Chapter 1401 - Prepare Chapter 1401 Prepare It only took Abel the morning to take care of things in the Holy Continent, and he made it back to the Central Continent by night. But of course, all he did was put a limit on the super teleportation circles. Still, there were quite many of them. One in wizard union Liante City, one in the royal elf palace, one in the royal dwarf palace, one in the orc empire, and one in the dragons. Not to mention the one Abel built in the Harry Castle. The reason they had so many was because of each races’ convenience. Abel was not too worried about the elves’ usage since he was quite good with them, and it directly connected to the goddess of the moon’s kingdom. As for the dwarves, he owed them a favor, so he couldn’t shut them down as well. Therefore, the most he could do was strengthen the Lance Spirit’s surveillance since the previous surveillance system of the wizard union was now under his control. If the dwarves had problems in their teleportation, he would be notified immediately. Abel was never good with the orc’s empire, and he fought with them countless times back then, so he wouldn’t let them keep their super teleportation circle. And finally, the dragons were secretive enough already. As long as he cut off the ties from those super teleportation circles, the Holy Continent would be safe from the powerful. In one hundred years, the resources Abel leftover and the ancient nurture base managed by Bartoli in the Holy Continent would begin to produce elite level potion, which should be enough for the Holy Continent to produce its first batch of law defying wizards. After Abel returned to the Golden Castle, he went into retreat again. But other than training, he spent some time learning the goddess of the moon’s method of destroying the soul of a god. In the World Stone Keep of the Dark World, the hell creatures Abel faced were getting more and more powerful. In the past, he could fight for 3 to 4 rounds each day. Now, only two waves of energy were consuming enough time. This was the case, even with his more powerful summons, so he would be putting his life at risk if he fought alone. Meanwhile, the Central Continent continues its chaos. The Howling Castle in the front line kept attacking, and the wizard union was forcing all their attention on the Holy Kingdom. S Nas It was war. The wizard union was using large amounts of super healing potion, yet they were not getting any new direct supplies, thus leading to a huge inflation. After all, any forces that Abel supported could see that he was on terms with the wizard union. Just like that, violent battles on the front line went on for 2 months, yet not a single god rank had fallen. It was how things were meant to be, but the wizard union just couldn’t understand why the god rank knights kept fighting back as soon as their knights recovered. They were basically attacking Howling Castle every single day, which made the god rank wizards impossible to train all at once. Little did the wizard union know, large amounts of low rank preachers and holy knights were being helplessly slaughtered in the Holy Kingdom by Thief God Milton from day to night. Since Thief God Milton was invisible and he always hid his scent, no one other than god ranks could detect him. With his holy object assassin blade, the souls of those he killed were directly brought to Abel’s crystal angel statue. The commotion he caused was huge, and no one was safe. The Holy Kingdom tried countless plans, such as distributing the Holy knights to different areas to ambush him, but considering the speed of Thief Gos Milton, taking him down took more than a few God Rank knights. Therefore in this helpless state, all they could do was redirect their fury on the Howling Castle. In just the last month, the Howling Castle has been repaired many times. Abel didn’t know, but he was already more than capable of self defense, and the dragons would not distract him until he became a god rank himself. It was a nice weather day, and Abel stopped out from the Dark World early in the morning. Without even enjoying his breakfast, he entered Doff’s Kingdom. Since his body was 100% energy, enjoying food was a mere act of pleasure, and he was not in the mode for it. He stopped at the golden castle in Doff’s kingdom. Since Doff’s holy body was still strengthening the holy text of his kingdom, he only directed a small bit of consciousness to bow at Abel and did not say anything. “Doff, don’t mind me!” Abel waved and turned to the 4 holy bodies on the golden castle platform. His mission today was to fully destroy the souls in those bodies. There was only one body whose identity he was certain, the dwarves’ god of the mountain, the original owner of a part of Doff’s kingdom. Abel stepped towards its body and scanned with his power of will. Although the energy of the body did not increase, its faith did. Which meant a small part of the dwarves in the common world still had faith in the god of mountains. After all, traditions were hard to forget. And it was why gods were so scary. As long as someone still placed faith in them, they would be immortal. If they did not have enough faith, they would only fall into a slumber for accumulation. Once the accumulation reached a certain threshold, they would be reawakened again. Even without a holy Body, the god head would be able to form a new one. But it was just because this process took too long, some god might fall into eternal slumber. As Abel kept scanning the god of the mountain’s body, he realized it was a bit more powerful than Doff’s holy body. One of the biggest factors is its holy text. Abel didn’t know how those complicated holy texts were used, but Doff’s ones were much simpler in comparison. “If I can resurrect the god of mountain, maybe I can use those holy texts!” Abel thought to himself. With the goddess of the moon’s me this, he knew the god of mountain’s soul was extremely weak after going through countless years of draining in the Wizard Union’s underground chamber. That’s why even a half god like Abel could examine it. If the god of mountain’s defense was at full force, there was nothing Abel could do. It was also at that moment he realized why Wizard Dolan said he could only withdraw blood from the god of war’s body once in a long time. The wizard union was basically keeping those gods on the brink of death to guarantee the safety of their holy body. Such a pity, such powerful gods were being used as energy supply without even the freedom to die. “Gather!” Abel expanded his power of the will and faith around him gathered into a magic circle board. It was an extremely advanced move. The resources it would take to make something like this outside was scary, but he could do anything in Doff’s kingdom. All it took was a thought and large amounts of faith. The reason a kingdom could do this was bound by its core energy, which was also why no god would take their kingdom’s object outside. That would only damage it. Of course, a single magic circle board was not enough for Abel, so he continued tapping his fingers around. More faith gathered. This process was extremely draining, and there was no way Abel would do it if it was not necessary. Doff’s kingdom was huge, which meant the faith he needed to sustain it was also huge. After all, he did have 20 million dwarves, and the Battlecry Plateau was oddly embarrassing in comparison. As you know, every soul living in a god’s kingdom was the most faithful of the faithful, and their number was often tiny compared to the followers out in the common world. If it was not because of war, there was no way the god of the mountain would be able to get so wealthy. Since Doff’s original kingdom was still recovering from the Kingdom war, Abel did not hesitate and took out some holy crystals. He had a stable supply of holy crystals in the Dark World from his high elves, so he was not too worried.
Chapter 1402 - The Mountain God Chapter 1402 The Mountain God By the time the one hundred and eighty Magic Circles were created, the faith in Doff’s kingdom was already growing thin. But Abel did not care as he focused on the body of the Mountain Gods. The one hundred and eighty Magic Circles turned into a single large one. It was what destroyed the soul of gods, but there was not a name for it. It had been forbidden since the era of gods began, but the funny thing was that many gods knew very well how to use it. “Up!” Abel lowered his voice. Soon, the body of the Mountain God rose up, and arrived at the centre of the Circle. The Magic Circles had formed a Pentagram, but one that looked different from normal ones. According to the Goddess of the Moon, this Magic Circle also needed the support of six divine servants. Thus under Abel’s command, God Rank no.1, God Rank no.2, and God Rank no.3, God Rank no.4, Doff’s second body, and the angel body stood around the Magic Circle on each point of the pentagram. Abel gave the order, and the Summons unleashed their Power of the Will towards the God of the Mountain in the centre all at once. Abel himself was also busy. He reached out with the Dark Gold Dimension Force from his soul and formed a net around the circle. The gaps within the Dimension Force were so tiny the godhead could not escape. He had tried this before, so he was confident of the result. Dimension Force was the worst enemy of godheads, as it could perfectly destroy the future of gods. After all, dimension force was top level energy, and even godheads could only utilise a tiny bit to create a passage. There was no way the Mountain God could go against a large net of it, especially a Dark Gold one. Once everything was set, Abel gave the order, and a golden layer emerged from the bottom of the Magic Circle. Seeing that gold colour, Abel couldn’t help but look through his notes again to be sure. Indeed, a glowing layer should emerge after the six divine servants unleashed their Power of the Will. The colour of that layer would be determined by the rank of the servants, but Abel had not been expecting his God Rank Summons to form a gold layer. After all, it was highly unlikely that six God Ranks would contribute at once, considering how taboo this operation was. According to the notes, the soul would be weakened each time the glow scanned the holy body. This process would normally take a while, but considering Abel’s layer was gold in colour, a single pass should do the trick! The golden glow started to scan the Mountain God from his feet and slowly moved up. The Mountain God instinctively began to struggle, but the God-Binding Chain on him was restricting his movements. As the golden layer moved up, the struggles turned into small twitches and finally stopped. Abel leaned forward. What happened was very strange. Even though the Mountain Gods above was still struggling, the places where that golden layer had touched had immediately turned lifeless. “The Goddess of the Moon really knows her stuff!” Abel let out a breath of relief. He knew the Goddess of the Moon would not trick him, but resurrecting four gods was still a huge thing. He took a big risk to get them, and he might not be able to get any more. All the God Ranks around had learned their lesson after so many of them were killed by Abel, so it would be much harder. The God Ranks had always believed they were immortals, which led to a strong sense of arrogance, but what had happened had made them much more careful in their actions. The Mountain God suddenly opened his eyes and roared in fury, “I Curse you!” At that moment, the final bit of his soul turned into a black holy text and hurtled towards Abel. For a powerful god, dying in such humility would not be tolerated, even if their godhead could escape successfully. This attack would take the life of any half-god easily, especially considering how hard it was to stop a Curse. But it did not threaten Abel, because he had a layer of Dimension Force separating him from the Mountain God. As the black holy text slammed into the dimension force, a furious roar emerged with a furious yet pitiful face. S roa ren Just like that, the Mountain God’s final attack had failed, without even leaving a scratch on Abel. After all, they were in Doff’s Kingdom, and any other god’s energy would be suppressed. Unless the Mountain God’s body was many times more powerful, there was nothing he could do. By this point, the Mountain God was extremely weak, but even in his prime he was only a tiny bit more powerful than Doff. On the other hand, Doff’s Kingdom had merged with the Fire God and the Mountain God’s original kingdom, which had made him more powerful by conquest. Since the Mountain God gave up his last bit of soul to make an attack, the golden layer quickly reached the top of his body. It was also at that moment that his body became unstable and Faith began to sift out. The godhead instinctively planned for the worse and formed a dimensional passage to escape. Abel did not care, as he knew there was no way it could flee. Instead, he turned to the body with Faith leaking out. This was not what he wanted, but at the same time, he didn’t have the guts to enter his Dimension Force net, even in Doff’s kingdom. If he made even a tiny slit, the godhead might escape! But still, he had a back-up plan. He gave an order, and his angel body stepped forward with a Soul Potion. With a twist of the cap, it was poured into the Mountain God’s mouth. The Soul Potion immediately turned into a special energy and formed a new little soul in the holy body. Abel had his Power of the Will prepared, and he immediately sent out a contract to that weak little soul. Since he was the creator of that soul, it was basically impossible for it to reject the contract in its weak state. Meanwhile, a nail-size godhead appeared inside the golden net. It had lost its only chance of escaping, and Abel immediately grabbed it with his Power of the Will and retracted his Dark Gold Dimension Force. The soul contract was completed, but the soul was still extremely weak. The powerful holy body could crush it at any moment, so Abel arrived next to the Mountain God’s holy body with his angel body on the other side. The angel body poured another soul potion in, and the soul began to strengthen. It was at that moment that Abel sensed the godhead being attracted by the Mountain God’s holy body. Maybe it thought its original soul was still alive, and so it desired to return. Sincea godhead could only react out of instinct, it was really easy to trick! The godhead had inherited all capabilities of the Mountain God and a tiny bit of soul that reacted out of instinct. Since the Mountain God’s body was recovering, of course it wanted to go back! Abel hesitated, but a holy body without a godhead couldn’t really do much. At most, it would be one of those pseudo-God Ranks. Finally, he decided to let the godhead go, and it returned to the Mountain God’s forehead. The godhead silently entered the Mountain God, just like it was a part of Abel. Abel immediately examined the soul contract he had just signed and was connected to the Mountain God’s soul. The first thing he saw was a battle between the tiny bit of soul in the Mountain God’s godhead and the newly formed soul in the holy body. They were not the same soul at the end of the day, so one of them had to go! The winner was soon decided, as the new soul continued to get support from soul potions. It swallowed up the Mountain God’s original bit of soul in the godhead and finally the Mountain God regained his holy power. Three holy abilities were automatically mastered: ‘Lightning Hammer’, ‘Strong Armour’, and ‘Fire Control’. The ‘Lightning Hammer’ was a lightning holy spell. It could be used either as a single attack or a mass attack. The ‘Strong Armour’ was a dwarf-style armour formed by holy force; its strength was determined by the amount of holy force applied. Finally, ‘Fire Control’ was the control of fire through holy force. It was not for attacks, but was made for forging. “Fighting abilities!” Abel felt his heart lift. He had learned more about gods, and he knew a god would be a God of Battle even if it had even one fighting ability. Gods of Battle were the most powerful gods of the War of Gods, and the Mountain God had TWO fighting abilities, one for attack and one for defence. Perfect!
Chapter 1403 - Recalling Chapter 1403 Recalling The Mountain God opened his eyes. They were sparkling with the purest innocence, just like a newborn child. Abel smiled at him. He knew he had just earned himself another God Rank Summon, this time a God of Battle! But there was one disadvantage. Although the Mountain God was five meters tall, he still looked like a dwarf, so anyone would be able to recognise him. Moreover, his Divine Body was still extremely weak and it might not ever get back to full strength, especially since his original kingdom had already merged with Doff’s. Divine kingdoms could not be separated after merging, and Abel was not planning to do so. After all, he had interacted with Doff for much longer. Abel had another plan, but it just needed some time to prepare. “Mountain God, you can keep your name. You’ve been resurrected!” Abel smiled. The Mountain God’s gaze was still a little blurry. He still needed some time to learn, but that should not take long. Abel turned to the busy Doff and instructed him, “Doff, give the Mountain God access to your Kingdom. He will stay here to help you strengthen the holy texts. When you have time, teach him some basics!” “Yes, Master!’ Doff lowered his voice. The Mountain God quickly felt his body turning lighter. Since Doff gave him permission to stay, all the forces pressing onto him were lifted. He instinctively flashed over to Doff’s side. Although he did not know how to reply to Abel, he knew what Abel wanted him to do by his command. Doff’s main body was connected to the Mountain God, and the gods began to communicate through the Power of the Will. Doff transferred some knowledge over. Since the Mountain God’s soul was new, it knew almost nothing other than the three abilities in its godhead. At that moment, Abel also thought of another problem. Did the Mountain God have Relics scattered about? After all, he was fully naked after he was captured by the Wizard Union. If Abel wanted to cover him up, he would need to make some special clothes. He didn’t know if the Wizard Union had taken all of his Relics or they were passed around in the common world, but if they still recognised the Mountain God as their owner, he should be able to retrieve them. Thinking of that, Abel connected with the Mountain God’s soul again. This time he directly took control. Since he was its master, the godhead did not resist at all. The godhead was the core of a god, but it was also where the most important records were stored. Since a godhead was indestructible, it always acted as the final backup of a god. At the same time it was the seed for a soul to give a god a new life after their Divine Body was destroyed. The record of a godhead was the most powerful way for a god to wield their Faith. An example was the Mountain God’s Fire Control ability. Those who placed Faith in him could borrow this ability of his. Since it was highly attractive to blacksmith dwarves, the Mountain God would benefit and gain followers in return. Finally, the godhead had a record of some important memories, even though they were not as detailed as the Divine Body. The Mountain God would soon be able to recover those memories and his consciousness would grow alongside them. Abel wanted to find some information about Relics, but the Mountain God’s memories were much smaller than he expected. It seemed the Mountain God just didn’t care too much. Abel was surprised to see a whole record of holy texts. At first Abel thought they might have disappeared with the soul, but it seemed like the Mountain God had made a backup in his godhead. It made sense since he was a God of Battle. Abel withdrew that information, since the Mountain God in his current form could not understand anything that complicated. Abel could only transfer them to Doff and let him teach the reborn god. Almost no other god would fully open themselves up to another god like this, but as Abel’s Summons, they had unreserved trust for each other. Soon after, Abel found some information about Relics. The Mountain God had two Relics that corresponded with his two fighting abilities. The Relic called the Lightning Hammer, which was made for his ability of the same name. The Relic called the Mountain Armour had likewise been made for his strong Armour ability. With those records, Abel began to Summon those Relics back through the Mountain God’s soul. Although the Mountain God’s original soul was gone, his new soul was still cultivated by the same Divine Body, so there shouldn’t be a problem. After all, it was just like an instinct. Abel had made Relics before, although it was through Doff’s hands. He knew how to bring them back. With the command, an invisible energy of the soul directly travelled through space and connected to those Relics. — In the giant display room of the Wizard Union headquarters… This was the place where the Wizard Union kept the weapons of the most powerful beings who had fallen at their hands. Elite Wizard Kayan was the one on guard, someone who always took pride in his work. The things around represented the might of the Wizard Union on display. When he was carefully cleaning the weapons as usual, noise suddenly emerged from the main hall. It was a group of young wizards laughing and chatting. From time to time, the Wizard Union would organise some excursions for young wizards to educate them about the state of the world. “Silence!’ Wizard Kayan lowered his voice and the young wizards quieted down. He was very proud of his serious demeanor, and he was experienced when it came to dealing with youngsters. “These are the work of us wizards and clearly show where we came from. As time went on, powerful enemies fell at our hands one by one, which is what eventually allowed us to stand here. You should respect everything around you!” he lectured them. “Yes!” the young wizards bowed. Just as Wizard Kayan was reaching the peak of his proud speech, a five-meter tall suit of armour suddenly sparkled in gold. “What is that?” The young wizards were horrified and couldn’t stop screaming, no matter how hard Wizard Kayan tried to calm them down. Wizard Kayan turned quickly, but the armour was slowly melting away. As a guardian, he knew very well what the armour was made out of. He quickly recalled the recent rumours which the Wizard Union had tried to conceal. Four holy bodies had been stolen, and many wizards had seen who those gods were. One of them was the Mountain God, and that was the Mountain God’s Mountain Armour! ‘We are in big trouble!’, he thought to himself, and immediately triggered his alert without caring about the young wizards. The giant armour quickly disappeared without a trace. The magic Circles around were totally useless. — At the same time, a giant black Hammer under the royal dwarves’ palace in the Furnace Fort also began to sparkle with gold. na The dwarves who saw it happen immediately ran over. King Dunba arrived in front of the pedestal where the Hammer had been placed. By that point only a faint silhouette was left. “The great Mountain God has been resurrected!” King Dunba intoned in shock. He didn’t know how he should act, because he didn’t know what the Mountain God’s resurrection would mean to the dwarves. The Mountain God was not the God of Fire, but he was once the most powerful guardian of the dwarves and was only captured by the Wizard Union while protecting the dwarves. For countless years the Mountain God’s followers had not been able to reach him, and they had always thought he was killed. Therefore, the Mountain God became a mere record of the dwarves’ spirit, without any actual followers. “Gather the dwarf elites in the main temple!” King Dunba called out as he disappeared from the spot. He didn’t know it was Abel’s doing, but he knew he should still let the Relic return to its rightful owner!. — Soon, the two Relics disregarded time and space, reappearing on the Mountain God’s body. With the Mountain Armour fitting perfectly and the black Lightning Hammer on his back, strange holy words began to move around on their surfaces. “All this god needs now is a Kingdom!” Abel sighed. Although the Mountain God should recover his physical power soon, his power would always be limited without a Divine Kingdom. A god’s Kingdom was their most powerful weapon. It was a place where they had full control over Faith and followers, and any enemy would be suppressed within it. Although sacrificing five hundred holy crystals was simple for Abel, forming a new Kingdom was still extremely hard with the Wizard Union ruling the world. If Doff had not had the support of the dragons, he wouldn’t have been able to complete the process. The dynamics of the world had changed a lot after the Wizard Union having more than ten God Rank wizards got involved. Most importantly, the Mountain God did not have any followers, and forming his Kingdom in the Battlecry Plateau would limit his chance to gain any new followers in the future. All of a sudden, Abel had no idea what to do!
Chapter 1404 - React Chapter 1404 React As Abel was still stressing about a new Kingdom, all the dwarf elites were gathered in the golden royal palace of the Furnace Fort. King Dunba looked around and spoke in a deep voice, “Everyone, the great Mountain God’s Relic, the Lightning Hammer, has just been recalled!” “The great Mountain God has been resurrected!” Wizard Hutton gasped. The other dwarves were also stunned. As the dwarves’ spiritual support, the Mountain God’s stories were woven all throughout the dwarves’ legends. W Most of those dwarves had grown up listening to those glorified stories. The dwarves had tried their best to preserve their culture despite the Wizard Union’s rules, and the current king had also continued with this tradition. It was why the dwarves had remained united, even standing apart from the Wizard Union. As for why they had promoted the Mountain God instead of the God of Fire, it was the genius idea of King Dunba. The God of Fire had still been alive not long ago, so the Wizard Union would think they were still being faithful like the elves if they promoted him. Considering how many wizard dwarves there were, this was not acceptable. Furthermore, the God of Fire was nothing legendary. He did not sacrifice himself for the dwarves like the Mountain God had! In fact, he was a selfish bastard who kept the blacksmiths to himself! The dwarves were not important to the God of Fire. He only cared about those who brought him benefits. Therefore, the dwarves did not care about him in return. However, King Dunba’s education plan was backfiring at this moment. It was normal for the dwarves to be happy considering the greatness of the Mountain God, but what would the Wizard Union do? “Majesty Dunba, please order the dwarves to place their Faith in the Mountain God. His resurrection needs our help!” Wizard Banyan called out. “Majesty, please!” Wizard Hutton also bowed. More and more dwarves bowed, and Wizard Far could only exchange a helpless gaze with King Dunba. “Everyone, if we really put Faith in the Mountain God, the Wizard Union will immediately start to make a move on us!” King Dunba said grimly. Wizard Banyan took this very seriously and replied, “Majesty, do you think the Wizard Union is treating us well right now?” The Wizard Union had basically sent five thousand worker dwarves to die, and more would continue to die if Abel hadn’t stood up for them. This pained the heart of every dwarf! The dwarves gave their all to the Wizard Union, and they had all ended up as mere tools. “Majesty, everyone, I have an idea!” Wizard Far knew King Dunba was in a tough spot, so he spoke up quickly. Since he was the only legendary dwarf, everyone immediately went silent. “Fara, tell us about it!” King Dunba nodded. “First, we cannot hide the fact that the Mountain God was resurrected, because it will only be a matter of time before he appears in the common world!” Wizard Fara pointed out to them. He knew King Dunba wanted to keep this a secret, so he warned him it was not possible. “But at the same time, us dwarves are a part of the Wizard Union. No matter how little they care about us, they are too powerful for us to mess with, so ordering the dwarves to place their Faith is also not realistic. If the Wizard Union really decides to make a move on us, we will be in even greater trouble!” Wizard Far continued. “Then what’s your plan?” Wizard Banyan was not satisfied as he spoke up in return. “We will just tell everyone the Mountain God has been resurrected, and let them decide if they want to place their Faith or not. We will not convince them or discourage them!” Wizard Fara stated firmly. “Good idea, then we will have an easier time explaining to the Wizard Union!” King Dunba nodded. He really wanted to conceal what had happened, but looking at the way those dwarves reacted, proceeding might affect their trust in him. King Dunba’s education plan had worked far too well, as even the dwarf elites were affected. At this moment King Dunba felt like he had dug himself a hole, so he had to agree with Wizard Fara. All the other dwarves nodded, and Wizard Fara’s plan proceeded. —— Meanwhile, Wizard Smith left the Howling Castle and returned to the Wizard Union headquarters. As soon as he stepped inside, he heard about what happened to the Mountain Armour. Therefore, he had to discuss with other God Rank wizards. “The Mountain God has been resurrected! There is no other way that Mountain Armour would be recalled!”Wizard Smith told them all grimly. “The Mountain God? No way, he was locked up for so many years, and his soul was badly injured. Even with large amounts of Faith, he couldn’t recover for hundreds of years!” Wizard Hawthorn shook his head. Wizard McPhee had a strange thought. “Didn’t Headmaster Abel bring his Divine Body away? Could Headmaster Abel be the one that resurrected him?” “Considering how many holy crystals he stole from the Holy Kingdom, it shouldn’t be long until the Mountain God fully recovers!” Wizard Smith added. “No matter what, the Mountain God has already recovered a decent amount of strength, else he wouldn’t be able to recall his Hammer!’ Wizard Mosley interjected. “Tell the Investigation Department to get to work!” Wizard McPhee suggested. “But they are still recovering, and getting information from the Battlecry Plateau is not easy!” Wizard Hawthorn pointed out carefully. What had happened to the Investigation Department could definitely affect the Wizard Union’s ruling. That was especially true since the Analysis Spirit was responsible for most of their work, so now they could only do things manually, which was much slower! “We don’t have a good plan right now, so let’s just wait for the Mountain God to make a move first. He is still not powerful enough to affect us!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. The Wizard Union was very powerful, but finding a god in hiding was still very challenging, especially one protected by Abel and the dragons! “Also pay more attention to the dwarves to see if the Mountain God returns!” Wizard Hawthorn agreed. “The dwarves don’t have anyone powerful on their side. As soon as there is a problem, we will make a move!” Wizard Smith stated firmly. Although the God Rank wizards did not come up with a unanimous conclusion, they all knew one thing: this was all Abel’s doing! But they had just learned a huge lesson messing with Abel, so picking another fight wouldn’t be wise. That was especially true if the Mountain God was also on Abel’s side, he would have six God Rank powers on his side. If the four God Rank dragons also came for support, their power would match the Wizard Union! In addition, God Rank dragons were normally more powerful than God Rank wizards in a one on one battle! Still, the Wizard Union was not totally helpless. They doubled down on their messages to urge more God Rank wizards to return, especially their president. ———– Abel took the God-Binding Chain off the Mountain God and put it into his Portal Bag. Afterwards, he turned his attention to the other three holy bodies. He was not planning to resurrect them without knowing who they were. Since he would basically kill the god’s soul in the process, he at least wanted to know who they were! Having reached this point, he took out the Spirit Connection Circle and activated it. The Moon Goddess appeared and smiled at him. “Headmaster Abel!” “Moon Goddess, do you have some information about the gods of the past?” Abel asked her without hesitation. “Are you talking about the ones you snatched from the Wizard Union?” the Moon Goddess asked, still smiling. She had already suspected that ever since Abel asked her about getting rid of the souls of gods. She had suppressed her curiosity back then, but it was way too obvious at this point. The fact that the Wizard Union had the bodies of gods was no secret. Even the God Alliance knew about it. “Yes, I took four Divine Bodies from the Wizard Union!” Abel replied honestly. “That’s hard to believe! You not only stole a Divine Body from the Wizard Union headquarters, but four of them?” The Moon Goddess was in disbelief. The Wizard Union was extremely powerful, and was the reason why she never had the will to leave her kingdom. But since even the mighty Wizard Union had taken such a big loss, the fear in her heart subsided. The fall of the Era of Gods had created an immense fear of wizards among all the living gods. This was the case even though no wizard above the legendary rank had emerged for thousands of years. “I could only recognise one of these gods, can you help me with the other ones?” Abel asked her sincerely. He was close to the Moon Goddess since the Moon Goddess had helped him during his weakest times. Also, his relationship with Lorraine and the elves was not something he would forget, either!. “Yes, Headmaster Abel, but if you get the Divine Body of an elven god, please don’t destroy their soul and return the body to the elves!” the Moon Goddess requested as she transferred some images through the Spirit Connection Circle. “Moon Goddess. I don’t have any elven gods!” Abel shook his head. “Headmaster Abel, there are many more Divine Bodies under the Wizard Union’s headquarters, so I just hope you can return the elven gods’ Divine Bodies when you get one in the future!” the Moon Goddess bowed to him.
Chapter 1405 - Resurrect Again Chapter 1405 Resurrect Again Abel looked through the information provided by the Moon Goddess and roughly figured out the identity of these gods. The fully naked female god was the Goddess of the Hunt. She had the force of nature like the Moon Goddess, but she was a human and her followers were humans as well. Afterwards, Abel began the resurrection process on her without hesitation. Although the Goddess of the Hunt was naked, the sacred Aura of her body would destroy any dirty thoughts one might have. Still, Abel took out the Dark World Rune Armour ‘Secret’ to cover her up. It was not a powerful set of Armour, but it did the trick. Abel directed her body towards the centre of the pentagon. Since he was in his Kingdom, he could move anything, no matter how big it was. Her soul took almost no time to destroy. After so many years of torture, her soul have lost the will to go on long ago. Abel had no idea why the Mountain God had reacted so violently, while the Goddess of the Hunt did not move even a single bit. Actually the way the Goddess of the Hunt reacted should be the norm. The Mountain God was special because he had more than twenty million dwarves in his Kingdom. He also acted as the spiritual support for the dwarves, which had allowed his soul to be well preserved. After the Goddess of the Hunt’s soul was fully destroyed by the golden glow, her godhead flew out and Abel smoothly took hold of it. What came after was just as smooth, from cultivating a new soul to signing a soul contract, and sending the godhead back. Abel retracted his Dimension Force and stepped back to the Goddess of the Hunt’s side with a smile on his face. Just like that, he had gained two God Rank Summons. His rewards from raiding the Wizard Union headquarters really were good! These resurrected gods would serve him well if he really broke away from the Wizard Union. As for that Analysis Spirit, he could disclose all the evil things the Wizard Union had done, which would cause a huge uproar in the continents. Home very, Abel was not planning to do that since that would only benefit the Holy Kingdom. Abel connected to the Goddess of the Hunt through her new soul to examine her abilities. There were four! ‘Thorn Protection’ was a defensive ability that created thorns for protection. ‘Target’ allowed her to never miss an attack, even at long range. ‘Momentum’ allowed her to accumulate power for an ultimate strike. The longer one accumulated, the more powerful the strike would be. The final ability was called ‘Natural Protection’, which was a natural bond with nature. Anyone with this ability would not be attacked by natural beings no matter what, which was what made the Goddess of the Hunt most attractive to hunters. However, what Abel was excited about the most was the long range targeting ability! He then began to examine the memories in the Goddess of the Hunt’s godhead. To his surprise, she actually had a Kingdom and the location was marked in the godhead! It seemed like she had planned for the worse as well, just like the Mountain God! This was the best Abel could hope for. With a corresponding Kingdom, the Goddess of the Hunt would regain her true power, even if she didn’t have many followers After all, a god without a Divine Kingdom, like the Mountain God, would need constant support from Abel. That was especially true if he was badly injured, as the only way to recover was through holy crystals. Abel had a lot of holy crystals, but constantly using them for recovery would still be expensive. After Abel marked down the location of the Kingdom of the Hunt, he continued to look through the other information. The Goddess of the Hunt had a list of recorded holy objects, but most of them were no longer reachable. Perhaps they were destroyed or had been taken over. The only ones he could still connect with were the ‘Hunting Bow’, and some Faith-spreading Relics. It was not too hard to imagine why. Many other gods thought the Goddess of the Hunt had fallen into an eternal slumber, so it was normal for them to get greedy. For those weaker Relics, it was also a possibility that the Wizard Union had figured out a way to take control of them. “Recall!” Abel commanded as he connected with the Goddess of the Hunt’s soul. — At that moment, a team of women hunters was roaming through a forest, clad in full sets of armour and wielding bows. Their movements were graceful, but just the fact that they had managed to stay alive at such a deserted place was surprising enough. The leading female hunter had a strange bow in her hand. It was fully transparent, much like crystals, and even the arrows attached to it were the same. She made a gesture and ordered, “Get ready!” She pulled on her bow and an invisible arrow appeared on it. The other huntresses followed suit, but their bows were normal ones. Their target was a group of deer. As soon as their leader ordered them to fire, they would be ready to kill. But suddenly, the crystal longbow in the leader’s hand began to fade. “Ah” another huntress gasped as she saw what had happened and the deer immediately noticed them. They quickly ran away; their hunt was a failure. However, that huntress was not disappointed. In fact, she was filled with excitement because she knew what this signified! “The great Goddess of the Hunt has returned!” Passion sparked in her eyes as she called out with her knees on the ground. She was filled with joy. They had been waiting in this deserted forest for way too long, just for this moment. “Let’s go back, we have to let everyone know!” She told the others firmly after she regained her calm. —— The team no longer cared about their prey as they sped back through the forest. After passing by a few mountains, they arrived at a hidden valley. There were some wooden houses around, and in the centre was a finely maintained stone temple. It was a little smaller than normal churches. The people here had deliberately made it hard to notice. There was not a single man in the valley. They were all women, and they were all followers of the Goddess of the Hunt. Ever since the Goddess of the Hunt had been captured by the Wizard Union, her preachers and followers had hidden here. In order to keep the Goddess of the Hunt’s spirit alive, they had built a temple and settled down. They had adopted the Goddess of the Hunt’s beliefs and taken in abandoned women. They would then train them to become huntresses and teach them about the Goddess of the Hunt. Living was very hard without the Goddess of the Hunt’s ability to support them, yet these women had still managed to keep their faith in the Goddess of the Hunt. However, there were only around a hundred of them, so the faith they produced was barely enough for the Goddess of the Hunt. “The great Goddess of the Hunt has been resurrected, she had reclaimed her hunting bow!” the huntresses cheered as they ran in. All the other huntresses immediately gazed at her with sparkling eyes. No one else knew how hard their lives were without the protection of the Goddess of the Hunt. As they cheered, tears rolled down their cheeks. As the atmosphere intensified, they almost lost themselves. “The great Goddess of the Hunt, please give us your protection. I want to be one with nature again!” an old female hunter began to sing with a raspy voice. Her face was stern as she sang with confidence. Soon, a thick stream of Faith appeared on the Goddess of the Hunt’s body up on the Battlecry Plateau. Abel was stunned, as it had only been a few minutes since the Goddess of the Hunt had been resurrected. ds Even though the Goddess of the Hunt was locked up for thousands of years, she still had such faithful followers alive?! Compared to the Mountain God, it was like night and day! The faithfulness of the Goddess of the Hunt’s followers almost allowed her to directly godsend. Of course, Abel would not miss this chance, so he immediately connected to the stream. Soon, he knew what the prayers they were requesting. It was so simple; he directly ordered the godhead to react if there were similar requests in the future. — A green glow filled with strange energy appeared on the old huntress. The strange energy came from Abel’s Potion of longevity and ageing. Although they were valuable, Abel had more than enough ingredients growing in the Dark World. Considering how faithful those followers were, Abel was not going to be cheap! Indeed, he was already thinking of them as his own followers, and he was always good to his people. The old huntress felt like she was washed over by a warm bath. Her white hair immediately returned to its original golden hue, and her skin regained its moisture. Even her eyes began to sparkle. The Natural Protection then formed a green glow below her, just as if she was a forest elf. “The great Goddess of the Hunt did not forget about us, and we will always recognise her as our only god!” the old huntress cheered. Seeing what had happened, the dozens of other huntresses dropped to their knees and began to sing the ancient prayers again. Holy power suddenly covered the area and a green glow appeared below every one of them, while the injured huntresses began to heal!
Chapter 1406 - Banished Kingdom Chapter 1406 Banished Kingdom All of a sudden, Abel was getting overwhelmed by how many requests were coming in. But it was still only a few hundred followers, so he ignited his World Stone and Druid Soul to take care of the matter. The old regained their youth, and the injured regained their health. Those huntresses were not professionals, even though they spent their lives fighting. Taking normal knights as an example: even the most powerful commander was only as powerful as an intermediate wizard, and an intermediate wizard could be killed by the most powerful wizards with just a thought. Abel liked those huntresses because of their loyalty, and they were all faithful enough to directly enter his Kingdom. At first Abel couldn’t understand how they remain so faithful even after thousands of years of being totally hopeless, but now he did. It was the Relic, the Hunting Bow. He gazed at the bow. It was fully invisible now, and it had expanded to fit the Goddess of the Hunt’s five-meter-tall body. —— After Abel answered all the requests from those faithful huntresses, he did not resurrect the other gods immediately. Instead, he decided to go find the Goddess of the Hunt’s Kingdom and take over its operation. This way, the souls of those faithful followers would have a place to turn to once something happened. It was what a god was supposed to do for their faithful followers. Even with the Natural Protection, Abel was worried about those weak huntresses living in such a dangerous forest. “Fire Tooth, get ready!” Abel scanned the sky with his Power of the Will and ignited his Battle Fort. He put his five God Rank Summons back in the Monster Ring and retracted his angel body. This time he didn’t know what kind of trouble he would run into, so he would need enough power. —— Abel brought the Goddess of the Hunt out of Doff’s Kingdom in a flash of light, and arrived inside the Fire Tooth. He soon found his destination in the Fire Tooth’s operation room. It was a three thousand meter long valley filled with trees called the Harvey Valley. The environment around was very harsh, with large amounts of poisonous bugs and plants. It was basically impossible for normal hunters to enter. Considering how fast the Fire Tooth was, Abel arrived in only an hour and connected with the Goddess of the Hunt through their souls to unleash her energy. But as the Goddess of the Hunt’s energy expanded around them, Abel was soon disappointed. If her Kingdom was indeed around, it would be attracted to her. Both his Fire Tooth and the godhead’s markings should be correct, so something might have happened. After all, it had been thousands of years, and not all Kingdoms could sustain themselves with large numbers of followers like the Mountain God’s Kingdom had. Abel didn’t know what the Goddess of the Hunt’s Kingdom was like, and nothing was documented in her soul. But just when Abel was thinking of giving up, his World Stone noticed a tiny energy. It was so tiny, he knew he would have missed it without the World Stone. “It’s there!” Abel felt his heart lift. No matter what, a Kingdom was a Kingdom! He didn’t know if he would cause a huge chaos in the Central Continent if he created another Kingdom. The biggest problem right now was how he could enter the Kingdom. If it was possible, its energy should allow them entry. If it was a Kingdom that even its owner could not enter, Abel also wouldn’t be able to. Abel looked ahead, knowing the empty space in front of him was where the Kingdom was. He summoned his five God Rank Summons, and they lined up next to him as he reached his Dark Gold Dimension Force out. It had the thinness of a hair, and its ability to cut was more powerful than anything in this world. Every space that it touched was sliced open, including the Kingdom’s dimensional wall. No matter how powerful a Kingdom’s hiding ability was, a thing like his Force would be a nightmare. Abel’s Power of the Will then wrapped around his Summons and the Goddess of the Hunt, with a Flash Move spell pattern prepared. As the Dark Gold Dimension Force continued, a crack was opened in the barrier ahead In that split second, Abel caught a glimpse of another dimension. With a wave, he and his Summons disappeared in a flash. The special thing about Flash-Moving was that it could bring the spell caster to any place the Power of the Will touched, despite the barriers in between. Just like that, Abel entered the other dimension. — Abel soon realised he was in a sphere with a radius of five miles. In addition to the white fog engulfing the place, there was a destroyed temple. He knew the white fog was the original substance of the Kingdom, but normal Divinie Kingdoms were still much bigger than this one, or at least they would be less deserted. It was a pity just to look at it, as there was literally nothing other than the Kingdom left. But things were not all bad. As soon as the Goddess of the Hunt entered, Abel sensed through the soul chain that she was in control. That destroyed temple was the main temple of the Kingdom, where the most important operation controls were. If the temple had fully disintegrated, the Kingdom would have started to fade away. Luckily, Abel had come in time. The Kingdom was badly damaged, but it was not hopeless. Most of the walls outside the temple have fallen and there was a lot of damage to the ceiling as well. If it was outside, it would collapse with a single stray wind. Since the core of this temple was still intact, some faithful souls still remained within it. As Abel stepped into the temple, he saw a hundred followers, but their bodies were all looking extremely faint, like they had died many times. You could say the Kingdom was only enduring due to the Faith those followers produced. “My great lord, you have returned!” a woman gasped, despite her fading body and soul. Abel ordered the Goddess of the Hunt to give him control over the temple as he took out fifty holy crystals. It was not the time to hesitate. Once those hundred followers faded, the Kingdom wouldn’t last for long. The holy crystals turned into golden Faith and began to replenish the Kingdom. Half of it began to repair the main temple. The other half was divided into a hundred portions and entered those followers to repair their bodies and souls. No god would normally do this for fading followers, since it was not worth the cost,but Abel didn’t care. These hundred followers might be the Goddess of the Hunt’s last followers in her Kingdom! A fiery passion lit up on those followers’ faces. They had been even more desperate than the huntresses outside! They were not the only followers of the Kingdom before the Wizard Union captured the Goddess of the Hunt. There had been tens of thousands of them, large amounts of buildings and many holy servants. But considering holy servants all needed a set amount of Faith to sustain themselves and they were normally the last ones to die, these followers were no longer enough and they began to absorb the Faith from the constructions and the core of the Kingdom. Followers had been dying off one by one, yet their souls would soon be reborn and the process took even more Faith. It was a horrible cycle, and many of their souls eventually faded. Soon, the holy servants also began to die. Therefore, the hundred followers in the temple might be the only ones left. They had no choice, as there were no more things left anyway. In order to keep themselves sustained, the followers prayed night and day to keep their Faith, which had prolonged the process. Still, their souls grew weak as the Kingdom shrank. The fifty holy crystals were drained. The size of the Kingdom remained the same, but there was no need for it to get any bigger with so few followers left, anyway. — Soon, the Kingdom was no longer filled with fog. A sky appeared above and buildings began to spring up from the ground. Abel was not planning to design anything fancy. He created a simple city with the capacity to fit ten thousand people. The leftover places were grass fields. This way, he could save the most amount of Faith. With the Goddess of the Hunt’s current capability, she would not be able to fill up this city in the near future regardless. What came after was much more important! With a thought, a Teleportation Circle appeared in the newly repaired temple. The Circle was created by the Kingdom’s energy, yet it would work just like normal ones.
Chapter 1407 - Ice Land Chapter 1407 Ice Land Meanwhile, on the Battlecry Plateau far away… Doff the War God was still interacting with the Mountain God as he grew his holy texts. After he received the order from Abel, he waved and a new Teleportation Circle appeared in the Golden Castle Temple. Both Faith-driven Teleportation Circles were ignited simultaneously and Abel sent Doff the location through the soul chain. No god had ever had the guts to build a Teleportation Circle in their Divine Kingdom, since that would expose its location, so this was the first time. After all, a Divine Kingdom was their most powerful life-saver, and even the closest gods would not disclose their location to one another. However, that was not true with Abel’s Summons! Of course, Abel was also just experimenting, even though he was very confident. Although he had never seen a Teleportation Circle in a god’s Kingdom, it didn’t mean it was impossible. Abel felt his heart settle. At least now travelling between Kingdoms would be much easier, especially since he might acquire more in the future! “Goddess of the Hunt, go back with me to learn something, then you can return here!” Abel put the Firetooth back in his Portal Bag and vanished through the Teleportation Circle with the Goddess of the Hunt. As for the Goddess of the Hunt’s Kingdom, she would need some holy skills to manage it. Still, with a hundred followers in her Kingdom, she was at a better place than the Mountain Gods. If the Mountain God made a move, he would need to drain his own holy power and let Abel to replenish it. But the Goddess of the Hunt could recover by herself using her own Kingdom. Most importantly, as her Kingdom grew, her future was also much brighter. – – – Abel reappeared in Doff’s Kingdom, very happy that it had actually worked. He then ordered the Goddess of the Hunt to follow Doff, just like the Mountain God was. Seeing the gods starting to interact, Abel turned to the remaining Divine Bodies and picked a god called the Ice God. According to the Moon Goddess, he was a god with power over ice. He had lived in the coldest north of the central continent, where even wizards wouldn’t dare to live. Abel brought out his five Summons and his angel body again to form the pentagon, with the Ice God in the center this time. Golden light sparked again, and flashed towards the Ice God. As soon as they made contact, the Ice God began to twitch crazily, his struggles even stronger than the Mountain God’s had been. Abel hesitated. The Goddess of the Hunt had not even made a move, and the Mountain God was the most powerful god of the dwarves, who had just lost his Kingdom, so it made sense that he had a bunch of souls preserved. But what about this Ice God? According to the documents, the Ice God’s territory was not inhabited by humans, so where did he get his Faith? But no matter what, it was still bound by the God-Binding Chain and it had been drained by the Wizard Union for countless years. It had no chance of escaping. The soul-destroying process was extremely slow, but Abel was not desperate. Waiting a bit to get a powerful god was definitely worth it! As the Ice God’s soul slowly faded, his twitching only increased. His body was basically spinning around energetically. Still, he was helpless. Finally, a howl of agony emerged as his soul was fully destroyed. Since had Abel learned his lesson from the Mountain God, he ordered his Summons to fully suppress the Ice God so he couldn’t unleash a final attack. After all, these were no ordinary powerful figures, so Abel wouldn’t let his guard down. — After everything settled down, Abel grabbed the captured godhead and retracted his Dimension Force. When it came to knowledge on godheads, Abel was definitely not lacking. After all, he had probably seen more godheads than any god! Afterwards, it was the same soul recreation, soul control, soul potion strengthening, and godhead re-entering process. When the final seed of will in the godhead was swallowed, the Ice God was Abel’s newest Summon! After going through this so many times, Abel was now numb to it. He was more curious about the Ice God’s abilities. Suddenly, he stopped. From afar, a huge stream of Faith emerged, and immense Faith rushed into the holy body to repair its long years of damage. The fact that the Goddess of the Hunt still had followers after thousands of years was shocking enough, but this Ice God was the case as well? The loyalty of those followers were far beyond what he had imagined, and this stream of Faith was probably here all along, considering how big it was. Abel only noticed it once he was connected to the Ice God’s soul. The greatness of gods was hard to imagine in the Era of Wizards, but they were indeed powerful! Abel noticed that the river of Faith was formed by five thousand smaller streams, which meant the Ice God had more than five thousand loyal followers. He was very curious about what was keeping them so faithful. But as soon as he began to examine it, his jaw dropped. His followers were not human; in fact, they were an intelligent life form called snow apes! Abel had never even heard of them! Their bodies were fully white in color and they lived around a frozen lake. It was cold, but they loved the temperature. The weirdest thing was that they were much smarter than normal apes, even though they were not as smart as humans. Abel sensed the frozen energy within their cores, which meant they were all spiritual beasts. Through the eyes of a snow ape, Abel saw that they were praying around a white Staff. Abel immediately knew it was a Relic. Maybe it was the final card of the Ice God, placing so much hope on intelligent beings other than humans. Afterwards, Abel proceeded to examine the Ice God’s godhead. The Ice God only had one ability: Ice Mastery! However, this Ice Mastery was much more powerful than the Mountain God’s Fire Control. It could be used as attack or defence through the manipulation of ice elements! At the same time, it could be used to attract Faith, since every one of his followers could get a different ice ability depending on the amount of their Faith. Therefore, this single skill of Ice God was actually just as effective as gods with multiple skills. In fact, it even allowed him to be more focused on a single thing. Most importantly, it also meant the Ice God was a God of Battle! Abel then began to examine the memories in the godhead and found some more things about the Ice Staff and those snow apes. The Ice God looked like a human, but he was actually an ice ape as well! He had eaten a heavenly treasure during the Era of Gods and obtained extraordinary intelligence. After countless hassles, he recreated his snow ape body when he became a god and obtained a human Divine Body. This was similar to Doff, who had been a Beamon before he became a god. Still, for some reason the Ice God did not trust humans, although his godhead did not record why. Therefore, he only had snow apes as followers, and he left his Ice Staff with them before his final battle. Moreover, the Ice Staff was created from his own ability. It allowed the snow apes to unleash ice abilities even when he was not around. Although it was not as powerful, it allowed the snow apes to thrive, building on top of their already cold-resistant bodies. Everything the Ice God did was for the snow apes, and they had remained loyal to him in return. Even after thousands of years, no snow ape had ever grown to be as powerful as the Ice God, and the Ice God stories were bone-deep to them. Even if Abel had not resurrected the Ice God, those snow apes would have been as faithful to the Ice God in their extremely isolated and frozen home to the day the Wizard Union fell. After Abel knew what was happening to the Ice Staff, he decided not to retrieve it. It was basically the ice apes’ Relic. Although they were smarter than normal spiritual beasts, Abel didn’t know if they would go mad if the Ice Staff suddenly vanished. Since the followers of Abel’s Summons were his followers, he cared about what happened to them. With a command, the Ice God granted the pious apes the true Ice Control ability through the river of Faith!
Chapter 1408 - Extreme Cold Chapter 1408 Extreme Cold (Editor’s Note: As of this chapter, we will be using American English, as is the standard for ReadNovelFull.) A snow ape elder in a large frozen cave opened his eyes. His gaze was filled with disbelief. He gazed at the blue glow that just appeared beside him. It was much more powerful than any that he had seen in the past. With a wave of his arm, an ice crystal armor appeared upon him, along with a giant frozen staff. Soon, he began to roar and wave around the long staff excitedly. The other snow apes also stopped praying when they noticed something different. Some began to howl, while others began to roll around like children. They knew their god had returned! Unlike many faithful, their loyalty lay in their blood. Only the most powerful snow apes would pass down their genes, and back in the day the Ice God was an extremely powerful snow ape. All the snow apes around had inherited his genes, which made them immensely loyal. This was something no other god had achieved, since telling a group of spiritual beasts to become their followers was impossible. Even forcing them to become Summoned creatures was more plausible. Abel continued to examine the Ice God’s godhead and learned even more. The frozen terrain was the home of the Ice God’s faithful. It was not as lively as the other areas, and not many people dared to enter due to its icy nature. This had been the case even during the Era of Gods. Naturally, the Ice God’s Divine Realm was also just above them! Abel did not wait, he immediately dragged his Summons and the Ice God along on his Fire Tooth and headed out. With a precise location, the Fire Tooth flew at full speed. Abel knew very well that those gods would not have the will to go through all the torture from the Wizard Union if they did not still have their Kingdom or other backups. After all, those gods were a threat to the Wizard Union, and they would get rid of them all if they could! —— After passing some huge mountain ranges, the temperature began to drop and the ground around started to turn white. Still, they were only at the outer range of the north, and he could occasionally see powerful ice wizards around. But soon enough life forms began to get scarcer, and finally even the plants began to get rare. Everything around became white, and it was filled with an eerie and still atmosphere. Of course, that was only what it seemed on the surface. A different form of life was actually taking place underground! Below the thick layer of ice there were streams of running water. Although the temperature was extreme as well, life forms such as fish still managed to survive. That was also where the snow apes dwelled. Abel sensed their presence as soon as his Fire Tooth passed above. However he was not planning to interfere with them, as he connected with the Ice God’s soul. Soon the Fire Tooth was attracted to another dimension. According to the Ice God’s soul, it was where his Divine Kingdom was located! – – – As soon as Abel entered it, he saw another frozen world down below. There were many ice houses, and in the center of the place was a huge temple. It had to be the main temple. The entire thing was like an ice statue, yet it looked like it was made from the purest white jade. Two huge snow apes were standing by the gate, and Abel sensed a divine power about them. They had to be divine servants. Abel quickly sensed more than that. Their bloodline was so intense that they had to be the direct offspring of the Ice God! “My great lord, you have returned!” The two guardian snow apes immediately dropped to their knees and bowed, tears in their eyes. As the two snow apes called out, more and more snow apes streamed out of their icy homes. There were three hundred thousand of them in total, and they all got down on their knees with immense Faith surging out from their bodies. The Ice God soaked up their Faith like a sponge, and his Divine Body began to grow. In scarcely an instant, he reached the standard five meters in height! Indeed, the crazy amount of Faith in his Kingdom was the fastest way for the Ice God to return to form. Abel was not worried about those snow apes discovering how different the Ice God was, including those divine servants. Gods normally didn’t need to do much in their Kingdom. All they needed was to be there and his followers would be happy. That was especially true since all those snow apes seemed to be functioning fine, even without the Ice God being around for several thousand years. The two divine servants had always used their ice crystal staves to stay in contact with the snow apes in the faithful grounds. It was why they had not migrated, even after thousands of years. Therefore, they had never had a crisis of faith. As soon as a snow ape died, their soul would ascend to the Divine Kingdom to live forever. Considering how isolated their faithful ground was, it was also the safest place for them! Back in the Era of Gods, almost nobody knew that the Ice God’s followers were snow apes.As long as the Ice God kept that fact a secret, even the Wizard Union would have a hard time finding out. It was why they were never able to end the Ice God’s worship, even after capturing the Ice God! — Abel and the Ice God stepped into the main temple. It looked cold with all the ice around, but the temperature was at a constant thirty degrees. A scene like this could only happen in a Divine Kingdom. Everything around them was created by Faith. The main temple looked nothing too special, but Abel quickly noticed an office. Maybe calling it a library was more suitable. It was stacked with huge piles of books about the Era of Gods. There was even information about holy texts, Faith, and how to make Relics. Compared to the Mountain God’s library, it was much grander! Still, they were books, and a god needed to read through them. resul nem It was another backup of the Ice God, since a resurrection could cause a huge memory loss The godhead only recorded the most crucial information, and its capacity was small. Therefore, those books were a must! Abel quickly put all the books into his Portal Bag. As for the other materials in the temple to make Ice Relics, Abel left them alone. The environment of the Realm preserved them better. As he continued his tour, he found a convenient spot in the central temple. This time he did not use his own holy crystals, and directly used the Faith around. A Teleportation Circle slowly emerged from the ground. Meanwhile, the Ice God also took a tour. Strange things began to happen down below in his faithful grounds. It didn’t look like much on the surface, but the amount of fish and small creatures in the cold rivers immediately increased. All kinds of special plants also began to grow. Ever since the Ice God had disappeared, his faithful grounds had maintained a bare minimum of survival. The Ice God’s return had fully ignited the land of his followers once again, and all kinds of life started to flourish. It didn’t look like much, but the number of creatures around would multiply in just a few years. In the past, the snow apes could only sense the presence of their god’s Realm after they died. Now every one of them sensed that their god was looking after them! After all, those divine servants did not only know how to channel Faith. They were the true offspring of the Ice God, so everything they did was in the Ice God’s best interests. It was also another thing different about the Goddess of the Hunt and the Ice God. Since the Goddess of the Hunt’s divine servants were forcefully domesticated, they only knew how to drain Faith systematically. As for the Ice God’s divine servants, they knew the importance of preserving Faith, so they connected to the faithful ground and did not waste Faith on unnecessary things. They still took in faithful servants when they died. Abel was not worried at all when he brought the Ice God away again. Because of those servants, he knew this Kingdom would be able to run smoothly. —— After Abel returned home, he had the gods continue to study with Doff since their souls were still too new to manage a Divine Kingdom. They did not even know how to draw a holy text! After seeing how many books the Ice God had, being able to share them with other gods was great. Unlike the Mountain God, the Wizard Union did not know the Goddess of the Hunt and the Ice God had also been resurrected. Still, their investigation department was already hard at work, trying to obtain information about the Mountain God, especially among the dwarves. According to their speculations, the Mountain God should have returned to the dwarves as soon as he was resurrected, but they still did not get any updates about that. The dwarves had only disclosed the news that the Mountain God had been resurrected, but they didn’t impose any requirements to place Faith in him. It was almost like the dwarves had no way of connecting to the Mountain God, which was why the investigation department had to keep looking As King Bunga saw what was happening, he could only deal with the irritation and helplessness in his heart.
Chapter 1409 Chapter 1409 Black Fog Abel stood in Doff’s Divine Realm. He had resurrected three gods in three days. There was only one more god left. The reason he had left this god for last was because he did not have a good record of this god from the Era of Gods. He was named the God of Black Fog, a master of hypnosis! Although the Moon Goddess did not give his abilities a name, Abel knew he must have done a lot of bad things in the human world. Once he had hypnotized an entire city and turned every person within into a fanatic follower, before reducing them all to corpses. Because of his deeds, the Wizard Union had made killing him a top priority! —— Abel set up the pentagon with his Summons again, placed the God of Black Fog in the center, and set up the Dimension Force net. After everything was set, Abel gave the order, and the golden glow shot up towards the God of Black Fog as before. When it made contact, countless black tendrils of smoke streamed out from the body, hoping to destroy the ancient God-Binding Chain, but it was hopeless. All they did was create some waves. But by the time the glow reached against his knees, the black mists went crazy and a strange black pattern appeared from within the god’s body. Through his angel body, Abel knew half of the God of Black Fog’s soul had just been burned away in an instant. Casting a spell within the God-Binding Chain did not come without a cost! A hypnotic energy emerged with a flash of light, but all of the Summons were God Ranks, and they would not be easily affected. Even if they were not God Ranks, the purity of their souls would not allow them to be hypnotized. As the pattern noticed that it was useless on the Summons, it turned to Abel and tried to sway him. But Abel’s consciousness was fully focused on his angel body, and the God of Black Fog basically wasted his last chance to strike. Abel set up the Dimension Force net because he knew how spooky the God of Black Fog’s ability was, but it had still managed to get through! Finally, the God of Black Fog’s body was suddenly blasted open and streams of black mist turned into black Power of the Will arrows! They were filled with evil, and even God Ranks would have had a hard time counteracting them. Abel could clearly sense them from his angel body, so he flapped his four wings and light energy blasted out to counter them. Under its blinding illumination, those arrows were burned up like snowflakes in fire. After two rounds of attack, all the spiritual energy in the God of Black Fog’s body was cleared, and its godhead dashed out. Abel quickly returned half of his consciousness back to his original body and grabbed ahold of the godhead. As long as he was prepared, no godhead would stand a chance! Afterwards was another resurrection process, soul creation, signing the soul contract, strengthening the soul, and finally putting the godhead back in the body. It was second nature by this point, and the God of Black Fog was now Abel’s Summon. With the number of God Ranks currently under him, he was capable of going against the Wizard Union! He connected to the God of Black Fog through the soul chain and saw the stable godhead. First, he wanted to know what the God of Black Fog’s abilities were. The ‘Dark Fog of Hypnosis’ could attack through both hypnosis and poison, and the fog itself had natural defensive ability. The area of the fog was massive and every enemy within it would be attacked. ‘Soul Impact’ was a rare soul ability, which even Abel seldom saw. Souls were the most vulnerable part of a professional, and the strength of one’s soul could dictate their life and death. Considering how powerful the God of Black Fog’s soul had been, he could directly kill an enemy with this ability! It had taken Abel double the amount of soul potions to regrow a soul for the God of Black Fog, more than ten thousand bottles, which was painful just thinking about it. At first Abel didn’t know how valuable soul potions were so he kept using them, but now he truly had a taste of how scary they could be. As the ranks of the Hell creatures grew, the time it took for him to generate a bottle of soul potion was much longer. It was why Abel was no longer planning to resurrect those Legendary Rank corpses in his personal storage box. The final ability of the God of Black Fog was called ‘Life Hypnosis’, and it could affect any being with a weaker Power of the Will than the user. Abel was a little confused, as this god didn’t seem to have any ability made for attracting followers. He quickly looked into the godhead’s memories. To his surprise, the God of Black Fog’s followers were also not human, but one of the most powerful orcs species, the Tauren! Just like the Ice God, the God of Black Fog had only taken on a human form after becoming a god. Maybe back in the days the human form was the norm, so all the other gods had to change their form for the sake of blending in? The God of Black Fog was a god of the orc empire, just like the Death God, but Abel quickly noticed something different. The orc empire in the Central Continent was divided into two big kingdoms, the Crazy Heart kingdom and the Winter Hoof kingdom. According to historical documents, the Death God’s faithful ground was in the Crazy Heart kingdom, while the God of Black Fog had ruled the Winter Hoof kingdom. But the Winter Hoof kingdom had fallen in status ever since the God of Black Fog fell into slumber, and the Wizard Union started to suppress the Winter Hoof kingdom. Today, the most bloodthirsty forces gathered in the Crazy Heart kingdom, while only tauren gathered in the Winter Hoof kingdom. The tauren were a peaceful race. They were extremely strong with many fighting skills, yet the lack of fighting had made them grow weak. Abel kept looking and discovered the God of Black Fog only had one Relic left, the Cloak of Black Fog. Abel had learned his lesson from the Mountain God, so he decided to find the God of Black Fog’s Kingdom before thinking about his Relics. That Divine Kingdom was just above the Winter Hoof grasslands of the Winter Hoof kingdom. The Winter Hoof Grassland was his faithful ground, and all the tauren within it were his followers. “Let’s go have a look!” Abel retracted his angel body and his summons before bringing the God of Black Fog out of Doff’s Kingdom. vas Although there was not a single piece of gear on the God of Black Fog, a cloak appeared on him from within his body. Of course, it was not the Relic Cloak. For some odd reason, the God of Black Fog had produced a poisonous black fog within him before he became a god. After he became a god, the black fog’s power had increased drastically. Just like that God Ranked sea turtle’s shell, the black fog of the God of Black Fog was his companion, and also what had given him his name. But the God-Binding Chain had still done its trick. Abel set off on his Fire Tooth. By that point the sky was dark, but Abel was not planning to stop. He was very curious about the God of Black Fog’s Kingdom. —— After some time flying, the Fire Tooth arrived above the Winter Hoof Grassland like a ghost. He connected to the God of Black Fog through the soul chain and sent out a recall order to the Kingdom. The Fire Tooth was quickly dragged directly into the Kingdom. The process was smoother than Abel had expected. A simple scene emerged. The sky was blue, with a sun in the middle. According to his information, the central temple was in the sun. Below them was a huge grassland covered with tents and tauren roaming around. There were no holy servants, but there were two million tauren in this kingdom, which was how it had lasted so long and how the God of Black Fog could still make two attacks before he died. — As Abel and the God of Black Fog flew into the temple to build a Teleportation Circle, the faithful grounds below began to regain their liveliness. At first the grass was growing yellow and lifeless, but as the God of Black Fog returned, new life sprang up and water gushed into the originally dried-up river. Even the air itself began to change. Although it was not extremely noticeable, the next generation of tauren should live a much better life. The souls of those newborn infants in this faithful ground would be much stronger, which would make them more capable of becoming professionals. After all, that’s how the Death God’s Crazy Heart kingdom thrived. — Abel was very happy about what was happening. This Realm also did not need him to give them any holy crystals. In fact, those tauren had accumulated more than a hundred holy crystals in the temple, all on their own! If they could have found a way to connect with the tauren in the faithful grounds, they would have been able to produce even more! Abel put away the holy crystals, then found the book shelves and put their contents away as well. There were not many books around, and only one about holy texts. All the other ones were about souls. Was it because the God of Black Fog was an orc? After all, orc priests loved researching souls… The sky was getting dark and Abel had no intention of staying. He jumped in the new Teleportation Circle with the God of Black Fog and returned to Doff’s Kingdom in the Battlecry Plateau. Just like that, Abel got himself three more safe Teleportation Circles around the Central Continent! With four Divine Kingdoms, his new Summons would soon regain their original power, or maybe even level up! The only thing he felt a little sad about was the Mountain God’s Kingdom. But still, it had merged with Doff’s Kingdom and helped him grow more powerful.
Chapter 1410 Chapter 1410 Winterhoof As soon as Abel returned to Doff’s Kingdom, he went into the training room and entered the Dark World for his daily training. He returned the next morning and saw the God of Black Fog still learning from Doff. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten something. The Black Fog Cloak! Since it was the God of Black Fog’s Relic, it could help him level up! Abel connected to the God of Black Fog and ordered him, “Recall!” — Above the Crazy Heart Valley… The Death God was strengthening his kingdom with holy texts. It was something a god had to do if they wanted to keep strengthening themselves and their Kingdom. It was true for the Death God as well, and he was already numb to these mundane tasks. Comfort only goes to those with no ambition, so don’t think being a god is comfortable. Just like Doff, he had not rested for a single moment after he became a god. Suddenly, the Death God paused. Something strange was happening to the black cloak he was wearing. Indeed, the black cloak on him was a Relic, but not one of his own. It was the God of Black Fog’s Black Fog Cloak! The Cloak had been with him for thousands of years. He had exchanged for it from the Wizard Union because he wanted to understand its mysteries. Back when the God of Black Fog was captured long ago, this Black Fog Cloak was placed in the Wizard Union Headquarter’s display room. Since he was afraid that the Black Fog Cloak would disappear without the God of Black Fog’s control, the Death God had never made himself its owner. Of course, the Death God also never believed the God of Black Fog would one day escape, so the Cloak was basically his! An idea struck the Death God. “The God of Black Fog was resurrected!” He was stunned, but he could not stop the recalling of the Cloak. He knew how scary the God of Black Fog was back in the day. If he did not let the Cloak go, the God of Black Fog might kill every orc in his faithful grounds! Other gods might not do something like that, but the God of Black Fog had no morality. Soon, the Black Fog Cloak disappeared from his back. The Death God stood naked in his Kingdom, but he did not care. He felt the urge to head to the Wizard Union to see what had happened, but he suddenly remembered that Abel stole something from the Wizard Union Headquarters some days ago “Could it be..?” — As the Death God was still thinking, the denizens of the Winter Hoof kingdom began to cheer. That morning, when the first tauren stepped out of his tent, he saw a patch of green and moisture began to return on the breeze. It was almost like their world had been cleansed overnight. In a shabby temple of the Winter Hoof kingdom, an old tauren saw a sparkling glow arise on an old statue. It was the last temple of the God of Black Fog. If it had looked just a bit more luxurious, the Wizard Union would not have allowed it around. Considering how stubborn the tauren were, this temple was still always supported by a family of priests. Immediately that old tauren dropped to his knees and began to laugh and cry at the same time…. — In the Winter Hoof Royal Palace, His Majesty Moby also got the news. He gathered his lords and the only two archpriests of the Winter Hoof kingdom. “I sense that the great God of Black Fog had returned, but at this moment it might bring a lot of unexpected changes to the kingdom. Please discuss what we should do!” King Moby said grimly. Since their faith had been lost for so long, few of the tauren around believed in the God of Black Fog It was the case for King Moby as well; he cared more about the well-being of his kingdom. “King Moby, our time has come. The great God of Black Fog has brought fortune back to our grasslands, and our future will be as bright as the Crazy Heart kingdom!” a tauren lord bowed. “No, if we place faith in the God of Black Fog now, the Wizard Union will target us and make our days even worse!” another tauren chimed in. Just like that, the discussion started and voices from both sides emerged. On one hand they wanted to accept the God of Black Fog again, but on the other they couldn’t guarantee what the Wizard Union might do. As the discussion grew hearted, King Moby roared, “Shut up, where do you think you are?” and the palace returned to silence. Afterwards, he turned to the two archpriests who had not spoken and asked them, “What do you think?” “King Moby, do you think us insignificant beings can interfere with the decision of a god?” the priest named Doson asked coldly. He then smirked at the lords who were arguing, almost like they were clowns. “The great God of Black Fog has returned and the changes he brought to the weather are noticeable. We are all living in his faithful grounds, and you are still wondering if you should place your faith in him?” he continued. Considering how shabby the only temple was, no one was expecting the God of Black Fog to treat them so well so soon after he had been resurrected. The God of Black Fog had full control over his faithful grounds, and he could easily kill off the unfaithful ones! “If things really are going that way, we will call the Wizard Union for help!” a tauren lord suggested. His distaste for the God of Black Fog was part of him, and the God of Black Fog in Doff’s Kingdom immediately sensed it. A distaste for a god in their faithful ground was like a candle in the dark, and the God of Black Fog had learned a lot from Doff already. He knew exactly what to do. As soon as that lord finished his sentence, a black fog appeared on him and he immediately dropped to his knees, begging for his life! However, that stopped nothing, and that weightless fog pressed down on him like a mountain, crushing him flat. No one said a word afterwards, and all the lords who thought of going against the God of Black Fog were trembling. “In the great god’s faithful grounds, the ones who rebel will be the ones who are dead!” Priest Doson added coldly. He couldn’t care less if the God of Black Fog had returned or not. As an archpriest at the top, even a god might not help him level up again. But he stillwanted his disciples to live a good life, so he wouldn’t go against the God of Black Fog. “Make an announcement! The great God of Black Fog has returned, and all of his followers will live forever!” King Moby decreed promptly. After seeing what had happened he knew they had no choice! — The Death God did a godsend and flew towards the Winter Hoof Grassland. Just looking at it from a far, he knew the God of Black Fog had been resurrected and the Winter Hoof Grassland was reborn. —— Over the next two days, the Crazy Heart kingdom changed many of their policies regarding the Winter Hoof kingdom. The most important of those concerned the resources for priests. The Winter Hoof kingdom had been forced to export a lot of their natural resources to the Crazy Heart kingdom, but now they would do it on more equal terms. The Death God reacted instinctively. He was scared, afraid of that crazy old black fog from long ago… — The Wizard Union also got the news, even though their Investigation Department had taken a huge hit. But they hesitated, as the time was just not right. They knew very well who had captured the God of Black Fog. Although they didn’t know what kind of contract he had signed with Abel, making a move now could provoke Abel. Second, the changes that were taking place limited the Wizard Union’s ability to start a God Rank war within the central continent. The Howling Castle had been attacked constantly, while the number of God Rank knights in the Holy Kingdom had increased to seven, which was a huge threat! Third, the God of Black Fog’s faithful ground was nothing new. It was always there and all the God of Black Fog did was change it a little. They couldn’t give Abel trouble for something that had happened thousands years ago. But still, they knew Abel had now obtained two more warrior gods on his side. How scary were they? Just look at Doff, the War God; he was not something a single God Rank wizard could go against! Even if they didn’t take the dragons into account, Abel alone was enough to make them think again. If they couldn’t be a hundred percent sure that they could kill Abel, they would prefer to maintain a good relationship with him, especially considering how hostile the Holy Kingdom was. They were unleashing a God Rank battle almost every couple of days and even God Rank wizards were exhausted by it. If they were to start a war with Abel as well, they would be in huge trouble! —— As all this was happening, Abel had no idea what was going on. He just knew he had suddenly gained a lot more followers from the Winter Hoof grasslands. Although they were not extremely faithful, he was still happy since he was basically getting a hundred thousand new tauren followers almost every day! After all, the Winter Hoof Kingdom was huge. The God of Black Fog’s followers could reach a billion in number. The Thief God Milton had only managed to bring twenty million new followers even after killing in the Holy Kingdom for so long!
Chapter 1411 Chapter 1411 Followers As for the hunters, they could also reach a scary population, even though it might not seem like it. Many farmers had actually acquired hunting skills from their families. A bow, some arrows, and a sharp knife were all that was needed. There were recent rumors among the hunters from the professionals that the Goddess of the Hunt had returned. — Florist was a lone hunter, currently sitting in a club for hunters. He was not interested in the rumors around him, but he knew the rumors were true. One day he was ambushing a golden fox. He saw a full team of huntresses glowing a soft green. Huntresses were extremely rare. He thought the golden fox would run off when it saw those huntresses, but it didn’t. In fact, what happened had stunned him. Those huntresses reached out their hands and grabbed that golden fox. For a normal person, this might have seemed like those huntresses were just retrieving a pet, but Florist knew how rare golden foxes were. Their golden fur were cherished by all nobles, and they were extremely alert animals. They were hard for even experienced hunters to catch! What happened had totally defied everything he knew, so he couldn’t help but consider the green glow on those huntresses. In order to fully understand what was happening, he had forgotten about the golden foxes and followed those huntresses. When the night arrived, the huntresses began to pray. Things finally began to make sense: they were the Goddess of the Hunt’s followers! As Florist kept thinking in the club, he began to wonder what benefits it would bring if he also had the green glow. If he wanted to be the follower of any god, all he needed was to be sincere and chant the prayers. But he did not make a sound while in the club. If he did, the people around him would definitely think he was crazy. Still, he sang those words he had memorized from the huntresses by heart. They were not complicated, and they were not meant to be. They were meant to be memorized and most of them were just about the grace and greatness of the goddess. Just like that, Florist soon drifted into a trance as he sang those words by heart. The Goddess of the Hunt was the original god of hunters, so it was easy for any hunters to be accepted by her. That was especially true since she was lacking in followers and Abel had set up an automatic accept once a follower was willing. Indeed, what she gave in return was Natural Protection! But since Florist was not expecting to be accepted so quickly, he did not realize that he was still in the club. Everyone around him paused and turned towards him in silence. Florist was frozen as a green glow grew around him. The green glow gave out a sense of stability and peace, which couldn’t help but make them think about the Goddess of the Hunt. The rumors were right, and it was manifesting right in front of them! They all knew by instinct that if that green glow appeared on Florist, it would have a legendary effect… Florist soon woke up from his prayers and sensed the greatness of his goddess. He was blessed! He opened his eyes, and realized everyone around him was staring. He couldn’t help but look at his body. There was a green glow sparkling about him. But as soon as he noticed it, the green glow faded. He did not hesitate, slamming down two coins on the table and running out of the club. The other hunters exchanged gazes and also slammed down their coins, before running out after Florist. — Florist was heading towards a forest nearby. Originally it was very hard for Florist to run faster than those hunters following him since they were all very confident, but as soon as Florist stepped foot into the forest, something different happened. In the past, poisonous bugs and beasts would attack Florist for being an intruder, but on that day he could sense every creature around, along with their emotions. It was the Natural Protection. Although it was not powerful, it could still stop those creatures from attacking him, and it allowed him to run freely. As for those hunters following him, one was immediately bitten by a snake and all of them paused. After taking the antidote, the hunter was shocked. “He is a real follower of the Goddess of the Hunt. He did not even watch his steps and he was never attacked. The Goddess of the Hunt has been resurrected!” that hunter said in a shaken voice. He was an experienced old hunter and he knew about the forces of nature. In order to ensure their safety, they continued to follow the path Florist had used, which should be safe. “My family have passed down a preaching from the Goddess of the Hunt, I’ll share it with you and maybe we can be followers as well!” a hunter exclaimed. Preachings were nothing secret. Even those without a hunting background could still get their hands on such things from old books. Those hunters no longer cared about catching up to Florist. He ignored them, wanting to test out the green glow… —— Over the next few months, those weak little hunters regained a sense of hope as they became the Goddess of the Hunt’s followers. When every big hunting organization began recruiting new members, they all had to be the Goddess of the Hunt’s followers. After all, hunters without Natural Protection would be a huge drag. One’s willingness to worship was not something the Wizard Union could do much about. Most importantly, because of the damage their Investigation Department had taken, they had more important things to deal with. Hunters were basically normal people, so the reports about them were basically ignored. That was especially true since the head of the Investigation Department, Wizard Hardy, was involved in the prior operation against Abel, so he wanted to stay away from anything to do with Abel. He could still clearly remember how miserable the Wizard Union was after they lost to Abel. All ninety-eight investigation officers were killed without fully intact bodies, so he knew very well who he was dealing with. Since even the God Rank wizards stopped targeting Abel, he deliberately left anything to do with Abel in the data inventory, unless it was about God Ranks. Without the Analysis Spirit, the amount of information they had was more than the amount of fur a cow had, so their inventory was piling up with useless stuff. Unless they cultivated another Spirit, the information in the inventory would never be looked at again. – – – The Winter Hoof kingdom was also went through some big changes over the next few months. The tauren regained their faith, and most of them started to believe in the God of Black Fog again. Temples began to spring up all over the Winter Hoof Grassland, and large numbers of preachers began to spread his words. Even the first ambassador of their god had emerged: that old tauren guarding that shabby temple. If necessary, the God of Black Fog could godsend on him at any time. — Archpriest Dobson bowed and said, “Your Majesty Moby, the report is out!” At that moment, they were the only ones in the temple. “What’s it like?” King Moby asked quickly. “We have examined every new born tauren in the past six months, and twenty thousand of them have the Power of the Will!” Priest Dobson declared excitedly. Although having the Power of the Will did not guarantee one’s success as a professional priest, it was the foundation. Before the God of Black Fog returned, that number was only a few hundreds, or a thousand at most! This was basically equal to the Crazy Heart kingdom’s rate, which meant the time for the Winter Hoof Kingdom had finally come! King Moby stood up and clapped, “Good, very good!” The Winter Hoof kingdom had been so insignificant it basically made no difference if they existed or not. If the tauren were not born powerful and had not stayed away from fighting, the Winter Hoof kingdom might have ended already. Before they regained their faith, the Winter Hoof grassland was basically a deserted land with tiny amounts of produce. Their soil was not something people would fight for, which was why other races left them alone. However, King Moby knew from the royal text that the Winter Hoof Kingdom had once had its glory days. At first he was still worried about the Wizard Union making a move, but six months had passed and nothing had happened, which was a great relief. During these six months, twenty thousand newborn tauren obtained the Power of the Will, which would at least produce a few thousand priests! As time went on, the taurens would definitely grow in status! “Build more temples! I need every tauren to gather in a temple to worship the great God of Black Fog!” King Moby bellowed out in excitement. Even now there were still some unfaithful tauren, so the royal palace had to do their part! He wanted to turn the Winter Hoof Kingdom into a place like the elves, with prestige and status. Priest Doson bowed. Since he had lost his hope of leveling up, all he wanted was for his kingdom to do better and maybe gain immortality in the God of Black Fog’s Divine Realm! He was not the only one, as optimism began to grow in the heart of every professional tauren!
Chapter 1412 Chapter 1412: Crisis of the Dwarves Abel had finally found a moment of peace for the first time in six months. Of course, he was not any less busy. Large amounts of followers from the Goddess of the Hunt had emerged, not just from the faithful ground Chia forest, but throughout all the central continent. She was basically gaining new followers by the day. Their numbers had already reached ten thousand. Therefore, Abel couldn’t help but use some more holy crystals to increase the amount of housing in the Goddess of the Hunt’s Divine Kingdom. At this rate, his original ten thousand houses might not be enough! As for the Ice God, it was much more stable in comparison. Not much had changed with the snow apes, but still their population had grown with the increase in food. That wouldn’t do much to the Ice God, since they probably wouldn’t be able to produce enough Faith to level up his Kingdom without hundreds of years to work with. The God of Black Fog was the best performer, with sixty million new tauren followers. With such an abundance of Faith, he could even help the other gods. By that point all three gods had learned what they needed, and they had returned to their Kingdoms. Abel was not worried about their safety. As soon as a God Rank entered their faithful grounds, the other gods would come for support through the Teleportation Circles in their Kingdoms. With Faith as suppression, even God Rank wizards wouldn’t stand a chance! After all, he did have an equal number of God Ranks as the Wizard Union now. The only thing he felt a little stressed about was the Mountain God. His followers had also grown in the past six months, but they were all dwarves. Not just blacksmith dwarves, but normal dwarves and even wizard dwarves. As far as he knew, this shouldn’t have been a problem. The dwarves were a part of the Wizard Union, and in the past the Wizard Union had restricted the worship of the Fire God, meaning only a small number of blacksmiths were allowed among the dwarves. Although the Fire God was named after fire, his Fire Control was actually far inferior to the Mountain God, and the Mountain God had many more tricks up his sleeves. Therefore, the Fire God’s death actually did not cause much of a drop in blacksmith ability, and it even caused a bit of commotion at first. In the past six months, twenty-five more master blacksmiths had emerged! They were all followers of the Mountain God, enchanted by the Mountain God’s Fire Control ability. A main reason why so many elite blacksmiths could not break into the master rank was not because of their dedication, but their ability to harmonize with fire. After all, forging was their ultimate passion and nothing would stop them. Not all dwarves had the Power of the Will, so they could not control fire with perfect precision. Although there were some geniuses who could do so, finding one was extremely rare. But ever since the Mountain God began granting his Fire Control ability to his followers, those elite blacksmiths had gained their chance to break through! The Mountain God’s Fire Control was easier and more direct than controlling fire with the Power of the Will, so after so many successes, the greatness of the Mountain God was recognized. Furthermore, most dwarves had been hearing about the Mountain God since they were little, so most of them did not hold back on their Faith. At the same time, the wizard dwarves also realized the benefit of Fire Control. It could drastically increase the power of their fire spells, and the news started to spread among them. Finally, the dwarf alchemists had also realized that Fire Control could bring benefits to their alchemy! Since all those professional dwarves were attracted by the Mountain God, it only made sense that normal dwarves were, too. Therefore in just six months, two million dwarves had pledged their faith to the Mountain God. Since the Mountain God did not have a Kingdom, all the Faith rushed into his body, but his capacity was limited. Therefore, he had to sacrifice a good percentage of that Faith to transfer it to Doff’s Kingdom. It was better than not doing anything, but it was still a huge waste and it drastically limited the Mountain God’s potential. ——- “Everyone, a large number of dwarves are beginning to worship the Mountain God. We must stop them and let them know what they are doing is wrong!” Wizard Hawthorn declared in a deep voice. Around the meeting room were eleven God Rank wizards, some of them newly anointed. Including the one stationed at the Howling Castle, the Wizard Union now had twelve God Ranks! “Yeah, we can turn a blind eye to the tauren because of Abel, but the dwarves are a part of the Wizard Union. It is our internal affair and headmaster Abel had no right to interfere!” Wizard Mosley added. Although two million dwarves were nothing compared to the sixty million tauren in the Winter Hoof kingdom, the orcs were low-level beings and the Wizard Union had always protected the dwarves. They had even opened the dwarves up to wizardry! Thus, the dwarves could not be allowed to start worshiping a god. That was especially true when considering that the Mountain God was the Wizard Union’s enemy, and what the dwarves were doing was basically helping the Mountain God recover! It was a huge insult to the Wizard Union, so the God Rank wizards had gathered to decide what action to take. “We should notify the dragons, saying the dwarves are a part of the Wizard Union and they have no right to interfere!” Wizard McPhee suggested. “That’s a must. If Headmaster Abel interferes, then he will be messing with our internal affairs!” Wizard Hawthorn declared grimly. Indeed, these wizards were still trying their best to avoid a conflict with Abel. Wizard Smith knew this couldn’t be resolved quickly so he suggested, “Let me go talk to King Dunba first. We can make a move later if necessary!” After all, the dwarves were still very important to the Wizard Union. Most of their larger constructions had been built by the dwarves, especially the fortresses for war. It would be impossible for the Wizard Union to train up a new batch of workers in time. “Good idea!” “I agree!” The wizards were all clear-minded, so they agreed. Even the irritated wizard Hawthorn nodded. If he could, he also wanted to punish the Winter Hoof kingdom for what they were doing, but as the number of God Rank wizards grew and after so many conflicts with Abel, a problem within the Wizard Union was clear. Every God Rank was capable of making an irrational decision when hot-headed. Therefore they had to gather for a meeting before every important decision. —— King Dunba soon received the command to head to the Wizard Union headquarters. He was frightened, because the names of eleven God Rank wizards were written below the letter! He immediately sought out Wizard Fara. “Fara, I will go to the Wizard Union headquarters now, but I want you to help me do something!” he bowed. Wizard Fars bowed in return. “Your Majesty, can’t we take care of it after you come back from the Wizard Union?” King Dunba shook his head. “Fara, I am not feeling good about this, so I have to tell you something before I go. You are the most powerful dwarf, so I will be much less worried with you as support!” “The Wizard Union might make a move on you?” Wizard Fara’s face sank and he added, “Then you should not go!” King Dunba shook his head again. “It was an order from eleven God Rank wizards. If I don’t go, all the dwarves will be at risk!” “Could it be about the Mountain God?” Wizard Fara wondered. “Maybe, but my life is not important. I just hope you can take good care of Yoby!” King Dunba asked in a deep voice. Yoby was King Dunba’s only son, and the future king of the dwarves. Besides King Dunba, Yoby was the only one who had access to all the top secrets of the dwarves. “Your Majesty, don’t worry. I will protect Yoby, and no dwarf will reject him as the future king!” WIzard Fara promised respectfully. “If I don’t return, please send Yoby to Headmaster Abel and tell him everything that has happened. If possible, the dwarves will also serve under him!” King Dunba spoke softly, but Wizard Fara could hear every word. King Dunba sensed a threat from the Wizard Union. If they really made a move on him, then the entire dwarven nation would be at risk! The dwarves stood no chance against the Wizard Union, but they would still cling to every hope. King Dunba had only expected a minority to return to the worship of the Mountain God. If the Wizard Union commanded it, he would have been able to silence them easily, but with two million dwarves converting in only six months, there was nothing he could do!
