occurs. fact14: Clutching occurs. fact15: Brasslikeness happens. fact16: If squawk does not occurs then the fact that both try and katharobicness happens is false. fact17: That melt does not happens is true if the fact that ruffle and melt occurs does not hold. fact18: If the fact that anaemicness occurs and intolerableness does not happens is incorrect then staging Walpole does not occurs. fact19: That inoculation does not occurs and Easter happens results in that squawk does not occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Bewaring occurs. ; $proof$ =
Trammelling Inchon does not happens.
fact1: Gonioscopy or untunefulness or both yields that salaaming does not occurs. fact2: If luau does not happens ctenoidness occurs and trammelling Inchon occurs. fact3: The fact that that luau does not happens is right if that luau happens and using does not happens is false is right. fact4: Ionicness occurs. fact5: Gonioscopy occurs if gonioscopy occurs and/or scolding epicycloid does not occurs. fact6: Trammelling Inchon does not happens if that either using happens or luau occurs or both is false. fact7: If untunefulness does not occurs then gonioscopy and salaaming happens. fact8: Trammelling Inchon occurs. fact9: Either gonioscopy occurs or scolding epicycloid does not happens or both if arrogance does not happens. fact10: Stocktake does not occurs and arrogance does not happens if the fact that short happens hold. fact11: That ditching appreciativeness happens hold. fact12: If salaaming occurs then that that luau but notusing happens does not hold is true.
fact1: ({E} v {F}) -> ¬{D} fact2: ¬{B} -> ({GH} & {A}) fact3: ¬({B} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{B} fact4: {R} fact5: ({E} v ¬{H}) -> {E} fact6: ¬({C} v {B}) -> ¬{A} fact7: ¬{F} -> ({E} & {D}) fact8: {A} fact9: ¬{G} -> ({E} v ¬{H}) fact10: {J} -> (¬{I} & ¬{G}) fact11: {JE} fact12: {D} -> ¬({B} & ¬{C})
[ "fact8 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact8 -> hypothesis;" ]
That ctenoidness happens is true.
$facts$ = fact1: Gonioscopy or untunefulness or both yields that salaaming does not occurs. fact2: If luau does not happens ctenoidness occurs and trammelling Inchon occurs. fact3: The fact that that luau does not happens is right if that luau happens and using does not happens is false is right. fact4: Ionicness occurs. fact5: Gonioscopy occurs if gonioscopy occurs and/or scolding epicycloid does not occurs. fact6: Trammelling Inchon does not happens if that either using happens or luau occurs or both is false. fact7: If untunefulness does not occurs then gonioscopy and salaaming happens. fact8: Trammelling Inchon occurs. fact9: Either gonioscopy occurs or scolding epicycloid does not happens or both if arrogance does not happens. fact10: Stocktake does not occurs and arrogance does not happens if the fact that short happens hold. fact11: That ditching appreciativeness happens hold. fact12: If salaaming occurs then that that luau but notusing happens does not hold is true. ; $hypothesis$ = Trammelling Inchon does not happens. ; $proof$ =
fact8 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That that cantilever does not snarf hosanna and is a kind of a pace does not hold.
¬(¬{C}{c} & {B}{c})
fact1: That the azoimide is not uncertain but the one is a duration is false. fact2: The fact that that cantilever snarfs hosanna and is a pace is incorrect. fact3: That acoustician is not a orthopnea. fact4: That acoustician is a duration that is not a orthopnea. fact5: Someone does not snarf hosanna if the fact that it menaces rubel and snarf hosanna is false. fact6: That tranquillizer is not a kind of a pace if that acoustician is a kind of a duration but the one is not a orthopnea. fact7: If that tranquillizer is not a pace that the fact that that cantilever snarfs hosanna and it is a pace is wrong hold. fact8: That that cantilever menaces rubel and snarfs hosanna is not right if that cantilever is non-cognisable. fact9: The fact that that cantilever does not snarf hosanna but the thing is a pace is wrong if that tranquillizer is not a kind of a pace.
fact1: ¬(¬{AI}{fb} & {AA}{fb}) fact2: ¬({C}{c} & {B}{c}) fact3: ¬{AB}{a} fact4: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact5: (x): ¬({F}x & {C}x) -> ¬{C}x fact6: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} fact7: ¬{B}{b} -> ¬({C}{c} & {B}{c}) fact8: ¬{E}{c} -> ¬({F}{c} & {C}{c}) fact9: ¬{B}{b} -> ¬(¬{C}{c} & {B}{c})
[ "fact6 & fact4 -> int1: That tranquillizer is not a pace.; int1 & fact9 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact6 & fact4 -> int1: ¬{B}{b}; int1 & fact9 -> hypothesis;" ]
That cantilever does not snarf hosanna and is a pace.
(¬{C}{c} & {B}{c})
[ "fact11 -> int2: That cantilever does not snarf hosanna if that that the one menaces rubel and the man snarf hosanna hold is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That the azoimide is not uncertain but the one is a duration is false. fact2: The fact that that cantilever snarfs hosanna and is a pace is incorrect. fact3: That acoustician is not a orthopnea. fact4: That acoustician is a duration that is not a orthopnea. fact5: Someone does not snarf hosanna if the fact that it menaces rubel and snarf hosanna is false. fact6: That tranquillizer is not a kind of a pace if that acoustician is a kind of a duration but the one is not a orthopnea. fact7: If that tranquillizer is not a pace that the fact that that cantilever snarfs hosanna and it is a pace is wrong hold. fact8: That that cantilever menaces rubel and snarfs hosanna is not right if that cantilever is non-cognisable. fact9: The fact that that cantilever does not snarf hosanna but the thing is a pace is wrong if that tranquillizer is not a kind of a pace. ; $hypothesis$ = That that cantilever does not snarf hosanna and is a kind of a pace does not hold. ; $proof$ =
fact6 & fact4 -> int1: That tranquillizer is not a pace.; int1 & fact9 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
This pyridoxine listens.
fact1: Someone is adsorptive if the one is not agrobiological. fact2: If that tabour is a kind of a Aethionema and the one is a kind of a changeability that the person is not a kind of a Sennett hold. fact3: That dermatome does listen. fact4: This pyridoxine does not listen if that dermatome does not fetch but it immobilizes. fact5: That dermatome is not non-Archean. fact6: This pyridoxine listens if that dermatome fetches. fact7: If somebody is not dilute that thing is dioecious and the thing is a Tayassuidae. fact8: That the musk does listen is true. fact9: Something that does not immobilize fetches. fact10: If this pyridoxine fetches and the man is a peeing the one is not Delphian. fact11: The scarabaeid is agrobiological and it is forceless. fact12: The fact that that dermatome is agrobiological and the thing is Archean hold. fact13: If this magdalen does not contribute Muridae but the one is nonvoluntary this magdalen is not dilute. fact14: That dermatome listens if this pyridoxine does immobilize. fact15: The fact that the Dardanian listens is true. fact16: If this magdalen is dioecious and the one is a Tayassuidae then that dermatome does not fetch. fact17: Something wilts if the fact that the thing is not a kind of a iamb is right. fact18: That dermatome does immobilize if this fleabag is alular. fact19: This pyridoxine is not a pricking. fact20: This pyridoxine does not fetch. fact21: If that dermatome is not non-agrobiological and the one is Archean the person does not immobilize. fact22: That dermatome is a metal if this does not listen.
fact1: (x): ¬{AA}x -> {ET}x fact2: ({HF}{gr} & {AQ}{gr}) -> ¬{AK}{gr} fact3: {C}{a} fact4: (¬{A}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{C}{b} fact5: {AB}{a} fact6: {A}{a} -> {C}{b} fact7: (x): ¬{F}x -> ({E}x & {D}x) fact8: {C}{f} fact9: (x): ¬{B}x -> {A}x fact10: ({A}{b} & {IR}{b}) -> ¬{DC}{b} fact11: ({AA}{bf} & {IT}{bf}) fact12: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact13: (¬{J}{c} & {K}{c}) -> ¬{F}{c} fact14: {B}{b} -> {C}{a} fact15: {C}{gf} fact16: ({E}{c} & {D}{c}) -> ¬{A}{a} fact17: (x): ¬{DN}x -> {HO}x fact18: {G}{d} -> {B}{a} fact19: ¬{IQ}{b} fact20: ¬{A}{b} fact21: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact22: ¬{C}{a} -> {GL}{a}
[ "fact21 & fact12 -> int1: That that dermatome does not immobilize is true.; fact9 -> int2: That dermatome fetches if the thing does not immobilize.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That dermatome fetches.; int3 & fact6 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact21 & fact12 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; fact9 -> int2: ¬{B}{a} -> {A}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: {A}{a}; int3 & fact6 -> hypothesis;" ]
This pyridoxine does not listen.
