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you mean drying dishes ? overflowing the water's overflowing outof the sink . climbing a stool . getting a cookie . giving the cookie to the girl . raising her arm . stepping in the water . looking out the window . that's about all I can see . is there more ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
it's a kitchen scene . and the mother is doing the dishes . the children are trying to get into the cookie jar . the stool is falling over . the water is running over in the sink . the it looks as though the window is open . and there is grass and what have you, grass and trees outside . looks like the curtains might be billowing a little . the little girl is asking the boy for a cookie . and let's see . the mother's drying the dishes . and she's standing in the water . looks like there are a couple dishes that have already been dried sitting on the sink . I guess that's all I see . pardon me ? I might have missed it what you said . oh I said the little boy's trying to get some cookies outof the cookie jar . and the little girl's asking for a cookie . and the stool looks as though it's going to fall over .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the boy is standing on on a stepstool getting cookies outof the cookie jar and the stepstool is falling over . and the girl is standing there with her hands with her hand left hand up in the air waiting to get a cookie . the little girl's right hand seems to be up to her mouth in a in a signal to be quiet . mom has her back to the two . apparently it's mom has her back to the two children . and she's preoccupied with drying the dish drying a dish but she also seems to be looking out the window and doesn't isn't aware that the water is overflowing onto the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water . and there's a torrent of water falling outof the sink .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
mother is drying the dishes and looking out the window not paying any attention that the water is spilling all over the floor and the sink . the window is open . the children are behind mother stealing cookies outof the cookie jar . and the boy has climbed up on the on the stool which is tipping over . he's getting cookies outof the cookie jar, handing them to his sister . his shoes are untied . he's gonna fall . the cupboard door is open . the lid's off the cookie jar . mother's feet are getting wet . she must be in outer space that she doesn't notice all this that's going on .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the water's running over . the stool is and the boy's gonna fall off the stool . the girl is saying give me one or I will tell . and the boy is taking the second one outof the cookie jar . the lid's gonna fall off . the mother's drying the dishes . the window is open . she's standing in the water . she's drying the dishes . wait you want what's in the picture or what's going on ? I thought you said what's going on ? okay action so it's got to be action . that's all .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the mother's doing the dishes and allowing the sink to run run over . the kids or the boy's in the cookie jar . and the stand that he's standing on is tilting over . and I don't know what the girl is doing . gonna tell on him or do something . and then there's some people out here behind the garage . I don't know what they are doing . do you see them ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well this happens to be a kitchen . and the mother of the house is washing the dishes . and the water is overflowing from the sink onto the floor . and the two children evidently a brother and a sister are getting cookies outof the cookie jar which is on the second shelf of the upper cupboard . and he's standing on a three legged stool and is losing its balance and about to fall on the floor .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
let's see . the boy's taking the cookies outof the cookie jar . and the girl is reaching to get the cookie . and the boy is falling off the stool . mother is drying the dishes while the water spills over the sink . it looks like the wind's blowing the curtain there . she's the mother is stepping outof the water . I guess that's about it . the boy is handing the girl a cookie too . I don't know if I've said that . and she's reaching for it . the boy is I don't wanna say falling off the stool or stepping off as it's moving, I I think that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
okay the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . the girl's reaching for them . she's apparently telling him to be quiet . he's falling off the stool . mom's washing dishes while the water runs out over the sink . looks like the curtain might be blowing a little bit there . and she's stepping outof the puddle . I guess that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh I see the sink is running over . and I see the stool is tipping over . the little boy is trying to get cookies out . the little girl is reaching to get a cookie . the mother is drying dishes . the window's open . did I say did I say she's washing ? oh she's drying dishes now . that's going up . and she's standing in the water . I think the cupboard door is open . and there's a cookie jar . the lid is leaning against the cookie jar . this is curtains on the window . I can see the grass and some shrubbery outside and the house next door . kitchen cabinets . is that it ? they'll I see three people in there, a mother and little boy and a girl .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
