care for sick people
relationship with davis
before graduation
out of her thoughts
in her seat
clock on the dashboard
being on time
started into the church
reached for mason
in a little while
for her father
sitting between her brothers
on the couch
much of his father 's personality
disappear in the crowd
crowd of family
waiting in the church alcove
heading down the hallway
at the last door
door on the right
mused with a grin
around her
in a lose knot
gazing from noah 's diapered but na**d form
to emma
draped in a towel
from the covering
sucked on his bottle
strand of emma 's auburn hair
between his fingers
lot of experience
experience with baptisms
motioned to the towel
on your dress
with a nod
about it
hanging on the closet door
from pictures
pictures of ankle 's baptism
to his son
alluding to the fact
in turn
younger than his age
like him
one of noah 's hands
in his fist
for dear life
sucking on the bottle
like his old man
thinking about her position
at casey
satisfied with both my choices
part of the family
flew to her chest
heard about him
in time
time for noah 's birth
exchanged with casey
know about him
with her index finger
know about the good godfather
winked at megan
is like sex
sex on a stick
built like a brick shithouse
with anyone
one of the local parishes
as a nun
of that bollywood actor
since when
one of nate 's friends
to an indian film festival
grinned at megan
besides the fact
by the minute
at the prospect
fell into two categories
devastated by their wives ' deaths
fell into the second category
more than anything
to her shoulder
with a shrug
with him
after all
besides his wife 's death
on the dating front
involved with someone
interested in a long - term relationship
glanced between the two
two of them
to casey
turned to megan
for noah 's gender ultrasound
cheating on you
wipe in her hand
for a moment
aspect of our break
aspect of our break -
aspect of our break - up
on today