imagewidth (px)
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0221874", "C0030419", "C0030421", "C0456269", "C0772294", "C1837463", "C0079595", "C0376152", "C0231881", "C0221198", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
Magnetic resonance imaging of a 5.5 cm × 4.5 cm × 5 cm secreting extra-adrenal paraganglioma with central lesion in para-aortic space (indicated by the arrow).
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C1552858", "C0015252", "C0007876", "C0441633", "C0728940", "C0262950", "C0184905" ]
CT scan (bone window) axial section through the medial portion of the pterygopalatine fossa
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0228505", "C0040399", "C1837463", "C0817096", "C0376152", "C0441633", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
Chest CT scan showing small nodules on the apex making a tree-in-bud aspect (red arrow)
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T058: Health Care Activity" ]
[ "C1692321", "C0332448", "C0702249", "C1553496", "C0024109" ]
Infiltration over bilateral lung fields.
[ "T074: Medical Device", "T033: Finding", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1317574", "C0233256", "C0009368", "C0000726", "C0180979" ]
Abdominal X-ray of patient 1 at first presentation. Note heavily dilated colon frame.
[ "T109: Organic Chemical", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T126: Enzyme" ]
[ "C0030274", "C0771711", "C0702058" ]
CT shows cystic mass in the uncinate process of pancreas measuring 4 cm in 2008.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0015726", "C1999228", "C0043299", "C1314972", "C0150312", "C0040426", "C1318154", "C1962945", "C0185042", "C0185023", "C1293131", "C0026367", "C0423899", "C1704302", "C1696103", "C1261259", "C0024687", "C1306645", "C1555707", "C3272565", "C2825781", "C0392148", "C0237497", "C0185115" ]
The radiographic image of contralateral right mandibular molar is provided. It has only two roots with nor mal crown dimension which can also be seen in the clinical photograph. The dimension, presence of three roots, site of attachment of premolar and all side image of extracted tooth confirmed the fusion of mandibular first molar with supernumerary tooth.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T031: Body Substance", "T033: Finding", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0005767", "C0175676", "C0027651", "C0005768", "C0772294", "C0041618", "C0751438", "C0203463", "C0221198", "C0229664" ]
Ultrasonography revealed a hypoechoic lesion 16 mm in size, with accompanying posterior echo attenuation and blood flow. These findings were highly suggestive of a malignant tumor
There was no evidence of inferior vena cava involvement.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C0043299", "C1306645", "C1548003", "C1962945", "C1697779" ]
Immediate post-operative IOPA radiograph
[ "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T073: Manufactured Object", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0037585", "C0038137", "C0772294", "C3272550", "C3845732", "C0524414", "C0221198", "C2828392" ]
On x-ray, the center of the circle inscribed in the profile of the medial condyle allows an arc to be defined from 0° to 90°, with each arc length of 10° measured with the Orthogon software. Thus, we could obtain an abacus for the calculation of the height of the lesion (mm) for 5 standard profiles (A to E; see also Fig. 8A).
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0242693", "C0442036", "C0039508", "C1510667", "C1837463", "C0040399", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
An approximately 8-cm heterogeneously enhancing, hypodense, mass in the plantar aspect of the forefoot. Flexor digitorum tendon (purple arrow) is encased in the mass.
[ "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T041: Mental Process", "T191: Neoplastic Process" ]
[ "C0441633", "C0006826", "C0242114", "C3842363", "C4282132" ]
CT Scan shows suspicious mass resembling malignancy (Cross).
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C1837463", "C0005847", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C0441633", "C0771936" ]
Sagital contrast-enhanced CT scan. Vessels are well visible (white arrows and arrowheads)
[ "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0042149", "C0011334", "C1696103", "C1261259", "C0423899", "C0007874" ]
Axial T2W MRI image showing two uterine cavities with distended right cervix and hemi-vagina. MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging.
[ "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0228505", "C2707265", "C0933845", "C0024109" ]
Right hilar mass noted with multiple pulmonary nodules scattered throughout the lung parenchyma.
