3 values
[ "Gay man attacked by mob of 20 men in alleged hate crime" ]
[ "A gay man claims he was beaten by a large group of men in Cleveland over Labor Day weekend in what he's described as a hate crime.", "According to NBC affiliate WKYC, Jared Fox was visiting his native Ohio from New York and was walking toward a well-known Cleveland gay bar on Aug. 31 when he says he was surrounded by a a group of about 20 men, who taunted him with homophobic epithets.", "\"They saw that there was a gay bar at the corner and they saw me walking to it,\" Fox recalled in a YouTube video he posted after the alleged attack. \"They said, What's in your pockets?'\" Once he told the group he had no money, he says they slammed him as a \"broke faggot\" before they \"started swinging.\"", "Watch Fox's YouTube video about the attack below:", "Fox suffered a black eye, a ruptured right ear drum and some hearing loss, as well as dozens of bruises across his body. Meanwhile, Cleveland police are currently investigating the attack as both a robbery and a hate crime, Fox 8 News is reporting.", "\"I can't un-do what happened,\" Fox added in the YouTube video. \"Thank God that I'm alive ... the only thing I can be right now is thankful. That's the only emotion I feel.\"", "Earlier this year, Ohio's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community was rattled by a spate of three alleged hate crimes. A Northern Kentucky man told Ohio-based ABC affiliate WCPO that he was attacked outside of a Columbus bar on June 6 because he is gay, while another gay man had to be hospitalized after allegedly being punched, beaten and kicked from behind just three days later, according to reports.", "Meanwhile, David Conley, who is also gay, was allegedly attacked and robbed on June 10 by a group of men -- one of whom he claims hit him with a 2-by-4 -- who made \"vulgar comments as they approached that indicated an anti-gay bias,\" according to Outlook Columbus' Bob Vitale." ]
Jared Fox, Gay Man, Allegedly Attacked By Cleveland Mob In Hate Crime: Report
A gay man claims he was beaten by...
hate crimes,LGBT issues,Jared Fox Gay Hate Crime,anti-gay hate crime,anti-gay,anti-gay discrimination,Jared Fox,video,gay rights,LGBT rights,Cleveland Gay Hate Crime,Cleveland Anti-Gay Hate Crime,Gay Hate crime,gay issues,anti-gay hate crimes
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1331903/images/o-JARED-FOX-GAY-HATE-CRIME-facebook.jpg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/193749/slide_193749_415519_free.jpg" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "In Cleveland over the weekend", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "in Cleveland over Labor Day" ]
[ [ [ 0, 55 ], [ 0, 82 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Why people constantly ask this woman if she's married to her dad" ]
[ "Updated Nov. 30, 2013", "That awkward moment when people think you and your dad are married.", "And that's not just rhetorical Internet speak.", "My parents and I just got back from a cruise to the Bahamas and two people on separate occasions asked me if I was my dad's wife. What's more, a Peruvian ship worker also asked us, \"Is that your daughter? But she looks like a China woman!\" And a presumably respectful Southern gentleman asked me, after seeing me with my parents, if I was \"like a Cambodian victim of sex trafficking?\"", "That one was really the cherry on top of my Piña Colada.", "These questions are all particularly anathema to me because I actually write for a living about the global subjugation of women. So I am very certain that I'm not my dad's mail-order Asian bride and that my mom is not my sex trafficking captor.", "My parents, who are 61 years old, white and live in Iowa, adopted me from Seoul, South Korea after I was left on the doorsteps of an orphanage when I was a day old. I'm not a unique case -- after the Korean War ended in 1953, many moms in South Korea abandoned their newborns in a society that would ostracize an unwed woman who had a child.", "There are complex stereotypes regarding race, gender, prejudice, and privilege that arise when people ask us whether we are married -- namely the inculcated archetype regarding the \"creepy\" older white man man and the younger, submissive Asian woman.", "Society's view on this is simply not something I want to be reminded of when I'm hanging out with my dad.", "I'm not saying I'm free of my own biases or I adhere to some supreme level of moral rectitude, but since it's National Adoption Awareness Month (granted, it's domestic-focused) and this type of prejudice is not endemic to a cruise ship but rather something that happens to many Asian adoptees, I thought I'd make a small request. I think it'd be best, guys, if we could stop labeling and perpetuating stereotypes because, well, just look at what happens: awkwardness for everyone involved.", "My sister-in-law, dad, brother, cutest nephew ever, mom, me.", "Now, it might seem easy to attribute these statements to the \"type\" of people who go on this \"type\" of vacation.", "A cruise is, of course, probably about the least authentic way to travel. There is no farm-to-table fare, no architecture steeped in history. The completely curated activities and cheesy over-the-top theatrical tone of a cruise relegates it to steerage in the ranks of traveling. Fine, but it is a fun vacation for families. Plus, I was veritably unable to check email for a week, so I had a great time.", "But I will say this cruise I went on was not prototypical. On board, we mostly hung out in an unassuming whiskey lounge with dark wood and went to shows and a classy-enough art auction. The cruise left from a port in New York and was a week-long home to an eclectic mix of socioeconomic statuses and races. Old-money-Upper-East-Siders complained about how the food was \"teahrible.\" Russian families three generations strong ate Japanese teppanyaki with precocious daughters looking squarely in their parent's eyes telling them \"Nyet\" (No). Italian women loudly compared their commutes from Staten Island into the city. And a largely Filipino and Peruvian boat crew told me about the new food they ate on the boat -- like spaghetti carbonara.", "But as I describe these passengers above, it's clear I'm just as prone to stereotyping others as anyone else is. And these subtle, nuanced observations can be more insidious than overtly offensive statements such as racial slurs -- which are vivid and salient in their wrongness. These more latent forms of bias can slowly build undetected. Creating awareness and actively trying not to do this takes work.", "To be sure, this post isn't some culturally elitist screed meant to elicit comments like \"'Murica, fu*k yeah.\" This is no uproarious David Foster Wallace piece, \"A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again,\" in which he derisively mocks the low-brow nature of a cruise he took with statements such as, \"I have seen 500 upscale Americans dance the Electric Slide. I have seen sunsets that looked computer-enhanced. I have (very briefly) joined a conga line.\"", "All of this caused him to basically have an existential crisis. I guess I can be thankful all that didn't happen to me.", "I am actually pointing out that on this racially diverse boat, people from all over the world projected stereotypes toward Asian women and white men.", "Ever one to lighten the mood, my hilarious, intelligent mom said, \"Well, what if you and I are an item, and Dad is just the beard?\"", "But that would simply never happen because that's not a social construct society has formed a consensus on.", "When I was younger, I wanted to go places strictly with my dad, because he had brown hair and I thought I resembled him more than my strawberry-blonde mom. As a Korean adoptee in a homogenous Midwest community, I thought I blended in more this way. Now, the reality is that the opposite is true.", "The cruise isn't the first time something like this has happened. A few years ago, I lived with my parents outside of Chicago when I was in grad school for journalism. My dad and I were at some event and I was producing a radio segment, when a local politician -- you know, those public figures in whom we place all our trust -- asked if my dad and I were married. I remember neighbors asking, too. It's just uncomfortable.", "But beyond being uncomfortable, these questions are also distressing because they bring up issues from childhood that have shaped who you are. It's a reminder of feeling like an outsider and wanting to fit in. And it's a reminder that you probably overcompensate because of it. It's a reminder that growing up and not seeing anyone who looks like you can make you dislike or be disinterested in your own ethnicity. It's a reminder that you realized -- early on in life -- that the world is such an imperfect place that a mother could be forced to give up her child. And that is all personally painful to think about.", "But it all also probably made you more of a soul-searcher.", "Nicole Soojung recently wrote for Bitch Magazine about whether race should be discussed among adoptees, pointing out that some parents opt for a \"colorblind\" approach. She said that a mother who adopted a son told her: \"I don't see my son's color. Race is just not an issue for us.\"", "But race in relation to adoption is an issue, precisely for reasons like what happened on our cruise. And apparently it's not an issue only families of adopted kids should talk about -- it's something everybody should.", "So big picture, let's try not to uphold prejudices and stereotypes because look what happens -- people ask you if you're married to your dad." ]
An Adoption Awareness Month Request: Check Your Prejudices
Updated Nov. 30, 2013 That awkward moment when people think you and your dad are married. And that's not just rhetorical Internet speak. ...
asian adoption,korean adoptee stories,korean adoptees,adoption awareness month,korean adoption,jessica prois,adoption
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1487258/images/o-ADOPTION-facebook.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1487728/thumbs/n-FAM-570.jpg?7", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Different race; she was adopted", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "adopted me from Seoul" ]
[ [ [ 6, 58 ], [ 6, 79 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "this is good" ]
[ "The chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to review evidence that Lois Lerner \"broke the law to target Americans for their political beliefs.\" The request comes after the DOJ refused, under the Obama Administration’s leadership, to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by the former IRS Exempt Organizations Division director.", "Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), joined by Tax Police Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL), sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting an investigation into allegations that Lerner used her division’s power to target American citizens’ applications for non-profit status, or political action committees, based upon the citizen’s political beliefs.", "\"Taxpayers deserve to know that the DOJ’s previous evaluation was not tainted by politics,\" the two chairmen wrote in the letter obtained by Breitbart Texas. \"We respectfully request the Department of Justice to take a fresh look at the evidence presented in the attached referral in order to restore taxpayers’ trust in the IRS.\"", "Brady and Roskam sent information to the U.S. Attorney General disclosing findings of a three-year investigation by their committee that uncovered \"evidence of willful misconduct on the part of Ms. Lerner.\"", "\"Despite this fact, and for what many believe were purely partisan reasons, the prior Administration refused to review Ms. Lerner’s misconduct,\" they explained. \"In particular, the Committee found that Ms. Lerner used her position to improperly influence IRS action against conservative organizations, denying these groups due process and equal protection rights under the law.\"", "\"The Committee also found she impeded official investigations by providing misleading statements in response to questions from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration,\" the letter to Sessions continues. \"Finally, Lerner risked exposing, and may actually have disclosed, confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of Internal Revenue Code section 6103 by using her personal email to conduct official business.\"", "In August 2016, Breitbart News reported that the House voted to hold Lerner in Contempt of Congress for her refusal to testify before a House Oversight Committee hearing in May 2013. The article disclosed information contained in 302 FBI documents revealing possible illegal conduct by Lerner and others in the IRS.", "Commenting on Obama’s Justice Department’s failure to take action, the letter from the two tax chairmen states, \"Disturbingly, in February 2014, while the investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) was ongoing, President Obama stated there was ‘not a smidgeon of corruption’ at the IRS, preempting a fair investigation in which he had political equities.\"", "In April 2014, the Ways and Means Committee posted a timeline of Lerner’s alleged misconduct while serving in the IRS:", "January 21, 2010: Citizen’s United Ruling: Supreme Court issues ruling in Citizens United case, which would lead to an active campaign by Democrats against conservative groups – a campaign Lerner was well aware of and reacted to.", "January 27, 2010: President Obama Goes on the Attack: In his State of the Union address, President Obama states: \"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections. I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities.\"", "March-April 2010: IRS Targeting Begins: According to TIGTA, the IRS’s Determinations Unit \"began searching for other requests for exemption involving the Tea Party, Patriots, 9/12 and IRC § 501(c)(4) applications involving political sounding names, e.g., ‘We the People’ or ‘Take Back the Country.’\"", "September 26, 2010: White House Steps Up Attacks: David Axelrod, then-senior advisor to President Obama, referred to Crossroads GPS and similar groups as \"front groups for special interests. These are front groups for foreign-controlled companies, which would have been banned under the bill that we put through Congress, and they don’t want the American people to know, and the American people ought to be alert to that.\"", "October 12, 2010: Democrat Leaders Join Attack: Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin urges the IRS to investigate the tax status of Crossroads GPS and \"other orgs\" – though no other organizations were named.", "October 19, 2010: Lerner on Alert: Speaking to students at Duke University, Lois Lerner states that 501(c)(4) organizations were spending money on campaign activity in the wake of the Citizens United decision and claimed, \"[E]verybody is screaming at us, ‘fix it now before the election....\"", "February 2011: Lerner Calls Conservatives \"Dangerous,\" Start to Take Control: Lois Lerner sends email to IRS employees \"Tea Party Matter very dangerous ....Cincy should probably NOT have these cases.\"", "March 24, 2011: Democrats Step Up Attacks: DCCC launches website to \"expose donors of Crossroads GPS.\"", "June 3, 2011: Congressional Inquiries Begin: Chairman Camp sends letter to Commissioner Shulman inquiring about IRS targeting of taxpayers who donated money to conservative groups, as well as information regarding audits of 501(c)(4) organizations.", "June 19, 2012: White House Continues to Attack: President Obama’s lawyer demands that Crossroads GPS disclose its donors, saying in a complaint to the Federal Election Commission that the group is plainly a \"political committee\" subject to federal reporting requirements.", "February 1, 2012: Democrats Continue to Attack: National Public Radio reports that Senate Democrats, led by Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), want to investigate groups such as Crossroads GPS.", "July 10, 2012: Lerner’s Mindset Revealed: Lois Lerner, in response to a story sent to her regarding the complaint to the FEC against Crossroads GPS replies \"Perhaps the FEC will save the day.\"", "July 17, 2012: Lerner Starts to Prepare Cover Story: Lerner sent an email to Holly Paz and Nikole Flax offering comments on a talking point that referred to an \"uptick in political advocacy cases,\" drafted for then-Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement Steve Miller. However, Lerner admits that, \"I know we don’t have published SOI stats\" to support such a claim.\" [See letter to DOJ]", "July 27, 2012: Democrats Attack, Again: Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) sends another letter to the IRS regarding Crossroads GPS and others, seeking a probe and status.", "December 14, 2012: IRS Leaks: Crossroads GPS’s application is leaked to ProPublica, though the tax-exempt status of the group had not been determined, a violation of federal law.", "November 2, 2012: Lerner Misleads TIGTA: Lerner sends misleading response to TIGTA investigatory audit questionnaire. [See letter to DOJ]", "January 4, 2013: Lerner Leaps Into Action: Lerner organizes a meeting with Democracy 21 and also with the Office of Chief Counsel and the Office of Tax Policy at the Department of the Treasury for January 4. This begins a series of specific actions by Lerner that targets only conservative groups. [See letter to DOJ]", "January 4, 2013: Lerner Pressures Review Committee: Lerner inquires to the status of Crossroads, and finds that the group had not been selected for audit. She subsequently sent an email to the Director of Examinations in Dallas, TX, Nanette Downing, demanding to know why the group had not yet been audited. In her email to Downing, she notes that she wants all moves regarding Crossroads to be coordinated in DC. [See letter to DOJ]", "January 24, 2013: Lerner Ponders Job for Obama Organization: In response to a news story about the formation of the President’s Organizing For Action, a 501(c)(4), Lerner remarked to EO Senior Technical Advisor Sharon Light, \"Oh—maybe I can get the DC office job!\" [See letter to DOJ]", "January 31, 2013: Lerner Attempts to Influence Independent Appeals Process: In an email to the Chief of IRS Appeals, Chris Wagner, Lerner offers unsolicited advice on the independent appeals process notwithstanding a prohibition against such contact. [See letter to DOJ]", "May 10, 2013: Lerner Misleads Public: At an American Bar Association function, Lois Lerner, director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division, publicly apologizes for what she claimed were inappropriate actions by the Cincinnati office of the IRS to subject conservative groups to extra scrutiny.", "Despite the lengthy report from the Ways and Means Committee, the DOJ took no action. \"It is clear that when the DOJ announced in October 2015 that it would not bring charges against Lois Lerner, the agency was following President Obama’s signal on how he wanted the investigation to be handled,\" Brady and Roskam concluded in this new letter to the DOJ.", "The two committee chairman requested a new investigation to look into the matter in order to \"restore taxpayers’ trust in the IRS.\"" ]
Tax Day Justice: DOJ Investigation of Lois Lerner Called for by Ways and Means Chairman
The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee called on the DOJ to review evidence that Lois Lerner "broke the law to target Americans for their political beliefs."
Contempt of Congress, Department of Justice, house ways and means committee, Internal Revenue Service, irs, Jeff Sessions, Kevin Brady, lois lerner, Peter Roskam,Big Government, Breitbart Texas, IRS,Lois Lerner
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "The chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to review evidence that Lois Lerner \"broke the law to target Americans for their political beliefs.\"" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 202 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The most sleep-deprived state in America will surprise you" ]
[ "A new study finds that sleep habits vary widely depending on where you live.", "You’d think the most sleep-deprived state in the nation would be somewhere in the sleepless northeast, right? But you’d be wrong.", "A new study has found that the state with the worst sleep habits in the country is Hawaii. So while Hawaii may make a popular vacation destination for those looking for relax, the people who live there are depriving themselves of sleep, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study.", "The study examined how many Americans were getting less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night, and found alarmingly that a third of Americans aren’t getting that amount of rest, based on a poll of 400,000 adults in all 50 states.", "Hawaii scored the worst at 56.1 percent. The best? South Dakota at 71.6 percent.", "Geographically, the Great Plains states tended to score the best, as well as states along the Appalachian Mountains. However, southern states also performed poorly along with Hawaii, such as Alabama and Georgia.", "And don’t think that the people who work hard every day are the ones deprived of sleep. It’s actually people who are unable to work or who are unemployed who get the least amount of sleep.", "Married people not surprisingly tend to have better sleep habits than single, with 67 percent of married people getting the 7 hours of rest compared to 62 percent of people who are not married. Those who are divorced or widowed fare worse than single people, reporting at 56 percent.", "And your education matters. About 72 percent of people with a college degree got the requisite 7 hours of sleep.", "\"As a nation we are not getting enough sleep,\" Wayne Giles, M.D., director of CDC’s Division of Population Health, said in a statement. \"Lifestyle changes such as going to bed at the same time each night; rising at the same time each morning; and turning off or removing televisions, computers, mobile devices from the bedroom, can help people get the healthy sleep they need.\"" ]
The most sleep-deprived state in America will surprise you ... people in the U.S. just aren’t sleeping enough, says CDC
[ "http://ticker.joneskilmartingr.netdna-cdn.com/news/wp-content/uploads/sleep-264475_640.jpg", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/pinterest.png", "http://ticker.joneskilmartingr.netdna-cdn.com/news/wp-content/uploads/mediterranean-diet-88x46.jpg", "http://ticker.joneskilmartingr.netdna-cdn.com/news/wp-content/uploads/metallic-hydrogen-88x46.jpg", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/mail.png", "http://ticker.joneskilmartingr.netdna-cdn.com/news/wp-content/uploads/brain5-88x46.jpg", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/facebook.png", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/reddit.png", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/tumblr.png", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/twitter.png", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/linkedin.png", "http://www.morningticker.com/news/wp-content/plugins/social-media-feather/synved-social/image/social/regular/96x96/google_plus.png" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "It's Hawaii", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Hawaii" ]
[ [ [ 2, 83 ], [ 2, 89 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This ham changes everything you thought you knew about exclusive cured meats" ]
[ "Like Kobe beef and halibut sushi, much of what you see labeled as jamon iberico is not what you think it is. Though the narrative of acorn-fattened pigs roaming the woodlands of western Spain is popular, it appears to be a misleading one: Most ibe1rico pigs spend their short, unremarkable lives slopping up provender on factory farms.", "Since the price and quality of jamon iberico vary widely—high-end examples can fetch more than $200 a pound—Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture rolled out designations a few years back that minimize the guesswork. White, green, and red tags denote pork that’s typically mixed-breed and frequently fed with grain, not acorns. Purebred, acorn-fed iberico pigs are tagged with black labels.", "Outside the Iberian Peninsula, where shoppers are less conversant in Spanish ham-speak, the color-coded tags will likely prove useful. Roughly 20,000 tons of the black-hoofed hams were exported last year alone, up 25 percent from the year before. Eighty percent of exported iberico goes to EU countries such as Germany, Italy, Portugal, and France. Japan, the U.S., and Mexico make up the majority of the remaining 20 percent. ", "But there is a movement in the U.S. to develop its own American versions of the world's most exclusive cured meat. Acornseekers, based in Flatonia, Texas, was the first to bring Iberico pigs, a breed indigenous to Spain and Portugal, to the U.S. for commercial production. La Quercia, an Iowa-based farm that sells its pork to high-end shops such as Eataly and Murray's in New York, has its own \"acorn proscuitto,\" made from nut-foraging Missouri Tamworth pigs. And on Feb. 5, Georgia-based White Oak Pastures held a dinner to celebrate its first harvest—featuring its pigs flown in from the dehesa savannas in southwest Spain—and included chefs from Spain who led the preparations.", "Compared with conventional hogs, the indigenous Iberian species matures far more slowly, bears smaller litters, yields less meat, and requires vast swaths of acorn-rich pastureland (the Spanish government mandates at least five acres per animal). Which is why, according to the Asociacion Nacional de Industria de Carne de España, the largest association representing the Spanish meat industry, 95 percent of jamon labeled as iberico is actually mixed-breed. And why authentic jamon iberico is so much pricier.", "With that in mind, here are five questions to ask before your next jamon purchase if you’re seeking quality over price, whether traditional Spanish or the newest American offerings: ", "Breed: Was the pig pure-breed or mixed?", "Diet: Was it fed wild acorns or industrial fodder?", "Lifestyle: Was it free-range or farmed?", "Curing: Was it three years (the minimum for pure-breed iberico) or 700 days (the minimum for cross-breed)?", "Lifespan: Did the pig enjoy one or two years of grazing? If the latter, it leads to a more complex final product.", "Avelino Garcia, a bespectacled charcutero who’s been carving ham in Madrid’s Pacifico market since 1970, said his customers spring for the acorn-fed stuff on holidays and special occasions only, for the most part. \"Sure, we’ve come a long way since the dime-a-dozen chorizo sandwiches of the Franco era, but jamon iberico will always be a luxury product.\"", "Corrects second-to-last paragraph about the curing process" ]
Five Questions to Ask About Jamón Ibérico
The market for your fancy hams just got more crowded.
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "jamon iberico" ]
[ [ [ 0, 66 ], [ 0, 79 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Kid's solution to the ethical trolley dilemma" ]
[ "Kid's solution to the ethical trolley dilemma | everyone dies" ]
Kid's solution to the ethical trolley dilemma
A .jpg image . Kid's solution to the ethical trolley dilemma | everyone dies
images, funny, image host, image sharing, reaction gif, viral images, current events, cute, visual storytelling, gif
[ "http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-f8oruOqDFlMeI.gif", "http://i.imgur.com/s825gqi.jpg?fb", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1076474169030064&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.imgur.com/s825gqi.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=7770950&cv=2.0&cj=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "everyone dies", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "everyone dies" ]
[ [ [ 0, 48 ], [ 0, 61 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This just might be the biggest travel bummer ever" ]
[ "If you've ever traveled far and long to see a famous monument, you know it's an exciting experience. But what happens when you arrive at that renowned structure and it's covered in scaffolding?", "Well... it's basically the biggest letdown ever.", "Sure, you should do your research to prepare yourself for things like construction and restoration. And we understand that monuments, especially really old ones, need restoration every now and then to keep them in good shape. But sometimes it's just an unavoidable truth of travel that sites won't look how you'd wish.", "Here's what they look like in their sad, scaffolded states.", "Disclaimer: These monuments and others may or may not be under construction when you visit them, and are not necessarily under construction right now. Check local websites for further information.", "The Washington Monument", "Date of photo: June 2, 2013", "The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., has been under construction since last May after it was damaged in a 2011 earthquake. It's set to reopen this May.", "The Parthenon", "Date of photo: May 1, 2012", "The Great Sphinx of Giza", "Date of photo: Unknown", "La Sagrada Familia", "Date of photo: Oct. 23, 2009", "Gaudi's famous church has always been under construction... because it's never been completed.", "The Colosseum", "Date of photo: Oct. 9, 2013", "Christ the Redeemer Statue", "Date of photo: March 8, 2010", "The United States Supreme Court Building", "Date of photo: July 10, 2013", "Tiananmen Gate", "Date of photo: Sept. 15, 2010" ]
The Biggest Travel Bummer Might Just Be Seeing Monuments Under Construction
If you've ever traveled far and long to see a famous monument, you know it's an exciting experience. But what happens when you arrive at that renowned st...
monuments under construction,landmarks,International Destinations,travel letdowns,disappointing travel,travel,monuments,monuments scaffolding
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[ "Monuments Under Construction" ]
[ [ [ -1, 47 ], [ -1, 75 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "As is tradition." ]
[ "A man looking to blame President-Elect Donald Trump supporters for a hate crime confessed to police that he fabricated an incident involving a racially-charged message, a fire, and a staged abduction.", "Vincent Palmer, 27, told local police in Volusia County, Florida that he wrote a message using racial slurs with with \"KKK\" and \"Trump\" references taped to his ex-girlfriend’s car just before throwing a brick through the back window–dousing it in gasoline and setting it ablaze, the Orlando Sentinel reported.", "When the woman found her car, she called the police and Palmer came to the scene–though officers noted he was acting suspicious.", "Responding officers checked Palmer’s record, finding that he had an outstanding arrest for failing to pay child support. Palmer was subsequently arrested and later released on bail.", "The next morning, a relative of Palmer’s called Daytona Police after they received a note apparently written in blood saying, \"You will never see your grandson again alive,\" with the same letters \"KKK\" included in the message.", "When police went looking for Palmer, they found him at a nearby Burger King, where he confessed to fabricating the original hate hoax and his own abduction, saying the blood on the note was actually his own.", "Palmer is being held by police on alleged arson charges." ]
Hate Hoax: Man Faked ‘KKK’ Crimes, Abduction
A man looking to blame Trump supporters for a hate crime confessed he fabricated a racially-charged message, fire, and abduction.
Abduction, African American, Daytona Police Department, Florida, hate crime hoax, hate crimes, hoax, KKK, Ku Klux Klan, Orlando, President Elect Trump, social justice, Trump, Trump Supporters,Breitbart Texas, Pre-Viral, Social Justice,hate hoax
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "A man looking to blame President-Elect Donald Trump supporters for a hate crime confessed to police that he fabricated an incident involving a racially-charged message, a fire, and a staged abduction." ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 200 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The four cryptic words Donald Trump can’t stop saying" ]
[ "The day after the Orlando shooting, GOP candidate Donald Trump railed against the president and warned Muslims should be banned from entering the U.S., while Democratic rival Hillary Clinton called for changes to gun laws. (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post)", "A day after 49 people were killed in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Donald Trump seemed to imply that President Obama might have been connected, in some way, with the attack.", "\"Look, we're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart or he's got something else in mind,\" the presumptive Republican nominee told Fox & Friends Monday morning.", "Earlier in the interview, when asked why he called for Obama's resignation, Trump said, \"He doesn't get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other.\"", "Also during that interview, Trump repeated a four-word phrase that has come to define his conspiratorial campaign almost as much as his official slogan, \"Make America Great Again.\"", "\"There's something going on,\" Trump said. \"It's inconceivable. There's something going on.\"", "That phrase, according to political scientists who study conspiracy theories, is characteristic of politicians who seek to exploit the psychology of suspicion and cynicism to win votes.", "[Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting]", "The idea that people in positions of power or influence are conspiring to conceal sinister truths from the public can be inherently appealing, because it helps make sense of tragedy and satisfies the human need for certainty and order. Yet politicians hoping to take advantage of these tendencies must rely on vague and suggestive statements, since any specific accusation could be easily disproved.", "\"He's leaving it to the audience to piece together what he's saying,\" said Joseph Uscinski, a political scientist at the University of Miami, in a recent interview.", "Trump's rhetoric has fit this pattern, particularly his repetition of the phrase, \"There's something going on.\" He said the same thing with reference to the deadly attack in San Bernardino last year at a debate in January.", "\"There’s something going on there,\" Trump told MSNBC's Morning Joe in November when asked whether Islam is a violent religion. \"There’s something definitely going on.\"", "Uscinski noted that Trump has used the tactic throughout his campaign to gain support by appealing to voters' fears and cynicism.", "\"The one thing that’s remained absolutely consistent is his penchant for conspiracy theorizing,\" Uscinski said.", "Polling during the primary showed that Trump was especially popular with Republicans who endorsed conspiracy theories.", "[The outlandish conspiracy theories many of Donald Trump's supporters believe]", "His supporters were more likely than supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to agree with the statement, \"President Obama is hiding important information about his background and early life,\" according to the data from Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey.", "The poll found also found that Trump's supporters were more likely to believe that vaccines cause autism, that global warming is a hoax and that Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton intentionally did not act to prevent the deaths of Americans in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012." ]
The four cryptic words Donald Trump can’t stop saying
For months, the Republican front-runner has been repeating a cryptic phrase.
Donald Trump
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[ "There's something going on" ]
[ [ [ 5, 1 ], [ 5, 27 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "A simple way to fight clickbait:" ]
[ "Doesn't it seem like a lot of online news sites have moved beyond reporting the news to openly inciting your outrage (and your page views)? News analyst Sally Kohn suggests — don't engage with news that looks like it just wants to make you mad. Instead, give your precious clicks to the news sites you truly trust.", "Sally Kohn Political pundit Sally Kohn searches for common ground among political foes by focusing on the compassion and humanity in everyone. Full bio", "This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page." ]
Sally Kohn: Don't like clickbait? Don't click
Doesn't it seem like a lot of online news sites have moved beyond reporting the news to openly inciting your outrage (and your page views)? News analyst Sally Kohn suggests — don't engage with news that looks like it just wants to make you mad. Instead, give your precious clicks to the news sites you truly trust.
TED, talks, communication, media, social change, social media, technology
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[ "Don't click" ]
[ [ [ -1, 34 ], [ -1, 45 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This is what actually makes your Kickstarter successful (Hint: Not $)" ]
[ "Every Kickstarter project wants to meet its fundraising goal. But a new study suggests that raising a ton of money doesn't predict how much success a crowdfunding project will ultimately find. ", "Researchers at North Carolina State University found that the number of people who supported a project on Kickstarter — rather than how much money the project raked in — was the real indicator of whether a product would succeed. ", "The study, published this month in the journal Research Policy, followed 1,000 successful Kickstarter campaigns in technology, product design, hardware and video games. All participants who responded raised at least $10,000 from an average of 1,078 backers. ", "SEE ALSO: 3.5 million people supported Kickstarter projects in 2016", "\"The first key finding was that the amount of money a crowdfunding entrepreneur raised was inconsequential to their product’s ultimate success in the market,\" lead researcher Michael Stanko said in a statement. ", "For one, raising a lot more money didn't make founders any more likely to meet their goals for sales or profit once they entered the marketplace. That was because the difference in funding wasn't enough to help founders spend more on advertising or do anything else that would actually translate into more sales.", "Beyond that, raising extra money indicated that founders started to lose focus and stop innovating on bigger ideas. Faced with the pressure of a massively successful Kickstarter campaign, founders started to get slightly overwhelmed. ", "SEE ALSO: Vegans, this plant-based leather wallet is made just for you", "The only factor that actually indicated how successful a product would be when it moved beyond Kickstarter? How many backers it had. ", "Another study this year found that crowdfunding did help founders in parts of the country besides New York and Silicon Valley nab funding from venture capitalists. ", "So don't sweat it if your big idea doesn't meet its Kickstarter fundraising goal. It's all about exposure — to more backers, and to the big money paying attention. " ]
This is what actually makes your Kickstarter successful (Hint: Not $)
There's more to succeeding on Kickstarter than just numbers.
kickstarter, crowdfunding, business
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "number of people" ]
[ [ [ 1, 62 ], [ 1, 78 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "How to drive a six-ton potato without causing a five-car mashup" ]
[ "Do you wish your job offered more opportunities to travel, but also had more to do with a giant potato? Maybe a job driving the Big Idaho Potato Truck is the career you’ve been looking for.", "The promotional vehicle, which consists of a semi cab hauling a 12-foot-tall replica potato, travels around the United States to draw attention to the prize spuds of Idaho. Operated by the Idaho Potato Commission, the truck is currently on its fifth annual tour of the country. Funding concerns mean this could be the last year, but a recent, unexpected endorsement from Kobe Bryant—he name-dropped the truck in an ESPN interview—may have helped secure its future.", "To find out what life on the road with the Big Potato is really like we spoke with Larry Bathe, who is not only the current driver of the trailer, but has been with the project since the very beginning.", "The Big Idaho Potato Truck first hit the road in 2012, as a promotional tour commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Idaho Potato Commission. As Bathe told us, the idea for the truck came from Linda Kaufman of marketing company Foerstel Design, who was inspired by an old novelty postcard that showed an impossibly massive potato on the back of a flatbed.", "Bathe, a lifelong truck driver, was brought in to help figure out exactly how to create and pilot a giant potato around the country. Originally, the huge tater was set to be 16 feet tall, and hold a museum inside, but at that scale it wouldn’t have fit under most bridges. The potato creators scaled the tater back to its current 12-foot-tall size, and began to test drive it, which is when Bathe first took the wheel.", "The truck did its first nine-month tour in 2012, mostly visiting grocery stores to hand out information on Idaho spuds. That was supposed to be the extent of its service celebrating the Potato Commission’s anniversary, but the vehicle proved so popular that it was allowed to hit the road again in 2013. More and more venues began requesting that the truck make an appearance, from Nascar events to the Kentucky Derby. After the Big Idaho Potato Truck’s second tour it had gained so much notice that the program was given a three-year contract, 2016 being its final guaranteed year.", "\"Some people love it in the commission, and some people don’t, or at least they act like they don’t,\" says Bathe. \"But in the end we win them over pretty easily.\" Despite yearly funding worries, the Big Idaho Potato Truck continues chugging along. Having turned down the first two tours to be with his family, Bathe returned to the truck tour in 2014. He has driven the potato every year since.", "According to Bathe, driving around with the heavy carb load is both challenging and rewarding. The potato is 12 feet wide and 28 feet long, making it nearly impossible to see what’s directly behind it. \"It’s difficult for mirrors to see behind it, so I don’t have an idea of the traffic pattern [behind the truck],\" says Bathe. Turning the huge tater is also a challenge, that Bathe nearly always has to navigate by instinct and experience.", "But the driver of the Big Idaho Potato Truck is not alone. There are also two other \"ambassadors\" on board who look after the logistics of the tour. In addition to the responsibility to interact with the public that each of the potato team shares, one of the ambassadors takes care of photography, video, and other documentation, while the other looks after social media and managing the venues and locations. It takes a team to drive a six-ton potato.", "All three of the team ride in the cab while they are on the road, but the Big Potato itself isn’t empty. \"You can’t have something that can’t be inspected inside, be as big as that potato,\" says Bathe. To allow for this, there is a door in the potato that leads to the hollow insides which have been fitted with shelves and lockers for the potato team to store their stuff.", "Even with the close quarters and the challenges of driving a giant potato around, Bathe loves his gig. \"The amount of people that wave at you every day when you’re driving the Big Idaho Potato is just outrageous,\" he says. \"I get thumbs up, waves, people taking pictures. It’s just a feel-good job.\"", "Since each year could possibly be the last for the truck, its overseers have ended up filling the positions last minute. But Bathe hopes that this will change as the popularity of the Big Potato Truck grows, along with its crew. Oscar Mayer’s promotional, giant-hot-dog-shaped Wienermobile is 80 years old, Bathe points out. The Big Potato \"is just five years old. It’s just getting going.\"" ]
How To Drive A Six-Ton Potato Without Causing A Five-Car Mashup
We talk to the man behind the wheel of the Big Idaho Potato Truck.
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[ "by instinct and experience" ]
[ [ [ 7, 413 ], [ 7, 439 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "People Are Flipping OUT Over This Aussie Maccas Addition" ]
[ "THIS IS NOT A DRILL.", "And it's probably the first time we will ever want to go to Canberra.", "Double whammy.", "Maccas is going to start serving meat pies in it's in ACT stores as a trial and if it goes well.. the whole of Australia is going to get them!", "The pies will come from 'Garlo's Pies', which is owned by former NRL star Sean Garlick and the company's branding will stay on the product.", "Garlick said ''I mean nobody knows who supplies the buns, who supplies the patties, who supplies the fries but people will know who supplies the pies. I can't think of a larger company in the world to take your brand on.''.", "The trail will have two flavours, beef and beef curry.", "So if you don't like beef you are screwed.", "The pies will be available at the following stores;Belconnen, Belconnen Westfield Food Court, Braddon, Canberra Centre, Canberra City, Charnwood, Conder, Cooma, Dickson, Erindale, Fyshwick, Gold Creek, Gungahlin, Kippax, Majura Park, Manuka Plaza, Mitchell, Tuggeranong, Weston, Woden Westfield, Queanbeyan and Sutton Forest North and Southbound.", "I have suddenly got 10kg heavier and now live in Canberra." ]
People Are Flipping OUT Over This Aussie Maccas Addition
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Meat Pies will be sold by some restaurants around Canberra.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "meat pies" ]
[ [ [ 3, 33 ], [ 3, 42 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This woman risked her life for a 59-inch 🍑" ]
[ "Courtney Barnes, a 32-year-old Instagram model who is also reportedly a college graduate with an economics degree, has a very simple goal in life: \"I want to show men, women, and children that it is possible to be beautiful, smart, and have a big ass.\"", "To reach that goal, Barnes—who goes by the name Miss Miami—regularly posts photos like this on IG in addition to working as a cam girl, party host, brand ambassador, and more:", "I BET you won't play me in  Tennis, I'll take your Lil measly dollars & walk off like a model", "A photo posted by MsMiami (@damn_msmiami) on Jan 12, 2017 at 2:48pm PST", "But before you decide, \"Hey, that sounds like a pretty cool profession, I’m going to try it out,\" know this: Barnes, who is the proud owner of a 59-inch backside, nearly died trying to achieve the figure that she has today.", "In a video produced by Barcroft Media, Barnes spoke at length about her now-legendary booty and admitted to getting it by attending illegal \"pumping parties.\" At those parties, she allowed a woman to inject three rounds of illegal butt shots into her booty. She realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but it worked for her.", "A photo posted by MsMiami (@damn_msmiami) on Nov 9, 2016 at 3:28pm PST", "\"It was a risk I was willing to take at the time and I was lucky not to have any complications,\" she said. \"I was naive and I admit I didn’t know what I was putting into my body, but at the time, a lot of women in Florida were getting it done, and I found a local woman who could do it.\"", "Barnes also admitted that she doesn’t actually know what’s inside of her butt at the moment.", "I can tell that you want me BABE, I can tell that you need it", "A photo posted by MsMiami (@damn_msmiami) on Jan 14, 2017 at 10:29am PST", "\"These are very dangerous products that are being injected,\" she said. \"I don’t know for sure what they injected me with. But when I got it, she said it was like some hydrogel, some kind of silicone that they normally put in gummy bear implants. You don’t know how your body is going to react. It is still something foreign that’s in your body. It’s a gamble. A close friend of mine got it removed and she ended up having to have blood transfusions and she was in the hospital for months. It was a nightmare for her.\"", "Miami ", "A photo posted by MsMiami (@damn_msmiami) on Oct 5, 2016 at 1:48pm PDT", "And just in case all of that isn’t scary enough, a plastic surgeon named Dr. Constantino Mendieta also spoke about Barnes’ butt and explained the dangers associated with it even though she hasn’t showed any signs of health problems just yet:", "\"I’m unfortunately seeing more and more of these cases of silicone injections to the buttock. People are going to these underground ‘pumping parties,’ and they are getting these injections that aren’t really FDA approved or anything like that. The dangers with these injections is that people are using different kinds of products, and the product that they use has different consistencies...So you have no idea what’s being done.", "Courtney was not alone. She has no clue how much was injected, she has no clue what was injected...Many people are asking me, ‘Are these injections dangerous?’ The answer is yes. They are dangerous because the injections are given into the vein that goes into the lungs and people have died. So there is an immediate danger to it, but then there is a long-term danger. She is starting to get some skin changes in the buttock area. So I think Courtney is headed for some problems down the road.\"", "Problems that could prevent her from reaching her goal. Check out the video above to hear more about the issues Barnes is facing, even though she escaped many of the immediate risks associated with pumping who knows what into her butt." ]
This Woman Risked Her Life for a 59-Inch Ass
Courtney Barnes, a 32-year-old cam girl and Instagram model, risked her life to walk around with a 59-inch booty.
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Courtney Barnes" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Why Facebook isn't telling you everything it knows about you" ]
[ "Since April, Facebook is suffering what they reportedly refer to as ‘context collapse’, with users sharing less personal information on the website. ", "Despite that, the information you have already made available may make you the recipient of targeted advertising. ", "Since September ProPublica collected over 52,000 unique attributes Facebook uses to classify its customers, by using data about categories of interest provided by users. ", "Facebook gathers information about its users from a variety of sources – openly available and collected by third parties.", "What isn’t well known, however, is that commercial data brokers compile records about the way Facebook users behave in the real world – including favourite restaurants, frequent places visited, and interests.", "Every time someone adds a movie they like, or reacts to a post with one of the six options available, they are giving data brokers more information about themselves.", "Based on this information, data brokers can tailor ads to individuals in a much more accurate way - but the individual does not have access to the dossier about them.", "Steve Satterfield, a Facebook manager of privacy and public policy told ProPublica:", "Our approach to controls for third-party categories is somewhat different than our approach for Facebook-specific categories.", "This is because the data providers we work with generally make their categories available across many different ad platforms, not just on Facebook.", "Theoretically, contacting individual data brokers is the only way to prevent your information from being available to Facebook.", "There’s even a page in Facebook’s help centre listing a number of data brokers that sell personal data to the social media giant. ", "However, the reality is much more complex: many data brokers require a lengthy process to opt out – including providing identification.", "Even then, you’re not guaranteed to be removed, and with almost 100 identified brokers (though there may well be more), your efforts could be exhaustive and, ultimately unsuccessful. ", "The best way to prevent your information from being sold to Facebook, is to limit the information you share.", "Alternatively, do not use Facebook." ]
Why Facebook isn't telling you everything it knows about you The list
Since April, Facebook is suffering what they reportedly refer to as ‘context collapse’, with users sharing less personal information on the website.  Despite that, the information you have already made available may make you the recipient of targeted advertising. 
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Facebook gathers information about its users from a variety of sources – openly available and collected by third parties" ]
[ [ [ 3, 0 ], [ 3, 120 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "'Wicked' Is FINALLY Becoming A Movie And Here's When" ]
[ "One of the most beloved Broadway musicals is becoming a movie, and fans couldn’t be happier! Growing up, I loved watching \"The Wizard of Oz.\" And when \"Wicked\" made its debut to the stage, my mom, sister and I scrambled to see it.", "Based off the novel by Gregory Maguire, \"Wicked\" is the prequel to the Wizard of Oz. It tells the story of the Wicked Witch of the West and how she became wicked.", "The original broadway production featured stars like Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel. I cannot wait to see who will play Glinda and Elphaba and belt out classics like \"Defying Gravity\" and \"Popular.\"", "The Hollywood Reporter states the movie’s release date will be in December of 2019. My popcorn and Swedish fish are ready—I can’t wait!" ]
‘Wicked’ Is FINALLY Becoming A Movie And Here’s When
One of most beloved Broadway musicals is becoming a movie - and fans couldn't be happier!
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "December 2019. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Entertainment" }
[ "December of 2019" ]
[ [ [ 3, 66 ], [ 3, 82 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "[Salon] Was Sen. Murphy Allowed to Pee During His Filibuster?" ]
[ "Sen. Chris Murphy, presumably relieved, speaks to reporters after his almost 15-hour gun control filibuster. Pete Marovich/Getty Images", "A big part of what lends filibusters their singular urgency is that, according to Senate rules, the politicians who volunteer to do them are not allowed to go to the bathroom as long as they’re speaking. A senator’s willingness to endure this torturous indignity out of principle sends a strong signal about the depth of his dedication, and it inspires a visceral sense of sympathy and even awe on the part of those watching at home.", "Leon Neyfakh Leon Neyfakh is a Slate staff writer.", "When Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy announced his surprise filibuster in support of gun safety laws Wednesday, his commitment to resisting a bathroom break for hours on end was probably the first thing many observers thought of. It made a person wonder: How long would I go without peeing in order to force a vote on gun laws?", "As Murphy’s speech stretched to 6 hours, then 10, then 14, even New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker had to remark on the inspiring fortitude of the man’s bladder", "And then, this morning, the New York Times dropped a bombshell : According to reporter David Herszenhorn, Murphy actually could go to the bathroom during his filibuster!", "Herszenhorn writes:", "Under Senate rules, once a senator is recognized on the floor and gains control of debate, she or he can hold it as long as humanly possible—a part of the Senate’s long tradition of unlimited debate. Refusing to relinquish the floor for any other Senate action, a filibuster typically requires standing there and speaking. But the rules also allow the senator to yield the floor, without giving up control, for questions or comments from colleagues, a strategy that Mr. Murphy used repeatedly on Wednesday and into Thursday morning.", "This allowed fellow Democrats, like his Connecticut counterpart, Senator Richard Blumenthal, to take over for substantial chunks of time, offering lengthy commentaries that made forceful and emotional points about gun violence in America but, more important for Mr. Murphy, allowed him to take bathroom breaks.", "Note the plural, please. Bathroom breaks! How often was this guy peeing, exactly?", "I reached out to David Herszenhorn for clarification as to whether or not Murphy was merely allowed to relieve himself during his filibuster, or whether he actually did. Herszenhorn replied, \"His staff says he did not but I can't say for sure. I'm writing around it.\" The Times story was subsequently updated to say, \"Mr. Murphy could have taken a quick break, but he never left the floor and did not go to the bathroom throughout the 15 hours, according to a spokeswoman for the senator, Laura Maloney.\"", "A different spokeswoman told me the same thing. However, that still leaves open the question of what Murphy was allowed to do. After all, if a senator declines the opportunity to go to the bathroom during a filibuster even though he can, does it still count as proof of his commitment to the cause, or does it become a senseless act of masochism?", "To find out, I called the Senate parliamentarian’s office, which advises the Senate on the rules governing what senators can and cannot do. I spoke to a source who declined to speak for attribution but provided an authoritative answer nonetheless.", "\"We advised Senator Murphy that he needed to stay standing and stay in the chamber,\" my source said. \"Rule 19 of the Standing Rules of the Senate says that if the senator desires to be speak and be recognized, he shall rise and address the presiding officer. So he needs to stay standing.\"", "Ah, I thought to myself—but a man can pee standing up! Not so fast, wise guy.", "\"He needs to stay in the chamber,\" the source clarified. \"Otherwise how do we know if he’s standing?\"", "Yielding for questions, I was told, does not solve the problem: \"You still have to hold the floor. ... You can yield for questions, but you still have to hold the floor to entertain a question or answer the question, which means you have to stay standing and stay in the chamber.\"" ]
Was Sen. Murphy allowed to pee during his filibuster on gun control?
A big part of what lends filibusters their singular urgency is that, according to Senate rules, the politicians who volunteer to do them are not allowe ...
Chris Murphy, gun control
[ "http://archive.is/T2k91/8555a4565f8955b07c1dfe06729db385113f2041/scr.png", "http://archive.is/T2k91/806ebc98b5e70aad2ce0dbbd956c866113347287.png", "http://archive.is/T2k91/e57d8a30c19ee233a7cc043ad51bc303a72ec5ab.png", "", "", "", "", "http://archive.is/T2k91/371723ca59a62bec733dbe6d77665f2f6ed6a682.png", "http://archive.is/T2k91/daadca354566aa683cf6490a822ce8c1548013aa.png", "http://archive.is/T2k91/9830ea0f26764349f1a676d5e97606b67d70ca66.png", "http://archive.is/T2k91/5c623f19ef7d8747c8f16ab38d64174a2d052d21.jpg", "", "" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Sources disagree, but he held it regardless", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "According to reporter David Herszenhorn, Murphy actually could go to the bathroom during his filibuster!" ]
[ [ [ 5, 65 ], [ 5, 169 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Surprising factor could increase chances a man is gay" ]
[ "Seven years ago a study made headlines for finding that men with older brothers are more likely to be gay. Today the study has resurfaced as researchers extend upon the original findings by looking deeper into the possible biological basis of homosexuality.", "Published in New Scientist magazine, the 2006 study was conducted by sexologist Anthony Bogaert, a Community Health Sciences chair and professor at Ontario's Brock University. His research led him to conclude that having more older brothers makes it more likely a man will be gay. Each older brother raises the odds of homosexuality by a third, potentially going from a 3 percent chance with the first son to a 6 percent chance with the fourth.", "Bogaert studied 944 gay and straight men, including some who were raised with non-biological male siblings, to pit prenatal against postnatal factors. His research, which reappeared in a Sept. 4 New Scientist article, ultimately determined that fraternal birth order seems to have a connection to sexual orientation. \"That means for each male gestation that occurs, something changes in a woman’s body that makes her more likely to give birth to a gay son,\" as Brock University explains Bogaert's findings.", "An abstract from the study, published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, summarizes the research:", "Only biological older brothers, and not any other sibling characteristic, including nonbiological older brothers, predicted men’s sexual orientation, regardless of the amount of time reared with these siblings. These results strongly suggest a prenatal origin to the fraternal birth-order effect.", "Today, Bogaert is looking to determine that prenatal origin.", "\"[The 2006 study] was an important study and it does suggest there is probably a biological basis to the older brother effect,\" he told The Huffington Post during a phone conversation from Canada Thursday afternoon. \"It's an important study in the context of sex orientation development. We have additional research going on right now testing specifically the underlying biological effect of the older brother. ... There are no results yet. We are collecting samples of mothers of gay men and comparing them to mothers of heterosexual men and looking to see if there is evidence of a biological factor that differs between the two groups.\"", "Bogaert explained that the 2006 study never determined a specific \"mechanism\" -- a biological factor or process -- behind the older brother effect. He suggested this mechanism could be a maternal immune response, a hormone change in the womb, a gestational factor during pregnancy or even genes.", "\"The 2006 study really strongly suggests that there is biological mechanism but it never really tested the specific mechanism itself in terms of determining what factor is in fact influencing a change in a mother's development during pregnancy,\" he explained to HuffPost. \"What we're doing now is we're looking at the specific mechanism and seeing if we can find evidence for that. We have a study looking at ... mothers of gay and heterosexual men and seeing if there is a maternal immune response. So, that's something very unique and new.\"", "Bogaert says that isolating the exact biological mechanism or process will support the \"nature\" side of the Nature v. Nurture debate. If successful, his new research could provide a biological backing for homosexuality.", "\"I think there's strong evidence that people who believe that there's a biological basis to sexual orientation tend to be more tolerant to sexual minorities, and that's one of the more positive [possible] social outcomes,\" he said. \"And I am in that camp. I don't believe that homosexuality is a disorder or immoral.\"", "The overarching purpose of the new study is to delve deeper into the origins of sexuality. Bogaert says he is trying to understand sexual variability, human sexuality and sexual orientation as a piece of the larger puzzle.", "\"Unerstanding the biological mechanisms may have some social ramifications, and for me that's great if it ends up being positive,\" he added. \"But a larger motivation is just trying to understand sexuality, and understanding sexuality has its own benefits from a scientific perspective.\"" ]
Men With Older Brothers More Likely To Be Gay? Study Expanding To Biological Origin
Seven years ago a study made headlines for finding that men with older br...
homosexuality,man older brother gay,nature vs nurture,gay rights,gay older brothers,homosexuality older brothers,gay,nature nurture,gays,older brothers gay,homosexuality brothers,gay man older brothers,older brother gay
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Having more older brothers", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "having more older brothers" ]
[ [ [ 1, 214 ], [ 1, 240 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "NYC subway worker helps rescue stroller that rolled onto tracks" ]
[ "A 2-year-old child and her mother are safe today thanks to the quick actions of some heroic strangers.", "On Monday morning a stroller with a toddler inside accidentally rolled onto the train tracks at the Jamaica Center-Parsons Boulevard and Archer Avenue stop in Queens, New York, CBS New York reported. The child's mother had turned away for a moment when the stroller rolled forward.", "The 39-year-old mother jumped onto the tracks after her toddler and sprained her ankle in the process, according to ABC 7. Fortunately, a subway cleaner and some bystanders came to the rescue, and helped to get mother and child back onto the platform before the next train came.", "Diane, the subway cleaner who rushed to help, said the mother had forgotten to put the brakes on the stroller when she turned to throw away some garbage, CBS New York reported.", "\"I’m a mother,\" Diane told the outlet. \"So I know how she must have felt.\"", "Workers on the other end of the platform signaled for the next train to stop, but by then the woman and the child, and their rescuers, were safely off the tracks, according to the New York Post.", "\"The passengers who helped were heroes,\" an MTA worker told the outlet. \"They actually stayed to make sure the baby was all right. I saw the little girl. She had dirt all over her nose and cheek.\"", "Thanks to those good Samaritans, both mother and daughter only suffered minor injuries, and were taken to North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Center where they were said to be in stable condition on Monday afternoon." ]
In A New York Minute, Subway Worker Helps Rescue Stroller That Rolled Onto Tracks
A 2-year-old child and her mother are safe today thanks to the quick actions of some heroic strangers. On Monday morning
mother and child saved on subway tracks,video,stroller falls onto subway tracks,mother and child fall onto subway tracks,Good Samaritans,Random Acts Of Kindness,mom jumps onto train tracks,NYC subway
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[ "a subway cleaner and some bystanders" ]
[ [ [ 2, 136 ], [ 2, 172 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Lea Michele's first single is called ..." ]
[ "\"Glee\" star Lea Michele has revealed the title of her debut album and the name of the record's first single. Michele took to Twitter to unveil the news: The single, written by Sia, is called \"Cannonball,\" while the album will go by the name of \"LOUDER!\" The actress also included a photo of the \"Cannonball\" cover artwork, which features a black-and-white photo of the 27-year-old singer and actress. Check it out below.", "So excited for everyone to hear my first single Cannonball, off my debut album LOUDER! #CANNONBALL pic.twitter.com/2uXO4psEiw — Lea Michele (@msleamichele) November 27, 2013" ]
Lea Michele's First Single Is Called 'Cannonball'
"Glee" star Lea Michele has revealed the title of her debut album and the name of the record's first single. Michele took to Twitter to unveil t...
lea michele glee,glee,lea michele louder,lea michele cannonball cover,Lea Michele,lea michele album,lea michele louder album,lea michele cannonball,lea michele single
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/221717/slide_221717_3826322_free.jpg", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1487186/images/o-LEA-MICHELE-facebook.jpg", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "\"Cannonball\"", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "Cannonball," ]
[ [ [ 0, 192 ], [ 0, 203 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "She Can Transform Into Any Disney Princess. But When She Takes Off The Makeup? I Can’t Believe It!" ]
[ "Disney princesses are some of the most iconic figures in modern pop culture. Every little girl remembers her favorite childhood princess, the one whose personality, story, and physical features we wished we could embody ourselves.", "One makeup artist decided to turn dreams into reality, and you really have to see how she did it.", "With remarkable skill, this 21-year-old artist brings Disney’s beloved animated princesses to life.", "Each princess’s unique style is taken into account using a detailed combination of hair, makeup, and costumes.", "Each on is simply uncanny... but what makes the transformations even more impressive is the artist’s real identity underneath all that makeup.", "Because ‘she’... is actually a ‘he’.", "The talented designer behind these Disney princesses is actually Richard Schaefer, a freelance makeup artist from Orange County, California. Richard has been dressing up as Disney characters for the last four years.", "In school, people always used to tease him and say that he looked like a girl.", "So, he decided to take control of those negative comments and use them for something positive instead. ", "To take his mind off being bullied, he also taught himself to sew and make his own clothes. ", "All the costumes he wears as the Disney princesses are items he made himself.", "Each transformation takes him about two and half hours from start to finish.", "Richard says that dressing up has made him feel more confident as a person.", "Now, his newfound self-esteem and love for his craft shine through in every character he puts on.", "With a huge following of admirers from around the world, this talented artist is capturing the hearts of thousands... just like the Disney princesses he portrays." ]
She Can Transform Into Any Disney Princess. But When She Takes Off The Makeup? I Can’t Believe It!
This makeup artist looks exactly like the Disney Princesses we all know and love, but there's more to her transformation than meets the eye.
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[ "‘she’... is actually a ‘he’" ]
[ [ [ 5, 8 ], [ 5, 35 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "8 Truly Untranslatable German Words" ]
[ "Weltschmerz", "\"Werner Herzog, who understands more than just about anyone the terror of a cold and irrational universe, got some mileage out of remaking Nosferatu in 1979 by keeping what worked in the novel and in Murnau’s 1922 film and leaning heavily into the vampire’s weltschmerz.\" ", "A feeling of sentimental sadness or pessimism", "the weariness that comes with knowing that the world is going to let you down no matter what and there’s nothing you can do to stop it: this is what the Germans succinctly call Weltschmerz.", "Weltschmerz, or literally \"world-pain\" or \"world-weariness,\" first appeared in German in 1827 and was born out of the melancholy and pessimistic Romantic literary movement taking place in Germany at the time. It was coined by the author Jean Paul—born Johann Paul Friedrich Richter—in his novel Selina, where he used it to refer to Lord Byron’s disaffected loathing for the world. The word was popularized by Heinrich Heine not long after, who moved the word’s meaning away from active loathing and toward sentimental apathy. Weltschmerz was borrowed into English in the 1860s and while it has lost its direct tie to 19th-century Romanticism, it does retain a bit of the formality of its original uses. ", "Schadenfreude", "You’re on your way to work. There’s this jerk who’s weaving in and out of stop-and-go traffic in bursts of 50 mph. Cutting people off, riding people’s bumpers, even splitting the lane to get mere feet ahead of everyone else. They race up behind you and nearly rear-end you, then speed off up the shoulder. Five minutes and one mile down the road, you see flashing lights: the jerk’s been pulled over for reckless driving. That broad smile on your face as you pass the scene is a result of schadenfreude.", "A popular lookup on our site, schadenfreude is a noun that refers to the joy you might feel at another person’s pain. It’s a compound of the German noun Schaden, which means \"damage,\" and freude, which means \"joy.\" We know that the word was in use in the mid-1700s in Germany, where it appears in a few books with tales intended for children. It was popular in Germany: discussed by Schopenhauer, Kant, and Nietzsche, as well as used by Goethe, schadenfreude shows up in psychology books, literature for children, and critical theory for over 100 years before it appears in English. Why the late adoption into English? Early citations for the word in English indicate that schadenfreude was thought to be a shameful defect first of Germans, and then of humanity in general. In short, the feeling was unworthy, and therefore so was the word. ", "Schadenfreude was favored mostly among English-speaking academics until the early 1990s, when it was introduced to more general audiences by The Simpsons. In an episode that aired in October, 1991, Lisa explains what schadenfreude is to Homer, who is gloating at his neighbor’s failure. \"Boy,\" he marvels, \"those Germans have a word for everything.\" After that episode aired, we saw a steady increase in the written use of schadenfreude in English. ", "Schwärmerei", "Though less common in English prose than many of the other words on this list, schwärmerei is another word we’ve co-opted from German. But unlike other German loanwords, schwärmerei isn’t all doom and gloom. The word refers to excessive and unbridled enthusiasm or sentiment.", "Schwärmerei ultimately comes from the German verb schwärmen, which means \"to swarm.\" When Schwärmerei (with the umlaut) first appeared in German as a noun, it referred to the frenzied activity of bees swarming. In time, both schwärmen and Schwärmerei came to refer to any enthusiastic activity or feeling.", "Ironically, it wasn’t a particularly welcome word when it first appeared in English. Our earliest use of it in print is from the Edinburgh Review in 1845: \"His mind is both clear and strong, free from schwärmerei, (a word untranslatable, because the thing itself is un-English,) free from cant and affectation of all kinds.\" Once Schwärmerei came into English, it lost the umlaut and the initial capital that marked it as a German word and became schwarmerei. It usually gets it brief moment in the sun every spring during the National Spelling Bee, where it is one of the more difficult words that gets spelled in competition.", "Meanwhile, in German, Schwärmerei still refers to excessive enthusiasm or sentimentality, but it’s gained another meaning: it is one of the German words used for what we call puppy love.", "Doppelgänger", "Jean Paul (a.k.a. Johann Paul Richter) is also credited with coining another German word that we’ve borrowed into English: doppelgänger.", "The German Romantic movement of the late 1700s and early 1800s was a reaction against the rationalism of the age before, and as such, it ended up producing some literature and drama that focused on nature, individualism, and the unexplainable or supernatural. The doppelgänger is one aspect of the supernatural that took on new life during German Romanticism.", "A doppelgänger is an apparition from German folklore: the spirit double of a living person. To meet your own doppelgänger is a bad omen, and a sign that your death is imminent. Richter coined the word for something a little less sinister: in his 1796 novel Siebenkäs, the main character meets and talks to his alter ego, which Richter calls a Doppelgänger (or \"double-goer\" in German). But Richter’s word was used in German literature to refer to the spirit double. Doppelgängers showed up quite a bit in Romantic horror literature, and English adopted the word in the mid-1800s.", "The sinister connotations of doppelgänger have fallen to the wayside in recent years in English", "we generally use the word to refer to someone who looks a lot like another person instead of implying that one of those two people is a spirit double of the other. ", "Poltergeist", "Say the word poltergeist to Americans of a certain age, and they will immediately parrot back to you the iconic line from the 1982 movie called Poltergeist: \"They’re heeeeeeeere.\"", "The English word poltergeist predates the horror classic by about 140 years, first showing up in print in an 1848 book called The Night Side of Nature, or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers by Catherine Crowe. In that book, poltergeists are associated with German spirits, which makes sense: the German word Poltergeist dates back to the 16th century and appears frequently in the writings of Martin Luther, who is most famous for starting the Protestant Reformation. In fact, it’s possible that Luther was the one to coin the German word: he used it when describing events that people believed were caused by playful or mischievous spirits—Poltergeister. The word derives from the German verb poltern, which means \"to knock or rattle,\" and the noun Geist, which means \"ghost.\" ", "The English word poltergeist was, from its first appearance, associated with a whole host of phenomena. Crowe’s book retells several stories of ghosts that purportedly threw crockery on the floor, knocked over glasses and jam jars and clocks, and shattered bottles of rum and wine, and whose activity seemed to be attached to a specific person. ", "It’s not as though there was a sudden and meteoric rise in hauntings in the 1800s", "rather, there was sudden interest in them, helped along, no doubt, by the spiritualist movement, which came into prominence around the same time that the English word poltergeist did.", "Foosball", "If you’ve ever watched a TV show that’s set at a frat house, it’s likely you’ve seen people play foosball. It’s a table-based game that’s based (very loosely) on soccer, where players try to hit a small ball into their opponent’s goal by turning rods with wooden figures on them and \"kicking\" the ball \"downfield.\" ", "The word Foosball is an anglicized spelling of the German Fußball, which literally translates to \"foot ball.\" The origins of foosball, also called table soccer or table football are a little murky, but we can find evidence of patent applications for games called table football going back to 1891. According to one history of the game, west German firms began making tabletop \"kicker\" games after World War II, and the game gained popularity in Europe and abroad. The game became nationally known in the 1960s, when it became a competitive club sport. This is also around the time that foosball entered English.", "While the game in Germany may have been called Tischfußball, or \"table football,\" the shortened and anglicized foosball didn’t show up in English until 1966, when it was used in another patent filing. ", "Kindergarten", "Some German nouns have naturalized so well that we hardly think of them as foreigners. Kindergarten is one such word. The German word means, literally, \"children’s garden,\" and it was an invention of Friedrich Froebel, a German educator.", "Froebel was a 19th-century educator in Germany and something of a mystic. As he taught, he came to believe that education for young children was lacking: most young children were put in something akin to day care until formal schooling began in primary school. He believed that young children should be educated, rather than merely babysat, and that they should be educated primarily through play and exploration—that the care-centers for young children should benefit not just the adults who had to go to work and needed someone to watch their kids, but the kids who were stuck in these centers. Education for Froebel was less about acquiring knowledge, and more about discovering the \"inner relationship of things,\" by which he meant the interrelationship between nature, the person, and the spiritual. ", "He opened his first kindergarten in 1837, and the curriculum had three aspects: playing with toys, so young children could become familiar with inanimate objects and how they work", "playing games and singing songs, so that young children could not only exercise their bodies, but be instilled with what Froebel considered to be \"spirit\" and \"humanity\"", "and gardening and caring for animals, so young children could learn empathy for plants and animals. His experimental \"children’s garden\" garnered much interest, and by the 1880s, kindergartens had been opened in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States. ", "The word itself came into English in 1852—the same year that Froebel died.", "Flak", "There are a number of German words that came into English during the two World Wars. Flak is one of them.", "Flak came into English in the 1930s and originally referred to anti-aircraft guns, and then later to anti-aircraft fire, and especially the bursting shells of anti-aircraft fire. That later sense gave rise to flak jacket, or a jacket designed to protect the wearer from injury from flak, shrapnel , or bullets. In the 1960s, flak gained a much broader use: it came to refer to any sudden criticism. It shows up in sentences that still mirror its military flavor, like \"The company took some flak from unhappy investors.\"", "Flak is a direct borrowing from German, where it was actually an acronym. In German, new words can be created simply by smooshing together existing words, and this can lead to some really unwieldy compounds. (Mark Twain wrote, \"Some German words are so long that they have a perspective\" in an appendix to A Tramp Abroad that was appropriately titled The Awful German Language). One such compound was the name for an anti-aircraft gun: Fliegerabwehrkanone. The word was a compound of the earlier Fliegerabwehr, which means \"defense against air attack,\" and Kanone, which means \"cannon.\" Fliegerabwehr itself is another compound made up of Flieger, \"aviator,\" and Abwehr, \"defense.\" While not terribly long by German standards, Fliegerabwehrkanone was awkward enough that when the guns were used in the field of war, the name was shortened to Flak, from Fliegerabwehrkanone.", "Flak has been so far removed from its German origins that it’s often confused with another word, flack. The latter is used to refer to a press agent or spin doctor", "it’s been so confused with flak that we now consider flack to be a lesser-used variant spelling of flak." ]
Schadenfreude and Other German Words Without Translation
Accept no substitutes
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "weltschmerz, schadenfreude, schwarmerei, doppelganger, poltergeist, foosball, kindergarten, flak", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Weltschmerz", "Schadenfreude", "Schwarmerei", "Doppelgänger", "Poltergeist" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11 ] ], [ [ 5, 0 ], [ 5, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 12 ] ], [ [ 14, 0 ], [ 14, 12 ] ], [ [ 20, 0 ], [ 20, 11 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Potty-Mouthed Teacher Gets Time Out" ]
[ "A high school English teacher in Dunnville , Ontario, has been suspended for a month without pay after allegedly using words that would never appear on a vocabulary test.", "Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson was suspended in August from her post at Dunnville Secondary School for allegedly saying to a student, Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson was suspended in August from her post at Dunnville Secondary School for allegedly saying to a student, \"Why don’t you lick me where I fart?\"", "The Ontario College of Teachers, which licenses educators in the Canadian province, suspended her for a month without pay while it investigates the matter, according to the Brantford Expositor.", "The teacher’s rhetorical question became public knowledge this week when the OCT accused Green-Johnson of two separate charges of swearing and vulgarity in the classroom, according to The teacher’s rhetorical question became public knowledge this week when the OCT accused Green-Johnson of two separate charges of swearing and vulgarity in the classroom, according to 640Toronto.com", "In March 2015, Green-Johnson allegedly slapped a male student on the head and told him to \"grow some balls.\" Her employer, the Grand Erie District School Board, suspended her for one day without pay.", "Green-Johnson is also accused of swearing at students during the school year, calling one a \"bloody pedophile\" and telling another she looked like \"a frumpy old lady.\" In February, t he school board suspended her for six days without pay for the incidents.", "These accusations come about a week after These accusations come about a week after the OCT reported the findings of a previous investigation against Green-Johnson in its professional magazine, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Company.", "According to a disciplinary report released in January, Green-Johnson physically, psychologically or emotionally in incidents going back to 2011. According to a disciplinary report released in January, Green-Johnson pleaded no contest to charges of abusing a student verbally,", "The report shows that Green-Johnson admitted to The report shows that Green-Johnson admitted to calling students stupid, idiots, gay and \"a bitch,\" according to the Brantford Expositor.", "that she told a student who was carrying another student on his back \"So you like it from behind\" and told one class while they were watching a film with nudity that it was impossible to see the actor’s penis without a microscope. Some of the more salacious findings include that she told a student who was carrying another student on his back \"So you like it from behind\" and told one class while they were watching a film with nudity that it was impossible to see the actor’s penis without a microscope.", "She also accidentally hit a male student in his groin while trying to stop two students who were swinging binders at each other.", "The OCT suspended Green-Johnson for a month, but made it retroactive to coincide with the school board suspension from Dec. 5, 2011, to Feb. 2, 2012.", "This was done to avoid additional disruption to her class, according to the Brantford Expositor.", "The newspaper asked school board official Scott Sincerbox about Green-Johnson’s case, but he said he could not address her case specifically." ]
Potty-Mouthed Teacher Gets Time Out
The Canadian teacher has been accused of telling her students lots of inappropriate things, including to "grow some balls."
bad teachers
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Because she was a potty mouth and verbally abused her students going back to 2011", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson was suspended in August from her post at Dunnville Secondary School for allegedly saying to a student, \"Why don’t you lick me where I fart?\"" ]
[ [ [ 1, 136 ], [ 1, 309 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The 20-minute activity every parent should try" ]
[ "This post is part of Stress-Less Parenting Club's latest workshop. Our leader Carla Naumburg is showing us how we can make our family life calmer and happier through mindful parenting.", "I will never forget the first time I tried to meditate. I was sitting on a hard floor in a stinky gymnasium, hoping to score an easy PE credit so I could graduate from college. A tall, thin man dressed all in white with a long, wispy beard instructed us to cross our legs, close our eyes, breathe deeply and clear our minds.", "I was able to cross my legs, but it all went downhill from there.", "Clear my mind? What the hell did that mean? Every time I tried to clear my mind, I realized I was just thinking about clearing my mind, which clearly isn’t the same thing. I tried thinking about black. I visualized black. But then I thought about how black isn’t my favorite color; I prefer blue but I can’t decide between sapphire or turquoise... and the next thing I knew, my mind was anything but clear. Also, my butt hurt from sitting on a hard floor, my nose itched, and I wasn’t sure if I should scratch it.", "I didn’t try meditation again for almost 20 years.", "Fast forward to parenthood. You know my story: I was yelling too much and I wanted to find a way to stay calm through the chaos of tantrums and whining and kids not listening. I did not want to meditate. But I was desperate, and everything I read about how to be kinder and less reactive pointed to meditation. Against my better judgment (at the time), I signed up for a mindfulness-based stress reduction course.", "Here is what I learned about meditation:", "1. You don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor to meditate. You can sit in a chair or on a meditation cushion or bench -- or you can lie down or walk. You can be comfortable.", "2. You don’t have to close your eyes.", "3. You don’t have to clear your mind. Far from it.", "4. Meditation isn’t about staying perfectly focused on your breath or a candle or a mantra. It’s about noticing when your mind has strayed and coming back, over and over again. Even seasoned meditators have a hard time staying focused.", "5. How you feel during your meditation session is not an indication of how successful or unsuccessful it was. How you feel after you meditate is much more important.", "I try to meditate for about 20 minutes at a time, several times a week. Please note, I said try. It doesn’t happen every day for me, and it certainly doesn’t have to happen every day for you. But meditation is dose dependent, meaning the more you do it, the more you will experience its benefits, such as decreased stress and reactivity (i.e. you’ll be less likely to explode at your kids), improved sleep and better moods.", "So, if you’re ready to give it a shot, here’s what you need to do:", "Sit down and breathe.", "Here’s how:", "Find a comfortable sitting position, either on a chair or on a cushion. If you’re in a chair, sit with both feet on the floor. You can also lie down, and if you find yourself falling asleep, enjoy the nap. Next time, try keeping your eyes open.", "Take a few deep breaths to start, and then let your breathing steady out to however your body wants to breathe. You don’t have to breathe slowly or deeply, just breathe normally. Pay attention to your breath, either at your nostrils or at your belly. You can say quietly \"in, out, in, out\" with each breath, or you can count your breaths, and when you get to 10, start again at one.", "When your mind wanders, as it will after about three seconds, just gently go back to your breathing. Try not to get frustrated with yourself; your mind is just doing what it is used to doing -- thinking! Just notice your thoughts, whatever they are, let them go, and go back to your breath. And then do it again, and again.", "If 20 minutes seems like a long time, try 10. Or two. Any amount of time is better than none. You can use a kitchen timer, a digital watch or any one of the apps listed below to help you.", "THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE 1. Keep going with the challenges from the previous weeks: try to notice when you’re physically but not mentally present with your children, and find times each day to practice mindfulness. 2. Try meditating! My favorite meditation apps for iPhone and Android are the Insight Timer, Buddhify and HeadSpace. There are a lot of options, so do a little exploring to find one you like." ]
Meditation For Parents: The 20-Minute Activity We All Should Try
This post is part of Stress-Less Parenting Club's latest workshop...
Mindful Parenting,parents and meditation,mindful meditation,Carla Naumburg mindful parenting,mediation,stress-less parenting,meditation for parents,carla naumburg
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/190815/slide_190815_362579_free.jpg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1335286/images/n-MOM-MEDITATING-628x314.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1335286/images/o-MOM-MEDITATING-facebook.jpg", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Meditation", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "Meditation" ]
[ [ [ 10, 3 ], [ 10, 13 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "She planted these tea bags in her garden" ]
[ "There’s nothing more refreshing in the morning than getting ready with a nice cup of tea. With a single tea bag, you can turn hot water into delicious herbal bliss and get the day started right. But once you’re done with your delicious beverage, those tiny tea bags serve no more purpose than landfill material...or so I thought!", "It turns out that tea bags can be used in a number of incredible ways that will have you doubly glad you decided to make some of that delicious Mint Medley. Take a look at what you’ve been missing!", "1. Black tea contains tannic acid, which can help soothe sunburns.", "2. Store used black tea bags in a container and put it in the fridge for a few days. Then use those tea bags to help with the bags under your eyes!", "3. Those same bags can work wonders for soothing small burns.", "4. Use your tea for a rinse.", "5. Green tea bags can be used to shrink warts.", "6. Dry tea bags are great for absorbing shoe odor.", "7. Tannic acid in tea bags can lower the pH in soil and help your plants grow free of fungus.", "8. Let a tea bag soak with your dishes to make removing grime easier.", "9. Using cooled tea and a rag can really help a mirror shine.", "10. Been chopping onions? Tea bags can help remove odors that stick to your hands.", "11. Tea bags can work similarly to gauze after oral surgery and help sooth pain.", "Just when I thought tea was perfect already, it gets even better. Who’s ready for a cuppa?" ]
She Planted These Tea Bags In Her Garden, And What Happened Is Beyond Incredible.
Tea bags are an excellent invention that allow us to turn hot water into delicious herbal bliss all with the help of a convenient little package. Yet, they're pretty much useless once you have your tea made. Or so I thought. It turns out that your average, everyday tea bag can be recycled in a bunch of incredible ways that will have you doubly glad you decided to make some of that delicious Mint Medley.
[ "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/09-reuse-tea-bags.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/themes/boredom/images/huge_social_fb.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/themes/boredom/images/share_top.png", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/02-reuse-tea-bags-664x459.jpg", "http://headcramp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/forbidden-drone-footage-1.png", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/themes/boredom/images/tiny_twitter.png", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/reuse-tea-bags-fb.png", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/themes/boredom/images/facebook-like-bottom1.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=780958225275101&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/10-reuse-tea-bags.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/07-reuse-tea-bags-664x706.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=19750771&cv=2.0&cj=1", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/06-reuse-tea-bags-664x442.jpg", "https://sp.analytics.yahoo.com/spp.pl?a=10000&.yp=10018916", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/01-reuse-tea-bags-664x420.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/11-reuse-tea-bags.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/08-reuse-tea-bags.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/04-reuse-tea-bags-664x443.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/themes/boredom/images/tiny_fb.png", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/05-reuse-tea-bags-664x453.jpg", "http://boredomtherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/03-reuse-tea-bags-664x387.jpg", "http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-pKKqY_zzAp6Pk.gif" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "lowers soil pH to reduce fungus growth near plants", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Tannic acid in tea bags can lower the pH in soil and help your plants grow free of fungus." ]
[ [ [ 8, 3 ], [ 8, 93 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Will Be Delayed For The Worst Reason" ]
[ "I really thought this short week of work was going to be easier than most, but after learning season seven of \"Game of Thrones\" will be delayed, well, I’m just not so sure anymore.", "According to reports, the rest of your summer is now ruined due to the fact \"GoT\" has to delay the filming of season seven as a result of... wait for it... the WEATHER.", "Though the HBO hit has traditionally debuted each new season in April, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have reportedly revealed we’ll have to wait for a later start date in 2017.", "Speaking on the \"UFC Unfiltered\" podcast, the minds behind the television adaptation of George RR Martin’s novels said,", "We don’t have an air date yet, but this year will probably be a little bit later.", "They continued,", "We’re starting a bit later because at the end of this season, ‘Winter is here’ — and that means that sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes any more. So we kind of pushed everything down the line, so we could get some grim grey weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.", "Ned Stark was right all along, and now Westeros’ winter has ruined our summer. I can’t even." ]
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Will Be Delayed For The Worst Reason
According to reports, the seventh season of "Game of Thrones" will be delayed because "winter is here" on the show, but it's too warm to shoot on location.
game of thrones,
[ "https://m.elitestatic.com/m/51e8d9c102a4275f/game-of-thrones-season-six-battle-of-the-bastards-jon-snow-tormund-giantsbane-winterfell.jpg", "" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Weather.\n#winterisnotcoming\n#StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Entertainment" }
[ [ [ 1, 160 ], [ 1, 167 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Man Crumples To The Ground When He Reads A Special Letter From His Girlfriend’s Daughter" ]
[ "When Lauren Hernandez was 1 year old, she met Joe Iosco. She may not remember it, but this day was a defining moment in her life.", "As she grew older, Iosco, her mother’s long-term boyfriend, was always there for her. He acted like the best father that anyone could ever ask for. He supported her, loved her, and treated her exactly as he treats his own biological daughters.", "Maybe that was because he didn’t feel like he was acting like a father. He really did consider Lauren to be his very own child.", "Every family is different, and we all go through different obstacles. Lauren’s biological father may not have been there for her while she grew up, but she, by no means, grew up without a dad in her life.", "At 18 years old, Hernandez graduated high school. At her graduation party, she knew exactly what gift she wanted. Iosco had no idea what was coming.", "When Hernandez handed him a gift, he was a bit thrown off. He thought this was supposed to be her party! Inside, he found a beautiful poem. He thought that was it, and he was already getting emotional.", "Then, he sees that there is another envelope hidden at the very bottom of the gift box... official adoption papers.", "This is the greatest gift that either of them could ever have asked for on this day." ]
Man Crumples To The Ground When He Reads A Special Letter From His Girlfriend’s Daughter
When Lauren Hernandez was 1 year old, she met Joe Iosco. She may not remember it, but this day was a defining moment in her life. As she grew older, Iosco, her mother’s long-term boyfriend, was always there for her. He acted like the best father that anyone could ever ask for. He supported her, loved her,...
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Adoption papers. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Lifestyle" }
[ "official adoption papers" ]
[ [ [ 6, 90 ], [ 6, 114 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Queen Elizabeth Refused To Sit On Game Of Throne's Iron Throne Prop For The Most Obscure Reason" ]
[ "Well according to sources close to the Queen, she was just following her royal protocol.", "Game Of Thrones' David Benioff and Dan Weiss recently appeared on Late Night With Seth Meyers and tried clearing things up for their huge fan base.", "Apparently the Queen didn't sit in the Iron Throne because she was merely following the rules.", "The showrunners didn't know it at the time, but there is actually a rule that forbids Her Majesty from sitting in any foreign throne.", "Obviously everyone was upset, but it wasn't a complete loss..." ]
The Queen Refused To Sit On The Iron Throne For The Most Obscure Reason
She turned down the opportunity of a lifetime!
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "There's a rule forbidding her from sitting on any \"foreign thrones\"", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "royal protocol" ]
[ [ [ 0, 73 ], [ 0, 87 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "How much \"Brady Bunch\" stars make on reruns" ]
[ "Susan Olsen was just 7 years old when she joined the cast of \"The Brady Bunch\" as the youngest one in curls. In a new episode of \"Oprah: Where Are They Now?\" on OWN, Olsen talks about sibling rivalry on the show, the alleged hookups between her and co-star Mike Lookinland (Bobby Brady), and how much money the cast really makes on all of those \"Brady Bunch\" re-runs.", "\"It was very much like we really were siblings, except we didn't have to live together and share one bathroom,\" Olsen says in the above clip.", "When it comes to competition between cast mates, Olsen says there was somewhat of a real-life \"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia\" situation. \"I would say that the only thing that even comes close to genuine sibling rivalry would be between Eve Plumb, who played Jan, and Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia,\" she says. \"We love them both. We just don't see the two of them together.\"", "Rumors have circulated for years about the cast mates' off-screen relationships, but Olsen can clear up her side. \"When it comes down to stories of all these alleged hookups, [Mike] Lookinland, who would be my partner, Bobby Brady, we used to kiss in the doghouse and we'd say we had 'makeout sessions' in the doghouse.\"", "But it was all innocent fun, Olsen says. \"We didn't know how to make out! We would just kiss each other and go, 'I love you, I love you,' and hug.\"", "Also in the video, Olsen explains why she left acting and the assumption that people always make about her income. \"People do tend to assume that we made a lot of money off 'The Brady Bunch' because it's on all the time,\" she says. \"So people just think that, oh, I must be rich. We all must be rich. And nothing could be further from the truth.\"", "Olsen says it's not because she signed a bad contract, it was just the way syndication worked back then. \"People only got paid for re-runs for the first 10 runs,\" she explains. \"The first 10 runs happened and were over with, probably by 1979. And so we've made no money since then.\"" ]
Susan Olsen On 'Brady Bunch' Sibling Rivalry, Alleged Hookups And More (VIDEO)
Susan Olsen was just 7 years old when she joined the cast of "The Brady Bunch" as the...
Mike Lookinland,Brady Bunch rivalry,The Brady Bunch,Maureen McCormick,oprah where are they now,cindy brady,own-video,brady bunch cast,Eve Plumb,Brady Bunch relationship,Susan Olsen,Brady Bunch rumors,Brady Bunch reruns,Oprah Winfrey Network
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/244114/slide_244114_1360607_free.jpg", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1316505/images/o-OWN-OPRAH-WHERE-ARE-THEY-NOW-BRADY-BUNCH-facebook.jpg", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Nothing; only paid for the first 10 reruns", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "only got paid for re-runs for the first 10 runs" ]
[ [ [ 6, 113 ], [ 6, 160 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Another member of young Hollywood is cruising the streets" ]
[ "Another member of young Hollywood is on the road.", "Ariel Winter, who plays Alex on \"Modern Family,\" officially has her driver's permit.", "The 15-year-old took to Instagram to express how excited she was, with a caption reading:", "I PASSED. I PASSED. I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED! I am now a permitted driver.....be scared.😏 Actually don't be...I'm a safe driving nerd😝😌 YAY!! #soexcited #driving #permit #ipassed #ICANDRIVE #thisjusthappened #proud #eeeeeeep", "And from the photo, we can presume that she is back to brunette.", "It certainly has not been an easy time for the young star, who has been fighting a custody battle with her mother after abuse allegations. She is currently under the guardianship of her older sister.", "Eyes on the road!" ]
Ariel Winter Gets Her Driving Permit
Another member of young Hollywood is on the road. Ariel Winter, who plays Alex on "Modern Family," officially has her driver's permit. The 15-yea...
ariel winter modern family,ariel winter permit,ariel winter learner's permit,modern family ariel winter,ariel winter abuse allegations,ariel winter abuse,ariel winter news,ariel winter custody,ariel winter,ariel winter court,ariel winter mom,ariel winter removed from home
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Ariel Winter Gets Her Driving Permit", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "Ariel Winter, who plays Alex on \"Modern Family,\" officially has her driver's permit." ]
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 84 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Can Paedophilia Really Be Cured With Drugs?" ]
[ "According to the Daily Mail, scientists in Sweden are working on a \"cure\" for paedophilia. The trial involves a drug that disrupts testosterone.", "Forcing or persuading children to have sex is one of the worst things a person can do to them. Sexual abuse causes serious emotional and physical harm, and can ruin a child’s capacity to have healthy relationships as an adult. However, we mustn’t confuse all sexual abuse of children with paedophilia.", "Paedophiles are sexually attracted to children but they may, or may not, act on their urges. In fact, my experience indicates that most of the people who abuse children are not paedophiles. Research by Alanko and colleagues, looking at the question of whether paedophilia was inherited, showed that approximately 5% of men in the study with paedophilia had offended against children. In fact, people who offend against children, in my experience, are (mostly) men who are obsessed with sex and are looking for a sexual outlet, regardless of the age of the victim.", "In our research which looked at whether medication was helpful for sexual offenders who struggled with their obsession with sex, we found that while over 90% of them had committed offences against children, most of them had also abused adults. And, in some cases, victims included both males and females, showing a broad pattern of offending. These abusers will seek out any possible opportunity for sexual satisfaction and sadly children are often vulnerable and easy prey.", "Clinicians use the following Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria to diagnose paedophilia:", "Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviours involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. The person is at least age 16 years and at least five years older than the child or children in Criterion A.", "Most paedophiles don’t act on their urges", "Many researchers think that paedophilia is a sexual orientation (like heterosexuality), rather than a psychosexual disorder or illness. Regardless of which it is, it’s very difficult for people to live with. Discovering at puberty that your sexual preference is for children, is usually a terrifying and depressing realisation.", "Think back to when you were 13 or 14 years old and just beginning to become strangely drawn to the boys or girls around you. Now think what it would have been like if those feelings were not for your own peer group, but for much younger children. You might wonder or worry a bit at first, and, as time went on, worry a lot. Why are you so different? What is wrong with you? Who can you talk to about it?", "It’s tough enough for teenagers to talk to their parents about sex, let alone tell them they are a paedophile. What we need to do, as a society, is to understand that some people are sexually attracted to children. More than this, we also need to understand that this attraction to children does not bring with it an uncontrollable urge to force sexual attention on children.", "Or course, there will be a small number of people who either can’t or won’t control their sexual urges, but for the most part, they can and they will. Think of yourself in a similar situation with your preferred partner type. How easy do you find it to control yourself in a roomful of the type of people you are attracted to? It’s not so difficult to do, is it?", "Medication to manage sexual arousal", "But what about paedophiles who do act on their urges (as well as sex offenders who prey on children) – do the drugs work for them? As the researcher leading the evaluation of the use of these types of drugs in the UK prison service, I can reassure you that they do reduce people’s obsession with sex.", "The drugs seem to work well and it is great that they are being offered (in this case) as a prevention tool. It’s also important that they are offered alongside psychological treatment to further help people control their urges.", "As of April 1, 2016, both medication and psychological treatment are also being offered in the UK across the whole of the prison service, and some charities, such as the Safer Living Foundation, are also looking to offer them as a prevention tool for people who have not yet committed an offence.", "Keeping children safe", "Although testosterone disrupting drugs can help sex offenders control their urges, they may not be a cure for paedophilia. As already described, most people who offend against children are not paedophiles.", "Most paedophiles are perfectly capable of controlling themselves and understand the damage that will be done to children by sexual abuse. We need to stop panicking about paedophiles, and focus our efforts on offering treatment and help to anyone struggling with their sexual urges. That’s what will help our children grow up safely.", "Belinda Winder, Professor of Forensic Psychology & Head of the Sexual Offences, Crime and Misconduct Research Unit, Nottingham Trent University", "This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article." ]
Can Paedophilia Really Be Cured With Drugs?
According to the Daily Mail, scientists in Sweden are working on a "cure" for paedophilia. The trial involves a drug that disrupts testosterone. Forcing or
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Not Yet. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Science" }
[ "Many researchers think that paedophilia is a sexual orientation (like heterosexuality), rather than a psychosexual disorder or illness" ]
[ [ [ 7, 0 ], [ 7, 134 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "PayPal Reveals Start Date For Steam Summer Sale" ]
[ "Every year, Valve unleashes a summer sale on its Steam storefront that’s destined to plunge scores of its users into financial instability thanks to the wide array of deals on offer — and every year, PayPal leaks the start date ahead of time. Now, a promotional email from the company has ripped the lid off Valve’s plans for 2016.", "This year’s Steam summer sale will get underway on June 23, as per an email distributed to PayPal account holders over the past week. \"Now you know when it’s going to happen,\" reads the accompanying message \"you can get ready for the savings.\"", "While in previous years PayPal has let the cat out of the bag without Valve’s say-so, it seems that the company was given the go-ahead this time around. The email makes reference to the exclusive nature of the reveal, and a tweet promoting the announcement tagged the official Steam account, according to a report from Tech Spot.", "This news seems to confirm previous reports that the 2016 summer sale would run from June 23 to July 4. In May, a developer using the handle MrFreemanBBQ posted a screenshot of communication from Valve referencing those dates — along with a message warning recipients to keep this \"confidential\" information secret — to the Steam subreddit.", "Digital downloads have long been at the core of the Steam platform and its summer sales, but this year we might see Valve push its hardware with some deep discounts. Recent sales figures for the Steam Controller suggest that both the peripheral and the company’s Steam Machines are struggling to find an audience.", "However, the summer sale isn’t just about price cuts — Valve often adds an extra element to draw consumers in, like the monster game that was rolled out in support of last year’s iteration. We’ll find out what the company has planned for 2016 when the sale gets underway on June 23." ]
Update: The Steam summer sale has begun!
A promotional email distributed by PayPal has confirmed the start date for the 2016 Steam summer sale.
[ "http://icdn3.digitaltrends.com/image/steamcontroller-2-1200x630-c.jpg?ver=1", "http://icdn2.digitaltrends.com/image/steamcontroller-2-640x0.jpg?ver=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "June 23rd", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "June 23" ]
[ [ [ 1, 51 ], [ 1, 58 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Joe Satriani: The Guitarist Whose Tone I Could Never Confuse With Anyone Else" ]
[ "UG editorial team. A group of people who are passionate about guitar and music in general.", "Mr. Joe Satriani was recently ask to single out one guitarist whose sound he instantly recognizes and couldn't mistake for anyone else in the world.", "And the answer was - Mr. DR. Brian May of Queen.", "Satch tells Team Rock: \"Brian's like a whole universe unto himself.", "Life of Brian: Brian May's Brilliant Guitar Moments + Cool Facts", "\"The first time you hear him you go, 'What the fuck is that?' It's beautiful music, original tone and an amazing application of the guitar - the harmony, the way he strings together his rhythm and solo parts, his ensemble and call-and-response parts.", "\"It's unbelievable how deep his universe is.\"", "This is not the first time Joe sang praises of Brian. The guitarist told Music Radar last year:", "\"Brian's got a composing style that you notice right away. His guitar style is famous along with his gear - that famous guitar from the fireplace mantel that he and his dad built.", "\"I've played it and, unfortunately, I don't sound anything like Brian when I play that guitar. Only Brian sounds like that.", "\"When I was a young player and someone played a Queen record for me the first time, I was utterly floored. There's just nothing but questions in your mind. Meanwhile, your body is loving it. The visceral experience is just so wonderful and it's so much fun.", "\"He's one of those guitar players that could mix fun and serious and really pull it off. That music can be cathartic and unapologetic and just make you want to get up and kick ass. I love that. That's rock 'n' roll right there.\"", "You can check out two of the boys - and Mr. Steve Vai - jamming classic tune \"Tie Your Mother Down\" back in '92 - when Satch still had hair - in the embedded player below." ]
Joe Satriani: The Guitarist Whose Tone I Could Never Confuse With Anyone Else
'It's unbelievable how deep his universe is,' Mr. Satch says
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[ "Mr. DR. Brian May" ]
[ [ [ 2, 21 ], [ 2, 38 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This Puppy Was Abandoned At A Baseball Stadium And Now Has A Job With The Team" ]
[ "\"We still don’t really know how big she’s going to get,\" said Orton. \"In the next year or so we’ll have an idea of her size and what she can do.\"", "For now Daisy is more of a customer service dog. She’s always eager to greet everyone who comes into the stadium’s front office and loves hanging out with fans.", "\"She also certainly wants to put on a show,\" said Orton. \"So I think it’s perfect.\"", "The Savannah Bananas open their season at the Grayson Stadium on June 2." ]
This Abandoned Puppy Now Has A Big Job With A Baseball Team
This baseball team got a lot more pawsome...
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "He picks up balls and bats laying around for the team. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Aww" }
[ "customer service dog" ]
[ [ [ 1, 27 ], [ 1, 47 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Why Women Really Leave The Men They Love" ]
[ "By Justice Schanfarber", "As a marriage counselor working with men and women in relationship crisis, I help clients navigate numerous issues. While many situations are complex, there's one profoundly simple truth that men need to know: Women leave men they love.", "They feel terrible about it. It tears their heart out. But they do it. They rally their courage and their resources and they leave. Women leave men with whom they have children, homes and lives.", "Women leave for many reasons, but there's one reason in particular that haunts me, one that I want men to understand: Women leave because their man is not present.", "He's working, golfing, gaming, watching TV, fishing ... the list is long. These aren't bad men. They're good men. They're good fathers. They support their family. They're nice, likeable. But they take their wife for granted. They're not present.", "Women in my office tell me, \"Someone could come and sweep me off my feet, right out from under my husband.\" Sometimes the realization scares them. Sometimes it makes them cry.", "Men, I'm not saying this is right or wrong. I'm telling you what I see. You can get as angry, hurt or indignant as you want. Your wife is not your property. She does not owe you her soul. You earn it. Day by day, moment after moment.", "You win her over first and foremost with your presence, your aliveness. She needs to feel it. She wants to talk to you about what matters to her and to feel that you're listening to her. Not nodding politely. Not placating. Definitely not playing devil's advocate.", "She wants you to feel her. She doesn't want absent-minded groping or quick sex. She wants to feel your passion. Can you feel your passion? Can you show her? Not just your passion for her or for sex; your passion for being alive. Do you have it? It's the most attractive thing you possess. If you've lost it, what's the reason? Where did it go? Find out. Find it. If you never discovered it, you are living on borrowed time.", "If you think you're present with your wife, try listening to her. Does your mind wander? Notice. When you look at her, how deeply do you see her? Look again, look deeper.", "Meet her gaze and keep it for longer than usual, longer than what's comfortable. If she asks what you're doing, tell her, \"I'm looking into you. I want to see you deeply. I'm curious about who you are. After all these years I still want to know who you are, every day.\" But only say it if you mean it, if you know it's true.", "Touch her with your full attention. Before you put your hand on her, notice the sensation in your hand. Notice what happens the moment you make contact. What happens in your body? What do you feel? Notice the most subtle sensations and emotions. (This is sometimes described as mindfulness.) Tell her everything you're noticing, moment after moment.", "But you're busy. You don't have time for all this. How about five minutes? Five minutes a day. Will you commit to that? I'm not talking about extravagant dinners or date nights (although these are fine, too). I'm talking about five minutes a day to be completely present with the woman you share your life with.", "To be completely open -- listening and seeing without judgment. Will you do that? I bet once you start, once you get a taste, you won't want to stop.", "(Note: The gender dynamic outlined above is reversible. It can go both ways.)", "......", "Justice Schanfarber is a counselor and Certified Hakomi Therapist providing individual counseling, marriage counseling, coaching and mentoring to individuals and couples on the issues that make or break relationships. Email justice@justiceschanfarber.com to request a client info package.", "This article originally appeared on YourTango." ]
Why Women Really Leave The Men They Love
By Justice Schanfarber As a marriage counselor working with men and women in relationship crisis, I help clients navigate numerous issues. Whil...
love,divorce,yourtango,why women leave men,why men leave women
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "They're zoned out and not emotionally present.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "their man is not present" ]
[ [ [ 3, 138 ], [ 3, 162 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Ozzy Osbourne has another daughter, and here's why she refused to be on 'The Osbournes'" ]
[ "\"Back then, I still felt I was trying to figure out who I was in the chaos of family life,\"", "Aimee said to The Independent" ]
Ozzy Osbourne Has Another Daughter, And Here's Why She Refused To Be on 'The Osbournes'
Aimee Osbourne once avoided the spotlight, but not anymore. - #tv shows, #reality show, #celebrities, #kids
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "She wanted to stay out of the spot light to \"find herself\". She's recording music now.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "\"Back then, I still felt I was trying to figure out who I was in the chaos of family life,\"" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 91 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Something's Gone Wrong At Starbucks, According To Baristas" ]
[ "Karen Bleier / AFP / Getty Images ID: 9231242", "Have you experienced crazy-long lines at Starbucks lately? If so, some of the company’s staff say there’s a reason for the longer waits: the coffee chain has been cutting back on worker hours, leading to declining service in stores.", "As a money-making business, Starbucks has been on a roll lately — the coffee chain reported another quarter of record sales and profit last week. So it baffled many of the company’s hourly employees in the U.S. when, as business boomed this spring, they noticed a dramatic change: they weren’t getting enough hours of work.", "Eight Starbucks employees from several cities around the country told BuzzFeed News that since May, the number of work hours assigned to stores by the chain’s Global Labor Scheduling (GLS) system has fallen far below both what they need and what they normally receive. The change came with no warning or explanation from executives; some staff say their schedules were cut in advance, while others have been sent home during their shifts. Many have taken to social media to complain, with some threatening to quit.", "ID: 9323172", "If you have information or tips, you can contact this reporter via email at venessa.wong@buzzfeed.com", "ID: 9323177", "It’s an unexpected turn for the Seattle coffee chain, which has long considered itself an employer of choice in a fast food industry infamous for bare-minimum pay and benefits, and demoralized workers. An internal communication portal used by the company has received numerous complaints from staff — \"partners,\" in Starbucks lingo — about reduced hours and declining morale, according to screenshots provided to BuzzFeed News.", "BuzzFeed News source ID: 9321991", "Starbucks told BuzzFeed News there has been no change in labor strategy and managers are being asked to handle staffing as needed on a store-by-store basis. \"We are not trying to reduce labor. We want our stores staffed in accordance with what they each need,\" said spokesperson Jaime Riley.", "Yet an internal company email reviewed by BuzzFeed News, which was sent to field leaders in May, suggests the company is closely watching labor expenses across the chain as growth slows. It said the weeks in May and June following Starbucks’ Frappuccino Happy Hour promotion are \"historically challenging weeks to forecast and schedule as the business experiences a significant decrease in transactions, resulting in an overspend in labor.\" The email asks field leaders to help control this overspending using a new \"forecasting tool\" that would \"adjust forecasts and compensate for downward trend in business.\"", "\"‘Reducing overspending’ seems like good business sense,\" Riley, the Starbucks spokesperson, said in response to the email.", "Starbucks staff told BuzzFeed News that store managers use the company’s GLS software to determine how many worker hours they can allocate. The managers input how many transactions they think their location will ring up for a given week, and the system generates an allocation of total labor hours, using an algorithm that also takes into account historical sales.", "The store manager then assigns those hours to individual workers. But in recent months, staff say that managers noticed their estimates were returning fewer hours. Just by way of illustration, if an estimated 800 transactions usually earned a store 70 hours of labor, the store might now receive only 65 hours for the same estimate.", "\"Someone seemingly flipped a switch on the labor model,\" one manager who has worked for Starbucks for nearly a decade told BuzzFeed News. \"The whole month of July has been the tightest in scheduling I’ve ever experienced,\" said another longtime manager.", "Starbucks sales, despite reaching new highs, have fallen short of expectations for the last nine months. The chain experienced a slowdown in U.S. sales growth from April to June — sales at cafes open at least 13 months increased by 4% compared to 8% during the same period last year. The company has called its recent performance an anomaly and expects its domestic business to pick up again.", "\"With costs of raw coffee going up and minimum wage rising, they will be looking for cost efficiencies anyplace they can find them,\" said Jack Russo, an analyst at Edward Jones.", "I noticed a change in service myself back in June, as did other Starbucks customers.", "@Starbucks the customer service at my local shop is getting pretty disappointing. What's going on? :( — Jessica O (@StrawbryDevl) ID: 9291343", "25min to get a latte at @Starbucks today was a new low in customer service. Time for a change? — Jack Cartwright (@jcxray48) ID: 9291319", "Starbucks’ recent labor situation was the subject of an online worker petition started in June. Cutting back on hours \"creates an atmosphere where baristas are worn to the bone without being able to take a breath. Cleanliness suffers, speed of service suffers, partners suffer.....the labor climate keeps most baristas regularly underemployed, enough to qualify for benefits, but not enough to afford to pay for them,\" it read. The petition has attracted 13,500 signatures so far.", "Despite the attention garnered by the petition, Starbucks says it has been tracking complaints from its employees and only 3% have been related to staffing and scheduling in recent weeks. Riley, the company spokesperson, said the chain has received \"overwhelmingly positive\" feedback about a U.S. pay raise announced this month, which moves a scheduled pay bump forward from next January to this October.", "On Monday, Starbucks confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it will also pay a $500 bonus to employees who have been with the company for at least two years. When it comes to the perceived cutback in hours, \"we encourage partners to work with managers on staffing scheduling needs,\" Riley said.", "A number of Starbucks workers — many who said they used to love their jobs — have shared their stories online about the effect of reductions in hours. Here are some condensed excerpts.", "\"Cutting labor is all-consuming.\"", "\"Because our store manager is contacted constantly about hours, we are asked to send labor updates at 12p, 4p, and 8p every day. But even if we end up 100+ transactions over forecast and have already cut hours, we’re told we should have cut more. My store continually meets and exceeds the confusing, sometimes nearly impossible goals set forth by a computer system and people who are 1,000 miles away.\" - Leslie", "\"Labor cuts are definitely taking a toll on us.\"", "\"Although my schedules say 20 hours, since labor is being cut I can never hit the 20 hour mark. That means I don’t qualify for benefits. My husband’s 40 hours a week [at Starbucks] have turned into 29 hours a week. It’s hard. It’s hard to think about the next schedules being put up, and dreading looking at he number of hours we are getting. Trying to calculate how much money we need to make just to get the kids fed, keep the lights on, and gas in the car. No one wants to give up hours, which means picking up shifts is getting harder and harder because everyone is scrounging for hours..I’ve never seen such an aggression about labor before. Over five years, and I’ve never had to truly worry about my hours, they stayed consistent..with the occasional ‘You wanna go home early today?’ But now it’s ‘You have to go home, we are way over on labor.’ ... In the past six months, I have heard more about numbers and labor than I have in the five years I’ve been with Starbucks.\" - Caylee", "\"It didn’t feel like work at all at first. All of that changed a few months ago.\"", "\"I noticed we seemed to be short staffed more often and it always felt like we were all flustered or moving at a dizzying pace. I also became a shift supervisor about a month ago. Advancing in my position is a huge change as it is. Add in even less people to work with but having the same volume of customers, and I am so physically and emotionally exhausted that my job is not even fun for me anymore. Want to know the last time I had a lunch break during one of my eight hour shifts? I couldn’t even tell you since it has been so long ago. In fact, today I worked a nine hour shift on the floor with just one five-minute break, long enough to take a few sips of my iced vanilla chai and eat a doughnut.\" - Stephannie", "\"My hours have gone from 26 to 29 hours a week to 20 to18 hours a week.\"", "\"With only two people on the floor at a cafe, we can barely keep up, as the lobby is neglected and bathrooms and customers are complaining. I plan to hang in there but a lot of partners have no choice but look for other employment.\" - Vickie", "\"I recently had a baby, and was on an extended maternity leave due to complications. When I returned to work, hours were getting cut too much.\"", "\"Short night shifts, cut down to two hours because of being sent home early, were too much. We were closing the highest volume store in the city with only three employees in the tourist area of town. It was a constant battle of being sent home early, or scrambling all night, unable to get everything done. Driving 30 minutes to work wasn’t worth it, especially for the poor pay as a barista with a newborn at home.\" - Bailey", "\"I like working hard. I like being busy.\"", "\"However, the reality is that if I spend my morning on the floor with six or seven people who are killing themselves to fill customer orders that really call for eight or nine baristas (mostly because [Global Labor Scheduling] doesn’t adequately account for things like multi-part orders or food [orders]), I’m exhausted by the time I get home. Beyond that, being overworked and understaffed hurts partner morale. It makes it so that stores not as clean and pleasant as they should be, and customers are not taken care of in the way that they deserve to be.\" - Noel", "\"Every transaction is rushed through as the line continues to grow!\"", "\"Orders are put on the bar where our solo barista makes every single beverage as fast as possible while trying to focus on what they are doing whilst grabbing all those stickers from cafe, drive-thru, and [mobile order and pay]. The drive thru times are suffering horribly; our average ticket is six to eight drinks each car! It looks bad on the company from a guests perspective to have three or four partners on the floor when the place is absolute chaos.\" - Samantha", "\"I came into this company in January and I loved my first few months.\"", "\"But you can see it in our faces and demeanors how much it’s taking its toll. And now I received a paycheck for not even $200 that is nowhere near enough to pay my rent and bills. This so for two weeks work!!! Our store has failed two [Quality Assurance Standards Assessment] audits in the month because it never stays clean enough because we never have enough people to maintain the store. We never have schedules ready until a few days before the next week starts. Deliveries are made and stay there for days because on two man sets who’s going to put it away. We’re just exhausted, disappointed and now angry that all of our hard work is being taken for granted. I can’t survive on this dismal pay and only 15 to 20 weekly tips. I’m going to have to cut off my medical insurance and stop 401k just so I can make ends meet! I love my job but I can’t survive in this atmosphere!\" - Andre", "ID: 9323188", "If you have information or tips, you can contact this reporter via email at venessa.wong@buzzfeed.com" ]
Something's Gone Wrong At Starbucks, According To Baristas
About two months ago, things started going south, staff say. Many pin the blame on cutbacks in working hours...
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Starbucks is cutting back on worker hours", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "since May, the number of work hours assigned to stores by the chain’s Global Labor Scheduling (GLS) system has fallen far below both what they need and what they normally receive." ]
[ [ [ 3, 89 ], [ 3, 268 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Their Car Started To Fill With Smoke. When They Looked At Their Son's Shoes They Couldn't Believe It" ]
[ "Light-up shoes are a popular trend that has had a steady following for several years. Almost every child has owned a pair of these shoes and business isn’t slowing down. They’re an automatic hit with children who love to stomp around the house incessantly as they show off the stellar light performance in their shoes. Have you ever stopped to wonder what powers the light? Two parents were stunned by the destruction they suspect was caused by their son’s shoes.", "A couple in Katy, Texas noticed an odd haze building up in their vehicle. When Jovan and Attila Virag opened the back of their SUV, they smelled the familiar scent of burnt plastic and noticed that there was a hole burned into the floor and the back of their passenger seat was melted. They sifted through the contents in their backseat, but there was nothing that could have started a fire except for their 2-year-old son’s light-up shoes.", "When Attila took apart one of the charred shoes, she noticed that the lights were powered by lithium batteries. The father hadn’t the slightest idea that there were batteries in the shoes that could short and we suspect he isn’t alone. Understanding the mechanics of a pair of shoes isn’t high on most people’s priority list.", "The fire marshal was called in to investigate what may have caused sparks to ignite in the vehicle. A decision about the origin of the fire hasn’t been determined yet, but the shoes are being considered a possibility. The Virags are desperate to share this information with other parents. They were lucky that their son wasn’t wearing the shoes when the fire started. Otherwise, the consequences could have been way more severe.", "Although light-up shoes may be high up on your child’s wish list, it might be safer to err on the side of caution or at least do your research before purchasing the shoes." ]
Mom Claims That Toddler’s Light-Up Shoes Cause Fire In Vehicle
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "The batteries in his light up shoes might have shorted out, or maybe not.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "The father hadn’t the slightest idea that there were batteries in the shoes that could short" ]
[ [ [ 2, 112 ], [ 2, 204 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "You’ll never believe what this point on your ear can do. Press once and WOW!" ]
[ "Nowadays, many people are looking towards alternative medicine when treating illnesses. Commonly prescribed pills are not only packed with chemicals, but often come with serious side effects.", "If you don't like the idea of swallowing another pill and are looking to slowly expand your horizons, you should know that there are many alternative routes, including acupuncture. According to this Chinese form of alternative medicine, there is a specific point on the human ear that acts as a gateway to general wellness: the Shen Men, which translates to \"heavenly gate.\" Practiced in China for centuries, pressing this point on the external ear can help to relieve stress, anxiety, allergies, headaches, addiction, inflammation, depression, and pain.", "You can stimulate the Shen Men by pinching the point on your upper ear between your index finger and thumb.", "Moving your fingers in a circular motion, massage this point one to two times a day for about a minute.", "This treatment is incredibly simple and one that people can perform anywhere, at any time. The best part? No side effects!" ]
Press this point on your ear and be amazed by what happens
Just a push of the thumb!
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "According to Chinese principles of accupressure, massaging it for one minute will ease a variety of ailments. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Lifestyle" }
[ "Shen Men", "can help to relieve stress, anxiety, allergies, headaches, addiction, inflammation, depression, and pain" ]
[ [ [ 1, 328 ], [ 1, 336 ] ], [ [ 1, 449 ], [ 1, 553 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Meet the coolest girl in Hollywood right now" ]
[ "You may have seen her on \"Parenthood,\" \"Arrested Development,\" and in \"The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.\" But you have yet to follow her on Twitter and Instagram, fall in love with her funky style and embrace her general awesomeness.", "Yep, we're talking about Mae Whitman, and she's the coolest girl around.", "Here's why:", "Her roommate is Miles Heizer, who also happens to be her \"Parenthood\" brother. Which happens to be the cutest thing ever.", "She gets featured in designer Rachel Antonoff's lookbooks ...", "... And hangs out with her all the time, which is cool too.", "She was the little girl in \"One Fine Day,\" meaning she's been a top-notch actress since age eight.", "Alia Shawkat was her co-star in \"State Of Grace\" and \"Arrested Development,\" and the two have been close ever since.", "Her \"Perks Of Being A Wallflower\" character was more than a little obnoxious, proving she has great range.", "Selfies are her strong suit, especially when it comes to taking them with some of the hottest actors around .", "She's very supportive of her \"Parenthood\" mom, Lauren Graham ...", "... And has \"ladies nights\" with the women of \"Parenthood.\"", "She made an appearance on the controversial new Showtime series \"Masters of Sex,\" and it was adorable.", "Lena Dunham is all about her, so we're thinking -- OK, hoping -- she'll be stopping by \"Girls\" sometime soon.", "\"I only have room to do things that I have a love for in my life,\" she once said, which is inspiration for us all." ]
13 Reasons Why Mae Whitman Is The Coolest Girl In Hollywood Right Now
You may have seen her on "Parenthood," "Arrested Development," and in "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower." But you have yet to follow her on Twitter and In...
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[ "Mae Whitman" ]
[ [ [ 1, 25 ], [ 1, 36 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "\"One Life To Live\" star arrested for felony assault" ]
[ "Soap opera star Crystal Hunt was arrested Friday night (Dec. 13) after getting in a fight at Pearl's Liquor Bar in West Hollywood, TMZ reports.", "Hunt's lawyer told the website that a woman had been threatening the actress, who wasn't drinking, and security failed to remove her from the premises. Regardless, Hunt reacted by throwing a pint glass at the woman's face.", "The outburst got the 28-year-old \"One Life To Live\" star arrested for a felony assault. Reportedly, Hunt, who also appeared on \"Guiding Light,\" spent the night in jail and was released the following morning on bail.", "The victim required medical attention." ]
'One Life To Live' Star Crystal Hunt Arrested For Breaking A Glass Over Woman's Face
Soap opera star Crystal Hunt was arrested F...
crystal hunt arrested,one life to live crystal hunt arrested,one life to live star arrested,One Life To Live,crystal hunt arrest,one life to live arrest,crystal hunt,crystal hunt bar brawl,one live to live crystal hunt,crystal hunt breaks glass
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/287164/slide_287164_2244178_free.jpg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1517281/images/n-CRYSTAL-HUNT-628x314.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1517281/images/o-CRYSTAL-HUNT-facebook.jpg" ]
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[ "Crystal Hunt" ]
[ [ [ 0, 16 ], [ 0, 28 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This is what Michael Jordan thinks of that Crying Jordan meme" ]
[ "It’s nearly impossible to follow a major sporting event online without somebody turning the crying Michael Jordan photo back into a meme. Invariably, somebody is going to be sad about losing the big game, and inevitably, some enterprising social media user will end up Photoshopping a Crying Jordan into a key moment when everything seemed to go wrong for the team that lost.", "It all began in 2009, when Michael Jordan spoke during his Basketball Hall of Fame induction, and while receiving a long ovation from the crowd, he began to cry. Associated Press photographer Stephan Savoia captured the moment.", "(Sorry, this embed was not found.)", "Only recently—last September to be exact—has the Crying Jordan meme become such a big part of big-game social media culture.", "Though many have wondered whether Jordan knew about the meme and whether he was cool with it, we’ve finally received our answer. He’s totally fine with it, according to TMZ.", "\"Everyone seems to be having fun with the meme,\" a Jordan representative told the website. \"We haven’t seen anyone using it to promote their commercial interests, which is something that we’re monitoring.\"", "What have been some peak Crying Jordan moments in recent history? Here’s Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, during and after Carolina’s loss to the Broncos in Super Bowl 50.", "you may RT now for all your cam newton Michael Jordan crying faces memes pic.twitter.com/BxKBiKjvtQ — Peter Darker (@iHurdleTho) February 8, 2016", "Without a doubt, the best Crying Jordan EVER! pic.twitter.com/p5SOIvGYgQ — B. 📎 (@knicks148) February 8, 2016", "And Panthers kicker Graham Gano after he clanged a field goal off the upright.", "this is an elite crying Jordan (via @SPUN) pic.twitter.com/gqRBOmBd0v — SI Extra Mustard (@SI_ExtraMustard) February 8, 2016", "Or when the Broncos bested the Patriots in the AFC title game.", "Or when Clemson lost to Alabama in the national college football title game.", "(Sorry, this embed was not found.)", "Or when the Mets lost to the Royals in the World Series.", "(Sorry, this embed was not found.)", "Of course, the Crying Jordan isn’t solely limited to sports. It also might apply to a Republican presidential hopeful who happened to finish second in the Iowa caucus.", "(Sorry, this embed was not found.)", "But if you don’t want to find yourself going viral when you’re having one of the worst days ever, here’s some advice. Win at everything at all times. Newton should have listened to the man himself.", "H/T Bleacher Report | Photo by Jason H. Smith/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)" ]
This is what Michael Jordan thinks of that Crying Jordan meme
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[ "Everyone seems to be having fun with the meme," ]
[ [ [ 5, 1 ], [ 5, 47 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The Obama initiative that Maya Angelou really did not like" ]
[ "Famed poet and author Maya Angelou passed away this week at age 86, leaving her life, politics and worldviews to be dissected in obituaries and eulogies around the Internet. Among one of Angelou's notable policy stances was her opposition to standardized testing and President Barack Obama's Race to the Top competition, as the Washington Post pointed out this week.", "We are alarmed at the negative impact of excessive school testing mandates, including your Administration’s own initiatives, on children’s love of reading and literature. Recent policy changes by your Administration have not lowered the stakes. On the contrary, requirements to evaluate teachers based on student test scores impose more standardized exams and crowd out exploration.", "Angelou was among 120 authors and illustrators who co-signed a letter to Obama in October 2013, criticizing his administration's education initiatives for placing too much emphasis on standardized testing. In the letter, organized by The National Center for Fair and Open Testing, the authors wrote", "Launched in 2009, the Race to the Top competition allows districts and states to compete for federal funding in exchange for implementing certain education initiatives, such as adopting higher standards or building new teacher evaluation systems.", "As the Washington Post notes, Angelou further spoke out against the initiative on MSNBC's \"Andrea Mitchell Reports.\" \"Race To The Top feels to be more like a contest,\" Angelou said, \"... not what did you learn, but how much can you memorize.\"", "As CBS points out, Angelou and Obama had a somewhat up-and-down relationship. Angelou supported Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primary, although Obama awarded Angelou the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 2011. However, in 2009, Angelou told Newsweek that Obama's election was an \"indication that [America] may at last be growing up, growing beyond racism, sexism, ageism and all those other ignorances. This is why we see faces radiating with hope.\"", "\"Like so many others, Michelle and I will always cherish the time we were privileged to spend with Maya. With a kind word and a strong embrace, she had the ability to remind us that we are all God's children; that we all have something to offer. And while Maya's day may be done, we take comfort in knowing that her song will continue, 'flung up to heaven' – and we celebrate the dawn that Maya Angelou helped bring.\"" ]
The Obama Initiative That Maya Angelou Really Did Not Like
Famed poet and author Maya Angelou passed away this week at age 86, leaving her life, politics and worldviews to be dissected in obituaries and eulogies ...
maya angelou standardized testing,Maya Angelou,maya angelou dead,maya angelou president obama,maya angelou education reform,maya angelou race to the top,maya angelou education
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1826496/images/o-MAYA-ANGELOU-facebook.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1826496/images/n-MAYA-ANGELOU-628x314.jpg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/351657/slide_351657_3798856_free.jpg", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
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[ "administration's education initiatives" ]
[ [ [ 2, 112 ], [ 2, 150 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Hiker's dramatic video of two snakes fighting reveals rare sight" ]
[ "Most hikers would hightail it upon spotting two snakes fighting on a path. Arkansas hiker Dawn Kelly decided to record the snakes on her smartphone instead, creating the kind of video most of us would rather watch from a safe distance.", "The unusual thing about this snake battle royale, however, isn't that Kelly managed to record it unscathed, but that the two snakes, a copperhead and a cottonmouth, shouldn't have been fighting at all.", "According to Alabama Auburn University herpetologist David Steen, male snakes often fight in something called a \"combat dance\" over female snakes. But until now, no one has recorded evidence of two different species of male snakes fighting, according to the BBC.", "When snakes wrestle, it's not to the death but to overpower the weaker snake and eventually mate with the female snake waiting for the winner nearby. But if the female snake is of a different species, this sort of a sparring match seems like a wasted effort since snakes can only mate with their own kind.", "The video shows the two male snakes battling, and there's no female snake or snakes captured in the footage. So it's ultimately unclear whether the male snakes were indeed fighting to impress female snakes off camera.", "Another herpetologist, Professor Phil Senter of Fayetteville State University in North Carolina, told the BBC the tangle could have been about territory and not a mating ritual at all. \"It could have just been a border dispute,\" Senter said.", "One thing both herpetologists can agree on: two different snake species fighting is extremely rare. \"I've never seen that before, two different species fighting each other as if they're the same species,\" Senter said.", "One possible explanation is that thanks to reptile breeders who have been known to artificially hybridize these two snake species into \"cottonheads\" or \"coppermouths,\" this might also happen without human intervention in the wild.", "It could also be a case of mistaken identity, especially since copperheads and cottonmouths are members of the same animal genus, Agkistrodon. \"Snakes are dumb,\" Senter said. \"Their brains are very, very small. At least, the thinking part of it is.\"", "Either way, the video is an interesting view of male snake combat dance maneuvers." ]
Hiker's dramatic video of two snakes fighting reveals rare sight
A hiker captures footage of a copperhead grappling with a cottonmouth, perplexing herpetologists in the process.
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[ "a copperhead and a cottonmouth" ]
[ [ [ 1, 133 ], [ 1, 163 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "To lure people put off by the freakiness of lab-made meat, this is what the industry wants to call it" ]
[ "There’s an effort afoot to change the the way people perceive high-tech versions of old-fashioned food—and it’s happening far outside the laboratory.", "For years, food technology companies have referred to their products as \"cultured\" or \"lab-grown,\" but as these new businesses start to make a first foray into the public eye, they are also pushing ideas that may make people uncomfortable—such as meat grown in labs.", "To get over that, there’s a push to coalesce around a new term: \"clean food.\"", "\"It’s important because words matter in how we describe how something makes a big difference,\" said Paul Shapiro, a top leader at Humane Society of the United States and author of a forthcoming book on the subject. \"You can only make a first impression once.\"", "By opting for this terminology, the industry hopes to better communicate to people the ethos behind their products, rather than the actual processes (which often do occur in a laboratory) used to deliver them to the kitchen table. It’s main selling point: \"clean\" meat and dairy are efficient products with fewer sustainability and animal-welfare problems than traditional meat and dairy.", "The effort—piggybacking off the now-ubiquitous use of the term \"clean energy\"—is being spearheaded by the Good Food Institute, the newly-established, non-profit trade group in Washington, DC. To better make its case, the Good Food Institute is preparing to highlight research by Brian Wansink, a formed US Department of Agriculture official who studied ways to get kids in US schools to eat more vegetables:", "Research suggests the biggest influence on a person’s opinion of a particular food is how they \"expect\" it will taste. Giving fun, enticing names to healthy foods increases the desire to try them. Why not call broccoli \"broccoli bites\" or carrots \"X-ray vision carrots?\" Renaming foods to make them sound more appealing resulted in an increase in the sale of vegetables in the school cafeteria by 27%.", "The move comes as these high-tech foods are starting to appear before consumers. Impossible Foods unveiled its plant-based burger at Momofuku Nishi in New York City in late-July, and Beyond Meat is selling its version of a similar product in a limited number of US supermarkets. Memphis Meats is perfecting its product and Perfect Day, the vegan milk company, is looking to launch its first yogurt product in 2017.", "These are some of the first players in what some hope will be a \"clean food\" revolution." ]
To lure people put off by the freakiness of lab-made meat, this is what the industry wants to call it
There's an effort afoot to change the the way people perceive high-tech versions of old-fashioned food—and it's happening far outside the laboratory. For years, food technology companies have referred to their products as "cultured" or "lab-grown," but as these new businesses start to make a first foray into the public eye, they are also pushing ideas that may make...
[ "http://web.archive.org/web/20160905155729im_/https://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/cleanmeat.jpg?w=50", "http://web.archive.org/web/jsp/graph.jsp?graphdata=550_27_1996:-1:000000000000_1997:-1:000000000000_1998:-1:000000000000_1999:-1:000000000000_2000:-1:000000000000_2001:-1:000000000000_2002:-1:000000000000_2003:-1:000000000000_2004:-1:000000000000_2005:-1:000000000000_2006:-1:000000000000_2007:-1:000000000000_2008:-1:000000000000_2009:-1:000000000000_2010:-1:000000000000_2011:-1:000000000000_2012:-1:000000000000_2013:-1:000000000000_2014:-1:000000000000_2015:-1:000000000000_2016:8:000000006132_2017:-1:110000000000", "http://web.archive.org/web/20160905155729im_/https://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/cleanmeat.jpg?w=3500", "http://web.archive.org/web/20160905155729im_/https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1416115438681460&ev=PixelInitialized", "http://web.archive.org/static/images/toolbar/wm_tb_nxt_on.png", "http://web.archive.org/static/images/toolbar/wm_tb_prv_off.png", "http://web.archive.org/web/20160905155729im_/http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6463921&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://web.archive.org/web/20160905155729im_/http://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?v=noscript", "https://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/cleanmeat.jpg?w=1600", "http://web.archive.org/static/images/toolbar/wayback-toolbar-logo.png" ]
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[ "\"clean food.\"" ]
[ [ [ 2, 64 ], [ 2, 77 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "The race is tightening for a painfully simple reason" ]
[ "Hillary Clinton’s ongoing campaign to paint Donald Trump as unacceptable in the eyes of most Americans is working. It’s just not good enough. That’s the message of the spate of recent polls showing a dramatically tightened race that Trump may even be narrowly winning.", "The truth is that Trump is not doing well. Even Trump’s very best recent polls (which, by definition, are outliers that likely overstate his true level of support) show him receiving fewer votes than Republican candidates usually get. A recent CNN poll of Ohio , for example, that gave him a 5-point lead in the crucial swing state also shows him only getting 46 percent of the vote. Mitt Romney and John McCain both did better than that. Clinton’s attacks and Trump’s well-known weaknesses seem to have him losing the support of some GOP loyalists, even in his best polls.", "The problem is that Clinton herself is doing worse. Because despite her campaign’s emphasis on Trump’s weirdness and unpopularity, that isn’t the only force shaping this race. It’s profoundly unusual across two other dimensions — the strength of third party candidates and the weakness of the frontrunner — that will probably prevent Clinton from ever opening up a sustained comfortable lead unless she can do something to make herself better-liked.", "Clinton is a freakishly unpopular frontrunner", "Despite a couple of days’ worth of bad polls, Clinton still leads in national polling averages. It remains the case that if the election were held tomorrow, she would win.", "It is totally unheard of to win a presidential election while having deeply underwater favorable ratings, and it is actually quite common to lose one despite above water favorable ratings.", "Since there are only two major party nominees in the race and they are both far underwater right now, it’s pretty likely that precedent will be shattered. But we are in a bit of an undiscovered country in terms of the underlying opinion dynamics.", "Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are doing remarkably well", "If those numbers hold up (which of course they might not), they would make Johnson the strongest third-party candidate since Ross Perot in 1992. That’s a big deal. Stein’s strength is, however, even more unusual. She is polling ahead of where Ralph Nader did in 2000 and is the strongest fourth-party candidate we’ve seen in a 100 years, besting both the Thurmond and Wallace tickets from the infamously four-sided election of 1948.", "To find a fourth-place candidate polling higher than Stein’s current results, you need to dial all the way back to the 6 percent of the vote Eugene Debs earned in the bizarre 1912 election that saw the GOP nominee (the incumbent, no less!) finish in third place behind a third-party bid spearheaded by ex-president Teddy Roosevelt.", "For a stable lead, Clinton needs to be liked", "These two unusual quirks of the 2016 race seem to be linked.", "Lambasting Trump while being unpopular herself would be a clear winning strategy in a zero-sum head-to-head race. But in a four-sided race, where the two lesser candidates aren’t receiving much scrutiny from the press or the campaigns, it tends to have the side consequence of pressing a lot of people to Johnson or Stein. The fact that there are two different third-party candidates in the race — one for people who think Clinton’s too left and one for people who think she’s not left enough — makes it really difficult to avoid bleeding voters.", "If polls stay very tight or Trump pulls into a lead, then anti-Trump messaging to Johnson and Stein voters could take the form of classic warnings about spoilers and wasted votes.", "But the fact that Clinton has been consistently leading in the polls — and in August was doing so by a large margin — has itself undercut purely tactical arguments for voting Clinton. If she is overwhelmingly likely to win, which is what people have been hearing, then you may as well not vote for her if you don’t like her.", "It’s simply going to be very hard for Clinton to open up the kind of stable lead that her supporters think Trump’s awfulness deserves while she herself is so little-liked. September of a general election year is probably not a great time to turn that around.", "But the fact remains that her basic problem in this race is almost painfully simple. Over the course of her winning primary campaign she became a deeply unpopular figure. And it’s hard — indeed, unprecedented — for such an unpopular person to win the presidency.", "The bad map we see every presidential election" ]
The race is tightening for a painfully simple reason
People don’t like Hillary Clinton very much.
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Clinton is doing worse than Trump", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Trump is not doing well", "Clinton herself is doing worse" ]
[ [ [ 1, 18 ], [ 1, 41 ] ], [ [ 2, 20 ], [ 2, 50 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "This Country Loves 'Warcraft' Despite Abysmal Reviews" ]
[ "A big-budget film arriving in U.S. theaters this weekend has been absolutely savaged by movie critics but still has a ray of hope after setting box-office records overseas in one of the world's biggest movie markets.", "The reviews have been scathing for Warcraft , the video-game adaptation from Legendary Entertainment and Universal Pictures that cost a reported $160 million to make. But, Warcraft has already managed to pull in more than $120 million internationally, according to Box Office Mojo, even amid incredibly low expectations for the movie's domestic release on Friday.", "Warcraft made a respectable $75 million in its first few weeks of a limited international release before opening in China on Wednesday (with midnight screenings starting Tuesday night) to record-setting box-office sales in the country that is expected to surpass the U.S. as the world's largest movie market sometime next year. The movie surged to a $46 million Chinese opening on Wednesday, setting a first-day box office record for a non-weekend release in the country while also breaking a record set last year by Furious 7 for its opening day sales in IMAX theaters, with $5.3 million, Deadline reports .", "Those blockbuster numbers come despite the fact that critics have lambasted the movie, with various reviews describing it as anywhere from \"rather tacky\" to \"unwatchable\" , to the tune of just a 23% rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes .", "Variety notes that Warcraft 's stellar start in China could pave the way for the movie to make as much as $150 million in that country, where the game the movie is based on—Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft —is especially popular , boasting a large chunk of the game's millions of fans. That would be a huge boost to the studios behind Warcraft , which many of those same analysts are predicting will only make around $25 million in the U.S. this weekend.", "Comcast's ( cmcsa ) Universal is distributing Warcraft in most countries, but Legendary Entertainment is partnering with a group of Chinese distributors in that country. Earlier this year, Legendary was sold for $3.5 billion to China's Dalian Wanda, which is expanding its presence in the global movie market and is also the world's largest cinema chain operator.", "Warcraft opens across North America this weekend, facing off against The Conjuring 2 and Now You See Me 2 to lead a crowded slate of new releases that will also compete against high-profile holders such as X-Men: Apocalypse and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows ." ]
This Country Loves ‘Warcraft’ Despite Abysmal Reviews
The reviews have been scathing for Warcraft, the video-game adaptation from Legendary Entertainment and Universal Pictures that cost a reported $160 million to make.
Movies, China, box office gross, hollywood, comcast, universal studios, dalian wanda, legendary entertainment, warcraft, conjuring 2, now you see me 2, china box office, movie theaters, furious 7
[ "https://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/535961786.jpg?w=1100&quality=85", "", "https://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/535961786.jpg?w=720" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "China", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "China" ]
[ [ [ 2, 116 ], [ 2, 121 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "She Found This Tiny Kitten Out In The Pouring Rain, And What She Did Is Absolutely Incredible." ]
[ "Like 40 Share", "On a very rainy day when it was pouring, Kathryn Van Beek was rushing home in a rain-soaked pathway in Auckland, New Zealand. Suddenly, she came across a small creature suddenly. When she first saw it, she thought it was a rat. However, when she took a closer look, she could spot a tiny, cold and wet kitten. Her heart melted immediately and she knew that she had to do something for the kitten.", "When Kathryn first saw this kitten, she was tiny and the umbilical cord was also attached to the kitten.", "She took the kitten home and named it Bruce, after the popular Bruce Wayne.", "Even after 12 days of taking care, the kitten barely managed to open its eyes and all it weighed was 100 grams.", "Eventually, Bruce came to life properly and opened its eyes wide.", "After a few days, Bruce was able to eat on his own.", "Kathryn ensured that Bruce was healthy at all times.", "And the care Kathryn took of Bruce was wonderful.", "After 9 weeks of caring, Bruce turned out to be strong and looked healthy.", "He also weighed nearly 2 pounds.", "Kathryn then created a Facebook", "Look at how cute Bruce is!", "This was all possible as Kathryn bothered to stop and look for the lovely little kitten. Love conquers things and brings in life among animals too!", "Share adorable little Bruce with your friends who love animals!" ]
She Found This Tiny Kitten Out In The Pouring Rain, And What She Did Is Absolutely Incredible.
On a very rainy day when it was pouring, Kathryn Van Beek was rushing home in a rain-soaked pathway in Auckland, New Zealand. Suddenly, she came across
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Brought it home and took care of it.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "She took the kitten home and named it Bruce, after the popular Bruce Wayne." ]
[ [ [ 3, 0 ], [ 3, 75 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "12 Ways To Never Get Diabetes (Type 2)" ]
[ "These simple steps may be all it takes to stay healty", "Nearly 25% of Americans are thought to have prediabetes—a condition of slightly elevated blood sugar levels that often develops into diabetes within 10 years—but only 4% of people know it. What’s worse, of those who are aware, less than half really tried to reduce their risk by losing weight, eating less, and exercising more. These are just a few of the good-for-you habits that can reverse prediabetes and ensure you never get the real thing, which can mean a lifetime of drugs and blood sugar monitoring, an increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other scary health threats. Read on for 12 healthy lifestyle habits everyone can start today.", "1. Nudge the scale", "Shedding even 10 pounds can significantly slash your risk. Even extremely overweight people were 70% less likely to develop diabetes when they lost just 5% of their weight—even if they didn’t exercise. If you weigh 175 pounds, that’s a little less than 9 pounds! Use our calorie calculator to see how many calories you consume—and how many you need to shave off your diet—if you want to lose a little.", "2. Pick the right appetizer", "May we recommend the salad? Eating greens with a vinaigrette before a starchy entrée may help control your blood sugar levels. In an Arizona State University study, people with type 2 diabetes or a precursor condition called insulin resistance had lower blood sugar levels if they consumed about 2 tablespoons of vinegar just before a high-carb meal. \"Vinegar contains acetic acid, which may inactivate certain starch-digesting enzymes, slowing carbohydrate digestion,\" says lead researcher Carol Johnston, PhD. In fact, vinegar’s effects may be similar to those of the blood sugar—lowering medication acarbose (Precose).", "Before you eat that fettuccine, enjoy a salad with this dressing: Whisk 3 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons flaxseed oil, 1 clove garlic (crushed), 1/4 teaspoon honey, 3 tablespoons yogurt, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. (Makes four 2-tablespoon servings.)", "3. Ditch your car", "Walk as much as you can every day. You’ll be healthier—even if you don’t lose any weight. People in a Finnish study who exercised the most—up to 4 hours a week, or about 35 minutes a day—dropped their risk of diabetes by 80%, even if they didn’t lose any weight. This pattern holds up in study after study: The famed Nurses’ Health Study, for example, found that women who worked up a sweat more than once a week reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 30%. And Chinese researchers determined that people with high blood sugar who engaged in moderate exercise (and made other lifestyle changes) were 40% less likely to develop full-blown diabetes. Why is walking so wonderful? Studies show that exercise helps your body utilize the hormone insulin more efficiently by increasing the number of insulin receptors on your cells. Insulin helps blood sugar move into cells, where it needs to go to provide energy and nutrition. Otherwise it just sloshes around in your bloodstream, gumming up blood vessel walls and eventually causing serious health problems.", "4. Be a cereal connoisseur", "Selecting the right cereal can help you slim down and steady blood sugar. A higher whole grain intake is also linked to lower rates of breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke—and cereal is one of the best sources of these lifesaving grains, if you know what to shop for.", "Some tips: Look for the words high fiber on the box", "that ensures at least 5 g per serving. But don’t stop there. Check the label", "in some brands, the benefits of fiber are overshadowed by the addition of refined grains, added sugar, or cholesterol-raising fats.", "Decode the grains: Where that fiber comes from matters too, so check the ingredient list to find out exactly what those flakes or squares are made from. Millet, amaranth, quinoa, and oats are always whole grain, but if you don’t see whole in front of wheat, corn, barley, or rice, these grains have been refined and aren’t as healthy.", "Watch for hidden sugar: The \"total sugars\" listing doesn’t distinguish between added and naturally occurring sugars", "the best way to tell is scan the ingredients again. The following terms represent added sugars: brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, sugar, and sucrose. Skip cereals that list any of these within the first three ingredients (which are listed by weight).", "5. Indulge coffee cravings", "If you’re a coffee fan, keep on sipping. The beverage may keep diabetes at bay. After they studied 126,210 women and men, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that big-time coffee drinkers—those who downed more than 6 daily cups—had a 29 to 54% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes during the 18-year study. Sipping 4 to 5 cups cut risk about 29%", "1 to 3 cups per day had little effect. Decaf coffee offered no protection. Caffeine in other forms—tea, soda, chocolate—did. Researchers suspect that caffeine may help by boosting metabolism. And coffee, the major caffeine source in the study, also contains potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants that help cells absorb sugar. But before you become a VIP at Dunkin Donuts, remember that a medium chain-store cuppa is about 14 to 16 ounces—right there, that’s 2 \"cups\" by standard measures.", "6. Ditch the drive-thru", "You might get away with an occasional fast-food splurge, but become a regular \"fast feeder\" and your risk of diabetes skyrockets. That’s what University of Minnesota scientists found after they studied 3,000 people, ages 18 to 30, for 15 years. At the start, everyone was at a normal weight. But those who ate fast food more than twice a week gained 10 more pounds and developed twice the rate of insulin resistance—the two major risk factors for type 2 diabetes—compared with those who indulged less than once a week. In addition to the jumbo portions, many fast food meals are loaded with unhealthy trans fats and refined carbohydrates, which may raise diabetes risk even if your weight remains stable. A better bet: Keep a baggie of DIY trail mix in your purse at all times in case hunger pangs come on. Nuts are known blood sugar-lowerers.", "7. Go veggie more often", "Consider red meat a treat—not something to eat every day. Women who ate red meat at least 5 times a week had a 29% higher risk of type 2 diabetes than those who ate it less than once a week, found a 37,000-woman study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. And eating processed meats such as bacon and hot dogs at least 5 times a week raised type 2 diabetes risk by 43%, compared with eating them less than once a week. The culprits? Scientists suspect the cholesterol in red meat and the additives in processed meat are to blame. Try these two delicious dishes for a filling, meat-free entree: Stuffed Peppers Provence-Style Pasta Primavera", "8. Spice up your life", "Cinnamon may help rein in high blood sugar. German researchers studied 65 adults with type 2 diabetes who then took a capsule containing the equivalent of 1 g of cinnamon powder or a placebo 3 times a day for 4 months. By the end, cinnamon reduced blood sugar by about 10%", "the placebo users improved by only 4%. Why? Compounds in cinnamon may activate enzymes that stimulate insulin receptors. The sweet spice has also been shown to help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, blood fats that may contribute to diabetes risk.", "9. Unwind every day", "Chronic stress can send blood sugar levels soaring. When you’re stressed, your body is primed to take action. This gearing up causes your heart to beat faster, your breath to quicken, and your stomach to knot. But it also triggers your blood sugar levels to skyrocket. \"Under stress, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode, raising blood sugar levels to prepare you for action,\" says Richard Surwit, PhD, author of The Mind-Body Diabetes Revolutionand chief of medical psychology at Duke University. If your cells are insulin resistant, the sugar builds up in your blood, with nowhere to go—leading to chronically high levels. The good news is, simple relaxation exercises and other stress management moves can help you gain control over blood sugar levels, according to a study conducted at Duke University. Try these proven relaxers:", "Start your day with yoga, meditation, or a walk.", "Take three deep, slow breaths before answering the phone, starting the car, serving the kids lunch, or any other activity.", "Reclaim your Sundays as a day of rest or fun with your family, relaxing, worship, etc. Try to avoid spending the whole day on obligatory errands such as mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, or catching up on work.", "10. Get a perfect night’s rest", "There’s a sleep sweet spot when it comes to preventing diabetes. A Yale University study of 1,709 men found that those who regularly got less than 6 hours of shut-eye doubled their diabetes risk", "those who slept more than 8 hours tripled their odds. Previous studies have turned up similar findings in women. \"When you sleep too little—or too long because of sleep apnea—your nervous system stays on alert,\" says lead researcher Klar Yaggi, MD, an assistant professor of pulmonary medicine at Yale. This interferes with hormones that regulate blood sugar. A Columbia University study found that sleeping less than 5 hours also doubled the risk of high blood pressure. For a good night’s rest, avoid caffeine after noon, leave work at the office, and skip late-night TV. Oversleeping may be a sign of depression or a treatable sleep disorder, so talk with your doctor.", "11. Keep good company", "Diabetes is more likely to strike women who live alone. Women who live alone are 2.5 times more likely to develop diabetes than women who live with a partner, other adults, or children, according to a study published in Diabetes Care. Researchers examined what role household status played in the progression of impaired glucose tolerance to diabetes among 461 women, ages 50 to 64, and found higher risk among women living alone. But don’t freak out if you live solo: Lifestyle factors could explain this finding. Women who lived alone were also more likely to smoke and less likely to have healthy dietary habits or consume alcohol. (How Healthy Are Your Friendships?)", "12. Have a blood test", "Many diabetes symptoms are silent. A simple blood test can reveal whether sugar levels put you at risk for the condition. People with prediabetes—slightly elevated blood sugar levels, between 100 and 125 mg/dl—often develop a full-blown case within 10 years. Knowing your blood sugar levels are a little high can put you on a track to steadying them—with simple diet and exercise changes—before diabetes sets in and medications may be necessary. Everyone 45 and older should have their blood sugar levels tested. Younger people who have risk factors such as being overweight, a family history, and high cholesterol and blood pressure should ask a doctor about getting tested sooner. If results are normal, get tested again within 3 years. If you have prediabetes, blood sugar should be tested again in 1 to 2 years." ]
12 Ways To Never Get Diabetes
These simple steps may be all it takes to stay healthy
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Eat healthy, exercise, and watch your weight.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "1. Nudge the scale", "2. Pick the right appetizer", "3. Ditch your car", "4. Be a cereal connoisseur", "5. Indulge coffee cravings" ]
[ [ [ 2, 0 ], [ 2, 18 ] ], [ [ 4, 0 ], [ 4, 27 ] ], [ [ 7, 0 ], [ 7, 17 ] ], [ [ 9, 0 ], [ 9, 26 ] ], [ [ 17, 0 ], [ 17, 26 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "7 Dangerous Anti-Feminist Groups You Should Know About" ]
[ "With all its anti-lady and anti-LGBT opinions turned into official policies, The Republican National Convention has come and gone. But as the most powerful voices opposing progress for ladies rear their ugly heads, it's time we all got familiar with some of the scariest groups railing against women. While each of these groups have distinct ideologies and varying amounts of violence, there's certainly some overlap between them all. Women and queers beware, here are some trolls to watch out for, because they're not hiding under bridges anymore:", "1. Gamergate", "Swatting, What may have started out as a debate on ethics in video game journalism quickly turned into an organized syndicate of virulently anti-women harassers. Composed largely of male video game players, the group organized around harassing women in the video game industry like Zoë Quinn and Brianna Wu , as well as cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian . While the group claims to be concerned with rooting out corruption in entertainment media, it has since become explicitly clear that they largely exist to terrorize female video gamers and video game creators as a political statement against cultural diversification and liberal social criticisms of media. They often resort to frightening and aggressive tactics including doxing calling in bomb threats to events , and stalking.", "2. The Alt-Right", "reversal of Roe V. Wade and regularly oppose equal pay for women, weren't bad enough! The internet has spawned a new breed of young extremists who have labeled themselves the alt-right. With openly gay troll Milo Yiannopoulos leading the group, the alt-right advocate a new kind of libertarianism that includes within it extremely violent misogynistic, pro-gun, and racist rhetoric. Largely young and extremely loud, the group has gotten behind Trump and tend to proliferate their ideas through hateful internet memes and social media nastiness. The alt-right speaks out strongly against political correctness and multiculturalism. As if regular Republicans, who have officially endorsed the, weren't bad enough! The internet has spawned a new breed of young extremists who have labeled themselves the alt-right. With openly gay trollleading the group, the alt-right advocate a new kind of libertarianism that includes within it extremely. Largely young and extremely loud, the group has gotten behind Trump and tend to proliferate their ideas through hateful internet memes and social media nastiness. The alt-right speaks out strongly against political correctness and multiculturalism.", "3. New Atheists", "Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, who pursued their atheism with a frightening fervor. There's nothing inherently anti-feminist about atheism, of course, but this newer group's figureheads tend to not have a great track record when it comes to women's issues. Similarly, the loudest new atheists tend to Not everyone believes in god. That's cool! But when you extrapolate your disdain for religion into a political position that comes down against women and non white people, you kind of end up being a jerk! Take for example writers like, and, who pursued their atheism with a frightening fervor. There's nothing inherently anti-feminist about atheism, of course, but this newer group's figureheads tend to. Similarly, the loudest new atheists tend to loudly espouse chauvinism , perhaps with the intention of purposefully alienating sympathetic women, who they often view as biologically inferior.", "4. Men's Rights Activists", "spamming Occidental College's anonymous rape reporting form with false reports and plastering Edmonton with posters explaining, \"Just because you regret a one-night stand doesn't mean it wasn't consensual.\" Men, in fact, do face a particular gendered set of challenges that are too often ignored in feminist conversations including unequal paternity leave, unfair custody arrangements, the lack of discussions around the rape of men, the disproportionate prevalence of suicide among men, and the repressive nature of masculinity as a cultural force. But Men's Rights Activists, who could have rallied around these important issues for progressive purposes, have instead decided that their goal should be to violate women. MRAs often target rape victims, justifying their abuse by saying that fallacious accounts of rape of women are as much of a problem as rape itself. Rejecting the claim that women are oppressed by society, MRAs have taken to abusive tactics likeOccidental College's anonymous rape reporting form with false reports and plastering Edmonton with posters explaining, \"Just because you regret a one-night stand doesn't mean it wasn't consensual.\"", "5. Red Pillers", "two trans women to make an implicit queer and feminist commentary on society. Ok, this one's confusing. Remember that scene in The Matrix where Morpheus offers Neo a Red Pill or a Blue Pill? And he says that the Red Pill will reveal an unseen reality that he heretofore could never have understood? That's how Red Pillers feel about learning the lies propagated by feminists. Red Pillers believe that the concept of \" male privilege \" is an elaborate scheme created by women to disempower men. Convinced that a series of cultural niceties catered to women (having doors help open for them, men paying for dinner, etc...) amounts to the institutional subjugation of men, Red Pillers certainly have had trouble reconciling the fact that the movie from which they take their name was, in fact, created byto make an", "6. Men Going Their Own Way", "cost–benefit analysis and risk–benefit analysis, MGTOW (pronounced \"mig-tow\") describe society as \"gynocentric\" and unfairly biased towards women. According to Vice: \"While MRAs are out to fix the problem through action and activism, members of MGTOW hold self-preservation above all else, and because of this the majority of the community seems to have decided to bow out.\" MGTOW's also valorize masculinity and believe in affirmation of the gender binary. What do men do when they feel so defeated by feminism that they'll never find a reasoanable date? They swear off women completely, apparently. Men Going Their Own Way is a group of straight dudes who aspire to live entirely without women in their lives (unless they are hiring or deceiving them for sex). Using \"reason\" to argue that legal and romantic entanglements with women fail aand, MGTOW (pronounced \"mig-tow\") describe society as \"gynocentric\" and unfairly biased towards women. According: \"While MRAs are out to fix the problem through action and activism, members of MGTOW hold self-preservation above all else, and because of this the majority of the community seems to have decided to bow out.\" MGTOW's also valorize masculinity and believe in affirmation of the gender binary.", "7. Pick Up Artists" ]
7 Dangerous Anti-Feminist Groups You Should Know About
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Men. Also, men.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "1. Gamergate", "2. The Alt-Right", "3. New Atheists", "4. Men's Rights Activists", "5. Red Pillers" ]
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 12 ] ], [ [ 3, 0 ], [ 3, 16 ] ], [ [ 5, 0 ], [ 5, 15 ] ], [ [ 7, 0 ], [ 7, 25 ] ], [ [ 9, 0 ], [ 9, 14 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Aren't we already past the tipping point you warned about last time?" ]
[ "Al Gore is back again to warn about the dangers of climate change in the first trailer for An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the follow-up to his Oscar-winning 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth.", "\"Storms get stronger and more destructive. Watch the water splash off the city,\" the former vice president and climate change activist warns in the trailer as newsreel footage of severe weather plays in the background. \"This is global warming.\"", "\"Despair can be paralyzing,\" he adds, \"but this, to me, is the most exciting new development. We’re seeing a tremendous amount of positive change. The basis is there. But it’s still not enough.\"", "The trailer also features several brief excerpts of President Donald Trump’s comments on global warming, and shows Gore delivering lectures and traveling around the world to survey climate-related damage up close.", "Inconvenient 2 premiered as the opening night film at the Sundance Film Festival in January, reportedly drawing a standing ovation after the screening from the audience in Park City.", "\"This movie gives me an extra burst of hope because I think ...it really effectively tells the story of how much hope is out there for transforming our energy system to become much more efficient,\" Gore said at the screening, according to Variety. \"We are going to win this.\"", "The trailer’s release came the same day President Donald Trump signed an executive order that will roll back several key energy industry regulations signed into law by former President Barack Obama.", "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, with original director Davis Guggenheim returning as executive producer.", "Paramount Pictures will release the film on July 28." ]
Watch: First Trailer for Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power’
The follow-up to 2006's Oscar-winning 'An Inconvenient Truth' premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January.
al gore, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, An Inconvenient Truth, Paramount, Trailers,Big Hollywood, Breitbart TV,Inconvenient
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Al Gore is back again to warn about the dangers of climate change in the first trailer for An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the follow-up to his Oscar-winning 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 204 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "WATCH: There's a mathematical reason for why you can't catch a dollar bill in your fingers" ]
[ "Here's a life tip for you - if a stranger ever comes up to you in the street, telling you he'll give you a dollar bill for free, and all you have to do is catch it between your fingers when he drops it, get the hell out of there, it's a trap!", "Seriously though, test it out with a friend, and unless you're an exceptional human being, you will never ever catch that dollar bill. But don't feel bad - there's a mathematical reason for why it can't be done, and it's rooted in the biological fact that the reaction time for most humans is about 0.2 seconds.", "Yep, 0.2 seconds approximately how long it takes for you to see something, process it, and physically react to it, which is actually pretty impressive when you think about it. But that's not nearly quick enough for your eyes to see that falling dollar bill, and have your brain to process that information, and instruct your fingers to snap together in time to catch it.", "So case closed, right? Well not quite, because you're perfectly capable of catching things on the fly - humans aren't completely useless - so why not some sweet, sweet cash?", "As the Numberphile video above explains, it all comes down to some good old high school maths. We all know that when we drop an item from a height, you can figure out the time it will take to get to the ground based on the falling velocity and the distance travelled. Or you can figured out the distance travelled based on the falling velocity and time it takes to get to the ground.", "You just need to use an equation like this, D = 1/2 gt2, where D = distance, t = time, g = gravititation acceleration, and gt = falling velocity. On Earth, gravitational acceleration is measured at 9.8 m/s2, but for the purposes of this calculation, Numberphile mathematician Tadashi Tokieda has rounded that value up to 10.", "If all that is giving you maths homework nightmares, don't worry, the video above does all the work. Just sit back, relax, and feel smart by osmosis.", "So when you use this equation to figure out a distance based on the human reaction time of 0.2 seconds and gravitational acceleration value of 10, you get 0.2 metres, or 20 cm.", "If you measure a dollar bill, you'll find that it's around 15 cm long, which means that if someone is holding it at 5 cm or less above your fingers, it's pretty much impossible for you to react fast enough to catch it. Curse you, slow mortal brain!", "But don't give up just yet, because there is hope if your one dream in life is to catch falling money between your fingers.", "You'll have to watch the Numberphile video above to find out why even someone without above average reaction times could improve their chances of achieving this feat, but let's just say if you do agree to that stranger's bet in the street, make sure he lets you choose which fingers to use.", "H/T: SPLOID" ]
WATCH: There's a Mathematical Reason for Why You Can't Catch a Dollar Bill in Your Fingers
Seriously, it's impossible.
&nbsp, time, catch, fingers, falling, distance, bill, dollar, don, numberphile, velocity, based, seconds, video, reaction
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "You can't react fast enough. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Science" }
[ "0.2 seconds approximately how long it takes for you to see something, process it, and physically react to it" ]
[ [ [ 2, 5 ], [ 2, 113 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Someone mashed-up 100 classic Christmas tracks (and it's terrifying)" ]
[ "Imagine for a moment, Santa gave you all the presents you’d dreamed of. Consider an outrageous mother lode of gifts under the Christmas tree. And what would it be like to open all of them at once? That’s pretty much the idea behind \"The Chaos Carol,\" a rather terrifying mashup of the 100 most popular Christmas songs. ", "It’s a cacophony of yuletide classics, from Mariah Carey’s \"All I Want for Christmas\" to Wham!’s \"Last Christmas,\" Pentatonix’ \"Hallelujah\" and the other 97 tracks on Billboard’s Holiday 100 chart, all smashed into a single track. ", "Its creator Petter Rudwall explains the art behind his musical monstrosity in an essay for Medium. \"Me personally,\" he writes. \"I’ve always had a hard time wrapping my head around Christmas Carols. I dunno, might be something with the joyful, yet plastic, tone to the songs, or simply the happy-go-lucky vibe. Can’t stand it. Save me.\"", "Check it out below (but perhaps don’t blast it when the folks are sat down for Christmas dinner)." ]
Someone Mashed-up 100 Classic Christmas Tracks (And It's Terrifying)
"The Chaos Carol" a cacophony of yuletide classics, from Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas†to Wham!’s “Last Christmas,†Pentatonix’ “Hallelujah†and the other 97 tracks on Billboard’s Holiday 100 chart, all smashed into a single track.
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Petter Rudwall" ]
[ [ [ 2, 12 ], [ 2, 26 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "She Puts VapoRub On A Cotton Ball And Sticks It In Her Ear. Hours Later? UNBELIEVABLE!" ]
[ "If you’re at all like me, then you always make sure to load up on supplies you need just in case you get sick. And yet, you rarely end up getting sick thanks to the good old immune system. If that’s the case, then you likely also have Vicks VapoRub, the sickness miracle ingredient, but only to go rarely used.", "It turns out that Vicks can actually have a ton of uses around the house, as long as you get creative. Here’s a list I put together so that you can be sure to get the most out of your supply of Vicks!", "Fight against stretch marks", "Stretch marks are one of the worst symptoms of aging. And for those experiencing pregnancy, finding ways to keep your skin looking young is crucial. It turns out though, that Vicks VapoRub is a great way to fight against stretch marks from developing. Some of the primary ingredients in Vicks, eucalyptus oil, cedar leaf oil, petrolatum, camphor, and turpentine oil, all combine to help stretched skin both feel softer and increase moisture. This will help to keep stretch marks from standing out.", "Get rid of bruises", "If you have skin that bruises easily, Vicks can be your best friend when it comes to healing them. Just mix a pinch of salt into some a dab of Vicks and rub it onto any areas of skin that are bruised. It will help to dissolve the bruise and your skin will return to normal in no time!", "Relieve sore muscles", "The menthol in Vicks can help to not only offer a refreshing cool to your skin, but it can also help to improve your blood circulation. After physical activity, just grab some Vicks and rub it onto any areas that are experiencing soreness.", "Train your pets", "If you have a problem with your pet marking its territory around the house, just grab an open container of Vicks VapoRub and place it in an area that your pet often tries to mark. The strong scent will help to deter them from the area and help them learn not to use the bathroom inside!", "Prevent cracked heels", "Do you wish you had soft heals but are stick with skin that dries and cracks? Just grab some Vicks and apply it to your heels and feet. Wear cotton socks on top and be sure to wash your feet with warm water. Use the Vicks nightly and you can also rub a pumice stone onto your heels to help exfoliate and further soften your skin.", "Relieve headaches and migraines", "If you ever have headaches or migraines often, Vicks can be a great way to help provide some relief to the pain. The menthol in Vicks VapoRub helps to cool off your temples and relieve pressure if you rub some onto it. Be sure to keep it around, but if your migraines are occurring frequently, it would be a good idea to see a doctor.", "Stop Earaches", "Use Vicks VapoRub to stop earaches. Rub a small amount of VapoRub on a cotton ball and put it in your ear for several hours, several times a day. It will not only reduce the pain but also prevent a potential infection.", "Prevent chapped lips", "If your lips get dry often, using applying some Vicks VapoRub to them can be a great way to moisturize and soften them up.", "Soothe sunburns", "Now that summer is here, sunburn is here with it. The cool feeling you get by rubbing on Vicks is perfect for some nice relief from that annoying stinging sensation. Just rub some of it on the affected area and you’ll be feeling better in no time!", "Fight toenail fungus", "Like Us → Like Share on Facebook", "Thymol is one of the main ingredients in Vicks VapoRub and is great for blocking the growth of fungus because of its antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. All you have to do is rub some of it on the bed of your nail and toenail to get rid of the fungus." ]
She Puts VapoRub On A Cotton Ball And Sticks It In Her Ear. Hours Lat...
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Migraine pain relief and other uses for vaporub. 1 click saved", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "stop earaches" ]
[ [ [ 15, 21 ], [ 15, 34 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Halal supermarket in Paris told to sell pork and alcohol or face closure" ]
[ "A halal supermarket in Paris has been ordered by local authorities to sell pork and alcohol or face closure.", "The Good Price mini-market in Colombes has not followed the conditions of its lease, which states the shop must act as a \"general food store\", the local authority has said.", "It argues that members of the local community are not being served properly if the shop does not sell pork or alcohol products.", "World news in pictures", "29 show all World news in pictures", "1/29 28 February 2017 An Israeli youth supporter of settlements cries as Israeli police forces move protestors away from a house which is due to be emptied and demolished in the settlement of Ofra in the occupied West Bank, during an operation by Israeli forces. Nine homes in the Ofra settlement were found to have been built on private Palestinian land and the Israeli supreme court ordered them razed by March 5, rejecting last minute petitions to delay the demolition or have the buildings sealed instead Getty Images", "2/29 28 February 2017 Israeli youths supporters of settlements surround and sit on a rooftop of a house which is due to be emptied and demolished in the settlement of Ofra in the occupied West Bank, during an operation by Israeli forces to evict the people in nine houses Getty Images", "3/29 28 February 2017 Israeli policemen remove a pro-settlement activist during an operation by Israeli forces to evict residents from several homes in the Israeli settlement of Ofra Reuters", "4/29 28 February 2017 Israeli youths supporters of settlements sit on the rooftop of a house which is due to be emptied and demolished in the settlement of Ofra in the occupied West Bank, during an operation by Israeli force Getty Images", "5/29 28 February 2017 Marine Le Pen, French National Front (FN) political party leader and candidate for French 2017 presidential election, visits the International Agricultural Show in Paris, France Reuters", "6/29 28 February 2017 An Afghan health worker vaccinates a child as relatives watch during a campaign to eliminate polio on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan AP", "7/29 28 February 2017 Displaced Iraqis who fled their homes are pictured at the special forces base as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants in western Mosul, Iraq Reuters", "8/29 28 February 2017 Makeshift shacks are seen at an encampment after the evacuation of members of the Roma community, along a section of the disused 'Petite Ceinture' circular railway line near Porte de la Chapelle in northern Paris Getty Images", "9/29 28 February 2017 A general view of construction of the Pyongchang Olympic Village in Pyeongchang-gun, South Korea. The Pyongchang Olympic Village will house athletes during the Pyongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games Getty Images", "10/29 28 February 2017 A general view of construction of the Pyongchang Olympic Village in Pyeongchang-gun, South Korea. The Pyongchang Olympic Village will house athletes during the Pyongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games Getty Images", "11/29 28 February 2017 Special police carry boxes outside a building at Maerkisches Viertel area in Berlin, Germany Reuters", "12/29 28 February 2017 Iraqi Special Forces soldiers walk on a street during a battle with Islamic State fighters in Mosul, Iraq Reuters", "13/29 27 February 2017 Members of the Iraqi army's 9th Division fire a multiple rocket launcher from a hill in Talul al-Atshana, on the southwestern outskirts of Mosul, during an offensive to retake the city from Islamic State (IS) group fighter Getty Images", "14/29 27 February 2017 French far-right Front National (FN) party candidate for the presidential election Marine Le Pen visits a stand at the Agriculture Fair in Paris Getty Images", "15/29 27 February 2017 Members of the Iraqi army's 9th Division hold a position on a hill in Talul al-Atshana, on the southwestern outskirts of Mosul, during an offensive to retake the city from Islamic State (IS) group fighters Getty Images", "16/29 27 February 2017 Emirati men walk across the dunes in the Rimah desert, west of Al-Ain in the United Arab Emirate Getty Images", "17/29 27 February 2017 Comedian Bill Cosby leaves after a pre-trial hearing at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania. The judge agreed to form a jury from another district in Pennsylvania, on the grounds that media coverage has potentially biased the local jury pool Getty Images", "18/29 27 February 2017 Free Syrian Army fighters man a checkpoint on the eastern edge of the northern Syrian town of al-Bab, Syria Reuters", "19/29 27 February 2017 A Rohingya refugee boy is seen at Kutupalang Unregistered Refugee Camp in Cox's Bazar, Banglades Reuters", "20/29 27 February 2017 A dancer performs during a rehearsal at A,B, Solovyanenko Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre Viktor Drachev'TASS via Getty Images", "21/29 27 February 2017 Dancers perform during a rehearsal at A,B, Solovyanenko Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre Viktor Drachev'TASS via Getty Images", "22/29 27 February 2017 Ballet dancers backstage before a performance of a ballet production of Jean-Madeleine Schneitzhoeffer's La Sylphide at A,B, Solovyanenko Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre Viktor Drachev'TASS via Getty Images", "23/29 27 February 2017 Syrian civil defence volunteers, known as the White Helmets, look for survivors amidst the debris following reported government airstrike on the Syrian town of Ariha, in the northwestern province of Idlib Getty Images", "24/29 27 February 2017 President Donald Trump meets with leaders of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Also at the meeting are White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, on the couch AP", "25/29 27 February 2017 Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway takes a photo as US President Donald Trump and leaders of historically black universities and colleges talk before a group photo in the Oval Office of the White House Getty Images", "26/29 26 February 2017 Actor Janelle Monae, NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson and actors Taraji P. Henson and Octavia Spencer pose backstage during the 89th Annual Academy Awards Getty Images", "27/29 26 February 2017 Syrian men walk amid the rubble of buildings destroyed a day earlier following reported government airstrike on the rebel-held town of Douma, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus Getty Images", "28/29 25 February 2017 A bridge modelled on London's Tower Bridge, in Suzhou, China's eastern Jiangsu province. The bridge features four 40 metre tall towers instead of two, but otherwise uses many design elements from the London original Getty Images", "29/29 25 February 2017 A bridge modelled on London's Tower Bridge, in Suzhou, China's eastern Jiangsu province. The bridge features four 40 metre tall towers instead of two, but otherwise uses many design elements from the London original Getty Images", "\"The mayor of Colombes, Nicole Goueta, went there herself and asked the owner to diversify the range of products by adding alcohol and non-halal meats,\" the mayor’s chief of staff, Jerome Besnard, told The Telegraph.", "The halal supermarket replaced another small supermarket on the site last year and Mr Besnard said older residents had complained they were no longer able to buy the full range of products once available.", "\"We want a social mix,\" Mr Besnard added. \"We don't want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims.\"", "‘Not in my name’ – demonstrators denounce violence after Paris attacks", "He said the town would have reacted in the same way had a kosher supermarket opened on the site.", "\"It's business,\" Soulemane Yalcin, the manager of Good Price, told Le Parisien. \"I look around me and I target what I see.", "\"The lease states ‘general food store and related activities’ – but it all depends on how you interpret ‘related activities’.\"", "The authority is taking legal action to revoke the shop's lease, which runs until 2019.", "The case will be heard in October." ]
Halal supermarket in Paris told to sell pork and alcohol or face closure
A halal supermarket in Paris has been ordered by local authorities to sell pork and alcohol or face closure. The Good Price mini-market in Colombes has not followed the conditions of its lease, which states the shop must act as a "general food store", the local authority has said. It argues that members of the local community are not being served properly if the shop does not sell pork or alcohol products.
Halal, Paris, France, Europe, World, News
[ "https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_small/public/thumbnails/image/2016/08/05/09/halal.jpg", "http://independent.122.2o7.net/b/ss/indepdev/1/H.27.5--NS/0?[AQB]&cdp=3&[AQE]/5909409", "http://www.independent.co.uk/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/independent_theme/img/reuse.png", "https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/08/05/09/halal.jpg", "https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=10476312&cv=2.0&cj=1", "http://www.independent.co.uk/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/independent_theme/img/signposts/indy-news.jpg", "https://static.independent.co.uk/static-assets/i100.png" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "It's because the store didn't go through the proper permit process", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "It argues that members of the local community are not being served properly if the shop does not sell pork or alcohol products." ]
[ [ [ 2, 0 ], [ 2, 127 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Mom Delivers Identical Twins. 12 Years Later, she finds one acting strange on the bathroom floor" ]
[ "Peggy and Jeff Kehoe were thrilled to welcome their pair of healthy twin girls, Hailey and Jenna, into the world. The identical twin sisters, with their beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes, shared an unbreakable bond from the start.", "The girls were growing up normal and healthy. But 12 years later, on February 9, 2013, life changed in an instant. Peggy and Jeff found Hailey laying on the bathroom floor. She couldn’t open her eyes and was slurring her words. Worst of all, she felt excruciating pain in her head. Peggy and Jeff knew something was wrong, but at the time they had no idea the extent of Hailey’s condition.", "Doctors at the local hospital discovered Hailey had suffered a brain hemorrhage. When a preacher showed up to console the family, Peggy knew there was a chance she may not survive.", "Doctors said there was nothing they could do — but the Kehoe family refused to accept this.", "Life Lion, a critical care transport crew, flew Hailey to Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. There, Peggy and Jeff gave doctors consent to perform emergency surgery in order to relieve the pressure in Hailey’s brain. At this point, she was in a coma and couldn’t breathe on her own.", "By Hailey’s side the entire time was Jenna, her identical twin sister. \"She held her hand and told her she needed to pull through this... because she couldn’t live without her twin,\" Peggy says.", "As it turned out, Hailey born with brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM), a tangle in the brain of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins. Should Hailey wake up, Peggy and Jeff were told her AVM needed to be fixed or she would suffer her entire life.", "Within a few days, Hailey did wake up — and now everyone who knows her describes her as a true miracle." ]
Mom Delivers Identical Twins. 12 Years Later, She Finds One Acting Strange On The Bathroom Floor
Peggy and Jeff Kehoe were thrilled to welcome their pair of healthy twin girls, Hailey and Jenna, into the world. The identical twin sisters, with their beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes, shared an unbreakable bond from the start. The girls were growing up normal and healthy. But 12 years later, on February 9,...
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[ "Hailey had suffered a brain hemorrhage" ]
[ [ [ 2, 41 ], [ 2, 79 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Teens' plot to get free food is freakin' genius" ]
[ "The lengths some people will go to in order to get free food. ", "These Texan teenagers came up with a cheeky but brilliant idea to get free dessert in a fancy restaurant, where they planned to spend Saturday evening after a rough week.", "Cati Domitrovich, 19, and her best friend Alex Nagle, 17, staged a proposal after acting like a couple for the whole time in the restaurant. ", "Domitrovich went to the bathroom and Nagle told the server he was going to propose and asked her to take photos." ]
These teens faked a proposal because free food is everything
Texan teenagers came up with a cheeky but brilliant idea to get free dessert in a fancy restaurant -- a fake proposal.
proposal, dessert, teenagers, watercooler
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[ "staged a proposal" ]
[ [ [ 2, 58 ], [ 2, 75 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Steven Spielberg reveals the one movie that nearly ended his career" ]
[ "Director Steven Spielberg says he contemplated retirement after completing his 1993 Holocaust film \"Schindler's List,\" according to a new profile by The Hollywood Reporter.", "Though the film won seven Oscars in 1994 — including best picture and best director — and cemented his legendary status, Spielberg reportedly lost interest in filmmaking because of the emotionally draining nature of the film. He had no desire to get back in the game.", "\"I just didn't,\" Spielberg said, explaining his four-year hiatus after the release of the film. \"I could not.\"", "In response to a question about whether working on \"Schindler's List\" sent him into a depression, Spielberg initially said yes and then backtracked.", "\"I've never been depressed,\" he said. \"I was sad and isolated, and as well-received and successful as that movie was, I think it was the trauma of telling the story and forming the Shoah Foundation.\"", "In the years after the film's release, according to THR, Spielberg spent his time \"sending videographers to interview Holocaust survivors,\" but he began to lose interest in feature films.", "\"I started to wonder, was 'Schindler's List' going to be the last film I would direct?\" Spielberg recalled.", "But in 1997, Spielberg said, the prospect of directing a sequel to one of his most commercially successful films \"seized [him] one day like a thunderbolt,\" and he returned to the movie industry with the release of \"The Lost World: Jurassic Park.\"", "\"I just needed time,\" Spielberg said." ]
Steven Spielberg reveals the one movie that nearly ended his career
Director Steven Spielberg says he contemplated retirement after completing his 1993 Holocaust...
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[ "Schindler's List" ]
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[ "phrase" ]
[ "@TomHanks might win another Oscar" ]
[ "Tom Hanks has already won praise for his turn as the title character in Paul Greengrass' upcoming thriller \"Captain Phillips,\" and it's with good reason: Hanks is incredible in the role, giving one of the year's best performances of the year thus far, and making \"Captain Phillips\" a must-see movie among the season's must-see movies.", "HuffPost Entertainment is happy to debut a new clip from \"Captain Phillips\" with our sister site Moviefone. Watch a key harrowing 70 seconds from the film above; \"Captain Phillips,\" which had its world premiere at the New York Film Festival on Friday, opens nationwide on Oct. 11.", "'Captain Phillips' Premiere -- NY Film Festival" ]
Tom Hanks' 'Captain Phillips' Role Teased In New Clip (VIDEO)
Tom Hanks,nyff 2013,tom hanks captain phillips clip,tom hanks captain phillips,oscars 2014,new york film festival 2013,Paul Greengrass,nyff,captain phillips
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Or not! We'll find out in March; he's good in \"Captain Phillips\"", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "\"Captain Phillips,\"" ]
[ [ [ 0, 107 ], [ 0, 126 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Science Says You Shouldn't Work More Than This Number of Hours a Week" ]
[ "Do you work more than 40 hours a week? If you're an entrepreneur or small business owner, it's hard not to, but all that extra time in the workplace isn't necessarily a good thing. After a certain point, it can be counterproductive and even hazardous to your health, so it's imperative to know when to say no to more hours.", "What the research says.", "Various organizations and independent researchers have looked at the physical, mental, emotional, and social effects of working beyond the standard 40 hours a week. Notable findings include the following:", "Working more than 10 hours a day is associated with a 60 percent jump in risk of cardiovascular issues.", "10 percent of those working 50 to 60 hours report relationship problems; the rate increases to 30 percent for those working more than 60 hours.", "Working more than 40 hours a week is associated with increased alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as unhealthy weight gain in men and depression in women.", "Little productive work occurs after 50 hours per week.", "In companies with normal overtime, only 23 percent had absentee rates above 9 percent. In companies with high overtime, 54 percent had absentee rates above 9 percent.", "Individuals working 11 hours or more of overtime have an increased depression risk.", "Injury rates increase as work hours increase. Those who work 60 hours per week have a 23 percent higher injury hazard rate.", "In companies with an 8.7 percent overtime rate, researchers found no fatigue-related problems. When the overtime rate was 12.4 percent, however, fatigue-related problems were minor. By the time the overtime rate hit 15.4 percent, fatigue-related problems were severe.", "In manufacturing industries, a 10 percent increase in overtime yields a 2.4 percent decrease in productivity.", "In white collar jobs, productivity declines by as much as 25 percent when workers put in 60 hours or more.", "Many of the problems identified above tie to stress, which connect to hormonal balances. Specifically, stress raises cortisol, which can disrupt sleep, appetite, blood pressure, immune system function, memory/cognition, mood, and more.", "A general guideline for your wellbeing.", "The available research shows that most workers in the U.S. already are working close to the point where problems can start to occur. Despite how pervasive the managerial idea still is that working employees harder always translates to a better bottom line, science says that your company isn't going to gain much, if anything, if you put in much more than an extra hour or two a day. Don't work more than 50 hours if you value your health, happiness, and connections to others." ]
Science Says You Shouldn't Work More Than This Number of Hours a Week
Working too much can be counterproductive and even hazardous to your health. You've been warned.
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[ "50 hours" ]
[ [ [ 6, 36 ], [ 6, 44 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Google is creating a new company, you'll never guess what its called" ]
[ "Google has announced they are creating a new company, called 'Alphabet'", "It's a new operating structure", "Alphabet will replace Google as the publicly traded company", "All shares of Google will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet, with all of the same rights", "Sundar Pichai to be CEO of Google", "Google will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of alphabet;two classes of shares will continue to trade on nasdaq as GOOGL and GOOG", "Google says \"with this new structure we plan to implement segment reporting for our Q4 results, where Google financials will be provided separately\"", "Larry Page (the CEO of Alphabet):", "\"Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. the largest of which, of course, is Google\"", "\"We are also stoked about growing our investment arms, ventures and capital, as part of this new structure\"", "Whats the bet this is tax (reduction) related?" ]
Google is creating a new company, you'll never guess what its called
Google has announced they are creating a new company, called 'Alphabet' - It's a new operating structure - Alphabet will replace Google as the publicly traded company Larry Page (the CEO of Alphabet): By Eamonn Sheridan
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[ "Alphabet" ]
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[ "phrase" ]
[ "Hilary Clinton has one word for the Senate after gun vote" ]
[ "The Senate has blocked four gun measures, two from each party, in the wake of the Orlando massacre. Here's what each measure would have done.", "In a sign of unwavering partisan gridlock, the Senate blocked four gun measures Monday — two from each party — in the wake of the Orlando shooting.", "Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Democrats are taking advantage of the Orlando massacre, using it as a political talking point. He called the Republican proposals \"real solutions.\" Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called the Republican measures \"political stunts.\" Here's more about the proposals that failed.", "But Hillary Clinton had only one word for the Senate: \"Enough.\"", "The presumptive Democratic nominee's statement included just that word, followed by a list of the Orlando shooting's 49 victims.", "As the hashtag #DisarmHate started trending Tuesday night, Clinton followed up with another tweet: \"It’s time to demand more than thoughts and prayers from our elected officials.\"" ]
Hillary Clinton has one word for the Senate after gun vote
The presumptive Democratic nominee responded to the Senate's block with one word.
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[ "Enough." ]
[ [ [ 3, 55 ], [ 3, 62 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Ilana Glazer Will Shut Your Street Harrasment Down With These Three Words" ]
[ "It sure is comforting to know, however successful you may be as a woman, you'll still have to deal with the same misogynistic crap as the rest of us.", "In a roundtable with the Hollywood Reporter, Broad City's Ilana Glazer dished on some of the subtle sexism she and co-star Abbi Jacobson face even on the set of their own show.", "\"Recently, this guy was calling us 'ladybugs\" and 'love bugs,'\" Glazer told the Reporter. \"We're like, 'We have a show — you are helping run the promo for the show that we created!'\"", "Glazer said people also tend to blur the lines between her and her character and believe they are entitled to her body.", "\"People go to touch me a lot,\" Glazer said to the other actresses at the round table, which included Rachel Bloom, Allison Janney, Niecy Nash, Gina Rodriguez and Lily Tomlin. \"They think I want to have sex with them, I guess, because my character's horny.\"", "Bloom, who lived with Glazer in Brooklyn after college, said she learned tactics for dealing with street harassment from Glazer.", "\"Her advice for it was to go, 'Suck my dick!'\" said Bloom, who stars in My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. \"Because here's what it does: The guy is having a mental image of you, like, naked, and then when you go, 'Suck my dick' or 'Lick my balls,' it throws them for a loop. They're like, 'Wait, she has balls? What am I picturing now?'\"", "While it's perhaps not the most sensitive way to go about taking down one's harassers, it's sure to get a woman at least a moment's peace and quiet." ]
Ilana Glazer Will Shut Your Street Harassment Down With These Three Words
Ilana Glazer introduces a new technique for shutting down cat-callers.
broad city, ilana glazer, Abbi Jacobson, sexism, street harassment, patriarchy, casual sexism, News
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "\"Suck my dick\"", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Suck my dick!" ]
[ [ [ 6, 31 ], [ 6, 44 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "We’re Turning the Oceans Into Floating Pig Farms – All For One Unnecessary Reason" ]
[ "Let’s face it, most people are entirely unaware of the methods used to produce the food they eat every day. There might be a sort of idyllic image of farm involved somewhere, but by and large, the reality of how food – especially meat, dairy, eggs, and fish – gets to the table is shrouded in mystery. Awareness of the type of facilities where animals are raised is increasing, as more consumers actively seek out labels like \"pasture-raised\" and \"cage-free\" thinking they are in some way superior. But in the case of fish, things are a little less clear.", "In recent years, wild caught and farm raised has become a distinction between various types of fish found in the grocery store, but can most frequently be seen attached to salmon. The average American consumes two pounds of salmon a year, around two-thirds of which comes from farmed sources in China, Norway, and Canada. While wild-caught is largely self-explanatory, what exactly does farm raised mean in the context of fish, mainly salmon?", "Floating Pig Farms", "Around 40 percent of all fish consumed annually, are raised on aquafarms which can either be land-based or ocean-based. Land-based farms raise thousands of fish in ponds, pools or even concrete tanks, where ocean-based aquafarms house fish in isolated cages either off-shore or in the open water.", "In both cases, fish are overstocked and have little space to swim or display their natural behaviors, creating an extremely stressful environment. Around 40 percent of aquafarmed fish will die before they are harvested. And with good reason. Stocking thousands of fish in a small amount of space and feeding them protein pellets (ironically made from other fish) doused with antibiotics and chemicals, such as PCB, understandably makes for highly polluted water. If you’ve ever had a fish and seen what it looks like when you forget to clean their tanks for a few weeks ... you can start to fathom the idea.", "Daniel Pauly, professor of fisheries at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, likens aquafarms to, \"floating pig farms.\"" ]
We’re Turning the Oceans Into Floating Pig Farms – All For One Unnecessary Reason
Awareness of the type of facilities where animals are raised is increasing, as more consumers actively seek out labels like
animal conservation, cruelty free, vegan recipes. vegan food, eco friendly lifestyle, green living, animal rescues, eco friendly pet products, vegan products, ecofriendly shopping, GMO FREE, gluten free recipes, raw lifestyle, raw vegan recipes, conscious consumers, conscious consumerism, go green, green tips, recycling, environmental news, conservation news, green news, veganism, vegetarian food, sustainability, social justice, green fashion, vegan fashion, eco-friendly fashion, vegan diet, vegan products, vegan meals, vegan desserts, vegan supplements, vegan protein powders, vegan health, plant based health, plant based recipes, plant based lifestyle.
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "To satisfy the demand for seafood. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - World News" }
[ "produce the food" ]
[ [ [ 0, 71 ], [ 0, 87 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Shay Mitchell Pierced Something We’ve Never Thought To Pierce" ]
[ "Pretty Little Liars actress Shay Mitchell showed up to the 2016 Teen Choice Awards Sunday night glowing in gold. She wore a sequined Cavalli dress paired with a striking top knot, but the real star of her ensemble was the jewelry revealed when she turned her head—gold hoops ran from the base of her neck up to the bottom of her bun, giving her hair the effect of having been pierced. To compete with all that bling in the back, Shay relied on a bold cat eye. View both striking sides of the look in detail below.", "Closeup of @shaym’s incredible hair at the #TeenChoice Awards. 😍💥 #PLL A photo posted by Pretty Little Liars (@prettylittleliars) on Jul 31, 2016 at 5:30pm PDT" ]
Shay Mitchell Pierced Something We’ve Never Thought To Pierce
We're stealing this idea ASAP.
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Her Hair", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "her hair" ]
[ [ [ 0, 341 ], [ 0, 349 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "What this driver was caught doing at a car wash will really make you shake your head" ]
[ "There are some things you should never do at a car wash, and opening your car door is one of them.", "Car washes are supposed to be fun to go through and save you the trouble of getting down and dirty to wash your car. However, around the one-minute mark, an idiot driver opens his door to grab a flyer from his windshield. The door gets crushed and water flows into the inside of the vehicle.", "Even though the video is from May 2010, it will NEVER get old.", "Why the driver would ever try and open his door completely blows our mind.", "(h/t New York Daily News)" ]
What this driver was caught doing at a car wash will really make you shake your head
What was he thinking?
faves, automobiles, automotive technologies, door, land vehicles, private transport, road vehicles, transport, vehicle industry, vehicles, wheeled vehicles
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "He opened his door inside it", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "However, around the one-minute mark, an idiot driver opens his door to grab a flyer from his windshield. The door gets crushed and water flows into the inside of the vehicle." ]
[ [ [ 1, 117 ], [ 1, 291 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Rio 2016 – will Brazil be ready?" ]
[ "Rio de Janeiro. The type of city that never fails to look good on television. The carnival city, sandwiched between sea and sheer cliffs, a city that lives for ball games, beach life and beautiful views.", "It should, then, be the perfect Olympic city too, a sporting mecca in a continent that has never hosted an Olympic Games.", "So why, with just 30 days to go, are people so concerned about what might happen? With people both inside Brazil and around the world in desperate need for something to cheer about, why are there so many worried frowns?", "And can anything be done to save the successor to London 2012?", "Are the Rio Olympic venues ready?", "Rio 2016 is split across four different zones across the city. The largest, the Olympic Park in Barra, just west of Rio, is, to put it graciously, a work in progress.", "When we visit, just a week before the BBC and the rest of the world's media are due to move in, the area is an open expanse of concrete, lorries and white tents surrounding venues that are supposedly complete, but in reality still have plenty of work to do. What's certainly lacking is some much-needed carnival colour.", "What the Olympic Park should look like...", "What it actually looks like...", "We visited the Aquatics Centre and the basketball venues, two stadia that have been completed. The swimming pool had water, but scaffolding still covered the upper tiers. Visible wiring round the spectator concourse of the basketball venue suggested at the very least a stripped back approach to venue construction.", "The delayed velodrome meanwhile was only signed off by the builders on Sunday 26 June. The first time spectators will actually enter the venue will be on the first day of competition.", "\"Of course there are still question marks and challenges as to how the venue will perform,\" said Rodrigo Garcia, sport director for Rio 2016 . However, he added that the 45 test events held across the Olympic venues, some with spectators and some without, give him confidence that the Park will deliver.", "\"We have really simple venues, we’re not planning fancy stadiums here in Rio,\" he said. \"We cannot go against the financial crisis that Brazil is living through today. There is no extra budget for us to expand on what should be in place for the Games.\"", "For the first time this year, there is a new way to see what’s going on inside the Olympic Park. Google Street View have been mapping the whole area, including inside the venues themselves. It’s a neat concept, giving spectators who can't make it to Rio a Bolt's Eye View of the action.", "Except not all the venues are ready for Google’s 360-degree, 15-camera backpack to come and shoot. \"Some venues haven’t been photographed because they are not ready yet. We have everything set to do things before the Olympics.\" said Google Brazil Partnerships spokesperson Carlos Aranha.", "We can't wait to poke around the rest.", "Why are they cutting it so fine?", "Quite simply, because Rio and Brazil are facing the worst economic recession in their history, worse even than the Wall Street Crash, say organisers.", "With fewer than 50 days to go until the Opening Ceremony, the city of Rio declared a \"state of public calamity\" , warning that without an injection of cash they would not be able to honour their commitment to the Games – or, for that matter, keep public health, security and education services running.", "If it sounds alarmist, that's because it is. The move immediately triggered additional investment from Brazil's federal government.", "Add to that a political crisis which saw the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in May , a collapse in oil prices and a rise in violence in the city, and you start to realise that putting on a Games is the least of Brazil's problems.", "That said, at no point during my trip did I, as a tourist, feel at risk, any more so than I would walking around London. Don't forget either, that with just two weeks to go until London 2012, the Army was called in after G4S confirmed they would not be able to provide enough private security guards.", "Rio isn't the first Olympic city to face doom-laden predictions, and it won't be the last. But Rio's problems far outweigh London's from four years ago.", "\"Many people ask us, ‘Wow, you’re in a lot of trouble’,\" said Rio 2016 communications director Adriana Garcia. \"Yes, we are, that’s true. We’re very transparent about it.", "\"Brazil is melting,\" she said. \"We have the worst political and economic crisis ever. We are facing a very challenging environment but we are confident that we will deliver a Games that will make people hopeful of a better situation.\"", "The total cost of the Games currently stands at 39 billion Brazilian reais – roughly $4.6 billion. That is far less than the $15 billion price tag of London 2012", "\"It may not be the luxury site that people want,\" said Garcia. \"But it’s what we have, it’s what we offer, it’s going to be the Frugal Games.\"", "Will the Games make people happy?", "Philip Wilkinson is the international media manager for Rio 2016. Four years ago, he was on the communications team for Team GB, before he decided to follow the Games to South America.", "\"Brazilians are passionate about sport, and the city of Rio lends itself to it,\" he said. \"It’s surrounded by the ocean, the forest, the mountains, that lends itself to outdoor activities. It’s the perfect place to host the Games.\"", "Ipanema Beach in Rio De Janiero, the perfect backdrop to the Games?", "He's right, Rio is seemingly full of athletes, from kids playing footvolley on the beach to hardened cyclists winding their way up to Christ the Redeemer.", "Security in the Barra Olympic Park", "But that doesn't mean everyone thinks the Games is money well spent. This is just the latest in a series of mega events that began with the Pan American Games in 2007, through to the World Cup in 2014.", "As always, debate is fierce surrounding the 'Olympic legacy'. In Rio, it's all about transport, an effort to solve the city's crippling traffic problems.", "\"There are projects that have been wanted for 30 or 40 years and have been gathering dust,\" said Wilkinson. \"Like the new Metro line connecting the west with the centre of the city. Like the four new bus rapid transit lines.\"", "The metro is yet to be finished. Another legacy project, the cleaning of the polluted harbour where the sailing will take place, has already been canned.", "\"The bay won’t be cleaned as promised,\" said Garcia. \"When Brazil won the bid it promised that it would clean 80 per cent of the bay. Only 40 per cent will be cleaned.\" But, she assured me, the sailors taking part in the Games will \"be able to compete in the best situation possible\".", "The Olympics brings other things, of course. Google has not just been photographing the inside of stadia. The company has been re-mapping the city for locals and tourists, as well as working with NGO Affroreggae to map some of Rio's bewildering favelas, highlighting local businesses and showing that there's another side to these poor neighbourhoods.", "In the end, it's not for outside broadcasters – who come in, marvel at the views, marvel at the sport – to decide whether the Olympics is money well spent. That's for Rio locals, the 'cariocas', to hold the organisers to account.", "\"The Olympic Games is designed to overcome whatever else is happening in the world,\" says BBC commentator and former athlete Brendan Foster, a veteran of 12 Olympic Games. \"Rio has followed the script. The stadiums won't be ready, there's disease, the public are turning their back, the country's facing economic disaster, all the sports face drugs issues, there's security, terrorism, all those things.\"", "\"The Olympics has become a worldwide spectacle haunted by world-impacting problems,\" he added. \"Brazil is finding it tough, and is already finding it tough. But these Games will rise beyond all those issues. What happens is sport takes over. We go there not to measure the strength of the Brazilian government; we go there to share in the greatest athletes in the world doing their thing.\"", "For Brazil's sake, let's hope he's right." ]
Rio 2016 – will Brazil be ready for the Olympics?
Because of Rio de Janeiro's financial crisis and escalating violence, some of the city’s first responders say they won’t be able to protect tourists during the Olympics, which begin August 5.
Sport, Rio 2016
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Most likely not. [RadioTimes]", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "these Games will rise beyond all those issues" ]
[ [ [ 41, 161 ], [ 41, 206 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Google Assistant could be the killer bot, but it’s missing a key feature" ]
[ "As Google Allo becomes available worldwide, just over a week into its existence, its Google Assistant is already being called a standout in the rapidly growing field of bots.", "Pete Skomoroch, founder of early-stage startup Skipflag and formerly a principal data scientist at LinkedIn, called the search engine-powered Google Assistant \"the best I’ve ever used.\"", "Other people in the bot ecosystem, like Matrix Partners investor and former Facebook Parse cofounder Ilya Sukhar, have had similarly rosy things to say about Allo.", "\"Allo’s assistant seems best in class. Everything else is meh,\" Sukhar tweeted shortly after the release of the chat app.", "This is the beginning, said Google vice president of engineering Scott Huffman, the \"first time you’re able to have conversation with Google.\"", "This virtual assistant has the power to answer questions, perform translations, or plan a night out, and it is already embedded in Allo. But in the coming months it will also become part of Google Home and a true competitor to Amazon Alexa and other virtual assistants inside devices.", "Allo’s release comes at a time of rapid change and investment in chat apps.", "The race to the killer bot", "If you haven’t followed along, here’s where we are in the chat wars.", "In the span of less than six months, Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft — hands down some of the biggest tech companies in the world — either launched a bot platform for their chat app, gave developers access to their platform so they can make their own bots, or, in the case of Google, created a new chat app.", "Since April, tens of thousands of developers have created bots for Facebook Messenger, Kik, Slack, and the like. But none of these has been a breakout hit, the one that — like a rising tide — has the potential to lift the collective boats of virtual assistants and the bot ecosystem in general. In short, there’s been no killer bot — until Google Assistant.", "Microsoft’s Tay had potential to be a killer bot. But it turned out to be a racist, sexist jerk that smoked weed in front of the police. We checked: There are no plans for Tay to make a return at this time, a Microsoft spokesperson told VentureBeat in an email.", "It’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, exactly, Tay and Google Assistant. Tay was made to be more conversational than what we’ve seen from Google Assistant so far, but Tay was derived from Xiaoice, a bot made by Bing researchers that has the ability to do many of the things Google Assistant can do today.", "So it could be that Google — the last of the tech giants to show us its consumer-facing chat client for the coming chat wars — has built the first killer bot.", "What Google Assistant gets right", "Already downloaded 10 million times on Android, Allo and its Google Assistant are not without flaws, but here are a few things they do get right.", "First, Google Assistant leverages the powerful search capabilities that made Google a verb and a multi-billion dollar company. As my colleague Emil Protalinski described it, Google Assistant is \"like chatting with Google Search and Google Now in one.\"", "Second, Allo appears to fundamentally understand the importance of group chat. Want to send a new message with Allo? Before you see Incognito Mode, Google Assistant, or your friends, you see \"Start a new group chat.\" The ability to operate a bot within a group immediately gives Allo an advantage over platforms like Facebook Messenger, which does not allow bots to chat in groups.", "While in group chat, you can do Google searches together, look for a restaurant together, play group games, and, it appears, do anything else Google Assistant can do.", "This will be even more powerful when Google Assistant can make purchases, schedule appointments, or complete tasks for a group.", "Another standout feature: Smart Reply. Over time, Google Assistant promises to suggest responses based on the way you speak and your response to thumbs-up / thumbs-down surveys, given at the end of each query. More than generic common answers, Google Assistant learns your lingo and common responses.", "One more plus: Google Assistant may not be the only bot on Allo for long.", "The race to conversational commerce", "A day before the public launch of Allo, Google announced the acquisition of API.ai, a platform for building bots and virtual assistants through chat platforms and devices. This suggests that Google Assistant may operate alongside other bots made for the Allo platform. API.ai is currently used by more than 60,000 developers.", "\"API.ai offers one of the leading conversational user interface platforms, and they’ll help Google empower developers to continue building great natural language interfaces,\" Huffman wrote in a blog post.", "Google’s efforts underscore what exactly is up for grabs in this high-stakes game. Chat apps like Messenger and Line and WeChat and Kik have become some of the largest platforms in the world, larger than social media, and they’re now seen as a way to deliver goods and services.", "More than 20,000 bots have been made for Kik, tens of thousands have been made for Microsoft and Facebook, and developers appear to be very receptive to Apple’s recent launch of iOS 10 and an App Store for iMessage. Since the launch of iOS 10 a little over a week ago, more than 1,600 stickers or app extensions have been created for iMessage.", "These tech giants are beginning to build ecosystems around their platforms and their hundreds of millions of monthly active users. Even companies like Oracle and LinkedIn — companies not really associated with chat — launched bot initiatives in past weeks.", "This conversational commerce epiphany, and the stampede by U.S. tech giants to open platforms to third-party developers is happening in large part because of what WeChat has already accomplished in China.", "People use WeChat to shop, pay for services like utility bills, and speak to businesses (as well as friends). The ubiquitous app uses QR codes to bring commerce into the offline world.", "It’s the most popular messaging app in China, and last week WeChat parent company Tencent announced that the chat platform has started to test use of xiaochengxu, or Little Program. Little Program will allow WeChat users to download and use apps inside WeChat, similar to iMessage.", "Conversational commerce has been achieved in China because users can have new experiences, pay for things, and socialize with the world from inside WeChat itself. Much of what you need to do on a daily basis — split a bill, put money in a savings account, make purchases in the offline world — can be done without needing to jump into a webpage or another app.", "But that’s not how Allo works.", "Where Allo falls short", "Want the latest headlines in Allo? You’ll see the top three results. Tap \"More\" and you’re brought out of the app and onto the mobile web.", "Want to watch a YouTube video on Allo? You’re brought to the YouTube app. Want to watch a YouTube video when using iMessage? You watch the video inside iMessage.", "Upon its release, Google said Allo was made to solve the problem that happens every time you need to leave the app. This is the problem that arises when you’re chatting with a friend in order to figure out what you want to do tonight and need to search for a restaurant or check movie times.", "If the purpose of Allo is to solve this problem, it’s going to need to do more inside Allo.", "Building conversational commerce for a platform is largely about providing a holistic experience within a single chat app. Today Allo’s experience stitches together aspects of the Google suite of apps, web search, and the chat app.", "In the chat wars ahead, if other messaging app companies manage to get their own ecosystems operating primarily inside their apps — doing away with the need to leave to talk to a business, add a friend to the conversation, or buy groceries — they stand a good chance of converting users.", "It may only be the beginning for Allo and the chat wars, but whether Allo succeeds or not may depend on how much of the Allo experience is woven together from web searches and the suite of Google apps, and how much of it operates within Allo." ]
Google Assistant could be the killer bot, but it’s missing a key feature
As Google Allo becomes available worldwide, just over a week into its existence, its Google Assistant is already being called a standout in the rapidly growing field of bots.
[ "http://www.bizographics.com/collect/?pid=2938&fmt=gif", "http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/download-4-930x523.png", "http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/themes/vbnews/brand/img/Icon_Sprites.png", "http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/download-3-800x450.png", "http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-UkS7f9ZMSZ6hP.gif", "http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/download-4-780x439.png", "http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/download-1-800x450.png" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Completing tasks inside the app", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "providing a holistic experience within a single chat app" ]
[ [ [ 38, 65 ], [ 38, 121 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The Terrifying Reason You Should Never Hike Alone" ]
[ "Amber Kornhorst, a 25-year-old nurse from Minnesota, fractured her back, broke her nose, and crushed her pelvis after falling from a 100-foot cliff last week on Arizona's Rose Cliffs Trail, FOX 10 reports. She was stranded for almost 25 hours before she was rescued and evacuated to a Utah hospital.", "GoFundMe", "According to St. George News, the owners of the bed and breakfast Kornhorst was staying at were concerned when she didn't return the next day and called the police. She was in Arizona to participate in a volunteer hike for the Best Friends Animal Society of Utah. Ground search crews were sent out into the trails as well as the helicopter. Hildale-Colorado City Fire Chief Kevin Barlow said, \"It was really nothing short of miraculous that this lady was found. She was ledged out 200 feet down a cliff in a slot.\"", "Authorities say when Kornhorst regained consciousness after the fall, she managed to find her wilderness emergency whistle and — though she couldn't physically move — blow it loud enough for a nearby search team to hear. When Kornhorst was properly hydrated, she was brought to the ICU in critical condition. Yesterday's update on a GoFundMe for Kornhorst explains:", "BEST NEWS: Amber had a huge day herself! After 2 days lying flat in bed, Amber's brace arrived! This will help support her still fractured thoracic vertebrae. Working with physical therapy, she sat up and transferred to the chair for the first time since her accident!!!!! What a ROCK STAR!", "GoFundMe", "She's been discharged from the ICU and continues to work on her physical recovery \"like a good diligent nurse!\" The GoFundMe noted that because the accident occurred so far from friends, family, and work, any money donated goes toward medical care and travel costs to get her back to Minnesota. You can donate here." ]
The Terrifying Reason You Should Never Hike Alone
Amber Kornhorst's rescue was "miraculous."
amber kornhorst,hiking,emergency whistle
[ "https://hips.hearstapps.com/cos.h-cdn.co/assets/16/21/1600x800/landscape-1464271764-amber2.jpg?resize=1200:*", "" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Because you could fall down and die and no one would know where you were. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Lifestyle" }
[ "Amber Kornhorst, a 25-year-old nurse from Minnesota, fractured her back, broke her nose, and crushed her pelvis after falling from a 100-foot cliff" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 147 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "These will be the 32 most powerful economies in the world by 2050" ]
[ "By 2050, the world is likely to have changed drastically from what we know now, and the planet's economic and financial landscape will be no exception.", "A report from professional services giant PwC looks at which economies around the world will be the biggest and most powerful in 33 years time. ", "The report, titled \"The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?\" ranked 32 countries by their projected global gross domestic product by purchasing power parity.", "PPP is used by macroeconomists to determine the economic productivity and standards of living among countries across a certain time period.", "With the exception of the USA, many of the world's current powerhouse economies like Japan and Germany will have slipped down global rankings, replaced by countries such as India and Indonesia, which are currently emerging markets.", "Check out the ranking below (All numbers cited in the slides are in US dollars and at constant values (for reference, the US's current PPP is $18.562 trillion):", "32. Netherlands — $1.496 trillion. ", "31. Colombia — $2.074 trillion. ", "30. Poland — $2.103 trillion. ", "29. Argentina — $2.365 trillion. ", "28. Australia — $2.564 trillion. ", "27. South Africa — $2.570 trillion. ", "26. Spain — $2.732 trillion. ", "25. Thailand — $2.782 trillion. ", "24. Malaysia — $2.815 trillion. ", "23. Bangladesh — $3.064 trillion. ", "22. Canada — $3.1 trillion. ", "21. Italy — $3.115 trillion. ", "20. Vietnam — $3.176 trillion. ", "19. Philippines — $3.334 trillion. ", "18. South Korea — $3.539 trillion. ", "17. Iran — $3.900 trillion. ", "16. Pakistan — $4.236 trillion. ", "15. Egypt — $4.333 trillion. ", "14. Nigeria — $4.348 trillion. ", "13. Saudi Arabia — $4.694 trillion. ", "12. France — $4.705 trillion. ", "11. Turkey — $5.184 trillion. ", "10. United Kingdom — $5.369 trillion. ", "9. Germany — $6.138 trillion. ", "8. Japan — $6.779 trillion. ", "7. Mexico — $6.863 trillion. ", "6. Russia — $7.131 trillion. ", "5. Brazil — $7.540 trillion.", "4. Indonesia — $10.502 trillion. ", "3. United States — $34.102 trillion. ", "2. India — $44.128 trillion. ", "1. China — $58.499 trillion." ]
These will be the 32 most powerful economies in the world by 2050
By 2050, the world is likely to have changed drastically from what we know now, and the planet's economic and financial landscape will be no exception. A report from professional services giant PwC looks at which economies around the world will be the biggest and most powerful in 33 years time.  The report, titled "The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?" ranked 32 countries by their projected global gross domestic product by purchasing power parity.
Business Insider, Economics, Business, News
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "1. China — $58.499 trillion.", "2. India — $44.128 trillion.", "3. United States — $34.102 trillion.", "4. Indonesia — $10.502 trillion.", "5. Brazil — $7.540 trillion." ]
[ [ [ 37, 0 ], [ 37, 28 ] ], [ [ 36, 0 ], [ 36, 28 ] ], [ [ 35, 0 ], [ 35, 36 ] ], [ [ 34, 0 ], [ 34, 32 ] ], [ [ 33, 0 ], [ 33, 28 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "ABC anchor: I have breast cancer" ]
[ "ABC correspondent Amy Robach announced on Monday morning that she has breast cancer and will undergo a double mastectomy.", "Speaking on \"Good Morning America,\" Robach called it \"the diagnosis that's still hard for me to say out loud.\"", "In a twist of fate, her diagnosis was revealed only after she reluctantly underwent a mammogram on a recent episode of \"GMA.\" Robach said she had not wanted to get the screening, but that Robin Roberts—herself a breast cancer survivor—pushed her to do so.", "\"Thank God you did,\" she told Roberts. \"I had cancer the whole time we were sitting in that office, and I said, I don't have any connection to that disease.\"", "\"You saved my life,\" she added.", "\"YOU saved your life, Amy,\" Roberts replied." ]
ABC's Amy Robach Has Breast Cancer, Will Undergo Double Mastectomy
ABC correspondent Amy Robach
Amy Robach,amy robach breast cancer,video,Breast Cancer,ABC News,Good Morning America
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Amy Robach (@arobach)", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "Amy Robach" ]
[ [ [ 0, 18 ], [ 0, 28 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Couple's Prom Photos Go Viral for Obvious Reasons" ]
[ "One young Colorado couple’s prom photos taken with a tornado May 7 have captured international attention.", "The Facebook photo features a smiling Wray High School freshman Ali Marintzer and her boyfriend Charlie Bator posing together while a tornado visibly forms behind in the background.", "Mother Heidi Marintzer quickly took the photo after she felt confident the tornado was about three miles away -- far enough not to hurt her family, the Daily Mail reports.", "Ali also took a Snapchat selfie with the tornado later.", "\"Selfie ft. Tornado #prom2k16,\" Ali captioned the selfie.", "\"Our pic together was after it died down a little,\" Ali wrote on Facebook, referring to the photo her mother took.", "Despite the fact the twister eventually injured five people, Wray High School decided not to cancel their prom, although they delayed it by 45 minutes so everybody could safely arrive, the Daily Mail notes.", "Tornadoes are expected to continue to affect the area with a possible chance of hail on May 9.", "Yet unusual prom experiences are far more common than many might think, Jezebel reports.", "In one particularly rough incident, an unidentified girl discovered she was allergic to shellfish on her prom day.", "\"As I started to scratch my neck I felt a lump about the size of an egg at the base of my skull,\" the girl wrote to Jezebel. \"It was also at about this point that all of my friends noticed that I was the color of a tomato.\"", "She was forced to go to the hospital shortly after.", "\"Suffice to say, I had a pretty hefty crowd (practically the entire Junior and Senior class) watch as I blew up like a red balloon and had to be carted out on a stretcher in front of everyone,\" she wrote. \"When I got to the hospital I got to have my beautiful, expensive dress cut off of me and I spent the rest of the night hooked up to IVs as my friends danced the night away.\"", "In a more disturbing story, one former high school student recalled a prom tainted by recent allegations regarding the teacher in charge. The teacher, who had reportedly won the \"Favorite Teacher\" award several times, had allegedly been involved in sexual misconduct with a student.", "He resigned weeks before the prom and reportedly took all the funds designated for the prom. He later pleaded guilty to the sexual misconduct charge.", "\"The whole evening had an unspoken dirtiness to it,\" the student wrote." ]
Couple's Prom Photos With Tornado Go Viral (Photos)
One young Colorado couple’s prom photos taken with a tornado May 7 have captured international attentio...
[ "http://archive.is/dwwKb/f5c05c126ffad106c8e7d67dc8d405b05fb9c23b.jpg", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/80b61930612a5c930d2a5f70e191a430b4e4bbfc.gif", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/a7360bb1fe0c0e59549bfda6b12d7aa79433a875/scr.png", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/221e583679937a094836f0834f566eacbe72c0bf.png", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/fe36606c097fc831781b04f997e27f79c4f248af.jpg", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/db402af840d324445c1d0b23c40f33cad76cc19e.png", "", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/9a4900342cd3299045b7a8246e39708b2876a9d1.png", "", "http://archive.is/dwwKb/763bce00a7077382bd35b59ff6a1e8d1cc19a5b2.gif", "" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Tornado in the background", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "a tornado visibly forms behind in the background" ]
[ [ [ 1, 132 ], [ 1, 180 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Pablo Escobar's chief assassin reveals the 2 things that spook drug lords like 'El Chapo' Guzmán" ]
[ ". . View gallery .", "(Centro Federal de Readaptación Social)", "When drug lord Joaquín \"El Chapo\" Guzmán was spirited from a high-security prison in central Mexico to one just miles from the US border under the cover of darkness on May 7 , many saw it as a step toward the fate that terrifies drug traffickers: extradition to the US.", "According to Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez — Pablo Escobar's top hitman — extradition to the US is the fate that drug barons like Escobar and Guzmán fear most", "In the jails and prisons of Latin America, kingpins often exercise a great deal of influence.", "detained at Puente Grande Federal Prison from 1993 to 2001, for example, Guzmán was allowed to host his family for a vacation inside the prison grounds, held multiple parties for friends, and had female inmates brought to the all-male jail for his enjoyment, Mexican journalist Anabel Hernandez said in an interview. While", "The US legal and prison systems, however, strip drug barons of their power.", "Extradition threatens powerful narcos like Escobar and Guzmán because they would be cut off from their cartel business, their family, and corrupt authorities willing to accept bribes.", "In the words of Escobar, \"better a grave in Colombia than a cell in the United States.\"", ". . View gallery .", "(REUTERS/Henry Romero)", "Federal police officers handing out fliers with photos of drug lord Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán offering a reward of 60 million Mexican pesos for information near the Marquesa toll booth outside Mexico City on July 16.", "\"w anted\" poster. Popeye,\" claimed that the \"king of cocaine\" once told him, \"Popeye, we're dead,\" after seeing his face on aposter. Vásquez, commonly referred to as \" As one of the few surviving members of Escobar's Medellín cartel,", "said. The 'wanted' poster is very dangerous for us as bandits because you go to a store to buy a drink and there's your photo. Someone sees it on TV and knows you are worth 10 million dollars,\" Popeye", "For Guzmán, the yearslong \"wanted poster\" portion of his criminal career, which included two brazen prison escapes , appears to have given way to the extradition portion.", ". . View gallery .", "Mexican officials dismissed the possibility of his extradition to the US after Guzmán was captured in 2014, but the government seemed to be changing its mind before his breakout last July.", "received the extradition request on June 25, but Guzmán slipped out of prison through a mile-long tunnel two weeks later . The extradition of Guzmán to the US was already in the works, according to the Mexican attorney general's office — Mexico", "Now, four months after Guzmán was reapprehended in January , he sits in a jail outside Ciudad Juarez, miles from El Paso, Texas. A Mexican judge recently signed off on the legal proceedings involved in the kingpin's extradition, but diplomatic and political hurdles remain.", "It seems unlikely that Guzmán will arrive on US territory anytime soon, but the move does put him within surveillance range of US intelligence assets in Texas, which could help Mexico prevent or respond to an escape attempt.", "And, as Nathan P. Jones of Rice University's Baker Institute has noted , the new location puts Guzmán near El Paso, where he faces indictment and where he can be moved quickly if the Mexican government decides to expedite his extradition.", ". . View gallery .", "(El Proceso)", "Popeye was Escobar's chief assassin during the final years of the drug lord's life, and he was responsible for more than 300 assassinations and for organizing another 3,000 homicides.", "He spent 23 years in six different Colombian prisons after he turned himself in to authorities in 1992. He was released in August 2014.", "at least $50 million in bribes to authorities and prison workers since \"at [Altiplano] they have sensors and cameras to prevent tunnels,\" according to his interview with Univision, though other sources put that number much lower Popeye estimates that Guzmán's 2015 escape could have cost", "But no amount of money is likely to win Guzmán favor in a US prison, something the Sinaloa cartel kingpin most likely knows all to well.", "Pablo Escobar", "El Chapo" ]
Pablo Escobar's chief assassin reveals the 2 things that spook drug lords like 'El Chapo' Guzmán
From Yahoo Finance: When drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán was spirited from a high-security prison...
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[ "extradition to the US" ]
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[ "phrase" ]
[ "This Teenage Boy GRABS Her Onto The Dance Floor. But Watch Closely What He Does Next..." ]
[ "I remember going to my first high school dance. To be honest, there wasn’t a whole lot of actual dancing going on, with the majority of my peers just standing around along the walls. As I’m sure many of you can relate to, we were mostly very shy... oh, and perhaps the utter lack of dancing skills might have had something to do with it. While there were certainly a few very talented dancers, everyone else could only slow dance on a very elementary level. And even then, you could still bet your bottom dollar that a lot of feet were being stepped on. But hey, what do you expect? Dancing takes a lot of training and finesse that comes with many years of training and maturity. So when an adult woman was asked to step onto the dance floor by a 14-year-old boy, what do you think happened? ", "A full-grown woman was enjoying herself at a concert when she was approached by a 14-year-old boy who asked her for a dance. As you might imagine, she was surprised but, perhaps out of courtesy, she accepted the invitation. And that’s when the young man grabbed her by the hand and proceeded to blow everyone’s mind.", "The 14-year-old boy immediately and very confidently takes the lead, spinning the woman several times. The look on her face is absolutely priceless! Not only is the young man’s footwork absolutely on point, the way he is able to guide her through the dance is absolutely impressive. The woman does a great job of keeping up but if you watch the video below very closely, it’s absolutely clear who is the pro!" ]
This Teenage Boy GRABS Her Onto The Dance Floor. But Watch Closely What He Does Next...
I remember going to my first high school dance. To be honest, there wasn't a whole lot of actual dancing going on, with the majority of my peers just standing
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[ "The 14-year-old boy immediately and very confidently takes the lead, spinning the woman several times" ]
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[ "passage" ]
[ "A campaign billboard sparks outrage in Tennessee after these offensive words were printed" ]
[ "To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 10.2.0 or greater is installed.", "This video player must be at least 300x168 pixels in order to operate.", "This video player must be at least 300x168 pixels in order to operate.", "POLK COUNTY, Tenn. — A Tennessee congressional candidate’s controversial campaign billboard has been taken down after sparking outrage.", ", Rick Tyler, who is running as an independent in Tennessee’s 3rd District, recently put up a billboard with the words \"Make America White Again\" by U.S. Highway 411 in Polk County. According to WRCB , Rick Tyler, who is running as an independent in Tennessee’s 3rd District, recently put up a billboard with the words \"Make America White Again\" by U.S. Highway 411 in Polk County.", "Tyler told WRCB that he hopes America will return to an \"‘Ozzie and Harriet,’ ‘Leave It to Beaver’ time when there were no break-ins, no violent crime, no mass immigration.\"", "When WRCB told Tyler that the station received several calls from outraged viewers about the sign, Tyler said, \"I respect their right to have an opinion. I believe the majority of people in the county like it.\"", "The billboard has since been taken down.", "Tyler, who also put up a billboard with the words \"I Have a Dream\" over a picture of Confederate flags around the White House, said he has nothing against \"people of color.\"", "U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, the Republican who currently holds the District 3 seat, issued a statement condemning the billboard and vowed to \"vigorously fight any form of racism in the 3rd District of Tennessee or anywhere else in the nation.\"" ]
A campaign billboard sparks outrage in Tennessee after these offensive words were printed
The billboard has since been taken down.
all news, rare news, billboard, tennessee
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Rick Tyler, running as Independent for TN Congressional 3rd Dist. had a billboard stating: Make America White Again. The billboard has been taken down now.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "\"Make America White Again\"" ]
[ [ [ 4, 119 ], [ 4, 145 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "This body part could be causing you pain and you might not know it exists" ]
[ "This mystery tissue could be what's making you feel stiff, creaky...and baffled.", "By Corrie Pikul", "You're Achy, You're Sore, and You Have No Idea Why", "It feels like muscle pain, but unlike a tight hamstring that makes you yelp when you stand up, your ache isn't triggered by a particular movement, and you can feel it in different places at various times. The culprit could be your fascia (pronounced \"fash-ya\"), says Mary Ann Wilmarth, DPT, chief of physical therapy at Harvard University Health Services. This sheet of tissue, made up of densely packed protein fibers, weaves throughout the entire body, and it binds and supports your muscles, bones and even your organs. While bodywork specialists have been passionate about fascia for decades, Wilmarth says it took new research on how fascia and muscles work together (some of it presented at the first international fascia research conference at Harvard in 2007) to get different health pros -- from orthopedists to MDs and pain experts to personal trainers -- to catch on.", "How Fascia Makes You Feel", "You have six times as many sensory neurons loaded in your fasciae as in any other tissue of your body except for your skin, explains Jill Miller, a fitness expert and longtime fascia evangelist (she's an experienced registered yoga teacher, has presented case studies at fascia research conferences and developed the Roll Model fascia therapy program). This internal webbing helps different muscle systems communicate with one another -- they're what make you want to get out of your office chair and stretch or roll your neck around. Ideally, your fascias should be supple enough to slide, glide, twist and bind like long, thin sheets of rubber. When they're not functioning properly, signals from the nerve endings are muffled or muted (so you don't feel comfortable in your own body) or they're interpreted by your brain as pain and discomfort.", "Find Your Inner Feline", "You know how your muscles feel cramped and stiff when you wake up in the morning? After a night's sleep (or another long period of inactivity, like a car trip or plane ride), the parts of your fascia that wrap around and through your muscle fibers, which are normally stretchy and flexible, can stick together like previously chewed Hubba Bubba.", "The fix: The best way to release the fascia is to slowly and luxuriously stretch out your arms and legs and roll slowly from side to side before getting out of bed. This will gently pull the muscles apart and separate the connecting tissue, Wilmarth says. To get at the fascia in your calves, ankles and arches, sit on the edge of the bed and flex and point your feet before putting the pressure of your weight on them.", "Roll It Out Like Bread Dough", "Fascia can be finicky: It gets stiff and sticky when you don't move around enough, but it can also get bound up and twisted when you move too much or do repetitive motion or injure yourself through activity, says James L. Thornton, the president of the National Athletic Trainers Association.", "The fix: Work out overused sore spots with a foam roller. You've probably seen people at the gym using these things, which look like pool noodles, to stretch their back, hamstrings and the notoriously tight IT band on the outside of the hips (this video from Jeff Richter, a certified strength and conditioning coach at St. Vincent Sports Performance in Indianapolis, provides a good foam-roller tutorial). Thornton says to go slowly, and when you get to a sore spot that feels like a bruise, pause for 15 to 20 seconds. The discomfort should melt away as the fascia softens and the muscles release. If you feel intense pain that doesn't dissipate, Thornton says to stop and consider making an appointment with a physical therapist. At home, you can give yourself a massage with tennis balls or Yoga Tune Up balls, which grip the skin to help loosen up individual layers of fascia. Also try a device called the Stick. It lets you really go deep into your calves, shins and hamstrings, but because it's more rigid than a foam roller, the Stick can feel much more intense (think deep-tissue massage versus regular rubdown).", "Stretch It Out", "You've heard that before exercising, it's a good idea to do some dynamic stretching that includes swinging your legs and arms to improve your range of motion. This not only benefits your muscles, says Thornton, but it's also a great way to loosen up your fascia. When your muscles stay tight, the fascia clings to them, and both can become rigid over time.", "The fix: Take a brisk walk or jog lightly in place, and do some sports-specific moves (for example, leg swings for runners, or shoulder rolls for swimmers). Or try the lazy woman's warm-up: Start your workout, and stay at a slow, easy, I could-do-this-for-hours pace for about 5 minutes.", "Don't Let the Tissues Get \"Crunchy\"", "If you've ever had a shoulder rub and heard something that sounded like crinkling plastic under your skin, that wasn't your imagination -- it was probably your parched, stiffened fascia, says Ruth Werner, a past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation, who spent decades teaching anatomy and physiology to other therapists. The collagen fibers that make up fascia need to stay supple to work properly, and to slide over and under muscles and other inner-body surfaces.", "The fix: One way to keep the fascia hydrated is obvious: drink lots of fluids, says Werner. Another easy (but easily forgettable) way is to make sure you stand up, stretch and flex regularly throughout the day to keep the fascia from locking up. Werner says some research has also shown that rubbing tight areas -- as when you get a massage -- can boost circulation and warm the fascia, changing the texture to make it even more pliable.", "Let the Pros Handle It", "Because fascia is so interconnected, snags -- or adhesions, as pros call them -- in one area can affect other other areas. \"Imagine putting on multiple layers of long-sleeve shirts, and then think about how tugging on one of them would cause all of the other shirts to pull and stretch as well,\" says Cynthia Ribeiro, the president of the American Massage Therapy Association and a massage therapist. She stresses that you can't have healthy muscles without well-cared-for fascia.", "The fix: There are different therapeutic methods to address keeping the fascia healthy, from intense, sometimes-excruciating Rolfing to gentle fascial unwinding to myofascial release, which usually involves loading the deeper tissues with force until they start to give. If you're chronically stiff and sore, or you have a muscle injury that just won't heal, consult a specialist to see what would be right for you. Massage therapists like Ribeiro and PTs like Wilmarth have seen clients for whom nothing seemed to work...until a type of fascial therapy helped melt away their pain and stiffness." ]
A Body Part You Never Knew You Had Could Be Making You Miserable
This mystery tissue could be what's making you feel stiff, creaky...and baffled. By Corrie Pikul You're Achy, You're Sore, and You Hav...
fascia stretching,fascia,fascia health,fascia stretches,foam roller,foam roller exercises,fascia tissue,fascia stretch,stretching your fascia,own-healthy
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[ [ [ 3, 231 ], [ 3, 237 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Bad news for bacon lovers" ]
[ "Find out which grocery items have skyrocketed in price lately (plus, a surprising food that has dropped).", "Price Up: Bacon ", "Experts began predicting that prices would zoom up last year after droughts affected feed crops, and then a new virus affecting pigs migrated to the U.S. this summer, further lowering supply of this high-demand meat. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average cost per pound of bacon has gone up 56 percent in 10 years (from $3.14 to $4.92) — compare that to beef steaks, which are up 41 percent in 10 years. In U.S. cities, the climb has been even steeper. Over the last 12 months alone, the average price of a pound of bacon in urban areas rose 22 percent to $5.62 per pound, up from $4.61 a year earlier. But if you use bacon as an accent instead of a main course, you’ll get the salty, smoky flavor without spending as much. This stew recipe calls for just two slices.", "Price Up: Chocolate ", "News that will give chocolate lovers pause: Not only is demand up for chocolate (thanks to seemingly endless reports of its health benefits) but supply is down, thanks to a shortage of cocoa beans in West Africa (the source for the majority of the world’s beans). The result? Chocolate prices have soared to $12.25 per kilo (that’s about 2 1/4 pounds) — up 45 percent from 2007, says The Wall Street Journal. Cocoa butter prices are rising, too (that’s what gives chocolate its melt-in-your-mouth texture), which means it’s costing manufacturers more to make their product. A slightly more expensive bar may still be worth it, though (here’s a scientific reason why you should indulge, even — or especially — when you’re stressed out).", "Price Up: Chicken ", "Surveys show 94 percent of us eat chicken, and nearly four in 10 consumers say they increased their consumption of this healthy choice from 2011 to 2012. But the price of chicken — particularly boneless breasts — has risen more than many other groceries in the past six months, finds a recent survey by the American Farm Bureau Federation. That particular cut has risen 61 cents per pound, to $3.93. Bill Roenigk, chief economist for the National Chicken Council, says high corn (i.e., chicken feed) prices are partly to blame, as well as steady demand because of breast meat’s low fat and calorie content. You’ll spend less if you opt for leg meat, though", "Roenigk says dark meat tends to be cheaper than white, and isn’t much different, calorie-wise: about 58 calories per ounce for dark, versus 47 for white (and some experts believe it’s healthier for your heart).", "Price Up: Wild-Caught Fish ", "Wild-caught fish could be on its way to becoming a special treat: The global fish-price index of the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) hit a record high earlier this year, a result of increased demand and a surge in oil prices (which has a big impact on the cost of operating fishing boats and transporting the catch). Fish that is wild (not farmed) has seen the sharpest price hike, nearly doubling between 1990 and 2012, whereas the index for farmed fish rose by only a fifth (here’s why). Some of the best eco- (and wallet-) friendly options are farm-raised striped bass or farm-raised rainbow trout, which sell for about $8 a pound and have relatively light impact on the environment. That’s significantly lower than wild-caught fish that offer a similar taste and texture, such as cod (which ranges from $14 to $25 a pound) or halibut ($24 a pound).", "Price Down: Honeycrisp Apples ", "The \"designer\" apple known as honeycrisp is sweet, juicy, snappy — and (historically, anyway) pricey, costing as much as $4.50 a pound while in-season Cortlands went for $1.50 a pound. Whether because of the catchy name or the truly sweet taste, demand has jumped in recent years, and, until recently, supply couldn’t keep up, since apple trees take five or so years to begin producing fruit in enough quantities to sell commercially. (This fascinating article explains more.) Finally, though, all those honeycrisp trees are meeting demand, and the USDA’s National Fruit and Vegetable Retail report says the variety is actually now going for 14 percent less per pound than it was last year." ]
4 Foods That Are More Expensive Than Ever
Find out which grocery items have skyrocketed in price lately (plus, a surprising food that has dropped). By Lynn Andriani
grocery prices,food cost,own-eating,Rising Food Prices,cost of food,prices of food,prices for food,price of food,own-experts,fast food prices,Food prices,food price list,meat prices
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[ "Price Up" ]
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 8 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Donald Trump's Brilliant Advice for Homeowners" ]
[ "Donald Trump's Brilliant Advice for Homeowners", "The Donald explains why homeowners should take advantage of this program", " August 29, 2016", "When Donald Trump speaks, people listen, and what The Donald has to say about mortgage interest rates could help you save a considerable amount of money.", "Recently, Trump made claims that the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates artificially low for political reason. But, Trump knows that these low rates can't last forever. \"I'm just saying at some point, you have to raise interest rates,\" claims Trump, and he predicts it will occur after the next election cycle. 1", "He offers smart homeowners a roadmap for how they can take advantage of historically low interest rates. The secret is to lock in your low rate now, before rates go up.", "Think Like Trump", "So how can you \"Think like Trump\" and take advantage of these low rates? One of the best ways to check if you can refinance your loan with the HARP 2 refinance program. Visitors that check 3 can often be shocked at how much they can save on their mortgage. So how can you \"Think like Trump\" and take advantage of these low rates? One of the best ways to check if you can refinance your loan with the HARPrefinance program. Visitors that check The Easy Loan Site", "What is HARP?", "HARP is a special government program designed to help middle class homeowners like you take advantage of today’s rock-bottom rates, even if you are underwater on your loan. If your mortgage balance is less than $625,000 and you’ve continued to make your payments on time, you have a good chance of being eligible to HARP is a special government program designed to help middle class homeowners like you take advantage of today’s rock-bottom rates, even if you are underwater on your loan. If your mortgage balance is less than $625,000 and you’ve continued to make your payments on time, you have a good chance of being eligible to reduce your monthly payment", "URGENT : Close to a million homeowners could still benefit today, but sadly, many perceive HARP to be too good to be true. Remember, HARP is a free government program and there’s absolutely NO COST to see if you qualify. See If You Qualify >>", "How to get started?", "The best way to find the lowest rates is through a free website that compares available mortgage rates for consumers, and allows you to choose the best one. Sites such as offer consumers access to dozens of HARP lenders on its network. And if it turns out that you aren’t matched with a HARP lender, the site can connect you with a mortgage broker, attorney, or other service provider who may be able to assist you with your mortgage situation. The best way to find the lowest rates is through a free website that compares available mortgage rates for consumers, and allows you to choose the best one. Sites such as The Easy Loan Site", "Select Your State:" ]
Donald Trump HARP's Brilliant Idea
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[ "refinance your loan with the HARP 2 refinance program" ]
[ [ [ 7, 114 ], [ 7, 167 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "This is how people watched the Olympics around the world" ]
[ "As the 2016 Rio Olympics comes to a close, it is a good time to remember the beauty of a truly global offline event: the joy of watching the television with family, friends, random strangers or coming together with your countrymen to cheer on your team.", "While Olympians competed during the last 17 days, fans around the world gathered in convenience stores, restaurants and lounge rooms and huddled around television screens to watch iconic moments as they were beamed live across the world.", "Moments like Usain Bolt celebrating after winning his 100-meter sprint, Simone Biles springing to new heights and the refugee team chasing their Olympic dream made fans around the world stop their daily activities and watch.", "Although 7.5 million tickets were sold to the Games, many people in the Brazilian capital watched on small screens in public spaces. According to the Associated Press, 1.4 million residents reside in favelas without access to proper sanitation, health care and security. For many residents, watching the Olympic Games on the TV is their only access to the event.", "The parents of Indian gymnast Dipa Karmakar watch her event on a projector screen in Agartala, India. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "People are seen in a small neighborhood grocery store as the Olympic Games are shown on a tv screen on the outskirts of a community in Rio de Janeiro. Image: Getty Images", "A woman sits in a Beijing restaurant next to a TV broadcasting the men's gymnastics at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "Two men chat under televisions showing the Olympic Games in Rio and U.S. football at Barney's Beanery sports bar and restaurant in West Hollywood, California. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "A man stops to watch the Olympic games being shown on a tv screen of an electronics store on August 15, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "A young boy grimaces while getting his haircut as the Olympic games are shown on a tv screen at a hair salon on the outskirts of a Rio community. Image: Getty Images", "Residents and office employees watching Rio Olympic swimming competitions on a big screen during their lunch break at the Sydney Olympic Park, Australia. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "An Olympic boxing broadcast vies with American baseball and football on television screens at Barney's Beanery sports bar and restaurant in West Hollywood, California. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "Fijians watch watch the Sevens rugby final between Fiji and Britain the Rio Olympics, inside ANZ stadium in Suva, Fiji. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "People watch the Olympic games on a tv screen at a neighborhood shop in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "Locals watch on TV in a bar the opening ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games near the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Image: TASSO MARCELO/AFP/Getty Images", "An employee watches the Olympic Games on a TV screen inside an ice cream shop in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "A man stops to watch the Olympic Games on a TV screen at a bar in the Vidigal community on August 14, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "A woman cleans her shop as U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps is seen on a TV screen in the Vidigal community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "Fans of Brazil celebrate as their team wins a basketball game broadcasted on a giant screen at the Olympic Park during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "Indian spectators watch a ceremonial event to support the Indian Olympic contingent at the Rio 2016 Olympics, in New Delhi. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "An Indian man sits alone as he watches a live screening of the Rio 2016 Olympics at a park in New Delhi. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "A man sits at a bar in a favela community as the Olympic games are shown on a TV screen in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People are seen in a small neighborhood grocery store as the Olympic Games are shown on a tv screen on the outskirts of a community in Rio de Janeiro. Image: Getty Images", "People watch a TV broadcast of the men's table tennis match between China and Japan at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, outside a restaurant in Beijing, China. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "A boy watches a TV broadcast of the men's gymnastics at the entrance to a restaurant in Beijing, China. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "Men play a game of cards as the Olympic Games are shown on a TV screen at a shop in the Vidiga community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People are seen in a bar as the Olympic Games are shown on a TV screen on the outskirts of a favela community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "A man works at an electronics store as the Olympic Games are shown on TV screens in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People watch as a replay of Jamaica's Usain Bolt winning the Men's 100m final is shown on a TV at a bar in the Vidigal community. Image: Getty Images", "A man watches the Olympic games on his TV in the basement of a shop in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "Prisoners at Villahermosa Jail in Colombia watch the Women's Semi Finals BMX event at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on TV. Image: AFP/Getty Images", "People watch a Brazilian athlete on the TV in a beachside cafe at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People watch the Olympic games at a neighborhood cafe on the outskirts of a favela community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People are seen in a bar as the Olympic games are shown on a TV screen in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images", "People watch at a local Brazilian bar as Brazil's soccer sensation Marta Vieira da Silva is shown on TV, dejected after losing to Sweden in a penalty shoot out. Image: Getty Images", "Wait staff prepare a restaurant for customers while the Olympic games are shown on a TV screen on August 15, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Image: Getty Images" ]
This is how how people watched the Olympics around the world
As the 2016 Rio Olympics comes to a close, it is a good time to remember the beauty of a truly global offline event.
television, rio-olympics, rio-olympics-2016, entertainment, sports
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[ "on the TV" ]
[ [ [ 3, 318 ], [ 3, 327 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Why is Australia in the Eurovision when it's 12,000 miles away?" ]
[ "How has an Aussie act entered 2015's EUROVISION competition?", "It's the 60th anniversary of the Eurovision Song contest and the organisers have added a surprising wildcard in the form of Australia - a country not traditionally in Europe. Or factually. Or even metaphorically. But the contest has had a cult following Down Under (think how much we liked Neighbours and Prisoner Cell Block H) for many years and has been given a one-off invitation this year.", "An Australian jury panel will submit the Australian vote and Australia may well be televoting along with other European countries. This seems plausible as Australia has run its own online vote (which has no bearing on the competition) since 2010.", "And one of the Aussies' more successful musical exports (apart from Nick Cave, Kylie and INXS) is of course Bjorn Again - the wildly successful parody act which pays tribute to Eurovision's most famous winner, Abba. Here's their version of Waterloo (which won Eurovision for the Swedes in 1974). Check out those bell-bottoms. Those judo outfits. That hair!", "When is it on? The 2015 Song Contest takes place this Saturday with Graham Norton supplying his usual commentary. It is set to air on BBC One and BBC Radio 2 at 8pm. If Australians want to watch the contest live, it will be aired by Australian broadcaster SBS at 5am Sunday morning Australian Eastern Standard Time, and repeated later at 7.30pm Sunday night.", "Where is it being held? After Austria's Conchita Wurst won last year, the 2015 Eurovison Song Contest will travel to her home country. The show will come live from the Wiener Stadthalle in Vienna.", "So what's the deal? The bookies have made X Factor Australia judge Guy Sebastian one of the favourites to win in Vienna.", "The Malaysian-born singer-songwriter was the first winner of Australian Idol in 2003, and signalled his intent by penning a whole slew of potential songs in just three days. The one that made the cut is an jaunty R&B jam called Tonight Again which echoes Mark Ronson's recent global smash Uptown Funk. For those who may have woken up from a deep sleep, This is Uptown Funk:", "And the bookies odds are..?", "Sweden is the favourite to take this year's crown with Måns Zelmerlöw's track 'Heroes', being listed at 7/4 to win by William Hill.", "So what if Guy wins it for Australia?", "Now here's an interesting one. Traditionally the winning country is the host of next year's contest so if Australia takes the prize will the whole of Europe have to traipse over to Oz in a sea of sequins and glitter?", "No-one is sure. Organisers have said that Australia can't host the competition, but their broadcaster SBS could co-organise the event with another European country where the contest would take place.", "And will Australia be invited to defend their title? This hasn't been confirmed either but it's likely that they will be permitted an entry if the move is a hit with the viewers.", "It's an 'historic' step which will take the contest to a 'new global level' say the organisers.", "Michael Ebeid, managing director of broadcaster SBS, which airs the show in Australia, said: \"We are very excited to have secured this historic opportunity for Australia to be represented on the world's biggest stage at the 60th anniversary of the Eurovision Song Contest and are honoured that the European Broadcasting Union has supported us to achieve this ambition.", "\"SBS has been broadcasting Eurovision for over 30 years and we have seen how Australians' love of the song contest has grown during those years.\"", "Executive supervisor of the contest Jon Ola Sand who works for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), said: \"It's a daring and at the same time incredibly exciting move. It is our way of saying 'let's celebrate this party together'.\"", "Alexander Wrabetz director general of host broadcasters ORF, said: \"The song contest has developed in its history to become the biggest TV entertainment event in the world.", "\"With the participation of Australia, together with our partners at the EBU and SBS, we have succeeded to lift it to a new global level and to build another bridge for the 60th anniversary - a bridge that spans the globe, starting from the heart of Europe.\"", "Electro Velvet are the UK's entrant for this year's Eurovision Song Contest." ]
Why is Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest when it's 12,000 miles away?
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "They were invited.", "spoilerPublisher": "SavedYouAClick" }
[ "It's the 60th anniversary of the Eurovision Song contest and the organisers have added a surprising wildcard in the form of Australia" ]
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 133 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Major sandwich chain is accused of \"systematic wage theft\"" ]
[ "Jimmy John's, the \"freaky fast\" sandwich staple of America's college towns, is being sued by two former employees for what they describe as \"systematic wage theft\" at the fast food chain.", "In their lawsuit filed Friday in federal court, Karolis Kubelskas and Emily Brunner claim that they were forced to regularly work off the clock because of unreasonably low payroll budgets provided to individual Jimmy John's stores, leading to minimum wage and overtime violations.", "Jimmy John's has \"intentionally and repeatedly misrepresented the true time worked by their hourly employees\" in order to keep costs down and dodge overtime laws, the complaint alleges. The lawsuit is a proposed class action, with Kubelskas and Brunner arguing that such pay practices come from \"corporate set policies\" and would apply to other workers.", "Jimmy John's did not immediately respond to a request for comment.", "According to Kubelskas and Brunner, Jimmy John's workers aren't given enough time to complete all their closing duties at the end of the day, at which point managers clock them out regardless of whether or not they continue to work. The practice is exacerbated, they claim, by a company policy that bases managers' bonuses largely on whether or not they hit their targets on labor costs.", "The system, they say, \"has the practical effect of creating widespread wage theft.\"", "Brunner, who's represented by the Chicago firm Foote, Mielke, Chavez & O’Neil, originally filed suit against the company in July, but she filed an additional, joint complaint with Kubelskas last week. Both suits name JS Fort Group, which they describe as a franchisee, as a defendant alongside Jimmy John's Enterprises.", "Founded in Illinois in 1983, Jimmy John's has built its foundation on the \"irreverent attitude and dirt-cheap prices\" championed by its founder, Jimmy John Liautaud, according to the company's website. The sandwich chain now has more than 1,900 locations throughout the U.S., and it was often highlighted as an entrepreneurial success story by failed GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the 2012 campaign trail.", "Of Jimmy John's employees, the company's site says, \"They don't mind doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Their hustle is part of how they live their daily lives, and they enjoy the fruits of a hard-earned entrepreneurial lifestyle.\"", "The proposed class action isn't the first time Jimmy John's has been the target of a lawsuit from workers. Last November, 300 delivery drivers sued a major Jimmy John's franchise operator, claiming that the auto expenses they were forced to bear pushed their earnings below the minimum wage.", "In 2011, a group of 10 Jimmy John's locations became the target of a heated labor organizing campaign by the Industrial Workers of the World, who'd launched a then-rare bid to unionize fast food workers. The union narrowly lost the election, and six workers later claimed they were fired due to their union support. In 2012, an administrative law judge sided with the workers." ]
Jimmy John's Accused Of 'Systematic Wage Theft'
Jimmy John's, the " freaky fast " sandwich staple of America's college towns, is being sued by tw...
sandwiches,jimmy johns wage theft,Fast Food,jimmy johns sued,minimum wage,Wage Theft,jimmy john's lawsuit,illinois,jimmy johns workers,franchises,overtime,jimmy johns
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[ "Jimmy John's" ]
[ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 12 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Bill Nye: Is reality just a computer simulation? Here's what science tells us..." ]
[ "Are we living in a holographic simulation created by a supercomputer beyond our comprehension? That question occurs again and again in science fiction, perhaps most notably in The Matrix, a film in which unreality is so pristine that no one notices the truth. That we are all actually, truly living in such a matrix seems laughable until you consider the advances made by video games in the last few decades.", "Not long ago, all we had was pong: two rectangles and a circle. Today we have virtual reality consoles which are edging toward an experience indistinguishable from reality, or at least what we think of as reality. Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX cofounder, was recently asked this question: Is it possible that the world as we know it is just a simulation made by someone else?", "His response is perhaps startling, saying that the chances of this reality being a \"base\" reality are \"one in billions.\" To make matters even more confusing, humans are increasingly turning to virtual reality devices to escape this \"reality.\" Thorsten Wiedemann, for example, spent forty-eight hours wearing his Oculus Rift device, proving it is possible to live within a virtual reality at least for a short time.", "When we asked Bill Nye the Science Guy if he thinks we are living in a computer-generated simulation, he turned to some basic scientific principles to justify his answer. Science ultimately demands testable, repeatable hypotheses to proceed, but how do you test whether we are living in a computer simulation or not? There just doesn't seem to be a way.", "There is every possibility that this is a hyper-real version of The Sims, and we wouldn’t know. If we had never seen the outside world, there’s no reason we would know it exists, that we’re missing it. So if we as a people had only ever existed in this hyper real video game, we wouldn’t know it was all just a game.", "That is why it is \"unknowable,\" according to Bill Nye. If we were in a video game, human minds would not be able to detect the outside world until \"something goes wrong,\" i.e. a glitch in the matrix. Still, Nye wishes luck to anyone wanting to design such an experiment. It might take some time, but perhaps could be done..." ]
Bill Nye: Is Reality Just a Computer Simulation? Here's What Science Tells Us
Science,Society & Culture,Technology
[ "http://assets4.bigthink.com/system/idea_thumbnails/61151/primary/Nye_B_THUMB.jpg?1466447631" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "\"unknowable\"", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "it is \"unknowable,\"" ]
[ [ [ 5, 12 ], [ 5, 31 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "29 amazing McDonald’s facts that’ll totally surprise you" ]
[ "You guys, Grimace was originally evil and had FOUR ARMS.", "1. McDonald’s original menu item staple was HOT DOGS not hamburgers! Weird, right?", "2. There are more McDonald’s in the US than (gulp) hospitals. But there are more libraries in the US than McDonald’s so go grab a book, people.", "3. McNuggets are available in four distinct shapes: bell, boot, ball, and bone. They’re given their specific ~lewk~ by being pressed out of a cookie cutter, and are shaped similarly in order to make sure that they’ll all cook the same.", "4. The fast-food giant sells around 75 hamburgers PER SECOND. Per second, ya’ll.", "5. That super-catchy, mega-annoying \"I’m Lovin’ It\" jingle was written by Pharrell and recorded by Justin Timberlake.", "6. In case you were wondering, you can get married at McDonald’s restaurants in Hong Kong. For $1,200 you’ll get invites, balloon wedding rings (whatever those are), a bridal bouquet, and your very own emcee for the day.", "7. More people recognize the McDonald’s logo than the cross, according to a 1995 survey of 7,000 people in six countries. That’s...really something.", "8. The cult fave McRib sandwich has more than 70 ingredients, but it’s mainly made of tripe, heart, and scalded stomach.", "9. The company came up with the McRib after it sold so many McNuggets that it caused an actual poultry shortage in the US.", "10. And it invented the Filet-O-Fish after a franchise owner in a super Catholic town in Ohio realized that a lot of people gave up hamburgers for Lent. McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc initially wanted to replace the hamburger with a Hula Burger — a piece of pineapple covered with cheese — instead. EW.", "5. 11. Maybe one of the weirdest McDonald’s is the floating McDonald’s McBARGE in Vancouver. It was built for the 1986 Expo and then lay decommissioned for several decades. The barge was refurbished in 2016 but sadly it probably won’t be revived as a McDonald’s.", "12. The brand launched its first drive-thru in 1975 somewhat out of necessity. Its Sierra Vista, Arizona, location was near a military base, and soldiers weren’t permitted to leave their cars while wearing fatigues, so the company decided to bring the food to them in their cars instead.", "13. Ray Kroc, who turned McDonald’s into an international chain, was interested in purchasing the original McDonald’s restaurant after he saw the McDonald brothers’ implementation of what they called the \"Speedee System.\" It was essentially the precursor to assembly line–prepped fast food as we know it.", "14. The biggest fast food chain in the country is actually Subway, not McDonald’s. Subway has more than 40,000 locations while McDonald’s has around 35,400.", "15. McDonald’s feeds around 62 million people every day, which is more people than live in Great Britain.", "7. 16. The world record for the most Big Macs eaten belongs to Donald Gorske of Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. As of August 24, 2016, he’s had 28,788 Big Macs and typically averages around 14 a week.", "17. There’s a McDonald’s café in Paris that (gasp!) doesn’t sell hamburgers or French fries! Instead, the McCafé offers coffee, teas, soups, macarons, and sandwiches.", "18. Some of the specialty menu items you can find at McDonald’s around the world: deep-fried cheese in Italy; McFalafel and McKebab in Israel; McSpaghetti with Chicken McNuggets on the side in the Philippines; cheese quiche in Brazil; and red bean pie in Hong Kong. Go crazy, world.", "19. A McDonald’s strawberry shake doesn’t actually contain any strawberries.", "20. The McDonald’s training program, dubbed Hamburger University, has graduated more than 80,000 students.", "9. 21. Newscaster Willard Scott was the first-ever Ronald McDonald. He invented the character and played him, before being fired for being too chubby.", "22. Mayor McCheese was only actually mayor of McDonaldland from between 1971 to 1985, and then he \"retired.\"", "23. McDonald’s was sued by the Krofft brothers, Sid and Marty Krofft, the creators of H.R. PufnStuf, who claimed that the characters of McDonaldland were way too similar to the Kroffts’ inventions. McDonald’s settled out of court in 1977.", "24. Some famous folks who’ve worked at Micky D’s: James Franco, Lin Manuel Miranda, Rachel McAdams, and Shania Twain.", "25. The Queen of England apparently owns a McDonald’s as part of her real estate holdings. How crazy is that?", "26. There are McDonald’s restaurants in 110 countries around the world, but franchises have been banned from Bermuda, Iceland, Bolivia, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, and Macedonia so stock up on Big Macs before you visit any of those spots.", "11. 27. Anthropomorphic purple blob Grimace was introduced as a mascot in 1971. He originally had four arms and was supposed to be an evil character who stole milkshakes from children. Rude.", "28. A short list of things people have found in McDonald’s food items: a needle, a piece of chewed gum, and a condom.", "29. The highest-calorie item on the menu is the 40-piece chicken McNuggets. They weigh in at 1,901 calories in total. Not that you’re gonna eat 40 chicken nuggets all by yourself...are you?" ]
29 Mind-Blowing Things You Probably Didn’t Know About McDonald’s
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "1. McDonald’s original menu item staple was HOT DOGS not hamburgers!", "2. There are more McDonald’s in the US than (gulp) hospitals. But there are more libraries in the US than McDonald’s", "3. McNuggets are available in four distinct shapes: bell, boot, ball, and bone", "4. The fast-food giant sells around 75 hamburgers PER SECOND", "6. In case you were wondering, you can get married at McDonald’s restaurants in Hong Kong" ]
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 68 ] ], [ [ 2, 0 ], [ 2, 116 ] ], [ [ 3, 0 ], [ 3, 78 ] ], [ [ 4, 0 ], [ 4, 60 ] ], [ [ 6, 0 ], [ 6, 89 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Colbert Was Asked What He Would Say To Trump And Ad-Libbed This BRUTAL Zinger" ]
[ "Stephen Colbert has tried extremely hard to remain as neutral as he can be during the presidential election season. After years of mocking the right on The Colbert Report, his late night show has attempted to remain above the fray. But lately, the sheer lunacy of the Donald Trump campaign and the growing concern that this narcissistic, dangerous buffoon might have a shot of actually winning has clearly weighed heavily on the host.", "Oftentimes before taping his show, Colbert will hang out with his audience and take questions. Sometimes they are personal ones, like this beautiful story about how he met his wife , but occasionally they are political. Tonight, the question of Donald Trump and his relationship with Vladimir Putin came up and Colbert clearly couldn’t help himself. An unidentified woman in the audience asks him what he would ask Donald Trump if the Republican nominee ever dared show up on his program, and Colbert ad libbed a one line takedown for the ages.", "Well, we’re not broadcasting right now so I guess I’d say ‘What does Vladimir Putin’s d*ck taste like?’", "It brought the house down. It even managed to crack Colbert himself up.", "According to the Daily Beast’s Matt Wilstein, the joke killed so hard that the show’s writers and network execs are trying to figure out a way to throw it into the live show tonight.", "As ever with Trump’s searing comedy, there is an element of truth there. In the past week, the world has learned that Russia not only appears to have been responsible for hacking into the DNC’s private emails and releasing them to discredit Hillary Clinton, but that Donald Trump has uncomfortable ties to Putin. Things have only gotten worse for Trump after he gave a hastily arranged press conference with reporters that included to a message meant directly for Russia, encouraging the country to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails and release them . He even promised they would be \"rewarded\" for the effort.", "Russia, if you are listening. I hope you are able to find the 30K emails that are missing. You will be rewarded mightily by the press.", "The comments have led to outrage on the left, silence on the right, and condemnation from many of America’s more preeminent leaders of the intelligence community. It’s also led to one of Stephen Colbert’s greatest jokes ever." ]
Colbert Was Asked What He Would Say To Trump And Ad-Libbed This BRUTAL Zinger (VIDEO)
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Well, we’re not broadcasting right now so I guess I’d say ‘What does Vladimir Putin’s d*ck taste like?’[Ifyouonlynews.com]", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "Well, we’re not broadcasting right now so I guess I’d say ‘What does Vladimir Putin’s d*ck taste like?’" ]
[ [ [ 2, 0 ], [ 2, 103 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The moment George Clooney learns about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's Divorce!" ]
[ "Many were surprised and shocked to learn of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's divorce – including their famous friend George Clooney.", "In fact, Clooney, 55, heard news of the split through the media. At Tuesday's Leaders Summit for Refugees at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the actor was asked by a CNN reporter to comment on Jolie and Pitt's breakup.", "\"What happened?\" Clooney said, clearly taken aback. \"I didn't know that. I feel very sorry then. That's a sad story and unfortunate for a family. It's an unfortunate story about a family. I feel very sorry to hear that.\"", "Adding, \"This is the first I've heard of it.\"" ]
George Clooney Reacts To Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's Divorce - Celebrity & Entertainment News, Beauty & Star Photos
The actor's shock reaction after hearing of his friend's split
george clooney,angelina jolie,brad pitt,divorce
[ "http://www.who.com.au/media/5345/160922_brad_angelina_george.jpg", "http://www.who.com.au/Branding/Who/images/brand-logo-header.svg", "http://www.who.com.au/Branding/Who/images/brand-logo-mobile.svg", "http://www.who.com.au/Branding/Who/images/brand-logo-mobile-menu-colored.svg", "http://secure-au.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=au-pacmags&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://www.who.com.au/Branding/Who/images/brand-logo-gray.svg", "http://www.who.com.au/media/8338/who_issue10_mag-subscribe-13mar17.png?format=png" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "he is surprised to learn about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's divorce", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "I feel very sorry then. That's a sad story and unfortunate for a family. It's an unfortunate story about a family. I feel very sorry to hear that.\"" ]
[ [ [ 2, 73 ], [ 2, 220 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "You probably didn’t notice the Stark kids ALL did this one thing on \"Game of Thrones\"" ]
[ "You probably didn’t notice the Stark kids ALL did this one thing on \"Game of Thrones\"", "You probably didn’t notice the Stark kids ALL did this one thing on \"Game of Thrones\" More", "starks More", "WIN category. For the last five seasons on Game of Thrones , we’ve watched the Stark children first suffer, and then scatter themselves all over Westeros. With the start of Season 6, it seemed that maybe things would start looking up for them. For starters, Jon Snow is not dead anymore!! Put that one in the Starkcategory.", "Arya Stark, As for the remaining clan — Sansa Stark Bran Stark , and (until Sunday) Rickon Stark — things finally got so bad that it was time for things to get better. While we haven’t seen Bran in a few episodes, we have seen Sansa, Arya, and of course, Jon. You might have missed the fact that these three siblings (/half-siblings) have something major in common — and not just blood. Over the last season, they’ve all completely shed their former identity.", "At the end of \"Oathbreaker,\" \"No One,\" and most recently, \"The Battle of the Bastards,\" Jon, Arya, and Sansa have all made life-altering choice, and then walked away from it.", "Jon, gave up his position on the wall, and walked away.", "jon More", "Arya, gave up her life as a Faceless Man, and walked away.", "arya More", "Sansa, gave up the shambles of her life with Ramsay, and killed him, and then walked away.", "sasa More", "The Stark Kids: not taking your shit anymore since whatever year it is in Westeros.", "three More", "Might Bran be the next to suddenly abandon everything he knows and start anew? Is it possible that these Stark kids are walking towards...something? Like, IDK maybe, THEIR MOTHER?", "Trying to get Lady Stoneheart here anyway possible, okay?" ]
You probably didn’t notice the Stark kids ALL did this one thing on "Game of Thrones"
HBO For the last five seasons on Game of Thrones, we’ve watched the Stark children first suffer, and then scatter themselves all over...
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "They gave up their former identities - Jon gave up his position at the Wall, Arya gave up being a Faceless Man, and Sansa \"gave up the shambles of her life with Ramsay and killed him\"", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "completely shed their former identity" ]
[ [ [ 4, 421 ], [ 4, 458 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "These women spent three years counting how many words are spoken by women in the Bible" ]
[ "There are 93 women who speak in the Bible, 49 of whom are named. These women speak a total of 14,056 words collectively -- roughly 1.1 percent of the total words in the holy book.", "These are the findings of the Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman, an Episcopal priest who three years ago embarked on an unprecedented project: to count all the words spoken by women in the Bible. With the help of three other women in her church community -- as well as highlighters, sticky notes and spreadsheets -- Freeman painstakingly dissected the Bible's New Revised Standard Version.", "\"I wanted to know what women in the Bible really said,\" Freeman told The Huffington Post. \"I was stunned to see that nobody had done this before.\"", "The women met in the basement of Trinity Episcopal Church in Excelsior, Minnesota, where Freeman served as rector at the time the project began. They worked to identify each woman who makes a speaking appearance in the Bible, how many words she utters and what her larger role is. Their efforts culminated in a final book, Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter, which was published in September 2014.", "Some of the biblical women are prominent and well-known, like Jesus' mother, Mary, who utters just 191 words. Mary Magdalene says 61 words, while Sarah, the wife of Abraham, says 141. Many of the female characters in the Bible go through what Freeman called \"tremendous trauma,\" and have largely been silenced over the centuries.", "\"We have for whatever reason overlooked the witness of women in the Bible for all these thousands of years and all the contributions they've made to the faith and to world history,\" Freeman said. \"We are just finally finding out their stories.\"", "Freeman is also the author of The Scarlet Cord: Conversations With God's Chosen Women, which analyzed the stories of 12 women in the Bible.", "Greg Carey, a New Testament professor at Lancaster Theological Seminary, agreed with Freeman, and said her book performed \"a valuable service\" by elevating these women's stories.", "\"The Bible was written by men largely for men, and women's contributions are scattered pretty thinly through its pages,\" Carey told HuffPost. \"By bringing these women and their stories into one place, Freeman opens an opportunity for us to see them as a whole.\"", "Freeman dedicated one chapter to her book to each book of the Bible, and the chapters are further divided into sections for each woman who appears in a given book. In Genesis, for instance, Freeman and her team found that 11 women speak, compared to 50 men.", "Reading and analyzing the women's narratives brought their stories to life, Freeman said, and helped her start to see them as \"neighbors\" with important wisdom to offer.", "\"I think they have a lot to share with us about what it means to believe, what it means to have faith,\" Freeman reflected, noting the effect the work has had on her team.", "\"We have been transformed, our little group of four people,\" she said. \"We have cried over these stories, we have laughed over these stories. Our faith has been increased.\"" ]
This Is How Many Words Are Spoken By Women In The Bible
There are 93 women who speak in the Bible, 49 of whom are named. These women speak a total of 14,056 words collectively -- roughly 1.1 percent of the
bible,bible women,bible women words,Lindsay Hardin Freeman,christianity,christian women,jesus,Virgin Mary,best of huffpost
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2572288/images/n-MARY-BIBLE-628x314.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/340343/slide_340343_3507956_free.jpg", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2572288/images/o-MARY-BIBLE-facebook.jpg", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
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[ "Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman", "14,056 words" ]
[ [ [ 1, 30 ], [ 1, 57 ] ], [ [ 0, 94 ], [ 0, 106 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Woman Leaves Savage Surprise For Co-Worker Who Always Steals Her Coffee Creamer" ]
[ "Justice is best served with a cold side of breast milk.", "Confused? Just wait. We need context.", "Hands up if you’ve ever fallen victim to the phantom office thief. *Raises hand*", "You know, those stealthy weasels who somehow weave their way between desks, target the fridge and steal things.", "Normally it’s milk. The more brazen go for food. And the lowest of the low nab things like birthday cakes someone’s brought in for a friend’s party after work.", "Seriously though, how are these people NEVER caught. If it wasn’t so frustrating it would be impressive.", "Anyway. The thief we’re talking about is a coffee creamer snatcher. And unfortunately for him, the owner was the sassiest of all co-workers: the new mom.", "She got revenge in the best way.", "Take a look at this piece of badassery:", "Oh man. Well played.", "Here’s what it says if you can’t read it:", "Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week ... surprise!!! You’ve been drinking my BREAST MILK. Hope you enjoyed. Cheers! —B. P.S. it’s organic. So no worries 🙂", "That gets a big thumbs-up from us.", "It’s notes like this that systematically take down office thieves one at a time." ]
Woman Leaves Savage Surprise For Co-Worker Who Always Steals Her Coffee Creamer
Woman gets revenge on a office coffee creamer thief by revealing he's been drinking her breast milk this entire time.
creamer, breast milk, office thief, office milk, milk thief, revenge, office revenge,
[ "https://m.elitestatic.com/m/079c942d24d04118/thief-revenge.png", "" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "She puts her breast milk in it", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ [ [ 11, 111 ], [ 11, 122 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Videos show the most delightful protest ever" ]
[ "Australians know how to protest.", "Hundreds of people gathered Saturday local time at Parliament House in Canberra to make their way down a hill in a mass protest roll.", "The government plans to build a security fence to block access to the hill and other capital grounds. Protesters opposed to the fence rolled down the grassy slope just as many visitors to Parliament House often do. Even dogs got in on the democratic action.", "The event was organized by Lester Yao, an architect, on Facebook and delightful videos of the roll-a-thon were shared widely on social media.", "\"It was only going to be about 20 friends and families, and now we had more than 600 or 700 people,\" Yao told the Sydney Morning Herald. \"Unfortunately, kids might not be able to do this again and they're just enjoying themselves.\"", "The fence became a matter of debate after demonstrators breached security at Parliament House earlier this year. Lawmakers had even tossed around the idea of digging a moat around the slope, but that was sanely rejected." ]
Hundreds of people protest-rolling down a hill is delightfully mesmerizing
Hundreds of people gathered Saturday at Parliament House in Canberra to make their way down a hill in a mass protest roll.
protest, australia, parliament-house, watercooler
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Protesters opposed to the fence rolled down the grassy slope" ]
[ [ [ 2, 102 ], [ 2, 162 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "Is Betteridge's Law of Headlines correct?" ]
[ "is betteridge's law of headlines correct?", "Mats Linander", "2015-03-19 - New York", "Betteridge’s law of headlines famously asserts that any headline that end in a question mark can be answered by the word \"no\". This \"law\" is of course no law – creating a counter-example is trivial – but should rather be seen as a tongue-in-cheek remark on how poor journalism sometimes hides behind dubious headlines.", "In this post we’ll try to answer to what extent Betteridge’s law applies to current articles on the internet. Using the scripts in this repository , we have crawled 13 separate news sites for a total of 26000 headlines (2000 per site) and tried to answer the 766 of them that end in question mark.", "Headline polarity", "A polar question is a question for which the expected answer is either \"yes\" or \"no\". We find plenty of these among our 766 headlines, but also plenty of non-polar questions.", "Roughly 46% of the 766 headlines ending in question mark are non-polar. They are not yes-no questions, so the answer can’t be \"no\". As such, they contradict Betteridge’s law.", "Yes and no but also maybe", "Even though Betteridge’s law clearly doesn’t hold for all headlines, could it be that the remaining 54% all have the answer \"no\", thereby making the law mostly correct? We did another sweep through the polar headlines to find out.", "There are also a number of headlines that we failed to answer. For instance, the BBC asks if India is the next university superpower but does not define what \"university superpower\" means. It doesn’t seem impossible that India could become that, whatever it is, but we can’t really say if it’s more likely to happen than not. Hence, the answer to this, and to several other questions, will have to be \"maybe\".", "Among the \"maybes\" there’s a whole plethora of reasons why a clear \"yes\" or \"no\" wasn’t provided. In some cases, like above, we doubt anyone can really say. In other cases the answer is probably out there somewhere, but we failed to find it. And there are of course also various sports related questions that we couldn’t muster up the energy to research properly. Interested readers can check out the raw data set for a closer look.", "With 46% non-polar and 20% answered \"yes\", at least two thirds of our headline sample violates Betteridge’s law. We conclude that it cannot be \"mostly correct\" either.", "Conclusion", "We’re going to go out on a limb here and guesstimate that the remaining \"maybe\" answers can, given enough time and effort, be turned into \"yes\" or \"no\" answers, and that these will be distributed similarly to the 20:17 ratio of the fully answered headlines. That would put the total ratio of \"no\" at 25%.", "In other words, it appears as if roughly a quarter of all headlines which end in a question mark can be answered by the word no. You can go ahead and call that Linander’s law of headlines, if you will." ]
is betteridge's law of headlines correct?
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Yes, no, maybe so. Roughly a quarter of all headlines which end in a \"?\" can be answered with \"no\".", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "In other words, it appears as if roughly a quarter of all headlines which end in a question mark can be answered by the word no." ]
[ [ [ 15, 0 ], [ 15, 128 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "How this trader lost $50 million" ]
[ "Nav Sarao made big money trading futures from his bedroom—then lost it all.", "It took Navinder Singh Sarao a long time to accept that he might have been scammed out of $50 million. Stuck in London’s Wandsworth prison, wracked with anxiety and unable to sleep, the realization dawned on the man dubbed the \"Flash Crash Trader\" as slowly as spring turned to summer outside the barred window of his jail cell. ", "The trauma of the past few weeks had been difficult to process. On April 20, 2015, the slight, doe-eyed 36-year-old had dozed off peacefully in the same suburban bedroom he’d slept in since he was a boy. The next day he was arrested and taken to a police station, where he was charged with 22 counts of fraud and market manipulation carrying a maximum sentence of 380 years.", "According to the U.S. government, the British day trader had made tens of millions of dollars using an illegal practice called spoofing, including, fatefully, on the morning of May 6, 2010, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell almost 1,000 points in minutes before bouncing back. The extent of Sarao’s culpability for the flash crash is fiercely contested, but the incident exposed the shaky foundations on which the hyper-fast, computer-dominated financial markets now rest.", "Sarao’s bail was set at 5.05 million pounds ($6.3 million). It was a hefty sum, but according to the accounts of his company, Nav Sarao Futures Limited, he’d earned 30 million pounds in the previous five years. Newspaper reports, in which Sarao was dubbed \"The Hound of Hounslow,\" speculated that he’d be back with his family in the shabby West London borough by the weekend. Instead, the nightmare got worse. ", "Where’s the money, Nav, his lawyers wanted to know. Sarao couldn’t make bail, they gradually learned, because the bulk of his wealth was tied up in investments and offshore trusts, each more complicated than the last. Days in Wandsworth prison, a Victorian-era fortress where Sarao was housed with sexual predators and violent offenders, turned into weeks.", "After four months of dead ends, his legal team struck a deal with the authorities: If the U.S. Justice Department and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission agreed not to oppose a reduction in bail to 50,000 pounds, the firm would act as a bounty hunter, taking on responsibility for tracking down the missing millions on the condition that its fees be paid if it did. ", "They were going down a rabbit hole. A review of Sarao’s investments from 2005 to the present day, based on dozens of interviews and thousands of pages of documents, reveals another twist in an already remarkable story. Navinder Sarao, the trading savant accused of sabotaging the world’s financial markets from his bedroom, may himself have been the naïve victim of what his lawyers portray as a series of cons that stripped him of almost every cent he earned. ", "Sarao declined to comment for this article. His lawyer, Roger Burlingame of Kobre & Kim in London, told a U.S. judge in November that all of the defendant’s assets \"have been stolen.\" Sarao invested in ventures from which he, the law firm and the CFTC had been unable to recover the funds, Burlingame said. \"Basically, he has some extraordinary abilities with respect to pattern recognition and certain sorts of mathematical abilities, but he has some fairly severe social limitations.\"", "Sarao’s trading career started inauspiciously in 2002 at Futex, a fledgling outfit in an unglamorous office an hour from the City of London that housed wannabe traders in exchange for as much as 50 percent of their profit. In a roomful of recent college graduates and drifters, Sarao stood out from the pack.", "\"Nav was always going to be the kind of person that would be legendary in some way,\" Futex Chairman Paolo Rossi said in an interview with Bloomberg TV after Sarao’s arrest. He had \"the potential to be remembered as one of the world’s greatest traders.\"", "It wasn’t until Sarao left Futex in 2008 and struck out on his own that he started to make serious money. Public filings show his assets popped to 14.9 million pounds from 461,000 pounds in the 12 months ending in June 2009, long before he enlisted a programmer to build a system that authorities say was designed to cheat the market.", "Former colleagues talk about Sarao’s frugality—his scruffy clothes, his reluctance to spend money on cars and watches, his abstemious eating habits. He learned early at Futex that withdrawing cash ate into his bankroll and reduced the size of trades he could place. ", "That near-obsessive drive to hold on to as much of his wealth as possible can also be seen in the way he conducted his business affairs. Looking to minimize his tax bill, he was introduced by his accountant to John Dupont, a director at the London arm of an Isle of Man-based financial advisory firm called Montpelier Tax Consultants.", "Dupont, then in his mid-30s, was a high-energy salesman whose accent veered from upper class gent to Guy Ritchie cockney depending on who he was speaking with, a former employee recalls. Operating from an office on Cockspur Street in London’s West End, members of his team cold-called contractors, day traders and bankers and tried to enlist them in a range of plans to minimize their tax bills, documents seen by Bloomberg show. ", "The aim was to identify loopholes before they were closed. One former Montpelier employee said he coaxed wavering customers to sign up by promising to pay their legal bills in the event of a clampdown by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Everyone at the firm thought he was Alec Baldwin in \"Glengarry Glen Ross,\" the person said. ", "Self-employed traders were particularly good prospects because they were predisposed to high levels of risk. And Sarao, an absent-minded dreamer with an unerring gift for making money who would later be diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, would prove to be the ultimate mark. ", "In 2009, on the advice of Montpelier, Sarao entered into a complicated dividend-stripping scheme that resulted in a major reduction in his tax bill, according to a close adviser to Sarao who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Happy with the result, Sarao went a step further the following year, the person said. ", "Among Dupont’s crew was Miles MacKinnon, a polished so-called introducer who had left school for a stint as a rugby player before heading to the City of London. For four months in 2010, MacKinnon became the only other director of Sarao’s firm. ", "Around the same time, Sarao set up two employee benefit trusts in the Caribbean island of Nevis, according to a document filed in Sarao’s case. He plowed his earnings into those trusts, then gave himself interest-free loans to trade with and live on, the adviser said. The arrangement meant Sarao all but avoided paying corporate taxes. One vehicle was named the \"NAV Sarao Milking Markets Fund.\"", "Dupont and MacKinnon said in an e-mail that they \"did not introduce or advise\" on the Nevis trusts.", "Sarao had an uncanny ability to attract controversial characters. He sought advice from tax specialist Andrew Thornhill, who in 2015 would be charged by the British barristers’ industry group with five counts of professional misconduct. And, as the Wall Street Journal reported, one of Sarao’s trusts was, for a period, affiliated with David Cosgrove, the Irish director of Belvedere Management who has been barred by Mauritius authorities from serving as a company officer because of regulatory violations. Thornhill declined to comment. Cosgrove didn’t respond to e-mails. ", "In 2011, the British government ended the benefit-trust gravy train. Sarao paid back the loans and restructured his business. Montpelier was investigated and dissolved, and about 3,000 of its customers were ordered by a judge to pay 200 million pounds in back taxes. Fraud charges against two directors were later dropped. ", "MacKinnon and Dupont—along with a third partner, Ryan Morgan—then founded MacKinnon Dupont Morgan, which was later reborn as MD Capital Partners. The firm describes itself on its website as a boutique private equity firm. ", "They leased an office in Mayfair, home of hedge funds, Michelin-starred restaurants and private members clubs. MacKinnon joined the Worshipful Company of International Bankers and the executive board of the Special Olympics. He and Dupont set up about a dozen companies between them, focusing on industries such as renewable energy. ", "Dupont and MacKinnon said in their e-mail to Bloomberg that they \"never made, or introduced investments to projects that are purely driven by tax breaks\" and that at the time they got involved in renewables there weren’t any tax incentives in place. Morgan, who left the firm, didn’t respond to a request for comment.", "By 2011, Sarao had trebled his assets to 42.5 million pounds. He agreed to become an investor in an Isle of Man-based entity called Cranwood Holdings, set up to acquire land in Scotland that would one day house wind farms, according to two advisers to Sarao. Documents on the enterprise filed in the British dependency are light on detail, but the advisers say Sarao put about 12 million pounds in Cranwood—money they say Dupont and MacKinnon could access.", "Dupont and MacKinnon said in their e-mail that Sarao conducted \"substantial independent due diligence\" before investing in Cranwood and that he approved all of its payments. One of their companies, Wind Energy Scotland, is funded by and provides project management services to Cranwood.", "The pair also acted as agents for more exotic ventures, such as sending divers to search shipwrecks for sunken treasure. The returns on offer were never less than impressive. Sarao, who told acquaintances he harbored aspirations of becoming a billionaire, invested in several. All were tame compared with what came next.", "Sometime in 2012, Sarao was introduced—again through Dupont and MacKinnon—to a squat, intense Mexican named Jesus Alejandro Garcia Alvarez, who was looking for investors for his company IXE Group. Garcia said he was the scion of a family of billionaire landowners and industrial-scale farmers with swaths of land around the world. He had arrived in Zurich from Latin America a few years earlier and had been working hard to build a reputation ever since. ", "IXE was conceived as a one-stop shop for high-net-worth individuals, offering services ranging from asset management to event planning to advice on private schools. Then, around the time Sarao met Garcia, the company’s website underwent a radical overhaul. Gone were the concierge services. IXE was henceforth a \"conglomerate of companies worldwide\" involved in \"agribusiness, wealth management, commodity trading and venture capital.\" ", "Articles appeared in the Swiss media profiling the mysterious young man making waves among Zurich’s business elite, including pictures of Garcia wearing a poncho over his suit, arm outstretched across Bolivian salt plains he said he owned. One newspaper put him on its annual rich list. Garcia was invited on Bloomberg TV to talk about his family’s quinoa interests, then on CNBC to discuss the \"white gold rush\" for lithium. ", "Garcia had all the trappings of a successful entrepreneur: half a dozen sports cars, a small but well-appointed office in the center of Zurich, a glamorous Russian wife. He even joined the Swiss board of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, an organization whose U.S. directors include Tim Cook and Martin Sheen. ", "Garcia flew to London and met with Sarao two or three times, according to people with knowledge of the matter. In an interview on IXE’s website, Garcia laid out his pitch to investors: \"We are offering alternative investment vehicles that provide constant returns to investors. The investment in real economy makes the advantages obvious—investors are benefiting from constant returns generated from actual transactions with zero speculation and zero volatility.\"", "Garcia told Sarao he would get an annual 11 percent return, the people said, and assured Sarao that any money he handed over would be used only as collateral, not put at risk. He also introduced Sarao to Swiss banking contacts, they said. The trader was again restructuring his business, this time around an Anguilla-based vehicle called International Guarantee Corporation.", "Sarao did some due diligence about IXE, according to one adviser, but he seems to have overlooked a few red flags: The company website is littered with spelling mistakes, and several executives are members of Garcia’s family. ", "Garcia initially agreed to meet to discuss this story, then opted to respond to questions through a colleague at IXE. The colleague, Dominic Forcucci, wrote in an e-mail that Garcia hadn’t done anything improper and that IXE \"properly disclosed the risks of investments\" to Sarao. A lawyer representing Garcia, William Wachtel, later said that Garcia described any allegations against him as \"baseless and without merit.\"", "On Aug. 20, 2012, documents show, Sarao agreed to give about $17 million to Garcia and his company—by far his biggest investment and a substantial chunk of his net worth. He later invested an additional $15 million, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. Even though they’d met on only a handful of occasions, he would describe Garcia to associates as a friend. Sarao may have been particularly trusting, but he wasn’t alone in buying into the IXE miracle. Former employees interviewed by Bloomberg describe Garcia as charming and, on first meeting, impressive. He offered commissions to third-party agents to send prospective investors his way, ensuring a steady stream of business and creating a buzz around the firm. ", "In 2014, Garcia signed a deal to acquire Banca Arner, a Swiss lender in decline after allegations that it had helped former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi hide money. To coincide with the transaction, Arner’s new marketing chief, Garcia’s wife Ekaterina, issued a press release announcing it had appointed a new chairman: Michael Baer, a great grandson of the founder of private bank Julius Baer Group and a respected figure in Swiss banking. ", "IXE just needed sign-off by Switzerland’s financial regulator, Finma. In order to seal the deal, Finma told Garcia he’d have to come up with 20 million Swiss francs ($18.7 million) in capital and account for where it came from. After heated meetings with the regulator and the owners of Arner, Garcia offered to hand over the money in unmarked gold, according to two people with knowledge of the talks. Without a stamp, the gold was unacceptable to the regulator, and in the end Garcia walked away from the deal, leaving Baer and a raft of other new recruits frustrated and embarrassed, the people said. Baer and a spokesman for Finma declined to comment.", "For the time being, though, Sarao had no cause for concern. IXE sent him periodic statements showing the interest accruing in his accounts. As ever, he was happy to let it sit there and grow.", "By then, Sarao’s readiness to consider almost any opportunity that offered an attractive rate of return was well-established. After another strong year in 2013, Dupont and MacKinnon introduced him to Damien O’Brien, a physically imposing Irish entrepreneur with aspirations to revolutionize the online-gaming industry. The unique selling point of O’Brien’s company, Iconic Worldwide Gaming, according to a pitch document seen by Bloomberg, was that it allowed gamblers to bet on movements in currencies and securities using an interface that looked like an online casino, with a roulette wheel and buttons for \"higher\" and \"lower\" instead of red and black. The patented software was called MINDGames, short for Market Influenced Number Determination games. ", "The concept may not have pleased Gamblers Anonymous, but the financial projections were enticing. O’Brien predicted in the pitch document that Iconic would go from a standing start to a cash balance of 110 million pounds by the end of its third year. There were also some reassuring names on the board: Robin Jacob, a U.K. appeals court judge, and David Michels, a former deputy chairman of Marks & Spencer. ", "In July 2014, documents show, Sarao invested 2.2 million pounds in Iconic. Cranwood Holdings extended loans of an additional 1 million pounds, according to one Sarao adviser. He was, several times over, the largest investor in the company.", "Dupont and MacKinnon said in their e-mail that Sarao was an experienced gambler and trader who conducted his own due diligence on the gaming sector before investing. They also said they objected when Sarao told them he planned to lend money to Iconic. O’Brien didn’t respond to requests for comment. Jacob and Michels said they were no longer board members.", "In the months following Sarao’s investment, O’Brien went on a campaign to increase Iconic’s profile. The company sponsored World Touring Car Championship driver Rob Huff and filmed a slick advertisement with mixed martial arts superstar Conor McGregor. O’Brien and his employees were photographed ringside or wining and dining clients. In one shot taken in Las Vegas and posted on Twitter, a line of promo girls posed in matching uniforms with Iconic logos emblazoned on their hot pants. In another, O’Brien stood next to a matte-black Rolls-Royce with the license plate DAMI3N. ", "By the time Sarao was arrested in April 2015, he had about $50 million tied up in investments around the world, according to people with knowledge of the matter who even now aren’t positive it’s all accounted for. It was only as his lawyers tried to recoup the money that he was forced to face up to the possibility that it was gone. Sarao was released that August after his parents put up the family home as collateral against the bail of 50,000 pounds.", "In November of last year, following an unsuccessful extradition fight, Sarao flew to Chicago where he pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud and one of spoofing, which entails placing bids or offers with the intention of canceling them before they’re executed. He was ordered to pay $38.4 million to the CFTC and the Justice Department, which determined that, of the money he made by day trading, only $12.8 million came from cheating the market. ", "Sarao is scheduled to find out the length of any custodial sentence later this year. In the meantime, he has been allowed to return to Hounslow, where he is banned from trading and, despite pushing 40, placed under the care of his father. ", "Sarao’s lawyers are no closer to getting their hands on the money beyond about 5 million pounds seized from his trading accounts after his arrest. The CFTC and the Justice Department have joined them in the hunt, according to people close to the situation. The agencies could try to compel banks holding Sarao’s assets to give them up, but that might not be easy because most of the money is outside the U.S. Spokesmen for the CFTC and the Justice Department declined to comment, as did Burlingame, a former Justice Department prosecutor who represents U.K. targets in U.S. investigations. ", "IXE told Sarao it would return the cash in installments in 2015 and 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter. The deadlines came and went, but no money has been produced. Garcia is rarely seen driving his sports cars around Zurich anymore, according to former associates. In October, German magazine Brand Eins skewered what it portrayed as his outlandish claims about plots of land in Bolivia and Mexico and linked Garcia to Burton Greenberg, who’s serving eight years in a Florida prison for fraud.", "Former IXE employees interviewed by Bloomberg say that Garcia spent whatever he brought in to fund his own lavish lifestyle and that projections he gave in presentations to Sarao, Baer and others were plucked out of thin air. Still, Garcia’s efforts to acquire a bank continue. In August, IXE announced it was buying Private Investment Bank in the Bahamas from Swiss firm Banque Cramer & Cie. The deal is scheduled to be completed this month.", "Garcia hasn’t been accused of any wrongdoing. Forcucci, the IXE spokesman, said the company is \"working to return the money in a fair and equitable manner to its investors.\" ", "Iconic went into liquidation in January 2016. A company hired to advise it on resale options said O’Brien had underestimated the cost of breaking into the online gaming market by about 10 million pounds. ", "Sarao’s lawyers have been unable to retrieve his investments in Cranwood despite repeated requests, owing to its convoluted offshore ownership structure, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. Dupont and MacKinnon said in their e-mail that Wind Energy Scotland has been working to get funds to Cranwood. ", "From their base in Berkeley Square, the pair last year started another company focused on renewable energy, Celtic Asset Management, which offers \"access to a substantially higher return profile, with less capital at risk.\" ", "Meanwhile, Sarao is back in his bedroom. The computer that got him into so much trouble is gathering dust in a Washington evidence room. Depending on how much the authorities are able to recoup, he will probably spend the rest of his life paying back the money he owes. If they really want it, they could always lift the trading ban, one associate quips: He’d make it back in no time. ", "—With assistance from Hugo Miller." ]
How the Flash Crash Trader’s $50 Million Fortune Vanished
Nav Sarao made big money trading futures from his bedroom—then lost it all.
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Navinder Singh Sarao", "he was charged with 22 counts of fraud and market manipulation carrying a maximum sentence of 380 years" ]
[ [ [ 1, 8 ], [ 1, 28 ] ], [ [ 2, 270 ], [ 2, 373 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "Chris Hemsworth lost 30 pounds for this role" ]
[ "\"Thor\" hunk Chris Hemsworth might play a bro in \"Rush,\" Ron Howard's excellent new and mostly true movie about the 1976 Formula 1 season, but that doesn't mean he didn't have to shed some pounds before jumping in a race car.", "Hemsworth plays James Hunt, a British F1 driver whose rivalry with Austrian Niki Lauda (played by Daniel Bruhl) made for one of sports' most epic -- and dangerous -- tête-à-têtes. In a Thursday appearance on \"Today,\" Hemsworth told Savannah Guthrie he lost 30 pounds for the role.", "Apparently fitting into an F1 car is quite difficult for someone with superhero physique. \"The first thing Ron said to me was, 'I don't know if Thor's going to fit into a race car,\" Hemsworth said. \"I went from 215 pounds from a Thor weight down to about 195 to be able to fit in. But the character that I played is about the same height and physique and also had a hard time getting in.\"", "The hard work has been paying off, with \"Rush\" sitting at a 90 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes a week ahead of its Sept. 27 release.", "For more, head over to Today. A gallery of other stars who slimmed down for roles is available below." ]
Chris Hemsworth Dropped 30 Pounds For 'Rush'
"Thor" hunk Chris Hemsworth might play a bro in "Rush," Ron Howard's excellent new and mostly true movie about the 1976 Formula 1 season, but that doesn'...
Ron Howard,chris hemsworth rush weight loss,chris hemsworth,rush,chris hemsworth thor weight,ron howard rush,chris hemsworth rush,Chris Hemsworth Thor,chris hemsworth weight loss,chris hemsworth today show,thor
[ "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1361993/images/o-CHRIS-HEMSWORTH-facebook.jpg", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/315066/slide_315066_2858711_free.jpg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1361993/images/n-CHRIS-HEMSWORTH-628x314.jpg", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "As James Hunt in \"Rush\" (@rushthemovie)", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "James Hunt, a British F1 driver" ]
[ [ [ 1, 16 ], [ 1, 47 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "The One Mistake You're Probably Making When You Load the Dishwasher" ]
[ "You've spent hours preparing a delicious meal, and now your dishwasher can do the dirty--er, clean--work. But the machine can't quite do its job if you're not loading it right. Here's the number one mistake you might be making.", "What you're doing wrong: Placing your spoons and forks with the handles facing up, and wedged way up against each other.", "Why that approach sucks: In most dishwashers, the water shoots up from the middle. When your spoons are spooning face-down, the water and soap can't really reach all that crusty lasagna and filmy yogurt.", "How to do it right: Place utensils with handles facing down. This way, you fully expose the most germ-riddled regions.", "The one exception: Knives. Place those guys sharp-side down, so you don't end up stabbing yourself when you go to unload." ]
The One Mistake You're Probably Making When You Load the Dishwasher
You've spent hours preparing a delicious meal, and now your dishwasher can do the dirty--er, clean--work. But the machine can't quite do its job if you'r...
cleaning hacks,dishwasher,dishwasher tricks
[ "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/Logo_HuffingtonPost-1f66cbef067771f8508930828f764bc8bf8c4b027e58e14e07d207a9f0ce1d31.svg", "http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=6723616&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3980592/images/o-DISHWASHER-facebook.jpg", "http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2016-02-05-1454690869-5902095-dishwasherhero1-thumb.jpg", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/callout_highlight_icon-930f97b89eddc7188ad1c1e0a96bc1359e94a46ea21239c3c5ca3f25c543eaeb.gif", "http://s.m.huffpost.com/assets/snapchat-QR-56da75d622f38e76ff0d3dec97344808f972f51020435d37d55c6f0e2eaec780.png", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=10153394098876130&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://secure-us.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-703240h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript", "https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1621685564716533&ev=PageView&noscript=1", "http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/259485/slide_259485_2626900_free.jpg" ]
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Put your forks and spoons handle down. #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Lifestyle" }
[ "Placing your spoons and forks with the handles facing up" ]
[ [ [ 1, 25 ], [ 1, 81 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "How to survive the longest flight in the world" ]
[ "Earlier this month, Qatar Airways took the prize for longest airline route when it debuted its 17-hour, 30-minute flight between Auckland and Doha. Not to be outdone, Qantas has announced plans to begin flying a 9,000-mile nonstop between Perth and London in 2018, and Singapore is eyeing a relaunch of its nonstop Newark-Singapore route, which will take just under 19 hours. (Yes, you read that correctly.)", "Whether you’re on one of these crazy-long-hauls or simply dreading your next trip halfway around the world, we’re here to help. From booking to boarding and deplaning, here are coping strategies from frequent travelers who rack up hundreds of thousands of miles each year. ", "How to Choose the Right Flight", "Plane type matters: \"The Boeing 777 is a beautiful plane,\" said Brian Kelly, founder of the popular travel blog The Points Guy, who logs about a quarter-million miles each year, \"but the Airbus A380 is significantly quieter in the cabin, and the ride is so smooth you barely feel it.\" Routes with frequent service are often flown on multiple types of aircraft, so check before booking.", "So does newness: Latest-generation aircraft have made significant improvements with cabin humidity, noise levels, pressurization, and lighting. For instance, Kelly noted, \"The air on the Airbus A350 is recycled every three minutes so it’s not that stale, disgusting plane air we’re all familiar with.\" The models to look for right now: the A350 and Boeing 787.", "Double-check seating configurations: Avoid waking up your slumbering neighbor (or getting woken up yourself) by booking all-aisle-seat premium cabins. Configurations can vary within a fleet—for instance, Qatar Airways’ 777s don't have all-aisle business-class seats, but its 787s, A350s, and A380s do—so check the cabin maps before you decide, either direct with the airline or with services like SeatGuru.", "Red-eyes are not always best: Pick nighttime flights only if you think you’ll sleep well. \"I'll always pick a nighttime flight when I have a lie-flat bed,\" said Ben Schlappig, who runs the loyalty program blog One Mile at a Time. \"Otherwise, I'll shoot for a daytime flight. It's less miserable to be uncomfortable when I'm not painfully tired as well.\"", "The Seat Selection Strategy", "White noise tolerance: The seats nearest the engines are going to be the loudest, so sit far away from them for a quiet flight.", "Bulkhead before exit row: Why? Exit-row seats can have less padding, said Kelly, which (to some) can be a bigger inconvenience than sitting near galleys or lavatories.", "Reconsider the back row: Seeing seat 84A on your boarding pass isn’t as bad as it seems. According to Schlappig, you’re most likely to get an empty seat next to you by \"picking a seat towards the very back of the cabin, in a row with at least three seats.\"", "Do your homework: Consult sites like SeatGuru and Routehappy to steer clear of dud seats. \"I am obsessive about using seat maps to ensure I get the latest interiors, try the newest seats, and am sitting as far from the lavatories and galleys as possible,\" explained Mike Lundberg, a senior counsel with Miami-based World Services Fuel Corp., who regularly flies 13-hour-plus flights for work.", "Before Heading to the Airport ...", "Dress for comfort, not looks: All our experts agreed on this point. Lundberg focuses on layers, \"since no airline, airport, or Uber driver has ever managed to maintain a consistent temperature.\" Schlappig will wear sweats when flying internationally, even in first and business class—sideways glances be damned. At the very least, if you are given the pleasure of airline pajamas, use 'em.", "Workout before flying: Fit in a preflight workout to counteract the effects of being sedentary. Your exercise high will get you through TSA, and it’ll fade in time for easy in-flight sleeping.", "As Soon as You Board ...", "Hack your legroom: Even if you're not 6-foot-7 like Brian Kelly, you should make every half-inch of legroom count. \"Sometimes the seat-back pockets are full of magazines that take up space,\" he said. His fix: Use them as a foot rest for better circulation.", "Reset your mental clock: Get ahead of jet lag by changing your watch or phone to your destination’s time zone as soon as possible. (Then follow these other tips to beat jet lag.)", "The Dos and Don’ts of Eating on Planes", "Do eat: Even though airplane food can be saturated with sodium, you shouldn't starve yourself. Plus, says Schlappig, plane meals are a nice way to pass the time. (Some airlines with strong culinary cred: Turkish, Emirates, Singapore, and Air France.)", "Don't wake up for breakfast: \"Airplane breakfasts are almost always disappointing. Instead of waking up an extra 90 minutes before you land, skip it and get the extra rest instead,\" advised Kelly. ", "Do speed things up: Janah pointed out that many airlines offer premium passengers a lighter, quick-service meal (like a salad or sandwich) at the beginning of the flight in lieu of a full meal. Go that route, and you’ll get to bed sooner.", "Do order ahead: You’ll get served first—and be guaranteed your choice—if you request a special meal when you book, whether that means vegetarian or halal.", "Don't eat all the salty snacks: Two words: dehydration and bloating. Instead, Janah packs raw nuts and Numi tea bags, which hardly take up any space.", "Do think twice before you drink twice: Caffeine and alcohol are both dehydrating and disrupt your sleep patterns. Limit yourself to one—which is enough to help you relax (or perk up). Then balance it out with twice as much water.", "How to Stay Entertained ...", "Investigate the Wi-Fi situation: \"I try to choose airlines like Lufthansa or Etihad that have reasonably priced Wi-Fi without expensive data caps,\" said Schlappig.", "Don't depend solely on in-flight entertainment: Before your trip, browse your airline’s website to determine how many movies you should load up on your iPad—most carriers have lists of what's playing on board. For binge watchers, Netflix recently changed the game by letting you download an expansive selection of movies and TV shows for offline viewing. ", "Power up: \"I make sure all my electronics are completely charged before I fly, just in case the in-seat power ports don't work—you'd be surprised how often this happens,\" said Schlappig. He also suggested bringing backup batteries or chargers, like the Anker PowerCore 20100, which can simultaneously recharge two gadgets—multiple times.", "Permission to disconnect: \"Being on a plane is one of the only times I don’t feel guilty for not working,\" said Janah, who reads fiction or draws when she can’t sleep. Also helpful to pass the time: iPad Pro coloring book apps like Colorfy and all-you-can-read magazine apps like Texture.", "... And Avoid Getting Sick", "Spritz every few hours: Using a sinus spray can help you fight viruses and bacteria, keep you from feeling dry, and make it easier to adjust to pressure. ", "Wipe that tray: Your seat-back tray table is said to be more germ-infested than the airplane bathroom, so clean it off with a baby wipe or a squirt of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before settling in.", "Rethink the amenity kit: Janah says travelers can be more reactive to new or synthetic ingredients when dealing with the stress of travel. Instead, she said, \"Use products with just a few natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, or almond oil.\"", "Make It All Look Easy", "Stepping right off the plane and into a meeting? Pick an airline with a full-service arrivals lounge so you can get a coffee and a shower before heading into town. Valets at British Airways’ Arrivals Lounge at London Heathrow’s Terminals 3 and 5 will even press up to three items of clothing for you while you have a shower, so you arrive at your appointment wrinkle-free." ]
How to Survive the Longest Flight in the World
Coping strategies from some of the world’s most frequent travelers.
{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": null, "spoilerPublisher": null }
[ "Plane type matters", "Double-check seating configurations", "Pick nighttime flights only if you think you’ll sleep well", "The seats nearest the engines are going to be the loudest, so sit far away from", "Reconsider the back row" ]
[ [ [ 3, 0 ], [ 3, 18 ] ], [ [ 5, 0 ], [ 5, 35 ] ], [ [ 6, 30 ], [ 6, 88 ] ], [ [ 8, 23 ], [ 8, 102 ] ], [ [ 10, 0 ], [ 10, 23 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "You Won’t Believe What Facebook Is Giving Away for Free Now" ]
[ "Michael Short/Bloomberg/Getty Images", "You know you shouldn’t click on that article. There’s no way the headline is going to live up to the promise. But the draw of finding out what happens next—crossing that curiosity gap—is just too much to resist. So you take the bait. And, sure enough, you’re disappointed.", "Facebook wants to stop this from happening, and it’s turning to artificial intelligence to help. Earlier this month the company Facebook wants to stop this from happening, and it’s turning to artificial intelligence to help. Earlier this month the company announced that it was tweaking its algorithms to cut down on \"clickbait\"—the ubiquitous plague of Internet content that over-promises and under-delivers. But it’s a big Internet out there, and plenty of other companies and sites that could benefit from tools that can separate quality news stories from fluff. Now Facebook is open sourcing software to help filter out all that Internet noise.", "Facebook’s AI-driven text classification system, Facebook’s AI-driven text classification system, bag-of-tricks \" approach that helps machines efficiently glean information from the order in which words appear. Another FastText tactic breaks down words into \" subwords \"—such as prefixes, suffixes and root words—to help computers more easily learn their meanings.", "Beyond clickbait, Facebook suggests software developers could use FastText to help filter out spam. It could power search engines and autocomplete fields. Recommendation engines like the ones used by the likes of Amazon or Netflix could also benefit from a little artificial smarts that can get a better read on what you’re writing.", "That may seem like an odd trend, given that each of these companies hopes to best the other with better tech, including AI. But artificial intelligence is still a budding field. The researchers creating these technologies within companies like Facebook and Google benefit from having their counterparts on the outside review their work and suggest changes. In a sense, open sourcing code offers the same potential benefit that publishing research in peer-reviewed journals does for scientists. In other words, Facebook is betting that giving away its AI tech will make for better software, because it too can benefit from the new ways others use it. And besides, more developers and researchers learning to use the software means more coders better prepared to work for Facebook in the future." ]
You Won’t Believe What Facebook Is Giving Away for Free Now
C'mon, click. You know you want to. Thanks to Facebook's new AI tool, you might be less disappointed the next time you do.
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[ "AI tech" ]
[ [ [ 5, 551 ], [ 5, 558 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "You won't BELIEVE what happened to the actress who was originally Ross' ex-wife on Friends" ]
[ "NBC \"I'm pregnant\": The infamous moment we discovered Carol was pregnant with Ben", "Barone portrayed Carol in The One With The Sonogram At The End, when she famously turned up at Ross' (David Schwimmer) museum and announced she was pregnant with his child, having recently left him for a woman. We then saw her have her first sonogram with Ross and her lover Susan at her side, giving viewers a glimpse at what would turn out to be Ross' son Ben. But that was all we saw of her. When next we saw Carol, in The One Where Underdog Gets Away, she was not only bigger from being several months pregnant, but she was being played by a totally different actress (Jane Sibbett). Barone left the show, presumably completely unaware how massive it would become, because the part apparently wasn't big enough.", "GETTY Ross, Carol and Susan battled over how to handle their unique situation in the second ever episode", "NBC Anita Barone only appeared once as Carol Willick", "GETTY Jane Sibbett took the role from Anita Barone when she left, and saw through the pregnancy storyline", "Although Carol featured as a significant part of the story throughout Friends' 10 years on air, she was only a recurring character who popped up every so often. That being said, she was part of some major storylines - such as when Ross and Rachel were battling against one another after their break-up, and when Ben very nearly became a child star! However, Barone was looking to be a more permanent fixture on another project and so decided to leave Friends behind her and audition for other shows. After Friends, she played a couple of one-off roles on little known American TV shows before landing a role on The Jeff Foxworthy Show - a sitcom starring comedian Jeff Foxworthy. As was her plan, she landed a major role, playing the lead character's wife Karen. But the show was ill-fated, and was cancelled after just one season on American network ABC. This wasn't the end of the road for the series, as NBC picked it up and granted it a second run. But it was a case of history repeating for Barone, who was once again replaced with a different actress (Ann Cusack) as the series continued.", "GETTY Carol went through to appear consistently throughout Friends", "GETTY The role of Carol was then filled by Jane Sibbett", "GETTY Anita Barone's career did not take her to the same recognition that Friends would have", "The seemingly unlucky Barone went on to take further one-off roles in lesser known shows, and a few parts in hit TV series too. She appeared in the likes of Chicago Hope, Caroline in the City and Party of Five, but never as a lead role. In 2000 she was cast in another sitcom, called Daddio, once again as the wife of the lead character (comedian Michael Chiklis). But, in more bad luck, this show was also cancelled. The first season consisted of five episodes, was renewed for a second season of 13 episodes but only four were aired before NBC axed it due to awful ratings. Five years later, the same pattern repeated itself AGAIN, with Barone landing another role as \"the wife\" in a sitcom. This time it was The War at Home, which had a better success rate than her previous series. The show ran for two full seasons, totalling of 44 episodes and was recognised for its handling of the coming out story arc of character Kenny. It won a Humanitas Prize nomination and a GLAAD Media Award nomination for \"Outstanding Comedy Series\".", "GETTY Anita Barone in The War at Home", "Friends then and now Wed, May 11, 2016 They were the most loved characters of the 90's. We take a look at how much they have changed over the years. Play slideshow Getty 1 of 23 Courteney Cox played Monica Geller in the hit sitcom Friends", "GETTY Anita Barone appeared in Shake It Up with Bella Thorne", "GETTY Anita Barone in Shake It Up" ]
You won't BELIEVE what happened to the actress who was originally Ross' ex-wife on Friends
WHEN Ross Geller's ex-wife Carol first appeared on Friends in the second ever episode she was played by a different actress than the one we grew to know. That actress, Anita Barone, chose to leave the series after just one appearance - a choice she would perhaps regret.
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "She bailed to find a more permanent role elsewhere (...which she didn't). #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Entertainment" }
[ "Barone was looking to be a more permanent fixture on another project and so decided to leave Friends behind her and audition for other shows.", "This time it was The War at Home, which had a better success rate than her previous series. The show ran for two full seasons, totalling of 44 episodes and was recognised for its handling of the coming out story arc of character Kenny. It won a Humanitas Prize nomination and a GLAAD Media Award nomination for \"Outstanding Comedy Series\"." ]
[ [ [ 5, 358 ], [ 5, 499 ] ], [ [ 9, 694 ], [ 9, 1033 ] ] ]
[ "multi" ]
[ "After Reading This, You Will NEVER Put Toilet Paper On The Toilet Seat – EVER AGAIN (Do this..." ]
[ "Public toilets can be really dirty. I mean, who hasn’t opened a bathroom stall door and instantly realized how rank the smell is? Not to mention all the people who previously sat on that toilet seat to meet their needs... The solution seems obvious: cover the seat with a few pieces of toilet paper so you at least create a barrier between your body and all that nasty bacteria. Hopefully, this layer of paper will save you, right? Well, it’s probably time to reconsider. According infection specialists, covering the toilet seat with a layer of paper is not only useless—it may actually increase your risk of coming into contact with bacteria.", "The truth is you should never put toilet paper on a toilet seat. Although many people believe that public toilets are teeming with bacteria and intestinal diseases, modern toilets are designed to prevent just that.", "Gastrointestinal or sexually transmitted infections were once thought to spread through toilet seat-skin contact, but science has refuted this. In fact, the skin on our butts is an effective protection against bacteria, according to scientists.", "\"Toilet seats are not a vehicle for the transmission of any infectious agents—you won’t catch anything,\" William Schaffner, professor and infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told the Huffington Post.", "It’s also a good idea to rethink placing toilet paper on the toilet seat. Unlike toilet seats, paper is an ideal carrier for all kinds of bacteria. So you when you lay down some paper, pick it up again when you’re done, and then probably touch your face, you’re likely exposing yourself to more bacteria.", "The same applies to flushing the toilet. The handle is used by people who have just completed their \"business,\" making it a breeding ground for bacteria. Additionally, people forget to close the lid when they flush the toilet, which can spread bacteria around the bathroom.", "Studies have also shown that electric hand dryers spread bacteria much more than paper towels. Hand dryers spread germs up to six feet (1.8 m).", "So what can you do to minimize the risk of becoming ill for using a public bathroom? Wash your hands properly. According to researchers, this can reduce the risk of stomach diseases by about 50 percent." ]
After Reading This, You’ll Never Put Toilet Paper On A Toilet Seat Again.
After Reading This, You Will NEVER Put Toilet Paper On The Toilet Seat – EVER AGAIN (Do this instead), urDoca.com: After Reading This, You Will NEVER Put Toilet Paper On The Toilet Seat – EVER AGAIN (Do this instead), urDoca.com
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Exact quote from the article:\n\"Don't seat on the toilet, you can just use the squat position and do the job. Even though this may sound strange, it's the best to keep yourself save from the fecal bacteria.\" #StopClickBait", "spoilerPublisher": "Stop Clickbait - Science" }
[ "Unlike toilet seats, paper is an ideal carrier for all kinds of bacteria. So you when you lay down some paper, pick it up again when you’re done, and then probably touch your face, you’re likely exposing yourself to more bacteria." ]
[ [ [ 4, 74 ], [ 4, 304 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "This looks like an ordinary shed, but you'll never guess what's inside." ]
[ "We at Bright Side place a high value on creativity. So we’re especially delighted when we learn about people who can create something beautiful out of something completely ordinary. Ashley Yeates, who came up with the following idea, is definitely one of these people. It’s people like him who add a little light to our day.", "It all began with an entirely unremarkable plan for a shed...", "Ashley soon began to start making the real thing", "He erected the walls", "Put the roof in place", "And added some light fittings", "Some tiling and a porch gave the little shed a cute appearance", "And finally it was ready!", "But it’s not all that it seems from the outside...", "...that’s right, it’s actually a mini movie theatre!", "Complete with real cinema lighting and traditional velvet seats", "And of course, plenty of candy and popcorn", "Fancy playing a game after the film? There’s a whole shelf of options to choose from", "The only problem, of course, is that when your friends hear about it, they’ll probably want to move in with you!" ]
This looks like an ordinary shed. But you’ll never guess what’s inside
It’s ten times better than any of the ideas you came up with...
BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder.
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "It's a home cinema.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "mini movie theatre" ]
[ [ [ 9, 33 ], [ 9, 51 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]
[ "Dad Is Outraged When School Cafeteria Stamps Information On His Third Grader's Arm" ]
[ "At first glance, Jon Bivens thought his son had been rewarded for good behavior with a smiley face stamp on his arm. Then, he noticed the writing underneath and realized that his third grader had been stamped with the words, \"I Need Lunch Money.\" Shocked at first, he didn’t register the implications of the stamp.", "As it turns out, the elementary school that Bivens’ son attends, Gardendale Elementary in Gardendale, AL, operates its cafeteria with refillable charge cards. Students who buy lunch at school swipe the card to pay for lunch. Parents keep the cards refilled by topping them up with money from time to time and are notified if the balance runs low.", "Bivens understood the card system, but was shocked by the method of delivery. His little boy brings a packed lunch to school almost every day and rarely needs lunch money, unless he wants to buy a special treat from the cafeteria. As a result, he almost never has to use his school lunch card and his parents decided not to top it up so close to the end of the school year.", "Still, Jon Bivens told The Huntsville Times that he was stunned by the way that the school had chosen to convey the message to him as a parent. He says that, in the past, the school had called or sent emails or letters to remind parents of the balance. The stamp, which he calls a \"brand,\" was typically a communication of last resort for the school.", "Bivens says he received no direct contact, and adds, \"When you start stamping a message on a child’s body instead of calling...it’s not okay.\" He also calls the stamping, \"a form of bullying.\" From his perspective as a parent, it was completely uncalled-for behavior from the school." ]
Dad Is Outraged When School Cafeteria Stamps Information On His Third Grader’s Arm
One dad in Alabama was stunned this past month when his third-grade son returned home with a stamp on his arm of a smiley face with text underneath. At first, Dad thought it was a reward from a teacher or a joke played by another kid, but the truth was much more disturbing. When he realized...
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "The stamp said \"I need lunch money.\" The kid usually brings his lunch and uses his lunch account for treats. His parents didn't add money to it when he ran out.", "spoilerPublisher": "savedyouaclick" }
[ "stamped with the words, \"I Need Lunch Money.\"" ]
[ [ [ 0, 201 ], [ 0, 246 ] ] ]
[ "passage" ]
[ "The real culprit behind infidelity" ]
[ "I'd like to give a shout out for monogamy.", "It's really been maligned of late, called \"unnatural\" or worse -- hegemonic and bossy. It gets blamed for infidelity and divorce. Oh the Terrible Societal Pressure of Monogamy! the naysayers tut tut. It's so very difficult, they sigh, as if monogamy was some high-maintence diva demanding the right sort of mineral water. It's just impossible to meet the ridiculous expectations of monogamy!", "Poor monogamy. Some find it freakish. \"We did not evolve to be monogamous,\" the critics cry, pointing to hedonistic bonobos and walruses, the Hugh Heffners of the animal kingdom. Don't you want to be one of the fun animals? Who's left with monogamy? Wolves and swans, that's who -- pretty creatures known for their savagery and aggression.", "Monogamy, I'm sorry you've gotten a bad name. For what it's worth, I think you're cool. Hurrah for the faithful! Three cheers for the same ol' same ol'!", "I know it's easy to dismiss me, a happily married, squidgy, middle-aged woman. Oh god, you would like monogamy. You probably have dial up. What other dorktacular, old school things do you enjoy? LP records and butter churning?", "Maybe you think my husband is pussy-whipped because he's faithful. If you do, please tell him that to his face -- he's a pick-up truck driving, \"law and order liberal,\" Texas trial lawyer who owns a gun. I had one of the other kinds of husbands once, the unfaithful kind, and I much prefer this one, thank you.", "Clearly, I lack the sophistication and edginess to be polyamorous. If you're polyamorous, I wish you all the best. Please enjoy your swingers parties in your shag-carpeted, sunken living rooms. Negotiate your open marriages, use protection, and rock on with your bad selves.", "I just have one request -- quit beating up on monogamy. Monogamy is not the problem. Let me introduce the real villain, the culprit behind infidelity and divorce -- entitlement. Yes, entitlement, otherwise known as narcissism, selfishness, or \"I need a few months living alone in Spain to find myself.\"", "Entitlement has unfairly framed monogamy for infidelity for quite some time and I'd like to set the record straight.", "1. Cheating is about the thrill of being dishonest. To \"cheat\" you need an agreement to renege on, namely monogamy. There's no frisson of danger in openness, no illicit sexual high to chase. A recent study \"The Cheater's High: The Unexpected Affective Benefits of Unethical Behavior\" by researchers at the University of Washington, the London Business School, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania show that cheaters feel happier after cheating. Why? They feel superior, more clever than the people they just chumped. Screwing around feels awesome, so long as you're short on empathy. You know who's empathy challenged? Narcissists.", "There is a power dynamic inherent in infidelity. The cheater wants all the perks of a committed partner, and the excitement of messing around on the side. The secrecy is about gaining advantage. You commit all your resources and I'll just feign reciprocity. Cheaters don't want a level playing field. It's about control and entitlement. Cheaters give themselves permission to cheat, because they deem themselves more deserving than the chumpy people who play by the rules. (Rules the cheater agreed to, of course.)", "2. If polyamory is \"natural,\" so is heartbreak. If we've \"evolved\" to screw around, well, we're also wired to be jealous and suffer heartache when we are abandoned. Where's all the talk of how unnatural it is to bond with other people? Gee, we should really stop doing that. This whole trust thing is really overrated.", "Murderous impulses are also human, and felt very keenly after one's been betrayed. When the cuckolded husband clubs his wife's lover with a baseball bat, they can each claim they \"evolved\" to be this way -- one to screw around indiscriminately, the other to react in a murderous rage. Let's see how those arguments go over in the court of law.", "We didn't evolve to do a lot of things -- farm, use indoor plumbing, wear lederhosen. Your Darwinian urges are no excuse for behaving unethically. Can we put this tired argument to rest already?", "3. Monogamy is not difficult -- honest conversations are. You're not good at monogamy? Stay single or find a polyamorous arrangement. Things not working out in the marriage? Speak up and make it work or get out honestly. Unless yours was a shotgun wedding, no one forces you to commit. Lost in the \"monogamy is so hard\" argument is personal choice. Don't agree to be someone you aren't.", "Oh boo hoo, the pressure. Your parents want grandchildren and your girlfriend is obsessed with Say Yes to the Dress. Find your backbone, son. Don't be a farce registered at Macy's.", "And if you agreed to this monogamy thing and changed your mind? You're not doing anyone any favors by unilaterally deciding to betray them. Let them go live an authentic life without you.", "This article originally ran at Tracy Schorn's blog Chump Lady." ]
Monogamy Is Not the Problem
I'd like to give a shout out for monogamy. It's really been maligned of late, called "unnatural" or worse -- hegemonic and bossy. It gets blamed for ...
non-monogamy,marriage,infidelity,monogamous marriages,divorce,marriage advice,happy marriage advice
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{ "source": "anonymized", "humanSpoiler": "Entitlement narcissism selfishness; opinion essay", "spoilerPublisher": "HuffPoSpoilers" }
[ "entitlement" ]
[ [ [ 7, 165 ], [ 7, 176 ] ] ]
[ "phrase" ]