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what s the actual point of stopping me from doing this it will allow a person who is suffering to not suffer any more i don t want to do this any more it s a never ending battle and i m tired say i m a quitter i don t care why do you care about the life of a person on the internet who will never contact or see you who you for all mean should not have any personal connection to you yet people still care to tell me to stop when i m that close to stopping the pain at this point i could care le about most of my family most of them are why i want myself dead anyway my friend would read the note i d be leaving and understand why i did it i know these paragraph are completely intelligible but i just don t get why suicide is a bad thing to people why do people think it s a bad thing that s the one thing i don t get
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on a diet woke up day hungry
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struggling regarding the fact that dance is day away on the other side vacation
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i ve noticed that for a few glorious minute in the morning right after waking up i m great calm unbothered soft but then i can feel stress in my body and then i m not sure how to get rid of it and it build a anxiety doe how do you all get rid of body stress in the early morning
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i m trying to plan trip low budget though don t think it is working
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i ve been having a few thought of sh si throughout yhe past week and came pretty close to actually doing it a couple day ago because my so and i got into an argument and he said some hurtful thing that other people have said to me through my life so i thought if everyone feel this way about me then why shouldn t i do it i know people will say to tell my psych but i don t think it will last that long so i don t want to waste her time and my time i also don t want her to say i should go to a hospital because i think that would be pointless too and a lot of money
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i want to preface this by stating that i haven t gone to anyone about this nor have i attempted to get help realistically it s just my mind actively stopping me because in some sick and twisted way it belief that i m okay i m and currently enrolled at georgia southern a a freshman while i have struggled with mild depression in the past it all really started going downhill when i lost my dog in june of last year my dog had to be put down and it wa heartbreaking i had to watch my parent and sister cry while i sat there trying to be strong i let myself fall into that typical stereotype that men aren t supposed to cry i regret it i wish i had shown some emotion then but it s neither here nor there at this point what matter is that she had been in my life since i wa a kid i grew up with her and it felt like my world crumbled beneath the weight of her loss my girlfriend at the time helped me through it a lot and wa an enormous amount of help when it came to my happiness at the time it didn t last however i had reluctantly enrolled into college and honestly felt forced to go the first two week honestly weren t too bad i enjoyed my time and thought i would get through pretty easy then me and my now ex broke up this absolutely crushed me having my dog put down being practically forced into college and now i just got out of the first major relationship i ve had all within the span of month it wa such a slow but inevitable spiral into the worst depression i would ever face my ex and i would continue having contact with each other for the rest of that semester she tried to help me feel better but i got so much worse i no longer had a grasp on who i wa and wa just trying to stitch myself back together again i never got better i struggled for the rest of the semester my grade were awful and my physical health had declined a good bit a well when halloween rolled around i attempted to commit suicide i took about half a bottle of melatonin which wa me trying to attempt but obviously that wouldn t work because it s melatonin i wa a dumbass who wa desperately trying to end it all with anything i could get my hand on well i lived then november passed and it wa finally december a month i enjoy because of it s stress free nature around this time my ex and i were actually recuperating we both still had feeling for each other while we never got back together december wa actually nice and i felt happy for the first time in a while then december ended and the new year came along i wanted to focus solely on bettering myself and although my ex and i were starting to somewhat get along again i wanted to cut off all contact i wasn t good for her and she wasn t good for me or that s what i believe to be true from then on i focused on myself i tried to be more sociable and tried to express my feeling more often to my friend it wa working kind of towards the end of january i attempted again at the time i felt like i had made no progress and i thought i wa stuck being a bad person forever so i used some strong prescription pain killer don t remember the name i made it pill in and vomited something must ve clicked inside me because this wa a turning point the entirety of february wa pretty good i felt happy and i enjoyed so much of life i talked to my parent about not wanting to do college and the fact that i broke up with my ex yes it took me month to tell my parent i wa scared to they were understanding and said they d let me live there a long a i had a job i also explained to them that i wanted to do something else in life then what i previously had said to them i wa majoring in computer science because i really wanted to be a programmer but realized that i didn t actually enjoy it i had tried to do some coding on the side and i just didn t have fun with it what i did have fun with though wa disc golf it wa