Chapter 1413 Chapter 1413: Dunba When King Dunba was teleported to the Wizard Union Headquarters, there was only one low ranked wizard in a white cloak waiting for him. He had never been treated like this since he had been crowned the king of the dwarves. He had always been treated with extreme respect. Before the Half-gods and God Ranks emerged, he had always brought along large numbers of servants with him, no matter where he went. It was not because he enjoyed it, but because he represented the dwarves and that was the respect they deserved. On this day, this mere low-ranked wizard in a white cloak did not even give him a proper welcome. He only performed a modest bow and led the way without saying a word of greeting. Even if the Wizard Union didn’t care about the dwarves, that low ranked wizard should have been more nervous in front of the king of the dwarves. When King Dunba stepped into the meeting room, all of his irritation faded. The place was filled with an intense energy from the God Rank wizards present. The eleven God Rank wizards were not doing it intentionally. Some were just irritated and their energy leaked out. Still, it was not something King Dunba could withstand. Wizard Smith broke the awkward silence. “Dwarf Dunba welcome!” King Dunba immediately realized he should bow. “Greetings to the God Rank wizards!” “Dwarf Dunba, today the Wizard Union wants to ask you something!” Wizard Smith added. King Dunba felt his heart chill as he replied, “Please do!” “The Wizard Union has always been open with the dwarves. We even gave you access to wizardry like humans, is this not true?” WIzard Smith said in a deep voice The dwarves were nothing to the God Rank wizards. If they didn’t need them for forging, they wouldn’t care if they were alive or dead. After all, a race without God Ranks was not worth respecting! “Yes!” King Dunba sensed the energy from Wizard Smith and bowed again. There were many more things he wanted to say, but he knew it was not a good idea. “Then how come there are so many dwarves worshiping the Mountain God. Don’t you know he is our enemy?” Wizard Smith’s voice was a bit sharper. “Wizard Smith, we did not order the dwarves to worship the Mountain God. They did so on their own!” King Dunba bowed again. “Willingly?” Wizard Smith smirked. He then waved his hand and said, “The Wizard Union has made a decision. All the worshippers of the Mountain God must be captured and punished as followers of the evil gods!” What defined them as evil gods was completely up to the Wizard Union, which was every god besides the ones they recognized, like Doff and Thief God Milton. They were recognized, so they were true gods and their followers wouldn’t be punished. The Wizard Union wouldn’t let any evil gods live, so they had set this law down thousands of years ago. Because it was such an old law, many people were not even aware of it. Even some God Rank wizards had forgotten about it. King Dunba’s face sank. He remembered skimming through some documents about this law, and he knew Wizard Smith was meaning to massacre his people. The most common way to treat an evil god’s follower was burning them alive! “Mr Smith, we can just kick them out of the central continent and banish them to the subcontinent!” King Dunba bowed again. “Remember this, you are not here to negotiate. You are here to listen to our commands!” Wizard Smith voice grew even louder and more demanding. The Wizard Union didn’t know exactly how many followers there were among the dwarves. Although they knew it was a lot, they were actually not expecting the number to be two million and increasing! If they were to burn them all alive, the dwarves would be as good as dead. That would be especially true since they included all the elite smiths, wizards, and alchemists. Without them, the dwarves would have no purpose or power to survive. After all, a wealthy race without the means to defend itself would be quickly eaten up by other races like a big chunk of meat! King Dunba knew his history, so he knew what was coming for the dwarves if that happened. King Dunba stood up and replied with determination, “Wizard Smith, I’m afraid I can’t let that happen!” He was on a path of no return. If the dwarves were going to die off either way, it was best to fight back with his last bit of strength! “Smith, you are too good to the dwarves. Even a little king has the guts to talk back to you!” Wizard Hawthorn smirked. “The dwarves might still be a bit useful, but if they want to rebel, then there is no point of keeping them around!” Wizard Mosley said emotionlessly. King Dunba felt his heart drop. The dwarves had done a lot for the Wizard Union after they had joined. Almost all their great buildings had been built by dwarves, and countless dwarves had died in the process. Sure, the dwarves might have gained access to wizardry, but the highest quality resources were always kept within the human Wizard Union. That was why no legendary wizard dwarves had ever emerged despite thousands of years passing. Wizard Fara was the first one, and that was all because of Abel’s help! “Dunba, are you sure?” Wizard Smith’s voice was grim, and his gaze was murderous. Being defied in front of other ten God Rank wizards was a huge insult to him! “Lord Wizard, please show mercy!” King Dunba immediately bowed deeply. “Ha!” Wizard Smith merely laughed coldly. A heavy energy landed on King Dunba and crushed his soul in an instant. Despite being an elite wizard, the soul beam that was supposed to emerge upon his death was sucked away by Wizard Smith’s World. “Wizard Brenna, gather our forces. We will surround the dwarves tomorrow, capture every follower of the Mountain God, and pick a new dwarf king. This time we need to pick one that obeys us!” Wizard Smith ordered from the meeting room. Wizard Brennan immediately flashed into the room and saw King Dunba laying dead on the floor. He was stunned, as the dwarves were the Wizard Union’s most important builders, and now their king had been killed right in the Wizard Union. All the dwarves would go crazy if they found out! The God Rank wizards might not know what the dwarves were like, but Wizard Brennan knew very well as the Vice President! The dwarves were extremely stubborn. If not for King Dunba holding back the dwarves, a huge uproar might have happened already! “Surrounding the dwarves needs a lot of men, I don’t think one day is enough!” Wizard Brennan said helplessly. After all, just the Furnace Fortress alone might take tens of thousands of wizards! “Send out all the Half-gods and Legends, we need to let the world know who’s the boss!” Wizard Hawthorn declared pompously. “Yes, sir!” Wizard Brennan bowed. —— A young dwarf in a golden robe saw a crystal ball crack in front of him, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. “Young master, what happened?” a dwarf servant cried out, and Wizard Fara immediately appeared. Since King Dunba had ordered him to do so, he had remained on guard in the royal palace to protect Yoby. But when he saw the cracked crystal, his eyes went wide. It was a secret of the dwarves: that cracked crystal signified the death of their king! “Father!” Yoby cried out in anguish. Wizard Fara kept calm and spoke firmly, “Yoby, you can’t stay here any more. Come with me. We will return when it’s safe to do so!” He knew very well what it meant if King Dunba had been killed by the Wizard Union. They were going to make a move on the dwarves soon! The only hope the dwarves had was Abel. Even if they didn’t want to get him involved, they needed Abel to protect Yoby! There was no way the Wizard Union would let Yoby live, since he had the royal blood, and the dwarves would not listen to anyone else unless the last member of the royal blood was killed. Toby’s eyes were blood red as he screamed back, “No, I will avenge my father!” But Wizard Fara did not care and directly knocked him unconscious before throwing the prince over his shoulder. “Furnace Spirit, King Dunba was killed by the Wizard Union, get ready for war!” He stated grimly as he carried Yoby towards the Furnace Spirit. The Furnace Spirit sparkled and an ear-piercing siren erupted. Wizard Far carried Yoby directly towards the teleportation room with the anonymous Circle. Luckily he had used it once before, because he would not dare to use the Wizard Union’s teleportation network. — In a flash of light, he arrived at the temple of the Goddess of the Elves. His target was clear: the Temple of the Moon had direct connections to the Golden Castle. “I want to see Saint Lorraine!” Wizard Fara greeted the elfin druid standing guard. Seeing the Wizard Fara’s expression and the dwarf-prince on his shoulder, she knew the situation was desperate. She ran off and soon Saint Lorraine came down with a few high-ranking druids. “Greetings to Your Grace, Saint Lorraine!” Wizard Fara bowed formally, despite how desperate the situation was. Since Lorraine was the fastest way to get to Abel, the fate of every dwarf was now in her hands. “Wizard Fara, what’s happening?” Saint Lorraine bowed back courteously. This was not because she didn’t want to show more respect, but because she represented the Moon Goddess, so even a slight bow was showing great respect.
Chapter 1414 Chapter 1414: Protect “Saint Lorraine, the dwarves are in great trouble. King Dunba has been killed, so I beg you to connect me with Headmaster Abel!” Wizard Fara said, remaining bowed. “What? How did that happen?” Lorraine was stunned. She turned towards Druid Lucia, giving her a signal before turning back to Wizard Fara. St. Lorraine had great prestige by this point, and was the most powerful person among the elves. Since she had Abel to support her, no one among the elves would disobey her. At the same time, she was also the representative of the Moon Goddess, so she had to be very careful with everything she said. The look she gave to Druid Lucia was to verify the truth of the dwarf’s claim, necessary since this matter had to do with Abel. “Your Grace Lorraine, this is King Dunba’s only son and the heir of the throne. I hope headmaster Abel can protect him!” Wizard Fara did not say he wanted Abel to save the dwarves. He could negotiate that later if Abel decided to meet him. “Wizard Fara, please wait!” Lorraine waved calmly and Druid Lucia came running back with a parchment in her hand. She bowed as Lorraine took it. Immediately, the Saint’s face sank. After she became a Saint, she had taken over the elves’ intelligence network. They had recently undergone a huge expansion because of Abel’s increasing tension with the Wizard Union. Although it was still nothing compared to the Wizard Union or Holy Kingdom, they were still able to get first hand news of the central continent. The Wizard Union was gathering big forces, and King Dunba had not returned after he entered the Wizard Union Headquarters. Wizard Fara was not lying, the dwarves were in big trouble! “Wizard Fara, Abel has always been very good with the dwarves, so I’ll take you to the Golden Castle!” Lorraine paused and said. She didn’t want to make any decisions for Abel, but she knew Abel would always help the dwarves, especially since Bernie was one of them. If Lorraine was heading to the Golden Castle, no other senior Druid needed to follow her. They all knew if the Golden Castle was not safe, there would be no safe place in this world! Wizard Fara was filled with gratitude. ———- After the three of them stepped into the Teleportation Circle, Lorraine’s teleportation request was immediately accepted. Abel had given her the full permission, so if the elves were in danger, she could directly teleport to the Golden Castle. “Huh? Wizard Fara?” Abel was reading a book out on the Golden Castle’s balcony when he scanned the incoming Teleportation Circle with his Power of the Will. He disappeared with a flash and arrived next to the Teleportation Circle. “Lorraine!” he called out in greeting. “Abel!” Lorraine replied warmly. The two were so close by this point, just a single look and they knew what the other was thinking. “Headmaster Abel, the dwarves need your help!” Wizard Fara turned to Abel, placed Yoby on the ground, and got down on his knees. “Fara, please don’t do that!” Abel stepped up and helped Wizard Fara up, but he merely wept and continued to beg on his knees. “Fara, get up and tell me what happened!” Abel finally dragged Wizard Fara up with his Power of the Will. Wizard Fara was crying like a child as he babbled, “Headmaster Abel, King Dunba was killed by the Wizard Union! I hope you can protect the heir to our throne. Only you can save the dwarves now!” He no longer looked like the most powerful of the dwarves. After all, he knew how powerful Abel was, and he was now the dwarves’ only hope. “Follow me!” Abel felt his heart drop. He surrounded everyone with his Power of the Will before bringing them all into the main hall. “Fara, drink some water and tell me what happened in detail!” Abel said, waving at a puppet to serve them. “Abel, look at this!” Lorraine whispered as she handed the report she received from the elves to Abel. “Headmaster Abel, the Mountain God has recently been resurrected, and many dwarves began to worship him. Because of this, King Dunba was called in by the Wizard Union, and they killed him!” Wizard Farae explained as he bowed his head. Abel took a look at the report as he listened to Wizard Fara. Many thoughts began to emerge. The Mountain God was his Summon. Although those dwarves had placed their Faith in him of their own Accord, he was still the one who had resurrected the Mountain God. “Huh?” At that moment Yoby started to wake up. He opened his eyes; the first person he saw was Abel, and then Wizard Fara. Yoby stood up and yelled, “Where am I? I have to go back!” “Quiet!” Abel gazed at him, and a mountain of energy pressed Yoby down again. “Fara, this actually had to do with me!” Abel ignored the struggling Yoby and addressed Fara. Wizard Fara was confused. “Last year when you notified me that the Wizard Union was plotting an operation against me, I attacked the Wizard Union Headquarters. I actually have the Mountain God and resurrected him!” Abel spoke honestly. Of course, he did not disclose his true relationship with the Mountain God… “You resurrected the Mountain God?” Wizard Fara was stunned. He knew the Wizard Union had been attacked, but he had no idea the Mountain God was saved because of it. “Indeed. I am very sad that King Dunba was killed as well. It would not have happened if I had not saved the Mountain God!” Abel continued. “Headmaster Abel, it’s not your fault!” Wizard Fara shook his head and continued “The dwarves are a part of the Wizard Union, but they never looked at us as equals. We were always tools to them, and your actions meant no harm to the dwarves. It’s all because of the Wizard Union! “Just like on the front lines, if you hadn’t helped us rebuild the Howling Castle, tens of thousands of worker dwarves might be dead already. No matter what, it is us dwarves that need to apologize to you!” Initially Yoby’s gaze on Abel was extremely unfriendly, but as he heard Wizard Fara explain, he understood how childish he was being and was quite embarrassed. “Fara, how do you want me to help?” Abel asked him quietly. He knew very well there was not much he could do. The dwarves were a part of the Wizard Union, and interfering could mean war. Considering the situation of the Furnace, starting a God Rank war there would kill everyone around! “Headmaster Abel, can you have the Mountain God turn the Furnace Fort into its faithful grounds. That way the Wizard Union might think again!” Wizard Fara suggested carefully. Abel shook his head. “Fara, faithful grounds are not invincible. It will only suppress the enemy some, but that energy wouldn’t do much to God Ranks!” The power of faithful grounds were always exaggerated in historical texts, so Abel knew a lot more about them than Wizard Fara. Of course, it wasn’t hard for a god’s faithful grounds to take down some Half-gods and below if they were willing to sacrifice some Faith. But considering the situation of gods, a more direct move was to do a godsend. The ones who wrote historical texts were all Half-gods and below, so of course they would exaggerate how powerful the faithful grounds were. “Headmaster Abel, you are us dwarves’ only hope. Please help us!” Wizard Fara did not have any more suggestions, all he could do was beg. Abel looked at the report again and speculated some. “Fara, the Wizard Union might make a move within a day. Go back to the dwarves and notify them. I will open my Teleportation Circle; they can all hide in the Battlecry Plateau!” Abel offered firmly. “Master, Dragon Headmaster Eugene has sent you a message!” the Research Spirit suddenly alerted him. Abel connected to the message and realized it was a message he had delivered for the Wizard Union. It clearly stated the dwarves’ affair was an internal affair of the Wizard Union and the dragons should not get involved. “Fara, the Wizard Union has just sent the dragons a message warning us not to interfere with their internal affairs!” Abel shook his head. “Headmaster Abel, is there really nothing you can do?” Wizard Fara sensed a spark of helplessness as he lowered his voice. “Still, I can open my Teleportation Circle for the dwarves. Then the dwarves will be in my own territory!” Abel replied with confidence. Actually Abel really felt the urge to directly intervene, but he also knew that probably meant war. It was his prime time for growth, so starting a war was not a wise move. He was very confident that within ten years, neither the Demon from Beyond nor the Wizard Union would be able to move him. Wizard Fara began to think about what to do. Even if Abel opened his Teleportation Circle, not many dwarves might be willing to flee. Dwarves would die for their homes, hiding around just wasn’t their style! “Headmaster Abel, if the dwarves pledge loyalty to you and become a race that serves under you, could you help us?” Wizard Fara gazed at Yoby as he asked this grimly. “Fara, the dwarves don’t need to do this. As long as they come to the Battlecry Plateau, they can have a piece of land that they can do whatever they want to with, and I will protect them!” Abel shook his head. “Headmaster Abel, I will act on behalf of the dwarf royal palace and pledge loyalty to you. Please allow us!’ Yoby finally understood the situation and went down on his knees with a serious expression on his face. As the last royal dwarf, Yoby was the only one with the power to do something like this. He then lifted a little hammer above his head, and crimson flames engulfed it. It was the symbol of the royal dwarves. King Dunba had handed it to him before he left. “I, Dragon Headmaster Abel, accept your loyalty!” Abel did not reject him. If it was what the dwarves really wanted, he had to respect it!
Chapter 1415 Chapter 1415: Invasion Since the Holy Kingdom was the Wizard Union’s true enemy, they did not take away any wizards from the defense wall to invade the dwarves. Moreover, even Wizard Brennan didn’t believe the dwarves would have a way to fight back. What they wanted was to flex their authority, take care of the Mountain God’s followers, and pick a new Dwarf-King. Since King Dunba had died, if the dragons weren’t planning to do anything, the dwarves had no power to disobey. Wizard Brennan was confident in his moves, but there was one big miscalculation he was making: underestimating the number of the Mountain God’s followers. He thought there would only be a few hundred or thousand at most, but there were in fact two million elite dwarven faithful. If they realized King Dunba had been killed, they would all die fighting! After all, King Dunba knew what he was getting himself into when he disobeyed the God Ranks. If the dwarves were going to die, they would die fighting! Wizard Brennan gathered ten Half-god wizards, twenty Legendary wizards, and five thousand wizards of other ranks. Just looking at the thirty powerful wizards levitating in the sky was enough to make any heart chill. They did not teleport directly to the dwarves, instead arriving at the nearest Wizard Union base to reform their ranks. After they were lined up again properly, all of them began flashing towards the Furnace Fort. The Wizard Union had sent out so many Half-gods not because they believed the dwarves had Half-gods themselves, but because their famous machines and those twenty Ancient Ground Puppet Kings might catch them by surprise. After all, the Wizard Union wasn’t trying to end the dwarves, they were just trying to scare them. If they really wanted to wipe them out, a single Half-god could still do the trick. Therefore, Wizard Brennan did not think too much about it. As for God Ranks, it would be way too much overkill for a race without even a Half-god, and it could backfire and damage their image in return. In the past year or two the Wizard Union had met with a lot of misfortunes, so it was time for them to reclaim their name as the foremost authority of the world! The wizards on the ground continued to flash. Just looking at them was dizzying, let alone those thirty extreme energies in the sky. The Furnace Fort was five hundred miles away, but the way those wizards advanced was chilling. “Everyone, we will first penetrate the Furnace Fort and press down every dwarf with our energy, but don’t kill them. Our mission is to get rid of the Mountain God’s followers!” Wizard Brennan ordered everyone with him. When the thirty wizards in the sky nodded, they sped up and they arrived above the Furnace Fort before the five thousand wizards on the ground. “What?” Wizard Brennan suddenly gasped in shock. As he looked down, he noticed all the wizard dwarves were already standing on top and the ground was covered with other dwarves. They all had fiery gazes in their eyes. “Mr. Brennan, I feel like something’s wrong!” Wizard Miles blurted out. “Who are the ones kneeling?” Wizard Brennan also sensed something wrong as he lowered his voice. In front of the royal palace on the mountain, there were twenty dwarves bound in chains. It was a ruthless way to treat criminals, and was only used on the worst wrongdoers. Because of this, it was rarely seen in action. “Mr Brennan, they look like our spies!” a Legendary wizard said hesitantly. Since they had to know the dwarves’ situation before their invasion, that Legendary wizard was responsible for communicating with the spies. It would also allow them to pick a new king more effectively. As for Yoby, they world burn him alive, just like the other Mountain God followers! Everything was planned, but their spies had somehow been captured? Wizard Brennan gazed around and shouted angrily, “I am the Vice President of the Wizard Union, Half-god Wizard Brennan. I am here at the command of the Union to capture criminals! Any who dare to stop us will be captured as well!” Wizard Fara flew up from the dwarves as he shouted back, “I am the most powerful wizard of the dwarves, Wizard Fara! The Wizard Union has killed our king and now wants to capture us dwarves? Do you want to end us?” He knew the wizards in front of him were tens of times more powerful than him, yet he sounded confident. “Fara, I was not expecting you to become a Legend, but do you really think you can take us down?” Wizard Brennan said coldly. As he spoke, the five thousand wizards on the ground had also arrived. “”They quickly surrounded the Furnace Fort. As for the dwarves’ Teleportation Circles, they had all been kicked out of the Wizard Union network. Wizard Fara kept calm. “Wizard Brennan, of course not, but the Wizard Union has no more right to interfere with us dwarves!” “You are a part of the Wizard Union and you dare to disobey us? How dare you say we have no right to take care of the dwarves!” Wizard Brennan yelled again his voice sharp. “So many wizards, but perhaps they are afraid to start a God Rank war?” a familiar voice suddenly sounded. Wizard Brennan suddenly turned his gaze and he was stunned. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union has notified the dragons to not interfere with our internal affairs! Do you want to start an all-out war?” Even as he spoke, the giant Golden Castle suddenly appeared in mid air, and Abel flew out with all his Summons including the Mountain God, the Goddess of the Hunt, the Ice God, and the God of Black Fog. With all nine God Ranks, the thirty wizards in the sky sensed an extreme pressure, while those five thousand wizards below couldn’t even take a breath. “Yes I did receive your notice, but Yoby, the heir to the throne of the dwarves, has pledged loyalty to me, so the dwarves are now my people!” Abel smiled and nodded at Wizard Miles before turning back to Wizard Brennan. Wizard Miles gazed forward, and could only sigh. He was the one who had helped Abel, but in just a few years Abel was already a Half-god with many God Rank Summons… Especially those four gods. They had all been chained up by the Wizard Union for many years, yet they were resurrected in no time! “Headmaster Abel, you have no right to do that!” Wizard Brennan yelled again. “All the dwarves agreed and I have the dwarves symbol of ultimate authority, so the Wizard Union should just give up!” Abel smiled. A little hammer appeared in his hand. It was the dwarves’ symbol of ultimate authority. “Headmaster Abel, do you know what you are doing? We are not trying to end the dwarves, we are just trying to capture the Mountain God’s followers and treat them like the followers of an evil god. After everything is taken care of, we will let the dwarves live on!” Wizard Brennan did not back down. Instead, he increased his voice to let the dwarves hear him. At first he thought his words would make the dwarves think again, but they did not. In fact the fury in their gazes intensified! “Wizard Brennan, you must not know how many of his followers there are among the dwarves!” Abel shook his head with a sheepish smile. Wizard Brennan immediately sensed something wrong. “There are almost three million dwarves worshiping the Mountain God. You said you are not trying to end the dwarves?” Abel smirked at him Wizard Brennan was stunned. No wonder the dwarves had such a big reaction. If the Wizard Union hadn’t push them so hard, they would not have so willingly become a subordinate race under Abel. “Damn the Intelligence Department!” he groaned. The Wizard Union Intelligence Department rarely disappointed, which was why the top ranks of the Wizard Union never expected so much hassle to come from this. Killing a few followers was a walk in the park, but three million of them was a completely different story. Even if they all lined themselves up to be killed, it would still take a long time! “Headmaster Abel, please excuse us. Our Intelligence Department did not know about this information, so I believe we will need to reconsider our actions to avoid further conflict!” Wizard Brennan admitted carefully. He knew it was already a reality that the dwarves became Abel’s people, so it was best for him to let the God Rank wizards decide what to do next. All a Half-god like him could do was avoid further conflict! “No need, do you really think the Wizard Union will take back their order?” Abel smirked again. He came here as soon as the dwarves had pledged loyalty to him. The first thing he did was lock down the entire Furnace Fort and recall all the dwarves outside. Afterwards, he ordered Wizard Fara to capture all the spies, and told Yoby to announce the death of King Dunba before declaring the dwarves were now under Abel’s protection. Abel’s identity as Grandmaster Bennett was extremely well-regarded by the dwarves, and they were extremely grateful that he helped them fight a God Rank war in the front lines. Considering the dissatisfaction they had just experienced with the Wizard Union, it was an easy decision for the dwarves to make. Of course, even if they hadn’t, Yoby, as the heir to the throne, had the right to dictate the dwarves’ fate. Furthermore, Abel was a Dragon Headmaster with the Mountain God as a Summon. They did not feel any less honored to serve under him!
Chapter 1416 Chapter 1416: Stop “Headmaster Abel, what are you going to do with us!” Wizard Brennan gazed around at the nine God Rank Summons, trying to keep his voice level. The nine could easily take down every single wizard around, so the Legendary and Half-god wizards did not move a single bit. “What am I going to do with you? Just stay for a bit, we are going to watch a good show!” Abel smiled back at him. An irritated look emerged on Wizard Brennan’s face as he replied, “Headmaster Abel, I still have things to take care of in the Wizard Union. I’ll be on my way!” As the Vice President of the Wizard Union, he knew Abel was trying to use them as bargaining chips, so the God Rank wizards wouldn’t start a God Rank war for what he was about to do. “Wizard Brennan, just give me some face!” Abel continued to smile, but he strengthened his tone. He has waited all day with the dwarves with his nine God Rank Summons, just for this moment. With so many wizards in his hands, the God Rank wizards would think again if they wanted to make a move themselves! As he spoke, his nine God Rank Summons let out some energy. “If you command, then we’ll stay!” Wizard Brennan could only agree helplessly. “Good, please take a rest in the Golden Castle. I’ve already got some good wine ready!” Abel smiled and bowed to him politely. Indeed, there was a party set up on the Golden Castle’s balcony. The puppets there bowed respectfully to the guests. The Half-god wizards exchanged gazes and flew towards the Golden Castle. They had no choice anymore. Abel took a sip of juice and sighed, “Everyone, I’m sorry for the hassle, but you can only leave after the show is over!” He did not care how those wizards looked at him. Instead he nodded to the Mountain God. A blinding beam shot out of the Mountain God and covered the Furnace Fort. “The great Mountain God!” a dwarf gasped. The Mountain God had deliberately hidden himself among the energy of the other God Rank summons, so the dwarves had not noticed him. But now he had fully unleashed his energy. The two million dwarves worshiping him could clearly sense his power. Ever since the dwarves had heard the news that King Dunba was killed because the Wizard Union was going after the Mountain God’s followers, a rebound effect was created. The number of Mountain God followers immediately jumped to almost three million. The Mountain God was a pureblooded dwarf god, and every dwarf had learned about him since they were young. His appearance was making every dwarf below go crazy. —— As Abel sat on the Golden Castle, he sensed the dwarves’ Faith strengthening. “Where there are dwarves, there will be my followers. I will protect the dwarves, fight for the dwarves, and the dwarves and I will exist for all eternity!” The Mountain God’s voice covered the Furnace Fort like the waves of the ocean. The Mountain God had learned a lot from Doff, so he no longer acted like a new soul when doing big things like this. Dwarves began to get on their knees and chanted, “Great Mountain God, we will forever pledge loyalty to you as our only god!” Ever since the Mountain God had vanished, his stories were recorded in the dwarves’ texts. Before the Era of Gods had ended, the Mountain God had fought for the dwarves against the Wizard Union despite the cost. Although he lost, everything he had done still showed that he truly wanted the best for the dwarves, so it only made sense that the dwarves were also passionate about him. Intense Faith rose up from the Furnace Fort and was only strengthened by the special environment around. — Up on the Golden Castle’s balcony, the wizards were not looking good as they watched what was happening. They knew very well how ironic the situation was. They had wanted to stop the dwarves from worshiping the Mountain God, yet the opposite had happened. Wizard Brennan gazed at Abel in surprise, knowing what was going to happen next. Large amounts of Faith gathered to the Mountain God and turned into a golden orb around him. With a wave, five hundred holy crystals appeared and they morphed into five hundred huge crystal facets. Next, those crystal facets connected with each other and formed a giant crystal ball in the sky. At the same time, an intense energy engulfed the area around them. Abel sighed, it was impossible to create a Divine Realm in silence, and all the powerful beings would be able to sense it. Soon, patterns began to emerge on the crystal sphere… ——– Wizard Smith was sitting in his office when he suddenly yelled in fury, “Who dares?” Five other God Rank wizards quickly appeared in his office for the same reason. All the other wizards were on the front lines, and those five God Rank wizards had only remained in the Wizard Union Headquarters just in case something went wrong withthe dwarves. “It’s coming from the dwarves’ direction. Could it be the Mountain God?” Wizard Mosley asked suspiciously. They didn’t know that the Mountain God’s former Kingdom had been swallowed up by Doff, so they were a little confused. “Not good, Brennan and the wizards might be in trouble!” Wizard Hawthorn gasped. Although they had brought many wizards with them, facing a god was still a challenge. “They should be fine. With eleven Half-gods, they would be able to save themselves even if they couldn’t take down the Mountain God!” Wizard Smith speculated somberly. After all, there was only so much a single god could do! Wizards could all move in a flash, so the Half-gods should be able to escape and alert the Wizard Union Headquarters. “Let’s go have a look and destroy whoever that god is. A kingdom cannot move, so he will be at a huge disadvantage!” Wizard Hawthorn proposed with a smirk. “Then let’s go!” The five God Rank wizards did not hesitate and flew up with a flash. Headmaster Eugene also sensed the energy, and the first person he thought about was Abel. He did not hesitate, either, and flew towards the dragon’s Teleportation Circle. — Meanwhile, sparkling golden lights beamed out above the Furnace Fort, using this opportunity to strengthen the dwarves’ Faith. Soon, another round of passionate Faith gushed out and sped up the process. Faith normally wasn’t the problem when it came to a god forming a Divine Kingdom, but obtaining five hundred holy crystals was just too hard. This was why there were many gods like Thief God Milton who only had a Divine Body. Although they could still form holy crystals through Faith, the time it took was hard to imagine. Of course, gods could also do missions and risk their lives for some holy crystals, which were the most valuable currency back then. Abel was lucky that he had received a large amount of holy crystals from the Holy Kingdom, and the Dark World was also supplying him with a healthy amount. Don’t think the Thief God Milton was having a breeze killing in the Holy Kingdom! Every time he encountered a powerful enemy, he would need to use a holy crystal to escape. This was the case for Doff’s avatar as well. Strengthening his defense in battle through holy crystals was a common move. That wasn’t even including the four new gods Abel had obtained. If Abel had not had so many holy crystals accumulated, he would have gone broke long ago. “Master, 5 God Rank wizards are approaching!” Doff’s avatar reported through their soul chain. “Unleash your energy and scare them away!” Abel frowned and connected to the other eight God Rank Summons. — Wizard Smith paused in mid air. “Damn it, where did all the God Ranks come from?” He could faintly see the Furnace Fort, but he did not dare to get any closer. Wizard Hawthorn also paused and grunted, “No need to explain, Headmaster Abel is there!” God Ranks were no common beings. The only one capable of controlling so many was Abel! Although they didn’t know how Abel had gained even more God Ranks, it made sense that the Ice God, the God of Black Fog, and the Goddess of the Hunt had also been resurrected after considering the Mountain God’s situation. Four newly-resurrected gods plus Abel’s original five God Ranks, that was exactly nine God Ranks. Actually, Wizard Smith did not know Thief God Milton was fighting in the Holy Kingdom again, so he mistook the fourth God Rank for him. “Headmaster Abel, I am Smith. We need to talk!” Wizard Smith projected his voice out ahead of them. Soon a being appeared a thousand meters away from them. It was Doff’s avatar. “Master said to please wait. He and the other wizards from the Wizard Union are enjoying a show. After the show ends, they can all go!” Doff’s avatar declared in a powerful divine voice. “The dwarves are a part of the Wizard Union, and he is forming a faithful ground in our territory! Does he want a war?” Wizard Smith demanded grimly. “Master said he will talk to you afterwards!” Doff’s avatar repeated blankly. Wizard Smith was furious. This avatar of Doff was basically trying to provoke them, knowing fully well that there were seven other God Ranks ready to fight behind him. If all the God Rank wizards were here, there was no way he would dare to speak so disrespectfully! The other four God Rank wizards could only stand there awkwardly in the sky. “You guys are quick!” Headmaster Eugene also appeared. Although his dragon form was fast as well, it was still leagues behind a wizard’s ability to flash-move. “Headmaster Eugene, the dragons must give us an explanation!” Wizard Smith yelled as soon as he saw Headmaster Eugene. “Explain what, I just came here! You should be the one explaining to me what is happening!” Headmaster Eugene smiled, but he knew Abel was doing something after seeing Doff was blocking the way.
Chapter 1417 Chapter 1417: Surrender “Headmaster Abel is a Dragon Headmaster, the dragons should be responsible for his actions, right?” Wizard Smith gazed at Headmaster Eugene as he challenged him. “Of course, but you really should tell me what is happening first!” Headmaster Eugene smiled, returning to his human form and stepping up calmly. Even if he didn’t step up and block the way, Wizard Smith and the others wouldn’t dare to get closer. After all, nine God Ranks together had never been seen before, other than within the Wizard Union. Even the mysterious sea monsters might not be able to gather nine God Ranks! “What we do with the dwarves is the Wizard Union’s internal affair, and Headmaster Abel has set up so many God Ranks in the Furnace Fort to allow a god to form his Divine Realm, as well as stopping us from approaching!” Wizard Smith realized that Headmaster Eugene was also trying to buy time for Abel, but he still had to play along. “Smith, maybe we are having some misunderstanding. Do you want me to help you ask Headmaster Abel?” Headmaster Eugene smiled back. Wizard Smith took a deep breath and said, “Headmaster Eugene, the Wizard Union might not be able to go against Headmaster Abel right now, but if he continues to provoke the Wizard Union, he will regret it when our president comes back!” There was nothing more he could say. The Wizard Union didn’t know what they should do with Abel ever since he had managed to get five God Ranks on his side. Although they didn’t know what those other four gods’ relationship with Abel was, they had to be very close to appear together! Therefore, even if the Wizard Union gathered all their God Ranks, they wouldn’t be able to do much! “Smith, I think you forgot about one thing. Your president is powerful, but do you think our dragon god is weak? Long ago, when we took the ocean and the Wizard Union took the land, do you think it was a peaceful negotiation? No, both sides only agreed after a huge fight. So remember, we dragons are not afraid of the Wizard Union. Don’t think your president can scare us!” Headmaster Eugene sensed Wizard Smith’s threatening tone, so he doubled down as well. Among the God Ranks, Headmaster Eugene was still quite well respected! —— As they continued to chat, a giant crystal ball engulfed by holy scripture emerged above the Furnace Fort. The formation of the Mountain God’s Divine Kingdom was coming to an end, and divine power swept through the sky. Abel finally sensed Headmaster Eugene’s presence and a wave of gratitude emerged from his heart. Although he had eight God Ranks on his side, he couldn’t really use all of them. God Ranks two to four were all holy knights, so he didn’t really want to expose them. Even if the Wizard Union couldn’t do anything to him, he didn’t want anyone associating him with the Holy Kingdom! As for his four gods, they still needed a few more months to grow, and he didn’t really know how powerful they were. Most of all, the souls of his God Rank Summons were still too young and they didn’t have the experience of a true God Rank, so it was best to avoid conflicts as much as possible for now. The crystal ball with golden holy scriptures slowly faded, and the Divine Realm was formed before retracting into a hidden dimension. “My followers will live for eternity. This is my faithful ground, and my kingdom will shine upon the land!” the Mountain God’s voice swept over the lands below. A faithful ground was the basis of a god, but forming it was not easy. Take Doff for example: the Battlecry Plateau was the land of the Barbarians, so it was easy for him. As for the other three gods, their faithful grounds had been established there long ago. All they needed was some reigniting. Although the Mountain God was forming a completely new faithful ground, he had a lot of followers in the dwarves and the burst of Faith he had just received, judging by his Kingdom’s formation, had made the situation extremely pure. The prerequisites were met, and most of the dwarves had placed their faith in him. Golden lights shone down upon the land and spread out. It was a god using his own Faith to ignite a faithful ground, a show of might! Wizard Smith’s face warped as he yelled, “A faithful ground!” Not only did it include the Furnace Fort, but the other dwarven territories around were turning into faithful grounds! Upon those lands, all nonbelievers immediately sensed a faint pressure. Although it was not enough to hurt them, it showed that most dwarves had consented! The Mountain God took a step forward and disappeared into his Kingdom to start its internal construction. — Abel did not follow, as the Mountain God had already learned everything he needed from Doff. Instead he turned to the blank-faced Wizard Brennan with a smile “Wizard Brennan, sorry to keep you waiting, but the show has ended now. You can go!” “The Wizard Unions thank you for your hospitality!” Wizard Brennan answered in a careful voice. He stood up with the other wizards and flew away. — Meanwhile, Doff’s avatar took a step forward and bowed. “My God Rank wizards, Headmaster Eugene, master is inviting you to the Golden Castle as guests!” Wizard Smith exchanged gazes with the other God Rank wizards as he muttered in a low voice, “Headmaster Abel better give me a good explanation!” “Haha, same!” Headmaster Eugene grinned nastily. — The six God Ranks flew towards the Furnace Fort and saw Abel on the Golden Castle with five God Rank summons next to him. They couldn’t see the gods, because they were all back in their Kingdoms. Still, it took away much of the pressure from the wizards, since their numbers were now equal. They thought Abel was doing it intentionally to mock them, but actually they just thought too much. “Headmaster Abel, we meet again!” Wizard Smith and the other four God Rank wizards bowed politely despite themselves. “Please excuse me for letting you all wait!” Abel smiled at them. He gently nodded to Headmaster Eugene. Since they were close, there was no need for unnecessary manners. Wizard Smith did not take a seat as he asked, “Headmaster Abel, you must give us an explanation for what you did to the dwarves!” His attitude was clear: what Abel had done was a direct provocation. Everything from the dwarves, to forming a new Divine Kingdom! It was all a huge embarrassment to the Wizard Union! “Wizard Smith, the new king of the dwarves, Yoby, has pledged allegiance to me, so the dwarves are now under my sovereignty. What I want my people to believe is none of the Wizard Union’s business!” Abel smiled confidently. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union has always shown you respect, but what you did has made you our enemy!” Wizard Smith said grimly. “Wizard Smith, I appreciate the respect the Wizard Union has given me. If I was a little weaker, you would have killed me many times already!” Abel’s face sank and his voice turned somber at the words. Since the dwarves were the ones wanting to be on his side, he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. Also he wasn’t really afraid of anything. If it wasn’t because of the Holy Kingdom, he would have started a war with the Wizard Union already! Headmaster Eugene saw the rising tension and he quickly interrupted, “Please, let me say something!” Abel and Wizard Smith looked at him. Neither side wanted a war, after all. “It’s already a reality that the dwarves have pledged allegiance to Headmaster Abel, so the Wizard Union should just let it slide. But Headmaster Abel was also in the wrong, as he should have notified the Wizard Union before interfering!” Headmaster Eugene smiled. He was clearly siding with Abel, and the wizards were not going to let it slide. It was a huge event, and he thought a single notice would do the trick? Abel put on an embarrassed face and said, “Wizard Smith, it’s my fault for not notifying the Wizard Union beforehand. I was planning to let you know tomorrow, but you just came so fast!” Wizard Smith just sneered. “Headmaster Abel, let’s forget about the dwarves for now, but what are you going to say about the Mountain God creating a kingdom and making the dwarves’ lands his faithful grounds?” Wizard Hawthorn added. Abel did not reply, instead asking with a mocking face, “Are you Wizard Hawthorn?” “Indeed!” Wizard Hawthorn nodded. He didn’t know what Abel was intending. “Wizard Hawthorn, I know you don’t like me and tried to use Bernie to set me up, but me and the Mountain God were just collaborating. If you have any problems, go find the Mountain God, I am only responsible for the dwarves’ safety.” Abel was very calm, but Wizard Hawthorn felt like he was being stared at by something murderous. Although his operation against Abel had ended long ago, the fact that Abel brought it up meant that he had not forgotten the matter! Wizard Hawthorn felt his heart drop. Abel really liked to hold his grudges. He suddenly felt like Abel would start taking revenge if he kept talking. Even as a God Rank wizard of ultimate prestige, facing a being with nine God Ranks on his side was still very threatening! “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union will take a loss on this one!” Wizard Smith interrupted them with a grim voice. He knew very well there was a god’s Kingdom and nine God Ranks around. If they were to start a fight, they would be at a huge disadvantage. It was especially true considering how Abel could be some times. The last time he had basically invaded the Wizard Union headquarters with his God Ranks! With four resurrected gods on his side, Abel was a true threat to the Wizard Union! That was not even mentioning there were even more Divine Bodies under the Wizard Union Headquarters. If they gave Abel another excuse to invade them, they might soon be in even greater trouble! Therefore, the five God Rank wizards had to take a loss and leave. Let’s just think about what to do until the other God Ranks return as well!, they thought to themselves.
Chapter 1418 Chapter 1418: Tables Turn “Headmaster Abel, you acted a bit too quick this time. Next time let me know beforehand!” Headmaster Eugene sighed after the God Rank wizards left. “Headmaster Eugene, things happened all too swiftly, and I didn’t want to get the dragons involved!” Abel explained hastily. “Headmaster Abel, you are a Dragon Headmaster, so your decisions are the dragons’ decisions. The dragons need your support, but remember that the dragons will support you as well!” “Understood!” Abel bowed to Eugene’s sincerity. “The most powerful wizards of the Wizard Union are still out there, and us dragons are the same. When the time comes, the most powerful God Rank dragons will return!” Headmaster Eugene smiled in anticipation. “Since the dwarves are vassals of the dragons now, do you want to come take a look?” Abel invited him. “Haha, the dwarves are the best builders in this world. With them on our side, we will be able to operate even more ocean cities!” Headmaster Eugene’s eyes began to sparkle. The dragons’ control over the ocean had always been limited, not just because there were too many God Rank sea monsters, but because they needed someone to build ocean cities for defense. The ocean was way too big, so protecting a territory was much harder than taking them. The dragons’ population was always small, and their numbers could not match the sea monsters even if they used pseudo-dragons. Therefore, ocean cities with Teleportation Circles were crucial so that powerful dragons could quickly come for support during an invasion. However, building things was not an easy thing for the dragons. Since Abel had mentioned that the dwarves were now vassals of the dragons, that meant they could go out and do work for the dragons! After all, the dragons still had much more in reserve when it came to power. They were much stronger than they seemed on the surface. As an example, there was that Small World at Dragon Island. It was not something easy to make, and its creator, the Dragon God, still did not show himself. With such a powerful force supporting them, the dwarves would have a much easier time against the Wizard Union! —— Abel and Headmaster Eugene landed in front of the Dwarves’ Royal palace. Wizard Fara, Yoby, and the other wizard dwarves were already waiting. Abel smiled and announced to them, “Everyone, the dwarves are no longer in danger, and you are now vassals of the dragons!” Excitement began to spark among the dwarves. At first there were some dwarves against Yoby’s decision to pledge allegiance to Abel, but they all changed their minds after they saw so many Half-god wizards ready to go after them. As for worshiping the Mountain God, the dwarves had decided that for themselves after thousands of years of attempted indoctrination, and the Wizard Union’s actions had left them very disappointed. Considering how many dwarves there were worshiping the Mountain God, the Wizard Union would have ended the dwarves if Abel had not stopped them. “Headmaster Abel, us dwarves will forever remember what you did for us!” Wizard Fars exclaimed with a deep bow. “Not just me, Headmaster Eugene also came to stop the God Rank wizards, so you should thank him, too!” Abel bowed back cheerfully. “Thank you, Headmaster Eugene!” exclaimed Wizard Fara and the dwarves, bowing to him. Headmaster Eugene smiled. These dwarves really were an easy bunch to please! They were Abel’s people, but since Abel had agreed to it, they would be helping out the dragons and building a lot of things in the future. “Fara, I won’t get involved with how the dwarves are run internally, so just continue with what you have been doing!” Abel continued. “Yes, Headmaster Abel!” Wizard Fara bowed again. Yoby let out a big breath of relief. As the heir to the throne, he was really afraid that Abel would make some big changes and cause chaos among the dwarves. After all, this was a huge change for them! —— Just like that, this ground breaking news spread throughout the continents. The dwarves had gone through a lot of ups and downs throughout their history, but they had always been a part of the Wizard Union for the past few millennia. All of a sudden they were a vassals of the dragons, and under their protection? Many dwarves just couldn’t believe it, especially the powerful wizard dwarves. Headmaster Abel was famous, but what had happened had truly pushed his name to every corner of the world. All the subcontinents wanted further confirmation from the central continent. Their Teleportation Circles were basically on constant operation, but this impact was still small compared to the reaction of the Wizard Union. What had happened over the Furnace Fort was disclosed in detail to every dwarf. They all realized the Wizard Union was trying to end their race. Dwarves working in the Wizard Union began to resign one by one, and many construction projects came to a halt. Without the crucial architects, it would be a long time until the Wizard Union fully recovered. After all, the dwarves were gifted builders by nature. Still, the Wizard Union did not stop those dwarves from resigning. It was not because they couldn’t, but because it wasn’t worth the risk to provoke Abel again over such trivial matters. —— Time slowly went by. After ten days, the impact from the loss of the dwarves was even more pronounced. Although the Wizard Union had prioritized a construction team to repair the Howling Castle, it was still not the same. The defense wall of Doomsday was a problem as well. There were many systems only the dwarves knew how to repair, and now they were stuck. These were only the most crucial impact, but problems were now occurring all throughout the central continent. —— As for the dwarves themselves, they thought they would have nothing to do after they left the Wizard Union, but they were wrong. The dragons used large amounts of sea treasures to pay the dwarves for their labor. Soonnew defenses began to emerge from islands in the ocean. With such great protection and rewards, the dwarves felt honored like never before. With this incident, some information that had been kept secret also spread, such as the fact that Abel had saved four gods from the Wizard Union headquarters. After all, the people in the know knew the Mountain God had been captured by the Wizard Union and his weapons had been on display. How did he escape? The Wizard Union might have wanted to conceal the situation, but the powerful could still get their hands on some information if the Wizard Union did not kill them. Meanwhile, the God of Black Fog, the Ice God, and the Goddess of the Hunt also began to spread his faith while they stayed in their own Kingdoms. —— Just like that, another month went by. The Furnace Fort was getting even more vibrant. Since Abel did not interfere with how the dwarves worked, and they were no longer bound by the Wizard Union, they began trading with different races. At the end of the day the dwarves were still the best blacksmiths, architects, and metallurgists around! Slowly, the dwarves were realizing how much better their lives were getting. Not only were they getting more work requests, they also had the support of the dragons and access to all kinds of resources and potions. Of course, they were not all potions from Abel, because doing so would basically kill him from overwork. But he left a request to the elves’ Potion Maker Union, telling them to meet the dwarves’ demands if they could. Since Abel had left the elves as Grandmaster Bennett, he had an astronomical amount of credit from his supplies of lotions and conditioners. With the dwarves now serving under him, they would be treated accordingly. This was almost unimaginable to the dwarves, since one of the biggest restrictions the Wizard Union had on them was their access to potions. It was why it was very difficult for them to become legendary wizards. All they had been supplied with was enough to do their forging! With such a hopeful atmosphere, it only made sense the dwarves would start to get more powerful. —— Abel connected to the Mountain God through the soul chain and sensed countless streams of Faith. Since the Mountain God’s analytical skills were very strong inside his Kingdom, a clear number was reflected to Abel. Eighty-five million followers, and a big bunch was coming from the subcontinents! Considering how far away they were, those dwarves from the subcontinents had to be worshiping the Mountain God in a huge group. Still, considering how new their faith was, the Mountain God did not have many extremely loyal followers there yet. Still, a river of Faith gushed into the Mountain God’s Kingdom. In just a short amount of time, the amount of Faith he was receiving had doubled! The dwarves were fully under Abel’s control, spiritually and on paper.
Chapter 1419 Chapter 1419: Negotiations Abel did not skip his nightly training even after a day of dealing with the dwarves, but he did not complain. He had been close to the dwarves ever since he was young, so of course he would not stand by and tolerate what the Wizard Union had done. Even after the dwarves pledged allegiance to him, he did not demand that they do anything. The most useful thing those dwarves could do was provide the Mountain God with Faith. When it came to smithing, they were still nothing compared to the thirty thousand blacksmiths in Doff’s kingdom! Of course, they also helped out the dragons a lot in exchange for their protection. —— After everything was set, Abel returned from seclusion. Considering how hard he had worked during the past year, was only a hair away from being a Rank 32 Half-god. It was extremely fast, and was only possible because the Intelligence Fruit helped the laws in his Wizard Pattern grow. Truly, those things had been treasures for the ancients! It did not lessen training benefits like normal potions did, but instead allowed Abel to absorb his magical laws even faster. Abel might have seemed only twenty-four years old, but he had actually gone through more than a century of training in the Dark World. Still, age meant nothing to him as a Half-god. If he wasn’t fighting for time before the Demon from Beyond’s resurrection, he would not have trained as crazily as this! Who knew, a genius like him had actually gone through four times as much battle as others his age, and he had a whole other world of resources as support! ========= One day, Abel got a message from his Spirit Connection Circle. It was the God Alliance inviting him to a gathering. The invitation letter was sent by the Moon Goddess, and sounded very grateful. They let Abel decide the time, and they would only proceed if Abel was free. Abel thought for a moment and connected to the Spirit Connection Circle, accepting the invitation. He was free at that moment, so he waited patiently. After a minute, the other five gods appeared within his Spirit Connection Circle. “Headmaster Abel, congratulations about the dwarves!” The Moon Goddess was the first one to smile. “Moon Goddess, I’m just protecting them!” Abel smiled back and bowed politely to the gods. Ever since the Mountain God had started gathering followers, he knew just how powerful the god of a big race must be. There were eighty-five million dwarves worshiping him, and the benefits he had gained were clear in just a short period of time. The Moon Goddess, on the other hand, had had the entire elven race under her for thousands of years. Although there were more dwarves around than elves, the Faith she received shouldn’t be any weaker. With that in mind, he wondered just how much Faith the Moon Goddess had accumulated, even if she had to pay a tax to the Wizard Union. Abel began to look at those established gods in a new light. They might look weak, but they all had secret weapons! “Headmaster Abel, I heard you saved four gods from the Wizard Union and resurrected them. Is that true?” the Water Goddess couldn’t help but ask. It was a question these gods dearly wanted to know, but things had been just way too heated before. They had waited until it was clear that the Wizard Union was no longer going for the dwarves. “Yes, the God Rank wizards in the Wizard Union were trying to make a move on me, so I struck them first and took those four holy bodies!” Abel smiled. Although the Wizard Union tried to cover up that event, the news still managed to get out. There was no need for Abel to hide it any more. “Headmaster Abel, if you are the one who saved and resurrected them, they should show you some face, right?” The Water Goddess’ eyes began to sparkle with excitement. “Water Goddess, just speak if you have any requests. I still have some contacts with those gods!” Abel replied a bit awkwardly. “So it’s like this. The Central Continent has only had six gods ever since the Mountain God fell and Doff, the God of War, took his place, but now there are four more gods.”We know the Goddess of the Hunt, the Ice God, the God of Black Fog, and the Mountain God all have their own Kingdoms and faithful grounds, so this broke the dynamic the God Alliance initially had in the central continent. I was just wondering if they could maybe sign a contract with us, declaring that they would not expand their territories into ours!” the Water Goddess asked humbly. Gods in this world had found a way to make peace with each other, but with four extra Gods of Battle gods, no one could guarantee they would not attack out of greed. Therefore, the God Alliance had to negotiate with Abel. Abel couldn’t help but turn to the Moon Goddess, who had not said anything. Out of the five gods, the Moon Goddess was the only one not worried. That was first because she and the elves were very close to Abel. Second, the elves were very isolated, so it was basically impossible for the other gods to interfere with. “I can contact those gods, but I can’t guarantee if they will sign the contract or not!” Abel shook his head. Although he had no intention of letting those gods expand their territories, making it too easy was basically disclosing that those gods were under his control. “Headmaster Abel, please ask anything of us, we will try to meet your request as long as you can help us!” the God of Death asked solemnly. Unlike the four new gods, these five gods could not expand their territories because of the Wizard Union. In fact, they did not even have the guts to expand their followers beyond their territories. As for the four new gods, they had Abel on their side, which had created a force even the Wizard Union could not do anything about! Although these five gods speculated that the four new gods were Summons like Abel’s other God Rank Summons, it was still unbelievable that gods would do something like this. Those four new gods were not Thief God Milton. They were powerful gods skilled in fighting. There was no way they would serve under a Half-god like Abel! “Everyone, if you are worried about them, why don’t you just invite them to join the God Alliance?” Abel smiled. A peace treaty was included in the God Alliance contract, so it would do the trick just as well! “Headmaster Abel, the God Alliance is only open to recognized gods. If it was not, the Wizard Union might target us!” All the gods other than the Moon Goddess rejected the idea at the same time. Although they couldn’t promise those gods were Abel’s Summons, there was still a chance it was true. If that came true, almost half of the gods in the God Alliance would be serving under Abel. Then, it would no longer be a democracy, and everything would be under Abel’s command. The Moon Goddess smiled. She had already guessed that Abel could resurrect God Ranks long ago, so making those four gods his Summons was also not impossible. Still, letting them join would make the God Alliance lose its purpose. “Ok, I understand. I will let them know!” Abel nodded reassuringly. —— What came after was the resources exchange, but everyone was distracted. The most important event had been dealt with, and the gathering soon ended. Afterwards, Abel did not contact his gods. They were all busy reinforcing their bodies and he had no intention of expanding his territory. But unlike before, those gods were not working by themselves anymore. Including Doff, they were all sharing resources and knowledge with each other, which was even more efficient than the God Alliance’s model. Still, each god was keeping their Kingdom and Faith to themselves, but Abel was not worried. Each god had the knowledge needed to be self-sufficient. Even if they were in danger, the other gods would be able to come for support. Even if Abel didn’t send out his God Rank Summons, those gods would be able to support one another. That was what the Teleportation Circle in their Kingdoms were for. Furthermore, Battle Gods could leave their Kingdom to fight! This meant the safety of the five faithful grounds was also guaranteed. —— Meanwhile, among the dwarves… Something worth celebrating had finally arrived after months of tension, the death of King Dunba, the invasion of the Wizard Union, and finally becoming a race under Abel. It was the day the new Dwarf-King officially took his throne, and the entire Furnace Fort was decorated early in morning. It was the first big event since the dwarves had left the Wizard Union, and all the dwarves were getting excited. However, above the Dwarves’ royal palace. Wizard Fara and a few law-defying wizard dwarves were looking tense. He didn’t know if any visitors would be arriving. If none did, it would be a huge embarrassment for their new King. After all, they had embarrassed the Wizard Union by pledging allegiance to Abel. If Abel wasn’t so powerful, the Wizard Union might have made a move on them long ago. They have been sending out invitation letters for the last few months, but they had no idea who would eventually show up. A wizard dwarf flashed in and called out, “Reporting! The Dragons’ Gold Dragon Kemble is here!” “Quick, welcome him!” Wizard Fara quickly replied. “Reporting! The elves’ Senior Druid Lucia is here representing the Saint!” Another wizard dwarf called. Soon, more and more guests began to arrive. The elves’ sent two Senior Druids, the Barbarians sent two Mad Warriors, and the Winter Hoof Kingdom sent two Archpriests.
Chapter 1420 Chapter 1420: Level-Up! The guests who arrived first were all close friends of Abel, but even more forces began to gather as time went on. The Wizard Union was powerful, but they didn’t want to offend Abel, either. Therefore they couldn’t just reject the dwarves’ invitation. After all, Abel was impossible to ignore in the central continent! After taking over the dwarves, Abel now had the dwarves, Barbarians, tauren, and the dragons on his side. Not to mention, he was very close with the elves, as well! He was basically well-connected to every race other than humans! With such a big network, no one would disregard the possibility that Abel would one day take over the Wizard Union, even if it might seem impossible right now. Since the Furnace Fort became the Mountain God’s territory, no God Rank would step foot there, which was why only the Half-god Gold Dragon Kemble had shown his face and attended King Yoby’s coronation ceremony. Just as they expected, the Wizard Union did not send anyone to attend, which was great news. Although everyone who attended knew the Wizard Union would find out, it would not be as awkward as dealing with them face to face. — There was someone with a special status among the dwarves, and that was Bernie. As a good friend of Abel, he had attracted a lot of attention. When the ceremony was coming to an end, a dwarf Headmaster called on him and granted him the status of a Dwarf Elite. Bernie was extremely excited, as this status would bring a lot of benefits for his family. He thought he had reached the high point of his life, but soon he was called up again, this time by Wizard Hutton. As Bernie’s teacher, he didn’t care what status Bernie had, he just didn’t want Bernie to get overly consumed by power. The kind gesture from King Yoby might end up leading Bernie down the wrong path and ultimately jeopardizing his relationship with Abel. — Abel did not join the ceremony. The main reason was because he promised to not get involved with the dwarves, the second was because training was more important. At that moment, Abel was in the Golden Castle’s training area with a river of mana gushing in. Since he was in Doff’s faithful ground, Doff lavishly directed Faith to the Golden Castle, which was then condensed by the Mana Gathering Circle. Abel was surrounded by his three Territories, which were all filled from the time he had spent in the Dark World. However, he was still worried about leveling up in the Dark World, considering how little he could move in that dimension, so he had returned to the Golden Castle. He thought about letting a Half-god or God Rank Summon level-up in the Dark World before him to see if it worked, but that probably wouldn’t happen for another ten or twenty years. Mana gathered as he sat quietly in the training room. His body was fully relaxed and his heart was focused on his three Territories of Laws. Leveling-up was not as simple as giving it a thought. Many Half-gods would be stuck at a fulfilled state for ten years, a hundred years, or even for eternity. But Abel was confident because of one thing: his Druid Soul! Ever since it had created the angel avatar, it kept growing stronger,”Search our nℇwn0Ʋel.ϴrg” and finally it had the power to rule. Considering his time in the Dark World, the angel avatar had more than ten years to grow, and it also kept getting nourishment from the Holy Kingdom, Abel’s Druid Soul had reached God Rank because of it, so forcing a level-up as a Half-god shouldn’t be a problem. It seemed like the massacres unleashed by Thief God Milton were finally paying off, and Abel’s Territories of Laws were growing healthily as well! He never showed his own power since his enemies were all God Ranks, but they would all be shocked if they actually saw his Territories. They were all glowing with a warm and peaceful Aura, unlike normal Territories. His Lightning Territory did not have lightning strikes, his Ice Territory did not have blizzards, and his Fire Territory was not engulfed in flame. Instead, they all looked the same from the outside, which made them even scarier! It was a treasure, yet it was a pity that he never got the chance to use them in the central continent and he couldn’t use them in the Dark World. As he kept thinking, a level-up energy suddenly gushed out from his body. His body was completely bathed in energy now, which was already beyond the limit of normal Half-god wizards. His strength has grown tremendously since the last time he had leveled- up, and his battles in the Dark World reflected it. Even when more powerful Hell creatures appeared suddenly, he wouldn’t feel the need to run away, and he could easily use a charge or shield strike to counter their attacks. Of course, he could do this in the central continent as well, but only to enemies below God Rank. His biggest pity was that no one in the central continent was treating him like a Half-god, and his enemies were all Half-gods, so he never got the chance to even make a move himself. It had been a long time since he even did anything personally. It was not because he didn’t want to, but because it would be suicide to do so! The body was not the only thing getting strengthened in a level-up. As the energy kept rushing in, his soul and Power of the Will also began to grow. After the level-up ended his Power of the Will grew by a thousand meters. That meant he had a range of four thousand meters now. With the Crown of the Goddess of the Hunt, he would have a range of eight thousand meters! He had no intention to return the Crown to the Goddess of the Hunt. To her it was just another Relic, but to wizards, her Crown could basically double their power! It was a pity that almost everything in the Goddess of the Hunt’s Kingdom had been destroyed, which meant the technique to make another Crown might be lost forever with her soul. Abel had looked through the records in her godhead and not found anything. Little did Abel know, back then every god knew a huge war with the Wizard Union was imminent and the Goddess of the Hunt realized how beneficial her Crown would be to wizards. She had deliberately abandoned it in the subcontinent while wiping out most records about it in the central continent. When she finally lost the war, she even wiped out the record she had in her godhead, which was why Abel had not found anything about it. After all, just imagine how scary it would be if a God Rank wizard could easily double their Power of the Will! The most effective battle technique of a wizard was hit and run, and it was only possible because of their Power of the Will, so of course every wizard would go crazy for the Crown. Because of that, it had created an opposite effect and everyone who had used it kept it a top secret. Even in the Holy Continent it had been passed down in mysterious ways, and had finally ended up in the hands of Abel. Such thoughts flashed in Abel’s head for a split second before he returned to what he was doing. By that point his three Territories had all turned into liquid and fused with his Power of the Will, mana, and laws. His strengthened Power of the Will turned into three brushes and began to absorb the liquid as they drew out three new Rank 32 Wizard Patterns. As the Wizard Patterns formed, the Seeds of new laws were created in his Territories and quickly began to grow. “Level-up done!” Abel mumbled to himself with a smile. The level-up was done, but he still had to let his three Territories mature. Since the laws in his Territories had turned into Seeds, their power had actually decreased. Still, this would only last for a short time and then would grow even stronger than before. It was normal, which was why most Half-gods would spend a long time in seclusion after their level-up. However Abel was not planning to do so. No other Half-god would ever come to fight him, after all. The size of his Territories had increased from six thousand meters to eight thousand meters. He didn’t know much about other Half-gods’ Power of the Will. He had only seen a few of them and the differences between them could be huge. Taking Gold Dragon Kemble as an example, his range was more than ten thousand meters! But Half-god knight Carlo only had three thousand meters of range. Of course, that might have been because Gold Dragon Kemble was a dragon with a powerful body. Each Half-god’s Territory was their ultimate secret, so there was not much data Abel could draw from unless he actually fought with them.
Chapter 1421 Chapter 1421: Killing Exploring the World Stone Keeper of the Dark World took much longer than Abel had expected. After a year, which was ten years in Dark World time, Abel finally made it to the second level. It was a huge maze filled with Hell creatures. Fighting there was what Abel had been doing ever since he became a Rank 32 wizard. Of course, considering how much stake he had in the central continent, he still kept an eye on his five faithful grounds while he was in the Dark World, using the soul chains. He would know immediately as soon as there was a problem, which was why he had no worries about staying in the Dark World. ============ Meanwhile, Abel’s impact in the Central Continent continued. The dwarves had only gotten wealthier, and the Winter Hoof Kingdom had started working with the elves’ Potion Union. The Winter Hoof Kingdom had never done any processing to their training resources, which meant they were not high quality. But with the God of Black Fog, or Abel’s, connections, more and more Potions began to emerge. The elves, on the other hand, also got some handsome rewards for their efforts, so it was definitely a win-win situation. Slowly, Priests in the Winter Hoof Kingdom began to grow. Abel soon realized something about the God of Black Fog. The reason he did not need to do anything to attract followers was because he once had a great Potion-making talent in his godhead! It was almost unheard of among the other gods, because Potions were normally useless to God Ranks. However, the God of Black Fog had used his Potion-making ability to ground the trust his tauren had in him. Therefore, what Abel did was a perfect substitute. Since the God of Black Fog’s new soul had lost his Potion-making ability, he should be able to recover it as soon as more Potion-making knowledge was injected into him in his Kingdom. After all, a god’s processing and analytical ability was extremely scary while in their Kingdom. As for the resources Abel obtained in the Dark World, he would teleport them to the God of Black Fog for processing after he passed down the Dark World Potion-making formulas to the god. He was not afraid of his Summon disobeying him, and the God of Black Fog could keep the dwarves, the Winter Hoof Kingdom, and the elves supplied with Potions. — After ten days of training, the God of Black Fog recovered his full Potion-making ability and was just as good as Abel at it. If the God of Black Fog’s Alchemy Pattern didn’t need to be rebuilt, he would be the world’s second Grandmaster Alchemist, other than Abel. Still, it probably wouldn’t be too long, as Abel kept giving him work to do. Meanwhile, God Rank knights continued to interfere with the front lines, and some cities beside the Warding Wall of Doomsday were being damaged. With the dwarves gone, the Howling Castle and the defense wall’s restoration operations had taken a hit. The Howling Castle was doing better with the Wizard Union prioritizing it, and the fact that it was made using the technology of a magic tower. But repairing the Warding Wall was much harder, which gave the knights some great opportunities to bypass its Dimension Lock for a city invasion. Fes City was a medium-sized trade city with a population ofa hundred thousand. It was where most of the day-to-day essentials for the Warding Wall, such as food, came from. Considering how few wizard servants there were and how heavy those things were, even the Wizard Union would not use a Teleportation Circle to transfer them. Therefore, even though Fes City was not as important as the front line, it still had some good defenses. —— It was a sunny day and Fes city began to get busy as always. In a yard, five black-cloaked wizards sat within a Magic Circle. It was a Teleportation Circle, and what they were doing was definitely against the law. However, their gazes were intense, because they were not true professionals. They were Magic Circle Makers. Being a Circle Maker was easy, all that was needed was some Power of the Will talent. Because of that, they were recruited by the Holy Kingdom to sneak into the Central Continent. They had been working tirelessly for three days, and they were just going through some final examinations now. “My side is ready!” “Same here!” The five Magic Circle Makers paused and exchanged gazes. They knew very well the city would notice them as soon as they activated their Teleportation Circle, but they were not afraid. “Let’s activate it!” one of them said in a low voice. There was not a single bit of fear in his voice, even though they knew exactly what might happen next. It was all because of their faith. As their Power of the Will reached into the Teleportation Circle and the mana gems were drained of their energy, a golden light emerged. A spark of Dimension Force appeared, and Fes City’s Spirit immediately noticed it. The air around the Makers compressed and forced them to the ground. It was the City Spirit, moving on the criminals. Since they were not professionals, their bones shattered with a few clean snaps. Still, their eyes burned with passion, because they knew their job was done! As they gazed at the Teleportation Circle, two red-cloaked wizards appeared beside them. They were elite law enforcement wizards, and were extremely strong for a city this size. “Destroy that Circle!” one of them yelled desperately. He quickly cast a fireball, confident that he could destroy the Teleportation Circle in one spell. At that exact moment, a white light flashed and God Rank Knight Balmain appeared. He reached out his hand as the fireball blasted out. Fire magic engulfed him, but he flung it away as if it was nothing. He then began to look around like nothing had happened. The red-cloaked wizards were fully suppressed. Their souls had no chance against a God Rank! “Good job!” Knight Balmain nodded to the five Magic Circle Makers. Afterwards, a Blessed Aura emerged below him, and the injuries on the Makers began to heal. Considering how weak their life forces were, the Blessing Aura was extremely effective on them They quickly stood up to bow, so excited they couldn’t even speak. They didn’t know how powerful the knight in front of them was, but they could imagine it just by looking at how hopeless the two red-cloaked wizards were. Knight Balmain ignored the Makers and flew up into the sky. At the same time, the souls of those red-cloaked wizards were crushed and two soul beams shot away. “My Lord, I will let the enemy taste my fury! Their souls will be your sacrifice!” Knight Balmain murmured. His words traveled to the ears of everyone in Fes City. The civilians didn’t know what was happening, but the professionals knew exactly what it meant. Still, it was too late. In a few flashes of holy power, Elemental Lightning swept across Fes City, and every living being, from professionals to the mice on the street, was killed helplessly. There was not a single bit of remorse in the knight’s eyes. This entire thing was revenge! Since he finally had the chance to bypass the Warding Wall of Castle Doomsday, there was no way he would miss the chance to destroy Fes City! — Fes City was now dead silent. Knight Balmain did not stay for long. He quickly returned to the Teleportation Circle and teleported back to the Holy Kingdom. The five Makers then began to disarm the Teleportation Circle without actually realizing what had happened outside at all. They took the most valuable parts of the Teleportation Circle into the house and entered an underground chamber with a lot of food, separated by a Barrier Circle. — After some time, a food wagon came into Fes City and quickly noticed something was wrong. The guards guarding the gate had fallen, and corpses filled the streets. The coachman screamed. He had never seen anything like it. The corpses were all burned to black and his scream was met with an eerie silence. Soon, the Wizard Union’s wizards arrived and found the crazy coachman, along with the massacred residents of Fes City.
Chapter 1422 Chapter 1422: Discussions Every wizard who came to Fes City afterwards felt like they were in Hell on earth. One hundred thousand people. From young to old, male to female, all of them were burned black. But things did not end there. Similar events began to happen to cities along the second line. Soon, the Wizard Union was caught in an awkward situation. Panic broke out on the Warding Wall, and many cities fell as their civilians evacuated in fear. Just like that, the Wizard Union’s authority had decreased once again, and no one was talking about the dwarves any more. —— The eleven God Rank wizards gathered again in their meeting room. “Everyone, I’m sure you all have a sense of what is happening. If we don’t repair the Warding Wall, we might lose the second line of battle to the Evil Kingdom, or even the third line!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. All the wizards around him had not cared too much about the dwarves considering the dwarves didn’t even have any Half-gods. It was just a bit of face lost to Abel, but what happened now truly made them think again. “The loopholes in the Warding Wall are still not too significant, but things might get out of control if it keeps getting worse!” Wizard McPhee snapped in irritation. “For some reason the Evil Kingdom is going crazy. In the past they would only capture some followers at most, but now they just directly unleashed a massacre with a God Rank knight!” Wizard Hawthorn said grimly. As God Ranks, they knew how proud they were, and they normally wouldn’t bother killing insignificant life forms. Anything below the Half-god Rank was like ants to them, and a normal person would not crush a group of ants for no reason! “Maybe Thief God Milton is doing something big in the Evil Kingdom and they are attacking us in revenge?” Wizard Smith asked. When it came to massacres, he suddenly remembered that Abel had mentioned something similar. Could that be the reason for their crazy actions? “Even if that’s the case, the Evil Kingdom should find Thief God Milton and Headmaster Abel!” Wizard Mosley added in dissatisfaction. But he soon realized something. Thief God Milton was basically invisible unless he was in close proximity to a God Rank. As for Headmaster Abel, he was too deep in the central continent. He was also in Doff’s faithful ground, which no knights were willing to approach! The Holy Kingdom had tried to enter the Battlecry Plateau before with a Sea of Faith, but at the end one of the God-Knights was killed and the other was injured. After all, even ten God Rank wizards did not have the guts to enter the Battlecry Plateau, the Furnace Fort, or even the Winter Hoof Plateau. They were all faithful grounds, and doing so was basically picking a fight with those gods. Those gods were not the weaklings in the God Alliance, who had no guts to fight back! “What Thief God Milton did was helping us too, maybe the damage the Holy Kingdom is taking is far greater than us, so we can’t really blame him. We should just focus on protecting our cities!” Wizard Smith offered smoothly. Since no one was around other than the God Rank wizards, his words were direct. He did not disrespect Abel just because of their disagreements. “We must keep a good relationship with Headmaster Abel, at least before the president returns. In fact, we should try to make up to him and find a way to get the dwarves back to the Warding Wall.” “No, we will lose a huge face if we do that!” Wizard Hawthorn immediately argued against that. The Wizard Union had already lost a huge amount of face and trust after the dwarves left. If they wanted the dwarves back, they would have to pay a good price. Furthermore, five of the God Rank wizards had disrespected Abel, so making up to him would be a further sign of weakness. “If we don’t do something quick we might lose the second line of defense, and we can’t send a God Rank to guard every city!” Wizard McPhee repeated for emphasis. All thee God Ranks were in a strange situation. They were all on the top of the world, yet they still had to think about the Wizard Union’s interests. If things continued as they were, things might get really ugly and their status might be impacted. “Everyone, the Warding Wall has to be repaired, so we need the dwarves. I’ll admit my mistake for underestimating the dwarves’ importance. If not, none of this would have happened!” Wizard Smith stood up and bowed to the others. Wizard McPhee stood up and announced, “Smith, it’s not your fault. We all decided together. But considering how short of time we are, let’s just vote and agree on something now!” “Agree. Since we can’t come to an agreement, let’s vote!” the other wizards nodded. “Who agrees to negotiate with headmaster Abel and have the dwarves repair the Warding Wall?” Wizard Smith called out firmly. He lifted his hand as soon as he finished. “Me!” “Me!’ Six wizards lifted their hands. Wizard Hawthorn was one of the four that did not lift his hand, but after seeing how many wizards had done so, he and the others let out sighs and also raised their hands. In order to maintain their relationships as God Ranks, it was a wiser move to go with the flow. “Ok, since we all agree, let’s just take care of it now!” Wizard Smith did not sound very excited. Indeed, he felt a little depressed. It was the first time the mighty Wizard Union had been forced to lower their heads. It was an insult, but there was nothing else they could do! Wizard Hawthorn stood up and said, “Smith, I’ll go with you!” Wizard Smith was a little surprised, as Wizard Hawthorn was clearly against this idea at first. “I was one of the ones who ignited our tension with Headmaster Abel, and I am willing to admit my mistake!” Wizard Hawthorn stated firmly. “Ok!” Wizard Smith didn’t want Wizard Hawthorn to get involved, but he still nodded agreement. Wizard Hawthorn was indeed the one who Abel had the most problems with. He was the one who had organized the operation against Abel, and that was what had escalated their differences and led to the resurrection of four gods! Everyone could tell how much Abel and Wizard Hawthorn hated each other by the way they interacted, so Wizard Smith was worried. —— After the meeting ended, Wizard Smith and Wizard Hawthorn began to make their ways to the dragons, since there was no way they could contact Abel without the help of the dragons. After two days, they finally got a reply. During that time, another city of a hundred thousand was wiped out. Although there were hundreds of cities in the second line and the people closest to the Warding Wall had retreated, dangers were still lurking. After all, there was no refugee area big enough to hold the populations of a few hundred cities, and the third line of cities might be hit at any moment. Wizard Smith was extremely desperate, while Wizard Hawthorn stayed silent. Headmaster Eugene came out and smiled at the wizards. “Headmaster Abel just replied!” They would not enter Dragon Island, since they would be suppressed as soon as they did so. They had waited on the nearest island built by the dwarves. “When can Headmaster Abel meet us?” Wizard Smith asked quickly. “He said you can go to the Golden Castle, he will be waiting there!” Headmaster Eugene smiled. “Headmaster Eugene, can we choose another place?” Wizard Hawthorn finally broke his silence. Headmaster Eugene paused, but he quickly realized why. Ever since the Wizard Union had messed with Abel and Abel had gotten more powerful, Abel was more than capable of killing these two God Rank wizards in the Golden Castle. After all, just thinking about how many God Ranks had died at the hands of Abel, Wizard Hawthorn didn’t want to become another one. Headmaster Eugene paused before asking, “Wizard Hawthorn, where would you like to meet?’ Since they were among the dragons and Abel was a Dragon Headmaster, Wizard Hawthorn still didn’t feel safe. “How about Saint Castle?’ Wizard Hawthorn decided after a long moment of thought. Headmaster Eugene immediately began searching through his memory and quickly found something. It was a little city next to the Ervo Forest, the Moon Goddess’ faithful ground. It was safe enough for both sides.
Chapter 1423 Chapter 1423: Discussion Result By the time Abel started his journey to the Saint Castle, Wizard Smith, Wizard Hawthorn, and Headmaster Eugene were already waiting in the biggest hall there. It was where the city’s ruler lived, but at that moment everyone, including the servants, was sent out. Abel transferred from the Temple of the Moon Goddess and flew towards the Saint Castle. This was his best method to get there, since he still did not trust the Wizard Union, especially after they refused to meet at his Golden Castle. His first God Rank and Doff’s avatar followed him. That way he could match the forces the Wizard Union had sent. With Headmaster Eugene on his side, he should be able to fight even if things went south. —— “Headmaster Abel!” Headmaster Eugene stepped up and smiled as Abel arrived. This move immediately separated Abel from the two God Rank wizards. “Headmaster Eugene, please excuse me for being in seclusion and not helping with any of the dragons’ business!” Abel bowed to him. Ever since he had become a Dragon Headmaster, he had never done anything he was supposed to do. Instead, he had always focused on his training. “Headmaster Abel, you still supported the dragons a lot!” Headmaster Eugene laughed. Almost every dragon alive today had access to the Super Healing Potion, so their strength had taken a big step up. In comparison, the Wizard Union’s forces fighting against the Holy Kingdom had taken a hit without the Super Healing Potions. In addition to that, the dwarves had also become a strong team of builders for the dragons, which made up for their biggest weakness. Only then did Abel smile at the God Rank wizards on the other side.”Greetings!” “Greetings, Headmaster Eugene!” Wizard Smith and Wizard Hawthorn both bowed. Abel was quite neutral towards Wizard Smith, but he immediately sensed a threat when he turned to Wizard Hawthorn. Although that sense of threat was deliberately hidden by Wizard Hawthorn, Abel still felt it with his perfectly precise intuition. Still, he did not care too much, considering how bad their last interaction had gone. He was just confused. Why would the Wizard Union send the wizard he hated the most to negotiate with him? “Everyone, have a seat!” Headmaster Eugene waved them to their chairs. Abel cheerfully took a seat, while the two wizards followed on the other side. Wizard Smith got directly to the point. “Headmaster Abel, the Evil Kingdom is performing some crazy massacres on our second line of defense, because the Warding Wall of Doomsday was damaged!” “Wizard Smith, I know what you are trying to say, but I am not responsible for the dwarves’ business!’ Abel smiled thinly. Since when did the Wizard Union start caring about the lives of ordinary people? Abel was confused, as not long ago the Wizard Union had planned to burn two million dwarves alive. “Headmaster Abel, we’ve already talked to the dwarves, and they will not do anything without your consent!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. All the dwarves were extremely loyal to Abel. Even if Abel told them to take care of their own business, they would not help Abel’s enemies! “Wizard Smith, do you think the dwarves would still want to work for you after what you did to them? I will not force the dwarves to do anything they don’t want to!” Abel shook his head. Wizard Smith was already expecting this negotiation to be a hassle, but hearing Abel reject him like that was still disappointing. “Headmaster Abel, both of us know why the Evil Kingdom is attacking the second line like crazy. It is because of Thief God Milton’s good work!” Wizard Hawthorn interjected. “Wizard Hawthorn, do you know the Wizard Union has been receiving taxes from those cities? You should be responsible for their safety as their rulers. If you think attacking the Holy Kingdom is wrong, I can immediately recall Thief God Milton!” Abel offered handily. Wizard Smith saw the tension rising and quickly added, “Headmaster Abel, we are here on behalf of the Wizard Union to ease our tensions, as Headmaster Eugene can testify. We will provide the dwarves with proper amounts of training resources, here are the details of our request. Please ask the dwarves to come take a look at the Warding Wall!” “Wizard Smith, I don’t want any conflicts either, so I’ll be blunt with you as well. If you want me to order the dwarves to help you, I need the Wizard Union to recognize the status of the Mountain God, the Goddess of the Hunt, the Ice God, and the God of Black Fog!” Abel smiled mercilessly. He actually didn’t care if the Wizard Union recognized those gods or not, but this way he would have guarantees for their safety, at least before the Wizard Union’s president returned. Furthermore, they could also spread their faith in the central continent! After all, Abel didn’t want people in the second line to die because of him. He acted tough, but he still had a soft heart, so repairing the Warding Wall was a must. “Headmaster Abel, please wait a moment while we discuss this!” Wizard Smith had to delay, not expecting Abel to request something like that. He and Wizard Hawthorn walked into another room and began to discuss the matter with the Headquarters. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union is no longer the Wizard Union it was. They now have 12 God Rank wizards and every decision they make has to be agreed upon by all of them!” Headmaster Eugene informed him after the wizards left the room. “The Wizard Union has ruled the world for too long, and their arrogance was bone deep. Changing little things like this probably won’t make much difference!” Abel agreed. Abel and Headmaster Eugene did not hold back. Even though their voices were soft, those God Rank wizards still heard them. It was not Abel’s intention to hide, and the Wizard Union knew their own shortcomings. Wizard Smith and Wizard Hawthorn were smiling when they returned. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union has agreed to your offer. I will soon declare to the continents that the Mountain God, the Goddess of the Hunt, the Ice God, and the God of Black Fog are recognized gods. Please let the dwarves know as soon as possible!” They did not mention how tough the negotiations with the other God Rank wizards were. After all, they had only kept a few weak gods alive after the Era of Gods, but those four newly resurrected gods had thousands of years of hatred for the Wizard Union built up. Although they were not taking revenge and merely staying in their Divine Realms, the Wizard Union was still worried. But they had no choice now, as they were on the brink of losing the second line of defense, or even the third! Another thing that was clear from this was that those four gods were extremely close to Abel, which meant Abel had ten God Ranks on his side when including Thief God Milton! Therefore, the Wizard Union couldn’t do anything, at least for now. But s also because of that, those four gods couldn’t attack the Wizard Union on their own, or else it would mean a God Rank war between the Wizard Union and Abel. “Nice, I’ll let the dwarves know after I return!” Abel agreed happily. Wizard Smith stood up and smiled in relief. “Headmaster Abel, let’s just put our past to rest. We should start communicating more from now on and avoid unnecessary conflicts!” He was happy that the negotiations had finally ended. Being the enemy of Abel and losing the dwarves had been catastrophic. Ever since they lost that huge amount of data, the Holy Kingdom’s Intelligence Department kept getting stronger, and the Wizard Union couldn’t do anything about it. It was obvious just by the precision of their recent invasions, with large amounts of hidden Teleportation Circles being set up in cities around the central continent by unknown Magic Circle Makers. “As long as the Wizard Union doesn’t get involved with my business, I will do the same. Recently I’ve been in seclusion and never even thought about coming out!” Abel replied amiably. When it came to that, Wizard Smith couldn’t help but make an awkward smile. Even Headmaster Eugene shook his head, because they all knew what Rank Abel was. A Rank 32 Half-god wizard with ten God Ranks on his side, but he was only twenty-four years old. He had only become a Half-god last year; who knew where he could be in another year? A spark of determination emerged from Wizard Hawthorn’s eyes and he added with a smile, “Headmaster Abel, I propose that the Saint Castle be our meeting spot in the future. Maybe it will go down in history!” As the negotiation came to an end, the tense atmosphere eased somewhat. “I hope we can maintain the peace. After all, I do have a lot of friends in the Wizard Union!” Abel agreed to the move. “That’s great, let’s celebrate!’ Headmaster Eugene stood up and patted his holding belt. Four crystal glasses appeared on the table. Three of them were filled with Abel’s wine, and the other held juice for Abel. Everyone close to Abel knew how much he loved water spirit fruit juice. Because of this, the price of water spirit fruits had skyrocketed, and the elves were getting some good compensation for them. After all, people liked to follow the habits of famous people, so it only made sense that water spirit fruit juice had become an extremely prestigious drink on the central continent.
