int64 1
| Joke
stringlengths 10
230,901 | What's the worst part about dating a Japanese girl? When you break up with her, you have to drop the bomb twice before she gets it. |
230,902 | How many wiseguys does it take to change a lightbulb? Who's asking? |
230,903 | What's in front of a woman and in the back of a cow? The W. Yeah my dad just busted this joke on me. |
230,904 | When birds fly in V formation why is one side longer than the other? They have more birds on that side. #scienceded |
230,905 | My best friend's a rocking chair... ...we go way back. |
230,906 | What do you call it when my girlfriend kills 250 million unborn children A Swallocaust. I'm not proud of myself. |
230,907 | Wanna hear a Nirvana joke? Nevermind. |
230,908 | What does a toilet, a clitoris, and an anniversary have in common? Men usually miss all three. |
230,909 | What is blue and smells like red paint? blue paint |
230,910 | I got called "vein" and I'm just like, k not the most vital component of the circulatory system but still essential so thank you |
230,911 | Why do people ask "What were you thinking?" Obviously I was thinking I was going to get away with it and not have to explain. |
230,912 | I tried to do standup once They told me to sit back down |
230,913 | What's blue and looks like a bucket? A red bucket in disguise. |
230,914 | So a guy walks into a bar with a gun. Angry he snarled, "Aight, who the hell boned my wife and mom?" The bartender shook his head and smiled, "You don't have enough bullets bud." |
230,915 | What's the square root of optimus prime? I'm not sure, but it's more than meets the eye. |
230,916 | What are some funny offensive jokes? Title |
230,917 | A wife said to her husband, "You fuck like you fix things around the house." "Expertly?" he asked. "No," she responded. "Half done so I have to call the neighbor over to finish the job." |
230,918 | I had tears in my eyes when my dad chopped up Onions I loved Onions. He was a great dog. |
230,919 | I just finished an exciting book on 19th century shipbuilding techniques... It was riveting. |
230,920 | Hello, you're through to Sea World Your call may be used for training Porpoises. |
230,921 | Hey, women that breastfeed in public... What's with you not winking back? |
230,922 | I'm going to start a charity for the clinically insane. Gonna call it "Fundamental" |
230,923 | Why do midgets laugh while running through the yard? Because the grass tickles their nuts... |
230,924 | So I saw a truck called 'The Morse Deliverers' reversing yesterday, For some reason it just kept on saying 'S' |
230,925 | Pickup Lines Everyone says you're an Angel, but I think you're Medusa because whenever I stare into your eyes I turn rock hard. Do you like bad grades cause I can give you all the D's |
230,926 | Tell me your local jokes! Why does the Clyde run through Glasgow? Because if it walked, it'd get jumped! |
230,927 | "Dress for the job you want," they said. Apparently pornstar wasn't a valid option. |
230,928 | The key to a long relationship: Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty. |
230,929 | What did the potato chip say to the battery? I'm Frito-Lay when you're Everyready. |
230,930 | What does the Sargeant of the Knowledge division always tell his troops to get? in formation |
230,931 | Girl, you are so sexy. . . [unsuitably sweet for work] that if my brain was in my penis, you would make my forehead sweat. |
230,932 | I went into a hotel.. I went into a hotel when a luggage boy came and said "I'm the 'beg'gar" |
230,933 | Cop: Know why I stopped you? The dead guy in my trunk? Cop: Um, speeding, but my shift's over, so proper burial and no more murders. Ok? |
230,934 | My printer just woke from sleep mode with a huge toner. |
230,935 | Why did the man drowning in the Nile River think he wasn't going to die? Because he was in de-nile. |
230,936 | Why do T Rexes have such bad anger issues? Because their fathers never hugged them. |
230,937 | What do cannibals get when they are late for dinner? The cold shoulder |
230,938 | Some day when scientists discover the center of the universe, many people are going to be disappointed to find out it isn't them. |
230,939 | One Scot came back from work earlier then usual and saw plumber's car in the front of the house. - Oh my God I hope it is her lover. |
230,940 | Why were the two Chinese scientists having trouble cloning a caucasian? Because two Wongs can't make a white. |
230,941 | What do you call a gay town in New Mexico? Albuqueerque. |
230,942 | Yo mama teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles! |
230,943 | Two Guys Peeing off a bridge- One guy looks over at the other- "Man, This water is Cold! "Yeah...It's deep, Too- |
230,944 | What do you call Harrison Ford making a Venn diagram? Comparrison Ford! |
230,945 | A dog walks into a bar and orders several strong drinks. He appears to be sad. The bartender asks him, "Why are you ordering so many drinks?". The dog responds, "I've had a ruff day." |
230,946 | I like telling people to "grow up" because even if they hate me I can visit them ten years later and say "Took my advice I see" |
230,947 | Why didn't Johnny Depp get an Oscar nod for Black Mass? The nominee pool was Whitey-nough already |
230,948 | Sexist joke (insulting but funny) What do you call a woman who's lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced! |
230,949 | Who punishes Colorado underage smokers? COPD |
230,950 | Cat: Grrrrrplukk...Grrrrrplukk...Grrrrrplukk...Grrrrrplukk... **Coughs up hairball** Dog: You gonna eat that? |