[ "fact24 -> int4: If this magdalen is not dilute it is not non-dioecious but a Tayassuidae.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: Someone is adsorptive if the one is not agrobiological. fact2: If that tabour is a kind of a Aethionema and the one is a kind of a changeability that the person is not a kind of a Sennett hold. fact3: That dermatome does listen. fact4: This pyridoxine does not listen if that dermatome does not fetch but it immobilizes. fact5: That dermatome is not non-Archean. fact6: This pyridoxine listens if that dermatome fetches. fact7: If somebody is not dilute that thing is dioecious and the thing is a Tayassuidae. fact8: That the musk does listen is true. fact9: Something that does not immobilize fetches. fact10: If this pyridoxine fetches and the man is a peeing the one is not Delphian. fact11: The scarabaeid is agrobiological and it is forceless. fact12: The fact that that dermatome is agrobiological and the thing is Archean hold. fact13: If this magdalen does not contribute Muridae but the one is nonvoluntary this magdalen is not dilute. fact14: That dermatome listens if this pyridoxine does immobilize. fact15: The fact that the Dardanian listens is true. fact16: If this magdalen is dioecious and the one is a Tayassuidae then that dermatome does not fetch. fact17: Something wilts if the fact that the thing is not a kind of a iamb is right. fact18: That dermatome does immobilize if this fleabag is alular. fact19: This pyridoxine is not a pricking. fact20: This pyridoxine does not fetch. fact21: If that dermatome is not non-agrobiological and the one is Archean the person does not immobilize. fact22: That dermatome is a metal if this does not listen. ; $hypothesis$ = This pyridoxine listens. ; $proof$ =
fact21 & fact12 -> int1: That that dermatome does not immobilize is true.; fact9 -> int2: That dermatome fetches if the thing does not immobilize.; int1 & int2 -> int3: That dermatome fetches.; int3 & fact6 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That concoction does not happens is true.
fact1: If aquiculturalness occurs that the fact that manufacture does not occurs and presentation happens is correct does not hold. fact2: Recreationalness prevents that regretting does not happens. fact3: Illuminating graveness and/or that blowing Bettongia does not happens is triggered by ceilingedness. fact4: If the fact that peninsularness occurs and ESR does not happens is incorrect then peninsularness does not happens. fact5: Diverging promptness happens if the fact that precipitatingness does not occurs and western happens is false. fact6: If that diverging promptness happens but requiring does not occurs does not hold then concoction does not occurs. fact7: If peninsularness does not occurs then both aquiculturalness and hornswoggling hectometer happens. fact8: That smelling does not occurs brings about that cephalicness happens and blustering happens. fact9: That batrachomyomachia does not occurs but politicness happens is incorrect if concoction does not happens. fact10: The fact that recreationalness occurs but precipitatingness does not occurs is incorrect. fact11: Diverging promptness brings about concoction. fact12: If the fact that recreationalness happens and precipitatingness does not occurs does not hold then recreationalness does not happens. fact13: The fact that latria happens hold if that non-dorsalness and purifying ambivalency happens is not right. fact14: Manufacture occurs if the fact that manufacture does not happens and presentation happens does not hold. fact15: Crabs happens. fact16: If that western does not occurs is correct diverging promptness happens. fact17: That blasting cataphasia does not occurs brings about that tragicomicness does not happens and diluting hypospadias does not happens. fact18: Manufacture results in that sailplaninging happens and smelling does not happens. fact19: That peninsularness but notESR occurs does not hold if the fact that tragicomicness does not occurs hold. fact20: That ceilingedness occurs and diocesan happens is triggered by non-recreationalness. fact21: That notprecipitatingness but western occurs is incorrect. fact22: Recreationalness occurs if the fact that extolling quadrantanopia does not happens and inexpensiveness occurs is wrong. fact23: If cephalicness happens then that diverging promptness happens but requiring does not happens is incorrect.
fact1: {I} -> ¬(¬{H} & {J}) fact2: {U} -> {BA} fact3: {S} -> ({Q} v ¬{R}) fact4: ¬({L} & ¬{N}) -> ¬{L} fact5: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) -> {B} fact6: ¬({B} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{A} fact7: ¬{L} -> ({I} & {K}) fact8: ¬{F} -> ({D} & {E}) fact9: ¬{A} -> ¬(¬{IN} & {FR}) fact10: ¬({U} & ¬{AA}) fact11: {B} -> {A} fact12: ¬({U} & ¬{AA}) -> ¬{U} fact13: ¬(¬{JD} & {AP}) -> {AD} fact14: ¬(¬{H} & {J}) -> {H} fact15: {EJ} fact16: ¬{AB} -> {B} fact17: ¬{P} -> (¬{M} & ¬{O}) fact18: {H} -> ({G} & ¬{F}) fact19: ¬{M} -> ¬({L} & ¬{N}) fact20: ¬{U} -> ({S} & {T}) fact21: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) fact22: ¬(¬{DP} & {EB}) -> {U} fact23: {D} -> ¬({B} & ¬{C})
[ "fact5 & fact21 -> int1: Diverging promptness occurs.; int1 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact5 & fact21 -> int1: {B}; int1 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
That concoction does not happens is true.
[ "fact33 & fact35 -> int2: Recreationalness does not occurs.; fact34 & int2 -> int3: The fact that ceilingedness happens and diocesan happens is true.; int3 -> int4: Ceilingedness happens.; fact32 & int4 -> int5: Illuminating graveness happens and/or blowing Bettongia does not happens.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If aquiculturalness occurs that the fact that manufacture does not occurs and presentation happens is correct does not hold. fact2: Recreationalness prevents that regretting does not happens. fact3: Illuminating graveness and/or that blowing Bettongia does not happens is triggered by ceilingedness. fact4: If the fact that peninsularness occurs and ESR does not happens is incorrect then peninsularness does not happens. fact5: Diverging promptness happens if the fact that precipitatingness does not occurs and western happens is false. fact6: If that diverging promptness happens but requiring does not occurs does not hold then concoction does not occurs. fact7: If peninsularness does not occurs then both aquiculturalness and hornswoggling hectometer happens. fact8: That smelling does not occurs brings about that cephalicness happens and blustering happens. fact9: That batrachomyomachia does not occurs but politicness happens is incorrect if concoction does not happens. fact10: The fact that recreationalness occurs but precipitatingness does not occurs is incorrect. fact11: Diverging promptness brings about concoction. fact12: If the fact that recreationalness happens and precipitatingness does not occurs does not hold then recreationalness does not happens. fact13: The fact that latria happens hold if that non-dorsalness and purifying ambivalency happens is not right. fact14: Manufacture occurs if the fact that manufacture does not happens and presentation happens does not hold. fact15: Crabs happens. fact16: If that western does not occurs is correct diverging promptness happens. fact17: That blasting cataphasia does not occurs brings about that tragicomicness does not happens and diluting hypospadias does not happens. fact18: Manufacture results in that sailplaninging happens and smelling does not happens. fact19: That peninsularness but notESR occurs does not hold if the fact that tragicomicness does not occurs hold. fact20: That ceilingedness occurs and diocesan happens is triggered by non-recreationalness. fact21: That notprecipitatingness but western occurs is incorrect. fact22: Recreationalness occurs if the fact that extolling quadrantanopia does not happens and inexpensiveness occurs is wrong. fact23: If cephalicness happens then that diverging promptness happens but requiring does not happens is incorrect. ; $hypothesis$ = That concoction does not happens is true. ; $proof$ =
fact5 & fact21 -> int1: Diverging promptness occurs.; int1 & fact11 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That cock is a carbonyl.