Chapter 1424 Chapter 1424: Surprise! The reason why the negotiations went so well was because the Wizard Union had held back on their arrogance and recognized the status of the four gods. What had happened still cost the Wizard Union dearly. They would much rather have had Abel demand resources. Once they announced to the public that the four gods who Abel had stolen from the Wizard Union Headquarters were now recognized, other forces would think the Wizard Union was bowing their heads to him! Still, the four men in the hall lifted up their crystal glasses to celebrate that the negotiations had finally come to an end. Abel saw that there was no more need for him to stay, so he informed them, “Everyone, I’ll go visit the dwarves right now!” “Headmaster Abel, please!” Wizard Smith stood up with a smile. He bowed and guided Abel to the door, a sign of great respect. Since the negotiations were successful and their tension had settled, Headmaster Eugene did not stop him from approaching Abel. Abel smiled sincerely and also bowed back before turning to fly away. At that moment, Wizard Hawthorn suddenly stood up, and a little ball appeared on his hand behind his back. It was his inner world! Abel quickly felt his heart drop. His intuition told him he would soon be in danger, even as he started to ignite a flash. “You dare?!” Headmaster Eugene roared. —- Abel’s Flash failed, and he realized he had been transferred to a strange world of mountains and water. “An inner world!” Abel immediately knew where he was at. At the same time, he sensed the pressure pressing down on him and could only reach his territory out by ten centimeters at most. All of his spells failed. Although there were ice and fire elements around, he couldn’t control them at all. Even his Rank 32 Wizard Pattern was frozen. Abel was now in an extremely dangerous situation! ——– Meanwhile in the outside world… Wizard Hawthorn was standing where Abel was standing with a glowing ball in his hand. “It’s best that you don’t do anything, else I will kill Headmaster Abel right here!” Wizard Hawthorn yelled as he saw Doff’s avatar, First God Rank, and Headmaster Eugene bring their power up. What he did was directly Flash on top of Abel and engulf him with his inner world. No one was expecting him to do this, especially as a God Rank! Attacking after a successful negotiation was something wrong, no matter how you looked at it. Since both the First God Rank and Doff’s avatar were quite smart, they knew Wizard Hawthorn was not joking, so they paused. Headmaster Eugene was looking extremely angry as he demanded grimly, “Wizard Hawthorn, let Headmaster Abel go!” He was the middleman in this negotiation, and Abel had put full trust in him by only bringing two God Rank summons along. Abel’s safety was his responsibility! “Wizard Hawthorn, why are you doing this?” Wizard Smith was also stunned. What Wizard Hawthorn had done was totally on his own initiative. “Did I do something wrong?” Wizard Hawthorn laughed. He then continued “Everything we said is rubbish. If we just capture Abel, the dwarves and all his God Rank summons will listen to us!” Wizard Smith was stunned once again. “Just what do you think the Wizard Union is?” he demanded. If the Wizard Union broke their promises after a negotiation, no one would trust them anymore! Especially the dragons! A God Rank war would directly break out! “Smith, you think too much. Just look at me, all I needed to do was capture Abel. What can you do about it?” Wizard Hawthorn laughed. Headmaster Eugene calmed himself down as he spoke in a dire voice, “Hawthorn, the dragons won’t forgive you for this!” He turned and gazed at Wizard Smith. “Smith, from now on the dragons will no longer work with the Wizard Union. Because of Hawthorn’s actions, all our agreements in the past will be scrapped, and I will now declare a war on behalf of the dragons!” He did not yell, but he sounded more steely certain than ever. Wizard Smith felt his heart chill. He had mentioned that the Saint Castle would soon be famous and he was right. But it would not be for peace, but because it would soon be the place where a continental war had broken out! He wanted to convince Wizard Hawthorn to give up, but he knew it was impossible by looking at Wizard Hawthorn’s crazed expression. Headmaster Eugene, Doff’s avatar, and the First God Rank surrounded Wizard Hawthorn, but no one dared do anything. “Headmaster Eugene, I will kill Abel as soon as the dragons make a move!” Wizard Hawthorn laughed with a provocative tone. Headmaster Eugene gazed at him, but he did not reply. ———- Meanwhile, Abel has indeed been trapped by Wizard Hawthorn’s world, but he actually kept his connection with his God Rank summons. Soon, the Moon Goddess received a request from Doff’s true body to be transferred through to the elven lands. The Moon Goddess had no idea what was happening, but she realized Abel must be in trouble, so she did not hesitate. The power of Doff’s true body was not something she could stop, anyway! But the Moon Goddess was still stunned by how many God Ranks made their moves. Doff’s true body, the second through fourth God Ranks, the Mountain God, the Goddess of the Hunt, the Ice God, and the God of Black Fog all immediately teleported to the Temple of the Moon Goddess temple as soon as the Moon Goddess permitted it. Without even greeting the elves, Doff encapsulated the other God Ranks with his Power of the Will and began his teleportation. Very quickly, he arrived at the Saint Castle. It was ten thousand meters away, but his teleportation ability was permitted by nature, without needing any Magic Patterns. Those eight God Ranks moved so fast that even the Moon Goddess could not track them down. ——– Meanwhile Wizard Hawthorn was looking very proud of himself. Even the vastly more powerful Headmaster Eugene could not do anything to him! Suddenly, Doff’s avatar performed a Barbarian Battlecry. Wizard Hawthorn quickly added a layer of Ice Armor to himself. At the same time, an ice wall appeared around him from his world. The Ice Armor was a magic item he always had on him. It was the best of the best when it came to lifesaving, which was how it had appeared so fast. As for the ice wall, it was a favorite defense for many God Ranked Wizards. It was not the most powerful barrier, but it could be stored in one’s inner world all the time, and it could block almost anything for at least a second. However, it was not Doff’s intention to knock Wizard Hawthorn out with his Battlecry, but to distract him for a second. Wizard Hawthorn did it think too much about it at first, since he still had Abel in his hand, but soon he was shocked. By the time he recovered his senses, he realized he was fully bound by a golden holy barrier with eight God Ranks around him! It has only been a moment, and Abel had gathered eight God Ranks? Since Headmaster Eugene and Wizard Smith were fixated on what was happening, they had also not seen so many God Ranks coming. Their teleportation was done by Doff’s true body, which coordinated perfectly with Doff’s avatar. He had prepared four holy crystals in his hand, and threw them out as soon as he reached Wizard Hawthorn. All of a sudden, thirteen God Ranks had gathered in the tiny Saint Castle, with eleven God Ranks surrounding Wizard Hawthorn! Wizard Smith was immediately caught in an awkward situation. He wanted to assist Wizard Hawthorn, but he couldn’t now. With so many God Ranks around, he didn’t have the guts to move even a single bit of energy. They were just like volcanoes, ready to explode at any moment But unlike Wizard Smith, Wizard Hawthorn kept calm. Instead, he was even more proud of himself, since Abel was still in his hand! Even if it was another God Rank, once trapped in his world, he would be able to kill him in an instant. A God Rank inner world might look like an actual world, but it was fully created by his own energy, and all the laws around it were fully under its owner’s control. He could activate thousands of powerful spells inside it at once, or he could even directly smash Abel flat with the mountains in his world. But he was not planning to do that just yet. He wanted to capture Abel and learn his secrets! Indeed, Abel was just too mysterious. Everyone in this world wanted to know how Abel took control of so many gods, and Wizard Hawthorn was no exception. Also, the formulas for those Super Potions were extremely valuable! Just thinking about it made him happy, and a fearless smile emerged from his face under the holy light. He felt like what he had done was the best decision he had ever made. Even with eleven God Ranks around him, there was nothing they could do! All he needed was to drag Abel out of his world again and command those God Ranks to let him go! “Haha!” He couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
Chapter 1425 Chapter 1425: Killing a God Wizard Smith, on the other hand, was feeling quite the opposite. He could almost see how messy things would soon become. Although Wizard Hawthorn was acting out of his personal initiative, he was still representing the Wizard Union. If something really happened to Abel, then a war between the Wizard Union and the dragons was unavoidable, and Wizard Hawthorn would be the man that ignited it all! What Wizard Hawthorn was thinking was simple: capture Abel and lock him up under the Wizard Union like the other gods until he spilled his secrets. Since his Summons would always listen to him, they would be able to do nothing. He had been planning this ever since he had volunteered to come, and he was even more proud of himself the more he thought about it. Still, he had not expected that he would damage the Wizard Union’s reputation and start a war with the dragons! It was at that moment that he suddenly sensed a mountain explode in his world, and he quickly reached his Power of the Will inside. —— As Abel was contacting his Summons, he was also thinking about how to escape. An inner world was powerful, but it was not invincible and there were many things he could do if he did not get sucked into it. With the world’s energy pressing down on him, he would have been pinned to the ground if his three Territories had not held light energy within them. Abel knew Wizard Hawthorn was holding back. If he had actually been trying to kill Abel, Abel would have been dead already. His spells were basically useless, and Wizard Hawthorn could basically squash him with his energy. But, he soon thought about that invincible Dark Gold Dimension Force in his soul. Without any hesitation, Abel reached out and formed a ten-meter long whip. Under the control of his soul, it sliced open a dimensional crack! —— At that moment Wizard Hawthorn’s world began to fall apart, with the mountains cracking and the rivers breaking. Wizard Hawthorn’s face paled. That one strike would take him at least ten years to recover! His body quickly withdrew into his inner world. The eleven God Ranks surrounding him did not stop him, since they were still worried that Wizard Hawthorn would kill Abel. At that moment, his inner world was still in the holy barrier, but no one knew what was going on inside it. — Wizard Hawthorn stopped above Abel and yelled with a harrowing face, “Abel, you dared to damage my world?” As he shouted, his world regained its stability and Abel felt an even harder pressure bearing down on him. His soul immediately lost control and the golden whip automatically withdrew. Wizard Hawthorn felt the urge to kill Abel on the spot. What had happened was serious and he couldn’t imagine how much more damage his world would have taken if he had come even a little bit later. Abel was also not looking too good. Wounds began to open up on his body, and his three Territories were forced back into his body. Even his soul was bound up, and his body was now fully pinned to the ground. There was no way he could fight back. Wizard Hawthorn gazed at Abel without a single bit of respect. He thought it was how things were supposed to be, since Abel was not a God Rank. This was also why he had the guts to mess with Abel again and again. After all, a mere Half-god meant nothing to him. “Abel, just look at yourself! Didn’t you want to mess with the Wizard Union?” Wizard Hawthorn lowered himself down in front of Abel. Abel felt the pressure on his soul eased up for a moment, and he could finally hear and think again. “Abel, you’ve been to the Wizard Union’s underground chamber, right? I will find a room for you there, for you to enjoy an eternity of suffering!” Wizard Hawthorn continued nastily. Even with his inner world damaged, he quickly regain his excitement when he thought about the many ways to torture Abel. As a wizard, the methods he had available were beyond anyone’s imagination. As long as he used his inner world effectively, every ability Abel had, including that Dark Gold Dimension Force he had just showed, would be opened to him! Therefore, the benefits he would receive was far greater than the damage he took. Wizard Hawthorn got even closer and said, “Your God Ranks are a hassle, but I’m sure they will let me go as long as you are mine to control. If not, I’ll just cut off your limbs and see if they will think again!” Success was right in front of him, and he was reaching the peak of his arrogance. He reached out his hand and grabbed Abel, as he was one hundred percent sure that Abel was helpless as a Half-god. At that moment, another hand suddenly appeared behind Abel and grabbed Wizard Hawthorn right back. But unlike Wizard Hawthorn’s grasp, that hand was full of light energy, and the power it produced was far greater than the limit of wizards! It was the moment Abel had been waiting for ever since he had entered Wizard Hawthorn’s world. The Dark Gold Dimension Force was not his final card. It was the angel avatar, a truly invincible close-range fighter! Under the control of his totally unruffled Druid Soul, the angel avatar was formed in mid-air and caught Wizard Hawthorn totally by surprise. If Wizard Hawthorn had been a little more careful and directly killed Abel, Abel would have stood no chance. But Abel knew Wizard Hawthorn needed him alive to blackmail his Summons, and the most effective way was to drag him out with his own two hands. Therefore, Abel had been analyzing Wizard Hawthorn’s every move with his World Stone ever since Wizard Hawthorn had returned to his inner world. When one to one without another God Rank, his angel avatar was invincible! But Abel had never shown it, because its four signature wings and the light energy it wielded were far too similar to the Demon from Beyond. Therefore, everyone in the continent thought of him as someone who relied on his Summons to gain power. Wizard Hawthorn was no exception. He had thought that Dark Gold Dimension Force was Abel’s final trump. Wizard Hawthorn felt his heart drop when he saw the hand, but he was still not afraid. He quickly unleashed his ice elements, trying to freeze Abel and increase his pressure on Abel’s soul. But it was too late, Abel’s consciousness had already transferred to the Druid Soul to his angel avatar, and his avatar’s Power of the Will kept using Full Recovery Potions to keep his original body alive. At the same time, light energy blasted out! “Ah!” the angel body roared as the light energy slammed directly down upon Wizard Hawthorn, knocking him to the ground. He had no choice but to loosen his grip on Abel. It was an extremely violent move, and was what Wizards feared the most! Wizard Hawthorn began to tremble. He felt like he was seeing the Demon from Beyond, but somehow it came from Abel’s body! Countless questions appeared in his head, but they did not last for long. The angel avatar was furious. Abel had been very cautious, yet he still fell for Wizard Hawthorn’s trap and had to use his final card. After three rounds of attacks, Abel stopped. Not because he wanted to keep Wizard Hawthorn alive, but because he wanted his body for resurrection! “Hawthorn, do you want to know something interesting? The bad guys always die because they talk too much!” the angel avatar said calmly. Wizard Hawthorn froze in surprise, but then he felt his neck snap, and he was dead. Even at that point, he did not understand what the angelic avatar meant. Afterwards, the angel avatar returned to Abel’s original body, and he opened his eyes. He stepped up and grabbed Wizard Hawthorn’s as Hawthorn had grabbed him. But this time, the tables had turned! Since the inner world had lost its owner, it became extremely unstable, and Abel was quickly flung out!
Chapter 1426 Chapter 1426: Afterwards Meanwhile, in the outside world… Wizard Smith, Headmaster Eugene, and Abel’s ten God Rank Summons waited patiently. Both Headmaster Eugene and Wizard Smith knew very well that Wizard Hawthorn would soon have Abel in his grasp, and his God Rank Summons could not do anything about it. Headmaster Eugene was furious, and Wizard Smith was nervous. Things had never been so messy. As for Abel’s Summons, they kept their calm since they would only listen to Abel’s commands. Suddenly, Wizard Hawthorn’s World began to shake, and two figures were thrown out of it. “What is happening?” Wizard Smith immediately yelled, but at that exact moment, Abel’s ten God Ranks Summons locked him down with their Power of the Will. As soon as he made a wrong move, their attacks would explode! Still, Wizard Smith just couldn’t help it. What had happened was not what a normal inner world would do! It had lost its autonomy and was corrupting at visible speed. There was only one cause for that, and it was the death of the World’s owner! But how? Wizard Smith was at a clear advantage in his World, and Abel was only a rank 32 Half-god wizard! But soon he no longer had to speculate, because the dead Wizard Hawthorn really was in Abel’s hands! He died so fast that the phenomena that normally came with the death of a God Rank didn’t even occur! “Headmaster Abel, you are ok?!” Headmaster Eugene was stunned, but he still felt a big weight lifted from his shoulders. “Yeah, but not him!” Abel smiled grimly, nodding and holding up Wizard Hawthorn’s body. “Headmaster Abel, I am so sorry for what happened. It’s all my fault!” Headmaster Eugene gave him a deep bow. “No, it’s not. We just underestimated how disgraceful the Wizard Union can be!” Abel replied angrily. Afterwards, he turned to Wizard Smith and began thinking. Since what Wizard Hawthorn had done was beyond any redemption, no one would say anything if he killed Wizard Smith on the spot. As he was thinking, Wizard Hawthorn’s inner world finally blasted up to the sky, piercing through the holy Barrier. It was a rare scene, almost like another sun was formed in mid air, and all the civilians who saw it were stunned. Still, they had no idea what it was. On the other hand, the owner of the Saint Castle was extremely pale as he watched fromanother castle in the distance. A God Rank had been killed, and a God Rank fight would mean the death of everyone around! Wizard Smith saw the look on Abel’s face and quickly explained, “Headmaster Abel, Wizard Hawthorn acted out of his own will, the Wizard Union didn’t know anything about this!” “Wizard Smith, I’m not trying to give you a hard time, but you better give me a good explanation!” Abel said through gritted teeth. He wanted to keep Wizard Smith alive as a witness to what had happened. Headmaster Eugene alone would not be enough, as he was a dragon. In fact, they might even suspect Headmaster Eugene of teaming up with Abel to kill two God Rank wizards! “Headmaster Abel, don’t worry, I will definitely do so!” Wizard Smith felt his heart lift and bowed deeply again. “Headmaster Eugene, I did not expect any of this to happen. I will make a detailed investigation and give the dragons a good explanation!” He then bowed once more. Headmaster Eugene was the middleman, and what had happened almost cost the dragons a Headmaster. No matter what, Wizard Smith also needed to give him a satisfying response. As for the war he had mentioned, it was put to the side since Abel was still okay. —— Wizard Smith did not stay for long, disappearing in a flash of white light. If Abel changed his mind, his ten God Rank Summons would put the wizard in great danger, after all. Afterwards, Headmaster Eugene did not ask Abel what had happened. All he knew was that Abel had some extremely powerful secret lifesaver capable of killing the owner of an inner world. “I was not expecting any of this!” Abel shook his head as he put Wizard Hawthorn’s body into his personal storage box. It was the most danger he had ever been in. Even if he had successfully killed Wizard Hawthorn, he would not be as lucky in the future. The other wizards would learn from Wizard Hawthorn’s mistake and go straight for the kill! After all, a life saver was the most powerful when no one knew about it! “Headmaster Abel, if the Wizard Union doesn’t give us a satisfying answer, I will declare war!” Headmaster Eugene stated with steely determination. Even though Abel did not blame him for what had happened, he still wanted to do something about it. —— Meanwhile, the Moon Goddess also saw the fall of a God Rank in the Saint Castle. She quickly thought of the eight Summons Abel had brought in. “Something big happened!” she mumbled as she gazed out from her flower-filled Divine Realm. Indeed, not a single God Rank had died for thousands of years, yet everything had changed in the past few years. After all, she was also a God Rank. She didn’t know who the dead God Rank was, but she could speculate. Since Abel had been negotiating with the Wizard Union, it should be one of them! —— Wizard Smith teleported back to the Wizard Union from the Saint Castle, and finally let out a breath of relief. He had never been so close to death. Being held down by ten God Ranks was not a good feeling. He didn’t ever want to experience it again and what had happened made him fear death even more. “Damn that Wizard Hawthorn!” he swore heavily. Wizard McPhee had just sensed Wizard Smith with his Power of the Will and asked, “Wizard Smith, what happened? Where’s Hawthorn?” Wizard Smith quickly expanded his Power of the Will in return, and realized all the God Rank wizards had gathered in the meeting room, waiting for his return. With a Flash, he appeared in the meeting room. “Everyone, I almost didn’t come back!” Wizard Smith spoke gloomily, before even taking a seat. “What, Headmaster Abel made a move?” Wizard McPhee was stunned. Just when Wizard Smith was about to reply, Wizard Harr appeared, sweating heavily. He stood outside the meeting room and bowed. “Your honors, I have a report!” “What report?” Wizard McPhee called out with dissatisfaction, but he still waved Wizard Harr in. Wizard Harr quickly stepped inside respectfully. “A God Rank was killed outside of Saint Castle!” he declared. “What?” Almost every God Rank wizard stood up, their energy knocking Wizard Harr to the ground. None of them cared. Instead, they all turned to Wizard Smith. He and Wizard Hawthorn were the ones who had gone to negotiate with Abel, and he was the only one who returned. “Yes, Wizard Hawthorn is dead!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. “Headmaster Abel killed him?” Wizard McPhee demanded. Although he was not close to Wizard Hawthorn, they were both still God Ranks, so how could he not be furious? All the other God Rank wizards were thinking the same thing and a murderous energy engulfed the meeting room, knocking Wizard Harr down once again. “Everyone, listen to me. Things did not go down the way you think!” Wizard Smith shook his head at them and continued, “The negotiations went smoothly at first, and both our sides came to a happy agreement. But as we were ready to go, Wizard Hawthorn suddenly captured Headmaster Abel with his inner world. What happened next is hard to explain, but somehow Wizard Hawthorn was killed in his own World by Headmaster Abel!” All the God Rank wizards exchanged gazes. Wizard Hawthorn was not the most powerful God Rank wizard, but he was definitely not weak! He was somehow killed in his own World? No one would have believed it if the one who said it was not Wizard Smith! “What Wizard Hawthorn did was a great insult to Headmaster Abel and Headmaster Eugene as the middleman. We must give the dragons and Headmaster Abel a good explanation!” Wizard Smith continued shakily. “He killed Wizard Hawthorn already, what else does he want?” Wizard Mosley said irritably. Another God Rank wizard had died, which had not happened even during their fights with the Holy Kingdom for the past thousands of years! This time, they not only did not get any compensation for Wizard Hawthorn’s death, they would be the ones paying Abel! How could any of them accept this? Wizard Smith gazed around and asked them, “Did Wizard Hawthorn tell any of you about his plan before he left?” “No!” “No!” All the wizards shook their heads. “Everyone, just listen to me. What Wizard Hawthorn did was a disgrace. No one would be able to say Headmaster Abel did anything wrong if he had killed me as well. Even though Wizard Hawthorn acted on his own terms, we must find a way to de-escalate our differences with Headmaster Abel and the dragons, at least before the President returns!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. “Wizard Smith, are we to be afraid of Headmaster Abel?” Wizard Mosley asked grimly. “Back in the Saint Castle when Wizard Hawthorn put Headmaster Abel in his world, he brought in ten God Ranks, without including Thief God Milton. Do you know what that means?” Wizard Smith asked them helplessly once more. The room went silent. Even the whole Wizard Union could not gather ten God Ranks in an instant!
Chapter 1427 Chapter 1427: Number Five! Abel returned to the Battlecry Plateau from Saint Castle. This time he did not use any Teleportation Circles, nor transit through the elves. He couldn’t use the Wizard Union’s teleportation network, and he didn’t want to bother the Moon Goddess since he had so many Summons with him. What had happened had been a desperate situation, and he already had to repay the Moon Goddess for it. He called out the Fire Tooth battle fort and sped into the sky. — His first destination was the shores of the Holy Kingdom. Since Thief God Milton was the reason why the Holy Kingdom was going mad, he decided to bring him back. Even though his negotiations with the Wizard Union went south, he did not want the cities in the second line of battle to keep being destroyed. By the time Abel arrived on the shore, Thief God Milton was waiting for him. Soon they were all back at the Battlecry Plateau. —— As Abel sat on the Golden Castle’s balcony, he finally felt his heart calm down. What had happened truly gave him a sense of his inferiority compared to a God Rank. He had been nearly helpless, and almost all of his tricks were useless. Even that seemingly invincible Dark Gold Dimension Force in his soul was fragile in the inner world of another god. After all, his soul was too weak. Even the most powerful weapon would not do much there! As for his angel avatar, the entire Holy Continent would turn on him if they found out about it! “It’s a crime to be weak!” he mumbled to himself. But soon, he remembered Wizard Hawthorn’s body. He reached his Power of the Will into the personal storage box and scanned Wizard Hawthorn’s corpse. The wizard’s equipment was quite good. His magic robe was made from a special material with the strength of perfect iron armor, and it even came with a level of elemental protection. Still, it was not much use to Abel, and it was far inferior compared to the Rune Word gear he had on. Therefore, that magic robe might not see the light of day in the near future. He was not planning to let Wizard Hawthorn use it, even after his resurrection. He needed to make him a full set of Rune Word gear that would hide his identity. It was best to not let the Wizard Union learn that he could resurrect dead God Ranks as long as possible. There was also a Portal Ring on the dead wizard. Its capacity was huge, and it was filled with God Rank training resources! But what Abel cared about the most were the books. They were Hawthorn’s personal Wizard Guides, the knowledge of which was something Abel lacked the most. The only Wizard Guide Abel had received was from the Lightnings, and back then he was only an elite wizard. The things he was able to access were not that powerful. Of course, his wizard’s journey was unlike anyone else’s, so he needed large amounts of wizardly knowledge to make up for it. Besides those things, there were not many other valuables on Wizard Hawthorn, and the only thing he would return to Wizard Hawthorn after his resurrection was the Portal Ring. After all, not many things could move Abel’s heart by this point. When it came to gear, nothing came close to his Rune Word equipment, and he would soon be able to make even higher quality gear in the Hell Furnace. As for training resources, no one even came close to his unlimited amounts of top level gems, the Faith from Doff’s Kingdom, and the intelligence fruit which had a greater effect than large Mana Gathering Circles. Therefore, he couldn’t care less about what ordinary wizards normally used. Abel waved at the god Summons around him and said, “Off you go!” Since the Mountain God, the Ice God, the God of Black Fog, and Goddess of the Hunt had stopped their work to help him. What they had been working on had to be scrapped, which was a huge loss for them. After they bowed, each of them returned to their Divine Realms. Abel then turned and said, “Milton, take a trip to the Wizard Union. See if you can sneak inside!” “Yes, master!” Thief God Milton bowed. If the Wizard Union didn’t give him a satisfying answer, he would make a move himself. After all, he was very curious about the second level under the Wizard Union, ever since he had sensed a great danger the last time he had invaded with his second God Rank. Revenge could go too far, so last time he had stopped after he took four Divine Bodies. —— After Thief God Milton left, Abel teleported to an ocean that belonged to the dragons from the Golden Castle. Doff’s avatar and God Ranks One through Four came with him. He arrived at the Lizer sea once again, and happily there were still not any God Rank sea monsters around. Of course, that was probably just because it didn’t have any valuable resources around. Compared to the God Ranks on land, the God Ranks in the ocean lived a much better life, ruling their own territories. “Protect me!” Abel ordered his Summons. His 5 God Rank Summons surrounded him and the Fire tooth in all directions. At the same time, they unleashed their energy and scared all the sea monsters away. — “Again?” Big Horn Barthomo was in his den. He sensed that familiar energy, so he quickly retracted his own presence. He decided that after this he would move away. Even with some resources around, it was way too risky to stay with so many God Ranks visiting from then and then. He thought about the sea turtle Ludwig. He had been beat up to the point where he had to give up his shell. — Abel didn’t know Big Horn Barthomo was still around, but he was indeed very curious about his lightning horns… Abel repeated the resurrection process he knew all too well by this point, from using the Holy Bone Card to form a new soul with Soul Potions, then strengthening it, to finally recovering the body with Full Recovery Potions. It all went as smoothly as water. “Huh?” But when Wizard Hawthorn was starting to reform his Wizard Pattern, Abel suddenly realized something different from his soul. Wizard Hawthorn was Rank 38, the strongest Abel had ever seen. All the God Rank Wizards he had seen in the past were Rank 36, and as far as he knew, the weakest God Ranks would be the first to get Summoned. It was a pity that such a powerful wizard did not even get to face Abel and died by his own arrogance. The resurrection of a Rank 38 Wizard needed an ocean of energy, and Abel satisfied him as much as he desired with countless top level ice and fire gems. When it came time to recover his world, Abel reached out with his Dark Gold Dimension Force and replenished it. It was scarily powerful, and only Abel could do something like it! Thousands of top level gems were absorbed, and the Dark Gold Dimension Force was drained to the point where it was half-transparent. Still, recovering the Dimension Force was simple. All Abel needed to was to activate a Scroll of Town Portal, step through the Portal, and it would automatically begin to absorb the dimension force around him. Therefore, Abel was not worried about using too much of it. Wizard Hawthorn’s world was reformed successfully. Although it was not as powerful as before, it should be fine given enough time, and it was already more powerful than the other God Rank Wizard and Knight Summons he controlled. With this new Rank 38 Wizard around, the Wizard Union would definitely start suspecting him! “Let’s not expose you for now!” Abel smiled weirdly and added, “From now on you will be called God Rank Five!” Since these God Ranks had all come out of nowhere, it was best to give them casual names. The Fire Tooth quickly landed on Lizer island. “Commander Spirit, build a Teleportation Circle here!” Abel ordered. Ever since the Magic Circle Spirit had taught the Commander Spirit how to build a Super Teleportation Circle, it could build normal ones by itself with no oversight. Still, it did not have the flexibility the Magic Circle Spirit had when it came to the construction process, it could only build one step by step. Abel let out twenty construction puppets and the materials needed. Since there were no God Rank sea monsters around, Abel was more than happy to build a Teleportation Circle here. This would make his travels much easier, not just in resurrecting future God Ranks, but allowing him to escape out into the ocean if things really turned bad. After all, no one would mess with his various faithful grounds, including that of the dwarves, as long as he stayed alive. Anyone with a brain would know the consequences of messing with ten God Ranks! —— After an hour, the Teleportation Circle was set up and Abel followed up with a Barrier Circle to hide it. Considering that it was located on a tiny island in the middle of the vast ocean, no one should be able to find it.
Chapter 1428 Chapter 1428: Visiting Again After the Teleportation Circle on Lizer island was set, Abel connected it to the Golden Castle’s giant Teleportation Circle. The way back was simple, as all he needed was to jump in the Teleportation Circle with his summons. Although it was quite far away, he had used a lot of strengthening materials, so it would be fine. It was made using the best, and it wasn’t much considering how wealthy Abel was. — After he returned, he left God Rank Five in Doff’s Divine Realm as a backup. That way some of his gods wouldn’t have to stop working when things happened As long as God Rank Five didn’t appear next to Abel, no one would think it was his Summon. Of course, Abel would also bring God Rank Five along to his training in the Dark World. As a rank 38 wizard, it was still very strong. Wizard Hawthorn’s death had caused a big commotion in the central continent once again. Saint Castle was not a deserted place. It was on the border between elves and humans, and many organizations got the news. No matter how badly the Wizard Union wanted to cover it up, the dragons did not go along, since what the wizards had done had angered them greatly. Although Abel was not injured and the dragons did not actually start a war with the Wizard Union, their relationship had never been this bad. The dragons deliberately spread the details of Wizard Hawthorn’s death through their connections. Since information about God Ranks was not that common to receive, the speed at which this news spread was also unexpectedly quick. Almost every big organization learned that Wizard Hawthorn was killed at Abel’s own hands, and the fact that the Wizard Union had bowed down to the dragons. Indeed, the Wizard Union appeared weak, and Abel was the key factor that no one had seen coming. But the truly powerful beings on both sides still had not shown themselves. Luckily the dragons were not too greedy. If they really wanted to fight it out with the Wizard Union, they had the forces to do so with Abel on their side. ——- Meanwhile, in the Wizard Union… A Law-Defying wizard felt his heart drop. It was Wizard Hardy, the manager for the Intelligence Department. Although Abel had destroyed all the documents about himself during his last invasion into the Wizard Union Headquarters, Hardy had memorized almost everything that had happened to Abel as a professional. Almost all of Abel’s enemies had eventually been killed! At first he had been very happy that the Wizard Union was willing to talk things out with Abel, but he totally did not see the situation coming where Wizard Hawthorn would suddenly destroy everything they had established and escalate the situation. Now, all he could think about was what had happened to all of Abel’s enemies During the operation against Abel, all ninety-eight officers of the Intelligence Department were killed by him. Now that Wizard Hawthorn was dead too, he was the only one left!. Just thinking about it gave him chills! He had been injured a little by the angry energies of the God Rank wizards the day Wizard Hawthorn was killed. He should be resting right now, but he just couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he felt like he would be murdered. But at the same time, he wouldn’t tell anyone about his worries, if he did, everyone would start to laugh at him. Even the Wizard Union wouldn’t want a weak chicken to be a manager. —— After three more days, the dragons and the Wizard Union came to an agreement again. In the end, they were at a crucial moment where the Demon from Beyond could return at any time. The dragons did not want to start a war unless Abel was really killed. Abel didn’t know what benefits the Wizard Union gave the dragons, but Abel soon received a message from Headmaster Eugene. During these three days, the Holy kingdom had not stopped attacking the second line, since they had not realized that Thief God Milton was gone. Furthermore, they thought attacking the second line would damage the Wizard Union’s reputation in the central continent. Beyond that, the Holy Kingdom even increased their attacks on the Warding Wall of Castle Doomsday, taking care to target its weakest spots. If things continued, the third line might soon fall into the attack range of the Holy Kingdom! Therefore, the Wizard Union settled things with the dragons in just three days and re-established a communication channel with Abel. —— Headmaster Eugene arrived at the Golden Castle and requested a meeting with Abel. “Headmaster Abel, it will only benefit the Holy Kingdom if we start a war with the Wizard Union right now. But after we deal with the Demon from Beyond, every Dragon Headmaster will have your back if you wish to start a war with the Wizard Union!” he told Abel firmly. “Headmaster Eugene, I understand, but are you really going to let the Wizard Union go as easily as this?!” Abel was still feeling irritated. “Headmaster Abel, of course not. I only agreed to be the middleman again after the Wizard Union gave us a large amount of valuable resources. Of course, they will pay you as well, so don’t miss the opportunity!” Headmaster Eugene smiled mercilessly. After all, headmaster Eugene cared about the well-being of other dragons, and the amount of resources the Wizard Union had provided was enough for them to nurture a generation of Half-gods. Half-gods were not easy to create, even for the powerful dragons. Considering how limited the resources of dragons could be, talent was not enough to guarantee the creation of a true power, so the Wizard Union’s offer was too good to reject. “Headmaster Eugene, I agree to meet with the Wizard Union, but this time I will bring five God Ranks along!” Abel finally relented. Since that was the number of Summons he formerly had, he would not expose God Rank Five. Of course, he would not bring Thief God Milton, since he couldn’t do much in face-to-face battles, and the Wizard Union would not miss the opportunity to kill him! “Headmaster Abel, I will bring Headmaster Carlos as well, just to make sure everything is ok!” Headmaster Eugene patted his chest. Headmaster Carlos was a God Rank Red Dragon, so he was even stronger than Headmaster Eugene. As a blue dragon, Eugene’s preferred field of battle was out in the ocean. “Headmasters Abel, the Wizard Union suggested six locations, please pick one!” Headmaster Eugene handed a letter over. Abel looked down the list and saw they were all spread throughout the central continent. Abel handed the letter back and said, “No need, let’s just go with the Saint Castle again!” Saint Castle was not a location marked on the letter, but he liked the place. Also he had killed Wizard Hawthorn there, so he felt a little more confident picking it. “No problem, I’ll tell the Wizard Union. Headmaster Carlos and I will check the place out first!” Headmaster Eugene smiled. —— Afterwards, Abel recalled his five God Rank Summons as well as the Fire Tooth, and put them in his Monster Ring. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union agreed, but this time they will send out nine God Rank wizards to match our forces!” Headmaster Eugene added. It was clear that the Wizard Union was being extremely cautious. Although there were only seven God Ranks on Abel’s side, including the dragons, God Rank dragons were normally more powerful than God Rank wizards. Furthermore, the fact that Abel had killed WIzard Hawthorn showed that he possessed God Rank power as well. Because they didn’t know how it had happened, they had to be even more cautious. After all, a God Rank inside their own World was a mighty force. They could not only manipulate all the elements inside it, they could directly attack with their laws and cast thousands of spells at once! However, Abel had somehow killed Wizard Hawthorn inside his own inner world, despite being a Half-god! No matter what he did, the Wizard Union had to think again. “Nine God Rank wizards, they really are giving us a lot of respect!” Abel couldn’t help but laugh. There were only eleven God Rank wizards in the Wizard Union, and one of them had to stay on guard in the Howling Castle at all times, which meant there would only be one God Rank wizard left in their Headquarters. Suddenly, he had an idea. God Rank Five teleported to the Goddess of the Hunt’s Divine Kingdom, which was closer to the Wizard Union Headquarters. Afterwards, Five began to fly towards the Wizard Union Headquarters. “Let’s go. Headmaster Carlos said everything is good at the Saint Castle!” Headmaster Eugene called for him. Headmaster Carlos was not afraid of any ambushes, even if nine God Rank wizards had gathered. They wouldn’t be able to kill everyone, even if all eleven God Rank wizards had gathered. Headmaster Carlos’ main mission had been to check if there were any suspicious Magic Circles. At the same time, he had set up a Teleportation Circle for Abel and Headmaster Eugene. With the dwarves on their side, doing something like that was simple. “Ok, let’s go!” Abel smiled in anticipation and stepped in the Teleportation Circle with Headmaster Eugene. The wizards started their teleporting at the same time.
Chapter 1429 Chapter 1429: Meeting Again The dragons took this meeting very seriously. If not, they would not have sent Headmaster Carlos to make sure everything was ok, nor let the dwarves set up a Teleportation Circle before the wizards even arrived. They were clearly not willing to trust the Wizard Union, so making those sacrifices were necessary. By the time Abel and Headmaster Eugene arrived at Saint Castle, there were only a few red-cloaked wizards about. The God Rank wizards still had not arrived. “Headmaster Carlos, thank you!” Abel said after seeing Headmaster Carlos standing by the Teleportation Circle and bowed. “Headmaster Abel, it’s my regret for not coming last time, considering how cunning the Wizard Union is!” Headmaster Carlos bowed back. He deliberately raised his voice, and the red-cloaked wizards were not looking good. Yet they had no right to interfere in the discussion between God Ranks. Abel looked around, and finally let out his five God Rank summons. This move immediately tensed up the red-cloaked wizards. They had been the first to arrive, making sure Abel didn’t set up any traps. But of course, there was nothing they could do about this other than keep watch. What Wizard Hawthorn had done had broken the trust between the dragons and the Wizard Union. Both sides were making very sure now that no one was laying down any traps. Abel ignored those red-cloaked Wizards and called out the Fire Tooth, but this time the red-cloaked wizards didn’t see anything. The invisible Fire Tooth flew towards the sky to act as a backup after it was called out. —— Soon afterwards, God Rank energies began to emerge. They were from the nine God Rank wizards from the Wizard Union. Wizard Smith was the first one to step out, and he Flashed towards the sky. He soon couldn’t help but sigh. Wizard Hawthorn’s death had caused a scene that would affect matters for at least for the next ten years. It was the last glory of a God Rank. It was at that moment that Wizard Smith began to think about the gods. Although as a God Rank professional he could probably beat them in a normal fight, unless they were Battle Gods, they would still have a chance to be reborn with their godheads even after being killed. After all, there were not many who could be truly invincible with power alone! Wizard Smith was getting carried away, but he quickly regained his mental balance. It was also at this moment the other God Rank wizards arrived. They did not say a word. Wizard Hawthorn’s actions had caused a huge buzz, and were a huge embarrassment to the Wizard Union. At the very least they would probably have a hard time negotiating with other forces in the future. After all, it was a disgusting action to attack after settling an agreement, and Wizard Hawthorn had been representing the entire Wizard Union, despite no one knowing anything about his plans. Still, no one vocalized anything, considering how powerful the Wizard Union was. “Hawthorn, rest In peace!” Wizard McPhee whispered. No God Rank wizard would feel unmoved after seeing the death of another God Rank wizard. This was especially true since Wizard Hawthorns was their comrade and they knew all knew very well that Wizard Hawthorn was more powerful than Wizard Bradford, who had also died. As they all considered these matters, they saw Abel appearing with his five God Rank Summons. Abel was clearly more cautious this time, with his God Rank Summons surrounding him with their God Rank Power of the Will! The nine God Rank wizards soon landed, keeping a distance of twenty meters from Abel. “Headmaster Abel, I apologize on behalf of the Wizard Union. The actions of Wizard Hawthorn were an embarrassment, but it has already passed, and we should move on!” Wizard Smith proposed in a low voice. Since Saint Castle was not big enough for them to maintain their distance, no one suggested going inside. “Wizard Smith, if that is all you wanted to say, why even initiate this meeting?!” Headmaster Eugene complained before Abel could even say anything. What Wizard Smith said was nonsense, and he didn’t even mention giving Abel any compensation! Wizard Smith’s face tensed up and he quickly laughed. “Headmaster Eugene, of course not. We have already prepared some compensation. Headmaster Abel, please take it!” A portal bag was guided towards Abel by his Power of the Will, but Headmaster Eugene immediately scanned it with his own Power of the Will before it could be delivered to Abel. What Headmaster Eugene had done was deliberately provoking the Wizard Union, but the Wizard Union had to let it slide. If not, they might end up with another failed negotiation! The front line was in chaos at all moments, and the destruction in the second line was basically like salt on an open wound that made the Wizard Union extremely irritated. A single city might not mean much to the Wizard Union, but dozens or more of them getting attacked was enough to shake the authority of the Wizard Union. After all, it was a clear sign of weakness if the Wizard Union couldn’t even protect their own territories! Cities were the foundation to the Wizard Union, and most of their talented wizards were born in them. Abel was expecting to receive some compensation, but he was not expecting the Wizard Union to be so direct. He reached his Power of the Will into the portal bag. It was not a big one, only one cubic meter, but it was filled to the brine with materials for making Relics. This includedLight Wind Iron, White Gold, Ice Crystal Rocks, and Flaming Crystals. Abel knew from the last God Alliance gathering how valuable each small piece of those materials were, but it made sense that the Wizard Union had some stored up in their inventory. The Wizard Union couldn’t do anything with those materials, and they were afraid that the gods would grow more powerful if they traded with them. Giving them to Abel could show their sincerity to make up. Furthermore, the gods Abel had were extremely powerful on their own anyway, so these low ranked holy materials wouldn’t boost their power too much. Still, Abel was happy about what he had been given. He was expecting the Wizard Union to pay him with some Holy Crystals, but happily they hadn’t. After all, he had almost endless amounts of them anyway. Abel smiled and put the portal bag away. “Wizard Smith, let’s just put what happened to rest and hope it will never happen again!” Abel said coolly. Wizard Smith let out a breath of relief and smiled. “Of course, Headmaster Abel. How about we proceed with our agreement to have the dwarves repair the Warding Wall!” He was the one who had picked those holy materials from their inventory. They were not powerful enough to boost Abel’s power too much, yet they were enough to show the Wizard Union’s desire to settle things. Since Abel was satisfied, they could proceed with their agreement! “Wizard Smith, what kind of compensation are you willing to pay for that?” Last time Abel had not been too worried about the details, but this time he was and the discussion proceeded. —— Meanwhile, in the Wizard Union Headquarters… Wizard Coleridge sat within a Power of the Will expanded Magic Circle. As soon as anyone dared to approach their Headquarters, he would notice it immediately. It was a necessary move ever since Thief God Milton had shown himself to be extremely scary! — But little did he know, Thief God Milton was indeed standing outside of the Wizard Union Headquarters, just beyond his range. He had been waiting for a long time, and he had noticed Wizard Coleridge’s Power of the Will scanning the area. He knew could not hide himself from the detection of a God Rank wizard. If he could, he would not be the mere Thief God that he was. Thief God Milton lifted his head and looked ahead. Although he could not see anything, he sensed something approaching through his soul chain. A smile emerged on his face. He knew his time had arrived! — Suddenly, an alert came through Wizard Coleridge’s Magic Circle and he almost jumped to his feet. Even if he didn’t use the Magic Circle, he could sense an incoming powerful wizard! “Who is it?” This wizard’s energy felt familiar, but he couldn’t identify who it was, Indeed, it was God Rank Five, but he had changed up his energy a bit thanks to the Moon Goddess’ Transformation Necklace, which Doff had made his own by adding some holy texts to the necklace, It was not actually a Relic considering Doff’s current skills, yet it did the trick. You could call it a half-Relic since it could only change energy, not appearance. Thus, Wizard Coleridge was getting a familiar feeling, but he couldn’t actually pinpoint it, considering Wizard Hawthorn was already dead. After Coleridge confirmed that a God Rank Wizard was heading towards the Wizard Union, he left a message for the nine God Rank wizards currently with Abel and Flashed away. He wasn’t going to let the unknown God Rank get too close. If a God Rank war broke out, the Wizard Union would take huge damage. The Wizard Union wouldn’t be able to handle things anymore!
Chapter 1430 Chapter 1430: Sneaking In Wizard Coleridge stopped in front of God Rank Five and demanded seriously, “Who are you? Why are you here?” The other wizards in the Union also noticed what was happening in the sky, and began to ignite their most powerful Magic Circles. As for the ones who had no Magic Circles to protect them, they hid back in the Headquarters. Even Legendary wizards were hard to stop, let alone a God Rank! If a fight started and they didn’t have any protection, their souls would be directly destroyed! God Rank Five did not say anything as he took out his World in preparation for a fight. Wizard Coleridge quickly Flashed and extended out his distance. — As the God Rank Wizards were examining each other in mid air, Thief God Milton began to move. He jumped into the Protection Circle and smoothly entered the Wizard Union headquarters as he had in the past, but this time he was not going on his own. As Abel was negotiating with Wizard Smith about the details, a part of his consciousness was connected with Thief God Milton through the soul chain. He knew he was in a race against time, so he did not stop and directly headed to the first underground level. This time he also sensed some danger, but it was not as strong since he was Thief God Milton, the most powerful infiltrator in the world! Abel’s target was clear: he wanted to know what was in the second level under the Wizard Union! Even if he didn’t take anything, he wanted to know what cards the Wizard Union still had in reserve. Since he had sensed a huge threat through God Rank Two last time, maybe there was something capable of taking down God Ranks down there! Thief God Milton stealthily approached the second level entrance, and noticed there were at least eight Magic Circles locking up all directions. Still, they meant nothing to Thief God Milton, and he quickly arrived on the second level. All of a sudden, he saw everything down there and his heart nearly stopped. There were at least a dozen Divine Bodies laying around, both male and female. They were not locked by God-Binding Chains, but were placed in crystal wooden coffins with large numbers of Magic Patterns etched on top. They were all connected to the main Magic Circle of the level. The placement of those coffins was not random, either, as it formed a pentagram! Abel couldn’t tell what that giant pentagram did, but he forced Thief God Milton to transfer it to his Druid Soul and memorized it. Of course, Thief God Milton would not have been able to memorize such a complex pattern, if he had not been a god. After all, a god was even more powerful than God Rank professionals when it came to mental processing. Abel’s eyes sparkled as he took in the center. There was a pile of holy crystals there, formed into the shape of a shrine. He gave them a quick scan and noted there were more than ten thousand holy crystals there, stunning him. Since the Wizard Union had so many holy crystals, why did they rather pay him in holy materials instead of holy crystals? Questions began to emerge. The Wizard Union knew Abel had more than five thousand holy crystals, so giving him another thousand shouldn’t have been that much, right? — As Abel kept thinking, he continued to explore with Thief God Milton. The entire second level was built inside an Energy Barrier, and no one could examine what was within using their Power of the Will from outside. It was basically a secret chamber with a huge Magic Circle built using twelve Divine Bodies. This shouldn’t be all there was to it, there must be more to accumulating all those holy crystals…. After Milton took another turn, Abel became certain that there were no Surveillance Circles scattered around, they were all gathered at the entrance. Therefore, no one would notice him even if he showed himself! However, he did not do that. Instead he gazed into the center of the pentagram with a curious gaze, and Thief God Milton suddenly Shifted. Afterwards, he flew into the pentagram. As he was doing so, he couldn’t help but sigh at how powerful this ability of Thief God Milton’s was. If he was as powerful as a normal god in battle, no God Rank would be safe! He quickly arrived next to a coffin and saw a female Divine Body inside it. It was four meters tall and its features were beautiful, but Abel did not feel anything, because a Divine Body was too different compared to a human. He suddenly noticed the pointy ears and mumbled, “Ah, this is an elf goddess!” As he tried to examine the crystal coffin, he soon realized it was actually merged with the pentagram and he could not make contact with it unless he had a good understanding of its powers. Abel wouldn’t make a move just because he had agreed to the Moon goddess’ request to free the elf gods. Taking unnecessary risks just wasn’t his style. He needed an opportunity, and he still had some training to do before the Wizard Union would be truly hopeless against him. His main target now was the holy crystals, because they didn’t seem like they were a part of the pentagram! Thief God Milton quickly flew into the center of the pentagram while changing his energy. The structure of this Magic Circle was much more complex than he thought and even Thief God Milton would not be able to bypass it if even a single move was not perfect. “It is a pity!” he mumbled as he flew. If he was in the Golden Castle, he would be able to analyze what this Magic Circle didin real time with the Magic Circle Spirit. Then, he would be able to take away all twelve of those Divine Bodies. For this operation, he had even left a Scroll of Town Portal on Thief God Milton. It would allow him to bring all those Holy Bodies into the Dark World in just five seconds! Of course, it could also act as a life saver if necessary. He would rather kill Thief God Milton than let the Wizard Union find out what was in Thief God Milton’s portal bag! It was filled with secrets, from Full Recovery Potions to the Dark Gold Poison. As Milton approached the pile of holy Crystals, Abel suddenly sensed a holy energy field surrounding something. “What is that?” All of those Divine Bodies and those holy crystals were all protecting an object? What could the Wizard Union care so much about? After all, the Wizard Union only gave ten holy crystals to their legendary wizards every century, and the fanatical Holy Kingdom had only accumulated five thousand holy crystals after thousands of years. Somehow the Wizard Union had gained ten thousand of them! There was no way they would be able to get so many if they hadn’t looted so many from the gods! As Abel kept approaching the holy crystals, a familiar feeling suddenly emerged from his soul. It was the World Stone! A thought suddenly struck him. This was not a strong energy, almost like it was coming from an embryo. Still, Abel knew there was no mistake, so he carefully lifted the holy crystals away, one by one. Suddenly Milton’s eyes flew open. There was a heart-like object within, still beating gently. If there wasn’t a World Stone energy coming from it, Abel would definitely have thought this heart belonged to a living being. Or maybe… it was from a living being, and the Wizard Union was trying to cultivate a World Stone out of it! Abel quickly thought of the Dark World’s World Stone. It was made from the god Aron’s eyes, so maybe the Wizard Union was trying to turn this heart into a World Stone as well! Abel had a feeling that he was touching the deepest secret of this world. Although he didn’t know what a World Stone could do in this world, he knew it would be more important than anything he had ever seen here. The only thing comparable might be the scattered pieces of the World Stone he had from the Dark World, but since they were only scattered pieces, some of their power had been lost. He already had the power of god in four continents in the Dark World. He had always wondered what would happen if he gathered all the scattered pieces of the Dark World’s World Stone. But before he could even do that, he had found a World Stone of this world!
Chapter 1431 Chapter 1431: Theft Thief God Milton paused under Abel’s control. Greed flashed in his eyes, but who wouldn’t have such in the face of such a treasure? Maybe those who couldn’t comprehend what a World Stone was wouldn’t understand, but Abel did! Every time he activated his World Stone, the world around him would slow down and his analysis ability shot up. It was extremely useful in all close-range battles. Although he rarely used the World Stone in Batlow as a wizard, it didn’t mean it was useless. In fact, the more he understood the true power of the World Stone, the more powerful he grew. He was ignorant in the past, but now he understood the power of gods. If he had the World Stone of this world, all the continents would become part of his territories, like his territories in the Dark World! If his scattered pieces of World Stones weren’t so weak, he would be just as powerful as a god! But if he really was going to steal this World Stone Heart, how would the Wizard Union react? He would be the prime suspect since he controlled Thief God Milton. He also didn’t know how many wizards actually knew about this World Stone Heart. After all, everyone would go crazy for it! He had prepared a little before he set out for this mission. He thought he was going to take a few Divine Bodies with him, and all he needed was some time to resurrect them. The Wizard Union wouldn’t be able to do anything, even if they knew it was his doing! However, taking the World Stone Heart was a totally different story. The mysterious President of the Wizard Union still had not shown himself, which meant there might be wizards more powerful than Rank 38. Still, letting such treasure a go when it was right in front of him would be such a disservice to himself! With a flash of determination, Abel made his decision. He quickly wrapped his Power of the Will around the ten thousand holy crystals, and put everything into his portal object, along with the World Stone Heart! But as soon as he did that, an alarm was set off within the Wizard Union Headquarters. Still, Abel did not panic. He was underground, so he knew the wizards couldn’t just Flash inside. Instead, he gazed at those Divine Bodies with some pity. It seemed he couldn’t take any away this time. He knew why God Rank Two had sensed a huge threat last time. One was because of his intuition as a God Rank Knight, another was because this Magic Circle really could kill a God Rank. That was especially so for a weakling like Thief God Milton, who would be dead in an instant! Milton calmly flew away from the giant Magic Circle and took out a Scroll of Town Portal. As he activated it with his Power of the Will, a blue Portal opened. He quickly stepped into it, and it closed as soon as his Power of the Will was withdrawn. —— Wizard Brook was the God Rank Wizard at the Howling Castle, facing down the Holy Kingdom, just like always. He did not let his guard down, not even a single moment. After all, the fanatical Holy Kingdom could attack at any moment. That was especially true since most of the God Rank wizards were negotiating with Abel, and there was only one God Rank wizard guarding the Headquarters. It was their most vulnerable time! Suddenly, an ear piercing alarm blasted out from the Magic Circle in front of him. It was from the very core of the Wizard Union. Without hesitation, he directly gave up the Howling Castle and Flashed away. In comparison to their core, the Howling Castle meant nothing! He knew very well that as long as he acted fast enough, the one who had done the damage would not be able to escape! Indeed, he spread his Power of the Will throughout the area as soon as he returned. At that moment, Wizard Coleridge, who was dealing with God Rank Five up in the sky, also noticed something wrong and quickly Flashed back He did not care about God Rank Five, and in fact he wouldn’t have cared even if God Rank Five chased after him and killed some wizards along the way. But God Rank Five did no such thing. Instead, he Flashed away and disappeared. Since Wizard Coleridge was not very far away, he returned to the Headquarters in a few Flashes and quickly exchanged gazes with Wizard Brook, before both of them headed down underground. — Meanwhile, Abel retracted his consciousness. Since Thief God Milton was in another world, even the soul chain couldn’t do much. Instead, he directed his Power of the Will towards the sky. Wizard Smith was a little confused about what Abel was doing, but he had already noticed the Fire Tooth battle fort on his way here. But since it had its protective shield up, the wizards couldn’t examine what was inside it. “Wizard Smith, I think our talk can end here. Since the Wizard Union has been so kind to me, I’ll tell you something. I actually have had another God Rank with me all this time!” Abel said with some false embarrassment. Simultaneously, he activated a Scroll of Town Portal in the Fire Tooth, and Thief God Milton quietly stepped out through the Portal. However, his portal object had been left in the Dark World. Afterwards, the Portal closed again, and those wizards didn’t notice anything abnormal. Wizard Smith and the God Rank wizards felt their heart tense as they turned towards the sky, and Thief God Milton flew out in front of them. This time Thief God Milton did not hide himself. However, Abel did not turn off the protection from the Fire Tooth. It was his secret weapon, and all those wizards could sense was an energy shield. “It’s the Thief God!” Wizard McPhee whispered to the others. He was known as the God Rank Assassin and was feared by all legends, but as Thief God Milton stood in front of the wizards, they quickly felt their hearts lift again as Abel spoke. “Wizard Smith, since you said that the Holy Kingdom was attacking the second line because of Thief God Milton, I recalled him even though our last chat did not end well!” Abel smiled. He was coming across as friendly, trying to show that he wanted peace. “Headmaster Abel, I believe we will continue to have peace!” Wizard Smith also smiled. Since Abel had agreed, all the Wizard Union needed now was to place a request with the dwarves. Abel’s attitude left them a lot less worried. After all, none of those God Rank wizards wanted another war while they were facing the Holy Kingdom. As a peaceful atmosphere arose, a red-cloaked wizard suddenly ran forward. Wizard Smith gave him a sharp gaze, but he quickly realized something must be wrong considering how panicked the red-cloaked wizard looked. “Headmaster Abel, please wait a moment!” Wizard Smith stepped forward and bowed. “Please!” Of course Abel knew what had happened, but he kept calm and acted like he knew nothing. Wizard Smith stepped aside. His face quickly sank when he heard what the red-cloaked wizard had to say. Since everyone around was God Rank other than Abel, Abel and the dragons could easily spy on what that red-cloaked wizard was saying. But they didn’t, instead chatting among themselves. Wizard Smith bowed quickly and said, “Headmaster Abel, it seems like something happened at the Wizard Union Headquarters. I’m afraid I have to go!” But before Abel could even reply, he and the other God Rank wizards Flashed towards the Teleportation Circle and disappeared. “Those wizards really need to learn some manners!” Headmaster Eugene complained. Running away like this was very disrespectful even for common people, let alone top forces like them! “We should really ask them for more benefits next time!” Headmaster Carlos added, as if what they had received wasn’t enough already. “Maybe something big really did happen to their headquarters!” Abel smiled meaningfully. Of course he knew what happened, but the stakes were too high to mention even a single thing about it. At the same time, he decided to never call out God Rank Five again until he also became a God Rank. Luckily he had given God Rank Five a makeover during this last operation, including a normal wizard’s cloak, so the Wizard Union shouldn’t be able to figure out that he could resurrect God Ranks. Of course, there were a few dragons and the Moon Goddess who knew he could resurrect God Ranks, but it was highly unlikely that they would betray him. The most suspicious figure would be Thief God Milton, which was why he had brought out the fellow right in front of the God Rank wizards just now. But still, some suspicions might occur, since there were not many forces in this world who could be a threat to the Wizard Union. All the wizards needed was some evidence, but finding it would depend on their ability! “Headmaster Abel, you are too kind, still speaking for the Wizard Union after all that!” Headmaster Carlos shook his head. He looked at Abel with some worry, as though Abel’s kindness was a weakness, but little did he know Abel had actually just done something world-altering!
Chapter 1432 Chapter 1432: Suspicions As soon as the nine God Rank wizards stepped out, they sensed the frantic Power of the Will from Wizard Coleridge and Wizard Brook. It was clear the wizards were panicking. Wizard Smith scanned again and realized Wizard Brook was standing at the entrance of the second floor. He immediately felt his heart drop. The second floor housed their greatest secret, and all he knew from the red-cloaked wizard was that there was an alert. However, it should normally be a very secure place with its giant God-Binding Circle! With a Flash, he directly appeared at the second floor entrance as well. The other eight God Rank wizards also realized what was happening and their faces sank as they followed. “Brook, what happened?” Wizard Smith asked quickly. “Our top treasure was stolen!” Wizard Brook shook his head. He was expecting the look on Wizard Smith’s face. Indeed, it was a look of disbelief! “Wasn’t Coleridge guarding the Headquarters? How come he didn’t know that someone had penetrated our defense?” Wizard Smith roared without even realizing Wizard Coleridge was around. Wizard Coleridge stepped out and said in a curt voice, “Smith, there was a Rank 38 Wizard who lured me away, but I didn’t go far and I immediately came back as soon as I heard the alarm!” He was not looking good. How could he even explain to their president when such a big thing happened? “If what you are saying is true, who was that Rank 38 Wizard? Where did he go?” Wizard Smith demanded. “He lured me away and another person infiltrated the Wizard Union. The energy of that Rank 38 Wizard seemed familiar, but I couldn’t recognize who he was! After I came back to the headquarters, he did not chase after me and disappeared instead!” Wizard Coleridge replied sharply. Wizard Smith turned and asked, “Brook, did you have any delays either?” The wizards were all scanning frantically, which meant they hadn’t found anyone, so this question was totally reasonable. “I came back from the Howling Castle the moment I heard the alarm. There is no delay, so the thief should still be underground!’ Wizard Brook nodded. They knew very well how the Circle worked. The alarm would be set off the moment their treasure was moved. Wanting to leave, especially from the God-Binding Circle, was not easy! After all, they thought of all this when they were constructing the place. “No need to speculate. It must be Headmaster Abel. He used our negotiation as an opportunity to distract us and sent Thief God Milton over!” Wizard Coleridge snarled. Indeed, only Abel’s Thief God Milton had such ability to bypass magical defenses! Wizard Coleridge sounded extremely confident, but Wizard Smith lowered his voice. “Indeed, but I am sure that Thief God Milton didn’t sneak into our headquarters!” “Why?” Wizard Coleridge was a little confused. As far as he knew, it was totally in Thief God Milton’s ability to penetrate their Magic Circles when a God Rank was not around. “We saw Thief God Milton when we were negotiating with Headmaster Abel, so he couldn’t have been in our Headquarters at the same time!” Wizard Smith informed him gravely. After all, the more powerful you get, the more you trust your own eyes, especially a God Rank wizard with perfect calculation. “Impossible!” Wizard Coleridge muttered. His Power of the Will was very unstable. He was very confident of his guess, but at the same time Wizard Smith wouldn’t lie. Wizard Brook turned and said, “Hardy, check the Wizard Union Headquarters’ teleportation record!” As the manager of the Intelligence Department, Wizard Hardy felt like he could be replaced at any moment. There was nothing he could do other than obey. Wizard Brook’s intent was clear: they wanted to make sure that there was no way Thief God Milton was involved. “That Rank 38 Wizard shouldn’t be Abel’s man, because all of his Summons came to the Saint Castle, save for the gods!” Wizard McPhee added. “Yeah, if he was, why didn’t he come to save Abel last time when Wizard Hawthorn was holding Abel hostage?” Wizard Smith shook his head. After all, their last negotiations were quite memorable, and they all felt Wizard Hawthorn die. God Ranks were not gods, they couldn’t resurrect with just a bit of faith! “Reporting!” Wizard Hardy quickly speeded back with a stack of documents recording their teleportation history. “Was there any strange energy when the accident occurred?” Wizard McPhee quickly asked. “Sir, there are four secret Teleportation Circles in the Wizard Union and they have not been activated!” Wizard Hardy bowed. At this moment the wizards were sure that no one could enter or leave the Wizard Union through a Teleportation Circle, especially considering that they were on high alert. “If it is not Headmaster Abel’s doing, who could it be?” Wizard Coleridge asked grimly. He was asking himself as well as the wizards around. There was no way a Rank 38 Wizard could stay secret throughout his wizard journey. Without enough resources, a bottleneck was always imminent! Not only that, there was another person who was so familiar with the Wizard Union Headquarters internally that he could take the treasure without anyone noticing… Wizard Smith turned and ordered, “Wizard Hardy, stop all the operations for the Intelligence Department and focus on this!” Wizard Hardy felt his head hurting. How could he do anything about God Ranks when he couldn’t even do much to a Half-god or even a legend? “What are you waiting for, quick!’ Wizard Smith yelled. “Ye, sir!” Wizard Hardy couldn’t help but bow before walking away helplessly. “We should report to the President about this!” Wizard Coleridge urged solemnly. None of the wizards were looking good. Considering how much their President cared about that treasure, they would all be punished! “But we don’t even know where the President is. He didn’t even reply to our last message!” Wizard Smith shook his head. Although they had a super long-distance Communication Circle from ancient times, it still had many limitations, such as being distorted by Barrier Magic Circles. Normally the Wizard Union would only contact their president once every ten years, but for the past few decades, their president had not even turned on his Communication Circle! That was normal for such a powerful wizard, as time had almost no meaning and he would not do something so trivial to distract himself from his training. “Just keep sending him messages until he replies!” Wizard Coleridge ordered grimly. When compared to the treasure, the wizards did not even think about the ten thousand holy crystals. However, there was still a huge mystery. If Abel was not the one responsible, who could it be? After all, this underground space was totally secret. Only a few Legendary Rank wizards were responsible for checking the God-Binding Circle, as well as replenishing any drained holy crystals. There were a few Half-gods and God Rank Wizards training in the Wizard Union Headquarters, but they were all focused on their business, so those tasks were not taken care of by them. Still, with their powerful Magic Circles, no God Rank Wizards had ever worried about the safety of this place. The God-Binding Circle was made by their president with a dozen Divine Bodies, as well as large amounts of valuable materials and ancient Magic Patterns. It was known as a God Rank Circle by the Wizard Union, meaning it was powerful even against God Ranks. Almost none of the Magic Circles in this world had attack abilities on their own. They all needed a professional to operate them. This was how magic towers worked, but the God-Binding Circle used a special technique to draw on the self-defense abilities of those twelve Divine Bodies for an attack. When all twelve of their energies converged, it could kill a God Rank in an instant! That was also why the Wizard Union was so confident about the safety of this place. If it was not because of the Demon from Beyond or Abel’s speedy growth, those Half-god and God Rank Wizards wouldn’t even need to show themselves to keep this place in operation.
Chapter 1433 Chapter 1433: Secure Abel returned to the Golden Castle as the wizards continued their discussions. He didn’t know how long he could hide the fact that he stole the World Stone Heart, but he was not going to give it back, even if they knew it was him! He opened all the Magic Circles in his training room and entered the Dark World through the Portal that formed there. As soon as he appeared in the Rogue Encampment, he saw the shrine made up of holy crystals and the World Stone Heart. He sensed that the World Stone Heart was not in good condition. Initially it was beating once a minute, but now it was even slower. If it kept slowing down, it might stop beating and die! He looked around and activated his own World Stone to analyze it. Since Thief God Milton had directly wrapped it in his Power of the Will before letting it out again in the Rogue Encampment. It did not stay very long in his portal object, so the portal object probably wasn’t the problem. He looked into the World Stone Heart and at the sky. It should be the world around it… This was a World Stone Heart that still needed nourishment, yet it had left its original world and lost its motivation to keep growing. Working quickly, Abel quickly wrapped the World Stone shrine with his Power of the Will and activated another Scroll of Town Portal before returning to the Golden Castle. He looked around his training room. It was not big enough, so he Flashed to the basement. He found a corner and placed the Holy Crystal Shrine on the floor there. Still, he was worried. He needed something to stop its energy from leaking out. “Magic Circle Spirit, set up a Barrier Room in the basement as soon as possible. You can use any materials!” he ordered loudly. “Yes master!” the Magic Circle Spirit replied. —— The Magic Circle Spirit quickly teleported the puppets to the basement, as well as large amounts of materials. Although the basement was huge, all Abel needed was a little space to be separated. It still took a hundred puppets working perfectly with each other to finish the job in three hours. Still, Abel didn’t need the dwarves. Of course, his Analysis Spirit had also played a part in making the Magic Circle Spirit perfect. Afterwards, Abel took a look at the World Stone Heart again, which seemed to have regained its rhythm. However, it didn’t look like it had grown even a single bit, so Abel activated his own World Stone to check. Indeed, there was not a single bit of growth! “What’s wrong?” Abel considered helplessly, thinking hard. If the World Stone wasn’t growing, it was just waiting to be stolen! He was already on the way to a point of no return. He would face serious consequences even if he returned the World Stone Heart now. “Master, the Barrier Room is good to go!” the Magic Circle Spirit called out. Abel Flashed next to the room, which was twenty-five square meters in size. It was made entirely out of magical materials with Barrier attributes and countless Magic Patterns inscribed on it. It was almost like a complete replica of the second level under the Wizard Union Headquarters! Abel didn’t know if the wizard had a way to track down the World Stone Heart. This wouldn’t have been a problem if he kept it in the Dark World, but he should be safe for now… He carefully surrounded the World Stone with the Holy Crystal Shrine and Flashed into the barrier room. There was no door to this barrier room, which was what Abel wanted. Only someone recognised could Flash inside, which was the safest way. Even Thief God Milton couldn’t do anything unless he physically broke through the walls. After everything was set, he took a seat in the room and began to ponder why the World Stone Heart was not growing. Soon, he remembered that giant Magic Circle around the World Stone Heart under the Wizard Union Headquarters. “Magic Circle Spirit, analyze this Magic Circle!” Abel ordered as he transferred the information to the Magic Circle Spirit. “Master, please wait!” the Magic Circle Spirit replied before going silent. Lights began to spark from the Magic Circle Spirit and soon the Analysis Spirit and Research Spirit also began to spark, large amounts of energy moving between them. Meanwhile, Abel tried to make contact with the World Stone Heart with his Power of the Will, trying to see if he could do anything, but it was hopeless. The World Stone Heart did not respond at all. —— After half an hour, the Magic Circle Spirit finally called out, “Master, this Magic Circle utilized the energy of Divine Bodies to create a special God Rank energy field, one capable of taking down God Ranks!” A special God Rank energy field? Do I have to replicate that?, Abel thought to himself. He had twelve God Rank Summons, but if he did that his Summons would have no time to level up in their Realms! At the same time, he also needed his Summons to help him battle in the Dark World! “Magic Circle Spirit, can you give me the attributes of the God Rank energy field?” Abel asked after a moment. “Yes, master!” The Magic Circle Spirit connected to Abel’s Power of the Will and transferred the information. Soon, a detailed graphing of the energy field with an analysis of its special energy emerged. A weird look quickly emerged on Abel’s face when he saw the chart. A chart describing energy like this would be extremely complicated and mysterious to a normal person, but to any god with a Divine Kingdom, it would look extremely familiar. It was exactly how the energy in their Kingdom functioned! The giant Magic Circle under the Wizard Union was not just for protection, but for imitating the environment of a Divine Realm as well! Does this World Stone Heart only grow in a Divine Kingdom?, Abel thought to himself. With a wave, he moved out of the Barrier’s field and surrounded it with his Power of the Will. With a few Flashes, he arrived at Doff’s Divine Kingdom and moved to the same spot under its Golden Castle. He then Flashed back into the square again and examined it. It looked the same, but he sensed a strange life force now. It felt extremely pure, and at the same time, the World Stone Heart began to absorb energy from the Holy Crystals around itself for growth. That life force was so weak that even a God Rank would not notice it. However, Abel had his own World Stone, so his analytical skills were far superior to normal God Ranks. In the past he had never paid too much attention to the energy field of a Divine Kingdom since he could not see it, but now he was sensing the pure faith coming out of those holy crystals, and they in turn seemed to be even livelier. It was because of that liveliness that the World Stone Heart could grow! As Doff’s Divine Kingdom’s energy field was far greater than the artificial one under the Wizard Union, the World Stone Heart was growing even faster! After all, Doff was alive and well, and his Divine Realm had been combined with two others. It would have been powerful even in the Era of Gods! Still, Abel had no idea what the World Stone Heart would grow into, as all he had were scattered pieces of World Stones. Although he had gathered most of them, he still didn’t know what they looked like when assembled. Feeling much better, Abel let out a breath of relief. The World Stone Heart’s energy was settled. He was in Doff’s Divine Kingdom, and there was a barrier square blocking its energy signature. It should be safe! He knew a World Stone was the core of a world, and it corresponded with the utmost mysteries of the world. He had no idea what would happen if he gathered all the scattered World Stones in the Dark World, but was this World Stone Heart going to grow into its true form before he did so? He didn’t know… Still, he was one step closer to the true mystery of the world! Maybe this was what the Wizard Union was protecting! What benefits could it bring to him? Abel left Doff’s Divine Kingdom with a smile on his face. He realized he should double down on his training. After all, even the best treasure would be useless if he couldn’t protect it!
Chapter 1434 Chapter 1434: Current Condition Meanwhile, the Howling Castle in the front lines was having better luck with no God Rank knights attacking. It seemed like the Holy Kingdom was not aware of the fact that something big had happened to the Wizard Union, but soon, another god asked if the wizard had returned. Even with their top treasure gone, they still had to stay on duty! The God Rank wizards also did not have much hope for the Intelligence Department, so they spread out through the continents, with only a few of them guarding their Headquarters. Still, considering the size of just the central continent, it would take at least ten years for the wizards to search through all of it. —— Three days after the incident, Abel received a request from Wizard Smith to search through his faithful grounds. Of course, Wizard Smith was the only one who asked. At the same time, the five gods in the God Alliance received similar requests. Abel knew exactly what was happening, so he did not reject Wizard Smith. After all, he knew the Wizard Union would always suspect him, no matter what else happened. Ever since the dwarves had received the okay from Abel, they began taking requests from the Wizard Union again. Although Abel never thought of it as an order, as it was supposed to be a business deal, King Yoby and WIzard Fara took it as a command. Still, they were more confident when asking the Wizard Union for pay. After all, they were living a much better life and they were no longer embarrassed being a part of Abel’s side. Status was just a name, and Abel gave them a lot of autonomy. Soon, ten thousand dwarves were sent to the Warding Wall to repair and the Wizard Union sent some God Rank wizards to protect them so Abel wouldn’t get angry. As soon as a God Rank Knight decided to invade, the dwarves would also be called back! This was something the dwarves could not even dream of in the past, but now they had finally regained their freedom. Since the Wizard Union was doing business on equal terms with the dwarves, the dwarves’ status in the central continent also grew, and the dwarves started to get even busier. —— Meanwhile, in the Holy Kingdom’s central temple… Seven God Rank Knights were seated side by side. Mad Knight Issac stood in the middle of the temple with the God Rank Knights and the Saint staring down at him. He just been assigned as the head of the Intelligence Department, but the work lately was already wearing him out. “Isaac, what did you find?” the Saint asked helplessly. The Saint had made many mistakes during his term, and the God Rank Knights had become very successful ever since they started to act on their own. It was a huge hit to his status, which was humiliating since he was the Ambassador for the Guardian Wings. He should be the one ordering the knights around with ultimate authority instead! “Your Grace, there are no strange things happening according to my information, and the number of preachers we have is growing again!” Knight Issac bowed. Even with the Saint’s status taking a downturn, he still had to show respect to the man. “No strange things happening? A fifth of our Faith is gone!” The saint regained a bit of confidence in his voice after he sensed that Knight Issac was nervous. “Your Grace, is the growth in preachers something strange as well?” God Rank Knight Felix interrupted. They were all knights, and didn’t know much about preachers. “It’s normal. Even with most of them killed by Thief God Milton, their souls will return to the Guardian Wings and it will automatically turn them back into new preachers!” the saint explained. The Guardian Wings operated on pure instinct, so it was not a god. In fact, it was more like a spirit, and the Saint couldn’t communicate with it. Ben was serving as the Vicar of God, the Guardian Wing was the one who picked him and his soul would return for rebirth once he died. It might take some time, but it would still work! Knight Felix nodded and stayed silent. “Your Grace, our intelligence network is almost established and we now have a professional investigator in more than forty-five hundred cities. I will know immediately as soon as something strange happens!” Knight Issac bowed again. He was quite irritated. He was already working very hard, and the Saint had still complained! He showed a bit of dissatisfaction through his tone, but of course, he would not have done this if the Saint’s reputation wasn’t already so bad. “Then tell me, where did our faith go?” The Saint was furious after he sensed the knight’s displeasure. “Your Grace, I’m only the head of the Intelligence Department. You should ask the preachers when it comes to faith!” Knight Issac replied stiffly. “Issac, are you trying to provoke me?!” the Saint stood up and shouted at him. “Your Grace, don’t be angry. Issac is telling the truth!” Knight Felix waved his hand dismissively. After all, Knight Issac was a holy knight, and he was actually accomplishing something! Knight Felix turned and said, “Issac, just apologize to His Grace!” “Your Grace, I am sorry!” Knight Issac quickly bowed. The Saint ignored the God Rank Knights when they were all minding their own business. But their lack of support for him meant one thing: he truly lost his authority, and Knight Issac might no longer be afraid of him from today on! He sat back on his chair helplessly and said, “That’s it, just end the meeting here!” After all, his status was more important than Faith, and truly investigating what was happening would be a huge challenge with the Demon from Beyond. Not only the Saint, even the Guardian Wings had mistaken Abel’s angel avatar as the Demon from Beyond. Just like that, two streams of Faith had been created in the Holy Kingdom without anyone noticing! —— Since the God Rank Knights had gotten used to attacking the front line, they did not stop, and thus the dwarves’ work continued. After Abel saw what was happening, he sent Thief God Milton back to the Holy Kingdom, especially after he realized how draining that World Stone Heart was. It was basically draining a holy crystal every ten days! Although he had many holy crystals in storage, they were for his gods to train themselves. The ten thousand holy crystals he had stolen no longer seemed that much at that rate. His gods were producing a decent amount of Faith on their own now, especially the God of Black Fog with his sixty million tauren followers on the Winter Hoof Plateau and the Mountain God with his ninety million dwarf followers. But still, it was not enough, so Abel turned back to the Holy Kingdom. Indeed, the World Stone Heart was growing much faster in Doff’s Kingdom so the Wizard Union had not actually been using that many holy crystals. The Wizard Union had only been using up one holy crystal every ten years. Perhaps the Wizard Union didn’t know the World Stone Heart would grow faster in a god’s Divine Kingdom? Their president might know, but putting such treasure in a god’s Kingdom would be a huge risk they wouldn’t take. Even a weakling like the God of Wealth would get greedy about it, so the Wizard Union had instead spent a great deal to replicate a Kingdom using twelve Divine Bodies.
Chapter 1435 Chapter 1435: The Entrance Another few months of chaos had passed and Abel was now twenty-five years old, but it was not like he cared. Ever since the Wizard Union wizards had searched through his faithful grounds, they had stopped bothering him. After all, Abel had killed a Rank 38 Wizard without a single hassle, so the wizards had to be careful around him. Unless the most powerful wizards in the Wizard Union returned, they had nothing to use against Abel. Throughout this time Abel had stayed in the Battlecry Plateau. In fact, he rarely even left the Dark World. Besides a few friends, he basically cut off all connections in the continents. Of course, even without him being around, the status of his name grew even higher. Although the soul chain was a little distorted due to the fact that he was in another world, he would still be alerted if any of his faithful grounds were attacked. Therefore, Abel had no worries about staying in the Dark World, especially since he got the feeling that he might not even have a hundred years left. The Holy Kingdom seemed to be growing more and more lively, and the fear of the Demon from Beyond was growing by the day. Maybe this fear was something the Holy Kingdom was testing, seeing if it could speed up the Demon from Beyond’s reawakening. Since it was something he sensed through his intuition, Abel was not going to take it lightly. —— Abel was in the third level of the World Stone Keep, an energy shield formed above him. It seemed the following battle would be much harder than he thought, and each battle needed large numbers of Potion to avoid unnecessary deaths. His Spirit Guardian knights and wizards had died many times and been resurrected, so it was lucky that they were not his main fighters. The Gray Bear was his most loyal shield, and God Rank Five was his most trusted attacker. As for his other Summons, their power had taken a huge hit in this third level. After all, any powerful being would be suppressed in the Dark World. As for his gods, they stayed in their faithful grounds. Taking them into the Dark World would undermine their progress. Furthermore, their Divine Bodies would be too big for the World Stone Keep’s tunnels, so the most they could unleash were physical attacks. “Aging!” Abel cast a spell and a light appeared in front of a group of Hell Widows. Soon they were slowed down before God Ranks Two through Four charged forward. God Ranks One and Five stayed with Abel to cast spells while keeping their distance. Abel was not having an easy time of it. He could only do something like this with three Rank 36 holy knights on his side. The Curses from those Hell Widows would drastically reduce his defense. Once he was hit, the damage from the Hell creatures would double, and this would become a nightmare. Still, Abel did not Summon his angel avatar, because he didn’t want to put it at risk. He didn’t know what would happen if the angel avatar died. It was in control of all his faith from the Holy Kingdom, and it was his most powerful trump card. On top of that, it was strengthening itself with Faith by the day, so Abel didn’t want it to be distracted. The last Hell Widow let out a howl and turned into ash. Its soul flew into Abel’s Horadric Cube, and soon silence washed over the place. Abel’s Summons stepped up to search the ashes, but his chance of finding anything was slim. Afterwards, Abel turned to the far end of the third level. It was huge. The whole thing was like a maze with countless Hell creatures. It had taken Abel ten years in the Dark World, and he still hadn’t found anything. It was hard for the other professions in the continent to comprehend his level up speed, but who knew what he had gone through! Soon, his God Rank Summons returned and he knew they had found nothing. After all, it had been tens of thousands of years. Those Dark Gold, Rune Word, and such magic gear from the past were long lost. Abel shook his head and continued forward with his team. After a turn in the corridor, he saw some eternal flames from Hell and heard the sound of souls weeping. Soon, he felt his heart lift. “Finally, the entrance to the next level!” Abel gathered his Summons with joy. The souls of his God Rank summons were growing very quickly, but they were all still like war machines with immense loyalty to Abel. What would happen if I used the Soul Potions differently to speed up their growth?, Abel wondered. Maybe they would be more human-like, but he still needed more research. After all, it only took their souls an hour after their creation to master the power of a God Rank. Once that was set, it would not be affected by any emotions. All they knew was fighting, training, and being loyal to Abel! It was a good thing, since his Summons would never turn on him. But at the same time, it also took away any human interaction Abel could have in the Dark World. It was no different from any other Summon, and they could even train by themselves. It has been a lonely ten years for Abel. If he didn’t have a powerful mind and the World Stone to keep himself centered, he would not have been able to handle it. The sounds of souls weeping continued, but Abel did not sense any danger. They soon arrived on a damaged old hanging bridge connected to a platform under the dark flicking eternal flames of Hell. Beside the bridge was a deep rift where the weeping was coming from. Abel could not do anything about those poor souls, but that deep rift felt extremely dangerous, like a chaotic dimension crack. He did not step on the bridge, because it looked too dodgy and he would have put his life at risk. Instead he wrapped his team in his Power of the Will and simply Flashed ahead. He reappeared on the platform and immediately saw a passage beyond. But before he could even get close to it, he sensed pressure. There were many eternal flames on the walls of the platform, and a red crystal with immense evil energy quickly caught his attention. It was at least ten times more Evil than the skulls those priests were using back in the central continent. For the first time, he sensed the evil he had felt in the front line dimension crack. It was Evil straight from Hell! Abel did not touch the red crystal. Although it was much more powerful than the priests’ skulls, the user might get affected by Hellish evil! “Prepare to enter!” he said grimly Five Spirit Guardian Knights stepped forward. Their task was to stop the first rounds of attack from those Hell creatures so his team would have enough time to prepare. The five Spirit Guardian Knights then charged behind their spirit shields. The holy knights followed, and the wizard Summons stayed at the very back. Abel was guarded by the Gray Bear as he remained outside the entrance. Soon, he sensed a Full Recovery Potion was already being drained from his Druid Soul. The battle on the other side had to be intense! He should be facing the Throne of Destruction, the most dangerous place in the Dark World. Suddenly, he sensed a slight pain in his soul. One of his Summons had died! Luckily, by that point his soul was strong enough to withstand it, and it wouldn’t take long before he recovered. He took a step into the entrance, and a wave of immense evil gushed out. Still, he was determined. If not, he would have been corroded by Hell already. After hundreds of years of battle in the Dark World, his heart was as strong as iron, and even Hell couldn’t shake him. As for his Summons, the power of law could not affect them. They were basically war machines, and their loyalty to Abel would not change in any situation. With a roar, a giant Hell creature struck as soon as Abel stepped in, and the Gray Bear bellowed back. Everything was clear to Abel. He was facing a group of Hell creatures called Diablo Kings. They had axes in both hands and their bodies were extremely strong. On top of the enchantments from Hell, they were very powerful melee fighters. Their defense was immense, with thick skin and heavy armor. They were almost like tanks!.
Chapter 1436 Chapter 1436: The Throne of Destruction Abel’s team was squeezed into a small space with the two Spirit Guardian Knights holding up at the front. However there were at least four or five more Diablo Kings swinging their axes in front of them. If Abel’s Druid Soul couldn’t give them Full Recovery Potions automatically, they would all have died countless times already. Still, two Spirit Guardian Knights had managed to survive and the God Rank Knight was backing them up. From time to time some Diablo Kings would penetrate their first line of defense, and the Spirit Guardian Knights would chase after it. Since the space was so small, Abel was always on the verge of getting attacked. “Damn it!” he grunted. The risk he was taking just didn’t feel right. “Hypnosis!” Abel yelled, even though he didn’t want to use the spell. Red Curses gushed out and countless sparks landed on the Diablo Kings. They were immediately Confused and started to attack one another. This did not affect the ones already attacking Abel’s Summons, but it still freed up some space. Suddenly, a white cloud appeared above those Diablo Kings, and Abel’s Hypnosis spell was immediately lifted. “Back!” Abel yelled without hesitation. He then surrounded his team with his Power of the will and activated a Flash back to the platform. A giant beam of lightning exploded behind them. That white cloud was formed by a bunch of Burning Souls and their long-distance lightning attack could be matched neck and neck with Abel’s strongest lightning spells. Furthermore, they all had scary penetration, and they always came in groups! Abel had to retreat, but at least now he knew what he was facing, so he could prepare. He Summoned Doff’s avatar, but it was way too big, even on the platform! But Abel was not planning to ask him to fight. He instead wanted the avatar to enchant his team! Giving out three Battlecries, Abel’s team was strengthened from their defense to their health. God Rank Two also activated his Spirit Aura, thus they would have some protection from the Burning Souls. Finally, God Rank Four ignited his Holy Freeze, so those Diablo Kings would now be slowed down. As the three God Rank Knights started down again, a giant turtle shell appeared on Abel. It was the one he had put on his angel avatar, and it still looked the same. He had to give up some fashion sense for a powerful defense! With the turtle shell on, he also could Flash away. He would not have done something like this if he was not facing those uncountable numbers of Hell creatures. Since the shell was so big, Abel Flashed into the tunnel again before taking the shell out. This time, a sea of white charged towards him. Most of them were blocked by the three Spirit Guardian Knights and his Gray Bear, so his turtle shell didn’t have to do much work at all. His Druid Soul then used Full Recovery Potions crazily, and he had the Darkness Curse prepared for those Burning Souls and Diablo Kings. As the Curse came into effect, the Burning Souls were blinded and the Diablo Kings were slowed down by the Holy Freeze that followed. Abel had no choice but to bring all three of his God Rank Knights. Most of his Summons were helpless in this environment, even with the Barbarian buffs, but as his Curses came into effect, his chance had arrived. Aging Curses kept shooting out of his hand. With his current Death Qi level, he could sustain this for quite a while. The Diablo Kings’ speed was drastically reduced, to the point they couldn’t even hurt those Spirit Guardian Knights. As for the Burning Souls, they switched their tactics from long range lightning strikes to close range after they realized they could not break the holy knights’ Aura. It was exactly what Abel wanted. Since their defense was basically zero, those Spirit Guardian Knights could basically kill a Burning Soul with every strike! Abel let out a breath of relief. After countless years of battle experience, he had a handle on almost every Hell creature’s strength and weakness. He did not join the attack, instead continually casting Aging and Darkness Curses. At the same time, his soul chain connected God Ranks One and Five. They were ready to enter the Throne of Destruction at any moment. As soon as they entered, they simultaneously cast a Nova Blast, and ice elements blasted ahead. God Rank Four also switched to a Belief Aura so their Nova Blasts would have maximum power! A Nova Blast was a close-range attack, and they didn’t want to provoke all the Burning Souls around. Furthermore, those Diablo Kings were fire-resistant and the Burnings Souls were lightning and poison-resistant, so ice attacks were his only option! Abel then Summoned Half-god One for the Meditation Aura to heal his team. —— As time passed, more and more Burning Souls were killed, and the Diablo Kings soon followed. It was just that killing each group of them was extremely hard with their powerful defenses, so he could only do so over time. After half a day, emptiness soon returned to the area and it was now big enough to hold all of Abel’s Summons. He Summoned the ones he’d left on the top level down to help clean up. Soon, Abel regained his energy. He knew he was closer to the final devil with every step he took. He put the ugly turtle shell back on his angel avatar. Maybe it still had a few months to go., and then he would fight while looking like a turtle. —– The next five hundred meters took Abel ten days of battle to complete. He did not rest, and he only took Full Recovery Potions for restoration. It was not because he didn’t want to, but Hell creatures could regenerate under Hell’s influence as soon as he stopped attacking. When the final Diablo King dropped dead, Abel immediately sat down on the ground. The past few days of intense fighting had worn him out. Since his Summons were still holding on fine, they searched through the dead bodies for any rewards. The armor and axes of those Diablo Kings could be kept if they were not damaged by Hell. God Rank Two came back with a pile of armor and axes. Abel casually scanned it with his Power of the Will and was stunned. They were all Blue Rank gear! No wonder those Diablo Kings were so hard to kill! Since those Diablo Kings’ bodies looked quite similar to Barbarians, Abel could give the gear to the Barbarians. Although it was not Dark Gold, it would be a better fit. Abel did not have time to forge new gear for the Barbarians. Even the master blacksmiths in Doff’s Kingdom were busy. Therefore, Abel put away more than four hundred piles of gear and activated a Scroll of Town Portal back to Harrogath, where the Horadric Tent was waiting for him.
