### Human: Is it safe for dogs to eat avacado? ### Assistant: No, avocado is considered dangerous for dogs to consume.
### Human: Who is the founder of the Communist Party? ### Assistant: Lenin
### Human: What are some sports that are played with a round ball? ### Assistant: Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Pickleball, Table Tennis, Soccer, Racquetball, Hockey, Squash, handball
### Human: What is Kraft Dinner? ### Assistant: Kraft Dinner, also referred to as KD, is a macaroni-and-cheese product by Kraft. It is essentially the same boxed macaroni-and-cheese sold in the United States, but referred to by a different name.
### Human: List some of the great houses that appear in the series "A Song of Ice and Fire." ### Assistant: Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tyrell, Arryn, Martell, Karstark, Mormont.
### Human: How are the teams which qualify for the National Football League Playoffs determined? ### Assistant: The 32 teams that comprise the National Football League are organized by two conferences, the American and National, with four divisions of four teams in each conference. Each year the team with the best record in their division automatically qualifies for the playoffs. In addition, the three remaining teams with the best records in each conference also qualify and are designated as "wildcards". Tiebreakers are used to determine who makes the playoffs in scenarios where two or more teams finish with the same number of wins. Tiebreakers can include head-to-head competition, record in conference, and record against common opponents.
### Human: What are the words of House Tyrell? ### Assistant: "Growing Strong"
### Human: Which US city is known to be the bachelorette party center of the country, besides Las Vegas? ### Assistant: Nashville, TN
### Human: Who is Santa Clause? ### Assistant: Santa Clause is known as Father Christmas or Saint Nicholas in Christian culture. According to the myth Santa Clause rides a slay and brings presents to all the children all over the world during Christmas every year. Santa Clause lives at the North Pole with the elves. When he is not busy delivering presents he and the elves are hard work at the North Pole making presents for the following year. Christian families let their kids believe this myth until they are at a reasoning age and can figure out for themselves that Santa Clause is not real.
### Human: What is Adderall? ### Assistant: Adderall is a brand name for a combination drug called mixed amphetamine salts. The mixture contains four salts of amphetamines including equal parts racemic amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which produces a 3 to 1 ratio between dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, the two enantiomers of amphetamine. Adderall increases activity in the central nervous system and stimulates the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters, such as serotonin Adderall is generally considered effective in treating symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy. At normal recommended doses, Adderall improves focus, increases energy levels and decreases fidgeting, impulsivity, restlessness and aggression.
### Human: What is a Ferocactus ### Assistant: Ferocactus is a genus of large barrel-shaped cacti, mostly with large spines and small flowers. There are about 30 species included in the genus. They are found in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.
### Human: What is the political philosophy of isolationists? ### Assistant: Isolationists philosophy is to focus within and not spend time/energy in the affairs of other nations. It was a popular philosophy during the US rebuild after the depression.
### Human: what happens when you blow air into alkaline water? ### Assistant: When you blow air into alkaline water the C02 from your breath creates carbonic acid which lowers the potential hydrogen of the alkaline water. If you blow air into the alkaline water long enough the alkaline water will eventually turn acidic. Potential hydrogen drops can be used to measure the PH to show the effect of blowing air into alkaline water. PH drops will show alkaline water as blue and purple, and they will show acidic water as yellow.
### Human: Name the Khals known to currently be alive in A Song of Ice and Fire. ### Assistant: Jhaqo, Pono, Moro, Jommo, Zekko, and Motho.
### Human: What are different ways to make eggs? ### Assistant: You can fry and egg on a stovetop. Its recommended to preheat the pan on medium heat, once warm spray the pan with cooking spray or use butter before cracking an egg into the pan. Cook for a few minutes before flipping to fully cook the egg. This method is most common when preparing an egg sandwich such as a bacon egg and cheese, or a sausage egg and cheese. You can also scramble eggs in a pot or pan. To do this you whisk a few eggs in a bowl with some milk, could be any kind of milk like skim milk or a dairy free milk like almond milk. Preheat the stove to medium heat and warm the pot or pan while you do this. Then pour the eggs into the pan and continually stir the eggs, scraping the bottom of the pan to ensure the eggs are fluffy. You can also poach an egg by cracking an egg into boiling water. Lastly, you can make a hardboiled egg by putting a desired number of eggs in a pot of water before placing on the stove. Once on the stove bring to a boil for 7-8 minutes.