fact1: This prodigy is not a halftime and not an executive if the fact that that loincloth is not scentless hold. fact2: That epididymis lessens if there exists someone such that the fact that the one is both not a IMF and not anisogamic is false. fact3: If that that cock does not pronounce and is not a carbonyl does not hold that that cock does monologuise hairiness is correct. fact4: If someone that lessens blocks sexed it is not noninstitutional. fact5: If that massicotite monologuises hairiness the fact that that massicotite is not immanent but the one is low does not hold. fact6: this hairiness monologuises massicotite. fact7: That that cock is low but the one does not pronounce does not hold if the man is a carbonyl. fact8: If somebody does not monologuise hairiness then that it is not a kind of a appetisingness and does not cluster Bennettitales is wrong. fact9: That that loincloth does not dwindle and is scentless is incorrect if that epididymis is not noninstitutional. fact10: If the fact that that ganoin is not ecdemic but the one is a tempering is incorrect then that massicotite does not pronounce. fact11: If that massicotite monologuises hairiness then the fact that that massicotite is immanent and is not low is incorrect. fact12: That cock is immanent. fact13: That cock does monologuise hairiness and is a carbonyl if that massicotite does not pronounce. fact14: If that that massicotite monologuises hairiness hold that that massicotite is not immanent and not low is incorrect. fact15: That cock is a carbonyl if that massicotite pronounces but the one is not a kind of a carbonyl. fact16: The fact that that ganoin is not ecdemic but it is a tempering is false if this prodigy is not an executive. fact17: That cock is not a carbonyl if that massicotite pronounces. fact18: That massicotite monologuises hairiness. fact19: That that massicotite is immanent and is not low is wrong. fact20: That massicotite does pronounce if that that massicotite is not immanent and the one is not low is false. fact21: That massicotite is a piffle. fact22: There exists somebody such that the fact that it is both not a IMF and non-anisogamic does not hold. fact23: The fact that that massicotite is not immanent but low is not true. fact24: Something is not scentless if the fact that that does not dwindle and is scentless is wrong.
fact1: ¬{H}{e} -> (¬{G}{d} & ¬{F}{d}) fact2: (x): ¬(¬{N}x & ¬{O}x) -> {L}{f} fact3: ¬(¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> {A}{b} fact4: (x): ({L}x & {K}x) -> ¬{J}x fact5: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact6: {AC}{aa} fact7: {C}{b} -> ¬({AB}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) fact8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{DA}x & ¬{JI}x) fact9: ¬{J}{f} -> ¬(¬{I}{e} & {H}{e}) fact10: ¬(¬{D}{c} & {E}{c}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact11: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact12: {AA}{b} fact13: ¬{B}{a} -> ({A}{b} & {C}{b}) fact14: {A}{a} -> ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact15: ({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> {C}{b} fact16: ¬{F}{d} -> ¬(¬{D}{c} & {E}{c}) fact17: {B}{a} -> ¬{C}{b} fact18: {A}{a} fact19: ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact20: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{a} fact21: {CD}{a} fact22: (Ex): ¬(¬{N}x & ¬{O}x) fact23: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact24: (x): ¬(¬{I}x & {H}x) -> ¬{H}x
[ "fact14 & fact18 -> int1: That that massicotite is both not immanent and not low is false.; int1 & fact20 -> int2: That massicotite pronounces.; int2 & fact17 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact14 & fact18 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); int1 & fact20 -> int2: {B}{a}; int2 & fact17 -> hypothesis;" ]
That cock is a carbonyl.
$facts$ = fact1: This prodigy is not a halftime and not an executive if the fact that that loincloth is not scentless hold. fact2: That epididymis lessens if there exists someone such that the fact that the one is both not a IMF and not anisogamic is false. fact3: If that that cock does not pronounce and is not a carbonyl does not hold that that cock does monologuise hairiness is correct. fact4: If someone that lessens blocks sexed it is not noninstitutional. fact5: If that massicotite monologuises hairiness the fact that that massicotite is not immanent but the one is low does not hold. fact6: this hairiness monologuises massicotite. fact7: That that cock is low but the one does not pronounce does not hold if the man is a carbonyl. fact8: If somebody does not monologuise hairiness then that it is not a kind of a appetisingness and does not cluster Bennettitales is wrong. fact9: That that loincloth does not dwindle and is scentless is incorrect if that epididymis is not noninstitutional. fact10: If the fact that that ganoin is not ecdemic but the one is a tempering is incorrect then that massicotite does not pronounce. fact11: If that massicotite monologuises hairiness then the fact that that massicotite is immanent and is not low is incorrect. fact12: That cock is immanent. fact13: That cock does monologuise hairiness and is a carbonyl if that massicotite does not pronounce. fact14: If that that massicotite monologuises hairiness hold that that massicotite is not immanent and not low is incorrect. fact15: That cock is a carbonyl if that massicotite pronounces but the one is not a kind of a carbonyl. fact16: The fact that that ganoin is not ecdemic but it is a tempering is false if this prodigy is not an executive. fact17: That cock is not a carbonyl if that massicotite pronounces. fact18: That massicotite monologuises hairiness. fact19: That that massicotite is immanent and is not low is wrong. fact20: That massicotite does pronounce if that that massicotite is not immanent and the one is not low is false. fact21: That massicotite is a piffle. fact22: There exists somebody such that the fact that it is both not a IMF and non-anisogamic does not hold. fact23: The fact that that massicotite is not immanent but low is not true. fact24: Something is not scentless if the fact that that does not dwindle and is scentless is wrong. ; $hypothesis$ = That cock is a carbonyl. ; $proof$ =
fact14 & fact18 -> int1: That that massicotite is both not immanent and not low is false.; int1 & fact20 -> int2: That massicotite pronounces.; int2 & fact17 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
This postman is a Moussorgsky.
fact1: If this runner is a kind of a Moussorgsky then this postman is not a Moussorgsky but the one is caecal.
fact1: {B}{a} -> (¬{B}{b} & {C}{b})
$facts$ = fact1: If this runner is a kind of a Moussorgsky then this postman is not a Moussorgsky but the one is caecal. ; $hypothesis$ = This postman is a Moussorgsky. ; $proof$ =
This airport is not a seriocomedy.
fact1: If the fact that this airport is a Praxiteles but the one is not a Yakima is wrong then that dowser is a seriocomedy. fact2: Something is not a Presbytes if the thing does not scrunch Frankliniella. fact3: That dowser does not spew pusillanimousness if the fact that this midiron does not spew pusillanimousness and is waxy does not hold. fact4: Somebody is not a Presbytes if she is not innocuous. fact5: If the fact that someone is a kind of a Channidae but the one does not conglutinate is incorrect then it is impressible. fact6: That dowser is both pubic and not a lividity. fact7: If some person does recess IT that the person is a kind of a Praxiteles and the one is not a kind of a Yakima is incorrect. fact8: That dowser is pubic. fact9: If someone does not spew pusillanimousness then the one is non-innocuous or does not scrunch Frankliniella or both. fact10: This Guarani spotlights Plattensee and does not traduce Leycesteria. fact11: This airport is a seriocomedy if that that dowser is not innocuous is wrong. fact12: This NegGram slackens Rockefeller. fact13: If somebody is impressible then that the thing does not spew pusillanimousness and is not non-waxy does not hold. fact14: The fact that this midiron is a Channidae but it does not conglutinate is incorrect. fact15: If the fact that some man does not sustain and is a Hitchcock does not hold then the one recesses IT. fact16: That this airport is not a seriocomedy is true if that dowser is pubic but the thing is not a lividity. fact17: The fact that this airport does not sustain but it is a kind of a Hitchcock does not hold if this NegGram slackens Rockefeller.
fact1: ¬({E}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) -> {B}{a} fact2: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬{BT}x fact3: ¬(¬{G}{c} & {H}{c}) -> ¬{G}{a} fact4: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{BT}x fact5: (x): ¬({L}x & ¬{M}x) -> {I}x fact6: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) fact7: (x): {F}x -> ¬({E}x & ¬{D}x) fact8: {AA}{a} fact9: (x): ¬{G}x -> (¬{A}x v ¬{C}x) fact10: ({DN}{ik} & ¬{DE}{ik}) fact11: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact12: {N}{d} fact13: (x): {I}x -> ¬(¬{G}x & {H}x) fact14: ¬({L}{c} & ¬{M}{c}) fact15: (x): ¬(¬{J}x & {K}x) -> {F}x fact16: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} fact17: {N}{d} -> ¬(¬{J}{b} & {K}{b})
[ "fact16 & fact6 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact16 & fact6 -> hypothesis;" ]
That dowser is a seriocomedy but he is not a Presbytes.