[ "T031: Body Substance", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C0005388", "C1696103" ]
T2 weighted axial image is showing hypointense signal in CBD. Adjacent bile appears hyperintense in CBD
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0817096", "C1261259", "C0423899", "C0013990", "C0025062", "C0034067", "C0024109", "C0332448", "C1546677" ]
Figure1: X-ray chest showing subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, and infiltrates in right lung middle zone
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0028778", "C0041967", "C0033572", "C1704454", "C0041969", "C0023342", "C0085590", "C1546572" ]
Patient 2: CT showing (arrow) the urethral catheter lodged in the prostatic urethra inducing obstruction to urinary flow.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0040184", "C0152060" ]
Cross-sectional area was measured at the four cutting levels of tibial tunnel in the plane perpendicular to the long axis of the tunnel: (1) joint line, (2) mid-tunnel, (3) mid-screw, and (4) outlet
[ "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T033: Finding", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C1285092", "C1553386", "C0030580", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C1837463", "C0771936" ]
Normal parotid gland (indicated by arrows)
[ "T031: Body Substance", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0025474", "C0746922", "C0011334", "C0000726", "C0024202" ]
Preoperative USG of abdominal cavity. Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0040405", "C0034579", "C0040395", "C4300092", "C0817096" ]
Computer tomography (CT) of the chest showing soft tissue thickening around LMS bronchus.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1696103", "C0817096", "C0412555", "C0041618" ]
Ultrasound image of upper chest
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0000833", "C0227813", "C1709311", "C1696103", "C0412555", "C0041618", "C4084721" ]
Transverse ultrasound image of the abscess with heterogeneous appearance seen in the left corpus cavernosum.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T039: Physiologic Function", "T034: Laboratory or Test Result" ]
[ "C0878544", "C0152057", "C4255126", "C0152058", "C0002978", "C0772294", "C1548816", "C0018787", "C1553386", "C1837350", "C3891555", "C0221198", "C0231187" ]
68-year-old female with takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Coronary angiogram obtained at time of acute decompensation demonstrating normal anatomy with no flow-limiting lesions observed.
[ "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C1696103" ]
Preventable artifacts obtained in images.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C1537038", "C1293284", "C0841296", "C1696103", "C0441513", "C1293304", "C1837463", "C0565460", "C0198062", "C0376152", "C3840851", "C1546708", "C0524865", "C0771936", "C0845672" ]
CT reconstruction image revealed a colo-urachal-cutaneous fistula (urachal-cutaneous fistula, white arrow), (colo-urachal communication, black arrow).
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0042449", "C1837463", "C0023884", "C0376152", "C0796494", "C0184905", "C1546708", "C1552858", "C0771936", "C0205054" ]
Postoperative CT revealed that the central bisections and caudate lobe are removed, the RHV (arrow) is exposed on the raw surface of the liver, and the IVC is exposed. IVC, inferior vena cava; RHV, right hepatic vein.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T059: Laboratory Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0040395", "C1317574", "C0034579", "C4300092", "C0817096", "C0024109", "C0332448", "C0441633", "C0040405", "C1546677", "C1441526" ]
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of the chest. Note the diffuse bilateral infiltrates in the lungs.
[ "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T041: Mental Process", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T031: Body Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0034770", "C0011334", "C0486805", "C0442034", "C1705817", "C0021853", "C0038257", "C0020885", "C0118228" ]
Contrast-enhanced CT axial view at level S3 demonstrating the stent fragment in the terminal ileum, with localised collection, dilated loops of small bowel, and free air in the peritoneal cavity.
[ "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C2707265", "C0005839", "C1837463", "C0376152", "C0024109", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
Arrow showing emboli in left pulmonary vasculature.
