8 values
Andreas Koch
Andreas Koch, Andrew McWilliam (Carnegie Observatories)
A new abundance scale for the globular cluster 47 Tuc
Now with correct Figure 6; no other changes; 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the AJ
We present chemical abundances for O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti and Fe in eight red giants and one turnoff star in the metal rich globular cluster 47 Tuc, based on spectroscopy with the MIKE high resolution spectrograph on the Magellan 6.5-m Clay telescope. A robust line by line differential abundance analysis technique, relative to the K-giant Arcturus, was used to reduce systematic errors from atmospheric and atomic parameters. Our derived mean LTE [Fe/H] of -0.76 +- 0.01 +- 0.04 dex (random and systematic error, respectively) is more metal poor by about 0.1 dex than recent literature results. The chemical element ratios in this nearby globular cluster most closely resemble those of the Galactic bulge, although there is a non-negligible overlap with the composition of thick-disk stars. We find that the [Al/Fe] and [Na/Fe] ratios coincide with the upper boundary of the trends seen in the bulge and thick disk. There is only a small intrinsic scatter in the majority of the abundance ratios, indicating that 47 Tuc is mostly a rather chemically homogeneous system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:00:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:33:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Koch", "Andreas", "", "Carnegie Observatories" ], [ "McWilliam", "Andrew", "", "Carnegie Observatories" ] ]
[ -0.0041269059, 0.0035921156, 0.0412368439, 0.0628861859, 0.0521646068, 0.0086468505, 0.1222672388, 0.0409275666, -0.0420358069, -0.0395358242, -0.0372162499, -0.0729376674, -0.0744840503, -0.0736593083, 0.0993807912, 0.0858757272, -0.0162241198, -0.0423708558, -0.0435821898, 0.0829891488, -0.0882468447, 0.0390461348, 0.0295874346, 0.0817004964, -0.0920097083, -0.022074597, -0.0461079441, -0.0153349508, 0.0124548152, -0.0061758617, 0.1337104589, -0.0487110205, 0.0013603326, -0.0276286844, -0.1020611897, 0.1042776704, 0.0710820109, 0.1216486916, -0.1192775667, -0.0550511852, -0.1051539481, 0.0907210559, 0.0730407611, -0.0114818839, 0.000018625, -0.1345352083, 0.0886076689, -0.0526542962, 0.0428863168, -0.0514429621, -0.07273148, -0.0055798604, 0.0234405678, 0.0205539893, -0.0813396722, 0.0042042253, -0.0061984132, 0.011056629, 0.0287884716, -0.0390719101, -0.0826283246, -0.040901795, 0.0285565145, 0.0332729779, -0.0357471891, -0.0688139796, -0.1049993113, -0.0397162363, 0.0936591774, -0.0347162671, -0.0962364823, -0.041520346, -0.0464172214, -0.0689170733, -0.0433502309, -0.0918035209, -0.0883499384, -0.0763912499, -0.0655665845, -0.0142395971, 0.0347162671, -0.0032892826, 0.0376028456, 0.0298967119, 0.0307987668, -0.0530408882, 0.1011333615, -0.0621645413, -0.1021642834, -0.0067074304, -0.0064593651, -0.1063910574, 0.0311080441, 0.0246647876, 0.0119329114, -0.1212363169, -0.0158504117, -0.0497161709, 0.073246941, -0.0108311148, 0.028066827, 0.0019184797, 0.0340719409, -0.0408502482, 0.0304379445, 0.0121390959, 0.0121262092, 0.0352317281, 0.0423450842, 0.0004478063, 0.0286596064, -0.010167459, -0.0936076343, 0.0586078651, -0.0966488495, 0.0758242458, -0.0779891834, 0.0893808603, -0.0816489533, 0.074071683, -0.0538140796, 0.0316235051, 0.0440976508, 0.002938125, -0.0379636697, -0.0373966619, 0.0590717793, -0.0160565954, -0.1537103355, -0.0530408882, 0.09108188, -0.0432986841, -0.0717521086, 0.04564403, -0.0913396105, 0.0611851662, 0.0370100662, 0.0013989921, -0.0121262092, 0.0324482396, -0.009233187, -0.0733500347, 0.0576800331, -0.0296647549, 0.0327059701, -0.0425254963, -0.1190713868, 0.0857210904, 0.0011670348, 0.1392774433, -0.0758242458, 0.0217008889, -0.0188658554, -0.0178864803, 0.0268554948, -0.0608243458, 0.0188271962, 0.0021133882, -0.0383244902, -0.0424481742, 0.0936591774, -0.0312111359, -0.1102054641, 0.0332729779, -0.0089174677, 0.0738139525, -0.0199869834, -0.0378090292, -0.1456691474, -0.0297420733, -0.0282472372, -0.0325771049, -0.0434790961, 0.0238529369, -0.0559274703, 0.0574738495, 0.0409533419, -0.114432238, -0.0106893629, 0.0848963484, -0.0202962589, 0.0712881908, 0.0359791443, -0.0089367973, -0.0516749211, -0.035850279, 0.0695871711, -0.0160050504, 0.0035470128, 0.0238787103, -0.0861850008, 0.0604635216, 0.0717005581, 0.1155662537, -0.1089683622, -0.0401801504, 0.0652573034, 0.0299998038, -0.0086726239, -0.0032135744, 0.0314946398, 0.0778345391, 0.0811334923, -0.0873705596, -0.1938131601, -0.0420615822, 0.0115785329, 0.0357471891, 0.0072551072, -0.0557728298, 0.0572676659, -0.0148839233, -0.0994323418, 0.0323193744, -0.0039915978, 0.0070682527, -0.1146384254, 0.0278090965, 0.0010421968, 0.1129889488, -0.0572676659, 0.0405409709, 0.0320616476, 0.0785561875, -0.0076352595, -0.0277575497, 0.1139167771, 0.0044136308, 0.0994323418, -0.028582288, 0.0019136473, 0.0033666017, -0.1327826381, -0.0788139179, -0.0269843601, -0.0183761679, 0.0019877448, 0.0279637352, -0.0338915326, 0.0201673936, -0.1047931314, -0.0558243766, -0.0487625673, 0.0598965138, -0.0097679775, 0.0351286344, -0.0263529196, -0.0227575824, 0.0088208187, 0.1294836849, -0.0048195561, -0.0014940301, 0.1474217176, -0.0874221101, -0.0111017311, 0.0189689472 ]
Andreas Koch
A. Koch, E.K. Grebel, G.F. Gilmore, R.F.G. Wyse, J.T. Kleyna, D.R. Harbeck, M.I. Wilkinson, N.W. Evans
Complexity on Small Scales III: Iron and alpha Element Abundances in the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the AJ
We have obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of ten red giants in the Carina dwarf spheroidal (dSph) with UVES at the ESO/VLT. Here we present the abundances of O,Na,Mg,Si,Ca,Ti and Fe. By comparing the iron abundances [Fe/H] with calcium triplet (CaT) metallicities we show that the empirical CaT technique yields good agreement with the high-resolution data for [Fe/H]>-2 dex, but tends to deviate at lower metallicities. We identify two metal poor stars with iron abundances of -2.72 and -2.50 dex. These stars are found to have enhanced [alpha/Fe] ratios similar to those of stars in the Milky Way halo. However, the bulk of the Carina red giants are depleted in the [alpha/Fe] abundance ratios with respect to the Galactic halo at a given metallicity. One of our targets, with a [Fe/H] of -1.5 dex, is considerably depleted in almost all of the alpha-elements by ~0.5 dex compared to the solar values. Such a low [alpha/Fe] can be produced by stochastical fluctuations in terms of an incomplete mixing of single Type Ia and II SNe events into the ISM. Our derived element ratios are consistent with the episodic and extended SF in Carina known from its color-magnitude diagram. We find a considerable star-to-star scatter in the abundance ratios. This suggests that Carina's SF history varies with position within the galaxy, with incomplete mixing. Alternatively, the SF rate is so low that the high-mass stellar IMF is sparsely populated, as statistically expected in low-mass star clusters, leading to real scatter in the resultant mass-integrated yields. Both ideas are consistent with slow stochastic SF in dissolving associations, so that one may not speak of a single SF history at a detailed level (Abridged).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:00:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Koch", "A.", "" ], [ "Grebel", "E. K.", "" ], [ "Gilmore", "G. F.", "" ], [ "Wyse", "R. F. G.", "" ], [ "Kleyna", "J. T.", "" ], [ "Harbeck", "D. R.", "" ], [ "Wilkinson", "M. I.", "" ], [ "Evans", "N. W.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1004539728, 0.0192261711, 0.0735545754, 0.0254460406, 0.1233627945, -0.01013654, 0.0821761787, -0.0112635065, -0.086413078, 0.0362846255, 0.0112450318, -0.0610902049, -0.0905021802, 0.0119409179, 0.1214906797, 0.0545870513, -0.0320230909, 0.0597600117, -0.0513847433, 0.0569025688, -0.0010153475, -0.0075069512, 0.0516803414, 0.1102579609, -0.087201342, -0.0320477225, 0.0263328329, 0.0082089957, -0.0412605219, -0.0683323517, 0.1208994836, -0.0180068295, -0.0011577579, -0.1065137237, -0.1002076417, 0.1335116476, 0.0672977567, 0.0152109684, -0.0842946246, -0.1417883933, -0.034018375, 0.0698596016, 0.0096623516, 0.0319738239, -0.0104998788, -0.082570307, 0.0923250318, -0.0818805769, 0.0700074062, -0.0325157531, -0.1277967691, 0.0253721401, 0.0309145991, -0.0684801489, -0.0141640594, 0.050990615, -0.0604004748, 0.0360136591, -0.028672982, -0.0858711451, -0.0697610676, -0.0846394897, 0.0098286252, 0.0687757432, -0.101390034, -0.0409649238, -0.0062629776, -0.0387233049, 0.1062181294, 0.0092374301, -0.0462610498, -0.0632086545, -0.0092866961, -0.0318999253, 0.0448569581, -0.0915860385, -0.0105429869, -0.0540943891, -0.1223774701, 0.0539465919, 0.0305943675, 0.0610902049, -0.0165781081, 0.0002711571, -0.0052129896, -0.0592180826, 0.0424182788, -0.0123227313, -0.0832107663, 0.022329947, -0.0365802236, -0.0986803845, -0.0227979776, -0.0529612638, 0.0464334823, -0.0661646351, 0.0011369736, -0.0939508229, 0.0584790893, 0.0745891705, -0.0051267738, 0.0213199891, 0.0149523197, -0.0364324227, 0.071189791, 0.0335503444, 0.0217018016, 0.0083875861, -0.0261604022, -0.0342400745, 0.0586761534, -0.0308406986, -0.0550797172, 0.0776929408, -0.0677904189, 0.0874476731, -0.0744906366, 0.1007495672, -0.1248407885, 0.0953795463, -0.0655241683, 0.0771017522, 0.0238202531, -0.0062814523, 0.0148661043, -0.0333040133, 0.0257416386, -0.043551404, -0.1439561099, -0.0623711273, 0.1139036715, -0.0436992012, -0.0546363182, 0.0259387027, -0.1187317669, 0.0775944144, -0.0047141686, -0.0835063681, -0.0474927053, 0.0783826709, -0.0169722382, 0.004772672, 0.0110294912, 0.0016288668, 0.0700074062, -0.0510398783, -0.1377485543, 0.0219727661, 0.0383045413, 0.0779392719, 0.0000269184, 0.0422458462, 0.0030806828, 0.0108816922, 0.06872648, -0.0624203943, -0.0125690633, 0.0002089968, 0.0032731292, -0.06872648, -0.0058750054, -0.0022831848, -0.1038533449, 0.0239064693, -0.0370482542, 0.0275152251, 0.0069896556, -0.0223792139, -0.1272055656, -0.0616813973, -0.0156666804, -0.0521730036, -0.0699088722, -0.0563606396, -0.0314811617, 0.069169879, 0.0764120221, -0.1274026334, -0.0275644902, 0.1059225276, 0.0026696173, 0.0997149795, 0.0023262927, -0.0476405062, -0.0331069492, 0.0116699534, 0.0277861897, 0.0155311991, 0.030471202, 0.0355456322, 0.007716333, 0.0869550109, 0.0921772346, 0.0740965083, -0.0871028081, -0.0661646351, 0.0557201765, 0.0046987729, -0.0010369015, 0.0569518358, 0.1188303009, 0.1429707855, 0.0155188823, -0.0731604472, -0.1098638326, -0.1084843799, 0.0105676195, 0.0288454145, 0.0063738269, -0.030963866, 0.0348066352, -0.030963866, -0.0840975642, 0.1027694866, -0.0230443086, -0.0325157531, -0.1274026334, 0.0604004748, 0.0230443086, 0.0710419938, -0.021430837, 0.03256502, 0.0406939574, 0.0947390795, -0.0080365641, 0.0490445942, 0.1126227453, -0.0409402885, 0.0638491139, -0.0556709096, 0.0076178005, 0.0861174837, -0.057740096, -0.0593658835, -0.0206179433, -0.0347573683, -0.0336488783, 0.0523208044, 0.0142379589, -0.0312594622, -0.1442517042, 0.0466059148, 0.0159499627, 0.0942464173, -0.0624696612, 0.0385016091, 0.0037103677, 0.002620351, 0.0462364145, 0.0608438738, 0.0106784692, -0.0436992012, 0.0721258521, -0.0090095736, -0.0431326404, 0.0105737783 ]
Nikhil Padmanabhan
N. Padmanabhan, M. White, P. Norberg, C. Porciani
The real-space clustering of luminous red galaxies around z<0.6 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS
We measure the clustering of a sample of photometrically selected luminous red galaxies around a low redshift (0.2<z<0.6) sample of quasars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5. We make use of a new statistical estimator to obtain precise measurements of the LRG auto-correlations and constrain halo occupation distributions for them. These are used to generate mock catalogs which aid in interpreting our quasar-LRG cross correlation measurements. The cross correlation is well described by a power law with slope 1.8\pm0.1 and r_0=6\pm0.5 h^{-1} Mpc, consistent with observed galaxy correlation functions. We find no evidence for `excess' clustering on 0.1 Mpc scales and demonstrate that this is consistent with the results of Serber et al (2006) and Strand et al (2007), when one accounts for several subtleties in the interpretation of their measurements. Combining the quasar-LRG cross correlation with the LRG auto-correlations, we determine a large-scale quasar bias b_QSO = 1.09\pm0.15 at a median redshift of 0.43, with no observed redshift or luminosity evolution. This corresponds to a mean halo mass <M>~ 10^{12} h^{-1} M_sun, Eddington ratios from 0.01 to 1 and lifetimes less than 10^{7} yr. Using simple models of halo occupation, these correspond to a number density of quasar hosts greater than 10^{-3} h^{3} Mpc^{-3} and stellar masses less than 10^{11} h^{-1} M_sun. The small-scale clustering signal can be interpreted with the aid of our mock LRG catalogs, and depends on the manner in which quasars inhabit halos. We find that our small scale measurements are inconsistent with quasar positions being randomly subsampled from halo centers above a mass threshold, requiring a satellite fraction > 25 per cent.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:00:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:16:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Padmanabhan", "N.", "" ], [ "White", "M.", "" ], [ "Norberg", "P.", "" ], [ "Porciani", "C.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0345590301, 0.0206357986, 0.0625240952, 0.0455885082, 0.074099116, 0.0627612919, -0.0333730653, 0.0135674439, -0.1532267332, 0.025759168, -0.0867652297, 0.0128677245, -0.0907026306, 0.0313332044, 0.0246917997, 0.0533684418, 0.0144094797, 0.0209560078, -0.0172913764, 0.0480078794, 0.0311908908, -0.0752850845, -0.0044681248, -0.0062737567, -0.1897544563, 0.0147059709, 0.0990518332, -0.0428607911, 0.0473674573, -0.0143620409, 0.0225333422, -0.0328038037, -0.0574956015, -0.0255694147, -0.1713482738, 0.201519236, 0.012879584, 0.0438570008, -0.1084446758, -0.0414139107, 0.014338322, -0.0308350995, 0.0114267766, -0.0866229162, 0.0164256208, -0.0007938556, 0.0269451346, -0.0849625617, -0.0728182718, -0.0630459189, -0.1376668662, -0.0015788164, -0.052846618, -0.0620971471, -0.0859587714, -0.0725336447, 0.0084262844, 0.0558352508, -0.0188568495, -0.0380220488, -0.0127609875, -0.0680744126, 0.0715374351, 0.0813097879, -0.057116095, -0.0366937704, -0.0225214828, 0.0045867213, -0.0041479138, 0.0514708981, -0.0394689292, -0.0207425356, 0.0329223983, 0.0147771286, 0.091461651, 0.0028048081, 0.0490040891, 0.0656076074, -0.0500951782, 0.03975356, 0.0130100409, 0.0758543462, 0.0571635328, -0.0445211418, -0.0539851449, -0.0439044386, -0.0067955819, 0.019983517, -0.0880935118, 0.0887576491, 0.0290087145, -0.0561198816, 0.0400856286, -0.0832547694, 0.0256642904, -0.0999057218, 0.0888999626, -0.0651806593, 0.1473443359, 0.0141485669, 0.0427659117, -0.0002181064, 0.0476046503, -0.1929802895, 0.0522773564, -0.0044651595, 0.0611958131, -0.0690706223, 0.0289138369, -0.0417222641, 0.1629042029, 0.073672168, -0.0751902089, 0.0376188233, -0.0156310238, -0.0035104575, -0.0883781388, -0.0249764305, -0.095968321, 0.0801712573, 0.0047913003, -0.1072112694, 0.1171733811, 0.0249764305, 0.0225570612, -0.0361719429, 0.0897064209, -0.0877140015, -0.0643267632, -0.0099561792, 0.0728182718, -0.0306927841, 0.0045007388, 0.0196514465, -0.1042700782, -0.0244546067, 0.0555980578, -0.1289381534, -0.0370732769, -0.0388759449, -0.0161884278, -0.0187026747, 0.0085033718, 0.0997159705, -0.001499505, 0.0505695641, -0.0639472529, -0.0021584569, 0.0190228857, 0.0279413443, 0.0252847821, -0.0450666845, -0.0964901447, 0.0069734766, -0.0034867383, -0.0343455561, 0.0380932093, -0.0048328089, -0.0376425423, -0.0653704107, 0.0402991027, -0.0194023941, -0.0277278703, 0.0052567916, -0.0681218505, 0.0201376919, -0.0467744768, 0.019212639, -0.1626195759, -0.0450429656, -0.0514708981, -0.0243834481, 0.0191770606, -0.1245738044, 0.0258777644, 0.0936438292, -0.0022192379, 0.0058794236, 0.026186116, -0.0099265305, -0.0022222027, 0.0130337598, 0.0532735661, -0.0500951782, -0.0615278855, 0.0266130641, -0.0611958131, 0.0631407946, -0.0116698993, -0.0107507762, -0.0119426716, 0.0445448607, 0.0104720742, 0.095968321, -0.0021406675, -0.0714425519, -0.0256405715, 0.1570218205, -0.0669833273, -0.0319024697, 0.0245494843, 0.0620971471, 0.0911295786, -0.1220121235, -0.0664140657, -0.1253328174, 0.0635677427, -0.0218454823, 0.0302895568, -0.0255931336, 0.0543646552, -0.0100214072, 0.0715374351, 0.0194142535, -0.0085270908, -0.0427659117, -0.1026571617, 0.0373816304, 0.0927424952, 0.0324480124, -0.0032791942, 0.1210633442, 0.0238972027, 0.0564045161, -0.0055206688, -0.0009080048, 0.0899910554, -0.0952567384, 0.0798391923, -0.0062559675, 0.0657024831, 0.1195453107, -0.0366463326, -0.0045837564, 0.0636151806, 0.006783722, 0.0207188148, 0.0414850712, -0.0172676556, -0.1139475554, -0.0594405867, 0.0034155804, 0.0555980578, 0.0323056988, 0.0360059105, -0.0039640893, -0.0300286431, 0.0299100466, 0.0311434511, -0.0418645777, -0.0187738314, 0.0357449986, -0.004657879, -0.0828278214, -0.0829701424, 0.0666512549 ]
Daniel Wesley
Daniel H. Wesley
New no-go theorems for cosmic acceleration with extra dimensions
v1: 4pp v2: references added v3: minor typo in (12a,b) corrected v4: minor corrections v5: re-organized
hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
We describe new no-go theorems for producing four-dimensional accelerating universes from warped dimensional reduction. The new theorems improve upon previous results by including dynamical extra dimensions and by treating four-dimensional universes that are not precisely de Sitter. The theorems show there exists a threshold four-dimensional equation-of-state parameter w below which the number of e-foldings of expansion is bounded, and give expressions for the maximum number of allowed e-foldings. In the generic case, the bound must be satisfied if the higher-dimensional theory satisfies the strong energy condition. If the compactification manifold M is one-dimensional, or if its (intrinsic) Ricci scalar R is identically zero, then the bound must be satisfied if the higher-dimensional theory satisfies the null energy condition.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:02:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 2 Mar 2008 09:12:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:19:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 21 May 2008 09:28:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Mon, 4 Aug 2008 13:08:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wesley", "Daniel H.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0277722422, 0.0277722422, 0.0351985209, 0.0393185765, -0.0430062823, -0.0194431134, -0.0333673805, -0.0052772346, -0.0574264862, 0.0100076711, -0.0354782753, -0.0077187503, -0.0971011147, 0.0015259474, 0.0531029701, 0.0611396246, -0.0099250162, 0.0346644372, 0.0549849682, 0.0548832417, -0.0680063888, -0.0121630719, 0.0922689512, 0.0729911476, -0.0349696279, 0.0053090253, 0.0967959315, -0.0102238469, 0.1187187061, -0.0144329192, 0.0010745212, -0.0450408794, -0.0603257865, -0.0679555237, -0.0646493062, 0.1211602241, -0.0281537287, 0.1128183752, -0.0123983221, -0.051831346, 0.0160224475, -0.0001959094, -0.0369024947, 0.036012359, 0.0035478277, 0.0997460932, -0.0329604633, 0.0068222564, -0.0313836522, -0.0522382632, -0.0332402214, 0.0536116175, 0.0520093739, -0.100763388, -0.1106820479, -0.0176501237, 0.0226094536, -0.0481436402, -0.010681632, -0.0608344339, 0.0475841239, -0.1101733968, -0.0720247179, 0.0643441156, -0.0678029284, -0.042853687, 0.0378180631, -0.0193032343, 0.0294253509, 0.0872333273, -0.0594102181, 0.0734489337, 0.0468211509, 0.051831346, 0.0905395448, -0.0202188026, 0.0192269366, 0.0655648708, -0.0965416059, 0.0344355442, -0.0007220433, 0.1026453897, -0.0173195023, -0.0155773796, -0.0544763207, 0.0854021907, 0.0584437847, -0.0197228696, -0.0737541243, -0.0237284824, 0.1455753744, 0.0353256799, -0.0602749214, -0.0484233946, -0.0580877289, -0.0164929479, 0.1251276881, 0.1168875694, 0.0803156942, 0.0555953495, -0.0501782373, -0.0345627069, 0.0020234699, -0.0783828273, 0.1506618708, 0.0577316768, -0.0224568583, -0.0497713163, -0.0257376451, -0.0202442352, -0.0440998785, 0.0010912113, -0.1034592316, -0.0099250162, -0.051831346, -0.0966942012, -0.1536120325, -0.0085389474, -0.0799087733, 0.0501782373, 0.0208800472, 0.006240489, 0.0889627337, -0.0113492338, 0.01216943, -0.1182100549, 0.0128179574, -0.0444559343, -0.1092578322, 0.0813329965, 0.1036118269, 0.0580877289, 0.0554427542, -0.0663787127, -0.0915059745, 0.0752292052, -0.0069494187, -0.0654122755, 0.0764499605, 0.0557479449, 0.0854530558, -0.0074326354, 0.0374874398, -0.0184766799, 0.123296544, 0.092625007, 0.0160860289, 0.0591050275, 0.0357071683, -0.0418872535, -0.084639214, 0.0096706916, 0.0686167628, -0.0386827663, 0.0139624188, -0.0902343541, 0.0551884286, 0.0922180861, 0.0953208432, -0.0364447087, -0.0516787507, 0.1050869077, -0.0483979657, -0.0396491997, 0.1024927944, 0.026678646, -0.0376146026, -0.0355037078, -0.113632217, -0.1069180444, 0.0172050558, -0.0797561854, -0.1427269429, -0.0105544692, 0.0859616995, 0.0865212157, -0.0443542041, -0.0586472452, -0.0452189073, 0.0097024823, 0.0272127278, 0.0898274332, 0.0219227765, -0.0529503748, -0.1031540409, 0.0776707232, 0.0080112237, -0.0066950941, 0.0435912311, -0.0797561854, -0.0654631406, 0.0571721606, 0.1148529723, 0.0288658384, 0.0319940299, -0.1003564745, 0.0582403243, 0.023525022, 0.0737032592, 0.0148525545, -0.0420398489, 0.0020775138, 0.0252289958, -0.0476604216, 0.0250891186, 0.0079985075, 0.0702444464, 0.0422433093, -0.0727368221, 0.0742119104, 0.0141658783, 0.0175611116, -0.0044665751, 0.0919637606, -0.0390896834, 0.0080557307, -0.0313327871, -0.0017723243, 0.1068163142, 0.0800613686, -0.092625007, 0.1080370769, -0.0237793457, -0.011539977, 0.0603766516, -0.0373094119, -0.016136894, 0.0149161359, -0.0370296575, 0.1410992593, 0.01216943, -0.012258444, -0.1153616235, 0.0090921028, -0.0470500439, -0.0136190802, 0.0375637375, -0.0156155284, -0.0701935813, -0.1353006661, -0.0517296158, -0.0739067197, -0.044303339, 0.0205112752, -0.1006107926, 0.0699901208, -0.0311038941, -0.0651579499, 0.0161877591, -0.0717703924, 0.0227874815, 0.0581894591, -0.0153103387, 0.0253943074, -0.0385301709, 0.0025241713 ]
Igor Ivanov
I. P. Ivanov
General two-order-parameter Ginzburg-Landau model with quadratic and quartic interactions
36 pages, 7 figures; v2: added additional clarifications and a discussion on how this method differs from the MIB-approach
Phys. Rev. E 79, 021116 (2009)
cond-mat.other cond-mat.supr-con
Ginzburg-Landau model with two order parameters appears in many condensed-matter problems. However, even for scalar order parameters, the most general U(1)-symmetric Landau potential with all quadratic and quartic terms contains 13 independent coefficients and cannot be minimized with straightforward algebra. Here, we develop a geometric approach that circumvents this computational difficulty and allows one to study properties of the model without knowing the exact position of the minimum. In particular, we find the number of minima of the potential, classify explicit symmetries possible in this model, establish conditions when and how these symmetries are spontaneously broken, and explicitly describe the phase diagram.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:22:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 8 Mar 2009 20:41:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ivanov", "I. P.", "" ] ]
[ -0.0886435583, -0.0042255935, -0.0316876806, 0.0296161454, -0.0118487347, -0.0386079811, 0.0193608999, -0.04361609, -0.0360128693, -0.0256779492, -0.0554989725, -0.0565916486, -0.0097487429, 0.042045366, 0.0295706168, 0.0000254985, -0.0046979492, 0.1080841348, 0.0441624299, 0.0656517744, -0.0758045837, -0.1110889986, -0.0246535633, -0.0065788361, -0.0097771976, -0.0546794608, 0.085729748, -0.043820966, 0.1094499826, -0.0633298382, 0.0722533762, -0.003019094, -0.1543408632, -0.1035313085, 0.0018709276, 0.0651054382, 0.0666534007, 0.0983410776, -0.0473038815, 0.056136366, -0.0041886014, 0.0056511974, -0.0869590119, 0.0473038815, 0.0555900261, -0.0185869187, 0.030276306, 0.0448453538, 0.0162877422, -0.0213755257, -0.0224568229, 0.0426599979, -0.018165784, -0.0866403133, 0.0545428768, 0.0210454464, -0.0376746505, 0.0261104684, 0.0754858851, 0.01837066, 0.024152752, -0.1410466135, -0.0048259976, 0.0628290251, -0.0855476335, 0.0337592177, -0.0450502299, 0.0360356309, -0.0467120148, -0.0128162103, -0.1175540164, -0.0841362551, 0.0009653418, -0.0329852365, -0.0179381408, 0.0631932467, -0.0466209576, 0.0056511974, -0.0429559313, 0.0200438239, -0.0079731401, -0.0049796556, 0.0250405539, -0.0581851415, -0.1765586585, -0.0549526326, -0.000813818, -0.0159348976, -0.073346056, 0.0185527727, -0.0141365305, -0.0256096572, -0.0475315228, 0.0400193557, 0.1255669892, -0.1223800108, 0.2008707672, 0.0466664843, -0.0013686939, 0.02381129, -0.0517201237, 0.0685655847, 0.0510827266, -0.027999891, 0.0846370682, -0.0209430084, -0.0133284032, -0.0239934027, 0.001067069, -0.01819993, 0.0497624092, 0.0433201566, -0.1059898287, 0.0359218121, -0.0441624299, -0.1242922023, -0.0139657995, 0.0074950927, -0.1252027601, 0.0046837218, -0.0198048018, -0.099980101, 0.0809948072, -0.0468485989, 0.0398144796, -0.0431835726, 0.015957661, -0.0734826401, -0.0189739093, 0.0404291116, 0.0266795717, 0.0542697087, -0.0648777932, -0.0229690168, -0.0307088234, -0.0238340534, 0.0449819379, 0.0231511295, 0.0292063914, -0.0953362137, 0.0586859509, 0.0598241575, 0.0651054382, -0.0037788472, 0.0698403791, 0.1038955301, -0.0362632722, 0.0223771483, -0.0214438196, -0.0103007732, 0.0564095378, 0.0206584558, 0.0788549781, -0.1235637441, 0.047121767, -0.0735281706, -0.0172438361, 0.0412258543, 0.0946988165, -0.0173690375, 0.0708419979, 0.0517656542, -0.0154568506, -0.0205218717, 0.0541786514, 0.0720257387, -0.1482400745, 0.0270437971, -0.0628290251, -0.1215605065, 0.0423868261, 0.0045528277, -0.0867313668, -0.0409526862, 0.114367038, 0.0083942767, -0.0671997368, -0.0956093818, -0.1033491939, -0.0026150304, 0.0226275548, -0.001293999, 0.0041629919, -0.0353754722, -0.0672452673, 0.0742566213, -0.0442079566, -0.0128162103, -0.1184645817, 0.0031357601, 0.0025979574, 0.09988904, 0.0871411264, 0.153430298, 0.0918305367, -0.0713883415, 0.0193381365, -0.0074211094, 0.0706598908, 0.1155507714, -0.0549526326, -0.0563640073, 0.0198275652, -0.1691830754, -0.128753975, -0.0140910018, -0.0069202981, -0.01792676, -0.1244743094, -0.04994452, -0.0093276063, 0.006550381, 0.0809492767, 0.0169251375, 0.0168340802, 0.0473038815, -0.0842728466, -0.0118032061, 0.0127251539, 0.0766696185, -0.1012548879, 0.0285917595, -0.0699769631, 0.0226275548, 0.0424778834, 0.0099763842, 0.0202942304, -0.0407933369, -0.0198503286, 0.012247107, 0.0438892618, -0.0457786843, -0.0424551181, 0.027385259, -0.105261378, -0.0062373742, 0.0305950027, 0.1165523902, -0.0506729744, -0.0637395903, -0.0517656542, 0.0870045424, -0.0257234778, -0.0226161722, 0.0344649069, 0.0455965698, -0.0259511191, -0.0116154021, 0.0519477651, -0.0774891302, -0.1081751883, 0.0748940185, -0.0639672279, -0.0258600619, -0.1148223206, -0.009270696 ]
Anil Hirani
Evan VanderZee, Anil N. Hirani, Damrong Guoy, Edgar Ramos
Well-Centered Triangulation
Content has been added to experimental results section. Significant edits in introduction and in summary of current and previous results. Minor edits elsewhere
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 31, 6 (2010) 4497-4523
cs.CG cs.NA
Meshes composed of well-centered simplices have nice orthogonal dual meshes (the dual Voronoi diagram). This is useful for certain numerical algorithms that prefer such primal-dual mesh pairs. We prove that well-centered meshes also have optimality properties and relationships to Delaunay and minmax angle triangulations. We present an iterative algorithm that seeks to transform a given triangulation in two or three dimensions into a well-centered one by minimizing a cost function and moving the interior vertices while keeping the mesh connectivity and boundary vertices fixed. The cost function is a direct result of a new characterization of well-centeredness in arbitrary dimensions that we present. Ours is the first optimization-based heuristic for well-centeredness, and the first one that applies in both two and three dimensions. We show the results of applying our algorithm to small and large two-dimensional meshes, some with a complex boundary, and obtain a well-centered tetrahedralization of the cube. We also show numerical evidence that our algorithm preserves gradation and that it improves the maximum and minimum angles of acute triangulations created by the best known previous method.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:04:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 6 Feb 2009 21:21:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:48:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "VanderZee", "Evan", "" ], [ "Hirani", "Anil N.", "" ], [ "Guoy", "Damrong", "" ], [ "Ramos", "Edgar", "" ] ]
[ 0.0313435346, -0.0086349156, 0.1435302943, 0.0636539683, -0.0409856327, -0.010582136, -0.0133418171, 0.0084469076, -0.0841199234, 0.0316389762, 0.0518632084, -0.0012581394, 0.071174264, -0.0249244217, 0.0613978766, 0.1560999304, 0.0360168628, -0.0704222322, 0.0608069934, 0.0984622091, 0.028980013, 0.0572617091, 0.0540655851, 0.0020680823, -0.0079231728, 0.0566708297, 0.027717676, -0.0381118059, 0.0580674559, -0.0604846962, 0.087880075, -0.0194453467, -0.0899212956, -0.0858388469, -0.0720337257, 0.1222585887, -0.0011523853, 0.0870743245, -0.0418988131, 0.0604309812, 0.0855165496, 0.130101189, -0.0117437541, 0.0520512164, 0.1143085584, -0.0047236881, -0.0135029666, 0.0891155526, -0.0041663805, -0.0337339155, -0.0659100562, 0.1346133649, 0.0694553405, -0.0931442827, -0.0859999955, -0.0358557142, -0.0363660194, -0.0403947532, 0.0528032482, 0.0036023578, 0.0174578391, -0.0421136767, -0.0032683089, 0.0808432251, 0.0223460328, 0.0023014131, -0.0769756362, -0.0342173651, 0.1042098701, -0.0228294805, -0.0457663946, 0.062364772, 0.0496339798, -0.0153494691, -0.0030517646, 0.0229637716, -0.0016727631, 0.1211842597, -0.0371180512, 0.0584971868, -0.0091250781, -0.0104478449, 0.1282748282, -0.0329550281, -0.0149197374, -0.0912642106, -0.0228160527, 0.0081178946, -0.1923048049, 0.0350499675, -0.0165983755, 0.013482823, -0.0135029666, -0.0075001558, 0.0376283564, 0.0001764669, 0.0506277308, 0.0438594632, 0.0793928802, 0.0816489682, -0.038675826, -0.0433760136, 0.0297857579, 0.0418988131, 0.0892767012, -0.0426777005, 0.0839587748, -0.0078425985, -0.0013110165, 0.1583560258, -0.0164506547, -0.010629138, -0.0837439075, 0.0317732655, 0.032256715, -0.0936814472, -0.0360437222, 0.0804672092, -0.0858925655, 0.045551531, -0.0016475836, -0.090028733, 0.0713891312, -0.0054992191, 0.0293023102, -0.0764921904, 0.0639762655, -0.0591417849, 0.032122422, 0.0413616486, 0.0593566522, 0.0671455339, 0.0096353842, -0.0429731421, -0.1132342294, 0.0410393514, -0.0940037444, -0.0140602747, 0.0639762655, -0.095239222, -0.0024776701, 0.0496071205, 0.0496071205, -0.0213657077, 0.0202376638, 0.0295977518, -0.0185455959, 0.2164772004, 0.0094876634, 0.0918550864, -0.1737189293, -0.0000849286, 0.0246961266, -0.0210971273, -0.0477270447, -0.0704759508, 0.0142751401, -0.0280668326, 0.0214194246, -0.0037769363, -0.036715176, -0.0236889441, -0.0264687687, -0.0529643968, 0.1359025538, 0.0549519062, -0.0878263563, 0.0034647095, -0.1254815757, -0.0553816371, 0.0725708902, -0.0691330433, -0.1123747677, 0.0402604602, 0.1197876334, -0.0214865711, -0.0425434113, -0.1138788238, -0.0683810115, 0.016665522, -0.0724634603, -0.0055327918, 0.1117301658, 0.0256227348, -0.0438326038, 0.0674678311, 0.0102195498, 0.0622036234, -0.0064191129, 0.0530449711, -0.0775128007, 0.0399650224, 0.0171221104, 0.0589806363, 0.0330356024, -0.0671455339, 0.0485327914, 0.0697776377, 0.0606458448, -0.0574765764, 0.0151346028, -0.0995365381, 0.0992679596, 0.0173369758, -0.0365003124, 0.0134156775, 0.0511917546, 0.0485059321, -0.0783722699, -0.0646208599, -0.0100449715, 0.0264687687, 0.0343516544, 0.1093129292, -0.0073658652, -0.0316926911, -0.0692404732, 0.0539044328, 0.036715176, 0.0899750143, -0.0369569026, 0.0455246717, 0.0617201738, 0.0371449105, -0.0536627099, -0.0346202366, 0.000416722, -0.091210492, -0.0102732666, 0.0111193005, 0.0662323534, -0.0850868225, -0.0827770159, 0.0222520288, -0.0504397228, -0.036661461, 0.00458604, -0.0238098055, -0.0253138654, 0.0307257958, -0.0552742034, -0.0274222363, -0.0487476587, 0.003639288, 0.0039179418, 0.0478613377, -0.0885783881, -0.0266702063, -0.0436714552, -0.0663397834, 0.016061211, 0.0830993131, 0.0668769479, -0.0214865711, -0.0439131781, -0.0093466584 ]
Brendan Owens
Brendan Owens
On slicing invariants of knots
14 pages, 2 figures
The slicing number of a knot, $u_s(K)$, is the minimum number of crossing changes required to convert $K$ to a slice knot. This invariant is bounded above by the unknotting number and below by the slice genus $g_s(K)$. We show that for many knots, previous bounds on unknotting number obtained by Ozsvath and Szabo and by the author in fact give bounds on the slicing number. Livingston defined another invariant $U_s(K)$ which takes into account signs of crossings changed to get a slice knot, and which is bounded above by the slicing number and below by the slice genus. We exhibit an infinite family of knots $K_n$ with slice genus $n$ and Livingston invariant greater than $n$. Our bounds are based on restrictions (using Donaldson's diagonalisation theorem or Heegaard Floer homology) on the intersection forms of four-manifolds bounded by the double branched cover of a knot.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 18:52:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Owens", "Brendan", "" ] ]
[ -0.024815131, 0.0500583276, 0.0330364816, 0.0046048374, -0.0156747028, 0.0154732605, -0.0496050827, -0.0749364123, -0.034471754, -0.027849352, 0.0153221795, 0.0268673226, -0.0870732889, 0.0325580575, 0.1269084364, 0.0321299918, -0.0159642752, 0.0475906618, -0.0025605161, 0.0957856551, 0.0467597172, -0.0817350745, 0.0733752325, 0.0731737912, 0.0117214043, 0.0441913307, 0.0748860464, -0.0223222878, 0.1381891817, 0.0391049199, 0.0294860676, -0.0455510654, 0.0030279246, -0.0453999825, 0.0030011705, 0.1137139872, -0.0236064792, 0.0024188773, 0.0005492441, -0.0410689786, 0.007277091, -0.0318026505, -0.0883323029, -0.0699003637, 0.1006202623, 0.052123107, -0.021352848, -0.0108212102, -0.1321459264, 0.055698704, 0.0245885104, 0.0306695383, 0.0298134107, -0.1316423267, -0.0614397973, 0.0369142406, 0.0359070301, 0.045450341, 0.048900038, -0.0662240461, 0.0985554829, -0.115829125, -0.0415474065, 0.0027997284, -0.0553461798, 0.040212851, -0.1224767119, 0.07730335, 0.0011543569, 0.0049195904, -0.0838502198, 0.0613894388, 0.0124768112, 0.0757421777, 0.0635549426, -0.0271694846, 0.0370905027, 0.1109945178, 0.0443172306, 0.0293098055, 0.0865193233, 0.0152088683, 0.081684716, -0.0232665464, 0.0640585423, 0.003647988, 0.0393063612, 0.0581663661, -0.1328509748, 0.00191842, -0.0445186719, 0.0444683135, -0.0244248379, -0.027849352, 0.0582167283, -0.0099839671, 0.1123038977, 0.0719147772, -0.0161783081, -0.0396337062, -0.0595764592, -0.0078184661, 0.0190236755, -0.092008613, 0.0686413497, 0.0223600585, 0.0297630504, -0.0055868668, -0.0198294427, 0.0122438939, -0.0546914935, 0.048900038, 0.0333890058, 0.0286803003, 0.0592742972, -0.0650657564, -0.0824904814, -0.0554972589, 0.007308566, 0.0238582827, -0.0595261008, -0.0917064548, 0.0684902668, 0.0665765703, -0.0197287221, -0.0304429159, -0.0938719511, 0.1069656834, 0.0261874553, -0.0261119138, 0.0640081838, -0.0574613214, 0.0087060696, -0.0053476547, -0.0183815788, 0.0715622604, -0.0450978205, 0.0599289834, 0.0080954488, 0.1716285497, -0.061540518, -0.0228384826, 0.1227788776, -0.0432596616, 0.0155110313, 0.0293349866, -0.0445438549, 0.1346639544, 0.0246388707, 0.0738788396, 0.0303421952, 0.0225740895, 0.0380977094, 0.0067986664, -0.0480942689, -0.0200686548, 0.0153221795, 0.0224230085, 0.0357055888, 0.0412452407, 0.058921773, 0.0919582546, 0.0818861574, 0.0147304432, -0.0666772872, -0.0094803628, -0.0127789741, 0.0232035965, 0.0003916709, -0.1207644567, 0.1336567402, -0.1195558012, -0.0260867346, 0.073979564, -0.0289069209, -0.0045009688, -0.1260019541, -0.0600800663, 0.08752653, -0.0105064576, 0.0057348008, 0.1316423267, -0.0049605086, 0.0047590663, -0.0455258824, 0.081080392, 0.0166819133, -0.1015267521, 0.0487489551, -0.0478676446, -0.0383243337, 0.0333386436, 0.0153347692, 0.0449215584, 0.0459539481, -0.1164334565, 0.0390041992, -0.0145541821, 0.0324069746, -0.0420258306, -0.0122375991, -0.0384754166, 0.0687420666, -0.0765479431, 0.0301659331, 0.0160020459, -0.0131566785, 0.0215794705, -0.0287558399, 0.0619434044, -0.0352019817, 0.1627651006, 0.0447956547, 0.0837998539, 0.0897927582, 0.0180038754, -0.0380725302, -0.0255705398, 0.0337667093, 0.0670298114, -0.1167356148, 0.043461103, 0.0269680433, 0.1752545089, 0.1456425339, -0.0371660404, 0.0631520525, 0.0357811302, -0.0012023568, -0.0322307125, 0.0313997641, 0.0088823317, -0.1018792689, -0.0233798586, -0.1350668371, -0.0522741899, -0.014075757, -0.0078688264, -0.1524915695, -0.0275723692, 0.0076170242, -0.063756384, -0.000426097, 0.1394985616, 0.0146045424, 0.0732745156, -0.0761450604, 0.0632024184, -0.0270939432, 0.0619434044, -0.0611376353, 0.0377955474, 0.0264896173, -0.0901956409, -0.0915553719, 0.0078373514 ]
Hernan Calvo
Hern\'an L. Calvo and Horacio M. Pastawski
Pair Partitioning in time reversal acoustics
6 pages, 4 figures
Mec. Comp. vol. XXVI, pp. 74-80 (2007).
Time reversal of acoustic waves can be achieved efficiently by the persistent control of excitations in a finite region of the system. The procedure, called Time Reversal Mirror, is stable against the inhomogeneities of the medium and it has numerous applications in medical physics, oceanography and communications. As a first step in the study of this robustness, we apply the Perfect Inverse Filter procedure that accounts for the memory effects of the system. In the numerical evaluation of such procedures we developed the Pair Partitioning method for a system of coupled oscillators. The algorithm, inspired in the Trotter strategy for quantum dynamics, obtains the dynamic for a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators by the separation of the system in pairs and applying a stroboscopic sequence that alternates the evolution of each pair. We analyze here the formal basis of the method and discuss his extension for including energy dissipation inside the medium.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:19:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Calvo", "Hernán L.", "" ], [ "Pastawski", "Horacio M.", "" ] ]
[ -0.0130099626, 0.0168513805, 0.0570189692, 0.0124879573, -0.0503533743, 0.0553057231, -0.0470607281, 0.0368615612, -0.0694400072, -0.0252569951, 0.0628011748, -0.056215886, 0.0130835781, 0.0419745296, 0.0393511206, 0.0685298443, 0.0700289309, 0.0001094829, -0.0179890841, 0.089784801, -0.1843881011, -0.096155934, -0.0714209452, -0.0451868661, -0.0031019123, -0.0650498122, 0.0492290556, 0.103223078, 0.0804154873, -0.0012272128, 0.0308384299, -0.0362994, -0.0265820827, -0.0098444726, -0.026314389, 0.1257094294, -0.0739908144, 0.0158876795, -0.1810686886, -0.0056583965, 0.0083186124, -0.0765071437, -0.1509798169, 0.1146804094, 0.0290181059, 0.0963700935, -0.0073749889, 0.024494065, 0.0714209452, 0.0592140667, -0.0234768242, 0.0402077436, -0.0383338816, -0.0332476832, -0.026287619, -0.0381732658, 0.0164632238, 0.0657993555, 0.0638719574, -0.0453742519, 0.0375307985, -0.004788389, 0.0865189284, 0.0368883312, -0.0837884396, 0.0185110886, -0.0327122919, 0.0546632558, 0.0479976609, 0.1457329988, -0.0161687601, 0.0696006194, -0.0687975362, -0.018979555, 0.0231020525, 0.0355498567, -0.0520130806, 0.003623917, 0.0387354232, 0.0675126016, 0.0323107503, -0.0439554676, 0.0658528954, 0.0496038273, -0.0269568563, 0.0166104566, -0.1313845515, 0.0168513805, -0.0672449097, 0.0102058602, 0.0097708562, 0.1944534332, -0.0685833842, 0.0138532007, 0.0165836867, -0.1485170126, 0.0233965162, -0.0207195692, 0.0481582768, 0.0956205428, -0.0257923845, -0.0348270796, 0.0168379974, -0.0710997134, 0.0870543122, -0.079023473, 0.0195283275, -0.0005868369, -0.0695470795, 0.0454813279, 0.0049791215, -0.0809508786, 0.0375307985, -0.0944962278, -0.0063042101, -0.0406360552, -0.0153121371, -0.061730396, -0.0480511971, -0.0246412978, -0.1010279804, -0.0611414686, 0.0139201246, 0.0123340329, 0.0439554676, -0.1067566425, 0.0239854455, -0.073294811, 0.0041258447, -0.0335153751, 0.1238891035, 0.0912303552, -0.0309990458, -0.0535389408, -0.0072009875, -0.0694935471, 0.0621587075, 0.0656922758, 0.0163963009, -0.0112231001, 0.093318373, -0.0052769319, 0.0507013761, -0.0667095184, -0.0088205403, 0.1071314216, 0.0160349123, -0.0130969631, -0.0249357615, 0.0217635781, 0.0015835814, -0.1345968992, 0.0977621004, 0.0683692247, 0.0780597776, -0.0382268019, 0.004279769, -0.0011301736, -0.0652104318, -0.0367009416, -0.0143484361, -0.0357640125, 0.0291251838, 0.0333012193, 0.0817004219, 0.0359781682, -0.0416265242, 0.0569118932, -0.1100760624, -0.0339704566, -0.0257254597, -0.1675768793, -0.0603919253, 0.0097775487, 0.0548774116, -0.0339436866, -0.1130742431, -0.1740015596, -0.1267802119, -0.0390298888, 0.0301424228, 0.0557340346, 0.0144421291, -0.014455514, 0.0096169319, 0.0193141717, -0.0582503676, 0.0005441731, -0.0291787218, -0.0406092852, -0.0010490286, 0.1419852674, 0.052494932, 0.1294571608, -0.0249892995, -0.0401274338, 0.0346129239, 0.0445979349, 0.009048081, -0.0470071882, -0.064246729, -0.0260333102, -0.0018253432, -0.0248822216, 0.0049657365, -0.0330870636, 0.0486668944, 0.0729735717, 0.014495668, -0.0379055701, 0.0619445518, -0.0136725064, 0.0700824708, -0.0402345136, -0.077899158, -0.0964771658, -0.0579291321, 0.0951922312, 0.0140405865, 0.0098310877, -0.0469001122, 0.0157672185, -0.0206392612, 0.1039190814, 0.0292590298, 0.0229012817, 0.0745797455, -0.0625870228, 0.0419209898, -0.0225666631, 0.0238649826, -0.0058926297, -0.0413855985, 0.0602848455, -0.0189126302, 0.0129698077, -0.1031159982, -0.0585715994, -0.0814862624, -0.0462844148, -0.0702966303, 0.019033093, 0.0671913698, -0.0080910726, 0.0074017583, 0.0538334027, -0.0646750405, -0.0058926297, -0.0059829764, -0.0646215007, 0.0367544815, 0.0318288989, -0.0932112932, 0.1126459315, -0.0193944816, 0.1418781877 ]
Yunping Jiang
Frederick Gardiner, Yunping Jiang, and Zhe Wang
Holomorphic Motions and Related Topics
Geometry of Riemann Surfaces, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, No. 368, 2010, 166-193
math.CV math.DS
In this article we give an expository account of the holomorphic motion theorem based on work of M\`a\~n\'e-Sad-Sullivan, Bers-Royden, and Chirka. After proving this theorem, we show that tangent vectors to holomorphic motions have $|\epsilon \log \epsilon|$ moduli of continuity and then show how this type of continuity for tangent vectors can be combined with Schwarz's lemma and integration over the holomorphic variable to produce H\"older continuity on the mappings. We also prove, by using holomorphic motions, that Kobayashi's and Teichm\"uller's metrics on the Teichm\"uller space of a Riemann surface coincide. Finally, we present an application of holomorphic motions to complex dynamics, that is, we prove the Fatou linearization theorem for parabolic germs by involving holomorphic motions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:26:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gardiner", "Frederick", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Yunping", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhe", "" ] ]
[ 0.0734681785, 0.0422489978, -0.0228389148, 0.0417934172, -0.0076789111, 0.0163169373, -0.005104288, -0.0010999845, -0.0017398938, 0.0107300943, 0.0728927031, 0.0266633853, -0.1010906771, -0.0749548003, 0.0293009505, 0.1368656456, 0.0088478317, -0.0220116787, 0.0469246805, 0.0563479811, -0.0056138174, -0.012588379, -0.0082843518, 0.0148662757, -0.0016289961, -0.0773525909, -0.0764893889, 0.0875192061, 0.109818615, -0.0630138293, 0.061671067, -0.0199256055, -0.0033239315, -0.0795585513, -0.083778657, 0.1229584888, -0.1014743224, 0.1220952868, -0.0065939124, 0.0475720838, -0.0393956304, 0.060999684, -0.0691521615, 0.1023375243, 0.1250685453, 0.0425127521, 0.0215920657, 0.0487230197, -0.0317227133, 0.0203332286, -0.1091472358, -0.0014484129, 0.0859846175, -0.0138592049, -0.0035667073, 0.0504014716, -0.0139311394, 0.0815726966, -0.0313870236, -0.0690562502, -0.0433040224, -0.1061739847, -0.0471404791, -0.1045434847, -0.105502598, 0.0708785653, -0.0461334102, -0.0317946486, 0.0461094305, 0.101953879, -0.013715338, 0.0495382659, 0.0596089698, 0.0691521615, -0.0116952034, -0.0140989842, 0.061958801, 0.1169160679, -0.0379569568, -0.0111017507, 0.0563479811, -0.0208487529, 0.0420571752, 0.0095491847, -0.0061922832, 0.0543338396, 0.0361586176, -0.0181752201, -0.185492754, 0.0130919134, 0.1116409376, 0.0600405708, 0.0154057778, -0.0219877008, 0.0723172352, -0.0667543709, 0.0296126623, 0.0410261266, 0.0279581901, 0.0223473683, -0.0198416822, -0.0850255042, 0.0437356234, 0.0403787233, 0.1875068992, 0.0528472103, -0.0174558852, 0.0160411913, -0.0526553877, 0.0012625844, -0.0102445427, -0.0604242161, -0.0075949882, 0.0430642441, 0.0653636605, -0.0227669813, -0.084306173, -0.0138951717, -0.1128877848, -0.0068037189, 0.0211005211, -0.005595834, 0.0800381079, -0.034839835, 0.0545736179, -0.070207186, -0.0344322138, -0.0173120182, -0.0546215735, 0.0157894231, 0.066994153, -0.0265195183, -0.0574030057, -0.1295763701, -0.0281739905, 0.0467568338, 0.0605680831, 0.0440233573, 0.101666145, 0.07131017, -0.0143147847, 0.0332093425, 0.0555806868, 0.0245413445, 0.0551970415, 0.005380033, 0.0168684274, 0.0380768478, 0.0658432171, -0.0125644011, -0.0353433713, -0.0217958782, 0.0357509963, 0.0609037727, -0.044478938, -0.0285816137, 0.031195201, 0.0746191144, -0.0260399599, 0.0143507514, -0.0942809582, 0.0814767852, 0.0240977537, 0.0082304021, 0.0601364821, -0.0356311053, -0.0497300886, 0.0301641524, 0.014974176, -0.1744629443, -0.0855050609, -0.0540461056, -0.0599926151, 0.0144346738, 0.0884783193, 0.0293489061, -0.0630617812, -0.105214864, -0.0777841881, 0.0912597477, -0.0008894289, 0.1185465604, -0.0399710983, 0.0167485382, -0.0398032553, 0.0802299306, -0.0036356435, 0.1330291927, 0.0735640898, 0.0482194833, -0.1102981716, 0.091643393, 0.0941850469, 0.0512167178, 0.048555173, -0.114997834, 0.0481715277, -0.0320584029, 0.0320823826, -0.079174906, 0.0997479111, -0.0093453722, 0.066178903, 0.0141829066, -0.1169160679, 0.1504850686, 0.0430882201, 0.0322022699, -0.1278499663, 0.0032010449, -0.0134755597, -0.0257762037, 0.0708785653, 0.0553888641, -0.0341444798, 0.1096267924, -0.0499698669, 0.0662748143, -0.0050023817, 0.1391675174, -0.0743313804, 0.061958801, 0.0395155214, 0.0111736841, 0.0779760107, 0.0410980582, 0.0060634022, -0.0645004511, -0.001135202, 0.0670421049, 0.0821961164, -0.0096930517, -0.0418893285, -0.0544297509, 0.1094349697, -0.0555327311, -0.0137393158, -0.0084881643, -0.10655763, -0.0001320656, 0.0170242842, 0.0806615353, -0.028965259, -0.01217476, -0.0239418969, 0.006162311, -0.0187626779, -0.0118031036, 0.0261358712, -0.0681450889, -0.0193141699, 0.0433040224, 0.0162809696, 0.0287254807, -0.0507851169, 0.0493943989 ]
Manik Lal Das
Manik Lal Das
On the Security of ``an efficient and complete remote user authentication scheme''
Recently, Liaw et al. proposed a remote user authentication scheme using smart cards. Their scheme has claimed a number of features e.g. mutual authentication, no clock synchronization, no verifier table, flexible user password change, etc. We show that Liaw et al.'s scheme is completely insecure. By intercepting a valid login message in Liaw et al.'s scheme, any unregistered user or adversary can easily login to the remote system and establish a session key.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:28:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Das", "Manik Lal", "" ] ]
[ 0.0391908959, 0.0296804961, 0.0670612603, -0.0152712334, 0.0914837345, -0.0259740259, -0.0040045683, 0.0805654526, 0.0213624872, -0.0157596823, 0.088265717, -0.091311343, -0.140788421, 0.0158171467, -0.0337317549, -0.100965403, 0.0224543158, 0.0056135789, -0.0612573251, 0.0310021844, 0.0438742675, 0.1289507002, 0.058958739, -0.0274250079, -0.00792294, 0.0174261574, -0.0448511653, -0.0396506153, 0.029163314, -0.1169980466, -0.0224686824, -0.0328985192, -0.059073668, -0.0470635556, 0.0331571102, 0.1129180565, 0.0137699693, -0.0191788301, -0.0656246394, -0.1148143858, -0.0833812207, -0.0732674375, 0.024968395, 0.0031192536, -0.0124195497, 0.0295655672, 0.0368923098, -0.0030097116, -0.0229571313, -0.0173543263, -0.1033789217, -0.0291202161, 0.0561429709, -0.0548500158, -0.0720606819, -0.0430410281, 0.036806114, -0.0622916892, -0.0540167801, -0.0245948751, -0.0501379147, -0.0516607277, -0.0630961955, -0.0359728783, -0.1121135503, -0.1425123513, -0.0577519834, 0.0437018722, 0.0491322838, 0.1049879342, -0.0593035296, -0.0247959998, 0.0301689468, -0.0239483975, 0.0349097811, 0.0065940698, -0.0590162054, 0.1139524207, 0.0173543263, 0.0349385142, 0.0127284219, 0.0126853231, -0.0140213771, -0.0161906686, -0.1287208349, -0.0288185272, -0.1612458378, 0.0324962661, -0.0550798774, -0.0501379147, 0.0569474772, 0.1122859418, 0.0211757272, 0.04022526, 0.0498793237, 0.0457131378, -0.0082820943, -0.0242069885, 0.0134179983, 0.0999885052, -0.00396147, -0.1399839073, -0.0139423627, -0.0358004831, 0.1012527272, 0.021075163, 0.1091828495, 0.0584990233, -0.11435467, -0.023632342, -0.1149293184, -0.0697046295, -0.122399725, -0.0209602341, 0.0151994023, -0.0181731991, 0.0316917598, -0.0692449138, -0.0153861623, 0.0171675663, 0.0209027696, 0.019106999, 0.1595218927, -0.0453108847, 0.0411734283, -0.0909090936, 0.0346224569, 0.0167796798, -0.1257326752, -0.0553671978, 0.1737731248, -0.073612228, 0.136880815, 0.032869786, -0.008088151, 0.0603953563, -0.0113277212, -0.0715434998, -0.1180324107, -0.0878634676, -0.0238478333, -0.1103321463, -0.0324675329, 0.0691299886, -0.0366337188, -0.016248133, -0.004898862, 0.0726353303, -0.0512584746, -0.0204286855, 0.0133820828, -0.0121968742, 0.0892426148, 0.1199862063, -0.0364900604, -0.0964831635, -0.0521491766, -0.0278416276, -0.0453970805, 0.0660843551, -0.0029037611, -0.0071184346, 0.0351683721, -0.0097115273, 0.018661648, -0.041001033, 0.0399379395, -0.0830364302, -0.0985518917, -0.0453108847, -0.0995287895, -0.0824043229, -0.0028750286, -0.0695322379, -0.0890127569, -0.0601080321, 0.0126781408, -0.085967131, 0.0173399616, -0.0936673954, 0.0181157347, 0.0975175276, 0.0364613272, -0.0220664293, -0.0497643948, -0.0398804732, 0.0575221255, 0.0144236293, 0.0015775844, 0.0129510975, 0.014768417, 0.1480289549, -0.0387886465, -0.0424951166, -0.0647626743, -0.0737846196, -0.0284019075, -0.0031443944, -0.0247385353, -0.1133777723, -0.0148115158, -0.0621767603, 0.0041087233, 0.0073842085, -0.0450522937, -0.05031031, 0.0606252141, 0.0105375815, -0.0095965983, 0.0521204472, 0.0353407636, 0.0359441452, 0.0611423962, -0.1010803357, 0.017885875, 0.057809446, 0.0202419255, -0.0802206621, 0.0618894398, -0.0158889778, -0.0228709336, 0.0205292497, 0.0472934134, -0.0360303409, 0.0195236187, 0.0863119215, -0.0208596718, 0.0076068845, 0.004758792, -0.056286633, -0.0215923451, -0.0302264113, 0.0478680618, -0.0686128065, -0.034766119, -0.0179433394, 0.1065394804, -0.0343638659, -0.0629238039, 0.0344787948, -0.0232157223, 0.017770946, -0.068268016, 0.0580967702, -0.1220549345, 0.0044642859, -0.0581255034, 0.0701643452, -0.0336742885, -0.0554246642, 0.0208022073, 0.0404551215, 0.1396391243, -0.0454832762, -0.0150701068, 0.1130904481 ]
Stephen Zepf
Stephen E. Zepf
Observational Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of Globular Cluster Systems
to appear in the proceedings of IAUS 246, "Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems", eds. Vesperini, Giersz and Sills, as sent to editors, references date from that time. 9 pages, 3 figures
This paper reviews some of the observational properties of globular cluster systems, with a particular focus on those that constrain and inform models of the formation and dynamical evolution of globular cluster systems. I first discuss the observational determination of the globular cluster luminosity and mass function. I show results from new very deep HST data on the M87 globular cluster system, and discuss how these constrain models of evaporation and the dynamical evolution of globular clusters. The second subject of this review is the question of how to account for the observed constancy of the globular cluster mass function with distance from the center of the host galaxy. The problem is that a radial trend is expected for isotropic cluster orbits, and while the orbits are observed to be roughly isotropic, no radial trend in the globular cluster system is observed. I review three extant proposals to account for this, and discuss observations and calculations that might determine which of these is most correct. The final subject is the origin of the very weak mass-radius relation observed for globular clusters. I discuss how this strongly constrains how globular clusters form and evolve. I also note that the only viable current proposal to account for the observed weak mass-radius relation naturally affects the globular cluster mass function, and that these two problems may be related.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:39:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zepf", "Stephen E.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1113161594, 0.0911255106, 0.0511334278, 0.0393596031, -0.0233287141, 0.083438471, 0.08484938, 0.0010863116, -0.0021194101, 0.0046888529, -0.0210299008, 0.0068660374, -0.0859683827, -0.0049959696, 0.0122177759, 0.1020722464, 0.0194365419, 0.0410381034, 0.029653497, 0.0919039473, 0.0054277577, -0.0252504759, 0.0227205623, 0.0648046881, -0.1240630299, -0.0167849977, 0.0109102484, 0.0725403801, 0.0489440821, -0.0595502555, 0.1456645876, -0.0302616488, -0.0945798159, -0.0353458002, -0.1019749418, 0.1909111142, 0.0259072799, 0.166390419, -0.0178431831, 0.055706732, -0.0617396012, 0.049552232, 0.0222705305, 0.0166512039, -0.0126009118, 0.0294588879, 0.0296048447, -0.074535124, -0.0019810556, 0.0152524551, -0.1053805947, 0.0351755172, 0.1233818978, -0.0980827734, -0.1187112927, -0.0511334278, -0.015556531, -0.0266857147, -0.0408191681, 0.0629559085, 0.013598281, -0.0280723013, 0.0253234543, 0.062712647, 0.0119562708, -0.0177702047, 0.0074498635, -0.0091891782, 0.022355672, 0.0739999488, -0.0772596449, -0.1230899841, 0.0330834761, 0.0559986457, -0.0514739938, -0.0427166037, 0.0155078787, 0.0082769506, -0.0472169295, 0.0541498624, 0.0248612575, 0.0172593575, 0.0399920829, -0.0052513937, -0.0079728737, 0.0537119955, 0.0448573008, -0.0137320748, -0.1116080731, 0.0232557375, 0.0053030862, -0.0540525578, 0.0439572334, 0.0189865083, 0.0341294967, -0.1071320772, 0.0257126708, -0.054247167, 0.1221169457, 0.0059294831, -0.0673832521, 0.0397974737, -0.0668480769, -0.1106350347, 0.1253279895, 0.0408191681, -0.1202681586, -0.038727127, -0.0266127363, -0.0181959104, 0.0449789315, 0.0341294967, -0.0546850376, 0.0050081327, -0.0577014722, 0.0267586932, -0.058625862, 0.0427166037, -0.0788165107, 0.0172958467, 0.0447356701, -0.0857737735, 0.0074741896, 0.1010019034, 0.0446626917, -0.0967691615, 0.0179161616, -0.0069755046, -0.0573609062, -0.073367469, 0.0844115093, -0.0799841657, 0.0370729528, -0.0879144669, -0.1260091215, -0.0252018236, 0.0081614014, 0.0036854018, -0.0048104832, 0.06670212, 0.0014169944, 0.0274641495, 0.0250801928, 0.0734161213, 0.0678211227, 0.0399191044, -0.0488954298, 0.0207988024, -0.0297508016, 0.1512109339, -0.0146807916, 0.0168214869, -0.0134401619, -0.0242044535, 0.001179815, -0.1100512072, 0.0320374519, 0.070448339, -0.0279506706, 0.0222948566, 0.02690465, 0.0124002211, -0.0692320392, 0.0423517115, -0.0636856854, 0.0343727581, -0.0778921247, -0.0005226307, -0.0754595101, -0.0139631722, 0.0439329073, 0.0222948566, -0.0757027715, -0.0629559085, -0.0194851942, 0.1792345941, -0.0399920829, -0.0192540959, -0.0111656729, 0.0114879934, 0.0340565182, 0.0417922139, -0.0132577159, -0.0972070321, -0.1016830355, 0.0374864973, -0.0199838784, 0.0593069941, 0.0669453815, -0.1344745904, -0.0831465572, 0.0391893201, 0.0175634325, 0.1333069354, -0.0764325559, -0.0561932549, -0.0162984766, 0.0363431685, -0.0161403567, 0.0461465828, 0.129414767, 0.0480196923, 0.1189059019, -0.1418697238, -0.1314581633, 0.0405029319, 0.1096619889, 0.0501603857, 0.0041141491, -0.0220880844, 0.0587231666, -0.0016708979, -0.0156903248, 0.0556094274, -0.03597828, -0.0012406303, -0.1255225986, 0.0062001105, 0.0697672069, 0.0426436253, -0.0215894002, 0.099931553, 0.0820275545, 0.1025587693, 0.0870387331, -0.0780867338, 0.0035059969, -0.0401623659, 0.0417678878, 0.0032536138, 0.0339835398, 0.0532741249, -0.027853366, -0.0053578201, -0.0350295603, 0.0032080023, -0.0705456436, 0.1217277274, -0.0065862872, -0.02690465, -0.0590150803, 0.0384108871, -0.0574582107, 0.0475088432, -0.0586745143, 0.0058565047, 0.0006522432, -0.0304319318, 0.0798868611, 0.0311373882, 0.08484938, 0.0058169751, -0.0416219309, -0.0048074424, -0.0118650477, 0.0442004949 ]
Yury Bliokh P
Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Yuri Gorodetski, Vladimir Kleiner, and Erez Hasman
Coriolis Effect in Optics: Unified Geometric Phase and Spin-Hall Effect
4 pages, 3 figures
physics.optics cond-mat.other
We examine the spin-orbit coupling effects that appear when a wave carrying intrinsic angular momentum interacts with a medium. The Berry phase is shown to be a manifestation of the Coriolis effect in a non-inertial reference frame attached to the wave. In the most general case, when both the direction of propagation and the state of the wave are varied, the phase is given by a simple expression that unifies the spin redirection Berry phase and the Pancharatnam--Berry phase. The theory is supported by the experiment demonstrating the spin-orbit coupling of electromagnetic waves via a surface plasmon nano-structure. The measurements verify the unified geometric phase, demonstrated by the observed polarization-dependent shift (spin-Hall effect) of the waves.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:34:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 13 Oct 2008 08:30:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bliokh", "Konstantin Y.", "" ], [ "Gorodetski", "Yuri", "" ], [ "Kleiner", "Vladimir", "" ], [ "Hasman", "Erez", "" ] ]
[ -0.0079817316, 0.0027079817, -0.0949986055, 0.051860515, 0.0282056741, 0.0654181987, 0.019032903, -0.0235955864, -0.0459112525, -0.0885041878, 0.0429958738, 0.0560795143, -0.0885041878, -0.0023020806, -0.0355059654, 0.0348186009, -0.0185351558, 0.1107368991, 0.0893100649, 0.0536144823, -0.0021154254, -0.0604881346, 0.0030072224, 0.0854228958, -0.0699690282, -0.042569235, 0.0332779549, 0.0266650282, 0.0863235816, 0.0480681546, 0.0915854797, -0.0110215442, 0.025242893, -0.1013508067, -0.1657261103, 0.0747094825, -0.0913958624, -0.036975503, -0.0385398529, 0.0279923528, -0.060061492, 0.0520501323, -0.0649441555, 0.0447972454, 0.0207276139, 0.0070277159, -0.0135932388, -0.000942905, 0.1216399297, -0.0035523742, -0.061294008, -0.0143398587, 0.0459349528, -0.0181322191, -0.1114953682, 0.0622895025, -0.0121711036, 0.1087459102, -0.049205862, -0.0864183903, 0.0835267156, -0.0618154593, 0.062858358, 0.0187129229, -0.0901633427, -0.0246977415, -0.1167098582, -0.0189025421, 0.0201824624, 0.1018248498, 0.0793551207, 0.097084403, 0.072291851, 0.0033331285, -0.0659396499, -0.0524767749, -0.0408389717, -0.0399145819, 0.0774589404, 0.0341312364, 0.0002194309, -0.0793077201, 0.0516234934, -0.0157382917, -0.0348660052, -0.0438965596, 0.0502487607, -0.0484236889, -0.0879827365, 0.1421186626, 0.0482577756, 0.0108734053, -0.0813461095, -0.0033983097, 0.0108852563, 0.0084794788, 0.0671247616, -0.0545625724, 0.0773641318, 0.0716281906, 0.0115666967, -0.043801751, -0.0592556149, 0.0234296713, 0.1838346273, -0.0562217273, 0.0110037681, 0.0275183078, -0.0420240834, -0.0024783663, 0.0575016513, -0.0498695262, -0.0374021456, 0.0017435965, -0.0202180166, -0.0812038928, 0.0336808935, -0.0542307384, -0.1059016362, 0.0335149765, -0.0462430827, 0.0566009656, 0.0191632658, -0.0134273227, 0.0496799089, -0.1186060384, -0.066698119, -0.0562217273, -0.0109800659, -0.0076084211, 0.0003653479, 0.0531878397, -0.0610095821, -0.1557711661, -0.0130836405, 0.0143635618, 0.0585919544, 0.0056055812, 0.0893100649, 0.0333727635, 0.0159871653, 0.0570276044, 0.1532113254, -0.021355724, -0.0175515134, 0.0625739321, -0.0097594, -0.0596822575, -0.0017421151, 0.0043878783, -0.0110511724, -0.0717703998, -0.0185351558, 0.0671721697, 0.0353637524, 0.0136880474, 0.0845222101, 0.0607251562, -0.0241288878, -0.0346526839, 0.0662714839, 0.0328513123, -0.0759419948, -0.0188195836, 0.0077150813, 0.0147427972, -0.0932920426, 0.0368806943, -0.029414488, -0.0408863761, -0.0935290679, -0.0867976248, -0.1481864452, 0.0245792288, 0.1119694114, 0.0880775452, 0.0794499293, -0.1695184708, 0.0175041091, 0.0721970424, 0.0029820388, 0.0289167408, 0.0378287844, -0.0842377841, 0.0023613363, 0.0807772577, 0.0337994024, 0.1093147621, -0.0421188921, -0.0162241869, -0.0119933365, 0.0262146853, 0.1188904718, 0.104005456, -0.0563165359, -0.1251478642, 0.0263094939, 0.02258824, 0.0065951501, -0.0468356386, 0.024602931, 0.0257406402, 0.067077361, -0.0336334892, -0.0593504235, 0.0169471055, 0.0787862688, -0.0038071733, -0.1013508067, 0.1441096514, 0.0272338819, 0.0237022471, 0.1114005595, 0.0718652084, -0.0572172217, -0.0029568553, -0.0812987089, -0.0308603253, -0.0196965672, 0.0124199772, -0.063190192, 0.0534722693, 0.0801609978, 0.1130123138, -0.0143872639, 0.0783122256, -0.0048885886, -0.0316187963, 0.0157501437, -0.0504383817, 0.0185944121, 0.000899204, 0.0440624766, 0.0378050841, 0.0129414266, -0.0127281062, -0.0148968622, -0.0260724705, -0.0352689438, -0.0788336694, -0.0488740318, 0.0937186852, -0.0557002798, 0.0008843901, -0.0767478719, 0.0277553312, 0.0101741897, 0.022742305, 0.0311921556, -0.0612466037, -0.083763741, 0.1383263171, -0.0994546264, 0.0665559098, 0.016247889, -0.0132140024 ]
Tomasz Schreiber
Tomasz Schreiber
Non-homogeneous polygonal Markov fields in the plane: graphical representations and geometry of higher order correlations
54 pages
math.PR math-ph math.MP
We consider polygonal Markov fields originally introduced by Arak and Surgailis (1989). Our attention is focused on fields with nodes of order two, which can be regarded as continuum ensembles of non-intersecting contours in the plane, sharing a number of features with the two-dimensional Ising model. We introduce non-homogeneous version of polygonal fields in anisotropic enviroment. For these fields we provide a class of new graphical constructions and random dynamics. These include a generalised dynamic representation, generalised and defective disagreement loop dynamics as well as a generalised contour birth and death dynamics. Next, we use these constructions as tools to obtain new exact results on the geometry of higher order correlations of polygonal Markov fields in their consistent regime.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:40:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schreiber", "Tomasz", "" ] ]
