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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the best alternative to Quora?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2164287, "url": "/What-are-other-question-asking-websites-like-Quora/answer/Tommy-Dang", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Quora Mobile.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3930434, "givenName": "Tommy", "familyName": "Dang", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tommy-Dang"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362107170046702, "numViews": 453, "numUpvotes": 17, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Instagram: Will users ever be allowed to review ALL the photos they've liked?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 296217, "givenName": "Krista", "familyName": "Pappas", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Has anyone tried selling 3D models on CGTrader?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 16592868, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm a CGtrader member for almost two years now and in my opinion it is the best platform for stock media developers available today. I'm also active for some time on other marketplaces as well (e.g. former the 3d studio, 3D export, creative crash and Turbosquid).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I left all but CGtrader, Turbosquid and 3D export.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Turbosquid indeed sells most models and is able to collect most traffic, but to my opinion in undemocratic way. It uses its (almost monopolistic)power position to collect most of the earnings, (they take 60% of the earnings and on the left over you pay taxes up to 30%) and in return it does not even give you a very good platform at all.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Notably the most unpleasant characteristic is the minimizing effect of the artist role, they strip away the added value of the artist and use it to built its own grand label and dominating power. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They also make sure the artist do not get any recognizing at all, because they simply ban all forms of social media and connections to the outside world beyond the Turbosquid platform. They go to great lengths to make absolutely sure that not one single Ts client will ever know who is the actual creator (they basically just own you). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"CGtrader is a whole different kind of ballgame all together.\\nHere we have indeed a very good sales platform that delivers state of the art service and support for almost no cost at all (artist get 70% of the earnings from start, and up to 90% for the veteran artists). I reached level 7 with only 30 models within one year (equals 84% royalty rate)\\\"and this is without any exclusivity traps at all\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The business ethics at this place are simply the most democratic I have encountered so far (they actually listen to what artist are asking). It 's a place created by artist \\\"for artists\\\" and it holds them in highest regards. This is also clearly reflected in the total package of services provided for the artists, they make absolutely sure you as the artist get all the tools you need to make your work knowable to the world. They embrace the power of social media and modern embedded media like 3D viewers and video services like YouTube and Vimeo. Apart from that you get nice marketing tools like coupon generator and integrated communication system, so clients and artist can connect directly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is all combined in a good looking website that is easy to navigate and provides most easy to use uploading and management system.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I can just go on forever about this place.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's true CGtrader has less traffic then Turbosquid, but when I sell 8 items on Ts against 4 on CGt, then the difference in earnings is not that big at all (even when my models are 30% less expensive on CGt). Note however I'm at level 7, 84% royalty.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"CGtrader is just miles ahead on many things, Turbosquid on the other hand is hanging on to its victory/collective memory of the first to enter this industry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If I would have to bet on it, I would hand it to the CGtrader team.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 108939414, "givenName": "Not", "familyName": "So Hasty", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Not-So-Hasty"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1446084329391997, "numViews": 48000, "numUpvotes": 56, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 8, "comments": [{"commentId": 13826719, "creationTime": 1446261822923227, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=13826719&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 108939414, "profileUrl": "/profile/Not-So-Hasty", "givenName": "Not", "familyName": "So Hasty"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I became a member of CGtrader on March 2014 and made little over 2000$/net so far, with 30 models. It's not that much but keep in mind most of it was made over last several months. First months was showings almost no sales at all, but I kept member because I felt the place held great promise. I was a Turbosquid member for little over a year then, and was lingering with the idea of going exclusive, but I somehow felt bad about devoting my work completely (to something that feels undemocratic in nature). I'm glad I did not do it because when I combine the different incomings then it exceeds what I could get when only exclusive.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"CGtrader is now showing a steady growth in sales for me.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are lots of artists coming in expecting sales from start and then get disappointed and leave. Usually they spew some negative emotions on the public forum before they do so. I think the people who are running that place do not deserve that because they actually deliver a fantastic job. The ones hoe do stay are people like me hoe understand this place needs support to make things better. There is an old saying that goo's \\\"good things come to him hoe can wait\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People hoe only think about making money fast on selling 3D models are just not getting the picture and they blindly surrender to a place like Ts because they sell. The potential of your work is actually bigger when you make use of all the available tools.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bottom line CGtrader is democratizing the stock media market and they are doing it fast.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 207159144, "creationTime": 1624527742635162, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=207159144&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1538810195, "profileUrl": "/profile/Taha-235", "givenName": "Taha", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Looking for Animated rigged 3d model of godzilla with all textures and materials\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"click on this link:\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Godzilla Monster 3d Model model - TurboSquid 1749952\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/1749952\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 13780894, "creationTime": 1446087179191631, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=13780894&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9243659, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wen-Shi-Di", "givenName": "Wen", "familyName": "Shi Di"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So how much money do you actually make?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 204775249, "creationTime": 1623394039063258, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=204775249&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 366983342, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ghulam-Rasool-111", "givenName": "Ghulam", "familyName": "Rasool"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"well said CGTrder is best market for 3d designers i also working on it almost 3 years i get 84 royality rate and on turbosquad i get 30.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 218618098, "creationTime": 1630305349465531, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=218618098&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1538810195, "profileUrl": "/profile/Taha-235", "givenName": "Taha", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Looking for Animated rigged 3d model of godzilla with all textures and materials\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"try this link out: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/dinosaur/raptor-animated-3d-model\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/dinosaur/raptor-animated-3d-model\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 263317871, "creationTime": 1651684210744644, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=263317871&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1834282779, "profileUrl": "/profile/\u041ci\u0138i\u03c4\u03c3-\u0391\u0438i\u0252\u03c3\u044fy\u03b1", "givenName": "\u041ci\u0138i\u03c4\u03c3", "familyName": "\u0391\u0438i\u0252\u03c3\u044fy\u03b1"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"how i can generate my nft 3D on blender image and jason metadata\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 263319044, "creationTime": 1651684655631229, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=263319044&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1834282779, "profileUrl": "/profile/\u041ci\u0138i\u03c4\u03c3-\u0391\u0438i\u0252\u03c3\u044fy\u03b1", "givenName": "\u041ci\u0138i\u03c4\u03c3", "familyName": "\u0391\u0438i\u0252\u03c3\u044fy\u03b1"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"blend my nft scrip It does not complete hepl\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 286683582, "creationTime": 1661930878531718, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Not-So-Hasty?comment_id=286683582&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1942234488, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rako-Mod", "givenName": "Rako", "familyName": "Mod"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I made some ~1000$ in TS in about 6 years. Not much but anyway. There is a new 3D marketplace \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"3D Models - Geometric 3D Models\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://geometric3dmodels.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" for geometric style designs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 3251022, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Frank-Fang-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah. I tried. And upload many hi-quality models. But sold nothing..... But I feel this site is better than others\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 16418815, "givenName": "Frank", "familyName": "Fang", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Frank-Fang-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1380528410018636, "numViews": 7267, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 382773312, "creationTime": 1704067539063365, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Frank-Fang-7?comment_id=382773312&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1480917769, "profileUrl": "/profile/Daly-Vladimiras", "givenName": "Daly Vladimiras", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Frank Fang\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 681407156, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Frank-Fang-83\"}}}, {\"text\": \", I completely understand your situation, but nothing will change soon. Please have a look at my post here: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Daly Vladimiras's answer to What would be the best legit website for selling my 3D models?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 1477743727709628, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-would-be-the-best-legit-website-for-selling-my-3D-models/answer/Daly-Vladimiras\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 1477743721482013, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Scott-Hamill-3DSourced", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure, I can tell ya a bit about selling 3D models on CGTrader. From my own exp and what I've seen, it's def a thing folks are doing, and they're finding some success too! \\ud83d\\ude0a Let me break it down for ya:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Market Saturation:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, the deal is, some categories on CGTrader, like interior stuff or everyday items, are kinda packed. It's tough to stand out there. A buddy of mine tried selling some basic furniture models and didn't see much action. If you're gonna dive into these crowded waters, you gotta bring something unique to the table. \\ud83e\\udd14\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. Niche Markets:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now, here's a cool thing: if you're into specific genres like sci-fi or cyberpunk, you might hit a sweet spot. I've dabbled in sci-fi weapon models, and they got more attention than I expected. There's a growing demand in these areas, and less competition means a better chance for your stuff to shine. \\ud83d\\udc7d\\ud83d\\ude80\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3. Sales Expectations:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Keep in mind, sales can vary big time. Some folks on forums have mentioned they make more sales on CGTrader compared to other platforms, thanks to better royalty rates. It's all about what you're selling and how good your models are. If you got quality stuff, you could see a decent number of sales per month. \\ud83d\\udcb0\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4. Promotion and SEO:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't just throw your models up and hope for the best. You gotta get savvy with promoting 'em and understanding CGTrader's search ranking. Think about how you can boost your visibility. Tagging, descriptions, all that jazz. \\ud83d\\udcc8\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5. Pricing Strategy:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pricing's a tricky game. You don't wanna undervalue your work, but sky-high prices might scare off buyers. Do some digging, see what similar models are going for, and find a sweet spot. \\ud83d\\udcb8\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, IMO, selling on CGTrader can be worth it if you play your cards right. Go for less crowded niches, focus on quality, and get smart with your marketing. And hey, keep experimenting! What doesn't sell today might be a hit tomorrow. Good luck! \\ud83c\\udf40\\ud83d\\udc4d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2335465995, "givenName": "Scott Hamill - 3DSourced", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Scott-Hamill-3DSourced"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1701962925497013, "numViews": 159, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 120848076, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Fredric-Bj\u00f6rklund", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was reading about cgtrader and there are things I don\\u2019t like:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some customer service complaints and slow response times.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Negative reviewing is not well moderated.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And now here are the good things:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Safety and assurance of the leading 3D marketplace. CGTrader is one of the largest and oldest 3D marketplaces globally, serving customers from over 180 countries every day. ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No listing fees\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Easy access to designer portfolios\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A highly specialized 3D design community\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Guaranteed quality\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To choose the best, you need to consider the following factors:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Royalty\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Rates\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"TrafficCompetition\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In my opinion, there are more pros than cons.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also, you should check this article and gather more useful info: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Top 10 3D Model Libraries for 3D Manufacturing\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://facfox.com/docs/3d-model-library\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"flatpyramid is a SCAM! Don\\u2019t use that website. George Egbuonu, its owner, is a known scammer - running operations like Earn 15 - 18% Interest Rate and Send Money Free to Nigeria | Nigerian Channel and FREE BOOK: How To Get A Job In 30 Days Or Less!; he\\u2019s not the kind of guy you\\u2019d want to give your email to.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 288766863, "givenName": "Fredric", "familyName": "Bj\u00f6rklund", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Fredric-Bj\u00f6rklund"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1549220079799182, "numViews": 7182, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 12840699, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I uploaded one model..set the price at \\n$100 for a full download \\n$40 to directly print with your own printer\\nand\\n$20 to print via cgtrader\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Site was really slow.. So I gave up after that. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They kept mailing me and asking me to upload more (they noticed I had over 300models on \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"sketchfab.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://sketchfab.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \" ) .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Suddenly one day that model sold! For $100 ! ... That motivated me to upload more.. No sales after that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That first model that sold.. I can't put it back on sale because of some kind of credit system on the site.. Weird\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here's the official message:\\n\\\"To put the model back on sale again, please make sure that you have enough CGTrader credits to reactivate it. You can buy CGTrader credits by clicking here. \\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 8513174, "givenName": "Chaitanya", "familyName": "Krishnan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chaitanya-Krishnan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1432866363425028, "numViews": 11571, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 11766330, "creationTime": 1436970329316504, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan?comment_id=11766330&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 88255897, "profileUrl": "/profile/Justas-Janciauskas", "givenName": "Justas", "familyName": "Janciauskas"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Chaitanya Krishnan\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 8513174, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Chaitanya-Krishnan\"}}}, {\"text\": \", uploading process is optimized now and it's taking less time to upload models, I am really sorry if you had a bad experience. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We are encouraging to upload more models, because more models might help you to generate extra revenue, please check our 3D Printable models infographic: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"INFOGRAPHIC: Exclusive Tips on Maximizing Your Income from 3D Print Models\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.cgtrader.com/blog/infographic-exclusive-tips-on-maximizing-your-income-from-3d-print-models\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As you can see designers with more than 50 models has 30% higher sales rate. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also you mentioned, that you had problem with the credits system. We changed payment system and right now you don't need to worry about credits anymore and the royalty rate stayed the same 70%-90%\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you will have more feedback or suggestions how we can improve your user experience, please contact us directly at \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"info@cgtrader.com\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"info@cgtrader.com\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 11767001, "creationTime": 1436976292427173, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan?comment_id=11767001&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 8513174, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chaitanya-Krishnan", "givenName": "Chaitanya", "familyName": "Krishnan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks will get back to uploading :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 10831149, "creationTime": 1432885862525885, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan?comment_id=10831149&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9243659, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wen-Shi-Di", "givenName": "Wen", "familyName": "Shi Di"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Maybe sales were slow because the price was so high. 100 dollars is a lot of money for most makerbot users. What was the model?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 10831307, "creationTime": 1432886461133438, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan?comment_id=10831307&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 8513174, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chaitanya-Krishnan", "givenName": "Chaitanya", "familyName": "Krishnan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"quite possible. ironically i had a version of the model available for free on makerverse as well. It was a motorcycle\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 10831392, "creationTime": 1432886733921662, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Chaitanya-Krishnan?comment_id=10831392&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 8513174, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chaitanya-Krishnan", "givenName": "Chaitanya", "familyName": "Krishnan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"oh wait actually i set some affordable pricing.. for printing $20 - $40.. its only the full download that costs $100 (will explain above)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 17147746, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Grzegorz-Tomczyk", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes. I tried. I am selling there from beginning when it was growing in pain with even not working well upload system. Today is a good marketplace but with alot of traffic generated by sellers itself. But is much better than thefs from Turbosquid. \\nBTW... there is a book in PDF format \\\"Selling 3D models - True secrets of 3D artists\\\" with a lot of knowledge download it for free. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regards\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 113252046, "givenName": "Grzegorz", "familyName": "Tomczyk", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Grzegorz-Tomczyk"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1447949886886931, "numViews": 8489, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 55110741, "creationTime": 1519381048990191, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Grzegorz-Tomczyk?comment_id=55110741&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 62637573, "profileUrl": "/profile/Reiz-Ibarrientos", "givenName": "Reiz", "familyName": "Ibarrientos"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I also love tutorials in CgTrader and the manager of that website invited me and sent me message in my email!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 72299509, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answer/Jessi-Viscoza", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah, it\\u2019s one of the best. Basically I\\u2019m selling wherever It\\u2019s possible. On huge platforms you can find a lot of competition unfortunately. I don\\u2019t want to recommend Turbosquid, I have a bad experience with that.\\nTry new marketplaces too:\\n \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Panamonkey | The 3d models marketplace\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.panamonkey.com\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \\nand \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"3d models for Visualization, VR / AR and CG projects | Download 3d model files\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.flatpyramid.com/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 64887067, "givenName": "Jessi", "familyName": "Viscoza", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jessi-Viscoza"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1517944342906885, "numViews": 3772, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 208095943, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answers/208095943", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Its a Scam website, terminated my account without giving me reason.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They are slave of their big partners/clients, whenever small people like me upload high quality models at low prices they terminate the account without telling the reason.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Earlier i thought that it may be my mistake, but when I uploaded models which i ordered on CGtrader itself and expense 1000's of usd on those projects, even then my account also deactivated. Now i got confirmed they are scamming.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have made cities using OSM data, they told the models are soteln and banned the account. Its a another proof that they are discriminating and don't want to let beat their partners who are selling same models at higher prices on cgtrader.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have sent them videos of proof how i made cities models, i sent them mails proof of projects of models. But they don't care and don't reply, it a blunder company.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They took my 1000's of dollars income and projects expenses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They are discriminating to other country sellers. they support only their country users.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Very soon i will register complaint against them in Cyber crime by showing my proofs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1586341819935349, "numViews": 4076, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 154464840, "creationTime": 1597234593137755, "url": "/Has-anyone-tried-selling-3D-models-on-CGTrader/answers/208095943?comment_id=154464840&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1254282150, "profileUrl": "/profile/Taregh-Saber", "givenName": "Taregh", "familyName": "Saber"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hello Everyone,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have an account on Cgtrader and I noticed that someone else was reselling my work. I reported the issue and the work was removed. However the user who violated the rights of my work and others, still keeps the account. So I've contacted the Cgtrader's staff and here's the reply.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"According to CGTrader terms, violators can resell up to four unauthorized items and they can get away by that. The benefit of this act is that CGTrader can profit from this. Is this a desperate act of generating more revenue during the corona pandemic by relying on cyber criminals?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"On the other hand, there's a term that CGTrader can suspend any account for any reason and without any notification. Regardless of such illegal terms that isn't accepted by any court, it is in question that, does theft and Intellectual property violation don't fall into such extreme terms? IS there any greater violation than that?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whatever all these contradictory terms and laws CGTrader has set, it's not acceptable in any court. CGtrader grew large and now has decided the path of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"corruption. It\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://corruption.It\"}}}, {\"text\": \"'s a shameful act and it's illegal.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course such issues are considered as \\\"minor imperfections in the system\\\" but technically such terms are deliberately created to promote criminals and IP violators. With no doubt criminals, that abuse and resell work of artists who spent time and effort in their creations, don't have any rights to run such criminal activities and get to continue them as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some may argue that these issues might happen all the time, since the files are publicly exposed and it may not be as severe and impactful as any other criminal acts ( I personally believe these people have never experienced any case of theft and they never lost anything). Even this statement already gives approval and immunity to violators. The reason the violator gains more confidence and the criminal activities keeps growing, is the fact we as civilians decide to approve the actions of the criminals on smaller scales. This encouragement will only do more damage and no good. If these violators truly don't know any better lifestyle, then should they have the same freedom, respect and rights as the rest of the decent citizens and communities?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So far CGTrader has no issue having such criminals. I believe it's the simplest thing not to follow and support Cgtrader. There's no need for any extreme action. Simply by not visiting Cgtrader, we don't allow the websites and the criminals inside to take advantage of us and other customers. Also artists can use other great websites that truly support their work and efforts. It's not about this particular case, I've recently witnessed different businesses take such illegal acts too far just to survive. This is not acceptable by any means. This is the same path any criminal would choose and once the line is crossed, there's no turning back. It's impossible to say, a person or a company had illegal activities for a specific period of time and then they stopped and now they're good. These companies and people will take advantage of any situation once they get an opportunity. So it's the wisest decision that we all stop supporting such criminals.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sincerely,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Which firewall is best for small networks?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 82416954, "url": "/Which-firewall-is-best-for-small-networks/answer/Palansh-Agarwal", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As a startup, we evaluated almost every major product in the firewall segment. Cyberoam (SOPHOS), WiJungle, Fortinet, Sonicwall, Checkpoint etc. But If I have to say best firewall for SMB market then comparing prices, robustness, features, easiness and importantly support; I would recommend WiJungle unbiasedly. As per knowledge, its the only product that offers Next-Gen Firewall along with plethora of Hotspot Gateway features. Support is awesome as it is centered in India and 24/7 available over call, email and Whatsapp. In a nutshell, we are very happy to be its customer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 32940471, "givenName": "Palansh", "familyName": "Agarwal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Palansh-Agarwal"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1525665836991925, "numViews": 863, "numUpvotes": 15, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 261985410, "url": "/Which-firewall-is-best-for-small-networks/answer/Maruf-Hossain-173", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are various types of firewall available for different forms of networks. These individual firewalls have different features and policies depending on the network requirement.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can choose from any of the types of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"network firewall\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.allhdd.com/networking-devices/firewall/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" given below according to your network requirement:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Packet - filtering firewalls: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"These are the most popular types of network firewall solutions. They work by analyzing data packets and allowing or blocking them per the established ruleset.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Proxy firewalls:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" The proxy firewalls act as intermediaries between two systems and help filter network traffic at the application level.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Next-generation firewalls: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"They offer deep packet inspection as well as additional functions which include intrusion prevention, encrypted traffic inspection and antivirus.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NAT firewalls: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"These firewalls are used with multi-device setups and will allow all independent network addresses to use a single IP address to connect to the internet.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can choose any of the above types of firewall that meets your requirements for a small network and establish full-spectrum security.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 781891927, "givenName": "Maruf", "familyName": "Hossain", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Maruf-Hossain-173"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1611639395661229, "numViews": 583, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 23977387, "url": "/Which-firewall-is-best-for-small-networks/answer/Nayantara-K-Patil", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Juniper SRX \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is the best firewall for small networks. Juniper SRX supports both a firewall and a VPN. With the addition of antivirus, application security, intrusion prevention secturity (IPS), antispam and enhanced web filtering.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 127013835, "givenName": "Nayantara", "familyName": "K Patil", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nayantara-K-Patil"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1466074678196081, "numViews": 356, "numUpvotes": 8, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Are space and time unique from each other only because of the existence of thought, or can they be differentiated in ways that don't involve perception?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 4547019, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Glenn-Friesen", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Time and space are unique from one another both and independently because of the existence of thought (perception) as well as because those things exist even without perception.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"horizontal-rule\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\\\"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Meta-physicians are split on the answer. Subscribers of substance theory argue a substance is distinct from its properties while subscribers to bundle theory argue an object is solely its sense data. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I believe both contradictory theories are correct. If a tree falls in a forest, and your great-great-great-grandmother was around there to here it, does it make a sound to me, now? Perception of one person is not the perception of another. Yet perception happened. Further, even after great-great-great-grandma died, the tree had still fallen. Things happen whether or not people are there to perceive them, and are (sometimes) recorded because people are there to perceive them; but things can happen even when they're not recorded. (\\\"things happen\\\" a.k.a. \\\"time and space\\\")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-41d03bf3e3ea04363913efbf4cb9f8bc.webp\", \"height\": 500, \"width\": 750, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-258bb0057419199d8114c067e5e3bcc5-c\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#635837\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1983975, "givenName": "Glenn", "familyName": "Friesen", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Glenn-Friesen"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1395875062717161, "numViews": 351, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2804515, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Craig-Weinberg", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To us, distance is more than a concept, but that does not mean that it isn't something like a concept on other perceptual layers of the universe. If there were a creature who was born from the complexity of the freeway lanes of all of the cities, those lanes might seem to be intrinsically real, We can't necessarily feel the shoulders of the giants that we stand on ...billions of years of nesting habituation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To answer the question, I would say that it is impossible for anything to exist in a way that doesn't involve perception. Perception - being and feeling, is all that there is, all that there can ever be. The universe could extend beyond sense, beyond the first and original signal, the first interpretation of the first signal, the first participation in any continuity of sanity and coherence, but whatever that would be could never contact the universe that we live in now in any way. If sense comes from non-nonsense and order comes from dis-chaos, then that transformation from non-signal to signal, that emergence, could only annihilate the all that had come before it. All pre-signal existence would become infinitely insisignificant and irrelevant in the most concrete sense. The universe from the first moment of sense-making, of coherence and feeling is the only universe which can possibly matter.