I see a little girl telling her little brother to be quiet . and the little brother is falling off the stool while getting cookies . the mother is drying a plate . and the sink is overflowing . she can I can see out the window . that's not an action . no more action .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
everything that's going on mother's wiping dishes . the sink is overflowing . the mother's looking out the window . the little boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar . the ladder on which he is standing is tipping over . and the little girl I think is asking for a cookie . I did say the sink's overflowing . why isn't anything do anybody doing anything about that ? there's dishes on the on the on the counter . isn't that it ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
girl is reaching up . the boy is is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . the stool is tilting . mother is washing the dishes . the water's running over . the wind is blowing the curtains . the mother is drying the dishes . the boy is reaching down to I guess his sister . the boy is climbing but he's gonna fall . and the mother's drying the dishes . I think I said that . the water's running and running down . and that's all I see on that .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
water spilling outof the sink . the mother's drying dishes . the boy is on the stepstool reaching the cookie jar . he's about to fall over . his sister is reaching up . she wants a cookie . and I think that's about all that's going on . her feet are getting wet that's for sure . that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
this boy is about to fall off of the stool . the mother is washing dishes and the water's spilling over on the kitchen floor . the wind is blowing the curtains . the little girl is laughing at her brother who's taking a cookie outof the cookie jar . think that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
you have two children and the boy is on a stool getting to the cookie jar . and the stool is tilting over and he's probably going to fall . his mother in the meantime is wiping dishes, looking out what is obviously the kitchen window . she has the water on in the sink and the sink is overflowing . there are two cups and one plate sitting on the sink . the little girl is laughing at the little boy who's getting into the cookie jar and is going to fall .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
children are getting into the cookie jar . the little boy who's on the stool is about to fall because the stool is going to topple over . the mother has her back turned and is drying the dishes but the sink is full of water and the water's beginning to spill over onto the floor . sink is in front of a window . one can look out the window and see a path and what is obviously a yard . there's a plate and two cups or dishes on the counter . the children getting into the cookie jar are are there's one boy and one girl . the cookie jar is labelled Cookiejar . the cupboard door is open . there are curtains at the kitchen window . the mother is wearing an apron . she has a sleeveless dress and short hair . the little girl has straps on her shoes . the stool is a three legged stool . that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
boy is getting into the cookie jar . he's got one in his hand . the stool is falling over as he's reaching for the cookies . the girl is laughing at him . mother is standing by the kitchen sink drying dishes . the water is on and it is the sink is spilling over . there is a window over the sink which shows a a yard . there are curtains . there are looks like two cups and a plate on the sink . there's a set of kitchen cabinets . and the mother has on an apron and a sleeveless dress . the girl has on a dress or a skirt and blouse . the boy looks like he's got on short trousers and a shirt with a sweater . cookie jar is full of cookies . the lid is off . that's it !
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well, there's a kid stealing cookies from the cookie jar and his stool's about to topple over . his his sister's asking for one . the cookie jar is open ofcourse the cupboard's open . the mother's drying dishes the sink is overflowing . there are some dishes on the side board . window's open . I don't know what else you want . there are curtains in the window . I don't know if there's any
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
there's a girl waiting to get a cookie from I guess her brother . the chair's tipping over where he's in he's into the cookie jar in the cupboard . woman's washing dishes . sink's overflowing . window's open . where the kid's into the cookie jar the lid's off of course . I don't know whether the curtains are blowing or not . these are the action things you want right ? no I don't see anything else . what did I miss ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the boy is standing up trying to get the cookie jar and the stool is falling . the girl is reaching up to get a cookie outof his hand . the mother is at the window washing dishes . the sink is overflowing on getting on her shoes . and there are saucers and a plate on the oh ? you wanna know what is going on ? you want me to tell you what's on the sink too and everything ? well that is that's all I see happening plus stuff going outside .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the kids are swiping some cookies and and a stool is upsetting . and the kid the girl's telling him to be quiet so his mother over there washing dishes and the sink's overflowing . and the window's up . and I don't see much more than that . she's drying dishes . did you say action ? I about it . cookie jar lid's falling .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
