i think you are having combo i.e it can run dvd but can't burn the dvd ofcourse it can burn the cd\nyou can clarify by seeing the cd rom if it return compact disc it means it combo(explained earlier)\nand if dvd writer is written it a dvd writer i.e it can burn and run cd and dvd.
\n\nIf you feel you can trust that the God who put you together, can heal you, and has a plan for your life, and are willing to submit yourself to him, I would ask that you find a church that takes God very seriously, submit yourself to the Elders of that church, and request that they anoint you for healing.
\n\nAlso read Galations 5:19-26\n\nRead the entire passage and decide for yourself, but from it it's probably safe to say that thoughts involving/containing the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) are from God, and thoughts of sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, rage, selfishness, envy, drunkenness, orgies, etc.
If she has had no status for one year or more after she turned 18 AND she entered the US illegally, she cannot adjust in the U.S. and if someone can petition for her, she'll have to go back home and obtain the visa at the consulate after CIS approves a waiver (if it doesn't approve the waiver she'll have to wait 10 years outside the US before being able to immigrate legally.)\nIf she was denied the greencard, she may have also been ordered deported.
Kari Wigton (7 July 1977 - present) \nLoretta Martin (1962 - 1971) (divorced) 2 children \nBarbara Mallery (28 June 1952 - 6 May 1961) (divorced) 1 child \n\n\nIt was nice to see him back last night on the NYE celebration on ABC.
\ni am soooo glad we have all fifty states and can travel between them without passports (unlike europe)\n\nthe friendliest peopel are in hawaii, nevEVADA, NW MEXICO, AND OREGON\n\nthe most moderate in climate is north carolina\n\nnew jersy hs a nice sea shore but it is a little expensive
Using your unit circle, you can see that:\nsin 30 = sin 150 = -sin 210 = -sin 330 and\ncos 10 = cos 350 = -cos 170 = -cos 190\n\nThis illustrates some basic identities which you should memorize, namely that\n\nsin (180 - x) = sin x and sin (-x)= - sin x\nand\ncos (180 - x) = -cos x and cos (-x) = cos x\n\nThese are probably in the front or back cover of your textbook.
ok well it isnt the disc's then if maxell didnt work cause those r number 1 disc's but other possiblities to keep u from being able to burn it onto a disc would be ur formatts take alook on how ur video formats burner is set up be4 burning a video if there wrong they will not play in ur dvd player but in computer it will
I believe that if you truly love someone you will always love them the only change is the way you love them , if you have remained friends and kept in touch it may be a little hard , because you have gotten used to loving em as just a friend , however if you just run into em one day and start over it wont be if its meant to be .
may limit performance and some features)\n \n• 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space*\n \n• Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor\n \n• CD-ROM or DVD drive\n \n• Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
My Darling Clementine\nSweet Rosie O'Grady\nSweet Georgia Brown\nAlice Blue Gown\nI Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair\nWait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nelly\nBloody Mary (Is the Girl I Love)\nBarbara Allen\nProud Mary\nSuite Judy Blue Eyes
Chemical name for the "Tryptophan Synthetase" protein is however, the longest official word ever (1,913 letters) with the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8 \nAnd it is spelled (it wont display on this screen) so click the link.
1st thing you have to make some eye contact with her\n2nd Slowly by slowly she'll recognize and maybe she'll do the same with you\n3rd After she knows your presence, you should do more attractive body language to get her attention\n4th You can go to the next step to get to know her more by talking\n\nGood luck
This may be a complicated issue in itself but since we have 2 of every chromosome and therefore 2 of every gene (even before the DNA replication that preceeds mitosis), there's a chance that the 2 copies of the same gene are different, one of which shows up in your father and one which you have that you got from your grandmother throuh your father.
Personally, I think its highly possible for him to his the US, the UK, a continental european city, and an asian city (think Tokyo) simultaneously, targeting financial centers (NYC, London, Paris, etc.) \n\nPersonally, I think that he is wanting to come back to the USA, since he has not been able to touch us here since 9/11/01.
well some people are closed minded it may be were your from it may frightin people or your age which i doubt or you may just not be looking in the right place for what you want and if you were traditional middle east cloths that will keep from people frm wating that sort of thing short skirts haulter tops spaggetti strap shirts these are things of sudection and try to use make up if you don't it will probaly not hurt
\n\nOnce your house is sold, your escrow company will either provide you a check for the amount of sales price minus fees, or they can wire those funds directly to your bank account (for a fee, of course), or can wire those proceeds to the escrow company for your new purchase, if you've already selected one.