[ "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0222681", "C0772294", "C0221198", "C0013769", "C1300072" ]
Anteroposterior view of elbow showing stage 2 lesion involving medial epicondyle only
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T031: Body Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C2707265", "C0040395", "C0024202", "C0027651", "C0034579", "C0025066", "C0746922", "C0024109", "C0040405", "C4300092", "C0003842" ]
Preoperative computed tomography. Hilar lymph nodes infiltrating the pulmonary artery, and mediastinal lymph node (#6) and main tumor of S1 + 2 segments
[ "T109: Organic Chemical", "T046: Pathologic Function", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance" ]
[ "C3177409", "C1514893", "C0075418" ]
Fusarium sp. stained with lactophenol blue solution.
[ "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0022378", "C0022646", "C4049883" ]
6-cm stenotic segment of jejunum in left renal fossa.
[ "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T034: Laboratory or Test Result", "T058: Health Care Activity" ]
[ "C4255126", "C0002978", "C3891555", "C1548816" ]
Final angiogram, case 1.
[ "T033: Finding", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T037: Injury or Poisoning" ]
[ "C1306645", "C1963113", "C1548003", "C0016658", "C0043299", "C1962945" ]
AP radiograph of the nondisplaced pathologic coracoid process fracture.
[ "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T046: Pathologic Function", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0040395", "C0018944", "C0034579", "C1962958", "C0000726", "C0040405", "C4300092" ]
Intrahepatic hematoma at size 19 x 12 x 5 cm has shown by abdominal computerized tomography
[ "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0228391", "C0015811", "C0030797", "C0019552" ]
Pelvis, hips, and upper femora of adult Gaucher patient.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T074: Medical Device", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C0015726", "C2707265", "C0042449", "C1261259", "C0423899", "C0018787", "C0398266", "C0024109", "C0007430", "C0770826" ]
Cardiac catheterization displaying the anomalous right pulmonary vein.
[ "T074: Medical Device", "T033: Finding", "T046: Pathologic Function" ]
[ "C0028778", "C0182025", "C0332516" ]
The “oversized” occluder device can be observed as assuming a symmetrical shape
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0013516", "C2707265", "C0203378", "C0203379", "C1261259", "C0423899", "C0183129", "C0771936", "C0018787", "C0003842", "C0024109", "C1546708", "C1837463", "C0221533", "C0013524", "C0376152" ]
Transthoracic echocardiography in the modified short-axis view shows the orifice of a normal-sized right coronary artery (arrow) arising from the main pulmonary artery.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T059: Laboratory Procedure", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C2242558", "C0006663", "C1170653", "C0412555", "C1551379", "C0041618", "C0374082", "C0333641", "C0151514", "C0700185", "C0333581", "C1837463", "C0039597", "C1546708", "C0771936", "C0376152" ]
Ultrasound of the testicles showed very small atrophic left testis measuring about 2.8 × 1.7 cm2 with multiple calcifications within it (black arrow).
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0040395", "C0221198", "C0034579", "C0772294", "C1837463", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C0040405", "C4300092", "C0771936" ]
Computed tomography showing multiple hypoattenuating lesions (arrows).
[ "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T074: Medical Device", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C0022396", "C1286315", "C0021102", "C1552839", "C0392366", "C0021107" ]
Implants with the same characteristics but with different surfaces in the same patient. T for the test group and C for the control group
[ "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T040: Organism Function", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T033: Finding", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0032005", "C0441610", "C0032002", "C1696103", "C3244315", "C0027651", "C1837463", "C1522411", "C0032961", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
Repeat MRI (T1 weighted image) in the second trimester during pregnancy was done in order to assess the tumor size. It demonstrates considerable reduction in the tumor size, pituitary mass now being 1.8 × 1.0 cm (marked with a red arrow) as compared to the previous MRI shown in Figure 1.
[ "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C1306645", "C1962945", "C1507248", "C0030797", "C0043299", "C3245511", "C0015811", "C0018283", "C1548003", "C0009924", "C0449900" ]
Inverted contrast anteroposterior pelvis radiograph demonstrating the common proximal femoral physis; O’Brien’s Line
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T059: Laboratory Procedure" ]
[ "C2242558", "C0040395", "C0040405", "C0034579", "C1551379", "C0374082", "C0005682", "C0700185", "C0333581", "C0006663", "C4300092" ]
Computed tomography: calcification in the gall bladder wall.