little girl with her finger to her lips . the boy on the stool . stool tipping over . getting cookies outof the cookie jar . mother washing dishes . water running . sink overflowing . those curtains are blowing or not . that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the water is running outof the sink . and the kid's falling off of the stool . he's stealing some cookies . and the little girl says “don't tell your mother” who is standing in the water and drying dishes . washing dishes I guess maybe drying them I don't know . and guess the water's splashing all over the floor . that kid don't fall out fall off that stool he's gonna break his neck . and getting the cookies . that's about all I can see .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the girl is reaching for a cookie that the boy is trying to get for her while he's am I going too fast ? while he's falling off a ladder . and the mother is washing dishes . drying a plate . while the sink is spilling over with water that is overflown from the spigot that is still running . and water is gushing out . and the girl is signaling to be quiet not to let her mother know that the boy is getting the cookie for her . and I did say that she's drying the dish with the towel . and the water's splashing on the floor .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well let's see . the girl is whispering to be quiet because mother might find out that the he's is standing on a school stool which is bending over . and he's reaching in a cookie jar and he has a cookie . and she's grabbing for the one that he has in his left hand . and the sink is running over with water for some reason or other while she's drying a dish and looking out the window and stepping in a puddle of water . and the race horse is jumping through the window . no .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh my . well the ladder is falling over . and the boy is reaching for the cookie and is handing it to that little sister I assume . and she's telling him to be quiet because the mother is going to hear . and the sink is splashed over with water as the mother is still drying the dishes . and her feet are getting soaking wet . is there more you want ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
action type things ? there is water coming outof a faucet into a basin which is overflowing onto the floor . the mother is drying dishes . and she's walking in the water that is flowing on the floor . two children are stealing cookies . one of whom is up on a stool that is about to fall . he's removing cookies from an upper shelf in the closet . the wind appears to be blowing because the curtains appear to be youknow puffed . those are the only action things that I can see .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the boy is taking cookies outof a closet with one hand trying to give the cookies to his sister with another while he is falling off a three three prong stool . his mother is washing dishes . and the dishwasher is overflowing onto the floor . and the curtains are billowing . and the girl is eating or toying . it's difficult to tell . that's the only action I see .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
first of all the sink is overflowing . mother is washing dishes or an adult is washing dishes . there are two children in the cookie jar . one of them is on a stool . and the stool's overturning . the little girl is reaching for a cookie from the little boy as the stool turn falls over . there's a window . and the bushes and path outside the window . and a glimpse of another window . and another part of the house . there are curtains with tie backs . there are dishes . there is dish towels there are dish towels . well maybe there are only one . there's at least only one dish towel . I thought I I looked at one dish towel . two cups a plate cabinets . apron . glass and trees . I don't think I can floor . counter space . did I
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
everything, not things that are just bad right ? there are two little kids a boy and a girl . on a the boy's on a stool which is falling over getting cookies outof a jar . the cookies are in the cabinet with the lid off . and it's in the kitchen . the mother is washing dishes at the window with a curtain on the window . a walk outside with trees and grass . the water is running over in the sink onto the floor . the mother is drying a dish, and stepping in the water . there's a plate and two cups sitting on the cabinet . the mother has an apron on .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the water's running on the floor . boy's taking cookies out of cookie outof the cookie jar . the stool is falling open over . the girl was asking for a cookie . the wife is wiping the dish . I guess not .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
inside the room or every place ? . oh I can oh you don't want me to memorize it ! okay, the the little girl asking for the cookie from the boy who's about to fall on his head . and she's going I guess “shush” or “give me one” . the mother's we don't think she might be on drugs because she's off someplace because the sink's running over . and it's summer outside because the window's open and the grasses or the bushes look healthy and she's drying dishes with her apron on . and the cookie jar's looking full . that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the sink is running over . she's standing in the sink . the mother is . the mother is also drying dishes . the little boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar handing it to his sister and falling off the stepstool at the same time little girl is touching her nose . outside you can see the outside window . I don't know if that's a little bit of action I guess . the cookie jar lid is has fallen over to the side . it looks like the curtains are blowing . and it looks like the mother has completed washing at least two cups and one dish . process of doing the other ones . and action would be the door hanging open where the cookie jar is in that cupboard .