something that helped me feel better about myself because i wa constantly improving in particular i had started to take it seriously around the beginning of january and by the time i talked to my parent i felt really confident and wa thinking of going pro in the future they shut it down because it s rare to succeed in sport and if anything it would be up to luck after that entire conversation about me not being able to be who i wanted i had signed a lease to live with my sister down near the college since we both go there i did not have any intention of going to school for a second year because it wa not good for my mental health i even told my parent that i didn t want to continue college but they said that i have to because the rent where my sister and i are going to be living is too high to pay without a student loan now i m here reluctantly signing up for class next semester all while feeling i have no purpose in life my parent won t support my actually dream and would rather me find some 9 that ll at least keep me living paycheck to paycheck so i m struggling to really know who i am still while slowing piecing myself together in an attempt to better myself i m having a shitty time in college due to several thing dragging me downwards into depression my parent won t support me in what i actually want to do and are instead forcing me to do a second year of school i just don t have the energy or motivation to keep going everything is so extremely stressful right now and it s just been all one slow build up my self image ha absolutely plummeted and i m ashamed to really even go outside anymore because i hate the way i look i feel like i have absolutely no purpose anymore because of all the mixed message i m getting from my family the only thing i don t have right now that i want is a way out i have ibuprofen that i could overdose with but i ve looked it up and it seems too painful and it probably won t kill me i have a car that i could crash of course but i don t want to drag anyone else into this nor do i feel like it s reliable enough of a way out i could try to drown myself in the lake on campus but i ve already tried drowning myself in 0 0 and that didn t pan out well i just want something simple and effective i don t have the money unfortunately i haven t found the courage motivation to get a job i want this feeling to be gone i ll still try to work on myself but a this tightening in my chest get stronger and stronger each day i m not sure i ll make it
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damn i need to learn
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i hate myself right now because of my anxiety i hate the anxiety and i hate that it make me hate myself i hate that i didn t ask to have anxiety i hate that i didn t ask to be raised in a culty religion that wired my brain to have such a narrow view of the world i hate that i wa raised in that religion by a manipulative mother so now it is difficult to believe anyone i just freaking hate it all ultimately i hate myself for hating myself because i didn t cause this and i shouldn t have to suffer because of how other people treated me
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need s help with this anxiety crap
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i have bipolar depression and succumb to nihilism a lot i m so thankful to the people who still talk to me when i feel low and check in mean more than you know love you all
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your life your rule but why can t i finally make myself rest it s selfish but isn t making someone stay just for you to not feel bad also is they ll stop you but will only make you feel alone after a few week or so shouldn t we all ultimately live for ourselves why is suicide such a bad thing is it just because it s deemed morally wrong all of this ha probably been said a couple time i m sorry it s funny how the only thing that keep me going is that one musical group and my other hobby is this really it
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tpaw wooo yeah sorry to hear you missed out on origin ticket
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beatccr i can t wait to read that one still waiting on my copy
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waiting for my cisco ip phone to load
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it s going to be nice again tomorrow and then the rain come back no nice weather for my birthday
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nattnatt you doggie dazzler im trying to work a bit today if you want we coule pop ovr and say hi later
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you exit the game when you re bored or if you don t like it or if it make you feel bad right you don t snoop around for literal year waiting for the stagnant and painful game to get better right so i don t understand why i m still here i guess i m just afraid to exit the game because i ve been playing it my whole life i don t know what i ll do when i leave it it s like my game is plagued with a virus no matter what i do it won t get better i ve tried my hardest and my best to fix it fix the root of it but i ve been cursed since birth and no matter what i do it won t get better it s why i m so depressed because it will never go away i either live with it or die i am so fucking over playing this game i m so over cry and feeling like shit every waking moment i have to play the game i don t want to play anymore
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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i ve been diagnosed with anxiety for about year now and a far a i can remember i ve never had a full on panic attack before or after my diagnosis for a few day now i ve been having random panic attack multiple time every day i start to tremble and i get major butterfly in my stomach i also can t breathe dry easily and start to sweat a lot what s weird though is that i can think perfectly fine and i can keep doing whatever i m doing while all this happens i can t pin point anything specific that is going on in my life that could be causing this nothing that make me anxious is happening right now i ve never learned any proper coping mechanism to combat this kind of thing either i m not sure what to do
