some of the worst cases
in turn
lot of hope
by her words
with which
depth of character
someone like her
most of the women
women at the hospital
at him
be with them
to them
type of woman
care about a trophy man
man on her arm
way in the world
speak with such passion
about nursing
people like you
work alongside someone
smiled at his compliments
like jade
at the same hospital
pales in comparison
comparison to grady
since my residency
with you
for wellstar
sucked in a breath
at the directness
directness of her statement
interested in him
by aidan 's suggestion
different about megan
despite her physical similarities
similarities to jade
glanced over megan 's shoulder
around megan 's thigh
at her
with a smile
sat on her hip
back to pesh
neither of those emotions
with a grin
to which
proud of him
against her chest
interrupted by aidan 's sister
went to his grandmother
good for grammy
with mason
out of the room
turned to megan
with emma
two of them
in the room
motioned for them
priest in decorated golden robes
appeared at the door
crucifix in his hands
as the odd man
in the situation
on the organ
went out the door
at noah
act like a demon baby
chuckled at emma 's plea
in the gown
insulting to his manhood
reasoned with a smile
laughing at the two
two of them
winked at emma
starting out the door
at megan 's side
walked up the aisle
significance of all the religious rites
sign of the cross
on noah 's forehead
glanced at megan
followed through the rest
rest of the proceedings
in the faith
stand by noah
as godparents
from emma 's arms
trickles of water
base of noah 's head
behaving like a possessed baby
muttered beside pesh
sighed with relief
being outside his usual world
all of aidan 's family
prospect of megan
pictures of aidan
in the group shot
finished with the four
four of them
handed to megan
for pictures