({B}{a} & ¬{BT}{a})
[ "fact26 -> int1: That this airport is a Praxiteles but the person is not a Yakima is wrong if this airport recesses IT.; fact23 -> int2: If the fact that this airport does not sustain but the man is a Hitchcock is not true then the one recesses IT.; fact28 & fact22 -> int3: That this airport does not sustain and is a Hitchcock is incorrect.; int2 & int3 -> int4: This airport recesses IT.; int1 & int4 -> int5: The fact that this airport is a Praxiteles but the one is not a kind of a Yakima does not hold.; fact24 & int5 -> int6: That dowser is a seriocomedy.; fact19 -> int7: The fact that either that dowser is not innocuous or the one does not scrunch Frankliniella or both is correct if that the one does not spew pusillanimousness hold.; fact21 -> int8: If this midiron is impressible then that this midiron does not spew pusillanimousness and is waxy does not hold.; fact29 -> int9: If that this midiron is a Channidae and does not conglutinate does not hold then this is impressible.; int9 & fact25 -> int10: The fact that this midiron is impressible hold.; int8 & int10 -> int11: The fact that this midiron does not spew pusillanimousness and is waxy is not correct.; fact20 & int11 -> int12: That dowser does not spew pusillanimousness.; int7 & int12 -> int13: That dowser is not innocuous and/or it does not scrunch Frankliniella.; fact18 -> int14: If that dowser is non-innocuous the thing is not a Presbytes.; fact27 -> int15: That dowser is not a Presbytes if that dowser does not scrunch Frankliniella.; int13 & int14 & int15 -> int16: That dowser is not a Presbytes.; int6 & int16 -> hypothesis;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If the fact that this airport is a Praxiteles but the one is not a Yakima is wrong then that dowser is a seriocomedy. fact2: Something is not a Presbytes if the thing does not scrunch Frankliniella. fact3: That dowser does not spew pusillanimousness if the fact that this midiron does not spew pusillanimousness and is waxy does not hold. fact4: Somebody is not a Presbytes if she is not innocuous. fact5: If the fact that someone is a kind of a Channidae but the one does not conglutinate is incorrect then it is impressible. fact6: That dowser is both pubic and not a lividity. fact7: If some person does recess IT that the person is a kind of a Praxiteles and the one is not a kind of a Yakima is incorrect. fact8: That dowser is pubic. fact9: If someone does not spew pusillanimousness then the one is non-innocuous or does not scrunch Frankliniella or both. fact10: This Guarani spotlights Plattensee and does not traduce Leycesteria. fact11: This airport is a seriocomedy if that that dowser is not innocuous is wrong. fact12: This NegGram slackens Rockefeller. fact13: If somebody is impressible then that the thing does not spew pusillanimousness and is not non-waxy does not hold. fact14: The fact that this midiron is a Channidae but it does not conglutinate is incorrect. fact15: If the fact that some man does not sustain and is a Hitchcock does not hold then the one recesses IT. fact16: That this airport is not a seriocomedy is true if that dowser is pubic but the thing is not a lividity. fact17: The fact that this airport does not sustain but it is a kind of a Hitchcock does not hold if this NegGram slackens Rockefeller. ; $hypothesis$ = This airport is not a seriocomedy. ; $proof$ =
fact16 & fact6 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That twerp is rheologic and/or the thing is not an affirmative.
({C}{a} v ¬{A}{a})
fact1: The ecliptic is not operable if the ecliptic is a kind of rheologic thing that is unenclosed. fact2: That twerp is vegetal or it is an affirmative or both. fact3: The winch is not a kind of a Yerupaja. fact4: That someone is a Olivier but the one is not a Glendower does not hold if the person sluices priestcraft. fact5: Either that twerp is a Tripleurospermum or the one is not a hemophilia or both. fact6: If someone does not cornice Hawai'i then the fact that the one is a Olivier and does not sluice priestcraft is incorrect. fact7: That that twerp is non-unbarrelled an affirmative is wrong if this gargle is a kind of a Erysimum. fact8: That twerp is a venire. fact9: This blues is a kind of a Ophiodon or the one is a Yerupaja or both. fact10: Something that is not a kind of an affirmative is not rheologic. fact11: If that somebody is a Olivier and is not a Glendower is false then the man is a Erysimum. fact12: If somebody is not unbarrelled the fact that it is not an affirmative is true. fact13: That twerp is not a Yerupaja but it is a kind of a venire. fact14: That that twerp is either rheologic or not an affirmative or both is not right if this gargle is unbarrelled. fact15: That the fitch is not a Yerupaja hold. fact16: If the fact that someone is a Olivier but the one does not sluice priestcraft is false the one is not a Erysimum. fact17: If the fact that that twerp is not unbarrelled but the one is an affirmative is incorrect that this WWW is non-rheologic is correct. fact18: That twerp does not chevvy Symplocaceae. fact19: That if that someone is not a Glendower and the man is not unbarrelled does not hold the man is unbarrelled hold. fact20: If something is not a Erysimum then that it is not a Glendower and it is not unbarrelled is false.
fact1: ({C}{ie} & {N}{ie}) -> ¬{FD}{ie} fact2: ({EM}{a} v {A}{a}) fact3: ¬{AA}{cc} fact4: (x): {G}x -> ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) fact5: ({JE}{a} v ¬{O}{a}) fact6: (x): ¬{H}x -> ¬({F}x & ¬{G}x) fact7: {D}{b} -> ¬(¬{B}{a} & {A}{a}) fact8: {AB}{a} fact9: ({JH}{et} v {AA}{et}) fact10: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{C}x fact11: (x): ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) -> {D}x fact12: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬{A}x fact13: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact14: {B}{b} -> ¬({C}{a} v ¬{A}{a}) fact15: ¬{AA}{bq} fact16: (x): ¬({F}x & ¬{G}x) -> ¬{D}x fact17: ¬(¬{B}{a} & {A}{a}) -> ¬{C}{gc} fact18: ¬{GN}{a} fact19: (x): ¬(¬{E}x & ¬{B}x) -> {B}x fact20: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬(¬{E}x & ¬{B}x)
[ "fact12 -> int1: If the fact that that twerp is not unbarrelled is not incorrect the one is not an affirmative.;" ]
[ "fact12 -> int1: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{A}{a};" ]
The fact that that twerp is rheologic or it is not an affirmative or both does not hold.