[ -0.0406235233, 0.0526684374, -0.0118641136, -0.0054395371, 0.0213342085, -0.0238030404, 0.0690774471, -0.0413217805, -0.0862844661, 0.1024440974, 0.0416210331, 0.0118454108, 0.0754614994, -0.0251247399, 0.0167581383, 0.0526684374, 0.0040025017, -0.0246010479, 0.021296801, -0.0146010276, -0.1372571439, 0.0126683554, -0.0449626856, -0.104838118, -0.0426684171, 0.0088778241, 0.0410474651, 0.020274356, 0.0131920474, 0.0096758306, 0.0006203254, -0.0473567061, -0.004853501, -0.0307232551, -0.1019453481, 0.0667831823, -0.0470823906, 0.1179054752, -0.022057401, 0.0679801926, 0.0245511718, 0.1212970093, -0.0836909413, 0.0188529063, 0.133666113, -0.0734166056, 0.0126745896, -0.0350125395, 0.0602993742, -0.0197381955, -0.0924690142, 0.0662345514, 0.0157107562, -0.0350374766, -0.0724190995, 0.0054769437, 0.0515711792, 0.075910382, 0.0370324962, -0.1459354609, 0.0360349864, -0.0981548131, 0.0697757006, 0.0317207649, -0.0647382885, 0.0454614386, -0.0682794377, 0.0367831178, 0.0581048578, 0.0590524897, 0.042568665, 0.0341397189, 0.0605986267, 0.0094139846, -0.0352369808, -0.0335910916, -0.0137656145, 0.0096758306, 0.0016708263, 0.1033418551, 0.0664839298, 0.0573567264, 0.0198005401, -0.0007968377, -0.0389028229, -0.0043360437, 0.0447631851, 0.0115835648, -0.0514714271, 0.0015718548, 0.0060567455, 0.0775063932, -0.0032824257, 0.0172319561, 0.0714215934, -0.0476060808, 0.1217957586, -0.020274356, 0.0374314971, -0.0569078475, -0.0542644486, -0.0534165688, -0.0672819316, 0.0325935818, 0.147631228, 0.0070885434, -0.0713218451, -0.0270823501, 0.0242394507, 0.0464340113, 0.0243017953, -0.0396260172, -0.0727183521, 0.087381728, 0.0208105166, -0.1041398644, -0.0662345514, -0.0201496668, 0.0302494392, -0.0181920566, -0.0140025225, -0.0584041104, -0.0162095092, -0.004164597, -0.0139651159, 0.0190773457, 0.0029332978, -0.115910463, -0.0085473992, -0.0992022008, 0.0478803962, -0.0953617916, -0.0550624579, -0.0515711792, -0.1046386212, -0.043616049, 0.0237531662, 0.0055548744, 0.1349628717, -0.0119825685, 0.0518205538, 0.0520699322, 0.0116022686, 0.0241646376, 0.0622943901, 0.0876809806, -0.0328180231, 0.0783044025, 0.0149750933, 0.1019453481, 0.0044638496, -0.0527681895, 0.0696759522, -0.0154115027, -0.0500749163, -0.1195014939, 0.0522694327, 0.0402993336, -0.0061284415, -0.028553674, 0.0204364508, 0.0993019491, 0.003075131, 0.0277556684, 0.004152128, 0.063341774, -0.1597010791, -0.0226933137, -0.0080798166, -0.1432421952, -0.0548130795, -0.1012470871, -0.17755647, -0.0257855896, 0.0521198064, 0.0813468024, -0.0313965715, -0.1376561373, -0.1043393686, 0.0278803557, 0.0381297544, 0.1230925247, -0.0213092715, 0.0035723266, -0.0329676494, 0.1191024855, 0.0643392801, 0.0478803962, 0.0330175236, 0.1154117063, -0.0572071001, 0.0512220487, 0.1236910224, 0.0860350877, 0.0228803456, -0.17755647, 0.0678804368, -0.0031686474, -0.0299501866, -0.1146137044, 0.0626933947, -0.0181172434, 0.03012475, -0.0146010276, -0.0791522786, 0.0361846127, 0.1051373705, 0.0147381844, -0.0934665278, 0.0632918999, 0.0888779908, -0.0824440569, 0.0293516815, -0.0413217805, -0.022344185, -0.0552619584, -0.0775562674, 0.09241914, -0.0055579916, 0.0451372489, -0.0994016975, 0.0341895968, -0.0141272107, 0.0445636809, 0.0093454057, 0.017132204, 0.1108231694, -0.1410476714, -0.0028460159, -0.002920829, 0.01066087, 0.0063372948, -0.0004749854, -0.0182169955, -0.0087032598, -0.0295262448, -0.0355362333, -0.0198005401, -0.0214339588, 0.0257855896, 0.0510225482, 0.0051091127, -0.0126870582, 0.0153366895, 0.1181049794, -0.0292269923, -0.089476496, 0.0481796488, -0.0069077448, -0.0878306031, -0.041521281, 0.1185039803, 0.0161721036, 0.0257855896, -0.0293267425, 0.0307232551 ]
Paul J. Wiita
Gopal-Krishna, Paul J. Wiita, Santosh Joshi
Superdisks in Radio Galaxies: Jet-Wind Interactions
10 pages, 3 figures [one .jpg], official version published in MNRAS
Taking a clue from their sharp-edged (strip-like) morphology observed in several cases, a new mechanism is proposed for the formation of the emission gaps seen between the radio lobes of many powerful extragalactic double radio sources. Canonical understanding of the radio gaps invokes either blocking of the back-flowing lobe plasma by the denser interstellar medium (ISM) of the host galaxy, or "squeezing" of the radio bridge in the middle through buoyancy force exerted by either the ISM or the surrounding intra-cluster medium (ICM). These pictures encounter difficulties in explaining situations where the sharp-edged radio gaps associated with non-cluster radio galaxies have widths running into several tens (even hundreds) of kiloparsecs. More particularly, the required dense high-pressure ISM/ICM is likely to be lacking at least in the case of high-redshift radio galaxies. We propose here that radio emission gaps in at least such cases could arise from a dynamical interaction between the powerful thermal wind outflowing from the active galactic nucleus and the back-flowing synchrotron plasma in the two radio lobes, which occurs once the rapidly advancing jets have crossed out of the wind zone into the intergalactic medium. A simple analytical scheme is presented to explore the plausibility of the side-ways confinement of the thermal wind by the radio lobe pair, which would "freeze" pancake shaped conduits in the space, along which the hot, metal enriched wind from the AGN can escape (roughly orthogonal to the radio axis). Some other possible consequences of this scenario are pointed out.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:32:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gopal-Krishna", "", "" ], [ "Wiita", "Paul J.", "" ], [ "Joshi", "Santosh", "" ] ]
[ -0.0155442152, 0.0577025935, -0.0118542314, -0.0132556539, -0.0416055247, 0.0640797094, -0.0314484276, -0.0317055695, 0.0022917753, -0.0017774919, 0.0183213446, 0.0433798023, -0.0719482452, -0.0249556005, 0.0016449032, 0.0114749474, -0.0730282366, -0.0162127838, 0.0054449751, 0.0866053179, -0.085731037, 0.0053196186, -0.0582168773, 0.0450512245, -0.1108794957, 0.0167142097, 0.0025714168, 0.1256908476, 0.0870681703, -0.037902683, 0.0674739778, -0.043791227, -0.0303170048, -0.1275422722, -0.0786339268, 0.127233699, -0.023052752, -0.0083121052, -0.0343798436, 0.0224356111, 0.0766282231, -0.0229370389, -0.0980738401, -0.0038249826, 0.0938567147, 0.0498597734, -0.0217156149, -0.0490112044, 0.0699425414, -0.0624854304, -0.0508626252, 0.1586049944, -0.0037446257, -0.0049628345, -0.0894853026, -0.0161999259, -0.063411139, 0.0138470801, -0.0304970033, -0.0232456084, -0.0300341491, -0.0501940548, 0.0952967107, -0.0120920874, -0.0230013244, -0.0046671215, 0.0470312126, 0.0252770279, 0.0313198566, 0.0788910687, 0.0140913641, -0.0631025657, -0.0921081528, -0.0113592334, 0.0567254536, -0.0355112664, 0.0231041797, -0.0346112698, -0.0022130257, -0.0115970895, 0.0967881307, 0.0024830245, 0.0165599249, -0.0570340268, -0.0269484483, 0.0845481828, -0.0304198619, 0.0606340095, -0.088045314, -0.1020852476, 0.0706625357, 0.0335312746, -0.0633597076, -0.0238370337, -0.0335569903, -0.0058981874, 0.1161251813, -0.0315255709, 0.1943991184, 0.0807424858, 0.0416569524, 0.0578568801, -0.0135899382, -0.1233251542, 0.1375193745, -0.0935995728, 0.0533311851, 0.0571883097, -0.0011482984, 0.0046864073, 0.1045023799, -0.0635654256, -0.0046092649, 0.0770396516, -0.1092337891, -0.0965824127, -0.0478797816, 0.0422483794, -0.0477512106, 0.1091309339, 0.0065474701, -0.0047892639, 0.0181670599, -0.0025537384, 0.1032681018, -0.0591425858, -0.0049242633, -0.0749825165, -0.069273971, -0.0308312885, 0.0571883097, -0.0257141683, -0.0064317565, -0.037156973, -0.08043392, 0.0500397719, 0.075393945, -0.0750853717, -0.0156599283, 0.0278227311, -0.000392342, 0.0068592546, 0.011410662, -0.0078363931, 0.0799710602, 0.1342279613, -0.0038506966, -0.0267684497, -0.076679647, -0.0038249826, -0.0478283539, -0.0188742001, 0.0375684015, -0.0686054006, 0.0239656046, -0.02967415, 0.047725495, 0.08192534, 0.0508626252, -0.1178737506, -0.1438964903, 0.0233613215, -0.1382393688, 0.0305227172, -0.0209313333, -0.0495512038, -0.0155185005, 0.0565711707, -0.1125252023, -0.0517111942, -0.063411139, -0.1231194362, -0.0153513588, 0.0633082837, 0.0067628263, 0.0410912409, 0.0159556419, -0.0799196362, 0.0176784899, 0.0236441772, -0.0159684978, 0.0503740571, 0.0531768985, -0.0379283987, 0.0010582987, 0.0736453757, -0.0199027658, 0.0168556366, -0.008093534, -0.0474683531, -0.0494483449, 0.0821310505, -0.0092828143, 0.0923138633, -0.1304222643, -0.0670111254, -0.011282091, 0.0489597768, 0.0222813264, 0.0572397374, 0.1277479827, 0.0533826128, -0.0687596872, -0.114788048, -0.1189023107, -0.0444083698, -0.0016312426, 0.0344826989, 0.0046381932, 0.0223584697, 0.1316565424, -0.0367198326, 0.0656739846, -0.0460797884, -0.0145156477, -0.1167423278, -0.0645425618, 0.1432793438, 0.0129277986, -0.0195556246, -0.0435340852, 0.0623311438, -0.0422740914, 0.0536911823, 0.0762167946, 0.0171384923, 0.1122166291, -0.105068095, 0.0558511727, 0.0847024694, -0.0079199634, 0.0318341404, -0.0258427393, -0.0832110494, 0.0029073081, -0.0146313617, 0.012516371, 0.0037414115, 0.0243127458, -0.0811539143, -0.0463883579, 0.032734137, 0.0286455844, 0.0521483347, -0.1207537353, 0.0430969447, -0.0721025243, -0.0094628138, 0.0625882894, -0.0280284435, 0.1287765503, 0.0280284435, -0.0355112664, 0.0489083491, 0.0091285296, -0.0018626701 ]
Bret Underwood
Bret Underwood
Brane Inflation is Attractive
20 pages, 6 figures; v2. references added, typos corrected, discussion clarified; v3. some numbers changed, discussion on phase space fine tuning slightly modified
hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
We study the phase space of initial conditions for brane inflation, and find that including the effects of the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) kinetic term dramatically improves previous estimates on the amount of fine tuning of initial conditions necessary for inflation, even for models dominated by slow roll. Two effects turn out to be important for the phase space analysis: restrictions on the total available phase space due to UV effects in brane inflation, and the extension of the inflationary attractor to the DBI inflationary regime. We compare the amount of initial conditions fine tuning required for a brane inflation model and its standard field theory counterpart and find that brane inflation decreases the required tuning by several orders of magnitude.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:18:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:36:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 1 Jul 2008 15:36:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Underwood", "Bret", "" ] ]
[ -0.0025890016, 0.067258954, -0.0077807759, 0.0184397493, -0.0241961479, 0.0280796494, 0.048447378, 0.0601529703, -0.1084626392, 0.0809751526, 0.0306824222, 0.05544319, -0.0675894618, -0.0186876338, 0.1218483225, 0.0364663601, -0.0325553156, 0.0724369586, 0.0244853441, 0.083233647, -0.0520003699, -0.0930387974, -0.0012480227, 0.1366111487, -0.0459134616, -0.0229567308, 0.0697377846, -0.0373201817, 0.0637885928, 0.0006261631, 0.0684157386, -0.0210976079, -0.0398265533, -0.1726368219, -0.0692971051, 0.1183228791, -0.0081181722, -0.0020347072, 0.0249811094, -0.0707844049, -0.0333265103, -0.0367142446, -0.1026236117, 0.1026236117, -0.0593266934, 0.0797632784, 0.0393032469, -0.0346760936, -0.0176961012, 0.0166081693, -0.1413484663, 0.0467397384, -0.0168698244, -0.1647045612, -0.0253667068, 0.0421125889, 0.0043654973, 0.0082765417, 0.0109137427, -0.0528541915, 0.0764030889, -0.1381535232, -0.0204365868, 0.0154100675, -0.1230601966, -0.0734284893, -0.0657716542, 0.0779454708, 0.0441507399, -0.0007173978, 0.0198031068, 0.0416168235, 0.0383943431, -0.0011326881, 0.0290849525, -0.0504304431, 0.0388350226, 0.0412312262, -0.0165806264, 0.0349239781, -0.0697377846, -0.0734284893, -0.0284514744, -0.0320044644, -0.1252636015, -0.0181918666, 0.0229429603, -0.0117675625, -0.0439303964, -0.0000987659, -0.0000329489, -0.024567971, 0.003676933, -0.0432418324, 0.0850514546, -0.02626184, 0.0367693305, -0.0267300624, 0.0628521442, 0.0380913727, -0.0106038889, -0.0437651426, 0.0882463902, -0.015423839, 0.1391450614, -0.0407630019, 0.0720513612, 0.0249811094, -0.0703988075, -0.0161261745, -0.0597673766, 0.0178200416, -0.0883014798, 0.0822421089, -0.0630724803, -0.0168422814, -0.0904497951, 0.0223645661, -0.1491705477, -0.0410108864, 0.0771742761, -0.0605385676, 0.0928184614, 0.1125940233, -0.003928259, -0.0913862437, -0.004372383, -0.0729878098, -0.0782208964, 0.0234111845, 0.0191833992, 0.032362517, -0.0413413979, -0.0131102633, -0.1181025356, -0.0143221356, 0.0289747827, 0.0719962791, 0.1109414697, 0.0155064669, 0.0624665469, -0.0385045111, 0.0362184793, -0.0965642482, -0.0243476313, 0.0404875763, -0.093093887, 0.0262205265, 0.1445434093, -0.0169111378, -0.0985473096, 0.0176547877, 0.0248158555, -0.0357227139, 0.0144185349, -0.0240308922, -0.039330788, 0.0459960923, 0.0411210544, -0.0265234932, 0.0389727354, 0.1204161122, 0.0197480228, -0.0453350693, 0.0664326772, 0.0328032002, -0.0559665002, -0.0128623797, -0.1076363623, -0.0585555024, -0.0165530834, -0.0187427178, -0.0609792471, -0.0701233819, 0.0923777744, 0.1280178577, 0.0002739195, -0.147077322, 0.111547403, 0.0646148697, -0.0183295794, 0.022447193, 0.0256834459, -0.0155340089, -0.0106176604, -0.0481168665, -0.0957930535, 0.0026509722, 0.0355299152, -0.0645046979, 0.0285065584, -0.0544516593, 0.0910557359, 0.0393032469, -0.0208084118, -0.0819116011, -0.0061488785, 0.0447291322, 0.019637851, 0.0753013864, 0.1114923209, -0.0104868328, 0.1249330938, -0.0388625637, -0.0950769484, 0.0266749784, 0.0683055744, 0.1270263344, -0.0128210662, 0.0278593078, -0.0003982914, -0.0650555491, -0.0131171485, -0.0831785575, -0.0656614825, 0.0166632552, -0.0248296261, 0.0463816859, 0.0846658573, 0.0437100567, 0.0910557359, 0.0515046045, 0.0025356377, 0.0711149126, 0.0938650742, -0.0065585743, 0.0053226016, 0.0133719174, 0.0007617242, 0.0563520975, -0.0105143758, 0.0304620806, 0.0642843544, 0.0311231036, 0.0757420659, -0.0214005765, 0.0166770257, 0.0045273099, 0.0041141715, -0.1694418788, -0.0060421512, 0.0534325838, -0.0750810429, -0.0738691688, -0.0434621759, 0.0898989439, -0.0075879777, -0.0317841247, -0.0189768299, 0.0131791197, -0.0438202284, 0.0640089288, -0.024512887, 0.0394685008, -0.0299112294, 0.0906701386 ]
Jos\'e Luis Galache
J. L. Galache, R. H. D. Corbet, M. J. Coe, S. Laycock, M. P. E. Schurch, C. Markwardt, F. E. Marshall and J. Lochner
A Long Look at the Be/X-Ray Binaries of the Small Magellanic Cloud
28 pages, 65 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement
We have monitored 41 Be/X-ray binary systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud over ~9 years using PCA-RXTE data from a weekly survey program. The resulting light curves were analysed in search of orbital modulations with the result that 10 known orbital ephemerides were confirmed and refined, while 10 new ones where determined. A large number of X-ray orbital profiles are presented for the first time, showing similar characteristics over a wide range of orbital periods. Lastly, three pulsars: SXP46.4, SXP89.0 and SXP165 were found to be misidentifications of SXP46.6, SXP91.1 and SXP169, respectively.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 00:24:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 01:27:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Galache", "J. L.", "" ], [ "Corbet", "R. H. D.", "" ], [ "Coe", "M. J.", "" ], [ "Laycock", "S.", "" ], [ "Schurch", "M. P. E.", "" ], [ "Markwardt", "C.", "" ], [ "Marshall", "F. E.", "" ], [ "Lochner", "J.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0187103171, 0.002970895, 0.0489557013, -0.0381859951, -0.0509784408, 0.0362725928, -0.0250518713, -0.017083928, 0.0705224499, -0.046960298, -0.0471516401, -0.1099384874, -0.0761533156, -0.0745679289, 0.0566366352, 0.0820575207, -0.0535205267, -0.0262682475, -0.0331291519, 0.0753332824, -0.0347692072, -0.0493930504, 0.007516928, 0.032117784, -0.0381039903, -0.0320904478, -0.0490103699, -0.0378579833, 0.0906951502, 0.0055488595, 0.0512517802, -0.0478349961, -0.0462769419, 0.0057436163, -0.1634590179, 0.0926085562, 0.0176306125, 0.0160998926, -0.0007768916, -0.0846816078, -0.0368466154, -0.0054736901, -0.0349605493, 0.0282909833, -0.0330198146, -0.0736932307, -0.0306417327, -0.1014101952, 0.0447188877, 0.1015195325, -0.1040889546, 0.110102497, -0.016824251, -0.0307237357, -0.0686637238, -0.0522631519, -0.0443088748, 0.0412474349, 0.0048689195, -0.1100478247, 0.0138311479, -0.0489283688, 0.0062493007, -0.0174666066, 0.0169882569, -0.0039429707, 0.0672970042, 0.0672970042, 0.0949046314, 0.045866929, 0.0351792239, 0.0402633995, -0.0247785281, 0.0030836489, 0.0404000729, -0.0566366352, 0.0798707753, 0.0106603708, 0.0110225501, 0.0027693047, 0.0414387733, -0.0142411618, -0.0178082865, -0.0481083393, 0.0099223452, 0.026473254, 0.0445822179, 0.1120705605, -0.0431881696, 0.0322544537, -0.0075374288, -0.0290290099, -0.0321724527, -0.0540398806, 0.0551879182, 0.0096831704, -0.018026961, -0.070959799, 0.1156786904, 0.0508417673, 0.0269789379, -0.0097446721, -0.013919984, -0.0931005701, 0.0617754795, 0.0039839717, 0.0169199221, 0.0197763536, 0.0291110128, -0.007264086, 0.0001487369, -0.0657662898, -0.065930292, 0.0712331459, 0.0023541651, 0.0243548471, -0.001896316, 0.0456482545, 0.0150611904, 0.0578393452, -0.0242045075, 0.0973100513, 0.0498303995, -0.0489830375, 0.0810734853, -0.02715661, 0.0531378463, -0.1512132585, -0.0041138097, -0.0494203866, -0.0000351288, -0.0547232367, 0.0570193157, -0.0368466154, -0.1026128978, 0.0182456337, 0.1044716313, -0.1267217398, -0.0273616184, 0.0292203501, 0.135687381, -0.0255985577, 0.016482573, 0.0429694951, -0.0756066293, 0.0243548471, -0.1023395583, -0.0313797593, -0.0665863156, -0.0453749113, -0.0198856909, -0.0252158772, 0.039634712, -0.0256668925, 0.0098540094, -0.1379834712, -0.0167149138, 0.0541492179, -0.0743492544, -0.0791054145, 0.0038643843, 0.0316257663, -0.0007034307, 0.0437895209, -0.0769733414, 0.1021755561, -0.0384320021, 0.0222364403, -0.1822649986, -0.0603540987, -0.0346052051, -0.0580033511, 0.0586047061, -0.0940299332, -0.0378853157, 0.0485183522, -0.0254072174, -0.1240976453, -0.1952761263, -0.0014205285, -0.074294582, 0.0313524231, 0.0718891695, -0.1336099803, -0.0261589102, -0.1067130417, 0.034413863, 0.0697024241, 0.0295756944, -0.0404274054, -0.0195303466, 0.0822215229, 0.0244505163, 0.1263937354, -0.0739665702, -0.052782502, -0.00939616, 0.0242865104, -0.0551879182, -0.0456755869, 0.0934832469, 0.0965993553, 0.1620376408, -0.0338398442, -0.077137351, -0.0928818956, 0.0916791856, 0.0686637238, -0.1044716313, -0.0206237175, 0.0952326432, -0.1035422683, 0.0351245552, 0.0404547416, -0.0902031362, 0.0101888543, -0.0424501412, 0.0724358484, 0.0991141126, 0.0169745907, 0.0089793121, 0.1202708483, 0.1392955035, 0.0520444773, 0.0413021035, 0.0809094831, 0.0539305434, -0.019475678, 0.0751146153, -0.0684997141, 0.0619394854, 0.0633061975, -0.0213207416, -0.0998794734, 0.0052584331, 0.0221817717, -0.0435161814, -0.0145008378, -0.0515524596, -0.1317512542, -0.0552152544, 0.0553245917, -0.0627048463, 0.0292203501, -0.1103211716, -0.0174666066, 0.0186693165, -0.036299929, -0.0038473005, 0.0251202062, -0.0202547051, 0.0074349251, -0.0391426943, -0.0185873136, 0.0056889476, 0.0268422663 ]
Changkun Xie
C. K. Xie, J. I. Budnick, W. A. Hines, B. O. Wells, Feizhou He, and A. R. Moodenbaugh
Direct evidence for the suppression of charge stripes in epitaxial La$_{1.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$NiO$_4$ thin films
5 pages, 4 figures
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We have successfully grown epitaxial La$_{1.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$NiO$_4$ films with a small crystalline mosaic using pulsed laser deposition. With synchrotron radiation, the x-ray diffraction peaks associated with charge stripes have been successfully observed for relatively thick films. Anomalies due to the charge-ordering transition have been examined using four-point probe resistivity measurements. X-ray scattering provides direct evidence for suppression of the stripe phase in thin samples; the phase disappears for film thicknesses $\leqslant$ 2600 ~\AA{}. The suppression appears to be a result of shrinking the stripe phase domains. This may reflect the stripe phase progressing from nematic to isotropic.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:31:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xie", "C. K.", "" ], [ "Budnick", "J. I.", "" ], [ "Hines", "W. A.", "" ], [ "Wells", "B. O.", "" ], [ "He", "Feizhou", "" ], [ "Moodenbaugh", "A. R.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1807738841, -0.1020810753, -0.1396146268, -0.1014172137, 0.0042991247, 0.0796120018, -0.0747096613, -0.1183711514, -0.0301545132, -0.0725138187, 0.0896720141, 0.0529044457, 0.0010540356, -0.0745053962, 0.0293629896, -0.0034884508, -0.0344951302, 0.10356199, -0.0654156357, 0.0715435594, 0.072922349, -0.0246266127, 0.0338823386, -0.1262353212, 0.0175028946, -0.0050236247, 0.0534661748, -0.04031666, 0.0590323769, 0.0441721492, 0.0373292975, -0.0527001843, 0.0001129039, -0.0702669099, -0.1058088914, -0.0730244815, 0.0276012104, -0.0028660831, -0.0126771517, 0.0023474433, 0.0176305603, -0.0712882355, -0.0553556196, -0.0665901527, 0.0125686359, 0.1055025011, -0.0422061048, 0.0706243739, 0.0112345349, 0.0338568054, -0.018958278, 0.0145027637, 0.0167369042, -0.0700115785, -0.0658241659, 0.0794077367, 0.0975361913, 0.0709818378, -0.018779546, -0.0698583797, 0.0358739123, -0.1269502491, 0.0757309794, -0.006096012, -0.0557130799, -0.0447083451, -0.0489723608, 0.0195710715, 0.164943397, 0.0679689348, -0.0528023168, -0.0586238466, -0.0032363122, 0.008234404, 0.0021782869, -0.017132666, 0.0336780734, -0.0505809411, -0.0374824964, 0.0364356413, 0.0322482213, -0.0240521189, 0.0039671953, -0.027703343, 0.0504022092, -0.0440189503, 0.072564885, 0.0040214527, -0.0499936827, -0.0302055795, 0.0459594615, -0.061279282, -0.1248054728, 0.0288523287, 0.0236818902, -0.0497128181, 0.0284693334, -0.0274990778, 0.130933404, 0.0390400104, -0.0281629376, 0.0499936827, -0.0167496707, -0.0331674106, 0.0445296131, 0.0955956802, 0.0569386669, -0.01081324, -0.0658241659, 0.0308694392, 0.1294014156, -0.0309460387, 0.0118217953, -0.0046597789, -0.0085088834, -0.0194689389, -0.0469552502, -0.0813993141, -0.0615346134, 0.0450913385, -0.0392698087, 0.0292863902, 0.0620452724, -0.0069705183, 0.1284822226, -0.0128814159, 0.1604495943, -0.0658241659, -0.0055023688, -0.0720031559, 0.0356696509, -0.0439423509, -0.0591345094, -0.0794588029, -0.0480531715, 0.043099761, 0.1790376306, -0.0813482478, 0.0046214792, 0.0476957075, 0.0701137111, 0.0149495918, 0.1494193226, 0.0757820457, 0.0463424586, 0.0548960231, 0.0424614362, -0.0127154514, 0.0439934172, 0.0592366382, 0.1023874655, -0.0436359569, 0.0363845751, 0.0021511582, 0.0301545132, -0.1322611123, 0.0168518033, -0.0141453007, -0.0067343377, -0.0617388785, 0.0336780734, 0.030486444, 0.0251500383, -0.0522150546, 0.0075194784, 0.0095302053, 0.0013620278, -0.0173241645, -0.0746075287, -0.0693987906, -0.0396017358, -0.0548960231, 0.0036990985, -0.0104110949, 0.1038173214, 0.0859441906, -0.0036384575, -0.0402145311, -0.002170308, -0.0231329296, 0.005330021, -0.0106536588, -0.0128494995, -0.001377188, -0.0372016318, -0.0215754136, -0.0799183995, 0.0746075287, -0.0182050541, 0.0395251364, -0.0637304559, 0.0615856797, 0.0302821789, 0.0918167904, -0.1106091067, -0.1776077896, 0.1104048416, 0.0435848907, 0.0214860477, 0.0018734864, 0.0311247688, 0.0730244815, -0.0587259792, -0.0018495492, -0.0138516715, -0.04241037, -0.0274224784, -0.0697051808, 0.0451679379, -0.0338568054, 0.0574493259, 0.0000998382, 0.0036384575, -0.072564885, -0.0317120291, 0.0219967086, -0.0490489602, -0.1157157123, 0.0676625445, 0.0579089224, 0.0232988931, -0.1485001296, -0.0110749537, 0.0355419852, -0.0339844674, 0.1355293542, -0.02599263, -0.0439423509, -0.0570918657, -0.0216137134, -0.0264522228, 0.0771097615, 0.0376867577, 0.0641900524, -0.0393719375, 0.0042384835, -0.1257246584, -0.0195966046, -0.0302311126, -0.0089557115, -0.0991192386, 0.0521895215, -0.0341887325, 0.0914082602, -0.0093323244, 0.0273969453, -0.0924295858, 0.0882421657, 0.0465211906, -0.0273458809, -0.0634751245, -0.0025740489, -0.1165327728, -0.0616367459, -0.0600026324, -0.0005142513 ]
Sikimeti Mau
S. Mau, C. Woodward
Geometric realizations of the multiplihedron and its complexification
v4. 27 pages, 19 figures. Incorporated referee comments
math.GT math.AT
We realize Stasheff's multiplihedron geometrically as the moduli space of stable quilted disks. This generalizes the geometric realization of the associahedron as the moduli space of stable disks. We show that this moduli space is the non-negative real part of a complex moduli space of stable scaled marked curves.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:51:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 19:48:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 1 Mar 2008 22:00:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 25 Mar 2009 21:03:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mau", "S.", "" ], [ "Woodward", "C.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0614683107, 0.029581625, 0.0282498114, 0.082162641, -0.0119286943, -0.0050071063, 0.0543994568, 0.0492258742, -0.0552190356, -0.0837505758, 0.0222822633, -0.0511723682, -0.0221285932, -0.0331672765, -0.044820644, 0.1154579818, 0.00794606, -0.0606487356, 0.0943026394, 0.0297609083, 0.0894876197, -0.0286339894, 0.0564996228, 0.0160457902, -0.0011565327, 0.045819506, 0.003113434, -0.0105648665, 0.1065450758, -0.0180563163, 0.0346783735, -0.0352674425, -0.0395446159, -0.0242927894, -0.1069548652, 0.1254978031, -0.0772451758, 0.0839554667, -0.058190003, 0.0764256045, 0.0221413989, 0.0836481303, -0.0927659273, 0.0169678163, 0.1243708879, 0.0897949561, -0.0069343941, 0.1546952575, -0.0570630841, 0.0917414576, -0.0343966447, 0.0930220485, 0.0580875538, -0.0250867549, -0.0008131745, -0.0348576568, -0.0147139775, 0.0411837697, -0.0759133622, -0.0289925542, 0.018069122, -0.0628001243, -0.0222438462, 0.0940977409, -0.0046773544, 0.0403129682, -0.0461012349, 0.0150085129, 0.0188758951, 0.0374188349, -0.0940977409, 0.1687305123, -0.0654125288, 0.0668980107, 0.0475098826, -0.0080421045, 0.015584778, 0.2266131788, 0.0538359955, -0.0122168269, 0.0360870212, 0.0701763257, 0.0550653636, -0.0004806214, -0.0232939292, 0.0020761562, 0.0117750233, -0.0162378792, -0.04830385, 0.0614170879, 0.0853897333, 0.0674102455, -0.071303241, -0.0050935461, 0.0716618076, -0.0450255387, 0.0522736758, 0.0353186689, 0.0038257621, 0.080011256, -0.0439754538, 0.0129851811, -0.0292998962, -0.0228073057, 0.079447791, 0.0288644955, 0.1058279425, 0.0107057309, -0.0343454182, 0.0156103903, -0.0484831296, 0.0053944848, -0.0660784394, 0.0574728735, -0.0367785394, 0.0040722755, -0.0909731016, 0.0207455549, -0.0401592962, 0.0210400913, -0.0574728735, -0.0728911757, -0.0292998962, -0.0670004636, 0.1030618697, 0.0342173614, -0.0778086409, -0.0961466879, -0.0265338216, 0.0343454182, -0.0187350288, 0.0171983223, 0.0402617455, -0.0959930122, -0.0229609758, -0.0240110587, 0.0016535616, -0.019618636, 0.08738745, 0.0629025698, 0.0098157208, 0.0270716697, 0.0319379121, -0.0181203466, 0.0552702583, 0.0846213773, -0.0248306375, 0.1173020303, -0.0779623091, 0.0802673697, -0.0180947352, -0.0504296273, 0.1286736727, -0.0577289909, -0.1168922409, -0.1594078243, 0.0057402439, 0.0189783406, 0.0778086409, -0.022448739, 0.0182868224, 0.0255349614, 0.0001334615, 0.0067999321, 0.0047061676, 0.0894876197, -0.0991176516, 0.0273533985, -0.0339868553, -0.1471141577, 0.0146243358, -0.0954807773, -0.1267271638, -0.0310414974, -0.0591120273, 0.0163019095, -0.1043424606, -0.1645301878, -0.1288785636, -0.0660784394, 0.0454865508, 0.0790380016, -0.0406459197, 0.0228841398, 0.0185813587, -0.0097260801, -0.0153798843, 0.0735058561, 0.1303128153, 0.0641831607, -0.0784233212, 0.1144335046, 0.0197979193, 0.1000908986, 0.0725838318, -0.1470117122, 0.0316817909, 0.0609560758, 0.0387762599, -0.0499942265, -0.0490978137, -0.0706373379, 0.0248050243, 0.0325013697, -0.0232170932, 0.0014094491, -0.0030478039, 0.069356747, -0.0261496454, 0.1119747758, -0.0003155453, 0.0101678837, 0.1004494652, 0.0702275485, -0.0138815939, 0.0149316778, -0.0301963091, -0.0328599364, -0.0003709709, 0.1348204911, -0.0748376697, 0.0522224531, -0.0304524265, -0.016711697, 0.0440266803, -0.0169550087, -0.04505115, -0.0465878583, 0.0657710955, 0.066641897, -0.0309902746, 0.0314512849, -0.0521968417, 0.0090025468, -0.0323476978, 0.0279424712, 0.0101614799, -0.0166732799, -0.0528115258, 0.0308366027, -0.0515053235, 0.0044116322, -0.0162762962, 0.0422594659, 0.0715081394, 0.0480989553, -0.0281729773, 0.0073441826, -0.0589071326, 0.0494563803, -0.0602389462, 0.0392116606, -0.0435144417, 0.0244976841, -0.0680761561, -0.0223462936 ]
Hongyu Liu
Xiaohua Ding, Hongyu Liu, Zaijiu Shang, Geng Sun, Lingshu Wang
Preservation of stability properties near fixed points of linear hamiltonian systems by symplectic integrators
Based on reasonable testing model problems, we study the preservation by symplectic Runge-Kutta method (SRK) and symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta method (SPRK) of structures for fixed points of linear Hamiltonian systems. The structure-preservation region provides a practical criterion for choosing step-size in symplectic computation. Examples are given to justify the investigation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:55:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ding", "Xiaohua", "" ], [ "Liu", "Hongyu", "" ], [ "Shang", "Zaijiu", "" ], [ "Sun", "Geng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Lingshu", "" ] ]
[ 0.0045039062, 0.0238127336, 0.0372798592, 0.044261869, -0.0910719186, 0.0227807201, -0.0039210105, 0.045281142, 0.0407708623, -0.0050039864, 0.0101417527, -0.0128491921, -0.0514477342, 0.0137856482, 0.0317248292, 0.0723682866, -0.0345278271, -0.013123122, 0.0386303924, 0.0800637826, 0.019531792, -0.0464278199, 0.0656920522, 0.0729288831, 0.0292276125, -0.0042172363, 0.001520148, -0.0571811385, 0.0566205382, -0.0068291198, 0.1398440599, -0.0486702174, -0.0336359628, -0.1007549986, -0.0275458153, 0.2364710122, -0.0482115485, 0.0947412923, -0.0428603701, 0.0128491921, 0.0479057655, -0.0339672267, -0.1366843283, 0.0821023285, 0.0769550055, -0.006122, 0.0527982675, 0.0358528793, -0.0392419584, 0.0228826478, 0.0150087746, 0.0432680808, 0.0431151874, -0.123535715, 0.0561108999, -0.0393693671, 0.0461220406, 0.0522376709, 0.0732856244, -0.0012509966, 0.104169555, -0.094486475, -0.0305526666, 0.0018840599, -0.105494611, 0.0152635919, -0.1153815463, -0.0135945352, -0.0243096277, 0.0323109105, -0.0534098335, -0.039471291, 0.0990222394, 0.0746616423, 0.0250231177, -0.0167033132, 0.0360567346, 0.2111930698, 0.1825515479, 0.095047079, 0.0382991321, -0.0961682722, 0.070533596, -0.0316229016, -0.0160917509, -0.0680363774, -0.068546012, 0.0507597253, -0.0422997698, -0.0066762292, 0.002462178, 0.1223125905, 0.0384520218, -0.0149960332, 0.1126295105, -0.1646123677, 0.0325912088, -0.0013051454, 0.0301704388, 0.0170345772, -0.0198757965, -0.0753241703, -0.0828667805, -0.0131103806, 0.106106177, -0.0427074805, 0.0367192589, 0.0514732152, -0.059831243, -0.000957956, -0.1160950363, 0.0141806165, -0.164408505, 0.0388087668, 0.0386049114, -0.1282243729, -0.1636950225, -0.0169708729, -0.1213952452, 0.1282243729, -0.0229336116, 0.0099506387, -0.0243860725, 0.0047109458, 0.0053798431, -0.0741520077, -0.0090078125, -0.075018391, -0.0522376709, -0.0239019189, -0.0010535128, 0.0038827877, 0.0511674359, -0.0807772726, 0.0797070414, -0.0261188354, 0.0772098228, 0.0262972079, 0.0800128207, 0.0052237669, 0.1395382881, 0.0221309345, -0.0154674463, 0.0190476384, 0.059168715, -0.0323109105, -0.0025465863, 0.075731881, -0.0054626586, 0.0278515965, 0.0588629358, 0.0146265477, 0.1184393615, 0.0811849833, -0.0095238192, 0.0537665784, -0.0023299912, 0.0102500496, -0.007275051, -0.0124351131, -0.027316479, 0.1258800477, 0.0149832927, 0.0117343646, 0.0233668014, -0.039394848, -0.0520847775, -0.0335085541, -0.035598062, -0.0615130402, 0.0861794129, -0.1515656859, -0.0630929098, 0.0390635841, 0.0665074736, 0.000564979, -0.0422488078, -0.0552445203, -0.0680363774, 0.0340181887, 0.0417391732, -0.0165376812, -0.0682402328, 0.0137092033, -0.0103456071, 0.0476254672, -0.0241439957, -0.0525944158, 0.0465297475, -0.0340436697, -0.0312916376, 0.0965250209, 0.0525434501, 0.0271126237, 0.0387323201, -0.1010098159, 0.0079184659, 0.05952546, 0.0535117574, 0.0246408917, -0.0708903372, 0.0208186228, 0.0502500907, 0.0464278199, -0.012543411, -0.0139257982, 0.0022057674, 0.0485937744, -0.0731327385, -0.0411785729, -0.0384010561, 0.0372543782, 0.1199682653, 0.0348590873, -0.022143675, 0.0460965596, -0.0929066092, 0.0041567171, -0.034553308, 0.0175314713, 0.0059117754, -0.0043287189, 0.0664055422, 0.084752433, -0.0167925004, 0.0284376778, 0.094435513, -0.0283867139, -0.0108616129, 0.0117088826, -0.0125370407, 0.0451027676, -0.0305271838, 0.0327950642, -0.0400064103, -0.0578946285, -0.0809301659, -0.0774136782, -0.0463768579, -0.0777194574, -0.0279025603, 0.0418920629, -0.0208950676, -0.0717057586, 0.0125370407, 0.049154371, -0.0416627266, 0.0270871427, 0.0339927077, -0.0116133261, -0.0530530885, -0.0377640128, 0.04428735, 0.0605956949, -0.0975952521, 0.0019843944 ]
Roee Amit
Roee Amit
A manifold of possible physics-laws in a universe where the planck constant and speed of light parameters vary
27 pages
I assume a universe whereby the speed of light and the planck constant are not constants but instead parameters that vary locally in time-and space. When describing motion, I am able to derive a modified path integral description at the quantum level, which offers a natural extension of quantum mechanics. At the microscopic level, this path integral intuitively describes a physics with many quantum realities thus leading to a novel concept of manifold of physics, which can be looked at as a novel action principle. This paradigm reflects the notion that the observed laws of physics on any given scale are determined by the underlying distribution of the fundamental parameters (i.e Quantum Mechanics is just one point on this manifold), thus leading to many possible physical-law based behaviors. By choosing a Gaussian distribution of the parameters, a quadratic action term appears in the path-integral, which in turns leads to a complex classical action (and by continuation a new description for inertia) at the classical level. In the accompanying manuscript the classical doublet equation of motion is applied to the Newtonian gravitation field, and a MOND-like, dark-energy-like, and pioneer-anomaly-like solutions are derived.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:56:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Amit", "Roee", "" ] ]
[ -0.0138258524, 0.075404644, -0.0277517103, 0.0164385121, -0.0377273262, -0.0258515924, -0.0968059674, -0.0088630458, 0.0011250693, 0.0909055993, -0.0049690562, 0.0097881034, -0.0845552087, 0.0354021825, 0.0677041709, 0.0485779941, 0.0086380327, 0.0074379584, 0.0356021933, 0.0540033281, -0.0252765585, -0.0526032411, 0.0122257536, -0.0030673766, -0.0524032302, -0.1105068102, -0.0023392066, 0.0388273932, 0.0553534105, 0.022301374, 0.0806549713, -0.0424026139, -0.062503852, 0.0051628184, -0.0871553719, 0.0853552595, 0.0018548018, -0.0279767234, -0.0105193984, 0.0174260736, -0.0491030253, -0.0583035946, -0.0816550329, 0.0947558358, 0.0041721319, -0.0475029275, -0.0800549313, 0.0086817853, -0.0049721813, 0.0107444124, -0.0674541593, -0.0340521, 0.0699543133, 0.017463576, -0.0812550038, 0.0035658448, -0.0038877395, 0.0615037903, 0.0024235868, 0.0438027009, -0.0627038628, -0.0595536679, -0.1099067703, 0.0825050846, -0.1290079504, 0.0387773886, -0.0743545815, -0.039327424, -0.0130008012, 0.1240076423, -0.0004043218, 0.0599036925, 0.0456778146, 0.1135069951, 0.0191011764, -0.0233639404, -0.065604046, 0.0873053819, -0.0317019522, 0.0946058333, 0.0247640256, -0.0358272083, 0.032727018, 0.0217638407, -0.1263077855, 0.0232139304, -0.037777327, -0.0574535392, -0.1213074774, -0.0265516359, 0.0761046931, 0.0348271467, -0.1069065854, -0.002051689, 0.0985560715, -0.0276517048, 0.1408086717, -0.0061816308, 0.0569535084, -0.0037689821, 0.0038096097, -0.0404524915, 0.0244515073, 0.0127132833, 0.2012124062, 0.0167135298, -0.0145008937, 0.0137258461, -0.0049596806, -0.0127070332, 0.015625963, -0.008075498, -0.0234139431, 0.0217763428, -0.0858552903, -0.0673041493, -0.0078879865, 0.1020062864, -0.0291017927, 0.0210012943, -0.0668541193, -0.0012039804, 0.1544095129, -0.0041658818, 0.0930057317, -0.1595098227, -0.0185136404, -0.0573535338, -0.0779548064, 0.1230075806, 0.1017062664, 0.0122757563, -0.0512531586, -0.1184072942, 0.0111006843, 0.0264266282, 0.108806707, -0.0011625716, 0.0883054435, -0.0054315845, -0.0312019233, 0.0004386989, 0.0071754423, 0.0658540577, 0.0548033789, 0.1388085485, 0.0002138804, 0.0035127164, 0.0238264687, -0.0976060182, 0.0246765204, -0.0403274857, -0.0098006036, 0.032426998, 0.0843551978, 0.0128007885, 0.0469028912, 0.1139070168, -0.0087567894, -0.0248890333, 0.0285517592, 0.0554034151, -0.0312769264, -0.0468778871, 0.1037063897, -0.0004144787, -0.0928557217, -0.0750546232, -0.0088692969, -0.0939557925, -0.0693542734, -0.0798549205, -0.1019062772, -0.0142133757, 0.1452089548, -0.0134383282, -0.0556034259, -0.1363084018, -0.0135133332, -0.022963915, 0.0560534559, 0.0509531386, -0.0275016949, -0.025751587, 0.0043377671, 0.0260016024, -0.0458028242, 0.1298079938, -0.0081692534, 0.0139258578, 0.0071191886, 0.1362084001, 0.0793548897, 0.084005177, 0.0207887813, -0.1023063064, 0.0808049813, 0.0206137709, -0.002256389, 0.0038252356, 0.0291767977, 0.0372272953, 0.1228075698, -0.020913789, -0.0554034151, 0.0332770497, 0.0940057933, 0.0557534359, -0.1308080554, -0.0195512045, -0.0280017257, -0.0416775681, 0.0302268621, 0.015038427, -0.132408157, -0.0593536571, -0.050403107, 0.1123069227, -0.0822550654, 0.150509268, 0.0047534178, 0.0251890514, 0.0621038266, 0.0437526964, 0.046302855, 0.0270516668, 0.0192511864, -0.0054097082, 0.0709043667, 0.0434026755, 0.0724544674, 0.0203762557, -0.1232075915, -0.0037408555, -0.0226138942, -0.0638539344, 0.0200637355, -0.0167885348, -0.0667541102, -0.0597036779, -0.000880523, 0.004950305, -0.1101067886, -0.0094130803, 0.0015672841, 0.0210637972, -0.0346521363, 0.0342771113, 0.0054378351, -0.0423276089, 0.0714544058, 0.0315269418, -0.0203637555, -0.0145633975, -0.0293518081, 0.0163510069 ]
Roee Amit
Roee Amit
A possible solution to the Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Pioneer Anomaly problems via a VSL approach
25 pages, 1 figure
I apply the equations of motion derived in the accompanying manuscript for the classical approximation of the vsl-path integral to the Newtonian gravitational field in simple geometries. The vsl classical-action, a complex quantity in this case, yields modified Euler-Lagrange equations. This, in turn, leads to the emergence of two equations of motions that must be satisfied concomitantly in order to minimize the complex action. The solutions obtained to the doublet equation of motion include the MOND force law, a dark-energy-like omni-present repulsive gravitational force, a pioneer-like anomaly at the solar system level, and additional predictions, which can be verified with either careful observations or via additional probes to the outer solar system. The exercise carried out in this paper exemplifies the explanatory potential of the vsl-approach, pointing to a potentially new physics paradigm. Finally, the vsl-approach is not only predictive, but highly falsifiable, an important ingredient of any physics theory.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 00:05:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Amit", "Roee", "" ] ]
[ -0.0518580452, 0.0410869047, 0.0006090823, -0.0481866784, -0.0487535782, 0.0756409392, -0.0048962794, -0.0209348835, 0.0236614142, 0.0444343276, -0.0273867697, -0.0788803771, -0.12493442, 0.0073157367, -0.0156842917, 0.0950775817, 0.0690540746, 0.0647348166, -0.0150903938, 0.1003686637, 0.0170340575, 0.0106969029, 0.0240528453, 0.0611174442, -0.0933498815, -0.1022043452, -0.0034891474, 0.027332779, 0.0214208011, -0.0355528593, 0.136812374, -0.0293169376, -0.0961034, -0.0211643446, -0.0823357776, 0.1324931234, -0.0272247978, 0.0400880761, -0.0732653439, -0.0289659966, 0.0139700873, -0.0389812663, 0.0119656837, 0.1620800048, -0.0292089563, -0.018707769, -0.0884367228, -0.0411678888, -0.0083753038, -0.0146584688, -0.071159713, -0.0387653038, 0.0709437504, -0.0060908231, -0.0977771133, -0.1356245726, 0.0336631872, -0.0427336209, 0.0268468633, -0.0011827332, -0.0884367228, -0.1346527487, -0.0692700371, 0.0442183614, -0.0491045192, 0.0521010011, -0.0333662368, 0.0177089423, -0.0610634536, 0.0212588292, -0.0254701003, -0.0162646901, 0.0719695687, 0.0485646129, 0.0043968656, -0.0689460933, 0.0336091965, 0.0298298486, -0.0703498498, 0.0701878816, 0.0242013205, -0.0814719275, 0.0673803613, -0.0071200202, -0.0830376595, -0.0163861699, -0.036038775, 0.0538826957, -0.1956622005, -0.0262259711, 0.0255780816, 0.0001889674, -0.0606315285, 0.0257805474, 0.1065236032, 0.0172500201, 0.1092231348, -0.0352559127, 0.1757936329, -0.0019267922, -0.0415188298, -0.0512911417, 0.0616033599, -0.0348779745, 0.144587025, 0.0675963238, 0.0617653318, 0.013821613, 0.0136528919, -0.0124583486, -0.0086115124, 0.0032900567, -0.0084292945, -0.079636246, -0.0374425352, -0.0635470226, -0.0644108728, 0.0832536221, -0.0281291418, -0.0116214929, -0.0311256237, 0.052613914, 0.1083592847, -0.0488615595, 0.0877888352, -0.1236386448, 0.0065429951, -0.0854672417, -0.0897325054, 0.0706198066, 0.0217717402, -0.01540084, 0.0098870425, -0.0983170196, -0.1022043452, -0.0644108728, 0.0407359637, 0.0074709598, 0.1112207919, 0.1195353568, -0.0151713798, -0.0156303011, 0.0637089983, 0.0443263464, 0.0166021325, 0.0163996685, 0.0664085299, -0.0900564492, -0.0087329913, -0.0870329663, 0.0025358745, -0.0781245083, 0.047376819, 0.0555024147, -0.0115944976, -0.0471878499, 0.088112779, 0.1001527011, -0.0078556435, -0.0513181388, 0.0174389873, 0.0060874484, -0.0485376157, -0.0317465179, 0.0396291539, 0.06246721, 0.0112638045, -0.1416715384, -0.10090857, -0.1191034317, -0.0804461092, -0.0869249851, -0.0772066638, -0.0251056645, -0.0072010062, 0.00141135, -0.0083415592, -0.0724554881, -0.0139565896, -0.036632672, 0.0151848774, 0.0883287415, 0.0483486503, -0.0160352308, -0.0031398952, 0.051588092, 0.030126797, 0.1135963798, 0.0288580153, -0.073211357, 0.0059524719, 0.0277782027, 0.0628991351, 0.0250246786, -0.0215962697, -0.042571649, 0.0820118338, 0.0680282488, 0.0611714348, 0.0425986424, 0.0397641324, -0.0030369754, 0.147826463, -0.0989109203, -0.0437864363, 0.0203274898, 0.1010705456, 0.0680282488, -0.0572301149, 0.0073764762, 0.045649115, -0.0346350186, 0.0844954103, -0.0327723399, -0.0433815084, 0.0021444422, -0.0479707159, 0.068406187, -0.0126608135, 0.0453251712, -0.0498333946, 0.0729953945, 0.0085507734, 0.0725094751, 0.1040400341, 0.0334742181, 0.0465669557, -0.0670024306, 0.0015589808, 0.0587418564, 0.1288217455, 0.0176549517, -0.1303334832, 0.0144964959, 0.0404660106, -0.0864390731, 0.0031280848, 0.065220736, 0.0203004945, -0.0140780685, -0.0108183818, 0.0668944493, 0.018626783, 0.006067202, -0.0147259571, 0.0289120059, -0.0299918205, -0.020003546, 0.0234184563, -0.0247547254, 0.1416715384, 0.0111153303, -0.0140780685, -0.0274002682, -0.0304237455, -0.0072752433 ]
Andre Gusso
Andre Gusso, Guilherme J Delben
Dispersion force for materials relevant for micro and nanodevices fabrication
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 175405
The dispersion (van der Waals and Casimir) force between two semi-spaces are calculated using the Lifshitz theory for different materials relevant for micro and nanodevices fabrication, namely, gold, silicon, gallium arsenide, diamond and two types of diamond-like carbon (DLC), silicon carbide, silicon nitride and silicon dioxide. The calculations were performed using recent experimental optical data available in the literature, usually ranging from the far infrared up to the extreme ultraviolet bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. The results are presented in the form of a correction factor to the Casimir force predicted between perfect conductors, for the separation between the semi-spaces varying from 1 nanometre up to 1 micrometre. The relative importance of the contributions to the dispersion force of the optical properties in different spectral ranges is analyzed. The role of the temperature for semiconductors and insulators is also addressed. The results are meant to be useful for the estimation of the impact of the Casimir and van der Waals forces on the operational parameters of micro and nanodevices.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 00:45:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gusso", "Andre", "" ], [ "Delben", "Guilherme J", "" ] ]
[ 0.0345885977, 0.0389848128, 0.0026102518, -0.0269078575, 0.0239644162, -0.0070617339, -0.1205674186, -0.0464634299, -0.0525019057, -0.0491415821, -0.0056279111, -0.028726982, -0.0288027786, -0.036054004, 0.0418650918, 0.0032845272, -0.0747356266, 0.0591720231, -0.0307987593, 0.0150077632, -0.0371151604, 0.062304955, -0.0523503125, -0.0256193131, -0.1175355464, -0.0772116557, 0.1411841363, 0.0822647735, 0.1100569293, -0.0333758518, 0.1341097802, 0.0051352321, -0.031405136, -0.1134930477, -0.1055091247, 0.1497744471, -0.0513902195, 0.0633661151, -0.1057112515, 0.0294344183, -0.0041309246, -0.0770600662, -0.0545231551, -0.0543715581, 0.0127275437, 0.001678583, -0.0318599157, -0.0889348909, 0.0641240776, -0.0826184973, -0.0733207539, 0.0040361788, 0.0583129935, -0.0564433374, 0.0318093821, -0.0000930188, -0.0635682344, -0.0267057344, -0.0383531712, -0.0323399603, 0.0151340915, -0.0637703612, 0.0146287791, 0.0286259186, -0.1567477435, 0.0500258766, -0.0410818569, 0.0724111944, 0.0788286552, 0.094644919, -0.035447631, 0.0649325773, 0.054775808, -0.003925642, -0.0825174302, -0.0621028319, -0.0262256879, 0.0318093821, -0.0016943739, 0.0312788077, 0.0288785752, -0.0508849062, 0.0048920508, 0.0824163705, -0.0742303208, -0.090956144, -0.0369888321, -0.0035561325, -0.0792329013, -0.0201114137, 0.0191260558, -0.073876597, -0.0448464304, 0.0866104588, -0.0648315176, -0.048004631, 0.1270354092, -0.0430020429, 0.0333758518, 0.0197955929, -0.0400459692, 0.0110600144, 0.0338053666, -0.0069101402, 0.1661465466, -0.0539167784, -0.0041246084, -0.172816664, -0.0684697628, 0.0723606646, 0.0799908713, -0.0357002839, -0.0022375842, 0.0893391445, 0.0140855694, 0.0888843611, -0.0551800579, -0.0675602034, -0.0921688899, 0.0597278662, -0.0584140532, 0.0913603902, 0.035675019, -0.0416124351, 0.0832248703, -0.0494447686, -0.00408671, -0.0602837093, -0.1186472327, -0.0381257832, 0.0978789106, -0.0205914602, 0.1300672889, -0.0826184973, 0.0160057545, -0.0892380774, -0.0193281807, 0.0574034303, 0.0334769115, 0.0781212151, 0.0328200087, -0.026023563, 0.1410830766, 0.0826184973, 0.1063176244, 0.0624060184, -0.0123485597, -0.0339316949, -0.0001137939, -0.0062690256, -0.0058110869, -0.0195555706, 0.0453012101, -0.0591214933, 0.0693793222, -0.0677117929, 0.1401735246, 0.0729165077, 0.0087482119, -0.1031341553, 0.0303945113, 0.0042762021, -0.0998496339, 0.0367867053, 0.0407786705, -0.0063985121, 0.0075544128, 0.1126845554, -0.0857008994, 0.0126896445, 0.0290554333, -0.05861618, -0.0551800579, 0.0263014846, 0.0382773764, 0.0426988564, 0.005684759, -0.10025388, 0.019745063, 0.0140224053, 0.0226379726, -0.0091966763, 0.0790813118, 0.0033792732, -0.0664485171, -0.0338306315, -0.0624060184, 0.0346138664, -0.0222842544, -0.0281964038, 0.0410313271, -0.007428085, 0.0887327716, 0.1171313003, -0.0708952621, -0.0233833082, 0.065185234, -0.0245581586, 0.0617996454, -0.0378731266, -0.0056973915, 0.0101820342, 0.043785274, 0.0364582539, -0.0503290631, -0.0644778013, -0.0216399822, -0.0409302637, 0.112785615, 0.0906024203, 0.0257582739, 0.0831238031, 0.0864588618, 0.0183301885, -0.0526029691, -0.0132518047, -0.0199092887, -0.000323518, -0.0509607047, 0.1019214094, -0.0330221318, 0.1367373914, 0.1476521343, 0.0603847727, -0.0254677199, -0.0085145058, 0.022739036, -0.0500764102, -0.0266552027, -0.0216905139, 0.0171932373, 0.0707436651, -0.0949986354, -0.0675096661, -0.0193155464, -0.0274384357, -0.058818303, 0.0864588618, -0.0058742505, -0.0333758518, -0.0791823715, 0.0319357105, -0.0058205612, -0.0158920586, 0.0254171882, 0.0408797339, -0.0629113317, -0.0021475756, 0.0617996454, 0.0058458271, 0.0486362688, -0.077110596, 0.0527545623, -0.0398185775, 0.010845257, -0.0638208911 ]
Syed Jafar
Viveck R. Cadambe, Syed A. Jafar
Multiple Access Outerbounds and the Inseparability of Parallel Interference Channels
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 55, No. 9, Sep. 2009,Pages: 3983-3990
cs.IT math.IT
It is known that the capacity of parallel (multi-carrier) Gaussian point-to-point, multiple access and broadcast channels can be achieved by separate encoding for each subchannel (carrier) subject to a power allocation across carriers. In this paper we show that such a separation does not apply to parallel Gaussian interference channels in general. A counter-example is provided in the form of a 3 user interference channel where separate encoding can only achieve a sum capacity of $\log({SNR})+o(\log({SNR}))$ per carrier while the actual capacity, achieved only by joint-encoding across carriers, is $3/2\log({SNR}))+o(\log({SNR}))$ per carrier. As a byproduct of our analysis, we propose a class of multiple-access-outerbounds on the capacity of the 3 user interference channel.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 00:53:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cadambe", "Viveck R.", "" ], [ "Jafar", "Syed A.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0282222889, 0.0486036129, 0.0414636582, 0.0167204738, -0.0265216827, -0.0254831444, 0.042606052, -0.0416713655, -0.0153314276, -0.0437484421, 0.1391641945, 0.0492267348, -0.029182937, 0.0500056371, -0.0061241328, -0.1379179358, 0.0699455813, -0.0019764691, 0.0192129668, 0.0031204843, -0.0926895812, 0.0779423267, -0.0006705877, 0.0121768666, -0.0519788638, -0.118601121, 0.0803828984, 0.0869256929, 0.0185379162, -0.0731131285, 0.0731131285, -0.0214328431, -0.0824080482, -0.0713476092, 0.0077825496, 0.115277797, -0.0143577978, 0.0238993727, -0.0382182263, 0.0639739856, 0.0246133674, 0.0582620203, -0.0605987348, 0.0253403448, 0.091391407, 0.0818368495, 0.0129427891, -0.0342458151, 0.0300397314, 0.035440132, -0.0647528917, 0.1367755532, 0.005436101, -0.0664664805, 0.0087756524, -0.0068608462, -0.043177247, 0.0258336496, 0.0860429332, -0.1392680407, 0.0233801026, -0.1089427099, 0.0113395443, 0.0454879962, -0.0738920271, 0.00673752, 0.0548348427, 0.0284040347, 0.0529914387, 0.0574311912, -0.0666222572, 0.0534328185, 0.0289233029, -0.0239642803, 0.0870814696, -0.0280665085, -0.1014133021, 0.062779665, 0.0251715817, 0.0023415803, 0.0649605989, 0.094714731, 0.0669338182, 0.0507326163, -0.0063902587, 0.0856794417, -0.0268202629, -0.0369719788, -0.0680762157, -0.0024843793, -0.043099355, -0.0094312299, -0.0645451844, 0.0035732223, 0.0584178008, -0.0187845696, 0.0568080693, -0.0280405451, 0.0038036481, 0.0604429543, -0.0191740207, -0.0557176024, -0.041645404, 0.0025995923, 0.1056193858, -0.0664664805, 0.0142928893, 0.0779423267, -0.0317792855, -0.0545232818, 0.0031367114, -0.0449167974, 0.0598717555, 0.0307407454, 0.076384522, -0.1135122776, -0.0173176322, -0.0356997699, 0.052887585, 0.0749824941, -0.0399058498, -0.0267423727, 0.0929492116, -0.0451245084, 0.0064713946, -0.0276251305, 0.0784096718, -0.1163163334, -0.0204851758, -0.0666741878, 0.1048404798, -0.0680242851, 0.0239123534, -0.0511220694, -0.0537443794, -0.0297281705, 0.0047772783, -0.0331813134, -0.0066791023, -0.1030230373, -0.0153703727, 0.0073930975, 0.1081118807, -0.030013768, -0.0300656948, 0.1178741455, -0.0888989121, -0.0239383169, 0.0903528705, -0.0017898566, -0.0871334001, -0.045929376, -0.0193427838, -0.0163440034, -0.0399058498, -0.0924299434, -0.0560291633, 0.0004762674, -0.0011083155, -0.0582620203, -0.0108072935, -0.0230815224, -0.0827715322, 0.0369460136, -0.0011326562, 0.0260413587, -0.0539520867, 0.0360632576, -0.15785788, -0.1265978664, -0.0337005816, -0.0523942783, -0.1025037691, -0.0315975398, 0.0826157555, -0.0318831392, -0.1194319502, -0.2009572387, -0.0225233082, -0.0975707099, -0.0127285905, 0.1151739433, 0.0731131285, 0.0286636688, 0.0067440108, 0.0475391112, 0.0448389091, -0.0089768693, 0.0291310102, -0.0083083101, -0.0718149543, -0.0048324503, 0.0968956649, 0.1429029256, -0.0660510585, -0.1355292946, -0.0731131285, 0.011443398, -0.0027164279, -0.0798636302, 0.0966360271, 0.0121249398, 0.0844851211, -0.0702571422, 0.09030094, -0.1087350026, -0.0367642716, 0.0160194598, -0.0691147521, 0.0494604073, 0.0200178344, 0.0127091175, 0.0597159751, 0.0275991671, 0.0317273587, -0.0989208147, -0.129298076, 0.0699975118, -0.0781500414, 0.0595601946, -0.0691666752, 0.0234190486, -0.0272356775, 0.080019407, 0.0252364911, 0.0713995397, 0.0340900347, -0.10281533, 0.0374912471, -0.0386076756, 0.0310263447, 0.0443975292, 0.0326360799, -0.0374393202, 0.0697898045, 0.0056859995, 0.0039724107, -0.0766441599, -0.0384518951, -0.1179779992, -0.028611742, 0.0978822708, 0.0610660762, 0.0259245224, -0.0921183825, 0.0248340573, -0.0317533202, -0.0133971497, -0.0523683131, -0.0266385172, 0.0162141863, 0.0524462052, -0.0742035881, 0.041645404, -0.0258466322, 0.0585216582 ]
Pratap Raychaudhuri
Abdul Kadir, Sourin Mukhopadhyay, Tapas Ganguli, Charudatta Galande, M. R. Gokhale, B.M. Arora, Pratap Raychaudhuri and Arnab Bhattacharya
Non-intrinsic superconductivity in InN epilayers: role of Indium Oxide
pdf file with figures
Solid State Commun. 146, 361 (2008)
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.supr-con
In recent years there have been reports of anomalous electrical resistivity and the presence of superconductivity in semiconducting InN layers. By a careful correlation of the temperature dependence of resistivity and magnetic susceptibility with structural information from highresolution x-ray diffraction measurements we show that superconductivity is not intrinsic to InN and is seen only in samples that show traces of oxygen impurity. We hence believe that InN is not intrinsically a superconducting semiconductor.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 00:55:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kadir", "Abdul", "" ], [ "Mukhopadhyay", "Sourin", "" ], [ "Ganguli", "Tapas", "" ], [ "Galande", "Charudatta", "" ], [ "Gokhale", "M. R.", "" ], [ "Arora", "B. M.", "" ], [ "Raychaudhuri", "Pratap", "" ], [ "Bhattacharya", "Arnab", "" ] ]
[ 0.0277368315, -0.0527353883, -0.0635940656, -0.0394689217, 0.1322869807, 0.0394689217, 0.0442609005, -0.1042432711, -0.0172440466, -0.0998998061, 0.0667572394, -0.04511071, -0.0142697142, 0.000261877, 0.121239461, -0.0308527984, -0.0917794034, -0.0095662558, 0.0461257622, 0.1266215891, 0.0036411968, 0.0280437078, 0.0299557783, -0.080023706, 0.0418767147, -0.015013298, 0.0183299147, 0.0505164415, 0.0849809274, -0.0258955769, 0.0135615403, -0.0217999686, -0.0402715169, -0.0508469231, -0.0956979692, 0.0499026887, 0.0917794034, -0.023676632, -0.0574565493, 0.0224019177, -0.0242195651, 0.0003953974, -0.0562290475, -0.0014347909, 0.0524521172, 0.1404073834, -0.0813456327, 0.0493833609, 0.0498554781, 0.0734140798, -0.0484391302, 0.0402243063, 0.0719505176, -0.0390204117, -0.0747360066, 0.0978224948, -0.0192033295, 0.0191561189, -0.0474004745, -0.1194454208, -0.046267394, -0.0531130806, 0.0514606759, 0.0879080519, -0.0924875811, 0.0036264432, -0.1290765852, 0.0617055967, 0.0883801654, 0.0972559527, 0.013537934, -0.0761995688, -0.0585896298, -0.0251165852, 0.0332133807, 0.0428209454, -0.0535851978, 0.0248805285, -0.0641133934, 0.0246916804, -0.0115314405, 0.0934318081, 0.0223901141, -0.0372499749, -0.0397521891, -0.0268398095, -0.0035674286, -0.0298141427, -0.1460727751, -0.0812984258, 0.0050634472, -0.0321039073, -0.0205134526, 0.0796460137, -0.07629399, 0.0196636431, 0.051366251, -0.038146995, -0.016937172, 0.1100975126, -0.0855474696, 0.066096276, 0.1057540476, 0.0614223294, 0.1235056147, 0.1335144788, -0.0152493557, -0.1236944646, -0.0395397395, -0.0541517362, 0.0826203451, 0.0206550863, 0.0008166136, 0.034582518, -0.0935262367, -0.0648215637, -0.0086574322, -0.0873415098, -0.0190262869, 0.0091944644, -0.0365418009, 0.1236000434, 0.0166775081, -0.0099911606, 0.0148480572, -0.0389968045, 0.1133079082, -0.0327648707, -0.0092180707, -0.0754441842, 0.0814400613, -0.0137031749, -0.0377220921, -0.0260372125, -0.0639717579, 0.0112363677, 0.0474712923, -0.0177515727, 0.0937622935, 0.0160401501, -0.042537678, 0.0096134674, 0.0891827643, -0.0193331614, 0.0960284546, 0.0884273797, 0.0765300468, -0.0017114215, 0.1557983756, 0.0652936846, 0.0035733301, 0.0247152876, 0.109814249, -0.0034287444, -0.0086574322, -0.0511774048, -0.0181292649, 0.0808263049, 0.0947537348, -0.0212806407, 0.0173148643, 0.0341576114, 0.0151549326, -0.0674182028, -0.0457244627, 0.0875303596, -0.1049042344, -0.0905519053, -0.0712895542, 0.0174446963, 0.0174092874, -0.0024446771, -0.0448746532, 0.0451579206, 0.0759162977, 0.0333078019, -0.0207377076, -0.0184597466, -0.0372027643, 0.1167071462, -0.0195102058, -0.0292003918, -0.0666628182, 0.0026984396, 0.0261080302, 0.0227678083, -0.047258839, -0.0143523347, -0.0701564774, 0.0673237815, -0.0212452319, 0.0341104008, 0.0316317901, 0.1049986631, -0.1067927033, -0.1573091447, 0.0577870309, 0.0300029889, 0.051271826, 0.0508941337, 0.0698732063, 0.0039805304, 0.0016981432, 0.1151019484, -0.0210327804, 0.0199115034, 0.0632163733, 0.003174982, -0.0054352386, -0.0464326367, 0.0446385927, 0.0562762618, 0.054057315, -0.0195574164, 0.0818649605, -0.0237002373, -0.0735085011, -0.0651992559, 0.1141577139, 0.057078857, -0.0203009993, -0.0151549326, -0.0215048958, 0.0912600756, 0.0215403046, 0.0839894861, 0.0007483781, -0.0151903415, 0.0065270076, -0.0231100917, -0.0400354601, -0.0357392021, 0.0443081111, -0.0005639577, -0.0704869628, 0.0201121531, 0.0044969073, 0.0441900827, -0.0125582926, 0.0151077211, -0.0740750432, 0.035455931, -0.0111301411, 0.189035356, -0.0129359858, 0.026981445, -0.0450398922, 0.0015771635, -0.0406964235, 0.0030215441, -0.0976336449, 0.0914961323, -0.0011522588, -0.0924875811, -0.0850753561, -0.1359694898 ]
Alexandre Riazanov
Alexandre Riazanov
New Implementation Framework for Saturation-Based Reasoning
17 pages
cs.AI cs.LO
The saturation-based reasoning methods are among the most theoretically developed ones and are used by most of the state-of-the-art first-order logic reasoners. In the last decade there was a sharp increase in performance of such systems, which I attribute to the use of advanced calculi and the intensified research in implementation techniques. However, nowadays we are witnessing a slowdown in performance progress, which may be considered as a sign that the saturation-based technology is reaching its inherent limits. The position I am trying to put forward in this paper is that such scepticism is premature and a sharp improvement in performance may potentially be reached by adopting new architectural principles for saturation. The top-level algorithms and corresponding designs used in the state-of-the-art saturation-based theorem provers have (at least) two inherent drawbacks: the insufficient flexibility of the used inference selection mechanisms and the lack of means for intelligent prioritising of search directions. In this position paper I analyse these drawbacks and present two ideas on how they could be overcome. In particular, I propose a flexible low-cost high-precision mechanism for inference selection, intended to overcome problems associated with the currently used instances of clause selection-based procedures. I also outline a method for intelligent prioritising of search directions, based on probing the search space by exploring generalised search directions. I discuss some technical issues related to implementation of the proposed architectural principles and outline possible solutions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:51:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Riazanov", "Alexandre", "" ] ]
[ 0.0502378717, 0.1044866443, 0.0330265127, 0.0008845254, 0.0719424561, 0.0572188757, 0.0126927411, -0.0109919142, -0.0178459939, 0.0986479819, 0.1196163967, -0.116265513, -0.0585896932, 0.0630067661, 0.1220533997, -0.0244208351, 0.0405660011, -0.0343973301, -0.0341688581, 0.0592497177, 0.1047912687, -0.0057910634, -0.0208287891, 0.0253093261, 0.037773598, -0.0976833403, 0.0844828859, 0.0317572393, 0.0003833605, -0.1254042834, 0.1301767528, -0.0544264764, -0.0479531772, -0.0040489845, 0.0044741915, 0.0629052222, -0.0355650596, -0.0204606988, -0.0376720577, 0.0259693488, -0.0089166509, -0.0255124103, -0.0052992194, -0.0579296723, -0.018950263, 0.0505678803, -0.0081931641, 0.0251316279, -0.0836705491, 0.0186583288, -0.0939770564, 0.0118613672, -0.0108967181, -0.0068223486, 0.0094624385, -0.0282032713, -0.0291171484, 0.0491970666, 0.0187091008, -0.0220980626, 0.0579296723, -0.1002218872, -0.0085802935, 0.0160943959, -0.1897818744, 0.0023576766, 0.0040489845, 0.0924031585, 0.0033064592, 0.0575235039, 0.0447546057, 0.0577773564, 0.1029127464, 0.0302087236, 0.0117979031, -0.0584881529, 0.1188040599, 0.1298721284, -0.0084660584, 0.0456430987, -0.0720947683, -0.0422922149, 0.0543249324, -0.1210379824, -0.0517863855, 0.021628432, 0.0271370802, -0.0322141759, -0.1036743075, -0.1266227812, -0.015243982, 0.0946878493, 0.0560003743, 0.008034505, 0.118600972, 0.0074379463, 0.0415814221, 0.1203271896, 0.1026588902, 0.0131242946, -0.0689469725, -0.1592177451, 0.050517112, 0.018797949, 0.105400525, 0.0100272652, 0.0421652868, 0.0760549083, 0.0437391847, -0.09560173, -0.1664272249, -0.1049943566, -0.1292628795, -0.0191406533, -0.0180744641, -0.1307860017, -0.1148439199, 0.0381797664, -0.0143174119, 0.0543757044, 0.0066827284, -0.0832643807, -0.0273401644, 0.1656148881, -0.0089039579, -0.0807258338, 0.1039789394, -0.058335837, 0.0200164523, 0.0101288073, 0.0544264764, 0.0285586677, 0.0882907063, -0.0211080294, -0.097074084, -0.0137462392, -0.1347461343, -0.0100589972, 0.0191533472, -0.015294753, -0.0349558108, -0.0228088554, 0.0002921314, 0.0019959335, -0.0176048316, 0.0631590784, 0.026172433, -0.0439676568, -0.0068350411, 0.0248523876, -0.0712824315, -0.1173824742, -0.0318333954, 0.0201433804, 0.0158659257, -0.1518051922, 0.0225296151, 0.0093926284, 0.0543249324, 0.0015025033, -0.0076283375, 0.0419875868, 0.040388301, 0.0158532336, -0.0241923649, -0.0095639806, -0.1284505427, -0.0000283603, -0.1240842417, 0.0353112072, -0.0042520682, -0.070013158, -0.0582342967, 0.0194579717, 0.0351842791, -0.0036079118, -0.0803196654, -0.0509232767, 0.0436884165, -0.0284571256, -0.0618390366, 0.0938755125, -0.0009575087, 0.0288632941, 0.0109538361, -0.0678300112, 0.0374435857, -0.0024338332, 0.0557465181, -0.0013335311, -0.1192102283, 0.0281017292, 0.116671674, 0.0309195183, 0.0002935196, -0.0808273777, 0.0331534408, 0.0631083101, -0.0235577282, -0.0475216247, -0.0083645163, -0.0735671297, 0.0829597563, -0.0462269634, 0.0081931641, 0.0209811013, -0.0162974801, -0.0402359888, -0.0202956926, -0.0265785996, 0.009893992, -0.012616585, 0.0621436611, 0.1083452404, 0.0142793339, -0.0249666218, -0.0071269744, -0.0188487209, 0.0372405015, 0.1197179332, -0.0456684828, 0.0168305747, -0.0010265254, 0.0011883579, -0.0286855958, 0.084838286, 0.0503901839, -0.0508471206, -0.0169701949, -0.0541726202, 0.0604682192, -0.0229484756, -0.0936216563, 0.0511263609, 0.0027749506, 0.009881299, 0.0514056012, -0.0880368501, -0.000001066, -0.1294659674, 0.033356525, 0.0236592703, -0.0210826434, -0.0094941705, 0.0130100595, 0.0454653986, -0.0557972901, -0.0417591184, -0.0533095151, -0.0306910481, -0.0022069504, -0.0589450896, 0.0185948666, -0.0251570139, -0.1153516322, -0.0315033831 ]
Allen Mann
Allen L. Mann
Perfect IFG-formulas
7 pages. Submitted to Logica Universalis. See also
Logica Universalis, 2(2):265-275, Oct 2008.