Chapter 1437 Chapter 1437: Blood Sacrifice Dejo Island was located in the deepest ocean bordering the central continent. It was ruled by a God Rank sea monster, along with five other large ocean territories. Billions of sea monsters were living in those territories, and that God Rank sea monster would sometimes pass down some of his knowledge to attract even more sea monsters. To those monsters without any inherited knowledge, this was immensely attractive. After all, knowledge was power, and those territories had taken down a few God Rank sea monsters who had tried to invade. —— A Legendary sea crab climbed out of his cave in Dejo island and bowed in front of the God Rank sea monster in front of him. “Master Basham!” As a sea fox, Sea Monster Basham was not a big sea monster, but no one around would disrespect him for that. “I need ten thousand sea monsters to do something secret for me!” he demanded firmly. “Yes master!” The Legendary sea crab had no right to reject his order. In the vast ocean, taking away ten thousand sea monsters would not make much difference, as long as they didn’t make a big fuss about it. After all, it was normal for lots of sea monsters to die in battles. The sea monsters close to Basham knew he would take some sea monsters away from time to time. No one knew what he was up to, but no one would question him about it, either! —— That sea crab acted with great energy, and soon gathered all the sea monsters Basham needed. This might have been a problem on land, but in the ocean he had the power to move the winds and waves, and so it was done. The very next day, ten thousand monsters gathered in a huge space under Dejo Island. There was a shrine in that underground space. Although it had been cleaned, those present could still sense a lingering bloody chill. With a flash of Power of the Will, Sea Monster Basham ignited a Barrier Circle. It was hard to imagine such a large Barrier Circle existing, especially in the ocean, but there were indeed a few wise old sea monsters who knew how to make them, and Basham was one of the ones who had obtained such knowledge. As the Barrier Circle was activated, Sea Monster Basham suddenly began to transform from a little sea fox and into a human. Afterwards, a powerful energy lashed out. “Who could have guessed? Souls can actually solidify a world!” he murmured to himself. Indeed, this God Rank Sea Monster was actually not a sea monster at all. He was a human, and the President of the Wizard Union!. His inner world had not grown for thousands of years. Although he had hopes in the World Stone Heart, he still wanted to grow even more to combat the Demon from Beyond and the Holy Kingdom. As the President of the Wizard Union, the resources he needed were hard to imagine, yet he pushed himself to the limit. This limit was Rank 44, and there was no more he could do with material resources. Therefore, he had to find another way. Even at the top of the world with an immortal body, sitting still was not a good idea. After all, there might be someone more talented lurking about. Most of the God Rank Wizards were stuck at Rank 36. He was the only one who had broken the Rank 40 barrier. Therefore, he was the one who had decided the naming system. Rank 36 to Rank 40 he classified as beginner God Ranks. Rank 40 to Rank 45 he classified as intermediate God Ranks. Rank 45 and above he had classified as the pinnacle God Ranks, what all God Ranks were striving for. Pinnacle God Rank was a mysterious thing, but he knew it was possible to achieve. It meant having the power of a true and real world. Still, a pinnacle God Rank had not appeared since ancient times. There were only records, and that was when he started to cultivate the World Stone Heart. Starting back when the Era of Gods had ended, everything he had done was to become a pinnacle God Rank. The Demon from Beyond was a huge disruption to his plans and he had to form an alliance with the other powerful figures to take it down. Still, he had not managed to kill it. In order to get even more powerful, he had searched through the ancient documents again, and found an extremely gruesome method. As a God Rank, every hope could be life changing, and the method might be exactly what was needed after being stuck at Rank 44 for so long. He knew the Demon from Beyond was not a pinnacle God Rank, either. Therefore, if he could become the most powerful intermediate God Rank, he would be able to fight the Demon from Beyond alone. Back then, many God Ranks had died in their battle with the Demon from Beyond. It had taken the central continent a long time to recover. He still remembered how badly injured the Demon from Beyond was when it entered this world, so they might have a much harder time if they were to fight again. The World Stone Heart was his biggest hope, but he wouldn’t put all the eggs in one basket. According to ancient documents, fresh souls could help an Inner World grow through the power of sacrifice. Although he had the power to do so in the central continent, doing so as the President of the Wizard Union wouldn’t look at all good. Even at Rank 44, he was not truly invincible with the Dragon God around. That god was an old bastard who had lived much longer than him. Therefore, he had to come to the ocean with a special method to proceed with his plan. Throughout these many years, he had sacrificed millions of sea monsters, and his World kept growing. It was not much, but it was life changing. He had already reached the limit of his potential, so it was cheap, especially if the price he had to pay were mere souls! “This is my lucky place!” he laughed, as he knew that he would start getting more powerful again. He knew if he just sacrificed a million more sea monsters, he would reach the Rank 44 Fulfilled state. With his talent, he would then be able to level up. He still had many treasures on him that could help a wizard level up. After all, he had access to anything in the Wizard Union, and the best stuff was always taken by him first! Once he had still needed to use some tactics to control the Wizard Union, but as his power grew he no longer had to restrain himself.. Fear was the most effective tool to use on wizards! — With a wave of his hand, his World emerged and flew towards the shrine. Unlike beginner God Rank Wizards, his world had life and plants. There were even fish swimming in the waters. It was more alive than ever, and he was slowly making his way towards cultivating intelligent life forms. At the same time, his World was huge. It was almost as big as a subcontinent! If he was to unleash his full energy, it was like using an entire subcontinent to press down on an enemy. Indeed, those fish in his world were actually the result of his hundred years of sea monster sacrifices. Without them, he would only have plants in his world. Those fish were not ordinary fish. If you looked closely, you could see some characteristics from sea monsters on them. “Get up!” he roared, and a giant magic emerged from the ground. Initially the sea monsters had been knocked out, but as his Power of the Will penetrated their souls they quickly returned to consciousness. What he needed were frightened souls! Those sea monsters quickly began to twitch, but their every move was a joke in front of a Rank 44 God Rank Wizard. As his Power of the Will moved, a bloody red glow appeared from the Magic Circle below. Fear engulfed the minds of those sea monsters, one of the effects of that Magic Circle, and their feces shot out in all directions. Wizard Basham smiled as he saw what was happening. He did not care how bad the place smelled; anything was worth it for power! If not, he would not have given up being the top authority and living a life of luxury in the central continent to become a sea monster! As blood gushed out from those terrified sea monsters, a cold spark flashed from his eyes. Sharp blades flew out from his World and slashed across the necks of every sea monster. Under the bright glow of the Magic Circle and the bloody clouds, the originally invisible souls of those sea monsters flew out. They were all infuriated as they roared in agony and Cursed him. Wizard Basham waved his hand, and those weak little Curses were helplessly blasted away. The souls he wanted were right in front of him. Since they were filled with fear, their quality was much higher than normal ones. “Come!” he cried out eagerly. A sucking golden beam emerged from his World above the shrine. The souls were quickly cleaned up by the beam and soon absorbed into his World. Those souls then turned into some fish-like creatures and dove into the water once they entered his World. Their fear was forgotten as their bodies solidified, and they swam around like normal fish. “I wish I could grow faster!” Wizard Basham sighed after sensing his world with satisfaction. It was not because he didn’t want to kill more sea monsters, but because ten thousand at a time was the limit his Magic Circle could take!
Chapter 1438 Chapter 1438: Missed? Because of this need for souls, Wizard Basham kept sending his subordinates to pick out suitable sea monsters and quietly capture them. It was a lot of work, even more work than he had done for the Wizard Union for the past thousands of years. Indeed, sea monsters often fought one another, but there were still many intelligent ones, and they would not give him an easy time if they found out that he was sacrificing sea monsters. Therefore, he had been forced to be very careful all these years while ruling these five territories. As the red glow of the Magic Circle subsided and the dead bodies dried up, the place looked like Hell. But Wizard Basham did not care as he waved his inner world back inside, and a smile emerged on his face. Although he said he was not happy with his growth, he still knew he was breaking through his limit by the day. “Uhh, another God Rank sea monster wants to bother me!” He turned his head and his voice gained a murderous note. Since he was ruling five territories as a sea fox, it only made sense that someone would want to pick a fight. After all, everyone was crazy for resources, and it was easy for a God Rank sea monster to use everything up in their own territories, especially since they didn’t have any ability to produce things like Potions by themselves. The territories ruled by well-known and powerful sea monsters were often safe, but the weaker ones would be targeted. A sea fox with five territories was the perfect candidate! Sea foxes were some of the weakest sea creatures, and they wouldn’t look more powerful even as a God Rank. It was not what Wizard Basham wanted, but he was only a human with a transformation item. He couldn’t change his body’s size too much, so a sea fox was the only thing he could become here. Wizard Basham was used to being invaded, but this was still the first time in a decade! He unleashed his Power of the Will and turned off the Magic Circles around him. The Legendary crab appeared and bowed. “Master Basham!” Wizard Basham had turned back into a sea fox and ordered angrily, “Clean up this place, I’ll greet my guest!” The Legendary crab was used to this task, so he merely bowed. In a Flash, Wizard Basham directly sped up into the sky. No God Rank sea monster would want to fight near another’s territory. Even as an invader, you wouldn’t want to take over a territory full of Dead Sea monsters. As Wizard Basham sped through the sky, he suddenly sensed his Communication Circle pulse. But he did not care, as he knew very well who was contacting him. He was not worried about the Wizard Union, they would be just contacting him for trivial things. He had no time to care. He was having a great time ruling these five territories and the souls he sacrificed were strengthening him by the day. He was the most powerful wizard in the world, and even if someone stole his spot as the president, he would be able to get it back easily. He knew the Demon from Beyond would reawaken long ago, so he was not going to let anything distract him. He had to fully focus on what he was doing to get to Rank 45 before the Demon from Beyond woke up! After all, he was doing a great deal of training, not just gathering souls, as getting more fish in his world was not the only thing he needed to do. He also needed to stimulate them to increase their energy! If he hadn’t been invaded, he wouldn’t even leave his cave! The Wizard Union was also not expecting their president to not even check his messages even after receiving them. Being a wizard in seclusion, the best way to do so was to fully isolate one’s self from the world. Although Wizard Basham was not really in seclusion, these years he had fully adopted his identity as a sea fox and as a result the fish in his world were even more lively. The energy a wizard of his Rank gave out could affect his own body and he rarely even thought of himself as a wizard besides the time he was making sacrifices. ———– The God Rank sea monster who came to pick a fight was an Ice Bear from the far north. No wonder! He thought he was already famous with his streak of killing God Rank sea monsters for the past few hundreds of years. Only an ignorant beast would pick a fight with him The Ice Bear knew the rules for picking a fight, so he had waited in the sky above an area where there were no sea monsters and unleashed his energy. Without saying a single word, the two immediately made their moves. Wizard Basham wanted to play it safe, so he did not go all out. If he did, this Ice Bear wouldn’t even be able to move a muscle! The limit of Ice Bears was only Rank 37, and Wizard Basham was Rank 44! Soon, green clouds began to stream forth from the poison grass in his World. It was his weakest attack, since he could use almost any other elements from his World. He would naturally stick to his three main wizard elements if he was facing a truly powerful enemy. But for this weak little Ice Bear, poison was enough. After all, sea foxes were skilled in poison and doing so would avoid other God Rank sea monsters becoming suspicious. He was not arrogant enough to think he was invincible in the deepest ocean, as there were still a few ancient species around. They might not have been much in the ancient times, but they were still enough to form a threat to Wizard Basham. He knew he would be in trouble if he fully exposed himself. It might even generate a threat to the central continent. He might not care about the people there, but he couldn’t totally neglect the World Stone Heart and the Wizard Union. The Ice Bear let out a roar and Ice Spears shot out from his inner world. At that exact moment, a poison cloud gushed out and filled the entire area. The Ice Bear was not expecting the range of Wizard Basham’s poison to be that wide, and Wizard Basham’s small body as a sea fox easily dodged his Ice Spears. An Ice Shield appeared around the Ice Bear, but the poison cloud immediately started corroding it and forcing the Ice Bear to retreat. By that point he had lost the will to fight. That poison was frightening. In fact, it was the scariest poison the Ice Bear had ever seen. The Ice Bear flew away, letting out a low roar that signaled his defeat. Wizard Basham did not chase after the creature. Doing so would be easy, but most God Rank sea monsters had allies through their bloodlines, and he would attract even more God Rank sea monsters if he actually killed this one. Therefore, after the Wizard Basham saw the Ice Bear retreating, he merely returned to his cave and checked on his fish. Since he had just fed his World, he was worried that he would disrupt the laws and the fishes might not be able to form as a result. He quickly went into training and completely forgot about the messages he had just received from his Communication Circle. But by the time he did, he would definitely regret his decision… Peace returned to the five territories once again and the sea monsters began to celebrate another victory for their ruler. However, they were totally ignorant of the dead bodies swept away underground… ——— Days went by and Abel was not making much progress in the Throne of Destruction. He never showed himself in the central continent, and the other professionals had turned their focus back on the Holy Kingdom. Little did the Wizard Union know, the wars they were fighting were actually because of Abel! Since the dwarves were now repairing the Warding Wall, Abel had no worries about sending Thief God Milton to kill even more in the Holy Kingdom. The Warding Wall and the Howling Castle were being repaired faster than ever, but they had to pay the dwarves handsomely to do it. The compensation was filling King Yoby with joy. The golden era of the dwarves had arrived! With the large amounts of resources coming their way, more and more powerful wizard dwarves began to emerge. With just a bit more, their wizard forces would grow exponentially! The special thing about dwarves was their lifespan, so it was easier for the talented dwarves to break through levels compared to humans. If dwarves could reproduce faster, they might even have been able to overthrow the humans. With all this stress, on top of the operation searching for their treasure throughout the central continent, the Wizard Union had no time to even care about Abel. Since they had lost their treasure, the Wizard Union no longer cared too much about their Headquarters, and they normally only had one God Rank wizard there on guard. Their Intelligence Department was also working harder than ever before. They put all their full attention on finding their treasure and they would capture and interrogate anyone who showed even the slightest hint of suspicion. Although they did not find anything about the World Stone Heart, they did discover a lot of spies from the Holy Kingdom as a result. That should have been celebrated, but Wizard Hardy did not have the mood to do so. As long as their treasure remained missing, he would have no face as the head of the Intelligence Department!
Chapter 1439 Chapter 1439: Investigate Abel returned to the Golden Castle from the Dark World. The intense battles lately were wearing him out. The Throne of Destruction was only getting more challenging, and he could be put in danger at any moment so he could not let his guard down at all when down there. In the past he might have been able to clear an area in a day, but now it might take him up to ten days! A month had passed in the central continent, but Abel had been fully focused on the Dark World. Still, he had reached his limit and felt like he would break down if he didn’t take a rest. He sat on his Golden Castle above the Battlecry Plateau with a glass of Water Spirit fruit juice and a beautiful view in front of him. As Doff’s power grew, his faithful grounds were getting even more energetic. “Magic Circle Spirit, has anything big happened lately?” Abel asked casually. He couldn’t help but shake his head with an awkward smile at himself. It seemed he really was an out of touch person. “Master, here’s the dragons’ latest report!” A message was transferred to Abel through the Power of the Will. Abel scanned through it. The most common topic were the fights between the Wizard Union and the Holy Kingdom. But it was basically a common day-to-day thing by this point. Abel suddenly thought of that Magic Circle under the Wizard Union and inquired, “Right, Magic Circle Spirit, did you analyze that Magic Circle I gave you last time?” “Master, I’ve exchanged information with many spirits from the Holy Continent and came to the conclusion that it is a God-Binding Circle. It is an Ancient Circle!” the Magic Circle Spirit replied quickly. Abel promptly received a report about the Magic Circle. The Magic Circle sSpirit was one of Abel’s closest spirits and held the highest authority. It had started its research ever since Abel shown it that Magic Circle. It could connect with all spirits in the Holy Continent and do a lot of analysis, but it all still took time. After all, the God-Binding Circle took the Wizard Union hundreds of years of research by countless powerful wizards. Last time the Magic Circle Spirit had only given Abel some surface analysis of the God-Binding Circle, it didn’t know exactly how to operate it. When Abel read the report, a fiery passion burned in his eyes. He had always had his eyes on those twelve Divine Bodies under the Wizard Union. Not being able to penetrate the God-Binding Circle was his main reason for stopping. Who cared about his treaty with the Wizard Union?. They already had an unresolvable grudge. The fact that he had stolen the World Stone Heart proved it. The Wizard Union might not know it was him now, but they would not let him go once they did! But last time he snuck in with Thief god Milton because he was lucky. The Wizard Union wouldn’t fall for the same trick twice. “I still have to recall Thief God Milton!” He stood up and gulped down his juice before disappearing. He reappeared on the Fire Tooth battle fort. It sped towards the shores of the Holy Kingdom. At that moment Thief God Milton had just slit the throats of a preacher and five knights, and he suddenly paused. He quickly put away his holy dagger and flew away. —— Soon after he left, more God Rank Knights attacked the Howling Castle. Meanwhile, Knight Felix gazed at the Saint, who was not looking good. “Your Grace, Thief God Milton was here again, and he just left Lina City!” Knight Felix reported grimly. “We are basically wasting Faith on him!” the Saint said irritably “Your Grace, please tell the Guardian Wings to track down Thief God Milton again!” Knight Felix asked firmly. The Saint was not looking good, but he still had to helplessly obey the request. He had used the Guardian Wings countless times for this purpose, but he was never able to succeed. Knight Felix’s request would not make a difference. These days he stayed in the central temple and would activate the Guardian Wings as soon as there was a report that a knight or preacher had been killed. It was just that Thief God Milton was too cunning, and the Guardian Wings could not pin down his energy. Still, the God Rank knights did not give up, even though they were using a lot of Faith. The Saint’s authority had dropped significantly, and he was now doing repetitive and trivial work, feeling like a laborer. He helplessly connected to the Guardian Wings once again. But to his surprise, the Guardian Wings really did find something. It was a faint God Rank energy, speeding away! Abel had no idea that Thief God Milton’s energy would leak out when he was moving at full speed, as he just wanted to take back Thief God Milton as fast as possible. “We found him!” the Saint gasped. He had done this countless times and failed, despite the large amounts of faith they’d been using recently, so he had always thought what he was doing was wrong. But as Knight Felix kept persisting, they finally tracked down Thief God Milton! “Where?” Knight Felix quickly jumped up. He was not expecting to find Thief God Milton. All he wanted to accomplish was to drain the Saint’s energy and make him give up in their competition for power. The Saint sensed the Guardian Wings and replied, “He is going too fast, we don’t have a specific location!” “See if he is flying in a straight line and if there are any cities along his way!” Knight Felix grunted. “Yes, he is flying in a straight line, but I need to check their map to see what city is in his path!” the Saint said confidently. Knight Felix took out a full map of the Holy kingdom and said, “Draw his route here!” The Saint took out a pen, drew two dots and a straight line connecting them. As soon as he did, Knight Felix snatched up the map and began to analyze it. Thief God Milton showing his energy was definitely not normal, so something suspicious had to be going on. Also, Thief God Milton would not normally fly in a straight line, but would take detours. “Not good, Thief God Milton wants to leave the Holy Kingdom!” Knight Felix deduced quickly. There were no cities in Thief God Milton’s way. In fact, he was heading towards the shore, and the Holy Kingdom’s defense system only worked against invaders. Knight Felix had speculated long ago that Thief God Milton was entering from the ocean, and this confirmed it. “Damn it!” he swore. At that moment, five of the God Rank knights were going about their daily attacks on the front line. Thief God Milton would be gone even if he recalled them at this moment. But once they missed this opportunity, they might never have it again! Knight Felix activated a Communication Circle and connected with God Rank Knight Harrison who was nearby, and the two quickly teleported to a city near to the shore. There he would be able to ambush Thief God Milton! Thief God Milton might be able to assassinate a God Rank knight, but he would stand no chance in a head-on battle! They were in the Holy Kingdom and as far as they knew, the only one capable of evading the Guardian Wings was Thief God Milton, which meant they only had one enemy here! ——- Abel was standing on the shore. He had the Crystal Angel Statue, so the Guardian Wings thought he was a part of the Holy Kingdom. If not, he would have been spotted by the Saint long ago! His Druid Soul suddenly sent him an alert. “God Rank Knights?” By this point the Holy Kingdom was basically like his own territory. Although he wasn’t receiving as much Faith as the Demon from Beyond, his Druid Soul could still clearly sense what was happening here!
Chapter 1440 Chapter 1440: Strike Back Abel was very curious, yet confused as to why two God Rank Knights were heading his way. There were no cities around, so there could only be one reason. They were there for him! But the Guardian Wings shouldn’t be able to spot him. If the Demon from Beyond hadn’t been reawakening, he almost wanted to take over the Holy Kingdom. Indeed, a take over would have been ideal. After all, he could imagine just how powerful the Demon from Beyond was, considering how confident the Wizard Union was in their president. Still, he couldn’t be too careless. If the Guardian Wings hadn’t spotted him, they must have found Thief God Milton! He immediately connected to Thief God Milton through the soul chain and noticed he was on full speed using his Holy Speed ability. It was almost as fast as moving in a Flash, so it was basically impossible for the Guardian Wings to stop him. Abel quickly also noticed a bit of energy leaking out around him, which explained why the two God Rank knights were around. Afterwards, Abel let out a bit of light energy from his angel avatar and merged himself with the environment around. He had only learned to use light energy like this with his normal body after some time training and being in the Holy Kingdom. He was not planning to let those knights go. It was an invasion, and if he was lucky, he might be able to kill two of them! He had six God Rank Summons in his Monster Ring: God Ranks One through Five, as well as Doff’s avatar. Since the Wizard Union could not divine anything within the Holy Kingdom, he had no worries about using God Rank Five. “Seems like this is the shore!” Knight Felix lowered his voice as he looked at the map again. “Yeah, let’s ambush him here. We cannot let Thief God Milton escape. We have to force him to return all the holy crystals and holy gear he has stolen from our lord!” Knight Harrison nodded. As the two God Rank knights flew along, they knew they should have enough time to prepare an ambush. But suddenly, Knight Felix paused. Knight Harrison also stopped and asked, “Felix, what happened?” Every second was very important and Thief God Milton could appear at any moment, so he asked. Knight Felix shook his head. “Something doesn’t feel right!” As powerful knights, their intuition was extremely powerful, and was their most powerful defense. Abel had the intuition of a head commander, which was about the same as a God Rank knight, but he was also a true master at using it. He did not look at the other God Rank Knight directly as he suppressed all of his murderous intent. He even stopped his mental processing, just like a rock. Knight Felix quickly sensed something was wrong. It was just that he didn’t know where the threat was coming from. After all, Abel was only a Half-god wizard and all of his Summons were in his Monster Ring. Abel alone could not do that much to the knights, even if he fully unleashed his murderous intent. “You are right, I also sense something odd!” Knight Harrison exclaimed softly. As the God Rank Knights exchanged gazes, they quickly unleashed their Worlds. Ice and lightning energy covered the area. — Abel felt his brain hurt. He was not expecting his ambush to fail, but he had no choice now, so he immediately brought out his six God Rank Summons. Doff’s avatar was the only one with a teleportation ability. Although God Ranks One and Five could move via Flash, they could not engage in close battle with knights as wizards. Knight Harrison was stunned as he gasped, “Retreat, they have six God Ranks!” Almost without hesitation, the two God Rank knights charged backwards with their Energy Auras unleashed. Doff’s Avatar disappeared and reappeared in front of Knight Harrison. He did not care that Knight Harrison was charging as he unleashed a Hurricane. The sword and shield on his hand began to spin; there was no direction for Knight Harrison to go! By that point Abel had given up on his idea of killing both knights, and instead he decided he should just focus on one. Using God Rank Five to chase after Knight Felix was just for show. His true target was Knight Harrison. With five God Rank Summons ganging up on the knight at once, Abel’s Summons would be less than useless if they failed! — An alert was immediately sounded from the Guardian Wings as soon as the six God Rank Summons appeared. The Saint’s face immediately sank. He knew Knight Felix and Knight Harrison had gone after Thief God Milton, and this meant Thief God Milton had backup! Soon, his face turned paper white. There were only so many God Rank Knights in the Holy Kingdom and five of them were battling in the front line. There was no way two God Rank Knights could win against six God Ranks! Although he disliked Knight Felix, he still couldn’t stand by and do nothing! “We have six God Rank invaders, call all the God Rank knights on the front line to return!” he yelled. “Yes, Your Grace!” an attending holy knight bowed. Those holy knights guards were actually even more anxious than the Saint, since most of them worked under the God Rank Knights. They cared deeply about their safety, so they immediately contacted the front line. The Saint did not stop his connection with the Guardian Wings. Instead, he kept an eye on the knights’ condition, even though it was using up Faith. — Knight Harrison was in an awkward situation; he was now surrounded by three other God Rank Knights, and his attacks were being fully countered by them. He would definitely win in a one-on-one situation, since their Worlds were empty. Something must have happened to their Worlds. They only had a form and no details, which drastically reduced their power, but still, it was very hard for Knight Felix to win against three of them, let alone with Doff’s avatar and that God Rank wizard off to the side. He could feel his life force dropping at an alarming rate. If it continued, he would return to his lord! “Traitors, you betrayed the lord, you will be condemned!” he screamed at them. He didn’t understand why those God Rank Knights would go against him. He sensed an oddly familiar energy coming from them, but he just couldn’t believe they were resurrected. Abel smiled as he saw that was happening. He was standing five miles from the battle and knew he was safe. If Knight Harrison tried to attack him, he would need to get past five God Ranks. But Knight Harrison probably couldn’t hold on for long anyway. If Abel hadn’t needed a fully intact body, he would be dead already. Knight Harrison’s fate was decided. It only came down to how long it would take. There was no way for him to escape, as his body was now filled with frost from God Rank One. The frost still did not stop the bleeding from his wounds. The wounds were all opened up by Doff’s avatar and the three God Rank knights, but at the same time they did not hit as hard, avoiding a fatal strike. “Ah!!” Knight Harrison roared as he helplessly swung his sword about. He did not care how much energy was draining from his World as he crazily unleashed his skills from within it. But everything was futile. After all, he was facing five God Ranks at once. He did not have any special skills and everything he did was perfectly countered. Wounds kept appearing on his body, and if he hadn’t been a God Rank, he would have been dead from blood loss already. “Harrison, I will use some holy energy to open a path for you, try to escape!” a voice sounded in his ears. He shook his head. Was it an illusion from his blood loss? But he soon understood, he was under the protection of the Guardian Wings! It unleashed a powerful suppression on those other God Ranks with holy energy. His gaze was filled with hope as he quickly looked around. Everything had stopped, and he finally noticed Abel as well He knew he was not as fast as Doff’s avatar and the suppression would only work for a short while on these God Ranks. He checked on Knight Felix, but he was nowhere to be found. It made sense since he was only chased after by one God Rank, but he was still irritated by the fact that Felix did not even try to help him. Just luring away another God Rank would have been nice!
Chapter 1441 Chapter 1441: Capturing a Soul Knight Felix would definitely bite back if he knew what Knight Harrison was thinking, because the one chasing after him was a Rank 38 Wizard! He was only Rank 36, and the pressure he felt was no joke! That was especially true when he realized there were five more God Ranks around. All he could do was activate a full retreat with his Aura to drag out the distance. — Knight Harrison withdrew a big chunk of his World’s energy again for his body to hold down his injuries. A pure white light sparked, forming a Holy Shield on him. It was his last resort and his World would take huge damage as a result, but all he needed was one chance, because he had seen Abel! He knew those God Ranks were all Abel’s Summons, so he would be fine as long as he captured Abel. In fact, those Summons might even fall under his control! After all, Abel was too famous from his conflicts with the Wizard Union! Abel looked at Knight Harrison with a weird gaze. Although he didn’t know what had happened, he knew the Guardian Wings had just transferred a message to Knight Harrison. Knight Harrison quickly regained his mojo as a powerful suppressive force was unleashed from the sky through the Guardian Wings. It was so strong that almost all Abel’s Summons lost their mobility. Knight Harrison had been waiting for this opportunity, and at that moment he turned into a beam and shot towards Abel. Abel was also suppressed by the Guardian Wings. He could see the excited eyes of Knight Harrison atop his blood-drenched body. A God Rank Knight took only a few seconds to travel five miles. He was obviously planning to capture Abel alive. However, something unexpected happened, and he was soon met with the same fate as Wizard Hawthorn. Since the Wizard Union had not disclose the details of Wizard Hawthorn’s death, the Holy Kingdom never learned that Abel had some mysterious power. As he reached his hand towards Abel, he suddenly felt something grab his wrist. It was a hand, it looked like it came out of thin air, but the strangest detail was yet to come. That hand held an energy that he could not resist! As a Holy Knight, the holy energy he grasped was a rank lower than light energy, and was like throwing snow flakes into a burning flame. At the same time, Knight Harrison was a follower of the Demon from Beyond, who had the same energy as Abel’s angel avatar, so he immediately lost his ability to resist. Light energy entered his body as he lost control. It was the first time Abel had directly grabbed a Holy Knight. It was an extremely rare opportunity. After all, no God Rank would let a true danger get close, especially a knight with their powerful senses! Knight Harrison had only done it because he had lost a lot of energy from his World, which had distorted his ability to detect danger. The energy impacted his soul without the angel avatar even fully showing itself. Just a single hand was enough! Knight Harrison’s World slowly dimmed down and returned to his body. Abel had a strange feeling. If he wanted, he could fully take Knight Harrison’s soul into his angel statue! At the same time, he felt Knight Harrison’s bond with the Demon from Beyond break as the angel statue directed his Faith towards itself. But of course, this was only because Knight Harrison was controlled by the light energy. Knight Harrison would regain himself once Abel let go. Knight Harrison knew the Demon from Beyond wasn’t inside Abel’s body, so he wouldn’t be too faithful, but at the same time he had lost full control of his body and soul. This was a very special trick and it only worked because the angel avatar had the same energy as the Demon from Beyond. As his Druid Soul flashed, Izual waved his hand from the angel statue, and Knight Harrison’s soul was dragged within. Izual had been trapped in the Dark World for tens of thousands of years, and most of his power was gone. Still, his soul was not something Knight Harrison could even imagine catching up to! After Knight Harrison’s soul entered the angel statue, he lost consciousness and all he could do was pray. After his soul was gone, his body became an empty shell, and the powerful energy within it threatened to explode at any moment. Unlike a Divine Body, a God Rank’s body was extremely unstable, as it was fully made out of energy. But Abel was also worried about showing his angel avatar too much in the Holy Kingdom. He withdrew it immediately and used his own hand to grab Knight Harrison’s body. It was a rare opportunity. In his empty state, all Abel needed was to create a new soul for Knight Harrison and he would be able to get another God Rank on his side! He took out a bottle of Soul Potion from his Potion bank and directly poured it into Knight Harrison’s mouth. After ten seconds, a new soul with a strong bond to Abel was born inside Knight Harrison. Only the Soul Potions could do this, and Abel immediately signed a soul contract with it. With their strong bond, the soul contract was smoothly signed and a new soul emerged from his soul contract space. Anyone would be shocked if they got a peek into Abel’s soul contract space. Those souls were tiny, yet they were controlling the most powerful Summons! Just like that, Knight Harrison became Abel’s new Summon. Since he had done it so quickly, the World of Knight Harrison remained intact. All Abel needed was to feed it a few more Soul Potions and Knight Harrison’s new soul would become a God Rank soul! Abel examined Knight Harrison’s condition through the soul chain. His battle instinct was fully intact, and even his knowledge remained that he was not resurrected, but had directly replaced his soul. Abel then examined his World. It was not looking good, with only a tiny bit of holy energy left. It was basically on the verge of collapse. “God Ranks Two, Three, and Four, inject some of your holy energy into this World!” he ordered quickly. No God Rank Knight would sacrifice their own energy to save their friends, considering how secretive each of their Worlds was, but that was not true for Abel’s Summons, which made this biggest challenge of a God Rank Knight simple. As for God Rank Two through Four’s energy, Abel could easily replace it with his Dimension Force. — The Saint saw Knight Harrison charge up in front of Abel, but suddenly came to a halt. Afterwards, the two suddenly started to interact. It was extremely confusing, and the Saint could not understand what they were doing. After all, he was already using a lot of energy just to sensing what was going on. But soon, Knight Harrison stood over next to Abel’s other Summons, like he was one of them. “My Lord, what is happening?!” the Saint howled, his voice filling the hall, but no one replied.
Chapter 1442 Chapter 1442: Summoning “Your Grace, what happened?” the five God Rank Knights quickly stormed in after they heard the Saint yelling. “Knight Harrison has betrayed the Lord!” the Saint declared grimly. He almost didn’t believe what he was saying, but the reality was right in front of him! “Knight Harrison betrayed the Lord?” “Impossible, he is a loyal Holy Knight!” the God Rank Knights roared back. They all felt insulted as they gazed at the Saint, as though he was spreading misinformation. The Saint unleashed his Power of the Will and let the knights see what was happening through the Guardian Wings perfectly. “That’s Abel! He is a demon!” Knight Balmain couldn’t help but cry out. Indeed, Knight Harrison really was standing quietly next to Abel, as though he was Abel’s servant! It was very hard to believe how a God Rank knight could change his loyalty, especially since Knight Harrison had believed in the Demon from Beyond since he was a child. It was impossible for him to even imagine the possibility of other gods, and this fact had not changed for thousands of years. Knight Balmain and his comrade were the ones who had attacked Abel at the Battlecry Plateau, but he was the only one who had come back alive. All of a sudden, he felt some fear, something which was extremely rare for God Ranks. At the same time, a sense of helplessness loomed over the other God Rank Knights. He knew those five God Ranks on Abel’s side were not the only God Ranks around. There was also another one chasing after Knight Felix! Even if they all made a move, they wouldn’t be able to win! Soon, God Rank Five gave up chasing after Knight Felix and returned to Abel’s Monster Ring like the other Summons. Afterwards, Abel left the Guardian Wings’ energy shield. A breath of relief emerged from the temple, but no one understood how Abel could penetrate the Guardian Wings so easily. “What should we do?” Knight Balmain asked in a grim voice. Everyone around wondered the same question, but since Abel had not made a move on the central temple, it meant he was not there to attack them. After all, no one could stop Abel with the number of God Ranks on his side! The Saint turned away, saying helplessly, “Keep recalling the God Rank Knights!” The Holy Kingdom still had some forces hidden, including two Rank 38 God Rank Knights who were still in seclusion, as they were the closest guards of the Demon from Beyond. At first the Holy Kingdom was planning to Summon them only after the Demon from Beyond was resurrected, but it seems like they couldn’t wait any longer. The Holy Kingdom soon got to work but the process of recalling all the God Rank Knights still took some time… —— Meanwhile, Abel stepped out of the Guardian Wings’s territory, and the feeling that he was being monitored faded. He didn’t know who was watching him, but it was to be expected since he was in the Demon from Beyond’s territory. A bit of Faith could go a long way! He gazed around at the familiar shore. It seemed he wouldn’t be able to come here anymore. Flashing, he appeared in the Fire Tooth and sped away. His next target was the Wizard Union Headquarters, which would be where he left Thief God Milton next. He found a place some distance from the Headquarters and let Thief God Milton out. His task was to monitor the Wizard Union from afar and wait for an opportunity. It should only take a few days at most, because he expected the Holy Kingdom to make a move on the front line soon. —— However, a week passed without any conflict, and the front line enjoyed a rare moment of peace. Thief God Milton just could not make a move. How could Abel ever have expected that what he had done so casually in the Holy Kingdom had drastically impacted their confidence. In fact, they were frightened! After all, seeing another God Rank Knight helplessly change loyalty was the scariest thing they’d ever seen! But after another ten days, two powerful energies suddenly emerged from the Holy Kingdom. “Your Honors, God Rank Knight Epstein and God Rank Knight Marco!” the Saint bowed. Their energy was huge, and the Saint still had not regained his authority, so he acted extra humble. “So you are the Saint of this generation? You are the representative of the Lord and we are just Holy Knights. You don’t need to be this respectful to us, just give us your orders!” Knight Epstein bowed in return. Knight Marco followed suit. The respect they showed him was much greater than any other God Rank Knights! Knight Marco looked around in confusion and asked, “So why did you summon us? We are only Rank 39, and can still progress and fight a better war for the Lord!” They were at a critical level, and being next to the Demon from Beyond’s light energy could help them level up. It was why they were his closest guards. Although the Demon’s light energy was far superior to the holy energy they had mastered, spending long years studying it and carefully incorporating some of it into their Worlds could still help them level up. Summoning them earlier meant that could no longer level up, so if the one who had summoned them had not been the Saint, they would have been furious! “The Holy Kingdom is in chaos, we need you two to stabilize the situation!” The Saint’s face lit up after he realized the knights were now Rank 39. He was especially happy since they were showing great respect to him, which meant he would have a chance of regaining his authority. “What? We have the Guardian Wings as protection. As long as we don’t make a move, no one can harm us!” Knight Epstein was confused. The Saint began to explain everything that had happened in detail and the two God Rank Knights’ faces sank. The fall of God Rank knights, the loss of holy crystals, and the loss of holy equipment! This would be a huge disappointment to their Lord once it was resurrected! Knight Epstein did not blame the Saint, instead he turned to the other six God Rank Knights. “Did you give up trying to take back the lord’s stolen Relics?” “Honorable Epstein, Abel has too many God Ranks on his side, and we cannot get close to him. According to our information, he has at least ten God Ranks serving. Although we don’t know what relationship he has with them, he can Summon them at any moment!” Knight Balmain bowed. “Monster!” Knight Epstein shook his head helplessly. Rank 39 was extremely powerful, but he was not arrogant enough to pick on just anyone. At that moment, a powerful energy struck the Guardian Wings’ energy shield and created a shock wave. “What’s happening now?” Knight Marco demanded irritably. “That’s the Wizard Union’s Howling Castle trying to drain our Faith reserves!” the Saint replied. Knight Marco couldn’t hold it in any more as he roared, “The Wizard Union set up a castle right in front of us? Why didn’t you stop them!?” He felt like the Holy Kingdom set up by their lord had lost all face because of these God Rank Knights. Abel was an exception because he lived far away and was extremely powerful. A single wrong move could cost them their souls. But that Howling Castle was right in front of them! “We will listen to your commands!” the six God Rank knights bowed helplessly. Indeed, the Howling Castle has been rebuilt under their noses and it could now stop a God Rank. Even after countless attacks, they could not get rid of it! Knight Marco did not make a decision and asked, “Epstein, what do you think?” “Let’s allow His Grace to give the order!” Knight Epstein bowed to the Saint. The Saint felt a warmth in his heart as he looked at the embarrassment on the faces of the six God Rank knights. “My knights, destroying the Howling Castle has always been on my mind. Please lead all the God Rank Knights to get rid of it!” the Saint bowed back to the two Rank 39 Knights. “Yes, my Saint!” the Rank 39 Knights bowed back. The other God Rank Knights were not looking good, but they still had to bow as well. “Everyone,follow me!” Knight Epstein ordered grimly, and quickly headed towards the Teleportation Circle. After all the God Rank Knights left, the Saint sat on his seat and rubbed the arms like it was his throne in deep satisfaction. —— “I’m not sure how you are treating the Saint, but remember, the Saint is the mouth of our Lord, keep your respect!” Knight Epstein and the others had arrived at the edge of the Holy Kingdom and gazed at the Howling Castle up front. “Mr Epstein, we didn’t mean to offend the Saint, but his commands just kept failing. A useless authority will be a disaster for the Holy Kingdom!” Knight Felix replied with a deep bow. “You should all still show respect!” Knight Marco stated firmly. Indeed, he knew three God Rank knights had died under the Saint’s command, and he was not happy about it, either. But still, he had shown the Saint respect!
Chapter 1443 Chapter 1443: Destroyed “Everyone, let us use the Double Impact Formation to destroy the Howling Castle in one hit!” Knight Marco turned and ordered the others. Not a single God Rank Knight had been left behind in the Holy Kingdom. Indeed, ever since the two Rank 29 Knights learned about how powerful Abel was, they had decided to take care of him once the Demon from Beyond was resurrected. None of the holy knights would be separated on that mission. As for the Saint, a new one would replace him if he was killed, and all the treasure in the Holy Kingdom was stolen, anyway. Soon, Knight Epstein arrived next to Knight Marco. Three God Rank Knights stood next to each of them, forming an arrow head. Their Worlds emerged above them, and holy energy began to move between them. This way, they would be able to transfer thoughts and maximize the power of the Formation. The eight God Rank Knights stood behind the Guardian Wings’ energy shield. They only had one strike because the Wizard Union would be able to react once they stepped out of the Holy Kingdom. “Glory to the lord!” Knight Marco roared with passion. At the same instant, the eight God Rank knights activated their Charge ability, and a greatly strengthened Energy Aura appeared above Knight Marco. It immediately went from Rank 8 to Rank 10, which meant their power was maximized. Bang! Air particles blasted open and the eight God Rank Knights charged out of the Guardian Wings energy shield. — The man on duty in the Howling Castle was Wizard Coleridge, who was slowly letting his guard down after days of peace. After all, they had a bunch of Magic Circles both in the front lines and within the new Howling Castle to detect holy knights as soon as they appeared. He was playing around with an Ice Ball when suddenly a sharp alert sounded. He quickly dropped the ice ball on the ground and Flashed to the operation room. Immediately, he sensed eight God Rank Knights! Originally he did not need to alert the Wizard Union since those Magic Circles would do it automatically, but considering how fast those knights were coming, he knew they meant business! In the past the Holy Kingdom would only send out five God Rank knights at most, but this time they had eight! He quickly triggered a full alert. Eight energy shields appeared around the Howling Caster, with each of them capable of stopping a God Rank attack. In just ten seconds, the knights appeared in front of the Howling Castle. At the same time, Wizard Coleridge summoned forty Blizzards from his World. They were quickly strengthened by the Howling Castle and wrapped around the place. Normally this would make the knights pause for a second, since the Blizzard spell was a wizard’s most powerful method when it came to stopping an enemy, but they didn’t hesitate at all as they continued forward. After all, it was Knight Epstein’s first battle back, and he knew the Wizard Union would be able to come for support if they paused. Wizard Coleridge’s spell was enchanted, but his Rank was still too low compared to Knight Epstein, and it could not stop eight God Rank Knights in their Formation. Their Energy Aura was soon replaced by the Healing Aura to combat the Blizzards. At the same time, the Faith and Passion Aura increased their attacks to maximum. The first strike Knight Epstein made to the energy shield was a revenge combo attack, supported by the energy of all the other knights. The first layer of the energy shield was immediately shattered into stars. Soon, the second revenge strike followed from his World and took down the second layer as well. Just like that, they continued to penetrate the energy shields like a needle penetrating bubbles. After all, they were determined and furious after what Abel had done, so they intended to take their anger out on the Howling Castle! Wizard Coleridge kept Casting spells as he kept calling the Wizard Union for support. But as the knights kept coming, he knew the Howling Castle was coming to an end. There were only five God Rank Wizards available in the Wizard Union, since they were not expecting the Holy Kingdom to get two extra God Rank Knights. It would be a losing battle even if they came. After all, the Howling Castle was not as important as the life of a God Rank! When he saw the knights making contact with the last layer of energy shield, he activated a Flash without hesitation and disappeared from the spot through the Teleportation Circle. Bang! Countless ice blasts filled the Howling Castle, and all one hundred wizards within it were killed instantly. Wizard Coleridge reappeared on the Warding Wall with a bit of ice crystals on him. If he was just a little slower, he might have been dead. “Damn it, two Rank 39 Knights broke the Howling Castle’s defense!” he roared. At the same time, a thick energy shield shot up towards the sky from the Warding Wall. Unlike the Howling Castle, it was created by a special element after countless years of accumulation. The result was that it could stop multiple attacks from a God Rank. Soon, ten God Rank Wizards were teleported in from the Wizard Union, none of them saying anything. “Wizard Coleridge, how did it happen?” Wizard Smith asked in confusion. Every God Rank wizard who ventured far away in the central continent had a special teleportation device that let them return as quickly as possible, but it was still too late! Wizard Coleridge calmed himself down and replied shortly, “Two Rank 39 Knights and six other God Rank Knights charged straight into the Howling Castle’s defense. My spells could not stop them!” “Seems like our battle just took another level up!” Wizard Smith’s face also sank. The Holy Kingdom was annoying them, but they were also very mindful of not going too far. But this time, those two Rank 39 Knights really were going all out! After all, those God Rank Knights before were all Rank 36 or 37. Their abilities were about the same, and since they all had their own egos, they couldn’t be united even in a battle. When danger came, they would all just fight for themselves, but everything changed with a powerful knight as a leader, which pushed their power to a whole new level. Wizard Smith looked around and sighed. If the Holy Kingdom was committed, they had no choice. The Wizard Union might have a systematic way of doing things, but they also did not have a leader at that moment, so they would be at a disadvantage! “Should we rebuild the Howling Castle?” Wizard McPhee asked. It was the question that dictated their following moves. “Let’s just wait for our other God Rank wizards to return!” Wizard Smith shook his head. Indeed, he did not have the confidence to stop those God Rank Knights even if he could rebuild it, especially since the dwarves were Abel’s people and they would need to pay them for repairing it. Sending the dwarves to die would mean picking a fight with Abel! The other wizards Wizard Smith was talking about were three God Rank Wizards who had ventured far away and had just received a notice to return. They were already Rank 39 before they left, so they would be able to hold down the Holy Kingdom even if they had not grown a single bit during this time. “Agreed!” “Agreed!” All the God Rank wizards nodded. None of them want to fight a risky battle with the other side having two Rank 39 Knights. Even with the best defense system, it was best to wait for now!
Chapter 1444 Chapter 1444: Trap Knight Marco stood above the destroyed remains of the Howling Castle. The hundreds of soul beams signified their accomplishment. He unleashed his Salvation Aura. A bloody red lightemerged on the hundreds of dead wizards before their souls rushed into the eight God Rank Knights’ bodies. The injuries they had taken were healed immediately. Knight Marco turned and commanded, “Let’s take a tour of the Warding Wall and let the wizards have another taste!” It was an order, and there was no room for negotiation. Of course, he would not have said it if Knight Epstein had not agreed. “At your command, Sir Marco!” the six God Rank Knights bowed. Although they did not kill any God Rank Wizards, it was still a glorious accomplishment for the Holy Kingdom, so he was in the mood to do even more. They got into their Formation again and flew forward. — ‘Careful, they are coming!” Wizard Smith warned everyone. He was prepared even before the alarm was sounded. All 10 God Rank Wizards Summoned their Worlds, with their most powerful spells prepared. — The atmosphere was getting tense. Thief God Milton sensed what was happening, so he alerted Abel. Abel quickly scanned through Thief God Milton’s soul. At that moment there were only two God Rank Wizards left in the Wizard Union Headquarters. Their energy did not feel familiar, so they should be newly summoned wizards. Abel sighed. Just how powerful was the Wizard Union? They didn’t look like much on the surface, but they really had a lot of resources to cultivate wizards! After all, they’d been around since the Era of Gods, and the most powerful wizards from then were still alive. Maybe only the highest rank wizards truly knew how many God Rank Wizards there were in the Wizard Union. Two God Rank Wizards were definitely not enough to stop Abel from setting his eyes on those twelve Divine Bodies under the Wizard Union headquarters. Since he already offended them, he wouldn’t mind going another step. His current ability was still unknown, no one could do any harm to him. “God Rank Six, take God Ranks Two through Four to attack the Wizard Union Headquarters!” Abel ordered slowly. —— They transited through their closest Divine Realm and teleported to a Teleportation Circle Abel had set up a few hundred miles from the Wizard Union Headquarters. No one was expecting an attack there, so Abel was confident that he could take over the Wizard Union soon. Abel’s four God Rank Knights formed a Battle Formation and charged towards the Wizard Union Headquarters. Abel knew he did not have much time, and he was not going to rely on those God Rank Knights in the front line to hold the wizards up for long. God Rank Six’s skills were almost perfectly preserved, and he was definitely Abel’s most powerful knight Summon. As for the other three God Rank Knights, they had their fair share of training and they were no longer much weaker than a normal God Rank Knight. Of course, Abel’s Summons also had something other God Ranks didn’t: the Full Recovery Potion! Each of them had sixteen bottles stored up in their portal bags, and Abel had even prepared some Dark World belts for them for efficiency and stronger defense. It was thus basically impossible for a wizard to kill them if they were the same rank. After all, they would be able to recover as long as they were not killed instantly! Abel was not planning to kill those two God Rank Wizards unless it was necessary. After all, the Wizard Union was a distraction so the Holy Kingdom wouldn’t come after him! He had an idea. As soon as the Demon from Beyond was resurrected, he would hide in the Dark World after its battle with the Wizard Union was finished. God Rank Six was originally known as God Rank Knight Harrison. Although his soul had been replaced by Abel, he still retained his original appearance as he fully unleashed his energy. As the four knight Summons charged in their Formation, a Holy Aura appeared above them and they turned into a streak of light. “Hardy, alert the Warding Wall!”a God Rank Wizard yelled. At the same time, Thief God Milton took out two holy crystals and threw them at the ground. Two bursts of golden energies charged up and blocked off the area. Although it was not the most powerful effect, it would cut off the Wizard Union’s connections for at least a short period of time. It was an old method from the Holy Kingdom, and Abel had mastered it with Thief God Milton perfectly. As the four knight Summons approached, the two God Rank Wizards got themselves ready for a fight. They didn’t know if their message was successful or not since they needed to focus, but Wizard Hardy was pale. No matter how hard he tried, his message just wouldn’t get through! Meanwhile, Abel connected with Thief God Milton again and guided him towards the Wizard Union Headquarters. It was too simple, as those two God Rank Wizards were totally fixated on his knights. However, he was still a little worried since Thief God Milton did not have his intuition. Still, he had already done so much, and it was too late to turn back. With a Flash, he took out something from his portal bag and dove into the second level under the Wizard Union Headquarters. Meanwhile, the wizards clashed with his four God Rank Knight Summons. “Knight Harrison!” One of the God Rank Wizards roared. At first he had suspected it was Abel’s doing again, but he quickly changed his mind when he saw Knight Harrison’s face. He exchanged gazes with his comrade, and large numbers of spells were Summoned from their Worlds. At the same time, the four knight Summons ignited the Helping, Meditation, and Preaching Auras for defense. As the head of the formation, God Rank Six kept striking at those wizards, but the wizards kept their distance. At the same time the wizards realized something strange was happening. Their spells were clearly working, but every time they did a purple flash would happen and the knights’ injuries would be fully healed! What kind of treasure were they using? They wondered because they didn’t see the knights drinking any Potions… — Meanwhile, Thief God Milton had also run into some trouble. After some hesitation, Thief God Milton passed through the Magic Security Circles. But to his surprise, there was another God Rank Wizard standing next to the God-Binding Circle. Considering how close they were, Thief God Milton’s invisibility skill was basically useless. The moment Abel wanted to back out, a stone wall slammed down heavily. Abel knew the Wizard Union had been researching a way to combat Thief God Milton and they had figured it out: a physical wall controlled by a hidden trigger! “You must be Thief God Milton! My name is Dubois and I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!” that wizard smiled. “How did you know I would come here?” Abel asked through Thief God Milton. “Haha, you are too greedy. Do you think the Wizard Union headquarters is your home?” Wizard Dubois smirked. It was the special nature of the second level to separate itself from the outer world, so no one would be able to tell what was happening inside. Therefore, it would be too late if Thief God Milton decided to strike again and they had decided to Keep Wizard Dubois on guard. “Yeah, I’m too greedy!” Thief God Milton nodded. “Just surrender, there is no point in fighting!” WIzard Dubois smirked, his eyes cold. He was very confident that a god without fighting abilities would have no chance against him! After all, wizards had slaughtered gods like animals during the Era of Gods. He wanted to capture Thief God Milton. That way he would be forced to disclose everything Abel had done, and the dragons would not be able to help. Then the Wizard Union would be able to lawfully go all out with Abel. Ever since he had heard about Abel upon his return he had been furious about what had happened. It was why he was committed to staying underground and setting up this trap.
Chapter 1445 Chapter 1445: Talking Too Much “Wizard Dubois, is there really no room for negotiation?” Abel asked through Thief God Milton. “You think I’m stupid? Don’t even think about asking those God Ranks outside to save you, I will kill you before they even get close!” Wizard Dubois stated grimly. But he was also confused, wondering why Thief God Milton wasn’t even a little bit nervous. “Wizard Dubois. I was originally not planning to kill any wizards unless they asked for it!” Thief God Milton replied. “What do you mean!?” Wizard Dubois snarled, unleashing his energy before Thief God Milton could even react. Or at least, that’s what he thought. Before he could even Summon his World for an attack, he felt his body go numb. “You…” he lifted his finger and mumbled, because that was the most he could do. “Wizard Dubois, you talk too much!” Thief God Milton shook his head. Sitting on his open hand was an opened crystal glass. It was the Dark Gold Poison. Due to the special nature of their environment, the poison could travel through air. It did not even need to make contact with Wizard Dubois to be effective. Wizard Dubois was breathing in more scary poison with each breath, while Thief God Milton kept injecting himself with Full Recovery Potions through his Dark World Belt. Wizard Dubois hadn’t had the slightest idea about what was happening. Abel had prepared this after he became suspicious. After all, the wizards were a cunning bunch! However, this would not have worked if Wizard Dubois did not talk so much. “You better learn your lesson in your next life!” Thief God Milton stepped forward and plunged his holy dagger into Wizard Dubois. Wizard Dubois gazed at Thief God Milton in fury, but there was nothing he could do against the weak little god. Indeed, Thief God Milton’s fighting skills wouldn’t even earn him the title of a god. Even a Half-god could easily kill him! No matter how frustrated Wizard Dubois felt, he let out his last breath as the Dark Gold Poison penetrated his soul. His World turned into a glowing ball and shot away. Even though the area was bound by a special Magic Circle, the glowing ball disregarded the ceiling and continued on. —- “What’s that?” a wizard gasped. “A God Rank died? Who?” another wizard yelled. Since it was the Wizard Union Headquarters, most likely it was one of the God Rank Wizards, so everyone promptly paled. — The two God Rank Wizards also saw what happened and immediately knew it was Wizard Dubois, who was guarding the second underground level. The death of every God Rank was different, since the laws they trained in were different. “Dubois!” one of the God Rank Wizards yelled as he tried to return to the Headquarters. However, God Rank Six activated his Charge and Energy Aura and chased after him. That God Rank Wizard had no choice. He couldn’t leave his comrade to fight four God Rank Knights alone, or else another God Rank might fall. Neither God Rank Wizard surrendered, and instead their attacks grew even crazier while God Rank Six and the other knight Summons continued with their Formation. — Meanwhile, Thief God Milton took out an antidote and sprayed it around the air to clear out the poison. Since it was his secret weapon, it was not wise to leave a trace behind!. He then flew into the God-Binding Circle. The method to open this Circle had been forbidden ever since it was built. Since the Wizard Union President did not want his wizards to approach the World Stone Heart, even the spent holy crystals were replaced by the Magic Circle. But after days of analysis, Abel’s Magic Circle Spirit had finally found a way and the following steps were simple. Thief God Milton arrived at a spot and gently tapped on the ground. Suddenly, a swirl of magic gushed out from the empty spot. He tapped on the swirl gently and brought it to a halt. Soon, a Magic Board was exposed. He quickly picked it up with his hands and connected to it. It might have looked simple, but it needed extreme precision, since the God-Binding Circle could perfectly detect even the slightest mistakes!. As its energy channels began to close, the God-Binding Circle dimmed, and finally the mighty Magic Circle was opened. Thief God Milton arrived next to the first crystal coffin. The Divine Body within it looked just as good as new. He ignited a Scroll of Town Portal and a portal door appeared. In just five seconds, he pushed all twelve crystal coffins into it. However, he did not stop there, because he still wanted Wizard Dubois’ body, and if he had time, he even wanted to take the God-Binding Circle itself! He quickly put Wizard Dubois’ body, as well as the part of the God-Binding Circle into his portal bag. In just a minute, the second level under the Wizard Union Headquarters was completely empty. The reason he wanted to take the God-Binding Circle with him was because after it had been turned off he realized it was entirely made out of Relic materials! With such value, leaving it behind would pain him! Afterwards, he sensed the area and noted the holy crystal barrier was about to disappear, so his four God Rank Knight Summons had to leave. Thief God Milton had to go as well, so he took out another Scroll of Town Portal and entered the Dark World. —— As the knights retreated quickly, the wizards tried to stop them, but it was hopeless, especially with God Rank Six’s Full Recovery Potions. They also knew they had to find out what had happened under the Wizard Union. They just couldn’t believe Wizard Dubois had been killed… — Meanwhile, the fight in front of the Warding Wall had also ended, with Knight Marco and Knight Epstein returning to the Holy Kingdom after showing off their skills. The knights knew they couldn’t leave the Holy Kingdom undefended for too long. As soon as they stepped through the Guardian Wings’ energy shield, all the knights cheered. It was a huge celebration. The Howling Castle that had been annoying the Holy Kingdom has been destroyed once again! — “What?” It was at that moment that Wizard Smith received a message from the Wizard Union Headquarters, but it was too late. “Wizard Coleridge, stay at the Warding Wall. Everyone else, come with me. Something happened to the Headquarters !” he shouted to the others. Ten God Rank Wizards immediately teleported back, and soon sensed something that sent their hearts plunging. The ten God Ranks looked up at the phenomenon in the sky and mumbled, “A God Rank has fallen!” After the wizards returned, one of the Rank 38 Wizards on guard, Wizard Casper, appeared at their side. “Who was it?” Wizard Smith asked in a shaky voice. “Wizard Dubois, and his body was stolen!” Wizard Casper replied grimly. “We should know who did it this time, right?” Wizard Smith asked, as all the wizards around him stayed silent, waiting. Their trap had cost them another God Rank Wizard, so they needed a good answer! “The Evil Kingdom!” Wizard Casper stated with certainty. “Oh!” Wizard Smith let out a breath of relief, and continued, “Why are you so sure? He knew very well both Abel and the Holy Kingdom would eventually go to war with the Wizard Union, but with the dragons’ involvement, the entire central continent would become their battlefield. “I recognized the knight’s leader, Knight Harrison!” Wizard Casper declared confidently. “Knight Harrison? No wonder he was not there today! But how did he travel so far?” Wizard Smith mumbled to himself while shaking his head. “Maybe he went over the ocean. Since the dragons have increased their attention on the outer ocean, they might have decreased their attention on the Holy Kingdom!” Wizard McPhee added. With the dwarves on the dragons’ side, the dragons had gained many more defensive fortresses for their explorations. Doing so, they might miss a few God Rank Knights sneaking out. “Who killed Wizard Dubois?” Wizard Smith asked again. He looked up at the sky. It wouldn’t be long until the whole continent knew another God Rank Wizard had sided. This would hugely impact their authority and power! “I don’t know, as the killer was never seen, but DuBois activated the stone wall trigger before he was killed!” Wizard Casper replied.
Chapter 1446 Chapter 1446: Resurrections “Who else could have entered our second level other than Thief God Milton?” Wizard McPhee asked suspiciously. Even without God Rank Wizards on guard, the Wizard Union was not something just any God Rank could penetrate. With its countless powerful Surveillance Circles, sneaking in without anyone noticing was basically impossible. Up to this point, the only one had done so successfully was Thief God Milton! “Wizard Dubois was Rank 38, there is no way Thief God Milton would stand a chance against him with his skills!” Wizard Casper reminded them. The other wizards nodded, especially since Wizard Casper had recognized Knight Harrison. The Holy King had also done a lot of research into gods, so it wasn’t surprising that they had some unheard-of methods. Wizard Bruce was a newly returned God Rank Wizard. He asked, “What if Grandmaster Abel has teamed up with the Evil Kingdom?” “I don’t think so!” Most of the wizards shook their heads. They remembered the tension the forces had with one another. Given the fact that Abel had killed two God Rank Knights and stolen large amounts of Holy Crystals from their central temple, they would be enemies for eternity! Wizard Smith did not have time to search through the second level underground, so he asked, “How bad is our loss?” “Everything was emptied out, even Wizard Dubois’ body is gone!” Wizard Bruce shook his head sadly. It was a huge loss of face for the Wizard Union, with the Howling Castle destroyed and another God Rank Wizard killed at the same time. Wizard Smith didn’t even want to look at the aftermath right now. All he could hope for was their president to return soon. Not only was their treasure gone, even the God-Binding Circle had disappeared! “How could anyone break the God-Binding Circle? Even we couldn’t!” Wizard McPhee shook his head in disbelief. All the wizards began to wonder. The last time a strange wizard had distracted the God Rank Wizards and led to them losing their treasure. This time the same thing had happened but with knights! Could they be related? Could there be some unknown forces quietly communicating with the Holy Kingdom, just to steal that treasure? Indeed, the God-Binding Circle was extremely complicated, but as long as large amounts of wizards were willing to research it, they might be able to find a way. Wizard Bruce suddenly had a distressing thought. “Maybe we made a mistake from the start. What if Headmaster Abel and Thief God Milton were not the ones who stole our treasure last time, but in fact it was something within the Wizard Union!” Although a large number of wizards had been sent throughout the central continent in search of their treasure, they had never stopped suspecting Abel. After all, Abel was the only one capable of doing something like that. But what happened just now was way too confusing. Just like they had said, Abel couldn’t possibly collaborate with the Holy Kingdom. There was no way the Wizard Union could know what had happened within the Holy Kingdom, so they couldn’t possibly imagine how Knight Harrison could be on Abel’s side now. “Investigate every wizard who interacted with the second level!” Wizard Smith eyes’ sparked as he gave the order. Although most of them were only Legendary level, investigating so many of them would still have an impact. It was just that they didn’t know how they could explain matters to their president if they did nothing. As for the death of Wizard Dubois, it only made them even more worried! —— Meanwhile… Abel stood in the Rogue Encampment with a smile on his face, looking at the twelve crystal coffins in front of him. There was an elven goddess who he wouldn’t resurrect. After all, he had agreed to the request of the Moon Goddess. Still, he wasn’t going to send them out just yet, since what had happened was too serious. Wizard Dubois’ body was thrown to the side. Since it was still filled with the Dark Gold Poison, even Abel was afraid to get close to it. With a wave of his hand, he tossed an antidote on Wizard Dubois’ corpse, and all the poison on its surface was neutralized. As for his organs, Abel could only take care of that once Dubois was resurrected. With another wave of his hand, he sent the corpse into his personal storage box while taking another antidote, just to be safe. After all, even the best priests could not make anything near as scary as the things he had combined through the Horadric Cube! Abel was only a Half-god, and those lethal poisons had taken the life of two God Ranks! —— After he was done, he stepped out from the Dark World and teleported to Lizer Island. It was a great idea to build the Teleportation Circle here. He had never expected that he would need it so fast. He Summoned Doff’s Avatar with God Ranks One through Six for safety. Wizard Dubois’ resurrection was smooth. All it took was another antidote, and the familiar process followed thereafter. After the soul contract, Abel fed him two thousand Soul Potions and after some time, Wizard Dubois recovered his power automatically. Just like that, Abel had another Rank 38 WIzard as a Summon, God Rank Seven! The ocean around him was extremely quiet. All the intelligent sea monsters had retreated after sensing God Rank energy so many times. —— He then returned to the Golden Castle. After resurrecting so many God Rank Wizards, he had gained a deeper understanding of their inner worlds, perfectly setting up his own path to becoming a God Rank Wizard himself! Although his wizard path might have been very different from other wizards, but he still could use more examples to draw from. Abel was numb to the process after so many resurrections, but before he resurrected the eleven Divine Bodies, he would need to look through their identities. Resurrecting them was basically killing their souls and their significance in the world. There was no undoing the process once he started, so he needed to make sure. Luckily he had received some information from the Moon Goddess, and he began to look them over in the Dark World. Soon, he had his answer. They were all the most powerful Battle Gods during the Era of Gods, yet their fates were now waiting for Abel to decide over their coffins. If the Wizard Union did not have another inventory where they stored Divine Bodies, they had probably destroyed them all. After all, in a world ruled by wizards, destroying a Divine Body would basically reduce their chance of being resurrected to zero. It was why no new god had emerged in the past thousands of years. Even if there was one, they would be killed by the Wizard Union, like the orc god had been. As for the ones in the God Alliance, like the Moon Goddess, they would not interfere with anything happening in the world. After all, the Water Goddess had almost had no followers, and the orcs couldn’t even agree on who to believe in. As for the God of Wealth and the Goddess of Earth, they were basically a way to keep the businessmen happy. The Fire God might have had some potential, but it was too bad for him, he was killed by Abel. Everything just showed how ruthless the Wizard Union was to gods. Abel activated a Scroll of Town Portal and brought all twelve Divine Bodies into Doff’s Divine Kingdom. Due to the concealing nature of a Divine Realm, no one knew the powerful gods were being resurrected one by one! However, the process did not cost Abel nothing. He had used up a big half of his Soul Potions. Considering how hard his battles had been recently and the fact that he was entering his final battles in the Throne of Destruction, he might run out of Hell creatures to kill soon. If these Divine Bodies were not the most powerful of gods, Abel might not even have bothered to resurrect them! —— In just five days, all eleven gods were resurrected. Of course this did not include the elven goddess, the Goddess of Light. Afterwards, Abel still couldn’t get back to his training, as he had to track down the Realms of these gods. After all, a god’s Realm was their most powerful weapon, so he needed them for his future battles. In pursuit of that, Abel went flying around on the Fire Tooth almost every day. Each Divine Kingdom was full of surprises.
Chapter 1447 Chapter 1447: Rank 45! On Dejo Island… President of the Wizard Union, Wizard Basham had just done another round of sea monster sacrifice and he felt his inner world grow again. He had felt his bottleneck coming to an end, so recently he had been gathering even more sea monsters. Some intelligent sea monsters had already realized something was wrong and they started escaping from Wizard Basham’s five sea territories, but he didn’t care, As long as he could break his bottleneck, this sea monster identity of his would no longer matter. He turned off the Magic Circle and ordered in a resounding voice, “Gather another ten thousand sea monsters for me!” “Yes!” the sea crab bowed. He also knew what was happening, but since Sea Monster Basham had ordered it, there was nothing he could do other than obey. For the past thousand years, the smell of dead sea monsters had filled the underground space. It was basically Hell on Earth, but Wizard Basham did not care as long as he could keep growing. He had been stuck at Rank 44 for two thousand years, so there was nothing he cared about more. As a God Rank Wizard, time meant nothing, and bottlenecks were the worst enemy of any professional. Rank 44 had definitely been his biggest bottleneck so far, but no matter how much he trained or used resources, he felt like he had exhausted his potential. This was why he had left the Wizard Union and ventured into the ocean. After all, if the Wizard Union could end the Era of Gods, there were still many powerful wizards around. However, even after rounds of calling them back, the Wizard Union only had thirteen God Rank Wizards return, with the most powerful being Rank 38. Some of them were still far out in the ocean, or had died already. The reason why Wizard Basham was so fixated on getting more powerful was because of the Demon from Beyond. He knew he could no longer wait for his World Stone Heart to fix everything. After all, he was not much weaker than the Demon from Beyond! “Lord Basham!”After a while, his servants brought him another bunch of powerful sea monsters. Fastest update by B0nn0vel.c0m “Off you go now!” He waved and gazed at those ten thousand sea monsters with fiery passion. He thought that he would finally be able to reach beyond Rank 44 after this sacrifice. Being a wizard who had lived for so long, he was very accurate in his calculations. As the Magic Circles turned on, another round of sacrifice began and howls of agony emerged from underground. This time there was something different. It lasted for days and the servants outside couldn’t help but exchange their gazes. — Soon, a level-up display shot straight up towards the sky. “Master Basham’s level-up energy feels like a human’s!” one of the servants mumbled. The underground was a bound space with a Protection Circle, but there was no way to hide a level-up display of this power. All the servants were stunned, and the three nearest God Rank sea monsters also sensed what was happening, so they flew to investigate. A human wizard was leveling up in the depths of the ocean? It was definitely picking a fight! Although the level-up display was so powerful to the point that it made their hearts shake, they still decided to take a chance and try to kill him during his weakest moment. However, Wizard Basham had seen it all coming. It was why he operated such a vast territory, as the distance should give him enough time to level up. After all, nothing would be able to do anything to him once his level-up was successful. Even the fastest sea monster would take half an hour to reach him, and as the President of the Wizard Union, Basham was confident that he could succeed within that time, especially with his treasures. As the three God Rank sea monsters hurried towards him, the level-up energy suddenly vanished and soon the area was flooded by immense horror. The sea monsters immediately started to tremble as they fled in the other direction. — “Go ahead!” At that moment Wizard Basham was sitting underground with a smile on his face. He had succeeded, but he still needed some time to stabilize, so he did not care about those sea monsters. After all, the opportunity he had been anticipating for thousands of years had finally arrived! He began to take out all kinds of heavenly treasures and injected them into his body like they were nothing. Each heavenly treasure would increase his success rate by five percent, but there was no limit to how many he could take. What he was doing was basically taking away the chance to level-up for the many other God Rank Wizards in the Wizard Union. Initially there were many heavenly treasures that the God Rank Wizards could exchange for with their credits, but when Wizard Basham had left the Wizard Union, he had taken them all with him! “The Demon from Beyond, seems like you don’t have far to go as well!” After he stabilized his world, he lifted up his head. The most powerful being in this world was the Demon from Beyond, who was his only enemy. Although the Dragon God was powerful too, it was his ally, not his enemy. The Dragon God did not have any intention to fight for power, so it shouldn’t be a problem Wizard Basham stood up and sensed his new body as a Rank 45 Wizard. It was more powerful than anything before! With a wave of his hand, the Magic Circle around him was defused. “Master Basham, you are a human?” one of the servants gasped after seeing Wizard Basham’s true appearance. They all quickly stepped back while trembling, and two of them even ran outside. “Such a pity!” Wizard Basham mumbled and fish jumped out of his world. But they were no ordinary fishes, as each of them became powerful sea monsters as soon as they appeared. Some even appeared straight out of the sky. “You can be my first test subjects!” Wizard Basham said coldly. Those fishes were all made from the souls of powerful sea monsters. Although they turned into little fishes in his world, they had been cultivated by the powerful environment around them for thousands of years. The energy they had absorbed was at least on par with a Legendary Wizard. Ten thousand fish appeared, and they turned into ten thousand Legendary sea monsters. Since they were all Legendary Ranks, they no longer needed water and were able to fight on land. However, that was not their most powerful ability. Since those sea monsters were all affected by his World, no one would be able to suppress them with the Power of the Will unless they were more powerful than Rank 45! Furthermore, since they were all formed by WIzard Basham’s World energy, their souls would automatically return after they were killed. With all of this combined, he could basically go head-to-head with the Demon from Beyond! After all, taking down ten thousand Legendary Ranks without suppressing them with energy was a huge challenge for anyone, and it seemed like Wizard Basham’s World was just creating even more of them! One day, his World would be able to self-sustain, with more souls being created from within. Then, it would be no different from an actual World. Still, he still had some ways to go, maybe more than ten thousand years. For that purpose, he had higher hopes for the World Stone Heart. After all, he would not have been able to do this if he didn’t forcefully increase the number of fish in his world. Horrifying screams covered the area around Dejo Island as the ten thousand Legendary sea monsters began their massacre. They did not have any emotions. The only thing they had was their instinct to fight. Although there were normal Legendary rank sea monsters around as well, their numbers stood no chance. Wizard Basham smiled as he watched from the sky. The sea was soon covered in red and dead bodies kept floating up. With all their energy combined, any low rank sea monsters that passed through were killed instantly. At the same time, those sea monsters had mastered the three wizard elements of Wizard Basham, ice, fire, and lightning. In combination with their physical combat skills, they were far superior to normal sea monsters! Of course, they were still not invincible. There was a Half-god sea monster who killed a Legendary sea monster with an all-out attack, but he was soon ganged up on by a hundred Legendary sea monsters, and they directly tore him to pieces. At the same time, WIzard Basham felt his Power of the Will decrease by a tiny bit after one of his Legendary sea monsters was killed. It was not much and he could recover it quickly, but he might injure himself if a large number of his sea monsters were killed…
Chapter 1448 Chapter 1448: Returning “Who can kill my sea monsters?” Wizard Basham shook his head with a smile. It was hilarious that he was even thinking about it. After all, anyone would need to kill at least a hundred of his sea monsters at once to make him feel anything! But his sea monsters were definitely not easy to kill in numbers. Without being able to suppress them, the only difference between them and God Ranks was power. In normal circumstances, they might even be able to do the reverse by surrounding a God Rank! And that was not all. Wizard Basham could also generate his own attacks while his sea monsters were making their moves. —— After a few days, his Rank 45 Wizard energy covered the vast ocean and the souls of any sea monster who touched it were destroyed. Almost a billion sea monsters were killed. Through this process his Legendary sea monsters mastered their fighting skills. It was why he unleashed this massacre in the first place. Then, he would be able to leave the ocean! Every time he came across a Half-god sea monster, he would withdraw his energy by a tiny bit and his sea monsters could get some experience fighting with Half-gods. “This world is mine!” Wizard Basham saw the sea of red and laughed. Not a single bit of regret crossed his thoughts. He was almost as powerful as the Demon from Beyond, and no one was able to mess with him! “Demon from Beyond, I’ll give you a surprise as soon as you are resurrected!” he promised himself. His Legendary sea monsters jumped back into his Inner World one by one and returned to being fish, but each of them was looking much more vicious. He turned his gaze to the central continent and declared, “It’s time to go back and see what has changed!” ... He scanned his portal bag and took out his Communication Circle. As soon as he connected with it, his face changed. He had ignored the Wizard Union messages for the past year, and they had actually lost the World Stone Heart? All of a sudden, his mind went blank. If his past thousands of training did not allow him to beat the Demon from Beyond, the World Stone Heart was the key to ruling this world! The World Stone Heart was the heart of an ancient god. He had been the one and only god of this world, and if he was given a longer time to live before he was killed by the powerful who came after him, perhaps he would have reached a point all God Ranks and gods could only dream of: becoming the truly almighty being of this world! The god’s heart was the bridge to ruling this world, but it was still being built, which was why many powerful figures tried to claim it. Finally during the Era of Gods, the World Stone Heart had landed in the hands of Wizard Basham. He had looked through all the ancient documents and realized how hard it was to nourish it. Still, he was determined. The Wizard Union had finally ruled the world and all the gods were captured. He had used twelve holy bodies to set up a Magic Circle for the World Stone Heart and kept it secret always. For an extra layer of security, he had even destroyed all the documents that mentioned the World Stone Heart, so no other wizard would get greedy for it. They had always thought it was just a personal treasure of their President, drawing energy from Divine Bodies. There was a great secret of the World Stone Heart, and that was the fact that it could push all God Ranks into their most powerful God Rank once it was combined with another treasure during its mature state. However, this great treasure was stolen from Wizard Basham. It was his fault for ignoring the Wizard Union’s messages. It was as painful as having a chunk of flesh cut out of him! “I will tear whoever stole my World Stone Heart into ten thousand pieces!” he grunted. He was no longer looking at all proud of himself, and ice elements sifted out from his body. But he was just too far away from the central continent. It would take him two years even if he flew as fast as possible. He calmed himself down for a moment, and sent a message back. Afterwards, he gave the Dejo Island he had lived in for the past thousand years one last look, and Flashed towards the central continent. ——- Meanwhile… Wizard Brennan was looking through a stack of parchments. Since the God Rank wizards had been ruling for the past few years, a Vice President like himself had lost his authority long ago. Legendary wizards had been searching left and right for the past year, which made them all a little paranoid, and most of them went into seclusion. Therefore, their responsibilities had landed on God Rank Wizards, and the job Wizard Brennan started to do was simple. To look after the Communication Circle with the President. The only hassle was that he could never leave it. One day, it suddenly began to spark and Wizard Brennan was stunned. He immediately knew what was happening. A message soon emerged “I will find my missing treasure no matter what, and whoever gives me the most reliable information can become my disciple! In two years, I will return to the Wizard Union!” Although there was no name attached to the message, Wizard Brennan knew exactly who it was: their president! His heart quickly began to tremble. Becoming the disciple of the President? It was something any wizard would go crazy about! Being a disciple was different from being a follower. Followers normally used their labor and service to exchange for knowledge from a wizard. A wizard might have a lot of followers, but none of them would truly inherit all the knowledge. In fact, they were more like servants who needed mana to survive. On the other hand, a disciple was the true heir of a wizard. They would be able to share resources and were the closest people to a wizard. Every wizard knew that no God Rank Wizard had ever been close to their president, so becoming their president’s disciple was a huge opportunity! —— As this message spread among the God Rank Wizards and the Wizard Union, their passion for finding that treasure was ignited. Scent-detecting Magic Circles were being bought out like crazy, and wizards spread throughout the continent. The God Rank wizards even realized that low rank wizards were going through Abel’s territory and that Abel did not care, considering how low rank they were. All the God Rank wizards who had ventured outside had doubled down in their haste to return. Of course, most of those God Rank wizards did not have to travel as far as their president. Most of them could return in ten days or so. Once they returned, they would be able to call for support if they were in trouble. After all, they were not their president. Therefore, in just a month, 19 God Rank Wizards had gathered in the Wizard Union. This included three Rank 39 Wizards, which made their fights with the Holy Kingdom even more violent. But still, they didn’t go all out, since each of them wanted to find the treasure themselves. —— It has been a year since Abel showed himself, but during this time he had pinpointed the Kingdoms of every god he had resurrected. However, he realized something. The Goddess of the Hunt’s Realm was an extremely rare case. Most Divine Kingdoms did not disintegrate, and in fact they were actually well-preserved with ways of sustaining themselves. Abel smoothly set up Teleportation Circles in all eleven new Realms. Just like that, he had sixteen Divine Kingdoms in his hands! Although he didn’t have a vast teleportation network like the Wizard Union, the Teleportation Circles he had in those Realms could still deliver him to every corner of the central continent. After he restored their Divine Kingdoms, the gods started to reply to their followers again, but only the most faithful ones. He couldn’t risk anyone noticing that those gods had been resurrected. If they did, everyone would immediately start suspecting that he was the one who had stolen the World Stone Heart. After all, he was already a prime suspect! It had been a peaceful year, but for the past month he had received many requests from God Rank Wizards to enter his faithful grounds. This included the Dwarves’ Furnace Fort, which had already been searched through a year ago. What could have caused those wizards to go crazy again? Although they did not go too far and pick a fight, neither the Dwarves nor the Barbarians liked the Wizard Union. Abel quickly searched through the dragons’ report and soon found his answer. The Wizard Union’s President was about to return!
Chapter 1449 Chapter 1449: Early The first thing Abel did after he heard the news that the Wizard Union President was returning was to check on the World Stone Heart’s growth. To his disappointment, it still had a long way to go. It was not likely that it would do much in the near future. Although Abel had two dozen God Rank Summons, twenty-five including Doff’s avatar, he still did not stop worrying. He heard too much about the Wizard Union President’s power! He was at least as powerful as the Dragon God. Although Abel didn’t know how powerful the Dragon God was, he could imagine it after seeing Dragon Island. It was a completely artificial dimension created for intelligent beings. The actual World of the Dragon God would definitely be much stronger! He wouldn’t have much advantage, even if he had greater numbers. After all, the Wizard Union still had nineteen God Rank Wizards! For now, all he could hope for was to take a big leap forward after killing the final boss in the Throne of Destruction. That way, he would be able to discover the mysteries behind the World Stone. Up to this point, he returned to the Golden Castle’s training room and entered the Dark World through the portal. No one knew what he had been through during the past year. Each time he entered the Dark World, he was basically fighting for ten days in a row without taking a break. If the God Rank Wizards had not sent him so many requests, he might not even have returned at all. The news about the President’s return was only making him more tense! —— Just like that, another year passed. One day, the peaceful Guardian Wings suddenly began to shake and their Faith began to drain. All the holy knights and the Saint turned to the sky. The Saint’s face was red as he yelled, “The Lord is regaining consciousness! The Lord will lead us to defeat the enemy. The time of glory has arrived!” “Your Grace, is there anything you want us to do?” Knight Marco asked excitedly. There was not much those holy knights could do, but they still asked. ... The Saint calmed himself down a moment and replied with slight worry, “The Lord is using Faith to recover his awareness, but we might not have enough, so I need the entire Holy Kingdom to stop and pray!” It would have been handy if their holy crystals had not been stolen, but all they could do now was start praying crazily. “Your Grace, don’t worry, I will instruct every knight and follower in every city pray!” Knight Marco swore fervently. The God Rank Knights scattered quickly. None of them would slack off for the Demon from Beyond’s reawakening! — Soon, every person in the Holy Kingdom, regardless of age or gender, was gathered in chapels and began praying. Of course, one-fifth of the Faith was actually drawn away to a golden statue under the Golden Castle, but that did not stop the Guardian Wings from growing! As long as it kept shaking, the people in the Holy Kingdom had to pray! —— During the next two days, the prayers continued without stopping, and some of the faithful began to die from exhaustion. Therefore, besides the most fanatical followers, Faith in the Holy Kingdom actually began to drop! — “Your Grace, some followers can not handle it anymore!” Knight Marco reported. “People are the sacrifices of god, they have to continue even if they can’t handle it!” the Saint replied grimly. He sensed a strand of consciousness coming from the Demon from Beyond, which meant the lives of the people no longer mattered. “Ye, Your Grace!” Knight Marco bowed. When it came to managing Faith, the God Rank Knights had no choice but to obey the Saint, even if they didn’t like him! —– Three more days passed, and more followers fell. This number only grew larger on the fourth day. At first the holy knights had stayed around and provided them with water and some simple food, but by the fourth day they stopped. It was not because the Holy Kingdom was running out of food, but because their Faith was running through the Guardian Wings. If any of them took a break, the Guardian Wings might break apart! A week went by, and the number of deaths was cataclysmic! But finally, the Guardian Wings stopped shaking and the holy knights were filled with excitement. The Demon from Beyond’s body and soul still needed some time to recover after being in slumber for thousands of years, but his consciousness had recovered! ———– At that moment… Abel was battling in the Throne of Destruction. He suddenly sensed something through his crystal angel statue. He quickly pulled away from the incoming Hell creatures. His angel statue had never alerted him to anything after he got it, so he knew something big must be happening. Therefore, he immediately stopped his fighting. He would have to return to the Holy Continent to clearly sense what was happening. He took out a Scroll of Town Portal and appeared in the Golden Castle. He was promptly stunned. Not only did his followers not grow, a hundred thousand of them had died! Although it wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things, his number of followers had always been growing steadily! “What’s happening?” he wondered as he looked through his angel statue. For the past week, his followers had been praying without stopping. It had been four days where no food or drink were provided, so the weaker ones had perished! What could be happening, why is the Holy Kingdom making their people pray for seven days straight all of a sudden? It was at that moment, the Magic Circle Spirit called out, “Master, the dragons have an urgent report!” “Quick, accept it!” Abel ordered. A few messages quickly arrived, and his face sank. The dragons and the dwarves had both sent him same news. The Holy Kingdom’s Guardian Wings had been shaking for a week straight, and its Faith had been used up like crazy. “What? The Demon from Beyond is reawakening?” Abel gasped. He had always thought the Demon from Beyond still had some time to go. After all, the Wizard Union speculated that it had at least ten more years! He immediately thought of his followers in the Holy Kingdom. The Demon from Beyond would be furious if he realized what was happening. After all, death was the only way to treat a traitor, and stealing followers was the cause of many wars during the Era of Gods! Therefore, even though Abel didn’t have much sympathy for those hundred million followers he had in the Holy Kingdom, he still didn’t want to lose them! “Let’s do something big before the Demon from Beyond is truly reawakened!” His gaze was determined. Although it had been many years since he came to this world, he had never killed a soul for no reason. He just couldn’t stand by and watch a hundred million innocent souls die. After all, those souls were no longer a part of the Cult of the Demon from Beyond. His original plan was to free them from the Holy Kingdom before the Demon from Beyond awoke, but it seemed he could no longer do so! Therefore, it was now time to do something big. After all, it was impossible for the Wizard Union to know what was happening within the Holy Kingdom. He quickly gathered all his God Rank forces. With seventeen gods and seven God Rank professionals, he was ready to go. —– There was one thing Abel didn’t know. The reason why the Demon from Beyond had decided to awaken early was because of him! When he was taking the Demon from Beyond’s gear from the holy portal bag, he had triggered the Demon from Beyond’s slumbering soul. At first it would only have sped up the awakening progress for a few years, but Abel had just done way too much. He had stolen the Divine Armor it had left over in the Lance Continent and forced it to recognize him as the new owner. Later on, he had also stolen the Angel Sword and Angel Shield from the central temple. Even the Angel Wings were forced to merge with Abel’s angel avatar!. After so many shocks, the Demon from Beyond had no choice but to respond. At the same time as he had done all that, Abel did not care about the Demon from Beyond’s statues, and he had stolen two of them at once! Since they all had its Power of the Will, it was a huge insult!