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searching for a job in berlin in summer time don t speak german
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stats feed what an irony finland is the happiest country in the world and it still fall under top 0 country with highest rate of depression irony aparanjape chetan bhagat anandmahindra hvgoenka sardesairajdeep
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moony 9 i ll miss him too bb the episode seemed unimportant after foreteen found kutner so i stopped watching
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princessshorty aww sorry to hear hope it get better listening to a podcast of the debate now you spoke brilliantly
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daniela 9 my english professor would be ashamed
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all thats stapling chipped my nail
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i m tired of seeing political shit all the time everybody is always making fun of someone or arguing with someone and it s everywhere i wan na fucking kill myself for the sole purpose of escaping it it s not just on reddit either it s youtube it s real life it s tv commercial and tv show i hate it so much it make me lose all hope for humanity i want to leave this country but i can t i fucking hate living on this god forsaken planet please if anyone who is hyper political is reading this fucking stop do something else
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recently i anonymously posted on my uni facebook page just to vent about my constant self doubt and how i struggle to do well in the course i want to succeed in because it s a dream job you can post anything there a long a it s uni related most comment were nice but this one absolutely unnecessary comment told me i should give up and how it s unfair that i m taking up space for others who will do better in my course like huh i know what they said is so off track and i should 00 ignore it cu they re a fking loser who know nothing about everything but i can t help but have it repeated in my head because i already have such a lack of self confidence in my skill and i genuinely believe that i m not cut out for it but i know damn well that i m trying what i can to achieve a goal despite everything around me but yeah needed to let this out i can t believe people like him exist it wasn t even just my post he shat on everyone else who wa struggling with uni how sad can your life be to do that
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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found a nice lake side park with a small beach but no grill oh well i ll have to keep looking another time
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people don t care unless it affect them i hate people
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tanialt beth tastic widgetsworld spcialndsjungle teamsquarepeg so sen ipseacharity sendcrisis stevebroach eleanorjwright kimturner 0 gfreeman 0 renatabplus but in reality i get it i spent month in deep depression because of la move to remove our kid parent are exhausted and energy is pretty much depleted trying to get by on the minimum in financial support and tangible support fighting relentlessly for our own kid
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in my profile if you want to read it
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theekween vhulivhadza help people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heartbreak and any traumatic event thelmasherbs
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sometimes when i close my eye to try to sleep i get this crazy feeling that i can describe closest to be a zap it only last a second second and kind of feel like a sharp rush upwards and make me whole body tingle a little when it happens i thought it wa vertigo at first but since hearing about brain zap i think this might be closest i also described the feeling to my ent because i thought it wa vertigo and he looked confused taken aback but my description so i m guessing it really isn t vertigo it doesn t happen too often and only really happens at night when i close my eye to sleep i ve never been on any medication
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should i go check into a hospital again i ve admitted myself more time than i can remember over the year for depression suicidal ideation not to mention the attempt where i should be dead i have some good friend amp family i know i m blessed in way but have endured so much sexual trauma a a kid amp later in life amp have ptsd borderline personality extreme anxiety sometimes amp addiction issue i don t think i want to go on much longer what s the point
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i can t i m so done i wa born female and i hate it being seen a a beta male suck nobody take me fucking serious and then the fact i m bisexual fucking hell i started forcing myself to only like woman because i hate being attracted to men it disgust me i can t anymore i just had the biggest panick attack imaginable i want to just rip out my female part and fucking unlive myself i m so uncomfortable with myself and i hate how people view me i will never be a real man i do not have male chromosome i don t have male genitalia this is all in my head and i m fuckinf mentally ill this shit ha made me depressed and desperate the worst people are the one telling me to be proud and embrace it fuck no this shit isnt normal and i wont pretend it is i cant fucking take this anymore i m only and i cant imagine living another day with this shit i m not a man nor a woman im some disgusting inbetween shit and i cant take it anymore being a fucking freak i already survived two suicide attempt and i regret still being alive