equillateral means all equal sides, equiangular means all equal angles\n\nthe rectangle has all equal angles, 90 degress but teh sides are different, if the sides were the same it woudl be a square\n\na rhombus has equal sides but not necessarily equal angles\n\na parallelogram does not have to have equal angles or equal sides, it needs to have to sets of equal opposite angles and equal opposite sides\n\nhope this helps!!
actually its just an alias of someone or maybe they call her tht bcs they think tht shes like tht or maybe for u,u call her a bad girl bcs u cant make her listen on what ur saying or u cant make her agree in any opinion tht ur giving to her,meaning ur weak & shes strong...
\n\nBai Shao / Peony (White) / 20%\nRou Gui / Cinnamon Bark / 20%\nTao Ren / Persica / 20%\nFu Ling / Poria / 20%\nMu Dan Pi (Su) / Moutan / 20%
s = 1/2 ( a * t^2)\n\n(1) substitute 2.0 for s and solve for t to get the time when you jump\n\n(2) subtract the time you jump from 1.6 to get the time you fall\n\n(3) substitute 1.6 for t and solve for the distance your friend falls\n\n(4) substitute the time you fall for t and solve for the distance you fall\n\n(5) subtract your distance from your friend's distance
'cause I like Bleach, and I could use the Japanese practice anyway ^_^ \n\ntooku de iki wo shiteru toumei ni natta mitai\nkurayami ni omoeta kedo mekakushi sareteta dake\n\nLiving far away, everything seems to have become clear\nI thought I was in darkness, but I was only blindfolded.
1/(x-3)+1/(x-4)=0\nTherefore, 1/(x-3)=-1/(x-4)\nCross multiply to get: 4-x=x+3\nWhich implies: 2x=7 or x= 7/2\n\nSo the function has one zero, at x=3.5
there are machines that do CD repair, but i dont believe that they work very well in the first place, especially because they only sell in catalogs, aside from that i dont think there are many ways to repair a scratched CD, pop it in and try to burn a copy (cross ur fingers and hope it works)\n\ndo not wash CD's it will only do more harm
In the case of string theory, the theory is in much better shape than it was a few decades ago, but it still has no real central theme, it has no real sharp predictions (like the Higgs-Boson, for example, of the standard model of particle physics), and absolutely no experimental verification or support of any kind.
ecstasy, is a synthetic entactogen of the phenethylamine family whose primary effect is to stimulate the secretion of and inhibit the re-uptake of large amounts of serotonin as well as dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain, causing a general sense of openness, empathy, energy, euphoria, and well-being.
Oh and not lets forget it gives them time away for there GF or Wives (oops Thats a secret) Im a Guy and I find no problem with girl watching football or any sport but society says differnt most people were raised as pigs (in a sence) and it will take a long time for it to change It took forever for woman to have rights and same goes for sports.
GBR\nGARDENER, Jason\nCAMPBELL, Darren\nDEVONISH, Marlon\nLEWIS-FRANCIS, Mark\n\nUSA\nCRAWFORD, Shawn\nGATLIN, Justin\nMILLER, Coby\nGREENE, Maurice\n\nNGR\nFASUBA, Olusoji\nEMEDOLU, Uchenna\nEGBELE, Aaron\nALIU, Deji
We will be moving the perihelion in the direction of having it during the northern fall season, and since it has been about 20,000 years since the earth has had that position we don't have much of an idea how that will affect climate dynamics between the northern and southern hemisphere or if we will continue to see effects that may be delayed reactions to the change of precession over the last 5,500 years.
If you are talkng about Java program, then the code will\nConnection c = new Connection;\ntry\n{\n c.connect("service");\n c.send("message");\n}\ncatch( Exception e)\n{\n //report exception\n}\nfinally\n{\n c.close;\n}
3/4(5 1/3-8/9)=1/2(5 1/3+2/3\n3/4(48/9-8/9)=1/2(6)\n3/4(40/9)=3\n10/3=3\n3 1/3=3\nfalse
If you are asking for the time - 1 year = 31,556,926 seconds\n\nIf you are asking the 2nd than there are 12\n2nd of Jan\n2nd of Feb\n2nd of Mar\n2nd of April\n2nd of MAY\n2nd of June\n2nd of July\n2nd of Aug \n2nd of Sep\n2nd of Oct\n2nd of Nov\n2nd of Dec
Open the Inhaler \nHold the inhaler upright with the base (pink) on the bottom \nGrip the base and twist the cap (white) counterclockwise while keeping the inhaler in an upright position \nAs the cap is lifted off, the dose counter counts down by one (the arrow on the white mouthpiece should point to the dose counter) \n\n2.