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well for one thing the boy is stealing cookies . and the girl is asking for a cookie . and the boy is standing on a stool which is tipping over . and the lady's drying a plate . and the water is running in the sink and overflowing on the floor and getting her feet wet . and the window is open . and I don't know that there's anything special going on outside the window . seems to me that that's essentially the things that are going on in this picture . the girl is picking her nose . the boy is handing her a cookie . really those are the only activities I see .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
beginning now ? boy is getting reaching for cookies . the stool is falling over . his sister is reaching at for cookies . woman's wiping the dishes . the sink is running over . curtains are blowing a little bit but not much . the boy is stepping on one of his own toes . the little girl's telling him to be be quiet . don't let mommy see . that's about it yeah .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the kids are in the cookies . the stool is falling over . the mother's spilling the water and also drying the dishes . and the wind might be blowing the curtains . and the water's running . I can't tell is anything going on outside or not . I guess that's all I see . that's not very many .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
you mean right now tell you ? the boy is stealing cookies outof the jar . and he's on a stool that's falling down . and the girl is laughing at him . and the mother is washing dishes but she's preoccupied . and the water is flowing over the sink . and there's trouble galore . the wind is blowing the curtains . she is not paying any attention to her kids . and the boy in addition to stealing he's trying to give the girl a a cookie . and the whole thing is going to collapse . but aside from that they seem to be a fairly happy family .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well ? the boy's trying to get in this cookie jar . and the stool overturns . and the little girl is expecting to hand her a cookie . the mother is her sink is running over . and she's standing in some of the water . and she's drying a dish or wiping a dish . and you said everything is happening . well ? the water is still running in the sink . and I said it's it's overflowing . and she's standing in the water . and that's I guess . look ? somebody laying in the lawn out there . but I can't
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the sink's overflowing . and the stool's tipping over with the boy on it . he's taking down a cookie . he has one in his hand he's gonna hand to the girl . and everything else looks like it's fixed . the woman's wiping the dishes . there's three dishes setting on the counter . a cupboard door's open ofcourse or he couldn't get the cookies . the little girl's pointing to her mouth . and I think I mentioned that the boy he's has one cookie in his left hand and just grabbing one with his right hand .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the boy is reaching into the cookie jar . he's falling off the stool . the little girl is reaching for a cookie . mother is drying the dishes . the sink is running over . mother's getting her feet wet . they all have shoes on . there's a cup two cups and a saucer on the sink . the window has draw withdrawn drapes . you look out on the driveway . there's kitchen cabinets . oh what's happening . mother is looking out the window . the girl is touching her lips . the boy is standing on his right foot . his left foot is sortof up in the air . mother's right foot is flat on the floor and her left she's on her left toe . she's holding the dish cloth in her right hand and the plate she is drying in her left . I think I've run out of yeah .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the little girl is reaching for a cookie . and the boy is on a stool which is falling over to get in the cookie jar up on the second shelf of the cupboard with the door open . the faucet is running and it's overflowing onto the floor because it's overflowing into the sink . the woman is drying a plate . she's also looking out the window . there's a couple of bowls and a plate on the counter . curtains at the windows . there's a driveway or it looks like a driveway outside . and you can see another window and some bushes out there and the tree . and I guess that's looks like a part of the garage window of the garage out there . and the cookie jar has the lid off . and the boy has one hand in the cookie jar and one with a cookie in it handing to the little girl who's got her hand up for it and her she looks like got her finger to mouth tell him to be careful .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