Chapter 1450 Chapter 1450: A Big Move! Above the far ocean… A flashing shadow suddenly came to a halt. It was the President of the Wizard Union, Wizard Basham. He quickly scanned his Communication circle and he was startled. “Weird, why is the Demon from Beyond awakening so early?” he wondered aloud. If it wasn’t because of the World Stone Heart, he also wouldn’t have returned to the central continent so early. After all, he could have done more training at Dejo Island or explored elsewhere. Little did he know, all of these were actually caused by a single person: Abel! “The Demon from Beyond, It must be destiny, perfect timing for a fight!” he laughed as he recalled that he was already Rank 45. Soon, he doubled down on his Flashing. A God Rank Wizard did not have unlimited energy and he needed rest, which was why he needed two years to return. He might even run into some sea monsters who tried to bother him, but he was more driven to increase his speed after he heard the news. —— Meanwhile, Abel gathered his twenty-four God Ranks, with only Doff the War God left behind to look after the Battlecry Plateau. He put the Golden Castle into his holy portal bag, and his Summons into his Monster Ring. It was probably the only dimensional device with so many God Ranks stored inside! Afterwards, he teleported to the new God of Protection’s Realm, which was extremely close to the shore of the Holy Kingdom. That way, he only had to fly for ten minutes in the Fire Tooth. He arrived at a new shoreline he had picked out. He could no longer use his old spot because it was further away and it had been spotted already. They might be keeping a close eye on it! He stopped in front of the Guardian Wing’s energy shield and pressed his hands on it. Energy bounced out of his crystal energy statue. ... This time it was a little slower. It seemed like the Guardian Wings were analyzing something. However, that was not the case. In fact it was because the Demon from Beyond was actually withdrawing his intellect from the Guardian Wings as he recovered. The Guardian Wings were an ultimate defensive spell without the ability of a Spirit, so the Demon from Beyond has divided a part of his intellect to run it. But of course, it wasn’t too much intellect, especially since the Demon from Beyond was badly injured. That was why Abel could enter and exit like it was his home. Abel knew this might be his last time going into the Holy Kingdom before the Demon from Beyond fully awakened. — After some time, the Guardian Wings finally opened the energy shield up for him again. He took his first step, and he was in! He flew up immediately and arrived at a small city ruled by his faithful called Lar City. It was noon and he levitated above it with his Power of the Will covering it. After years of faith-spreading, ninety-nine percent of the people around were his followers and the preachers were some of the few that he could fully control. He then quickly took out the Golden Castle and five thousand worker puppets were teleported to the ground to construct a Teleportation Circle. Everyone around was startled upon seeing what was happening, but soon the preachers sent out some spiritual energy waves and they calmed down again. Abel had penetrated the holy knight system of the Holy Kingdom long ago. The souls of the holy knights he and Thief God Milton had killed were granted back to them in the Holy Kingdom, thus most of the new gifted holy knights were actually on his side! An old holy knight realized something was wrong so he ran towards the Teleportation Circle hoping to alert the big city, but Abel did not give him the chance. His Half-god energy pressed down, and that knight was locked down! — The five thousand puppets were quick and the Teleportation Circle he wanted to set up was made. All they needed was to install them and soon, a hundred Teleportation Circles controlled by the Magic Circle Spirit penetrated the Holy Kingdom’s teleportation network. If Abel really wanted to go against the Wizard Union, he would have used this technique through the Magic Circle Spirit to take over the Wizard Union’s teleportation network as well! Unfortunately, he had never found the Super Spirit in the Wizard Union, and strength was a key factor when it came to a spirit war. Abel might have an advantage with the Magic Circle Spirit, Research Spirit, and the Analysis Spirit on his side, but the Wizard Union had many more spirits. Unless Abel gathered all his spirits in the central continent, he might have a hard time winning. However, that was not the case with the Holy Kingdom. Their spirit technology was weak and Abel could easily take over their teleportation network In fact, it was much easier than Abel had expected. No one had ever done something like this, and the authority of every Holy Kingdom Teleportation Circle immediately changed to Abel. —— A big alert sounded in the Central Temple! “Our teleportation network is being invaded, our Spirit was kicked out!” The Saint’s face shook. “Where is it coming from?” Knight Marco asked urgently. “Their spirit is too strong, and our spirit was kicked out immediately, there is no way to track them down!” The Saint shook his head helplessly. “Please use the Guardian Wings, I don’t want the Lord to be attacked before his reawakening!” Knight Marco suggested grimly. The Saint nodded and closed his eyes. But to his surprise, the Guardian Wings were reacting much more slowly. After a few attempts, his face filled with desperation. He reopened his eyes and said, “Knight Marco, the Guardian Wings are not responding!” “Gather all the Legendary and Half-god knights!” Knight Marco roared. The Teleportation Circle of other places could fail, but not the Central Temple, because that was where every Legendary and Half-god knight stayed. In just three minutes, a hundred Legendary knights and ten Half-god knights were gathered. “Everyone, guard the Central Temple with your lives!” Knight Marco ordered without further explanation. Soon, the most powerful Knight Formation possible gathered in the Central Temple. It was already the toughest fortress, and with holy energy as support, the presence of the knights only made it stronger! However, it was a mistake. Abel had never even thought about invading the Central Temple. It was where the Demon from Beyond lived, and he was a mere Half-god with no power to protect himself. After all, he was planning to let the Wizard Union take the initial fury from the Demon from Beyond. He only had one goal in mind for this operation, and that was to take every one of his followers with him! He didn’t know what he was doing was sending the Holy Kingdom into chaos. Every Teleportation Circle beside a few private ones stopped working, and every powerful knight remained on guard in the Central Temple. “My child, come to Lar City immediately!” a voice suddenly sounded in the head of every knight and worshiper of Abel. It was Abel’s angel avatar, and it had a special alluring ability to control his followers. Every follower of Abel in the Holy Kingdom began to pack up their stuff and headed towards the Teleportation Circles of their own cities. Soon, a full fifth of the people in the Holy Kingdom began to move, and the Holy Knights could not stop them. It was not just because they could not connect to their superiors, but also because they wouldn’t dare to go against the words of their god! As the angel avatar’s followers stepped into the Teleportation Circles, they automatically activated and the faithful were teleported to Lar City. If they were running out of energy, the knights in Lar City would replenish them with mana gems. The hundred Teleportation Circles kept flashing for ten minutes straight. As they gathered, groups of ten thousand were then teleported into the Golden Castle’s super Teleportation Circle, where they would be transferred to a subcontinent. After considering how big their numbers were, Abel had to use many monster bags to teleport them. If not, it would have taken an astronomical amount of energy. Still, Abel didn’t really care, because he had countless top level gems with his Five-Star Magic Circles in the Golden Castle. In order to make things even more efficient, Abel infused his Druid Soul into the angel avatar through the World Stone. There would be a manager for each hundred followers, and every hundred managers would follow the instructions of a higher manager. At the same time, he alerted the Holy Continent’s Kingdom of St. Ellis to prepare! A hundred million people was a lot of people, but it was not something the Holy Continent couldn’t manage, considering how badly their population had decreased through the years of war and famine. — At the same time, the dwarves in the Holy Continent began working, and a new area with houses was soon built. Large amounts of household goods were transferred there, and the local elves also started to send Magic Circle Makers to perfect the facilities of the place. Abel was the owner of the Holy Continent, and the other two kingdoms there would not disobey him. No one knew where these hundred million new followers came from, and no one dared to question him. But even if they did, the news wouldn’t be able to reach the central continent since the place was tightly regulated by Abel!
Chapter 1451 Chapter 1451: Organizing It has been ten days since Abel started his hard work at the Holy Kingdom, but to his surprise, the worries he had about the Holy Kingdom attacking him never happened. In fact, it was almost like every top level knight had disappeared. At least none of them showed up in the territories he controlled. The twenty-four God Rank Summons he had prepared never made a single move. His followers organized amongst themselves, and the low-rank holy knights did not stop them since they did not have any orders from above. The Saint and the God Rank Knights totally did not see this coming. Abel had not done all of this because of the Demon from Beyond, but because he wanted to save his followers! Still, Abel was very lucky, as he had picked the perfect time to take over the Holy Kingdom Teleportation Circles… when the Demon from Beyond was regaining consciousness! Because of that, the God Rank Knights had no choice but to stay in the Central Temple! The amount of energy Abel had used in this operation was hard to imagine. Even if a small part of it was supplied by Lar City’s Teleportation Circle, most of it was supplied by Abel himself. Not to mention, the Super Teleportation Circle had been activated for ten days straight, which was the heaviest workload it had ever endured. Luckily, the Magic Circle Spirit was powerful enough. During those ten days, Abel was also worried that the Demon from Beyond would fully awaken, but that also never happened. It seemed that losing a hundred million followers did not affect it very much. In fact, if Abel really did bring out all of his God Rank Summons, the half-awake Demon from Beyond might sense a threat and speed up his recovery through some special method. Abel did not ask the Holy Continent about how they wished to manage those followers; all he needed was to say a word and they would give them an individual piece of land. Due to their difference in Faith, they could not interact with normal people, at least for now. As for food, they would be able to sustain themselves by growing crops soon, but for now, they would be supported by the Kingdom of St. Ellis with its speedy crop-growing methods. Abel was no longer afraid of exposing his Third Goddess Spring Water with his current status. After all, no one would mess with him for something so trivial. All of this was why Abel was so confident that the Holy Continent could hold his hundred million followers. ... Those followers still needed laws and rules to follow. Although applying the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of St. Ellis to them would be a lot of work, it was still achievable. After all, those new large cities and towns created for his hundred million followers needed nobles! This gave the big nobles in the Kingdom of St. Ellis a great opportunity to send their extra children to fight for a position of power in those newly established cities and towns. Of course, things were not really rainbows and sunshine. With this sudden growth of population in the Kingdom of St. Ellis, the top authorities of the kingdom were already planning to take over more territories, especially since many of those rulers were knights. After all, none of the three great kingdoms knew that the entire Holy Continent belonged to Abel. Even the Kingdom of St. Ellis themselves did not know! But it was Abel’s intention to maintain their original power dynamic, anyway. —— After ten days, the final batch of followers were teleported away, and Abel took the hundred Teleportation Circles apart once again. The puppets returned to the Golden Castle before they were all stored away once again in Abel’s holy portal bag. Afterwards, Abel Flashed away. The moment the Golden Castle was stored away, the Magic Circle Spirit also let go of its control on the Holy Kingdom’s teleportation network, and the Circles regained their autonomy. — At that moment, Knight Issac ran towards the Saint. His head was covered in sweat and his hair was messy. It was not a good look. Ever since the Magic Circles had returned to normal, vast amounts of messages had gushed in, and their system was overloading. Finally, he had to deactivate every Communication Circle to neutralize it! “Knight Issac, just tell me about the damage!” The Saint waved his hand helplessly after seeing how bad Knight Issac looked. They had been isolated for ten days, and he had no idea what was happening outside. Knight Issac bowed. “Your Grace, I got the report that many of our people have received a prophecy and they were teleported to an unknown land!” “A prophecy? Are you sure?” the Saint frowned. As the Prophet of the Lord, he knew very well what state the Demon from Beyond was in. It only recovered a slight consciousness, it was not enough to directly send out a prophecy. But even if it was needed, it would tell the Saint to do it! “Your Grace, it was a prophecy, which was why the knights had no choice!” Knight Isaac replied. “How many people are gone?’ The Saint felt his heart drop. Something had to be wrong… “One fifth!” Knight Issac estimated. The Saint shot up and gasped, “One fifth?” He almost fainted. That was almost a hundred million followers! “A hundred million people are gone and our intelligence network doesn’t know where they went?” he yelled at Knight Isaac. “Your Grace, please forgive me!” Knight Issac dropped to his knees. He really had no answer. One hundred million was not a small number. There was no way they could have vanished into thin air in just ten days. Even after Knight Isaac ordered a massive search operation, they still found nothing. “One fifth of our people, one hundred million!” the Saint mumbled to himself. Suddenly, a thought struck him. He knew the Faith of the Holy Kingdom had decreased by a fifth recently, which meant another god had used the Holy Kingdom to cultivate his own followers! “Good moves!” the Saint sighed. But it was way too confusing. How was it even possible? Still, it was too late. “Your Grace, only one person could have done this: Abel!” Knight Marco deduced grimly. “Yes, only Abel!” the Saint nodded and added, “I will tell the Lord everything that has happened once he awakens. Abel must be captured by the Lord’s own hands!” After all, it was too easy to make sense of things with Abel in the picture. The reason the top rank holy knights had guarded the Central Temple for ten days was because they thought Abel might attack with his forces! “The Lord will make his soul suffer for eternity!” Knight Marco declared with a cold gaze. But for now, there was not much he could do. After all, no one knew where Abel was! —— Meanwhile, Abel returned to the God of Protection’s Realm, then teleported back to Doff’s Realm. He let out all his gods again, as keeping them gathered was a huge waste. Finally, he took out the Golden Castle again. Even with a hundred million followers gone from the Holy Kingdom, the news never spread to the central continent. However, the effect it had was huge. The God Rank Knights stopped going out of the Holy Kingdom, and the Wizard Union waited at the Warding Wall for no reason. Just like that, a strange sense of peace swept down, while the Wizard Union continued to search for their lost treasure. The dragons did not get involved with the affairs of the land, and instead kept expanding their ocean territories. They discovered large numbers of new islands and minerals. The dwarves’ assistance helped them tremendously. Compared to the land, the ocean was like a whole new world. Since the Wizard Union controlled most of the mines on land, and they had stopped opening mines for the dwarves after they pledged their allegiance to Abel, the dwarves could only expand through the ocean. —– Although things might be going well on the surface, every powerful figure knew it was an illusion. All they needed to do was think about the nineteen God Rank Wizards, and the constantly moving Guardian Wings. It could send shivers down anyone’s spine. Not to mention the phenomena of the fallen God-Rank above the Wizard Union. A big God Rank War might break out at any moment! All forces started to withdraw their forces. The elves fully isolated themselves from the other races. Non-elves were no longer able to enter their territories, even if they registered beforehand. The Death God’s Crazy Heart Valley was going through a similar situation. Large numbers of orcs returned and every priest had to come out of seclusion to prepare for the worst. A God Rank War would be a disaster, and the intermediate forces would be the seed for the conflict! Just like that, a hidden horror loomed over the central continent.
Chapter 1452 Chapter 1452: The Main Hall Dark flames flickered under the Throne of Destruction, almost like the place was drenched in blood. When Abel stepped on the ground, he felt a strange warmth. He took a night of rest before resuming his battle. There were so many oblivion knights around that it took him twelve days to kill them all. A huge door was right in front of him, but he longer had the energy to continue. So once again, he stood at the same place. He knew he had killed most of the Hell creatures around. The last ones were right behind this door. The Throne of Destruction was much bigger than he had thought, and built like a maze. The Hell creatures around seemed to be affected by some strange energy and were much stronger than anything outside. Abel’s intuition told him danger was right in front of him. Maybe it was where Baal’s servants were located. He Summoned a mud monster and it passed the door. The mud monster was slow, but it did not run into any Hell creatures even after a minute. Just when Abel thought he was safe, countless lights suddenly shone down from nowhere and killed the mud monster before it could even react. Abel felt his heart sink. He had fought with Black Souls before, but this place was special! Beyond the door was a huge hall and there was no place to hide. Once those Black Souls gather their powerful strikes, Abel could only hope he wouldn’t be killed instantly! He turned back to his Summons and began to plan. How could he minimize his losses? The Spirit Guardian Knights and wizards would be useless, since they would be killed instantly. Even with God Rank Wizards supporting God Rank Knights, they might not be able to handle those lightning strikes. ... He had sensed almost three hundred lightning strikes landing on the mud monster, which meant there were more than three hundred Black Souls in the hall! It was not a game, it was life and death! But he remembered this Hall of Black Souls from the Diablo game. Only the people with top gear could enter! Although Abel had a great deal of Rune Word Gear, he had never gained any truly top rank items! Am I going to be stuck here? He shook his head. He suddenly remembered when he first entered the Dark World. He was fighting alone against Hell creatures who were much more powerful than he was. Since when did he become so conservative in his fighting? If he couldn’t fight against those three hundred Black Souls, how could he even fight against Baal, or even the Demon from Beyond and the Wizard Union President? “I care too much, I need to regain my confidence!” he said to himself. He looked over the gear he had. It was not the best, but it was still very good! With large amounts of Full Recovery Potions on him and the fact that his health was much stronger than most wizards due to his ability to drain blood, he might have a chance. Not to mention, he had scattered pieces of World Stone that allowed him to fight against Diablos! — He took a Scroll of Town Portal and arrived at Harrogate to Summon Doff’s avatar for a battle mode and commander enchantment. He then returned to the door and added Ice Armor to himself. Finally, he added a gray cloak to his armor. It was no ordinary cloak. It was actually the transformed form of the God Rank sea turtle Ludwig’s shell, after years of alterations! He wasn’t sure if the Cloak could endure the lightning attacks, but he was not planning to take them head on. His heart was calm as he regained his confidence. Afterwards, he fully activated his World Stone and his Druid Soul. With a Flash, he simultaneously cast the Nine-Headed Hydra spell! It was controlled by his Druid Soul, and it landed where the mud monster had been killed. In a red flare of light, a Nine-Headed Hydra was Summoned. It was a top rank wizard spell, capable of making automatic fireball attacks. The Nine-Headed Hydra was called a hydra, but it was actually a Summoned fire creature. Once Summoned, it would keep attacking until its duration was up. As a fire creature, its health was crazily high, but it still disappeared into a red spark after those three hundred Black Souls unleashed their lightning strikes! At that very moment, Abel ignited his Flash without any Summons beside him. He did not believe any of his Summons could survive, but as the possessor of scattered pieces of World Stone, he could clearly see where he was going. The Black Souls quickly turned towards him, but by that point he had Cast another Nine-Headed Hydra spell with a gesture and Flashed away again. Another Nine-Headed Hydra was Summoned on the spot as he disappeared. Abel was not afraid, and instead he felt a thrill he had not experienced in a long time. The Nine-Headed Hydra spit out two fireballs before it was also killed, and one of the fireballs hit the Black Souls. Abel sensed the Black Souls targeting him once again, but he still needed some time to Cast another spell. But he was not nervous, and just twitched slightly. Countless lightning strikes burst around his skin and hair, but they only gave him a little sting. The Black Souls were initially spread out in all corners of the hall with Abel in the middle, but the fact that they had gathered their forces meant Abel now had a chance to strike back! The Ice Armor on him was weakened a little, but he Cast another Nine-Headed Hydra with a smile. Since those Black Souls were already locked on Abel, they would not go after the Nine-Headed Hydra immediately, which gave Abel time to Summon even more of them! Abel was not Flashing about randomly. His targets were the pillars in the middle of the hall, which could help him block their attacks! When he reached the pillars, his body stuck against them like glue, and most of the lightning strikes behind him were blocked. Since those lightning attacks were made from electricity, they could not penetrate the column! At that point Abel Summoned his third Nine-Headed Hydra. Abel then Flashed to another column, but the sudden failure of their attacks caused some Black Souls to change their positions, and that in turn disrupted their attack rhythms. Now those Black Souls were unleashing two sets of attacks, instead of one! That was even more of a hassle, so by that point Abel just started Summoning Nine-Headed Hydras with both hands. He sensed one group of those Black Souls targeting him, and the rest were moving towards his location. His Druid Soul began to calculate. He should have time to Cast one more Nine-Headed Hydra before he Flashed away again. He moved slightly and dodged most of the lightning strikes, but as more gathered, he knew it was time to Flash away. It looked like he was dancing on death’s door, but the number of Nine-Headed Hydras in the hall was growing by the minute, and Abel knew victory would be coming as soon as the first Black Soul was killed. The Nine-Headed Hydra was not the most powerful attack spell, but fire was the most effective element on Black Souls, and they did not have much health in the first place! After all, only elite Hell creatures would be able to have powerful attacks and defenses at the same time! Soon, a dozen Nine-Headed Hydras had gathered, and the Black Souls began to fall into chaos. Their lightning attacks were no longer in sync with one another, and Abel knew he could no longer continue, even with his World Stone activated.
Chapter 1453 Chapter 1453: Colenzo the Annihilator Abel Flashed out of the Hall of Black Souls in the Throne of Destruction, but he was still struck by many lightning bolts. As he calculated through his World Stone and Druid Soul, he would not have been as lucky if he was just a little slower. Even his powerful Turtle Shell Cloak and defenses would not have been able to withstand it! The scariest thing about lightning was its numbing ability, which was unavoidable even if most of the damage was absorbed. He would quickly be rendered totally helpless! Therefore, heading outside was the wisest choice. Still, it did not come without cost. He sensed his Nine-Headed Hydras keep being attacked and vanished. In a second, he Flashed back into the hall, but five Nine-Headed Hydras had already been killed by the Black Souls. But at the same time, one Black Soul dropped dead and turned into ash! The first Black Soul died, which meant Abel had exchanged five Nine-Headed Hydras for a single Black Soul! It seemed like a huge waste, but Nine-Headed Hydras were merely spells! When Abel reappeared in the hall, two hundred and ninety-seven Black Souls turned towards him, and mass lightning strikes shot for him again! But since those Black Souls were more scattered, there were only a few columns for Abel to hide behind in the hall… — Soon enough,eighteen Nine-Headed Hydras had been Summoned in the hall, and another Black Soul dropped dead. Abel kept Flashing around while Summoning Nine-Headed Hydras. After six more volleys of lightning attacks from the Black Souls, Abel couldn’t help but Flash outside again to distract them. This time, with eighteen Nine-Headed Hydras working, another Black Soul dropped dead. Abel continued the process, and maintained twenty working Nine-Headed Hydras, despite their time limit. ... Those Hydras could kill a Black Soul with every three fireballs, and so the number of Black Souls in the hall began to drop. Slowly, Abel felt ever more safe, and his time in the hall grew longer and longer. The number of Nine-Headed Hydras continued to grow, and the Black Souls were dropping dead faster and faster. It might have looked simple, but Abel was totally relying on his World Stone and Druid Soul to fight. If he made a single mistake, the outcome would be catastrophic. Each time he entered the hall, his intuition alerted him of the danger. There was no god in the Dark World, so every godly ability would be suppressed, and even professionals could not use their inner worlds. Therefore, no one could fight like this other than Abel! —— After ten hours, only ten Black Souls were left. Abel had been dancing around the verge of death throughout this time. He brought his whole team into the hall once the attacks of those Black Souls could no longer do much. He did not wait for the Nine-Headed Hydras to finish them. Instead he just called on his knights to end the remaining Black Souls. All of a sudden, silence filled the hall. There were no longer a single Hell creature around, but suddenly, a red glow appeared on a statue on the platform. It was the statue of a giant Diablo, with four blade-like limbs and a humanoid body with four horns. It had not moved at all during his fight with the Black Souls, but all of a sudden it began to morph. As the red glow sparkled, the eyes of the statue gained a sense of life, and it gazed at Abel. Abel gazed back, and a strange soul energy struck at his soul. But considering how powerful his soul was as a wizard, it did not do much. Afterwards, laughter began to emerge from the hall. It sounded like it was coming from the statue, but there were echoes all around. It was a mocking laugh, full of disdain for life. It was the laugh of someone who ruled the world! Someone with a faint heart would definitely be overcome by fear. But that was not Abel. He had been in the Dark World for too long, and his Will was as strong as steel. It did not even budge even the slightest. Since the spiritual impact his Summons took all went to him, they were also fine. After all, they barely even had any emotions. They were almost like war machines, so those spiritual attacks were like soft winds blowing against them. However, Abel was a little confused. Why didn’t his Nine-Headed Hydras attack that statue? Was it not alive? After all, Nine-Headed Hydras would automatically attack any living being that was not their owners. But Abel did not think on it too much. The only way to find out was with an attack, so a lightning spell flashed from his hand. Bang! It landed on nothing. “It was an illusion!” Abel swore to himself. That statue was not even there, it was a mere illusion created by a powerful Diablo! However, a golden glow soon emerged from the statue’s body, and quickly turned dark gold. All of a sudden, it almost looked like it was alive. By this point Abel could clearly see it laughing with a wide grin. With a wave of its hand, a cloud of curse magic loomed over him, and a Rain of Curses poured down before Abel could even react. It was too late, and Abel felt weakness emerging from within him. He was Cursed; his body felt like an old man’s, and his defense quickly dropped by half. “The Aging Curse!” he grunted. He was no stranger to the Aging Curse since he used it all the time, he just had never expected to be on the receiving end of it! “Get ready to fight!” he yelled, but his Summons had also been affected. Still, he had quite a few holy knights on his team, and they began to activate their Cleansing Auras. In just ten seconds, he and his team began to recover. But as soon as the Aging Curse disappeared from him, the illusionary statue waved again and sent forth another one. Abel was caught off guard once again, but this time the statue did not stop. It waved again, and a dimension crack appeared above. Soon, a bunch of little blue devils appeared. Through the World Stone, he saw their leader’s Stats. It was called Colenzo the Annihilator, and it was holding a Dark Gold staff. Beside it were eight Warped Ones. Abel instantly cast his own Aging Curse on the team of little devils, but as soon as the cloud of Curses appeared, Colenzo the Annihilator waved its staff twice. Two spells should have been cast, but Abel couldn’t see them. Just as Abel began to wonder, he felt his body go numb and he could no longer move! Luckily his two wizard Summons Flashed towards the newly emerged Black Souls and cast a Blizzard Storm so they could not attack Abel. The numbness only lasted for a second, and he did not hesitate to attack with his team after he recovered. He knew Colenzo the Annihilator’s ability was to resurrect Hell creatures of its type, but this Dark Gold one could actually resurrect all Hell creatures, which was extremely rare! Luckily, Colenzo the Annihilator was being slowed down by Abel’s Aging Curse, else there would have been even more Black Souls being resurrected! The Warped Ones, on the other hand, were extremely fast with their Aura. Even as the battle started, they had already arrived in front of Abel’s knights and struck them with their blades. However, their health was their weakness. As the holy knights and wizard Summons started to strike back, they began to drop dead. Meanwhile, Colenzo the Annihilator threw out a fireball with its staff and resurrected one of the Warped Ones. Abel was experienced when it came to those types of Hell creatures. In an instant, God Rank Two charged towards Colenzo the Annihilator by himself and started to attack it. Instantly, it had no choice but to stop using spells and strike back with its staff. However, each strike it made came with a red flare, and the energy it unleashed was beyond anything its body should have been able to produce!
Chapter 1454 Chapter 1454: Achmel the Cursed “That’s the Fire Enchantment!” Abel blurted out. It would normally be a nightmare if a Dark Gold boss had the Fire Enchantment ability, but Colenzo the Annihilator was too weak in close combat to kill God Rank Two instantly. Still, Abel was worried as his Druid Soul started to use a Full Recovery Potion on God Rank Two, as he wasn’t sure if Colenzo the Annihilator could unleash an ultimate strike. Colenzo the Annihilator’s health was surprisingly low, but of course, that was only in comparison to Abel’s team. By that point, even the weakest ones, Wizard Frankenstein and Wizard Tony, were Rank 22, and God Ranks One through Seven were all professionals above Rank 35. Their attacks were scarily strong!. Within this battle, he could freely control his team’s formation and maximize their power. Not to mention that he also had some weaker but still useful Spirit Guardian Wizards for support! Since Colenzo the Annihilator was aged and was not strong in the first place, it soon began to shake. Abel had a bad feeling, so he added another bottle of Full Recovery Potion to God Rank Two. As the purple light flashed, Colenzo the Annihilator suddenly expanded and a ring of fire and a ring of lightning shot out around him. A big half of the health of God Rank Two was taken away immediately. Abel took a deep breath. Colenzo the Annihilator had died, but it had still committed such destruction. If he hadn’t used the Full Recovery Potion in time, God Rank Two would be dead! God Rank Two has already been resurrected once. If he was killed, he might not be able to be resurrected again! The flesh and blood of Colenzo the Annihilator was flying in all directions, and some was heading towards Abel. Abel had a Flashing spell prepared so he Flashed away, but as soon as he appeared the blood still somehow managed to land on him. He quickly sensed something strange, but his intuition did not alert him of danger. He quickly realized why. The blood slowly seeped into his body, feeling extremely friendly. It was similar to the experience he had once had with the Ancients; it was energy for the body! He was almost Rank 33 after a year of training, and he knew he would reach his bottleneck in just a few more months. ... Although he had never stayed in a bottleneck for long, he didn’t know how much longer his angel avatar would be able to help him create the energy necessary for leveling up. However, this blood was exactly what he needed, and his three Wizard Patterns and his Laws began to go crazy. He quickly sensed a level-up energy forming, and his Wizard Pattern began to morph. Although the Dark World was no longer the testing ground for Heaven and Hell, some laws still remained. Ever since Hell had lost its interest to rule over the afterlife once it ceased to exist, it had also stopped altering the laws within it. Just like the Ancients, defeating Baal’s Servant was a test, and the victor would be granted the energy to level up! But unlike the Ancients, this was directly helping him level up! It was unlike anything he had felt before. Abel’s Rank 33 Wizard Patterns were formed in just a few breaths, and his soul was altered as well. Normally a level up would take him an hour, but this was almost instantaneous! —— Abel reopened his eyes. Only ten seconds had passed as he began to examine his body. He was now Rank 33! At that moment the Diablo’s laugh emerged again, but this time it felt much more friendly. How could it not be, as no matter how bad it sounded, it was what had helped him to level up!. Abel returned to his original position with eyes full of joy, and an Aging Curse appeared above him again. At the same time, the illusionary Diablo waved again, and a new batch of Hell creatures appeared. Through his World Stone, Abel knew they were a bunch of undead wizards. Among them were some Unravelers, all surrounding Achmel the Cursed. The undead wizards cast some ice bolts towards Abel’s team, but they were extremely weak with their skeletal bodies. As for the Unravelers, they were huge! Black beams shot out from their hands. Achmel the Cursed also spit out a mouthful of poison, turning the area green. Abel himself might not have done too well, but those attacks didn’t actually do much to his knight Summons. The only thing that did some damage was Achmel the Cursed’s poison. Abel underestimated it, and the health of his team quickly dropped as they turned green. Abel unleashed his Power of the Will, and his Druid Soul injected all of his Summons and himself with poison antidotes. In just five seconds, his Summons regained their health. Luckily the poison could not kill them instantly, which meant Abel wasn’t in too much trouble as long as he had enough potions! But just when he thought that was all Achmel the Cursed could do, ten Black Souls suddenly appeared behind him. Although their lightning strikes could not do too much to him with only ten of them, he was still annoyed that they were targeting him. It seemed like Achmel the Cursed could resurrect Hell creatures as well! If he used knight Summons to kill the Black Souls, it would impact his defenses! Therefore, he sent out his twelve Spirit Guardian Knights. Although their attacks were not strong, they should still do something to those burning souls with their Aura. Abel couldn’t let Achmel the Cursed make another move with three hundred dead Black Souls around him. He Cast an Aging Curse, and Achmel the Cursed was slowed down. Some of those undead wizards were already dead, so Achmel the Curse would resurrect them first if it got the chance. However, it was at that moment that he realized the Unravelers had the power to resurrect the undead wizards as well, and the spells his Summons threw at them were not actually doing anything to them. “Magic Resistant!” Abel immediately realized what was happening, so his knights charged ahead. They could use corpses to regain their health, on top of the support of Abel’s antidotes, and they soon charged into the Hell creatures. Since the Unravelers could no longer make long-distance spell attacks, their weak little strikes wouldn’t do anything. The Unravelers started to stop dead one-by-one within the green fog, and Achmel the Cursed just couldn’t resurrect them fast enough. By that point, God Rank Two had also charged over in front of Achmel the Cursed and landed a strike. His close combat was bad, but the five-second duration of the poison antidote suddenly faded from God Rank Two Therefore, even though Achmel the Cursed looked like it was making a normal attack, God Rank Two immediately turned green when a strike landed on his shield. Eighty percent of his health was taken away in an instant, but Abel’s Druid Soul gave Two a Full Recovery Potion and antidote just in time. It was at that moment that Abel truly realized how scary Achmel the Cursed was. It was a Hell creature full of poison, no matter if it was making long-range or close-range attacks! Soon, all the undead wizards had been killed by his Summons, and they all turned their attention towards Achmel the Cursed. Abel added another Aging Curse, while his Spirit Guardian Knights finished killing those ten Black Souls. But rather than telling them to keep fighting, Abel ordered them to put all the dead Black Souls into his portal objects. After all, the Spirits would be killed in an instant if they got close to Achmel the Cursed, and he didn’t want those Black Souls to be resurrected again. He had enough of their lightning attacks! Large numbers of spells landed on Achmel the Cursed, but they weren’t doing much because Achmel the Cursed was also Magic Resistant. It was normal for a Dark Gold boss to have such an ability, but it did not change its fate. With so many antidotes available to Abel, it was just a matter of time until Achmel the Cursed was killed!
Chapter 1455 Chapter 1455: Baruch the Bloody Without the protection of the other Hell creatures, Achmel the Cursed soon ran out of things it could do. All of its attacks were focused on God Rank Two, who was using a poison antidote every five seconds. After ten rounds of full attacks, Achmel the Cursed began to swell in size. This time Abel had prepared and he immediately added a Full Recovery Potion on God Rank Two before Achmel the Cursed exploded. However, this explosion was surprisingly small. Little did Abel know that it was actually a poison explosion and would give anyone who touched it double the normal amount of poison damage. Since a single poison attack could take eighty percent of health from God Rank Two, it would have been dead if Abel’s antidote had stopped working! —— After Achmel the Cursed died, blood gushed out from the ground towards Abel once again. This time Abel did not plan to dodge, but he was still worried if its blood had poison so he quickly added another antidote on himself. The familiar tingle of the blood entered his body, and energy started to charge towards his three Wizard Patterns crazily once again. Since his Wizard Patterns were built from the Dark World’s energy in the first place, they automatically transformed into mana and the Power of Laws. It only took him ten seconds before he was at the middle stage of Rank 33! Abel sighed at the power of this energy. It was basically the same as hundreds of years of training for normal professionals in the central continent, but still, he felt a little unsatisfied that he hadn’t leveled up again. Suddenly, the illusionary Diablo Cast another Aging Curse. It seemed that Diablo was not intelligent at all. Abel still had the Purify Aura covering him and the Aging Curse wouldn’t be effective on him. Abel knew another round of Baal’s servants would soon appear, so he regrouped his team with his holy knights up front. ——– When the Diablo laughed, Baruch the Bloody appeared on the platform, along with a bunch of Councilors. They quickly Summoned ten Nine-Headed Hydras. Such irony! Abel had been killing Black Souls with his own Nine-Headed Hydras not long ago, and now they were the ones attacking him! ... A Helping Aura appeared among his team. It was the instinct of his holy knight Summons to protect against elemental attacks. Abel was not planning to attack those Nine-Headed Hydras. The wiser move was to take down the Councilors who had Summoned them! His seven holy knight Summons charged forward as Abel cast an Aging Curse for a slowdown. In just a second, the Councilors Summoned another round of Nine-Headed Hydras, and twenty Nine-Headed Hydras started to attack God Rank Three! Considering how strong Baruch the Bloody was, a third of God Rank Three’s health was taken away in an instant. If those councilors keep Summoning more Nine-Headed Hydras, deaths might actually occur in his team. His defense would take a big hit if that happened. After all, his current rank was not powerful enough to challenge the Throne of Destruction. The Dark World had a different ranking system. A professional would become God Rank once he broke through Rank 35 and was able to control the laws of his inner world, allowing him to unleash hundreds of spells at once. But in the Dark World, gear played a much bigger role and Abel’s Gear wasn’t powerful enough to face the Throne of Destruction, even though it was unlike anything in the central continent. All he could rely on was the coordination he had with his Summons! “Hold back Baruch the Bloody!” Abel called out. Since the Nine-Headed Hydra he Summoned himself had the most powerful fireball, his team would have a very hard time if he Summoned another one. However when God Rank Two was halfway through his charge, three more fireballs struck him and his health almost bottomed. Abel felt his heart tensed as he Summoned the mud monster and gave God Rank Two a Full Recovery Potion through the Druid Soul. As soon as the mud monster appeared, Baruch the Bloody slowed down once again. However, he still managed to Summon his fourth Nine-Headed Hydra and was now capable of killing Abel’s knight in an instant! Suddenly, God Rank Three charged over to one of Baruch the Bloody’s Nine-Headed Hydras and unleashed a full attack. The three remaining Nine-Headed Hydras focused their attacks on God Rank Three once again, and the mud monster jumped forward to block. A single fireball landed on it, and it was blasted to pieces. Two fireballs landed on God Rank Two, but by that point he was closing in on Baruch the Bloody. Just when it was about to make a strike, Baruch the Bloody suddenly Flashed away, reappearing on another corner before it started to Summon more Nine-Headed Hydras. “Damn it, extra fast!” Abel was fully focused on the battle and knew what had just happened. Each Nine-Headed Hydras could take a third of the health from God Rank Two, and God Rank Three could only keep one occupied. Abel quickly thought of a solution. All of his other holy knight Summons were keeping the Councilors occupied and he didn’t think he would be able to withdraw them. After all, his Spirit Guardian Knights would be smashed into pieces with just a few strikes. Abel began to think about the spells he could use, all those from being a wizard, priests, and druid. He quickly Summoned two Nine-Headed Hydras next to Baruch the Bloody. It was Nine-Headed Hydras vs Nine-Headed Hydras, but Abel’s spells were blasted away before they even had the chance to attack. That showed just how strong Baruch the Bloody’s Summoning spells were! But the distraction was all he needed, and he could Cast his spells a little faster than Baruch the Bloody. Doing this was like dancing on a wire, as a single mistake meant death! Meanwhile, Abel’s wizard Summons were focused on attacking those Councilors. The number of normal Nine-Headed Hydras began to drop as Councilors were killed. Baruch the Bloody kept Flashing around the hall. Since he was a Dark Gold boss as well as Baal’s servant, God Rank Two’s Holy Freeze did not do much to him, but Two kept chasing after him. If Abel had not used his own Nine-Headed Hydras to distract Baruch the Bloody’s Nine-Headed Hydras, his team would have taken a huge loss. As more and more Councilors dropped dead, Abel’s holy knight Summons were finally able to help God Rank Two and chase after Baruch the Bloody. Abel let out a long breath of relief. It was a dangerous battle, and Abel had to keep Summoning Nine-Headed Hydras. His seven holy knights finally began to do some damage to Baruch the Bloody, but the fight still had some time to go, considering how much health it had!
Chapter 1456 Chapter 1456: Ventar the Unholy If Abel had not had seven holy knight Summons to surround Baruch the Bloody, its extra speed and strength could have turned the chase into a marathon. Its Nine-Headed Hydras were also being quickly destroyed by Abel’s team. Soon, the only one left in the hall was Baruch the Bloody, fighting by itself. Of course, Abel’s wizard Summons also joined in the attacks, and Abel kept a close eye on Baruch the Bloody’s condition. Lightning strikes from Hell blasted out of Baruch the Bloody each time his knight Summons landed a strike on him. Although Abel’s knight Summons could handle the fight for now, even though Baruch had a Lightning Enchantment, Abel knew very well some of his knights might die if Baruch unleashed an all-out self-destruction. After all, a Lightning Enchantment directly targeted the health of an enemy, and the chance of his knights surviving it was slim. “Aging Curse!” Abel yelled and activated the World Stone. “Retreat!” he added quickly. After countless years of experience, his team worked together perfectly, and his holy knights withdrew speedily. At the same time, Abel Cast a Bone Wall in front of his knights to protect them. As Baruch the Bloody was about to use his Flash again, another Bone Wall appeared and trapped him. He roared as his only hope was gone. The wizard Summons kept attacking, even the weakest Spirit Guardian Wizards using their bows, and Baruch the Blooody’s health began to bottom out. Bang! Flesh blasted towards all directions, filled with lightning energy. The Bone Wall was smashed in an instant. A smile emerged on Abel’s face. Baruch the Bloody gave him a lot of trouble, but he had still found a way to deal with him! As blood gushed towards him, he opened his arms to accept the enemy’s offering. —— Able knew he was about to level-up again when his Wizard Pattern filled up. ... Under the special laws of the Dark World, three Rank 34 Patterns formed within him, and the level-up energy display soon emerged. Abel was stunned; he would soon reach God Rank if the energy kept rushing in! The mana needed for a rank 34 Pattern was much greater than his current Pattern, so the energy stopped once it reached the middle point of Rank 34. —— Abel didn’t know how to react. He had leveled up before he even knew it! He turned towards the Diablo excitedly. Just as he expected, it Cast another Aging Curse, and another team of Dark Lords appeared, along with their leader, Ventar the Unholy! As soon as they appeared, Abel threw his own prepared Aging Curse out, but to his surprise, they were actually much faster than he expected. Every single one of them had an extra speed ability and they arrived in front of Abel’s seven holy knights right after he missed his Aging Curse. At the same time, they spit out flames at the rate of three balls per second, and covered the hall in lava! Ventar the Unholy’s flames were definitely the most powerful ones, and God Rank Three’s health dropped quickly as it was hit. Abel’s Druid Soul quickly replenished him with a Full Recovery Potion, but it was almost drained again the next second. At the same time, all of his other Summons were going through something similar. Their attacks were scarier than anything that had come before, and their extra speed was so fast Abel could barely even react. Even with their Holy Aura, Holy Shield, Knight Formation, and coordination with each other, the Summons were having a very hard time dealing with the flames! Abel knew he had to react quickly, so he quickly Flashed away with his knight Summons. They reappeared in another corner of the hall, but as he spread out his Power of the Will, he realized the place was bound by a special energy and he could not leave, no matter what! Bone Wall spells flashed from both of Abel’s hands, and the Dark Lords and Ventar the Unholy could not get close to him. Since their fire attacks were not long-range attacks, the emergence of the Bone Walls gave Abel enough time to heal up his Summons. Indeed, the Bone Walls were holding those Hell creatures back, but it was a mistake to think more Bone Walls would enhance the effect. Since the flames’ power depended on the range, one Bone Wall and many Bone Walls would not make too much difference. Considering how small the hall was, they would still be able to break through eventually. Abel quickly ordered his team to charge. Even if he had to sacrifice a bit of health, he needed to cast an Aging Curse on them! It was effective, and the Hell creatures were slowed down. But it was also at that moment that all the Bone Walls were shattered by Ventar the Unholy. After all, it could kill a holy knight Summon in just a second. Three beams of flames with the Hell Enchantment shot forward, and Abel had no choice but to Flash away again with his team. He reappeared in another corner and cast another Bone Wall to hold Ventar the Unholy back from his team again. Abel quickly realized Ventar the Unholy’s resistance to long-distance magic and his health recovery rate was extraordinarily high. “Target the Dark Lords first!” Abel ordered, and his team focused all their attacks on the Dark Lords, one by one. —— As he kept Flashing around the hall, all the Dark Lords were killed after half an hour. Luckily Ventar the Unholy couldn’t resurrect Hell creatures like the other bosses. If he could, then he would be too overpowering! Abel also began to make a move himself. After all, Ventar the Unholy’s magic resistance was way too high, and he could not let the battle drag on. These battles were taking a lot out of his spirit. Although he could normally battle for ten days without stopping, normal fights were nowhere as dangerous as these. A single mistake could mean death! “God Rank Two, go first. Three, Four, and Six switch positions!” Abel ordered grimly. In the face of a Dark Gold Boss with the ability to unleash three beams of flames at once as a mass attack, it was best to take turns striking it instead of surrounding it. Each of Abel’s most powerful knights could survive for at least a second, so one could heal up while the others struck. God Rank Two charged towards Ventar the Unholy and slammed into his body. Although Ventar did not even budge, the knight attracted his attention. Three firebeams landed on the knight’s shield, and over half of his health was drained. However, the knight quickly followed up with a shield bash and stunned Ventar the Unholy. Still, as a Dark Gold boss in the Throne of Destruction, such a weak attack would not be able to affect him for long. The moment God Rank Two’s health was about to bottom out, God Rank Three charged forward, allowing Two to back out and take in a Full Recovery Potion from the Druid Soul.
Chapter 1457 Chapter 1457: Lister the Tormentor The four God Rank Knights took turns striking. It was very dangerous, but they still successfully managed to hold back Ventar the Unholy. With the Summons’ combined close and long-range attacks, Ventar the Unholy’s health began to drop. Still, Abel was not happy. With Ventar the Unholy’s regeneration speed, this battle might last a long time. He soon turned to the dead Dark Lords on the ground and thought of an idea. He pointed at one of the dead bodies and yelled, “Poison Blast!”. It soon expanded and blasted open. Greed engulfed Ventar the Unholy. Although it was not the most powerful attack, a special ability of poison was that it could prevent an enemy from regenerating! Indeed, Ventar the Unholy’s rapid regeneration quickly stopped working, and his health began dropping at a much faster rate. There were not enough dead Dark Lords around to sustain the poison for long, but Abel quickly thought of another solution. Those dead Dark Souls his spirit guardian knights had put away! —— After a hundred Dark Souls were used up. Ventar the Unholy dropped dead with a roar. This time the boss did not self-destruct, but Abel still Cast his Bone Wall for protection. After all, safety was the most important thing! Red blood gushed out from Ventar the Unholy’s body and he quickly turned into a dried-up corpse. The blood charged into Abel’s body, but this time it gave him a burning sensation. It was not pleasant at all. The blood of Hell creatures was bound by the Laws of the Dark World so it did not have the rotting smell of a Hell creature, but Ventar the Unholy’s blood came with a sense of evil. But nothing was perfect. As long as it got the job done, Abel was fine with it. ... Energy rushed into Abel’s Rank 34 Patterns and they were quickly filled up. Another level-up energy display shot forth, and he sensed his body change again. Even after experiencing it twice before, he still couldn’t get used to it. It was lucky he was not in the central continent. If he was, he would need to take care of his territories as well, else he would be stuck at the power of a Rank 32 Wizard. The level-up energy came fast, and went faster. In just ten seconds, three Rank 35 Wizard Patterns emerged in his soul, and he still had enough energy left over to replenish some of his Power of Law and mana. He opened his arms and sensed the changes of his body since he could not test his Power of the Will in the Dark World. At that moment, an Aging Curse from the Diablo shook him up. He promptly Cast ten Bone Walls with his Druid Soul in front of him before more servants of Baal were Summoned. As the Diablo continued to laugh, Abel casted his own Aging Curse. As the team of Minions of Destruction appeared with their leader, Lister the Tormentor, Abel’s Aging Curse landed perfectly. However, the Minions of Destruction were so huge the Aging Curse did not do much to them! They charged towards the first Bone Wall and smashed it. It was at that moment that Abel learned how strong Lister the Tormentor was. If it could smash a Bone Wall in a second, his knights would also be killed in a few seconds! “I can’t fight a close battle like this!” Abel mumbled to himself. He quickly Flashed towards another corner of the hall and began to set up another array of Bone Walls. Since he learned his lesson, he ordered his team to focus on a single Minion of Destruction. But to his surprise, each one of those Minions of Destruction was as strong as Ventar the Unholy when it came to defense, health, and regeneration speed! What is this? Ventar the Unholy was a Dark Gold boss, and they were only normal Hell creatures. Abel stared at the Minions of Destruction. They were basically like walking dragons! Everything related to dragons was extremely strong, and the Dark World was no exception. So it wasn’t too surprising that each of them were almost as strong as a Dark Gold Boss! “What should I do?” Abel was out of ideas. Not only was Abel and his team not strong enough, the difference in their Ranks were also huge. It was literally impossible that he could even challenge the servants of Baal as a Rank 32 Wizard. If it was not because he had so many tactics and the fact that his team worked together so well, he would not have been able to win the previous battles. But what could he do, now that they were so strong? He could not even leave a scratch on them! Abel kept Flashing away to increase his distance, Casting Bone Walls and Aging Curses to slow the Minions down. No matter how trivial it was, he could still attempt to do some hit and run, else he was basically just waiting to die! “Let’s take some risks!” he hissed, and activated his World Stone after Casting two more Bone Walls. At that moment a Minion of Destruction stepped out of formation, so he quickly Cast a Bone Prison and trapped it. Abel divided half of his consciousness into his Druid Soul and Summoned the angel avatar. Wearing its long gray cloak, it appeared with Black Wind under it. The Minion of Destruction smashed the Bone Prison with merely two attacks, but by that point the rest of the Minions of Destruction and Lister the Tormentor were already some distance in front of it, so Abel quickly arrived in front of it with his angel avatar. His main body, on the other hand, was in big trouble, but he still managed to cast more Bone Walls with half his soul remaining. His angel was more powerful than any Summons he had when it came to close combat. He just rarely used it because it could generate Faith for him, and Summoning it would limit his ability to use Priest skills, such as Curses. Since angels leveled up in mysterious ways, Abel did not know exactly how powerful it was. All he knew was that it was getting stronger. The angel avatar was formed out of Light energy and had four wings. Even the Demon from Beyond did not have four wings. It was just that it was still way too young. Even with its four wings, it was like a child holding a sharp blade. The angel had not stopped working during these past few years. Using the large number of followers in the Holy Kingdom, the angel avatar was constantly strengthening itself. Still, Abel was worried it could not take down a single Minion of Destruction, so he had given it the gray cloak made from a holy turtle shell. The angel body was truly one of Abel’s bodies. It was unlike his Summons. Although he didn’t know what would happen if it died, he wasn’t going to take the risk! What if he lost half of its consciousness with the Druid Soul? Then he would be an idiot, even if he survived. With no more Bone Walls and Aging Curses, those other Minions of Destruction charged towards Abel’s main body at immense speed!
Chapter 1458 Chapter 1458: A Hard Fight Abel surrounded his Summons with his Power of the Will and Flashed to the other corner of the hall. This time he was extremely careful that he moved in the opposite direction of the angel avatar. The Minions of Destruction and Lister the Tormentor charged towards him again at immense speed without the Aging Curse. Abel tried to cast the Nine-Headed Hydra spell to block the Minions of Destruction, but they just completely ignored it! Luckily Abel had another Flash spell prepared, and he quickly Flashed away again. Indeed, he did not even have time to strike back! — Meanwhile, the other half of his consciousness focused on the angel avatar as it battled with a single Minion of Destruction. It stuck down with its Holy Angel Sword, while the Minion of Destruction struck back with its giant mouth, sharp claws, and tail. It was fast, almost as fast as the angel avatar. Although the Minion of Destruction could easily injure a holy knight Summon, the angel avatar had a clear advantage in strength. It blocked with its Shield and fearlessly continued attacking with its holy sword. Slash! A big cut was opened on the Minion of Destruction’s thick skin, raising a roar of agony. Abel was confused. Was that Minion of Destruction bellowing in pain? That should not happen, no matter how sharp or powerful the holy sword was… Unless a Hell creature was in critical condition, they would not roar like that. That was the Law of Hell and the power of their souls. Abel soon realized the reason. It was the Light energy being delivered with each strike! Light energy was fundamentally opposed to the energy of Hell. If he was fighting against a Diablo, the winner would be determined by the one with the greater energy. The Light energy was clearly more powerful against normal Hell creatures, like the Minions of Destruction. As he kept striking, the Minion of Destruction kept stepping back with each attack. Abel was a full Commander who had inherited knightly Skills. On top of his angel knowledge, his swordplay was impressive. ... With all of these attributes, he was clearly dominating the Minion of Destruction. It was just that it had too much health and he could not kill it in a short time. At the same time, his main body was running for his life, so Abel couldn’t just focus on one thing. Considering how tight the space was, he could not Cast any spells other than Flashing. Of course, the fact that he had to surround all his Summons with his Power of the Will before Flashing also hindered his speed. As those Minions of Destruction and Lister the Tormentor got used to chasing after Abel, they also minimized their unnecessary moves, which made them much faster. Since Abel only had half his consciousness in his original body, he was clearly a step slower, too. He gathered his most important summons around him, leaving the weakest Spirit Guardian Knights on the outer edge. Soon Lister the Tormentor managed to strike a Spirit Guardian Knight. Its immense force did not send it flying, instead blasting it directly to pieces. Abel sensed a sharp pain from his soul as he ignited another Flash. By the time he reappeared, all he could hear was the gear of that Spirit Guardian Knight dropping towards the ground. He was helpless. Such a powerful enemy was too out of his league. Without the Druid Soul, he lost the ability to cast spells with both hands at once, which was his most powerful ability back in the central continent. Still, a Spirit Guardian Knight was not something he couldn’t afford to lose. He did not allow himself to be distracted as he ignited another Flash. Meanwhile, the angel avatar moved even faster, and finally his Angel Sword sliced the head of that Minion of Destruction open. Without stopping, he quickly turned in another direction and the Dark Gold bow Buriza-Do Kyanon appeared in his hand. He aimed at another Minion of Destruction and an arrow infused with Light energy shot out as he released. Light energy was the worst enemy to those Minions of Destruction, and could inflict great injury to the soul. That Minion of Destruction quickly broke from its team and charged towards the angel avatar. The angel avatar stayed calm as it changed back to its Angel Sword and Shield for another round of close combat. Those Minions of Destruction relied on their instincts to fight. Although their speed and power could normally give them an upper hand, the angel avatar was a master of sword skills and the Minion was soon helplessly beaten by the angel avatar. — As time went on, more and more Minions of Destruction were killed by this method. At first Abel was in a totally hopeless situation, but with all the Minions of Destruction dead, he might have a chance. Still, Abel did not let his guard down, because Lister the Tormentor was the strongest of them! The angel avatar ignited a Knightly Charge and slammed into Lister the Tormentor’s body. He did not even budge, but the Light energy burned at his soul. Lister turned around with a roar, but the angel avatar took this opportunity and slashed his head with its Angel Sword. Lister the Tormentor was also fighting on instinct and could not help but roar before attacking. To his surprise, Abel used that chance to land another hit on it. Abel was also not satisfied by the result. Given how thick Lister the Tormentor’s skin was, the blow only damaged the surface. The Light energy stimulated it and its eyes turned bloody red. Lister felt his dignity was being insulted and he had to unleash his fury. He bit, clawed, and swiped with his tail. He was just like those Minions of Destruction, but almost twice as powerful! The angel blocked with its Angel Shield while stepping back to disperse the energy. It was a special technique to fight against great force, but it rarely needed it. The damage it took was tiny, which infuriated Lister the Tormentor even more! However, the angel avatar continued to block every attack Lister the Tormentor unleashed. With its skills, the long gray cloak, and the Angel Shield, it was indeed holding back a frightening monster! Meanwhile, God Rank Two unleashed his Preaching Aura at Abel’s command, and a green glow appeared below Lister the Tormentor as the angel avatar landed a strike. A long cut was opened up on Lister the Tormentor, and blood gushed out. It was its first major injury, the Preaching Aura limiting its powerful defense! — The angel avatar continued fighting, and Abel ordered all his other Summons to help. God Rank Three unleashed a Burning Aura to boost the angel avatar’s speed and attack. Although it was still at a disadvantage in power, the gap was nowhere as wide now. Most importantly, Lister the Tormentor’s resistance to elemental damage was drastically reduced, and the spells coming in were making its health drop faster. Everything was looking bright, but suddenly a ghostly beam shot out from Lister the Tormentor, and its claws landed on the angel avatar. In an instant, half of the angel avatar’s health was taken away. “Damn it, a Spectral Hit!” Abel knew what it was. This ability might not be much on a normal Hell creature, but wielded by Lister the Tormentor, it could do an instant kill! Luckily the angel avatar’s gray cloak had dispersed most of the impact. If not, that strike would have taken its life! He quickly poured a bottle of Full Recovery Potion down and resumed the fight, but this time, he knew he should be much more careful!
Chapter 1459 Chapter 1459: Rank 35! Although Lister the Tormentor could not use an inner world to enchant himself like the professionals of the central continent, he was still more powerful than anything Abel had ever seen in the Dark World. His power lay within his body, soul, his immense speed, and that Spectral Blow. It was a nightmare to fight him in close combat. Abel would not have stood a chance without the angel avatar. The angel avatar stepped back and used a Full Recovery Potion, but every Spectral Blow was just as effective as the ones before. Abel focused all his consciousness in the Druid Soul of his angel avatar. The fight was no longer looking as bright with a wall closing in behind him. With such rapid attacks coming from Lister the Tormentor, it was very hard for the angel avatar to change direction. He needed space to keep falling back, or else he would be taking all the force from Lister’s attacks. Once his defense was broken, he would be killed in an instant! Alternate solutions sped through his mind. With his current team’s power, they could not deal enough damage to kill Lister the Tormentor in time. Suddenly, he thought of his rarely used Druid Summon, the Thorn Spirit! He quickly Summoned it from the Monster Ring. The most powerful thing about it was its ability to give every member of a team the power to rebound close-range attacks on them! It was totally useless against spells, and it was not as powerful as the Thorn Aura of the holy knights. If a Thorn Aura could have been shared, Abel might not even have kept the Thorn Spirit around. There was a flash of white light, all of his Summons glowing as the Thorn Spirit appeared. That included the angel avatar, as glowing thorns appeared on its body. When Lister the Tormentor struck again with its claws, the angel avatar blocked and stepped back again. But this time, Lister the Tormentor shook and it also stepped back! It was the first time it had ever stepped back in this fight, which gave the angel avatar more room again. The angel avatar stepped forward at immense speed and met Lister the Tormentor at the same spot. As they kept striking one another, it was hard to tell who was more powerful. But Abel’s team kept firing, and the health of Lister the Tormentor began to drop. ... In another ghostly flash, Lister the Tormentor unleashed another Spectral Blow, and the angel avatar was driven back four steps, with blood gushing out of its mouth. But due to the sixfold rebound effect of the Angel Shield, Lister the Tormentor was sent flying backward like a spear, and blood gushing from his mouth as well! Purple light flashed on the angel avatar and the Full Recovery Potion took effect. The avatar quickly followed up with a dash ahead, and it was no longer being driven back to the wall. A smile appeared on Abel’s face. He had finally found a way to defeat Lister the Tormentor! More impacts followed. The Spectral Blow he was worried about the most had become Lister the Tormentor’s own nightmare. Since Lister the Tormentor did not have a Full Recovery Potion, victory was tipping toward Abel! His angel avatar did not even need to attack, all he needed was a perfect defense each time, and Lister the Tormentor would be injured by his own power. —— After ten whole hours, Lister the Tormentor began to slow down. The angel avatar finally landed a strike on his head. Lister the Tormentor shook angrily and let out a roar. It sounded like he was calling for his owner in outraged frustration. The angel avatar quickly disappeared with Black Wind and BANG! Lister the Tormentor blasted himself to pieces. Luckily Black Wind moved far enough, and the angel avatar did not make contact with the blast. Considering how much health Lister the Tormentor had, anything within that range would be dead! The angel avatar rushed back into Abel’s body, and Black Wind returned to the Monster Ring. Abel didn’t want to be distracted while Lister the Tormentor’s blood was entering him. —— Soon, blood began to separate from the flesh of Lister the Tormentor, and Abel could clearly sense that it was much thicker than the ones that had come before. Indeed, it felt like a waterfall when it entered him! The energy it brought was almost as much as the previous four Baal servants combined! Abel felt his heart lift. Was he finally going to become a God Rank? But he soon realized how much energy was needed to become Rank 36. The energy was only slowly filling up his Rank 35 Wizard Patterns! After thirty seconds, his Rank 35 Wizard Patterns were brought to the brink of fulfillment. It did not cause a level-up. It was a pity, but he soon remembered how different the Dark World was compared to the Central Continent. Even if he successfully became a God Rank, it would be useless without an inner world! Still, he felt much more powerful. Before these battles he was only Rank 32, and now he was Rank 35! Such speedy leveling up almost made him forget how much trouble he had been in with Lister the Tormentor. In fact he was a little irritated that no more Hell bosses were created. “Hahaha!” The mad laugh emerged again, and the half-transparent Diablo disappeared from the platform. As soon as it disappeared, Abel sensed a passage open up behind him. The door had been hidden before, or else Abel would have noticed it long ago since it was glowing a dim red. Abel quickly headed towards the door, but he immediately sensed immense evil lurking within along with waves of weeping sounds. His intuition was warning him to stay back. He trusted his intuition and knew his chance of surviving would be low if he continued. A frown appeared on his face. Was Baal behind that door? Abel could get a sense of Baal’s power by thinking about its servant. Abel knew it was also a possessor of a World Stone piece, so it was much scarier than fighting creatures who only used instincts. It would be a horrifying battle. At first Abel was planning to keep going, but he couldn’t help but hesitate after sensing the horror awaiting him. He pondered his situation, and realized he might become Rank 36 with just a bit more training. He would be much more confident in his ability then! Stopping there, Abel did not enter the red door. Instead he gazed deeply and took out a Scroll of Town Portal. “Next time I’ll kill Baal!” he promised himself. —— By the time he returned to the Golden Castle, it was night time. He had been training ruthlessly for the last two years. He unleashed his Power of the Will from the training room to see if it could reach the balcony of the Golden Castle. To his surprise, the growth he had was jaw-dropping. The last time he tested himself, he only had a Power of the Will with a range of 4000 meters without using the Crown of the Goddess of the Hunt. He now had a Power of the Will range of 7000 meters, which would be 14,000 meters with the Hunting Crown! At the same time, he felt like his Territory had undergone a huge change as well. He Flashed up and appeared on the Golden Castle platform. He unleashed his three Territories. Every inch of land within 14,000 meters was in his grasp. Of course, the Power of Law he controlled within that range was not that much, but it still meant he had an attack range of fourteen kilometers! It was a pity that his Territories didn’t level up with his Wizard Patterns, which was why they were so weak in comparison. But still, since he was now out of the Dark World’s suppression, his Territories would begin to grow. They just needed some time, since the growth he had undergone was too great!
Chapter 1460 Chapter 1460: Secure Abel sat on the Golden Castle platform with a glass of Water Spirit fruit juice while feeling the changes he had undergone. After such intense battles, he was more relaxed than ever. But of course, it was also because he had already explored most of the places in the Dark World. As for killing Baal, he would need to become God Rank and level-up his gear even more. At the same time he used up way too many Potions, he needed to replenish them soon. — The Power of Law kept rushing into his three Territories. The light energy in his Territories could no longer be concealed with the sudden increase, and the other elements within them were also growing crazily. Abel sensed his Territories were quite unstable. It seemed a fast level-up was quite troublesome after all! In the following days, Abel tried his best to take care of the matter, and his three Territories slowly reached his Rank. He could not rush the matter, but he still had some time before his Rank 35 was stabilized anyway. He turned to the Holy Kingdom. After he had moved his hundred million followers to the Holy Continent, he no longer knew what had happened within it. But he did not regret his decision. The amount of Faith generated by a hundred million followers was enough to travel all the way and reach him in the Golden Castle. Each day, the angel statue below the Golden Castle was absorbing large amounts of Faith! It was one-fifth of the Faith from the Holy Kingdom, but it did not need to supply the Guardian Wings and run the Holy Kingdom. It was all going into the angel avatar. With those followers around, the angel avatar was getting more powerful by the day. Abel had gotten a true taste of the angel avatar’s power during its fight with Lister the Tormentor. It had come a long way since its creation. ... Sometimes he was even a little envious of his angel avatar. His original body needed luck to level up, but all his angel avatar needed was Faith to turn into light energy! There were no ranks to his angel avatar, but it was born a God Rank, and it could predict the movement of its opponents perfectly. He reached his Power of the Will into the angel avatar shadow in his Druid Soul and sensed how his followers were doing in the central continent. As soon as he entered, he sensed Faith rushing in like water. If his Power of the Will were not so powerful with the World Stone and the Druid Soul, no way he would have been able to handle it. He was no god, and normally even gods would use their Kingdoms to manage their Faith. The angel avatar’s shadow was like a Kingdom. It could not be taken out, yet he kept supplying it with energy. The only thing was that he never heard of a god putting their Kingdom in their soul! As he continued to reach for God Rank, he had truly realized just how different the angel avatar was. But for now, his main mission was to level up himself, as the angel avatar still had not reached a bottleneck. He quickly looked through the prayers. Some of them were about the anxiety of their new lives, but more were about their gratitude to god. After all, they had been freed from the war. It was especially true since the Holy Kingdom had ordered their followers to pray from day to night for more Faith, which had added an intense atmosphere to their lives. They all knew one thing: a huge war was coming! Although they had lost their home and assets, this new land they were given also came with houses, food, and stuff for daily living. For the first time, those followers also saw people from other religions. In the Holy Kingdom, they were told that such people were their worst enemies, yet they had received a new Divine Edict that they should tolerate them and treat them as equals. Since the Holy Continent had never been attacked by the Holy Kingdom, there were not any tensions between them. However, it could not have happened in the central continent, since the people there kept getting attacked. The Kingdom of St Ellis was treating the followers very well. With the dwarves’ assistance, cities had begun to sprung up. Maybe I need a god to help me manage these messages!, Abel thought to himself as he read through the prayers. After all, the angel avatar had no time to manage them! But if he left them alone, those followers might get less faithful… After all, the Holy Kingdom was in a constant state of pressure, and his followers might get more relaxed as time went on. Abel thought about his eleven new gods. They were all busy recovering their Kingdoms. Since Abel was worried about the Wizard Union discovering them, he did not let them recruit more followers. The only one with nothing to do was Thief God Milton. He did not have any Kingdom, and Abel would not let him make one in the near future considering how furious the Wizard Union had gotten over the Mountain God. If he was not careful, a God Rank war could easily break out! The Wizard Union’s President was on his way back and the Demon from Beyond was about to reawaken. Abel didn’t want to be the one to light the fuse. Abel quickly called Thief God Milton over and began to wonder how it could help the angel avatar manage its Faith. Abel had no idea what to do, but he had some guesses. If the Angel Statue Shadow was really like a Kingdom, other gods should be able to enter as long as he was willing. It was just like Doff the War God’s Realm, which other gods could enter and help him take care of stuff there. The moment Abel moved his Power of the Will, Thief God Milton disappeared and reappeared within the Angel Statue Shadow. However, the praying Izual immediately opened its eyes with killing intent as soon as Thief God Milton appeared. To Izual, this place was holy, and it would unleash all its power to kill any intruder, even after countless years of torture in Hell. Thief God Milton instinctively turned invisible, but nothing could escape Izual in the Angel Statue Shadow! Abel quickly stopped Izual. If its soul had not been injured, Thief God Milton might have been killed already! After Izual received Abel’s command, it closed its eyes again and continued to pray. Abel then gave Thief God Milton permission to make contact and reply to the prayers. Immediately Thief God Milton started working like it was his nature as a god. He did not hesitate, even though there were a hundred million followers. Abel allowed those followers to access Doff’s healing spells and large amounts of Potions. It was the best way to increase their Faith! He took out thousands of Lite Healing Potions and placed them in Thief God Milton’s portal bag. Afterwards, he allocated them out to the preachers. Just like that, the deserted north of the Kingdom of St Ellis became even more lively. —— Settling a hundred million people was not easy, and the dwarves were working from day to night. Houses were only the basics, as cities had to be established for them to truly settle. Then there would need to be temples built for the angel avatar, so he could strengthen their Faith even more. Those hundred million followers were organized into thousands of camps. It meant there needed to be thousands of temples built in order to make them feel closer to their god. But with the angel avatar’s special ability to affect the land, their piety began to grow. —— A new city was built, and the preachers began to work. Suddenly a young follower smashed a hammer on the hand of a middle-aged follower by mistake and his flesh was immediately split open. Normally, a simple Healing Aura would do the trick to heal it, but at that moment there were no holy knights around. A preacher stepped forward with empathy in his eyes as he mumbled a spell. By the time he finished, he opened his eyes in excitement. “My Great Lord, please use your power to heal!” he chanted with all his heart and a strange energy landed on that injured follower. The wound on his hand immediately healed like nothing had ever happened! Those followers had seen holy knights healing with Aura before, but seeing a preacher do it was totally different! Soon, more and more miracles like this happened, and their Faith kept growing by the day…
Chapter 1461 Chapter 1461: Dragon Island Abel didn’t know how faithful the Holy Continent was becoming with his Potions. Everything was being managed by Thief God Milton. Abel had no skills when it came to those matters. He focused all his attention on stabilizing the Laws of his Territories. After two days, their energy finally became balanced to his three Wizard Patterns. He didn’t know what would happen if he stopped during the process, so he did not even enter the Dark World. — After some time he could finally train again, but the Spirit Connection Circle sounded the moment he wanted to enter the Dark World again. He connected to it and realized it was a message from the God of Wealth. It was a call for help! The God of Wealth wasn’t too close to Abel, but he had still shared his holy knowledge with Abel in exchange for Abel’s protection. Therefore, Abel could not pretend he hadn’t seen the message. After all, holy scriptures were a god’s most important asset, and he would not have shared it with Abel if the world wasn’t so dangerous. The God of Wealth did not mention too much in the message, instead asking if he could chat in person. Of course, that meant chatting through the Spirit Communication Circle. Abel thought for a moment and activated the Spirit Communication Circle. “Great Headmaster Abel, I’m sorry for disturbing you!” The God of Wealth got down on his knees humbly. As far as he knew, even the Wizard Union couldn’t do anything against Abel, so he had to put his ego aside and show some respect. In a private meeting like this, leaving a good impression was more important than anything else. Abel bowed back politely. “God of Wealth, what are you looking for? I’ve been in seclusion lately, and I won’t be able to come out for at least a month!” He was in the most crucial part of his training, and his Territories were extremely unstable. Also, if the Wizard Union found out that he had advanced from Rank 32 to Rank 35 in no time, they might want to kill him again! “Headmaster Abel, a month ago God Rank Wizard Mosley requested that he be allowed to enter my Realm in search of some precious item. Of course I rejected him, but a few days ago a few of my most loyal followers were attacked. “Yesterday Wizard Mosley made another demand. If I don’t let him enter my Divine Kingdom, he will fully suppress my followers!” the God of Wealth continued helplessly. ... Indeed, the God of Wealth was the perfect target, since he was the weakest god and his faith was the easiest to suppress. Wizard Mosley was going crazy trying to find the World Stone Heart, and most places in the Central Continent had already been searched through many times. The only places left were the Kingdoms of the Gods! Of course, Abel was still the most suspicious target, but they couldn’t do anything to offend him! If all the gods’ Kingdoms were searched through and they found nothing, Abel would become even more suspicious. The one who obtained that information would become the Wizard Union President’s disciple! However, entering a Divine Kingdom was not easy. It was basically messing with the entire God Alliance! This would have been impossible in the past, but now that the Wizard Union had nineteen God Rank Wizards, they had started the process with the weakest god! Gods like the Goddess of the Moon and the God of Death had entire races on their sides, so it was much harder to pick on them. As for the Goddess of Earth, all her followers were farmers and it would be very dumb to threaten people so poor, unless the Wizard Union intended to kill them. On the other hand, the God of Wealth’s followers were businessmen, and a bit of intimidation would do the trick! “God of Wealth, what do you want me to do?” Abel frowned. He knew what the Wizard Union was looking for, as he was the one who had caused all of it. “Headmaster Abel, you don’t need to make a move. Please represent the God Alliance and object to the Wizard Union for us!” the God of Wealth bowed to him again. “That’s it?” Abel was a little confused. He thought he might need to send out his God Rank Summons for a fight, but just raising a little objection would do the trick? Indeed, he had totally underestimated his influence. Unless the Wizard Union ordered him to proceed directly, Wizard Mosley couldn’t do anything about it. After all, Abel was no longer that Potion Master who could only gain respect through what he had offered for sale. “Headmaster Abel, are you agreeing?” the God of Wealth asked excitedly. He had heard Abel’s tone and it had made him very happy. A god’s Realm was their safest place, and a wizard entering would put them in great danger. It was the God Alliance’s bottom line, and they would fight for it, even if all their followers died! Losing their followers was very bad, but they could still recover after thousands of years. “I will let the dragons know as well!” Abel replied firmly. He did not have any personal connections with the Wizard Union, but he had the entire dragon race on his side. Raising an objection through the dragons would definitely be much more impactful! “Headmaster Abel, I will tell my followers to give more benefits to the dwarves!” the God of Wealth agreed quickly. He had already shared his most valuable holy scriptures with Abel, so it was Abel’s duty to help him, but as the God of Businessmen, something he could also do was help the dwarves! —— The God of Wealth ended the call. Abel put all his God Rank Summons in the Monster Ring and teleported over to Dragon Island without hesitation. He would need to use the Communication Circle of the dragons to complete the God of Wealth’s request. As for the dragons discovering his Rank, he didn’t mind since they were a secretive race, without the complex politics of the Wizard Union. Also, with his eight God Rank Summons around, he should be safe! — He stood in the Teleportation Circle, and Dragon Island soon appeared before him. “Greetings, Headmaster Abel!” Blue Dragon Bart bowed to him. “Blue Dragon Bart, why are you guarding the Teleportation Circle?” Abel smiled back with a nod. Blue Dragon Bart was a Legendary blue dragon he had met before, but he was not expecting him to be guarding a Teleportation Circle! “Headmaster Abel, didn’t you know?” Blue Dragon Bart was stunned, but he quickly realized how bad-mannered he was, so he quickly added, “Dragon Island is now on lockdown, and we have increased our defenses!” “Dragon Island is in lockdown?” Abel was also stunned. No one had told him about it! But it made sense. He had been in seclusion for two years and had not bothered to check the reports in detail. Afterwards, Abel did not bother Blue Dragon Bart, and flew directly towards Dragon Island. Along the way, he saw many giant orb-shaped structures floating in the water. Upon closer inspection, he realized they were entire dragon caves that had been dug out of the mountain, the rock still around them. It was hard to imagine what kind of power it would take to do something like that! As he kept looking around at the changes, Headmaster Eugene and Headmaster Carlos flew out to meet him. They had probably sensed his energy. “Headmaster Abel, we finally met again!” Headmaster Eugene called out as he approached from afar. “Headmaster Eugene, Headmaster Carlos!” Abel smiled back in greeting. “Headmaster Abel, I’m so sorry, but your cave has been moved to the ocean without your consent!” Headmaster Eugene told him, looking embarrassed. Abel quickly unleashed his Power of the Will and indeed, there was a den jutting out of the ocean that felt familiar. It was his own assigned cave! “Headmaster Abel, your Rank…!” Headmaster Carlos suddenly gasped after Abel unleashed his Power of the Will. “I’ve been training hard for the past year!” Abel couldn’t think of a better excuse. The Dragon Headmasters exchanged gazes. If training could make someone go from Rank 32 to Rank 35 in just a year, what the dragons were trying to do was laughable. They would have been at the top of the God Ranks long ago! “Headmaster Abel, congratulations!” Headmaster Eugene knew Abel had his secrets, so he could only smile stiffly. “Thanks!” Abel replied, pointing at the dragon dens. “Why are the dragon’s caves in the ocean?” “Headmaster Abel, Dragon Island is actually the Realm of the Dragon God. He only transformed it to ensure the safety of the dragons. “Since the Demon from Beyond is about to Awaken, the Dragon God sent us a dictum saying that he was taking his World back!” Headmaster Eugene explained. Indeed, the Dragon God and the Wizard Union President were both trying to find a solution for the same problem: how could they form life in their Worlds? The Wizard Union President had chosen to sacrifice souls and let them merge with his World. As for the Dragon God, he had chosen to open his World up to the dragons. One was for their safety, the other was hoping the powerful life force of the dragons could promote the creation of life in his World. It was just that the Wizard Union President’s methods had been a bit more effective. Still, what the Dragon God had done was exactly the dragon’s style: use the laziest method to change steadily over time. The process might take tens of thousands of years more, but it was stable and life would eventually form under the impetus of the dragons’ life force. At that point the Dragon God would be Rank 45, and he would have a shot to become even more powerful!
Chapter 1462 Chapter 1462: The Dragon God Abel was not surprised by what Headmaster Eugene said at all. He already had some idea before, but he just never expected the Dragon God to be so powerful, considering the size of the Dragon Island. Abel looked around and asked politely, “Headmaster Eugene, is the Dragon God here?”. “Not yet, Headmaster Abel, and I don’t know where he is,” Headmaster Eugene shook his head. “It has been thousands of years since the Dragon God showed himself, but I don’t think it will be long until he returns!” Headmaster Carlos added with a smile. Since the Dragon God was taking back Dragon Island, it meant he would join the fight against the Demon from Beyond with the Dragon Headmasters. Excitement emerged from Abel’s eyes. Just how powerful was the legendary Dragon God? At the same time he became much less worried about the President of The Wizard Union. With the Dragon God around, it would be very hard for him to make a move. After all, the Dragons were a loyal bunch. Even if the President of the Wizard Union wanted to make a sneak attack, Abel could easily hide in the Golden Castle or the Dark World! He gazed at Dragon Island. It was still there, but he could no longer enter it. … “Headmaster Abel, what brings you here?” Headmaster Eugene asked courteously. “I want to use the dragon’s Communication Circle to send an objection to the Wizard Union. It’s just that….” Abel helplessly looked around. Headmaster Eugene pointed to a distant island and smiled. “Haha, no problem! The Dragon Temple has already been moved to that island over there. What kind of objection?” “I am a part of the God Alliance, and Wizard Mosley is threatening the God of Wealth because the wizards lost some precious item. I have to help!” Abel replied honestly. “Are they crazy? Doing something like this right before the Demon from Beyond’s resurrection?” Headmaster Carlos shook his head. ... “For things like that, we dragons will help even if we are not a part of the God Alliance!’ Headmaster Eugene promised firmly. —— As they continued to chat, Headmaster Eugene and Headmaster Carlos flew towards the Dragon Temple with Abel. Abel thought about his den when he saw the Dragon Temple. The whole thing was dug up, including its base, and had been perfectly transferred to this island. It was clear that the Dragon God was treating the dragon’s caves and the Dragon Temple with completely different attitudes. Abel felt a little irritated, but he soon accepted the reality. There were not many islands around, and giving each cave an island was not very realistic. “Headmaster Abel, I’ll leave you to it!” Headmaster Eugene did not enter the Dragon Temple with Abel, instead leaving with Headmaster Carlos. Dragon Headmasters were very busy during times like this, so Abel did not keep them. He stepped into the Dragon Temple and saw the dragon priests were decorating something. When they saw Abel, they quickly bowed to him, then got back to work. It seemed like they were planning a celebration to welcome their god’s return. Abel arrived at the Communication Circle and sent the objection he had prepared to the Wizard Union. ————— A piece of parchment was teleported to Wizard Smith in the Wizard Union. His expression immediately sank. Wizard Smith was not the most powerful God Rank Wizard, but he was one of the Vice Presidents. The other God Rank Wizard thought managing things was a waste of time, and most of them just dedicated their time to training instead. Although Wizard Smith had some authority, he could not order any other God Rank Wizard to do anything against their will. It was a world based on power, after all. However, Wizard Mosley had threatened the God of Wealth without the Wizard Union’s consent, and now had directly caused tensions with the Dragons and Headmaster Abel. “God Rank Wizards, we need a meeting!” he ordered. —– An hour later, fifteen God Rank Wizards were gathered in the meeting room. “Everyone, I know the President’s reward is very attractive, but our biggest enemy is the Demon from Beyond, please hold back a little!” Wizard Smith said in a grim voice. “Wizard Smith, are you talking about me?” Wizard Mosley sneered, having also received the news. Since the Dragons had shown their stance, every God Rank Wizard, including the ones at the Warding Wall, knew about it. “Wizard Mosley, we need the gods to help us fight in the war!” Wizard Smith nodded. “Smith, we lost our treasure, and the gods are basically useless! Why do you think we even kept them around in the first place? Because of their holy crystals!” Wizard Mosley snapped back. Although the wizards didn’t know what the treasure had done, they knew their President had been nourishing it with holy crystals. Those gods were not skilled in battle. They only had some special tricks, so they wouldn’t do much in the actual battle with the Demon from Beyond. Wizard Smith gazed outside and replied calmly, “Wizard Mosley, that’s for the President to decide. If you really want to make a move on the gods, it’s best that you get the President’s consent first!” Their meeting was in private, but their reputation would be impacted if the public found out about their attitude towards the gods. Wizard Smith knew there was more between their President and the Gods, but he couldn’t disclose it, nor did he know all the details. Wizard Mosley sank back to his seat and huffed, “Fine, I won’t mess with the God of Wealth again!” He was clearly unsatisfied that Wizard Smith was using the President’s name to pressure him. He thought that as long as he was able to provide some trace to the treasure, the President might grant him some rewards, even if he didn’t take him in as a disciple. He had stayed at his current Rank for too long and had lost all hope of advancing, so he could not miss this opportunity! “Wizard Mosley, I know you want to help the President find his treasure, but the God Alliance has Headmaster Abel on their side. It’s best to stay out of trouble before the President returns!” Wizard Smith said helplessly. ———— Soon, a reply was sent back to Abel and the God of Wealth. The two businessmen who were targeted were freed again, just like nothing had happened. However, the damage was done. First the orcs’ Crazy Heart Kingdom went into lockdown, and most humans, besides the God of Wealth’s followers, were kicked out. Priests also began to withdraw from the central continent’s front line and returned to the orcs. Although they were not the most powerful profession, their Curses still played a part in the strength of the Warding Wall. — At the same time, the elves’ Ervo Forest also went into lockdown, and they recalled most of their Druids, Potion Makers, and Magic Circle Makers. All of this impacted the power of the Wizard Union, forming a sort of boycott for their gods. After all, they had the mighty Abel as an ally. Once the Wizard Union gave them trouble, Abel would stand up for them! —— Just like that, an even deeper tension was created between the Wizard Union and the God Alliance. After all, they had breached the bottom line of the gods. Who could have guessed such chaos would break out just before the Demon from Beyond’s resurrection? The Wizard Union had already lost the dwarves, and now they were losing the God Alliance! ——– However, none of this affected Abel in the slightest. Without even checking out his dragon cave, he returned to training straight away. Since he no longer needed to fight in the Dark World, he had more free time than ever, and he started to do things he had not done for a long time. Other than spending much of his time perfecting his Territories of Laws, he also taught the blacksmiths in Doff’s holy ground the forging skills he had learned from the Dark World. Just like that, they could finally make Dark World-style gear, which were unlike anything else in this world. Indeed, no one else had the power to make things like that, besides Abel’s blacksmith and the Holy Continent. Some of them could even make Dark Gold gear! Perhaps in the near future a renaissance of smithwork would happen in the Holy Continent and the dwarves would be able to maximize their work in the cities. Everything was totally unique, but no one outside had even the slightest idea of what was happening. After all, the Holy Continent was a locked-up subcontinent, with the Lance Spirit controlling all the Super Teleportation Circles!