Uh huh\nThere's a car in the field now in a column of flame\nWith two doors to choose but only one bears your name\nYou've been drinking my blood well I've been licking your wounds\nWell I shave off the pitch now in the scope of your tune\nYou'll sing...
Sound like you need to do some work out to keep your engery up(I don't mean really work out), Or Try doing something different each day, rather the same thing all the time because that can wear you out and Yes your age has something to do with it too since your age is slowing you down a bit.
bls.gov/oco/\n\nOccupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2006-07 Edition\nFor hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:\n\nthe training and education needed \nearnings \nexpected job prospects \nwhat workers do on the job \nworking conditions
If you're in a part of the world where Sirius can be seen (all but Canada, Alaska, Russia, Scandanavia, etc), and at a time of year when it is in the sky right at dusk (mid winter to early spring), then Sirius (also called the Dog Star) will be the first to be visible.
They are going into this game with so much heart, they are going to do it for Jerome Bettis, whom is from Detroit, has played 13 years and has never been to the Superbowl, and this may be his last year so what better way to end your career, with a ring in your home town.
\n\nSome related afflictions:\n\n• Conduct disorder \n• Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) \n• Crime \n• Histrionic personality disorder \n• Narcissistic personality disorder \n• Oppositional defiant disorder \n• Psychopathy \n• Sadistic personality disorder
* avoid drugs and alcohol\n* dont' eat after 7pm the night before\n* set out everything you need for work or school the night before, \n* get at least 7 hours of sleep\n* SEt your thermostat to increase temparature to comfortable level 15 minutes before wakey-wakey time.
I'm for wonka bars too: better if made of - say - 4 x 6 rectangles, so that you can try to compare different portions: let kids discover that they must refer to smaller units to compare 8-ths and 12-ths ( and in the end eat chocolate if the work is good - or at least if chocolate is good)\n\nNB: start telling them that you cannot add or subtract what you cannot compare, then teach them how to compare
(John 12:40) [Satan] has blinded their eyes and he has made their hearts hard, that they should not see with their eyes and get the thought with their hearts\n\n(2 Corinthians 4:4) the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through\n\nThe cure is to study the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses.
Force = mass x acceleration\n Mass = weight times gravity\nAcceleration is speed/time\n example if I’m playing football and I want to move the other player assuming we are both on the same planet (gravity is constant) and we are both moving at the same speed at each other I can do so if am heavier than him (increase wt (g) = increase mass) or I decease the time it takes to reach that player (constant speed and distance in less time = acceleration) or I can do both.
If the co-worker thinks a lot about his/her ex, and talks about him/her alot, then I ur co-worker needs some more time separating himself/herself from her/his ex, but if u know they're BOTH over it, then u should just date him, but only tell ur co-worker when it gets really serious
Chris Fedun (born January 14, 1986)\nBrandon Hargest (born March 17, 1987)\nBrittany Hargest (born August 2, 1988)\nLesley Moore (born October 17, 1986)\n\nWikipedia is a great place to research information on just about anything.
It makes a sound that is heard down to the Earth's core to the vast reaches of space and into the eardrum of a snarkvorce, which is to say a creature capable of transmitting waves into melodies that in turn, turn into frequencies that can only be decifered once someone goes through a black hole and into another dimension.
Right click on the empty space on the desktop go tp proprites go to Appearance under the dropdown from Items select Icon u have the size 32 as default change as u wish \nie:Right Click>Proprites>Appearance>Items>Icon\nor \nControl Panel>Display>Appearance>Items>Icon
hey girl if ur are her best friend she don't want this from u it dosn't matter if she has boy and u don't the thing is try give more time to ur friend ship talk to ur girl hang with her like always and try to find some thing u can do not to be lonly when she is not around i been there honey and i think the problem start when they don't have time for ur frindship so try to make time for each other
\n\nNow, just add up all of the heats required at each of these steps: \n2.248 kJ+19.95 kJ+25.16 kJ+135.4 kJ+18.05 kJ=200.8 kJ, with correct significant figures.