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i miss family guyyy
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really want to see kasabian at eden project th july just need someone to go with
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hey reddit family ive had seperate case of severe panic disorder for about year on and off i used to take lexapro on the smallest dose mg and then mg and it really helped me overcome my disorder completely the first time end of 0 9 into 0 0 but when i got panic disorder a second time end of 0 0 from smoking weed how i got panic first time i noticed not much of an impact on the same dose mg but i wa told multiple time to up my dose for it and i wa too scared to so i quit the medication cold turkey and got insane migraine headache thinking someting in my head wa gon na pop it wa so bad a a withdrawal i think and for the past year i ve been medicine free but i still get panic attack everyday heart race everyday nonstop evil bad thought and i m ready to get back on something my doc prescribed me celexa but i m very unsure about trying it bc i ve been so used to take lexapro and i ve been reading watching other ppl s experience on celexa and the side effect and they seem a little more extreme but i m just wondering what ur opinion would be thank u so much for the help god bless
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adhd alien i truly despise that notion for exactly that reason i don t believe it bear any truth of course someone else can love you when you don t love yourself i have so much love for people close to me regardless of their depression and self loathing and vice versa
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robertfperez ugh of course not just thursday and friday sat i have both kid
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chris 9 0 that s very true i think so many people are suffering from anxiety and depression right now we need to just listen to what they have to say listen to what s going on in there life right now
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best monday ever missed gossip girl oh well spent time with bff today wonderful night xoxo
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lilbucknuts not an option
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flowersophy i slept so much when i wa a little girl i just started to not sleep a well when i turned 0
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making a short video window movie maker ha crashed for 0th time but my middle name is perseverence p should finish the video soon
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i constantly have negative suicidal thought and i need it to stop
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colbsi flickr s not letting me view it say it s private
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artistofcalcio amyisunited all of them will be i imagine i mean i have sympathy for him having depression but his performance haven t been good enough over the last year amp he wa quite happy to let raiola disrupt thing every month
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still more day until my internet get uncapped
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depression ha no face and it chooses no one
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i have anxiety and possibly depression too but i just wanted to ask if grief can be considered a depression i m not really capable of feeling grief i have only felt it in dream or about animal or something
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seattle is in tent i miss my t o peepz tho
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man is my depression ever gon na go away i m honestly so sick of this
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no electricity today so no tweet
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anyone who also went through a heavy depressive state not moving around eating or doing anything etc know how to get their appetite back most day i ll only have one meal and that ll be it but i went to the doctor today and they said i might actually contract an illness a a result of this and would like to get me tested so i kinda wan na start fixing up
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sleeping at a friend today x whats going on with u don t understand
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university drain a lot of energy in student damn the level of depression there could make a lot lose weight
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why can t airfare go down or why do i have to live in texas i don t know if i ll be able to make it to iowa
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leelowe aww thanks hun but am just picking this up now i wa in scotland until yesterday evening how d it go
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http twitpic com y wr according to my bro our new puppy had a poo fight and wa covered in poop picture stolen from him
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johnnybeane me too i ll see on amazon uk otherwise they make me pay custom tax if i order it from the u
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last time i attempted i failed for like the th time and i m not going to mess up another one this time is going to be my last so i hope y all will stop worrying about me because i don t deserve it and i m not worth worrying about it s going to happen today or tomorrow most likely tomorrow though bye
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skylineking connor it s me febi are you really really mad at me
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wow it way too early to be awake lot to do though and software post at 0 so i actually have to be to work on time boo