[ "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T125: Hormone", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0036037", "C0001613", "C0027651", "C0206138", "C0262950", "C1656341", "C0007776", "C0022655" ]
Contrast-enhanced axial CT shows a blood-riched, well defined, expansile, intraosseous tumor without cortical interruption in the sacrum. Some dense, coarse, trabeculated-like bones and residual bone crests within the tumor are observed. Extraosseous involvement of the soft tissue is absent.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C0042149", "C1696103", "C1507248", "C0023267", "C0042133", "C0009924", "C0449900" ]
Contrast enhanced image showing non-perfusion of all fibroids, and overall shrinkage. Uterine volume now shrinking to 235cc.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0018787", "C1553386", "C0002978" ]
CT Angiography 24 h later showing normal coronaries
[ "T033: Finding", "T041: Mental Process", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0935598", "C0231881", "C0034770" ]
Sagittal T2 magnetic resonance imaging demonstrating fluid collection consistent with cerebrospinal fluid dorsal to the thecal sac at the L4–L5 level with large dural defect of ∼5 cm.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T040: Organism Function", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1552835", "C0021153", "C1293134", "C1318154", "C0042449", "C1696103", "C0042034", "C1837463", "C0005847", "C0079595", "C0376152", "C0231881", "C1829459", "C1546708", "C0771936", "C0018670" ]
Axial T2 magnetic resonance imaging images at the level of L5-S1 showing T2 flow void in the inferior part of left neural foramina, due to an enlarged basivertebral vein causing compression to the left exiting L5 nerve root (white arrow head) and absent T2 flow void in the left iliac vessels (black arrow head)
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0027530", "C0076638", "C0741968", "C0027651", "C1261259", "C0423899", "C1507248", "C0117002", "C3245511", "C0796494", "C0009924", "C0441633", "C0449900", "C0003842", "C0040132" ]
Neck CT scan showing a well-defined and highly contrast enhanced tumor between the right common carotid artery (CCA) and the right thyroid lobe (RTL)
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T040: Organism Function", "T129: Immunologic Factor", "T197: Inorganic Chemical", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T059: Laboratory Procedure", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T033: Finding", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T034: Laboratory or Test Result", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0441610", "C0487602", "C1704680", "C0021080", "C0021081", "C0027686", "C0002978", "C0021079", "C4048329", "C0722792", "C4068891", "C0244399", "C3891555", "C1548816", "C1373218", "C4255126" ]
After oral steroids (1 mg/kg) gradually tapered, associated with immunosuppression, the neovascular membrane showed an evident staining in the late phase of the angiogram as well as an evident reduction of its size (white arrowhead)
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1306645", "C2707265", "C1962945", "C1548003", "C0442743", "C0043299", "C0003209", "C0817096", "C1553496", "C0024109" ]
52-year-old man with pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor. The chest radiograph showed a huge mass-like density in the left upper and lower lung fields.
[ "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1185729", "C1548801" ]
Particular of figure 4: external thorns of the coxae III and IV of the male of Ixodes festai. The terminal cusps of the external thorns are well visible.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0022742", "C1293131", "C1561542", "C0030647" ]
X-ray of the left knee after 12 months showing osseous fusion of double-layered patella segments.