### Human: When was the Bitcoin whitepaper published? ### Assistant: The Bitcoin whitepaper was published on October 31, 2008.
### Human: Who are some of the main characters in the show "South Park"? ### Assistant: Some of the main characters in the show "South Park" are Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan.
### Human: Who regulates banks in Australia? ### Assistant: The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) is the prudential regulator of the Australian financial services industry.
### Human: What are people from Wisconsin also referred to as? ### Assistant: Some people refer to people from Wisconsin as Cheeseheads because of the amount of dairy that is produced by the state. It was a derogatory term set in from a local sports rivalry with people from Illinois, however the Cheeseheads from Wisconsin embraced it, and now wear Cheesehead hats to local sporting events.
### Human: Name a style of hot yoga. ### Assistant: Bikram.
### Human: What is the format of an email? ### Assistant: Emails contain a username, the @ symbol, and a website domain. The website domain must contain a "." (dot), where the left and right side of the dot are nonempty. For example, lorem.ipsum@dolor.com is an email.
### Human: What is the Shiba Inu (crypto)? ### Assistant: Shiba Inu token (ticker: SHIB) is a decentralized cryptocurrency created in August 2020 by an anonymous person or group known as "Ryoshi". It is named after the Shiba Inu (柴犬), a Japanese breed of dog originating in the Chūbu region, the same breed that is depicted in Dogecoin's symbol, itself originally a satirical cryptocurrency based on the Doge meme. Shiba Inu has been characterized as a "meme coin" and a pump-and-dump scheme.
### Human: What is a viral video? ### Assistant: Viral video is one that is popular and generate a lot of views which is appealing for advertisers
### Human: What are two languages spoken in Spain other than Castilian Spanish? ### Assistant: Two other languages spoken in Spain are Catalan and Basque, also known as euskara
### Human: What is the difference between American Football and European Football? ### Assistant: Prior to American Football coming into existence, European Football was played throughout the world as an athletic sport that entailed kicking a round ball into an opponent's goal. European Football is typically played on a grass turf surface called a pitch. European Football was actually first called soccer before its adoption by the entire world and ended up settling on the name football. This is where the common confusion surrounds European Football and American Football. American Football, created much later than European Football, is played with a pig skin with a prolate shape on a grass turf surface, much like European Football. In American Football, instead of using their feet, players use their hands to pass the ball to one another through the air or hand the ball off to one another and attempt to run into the opponent's endzone. When European Football eventually came to the United States, the moniker soccer remained with the sport. This is why European Football is the same as American Soccer and American Football is not the same as European Football.
### Human: What is Bart Simpson's best friend named? ### Assistant: Millhouse
### Human: What is the difference between open-toed and close-toed shoes? ### Assistant: Open-toed shoes refer to footwear that exposes the toes. They can reveal just the toes (think of a show with the toe portion cut out) or the entire foot (e.g., sandals). Closed toe shoes are any shoes that cover the toes.
### Human: Name some male celebrities who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. ### Assistant: Rod Roddy, Peter Criss, Richard Roundtree, Montel Williams
### Human: What are the toxic house plants for cats? ### Assistant: If you have cats as pets, be careful about having these house plants around. Ingesting part of these plants can be very dangerous for your feline friends. - Lilies such as easter lilies, stargazers, daylilies, etc. can cause kidney failure and death - Sago palm leaves can release a toxin that causes liver damage - Desert rose can affect heart rate and cause vomiting - Bulbs of plants such as daffodils and tulips can cause convulsions, diarrhea, and vomiting - a toxic chemical from azaleas can lead to coma, cardiovascular collapse and death
### Human: What is a phenotype? ### Assistant: In genetics and genomics, the phenotype is the set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism. The term covers the organism's morphology (physical form and structure), its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and the products of behavior. An organism's phenotype results from two basic factors: the expression of an organism's genetic code (its genotype) and the influence of environmental factors. Both factors may interact, further affecting the phenotype. When two or more clearly different phenotypes exist in the same population of a species, the species is called polymorphic. A well-documented example of polymorphism is Labrador Retriever coloring; while the coat color depends on many genes, it is clearly seen in the environment as yellow, black, and brown. Richard Dawkins in 1978 and then again in his 1982 book The Extended Phenotype suggested that one can regard bird nests and other built structures such as caddisfly larva cases and beaver dams as "extended phenotypes". Wilhelm Johannsen proposed the genotype–phenotype distinction in 1911 to make clear the difference between an organism's hereditary material and what that hereditary material produces. The distinction resembles that proposed by August Weismann (1834–1914), who distinguished between germ plasm (heredity) and somatic cells (the body). More recently, in The Selfish Gene (1976), Dawkins distinguished these concepts as replicators and vehicles. The genotype–phenotype distinction should not be confused with Francis Crick's central dogma of molecular biology, a statement about the directionality of molecular sequential information flowing from DNA to protein, and not the reverse.