mhm alotof things are happening . yes the water's going over . the water's overflowing . and the little boy is slipping off the stool while he's trying to steal some cookies . and the little girl is laughing at him and she's not happy in one bit . and the lady is drying the dishes and looking out the window . it's beautiful out there . it must be June . I don't know but it anyhow it looks like it's not winter . and that's about all I can see .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the little boy girl's reaching up there and she's got her finger to her lips . and the boy's on a stool standing on a stool but its gonna fall pretty soon . he's reaching for cookies . and the mother has their back to them . she doesn't see them but her she hasn't payed any attention to her sink . it's running all over the place . her window is open and there's a nice garden and a garage out back . she's drying some dishes . she has an apron on . her dress is sleeveless . has a pretty nice kitchen like pretty nice curtains on it . and the jar the cookie jar lid is off . she has a couple cups and she has a couple plates but she better mop up that floor . the little girl has socks and shoes on and a short dress and long hair medium long hair . and the boy has his shorts on and a short sleeved sirt so it must be summer . trees are in bloom outside and the flowers out there .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well in the first place the the mother forgot to turn off the water and the water's running out the sink . and she's standing there . it's falling on the floor . the child is got a stool and reaching up into the cookie jar . and the stool is tipping over . and he's sorta put down the plates . and she's reaching up to get it but I don't see anything wrong with her though . yeah that's it . I can't see anything .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the woman is the the mother is washing drying the dishes . and the sink the the faucet's on and the sink is running over and splashing the floor . and the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar and he's on the stool and the stool is falling over . and the girl is saying be quiet . and she's put her hand up ready to take a cookie that he's gonna pass her . and the window is open . the mother's standing in the water . she's doesn't oh what's what's going on . you don't want any of the what's in the picture right ? there's a cup and she's already dried two cups and a dish . and that's it . the lid is off the cookie jar . I guess that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
there's a little boy or there's a little girl talking to this boy up up on the up up on the stepladder . and she's asking him to bring some of this down or whatever it was a jar or whatever it is that so it doesn't doesn't break . there's a mother over here . she's watching them that she has that break in her hand . and it looks like it's very strong or heku or she's looking real real good at it, a jar or whatever . she's touching giving a little little little touch of her mouth . although that's . and it it looks like he's gonna bring some of that down down for them all . and and and mother's out there looking at them . and and looks like she's washing this dishes that they already had it . and she's she's washing the dishes away from them . it it looks that way . she's cleaning it youknow .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well that boy's trying to get some cookies . and the girl's holding her hand up because he has gotten one and she wants it . and his where he's climbing up is falling over . and this girl she's washing dishes . and she has something there for the dinner . and she spilt the the water . and it's all on the floor going . she has a dish cloth in her hand . and the boy he's trying to get the cookies out of the jar for her . but he's gonna fall over by the way the it looks . and she's spilt some water and stepping in it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well ? the girl is taking care of her dishwashing . and the boy he's getting up there to get the cookies cookie jar to give to the little girl . and the water is running down on the floor and the and where she had her dishes I guess . he's getting up and getting the cookie jar for her . he got her a cookie . the cookie jar he got her a cookie .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
are you counting them ? well the mother's drying dishes . and she let the water run over . and the little one's got the cookie jar . and the little boy almost fell off the they had a stool . and she had couple dishes, a couple cups and a plate . the little ones didn't have anything . she's drying the dishes . and her water the water run over . huhuh .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the little girl waving at somebody . no it she's waving not waving she's just looking at the somebody painting . and he's on oh you want me to tell you all of the ? and he's on oh I know how I know what it is . why can't I say it ? he's on a ladder . and what she sees on there ? and she sees her mother washing possibly her mother washing her table or drying her dishes . and the I don't know . well the man's on the on the ladder . and there's a cookie jar up there . and the little girl is looking up at him and whispering or holding her finger up as if to say don't tell them up tear . well he's up on the ladder and he's going he's cutting a piece off the cookie or not a piece he's taking some of the outof the cookie jar . and well the woman is drying dishes . and the water is the water is well I was gonna say it's spilling or falling out or what ? the water's running . okay good .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh Johnny is sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar for his sister Sue . mother is washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing with the water on the floor . the curtains are spread aside to let the light in . there's plates and saucers on the table here . and the shall I tell you some more ? no I'm through .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
okay the mommy is washing the drying the dishes . the boy is taking a cookie from the cookie jar and he's gonna hand it to his little sister . and the bench is toppling over as the kid is standing on . and the water's dripping outof the sink . okay ?