230,951 | How do black people get tans at the beach? They lay down on their backs and put their legs and arms toward the sky. |
230,952 | A girl once broke up with me... A girl once broke up with me because I quoted Linkin Park too much. It was a great releationship, but in the end it doesn't even matter. |
230,953 | What do you call a moari terrorist? Geeee, hard! |
230,954 | A group of prostitutes play WoW. I heard that they call themselves the whore'd. |
230,955 | Q: What goes up but doesn't come down? A: A kangaroo stuck in a tree. |
230,956 | Why Doesn't Humpty Dumpty Believe in Anything? Because he's an EGGnostic! |
230,957 | I figured out why prostitutes always look tired and haggard. Their job is a lot of fucking work. |
230,958 | What breaks when you give it to a toddler? Their hips. |
230,959 | Dentist: "You don't need to open your mouth any wider. When I pull your tooth I expect to stand outside." |
230,960 | Using my toes to pick something up makes it hard to go to church on Sunday. |
230,961 | Beating the drummer (again) What do you call the hot girl on a drummer's arm? A tattoo. |
230,962 | What do a horny guy and a bad driver have in common? They are both bad at pulling out. |
230,963 | Crap tonight is day lights savings and we loose an hour of sleep On the bright side we get an extra hour of light |
230,964 | I bought a parrot... And it could talk. But it did not say "I'm hungry." So it died. |
230,965 | My dad got fired from Cal Trans for stealing... We couldn't believe it. But when we got home, we saw all of the signs. |
230,966 | Why don't ants go to church? Because they are insects. |
230,967 | I'm a wealth of knowledge Unless you want it to be true Then I'm pretty solid on about 6 topics 2 of those might just be Doritos flavors |
230,968 | What do you call a group of Beavers? A hens nights |
230,969 | [Starbucks intercom] "Will the man that ordered the Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte please pick up your drink. No one is looking." |
230,970 | What's the difference between Pink Floyd and Donald Trump Pink Floyd actually finished The Wall. |
230,971 | Do you think Michael J Fox....? Do you think Michael J Fox ever gets an answer out of an 8-Ball? |
230,972 | I wanted to ask "What's up with women" But that was too broad of a question. |
230,973 | Me: Did it hurt? Her: Did what hurt? Me: When you fell from a really high distance. Dating as an atheist is hard. |
230,974 | What did the Japanese buck say to the doe he was courting? [OC] I don't know how to put this but...I'm kind of a big deer. |
230,975 | What do you call two gay Irishmen? Michael FitzPatrick and Patrick FitzMichael. Happy St. Patrick's Day! |
230,976 | I like my coffee like I like my women Without pubic hair. |
230,977 | Harry Potter: A Shortened Version Voldemort: I must kill Harry Potter. Everyone else: Lol, no. |
230,978 | Stop making fun of the fat girl Shes thick and tired of it. |
230,979 | How can you reuse a condom? Turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it. |
230,980 | My dad installed new LED bulbs in his home. I started seeing him in a new light after that. |
230,981 | Worst things about mid 40's: 1. Catching a view of yourself naked in the mirror. 2. Crying too hard to complete this list. |
230,982 | Did you hear about the black guy who was shot 15 times? The police said it was the worst case of suicide they had ever seen. |
230,983 | I'm not saying my wife's a snob but even her colostomy bag is a Louis Vuitton. |
230,984 | Couch: $300 TV: $1000 Chips: $3. The look on your face when you don't have electricity: Priceless |
230,985 | What do they use to pay for things in the Vatican? Paypal |
230,986 | I have Facebook like reflexes. "Don't you mean cat-like reflexes?" *throws a book and hits you right in the face* |
230,987 | I asked my wife what women really want and she said "attentive lovers"... ...actually she might have said "A tent of lovers", I don't really listen to her needs and opinions. |
230,988 | "LOL what if our packaging was totally easy to tear open...unless you had a cut finger?" --Band-Aid makers, seriously, f those guys |
230,989 | I can hear music coming out of my printer. I think the papers jammin' again. |
230,990 | If a horse's front legs are traveling at 200mph, what are it's back legs doing? Hauling ass. |
230,991 | I've been eating sunflower seeds and Tweeting for 9 hours. Now I know what my canary feels like. |
230,992 | We do apathetic derision better than any nation on earth. Probably. Can't be arsed to find out...and all statisticians are cunts. |
230,993 | How do you study for a prostate exam? By cramming. |
230,994 | A recruiter asked me if I wanted to be a hardcore developer I said sure, I've always wanted to work for PornHub |
230,995 | What do you call a black guy who flies airplanes? A 'pilot" you effing racist!! |
230,996 | Kobe Bryant's Wife filing for divorce. I bet somewhere right now Kim Kardashian is plotting.. |
230,997 | What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina? Only half the things that come out of her vagina are retarded. |
230,998 | What did the Italian say when the eel swam by? That's a Moray. |
230,999 | My brother wanted to play cowboys and indians So I put on a ten gallon hat and and chaps and he went to MIT and graduated in computer science. |
231,000 | Never tell a psycho that they're psycho, because then they feel like they're obligated to prove it. |