Chapter 1463 Chapter 1463: Strange The atmosphere in the Central Continent was getting tenser by the day. It was not just on the Warding Wall of Castle Doomsday, but every inch of the land. Although it had been a long time since a God Rank Knight had attacked, every professional near the Holy Kingdom could sense a horrifying energy lurking within. A great monster was about to be awakened, and its energy was spreading around uncontrollably, even the ocean felt it. ——— In the Central Temple of the Holy Kingdom… The Saint met up with Mad Knight Isaac. “My Saint, I’ve gathered all the information about the strange things that have been happening for the last few days!” Knight Issac bowed. “What is it?” the Saint gazed at him. The Central Temple was in control of the Holy Kingdom, but it didn’t manage the details. “A rain happened in Luna City, but there were no clouds, almost like the raindrops just appeared out of thin air. Afterwards, all the plants began to grow like crazy and now Luna City is trapped. We can only reach them through the Communication Circle!” Knight Issac reported grimly. … “It’s a miracle! Luna City needs this to increase their Faith!” A smile appeared on the Saint’s face. The Saint had a lot of experience, and he knew what it was even without connecting to the Guardian Wings. “Yes, my Saint!” Knight Issac bowed, and added, “Tana Village, outside of Ash City, was recently struck by giant fireballs from the sky. All fifteen hundred civilians and their livestock were killed, but there was something very strange about those fireballs. They did not burn up any of the plants!” The Saint’s face sank. God Rank Knight Marlo standing to the side also sensed something strange. The Saint exchanged gazes with him, as though they both knew something everyone else didn’t. ... “Knight Issac, Tana Village was not Faithful enough, so they were punished!” the Saint explained. Knight Issac’s face twitched. Something big was clearly happening but the Saint was trying to hide it. Still, he had no right to question him. ——— More and more strange things followed. For example, water was gushing out from the ground and destroying cities, crops stopped growing, and a sudden pandemic was caused by a mysterious fog. Reports kept coming into the Central Temple, yet the Saint still acted like nothing was happening. God Rank Knight Marlo turned and said, “My Saint, the Lord’s energy is having an effect!” “Yeah, the Lord is too powerful!” A look of excitement emerged on the Saint’s face. “But an uproar might happen if we keep it a secret!” Knight Marlo added worriedly. “We need to make sure the Lord is okay, even if the entire Holy Kingdom is sacrificed!” the Saint added helplessly. Knight Marlo was silent, as he did not agree with the Saint. Although he was loyal to the Demon from Beyond, he was not expecting it to be this crazy. Not many people knew what was happening in the Central Temple, while the world was heading into the unknown. More and more people began to die, and the God Rank Holy Knights kept brushing it off. At the same time, they needed to help out with those disasters to stabilize the morale of the people. ——— Half a year went by, and the incidents only got worse as the Demon from Beyond’s energy grew. Thousands of people were dying by the day, but no one knew why it was happening. The Saint and the Holy Knights were both happy and annoyed at the same time. They knew their Lord would return soon, but they just couldn’t get a good night’s sleep with all the chaos happening. —— Meanwhile, Wizard Basham had just killed another flying Legendary sea monster out on the ocean when he sensed an increasing energy from the Central Continent. He immediately knew what it was. “Demon from Beyond, we will soon meet again. Back in the day I failed to kill you, but now I won’t let it happen again!” he swore to himself. But his excitement was soon dragged down again, because the Wizard Union still had not given him any updates about the World Stone Heart. It was his most important weapon, and what gave him the confidence to defeat the Demon from Beyond. The Demon from Beyond was also around Rank 45, but it wielded a higher form of energy than he did. It was unclear which of them would win if they actually fought. Also, the Demon had a much longer time than Wizard Basham had to stabilize its power. Ever since Wizard Basham had reached Rank 45, the limit he had sensed was clearer than ever. Maybe Rank 45 was indeed the highest rank for a wizard! He had no idea what the next step he should take was. It was the law of a world. In order to break it, you had to jump out of the world, or obtain the World Stone Heart and become its ruler! For tens of thousands of years, Wizard Basham had been sure of this! It was just that he couldn’t return fast enough to search for the World Stone Heart himself. He kept Flashing, killing any Legendary sea monsters who got in his way. He couldn’t care less about their Legendary light, as the only thing in his mind was getting back to the Central Continent! ——— It has been another few months of training for Abel, and he felt much more closer to his Territories. Light energy traveled within them now, and he was at the pinnacle of a Half-god. He replenished the Dimension Force needed in his Territories with the Dark Gold Dimension Force in his soul. It now had ten times the range of his Power of the Will. Each one of his Territories had a range of 140 kilometers with the Hunting Crown, but even without it, the range was greater than any of his God Rank Summons when they were first resurrected. Still, there was something he couldn’t understand. He was much more powerful than any Half-god wizard when it came to the body and soul, so why was he still a Half-god wizard? His body was more powerful than barbarians of the same rank; his soul was more powerful than any Half-god priests, the experts of souls; and his Power of the Will was much more powerful than any Half-god wizards. It was to his advantage. Also at the same time, he had three Wizard Patterns with three different Territories, which meant he could dish out the power of three Half-god wizards at once. However, no one could discern any of this, considering how often he was outshone by his Summons. Every time Abel was mentioned in this world, his God Rank Summons would come to mind. He was nothing alone, but with his Summons he was almost invincible! That’s why no one even batted an eye at the fact that he was still a Half-god. ——— One day Abel was sitting on the Golden Castle balcony contemplating something. He knew his Wizard Patterns were just a single Intelligence Fruit away from fulfillment. “Doff, lock down the Battlecry Plateau. If a God Rank dares to enter, kill them!” Abel ordered him. He then Summoned God Ranks One through Seven to stand guard, Doff’s avatar, Thief God Milton, and even his Legendary Rank Summons. Even the Treemen hidden in the forest were ready to fight at Doff’s command! Abel was not paranoid, but he knew a big energy wave would be generated once he started his level-up. He would no longer be able to hide the fact that he was becoming a God Rank! He notified Headmaster Eugene and the Dragons. If he needed help, the four Dragon Headmasters would be ready to fight. Since Abel had so many God Rank Summons already and the Dragons wanted to respect his privacy, they did not teleport directly to the Golden Castle. Normally, all forces on a leveling-up God Rank’s side would come to help protect him, considering how critical the process was. There were only four forces in the Central Continent with God Ranks, so there was no way the Wizard Union would sit back and let Abel level-up idly. As for the Holy Kingdom, they might also do something, considering their hatred for Abel. The God Alliance was on Abel’s side, but Abel did not expect them to do anything. After all, those weak gods were too afraid to even come out of their Kingdoms!
Chapter 1464 Chapter 1464: God Rank! Abel sat on the Golden Castle’s balcony. There was not a single person around him but it was the safest place in the world. He found a comfortable spot and got on his knees. He needed to be in his calmest state of mind before leveling-up. He took out an Intelligence Fruit from his Holy Portal Bag. The effect they brought was wearing off, but it was enough for Abel to reach God Rank. It would be his last time taking an Intelligence Fruit as a Half-god. He sensed the energy traveling through his Wizard Patterns. Soon, a mysterious glow emerged, and an immense feeling filled up his soul. Soon, every inch of land in the range of 1400 meters was bathed in it. His Territories were leveling up, along with his Wizard Patterns. After half an hour, his full body was filled with power. He was basically at the same level as Gold Dragon Kemble, who had trained for tens of thousands of years, other than the fact that he was doing much more than training a Lightning Territory. Gold Dragon Kemble had been stuck in a bottleneck and he never had the luck to level-up, but this would not be the case for Abel with his Druid Soul and Divine Body. Since they were all God Rank already, Abel’s main body would be directly affected and a level-up energy display shot into the heavens. … After all, it was where his confidence came from, and he needed the dragons’ help! — Abel sat on the ground, his heart fully relaxed. The Druid Soul was sparkling gold, and his main soul followed along. It felt like sunrise inside him. He could feel his main soul getting more powerful. ... This time, his energy level-up energy was almost as big as his Territories! A sea of energy rushed into his body, and the golden glow became even brighter. His brain was moving much faster, and he finally understood why God Ranks could Summon dozens of spells from their Worlds at once. His body was also getting a little bit stronger, but it wouldn’t matter much as a wizard anyway. After all, the foundation of his body was already too good. The vast majority of the level-up energy was absorbed by his three Territories, which were transformed into one with his Mana and Power of the Will. It was a familiar feeling. He formed a Rune Pen with his Will and drew out three Rank 3 Wizard Patterns in his soul. ——— In the Wizard Union Headquarters… Wizard Smith suddenly paused as he was managing some documents. He quickly looked outside, and saw energy racing up into the sky. He immediately knew what it was, but he just wasn’t sure if it was Abel leveling up, or his Summons. Abel was only Rank 32, which was already unbelievable, considering his age. Could he really become a God Rank in such a short period of time? After all, a Half-god needed to be in seclusion for hundreds of years and find the right opportunity before they could level up! “Wizard Hardy, anything special about the dragons during the past two days?” Wizard Smith called out. “Special? The dwarves who were helping the dragons do some construction work in the ocean were sent back to the dwarves for a holiday!” Wizard Hardy bowed. The dwarves were the reason why the dragons could expand their territories into the ocean. They had not stopped working for years, so why would they give them a break now? “Maybe Headmaster Abel really is leveling up!” Wizard Smith murmured. Soon, ten other God Rank Wizards arrived after they had sensed the energy. “Smith, let’s see who is leveling up!” Wizard McPhee called out as soon as he appeared. “Ok, let’s go!” Wizard Smith nodded. No matter if his speculation was correct or not, they had to do something. If the Warding Wall of Doomsday wasn’t committed to paying such close attention to the Holy Kingdom, maybe every God Rank Wizard would have come along. Twelve God Rank Wizards teleported to the closest city to the Battlecry Plateau and flew off towards the energy display. The seven God Rank Wizards at the Warding Wall were stunned, but they couldn’t go off duty. ——— Meanwhile, the Saint in the Central Temple also turned his head, and his heart dropped. “God Rank Knights, what’s happening?” he called out. He was not a God Rank, so he did know what that energy was. “A Half-god is becoming a God Rank!” Knight Marlo replied firmly. Another God Rank Wizard was being born, which could impact their dynamics! “Can we stop him?” the Saint frowned. “It’s in the direction of the Battlecry Plateau, so it must be something on Abel’s side. We can’t really do much,” Knight Marlo sighed. Abel had moved a hundred million followers from the Holy Kingdom, and they still had no idea he was responsible. Until the Demon from Beyond awakened, the knights could only protect their Holy Kingdom as much as possible. The Saint also had nothing to say. All he could do was gaze at the sight quietly. ——— “Headmaster Abel is the one leveling up, that’s his energy!” Wizard Smith had interacted with Abel before, and was confident in his assessment. “Indeed, but how is it possible?!” Wizard McPhee nodded and gasped. “A genius!” Wizard Mosley mumbled. All the God Rank Wizards knew how much conflict they were in with Abel, but they had totally underestimated Abel’s own ability. Wizard Smith had always thought they would be able to take down Abel once he was taken away from his Summons, but now it would be much harder! “Should we do something?” Wizard Coleridge suddenly asked. If they really got any closer, it would mean an all-out war with the dragons and Abel! After all, the worst thing you could do to a professional was distract them during their level-up. “A report showed that the dragons have already been preparing for Headmaster Abel’s level-up. As soon as we approach the Golden Castle, they will immediately start a war!” Wizard Smith said with a sharp gaze. None of the wizards moved. — Indeed, every one of their movements was being monitored by Doff as soon as they had appeared. They were near Doff’s faithful grounds, after all, and the fifteen gods were ready to fight! Luckily the wizards did not make a move, else it would be a bloody battle. The biggest winner would be the Holy Kingdom! But at the same time, if Abel really exposed his eleven new gods, it would mean that he was the one who had stolen the World Stone Heart! ——— Headmaster Eugene and three other Dragon Headmasters floated above an island with a Teleportation Circle. “Headmaster Abel really is leveling up!” he laughed. Even after Abel had told him, he was still in disbelief. After all, Abel was still not in the fulfilled state a few days ago. A normal Half-god still needed to find the right opportunity and get enlightened to do something like this. Abel, on the other hand, went from Rank 32 to Rank 35 in just a few years, and now he was becoming a God Rank in just another six months? How could anyone believe that? But he still had to believe as a Dragon Headmaster. There were ten Half-god dragons around them, their numbers not be underestimated. A Dragon Headmaster could fight two God Rank wizards at once, and Half-god dragons could beat any Half-god wizards! “Yes, it seems us dragons will get another God Rank on our side!” Headmaster Carlos smiled. Although they had always treated Abel as a God Rank, it was all because of his Summons, who did not have dragon blood in them, so they could not be considered dragons. The four Dragon Headmasters were extremely happy, but Gold Dragon Kemble on the side was feeling a little more complicated. The little brother he had always thought needed his protection was surpassing him! He was not jealous, but sort of helplessly glad for Abel. He almost felt the urge to visit Abel so he might get the chance of being enlightened as well! He knew Abel would agree as soon as he asked, but he didn’t. He knew Abel had his secrets. If not, he would have asked the dragons to go to the Golden Castle already!
Chapter 1465 Chapter 1465: Inner World Abel was fully focused on his level-up and he had no idea what kind of chaos he had caused. He had no idea twelve God Rank Wizards were watching right outside the Battlecry Plateau. All three of his Rank 36 Wizard Patterns were glowing gold. It was the symbol of God Ranks, and it was impossible to hide it. His body kept changing in strength and agility, but it was not as dramatic compared to the time he first became God Rank. As for his soul and Power of The Will range, it directly shot up by another 2000 meters, reaching 9000 meters. With the Hunting Crown, that would be 18,000 meters! He truly felt like a god, even though his Power of The Will had already been as strong as a God Rank before. Even his Rank 38 God Rank knights and wizards did not have a range of 9000 meters! It was frightening to think about, especially with the Hunting Crown. After all, that thing was too good for wizards, and many thought it had disappeared from the world. Abel scanned his three Territories as large amounts of energy kept rushing in. Each territory was guaranteed enough energy from the world to stabilize, it was just that no one was expecting a monster like Abel to have three Territories at once! … Since those Territories would be turning into Inner Worlds upon Abel’s level-up, the energy they needed was unimaginable. Powerful beams of energy with a radius of 14,000 meters charged up towards the sky. Abel sensed his three Territories going through some strange alterations. The shells of his Territories began to solidify, and they quickly shrunk into the size of three fists. They were no longer energy; they had become actual Worlds! Still, this was only their appearance. Their insides were still in the process of changing. ... As more energy rushed in, the Ice Laws in the Ice World formed a Stony Wall with ice patterns, then the Light energy turned into actual light for the World. The internal size did not change much, and its original energy yet remained. His resurrected God Rank Summons had not needed to go through this process, but Abel sensed something familiar as he looked into his Ice World. It felt like when Doff was first making his Kingdom. Everything had to be created, but this time he was the actual ruler! He did not need to reach his Power of The Will into it. With a single thought, sky, soil, rivers, and mountains started to form from the original energy. Energy was being sucked in at an even crazier rate, but with this speed, Abel soon realized it might take hundreds of years before the process was completed. It was not only the case with his Ice World, but the Fire World and the Lightning World as well! He frowned. Thatmeant it would be useless, even as a God Rank. He wouldn’t be able to do any spell in a place without form! The Worlds were filled with chaotic energy, so Abel had to organize them before he could create room for spells. “Energy!” An idea suddenly struck Abel. He took out a hundred thousand top level mana gems of all kinds and transferred them to his Worlds. Directly turning mana gems into energy was not simple, but he should be able to with his Power of The Will. As soon as the gems’ energy his Worlds, Abel felt an ultimate control settle over them. Indeed, a World was like a Divine Kingdom, and Abel was the god! With a single thought, the gems turned into powder, and all the energy within them gushed out. Soon, the inside of the World began to transform. Sky separated from the soil, and mountains emerged from the ground. But there were no plants, nor water. The whole place looked dead. A smile still emerged on Abel’s face. He was still at the beginning stages, so it was to be expected! The simplest way to form rivers was by creating new Laws from the original ones. This was the case for wind and other elements, as well! The biggest difference between the new Laws and the original Laws was that they would help solidify a World, on top of strengthening his spells. For example, if he wanted to cast an Ice Bolt from his Ice World, the Ice World Stone Wall would be able to strengthen it, but how much would be determined by the rank of the World. Even with the weakest God Rank World, Abel could cast spells from within, and it was all thanks to the hundred thousand top level gems. He was probably the only one in this world with the power to do something like this! Abel tried to Cast a Blizzard spell from his World. With a single thought, the spell pattern appeared within it. If the spell pattern appeared outside, he would need to control it with his Power of The Will, which was not easy for many wizards. But this process was completely mediated in his World. He focused his Power of The Will on the Stone Wall and a flash of gold light flew into the Blizzard spell pattern. This would normally overload the spell pattern with energy, but the World was fully under his control. An enchanted Blizzard was unleashed on the ground in front of him. A layer of ice crystals covered the area, its power much more powerful than before. He was only at the beginning stage, yet he could clearly sense the difference. No wonder it was impossible for anyone weaker than God Rank to stop a God Rank! Abel then tried to cast multiple spells at once. A hundred Blizzard spells were set off together. Of course, Abel’s Power of The Will could definitely handle Casting more than a hundred spells at once, but his Worlds were just too weak for now. Still, not many wizards could reach this limit with their Power of The Will, and as they grew more powerful, the energy needed for their Worlds would be more demanding as well. A hundred Light beams shot out from the Ice Stone Wall into the spell patterns, but this time the enchantment was clearly weaker. The Law of Ice from his World began to replenish the energy lost from the Stone Wall, but the rate was definitely not fast enough to sustain continuous spell casting. This is why God Rank Wizards can’t fight forever… Of course, God Ranks could use up the energy they had accumulated in their Worlds to fight, but that always came at a cost. When Abel started to move the hundred Blizzard spells out of his world, he realized only fifty of them could be taken out. The others had to remain! Indeed, it was a limit of his World’s Rank. The hundred thousand crystals he had used on it were only enough to create the foundation of his World. Its laws were not powerful enough to move a hundred spells out at this time. Abel slowly tested out the abilities of his Worlds. Unlike his God Rank Summons with battle instincts, he had no idea how many spells were the most suitable for his current level to maximize his fighting style. Most importantly, he had three Worlds, which was unlike any other wizard. First he Cast as many spells as possible, and discovered fifty spells was his limit. He also realized it was not a good idea to keep the spells in his world for too long. Each of them needed to be compressed, which could limit the speed of his World. Beyond just growing its energy, just knowing how to operate a World was also a type of training!…
Chapter 1466 Chapter 1466: Experimenting “Headmaster Abel has successfully leveled up!” A complicated look emerged on Wizard Smith’s face. Ever since the rise of Abel, the Wizard Union’s power had been called into question, and every God Rank Wizard knew it. Now, even Abel’s biggest weakness had been taken away! “It will not be a problem for the President, even if he is a God Rank Wizard!” Wizard McPhee said quietly. But he also knew very well that no one would be able to do anything to Abel other than their President! “But Abel is a Dragon Headmaster, so the Dragon God might intervene!” Wizard Smith shook his head. The Dragons and the Wizard Union were the two most powerful forces of the world, and both of them knew what each other had in reserve. One of the key reasons for the Dragon God being alive, besides the existence of the Demon from Beyond, was that he was the only one who could go head-to-head with the Wizard Union President back in the days. “Let’s avoid a conflict with Headmaster Abel before the Demon from Beyond is killed!” Wizard Brooks added. By this point Abel was powerful enough to take down the Wizard Union, so the last thing they wanted was a war. … “Let’s go back to the Headquarters!” Wizard Smith gazed at the Golden Castle one more time before disappearing in a Flash. The other twelve God Rank Wizards followed. —– Meanwhile, Abel continued to examine his Worlds. By this point he had basically given up trying to form new Laws in his World as quickly as possible. The process would still take hundreds of years, and he needed mastery as well as knowledge to do so. He could look through the Worlds of his God Rank Summons to get inspiration, but he just couldn’t speed up the growth process. ... Still, time was not a problem, since he was basically immortal as a God Rank. He had already set the foundation of his Worlds by separating the sky from the soil. Any new Laws would only make his Worlds more powerful! Abel thought of ancient records he had read before that talked about the creation of Worlds. He had always thought of them as fiction, but now he felt they were more relevant than ever. The creation of life was the ultimate form of Worlds, and the most powerful God Ranks he had seen had trees in their Worlds. Although trees were not intelligent, they were a type of life. Abel thought about Dragon Island. That was where the dragons lived, but it was not too different from an actual World… He focused his Power of The Will on his three Worlds once again. They all had the fighting power of a beginner God Rank Wizard, but his Power of The Will could match up to their power. Therefore, he would definitely be at an advantage fighting against wizards of similar Rank. Abel soon thought of another question. No wizard had three Worlds, so how would he find his own fighting style? His three Worlds floated in front of him like three little balls. Numbers were his biggest advantage. With a single thought, fifty Ice Bolt spells appeared from his Ice World, fifty Fire Bolt spells from his Fire World, and fifty Lightning Bolt spells appeared from his Lightning World. The reason he did not pick more powerful spells was because he was in the Golden Castle. Although its defenses were strong, he didn’t want to destroy his own castle! After all, power was not what he was testing out! When his Power of The Will commanded it, all the spells gushed out at once. It was the power of three God Rank Wizards at once! A hundred and fifty spells exploded above the Golden Castle, and Abel truly got the taste of their power. Still, he was not satisfied. His Worlds could only produce spells according to their Elements. Therefore when facing a powerful sea monster with ice and lightning resistance, he could only use his Fire World to attack. The power of a World depended on the Laws they had, and the Laws Abel had was divided among the three Worlds. This was not a good thing. He then turned to the Stone Walls of Law in his Worlds. Each World had a special way of manifesting their laws, and Stone Walls was the form Abel’s Worlds took, since his subconscious always believed Stone Walls were holy. The Stone Walls did not include his Law of Light, which he had received by surprise, so instead it manifested as sunlight for his Worlds. If my Law of Light can appear in all my worlds, the other Laws should be able to as well!, Abel thought to himself. Did he get something mixed up? After all he was skilled in all his Laws, and he had three Wizard Patterns, thanks to the Tree of Life. He focused all his attention on the Ice Stone Wall. If he could divide it, then he would be able to give it to his other Worlds! With a thought, a split suddenly emerged from the center of the Ice Stone Wall, and it turned into two smaller Ice Stone Walls. Abel felt his heart drop. Did he just break the thing? But soon he realized they were both slowly recovering with the Laws of his Worlds, but it was so slow he wouldn’t be able to sense it if he wasn’t the ruler of that World. Still, they should be able to return to normal in ten days. Abel felt his heart lift again. He only dared to do something so risky because he had three Worlds. Most God Ranks would not play around with their World like this! He lifted up the new Ice Stone Wall with his Power of The Will and guided it into his Lightning World. During the split-second that this Stone Wall was exposed to the outside world, it shrank by a third. At the same time, he sensed the entire world pressing down on his Stone Wall, like it was a monster that didn’t belong there. Luckily Abel was steady, and the Ice Stone Wall soon entered his Lightning World. It was safe again! Abel placed the Ice Stone Wall next to the Lightning Stone Wall. As soon as it touched the ground, their energy began to merge, and new Ice Laws emerged to repair the shrunken Ice Stone Wall. “It’s working!” Abel mumbled in awe. He had never even heard of someone doing anything like this. After all, playing with the energy of one’s soul could easily turn someone into a moron. If Abel had not had the Tree of Life’s help, he also would not have dared try it! Abel could already see himself unleashing a hundred and fifty spells of the same kind. Although his Stone Walls still needed repairing, it would only take half a month at most! Maybe in another two months, the Laws in his Worlds would be able to fully harmonize with the Law of Light as well! At the same time, he knew the separated Stone Walls were the same as the original one, which meant those spells could be enchanted as well! —— Afterwards, he divided his Fire Stone Wall in two and transferred it to the Lightning World as well, and the first World with four Laws was formed. By that point the sky was getting dark, and Abel stopped investing his Worlds. “Magic Circle Spirit, notify Headmaster Eugene that I have successfully leveled up!” he ordered. Although his level-up energy had faded, he should still give the dragons a clear answer so they could disperse their forces. After he mastered his Worlds, he would make a few powerful Rune Word items for an ultimate battle with Baal! He had many Runes, and he knew skills were not the only thing that mattered when it came to a battle with a powerful Diablo. Therefore, powerful Rune Word Gear was his only hope!
Chapter 1467 Chapter 1467: Divine Kingdoms No one bothered Abel, even after the news that he leveled-up spread out. Even the Dragons and the God Alliance only sent him congratulation letters. Any professionals below Half-god would barely be recognized, and the news most focused around God Ranks. Abel did not think too much about it, but all the God Ranks knew one thing: Abel needed to stabilize his Inner World. After all, it was normal for a new God Rank to go into seclusion for hundreds of years right after their-level up, so that they could master the power of a beginner God Rank. —— Abel stayed in the Golden Castle for two months, but he did not enter the Dark World. Instead he trained his Will to speed up the repairs to his Stone Walls of Laws. Finally, all three of his Inner Worlds had the Laws of ice, fire, and lightning. Nobody would have guessed that this new God Rank was more powerful than most God Ranks after just two months… —— Meanwhile, a lot had changed in the Central Continent. More and more professionals sensed the frightening energy of the Holy Kingdom, but most didn’t know what was actually happening. … There were still four hundred million people living in the Holy Kingdom, and they were all followers of the Demon from Beyond. During the past few months, they had been undergoing all kinds of disasters every day. —— In the Central Temple… Eight God Rank Knights sat in their places, a strange energy lurking around. ... The Saint was looking very happy. It felt like the Demon from Beyond was just a hair away from reawakening, so he was getting very anxious. The eight God Rank Knights, on the other hand, were looking more serious. The disasters that had happened were beyond their expectations. Knight Marlo bowed and asked, “Your Grace, have you connected with the Lord?” The Saint shook his head. “Knight Marlo, the Lord is still in the process of reawakening!” It was not impossible for him to connect to the Demon from Beyond, but its soul was in chaos during the resurrection process. It was easy to tell, just by seeing the disasters that were happening. If the Saint tried to forcefully connect, his soul might be destroyed in the process! “Your Grace, I want to know what is happening!” Knight Marlo asked again and added, “The Guardian Wings’ energy shield is even stopping us now!” Some time ago those God Rank knights had been planning to make a surprise attack on the Wizard Union, but the Guardian Wings’ energy shield was not only forbidding people from coming in, but forbidding people from going out as well! Added to the increasing disasters, the God Rank Knights grew more and more worried. God Rank Knights were among the most faithful followers, but since they had reached God Rank, their pride gave them a sense of autonomy above the lesser, blind followers. Therefore, they wanted to guarantee their own safety, besides having faith! “The Lord’s glory is the most important, are you doubting him?” The Saint opened his arms and stared at Knight Marlo viciously. “Everyone in the Holy Kingdom is horrified!” Knight Marlo replied grimly. “The Holy Kingdom is the Lord’s kingdom. We have to obey the Lord’s will, even if everyone is killed!” the Saint declared with a burning gaze. — At that very moment, the grounds began to shake, and a body emerged from the Guardian Wings. The figure was huge and glowing white, almost like those Guardian Wings were growing out of its back. If Abel was around, he would definitely have recognized it as an angel. All the Demon’s followers immediately dropped to their knees and started praying. The angel gazed down with a blank face. Only a tiny bit of its consciousness had actually been regained. The huge battle long ago had been too damaging. The most it could do was sacrifice its Angel Wings to protect the Holy Kingdom. Although it had healed a lot after thousands of years, some damage to its soul still remained. Still, it had prepared, and its soul could function from instinct, even without a guiding consciousness. “My faith will live forever!” a gracious voice filled the skies of the Holy Kingdom. The voice did not have any emotion, but all the Half-god and below followers started to pray like crazy. Their eyes were burning with passion. They lost their sense of self, forgot about their families and everything else they had ever loved. Their life and souls were no longer important; everything was for their Lord! — In the Central Temple… The Saint and the God Rank Knights also dropped to their knees. Their situations were a little different, as they were not controlled by the Voice like the other faithful. They could only wonder what their Lord wasgoing to do. They soon found out. First, the souls of the weakest elders flew up into the Divine Body as the mortals continued to pray. More and more souls followed. People began to die, but the sounds of their prayers were not getting softer. Instead, they were growing even louder! Their gazes were not filled with horror as their souls left their bodies. Instead, they were filled with joy. Even the most skeptical followers became the most loyal adherents! As more and more souls flew into the Divine Body, its blurry vision slowly cleared up. Every single person who saw the look on its face could feel its might. It was the look of someone who truly ruled everything! The weakest hundred million followers were already dead. The angel didn’t need them to live, but some souls did not directly enter the Divine Body, instead circling around it. —— What was happening was huge. The Wizard Union saw everything that happened from the Warding Wall of Doomsday. It was unreal. Such a huge angel appearing in mid-air, and the souls of a hundred million half-transparent humans flying around. They could not have imagined something so frightening. Abel had tried to move a hundred million people at all costs, and it still took him ten days. “I was not expecting the Evil Kingdom to end like this!” Wizard Smith murmured under his breath. After fighting for thousands of years, he didn’t know how many people the Holy Kingdom had left, but he got a taste of it now. “What is the Demon from Beyond trying to do?” Wizard McPhee asked helplessly. No one replied. If Abel had been around, he would definitely know what was happening. Unlike the gods, an angel could survive and fight without Faith once their Light energy reached a certain level. There were normally more faithful followers living under their protection, so an angel could easily do without a hundred million followers, especially for someone with high rank Light energy like the Demon from Beyond. Indeed, Faith was not the only thing that helped the Demon from Beyond recover. Souls also played a huge part! Those hundred million souls did not get reborn, instead merging with the Demon from Beyond’s soul. It could be thought of as living for eternity, but they would lose all sense of self in the process. “The Demon from Beyond is killing all its followers?!” Wizard Smith gasped. — Soon, three hundred million souls were dancing in the sky. It was a majestic display of death. “I said, I want Light!” the Divine Body in the sky spoke again. The ground then began to shake, and the souls began to glow white. In just ten seconds, the entire Holy Kingdom was pure white. “I said, I want the above and below!” it continued. The three hundred million glowing souls divided themselves into two groups. One formed sparkles in the sky, and the other merged with the ground. For thousands of years, the ground of the Holy Kingdom had been nourished by Faith, and it quickly transformed as the souls merged with it. — The wizards on the Warding Wall were looking tense. They finally realized what the Demon from Beyond was doing, but they couldn’t stop it “It is using the souls to make a new Kingdom!” Wizard Smith was in disbelief. Of its four hundred million followers, a hundred million had merged with its soul; the other three hundred million were used to form a new Divine Kingdom! Since the Guardian Wings energy shield was transparent, and the wizards could see everything. It was looking like a huge white landscape of nothing… — “It’s the Lord’s Kingdom!” the Saint exclaimed fervently. The eight God Rank Knights, on the other hand, were looking grimly serious. Unlike the Saint, they had lived for thousands of years, and they had always thought of the Holy Kingdom as their home. But now, everything was gone, including their disciples and everything they thought had belonged to them!
Chapter 1468 Chapter 1468: Subordinate Gods Besides the eight God Rank Knights and the Saint, every single person in the Holy Kingdom was dead. It was deserted, and the souls of all other beings, from livestock to insects, were also taken away. Suddenly, a wave of fury gushed out from the Divine Body in the sky. It was not the Demon from Beyond’s emotion, but an instinct caused by a change of plan. The Demon from Beyond was expecting to fully recover itself, change its Kingdom, and form new lives from it. However, with the last hundred million followers gone, it was not able to complete the final procedure! Angels were not like the gods. If they could form new lives in their Kingdom, they could make them another level higher. Although the Demon from Beyond could still resurrect as it had planned, it had missed the opportunity it had been awaiting for thousands of years. That ultimate spell it had Cast was not something that could be done easily. It not only drained the angel’s energy, it destroyed the last bit of resources it had! It might not be able to do it again, so it had to make good use of its time in slumber. —— … The Divine Body in the sky connected to the Saint in dissatisfaction. “Ah!” The Saintimmediately felt like his brain was about to blast open from the sudden connection. “My Lord, please forgive me for not taking good care of the followers!” the Saint yelped. His soul was blasted away, as it could no longer handle the Divine Body’s attention. The Saint’s body dropped down on the ground, his eyes still gazing at the Demon from Beyond’s statue. The Demon from Beyond might have let the Saint live if it was fully conscious. At the end of the day, the Saint was still its spokesperson, but the Divine Body did not have such mercy. ... The Holy Kingdom continued to change. When the process was finished, the Demon from Beyond would truly reawaken! —— Time was running out and the wizards knew it. “I will go to the dragons and ask them for help!” Wizard Smith declared grimly. With the current conditions, they had no idea what might happen next. No one around was nearly as powerful as the Demon from Beyond, and even God Rank wizards were not going to do much with their numbers. They needed help! “I’ll call the God Alliance as well!” Wizard McPhee added. Wizard Smith couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly. By that point the God Alliance’s relationship with the Wizard Union was basically ice-cold! They had the right to ask a god to come out of their Kingdom to fight according to their contract, but it was too bad their relationship had gone south. “We should still let them know, so the President will have an excuse to go after them!” Wizard Mosley stated coldly. “Ok!” Wizard Smith agreed. As the Vice President, he had the say when it came to this matter. —— Wizard Smith quickly disappeared from the spot and reappeared in their Headquarters. He went into a room with special Magic Circles to connect with the gods. He activated it with his Power of The Will and requested that all the gods gather at the Warding Wall. Afterwards, he waited for a while, but there was no reply. Still he kept calm. Perhaps the gods were just negotiating with one another. After all, stepping out of their Realms to fight the Demon from Beyond after not fighting for thousands of years was extremely risky. Also, they would only be back-ups at the most. The Curses from the Death God and the healing spells from the Moon Goddess might be of some help, but they wouldn’t be a defining factor. As for the Demon from Beyond, it had more than enough special abilities to kill them! Most importantly, they were still on bad terms with the Wizard Union after what Wizard Mosley had done. Still, they were nothing compared to the Wizard Union. They might be safe for the moment, but the Wizard Union might still come after them in the future! —— “Wizard Smith is still waiting for our reply. What is there to discuss?” The Moon Goddess said helplessly. The Water Goddess and the Death God’s attitudes were clear: they didn’t want to leave their Kingdoms. As for the weakest God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess, they hesitated, as there was not much they could do. “Moon Goddess, what do you think?” the Water Goddess asked. All the gods turned to the Moon Goddess and waited for her to say something. “I suggest we join the dragons or Headmaster Abel. If we do, then we won’t be going to the Warding Wall alone. I’m sure the dragons or Headmaster Abel won’t treat us like tools!” the Moon Goddess said quietly. All the gods went silent. Although they needed Abel’s protection, becoming his subordinates might be too much. Of course, the Moon Goddess was the only one who didn’t really care. Considering Abel’s relationship with Lorraine, matters shouldn’t change much. “Headmaster Abel is a part of the God Alliance too, so we should ask him to join our discussion!” the God of Wealth suggested. The reason they had not invited Abel in the first place was because the Wizard Union had only requested the five of them, since Abel was not under the Wizard Union’s control. “Yes! I don’t disagree with joining Headmaster Abel, but we should still ask him first!” the Earth Goddess agreed quickly. Just look at what had happened to the dwarves. They actually regained their autonomy under Abel, and more and more resources were going their way. The Water Goddess exchanged gazes with the Death God, and nodded as well. “Headmaster just became a God Rank, so I’m just worried if he will have the time to join us!” the Moon Goddess added as she started to call Abel. But it seemed like it was her lucky day. Abel was just taking a rest, and he immediately accepted her call. “Headmaster Abel, congratulations for becoming a God Rank!” the Moon Goddess smiled. “Headmaster Abel, congratulations!” the other gods added as well. They had all congratulated Abel before in a letter, but they still did it again in person. “Thank you!” Abel smiled and bowed back. “What happened?” he inquired of them. “Headmaster Abel, we want to become your subordinate gods!” the Moon Goddess replied seriously. The other gods remained silent while she did the talking. “That’s…” Abel was not expecting this. The Moon Goddess got straight to the point. “Headmaster Abel, the Wizard Union has just asked us to gather at the Warding Wall. We want to reject it, so I hope we can serve under you and use your name!” Indeed, Abel was one of the most powerful forces in this world, with more than ten God Rank Summons and the dragons on his side! Even without Abel’s direct help, his name would make the Wizard Union think again. Most importantly , the Moon Goddess trusted him. She had watched Abel grow up, so she knew very well what kind of person he was! “Moon Goddess, you know the consequences of becoming my subordinate god, right?” Abel asked gently. A Subordinate God was a title given to gods who sought safety from a more powerful god. However it came at a cost, and that was opening up their Divine Kingdoms to the more powerful god! In another word, giving their life to them! The Moon Goddess bowed and called out, “My Lord Abel, please accept my loyalty!” “Moon Goddess, I accept your loyalty and you will be under my protection!” Abel replied firmly. He knew the Moon Goddess had already decided, so rejecting her would be an insult. Afterwards, the Moon Goddess reached a bit of her soul out, and Abel connected it with his own soul. From now on, he would know the Moon Goddess’s location at all times. Afterwards, a calm expression emerged on the Moon Goddess’s face. It was a huge decision, but unlike the other gods, she knew Abel very well. Most importantly, she knew she wouldn’t have a good time with the Wizard Union if she didn’t ask Abel for help! She still remembered the look on the Wizard Union President’s face when they signed their contract back in the day. It was a look of utter disrespect and distaste. Although she didn’t know why the Wizard Union President had kept the gods alive, she knew he would come after them after he achieved what he wanted. It was why she lived in constant fear, and never dared step out of her Kingdom. The Moon Goddess’s actions caught the other gods completely off guard. Where was the discussion they’d been talking about? “My Lord Abel, please accept my loyalty as your subordinate god!” the God of Wealth clenched his teeth and also gave his offer of fealty. He was the weakest god there, but he knew the young Abel was more trustworthy than the Wizards Union! He bowed with all his respect. “God of Wealth, I accept your loyalty, and you will be under my protection!” Abel declared firmly again. At the same time, the God of Wealth reluctantly gave out his soul to Abel. The Earth Goddess followed. The Water Goddess and the Death God hesitated, but Abel did not care. After all, it was concerning their future, not his. The Moon Goddess had full trust in Abel, and the weaker gods had no choice, so it was an easier decision for them to make. After all, they knew very well Abel was not after their wealth or their power!
Chapter 1469 Chapter 1469: Just Visiting If the Wizard Union had not pushed them to the edge, no god would want to trust their life to another god. But since they had decided, they all reached a strand of their soul towards Abel. Although this process wouldn’t hurt them, Abel could pinpoint their location in an instant. That meant that Abel could locate ten Divine Kingdoms instantly!. The gods knew very well what that meant. It was why the Death God and the Water Goddess hesitated. They knew they had no chance to fight back if they became Abel’s vassal. Indeed, the God Alliance had lost its purpose the moment the Moon Goddess, the Earth Goddess, and then God of Wealth joined Abel! The God Alliance used to be a balanced organization, but three of its gods had become Abel’s vassals, which meant the God Alliance was also Abel’s now! — The Water Goddess and the Death God left the meeting. They needed some time to think. The only ones left standing in the Spirit Connection Circle were Abel, the Moon Goddess, the Earth Goddess, and the God of Wealth. “I know you guys might be worried even after becoming my vassals, so I think I’ll show everything I have so you will be less worried!” Abel smiled at the three gods. The Moon Goddess was the only one not too worried, but the other two were still trembling in their hearts. … Considering how weak they were, they knew they wouldn’t be much use to Abel. Therefore they knew their place in Abel’s heart might have been even lower if they had hesitated. They certainly did not trust the Wizard Union after surviving for so long. “First, may I invite you over to Doff the War God’s Kingdom?’ Abel asked instead of commanded. Of course, he knew his three vassal gods would not reject him. “My lord, at your command!” the God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess bowed. Leaving their Kingdom was a huge risk, but they knew it was something they had to do as vassals, and Abel probably wouldn’t put them in danger. ... “I’ll give you a Teleportation Circle to Doff’sRealm which you can set it up in your own Kingdom. Afterwards, just teleport directly here!” Abel waved and a set of Magic Circles were transferred through the Spirit Connection Circle. For gods who had survived since the Era of Gods, making a Teleportation Circle was simple. All that was needed was some Faith, and at the same time they were not worried about Abel learning their location anymore… —— Soon, the Spirit Connection Circle was deactivated, and Abel Flashed into Doff’s Realm. Half an hour later, he received three teleportation requests. “My Lord Abel, your subordinates are here!” The three vassal gods appeared and bowed to him. “Moon Goddess, God of Wealth, and Earth Goddess, welcome!” Abel smiled and bowed back. “This is Doff the War God’s Realm?” The Moon Goddess was stunned after she lifted her head. The other two vassals were stunned too. It was unlike anything they had ever seen. Since they were on the Golden Castle floating in the sky, they could only see Doff’s original Kingdom, but they also giant tunnels leading to something beyond. The city was also unlike anything they knew of, filled with strange buildings. “I call this place the Battlecry City, the home of the Barbarian souls!” Abel smiled. He was feeling very happy, receiving his first batch of guests. Unlike other gods, he felt very safe in his Kingdom. After all, he had more than twenty God Ranks on his side, ready to fight at any time. As Abel explained matters, the God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess became envious. Doff was a new god, yet he had an entire race to supply him with Faith! Only the Moon Goddess had anything close! In reality, there were actually many Barbarians in the world. If Abel hadn’t changed their living conditions so drastically, they would have been on the verge of extinction. Abel flew to the center of the Realm with his vassals instead of teleporting. That way they would get a nicer view of the place. The Moon Goddess got a glimpse of the Mountain’s original Realm and gasped, “What’s that?” A giant fireball was dangling in the sky like the sun! On the ground were buildings with hundreds of stories, all inhabited by dwarves. There were twenty million dwarves in total! “That’s the Mountain God’s original Divine Kingdom!” Abel smiled. The Moon Goddess knew where those dwarves came from and said gently, “Seems like all the dwarves who died back in the days have returned!” The God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess recalled the memories of the past. They were not good memories, since they had been even weaker back then. “The God of Fire, on the other hand, exposed himself during our exchange, so I took his Kingdom as well!” Abel explained. The three vassal gods had already had some speculations, and Abel confirmed them now. “My Lord Abel, you should thank the God of Fire!” the Moon Goddess smiled. Abel took out a godhead and said, “Yeah, I also thanked him for giving me this!” Immediately, the faces of his vassals changed. The reason gods were not afraid to die was because their godheads would be able to escape, which gave them a chance to resurrect one day. They knew the God of Fire had died and they were originally planning to spread some Faith for the God of Fire according to their contract back in the days. They had just never had the chance after Abel took control of the dwarves. Seeing the God of Fire’s godhead in Abel’s hand completely changed the story, and they were stunned. You could destroy a god’s body, but taking their godhead would truly mean the death of a god. The God of Fire was the most powerful god in the God Alliance, so what were they going to do? Soon, the vassals remembered what Abel had said: he was going to show them his true power! “Follow me, I’ll show you more!” Abel waved at them with a smile. What he had shown them was extremely powerful. After all, what could be scarier to gods than seeing the ability to kill them? Since Abel had their souls and the ability to pinpoint their locations, these vassal gods had no choice but to be loyal! Not to mention, Abel might have much more in store… Abel then smiled and pointed in mid air. “Here are the blacksmith guilds!” The three gods exchanged gazes, but they were not surprised. After all, Abel did gain the God of Fire’s godhead. “There are thirty-two thousand master blacksmiths here, and five thousand of them are grandmaster blacksmiths!” Abel continued. Although the gods did not know how many followers the God of Fire had, that number was still unbelievable. Even the dwarves had less than that! “I’ve been selecting some talented smiths from those twenty million dwarves, hoping one day they can help out the blacksmiths as well!” Abel said proudly. What Abel had was the most powerful team of Magic Circle Makers in existence. Although they could not fight, they could definitely boost one’s power! The Moon Goddess was already thinking about ordering some giant war machines from Abel. Even though the dwarves might sell them, the process to make them took way too long. Abel might protect her from top rank forces, but she still needed to manage low rank invasions by herself. The God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess also realized this. With the dwarves and those blacksmiths on Abel’s side, Abel basically had full control over the weapon manufacturing of this world! This was power, to both the common world and professionals! Abel flew back to the Golden Castle with the three vassal gods and said, “From now on you can all freely access this Kingdom. Now, let me introduce you to my servants!” God Ranks One through Seven soon arrived and bowed to Abel. Abel did not hold back and declared, “God Ranks One, Five, and Seven are all God Rank Wizards. The other four are God Rank Knights, and they all have a soul contract with me!” All three gods’ jaws dropped. There no longer had the pride of gods. Since when did Abel get two more God Rank Summons? As far as they knew Abel only had five! On top of that, those two new God Rank Summons were extremely powerful. If their senses were correct, they should be Rank 38!
Chapter 1470 Chapter 1470: The Goddess of Valor Although the gods had no idea what God Rank Knights would join Abel, they didn’t want to ask too much. As long as they were bound by a soul contract, they would die for Abel. “Please keep what you are about to see a secret!” Abel continued. He waved, and the seven God Rank Summons departed. —— Afterwards, Abel activated the Teleportation Circle, and they quickly appeared at another Divine Kingdom. “This is the Mountain God’s new Realm. Since its original one merged with Doff’s Realm, all I could do was give him a new one!” Abel smiled. The gods knew about this, since it had almost caused a huge war with the Wizard Union, but they were still not expecting Abel to have supplied all the holy crystals. After all, building a Divine Kingdom was exhausting just thinking about it! “This Kingdom covers the Dwarves’ Furnace Fort. It is my faithful ground, and anyone who dares to attack will get a taste of me!” Abel declared confidently. The gods quickly thought of the seven God Rank Summons, and they realized where his confidence came from. Even the Wizard Union would have a hard time fighting seven God Ranks in a faithful ground! Not to mention, Abel also had at least five other gods on his side, as far as they knew! … The gods weren’t too shocked to see this Realm, since it was still on the weaker side. Although Doff’s Realm was new too, it had quickly became stronger after combining with two other Kingdoms. Abel did not wait for the gods to look around and said, “Follow me!” —– They soon appeared in another strange Kingdom. The Moon Goddess saw the armored goddess floating in mid air and gasped, “The Goddess of the Hunt’s Realm!” The Goddess of Hunting nodded gently to the Moon Goddess, but did not say anything. Instead she continued to work on strengthening her Realm. ... “Her Realm was on the verge of collapse, and it is still being restored!” Abel explained. It was no longer as broken as before, but it was still nothing like what it was during the Era of Gods. —— Afterwards, Abel led the gods to the Realms of the Ice God and the God of Black Fog. Although the gods knew those gods had been resurrected, they were not expecting them to be Abel’s vassals as well! Afterwards, they teleported to yet another Divine Kingdom. Unlike the other ones, this one was filled with rock men, and the three gods were immediately stunned. Those rock men should be the followers of some god. They were all producing Faith as they hammered on the rocks. “How is this possible?” the God of Wealth gasped. He was not the only one, as this Realm looked like that of a god who had died long ago. “The God of Stone! He has been resurrected!” the Moon Moon Goddess cried out in disbelief. “This is why I need you all to keep it a secret. I don’t want to hide things from my vassal gods!” Abel smiled. “My Lord Abel, I, the Goddess of the Moon, will never disclose this information!” the Moon Goddess swore fervently, bowing deeply. The Earth Goddess and the God of Wealth reacted quickly, bowing as well. They all knew very well what it meant if the God of Stone had been resurrected! Abel would not have told them this if he did not trust them, so they had to show their own loyalty. “The God of Stone still needs some time to recover, so he can’t show himself. Once he does, the wizards will immediately try to kill him!” Abel continued. The three gods nodded. The God of Stone was one of Abel’s final trump cards. “I still have some more Realms I want to show you!” Abel said as he activated the Teleportation Circle again. The three gods were so stunned at this point that they were all growing numb. —— There were eleven hidden gods in total, and they were all war-type gods from the Era of Gods. The three gods finally had a true taste of how scary Abel was, and their worries started to settle. A vassal god was supposed to give faith to their master during the Era of Gods, but Abel wasn’t lacking in Faith. Instead, they could all get an extra holy crystal every ten years! They were also given enough Potions every year to strengthen their followers’ Faith! “Just take it easy on the Wizard Union’s request. They should get a message from the dragons soon, and the Dragon Headmasters will go with you. I believe the Wizard Union won’t do anything crazy with them around!” Abel told them with a grim smile. His words took the final worries of the gods away. —— Afterwards, the God of Wealth and the Earth Goddess immediately returned to their Realms. They needed to recover from what they had seen today. “Moon Goddess, please stay for a moment!” Abel called out as she was turning away. The Moon Goddess paused and followed Abel to the side of the Golden Castle. There was a crystal coffin, and inside laid the body of an elven goddess. “The Goddess of Valor!” The Moon Goddess gasped as she placed her hand on the coffin. Back in the Era of Gods, the Goddess of Valor had fought for the elves, while the Moon Goddess stabilized their Faith. They were a perfect duo who had lived with each other for tens of thousands of years. There was no closer bond in this world; they had shared their knowledge, their Realm, and their secrets. It was hard to imagine something like it during the Era of Gods, which made their relationship even more special. But after the Era of Gods ended, the Goddess of Valor was captured by the Wizard Union and was never seen again. Although Abel promised that he would save an elven god, the Moon Moon Goddess had never gotten her hopes up. After all, the Wizard Union was way too powerful, and invading their Headquarters twice was not easy. “I found the Goddess of Valor on the second level under the Wizard Union Headquarters. I will return her to you now, according to our promise!” Abel smiled at her. “My Lord Abel, I don’t know how I can thank you!” the Moon Goddess bowed excitedly. Abel smiled and bowed back to her. “Don’t worry about it!” “My Lord Abel, may I invite you to my Kingdom to witness the Goddess of Valor’s resurrection?” The Moon Goddess bowed solemnly. “Of course!” Abel agreed cheerfully. He waved his hand, and God Ranks One through Seven entered his Monster Ring. It was not because he didn’t trust the Moon Goddess, but the Goddess of Valor might do something after she sensed an unfamiliar presence… —— They quickly appeared in the Moon Goddess’ Realm, as their Teleportation Circles were connected. As soon as Abel entered, he paused in amazement. The place was sparkling with moonlight, and the ground was covered in all kinds of flowers. The smell was intoxicating, and there were gentle waterfalls streaming down from a mountain. The elves around were either playing or working hard. It was like a dream. The peaceful atmosphere was enough to make anyone relax. “Moon Goddess, the elves really do love beauty!” Abel sighed. “My Lord Abel, you are a member of the elves too!” the Moon Goddess replied happily. Her joy made all the flowers in her Realm tremble, and life filled the air. “It’s my honor!” Abel laughed. The difference in their power had initially created some distance between them, but their conversation had brought them closer once again. If Abel hadn’t had so many secrets, he would have preferred to just keep the Moon Goddess as a friend, rather than making her a vassal. It was only after he gained access to the Moon Goddess’ Realm that he could truly protect the elves. At least he could now directly send his forces through the Teleportation Circle in the Moon Goddess’s Realm. “The Goddess of Valor is my sister, my true sister. I really don’t know how I can thank you!” The Moon Goddess placed the crystal coffin on a platform in her kingdom and said gently. “I should be the one thanking you. Without you and the elves’ protection, I won’t be standing here today!” Abel smiled. The Moon Goddess lifted her head and sighed, “I saw your potential, but I never expected you to grow this fast!” “Let’s not worry about who should thank who!” Abel smiled and continued, “You should resurrect the Goddess of Love now!” 3 Abel was very curious about how a god could be resurrected. The way he did it was much too violent. The Moon Goddess nodded and focused all her attention on the crystal coffin. “My dear sister, the elves need your light, I am too tired on my own. Please come back!” she whispered like she was Summoning something. At the same time, she waved her hand gracefully, and large amounts of Faith with a flowery scent rushed towards the coffin. “My Lord Abel, back long ago, my sister merged her Realm with mine. She knew the Wizard Union wouldn’t let a Battle-type god like her live, but she still went to fight!” the Moon Goddess told him with tears in her eyes. Abel did not say anything, but he could truly sense her love. The Wizard Union had captured all the Battle-type gods because they didn’t want the gods to have any chance of fighting back. What the Goddess of Valor had done had protected the elves, and they were not massacred like the dwarves. That fate was why the Mountain God had more than two hundred million dwarves’ souls in his Realm! There was no morality to be had back then. If the Wizard Union hadn’t been so brutal in their actions, they would have been the ones suppressed by the gods!
Chapter 1471 Chapter 1471: New Subordinate God Abel had never seen a god show such emotion. He had always thought they were bound by rationality, but from those stories, Abel knew these two goddesses were unlike any other gods. As Abel was feeling emotional as well, large amounts of faith rushed into the Goddess of Valor’s body. The faith in the Moon Goddess’s Divine Kingdom began to drop, and the atmosphere began to thin out. If this continued, the Moon Goddess’s Kingdom would take a lot of damage! Abel thought for a moment and took out a hundred holy crystals, “Just use this!” The Moon Goddess did not reject Abel’s gift and smiled. “Thank you!” Holy crystals shattered one by one, and the Goddess of Valor began to regain consciousness. “My Lord Abel, the Wizard Union has been too hard on us these many years. Most of the elves’ holy crystals were taken away, just so we can leave peacefully!” The Moon Goddess bit her lips and smiled sadly. In the face of a powerful force, even a goddess couldn’t do much. “If they ask you again from now on, just tell me!” Abel said firmly. The Moon Goddess was already his vassal, so it was his duty to protect her, and the Wizard Union knew it. … —— After fifty holy crystals were drained dry, a powerful storm of energy emerged from the elven Realm. Luckily the Moon Goddess had control of the place, and the flowers around them were not destroyed. Abel stood to one side. The thing that had used up most the Faith was not the Goddess of Valor’s Divine Body, but her soul. After all, her soul had gone through many years of torture and weakening by the Wizard Union. Luckily, the Moon Goddess’s Faith was the same as the Goddess of Valor, so it could be used to repair her soul as well as her body! ... It might have been a bit harder with only Faith from only her Divine Kingdom. Abel’s holy crystals had made the whole process much easier, and of course, it saved a lot of time as well! —— After an hour, the Goddess of Valor’s energy finally stabilized. With a bang, the crystal coffin suddenly blasted open, and the Goddess of Valor floated out of it. She was fully naked but she didn’t care. With a bit of Faith, a long sword formed in her hand, and the air around her was engulfed in flames. “Sister!” the Moon Goddess called out. Immediately, the Goddess of Valor’s emotionless eyes regained a spark of life and she quickly diffused her instinctive self-defense. “Sister?” She was stunned. She gazed at the Moon Goddess and then the Realm about her. Finally she turned to Abel. “Sister, you are finally awake!” The Moon Goddess still had tears in her eyes as she smiled glowingly. At the same time, she opened up her Kingdom’s authority to the Goddess of Valor. It was an act of total trust, and had not changed even after thousands of years. “Seems like you have saved me, thank you!” The Goddess of Valor let her guard down and waved at her sister with a smile. The drifting flowers then formed an armor as they landed on her body. The Moon Goddess pointed at Abel and said, “No sister, Lord Abel saved you!” “Lord?” A cold gaze sparked from the Goddess of Valor and she exclaimed, “You forced my sister to submit to you?” The flaming sword immediately appeared in her hand again as she charged towards Abel. It came backed by the force of a Divine Kingdom. A normal wizard would not even have the chance to strike back! However, Abel was the Lord of the Moon Goddess and he had a bit of her soul. The force of her Kingdom couldn’t do anything to him! A Flash pattern appeared on his hand and he disappeared from the spot before she could reach him. “A God Rank Wizard! you dog, I will kill you one day!” the Goddess of Valor roared. Abel frowned and his three Worlds appeared above him. The frightening amount of Light energy within them formed three beams and pressed down onto the Goddess of Valor. The Goddess of Valor had only just reawakened, so that high-rank Light energy was way too much for her to handle. Abel didn’t want to overdo things. If he withdrew hundreds of spells from his Worlds to attack the newly resurrected Goddess of Valor, all his spent holy crystals would go to waste! After all, it was justa misunderstanding. “Sister, Lord Abel is not from the Wizard Union. He is my friend, the friend of the elves!” The shockeded Moon Goddess regained herself and quickly got in the way. The two goddesses connected through the Power of The Will and large amounts of information were transferred to the Goddess of Valor. She soon understood who Abel was. “I am sorry, it was my misunderstanding!” The Goddess of Valor went to one knee in apology. “No worries, just take your time to recover. I’ll be on my way now!” Abel retracted his three Light beams with an easy smile. “Abel, let’s make a deal. You make a Kingdom for me, and I’ll be your vassal as well!” The Goddess of Valor spoke again before Abel turned away. Abel was startled. This goddess was much more decisive than any of the others! “Don’t be surprised. I trust you because I trust my sister. It’s just that I don’t have a Kingdom right now, and my sister’s Kingdom cannot support two gods!” she explained after seeing how shocked Abel was. She trusted Abel’s power. Although she had only just awakened, the impressive energy from Abel’s three Worlds were far superior to her. But most of all, the Moon Goddess had let her know that Abel had enough God Rank Summons to go against the Wizard Union! “My Lord Abel, please accept my sister’s oath. I don’t want her to be captured by the Wizard Union again!” the Moon Goddess bowed quickly. “Goddess of Valor, let me speak the truth. Your identity is very sensitive. Once the Wizard Union discovers you, the elves and the Moon Goddess will be in big trouble, so just forget about forming a Kingdom for right now!” Abel said grimly. The goddesses went silent. They knew Abel would not lie, and they would not question him, especially since Abel was the one who had saved the Goddess of Valor. Considering how much the Wizard Union cared about the World Stone Heart, they would definitely capture the Goddess of Valor again and force her to speak about what had happened. The Wizard Union would not hesitate, even with Abel around. Instead they might directly start a war! That was especially true since the Wizard Union President was on his way back! “My Lord Abel, we will be very careful!” the Moon Goddess nodded. The Goddess of Valor, still on one knee, bowed her head and declared firmly, “I, the Goddess of Valor, will pledge loyalty to you and obey your command!” She did not have any complaints. After all, the Moon Goddess was Abel’s vassal and Abel was the one who had saved her from the Wizard Union. She had fought the Wizard Union, so she knew exactly how powerful they were. ” Goddess of Valor, I accept your loyalty and I will give you protection!” Abel declared solemnly. Afterwards, the Goddess of Valor extended a bit of her soul to Abel, and the loyalty oath was completed. “Goddess of Valor, you might not be able to form your Kingdom now, but take these five hundred holy crystals!” Abel then handed a portal bag to her. The Goddess of Valor was stunned. Five hundred holy crystals was a huge number even in the Era of God, let alone the Era of Wizards! “My Lord, what can I do for you?” the Goddess of Valor replied, completely embarrassed. Abel said she couldn’t expose herself, which meant she couldn’t even do missions for him! “If you are willing, exchange some knowledge with my other vassals. I’ll give you a Teleportation Circle so it’s easier for you all to communicate!” Abel smiled at her. “My Lord Abel, I won’t hold back!” the Goddess of Valor agreed in a serious tone. It was very strange for a god from the Era of Gods to accept so much favor, especially since she couldn’t repay it. Therefore, she immediately agreed to Abel’s request! “If you need any faith, you can find Doff the War God, he will give you some before your Kingdom is formed!” Abel continued. The Goddess of Valor bowed, finding herself very happy with her new lord. She also knew what was happening around the world through the Moon Goddess. The mighty Demon from Beyond was on the brink of resurrection, and the Wizard Union President was on his way back. The whole world was like a firecracker, ready to explode at any moment! She needed a strong backup. If she’d had one back in the past, she wouldn’t have needed to die for the elves and the Moon Goddess. —— Since Abel still had things to do, he soon left. The two goddesses remained in their Divine Kingdom, looking at each other with bright smiles. Even after tens of thousands of years, the elves lived on! The Goddess of Valor was initially planning to recall her personal Relics, but that might have exposed the fact that she had been resurrected, so she held off. She trusted Abel, and he could protect the elves. It had only taken Abel ten years of training to reach God Rank! It seemed like it wouldn’t be long until he became someone like the Wizard Union President!
Chapter 1472 Chapter 1472: Gear Wizard Smith immediately knew something was wrong when he received the reply from the gods. According to the Moon Goddess, the God of Wealth, and the Earth Goddess, they would be coming to the Warding Wall with the Dragons. As for the Water Goddess and the God of Death, they still had not replied. They just couldn’t decide between the Wizard Union and Abel. Both sides were extremely powerful. But of course, that was because they didn’t know how powerful Abel actually was. —— By the time Wizard Smith started to contact the Dragons, Abel had already arrived at Dragon Island. As soon as he appeared, all four God Rank Dragons flew towards him. After all, Abel was a God Rank and had appeared out of nowhere, while the dragons were no longer under Dragon Island’s protection. But they soon sensed Abel’s familiar energy and a smile appeared on their faces. “Haha! Headmaster Abel, I thought you were going to be in seclusion for hundreds of years!” Headmaster Eugene called out. The other three dragons nodded excitedly. … Abel felt like he was right at home. The dragons really were the purest. He didn’t know about the Dragon God, but he had never seen a dragon with ill intent “Headmaster Eugene, Headmaster Carlos, Headmaster Alma, Headmaster Mumford!” Abel bowed flamboyantly to them. “How do I have any time for seclusion when the Demon from Beyond is on the brink of resurrection?!” “Headmaster Abel, just let us old bastards take care of it, you are the future of us dragons!” Headmaster Carlos shook his head. The other three dragons nodded. Abel was very young, yet he had so many God Rank Summons. As long as Abel didn’t die, the future of the dragons would be extremely bright. ... They did not need to protect the Dragon God, and the Dragon God would not concern himself with the dragons unless something huge happened. This had been the case for the past thousands of years. They didn’t even know where the Dragon God was, so Abel was the most important thing to them right now. “I’m here today to discuss something with you all!” Abel continued cheerfully. As for his fighting with the Demon from Beyond, nothing could change his mind. He had done way too much in the Holy Kingdom. The Demon from Beyond would find him, even if he didn’t go. “What is it?” Headmaster Eugene asked curiously, but as soon as he spoke, a frown appeared on his face. “Headmaster Abel, let’s head to the Dragon Temple first!” he waved Abel along Abel didn’t know what was happening, but he followed. —— It has been two months since he visited the ocean, but a lot has changed. The dragon caves had been lifted up by special stone racks that were built up from the bottom of the ocean. The dens of their Half-god dragons were set much higher. Abel soon realized how they could build something like this so quickly. On the far side there were still dwarves working, carrying stones and their construction puppets into the ocean. “All thanks to the dwarves!” Headmaster Eugene smiled as he gazed at the dwarves. “I’ve promised not to interfere with them, but still, thank you for taking care of them!” Abel smiled back. Building things was in the dwarves’ nature, no matter if it was on land or above the ocean. If Abel had not stood up for them, they would still be under the Wizard Union’s control. “Headmaster Eugene, the dwarves are a part of us. No need to thank them. Headmaster Abel, you also shouldn’t thank us!” Headmaster Carlos complained. “Haha, you are right!” Abel laughed and everyone nodded along. —— Soon, they arrived at the Dragon Temple and went silent. Headmaster Eugene stepped towards the Communication Circle, while the other three stayed back. They didn’t know what was happening, but it had to be something to do with the Wizard Union. Indeed, it was to do with the Warding Wall! Headmaster Eugene stepped back after a while and said grimly, “The Wizard Union is requesting we send some Half-god and God Rank dragons to the Warding Wall!” “Headmaster Eugene, I still need some time for training, but it won’t take long!” Abel spoke up. “Headmaster Abel, you shouldn’t go at all. I agreed with what Headmaster Carlos said!” Headmaster Eugene shook his head. “Headmaster Abel, you have never had any experience with huge battles. The Demon from Beyond is no joke, so let’s just leave it to us!” Headmaster Carlos added. “I have my plans, I just need to level up a bit more!” Abel stated firmly. “Right, also Wizard Smith sounded a little strange. He said we should arrive with the three gods as soon as possible!” Headmaster Eugene continued. His gaze then turned towards Abel, since he was the closest with the gods. “Headmaster Eugene, I’ll make an announcement now. The Moon Goddess, the God of Wealth, and the Earth Goddess are now my vassal gods. So I hope you can all look after them in the following battles!” Abel smiled. “Haha! I totally did not see that coming!” The dragons started to laugh again. The Wizard Union had always been the most powerful force on land, while the Dragons ruled the ocean. However, Abel had changed all of that. First he gained control of the Barbarians, then the tauren, and then the dwarves. Now Abel was ruling the elves via the Moon Goddess as well. Those were all huge losses to the Wizard Union, leaving humans as the only species ruled by the Wizard Union. “You can count on us for the three gods’ safety!” Headmaster Carlos added with a laugh as well. The Wizard Union would always give face to the dragons, so they wouldn’t treat the gods too badly. They might not even have the power to order them to do anything too risky. This was why the gods needed to join the dragons, else they might not make it back alive! “Headmaster Abel, I think the Dragon God is on his way. I will notice you as soon as he returns!” Headmaster Eugene reminded him. “Thank you!” Abel replied. He was the only Dragon Headmaster who had never met the Dragon God, but hearing the way Headmaster Eugene talked about the Dragon God, he shouldn’t be anyone hard to deal with. — Afterwards, Abel did not loiter around, and directly returned to the Golden Castle. The first thing he did was notify his vassal gods to go to the dragons. As for the God of Death and the Water Goddess, he did not have time to care. He didn’t have much time left, as he had to focus on his battle with Baal. After all, it was their loss! ——— Back in the Dark World’s Rogue Encampment… Abel laid out a huge stack of Runes in front of himself. They had all been gathered from the Hell Furnace, and he was about to make the most powerful Rune Word Gear he could. First, a suit of Armor. Although it looked like he had a lot of Runes, they was only enough to make two sets. One set for himself, and one for his Angel avatar. Since he was already Rank 36, he wasn’t much weaker than his God Rank Summons. As for his avatar, it was more powerful than any knight Summon he had, and might be his only hope of winning against Baal. After all, his Summons could only fight on instinct. The past four battles taught him one thing: only a being with a World Stone had the power to fight a demon! In this upcoming battle, Abel was planning to bet on his angel avatar making the most attacks, while his main body cast spells from the side. His Summons would only strike when the time was right. Even Black Wind was not suitable to go against Baal, but his avatar needed to be able to move in a Flash during the most dangerous situations. There was only one suitable Rune Word Armor for the angel avatar: the Enigma Set, the best armor for non-wizard professions! It could not only increase every skill by two Ranks and add 700 points of defense, it could also Flash-move! This meant the Angel avatar would be able to hit and run like a wizard, but the Enigma Armor was so incredibly hard to make that Abel could only make a single set for his Angel avatar. He took out an armor with three sockets he had prepared, and directly activated his World Stone Skills. Afterwards, he guided the Jah, Ith, and Ber Runes into the sockets. The Jah and Ith runes were top rank Runes, so he didn’t dare make any mistakes. Soon, a dark gold glow sparked and settled into the armor. He knew there shouldn’t be a problem as long as he didn’t mess up their order, but he was still a bit anxious because he would only have an opportunity like this every few years. Afterwards, he was going to make the Chain of Honor armor for himself. It could increase every Skill by two ranks and do +200 damage to demons, which would be useful on Baal. Most of all, he had his eyes on the extra 65% increase in all Resistances! This would give his original body the best defense. After all, he was not an angel born to fight demons!
Chapter 1473 Chapter 1473: Preparing Abel started to count his remaining Runes after he made the Chain of Honor armor. Most of them were used up on those two armors. The holy sword and shield did not need replacing. There is also a replacement Rune Word, “Fortitude”, in the angel avatar’s portal bag, which could give it an extra +300 close range attack when needed. But when he needed to drag out his fight with Baal, he could easily use the Enigma Armor’s move to Flash away. The only thing lacking was a helmet. By this point, Abel no longer cared about the Gear for his original body. After all, it was not his main weapon. He was going to make a Dream Rune Word with his final Runes. The Runes needed were Nef, Jah, and Pul, but just the Nef Rune alone took up all his salvaged Runes. A main ability of the Dream Word was the Rank 15 Holy Aura, which wasn’t too useful for someone with holy knight Summons like Abel. Instead, he had his eyes on the 30% speed enchantment and 30% defense enchantment, extra 20 defense, extra 10 strength, extra 50% health, and extra 20 for all resistances! After all, anything that increased his defense was good! If the Wizard Union President and the Demon from Beyond gave him ten more years, he could easily make top rank Rune Words for all his Summons, but it was too bad he was running out of time. … After the Gear was set, he started to combine more Full Recovery Potions. Thousands of bottles were created, and he stepped into the world of the high elves outside of the Rogue Encampment. By this point their population had reached thirty thousand. As their numbers increased, their development also followed. That was even considering the fact that they were not good at reproducing, but Abel knew they were extremely high level beings. Additionally, they had the Oak Tree of Life as nourishment. For hundreds of years, it kept forming fruit, and new high elves were born. It also kept up with its stimulation to reach that thirty thousand number. Abel did not move in a Flash, instead walking. He wanted to talk to someone before his ultimate battle with Baal, and he only felt safe around the Oak Tree. The high elves landed softly and bowed to him as he walked past. If Abel had wanted to pursue the path of a god, these would be his most loyal followers. It was too bad he had chosen wizardry. Still, as a God Rank wizard he was just as powerful and his attacks were even greater. —— As soon as he arrived next to the Oak Tree, his heart calmed down and his last bit of anxiety faded away. He leaned gently against the Oak Tree. In an instant, their spirits merged into one and Abel could feel everything the Oak Tree was feeling through its branches. He could sense the little space below the Oak Tree. It was separated from the world and fully under the Oak Tree’s control. By this point the Oak Tree was covering half of the Blood Moor. As long as it was willing to sacrifice its energy, it could make all the herbs in the garden grow in an instant, and revive all the aging Blue Howling Rabbits. “The Oak Tree is God Rank as well!” Abel mumbled, finally realizing that. But that was not surprising considering how mysterious it was. The space under the Oak Tree was like its Inner World or a Divine Kingdom. The Oak Tree sensed what Abel was thinking and a green energy rushed into Abel. As soon as their Power of The Will touched, Abel knew what it was. The green energy was like an energy shield. It could protect him in the following battle, even if the Oak Tree could not join in. Indeed, it was a very draining move, and all the leaves of the Oak Tree dried up. Abel felt very touched by what had happened, so he swore with confidence, “Don’t worry, this world will belong to me once I defeat Baal!” —— Afterwards, he Flashed towards the Rogue Encampment without looking back, while the Oak Tree gently waved goodbye. Abel did not waste any time. He immediately recalled his Summons and teleported to Harrowgate, re-entering the second level of the World Stone Keeper for the Throne of Destruction. There was not a single Hell creature along the way, and soon he was at the red glowing door again. He took a deep breath. This place was filled with a rotten stench, but he kept calm. He put his foot forward, but it was stopped by the red glow. What happened? Abel looked around and his gaze landed on the Monster Ring on his finger. It must be the reason. Since Abel was the only one with the World Stone, he put all of his summons in the Monster Ring to avoid them being attacked immediately. After all, managing just himself was much easier. Still, he couldn’t figure out why that was a problem. After a moment, he brought out all his Summons, and they appeared in the hall. He looked around but he did not send all his summons out. Instead he only sent out the mud monster to see what was going on. The mud monster easily entered the red door, but in just two seconds, Abel lost the connection to it. No surprise, with its ability it only made sense it was killed. It seemed his Summons could enter the door. After all, their skills were recognised by the Dark World. But that might not be the case for the contracted Cummons he brought from the Central Continent. 2 Still, Abel didn’t want to put any of them in danger. No matter what they looked like, they were all alive, and Abel treated them like his children. It was a tough decision to make. Should he send out his contracted Summons? Abel thought as he looked through them one by one. Suddenly, the Rank 22 Wizard Frankenstein stepped up with a bow and then charged into the red door. He knew what Abel was thinking, and he was the weakest Summon, so he was willing to sacrifice himself to show his loyalty. It was his duty! Abel did not stop him, as he knew Frankenstein was resolved about this. However, as soon as Frankenstein made contact with the red door, he was rejected. Abel let out a breath of relief and told Frankenstein to step back. He finally understood. Since his contracted Summons were not the professionals of this world, they could not enter! Abel himself was not from the Dark World as well, but he spent most of his time in the Dark World and he had the Horadric Cube Marking him. “All of you stay here!” he ordered firmly. Abel started to regret some, because he had thought he could use a Holy Aura from his holy knight Summons to help him, but it was too late. He used up all his Runes and getting more would take a few years more of battle. Considering the current situation in the Central Continent, he had no more time to wait! At least he still had the Holy Charge from his Dream Helmet, and Rank 17 Meditation Aura from the Rune Word Hole. Still, the Holy Charge was a lightning attack, so it wouldn’t do much to Baal. Abel sighed helplessly and put all the normal Summons back into his Monster Ring and leaped through the red door. It did not stop him this time, but he knew the following battles would be much harder without his holy knights. Still, he had to do this for the final piece of the World Stone! According to the Law of this World, he would become its true ruler once he gathered all the pieces of the World Stone. He already had control over four of the continents of the Dark World, and soon he would rule all of them and discover what the World Stone could really do. It was a true mystery. The Wizard Union President had been trying to do the same by cultivating his own World Stone under the Wizard Union Headquarters. — After Abel passed through the red door, he arrived in a huge open space. The World Stone Chamber! Immediately, he sensed a Curse being cast, and a cloud of Curse magic appeared above him. Even with the World Stone’s precognition, it was too late for him to escape, so he could only take it. The Cursed rain landed on his body, and his defense dropped by 95%. It was a Defense Curse, the worst of the worst!
Chapter 1474 Chapter 1474: Baal Abel sensed the Defense Curse working on him and felt even worse about his knight Summons not being able to enter the World Stone Chamber. Without their Cleansing Aura, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of the curse, and his safety was drastically impacted! At that moment, large numbers of Rotten Corpses appeared on the red stone ground in front of him. They were the fingers of Baal, and they could attack even when Baal was far away. Without any delay, Abel moved and the angel avatar appeared beside him. It was wearing the Enigma armor and the gray cape formed by the God Rank sea turtle shell. It was holding the Angel Sword and Shield. On its head was the Dream Helmet, and on its hands were the Soul Draining Gloves. With that Gear, its defense was nothing to mess with, especially for a melee fighter with the natural ability to go against Hell’s energy! Abel’s original body kept Flashing away to keep the distance from those Rotten Corpses. The angel avatar quickly swung its sword. Since those Rotten Corpses were not very strong, they were soon chopped into pieces. … Afterwards, he scanned the area and found Baal’s energy in the center of the chamber. However, he did not move, almost like he was waiting for Abel. Abel had the ability to divide his consciousness to control two bodies, but that was also his biggest weakness. The World Stone pieces could only affect one soul, so he gave it to his angel avatar. The angel avatar waved again and his original body entered it as a form of energy. He was about to fight Baal alone within the angel avatar! At the same time, he fully activated his World Stone. Since he had four pieces gathered already, it was definitely stronger than the single piece Baal had. Of course, he was only saying this to calm himself down. No one should ever underestimate Baal! Without delay, he activated the Enigma Armor and Flashed towards the center of the room. —— Soon, a platform appeared in front of him. Connecting to it was a stone bridge, and below it were burning red lights fuelled by the eternal flames of Hell. But Abel did not think too much as he Flashed to the entrance of the bridge. There were two giant pillars on each side, so he hid behind one of them. From there, he could see Baal clearly. Baal’s true body was huge and looked similar to that illusion he had seen. The only difference was that there was a piece of crystal between his eyes. Indeed, it was the final piece of the World Stone! Baal looked frozen, but his chest was rising up and down as he breathed. His eyes looked lifeless, even after he spotted the angel avatar. This was the case, even though he had been living here for tens of thousands of years. Abel knew Baal was like all demons. He did not have a soul, and was fully controlled by the World Stone. But that was exactly why he was so frightening! As they kept going, Baal finally began to move. The angel avatar immediately sensed a threat through the World Stone and Flashed away. Abel reappeared on another stone pillar, and saw an attack appear where he had been standing. Luckily, he was a hair faster! Still, Baal reacted quickly and followed up with a Nova Blast from his body in all directions. Abel blocked with the Angel Shield and tried his best to hold on. As a close-combat fighter, he knew he could not run forever. He had to learn how strong Baal was. That Nova Blast was unlike the wizard’s fiery version. Its energy was entirely created by the Flames of Hell, and it was much stronger, probably because of the force of Destruction, and it also came with the special evil energy of Hell. If the angel avatar had not had all of its Gear, it would have been injured. Still, Abel finally had a taste of how strong Baal was. The Sea Turtle Cloak he wore had dispersed most of the Elemental damage. Although most Gear from the Central Continent was nothing in the Dark World, the ones made from God Rank creatures were quite powerful. It was too bad they were too rare. Even after a tough battle, he had only gained that sea turtle shell! The Nova Blast took a fifth of the health from the angel avatar, which was not too bad. At least, Abel knew it could not kill him in one hit. Abel Flashed again, but this time he appeared in front of Baal and struck down with his angel sword. At that moment, the World Stone between Baal’s eyes sparked and Baal roared. He did not dodge, instead choosing to directly strike back with his claws He was fast, and Abel could not withdraw his sword in time. As the claw sped towards him, he unleashed a shield bash with his left hand. Bang! Metal clashed, but Baal did not get knocked back. Instead, the impact of the claw traveled right through Abel’s Gear and landed on his angel avatar. The World Stone immediately sensed a threat and Abel instinctively Flashed away while taking a Full Recovery Potion. The strike Abel had landed with his Angel Sword had only left a small scratch on Baal’s skin. As the purple light sparked over Abel, Baal made another move. A beam of while light blasted out from its body, and an ice wall formed in front of Abel. Baal pushed towards Abel, and Abel sensed his health dropping like an open dam. Abel quickly used another Full Recovery Potion, but he was not in any position to fight back. He stepped back ten meters, and his body was engulfed in frost. Luckily ice couldn’t do too much to angels. After all, they were at least on the same level as Hell Demons! When the ice wall faded, Abel Flashed away and appeared on the other side of the hall. He finally had a rough idea of Baal’s power. That claw strike had taken half of his health away, while the Nova Blast took only a fifth. Therefore, Abel kept Flashing to keep his distance, as he knew Baal wouldn’t be able to catch up. Baal seemed to have a special ability infusing his melee attacks. His force of Evil and Destruction basically disregarded all Abel’s Gear and landed directly on Abel’s body. The blow also came with some fire damage, but Abel was very fire resistant, so that didn’t do too much. As for that ice wall, it was Baal’s Skill ‘Frost’, formed by the Ice Crystals of the Underground. It could not only attack and knock back an enemy, it could also slow them down. If Abel’s angel avatar wasn’t so powerful, defeating Baal was basically impossible! Still, despite how bad things were looking, Abel had caused some damage to Baal with his sword. That meant he had a chance of winning. After all, he had thousands of Full Recovery Potions to sustain himself. But if the strike he had made had not left a single scratch, then he would have immediately given up and found a way out! — Rotten Corpses appeared beside him again, but the target of his next Flash was Baal The Angel Sword struck down as soon as he appeared. Simultaneously, he made a strange little twist and dodged Baal’s claw strike. However, Baal also saw the attack coming, and he dodged Abel’s sword! It was an awkward moment, with both sides missing their strikes. Abel had no idea how it was possible, but he soon figured out the reason. Baal was using his own World Stone to analyze Abel! Indeed, that should have been the case during their first clash, but Baal was way too confident in his own ability. Abel Flashed away again, but this time he arrived behind Baal so Baal could not use the white frost attack again. He held up his Angel Sword as he Flashed towards Baal’s backside. It was an extremely close-range attack, because he did not want Baal dodging it again. Considering Baal’s size, he shouldn’t be able to react even if he saw Abel coming. However, a red glow appeared on Baal, and another burning Nova Blast erupted!
Chapter 1475 Chapter 1475: Battle Abel quickly decided that this time he was going to take another hit to leave a mark on Baal. After all, it was very hard to do so unharmed when fighting against another World Stone. He had tested out the Nova Blast before, and he knew he could take it. The Angel Sword stabbed onto the back of Baal as he blocked the Nova Blast with his Angel Shield. Although more fire landed on him due to his close range, the strength of the blast was limited since it was made for mid to long range. One fifth of his health was taken from Abel, but to his surprise, the strike he landed on Baal caused more damage than the last one. Although it still wasn’t much considering the health of Baal, one thing was clear: the Dark Gold Soul Draining Gloves were going the trick. Its special ability to reduce a foe’s defense by 50 points with each strike. It might not seem like much at first, but it added on with each strike! Its ability to Steal Health was also useful, and Abel regained most of the damage he took even without the Full Recovery Potion. Abel was basically an inch behind Baal’s back and continued to stab him. … Baal quickly turned to regain his dominance, but Abel did not give him the chance. With his World Stone fully activated, he stuck behind Baal no matter which direction he was turning while keeping a distance of half a meter. It was a strange tactic, and Abel’s angel avatar was like Baal’s shadow. Baal moved quickly as he roared, but ten holes had opened up on his back and blood was flying in all directions. 500 points of health was taken from Baal, and Abel was still sustaining himself. As Abel was gaining momentum, the familiar white cloud of curses appeared above him, and cursed rain landed on his shoulders. The spell was way too fast for him to dodge. It was the Aging Curse, and his body was quickly slowed down to the point where he could no longer shadow Baal. Abel felt his heart drop, but he kept calm. Everything still worked the same with his World Stone, and he had Flashing spells prepared in his soul. Since the angel avatar did not have any ability on its own, using the Light energy would not affect its ability to move. His main soul quickly activated a Flash and his body was engulfed in white. But that was the moment Baal’s claws brushed against him. By the time he reappeared, he felt like his body had been hit by a giant hammer, and over half of his health was taken away. He quickly used up a Full Recovery Potion and Flashed towards Baal again. But this time, Baal saw it coming and knew what Abel was about to do. Baal quickly Flashed as well and appeared behind Abel with another claw strike ready. Abel immediately Dashed ahead and narrowly dodged the claw. What could he do now? If he waited even longer, Baal might fully recover! This would not be a problem without the Aging Curse, but it was too bad he could not use his druid and priest skills when the Light energy was activated. The first thing that came into his mind was poison attacks. Although his Dark Gold Life Poison wouldn’t do much in the Dark World due to how little Abel had, he had prepared something different: Dark Gold poison made with the Central Continent’s most vicious poison through the Horadric Cube’s combination power! They were not as powerful, but they were close and most of all, Abel had a lot of them. As Baal chased after him,he took out the poison from his portal bag and threw a bottle out. Both of them were extremely fast, but it was impossible for Baal to dodge considering his size. Baal directly waved its claw to knock the poison away, but that merely blasted the bottle open and all the poison landed on Baal. Still, Baal did not care since it was only a tiny bottle. However the main purpose of the poison was not to injure him, but to stop his regenerating. Indeed, the wounds on Baal’s body quickly stopped healing! Abel’s angel avatar quickly changed direction and took out the Kelpie Snare. It was only an experiment. At first he had been planning to trade health with Baal and let the battle go on, but now he realized he would not win even with his thousands of Full Recovery Potions. It was because the Hit Break ability that disregarded his defense was every melee fighter’s nightmare. He then tried to beat Baal with speed, but the Aging Curse destroyed his hopes again. Therefore, what the Kelpie Snare was going to do was bring Baal’s speed down with him. The moment Abel swept out with the Kelpie Snare, Baal struck out its claws as well. The Kelpie Snare collided with the claw. Dong! It was what Abel wanted, but Baal did not care since it was not a strong attack. Abel was knocked back by the force and downed a Full Recovery Potion without even thinking. If Baal followed through with another attack, he would be dead! But this time, Baal seemed to be frozen after the strike. Abel felt his heart lift instantly. Baal was slowed down; it was no wonder why they had nicknamed the Kelpie Snare “Baal’s Worst Enemy”! Abel charged forward again for an attack. The slowdown was only effective on Baal for two minutes at most, and Abel wasn’t expecting that he could cause another slow down since Baal had the World Stone. Making the same mistake twice was impossible. Abel started his countdown: not two minutes, but thirty seconds! During that time, he kept striking down with Light energy from his Angel Sword and more wounds opened up on Baal. Baal was clearly trying to escape, but the Kelpie Snare was more effective on it than Abel expected. The Kelpie Snare was Baal’s only weakness in the Dark World, and now it was in Abel’s hand! Abel did not immediately recall his human body, since he didn’t know how effective the slow down was, but after thirty seconds, he successfully landed another strike with the Kelpie Snare and Baal was slowed down once again. As soon as Abel’s human body appeared, he put on the frozen armor and a green energy shield glowed around it. It was the Oak tree’s protection, making sure he wouldn’t be killed in an instant. He quickly cast a Static Field. It was a very powerful spell, because it could bypass all defenses and decrease health by a percentage, but it had a major downside. It was extremely long to Cast and the area it affected was tiny. Luckily, this was not a problem on the slowed-down Baal! Lightning flashed and a quarter of Baal’s health was taken away instantly. It worked, and Abel did not hesitate as he followed up with even more Static Fields. Baal roared crazily; the damage it was taking was unlike anything that had come before!