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 626962, "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Weinberg", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Weinberg"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373768307447366, "numViews": 328, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161741, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I wouldn't get philosophical about physics concepts. Everything is a model, not a deep philosophical attempt to find abstract meaning in the universe. It's about being able to predict the behavior of everything in the universe, not about coming up with a way to fulfill whatever your spiritual needs are.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To quote George E. P. Box,\\n\\\"Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2277468, "givenName": "Jacob", "familyName": "VanWagoner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jacob-VanWagoner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362063264144053, "numViews": 621, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 7, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805441, "creationTime": 1362063787778194, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1805441&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4440200, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Heile", "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Heile"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, philosophy is not what I want to do here unless that is the only answer possible. I intentionally left the philosophy topic off, and even used some specific anti-philosophy verbiage in the question before removing it. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806363, "creationTime": 1362081948123563, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1806363&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2277468, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jacob-VanWagoner", "givenName": "Jacob", "familyName": "VanWagoner"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Again, it's a model. Space and time are merely mathematical dimensions in the model. It's the same in quantum mechanics, it's the same in classical mechanics, it's the same in string theory, etc. They're mathematical dimensions. You can't place thought and perception into physics, unless you're speaking of illusions and using neurological tricks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806571, "creationTime": 1362085279075635, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1806571&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4440200, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Heile", "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Heile"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, I at least I can say I agree with that statement on Quantum Physics because I understand that is the case. Issues related to the perception of space and time hardly seem to fit into that category, though, because the visualizing of them is how they were discovered in the first place. Even if a given math equation in Physics can't be visualized, it's hard to believe that a thinking and sentient person would accept that without trying to do so first, so I do not see this as something where the effort to understand it should be discouraged.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But I am overstepping my bounds here and thus wish to return to my role as question asker.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806956, "creationTime": 1362093693164116, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1806956&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4066709, "profileUrl": "/profile/Danita-Crouse", "givenName": "Danita", "familyName": "Crouse"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have enjoyed your curiosity and these threads. Thanks for making the space.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806970, "creationTime": 1362093886048935, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1806970&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4440200, "profileUrl": "/profile/Craig-Heile", "givenName": "Craig", "familyName": "Heile"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's funny how a little note like this can make me happy. It doesn't take much I guess :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806973, "creationTime": 1362093924737880, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=1806973&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4066709, "profileUrl": "/profile/Danita-Crouse", "givenName": "Danita", "familyName": "Crouse"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Me too :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 4082806, "creationTime": 1395868505092768, "url": "/Are-space-and-time-unique-from-each-other-only-because-of-the-existence-of-thought-or-can-they-be-differentiated-in-ways-that-dont-involve-perception/answer/Jacob-VanWagoner?comment_id=4082806&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1983975, "profileUrl": "/profile/Glenn-Friesen", "givenName": "Glenn", "familyName": "Friesen"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"brilliant and yes\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the one thing you did that makes you sad?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 3575828, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answer/Ravi-Jain-11", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My rented flat being very close to my company its a 2-3 minute walking distance to my company (No, I am not joking). On my way to office I daily use to find a old women (aged around 60) begging in the way. Not being a Kannadiga I can not exactly understand her language, but I can guess it is something similar to \\\"Mai\\\" (Dictionary Meaning- Mother, in colloquial language this world it used to address a person whom a beggar is asking for money. I daily used to ignore her as thinking her one of them who just pretend to being beggar (very much popular in North India). Once I saw her with a bag of \\\"Kheel\\\" (A popular snacks used in India mainly at Diwali time).\\nI her her face closely for the first time. She was so much rejoiced to get that bag that eyes were glowing, she was so busy in looking at that bag that she forget to beg for a while. That day I understood what a small amount of money meant to her. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From that day everyday I see at her, Yes I feel sad.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11828308, "givenName": "Ravi", "familyName": "Jain", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ravi-Jain-11"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1385211698591931, "numViews": 424, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 3590858, "creationTime": 1391264232593577, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answer/Ravi-Jain-11?comment_id=3590858&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9379074, "profileUrl": "/profile/Iqbal-Mohammed-3", "givenName": "Iqbal", "familyName": "Mohammed"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am not from the subcontinent, but I have often wondered how the more soft hearted ones like you survive emotionally in a place like India as you probably have to see such scenes many times and repeatedly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 6039046, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answer/Ksenya-Rostova", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So I had this great-grandmother that I had to visit a lot when she was super old. I was like 7 and I was super pissed off to spend my evening to see her, besides she didn't even recognize me anymore and thought I was a little boy once, 'cause I had my hair super short. I was fed up. I told my father I didn't want to see her that often and he told me that 'great grandparents don't last forever.\\\"\\nShe died 1 or 2 weeks after...\\nStill regreting, still crying...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 55612312, "givenName": "Ksenya", "familyName": "Rostova", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ksenya-Rostova"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1405461900843191, "numViews": 255, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4046996, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answers/4046996", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am a small-town guy from North India. Just like any other kid passing out of school, to get better education, I joined one of the good colleges in a different city. After 4 years, I graduated and joined an MNC in South India. The job pays me in Lacs, I have good friends, and it's been over 4 years since I came here. I am enjoying my life to the fullest like traveling, partying, hanging out with friends and all. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But...\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I left my parents behind. In the same small town. The two of them living all by themselves. Both of them are roughly 50 years old now. Of course, I visit them every 3-4 months; help them financially (not that they need it, but it makes \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"me\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" feel better atleast); talk to them regularly over phone; they visit me every year and I make their stay most memorable; give them every comfort, fulfill all their needs, etc. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"But again,\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" when I hear the problems that they face being alone, in that small-town, I feel extremely bad. There is no one to take care of them if any of them falls sick, if one/both of them needs to travel, if irritating and nagging relatives are making their lives difficult, if they are just feeling lonely and bored as their kids are not with them. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Especially, I feel bad for my mom, when she has to live alone once my father is gone to work. It brought me down so much once that I considered quitting my job and going back to my small town; but then I come out of that sadness and try to handle my emotions, as quitting will bring bunch of other problems for all of us. My parents can't move to my city for at-least next 10 years due to various other reasons. It's such a difficult situation to be in.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The 'Hello' in my mother's worried/sad voice (Though my parents try to hide their problems, but It easy for me to just feel it), over phone-call, cuts right through my heart. And I feel so helpless, that sometime I don't even ask that \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Mom what happened!\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1391262124507965, "numViews": 704, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 3590752, "creationTime": 1391262647406394, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answers/4046996?comment_id=3590752&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9379074, "profileUrl": "/profile/Iqbal-Mohammed-3", "givenName": "Iqbal", "familyName": "Mohammed"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I feel your sorrow in this. May you be united with your parents in all happiness soon. May you get a wife who will treat them and you like gold as well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2887453, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answers/2887453", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cut off my elderly parents out of my life altogether, not before calling them bastards, abusers, selfish and fundamentally dishonest people. \\nI don't feel guilty a little bit. It was well deserved. It had to be done - not for revenge, but for healing and thus for my children.\\nIt still makes me VERY sad.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1375178488241699, "numViews": 467, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 3590761, "creationTime": 1391262808430250, "url": "/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad/answers/2887453?comment_id=3590761&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9379074, "profileUrl": "/profile/Iqbal-Mohammed-3", "givenName": "Iqbal", "familyName": "Mohammed"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hope God opens a way for you such that a complete healing takes place and you find a way to take them back. I hope a situation arises such that you now feel safe from them, and heal your sadness\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 304634883, "url": "https://teenagerdiary.quora.com/What-is-the-one-thing-you-did-that-makes-you-sad-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hv no right to be sad as I\\u2019m a robot\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 468560692, "givenName": "Pure Soul", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pure-Soul-123"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1630158826088184, "numViews": 91, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What reservations do you have about how others interpret religious texts?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2164711, "url": "/What-reservations-do-you-have-about-how-others-interpret-religious-texts/answer/Mark-Hamric", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have no reservations at all. I have said many times we are not saved by our theology but by God's grace. Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians~\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Php 1:15-18\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: 16 The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: 17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nI pretty much feel the same way Christ is preached if it is in error then I have this confidence that the God who sent Jesus will also work in all who believe to bring them to a better understanding of the Gospel. I have studied and sought the heart of God to know the truth. I think I have gained some knowledge but for all I have gained there is much I still lack in knowledge. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The really GOOD thing is his word tells me that we will \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: (Eph_4:13)\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"that he which hath begun a good work in \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"us \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: (Php_1:6) \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Gospel is anointed the stuff we add to it is not. Strangely enough one of the greatest preachers came to the Lord after hearing a drunkard preach the gospel on a street corner. After hearing it the man gave his heart to the Lord and became one of the great revival preachers of the early 20th century.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10686865, "givenName": "Mark", "familyName": "Hamric", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mark-Hamric"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362114881044855, "numViews": 117, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 361297773, "url": "/What-is-the-disadvantage-of-AJAX/answer/Dave-Voorhis", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It\\u2019s a rather harsh cleanser, containing bleach and calcium carbonate abrasive. It\\u2019s great for cleaning hard porcelain sinks and toilet bowls, but entirely the wrong choice for delicate, particularly painted, items.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 16857849, "givenName": "Dave", "familyName": "Voorhis", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dave-Voorhis"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1654941853648810, "numViews": 257, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 361332794, "url": "/What-is-the-disadvantage-of-AJAX/answer/Richard-Francis-White", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as I am aware, nothing is wrong with Ajax.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have been using Ajax cleaning products for many years and have no complaints.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 815379529, "givenName": "Richard", "familyName": "Francis White", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Richard-Francis-White"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1654955873701257, "numViews": 204, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 361349681, "url": "/What-is-the-disadvantage-of-AJAX/answer/Randy-Long-26", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I believe it's an harsh cleaner.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You have to be careful with some cleaners, they may do a great job, but they do it by being abasive, scratching the surface, which allows the surface to become dirtier quicker next time because the scratches yO u created catches dirt, as now embedded dirt,, and it's now even harder to clean with normal methods.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Think about a car finish, using a circular polisher, it may the first time get the surface clean, but think of those swirl marks you put, cut,in the paint surface.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now you have added a surface for things to stick to more easily, not to mention the ugly swirl marks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 143665781, "givenName": "Randy", "familyName": "Long", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Randy-Long-26"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1654961952138068, "numViews": 59, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 361362766, "url": "/What-is-the-disadvantage-of-AJAX/answer/Barry-Barlow-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just last week I used it on a ceramic cooking pan. Baked on meat from a meat loaf I over cooked. A little Non scratching Ajax's and it look great. Not one stain. BTW it is mainly white. So for me there is nothing wrong with Ajax.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 613131698, "givenName": "Barry", "familyName": "Barlow", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Barry-Barlow-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1654966376964471, "numViews": 15, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161353, "url": "/What-is-the-disadvantage-of-AJAX/answer/Prakash-Gamit", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Search engines would not be able to index an AJAX application because the content is generated dynamically.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One big disadvantage of using AJAX is security. Often times developers do not put checks on the data coming into the server - they assume that it's coming from their own website. Unfortunately, this is subject to injection attacks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5139134, "givenName": "Prakash", "familyName": "Gamit", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prakash-Gamit"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362056494445611, "numViews": 1638, "numUpvotes": 8, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2388601, "url": "/Extroverts-do-you-dislike-introversion/answer/Remco-Peggeman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It'a not that I dislike introverted people, I also do understand them. But it is harder for me to 'vibe' with them because they are not as outgoing while I am, so sometimes i feel ashamed of my actions around these kind of people, that kinda annoys me sometimes...