IFG logic is a variant of the independence-friendly logic of Hintikka and Sandu. We answer the question: ``Which IFG-formulas are equivalent to ordinary first-order formulas?'' We use the answer to show that the ordinary cylindric set algebra over a structure can be embedded into a reduct of the IFG-cylindric set algebra over the structure.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:55:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mann", "Allen L.", "" ] ]
[ -0.082336545, 0.0662733391, 0.0008626711, 0.0403348021, -0.004865054, -0.077487275, 0.0256859716, -0.0295754895, -0.0826901346, 0.0791542083, 0.0700113177, -0.0407641679, -0.033161927, -0.0683948994, 0.017629113, 0.0058753188, 0.0308888331, -0.0630910099, -0.0122241983, 0.0889032632, 0.0326315388, 0.0098563917, -0.0373797789, 0.0315707624, -0.037051443, -0.0723854378, 0.0218217093, 0.057585068, -0.0740018636, 0.0691525936, 0.09683384, -0.0306867789, 0.0571304485, -0.0806190968, -0.0031854897, 0.0631415248, 0.0452598445, 0.036622081, 0.0091870911, 0.0603127815, -0.0707690194, 0.0879940242, -0.0791542083, -0.0710720941, 0.0524327196, 0.0581912249, 0.0957730636, 0.0016353654, -0.0674351454, -0.0637981966, -0.114260897, -0.033439748, 0.0755172595, 0.0320758931, -0.0023078227, 0.1031985059, -0.0867311954, 0.0769821405, 0.0447294526, -0.0592520051, -0.0220237635, -0.1058757007, 0.0708195269, 0.1199183762, -0.1388103217, -0.0037537634, -0.0383395329, 0.0495534651, 0.081376791, 0.0604643226, -0.0833468065, -0.0761234164, 0.0790026709, 0.0321769193, -0.0247893613, -0.0312424246, 0.0318233259, 0.0461438224, -0.0609189384, -0.0632930622, 0.0129061267, 0.0579386614, 0.029171383, -0.0628889576, 0.0504879616, 0.0273276512, -0.0141942138, 0.0397033878, -0.1921522766, -0.0436686762, -0.0596055947, -0.0760729015, -0.0608179122, 0.0058027059, -0.0132218348, -0.0523822047, 0.0887517259, 0.0124136228, -0.0320506357, 0.0251303259, 0.0309898593, -0.0849632323, 0.06298998, 0.0257364847, 0.1644710302, 0.0517255329, -0.0351571999, 0.0361927189, 0.0111444788, -0.0399812125, -0.0785985664, -0.0873878673, -0.0730926245, 0.0813262761, 0.0396276191, -0.0685464367, -0.1266871542, 0.0183362979, -0.0284389406, -0.0284389406, 0.0571809635, -0.110927023, 0.0461438224, -0.0667784736, 0.0433908552, -0.0608179122, -0.0024719907, -0.0098690195, -0.1043603048, -0.0685969517, 0.0176417418, -0.0355613045, -0.0293229222, 0.0340964198, -0.0481390953, -0.0186141208, -0.0189550854, 0.0397033878, 0.0365968272, 0.0540996566, -0.055210948, -0.0354350209, -0.0193213057, 0.0073433588, 0.0468510091, 0.0479117855, -0.0681928396, -0.0517760478, 0.0711226091, -0.0333387218, -0.0401074961, -0.0281358622, -0.0138279935, -0.0291966405, -0.0305099841, 0.0165809635, -0.0169092994, -0.0570294224, 0.1604299843, 0.0747595578, 0.0891053155, 0.0667784736, 0.0017774338, 0.0122052561, -0.0670310408, -0.0090671228, -0.041900713, -0.0572819896, -0.0070213373, -0.0158358943, -0.1146650016, 0.0158358943, -0.1321425736, -0.0821344927, -0.0053859716, -0.024372628, -0.1134526879, -0.0512961708, -0.0027482347, 0.0586963594, -0.0251555815, 0.0051270914, -0.0377838872, -0.0287420209, 0.0258627664, 0.0299795941, -0.0065667182, -0.0631415248, 0.0164294243, 0.0718803108, -0.0487452559, 0.0029960652, 0.1355774701, 0.1431544572, 0.1045623571, -0.0751636699, 0.0830942392, 0.0140426746, 0.0509930924, 0.0713751763, 0.1072900742, -0.040233776, 0.1234543025, 0.0179069359, -0.1217368543, 0.0162526276, 0.0460427962, 0.0853673369, -0.0666774437, -0.0027292923, -0.0312929377, -0.124464564, 0.009464914, 0.0603632964, 0.0233118497, 0.0241074339, -0.1081993133, 0.0147119742, -0.0875899196, 0.1435585618, -0.0420017391, 0.0090102954, 0.015368646, -0.034677323, 0.0121799996, 0.081376791, 0.0684959218, -0.0675866827, -0.0178437941, -0.0718297958, 0.0342984758, -0.0924897045, -0.1477006525, -0.0269740578, 0.0163031407, 0.0038263763, -0.0424311012, -0.0097490512, -0.0819829479, 0.0223394707, -0.0315707624, 0.0986523107, 0.0028145334, -0.0068319128, -0.0316212736, -0.0254586618, 0.0037979626, 0.0450325347, 0.0740018636, -0.0398549289, -0.0282368883, 0.0410419889, 0.0602622665, -0.0723349303, -0.0547058135, -0.0961266533 ]
Janice Guikema
J. W. Guikema, Hendrik Bluhm, D. A. Bonn, Ruixing Liang, W. N. Hardy and K. A. Moler
Two-dimensional vortex behavior in highly underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} observed by scanning Hall probe microscopy
11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review B
We report scanning Hall probe microscopy of highly underdoped superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} with T_c ranging from 5 to 15 K which showed distinct flux bundles with less than one superconducting flux quantum (Phi_0) through the sample surface. The sub-Phi_0 features occurred more frequently for lower T_c, were more mobile than conventional vortices, and occurred more readily when the sample was cooled with an in-plane field component. We show that these features are consistent with kinked stacks of pancake vortices.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:52:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guikema", "J. W.", "" ], [ "Bluhm", "Hendrik", "" ], [ "Bonn", "D. A.", "" ], [ "Liang", "Ruixing", "" ], [ "Hardy", "W. N.", "" ], [ "Moler", "K. A.", "" ] ]
[ -0.0404882729, -0.0488464423, -0.0635003746, -0.0087109488, -0.0305290259, 0.0916142166, -0.0154001983, -0.0180324782, -0.0099660307, -0.0922655016, 0.0342467837, -0.0357935876, -0.0477066934, 0.0304476153, 0.083744511, 0.0836359635, -0.0461870246, 0.0821705684, 0.0792397857, 0.0802709907, -0.0662683398, -0.1757386476, 0.0512887649, 0.0664311647, 0.0453457795, -0.022089446, 0.0067197778, -0.005111916, 0.0445859469, -0.0213838872, 0.0683307424, -0.0714243576, -0.0145453848, -0.0973129719, -0.1127810106, 0.075983353, 0.0032767821, 0.0695247725, -0.0447487682, -0.0204883683, 0.0041892608, -0.0668653548, -0.0110718608, 0.1092532128, 0.1133237481, 0.0706645176, -0.0811393708, -0.0133988503, 0.0095454091, 0.0385615528, -0.03438247, 0.0126525853, 0.0039144997, -0.0504203849, -0.0896060839, 0.0048608994, -0.0136091616, 0.058832828, 0.0070284605, -0.1239614189, -0.0172455087, -0.1052369475, 0.0437447019, 0.0371504351, 0.0056105568, -0.0137380622, -0.0500404686, 0.0209632646, 0.0223608166, 0.0109090386, 0.0146810701, 0.0587785542, 0.0223065428, -0.0396741666, 0.0677880049, 0.0009150228, -0.014056921, 0.0538939089, -0.0304747522, 0.0306918491, -0.0030970001, -0.034219645, 0.0275439657, -0.0445588119, -0.0532968976, 0.0087516541, -0.0065196431, -0.0034803092, -0.0061532948, -0.0216145515, 0.0462141633, 0.0992125496, -0.0838530585, 0.0131749706, 0.0595926605, 0.0359021351, 0.0774487481, -0.0426320881, 0.0008794056, -0.0055461065, -0.0194707345, 0.0993753746, 0.0464855321, 0.0330256224, 0.2277329713, -0.0146675017, -0.0383444577, -0.0079986053, -0.0764718205, 0.0305018891, 0.1400264651, 0.0451286845, 0.0087313019, 0.0891176239, -0.0314245448, -0.0700132325, 0.0216823928, -0.0798367932, -0.0564990528, 0.0441246182, -0.0753863454, 0.0495520011, 0.0353593975, -0.048276566, -0.0149388704, -0.0297963303, 0.1057796851, -0.0970958769, -0.0959561244, -0.0240297355, -0.0107462173, -0.0504203849, -0.0551150702, -0.059267018, -0.0241111461, 0.0383987315, -0.0161464624, -0.0019216327, 0.0751149729, 0.0248709805, 0.0506374799, -0.055630669, 0.1692257822, 0.0465398058, 0.1418717802, 0.0943821818, 0.0020115236, 0.1164716259, 0.0791312382, 0.0440432094, 0.0044572377, 0.0084735006, 0.0044708066, -0.0055325381, 0.05299839, -0.0422521718, 0.1267836541, 0.0695790425, -0.0058480045, -0.0501218773, 0.0502846986, -0.0251830555, -0.003327664, -0.0133920666, 0.0345724262, -0.0621978045, -0.1464307755, -0.0139483735, -0.0668110773, -0.1249383464, 0.0867295712, -0.0378017202, 0.0062550586, 0.052591335, 0.1292802542, 0.1373127848, -0.0570960641, -0.1215733662, -0.0616007932, 0.0767431855, 0.0190229751, -0.0373132564, 0.0849928111, -0.055793494, -0.0573674329, -0.0287922639, 0.0137719829, 0.1245041564, -0.0254951287, 0.0552236177, -0.0879778713, 0.0567161478, 0.041356653, 0.0308275335, -0.0601353981, -0.125915274, 0.0548437014, 0.0816278309, 0.0270962063, -0.0135888094, -0.0934052542, 0.0151831023, -0.0209089909, 0.0191179551, -0.0193214826, 0.0361735038, 0.0677337348, 0.0347081125, -0.0601896718, -0.0959561244, 0.0133649297, 0.0354136713, 0.0604610406, 0.0366076939, -0.0251830555, -0.0061736475, -0.0567161478, 0.0603524931, 0.0259157512, 0.0275303982, 0.0212074965, 0.052157145, -0.0162685793, 0.1792121679, -0.0278424732, 0.0949249193, -0.0110379392, -0.0369604751, -0.0356579013, 0.0654542297, 0.0351423025, 0.0374760777, 0.0152102392, 0.0235005654, 0.018059615, 0.0212753396, -0.0055427146, 0.0408139154, 0.041763708, -0.041736573, -0.0775030255, -0.0269062482, -0.076634638, 0.0784256756, 0.0103052426, 0.0618178882, -0.0559020415, -0.0687649399, 0.1487102807, 0.0064653694, -0.083093226, 0.0580187179, -0.1200537011, 0.0605153143, -0.0251966231, -0.038290184 ]
Ashkan Aazami
Ashkan Aazami
Domination in graphs with bounded propagation: algorithms, formulations and hardness results
24 pages
cs.DS cs.CC
We introduce a hierarchy of problems between the \textsc{Dominating Set} problem and the \textsc{Power Dominating Set} (PDS) problem called the $\ell$-round power dominating set ($\ell$-round PDS, for short) problem. For $\ell=1$, this is the \textsc{Dominating Set} problem, and for $\ell\geq n-1$, this is the PDS problem; here $n$ denotes the number of nodes in the input graph. In PDS the goal is to find a minimum size set of nodes $S$ that power dominates all the nodes, where a node $v$ is power dominated if (1) $v$ is in $S$ or it has a neighbor in $S$, or (2) $v$ has a neighbor $u$ such that $u$ and all of its neighbors except $v$ are power dominated. Note that rule (1) is the same as for the \textsc{Dominating Set} problem, and that rule (2) is a type of propagation rule that applies iteratively. The $\ell$-round PDS problem has the same set of rules as PDS, except we apply rule (2) in ``parallel'' in at most $\ell-1$ rounds. We prove that $\ell$-round PDS cannot be approximated better than $2^{\log^{1-\epsilon}{n}}$ even for $\ell=4$ in general graphs. We provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve $\ell$-round PDS optimally in polynomial time on graphs of bounded tree-width. We present a PTAS (polynomial time approximation scheme) for $\ell$-round PDS on planar graphs for $\ell=O(\tfrac{\log{n}}{\log{\log{n}}})$. Finally, we give integer programming formulations for $\ell$-round PDS.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:55:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aazami", "Ashkan", "" ] ]
[ 0.0004850401, -0.0326140337, 0.1306495517, -0.0046841875, 0.0661467686, 0.1288121343, -0.0435417891, -0.0320579745, -0.0875187591, 0.0563311316, 0.1281351894, -0.02780292, -0.0198246911, -0.0676457137, 0.0431066118, -0.064115949, 0.1182712018, 0.0136717837, 0.0392867327, 0.0642610118, 0.0812328756, -0.0056210249, 0.0893561691, 0.0566212498, -0.0153036937, 0.0755272359, 0.1543424726, 0.0593773648, 0.1019279212, -0.0743184164, 0.0373284407, -0.0183620155, -0.0734964162, -0.1521182358, 0.0137684895, 0.0455967896, -0.0484979637, 0.1616921127, -0.0536233708, 0.1356782466, -0.0220368356, 0.0043154964, -0.0794921741, 0.0275853314, 0.0588454828, 0.0112360064, -0.0697732419, -0.0075249206, 0.0801207647, 0.033726152, -0.0487880781, 0.1238801405, 0.0624719523, -0.0366273262, -0.0700150058, -0.0397219099, 0.0220731013, 0.0668720677, 0.0911452249, -0.0644544214, 0.0327107385, -0.0836988762, 0.0260380395, 0.1279417872, 0.0048866654, 0.0167059284, -0.0859714597, -0.0277787428, 0.0920155793, 0.0152553413, -0.0330975614, 0.0356360897, 0.0137684895, -0.010879403, 0.0194862206, 0.0402296148, 0.0341855027, 0.0662434772, 0.0208159257, 0.05928066, 0.0400845557, 0.0173224285, 0.1092775613, 0.0121788876, 0.0826834664, -0.0895495787, 0.0231610406, -0.0337019749, -0.1302627176, -0.0830702856, -0.0300755054, -0.0259171557, 0.0555091351, 0.0114898589, 0.0962706283, 0.009634316, 0.1763913929, 0.0482803732, 0.0014135669, 0.0235599522, 0.0642126575, -0.1020246297, -0.0402296148, -0.0483529046, -0.0028241118, -0.0127893435, 0.0331700929, 0.0774613544, 0.0204411894, -0.0329041518, -0.0066303918, -0.1059895679, -0.0626653656, 0.0848109946, 0.037521854, -0.150764361, -0.0607312471, 0.0065578627, 0.0625686571, 0.098494865, 0.0057600397, -0.043662671, -0.0897429883, 0.0826834664, 0.0759140551, -0.0083710961, 0.0899847522, -0.1061829776, 0.0327590927, -0.0612147748, 0.0323239155, -0.0458627306, 0.0214445125, -0.0517376065, -0.1327770799, 0.0397219099, -0.0014309437, -0.0025687481, 0.1262977868, -0.0556541905, 0.0320821516, 0.0308975056, 0.0677424148, 0.1709758639, -0.0307040941, 0.0790086463, 0.0158234872, 0.0540101938, -0.0364339128, 0.046418786, -0.0058023483, -0.0159806348, 0.0390691459, 0.0766877085, 0.0388999097, -0.0643577129, 0.0110607268, -0.0024675091, 0.0226654243, -0.0636807755, -0.0332426205, 0.0357086211, -0.0149047822, -0.0240193047, 0.0264732148, 0.0675490052, -0.0093321102, -0.040906556, -0.0778481737, -0.0554124266, 0.0272710379, -0.1114050895, 0.0220489241, -0.012982755, -0.009634316, 0.0400120281, -0.1277483702, 0.0440011434, 0.0347415619, -0.0793471113, 0.0433725528, 0.1297791898, -0.0241885409, -0.069096297, 0.0377152637, 0.0757206455, 0.0492957868, 0.0163795464, -0.0037836146, -0.0134541951, 0.0138289304, 0.0223873947, 0.0681292415, 0.0383922048, 0.0065820389, -0.0651797131, 0.0907583982, 0.1062796786, -0.0586520731, -0.0132245189, 0.0342338569, -0.010818962, -0.0333635025, 0.0781866461, 0.0384163819, 0.0112783145, -0.0227258652, -0.0822482929, 0.0299304482, -0.0571047775, -0.0370383225, 0.0016953737, 0.0500452556, -0.0352250896, 0.0302689169, 0.022677511, -0.0612631291, 0.0255545098, 0.0393350869, 0.0584103093, -0.0249500982, -0.0063100541, -0.0865516961, 0.0256995689, 0.0251435097, -0.0051102974, 0.0302447416, -0.0447264351, 0.0166333988, 0.0389966182, 0.0352009125, -0.0736898258, -0.0227258652, -0.0011740689, 0.0370866768, 0.0254819803, 0.0893078148, -0.0106013743, -0.1369354278, -0.1214624941, 0.0188697204, -0.0034662988, 0.0015178279, -0.0167905465, -0.0287941545, -0.0521244295, -0.0220005717, -0.0489814915, -0.1206888482, -0.0151223708, -0.0119069023, -0.0198367778, -0.0008129332, -0.0793954656, -0.0572981909, -0.0811845288 ]
Edriss Titi
Boris Ettinger and Edriss S. Titi
Global Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions of 3-D Euler Equations with Helical Symmetry in the Absence of Vorticity Stretching
math.AP math-ph math.MP
We prove uniqueness and existence of the weak solutions of Euler equations with helical symmetry, with initial vorticity in $L^{\infty}$ under "no vorticity stretching" geometric constraint. Our article follows the argument of the seminal work of Yudovich. We adjust the argument to resolve the difficulties which are specific to the helical symmetry.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:40:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ettinger", "Boris", "" ], [ "Titi", "Edriss S.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0716772974, -0.0209823493, 0.0781753734, -0.0041605076, -0.0152407261, 0.0244794078, -0.0113158356, 0.0012509425, -0.0902290642, 0.0376739837, -0.0108756032, -0.0476195179, -0.0923124179, -0.0140998419, 0.0380212106, 0.1544658095, 0.0210567564, -0.0347225666, 0.0844254345, 0.1081359908, -0.0004429452, -0.081697233, 0.1213305667, 0.0647823885, 0.0288197286, 0.0112972343, 0.0797626898, 0.0429567732, 0.0287205223, -0.0812508017, 0.0678578168, -0.0665681213, -0.0898322389, -0.0165800247, -0.0965287313, 0.2041686773, 0.064831987, 0.1076399535, -0.0067646997, 0.0065414831, 0.0411214381, -0.0048332573, -0.0424111336, 0.097223185, -0.0517862253, 0.0018058834, 0.0186881814, 0.0409230217, 0.0515878126, -0.0666673258, 0.0126675358, 0.0774313211, 0.0961815044, -0.0665185153, -0.0569450073, -0.079117842, -0.0483139679, 0.0901794657, -0.0465034358, -0.0738102496, -0.0294645764, -0.13730295, -0.0273564216, 0.0032521402, -0.0593259819, 0.0779273584, -0.0701891854, -0.005400599, 0.0139262285, 0.0403277799, -0.0552584827, 0.0249878466, 0.1639897227, 0.0081412019, 0.0260915272, -0.030084623, -0.0472474918, 0.0200894848, -0.0143230585, 0.0065910867, 0.0270587988, -0.0005258764, 0.0064236745, 0.0009517703, -0.0538199767, -0.0067150961, 0.0829869285, -0.01109262, -0.0853183046, 0.0317463465, -0.0390876867, 0.0324655995, -0.0291917566, -0.0446929038, 0.1365092844, 0.0015718162, 0.1068462953, -0.0136658093, 0.019419834, 0.0040426985, -0.1502991021, 0.0391372927, 0.0992073268, 0.018700581, 0.1599222124, 0.0994553491, -0.0014028536, -0.001827585, 0.0401293635, 0.0501245037, -0.0657744631, 0.0231029075, -0.0053819977, -0.0531255268, 0.0625502244, -0.0152283255, -0.0733638182, -0.0636415035, -0.0928084552, 0.0175224952, 0.0731654093, -0.0178697202, 0.0699411705, -0.0213295761, 0.0908243135, -0.0239337683, -0.009362692, 0.0148066944, -0.1126995236, -0.0477435291, 0.0601196401, 0.1171638593, 0.0079241851, -0.0292661618, 0.0030242736, 0.0225324649, 0.0721237287, -0.0027530035, 0.0893362015, 0.0871536359, 0.0575402528, 0.0184525624, 0.0732646137, 0.0036644707, 0.2043671012, 0.0837309882, -0.0556553118, 0.0436264239, 0.040302977, -0.006969315, -0.0871040374, -0.0401045643, 0.0746039152, 0.0485867895, -0.0103361635, -0.0207095295, 0.0966279358, 0.0555065013, 0.0738102496, 0.0169396512, -0.0581354946, 0.0515878126, -0.0465530381, -0.0202258937, 0.0750999451, -0.0112166284, -0.0120908935, -0.0941973627, -0.0614589415, -0.1470252573, 0.0580858923, -0.0713796765, -0.1455371529, 0.0425351411, 0.1108145863, 0.0066716927, 0.002342223, -0.0554568954, -0.0390628874, -0.039583724, 0.0885921419, 0.1094256863, 0.0015718162, 0.0104973754, -0.0160591863, 0.0694947317, 0.0221108329, -0.0152407261, -0.0041791089, 0.0586811341, -0.1281758696, 0.0317215435, 0.008724045, 0.0074405498, 0.0146206804, -0.0806555599, 0.0223464519, 0.0202258937, 0.0118924789, 0.0975704119, 0.0208583418, 0.0421135128, 0.0496780686, 0.0093812933, -0.0304070469, -0.0294149723, 0.0471482836, 0.0409230217, -0.0850206837, -0.042187918, 0.003086278, -0.0203623045, -0.0156995598, 0.0355410241, -0.0178945214, 0.0117002642, -0.0808043703, 0.0397077352, 0.0692467168, 0.1122034863, -0.1482157558, 0.0873024464, 0.0610125065, 0.0677089989, 0.0462554172, -0.034424942, 0.0999513865, 0.007062322, -0.1026795879, 0.0450153276, 0.0770840943, -0.0453625508, -0.0139138279, -0.0253598727, -0.0181549415, -0.0581851006, -0.0075335568, 0.0216147974, -0.0482395627, -0.0668657422, 0.023995772, 0.046156209, -0.0488348082, -0.0170884617, -0.0078621805, -0.0295389816, -0.0485371873, 0.0249754451, -0.0007405672, -0.0807547644, -0.0140130352, 0.0614093356, -0.0021004053, -0.0024259293, -0.031151101, 0.0385916494 ]
A. G. Kofman
A. G. Kofman and A. N. Korotkov
Bell inequality violation versus entanglement in presence of local decoherence
5 pages, 3 figures
Phys. Rev. A 77, 052329 (2008)
cond-mat.supr-con quant-ph
We analyze the effect of local decoherence of two qubits on their entanglement and the Bell inequality violation. Decoherence is described by Kraus operators, which take into account dephasing and energy relaxation at an arbitrary temperature. We show that in the experiments with superconducting phase qubits the survival time for entanglement should be much longer than for the Bell inequality violation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:56:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kofman", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Korotkov", "A. N.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0159184914, 0.064071618, -0.0183665343, 0.040958114, -0.0075988737, 0.039268095, -0.0121097341, -0.0309919715, -0.0583056659, 0.0398397185, 0.033899799, 0.0081270048, -0.1023952886, 0.0222933423, 0.0750567392, 0.0382491127, -0.0850477368, 0.0819162279, 0.0055578025, 0.0774923563, -0.0957843289, -0.0947901979, 0.0182174146, 0.0610395223, -0.0324831642, -0.0165025424, 0.1041847169, 0.1460375488, 0.1118395105, -0.0490851216, 0.0522911847, -0.0083506834, -0.0786356032, -0.0392183885, -0.1315232664, 0.2356085777, 0.0312653556, 0.0147006828, -0.0831588879, -0.0582559593, -0.1222778708, -0.0444127135, -0.2053870559, 0.0583056659, 0.0144024435, 0.0182795469, -0.0528876632, -0.0220820904, -0.0257976484, -0.004371061, 0.0023967829, 0.0125198122, 0.0005700709, -0.0919569358, -0.0145391366, 0.0306937322, -0.0132716224, 0.0488614403, 0.062978074, -0.080772981, -0.0183913875, -0.0738140792, -0.0445866846, 0.1031905934, -0.1246637776, -0.0460530259, -0.0119606145, 0.033278469, 0.0320109539, 0.0132094892, -0.1368915588, 0.0347945169, 0.0491596796, 0.0263444185, -0.0412315018, -0.002373483, -0.0389201492, -0.008052445, 0.0757526308, 0.0373792499, -0.0463761166, -0.0237969626, 0.1314238608, 0.0260461792, -0.0111466711, -0.0477430448, -0.0929013565, -0.0041194223, -0.0093323858, 0.0294013657, 0.0009195693, -0.0251887441, 0.0227904078, -0.0719252303, 0.065562807, -0.0060175871, 0.1386809945, -0.0444872715, 0.0097797439, 0.0662586987, -0.058504492, -0.0793314949, 0.0177203491, -0.0167386476, 0.1136289462, -0.0137065537, -0.0086427089, 0.0933487117, -0.0524900109, 0.0042716479, 0.092155762, -0.0592500903, -0.0309174117, -0.0062133064, -0.0395414829, -0.1069682837, -0.0727205351, -0.1116406843, 0.057162419, 0.0319363959, -0.020131113, -0.0587530248, 0.038472794, 0.000229504, -0.0942434296, -0.0519432388, 0.0595980324, -0.0870359913, -0.1058747396, -0.0244555734, 0.0671037063, 0.0434185863, -0.0349684879, 0.007449754, -0.051346764, 0.0388207361, -0.0139053799, 0.0114200572, 0.064320147, -0.0137065537, 0.0137438336, -0.0478921644, 0.1075647622, -0.0901177973, -0.0657616332, 0.1061729789, -0.004628913, -0.0772438273, 0.1205878481, -0.0403119326, -0.0749573261, -0.053682968, -0.0370064527, 0.0492590927, 0.0304452013, -0.0098543037, -0.0014539136, 0.0544782691, -0.029525632, -0.0545279756, 0.0908136815, 0.0359377638, -0.0514461771, -0.0976234674, 0.0371804237, 0.0154089993, -0.0446860977, 0.0592500903, -0.04570508, -0.0328808166, 0.0673522428, -0.0012216914, -0.0951381475, 0.0208270028, 0.0697878599, -0.0012768344, 0.0391438305, -0.1902762949, -0.000219019, 0.0176333636, 0.0158066507, -0.0058871079, 0.1079624072, 0.008499803, -0.1044829562, 0.0732673109, -0.0100779831, 0.0449843369, 0.0118487747, 0.0351673141, -0.0330050848, 0.0795800239, 0.067799598, 0.0432694666, 0.0838547796, -0.1209855005, 0.0036130375, 0.0541303232, -0.0798782632, -0.1176054627, 0.0451334566, -0.05795772, 0.1013017446, -0.0338500924, 0.0171114448, -0.007605087, 0.1403710097, -0.0322594866, -0.0328808166, 0.0010244189, 0.0477927513, 0.0489111468, 0.0305446144, -0.0032184927, -0.0591009706, -0.0872845277, -0.0940446034, -0.0110348323, -0.0360620283, 0.1154183745, -0.0090776403, 0.1061729789, 0.0074559674, 0.0635745525, 0.0170120317, 0.0651154518, 0.031663008, 0.00307248, 0.0063002924, -0.0007906432, 0.0107241664, -0.0532356091, 0.0376029313, 0.0148249492, 0.0009840324, -0.0299729891, -0.0175960828, -0.023436591, -0.0282332636, -0.0341234766, 0.0024433827, 0.0302960817, -0.0036347841, 0.0482401103, -0.0320109539, 0.0504023395, -0.0444375649, 0.0240827743, -0.0307931453, 0.0146634029, -0.134108007, 0.0968778729, 0.0187393315, -0.0452080183, -0.0318618342, 0.0382491127 ]
Kazushi Ueda
Kazushi Ueda, Masahiko Yoshinaga
Logarithmic vector fields along smooth divisors in projective spaces
6 pages, no figures
We show that a smooth divisor in a projective space can be reconstructed from the isomorphism class of the sheaf of logarithmic vector fields along it if and only if its defining equation is of Sebastiani-Thom type.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:02:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ueda", "Kazushi", "" ], [ "Yoshinaga", "Masahiko", "" ] ]
[ 0.0864562467, 0.0606572293, -0.0211955663, 0.0573584996, 0.0766092911, -0.0116501758, -0.0734582692, -0.0332334675, -0.0943338126, 0.0521888509, -0.0110101243, -0.0739998519, -0.042292662, -0.0379353873, 0.0919213071, 0.1066424996, 0.058441665, -0.0795633793, 0.0469945818, 0.044286672, 0.0102716032, -0.0233372785, 0.0935952887, -0.0149427513, 0.0453206003, 0.0064743715, 0.0329626761, 0.0613957532, 0.1195420101, 0.0079698777, 0.0037941542, -0.043105036, 0.0004323428, -0.0260205735, -0.2095431536, 0.0299101193, 0.0177368242, -0.0158043597, -0.0048927045, 0.0181060843, 0.0199770052, 0.0476100184, -0.1099904627, -0.0270791203, 0.1094981134, 0.0611495785, -0.0167521294, 0.0635620803, 0.0647929534, 0.0361875519, -0.031854894, 0.039683219, 0.0235465262, -0.0252820514, -0.07084883, -0.0406679176, 0.0490870588, 0.0389939323, -0.0251466557, -0.0332580842, 0.1300782412, -0.0857669637, -0.0139457472, -0.0382061787, -0.0618388653, 0.0498501994, -0.0838468075, 0.0968447849, 0.0873424709, 0.0796126127, -0.1074302569, 0.0406679176, 0.0589340143, 0.0314856321, 0.0291962158, -0.0225125961, -0.0145981079, 0.0778893977, -0.0026756017, 0.0059543294, 0.0480777472, 0.1590282917, -0.0240881089, 0.048397772, -0.004341891, -0.0554383434, 0.0132318428, 0.0184384193, -0.0020293954, 0.0104623875, -0.00658515, 0.0483485386, -0.0665161684, -0.0238911696, 0.0634636134, 0.0230049435, 0.06149422, -0.0675501004, -0.0251835827, -0.02229104, -0.0468961149, -0.009416149, -0.0019016928, 0.0199154615, 0.1519384831, 0.0547490567, -0.1172772124, -0.0681409165, -0.0510564521, -0.0313625447, 0.0164321028, -0.0552906394, -0.0010354687, 0.0641528964, 0.0578016154, -0.0747876093, -0.1553849131, -0.0559799261, -0.0810404196, -0.0065051434, -0.0230787955, -0.0854223147, -0.0091515118, -0.003437202, 0.0056004543, -0.0238911696, -0.0214909744, -0.1415991783, -0.061346516, -0.0307224933, 0.0908873752, -0.0360152312, 0.0952200368, -0.0728182197, 0.0149919856, 0.0118040349, 0.0288023371, -0.0443851389, 0.1311614066, 0.0369753093, -0.0262667462, 0.0516472682, 0.0215402097, -0.0089791901, 0.025454374, 0.0490870588, -0.0331842303, 0.0714888796, -0.0256020781, -0.0592294224, -0.0107147153, -0.0660730526, 0.0822220594, 0.0169121418, -0.0532720163, -0.0077052405, 0.0681409165, -0.042440366, 0.0086222384, 0.0481516011, 0.0231649578, 0.0299101193, 0.0096500143, -0.0066343844, 0.0060097184, -0.0117363371, 0.004360354, -0.0012816425, -0.0677470341, -0.1363802999, -0.0177860595, -0.1139292493, -0.1147169992, -0.0398555435, -0.0169121418, 0.0448282547, -0.0229680184, -0.2300248146, -0.0405448303, -0.0236080699, 0.0419726372, 0.0658761188, -0.0492593832, -0.0400278643, 0.0035079769, 0.0960077941, 0.0730151534, 0.1251547784, 0.0810404196, -0.0141426865, -0.0729166865, 0.0783325136, 0.0743937269, 0.1215113997, 0.0996019319, -0.0272268243, 0.0355721191, 0.0181060843, -0.0100500463, -0.0467730276, -0.0565215088, 0.027694555, -0.0307224933, -0.0715873465, -0.1044761688, 0.0375415087, 0.0137857338, -0.0041603376, -0.0668115765, 0.0336519629, 0.0363598727, -0.0190169271, -0.0012439471, -0.0079575693, -0.0096623227, 0.1278134435, 0.0470192023, 0.0275222342, 0.1153078228, 0.0778401643, -0.0274237636, 0.0410125591, -0.0297870319, -0.0432035066, 0.1607022732, -0.0145981079, 0.0683378503, -0.1103843451, -0.1114675105, 0.0619865693, 0.0647929534, 0.0362121686, -0.0866531879, 0.0408648551, 0.0087207081, -0.0215155929, 0.0009993119, -0.0196200535, -0.0129364347, -0.0225002877, -0.0752307177, 0.0546505898, 0.0413572006, 0.0444836095, -0.0444343761, 0.012690261, -0.0125610195, 0.05538911, -0.01250563, 0.0486193299, -0.1120583266, 0.1129445508, -0.0807450116, -0.0200631674, -0.088967219, 0.0580970235 ]
Kevin Buchin
Kevin Buchin
Minimizing the Maximum Interference is Hard
4 pages, 1 figure
cs.NI cs.CG
We consider the following interference model for wireless sensor and ad hoc networks: the receiver interference of a node is the number of transmission ranges it lies in. We model transmission ranges as disks. For this case we show that choosing transmission radii which minimize the maximum interference while maintaining a connected symmetric communication graph is NP-complete.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:25:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 9 Oct 2011 10:12:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Buchin", "Kevin", "" ] ]
[ -0.0262334943, -0.0312682055, 0.0575739667, -0.0682215393, -0.0905766189, -0.02743797, 0.0634036362, -0.1072465703, -0.0963581055, 0.0390491225, 0.0471672937, 0.0219576042, -0.0825307146, 0.0283051934, 0.0537678227, -0.0515034087, 0.0789172873, -0.0555986278, 0.0582966544, 0.0473118313, -0.0567549244, 0.0493353494, 0.1128353402, -0.0536232851, 0.0359174833, 0.0821452886, 0.0234391093, 0.1012723669, 0.1474279016, 0.0422771201, 0.0460832641, -0.0351707079, -0.1509931535, 0.001112635, -0.0398681648, 0.0250049289, -0.03302674, -0.0291483272, -0.0554059111, 0.0620546192, -0.0524669886, 0.1031031758, -0.0301119089, 0.0487090237, 0.0593084134, 0.0683178976, -0.0463723391, -0.0146584772, 0.0532378517, 0.0377482884, -0.0946236625, 0.1019468755, -0.000323703, -0.0746775344, -0.0493353494, 0.0567549244, 0.0177419353, 0.0451919511, -0.0049353419, -0.0306900572, -0.0206929035, -0.0162363406, -0.0579594001, 0.0509252585, -0.0327135772, -0.0168024451, 0.0686551481, -0.0231018551, 0.0051973155, 0.0069317613, -0.1003087908, -0.0866741166, 0.0053749755, -0.0339662321, 0.0384709723, -0.1059939191, -0.0465409644, 0.0399645232, 0.0040169284, 0.0630182028, 0.0433852375, 0.0315572806, 0.1620743275, -0.059452951, -0.0921183527, -0.0496726036, -0.0760747269, -0.034857545, -0.1346122772, -0.1498368531, 0.0109968688, 0.0307382364, 0.0449751467, 0.0131047023, 0.0284738205, -0.0687033311, 0.1869347245, -0.0201749783, 0.0443488173, -0.0064319037, 0.0207049474, -0.1016578004, -0.0249567498, -0.0851323828, 0.0344239324, 0.0000305589, -0.0116894431, 0.0293410439, -0.0432166122, 0.0965989977, -0.0257757939, -0.0383505262, -0.0229573194, 0.0265225694, -0.0436020419, -0.1420318484, -0.0344480239, -0.0380373634, 0.0851323828, 0.0075159324, 0.0752556771, -0.0386396013, 0.129890725, -0.0365919918, -0.0234270636, -0.0322076976, -0.0156461466, -0.0886976346, -0.0284979101, -0.0504434668, 0.1704574823, 0.0211987831, 0.1354794949, -0.0270766281, 0.0084674684, -0.0507325418, 0.0270766281, -0.0250049289, -0.0066185975, -0.1465606838, 0.0713049993, 0.0037368878, 0.0010561752, 0.0663907379, -0.0808444545, 0.1129316986, -0.0130926576, 0.0270284489, 0.0493835285, 0.0351466201, 0.1659286618, -0.02946149, 0.0471432023, 0.0377723761, 0.0509252585, -0.0477454402, 0.0349539034, 0.029991461, -0.0017254123, -0.1068611369, -0.0262575839, 0.0123940613, -0.0820971057, -0.0432166122, 0.0203917846, 0.0488535613, -0.0212228727, 0.0598865636, -0.0635963529, 0.0334603526, 0.0905766189, -0.0701968819, -0.0049473867, -0.0331230983, 0.0121772559, 0.0077688722, -0.1258436888, -0.0797363296, 0.0777609944, 0.0529006012, -0.0125385989, 0.0188380089, 0.0390973017, -0.0108282417, 0.0172240119, 0.0429275371, -0.0339903235, -0.0654753298, -0.0246556308, -0.1411646307, -0.0691851228, 0.0419639535, -0.0093106022, 0.0489258282, 0.0195486508, -0.0165856387, -0.022860961, 0.1121608317, 0.0239690784, 0.0207169931, 0.035580229, 0.0237884074, 0.0624882318, 0.0008137743, 0.0117918234, -0.0895648599, -0.0041704993, 0.0211626496, 0.042638462, 0.0982852653, 0.0772792026, -0.0109607344, 0.1179423183, -0.0442283712, 0.0471913815, 0.0389045849, 0.0153329838, 0.006293389, -0.0505880043, 0.0142730447, -0.0692332983, 0.0593565926, 0.0271007176, 0.0799772292, 0.0429757163, 0.0533342101, -0.0815671384, -0.0402535982, 0.1007905751, 0.0111173168, 0.0540087186, -0.0740512013, -0.0424457453, -0.0317499973, -0.0063355453, -0.0157786403, -0.0824825391, -0.0354116037, -0.0437706709, -0.1016578004, -0.0596938469, -0.0954908803, 0.0596456677, 0.0519851968, -0.1190986186, -0.0262334943, -0.0823861808, -0.0087685874, -0.0407835692, -0.0644153953, -0.0249326602, 0.0954427049, 0.0228489153, -0.0330749191, 0.0165254157, 0.0114545701 ]
Hajime Tanaka
Takeshi Kawasaki, Takeaki Araki, and Hajime Tanaka
Reply to the Comment on "Correlation between Dynamic Heterogeneity and Medium-Range Order in Two-Dimensional Glass-Forming Liquids"
1 page, 1 figure; Reply to the Comment by Sausset and Tarjus (arXiv:0802.1631) on our paper
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.dis-nn
This is our reply to the comment by Sausset and Tarjus (arXiv:0802.1631) on our paper titled "Correlation between Dynamic Heterogeneity and Medium-Range Order in Two-Dimensional Glass-Forming Liquids" [Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 99, No. 21, 215701 (2007)].
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:30:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kawasaki", "Takeshi", "" ], [ "Araki", "Takeaki", "" ], [ "Tanaka", "Hajime", "" ] ]
[ 0.0105468594, -0.0330439657, -0.0438543446, 0.0164974704, 0.0506445393, 0.0009721067, -0.0319408663, 0.030568121, -0.0447858535, -0.0481686927, -0.013102374, -0.0442710705, -0.0539293252, -0.0069005019, -0.0395400003, 0.1154087558, 0.0647642165, 0.0153821139, -0.0271607693, 0.0736870691, -0.1466877609, -0.1110944077, 0.0014815243, -0.0308377687, -0.1104080305, 0.0431924872, 0.0341715813, 0.0138377743, 0.0283128954, 0.0054113176, -0.0260331556, -0.0407411531, 0.0471391305, -0.0260821823, -0.1305089593, 0.1859090924, 0.0579004847, 0.1255082488, -0.0901600271, -0.0629502311, -0.0189855732, -0.0084387138, 0.0339019336, 0.0365248621, 0.0766286701, 0.0321860015, -0.0240720883, -0.0317447595, 0.1077605933, -0.0702061728, -0.102857925, -0.0269401483, -0.0358384885, -0.1006027013, -0.0195003524, -0.0822667331, 0.0227973964, 0.0919740126, 0.0318918414, -0.0625580177, -0.0274794418, -0.1018773988, -0.062999256, 0.021620756, -0.0797663704, -0.034367688, -0.0617245622, 0.037505392, 0.1177620292, 0.0918269306, -0.103740409, -0.0584888048, -0.0171225611, -0.0438053198, -0.0287296213, -0.0317692757, -0.0412314199, -0.0345637947, -0.0171470735, -0.0045472225, -0.0233612023, 0.0774130896, -0.0124343857, 0.0346618481, -0.031867329, -0.1853207648, 0.1055053696, 0.0771189332, -0.0991809294, -0.0717260018, 0.0535861365, 0.0671665221, 0.0034717002, 0.0593712814, 0.0327498093, -0.1654159427, 0.112172991, -0.0721672401, 0.0330439657, -0.0802566409, -0.07858973, -0.0377995521, -0.0349560082, -0.062852174, 0.0979062393, 0.0625089854, -0.0915327743, -0.1123690978, -0.0507916175, -0.0461095721, -0.0112087196, -0.0557923354, -0.040103808, 0.0184830502, -0.0558903888, 0.0501297563, -0.1082508639, -0.0390007049, -0.0136416676, 0.0454231985, -0.050840646, -0.0438788608, 0.0491737388, -0.0058740065, -0.0323575959, 0.0395645127, -0.0022399055, -0.0929545462, -0.1236452311, 0.0306906886, 0.071431838, -0.0883950666, -0.040814694, -0.0199415926, -0.0078320084, -0.1010929719, 0.0694707781, -0.0267685559, 0.0825608894, 0.013102374, 0.0440994799, -0.0335832611, -0.0145609174, 0.0306661744, 0.006587957, 0.0439278856, 0.0028956369, -0.0223071296, -0.0021280635, 0.0449329317, -0.0192307066, -0.0945724249, 0.0542725101, -0.0591261499, 0.0287296213, -0.0878557712, 0.1335486174, -0.0028052442, -0.0089044664, 0.0037781168, -0.0064592622, 0.0613813773, -0.0572141111, 0.0303720143, -0.008162939, 0.0154924244, -0.0364022925, 0.0169999935, 0.0142545011, -0.0903561339, -0.0802566409, 0.025199702, -0.0651074052, -0.0384859256, 0.1430597901, -0.0145118907, -0.0256899688, -0.1509040594, -0.042873811, -0.0155659644, 0.0007465075, 0.023912752, -0.0102710845, -0.1204094738, -0.0645681098, -0.0309113078, -0.0545666702, 0.0562826023, 0.0670684651, 0.0307152011, -0.0983965024, 0.0801585838, 0.0467714332, 0.0045472225, -0.0081445538, -0.127763465, -0.0305436086, 0.0961903036, 0.0716279447, 0.0376769863, 0.0547627769, 0.0079300618, 0.0115886759, 0.0028312895, -0.0554491505, -0.0377014987, -0.0190591142, -0.0800115094, -0.0145976879, 0.0670194402, 0.0487815253, 0.0699610412, -0.0028343536, 0.0844239071, -0.003009011, -0.0467224047, -0.1075644866, 0.1112905145, -0.0346373357, 0.0560864955, -0.1045248359, -0.0065757004, -0.0519682579, 0.0357649475, -0.0338038802, -0.0524094962, 0.1509040594, -0.082413815, -0.0120544294, -0.0118950931, 0.0605969504, 0.0330929942, -0.0295140482, -0.0074765654, 0.0032173744, -0.0258860756, -0.0331665352, 0.0204686299, 0.0290237814, -0.0398341604, 0.0324801616, 0.0736870691, -0.0205299128, -0.0491001979, -0.0065328022, -0.0030166716, -0.0755991042, -0.0176250841, 0.0067472938, -0.0841787755, -0.0043511158, -0.0876596645, -0.0825608894, -0.0905032083, -0.057557296, -0.0239250083 ]
Shujing Li
Shujing Li, Xudong Yang, Xuemin Cao, Chunhong Zhang, Changde Xie, Hai Wang
Large Cross-phase Modulation Based on Double EIT in a Four-level Tripod Atomic System
13 pages, 4 figures
We report the experimental observations on the simultaneous EIT effects for probe and trigger fields (double EIT) as well as the large cross-phase modulation (XPM) between the two fields in a four-level tripod EIT system of the D1 line of 87Rb atoms. The XPM coefficients (larger than 2*10-5cm2/W) and the accompanying transmissions (higher than 60%) are measured at slightly detuning of the probe field from the exact EIT resonance condition. The presented system can be applied in the recently proposed quantum information processing with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 03:39:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Shujing", "" ], [ "Yang", "Xudong", "" ], [ "Cao", "Xuemin", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Chunhong", "" ], [ "Xie", "Changde", "" ], [ "Wang", "Hai", "" ] ]
[ 0.0320867226, 0.0052444148, -0.0039763828, 0.0189929139, -0.064945288, 0.0732150674, -0.0207020007, 0.1329779625, -0.0218873341, -0.0350362733, 0.0688045174, 0.0335477144, -0.0380133949, 0.0009760056, 0.0004811113, 0.0293852631, -0.0311770476, -0.0273040365, -0.0382890515, 0.1027657241, -0.0635669976, -0.1204079092, 0.0298814494, -0.0146650653, 0.0083455797, -0.1121381298, -0.0114260707, 0.0355324596, 0.0166360289, -0.0281447973, 0.0478268601, -0.0842414275, 0.0040315147, -0.1541485786, -0.0451529659, 0.1104290485, -0.0899200067, 0.1318753213, -0.1393732578, -0.0112124346, 0.0292474329, -0.0012008401, -0.0553799197, -0.0103854574, 0.0065124468, -0.0595975034, -0.1051363945, 0.0028634092, 0.0593218431, 0.0541945845, 0.0656620041, 0.0454561897, 0.0060645007, -0.0638977885, -0.0361113474, -0.0542221516, 0.0498116054, 0.0614719838, 0.0175043549, 0.0000926042, 0.0530092493, -0.0501975268, 0.0821464211, 0.0019520111, -0.0656620041, 0.0223008227, -0.0423136763, 0.0091656661, 0.0747587532, 0.0388403721, 0.0028651319, 0.1066800803, -0.0063194856, 0.0319764577, 0.1282366216, -0.0686942562, -0.0717816353, 0.0126734283, 0.0237755999, -0.0231002346, 0.0305981636, -0.0602039546, -0.0073807733, -0.0963704288, -0.0305430312, -0.0384268835, -0.0403840616, -0.1242671311, -0.0362767428, 0.0574473627, 0.0161398426, 0.011233109, 0.0086350217, 0.0128939552, 0.046669092, -0.06036935, 0.0571717024, -0.0803821981, 0.0162087567, 0.0668749064, 0.0449324362, 0.035477329, 0.0038764565, 0.0579986796, 0.1171000004, 0.0105370702, -0.009854814, 0.0109298844, 0.0704584718, -0.0090691857, 0.0184002463, -0.0021449726, -0.1044196784, -0.0155747402, 0.0492051542, -0.104695335, 0.009641178, -0.0869980231, -0.0362491757, 0.0381236561, -0.0513552949, 0.0979692563, -0.0109712332, -0.0184415951, 0.0524579324, -0.1044196784, 0.007608192, -0.1002296582, -0.0061851018, 0.0033113554, 0.0785628483, -0.0376550369, 0.1191950068, 0.0377377346, -0.0739869103, 0.0258843917, 0.0958191156, 0.0255949497, -0.0158917494, -0.0226040483, 0.1236055493, 0.0046069534, 0.1195257977, 0.090857245, -0.0125907306, 0.0287788119, -0.0881557912, -0.0031011652, 0.0502526574, 0.0001562427, -0.0571717024, -0.1030413806, -0.0091587743, -0.005599326, 0.0621886998, -0.0709546581, 0.0076150834, 0.0885968432, 0.0265459735, 0.0045449301, 0.0741523057, 0.0097652245, -0.0375172086, -0.0239134301, -0.0418450572, 0.0808232576, -0.0303225033, 0.0299641471, -0.1352934986, -0.0095446976, -0.0952126607, -0.1130202413, -0.0178764947, -0.0059921402, 0.0452632271, -0.0371864177, -0.0567857809, -0.1084443033, -0.0887071043, -0.0317559317, 0.0635669976, 0.024933368, 0.0397776105, 0.0448773056, -0.0529541187, -0.0516860858, 0.0290820375, 0.0887071043, -0.0309289545, 0.0096342862, 0.025622515, 0.1283468902, 0.1285674125, 0.0799411461, -0.0167325083, -0.1261416227, 0.00617821, -0.0159744471, -0.014389406, 0.0044243289, 0.0593218431, 0.0327758715, 0.1036478281, -0.090416193, -0.064063184, -0.0599834248, 0.1011117697, 0.0799411461, -0.1528254151, 0.0236791186, 0.0730496719, -0.0517412163, 0.0759716555, 0.0870531499, -0.0632913336, -0.0479922555, -0.0262427498, -0.0181521531, 0.0583294705, 0.0645593703, -0.1046402082, -0.0104681551, 0.0691904426, 0.109105885, -0.0713405833, 0.1167692095, -0.0140310498, -0.0180694554, -0.0095722629, -0.0661030561, -0.0120256292, 0.0566203855, 0.0018830964, -0.0154506937, -0.0033303068, 0.0641183108, 0.0038523362, -0.0998988673, 0.0118257767, -0.1538177878, 0.0633464679, 0.0654966086, 0.0266700201, -0.0551318265, -0.1266929358, 0.0456767157, -0.014279143, -0.0592115819, 0.0372966789, -0.0221216455, -0.0051169223, 0.127795577, -0.066433847, -0.062078435, 0.0161398426, 0.0563998558 ]
Yury Nikolayevsky
Einstein solvmanifolds and the pre-Einstein derivation
18 pages, added Theorem 5
An Einstein nilradical is a nilpotent Lie algebra, which can be the nilradical of a metric Einstein solvable Lie algebra. The classification of Riemannian Einstein solvmanifolds (possibly, of all noncompact homogeneous Einstein spaces) can be reduced to determining, which nilpotent Lie algebras are Einstein nilradicals and to finding, for every Einstein nilradical, its Einstein metric solvable extension. For every nilpotent Lie algebra, we construct an (essentially unique) derivation, the pre-Einstein derivation, the solvable extension by which may carry an Einstein inner product. Using the pre-Einstein derivation, we then give a variational characterization of Einstein nilradicals. As an application, we prove an easy-to-check convex geometry condition for a nilpotent Lie algebra with a nice basis to be an Einstein nilradical and also show that a typical two-step nilpotent Lie algebra is an Einstein nilradical.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:40:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:23:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 1 Apr 2008 04:36:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nikolayevsky", "Y.", "" ] ]
[ -0.0551067553, -0.0539990813, -0.0093459953, 0.0183919948, 0.0830755085, -0.0036864758, -0.0802601725, -0.0641527548, -0.1195364296, -0.0242765099, 0.0258457139, -0.0851985514, -0.1072597131, 0.0215304028, 0.0718603134, 0.0425992757, 0.0283149034, -0.0396916345, 0.0519683473, 0.1767662317, 0.1154749617, -0.0569528788, 0.076060243, 0.0253380314, 0.0628143176, 0.0112555781, 0.0522452667, 0.0258457139, 0.0299764127, -0.068491146, 0.0447223149, 0.0157035794, -0.0535837039, 0.0506760627, -0.0557528995, 0.0467992052, 0.0940599367, -0.1067981869, -0.0041999286, 0.1143672839, -0.0936445594, -0.027184153, -0.086583145, 0.0517837331, 0.0545990728, -0.0234226789, -0.0030922552, -0.0466376692, 0.0792448074, -0.0114228828, -0.0831216648, -0.026399551, 0.0812293887, 0.0138113033, -0.140489921, -0.0350532494, -0.0523837246, 0.0168112516, -0.0894446298, 0.0248764995, 0.0378916636, -0.1397514641, 0.0260534026, 0.0884292647, -0.0010146463, -0.0318686888, -0.0937368646, 0.0295610353, 0.0064902743, 0.0803986341, -0.0848754793, -0.0271380004, 0.1431667954, 0.0583374687, -0.0407069996, 0.0718141645, 0.0192689039, 0.1508281976, -0.0566298068, 0.0183804575, 0.1148288175, 0.0432223417, 0.0415377542, 0.00505376, -0.0106267426, -0.0262610912, -0.0017538164, -0.1468590349, -0.0242995862, -0.1056905091, -0.0355840102, -0.0883831158, -0.0572759472, 0.0328609794, 0.1112288758, 0.0734295174, 0.0264918581, 0.0609681942, -0.0208727214, 0.0842754915, -0.0145959053, 0.0362993814, 0.1326438934, -0.0064268135, 0.1176903024, 0.030714862, -0.0101132896, -0.0188650638, 0.0183573794, 0.0214034822, -0.0003746331, 0.0230073016, 0.0132920817, 0.0059364373, -0.0222111605, -0.0744910389, -0.1555358171, 0.0121382549, -0.0914753675, 0.0264457036, 0.0317071527, -0.0360686183, 0.1064289585, -0.0512760505, 0.0078517897, -0.05109144, -0.0025052459, -0.0762910098, -0.0128651662, 0.0310840867, 0.0618451014, -0.06032205, 0.0440761745, -0.0288687404, -0.0709372535, 0.0998752266, 0.0906907618, -0.095721446, 0.0945214704, 0.0844139457, 0.0202150401, 0.0096344519, 0.028591821, -0.0085267778, 0.0150343599, 0.0908292234, -0.0412377603, 0.0207111854, 0.0434300303, -0.0135920765, 0.064798899, 0.0341763422, 0.0591682233, 0.0507683679, -0.0374762863, -0.0390454903, 0.0647065938, 0.0402685441, 0.128213197, 0.001665837, 0.053906776, 0.0597682148, 0.0217727069, -0.016534334, 0.0318456106, -0.0023494794, 0.0443530902, -0.1427975744, -0.0382147357, -0.1173210815, -0.0391377956, 0.0012461327, -0.1203671843, -0.0214842502, 0.0696911216, 0.0590297654, 0.0101594422, -0.0664604083, 0.0025917829, 0.0484607145, -0.0378685854, 0.0004550403, -0.0458992198, -0.0314994641, -0.029999489, 0.0780448243, 0.0161997247, 0.0065075816, -0.0257995613, 0.0311994702, -0.06516812, 0.061106652, 0.0594451427, 0.1306131631, 0.0302302558, -0.1205517948, -0.0048806863, -0.0429223478, 0.0137766888, 0.0512760505, 0.028130291, 0.0131074693, 0.0212534852, 0.0103902081, -0.0991367772, 0.0016557411, 0.0607374273, 0.0239534397, -0.0589374602, -0.0027129347, 0.0080248639, -0.0584759302, 0.0712603256, 0.0886600316, -0.0568144172, 0.0196265895, -0.066368103, 0.109936595, -0.0267687757, 0.0930445716, -0.1003367528, -0.0143882167, 0.0689526722, 0.016211262, -0.0143074486, 0.018565068, 0.0923522785, 0.0630912334, -0.0436607972, -0.0374301337, 0.0571374893, -0.0075921784, -0.144366771, -0.0104075149, -0.0671988577, -0.0347994082, -0.1022751853, -0.0581990108, -0.0140882218, -0.013476694, 0.0376147442, 0.0595836006, -0.0130497776, 0.0841370299, -0.06032205, -0.0261226334, -0.0118094143, 0.0458069146, 0.0186227597, -0.0223957729, -0.0386531875, 0.0956291407, 0.0376147442, -0.0086825443, -0.0583374687, 0.0660911873 ]
Mahesh Pal Dr.
Mahesh Pal and Paul M. Mather
Support Vector classifiers for Land Cover Classification
11 pages, 1 figure, Published in MapIndia Conference 2003
cs.NE cs.CV
Support vector machines represent a promising development in machine learning research that is not widely used within the remote sensing community. This paper reports the results of Multispectral(Landsat-7 ETM+) and Hyperspectral DAIS)data in which multi-class SVMs are compared with maximum likelihood and artificial neural network methods in terms of classification accuracy. Our results show that the SVM achieves a higher level of classification accuracy than either the maximum likelihood or the neural classifier, and that the support vector machine can be used with small training datasets and high-dimensional data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:53:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pal", "Mahesh", "" ], [ "Mather", "Paul M.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0630382672, 0.0738499388, 0.096411474, -0.0104319174, -0.002831361, 0.0462399796, 0.069516331, 0.0637530908, -0.0066400161, 0.0921225473, 0.0284364689, -0.0875655636, -0.0535668917, 0.0544604175, -0.0037835247, 0.0453911275, 0.0786749795, 0.1421600133, 0.0444529243, -0.0476249456, -0.040901158, 0.0904248431, -0.0046016597, -0.0586599931, 0.0493226424, -0.0528073944, -0.0026386944, 0.0848403051, 0.1290251762, -0.00408509, -0.0022226463, 0.0000120526, -0.1039170921, -0.1433215886, 0.008410315, 0.1062402576, 0.0274089146, 0.0091139665, -0.1159796938, 0.0807747617, 0.0119174048, -0.0092759179, -0.0301788449, 0.0518245175, -0.0103760725, -0.0089520151, -0.0664336681, -0.0387790352, 0.0119620813, 0.0819810256, -0.0809534714, 0.0003895216, -0.0000708102, -0.0574537329, 0.0404097214, -0.0401416607, -0.0089240922, 0.0948924795, -0.0495460257, 0.0029123367, -0.0417723469, -0.0193225034, 0.0392928123, -0.0226173811, -0.0577664673, 0.0201601833, -0.065986909, -0.0139166694, -0.068980217, -0.0590174012, -0.0465080366, -0.0826064944, 0.0016446465, -0.0129337907, 0.0092647495, 0.0604917221, 0.0023455061, 0.1008791029, 0.0087062959, -0.0239911769, 0.0333732031, 0.0911843404, -0.0626808628, 0.0241922196, -0.1502911001, -0.0398065895, -0.0069359969, -0.1397474855, -0.1730760187, -0.0666123778, 0.0813555568, 0.0617426559, 0.0758603737, 0.0228742696, 0.065718852, 0.0453464538, 0.0050847223, -0.0731797889, 0.0275652818, -0.0225056894, -0.1304548234, 0.030871328, 0.0560687669, -0.0337752886, -0.006908074, -0.1338502169, 0.0028927908, 0.0081645949, 0.1126736477, 0.0771559849, -0.1435002983, -0.0308043137, -0.0571409985, 0.0835446939, 0.0663889945, -0.0850636885, -0.0814002305, -0.0885931179, 0.0031189646, -0.0039761914, -0.0752349049, -0.0245272927, -0.0059531182, -0.0696056858, 0.0663889945, 0.0262249932, -0.0573643781, -0.0579004958, 0.0373940691, 0.0395608693, 0.0144192781, 0.0999855772, 0.0889952034, 0.0156032005, -0.0223493222, 0.0004652619, -0.0619213618, 0.0076117259, -0.0854657739, -0.0106664682, -0.0286375135, 0.0235890895, 0.0342220515, 0.0549071804, -0.0228184238, -0.0627702102, 0.0330157913, 0.039136447, -0.0089408457, 0.0174014214, -0.046642065, 0.0044313311, -0.0843488649, 0.0429115929, -0.0990026966, -0.1896062493, 0.0597768985, 0.0409681723, -0.032166943, -0.0465973876, 0.0362101458, -0.0259569343, 0.1274168342, 0.0564261749, -0.05964287, 0.0363888517, -0.0984665826, 0.0093708551, -0.1057041436, -0.059374813, -0.0319882371, 0.0156367067, 0.1043638512, -0.1077592522, -0.0153128048, -0.0297544207, 0.0247730128, -0.0428222418, -0.0366569087, -0.098287873, -0.0387790352, 0.0435370617, 0.0464186817, 0.0056571374, -0.0675505772, 0.0385779925, -0.0079914741, 0.0491886139, -0.023455061, 0.0661209375, -0.018652359, -0.0005270408, 0.0765305161, 0.1059722006, -0.0291959662, 0.025018733, -0.037572775, 0.0590620786, -0.0712587088, 0.0031971482, -0.009281503, 0.0191773046, 0.058079198, -0.0459719189, -0.065986909, -0.021924898, -0.0562027954, 0.0268727988, -0.0432913415, 0.0616979823, 0.0092312424, -0.0160387941, 0.0112975212, -0.0042470414, -0.0786302984, -0.003618781, -0.0332838483, -0.0183619615, -0.0320999287, 0.0742520243, -0.069516331, 0.1123162359, 0.0145979831, -0.0423084646, -0.096679531, -0.0225503668, 0.0572303496, -0.1518994421, 0.0217350237, -0.1484146863, 0.1256297827, 0.0084884986, 0.0299554635, -0.0016725693, -0.0850190148, -0.0176136345, 0.0179040302, 0.0345347859, -0.1013258621, -0.0338646397, 0.0083097937, 0.0641551763, 0.0937308967, 0.0636190623, -0.0724649727, 0.0240805298, -0.0266717561, -0.0881910324, 0.0168764759, -0.0223269854, 0.0874762088, 0.0737159103, -0.0814002305, -0.0753242522, -0.0309606809, 0.0613405704 ]
Shunsuke Yamana
Shunsuke Yamana
Jacobi forms of degree one
49 pages of text
We show that a certain subspace of space of elliptic cusp forms is isomorphic as a Hecke module to a certain subspace of space of Jacobi cusp forms of degree one with matrix index by constructing an explicit lifting. This is a partial generalization of the work of Skoruppa and Zagier. This lifting is also related with the Ikeda lifting.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 05:01:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 30 Jul 2008 14:44:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 5 Aug 2008 15:09:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 10 Aug 2008 09:53:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yamana", "Shunsuke", "" ] ]
[ -0.0476493612, -0.0603526607, 0.0616948977, 0.0966888964, 0.0690771937, 0.0519157536, -0.022506414, 0.0559903942, 0.0246156398, -0.0650504827, -0.0160588883, -0.0877246782, -0.0069987993, 0.046067439, -0.0269885212, 0.0538332313, 0.0362403579, -0.0457079113, 0.0110015376, 0.045108702, -0.0063516502, -0.0521554351, 0.1202259511, 0.0432151891, 0.074062638, -0.02407635, -0.0329566747, 0.0262454972, 0.0818763673, -0.0388049856, 0.0198818631, -0.0537852943, -0.0170535818, -0.0164663531, -0.1031603888, 0.0604005978, -0.0120801199, 0.098079063, -0.0540249795, 0.0682622641, 0.0031967976, 0.075452812, -0.1147611365, -0.0183958169, 0.0707549825, 0.0498065241, -0.0567573868, 0.018491691, -0.0819243044, 0.0568532608, 0.0207686983, 0.1341276765, -0.0214158464, -0.0632288828, -0.1209929436, -0.0472179279, -0.0676870197, 0.1193630844, 0.0171254873, -0.0301283933, 0.0810614377, -0.158767283, -0.0539291054, -0.0613593385, -0.0591542348, -0.0133864023, -0.0072684451, 0.0277075749, 0.0094795385, -0.0509090759, -0.0996130481, 0.0226382408, 0.1152405068, 0.0404827818, 0.0405786559, -0.0166581012, 0.0233692788, 0.1585755348, 0.0155915031, 0.1078582108, 0.1075705886, 0.0677828938, -0.0335319191, 0.0034964036, 0.0571408831, -0.0180003364, -0.0237647593, 0.0428796299, -0.0937647372, 0.0416332707, 0.0529703647, 0.0532579869, -0.1221434325, 0.0228779241, 0.0925183743, 0.0353055857, 0.0557986461, 0.0333162025, 0.0548399091, 0.0389487967, 0.0129310014, 0.0346105024, 0.033340171, -0.0516760685, 0.1096798182, 0.0347543135, -0.0174610466, 0.000113944, -0.0681663901, 0.0427358188, -0.0903612152, -0.051100824, -0.032740958, 0.0347543135, 0.0123198042, -0.0126194106, -0.0816846192, -0.0025721188, -0.2082382441, 0.024807388, -0.0067591146, -0.0624139495, 0.0370073505, -0.0628933236, 0.0126313949, -0.0185635965, -0.0812052488, -0.0167060383, -0.1266495138, 0.0126913162, 0.0588186756, -0.0537852943, -0.0004022213, 0.0100308135, -0.0336996987, 0.0125714736, 0.0564218275, -0.0138897402, 0.1149528846, 0.0048715957, 0.0978393778, 0.0462352186, 0.1383461356, 0.0146926846, 0.0210083816, 0.0592980459, -0.0771785453, 0.0836500376, -0.0079096025, -0.0292655285, -0.0576681904, -0.0616469607, 0.0792398304, -0.0885396078, -0.0444375835, -0.0413216799, -0.0155795189, 0.01462078, -0.0334600136, -0.0332922339, 0.1244444028, 0.0424481966, 0.0424721651, 0.0456839427, -0.0289060008, -0.0115947574, -0.0420407318, -0.0190669354, -0.0396438837, -0.116870366, -0.0703714937, -0.0734394565, -0.0926142484, -0.0394761041, 0.0923266262, 0.0522992462, -0.146783039, -0.1224310547, -0.120130077, 0.0658654124, 0.0121520255, 0.0522513092, -0.0021811328, 0.0479849204, 0.0013377414, 0.0410819948, 0.0675911456, 0.0370073505, 0.0708987936, -0.0056086271, -0.03873308, 0.0515801944, 0.0279951971, 0.1254031509, 0.1503303796, -0.0986543074, 0.0306796692, 0.0442458354, 0.0344187543, 0.0092997747, -0.0009789631, 0.0007887132, 0.0202893279, 0.0926621854, -0.0879643634, 0.0448450483, 0.0174610466, 0.0668720901, -0.0355692394, -0.0368875079, -0.0156154716, -0.0290737804, 0.0325731784, 0.0188991558, -0.0018770325, 0.0462831557, 0.0378702171, -0.0287861582, -0.0805341303, 0.0760759935, -0.0358089246, 0.1281834841, -0.032740958, -0.0323574618, 0.0864783153, -0.0183838326, -0.0088144122, -0.0883478597, 0.0151960235, 0.0374148153, 0.0606402829, 0.0378702171, -0.0335319191, 0.0392364189, -0.0343228802, 0.0129190171, 0.0346584395, -0.0910802633, -0.0750213787, -0.0988460556, -0.0759321824, 0.0361684524, 0.0261016861, 0.0348262191, -0.0031188999, 0.0693168789, -0.0318301581, -0.0328847691, 0.0297209285, -0.043670591, -0.1107344329, 0.0826912969, -0.0171135031, 0.0069628465, -0.1073788404, -0.0219671223 ]
Yu Chen
Xihua Wang, Yu Chen, Mi K. Hong, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Pritiraj Mohanty
Channel-Width Dependent Enhancement in Nanoscale Field Effect Transistor
5 pages, 4 figures, two-column format. Related papers can be found at
cond-mat.other cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We report the observation of channel-width dependent enhancement in nanoscale field effect transistors containing lithographically-patterned silicon nanowires as the conduction channel. These devices behave as conventional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors in reverse source drain bias. Reduction of nanowire width below 200 nm leads to dramatic change in the threshold voltage. Due to increased surface-to-volume ratio, these devices show higher transconductance per unit width at smaller width. Our devices with nanoscale channel width demonstrate extreme sensitivity to surface field profile, and therefore can be used as logic elements in computation and as ultrasensitive sensors of surface-charge in chemical and biological species.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:41:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Xihua", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yu", "" ], [ "Hong", "Mi K.", "" ], [ "Erramilli", "Shyamsunder", "" ], [ "Mohanty", "Pritiraj", "" ] ]
[ 0.102415286, 0.0108712707, -0.070745483, 0.014665558, 0.0091903349, -0.0081367046, 0.0298914276, 0.0319865085, -0.1095288172, 0.0275527332, 0.0151284244, 0.0469200388, -0.0689914599, 0.1267766804, 0.0248851608, 0.0033314202, -0.0222297702, 0.0222541317, -0.0025518558, 0.0209629778, 0.0372242071, 0.0099820802, 0.0118822688, 0.0065410337, -0.0225708298, -0.0456288867, 0.0244831983, 0.115667887, 0.0450198501, 0.0724994987, 0.0824876726, -0.0157618206, 0.0262615792, -0.1059233323, -0.1403216124, 0.1113802791, 0.0483817235, 0.0207193624, -0.0223881193, 0.0493074544, 0.0319621451, 0.06061114, -0.0955941007, 0.0739611834, 0.0701608062, -0.0270167831, -0.0729380026, 0.0539848432, 0.0316941701, 0.0413900055, -0.0412925594, -0.0131186089, -0.0096044783, -0.0140078003, -0.0416336171, 0.0617317669, 0.0726456717, -0.0268706139, -0.1238533109, -0.0108956322, -0.0144584859, -0.1296025962, 0.0329609625, -0.0139590772, -0.0582237244, -0.0334481895, -0.0364933647, -0.0389782265, 0.0839980766, 0.0409027748, 0.0871650577, -0.0275283717, 0.0241421387, 0.0264564715, 0.021486748, -0.0015621742, -0.0916475579, -0.0199519787, -0.0445082635, 0.0463110059, 0.0194282103, -0.0210726038, -0.0741073489, -0.0781513453, -0.0450198501, -0.0116934674, 0.0056244363, -0.1411011815, -0.0915501118, 0.0006935383, -0.0173696727, 0.0110418005, -0.0904782042, 0.0760562643, -0.1006612703, 0.1139138639, 0.0233869348, -0.0314261951, -0.0034258207, 0.05286422, 0.059636686, 0.0154938446, 0.131551519, 0.0293554757, 0.0840955228, -0.0391974784, 0.007899181, -0.0793694109, 0.0146168349, 0.031377472, 0.1011484936, -0.0828287303, 0.0037333833, 0.0602213591, 0.0590520129, -0.0916962773, 0.0605136976, -0.031109497, 0.1125496253, 0.1328183115, 0.0122720506, 0.0811721534, 0.0435094461, -0.0413412824, 0.037175484, 0.0135692954, -0.0021864348, -0.0730354488, -0.0948632583, -0.0958864391, 0.1172270179, 0.0689914599, 0.0404642709, -0.0389782265, -0.0563722588, -0.0799053609, 0.0314992778, 0.0666040406, -0.0090319859, -0.0107372832, 0.0215841923, -0.049210012, 0.147045359, -0.0148117263, -0.0433389135, 0.0595879629, -0.015043159, 0.0556901395, 0.0305004623, 0.1096262634, -0.0396847054, -0.050720416, 0.0175523832, -0.0546182394, 0.0542771816, -0.0193916671, 0.14733769, 0.1041693091, 0.0403181016, -0.150358513, 0.0583211705, 0.0010155655, -0.1575694829, 0.043728698, 0.0776153952, -0.090526931, 0.0173696727, 0.0135692954, -0.1153755486, -0.0304273777, -0.0792232454, -0.0170651544, -0.0262372177, 0.0273091197, 0.0856059268, -0.0388320573, -0.0219374336, -0.1244379878, -0.0745458603, -0.0046499805, -0.0378088802, 0.0357625224, 0.0463353656, 0.070501864, -0.0403668247, -0.1372033507, 0.1006612703, 0.0683093444, 0.0062365164, -0.0545207933, -0.0974455625, 0.0382473841, 0.0196352806, 0.0404155478, -0.0829261765, -0.0976404548, 0.0128628146, 0.093157962, 0.0595879629, -0.0578339435, 0.0370536745, 0.0242639463, 0.0447518751, -0.0018499432, -0.057005655, -0.0588083975, -0.0199397989, 0.0323275663, 0.0135692954, -0.0224002991, 0.0571031012, 0.0286489967, 0.1430500895, -0.0150309782, 0.0141417878, -0.0522308238, -0.0288682487, 0.0257499907, 0.0713301525, 0.0065349434, -0.0466033407, -0.0135205723, 0.1152781025, 0.0254820157, -0.0423888192, 0.1025127321, 0.0243857522, -0.005185931, 0.0112549625, -0.0889190808, -0.0056366171, 0.0107251024, -0.0585647859, 0.0371511206, -0.0165170226, -0.0034532272, 0.0154085802, 0.0426324345, -0.0183075853, -0.0828774497, -0.0371511206, 0.1066054478, -0.0022458157, 0.0823414996, -0.1041693091, 0.0872137845, -0.0307927988, -0.0685042292, -0.0219496135, 0.0364446416, -0.0433145538, -0.0209629778, -0.1374956965, -0.0377601571, 0.0270898677, -0.064411521 ]
Ayan Roy Chaudhuri
Ayan Roy Chaudhuri, S.B. Krupanidhi, P. Mandal, and A. Sundaresan
Magnetocapacitive La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 0.7Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3 0.3PbTiO3 epitaxial heterostructures
Epitaxial heterostructures of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 0.7Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3 0.3PbTiO3 were fabricated on LaNiO3 coated LaAlO3 (100) substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Ferromagnetic and ferroelectric hysteresis established their biferroic nature. Dielectric behviour studied under different magnetic fields over a wide range of frequency and temperatures revealed that the capacitance in these heterostructures varies with the applied magnetic field. Appearance of magnetocapacitance and its dependence on magnetic fields, magnetic layer thickness, temperature and frequency indicated a combined contribution of strain mediated magnetoelectric coupling, magnetoresistance of the magnetic layer and Maxwell Wagner effect on the observed properties.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 05:47:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:00:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chaudhuri", "Ayan Roy", "" ], [ "Krupanidhi", "S. B.", "" ], [ "Mandal", "P.", "" ], [ "Sundaresan", "A.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1151744649, -0.0819635168, -0.1062010378, -0.0704923272, 0.0253013782, 0.06267526, -0.035639327, -0.0264114942, -0.0059784339, -0.1979705691, 0.0623977333, -0.0518053845, -0.0098002367, 0.0271978267, 0.0254170168, 0.0370269716, -0.0226879828, -0.057957273, -0.0203174241, -0.0365644246, 0.0338353924, -0.0451909453, 0.0424850397, -0.0287011079, -0.0448902883, 0.0156572517, 0.0371194817, 0.1065710708, 0.0169523861, 0.0489838384, 0.0662368834, -0.0387383997, -0.0361250043, -0.0144546265, -0.1070336178, 0.066976957, -0.0418605991, 0.0264346208, -0.0342054293, 0.068179585, -0.0105460957, -0.0243531559, -0.033002805, -0.0125697432, 0.0143042989, 0.0335347354, -0.0467173532, 0.143482402, 0.047688704, 0.0348761231, -0.0346679762, -0.121650137, 0.015969472, -0.0043768608, 0.0279610306, 0.0444046147, 0.0303894076, 0.0833974183, 0.0499551892, -0.0261339657, -0.0320314541, -0.0538405962, 0.0685496256, -0.0046630627, -0.0335347354, 0.0196582917, -0.103980802, -0.0141424071, 0.025763927, 0.0496314056, 0.0562458448, -0.0586048402, -0.0256945454, -0.0009026914, -0.0574484691, -0.0340897925, -0.0154722324, 0.0824723169, -0.0835361779, 0.0189875979, 0.0531005189, -0.0690584257, 0.031938944, 0.0008434275, -0.0096094357, 0.0075973519, 0.0099621285, -0.0594836809, -0.1254430413, -0.039640367, -0.0301581342, -0.1348790079, -0.1116591021, 0.0735913962, 0.0675320178, -0.0657280833, -0.0507415235, -0.0958399549, 0.0464629531, 0.0549044535, 0.040842995, -0.0179353002, 0.0220751055, 0.0870052874, 0.0798357949, 0.0585123301, 0.0084472839, -0.1083287597, -0.0796507746, 0.0073082596, 0.0898268372, 0.0096845999, -0.0307825729, 0.0256482903, 0.0176809002, -0.0776618198, -0.0169755146, -0.0581885464, -0.06267526, 0.0638316348, -0.012477234, 0.1060160175, 0.1040733159, -0.0691046789, 0.0372813754, -0.0213697199, 0.1398745328, -0.0466479734, 0.0225954726, -0.0920470655, 0.0360324942, -0.0122806514, -0.0443352312, -0.105645977, -0.0038622762, 0.0571709387, 0.0761816651, -0.0479662344, -0.0223757625, 0.0618889295, 0.0971350893, -0.1321962327, 0.2083316445, 0.00028313, 0.0434795171, 0.074146457, 0.1111965552, 0.0037784395, 0.0345292129, 0.0385071263, 0.0420918725, 0.0079673901, 0.0719262213, 0.0864502341, 0.0185597409, -0.1273857355, 0.0378364325, 0.0314532667, 0.0422306396, -0.0574022159, 0.0872828215, 0.0140152061, 0.0056257406, -0.0700760335, 0.1160995662, 0.0477812141, -0.0771992728, -0.0014830447, -0.0515278541, -0.0711398944, -0.0033881646, -0.0604087785, -0.0688734055, 0.0629065335, 0.047827471, -0.0151368855, -0.0037119482, -0.117949754, -0.0484287813, 0.0385071263, 0.0420456193, 0.0026610969, -0.0213465933, 0.0610563457, -0.0247000661, -0.0431094803, -0.0480587445, 0.0816859901, 0.0141192796, 0.0500939563, -0.053609319, 0.0017851464, 0.0704460666, 0.028146049, -0.0862652138, -0.1624468863, 0.1218351573, 0.0583273098, 0.0053395391, -0.1141568646, 0.0504177399, 0.0231620949, 0.0310369749, 0.0543493964, 0.0369344614, 0.0418605991, -0.0590211339, -0.0318001807, 0.0443583578, -0.0177734084, 0.0697522461, 0.0549507104, 0.0312451217, -0.0139689511, 0.0108120609, -0.0118643576, -0.1244254261, -0.0551357307, -0.0141886622, 0.0593911707, 0.0679483116, -0.0842300057, -0.0108294068, 0.1438524425, -0.0528692417, 0.0846000388, -0.0864502341, -0.0744239837, 0.0168483127, -0.0277066287, -0.0486600548, -0.0307363179, 0.077106759, 0.1536584646, -0.026573386, 0.0231274031, 0.0166401658, -0.015668815, 0.0189991612, 0.0248850863, -0.0678095445, 0.1003729329, -0.0249082129, 0.0387615263, 0.0357549638, 0.0738226697, -0.0471799038, 0.071278654, 0.0520829111, -0.0205140058, -0.0005507213, 0.0103610763, -0.0963950157, 0.0660981163, -0.0343904495, 0.0078401901 ]
Michael Ruzhansky
Michael Ruzhansky
On local and global regularity of Fourier integral operators
New developments in pseudo-differential operators, 185-200, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 189, Birkhauser, Basel, 2009.