Chapter 1476 Chapter 1476: Weakness No matter how loudly Baal screamed, he could not stop Abel’s Kepler Snare from slowing him down and the Static Field from injuring him. Still, the Static Field was not invincible. After Baal had lost half his health, the Static Field reached its limit and lost its power. Abel quickly changed to a Blizzard Spell. It was the most powerful ice spell, but it was another slow-casting spell, and Abel sensed a threat before he could finish it. Without thinking, he Flashed and increased the distance between them. Once half of Baal’s health was gone, an extra ability was triggered. The slowed-down Baal suddenly became blurry, and another Baal suddenly appeared in front of Abel’s angel avatar. It looked exactly like a Clone of the original Baal. Abel immediately Flashed away again while throwing out two bottles of poison. It had been very hard to take half of Baal’s health, and his effort would go to waste if he didn’t keep it poisoned. After Baal divided himself, his injuries remained, but the Slowing effect was gone. … The movement of Baal’s two bodies were totally in sync, and he flashed towards Abel. It was a very dangerous situation, so Abel activated the World Stone for analysis once again. He needed to know which one was Baal’s true body, as he couldn’t tell with his normal eyes. As the two Baals chased after Abel, he soon got his answer. One of them was extremely accurate in its Flashing, and the other was a little clumsy. Abel looked around and saw he was approaching the side temple, so he entered while throwing out two Firewalls to block the entrance. Of course, this wouldn’t stop the Flashing Baal, but that wasn’t his plan anyway. A spark flashed from Abel’s arm, and a Clone of Abel was also created. It was the Ancient Reflection Gear! Abel’s Clone did not have any fighting skills, but it could totally confuse his enemies. The angel avatar then Flashed out of the temple and reappeared behind Baal before Flashing towards the center of the chamber again. At that moment, the difference between Baal and its Clone became clear. Baal’s Clone was fixated on Abel’s Clone, so it charged into the Firewall. But since Baal’s true body had the World Stone, he turned and chased after the angel avatar . Baal’s two bodies were dragged apart and Abel stood on the stone bridge. But there was something special about that place: there were some special forces forbidding anyone from Flashing on it! Abel’s World Stone had informed him that this force was effective on Baal as well! Since Baal’s Clone was still far away, it shouldn’t be able to make it here! What Abel was doing was very risky, but it was worth a try. No matter what, this was the best opportunity to kill Baal, so he couldn’t wait any longer. The angel avatar stood in front while Abel’s original body stayed behind. Since the bridge was narrow, Abel only had to worry about attacks from the front. When Baal stepped onto the bridge, he lost his Flashing ability. Abel’s angel avatar charged up. Since it was affected by the Defense Curse, its ability to protect itself was limited. In a flash of red light, a Nova Blast sent four streams of hellfire towards the angel avatar. Abel immediately downed a Full Recovery Potion to counteract it, but was still halted for a moment. Baal immediately followed up with a White Frost, and Abel was knocked back once again and was back where he had started. It was what Baal wanted. Although the bridge stopped his Clone from coming, it also affected Abel’s ability to move. As long as Baal kept up his attacks, Abel couldn’t do anything! His angel avatar might be faster than Baal, but not in a place where it couldn’t Flash! Still, Abel kept calm and kept taking Full Recovery Potions. They would guarantee his safety, at least for a short amount of time. Baal had learned its lesson from being too slow, so it exclusively used the Nova Blast and White Frost. By this point the angel avatar was glued to Abel’s original body. The White Frost kept knocking him back, but it didn’t actually do that much damage. Baal slowly approached the angel avatar with each strike. It looked like he was trying to calculate if Abel would use the Kepler Snare again. After another White Frost, Baal finally decided to charge forward. Melee attacks were his strongest, after all! Two claws sped towards the angel avatar and Abel couldn’t do anything. Abel quickly took in another Full Recovery Potion, his health rising up and down like a roller coaster. It was a great opportunity for Baal to strike again and he wouldn’t miss it, but it was at that very moment, the White Frost faded from Abel and the angel avatar directly unleashed a shield strike onto Baal’s claw. Baal did not care since it was not the Kepler Snare. But at that very moment, a golden beam shot out from behind the Angel Shield and penetrated Baal’s arm. Indeed, it was the Kepler Snare, which Abel’s original body had brought out from his holy portal bag! It wouldn’t have worked if Baal was using his World Stone, but just like that, Baal was slowed down once again. Abel had been waiting for this. Baal let out a roar of fury. Too bad, its Clone was still chasing after Abel’s Clone, and Baal could not recall it to save himself from the slowing. The angel avatar quickly struck again, and more wounds opened up on Baal. Meanwhile, Abel’s original body Cast the Blizzard slow flakes, which pounded down on Baal from above. Baal was growing more agitated by the moment and it casted the Aging Curse on Abel. However, that merely slowed down the angel avatar. Its attacks were just as strong! Through Abel’s World Stone, he calculated precisely, landing another strike with the Kepler Snare every thirty seconds. It was at that moment that Abel realized that his Blizzard was just as effective as the Light energy of his angel avatar . Maybe ice spells were one of Baal’s weaknesses, as well! Blizzard spells shot out from both of his hands, and he pushed his ice power to the maximum. Just as Abel was having the time of his life, a dark gold spark appeared above him and a dark gold ball of curse magic appeared. Then the scariest thing happened, as all the spells he had Cast flew straight back at him! They landed on his green energy shield, and it began to shake. After rounds of attack, its green glow dimmed, almost like it was going to shatter at any moment. Abel quickly stopped, feeling his heart drop again. It had to be the Blood Mana Curse, which could return any spells upon their Caster. It was the nightmare of any spellcaster! If the Oak Tree had not sacrificed its energy to give him its protection, he might have been killed before he could even use his Full Recovery Potion! Abel stopped his spell attacks, but he continued with the Kepler Snare. No matter what, he was still dealing Baal some damage. What happened was new to his World Stone, so Abel had been caught completely off-guard. After all, there was a limit to his World Stone, and he was reminded once again that he should be careful before he totally understood his enemy.
Chapter 1477 Chapter 1477: Victory After another thirty minutes of fighting, Baal was finally running out of things to do. It was the strongest demon Abel had ever battled, there was no doubt. Still, Abel had basically gained a full listing of Baal’s abilities: Teleportation, Aging Curse, Blood Mana Curse, Nova Blast, White Frost, Mana Burn, Hit Break, Rotten Corpse, and Evil Illusion. Not to mention, he was almost invincible at close range fighting skills and had mass fire attacks. For the past thirty minutes, Baal couldn’t do anything other than Cast Curses and using his Hit Break ability to attack. But since he was under the Kepler Snare’s influence, his efforts were futile. On top of that, Abel’s World Stone had already figured out a way to deal with its Blood Mana Curses. As long as he didn’t get too carried away with his spells, he wouldn’t be harmed. The battle lasted a long time, but a victory was guaranteed. One hour, two hours, three hours. Finally, after twenty hours, Baal’s body was growing weak. … Since Abel had four times more World Stone pieces than Baal, his mental speed was dominant as well. As the angel avatar continued to do its thing, a question came into Abel’s mind. Should he strengthen his angel body or his original body after he won? If he picked his original body, it would only boost him up by a few ranks at most. That wouldn’t be much, even in the Central Continent. It was at that moment that Baal let out a scream of agony, and bang! Golden lights blasted out from its flesh, and Baal was dead. At the same time, the entire Stone Chamber began to shake, and Abel sensed a danger below him. He quickly picked up the last piece of the World Stone and jumped off of the stone bridge, but maybe he had over-thought things. As the stone bridge shook the chamber, it did not crack and the shaking soon settled. From Baal’s dead body on the bridge as well as the walls of the chamber, countless souls flew out. Among those flickering souls, Abel saw the faces of children, elders, men, women, and even some normal professionals. They were like a hurricane, and they swirled in front of Abel. Abel sensed the hatred of Hell coming from those souls, even as the energy of Hell started to fade from the chamber. The red glow also subsided, and the walls returned to normal again. Afterwards, all the souls also calmed down and Abel could finally see them clearly. They all bowed to Abel, and the anger on their faces was replaced with gratitude. Soon, they started to sing. It was the Song of Life, a gift for Abel before they slowly faded away. Abel experienced the Song of Life many times, but this time he chose the angel avatar to take it in. Energy charged into his soul, the experience unlike anything he had felt before. He made the right choice! It seemed like the angel avatar was going to get a big level-up! The Song of Life lasted for three hours before the last soul faded. The energy they gave him was many times more than the ones Abel had felt before. Abel gave them a final bow and held up the last piece of World Stone. He wrapped his Power of The Will around it, and it flew into his forehead. He did not sense any threat, so he did not stop it. The last piece of World Stone merged with his other ones, and together they formed an eye. A red crystal eye! He sensed the last continent of the Dark World come under his control, feeling almost like a god in his Divine Realm. He thought about Harrogath, and dimension force appeared in front of him. Large amounts of energy were quickly drained from his body. He took a Full Recovery Potion and held the Rune Word Insight Staff in his hand. A Rank 17 Meditation Aura appeared about him, and his energy started to recover. A blue Portal formed in front of him as he thought about his destination in Harrogath. “This is what a god can do!” Abel sighed. Indeed, after gathering all the World Stones, he didn’t even need to fly. —— After he appeared outside, he tried to expand his destination further, to the Palace of Lut Gholein. That worked as well. Although it took a bit more energy, Abel didn’t mind with his magic staff in hand. After five more seconds, another blue Portal appeared, and Abel stepped in without hesitation. Soon, he was in the Palace of Lut Gholein! —— He teleported a few more times, but soon lost interest. The World Stone was powerful, but it didn’t actually do much to his fighting power. Why was the Wizard Union President so fixated on the World Stone? Did he just want to get to places faster? After all, that’s what Teleportation Circles were for! “No, maybe I can use it to attack as well!” Abel quickly thought of something. At the moment he was in the Knight Valley. There were many plants around, but they didn’t have much use to him after he got his garden. He pointed with his finger and lowered his voice. “Bound!” Although there was no enemy, the air in front of him condensed and turned solid. With his Power of The Will, he could trap anything he wanted! This would be very powerful in the Dark World, but God Rank Wizards of the Central Continent could basically do the same with their Inner Worlds. — After more testing, Abel started to feel disappointed. So what if he was powerful in the Dark World? He killed every enemy around anyway! In fact, the only beings around were his high elves. At that moment, his World Stone sent him a location. Abel’s heart tingled and he immediately teleported to the location. It was located in the Stony Grounds, a place he had cleaned up, but at the spot he appeared in stood five stones. Nostalgia emerged from within him, but after he activated the five stones a red Portal to Tristram appeared. But it had been too long since the stones were last activated. The gems that fueled them were quickly drained, and the red Portal disappeared once again. “I totally forgot about this!” Abel shook his head with a smile. He formed another blue Portal and swapped out the old gems from those five stones. Afterwards, he activated them once again in the order he remembered. The red Portal appeared, but he hesitated, because he sensed some slight danger. How? There should only be low rank Hell creatures in that place… Even though the threat wasn’t strong, Abel didn’t want to take any risks. He waved again and returned to the World Stone Chamber through the blue Portal again. He needed his angel avatar. He had left it in the World Stone Chamber because he thought he was truly the god of this world. — With half of his consciousness in the angel avatar and half of his consciousness in his human body, he stepped through the red Portal to Tristram again. As soon as he appeared, he saw the place was filled with Hell creatures. However, this place seemed to be a separate dimension in the Dark World. Even his World Stone couldn’t sense it at first. But of course, he would soon learn why after he killed all of these Hell creatures. There were a lot of them, but they were all low ranks, so it was too easy. His Angel Sword slashed and ten Hell creatures were dead. As for the ones from afar, some Nova Blasts would do the trick! It was indeed quite thrilling to just massacre, and countless souls flew into his Horadric Cube. It seemed he could make another batch of Soul Potions. He had used up way too many over the past few years, and the Hell creatures he had been facing were way too strong, yet way too low in number.
Chapter 1478 Chapter 1478: Tristram A single Nova Blast disintegrated the Hell Creatures around Abel, and the Firewalls that followed up created barriers that automatically burned them up. It was too easy, almost like Abel was wasting spells, but still, Abel sensed a lingering sense of danger. He looked around. He had barely made it out alive the last time he visited Tristram, so he had not had the time to observe the environment, but this time he did. There was a red Portal door at a street corner, and the mana around here was just as dense as other places in the Dark World. It even had a river nearby, like the Rogue Encampment. Still, there was something odd about it. Beside the screams of Hell creatures and the sound of water running, the place was dead silent. There was no wind, and the air was stiff. As the Hell creatures dropped dead one by one, Abel slowly moved forward. There was an eternal flame of hell burning in the distance. It was huge, and Abel realized they were actually a few houses still burning as he approached. Other than the concrete walls, everything had been turned to ash. More Hell creatures charged out from all directions, but even the leaders were killed by Abel’s human body in an instant. … As he slowly approached the houses, he suddenly heard a crazy laugh. At the same time, the flames on the houses shot up. The stench of Hell engulfed the place, and Abel felt his heart drop. That crazy laugh was a laugh of arrogance, with the intent to kill any intruder. Abel was no stranger to it. In fact, he had heard it from the Lord of Destruction in the Sanctuary. But why was the Lord of Destruction here? Still, he was not too worried with his current rank, especially since he had all the World Stones. He didn’t even need to make a move with his angel avatar. Abel pointed at the Hell creatures around and stated grimly, “Bound!” To his surprise, it didn’t work. It seemed these Hell creatures were not recognized by the World Stone. At that moment, a fully red hell creature stepped out of the burning house. It looked exactly like the Lord of Destruction, but was much stronger. “Super Lord of Destruction!?” The name appeared from his World Stone. “Man, why are you in my territory? I will kill you and stick your head on my spines!” the Super Lord of Destruction spoke clearly. Abel was startled, and at the same time he saw a few human heads impaled on the spines on its back. The angel avatar charged forward, and the Super Lord of Destruction did as well. Bang! The two bodies collide and the angel avatar was knocked back by a few steps. The Super Lord of Destruction only shook a little, and a red beam quickly emerged from its body. It was a Nova Blast. Since Abel had his World Stone activated, he knew what to do. He Flashed behind the angel avatar for protection and kept calm. The angel avatar could survive the blast, and Abel knew he was still in control of the battle. But as soon as the Nova Blast ended, purple lightning shot out from the mouth of the Super Lord of Destruction. For a whole five seconds the angel avatar was blasted by lightning, but it was still too weak to do any damage. The Super Lord of Destruction did not have any Curses like Baal, and its spell attacks were much weaker. After its attacks failed, it cast a special spell called “Trick”. It was normally only effective on low rank beings, so it made no sense to use it on Abel. The angel avatar used this opportunity to use a shield strike on the Super Lord of Destruction, but to Abel’s surprise, it did not stun the creature. In fact, it merely angered the Super Lord of Destruction, and it started to attack with its claws. The angel avatar held back its shield as the Super Lord of Destruction made a swipe with its left claw, right claw, and a flick of its tail. It was at that moment Abel realized something. This Super Lord of Destruction’s fighting style was not bound by the World Stone at all. It was fully autonomous! Still, it was too weak, and Abel’s human body casted a Static Field from behind the angel. The creature roared in pain, and with a look of fury turned to Abel’s human body. Nova Blast, Purple Lightning, Frozen Contact, Firewall, and Blizzard shot out simultaneously from the Super Lord of Destruction. It knew its true enemy was not the angel avatar, but Abel’s human body! However, the angel avatar blocked it all again, and all it took was a few Full Recovery Potions. After ten more Static Fields, the Super Lord of Destruction had lost half of its health, and Abel began to try out other spells. First was the Blizzard. It did not do too much damage, so Abel changed to the fire spell Meteoroids. It was still not good, so he changed to the Lightning. It looked like this Super Lord of Destruction was very high in resistances. It was a wizard’s nightmare! Abel scanned his Portal Bag with his Power of The Will and took out the Kepler Snare to strike. But again, it didn’t seem to slow down the Super Lord of Destruction too much. Abel shook his head. What was its weakness? He couldn’t figure it out. His angel avatar struck back with its Angel Sword, but the Super Lord of Destruction was recovering at a spell he could follow with his eyes. It seemed speed was the defining factor. If he let the battle drag on, he would be in a rough spot. “How stupid am I?” Abel suddenly realized he had forgotten something and he thumped his own head. His God Rank Summons were still in the Throne of Destruction after he had defeated Baal! That battle forbade his Summons from entering, but for this one he could totally use their Auras to enchant his angel avatar! He didn’t want his Summons to be killed by the Super Lord of Destruction, but he was confident that he could give them Full Recovery Potions in time with his World Stone. As Abel waited for God Rank Two, his human body kept Casting spells no matter how trivial they were. After all, any slowing of the Super Lord of Destruction’s recovery rate was good. After five minutes, God Rank Two charged through from the red Portal of Tristram. The first thing it did was activate a Holy Aura. The damage of Abel’s angel avatar multiplied instantly. It was no longer making little wounds on the Super Lord of Destruction, but big ones! The Super Lord of Destruction roared in pain and grew even angrier. Suddenly, Abel sensed a threat. He wrapped God Rank Two in his Power of The Will and Flashed away without even thinking. At the same time, he injected a Full Recovery Potion into the angel avatar. It was too dangerous, and the angel avatar had to step back. If Abel’s angel avatar lost its defense, Abel’s human body and God Rank Two might be attacked. Half a second after Abel and God Rank Two moved away, a giant lava ball landed from the sky and struck the angel avatar. Its health began to drop as elemental fire burned it. It was a spell called Destruction From Above and Below, a top level druid spell. However, it was much stronger when Cast by the Super Lord of Destruction. Even though the angel avatar was surviving with a Full Recovery Potion every few seconds, Abel knew his human body and God Rank Two would be dead if they got too close. Therefore, they had to step out of the battle for now. Since he had mastered his intuition, he knew how dangerous the situation was. It was life-threatening. The spell lasted for one hundred seconds and the angel avatar returned to fighting after using up twenty Full Recovery Potions. Afterwards, Abel’s human body Flashed back in again, but this time he directly entered the angel avatar. Since his spells were not doing much anyway, he focused all his attention on the angel avatar with his World Stone to give it even greater accuracy.
Chapter 1479 Chapter 1479: Changes As soon as Abel’s human body entered the angel avatar, things began to change. At the same time, the Super Lord of Destruction started to do combo strikes with its claws and tail. This time, all the angel avatar did was a little shift and dodged all of it. The Super Lord of Destruction was stunned, and roared out as it kept striking, “Man, how did you dodge my attacks?” Abel did not reply, as he was just having fun. Since the Super Lord of Destruction did not have a World Stone, he could totally see its every move. Just like a ghost, Abel swung his Angel Sword and it landed perfectly on the Super Lord of Destruction. This was how different their power truly was. It was just that Abel was a wizard, so he rarely got the chance to fully utilize his World Stone. However, this would be a totally different story without the angel avatar! The powerful Super Lord of Destruction was like a child in front of him. It could only roar, as everything it did was futile. After a while, the Super Lord of Destruction finally changed its tactics and started to use spells again, but as soon as he unleashed a Nova Blast, the angel avatar Flashed away. … It reappeared five meters away, which was exactly outside the area of the Nova Blast. The Super Lord of Destruction roared again and shot out a Purple Lightning Bolt. It was normally very hard to do a continuous lightning spell like the Purple Lightning, but the moment the lightning elements shot out, Abel appeared behind the Super Lord of Destruction like a shadow. No matter how fast it tried to turn, it could not match his speed. More rounds of spells were unleashed. Even the Destruction from Above and Below were Cast again, but every time the angel avatar dodged it perfectly with the Flashing from its Enigma armor. At the same time, he kept landing perfect strikes with the Angel Sword! —— After around an hour of dancing around, the Super Lord of Destruction finally gave up using spells again. It would not have used spells in the first place if it was not intelligent, but it was exactly because it was intelligent that what had happened had a huge impact on its ego. Everything was now meaningless. It mindlessly attacked the angel avatar physically. There was no longer a true will to fight, but it still continued to be driven by its instincts. Eventually Abel ordered God Rank Two to step into the range of the angel avatar and use the Holy Aura. At that range, the Super Lord of Destruction wouldn’t be able to do anything as the angel avatar’s strength multiplied again. — After another five hours, the Super Lord of Destruction dropped down with a final roar like a deflated balloon. Abel gazed at the body, and a soul flew into his Horadric Cube and directly formed a Soul Potion. He let out a breath of relief. It was not a dangerous battle, but it was much harder than he had expected. Abel kept looking at the body, and an idea suddenly struck him. Could he resurrect the thing? After all, it would have been a very tough battle if Abel had not had the World Stone. He wouldn’t be able to resurrect normal Dark Gold leaders, but this demon was special. It was a truly intelligent being from Hell. It was worth a try, what could he lose anyway? He scanned the corpse with his Power of The Will, and then put it into his personal storage box. After the corpse was put away, he saw some gems on the ground. The World Stone immediately started to analyze them, and it knew what they were. Small Rune ‘Destroy’. +1 all skills. +20 all resistances. +20 all attributes. It was a small Dark Gold Rune, and would be very useful even if he only kept it in his portal bag. A surprise find, nevertheless! Abel then looked around again. Maybe the fury from the Super Lord of Destruction was too much for the other Hell creatures to approach. After all, Hell creatures were driven to kill, no matter how powerful their enemy was. Indeed, after the Super Lord of Destruction was killed, the Hell creatures started charging him again. Abel’s human body jumped out again, because this time he no longer sensed even a single bit of danger. He waved and his twelve Spirit Guardian Knights and Wizards were Summoned to join the fight. He no longer wanted to flee, and instead he Flashed among the Hell creatures. —— Tristram was not a big place, only the size of a small town. In just ten minutes, the final Hell creature dropped dead. Suddenly, the World Stone between Abel’s eyes began to glow, and he felt like a god. Too bad, all the Hell creatures were dead anyway. Abel smirked and recalled his Summons. He had gained thousands more bottles of Soul Potions, but he wouldn’t mind using them if he could resurrect that Super Lord of Destruction. —— When he finally left Tristram, a strange feeling emerged from his soul. He had already felt like a god after he killed Baal, but this was nothing like he had ever felt before. It was just like gaining control of another continent, but this time, he felt like he could control the air, laws, and souls of this world. It was at that moment the Oak Tree shadow in his Druid Soul began to move. It seemed to be calling him. Abel immediately knew what it was. “The Oak Tree is looking for me!” With a single thought, energies gathered in front of him, and a blue Portal appeared. He knew there were no more Hell creatures around, and as the possessor of the World Stone, the Dark World was his Kingdom. In the past, it was more like another god’s territory. — He stepped into the blue Portal and appeared next to the Oak Tree. The Oak Tree could talk, but it had a special way of transferring ideas to Abel. Soon, Abel was shocked. “You want the World Stone?” It was one of his most valuable assets. It had saved him countless times both in the Central Continent and the Dark World. But the Oak Tree was basically born from his soul and if the Oak Tree had not helped him, he might be dead already. He gazed at the Oak Tree and began to contemplate. The Oak Tree wouldn’t request something for no reason, and it must know about the value of a treasure like the World Stone. “Ok!” Abel said with certainty. He placed his fingers on his forehead and squeezed. Instantly, he felt like he was being torn from the world, but he did not stop. He knew the Oak Tree wouldn’t hurt him. In fact, there was no one he trusted more than the Oak Tree. Soon, he saw a fully formed World Stone in his hand, but his soul felt empty, just like he was a normal person. Still, he handed it to the Oak Tree without hesitation. The World Stone slowly levitated and entered the Oak Tree. Soon, the huge branches of the oak Tree began to shake. Leaves began to fall. Abel quickly placed his hand on it and activated his Soul Speaker ability to see what was happening. Their souls connected, and Abel immediately sensed that the Oak Tree was feeling immense joy. The leaves falling was not a bad thing, so Abel let out a breath of relief. After all the leaves fell, the Oak Tree looked uglier than ever, but at that moment, a golden glow formed from the spot where it had absorbed the World Stone. The glow then began to spread, and new golden branches and leaves began to grow. It was almost like they were made entirely out of gold. By that point it no longer looked like a Tree of Life. An extreme sense of luxury emerged from it. At the same time, the Oak Tree shadow in Abel’s Druid Soul also began to turn gold. This time, the golden shadow directly climbed out of Abel’s Druid Soul and arrived at Abel’s forehead, where his World Stone had originally rested. A golden Oak Tree symbol appeared on his forehead and was absorbed into his skin. Soon, Abel felt like he was in control of the world again, but through the golden Oak Tree symbol this time. He didn’t know how the Oak Tree could give him the World Stone’s abilities through the shadow, but it was very amusing. After all, he was very worried that he would lose his World Stone’s abilities, considering how much he relied on it in fights. Abel didn’t know what the change in appearance meant to the Oak Tree, but it must have taken a level-up as a life form! All the high elves gathered below the Oak Tree. They got on their knees and started to sing in the high elves’ language. But their Faith did not enter Abel, instead flowing into the Oak Tree. Abel always knew the Oak Tree needed Faith, but only the Blue Howling Rabbits were enough to satisfy it. It was the first time it had accepted Faith from the high elves!
Chapter 1480 Chapter 1480: Resurrect Golden light spread from the Oak Tree, and Abel sensed the atmosphere of the place changing. Where he stood was where the golden light was shining the brightest! The golden glow continued to expand, and Abel felt like he was in a god’s Divine Kingdom. He was only speculating before, but now he truly felt it. How? This was not the Inner World of a wizard, this was an actual world! Still this wouldn’t make much difference to his actual power, unless he somehow brought an enemy into the Dark World. Without even needing to Flash, he could appear anywhere with a single thought, just like it was in a god’s Realm. He then pointed at a stone on the ground. A strange energy quickly surrounded it, and it morphed into a little statue of the Oak Tree. Even though it was made from a stone, it was extremely detailed. The skill needed to make a thing like that was impossible to achieve even for a master statue maker, but all Abel did was point and imagine the Oak Tree. Although the golden light did not cover a large area at the moment, Abel felt like it was taking over the entire Dark World. It just couldn’t do so in a short amount of time, considering its speed. Abel looked around, saw the high elves gathering, and he returned to the Rogue Encampment with a single thought. The Rogue Encampment was already covered in golden light, so there was no need for him to Flash or use a Portal. … It was at that moment, he truly felt like the Dark World was his world. He would have the power to fight back even if Hell returned! With a wave, the angel avatar appeared beside him. His consciousness entered it and his human body stood lifeless off to the side. He needed to do some training with his angel avatar after its empowerment from the Song of Life. The angel avatar sat on the ground. Angels normally wouldn’t need to absorb Light energy from the environment for training, considering how rare they were. However, Faith was just as powerful, thus the angels always created Light energy by transforming Faith. Of course, Abel was not going to use the Faith from his crystal angel statue. In order to make use of the Song of Life, he had to use the most traditional method. Abel started to focus, and energy began to move from within. There was a lot of mana in the Dark World, but the Light energy that could be generated from it was still tiny. As Abel continued to focus, the Song of Life suddenly emerged from his soul, and mana gushed in. It was an active transformation through the soul. The strength of it was impressive! Most importantly, the Song of Life was bringing mana into the angel avatar crazily, just like a flowing river. Normally the angel avatar wouldn’t be able to handle the load, but the Song of Life’s special attribute eased the process. Light energy was created automatically, and it began to change the angel avatar. Abel didn’t know how angels separated their ranks, but he knew this was more energy than all four of his previous Songs of Life combined! The angel avatar was formed by Light energy, and every cell was filled with it. At first they were like liquid, but slowly they began to solidify. —— After some time, the Song of Life ended and Abel stopped the training. When he scanned his angel avatar, he was stunned. In the past it looked like a pale-skinned human with four wings, but now it was like a white jade statue, without a single bit of elasticity to its skin. Not only the skin, every single bit of muscle was like carved jade. However, the Light energy his muscles possessed was frightening. If there were such a thing as a Light energy mana gem, the angel avatar would be a giant one! Its defenses had multiplied, and so had its power and speed. If he faced Baal again in this current form, he could basically go head-to-head without using the Kepler Snare! He didn’t know how the angel avatar would stand against the Demon from Beyond or the Wizard Union President, but those God Rank Wizards stood no chance. A single strike could break their defenses! Abel let out a breath of relief. It was such a great choice that he had trusted his intuition and given the Song of Life to the angel avatar instead of to his human body. He had been worried about his twenty God Rank Summons standing up to the Demon from Beyond and Wizard Union President, but no he no longer had to be so concerned. It was at that moment that he thought about the Super Lord of Destruction. Its corpse was still in his personal storage box, but as soon as he took it out, it was engulfed in flames. It was being attacked by the angel avatar’s light energy! Abel quickly put the angel avatar back into his human body. The Super Lord of Destruction was dead and it lost its ability to defend against Light energy. It was a mere corpse with some remaining dark energy, it had no chance against the strengthened Light energy. Luckily Abel had reacted quickly, else he could just forget about resurrecting the Super Lord of Destruction, it would have been burned to ash. Abel took out the Holy Bone Card. It used holy energy as fuel. Abel had resurrected all his God Ranks in the Central Continent using it. This would not work on a normal Dark Gold demon, but the Super Lord of Destruction was special. It was an actual demon, one with a soul from Hell! Abel aimed the Bone Card at the Super Lord of Destruction and activated the Resurrection Spell. A complex spell pattern appeared and Abel felt his heart lift. It had worked! But soon, something strange began happening. Large amounts of holy energy were drained from the Holy Bone Card through the Resurrection Spell Pattern. Abel quickly took out a holy crystal and it turned into the purest holy force with a single thought. It was quickly drained by the Resurrection Spell pattern again, but after five more holy crystals were used up, a never-before-seen golden glow appeared. The entire spell pattern engulfed the Super Lord of Destruction’s corpse. As the golden lights settled on the Super Lord of Destruction, it suddenly sat up straight. Abel took out a bottle of Soul Potion for it to drink, and it did exactly that. As soon as the Potion was drunk, a tiny bit of soul entered its stiff red demon body. Abel quickly connected to it and offered it a soul contract. He had done that countless times, and this time was no different. After all, it was a soul created by Abel, so it couldn’t do anything other than accept it! His soul contract flew into both their souls and formed the bond. Afterwards, Abel took out some Full Recovery Potions to help the Super Lord of Destruction regain its mobility. But he soon realized the Dark Energy was actually eating up the little soul. It seemed that it could not handle the powerful body of a demon. Abel took out more Soul Potions without hesitation and poured them in. The new soul started to grow at an immense rate. After four thousand bottles, the new soul finally started to settle down. Dark Energy could consume a soul, especially if they were weak. It was why all Hell creatures were mad and emotionless. But the Super Lord of Destruction’s soul maintained its child-like innocence with Abel’s Soul Potions. By that point the soul was already on the same rank as its demon body. Under that circumstance, the Dark energy could no longer consume it. “Haha!” Abel looked proudly at the Super Lord of Destruction in front of him and laughed. Although Abel didn’t know how powerful it would be in the Central Continent, its spell attacks would be much more suitable. After all, the angel avatar was only a monster in close combat. The Super Lord of Destruction, on the other hand, was much more well-rounded!
Chapter 1481 Chapter 1481: Little Bro The Super Lord of Destruction stood in front of Abel. Its powerful energy was a sight to see, but it still emanated a sense of evil. That was from the energy of Hell. Anyone would be naturally provoked by it, but other than that, every single one of its attributes were top level, especially its health! It had battled with Abel without having any Potions, and it had lasted for hours against the angel avatar’s most powerful attacks. Now with Abel’s Potions on its side, the little flaw wouldn’t change Abel’s mind, even if it was the energy of Hell. That was not even mentioning all of the spells it could use. Nova Blast, Purple Lightning, Frozen Touch, Fire Hurricane, Bone Prison, Charge, Mocking, and Destruction from Above and Below! They had all been mastered by its new soul. But of course Abel was not planning for it to use the Mocking Spell again, as that was basically like digging a hole for itself. “You are too eye-catching!” Abel sighed as he looked at the three-meter-tall scarlet demon body with giant horns on its head and sharp claws on its giant arms, not to mention those tree trunk legs and dragon-like tail. Although those rotten skulls sticking out of its back ha been thrown away by Abel, it still looked like a Dark Gold-level demon! Abel began to shake his head, but it was at that moment the Super Lord of Destruction seemed to sense what Abel was thinking. … Its horns, sharp claws, spikes, and tail retracted into its body, and the energy of Hell subsided. Soon, a burly red-skinned man was standing in front of Abel. It was no longer as intimidating as before. In this state, it could only maintain the power of a God Rank. Still, Abel didn’t mind! “I’ll call you Little Bro!” Abel laughed. He thought of the word ‘Diablo’ when he was trying to think of a name, and diablo rhymed with ‘Bro’. Also, Little Bro was a perfect name for a helper! —— Afterwards, he recalled all his Summons and teleported back to the Golden Castle. He let out Little Bro on the platform and said, “Little Bro, transform!” Little Bro nodded and its body began to expand. Its horns, spikes, and tail appeared from its skin once again. Soon, a demon was standing right in front of Abel, the only difference was that it was no longer roaring crazily. It stood on the platform and a frightening energy spread through the air. “Can you fly?” Abel inquired of it. Unlike his other Summons, he didn’t know what a Hell creature could do in the Central Continent. Little Bro rose gentlyfrom the ground and flew up. But as soon as it left the platform, an unimaginable pressure pressed down on it, and it was forced back to the platform. The pressure came out of nowhere, which shouldn’t have happened, considering it was Doff’s Territory. Abel connected to Doff through the soul chain and soon received more information. “Master, it was the pressure from the universe. The world is rejecting any powerful creature that doesn’t belong here!” Abel was shocked. He knew there were powerful beings from other worlds in the Central Continent. The Demon from Beyond was one of them. Although he had never seen it fight, it did manage to survive even after being ganged up on by many powerful figures. Abel focused his Power of The Will on Little Bro again and saw how it was doing. Little Bro was fine, but it would be targeted once it tried to fly. “Could it be the Dark Energy? Or because it was a demon?” Abel wondered. But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t figure it out. —— Afterwards, he wrapped Little Bro in his Power of The Will and they were teleported to Doff’s Realm. “Little Bro, try to fly again!” This time, Little Bro could fly normally and there was not a single bit of pressure. It made sense, since Doff’s Realm was like a separate world. Still, Abel was not happy. How could a powerful Summons like that be only used on land? After all, most of the top-rank wars happened in the sky, unless they were trying to destroy buildings or something. —— Afterwards, Abel brought Little Bro to the Teleportation Circle and requested entry to the Moon Goddess’ Divine Kingdom. He didn’t have to ask as her master, but he still did so out of respect. Soon the Moon Goddess accepted, and Abel arrived with Little Bro. The Moon Goddess and Goddess of Valor were ready to fight as soon as they sensed Little Bro’s energy, but they relaxed again when they saw Abel. Little Bro just looked way too frightening! “My lord, who is this?” the Goddess of Valor asked as Little Bro reverted to its human form. “My new Summons; its name is Little Bro!” Abel smiled cheerfully. The Goddesses eyes twitched. It not only looked ugly, the energy it gave out was far greater than normal God Ranks! Still, Abel called it Little Bro? But they guessed it wasn’t too surprising, considering Abel named his other God Rank Summons God Rank One to Seven. The Moon Goddess turned back to Abel and bowed. “My lord, what brings you here today?” “You and the Goddess of Valor are from the Era of Gods. I have some problems I want to solve,” Abel said helplessly as he gazed at Little Bro. “Little Bro is very strong, but it can’t fight effectively. Every time it tries, it will be pressed down by the universe, do you know why?” Abel asked them. “Really?” The Moon Goddess looked at Little Bro again curiously. If they were not Abel’s subordinate gods, they would never answer something like this. “I can tell Little Bro to lower its defenses so you can examine it in more detail!” Abel continued. “We will try our best,” the Moon Goddess agreed. Afterwards she and the Goddess of Valor reached their Power of The Will out to Little Bro. Since Little Bro was in the Moon Goddess’s Divine Kingdom, it had nothing to hide after its defenses was lowered. The Goddess of Valor also had the highest authority in the Moon Goddess’s kingdom, and a confused expression soon appeared on her face. “Goddess of Valor, what did you see?” Abel asked her quickly. “My lord, your Little Bro doesn’t have an Inner World or Kingdom?” she asked in disbelief. Anyone even thinking about obtaining power equal to that of Little Bro needed an Inner World or Kingdom in this world, but Little Bro didn’t even have a Territory! Abel began to think. The Super Lord of Destruction was a Hell demon abandoned by the Dark World. What did that mean? It meant it had a weakness! Although he didn’t know what its weakness was, maybe it was because it didn’t have an Inner World! “That is correct, Little Bro doesn’t have an Inner World!” Abel nodded as he connected to Little Bro’s soul. “My lord, there was a belief from the Era of God that it was impossible for any being to reach God Rank in this world unless they obtained an Inner World or Kingdom!” the Goddess of Valor explained. The Moon Goddess also added, “My Lord, I don’t know how your Summons Little Bro there reached its current level, but forming a Kingdom for it is crucial for it to fight!” “So you’re saying there’s a way to make a Kingdom for it?” Abel asked. “My lord, I’m not totally certain, but most likely yes!” the Goddess of Valor declared with confidence. Abel nodded and began to think. Indeed, Little Bro was very important to him. Even if it could not fight against the Demon from Beyond or the Wizard Union President, its health was enough to stop anything else. As for the Wizard Union’s nineteen God Rank Wizards, he no longer had to care about them after his angel avatar leveled up! The only worry he had of the Wizard Union was their President! “The Goddess of Valor, you want to make a Kingdom too, right?” Abel asked with a smile. “My lord, you have an idea?” Her eyes began to sparkle. “I will make one for Little Bro and I’m sure that will anger the Wizard Union, but at this point I no longer have to care, so you can safely create your Kingdom as well!” Abel grinned cheerfully. By this point, the power he had displayed was enough to stop the Wizard Union from doing anything to him, at least before they defeated the Demon from Beyond. But even if they started a war, he wouldn’t be afraid. He knew very well how powerful his angel avatar was, and his line-up would be perfect once Little Bro could fully unleash its power.
Chapter 1482 Chapter 1482: Support Abel decided that he would make a Divine Kingdom for Little Bro, the first thing he would do was to cleanse Lil Bro’s demon body with Faith so it could utilize Faith’s power. It would not be easy considering its rank, and Faith energy was a rank lower than Dark Energy. — After they returned to the Golden Castle, Abel let Little Bro stand on the platform. He first took out a Holy Crystal. It turned into purest Faith with a single thought. The Faith then charged into Little Bro’s soul. Abel connected with it to see how it was holding up. The Faith was immediately rejected by Dark Energy like it was rubbish. Unlike the angel avatar, Faith could not be used to create Dark Energy! Abel then looked into the training methods for Little Bro, which were recorded in his soul as instincts. They mainly consisted of absorbing greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, envy, sloth, and pride, which was why Hell kept generating the creatures after they took over. There were not many still alive after long years of battle, thus Hell had to achieve their goal with torture until all lives were gone. Afterwards, there was no more purpose for Hell to stay, and so it had left. … Still, it didn’t want to give up entirely, so it left behind the World Stones for the demons to protect. Abel shook his head. This kind of training was unlike anything he had seen before. Although priests could gain energy from the dead for their training, they were the dead at the end of the day. As for gods, their training was done by improving the lives of their people! Knowing how to maximize negative emotions in people was the pinnacle of evil, and Abel would not accept it. “Little Bro, don’t reject the faith. Try to form a layer with it outside of your body!” Abel ordered him through its soul. Little Bro did not fall into the ranking system of the Central Continent, but Abel knew it was far superior to any God Ranks. He knew it could totally control lower Ranked energies. Soon, Faith gathered outside of it, not interfering with the Dark Energy. But one Holy Crystal was not enough, as all it did was form a transparent shell. Therefore, Abel took out more and turned them into more Faith. As the Faith kept gathering around Little Bro, something strange happened. Is this a Divine Body? Indeed, Little Bro was more powerful than a God Rank, thus forming a Divine Body less powerful than its demon body was simplicity. — After ten holy crystals, a Divine Body was fully formed! Little Bro was no weaker than before, it merely hid all of its demon features inside the Divine Body. It was just that it was now 4 meters tall instead of 3 meters. Even its energy was hidden and it looked exactly like a human god with a tail from the outside. However, there were still some downsides. The Divine Body’s defense was not as strong as the demon body, and it could fall apart in the face of powerful enemies. At that point, the true identity of Little Bro would be exposed. Also Little Bro did not have any followers, even with a Divine Kingdom, so all the energy would have to be supplied by Abel. Once he stopped this process, the Divine Kingdom would fall apart. Little Bro’s Divine Body was not a true Divine Body, either. It did not have a godhead to maintain its shape, so was it enough to connect with a Divine Kingdom? After all, Holy crystals were not the only things needed for a god’s Realm! Another person would definitely start to hesitate at this point, but Abel had more than enough to risk five hundred Holy crystals. He decided that he would build a Kingdom for Little Bro right next to Doff’s Kingdom. They might even have a bit of connection so they could share Faith. After all, Abel didn’t want to bother with using holy crystals all the time. His Holy Crystal stream in the Dark World had stopped since the high elves were giving Faith to the Oak Tree, so he might not get any new Holy Crystals for a short period of time. Although he had quite a few stored up, they wouldn’t last forever. Doff also had more than twenty million extremely loyal dwarves in his Kingdom, so sharing some Faith wouldn’t be too much of a burden. —— A strange energy spread throughout the Central Continent as Little Bro formed its pseudo-Divine Body. All the major forces turned towards the Battlecry Plateau again, and they all knew very well who was making a move. The Holy Kingdom did not react. In fact it had been a long time since they had done anything. All eight God Rank Knights were gathered in the Central Temple, waiting for the Demon from Beyond to fully awaken. On the other hand, the Warding Wall was quite lively, with the four Dragon Headmasters, the Moon and Earth Goddesses, and the God of Wealth just arriving. They were the first batch of guards requested by the Wizard Union. Twenty Half-god dragons soon followed. “Carlos, it seems like we came at the wrong time!” Headmaster Eugene shook his head with a smile. Since the dragons’ top forces were at the Warding Wall, everyone probably thought they were trying to distract the Wizard Union from Abel. But in reality, they had no idea what Abel was doing! “If anyone has a problem, they can go find Headmaster Abel!” Headmaster Carlos laughed loudly. At that moment, seven God Rank Wizards, led by Wizard Smith, appeared among the dragons. “Welcome to the Warding Wall! We appreciate the dragons supporting the fight against our common enemy!” Wizard Smith bowed to them formally. He gave the gods a dirty look, but he still had to show respect in his words. Since the dragons were around, it meant the God Alliance had allied with the dragons, and they were here to protect the gods. Not to mention, a Divine Body had just been formed on the Battlecry Plateau! It was a direct provocation! However, Wizard Smith had regained his confidence after he got another confirmation from the Wizard Union President, indicating that he would soon arrive. “Headmaster Eugene, the Dragons’ Headmaster Abel has broken the Central Continent’s agreement countless times, and he is forming a Divine Body again. The Wizard Union will not tolerate this!” he stated firmly. “Oh, are you talking about the energy just now? We can help you ask Headmaster Abel about it!” Headmaster Eugene just smiled. Wizard Smith’s gaze was cold. Ask about?! It would be way too late! But at the same time he began to calculate. There were nineteen God Rank Wizards on the Warding Wall, so they could only send ten God Rank wizards to the Battlecry Plateau. Abel himself had ten God Rank subordinates, but this time he had also become a God Rank! Such a fight would not be easy. “Headmaster Eugene, the President is on his way back, so you must stop Headmaster Abel right now!” Wizard Smith warned them direly. “Are you forgetting our Dragon God?” Headmaster Carlos retorted with a snort. Energy started to rise from him, but Headmaster Eugene quickly stopped him. Since the Warding Wall had opened up its defenses for them, their energy could easily injure the low-rank wizards around them. If that happened, there would be no way back from a fight! “Wizard Smith, we are here to help the Wizard Union defeat the Demon from Beyond. If you are not happy with us, we can leave at any time. As for Headmaster Abel, you can go ask him about it. The dragons will not stop you!” Headmaster Eugene replied dismissively. “Fine, we will talk about Headmaster Abel later. Let’s focus on what’s important now!” Wizard McPhee interjected. The atmosphere was tense, but neither side wanted to fall into a civil war, as the Demon from Beyond’s energy was growing more powerful by the day. It was not good for the Central Continent, and it would not make their President happy, either! After Wizard McPhee words settled the matter, the God Rank Wizards led the dragons and the three gods onto the Warding Wall. They did not mention anything about the dragon’s relationship with the gods, as they knew that would only cause more tension. But it was because of that tension between the Wizard Union and the Dragon Headmasters that the gods felt safer, as they knew the dragons would stand up for them! As for the twenty Half-god dragons, they were distributed to other areas with the Dragon Headmasters. —— The God Ranks stepped into a hall. As soon as they entered, they saw eleven God Rank Wizards, the God of Death, and the Water Goddess. Just like that, twenty-seven God Ranks had gathered!
Chapter 1483 Chapter 1483: Flying The Goddess of Moon exchanged gazes with the God of Death and the Water Goddess. They had not accepted Abel’s offer and had sided with the untrustworthy Wizard Union. Still, it was their choice. They could only hope they wouldn’t regret it. However, if Abel actually showed them what he had in reserve, there was no way they would have rejected him. There had not been anyone like Abel before, even in the Era of Gods. With seventeen gods on his side, another seven God Rank professionals, and him also being a God Rank, that was twenty-five God Ranks in total! If they took that unknown god forming its Divine Body right now into consideration, that would be twenty-six God Ranks! As for the Wizard Union, they only had twenty-seven God Ranks, including both the dragons and the God Alliance. 2 In addition to that, three of the gods were Abel’s subordinate gods, which meant Abel had twenty-nine God Ranks on his side, while the Wizard Union only had twenty-five! At this moment, Abel could basically take over the Central Continent all by himself, so of course those two weak gods had nothing to complain about, even if they became Abel’s vassal gods. The Water Goddess looked back at the Moon Goddess helplessly. She had discussed with the God of Death and she wanted to delay for more time, but the Wizard Union had been too demanding. … It was an order, not an invitation. The consequences would have been serious if they rejected the order. She had wanted to contact Abel again, but she couldn’t reach him, so she had been forced to come to the Warding Wall. After all, Abel spent most of his time in the Dark World. Someone like the Water Goddess wouldn’t be able to bring him out. —— “Abel is provoking us!” Wizard Smith roared as soon as he sat down. Everyone in the room was powerful, and they had all sensed the energy coming from the Battlecry Plateau. “Headmaster Eugene, I hope you can come to the Golden Castle with us. We need an explanation from Headmaster Abel!” Wizard McPhee added in irritation, but he knew very well they would be in trouble with their current forces. He just wanted Abel to show some discretion and give them a good enough explanation so the Wizard Union could save some face. Their President was on his way back, so everything would be fine soon enough. Headmaster Eugene thought for a moment and nodded. “Fine, I’ll go with you!” Abel did indeed need to give the Wizard Union an explanation, or else Abel would be in danger if the Wizard Union President returned before the Dragon God! “No need for too many to go, just Headmaster Eugene, Smith, and me is fine!” Wizard McPhee added. “Ok!” Wizard Smith also nodded. The other God Ranks exchanged gazes. They knew it wouldn’t make much of a difference even if more God Ranks went along, so it was best to not provoke Abel. “Headmaster Eugene, let’s go!” Wizard Smith immediately suggested. The earlier they set off, the less face the Wizard Union would lose. Most importantly, they could not use the Golden Castle Teleportation Circle without a Dragon Headmaster. —— Meanwhile… Little Bro was doing some work, but the process of forming a Divine Kingdom was way too simple for it. Using five hundred holy crystals, the shell of its Realm was soon formed. Abel had created two Divine Kingdoms before, but he had never felt so powerful doing so. It was almost intoxicating! After the first steps were completed, the creation of holy scripts were easier than before as well. Suddenly, the Magic Circle Spirit called out, “Master, Headmaster Eugene, Wizard Smith, and Wizard McPhee have a teleportation request!” Abel paused. He had thought the Wizard Union would send all their forces, but this time only two God Ranks? Were they really going to bow down to him? Still, he would not reject Headmaster Eugene. “Let them through!” Abel said firmly. Soon afterwards, the energy of the three God Ranks appeared on his Super Teleportation Circle underground. They were soon brought up to meet him. Abel put on a surprised face and exclaimed, “Welcome Headmaster Eugene, Wizard Smith, and Wizard McPhee!” Of course, it would be perfect if Little Bro wasn’t forming its Kingdom right behind him… Headmaster Eugene gazed forward and said, “Headmaster Abel, what you did is too provoking! The God Rank Wizards want an explanation!” “No problem!” Abel smiled. Wizard Smith and Wizard McPhee had serious faces as Abel looked towards Little Bro. That four-meter tall divine body and its energy was too strange. They could not take it lightly. A new god would have no chance of hiding its true power from them, yet this Little Bro was doing it! Wizard Smith suppressed his anger and lowered his voice. “Headmaster Abel, who is that?” “Its name is Little Bro, my new Summon!” Abel continued with a smile. It was a weird name, but it wasn’t too surprising considering the other names Abel had given his Summons. “Headmaster Abel, you know forming a Kingdom is forbidden in the continents, yet you broke this rule many times. How do you explain yourself?” Wizard McPhee added from the side. Abel turned to him with a confused gaze. “If the Wizard Union is not happy with Little Bro forming its Divine Kingdom, you can ask him yourself!” Abel smirked. Afterwards he stepped to Headmaster Eugene’s side, as if what had happened had nothing to do with him. The Wizards exchanged gazes. They had no idea what Abel was trying to do, but they still turned their gazes on Little Bro. They took a few steps forward and were about to say something, but as soon as they reached five meters from Little Bro, it sensed a threat and bang! The two God Rank Wizards were immediately being held up by the neck in Little Bro’s hands Even though they could fly, there was no escape! The force from Little Bro was completely locking them up! They were like little babies! A smile appeared on Abel’s face. Even if Little Bro could not fly, approaching it was the worst decision anyone could make! Even five thousand meters was an unsafe distance, let alone five meters! Luckily Abel had ordered Little Bro not to use its spells, else those Wizards would be dead. After all, it was its instinct to kill, even after becoming Abel’s Summon! “Headmaster Abel. Don’t kill them, else we will be in an awkward situation after the Wizard Union President returns!” Headmaster Eugene whispered to Abel. Still, he was stunned by how powerful Little Bro was. At first he was worried about Little Bro’s safety, but things turned out to be the exact opposite! Although Wizards were not skilled in close combat, he would not be able to catch them at five meters, even in his dragon form… Abel put on an angry face and shouted, “Little Bro, they are guests, let them down!” Little Bro bowed and let the Wizards back down again before turning its head back to the sky. After what had happened, Abel was no longer afraid of the wizards attacking him or Little Bro. The wizards, naturally enough, had no more will to attack, either! What had happened was the closest they had ever been to facing death! It was almost like they were facing their President! Wizard McPhee was not looking good as he said, “Headmaster Abel, we will be on our way now!” If the Golden Castle’s Teleportation Circles had not been controlled by Abel, they would have left without saying a word already! “My God Rank Wizards, please don’t be angry. I will make sure to teach Little Bro a good lesson!” Abel smiled at them. Wizard Smith and Wizard McPhee did not even bow after hearing what Abel had to say, they just directly activated the Super Teleportation Circle and departed. “Headmaster Abel, this Little Bro is quite scary!” Headmaster Eugene sighed “Not yet it’s not. I’m still waiting for it to make a Kingdom!” Abel smiled. Indeed, Little Bro was powerful, but it would be a bummer if it could not fly! “You are too humble! I’ll return to the Warding Wall now. I’m only here at the Wizard Union’s request!” Headmaster Eugene shook his head. “Do you want me to come as well?” Abel knew all the Dragon Headmasters were at the Warding Wall so he asked. Headmaster Eugene shook his head again. “Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t be safe, considering your tension with the Wizard Union!” “It’s fine, I can bring Little Bro to the Warding Wall too once it forms its Kingdom!” Abel smiled confidently. “Just forget it. The wizards will definitely make a move on you after what just happened!” Headmaster Eugene insisted to him. “Ok, let me know immediately if there is any trouble. I will tell Doff to pay attention so I can receive your message even in seclusion!” Abel knew Headmaster Eugene wanted the best for him, so he just nodded along. —— Headmaster Eugene left afterwards without any worries, and Abel turned to Little Bro again. At first he had thought Little Bro would only be powerful in the Dark World, but what had happened showed him that any God Rank fighting it would be in big trouble! After all, the most powerful skills of Little Bro were not about fighting in close combat, but its spells. Its spells were enough to handle a large variety of enemies! On top of that, he was very confident in what the Moon Goddess and the Goddess of Valor had said. Slowly, a Divine Kingdom came into view. Abel scanned Little Bro again. It did not get any more powerful, which made sense since it was already much more powerful than a god. But this time at Abel’s order, Little Bro flew into the sky without any trouble. Abel felt his heart lift. He had succeeded!
Chapter 1484 Chapter 1484: Date Set The atmosphere in the Warding Wall was very tense. All the God Rank Wizards knew what had happened to Wizard Smith and Wizard McPhee now. But of course, there was no way they would let this news leak out to their lessers. Two God Rank wizards were grabbed like a child; it was a total joke! If Headmaster Eugene had not been not around, there was no way they would even have mentioned it! Anger and irritation rumbled in the hearts of the two God Rank Wizards, and the other sixteen looked grim. An insult like this would definitely provoke the Wizard Union to do something big, but all the God Rank Wizards hesitated when Wizard Smith began to describe Little Bro’s power. The reason why the Wizard Union was so powerful was because of their President. The dragons were powerful because of their Dragon God. That was how the two forces had obtained all the wealth in the world, and were capable of cultivating other God Rank professionals. Although Wizard Smith didn’t know exactly how powerful Little Bro was, it had to be much more powerful than beginner God Ranks like them! They had no idea how Abel could get an unimaginable existence like that to serve him at such an age, but their fear was real. … As for the four Dragon Headmasters, they were feeling very good as they tried to hold back their laughter. Abel’s power was the Dragons’ power, after all! The Moon Goddess of Moon, the God of Wealth, and the Earth Goddess were also very happy, since another powerful existence was on their side. The Wizard Union would definitely need to think twice before messing with them now! The Water Goddess and the God of Death, on the other hand, were starting to torture themselves with regrets. If they had known Abel had such power on his side, they would have had nothing to lose by pledging allegiance to him! Even in the Era of Gods, an offer from a power like that would be an honor for any god not skilled in battle! —– A Barrier Circle was raised among the wizards, separating them from the others. The dragons and Abel’s three vassal gods didn’t mind, but it was very embarrassing for the God of Death and the Water Goddess. They choose to stand with the Wizard Union yet the wizards didn’t even let them know what they were talking about. It was total disrespect! After five minutes, the wizards deactivated their Barrier Circle. “Headmaster Eugene, is Headmaster Abel coming to the Warding Wall to support us in our fight against the Evil Kingdom?” Wizard Coleridge asked directly. “Wizard Coleridge, Headmaster Abel is in seclusion. He just became God Rank, so he still needs some time to master his body!” Headmaster Eugene smiled back blithely. “Headmaster Eugene, let me be frank with you. God Ranks like us can’t hold back the Demon from Beyond. Only that god who attacked us can!” Wizard Coleridge informed the other seriously. The reason why Wizard Coleridge was the one doing the talking was because Wizard Smith had been too insulted today. He had no more dignity left to speak again. The Wizard Union really had no idea what they could do about Abel. The only option was to drag him into the war and let Little Bro fight to death with the Demon from Beyond. No matter who won, it would be a victory for the Wizard Union! “Wizard Coleridge, does the Wizard Union really think Headmaster Abel will help after everything the Wizard Union did to?” Headmaster Carlos interrupted. He was a red dragon, so he was blunter than the others. Wizard Coleridge’s face sank. “Headmaster Carlos, I am only extending him an invitation, but it is for the safety of the continent!” Headmaster Eugene shook his head. “Then we can end the discussion here. Headmaster Abel will not come, his decision was clear when we spoke!” At that moment, a powerful energy suddenly sped in from afar. All the God Ranks felt it. “Mr. President!” Wizard Smith exclaimed. His voice was shaky, almost like a child begging an adult to stand up for him. At the same time, all the God Ranks flew up without hesitation. Even for the dragons and the gods, it was the minimum show of required respect. —— Flashes sparked across the sky. They entered the front line and soon arrived in front of the Holy Kingdom. It was the Wizard Union President, Wizard Basham! He had minimized his rest and returned as soon as possible! He knew the Demon from Beyond was reawakening the moment he had entered the Central Continent. If he was a tiny bit faster, he would have sensed Little Bro forming its Kingdom, too! The Demon from Beyond had not fully reawakened, but the President had sensed something strange happening to the Guardian Wings, so he had decided to test out something. He took out his Inner World right in front of the Guardian Wings. The light around him began to bend. For the past year he had been mastering his power, and his World had reached the highest potential of its rank. He knew he could go head-to-head with the Demon from Beyond. After all, the Demon from Beyond wouldn’t need to use the Guardian Wings if it had hidden powers. With a wave, Wizard Basham Cast 200 Meteors from his World. They rained down on the Guardian Wings. Since his Inner World was more powerful than any beginner God Ranks, its power was much greater as well! Two hundred giant Meteors slammed against the Guardian Wings’ energy shield, sending streams of fire racing through the air. It was like an earthquake going off. It was a force capable of destroying a city, but the Guardian Wings remained standing! But it seemed Wizard Basham was expecting that. He held up his Inner World and directly slammed down. The energy it brought out could be sensed even on the Warding Wall. By that point, Wizard Basham’s Inner World was the size of a continent, and it was usable as a weapon. Bang! A thunderous blast erupted forth. What Wizard Basham wanted was to strike while his enemy was weak, and kill the Demon from Beyond before it truly awakened! But suddenly, something no one was expecting happened. When Wizard Basham’s Inner World actually made contact with the Guardian Wings, not a single sound was made. This was not because the Guardian Wings were gone, but because an energy of equal power shot up from inside the Holy Kingdom and dispersed it. Wizard Basham’s face sank, and he quickly put away his Inner World. “Indeed, an ultimate defensive spell!” he mumbled. What had happened helped him realize a few things. The Holy Kingdom was no longer an area in the Central Continent. Instead, it was becoming something like an Inner World, or a god’s Divine Kingdom. There were only around ten lives left within it. All the other ones were just souls! He had fought the Holy Kingdom back in the past, and he knew how many citizens they had. There would be billions of souls waiting for the Demon from Beyond once it truly awakened. Even Wizard Basham was stunned at this move. After all, he had been doing something not too different out in the ocean during all these years! Still, he had never thought about killing intelligent beings. Even killing ten thousand sea monsters during each sacrifice was reaching his limit. He just couldn’t ignore how people thought of him. But as for the Demon from Beyond, it had killed almost every single one of its own followers. Even though it was an angel with pure white wings, the name Demon from Beyond was quite fitting for it! A thunderous voice emerged from the sky and covered the front line. “Basham, I’ll fight to the death with you in ten days!” There had been a spark of relief on the God Rank Wizards’ faces after their President’s return, but that voice made them realize once again just how scary the thing they were dealing with truly was. The four Dragon Headmasters were also looking serious. They waved their hands and the three vassal gods stepped behind them. “Tell Kemble to alert Headmaster Abel!” Headmaster Eugene whispered. The other three Dragon Headmasters nodded. Something big was about to happen, so they needed Abel to prepare. At that moment, Abel was their strongest support! As Headmaster Eugene’s Power of The Will spread out, Gold Dragon Kemble immediately turned into a flash of white light, leaving the Warding Wall. He quickly arrived at a Teleportation Circle and disappeared. The reason he had Gold Dragon Kemble deliver the message was because gold dragons were so fast even wizards could not stop him. At the same time, all the wizards were fixated on what’s happening on the front line, so they didn’t even know that Gold Dragon Kemble had disappeared. “Ten days, I’ll be waiting!” Wizard Basham bellowed back. ——— Below the Holy Kingdom Central Temple was a closed chamber filled with tightly-drawn magic patterns. In the center of the room was a human-sized angel, levitating there with its wings flapping on its back. He was the so-called Demon from Beyond. A loser in war, and not just a single war, but many wars. He was forced into this world, but he had soon realized how special this world was. If he hadn’t had his angel wings, he would not even be able to fly! Therefore, he had to use his ultimate spell, the ‘Guardian Wings’. He had needed time to prepare, and things were finally coming to fruition.
Chapter 1485 Chapter 1485: Report Although what the Demon from Beyond had set out to achieve back then had come to fruition, he was not happy at all. The first thing he had sensed upon his resurrection was that all of his Gear was gone. That included his Angel Sword, Angel Shield, Holy Armor, Holy Portal Bag, and even that damaged set of Guardian Wings he had left in the Central Temple. They were truly gone, and he could not track them with his Power of The Will. He was confused. Who in this world could destroy the Power of The Will in his equipment?! Even Wizard Basham and the Dragon God couldn’t do so! One needed to be far more powerful than the owner to do something like that… Luckily Wizard Basham’s attack had woken him up early, or else it would have taken him months to do so. He only needed five more days to fully recover, but the reason he told Wizard Basham he needed ten days was because he wanted to spend the other five days finding his Gear! He would not be able to inject light energy into normal equipment, so not having them would drastically reduce his power. “My Great Lord, you’ve awakened!” Knight Marlo’s voice called out. “Get ready, we will destroy our enemies in ten days!” the Demon from Beyond declared grimly … The eight God Rank Knights gathered and they all bowed. “At your command!” The Demon from Beyond was also irritated when he realized there were only eight God Rank Knights. Their number was much lower than he had hoped for. He blamed the Saints for that, but it was too late to change anything. In five days, he would be able to leave the Holy Kingdom to find his gear. His Angel Sword and Shield were made with materials from another world. They had a special energy, and the Demon from Beyond was confident that he could find them… —— Wizard Basham did not stay outside of the Holy Kingdom for long. He turned and arrived at the Warding Wall in a few Flashes. “Mister President!” the eighteen God Rank Wizards bowed. Wizard Basham did not bow back, instead saying coldly, “Did you find anything?” The eighteen God Rank Wizards knew what he was talking about, but none of them made a sound in reply. Wizard Basham waved his hand in irritation. “There is no need to protect this place anymore. I will fight the Demon from Beyond in ten days, so just find me all the information you can!” He then turned to the four Dragon Headmasters and gazed at the three gods hiding behind them. “The Dragon God is still not back yet?” “Greetings, Mr. Basham! The Dragon God will return soon!” Headmaster Eugene bowed in reply. Wizard Basham pointed at Headmaster Eugene and stated, “Deliver this message for me: we are fighting the Demon from Beyond in ten days! I’m sure the Dragon God won’t let me down!” “Yes, Mr. Basham! We will immediately contact the Dragon God!” Headmaster Eugene agreed promptly. “All of you can go. No need to stay here!” Wizard Basham waved again. “Yes!” The four Dragon Headmasters and the three vassal gods all bowed. Wizard Basham did not care what those gods were doing with the dragons. They were too weak, anyway. He then turned to the God of Death and the Water Goddess, his gaze sharp. Suddenly, a roaring energy shot out from his World. “Go!” he yelled at them. The two gods were here at the Wizard Union’s invitation, and Wizard Basham had not addressed them directly, so they thought they were meant to stay. It was too embarrassing for them; the energy directly sent them flying! They landed on the ground heavily after flying for a thousand meters, blood gushing out from their mouths. Their injuries were not good, but they still hurried away. Regret filled their hearts. If they had pledged allegiance to Abel, they would have had the dragons’ protection like the other gods!… — Wizard Basham had already been furious on his way back. Losing the World Stone Heart was a huge blow, and the fact that the Demon from Beyond had reawakened because of his own attack was even more infuriating! Still, the most he could do was abuse the other wizards verbally and he had to treat those Dragon Headmasters with respect because of the Dragon God. So the two hapless gods had ended up as his punching bags. “Ten days!” he mumbled as he looked towards the Holy Kingdom again. He needed to find the World Stone Heart during that time. Then he would be fully confident again! In a Flash, he arrived at the Teleportation Circle, and found Wizard Smith waiting there. “Mr. President!” Wizard Smith bowed deeply. “Smith, you seemed troubled just now. What happened? Wizard Basham asked in a more relaxed voice. Wizard Smith was his true blood relative, so he could be more relaxed when talking to him. After all, Wizard Basham needed someone he could trust to manage the Wizard Union. “Mr. President, I have a suspect when it comes to what happened to the treasure in our second level chamber!” Wizard Smith whispered. Wizard Basham immediately felt his heart lift, and he quickly set up a Barrier with his Power of the Will. “Tell me, who?” He continued. “A Dragon Headmaster, Headmaster Abel!” Wizard Smith said, embarrassment flickering in his eyes. He was not lying. Abel was indeed the biggest suspect, but at the same time he didn’t have any clear evidence. At first, he had not been planning to tell the President immediately, but he was just way too insulted by what had happened. He wanted Abel to pay! Wizard Basham tried to recall the name, and asked, “Headmaster Abel… how come I have never heard about him?” “He is not even thirty years old, and he is a God Rank Wizard!” Wizard Smith explained. “A thirty-year-old God Rank Wizard as a Dragon Headmaster?” Wizard Basham was totally confused. It was hard to imagine how talented one had to be to become a God Rank wizard at the age of thirty, but how come he had ended up with the dragons? What had happened in the Wizard Union? Wizard Smith lowered his head and confirmed, “Yes!” Wizard Basham shook his head and inquired, “Tell me, what is so suspicious about him?” He knew the size of the Wizard Union was a problem, but a genius like Abel could truly be a great help to him. Too bad, such a talent would soon go to waste! Indeed, as far as Wizard Basham was concerned, any suspect in regards to taking the World Stone Heart would be his greatest enemy, and they could not be kept alive! This was how he had operated since the Era of Gods. The only exception was the Demon from Beyond, but he knew that was just a matter of time. “Headmaster Abel has more than ten God Rank Summons on his side, six of them being gods. This includes Thief God Milton, who survived the Era of Gods, Doff the War God, who is one of his contracted beasts who turned into a god, and four Divine Bodies he stole from our headquarters!” Wizard Smith explained. Wizard Basham’s jaw soon began to drop as Wizard Smith kept explaining recent events. Ever since Wizard Basham had established the Wizard Union, he had spent tens of thousands of years cultivating his twenty God Rank Wizards. But this thirty-year-old Headmaster Abel had accomplished half of what he had done already?! That wasn’t all of it. Three of his God Rank Wizards had actually fallen at the hands of Abel, and there were a dozen gods on Abel’s side the Wizard Union didn’t know about! “Such a pity. At my command, tell Headmaster Abel to come see me!” Wizard Basham sighed. “Mr. President, there is no way Headmaster Abel will come!” Wizard Smith replied softly. “No one can reject my order!” Wizard Basham declared grimly. Wizard Smith was helpless. Since it was an order, he could only go to the dragons personally. A call just wouldn’t get the message across the way he wanted it to. —— At that moment, Abel was sitting on the Golden Castle platform while Little Bro was slowly moving its Divine Kingdom towards Doff’s Realm. It was a simple process, but it still cost him a Holy Crystal. The moment those Kingdoms were about to make contact in their special dimension, Abel paused. If they just make contact like this, won’t it turn into a Kingdom war? He took out ten more Holy Crystals from his Holy Portal Bag and they began to morph upon his will. A meter-long passage was formed and began to connect the two Kingdoms. Abel could easily do something like this, because he held the highest authority in both Kingdoms. Soon, strands of Faith rushed into Little Bro’s Kingdom from Doff’s Kingdom. Although some Faith went to waste during the process, it was enough to sustain Little Bro’s Realm forever. Abel was not planning to use the Realm to help Little Bro get more powerful, anyway. It would take at least tens of thousands of years for it to even reach Doff’s Realm’s level. —— Soon afterwards, Abel received a message from the Magic Circle Spirit. “Master, Gold Dragon Kemble has a request!” “Quick! Connect!” Abel was very happy when he heard the name. When he sensed Gold Dragon Kemble’s energy, he called out, “Brother Kemble!” However, Gold Dragon Kemble was looking very serious. “Abel, I am here at Headmaster Eugene’s command!” he said. Abel’s face also changed. “What happened?” he asked quickly. “The Wizard Union President, Wizard Basham, has returned to the Warding Wall. The Demon from Beyond will fully reawaken in ten days!” Gold Dragon Kemble explained. “Already?”‘ Abel felt his heart drop, but he soon calmed down again. “Thank you for telling me brother, I will prepare!” Abel waved and a bottle of wine flew towards Gold Dragon Kemble. Gold Dragon Kemble took a sip and laughed. “Abel, invite me for a visit next time your Summons level-up!” Abel thumped himself on the head and exclaimed, “Brother, I’m sorry that I forgot to invite you to see my level-up!” He was too excited at the time. Gold Dragon Kemble knew what Abel was going through, so he did not blame him. All he had wanted was to see a God Rank level-up so he could get some inspiration. He has been stuck at the Half-god dragon limit for too long, and it was very hard for a Gold Dragon to break through. The most important factor was the environment, as water was more suitable for blue dragons. Gold dragons were the most powerful dragons, but leveling-up had ended up as their biggest challenge!
Chapter 1486 Chapter 1486: Captured Gold Dragon Kemble did not stay for long. Abel began to calculate again. On the one hand, Abel had been working toward defeating the Demon from Beyond ever since he had come to this world. By this point, Abel had become the Demon from Beyond’s greatest enemy after taking so many followers from the Holy Kingdom! But of course, the Demon from Beyond actually didn’t know that, since he already sacrificed all of his followers in the Holy Kingdom, and that included his Intelligence Division! On the other hand, Wizard Basham was nothing but a mighty being of this world. Abel would not have messed with him if it were not for the World Stone Heart. Although he still didn’t know what a true World Stone could do to this day, he knew it was the most valuable thing in this world considering what the Oak Tree had done with one! Ever since the Oak Tree had turned gold, the entire Dark World had started becoming his Divine Kingdom. It was still unbelievable to him. Since those two mighty forces had returned, Abel was expecting something big to come in a few days. He gazed at Little Bro. It was a pity; he had been hard at work all these years, but he still wasn’t powerful enough to stand head-to-head with Wizard Basham or the Demon from Beyond. He still needed his Summons at the end of the day! —— … Abel reached out with his Power of The Will and sent a message to the Lance Spirit in the Holy Continent. All the Treemen around the Harry Castle’s Wizard Circle immediately reached out their roots towards the sky. Every wizard around was stunned, but Wizard Morton knew it was all Abel’s doing. The Treemen divided themselves into four groups. One of them flew towards the elves. The elves in the Holy Continent had no chance of stopping them since the most powerful druid they had was only Elite rank. Soon, the elves received a command from the Moon Goddess to work with those Treemen. The elves opened up their Super Teleportation Circle to the Lance Spirit. From that point on, the Treemen would destroy the Super Teleportation Circle as soon as anyone unrecognized dared to enter. Another group of Treemen flew towards the dwarves and also brought their Super Teleportation Circle under the Lance Spirit’s control. The third group flew towards Linate City, and the forth group flew towards the dragons. Since Abel was a Dragon Headmaster, they had nothing to say. Abel did this because he didn’t want anyone to enter the Holy Continent. It was his home, and his final back up. He needed it to be safe! — Soon after everything was set, he received a teleportation request from Headmaster Eugene, but this time for Wizard Smith. He knew why. It had to be Wizard Basham’s order, but he couldn’t reject it. Since the meeting place was the Golden Castle’s lounge, he had no worries. “Headmaster Abel, we met again!” Wizard Smith smiled when he appeared with Headmaster Eugene. His gaze was filled with joy. He knew helping Wizard Basham would be rewarded, he just didn’t know how. “Wizard Smith, I admire your bravery for coming back here!” Abel smiled back. Since he had already flipped the table with the Wizard Union, he no longer had to be polite. Wizard Smith stopped smiling after hearing Abel’s attitude and spoke firmly, “Headmaster Abel, I am here on behalf of Mr. President!” “How can I help?” Abel continued to smile. “Mr. President wants to see you!” Wizard Smith continued. “Wizard Smith, I think you have something wrong. Since when could the Wizard Union President force a Dragon Headmaster to do something?” Abel smirked back. Wizard Smith put on a threatening tone and said, “It’s just an invitation, you can’t reject it!” At that moment, an immense energy pressed down on Wizard Smith from above. Wizard Smith immediately wanted to Flash away, but realized too late that he could no longer move. The energy was terrifying. Even as a Rank 36 Wizard, he was helpless against Little Bro! Abel’s smirk grew even wider. The reason why Abel was so confident in Little Bro was because it had made peace with this world after its Kingdom was formed. It was no longer an outsider! Wizard Smith’s expression sank. He knew how powerful one needed to be to fully bind up a Rank 36 Wizard. At least Rank 40, or above! At this time, only the Wizard Union President had reached that level! Regret began to emerge. If he had known how powerful Little Bro was, he would not have threatened Abel. He had blamed matters on his lack of close-range battle skills the last time he had faced Little Bro, but this time it was different. Abel then smiled at Headmaster Eugene standing by the side. “Headmaster Eugene, is it ok if I kill Wizard Smith?” Headmaster Eugene was stunned. “Headmaster Abel, just do as you will. We have the Dragon God on our side!” Headmaster Eugene nodded. Headmaster Eugene was actually very irritated, since Wizard Smith had also threatened him in order to be brought to the Golden Castle. Therefore, he wasn’t going to stand up for Wizard Smith in a situation like this. “Then let’s just lock him up for now and wait for their Mr. President!” Abel laughed coldly. With a Flash, he appeared in front of Wizard Smith with his Inner World. In an instant, Wizard Smith was swallowed up. His Inner World was too weak to take in physical objects, but top rank professionals were made up of one hundred percent energy! Wizard Smith sensed the pressure lift as soon as he was engulfed. He felt like he was bathing in warm water. This Inner World was so strange. He did not sense a single threat, and there were none of the ordinary elements of a wizard. The whole thing was quiet and peaceful. It was filled with sunlight, but he was not happy at all. As the Light fell upon his skin, he could not move a single bit of the energy within him. This included mana and the Power of The Will! Without energy, he could not use spells! In reality, Abel’s Inner World was actually not that strong, but Wizard Smith was totally defenseless once he was swallowed by it. If he had not been, he might have been able to defend himself against the Light energy for at least a moment. “Headmaster Eugene, send the Wizard Union a message saying Wizard Smith tried to threaten us, so he is now being held captive. If you want him back, tell the Wizard Union President to come see me!” Abel smiled. “Headmaster Abel, can we wait a bit? The Wizard Union President is fighting the Demon from Beyond in ten days, and the Dragon God is on his way back!” Headmaster Eugene mentioned thoughtfully. “To be honest, a fight between me and Wizard Basham is not timely, either. If I have a choice, I want the battle ground to be at the Battlecry Plateau!” Abel grinned. Indeed, he did not capture Wizard Smith because he was mad. Everything had been planned out. Little Bro was very strong, especially when it came to health. He was not worried about Little Bro losing, at most it would just end up a draw. However if they were fighting in his faithful grounds, Doff would also be able to suppress Wizard Basham with his Kingdom. Even it would not do too much due to their Rank difference, it could still slow Wizard Basham down a little! Headmaster Eugene looked Abel deep in the eyes and nodded. “Headmaster Abel, if you have decided, I’ll support you!” Although he had never had a taste of Little Bro’s power, he knew it was something he could not comprehend. He also knew how mysterious Abel was. If Abel was hiding in a Kingdom, even Wizard Basham wouldn’t be able to chase after him! —— Meanwhile, Wizard Basham was looking through Abel’s records at the Warding Wall and was stunned. Not only was Abel’s growth unreal, he had also signed an equal contract with the Tree of Life! Basham slammed his fist heavily down on the table, the parchment still in his hand. The motion immediately sent a shiver down Wizard Hardy’s spine. “How could this Abel sign an equal contract with the Tree of Life, how come no one told me about this?!” Wizard Bashnam roared. “Mr. President, it happened among the elves, we couldn’t do anything about it!” Wizard Harry replied carefully. “This Abel has to die!” Wizard Basham declared ominously. Wizard Hardy was frightened. As the manager of the Intelligence Department, he knew very well how powerful Abel was. If a war broke out between Wizard Basham and Abel, the dragons would definitely get involved. But still, there was nothing Wizard Hardy could say or do. The reason Wizard Hardy was furious was because he knew a secret no other wizards knew. It was the true reason he had kept six gods from the Era of Gods alive. The other Wizards always thought it was because their President wanted their Holy Crystals, but in fact it was because Basham didn’t want anyone to interfere with the Tree of Life, other than the elves. Due to the special attributes of the elves, they could still nourish the Tree of Life’s growth.
Chapter 1487 Chapter 1487: Feeling Back in the Era of Gods, Wizard Basham did not harm the elves, and had even kept the Moon Goddess alive after defeating the Goddess of Valor. In fact, he had even raised their status in the God Alliance, considering how weak they were. The most powerful profession the elves had was Druids, and as a race they cared too much about beauty. A species like that found it very hard to survive in the Central Continent, even with the Moon Goddess’s protection. Wizard Basham ordered the Wizard Union to never interfere with the elves’ habitat. They had always thought it was for the Holy Crystals, but only Wizard Basham knew it was because of the Tree of Life. The World Stone Heart was meant to work with the Tree of Life, and was his only hope of true freedom! According to records, the Tree of Life grew the fastest under the care and nourishment of High Elves. But the High Elves of the Central Continent had disappeared long ago. Still, those normal elves were able to do more than other races. It was a ten thousand year plan, finally coming to fruition. But at this moment, Abel had stolen the World Stone Heart and signed an equal contract with the Tree of Life! As he saw it, the Holy Kingdom and the Demon from Beyond were just some hurdles along his journey. What he cared about the most was the World Stone Heart and the Tree of Life. Anyone who messed with them had to die! … Wizard McPhee burst in, bowing hastily. “Mr. President, we have trouble!” “What?” Wizard Basham frowned. “We just got a message from the Dragons that Wizard Smith was captured by Headmaster Abel because he said something threatening!” Wizard McPhee said softly. “What?! Abel captured Wizard Smith?” Wizard Basham almost couldn’t believe himself as he jumped up. He almost began to question reality. After all, no one would defy the Wizard Union before he had left. Now a God Rank Wizard sent out using his name was not only rejected, but captured?! “That’s what Headmaster Eugene relayed to us!” Wizard McPhee added. Wizard Basham was not an impulsive person, so he quickly calmed himself down and thought for a moment. “McPhee, I heard from Smith that you were grabbed by a god called Little Bro. How did it feel?” Wizard Basham asked after he regained his cool. “Mr. President, Little Bro was very fast. He grabbed me and Smith by the neck and fully bound us before we could even react. His energy was so powerful we couldn’t even move our Power of The Will!” Wizard McPhee didn’t want to remember it but he still had to be honest with their president. “Did it feel like this?” Wizard Basham placed his hand on Wizard McPhee’s shoulder and a powerful energy pressed down. In an instant, Wizard McPhee lost his mobility. Luckily Wizard Basham only did it for a second before letting off the pressure. Wizard McPhee thought for a moment and said carefully, “No, this feels more like a suppression by Rank, that felt more like a suppression by energy!” Wizard Basham’s face sank. He remembered the Demon from Beyond also had that ability. If you got too close to it, it could suppress any professional by energy alone! He held back his killing fury and declared grimly, “Abel must die, but not now!” He wouldn’t even think twice about killing Abel if Abel was weak, but it seemed like Abel had more in store than he had expected. He would be fighting with the Demon from Beyond in ten days. If he used up all his energy, he would be at a disadvantage! “Then what about Wizard Smith?” Wizard McPhee asked with a shaky voice. They were good friends, and he knew Wizard Smith was in danger. “Abel won’t let him die. It would do him no good!” Wizard Basham replied. Wizard McPhee knew Abel had killed many God Ranks and wouldn’t bat an eye at doing so again, but just when he wanted to say something, Wizard Basham waved him off. Without a choice, he had to bow and step away. Abel was not expecting Wizard Basham to think too much, but his bravado had actually brought him more time! ———— It had been five days. The eight God Rank knights and thirty-two Half-god Knights in the Holy Kingdom were not feeling well. All their friends and families had died, but they had no choice but to serve their god. As the only survivors, these days they could only sit around the empty Central Temple. As the Demon from Beyond fully reawakened, all the lands, mountains, and rivers in the Holy Kingdom were transformed into energy by the hundred million souls. The Demon from Beyond’s voice suddenly sounded out as an immense energy pressed down onto the knights, “I will grant you even greater power!” Afterwards, the eight God Rank Knights’ Inner Worlds were blasted open like bubbles and their energy filled the Holy Kingdom. Simultaneously, their eyes turned dead and their consciousnesses ceased as their souls flew out. The only thing remaining was battle instinct as their souls soon reconnected with the Demon from Beyond in a strange way. In one way, they had grown more powerful in an instant, as they were able to move any energy within the Holy Kingdom. It was just that they wouldn’t be able to experience it except with mere instinct. Meanwhile, the thirty-two Half-god Knights’ Inner Territories also appeared, and they were forcibly dragged into the Holy Kingdom’s interior while their consciousnesses ceased. As their energy intertwined, they could now unleash the power of a God Rank, and they no longer had to care about high rank forces suppressing them. Their state of being was similar to the fish in Wizard Basham’s Inner World, it was just that the Demon from Beyond was a lot more ruthless. At least Wizard Basham had never dragged his fellow wizards into his Inner World! Those knights were intelligent beings, after all. Since a professional’s body would slowly turn into energy after they reached Half-god Rank, the process of merging with a Kingdom would be easier the more powerful they were. But of course, not every being beyond rank 40 would be able to do this. The Demon from Beyond had no choice. He already reached his limit in this world, and faith could only help him recover from his injuries. The biggest reason he had failed back in the day was because he did not have an Inner World or a God’s Kingdom, and he had been suppressed by the energy of the world. He could only fly with his wings, which had drastically reduced his potential. But after a thousand years of cultivating the Holy Kingdom, they were able to turn the area into energy and form a Divine Kingdom. He was not afraid of losing followers. As long as he could beat Wizard Basham and the Dragon God, every being in this world would be his to take! Expanding his faithful after that would be simple. When every being in this world became his follower, he would be able to transform this entire world into his Divine Kingdom, just like he had done with the Holy Kingdom. The process might take a million years, but he didn’t care. He was an immortal, anyway! His biggest challenge now were the two powerful figures standing in his way, especially Wizard Basham, whose attacks had clearly grown more powerful. Suddenly, the Demon from Beyond realized he had made a mistake. What about his Holy Gear? He had killed the minds of the last forty holy knights before he had even asked them about it. By this point he basically had no idea who had taken his personal Gear! Was he really going to track them down by scent? He had been in slumber for thousands of years. His brain was not working properly when he made the decision. He looked around the Holy Kingdom again; there were still some remaining souls. With a wave, a special energy wrapped around them. Under his guidance, those souls flew out of the Holy Kingdom. —— “What is that bastard doing?” Wizard Basham shook his head and mumbled to himself when he saw what was happening. But since that energy had nothing to do with him, he did not care too much. When it came to the knowledge of energy, no one in this world even came close to the Demon from Beyond. Just the Light Energy it possessed was enough to make him a master of energy! The Warding Wall had a hard time even stopping Holy Energy, there was no way it could stop the Light Energy. —— Like an invisible wave, those souls spread out throughout the Central Continent. When the Demon from Beyond sensed the Tree of Life, a smile emerged on his face. He knew what a Tree of Life signified: hope! If there was a Tree of Life in this world, his dream might come true! But as he continued, he also sensed many faithful grounds. “Weird, how come there are so many gods in this world?!” He knew the godsin this worldhad been killed off by the Wizard Union long ago. Back then there were only six gods fighting against him, and they had all been extremely weak. However, at this moment he sensed more than a dozen faithful grounds. What had happened to this world? As he continued, he finally reached the Golden Castle and sensed Little Bro. Even with a Divine shell, it was not able to hide its Hell energy from an angel who had battled with Hell for countless years! “Hell has entered this world?!” The Demon from Beyond was stunned. He was being called the Demon from Beyond, but he was not an actual demon like Little Bro was. Fear emerged from his heart as he remembered what had happened back long ago. The angels had lost to Hell after countless years of battle, and he might be the only survivor!
