1 value
Micheal Bateman
Anyway, Surf Bar sucks now. It's terrible.
Micheal Bateman
Went to a birthday party there for Malcolm Forbes. Oh, my God, please.
Micheal Bateman
This is nicer than your other apartment.
Micheal Bateman
Oh, it's not that nice.
Micheal Bateman
Where did you two meet ? Oh, God. We met at...
Micheal Bateman
oh, God, at the Kentucky Derby in '85, or '86.
Micheal Bateman
You were hanging out with that bimbo Allison Poole. Hot number.
Micheal Bateman
What do you mean ? She was a hot number.
Micheal Bateman
If you had a platinum card, she'd give you a blowjob. This girl worked in a tanning salon.
Micheal Bateman
What do you do ?
Micheal Bateman
She's my... cousin.
Micheal Bateman
Uh-huh. She's from... France.
Micheal Bateman
Where's your phone ? I've gotta call Harley.
Micheal Bateman
Where do you summer, South Hampton ?
Micheal Bateman
- No. - Oh, God, it's his machine.
Micheal Bateman
It's 3:00 in the morning. He's a goddamn drug dealer. These are his peak hours.
Micheal Bateman
Don't tell him you're here. Why would I ?
Micheal Bateman
This tastes weird.
Micheal Bateman
Harley, it's me. I need your services. Translate that howeveryou want.
Micheal Bateman
- I'm at-- - Paul Allen's.
Micheal Bateman
Who ? Paul Allen's.
Micheal Bateman
I want the number, idiot. Anyway, I'm at Paul Norman's and I'll try you again later.
Micheal Bateman
And if I don't see you at Canal Bar tomorrow night I'm gonna sic my hairdresser on you.
Micheal Bateman
Did you know that guy who disappeared ?
Micheal Bateman
Didn't he work at Pierce & Pierce ? Was he a friend of yours ?
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
Do you have any coke ? Or Halcyon ?
Micheal Bateman
I would take a Halcyon. Listen.
Micheal Bateman
I would just like to see...
Micheal Bateman
the two of you... get it on.
Micheal Bateman
What's wrong with that ?
Micheal Bateman
It's totally disease free.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick, you're a lunatic. Come on.
Micheal Bateman
Don't you find Christie attractive ?
Micheal Bateman
Let's not get lewd. I'm in no mood for a lewd conversation.
Micheal Bateman
Come on.
Micheal Bateman
I think it'd be a turn-on. Does he do this all the time ?
Micheal Bateman
Christie, you're not drinking your wine.
Micheal Bateman
Are you telling me you've never gotten it on with a girl?
Micheal Bateman
No. I'm not a lesbian.
Micheal Bateman
Why would you think I would be into that ?
Micheal Bateman
Well, you went to Sarah Lawrence for one thing.
Micheal Bateman
Those are Sarah Lawrence guys, Patrick. You're making me feel weird.
Micheal Bateman
Did you know...
Micheal Bateman
that Whitney Houston's debut LP...
Micheal Bateman
called simply Whitney Houston...
Micheal Bateman
had four number-one singles on it ?
Micheal Bateman
Did you know that, Christie ?
Micheal Bateman
You actually listen to Whitney Houston ?
Micheal Bateman
You own a Whitney Houston CD ?
Micheal Bateman
More than one ?
Micheal Bateman
It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks.
Micheal Bateman
But the "Greatest Love Of All" is one of the best, most powerful songs...
Micheal Bateman
ever written...
Micheal Bateman
about self-preservation...
Micheal Bateman
and dignity.
Micheal Bateman
It's universal message crosses all boundaries...
Micheal Bateman
and instills one...
Micheal Bateman
with the hope that it's not too late...
Micheal Bateman
to better ourselves.
Micheal Bateman
Since, Elizabeth,
Micheal Bateman
it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others,
Micheal Bateman
we can always empathize with ourselves.
Micheal Bateman
It's an important message. Crucial, really.
Micheal Bateman
And it's beautifully stated on the album.
Micheal Bateman
- Not the face !
Micheal Bateman
You bitch, not the fucking face, you piece of bitch trash !
Micheal Bateman
I want a firm commitment.
Micheal Bateman
I think, um, Evelyn, that, uh, we've lost touch.
Micheal Bateman
Why ? What's wrong ?
Micheal Bateman
My need to engage in homicidal behavior...
Micheal Bateman
on a massive scale cannot be corrected,
Micheal Bateman
but I have no other way to fulfill my needs.
Micheal Bateman
We need to talk. Talk about what, Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman
It's over, Evelyn.
Micheal Bateman
It's all over.
Micheal Bateman
Touchy, touchy. I'm sorry I brought up the wedding.
Micheal Bateman
Let's just avoid the issue, all right ? Now, are we having coffee ?
Micheal Bateman
I'm fucking serious. It's fucking over, us. This is no joke.
Micheal Bateman
Uh, I don't think we should see each other anymore.
Micheal Bateman
But your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.
Micheal Bateman
I really don't think it would work. You have a little something--
Micheal Bateman
I know that your friends are my friends, and, uh-- and I've thought about that.
Micheal Bateman
You can have 'em.
Micheal Bateman
You're really serious, aren't you ? Yes, lam.
Micheal Bateman
- What about the past ? Our past ? - We never really shared one.
Micheal Bateman
You're inhuman. No.
Micheal Bateman
I'm in touch with humanity.
Micheal Bateman
Evelyn, I'm, uh, sorry. I just, uh--
Micheal Bateman
You're not terribly important to me.
Micheal Bateman
Oh, no !
Micheal Bateman
No. No, Patrick.
Micheal Bateman
I know my behavior can be... erratic sometimes.
Micheal Bateman
What do you want me to do ? What is it that you want ?
Micheal Bateman
If you really wanna do something for me, then stop making this scene right now.
Micheal Bateman
Oh, God, I can't believe this.
Micheal Bateman
I'm leaving. I've assessed the situation, and I'm going.
Micheal Bateman
Where are you going ? I'm just leaving.
Micheal Bateman
But where ?
Micheal Bateman
I have to return some videotapes.