{ "en": "period on any given point of the planet's surface during which it experiences natural illumination from sunlight", "ja": "太陽が地平線または水平線より上に出ている時間" }
{ "en": "King of Sweden and Norway between 1818–1844. Prince of Ponte Corvo 1806–1810 and French field marshal", "ja": "スウェーデン=ノルウェー連合王国の国王。スウェーデン王家ベルナドッテ朝の始祖。フランス第一帝政の元帥" }
{ "en": "metro station in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea", "ja": "ソウル特別市江南区にある鉄道駅" }
{ "en": "1st part of the Monogatari light novel series", "ja": "西尾維新による日本のファンタジー小説" }
{ "en": "King of Saxony", "ja": "ザクセン王国初代国王" }
{ "en": "naturally occurring volcanic glass", "ja": "火山岩の一種" }
{ "en": "county in Massachusetts, United States", "ja": "マサチューセッツ州の郡" }
{ "en": "county in Connecticut, United States", "ja": "コネチカット州の郡" }
{ "en": "NASA space observatory", "ja": "宇宙望遠鏡" }
{ "en": "football stadium in Cali, Colombia", "ja": "コロンビアのサッカースタジアム" }
{ "en": "RDF query language", "ja": "RDFクエリ言語の一つ" }
{ "en": "medieval Christian kingdom in the Middle East", "ja": "第一回十字軍後に建国された十字軍国家" }
{ "en": "The Republic of China's government headquarters", "ja": "中華民国総統が執務を行う官邸" }
{ "en": "South Korean multinational automaker", "ja": "韓国の自動車メーカー" }
{ "en": "French composer and Esperanto enthusiast", "ja": "フランスの作曲家、エスペランティスト" }
{ "en": "constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany", "ja": "現行のドイツ憲法。またかつての西ドイツの憲法。" }
{ "en": "Collective of Python open source software developers", "ja": "Python 言語で書かれたオープンソース の webアプリケーションフレームワーク" }
{ "en": "river in Georgia and Turkey", "ja": "ジョージアとトルコの川" }
{ "en": "international airport in Barcelona, Spain", "ja": "スペイン・バルセロナにある空港" }
{ "en": "defensive fortification in Roman Britain", "ja": "イギリスにあるローマ帝国時代の城壁" }
{ "en": "Jewish-German journalist, satirist and writer", "ja": "935, ドイツの諷刺作家、ジャーナリスト" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city in Jiangsu, China", "ja": "中国江蘇省の地級市" }
{ "en": "German physiologist, comparative anatomist, ichthyologist, and herpetologist", "ja": "ドイツの生物学者、魚類学者" }
{ "en": "monetary unit in many national currencies", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国をはじめ各国の補助通貨" }
{ "en": "head of government of Bahrain", "ja": "バーレーンの政府の長" }
{ "en": "figures in the New Testament believed to start the apocalypse", "ja": "キリスト教の聖典『ヨハネの黙示録』に記される四人の騎士" }
{ "en": "Chuvash-language edition of Wikipedia", "ja": "ウィキペディアのチュヴァシ語版" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city in Hebei, China", "ja": "中国河北省の地級市" }
{ "en": "county in Arizona, United States", "ja": "アリゾナ州の郡" }
{ "en": "absence, indifference to, or rejection of religion", "ja": "特定の宗教を信仰していないこと" }
{ "en": "2009 film directed by Lasse Hallström", "ja": "2009年のアメリカ合衆国の映画" }
{ "en": "studio album by Rebecca St. James", "ja": "レベッカ・セント・ジェームスのアルバム" }
{ "en": "German economist and politician", "ja": "ドイツの実業家、政治家" }
{ "en": "Corrosion of Conformity album", "ja": "コロージョン・オブ・コンフォーミティのアルバム" }
{ "en": "Brazilian Space Agency satellite launcher", "ja": "ブラジル宇宙機関の固体燃料ロケット" }
{ "en": "Recipient of the Iron Cross", "ja": "ドイツ海軍の軍人" }
{ "en": "German musical instrument maker", "ja": "ドイツの楽器製作家" }
{ "en": "county in Arkansas, United States", "ja": "アーカンソー州の郡" }
{ "en": "German-Swiss chemist, discoverer of guncotton and ozone", "ja": "ドイツ生まれ、スイスで活動した化学者" }
{ "en": "German physicist and the great science-history maker", "ja": "ドイツの物理学者、科学史家" }
{ "en": "German botanist, physician and naturalist", "ja": "ドイツの植物学者" }
{ "en": "death rate of infants and young children", "ja": "生まれた子供が5歳までに死亡する確率" }
{ "en": "town in Ludwigsburg district, Baden-Württemberg, Germany", "ja": "ドイツ、バーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州ルートヴィヒスブルク郡の町村" }
{ "en": "town in the District of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany", "ja": "ドイツ、バーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州ルートヴィヒスブルク郡の市" }
{ "en": "American naval officer", "ja": "アメリカの海軍軍人" }
{ "en": "cultural region traditionally inhabited by the Sami people", "ja": "スカンディナヴィア半島北部からコラ半島に至る地域" }
{ "en": "city in Armenia", "ja": "アルメニアの都市" }
{ "en": "German poet and minnesinger", "ja": "中世ドイツの詩人" }
{ "en": "city of the Philippines in the province of Cavite", "ja": "フィリピンのカビテにある地方都市" }