¬({C}{a} v ¬{A}{a})
[ "fact22 -> int2: If that this gargle is not a Glendower and is not unbarrelled is false then it is not unbarrelled.; fact25 -> int3: That this gargle is both not a Glendower and not unbarrelled does not hold if this gargle is not a Erysimum.; fact21 -> int4: If the fact that this gargle is a kind of a Olivier and does not sluice priestcraft does not hold then the one is not a Erysimum.; fact23 -> int5: If this gargle does not cornice Hawai'i then that the one is a Olivier and the thing does not sluice priestcraft does not hold.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The ecliptic is not operable if the ecliptic is a kind of rheologic thing that is unenclosed. fact2: That twerp is vegetal or it is an affirmative or both. fact3: The winch is not a kind of a Yerupaja. fact4: That someone is a Olivier but the one is not a Glendower does not hold if the person sluices priestcraft. fact5: Either that twerp is a Tripleurospermum or the one is not a hemophilia or both. fact6: If someone does not cornice Hawai'i then the fact that the one is a Olivier and does not sluice priestcraft is incorrect. fact7: That that twerp is non-unbarrelled an affirmative is wrong if this gargle is a kind of a Erysimum. fact8: That twerp is a venire. fact9: This blues is a kind of a Ophiodon or the one is a Yerupaja or both. fact10: Something that is not a kind of an affirmative is not rheologic. fact11: If that somebody is a Olivier and is not a Glendower is false then the man is a Erysimum. fact12: If somebody is not unbarrelled the fact that it is not an affirmative is true. fact13: That twerp is not a Yerupaja but it is a kind of a venire. fact14: That that twerp is either rheologic or not an affirmative or both is not right if this gargle is unbarrelled. fact15: That the fitch is not a Yerupaja hold. fact16: If the fact that someone is a Olivier but the one does not sluice priestcraft is false the one is not a Erysimum. fact17: If the fact that that twerp is not unbarrelled but the one is an affirmative is incorrect that this WWW is non-rheologic is correct. fact18: That twerp does not chevvy Symplocaceae. fact19: That if that someone is not a Glendower and the man is not unbarrelled does not hold the man is unbarrelled hold. fact20: If something is not a Erysimum then that it is not a Glendower and it is not unbarrelled is false. ; $hypothesis$ = That twerp is rheologic and/or the thing is not an affirmative. ; $proof$ =
Gentrification happens.
fact1: Nativisticness leads to gentrification. fact2: If sighting does not happens then metarule does not occurs and gentrification does not occurs. fact3: Railroading happens. fact4: Bam occurs. fact5: Nativisticness happens and metarule happens. fact6: Metarule occurs. fact7: That metarule does not happens brings about that nativisticness occurs and sponge occurs.
fact1: {A} -> {C} fact2: ¬{D} -> (¬{B} & ¬{C}) fact3: {IS} fact4: {DO} fact5: ({A} & {B}) fact6: {B} fact7: ¬{B} -> ({A} & {DJ})
[ "fact5 -> int1: Nativisticness occurs.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact5 -> int1: {A}; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis;" ]
Sponge happens.
$facts$ = fact1: Nativisticness leads to gentrification. fact2: If sighting does not happens then metarule does not occurs and gentrification does not occurs. fact3: Railroading happens. fact4: Bam occurs. fact5: Nativisticness happens and metarule happens. fact6: Metarule occurs. fact7: That metarule does not happens brings about that nativisticness occurs and sponge occurs. ; $hypothesis$ = Gentrification happens. ; $proof$ =
fact5 -> int1: Nativisticness occurs.; int1 & fact1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That Li does not submerge hold.
fact1: The fact that Li submerges if the fact that Li is not unsubstantial and/or the one whites Bradstreet is wrong is true. fact2: If that something farts Phalacrocorax but that thing does not regiment lux is incorrect the one does not submerge. fact3: That Li is substantial and/or the one whites Bradstreet is false.
fact1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) -> {B}{a} fact2: (x): ¬({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> ¬{B}x fact3: ¬(¬{AA}{a} v {AB}{a})
[ "fact1 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact1 & fact3 -> hypothesis;" ]
That Li does not submerge hold.
[ "fact4 -> int1: If the fact that Li farts Phalacrocorax but the one does not regiment lux is false the one does not submerge.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The fact that Li submerges if the fact that Li is not unsubstantial and/or the one whites Bradstreet is wrong is true. fact2: If that something farts Phalacrocorax but that thing does not regiment lux is incorrect the one does not submerge. fact3: That Li is substantial and/or the one whites Bradstreet is false. ; $hypothesis$ = That Li does not submerge hold. ; $proof$ =
fact1 & fact3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That functioning is a contour.
fact1: This arch is not a Draco. fact2: This arch does not Badger dwarfishness if that it arms Myotis and the one Badger dwarfishness is wrong. fact3: If this visualiser is not non-urceolate then this arch Badgers dwarfishness. fact4: If this arch is not a warmer and the one does not Badger dwarfishness that functioning is not a contour. fact5: If this arch is a Draco and is a roaring then this arch is not a warmer. fact6: This arch is not a contour and is a MEd. fact7: If that functioning is not a roaring and is a kind of a contour that functioning does not Badger dwarfishness. fact8: This arch is both not a Draco and a roaring. fact9: The fact that if someone does arm Myotis the one is urceolate hold. fact10: If the fact that that functioning is not a warmer and not a contour is correct this arch is not a Draco. fact11: That functioning is not a roaring. fact12: The fact that something is a kind of a contour and is mucoidal is not true if the thing does not Badger dwarfishness. fact13: That this arch arms Myotis and does Badger dwarfishness is wrong. fact14: If the fact that this archangel Badgers dwarfishness and the one is urceolate is wrong the person does not Badgers dwarfishness. fact15: That if somebody Badgers dwarfishness then the one is not a contour and the thing is not a kind of a warmer is not wrong. fact16: The pavior is not a Draco. fact17: If that this arch is not a Draco but that thing is a roaring is right then the thing is not a kind of a warmer. fact18: That functioning does not aspire and is a Alsophila.
fact1: ¬{AA}{a} fact2: ¬({E}{a} & {A}{a}) -> ¬{A}{a} fact3: {D}{c} -> {A}{a} fact4: (¬{B}{a} & ¬{A}{a}) -> ¬{C}{b} fact5: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact6: (¬{C}{a} & {IF}{a}) fact7: (¬{AB}{b} & {C}{b}) -> ¬{A}{b} fact8: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) fact9: (x): {E}x -> {D}x fact10: (¬{B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> ¬{AA}{a} fact11: ¬{AB}{b} fact12: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({C}x & {BB}x) fact13: ¬({E}{a} & {A}{a}) fact14: ¬({A}{ce} & {D}{ce}) -> ¬{A}{ce} fact15: (x): {A}x -> (¬{C}x & ¬{B}x) fact16: ¬{AA}{hl} fact17: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} fact18: (¬{GO}{b} & {JJ}{b})
[ "fact17 & fact8 -> int1: This arch is not a warmer.; fact2 & fact13 -> int2: This arch does not Badger dwarfishness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This arch is not a warmer and the one does not Badger dwarfishness.; int3 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact17 & fact8 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; fact2 & fact13 -> int2: ¬{A}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: (¬{B}{a} & ¬{A}{a}); int3 & fact4 -> hypothesis;" ]
That this archangel is a contour and the one is mucoidal is false.
¬({C}{ce} & {BB}{ce})
[ "fact19 -> int4: If this archangel does not Badger dwarfishness that the one is both a contour and mucoidal is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: This arch is not a Draco. fact2: This arch does not Badger dwarfishness if that it arms Myotis and the one Badger dwarfishness is wrong. fact3: If this visualiser is not non-urceolate then this arch Badgers dwarfishness. fact4: If this arch is not a warmer and the one does not Badger dwarfishness that functioning is not a contour. fact5: If this arch is a Draco and is a roaring then this arch is not a warmer. fact6: This arch is not a contour and is a MEd. fact7: If that functioning is not a roaring and is a kind of a contour that functioning does not Badger dwarfishness. fact8: This arch is both not a Draco and a roaring. fact9: The fact that if someone does arm Myotis the one is urceolate hold. fact10: If the fact that that functioning is not a warmer and not a contour is correct this arch is not a Draco. fact11: That functioning is not a roaring. fact12: The fact that something is a kind of a contour and is mucoidal is not true if the thing does not Badger dwarfishness. fact13: That this arch arms Myotis and does Badger dwarfishness is wrong. fact14: If the fact that this archangel Badgers dwarfishness and the one is urceolate is wrong the person does not Badgers dwarfishness. fact15: That if somebody Badgers dwarfishness then the one is not a contour and the thing is not a kind of a warmer is not wrong. fact16: The pavior is not a Draco. fact17: If that this arch is not a Draco but that thing is a roaring is right then the thing is not a kind of a warmer. fact18: That functioning does not aspire and is a Alsophila. ; $hypothesis$ = That functioning is a contour. ; $proof$ =
fact17 & fact8 -> int1: This arch is not a warmer.; fact2 & fact13 -> int2: This arch does not Badger dwarfishness.; int1 & int2 -> int3: This arch is not a warmer and the one does not Badger dwarfishness.; int3 & fact4 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
Defervescing and igniting Mazama happens.
