You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Amethyst collapsed on the floor laughing and rolling around, while Steven just tried not to think about it, but Pearl's blushign did cause him to smile though he was also hidning a smirk. "Chill, P. You do what you want, but it's like me trying to be a proper lady like Rose was. I'm me and that's how I am. It's just hard to picture you being..." Amethyst said as she was struggling to think of the right word. "Passionate like that? Well, there's fusion but that's... cleaner than sex," Steven clarified.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai hooked Mason's car seat into the van before strapping him in. "We only tease you because we love you." Rai said taking a seat next to Mason. "Besides you overreact to so much that it makes teasing you hilarious!""Well I'm glad I could entertain you." Pearl replied sarcastically rolling her eyes.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Is everyone okay with being in?" Greg asked. He had to put everything in sonthere was enough room for everyone along with the stuff that was brought in. o febwveyone eras settled in more or less alright, Greg began driving them back to the Beach House."I'm just a phone call away," Greg told Steven and Rai as they were driving. "You're you, P," Amethyst said as she laid back during the drive.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"We know." Rai said with a smile. "It should be easy to take care of him. I'm pretty much like a second mom to him, I watch him so much.""Not like I can be anyone else." Pearl said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Do you want me to drop you off at the bookstore to meet Diego then, Pearl?" Greg asked her as they were driving through Beach City. It was very nice around this time. The sun was setting and it bathed the small city with an orange glow."I'm sure this will be a good experence for the both of you," Greg added to Steven and Rai. "That's true, but just relax, P. If you want to do that, you really go to try and understand," Amethyst told Pearl nonchalantly.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I can walk, Greg, Beach City isn't that big." Pearl said, knowing that the bookstore wasn't on the way to the Beach House."Obliviously not tonight it won't." Rai chuckled looking at Mason whose head was tilted to one side. "Mason's already asleep."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"That actually reminds me, do you know where he actually lives in?" Greg speaks up. "Uhh... we actually never been to his house before," Steven noted as both Amethyst and Garnet looked at one another, also realizing this. "Do you know, Pearl?" Steven asked her, not being able to recall any time it was mentioned."Well, we'll set up the place for him to sleep and check up on him them," Steven told Rai quietly, watching the baby Mason sleep.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"No, I don't but it won't be hard to find out." Pearl said. She planned on going back to his place when the bookstore closed. Maybe she'd cook him dinner if he hadn't ate."I'm just going to let him sleep in his car seat, it'll be too much of a pain trying to get him to go back to sleep." Rai stated. "I'll just put him by Steven's bed."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Didn't your sister say that he lived like right across the store or something?" Steven asked Rai, suddenly remembering what she said. "Well, the bookstore is right across one of the newer houses so probably Diego lives in one of those," Greg explained."You sure that'll be all right?" Steven asked when a Rai said she'd put him on his bed. He wanted to make sure the baby would not roll off the bed or anything.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I don't know, I don't listen to half the stuff that comes out of her mouth." Rai scuffed."That's kinda rude." Pearl remarked."Half of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is about Lars. If I don't tune her out I'll just end up telling her to just break up with him and get it over with." Rai rolled her eyes. "And I'm just leaving him in his car seat."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"All right, well, we're here everyone," Greg said quietly in order not to wake up baby Mason. "We'll help cary the stuff," Greg added before he and AMethyst helped with carrying the baby items while Seven helped Rai with Baby Mason. "See you later," Steven told Pearl as he figured she would be going over to see Diego.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai unhooked Mason's car seat and carefully carried him inside trying not to jostle him too much. Once inside she gently placed him between Steven's bed and wall as it was out of the way of everyone and somewhat quieter and darker. After that she put Mason's bottles in the fridge to keep them cold, placed his suitcase of clothes by Steven's dresser, and his toys by the couch. She figured she'd set up the pack and play the next day as it may make enough noise to wake Mason. The entire thing just made Rai look like she'd done this her whole life.Pearl waved and walked to the bookstore. Opening the door she called out to him, "Diego?"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven just helped out everything away while watching Rai do everything so well. "Oh wow Rai, you're a natural," Steven told her with a big grin on her face as the Gems went off to some usual inspections of the areas, looking to make sure everything was okay in the Gem realms. "Should we go to bed too or is it too early?" he asked her."Hey Pearl! How are you doing?" Diego said to her with a smile as he was finishing his closing rounds with the store. He was making sure everything was nice and secure for the night. "Why did you stop by?