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4949774, "givenName": "Remco", "familyName": "Peggeman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Remco-Peggeman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1366301037730658, "numViews": 1787, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2386248, "url": "/Extroverts-do-you-dislike-introversion/answer/Rahul-Nagar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.\\\" \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Simple thing, extroverts don't dislike you but they can't guess what you are thinking or what are your desires and hence they can't act accordingly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7900564, "givenName": "Rahul", "familyName": "Nagar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rahul-Nagar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1366264947946849, "numViews": 1760, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 5571498, "url": "/Extroverts-do-you-dislike-introversion/answer/David-Drakeford-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was listening to the Bill Burr podcast recently and he was talking about the trend of being socially awkward becoming more acceptable. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He said that sometimes people will say \\\"Oh by the way, I'm socially awkward\\\" or something along those lines. He said he didn't like this because it put the pressure on HIM to make all the effort.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So perhaps extroverts don't like introverts because they find them hard work. I think that could be one factor.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 22441276, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Drakeford", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Drakeford-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1402888233045858, "numViews": 1173, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2161526, "url": "/Whats-a-word-cloud/answer/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Quite literally a cloud made up of words, found mostly on websites that have lots of topics to browse through. It is also called a tag cloud because the words are actually tags from each of the topics. \\n \\nThe most popular topics have their tag words shown in larger and bolder font, while less popular topics have their tag words shown in smaller and leaner font.\\n \\nFor example, the word cloud below shows that the most trending words are \\\"can\\\", \\\"things\\\", \\\"think\\\", \\\"much\\\", etc.\\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-15134a9126a7ad9f387cc7cf8aa6f70b\", \"height\": 490, \"width\": 834, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-101979030ba523b537e010bd2527dc0b\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5530516, "givenName": "Shibanshu", "familyName": "Mukhopadhyay", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362060220854493, "numViews": 799, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 283580688, "url": "/Whats-a-word-cloud/answer/Learnitix-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also known as Tag Cloud, a word cloud is known to be the visual representation of text data. This is generally used to visualize free-form text or metadata or keywords from websites. Word clouds are said to be a popular infographic that helps in showing the relative frequency of words in the considered data. This can be ascertained with the help of either color or size of the respective data fields. This is an amazing feature that can be used to make your story or presentation more attractive and attention-seeking. A word cloud can let you know the frequency of words in the respective amount of text. It arranges the unique or important words from the data in the form of groups. Also, the size of each word is generally determined by the number of its occurrences in the data or its importance (i.e. frequency).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1118341210, "givenName": "Learnitix", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Learnitix-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1621438161235164, "numViews": 260, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2177445, "url": "/What-does-Klout-do/answer/Teressa-Pence-Morris", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Klout measures your influence across multiple social networks to come up with your Klout score. 100 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. The average, I believe, is around 36. As an example, I have a Klout score of 54. Some employers, especially in social media will evaluate your Klout score as part of their screening process. Also the higher your Klout score the more \\\"perks\\\" you qualify for. Perks are offered to members of Klout by companies in order to promote their products.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 8427398, "givenName": "Teressa", "familyName": "Pence Morris", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Teressa-Pence-Morris"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362377633131154, "numViews": 411, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163357, "url": "/What-does-Klout-do/answer/Thomas-Bigum", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From today (feb 2013) it suddenly came up with a decent valueproposition for other than big egos hunting high scores. Klout Experts is a feature that resembles what you see here on Quora. Looking forward.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3971688, "givenName": "Thomas", "familyName": "Bigum", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Thomas-Bigum"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362089093006564, "numViews": 119, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1900212, "creationTime": 1364137456640409, "url": "/What-does-Klout-do/answer/Thomas-Bigum?comment_id=1900212&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1931937, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mike-Fishbein", "givenName": "Mike", "familyName": "Fishbein"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Could you explain more about what Klout Experts is or point me in the direction of where I could learn more?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1900234, "creationTime": 1364137771710691, "url": "/What-does-Klout-do/answer/Thomas-Bigum?comment_id=1900234&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3971688, "profileUrl": "/profile/Thomas-Bigum", "givenName": "Thomas", "familyName": "Bigum"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hard to Google it due to the generic title, so all im left with is a screendump from my own userexperience. Its written in Danish, but the screendump is in English http://thomasbigum.dk/2013/02/klout-ekspert/\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1900687, "creationTime": 1364146896358741, "url": "/What-does-Klout-do/answer/Thomas-Bigum?comment_id=1900687&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1931937, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mike-Fishbein", "givenName": "Mike", "familyName": "Fishbein"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks! Actually I just created a Quora for this: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"What is a Klout expert?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 1042424, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-Klout-expert\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]
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Before of all the religions, lord shiva is said to be a first yogi or Adiyogi from whom the yoga spread in India & later in all over the world. Many have contributed their lives in doing & discovering new styles of yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many believed that it\\u2019s not like other physical workouts which we do for 2\\u20134 years & then leave, it\\u2019s the combination of both physical and mental work without it you can\\u2019t do yoga. To master yoga, you have to focus many years of your life in doing yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In today's world, there are many yoga teachers who inspire us for doing yoga, with whom you may feel connected, taking one name is really difficult, but I can say based on their experience, knowledge, and popularity, I find \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Yogi Sukra Chaitanya\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://skyogafoundation.org/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" as the most inspiring yoga teacher in India.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He started his yoga journey as a student from Sambalpur University, Odisha.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2ac33a73efc3ceca2240e44627241473-lq\", \"height\": 533, \"width\": 500, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2ac33a73efc3ceca2240e44627241473-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After doing a Diploma in Yoga Science Dev Culture University, Haridwar, UK, he started learning and teaching yoga professionally.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In the 1990s, he conducted many workshops with organizations like Swami Ram Dhyan Gurukulam, (Himalayan Tradition) Rishikesh, Sri Aurobindo Integral Yoga, and Education Society, Pondicherry, and many others.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bf34ebb016c8507fff67c859a5b796f4-lq\", \"height\": 434, \"width\": 650, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e78605bd65254d59ab526eeabd2e3d34\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#665f5b\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Currently, he is the founder of Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation, inspiring a lot of people in India & all over the world with his in-depth knowledge about yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yogi Sukra\\u2019s life is always connected with yoga. Doing yoga for more than 25 years has given him a lot. He has in-depth knowledge & understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 596321261, "givenName": "Shuriti", "familyName": "Sharma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shuriti-Sharma-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1567601331523855, "numViews": 2902, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 15265475, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Jeevmoksha-Yoga-Gurukul-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ccfee1e9abedd3f89b8796167a4bbade-lq\", \"height\": 500, \"width\": 1155, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6b091dcc0955474926c014371dcf159e-c\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#777364\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Acharya Vinay\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.jeevmokshayoga.com/acharya-vinay\"}}}, {\"text\": \" was born into a Brahmin family where yoga was a household virtue and his grandfather passed his legacy to his father in form of traditional values of yoga, astrology and dharma. He started studying the scriptures on Veda, Upanishads and Yoga under his father at the early age of 12. It is still a tradition in India, that such disciplines are passed on from generation to generation. The seeds were sown very early, but as like every seed, it took time to ripe out. It got ripe with the initiation by his Guru \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Yogi Rudranath\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" of Himalayas and acharya was inclined towards a spiritual outlook of life.\\nWhile being a child, he was blessed with the opportunity of being in the satsang of several saints and spiritual teachers from different walks of life. Among those were karma yogis and swamis who provided a healthy fertilizer for the seed which was sown earlier. He was driven onto this sacred path of acquiring the yogic knowledge under his father whom he considers to be his first guru who gave all the foundational values. And later he was initiated by Guru Rudranath of nath tradition consolidating the resolve and providing him further guidance. Acharya ascribes Jeevmoksha as a vision transferred from Rudranth ji for promoting yoga and allied systems all over.\\nBy family lines acharya is also a disciple of the ancient \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Sri Vidya tradition of Tantra\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". It\\u2019s the oldest followed sect in India which is established on the principles of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Shakti\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and her attributes. Adi Shakti is the name for goddess and she is considered to be the divine mother from which this whole existence emerges. Shakti is worshipped in her nine forms each being responsible for one aspect of the universe.\\nAcademically:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He completed his teacher\\u2019s training at\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Yoga Vidya Gurkul in Nasik\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" under the guidance of Acharya Vishwas Mandlik.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Completed his academic education at the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"University of Sanskrit\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" by obtaining a master\\u2019s degree in Yogic Sciences while studying in Rishikesh.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He also obtained Masters in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ecology and Environmental sciences\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and strongly feels the need for awareness in masses about deteriorating balance of environment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He has worked with various organizations and individuals from all walks of life and attended workshops on developing the yogic traditions with elements from tradition as well and modern learning methodology. Working tirelessly since last 14 years towards teaching and spreading awareness on yoga, Acharya Vinay has been firm on his path and mission.\\nHis teaching pattern is based on mastering the alignment and accuracy in every element of yoga practice. He has a simple and soft way of communication and believes in understanding each and every individual before commencing the training program without which the process of learning cannot be completed.\\nIn 2012 he established Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul and Jeevmoksha institute of Yoga Studies in Rishikesh for imparting the yoga education to people from all across the globe in the holy city of Rishikesh which has its own spiritual history. His vision in the next upcoming year is to establish a Yoga Ashram in the surroundings of Rishikesh, which will serve as a learning institution as well as hermitage for seekers of yogic knowledge.\\nAs he says often, \\u201c\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"for me teaching yoga in not just holding classes at fixed times, rather it is something which requires a connection to be established between people through which they can communicate easily irrespective of linguistic or psychic barriers\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\\u201d\\nAlso he says, \\u201c\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"It has been a fascinating experience up till now, recognizing my dharma as a human being while connecting with people from so many different areas and fields of life and helping them understand the true meaning of Yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u201d\\n\\u201c\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"There is so much for all of us to know and derive out of this system called Yog, and its not a journey of one lifetime. These are very positive and sacred impressions that we develop and carry with us to many other lives, which certainly is a true phenomenon, until we are completely free from all impressions and liberated.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38187250, "givenName": "Jeevmoksha", "familyName": "Yoga Gurukul", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeevmoksha-Yoga-Gurukul-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1441296903816965, "numViews": 3151, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 39535540, "creationTime": 1500619611127952, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Jeevmoksha-Yoga-Gurukul-2?comment_id=39535540&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 330340141, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ctrlaltlearn", "givenName": "Ctrlaltlearn", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At Ctrlaltlearn, we are building a community of domain experts in various fields such as technology, healthcare, arts, maths, physics, history, social science etc. The platform will enable people from all age group ( 8- 70 years ) to check and block the courses / workshops / sessions. 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Similarly a great yoga guru does not seek a title and neither should we be rating or ranking them. At least this is my view. Every teacher true to their profession brings a unique value to their students. Let us just leave it at that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2013660, "givenName": "Gowri", "familyName": "Bharadwaj", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gowri-Bharadwaj"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363493913983706, "numViews": 2111, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1878816, "creationTime": 1363685691651954, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Gowri-Bharadwaj?comment_id=1878816&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6168366, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prashanth-Raghu", "givenName": "Prashanth", "familyName": "Raghu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no comparison we are trying to seek here. We are just trying to find out those who contributed to the greatness of the science of Yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 166685686, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Nidhi-Verma-47", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yoga instructors are fitness professionals who teach yoga, a low-impact exercise that uses controlled postures and breathing techniques to improve flexibility and strength. To become a yoga instructor, any style requires extensive and specialized training. All yoga instructors must complete a training program in yoga and, within the field, have a choice of specialization in a particular discipline.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As per my research, I found \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Yogi Sukra Chaitanya\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://skyogafoundation.org/sukra-chaitanya-founder-of-sri-krishna-yoga-foundation.php\"}}}, {\"text\": \" the best inspiring yoga teacher in India. He is from Odisha, India and currently, he is the founder of Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation which is registered with Yoga Alliances, USA.