{ "en": "online database of burials", "ja": "埋葬地、墓所のデータベース" }
{ "en": "Buddhist temple in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan", "ja": "長崎県長崎市にある黄檗宗の寺院" }
{ "en": "Duke of Courland", "ja": "クールラント公爵とゼムガレ" }
{ "en": "Polish-German academic and revolutionary", "ja": "ポーランド系ドイツ人の学者" }
{ "en": "Countess Palatine of Neuburg by birth and by marriage Princess of Poland", "ja": "ノイブルクのヘートヴィヒ王女で伯爵夫人、結婚してポーランド皇太子妃" }
{ "en": "Kana Nishino album", "ja": "西野カナのアルバム" }
{ "en": "Baltic German astronomer", "ja": "ロシアの天文学者" }
{ "en": "municipality in Graubünden, Switzerland", "ja": "スイスの町" }
{ "en": "parish in Louisiana, United States", "ja": "ルイジアナ州の郡" }
{ "en": "Formula One motor race held in 1995", "ja": "1995年にカナダで行われたF1レース" }
{ "en": "form of exchange for the global decentralized trading of international currencies", "ja": "外国為替取引が行われる場の総称" }
{ "en": "town in Jackson County, Alabama, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のアラバマ州ジャクソン郡にある町" }
{ "en": "German agricultural scientist", "ja": "ドイツの農化学者" }
{ "en": "city in St. Clair County, Alabama, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国アラバマ州セントクレア郡に位置する市" }
{ "en": "town in Limestone County, Alabama, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のアラバマ州ライムストーン郡にある町" }
{ "en": "town in Lowndes County, Alabama, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のアラバマ州ラウンズ郡にある町" }
{ "en": "municipality in the canton Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland", "ja": "スイスのバーゼル=ラント準州の自治体" }
{ "en": "town in Sumter County, Alabama, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のアラバマ州サムター郡にある町" }
{ "en": "metro station in Nowon-gu, Seoul, South Korea", "ja": "ソウル特別市蘆原区にある地下鉄駅" }
{ "en": "metro station in Nowon-gu, Seoul, South Korea", "ja": "ソウル特別市蘆原区の地下鉄駅" }
{ "en": "metro station in Bucheon-si, GYeonggi-do, South Korea", "ja": "韓国・京畿道富川市にある地下鉄駅" }
{ "en": "metro station in Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea", "ja": "韓国・京畿道富川市にある地下鉄駅" }
{ "en": "60th season of Formula One motor racing", "ja": "第57回F1世界選手権" }
{ "en": "Swedish German chemist who discovered oxygen", "ja": "スウェーデンの化学者・薬学者" }
{ "en": "German mycologist and physician", "ja": "ドイツの軍医、菌類学者" }
{ "en": "23rd quadrennial U.S. presidential election", "ja": "第23回目のアメリカ合衆国大統領選挙" }
{ "en": "studio album by Nana Mizuki", "ja": "水樹奈々のアルバム" }
{ "en": "French composer, teacher and writer on music", "ja": "フランスの作曲家、音楽教師" }
{ "en": "Japanese construction company", "ja": "日本の建設会社" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city in Shanxi, China", "ja": "中国山西省の地級市" }
{ "en": "2005 film by Marcos Siega", "ja": "2005年のアメリカ合衆国の映画" }
{ "en": "Islamic legal term referring to independent reasoning", "ja": "イスラーム法における法律用語の一つ" }
{ "en": "county in Michigan, United States", "ja": "ミシガン州の郡" }
{ "en": "town in Alabama, United States of America", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のアラバマ州チョクトー郡の郡庁所在地" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city in Liaoning, China", "ja": "中国遼寧省の地級市" }
{ "en": "shades of pink", "ja": "ピンクの色合い" }
{ "en": "series of conflicts between the Roman Empire and various Greek kingdoms", "ja": "共和政ローマとアンティゴノス朝マケドニアとの間で戦われた一連の戦争" }
{ "en": "painting by Jacopo Tintoretto", "ja": "ティントレットによる絵画" }
{ "en": "Baltic German architect, Nazi politician and ideologue", "ja": "ドイツの政治家、思想家" }
{ "en": "video game developed by Infinity Ward", "ja": "『CoDシリーズ』の第4作目" }
{ "en": "German field marshal", "ja": "ドイツの陸軍軍人" }
{ "en": "German-Prussian general and military theorist", "ja": "プロイセンの軍人、軍事学者" }
{ "en": "photographer, longtime companion and later wife of Adolf Hitler", "ja": "ドイツの女性、ナチス・ドイツ総統アドルフ・ヒトラーの愛人" }
{ "en": "German poet", "ja": "ドイツの詩人" }
{ "en": "brick and mortar or online store in which manufacturers sell their stock directly to the public", "ja": "メーカー品や高級ブランド品を低価格で販売する店舗" }
{ "en": "Austrian poet and writer", "ja": "オーストリアの詩人" }
{ "en": "Low German writer", "ja": "ドイツの詩人" }
{ "en": "German astrophotography pioneer", "ja": "ドイツの天文学者" }
{ "en": "King of Greece", "ja": "ギリシャ国王" }
{ "en": "German lawyer and uranographer", "ja": "ドイツの法律家" }
{ "en": "Austrian philosopher", "ja": "オーストリアの思想家" }