({C} & {B})
fact1: If that lying sibilant does not happens is wrong then that both aquaculture and loading occurs does not hold. fact2: Nonconformity happens. fact3: That defervescing occurs and igniting Mazama occurs does not hold if lying sibilant does not occurs. fact4: That igniting Mazama occurs is brought about by aquaculture. fact5: Lying sibilant happens. fact6: Yawning leads to that imperviousness happens. fact7: That defervescing does not occurs is prevented by that nonconformity happens. fact8: Plowing occurs. fact9: If that aquaculture does not occurs and loading occurs is not true then igniting Mazama occurs. fact10: The fact that notaquaculture but loading happens is wrong if lying sibilant happens. fact11: That that both aquaculture and loading happens is not correct hold.
fact1: {A} -> ¬({AA} & {AB}) fact2: {D} fact3: ¬{A} -> ¬({C} & {B}) fact4: {AA} -> {B} fact5: {A} fact6: {ET} -> {BU} fact7: {D} -> {C} fact8: {BT} fact9: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) -> {B} fact10: {A} -> ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}) fact11: ¬({AA} & {AB})
[ "fact10 & fact5 -> int1: The fact that aquaculture does not happens and loading occurs is false.; int1 & fact9 -> int2: Igniting Mazama happens.; fact2 & fact7 -> int3: Defervescing occurs.; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact10 & fact5 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA} & {AB}); int1 & fact9 -> int2: {B}; fact2 & fact7 -> int3: {C}; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
The fact that defervescing and igniting Mazama occurs does not hold.
¬({C} & {B})
$facts$ = fact1: If that lying sibilant does not happens is wrong then that both aquaculture and loading occurs does not hold. fact2: Nonconformity happens. fact3: That defervescing occurs and igniting Mazama occurs does not hold if lying sibilant does not occurs. fact4: That igniting Mazama occurs is brought about by aquaculture. fact5: Lying sibilant happens. fact6: Yawning leads to that imperviousness happens. fact7: That defervescing does not occurs is prevented by that nonconformity happens. fact8: Plowing occurs. fact9: If that aquaculture does not occurs and loading occurs is not true then igniting Mazama occurs. fact10: The fact that notaquaculture but loading happens is wrong if lying sibilant happens. fact11: That that both aquaculture and loading happens is not correct hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Defervescing and igniting Mazama happens. ; $proof$ =
fact10 & fact5 -> int1: The fact that aquaculture does not happens and loading occurs is false.; int1 & fact9 -> int2: Igniting Mazama happens.; fact2 & fact7 -> int3: Defervescing occurs.; int2 & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
This Antivert is a Lawton.
fact1: The forte is a kind of a Amoebina. fact2: If that wretch is a stinting then the thing is not a interestedness. fact3: The fact that this slack is a Carnivora is right. fact4: That wretch is a kind of a stinting. fact5: Someone that is not a interestedness is a kind of salvific thing that recovers heterosis. fact6: This Antivert chokes contemptibility. fact7: That shitting is a Amoebina. fact8: The fact that someone that is not a Amoebina is ventilatory and/or a Lawton is correct. fact9: The colours is a Amoebina. fact10: This Antivert does purge Szell. fact11: Somebody is not a kind of a Amoebina if the one is both not uncultivated and Judaical. fact12: If this slack is a kind of a Lawton the fact that this Antivert is a Amoebina is true. fact13: If something recovers heterosis then the thing is not uncultivated and the thing is Judaical. fact14: If that whipping is a Lawton this slack is a kind of a Amoebina. fact15: This slack overwhelms tableau if that this Antivert is a slyness is right. fact16: If that this slack is a Lawton is right then this Antivert is not a Lawton. fact17: This slack is a kind of a Amoebina. fact18: This slack is a Lawton if this Antivert is a Amoebina. fact19: This Antivert is a Lawton if this slack is a Amoebina. fact20: The fact that this slack is pyknotic is correct. fact21: This Antivert is offshore.
fact1: {A}{gd} fact2: {I}{c} -> ¬{H}{c} fact3: {FM}{a} fact4: {I}{c} fact5: (x): ¬{H}x -> ({G}x & {F}x) fact6: {DF}{b} fact7: {A}{fb} fact8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({C}x v {B}x) fact9: {A}{br} fact10: {FU}{b} fact11: (x): (¬{E}x & {D}x) -> ¬{A}x fact12: {B}{a} -> {A}{b} fact13: (x): {F}x -> (¬{E}x & {D}x) fact14: {B}{cd} -> {A}{a} fact15: {FJ}{b} -> {IT}{a} fact16: {B}{a} -> ¬{B}{b} fact17: {A}{a} fact18: {A}{b} -> {B}{a} fact19: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact20: {IC}{a} fact21: {FK}{b}
[ "fact19 & fact17 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact19 & fact17 -> hypothesis;" ]
This Antivert is not a Lawton.
[ "fact25 -> int1: If that wretch is not a Amoebina the one is ventilatory and/or the thing is a Lawton.; fact23 -> int2: That wretch is not a Amoebina if that wretch is not uncultivated but it is Judaical.; fact27 -> int3: If that wretch recovers heterosis then he is not uncultivated and the man is Judaical.; fact28 -> int4: That wretch is salvific and the thing recovers heterosis if that wretch is not a kind of a interestedness.; fact22 & fact26 -> int5: That wretch is not a interestedness.; int4 & int5 -> int6: That wretch is salvific and recovers heterosis.; int6 -> int7: That wretch does recover heterosis.; int3 & int7 -> int8: That wretch is not uncultivated and is Judaical.; int2 & int8 -> int9: That wretch is not a Amoebina.; int1 & int9 -> int10: That wretch is either ventilatory or a Lawton or both.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: The forte is a kind of a Amoebina. fact2: If that wretch is a stinting then the thing is not a interestedness. fact3: The fact that this slack is a Carnivora is right. fact4: That wretch is a kind of a stinting. fact5: Someone that is not a interestedness is a kind of salvific thing that recovers heterosis. fact6: This Antivert chokes contemptibility. fact7: That shitting is a Amoebina. fact8: The fact that someone that is not a Amoebina is ventilatory and/or a Lawton is correct. fact9: The colours is a Amoebina. fact10: This Antivert does purge Szell. fact11: Somebody is not a kind of a Amoebina if the one is both not uncultivated and Judaical. fact12: If this slack is a kind of a Lawton the fact that this Antivert is a Amoebina is true. fact13: If something recovers heterosis then the thing is not uncultivated and the thing is Judaical. fact14: If that whipping is a Lawton this slack is a kind of a Amoebina. fact15: This slack overwhelms tableau if that this Antivert is a slyness is right. fact16: If that this slack is a Lawton is right then this Antivert is not a Lawton. fact17: This slack is a kind of a Amoebina. fact18: This slack is a Lawton if this Antivert is a Amoebina. fact19: This Antivert is a Lawton if this slack is a Amoebina. fact20: The fact that this slack is pyknotic is correct. fact21: This Antivert is offshore. ; $hypothesis$ = This Antivert is a Lawton. ; $proof$ =
fact19 & fact17 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
That that diffusor is both a crossing and a Decumaria is not true.
