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Micheal Bateman
Hey, Hamilton. Have a holly, jolly Christmas.
Micheal Bateman
Is Allen still handling the Fisher account ? Ofcourse. Who else ?
Micheal Bateman
Mistletoe alert. Merry Xmas, Patrick.
Micheal Bateman
Merry Xmas, Harry. Merry Christmas.
Micheal Bateman
You're late, honey. Oh, yes, you are. I'm not late.
Micheal Bateman
I've been here the entire time. You just didn't see me.
Micheal Bateman
Say hello to Snowball. Snowball says, "Merry Christmas, Patrick."
Micheal Bateman
What is it ? It's a little baby piggly-wiggly, isn't it ?
Micheal Bateman
It's a Vietnamese potbellied pig.
Micheal Bateman
They make darling pets. Don't you ?
Micheal Bateman
Don't you ?
Micheal Bateman
Stop scowling, Patrick. You're such a grinch.
Micheal Bateman
And what does Mr. Grinch want for Christmas ?
Micheal Bateman
And don't say breast implants again.
Micheal Bateman
Allen. Marcus. Merry Christmas.
Micheal Bateman
How you been ? Workaholic, I suppose ? Haven't seen you in a while.
Micheal Bateman
Hey, Hamilton. We're goin' to Nell's. Limo's out front.
Micheal Bateman
We should have dinner. Maybe you could bring--
Micheal Bateman
Cecilla ? Yes, Cecilla.
Micheal Bateman
Oh, Cecilla would adore it.
Micheal Bateman
Well, then, let's do it, Marcus.
Micheal Bateman
Great party. Thanks.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick, why is he calling you Marcus ?
Micheal Bateman
Mistletoe alert.
Micheal Bateman
Marcus Halberstram for two at 7:00.
Micheal Bateman
No, l want to know, okay ? I came here for the cilantro crawfish gumbo,
Micheal Bateman
which is, after all, the only excuse one could have for being in this restaurant,
Micheal Bateman
which is, by the way, almost completely empty.
Micheal Bateman
I'm very sorry, sir. J&B straight, and a Corona.
Micheal Bateman
Would you like to hear-- Double Absolut martini.
Micheal Bateman
Yes, sir. Would you like to hear the specials ?
Micheal Bateman
Not if you want to keep your spleen.
Micheal Bateman
This is a real beehive of activity, Halberstram. This place is hot.
Micheal Bateman
Very hot. Listen, the mud soup and charcoal arugula...
Micheal Bateman
are outrageous here.
Micheal Bateman
Yeah, well, you're late. Hey, I'm a child ofdivorce.
Micheal Bateman
Give me a break.
Micheal Bateman
I see they've omitted the pork loin with lime Jell-O. We should've gone to Dorsia.
Micheal Bateman
I could've gotten us a table. Nobody goes there anymore.
Micheal Bateman
Is that Ivana Trump ?
Micheal Bateman
Oh, geez, Patrick. I mean, Marcus. What are you thinking ?
Micheal Bateman
Why would Ivana be at Texarkana ?
Micheal Bateman
So, uh, wasn't Rothchild originally handling the Fisher account ?
Micheal Bateman
How'd you get it ? Well, I could tell you that, Halberstram,
Micheal Bateman
but then I'd have to kill you.
Micheal Bateman
I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane ?
Micheal Bateman
Great tan, Marcus. I mean, really impressive.
Micheal Bateman
Where do you tan ? Salon.
Micheal Bateman
I've got a tanning bed at home. You should look into it.
Micheal Bateman
And, uh, Cecilla.
Micheal Bateman
How is she ? Where is she tonight ?
Micheal Bateman
Cecilla's, uh-- Well, you know Cecilla.
Micheal Bateman
I think she's having dinner with, um, Evelyn Williams.
Micheal Bateman
Evelyn ? Great ass.
Micheal Bateman
Goes out with that loser Patrick Bateman. What a dork.
Micheal Bateman
Another martini, Paul ?
Micheal Bateman
You like Huey Lewis and the News ?
Micheal Bateman
Um, they're okay.
Micheal Bateman
They're early work was a little too new wave for my taste.
Micheal Bateman
But when Sports came out in '83,
Micheal Bateman
I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.
Micheal Bateman
The whole album has a clear, crisp sound,
Micheal Bateman
and a new sheen of consummate professionalism...
Micheal Bateman
that really gives the songs a big boost.
Micheal Bateman
He's been compared to Elvis Costello,
Micheal Bateman
but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Micheal Bateman
Hey, Halberstram ? Yes, Allen ?
Micheal Bateman
Why are there copies of the Style section all over the place ?
Micheal Bateman
Do you-- Do you have a dog ? A little chow or something ?
Micheal Bateman
- No, Allen. - Is that a raincoat ?
Micheal Bateman
Yes, it is.
Micheal Bateman
In '87, Huey released this--
Micheal Bateman
Fore, their most accomplished album.
Micheal Bateman
I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square."
Micheal Bateman
The song's so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics.
Micheal Bateman
But they should, because it's not just about...
Micheal Bateman
the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends.
Micheal Bateman
It's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, Paul !
Micheal Bateman
Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now,
Micheal Bateman
you fuckin' stupid bastard !
Micheal Bateman
You fucking bastard !
Micheal Bateman
He was completely naked and standing up on the table.
Micheal Bateman
He had no clothes on what so ever, and he--
Micheal Bateman
Patrick ? Patrick.
Micheal Bateman
Is that you ?
Micheal Bateman
No, Luis, it's not me. You're mistaken.
Micheal Bateman
This is my very good friend, Patrick Bateman.
Micheal Bateman
Where are you going ? We're going to Nell's. Gwendolyn's father is buying it.
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
Where did you get that overnight bag ?
Micheal Bateman
Jean-Paul Gaultier.
Micheal Bateman
When I get to Paul Allen's place,
Micheal Bateman
I use the keys I took from his pocket...
Micheal Bateman
before disposing of the body.
Micheal Bateman
There is a moment of sheer panic...
Micheal Bateman
when I realize that Paul's apartment overlooks the park...
Micheal Bateman
and is obviously more expensive than mine.
Micheal Bateman
I calm myself and move into the bedroom,
Micheal Bateman
where I find his suitcase and start to pack.
Micheal Bateman
It's time for Paul to take a little trip.