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well this boy is almost falling out of the off of the chair when he's putting up the picture . and she's washing dishes . I guess she wouldn't know . oh my ! her sink is running over too isn't it . is that all more or is is there more to it ? this one looks kinda like a oh that's a plate I guess . and a cup and saucer . oh this is a lady here . is it or isn't it ? right there . is that a lady ? I thought this when I had it this way it looked almost like a lady . she's washing dishes . and she must have dropped one . oh no she let the sink ran over . and he's almost falling off of the chair . and she's she did something, it looks like .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the sink is running over . and the the lady's drying the dishes . and the boy's crawled up on the stool and it's falling and he's gonna fall down . and he's handing the cookie to the little girl . and let's see . the cupboard door is open and he was in after the in the cookie jar after the cookies . and and I don't know .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
now ? well I see the dish that she's washing drying dishes . looks like she's drying them . the little boy's up in there getting cookies . and she's got her hands out for some . she's letting her run sink run over . he's after cookie jar . well that's I told you that though . she's drying dishes . what else do I hafta tell you ? the the the stool is got upset . she has spilled water out of the sink .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh I don't mind it . the lady's a lousy dishwasher because her is all over the floor . I never do that do you ? and the boy is falling off of a stool stealing a cookie from the cookie jar . and what else ? and he's going to get hurt when the chair tips over . and what else ? the little girl is asking for a cookie . the mother is doing dishes and the water's running out of the sink all over the floor . some dishwasher . that's good .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
woman dish doing dishes . boy climbing up to get some cookies . well girl waiting to get some of the cookies . bench is falling over with the boy . the water's dripping out on the floor . I guess that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
cookie jar . well the little boy's going up the the little boy went up on the little chair and he's half way coming down like though he's gonna fall down . and the little girl, they're trying to reach up that cookie jar . youknow he's he's the one that's trying to get the cookie jar . and the next thing I guess eventually he'll fall down because he's only on he's on two legs only out on the darn thing here youknow . and the mother or whatever she is, she's doing the dishes . she's already cleaning the dishes . see, and she's got everything on her own side . so now what else shall I do ? .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the water is running out over the sink and over the this . the little boy is going up into the cookie jar but the he's on the top of the chair that he's gonna fall off since it's tipping over . the water that's on the also on the floor that's coming outof the sink . and let's see here here no I don't think I see the the water in here and that . yeah it goes all the way down into this kitchen floor . here he is the boy who's taking the cookie outof the cookie jar but steps back on the chair or whatever you call this the table not a table to get to the top of the of the of the drawer . that's about all .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
mama's washing the dishes . the water is running over in the sink . the and the children are in the cookie jar and one of them is going to get his get hurt because he's got the stool . he has nothing to hold onto there . he does have but he he's not doing it . the little girl has him interested in the cookie jar . he's got what's he got on his feet ? that's the only thing I can see there . over here poor mama . she's dreaming of diamonds I guess . all the water running outof the sink .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
everything ? happening ? well this is the boy trying to get the cookie jar down for his sister I would imagine it is . and he's gonna fall off the ladder off the his stool or whatever he is setting on . the mother is over here . she just dropped some water or whatever on the floor . and and she looks pretty mad . and the water's still running . and it looks like the the girl is laughing at the at the boy because the the stool is gonna fall over . and there's there's water on the floor there .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
what do mhm do you want them crossed out or just say it out loud ? okay the little boy's climbing the cookie jar . he has the little boy has has cookies a cookie in his hand that he got by climbing the step ladder which is ready to fall . the sister is asking for something to eat . she has started little and wants some more . let's see now . the mother the mother has a small mess in the kitchen lucky it's lucky it's small . the mother is now washing and no yeah she's washing and drying the dishes in the kitchen . her water has spilled over terribly bad . and looks like sister's back to try for some more cookies .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
boy over here standing on the chair . it's falling over . and a girl down below . the boy's up up there . he's has a cookie jar up there . he's putting cookies in . and the thing's falling over . then there's the lady . she's she's washing dishes and drying them . and the sink is turned on and the water's running down and is running on the floor and she's standing in the water . she's got a dress on and and there's she's looking out out past drapes down here . and she's looking out through the window . looks like that boy's gonna fall over pretty soon .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
what's going boy's reaching a cookie jar . the the stool is falling over . the girl is holding her hand up for a cookies . and and then they wove in the picture mother the water is overflowing from the sink . she's drying dishes . she's looking out a window . water's on the floor . she's looking out the well there's the the the the curtains are pulled aside . there's dishes on the table . and you can see the grass outside in the yard . dish in her hand .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well there's a little boy on the on a stool . he's gonna fall shortly snitching cookies . mommy's washing dishes . and the sink is running over . I don't know if there's anything more there or not but that's what I see . I see a cookie jar . snitching cookies .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the chair's gonna upset . and the kid's gonna upset the cookies for one thing . and the woman the sink's running over the water on the floor while she's drying the dishes . and you need water in there to wash the dishes and it's running on the floor . you can look out the window and see the grass .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
yeah . the the little boy's trying to get into the cookie jar . and a little girl is has her hand out for the cookie . and the mother's drying dishes . but they drop something ohno she she let the water run over . and the little boy's he's going to fall off the chair if he doesn't oh I guess that's a cookie jar, that little girl . the little boy is gonna fall off the chair if he doesn't be careful . it's the water . I said that . the water was running over the sink . youknow sinks . and what else is there ? there are a few dishes there .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well they're grabbing the cookie jar . right ? and mother is working . well the mother is is taking care of this . and like I said they're grabbing the cookie jar . wonder what my husband is doing . well this is going to fall . and I think that he'll lose his cookies . boy she's having problems here . yeah it's overflowing the onto the floor .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
they're baking . making a mess outof the place . by not putting by not no neatness . yes there's a few accidents . the little boy is standing on a chair which is crooked . the lady has water running outof her sink and towel in her hand which is dangerous . cookies are coming down the cookie jar is coming down . and the place is very pretty .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
I see the a boy stretching out for I don't know whether it's ball a ball or a cake . and it look he was standing on a stool . his little sister was reaching out her hand . and the ladder was beginning to go over . mother was at the dishwasher . and she left the faucet .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
little boy's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar . little girl's whispering not to tell . his chair's gonna fall . his mother's at the sink washing dishes . she's spilled the water all over . it's running all over the floor . she's drying a plate . she's looking out the window . the little boy's stool's gonna fall . he's got a cookie in his hand . he's reaching for a second one . the mother she's looking outside and not watching the water running over from the sink . the cupboard door is open . she shouldn't be looking out the window . she's washing dishes . she's letting the water run out . I don't know what else I could tell .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well little boy reaching out for the cookie jar . and the stool he's standing on tilts over . and he's handing some cookies down to the little girl . and the mother's drying dishes and spills water on the floor . and she's looking out the window . that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the kid's standing on a tilted stool getting cookies . the water's running out of the sink . the girl has two different shoes on . the stool is tilted . the cookie jar is not a jar it's it's it's a tin tin tin thing tin dish or whatever .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
he must be picking apples here . because he's on the ladder and he's got both hands open and he can be . and the chair was falling . the baby's crying . that's all .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the sink is running over . she's drying the dishes . they're getting in the cookie jar and they're upsetting the stool . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the lady here's standing right in the water . she seems to be looking out the window at the lawn . that's about it right
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the little boy's take getting in the cookie jar . his mom's is mom is washing the dishes and drying them . oh somebody let the water run over . and the little boy is going to get killed if he doesn't get up off there . and then there's a little girl . I'll take the cookie jar .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
now right now ? oh I thought you meant well the boy was taking some cookies from the cupboard up there . and he the yeah that there stool I'd call it . I don't know what you call them . and what's she doing ? she's asking for some cookies . mother's drying the dishes . and she's spilled water all over the place at the sink . she's also has some cups and a dish sitting there . her curtains you could see real oh what else ? that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
now ? the girl's the girl's coaxing the boy for a cookie and his stool fell over and the cookie are spilled . she spilled her dishwater washing dishes . she's washing dishes drying them . that runs over the sink's running over . her feet in the water . this must be a path out back . flowers, trees . I don't know what else . water on the floor . yeah .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
a boy is putting something in the closet . or he and he could or I it it could be taking he could be taking a cookie jar out . and he's the stepstool is tilting . and a young girl seems to whisper to him about making noise . doesn't it did you notice that ? yeah . now do I go over on the other side ? whole picture . there's a older woman well young still . I mean to say that . then the the child over there . and she's drying dishes or washing them, washing and dry them drying them . and it looks as if she's spilling water on the floor from the sink . is there a woman's face at the window ? doesn't it like a doesn't it look like there's a face there ? ain't that ? oh I thought it looked like a nose and a mouth and eye there .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
cookie jar . and he's stepping on a well he's on a stool but it's he's going overboard . and the water's running outof the sink . and let's see . yes .
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well she's washing dishes . he's climbing up to get cookies . he's gonna fall . and she's laughing . and she's spill running the water over . that looks like someone down out there or something . I don't know what that is .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
I see the little boy's down here getting the the food . and the little girl down here is the same way . this little boy this is falling over . and this little girl she's just getting getting things ready for dinner . food dropped . I think it did . yes it did .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well the boy on the chair is falling, reaching up for a cookie, handing one to the girl . the lady is wiping a dish . water running on the floor . she's standing in it . trees outside, the lawn, shrubbery . a window outside that I can see . that's about it dear .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the water's overflowing outof the sink . and he's falling off the chair . that's it . he's falling off the chair and he's reaching for that dishes or something . and the girl is just looking up . and that's all .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
boy's touching a cake . he's girl's reaching his hand up her hand up . and that woman's drying the dishes dishes . the water's falling flowing over the sink . there's cups and a plate on the sink .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the boy and the girl are playing and he's gonna fall down off the ladder . and the mother's washing the dishes and it's flying out over the sink down to the floor . what else do you want me to tell you ? whatever you see happening . yeah that's it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
it's a family affair, a mother and the children . and they're each busy at at something . and the they seem oblivious to the water falling overflowing . but they seem happy in doing their own thing . I don't think I I lost that . I think I
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh you want me to on that ? oh okay looks like the mother is doing washing the dishes . and the little boy is trying to get cookies up the cookie jar up in the cookie jar . and there's a little girl with him . and that's the the oh the bench or what do you call it is it looks like it's gonna going to fall . and that's that's about all I can see . and those I guess this is breakfast .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
yeah . everything's that's not according to Hoyle huh ? well here's a little boy up on the ladder . the ladder or the the the stool the stool was falling . and there's something else up on the shelf there is falling . and and he's going to fall because the stool is it's tilted too much . here here's a lady that's washing dishes . and all the water is coming over the sink . it's overflowing . that's about it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well there's a cookie jar there with the lid off . and the kid was up getting cookies . and he's upsetting . there's a water spigot here . that kid's getting cookies . see he got a handful on him . well this is a cupboard up here . here somebody ate and left the dish set . and this one's drying the dishes . this lady's drying dishes . that's a cookie jar and the little boy is on a ladder trying to get cookies .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
you want me to tell you ? okay the boy's getting in the cookie jar . his sister's waiting for cookies . the mother's washing dishes and water's spilling over . can see the walk and the grass outside in the window . the stool's about ready to fall . the cupboard door's open .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well here's the child reaching up but he's on a stool and he's falling off . she's drying dishes at the window . she also spilled the water . oh they like I said they were climbing . she's doing dishes . she spilled the water too out of the sink over the sink I should say .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
well this one is in the cookie jar . and this is she tried to climb the oh ? no no . this boy I think this is the same one huh tried to get in the cookie jar . and she's watching . and over here must be the mother . I don't know what the heck they're doing here though . what's going on ? the stool she was climbing and the stool tipped over . she was doing the dishes I think . she spilled something .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
the little boy is on the stool which is tipping and he wants cookies to give to his sister . he has a handful of cookies in one hand already and the little girl is eating a cookie . the mother is washing dishes absentmindedly . she let the sink run over and it's all on the floor . there's a window with you can see their driveway . either bushes or trees and grass a big window . and a tree coming up here . and the part of the roof . and the cookie says cookie jar .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh you want me to tell you . the mother and her two children . and the children are getting in the cookie jar . and she's doing the dishes and spilling the water . and she had the spigot on and she didn't know it perhaps . pardon me . and they're looking out into the garden from the kitchen window . it's open . and the cookies must be pretty good they're eating . the tair the chair is tilting and he's gonna fall off . and the lady the mother's splashing her shoes and stockings all up overflowing the water . and there's a window and curtains on the window . and I can see some trees outside there . and and there's dishes that had been washed and she's drying them . and there's some shrub out there and
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
oh that kid's gonna get a good spill off of that stool if his mother don't turn around there and catch him . gonna drop whatever he's got in his hands . the little girl's reaching up there to get something from the boy . I think he's gonna land himself on the floor the way he does it .
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。
ah oh boy . oh the kids are trying to get the cookies . and she's laughing but holding her hand up to him . and the they know he's gonna fall off the chair . and their mother's doing the dishes and not doing not being careful . she didn't turn the water off and the water's all going to the floor instead of getting the dishes all dry . that's all I can and tup two cups and a plate . End
Text Classification: 判断阿兹海默症。