¬({A}{a} & {C}{a})
fact1: That diffusor is unintrusive. fact2: That diffusor is elastic a DRMS. fact3: That diffusor is dishonest. fact4: The billionaire veers Strobilomyces and it softens. fact5: That diffusor is dishonest and the thing is a Decumaria. fact6: That diffusor is a crossing and unintrusive. fact7: The fact that someone is a crossing and it is a Decumaria is not true if the fact that the one is not unintrusive is true.
fact1: {B}{a} fact2: ({E}{a} & {FD}{a}) fact3: {D}{a} fact4: ({IS}{gu} & {K}{gu}) fact5: ({D}{a} & {C}{a}) fact6: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) fact7: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬({A}x & {C}x)
[ "fact6 -> int1: That diffusor is a crossing.; fact5 -> int2: That diffusor is a Decumaria.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact6 -> int1: {A}{a}; fact5 -> int2: {C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
That that diffusor is both a crossing and a Decumaria is not true.
¬({A}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "fact8 -> int3: If the fact that that diffusor is not unintrusive is correct that that diffusor is both a crossing and a Decumaria is incorrect.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: That diffusor is unintrusive. fact2: That diffusor is elastic a DRMS. fact3: That diffusor is dishonest. fact4: The billionaire veers Strobilomyces and it softens. fact5: That diffusor is dishonest and the thing is a Decumaria. fact6: That diffusor is a crossing and unintrusive. fact7: The fact that someone is a crossing and it is a Decumaria is not true if the fact that the one is not unintrusive is true. ; $hypothesis$ = That that diffusor is both a crossing and a Decumaria is not true. ; $proof$ =
fact6 -> int1: That diffusor is a crossing.; fact5 -> int2: That diffusor is a Decumaria.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That everybody sniffs does not hold.
¬((x): {A}x)
fact1: If someone that is not a planking is not a sedulousness the person is not a opportuneness. fact2: If some person sniffs the one is not non-superhuman. fact3: That every person is a travail is correct. fact4: Everyone is a ubiety. fact5: That someone is myelinated one that does not sniff does not hold if the one is not a opportuneness. fact6: Everything is thick. fact7: If somebody is not a kind of a opportuneness the thing sniffs and this is not myelinated.
fact1: (x): (¬{E}x & ¬{D}x) -> ¬{C}x fact2: (x): {A}x -> {BP}x fact3: (x): {II}x fact4: (x): {AT}x fact5: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬(¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) fact6: (x): {JB}x fact7: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({A}x & {B}x)
Every man is superhuman.
(x): {BP}x
[ "fact9 -> int1: That Alar is superhuman if that Alar sniffs.; fact10 -> int2: If that Alar is not a opportuneness this one sniffs and is unmyelinated.; fact8 -> int3: That Alar is not a opportuneness if the one is not a planking and not a sedulousness.;" ]
$facts$ = fact1: If someone that is not a planking is not a sedulousness the person is not a opportuneness. fact2: If some person sniffs the one is not non-superhuman. fact3: That every person is a travail is correct. fact4: Everyone is a ubiety. fact5: That someone is myelinated one that does not sniff does not hold if the one is not a opportuneness. fact6: Everything is thick. fact7: If somebody is not a kind of a opportuneness the thing sniffs and this is not myelinated. ; $hypothesis$ = That everybody sniffs does not hold. ; $proof$ =
That flexibleness occurs and angering midplane occurs is wrong.
¬({A} & {B})
fact1: Collapsableness occurs if the fact that cut does not happens and Billingsing does not happens is wrong. fact2: Backedness does not happens if that notscrap but spit happens is incorrect. fact3: Non-backedness triggers that both moniedness and attempting 100 happens. fact4: The fact that notscrap but spit occurs does not hold if that monauralness occurs is true. fact5: Diagnosis happens if angering midplane but notcrazing Alhambra occurs. fact6: That programming caesura does not occurs is caused by that thenalness does not happens and realisation does not occurs. fact7: Thenalness does not happens and realisation does not happens if the fact that oxygenising musophobia does not happens is correct. fact8: Rebuilding Vanellus or that whirlpooling happens or both is triggered by that demonstration does not occurs. fact9: That both non-carrotiness and duckpins happens is incorrect if Assault happens. fact10: That programming caesura does not occurs brings about that Assault occurs and bombilation occurs. fact11: Oxygenising musophobia does not happens if the fact that demobilization does not occurs or referral does not occurs or both is incorrect. fact12: If the fact that collapsableness occurs is right that demobilization does not happens or referral does not happens or both is wrong. fact13: Crazing Alhambra does not happens if the fact that the fact that carrotiness does not occurs but duckpins occurs is true is incorrect. fact14: Angering midplane happens. fact15: Non-polishingness and/or quieting prevents fitterness. fact16: Tapping enthalpy happens. fact17: That flexibleness occurs and angering midplane happens is incorrect if crazing Alhambra does not happens. fact18: Flexibleness happens. fact19: If fitterness does not happens that cut does not occurs and Billingsing does not occurs is incorrect. fact20: Non-polishingness and/or that quieting occurs is brought about by that moniedness happens.
fact1: ¬(¬{P} & ¬{O}) -> {N} fact2: ¬(¬{AC} & {AB}) -> ¬{AA} fact3: ¬{AA} -> ({T} & {U}) fact4: {AD} -> ¬(¬{AC} & {AB}) fact5: ({B} & ¬{C}) -> {CL} fact6: (¬{I} & ¬{J}) -> ¬{H} fact7: ¬{K} -> (¬{I} & ¬{J}) fact8: ¬{AG} -> ({AE} v {AF}) fact9: {F} -> ¬(¬{E} & {D}) fact10: ¬{H} -> ({F} & {G}) fact11: ¬(¬{L} v ¬{M}) -> ¬{K} fact12: {N} -> ¬(¬{L} v ¬{M}) fact13: ¬(¬{E} & {D}) -> ¬{C} fact14: {B} fact15: (¬{S} v {R}) -> ¬{Q} fact16: {GM} fact17: ¬{C} -> ¬({A} & {B}) fact18: {A} fact19: ¬{Q} -> ¬(¬{P} & ¬{O}) fact20: {T} -> (¬{S} v {R})
[ "fact18 & fact14 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact18 & fact14 -> hypothesis;" ]
Both diagnosis and bisteredness happens.
({CL} & {DM})
$facts$ = fact1: Collapsableness occurs if the fact that cut does not happens and Billingsing does not happens is wrong. fact2: Backedness does not happens if that notscrap but spit happens is incorrect. fact3: Non-backedness triggers that both moniedness and attempting 100 happens. fact4: The fact that notscrap but spit occurs does not hold if that monauralness occurs is true. fact5: Diagnosis happens if angering midplane but notcrazing Alhambra occurs. fact6: That programming caesura does not occurs is caused by that thenalness does not happens and realisation does not occurs. fact7: Thenalness does not happens and realisation does not happens if the fact that oxygenising musophobia does not happens is correct. fact8: Rebuilding Vanellus or that whirlpooling happens or both is triggered by that demonstration does not occurs. fact9: That both non-carrotiness and duckpins happens is incorrect if Assault happens. fact10: That programming caesura does not occurs brings about that Assault occurs and bombilation occurs. fact11: Oxygenising musophobia does not happens if the fact that demobilization does not occurs or referral does not occurs or both is incorrect. fact12: If the fact that collapsableness occurs is right that demobilization does not happens or referral does not happens or both is wrong. fact13: Crazing Alhambra does not happens if the fact that the fact that carrotiness does not occurs but duckpins occurs is true is incorrect. fact14: Angering midplane happens. fact15: Non-polishingness and/or quieting prevents fitterness. fact16: Tapping enthalpy happens. fact17: That flexibleness occurs and angering midplane happens is incorrect if crazing Alhambra does not happens. fact18: Flexibleness happens. fact19: If fitterness does not happens that cut does not occurs and Billingsing does not occurs is incorrect. fact20: Non-polishingness and/or that quieting occurs is brought about by that moniedness happens. ; $hypothesis$ = That flexibleness occurs and angering midplane occurs is wrong. ; $proof$ =
fact18 & fact14 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
That aphakic tranquillizings Telosporidia.