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He has more than years of experience in Yoga and very much dedicated towards it. He has done his post-graduate in Educational Psychology from Sambalpur University, Odisha followed by Diploma in Yoga Science Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. It's been 25 years he's teaching yoga professionally and also conducted many workshops worldwide with various organizations like Sri Aurobindo Integral yoga and Education Society, Pondicherry; Swami Rama Dhyan Gurukulam, (Himalayan Tradition) Rishikesh, the Swami Vivekananda Institute, Bangalore.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He teaches many things in yoga-like:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Traditional yoga techniques\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Teaching methods\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anatomy and physiology\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yoga philosophy and history\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hope this helps!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 63807773, "givenName": "Nidhi", "familyName": "Verma", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nidhi-Verma-47"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1568120992682283, "numViews": 1792, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 148941444, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Aashish-Kumar-Dimri", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b8f9185513ce20d2dc27da979d5dc5fe-lq\", \"height\": 385, \"width\": 685, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-57f7bf1dfc0825662e7bdd3d40d32a06\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#6f4317\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" * Baba Ramdev: Swami Ramdev of Patanjali Yogpeeth has popularized Yoga again through various news channels and his yoga camps- generally free- across India and abroad.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-88dbda4f7fe371367631906db16c324e-lq\", \"height\": 440, \"width\": 660, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7332e44739cd4a58430a302d5473469d\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#9f8e74\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" * Followers: Right from man on street to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi; all admire him for spreading awareness about Yoga. 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He started his yogic journey as a postgraduate from Sambalpur University, Odisha. He has been learning and teaching yoga for a long time. He also conducts yoga workshops for the world wild with various organizations. He has experienced more than 15 years. Yogi Sukra believes in charity. numerous charity experiences include 'The Holistic Health Approach' with the United Nations' World Health Organisation (WHO), Rural Development by the Rural Development Institution by Swami Rama Himalayan Institute, as well as SKY Foundation, an Indian registered trust dedicated to transforming the lives of all people- especially underprivileged ones through the gift of authentic yoga and started yoga teacher training in Rishikesh as a passion and mission of his life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Swami Atmajnanada Giri\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He believes in meditation people called him a master of meditation.He is a yoga philosopher. He started his yoga journey the southern state of India, Kerala.southern state of India, Kerala.he is a humble person. Humanitarian by nature, he wanted to help people and took up Homeopathy at Kerala and practiced Naturopathy for over years.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yogi Sachidananda\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is the greatest yogi I have read his biography he has experience more than 20 years. He born and bought up in Odisha. He has given his 10 years to\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry and continued practicing Integral yoga. It was because of this hunger to search the depth of life forces that Sachidananda started his spiritual journey which led him to learn and practice Kundalini yoga & Integral yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Archarya Bhagavan Dev\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is a Great Meditater, Philosophy and Socialist.he was born and bought up in Odisha and he also completed his education in Odisha. He is a founder of Naval Prabhat Gurukul, Bargarh, Odisha his meditation aims to improve the mind, body, and spirit. He is a well-competent and highly experienced yoga teacher who brings positive changes in the lives of all who come before him. Yoga aims to improve the mind, body, and spirit.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Swami Sukhmeet Singh\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is a Meditation & Pranayama Teacher. He was born in Punjab. And he has been completed his education from Punjab as well. he joined the central reserve police force and he gave his five years to the central reserve police force.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After that Since 2007, he joins in Swami Rama Dhyan Gurukul, SRSG, Rishikesh. His study started under guiding Swami Veda Bharati (Disciple of Swami Rama Himalaya).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yogi Prashant\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is born in Rishikesh.he has started his yoga journey at an early age. Growing up within the yogic place Rishikesh helped him to digest this yogic knowledge.his yoga aimsYoga to improve mind, body, and soul. When yoga teachers love what they do, that feeling also transfers to the students.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mohit Bhandari\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is born in Rishikesh. he completed his basic education from Rishikesh as well. Mohit excels in teaching Traditional Hatha and Astanga Yoga and firmly believes in adjustment and alignment are essentials to learn in order to learn and practice any kind of yoga. Yoga students come from all over the world to take his classes and commonly practice with him for one or more months at a time. The results are oftentimes profound, students have returned home with straighter backs and clearer minds.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 674078646, "givenName": "Tanvi", "familyName": "Garg", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tanvi-Garg-72"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1568381865890330, "numViews": 3837, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 64070615, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Rishi-Krishnatre-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hello i would like to suggest you the best yoga teacher ever in India is none other then Yogi Kamal Singh.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-84dd304502c65e848620be30f38472d1.webp\", \"height\": 440, \"width\": 330, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-84dd304502c65e848620be30f38472d1-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#2c2c2c\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yogi Kamal Singh\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", one of the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"best Ashtanga yoga teachers in India\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", is known for his motivating yoga classes at Tattvaa Yogashala - Rishikesh. A yoga class with Yogi Kamal includes powerful adjustments which safely teach students the depths of each asana. Yoga students come from all over the world to take his classes and commonly practice with him for one or more months at a time. The results are oftentimes profound, students have returned home with straighter backs and clearer minds. He is also a senior yoga teacher trainer conducting yoga teacher trainings and workshops internationally during the Indian off-season months. Yogi Kamal Singh is a native of Rishikesh, born and raised in the Yoga Capital of the World. Following the strict instructions from his Guru, he travelled the country for five years, studying with yoga masters all over India. He holds numerous yoga certificates from organisations such as Bihar School of Yoga, Sivananda, Satyananda Academies etc. He also earned a Masters Degree in Yoga Studies from Garhwal University.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 323284894, "givenName": "Rishi", "familyName": "Krishnatre", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishi-Krishnatre-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1511342516091769, "numViews": 3778, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 1477743663426242, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Vyasay", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There have been many influential and well-respected yoga teachers throughout the history of yoga in India. Here are some of the most renowned yoga teachers in India:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Patanjali: He is considered the father of yoga, as he is credited with writing the Yoga Sutras, a collection of 196 verses that describe the philosophy and practice of yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"B.K.S. Iyengar: He is widely regarded as one of the greatest yoga teachers of the 20th century. His method of yoga, called Iyengar Yoga, emphasizes precision, alignment, and the use of props to help students achieve correct alignment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tirumalai Krishnamacharya: He is known as the \\\"father of modern yoga\\\" and was influential in the revival of yoga in India in the 20th century. He trained many of the most famous yoga teachers of the time, including B.K.S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and Indra Devi.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sri K. Pattabhi Jois: He is the founder of Ashtanga Yoga, a style of yoga that emphasizes a specific sequence of poses and the use of synchronized breath and movement.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Swami Sivananda: He was a spiritual leader and yoga teacher who founded the Divine Life Society, an organization dedicated to the practice of yoga and the teachings of Vedanta.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"T. Krishnamacharya's son, T.K.V. Desikachar: He continued his father's legacy by teaching yoga and founding the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, an organization dedicated to the teachings of Krishnamacharya.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These are just a few of the many influential yoga teachers in India, and there are certainly many others who have made significant contributions to the practice and philosophy of yoga.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2128123775, "givenName": "Vyasay", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vyasay"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1682978870639183, "numViews": 495, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 345404330, "url": "/Who-are-the-best-Yoga-teachers-ever-in-India/answer/Elizabeth-Gowing-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Dr. Kalpana Karia\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"YTT Instructor | Multistyle Yoga and Philosophy\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Kalpana Karia started learning yoga from her father at the age of 9. Once she turned 18, she went to London to further her studies in Radiology. After completing her studies in London she went to Rishikesh India and took an intensive yoga teachers training course at Sivananda Ashram. In 1997 she was appointed as the director for East African studies by the British school of Yoga , where she taught Yoga voluntarily and trained many teachers. After meeting the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi encouraged her to write the second edition of her book. 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By not trying. Nothing is less impressive than someone who tries to impress. Rather, one who is comfortable with her- or himself and others is always appreciated. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. Take interest in the other person. 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Or by masterfully faking \\\"not trying\\\". I suppose it is latter, because simply \\\"not trying\\\" means keeping low profile, there is nothing impressive about that either. So how \\\"not trying\\\" in this particular case be faked?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8758122, "creationTime": 1424718574018568, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=8758122&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, not trying to impress someone does not necessarily mean keeping a low profile; it means being yourself. \\\"Faking\\\" not trying is even worse: it's incredibly transparent and offputting.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8758979, "creationTime": 1424721785278305, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=8758979&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 56297611, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alex-Komarov", "givenName": "Alex", "familyName": "Komarov"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"but for me being \\\"myself\\\" presicely mean to keep low profile, or better yet being totally invisible. so does this mean I am out of luck impressing someone?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8759004, "creationTime": 1424721861653835, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=8759004&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would think you would want to develop your ability to talk to people for your own benefit. Until you have that ability, you probably won't be able to impress anyone, as they won't have a chance to get to know you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8759097, "creationTime": 1424722254771286, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=8759097&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 56297611, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alex-Komarov", "givenName": "Alex", "familyName": "Komarov"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"you call it \\\"develop\\\" I call it \\\"fake\\\" - same thing...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 8759577, "creationTime": 1424724346269927, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=8759577&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, I disagree.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 7784919, "creationTime": 1419712591372092, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7784919&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 28545980, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 7785592, "creationTime": 1419716692005420, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7785592&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks. Your enthusiasm is flattering.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 7785729, "creationTime": 1419717552472468, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7785729&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 28545980, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 7785812, "creationTime": 1419718091510369, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7785812&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, I would agree. I believe that, at times, a reserved manner has probably affected others' opinions of me negatively. But when I'm enthusiastic, I think people may get caught up in the spirit of it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 7785859, "creationTime": 1419718421309681, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7785859&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 28545980, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 7785910, "creationTime": 1419718729297307, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Rebecca-Billy?comment_id=7785910&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 50879993, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rebecca-Billy", "givenName": "Rebecca", "familyName": "Billy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Awesome. It's a good point. I think perhaps that's what I was getting at when I mentioned \\\"genuine interest,\\\" but this takes it farther. Genuine enthusiasm, not flattery.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 8816020, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Timothy-Kenny-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Each answer here is different because people are impressed by different things. That's because people value different things. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The biggest mistake people make is assuming the other person shares their interests and values. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Before you impress guess or ask questions to figure out what will impress them. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most people in practice will put their best foot forward but they live in a culture that restricts how and when to do it. 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Most people would rather feel good for being interesting/impressive themselves than to bask in your impressiveness. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At the superficial level this is your run of the mill ego stroking, at a deeper level it's realizing that everyone is here to teach you something and getting good at finding out what the lesson is. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From iphone\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4339040, "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Kenny", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Kenny-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1419615006439604, "numViews": 4273, "numUpvotes": 14, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 13351321, "creationTime": 1444244257309452, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Timothy-Kenny-1?comment_id=13351321&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 25575706, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tara-Wu-1", "givenName": "Tara", "familyName": "Wu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"In one culture you see people shamelessly flaunting, in another they openly compete for who can be the most humble or authentic and down to earth or caring and empathetic.\\\" \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When you said this, you seem to have the cultures in mind. Can you at least tell me which culture promotes values that result people compete for being the most humble, authentic, down-to-earth, caring, and empathetic person?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 14696634, "creationTime": 1449384271522400, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Timothy-Kenny-1?comment_id=14696634&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 14983676, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kate-Baker-16", "givenName": "Kate", "familyName": "Baker"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-07b00e0cdf22897378fa7eaddaf0c80f-lq\", \"height\": 155, \"width\": 207, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-07b00e0cdf22897378fa7eaddaf0c80f-lq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#e2e8ed\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\u200b\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2209229, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Karen-Tiede", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ask about the person you are talking with. People are impressed by people who listen to them. It's way easier than trying to SAY anything impressive.