I agree with you there really is no use for this anymore, education on tooth care has improved in our world of course maybe it is a presavative too or maybe it keeps all these docs in business so they lobby for it in the water cause we just keep getting sicker and sicker by a people
he was seeing her or cheating on you, hence how fast he moved into the relationship, she was waiting in the wing, dump the chump ( thnkz to the nik for that cute saying ), he's talking to you to keep his option option for a sex buddy ( so he can cheat on his new squeeze ), don't EVER talk top him no more, move on, make new friends ( male or female ) and leave him in your soon to be distant past.
You have to use the formula -\nm1s1(t3-t1)=m2s2(t2-t3)\n=>191(4.184)(30.5-25)=38s2(192-30.5)\n=>s2=191(4.184)(5.5)/((38)(161.5)\n=>s2=0.716 J/g.
immortal, infinite beauty, most intelligent, unfathomable, unapproachable, victorious, pure, ageless etc.) \n\n In 1699, Sikh Women were given the last name 'Kaur' and and Men 'Singh' by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru.
\nThere are numerous interesting ways, one suggestion specifically for you: since you are doing a biography of an author, you could start with a famous/controversial/thought provoking sentence (this becomes your first sentence) that the author wrote and then your biography could take off from an explanation of that line or building up from that theme!
\n\nokay\nto delete a file, the very easy way without too many clicks is, highlight the file, left click it, keep hold of the click, drag it to the recycled bin\n\nright click the bin (letting go after you dragged it to the bin)\n\nclick with left mouse button, empty recycled bin\nclick yes if a questions comes up\n\nand theres a file deleted\n\ntake care,\ndez
This could have resulted from virus,So in order to terminate process go to Windows Task Manager ,right click on the process and click End process tree\n\nThen use(Start->Run->type msconfig) then remove the un wanted process by un clicking the unwanted process that boots up every time your system boots.
Either he never really loved you in the first place, in which case you'll be better off for growing into your own, or he'll fall in love with you all over again with a woman he truly admires - he'll be begging you to marry him - at which point you may realize you can do better than his sorry a$$.
history, sociology, psychology, economics, poly sci, history (social sciences are not part of the history department in schools, the history department is part of the social sciences)\n\n\nscience, in the other hand, is using the "scientific method" or the knowledge gained from the scientific method\n\nthe word "science" is misleading in the social sciences...
its hard im going thought the same thing right now but its my best friend who commited sucide you just have to think about the good time you had dont think about the death you can talk to someone you can even talk to me if you want to i can try to help as much as i can but you cant keep it bottled up iside you it makes it worse so if you want to email or something my email is lisa6948146@yahoo.com also i have yahoo messinger too if u wanna add me
\nV=(4/3)(pi)r^3\nV=(4/3)(3.14159)(5 x 10^-9)^3\nV=5.236 x 10^-25 m^3\nnow we have volume, so using the density of water(1000 kg/m3), we can solve for mass:\nd=m/V\n1000=m/(5.236 x 10^-25)\nm=5.236 x 10^-22 kg\nok, now we have mass, so we can use our original rms velocity formula and solve for velocity.
The sequence A(N) increases:\n\na) 1<sqrt(2) => sqrt(2)^1<sqrt(2)^sqrt(2) => A(0)<A(1)\nb) induction: A(N)<A(N+1) => sqrt(2)^A(N)<sqrt(2)^A(N+1) => A(N+1)<A(N+2)\n\nFrom 1 and 2 it follows that A(N) HAS a limit X, with sqrt(2)<X<=2\n\n3.
\n\n(3) Any person who is convicted of violating any of the provisions of paragraph (e), paragraph (f), paragraph (g), paragraph (i), or paragraph (k) of subsection (1) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
It is simply \n\n (Period in years)^2 = (Distance in AU)^3\n\nSince 775 days / 365.34 days = 2.122 (in years)\n 2.122^2 = (Distance in AU)^3\n Distance = 1.65 AU\n\n1.65 AU = 2.47x10^11 meters, which is the same answer as above.
\nThis is very important for US because of Domino theory which US hope to happen in middle east and all other countries there see what a beauty is Democracy in Iraq and try to have one but it will not happen, I think the second US leave the Iraq they will overthrow their government and make a new Islamic-Clergy type.
support so I recibe phone calls like this every day, what you could do is first check your service pack, then you can go to the device manager and go to the universal serial bus controllers and then click on the yellow label and check for changes in the device, and also you can try to update the driver, or just asigne another drive letter.
Cyrus R. Vance 1977–1980 \nEdmund Muskie 1980–1981 \n\nThe Iran hostage crisis (November 4, 1979 - January 20, 1981) was a 444-day period during which the new Iranian regime held hostage 66 diplomats and citizens of the United States.
Murlidharan\n\nIn the Left-Handers squad:-\n1) Adam Gilchrist(Captain)\n2) Kumar Sanggakara(Wicket-Keeper)\n3) Sanath Jayasuriya\n4) Salman Butt\n5) Yuvraj Singh\n6) Brain Lara\n7) Irfan Pathan\n8) Chaminda Vaas\n9) Zaheer Khan\n10)Daniel Vettori\n11)Ashley Giles
according to a financial planner it is important for us to plan and motivate ourself, to go to a WC in a planned scheduled time every day, because with excellent planning then you would save your time daily of unimportant WC activities so that you do not waste time and be productive in gaining financial revenues.
htm will help you out with things like t-balances\n \nand there is a great book I had to get in school (for a personal finance course) called: \nManage Your Money and Investments with Microsoft Excel\nBy: Peter Aitken\nISBN: 0789734281\nPublished on: Jun 22, 2005
:-)\n\nin general bisericile sunt o zona de atractzie gravitatzionala a telectualilor romano-americani\n\nin california acolo potzi gasi cel mai usor diversi membri ai comunitatzii\n\nde asemenea sunt diverse situri mai mult sau mai putzin personale, \n\n"tzi-am trimis un url-eu...
planetfeedback.com\nI do feel your pain though (Only in the USA can you go to school and pass and Mess a person up for life and Become Rich for it) This matter like I said how far do you want to take this and If it gonna cost 10000.00 to fix them the atty- might cost twice as much.
First off yes you can only if she has not claimed him on her taxes because the child can only be claimed once on a tax form because they go by their social security number, Next if she has not claimed the child then you have to have supported the child 51% of his clothing, schooling, eats, housing and care in general.
When my brother died of cancer my own grandmother said to one of my aunts that he appeared to her and told her he was alright because she was really troubled and did not know if he had ever been saved (accepted Christ) and she's not crazy, she tell anyone except my aunt because she didn't want anyone to think she was crazy!
you need an explosive charge and one or more of the following compounds to product the color:\nRed=Strontium Chloride, or Lithium chloride\nYellow=Basicly anything with sodium\nWhite=Magnesium or zinc\nGreen=Copper compounds or phosphates and nitrates\nBlue=Lead orarsenic or Cupric chloride or antimony\nPurple=potassium or silicates
Ethics is the systematic study of reflective choices, including (a) the identification and assessment of the standards of right and wrong by which reflective choices are to be guided, and (b) the identification and evaluation of the various goals toward which reflective choices may ultimately be directed, and (c) the identification of the "best reasons" for making certain choices.
\nexample: you travelled for one hour (t=1) and your driving speed was 70mph (s=70)\nThen, D=70m/h x 1h (the units "h" get cancelled out)\nANSWER: 70m\nYou went a distance of 70 miles
there is an extremly accurate guideline that works for anyone here it is:\n\nfor protein: your portion should equal the size of your palm\nfor carbs: your portion should equal the size of two clenched fists\n\nfor fat: one tablespoon of good fat such as olive oil, flaxseed oil per meal or 9 almonds, 12 peanuts.
aww how seet you sound like you have a good heart, but if she has a boyfriend then i'm sorry to say but u probably need to let her go, i know it hurts now and it will hurt for a while, but u never know they might have a problem and decide to break up, but for right now it doesn't look like it's going to happen u have a life to live live it to the fullest each day and u and her could be friends..
Always play before you buy (if you can't play ask the shop assistant to demonstrate), if it sounds good check the sturdiness of the neck and test for comfort of play (some lesser branded guitars have unusually large shaped bodies and too wide/narrow necks), but most importantly - only buy the guitar that feels like your guitar the moment you pick it up.
But it's still hard because I love him so much and I miss him being around but the good thing that clams me is to think that daddy is better than all of us waiting because he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior a few months before he died so thank the Lord he took him now then before.
Before you become interested in the oil company in Nigeria, if you are reading an e-mail that talks about making alot of money because someone died or somthing of the sore and all you have to do is help the person get the money put into your account and then split it, I hate to tell you this but it is just a scam to be able to take oney out of your account because you give them your account nuber with out knowing it.
\n\n108th Congress (2003-2005)\nTheodore (Ted) Stevens (AK) \nTenure: January 3, 2003 - January 3, 2005\n---------------------------------------\n109th Congress (2005-2007) \nTheodore (Ted) Stevens (AK)\nTenure: January 4, 2005 --
Well by just asking your question then every person that answers will get 2 points and when you pick your best answer then that is another 10 points coming from you so if I were you girl then I would start answering questions and try to be chosen as the "best chosen ansewer' to get the points that you lost!
sometimes they department of child support enforcement makes mistakes they are human if i were you i would tsk a copy of all previous cort decisions and take it to your local office thy may be able to help if you have paid your daughters school fees on time also talk to the childs mother and see if she has recieved any mail about the status of your case
Possiblities include, you turned off a required Windows Service (which is doubtful since you are not seeing a message telling you this but its possible), or you are using a non-legal copy of windows and in that case you need to dload the Genuine Advantage patch from say eMule for this months patch so you can get access to dloads.
you find to points on the line \nexample (2,5) and (1,6)\naight m= slope\nput the points in this simple equation\ny2-y1 (over) \nx2-x1\n\n6-5 over\n1-2\nwhich Equals \n M= 1/ -1\nHoped it helped\nor try asking the teacher for help after school or at lunch
Intentionally iconoclastic, lead singer James Euringer (who uses the stage name Little Jimmy Urine) owes sartorial influence to the New York Dolls, wearing fishnet shirts at concerts, and is occasionally seen in shorts or pants with the inside cut out similar to how a skirt looks, and neon stockings.
I bought this one:\n\nHP Pavilion Notebook PC (DV5030US)\nHP DV5030US \n• AMD Turion® 64 ML-37 \n• 100GB hard drive \n• 15.4" WXGA widescreen • Double-layer DVD+R/RW \n• 1024MB of DDR memory \n• LightScribe technology \n\nand is great.
\n\nChao's parents were Spanish - or to be more precise, his mother is Basque and his father, writer Ramón Chao, is Galician from A Coruña-, but moved to Paris to escape Francisco Franco's dictatorship (which lasted until the dictator's death in 1975).
\n\nThe papers of William Hillman mostly document his association with Harry S. Truman and his work as editor and assistant to Mr. Truman in the writing and publication of Mr. President (1952), Memoirs (1955-56), Mr. Citizen (1960), and a number of syndicated newspaper and magazine articles.
In a short answer in the early 1800's the industral revoultion was in this peak, so they need something to transport raw materials to factories and finish products to place where it's going to be sold, that was quick, fast, and transport alot of thing, therefore the Locomotive was so important.
One night when microfarad's charge was pretty high he picked up a cute little coil named mili-amp and took her for a ride on his mega-cycle across the Wheatstone bridge and next to a flowing current he laid her down in a magnetic field and began lowering her resistance and raising her capacitance and then inserted his bar magnet and began short-circuiting her shunt and she said give me mho mho and after fluxing they reversed polarity and blew each others fuses, watt a night.
Now, I can't speak for the females but a girl that would be willing to go where I go, support me in the decisions I make and be there for me when I mess up (it seems to happen every so often) and be able to love me despite my rough edges would be what I call love.
[a trigonometric equality that sin(2*theta) = 2*sin(theta)*cos(theta)]\n\nIn this case you can show (without even needing differentiation) that R achieves a maximum when:\n sin(2*theta) = 1\n i.e. theta = 45 deg\n which is what you might have suspected.
].265(1) A person commits an assault when\n(a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that person, directly or indirectly;\n(b) he attempts or threatens, by an act of gesture, to apply force to another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe upon reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose;\n(c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs.
The Catholic Church also has the "same pattern" of bishop (episkopos in the Greek original), priest (presbyteros), and deacon (diaconos.) What distinguishes us is apostolic succession: a Catholic or East Orthodox priest can show how the line of ordinations in his history takes him right back to the laying on of hands of one of the apostles.
I must say i'M not a doctor but I have had 2 friends with lupus one is in her sixties and the other is in her fifties, so it hasn't been a death sentence for either of them, and they have both had it since they were young, but with the other items you mentioned, I don't know the overall picture, would suggest going onto WebMD and see what it says,Best of Luck