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I just know what has to be done and I do it." Rai explained. "I'm gonna wash my makeup off, took out my contacts, and get in my pjs. After that I may go on my phone for awhile before going to bed.""I'm doing good." Pearl smiled. "Do I need a reason to visit my boyfriend?" She asked. "Besides I thought we could go back to your place and I could cook you dinner."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"And you're good at it," Steven told Rai as he embraced her from behind whil kissing her cheek, all with a big smile on his face. "All right, I'll change into my PJs too," Steven told her. "Are you wanting to shower?" Diego asked her."It's a nice surprise," Diego told her with a smile before he went over to embrace her. When he initially began dating Pearl, both were very awkward about it and he became more at east and he appreciated these nice surprises."That's a nice idea," Diego told her with a smile before he offered his arm for her to take.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai rolled her eyes when Steven kissed her cheek before kissing him on the lips. "No, I took one this morning." She said before grabbing her backpack a heading to the bathroom."Okay, let's go then!" Pearl said with a smile taking Diego's arm. "What are you in the mood for?" She asked still smiling.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"All right, I was just wanting to know," Steven told her after he kissed her back on the lips. When he saw her enter the bathroom, he then went into his bedroom and began changing his clothes and going into his PJs. He was beginning to think about something though he wasn't sure what."How are you feeling, Rai?" Steven asked her when he finished getting dressed into his PJs.Diego was walking back to his home and it was indeed only a short walk from the bookstore to his home. "How did the dinner go?" he asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai walked out of the bathroom after she had changed, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" She asked with clear concern on her face."Chris's parents were great, but Molly's parents" Pearl sighed. "Molly's parents were terrible. They didn't like Steven purely because he isn't Greek."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I guess I just worry that I'm not being a good boyfriend to you," Steven said before softly laid down on the bed. "I mean, I didnt like what yur other grandparents' said, but I guess it's just also... I'm not like direct or forward like some other guys, and I feel like that frustrates you alot," Steven confessed as he looked at the ceiling."Yeesh, sorry to hear," Diego commented. "Yeah, there are a few people like that unofrtunately. Although it does look like overall it went okay," Diego added, smiling to try and lighten the mood. "I'm sure Steven and Rai will also do a good job taking care of Mason," he added as he recalled what the two will be doing.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai sat next to Steven on the bed and sighed. "Steven, I'm dating because you're you. I love how sweet you are, I love your laugh, I love kind you are, I love that you see the good in people, I love how safe I feel with you, I love how different you are than everyone else, I love that you are the nicest person I've ever known, and most importantly I love you." She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Do I get frustrated? Yes, but that's too be expected in every relationship. And as far as my other grandparents are concerned," she took a deep breath, "Steven, I went to bed more nights than I could count terrified I'd wake up and have to pack my bags and leave everything I'd ever known to live with people I barely knew anything about." She wiped a tear away. "They accused my dad of terrible things, the worst things a father could be accused of and I had to go in front of a jury and tell them that my father wasn't doing those things. To make it worse we were put into protective custody and our father wasn't even allowed to touch us because my grandparents accused him of touching us inappropriately.""I think it upset Steven, but Chris' parents explained that Rai wants nothing to do with them." Pearl sighed. "I did get a whole new perspective of her."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven turned to Rai and heard of what she said regarding everything of their relationship. He did smile back when she kissed him on the forehead. However, that became one of concern when he heard of everything her grandparents. Steven went over to her and embraced her to help comfort her. "That's not right. No one should have to go and deal with that," he said before he was thinking. "It reminds me of when I asked Diego about lawsuits and he told me about something called counter suing," he said, turning to Rai."Well, they don't sound like pleasant people in that case and it's good Rai stood up for them," Diego noted before they arrived at the house. He was unlocking the door for them. "How did you feel about it?