math.FA math.AP
The aim of this paper is to give a review of local and global properties of Fourier integral operators with real and complex phases, in local $L^p$, global $L^2$, and in Colombeau's spaces.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:07:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ruzhansky", "Michael", "" ] ]
[ -0.0026871206, 0.0743827, -0.015306022, 0.0572034009, 0.0662499443, 0.020411836, -0.0124275759, -0.0423314311, -0.0115309171, 0.0437021181, 0.0243525654, -0.0115023609, -0.0120963259, 0.0755249411, 0.0478370301, 0.0798197612, -0.0563352965, 0.0593965016, 0.0871300995, 0.0240098946, -0.0225021373, -0.128936097, -0.0315486826, -0.0557870232, -0.06803184, -0.0833835527, 0.0154887801, 0.0791344196, 0.0525887497, -0.0218967497, 0.059487883, -0.0281448048, -0.0748852864, 0.0682602897, -0.1498619467, 0.0933438912, -0.0517206453, 0.1311292052, -0.0166195985, 0.0487051308, -0.0619551204, 0.0562439188, -0.0396814309, -0.060675811, 0.0861249268, -0.0324853174, 0.0063851238, 0.0167223997, 0.0507611632, 0.0166081768, -0.0003515959, 0.0794542432, 0.1399016082, -0.1155033559, -0.0240784287, 0.0355693661, -0.0657473579, 0.0433366038, 0.052725818, -0.0516749583, -0.0218853261, -0.0388361737, 0.0209030006, -0.0290585961, -0.2575066984, -0.0147577468, -0.1246412769, -0.0596249513, 0.0427197926, 0.089186132, -0.0347012654, 0.0808706209, 0.073605977, 0.1168740392, -0.0130215408, -0.0048202546, -0.0507611632, 0.0702706352, 0.0061623873, 0.0818301067, -0.0299952347, 0.0203090347, 0.0276422184, 0.0783576965, -0.0038636283, -0.0138211092, -0.0298581645, -0.0090522552, 0.0164939519, -0.0085154027, 0.0318228193, 0.0198407155, 0.0471973754, 0.0008174158, 0.1052688807, -0.0586654693, 0.0389275551, 0.0399784148, 0.0148491254, 0.0436107405, -0.0111139994, -0.0112282233, 0.0908309594, -0.0436792746, 0.1758136451, 0.0748852864, -0.008132752, -0.0548275411, -0.0507611632, -0.0384249687, 0.0127816703, 0.0046917526, -0.0289672166, -0.0318228193, 0.0490706488, -0.0142665831, -0.01467779, -0.0816930383, -0.0552844368, 0.0321197994, -0.0757990777, 0.0513094403, 0.0205831733, 0.0866732076, 0.0540965088, -0.1682291776, 0.0396357439, 0.0139467558, -0.0378995389, -0.0796370059, 0.026065927, -0.0606301241, -0.0241698083, -0.1226309314, -0.10389819, -0.0037751046, 0.0620921887, 0.0103943879, 0.1096550822, 0.0279848911, 0.0661585629, 0.110660255, 0.0252206679, 0.0701335594, 0.0179560203, 0.0392016917, -0.0450271182, -0.0914706141, 0.0943947509, -0.0572490916, -0.0251521338, -0.0654732212, 0.0190868378, 0.059716329, -0.0044119037, -0.0522232316, 0.0677577034, 0.0821956247, 0.0375568643, 0.0424684994, 0.03719135, 0.1089240462, -0.112579219, -0.0574318506, 0.0324167833, 0.0372827277, 0.0003176856, -0.0157286506, -0.0601732247, 0.0229019206, -0.0447986685, -0.0908766463, -0.0204803701, -0.030726267, 0.006527904, 0.0357749686, 0.0351810046, -0.1017964706, -0.0373055711, -0.0076815668, 0.0040349644, 0.0791801065, 0.0487508215, 0.006322301, -0.120163694, 0.0375340208, 0.0165624861, -0.0277107526, -0.0184586048, 0.090693891, 0.0014777735, 0.0485223755, -0.0299038552, 0.1511412561, -0.0376253985, -0.1166912839, 0.0166652873, 0.0314801447, -0.1025274992, -0.0138096865, -0.0582542606, 0.0159799438, -0.0040206863, 0.025700409, 0.0145749878, 0.0841602758, 0.0839775205, 0.0622749478, -0.097501643, 0.0561525412, 0.0065050591, 0.0702706352, 0.0253120475, -0.0320512652, -0.0894602686, -0.0210971814, -0.0728749409, 0.0390189327, -0.0047345865, 0.0947602689, 0.0456210822, 0.019817872, 0.0786318332, 0.060675811, 0.0435650498, 0.08237838, 0.0190411489, -0.0817387253, 0.0281904936, 0.0304064397, 0.0786318332, -0.0590766743, -0.0600361563, -0.0646964982, -0.0341301449, -0.0132499887, 0.0304978192, -0.0705447719, -0.0656102896, -0.1279309243, -0.0726921782, 0.0142437378, 0.0455753915, -0.0278935116, -0.0280991141, 0.019372398, -0.0490249582, 0.0767128691, 0.0710930452, -0.0438391864, 0.0276422184, 0.0267741159, 0.1200723127, 0.0094920183, -0.0762559697, 0.0849369988 ]
Ki-Myeong Lee
Chanju Kim (Ewah U.), Eunkyung Koh (Seoul N.U.), Ki-Myeong Lee (KIAS)
Janus and Multifaced Supersymmetric Theories
20 pages, no figures, typos, equations corrected. Additional comments
JHEP 0806:040,2008
We investigate the various properties Janus supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. A novel vacuum structure is found and BPS monopoles and dyons are studied. Less supersymmetric Janus theories found before are derived by a simpler method. In addition, we find the supersymmetric theories when the coupling constant depends on two and three spatial coordinates.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:26:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:21:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 27 May 2008 02:53:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Chanju", "", "Ewah U." ], [ "Koh", "Eunkyung", "", "Seoul N.U." ], [ "Lee", "Ki-Myeong", "", "KIAS" ] ]
[ -0.0732584074, -0.0612058789, 0.0985163078, 0.0045557241, -0.0243539661, 0.0404545702, 0.0449087657, 0.0768217593, -0.0297645014, 0.0156158833, -0.0058395802, -0.0257950276, -0.1015032381, 0.0599482208, 0.0374152362, 0.0243932661, -0.0906559676, 0.0374414362, 0.1020796672, 0.0399567485, -0.0721579567, -0.0717911422, 0.111721687, 0.0907083675, 0.0556512326, -0.0464808345, 0.0529787168, 0.0394851267, 0.0314413756, 0.0469524525, 0.1407525539, -0.0360003747, -0.08756423, -0.0261618439, -0.1367699802, 0.1697834283, -0.0327252299, 0.0892935023, -0.0273801982, -0.004025151, 0.0479742996, -0.0393279195, -0.0737824291, 0.0479742996, 0.0024154182, 0.0847869068, -0.0384894833, 0.0487341322, -0.0502275974, 0.0911799893, 0.005986962, -0.0232273154, 0.0950053558, -0.0880358517, -0.1400189251, -0.0852061287, 0.0124258939, 0.0825860128, -0.0451445729, -0.0580093376, 0.1261847168, -0.0548127964, 0.0260570403, 0.1018700525, -0.073834829, -0.0788130462, -0.0080175502, -0.0044181682, -0.0244325679, -0.0291618761, 0.0451445729, 0.0563848652, 0.0670749322, 0.0755117014, -0.0216683485, 0.0425506607, 0.0295810942, 0.0942193195, -0.0102839498, 0.092961669, 0.0158647932, 0.0540791638, 0.0312841684, 0.0381750688, -0.0136638973, -0.1026560888, -0.0960009992, 0.0172272529, -0.0848393142, 0.0595814064, 0.0841580778, 0.0074149244, -0.0885074735, 0.0566992797, 0.1605606228, 0.0518520661, 0.031991601, -0.0054596639, -0.0071856645, 0.0486817285, -0.0543411784, 0.0004851306, -0.0014230497, -0.0287950598, 0.1180099621, 0.0042085592, -0.0192185398, -0.0321226045, -0.0935904905, 0.0589001775, -0.0254544131, 0.0247076806, -0.0391707122, 0.0475550815, -0.0031736139, 0.0085874256, -0.0393803231, 0.0244063679, -0.0680181757, 0.0058494057, 0.0502537973, -0.0447253548, 0.0841056779, 0.0229915064, 0.0577473268, -0.0493629575, -0.0598434173, -0.0995119512, -0.0965774208, 0.0255854186, 0.0348999277, -0.0132250283, -0.0370222181, -0.0412144028, -0.017646471, 0.0707954988, 0.0469786562, 0.0055841194, 0.0553892218, -0.0494677648, 0.0666557178, -0.0190351326, 0.0858349577, 0.0027478451, 0.1551107913, 0.0597386137, 0.0292142779, 0.0584809594, 0.0228211973, 0.0412668064, -0.0335112661, -0.0336946733, 0.1146562174, -0.0379654616, 0.0039203465, -0.0783414245, 0.0290308706, 0.038358476, 0.0974158645, -0.0247862842, 0.0416598208, 0.0301313177, -0.023738239, -0.0442799367, 0.115913868, 0.0363147892, -0.0218386557, -0.0461140163, -0.0120787285, -0.0920708254, 0.0511184372, -0.0895031169, -0.0351095349, 0.0328038335, 0.0307601448, -0.0013845668, -0.1232501939, -0.0810663477, -0.135617137, 0.0212884303, 0.0911799893, 0.0255854186, -0.0027920597, -0.0464808345, -0.084053278, -0.0445943512, 0.1152850389, 0.0212360285, -0.0044476446, 0.00938001, -0.0311007611, -0.0055186162, 0.102813296, 0.1317393631, 0.0924900472, -0.0991975367, 0.0232404172, 0.0772409812, -0.0003125715, 0.0442537367, -0.0276160073, -0.0284020416, 0.0343235023, -0.0407951847, 0.0066387155, -0.0160875041, 0.0943765268, 0.0195329543, -0.0400353521, -0.080856733, 0.1050141901, 0.0331706516, -0.0005187008, 0.1044377685, -0.0127403075, -0.0809091404, -0.0973634571, 0.0092883063, -0.0517472625, 0.0373366326, -0.021550443, 0.0511708371, 0.0246552788, 0.0423148498, 0.0866209865, 0.0851537213, -0.0227032937, -0.0338518806, -0.0370222181, 0.0299217086, 0.0399305448, 0.0167556331, -0.0902367458, -0.0221792702, -0.0694854409, -0.0573805086, -0.0131595256, -0.0749352798, -0.0315985829, 0.0317819901, -0.0020535148, 0.0311269611, -0.0725247711, 0.1717747152, 0.0528739132, 0.0896079168, -0.0187338199, 0.0319391973, 0.0040480769, -0.0275636055, 0.0441489294, 0.088193059, -0.0747780725, 0.0699046552, 0.0127403075, 0.014161719 ]
Michel Peyrard
Oleg Braun, Michel Peyrard (Phys-ENS)
Modeling friction on a mesoscale: Master equation for the earthquake-like model
Accepted for publication by Physical Review Letters
Physical Review Letters 12, 100 (2008) 125501(4)
The earthquake-like model with a continuous distribution of static thresholds is used to describe the properties of solid friction. The evolution of the model is reduced to a master equation which can be solved analytically. This approach naturally describes stick-slip and smooth sliding regimes of tribological systems within a framework which separates the calculation of the friction force from the studies of the properties of the contacts.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:45:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Braun", "Oleg", "", "Phys-ENS" ], [ "Peyrard", "Michel", "", "Phys-ENS" ] ]
[ -0.0049296864, 0.03663579, 0.0234226864, -0.0468453728, -0.0599278882, 0.1074143276, 0.0308424439, 0.033739116, -0.0826264098, 0.02690107, -0.0098890513, -0.0900342911, -0.0325757004, 0.0327419005, 0.0157536268, 0.1396101415, 0.0583608374, -0.0044370145, -0.0134386625, 0.0057428917, -0.0494808704, -0.1276435554, 0.0726067722, 0.0033804411, -0.0412894599, -0.0746486858, 0.0401735306, -0.0453732945, -0.0050780815, -0.0073485267, 0.0926935375, -0.0493858978, -0.1298279315, -0.0349500217, -0.0939756706, 0.109313786, -0.0587882139, 0.0429040007, -0.0438062437, 0.0456819572, 0.0053867432, -0.0052828668, -0.0623022132, 0.169716537, -0.0870426446, 0.0239094235, 0.0016011834, 0.0440674163, 0.0826738924, 0.0514278151, 0.0357098058, -0.0592155941, 0.1218502074, -0.0630619973, -0.0190183204, -0.0993416384, 0.0312460791, 0.0349025354, 0.0059358054, -0.0182466656, -0.0861878917, -0.1357162446, -0.0486261174, -0.023624504, -0.0154805798, -0.0373243429, -0.1382805109, 0.0104410816, -0.0261412859, 0.0476763882, -0.0628720522, -0.1226099953, 0.0748386309, 0.0067193313, -0.0342139825, -0.071229659, 0.0062029166, 0.1016209871, -0.1260290146, 0.0502406545, 0.045302067, -0.0590731315, 0.0536596775, -0.0274946503, -0.0931684002, -0.0794448182, 0.0008688535, 0.0192438811, -0.0569362417, -0.1707612425, -0.0303438362, -0.0279220268, 0.043473836, 0.0704223961, 0.090794079, -0.050715521, 0.0087909279, -0.0604027547, 0.0765956268, -0.1304927468, 0.0069389562, -0.0288005266, 0.0772604421, -0.0637268052, 0.0246217195, 0.0236363765, -0.0306287557, -0.0242536999, -0.1066545472, 0.0225441884, 0.0914588869, -0.0324332379, 0.0092301769, -0.0398173817, 0.0168339442, -0.0350449942, -0.0030895865, 0.0142459329, -0.0257613938, -0.0405771658, 0.0026755643, 0.0893219933, 0.0114917187, -0.000579112, 0.0919337496, -0.0136879664, -0.0184959695, 0.0283019189, -0.096539937, -0.0603077821, -0.0105597973, -0.0800621435, -0.0302726068, -0.0962075293, -0.0691877455, -0.0198018458, 0.0612100214, 0.0412894599, 0.1067495197, 0.0428090282, 0.0269248132, -0.0188165028, -0.0553217046, 0.0778302774, 0.0446372554, 0.0281357169, 0.0585032962, 0.0024678111, 0.09274102, -0.0451833494, 0.0444947965, -0.0504305996, 0.0716095567, 0.0416218676, 0.1339117587, -0.1469230503, 0.0757883638, 0.1430291682, 0.0239212941, -0.0455632396, 0.0029634507, 0.0835286528, -0.0627295896, -0.0458956473, 0.1061796844, 0.0963499919, -0.0618273467, -0.006547193, -0.0019321046, -0.0912214518, 0.0104173385, -0.0229359511, 0.0564613789, -0.0580284297, 0.0204429124, -0.0330980495, 0.0012576487, -0.0582183786, -0.0258563682, 0.01703576, 0.0235057883, 0.0380366407, -0.0278507974, 0.0267111231, 0.0396036915, -0.0031192657, 0.0223542415, 0.0843359232, 0.0476051569, -0.0070279934, -0.0530898422, 0.0549893007, 0.0509529524, 0.0418355539, 0.0596904568, -0.0073247836, 0.0398411229, 0.0169289168, 0.0264974348, 0.0808694065, 0.015718013, 0.0425715931, 0.076168254, -0.0492909253, -0.0064759636, 0.0291091893, -0.0358997509, 0.028871756, -0.098486878, 0.0871376172, 0.0527099483, 0.0248116665, 0.1061796844, -0.0429752283, -0.103425473, 0.0256901644, 0.0034843176, 0.0310561322, 0.0529473834, 0.134576574, -0.058978159, -0.0209296495, 0.0368019938, 0.1214703172, 0.018863989, -0.0031459767, 0.0735564977, -0.0568412691, 0.122894913, 0.0324807279, 0.0148276417, 0.0127026234, -0.0197424889, 0.0229003374, -0.0047159973, 0.0121446578, -0.040054813, 0.0925510749, -0.0393662602, -0.0953052863, -0.1517666727, 0.0608776174, -0.0844308957, -0.106274657, -0.0327656455, 0.0586457551, -0.1005762815, 0.0014646599, -0.0179973617, 0.0385827348, 0.0873750523, -0.0357335471, 0.0130350282, 0.0619698055, 0.007312912, -0.0363508724 ]
Joel Hass
Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson, William Thurston
Stabilization of Heegaard splittings
Geom. Topol. 13 (2009) 2029-2050
math.GT math.DG
For each g greater than one there is a 3-manifold with two genus g Heegaard splittings that require g stabilizations to become equivalent. Previously known examples required at most one stabilization. Control of families of Heegaard surfaces is obtained through a deformation to harmonic maps.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:20:06 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 23:59:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hass", "Joel", "" ], [ "Thompson", "Abigail", "" ], [ "Thurston", "William", "" ] ]
[ 0.0080272267, 0.0697816238, 0.1268756837, 0.0732135102, -0.1078443304, -0.0420405678, 0.0012373953, 0.0180043876, -0.017549403, -0.0449784696, 0.086109072, -0.0496843085, -0.0806492567, -0.0663497448, 0.0311469398, 0.0704056025, 0.0359827764, -0.0082612187, 0.0086512053, 0.1543307453, 0.0161974486, -0.0398306437, 0.0397006497, 0.0324988924, 0.0461224318, 0.0024162927, 0.100980565, 0.0294309985, 0.0699376166, -0.0301589742, 0.0840811357, -0.0297949854, 0.0634898394, -0.0402986296, -0.0684296712, 0.167434305, -0.0813772306, 0.110028252, -0.0694176406, 0.0655697659, 0.0465124175, 0.0538701676, -0.1501708925, 0.03322687, 0.1114842072, 0.1099242568, -0.0360607728, 0.0710815787, -0.0503602847, 0.0169644225, 0.0022976717, 0.0563660823, 0.0525702089, -0.0743574724, -0.0196033325, 0.0394406579, -0.0674936995, 0.062969856, -0.0285470281, -0.0955207497, 0.0660897493, -0.0149234924, -0.0472663902, -0.0655177683, -0.0255961288, 0.0392326638, -0.080025278, 0.0065712761, 0.0883449912, -0.0073967483, -0.1042564511, 0.0280530453, -0.0182513781, 0.014273514, -0.0356967859, 0.0181733817, 0.0046538417, 0.1035284773, 0.0226972271, -0.0636458322, 0.0553261153, 0.0301069748, -0.0144815072, 0.0256481264, -0.0007031948, -0.0210462827, 0.0018605617, 0.0316669233, -0.1203239039, 0.0406366177, 0.0414945893, 0.1007725671, -0.061669901, 0.0016550062, 0.0298469849, -0.1343634278, 0.1173080057, 0.0640618205, 0.0124405762, 0.0319009125, -0.0164834391, -0.0159504563, 0.0304449629, -0.1124201715, 0.0293790009, -0.0628658608, 0.0016704431, 0.0894889534, -0.0422745608, -0.0280010477, 0.0008522835, -0.0690016523, -0.0460704304, 0.0455764495, 0.1164760366, 0.0056743068, -0.1254197359, -0.0629178584, -0.078153342, -0.0081637222, -0.0723295361, -0.0192263462, 0.0521282256, -0.1058164015, 0.0947407782, 0.0583940111, -0.0474743843, -0.0673897043, -0.0192263462, -0.0114071118, 0.0532981865, 0.0031133941, 0.0100486577, -0.0087812012, 0.0227492265, 0.0384006947, 0.0412085988, -0.0252321418, 0.0509582646, 0.0537141711, 0.0223202407, 0.0798172802, 0.0734215006, -0.0012593322, 0.1244837642, 0.0727975219, -0.0233082063, 0.1496509016, -0.0241401792, 0.0368147455, -0.067753695, -0.0095156757, 0.0376467183, -0.0151184853, -0.0271170773, -0.0996286124, 0.0190443508, 0.0630218536, 0.047292389, -0.0029768986, 0.0347088203, 0.0577180348, 0.0216702633, -0.0192133468, 0.0200583171, 0.0826771855, -0.0151444841, 0.0206952952, -0.0187713616, -0.076281406, 0.0412605964, -0.0944807827, -0.0138315288, -0.0125705721, 0.0589139946, 0.0050275787, -0.0969246998, -0.1106522307, -0.1172040105, -0.029145008, 0.0595899709, 0.0947407782, -0.0743054673, -0.0470843986, -0.1025925055, 0.0381147042, -0.0448224731, -0.0260121152, 0.0769573823, 0.0536101758, -0.1263556927, 0.0537661687, 0.0190833509, 0.1570346504, 0.0562620834, -0.1820978075, 0.0329148807, 0.0259081181, 0.05782203, 0.0166004356, -0.0235941969, -0.0350728072, 0.0001106994, -0.0231262129, -0.1392512619, -0.0399606414, -0.0829891786, 0.0489563346, -0.0353847966, -0.0009741543, 0.0162234474, -0.0674417019, 0.0561060905, 0.086681053, -0.0239841845, 0.0750334486, 0.0131165534, -0.0649457872, 0.0223332401, 0.111900188, -0.0504902825, -0.0209812857, 0.0161974486, 0.0620858856, 0.0587060004, 0.0130775552, 0.080025278, 0.0515562445, 0.0284690317, 0.0809612423, 0.0067987684, -0.0162494462, -0.1369633377, -0.0164964385, -0.0182123799, 0.0078777317, -0.0327588841, -0.0258301198, -0.0409746058, -0.0212282781, 0.009190687, -0.0035813781, 0.0395706519, 0.0550661273, 0.0074292473, 0.097808674, -0.050776273, -0.0240361821, 0.0101721538, 0.0862130672, -0.0033278868, -0.0092621846, -0.0111861192, -0.0238931868, -0.1385232806, 0.035592787 ]
Jose Carmelo
J. M. P. Carmelo, Stellan Ostlund, and M. J. Sampaio
Global $SO(3)\times SO(3)\times U(1)$ symmetry of the Hubbard model on bipartite lattices
14 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Annals of Physics (2010)
It is found that for on-site interaction $U\neq 0$ the local $SU(2)\times SU(2) \times U(1)$ gauge symmetry of the Hubbard model on a bipartite lattice with vanishing transfer integral $t=0$ can be lifted to a global $[SU(2)\times SU(2)\times U(1)]/Z_2^2=SO(3)\times SO(3)\times U(1)$ symmetry in the presence of the kinetic-energy hopping term of the Hamiltonian with $t>0$. The generator of the new found hidden independent charge global U(1) symmetry is one half the rotated-electron number of singly-occupied sites operator. It is confirmed elsewhere that our results have important physical consequences concerning the further understanding of the unusual properties of the hole-doped cuprates.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:22:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 2 Jul 2009 13:50:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 25 Mar 2010 09:32:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Carmelo", "J. M. P.", "" ], [ "Ostlund", "Stellan", "" ], [ "Sampaio", "M. J.", "" ] ]
[ -0.070300661, -0.1225197688, -0.0145862754, 0.1022644863, -0.0286538173, -0.015846055, -0.0241951849, 0.0009826592, -0.0264306758, -0.0936189368, -0.0182297565, 0.0047272625, 0.0065335645, 0.0670894533, 0.0195018873, -0.0068979124, -0.0463401414, 0.0101091163, 0.042140875, 0.0005449783, -0.0336435325, -0.0918898284, 0.0277398601, 0.0656073615, -0.0130547779, -0.0160436686, 0.0474023074, -0.0011053951, 0.0242445879, 0.0111651085, 0.0838371217, -0.0428819209, -0.0765254572, -0.0514780656, -0.079193227, 0.0580980852, -0.0294195656, 0.1490986645, -0.0620997399, 0.0257390328, -0.0740552992, -0.1151093021, -0.0433512516, 0.0065520904, 0.0078736246, 0.0182668082, -0.1144176573, 0.0290984455, -0.0187237877, -0.0083367787, 0.0223055147, 0.0165129974, 0.1005353779, -0.0221326035, -0.08887624, -0.0195512902, 0.0481927581, 0.0805271119, 0.0348539092, -0.0366571248, -0.0016905135, -0.0444134176, -0.0063359519, 0.0377192944, -0.0747963414, 0.0490079075, -0.1254839599, 0.0103993593, -0.0085714441, 0.0574558452, -0.1457392424, 0.0250597391, 0.1375383288, -0.007601907, 0.0161301233, -0.0263812728, -0.0063081626, 0.0857638419, 0.0212309975, 0.0750927627, -0.0496995524, -0.0387814604, 0.110168986, -0.039398998, -0.0890738517, -0.0255167186, -0.0033377993, 0.0469823815, -0.000274419, -0.0052027674, 0.0076574855, 0.0226883888, -0.0178715829, 0.1066119596, 0.0618033223, -0.1071059927, 0.0937177464, -0.0539976247, -0.0246892162, -0.0345821939, -0.03233435, -0.003198853, 0.0366818272, -0.0302100163, 0.036138393, -0.0141910501, -0.0187608395, 0.0291972514, -0.0289996397, 0.0063791797, 0.0599260032, 0.0757350028, -0.0732648447, 0.0137834745, -0.0576040559, -0.0991520882, -0.0685221478, -0.0321861431, -0.0969289467, 0.0951998383, -0.0055424143, -0.082453832, 0.075685598, 0.0188349448, 0.0483409651, -0.043252442, -0.0720791742, -0.0903583318, -0.0977194011, -0.0646687001, 0.1028573215, 0.0082688499, -0.1280529201, -0.0926308781, -0.0508852266, -0.0029749949, 0.0077809938, 0.007601907, 0.0738576874, -0.0080465358, -0.0347057022, -0.0664472133, 0.1272624731, 0.0356443599, 0.0772664994, 0.0411281101, -0.0219349917, 0.1098725721, -0.0168958716, 0.0511322431, -0.0153890764, -0.0936683416, 0.0940141603, 0.0122149251, 0.0061105499, -0.0802306905, 0.0522191115, 0.1143188551, 0.0533553846, -0.0084973387, 0.1444547623, 0.0603706278, -0.0059746914, -0.0443393141, 0.1109594405, 0.0554797202, -0.1685635, -0.0306546446, -0.0340881608, -0.1237054467, 0.0356196612, -0.0671388581, -0.1130343676, 0.0060271826, 0.0541952364, 0.0107822344, -0.1025609076, -0.0249238815, 0.0062093562, 0.0270482153, 0.0717827529, -0.0487361923, -0.0220955517, 0.0065953182, -0.0810705423, 0.0645698979, 0.0427337103, 0.0521697104, -0.0289008338, 0.0250350386, -0.0415233336, 0.0973241702, 0.1366490722, 0.1155045256, -0.0350762233, -0.0900125131, 0.0270729177, 0.1501855254, 0.0594319701, 0.0298888963, -0.0732154474, 0.0381639227, 0.0455990918, -0.1604613811, -0.1122439206, -0.0272211265, 0.0434747562, 0.0041220738, 0.0051039611, 0.0063915304, -0.0054065553, 0.0155002335, 0.0123260822, 0.0407575853, 0.0232071225, 0.0460931249, -0.0934213251, 0.0197365526, 0.0351750329, 0.0718815625, -0.0811693519, 0.0339399539, 0.0212804005, 0.01143065, 0.0143763116, 0.0955456644, -0.0496254489, 0.0320379324, -0.0004191547, 0.0122458022, 0.1298314333, 0.0443887152, 0.0627913848, -0.0552821085, -0.046463646, -0.041548036, -0.0199465156, -0.0410046019, -0.0122952051, -0.1007823944, -0.0620503351, 0.0244792532, -0.0113380188, 0.0789462104, 0.0559243485, -0.0165500492, 0.0152902696, -0.0181062482, 0.0783533677, -0.001309955, -0.0788968056, 0.0885304138, -0.0609634668, 0.0214039069, -0.1082916707, 0.0828984603 ]
Markus Reineke
Markus Reineke
Moduli of representations of quivers
Overview paper for the Proceedings of the ICRA XII conference, Torun, 2007; 50 pages
An introduction to moduli spaces of representations of quivers is given, and results on their global geometric properties are surveyed. In particular, the geometric approach to the problem of classification of quiver representations is motivated, and the construction of moduli spaces is reviewed. Topological, arithmetic and algebraic methods for the study of moduli spaces are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:14:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Reineke", "Markus", "" ] ]
[ 0.0350897647, 0.065365769, -0.0038826761, 0.0340256691, -0.0266530197, 0.1365080476, -0.0308587253, -0.0097035235, -0.0264756717, 0.0592345633, -0.0329869129, -0.0358244963, -0.0848234892, 0.1171516776, 0.0826446265, -0.0900426134, 0.0455786921, -0.078590937, 0.1406630874, 0.1399536878, 0.0486189574, -0.0568023473, -0.0312894285, 0.0864956379, 0.0168734901, 0.0659738258, -0.0311627518, 0.0415503345, 0.0793510079, -0.0324041955, 0.0751453042, -0.0183429532, -0.0013459522, -0.0046649119, -0.0504431203, 0.0681020096, -0.0021804424, 0.0350897647, -0.0364072137, 0.0718516782, -0.0056751678, 0.0293639265, -0.0832020119, -0.0068976087, 0.0710409358, 0.0759560391, -0.0114326756, -0.0138078853, -0.0638963059, 0.0430958048, -0.0519885905, 0.1317449659, 0.0564476512, -0.0940963104, -0.0108752931, -0.0516845621, -0.0766147673, 0.0365845636, 0.0491003357, -0.0503671132, 0.0253229029, -0.0511525162, -0.0447172821, 0.0359511748, -0.0626801997, 0.0057480074, -0.0822392628, 0.0570557043, 0.0598426163, 0.0388647653, -0.027413087, 0.133771807, 0.1712684482, 0.1107671112, -0.0001049051, 0.0365085565, -0.0513045304, 0.1308328807, -0.0009508756, -0.0181529354, 0.0052286284, 0.0514312088, -0.0203697979, -0.0784389228, -0.0768174455, -0.0007897572, 0.060399998, 0.0322521813, 0.0292625837, 0.0545728169, 0.0547248311, 0.0076006711, -0.0213832203, 0.0353684574, 0.1699510068, -0.1137060374, 0.0598932877, -0.0297186244, -0.0373446308, 0.0024147965, -0.009139807, -0.0041106963, -0.0047345846, -0.0312640928, 0.1629583836, -0.0014132498, -0.0295412745, 0.0048359269, -0.0829993263, -0.0837087259, -0.0732704699, 0.0882691294, 0.0023102872, 0.0763614103, 0.052393958, -0.0285785235, -0.0571570471, -0.0365338922, 0.0031970323, 0.0637949631, -0.077780202, -0.0735238269, 0.0718516782, 0.0336963087, 0.0855328813, -0.0141625833, -0.0361791924, -0.0061913799, -0.052900672, 0.0872557014, 0.0290345643, 0.0257916097, 0.0209398493, -0.0554848984, -0.1145167798, -0.1062067077, -0.0177222304, 0.0088547822, 0.0971365795, -0.0808711424, 0.0546234883, 0.0332909375, 0.0400048643, 0.0605013408, 0.04717483, -0.0005130453, -0.0293639265, 0.1160369143, 0.0455786921, 0.022624664, -0.0509244949, -0.1157328859, 0.0498350672, -0.0307827182, -0.0990114063, -0.1165436208, -0.0045825713, 0.0227513425, 0.0233847313, 0.0468454696, 0.0354697965, 0.0663791969, 0.0198124163, -0.0873570442, -0.0187736582, 0.0059411912, -0.1220161021, 0.0248541944, -0.0270077176, -0.1406630874, 0.0221432876, -0.0682033524, -0.0979979858, -0.0211045295, -0.0053236368, -0.0487203002, -0.1097536907, -0.0789963081, -0.0999234915, -0.0055738254, 0.0070939595, 0.0170761738, -0.1128953025, 0.052647315, -0.0416516773, 0.0348364078, -0.0861916095, -0.0216872487, -0.0357484892, 0.0491256714, -0.0382567123, 0.0530526824, 0.0608560406, 0.1116791964, 0.0463134237, -0.1425885856, -0.0177222304, -0.0150239933, -0.0049119336, -0.1647825539, -0.0680513382, -0.0613627508, 0.0539140925, 0.0071636327, -0.0149606541, -0.0109386323, 0.0670885891, 0.0425384231, -0.0651630834, -0.0232580528, -0.0048485948, 0.0272357371, 0.0207371637, 0.0219532717, -0.0304786917, 0.046896141, 0.0333922803, 0.1030650958, -0.0319734886, 0.1160369143, 0.0457053669, 0.042715773, 0.0017893247, 0.0392447971, 0.0757533535, 0.03392433, -0.004478062, -0.0320748314, -0.0102292364, 0.0572077185, 0.0683553666, 0.0252848994, -0.0222319625, -0.0299973153, -0.0354444608, 0.0364072137, 0.0996194631, -0.0164174493, -0.0408916101, -0.0602479875, 0.0158220641, -0.0476308726, 0.082391277, 0.0370912738, 0.0723583847, 0.0517859049, -0.1142127514, 0.0188749991, -0.0089371223, 0.0101215607, -0.0332656018, 0.1125912741, 0.0291865766, 0.0789963081, -0.0285785235, -0.0214718953 ]
Vladimir P. Mineev
V. P. Mineev
Electromagnetic response of unconventional superconductors
5 pages, no figures
We derive the current response to the linearly polarized electromagnetic field with finite frequency and wave vector incident normally on the specular surface of a clean nonconventional superconductor with orbital spontaneous magnetization parallel to the crystal axis and perpendicular to the crystal surface. The result includes the usual part known from the theory of conventional superconductivity and as well the magneto-optical term typical for the superconductors with spontaneous time reversal breaking. As an application of the basic current-field relation we consider the Kerr effect for the rotation of polarization of infrared light reflected from the superconductor surface.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:22:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mineev", "V. P.", "" ] ]
[ -0.0536228269, -0.0444277413, -0.0911314934, -0.0392156765, -0.0081595005, 0.0206889436, 0.015283416, 0.113891609, 0.0078806896, 0.0194598977, -0.0171952657, -0.034049131, -0.0400578007, 0.0865339488, 0.0902666077, -0.0014836749, -0.0933164656, 0.0758822188, 0.0850317851, -0.006389902, -0.0056928736, 0.015158236, 0.0310903154, 0.0117897391, -0.0793417543, 0.0034253972, -0.0127229039, 0.0332525261, 0.0792507157, 0.0306123532, 0.0053315568, -0.0281314999, -0.0579017289, -0.1031488329, -0.0747897327, 0.123541899, -0.0527124219, 0.011158146, -0.0528489836, -0.0076246383, -0.0437449366, 0.0188453738, -0.098050572, 0.0223276708, 0.0833475366, -0.0482059196, -0.1097037494, 0.0597680584, 0.0901755691, -0.0614067875, 0.0252637267, -0.042128969, 0.0469768755, -0.0266293325, -0.095319353, -0.0841213837, 0.0527579449, 0.0218383297, 0.0532131456, -0.0532131456, 0.0966849625, -0.0176049471, 0.0383735523, -0.0866705105, -0.0775209442, 0.0263789725, -0.0167400632, 0.0537593886, 0.0654580891, -0.0228283945, 0.0564906038, 0.0213034656, -0.0061054006, 0.0203247815, -0.0179577302, -0.0046430631, 0.0798880011, -0.0606784634, -0.1128901616, 0.0601777397, -0.0528489836, -0.0664140135, -0.024876805, -0.0221114513, -0.0797514394, 0.0208824035, 0.0392384343, -0.0712391585, -0.0713301972, -0.0522117019, -0.0555801988, -0.049025286, 0.0138040092, 0.0790686384, -0.0198240597, 0.087717481, 0.0525303409, 0.0055136373, 0.0494804867, 0.0279494189, -0.0574010052, 0.0111638354, 0.0812080875, -0.0361885801, 0.1970115453, 0.0340718888, -0.0301799104, -0.0657767281, -0.0014445559, 0.0059859101, 0.079478316, -0.0690541863, 0.0689176247, 0.0368941426, -0.0141112702, -0.0411502868, -0.0425614119, -0.1646011472, -0.0607695021, 0.0118921595, -0.0360292606, 0.1143468097, 0.0819364116, -0.0064980122, 0.0194712766, 0.0109362341, 0.0601322204, -0.0567637235, -0.0716488361, -0.0299295504, 0.0227145925, -0.0059176297, -0.0212351866, -0.1008728221, 0.0215424467, 0.1255447865, 0.0619985498, -0.0211327653, 0.132828027, 0.0375086665, -0.0074482472, -0.0085805627, 0.0732420459, 0.006816654, 0.0223276708, 0.0838937759, -0.0594494157, -0.0623171926, 0.15759103, -0.0166376438, -0.0074653174, 0.0092519866, -0.0014239296, 0.1158034578, 0.0312041156, -0.0897658914, 0.0438587405, 0.0517564975, 0.026720373, -0.0624537505, 0.1613236815, -0.0465216711, -0.0707839504, -0.0484790429, 0.0042419164, 0.0124839228, -0.0913590938, 0.0337304883, -0.0392156765, -0.0762463808, 0.0240119193, -0.0573554859, -0.1189898774, -0.011215046, 0.0907673314, 0.0187429544, 0.0214400273, -0.1552239805, -0.0366665423, 0.1310072094, -0.07397037, -0.0746076554, 0.0467037521, 0.0347546935, 0.0189022738, 0.0421972498, -0.0132919066, 0.0938627124, -0.0641380027, 0.0334346071, -0.0866705105, 0.0197557788, 0.0089048948, 0.0370307043, -0.0564450808, -0.0810715258, 0.0293150265, 0.0150102945, -0.0657767281, -0.0278356187, 0.0806618407, 0.0528489836, 0.0071409857, -0.0558988377, -0.0225894134, 0.0549884364, 0.0944089517, 0.0432214551, 0.0224869922, 0.0173432063, 0.0924515799, 0.0182649903, 0.1191719547, 0.0857145861, 0.0403081626, -0.1259999871, -0.0312041156, -0.0054083718, 0.0035960979, 0.0885823593, -0.0898569301, 0.0001654554, 0.0774299055, 0.0732420459, 0.0101225609, 0.1216300502, -0.0143502513, -0.0404447205, -0.069463864, -0.0714667588, 0.001598898, -0.008654533, 0.0913590938, -0.002187816, -0.0663684905, -0.1021473929, 0.0735606849, 0.0428800546, -0.0181056708, -0.0552160367, 0.0537593886, 0.073651731, -0.0311358348, 0.1047875658, -0.0529855452, 0.0452698655, -0.0011308931, -0.0100087598, 0.0636827946, 0.0311358348, 0.0315227583, 0.0696004257, -0.1319176257, 0.0451560654, -0.0546697937, -0.0375086665 ]
Weiping Zhang
Jianhua Huang, Zhenglu Duan, Hong Y. Ling, and Weiping Zhang
Goos-H\"{a}nchen-Like Shifts in Atom Optics
7 pages, 4 figures
We consider the propagation of a matter wavepacket of two-level atoms through a square potential created by a super-Gaussian laser beam. We explore the matter wave analog of Goos-H\"{a}nchen shift within the framework of atom optics where the roles of atom and light is exchanged with respect to conventional optics. Using a vector theory, where atoms are treated as particles possessing two internal spin components, we show that not only large negative but also large positive Goos-H\"{a}nchen shifts can occur in the reflected atomic beam.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:34:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 Jun 2008 06:56:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Jianhua", "" ], [ "Duan", "Zhenglu", "" ], [ "Ling", "Hong Y.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Weiping", "" ] ]
[ -0.0272910651, 0.0780777484, -0.0020365021, 0.0200229138, -0.1108167022, -0.0051380531, -0.0360696465, 0.0096177123, -0.0482305661, -0.0091271438, 0.0541690215, 0.0806080475, -0.1136051863, 0.0290984195, -0.0489018708, 0.0562345684, 0.0382384732, -0.0757540092, -0.0061643724, 0.0280914642, -0.1848666221, 0.025677355, -0.039684359, 0.0707450509, -0.1016766429, -0.1611128151, 0.0615017191, -0.0555632673, 0.0834998116, -0.0251480583, 0.067646727, -0.0271103289, -0.0026335749, -0.0465264879, -0.0991979837, 0.0590230599, -0.0644451231, 0.0508899614, -0.0357598141, -0.0479981937, -0.0266455803, -0.0493407995, -0.0816408172, -0.0669754222, 0.0445642173, 0.0309832338, 0.0250189602, 0.0179702751, -0.0443318449, -0.0211589672, 0.042731043, -0.0329196863, 0.0173247922, -0.0013740741, 0.005799674, -0.0189901404, 0.0818990171, 0.0595910847, 0.039710179, -0.0263099298, 0.0282205623, -0.0349077769, 0.0176088046, 0.0805047676, -0.1440720409, -0.0119672744, -0.0832416192, 0.0041181883, 0.0365085751, 0.0588165037, 0.0462682955, 0.0318352729, -0.0369475074, 0.027213607, 0.0554083511, -0.0229792316, -0.0489793271, 0.0262711998, -0.0078490861, 0.0578870066, -0.0167309456, -0.0163049269, 0.0428084992, -0.0912972614, 0.0483854823, -0.0006926851, 0.0164598431, -0.0730171502, -0.1500621289, -0.009301425, 0.0267230384, 0.0328680463, -0.0671819746, 0.0285045747, -0.0722425729, -0.0293824337, 0.1141215786, 0.0518710986, 0.0423953906, 0.0665623099, 0.0644967631, -0.0240765549, 0.0043247431, 0.0064096563, 0.0770966113, -0.0171053261, 0.0065581179, 0.0274201613, 0.0468621403, -0.0082815597, -0.0096370764, -0.0322483815, -0.0249673221, -0.0384450294, -0.1284771413, -0.1021930352, -0.0455195345, 0.0071325987, -0.052929692, -0.0007322209, -0.0530329682, 0.0423953906, 0.0849457011, -0.0016637351, 0.1155674607, -0.039581079, 0.0366634913, -0.0960480273, -0.0237279925, -0.0191579666, 0.0418015458, -0.0292275175, -0.0349852331, -0.1150510758, -0.0818473771, -0.0145363007, 0.1060659364, 0.118975617, 0.0458035469, 0.04045894, 0.1332278997, -0.0414658934, 0.1006955057, 0.026439026, 0.0589197837, 0.0848424211, -0.0220626444, -0.039658539, 0.0117413541, 0.0522067472, -0.0241798311, -0.1194920018, 0.0523616634, -0.0128967706, 0.0983717665, -0.0067388532, 0.1681356877, 0.0507092252, 0.0089786826, -0.0277299937, 0.0133357001, 0.0388065018, -0.0321709253, -0.0021284835, 0.016266197, -0.0133486101, -0.0789039657, -0.0496248119, -0.0586099513, -0.0852038935, -0.0525165796, -0.1095773727, -0.0514579862, 0.0377220884, 0.1641078591, 0.0231341477, 0.0259613674, -0.1098872051, -0.1222804934, 0.0205263924, 0.0596943647, 0.0523616634, 0.0694540814, -0.010147009, 0.0131807839, -0.0616049953, 0.0312672481, 0.0684213042, -0.0947570577, 0.0175700746, -0.0099662738, 0.1335377395, 0.1251722574, 0.018706128, -0.0377995446, -0.1612160951, 0.0493666194, 0.0512256138, 0.0493407995, -0.0613468029, 0.0986815989, -0.0288918652, 0.1143281311, -0.0947054178, -0.067595087, -0.0188223142, 0.0881989375, 0.0151301455, -0.0790588856, 0.0300279167, 0.0543239377, -0.011670351, 0.0501670204, 0.0861850306, -0.050605949, -0.0085913921, -0.0336942673, 0.0489535108, 0.0158530883, 0.0740499273, -0.1112298071, 0.0546337701, 0.0744113997, 0.0702286661, -0.0115928929, 0.0302086528, -0.0384450294, -0.0553050712, 0.0322483815, 0.02019074, -0.0095596183, -0.0134518873, -0.034339752, -0.0185383018, 0.0642902106, -0.0191450566, 0.0107021248, -0.1250689924, -0.0919169262, -0.0794719905, -0.0238183606, 0.015569075, 0.0491342433, -0.0561312921, -0.0720360205, 0.0053252433, -0.083861284, -0.0105923926, 0.115980573, -0.0734302625, -0.1009537056, -0.0004824993, -0.063154161, 0.0091271438, -0.0284529366, -0.0353983454 ]
Shinji Kawasaki
S. Kawasaki, M. Yashima, Y. Kitaoka, K. Takeda, K. Shimizu, Y. Oishi, M. Takata, T. C. Kobayashi, H. Harima, S. Araki, H. Shishido, R. Settai, Y. Onuki
Pressure-induced unconventional superconductivity in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeIn3: An 115In-NQR study under pressure
Phys. Rev. B 77, 064508 (2008)
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.supr-con
We report on the pressure-induced unconventional superconductivity in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeIn3 by means of nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) studies conducted under a high pressure. The temperature and pressure dependences of the NQR spectra have revealed a first-order quantum-phase transition (QPT) from an AFM to PM at a critical pressure Pc=2.46 GPa. Despite the lack of an AFM quantum critical point in the P-T phase diagram, we highlight the fact that the unconventional SC occurs in both phases of the AFM and PM. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in the AFM phase have provided evidence for the uniformly coexisting AFM+SC phase. In the HF-PM phase where AFM fluctuations are not developed, 1/T1 decreases without the coherence peak just below Tc, followed by a power-law like T dependence that indicates an unconventional SC with a line-node gap. Remarkably, Tc has a peak around Pc in the HF-PM phase as well as in the AFM phase. In other words, an SC dome exists with a maximum value of Tc = 230 mK around Pc, indicating that the origin of the pressure-induced HF SC in CeIn3 is not relevant to AFM spin fluctuations but to the emergence of the first-order QPT in CeIn3. When the AFM critical temperature is suppressed at the termination point of the first-order QPT, Pc = 2.46 GPa, the diverging AFM spin-density fluctuations emerge at the critical point from the AFM to PM. The results with CeIn3 leading to a new type of quantum criticality deserve further theoretical investigations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:40:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kawasaki", "S.", "" ], [ "Yashima", "M.", "" ], [ "Kitaoka", "Y.", "" ], [ "Takeda", "K.", "" ], [ "Shimizu", "K.", "" ], [ "Oishi", "Y.", "" ], [ "Takata", "M.", "" ], [ "Kobayashi", "T. C.", "" ], [ "Harima", "H.", "" ], [ "Araki", "S.", "" ], [ "Shishido", "H.", "" ], [ "Settai", "R.", "" ], [ "Onuki", "Y.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0715105683, -0.0503698476, -0.0225391835, 0.0480516739, 0.0215312839, 0.100588508, -0.0309677552, 0.017663464, -0.0007413584, -0.064808026, 0.0856211782, 0.0794729888, -0.0798257515, 0.0783642977, 0.0720145181, 0.030337818, -0.0597181283, 0.03263079, 0.0185327772, 0.0299094599, -0.0198304504, -0.0534691438, -0.0025953448, 0.0164161865, -0.0539730936, -0.0581558831, 0.0328827687, 0.0011118407, 0.0186713636, -0.0603228696, 0.1327405423, -0.0474721342, -0.0346717909, -0.0867298692, -0.1311279088, 0.0780619234, -0.0804808885, -0.026507793, -0.0668742284, 0.0103750797, -0.060474053, -0.0401900485, -0.0388797782, 0.0756429657, -0.0049355649, 0.0017921738, 0.0431381576, 0.0087876357, -0.0568456091, 0.0268353615, -0.0015512225, 0.029682681, 0.0567448214, -0.1083493456, 0.0038835681, -0.0062174886, -0.0270117447, 0.145944044, 0.0217706598, -0.0570975877, 0.0332607292, -0.1487661749, 0.0426594056, -0.013127909, -0.0819423422, -0.0230683312, 0.0419538766, 0.1391911209, 0.1442306191, 0.0073072817, -0.031698484, 0.0373931229, -0.0559888966, -0.0474469364, 0.0708554313, -0.0060663037, -0.0525620319, 0.0749878287, -0.088090539, 0.0368135795, 0.031043347, -0.0410971604, 0.0159878284, -0.0067277383, -0.0522596613, -0.0134302797, -0.1069382876, 0.0100979069, -0.0379726663, -0.0815391839, -0.0002956772, -0.0053985692, -0.0270621385, 0.0931804404, -0.0498910956, -0.0158870388, -0.0007165545, -0.0391821489, 0.0166051667, 0.0481524654, 0.0185831729, 0.0062395367, 0.0108160367, 0.0131531069, 0.2048054636, 0.0441208631, -0.0320260525, -0.0085230619, -0.0485052317, -0.0712082013, 0.156627804, -0.0514281429, -0.0600708947, 0.0646064505, -0.0990262628, -0.0372923315, -0.0192635059, -0.1131872684, -0.0672269911, 0.1768866032, 0.002124466, 0.1305231601, 0.0077860346, 0.0200698264, 0.0400640592, -0.0025166026, 0.0877881721, -0.1099619865, -0.0531667732, -0.0263314117, 0.1407029629, -0.0093293823, -0.0488328002, -0.0152696986, -0.0221990179, 0.0112695917, 0.0580550916, -0.0754917786, 0.0771044195, -0.0614819564, 0.0196414683, 0.0336638913, 0.0544770434, 0.0277928673, 0.1056280136, 0.0867298692, 0.0171343144, 0.0222494118, 0.1438274533, -0.0067907325, -0.0499414913, 0.0055560535, 0.0490847751, -0.0081954943, 0.0550817847, -0.0988246799, 0.0267597698, 0.1190330982, 0.0663198829, -0.036007259, 0.0913158208, -0.0042772796, -0.0168067478, -0.0650600046, 0.1268947273, 0.0579543002, -0.098975867, -0.0056190477, -0.0575007461, -0.0096065551, -0.0069797137, -0.0554849431, -0.0946922898, -0.0259534474, 0.0645560548, 0.0633969679, 0.0548298098, -0.0530659817, -0.1088532954, 0.0176382661, -0.0068411273, 0.0251849238, -0.016756352, 0.0648584217, -0.0239124484, 0.0357300863, 0.0358560756, 0.1018483862, -0.0270621385, 0.0751390085, -0.0065009608, 0.0524108484, 0.0699987188, 0.0570975877, -0.0438688882, -0.1713431478, 0.0409711711, 0.0576015376, -0.036486011, 0.0296574831, 0.0522596613, 0.0403664298, 0.0088065341, 0.035125345, 0.0085356608, -0.0303882118, 0.0117105488, 0.0079120221, -0.1076438129, -0.0048379241, -0.0201202221, 0.0655135587, 0.0469681807, 0.0216320734, -0.1137920097, 0.0392829366, -0.0549809933, 0.0102238944, 0.0180414263, 0.0812368095, 0.1196378395, -0.0091089047, 0.0209013447, 0.1494717002, -0.0060411058, 0.0252731144, -0.049815502, -0.0174114872, -0.018091822, 0.0369647667, 0.0027733024, 0.0047717807, 0.062540248, 0.0482784547, -0.0869818479, -0.0169453342, 0.0702002943, -0.0075214603, 0.0319756567, -0.0900559425, -0.0076285498, -0.0197422598, -0.0000416596, 0.1063335463, -0.1239718124, 0.0489083901, -0.0203344002, -0.0397112966, -0.0109231258, 0.0992278457, 0.0219092462, 0.0708554313, -0.0023559683, 0.0402656421, -0.0713593811, -0.00498281 ]
Jan Schlemmer
Jan Schlemmer, Rainer Verch
Local Thermal Equilibrium States and Quantum Energy Inequalities
26 pages
In this paper we investigate the energy distribution of states of a linear scalar quantum field with arbitrary curvature coupling on a curved spacetime which fulfill some local thermality condition. We find that this condition implies a quantum energy inequality for these states, where the (lower) energy bounds depend only on the local temperature distribution and are local and covariant (the dependence of the bounds other than on temperature is on parameters defining the quantum field model, and on local quantities constructed from the spacetime metric). Moreover, we also establish the averaged null energy condition (ANEC) for such locally thermal states, under growth conditions on their local temperature and under conditions on the free parameters entering the definition of the renormalized stress-energy tensor. These results hold for a range of curvature couplings including the cases of conformally coupled and minimally coupled scalar field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:42:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schlemmer", "Jan", "" ], [ "Verch", "Rainer", "" ] ]
[ 0.0141556542, 0.0969395116, 0.026148811, 0.0278638955, 0.1044958234, 0.0275407638, -0.0227062162, -0.0184682198, -0.0697467327, -0.0002918672, -0.0288830027, -0.0178965256, -0.0450147316, 0.1085722521, 0.0810314864, 0.0451638699, 0.0894329101, 0.0697467327, 0.0146776363, 0.0969395116, 0.0139692323, -0.1158302873, 0.0442441888, 0.0076495218, -0.0602019206, -0.0766070709, 0.0453875773, -0.0339039713, 0.0949012935, -0.0151623338, 0.005822585, -0.0439459123, -0.0547832511, -0.0793909729, -0.0248065721, 0.1855273098, -0.0112661114, 0.0596053712, -0.013322969, -0.0679570809, -0.0581139959, 0.0662171468, -0.0945035964, 0.1454589814, -0.0327605829, -0.1037998497, 0.074320294, 0.0101475781, -0.0097250212, -0.0644274876, -0.0150629086, -0.0562746301, 0.0401677564, -0.0779493079, -0.0566723309, 0.0072642495, -0.0103091439, 0.0587105453, 0.0607984737, -0.1233865991, 0.0562249161, -0.0296038352, -0.0608978979, 0.1037998497, -0.0698461607, -0.0561254919, 0.0112412553, 0.0059592943, 0.0140686575, 0.1003199667, -0.0540375635, 0.0647257641, 0.1000714004, 0.0867981464, 0.007394745, -0.0489668809, -0.0230914894, -0.014764633, 0.0033866689, 0.0116638122, 0.0018176158, -0.0077427328, 0.0711386874, 0.0505079702, 0.0127015617, -0.0266459379, -0.0473760776, -0.0273170564, -0.0578157194, 0.0670622587, 0.0040857517, 0.0613453127, 0.0102905016, -0.0036414457, 0.1269659102, -0.0098741595, 0.1217957959, 0.0241851658, 0.0234270487, 0.020270301, -0.0356439129, 0.0154357534, 0.0234146211, -0.1043963954, 0.1720054895, 0.0372595713, -0.0554295145, 0.0234643333, 0.0440453365, -0.0093024643, 0.0534907244, 0.0266707931, 0.0023038669, -0.0334068462, -0.0459344164, -0.0527947508, -0.1597761959, -0.0454870015, -0.0778498873, 0.0798383877, 0.0076308795, -0.0644772053, 0.0669131204, 0.0439210571, 0.0080347946, -0.0959452614, -0.0434239283, -0.0673108175, -0.1375049651, 0.0481466241, 0.1100636274, 0.037160147, -0.0374832787, -0.1068820283, 0.0011503799, -0.0692993253, 0.0714866742, -0.0137828104, 0.081826888, -0.0204442944, 0.0863010213, 0.0987788737, 0.0638806522, 0.0354202054, 0.1190118939, 0.0920179635, 0.050483115, 0.001923255, 0.1308434904, 0.0097871618, -0.0398943387, -0.0262730941, 0.0444181822, 0.0973372087, 0.0062917471, -0.1446635723, 0.0668634102, 0.0744197145, 0.0363647453, -0.0498865657, 0.0379058346, 0.071436964, -0.0278887525, -0.0048966883, 0.080484651, -0.0301506743, -0.0515022241, -0.0258505363, -0.0661177188, -0.1267670542, -0.0422805399, -0.1037998497, -0.0682056472, -0.0274164826, 0.0633835271, 0.0211775545, 0.0615441613, -0.0836165398, 0.0192387644, 0.0941556096, 0.0118999463, 0.0045487001, -0.013795238, -0.0045673423, 0.0109989066, 0.0973869264, -0.0864501595, 0.1044958234, -0.0222712308, -0.0198477432, -0.0746185705, 0.1100636274, 0.0581637062, 0.0624887012, 0.0133353965, -0.1155320108, 0.0288581476, 0.0435233563, 0.0000713162, 0.011931017, 0.0510050952, 0.0203075856, 0.0680067986, -0.0339785405, 0.0395463482, -0.0453875773, 0.0345502347, 0.0407394506, -0.1338262409, 0.0124157146, 0.0060649337, 0.0158955939, 0.0221966617, 0.0360664688, -0.0019698606, 0.0251297038, -0.0643777773, 0.0518502109, -0.0496877134, 0.0935590565, 0.0375578478, 0.1149354652, 0.023576187, 0.055727791, 0.0704924241, -0.0627372637, -0.0025928211, -0.0556283668, -0.0251172762, -0.0093521774, 0.0134845348, 0.0264222305, -0.0418331288, -0.006450206, 0.0086064888, -0.0302998107, 0.0086437734, 0.0168277044, -0.134223938, -0.1412831247, 0.0033618126, 0.0222960878, -0.0088426238, -0.0196986068, -0.0193879027, 0.0203945823, -0.0256516859, 0.0511542335, 0.0329097211, -0.0398446247, -0.0198974553, 0.1203044206, 0.042777665, -0.0120180137, -0.0507316776, 0.0797389597 ]
Yong-Wan Kim
Yun Soo Myung, Yong-Wan Kim, Young-Jai Park
Ruppeiner geometry and 2D dilaton gravity in the thermodynamics of black holes
18 pages, 5 figures, version to appear in PLB
hep-th gr-qc
We resolve the controversial issue of the geometric approach to the black hole thermodynamics. The geometric description of the equilibrium thermodynamics comes from Ruppeiner geometry based on a metric on the thermodynamic state space. For this purpose, we consider the Reissner-Nordstr\"om-AdS (RN-AdS) black hole which provides two different ensembles: canonical ensemble for fixed-charge case and grand canonical ensemble for fixed-potential case. Two cases are independent and cannot be mixed into each other. Hence, we calculate different Ruppeiner curvatures for two ensembles. However, we could not find the consistent behaviors of Ruppeiner curvature corresponding to those of heat capacity. Alternatively, instead of the Ruppeiner curvature, we newly propose the curvature scalar in the 2D dilaton gravity approach which shows the features of extremal, Davies and minimum temperature points of RN-AdS black hole, clearly.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:02:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:51:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Myung", "Yun Soo", "" ], [ "Kim", "Yong-Wan", "" ], [ "Park", "Young-Jai", "" ] ]
[ 0.0389880352, 0.0226923488, 0.0148728527, -0.0301834997, 0.0544324517, -0.0069803903, 0.0207830779, -0.0041499273, -0.0236773863, -0.0161375925, -0.0353883915, -0.0507355183, -0.0931529403, 0.0176212285, 0.0544810966, -0.0100327907, 0.0294295195, 0.0551621094, 0.0717983022, 0.1607192308, -0.0885317773, -0.0966066569, 0.0930070132, 0.0857104361, -0.0079350257, 0.0238233171, 0.0894560143, 0.0500545055, 0.1012764648, -0.0292349439, 0.0029839952, -0.0016341289, -0.0458224937, -0.0942231044, -0.0225099344, 0.1095459163, 0.0204425715, 0.0516111068, -0.0099780662, 0.0230936613, 0.0171834342, 0.0350722037, -0.0949041247, 0.1731720567, -0.0511733145, -0.0264379233, -0.044873938, -0.0285782535, 0.0885804221, -0.0691228881, -0.0739386305, -0.0114373816, 0.0873643234, -0.051951617, -0.060075134, 0.0069195856, -0.0364585556, -0.012440661, 0.0338317864, -0.1340624094, 0.0085856365, -0.0901370272, -0.0338074639, 0.0448009707, -0.0500545055, -0.0638693571, -0.0672257766, 0.030888835, -0.0025933245, 0.1085730419, -0.0207101125, -0.0729171112, 0.0649395213, -0.0316428132, 0.0598805621, -0.0748142153, 0.0716037229, 0.0119420616, -0.057205148, 0.0272648688, 0.0301834997, -0.0267541092, 0.0762248859, 0.0251245406, -0.1196638346, -0.0125744315, 0.0282620676, -0.0211479068, -0.0685878098, 0.0229112469, 0.0775382742, 0.0193845686, -0.029988924, -0.0179252531, 0.1154804602, -0.0044417903, 0.0269243624, 0.0322995074, 0.0363126211, 0.0536541492, -0.1009846032, -0.0263406374, 0.0507355183, 0.0134013761, 0.1492392868, -0.0030858433, 0.0165753867, 0.0869751796, -0.028335033, 0.0172928832, 0.0466494374, 0.0309374779, -0.0349019505, -0.0123433731, -0.0174631365, -0.0045390776, -0.0527299158, 0.05657278, -0.0859536529, 0.1273495555, -0.0222545546, -0.0860509425, 0.0385745615, -0.0509787388, 0.0221937504, -0.0619236007, -0.0383799858, -0.0767113268, -0.1689886749, 0.1194692552, 0.0958283544, 0.0191778317, -0.0839592591, -0.1221933141, -0.0182779208, -0.0075458749, 0.0339533947, 0.0534109287, 0.1433047354, -0.0300132465, 0.0487654433, 0.0461143553, 0.0205641817, -0.0189589337, 0.069803901, 0.0797758922, -0.029453842, 0.0385259166, 0.0224126466, -0.0511733145, -0.1168424934, 0.031156376, 0.0946609005, -0.0071871267, -0.0767599717, -0.1562439948, 0.053702794, 0.1384403557, -0.0152984858, -0.0388907455, -0.0082451301, 0.0748142153, -0.030888835, -0.0082268883, 0.0962175056, 0.048376292, -0.0492275618, -0.0244192053, -0.0581780262, -0.0633342713, 0.0452630892, -0.0086586028, -0.0968498737, -0.0318860337, 0.0179860573, 0.119371973, 0.0237017088, -0.0528272055, 0.0216708276, 0.0699498355, 0.0169888586, 0.004517796, 0.0389637128, -0.060075134, 0.0140459072, 0.0589076839, 0.0174631365, 0.0820621476, 0.0383799858, 0.0172928832, -0.0528272055, 0.1465152353, 0.0802623257, 0.0052292123, -0.0900397375, -0.1071137264, 0.0318373889, 0.039352864, -0.0288701151, 0.0443145335, 0.0114373816, 0.0105131492, 0.0459197797, -0.0677608624, -0.0686364472, -0.0040739211, 0.1220960245, 0.0207830779, -0.0810406283, -0.0181927942, 0.0372368544, -0.0196277872, 0.0036452473, 0.07092271, 0.0047184518, 0.0591995455, -0.0842997655, 0.0863428041, 0.0814297795, 0.1242363527, 0.0281891022, 0.0856131464, -0.0364099108, 0.0836673975, 0.0211843904, -0.0263406374, 0.0602697097, 0.0067310906, 0.0409824289, 0.0638207123, 0.0786570832, 0.0475250259, -0.0840565488, -0.0266324989, 0.0358748287, -0.1745340824, 0.016429456, 0.0625073239, -0.0502490811, 0.0161011089, 0.0247110687, 0.0590536147, -0.0911585465, 0.0274108015, -0.0506868772, 0.031205019, -0.007521553, 0.0389393903, -0.0260244515, -0.022813959, -0.0695606843, 0.0652800277, -0.0113400938, 0.0261703823, -0.0766140372, -0.0043779453 ]
Anna Molinari
A.S. Molinari, I. Gutierrez Lezama, P. Parisse, T. Takenobu, Y. Iwasa and A. F. Morpurgo
Quantitative analysis of electronic transport through weakly-coupled metal/organic interfaces
4 pages, 3 figures
Using single-crystal transistors, we have performed a systematic experimental study of electronic transport through oxidized copper/rubrene interfaces as a function of temperature and bias. We find that the measurements can be reproduced quantitatively in terms of the thermionic emission theory for Schottky diodes, if the effect of the bias-induced barrier lowering is included. Our analysis emphasizes the role of the coupling between metal and molecules, which in our devices is weak due to the presence of an oxide layer at the surface of the copper electrodes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:01:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Molinari", "A. S.", "" ], [ "Lezama", "I. Gutierrez", "" ], [ "Parisse", "P.", "" ], [ "Takenobu", "T.", "" ], [ "Iwasa", "Y.", "" ], [ "Morpurgo", "A. F.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0726975128, -0.0265233554, -0.1052049547, -0.0182919689, 0.09778364, 0.0220156908, -0.037995033, 0.0428554714, -0.0478465632, -0.0334743038, 0.0202648882, -0.0615132786, -0.018527152, 0.0215322599, 0.0152476626, -0.0316189751, 0.0159662757, 0.1241763383, -0.0298681725, 0.0674189702, 0.0884808674, -0.0524195582, 0.1017033458, -0.0559211634, -0.0483430624, -0.1026440784, 0.0809027627, -0.0170637947, 0.0430122577, -0.0585343018, 0.0985675827, -0.0652239323, 0.0080941962, -0.0784986764, -0.1076613069, 0.0571754687, -0.00433781, 0.0792826191, -0.0614087544, -0.0022113684, 0.0790213048, -0.016279852, -0.0232177358, 0.1094382405, 0.024419779, -0.0249424055, 0.0110013131, -0.0506948866, 0.0333175138, -0.0308350343, -0.0193372238, -0.0266017485, 0.0925050974, -0.0530989729, 0.012477736, -0.0228780266, -0.0322983898, 0.0504597016, 0.0319848135, -0.0483169295, -0.0213885382, -0.0624540076, 0.0555553213, -0.0458083153, -0.0544578061, 0.024419779, -0.0691436455, 0.037995033, 0.0276992675, 0.014189342, 0.0853451043, 0.0539874397, 0.0497018918, 0.0324029177, -0.038988024, -0.092139259, -0.0221855454, 0.0308611654, 0.0011652964, 0.0213885382, 0.0197291952, 0.0113540869, 0.0153652541, -0.0551372208, -0.0754151717, -0.010308831, 0.0429077335, -0.0441881716, -0.0915643722, -0.0557121113, -0.0500154682, -0.0701366365, -0.042385105, 0.0857109427, 0.0361135714, -0.01898445, -0.0272550341, -0.0987243727, -0.0200689025, 0.0449982435, -0.0076956926, 0.005882828, 0.0695617422, -0.0840385333, 0.061879117, 0.0059220251, 0.1052572131, -0.0652239323, -0.0512697771, 0.0459651053, 0.1324338615, 0.0191935021, 0.0399026237, 0.022277005, 0.0321677327, -0.0288229175, 0.0276208725, -0.002201569, 0.0244851075, 0.0668963417, -0.0228780266, 0.0126867872, 0.053308025, 0.0376814567, 0.1083929837, -0.0226951074, 0.0225513838, -0.1613874286, -0.0540397018, -0.0865471438, 0.0815299153, -0.0920870006, -0.035669338, 0.017377371, -0.0068790871, 0.0571232066, 0.1335836351, -0.0196769331, 0.0665305033, -0.0600499213, 0.0108575905, -0.0353557616, 0.0312792659, 0.1238627583, 0.0159662757, 0.0340491943, -0.0376553237, 0.0924005732, 0.0524718203, 0.0555030592, 0.0284570772, -0.0968429074, 0.0648580939, -0.0151562029, 0.0589524023, -0.1043687463, 0.0655375123, 0.1197862625, 0.0190236475, -0.0549804308, 0.0969996974, -0.005128284, -0.0461741574, -0.0311224796, 0.0573322587, 0.0539874397, -0.0590569302, 0.0127521157, -0.0366623327, 0.0081987223, -0.0838294774, -0.0887944475, -0.0150908744, 0.0940207243, 0.0161622614, -0.0023322261, -0.0538829155, -0.0563392639, 0.0744744465, 0.1330610067, 0.0176778808, -0.0457560532, 0.0321938656, 0.0355125517, 0.0325858369, -0.0617745928, 0.038073428, 0.1070341468, -0.0375246666, -0.1240718141, -0.0642832071, 0.1235491857, 0.045651529, 0.0303385369, -0.1327474266, -0.0470103621, 0.0493621863, 0.0717045218, 0.0115696704, 0.043404229, 0.0493099205, 0.0163713116, -0.0052066785, -0.0208528452, -0.0513220392, -0.0013351504, 0.0297375154, -0.0904145911, 0.0497018918, 0.0815299153, 0.060886126, 0.0175864212, 0.05338642, 0.030416932, 0.0408956148, -0.0193633549, -0.0218458381, 0.0880627632, 0.2276566178, 0.1914907843, -0.0882718191, -0.0599976592, 0.0812163427, 0.0208528452, 0.0949091911, 0.0906759053, 0.0166848898, -0.0168547425, 0.0036518609, -0.1168595478, 0.0573322587, 0.0640741512, -0.1231310815, -0.0192849617, 0.0112103643, 0.076146856, 0.0107987942, -0.0284309462, -0.1031667069, -0.0699275881, -0.1088110879, -0.0357999951, -0.04889182, -0.0056541781, -0.040242333, -0.0001135082, -0.0633424744, -0.0448153242, -0.0132290134, 0.0747880191, -0.0636037886, 0.0449721143, 0.1211450994, 0.0245504361, -0.0529421829, -0.0011007845 ]