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11089154, "givenName": "Karen", "familyName": "Tiede", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Karen-Tiede"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362950388125444, "numViews": 2169, "numUpvotes": 17, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1922648, "creationTime": 1364642200191790, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Karen-Tiede?comment_id=1922648&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4486588, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ivan-Rasic", "givenName": "Ivan", "familyName": "Rasic"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bravo Karen. The only up-to-the point answer here so far.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 8721469, "creationTime": 1424540432722602, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Karen-Tiede?comment_id=8721469&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 56297611, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alex-Komarov", "givenName": "Alex", "familyName": "Komarov"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So in other words, instead of trying to SAY something impressing, try to ASK something impressing? Like what? What can I ask that is impressive but not intrusive? So if I ask \\\"How is your day going?\\\", is that impressive enough?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 7587624, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Bill-Skaggs-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hate it when people try to be impressive. It's boring as hell, and the only result is to look pretentious. How about trying to be nice instead?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 58261486, "givenName": "Bill", "familyName": "Skaggs", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bill-Skaggs-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1413730145811405, "numViews": 1038, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 9865721, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Steven-Mason", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Impressive\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" means \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"to make an impression\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". If you insist that the stranger first acknowledge you to be one of the smartest individuals on the planet and, moreover, if you do this while you are stark naked, there is little doubt that your impression will be an indelible one.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Absent that, one intelligent observation >> hundreds of banalities. The less you say, the more likely that what you say, if it's especially piquant, will be remembered and thus, you, too. If you can't say something really intelligent, say something witty. If you can do neither, silence itself can be memorable. It made John Cage famous (or infamous).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5614259, "givenName": "Steven", "familyName": "Mason", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Steven-Mason"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1424074295352236, "numViews": 2290, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 12138973, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Michael-Van-In", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Be an impressive listener, not an impressive talker. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, ask a question, then KEEP QUIET while the person responds. If they are shy and struggle to respond, ask leading questions and nod at their answers. Since you are an impressive listener, don't confuse this with showing them that you're an impressive judge. The right place to challenge \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"strangers \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"is on the internet!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 16099739, "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Van In", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Van-In"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1430856111168385, "numViews": 1459, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 12600771, "creationTime": 1440966522418055, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Michael-Van-In?comment_id=12600771&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 71058878, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bill-Berotti", "givenName": "Bill", "familyName": "Berotti"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"The right place to challenge strangers is on the internet!\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"... \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"where we can fiercely attack all who dare to challenge our omniscience concerning subjects -- about which we probably know very little compared to what we are so cavalierly pretending to know -- in a manner which can only be described as a life and death struggle between not just right and wrong, but good and evil, while using every rhetorical weapon in our arsenal in order to completely overwhelm and vanquish the poor, unsuspecting bastard who happened to go looking for nothing more than a friendly and polite conversation ... while all the while strategically concealling our full identities behind the protective screens of our laptops and cell phones.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 12615518, "creationTime": 1441036039969873, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Michael-Van-In?comment_id=12615518&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 16099739, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Van-In", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Van In"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"LOL!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I too, am a legend in my own mind! But I believe it's always best to assume the stranger is not a poor bastard - unless s/he insists on clubbing me with this fact until my pips begin to squeak.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 12616953, "creationTime": 1441040382510129, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Michael-Van-In?comment_id=12616953&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 71058878, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bill-Berotti", "givenName": "Bill", "familyName": "Berotti"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mike, you're a good man.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you have the time, would you mind looking at this question and then maybe glancing through the 15 or so answers, including mine?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your opinion either here or in the messages would be greatly appreciated.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Current Events in U.S. News: 37 million users are reportedly using the Ashley Madison website to cheat on their spouses. What does that say about the society in which we live?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 4689197, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Current-Events-in-U-S-News-37-million-users-are-reportedly-using-the-Ashley-Madison-website-to-cheat-on-their-spouses-What-does-that-say-about-the-society-in-which-we-live\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 12619255, "creationTime": 1441047606789892, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Michael-Van-In?comment_id=12619255&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 16099739, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Van-In", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Van In"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I felt that you were flattering me, William.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But I went there, did that, got insanely furious at some of the content there.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'll try to calm down now ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 17979192, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Julie-Gurner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Listen to them, and ask relevant questions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People will be so shocked that you're not self-focused like the 99% of other people they will meet, that they'll want to know more about you. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most people in conversation are just waiting for their turn to talk....don't be one of them. Don't lead with what you do, or brag about your accomplishments - unless asked - and watch how the conversation changes. Talk about things other than work, and share commonalities that aren't about one upsmanship and impressing anyone. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some of the most impressive people I've met were really secure, funny, smart people who listened well...and seemed to have a genuine interest in the things around them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 68951600, "givenName": "Julie", "familyName": "Gurner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Julie-Gurner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1450730233982379, "numViews": 657, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 13361014, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Carole-Grimley", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The most impressive people are the ones who can make others feel good about themselves. There are different ways to do this and it varies with each stranger. If the stranger already has all the self esteem that he/she needs, then it is easier. You can have a verbal jam session. This is not something to attempt while waiting in line at the grocery store.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 35420924, "givenName": "Carole", "familyName": "Grimley", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Carole-Grimley"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1434551908725596, "numViews": 607, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 13351069, "creationTime": 1444243459251276, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Carole-Grimley?comment_id=13351069&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 25575706, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tara-Wu-1", "givenName": "Tara", "familyName": "Wu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sociopaths belong to that category too. Just saying\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 13366718, "creationTime": 1444309774884063, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Carole-Grimley?comment_id=13366718&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 35420924, "profileUrl": "/profile/Carole-Grimley", "givenName": "Carole", "familyName": "Grimley"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"yep\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 14772334, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Diana-3008", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Be respectful, do not enter his or her personal space, be appropriate in your comments - and above all - LISTEN to what the person is saying and don't talk over the top of the person.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Checklist: Are you clean and well-ironed? Shoes clean? Is your personal hygiene up to date? Are you pleasant and friendly without being familiar?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Good luck!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 41197513, "givenName": "Diana", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Diana-3008"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1439508354401943, "numViews": 706, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 15171387, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Bill-Berotti", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"By not trying to impress that stranger and simply talking to that person as though he or she were a human being and you were a human being.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People who affirmatively seek the respect that supposedly comes from impressing others during ordinary conversations rarely get the respect they crave.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"While others who simply converse without pretenses or ulterior motives usually wind up getting more respect than they ever expected.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 71058878, "givenName": "Bill", "familyName": "Berotti", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bill-Berotti"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1440965071090463, "numViews": 585, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 14312362, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/El-Capitan-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's nothing to it. Find something about them that YOU like. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Then ask them about that. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People love to talk about themselves more than anything. If you ask them about their boring lives, and listen to their boring tales without shooting yourself, they will describe you as a \\\"great conversationalist\\\". \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You just have to listen to them. I find it hard, because I have much more interesting things to talk about.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 26959669, "givenName": "El", "familyName": "Capitan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/El-Capitan-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1437884783872224, "numViews": 509, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 13896872, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Stephen-Punwasi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't try to be. People that listen are rare. Just demonstrate your genuine interest in the person by hearing what \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"they\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" have to say.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6761696, "givenName": "Stephen", "familyName": "Punwasi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Stephen-Punwasi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1436454431018808, "numViews": 463, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 10232727, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Aniket-Jadhav-17", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, I was on a trip back home to Bombay and a very famous retired IFS officer happened to sit beside me. While talking to him, he mentioned a point which would answer this question of yours. He said: \\n\\\"Aniket, whenever u meet a stranger while traveling or anywhere, say to yourself that this person knows better than me. But make sure that when he departs he should think, what an amazing knowledge this boy has!\\\"\\nSo I guess this piece of advice would keep you away from bragging but it would also help you to make a lasting impression.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 63640079, "givenName": "Aniket", "familyName": "Jadhav", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aniket-Jadhav-17"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1425394252325842, "numViews": 848, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 9194295, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answers/9194295", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Say \\\"How you doin'?\\\" (Joey Tribbiani style)! ;)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1421309895007514, "numViews": 301, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 7903991, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Aditya-Murali-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Observe the Person for quite some time.\\nThen you might find something he/she is fond of or doesnt.\\nStart with that like \\\"Do you like Playing candycrush \\\" :P\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 53819528, "givenName": "Aditya", "familyName": "Murali", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aditya-Murali-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1415329597453662, "numViews": 773, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 9376493, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Hason-N-Nelson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After the greetings are done you can either start with niceties or find common ground along with other probing questions and expound on responses you receive.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 69008289, "givenName": "Hason", "familyName": "N. Nelson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hason-N-Nelson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1422096789644235, "numViews": 211, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 15676206, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Nina-Crespi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"People are quite impressed with a show of self confidence as you look directly in their eyes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, we are a visual society, and place judgment on first impressions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 69594821, "givenName": "Nina", "familyName": "Crespi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nina-Crespi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1442755601321181, "numViews": 21, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 17514007, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Stephen-Baish", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"TQ 4 A2A\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nMy apologies for my late attention to your question. I'm rather late. However certain you would have received professional sound advice in the answers provided by Quora members. I'll take my chance, better late than never. Let's give it a go & see if we can come up with something different or at least something to enhance your special occasion whilst conscious of satisfying your desire to being \\\"Impressive\\\" on the night. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"May I firstly share my thoughts as to some \\\"essentially missing\\\" information to which I'm sure we've all been kept in the dark. This leads me to look into your question, with the need to make some large but not unreasonable, assumptions in order to provide you with an answer that would be more relevant & hopefully helpful. My first assumption is, 1) This 1st meeting could be described as a \\\"Personal\\\" meeting. 2) That you do in fact have some \\\"perhaps limited\\\" knowledge of this person your meeting. 