[ "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T191: Neoplastic Process", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0028977", "C2939420", "C0008114", "C1185625", "C0023884", "C0796494", "C0721776", "C1328685", "C0027627" ]
A case of metastasis is in the greater omentum and ascites. The left lobe of the liver is seen, and the infrahepatic and suprahepatic compartments are seen above and below the left lobe of the liver
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0772294", "C0027530", "C0221198", "C0441633", "C2985765" ]
CT scan of the neck showing hypointense lesion with poor rim enhancement
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T126: Enzyme", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0014245", "C0030274", "C0772294", "C0702058", "C0221198", "C0771711", "C0018670" ]
 Endoscopic ultrasound showing non-shadowing lesion in the CBD in the head of the pancreas.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T127: Vitamin", "T059: Laboratory Procedure", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T037: Injury or Poisoning", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0456824", "C0700124", "C1322279", "C0684295", "C1837463", "C0180806", "C1555707", "C1547427", "C0087111", "C0376152", "C0723719", "C0441144", "C1546708", "C0185115", "C0040597", "C0723712", "C0771936", "C0012359" ]
Therapeutic ERCP. Stone extraction after biliary balloon dilatation (arrow indicate stone extractor balloon)
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0013687", "C0700148", "C2707265", "C1546613", "C0442031", "C1963211", "C0817096", "C0024109", "C0031046" ]
Chest x-ray showing large pericardial effusion, pleural effusion and pulmonary congestion in a patient with uremic pericarditis.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T074: Medical Device", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0013516", "C1261259", "C0700124", "C0423899", "C0183129", "C0018787", "C1322279", "C0003842" ]
Parasternal short axis echocardiographic imaging showing a dilated right coronary artery. RCA: right coronary artery.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T040: Organism Function", "T074: Medical Device", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C0013516", "C0374711", "C0203378", "C0203379", "C0043240", "C0183129", "C0012000", "C1553386", "C0184252", "C1186983", "C0221533", "C0013524" ]
Post-operative echocardiography showing the normal diastolic flow through the tricuspid valve orifice after the repair.
[ "T170: Intellectual Product", "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0034546", "C0034579", "C0029053", "C1318154", "C0150312" ]
Orthopantomogram showing multiple radio opaque tooth-like structures present between the roots of 13 and 14, surrounded by a narrow radiolucent zone
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0013516", "C1185729", "C0003483", "C0203378", "C0203379", "C0038925", "C0183129", "C0012737", "C0018787", "C0184252", "C1186983", "C1546708", "C1837463", "C0771936", "C0221533", "C0013524", "C0376152" ]
Transesophageal echocardiography. Mid esophageal aortic valve short axis view demonstrates a dissection flap (arrow) with destroyed left coronary cusp of aortic valve (arrowheads).
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T031: Body Substance", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0013687", "C1561528", "C0524468", "C0524469", "C0039097", "C1261381", "C1546613", "C0149721", "C0037004", "C0020564", "C1550315", "C0018670" ]
Axial MRI of the left shoulder revealed destruction of the humeral head, synovial hypertrophy, a large amount of joint effusion, and an irregular mass formation.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure" ]
[ "C0020564", "C1293134" ]
CT excluded an intraorbital mass and revealed enlargement of extraocular muscles.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0228505", "C2707265", "C0040395", "C1696103", "C0034579", "C0817096", "C0024109", "C0441633", "C0040405", "C4300092" ]
Axial image from chest computed tomography scan showing multiple scattered pulmonary nodules and mosaicism
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T074: Medical Device", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T039: Physiologic Function", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0751437", "C0014243", "C0005839", "C0014245", "C0744316", "C0224155", "C0751438", "C0031843", "C0038351", "C0228505", "C1705273" ]
Endoscopy shows multiple polypoid mucosal nodules with abundant vasculature, and these nodules are centrally located at the greater curvature of the stomach's body and fundus, the posterior wall of the gastro-esophageal junction and the anterior wall of the gastric angle.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0025066", "C1306232" ]
Widened mediastinum with severe scoliosis.
[ "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T040: Organism Function", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T201: Clinical Attribute" ]
[ "C0031809", "C1696103", "C0771936", "C0021107", "C1837463", "C0035139", "C0376152", "C0277786", "C0029976", "C3864418", "C1546708", "C0582103" ]
Panoramic image from the initial examination (red arrow: area of chief complaint during the initial examination; blue arrow: planned sites for implantation).