### Human: What is a less known rule or move in Chess? ### Assistant: En passant
### Human: How many syllables are in the word smarter? ### Assistant: There are two syllables in the word smarter: smart-er.
### Human: What are the main ingredients for making bread? ### Assistant: Flour, water, yeast, and salt
### Human: Name one science fiction book from China ### Assistant: Three body problem is good science fiction, which win Hugo Award for best novel in 2015. It makes a good story about time and civilization. It also describes reactions from different people when they know the existence of aliens.
### Human: What causes a spinning top to stop? ### Assistant: Friction. If using a frictionless environment, a top could spin indefinitely
### Human: Is it safe to look at the sun directly? ### Assistant: No, it is not safe to look directly at the sun as it can cause damage to the eyes
### Human: How to lose weight? ### Assistant: 1. Drink Plenty of water 2. Take proper sleep 3. Eat high fibre foods 4. Avoid junk foods 5. Eat Regular meals 6. Eat plenty of fruit and veggies 7. Exercise thrice a week
### Human: What does airplane glide ratio mean? ### Assistant: Airplane glide ratio is a measure of an airplane's glide performance. It is the ratio between distance forward to distance downward for an airplane in free, unpowered flight. Glide ratio is affected by properties such as aerodynamical drag, wing construction, and more. Sailplanes are among the most efficient airplanes, achieving glide ratios over 70:1.
### Human: What is a Fixed asset in finance? ### Assistant: A fixed asset is one which is intended to be used for several years. Examples are buildings, machinery and vehicles.
### Human: What are popular street foods from Maharashtra in India ### Assistant: Some of the most popular street food list is Vada Pav, Misal Pav, Kanda Bhaji, Pav Bhaji , Sabudana Vada and Sabudana Khichadi. All of these are primarily vegetarian.
### Human: What are some good yoga poses for beginners? ### Assistant: The practice of yoga can be a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is considered to increase flexibility and muscle strength. A few positions for beginners include : 1. Downward facing dog 2. Mountain pose 3. Warrior I 4. Warrior II 5. Triangle pose These gentler positions provide a safe introduction to the practice of yoga for beginners
### Human: What is the fastest train in the world? ### Assistant: Shanghai Maglev in Shanghai, China
### Human: What causes a recession? ### Assistant: A recession is caused when a chain of events, like a line of dominoes, picks up momentum and does not stop until the economy shrinks. Each event is connected to something that happened before and something that will happen in the future. If the price of a hamburger goes up, you might stop buying hamburgers. This would impact a restaurant, and that would impact a server. There are many interconnected chains like this throughout the economy.
### Human: What is the national day of Germany? ### Assistant: The National Day of Germany is called German Unity Day. It is celebrated on 3 October as a public holiday. This day commemorates the reunification of West and East Germany after which since the end of second world war in 1945, Federal Republic of Germany existed as a single German state.
### Human: Provide a list of body parts that are only three letters long. Here are some body parts that are three lettered words: toe, rib, eye, ear, leg and jaw. ### Assistant: Here are some body parts that are three lettered words: toe, rib, eye, ear, leg and jaw.
### Human: What is the loudest animal on Earth? ### Assistant: The sperm whale.
### Human: Is learning piano on a keyboard just as effective as learning on a grand/upright piano? ### Assistant: Since the layout of keys for both electronic keyboards and pianos are the same, keyboards could be effective for beginners. However, Pianos have more “action” than keyboards (i.e. how the keys feel when pushed down, whether they are light or heavy). So learning on a keyboard may not prepare a person for the heavier feeling of piano keys. If a piano is too costly or large, another option is learning on a keyboard with weighted keys that feel much more similar to a piano.