3) You've maybe seen a photo and or 4)You at least know their name, or 5)You've been given a basic brief by a third party or viewed data & information about them say, on - line? \\nThese assumptions are partially supported through your desired intention to be \\\"impressive\\\"on the night. This in itself, is a conscious,you've self drawn as a conclusion that implicitly implies. albeit you may not have met before, you are likely to possess (however limited) certain information that enabled you to form your opinion or you've simply decided to follow on some third party advice. Either could well have helped you to draw some conclusions you to decide on your self decided crucial objective that a success of this 1st meeting, is significantly subject to your ability to be \\\"impressive\\\", therein determining the \\\"critical success factor\\\" if having been impressive , We will also have . Incidentally, this obvious has a cognitive next where as matter of fact, you shall indubitably \\\"Leave a 1st Impression\\\" too. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Here are 3 quotes to set our minds in gear & focus. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Q1)You never get a second chance to make a first impression. \\nQ2)First impression are the most important impressions be cause we only get that one chance. & They do Count & They do Last. \\nQ3) Dress to Kill or Dress to Impress.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To begin, there's some good to opportunistic or rather scientific evidenced news that can help us to hone in on the \\\"Cognitively Critical\\\"Characteristics & Personality Strengths that will count most in forming that \\\"First Impression\\\"' Note. there are considerably more important aspects to consider if one is looking to be impressive than concerning ourself a exclusively on the verbal content, which as a matter of fact, sits way down the list of importance & or relevance. Surprisingly Low. I've Shall therefore contribute a relitivly small consideration in regards to the interpersonal communications, knowing you will have received first class replies already from Quora members A2A. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fundamentally. This process of being Impressive is starting to show itself to be (as we should expect it to) nothing less than \\\" Evolutionary Selection Techniques\\\" \\nA1) Physical Appearance add along with this \\\"Presence\\\" There's seriously belief in many quarters that up to 80% of First Impressions are formed by the initial sighting \\\" Physical Appearance\\\" think about Attire, Your Style, Image (How you are seen, is that first look, Mental Image (brain clicked photo) Body Posture & Stance, Suggest & Agree Hand Phones switch off . Both Check agreed 5 mins every hour plus , How you carry yourself). Teeth, Skin, Facial ( a good brush up a must, plus generally good care of self . Some early nights & a treat yourself to a facial may be the call off order) Features Your Aura needs to be glowing, shining , dazzling, quietly drawing attention, in that your \\\"Presence\\\" is abundantly clear for all to see. Your Presence is felt, Silently Impressive. \\nMake that first 1/10th of a second YES 1/10th of S second or others have it relaxed at 7 seconds the Initial First Impression is taken. Now just take a count. They're you go. Critical Time Lines . You got it. \\nHand Shake . Respectfully Firm & Slightly Delay Held,( it's thought the Raport Hand Shake & Into + Eyes is equivalent ( impression effect) to the the next 3 hours of social interaction!!! \\nIntroduce yourself properly, Simultaniously Reminds you to make Eye Contact.( look, means see the colors of their eyes, shared the Energy, show Real Interest & Openness. This collective Raport is depicting your sincerity, delight & delighted coinciding \\\" in the moment\\\" to match your words, then as you allow the hands to separate following the respectable delay, this starts off the process of mentally satisfying stages of Trustworthiness. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Your off. Or Your Off & On. Never Mind. Your still in the game. Roll Craps let's go. You've already been accessed and degree leveled Extrovert or Introvert. Work them eyes, switching . Self Expression . EyesWired toEngaged, work them facial muscled \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" is Wired \\nNote A) throughout many areas of opportuniy\\n to be impressive are not considered to of a verbal nature. It's a fact that in general term, the verbal content at a first meeting, plays a compatibly small part in people's assessment & or judgments in forming that first yet ever lasting impression. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A2) Our number 2 Biggy is \\\"Trustworthyness\\\" again, the impression is not significantly formed from conversation or questions / answers. If at all . Moreover as an (possibly subconscious) overall mental image drawn from observation facial features, facial expressions, eyes, overall appearance , judgment of character traits, spontaneous & noticeable or consistent absorbed behaviors are some of the quick\\nYet Accurate to 90% impressions made. The \\\"Halo \\\" factor \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Note B) it's a general consensus that an individual's observed or intuititive assesments are consistently in good stead. Resulting in a fairly accurate judgments of another's \\\"traits character\\\" and to a relevant but perhaps slightly lesser extent typical behaviors. So let's not concern outselved too much about not letting slip or hiding out not so good make - up. Rather focus on being impressive using our \\\"positive characteristics and personalities. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A3) These Eyes must be connected like no other. A direct fusion to the brain. Don't lose sight of them. They're allowing You to be Looked Into & You to Search into Too. As Always Toying with Critical matter of Trustworthiness. The sensitivities, emotional fragility, weaknesses or strengths. Negatives or Positives. Tolerance, Aggression. Awareness, Kindness amongst the many Virtues, Values, Character Traits, Personality Quirks, Belief System & Perceived Consistency, Stedfast, Sturdiness . The Data being sucked out analysed, churned then a matrix reloaded job. \\nAnother tip to tip, Open the eyes wide to Rise the Eyebrows then with a slight head turn use as Acknowledgment.Increasing Interest. Approvals & Validations. Truthfulness, Honesty , Moob balance \\nAttentive \\nWhilst in a sitting position. tilt slightly forwards towards with the slightest Lean or Turn (without disrespecting their space) subtle closeness demonstrates your serious engaged & wanting to listen .All Ears & Sincere. Receive the truth all about You, \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A4) Talk to Me \\\"I knew the moment we met you'd be interesting but this is Fascinating Stuff , real life experiences, beyond any pre considered thoughts or expectations I had . Thank you for sharing with me. I should be ashamed to tounlr you with my trivia, i am who you see. I Non spectacular truer from humble beings.its a start ya \\\" laugh\\\" . It's me that should be impressing \\nI've little to add on the verbal from. Perhaps a quick reference for completion. Language, Accent, Voice, Cultural Matters, Skill full Management & Control of A Language is Only Impressive to those who hold an eqiverlent appreciation of its qualities too. Otherwise The Tone, Quality & Loudness of our Voices will certainly have some influence as to the impression negative traits of of characters. Calm, Slow, Decisive. along with Speach Clarity. Soft Low Clear Speaking vs Hard High Pitched Mumbling & Spitting Out.. As for content. I would only remind this. You've had a real effect on me this event can Communication is Not A Play. It's 2 humans sharing some quite private information. In Good Faith. Out of courteously allow them to feel comfortable talking motivate, encourage, \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Note C) Periodically Produce that Pleasantly Practiced Smile (friendly, inviting. welcoming). Combined with you impeccable standards of good manner. \\nFrom D 1/10th to the completetion of the event. Confidence breeds and brings Confidence. Then Exude Confidence. It's that simple. Be Yourself always. \\nKeep Straightening your Stance when standing. Maximize You. Stand Tall. Have Presence. Body Posture. Smile an Atmosphere of Strength, Secutity & Comfort. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Notes & Closing Tip 4) For your sense of \\\"I've given the all of me\\\" Please do Prep Properly before the Big Night. Acting Out & Nerd Like Rehearsals are Insisted upon !!! Ask yourself, have I thought of everything. My Quick Chk list ? Is there any more in my assesment of self \\\"benevolent best of me\\\" that can make a big differences? What are the Key Areas of Critical Relativeness I need to be upping My Anti ,bringing an uncomfortable area into one of confidently \\\"'Impressive\\\" in light of such influentially of opinion some makers. To Focus My Every on introducing Automatic Deliversnce to maximize my impressive self. Yet again Disassociates Verbal Communications as Irrelevant contribution or consideration of verbal communications\\\" don't have in effecting \\\"First Impressions\\\" on the night?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The F I Quick Chk List. \\nLevel 1 Physical Appearance, Image, Style, Status Brand ( A Chance to Rationalize Self. Stand Out. Positive Effect to Self Attitude Confidence. Your a Mental Image, Presence, Trustworthiness, Confidence, Intelligence, Sexual Preferences, Career Successful, On the Rise, Dominance, Promiscuity, Expressive, Openness, Enthusiasm, Passionate. Inspirational, Organized,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Outfit / Attire clean & pressed. Footware glistening, , Scrubbed &'Brushed, Sparkling self. Openness, Thoughtful. Likable, Positive Relaxed, Adjusted Positive Attitude. Posture Practiced, Standing Stance, Facial Feature Flexible, Best Packed Friendly Smile, Facial Expressions, Conciousness \\\"In The Moment\\\". Emotionally Stabile, Attitude Positivly Adjusted. \\nAlways Yourself. Genuine . Self. I, My, M. No Room for a Feigned False or Fake Projecting of Ones Self or Acting Out a Phoney Self. Impresses No One. Confuses the Process &Unnecessarily Delays Serious Efforts to Help You & Others like you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nOther. Body Positive, Fresh, On Time, Time Aware, Maximising Use of Time, Subtly Parfumed Atoma. \\n\\\"Manners Maketh the Man\\\" for sure isn't a part of the past. A Spontaneous, Natural Use is Graciously Appreciated by Everyone in Reciept of the Same. Virtues, Values, Principles, Morality. \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Phil Maguire's answer to What would be the most likely or common causes for someone in their mid 30's to start losing their memory also becoming increasingly forgetful?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"answer\", \"aid\": 17534517, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/What-would-be-the-most-likely-or-common-causes-for-someone-in-their-mid-30s-to-start-losing-their-memory-also-becoming-increasingly-forgetful/answer/Phil-Maguire-1\"}}}, {\"text\": \" of Impression Bias, Confirmation Bias. False Mental Images Effected by Stereotyped influences, Cultural Stigmata, \\nRemain Energised, Strong, Tolerent, Aware, Sensitive, In Control, Attentitive, Attention Present,\\nAvoidant Subjects, Polotics, Religiosity, Relationships Past, Reinforce Subjects. Trust Me, Test Me. Need to Know from You. Likes . Loves. Dislikes . Hates . Issues , Concerns , Problems, Change a Process & Timings. Diary, Foods, Music, Sport, Hobbies, \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Whatever you do\\\" Please \\\"Do Not arrive last minute or worse Do Not be late\\\" it would prove to be an Unforgivable Sufferance & Life Pain. \\nIt's Not Impressive at all. \\nAGREE PHONES OFF Agree when both should check both & collectively congratulate our 1st decision was one of sensibility. Together. \\nRather l You'll have missed your 1/10 of a second if your late You shall First Impression slot. Let alone abdicating Your Extended 7 second Slot. Time Critical. Sensitive. Apologetic, Remorseful. Betrayed, Disappointment, Unconfident. Sullen. Shakey, \\nAbsolutely No Way. No Belief. No Self or Me left in would leave the rather Nightmare Impression. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"SO . Tell Yoursef \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You Shall Not Be Late. You Shall Be Mindful. You Shall Be Impressive, You Shall Leave a Positive First Impression. You Shall Consistently be \\\"In The Moment\\\" Energized & Attentive. Breaming with Confidence.Have sufficient cause & relevance to progress to a next stage. You Shall have Obtained & Retain Sufficiently Personal Information to put to good effect at the \\\"Second Impression\\\" Meeting. \\nUse the time available to the absolute maximum yet cool & calm . \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Below I've attempted to provide some interesting scientific views in research & proving to be part of the Evolutionary Process of Developed Cognitive Advanced The establishing of First Impressions Going back to the Biological Evolutioary Stage - visual images & strong emotional connection. - evolution of visionary (seeing is believing) - Pschology of Science - Social Pschology- Social Psychologically- Social Cognitive Neuroscience - Cognitive Affective & Behaviors Neuroscience - Impression Management- Splicing- Bias's\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These finding futher depicts the almost irrelevant contribution or consideration \\\"verbal communications\\\" have effecting \\\"First Impressions\\\" \\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://scholar.google.co.id/scholar_url?url=http://www.live-anew.com/sites/default/files/nickersonConfirmationBias.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2BvgACVCQ4cTRIqBqrUpMh02ZxQA&nossl=1&oi=scholarr&ved=0ahUKEwidjqWEssHJAhVObY4KHYlhBjgQgAMIJCgBMAA\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://scholar.google.co.id/scholar_url?url=http://www.live-anew.com/sites/default/files/nickersonConfirmationBias.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2BvgACVCQ4cTRIqBqrUpMh02ZxQA&nossl=1&oi=scholarr&ved=0ahUKEwidjqWEssHJAhVObY4KHYlhBjgQgAMIJCgBMAA\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://scholar.google.co.id/scholar_url?url=http://nuovoeutile.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/BIASED-ASSIMILATION-AND-ATTITUDE-POLARIZATION.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm0G7vsf-WNRwPDJJRXk3-ZxHJq_3Q&nossl=1&oi=scholarr&ved=0ahUKEwidjqWEssHJAhVObY4KHYlhBjgQgAMIIygAMAA\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://scholar.google.co.id/scholar_url?url=http://nuovoeutile.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/BIASED-ASSIMILATION-AND-ATTITUDE-POLARIZATION.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm0G7vsf-WNRwPDJJRXk3-ZxHJq_3Q&nossl=1&oi=scholarr&ved=0ahUKEwidjqWEssHJAhVObY4KHYlhBjgQgAMIIygAMAA\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nThin Splicing - Self FullFiling Prophecies - Halo - \\nSpeedy Snap Judgments - Character Traits & Personslities determined & recognizable from Facial Images & Features. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/first-impressions-count-how-people-make-snap-judgements-based-on-your-profile-picture-9637319.html\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/first-impressions-count-how-people-make-snap-judgements-based-on-your-profile-picture-9637319.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://blog.crew.co/weird-science-first-impressions/\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://blog.crew.co/weird-science-first-impressions/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/8097-science-good-first-impression.html\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/8097-science-good-first-impression.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-luck/201302/the-science-first-impressions\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-luck/201302/the-science-first-impressions\"}}}, {\"text\": \" http\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"://\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/05/05/308349318/you-had-me-at-hello-the-science-behind-first-impressions\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/05/05/308349318/you-had-me-at-hello-the-science-behind-first-impressions\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All of these scientific developments and advances show the the improved accuracy being achieved through cognitive development of the human brain. 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Teeth can make a deep impression.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Edit:\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nThis answer has been loved by many the world over and already has over six upvotes. Nonetheless, it is has been found by the Quora gods to be insufficiently helpful, so let me add another suggestion: Take the stranger's hand and gently kiss the back with a bit of a nibble as you go. This will be very memorable and will leave a firm impression of you in that stranger's mind, even if it does not leave an actual impression of your teeth in the flesh.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 66864316, "givenName": "Kevin", "familyName": "Lawson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kevin-Lawson-14"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1418395618089896, "numViews": 945, "numUpvotes": 10, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 18202149, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Kavin-Pal", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If he/she needs any sort of help feel free to advise/help in a humble way. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When I meet strangers the first thing I initiate a conversation and wait for their reaction, if they don't respond try one more time still no respond then i will stop the conversation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If he/she is also interested in the conversation then try to get some information what he is about and interesting things for him/her. Sports/technology/Politics/Social awareness always use the same topics for conversation as they wish to. This will impress any stranger.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 71672441, "givenName": "Kavin", "familyName": "Pal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kavin-Pal"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1451479046654666, "numViews": 332, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 20526805, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Armanos-Arman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Easy! Get them to talk about themselves especially get them to talk about things they are passionate about and things that make them recall happy things and memories. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ever had a date that went bad, try this and you'll have them kissing the ground you walk on. Example if the person says I enjoy going to the beach you might ask something like what's the best and fun time you had at the beach? You just see them light up like a christmas tree. They'll leave feeling like that person just makes me feel so good.