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tommcfly hey no chance of adding brighton or eastbourne to the ucap tour gutted im missing out this time round i love you guy
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my throat hurt i think i have a cold
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going on holiday with my friend tomorrow exited but no twitter
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so i ve been working steadily since i wa i m now i ve been dealing with anxiety panic disorder the entire time i used to have it mostly under control enough that it didn t usually affect my work social life etc but it ha gotten really bad i ve been calling in sick a lot i worked a five hour shift yesterday and i wa having a panic attack by the time my gf picked me up i just don t think i m physically or mentally capable of working right now but i have rent to pay and i can t afford to be unemployed so i m wondering if anybody here ha gotten disability assistance for their anxiety panic attack and how i might go about doing that
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i talk to myself for like minute sometimes this so intense that i my hand gesture too there is always a intervention from my brain asking what am i doing this happens when i am stressed with some hypothetical issue which probably will never occur for example what if i park my vehicle in a spot how will my neighbor react if i some what unknowingly encroach on his parking spot if this scenario play out then what would be my reaction this issue i just make some hypothetical scenario about my interaction with my neighbor and how would i react to this so called dispute there will be several different scenario playing my mind with realte to this example please help me if this related to adhd and if yes how severe is this if not adhd then what is this
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uh oh i think i am getting sick
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koschbob jonathanhatami the great depression saw crime spike to it highest point in the u especially in regard to theft when job don t pay enough and cost keep rising people who aren t able to lean on supporter or debt resort to crime in order to make it or fall into homelessness amp squalor
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a few year ago there wa a pretty big hurricane that went straight through our city and i thought i wasn t affected by it until i started noticing that i get super anxious when it start to rain really hard or there s a lot of wind i noticed this bc i used to love the rain and now i start to shake when it happens anyway i m writing this because it s currently pretty windy maybe 0 mph my anxiety is already spiking because of that but i just checked the weather and saw that tornado were possible for the south aka where i live they kept saying possible not likely not low just possible so now i m terrified that the worst will happen our roof will blow off something my mom said she wa scared would happen during the hurricane and i ve remember that moment ever since our power will go out a tornado will end up forming etc the gust of wind alone are putting me on the verge of a panic attack and this weather wind cloud possible thunderstorm is supposed to go on for most of the week i feel like this is irrational but like i said i can t help but feel my heartbeat go up every time i hear the wind
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hi i m intense uncomfort in social setting worsening hygiene teeth pretty bad body pain from not eating properly anymore like almost fainting from the stair my body is really weak feeling too and like these fucking muscle twitching and joint pain no motivation just wanting to lay down fucked sleep and loneliness is making school suffocating i think body pain is the worst but even if i actually go to the doctor she ll just fucking tell me to eat better which i know that s the issue i m prob not going to do i m in charge of my meal and om mazy so i ve been eating frozen i just lay down everyday after coming home usually nap like usually my body feel like it s breaking down while i m there i always feel like cry at school which is fine but i have to keep dealing w this by myself is hard i m not realistically going whine about this to anyone i can t open up i tried to speak to the counselor but i only mentioned not eating properly so she just told me to eat and join a study group people don t like me generally esp adult so it s kinda no use fot me i have definitely thought about dying or getting beat up i prob won t but i m a bit stupid and hopeless at this point so my weekend i just lay in bed all day literally that s it my single parent father doesn t value thing like this it s just financial if i get hurt it s generally a burden which i m used to i just need to get my shit together
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had a lovely day at the beach followed by dinner with a gorgeous lady roll on the work today booo
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shaksiyya what wa going on with you guy over the weekend shak wa not happy my cd collection is outdated
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i fucking hate everyone and everything i can t take another day fck everyone on this planet why tf do i have to feel so shit all the time fuck god he ain t shit he abandoned me why tf do i have to feel so shit all the time while everyone else get to enjoy their life and get everything they want i also hate people who take advantage of other people i can t wait to end it i wish no one wa around so i can do it idgaf about anything that s my rant
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just lost 0
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best flight need get as in gear wana go away bt nt sure where cairo amp uk maybe bt may b able go earlier bt wont no til
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ginayates sorry to hear about maggie thought to your mum
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laura no im not we are gunna go this hols though i really want to see him