[ "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0228505", "C2707265", "C0024109" ]
Bilateral diffuse subcentimetre pulmonary nodules caused by diffuse pulmonary meningotheliomatosis.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0040184", "C0043299", "C1306645", "C1561538", "C1962945" ]
Radiographic view on day 14. A: Right tibia. B: Left tibia.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C4321499", "C0040395", "C0034579", "C0022116", "C0607422", "C0025474", "C0441633", "C0040405", "C4300092" ]
Computed tomography scan of the abdomen showing thumbprinting suggestive of mesenteric ischemia
[ "T109: Organic Chemical", "T033: Finding", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure" ]
[ "C0040395", "C0221198", "C0034579", "C0772294", "C1328685", "C0040405", "C4300092" ]
Liver computed tomography showing multiple diffuse metastatic lesions.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T125: Hormone", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T037: Injury or Poisoning", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0268021", "C0001613", "C0741302", "C0001962", "C1656341", "C0728899", "C0332516", "C0079595", "C0333641", "C0260146", "C0231881", "C0007776", "C0022655" ]
Magnetic resonance imaging of a patient with transdermal methanol intoxication. Bilateral symmetric putaminal necrosis and generalized cortical atrophy are seen which is typical of methanol intoxication
[ "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0230467", "C0040456", "C0040426" ]
X-ray picture of younger sister showing impacted and malpositioned permanent teeth in upper and lower arch.
[ "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T033: Finding", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C1550512", "C1546708", "C0376152", "C0771936", "C1837463" ]
Axial CTA demonstrates an anomalous origin of RCA (Arrow A) which arises as a branch from LMCA (Arrow B).
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T037: Injury or Poisoning" ]
[ "C0021153", "C1709311", "C0002978", "C0040395", "C0028778", "C0034579", "C0549207", "C0854571", "C1829459", "C0040405", "C4300092", "C0003842" ]
Postoperative computed tomography angiography. No occlusion of the vertebral artery arose from compression of the transverse foramen.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0013687", "C0521530", "C0817096", "C1546613" ]
Chest X-Ray of case 2: Bilateral consolidation with effusion
[ "T074: Medical Device", "T033: Finding", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0336581", "C0231881", "C1709311", "C0026975", "C0037949" ]
Magnetic resonance imaging dorsal spine showing intramedullary hyperintensity from D1 to D5 levels, suggesting the possibility of transverse myelitis
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical" ]
[ "C0015726", "C1261259", "C0302148", "C0423899", "C1837463", "C0018787", "C0087086", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C0771936", "C0935616" ]
Apical four chamber view showing a serpiginous thrombus (white arrow) in the right heart chambers.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C1306645", "C1962945", "C1548003", "C1293131", "C1561542", "C0043299" ]
Three months postoperative plain radiograph shows the posterolateral fusion is solid.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0043299", "C0013303", "C1962945", "C1306645", "C1185740" ]
A radiographic sinugram, clearly demonstrating the fistulous tract communicating with the second part of the duodenum
[ "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0796494", "C0006255", "C0817096" ]
Chest CT shows a mass surrounding the left upper lobe bronchus.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C1306645", "C0009429", "C1962945", "C3887704", "C0376495", "C0043299", "C0087111", "C0817096", "C1533734" ]
Chest radiography after 3 months of treatment.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C4300092", "C0040395", "C0024947", "C1261381", "C0034579", "C0004454", "C0751438", "C0376152", "C1546708", "C1837463", "C0040405", "C0262950", "C0771936" ]
In the preoperative computed tomography, a mass occupied the left maxillary sinus, showing irregular densities with destructions of the posterior bone wall (arrow).
[ "T074: Medical Device", "T201: Clinical Attribute", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C2707265", "C1186983", "C0184252", "C0003842", "C0024109" ]
The guidewire has crossed the pulmonary valve, and it is inside the main pulmonary artery.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T058: Health Care Activity" ]
[ "C1306645", "C1962945", "C1548003", "C1561543", "C1522577", "C0043299" ]
Follow-up radiographs at one year.
[ "T046: Pathologic Function", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component" ]
[ "C0332448", "C1546677", "C0024109" ]
CT of the lungs shows bilateral scattered consolidative appearing infiltrates.