### Human: Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common ### Assistant: 8 marriages
### Human: Why do children of Indian Origin do well in SpellBee contests in the USA? ### Assistant: We find that a high percentage of the winners of the SpellBee contests in the US are children of Indian origin. Most of these children are born to parents who migrated to the USA to work in fields such as Information Technology, Research or white collar jobs that require a good academic qualification. In general, for people to migrate from India to the US one of the main criteria is exceptional academic performance with post graduate university qualifications in addition to being very proficient in English.So, the parents of these children of Indian origin have a strong academic educational background and try to create an environment at home that places great emphasis on academic learning. SpellBee has become very popular with the events being telecast on TV. The event is becoming more popular among the Indian community in the US as they see Indian kids being successful in the contests and getting national recognition when they perform well in SpellBee. When the Indian parents find that their kids are showing some aptitude in spelling and are capable of putting in the required effort, the parents start motivating the children to start practising for SpellBee contests. These children of Indian origin spend significant effort over a period of several months or in some cases even years fine tuning their skills to practise for SpellBee contests. A combination of hard work, the support from the parents and family and the motivation of these children to perform well in SpellBee are all factors contributing to the success of the children of Indian origin in the SpellBee contests in the USA.
### Human: 2021 Nobel Prize was awarded to which all Journalists ### Assistant: Maria Ressa of Philippines & Dmitry Muratov of Russia
### Human: What is the difference between a pomelo and a grapefruit? ### Assistant: Both a pomelo and a grapefruit have similar citrus tastes, but a pomelo is a larger fruit that is usually greenish yellow and its outer peel bruises much more easily than the pink peel of a grapefruit.
### Human: Name five NFL teams in the AFC. ### Assistant: Five NFL teams in the AFC are the Buffalo Bills, New York Jets, Tennessee Titans, Houston Texans, and Las Vegas Raiders.
### Human: What is the difference between income and property taxes? ### Assistant: Income taxes are taxes on the money an individual earns from working. Property taxes are taxes on the value of property an individual owns.
### Human: Who was the Greek goddess of love ### Assistant: Aphrodite
### Human: Who is the primary male protagonist on the TV show "The X-Files"? ### Assistant: Special Agent Fox William Mulder
### Human: What is the capital of Germany? ### Assistant: The capital of Germany is Berlin
### Human: What are the four seasons of the year? ### Assistant: The four seasons are summer, fall (or autumn), winter and spring.
### Human: What are the words of House Allyrion? ### Assistant: "No Foe May Pass"
### Human: Who created Sesame Street? ### Assistant: Sesame Street was created by Jim Henson, Lloyd Morrisett, and Joan Ganz Cooney
### Human: Who is the prime minister of India? ### Assistant: Currently, The prime minister of India is Mr Narendra Modi since 2014. He belongs to Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP).
### Human: Where can you observe the stars? ### Assistant: It's typically best to observe the stars on a dark night far away from ambient light of cities.
### Human: What is a bond ### Assistant: A bond is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer. Bond details include the end date when the principal of the loan is due to be paid to the bond owner and usually include the terms for variable or fixed interest payments made by the borrower.
### Human: What is nomadism? ### Assistant: Nomadism is a way of living in which people don't have a permanent place to live. Instead, they move around a certain area in search of food and grazing land. The change from being nomadic to staying in one place is what led to the first civilizations.
### Human: Give me a title of one of the "Harry Potter" novels. ### Assistant: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
### Human: When was the last time the Cubs won the World Series ### Assistant: The Chicago Cubs last won the World Series in 2016. They defeated the Cleveland Indians, now referred to as the Cleveland Guardians, in 7 games. It was a memorable World Series for Chicago considering the Cubs did not play in a World Series for 71 years. The 7th game was very close as the Cubs blew a 3 run lead in the 8th, leading to extra innings. Ultimately winning the series in 10 with the last out being a ground ball to a smiling Kris Bryant who threw to Anthony Rizzo for the last out.
### Human: Total 15 PMs served under Queen Elizabeth II, name the last PM ### Assistant: Liz Truss
### Human: Name some TV shows that American actress Gillian Anderson has been in. ### Assistant: The X-Files, The Crown, Sex Education, Hannibal, The Fall, The First Lady, The Great
### Human: What are the pros and cons of high interest rates? ### Assistant: Rising interest rates are an advantage for savers who deposit money. Banks pay savers a higher return on their savings accounts. High interest rates also dampen high inflation as they make borrowing more expensive. This reduces the demand and can lead to falling prices. On the other hand, high interest rates make things like financing a house more difficult. Furthermore, the decreased demand can reduce economic growth.
### Human: What is brackish water and where does it occur? ### Assistant: Brackish water is water which is a mixture of freshwater and seawater, and is often found in bays or estuaries
### Human: Do archaeologists dig up dinosaurs? ### Assistant: No, archaeologists do not dig up dinosaurs. They study human culture; therefore, they dig sites relating to human occupation.
### Human: How do government control inflation? ### Assistant: The most common way to control inflation is to reduce the supply of money in the economy. This is achieved by increasing the interest rates.
### Human: Name every month that has 30 days ### Assistant: January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
### Human: What area in Washington is best known for its wine production? ### Assistant: The Columbia Valley American Viticultural Area, in the Columbia Valley Plateau of the central and southern regions of the state, is renowned for its wine production.
### Human: Name five cities in the state of Texas. ### Assistant: Five cities in the state of Texas are Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Waco.
### Human: Which episode did Daenerys Targaryen lose her dragon, Viserion, to a White Walker's spear? ### Assistant: The Night King, the leader of the White Walkers, threw a spear at Viserion, which killed him.
### Human: How many keys are in a standard piano? ### Assistant: There are 88 keys in a standard piano. It has been the standard since Steinway built their pianos in the 1880s. There are 52 white keys and 36 black keys.
### Human: When was the Hundred Years War and who fought in it? ### Assistant: The English and French fought from the mid-14th century well into the 15th century. The English king reigned over not only the British islands but in Normandy, France. (Read up on William the Conqueror for the story of how that came to be.) The result of this continental foothold meant that the English fought mostly in France, from Brittany to the south of France, and east towards Flanders. Fighting in this time was particularly brutal. "Men at Arms" were knights, wearing full suits of armor. Supporting these Men at Arms were crossbowman (on the French side) and archers, using the English War Bow, on the English side. The War Bow was an extremely powerful weapon.
### Human: What is skydiving? ### Assistant: Skydiving is considering a thrill seeking opportunity. It can be classified as a risky sport because every safety check and setup has to be 100% perfect in order to execute the skydiving perfectly each time. If something does go wrong or you miss a safety check injury or death can occur. That is why its important to triple check all your gear and equipment before skydiving or have an expert who has 1000's of jumps check your gear for you. Skydiving is considered fun for some and scare for others. If you are risk-averse you can consider this sport as a new opportunity for fun and enjoyment
### Human: What was the first commercial relational database product launched in the market? ### Assistant: Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle DBMS, Oracle Autonomous Database, or simply as Oracle) is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It was the first RDBMS product commercially available in the market in the year 1979.
### Human: Who is Linda Hargreaves ### Assistant: Linda Hargreaves is a British actress who has appeared on both stage and screen. She made her television debut in the BBC soap opera Doctors and has since returned to the soap on three separate occasions in different roles, most recently in the recurring role of Constance Buchanan. She has also appeared in various television series including Containment and Call the Midwife.
### Human: Home many storage options does Azure Synapse provide? ### Assistant: Azure Synapse can store or persist data in five different technologies or locations: 1. Azure Data Lake Store, 2. Dedicated SQL Pools (DW), and 3. Cosmos DB, 4. Azure Data Share, and 5. Power BI (with its Dataset Cache features)
### Human: Why is November 14 celebrated as world diabetes day? ### Assistant: Sir Frederick Banting who discovered Insulin in 1922 was born on November 14 which is why November 14 is celebrated as world diabetes day
### Human: What is the difference between the Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche methods of paying off debt? ### Assistant: The Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche are two widely known methods of paying off debt. One is a mathematically faster way to pay off the debt; whereas, the alternative is slightly slower but is more psychologically motivating. This motivation is what helps the person reach their debt pay off goals. The following set of debts will be used as the basis for explaining each method: Debt A has a balance of $10,000 at a 4% interest rate. Debt B has a balance of $5,000 at a 10% interest rate. Debt C has a balance of $8,000 at a 24% interest rate. The Debt Avalanche is typically the fastest and most cost effective way to pay off debt. The person makes minimum payments on all their debts and any extra goes towards the account with highest interest rate (Debt C in example above). Once that first balance is paid off, the person takes the payments from that and puts it all towards the second highest interest rate (Debt B). Repeat until all debts are paid. The Debt Snowball is a method popularized by a personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey, in Step 2 of his 7 Baby Steps to building wealth. This method uses psychology by paying off the smallest balance first (Debt B above). The theory is that the feeling of quickly paying off a debt balance provides the motivation to stick with the program. Similar to the Debt Avalanche, the person takes the payments from Debt B and puts it towards the next smallest balance (Debt C). Repeat until all debts are paid.
### Human: What is the JDK? ### Assistant: The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform.
### Human: Whats the name of the person who wrote the US declaration of independence? ### Assistant: Thomas Jefferson
### Human: How many albums has Taylor Swift released? ### Assistant: 10 albums.
### Human: Who won the 2022 Masters golf tournament? ### Assistant: Scotty Scheffler
### Human: What sport is Ruud Gullit known for ### Assistant: Ruud Gullit is best known for his career in professional football, most notably for his time with Dutch club Ajax.
### Human: Name some books that Jane Austen is best known for. ### Assistant: Jane Austen’s novels were not popular during her lifetime. Today, her most popular novels are ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813) and ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811). ‘Pride and Prejudice’ follows the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet, a country woman who makes hasty judgements, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a proud aristocrat, as they overcome their differences and fall in love. ‘Sense and Sensibility’ follows the three Dashwood sisters who are uprooted from their home and must strike a balance between pragmatism and romance to find love and happiness.
### Human: What is net worth? ### Assistant: Net worth is the value of the assets a person or corporation owns, minus the liabilities they owe. It is an important metric to gauge a person's health, providing a useful snapshot of its current financial position. Tracking your net worth over time is a helpful indicator of your financial stability. Looking at net worth can help you understand where your money has gone in the past vs. where you want it to go in the future.
### Human: What are the primary causes of inflation? ### Assistant: Inflation is caused by imbalance of supply and demand.
### Human: What is deep dish pizza? ### Assistant: Deep dish pizza is a variant of traditional pizza where the dough ends are rolled and pushed to the ends of a deep pan similar to a dessert pie crust. The crust is then filled with cheese and other toppings and spread with chunky tomato sauce. This type of pizza is also referred to as Chicago-style pizza.
### Human: Which is the mighty river that begins at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota ### Assistant: The Mississippi River
### Human: What are the typical items used to create a Haft-sin? ### Assistant: Garlic, apples, coins, wheat sprouts, barley sprouts, lentil sprouts, sweet pudding made from wheat germ, dried oleaster fruit, sumac, vinegar.
### Human: What are the primary colors? ### Assistant: Red, Blue and Yellow
### Human: What is the stock market? ### Assistant: The stock market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks. Stock markets could include stocks on both public and private exchanges.
### Human: Which episode does Jon Snow lead a battle where he is outnumbered by Ramsey Bolton? ### Assistant: "Battle of the Bastards" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones which had the massive battle between Jon Snow and Ramsey Bolton. Ramsey Bolton ultimately lost, thanks to Lord Baelish bringing fighters from the Vale to support Jon Snow.
### Human: What is the difference between a goose and a geese? ### Assistant: A goose and a geese refer to the same type of bird. These bird(s) are of the Anatidae biological family of water birds. Anatidate includes ducks, geese, seabirds, storks, and waterfowls. Goose refers to a single bird where geese refers to multiple birds.
### Human: India’s overall food grain production (based on 4th Advance estimates) is estimated to have touched how much? ### Assistant: 315.72 million tonnes in 2021-22 crop year ( last year it was 310.74mt)
### Human: What is a homonym? ### Assistant: Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. Although the words sound the same when pronounced, they are not spelled the same. An example is the word deer, also spelled dear. These words have very different meanings in the english language. Homonyms can be found in all languages around the world.