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amirrabennett nope baby s due in th may getting closer but still 00 thing not done
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getting real sick of constant wave of anxiety heart palpitation tremor intrusive thought and anxiety attack it s been three damn day since my random panic attack i get it body fight or flight wooooo now knock it the fuck off
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also i realize that sounded a tad drama queen but i haven t been sick in year it s hittin me hard this time
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we re going to post some story manually due to twitterfeed problem that s why we ve been so quiet lately
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i got drugged and had to be resuscitated a little over a week ago i ve been casually suicidal for a while now the sound of my friend cry while giving me cpr is burned into my head forever i dont know if i ever lost my pulse but i wa barely breathing until the emts got to me it s scary that this experience didnt change anything about me when i think about it i laugh not in a laugh to hide the pain kind of way but like i actually had to get chest compression to keep me alive from my best friend and that s just so ridiculous like of course that would happen to me of all people idk it s just weird to me that this traumatic a fuck experience didnt change a thing about my outlook on life
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the life is cool but not for me
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boningwigald so sieht meine momentane depression au
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j xox laterr hunn arghh hope i dont miss any tweet lol gunna be at my nan later nooo byeeee x x x
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i m so bored with life i know it s not worth living i don t have anyone to hang out with or do thing with so all i do is go to work and stay home i m an adventurous outdoorsy and outgoing person and love getting out there and doing thing but i have no transportation and don t know how to ride a bike i can barely afford to take lyft and uber to work and back home my life ha no excitement to it and there is nothing interesting about it everything is pointless like i work in a grocery store a an order picker for example and what s the point of helping people shop for grocery they are going to need again the next week it s the same thing day after day and week after week it s all pointless what we do today won t matter in a month or year i m just done with this whole life thing sometimes i get legitimately pissed off for the simple fact that i wa even born and not aborted i wish every day my birth mom aborted me now i m just a worthless sack of shit taking up space and sucking up air i have tried making my life worth living by moving to a warmer climate getting a better job and starting my own business but the excitement of it all wear off everything turned out to be a flop i can t do anything right since i don t belong here i firmly believe my existence is an accident not they type of accident of an unplanned pregnancy but like i wa never meant to exist type of accident i realized a long time ago i don t belong in this world and i honestly don t want to be a part of it anymore
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ha anyone been prescribed mirtazapine or other alpha receptor antagonist to treat their anxiety i would prefer not to use start with ssri s what wa you experience
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redpr no look like housework for me
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every opportunity i have i always end up embarrassing myself no matter what thing like just communicating and anything that ha to do with the real world is so hard for me to get right i m so insecure and soft spoken and everyone probably know me a that weird shy kid thing i do when i m on my own like talking to myself or doing anything weird would never be okay in front of others i m never aware of what i do until somebody notice me and i get embarrassed instantly and i m so ashamed of myself i probably will never see anyone romantically or have any close friend because i m so immature and childish
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hey reddit this may be long and just me talking about random shit but i just feel like it would make me feel better so a you guy saw it wa my th birthday today and today wa probably one of the shittier day i have my best friend had a pretty bad panic attack today and i chilled with him to comfort him but it made me kinda realize how lonely i am i have friend and a loving family but i just feel deep and dark loneliness during most day i can kinda just ignore it and have mediocre day but most day like today i just think about it i don t want to make it a big deal because my friend is going through some tuff shit right now and i need to help him a much a i can but i just feel like laying down and doing nothing for a while obviously i can t do that with all the homework and exam coming up but i just don t know what to do like i wa saying earlier i just feel so empty when i m by myself and sometimes i feel like a have no personality i feel like people only like being around me when i m high because i m a lot more talkative and just more enjoyable to be around i don t know it s hard for me to talk to people about it because i feel like they might just blow it off or something and my friend deserves all the attention i just feel bad that i m feeling bad if that make sense like my friend is hurting and i feel bad that i feel so empty i m starting to think that life won t have a lot to offer for me i m not suicidal or anything but i wouldn t mind just like disappearing and just chilling on the top of a mountain or something like that i m sorry that this is so long i just feel really empty and it s my birthday i feel bad that i can t be happy for my parent i love them so much and i wish they knew how much i do but i m just feeling really exhausted all the time i don t know sorry if i selfish in this post i don t mean to i just feel really empty when i can think clearly almost like i built my personality around being with people thanks for listening whoever read this it really mean a lot to me