[ "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T040: Organism Function", "T041: Mental Process", "T123: Biologically Active Substance", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T048: Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction", "T059: Laboratory Procedure", "T058: Health Care Activity", "T116: Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein", "T196: Element, Ion, or Isotope", "T033: Finding", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T191: Neoplastic Process" ]
[ "C0023078", "C0085632", "C0885449", "C0723338", "C0087136", "C0040132", "C0728721", "C0076638", "C3842396", "C1837463", "C0204727", "C0301625", "C1261322", "C1553497", "C0152200", "C1550472", "C1317574", "C0117002", "C0424589", "C1546708", "C0220862", "C0771936", "C0021968", "C0220825", "C1696103", "C0027651", "C0376152", "C1553386" ]
High energy virtual monochromatic images (VMIs) for evaluation of non-ossified thyroid cartilage (NOTC). 140 keV image from the same patient as in Figure 3 is shown. The laryngeal tumor invades the left thyroid cartilage, and the invaded portion appears as a relatively low density defect (double arrows) because of suppression of iodine density within the enhancing tumor on high keV images (compare to Figure 3A,B). In this case, there is partial non-ossification of the thyroid cartilage on the left posteriorly. Note the preserved high attenuation of the NOTC (single arrow). There is clear attenuation difference between normal NOTC and tumor on the 140 keV image but the density on conventional single energy equivalent 65 keV image is nearly identical (compare to Figure 3A). It is noteworthy that the tumor itself is not well seen on the 140 keV images, and these VMIs should be used in conjunction with the 65 and/or 40 keV VMIs and not in isolation.
[ "T031: Body Substance", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C0203463", "C0175676", "C1546742", "C1550656", "C0041618" ]
An ultrasonography showing a large multicystic placenta.
[ "T170: Intellectual Product", "T033: Finding", "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T046: Pathologic Function", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0040395", "C0018944", "C0034579", "C1561542", "C1514893", "C1962958", "C0000726", "C0040405", "C4300092" ]
Two months later abdominal computerized tomography has shown resolution of the intrahepatic hematoma
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T031: Body Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0015726", "C1261259", "C0040395", "C0024202", "C0034579", "C0423899", "C1837463", "C0025066", "C0746922", "C0817096", "C0376152", "C0796494", "C1552826", "C1546708", "C0040405", "C4300092", "C0771936", "C0018670" ]
Computed tomography of the chest revealing a right middle lobe mass (arrow), with multiple calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes (arrow heads).
[ "T031: Body Substance", "T033: Finding", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product" ]
[ "C0005767", "C0012634", "C1553386", "C0005768", "C0018609", "C1561538", "C0150312", "C0229664" ]
Normal blood flow is present 40 days after disease's onset.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T061: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure", "T040: Organism Function", "T041: Mental Process", "T130: Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid", "T074: Medical Device", "T121: Pharmacologic Substance", "T033: Finding", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T197: Inorganic Chemical", "T109: Organic Chemical", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T029: Body Location or Region" ]
[ "C0015726", "C0043299", "C0027530", "C1261259", "C1962945", "C1548003", "C0021102", "C0423899", "C1837463", "C0021107", "C0175727", "C0035139", "C1306645", "C0817096", "C0376152", "C0029976", "C1442948", "C0810516", "C1546708", "C0771936" ]
A posterioanterior chest radiograph that was obtained following the implantation of a dual-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in the right chest. The vagal nerve stimulator is seen in the left subpectoral area with a thin lead (red arrows) traversing up to the left vagal nerve in the neck to which is it is attached.
[ "T060: Diagnostic Procedure", "T047: Disease or Syndrome", "T170: Intellectual Product", "T041: Mental Process", "T023: Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", "T039: Physiologic Function" ]
[ "C0033363", "C0022646", "C0016538", "C0243144", "C0441633", "C0751438", "C0262950" ]
Posterior projection of whole body bone scan. A marked and diffuse increase in renal uptake is observed