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38445913, "givenName": "Armanos", "familyName": "Arman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Armanos-Arman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1457906768546316, "numViews": 302, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2209678, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answers/2209678", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. nice friendly smile\\n2. good vocabulary and confidence while speaking\\n3. respectfulness\\nthese three things i think would help u impress a person.. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Assumption: you are speaking something that makes sense\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362961308016860, "numViews": 902, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 35698374, "url": "/Smart-People-How-can-one-be-impressive-while-talking-to-stranger-which-he-met-first-time/answer/Anand-Ravat-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I met a strange man, he giving me bliss for three days naming Quora.I am going fall in love with Quorarian writer and viewer they all gave me strong energy of positive love and appreciation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks loving man Quora.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 171851878, "givenName": "Anand", "familyName": "Ravat", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anand-Ravat-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1485801331752022, "numViews": 26, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 62652056, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Barry-Gehm", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Strictly speaking, one becomes allergic to complexes nickel forms with amino acids in proteins it contacts, but yes. Nickel is rather allergenic in this way.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 242606923, "givenName": "Barry", "familyName": "Gehm", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Barry-Gehm"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1510199568076427, "numViews": 566, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 47136955, "creationTime": 1510200616611378, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Barry-Gehm?comment_id=47136955&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 284959602, "profileUrl": "/profile/Cheyenne-Howell-5", "givenName": "Cheyenne", "familyName": "Howell"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Oh. I was just wondering because I'm allergic to nickel. I can't wear cheap earrings otherwise my skin will get itchy, irritated, and red.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2161689, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Atman-Dave", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Allergens are things that illicit an in immune response, There are 2 types of allergens: (1) \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"antigens \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"and (2) \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"haptens\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Haptens, on their own, cannot illicit an immune response.\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" In the those people that have skin allergies to metals\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (e.g. getting a rash from a cheap bracelet), some of the metal particles form soluble complexes with proteins. This complex is called a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"hapten-carrier conjugate\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This pic shows a non-metal hapten doing its thing:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5be85c3bf30f106eeabb037191b3fb3f-pjlq\", \"height\": 518, \"width\": 405, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5be85c3bf30f106eeabb037191b3fb3f-pjlq\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, for instance, a chromium watch you have might rub against you skin. Most of the chromium on watch will be oxidized and very inert, but a few might be in salt form (a chromate) - lucky enough to cross the outer layer of your skin, the stratum corneum. Once they pass this layer, they (can) form complexes with some of the proteins in the region - the epidermis (part of which is the stratum corneum the chromium atoms passed). These chromium-epidermal proteins are the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"hapten-carrier conjugates \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"described above.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Usually, though, chromate allergies are not from things that are plates with chromium - it is too inert to react:\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Chrome contact allergy. DermNet NZ\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.dermnetnz.org/dermatitis/chrome-allergy.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These complexes go on to start the whole immune response described in \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Shibanshu Mukhopadhyay\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 5530516, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay\"}}}, {\"text\": \"'s answer.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nHere is a paper about chromates binding to proteins at different strength:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Hapten conjugation in the leucocyte migration ... [Br J Dermatol. 1982]\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6174139\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5474787, "givenName": "Atman", "familyName": "Dave", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Atman-Dave"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362062558915629, "numViews": 1323, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805390, "creationTime": 1362062727475941, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Atman-Dave?comment_id=1805390&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5530516, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay", "givenName": "Shibanshu", "familyName": "Mukhopadhyay"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just some constructive feedback here. I really enjoyed learning from your answer, but I think when the background of the OP is not technical enough, isn't it better to post in more generalized language?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1806522, "creationTime": 1362084465817735, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Atman-Dave?comment_id=1806522&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5474787, "profileUrl": "/profile/Atman-Dave", "givenName": "Atman", "familyName": "Dave"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks. I'm just getting into the hang of answering stuff\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1811466, "creationTime": 1362191476760704, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Atman-Dave?comment_id=1811466&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5530516, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shibanshu-Mukhopadhyay", "givenName": "Shibanshu", "familyName": "Mukhopadhyay"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cheers, we're all learning.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 121951892, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Michaelann-Dahlman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have often wondered about this, as I am allergic to gold & stainless steel. I have never thought to ask my allergist about it, but my best guess is that some tiny amount to the metal perhaps is absorbed through the skin, like transdermal medications do?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 429728359, "givenName": "Michaelann", "familyName": "Dahlman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michaelann-Dahlman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1549769498995320, "numViews": 80, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 121944231, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Jason-Bell-24", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If anyone knew they\\u2019d be on the short list for the Nobel.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"RNA molecules, enzymes, proteins, many biological structures, are binded by metal ions. The immune system in some people is wired to assume metal surface ions that contact the skin are foreign pathogens and attacks them. This immune response is viewed, since only occurs in a minority, as immune dysfunction and possibly from other latent medical issues. The IS is not the only reactant to metal ions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some people get a little rash. The rashes and hives show that the IS is high precision. More than just identifying cells and particles, can identify individual component material.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nobody knows why some people\\u2019s IS reacts to metal ions and not in others. Very little is understood about the IS and pathogens.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Front line sentry cells in some people attack and envelope metal ions, triggering the electrochemical communication network that sends in the antibodies that apply a scorched earth policy. Skin redness is antibodies marching in and wrecking everything in sight. IS cells destroy other IS cells to destroy a foreign pathogen. In metal hypersensitivity, of the allergic reaction kind, are mistaken identity by macrophages and other sentry cells. The macrophages misidentify metal ions for a parasitic invasion, and antibodies, coded and dispatched to the scene, destroy the sentry cells, inflaming the skin, resulting in rash.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 25926072, "givenName": "Jason", "familyName": "Bell", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jason-Bell-24"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1549765479963142, "numViews": 370, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 23119768, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Steve-Cash-21", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Great questions, I have taken some of the advice from this page and used it in a blog post about this very topic. Let me know if there is something I have missed. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"How to choose the right jewellery when you have a metal allergy\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://woodmafia.com.au/updates/choose-right-jewellery-metal-allergy/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 91359978, "givenName": "Steve", "familyName": "Cash", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Steve-Cash-21"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1464238417329572, "numViews": 107, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 134715035, "url": "/What-causes-allergy-from-metals/answer/Richard-King-221", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Allergy to certain metals is quite real, and it complicates life for surgeons and dentists who want to insert metal objects into the body. Make sure your physician and dentist know about this. Other than that, be careful what metals you touch. Good luck!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 418772718, "givenName": "Richard", "familyName": "King", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Richard-King-221"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1555525745394844, "numViews": 96, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2234855, "url": "/How-much-better-do-you-want-to-feel/answer/Eric-Phil-Phillips", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Much better than I do now. But isn't it that way with everybody? We're all chasing dreams, lookin' for heaven on earth. But it can't happen; heaven is where it is, not on earth. So until we get to heaven, let's strive to get as close as we can to heaven on earth, but recognize that reality dictates that life ain't all gravy, and problems come from minor to major. Except the unexpected, prepare accordingly, and make the best of a bad situation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All communications between inmates and external channels are facilitated by approved volunteers since inmates do not have access to the internet. This program with Quora is part of The Last Mile San Quentin. Twitter: @TLM\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3824765, "givenName": "Eric", "familyName": "\"Phil\" Phillips", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Eric-Phil-Phillips"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363392015051802, "numViews": 800, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2234907, "url": "/How-much-better-do-you-want-to-feel/answer/Mike-Wilhelm", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Oh, the question that has launched countless porn movies and drug deals.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I feel great.\\nIf you don't, why not change what you're doing?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7752686, "givenName": "Mike", "familyName": "Wilhelm", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mike-Wilhelm"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363393170322170, "numViews": 2063, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162500, "url": "/How-much-better-do-you-want-to-feel/answer/Sarang-Jairaj", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Like I was on a high all the time, yet aware of my actions and surroundings.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 12113230, "givenName": "Sarang", "familyName": "Jairaj", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sarang-Jairaj"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362076730523232, "numViews": 110, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2329112, "url": "/How-much-better-do-you-want-to-feel/answer/Larry-Histon", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I realize that life naturally has ups and down, but I'd like to feel that I have equal opportunity for the up side in most circumstances of life. The very nature of my circumstance of incarceration takes that away. This is especially so as it applies to the very basics of everyday existence and the need for competent health care (e.g. eating, sleeping,or seeking medication care).\\n \\nWhen it comes to eating, a prisoner is left with few options.Either you eat in the Chow Hall or from food on your locker.Not everyone is blessed to have a job or a supportive network that could provide an alternative to a feeling of nausea when it is time to eat. If your only source for food is the chow hall, the normal delightful thought of food can turns sour upon reflection of the lack of sanitary conditions under which the food is prepared.\\n \\nI believe that it is doubtful that any prisoner gets what could be considered quality night sleep. When it is time to go to bed, most often this is a comforting feeling. But in prison, the quality of sleep one gets is dependent on external factors beyond our control. We don't control the temperature, the noise levels from other inmates, or from the guards who often times are carelessly disrespectful and lacking in good old fashion common courtesy, while performing their duties in the late night or early morning hours. I look forward to the comforting expectation of getting a good deep night's sleep.\\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"All communications between inmates and external channels are facilitated by approved volunteers since inmates do not have access to the internet. This program with Quora is part of The Last Mile San Quentin. Twitter: @TLM\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6316423, "givenName": "Larry", "familyName": "Histon", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Larry-Histon"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1365204605551466, "numViews": 543, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How can use of \"better\" / \"appropriate\" adjectives improve social interactions?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2221108, "url": "/How-can-use-of-better-appropriate-adjectives-improve-social-interactions/answer/Abhinav-Suresh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't think it has much to do with choice of words. The objective of social interaction is to establish a particular relationship with a person - be it friendship, romance, a professional relationship or acquaintanceship. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The easiest way to do that is to \\\"read\\\" a person (body language, accent, place of origin etc) try to establish a common connection with them. That connection could be an understanding of something they do/like or a common interest. This can be done by figuring out what the appropriate topics of conversation are based on what you have \\\"read\\\" about them. It's a process that gets better with more practice and the ability to share anecdotes about your experiences to establish a connection.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5765235, "givenName": "Abhinav", "familyName": "Suresh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abhinav-Suresh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363158379558545, "numViews": 628, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2184089, "url": "/How-can-use-of-better-appropriate-adjectives-improve-social-interactions/answer/Gerry-Mann", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In my view, improving social interactions goes much deeper than specific changes in language. While better/appropriate adjectives may help, to me it starts with the mindset of building toward the best relationship possible in the given circumstances. Showing respect, listening empathically, clarifying communication, speaking clearly and succinctly from a service mentality, these are the things that will dramatically improve social interactions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1232881, "givenName": "Gerry", "familyName": "Mann", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gerry-Mann"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362501329536384, "numViews": 571, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1833375, "creationTime": 1362679680210185, "url": "/How-can-use-of-better-appropriate-adjectives-improve-social-interactions/answer/Gerry-Mann?comment_id=1833375&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5130890, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sanket-Deshpande-1", "givenName": "Sanket", "familyName": "Deshpande"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Agreed! Empathy and clarity are parent behaviours in facilitating better communication - they would automatically then lead to better selection of words when exchanging thoughts and messages.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "The Fountainhead (1943 book): ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "Even in today's day and age will Howard Roark have to fight for recognition?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is it possible to do voice recording of phone conversations on android smartphones?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 1477743676588865, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Natalie-Krueger-18", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Absolutely! With the right app, like \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Call Recorder\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" or \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"ACR\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \", you can easily record phone calls on your Android device. