9 values
SELECT Television service FROM table WHERE Country = Italy AND Language = English
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What television service is in italy and is in english?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT PPV FROM table WHERE Television service = Sky Cinema 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many PPV values are listed for when television service Sky Cinema 1?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Nationality" FROM table_65385 WHERE "Time" = '2:12.56'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the nationality of the athlete with a time of 2:12.56?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 2009 FROM table WHERE 2008 = a AND Tournament = canada masters
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which 2009 has a 2008 of A, and a Tournament of canada masters?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
For all employees who have the letters D or S in their first name, return a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the average of department_id bin hire_date by time.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Track time FROM table WHERE Track = 8
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How long is track number 8?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT rr4_pts FROM table_21489362_2 WHERE total_pts = 70
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When 70 is the total points what is the rr4 points?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT format FROM table_name_11 WHERE owner = "cherry creek radio" AND frequency = "0 92.1 fm"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the format for Cherry Creek Radio with frequency of 0 92.1 fm?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Series" FROM table_62369 WHERE "Winner" = 'paul morris'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which series was won by Paul Morris?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT slalom FROM table_name_98 WHERE super_g = "4"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Slalom has a Super G of 4?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Opponent FROM table WHERE Week < 2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which opponent was on week 2?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Original airdate FROM table WHERE U.S. viewers (million) = 3.73
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the original airdate of the episode "The Cold Turkey", which was viewed by 3.73 million viewers?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Per capita income FROM table WHERE Number of households > 116,716,292 AND Median household income = $42,706
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Per capita income associated with over 116,716,292 households and a Median household income of $42,706?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT title FROM table_228973_5 WHERE original_air_date = "November 10, 1998"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the name of the episode that aired originally on November 10 1998?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT 3 Balls, 2 Ribbons FROM table WHERE 5 Hoops > 19.325 AND Total = 39.4 AND Place > 2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
5 Hoops larger than 19.325, and a Total of 39.4, and a Place larger than 2 had what total number of 3 balls and 2 ribbons?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Partner" FROM table_4423 WHERE "Outcome" = 'winner' AND "Score" = '7-6 (7) 5-7 10-7'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Tell me the partner for outcome of winner and score of 7-6 (7) 5-7 10-7It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many unique languages are spoken in the world?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Open Cup FROM table WHERE League = USISL D-3 Pro League AND Regular Season = 2nd, Northeast
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What did the team do in the Open Cup in the 2nd, Northeast season of the USISL D-3 Pro League?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_43 WHERE entrant = "barclay nordica arrows bmw" AND engine = "cosworth v8"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many years did Barclay Nordica Arrows BMW enter with Cosworth v8 engine?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Capital FROM table WHERE Area in 1000km² (1930) = 20,4
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
tell me the name of the capital with an area of 20,4..It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Years in office FROM table WHERE Assumed Office = october 4, 1886
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many years in office were served by the person who assumed the office on October 4, 1886?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT County FROM table WHERE McCain# = 20226
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Where did McCain get 20226 votes?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN Capacity FROM table WHERE First season in Segunda División = 2013 AND Top division titles > 0
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the smallest capacity for a First season in Segunda División of 2013, and Top division titles larger than 0?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Place" FROM table_68969 WHERE "Country" = 'australia'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the place ranking for the player from Australia?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT lost FROM table_name_16 WHERE points_for = "205"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Lost when Points For is "205"?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Location FROM table WHERE Authors = molnar
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the location of the authors of Molnar?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT student_id) FROM Students_in_Detention
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many distinct students have been in detention?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT ROUND(100 * UpVotes / (UpVotes + DownVotes + 0.1), 0) AS UpRatio, COUNT(*) AS N FROM (SELECT * FROM Users AS U WHERE U.UpVotes + U.DownVotes > 100) AS a GROUP BY ROUND(100 * UpVotes / (UpVotes + DownVotes + 0.1), 0) ORDER BY UpRatio
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Distribution of users' up/down cast votes: graph.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT college FROM table_name_56 WHERE school = "ames high school"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What college did the player from Ames High School attend?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT segment_a FROM table_name_76 WHERE segment_d = "manual motorcycle transmissions"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What segment A is associated with a Segment D of manual motorcycle transmissions?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Directed by FROM table WHERE Production code = 3X6752
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who directed the episode that has 3x6752 listed as the production code?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_66 WHERE home_team = "richmond"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the date when Richmond was the home team?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "transmitter" FROM table_204_270 WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM table_204_270 WHERE "kw" = 0.04 AND "bbca" = 22) - 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
tell me the transmitter directly above the one with a kw of 0.04 and a bbca of 22 .It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT location FROM table_name_16 WHERE event = "king of the cage: flash point"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Location has an Event of king of the cage: flash point?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Chinese Name FROM table WHERE Status = eliminated AND Country = singapore AND Index = f9
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Chinese name of the Eliminated player from Singapore in Index f9?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT province FROM table_name_82 WHERE wamalwa = "4,431"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is listed for the Province with a Wamalwa of 4431?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT time FROM table_name_3 WHERE date = "december 15, 2010"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the time of December 15, 2010?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date_of_death FROM table_name_66 WHERE date_of_birth = "24 september 1851"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When did the person born 24 September 1851 pass away?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Year FROM table WHERE Venue = bad neuenahr eppelborn
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What year was the game at Bad Neuenahr Eppelborn?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(decile) FROM table_name_63 WHERE roll = 428
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the lelast decile for roll of 428It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT format FROM table_name_70 WHERE country = "united kingdom" AND catalogue__number = "886973273913 (gowow012)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the format of catalog number 886973273913 (gowow012) in the United Kingdom?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT _percentage_yes FROM table_256286_14 WHERE yes_votes = 78961
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the % yes for yes votes for 78961It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(Otl) FROM table_1888165_1 WHERE PCt = 0.514
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
If the PCT is 0.514 what was the minimum OTL?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Country FROM table WHERE Name = kanu
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
WHAT IS THE COUNTRY WITH NAME OF KANU?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Frequency FROM table WHERE Webcast = • AND Callsign = xemr
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Frequency has a Webcast of •, and a Callsign of xemr?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.language = "ENGL"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
count the number of patients whose language is engl?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT record FROM table_name_61 WHERE loss = "cook (14–7)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the record at the game with a loss of Cook (14–7)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(no_in_series) FROM table_1876825_7 WHERE production_code = "06-04-621"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the number of number in series for production code of 06-04-621It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.insurance = "Medicaid" AND demographic.age < "68"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
how many of the patients aged below 68 were on medicaid insurance?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT player FROM table_name_66 WHERE score = 69 - 72 - 68 = 209
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what player scored 69-72-68=209?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(television) FROM table_23718905_6 WHERE matchup_results = "Iowa State 14, Minnesota 13"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many different items appear in the television column when the results where Iowa State 14 Minnesota 13?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 2004 FROM table_name_40 WHERE 2011 = "90.917"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the 2004 Lukoil oil prodroduction when in 2011 oil production 90.917 million tonnes?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_91 WHERE away_team = "grimsby town"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the home team when grimsby town was the away team?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Final AS week_12 FROM table_name_8 WHERE week_1 = "deepak p rahul" AND week_3 = "amit carol"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the week 12 standing for the housemate that nominated Deepak P Rahul in week 1 and Amit Carol in week 3?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT winner FROM table_name_96 WHERE circuit = "lakeside international raceway" AND series = "amc round 4"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the Winner in the AMC Round 4 at Lakeside International Raceway?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number, semester.semester FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE ((semester.semester = 'FA' AND semester.year = 2016) OR (semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.year = 2017)) AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number BETWEEN 500 AND 500 + 100 AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Can 500 -level classes be taken in the Fall or Winter term ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Round FROM table WHERE Player = ty lawson AND Pick < 18
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What round was the player Ty Lawson with a pick earlier than 18?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM Total FROM table WHERE Silver = 0 AND Gold = 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the sum of Total, when Silver is 0, and when Gold is 1?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_45 WHERE apparatus = "vault" AND rank_final < 9
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the highest Year when Apparatus is "Vault" and when Rank-Final is less than 9?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT games FROM table_name_36 WHERE rebounds < 270 AND rank < 5
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which game had less than 270 rebounds and a rank lower than 5?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Visitor FROM table WHERE Series = series tied 2–2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
who is the Visitor that has a Series of series tied 2–2?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Date FROM table WHERE Region = europe
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the date for Europe?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Winner FROM table WHERE Points classification = robbie mcewen AND Mountains classification = josé rujano
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the winner when points classification is Robbie Mcewen, and a Mountains classification is José Rujano?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT height FROM table_12962773_5 WHERE current_club = "DKV Joventut"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what's the height with current club being dkv joventutIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN("Scored") FROM table_22565 WHERE "Position" = '6'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is scored with the position of 6?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(round) FROM table_name_64 WHERE time = "2:18"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many rounds have a time of 2:18?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Conference Player of the Year FROM table WHERE Conference = Mountain West Conference
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many players of the year are there in the Mountain West Conference?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT finalists FROM table_name_53 WHERE season = "1972–73"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who were the finalists in the 1972–73 season?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT winners FROM table_name_4 WHERE year = "2010-2011"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who were the winners in 2010-2011?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Singapore League Cup FROM table WHERE Rank > 4 AND S-League = 2 (12)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Singapore League Cup when rank is more than 4, and the S-League is 2 (12)?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Runner(s)-up FROM table WHERE Tournament = WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the runners up for when tournament is wgc-accenture match play championship.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Finish FROM table WHERE Manager = tom kotchman AND Record = 43-33
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the finish when the manager is tom kotchman and record is 43-33?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT length FROM table_name_53 WHERE song_title = "ma ke jaisi"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average length for the song "Ma Ke Jaisi"?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(gold) FROM table_name_36 WHERE rank = "6" AND total > 3
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the sum of golds for ranks of 6 and totals over 3?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Main span feet FROM table WHERE Year opened > 2009 AND Rank < 94 AND Main span metres = 1,310
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the main span in feet from a year of 2009 or more recent with a rank less than 94 and 1,310 main span metres?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT d_items.label FROM d_items WHERE d_items.itemid IN (SELECT t1.itemid FROM (SELECT outputevents.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM outputevents WHERE STRFTIME('%y', outputevents.charttime) >= '2101' GROUP BY outputevents.itemid) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 5)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the five of the most common output events since 2101?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Club FROM table WHERE Losing bonus = 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Club has 1 Losing bonus?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Date FROM table WHERE Attendance > 45,218 AND Week > 9 AND Result = w 17-10
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the date when the attendance is more than 45,218, week is higher than 9 and result is w 17-10?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT written_by FROM table_26409328_1 WHERE directed_by = "Joe Daniello" AND production_code = "6AJN05"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
who wrote the episode having joe daniello as director with production code 6ajn05?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Long FROM table WHERE Player = ramon richardson AND Avg. > 5.5
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average long that Ramon Richardson played and an average greater than 5.5?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Airport FROM table WHERE ICAO = eddh
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Airport with a ICAO of EDDH?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT bike FROM table_name_7 WHERE grid < 23 AND time = "accident" AND rider = "graeme gowland"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What kind of bike had a grid less than 23 an accident under time and Graeme Gowland as a rider?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_50 WHERE ground = "a" AND opponent = "cartagena"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the date ground A and Cartagena as an opponent?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Outcome FROM table WHERE Championship = Wimbledon
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the outcome for wimbledon.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Tournament FROM table WHERE Location = arizona
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What tournament is in Arizona?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Location FROM table WHERE Design flow (LPM) < 1900 AND Construction Start = 2006 june
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What Location has a Design flow (LPM) smaller than 1900, and a Construction Start of 2006 june?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Season # FROM table WHERE Series # = 61
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the season number for the episode with the series number 61?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Runner-up" FROM table_11850 WHERE "Tournament" = 'seiersberg'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is the Runner-up in Tournament of seiersbergIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.discharge_location = "LEFT AGAINST MEDICAL ADVI"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
count the number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT score_in_the_final FROM table_2201724_1 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "Tony Roche"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What are the scores in matches against Tony Roche?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Nation FROM table WHERE Total < 63 AND Silver < 2 AND Bronze > 2 AND Rank = 8
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which nation has total medals under 63, less than 2 silver, more than 2 bronze, and a rank of 8?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Date FROM table WHERE Score in the final = 6–3, 6–3, 2–6, 6–4
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Date of the match with a Score in the final of 6–3, 6–3, 2–6, 6–4?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Vertical 0 b FROM table WHERE Name = 边 BIAN
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the vertical for 边 bian.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.gender = "F" AND procedures.long_title = "Atrial cardioversion"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
show me the number of female patients who underwent atrial cardioversion.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Laws against homosexuality FROM table WHERE Penalty = — AND Country = iraq
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What law has a penalty of — in Iraq?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN Ends Won FROM table WHERE W = 8
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the lowest ends won when w is 8?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(game) FROM table_name_23 WHERE venue = "away" AND attendance = 5 OFFSET 000
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which game had an attendance of 5000 and was away?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT * FROM table_test_30 WHERE estimated_glomerular_filtration_rate_egfr < 60 OR serum_sodium_concentration <= 134 OR urine_output <= 125 OR iv_furosemide >= 40
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
have at least one of the following: egfr < 60 ml / min / 1.73 m2, or serum sodium <= 134 meq / l, or urine output <= 125 ml / hr over anytime frame of at least 2 hours, following administration of iv furosemide of at least 40 mg.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Total wins FROM table WHERE Runners-up = Shanghai
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many total wins with Shanghai as runner-up?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_86 WHERE score = "7–1"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What team was the opponent when the score was 7–1?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.