fact1: The plagiarist does strengthen Danton. fact2: That that airdrome is descriptive one that is not jurisprudential does not hold if this earthman is not Triassic. fact3: That that aphakic does not plug Scrophulariaceae but the thing strengthens Danton does not hold if that aphakic is a potable. fact4: If this deaconess tranquillizings Telosporidia then that aphakic strengthens Danton. fact5: the Danton strengthens deaconess. fact6: If the fact that this deaconess does strengthen Danton and does not plug Scrophulariaceae does not hold that aphakic does not tranquillizing Telosporidia. fact7: If something that does not strengthen Danton does not plug Scrophulariaceae the one does tranquillizing Telosporidia. fact8: Someone that does not birdie Esperanto is not Triassic and does not drive Pelew. fact9: This earthman is not Triassic if this hypsometer is not Triassic. fact10: This deaconess is a panicked. fact11: If the fact that this deaconess strengthens Danton is right that aphakic tranquillizings Telosporidia. fact12: That aphakic strengthens Danton. fact13: This deaconess is not a potable if the fact that that airdrome is both descriptive and not jurisprudential is wrong. fact14: This deaconess is a drilled. fact15: This deaconess tranquillizings Telosporidia. fact16: This deaconess is an imprinting. fact17: The fact that somebody strengthens Danton but it does not plug Scrophulariaceae is wrong if the person is not a potable.
fact1: {A}{eq} fact2: ¬{G}{d} -> ¬({E}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) fact3: {D}{b} -> ¬(¬{C}{b} & {A}{b}) fact4: {B}{a} -> {A}{b} fact5: {AA}{aa} fact6: ¬({A}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} fact7: (x): (¬{A}x & ¬{C}x) -> {B}x fact8: (x): ¬{I}x -> (¬{G}x & ¬{H}x) fact9: ¬{G}{e} -> ¬{G}{d} fact10: {BS}{a} fact11: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} fact12: {A}{b} fact13: ¬({E}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) -> ¬{D}{a} fact14: {BQ}{a} fact15: {B}{a} fact16: {J}{a} fact17: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬({A}x & ¬{C}x)
That aphakic does not tranquillizing Telosporidia.
$facts$ = fact1: The plagiarist does strengthen Danton. fact2: That that airdrome is descriptive one that is not jurisprudential does not hold if this earthman is not Triassic. fact3: That that aphakic does not plug Scrophulariaceae but the thing strengthens Danton does not hold if that aphakic is a potable. fact4: If this deaconess tranquillizings Telosporidia then that aphakic strengthens Danton. fact5: the Danton strengthens deaconess. fact6: If the fact that this deaconess does strengthen Danton and does not plug Scrophulariaceae does not hold that aphakic does not tranquillizing Telosporidia. fact7: If something that does not strengthen Danton does not plug Scrophulariaceae the one does tranquillizing Telosporidia. fact8: Someone that does not birdie Esperanto is not Triassic and does not drive Pelew. fact9: This earthman is not Triassic if this hypsometer is not Triassic. fact10: This deaconess is a panicked. fact11: If the fact that this deaconess strengthens Danton is right that aphakic tranquillizings Telosporidia. fact12: That aphakic strengthens Danton. fact13: This deaconess is not a potable if the fact that that airdrome is both descriptive and not jurisprudential is wrong. fact14: This deaconess is a drilled. fact15: This deaconess tranquillizings Telosporidia. fact16: This deaconess is an imprinting. fact17: The fact that somebody strengthens Danton but it does not plug Scrophulariaceae is wrong if the person is not a potable. ; $hypothesis$ = That aphakic tranquillizings Telosporidia. ; $proof$ =
Papilliformness and irremediableness happens.
({D} & ¬{E})
fact1: That hardship does not happens and spartanness does not occurs is incorrect if foraging AFL does not happens. fact2: If structuralness happens the fact that stylising Katsina does not occurs and unacceptableness does not happens is false. fact3: That either arrest happens or macrencephalicness does not happens or both is caused by non-Hanoverianness. fact4: That structuralness happens is prevented by stylising Katsina. fact5: Initiation does not happens if the fact that hardship does not occurs and spartanness does not happens does not hold. fact6: That decontaminating phonophobia does not happens and remediableness does not occurs is brought about by meioticness. fact7: Inflating occurs. fact8: That both papilliformness and remediableness occurs is wrong if structuralness does not occurs. fact9: Structuralness happens and decontaminating phonophobia occurs if meioticness does not occurs. fact10: That initiation does not occurs triggers that both meioticness and shifting happens. fact11: If structuralness does not happens the fact that both papilliformness and irremediableness occurs is incorrect. fact12: That unacceptableness and stylising Katsina happens hold. fact13: Unacceptableness occurs. fact14: That stylising Katsina does not occurs and unacceptableness does not happens results in that remaking Limacidae does not happens. fact15: Unacceptableness happens if that stylising Katsina does not happens and unacceptableness does not happens is not true. fact16: The fact that foraging AFL does not happens is correct if arrest happens and/or macrencephalicness does not occurs. fact17: The fact that papilliformness happens and remediableness happens does not hold.
fact1: ¬{L} -> ¬(¬{J} & ¬{K}) fact2: {C} -> ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) fact3: ¬{O} -> ({N} v ¬{M}) fact4: {B} -> ¬{C} fact5: ¬(¬{J} & ¬{K}) -> ¬{I} fact6: {G} -> (¬{F} & ¬{E}) fact7: {HN} fact8: ¬{C} -> ¬({D} & {E}) fact9: ¬{G} -> ({C} & {F}) fact10: ¬{I} -> ({G} & {H}) fact11: ¬{C} -> ¬({D} & ¬{E}) fact12: ({A} & {B}) fact13: {A} fact14: (¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> ¬{IL} fact15: ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> {A} fact16: ({N} v ¬{M}) -> ¬{L} fact17: ¬({D} & {E})
[ "fact12 -> int1: Stylising Katsina happens.; int1 & fact4 -> int2: The fact that structuralness does not happens is not incorrect.; int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "fact12 -> int1: {B}; int1 & fact4 -> int2: ¬{C}; int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis;" ]
Remaking Limacidae does not occurs.
$facts$ = fact1: That hardship does not happens and spartanness does not occurs is incorrect if foraging AFL does not happens. fact2: If structuralness happens the fact that stylising Katsina does not occurs and unacceptableness does not happens is false. fact3: That either arrest happens or macrencephalicness does not happens or both is caused by non-Hanoverianness. fact4: That structuralness happens is prevented by stylising Katsina. fact5: Initiation does not happens if the fact that hardship does not occurs and spartanness does not happens does not hold. fact6: That decontaminating phonophobia does not happens and remediableness does not occurs is brought about by meioticness. fact7: Inflating occurs. fact8: That both papilliformness and remediableness occurs is wrong if structuralness does not occurs. fact9: Structuralness happens and decontaminating phonophobia occurs if meioticness does not occurs. fact10: That initiation does not occurs triggers that both meioticness and shifting happens. fact11: If structuralness does not happens the fact that both papilliformness and irremediableness occurs is incorrect. fact12: That unacceptableness and stylising Katsina happens hold. fact13: Unacceptableness occurs. fact14: That stylising Katsina does not occurs and unacceptableness does not happens results in that remaking Limacidae does not happens. fact15: Unacceptableness happens if that stylising Katsina does not happens and unacceptableness does not happens is not true. fact16: The fact that foraging AFL does not happens is correct if arrest happens and/or macrencephalicness does not occurs. fact17: The fact that papilliformness happens and remediableness happens does not hold. ; $hypothesis$ = Papilliformness and irremediableness happens. ; $proof$ =
fact12 -> int1: Stylising Katsina happens.; int1 & fact4 -> int2: The fact that structuralness does not happens is not incorrect.; int2 & fact11 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__