David Petrosyan
David Petrosyan, Michael Fleischhauer
Quantum information processing with single photons and atomic ensembles in microwave coplanar waveguide resonators
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 170501 (2008)
We show that pairs of atoms optically excited to the Rydberg states can strongly interact with each other via effective long-range dipole-dipole or van der Waals interactions mediated by their non-resonant coupling to a common microwave field mode of a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity. These cavity mediated interactions can be employed to generate single photons and to realize in a scalable configuration a universal phase gate between pairs of single photon pulses propagating or stored in atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:01:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Petrosyan", "David", "" ], [ "Fleischhauer", "Michael", "" ] ]
[ -0.0205817148, 0.0176131986, -0.1110108793, 0.0170660596, -0.0074678562, -0.0248889737, -0.0048980522, 0.063654311, -0.1053299531, 0.0090627065, 0.0618848391, -0.0229914524, 0.0275897421, 0.061838273, -0.0154479276, -0.0539222285, -0.0455871001, 0.0535962768, 0.0365069322, 0.0592771992, -0.0917329788, -0.1033742204, -0.0695214942, -0.0207214095, -0.097413905, -0.0970413908, 0.0655634701, 0.0370424315, 0.0696146265, -0.0313847847, 0.0033934219, -0.0488000847, -0.0457733609, -0.0747367665, -0.1021635309, 0.095737569, -0.0337130353, -0.002034307, -0.1602766067, 0.0941077918, -0.0446092375, -0.0621176623, -0.0423974022, 0.0334802084, 0.0568558238, -0.0034196146, -0.0493122973, 0.0267282892, 0.0508955084, -0.0467977896, 0.0436779372, 0.0157622416, -0.0166818984, 0.0216061436, -0.0352263972, -0.0190334301, 0.0138880005, 0.0239111092, -0.0551329181, 0.0643527806, 0.0639337003, -0.0643062145, 0.0123513574, -0.0062688086, -0.0703596622, 0.012362998, -0.040790908, 0.066215381, 0.0582527705, 0.1569239348, -0.0169380065, 0.0369492993, -0.0127355177, 0.0204536617, 0.1177162305, -0.0466348119, -0.1010459736, 0.1080307215, -0.0736192092, 0.0395336561, 0.04819474, -0.049917642, 0.038392812, -0.121162042, -0.0558779575, 0.0122931506, -0.0427699201, -0.0326886065, -0.0397199169, -0.0387653336, 0.0792070031, 0.1028154418, -0.0778100565, -0.00267312, -0.0143303685, -0.04537756, 0.0995558947, 0.0580665134, 0.0498710796, 0.0560176522, 0.0236433614, -0.0807436481, -0.0188704524, 0.0171242654, 0.134107098, -0.0638405681, 0.0023180621, 0.0728741735, 0.0131080374, 0.0427000746, 0.0387420505, -0.0904757306, 0.0412565582, 0.0399993062, -0.0482878685, -0.1348521411, -0.0133757861, -0.0226538554, -0.0440504588, 0.0554123074, -0.0845154151, 0.0292660799, 0.0267515723, 0.0283580646, 0.0648184344, -0.018544497, 0.0196504146, -0.1157605052, -0.0542016178, 0.0939215347, 0.1061681211, 0.0129683428, 0.0751092881, 0.0216177851, -0.0169962123, -0.0324557796, 0.1247941032, 0.0377641879, 0.0460760333, -0.0402321294, 0.117902495, 0.0087309312, 0.1345727444, 0.0378805995, 0.0349004418, 0.0576474257, -0.0844222829, -0.0353660919, -0.0230380166, -0.0680779815, -0.0262859222, -0.1590659171, 0.0439340435, -0.0492657349, 0.0887062624, -0.0804642588, -0.0044265818, 0.148449108, 0.0029714268, -0.1062612534, 0.0623504892, 0.0420714468, -0.0430725925, 0.018672552, 0.0274733286, 0.012700594, -0.1003009379, 0.0616520122, -0.0869833529, -0.0678451508, -0.0481481738, -0.0743176863, -0.0624436177, 0.0401622839, 0.0745039433, 0.0049358862, 0.0533634499, -0.133082673, -0.0927108452, -0.0650512576, -0.0301042497, -0.0242836289, 0.0235036667, -0.0214431658, 0.0203605313, -0.0505695529, 0.0375779271, -0.0057740556, -0.0302206632, -0.0320599787, -0.0672863722, 0.1243284568, 0.0105469646, 0.0674260706, 0.0508955084, -0.0960169584, -0.0622573569, 0.0067868438, -0.0444229767, -0.1130597368, -0.0163908675, -0.1151085943, -0.0088182399, -0.057321474, -0.0064608888, -0.0828390718, 0.0443531312, -0.0521993265, -0.095551312, 0.0396035016, 0.0309889838, 0.0326187573, 0.1325238943, -0.0122000212, -0.0786947906, -0.0958307013, -0.0216643494, 0.003207162, 0.0524787158, 0.0529443659, -0.0617451444, 0.020523509, 0.0566229969, 0.0725947842, -0.0285210405, 0.074224554, -0.0633283556, -0.0860986188, 0.0736192092, -0.0414428189, -0.0714772195, 0.0093537373, -0.0469607674, 0.0670069829, -0.0345744863, 0.0695680603, 0.0076832194, -0.0824665502, -0.0652840808, -0.0850276276, 0.0294057764, 0.0173920151, -0.0098077459, 0.0189402997, -0.0444695428, 0.0358084589, -0.0820474699, -0.0086378008, 0.0840497613, -0.0263790525, 0.0271706581, 0.0528512374, -0.0970413908, 0.0199647285, 0.0208727457, 0.0595565923 ]
Tewfik Kernane
Ahmed Guellil (USTHB), Tewfik Kernane (USTHB)
A New Approach of Point Estimation from Truncated or Grouped and Censored Data
stat.ME math.PR math.ST stat.TH
We propose a new approach for estimating the parameters of a probability distribution. It consists on combining two new methods of estimation. The first is based on the definition of a new distance measuring the difference between variations of two distributions on a finite number of points from their support and on using this measure for estimation purposes by the method of minimum distance. For the second method, given an empirical discrete distribution, we build up an auxiliary discrete theoretical distribution having the same support of the first and depending on the same parameters of the parent distribution of the data from which the empirical distribution emanated. We estimate then the parameters from the empirical distribution by the usual statistical methods. In practice, we propose to compute the two estimations, the second based on maximum likelihood principle of known theoretical properties, and the first being as a control of the effectiveness of the obtained estimation, and for which we prove the convergence in probability, so we have also a criterion on the quality of the information contained in the observations. We apply the approach to truncated or grouped and censored data situations to give the flavour on the effectiveness of the approach. We give also some interesting perspectives of the approach including model selection from truncated data, estimation of the initial trial value in the celebrate EM algorithm in the case of truncation and merged normal populations, a test of goodness of fit based on the new distance, quality of estimations and data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:03:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 29 Dec 2008 07:30:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guellil", "Ahmed", "", "USTHB" ], [ "Kernane", "Tewfik", "", "USTHB" ] ]
[ -0.0128506673, -0.0472723208, 0.1025031209, -0.0082669901, -0.0793328807, 0.008141065, 0.0012616131, 0.1327755302, -0.0495389774, 0.0923787281, 0.0846721083, -0.0895580053, -0.0711729228, 0.0660351813, 0.0504456386, 0.072583288, 0.1153474897, 0.0581270754, -0.0089910598, 0.1080942005, -0.0528885871, 0.0166347194, 0.0071462556, -0.0818010122, -0.0206139553, -0.076008454, 0.0338990651, -0.0208909921, 0.1199815348, -0.0031371117, -0.0331686996, -0.0340501741, -0.0996823907, -0.0579255931, -0.03971681, 0.1385177225, 0.0336220302, 0.075756602, -0.0257517044, -0.0292146485, 0.0279302113, -0.0787788108, -0.0318087079, 0.0367953442, 0.0020242478, -0.0668410957, 0.036266461, -0.0248828214, 0.0105147548, 0.019140631, -0.0746484622, 0.0743462443, -0.0103132743, -0.0121328933, -0.0168739781, -0.1342866421, 0.0280309506, 0.0323124081, 0.0325642601, -0.1379132867, 0.0581774451, -0.0407745801, 0.0451315939, 0.1111164019, -0.0580767058, -0.0078325476, -0.0215835795, -0.0111884549, -0.005975151, 0.0930335447, -0.0939402059, 0.0264694784, 0.0144310286, 0.0389360748, 0.0644233376, 0.0318087079, -0.0896587446, -0.005688671, -0.1442599148, 0.0635670424, 0.0675966516, -0.019921368, 0.0626603812, 0.0111758616, -0.0185361896, -0.0696114525, -0.0267716981, -0.0104391994, -0.1206867173, 0.0420086496, -0.0692084953, 0.0288368724, 0.0101558678, 0.0873920918, 0.1143400893, -0.0531908087, 0.0545508005, -0.0239887517, 0.1598746479, -0.0682514608, 0.0197576657, 0.0353094265, 0.0469449162, -0.1165563688, 0.17992194, -0.01378881, -0.0349064656, 0.0787284374, -0.0649774075, 0.1498006284, 0.0214954335, -0.0653299987, -0.0520322956, 0.0542989485, 0.0311538968, -0.0173273087, -0.0181206372, -0.103460148, 0.0597389191, 0.1192763522, -0.0459878854, -0.0489345342, 0.0939905718, -0.025865037, 0.0501686037, -0.024001345, 0.0037872007, -0.1256229877, 0.0860824734, -0.0907165185, 0.0360901654, 0.0635166764, -0.0503197126, -0.0283835419, -0.0909683704, -0.0213946924, 0.0086006913, 0.0675966516, -0.0254494846, -0.0494130515, 0.0692588612, -0.0400945842, -0.0743462443, 0.0724321753, -0.0484560207, -0.0726336613, -0.0554574616, 0.1021001562, 0.056615971, 0.0262679979, -0.0949476063, -0.020576179, 0.0469952859, -0.0056257085, -0.0239761584, -0.074295871, 0.0418827236, -0.0091547621, -0.0400945842, -0.0757062361, 0.0145569537, -0.0007040006, -0.0145695461, 0.006504037, 0.0111380843, 0.0182843395, -0.1424465925, -0.1429502964, -0.1038631126, -0.0568174534, -0.0289376117, -0.0484812036, 0.0246939324, -0.043167159, 0.0379790403, 0.0032897959, -0.0543493181, -0.1100082621, -0.0181584153, -0.0494886078, -0.0750010535, -0.0026585958, 0.0382812619, 0.0298694596, 0.0347553566, -0.0182339698, 0.018926559, 0.0923283622, -0.0064914445, -0.0081536574, -0.0081095835, 0.0203746986, -0.0248450432, 0.0673447996, -0.0586307757, 0.0105210505, 0.0308013055, 0.092882432, 0.0220620967, -0.0372486748, 0.026645774, 0.004325531, 0.0510752648, -0.0046655289, 0.0091988361, -0.0017739714, 0.0885506049, 0.0241902322, -0.065481104, -0.0617033504, -0.0022099873, -0.0193547048, 0.0987757295, 0.0487330556, 0.0164836086, 0.0357375741, -0.1031579301, 0.0957031548, 0.0224902425, 0.1495991498, 0.0339242518, 0.0400442146, 0.0437212326, 0.0641714856, -0.0553063489, -0.0912705883, 0.0727847666, -0.0936883539, 0.0315568559, -0.0779728889, 0.0252983738, -0.0707195923, -0.0438723415, 0.0444264114, -0.0196191464, -0.0186495222, -0.0173273087, 0.0028018358, -0.0638692677, -0.0998838767, -0.0244294908, 0.0712232962, -0.0680499822, -0.060041137, -0.0289376117, 0.009538834, -0.074295871, -0.0233843103, 0.0469701029, 0.0666396171, 0.0703166351, -0.0152747277, 0.082606934, -0.0126743717, -0.0255376324, -0.0239761584 ]
Satyabrata Adhikari
Satyabrata Adhikari
Teleportation using continuous variable quantum cloning machine
7 pages, 2 figures
We show that an unknown quantum state in phase space can be teleported via three-mode entanglement generated by continuous variable quantum cloning machine (transformation). Further, proceeding with our teleportation protocol we are able to improve the fidelity of teleportation obtained by Loock [Phys.Rev.Lett. 84, 3482(2000)]. Also we study here the entanglement between the two output copies from cloning machine.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:05:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Adhikari", "Satyabrata", "" ] ]
[ 0.0713645145, 0.0081792958, -0.0572740771, -0.0023790284, -0.0635590181, 0.0221366845, 0.0606192909, 0.0441720001, -0.0659919009, 0.0427021347, 0.0869755, -0.070046708, -0.0914864689, 0.0133555038, 0.0270151179, -0.0263308696, 0.0434624106, 0.0377603434, -0.003494099, 0.0750138387, -0.026001418, -0.0168781132, 0.0398130864, -0.0721247941, -0.1163728163, -0.0808426142, 0.0236825775, -0.0152308503, 0.0686275214, -0.0355555452, 0.0118602961, -0.0488857068, 0.0164726339, -0.0584398322, -0.0359610245, 0.1813510209, 0.0399397984, -0.0075774114, -0.1187043265, -0.0124178315, -0.0529658496, -0.1025864929, 0.03641719, 0.0810453519, -0.0345925279, 0.0398384295, -0.0550439358, 0.0012489107, 0.0237079207, 0.121339947, 0.0179678407, -0.0155096175, -0.0743549317, -0.0290171765, -0.0869248211, 0.0336802006, 0.0669549182, 0.0545370877, 0.0108212531, -0.0704014972, -0.0475425534, -0.1152577475, 0.0516226962, -0.0077294661, -0.0026704674, 0.0580850393, -0.1094796509, 0.0829713866, -0.1084659547, 0.0643192977, -0.0872289315, 0.0996974409, -0.0769398659, -0.0871782452, 0.0742028728, -0.0359610245, -0.077852197, 0.1363427192, -0.0245695654, 0.0256846361, 0.0532192774, -0.0488096774, 0.1101892442, 0.0448562466, -0.0564124323, 0.0745069832, -0.0442480259, -0.0450336449, -0.1569208354, -0.0603658631, 0.0912837312, 0.0982782617, 0.0101433406, 0.0707056075, 0.0715165734, -0.0123924883, 0.1530687809, -0.048252143, 0.0533206463, 0.0523576289, 0.0538274981, -0.0435891226, 0.0158137269, -0.0097695384, 0.1166769266, 0.0355555452, -0.0075330618, 0.0600110702, 0.0048720981, 0.0612781942, -0.0294479989, -0.0115688574, -0.0118539603, -0.0047263787, 0.0027148167, -0.0466302224, 0.0511158481, -0.1128248647, -0.0338575952, 0.0404973365, -0.005331431, -0.0153448917, 0.1103919819, -0.0499247499, 0.0077991583, -0.087634407, 0.0900672898, -0.0921453759, 0.0151928365, 0.0383432209, 0.1525619179, -0.0264575835, -0.0004811118, 0.0228082612, -0.0333507471, -0.0148507124, -0.0240880586, -0.0285103265, -0.1038029343, 0.0343137607, -0.1149536371, -0.0442480259, 0.0192603096, 0.0357836261, 0.0276233386, 0.1174878851, -0.0297521092, 0.0052902494, 0.0652316287, -0.0145972874, -0.0533713326, 0.0130513944, -0.0484295413, -0.0023821963, -0.0162572209, -0.0518507808, -0.01602914, 0.1610770077, 0.0429302156, 0.0476692654, -0.0636603907, 0.0400158279, -0.0497220084, -0.1031947136, 0.0632549077, -0.0499247499, -0.0114991646, 0.1013700515, -0.0963015482, -0.0957947001, -0.010130669, -0.0504569411, -0.0255832672, -0.0367973298, 0.0089205643, 0.0068678209, 0.02883978, -0.1870277375, -0.0568179116, -0.012842318, 0.0642686114, 0.024075387, -0.0220099725, -0.0200205855, -0.0376843177, 0.0265589524, -0.0400158279, 0.0217058621, -0.0178031158, -0.0172329079, -0.0381151401, 0.0362651348, 0.0033705542, 0.1023330688, 0.0336041711, -0.0227068905, 0.0481000878, 0.0886987969, 0.0737973973, -0.1941236407, 0.0103714233, 0.0752672628, 0.0175370183, 0.0072542941, -0.0404719934, -0.0925508589, 0.131375581, -0.0435384363, -0.014990096, 0.0186520889, 0.0626973733, 0.0420432277, -0.0202106535, -0.0295240264, -0.0867727622, -0.0485815965, -0.1046138927, 0.0358343124, -0.0117272474, 0.063305594, -0.089205645, -0.0003367782, 0.0664987564, 0.0279527921, -0.0238599759, 0.0253805257, -0.0626973733, -0.1052221134, 0.0137102995, -0.05869326, 0.01492674, 0.0372534916, 0.0507357083, -0.0413336381, -0.0125952289, 0.012842318, 0.0338575952, -0.0238979887, -0.0501781739, -0.1143454164, 0.0047073718, 0.0962508619, 0.0102383746, 0.0298788231, 0.009877244, -0.0136342719, -0.02934663, -0.0065573752, 0.0152561925, 0.0243288111, 0.0465035103, 0.094223462, 0.0300815627, -0.0627987459, -0.0108656026, 0.0825152174 ]
Shai Gutner
Shai Gutner
Choice numbers of graphs
cs.DM cs.CC cs.DS
A solution to a problem of Erd\H{o}s, Rubin and Taylor is obtained by showing that if a graph $G$ is $(a:b)$-choosable, and $c/d > a/b$, then $G$ is not necessarily $(c:d)$-choosable. The simplest case of another problem, stated by the same authors, is settled, proving that every 2-choosable graph is also $(4:2)$-choosable. Applying probabilistic methods, an upper bound for the $k^{th}$ choice number of a graph is given. We also prove that a directed graph with maximum outdegree $d$ and no odd directed cycle is $(k(d+1):k)$-choosable for every $k \geq 1$. Other results presented in this article are related to the strong choice number of graphs (a generalization of the strong chromatic number). We conclude with complexity analysis of some decision problems related to graph choosability.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:05:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gutner", "Shai", "" ] ]
[ 0.0008634105, -0.1112502664, -0.0027270876, -0.0261616968, 0.1365635991, -0.0113611929, -0.0324212424, -0.0260011964, -0.1028124914, 0.0019976669, 0.0488840826, -0.0755272806, -0.0865789354, 0.050122235, 0.1118922681, -0.0336593948, 0.0928155556, -0.0437480435, 0.0170131288, 0.0408360921, -0.0837357715, 0.000417733, 0.1171200275, -0.0156603325, 0.0390705802, 0.0470039248, 0.0934117064, -0.0445276201, 0.0894220993, -0.0370069928, -0.0493426584, -0.0325358883, -0.1151940078, -0.0637877658, -0.0935951322, -0.0140094627, -0.0299907979, 0.0085581541, -0.0024161164, 0.0295551512, 0.0274686348, 0.0330632478, -0.0074976995, 0.0218281634, 0.0498012304, -0.0233987831, 0.0060302597, -0.0295092929, -0.0334301069, 0.0715835392, -0.1404156238, 0.1361050308, -0.0153737227, -0.0677773654, 0.0307703745, 0.006248083, -0.0107363844, 0.0495260879, 0.1057473645, -0.0086785294, 0.0996941775, -0.1195963323, -0.0256572645, 0.0904309675, -0.0520023927, -0.027743781, -0.144634515, 0.0747935623, 0.0568174273, 0.0241898242, -0.0742432699, 0.0826810524, 0.0465453491, 0.0067525152, 0.0405609496, 0.0590185858, -0.0052248877, 0.0293029342, 0.0589727312, 0.0548914149, -0.0063226013, 0.0177124552, 0.0422347449, -0.0590644442, -0.0157176536, -0.1237234995, 0.049388513, -0.0352414809, -0.1314275563, -0.1029042006, 0.0022470169, -0.0519106761, 0.0076639326, 0.0337740406, 0.0687403753, 0.0185034964, 0.1721490026, 0.0562212802, -0.046774637, -0.0554417036, -0.0927696973, -0.108682245, -0.0221950244, -0.0238229651, 0.0677315071, 0.0112866741, 0.0661723539, 0.1197797582, -0.037626069, -0.0019962338, -0.0674563646, -0.0075148959, -0.0977681652, 0.0543869808, 0.0634209067, -0.1403239071, -0.0405609496, -0.0552582741, -0.0453989133, 0.011131905, 0.0172538795, -0.1598592103, 0.1160194427, -0.0048723579, 0.0116821947, 0.1133597121, -0.0040612537, -0.099419035, 0.0513603874, -0.0403087325, 0.0426245369, -0.0055315597, -0.0337511115, -0.0237771068, -0.0254050475, 0.0348746181, -0.0583307259, -0.0837357715, -0.0331320353, -0.0241898242, -0.0057207216, -0.0242586117, 0.0103981858, 0.0222523455, -0.0052564144, 0.093916133, 0.0015376589, 0.1118922681, 0.0124961659, 0.1023539156, -0.097401306, 0.015476902, 0.0746101364, 0.0334530361, -0.0153393298, -0.0740139857, 0.0466599949, -0.0223325975, 0.0224930979, 0.02976151, 0.0943747088, 0.0035338926, -0.0428996794, -0.0149495415, 0.0519565344, 0.0268266313, -0.0362962, 0.1219809204, -0.0423035324, -0.0047663124, 0.0656679198, 0.0075148959, -0.0532405451, 0.0042504161, 0.093916133, 0.055349987, -0.1331701428, -0.0368464924, 0.0955670029, 0.0398730859, 0.0309308749, 0.11739517, 0.0736929849, -0.0389100797, -0.0191569664, 0.0112694781, 0.0529195406, -0.1229897812, 0.0792417377, -0.0783245862, -0.056771569, 0.0024218485, 0.0118312323, 0.0062996722, -0.0365713462, -0.0864413679, 0.0819014758, 0.0554417036, -0.0271017756, -0.0061449036, -0.0114701046, 0.0204065815, 0.0875419453, -0.0549372695, 0.0000416927, -0.045353055, -0.0200282577, -0.0767195746, 0.0247171856, -0.0226535983, -0.006133439, -0.0423264615, 0.0240981095, 0.0620910376, 0.0571842864, 0.0091428366, -0.0585141554, -0.06401705, 0.0106217405, 0.083460629, -0.0975847319, 0.0238688234, 0.0003682929, 0.0593854487, 0.0665392131, 0.0324212424, -0.0110975122, 0.0025336263, -0.0630540475, 0.0285004284, -0.0266202725, 0.0039093508, -0.0207275841, -0.0723172575, -0.0099281464, -0.0343014002, 0.0709873885, 0.0871292278, -0.066676788, -0.1317944229, -0.0771322921, -0.1052887961, 0.0057465164, -0.009400785, 0.0137801748, 0.0254509058, -0.0737388432, 0.0012603644, -0.1492202729, -0.0196728632, -0.0275144931, -0.014169964, 0.006632139, -0.1306021214, -0.0334071815, -0.0255884789 ]
Olivier Roustant
Jessica Franco, Laurent Carraro, Olivier Roustant, Astrid Jourdan (LMA-PAU)
A Radar-Shaped Statistic for Testing and Visualizing Uniformity Properties in Computer Experiments
cs.LG math.ST stat.TH
In the study of computer codes, filling space as uniformly as possible is important to describe the complexity of the investigated phenomenon. However, this property is not conserved by reducing the dimension. Some numeric experiment designs are conceived in this sense as Latin hypercubes or orthogonal arrays, but they consider only the projections onto the axes or the coordinate planes. In this article we introduce a statistic which allows studying the good distribution of points according to all 1-dimensional projections. By angularly scanning the domain, we obtain a radar type representation, allowing the uniformity defects of a design to be identified with respect to its projections onto straight lines. The advantages of this new tool are demonstrated on usual examples of space-filling designs (SFD) and a global statistic independent of the angle of rotation is studied.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:06:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Franco", "Jessica", "", "LMA-PAU" ], [ "Carraro", "Laurent", "", "LMA-PAU" ], [ "Roustant", "Olivier", "", "LMA-PAU" ], [ "Jourdan", "Astrid", "", "LMA-PAU" ] ]
[ -0.0519694202, 0.0161931515, 0.047399018, -0.0161326155, 0.0009713999, -0.0762137473, -0.0057281377, -0.0889261216, -0.0184934866, 0.131361261, 0.0498204231, -0.0144678988, 0.0068139872, 0.0114941103, 0.0809354857, 0.0688889921, 0.0445235968, -0.0562976822, 0.0065377955, -0.0286331233, 0.0283607151, 0.0046990402, -0.0124097038, 0.0057584052, 0.0642883182, -0.0671334714, 0.0714314654, 0.0998829827, 0.0298438258, -0.0113200713, 0.034051016, -0.0546935014, -0.0281942431, 0.0081949448, -0.040619079, 0.0404072069, -0.0380766056, 0.0929214433, 0.0626538694, -0.0005774485, -0.042919416, 0.0327495113, -0.0038591153, 0.0483675785, 0.0413152352, 0.05569233, 0.0529379807, -0.0478530303, -0.0418600515, 0.0628960133, -0.1254288107, 0.1484321654, 0.0630776212, -0.1276080757, -0.0478832982, 0.071189329, -0.0423745997, 0.0573873147, 0.0162385516, -0.0679809675, 0.0928609073, -0.0041390904, 0.0437669083, 0.0375923216, -0.1162274703, 0.0158904754, -0.1332983822, -0.0141576566, 0.1004277989, 0.0594455115, 0.0241383873, 0.0659833029, 0.0562371463, 0.0410125591, 0.0486097187, -0.038439814, -0.110173963, 0.0637435019, -0.0527261086, 0.0430404879, 0.0253339577, -0.0175854582, 0.0465212576, 0.0158450734, 0.0496690832, -0.0639251098, -0.0056297681, -0.0446446687, -0.079058893, 0.0187356267, -0.0562976822, 0.0207332857, -0.0793010369, 0.1138666049, 0.0298286919, -0.1145930216, 0.0700996965, 0.0087170601, 0.1179224551, -0.0090802712, 0.0444025286, 0.0105482489, 0.0512127317, -0.0108584911, 0.1393519044, 0.0224888045, 0.0033199743, 0.0041126064, -0.0144905997, 0.0592941716, -0.0026465207, -0.0506679155, 0.0229276847, 0.0931635872, 0.0728843138, -0.0244410634, -0.0391965061, -0.0166017637, 0.0220499262, -0.0094207814, -0.0069539747, -0.0378647298, 0.0682836398, -0.0371080413, 0.1211913526, -0.0678598955, -0.0135220373, -0.1239759699, -0.0301616341, 0.0134312343, 0.0502441674, -0.0310847964, -0.0087397611, -0.0936478674, -0.0424654037, 0.0404374748, 0.0393478423, -0.004297995, -0.0637435019, 0.056176614, 0.0920134187, 0.0656200945, 0.0674966872, 0.0017044425, -0.0221558623, 0.0378949977, -0.103575632, 0.1308769733, 0.0650752783, 0.0261511821, -0.0425864719, -0.0395294465, -0.0235179029, -0.0324165672, 0.0183118805, -0.1044231206, 0.0932241231, 0.0310847964, -0.0207635537, -0.0828120783, 0.0479438342, 0.042919416, 0.0119859586, 0.0471568778, 0.0594757758, 0.0080965757, -0.0802090615, -0.0873522088, -0.1127164364, -0.0125761759, 0.0348077081, -0.1009120792, -0.0063675405, -0.0894104019, 0.1466161162, 0.023654107, -0.0603838041, -0.1038177684, 0.0116454484, -0.1311191171, -0.0552383177, 0.0144678988, 0.0444630608, -0.0183572825, -0.0501533672, -0.0727632418, 0.0476108901, -0.0397110544, 0.019431781, 0.029874092, -0.0915896669, 0.0182513446, 0.0765164196, 0.1705880314, -0.0425562039, -0.1297873408, 0.0566003583, 0.055752866, -0.0397413224, -0.0432220921, -0.0612918325, 0.0141803576, 0.0048314612, -0.0897130817, -0.0433734283, -0.0087548951, 0.0334456675, -0.0237449091, -0.0610194243, -0.0563279502, -0.0044758171, 0.0525445044, 0.0661649108, 0.0652568862, -0.034474764, -0.0282093771, 0.0111914342, 0.1617498994, 0.0435550362, 0.1348723024, -0.0480649024, 0.0940110758, 0.0839017108, 0.002725973, -0.0803301334, 0.0883813053, 0.1006699428, -0.1167117581, 0.0054027615, -0.0248345416, 0.0786956847, 0.0308275204, -0.1061181054, 0.0351709165, -0.0586585514, 0.0118800215, -0.0533919968, -0.0208846238, -0.08571776, 0.019401513, 0.0033445666, 0.0575386547, -0.0404072069, -0.0615945086, -0.0133479992, -0.0160569474, -0.1219783127, 0.0100261327, 0.0071734143, -0.0627749413, 0.0294200797, -0.0515456721, -0.1257920265, -0.0704023689, -0.0496690832, 0.0388030261 ]
Walid Saad
Walid Saad, Zhu Han, Merouane Debbah and Are Hj{\o}rungnes
A Distributed Merge and Split Algorithm for Fair Cooperation in Wireless Networks
This paper is accepted for publication at the IEEE ICC Workshop on Cooperative Communications and Networking
cs.IT cs.GT math.IT
This paper introduces a novel concept from coalitional game theory which allows the dynamic formation of coalitions among wireless nodes. A simple and distributed merge and split algorithm for coalition formation is constructed. This algorithm is applied to study the gains resulting from the cooperation among single antenna transmitters for virtual MIMO formation. The aim is to find an ultimate transmitters coalition structure that allows cooperating users to maximize their utilities while accounting for the cost of coalition formation. Through this novel game theoretical framework, the wireless network transmitters are able to self-organize and form a structured network composed of disjoint stable coalitions. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the average individual user utility by 26.4% as well as cope with the mobility of the distributed users.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:14:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Saad", "Walid", "" ], [ "Han", "Zhu", "" ], [ "Debbah", "Merouane", "" ], [ "Hjørungnes", "Are", "" ] ]
[ 0.1044914797, -0.0597392581, -0.0120953722, -0.010195883, 0.0068668812, -0.0500786267, -0.0080483509, 0.004683448, -0.0822981372, 0.0380420014, 0.0633946285, -0.0716453344, -0.1307579577, 0.0132311489, 0.0293735415, -0.0019223351, 0.0819325969, -0.0308879111, 0.0577549115, -0.0092167649, -0.0264753532, 0.0381464399, 0.0324022807, -0.0298435185, -0.0633424148, 0.0696087703, -0.000537699, 0.1288780421, -0.0325850509, -0.0528984852, 0.0622980185, -0.0092363469, -0.0654312, -0.0936297998, -0.0888255909, 0.1112278104, -0.10543143, 0.0778594688, -0.1019327193, 0.0029716233, 0.0327417068, -0.0355354585, -0.0578071289, 0.0566060804, 0.0587993041, -0.0137990369, -0.0069321557, 0.0342821889, 0.0593215004, -0.0180288274, 0.0109334849, 0.1365021169, 0.0033779573, -0.0391908325, -0.0429767556, -0.0187860113, 0.0855357572, -0.0225719344, -0.0048335795, -0.0400785655, 0.0047650412, 0.0202089977, 0.0867890269, 0.0746218488, 0.0606269911, 0.0235118885, -0.0444911234, -0.0572849326, 0.0572327152, 0.0206136983, -0.0027464263, -0.0328461491, 0.0630813166, -0.0799482539, -0.0447261147, -0.0701309666, -0.1044914797, 0.0177938398, -0.0890866891, 0.0271542072, 0.0129178306, -0.0597392581, 0.1240738407, -0.1086168289, 0.0047552502, -0.0568671785, -0.1612542123, -0.045457188, -0.1045437008, 0.0095039727, -0.0481203906, 0.0269714389, -0.0215536524, 0.0240340848, 0.0920632109, -0.1077813134, 0.052297961, -0.0348043852, 0.0314362161, 0.0201567765, -0.0108421007, -0.1029771119, -0.0342821889, -0.0049804472, 0.0985384434, -0.1181208044, 0.0499219671, 0.0155875599, -0.0068864636, 0.079791598, -0.0766584203, -0.0149217593, 0.0334205627, -0.026253419, -0.0716453344, -0.076345101, -0.013550994, 0.0133290607, 0.0131397648, 0.0017754674, -0.0848046765, -0.0585382059, 0.1387997717, 0.033133354, -0.0174805205, -0.0095496653, 0.1338911355, -0.1244915947, 0.0610969663, -0.0166972261, 0.0387208574, 0.0416712649, 0.0222977828, 0.0151828574, -0.0778594688, -0.0765017569, -0.0031984523, 0.0609925278, 0.0112141659, -0.0878334194, 0.0656922981, -0.0215275418, 0.0784338862, -0.0801049098, -0.0341516398, -0.0278069526, -0.0309662409, -0.0190993305, -0.0804704502, -0.0385119766, 0.0127350623, -0.1116455719, 0.0424806699, 0.1123766452, 0.0334466733, -0.0127481176, -0.0613580644, 0.0135118291, -0.0017787311, -0.0758751258, -0.0983817801, 0.0158225484, -0.176502347, 0.0268670004, -0.0066971676, 0.0243082382, -0.1037081853, 0.0625591204, -0.1084079519, 0.0181724317, -0.0400524549, -0.1763979048, -0.1104967371, 0.0278852824, 0.0188904516, -0.1209406629, -0.0166188981, -0.1756668389, 0.0117689995, -0.0649612173, 0.0445433445, -0.0170497093, 0.0661100522, -0.0914887935, -0.1156142578, 0.0452222005, 0.0049445461, 0.0950919464, -0.041592937, 0.0054210504, -0.0169844348, 0.0863190517, 0.0449872129, 0.0818281621, 0.0566582978, -0.01202357, 0.0396347009, 0.0647001192, 0.0486948043, -0.0061880262, 0.0290863346, -0.0280158315, -0.0063055204, -0.0469715558, -0.0006241878, -0.0798960328, 0.0107180793, -0.0321934037, -0.0216972567, 0.0235510524, 0.0387730747, 0.0570238344, 0.0884078369, -0.0266059022, 0.0422978997, -0.0226372089, -0.1009405479, 0.0460838228, -0.0049837111, 0.0933164805, -0.0039817467, 0.0308618005, 0.0257703867, 0.0859012902, 0.0441778079, -0.0084399981, -0.0048466343, -0.1495570242, 0.0655878559, -0.058068227, 0.0145823313, -0.0603136718, -0.0404702127, -0.0398696885, 0.0173499715, -0.0004924148, -0.1076768786, -0.0105287833, -0.02812027, 0.0085052727, -0.037467584, -0.0381725505, 0.1113322526, 0.0643345863, -0.0594259389, 0.0211620051, -0.0811493024, -0.0406529829, -0.0074869893, -0.0740996525, 0.0680943951, 0.0686688125, 0.0288513452, -0.0001332009, -0.0109204305, 0.034543287 ]
Gerhard Mallot
The COMPASS Collaboration: M. Alekseev, V.Yu. Alexakhin, Yu. Alexandrov, G.D. Alexeev, A. Amoroso, A. Arbuzov, B. Bade{\l}ek, F. Balestra, J. Ball, J. Barth, G. Baum, Y. Bedfer, C. Bernet, R. Bertini, M. Bettinelli, R. Birsa, J. Bisplinghoff, P. Bordalo, F. Bradamante, A. Bravar, A. Bressan, G. Brona, E. Burtin, M.P. Bussa, A. Chapiro, M. Chiosso, A. Cicuttin, M. Colantoni, S. Costa, M.L. Crespo, S. Dalla Torre, T. Dafni, S. Das, S.S. Dasgupta, R. De Masi, N. Dedek, O.Yu. Denisov, L. Dhara, V. Diaz, A.M. Dinkelbach, S.V. Donskov, V.A. Dorofeev, N. Doshita, V. Duic, W. D\"unnweber, P.D. Eversheim, A.V. Efremov, W. Eyrich, M. Faessler, V. Falaleev, A. Ferrero, L. Ferrero, M. Finger, M. Finger Jr., H. Fischer, C. Franco, J. Franz, J.M. Friedrich, V. Frolov, R. Garfagnini, F. Gautheron, O.P. Gavrichtchouk, R. Gazda, S. Gerassimov, R. Geyer, M. Giorgi, B. Gobbo, S. Goertz, A.M. Gorin, S. Grabm\"uller, O.A. Grajek, A. Grasso, B. Grube, R. Gushterski, A. Guskov, F. Haas, J. Hannappel, D. von Harrach, T. Hasegawa, J. Heckmann, S. Hedicke, F.H. Heinsius, R. Hermann, C. He{\ss}, F. Hinterberger, M. von Hodenberg, N. Horikawa, S. Horikawa, N. d'Hose, C. Ilgner, A.I. Ioukaev, S. Ishimoto, O. Ivanov, Yu. Ivanshin, T. Iwata, R. Jahn, A. Janata, P. Jasinski, R. Joosten, N.I. Jouravlev, E. Kabu{\ss}, D. Kang, B. Ketzer, G.V. Khaustov, Yu.A. Khokhlov, Yu. Kisselev, F. Klein, K. Klimaszewski, S. Koblitz, J.H. Koivuniemi, V.N. Kolosov, E.V. Komissarov, K. Kondo, K. K\"onigsmann, I. Konorov, V.F. Konstantinov, A.S. Korentchenko, A. Korzenev, A.M. Kotzinian, N.A. Koutchinski, O. Kouznetsov, A. Kral, N.P. Kravchuk, Z.V. Kroumchtein, R. Kuhn, F. Kunne, K. Kurek, M.E. Ladygin, M. Lamanna, J.M. Le Goff, A.A. Lednev, A. Lehmann, S. Levorato, J. Lichtenstadt, T. Liska, I. Ludwig, A. Maggiora, M. Maggiora, A. Magnon, G.K. Mallot, A. Mann, C. Marchand, J. Marroncle, A. Martin, J. Marzec, F. Massmann, T. Matsuda, A.N. Maximov, W. Meyer, A. Mielech, Yu.V. Mikhailov, M.A. Moinester, A. Mutter, A. Nagaytsev, T. Nagel, O. N\"ahle, J. Nassalski, S. Neliba, F. Nerling, S. Neubert, D.P. Neyret, V.I. Nikolaenko, K. Nikolaev, A.G. Olshevsky, M. Ostrick, A. Padee, P. Pagano, S. Panebianco, R. Panknin, D. Panzieri, S. Paul, B. Pawlukiewicz-Kaminska, D.V. Peshekhonov, V.D. Peshekhonov, G. Piragino, S. Platchkov, J. Pochodzalla, J. Polak, V.A. Polyakov, J. Pretz, S. Procureur, C. Quintans, J.-F. Rajotte, S. Ramos, V. Rapatsky, G. Reicherz, D. Reggiani, A. Richter, F. Robinet, E. Rocco, E. Rondio, A.M. Rozhdestvensky, D.I. Ryabchikov, V.D. Samoylenko, A. Sandacz, H. Santos, M.G. Sapozhnikov, S. Sarkar, I.A. Savin, P. Schiavon, C. Schill, L. Schmitt, P. Sch\"onmeier, W. Schr\"oder, O.Yu. Shevchenko, H.-W. Siebert, L. Silva, L. Sinha, A.N. Sissakian, M. Slunecka, G.I. Smirnov, S. Sosio, F. Sozzi, A. Srnka, F. Stinzing, M. Stolarski, V.P. Sugonyaev, M. Sulc, R. Sulej, V.V. Tchalishev, S. Tessaro, F. Tessarotto, A. Teufel, L.G. Tkatchev, G. Venugopal, M. Virius, N.V. Vlassov, A. Vossen, R. Webb, E. Weise, Q. Weitzel, R. Windmolders, S. Wirth, W. Wi\'slicki, H. Wollny, K. Zaremba, M. Zavertyaev, E. Zemlyanichkina, J. Zhao, R. Ziegler, A. Zvyagin
Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS
16 pages, 9 figures, added author Efremov, calculated pure kaon asymmetries instead of those for experimental kaon/pion mixture (mainly error affected)
The measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of identified hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of 160 GeV/c muons on a transversely polarised 6LiD target at COMPASS are presented. The results for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons correspond to all data available, which were collected from 2002 to 2004. For all final state particles both the Collins and Sivers asymmetries turn out to be small, compatible with zero within the statistical errors, in line with the previously published results for not identified charged hadrons, and with the expected cancellation between the u- and d-quark contributions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:15:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:50:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "The COMPASS Collaboration", "", "" ], [ "Alekseev", "M.", "" ], [ "Alexakhin", "V. Yu.", "" ], [ "Alexandrov", "Yu.", "" ], [ "Alexeev", "G. D.", "" ], [ "Amoroso", "A.", "" ], [ "Arbuzov", "A.", "" ], [ "Badełek", "B.", "" ], [ "Balestra", "F.", "" ], [ "Ball", "J.", "" ], [ "Barth", "J.", "" ], [ "Baum", "G.", "" ], [ "Bedfer", "Y.", "" ], [ "Bernet", "C.", "" ], [ "Bertini", "R.", "" ], [ "Bettinelli", "M.", "" ], [ "Birsa", "R.", "" ], [ "Bisplinghoff", "J.", "" ], [ "Bordalo", "P.", "" ], [ "Bradamante", "F.", "" ], [ "Bravar", "A.", "" ], [ "Bressan", "A.", "" ], [ "Brona", "G.", "" ], [ "Burtin", "E.", "" ], [ "Bussa", "M. P.", "" ], [ "Chapiro", "A.", "" ], [ "Chiosso", "M.", "" ], [ "Cicuttin", "A.", "" ], [ "Colantoni", "M.", "" ], [ "Costa", "S.", "" ], [ "Crespo", "M. L.", "" ], [ "Torre", "S. Dalla", "" ], [ "Dafni", "T.", "" ], [ "Das", "S.", "" ], [ "Dasgupta", "S. S.", "" ], [ "De Masi", "R.", "" ], [ "Dedek", "N.", "" ], [ "Denisov", "O. Yu.", "" ], [ "Dhara", "L.", "" ], [ "Diaz", "V.", "" ], [ "Dinkelbach", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Donskov", "S. V.", "" ], [ "Dorofeev", "V. A.", "" ], [ "Doshita", "N.", "" ], [ "Duic", "V.", "" ], [ "Dünnweber", "W.", "" ], [ "Eversheim", "P. D.", "" ], [ "Efremov", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Eyrich", "W.", "" ], [ "Faessler", "M.", "" ], [ "Falaleev", "V.", "" ], [ "Ferrero", "A.", "" ], [ "Ferrero", "L.", "" ], [ "Finger", "M.", "" ], [ "Finger", "M.", "Jr." ], [ "Fischer", "H.", "" ], [ "Franco", "C.", "" ], [ "Franz", "J.", "" ], [ "Friedrich", "J. M.", "" ], [ "Frolov", "V.", "" ], [ "Garfagnini", "R.", "" ], [ "Gautheron", "F.", "" ], [ "Gavrichtchouk", "O. P.", "" ], [ "Gazda", "R.", "" ], [ "Gerassimov", "S.", "" ], [ "Geyer", "R.", "" ], [ "Giorgi", "M.", "" ], [ "Gobbo", "B.", "" ], [ "Goertz", "S.", "" ], [ "Gorin", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Grabmüller", "S.", "" ], [ "Grajek", "O. A.", "" ], [ "Grasso", "A.", "" ], [ "Grube", "B.", "" ], [ "Gushterski", "R.", "" ], [ "Guskov", "A.", "" ], [ "Haas", "F.", "" ], [ "Hannappel", "J.", "" ], [ "von Harrach", "D.", "" ], [ "Hasegawa", "T.", "" ], [ "Heckmann", "J.", "" ], [ "Hedicke", "S.", "" ], [ "Heinsius", "F. H.", "" ], [ "Hermann", "R.", "" ], [ "Heß", "C.", "" ], [ "Hinterberger", "F.", "" ], [ "von Hodenberg", "M.", "" ], [ "Horikawa", "N.", "" ], [ "Horikawa", "S.", "" ], [ "d'Hose", "N.", "" ], [ "Ilgner", "C.", "" ], [ "Ioukaev", "A. I.", "" ], [ "Ishimoto", "S.", "" ], [ "Ivanov", "O.", "" ], [ "Ivanshin", "Yu.", "" ], [ "Iwata", "T.", "" ], [ "Jahn", "R.", "" ], [ "Janata", "A.", "" ], [ "Jasinski", "P.", "" ], [ "Joosten", "R.", "" ], [ "Jouravlev", "N. I.", "" ], [ "Kabuß", "E.", "" ], [ "Kang", "D.", "" ], [ "Ketzer", "B.", "" ], [ "Khaustov", "G. V.", "" ], [ "Khokhlov", "Yu. A.", "" ], [ "Kisselev", "Yu.", "" ], [ "Klein", "F.", "" ], [ "Klimaszewski", "K.", "" ], [ "Koblitz", "S.", "" ], [ "Koivuniemi", "J. H.", "" ], [ "Kolosov", "V. N.", "" ], [ "Komissarov", "E. V.", "" ], [ "Kondo", "K.", "" ], [ "Königsmann", "K.", "" ], [ "Konorov", "I.", "" ], [ "Konstantinov", "V. F.", "" ], [ "Korentchenko", "A. S.", "" ], [ "Korzenev", "A.", "" ], [ "Kotzinian", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Koutchinski", "N. A.", "" ], [ "Kouznetsov", "O.", "" ], [ "Kral", "A.", "" ], [ "Kravchuk", "N. P.", "" ], [ "Kroumchtein", "Z. V.", "" ], [ "Kuhn", "R.", "" ], [ "Kunne", "F.", "" ], [ "Kurek", "K.", "" ], [ "Ladygin", "M. E.", "" ], [ "Lamanna", "M.", "" ], [ "Goff", "J. M. Le", "" ], [ "Lednev", "A. A.", "" ], [ "Lehmann", "A.", "" ], [ "Levorato", "S.", "" ], [ "Lichtenstadt", "J.", "" ], [ "Liska", "T.", "" ], [ "Ludwig", "I.", "" ], [ "Maggiora", "A.", "" ], [ "Maggiora", "M.", "" ], [ "Magnon", "A.", "" ], [ "Mallot", "G. K.", "" ], [ "Mann", "A.", "" ], [ "Marchand", "C.", "" ], [ "Marroncle", "J.", "" ], [ "Martin", "A.", "" ], [ "Marzec", "J.", "" ], [ "Massmann", "F.", "" ], [ "Matsuda", "T.", "" ], [ "Maximov", "A. N.", "" ], [ "Meyer", "W.", "" ], [ "Mielech", "A.", "" ], [ "Mikhailov", "Yu. V.", "" ], [ "Moinester", "M. A.", "" ], [ "Mutter", "A.", "" ], [ "Nagaytsev", "A.", "" ], [ "Nagel", "T.", "" ], [ "Nähle", "O.", "" ], [ "Nassalski", "J.", "" ], [ "Neliba", "S.", "" ], [ "Nerling", "F.", "" ], [ "Neubert", "S.", "" ], [ "Neyret", "D. P.", "" ], [ "Nikolaenko", "V. I.", "" ], [ "Nikolaev", "K.", "" ], [ "Olshevsky", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Ostrick", "M.", "" ], [ "Padee", "A.", "" ], [ "Pagano", "P.", "" ], [ "Panebianco", "S.", "" ], [ "Panknin", "R.", "" ], [ "Panzieri", "D.", "" ], [ "Paul", "S.", "" ], [ "Pawlukiewicz-Kaminska", "B.", "" ], [ "Peshekhonov", "D. V.", "" ], [ "Peshekhonov", "V. D.", "" ], [ "Piragino", "G.", "" ], [ "Platchkov", "S.", "" ], [ "Pochodzalla", "J.", "" ], [ "Polak", "J.", "" ], [ "Polyakov", "V. A.", "" ], [ "Pretz", "J.", "" ], [ "Procureur", "S.", "" ], [ "Quintans", "C.", "" ], [ "Rajotte", "J. -F.", "" ], [ "Ramos", "S.", "" ], [ "Rapatsky", "V.", "" ], [ "Reicherz", "G.", "" ], [ "Reggiani", "D.", "" ], [ "Richter", "A.", "" ], [ "Robinet", "F.", "" ], [ "Rocco", "E.", "" ], [ "Rondio", "E.", "" ], [ "Rozhdestvensky", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Ryabchikov", "D. I.", "" ], [ "Samoylenko", "V. D.", "" ], [ "Sandacz", "A.", "" ], [ "Santos", "H.", "" ], [ "Sapozhnikov", "M. G.", "" ], [ "Sarkar", "S.", "" ], [ "Savin", "I. A.", "" ], [ "Schiavon", "P.", "" ], [ "Schill", "C.", "" ], [ "Schmitt", "L.", "" ], [ "Schönmeier", "P.", "" ], [ "Schröder", "W.", "" ], [ "Shevchenko", "O. Yu.", "" ], [ "Siebert", "H. -W.", "" ], [ "Silva", "L.", "" ], [ "Sinha", "L.", "" ], [ "Sissakian", "A. N.", "" ], [ "Slunecka", "M.", "" ], [ "Smirnov", "G. I.", "" ], [ "Sosio", "S.", "" ], [ "Sozzi", "F.", "" ], [ "Srnka", "A.", "" ], [ "Stinzing", "F.", "" ], [ "Stolarski", "M.", "" ], [ "Sugonyaev", "V. P.", "" ], [ "Sulc", "M.", "" ], [ "Sulej", "R.", "" ], [ "Tchalishev", "V. V.", "" ], [ "Tessaro", "S.", "" ], [ "Tessarotto", "F.", "" ], [ "Teufel", "A.", "" ], [ "Tkatchev", "L. G.", "" ], [ "Venugopal", "G.", "" ], [ "Virius", "M.", "" ], [ "Vlassov", "N. V.", "" ], [ "Vossen", "A.", "" ], [ "Webb", "R.", "" ], [ "Weise", "E.", "" ], [ "Weitzel", "Q.", "" ], [ "Windmolders", "R.", "" ], [ "Wirth", "S.", "" ], [ "Wiślicki", "W.", "" ], [ "Wollny", "H.", "" ], [ "Zaremba", "K.", "" ], [ "Zavertyaev", "M.", "" ], [ "Zemlyanichkina", "E.", "" ], [ "Zhao", "J.", "" ], [ "Ziegler", "R.", "" ], [ "Zvyagin", "A.", "" ] ]
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Alberto Ruiz
J. A. Bercelo, A. Ruiz, L. Vega, M. C. Vilela
Weak Dispersive estimates for Schr\"odinger equations with long range potentials
29 pages
math.AP math-ph math.MP
We prove some local smoothing estimates for the Schr\"{o}dinger initial value problem with data in $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$, $d \geq 2$ and a general class of potentials. In the repulsive setting we have to assume just a power like decay $(1+|x|)^{-\gamma}$ for some $\gamma>0$. Also attractive perturbations are considered. The estimates hold for all time and as a consequence a weak dispersion of the solution is obtained. The proofs are based on similar estimates for the corresponding stationary Helmholtz equation and Kato H-smooth theory.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:18:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bercelo", "J. A.", "" ], [ "Ruiz", "A.", "" ], [ "Vega", "L.", "" ], [ "Vilela", "M. C.", "" ] ]
[ 0.075003624, 0.0389729291, 0.018785933, 0.0471224524, -0.0886406451, 0.0456980355, -0.0845308602, 0.0068068355, -0.0715943649, 0.0714075565, -0.0567897931, 0.0450909063, -0.1200244799, 0.0554821342, 0.0049737771, 0.0872862861, 0.0245886724, 0.0287918635, -0.0025875899, 0.0344661735, -0.1531829983, -0.1386119276, 0.0571167059, -0.0302863326, -0.0429659598, -0.0414247923, 0.1174091622, 0.0139522618, 0.1392657608, -0.0769184083, 0.0158203468, -0.0451142602, -0.0735558569, -0.0545947924, -0.034209311, 0.1657925695, 0.0094455061, 0.0934042633, -0.1453370303, -0.0713608563, 0.0019848405, -0.1124587357, -0.1456172466, 0.0934509635, 0.023876464, -0.0081962245, -0.0034121745, -0.0564161763, 0.1393591613, 0.001811167, -0.1159146875, 0.0128080593, 0.0376419164, -0.0676246881, 0.0554354303, -0.0488504283, 0.0644489452, 0.0294456948, 0.0005783038, -0.0952256471, 0.0842506438, -0.0255460665, 0.0126329269, 0.0253592581, -0.1525291651, 0.0772920251, -0.0020607316, 0.0288152155, 0.0608061738, 0.0665505379, -0.0591716021, 0.0699130893, 0.1019974574, 0.0147578735, 0.0269004274, 0.0377820246, -0.0236079283, -0.0613198988, 0.0180503745, 0.0785529837, -0.0093696155, 0.0082312506, 0.0428258553, -0.0237130076, -0.0646357536, -0.0292355344, 0.0166142825, -0.0162873678, -0.1017172411, 0.0439934097, -0.0357271321, 0.032878302, 0.014057342, 0.0215413589, 0.0972338393, -0.0681384131, 0.1501940489, -0.0996623486, 0.0581908561, 0.0217631925, -0.0988217071, 0.0797205418, 0.0580974519, -0.1260957569, 0.1256287396, 0.0280212797, -0.0464452691, 0.0083655193, -0.0325980894, 0.0410978757, 0.0658033043, 0.0045855655, 0.0451609604, -0.0028765595, -0.0376886204, -0.0770118162, -0.0785529837, -0.0323645771, -0.1020908579, 0.0417050049, 0.0338123441, 0.0284182467, 0.1014370322, 0.0340692066, 0.0827094764, -0.0086865965, -0.0097432323, -0.0830830932, -0.0156101873, -0.0591248982, -0.0341859609, 0.0123760654, -0.0377119705, -0.0684653223, -0.0688856468, 0.0098366365, 0.0440634601, -0.0119790966, 0.1395459622, 0.0495042615, 0.0673911795, 0.0665505379, 0.0553420261, 0.0708471313, 0.0084238974, 0.0639819205, 0.0601990484, 0.0061588436, 0.025756225, -0.0675312802, -0.0158436988, -0.0166493095, 0.0083888704, 0.0527267084, 0.0036135775, -0.011733911, 0.0777123496, 0.0187042039, -0.0010259874, -0.0408176631, -0.0447406434, 0.1092829853, -0.0644956455, -0.0134268627, 0.1175959706, 0.0012850383, -0.0329250023, -0.0426857471, -0.0315005891, -0.0656631961, 0.010525493, -0.0947119221, 0.0189377144, -0.0386460125, 0.0583309643, 0.0064040297, 0.0100993356, -0.043059364, -0.0893411785, -0.0081845485, 0.0737893656, 0.0988217071, 0.0479630902, 0.0597320274, -0.0033625534, 0.0006180735, -0.0648692623, 0.1587872505, 0.0045388634, -0.0870060697, -0.0369180366, 0.1331010759, 0.0330651104, 0.0371281952, -0.0014842522, -0.1323538423, 0.027203992, 0.0438533016, 0.0084122214, 0.0109633254, 0.0118915299, 0.0171513576, 0.0256628208, 0.0452076644, -0.005969116, -0.0142091233, 0.0252425019, 0.0086749205, -0.0025613201, -0.0236079283, 0.0157152675, 0.0409811214, 0.0662703216, -0.014547714, -0.0357271321, 0.061927028, -0.0541744716, 0.0920966044, 0.043176122, 0.0477295779, -0.0464919731, 0.0634681955, 0.0202804003, 0.011243538, 0.0703334138, -0.0564628765, 0.0599188358, -0.0570233017, -0.0523530878, -0.0247521307, 0.0880335197, 0.011027541, 0.0080269286, -0.0313838311, 0.0482433029, -0.0649159625, 0.090975754, 0.0646357536, -0.0914427713, -0.1193706468, -0.0495509617, 0.0040572477, 0.002861965, -0.0009114213, 0.006100466, 0.0021278658, -0.0183656141, -0.0201052669, 0.1012502238, -0.0864456445, -0.0431994721, -0.036637824, 0.1101236269, 0.0157386176, -0.0164975282, 0.0114595359 ]
Kirtiman Ghosh
Kirtiman Ghosh, Anindya Datta
Probing two Universal Extra Dimensions at International Linear Collider
8 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes and typos corrected. Refs added
We discuss collider signatures of (1,1)-th Kaluza-Klein (KK) mode vector bosons in the framework of two universal extra dimension model, at a future electron-positron collider. Production of the (1,1)-th KK mode of electro-weak vector bosons (B(1,1), W3(1,1)), are considered in association with a hard photon. Without caring about the decay products of those vector bosons, one can measure the masses of these particles just by looking at the photon energy distribution. Once produced these particles dominantly decay to a pair of jets or to a pair of top quarks. Thus we look for a pair of jets or a pair of top quarks in association with a photon. Upto the kinematic limit of the collider, signals from the B(1,1) production and decay in both the above mentioned channels are greater than the $5\sigma$ fluctuation of the Standard Model background. However, the number of events from W3(1,1) production and decay is smaller and its detection prospect is not very good.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:21:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:08:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ghosh", "Kirtiman", "" ], [ "Datta", "Anindya", "" ] ]
[ -0.0124752307, 0.0019796221, 0.0034897816, 0.0067300587, -0.0382398628, 0.0432299562, -0.0357710831, 0.0340639465, -0.0596709959, 0.0776353255, -0.0150359357, -0.0098291682, -0.0909247324, -0.0071962383, 0.0761120394, 0.0051017124, 0.0252262298, 0.0670248196, 0.0294415429, 0.0528687127, -0.0684430525, -0.0768999457, 0.100169532, 0.0484826863, 0.0093104616, -0.0778979659, -0.0083190091, -0.0975431725, 0.120917812, 0.0309385713, 0.0401833728, -0.0380034894, -0.1696631312, -0.0958622992, -0.0386075564, 0.0784757659, -0.0547334328, 0.1135639921, -0.0286273714, -0.0053643491, -0.0317790061, -0.0328032896, -0.0545233227, 0.0959673524, 0.0121600665, 0.0001580948, -0.0709118322, 0.0221927781, -0.015167254, -0.0119433915, 0.0364014097, 0.0328295529, 0.0068154153, 0.0438340195, -0.1095719188, 0.0723300725, -0.0251605697, 0.0061095799, 0.0417854562, -0.0048686229, -0.0444380827, -0.0733806193, 0.0101771615, 0.0569395795, -0.0678652525, -0.080629386, -0.0084043657, 0.0393166728, 0.0322254896, 0.0673399791, 0.0768474191, 0.0063689332, -0.0258302931, 0.0605114326, 0.1051070988, 0.0145631898, 0.0002790512, 0.0033551804, -0.005961847, 0.0810495988, 0.0082008224, 0.0343528464, -0.0310436264, -0.0122585557, -0.0035652895, 0.0354296528, -0.0281283613, 0.0372943729, -0.1051596254, -0.0138803348, 0.0362700894, -0.025764633, -0.0247403514, 0.0460926928, 0.1033211723, 0.0423107296, 0.1234391183, -0.0144450031, -0.0168349948, 0.0738533661, 0.033617463, 0.0458825827, 0.1198672652, -0.0424157828, 0.1356254518, -0.0169269182, 0.0395530462, -0.0006635673, 0.004990092, -0.0306759346, -0.0410500728, -0.0070583541, -0.1351001859, 0.0797889456, 0.0169400498, -0.0943390056, -0.0642408729, -0.0115494365, -0.0607740693, 0.0881933123, 0.0107483957, 0.0656065792, 0.1301626116, -0.0431511663, -0.037793383, -0.1465511322, -0.0322780162, -0.0762696192, -0.1204975918, 0.0055810241, 0.0818375126, -0.0093432907, -0.055994086, 0.0432036929, -0.0400783196, -0.0042776908, 0.008863979, -0.0430461094, 0.0146157173, -0.0576749593, -0.0195138864, 0.0123176482, 0.1012726054, 0.0821001455, -0.0501898229, 0.1518038511, -0.0192906465, -0.0068219812, 0.0740109459, -0.0755342394, -0.0537879393, -0.0652388856, 0.0363488831, -0.0095205707, 0.004484517, -0.1604183316, 0.0445694029, 0.1106224656, 0.0501898229, -0.0467230193, 0.1093618125, 0.0322780162, -0.0473008193, 0.0689157993, 0.0352458097, -0.0232170597, -0.0798414722, -0.0168612581, -0.1397225857, -0.1498078257, -0.0270778164, -0.0105514182, -0.0571496859, -0.0075179678, 0.0144318715, 0.0329608731, -0.0427309461, -0.1257503182, -0.0386338197, 0.0211422332, 0.0589356162, -0.0278394613, 0.0074129133, 0.0248716697, -0.0977532789, 0.0497433394, 0.0252787564, 0.0228493698, -0.0225604698, -0.0217725597, 0.003818077, 0.0968603119, 0.0845164061, 0.1342597455, 0.0805768594, -0.0952844992, 0.017727958, 0.1038989723, 0.0350882262, 0.0188572947, 0.0107418299, -0.0083781024, 0.0976482257, -0.1318434924, -0.0177804865, 0.0065987404, 0.1449753046, 0.0069992607, -0.0624549426, -0.0136439623, 0.0356134996, -0.0141561031, 0.1291120648, 0.0670248196, -0.0160470866, -0.0045830058, -0.0769524723, 0.0611417592, 0.0773726925, 0.0274717696, -0.1031110585, 0.1537998915, 0.0892438591, 0.0798414722, 0.0614043958, 0.0228493698, 0.0124555323, -0.0221139882, 0.0345892161, 0.0342477895, 0.0153248357, -0.0806819126, -0.0719098523, -0.0021306381, -0.0254888646, -0.0113918548, 0.0275768247, 0.0112671023, -0.0203411914, -0.1332091987, -0.0095074391, -0.0941814259, 0.0305708796, 0.1254351586, -0.0640832856, -0.0097109815, -0.0582002327, 0.0165460948, 0.0211028364, 0.0093170274, 0.0521070659, 0.0496645495, -0.0123176482, -0.0423632562, 0.0111226523, 0.0049736775 ]
Luigi Vezzoni
Antonio J. Di Scala, Luigi Vezzoni
Gray identities, canonical connection and integrability
16 pages, major revision
Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 53 (2010), no. 3, 657-674
math.DG math.SG
We characterize quasi K\"ahler manifolds whose curvature tensor associated to the canonical Hermitian connection satisfies the first Bianchi identity. This condition is related with the third Gray identity and in the almost K\"ahler case implies the integrability. Our main tool is the existence of generalized holomorphic frames introduced by the second author previously. By using such frames we also give a simpler and shorter proof of a Theorem of Goldberg. Furthermore we study almost Hermitian structures having the curvature tensor associated to the canonical Hermitian connection equal to zero. We show some explicit examples of quasi K\"ahler structures on the Iwasawa manifold having the Hermitian curvature vanishing and the Riemann curvature tensor satisfying the second Gray identity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:29:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 10:16:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 10:33:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Di Scala", "Antonio J.", "" ], [ "Vezzoni", "Luigi", "" ] ]
[ -0.001592699, -0.0214706734, 0.0283617247, 0.0760134086, 0.0597141385, -0.0806988254, -0.059514761, 0.0089409212, -0.1023813412, -0.0648980066, -0.0389039107, 0.0411967747, -0.0388042219, 0.0625054538, 0.104773894, 0.0496953242, 0.0289598629, 0.0538324453, 0.0415955335, 0.070630163, -0.0180313773, -0.0327729955, 0.0452342071, 0.072075665, -0.0137571804, -0.0473276936, -0.0604618117, -0.0536829121, 0.0452342071, -0.0308539663, -0.0078879483, -0.0504180752, -0.0298321471, -0.0708793849, -0.0711784586, 0.1508305371, -0.005570163, 0.0224924926, -0.0417699926, 0.0518386513, 0.0066355965, 0.0581191033, -0.0689852834, 0.0504679196, 0.1023813412, -0.0114207035, 0.0749666691, 0.0607110374, -0.0351406261, -0.0531844646, -0.0728731826, 0.0403743349, -0.0068349759, -0.0970977843, -0.0738700777, 0.080648981, -0.0466298647, -0.0031869556, -0.0317013301, -0.1245124564, -0.0568729825, -0.1037769914, -0.0963501111, 0.1147428602, -0.1809368283, -0.0202868581, -0.0404241793, -0.0305548981, 0.0254707225, -0.0514897369, -0.0948049203, 0.0910665542, 0.0225672591, 0.1050729603, -0.0191902705, 0.0085047791, -0.0067477478, 0.1161385179, -0.0234893896, 0.0286109485, 0.0030062681, 0.0338945016, -0.0068785902, -0.0647983178, 0.0602624342, -0.0283866469, -0.0140936337, -0.0060748421, -0.115440689, 0.0145048536, 0.0891226083, 0.0316016413, -0.0415207669, -0.0733217895, 0.0691846609, -0.0013925408, 0.0402248017, -0.024261985, -0.0171092469, 0.0012352179, 0.0007741529, 0.0331966765, 0.0885743126, -0.0511906706, 0.1269050092, 0.014990841, -0.0136699518, -0.0308041219, -0.0246732049, 0.0019953519, 0.010909793, -0.0911163986, -0.0474523045, 0.0062897978, -0.0600630529, -0.0307044331, -0.121123001, -0.0611097962, -0.0850851759, 0.0323991589, 0.0194644164, -0.1111540347, 0.057520967, -0.0260190163, -0.0182432178, -0.1260077953, -0.0219192766, -0.0377325565, -0.1639895886, -0.0590661578, 0.0821443275, -0.0032368004, 0.0525863245, -0.0083801672, -0.0674899369, 0.0280626547, 0.0364116691, -0.0395269729, 0.0738202333, 0.0197759476, -0.0045950729, -0.0669416413, 0.098892197, -0.0189036615, 0.1712669283, 0.0323991589, 0.0211591423, 0.0578698814, 0.097197473, 0.0136325685, -0.0544804297, 0.1069670618, 0.0596144497, -0.0248601232, -0.1210233122, -0.0283368025, 0.0632032827, -0.0021838278, 0.0807486698, -0.0266919211, 0.1054717228, 0.1015838236, 0.0362870581, 0.0101870429, 0.0370596536, -0.0318010189, -0.0030483245, -0.003211878, -0.0261934735, -0.0852347091, -0.0190282743, -0.0558760874, -0.1183316931, 0.0551782586, 0.0756146461, 0.0228663292, -0.0362870581, -0.097197473, -0.02596917, 0.0141684012, 0.0628543645, 0.1060698554, 0.0200874768, -0.0562249981, -0.0828421563, 0.0716769025, -0.0562748462, 0.0281374231, 0.1087614819, 0.0007597447, -0.0601128973, 0.128200978, 0.0720258206, 0.0891724527, 0.0310782697, -0.1321885586, 0.115041934, -0.019838253, 0.0186295155, 0.0241498332, 0.0447606817, -0.0444616117, 0.0578698814, 0.0097135166, -0.0243118294, -0.0468541682, 0.121721141, 0.0355393849, -0.1923014671, 0.0197634865, -0.02596917, -0.0488728844, -0.0066480581, 0.0973470062, -0.0246732049, 0.0823935494, 0.0147166941, 0.0938080251, 0.0374334864, 0.0651970729, -0.0783062726, 0.032249622, 0.0106667997, -0.0321000889, 0.0288103279, -0.0009073322, 0.0146170044, -0.0124362921, 0.0326483808, -0.0141684012, 0.0718264431, -0.0112275546, -0.0767610818, -0.0083926283, 0.0326234587, -0.0891724527, 0.0178319979, -0.0726738051, 0.0255704112, -0.0797517747, -0.008056175, 0.0575708114, 0.0305548981, 0.0183927529, 0.0165111087, 0.0115826987, -0.0485488921, 0.0181559902, -0.0364365913, 0.0014782116, -0.0731722489, 0.0803000629, -0.0077571059, 0.0691846609, -0.0726239607, 0.0147914616 ]
Antonio Dobado
Pedro Bargueno, Antonio Dobado and Isabel Gonzalo
Could dark matter or neutrinos discriminate between the enantiomers of a chiral molecule?
We examine the effect of cold dark matter on the discrimination between the two enantiomers of a chiral molecule. We estimate the energy difference between the two enantiomers due to the interaction between fermionic WIMPs (weak interacting massive particles) and molecular electrons on the basis that electrons have opposite helicities in opposite enantiomers. It is found that this energy difference is completely negligible. Dark matter could then be discarded as an inductor of chiroselection between enantiomers and then of biological homochirality. However, the effect of cosmological neutrinos, revisited with the currently accepted neutrino density, would reach, in the most favorable case, an upper bound of the same order of magnitude as the energy difference obtained from the well known electroweak electron-nucleus interaction in some molecules.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:35:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bargueno", "Pedro", "" ], [ "Dobado", "Antonio", "" ], [ "Gonzalo", "Isabel", "" ] ]
[ 0.0260252878, -0.0014976348, -0.0382549353, -0.0368878022, -0.0260252878, 0.0967434794, 0.0174496211, 0.0650756508, -0.0632859468, -0.0681082085, -0.0444194749, -0.0212403145, -0.1215010583, 0.079194434, 0.0179094747, -0.0811332762, -0.0114031527, 0.0209668875, -0.004952759, 0.0659207851, -0.0201590341, 0.0666664988, 0.0785481483, 0.0130623579, -0.0606511012, -0.0490925945, 0.0601539612, 0.0011379849, 0.0623413771, 0.0334823914, 0.0500123017, -0.0365895182, -0.0807355642, -0.0478994548, -0.0707430467, 0.101565741, -0.0366143733, 0.0214640275, -0.0745213106, -0.0250061508, -0.0565745533, 0.0661693588, -0.0896343738, -0.0369623713, -0.0913743675, -0.0457120389, 0.0388266481, 0.0135594988, 0.0347003862, -0.0540888533, -0.0830721259, 0.0625899509, 0.0394232161, -0.0628882349, 0.040889781, 0.0124968616, 0.0016157056, -0.0161446277, 0.0773052946, 0.0263981428, -0.0476757437, -0.0608002432, 0.0833206922, -0.0099241612, -0.0361172333, -0.0671636388, -0.0076621729, 0.0521997176, 0.0138577828, -0.0285109896, 0.0230051614, -0.0516031496, 0.0976383314, 0.0553317033, -0.0264975708, 0.0059439321, 0.040293213, -0.0712401867, -0.0436986238, 0.067511633, -0.0941583514, 0.0472034588, -0.0002357532, -0.0013702427, -0.0857069641, -0.0563756973, 0.0374595113, 0.0606511012, -0.1635591239, -0.0037782653, 0.0373600833, -0.0143673513, -0.0517025776, 0.0769075826, 0.0377080813, -0.0705441907, 0.1032062992, -0.040193785, -0.0000625795, -0.0103467302, -0.0328112505, -0.0175241921, 0.0284115616, 0.0398706421, 0.0740738884, -0.0191026106, 0.0986823291, 0.0211036, -0.0873475298, -0.0572208352, 0.2432009727, -0.0250931513, -0.1062885672, 0.039796073, -0.0376832262, -0.0580162592, -0.0707927644, 0.0805367082, -0.0754161626, 0.067312777, 0.0355703793, 0.0375589393, 0.0908275098, 0.0091660218, 0.0430771969, -0.1080782786, 0.0710910484, -0.0566242673, -0.0198358931, 0.0156226298, 0.1228930503, 0.0268952847, 0.0101603027, -0.0003693596, -0.0987320393, 0.0370617993, -0.021227885, 0.0021143993, -0.0279889926, 0.0938600674, 0.079293862, -0.0163186267, 0.0854583979, 0.0533431433, -0.0374097973, 0.0267212857, 0.0114093674, 0.0050335443, 0.0051982221, 0.0008218348, -0.0126087181, -0.0566242673, 0.0784487203, -0.0032562681, -0.0142927803, -0.0056270054, 0.080188714, 0.0463831797, 0.0742230266, -0.1192142144, 0.0033059821, -0.0123725766, -0.040989209, 0.0157842003, 0.0630870908, 0.0377080813, -0.0309221186, 0.0474271737, -0.0584636852, -0.0586625412, -0.0638327971, 0.0314192586, -0.0748693123, -0.0435494781, -0.0051298654, 0.0812824219, 0.0608002432, -0.1633602679, 0.0726321787, 0.0449911878, 0.0587122552, 0.0688539147, 0.1025103033, -0.021501312, -0.1048965752, 0.0305989776, -0.0408152081, -0.0166169107, -0.0126522174, -0.1457615048, 0.0241361558, 0.1121548265, 0.0867509618, 0.0694504827, -0.0805367082, -0.0166417677, 0.0906286538, 0.1449660808, 0.0443449058, -0.038901221, 0.0219363105, -0.0045146542, 0.0912252218, -0.1084759906, -0.0198234655, -0.0477254577, 0.1306484342, -0.0519511476, -0.0638327971, 0.0608996712, 0.0977874771, -0.0768081546, 0.0944566354, -0.0309718326, -0.1424803734, -0.0420829169, -0.0801389962, 0.0245711543, 0.1184187904, 0.0638825148, -0.1061891392, 0.0244220123, 0.0983343273, 0.0818292722, -0.0062981448, -0.0055306847, 0.0157717727, -0.0365895182, 0.0036819445, -0.0044152262, 0.0464826077, 0.0134600708, 0.0078175291, 0.0506585836, -0.0246208683, -0.0920206457, 0.001760187, -0.0028430205, -0.0449911878, -0.0352223814, -0.0464328937, 0.0258015748, 0.039348647, 0.0017166872, -0.0739744604, 0.0163683407, -0.0269947127, -0.0455380417, 0.0356946662, -0.0617945231, 0.0193760395, 0.1588860005, 0.0248445813, -0.0801389962, -0.0730796084, 0.0712401867 ]
Gianpasquale Martelli
Gianpasquale Martelli
Stability of PID-Controlled Linear Time-Delay Feedback Systems
AMS-LaTex version 2.20 11 pages with 5 figures
The stability of feedback systems consisting of linear time-delay plants and PID controllers has been investigated for many years by means of several methods, of which the Nyquist criterion, a generalization of the Hermite-Biehler Theorem, and the root location method are well known. The main purpose of these researches is to determine the range of controller parameters that allow stability. Explicit and complete expressions of the boundaries of these regions and computation procedures with a finite number of steps are now available only for first-order plants, provided with one time delay. In this note, the same results, based on Pontryagin's studies, are presented for arbitrary-order plants.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:40:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Martelli", "Gianpasquale", "" ] ]
[ -0.0127566, -0.0622603297, 0.0105707217, 0.011951277, -0.0554387644, 0.0222106967, -0.0222106967, 0.027908871, -0.0147259217, 0.0308053289, 0.0491856635, -0.113367945, -0.0457748771, -0.0488608256, -0.0019422517, -0.0461267829, 0.0714640319, -0.0300203077, 0.0262034778, 0.1097406, 0.0754162073, -0.0888427868, -0.0228874385, 0.0499977544, 0.0067471252, -0.1062756777, 0.0741168633, 0.0313196518, 0.0625851676, 0.0380058736, 0.1879720539, -0.0136837382, -0.1192149967, -0.1056801453, -0.0219264645, 0.0980464891, -0.0078502158, 0.094689846, -0.0956102163, 0.0249041319, -0.0891134813, 0.008614935, -0.2115768492, 0.0188811217, 0.0396571234, -0.0827791691, 0.0085675633, 0.0533814654, 0.0829957277, -0.0233070198, 0.0139815053, 0.0512429588, 0.0531919785, -0.080234617, 0.0210466981, 0.0055831275, 0.0674577132, 0.0571712255, 0.0509451926, -0.0632348433, -0.0491856635, -0.0630182847, 0.0018238217, -0.0404421464, -0.0718430057, -0.0215745587, -0.1655583382, -0.0686487854, -0.0386826135, 0.0434468836, -0.0231581368, 0.0663207844, -0.043365676, -0.0089600738, -0.0080464715, 0.0827791691, 0.1220302507, 0.0847823322, 0.0800722018, 0.0434468836, 0.0628017262, -0.0627475828, -0.0763907209, 0.032240022, -0.0570629463, -0.0567922518, -0.050078962, 0.0119648119, -0.0692443177, -0.014346946, -0.0668621808, 0.178551808, 0.0056338832, 0.0576043427, 0.0637762323, -0.0785021558, 0.0984254628, 0.0132912276, -0.0200315844, -0.0687029213, 0.007092264, -0.0510805398, 0.0860275328, -0.0233746935, 0.0583081543, 0.0336205773, 0.0165125225, 0.0372749902, -0.0248635281, -0.0334040225, 0.0582540147, 0.0028930751, -0.0578750372, 0.0413625166, -0.0067978809, -0.0738461688, -0.0268531516, -0.0607985668, -0.0029861273, 0.1359982193, -0.0727633759, -0.0711391941, -0.0439882763, 0.0101037687, 0.0931198001, -0.0182991233, -0.0007659882, -0.0354342498, 0.0470200852, -0.1032980084, 0.0176494513, -0.0245928317, 0.0224678591, -0.0303180739, -0.0222919062, -0.0417144224, 0.1310173869, 0.0256214794, 0.1495330781, -0.0700022653, 0.1349154264, 0.0295601226, -0.017541172, 0.0742251426, 0.0339454152, -0.0029489065, 0.0129731586, -0.1239792705, 0.0826167539, 0.0572795048, -0.0615023784, 0.0579833165, 0.0036104224, 0.0060974518, 0.0099142808, 0.0685405061, 0.0137243429, 0.0449357182, 0.0261087343, -0.0575502031, 0.0696774349, 0.0225626025, -0.026636593, -0.069352597, 0.1235461533, -0.0099413507, 0.006215882, -0.0151048973, -0.105084613, -0.0775817856, -0.0066794506, -0.0365711786, -0.0270291045, -0.0377622433, 0.1220302507, 0.0978840664, 0.0014736073, -0.0416873507, -0.0307241194, -0.0593368039, 0.0364358276, 0.0904128253, 0.0059282663, -0.0315362103, 0.0114031155, -0.0448003672, -0.0566839725, 0.0005210919, -0.0290457979, -0.0577667579, 0.059011966, 0.0242950637, 0.0629641414, -0.0107263727, 0.0976675078, -0.0814798251, 0.0532731861, -0.0262034778, -0.0311572347, 0.0092375381, -0.0078908205, 0.0110309068, -0.023767205, -0.0285044033, -0.0402526595, -0.0290999375, -0.0059316498, 0.1331829727, -0.0181231704, 0.0079381922, 0.037004292, -0.0688653439, 0.0723302662, -0.0015446653, -0.106383957, 0.1145590097, -0.1441191286, 0.1160749123, 0.0302639343, 0.035732016, 0.0255267359, -0.0421204679, 0.0158899184, 0.0735754669, -0.0235100426, 0.0239431579, 0.0245792959, 0.0899797156, 0.0181096364, -0.0545183942, 0.0769321173, -0.037004292, -0.0052549075, 0.0469659455, -0.0014050871, 0.0333228111, -0.1390300244, -0.0708143562, -0.028233707, -0.0661042333, -0.0476426892, 0.0750913769, -0.0303722136, -0.0951770991, -0.0715723112, -0.0273810104, -0.0846199095, -0.0397383347, -0.0045172577, 0.0360297821, -0.0529483519, 0.0219670683, -0.0318881162, 0.0094608637, -0.0148612708, 0.044502601 ]
Christian Duval
Christian Duval (CPT)
Schwarzian derivative and Numata Finsler structures
LaTeX, 4 pages. Reference added. To appear in Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics
math-ph math.DG math.MP
The flag curvature of the Numata Finsler structures is shown to admit a nontrivial prolongation to the one-dimensional case, revealing an unexpected link with the Schwarzian derivative of the diffeomorphisms associated with these Finsler structures.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:46:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 3 Jul 2008 09:41:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Duval", "Christian", "", "CPT" ] ]
[ 0.0021995546, 0.0015060232, 0.0259479452, 0.0121323476, 0.0279160533, 0.0275535081, -0.0669156611, -0.0387924388, -0.0272945464, -0.0055353027, -0.0412784703, -0.0533460751, -0.0874254182, 0.0279419497, 0.1169470325, 0.0867003202, -0.0245236568, 0.0441011488, 0.0998037755, 0.174125731, 0.0381968282, -0.0632384047, 0.0896006897, 0.0356848985, 0.0222836398, -0.0336908959, -0.026362285, -0.0750470534, 0.1030149013, 0.0372904614, -0.0219469909, -0.0528799444, -0.0814175084, -0.0190466214, -0.0818318427, 0.1356958449, -0.0008128965, 0.0694016889, -0.0602862462, 0.0804852471, 0.0187747106, 0.0533978678, -0.1018236727, 0.0416928083, 0.0526727773, 0.0009630132, 0.0031593307, -0.0131940907, -0.0965926498, 0.084939383, -0.0593021922, 0.0515333451, 0.0532424934, -0.064947553, -0.122644186, 0.0778438374, -0.0716805533, -0.0738040358, 0.0645850077, -0.0552623905, 0.0170526169, -0.0934333205, 0.0241870079, -0.0133624151, -0.0540711693, 0.0248085149, -0.0690391436, 0.0458620898, 0.0026252226, 0.01811436, -0.0444377996, 0.0300654341, 0.08908277, 0.0404756889, 0.0566089936, 0.0099052787, 0.0740112066, 0.0884094685, -0.0128444918, 0.0431688875, 0.0871146619, 0.0398282856, -0.0034021072, -0.0372904614, 0.0191243086, -0.0251192693, 0.0286929384, 0.016715968, -0.0669156611, -0.0273981299, 0.07634186, -0.0246013459, -0.0805888325, 0.007723528, 0.0985089689, 0.0546926782, -0.0038326308, 0.1088674292, -0.0195256993, 0.0283044968, -0.0316968933, 0.0629276559, 0.1092817709, 0.0006777509, 0.1162219346, 0.0786725134, 0.1059152707, 0.0247049313, -0.0204061698, 0.027890157, -0.0762382746, -0.0072897673, 0.0150456652, 0.0608041696, 0.0324219838, 0.0205874424, -0.1365245283, 0.0051436233, -0.099078685, 0.0193314794, -0.0128121218, -0.0478042997, 0.1302058548, -0.0218563545, 0.0884612575, -0.1287556738, -0.0711626336, -0.0602862462, -0.1366281062, -0.0600790754, 0.083489202, -0.0416669101, -0.0002350885, -0.0504457057, -0.0336132087, 0.0061082551, -0.0499018878, -0.0413043648, 0.0266730376, -0.020483857, 0.0162109919, 0.004211362, 0.1553769261, 0.0268284157, 0.1360065937, 0.0761346892, -0.0416928083, 0.1125964746, 0.0847840086, -0.0560392775, -0.0776366666, 0.0346749499, 0.0672264174, -0.0863895714, -0.1324847192, 0.0326032564, 0.0614256747, -0.0270355847, 0.0519476831, 0.0572822914, 0.0388183333, 0.1366281062, 0.0279419497, -0.0348562226, 0.0571269132, -0.0721984729, 0.0128509663, -0.0697642341, 0.0049073212, -0.0998555645, 0.031386137, -0.054951638, -0.1451220512, 0.0115302624, -0.0056291763, 0.0116079506, -0.0458102971, -0.1136323214, -0.060338039, -0.0086946338, -0.0127085373, 0.0611149222, 0.0187099706, 0.0560392775, -0.0561946519, 0.0731825307, 0.0630830303, 0.006237736, 0.0308682155, 0.0533460751, -0.0611149222, 0.0652583092, 0.0972659513, -0.0111482944, -0.0399059728, -0.0278642606, 0.0806406215, -0.0524656065, 0.0679515079, 0.0279937424, -0.0525432974, -0.0418999754, 0.0264399722, 0.0103908321, 0.0108763846, 0.0560392775, 0.037471734, 0.0226332378, -0.0418481827, -0.0276570916, 0.0466130748, 0.0113489889, 0.0576448366, 0.0630312413, 0.0349080153, 0.1093853563, 0.051326178, -0.0737004504, -0.1039471626, 0.0255336072, 0.0391549841, 0.0204968061, 0.0669156611, 0.0244459696, -0.0146183791, 0.0555731468, 0.0548480526, 0.0196033884, -0.0694534853, 0.0407087542, 0.092760019, 0.0186063871, -0.1331062317, -0.0587324761, -0.0122488802, -0.0135307405, -0.0611149222, 0.0369020179, -0.0456290208, -0.0501349531, -0.0341052338, 0.0476748198, -0.0111806644, 0.0302984994, -0.0945727527, 0.0909472927, -0.0537086241, 0.1338313222, 0.0215197038, 0.0109734954, 0.0196810775, 0.0994412303, 0.0317227878, 0.0263104923, -0.0816764683, 0.0542265475 ]
Prasanth Jose
Prasanth P. Jose, Biman Bagchi
Thermodynamic and transport anomalies near isotropic-nematic phase transition
8 pages, 6 figures
A theoretical study of the variation of thermodynamic and transport properties of calamitic liquid crystals across the isotropic-nematic phase transition is carried out by calculating the {\it wavenumber (k) and time (t)} dependent intermediate scattering function of the liquid, via computer simulations of model nematogens. The objective is to understand the experimentally observed anomalies and sharp variation in many thermodynamic and transport properties, namely specific heat $C$, sound attenuation coefficient $\Gamma$, thermal diffusivity $D_T$ and sound velocity $c_s$ are as the I-N transition is approached from the isotropic side. The small wavelength limit of the calculated intermediate scattering function $F(k,t)$ is used to obtain the ratio of specific heats $\gamma$ and other properties mentioned above. We find that all of them show non-monotonic variations near the I-N transition, with $\Gamma$ showing a cusp-like behavior. We suggest that the observed anomalous features are a direct consequence of the existence of pseudo-nematic domains in the system near the phase boundary and the melting and formation of such domains give rise to sound attenuation and also to the observed specific heat anomaly. A theoretical description of these anomalies should invoke translation-rotation coupling at molecular level. While the heterogeneous dynamics observed here bear resemblance to that in deeply supercooled liquids near glass transition, the thermodynamic anomalies articulated here are largely absent in supercooled liquids.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:33:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jose", "Prasanth P.", "" ], [ "Bagchi", "Biman", "" ] ]
[ 0.0571126491, 0.0765203759, -0.0329719782, -0.0356160849, 0.0237043947, 0.0364621952, 0.0607615151, -0.0604442209, -0.0269963033, -0.0585933477, 0.0190375503, -0.0072514559, -0.1388683468, 0.0228318404, 0.0476203151, 0.0860920325, 0.0159703884, 0.0556319505, 0.000447432, 0.0764674917, 0.0528556444, -0.0404547937, -0.0680592433, 0.0400846191, -0.0193284024, -0.027789535, 0.004643708, 0.0476996414, 0.0876256153, -0.0239291433, 0.132628262, -0.0518773235, -0.0000315537, -0.0969328582, -0.0667900741, 0.1426758617, -0.0101004783, 0.0561607741, -0.0855103284, -0.0047858288, -0.1029085368, 0.0124537311, -0.0960867479, 0.1166578755, 0.0071523017, 0.0480962545, -0.0617662743, 0.0881544352, 0.083395049, 0.0123016946, -0.001356756, -0.0208619814, 0.0338709764, -0.0769963115, -0.0543099009, -0.0265203658, -0.0077604456, 0.0505552739, 0.0074365432, -0.193548426, -0.02234268, -0.0978318527, 0.0016186875, -0.0490481332, -0.073611863, -0.0438656881, -0.0500528924, 0.045240622, -0.0109862527, 0.0958752185, 0.0204918068, -0.0230169278, 0.0179666877, -0.0598096363, -0.0502908602, 0.0133064548, -0.0589635223, -0.0300899055, 0.0051328675, 0.0358540528, 0.0658381954, 0.0302485526, 0.0640930831, -0.0204257052, 0.0012832169, -0.0058236397, -0.0512956232, -0.0235325266, -0.1598096639, -0.0306980498, 0.069011122, 0.0539661683, -0.1000529006, 0.0771549568, -0.0478054024, -0.0622422136, 0.06620837, -0.0532522574, 0.0584347025, -0.0086263902, -0.023188794, -0.0203331616, 0.0100542065, -0.0162215792, 0.1726071239, -0.0068878913, -0.0132469619, -0.0144500295, -0.0373347513, 0.0002133875, 0.0740877986, -0.0076943431, 0.002971312, 0.0289793815, -0.061025925, -0.0217345357, -0.0207165573, -0.1251190156, -0.0404547937, 0.0057178754, -0.0278424174, 0.0223691221, 0.1033844724, -0.0314912796, -0.0345319994, -0.116446346, 0.0512956232, 0.0031150852, -0.0340560637, 0.0299841408, 0.0762559623, -0.084082514, 0.0147408806, -0.0809095874, -0.0412744656, 0.0289529413, 0.0563722998, -0.0040620049, 0.0032191968, 0.0568482392, -0.0104376012, 0.077207841, 0.1323109716, 0.0091816522, 0.0959281027, 0.1072977483, 0.0912215933, 0.0607615151, 0.042041257, -0.0204389263, -0.0188392419, -0.0466155559, 0.0626123846, -0.070914872, 0.0719196349, -0.0923321173, 0.1081967428, 0.0656266659, -0.0127247516, -0.0459016487, -0.0031597046, -0.0810153559, 0.0530936122, -0.0226335321, 0.0233606603, 0.0223162398, -0.0808038265, -0.0093733491, -0.075409852, -0.0990481451, 0.0086131692, -0.1171866953, -0.0884717256, -0.0338709764, 0.0373876318, -0.0000758114, 0.0847170949, -0.2142782062, 0.0408249684, 0.1665785611, 0.0150185116, 0.0044090436, -0.002234268, -0.0178873651, 0.009988104, 0.0350079387, 0.0103979399, 0.1021681875, -0.053490229, 0.0176229551, -0.0502115376, 0.0658910796, 0.1078265682, 0.0390534177, -0.0508461222, -0.1084082723, 0.0735060945, 0.1203596219, -0.0329984203, 0.050396625, 0.0776837841, -0.0291115865, 0.111052379, -0.0042140409, -0.0217345357, 0.0232681166, -0.0553675406, -0.0039397152, -0.0337123275, 0.0386039205, 0.120253861, 0.1005817205, 0.0648334324, 0.0463247038, -0.0613432191, -0.0365415215, -0.130830273, 0.1262824237, 0.011872028, 0.0874669701, 0.0084677441, -0.0322051905, 0.0764146149, 0.0866208524, -0.0324696004, 0.0346113257, -0.010120309, 0.0039165793, 0.0015583689, 0.0039760717, -0.0214304645, -0.0148863066, -0.0062929681, 0.0505288318, -0.0045743003, -0.0552088954, -0.0002611053, -0.0115877865, 0.0010518577, -0.0275251251, 0.0615547448, 0.0733474493, -0.0447911248, 0.0388947725, -0.0202935003, 0.0391327403, -0.0524061434, -0.0861977935, 0.0131147569, -0.0867794976, -0.0633527339, 0.0730301589, 0.0475674346, -0.018865684, -0.0821787566, 0.0015591952 ]
Marco Genovese
G. Brida, M. Genovese, A. Meda, S. Olivares, M. G. A. Paris, F. Piacentini
Constrained MaxLik reconstruction of multimode photon distributions
Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (2009) 196
We address the reconstruction of the full photon distribution of multimode fields generated by seeded parametric down-conversion (PDC). Our scheme is based on on/off avalanche photodetection assisted by maximum-likelihood (MaxLik) estimation and does not involve photon counting. We present a novel constrained MaxLik method that incorporates the request of finite energy to improve the rate of convergence and, in turn, the overall accuracy of the reconstruction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:57:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brida", "G.", "" ], [ "Genovese", "M.", "" ], [ "Meda", "A.", "" ], [ "Olivares", "S.", "" ], [ "Paris", "M. G. A.", "" ], [ "Piacentini", "F.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1105346456, 0.0086980956, 0.0840023309, -0.0096492544, -0.0801976919, -0.0177215878, -0.0046024816, 0.0181220751, -0.0471574441, 0.0244172439, 0.0374956764, 0.0215011928, 0.0081787128, 0.0354181454, 0.0891586095, 0.008078591, 0.0768936723, -0.0022026831, 0.028810095, 0.0965676382, -0.1256530732, -0.0133287366, -0.0128156114, -0.0776445866, -0.12975806, -0.0428522006, 0.020775307, -0.0344669856, 0.1201463565, 0.0790462941, -0.0462813787, -0.0142548643, -0.1231500134, -0.0543662272, -0.0642783046, 0.1617970914, -0.0087794447, 0.0825005025, -0.1149400175, 0.0640780553, -0.0202746987, -0.0462563485, -0.0651293397, -0.0057194671, 0.0737898871, -0.0181220751, 0.0940645859, 0.0129032182, 0.0783454403, 0.03356589, -0.0475829653, 0.08725629, 0.0739400685, 0.0439034812, -0.0908606797, -0.0144175626, 0.0770438537, 0.0441037267, -0.0435280241, 0.0066643683, 0.0910108685, -0.0604736656, 0.0283845775, 0.0404492728, -0.0445042141, -0.0198742095, 0.0256812833, 0.0562184826, 0.0388473235, 0.1167422086, -0.0611244589, 0.0873063505, 0.0010591027, -0.021025613, -0.0236538146, 0.0522136055, -0.0259315893, 0.0266074128, -0.0386220478, -0.0147554744, 0.0952660516, -0.0559681766, -0.0028284455, -0.0597728118, 0.011664209, -0.0554675683, 0.0075279204, -0.0615249462, -0.0943649486, -0.0355182663, -0.0576702505, -0.0483088493, 0.0042676986, 0.022852838, -0.0437282696, -0.0382215604, -0.0004900501, 0.0158443004, 0.0632770807, 0.0972184315, 0.0654797629, 0.0173336156, 0.030512169, -0.0691342205, 0.0792465359, -0.0895591006, -0.0830511674, 0.0293857958, 0.0611745194, 0.1020242795, 0.0668814704, -0.1057287976, -0.0445292443, 0.1159412339, 0.0882575139, -0.118744649, -0.0580206774, 0.0772440955, 0.0197115112, -0.0270829909, -0.0976689756, -0.0257814061, 0.0597227514, 0.0861048922, 0.0704858601, -0.020049423, 0.0596726909, -0.0980694667, 0.0043678209, -0.0011842551, 0.0356684513, 0.0037764753, 0.076242879, -0.1167422086, -0.0103501081, -0.0344419554, 0.0072463271, -0.0797972083, -0.0010645781, -0.1189448908, 0.0127280047, -0.0180594996, 0.0780951306, 0.104427211, 0.02090046, 0.0747911111, -0.067732513, 0.0462313183, 0.0874064788, 0.0406995788, -0.0638778135, -0.1537873447, 0.0231281742, 0.0406745486, -0.0788961053, -0.1901316047, -0.0679327548, 0.0486843064, -0.0199993625, -0.0603234842, 0.0221019238, 0.0433027484, -0.0493100695, -0.0374956764, -0.0184099264, 0.0083163809, -0.1014736146, 0.0390976258, -0.1327617317, 0.0026688762, -0.0627764687, 0.0063921618, 0.0236412995, -0.0899095237, 0.0101373494, 0.0656800121, -0.0069960221, -0.1152403802, -0.1663025767, -0.0662807375, -0.0026125575, 0.0174712837, 0.1361658722, -0.0168204904, 0.035267964, -0.0449297316, -0.0827508047, 0.0621757396, 0.0112512056, 0.0086542927, 0.029786285, 0.0659803748, 0.0141922887, 0.05103717, -0.0435029939, -0.0746909827, 0.0300365891, 0.1009730026, -0.0875566602, -0.0656299517, -0.0767434835, -0.0143299559, 0.1051280648, -0.026131833, -0.0005295514, -0.0041519329, 0.0230530817, -0.0385719873, -0.0316135101, 0.0358186327, 0.0465316847, 0.0275585707, 0.0873063505, 0.0045242612, 0.0111510837, -0.0128093539, 0.0054284879, 0.034141589, 0.0142673803, 0.0401238762, 0.0086042313, -0.0616751313, 0.0543662272, 0.0319389068, -0.0188604742, -0.0201370306, -0.0588717163, -0.0054378742, 0.0202872138, -0.0205124877, 0.0364944562, -0.0768936723, -0.0852538496, 0.0234786011, -0.0836018398, 0.0324645489, 0.0335408598, -0.0377710126, 0.025155643, -0.132561475, 0.0277838446, 0.0436031148, 0.0586214103, -0.0288601555, -0.0214135852, -0.0075717238, -0.0348174125, 0.0468320474, 0.0313131437, -0.010756854, 0.0543161668, 0.0314132683, -0.0969681218, -0.0713369027, 0.0468070172, 0.1403709948 ]
Akira SaiToh
Akira SaiToh, Robabeh Rahimi, and Mikio Nakahara
Evaluating measures of nonclassical correlation in a multipartite quantum system
6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Proc. NIC@QS07
Int. J. Quant. Inf. 6, Supp. 1, pp.787-793 (2008)
We introduce and compare several measures of nonclassical correlation defined on the basis of a widely-recognized paradigm claiming that a multipartite system represented by a density matrix having no product eigenbasis possesses nonclassical correlation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 18:46:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "SaiToh", "Akira", "" ], [ "Rahimi", "Robabeh", "" ], [ "Nakahara", "Mikio", "" ] ]
[ 0.0276940633, -0.0236927327, 0.0153505625, 0.0089059938, 0.0545636117, 0.0511200428, -0.0044075274, 0.0568431579, -0.0510715395, 0.0402315706, 0.0309193805, -0.0373700112, 0.0833731964, 0.0484039858, -0.0087301778, -0.0672223717, 0.0148534272, 0.0053411713, 0.0640213042, 0.0379035212, -0.0869137719, -0.0345569551, 0.0186365042, -0.103210099, -0.0243596211, -0.039843563, 0.0615477525, 0.0865257606, 0.0436023884, -0.072120972, -0.0028069946, -0.0498105139, -0.0569886602, -0.078377597, -0.1078661978, 0.1585012227, -0.0193276443, 0.0556306317, -0.1152383462, -0.0141259125, -0.0977294892, 0.0647488162, 0.0282518249, 0.0498590171, 0.0473854654, -0.0460516885, -0.0033101924, -0.0783290938, 0.0081481664, -0.0113613568, -0.1449209452, 0.1019490734, -0.0102094579, -0.0848282278, -0.098602511, -0.0117493644, 0.0073478995, 0.0770195723, -0.0084331091, -0.0410318375, -0.0158113223, -0.1356087625, -0.0215950646, 0.1019490734, -0.1054411456, -0.0653308332, -0.0509260371, 0.0303131174, 0.0420018546, 0.0587831959, -0.0173269771, 0.0891448185, -0.0063354415, 0.0793961138, 0.0327866673, -0.0413228422, -0.0325684138, -0.014429044, 0.013107392, 0.0168783441, 0.0291975942, 0.0511200428, 0.0798811242, 0.0073539624, -0.0214980636, -0.052963078, -0.0987965092, 0.0238503609, -0.0788626075, -0.045930434, 0.0825971812, 0.0936554074, -0.0164660849, 0.0955469459, 0.0618872605, -0.1266845763, 0.1042771265, -0.0013557542, -0.0561641455, 0.0040710517, -0.082160674, -0.0104034618, -0.0617902577, 0.021461688, 0.1601502597, -0.0182606224, -0.0025114417, -0.0357937291, -0.0357937291, 0.0169268455, 0.0281790737, -0.0280820727, -0.1562701762, -0.0194488969, -0.0431658775, -0.0385825373, -0.0274515599, -0.1314376742, 0.0052259816, 0.0210130531, -0.0698414221, -0.0565521531, 0.0947224274, 0.0360362343, 0.0111673521, -0.0203461647, -0.0412015878, -0.0384370312, -0.0595592149, 0.0713449568, 0.0912303552, -0.0312831365, 0.0609172396, -0.0609172396, -0.0115492977, -0.0066931364, 0.065961346, -0.0611597449, -0.0035981671, -0.0146230478, 0.0803661346, -0.0710539445, 0.0764860585, 0.0170238465, -0.0377095193, 0.0196792763, -0.0506350324, 0.0005952739, -0.0085786125, -0.0884658024, -0.0134711498, -0.0891933143, -0.0281790737, 0.0126830088, -0.0679983869, -0.0072569605, 0.0320106521, 0.0181878712, -0.0128891375, -0.1049561352, 0.11349231, 0.0296341032, -0.0634392947, 0.0000521954, 0.0972444788, 0.0143077914, -0.0772620738, -0.0203825403, -0.0478947237, -0.0267725457, -0.005404829, -0.0246870033, -0.1271695942, -0.0461486913, 0.0900663361, -0.0250992607, -0.0246627517, -0.1041801199, -0.0732849911, -0.0328351706, 0.0466094501, -0.028858088, -0.013543901, -0.0099972663, -0.0287125856, 0.0462941937, -0.0005615505, 0.1182454079, 0.0825971812, -0.025075011, 0.0320106521, 0.0862347558, 0.0102882721, 0.1023370847, 0.0368122496, -0.0738185048, 0.0383400321, 0.1148503423, -0.0171450991, -0.08725328, 0.0253175162, -0.0687258989, 0.0151808094, -0.0523810685, 0.1135893166, -0.036424242, 0.1517110914, -0.1281396151, -0.1784836352, 0.0262390338, 0.0196065251, -0.0334171802, 0.0163448323, 0.0157385711, 0.0114886714, -0.0957409516, -0.0502470247, 0.048112981, -0.0740610063, 0.0492042527, -0.0418806039, 0.059122704, -0.0108035952, 0.0297553558, -0.0604322292, 0.0716844574, 0.0499075167, -0.0739155039, -0.0604322292, -0.1505470723, 0.0746915191, 0.1094182283, -0.0763890594, 0.0438448936, -0.0819666684, -0.0428263731, 0.0520415604, -0.0544666089, -0.0384370312, -0.0674163699, 0.0233289748, -0.0306041241, -0.0072933361, 0.0202249121, 0.0330776721, -0.0087786792, -0.0239716135, 0.1100972444, -0.0050319773, -0.0939464122, -0.0521385632, 0.0852162391, 0.0171087235, 0.003801265, -0.0505865291, -0.0018900229 ]
Jiulin Du
Jiulin Du and Yeli Song
Solar wind speed theory and the nonextensivity of solar corona
12 pages,1 figure, 1 table, 21 references; UN/ESA/NASA Workshop on Basic Space Science and the International Heliophysical Year 2007, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 18-22 June, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings (2010) 93-102
astro-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
The solar corona is a complex system, with nonisothermal plasma and being in the self-gravitating field of the Sun. So the corona plasma is not only a nonequilibrium system but also a nonextensive one. We estimate the parameter of describing the degree of nonextensivity of the corona plasma and study the generalization of the solar wind speed theory in the framework of nonextensive statistical mechanics. It is found that, when use Chapman's corona model (1957) as the radial distribution of the temperature in the corona, the nonextensivity reduces the gas pressure outward and thus leads a significant deceleration effect on the radial speed of the solar wind.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:32:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Du", "Jiulin", "" ], [ "Song", "Yeli", "" ] ]
[ -0.0047594467, -0.0101592038, -0.0402937904, -0.0051110457, 0.035651546, 0.1071147099, -0.0145213157, -0.0762883574, -0.0424205363, 0.0205470901, -0.0942170396, 0.1397705227, -0.0938511491, 0.096595332, 0.0126461219, 0.0483434051, -0.0440213121, 0.0498984419, 0.0412542559, 0.0007510779, -0.0521852635, -0.0388988294, 0.0033530518, -0.0304833278, -0.0689247921, 0.0404538698, -0.0380984433, 0.0731325448, 0.0925247893, -0.0314437933, 0.0307806153, -0.0115255797, -0.0561185963, -0.101260446, -0.1015348658, 0.1646511406, 0.0390589088, 0.0598232448, -0.0562100671, -0.0863046348, 0.0026126935, -0.0926162675, -0.0835604519, 0.0725837126, 0.0168424398, -0.0303461198, 0.0235085227, 0.0501271226, 0.0191063918, -0.1219333112, -0.1145240143, -0.0116799399, 0.077020146, -0.0612410754, -0.1122371927, -0.0623387508, 0.0473372005, 0.078758128, -0.0850240216, -0.0537860394, 0.0423519313, -0.1437038481, -0.0139953466, 0.0413228609, -0.0885914564, -0.0552038662, 0.0312379804, 0.074962005, -0.0860302225, 0.020421315, 0.0321527086, -0.0409341007, 0.0873565748, -0.1212930009, -0.0443185978, 0.0193236396, 0.0009325944, -0.0339592956, 0.0382585227, 0.0552953407, 0.057399217, -0.0038990304, 0.0122802304, -0.0183288734, -0.1079379693, -0.0197924394, 0.0665007681, 0.0603720844, 0.0335248001, 0.0108967042, 0.0279906932, 0.0187061988, -0.0905123875, 0.0240344927, -0.0151273236, 0.0329530947, 0.0681015402, 0.0147271296, 0.1805674136, 0.0415286757, -0.0093988357, 0.007483623, -0.0218734462, 0.033593405, 0.1112309918, -0.0243775155, -0.088957347, -0.0020395587, -0.0781635568, -0.0052225282, 0.1228480414, 0.0249492209, -0.1029069573, 0.0083983513, -0.0303461198, -0.019289339, -0.1082123891, 0.000040935, -0.14782013, 0.0413914658, 0.0030471894, 0.0986992121, 0.1126030833, 0.1243116111, 0.0610581301, -0.0709372014, -0.0103707351, -0.0151387574, -0.0506759621, 0.008878584, 0.0996139348, -0.0401108451, -0.094674401, -0.1244030818, 0.0119943777, -0.0710744113, 0.0414829403, -0.0080324598, 0.0507674329, -0.0226166639, 0.0085355612, 0.104370527, 0.0032672959, 0.008146801, -0.0231197644, 0.0324957296, 0.0362461172, 0.0101592038, -0.0180658884, 0.0455306135, 0.0030157457, -0.0381441787, -0.0296829417, 0.0811364204, 0.0263899192, 0.0140753854, 0.0945829302, 0.0430379771, 0.0265271273, -0.0628418475, 0.002768483, 0.0246519335, -0.0937596783, -0.0528713092, 0.0573534779, -0.0360860415, -0.0320383683, -0.0744589046, -0.0368178226, -0.0471542552, 0.0146470908, 0.0399278998, -0.0640767366, -0.0309864301, 0.1216588989, 0.06837596, 0.0114055211, -0.0028370877, 0.0430608466, 0.1314464957, 0.0263899192, 0.0168653075, 0.1042790562, -0.0659976676, 0.0400422402, -0.0170596875, 0.0969612226, 0.0462395288, -0.0123831378, -0.0118457349, 0.0703883618, -0.0097304247, 0.0301860422, 0.0387158841, -0.062658906, -0.0689247921, 0.0400651097, 0.111139521, -0.0636651069, 0.0311693754, 0.0371608473, -0.0113197658, -0.0087299403, -0.0284251887, -0.0429693721, 0.0082554249, 0.0388759635, -0.0036360458, -0.1449844688, -0.012840502, 0.0687875897, 0.0504930168, 0.0765627772, 0.0019895346, -0.0101134675, -0.0360403061, -0.0383271277, 0.0718519241, 0.0271445699, 0.0498527065, -0.1125116125, 0.0752821565, -0.0278534833, 0.0733612254, 0.0277848803, 0.0364061967, 0.1354712993, -0.0168424398, -0.0066089137, -0.0111654056, -0.0530085191, 0.0177228656, -0.0563930161, -0.0261612367, -0.0257038716, -0.181756556, -0.0169224776, 0.106108509, 0.0292941816, -0.0268244147, -0.0909697562, 0.0298201498, -0.1286108345, 0.0587255731, 0.0319468938, 0.0557527058, -0.0442271233, -0.0118914712, 0.0520023182, -0.0735441744, 0.0663178191, 0.0610123947, -0.0187290665, 0.017299803, -0.0166480597, -0.0065917624 ]
Claudio Landim
J. Beltran and C. Landim
Meta-stability and condensed zero-range processes on finite sets
math.PR math-ph math.MP
We propose a definition o meta-stability and obtain sufficient conditions for a sequence of Markov processes on finite state spaces to be meta-stable. In the reversible case, these conditions reduce to estimates of the capacity and the measure of certain meta-stable sets. We prove that a class of condensed zero-range processes with asymptotically decreasing jump rates is meta-stable.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:22:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Beltran", "J.", "" ], [ "Landim", "C.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0463557653, 0.0406393558, 0.0468601547, -0.0419363566, -0.0831521526, 0.0135944886, 0.0367723703, -0.0063949339, -0.0966505706, 0.0463077277, 0.0690292567, 0.0247150678, -0.0944408625, 0.0456352085, 0.0449626893, -0.0225654095, -0.0001595919, 0.1278746575, 0.0394864641, 0.0108383624, -0.0381894633, -0.0843050405, -0.0205598623, -0.0201395378, -0.0455391333, -0.0109284315, 0.0234060585, -0.019394964, 0.0670597404, -0.0605747364, 0.133350879, -0.0476047285, -0.0762348175, -0.056155324, -0.0028912306, 0.1008778289, -0.0371566676, -0.016584795, -0.0954976827, 0.0457312837, -0.0482772477, 0.0243067537, -0.022781577, 0.095209457, 0.070230186, 0.1316215545, -0.0071214945, 0.0298069976, 0.0530809537, 0.0899253786, -0.1013581976, 0.0194430016, -0.0232139099, -0.0736888498, 0.0917988271, -0.01783376, 0.0594218448, -0.0051159472, 0.0660029203, -0.0666754395, 0.1228788048, -0.0521202125, -0.0199113619, 0.0557710305, -0.1096205786, 0.0819992647, -0.1369056255, 0.0273811258, 0.0156240547, 0.1100048721, -0.0922311619, -0.0534172133, -0.004761674, 0.0871872678, 0.0177376848, -0.0075958604, 0.0407354273, 0.0437377468, -0.0702782199, 0.023910448, -0.0282698106, 0.0500065833, 0.0591816604, -0.1303725839, 0.0557229929, 0.0058815377, 0.0180138983, -0.0426809303, -0.0359317213, 0.1083716154, -0.0259159952, 0.055867102, -0.0437617637, 0.0514476933, 0.1523735672, -0.1436308175, 0.1085637584, -0.0318005346, -0.0391742252, -0.0653304011, -0.0564435497, -0.0231418554, 0.0642255545, -0.1131753176, 0.0720075592, -0.0050318823, 0.0146152759, 0.0159963425, -0.0065390449, 0.0115589183, -0.0188785661, -0.0502467677, -0.0081362771, 0.1406525224, -0.0767151862, -0.0646578819, -0.0464278199, -0.0252915137, -0.0318005346, 0.1174025834, 0.0108143436, 0.0169330649, 0.039630577, -0.0213044379, 0.0293746628, -0.0211723354, 0.0956898257, 0.0117690805, -0.0049117897, -0.0574042909, 0.08262375, -0.0019605125, -0.0320647396, -0.0202236027, -0.0966986045, -0.0089228842, -0.0135824792, -0.0150716286, 0.0285580326, -0.0709507391, 0.0395345017, 0.0395825393, 0.0103700012, 0.0960260853, -0.0385257229, -0.0522162877, -0.000720556, 0.1155771688, 0.0545220673, 0.0360518135, 0.0734006315, -0.0181460008, 0.0014786408, 0.0984759778, -0.0107422881, -0.1021267921, -0.0256037544, 0.0560592525, 0.0613433272, 0.0050889263, 0.0734967068, 0.0699900016, 0.0506790988, -0.0372047052, 0.1021267921, 0.0193469264, -0.0505349897, 0.0040201019, -0.062352106, -0.1147125065, 0.1443994045, -0.036820408, -0.0817590803, -0.012621738, -0.0238383915, 0.028077662, -0.1348880678, -0.1015503481, 0.01340234, 0.0470042638, 0.0355714448, 0.0117390575, -0.0690292567, 0.0339622013, -0.0241266135, -0.0211242978, -0.0411197245, 0.0233460125, 0.0954496413, -0.0196471587, -0.1485306025, 0.1358488053, -0.017569555, 0.1223023608, 0.0219289195, -0.1279707402, 0.0757064074, 0.0340342596, -0.0014291026, 0.0170051195, -0.0532731004, -0.0522643253, 0.0366522782, 0.0554347709, 0.0466199704, 0.0433774665, -0.0174975004, 0.0045935442, -0.0912223831, -0.0180619359, 0.0653304011, -0.0085145691, 0.0602865145, -0.032016702, -0.0540897325, 0.0360277966, -0.0180138983, 0.0978995338, 0.0380213335, 0.0819512308, -0.0182180554, 0.0131021086, 0.059229698, 0.0154679343, 0.0210642517, 0.0218448546, -0.0109824734, -0.0425128005, 0.0659068525, 0.0072355825, 0.0369405001, -0.0445543751, -0.0810385272, -0.0456111915, 0.0075298096, -0.0602865145, -0.1113499105, -0.1243199185, -0.0391021669, -0.0416241139, -0.128835395, 0.0447705425, 0.0132101923, 0.0529368408, 0.0348749086, 0.1141360626, -0.0711909235, 0.0582689568, 0.0378532037, -0.0813747868, 0.0141589241, -0.0712869987, -0.0303594228, 0.0443141907, -0.0069353511, -0.02975896 ]
Marie-Amelie Morlais
Marie-Amelie Morlais
Reflected backward stochastic differential equations and a class of non linear dynamic pricing rule
20 pages, partial modification of the content
q-fin.PR math.PR
In that paper, we provide a new characterization of the solutions of specific reflected backward stochastic differential equations (or RBSDEs) whose driver $g$ is convex and has quadratic growth in its second variable: this is done by introducing the extended notion of $g$-Snell enveloppe. Then, in a second step, we relate this representation to a specific class of dynamic monetary concave functionals already introduced in a discrete time setting. This connection implies that the solution, characterized by means of non linear expectations, has again the time consistency property.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:24:14 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 10:57:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Morlais", "Marie-Amelie", "" ] ]
[ 0.0160831083, -0.0064345989, 0.04225545, -0.013648944, 0.0146049801, 0.0455371626, -0.0178731326, -0.0185240507, -0.02751486, 0.0246128496, 0.0663936734, -0.096661374, -0.1075100154, -0.0202055909, -0.0293455683, 0.062867865, 0.033386685, -0.0242467076, 0.0602099448, 0.0318950005, 0.0195953548, -0.0161509123, -0.0032478112, -0.0340918489, -0.0329798609, 0.054812748, 0.0496867672, -0.0416045301, 0.0015671198, -0.1199859455, 0.0796832517, -0.0467033908, 0.0009568839, -0.1350655556, -0.0175747946, 0.1127173603, -0.0425266661, 0.0649833456, -0.0062956009, 0.0211141631, -0.0241653435, -0.0299151223, -0.1142361686, 0.0523446836, -0.041713018, 0.0450489745, -0.0171679705, -0.0283149481, 0.1226981059, 0.0206802189, -0.1263866425, 0.0527786277, 0.0091806604, -0.1043096632, -0.0424995422, -0.0468932427, -0.0023799201, 0.0708958581, 0.1419001967, -0.0816902518, 0.0799544677, -0.1257357299, -0.1192265451, 0.1219387054, -0.0740962029, 0.0069838115, -0.1110358238, 0.1153210327, -0.137018308, 0.1536167264, -0.0368040092, 0.0416316539, 0.0565214083, -0.0384855457, -0.0722519383, 0.0020120835, 0.0638984814, 0.068888858, 0.0443980545, 0.0180901047, 0.047408551, 0.0061362614, -0.0114181926, 0.01408967, -0.0143608861, -0.1034960151, -0.0183070786, 0.0068515935, -0.0424181782, 0.0714382902, -0.0667191297, 0.1062081754, 0.0268368199, 0.0821784437, 0.0282878261, -0.0572808124, -0.0002989732, -0.0217650812, -0.0175476745, -0.0396246538, -0.0672615618, -0.0357191451, -0.0119335027, -0.0664479136, 0.1842098832, 0.0229855534, 0.0289116222, 0.0037292198, -0.0903149173, -0.0144422511, 0.003478345, -0.0768083632, 0.0172222145, -0.0445065424, 0.0913455412, -0.0254807416, -0.224783808, -0.0039936551, -0.1085948795, -0.0303219464, -0.048601903, -0.1085948795, 0.0610778369, -0.0663394257, 0.0657427534, -0.0646578893, 0.0001935592, -0.133872211, -0.0039529731, 0.0000877744, 0.0468661189, -0.0385669135, -0.0590708405, -0.049062971, -0.0484120511, -0.0212090891, 0.0550568439, -0.0390822217, 0.0699737221, -0.0311898366, 0.0518836156, 0.0832633078, -0.0197038408, -0.0007996634, -0.1308345795, 0.076103203, -0.0115266787, 0.0131743159, -0.0428792462, -0.0054378803, 0.0154864322, -0.0273521319, -0.0104350345, 0.0255214237, 0.0124081308, -0.048195079, 0.0701364502, 0.0738249868, 0.0380787216, 0.0002150658, -0.0181036666, 0.0927016214, -0.0290743522, -0.0720892027, 0.0720349625, -0.0076347296, 0.0011958929, -0.0061091399, -0.035312321, -0.0422012061, -0.0340918489, -0.0127810529, -0.076754123, -0.0637357533, 0.0387838855, 0.0377261415, -0.0256570317, -0.1749885529, 0.0533210598, -0.0150660472, -0.0031545807, -0.0736080185, -0.0252095256, -0.0681294501, 0.0855415165, 0.0375905335, -0.0826666281, -0.0368311293, 0.0115266787, 0.0513683073, 0.0020324248, 0.0578232445, 0.0898267329, 0.0245992895, -0.0225109253, -0.0642239451, 0.0947086215, 0.0230397973, -0.0648748577, -0.0010306207, 0.0726858824, -0.071275562, 0.0884706527, -0.0119063817, -0.076754123, -0.0193105768, 0.0467033908, 0.0495782793, -0.0414960459, -0.0054073683, 0.0855415165, -0.0024206026, 0.0012306424, 0.0327900127, -0.0799544677, 0.0547313839, -0.0299964864, 0.0218193252, 0.0635187849, 0.1703236401, -0.0636815131, -0.0016806915, -0.0358547531, 0.0124013508, 0.0565214083, -0.0041428241, 0.0445879065, -0.0955765098, -0.0583656766, -0.0512869395, 0.0995905027, -0.0198258869, -0.0867348686, -0.048791755, 0.064061217, 0.0411434621, -0.0816360116, 0.0193241388, -0.0884706527, -0.0714382902, -0.0663394257, 0.0990480706, 0.0088755433, -0.0489544831, -0.0043157241, 0.0806053877, -0.0679124817, 0.0252908897, -0.0267961379, -0.0298066363, -0.0184426866, 0.0652545616, 0.0433945544, 0.0373735614, -0.0190664828, 0.0076618511 ]
Jun-Bao Wu
Bin Chen, Jun-Bao Wu
Wilson-Polyakov surfaces and M-theory branes
26 pages, 3 figures; v2 minor changes
JHEP 0805:046,2008
In this paper, we study the M-brane description of the Wilson-Polyakov surfaces in six-dimensional (2, 0) field theory at finite temperature. We investigate the membrane solution dual to a straight Wilons-Polyakov surface and compute the interaction potential between two parallel straight strings by using AdS/CFT correspondence. Furthermore we discuss the M5-brane solutions dual to various Wilson-Polyakov surfaces. Finally we obtain an universal result about M5-brane solutions in generic backgrounds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:27:23 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 09:27:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Bin", "" ], [ "Wu", "Jun-Bao", "" ] ]
[ -0.027645519, 0.0841626748, -0.0430761129, 0.1080835685, -0.0415723808, -0.0102485064, 0.0310693979, -0.0372231305, -0.0294499956, 0.0110755581, -0.0409477539, 0.0181720126, -0.0662567094, 0.037454471, -0.0019490669, 0.0067899246, 0.0416649207, 0.0718552172, 0.0586223789, 0.0122496253, -0.0249156673, -0.060982082, 0.0066164169, 0.0448343232, 0.0175705198, -0.0056852605, 0.0196410418, 0.0548283495, 0.0555686504, 0.0225328319, 0.0452044718, -0.0297044739, -0.043145515, -0.0394671597, -0.0533014834, 0.1208537146, -0.0131981326, 0.0942492411, -0.0026965947, 0.0156041021, 0.0446955152, 0.1409343034, -0.0906865522, 0.0669044703, 0.0324805938, -0.0064602601, -0.0149910431, 0.1243701354, 0.0442790985, -0.0749552101, 0.0540417843, 0.0229145493, 0.0216421615, -0.1002178937, -0.1012358069, 0.0242910422, 0.0199417882, 0.0414104424, 0.0378708914, -0.0222899225, 0.0317402929, -0.1310328245, -0.0802761093, 0.0014719215, -0.0481656641, -0.0796283484, -0.0214802213, -0.0263037272, 0.0249388032, -0.0096932827, -0.0199880563, 0.0134179089, 0.081294015, 0.0241753701, -0.0011090017, 0.0607970059, 0.0032937496, -0.0412253663, -0.1178925186, 0.0593164079, 0.0310462639, 0.0567253642, -0.0345858149, -0.0698656589, -0.0938328207, 0.0263268612, 0.0540417843, 0.0773611814, -0.0114746252, 0.0460604429, -0.0179753713, -0.0052630589, -0.095591031, -0.0279462654, 0.0541343205, 0.0104277972, -0.0048871264, 0.0075707077, -0.0235970113, -0.0208555944, -0.0990149081, 0.0322723836, 0.0231921617, -0.0037072755, 0.0804149136, 0.0229839515, 0.0394671597, -0.0851805881, -0.2100596726, -0.0223940276, 0.0194328334, 0.071531333, -0.0489059649, 0.1326984912, 0.0808776021, 0.0045227604, -0.0084845135, -0.0134294759, -0.0929999873, 0.0431686491, 0.0244761165, 0.0148175349, 0.0516820811, -0.0394440256, -0.0204507429, -0.0204623099, -0.0363208912, -0.1358447522, -0.0647761077, 0.0814790949, 0.043261189, -0.0185652953, -0.0250082053, -0.0614447668, -0.068801485, 0.0593626797, 0.0527925305, -0.0113300355, 0.1038268507, 0.0624626763, 0.1343641579, -0.0245917868, 0.1653641611, -0.0644059628, 0.0540417843, 0.0406470075, -0.0151067143, 0.0967940167, 0.0377783515, 0.0336373076, -0.0013229942, -0.0284552202, 0.1491701305, 0.0567253642, -0.0553373061, -0.1104895398, 0.0622313358, 0.1212238669, 0.0732895434, -0.0138458936, 0.0583910383, 0.0739373043, -0.0856432691, -0.0062462678, 0.1066955104, 0.0232962649, -0.053116411, 0.0056360997, 0.0003885844, -0.1060477495, -0.0418268591, -0.0092363795, -0.1140059531, 0.0257947724, -0.0011545474, 0.0707447678, -0.0676910356, -0.1157641634, -0.1306626648, 0.0395596959, 0.0646373034, 0.1364925206, -0.0441402905, -0.0833761096, -0.1327910274, 0.0245223846, 0.109656699, 0.1062328219, -0.0173738785, -0.021954475, -0.0203003697, 0.0403925329, 0.1237223744, 0.0726417825, 0.0023568093, -0.0754178986, 0.0303522348, 0.0585761108, -0.0449962616, -0.0191667881, -0.0121570881, -0.0231805947, 0.0930462554, -0.0262805931, -0.0864761099, 0.0226947721, 0.1162268519, 0.1157641634, -0.0762507319, -0.0494149178, 0.046661932, 0.0245917868, 0.087170139, -0.0098610064, -0.0160320867, -0.0177902952, -0.0593164079, -0.0324574597, 0.0487208888, 0.0853193924, -0.0226022359, 0.089899987, -0.0295656677, 0.1030865535, 0.0598716326, 0.0755104348, -0.0632029772, 0.0365753695, -0.0423820838, 0.0217578337, 0.0130361924, -0.027599249, -0.0136261173, 0.0462223813, 0.0538567081, -0.045273874, 0.0022049902, 0.0442790985, -0.0207167882, -0.0823119283, 0.0740761086, 0.0193287283, -0.0236895494, 0.0519596934, 0.0619074553, 0.0181026086, -0.0043203351, -0.0573731251, 0.049507454, -0.1110447571, 0.0224518627, 0.1308477372, -0.0456440225, -0.0029351674, -0.0285708923, -0.0072468272 ]
Cecile Faure
Cecile Faure, Jean-Paul Kneib, Giovanni Covone, Lidia Tasca, Alexie Leauthaud, Peter Capak, Knud Jahnke, Vernesa Smolcic, Sylvain de la Torre, Richard Ellis, Alexis Finoguenov, Anton Koekemoer, Olivier Le Fevre, Richard Massey, Yannick Mellier, Alexandre Refregier, Jason Rhodes, Nick Scoville, Eva Schinnerer, James Taylor, Ludovic Van Waerbeke, Jakob Walcher
First catalog of strong lens candidates in the COSMOS field
31 pages, 20 figures. Replaced Table 4, fig 18 and 19 (error found in the modeling code). Erratum accepted for publication in ApJ. No changes in content
We present the first catalog of 67 strong galaxy-galaxy lens candidates discovered in the 1.64 square degree Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS survey. Twenty of these systems display multiple images or strongly curved large arcs. Our initial search is performed by visual inspection of the data and is restricted, for practical considerations, to massive early-type lens galaxies with arcs found at radii smaller than ~5''. Simple mass models are constructed for the best lens candidates and our results are compared to the strong lensing catalogs of the SLACS survey and the CASTLES database. These new strong galaxy-galaxy lensing systems constitute a valuable sample to study the mass distribution of early-type galaxies and their associated dark matter halos. We further expect this sample to play an important role in the testing of software algorithms designed to automatically search for strong gravitational lenses. From our analysis a robust lower limit is derived for the expected occurrence of strong galaxy-galaxy systems in current and future space-based wide-field imaging surveys. We expect that such surveys should uncover a large number of strong lensing systems (more than 10 systems per square degree), which will allow for a detailed statistical analysis of galaxy properties and will likely lead to constraints on models of gravitational structure formation and cosmology. The sample of strong lenses is available here:
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:41:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 18:44:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 22:36:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 26 May 2008 09:28:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Faure", "Cecile", "" ], [ "Kneib", "Jean-Paul", "" ], [ "Covone", "Giovanni", "" ], [ "Tasca", "Lidia", "" ], [ "Leauthaud", "Alexie", "" ], [ "Capak", "Peter", "" ], [ "Jahnke", "Knud", "" ], [ "Smolcic", "Vernesa", "" ], [ "de la Torre", "Sylvain", "" ], [ "Ellis", "Richard", "" ], [ "Finoguenov", "Alexis", "" ], [ "Koekemoer", "Anton", "" ], [ "Fevre", "Olivier Le", "" ], [ "Massey", "Richard", "" ], [ "Mellier", "Yannick", "" ], [ "Refregier", "Alexandre", "" ], [ "Rhodes", "Jason", "" ], [ "Scoville", "Nick", "" ], [ "Schinnerer", "Eva", "" ], [ "Taylor", "James", "" ], [ "Van Waerbeke", "Ludovic", "" ], [ "Walcher", "Jakob", "" ] ]
[ -0.0152044771, 0.0384972095, -0.0064622029, -0.0382572003, -0.0568337813, -0.0280088782, -0.124515906, -0.0368411541, -0.0587058403, 0.0243727639, -0.070274204, -0.0953789949, 0.0108483406, -0.0717142522, 0.0834746212, 0.1163556501, -0.0342970751, 0.037369173, -0.022848716, 0.0484815203, -0.0572177954, -0.0472814851, 0.0358811244, 0.0292569175, -0.1077153832, -0.1419884562, -0.0095342994, -0.0416653082, 0.0320170037, -0.0147364624, 0.0135004232, -0.0618259385, -0.0918268785, 0.0532336719, -0.1420844644, 0.15389283, -0.0187085867, 0.0649460405, -0.0612019189, 0.0034951097, -0.0099963136, 0.0053641684, 0.0326410234, -0.071810253, 0.0216846801, -0.082082577, 0.0106383339, -0.0741143227, -0.0555377416, -0.0403452665, -0.0817465633, -0.0041071288, 0.0265208315, -0.0176165532, -0.0292569175, -0.1335401833, -0.0740183219, -0.0151444748, -0.0088022761, 0.0512176082, 0.0062581962, -0.0490815416, 0.0571217909, -0.0157084931, -0.076946415, 0.0453134216, 0.054241702, 0.0019635616, 0.0360011309, 0.1211557984, 0.007680241, -0.0172685422, 0.0406812765, -0.0096963039, 0.0394572392, -0.0876027495, 0.0106563345, 0.0932189226, -0.068930164, -0.0273128562, 0.0429853499, 0.0303369518, -0.0449774116, -0.0555377416, -0.0250327848, -0.0331930406, 0.001402544, 0.0025680806, -0.0912988633, 0.0490815416, 0.0868347213, -0.0170045327, 0.0826585963, 0.0053761685, 0.0119823758, -0.0002101941, 0.1171236783, -0.1227878556, 0.1436205059, 0.027624866, 0.0742103308, 0.0439453796, 0.009642303, -0.147652626, 0.1444845349, 0.0891867951, 0.0823705867, -0.0831386074, 0.0616819337, 0.0081782565, -0.0826105922, -0.0095222984, 0.0108063389, 0.0359531268, -0.0134884231, 0.046897471, -0.0228847172, 0.0372491702, -0.0949949771, -0.0557297468, -0.0038281202, 0.0110583473, 0.0369131565, 0.0306969639, 0.090962857, -0.0308169667, -0.0508335941, -0.094514966, -0.0720982626, -0.0698901936, 0.0263768267, -0.0847706571, 0.0490095392, 0.0626899675, -0.059713874, 0.00477615, 0.0026550833, -0.1246119067, -0.000151411, 0.0639860108, -0.0111423498, -0.0825625882, 0.0844346508, 0.0744983405, 0.1028192267, 0.0303369518, -0.1052193046, -0.0078782467, -0.0290169101, 0.0285848975, -0.0243607648, -0.0763223916, 0.0422893278, -0.1056033149, -0.049825564, -0.1224998459, -0.01755655, 0.0995551199, -0.0462254509, -0.024576772, 0.0470894761, 0.0136684291, 0.0570257902, 0.0773304254, 0.0092642903, 0.0356651172, 0.0063181981, 0.0145444563, -0.1625331044, 0.0011002845, 0.0150604723, 0.0129364058, 0.0003663865, -0.0792504847, 0.0336010531, 0.0976350605, -0.057457801, -0.0493935496, -0.0827545971, -0.0332170427, 0.0238807499, 0.0486495271, 0.022008691, -0.0286809001, -0.1268199831, 0.0071762251, 0.0364811458, 0.1103074625, 0.0755063668, -0.0735383108, 0.0230647232, 0.0258728117, 0.0232207291, 0.1022432074, 0.051361613, -0.0826585963, 0.029688932, 0.0851546749, -0.0272408538, -0.0447374023, 0.0021315669, 0.0228967182, 0.053041663, -0.0500175692, -0.0284408927, -0.1146275997, 0.060385894, 0.0909148529, -0.0789144784, 0.0181325693, 0.0210846607, 0.0155884894, 0.0119643752, -0.0043501365, -0.0790104792, 0.0091742883, -0.0872187391, -0.007674241, 0.1310441047, 0.0352811068, -0.0077882442, 0.0895228088, 0.1262439638, 0.0917788818, 0.0493455492, -0.0048901537, 0.0588018447, -0.0245047696, -0.0055021727, -0.0635059923, 0.0287769027, 0.0191646013, 0.0006915217, -0.0602898933, -0.0323050134, -0.03988925, 0.0507375933, 0.0933149308, -0.0117843701, -0.1479406357, -0.0079682497, -0.0505935885, -0.0256568044, -0.019272605, -0.0580818206, 0.0289689098, -0.0233887341, -0.0130204083, 0.0586578399, 0.0102303214, 0.1306601018, 0.0234367345, 0.0265208315, -0.0344170816, 0.0343210772, 0.1134755611 ]
Maria Bras-Amor\'os
Maria Bras-Amoros
Bounds on the Number of Numerical Semigroups of a Given Genus
math.CO cs.DM
Combinatorics on multisets is used to deduce new upper and lower bounds on the number of numerical semigroups of each given genus, significantly improving existing ones. In particular, it is proved that the number $n_g$ of numerical semigroups of genus $g$ satisfies $2F_{g}\leq n_g\leq 1+3\cdot 2^{g-3}$, where $F_g$ denotes the $g$th Fibonacci number.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:47:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bras-Amoros", "Maria", "" ] ]
[ -0.0037356347, -0.0342822671, 0.1478718966, 0.0093736453, -0.0038508305, 0.061402645, -0.0013823494, -0.027436344, -0.0677219555, -0.0952636227, -0.02943746, -0.1036893725, -0.0702496842, -0.0157192871, 0.0676166341, 0.0148372166, -0.0366256759, -0.029200485, 0.0767269731, 0.0512127541, 0.080887191, 0.0156139657, 0.0080834525, -0.0365466848, 0.0457886793, 0.0443141721, 0.0030033186, 0.0375472419, 0.1114305258, -0.0263567958, 0.0379422009, 0.0201296397, -0.0548726879, -0.037626233, -0.0980019942, 0.0964748263, 0.025066603, 0.0723561198, 0.0058124503, 0.086100623, -0.0227363557, 0.0174176022, -0.0738306269, -0.0163248889, 0.0592435449, 0.0775695518, 0.0143764336, -0.0883650407, -0.0087943757, 0.0433926061, -0.0154954791, 0.059717495, -0.0115854042, -0.0512127541, 0.015943097, -0.0528979041, -0.0608760342, 0.0269097351, 0.0592435449, -0.0410491936, 0.0387847759, -0.1450282037, 0.0267649181, -0.0106440904, -0.0748311803, 0.080887191, -0.1085868403, 0.0281999279, 0.022078095, -0.0255537163, -0.182101503, 0.0388900973, 0.0654575378, 0.0313069224, -0.0321758278, 0.1182764471, 0.049817238, 0.0591382235, -0.032044176, -0.0241187066, 0.0708816126, 0.0559785701, 0.0494486131, 0.0617712699, -0.0027334313, -0.0089128623, 0.0508441292, 0.048448056, -0.1644074172, -0.1126943901, -0.0040713483, -0.0668793842, -0.0654048771, 0.1195403114, 0.0110258823, -0.1145901829, 0.1173285544, 0.044077199, -0.0432082936, 0.0570844486, -0.0519500077, -0.0012852558, 0.0893129408, -0.0470525399, -0.0437612347, 0.1235425398, -0.0316492207, 0.0034986606, -0.0454990454, 0.0397063419, -0.0049073403, -0.1146955043, -0.0131059885, 0.0524502881, 0.1505049318, 0.0215909816, -0.0199453272, -0.0090971757, -0.0198926665, 0.1593519747, -0.011763135, -0.1208041757, 0.0341506116, -0.0075041824, 0.0727774054, 0.0384424776, -0.0649309233, 0.0024026548, 0.0233682878, -0.0411808491, 0.0763583481, -0.1098506972, 0.0420497544, 0.0157456174, -0.0902608335, -0.0470262095, -0.0311752707, -0.016245896, 0.0430766419, -0.0114142569, 0.0309909582, -0.0041174265, 0.0542407595, 0.0546093844, -0.0048546796, -0.0135470247, -0.1389195323, 0.0634564236, 0.0136260157, 0.1214361042, -0.0515813828, -0.0710922554, -0.0065003335, 0.0227626879, 0.1129050329, -0.0522396415, -0.0576110557, 0.0877331123, 0.091314055, -0.0203007888, 0.0864692479, 0.0397590026, -0.0195108745, -0.0273046922, 0.0353354849, 0.133653447, -0.0919459835, -0.0072342954, -0.0258038566, -0.0177598987, 0.1071123332, -0.0041042613, -0.0283315796, -0.0532138683, -0.0532401986, -0.0193792228, -0.1374450326, -0.0707236305, -0.1047952473, -0.0178257246, 0.0609286949, 0.1104826331, -0.0184708219, 0.025909178, -0.0115524912, 0.02123552, 0.1302831471, -0.1176445186, 0.0599807985, -0.0607707128, 0.0023845527, 0.0389164276, 0.1486091465, 0.1097453758, 0.0411281846, -0.1092187688, 0.0266069341, -0.0185761433, -0.0721454769, -0.0456306972, 0.0006504448, -0.0508441292, 0.1017935798, -0.0175887514, -0.0266332645, -0.0292794779, -0.0545567237, 0.0050521581, 0.0421814062, 0.0205640923, 0.0146265738, 0.0759370625, 0.0293847993, 0.0265542734, 0.000627817, 0.0990552083, -0.0569791272, -0.0757790804, 0.0240002181, 0.1044792831, -0.040627908, -0.0377578884, 0.0308593046, 0.0224730521, 0.0934731513, 0.0085310703, 0.0121251792, 0.0464996025, -0.0349141955, 0.0763056874, 0.107849583, 0.0543460809, -0.0518446863, -0.0299114082, -0.0244873334, -0.0058289068, -0.0069117472, 0.0240792111, -0.0277259797, 0.0161932353, 0.0013741212, 0.0322284885, 0.0382055044, 0.058032345, -0.0491589792, 0.0389164276, -0.0918933228, -0.0096830288, 0.0197610147, 0.0123687359, -0.0182601772, 0.0061909505, 0.0634564236, -0.0511600934, -0.0549253486, 0.0209853798 ]
Bibhas Majhi Ranjan
Rabin Banerjee, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi and Sujoy Kumar Modak
Noncommutative Schwarzschild Black Hole and Area Law
11 pages, 8 figures, refs. added, minor modifications, to appear in Class. Quant. Grav
hep-th gr-qc
Using a graphical analysis, we show that for the horizon radius $r_h\gtrsim 4.8\sqrt\theta$, the standard semiclassical Bekenstein-Hawking area law for noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole exactly holds for all orders of $\theta$. We also give the corrections to the area law to get the exact nature of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy when $r_h<4.8\sqrt\theta$ till the extremal point $r_h=3.0\sqrt{\theta}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:56:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:08:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Banerjee", "Rabin", "" ], [ "Majhi", "Bibhas Ranjan", "" ], [ "Modak", "Sujoy Kumar", "" ] ]
[ 0.0381296538, -0.0162026472, 0.0998938009, -0.0249243136, 0.0065289666, -0.07051038, 0.0108529478, 0.0332160406, 0.0107546756, 0.0154041843, -0.0487430654, -0.0314962752, -0.0787652582, 0.0560152158, 0.0859391317, 0.0372943394, -0.044271674, 0.0309557766, 0.0640735477, 0.1133079678, -0.0375400223, -0.0986162573, 0.0673165321, 0.0385964476, 0.0682501197, -0.0092867333, -0.0238924548, -0.0133896023, 0.1841623038, -0.0367292762, 0.0179101285, -0.0430432707, -0.0490870178, -0.160871774, -0.063336499, 0.1062323675, -0.0320613421, 0.0433380865, -0.0051715802, 0.0530670471, 0.0157358535, -0.006034534, -0.0649579987, 0.1270660907, -0.0242364071, -0.0289166272, 0.0334371515, -0.0372943394, 0.0608796962, 0.0606340133, -0.0851529539, -0.0065965285, 0.0554747172, -0.0936535075, -0.0602409244, 0.0330194943, -0.0184997618, 0.121562846, 0.0296045318, -0.0652528107, 0.0137212705, -0.1139958799, -0.1350261569, -0.0043731178, -0.1157647818, -0.0173941981, -0.0103738708, 0.0086541055, -0.0034426018, 0.0830401033, -0.0147899827, 0.0011140087, 0.1006308421, 0.0436329059, 0.0384981781, -0.023585353, 0.0501188785, 0.0484973826, -0.0467530489, 0.0735076889, 0.065105401, -0.0511015989, 0.0536566786, 0.0542463139, -0.0899682939, 0.0257473439, -0.0105212787, 0.0210794099, -0.1768901497, -0.0347638279, 0.0777333975, -0.016829133, -0.0135861468, -0.0806324258, 0.0714931041, -0.0411023945, -0.0055984505, 0.0333880149, 0.0239170231, 0.0307346638, -0.142887935, -0.0375645906, 0.1229386553, -0.0546394028, 0.1905499995, 0.1331589818, -0.0008261016, 0.057636708, -0.0605357401, 0.0286709461, 0.0751783177, -0.0117066884, -0.0614201911, -0.0327738151, -0.0389649682, -0.0384981781, -0.0234502293, 0.0473918207, -0.0446647629, 0.0823030546, 0.0748834983, -0.0488904715, 0.0518877767, 0.0165711679, 0.0902139768, -0.0257473439, -0.0047385679, -0.058521159, -0.1165509596, 0.0278356317, 0.0840719566, -0.0735076889, -0.013610715, -0.0477849096, -0.0378102697, -0.0293588527, 0.1138976067, 0.0280813128, 0.1219559312, 0.0282041524, -0.0046648635, 0.1263781935, 0.0190648269, 0.0134878745, -0.0717879236, 0.0759644955, -0.0968473628, 0.0303415749, 0.0051408699, 0.0302433018, -0.0793057531, -0.0336582661, -0.0037189927, 0.0063754162, -0.0668743029, -0.1119321585, 0.0252068471, 0.0091393245, -0.019715881, -0.1086891741, -0.0514946878, -0.0008299404, -0.0173573457, -0.0173573457, 0.0908036157, -0.0068237833, 0.023585353, -0.0446893312, -0.0700681582, -0.1164526865, 0.0937026441, 0.0072905771, -0.0370486602, -0.089427799, -0.0156007288, 0.0867253095, 0.0855460465, -0.0583246164, 0.0259930249, 0.0454018079, 0.0244452357, 0.0347638279, 0.0391123779, -0.0088629341, 0.0699207485, 0.0236959103, -0.0047201416, 0.0549833551, -0.0006763898, -0.0583246164, -0.025280552, 0.1123252511, 0.0372943394, 0.0259684566, 0.0051654382, -0.0976826772, 0.01545332, 0.0531161837, -0.0660881251, 0.0306363925, 0.0357465521, 0.0396283083, 0.0292605795, 0.0258210488, -0.0407830067, -0.026803771, 0.1539927125, 0.0680044368, 0.0686432049, 0.0224429388, 0.0179469809, -0.0575875714, 0.0675130785, 0.0119339433, -0.0863813609, 0.0283269919, -0.0839245543, 0.0225166418, -0.0224429388, 0.049996037, -0.0037589157, 0.0619115531, -0.0299239177, 0.0983705819, 0.0010126655, 0.0368766822, 0.1030876487, 0.025108574, -0.0468513221, 0.077094622, -0.0032890514, 0.0485465191, 0.0145197334, -0.007609962, -0.0070141861, -0.1618544906, 0.0113565931, 0.0419131406, -0.0868727192, -0.1138976067, 0.098124899, 0.0728689134, -0.068741478, 0.0275653824, 0.0183523539, 0.021337375, 0.0383753367, 0.0588651113, -0.0101957517, -0.0090656206, -0.0436574742, 0.0676604807, -0.0038725431, -0.0025259054, -0.0599952452, 0.007966199 ]
Carlos Allende Prieto
L. Koesterke, C. Allende Prieto, D. L. Lambert
Center-to-Limb Variation of Solar 3-D Hydrodynamical Simulations
18 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (June 1, 2008)
We examine closely the solar Center-to-Limb variation of continua and lines and compare observations with predictions from both a 3-D hydrodynamic simulation of the solar surface (provided by M. Asplund and collaborators) and 1-D model atmospheres. Intensities from the 3-D time series are derived by means of the new synthesis code ASSET, which overcomes limitations of previously available codes by including a consistent treatment of scattering and allowing for arbitrarily complex line and continuum opacities. In the continuum, we find very similar discrepancies between synthesis and observation for both types of model atmospheres. This is in contrast to previous studies that used a ``horizontally'' and time averaged representation of the 3-D model and found a significantly larger disagreement with observations. The presence of temperature and velocity fields in the 3-D simulation provides a significant advantage when it comes to reproduce solar spectral line shapes. Nonetheless, a comparison of observed and synthetic equivalent widths reveals that the 3-D model also predicts more uniform abundances as a function of position angle on the disk. We conclude that the 3-D simulation provides not only a more realistic description of the gas dynamics, but, despite its simplified treatment of the radiation transport, it also predicts reasonably well the observed Center-to-Limb variation, which is indicative of a thermal structure free from significant systematic errors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:56:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Koesterke", "L.", "" ], [ "Prieto", "C. Allende", "" ], [ "Lambert", "D. L.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0130636748, 0.0773463994, 0.0785000399, -0.0259831455, 0.0482956134, 0.0927632377, 0.0216307715, -0.0587308221, 0.0575771816, -0.0491870642, -0.069742851, -0.0056043365, -0.0678026378, -0.041609738, 0.044310309, 0.1135812178, 0.0542735718, 0.0115101924, 0.0017599582, 0.0514419079, 0.0043556509, -0.0725220814, 0.0782902837, 0.0278447028, -0.0706343055, -0.0712635592, -0.0525955483, 0.0218274146, 0.0705294237, -0.1074983776, 0.1011009142, -0.0392762385, -0.124593243, -0.0446511582, -0.1389613152, 0.1375979334, 0.0221551545, 0.1432612538, -0.0796536803, -0.074147664, -0.0262191165, -0.0035690772, -0.0754061788, 0.1267956495, -0.0552174598, -0.0640795231, 0.0302568618, -0.0159543324, 0.0420816839, -0.0293391924, -0.0218536351, 0.0786573514, 0.0894071907, -0.1105398014, -0.1476660669, -0.0400365926, 0.0413213298, 0.0596222728, -0.0675928816, -0.0312007498, -0.0150104444, -0.0897742584, -0.0402725637, 0.0337440036, -0.1007862836, -0.0306501482, 0.0076822015, 0.0155348266, 0.0393024571, 0.0305190533, -0.0530674942, 0.0300995465, -0.0007652705, -0.0346878916, -0.0695331022, 0.0597271509, -0.0240167119, 0.0026235504, -0.0266124047, 0.0351073965, 0.0762451962, 0.0114970831, -0.0300208889, -0.0115691852, -0.032537926, -0.04577858, 0.0800731853, -0.0145516098, -0.1023594365, 0.0129653532, 0.1083373949, -0.0797585547, -0.0167802349, -0.0054732407, 0.069742851, -0.0508913063, -0.0522809215, -0.0998423994, 0.1349760145, 0.05579428, 0.0716306269, 0.0103696613, -0.0054470217, -0.0635551438, 0.0372835845, 0.0501309521, 0.0020221495, 0.0403250009, 0.0339799747, 0.0248295031, 0.0580491275, 0.0102778943, -0.0304141752, -0.0040016929, 0.0061516603, 0.021748757, -0.1163080037, 0.0123229856, -0.052490674, 0.0457261391, 0.0039394223, 0.0739903525, 0.0776610225, 0.0771890804, 0.1344516277, -0.0604612827, 0.0442316495, -0.1214469522, -0.094336383, 0.0241740253, 0.0531199314, -0.0621917471, -0.0342683867, -0.0846353099, -0.0124671906, 0.0812268257, -0.0234267805, 0.0293916296, 0.0597795881, -0.0312794074, 0.0207786504, 0.0970107317, 0.0580491275, 0.0250261482, 0.0831146017, 0.0583113171, -0.0287099332, 0.0835341066, -0.0147744725, 0.0797585547, -0.0874145404, 0.0101795727, -0.0304403957, -0.0204378013, 0.0045064106, -0.0287361518, 0.1016253009, 0.0033199957, 0.0305190533, 0.0030496111, 0.0361037254, 0.0012200082, -0.0889876857, 0.003533026, -0.1112739369, -0.0497376658, -0.0174881518, 0.0106121879, -0.141268611, -0.074567169, -0.0342421681, -0.0622441843, 0.0144598428, -0.0399579331, 0.0893023163, -0.0205820072, 0.0461718664, -0.0245017651, 0.000252359, 0.1282639205, 0.035605561, 0.082328029, 0.064918533, 0.0035789094, -0.0092946775, -0.0318824463, -0.03801772, 0.07603544, -0.028369084, -0.0402987823, 0.005224159, 0.000140006, 0.098269254, 0.0832719132, -0.1378076822, -0.0543784499, 0.0124540804, 0.0941266343, -0.0531985871, 0.0778183416, 0.0987411961, 0.1199786812, 0.0945461392, -0.0987936333, -0.1155738682, 0.0474303849, -0.0071971477, -0.0260618031, -0.0717355013, 0.016740907, 0.0529363975, 0.0342421681, 0.0060074553, 0.0577344969, -0.0491608456, 0.0136208311, -0.0874145404, 0.0236758627, 0.0130636748, 0.0815938935, -0.0269008148, 0.0601990931, 0.1359198987, 0.0541162565, 0.0318824463, -0.0396957435, 0.1300468147, 0.0173046179, 0.004280271, 0.0079247281, 0.1154689938, 0.0492919423, -0.0455426052, 0.0460145511, -0.029837355, -0.0579442494, -0.0267041717, 0.0208179783, 0.0098518329, -0.0192972701, 0.0147220343, 0.058206439, -0.0670160651, 0.0545357652, -0.0125065185, -0.0073151337, -0.0114118708, -0.0593076423, 0.0372311473, -0.0206475556, 0.1125324517, 0.0189302024, -0.1031984463, -0.0499998555, -0.0594649576, 0.0722074509 ]
Renaud Lambiotte
Renaud Lambiotte, Vincent D. Blondel, Cristobald de Kerchove, Etienne Huens, Christophe Prieur, Zbigniew Smoreda and Paul Van Dooren
Geographical dispersal of mobile communication networks
17 pages, 8 figures
Physica A, 387 (2008) 5317-5325
In this paper, we analyze statistical properties of a communication network constructed from the records of a mobile phone company. The network consists of 2.5 million customers that have placed 810 millions of communications (phone calls and text messages) over a period of 6 months and for whom we have geographical home localization information. It is shown that the degree distribution in this network has a power-law degree distribution $k^{-5}$ and that the probability that two customers are connected by a link follows a gravity model, i.e. decreases like $d^{-2}$, where $d$ is the distance between the customers. We also consider the geographical extension of communication triangles and we show that communication triangles are not only composed of geographically adjacent nodes but that they may extend over large distances. This last property is not captured by the existing models of geographical networks and in a last section we propose a new model that reproduces the observed property. Our model, which is based on the migration and on the local adaptation of agents, is then studied analytically and the resulting predictions are confirmed by computer simulations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:02:34 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 1 May 2008 11:23:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lambiotte", "Renaud", "" ], [ "Blondel", "Vincent D.", "" ], [ "de Kerchove", "Cristobald", "" ], [ "Huens", "Etienne", "" ], [ "Prieur", "Christophe", "" ], [ "Smoreda", "Zbigniew", "" ], [ "Van Dooren", "Paul", "" ] ]
[ 0.0427073836, 0.0385231189, 0.0789989009, 0.017113639, -0.0581333712, -0.0467800684, 0.0167091601, -0.0597512834, -0.1058897674, 0.0361520387, -0.0261237528, 0.0086823469, -0.0628755316, -0.0096098585, 0.0487048291, 0.015635198, 0.0902685151, -0.0225950237, -0.017978387, 0.0404478833, -0.0248824209, 0.0871442631, 0.0497090518, -0.0836852714, -0.0555391274, 0.0027441797, -0.0445763543, 0.1275363564, 0.0256076939, -0.0779946744, 0.1195025668, -0.0161373094, -0.0158444121, -0.0321072489, -0.1106319278, 0.0818441957, -0.0297082718, 0.0868653134, -0.0200984124, 0.0883716494, -0.0305730198, -0.0673945397, -0.0377699547, 0.0530843586, -0.0822347254, 0.0058788904, 0.0334462151, -0.0027232582, 0.0656650439, 0.0836852714, -0.0692356154, 0.0035252422, -0.0137662273, -0.1487366259, -0.0396110304, -0.1308837682, 0.0627639517, 0.003741429, -0.0142822862, -0.1111340448, 0.0490953587, -0.0234737191, 0.0791662708, 0.0238084607, 0.0060288263, 0.0542001612, -0.0849684477, -0.0114090918, 0.0273650847, 0.0850800276, -0.0804494396, 0.0385510139, 0.08000312, -0.047226388, -0.0731967166, -0.0297082718, -0.0411173627, 0.0553159639, -0.0088706389, 0.0428468585, 0.0528611988, -0.0690682456, 0.0516338125, 0.0121273911, -0.0355941355, -0.0682313889, 0.0050246031, -0.0909937844, -0.1341196001, 0.0395552404, 0.0760978088, 0.0282437801, -0.0240037255, -0.0427631736, 0.1012591794, -0.0604765564, 0.1603409797, -0.0241571479, 0.1065034568, -0.0515222326, -0.0473937578, 0.0241710972, -0.0304893348, -0.0859168768, 0.135235399, -0.0043865032, -0.0181736518, 0.0269048158, -0.056738615, 0.0509922244, -0.0801146999, 0.0209631603, 0.0689008757, 0.0116322525, 0.0040866309, -0.0178807527, 0.0262771752, -0.2088784426, 0.0600302368, 0.028034566, -0.0258448012, 0.0041354471, 0.051884871, 0.0416752659, 0.1288753152, 0.040726833, -0.0202239417, -0.0345062278, 0.0543675311, -0.0666134804, 0.1104087681, -0.0292061605, 0.0598070733, -0.0676176995, -0.0643818676, -0.0229297653, -0.0358451903, 0.0145891327, -0.0153562473, -0.0210607927, 0.0325814672, 0.0382441692, -0.0010007364, 0.0897664055, 0.0196939334, 0.0285645723, -0.0172949564, 0.0811747164, 0.0437395014, 0.0619271025, 0.0066808742, -0.0005753363, 0.0076920711, 0.0138499122, -0.0359567739, -0.0754283294, 0.110464558, 0.1027097255, -0.0534748882, -0.0515501276, -0.1025423557, 0.024017673, -0.0939506665, -0.0224276539, -0.0136616211, 0.0199170951, -0.0531680435, -0.0388857573, -0.0669482201, -0.0512432829, 0.0333904251, -0.1699368954, -0.0756514892, -0.0300988033, 0.0018968661, 0.0054255952, -0.0622618422, -0.0610344596, 0.0547580644, -0.0667808503, 0.0395831354, 0.0720809177, 0.078440994, -0.1563240886, -0.0410057828, -0.0151609816, 0.0289551038, 0.1207299531, 0.0308240764, 0.0068621924, -0.0070539713, 0.0825694725, 0.0694587752, 0.070128262, -0.0516617075, 0.0321909338, 0.0605323464, -0.0081593143, -0.0592491738, -0.0466405936, 0.0605881363, 0.0188291855, -0.0175599605, -0.0579659976, -0.0725830272, -0.064047128, 0.0695145652, -0.0526101403, 0.0063565937, 0.0212979019, 0.0351478159, -0.0502111651, 0.0615923591, 0.0904358849, -0.0746472627, 0.0339483246, -0.1739537865, 0.0981907174, 0.0358451903, 0.0781620443, -0.029568797, -0.0092611704, 0.048732724, 0.0080128647, -0.059081804, 0.048816409, 0.0048921015, -0.0811189264, 0.001371218, 0.0347293876, 0.0572965182, -0.0013773201, 0.0281740427, -0.1031560451, 0.0878695399, -0.0956801623, -0.0140242567, 0.0814536661, -0.0711324811, -0.0288714189, -0.1113572046, 0.0919980109, 0.0446879342, 0.0381883793, 0.0176854879, -0.0243524145, -0.0569338799, -0.0372678414, -0.0189965572, -0.1199488938, 0.048732724, 0.0157188829, 0.0554275438, -0.0193870887, 0.015579408, 0.0497090518 ]
Akira Yoshino
Akira Yoshino, Takashi Ichikawa
Colors and Mass-to-Light Ratios of Bulges and Disks of Nearby Spiral Galaxies
33 pages, 24 figures, PASJ accepted
We investigate colors and mass-to-light ratios ($M/L$s) of the bulges and disks for 28 nearby spiral galaxies with various morphological types of Sab to Scd, using images in optical and near-infrared ($V$, $I$, and $J$) bands and published rotation curves. It is shown that the observed colors and $M/L$s generally agree with the galaxy formation model with an exponentially declining star formation rate and shallow slope (ex. Scalo) initial mass function (IMF) for both the bulges and the disks. We find that the bulge $M/L$ is generally higher than the disk $M/L$ and that the galaxies with larger bulge-to-total luminosity ratio tend to have a smaller bulge $M/L$. The fact indicates that the luminosity-weighted average age of bulges for early-type spirals is younger than that of later-type spirals. These results support a formation scenario that produces young stars for the bulges of middle-type and early-type spirals.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:01:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yoshino", "Akira", "" ], [ "Ichikawa", "Takashi", "" ] ]
[ 0.1134808585, 0.0608897321, 0.0616895966, -0.0122416858, 0.0749873519, 0.0299699455, 0.0462921932, -0.0046335934, -0.062289495, 0.0566404462, -0.0386434831, -0.0095483894, -0.1172802225, 0.0031807136, 0.0773869455, 0.0801364854, -0.0261205938, 0.0295200218, -0.0361688994, 0.0136601962, 0.0100857988, 0.0162097663, 0.0248333123, 0.0995332152, -0.0956338719, -0.0183843989, 0.0329694413, 0.00996082, 0.0532410219, -0.0581901856, -0.0287201554, -0.0423928499, -0.1642722934, -0.0760871693, -0.1956669986, 0.1779699922, 0.0151099516, 0.0991332829, 0.0142226014, -0.0388684459, -0.0778368711, 0.0698382184, -0.049941577, -0.0059333742, 0.0196091924, -0.0063458048, 0.0186093617, -0.0620895289, -0.0200841129, 0.056340497, -0.1409762204, 0.072737731, 0.0668387264, -0.0309697762, 0.001023265, 0.0449674167, -0.1251788884, -0.0356439874, -0.0322195664, -0.0774869323, 0.0646390989, -0.0315196849, 0.0291200895, -0.0516412891, -0.011823006, -0.0534409881, -0.0012068277, -0.003355684, 0.0778368711, 0.0679885373, -0.048341848, -0.0446174741, -0.0089422418, 0.0692883134, 0.0482168682, 0.0029198201, 0.0233835559, -0.0026604887, -0.0025198874, 0.0584901348, 0.0411180668, 0.04749199, -0.0277953129, 0.072187826, -0.0027370383, 0.0109169092, 0.1034825444, 0.007429997, -0.1144806892, -0.0100045623, 0.0874852464, -0.1379767358, -0.0857355371, -0.0235335305, 0.0790366679, -0.0712379888, -0.0460422337, -0.0861354694, 0.1119811162, 0.0840858221, -0.0188718177, 0.099883154, 0.053341005, -0.1070819423, 0.0601398572, -0.039618317, 0.098283425, 0.0024636469, -0.0602898337, 0.0264955312, 0.1076818407, 0.0126478672, -0.0099233268, 0.0913845897, -0.0446674675, 0.0303698778, -0.0679385439, 0.0667387471, -0.0683884695, -0.0883351043, 0.0570403785, -0.0056615453, 0.0017418937, -0.0364938453, 0.0526911132, -0.0296949912, -0.0300699286, -0.0411930531, -0.090434745, 0.039518334, 0.0332943834, -0.0835359097, 0.1015328765, -0.086885348, -0.0837358758, 0.0122666815, 0.0167346783, -0.0618895628, -0.0277953129, 0.0996831879, 0.0505164787, 0.0351190753, 0.0286201723, 0.0276453383, 0.0555406325, 0.0077861869, -0.0600398742, 0.0544408187, -0.0317446478, 0.1099814549, -0.0593899824, 0.0154348966, -0.0220337845, -0.0360189267, -0.0788367018, -0.1155805066, 0.0229086373, -0.0484668277, -0.0082236128, 0.0257456582, 0.0006807446, 0.0139726438, -0.0066113849, -0.0005803709, -0.0323695391, 0.0219962895, -0.0797365531, -0.0225836914, -0.1294781566, -0.0620395355, 0.005014779, 0.0009092216, 0.0552906767, -0.1089816168, -0.00217932, 0.0566904396, -0.0534409881, -0.0747373924, 0.01927175, 0.0353940316, -0.0127603477, 0.0682884827, -0.0066863722, -0.0472420342, -0.0527910963, 0.043967586, -0.021721337, 0.0473670103, 0.0547907576, -0.0702381507, -0.0051366338, 0.0166346952, 0.0102295252, 0.0839858353, -0.1266786307, 0.0164097324, -0.0441675521, 0.0022980499, -0.114280723, 0.0749373585, 0.122979261, 0.1024827138, 0.0602398403, -0.1672717929, -0.1395764649, -0.0642391667, -0.0125541324, 0.0608897321, 0.0364688486, 0.0139101539, 0.0807863772, 0.0161597747, -0.0322445631, 0.0322195664, 0.0088110138, 0.0082798535, -0.0368187912, 0.0870353207, 0.0960837975, 0.1211795658, 0.0177720021, 0.0526411235, 0.0527910963, 0.0352690518, -0.0018246922, 0.0605897829, 0.1201797351, -0.0610397048, -0.0230211169, 0.045992244, 0.0456173047, 0.0167846698, -0.128678292, 0.0422928669, -0.0014638156, -0.0105919633, -0.0292200726, 0.0663388148, -0.0209839605, -0.0685384423, 0.0027229784, 0.0439425893, 0.0145475464, 0.0409430936, -0.0467671119, 0.029170081, -0.0316446647, 0.0390184186, -0.0303948745, 0.0660888553, 0.0507914349, -0.0499165803, -0.0236085188, -0.0727877244, -0.0657389164, 0.0593899824 ]
Francesco Zamponi
Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi
Mean field theory of hard sphere glasses and jamming
59 pages, 25 figures. Final version published on Rev.Mod.Phys
Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 789 (2010)
cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech
Hard spheres are ubiquitous in condensed matter: they have been used as models for liquids, crystals, colloidal systems, granular systems, and powders. Packings of hard spheres are of even wider interest, as they are related to important problems in information theory, such as digitalization of signals, error correcting codes, and optimization problems. In three dimensions the densest packing of identical hard spheres has been proven to be the FCC lattice, and it is conjectured that the closest packing is ordered (a regular lattice, e.g, a crystal) in low enough dimension. Still, amorphous packings have attracted a lot of interest, because for polydisperse colloids and granular materials the crystalline state is not obtained in experiments for kinetic reasons. We review here a theory of amorphous packings, and more generally glassy states, of hard spheres that is based on the replica method: this theory gives predictions on the structure and thermodynamics of these states. In dimensions between two and six these predictions can be successfully compared with numerical simulations. We will also discuss the limit of large dimension where an exact solution is possible. Some of the results we present here have been already published, but others are original: in particular we improved the discussion of the large dimension limit and we obtained new results on the correlation function and the contact force distribution in three dimensions. We also try here to clarify the main assumptions that are beyond our theory and in particular the relation between our static computation and the dynamical procedures used to construct amorphous packings.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:05:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 18 Dec 2008 22:55:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 8 Jun 2009 13:25:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 16 Mar 2010 15:44:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Parisi", "Giorgio", "" ], [ "Zamponi", "Francesco", "" ] ]
[ 0.0056874859, -0.0573133491, -0.0261675939, 0.0395931527, -0.0109042386, -0.0602022298, 0.0628331751, -0.0692815706, -0.060511753, -0.0446744896, 0.0734085441, 0.0447518714, -0.0735633075, -0.0255743414, 0.0045557921, 0.0623173043, -0.0034531164, 0.0236140285, 0.0838807449, -0.0002085653, -0.0562816039, -0.0098789437, -0.0555077977, 0.026902711, -0.0638133287, -0.004294632, 0.0905354843, 0.1577535719, 0.0859442279, -0.0360078476, 0.1338171214, -0.0295336563, 0.0162757523, -0.0558689088, -0.0455256775, 0.1038449779, -0.011923085, 0.1423805952, -0.0596347712, 0.0806307495, 0.0391030759, 0.0410375968, 0.0001869027, 0.0506586023, -0.0153600806, 0.0168045219, -0.0332995206, -0.0680434778, 0.0262191799, 0.0430752896, -0.0361626074, 0.0495752729, 0.0628847629, -0.0677339584, -0.0155793261, -0.0085570225, 0.0067772646, 0.058964137, 0.0248779133, -0.0227241497, -0.0083829155, -0.054269705, 0.0201576874, 0.0570554137, -0.1138013005, 0.0223114528, -0.0953846797, 0.0042559416, 0.0591704845, 0.1742614657, -0.0501943193, -0.0391288698, 0.0443649665, -0.0344086438, -0.1443409026, 0.0068224035, 0.0597895309, 0.0584482662, 0.0529800244, 0.0816109031, 0.054991927, -0.0837259814, 0.0701069683, -0.0637101606, -0.0470990874, -0.0268511232, 0.0329642035, 0.0799601153, -0.0931148455, -0.0386903808, 0.0537022464, 0.0289661977, -0.0220019296, 0.0782577395, -0.0451645702, -0.1326822042, 0.1256663501, -0.0094404528, 0.058138743, 0.0299979411, 0.0097112851, -0.0180942006, -0.0314681754, -0.0551982746, 0.1638408601, -0.0032596644, -0.0229562912, -0.1410393268, -0.0517161414, -0.0206219722, 0.0616982579, -0.024607081, -0.0606665127, 0.0029598139, -0.1206108108, 0.0059164036, -0.037452288, -0.0198223703, -0.0384582356, 0.0318034925, 0.0040689381, -0.0386903808, -0.0013122486, -0.0259483475, 0.0841386765, -0.0713450611, 0.0215505417, -0.0875434279, -0.0153213898, -0.0478213094, 0.0709839463, -0.0622657165, 0.0122777466, -0.0848608986, -0.0833132863, -0.0627815872, 0.0564879552, 0.0713450611, 0.0604601651, -0.0493431315, 0.0537538342, -0.0410891809, 0.0481566265, 0.0442360006, 0.1182378009, 0.0667537972, -0.0136061162, 0.0288630221, 0.0636585727, 0.0050265249, 0.0341507085, -0.0695910975, 0.1076108441, -0.0588093773, 0.085170418, -0.1923169792, 0.0697458535, 0.0825910643, 0.0332479328, 0.0088665448, 0.0340991206, 0.0337638035, -0.0395673625, -0.0103948154, 0.0754720345, 0.1350552142, -0.0770712346, -0.0626268238, -0.0165465847, -0.0683530048, 0.0652577728, -0.0440038592, -0.0421983078, -0.0436427481, 0.0831585228, 0.0226725619, -0.0229820851, -0.0176299158, -0.063142702, -0.0252390243, 0.040237993, 0.0021166862, -0.0204156227, -0.1402139366, -0.0680950657, 0.0346665792, 0.0332479328, 0.0933211967, 0.0407280736, 0.0173977744, 0.0197965764, 0.0187390409, 0.1104997247, 0.1037933901, -0.047640752, -0.1027100608, 0.0111686224, 0.091618821, 0.0324225388, 0.0471506752, 0.0135932202, -0.0169721805, 0.0441586189, -0.0730474368, -0.0191646349, -0.0438233018, 0.0846029595, 0.0494205095, 0.0081572216, -0.0335316621, 0.0662895143, 0.0193838794, 0.0922894478, 0.0409344211, -0.0469185337, -0.0174622573, -0.0720156953, 0.0516903475, -0.0397479162, 0.0736148953, -0.0142896464, 0.0654641241, 0.0484145619, 0.1465075612, -0.0443133824, -0.020312449, 0.0434879847, -0.0393352173, 0.0609760359, 0.0496526547, 0.1108092442, 0.0104657477, -0.1145235226, -0.073718071, 0.0052167526, -0.0143799242, -0.0932696089, 0.0505812205, 0.0172172189, -0.0944045261, 0.0004775844, -0.0009785441, -0.0080991862, 0.0347955488, -0.0210346691, 0.0531347878, -0.0981188044, -0.0300495271, 0.0139543302, -0.1160711348, 0.0461963117, -0.0997180045, -0.0081636701, 0.0089116842, -0.0414760858, -0.0620077811 ]
Marco Salvati
M. Salvati (1) and B. Sacco (2) ((1) INAF-Osservatorio di Arcetri, Firenze, (2) INAF-Istituto di Fisica Cosmica, Palermo)
The Milagro anticenter hot spots: cosmic rays from the Geminga supernova ?
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted; includes modifications suggested by the referee; 4 pages and 1 figure
The Milagro experiment has announced the discovery of an excess flux of TeV cosmic rays from the general direction of the heliotail, also close to the Galactic anticenter. We investigate the hypothesis that the excess cosmic rays were produced in the SN explosion that gave birth to the Geminga pulsar. The assumptions underlying our proposed scenario are that the Geminga supernova occurred about 3.4 10^5 years ago (as indicated by the spin down timescale), that a burst of cosmic rays was injected with total energy 10^49 erg (i.e., about 1% of a typical SN output), and that the Geminga pulsar was born with a positive radial velocity of 100--200 km s^-1. We find that our hypothesis is consistent with the available information. In a first variant (likely oversimplified), the cosmic rays have diffused according to the Bohm prescription (i.e., with a diffusion coefficient on the order of c times r_L, with c the speed of light and r_L the Larmor radius). An alternative scheme assumes that diffusion only occurred initially, and the final propagation to the Sun was a free streaming in a diverging magnetic field. If the observed cosmic ray excess does indeed arise from the Geminga SN explosion, the long--sought "smoking gun" connecting cosmic rays with supernovae would finally be at hand. It could be said that, while looking for the "smoking gun", we were hit by the bullets themselves.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:37:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 29 May 2008 09:26:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Salvati", "M.", "" ], [ "Sacco", "B.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0033216807, 0.0017245961, 0.0588084124, -0.010730112, -0.1187389269, 0.013452488, -0.0512852184, 0.0345301777, 0.0267009567, -0.1660712808, -0.0499335937, 0.0541159809, -0.0997651815, -0.034734197, 0.0352442414, 0.0137330135, -0.1054777056, 0.0052821734, 0.0194582902, 0.0237554349, -0.0369273983, 0.0315719061, -0.05008661, 0.0779351741, 0.0101754358, -0.0693663806, -0.040574234, 0.1014483348, 0.0988980979, 0.0008344049, 0.0551870763, -0.0285626277, -0.0148551166, -0.1246554703, -0.1719878316, 0.1740280092, -0.0386105515, 0.0454961844, -0.1174128056, -0.0998671874, -0.0762520134, -0.0355247669, -0.0830356404, 0.1233293489, -0.0662550926, -0.0578903258, -0.0775781348, -0.0065062861, -0.0003532473, -0.0095761307, -0.0537589453, 0.0202488638, -0.0431754738, 0.0274405256, -0.0101881875, -0.0853308514, 0.0083647696, 0.0485564694, -0.1070078462, -0.1107821912, -0.0850248262, -0.0379219875, -0.0299142525, -0.0090342062, 0.0199555866, 0.0618686937, -0.0102774454, 0.0409822725, 0.0121199898, 0.0310873594, -0.0432774834, -0.0434049927, 0.0024816971, -0.0620217063, 0.080077365, 0.0372334272, 0.0372079238, -0.019075755, 0.013669258, 0.0274915285, 0.1131284088, 0.0367998853, 0.0103858309, -0.0653370097, -0.0122156236, 0.045674704, -0.0257318672, 0.0226078294, -0.0790062696, 0.0140135391, -0.0046031736, -0.1069058329, -0.0153269107, 0.0430734642, 0.0324134827, -0.0716615915, 0.0639598817, -0.0403447114, 0.1502598226, 0.047969915, 0.002822791, -0.0407017432, 0.1143525243, -0.147097528, 0.0926245227, 0.0467202999, -0.0269559808, -0.0069621406, -0.061817687, -0.0253238305, 0.137610659, -0.0514127314, -0.0606955849, 0.0891051963, -0.1034885198, 0.0445525981, -0.0427929386, -0.0217407495, -0.0307813324, 0.060389556, -0.0352697447, 0.0484034531, -0.001681561, -0.058145348, 0.0099076619, -0.0342496522, 0.100836277, -0.0745178536, 0.0340711363, 0.016181238, 0.0198408253, -0.0182469282, -0.0184764508, 0.0098502813, -0.0462357551, -0.0022155163, 0.0311383642, -0.1268996745, -0.0541159809, 0.0002107928, 0.0175838675, -0.0014687758, -0.0929815546, 0.0430989638, 0.0463887677, -0.0230668727, -0.0574312843, 0.0021453849, 0.0900742859, -0.0827296153, -0.0546260253, -0.0226205811, -0.012285755, -0.0364173502, 0.0154289193, -0.0809954554, -0.0421808809, 0.0257573705, -0.075180918, -0.1033865139, -0.0381005071, 0.0498570874, -0.0571252555, -0.0628887862, 0.0520757921, 0.0957358107, -0.121595189, -0.020287117, -0.150361836, -0.1282258034, -0.0143705718, -0.0680912659, -0.0886461586, -0.0078037181, 0.071253553, 0.0474853702, -0.0306028165, -0.0622767285, -0.0506476611, 0.0102009382, -0.0315464027, 0.0571252555, 0.0749258921, -0.0672241822, -0.0379984975, 0.0051132203, -0.0440935567, 0.1357744932, -0.0133887315, -0.0168570504, -0.0452666655, 0.0301182717, 0.0095761307, 0.0852798447, -0.0833416656, -0.0828826278, 0.001434507, -0.0397326574, 0.0592164472, 0.0854838639, 0.0891051963, 0.0828826278, 0.1083339676, -0.0218682624, -0.0815565065, -0.0009953885, 0.0654390231, 0.042002365, 0.0131337084, 0.0585023835, 0.0918594524, 0.0110425157, 0.039069593, 0.0351167321, -0.0491685234, -0.0254258402, -0.0377944782, 0.0644699335, 0.0693663806, -0.0356267765, -0.0476128794, 0.0372079238, 0.0067134928, 0.0718146041, 0.1015503407, 0.0437875278, 0.0864529535, 0.0747218728, 0.0548810512, 0.1665813327, -0.0045171031, 0.0699274316, -0.0118649667, -0.0864529535, 0.0054096854, 0.02292661, 0.041262798, 0.0009810434, -0.0043864036, -0.0641639009, -0.0153651638, 0.0032276406, -0.0060599949, 0.0750279054, -0.1120063066, 0.0173160937, -0.0197260641, 0.0262929182, 0.0527898557, 0.0283841118, 0.0314698964, 0.0283076037, -0.017214084, -0.0411097817, -0.0148551166, -0.0673261955 ]
A. F. W. van Hameren
A. van Hameren and Z. Was
Gauge invariant sub-structures of tree-level double-emission exact QCD spin amplitudes
27 pages, formula in section 5 corrected
CERN-PH-TH/2008-023, IFJPAN-IV-2007-12
In this note we discuss possible separations of exact, massive, tree-level spin amplitudes into gauge invariant parts. We concentrate our attention on processes involving two quarks entering a color- neutral current and, thanks to the QCD interactions, two extra external gluons. We will search for forms compatible with parton shower languages, without applying approximations or restrictions on phase space regions. Special emphasis will be put on the isolation of parts necessary for the construction of evolution kernels for individual splittings and to some degree for the running coupling constant as well. Our aim is to better understand the environment necessary to optimally match hard matrix elements with partons shower algorithms. To avoid complications and ambiguities related to regularization schemes, we ignore, at this point, virtual corrections. Our representation is quite universal: any color-neutral current can be used, in particular our approach is not restricted to vector currents only.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:48:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 17:06:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "van Hameren", "A.", "" ], [ "Was", "Z.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0367781408, 0.0493431799, 0.0180049315, 0.0040613329, -0.0446591713, 0.0199504066, -0.0355885513, -0.045427449, -0.0056133755, 0.0878809243, 0.0048760776, -0.0002102692, -0.1123170704, 0.0880791843, 0.0229119882, -0.0417595468, 0.0629986748, 0.0266170651, 0.0623047501, 0.0304088816, -0.0405203924, -0.0972489417, 0.0656256825, 0.0308797602, -0.0034510486, -0.0592316426, 0.016592294, -0.0615612566, 0.0679553002, -0.0656752512, 0.0665674433, -0.0112763168, 0.0291945077, -0.0673109367, -0.0891696438, 0.1734817922, -0.104683876, 0.0719205961, -0.1099378914, 0.0320445672, -0.0093246466, 0.0111152269, -0.1637668163, 0.1129118651, 0.0229491629, 0.0275340397, -0.0228872057, -0.0593803413, -0.0113568623, -0.0224163271, -0.0328376256, 0.0185129866, 0.00744113, 0.0048853713, -0.1077569798, -0.0324163139, -0.11915721, 0.0323915295, 0.0255513899, -0.0312762894, -0.0574472584, -0.1178684905, -0.0172242634, 0.0218339227, -0.0594299063, -0.0054058167, -0.057149861, 0.0195662677, 0.069095321, -0.0187484249, -0.0056691375, 0.0282031838, 0.0417595468, -0.0087608304, 0.078612037, -0.0022753996, 0.0271375105, 0.0028996244, -0.0470631346, 0.066617012, 0.0113754496, 0.0451052673, 0.0554150417, -0.0671622381, -0.0223791525, 0.025006162, 0.0026719295, 0.0686987936, -0.133432284, 0.0862948, 0.0273357742, -0.0179429743, -0.0639404356, -0.016431205, 0.1210407317, -0.0728623569, 0.1247086301, -0.0019594149, -0.0188351665, 0.0308301933, 0.006802965, 0.0094919326, -0.0284510143, -0.1220320538, 0.174076587, -0.1597023904, 0.0284262318, 0.0384881757, -0.093432337, -0.0090830112, 0.0144609474, -0.040718656, -0.0818834081, 0.0804955512, -0.0036183347, -0.0931349397, -0.0818338394, 0.0141263753, 0.0131722251, 0.1432463974, 0.0391325355, -0.0106567387, 0.03573725, -0.0534819588, 0.0870878622, -0.0902105346, -0.0244237594, -0.0534819588, -0.0713258013, 0.0137174539, 0.1425524652, 0.0316976011, 0.018971473, 0.0579429194, -0.0428995714, -0.0259231366, -0.0134076644, 0.0286988467, 0.028773196, -0.0514001772, 0.0290705934, 0.1247086301, 0.1081535071, 0.0778189749, 0.0520445406, 0.0801485926, -0.0215613097, -0.0250309445, -0.04768271, -0.0584385842, -0.0278066546, -0.0850556493, 0.0607681945, 0.0076765697, -0.0502105877, 0.0131722251, 0.0072862357, 0.0770259202, 0.014498122, -0.0633952022, -0.0323915295, 0.0309541095, 0.0221065376, -0.0202230215, -0.0107682627, 0.0054058167, -0.1441385895, 0.0227880739, -0.0581907518, -0.0509540811, 0.0239900537, -0.0726145208, -0.0238165725, 0.0063165962, 0.0508053824, -0.0808425173, -0.026443582, -0.0636430383, -0.1054769307, 0.0270135943, 0.0585377142, 0.0757867619, -0.014052026, 0.0050774403, -0.0357620344, 0.0214869604, 0.0407930054, 0.0904583633, -0.0179553665, -0.0340767801, -0.0724658221, 0.082825169, 0.0681039989, 0.1703095585, 0.0122490544, -0.1056751981, 0.0805946887, 0.1145971194, 0.0070941662, 0.0512019135, 0.0192936547, -0.0199256241, 0.1273851991, -0.0821312368, -0.0407930054, 0.0150681334, 0.1170754284, -0.0862452388, -0.0072118863, -0.0988350585, 0.0315241218, 0.0278066546, 0.0118773077, 0.102403827, -0.0541263223, 0.0441882908, -0.0520941056, 0.014386598, 0.047806628, 0.05952904, -0.098190695, 0.0177447088, 0.0969515443, 0.1293678582, -0.0174844861, 0.0121870963, 0.1121188104, -0.0620569177, -0.0138165858, 0.0087174606, 0.0066418746, 0.0258240048, -0.0979924351, -0.0112577295, -0.0410904028, -0.0198760573, -0.0337546021, -0.0375959836, -0.0449565686, -0.083469525, -0.0670631081, 0.025117686, 0.1084509045, 0.0069826422, 0.0315984711, 0.0048791757, -0.0530854315, 0.0137546286, 0.0904583633, 0.0215737, -0.0229491629, 0.0036802925, -0.0270879436, 0.0108054373, -0.0663691759, -0.0544732846 ]
Vladimir Plujko
V.A. Plujko, I.M. Kadenko, E. V. Kulich, S. Goriely, O. I. Davidovskaya, O. M. Gorbachenko
Verification of Models for Calculation of E1 Radiative Strength
33 pages; 5 figures, 3 tables. Talk given at Workshop on Photon Strength Functions, Prague, Czech Republic, June 17-20, 2007
Photoabsorption cross sections and gamma-decay strength function are calculated and compared with experimental data to test the existing models of dipole radiative strength functions (RSF) for the middle-weight and heavy atomic nuclei. Simplified version of the modified Lorentzian model are proposed. New tables of giant dipole resonance (GDR) parameters are given. It is shown that the phenomenological closed-form models with asymmetric shape can be used for overall estimates of the dipole RSF in the gamma -ray energy region up to about 20 MeV when GDR parameters are known or the GDR systematics can be adopted. Otherwise, the HFB-QRPA microscopic model and the semi-classical approach with moving surface appear to be more adequate methods to estimate the dipole photoabsorption RSF.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:52:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Plujko", "V. A.", "" ], [ "Kadenko", "I. M.", "" ], [ "Kulich", "E. V.", "" ], [ "Goriely", "S.", "" ], [ "Davidovskaya", "O. I.", "" ], [ "Gorbachenko", "O. M.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0347505435, 0.0589769334, -0.0262582805, -0.0651247054, -0.0629365146, 0.0833596215, -0.0484527797, 0.0122629814, 0.0129337665, 0.0154866548, -0.0507712178, 0.0274565741, -0.0190033894, -0.0004916915, 0.0517350659, 0.0623113178, -0.0168672986, 0.0466813892, -0.0850268155, 0.0969055593, -0.0553299487, -0.0775765479, 0.0439461507, -0.0254767835, -0.0550694503, -0.1053978205, -0.0051904391, -0.053923253, 0.0999794453, -0.1437953413, -0.0115596345, -0.0522821136, -0.039465569, -0.0753362551, -0.0794521421, 0.0075740032, -0.045639392, 0.1533817053, -0.0932064727, 0.0264406297, 0.0234579183, -0.0827344209, -0.1080549061, 0.1387937665, 0.0621029176, 0.0225461721, 0.0627802163, 0.006108697, 0.0436596014, -0.1374391764, -0.0084596993, -0.0147963325, 0.0297229141, -0.017961394, -0.0389966741, 0.05939373, 0.0675212964, 0.0135980379, -0.0521779135, 0.0048192278, -0.0489998274, -0.0837243199, 0.0239398405, -0.0070074182, -0.1281654239, -0.0200063083, 0.0378504768, 0.0253204852, 0.0308951586, -0.0329010002, -0.0465511382, -0.0124453306, 0.1202462539, -0.0735648647, -0.0342034958, -0.0390487723, 0.0245650373, 0.0129272537, 0.0111753987, 0.0359227881, 0.0373815782, 0.0339169465, 0.0177399684, -0.0762740523, -0.0589248314, -0.004734566, 0.0238877404, -0.0002318032, -0.1087843031, 0.0159555525, 0.039465569, -0.0778891444, 0.0100422297, 0.0361832865, 0.0021458589, -0.0549131483, 0.0444931984, 0.0193290114, 0.086068809, 0.0320934542, -0.0139366863, 0.1224344447, 0.0925812796, -0.0383454263, 0.1089927033, 0.0152001055, 0.0015076369, 0.0443368964, -0.0272481758, -0.0039726067, 0.0493124239, -0.0127839791, -0.0837243199, -0.0551736504, -0.1206630543, -0.0801294371, -0.0727312714, -0.0212306529, -0.1044600233, 0.089872092, -0.0388403721, 0.1146194786, 0.1169118658, -0.0970618576, 0.1782853901, -0.0502241701, 0.0228848215, -0.0781496465, -0.0557988472, 0.008335962, 0.1073255092, -0.0802336335, 0.0624155141, -0.0405857153, -0.0650726035, 0.0330312513, 0.0285246205, -0.0317027047, 0.0234839674, 0.0306607112, 0.0382151753, 0.0576223396, 0.0141581101, 0.0826302245, -0.0314422064, 0.0684069917, -0.0361832865, -0.05249051, -0.0128035164, -0.021282753, -0.0614256188, -0.0271439757, 0.1009693369, -0.0503023192, -0.0478275828, -0.1741174012, 0.0665834993, 0.0407420136, -0.0253856089, -0.0499115735, 0.0636659116, 0.0487914272, -0.1254562289, 0.0012186461, -0.0005165203, 0.0776286498, -0.0688758865, -0.0230671708, -0.0224289484, 0.0188731384, -0.0066069011, 0.0115335854, 0.0204752069, -0.0047866656, -0.0455872938, 0.0298531633, 0.0239398405, 0.0214390531, -0.0582475364, 0.0026017318, -0.0165677238, 0.0101203788, -0.0013000519, 0.0722102746, 0.0175185446, -0.1194126531, 0.1012819409, -0.004584779, -0.0317027047, -0.0663229972, -0.0221554246, 0.0309733097, 0.0359488353, 0.0881007016, -0.0876317993, -0.1380643696, -0.0791395381, 0.028863268, -0.0490258783, 0.0622071177, 0.0280036218, -0.0128100291, 0.0667918995, -0.2198610008, -0.0720539689, -0.035089191, 0.0791395381, 0.0060142665, -0.0559551455, 0.022441972, 0.0871629044, -0.0319111049, 0.061634019, -0.009846855, -0.0567366406, 0.0875276029, -0.0631449148, 0.0621029176, 0.0391529724, 0.1263940185, -0.0970097557, -0.0012707458, 0.1068045124, 0.0238095913, -0.0636659116, -0.0028606027, 0.1125354916, 0.0221944991, 0.0053630192, -0.0745547637, -0.0295666158, 0.0123085687, -0.0240700897, -0.0088830097, -0.0157211032, -0.0515266657, 0.0459780395, -0.0433209538, 0.0260108057, -0.0250078868, -0.0077889147, 0.0379546769, -0.0722623691, -0.0095407693, 0.0082578128, 0.042695757, 0.0359488353, -0.0582475364, 0.0924770758, -0.0667397976, 0.0615819208, 0.0521258116, 0.0750757605, -0.1088885069, -0.0322758034, 0.0480620302 ]
Jean Cardinal
Jean Cardinal, Christophe Dumeunier
Set Covering Problems with General Objective Functions
14 pages, 1 figure
We introduce a parameterized version of set cover that generalizes several previously studied problems. Given a ground set V and a collection of subsets S_i of V, a feasible solution is a partition of V such that each subset of the partition is included in one of the S_i. The problem involves maximizing the mean subset size of the partition, where the mean is the generalized mean of parameter p, taken over the elements. For p=-1, the problem is equivalent to the classical minimum set cover problem. For p=0, it is equivalent to the minimum entropy set cover problem, introduced by Halperin and Karp. For p=1, the problem includes the maximum-edge clique partition problem as a special case. We prove that the greedy algorithm simultaneously approximates the problem within a factor of (p+1)^1/p for any p in R^+, and that this is the best possible unless P=NP. These results both generalize and simplify previous results for special cases. We also consider the corresponding graph coloring problem, and prove several tractability and inapproximability results. Finally, we consider a further generalization of the set cover problem in which we aim at minimizing the sum of some concave function of the part sizes. As an application, we derive an approximation ratio for a Rent-or-Buy set cover problem.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:56:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cardinal", "Jean", "" ], [ "Dumeunier", "Christophe", "" ] ]
[ -0.0150390994, -0.0536426455, 0.0797934383, -0.0335745476, -0.0199723076, 0.0211577136, 0.1120748147, 0.0574263707, -0.0547442362, 0.0504815616, 0.0623595752, -0.0971794054, -0.1035494655, 0.0797934383, 0.0363524705, -0.0086391, 0.1433982849, -0.0770634115, 0.0802244917, -0.0091300262, -0.0376695916, -0.0058581843, 0.007435733, 0.0363524705, -0.0054600551, -0.0037478011, 0.0597732365, 0.0846308544, 0.1286465675, -0.0894203782, 0.0750997066, -0.0286652893, -0.1047947407, -0.1086263582, -0.0083816638, 0.0776381493, 0.0152546279, 0.1031663045, -0.0691128001, 0.1070937142, 0.0179726817, 0.0633174777, -0.0093275942, 0.0554626659, -0.0168830659, 0.001767633, 0.0466978401, 0.0006383535, -0.0158533175, 0.0381485447, -0.1096800566, 0.0635090619, 0.0185833462, -0.1527857482, 0.0282102842, 0.0888935253, 0.0019292793, -0.0178409703, 0.1045073718, -0.0302458312, 0.0658080354, -0.1078600362, 0.0362566821, 0.1107337475, -0.0429380648, 0.0344606116, -0.042243585, 0.0074057984, 0.0503857732, 0.0063760513, -0.1410035342, 0.0117103811, -0.0363764204, -0.0195292756, 0.0598211288, 0.1192590967, 0.0209781062, 0.0875045657, -0.0987599418, -0.0108362939, 0.0145481732, -0.0910488144, 0.1003883779, -0.0019996255, -0.1367887557, -0.0998136401, -0.0207506046, 0.0085193627, -0.0878877267, 0.0243547186, -0.043009907, -0.0130873686, -0.0086810086, -0.0059150597, 0.1133200899, -0.0447580852, 0.1383213997, 0.0785960555, 0.056372676, 0.0228579938, -0.0415969975, -0.0441593938, 0.0453807227, -0.1426319629, 0.1805649847, 0.0086331135, -0.0055289045, 0.1010589153, 0.0312037356, -0.0347240344, -0.0367595814, -0.0178289954, -0.0248336717, 0.0169429351, -0.0326405913, -0.1388961375, -0.0847745389, 0.0017451821, -0.0633653775, -0.0868819281, 0.060731139, -0.0744770691, 0.0520142093, -0.0175296515, 0.0100101009, -0.0230854955, -0.0025893354, -0.0945451632, -0.0529721119, -0.0279708095, -0.0038795129, 0.0290245041, 0.020535076, -0.0536905415, -0.1150443181, -0.0032538816, 0.0130514475, -0.039417766, -0.0431056991, -0.1137032509, -0.0147996228, 0.0366637893, -0.0005133769, 0.0551752932, -0.0338858701, -0.0304374117, 0.0637006462, 0.0907135457, 0.0066933571, 0.0912403911, 0.0521100014, -0.0355622023, -0.0179128125, 0.0405433029, -0.0171824098, -0.1736680716, -0.0319461115, 0.0423154272, 0.013266976, -0.0363524705, 0.0688254312, 0.0488052294, -0.0223191734, -0.0725133643, 0.0804639682, 0.02816239, -0.0976104587, 0.011686434, -0.0782607868, -0.0524452664, 0.0424112193, -0.0624553673, -0.0062263785, -0.0071483618, 0.0323771685, -0.0572347865, -0.0795539618, 0.0107225422, -0.0329998061, -0.0204392858, -0.0362806283, 0.1120748147, 0.0086750221, -0.0622637868, 0.0748123303, 0.0930125192, 0.0500505045, -0.0428662226, -0.0016718425, -0.0149073871, 0.0244624838, -0.0479910113, 0.059916921, 0.0204392858, 0.0035592136, -0.0323053263, 0.0469852127, 0.0945451632, -0.0227382556, 0.0548400283, -0.0018664169, -0.0052834414, 0.1168643385, -0.052732639, -0.0259831566, -0.0237081349, 0.0201998092, 0.113415882, -0.0324490108, -0.01327895, -0.0427464843, 0.0716991425, -0.0011217959, 0.0312276836, 0.0363764204, -0.0309163649, -0.0495715514, 0.0410701521, -0.0086869951, 0.1609279364, -0.0740939081, 0.0756265521, 0.0725612566, 0.0389388129, -0.0376456417, -0.003060804, -0.0523494743, -0.0815655589, 0.024546301, -0.0946409553, 0.0853492841, 0.0058402233, -0.1244317815, -0.0152187059, -0.0297189839, -0.0407827795, 0.0108123459, 0.0154941035, -0.0381245948, -0.0756744444, -0.0056965379, 0.0566121489, -0.0670533106, -0.0470091589, -0.0005646397, 0.0162484534, -0.0468415245, -0.0645627603, -0.0326405913, -0.0433212258, 0.0647543371, 0.0131951328, -0.0131113166, -0.017673336, -0.0588153303, 0.0687775388 ]
Jacek Niemiec
Jacek Niemiec (1), Martin Pohl (2), Thomas Stroman (2)and Ken-Ichi Nishikawa (3) ((1) Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, IA, USA (3) National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA)
Production of Magnetic Turbulence by Cosmic Rays Drifting Upstream of Supernova Remnant Shocks
revised version; accepted to ApJ; 36 pages, 13 figures
We present results of 2D and 3D PIC simulations of magnetic turbulence production by isotropic cosmic-ray ions drifting upstream of SNR shocks. The studies aim at testing recent predictions of a strong amplification of short wavelength magnetic field and at studying the evolution of the magnetic turbulence and its backreaction on cosmic rays. We observe that an oblique filamentary mode grows more rapidly than the non-resonant parallel modes found in analytical theory, and the growth rate of the field perturbations is much slower than is estimated for the parallel plane-wave mode, possibly because in our simulations we cannot maintain omega << Omega_i, the ion gyrofrequency, to the degree required for the plane-wave mode to emerge. The evolved oblique filamentary mode was also observed in MHD simulations to dominate in the nonlinear phase. We thus confirm the generation of the turbulent magnetic field due to the drift of cosmic-ray ions in the upstream plasma, but as our main result find that the amplitude of the turbulence saturates at about dB/B~1. The backreaction of the turbulence on the particles leads to an alignment of the bulk-flow velocities of the cosmic rays and the background medium, which is an essential characteristic of cosmic-ray modified shocks. It accounts for the saturation of the instability at moderate field amplitudes. Previously published MHD simulations have assumed a constant cosmic-ray current and no energy or momentum flux in the cosmic rays, which excludes a backreaction of the generated magnetic field on cosmic rays, and thus the saturation of the field amplitude is artificially suppressed. This may explain the continued growth of the magnetic field in the MHD simulations. A strong magnetic field amplification to amplitudes dB >> B0 has not been demonstrated yet.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:02:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 13:04:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Niemiec", "Jacek", "" ], [ "Pohl", "Martin", "" ], [ "Stroman", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Nishikawa", "and Ken-Ichi", "" ] ]
[ 0.0711329579, 0.0608080067, -0.0143581359, -0.0321413763, -0.0800183713, 0.021717146, 0.0064655044, 0.0040145693, -0.0567872338, -0.0735156387, -0.0393390581, 0.08875487, -0.0808126032, 0.0241370555, 0.0006918462, 0.0565390363, -0.0615525953, -0.0352934636, 0.0239881389, -0.0091956602, -0.0550498627, -0.0395376161, 0.0765932724, 0.037601687, -0.1300546825, -0.0657222867, 0.0157232136, 0.1073199287, 0.0632899702, -0.0212331638, 0.036683362, -0.0420692153, -0.1322388053, -0.0554469749, -0.1070220917, 0.1312460154, -0.0009260811, 0.0128937792, -0.0846844614, -0.0212579835, -0.002181022, -0.0489442423, -0.1109932289, 0.0696934238, -0.0871664211, -0.0406296775, -0.0955058038, -0.0062855626, 0.0700905398, -0.0549009442, -0.1022567302, 0.0281206015, -0.0745084211, -0.037403129, -0.0484230295, -0.0050073531, 0.065474093, 0.0600634217, -0.0361869708, -0.0989309028, 0.0254649036, -0.07743714, -0.0058046826, -0.0783802792, -0.0013891218, 0.0125587154, 0.0426400639, 0.0062886649, 0.0876628086, 0.0083579989, 0.0426400639, -0.1063271463, -0.0090901768, -0.040282201, 0.0235662051, -0.0441292413, -0.0005611556, -0.0260605756, -0.0096982569, 0.0945130214, 0.0599641427, 0.034623336, 0.0335809104, -0.0215061791, 0.0051035294, 0.0386689305, -0.0032141376, -0.1087098271, -0.0778838918, 0.0303047262, 0.0247203168, 0.0089536691, -0.040282201, 0.0305777416, -0.0718279108, -0.0747069791, 0.0027286042, -0.0064344802, 0.1867426336, 0.0034406164, -0.0069743064, 0.001508566, 0.0560922846, -0.0881095603, 0.1172477677, 0.0243107937, -0.0582267717, -0.0315208845, -0.0549009442, 0.0283191577, 0.0908397213, -0.0458914302, -0.0493165366, 0.0269292612, -0.1237008646, -0.0737141967, -0.0822521374, 0.0155867059, -0.073168166, 0.0637863576, -0.0040921308, 0.0465863794, 0.0620489866, 0.0988316238, 0.0997747704, -0.01598382, 0.0758983195, -0.0045202686, -0.0103249513, 0.0651266202, 0.0007988807, -0.034623336, -0.0045078588, -0.1233037487, -0.0995265767, 0.0634388849, -0.001398429, -0.1124824062, 0.0176591426, -0.0085131209, -0.008401433, 0.0201162826, 0.0157232136, 0.0165918991, 0.0467352979, 0.0515751168, -0.0287162717, 0.0085069165, 0.0278475862, 0.0144077744, 0.0109764664, -0.0067633395, -0.0347970724, -0.0149041666, 0.0407537743, -0.0718279108, 0.0554966144, 0.0644316673, -0.0020041822, -0.0978388414, 0.0127572715, 0.0639352798, -0.1115889028, -0.026234312, 0.0854786858, -0.0023252857, -0.0206747223, -0.0121305771, -0.1262820959, -0.1338272542, -0.0082525155, -0.1254878789, -0.080663681, 0.0100333216, 0.1238994151, 0.1004200801, -0.0851808488, -0.1441522092, -0.0273760129, 0.0351197273, -0.0435087495, 0.0220398009, 0.0359387733, -0.0156611651, 0.0115411114, 0.0876131728, -0.0653251708, 0.1154607534, 0.0380980782, -0.075203374, -0.0007147267, 0.0255145431, -0.044675272, 0.0793730617, -0.1075184867, -0.1205239519, 0.0434839316, 0.0374775901, 0.0206126738, 0.0468345769, 0.0858758017, 0.1024552882, 0.0300813485, -0.0567872338, 0.0079981145, 0.0404311195, 0.0762457922, 0.0131295659, -0.0544541925, 0.0480507351, 0.1343236417, -0.0150282644, 0.0737141967, -0.0086930627, -0.0598648638, -0.0823017806, -0.0934705958, 0.124792926, 0.0027704872, 0.0024788571, -0.0274256524, 0.0045761126, -0.0848333761, 0.0601130575, 0.0260605756, 0.0416720994, 0.0763947144, -0.0003397182, 0.099079825, 0.0743098706, -0.0325136706, 0.0790255889, 0.0070921993, -0.0231815018, 0.0431116372, -0.0600137822, 0.057283625, 0.0087923417, 0.0477529019, -0.0358643159, 0.1048379689, 0.0682042465, -0.0322654732, 0.0905418843, -0.0248816442, 0.0598648638, -0.0375768654, 0.0291878432, 0.0706862062, -0.0630914122, 0.1122838482, -0.0313967876, -0.1189354956, 0.0149165764, -0.0229457151, -0.0073217805 ]
Shota Gugushvili
Bert van Es and Shota Gugushvili
Weak convergence of the supremum distance for supersmooth kernel deconvolution
12 pages
Statist. Probab. Lett. 78 (2008), no. 17, 2932-2938
math.ST stat.TH
We derive the asymptotic distribution of the supremum distance of the deconvolution kernel density estimator to its expectation for certain supersmooth deconvolution problems. It turns out that the asymptotics are essentially different from the corresponding results for ordinary smooth deconvolution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:06:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:24:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 09:01:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "van Es", "Bert", "" ], [ "Gugushvili", "Shota", "" ] ]
[ -0.0294398889, -0.1129472628, 0.0069943327, 0.0242501646, -0.0308080893, -0.0049331863, 0.0274819471, 0.0153332753, -0.0438531674, 0.0460470058, -0.0509536527, 0.0303834751, -0.1154949442, 0.050812114, -0.0194614641, 0.0860550553, 0.0603423342, 0.0286614299, 0.0051425449, -0.0595402867, -0.0526992865, -0.0524633899, 0.1267236173, -0.0156517364, 0.0150855836, -0.0231060665, 0.0286378395, 0.0395362601, 0.1543706954, -0.0607669502, -0.0557187647, -0.0264675915, -0.007141768, -0.1561635137, -0.0371301174, 0.2002289891, 0.0355260186, 0.1151175126, -0.0692120492, 0.0415885597, -0.0385219045, 0.0432634242, -0.1639952809, 0.0570869632, -0.005873824, -0.022610683, -0.0123845683, -0.0258542616, 0.000145961, -0.0089758635, -0.0976611674, 0.0260665677, 0.0031315265, -0.0631259158, 0.0282132272, -0.0147199444, 0.036068581, 0.0142599456, 0.0379557535, -0.1706947386, 0.088602744, -0.03281321, 0.0604838729, -0.0319875702, -0.0797802135, -0.0803935453, 0.0054669022, 0.0548695363, 0.0802520066, -0.0842622444, -0.1043606326, -0.0073009981, 0.0423434302, 0.0247691367, 0.0117830327, 0.1278559268, 0.0533597991, 0.1263461858, 0.0154394284, 0.0645884722, 0.0026980666, 0.0432398356, 0.0092884265, 0.0334501304, -0.06322027, -0.0538787693, -0.039489083, 0.0510480106, -0.050764937, 0.0957268178, -0.0553885065, 0.0622766875, 0.0349598676, 0.0402911305, 0.0289209168, -0.0329311565, 0.0683628172, -0.0517557003, 0.0117122633, -0.0388049819, -0.1077575386, 0.0573228598, 0.0141184079, -0.1321964264, 0.1788095832, -0.0131748216, -0.1188918576, -0.0941698998, -0.021478381, 0.0510480106, 0.0721843392, -0.0768079162, 0.0277414341, 0.121911332, 0.0444900878, -0.1168159693, -0.0590213165, -0.0477218702, -0.12804465, -0.0354552492, 0.008173815, -0.1083236933, 0.0289445054, 0.010709703, 0.0428859927, -0.0353608914, -0.0294398889, -0.0951134861, -0.085064292, -0.1353102624, 0.0684099942, -0.0096717579, -0.0366111435, -0.0101140644, 0.0160763487, 0.0500572473, -0.0868099257, 0.0302183479, 0.0907258093, -0.0362337083, -0.0592100322, 0.0960098952, 0.0514726266, 0.025618365, 0.0312091131, 0.0939811841, 0.014024049, -0.0006162797, 0.0541146658, 0.0326952599, -0.0491136611, 0.0239081141, -0.0569926053, 0.0529823638, -0.0150737893, -0.0514254458, -0.0127973873, 0.0779873952, 0.0207353067, -0.0631730929, 0.025406057, 0.0883196667, -0.0407629237, 0.0396306179, 0.0440418832, 0.0182701871, 0.0110812401, 0.085064292, -0.1006806418, -0.0661453903, 0.0351957642, 0.0449382924, -0.0089876587, -0.0332614109, 0.0655792356, 0.0127148237, 0.0081443284, -0.1244590133, -0.043876756, -0.0611443855, 0.0657679588, -0.0172204468, 0.0449382924, -0.0075781764, -0.0689289719, 0.0075899712, 0.0901596621, 0.0911504254, -0.0143543044, -0.014283536, -0.1071913913, 0.0713351145, 0.0290388651, 0.0340162814, 0.0143660996, -0.0458111092, -0.0401260033, -0.0229409393, -0.0459290557, 0.0063986937, 0.0252409298, -0.0374839604, 0.0417300984, 0.0233419631, -0.0476746894, 0.0061156177, 0.0948775932, 0.0330962837, -0.0270809233, 0.0961514339, 0.0026199259, -0.0142363561, 0.0959155336, 0.0317516737, 0.0063515143, -0.0525577515, -0.1240815818, 0.0865268484, 0.0472264886, 0.1250251681, 0.0040692152, 0.0544921011, 0.0854417309, -0.0109043177, -0.0086338138, -0.0912919641, 0.0997370556, -0.0922827274, -0.0370357558, 0.0318460315, 0.0465187989, -0.0107568819, -0.0665228218, -0.0453864932, -0.0430275276, -0.0531239025, 0.0004585239, -0.005228057, -0.0239906777, -0.058266446, -0.0683628172, 0.054586459, -0.0613331012, 0.0614274591, -0.0244624708, 0.0392060056, -0.0443721414, 0.0103794476, 0.0052575441, -0.0088048382, -0.0993596241, -0.0179989059, -0.0029015276, -0.0153804542, 0.0321055204, -0.0246040095 ]
Petko Nikolov Mr.