Chapter 1488 Chapter 1488: Greeting Dragon God The Demon from Beyond began to recall the almost forgotten names from back then. It was all because of Hell! Izual, Hadriel… some of them betrayed the angels, some of them had died. He immediately felt the urge to fight that Hell Demon, but he hesitated. He had just made his Divine Kingdom, and he still needed some time to stabilize it to maximize its power. Maybe it was a better move to fight Wizard Basham first… The battle would also help him regain some confidence As he kept scanning, he sensed an extraordinarily young Wizard, but that was not the most shocking thing. Something on that wizard felt like a brother to him, and at the same time he knew that was where all his Gear was! — Abel was drinking his Water Spirit Fruit Juice on the Golden Castle when he sensed the strange energy scanning him. Energy like that should have been invisible to his Rank, but the Oak Tree shadow on his forehead formed a Light energy barrier around him. … Little Bro at his side had also noticed it with its Dark Energy barrier. But it was too late; they had still been spotted by the Demon from Beyond! — The Demon from Beyond was stunned. He knew only Angels could use Light energy, and only Hell Demons could use Dark Energy. Since when could such beings co-exist peacefully? Although the Demon from Beyond didn’t know why he felt a brotherly feeling from that young wizard, he had be closely related to the Angels. He jumped up and blurted out, “There are still descendants of Angels in this world!?” What had happened to this world? How could the evil Hell live peacefully with the prestigious Angels? He was confused, but he totally scrapped his idea of recalling his Gear. His train of thought was similar to Wizard Basham. If Abel was so powerful, it was best to take some time to think it through… —— By that point Abel also realized where the energy came from. It felt familiar. It was from an Angel, and the only Angel in this world was the Demon from Beyond! He quickly connected with all his God Rank summons. Just like that seventeen gods, seven God Rank professionals, and four subordinate gods gathered in Doff’s Kingdom, ready to fight at any moment. However after a day of waiting, no action occurred. The second day was the same, and the third and the fourth day followed. The fifth day was the big fight; how come they had not made a move on Abel? —— The Magic Circle Spirit called out, “Master, Headmaster Eugene has a teleportation request!” Abel accepted it immediately, and Headmaster Eugene soon appeared on the balcony. “Headmaster Abel, the Dragon God has returned!” Headmaster Eugene informed him with a slightly nervous voice. “The Dragon God returned?” Abel repeated after him, but in a calmer tone. After all, he had Little Bro on his side and with the Dragon God’s return, he would have an extra layer of protection. “The Dragon God wants to see you!” Headmaster Eugene smiled. Abel hesitated, then asked, “Can I bring Little Bro with me?” “Haha, of course! The Dragon God is very fond of you!” Headmaster Eugene knew Abel needed his protection and just smiled. If Abel was not so careful, he would have been dead countless times already. —— With a wave, Little Bro quickly stepped to his side and they soon arrived above the ocean through the Teleportation Circle. Once again, the ocean looked totally different compared to the last time he had visited. Little artificial islands had lifted up the dragon dens and formed a giant Magic Circle, with the Dragon Temple in the center. “All thanks to the dwarves and their architects!” Headmaster Eugene exclaimed in satisfaction. It would have been a big problem for the dragon dens without Dragon Island’s protection, but now it was a different story with their new Magic Circle. Abel sensed their energy shield and remarked, “It must consume a lot of energy!” It had the power to counter a strike from a God Rank, which was already extremely unlikely to happen considering it was the Dragons’ territory. After all, God Rank blue dragons fighting in their true form in the ocean were extremely scary! “Headmaster Abel, why do you think we picked this place as our base?’ Headmaster Eugene asked proudly, but he did not wait for Abel’s reply. “Below the ocean is a giant mana gem mine. All the top level gems are there for us to consume!” Headmaster Eugene pointed under the Dragon Temple. “Oh!” Abel nodded understanding. “This is only our first step to constructing a powerful base. When it comes to materials, we can go head-to-head with the Wizard Union!” Headmaster Eugene declared. Abel nodded again. Considering how vast the ocean was, the dragons would have a much bigger space to live, especially considering how many gems there were. — Abel and Headmaster Eugene soon arrived in front of the Dragon Temple. Unlike before, the temple almost felt alive. But before he entered, a golden Flash sparked in front of him, and a young man in a golden robe appeared. There was an old weariness in that young man’s eyes, almost like he had gone through countless years of existence. They were not the eyes of a young man. “My Dragon God!” Headmaster Eugene bowed deeply. Abel was not expecting that young man to be the Dragon God, but he quickly bowed as well. He couldn’t sense any energy, the Dragon God was like a mystery. “Abel, welcome!” The Dragon God looked very happy as he bowed back. But when he noticed Little Bro, an instinctive energy gushed out. It had to be the vigor of a dragon, the true power of a dragon! If the Golden Oak Tree shadow on Abel’s forehead had not stopped all the energy, he would have been bound like Wizard Smith was when he encountered Little Bro. “Who are you?” the Dragon God asked grimly after he saw Little Bro. Normal people could only see Little Bro’s appearance, but the Dragon God could sense Little Bro’s internal energy. It was an immense evil, a demon wrapped in a Divine body. The Dragon God had lived long enough to encounter something like it before, just never this powerful! However, the strangest thing was that this demon was standing behind Abel, without a single bit of ill intent! Abel knew there must be a misunderstanding, so he quickly explained, “My Dragon God, this is my soul contracted Summon!” “No way! Abel, I’m not underestimating your ability, but there is no way your rank can contract a…” The Dragon God paused. He did not want to say the word ‘demon’. Abel smiled. He then activated his soul contract and a spell pattern appeared above Little Bro. Indeed, it was a soul contract! “My Dragon God, this is Headmaster Abel’s special ability. He also has more than a dozen God Rank Summons on his side!” Headmaster Eugene also spoke up quickly. “Haha! Abel, Eugene, I never expected anything like this. You dragons really managed to surprise me. A dragon can actually control a demon, a powerful demon!” The Dragon God could not deny reality, so he started to laugh. A demon was evil, but it was ok as long as a good person was controlling it. Just like a sharp knife, it could be used for good or ill. If that was the case, the Dragons’ dominance had just taken a huge step up! “Let’s go, we’ll talk inside!” The Dragon God smiled as he continued, asking, “What’s his name?” “Little Bro!” Abel bowed. The Dragon God paused again. This Abel really is gutsy, giving a demon such a name would definitely anger it. He was confused, but considering how loyal Little Bro looked, it should be fine, and so he was not too worried. —— After they entered the Dragon Temple, they quickly arrived at the Hall where the other three Dragon Headmasters had also gathered. The Dragons worshiped the Dragon God, but it was at that moment Abel realized how friendly the Dragon God was. The Dragon God gazed at Abel and stated, “I am very happy about what has happened. Not only did we expand our territories in the ocean, we also gained some land territories! This is much better than I expected!” Without Abel, they would have achieved none of this. The Dragon God then continued, “Since the dwarves became a part of Abel’s forces, the dragons’ biggest weakness in construction is resolved! Thank you, Abel!” The Dragon God smiled and gave Abel a gentle bow. “It’s my duty as a dragon!” Abel bowed back. “At first I was worried about the Dragons, since I was about to fight the Demon from Beyond with Basham, but now I no longer have to be!” the Dragon God continued softly. The Dragon God didn’t sound that confident in himself, which was quite confusing to Abel.
Chapter 1489 Chapter 1489: World Tree As far as Abel knew, the Dragon God was the embodiment of the Dragons’ spirit. He should be invincible and fearless! “Everyone, I will be frank with you. My power reached its limit twenty thousand years ago. Us dragons are powerful in our foundation, but it is already amazing that we have five God Ranks with our population!” the Dragon God said softly. No one else made a sound, continuing to listen. “It is much harder for us dragons to level-up after that. For many millennia I’ve used a special method and much Faith to reach Rank 44, but I’ve been stuck ever since!” the Dragon God continued. Abel finally understood. No wonder the Dragon God was called a god. He was using Faith! “I have heard Basham has already reached rank 45, which means he is on the Demon from Beyond’s level. Still, the Demon from Beyond wields a more powerful energy. After thousands of years of healing, it is no longer the being it was!” the Dragon God sighed. It was a huge revelation , but everyone kept silent. Meanwhile, Abel’s eyes began to sparkle. Although he was still a long way from Rank 44 or 45, he was confident that he could reach it eventually. He had the Dark World on his side, so he might be able to reach even higher Ranks! The Dragon God shook his head and laughed, “But when I saw Little Bro today, I had a revelation. We are actually not that weak!” “My Dragon God, Wizard Basham might have a higher Rank than you, but it’s still unknown who would win in a fight!” Headmaster Eugene also laughed. … After all, the dragons did have more powerful bodies! Abel bowed and asked, “My Dragon God, can I go watch the fight tomorrow?” “Abel, are you worried about my safety?” The Dragon God smiled. He then handed Abel a golden scale and said”Take this and hide Little Bro’s energy. If not, Basham and the Demon from Beyond might team up to kill him before the fight even begins!” Abel held the scale in his hand. It was pulsing with gold dragon energy. “A Godly Relic scale!” Abel gasped. “Good eyes, that’s my scale. They’ve been with me since I reached God Rank, but even stronger ones grew out of me after I reached Rank 40!” the Dragon God smiled. An admiring gaze emerged from the eyes of the other Dragon Headmasters. They knew it was no ordinary scale; it was a dragon wing scale! The toughest scales on a dragon’s body, responsible for protecting their most vulnerable areas! When Abel placed the scale on Little Bro, his body began to shrink from four meters down to two meters, just like a normal human. If Abel was not soul-bound to him, Little Bro would feel exactly like a gold dragon. The Dragon God continued to smile. He had just given out his most precious scale. Although it didn’t have much use to him, it could give the user the defense of a Rank 40 Dragon! “Thank you, my Dragon God!” Abel quickly bowed. He knew the danger of bringing Little Bro to watch the battle, so at first he was not planning to take him along. After all, his Dark Energy was too provocative. However, the Dragon God had a different idea. “I want you to bring Little Bro with you as a secret weapon!” Abel nodded, but since the Dragon God still needed to prepare for the fight, Abel soon said his goodbyes and returned to the Golden Castle. ——— It was night time. Abel looked into the sky with a heart full of excitement. Three of the most powerful beings in this world would fight tomorrow. It was the perfect opportunity to see what an Inner World was truly capable of. This way, he would be much more confident in himself. Suddenly, the golden oak tree symbol on his forehead sparked. Abel felt his heart drop and he quickly focused all his attention onto it. It seemed like it was trying to connect with something, but it was too far away to do so. However, Abel knew what it was, so he quickly Flashed into his training room and activated a Scroll of Town Portal to the Rogue Encampment. — As soon as he stepped out of the Portal, he sensed joy and excitement coming from the Oak Tree. Since Abel was the god of the Dark World, he waved and a dimensional rift appeared in front of him. He stepped through and arrived in front of the Oak Tree. The Oak Tree was shaking, just like the symbol on Abel’s forehead. Soon, a great energy sucked Abel into the Oak Tree, and they merged together. Abel saw a strange world made out of five continents, the rest was covered by water. He was looking down like a god from a strange dimension. The whole place was surrounded by a thin veil of gold. He sensed the heartbeat of this world, which was totally aligned with his own heart. It was a strange feeling, but it was so real. He could sense every inch of grass, stone, soil, and the water flowing underground. The fish in the water, the clams on the sea beds. They were all welcoming him! Abel was dumbstruck. He was feeling everything at once. He felt like there was nothing he couldn’t do with only a wave from his hand. He suddenly sensed a dark gold light and focused on it. It was a Dark Gold Shield! With a single thought, he felt something heavy appear in his hand. It was that Dark Gold Shield. Even without the World Stone, he could sense through the Oak Tree symbol that it was called the Blizzard Shield, a powerful Dark Gold Shield! It was indestructible and it could absorb 35% of any physical damage. If he could have gotten this a few years ago, he would have been jumping up and down in excitement. Just that defensive attribute alone was enough to soften up most powerful attacks! It might even have done something during his battle with Baal, but it was too late. All the Hell creatures were dead, and professionals in the Central Continent didn’t really use physical attacks. Dark Gold Gear was the same rank as Holy Gear in the Central Continent. The main difference was that they focused more on increasing attributes instead of giving out special powers. One unique thing about Dark Gold Gear was that they never wear out. However, Abel had never really found that much Dark Gold Gear, even after exploring every inch of the Dark World. Where could they have gone? Soon Abel had an idea. Maybe this Blizzard Shield was the answer! Dark Gold Gear wouldn’t boost the attributes of Hell creatures. Abel knew about this after looking at Little Bro. Therefore, maybe those Dark Gold Gear were thrown away like trash and slowly hidden underground as time went on. Abel quickly began to scan through the underground of the continents with his new power. If he had to do this physically, it would have taken him countless years. Indeed, he was soon discovering a new piece of Dark Gold Gear every ten seconds. Piles of them quickly appeared beside him. They included Rings, Gloves, Helmets, Belts, Weapons, and Armor, but most of them didn’t attract Abel too much. He only picked the most powerful ones. This included the Wind Cyclops Helmet, the Spider Web Belt, the Bloodfist Gloves, magic Leather Boots, and the Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band. Abel happily examined his new Gear and looked around. It seemed he had dug up every single piece of Dark Gold Gear in the Dark World! By this point, he was truly at one with the Dark World. A strange energy reached out from his body, connecting to everything around him It was the reason why he had sensed a heartbeat in the Dark World. There was actually no heartbeat in the Dark World, it was just the Dark World being in total harmony with him! “This is my world!” he mumbled. As he kept looking down like a god, he sensed the world slowly merging with his body. It was a strange feeling, but Abel decided to exit this state. His vision quickly shrank and he returned to the side of the oak Tree. The Oak Tree sent him a message through the soul. “I’ve become the World Tree!” “The World Tree?” Abel had never heard of it, but it had to be a level up from a Tree of Life! The Oak Tree started off as a Tree of Being with extraordinary talent, and it had become a Tree of Life after it obtained the knowledge from the Central Continent’s Tree of Life. However, Abel still didn’t understand. How come the Oak Tree had grown so much in just a hundred years, while the Central Continent’s Tree of Life had remained the same for thousands of years? Abel didn’t know about the struggle the Central Continent’s Tree of Life had gone through. There had been countless attempts to destroy it, and it had lost its High Elves. It barely hadenough energy for survival. As for the Dark World, it had the perfect mana environment and there was no danger. Also, Abel was there to use Full Recovery Potions and Soul Potions to help it grow. After obtaining all the World Stones, it had gained the power to control the world, thus turning it into a World Tree!
Chapter 1490 Chapter 1490: Rank 45 Abel stood in front of the Oak Tree, but that weird feeling remained. He still felt like he was simultaneously apart and one with the Dark World. He couldn’t describe it, just what was happening? He almost felt like he was existing beyond the Dark World, but not entirely. It felt like he still needed another opportunity to accomplish that. Still, Abel did not dwell on it too long. He soon returned to the Golden Castle with a Scroll of Town Portal. As soon as he returned his three Inner Worlds jumped out, and he realized one of them looked different. He reached his Power of The Will out in awe and sensed the five familiar continents. He saw the Rogue Encampment, the High Elves, and the familiar buildings in Lut Gholein. The Dark World was existing as his Inner World, a true Inner World! Abel was stunned. It came with a sea of energy, but since it was all coming from the World Tree, it merged with Abel perfectly. Abel almost had no time to think as all the attributes in his Rank 36 Wizard Patterns began to grow quickly. This included his mana and Power of The Will. … “No, I need a safe place!” Abel suddenly recalled that special energy he had sensed a few days ago coming from the Demon from Beyond. A professional was at their most vulnerable during their level up and he knew he would soon enter an unconscious state. He needed a safe place! Doff’s Avatar appeared beside him, and they disappeared with a flash, reappearing in Doff’s Divine Kingdom. By that point Abel knew it was the World Stone’s doing. The World Tree was the ruler of the world. Since Abel was the master of the World Tree, it only made sense he held the same authority. Therefore, the Dark World had turned into his Inner World. It was at that moment he also realized why Wizard Basham cared about the World Stone Heart so much. It served the same purpose as the World Stone in the Dark World, which was becoming the master of the world! Abel didn’t know why the Dark World had turned into his Inner World or how he should reject it, but it was thrilling to take in so much energy at once. In just five minutes, he started to Level up. His Rank 36 Wizard Patterns directly morphed into Rank 37 Wizard Patterns. Meanwhile, his soul and body kept changing. — An hour went by. The energy stopped and he reached the limit of a Rank 37 Wizard. But that didn’t last for long. Energy began rushing in like crazy again and in another five minutes his Rank 37 Wizard Patterns morphed into Rank 38 Wizard Patterns. An hour of being filled with mana then followed, and the process began to repeat itself. Abel almost felt like his brain was not working. Why did wizards need hundreds of years to level up? All it took him was five minutes, and even the energy fulfillment state only took a little while longer. — Soon, he reached Rank 40 and was growing numb to it all. The Wizard Patterns just emerged from his mind automatically, and the changes in his body followed. He heard about how challenging it was to break the Rank 40 plateau, but the process continued on, just like a dream. Rank 41, Rank 42, Rank 43, Rank 44… He finally realized something. He was on the same Rank as the Dragon God, who had been stuck at this Rank for twenty thousand years! Abel couldn’t even imagine how that might feel. He hadn’t even existed for more than five years here, if you didn’t count his time in the Dark World. After five minutes at Rank 44, a truly frightening amount of energy gushed in from the World Tree. Abel felt his heart drop for a moment, but soon enough, another Level-up began to take place and the Rank 45 Wizard Pattern began to form. He was now the most powerful dragon, even more powerful than the great Dragon God! After another five minutes, he sensed his Rank 45 Wizard Patterns starting to fill themselves. Abel almost felt his heart stop beating. Was he going to level up again? If he did, he would be truly free from this world! As he waited for his time to come, he suddenly sensed a solid barrier appearing around him. He could not see it, but he could sense it. The thing was so strong that not even a single bit of energy could move out, so he could forget about his Level-up. Maybe Rank 45 really was the limit… — Abel reopened his eyes. He was filled with energy. His personal power had almost doubled, and he could go head to head with his angel avatar just on strength alone! His Power of The Will had grown tremendously. It now had a range of 6.6 kilometers when using the Hunting Crown. Abel felt like this was not all the energy in his Inner World, but he was being limited by something. A frown appeared on his face. Even at the same Rank, he knew he was weaker than Wizard Basham and the Demon from Beyond, as he had not had the time to master his skills. The sun was about to come up, and the big war was about to start. His current Rank was like a giant empty balloon, and he had no time to fill it up with substance. As the sun continued to rise, Abel kept calm. A big fight like that wouldn’t break out early in the morning, so he probably still had a few hours before he needed to head to the Warding Wall. He reached his Power of The Will into the Dark World again. He felt like he was looking down like a god, but something was a little different. One of his Inner Worlds had been replaced by the Dark World, so his control over it was much clearer. He turned to the dry land and rain began to pour with a single thought. The soil soaked up the water and life returned. He then focused on some dried-up grasslands, and flowers began to bloom throughout the area. Years of changes were taking place in just ten minutes. After another big rainy season ended, and the dry land was transformed into a grassy field. “This is the power of God!” Abe sighed. Abel then turned to the Inifuss Tree. It was where Hemlir’s soul was located; Hemlir was surviving in the form of a plant. It was in a critical state, on the verge of fading. Abel tried to force it to grow like the grass, but at that moment he realized he could only control plants, not a being’s soul. Why? The Dark World was his Inner World. Abel couldn’t understand it. He wanted to resurrect Helmir. If he could do that, he would be able to resurrect Ivy, his Uncle Marshall’s wife! It was a promise he had made long ago, but he had only said it to comfort his uncle. Still, he wanted to try with this little bit of hope After all, he had the World Stone Heart and had signed an equal contract with the Tree of Life. He could totally try it! His only problem was that he couldn’t control souls… He moved his Power of The Will and a crystal glass with the Life Water flew out of his portal bag and entered his Inner World, then the Dark World. It was the first time he had brought something physical into his Inner World, but it felt natural. The crystal glass immediately appeared next to the Inifuss Tree and promptly poured the Life Water on Helmir’s soul. Life Water was a product from the Tree of Life. It could quickly renew the body and soul, which was something a Full Recovery Potion couldn’t achieve. “Ah!” A moan emerged from Helmir as his soul began to rejuvenate. “Mr. Helmir, hello!” Abel asked from the outside, but his voice was automatically transferred to the Dark World. Helmir paused and asked, “This voice sounds familiar, you must be the intruder. Do you want to submit a mission?” He paused because he did not sense anyone through the Inifuss Tree, but he had indeed heard a voice… “That’s me! I’ve killed all the Hell creatures in this world!” Abel decided to tell Helmir the good news first.
Chapter 1491 Chapter 1491: Helmir “Intruder, you’ve killed all the Hell creatures?!” Helmir was very suspicious. His soul may have just reawakened, but his mind was clear as the Sage of the Dark World. There was no way this intruder could have killed all the Hell creatures! “Yes!” Abel repeated emphatically. “You’ve defeated the World Stone Keeper’s demon?” Helmir asked suspiciously again. “Mr Helmir, are you talking about Baal? He is very strong, but I defeated him nonetheless!” Abel smiled. “Really?” Helmir started to believe, and joy emerged in his voice. If Abel had never been to the World Stone Keeper, there was no way he would know the name of Baal! Since Abel was still alive, it could only mean one thing! “Intruder, tell me, how many people are still alive in this world?’ Helmir asked urgently. His voice was shaking with excitement, as he thought the time for humans to flourish was finally about to return. “Me Helmir, I’m sorry to tell you this, but I’ve explored every inch of the five continents and I have not found a surviving human. The only thing left were weeping souls!” Abel sighed. … Helmir paused, and then he began to roar in the most pained tone, “No! that can’t be true!” The Inifuss Tree began to shake. “You are lying! I can’t sense your presence, you are a demon!” Helmir continued to roar. “I am not lying. The reason I have not shown up is because my current state is very hard to describe. I feel like I am the god of this world, and I am in control of everything!” Abel explained calmly. He had full control over the Dark World, but he still didn’t have a clear idea what he was. After all, he still had potential to level up after reaching Rank 45 in almost an instant. “No! You are lying! What do you want from me?!” Helmir was having a mental breakdown and kept screaming. Abel did not reply. Instead, he focused his Power of The Will on the Inifuss Tree. A strange energy was transferred to its dried branches. They immediately turned green and regained their health. At the same time, clouds began to form above and rain poured down. Under the nourishment, the Inifuss tree began to grow. Helmir was stunned as he mumbled, “The power to control the world! Impossible! You would need all the World Stones to do it…!” “Mr Helmir, you really are a sage! Yes I have all the World Stones, and I’ve cultivated a World Tree with my soul!” Abel confirmed. “World Tree, there is now a World Tree in the Dark World! If it had been cultivated earlier, even Hell and Heaven wouldn’t have been able to enter the Dark World!” Helmir sighed in a shaky voice. Helmir was only able to speak with the vibrations of his soul. If not, Abel would have had to use his Soul Speaker ability. But after a round of emotional roller coasters, his soul started to weaken once again, so Abel quickly poured him another glass of life water. “Mr Helmir, can you tell me more about the World Tree? I only got it by luck!” he asked again. “Of course! The World Tree is a special life form. It is totally at one with the world and simultaneously protects it. As long as the World Tree is around, even the most powerful being of another world won’t be able to enter. Any world with a World Tree will be wonderful!” Helmir explained after calming down. “What’s the difference between a Tree of Life and a World Tree?” Abel asked carefully. A Tree of Life is a World Tree in its infancy. If a powerful god sacrificed the most important part of his body to the Tree of Life in the form of a World Stone, it would become a World Tree,” Helmir informed him. He did not explain how hard it was to create a World Stone. Such a sacrifice would be detrimental to even the most powerful god. Therefore, only the ones with the purest love for their world would do such a thing for its safety. The Dark World had the opportunity, but it was too bad a Tree of Life couldn’t form in time, even after the formation of a World Stone. Abel considered the Central Continent. Even with only a Tree of Life, no powerful Hell demon had ever entered. “Mr Helmir, do you know how I can break the limitations of this world?” Abel finally asked about what he wanted the most. “I’m sorry, my knowledge came from the records from Heaven and Hell. They did not mention anything about the limitations of this world!” Helmir shook his head. “No worries, you’ve already helped me a lot. Too bad I still can’t resurrect you!” Abel said gratefully. “Yes, since you already have the power to control plants, you will soon be able to control intelligent lives if you grow more powerful. Then you will be able to resurrect the dead as well!” Excitement returned to Helmir again. “I’m not sure about that!” Abel didn’t want to disappoint Helmir. “No, I know you will!” Helmir refuted him with utmost respect. “I will do my best if I can!” Abel replied cautiously. “My great Lord, may I know your name?” Helmir asked quickly. “Abel, Abel Harry. I am a Rank 45 Wizard!” Abel introduced himself. “I will wait here for your salvation!” Helmir declared excitedly. Abel retracted his Power of The Will. He had confirmed a lot of things with Helmir, but he still didn’t have a clear idea of what he should do next. With his current Rank, no one could guide him. Abel turned to his two other Inner Worlds. They were extremely empty, and large amounts of Laws and Light Energy were needed to evolve them. However, he was running out of time. The conversation just now had taken him a few hours. He immediately withdrew his Inner Worlds and focused on the World Stone Heart. It was growing perfectly in Doff’s Kingdom. He had the feeling that it would soon mature. Don’t underestimate a Rank 45. Not only had his power grown, his senses had followed suit. “Maybe I will soon rule that world, too!” Abel mumbled to himself with a smile. ——- Abel stepped out of the training room in Doff’s Kingdom and returned to the Golden Castle. He immediately received a message from the Magic Circle Spirit. “Master, Headmaster Eugene invited you to head to the dragons ten minutes ago!” Abel knew it must be the Dragon God heading towards the Warding Wall. He waved at Little Bro and they disappeared together from the Castle. — As soon as he stepped out of the Teleportation Circle, he sensed the roaring energy of four Dragon Headmasters and the Dragon God. “My Dragon God, I apologize for being late!” Abel bowed, along with Little Bro. “Headmaster Abel, you are right on time. We are just about to go!” Headmaster Eugene laughed. As the other three Dragon Headmasters greeted Abel, the Dragon God was looking a little weird. The Dragon God’s face changed a few times, but he finally decided to not ask any questions. Instead he looked at Little Bro and said “Abel, I think you should use the Dragon Scale I gave you on yourself instead!” The four Dragon Headmasters paused. Why had their god said that? The Dragon God sensed Abel was trying his best to hide his energy. Although the other dragons couldn’t tell, the Dragon God knew something was up. He had no idea how Abel’s energy could change so much in a day. It was reaching the limitations of this world, a level even the Dragon God couldn’t achieve! If they weren’t in a hurry to get to the Warding Wall, the Dragon God would definitely have had a long chat with Abel. Still, he was very happy that someone so powerful was able to come from the Dragons! Especially with Little Bro’s help, the Dragons would definitely be the new dominant force of this world! Abel knew what the Dragon God was thinking, so he turned to Little Bro and snatched the Dragon Scale from him. Little Bro immediately returned to four meters tall and he was quickly put back in the Monster Ring. Anyone would think twice before attacking him at this rank, so it wouldn’t make much difference if Little Bro was in his Monster Ring or standing beside him. Once again, that move left the Dragon God speechless. It was total disrespect for the powerful, but whatever… As Abel held the Dragon Scale in his hand, all of his new energy was hidden; the only thing remaining was his Dragon energy. The Dragon God refocused and ordered, “Let’s go!” Six beams flew towards the Teleportation Circle. —— The Dragons arrived at the Warding Wall. By that point, Wizard Basham and eighteen God Rank Wizards had gathered. Since Wizard Basham has grown more powerful, he no longer needed the gods. They would not be able to do anything. “It’s been a while, Dragon God!” Wizard Basham laughed in greeting. “Basham, it seems like you beat me to it. I’ll give you my utmost respect!” the Dragon God replied. “I’m just lucky, but the Demon from Beyond still has some advantages!” Wizard Basham continued to smile. ‘That’s why we’ll team up to defeat him!” the Dragon God nodded.
Chapter 1492 Chapter 1492: Battle Between The Most Power No one interrupted as the top two powers of the world spoke. No Half-god had the right to join this fight, and even God Ranks would be unable to do much unless both Wizard Basham and the Dragon God were badly injured. Their main task was to observe. After all, it would be beneficial for their paths to watch the most powerful fight! Wizard Basham suddenly turned to Abel and smiled. “Is this Headmaster Abel?” Abel knew Wizard McPhee had just spoken with Wizard Basham through the Power of The Will. It had to be his doing. “That’s right, I am Abel!” Abel bowed slightly. “Good! I want to know why you captured Wizard Smith!” Wizard Basham stated grimly. “Mr. Basham, Wizard Smith was being very disrespectful and he threatened my safety. I wouldn’t have done so if he was more courteous, but he was not!” Abel said confidently. What he said was the basic courtesy of this world. If a less powerful guest threatened a master, they would be punished! “You are good at talking, I hope you have the power to match it!” Wizard Basham replied with a sharp gaze. … “Mr. Basham, I don’t want any conflict, but if you want a warm-up before the big fight, I can call out my Summons!” Abel smirked. He was not threatening Wizard Basham. If he did, he would be punished. Abel was not confident that he could defeat Wizard Basham. He could only guarantee his safety with Little Bro, but it was best to not cause any conflicts. “Basham, you better show me some face!” the Dragon God frowned. Wizard Basham calculated for a moment and laughed it off. “Haha, I’m just joking. He is a gifted kid!” He was not letting Abel go, but he could make an exception at this moment. After all, everything Abel had done, including taking the dwarves and the God Alliance, was a huge insult to the Wizard Union. “Indeed!” the Dragon God agreed. The atmosphere was tense, and all the God Ranks turned to Abel. How could a Wizard be so powerful at his age? Where did he get the confidence to talk back to Wizard Basham? At that moment, a great shock wave lashed out from the Holy Kingdom. Without hesitation all the God Ranks Flashed out of the Warding Wall and gazed ahead. The energy was coming from the Guardian Wings, and the entire Holy Kingdom was glowing white. After ten seconds, the Holy Kingdom disappeared like it had been swallowed by a beast. It was a huge area, but everything was gone. The only thing remaining was a huge ten-meter-deep hole. Since the Holy Kingdom was near the shore, sea water gushed in to fill the hole. Wizard Basham and the Dragon God were stunned, and did not say anything. After the roaring waves filled up the hole, the water continued towards the Warding Wall. Immediately, the three blue Dragon Headmasters transformed into dragons and flew forward. With a roar, a strange energy shot out from their mouths and the wave slowly came to a halt as it was halfway through the front line. Afterwards, it started to roll back to the Holy Kingdom. “Come back!” the Dragon God called out urgently. At that moment, a body appeared above the Holy Kingdom. The Demon from Beyond’s voice covered the sky. “Basham and the God of Dragons, we meet again!” “Demon from Beyond, we will finally settle things today!” Wizard Basham called back loudly. “The name Demon from Beyond you gave me is too funny! My name is Archangel Tyrael! I came from Heaven!” Archangel Tyrael complained. 2 “Didn’t you just sacrifice 400 million souls in the Holy Kingdom?” Wizard Basham smirked. “They are my followers, and they gave their souls to me willingly, it was their honor!” Archangel Tyrael declared solemnly. Abel felt a tingle in his heart. If he had not taken his hundred million followers away, they would be dead now! He was not expecting this Angel to be so violent… Indeed, Heaven and Hell were both powerful forces ordinary lives couldn’t comprehend. To them people were merely ants! If they were happy, they might lend a helping hand, but if they were angry, they would feel no remorse, no matter how many people they killed. Archangel Tyrael was no exception, whether he was in the Dark World or the Central Continent! “Everyone in the Central Continent has agreed. Your name is the Demon from Beyond. End of question!” Wizard Basham rebutted him. “Basham, don’t bother talking to him, let’s fight!” the Dragon God spoke up. “Dragon God, are those your supporters? I was definitely not expecting so many dragons!” Archangel Tyrael scoffed at the four Dragon Headmasters. “Demon from Beyond, they are enough to defeat you!” the Dragon God smiled back. Afterwards, Archangel Tyrael waved and 40 figures appeared behind him. They included eight Rank 40 God Rank Knights, and thirty-two Half-god Knights on the verge of becoming God Rank. Since they had all merged with his Inner World, they were merely his puppets now. Archangel Tyrael put up his fists and laughed, “The Angels are not afraid of war, let’s go!” The formed holy knights behind him formed an arrow formation, their energy vicious. But both Wizard Basham and Abel noticed something: those holy knights did not have souls. They were just like the fish in Wizard Basham’s Inner World! If Archangel Tyrael had not been constrained by the limitations of this World, he might be more powerful than Rank 46… Wizard Basham turned and warned, “Dragon God, careful. Those knights might be his puppets. Don’t bother suppressing them!” Afterwards, he waved at the Wizards behind him and said “Stay away, this is not something you can do anything about!” The Dragon God also nodded to the Dragon Headmasters. But when he made eye contact with Abel, he did not say anything. Abel knew what that meant. He was allowed to make a move at any time he wanted to. “I’ve waited thousands of years for this!” Wizard Basham roared as he quickly Flashed towards Archangel Tyrael. The Dragon God followed, laughing, “Haha, who cares how many God Ranks he has. Just chop them all into pieces!” Since the Dragon God could control the Lightning Element, his speed was similar to that of a Wizard’s Flash. He was so fast even the God Ranks had a hard time tracking him with their eyes. “I can’t wait to let you two get a taste of my fury, too!” Archangel Tyrael also laughed. The 40 Holy Knights behind him ignited their Concentration Auras and Holy Energy filled them up perfectly. The Concentration Aura could boost attack sixfold. If Tyrael landed a perfect hit, he could kill an enemy of the same Rank in an instant! It was what he wanted. Although those 40 Holy Knights might be able to hurt Wizard Basham or the Dragon God with their own attacks, they would not be able to kill them. With another wave of his arm, the shrunken Holy Kingdom appeared above him in the form of an Inner World. It was a trick he had learned during his recovery. Afterwards, a sword and shield formed by Light energy appeared in his hands. He couldn’t help but think about his Angel Sword and Shield. They were still in Abel’s hands, but it was too late to be distracted. He needed to focus on his attack and land a perfect hit! The eyes of every God Rank were fixed on the battlefield. They almost forget to breathe. However, a weird smile emerged on Abel’s face after he saw that sword and shield formed by Light Energy. The only magical thing Archangel Tyrael was using was a Gold Rank Armor; Abel was the one who had made him so miserable! Luckily Abel had the Dragon God’s Scale, and Archangel Tyrael had not scanned him carefully enough. This gave him some time to watch how Archangel Tyrael and Wizard Basham fought. After all, Abel had done too much, and a conflict with the winner was inevitable!
Chapter 1493 Chapter 1493: The Dragon God’s Trick The Dragon God was the first one to arrive in front of Archangel Tyrael. At a range of thirty meters, a stroke of lightning shot out from his hand. Archangel Tyrael swung his Light Energy sword and a strand of Light Energy shot out to counteract the lightning. It was the nature of lightning to be fast, but Archangel Tyrael was not slow. As the Light Energy collided with the lightning, the lightning was immediately blasted away and the Light Energy continued towards the Dragon God. Without hesitation, the Dragon God Flashed away. He knew from the battle long ago just how scary Light energy was. It could suppress any other form of energy! He knew it would not be a quick battle, and what he had done would only distract Archangel Tyrael. — Meanwhile, Wizard Basham appeared a thousand meters away, his Inner World appearing above. With a wave of his hand, two hundred Chain Lightning spells shot out. Wizard Basham also knew what he was doing. He was not making his strongest move from the start, he just wanted to test the water with fast attacks. … Just like the Dragon God’s attack, a beam of Light Energy swept along the Chain Lightning and the first round of attack was dispelled. But the attribute of the Chain Lightning activated, and it immediately activated the second round of attacks and they continued towards Archangel Tyrael. Archangel Tyrael quickly held up his Light Energy shield. Bang! As it shook, large amounts of Light Energy gushed out from his Inner World to stabilize the shield. Soon, the third round of attacks from the Chain Lightning was activated, and they flew towards the forty Holy knights. Since they were in a formation, the Chain Lightning recognized them as a single entity. They acted unanimously and drew two hundred Holy Shields from the Inner World above Archangel Tyrael. After being enchanted, those shields merged with each other and formed a giant Holy Shield. The two hundred Chain Lightning spells slammed against it and faded helplessly. — Abel was staring, his eyes wide. He had tried to use Light Energy before with his Angel Avatar, but there was no way he could do it so effortlessly, even with his Angel Sword and Shield. Archangel Tyrael’s use of Light Energy was extremely precise, and its superior force was suppressing the Elements from Wizard Basham and the Dragon God. — An Inner World appeared above the Dragon God. When Abel looked closer, he realized it was the Dragon Island in a shrunken state. The Dragon God kept his human form. Although using his dragon form would maximize his power, his larger body would also make him a bigger target. Considering Archangel Tyrael’s power with that Concentration Aura, he was not going to risk it. The Dragon God formed a spear with the Laws of lightning in his Inner World and dragged it out. He swung his arm heavily, and the lightning spear flew towards Archangel Tyrael. The Dragon God immediately teleported away. After he reappeared, he threw out another lightning spear. Before the first lightning spears had even made contact with Archangel Tyrael, the second and third lightning spears were already on their way. Archangel Tyrael kept swinging his sword, and Light Energy kept shooting out. However, the Dragon God’s lightning spears were special. Unlike Wizard Basham, each of those single spells possessed the power of two hundred spells! When the first lightning spear made contact with Archangel Tyrael, his entire beam of Light Energy shattered. He couldn’t help but get more careful and draw more Light Energy from his Inner world. Still, Tyrael was not worried. As long as he maintained his position, he would not be struck. — Meanwhile, Wizard Basham appeared a thousand meters away and his Power of The Will concentrated in his Inner World. He knew the Dragon God definitely had more in store. He wanted to prepare a powerful strike and throw Archangel Tyrael off-balance. After taking sixty lightning spear attacks, Archangel Tyrael knew he couldn’t continue like that. As the Dragon God kept teleporting, Archangel Tyrael retreated among his forty Holy knights. With a wave of his hand, forty beams shot out from his Inner World and formed a giant white sphere around them. It was a giant shield formed by Light energy. By that point, the Dragon God had teleported sixty-six times and a magic node suddenly appeared on all the areas he had teleported from. They immediately started to connect and formed a complex pentagram with Archangel Tyrael in the center. It was the Dragon God’s special trick, putting down magic nodes and hiding them with a special method. Once everything was set, a Magic Circle was ready to activate! A pentagram did not have any attacks of its own, but with Lightning elements fused into those magic nodes, the Law of lightning quickly rushed in and formed an area that warded away any energy other than Lightning. It was too bad, as the Light Energy was still superior, and Archangel Tyrael had reacted too fast. If not, any energy shield he had would have been crushed as soon as the pentagram appeared. Tsssss! The sixty-six lightning-filled magic nodes started to spark, and sixty-six lightning bolts shot out. They did not target Archangel Tyrael, but that was even more frightening. Instead, they bounced around in the pentagram, each time their force increasing. After some time, the second round of lightning shot out, and the pentagram was charged with chaotic lightning. — Archangel Tyrael’s face changed. He had never thought the Lightning Element could work so well with Magic Circles! At the end of the day, the biggest weakness of a Magic Circle was that they could not attack themselves. More Light Energy was drawn from Archangel Tyrael’s Inner World to strengthen his defense. — Wizard Basham appeared beside the Dragon God and said, “Dragon God, I was not expecting you to be this knowledgeable!” Basham had stopped his own attack. If he had not, he would have disrupted the Dragon God’s Magic Circle and inadvertently helped Archangel Tyrael. As he watched, the Lightning elements inside were getting stronger by the second! “I’ve lived for too long, so I have had time to learn things like this. But still, this pentagram has its limit. If the Demon from Beyond is still alive by then, the Circle will break!” the Dragon God said grimly. He had a lot of tricks planned for Archangel Tyrael, and this pentagram was one of the strongest. He was hoping for a kill, but it was too bad Archangel Tyrael had reacted a step before him and put up a defense. Also, if those were normal God Rank knights, they would have been crushed already! Thunderous blasts erupted from the pentagram and dark gold sparks began to emerge as it expanded. “Step back, the pentagram is about to blow!” the Dragon God warned Wizard Basham. They quickly Flashed away as Bang! All the magic nodes were blasted open and elemental lightning flew in all directions, like a star exploding. It was an impressive show, but the Dragon God was not happy at all. He still sensed Archangel Tyrael’s energy. In fact, it was stable, like he wasn’t even injured. Soon the lightning elements faded, and a shield of Light was revealed within. It was not in a perfect state, but all the Holy Knights as well as Archangel Tyrael were still standing safe inside!
Chapter 1494 Chapter 1494: Injured The Dragon God’s Magic Circle was much stronger than Archangel Tyrael expected. It was a smart move. He could not dodge it even after he sensed the danger, so he had to use his light energy to counteract it. After all, the Dragon God had this planned out long ago, and had kept those sixty-six magic nodes in his Inner World for millennia. If he wanted to do something like that again, it would take centuries to make more magic nodes. “Too bad!” the Dragon God sighed. He was expecting some damage at least, but it didn’t happen. — Archangel Tyrael was no longer the Demon from Beyond from back then. He was much stronger after thousands of years of recovery. Indeed, after obtaining an Inner World, he did not even need to use his true power! In a flash, Archangel Tyrael emerged from the Light shield. It separated from his Inner World, and remained around the forty Holy knights. Still, what had happened was the strongest attack he had taken so far. It had almost destroyed his ability to recover. Without hesitation, Archangel Tyrael knew he had to attack as well. … His angel wings gestured, and his Holy Knights began to charge. — Abel watched from afar carefully. He didn’t know if Archangel Tyrael could use all the knight skills, or if he could only unleash a charge and do Shield Strikes. A fight with Archangel Tyrael was inevitable, so Abel needed to pay attention to what he could do. Archangel Tyrael was virtually a beam of Light as he sped towards the Dragon God. At the same time, one of the Holy knights ignited an Energy Aura, and their speed increased once again. It was almost like he was teleporting! — The Dragon God did not hesitate. With a spark, he Cast a lightning ball and vanished from the spot. Archangel Tyrael saw the lightning ball coming, so he quickly swerved and dodged it. A beam of Light energy shot out from his sword towards where the Dragon God was about to appear. The Dragon God sensed the danger, so he formed a shield of lightning as soon as he appeared. After all, his teleportation ability still had a limited range, and Archangel Tyrael’s calculations were perfect. If the Dragon God had not had lightning elements prepared in his Inner World, he could only have tested out his speed. The energies collided, and the Light Energy blasted a big hole in the Dragon God’s shield. By that point the Dragon God had fortunately dragged out some distance with his shield and quickly moved to dodge. This was a battle of top ranks. Every second was life or death! As Archangel Tyrael turned towards Wizard Basham, Wizard Basham pointed at his Inner World and two hundred nine-headed serpents appeared in front of Archangel Tyrael with their fireballs. At the same time, he Flashed away. Archangel Tyrael did not dodge, instead holding up his energy shield and charging towards the group of hydras. Those serpents’ fireballs could track an enemy, but Archangel Tyrael was still too fast. A beam of Light penetrated the group of hydras. Every serpent that it contacted vanished into sparkles of flames. Then thirty Fists of Heaven appeared from Archangel Tyrael’s Inner World; they blasted out into countless lightning strikes and killed every remaining hydra. It was like the sky was filled with shooting stars. Wizard Basham no longer felt as confident as he had. It seemed he still had some work to do before he reached Archangel Tyrael’s level. He was almost going all out in his attacks, but Archangel Tyrael was counteracting them with minimal energy. Although both sides still had plenty of energy, they needed to constantly take in energy from the battlefield. Archangel Tyrael’s Light energy was too powerful; if Wizard Basham couldn’t hold it down with the number of spells he used, the Light Energy might suppress all the other energies on the battlefield. If that happened, even Wizard Basham’s Power of The Will would be affected. Luckily the Dragon God was also around to help maintain the energy balance! This was why no Half-god could even get near the Battlefield; any stray attack could blast them to pieces! It was also why Archangel Tyrael had needed to turn his Holy knights into puppets. At that moment, the Light Energy shield on Archangel Tyrael morphed into a bow, and his Light Energy sword turned into an arrow. “Basham, get behind me!” the Dragon God ordered quickly. At the same time, an armor made of lightning energy and a thick lightning shield appeared in front of him from his Inner World. Wizard Basham knew what an arrow made out of Light energy could do, so he Flashed behind the Dragon God without hesitation. He also added a Frozen Armor on top of the Dragon God. Only after thousands of years of research had he discovered how to add defensive spells onto another person. In addition, he also brought out a thick Ice Wall from his Inner World. The reason they took it so seriously was because they learned from their lesson long ago. Back then Archangel Tyrael had made a similar attack on a Rank 40 Wizard. That Rank 40 Wizard had kept Flashing without considering his defense. But as the Light Energy approached him, the wizard had lost his ability to Flash and was instantly killed! Luckily Archangel Tyrael could not make an attack like this very often, so Wizard Basham and the Dragon God did not hold back. — Abel felt his heart racing as he watched. Using Light energy to perform knight skills was so enlightening to watch, but what was Archangel Tyrael doing now? It was at that moment, he sensed a bit of Soul Energy from the Light energy arrow. Using Soul Energy for attacks? It was unbelievable; Abel had never thought of doing anything like it. As the arrow shot out, Abel realized why that attack was impossible to dodge. The path of the arrow was bound by Light energy; the arrow appeared almost instantly at the Ice Wall. The Ice Wall was blasted open in no time and the Lightning Shield also couldn’t hold. Ice shards and lightning sparks went flying in all directions. The next were the Ice and Lightning Armors, but all they did was decrease the size of the Light energy arrow. Pssss! With a sharp penetrating sound, the arrow stabbed into the skin of the Dragon God and sliced open his muscles. However, the Dragon God was a Rank 45 God Dragon. He could basically enter close combat with any top rank professional! The Light energy could penetrate any other Element due to its special attribute, but with a slight twitch the Dragon God avoided his most vulnerable areas being hit, and his body was fighting back. The arrow came to a halt on his collarbone and vanished. Although it was not a life-threatening injury, it could still drastically reduce the Dragon God’s power. But just when Archangel Tyrael was feeling satisfied, something made his eyes open wide. The Dragon God took out two Super Healing Potions from his portal bag, drank them, and the wounds on his shoulder quickly recovered. Wizard Basham also saw what the Dragon God had done, but he knew what the Potion was. He had heard all about it as soon as he returned. It was miraculous, just like the Life Water, but he had always thought its power would be limited on a Rank 45 Wizard like himself, especially since most of them were used up by the God Rank Wizards in the front line not long ago, Wizard Basham didn’t have enough left to do research on them. After all, Abel was not on good terms with the Wizard Union and so Basham didn’t bother to ask for more after he realized how powerful Little Bro was. However, after seeing how effective it was on the Dragon God, a hint of regret emerged from him. He would definitely have tried to get his hands on some if he had known about this earlier!
Chapter 1495 Chapter 1495: Step Back It has been thousands of years, and Archangel Tyrael had almost forgotten the existence of such Potions. The Super Healing Potion was not a Potion from this world. It had special laws and could heal any professional, regardless of their Rank. He remembered them from the Dark World, but how did the Dragon God have them? He couldn’t help but think about that Hell Demon he had sensed with the young wizard. Suddenly, he glanced towards the Warding Wall. In the air there stood a young dragon. At first he hadn’t paid too much attention to him, but upon closer inspection he sensed a familiar energy. It was just like that of the young wizard with the Hell Demon. Could he be the only one who supplied the Potion? All of a sudden his confidence dropped. His Light energy was powerful, but it was not invincible. Should he just end the battle? With a wave, his Light energy bow turned into tens of Light energy knives and covered the area in front of him. But of course, they didn’t have soul energy in them, like the arrow just now had. … That Arrow Strike was one of his ultimate moves. It could alter dimensions and make it impossible for a wizard to Flash away. It would normally be an instant kill, but since it required his soul energy to shoot, it would take him a few days to recover. If too much was drained from his soul, his power would fall! As the knives flew out, the Dragon God put up his defenses again. Meanwhile, Archangel Tyrael returned to his forty Holy knights and put them away with a wave of his hand. He soon sped towards the Warding Wall, where the eighteen God Rank Wizards, the four God Rank Dragons, and Abel were watching. ” Demon from Beyond, how dare you!” Wizard Basham roared. He was not expecting him to go after the audience. With a gesture, two hundred lightning bolts shot out from his Inner World. Considering the speed of Archangel Tyrael, lightning spells were the only way. However, Archangel Tyrael did not dodge. His Power of The Will scanned his Inner World, and a giant rock appeared behind him to block the lightning. Lightning was powerful because of its numbing effect, but rocks do not conduct electricity, so the bolts had just created some little holes on it. Wizard Basham’s face sank. He made a mistake. Since everything in one’s Inner World was created by energy, it was impossible for most to take things out as physical objects, but not Archangel Tyrael! His Inner World was formed from the entire Holy Kingdom. Considering its size, storing an actual rock inside wasn’t much of a problem! At that moment, fear emerged from the God Ranks on the Warding Wall. There was nothing they could do other than run, but no matter how fast they Flashed, they would not be able to escape the angel’s suppression. Archangel Tyrael’s target was Abel. He wanted to capture him and ask him some questions before the Hell Demon arrived. Without hesitation, he directly slammed into the Warding Wall’s energy shield. Light energy shot out from his body, and the energy shield was helpless. Even with its special Magic Circles, the Barrier was no match for the Light energy. The long years of effort by the Wizard Union were just a joke. After he penetrated the energy shield like a needle going through a piece of paper, Tyrael was only five hundred meters from the God Ranks! The Wizards quickly Flashed away, and the dragons, as well. The only one who remained calm was Abel. The Dragon God immediately transformed into a giant dragon with a great roar. He knew Abel was high in rank, but he didn’t believe Abel could stop Archangel Tyrael with his battle experience. A hundred-meter-long gold dragon appeared in mid-air, his golden scales glistening under the sun. A wave of suppressive energy lashed out from Archangel Tyrael and pressed the Wizards to the ground. They knew their struggles were trivial, but they still tried. The four Dragons Headmasters transformed and blocked for Abel. They could withstand the force, but only for a small amount of time. “Headmaster Abel, run!” Headmaster Eugene roared, his eyes all bloodshot.The other Dragon Headmasters stayed silent, their eyes fixed on Archangel Tyrael. Abel was the future of the dragons; he needed to live even if they all died! Wizard Basham felt a moment of disappointment after seeing the unity of the dragons and how pitiful his wizards were. Still, he quickly chased after Archangel Tyrael. But no matter what, Archangel Tyrael was fixated on capturing Abel and was planning to kill those God Ranks while doing so. But as he approached Abel and the God Ranks, he only saw a smile on Abel’s face. It was a fearless smile, almost like he was looking at his prey. Abel had no intention of running. Instead, he was wondering if he should fight Archangel Tyrael himself, or let Little Bro do the job. His Power of The Will scanned his Monster Ring and Little Bro jumped out in front of the dragons with a cold gaze. Immediately, a deep sense of Evil lashed at Archangel Tyrael. Little Bro did not have the golden dragon scale on him, but he still had his Divine Body! The archangel quickly came to a halt. He knew it was not a wise move to be around a Hell Demon at such a distance! At the same time, Little Bro’s Aura counteracted Archangel Tyrael’s suppression and the eighteen God Rank Wizards could stand back up again. They knew there was only one thing they could do at that point, and they Flashed behind the Dragon God. “Abel, do you want to fight alongside me?” the Dragon God asked him. No one understood why, but Abel did. The Dragon God was already treating Abel as a Rank 45 Dragon, so he had to show respect whenever he asked Abel to do anything! “My Dragon God, let’s just let Little Bro have a go first!” Abel replied calmly. “Ok!” The Dragon God did not question him. The Dragon Headmasters were staring blankly as they listened to the conversation. If they were not in the middle of a battle, Headmaster Eugene would definitely have asked Abel what was happening. As for the wizards, they also realized the Dragon God was treating Abel as an equal! By that point Wizard Basham had also returned and he gazed at Little Bro, his jaw dropping. It was the evil Dark Energy! He turned to the Dragon God and asked, “Who is that?!” “He is Abel’s Summon. His name is Little Bro, and Abel wants to let him fight for a bit!” the Dragon God smiled. Of course he sounded happy. With Abel and Little Bro on the dragons’ side, they were far more powerful than the Wizard Union! “Abel….” Wizard Basham mumbled as he gazed ahead. Both Little Bro and Archangel Tyrael stood still as they waited for each other to make a move. “It’s best for us to step back. Little Bro is a little violent!” Abel warned everyone. “Retreat as far as you can!” the Dragon God called out. Since those eighteen God Rank Wizards wanted to leave anyway, they were more than willing to create some distance! Abel and the four Dragon Headmasters stood behind the Dragon God as the wizards moved two kilometers away. They all kept a Flashing spell pattern on hand. With the Dragon God and Wizard Basham stopping Archangel Tyrael, they might have a chance to escape, even if things went south. Wizard Basham no longer cared what his wizards did. Those wizards basically had no guts, and he could only blame his own Wizard Union for it!
Chapter 1496 Chapter 1496: Little Bro On The Move “Hell Demon, why are you listening to the command of a human?’ Archangel Tyrael shouted at the creature. Although he knew Abel had a special Angel energy, he shouldn’t be able to control a Hell Demon! “Shut up!” Little Bro replied coldly. With a wave of his arm, a Bone Wall instantly flew towards Archangel Tyrael. Archangel Tyrael slashed with his Light Energy Sword twice and the Bone Wall was blasted away. Little Bro used the opportunity and followed up with a Purple Lightning. As the purple beam shot forward, Archangel Tyrael blocked it with his shield. Since he had been occupied by the Bone Wall a moment ago, it was too late to dodge. That Bone Wall had been stronger than he expected, taking him two slashes to destroy it. If he had been wielding his Angel Sword, it would have been done in a single strike! Little Bro was using Dark Energy, which was at the same rank as his Light Energy. His Light Energy had no advantage over it. The Purple Lightning had the attributes of a lightning spell, yet it could do damage like a physical attack. As more purple beams shot out, Archangel Tyrael was knocked back. Although Little Bro was quite mysterious to Wizard Basham and the Dragon God, it was only then that they realized he was just as strong as they were! … Indeed, Abel knew very well how strong Little Bro’s body was. It could even stop the attacks from his angel avatar! The Purple Lightning sent Archangel Tyrael back ten steps before he changed to a Nova and a stream of Hellfire shot forward. Archangel Tyrael was knocked back two more steps, but at that moment, he figured out how powerful Little Bro was. Considering its control over Hellfire, Little Bro shouldn’t be a top rank Hell Demon. Archangel Tyrael felt his heart lift. As long as he targeted Little Bro’s weakness, he should win! Archangel Tyrael’s strength was defense, so he was a master of close combat. Even with Little Bro Casting his spells crazily, Archangel Tyrael was holding up, and he could recover the damage he had taken in a few breaths. Frozen Touch, Firewall, Fire Blizzard, Destruction, then repeated. After Little Bro noticed his spells were not really working, he let out a roar and charged forward. It was exactly what Archangel Tyrael wanted, so he also charged towards Little Bro. Bang! Both sides were speeding faster than sound. Little Bro was fighting out of instinct and Archangel Tyrael used his Revenge Combo Strike. Fire, Ice, and Lightning elements appeared on his Light Energy Sword and they all landed on Little Bro. As for Little Bro’s attacks, they were all dodged. It was their difference in skill. Archangel Tyrael inherited angel knowledge, so he could use all knightly Skills. They would make a huge difference in close combat. As he continued to strike, Little Bro’s divine body began to crack and a dark red demon body emerged from within. When Wizard Basham saw what was happening, he began to wonder. Abel would definitely overthrow the Wizard Union if he continued to get more powerful! He always wanted an excuse to kill Abel, and now he had an idea. “Abel, you’ve allied with the Demon! You sold your soul! You must die!” he shouted. With a flash, he arrived in front of Abel and grabbed at him. At the same time, his Inner World appeared above him, and immense energy began pressing down. Of course, this would be very draining, but he only had one shot! As long as Abel was in his arms, he wouldn’t be able to call his Summons. — The whole process happened so fast even the Dragon God could not react. “Basham, how dare you!” the Dragon God roared. He almost forgot Abel was Rank 45 as well. However, Abel showed no fear. He knew Wizard Basham’s energy wouldn’t do anything to him. After all, Wizard Basham’s Inner World was only the size of the Holy Continent, and it was still in a premature state. As for Abel, he had the entire Dark World under him! It was at least five times larger and its laws had matured long ago. At least that’s what Abel thought. When he actually tried to withdraw energy from the Dark World, he realized he couldn’t do it. Wasn’t he a Rank 45 Wizard? Or did he progress too fast? There were still many things he didn’t know or had not mastered. All of a sudden, he was caught off guard and Wizard Basham grabbed him by the neck like how he always did to his own enemies. He had lost his chance. With a world of energy pressing down, he could only fight Wizard Basham back with his own body. After all, a Wizard Basham was still a wizard! Without thinking, Abel punched Wizard Basham’s stomach violently. Although the blow was not as strong as Archangel Tyrael or the Dragon God, it was still no less than a rank 40 Holy Knight. Wizard Basham’s Frozen Armour was blasted away, and Abel’s follow-up kick entered Wizard Basham’s body. Abel felt something pop around his foot, and knew he could totally use this chance to finish Wizard Basham off, but at that moment the Dragon God Cast a Lightning Bolt and Wizard Basham was sent flying. — Wizard Basham was not looking good, but he immediately poured a bottle of Life Water down his throat. Abel’s kick had come with a special force that fused the energy from all professions. Although the Life Water managed to save Wizard Basham, his manhood was mangled and the force still remained. His face was pale. Although an immortal wizard who had lived for tens of thousands of years had no need to pass on his genes, what had happened to him was a great insult! He was infuriated, especially at the Dragon God. It seemed he needed to think of a plan as an all-out war broke out between them. He held back his pain and looked around. Archangel Tyrael was dodging most of Little Bro’s attacks, but even if he was hit, he could quickly recover. It was just that Little Bro was too strong, and Archangel Tyrael could barely do any damage to him, at least without his Angel Sword. The battle was going to drag on for a long time, and Little Bro had not even used a Full Recovery potion. Once he did, maybe Archangel Tyrael might immediately turn and flee. Battling with an enemy with almost unlimited health points was meaningless. — It was at that moment, the conflict between Wizard Basham and the Dragon God caught Archangel Tyrael’s attention. At first he was very demotivated by all the Super Healing Potions the Dragon God was using as well as Little Bro’s toughness, but if an internal conflict broke out between the Dragon God and Wizard Basham, he might still have a chance to win! — The Dragon God was furious. He had brought his Dragons to the Warding Wall to fight the Demon from Beyond for the sake of peace. They were basically helping the Wizard Union maintain their sovereignty, and Wizard Basham had attacked Abel?
Chapter 1497 Chapter 1497: Fallout Wizard Basham began to wonder. Little Bro was much more powerful than he had expected, and so he had fully turned on the Dragons. His attack on Abel had failed, but now he also knew Abel was definitely much stronger than the Wizard Union documents had mentioned. As his pain continued, he made a decision. He turned and shouted, “Demon from Beyond, I will ally with you. As long as you hold back the Dragon God, I will let you expand your faith here!” Even the God Rank Wizards were stunned. Archangel Tyrael had been the enemy of this world ever since he had arrived. That was especially so with the Wizard Union; there was no resolution between them! Letting a profession like the Holy Knight expand would be the last thing the Wizard Union wanted to see, and Wizard Basham had made that clear long ago. He had gathered all the powerful forces in the World to destroy Archangel Tyrael, but now he was doing the opposite! The Dragon Headmasters also transformed into dragons and flew beside the Dragon God, just in case the God Rank Wizards decide to attack. Abel was also not expecting such a move, and had no idea what Wizard Basham was thinking. … However, it was actually very simple. As long as Wizard Basham could take down one side, he would be able to proceed with his ultimate plan. Once that happened, no one would be able to do anything. He would be the only ruler of this world! After all, he was confident that he could get back his World Stone Heart as long as it was still in the Central Continent! “Basham, you want to go against Abel? Capture him for me, and I’ll accept your offer!” Archangel Tyrael replied as he kept attacking. He was far more worried about Abel than Wizard Basham. It was not a matter of safety, but how did Abel know about Hell and those Super Healing Potions? Back when he was in the Dark World, he had only managed to learn blacksmith skills. The Potion Makers back then rarely disclosed their knowledge. ” Demon from Beyond, no, I mean Archangel Tyrael, then let’s do our best!” Wizard Basham agreed. But his face twitched, as his lower half hurt too much… Suddenly, Archangel Tyrael changed direction and sped towards the Dragon God. The Dragon God couldn’t move. If he did, his Dragon Headmasters would be in danger! “Little Bro, stop him!” Abel yelled. Little Bro quickly chased after Archangel Tyrael as the angel threw ten Light Energy beams out towards the Dragon God. He was no longer holding back, but at that moment, Little Bro appeared in front of the Dragon God and blocked all the beams with his body. Not even ten percent of his health was taken away! Even Archangel Tyrael had never seen a Lord of Destruction like this. Just how overpowering was his health?! Although Little Bro’s attacks were on par with a Rank 44 Gold Dragon at most, no one had ever even come close to him when it came to health! The Dragon God sighed in relief, but quickly opened his mouth. A thick beam of lightning thundered towards Archangel Tyrael. He was not worried about Abel. Since Abel did not recall Little Bro, it meant he had enough confidence. “Abel, you can’t escape!” Wizard Basham roared. However, Abel couldn’t help but look towards Wizard Basham’s lower half, which was embarrassing. “Dragon Headmasters, step back!” Abel turned and took and put away the gold dragon scale. Immense energy rose up. At first Headmaster Eugene wanted to stay, but he immediately changed his mind after he sensed Abel’s energy. At the same time, the eighteen God Rank Wizards also began to Flash away after sensing Abel’s energy. Abel was now one of the top figures of this world, they had no chance against him. His energy was almost on par with Wizard Basham! Everyone, especially the ones who had interacted with Abel, wondered, How did Abel grow so fast? They had closely observed Abel’s growth ever since he became a legendary Wizard, and they still couldn’t believe it. Wizard Basham did not use any spells. Since even his energy couldn’t hold down Abel, his spells wouldn’t do much. He needed a quicker method. “Abel, your growth is too shocking, but I don’t think you have much time left!” Wizard Basham declared grimly and countless fish jumped out from his world. He was planning to use this on Archangel Tyrael, but Abel ended up as the target. Those fish quickly turned into giant sea monsters and all kinds of water bolts and water beams shot towards Abel. They were not strong, but their numbers were their advantage. There were ten thousand of them, and they almost covered the sky! Abel could not escape even by Flashing away. He felt his heart drop. If he withdrew, he would leave the Dragon God fighting alone. But fighting those sea monsters was like fighting a large group of ants! He reached his Power of The Will forward and realized his suppressive energy also didn’t do much. He didn’t know what was so special about them. All Abel could do was try to dodge, but Wizard Basham was experienced. Instead of focusing all the attacks on Abel, they were flying in all directions. When Abel reappeared from a Flash, an Ice Bolt landed on him. It had the energy of a Legendary Rank monster, but it had the power of a God Rank. He truly got a taste of Wizard Basham’s power as he paused for a moment. A storm of ice attacks promptly flew towards him, and it was too late to dodge. He was too careless, and he had overestimated his ability by injuring Wizard Basham with his kick. Considering the number of sea monsters, an all-out attack would kill him and his Super Recovery Potion wouldn’t be able to work in time. In that split second, he jumped into his Inner World, and all that remained behind was a floating orb. The ice attacks soon engulfed the orb. A God Rank’s Inner World was strong, but they still had a limit, so Wizard Basham did not hesitate. However, something strange soon happened. Somehow Basham’s attacks were doing almost nothing. It was like he was throwing stones into water and expecting to do some damage to the water. Indeed, Abel’s Inner World was the Dark World! It was leagues above Wizard Basham’s Inner World. It would take Wizard Basham thousands of years if he wanted to destroy it. Meanwhile, Abel also sensed something different. In the past he had needed a Scroll of Town Portal to enter the Dark World. Even his interaction with Helmir was through the Power of The Will. This was the first time he had entered the Dark World as its ruler. He appeared in the Rogue Encampment and immediately sensed how welcoming the environment was. His breath was totally in sync with this world. He had the feeling that he would soon break the Rank 45 Barrier and become the most powerful being. Leveling-up energy entered his body again, the strengthening process began, and his Power of The Will began to grow. It was at that moment that he realized another strange thing: one of his Rank 45 Wizard Patterns morphed into an orb exactly the size of his Inner World. He looked into it and saw himself standing in the Rogue Encampment. What was happening? The Wizard Pattern was no longer bound by Rank. It was becoming something like another Inner World!
Chapter 1498 Chapter 1498: Resurrection As for the other two Rank 45 Wizard Patterns, they turned into two black orbs. When examined closer, one could see tiny Laws in them. It was not because the Laws were weak, but because those orbs represented a world. They just looked weak compared to his more developed Inner Worlds. Even with all three of his Wizard Patterns turned into orbs, their functions were the same. Maybe Ranks no longer mattered for a being of his Rank? All he could hope for was to do the best for his world. Although the Dark World didn’t have many intelligent beings, it still had the High Elves and the World Tree. It had a lot of potential! The two black orbs were a true manifestation of his power without the Dark World. Even though they were beyond Rank 45, they still needed some time to settle. Abel stood up and noticed his Power of The Will had doubled once again. It now had a range of 70,000 meters! Since all the slashing and stabbing was being done by his Angel Avatar, all he needed to do was use spells. His human body needed to keep its distance. No matter how many strengthening he went through, it was still no match for the Angel Avatar when it came to close combat. It was the biology of humans to be weak, thus spells were the best thing he could use. … With a flash, he arrived at the Inifuss Tree and sensed its soul. In fact, he could sense all the souls! “Great Abel, I can feel your power!” Sage Hemir proclaimed when he sensed Abel’s Power of The Will. “Yes, I’ve broken the limit of this World!” Abel answered back. “You are now the god of this world, a true god. With your mighty power, can you please resurrect my friends!” Sage Hemir did not ask Abel to resurrect him first, but his friends instead! “Please wait, I am still new to my abilities. Let me check!” Abel smiled. He had fully merged with the Dark World, and now he turned to the core of it. He noticed a special dimension formed by crystals. No Power of The Will or energy could penetrate those crystals to see what was within, only a true ruler of the World had the power to do so. It was not a dimension within the main dimension, but an entirely separate dimension. It was even more secretive than a god’s Kingdom. Within it were perfect slumbering souls. Those souls all had something in common in that they were extremely pure. Abel sensed the original Laws of this world, but they had grown weak after Hell’s corrosion. Although the original Law could not speak, Abel knew what those souls were. Those souls were all heroes of the Dark World, and they all died in glory. Since the original Law could not help them, it could only preserve them so Hell wouldn’t be able to use them as resources. After the fight for the Dark World had ended, the Dark World had preserved their souls for unknown reasons. With a single step, Abel arrived inside that dimension. He saw the slumbering souls. It was clear that they were recognized by the original Law of the world. If Abel resurrected them, they could help him control the Dark World. Since Hell had left, those heroes would be the future. Abel picked a soul and thought about resurrection. Soon a body emerged in his mind. It was a brunette-haired young woman in armor, holding a bow and ready, looking very serious. Abel knew it was the original body of the soul, and he knew what to do. He patted his Portal Bag and a hundred top-level gems flew out into the soul. Energy began to thrum and the world began to cheer. Soon enough, not only did the body of the young woman appear, even her armor and bow followed, just as Abel imagined it. The young woman opened her eyes with a hazy expression, but immediately pulled at her bow nervously. It seemed her soul was still in her battle mode even after tens of thousands of years. “There are no more Hell Creatures in this world. I’ve resurrected you!” Abel smiled at her. “Resurrected…?” The young woman regained herself and mumbled, “I remember I was buried in a tomb between Blood Moor and the Frozen Grounds!” Abel was not expecting her to recall her death, but it sounded familiar. “May I know your name?” Abel asked. “I don’t know how you resurrected me but I can tell you my name. I am a Rogue, named Flavie!” she responded. Abel immediately knew where that familiar feeling came from. He was the one who had buried Flavie’s original body, and he remembered that she had never let her bow go. Indeed, only such loyalty would be resistant to Hell! “Flavie, my name is Abel. I am the ruler of this world. I’ll take you to see someone and you will understand!” Abel had too much to explain, and he didn’t know how to do so. With a gentle wave, a portal appeared and Abel bowed to her. It was the least he could do to pay respect to heroes. Even though she was not the strongest, her loyalty was undeniable! What Abel did made Flavie jump. She could not see the souls around and what Abel did was too mysterious. Still, she isn’t told that Abel was not an enemy. She stepped through the portal and Abel followed. They quickly arrived in front of the Inifuss Tree. “Mr. Hemir!” Abel smiled. When the Inifuss Tree sensed Flavie’s presence, it began to tremble with excitement. Flavie was not a professional, but she was the foremost guardian of the Rogue Encampment. Sage Hemir had cried when she died. “My mistake, let me resurrect him as well!” Abel smiled awkwardly. He patted his portal bag again and a hundred more gems flew out onto the Inifuss Tree’s Magic Circle that held Sage Hemir’s soul. Soon, a balding old man with long silver hair in a light green robe and holding a staff emerged beside the tree. “Great Abel, I can now clearly see your grace with my own eyes!” Sage Hemir bowed. His eyes were shaking in excitement. Still, he held his emotions back and bowed properly. “Mr. Hemir, you are not going to blame me for not resurrecting you first, right?” Abel smiled. Sage Hemir did not reply, because he knew Abel didn’t want to injure his soul if the resurrection failed. But most of all, he was speechless when he saw Flavie. “Mr. Hemir!” Flavie immediately burst into tears when she saw the familiar face, and immediately fell to her knees. “My child, we can now move on from the past. Our new lord has defeated Hell, and peace will soon return!” Sage Hemir said with a soothing voice. “Great Abel, can you resurrect Mr. Akara, Mr. Charsi, Deckard Cain, Gheed….” Flavie began to name more people, but her voice soon became soft, as though she was demanding too much. Still, she continued. Abel could recognize some of those names. Some were the managers of the Rogue Encampment, and some might be the Rogues who had fought alongside Flavie. “I think I can do that, but I still have a fight to take care of right now!” Abel smiled. He knew there was a battle happening outside and he couldn’t stay here for long. Still, he wasn’t too stressed, since time was twenty times faster in the Dark World. “Great Abel, I will be waiting” Flavie bowed to him. “Ok!” Abel nodded and a smile emerged on Flavie’s face. It was the smile a young woman should have. “Mr. Hemir, there is a World Tree and High Elves outside of the Rogue Encampment. They will take care of you, and if you have the chance, pass down some of your knowledge to them!” Abel bowed. “At your command!” Hemir bowed back. His gaze was glistening with curiosity. The legendary High Elves were the children of the World Tree, each of them were extraordinary! Sage Hemir suddenly remembered the fight Abel mentioned and proposed, “Great Abel, why don’t you Summon the High Elves to fight for you?” He didn’t want Abel to get injured; he still needed Abel to resurrect his other friends. “The High Elves can fight?” Abel knew how tiny they were, so he never thought about it. After all, there were no enemies in the Dark World for Abel to see the High Elves’ power. “Great Abel, the High Elves are born immortals, they are treasured by the world!” Hemir quickly explained. Abel paused for a moment. Did that mean they were born half-gods?
Chapter 1499 Chapter 1499: Run Wizard Basham continued to attack with his ten thousand sea monsters, but the more he did so, the more his heart sank. He had never heard of any Inner World with the power to withstand ten thousand legendary rank attacks at once, even in the oldest documents. Although the attacks were all direct ice attacks, they were unleashed by those sea monster’s natures. They were much more powerful than wizard spells! What was happening? Had Abel already used up the World Stone Heart? As far as he knew, the Tree of Life with the Elves did not change, so that shouldn’t be the case! — As the attacks continued, a strange energy suddenly shot out from Abel’s Inner World! All of the sea monsters were affected, and even Archangel Tyrael, fighting with Little Bro in the distance, felt it. The Dragon God paused, but Little Bro continued fighting. The strikes he landed on Archangel Tyrael began to increase. Archangel Tyrael spit out a mouthful of golden blood, and it turned into a blinding spark. As it did so, Archangel Tyrael vanished from the spot. The reason he had successfully escaped from the Dark World before was because of this trick! Just then, he sensed a familiar energy that reminded him of the trauma he had gone through, and the deaths of all of his comrades. … It was an energy from a world ruled by Hell. Since Little Bro was a Hell demon, Archangel Tyrael could only think of one explanation: Hell had arrived! Without hesitation, he knew he had to leave! Little Bro reacted slowly as his demonic powers were burned by the Light Energy. After he successfully penetrated the glow, Archangel Tyrael was already gone. Little Bro immediately turned to Abel. The Dragon God regained himself and realized that the horrifying energy was not targeted at him. But one thing was certain: a top ruler of the world had appeared! — As his ten thousand sea monsters stood frozen in midair, Wizard Basham was stunned. He was being suppressed by energy! But unlike Archangel Tyrael, his research into Inner Worlds allowed him to make the best decision. After all, he was the President and he had gone through all of the best research. He remembered a method of sacrificing one’s own inner World to counteract the suppression of a more powerful Inner World. This research was laughed at by all wizards, but Wizard Basham had decided to alter it, and now it became his lifesaver. When he sensed Abel’s energy, he knew he was no longer a match for the man. Abel had reached the state he had always dreamed of. But how? It was too late to think, his main task was to escape! The Inner World above him donated one-fifth of its energy and formed another Inner World with all the elements. This process was not a good thing, and Basham’s face went pale. After the replica Inner World was formed, Basham pushed it forward and it blasted open. At the same time, he spit out a mouthful of blood as he activated a Teleportation scroll. He had no time to take back his sea monsters, all he could do was use up more Teleportation Scrolls crazily. — Abel’s new power was scary, but he did not take any risk as a result of it. He knew his Inner World was being crazily attacked by the sea monsters so he unleashed a powerful energy from the Dark World before he returned to the Central Continent. The attacks stopped but by the time he appeared, Wizard Basham was gone, and so was Archangel Tyrael. There were nowhere to be found, not even in his sensory range of seventy kilometers. The only thing left were the ten thousand sea monsters and the eighteen God Rank Wizards preparing to Flash away. With a wave, all of the sea monsters entered Abel’s Inner World and they were thrown into the golden glow of the World Tree. Slowly, those sea monsters forgot about their original owner and became the sea monsters of the Great Abel. They were reborn and were thrown into the oceans of the Dark World afterwards. This did not have much impact on the power of the already powerful Dark World, but it was diversifying its species. —— As Abel was getting everything sorted, Wizard Basham appeared a few hundred kilometers away and spit out another mouthful of blood. His Inner World was on the verge of breaking, and he kept taking out treasures from his portal bag to stabilize it. “I will have my revenge!” he grunted. But he was not confident. How could he go against the Ruler of a world, unless he had the World Stone Heart and fused it with the Tree of Life! He kept Flashing away as he thought to himself that Abel might catch up if he stopped for even a single moment. He soon saw a figure emerging in front of him. It was Archangel Tyrael. Since both of them were escaping from Abel, they had chosen the same direction. Archangel Tyrael had a head start, but the loss of blood was slowing him down. Those two beings were supposed to rule this world, but both of them ended up as a joke to someone they had thought was weak. “Abel has broken the barrier of Rank 45!” Wizard Basham muttered. “Yes, Abel controls the Dark World. But how did he take it from Hell? He doesn’t have the power!” Archangel Tyrael shook his head. He had done a lot of speculating as he was escaping, and he had scrapped his initial idea. If Hell really had invaded, it wouldn’t be this low key. Massacres would already be happening everywhere, and the stench of Hell would have engulfed the place with large numbers of Hell Creatures. Since that did not happen, then Abel must have somehow found a way to take the Dark World away from Hell! This might also explain why Abel had control of a Hell Demon! Wizard Basham held back his pain and fear as he said to his new ally, “We can’t win, and he will come after us. Any good ideas?” “No idea, unless we take control of a world that is just as powerful!” Archangel Tyrael shook his head. “You mentioned that the Dark World belonged to Hell, right? How about we ask Hell for help?” Wizard Basham proposed. “Basham, if we mess with Hell, our souls will forever become its toy!” Archangel Tyrael answered with a cold gaze, signaling to Wizard Basham that there was no way. “We don’t have to expose ourselves. Just find a way to send Hell a message so it will go after Abel. If Abel loses the Dark World, he wouldn’t be invincible!” Archangel Tyrael paused, as that might work! There was a saying: The ones who knew you the best were not your friends, but your enemies! Heaven and Hell had been in conflict for too long, and both sides had a deep understanding of one another. What Wizard Basham suggested was not impossible, they just needed to sacrifice something. “I need a hundred kilos of Dimension Rocks, fifty kilos of Blood Flame Crystals, three hundred kilos of Eternal Jade, and one million human souls!” Archangel Tyrael stated grimly. Wizard Basham hesitated. He might have those materials in his portal bag, but where could he find one million souls? Destroying a large city? He would be forever hated if he did something like that! The reason the Holy Kingdom was hated by the entire central continent was because it massacred civilians! “Basham, are you worrying about the materials or souls?” Archangel Tyrael asked deeply, seeing Wizard Basham hesitating. “The souls. The entire continent will turn on me if I kill a million people!” Wizard Basham shook his head. After all, that’s why he had ventured out in the ocean to kill sea monsters in order to break his Rank 44 plateau. Humans souls would have been much higher quality. “Basham, history is written by the ruler. Once you gain control of the world, you can shape the narrative however you want!” Archangel Tyrael stated with confidence. Wizard Basham took a deep breath and asked, “Are you sure Hell won’t come after us that way?” “Of course, I want to beat Abel, but I also don’t want Hell to take over this world!” Archangel Tyrael smiled. The decision was made, and the operation would soon begin!
Chapter 1500 Chapter 1500: Wizard Spirit Abel had no idea what Wizard Basham and Archangel Tyrael were planning as he looked at the eighteen God Rank Wizards. “My Dragon God, what should I do with them?” he bowed, inquiring politely. “Abel, don’t address me as Dragon God anymore. Just call me by my name, Louis!” the Dragon God bowed back, then continued, “They didn’t do anything evil, so you can let them live if they pledge allegiance with their souls!” Wizard McPhee immediately dropped to his knees and yelled, “Great Abel, Wizard McPhee pledges allegiance to you, and may my disloyalty damn me!” He knew he was looking at an invincible being, and their President had left without them! Indeed, Wizard Basham did not care about the other wizards. He only needed them to fight for him. Since Abel had become so powerful, it was an easy choice for the wizards to make. After all, death was the biggest fear of an immortal! Not to mention, it had only taken Abel ten years to achieve it, and Abel was not known for mistreating his men. Abel was a little bit surprised by Wizard McPhee, as he had not even said anything yet. But still, they were the managers of the Wizard Union, and accepting their allegiance meant he would take over the Wizard Union! … “Wizard McPhee, I accept your loyalty!” Abel placed his hand on Wizard McPhee’s shoulder. A strand of energy entered Wizard McPhee. “This is an energy from a world beyond. It can protect you and notify me when you are in danger!” Abel smiled after seeing a suspicious look on Wizard McPhee. “Thank you, my lord!” Wizard McPhee knew how mysterious it must be, but he still showed gratitude. After Wizard McPhee started the process, the remaining seventeen God Rank Wizards followed suit, and Abel also gave each of them a strand of World Energy. That way, Wizard Basham would not be able to suppress them, thus giving them the opportunity to escape. But most of all, it would notify Abel the moment those wizards came into contact with Wizard Basham or Archangel Tyrael! “Great Abel, should we go to the Wizard Union Headquarters and take over the Wizard Union before Wizard Basham returns?” Wizard McPhee bowed to him. Abel turned and asked the Dragon God, “Louis, do you want to come along?” The Dragon God shook his head. “That’s your private matter. We dragons will only help when danger comes!” By this point he would even let Abel take the title of Dragon God if he wanted it. It was too bad Abel had no interest in that and had decided to keep his respect. “Then I’ll be on my way!” Abel bowed. —— From that day on, the Warding Wall’s purpose came to an end. Everyone was sent home, as there was no more need for them. Still, it was a good piece of history, concluding the thousand-year war between the Central Continent and the Holy Kingdom, as well as freeing up the resources used to maintain the top-level magical structure. Abel put Little Bro back in the monster ring and teleported to the Wizard Union Headquarters with the wizards. They soonarrived at the underground chamber. In order to take over the Wizard Union, Abel had to obtain the highest authority from the Wizard Spirit. The Wizard Spirit was the Wizard Union’s top secret and only the God Ranks knew about it. Wizard McPhee was the most proactive as he led the way. They walked into an ordinary storage room built with decent materials. In the center was a carpet. When Wizard McPhee removed the carpet, a Magic Circle was exposed. He placed his hand on it and began to move. After ten minutes, a new Magic Circle formed. Abel monitored it all with his Power of The Will. It was security in its purest form. Even the ones in the know needed ten minutes to reform it! After everything was set, the ground began to move. If an intruder had dared to do this, the wizards above would have been immediately notified. A small door opened up on a wall in the room. On the door was some secret passcode made with special materials. Those materials were not indestructible, but there would be no way to proceed if anyone destroyed them. There were six rounds of code to break as Wizard McPhee led the way. Soon, another room was exposed and within it stood a Teleportation Circle and a Spirit beside it. “Great Abel, this is the only Teleportation Circle capable of connecting to the Wizard Spirit. But in order to use it, you must first control this Spirit.” Abel turned and looked around. The room was made with a perfect Barrier, just like the room where the top treasures were kept. As for that Spirit, it had a special energy Abel couldn’t identify. “How should I do it?’ Abel asked Wizard McPhee. “This is an abnormal Spirit. It cannot be affected by external forces. It can only move when a majority of the God Rank Wizards agree!” Wizard McPhee smiled. Abel doubted that, so he connected to his Headmaster badge and ordered the Commander Spirit to try to invade it. But it was true, there was no room for the Command Spirit to even enter! Abel shook his head. This meant it couldn’t learn from other Spirits and be incorporated as a result. Such a strange and useless Spirit… Still, Abel had the Wizard’s loyalty, and could use it. “Wizard McPhee, tell it to give me the highest authority!” Abel ordered him. “Yes, my lord!” Wizard McPhee bowed. He then mumbled a spell and the other wizards followed suit. A strange energy shot up, and the Spirit began to glow blue. “My lord, please connect your Power of The Will with the Spirit!” Wizard McPhee called out. Abel reached out his Power of The Will but when he connected with the spirit, he realized this Spirit couldn’t even speak! “My Lord, the Teleportation Circle is now ready, but the rest is up to you!” Wizard McPhee bowed. Abel nodded. With his current rank, those wizards had no need to trick him. He stepped onto the Teleportation Circle and disappeared from the room. — As soon as he reappeared, he realized he was in a fully enclosed room, and he could sense a strong energy. All the walls were flaming red. Anyone too weak would be burned to death after they entered! Even Abel was uncomfortable, so he immediately Cast an Ice Armor. Beside the Teleportation Circle under him, the room was filled with magic Patterns. At the deep end of the room was a giant flaming-red Spirit. It was almost as tall as a human, the biggest Spirit Abel had ever seen! “Abel, you have not been recognized as the Wizard Union President. If you don’t leave right now, I will self-destruct!” a voice rang out from all directions. It was the first time Abel had been threatened by a Spirit, which meant this Spirit was highly intelligent. He reached out his Power of The Will and realized that this room was beneath kilometers of lava. His Power of The Will couldn’t even reach the surface! He had no idea how Wizard Basham had built this thing, so he couldn’t help but admire it. If Wizard Basham hadn’t been kind to the Wizard Union, no one would ever have been able to find this place. After all, Basham was very confident in his power, and no one else would get the consent of fifteen God Rank Wizards! But little did he know, everything he had done made Abel’s journey to power much easier! Abel did not care about what the Wizard Spirit said. Instead, he connected to his Commander Spirit. “Commander Spirit, give me the highest authority over this Spirit!” Abel ordered him. There was no way this Wizard Spirit could be like that enclosed Spirit controlling the Teleportation Circle above. It was basically controlling the entire Central Continent, so it needed connections. The red light in the Wizard Spirit began to flicker. It seemed to be fighting back, but the Commander Spirit’s infiltration was too powerful. The Wizard Spirit might be good at managing things, but it was nothing in war, especially compared to an ancient war machine!