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hello everyone i m male and don t really know how to ass my current situation i ll start from scratch my grandpa wa a bully and abused my mother when she wa a child he also did this with my sister when she wa about year old my brother wa also completely influenced by him and also abused my sister at the time he wa around 0 year old i saw that live once too at that age about year old i couldn t ass and classify the situation had suppressed that very well until my sister came to a clinic for depression around 0 and completely unpacked during the stay from that point on thing really went down hill for me all the picture from back then came up again my sister and my brother have spoken out and get along well again i smoked pot a lot back then because it always distracted me my mother had already attempted suicide twice i am always completely unmotivated and unhappy although unhappy is the wrong word i m just happy about almost nothing anymore i also think about suicide from time to time but i m probably just too tired and scared to go through with it i always like to be alone but with a girlfriend it s a bit difficult from time to time because we live together the few friend i have thank god understand me and don t push me into anything my girlfriend is also very unstable mentally but we both support each other very well gaming on the pc ha helped me a lot for year i have occasional nervous breakdown where i just start cry i ve always hated my job but that s probably just because i hate work in general i loathe people in general and i don t like big gathering either apart from my sibling and parent i have very little or no contact with other relative had adhd a a child and have been taking medikinet for month a i still have the diagnosis i wonder how others see it and whether i should seek external help i think i m doing just fine but i d be interested in an independent opinion pls be kind english is not my native language
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trying to extend reading the watchman by not reading it at all i dont want it to end
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so i have a stutter and i ve always been insecure about it i wa with my best friend and his friend and his friend made fun of someone s stutter because he s not aware i stutter this made me realize how easy it is to make fun of people behind their back i felt really bad that night and started cry when i got home cause it made me realize i didn t know who wa being real with me and i felt a tho i wa devalued flash to today and it wa still bugging me but i realized something those people aren t exclusively making fun of people like me but making fun of a lot more than a stutter people are made fun of for stutter tic religion sexuality lisp appearance and more i realized it s not my problem to worry about them and most people that make fun of others will show themselves with time and real nice people will never do that this made me content and i wa happy i forgot about it for the most part and went about my business but i posted something to reddit about it and someone said they had a similar experience and it lead to going into psychosis and being paranoid about people talking badly about them this made me almost have a panic attack when i wa eating with my parent because going psychotic is one of my biggest fear ever since then i ve felt so anxious it took a good 0 0 minute to calm myself down and not be on the edge of a panic attack ever since then i can t shake this thought but now for a different reason instead of worrying who s judging me i m worrying if i believe it i ve had this fear before but when it s bad it get so bad it feel like i m already psychotic even tho i m not and today wa one of those day it feel like the thought you believe if fact and i have terrible depersonalization this ha happened time before this and normally after a good sleep my anxiety tone down a bit but since this is a little different and it started out without that anxiety doe that mean i am going crazy instead of thinking anyone is judging me i keep asking myself if i think these specific people at my work would judge me idk why once again that wa cause ocd started to ob on it now but since i had this thought before ocd doe it mean i m going crazy or am i sane since i m worrying so much about it
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about a year ago i started getting anxious when i heard people yelling it doesn t happen when i m being yelled at only when it s other people arguing or sometimes even just loud talking even if it s isn t fighting it s gotten much worse to the point of me shaking and cry when i hear yelling i don t understand it i don t have much of a past with yelling a far a i know so i m not sure why this could be happening especially so suddenly there isn t much i can do to stop people from yelling because no one listens when i say it make me anxious and my only way to really block it out is loud music which i can t always have but i feel like at least knowing what could be causing this would help me feel at least a bit more normal understood if anyone know what this could be caused by or anything that could ease it even in the slightest bit maybe a form of music or something else please share it with me i d be very grateful also i don t have access to a therapist currently a mine just moved and i didn t get much time to talk to her about it
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my little pinky finger hurt so much
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