Petko Nikolov, Lora Nikolova, Gergana Ruseva
General Notion of Curvature in Catastrophe Theory Terms
13 pages, Ninth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, 2007
math-ph math.MP
We introduce a new notion of a curvature of a superconnection, different from the one obtained by a purely algebraic analogy with the curvature of a linear connection. The naturalness of this new notion of a curvature of a superconnection comes from the study of singularities of smooth sections of vector bundles (Catastrophe Theory). We demonstrate that the classical examples of obstructions to a local equivalence: exterior differential for 2-forms, Riemannian tensor, Weil tensor, curvature of a linear connection and Nijenhuis tensor can be treated in terms of one general approach. This approach, applied to the superconnection leads to a new notion of a curvature (proposed in this paper) of a superconnection.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 17:15:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nikolov", "Petko", "" ], [ "Nikolova", "Lora", "" ], [ "Ruseva", "Gergana", "" ] ]
[ 0.0452386886, -0.0895249844, -0.0078572463, 0.0424291268, 0.0068989, 0.0241312683, -0.0050387564, -0.0542864278, -0.0178335663, 0.0002122424, -0.0643817931, -0.0184883382, -0.0655246675, 0.0272860713, 0.0704771131, 0.0806677267, 0.0382624082, 0.0214526616, 0.1233349517, 0.0493815988, -0.0189050101, -0.0328575745, 0.0222383868, -0.0203216951, 0.0018571672, -0.1357160658, 0.0245241318, 0.0620008148, 0.1047632769, -0.0641436949, 0.0057857903, -0.0370004848, -0.1207634881, -0.0779057816, -0.0612388998, 0.2398126721, -0.0160954483, 0.0665723011, 0.0550959595, 0.0683342293, -0.0026250344, 0.0946202874, -0.0645722747, 0.0720009431, 0.0152978199, -0.0455720276, 0.0131668393, 0.0896678418, -0.0428100862, -0.0662389621, -0.0444767736, -0.051143527, 0.0639055967, -0.0783343613, -0.1024775356, -0.0000479452, -0.0148216225, 0.0632865429, -0.0270241648, -0.1374303699, 0.0280717965, -0.0221431479, -0.0387147926, -0.0346433111, -0.1454304755, -0.0089763086, -0.0305718295, 0.0329051949, -0.0352861769, 0.1041918397, -0.0294051468, 0.0347861722, 0.0256908126, 0.0905726179, 0.0710485503, -0.0235360228, 0.0631913021, 0.1434304565, 0.0103513263, -0.0248574689, 0.0272146426, 0.0164645016, 0.0911916718, 0.0078453412, -0.0044851778, -0.0061191279, 0.0147978133, -0.0328575745, -0.0647151321, 0.0378338285, 0.1354303509, 0.0927631184, -0.0745724067, 0.0109049045, 0.0776676834, 0.0038333836, 0.0275717899, 0.0072858096, 0.0132739833, -0.0159883052, -0.0621436723, 0.039952904, 0.0695247203, -0.0873821005, 0.1907644123, 0.0598579273, -0.0755724162, -0.0217860006, -0.0516673438, -0.067238979, 0.0051756632, 0.0490482636, -0.0611912794, 0.0285718031, 0.0172145106, -0.0620484315, -0.1111443117, -0.0808582008, -0.0141906627, -0.0420481712, 0.0428338945, -0.0593341105, 0.0364052393, 0.0216074269, 0.0361195207, -0.0102739446, -0.0551435798, 0.0453101173, -0.0798105672, -0.0840011016, 0.0433577113, -0.0293099079, -0.0191907287, -0.089048788, -0.0181549992, 0.0059286491, 0.0305004008, -0.0325718559, 0.0345956907, 0.0348099805, 0.0076786722, -0.0215717107, 0.0122977803, 0.0103929937, 0.0736676306, 0.0793343708, -0.0032649238, 0.0785724595, 0.1392399222, -0.0271908324, -0.095667921, 0.0731914341, 0.0420719795, 0.0044554155, -0.0577626638, -0.0507625714, 0.0584769584, -0.0203812197, 0.0132620791, -0.0701913983, 0.0714771301, 0.1027632505, -0.0252622366, -0.0614293776, 0.0958584026, 0.0263812989, -0.0963822156, -0.068381846, -0.0197026394, -0.1093347669, 0.0194645412, -0.1188587025, -0.1681926847, 0.0137382755, 0.0870011374, 0.0559054948, -0.0328099541, -0.1091442853, 0.0240122192, -0.0037440967, 0.0295480061, 0.0255955737, 0.0561912134, 0.0151549606, 0.0118692033, 0.0773343444, 0.0971441343, 0.0906678587, -0.0283813253, 0.0274289306, -0.1181920245, 0.0092025017, 0.0777153075, 0.0446672514, -0.0192978717, -0.1189539433, 0.0139049441, -0.0524292588, 0.0249050893, -0.1040013656, 0.0184764322, -0.0353099853, 0.079905808, -0.0664770603, -0.0354528464, -0.0068096132, 0.0862868428, 0.0413814932, -0.1864786297, -0.0303813517, -0.0051399483, -0.0833820477, -0.0223931503, 0.1167634353, 0.0237503108, 0.012488259, -0.0297146756, 0.1260968894, 0.0209764652, 0.0646675155, -0.0213693287, 0.0305718295, 0.0336194895, -0.000453131, 0.0026875352, -0.0119823003, 0.024428891, -0.0598579273, -0.0228217281, -0.0696675777, -0.0108156176, 0.0273813121, -0.0813820213, -0.0375719219, -0.0323813781, -0.0147263836, 0.107525222, -0.0100775128, -0.0250003282, 0.0127025479, 0.0578579009, 0.0132382689, -0.0472625233, 0.0486196838, -0.0285718031, 0.0581436194, -0.0374290608, 0.0386671722, -0.0528578348, -0.0375719219, -0.037690971, 0.0227622036, 0.0668103993, 0.0504292324, -0.0041429116, 0.0005163758 ]
Ali Kaya
Ali Kaya
Quantum Mechanical Breakdown of Perfect Homogeneity in Reheating After Inflation
9 pages, revtex4, v3: minor changes, a reference added
hep-th gr-qc hep-ph
In the context of quantum fields in time dependent classical backgrounds, we notice that the number of created particles with a given momentum largely deviates about its mean value. Guided with this observation we use a complete orthonormal family of localized wave packets to calculate the deviations in the number and energy densities of particles produced in a volume of a given size during reheating. It turns out that at the end of reheating there exists (in general tiny) spatial variations in these densities on Hubble length scales over which local interactions are incapable of restoring homogeneity. This signals the destruction of perfect homogeneity attained after inflation due to the quantum nature of particle production process in reheating.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:22:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:59:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 17 Oct 2008 05:19:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kaya", "Ali", "" ] ]
[ 0.0253082961, 0.013058004, -0.0077711646, -0.0156524722, -0.0506165922, -0.0889461786, -0.0476794578, 0.0592321828, -0.0937434956, 0.0102922032, 0.0593300872, 0.0943309218, -0.1307024211, -0.015468901, 0.0583510436, 0.1338353604, 0.0071470235, 0.0214655474, 0.0280006677, 0.058742661, -0.1355976462, -0.0958973914, -0.0869391337, 0.0646658763, 0.0002503064, 0.007238809, 0.0143919522, -0.0371792093, 0.1121984795, -0.0401897691, 0.0018770116, -0.0312070381, 0.0378400646, -0.0308154207, -0.0804774463, 0.0610923655, -0.0330427475, -0.0048432099, 0.0159584228, 0.0446199439, -0.0049686502, 0.0050084237, -0.1055409834, 0.1222826391, -0.0338749327, 0.021343166, -0.0100902757, 0.0183937959, 0.0466025099, -0.0348050259, -0.0203029327, 0.1145481914, 0.0249533933, -0.0744073689, 0.0026984909, -0.0256754383, 0.0228117332, 0.0754353628, -0.0406058654, -0.1045619324, 0.0569803789, -0.0174637027, -0.0360288322, 0.0100780381, -0.0495885946, -0.0794984028, -0.0187119842, -0.039039392, 0.0237173494, 0.0946246386, -0.0070552384, 0.0242191087, -0.0929113105, 0.0626098886, 0.0242313482, -0.0777361169, -0.0158360414, -0.0240600146, -0.0221141633, 0.0368854962, 0.0158238038, -0.0365673043, 0.0852258131, -0.0179654639, 0.0063393121, 0.0288328566, 0.0252838209, -0.0282943808, -0.0577146634, -0.0524767749, 0.0371057801, 0.1027017534, 0.0463577509, -0.0698548108, -0.0172556564, -0.1841582358, 0.1417656243, -0.0187609363, 0.0312315151, 0.0501025952, 0.0019121959, 0.0026786041, 0.049980212, -0.0344134085, 0.1229679659, -0.0489032641, -0.0826313421, 0.0054000416, -0.0527215376, 0.0258957222, 0.082288675, -0.0075937128, -0.1118068621, -0.0692184344, -0.1122963876, 0.0443262309, -0.1288422346, -0.0370813049, -0.1252197772, 0.0592811331, -0.0092825638, -0.0438367091, 0.0686799586, 0.0221753549, -0.0805753469, -0.100939475, 0.1133733317, -0.0116322702, -0.089582555, 0.0086523043, 0.1231637746, 0.038231682, -0.1201287434, -0.0670645386, 0.0056080883, -0.0436409004, 0.1229679659, 0.0105920359, 0.0512040183, 0.0108000832, -0.0102799656, -0.0339483619, -0.0151139973, -0.0640294999, 0.0885056108, 0.1127859056, 0.0323329382, -0.000930857, 0.1223805398, -0.0096925385, -0.058448948, -0.0876244679, -0.0412667207, -0.00157259, 0.0315741785, -0.0605049394, 0.0390149169, 0.0856174305, -0.0004459241, -0.0670645386, -0.0277559068, 0.0729877576, -0.0398715809, -0.0729387999, 0.0468227938, -0.0070368811, -0.0600154176, -0.0041425815, -0.1148419008, -0.1612486094, -0.0096497061, -0.0557565764, -0.0338015072, -0.0053204941, 0.0767570734, 0.1226742566, -0.0294692349, -0.1162125617, 0.0153342821, 0.0149916168, 0.0583020896, 0.0480955541, -0.0008344823, -0.0840020031, 0.0191647932, -0.0743094683, -0.1035828888, 0.0177941304, -0.030081138, 0.0664771125, -0.0948204473, 0.0191280786, -0.0202050284, -0.0025072715, 0.0317944661, -0.1390243024, -0.0423436686, 0.0417562425, 0.003913118, 0.0302769467, -0.035392452, 0.0824355334, 0.0652043521, 0.0073244753, 0.0289062839, -0.0717639476, 0.0256509613, 0.0108367968, -0.1255134791, 0.0190056991, 0.0562950484, 0.0001326108, -0.0052715419, 0.0135597643, -0.0138657158, -0.1065200269, -0.0676519647, 0.1603674591, 0.0554139093, 0.0522320159, -0.0311091337, 0.0254796296, 0.0597706586, 0.1108278185, 0.0344134085, 0.0030549243, 0.0954078734, 0.0662813038, -0.0520362072, -0.0149426647, -0.0385743454, 0.0013370074, -0.0522809662, 0.0066513824, 0.0340707414, -0.014746855, 0.0504207835, -0.0443751849, -0.0798410624, -0.0709317625, -0.0266544819, 0.0641763583, -0.0419520512, -0.0059629921, -0.0221753549, 0.0356127396, -0.0519872531, -0.0313538946, 0.0481934585, -0.1221847311, 0.0287104752, -0.0694142431, 0.0294447578, -0.0434450917, -0.0576657131, -0.013058004 ]
Jan \v{S}\v{t}ov\'i\v{c}ek
Jan Stovicek
Telescope conjecture, idempotent ideals, and the transfinite radical
14 pages, a comment on the Krull-Gabriel dimension added to section 4
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 1475-1489
We show that for an artin algebra $\Lambda$, the telescope conjecture for module categories is equivalent to certain idempotent ideals of mod-$\Lambda$ being generated by identity morphisms. As a consequence, we prove the conjecture for domestic standard selfinjective algebras and domestic special biserial algebras. We achieve this by showing that in any Krull-Schmidt category with local d.c.c. on ideals, any idempotent ideal is generated by identity maps and maps from the transfinite radical.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:30:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:32:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Stovicek", "Jan", "" ] ]
[ 0.0172495246, -0.0468164459, -0.0220008902, 0.051361233, 0.0622842088, -0.0154935839, -0.094717443, -0.006681608, -0.138719216, -0.0192507785, 0.0248284694, -0.0239504986, -0.1030839831, -0.0457318947, 0.1178545281, 0.0294119865, -0.0480559319, -0.0434336811, 0.0231370851, 0.1884019822, 0.0320200734, -0.0405157208, 0.00349574, -0.0410838202, 0.0068881894, 0.0151578896, -0.0459384769, 0.0507931337, 0.1104176119, -0.0155452294, 0.0336727239, -0.0357385352, -0.0900177211, -0.03119375, -0.1542128026, 0.1554522961, 0.0919802412, -0.0272170622, 0.001596162, -0.0019011919, -0.0945625082, 0.0207743142, -0.0508706011, 0.0083084349, 0.0320975408, 0.104013592, 0.0893463343, 0.0102580441, 0.0165781341, 0.0074627432, 0.0025031823, 0.0405157208, 0.0568614528, 0.0010103108, -0.0506123751, -0.0658477321, -0.0462225266, 0.0637819245, -0.1121735498, 0.0570163913, 0.0296185687, -0.0920835361, -0.0240021441, -0.1075254753, -0.057946004, 0.0515936352, -0.0748340115, 0.0083536245, 0.0527040102, 0.0488822572, -0.0331304483, 0.0428397618, 0.0288955346, 0.1619596034, 0.0497602262, 0.0727681965, -0.0378818139, 0.1553490013, 0.0262745358, 0.0151578896, 0.0380883925, -0.0025370745, 0.0399992689, 0.025383655, 0.1105208993, -0.0386564918, -0.0411871113, 0.0178047102, -0.0201416593, -0.0126401819, 0.0691530332, -0.0956987068, -0.0539693199, -0.0484949201, 0.1082485095, -0.0272945315, 0.0597019456, 0.004896618, -0.0242603701, 0.1065958589, 0.0363582782, 0.0254611224, 0.0435369723, -0.0795337334, 0.0986941308, 0.1619596034, 0.1467758864, -0.0057810438, -0.0364099219, -0.0679135472, -0.0900693685, -0.0380625725, -0.0126208151, 0.0704958066, 0.0374428295, -0.0846466124, -0.0874354616, 0.0652279928, -0.0674487352, 0.0116782887, -0.0115298089, -0.0893463343, 0.0341117084, 0.0581525862, 0.1088682488, -0.0622325614, -0.0146930823, -0.0334661417, -0.0252932757, -0.0657960847, 0.0635753423, -0.0199996345, 0.0507156663, -0.0379334576, -0.1261177808, 0.0234211348, -0.0094704535, -0.0543824807, 0.1257046163, 0.0058746506, 0.0525232516, 0.0472037867, 0.0529880561, 0.0041800397, 0.0154677611, 0.0090185571, -0.0167718045, 0.0746790767, 0.0783975348, -0.0165781341, -0.0546923503, -0.1042718217, 0.0924450532, -0.0235373359, -0.0250996072, -0.0804633498, -0.0080631198, 0.0163586419, 0.0183082521, -0.0114200627, 0.0447764583, 0.0309097003, -0.0367197953, 0.0114781633, -0.0276560485, 0.0901726633, -0.0018398631, 0.0144994128, -0.0732330084, -0.1810683459, -0.0647631809, 0.0109487996, -0.1480153799, -0.0410063528, -0.0812380239, 0.0152740916, -0.0356610678, -0.1280802935, -0.026132511, -0.0436144397, -0.0754537582, 0.081547901, -0.0918253064, -0.0277593378, -0.0131308129, -0.0492954217, 0.0111101912, 0.0851114243, 0.0198317878, 0.0032891587, -0.029721858, 0.0788623467, 0.0795853809, 0.1366534084, 0.0817544758, -0.1115538031, -0.0830972567, 0.0944075733, -0.0313745067, -0.0174044594, 0.0223753173, -0.0232403763, 0.0488047898, -0.0603733324, -0.0362808108, -0.0587723292, 0.0343182907, 0.0261970684, -0.0391213, -0.0317876711, 0.0020383748, 0.0141378958, 0.0613029487, 0.1019477844, -0.0186052117, 0.0296702143, 0.0295411013, -0.0503541492, 0.0515936352, 0.0766932443, -0.0213553235, 0.0636269823, 0.0114006959, -0.0405415446, 0.0854729414, -0.0061102821, 0.029102115, -0.0296960361, 0.034034241, 0.0007758897, -0.0440792479, 0.003589347, -0.0736978129, -0.0294378102, -0.0359192938, -0.0065460391, 0.0034602338, -0.0367972627, -0.0347572751, -0.1267375201, -0.0041122553, 0.0661059618, -0.057068035, 0.0712704882, -0.0277593378, 0.016707249, -0.0230467059, 0.0552088059, -0.0625424311, 0.0206839349, -0.0206839349, 0.0540726073, -0.0000961288, -0.0264682062, -0.0310129914, 0.0310388133 ]
S. Bellucci, A.A. Saharian
Wightman function and vacuum densities in de Sitter spacetime with toroidally compactified dimensions
17 pages, 4 figures
hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
We investigate the Wightman function, the vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter in $(D+1)$-dimensional de Sitter spacetime with an arbitrary number of compactified spatial dimensions. Both cases of periodicity and antiperiodicity conditions along the compactified dimensions are considered. Recurrence formulae are derived which express the vacuum expectation values for the dS spacetime of topology $\mathrm{R}^{p}\times (\mathrm{S}^{1})^{q}$ in the form of the sum of the vacuum expectation values in the topology $\mathrm{R}^{p+1}\times (\mathrm{S}^{1})^{q-1}$ and the part induced by the compactness of the $(p+1)$th spatial dimension. The behavior of the topological parts is investigated in various asymptotic regions of the parameters. In the early stages of the cosmological evolution the topological parts dominate the contribution in the expectation values due to the uncompactified dS part. In this limit the behavior of the topological parts does not depend on the curvature coupling parameter and coincides with that for a conformally coupled massless field. At late stages of the cosmological expansion the expectation values are dominated by the part corresponding to uncompactified dS spacetime. The vanishing of the topological parts is monotonic or oscillatory in dependence of the mass and the curvature coupling parameter of the field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:43:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bellucci", "S.", "" ], [ "Saharian", "A. A.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0298460703, -0.0268015712, -0.000578252, 0.0106245521, 0.023208065, -0.0074552787, 0.0149105573, 0.0649326742, -0.0724690557, 0.021286536, -0.0436461344, 0.0552501678, -0.1070066467, -0.0380811915, 0.1124967262, 0.1436404586, 0.0053964988, 0.0877414569, 0.0897877589, -0.0253666639, -0.0349867828, -0.0677775294, -0.0075051887, 0.0706723034, -0.0385054238, -0.0471897312, -0.000070868, 0.0501593649, 0.1446386427, -0.0428725332, 0.0109240115, -0.0589934029, -0.0740162581, -0.0358102918, -0.0339885838, 0.1907553226, 0.0263024736, 0.0919837877, -0.0664798766, 0.0300207548, -0.087641634, 0.035311196, -0.1215803102, 0.013350876, 0.031592913, -0.0584943034, -0.0715207681, 0.0293469727, 0.0511076525, -0.066130504, -0.0314182304, -0.0133009665, -0.0000651655, -0.0734173432, -0.0519062094, 0.0422985703, -0.0349867828, 0.034288045, 0.0666795149, -0.0618881732, 0.037582092, -0.0171689764, -0.054102242, -0.0336891264, -0.0313433632, -0.0194773059, 0.0242187381, 0.0393538885, -0.0341133587, 0.0660306886, -0.0465908125, 0.0735670701, 0.0436960459, 0.0347871408, 0.0943295509, -0.0204755031, 0.0092894649, -0.0480132438, -0.0528045855, 0.0690751821, -0.0158089343, -0.0319921933, -0.0121592786, -0.0128018679, -0.0388048813, 0.0437209979, 0.0324912891, 0.0014512839, -0.0292471517, 0.1312628239, 0.0725688711, 0.0548009798, -0.0599915981, 0.026252564, 0.0883902833, -0.1263716519, 0.0820517391, 0.0610896163, -0.0411506444, 0.0188159999, -0.030794356, 0.0339636318, 0.0705225691, -0.0442700088, 0.1406458616, 0.0421737954, -0.0671786144, -0.0914846957, -0.0511076525, -0.0167821757, 0.0275003091, -0.0263523832, -0.0967751369, 0.021498654, -0.0602411479, 0.0218979325, -0.1196837425, 0.0124899317, -0.0461665802, 0.099170804, 0.0284735505, -0.0589434914, 0.1086037606, -0.0350366905, 0.0424982086, -0.1293662488, -0.0736169815, -0.121680133, -0.0671786144, 0.0471398197, 0.0925827101, -0.0234576128, -0.0028651354, -0.061588712, -0.0138749285, -0.0051656659, 0.0261277892, 0.0309440866, 0.1290667802, 0.1016163826, 0.084696956, 0.1004684567, 0.0850463286, 0.0376070477, 0.1691942811, 0.0969747752, 0.0094204778, 0.0228961278, 0.068126902, -0.0259531047, -0.0216733385, 0.0198266748, 0.0965255871, -0.0077360217, 0.0437709093, -0.1119976267, 0.102215305, 0.089188844, 0.0476139635, -0.0240440536, -0.0253666639, 0.0392291173, -0.0752639994, -0.0319672376, 0.059093222, -0.0338887647, -0.0613890737, -0.0680270791, -0.0758130103, -0.1545207947, -0.0322666951, -0.0903866738, -0.0896879435, -0.0452682041, 0.1140938401, 0.1052098945, -0.057845477, -0.0241937842, -0.0489864834, -0.0126583772, 0.0693746433, 0.0177803729, 0.0414251462, -0.0275502186, -0.0193774868, -0.013363353, -0.0576458387, 0.0516067483, -0.0032223025, -0.0536031425, -0.0298460703, 0.1194840968, 0.0898376703, -0.0357853398, -0.0287480541, -0.0834492147, -0.0326410197, -0.0086343978, -0.0237945057, -0.0266019329, 0.0048506102, -0.033863809, 0.0380063243, -0.0106307911, -0.0032098251, 0.0130015071, 0.0783085003, 0.1061082706, -0.0396034382, -0.0248301327, -0.0052748439, 0.0041082017, 0.0782585889, -0.0028464191, -0.1079050228, -0.004470048, -0.0830499306, 0.004704, 0.0509828776, 0.0413752384, 0.0129016871, 0.1516260207, 0.0060515651, 0.0740661696, 0.1125965491, 0.0146734864, -0.026826527, -0.0092021227, -0.0527546741, 0.0767612979, 0.0228212643, 0.0321918316, -0.1387492865, 0.0195022598, -0.0047757453, -0.0324164256, -0.0112609025, 0.0490363948, -0.0564979129, -0.0632856488, 0.0452931598, -0.0159586631, -0.1000691801, 0.0544016995, 0.0155344307, 0.0093830451, 0.0037900268, -0.0125336023, 0.0628364608, -0.0418992899, 0.0261028334, 0.0536031425, 0.0379813686, 0.0673283413, -0.0773602128, 0.0602411479 ]
Georgi Ganchev
Georgi Ganchev and Vesselka Mihova
On the Invariant Theory of Weingarten Surfaces in Euclidean Space
16 pages
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 43 (2010) 405210-405236
We prove that any strongly regular Weingarten surface in Euclidean space carries locally geometric principal parameters. The basic theorem states that any strongly regular Weingarten surface is determined up to a motion by its structural functions and the normal curvature function satisfying a geometric differential equation. We apply these results to the special Weingarten surfaces: minimal surfaces, surfaces of constant mean curvature and surfaces of constant Gauss curvature.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:47:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ganchev", "Georgi", "" ], [ "Mihova", "Vesselka", "" ] ]
[ -0.0079239411, 0.1039678827, 0.0647873953, 0.0549682043, -0.0005245775, -0.0060527599, 0.045124948, -0.0602628663, -0.0676753893, 0.0891428366, 0.0133449519, -0.002096806, -0.1069521457, 0.0483739451, 0.1016574875, 0.1186966673, 0.0148130171, 0.0700339228, 0.0296500996, 0.0452934168, 0.0367978923, -0.0495772772, 0.0350650959, -0.006955259, 0.030973766, -0.0578562021, 0.0077614915, 0.0055563855, 0.0976142883, -0.0237297062, 0.0071357586, -0.019879045, -0.0664239228, -0.0781203136, -0.05443874, 0.1215846613, 0.0075148083, 0.0955926925, -0.0327546969, 0.0220811423, -0.0457025506, 0.0872175023, -0.0203724112, 0.0186516456, 0.1025238857, -0.0357389599, -0.0221653748, 0.0744140521, -0.0579043366, 0.0312625654, -0.0348003618, 0.0195661783, 0.0789867118, -0.1151348054, -0.078312844, 0.0096386895, -0.007659208, 0.0941005647, -0.0618993975, -0.0850033686, 0.0756655186, -0.1200444028, 0.0006437826, -0.0244757719, -0.050925009, -0.0430792868, -0.0533798076, 0.0567972697, 0.1542190313, 0.0068950923, -0.0257272385, 0.0438012853, 0.1087812111, 0.0216720086, -0.0167624149, 0.0370385572, 0.029938899, 0.1228361279, -0.0308774989, 0.0342708938, 0.0870249718, 0.0451971479, 0.0007994637, 0.0539574064, -0.1353507787, -0.0125868525, 0.0538611412, -0.0523690097, -0.0234168414, 0.1173489392, 0.061177399, 0.030709032, 0.0309256315, 0.0037393542, 0.0873137712, -0.0102343382, 0.0914532319, 0.0196383782, 0.0162088815, 0.0107517717, -0.0754729807, -0.0496254116, 0.0413464867, -0.041731555, 0.235853076, -0.0254384391, 0.0148611497, -0.0166420806, -0.1395865083, -0.0525134094, 0.0194939785, 0.0460876152, -0.0083932402, -0.0661832616, 0.0524652749, -0.0259197708, -0.0737883151, -0.0538611412, -0.1146534756, -0.0654131249, 0.0104028052, -0.0295297671, 0.0403597541, -0.0839925706, 0.0663276613, -0.0272915699, -0.0432958864, -0.0595408678, -0.089431636, -0.0154989157, 0.0925602987, 0.0442585498, -0.0463282801, -0.034631893, -0.0231039748, -0.0177491475, 0.0876025707, 0.0123943193, -0.0041454788, 0.1092625409, -0.0333082303, 0.021720143, 0.0010138073, -0.0581450015, 0.0512619428, 0.0154267158, 0.0029857676, 0.1514272988, 0.1032940149, 0.0626695305, 0.0071477918, 0.0828855038, 0.0386510231, 0.0093438728, -0.0066965427, -0.1098401472, 0.0390842222, 0.0902017653, 0.0566047356, -0.0154628158, 0.0022066101, 0.0273397025, -0.0284467675, -0.0491681434, 0.007340325, 0.0350650959, -0.0388916917, -0.0467133485, -0.0089407563, 0.0277969688, -0.0806232467, -0.0578562021, -0.0913088322, 0.0825004429, 0.0089708399, 0.0135615515, -0.085292168, -0.1404529065, 0.0465448797, -0.0735957846, -0.0116903698, 0.0810564458, 0.0132366521, -0.0467374139, -0.0631027296, 0.1644232869, 0.0431996174, 0.0291447006, -0.0098613054, 0.0637284592, -0.0779759139, -0.0216118433, 0.1591286212, 0.0928009599, 0.0000221747, -0.155374229, 0.05222461, -0.0545350052, 0.0253662392, 0.0369904265, 0.0516951419, -0.0308774989, -0.0095063224, -0.0202761441, -0.0783609822, -0.0675309896, 0.1037753522, 0.0448602177, -0.0941005647, -0.0357870944, 0.0146686174, 0.0291447006, -0.0238861404, 0.0660388619, -0.0146806501, 0.0383622237, -0.0435124859, -0.0095484396, 0.1346769184, 0.098384425, -0.0613217987, 0.0629101992, 0.0027781927, 0.0212749094, 0.096940428, 0.0818747059, 0.0146084502, -0.0739327148, -0.0591076687, -0.0531872734, 0.0249811728, -0.0281339027, -0.0419000201, -0.063487798, -0.0499623455, -0.0675791278, 0.0325862318, 0.0187479127, -0.0477241464, -0.0000966426, -0.0257272385, 0.0795161799, -0.0072801583, 0.0228392407, 0.0268343035, 0.0502511449, -0.064931795, 0.0701301917, -0.034222763, -0.0227068737, -0.0373754911, 0.0057669687, 0.0233566742, 0.0273156352, -0.0548238046, -0.0221894421 ]
Benjamin Schmidt B
Benjamin B. Schmidt, Matthias H. Hettler, Gerd Sch\"on
Non-equilibrium polaron hopping transport through DNA
8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRB, References added
Phys. Rev. B 77, 165337 (2008)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.soft
We study the electronic transport through short DNA chains with various sequences of base pairs between voltage-biased leads. The strong coupling of the charge carriers to local vibrations of the base pairs leads to the formation of polarons, and in the relevant temperature range the transport is accomplished by sequential polaron hopping. We calculate the rates for these processes, extending what is known as the $P(E)$-theory of single-electron tunneling to the situation with site-specific local oscillators. The non-equilibrium charge rearrangement along the DNA leads to sequence-dependent current thresholds of the `semi-conducting' current-voltage characteristics and, except for symmetric sequences, to rectifying behavior. The current is thermally activated with activation energy approaching for voltages above the threshold the bulk value (polaron shift or reorganization energy). Our results are consistent with some recent experiments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:53:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 1 Apr 2008 10:04:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schmidt", "Benjamin B.", "" ], [ "Hettler", "Matthias H.", "" ], [ "Schön", "Gerd", "" ] ]
[ 0.0332611427, 0.0183811579, -0.0137796169, -0.000704533, -0.0227701291, 0.0661221519, -0.032560911, 0.0227701291, -0.0406386182, -0.0810771659, 0.0707236975, 0.0538680479, 0.0409887321, -0.0230202135, -0.0482411645, -0.0055456082, 0.0333611779, 0.0563688874, -0.0601701587, 0.1017841026, -0.0505419336, -0.1042349264, 0.030910356, 0.0365122333, -0.0187812932, -0.1446484625, 0.018043546, 0.0060864142, 0.0763755888, -0.1331446171, 0.0280844104, -0.0446649641, -0.0072149173, -0.1192399487, -0.0433895364, 0.0979828313, -0.0834279507, 0.0708737448, -0.0971825644, 0.0577193387, -0.016518034, -0.1018341184, -0.1332446486, 0.0450150818, 0.0394382142, 0.0644215867, -0.0254335217, -0.0072211693, 0.0313104913, -0.0118727284, 0.0086716553, 0.0238704979, 0.0013582676, -0.0393631905, -0.1206404194, -0.0181060657, 0.0864789784, 0.0379127041, -0.0339863859, -0.0056425156, 0.0295849126, -0.1197401211, -0.0049422812, 0.0117914509, -0.0241330862, 0.1199401841, -0.094081521, 0.0385879278, 0.0104159899, 0.0313354991, 0.0647717044, 0.0140922219, 0.0311104245, -0.0028415772, 0.0056769019, -0.0595199428, -0.123141259, -0.019869158, -0.0719240978, 0.1204403564, 0.1159388497, -0.0691231638, 0.1203403175, -0.0438897051, -0.0253835041, 0.0634212494, -0.0254460257, -0.0768757612, -0.1127377748, -0.0367873274, 0.002835325, -0.002832199, -0.1085363626, 0.1079361662, 0.0256585963, -0.0534679145, 0.0331110954, -0.0073712198, 0.0056018769, 0.0125229461, -0.0459904112, 0.0041232565, 0.0678227246, -0.0332611427, 0.0810271502, 0.0043420796, -0.0724242628, 0.0242206156, -0.01958156, 0.0659721047, 0.1010338515, 0.0030525853, -0.0292848125, -0.0144673474, -0.0282344595, -0.0549684167, -0.0441397876, -0.0457153171, -0.0013004357, 0.0821775347, -0.0196190737, 0.0076900767, 0.0510421023, -0.0204443503, 0.0297349636, -0.0428893715, 0.0209820308, -0.0694732741, 0.0389130376, -0.0489163883, 0.1196400896, -0.0171557479, -0.0564689189, 0.0244707, -0.0708737448, 0.0164930262, 0.077876091, 0.0248958413, 0.0776260123, -0.0282844771, 0.0633212179, -0.076325573, 0.098533012, 0.1499502361, 0.0877293944, 0.0987830982, 0.0247457922, 0.0223074742, 0.0440897718, 0.0482911803, 0.0015216036, -0.0759754553, 0.0616706647, 0.1204403564, 0.0691731796, -0.0611204803, 0.0592198409, 0.147449404, -0.0511421338, 0.0450901091, -0.0381377786, 0.0419890694, 0.0073149512, 0.0327609777, 0.114538379, 0.023707943, -0.0480911136, -0.0110349469, -0.0672725439, -0.1370459199, 0.0034292741, -0.0662722066, -0.0083152857, 0.0868791118, 0.0213696603, -0.0331361033, -0.0997834355, -0.0317356326, -0.0705236271, 0.0112912832, -0.0004950878, -0.0365372412, -0.0090530328, 0.0202442836, 0.0040919962, -0.0616206452, 0.0044827522, 0.1287431419, -0.0195440482, -0.0120040225, 0.0133794826, 0.0684729442, 0.0332361348, 0.0306602735, -0.1407471597, -0.1702570468, 0.1157387793, 0.0973826274, 0.0312104579, -0.0056956583, 0.0291597694, -0.0613705628, -0.0863289237, 0.0291597694, -0.0960821956, -0.0216822643, 0.080577001, -0.0930811912, -0.0205693915, -0.0157302711, 0.0541681498, -0.0060363975, 0.0864789784, -0.0358620174, -0.0472908467, -0.088879779, -0.0765756592, 0.0270340573, 0.0841782019, 0.1275427341, -0.114538379, 0.0072211693, -0.0002803674, 0.0909304693, -0.0125604589, -0.0041763992, -0.0300850794, -0.0005056382, -0.0316356011, -0.0288346615, 0.0356869586, -0.0069273212, 0.0398633555, -0.0479410626, 0.0288596693, 0.0307603069, 0.0010714527, 0.0196440816, -0.0143172974, -0.0863289237, -0.0860288218, -0.007646312, 0.0259586982, 0.0847784057, -0.0141422385, 0.0357369743, -0.0527176633, -0.0529677458, 0.1002836004, -0.0936313719, -0.0868791118, 0.0803269148, 0.0556686521, -0.0301601049, -0.0400384143, 0.0485912822 ]
Marcus Aguiar de
Sabrina B.L. Araujo and M.A.M. de Aguiar
Synchronization and Stability in Noisy Population Dynamics
3 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. E
Phys. Rev E 77, 022903 (2008)
nlin.CG nlin.CD
We study the stability and synchronization of predator-prey populations subjected to noise. The system is described by patches of local populations coupled by migration and predation over a neighborhood. When a single patch is considered, random perturbations tend to destabilize the populations, leading to extinction. If the number of patches is small, stabilization in the presence of noise is maintained at the expense of synchronization. As the number of patches increases, both the stability and the synchrony among patches increase. However, a residual asynchrony, large compared with the noise amplitude, seems to persist even in the limit of infinite number of patches. Therefore, the mechanism of stabilization by asynchrony recently proposed by R. Abta et. al., combining noise, diffusion and nonlinearities, seems to be more general than first proposed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:06:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Araujo", "Sabrina B. L.", "" ], [ "de Aguiar", "M. A. M.", "" ] ]
[ 0.1250196248, 0.0237646773, 0.0563882291, 0.059125524, -0.0798294097, 0.1099893972, 0.0767934993, -0.0146942846, -0.1474156529, -0.0048929108, 0.0677853227, 0.0082678683, -0.1164593622, -0.0053035044, 0.013935308, 0.0656452551, 0.0515606403, -0.0298862588, 0.0470316671, 0.0258052051, 0.000853071, 0.029562762, -0.0232918728, -0.0100035602, 0.0096116299, -0.1202418059, 0.0691788495, 0.0761962757, 0.0405368172, -0.0316530578, 0.0252826307, -0.0135744838, -0.1057092696, 0.0003433281, -0.1397512406, 0.0638535768, -0.0244738851, 0.0126848631, -0.0741557479, -0.0581301451, 0.0374013707, -0.1045148149, -0.0950089395, 0.137461856, 0.0082616471, 0.056437999, -0.0468574725, -0.0256807823, 0.0662424862, 0.0645005703, -0.0906292722, 0.0596232116, 0.0096676201, -0.0720654503, 0.0092508048, -0.0343405828, 0.1343761832, 0.0365304165, -0.033270549, -0.0879915208, 0.0614148937, -0.0060438178, 0.0247476138, -0.0214130934, -0.0270245448, 0.0061651296, -0.1002346799, -0.0837611556, -0.0415321961, 0.1515962481, -0.0697263107, -0.0688304678, -0.0084233964, 0.0377497561, -0.040810544, 0.0201937556, -0.0475542396, 0.0540988594, 0.0029145947, 0.0358585343, -0.0134873874, 0.0556416959, 0.1067046449, -0.0078323903, -0.0349378102, -0.0812229365, -0.0462353639, 0.0120254243, -0.036206916, 0.0084233964, 0.0562389232, 0.1285034567, -0.1606542021, 0.0006664374, 0.069577001, -0.1369641721, 0.0540988594, -0.0188375507, 0.110088937, -0.0097360527, -0.0214379784, -0.1362674087, -0.0115526197, -0.1282048374, 0.0140224043, -0.0299111437, -0.0381976739, -0.0354106128, -0.0503661856, 0.0353857279, 0.0330465883, -0.031453982, 0.0497938432, -0.0017621322, 0.0169587731, -0.1072023362, -0.037923947, -0.1031212807, 0.0701244622, 0.0451404452, -0.0829648525, 0.0266761612, -0.0446178727, 0.0805261731, 0.1201422662, -0.0299609136, 0.0409847386, -0.0380483679, -0.0731603652, -0.0771418884, 0.0673871711, 0.0302346423, -0.0791824162, -0.0206914451, -0.1234270185, -0.0969499275, 0.0481265821, 0.0878422111, 0.0312051363, 0.0128777176, 0.184841916, 0.0262282416, -0.0731603652, 0.0696765408, -0.1005332991, 0.0551440045, 0.0198080447, -0.0269250069, 0.0288908798, 0.0807252526, 0.0147938225, 0.0086411349, -0.0218112469, 0.0912762731, 0.0254443791, -0.0622609667, -0.0011353544, 0.0285424981, 0.0013523159, -0.0463349, 0.0206665602, 0.0676857829, 0.0403377414, -0.0144578824, 0.0343405828, -0.0136864632, -0.0893352777, -0.0401386656, -0.0662922561, 0.0190490689, 0.0589264482, -0.0826662406, -0.1027231291, 0.0477284305, 0.0026813026, -0.0914255753, -0.0770921186, -0.1325845122, -0.0345147736, -0.1072023362, 0.0868965983, 0.0432243384, -0.0149680143, 0.053650938, 0.0609172061, -0.0330217034, -0.0486491583, -0.015341281, -0.0114593031, 0.0882901326, -0.0136491368, -0.0191486068, -0.0137984436, -0.0082118781, -0.0441948362, -0.1027231291, 0.0614148937, 0.054497011, -0.1126769185, 0.0186011475, -0.0312300213, 0.0111420257, 0.0110424878, 0.0352861919, 0.0277710781, -0.0072351624, 0.0279701538, 0.0029254816, 0.0228812788, 0.0304088332, 0.0739566684, -0.0458372124, 0.1059083417, -0.0291397255, -0.0615641996, -0.0626093522, -0.0622111969, 0.0911269635, 0.0146320742, 0.0257056672, 0.0287913419, -0.0133131966, 0.03984005, 0.1063064933, 0.0751013607, -0.0573836081, 0.1229293272, -0.0274724644, 0.0381976739, -0.0003489659, 0.0521080978, 0.040810544, -0.0117268106, 0.0169712156, 0.044369027, -0.0263526626, -0.028766457, 0.0341912732, -0.0384962894, 0.0487486944, -0.050963413, -0.0188126657, -0.0156896636, 0.0538997836, -0.0010467034, 0.1195450351, -0.0936651826, -0.0119880978, 0.0005882846, -0.0884892046, 0.0108496333, 0.0145200938, 0.0364806466, 0.0053874897, -0.0514611043, 0.0036362445 ]
Nikos Theodorakopoulos
Nikos Theodorakopoulos
DNA denaturation bubbles at criticality
8 pages, 8 figures
Phys. Rev. E 77, 031919 (2008)
cond-mat.stat-mech q-bio.BM
The equilibrium statistical properties of DNA denaturation bubbles are examined in detail within the framework of the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model. Bubble formation in homogeneous DNA is found to depend crucially on the presence of nonlinear base-stacking interactions. Small bubbles extending over less than 10 base pairs are associated with much larger free energies of formation per site than larger bubbles. As the critical temperature is approached, the free energy associated with further bubble growth becomes vanishingly small. An analysis of average displacement profiles of bubbles of varying sizes at different temperatures reveals almost identical scaled shapes in the absence of nonlinear stacking; nonlinear stacking leads to distinct scaled shapes of large and small bubbles.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:14:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Theodorakopoulos", "Nikos", "" ] ]
[ 0.1079232097, 0.0843181312, 0.0026521329, 0.0110148685, -0.0854183659, -0.0025036633, -0.0288562048, -0.0710152686, -0.0520111844, -0.0299814474, 0.0469350927, -0.0030709729, -0.1046224982, -0.0994713902, -0.0326820277, 0.0852683336, -0.0217296723, 0.1135244146, -0.0010963295, 0.0891691744, 0.0531114228, -0.0365828685, -0.0062763495, 0.0530113988, 0.1133243665, -0.0300064534, 0.0561620779, 0.005816876, 0.1400301158, -0.0621633679, 0.0339072905, 0.005804373, 0.0883690044, -0.0471851453, -0.0143655892, 0.0291562695, 0.0860184953, 0.0371829942, 0.0241176859, 0.0939702094, 0.0312817283, -0.0478352867, -0.1740374267, 0.0539616048, -0.0376831032, 0.0276809521, -0.0078766942, 0.0152157722, 0.0608130768, -0.0521112047, 0.0050385837, 0.0726656243, -0.0296813827, -0.0711152926, -0.073415786, 0.006682687, -0.0923198536, 0.0196792316, -0.0297563989, 0.0290312432, 0.0591127127, -0.0948704034, -0.0223047957, 0.037107978, 0.0132778557, -0.0108898422, -0.0499107316, 0.0226048604, 0.0169411432, 0.0335822217, -0.0309566576, 0.0218672026, -0.0278559905, 0.0783168375, 0.0182039142, -0.1189255714, 0.0416839644, -0.0123026455, -0.0895192474, 0.0532114431, 0.0585625917, -0.0308066253, 0.0629635379, -0.0379831679, -0.0042884224, 0.0068327193, -0.0061544483, 0.021154549, -0.1106237918, -0.0800672174, -0.028531136, -0.0454847813, -0.0914696679, 0.0066264248, 0.0344824158, -0.0771665946, 0.1344289035, 0.0916697159, 0.003145989, -0.0222297795, -0.1445310861, 0.0254679769, 0.0739158913, -0.0010236576, 0.0741659477, 0.03283206, -0.072265543, -0.0326070115, -0.099871479, 0.0123651586, 0.0732157454, 0.0450096801, -0.0977210104, -0.0383832529, -0.0704151392, -0.0340573229, -0.1001215279, 0.0026177503, 0.0348574966, 0.0179663636, -0.0059200232, -0.0564621426, -0.0092144813, 0.0135404114, 0.0314817689, -0.095070444, 0.0984711722, -0.0321319103, 0.0438344255, -0.0778167322, 0.0072703133, 0.0257805437, 0.0068264678, 0.0275809318, -0.0170911755, -0.0102897128, 0.0077141589, 0.0315567851, 0.0784668699, -0.0253054425, 0.0743159801, -0.0298564211, 0.0454347692, 0.0794170797, 0.0571622923, 0.0797671527, -0.0657141283, 0.0695649609, 0.1001715437, 0.0702651069, -0.008176758, -0.0707652196, 0.0420090333, -0.0139404973, 0.0205544196, -0.0754162148, 0.0956205651, 0.0623634122, -0.0401086248, 0.0041227615, -0.0052761347, 0.0632636026, -0.1155248433, -0.0074891103, 0.0078516882, 0.0702150986, -0.0718654543, -0.0161909815, -0.1028221101, -0.1404301971, 0.0414839201, -0.0265307054, -0.0192916486, 0.0271808449, 0.079117015, 0.0012119794, -0.0588626564, -0.1071230322, -0.0366328768, 0.0414089039, -0.0157283824, -0.0180913899, 0.1017218754, -0.0478352867, -0.0155783501, -0.0742659718, -0.0222297795, 0.0567622073, -0.0728656724, -0.0149907237, -0.0497857071, 0.0245052688, -0.0383332446, -0.0347824804, -0.0130903153, -0.1734372973, 0.0773166269, 0.0994713902, -0.0036664135, 0.0907195061, 0.0700150579, -0.0931200236, -0.0180288777, -0.085618414, -0.0413588956, -0.0818175972, -0.0199542902, -0.080717355, -0.0961706787, -0.0473101735, 0.0419340171, 0.0333321691, 0.057062272, 0.0125777051, 0.0116087459, -0.0687647834, -0.1327285469, -0.0357826948, 0.1251269132, 0.1220262423, -0.0951704681, 0.0662642494, 0.0892191827, 0.0567622073, -0.0825177431, -0.0339322984, 0.0892191827, 0.0387833416, -0.0186165031, 0.080267258, -0.0078704422, -0.0286061522, -0.029381318, 0.0741159394, -0.0584625714, 0.0316067971, -0.0425841585, 0.1063228622, -0.0253179446, -0.0014401535, -0.0685647428, -0.0607630648, -0.0714153573, 0.0330321044, -0.0607130565, 0.0504858568, -0.0825177431, -0.1221262589, 0.0074766078, -0.0536615402, -0.1217261776, -0.0557119809, 0.0780667886, 0.0049916985, 0.0072390568, -0.0292312857 ]
Carlos Merino
C. Merino, C. Pajares, and Yu. M. Shabelski
Production of Secondaries in High Energy d+Au Collisions
18 pages and 10 figures
In the framework of Quark-Gluon String Model we calculate the inclusive spectra of secondaries produced in d+Au collisions at intermediate (CERN SPS) and at much higher (RHIC) energies. The results of numerical calculations at intermediate energies are in reasonable agreement with the data. At RHIC energies numerically large inelastic screening corrections (percolation effects) should be accounted for in calculations. We extract these effects from the existing RHIC experimental data on minimum bias and central d+Au collisions. The predictions for p+Au interactions at LHC energy are also given.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:24:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Merino", "C.", "" ], [ "Pajares", "C.", "" ], [ "Shabelski", "Yu. M.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0060752109, -0.0241360497, 0.0285474714, 0.0022928612, 0.0294855312, 0.0942117199, -0.0125243785, 0.0730166212, 0.0041642291, -0.0358491316, 0.0064650131, -0.0192302447, -0.1046571583, 0.0317419469, -0.0425169691, 0.0383844338, 0.0007550438, 0.0106609333, 0.037015371, 0.0959864333, -0.0882284194, -0.0172527116, -0.0076756189, 0.0397788472, 0.0047188257, -0.1337623894, 0.0713433251, -0.039094314, 0.0713433251, 0.0129427034, 0.0264431722, -0.0838676989, -0.0458635651, -0.0602387115, -0.1239254326, 0.1527264267, -0.0046617817, 0.0524806976, -0.0763632134, 0.018355567, 0.0295615904, 0.0363054872, -0.0963413715, 0.0495397486, -0.028877059, -0.0078467513, 0.1150011793, -0.1232155487, 0.0471312143, -0.0170118585, -0.013513145, 0.0063097263, 0.0440381505, 0.0256699063, -0.0138934404, -0.0359505452, 0.0288263541, -0.0069784112, -0.0002378824, -0.1279819161, -0.0310827699, -0.0504778102, 0.0446466208, 0.042694442, -0.0491341017, -0.0484749228, -0.0225261338, 0.0485002771, 0.0666276664, 0.0283953529, -0.0194203928, -0.0882284194, 0.0349617787, 0.0017525257, -0.0057487912, -0.0179499201, 0.0510355756, 0.0526328161, -0.0243515503, 0.0849832371, 0.0028316125, 0.0165301524, -0.09649349, -0.0195091292, 0.0177851245, -0.0044019134, 0.1081051603, 0.0246050805, -0.159419626, 0.0330349505, -0.0778336897, 0.0242247861, -0.065765664, 0.0290798843, 0.0688587278, -0.021042984, 0.0711912066, -0.0217782222, -0.0053272978, 0.0951751396, -0.0779858083, 0.0468776859, 0.0356209539, -0.0890397131, 0.0872142985, -0.0886847675, 0.0539004654, 0.0051783491, -0.0546103492, 0.0102933152, 0.082092993, -0.0246304329, -0.0889890045, -0.0384351388, -0.0367618389, -0.0436071493, -0.1016655043, 0.0595288277, -0.0183682442, 0.1372103989, -0.0224627517, -0.0018840443, 0.050401751, -0.0576019995, 0.0360519551, 0.0004175321, 0.0202570409, -0.1452219486, -0.0990794972, -0.0381055474, 0.1619549245, -0.0419592038, -0.0591231808, -0.0531398728, -0.0360012501, 0.0197753347, 0.0786956921, -0.0612528324, 0.0357477218, -0.1337623894, 0.0602387115, 0.0774280429, 0.0259107593, 0.0451536812, -0.0074601183, 0.0149202365, 0.0028585501, 0.018114714, 0.1670255214, 0.0231726356, -0.1307200342, -0.0475622155, 0.0284714121, -0.0000504832, -0.0347589552, -0.0956821963, 0.0819915831, 0.0683009624, 0.0362547822, -0.0460410342, 0.0147427656, 0.0323757716, -0.1239254326, -0.0348096602, 0.0342265405, 0.0010275885, -0.1082065776, 0.0065664253, -0.1530306637, -0.0122454958, -0.0276094098, 0.0564864688, -0.0090256659, -0.0068960143, 0.0858959407, -0.020865513, -0.0675403774, -0.099180907, -0.132748276, 0.1104376391, 0.0071305293, 0.0345054232, 0.0335927159, -0.0074411035, -0.0353927799, 0.0053431434, 0.018178096, 0.0820422843, -0.0182541553, 0.0347082466, 0.0866058245, 0.0467002131, 0.0919806585, 0.0199908353, -0.055675175, -0.0612021275, 0.0217908975, 0.0869100615, 0.048905924, 0.0575512946, 0.0816873461, 0.0084488848, 0.1005499735, -0.0089242533, -0.0157061797, 0.0403873175, 0.1237226054, -0.0587682389, -0.0462438613, -0.0659177825, 0.0781379268, 0.0571456477, 0.045331154, 0.030550357, -0.010521492, 0.082092993, -0.0916257203, 0.0397534929, 0.0978625566, -0.0071495441, -0.0337701887, 0.0392717868, 0.0243642274, 0.1080037504, 0.0615570694, 0.0399309658, 0.1128715277, -0.0256065242, -0.0206373371, -0.0102109183, 0.0232106652, 0.0526328161, -0.0472072735, -0.0077263247, 0.0211824253, -0.0532412864, 0.0488298647, 0.0983189121, -0.0747913271, -0.115812473, 0.0053875111, -0.0771745145, 0.0439620912, 0.1012091488, 0.0062780348, 0.002373674, 0.0016178379, 0.0091017243, 0.1370075792, -0.0170752406, -0.0033434259, -0.0022881078, 0.1186520085, 0.0111679938, -0.0322743617, -0.0898510069 ]
Marie-Annick Guillemer
King Fai Lai (IRMAR)
Arithmetic $\D$-modules and Representations
math.NT math.RT
We propose in this paper an approach to Breuil's conjecture on a Langlands correspondence between $p$-adic Galois representations and representations of $p$-adic Lie groups in $p$-adic topological vector spaces. We suggest that Berthelot's theory of arithmetic $D$-modules should give a $p$-adic analogue of Kashiwara's theory of $D$-modules for real Lie groups i.e. it should give a realization of the $p$-adic representations of a $p$-adic Lie group as spaces of overconvergent solutions of arithmetic $D$-modules which will come equipped with an action of the Galois group. We shall discuss the case of Siegel modular varieties as a possible testing ground for the proposal.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:21:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lai", "King Fai", "", "IRMAR" ] ]
[ -0.0122741107, 0.0172195043, -0.0226773135, 0.0624907129, 0.0911859125, 0.0539584197, -0.0243456382, -0.0327945165, -0.1146854758, 0.0431619696, -0.0109275328, -0.1626379192, -0.0617757179, -0.0232731439, 0.0734540001, 0.0581530668, 0.0790309682, -0.0012907181, 0.0781729743, 0.1081075072, 0.0446872935, -0.0418273099, -0.0035869002, -0.042160973, 0.1189754531, -0.0501927696, 0.0613467172, 0.0048083528, 0.1149714738, -0.1009575352, 0.0852276087, -0.0189235806, -0.0044985209, -0.046498619, -0.1000042111, 0.0791739672, -0.0365839973, 0.0656843632, -0.0089315008, 0.0303635281, -0.0067448025, 0.0599643923, -0.1387093663, -0.0174340028, 0.0097537469, 0.0953805596, 0.042065639, 0.0354876705, -0.0020079492, -0.003348568, -0.0316743553, 0.0903755873, 0.0342006758, -0.0326515175, -0.0341291763, -0.0175174195, -0.052957423, 0.0116723217, 0.0368223302, -0.0316743553, 0.0603457242, -0.0389673226, -0.1154481396, -0.0460934564, -0.1505306363, 0.067162022, -0.1649259031, 0.088516593, 0.1118254885, 0.1565366089, -0.0294101983, 0.0525760911, 0.1293667406, 0.0781253055, 0.0210924037, -0.0605840571, -0.0474757813, 0.0975255519, -0.0342960097, 0.0648740381, 0.0238689743, 0.0381808244, 0.0536247529, -0.0687826872, 0.0334856808, -0.129271403, -0.0110943662, 0.0775056481, 0.0149195986, -0.0221887324, 0.0655890331, -0.0609653853, -0.0274558738, 0.0367508307, 0.1510073096, -0.0425899699, 0.0427568033, -0.0020898758, -0.0653507039, 0.0001885245, 0.0180536676, -0.0429474711, 0.0404211469, -0.0331043489, 0.1998177469, 0.1021015346, 0.1058195159, 0.0485721119, -0.1234560981, -0.0189474132, -0.1171641275, -0.0016400238, -0.019710077, 0.0481192805, 0.0734063312, 0.0145144332, -0.1010528728, -0.0350586735, 0.0030685277, 0.0413744785, -0.0400874838, 0.0452592932, 0.0720716715, 0.0700220093, 0.114494808, -0.0195789933, -0.0506217666, -0.1615892649, 0.0236544739, -0.0329375155, 0.026550211, 0.0143833505, 0.0158133432, 0.0142761013, -0.0513367653, 0.0388958231, 0.0198411588, -0.0398253165, 0.0537677519, -0.0062740962, 0.0444489643, -0.0571520701, 0.0599643923, -0.0312453564, 0.028766701, -0.0093128327, -0.0378948264, 0.0350110047, 0.1103001609, 0.0225938968, -0.0252632182, -0.0805086344, 0.1110628247, -0.0115233641, -0.0986695439, -0.1384233683, -0.003697129, -0.0034200677, 0.026121214, 0.0044002091, 0.0501927696, 0.0570567399, -0.0399921499, -0.0328898504, 0.0301728621, 0.0018619706, -0.0762186497, 0.0047189784, -0.0583913997, -0.0545304157, -0.1390907019, -0.0199364927, -0.0892792568, -0.0133823557, 0.00172344, -0.0224389806, -0.0182562489, -0.0712613389, 0.012429026, -0.014216518, -0.0473566167, 0.1021968648, -0.0980022177, -0.0505741015, -0.0116663631, 0.0200675745, 0.0325085185, 0.0007537257, 0.0395154841, 0.1164014637, 0.0094439154, 0.0680200234, 0.1248860955, 0.1137321442, 0.0185899138, -0.0701650083, -0.0194836613, 0.0753606558, 0.0018485645, 0.0273128748, -0.0211877357, 0.005430996, 0.0761233196, -0.0110228658, -0.0256445482, -0.0022775624, 0.0841312781, 0.0212234855, -0.0272175428, 0.031412188, -0.0138828531, -0.101148203, 0.0470944494, 0.037584994, 0.0009570529, -0.0337478444, 0.0257875491, -0.0216286499, 0.0026439982, 0.1162108034, -0.0157775935, 0.010337661, 0.0434479676, 0.0317458548, 0.0527190901, 0.0638730377, 0.06225238, -0.00562762, 0.0034200677, -0.0404688157, 0.1019108668, 0.0553407446, -0.0176961683, -0.0296723638, 0.0337716788, 0.0851322785, 0.021008987, -0.0413268097, -0.006000014, -0.066733025, -0.0020005011, 0.0881829262, 0.0251440518, 0.0275273733, -0.0360835008, 0.0202344079, -0.024524387, 0.0095571233, -0.0025501549, -0.0236902256, -0.0785543099, -0.0232612267, -0.0317696892, -0.0487866104, -0.0760279819, -0.00172344 ]
Plamen Djakov
Plamen Djakov and Boris Mityagin
Deviations of Riesz projections of Hill operators with singular potentials
It is shown that the deviations $P_n -P_n^0$ of Riesz projections $$ P_n = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{C_n} (z-L)^{-1} dz, \quad C_n=\{|z-n^2|= n\}, $$ of Hill operators $L y = - y^{\prime \prime} + v(x) y, x \in [0,\pi],$ with zero and $H^{-1}$ periodic potentials go to zero as $n \to \infty $ even if we consider $P_n -P_n^0$ as operators from $L^1$ to $L^\infty. $ This implies that all $L^p$-norms are uniformly equivalent on the Riesz subspaces $Ran P_n. $
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:22:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Djakov", "Plamen", "" ], [ "Mityagin", "Boris", "" ] ]
[ -0.0367842242, -0.0968813151, 0.0400050804, -0.032029625, 0.0015960493, -0.0916154683, 0.0033870116, 0.0102888467, -0.0743353218, 0.0436604954, -0.0894682333, 0.0472647883, -0.0307259466, 0.0583332852, 0.0218430292, -0.0374488458, -0.0559815504, -0.0108320462, 0.0614518933, 0.0137525452, -0.0123913502, -0.054754559, 0.0773516744, -0.0098095527, -0.0173824001, 0.014135981, 0.0399283953, 0.0498465858, 0.1046522707, -0.0874743685, 0.0171139948, -0.0355061069, -0.0670756102, -0.0572085418, -0.0982105583, 0.0425868779, 0.0202709455, 0.1231082827, -0.028297523, 0.0509968922, -0.0203476325, 0.0419222564, -0.1321062297, -0.0013292423, 0.1010735407, 0.1185070649, 0.0642126277, -0.0340234898, 0.0554191768, 0.049514275, -0.0442484319, 0.0555725545, 0.0148645071, -0.1021471545, 0.0553169288, 0.0656441227, 0.028323086, 0.0603271499, -0.0180470198, -0.1549078524, 0.0948874503, -0.0428169407, 0.0645193756, -0.0760224313, -0.0902350992, 0.0028581906, -0.1690182686, -0.0533741899, 0.0974436849, 0.1610428095, -0.1068506315, -0.0705520883, 0.0073619573, 0.0802657828, -0.0445807427, 0.0315950662, 0.0434304364, 0.0425357521, 0.0241947658, 0.1072596312, 0.0571062937, -0.0588445328, 0.1073618755, -0.0152607244, 0.0365286022, -0.0693250969, -0.0417944454, -0.0778629258, -0.1039876491, 0.0661042407, -0.0312371943, 0.0506134555, 0.0208077542, 0.0499488339, 0.0474948511, -0.0679958537, 0.1251532733, -0.047776036, 0.0141487615, 0.0029812092, 0.0382924043, 0.1155418307, 0.0417688824, -0.0715745836, 0.1226992905, 0.0956543237, -0.0702964664, -0.0162065309, -0.015848659, 0.0220858715, 0.0485173427, 0.0142893549, -0.0637013838, -0.0047322302, -0.0045788563, -0.0231211465, -0.0237346441, 0.0273005925, -0.0070232563, 0.0248338245, 0.0112538254, -0.0507668294, 0.0509713292, -0.0167177785, -0.0254601017, -0.0682514757, 0.0061125974, -0.0100843478, -0.0811349079, -0.0474181622, -0.0197085738, -0.0339979269, 0.0522494465, -0.0199897587, -0.0855316296, -0.0016615528, 0.017663585, -0.0050485646, 0.1350714713, 0.0198236033, 0.0636502579, 0.1403884292, 0.032055188, 0.0748465657, 0.0112921689, 0.1410019398, 0.0164877176, 0.0045213411, 0.0480316579, 0.0146983527, 0.0758690611, 0.0285275839, 0.0338701159, 0.0574130416, -0.0850715041, -0.0206032563, 0.0572596677, 0.0873721167, -0.0091129784, -0.0488240905, 0.000024801, 0.0602249019, 0.0366052873, 0.011490277, 0.0331032462, -0.0139059192, -0.0961144418, -0.0644171238, -0.0229549911, -0.1060326323, -0.0305725727, 0.0047865505, -0.0136630768, -0.0968813151, 0.0777606741, 0.0581287891, -0.008390842, -0.062065389, -0.0662064925, -0.0823618993, 0.0421011932, 0.1052146405, 0.0327453725, -0.0470858514, -0.0663598627, 0.0382924043, 0.0042050066, 0.0835377648, -0.0001755415, 0.0023325647, 0.0048440658, 0.1178935692, 0.0049111666, 0.1634968072, -0.0192228891, -0.1200408041, 0.0384457782, 0.1307769865, -0.056646172, -0.0137397638, -0.0433793105, 0.0527095683, 0.1159508303, 0.0206927229, -0.0297801401, 0.0093941642, 0.082975395, 0.1114518568, -0.0249999799, 0.0054575619, -0.028246399, 0.0455009863, 0.0569529198, -0.0941717029, 0.0121037737, -0.0323874988, -0.0339979269, 0.0495909639, 0.0117842443, 0.0641103759, -0.0307259466, 0.0232489593, 0.0538343117, 0.0545500591, 0.0866563693, 0.010608376, 0.0776072964, -0.0493097752, 0.0878833681, 0.0144555103, 0.0541921854, -0.0068187574, -0.025779631, 0.0074769878, 0.0090618534, -0.028246399, 0.0186605174, -0.121983543, -0.0392637737, -0.0439161211, 0.0032591999, 0.0554191768, 0.0660019889, 0.0200025402, 0.0887524858, -0.0219836216, -0.0249105114, 0.0503067076, 0.0915132165, -0.1258690208, -0.0672289878, 0.094120577, -0.0013779706, 0.0122124134, -0.0798567906, 0.002412447 ]
Stefan Hollands
S. Hollands
Quantum field theory in terms of consistency conditions I: General framework, and perturbation theory via Hochschild cohomology
60 pages, Latex, 6 figures in EPS-format, v2: added sec. 8 and sec. 9, streamlined sec. 10, typos corrected, references added
In this paper, we propose a new framework for quantum field theory in terms of consistency conditions. The consistency conditions that we consider are "associativity" or "factorization" conditions on the operator product expansion (OPE) of the theory, and are proposed to be the defining property of any quantum field theory. Our framework is presented in the Euclidean setting, and is applicable in principle to any quantum field theory, including non-conformal ones. In our framework, we obtain a characterization of perturbations of a given quantum field theory in terms of a certain cohomology ring of Hochschild-type. We illustrate our framework by the free field, but our constructions are general and apply also to interacting quantum field theories. For such theories, we propose a new scheme to construct the OPE which is based on the use of non-linear quantized field equations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:27:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:02:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hollands", "S.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0197378565, 0.0257051159, -0.0159624182, 0.0849645883, 0.0057176668, 0.0366756916, 0.0224116482, 0.0544856638, -0.0869383737, 0.004119704, 0.0011310538, 0.0130132148, -0.0800530761, 0.0408527739, 0.0224690251, 0.0549905859, 0.1075942665, 0.0201280229, 0.1219156906, 0.123843573, -0.0845973715, -0.04126589, 0.0028043247, -0.0400494896, 0.0123820622, -0.0978630483, -0.0267149601, 0.1386240125, 0.1036466956, -0.1097975671, 0.0992401093, -0.014436176, 0.0318100788, -0.0232723095, -0.0763809159, 0.0663742796, -0.029698588, 0.0881318226, -0.0131164938, 0.0445019826, -0.0499413684, 0.0595807843, -0.0322231986, 0.0376166813, 0.0876269042, 0.0130476411, -0.0089336755, 0.0309149921, -0.0678431466, -0.0569643714, 0.0517315455, 0.0259575769, 0.0834039226, -0.0409216247, -0.0827612951, 0.008600886, 0.0544856638, 0.0575151965, 0.0312133543, 0.0110795936, 0.0334166512, 0.0053188931, -0.0712398887, 0.0914826691, -0.1252206415, 0.0660988688, -0.072387442, -0.0562299415, 0.0570102744, 0.0742235184, -0.0670628101, 0.022629682, -0.0372494683, 0.0101500778, 0.0341281295, -0.0441577174, 0.0347019061, 0.1052073687, -0.02928547, -0.0872596875, -0.0237313304, -0.0740399137, 0.053751234, -0.0718825161, 0.0113607431, 0.0254756063, -0.0479675829, 0.028413333, -0.0803743899, 0.0202657301, 0.0328428745, 0.1141123548, 0.0172247216, -0.0067418553, 0.0417478606, -0.1010761857, 0.1272403151, -0.0165935699, -0.0079467827, 0.0259116739, 0.0075049759, -0.0117164832, 0.0332559943, -0.0473249555, 0.1647881567, 0.0535676256, -0.0730759725, -0.0307313837, -0.0542102531, -0.0239149388, -0.015824711, 0.0110279536, -0.068256259, 0.0130246906, -0.0715153068, -0.0662824735, -0.0700464398, -0.0209772103, -0.0944662988, 0.0547610782, -0.0289182551, -0.0514561348, 0.0543938614, 0.1439486444, 0.0239837915, 0.0444101766, -0.0170411151, -0.1009843796, -0.0440659113, -0.0996073261, 0.069679223, 0.0520987622, -0.0436986983, -0.0160312708, -0.1075942665, -0.0579283126, 0.0297215395, 0.0039676535, 0.102177836, -0.1075024679, 0.0135296118, 0.0196804795, 0.0975876376, -0.0155378245, 0.1201714128, 0.1198960021, 0.0097943377, -0.0303412173, 0.0545315668, 0.0189804733, -0.0558627248, -0.0625185147, 0.1005253643, 0.0657775551, -0.0335773081, -0.1635029018, 0.0254756063, 0.0535676256, 0.0191411301, -0.0097312219, 0.0562758408, 0.108236894, -0.1038303077, -0.0324986093, 0.1180599257, -0.0000429211, -0.0472790524, -0.076426819, 0.0173853803, -0.1121844649, -0.0216886904, -0.0432855785, -0.0860203356, -0.0151361823, 0.1286173761, 0.0003582507, -0.0983220637, -0.0805120915, -0.0688529909, 0.0862039402, 0.0816596448, -0.0012049273, 0.0018432519, 0.0239378884, -0.0503544845, -0.0147345392, -0.0270592235, 0.0609578453, 0.0961187705, 0.0020168188, -0.0686693788, 0.0558627248, 0.0557250194, 0.0855154097, 0.0840924531, -0.1510175467, 0.0386265256, 0.0873055905, 0.0630693361, -0.0694038123, 0.041885566, 0.0543938614, 0.0548069775, -0.012542719, -0.0180624332, 0.0102189314, 0.0699546337, -0.0006433451, -0.0998827368, -0.0330953375, -0.0291248132, 0.008394327, 0.053751234, 0.066925101, -0.0156525802, -0.0487479158, -0.0092033492, 0.0245346148, -0.0082738344, 0.0648595169, -0.0109877894, 0.0742694214, 0.0427806564, 0.0681185573, 0.058157824, 0.013564039, -0.0258657727, -0.0102476198, 0.0275870971, -0.1075942665, -0.0546233691, -0.0020053433, -0.1443158686, 0.0404855572, -0.0108615588, -0.0176493153, 0.0098115504, 0.0172247216, -0.1307288706, -0.0745907351, 0.0318330303, 0.0167657025, -0.0179591551, -0.0268526655, 0.0185214542, -0.0140574854, -0.0090713808, 0.033783868, 0.0346789546, -0.11089921, -0.0442724712, 0.0341281295, -0.019405067, 0.0147115886, -0.1011679918, -0.0040278998 ]
Alex Bernardini
Alex E. Bernardini, O. Bertolami
Lorentz violating extension of the Standard Model and the Beta-decay end-point
13 pages, 1 figure
Phys. Rev. D77 (2008) 085032
The Standard Model extension with additional Lorentz violating terms allows for redefining the equation of motion of a propagating left-handed fermionic particle. The obtained Dirac-type equation can be embedded in a generalized Lorentz-invariance preserving-algebra through the definition of Lorentz algebra-like generators with a light-like preferred axis. The resulting modification to the fermionic equation of motion introduces some novel ingredients to the phenomenological analysis of the cross section of the tritium $\beta$-decay. Assuming lepton number conservation, our formalism provides a natural explanation for the tritium $\beta$-decay end-point via an effective neutrino mass term without the need of a sterile right-handed state.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:34:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 20 Apr 2008 18:58:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bernardini", "Alex E.", "" ], [ "Bertolami", "O.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0540801622, 0.0021373592, -0.0553725176, -0.0444123372, -0.1207856536, 0.0867370218, -0.0731672794, 0.0085618636, -0.0189877041, -0.0193729252, 0.011817609, 0.1000085324, -0.0804740638, 0.0227405094, 0.0513960347, 0.0089160195, 0.0396157056, -0.0027245118, 0.0087793274, 0.0556707531, -0.0277111121, -0.0134951873, 0.0726702139, 0.0117989695, 0.0434182175, -0.0558695793, -0.0207149889, -0.0502776504, 0.0626793057, -0.0644190162, 0.0847487822, -0.0749566928, -0.0324331857, -0.0528375097, -0.0044486895, 0.1012014747, 0.0817167163, -0.0487119108, -0.0239583068, 0.0180557165, -0.1385804117, -0.0699363872, -0.0923040956, 0.1257562637, 0.014104086, 0.0916579217, -0.0426229201, -0.066357553, -0.0107799955, -0.0324828923, -0.0073254262, -0.0644190162, 0.0453070477, 0.0206777081, -0.136989817, -0.0523901545, 0.053881336, 0.0256980173, -0.0110409521, -0.0811202452, -0.0413554162, -0.0367327556, -0.0272389054, 0.0624307729, -0.1348027587, -0.0357386358, -0.1146221086, 0.0009552878, 0.0540304556, 0.0725708082, 0.0079281116, -0.0155828409, -0.0156076932, 0.0054769833, 0.0169746093, -0.0000515506, 0.0317373015, 0.0633254796, -0.0473698489, 0.0021000798, 0.066109024, -0.0122711761, 0.0151727656, -0.0650154874, -0.0169497561, 0.0717755109, 0.0279347897, 0.0007327756, -0.1109438613, -0.0346948095, 0.073018156, -0.0681469664, -0.0274625812, 0.0574104637, 0.031091122, -0.1390774697, 0.0691410899, -0.1090550274, 0.125458017, -0.0212617554, 0.0058590984, -0.0206777081, 0.1258556694, -0.0567145795, 0.1491180956, -0.0461271964, -0.0206777081, 0.0020395005, -0.0660096109, -0.0116809169, 0.0070334035, 0.0426726267, -0.0652143136, -0.0582554676, -0.0616354793, -0.1207856536, -0.043219395, 0.0346699581, -0.0384227633, 0.0581560545, 0.000248336, 0.0456549898, 0.0426477753, -0.0049426435, 0.0776905268, -0.1132303402, 0.0468727872, -0.0940935165, 0.0386215858, -0.0494077951, 0.1367909908, -0.0194102041, -0.0255986061, -0.0344711319, -0.0912602693, 0.0938946903, 0.0553725176, -0.0517936833, 0.1194932982, -0.0822634771, -0.0037776583, -0.0241074245, 0.0487864688, -0.0124513609, -0.0386712924, 0.0849476084, -0.0072695068, 0.0071949479, 0.0576589964, 0.0145390136, -0.0119356606, -0.0763484612, 0.0221688896, 0.0325574502, -0.0332284831, -0.0786846429, 0.0416785069, 0.1279433221, -0.0047251796, -0.0052470928, 0.0663078427, 0.1146221086, -0.0164154172, 0.0580069385, 0.1490186751, 0.051942803, -0.0305940621, -0.0261205193, -0.0868364349, -0.115417406, -0.0202427804, -0.0180184357, -0.0849973112, -0.0175586548, 0.0558198728, 0.046102345, -0.0022414313, -0.1281421483, -0.0208765324, 0.0198327061, -0.0763484612, 0.0564660504, -0.09220469, 0.0325077437, -0.0358877555, 0.0042281193, -0.0003871634, 0.0127185304, -0.0458786674, -0.0335764252, -0.0409826227, 0.0999091193, 0.1473286748, 0.1046809033, 0.0336758345, -0.0346451029, 0.0131720984, 0.1087567955, 0.0596969426, -0.0274377298, 0.0236849245, 0.0195717495, 0.080772303, -0.178146407, -0.084052898, 0.0243932344, 0.0710299164, -0.0104009872, -0.0523901545, -0.0474444069, 0.0357137844, 0.0215848442, 0.0731175691, -0.0830090716, -0.1012014747, 0.0193480719, -0.0570625216, 0.0388701148, -0.00910863, 0.0918567479, -0.1366915852, 0.0332036279, 0.0657610819, 0.0325077437, 0.019621456, -0.0295253824, 0.1003067717, -0.0083319731, -0.0684949085, 0.0716263875, 0.0136567317, -0.0555216372, 0.0015672933, -0.0854943693, 0.0320355371, -0.0010329535, -0.0234861001, -0.0949385166, 0.0110285254, -0.069489032, -0.0322095081, 0.0190374106, -0.0295502357, -0.0311656818, -0.0731672794, -0.0035601945, 0.026692139, 0.0121717639, 0.125955075, -0.0190871153, 0.0109601794, 0.0410074741, 0.0516942702, -0.0611881241, -0.0189628508, 0.0386961438 ]
Ingo Goetze
Yu-Guo Tao, Ingo O. Goetze, Gerhard Gompper
Multi-particle collision dynamics modeling of viscoelastic fluids
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144902 (2008)
In order to investigate the rheological properties of viscoelastic fluids by mesoscopic hydrodynamics methods, we develop a multi-particle collision dynamics (MPC) model for a fluid of harmonic dumbbells. The algorithm consists of alternating streaming and collision steps. The advantage of the harmonic interactions is that the integration of the equations of motion in the streaming step can be performed analytically. Therefore, the algorithm is computationally as efficient as the original MPC algorithm for Newtonian fluids. The collision step is the same as in the original MPC method. All particles are confined between two solid walls moving oppositely, so that both steady and oscillatory shear flows can be investigated. Attractive wall potentials are applied to obtain a nearly uniform density everywhere in the simulation box. We find that both in steady and oscillatory shear flow, a boundary layer develops near the wall, with a higher velocity gradient than in the bulk. The thickness of this layer is proportional to the average dumbbell size. We determine the zero-shear viscosities as a function of the spring constant of the dumbbells and the mean free path. For very high shear rates, a very weak ``shear thickening'' behavior is observed. Moreover, storage and loss moduli are calculated in oscillatory shear, which show that the viscoelastic properties at low and moderate frequencies are consistent with a Maxwell fluid behavior. We compare our results with a kinetic theory of dumbbells in solution, and generally find good agreement.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:46:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tao", "Yu-Guo", "" ], [ "Goetze", "Ingo O.", "" ], [ "Gompper", "Gerhard", "" ] ]
[ 0.000671552, 0.0615398288, 0.0215991661, 0.0247062705, -0.0262392908, 0.0148100751, -0.0955400392, 0.0510550626, 0.0056940769, -0.0278407503, 0.0301950332, -0.068657428, -0.0899007097, -0.038380269, 0.053655725, 0.1186996028, 0.0608828217, -0.0608828217, -0.0115797808, 0.0007006383, -0.0902839676, -0.0022721556, 0.0653176308, 0.0901744664, -0.0169864167, -0.0325766914, 0.0752275139, 0.0431162082, 0.0483996533, -0.0689311773, 0.0783483088, -0.0223793648, -0.0608280711, -0.0718877167, -0.1032598913, 0.1357818246, 0.0181361828, 0.1658947319, -0.0697524399, -0.0099167274, 0.0349035971, -0.0007618052, -0.0975658149, 0.1316207796, -0.006470853, 0.0387635231, 0.0722162277, 0.082235612, 0.0989893377, -0.0019470731, -0.063182354, 0.0208600312, 0.0710117072, -0.010820115, -0.0742420033, -0.0575977787, 0.0158640258, -0.0007737819, -0.0638393611, -0.0392562784, -0.044977732, -0.1404903978, -0.056667015, -0.0100262286, -0.0624705926, -0.0283882581, -0.083440125, 0.034410838, -0.0020155115, 0.0482080244, -0.006289491, -0.0682194233, 0.0928572565, -0.0256780963, -0.008041515, -0.1026028842, -0.0571050197, 0.0680004209, -0.0399680398, 0.079662323, 0.0861229151, -0.1027123854, -0.0008550526, -0.0047188294, -0.0607185699, -0.0439922176, 0.020134585, 0.0347667187, -0.0875464305, -0.0065837763, -0.0023594147, 0.1297592521, -0.0876011848, 0.0248157717, 0.0965255499, -0.1159620658, 0.0750085115, -0.0645511225, 0.0666316524, -0.0470035076, -0.0218044817, -0.0227215569, -0.0247199591, 0.0446492285, 0.1286642402, -0.0790600702, -0.0571050197, -0.0003781223, -0.080702588, 0.0706832036, 0.0766510367, 0.0033380841, -0.0479616486, -0.0297570266, 0.0035382665, -0.0297296513, -0.0665768981, 0.0167263504, -0.1766258776, 0.0309615433, -0.0565575138, 0.042048566, 0.1038621515, -0.1164000705, 0.0363544896, -0.0162199065, 0.0092870938, -0.0079525448, -0.1177140847, -0.074680008, 0.0247473344, -0.021681292, -0.0364366174, -0.1405998915, -0.0350678489, -0.0871084258, 0.0181498695, 0.0941712707, 0.0972920656, 0.040351294, 0.0567217655, 0.0236249436, 0.0538747273, 0.0323576853, 0.0355606042, 0.0652628839, 0.0304140355, -0.0294011459, 0.0012823649, -0.027156366, -0.0053108218, -0.0037743791, 0.0694786906, 0.0137766544, 0.0340275839, -0.1384098679, 0.06164933, 0.0992630869, 0.023337502, -0.0433899611, -0.0939522684, 0.0433352105, -0.0938427672, -0.0067480286, 0.0298939031, 0.0591855496, -0.0816880986, -0.0009222078, -0.0255685952, -0.1091729701, 0.0900102109, -0.0476057678, -0.0749537647, -0.0226120558, 0.098222822, -0.0356427319, -0.0230500605, -0.1052856669, -0.0023679694, 0.0542579815, 0.0394479074, 0.0212980378, 0.0005825821, -0.04119993, -0.0372852534, 0.0205315277, 0.0016245571, 0.1612956822, 0.0166852884, -0.0110048987, 0.0082126111, 0.0519036986, 0.0742967501, 0.0875464305, -0.0068917493, -0.1165095717, 0.002085661, 0.0704642013, 0.0841518864, 0.0336717032, 0.0677814111, 0.0339454561, 0.106763944, -0.0984418318, 0.0101220431, -0.0247199591, 0.0264993571, 0.0877654329, -0.1087897196, -0.0266636088, 0.0037470036, 0.0618135855, 0.054011602, 0.0172601696, -0.0902839676, -0.0664673969, -0.0700809434, 0.0542853586, -0.0374495052, 0.0271426793, -0.0125652943, 0.0699166954, 0.0359164849, 0.0908862278, 0.0077540735, -0.0554624982, 0.0576525293, -0.097675316, -0.0440469682, 0.0511645637, 0.0747347549, 0.0247610211, -0.0574335232, 0.020983221, -0.010628487, 0.0110733369, 0.005505871, -0.0064434777, -0.0116619077, -0.0838781297, -0.043088831, 0.0236523189, -0.0197102651, -0.0692596808, -0.0711759627, 0.0090407161, -0.0990988389, -0.0295653995, 0.0118193161, -0.0500421748, 0.0024791819, -0.0508634374, 0.0088764634, 0.0816333517, -0.0058377977, 0.0379148871 ]
Murilo Baptista S.
M. S. Baptista, C. Bohn, R. Kliegl, R. Engbert, J. Kurths
Reconstruction of eye movements during blinks
Chaos (2008)
In eye movement research in reading, the amount of data plays a crucial role for the validation of results. A methodological problem for the analysis of the eye movement in reading are blinks, when readers close their eyes. Blinking rate increases with increasing reading time, resulting in high data losses, especially for older adults or reading impaired subjects. We present a method, based on the symbolic sequence dynamics of the eye movements, that reconstructs the horizontal position of the eyes while the reader blinks. The method makes use of an observed fact that the movements of the eyes before closing or after opening contain information about the eyes movements during blinks. Test results indicate that our reconstruction method is superior to methods that use simpler interpolation approaches. In addition, analyses of the reconstructed data show no significant deviation from the usual behavior observed in readers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:37:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:30:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Baptista", "M. S.", "" ], [ "Bohn", "C.", "" ], [ "Kliegl", "R.", "" ], [ "Engbert", "R.", "" ], [ "Kurths", "J.", "" ] ]
[ 0.0413165428, 0.1592211723, 0.0864651874, 0.0520032533, -0.0001415744, -0.0276613049, -0.0346508436, 0.0074078324, -0.1008760557, 0.0158546492, 0.0905671567, -0.0438532867, -0.0237077624, 0.0615835078, 0.0669268593, 0.0703271776, 0.0089663109, -0.0732957125, -0.0384559594, 0.1402225792, -0.0340301506, -0.0421261415, 0.0165023301, 0.0405069441, 0.0252594929, -0.0561861806, 0.0189581141, -0.0402640626, 0.0982853398, -0.046039205, -0.0188906472, -0.0183104333, -0.0391036384, -0.1029270366, 0.0038388493, 0.1198206767, -0.0803122371, 0.0243149605, -0.0510047451, 0.0189581141, 0.0741053075, -0.0891638547, -0.0954247564, 0.0659553409, -0.0324649252, 0.0537034087, -0.0225203503, -0.0015745016, 0.0846840739, 0.1192809418, -0.0943452865, 0.0791787952, -0.0698414221, 0.063418597, 0.0255968273, 0.0023765108, 0.0294694081, 0.0793407187, -0.0477123782, -0.0027981771, 0.0762642398, -0.014761691, 0.0250166133, -0.0348397493, -0.037538413, 0.0782072768, -0.0442850739, 0.0654156134, -0.0641742274, 0.0197542198, -0.0112669216, -0.0134663321, -0.0255293604, 0.0602881499, -0.0200240854, -0.0646060109, 0.0100120427, 0.1357967705, -0.0116447341, 0.0173524078, 0.0785850883, -0.0447978191, 0.0349746831, -0.0635805205, -0.0350556448, -0.0482790954, 0.0350016691, -0.0290646087, -0.084090367, 0.0020088179, -0.0433945134, 0.0080622584, -0.073673524, -0.0124071073, 0.0133448923, -0.0234513879, -0.1163663864, -0.0492506139, 0.1298597008, -0.0231950153, 0.0667649433, -0.0231680293, 0.1083783358, -0.0960724354, 0.1411940902, -0.0025924039, 0.0968820304, -0.0036060896, 0.0420451835, 0.0176897421, -0.0916466266, -0.0062743933, 0.0015871517, -0.0341650844, 0.1555509865, -0.1134518236, -0.0791787952, -0.1041684225, -0.0336253494, -0.0281470641, 0.0922403261, 0.0346238576, 0.0421261415, 0.0087436708, 0.0372685492, -0.1248941645, 0.0703811496, -0.0174873415, 0.0151125174, -0.0581292175, 0.0334094577, -0.0535684787, 0.0977456048, -0.0605040416, -0.0566179678, 0.0360271633, 0.0862492993, 0.145619899, -0.0545669831, 0.1167981699, -0.0565639921, 0.0647679344, 0.0045303819, 0.0059471806, -0.0979615003, 0.0714066476, 0.0503030941, 0.0744291469, 0.0563481003, -0.0237482414, -0.0290106367, -0.0290646087, 0.0001704586, 0.0027948038, -0.0547289029, -0.114315398, -0.0735655725, 0.0121170003, -0.0488728024, 0.0024625307, 0.0111117484, 0.0279581565, 0.0449867249, 0.0195653122, -0.1625675112, 0.1284563988, -0.0892178267, 0.0292265285, -0.0806360766, -0.0218861643, -0.0323569775, 0.0324379392, -0.0229251496, -0.0191740058, 0.0095802564, 0.0825791135, -0.0013198153, -0.0668189153, -0.003508263, -0.0432056077, -0.0622311868, -0.0594245791, -0.0248277076, -0.0335713774, 0.0171635021, -0.0005565994, -0.0935356915, 0.0912688076, -0.0784231722, -0.073079817, -0.0323299915, 0.1058955714, 0.007050259, -0.0418562777, -0.073079817, -0.084144339, 0.0097151902, -0.0469027758, -0.0309266876, -0.0655235574, 0.0474155247, -0.0012970453, 0.0658473969, -0.0817695111, 0.0034340497, 0.036863748, 0.0426658764, -0.0067196731, -0.0709748566, 0.1241385341, 0.0074618054, -0.0386448652, 0.016596783, 0.0442041121, -0.0676824898, -0.0224663764, -0.0559163131, -0.00922943, 0.0347048156, 0.0028892569, -0.0580752455, 0.0350826308, 0.1135597751, 0.1377398074, 0.0351366028, 0.0714606196, 0.1235988066, -0.0759404004, -0.0378352664, -0.0573196188, 0.0079610581, -0.0232085083, 0.0754546374, 0.0585070327, 0.0605580173, -0.0333015099, -0.0072054323, -0.0465249643, -0.0312505253, -0.0511936545, 0.0006244877, 0.1098356172, 0.0482251234, 0.0093306303, -0.0951009095, 0.0692477152, -0.1187412068, -0.0557004213, 0.0244633872, 0.0074685523, -0.0743212029, -0.0060281404, 0.0219941102, 0.0013602952, 0.0218456835, 0.0438532867 ]
Graham Smith Dr
Graham Smith
A Brief Note on Foliations of Constant Gaussian Curvature
This note provides an alternative proof of a result of Labourie. We show that the two complements of the convex core of a three dimensional quasi-fuchsian hyperbolic manifold may be foliated by embedded hypersurfaces of constant Gaussian curvature.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:38:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Smith", "Graham", "" ] ]
[ 0.0101890257, 0.0497988611, 0.0568547621, -0.0342351235, -0.0276886765, -0.0133858323, -0.0406542122, -0.0156656262, -0.0157165714, -0.0363748223, -0.0006682568, 0.0049130209, -0.0741251558, 0.0443986766, 0.0356615894, 0.1035714447, 0.0309236925, 0.0114881257, 0.0752459541, 0.0211931728, -0.0361200944, -0.0145575702, -0.0194992479, 0.053237658, -0.012857276, -0.1094301343, 0.0332416967, 0.0580265, -0.045086436, -0.0859953761, 0.0573132671, -0.0081639569, -0.0693363175, 0.0096095242, -0.1186002567, 0.121555075, 0.0945541561, 0.0772328153, 0.031738814, 0.1489635557, -0.0240588356, 0.1170719042, -0.0331652761, -0.0150415488, 0.0990373269, 0.0654644892, 0.0247338582, 0.0337766185, -0.0823273212, 0.0703552216, -0.1142189726, 0.0374446698, 0.0994448885, -0.0765195787, -0.109837696, 0.0047506331, -0.0887464136, 0.0322227925, 0.0164807476, -0.0456213616, 0.0664324462, -0.1383669674, -0.0041711321, 0.0276122577, -0.0088835564, -0.0473280214, -0.0401957035, -0.0119084232, 0.0424627624, 0.0756025687, -0.1398953199, 0.0643946379, 0.0332162231, -0.0072023673, -0.0135004586, -0.0363493487, 0.0760101303, 0.0841613486, 0.0130801611, 0.0250140578, -0.0024501423, 0.0136278216, 0.0770290345, 0.0047028721, -0.0215497892, -0.0446534045, 0.0403740145, 0.0258164424, -0.1616998315, 0.0471242405, 0.0990882739, -0.0259692781, -0.0354832821, 0.0599114671, 0.0924654081, 0.0408579931, -0.0329869688, 0.0366295464, 0.0352285542, 0.0737685412, -0.0268480815, 0.0322227925, -0.0540018342, 0.0365021825, 0.2073466629, 0.0418004766, -0.0578736626, -0.0142646357, -0.0276122577, 0.0491620488, 0.0186968613, -0.0361200944, -0.0618983284, 0.0243645068, 0.0372408889, 0.0775894299, -0.1080036685, -0.0520404465, -0.1050488502, 0.0008788034, -0.0137424478, -0.1272609234, 0.1015845835, -0.0546641201, 0.0658720508, -0.0819707066, -0.0029548174, -0.092669189, -0.0878293961, -0.0705590025, 0.0180600472, -0.0879822373, 0.0189770591, -0.0883897915, -0.0564472005, 0.0605228096, 0.0912936702, -0.1017883644, 0.0484997593, 0.0459779762, -0.0541037247, -0.0560396388, 0.0656173229, -0.0651588142, 0.0604209192, 0.1060677543, -0.0178307947, 0.048321452, 0.0549697913, 0.0755006745, -0.0570075959, 0.0442967862, 0.0102718109, 0.0265169386, -0.0396607816, -0.0892558619, 0.0816650391, -0.0116027528, 0.0806461349, -0.0339549258, -0.0134495134, 0.0265169386, 0.0462072305, -0.0260584317, 0.0909879953, 0.0043812809, -0.0101508163, -0.110754706, -0.0724439695, -0.0804933012, -0.0564472005, -0.0107239494, -0.1581336707, -0.0093484307, 0.0204926766, 0.1072904393, -0.0372408889, -0.0894596428, -0.0681136325, -0.0423863456, 0.0025408883, 0.0740742162, -0.0030582997, -0.0265169386, -0.0614398234, 0.0122841438, 0.0268480815, -0.0224031191, 0.0159967691, 0.0805951878, -0.080391407, 0.0237404294, 0.078251712, 0.051683832, -0.0179199483, -0.0783026591, 0.0719345212, 0.0014909409, 0.0140481191, 0.041902367, 0.0534923822, 0.0174996518, 0.0568038151, 0.0099279312, -0.0366804898, 0.0718326271, 0.0715779066, 0.0647003129, -0.1389783025, -0.0127235455, 0.0320954286, 0.0628153384, 0.0178053211, 0.0790668353, -0.0529829301, 0.0959296748, -0.0568547621, 0.0383616798, 0.0281471834, 0.1014317498, -0.0163406488, 0.0391003862, 0.0709665641, 0.0714250654, 0.027917929, 0.0306944381, 0.0525244251, -0.0515819415, -0.032834135, 0.0543584488, 0.0844160765, -0.0340822898, -0.0906823277, -0.0001784074, 0.0109213619, 0.0096986787, 0.0291151404, -0.0414693318, -0.0839575678, -0.0753987879, 0.011367131, 0.0227469988, -0.0526263155, -0.0127872266, 0.0465383716, 0.0712722316, -0.049365826, -0.0085269408, 0.0255489815, 0.0387182981, 0.00534287, 0.0923125669, 0.0415966958, -0.0945541561, -0.1493711174, 0.0262367409 ]