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"My dad won't do that, he blames himself for what happened to my mom. In his mind he deserves what they throw at him but his children don't." Rai stated. "But it's like what I said earlier, Dennis is the only one of us that has a relationship with them and even that's strained. I mean they didn't meet Sadie until a couple of days ago and they were blatantly insulting her right in front of her, Mason, and Barb. Dennis said that Sadie and Barb should take Mason home and when they left Dennis went off on them, telling them that he's the only one of Molly's children that want anything to do with them and insulting the mother of his child is the perfect way to get him to want nothing to do with them too. Sadie was pissed the next day when I picked Mason up from the Big Donut so I told her that after she left Dennis ripped them a new one. And I would have done that for you but it's not worth my time since I don't care about them.""I think I can speak for Greg, Garnet, and Amethyst when I say I wanted to punch them." Pearl said, creepily staying calm. "I helped raise Steven and seeing the way they were acting pissed me off."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"It's not his fault though. It doesn't make any sense though," Steven responded with what was said. "Well, I'm kinda glad DIego didn't come. He uh... he has a temper," Steven said with a sheepish chuckle. "But yeah, that doesn't sound fair to anyone," he said before embracing her. "Just wish there was something that could be done," he added.Diego raised an eyebrow at Pearl's response. Why she was still prim and proper, he did notice she became a bit mroe casual in her speech and mannerisms. "That's the first time I heard you swear... like ever," he added. "they must be real pieces of work to make you upset for that," Diego noted. He opened the door." Welcome to my home," he said. "It was a small but cozy place, filled with various nerdy decorations, but beyond that, it was actually somewhat plain.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"My suggestion would be have them come back and insult Sadie a couple of times in front of Barb, she'll put those two in their place." Rai chuckled. "I think the only reason she didn't do it at dinner was because of Mason.""They were and Chris' parents even said that they were probably going to try to get Raiden to break up with Steven and go into an arranged marriage with some Greek boy." Pearl said as she looked around at her new surroundings. "It's lovely."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven culdn't help but chuckle back before embracing Rai. "I do wanna make you happy though. Your smile means so much to me," Steven told her as he embraced her and then kissed her. "I guess we're both pretty bummed with what happened. But no one blames you for it though," Steven added."Yeah, it's a small place, but I call it home," Diego said as he gave her the tour. There were the basic things like a kitchen, two bathrooms and two bedrooms, but beyond that and a few blank rooms, it wasn't much. A small home, but a nice one. "It's certainly very comfortable," Diego said as he sat on the couch. "Thanks for cooking. I haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time," he confessed.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm bummed anytime I see those people." Rai rolled her eyes before hugging Steven. "But you have nothing to worry about! You can't get rid of me that easy!" She joked."It's perfect." Pearl said as she walked to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
I never want to be rid of you. You're just so amazing," Diego told her with a big smile on his face as he hugged her back and kissed her. "What do you wanna do? Just cuddle?" Steven asked her as he held her, trying to think of how they could the day into a further positive one after what happened."I guess macaroni and cheese," Diego told her with a smile as he got up and went to hug Pearl. He was a very huggy person and with Pearl especially. "You mean alot to me, Pearl," he told her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"We can't really do anything more than that with Mason right next to us," Rai looked over at Mason, "even if he is asleep.""That I can do." Pearl said as she started gathering ingredients. "You know you're going to make it pretty hard to cook if you keep hanging on to me."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, that's true," Steven told her with a smile before he cuddled against her, kissing her on the lips. "Do you wanna go out with Mason tomorrow or just stay in? I ehard it might rain sometime in the next couple of days," Steven told her quietly as he rested on the bed."Yeah, but you know you love my hugs," Diego told her before he kissed her cheek and then let her go so she could co and began cooking. "Steven told me you liked baking pies the most," Diego mentioned.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I try not to plan that far ahead with a toddler, let's talk about tomorrow." Rai said before kissing Steven. "We can make out if you want.""Yes, but I enjoy baking in general. It's based more on science than just normal cooking." She said as she began making the macaroni. "So I was thinking that I could spend the night..." Pearl glanced at Diego to see his reaction.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, I'm happy that with that," Steven told her with a smile before he leaned in to keep kissing Rai while he was holding her tight, savoring the wonderful sensations of being with her."Well, I'm glad you have a fun hobby," Diego told her with a smile as he was sitting the table. However, he became visibly surprised when suggested to spend the night. Despite his shcok, it was not in the negative and he smiled when recovering. "Sure! That sounds wonderful," Diego told her, wondering what spurred it.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai closed her eyes she kissed Steven back, eventually parting her lips for Steven's tongue."Great," Pearl said with a smile, "and I'll be able to cook you breakfast." Once she had finished fully cooking the macaroni she add the cheese and began stirring it.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven's tongue happily explored Rai's while he was hold her. He gently caressed his girlfriend back in the quiet night while savoring her company. "I love you," he said when they parted so they could catch thei breath before resting his forehead on hers."That sounds really thoughtful," Diego smiled even more. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a special occasion or if it was the spur of the moment sort of the thing. He finished setting the table. "I'm glad we get to spend time togethe rlike this," he said with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai smiled at him and said, "I love you more." She yawned before cuddling closer to him and closing her eyes."Me too." Pearl put some macaroni n cheese into a bowl for Diego, put the pot back on the stove, turned the stove off, and sat at the table. "Rai is staying over so Steven can help her babysit Mason, so I'm giving them some space."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Before we go to sleep, did we get everything of Mason's things ready for tomorrow?" Steven asked as he was cuddling with her in bed. He kept thinking back to what Rai said about intimacy: "Regarding that... was there anything or anywhere you wanted to try it before?" Steven asked her.Diego pulled the chair for Pearl to sit before returning to his seat. "This looks amazing," Diego said before he tried it. He always focused more on minding his manners when Pearl was around. "He's growing up a lot, ain't he? How do you feel about that?" Diego asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"His bottle's ready but for his actual meal, he'll whatever we're having. Dennis and Sadie just put his food into a food processor so it basically become baby food." Rai said sounding like she was already drifting off to sleep. "He can have some solids but I'd rather not risk it, so the most solid I'm going is extremely small pieces of fruit." When she heard Steven's second question, her eyes shot open with surprise. "Oh, baby, you have no idea!""Thank you." Pearl said with a smile. "Honestly it kinda scares me. Steven is gonna be seventeen soon and that's how only about a year younger than Sadie when she got pregnant for Mason. Don't get me wrong, I know Steven and Raiden will become great parents but I worry about that happening before they're actually ready for it."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven shhd Rai on instinct a bit due to her surprise being a bit louder than expected. Fortunately, Mason did not even stir from his sleep. He sighed in relief when silence followed, indicating Rai did not accidentally wake up the baby. "What were you thinking?" he whispered to her as he gently and quietly got off the bed and helped her get off the bed."To tell your the truth, Pearl, no one is really prepared for parenthood. Life has a way of giving us surprises and before we know it, we are in a new situation we have to make the best out of," Diego said, looking back on his family. "I think Greg and Rose felt the same," he added to her with a smile while he kept eating. His hand went to hers and squeezed it to comfort her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai followed Steven before placing her arms on his shoulders and whispering, "Remember when I sucked your dick?""That's not what I meant." Pearl sighed. "I meant before they actually have the abilities to properly care for a child. There's a big difference between a human's abilities to care for an infant as a teenager than as an adult. Then add in the fact that Rai has said multiples run in her family."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Do we close the door?" Steven whispered to her as they left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen living room area, Ince he got his anwer involving the door, he looked tonher when she brought the time she sucked him off. The first step in their intimacy."Yeah?" he said, nervously yet excitedly wondering what she would say and or do next."That's true, but Steven's unique hybrid physiology may mean fewer children will be born, Furthermore, Mason has so far remained an only child and will probably not have a lot of siblings," Diego added, squeezing Pearl's hand to further comfort her."Rai had plenty of experience with children and so does Steven and both are financially stable enough, not to mention the town will be all too willing to help given how well loved Steven is," he added.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I want you to use your mouth on me like what I did for you." Rai said with a seductive smirk on her face."That's true and it probably helps that Greg and Raiden's parents were in their thirties when they had kids." Pearl stated.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven blushed when Rainhad that seductive smirk on her face and even more so when he heard her request. At the same time though, he wanted to make her happy and in fairness, he was also curious."Okay," Steven said, blush still on his face. "How would you like me to start?" he asked her."So I think the two will be fine," Diego said before he continued eating his macaroni and cheese. "Anything else that's bothering you that you wanna talk about? he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai lead Steven to the bathroom so they'd have some privacy if someone walked in but could hear Mason if he started crying. She locked the door behind them and pulled her pajama shorts and panties down before she hopped up on the sink counter and spread her legs. "Ready?" She asked.Pearl blushed appearing to be embarrassed by what she was going to say. "I was thinking when you go to bed tonight, I could... uh... be in your bed with you?"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven blushed when he saw Rai adjust herself and reveal her tantalizing maidenhood in front of him, with her legs open. Steven looked hypnotized by it and he nodded dumbly when she asked if he was ready. He leaned in and began to slowly lick Rai's wet pussy. He started slowly, wanting to explore and be cautious to pleasure Rai.Diego turned and saw Pearl's face with a shade of blue, indicating that she was blushing. "Oh wow... that's really bold of you, Pearl," Diego told her with a smile, but he was blushing too. "I would like that, if you're okay with that," he said to her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai blushed when she saw Steven's reaction to her pussy, and when she felt Steven's tongue licking her she gasp, not expecting the amount of pleasure she was getting. "Oh God, Steven, this is amazing!" She moaned."I wouldn't ask if I wasn't okay with it." Pearl said with a smile still blushing. She actually had a plan for how this was going to go down and she was nervous about it going well.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Careful, don't wanna wake anyone up," Steven told her with a smile before continuing to lick. The Gems have taken to sleeping more often. Besides having a lot of positive impact on their mood and well being, it helped past the time.However, hearing her excited tone just prompted to go further in licking her and causing her pleasure.I'm just double checking," Diego told her with a smile and a blush of his own. He then continued with the macaroni and cheese. "If you don't mind me asking, why prompted all of this?" he asked her with a curious tone.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai moans quieted down but we're still audible to Steven. She threw her head back and one of her hands rested on Steven's head."Do I need a reason to spend time with my boyfriend?" Pearl asked calmly not wanting to bring up being teased by Amethyst and Rai.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai's moans was music to Steven's ears and it encouraged him to keep going. He leaned in closer and began licking Rai out faster while he wrapped his arms around her legs, even gently squeezing her butt while doing so."Well, this is just also something I thought it was beyond your comfort zone, but I am always happy to spend quality time with you. I want to make you happy," Diego told her with a smile as he embraced her before kissing her pointy nose.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Oh my God, Steven. You're tongue feels so good, you're going to make me cum soon!" Rai moaned running her fingers through Steven's curly hair.Pearl blushed a bit as she hugged Diego back. "I love spending time with you." She hesitated for a second before leaning in and kissing him.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven keot going faster still and let his tongue explore Rai's maidenhood, finding it even better than ice cream. He then noticed something appear. He heard of it before from some of the older guys it was her clit. He went in and began licking her clit, prodding it with his tongue.Diego blushed when Pearl leaned in and kissed him, but he returned the kiss back. He was fully wiling to cope with not much physical intimacy in his and Pearl's relationsip because of her "prim and proper" nature and having been the least connected to humaity of the Gems.Yet how time flies. "Likewise," he said to her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai gripped Steven's as she let out a loud moan. After a few moments she let go of his hair and while panting softly said, "That was beyond amazing, Steven. If I didn't know any better I'd think you'd done that before.""What time do you normally go to bed?" Pearl asked happily staying in Diego's arms. She knew most humans needed physical intimacy in a romantic relationship to some extent, and given her feelings for Diego she was willing to give it a chance even if it did make her a bit uncomfortable.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was a bit caught off guard when Rai gripped his head and she came into his mouth. Despite this, he still accepted it. He took a step back and was breathing heavily, recovering from the intensity of it. "I never did it before," Steven responded.He blushed when she praised hi,, however, she would also see that the whole thing has also aroused him, based on the tent in his shorts."Well, usually in a few hours. After dinner, I go and shower and just relax in the evening befre heading to bed," Diego says to Pearl as he kept hugging her. "Would you like to watch a documentary or movie or just spend some time reading after I finish shower," he tells her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai hopped off of the counter, noticing Steven's hard on as she did so. She kissed him on the lips and gently stroked it through his pants. "It looks like you enjoyed yourself almost as much as I did." She said as she continued kissing him."Why don't you go take a shower first and I'll do the dishes then after we can decide what to do." Pearl suggested as she began planning.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven happily returned Rai's kiss before groaning in her mouth as she was stroking his cock through his pants. He couldn't but nod while blushing. "What do you wanna do about it?" he asked her. He knew that Rai always carried condoms with her for him and she has been wanting to do more of it from some of their talks."All right," Diego told her with a smile before he kissed her cheek. He then went upstairs into the bathroom and stripped down. He entered the shower and savored the hot water running down his body. It was an okay day, but he still enjoyed the hot water.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well the condoms are in my bag by your bed so I'd have to go get them," Rai said with a smirk, "but this seems like it needs to be taken care of now." She pulled down Steven's pants and underwear before getting on her knees. "I guess I'll just have to suck it." She placed her hand on the base, and tooking a moment to admire it. Rai soon kissed the tip and then kissed the shaft several times.Pearl did the dishes and placed the left overs into a container before putting the container in the fridge. When she had finished cleaning up, Pearl went into Diego's bedroom and laid on her side on his bed facing the bathroom. She shapeshifted so she appeared to be naked and waited for him to finish his shower.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven saw Rai remove his pants and underpants down and groaned softly when she began kissing his shaft. "Oooh... that's nice," he said as he held her head gently. While all of this was still quite new to him, he was growing to like this sort of intimacy more and more. "You're not complaining though," he said, trying to tease back.The shower didn't take long though Dieog wodnered what Pearl was up to. He recognized the sound of shape shifting just as he was finishing and drying himelf. However, when he stepped out, he was utterly gobsmacked and he even had to pinch himsef to make sure he wasn't dreaming."P P Pearl?" he said after regianing slight composure. He did not expect her to be in his room, much less in the nude with all of the human y bits. Yet his animal side spent time oogling her and he approved, based on the growing lump under the tower.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai loved hearing Steven's reactions to her and only served to motivate her more. "That's because I love you," Rai said kissing a different place after each word, "every single inch of you." She then lowered her head onto Steven's dick and slowly began bobbing her head up and down."Yes?" Pearl asked nonchalantly as if she wasn't wearing just a smirk. "Why don't you come over here and join me?" She was trying her best to be as sexy as possible and make it look like she wasn't trying.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I love you too," Steven reponded back to her before he groaned louder in pleasure when she took his whole cock into her mouth and slowing bobbing her head up and down. Steven could only at her, mesmerized by the sight and by the pleasure he was feeling.Diego was just staring in utter shock. He didn't think much on how Pearl could look nude, but from just seeing it... she was very beautiful. Just plain sublime."You're beautiful," was asll Diego could say as he came over to her, having dropped his towel without thinking, leaving him nude. "W what is all this?" he said. His face was dominated by an intense blush and based on it, and his erect cock, he definitely approved.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai slowly began increasing her speed, bobbing her head faster and faster while gently massaging Steven's dick with her tongue. She looked up at him wanting to see his reaction to her."Thank you." Pearl smiled. "What do you think it is?" She asked. "I'm giving myself to you. All of this," she ran her hand along her body, "is for you to do with as you please."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven's groans became louder and more frequent with her bobbing her head at a fast pace while caressing his dick with her tongue. His face was one of prue pleasure. "I'm gonna cum soon," he managed to say, wanting to give Rai time to react. When she was ready, he came, letting out the built up pressure from the two exhcnages of oral.Diego could only stare at Pearl's smile. It wasn't a shy one either. It was her smile of confidence, the one she had with her half lidded eyes, the one she shown whenever she knows she want somsething or have achieved something with confidence. His stare then went over to her nude body as she ran her hand."A are you sure?" Diego said as he laid on the bed looking at her. He was still stunned and his face was filled with surprise, appreciation, and intimacy.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai picked up her pace and when Steven came she slowly kept going trying to get as much cum out as possible. She happily swallowed the contents of her mouth and said, "I missed that taste!""I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure." Pearl stated moving Diego's hand to her ass. "I'm ready for you."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was panting by the end, overwhelmed by the pleasure yet watching Rai eagerly swallow his cum while sucking him off more to get every bit turned him on. When she stopped, she would've noticed that he was still hard. "What else do you miss?" he asked her, knowing what would happen next."I'll be gentle," Diego told her with a smile before leaning in to softly kiss her. It was his first time too so he started out slow. He let his hands caress Pearl's body. While he held her many times, feeling her cool bare body was something different entirely, especially against his warm body. He continued the kiss while caressing all of her and letting her take in all of the experiences in having a truish human body.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai stood up pressing herself against Steven's body allowing his dick to push its way between her legs and grind against her pussy. "What else do you think I've missed?" She asked occasionally letting out a soft moan from feeling his hard dick against her."I'm a Gen, Diego, my body is stronger than a human." Pearl said. "You won't hurt me." She kissed him back wrapping her arms around his body.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven groaned in pleasure when he felt Rai press herself against him, his dick grinding against her pussy while she moaned. "We should get the condom," Steven told her as he removed his shirt before removing hers, leaving them in the nude.Diego let himself go a bit more while he was caressing and grope Pearl. He kissed Pearl's neck before he laid down and had her rest on him, all while grinding his cock aganst her pussy. The intense new sensations was voerwhelming for him and he figured for Pearl too. "Are you ready?" he asked her lovingly while he kept grinding against her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah." Rai said as she opened the door enough to stick her head out. After making sure no one would see her, she tiptoed as fast as she could to her bag trying not to wake up Mason, grabbed a condom, and tiptoed back to the bathroom.Pearl was getting some pleasure from the kissing and groping but it wasn't until Diego grinded his dick against her pussy that she felt it, the most intense feeling of pleasure she'd ever exerperienced and it caused her to moan loudly. "Yes." She said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven saw Rai quickly return and he embraced her, frowning softly when he felt hisncock grind up against her busy body once more. When she put the condom on him, he gently lifted her leg up and lined near her entrance. "Ready?" he whispered in her ear.Diego was a bit surprised by how loud Pearl moaned, yet her felt pride at seeing the orgasmic look on her face. From what it looks like, Pearl never felt anything remotely like this before. Well, she hasn't felt anything yet.Diego kissed Pearl passionately as he slowly entered inside of her and his mind was bombarded with intense waves of pleasure, all while he held onto his beloved Gem tight. He started out by going at a slow pace, to let Pearl recover from the intense high.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I love how you're taking control, it is such a turn on." She placed her hands on his shoulders for balance and kissed him before whispered in his ear, "take me, Steven."When Diego thruster into her, Pearl eyes grew and she bit her bottom lip to contain herself from practically yelling out in pleasure. "Oh goodness, this is unbelievable!"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven couldn't help but blush at his sudden forwardness, but he chalked it up tobeing Rai's influence. He held her tightly so she wouldn't fall off or lost balance before putting himself back inside of Rai. He groaned, savoring the amazing sensations coming back once more. He started at a slow pace, trying to get used to the position they were in.Inflamed by her moans of pleasure, Diego continued going at his slow and steady pace, focused on going deep inside of Pearl. He savored every second of every moment of this transcendant experience between him and her. He printed kisses all over her and loved every bit of her bare body. He even leaned in to kiss her small breasts. They were perfect. Everything about her was perfect.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai let out a long and low moan as Steven thrusted into her. She didn't know if it was Steven gaining more sexual prowess or not, but every time they had sex it got better and better and she loved it almost as much as she loved Steven.Pearl continued to moan as she felt Diego kissing her. Admittedly she'd always been self conscious about her breasts, after all she had always been the least "voluptuous" of all the Crystal Gems, even Rose had larger breasts, but having Diego kiss them made her feel better.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was still going st the slow and steady pace in being intimate with Rai. He was being careful not to have her lose balance, especiallybwith auh a new position. However, as he got used to holding her, he began going a bit faster while he caresses her leg. "This is amazing," he panted out.The intense experience was driving Diego ecstatic with pleasure. Pearl was so hot and tight and Diego became confident enough to go faster with his pace. "How do you feel?" Diego asked Pearl lovingly as he faced her, pressing his forehead on hers.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I know," Rai moaned as she kissed Steven. Even though Steven eating her out felt good, nothing could beat the feeling of Steven's rock hard cock repeatedly slamming in her awaiting pussy and the feeling of her clit bumping of his body."Amazing." Pearl replied moaning. "This is a whole new feeling for me and it may actually be better than fusing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven began picking up the pace, savoring it all. Whi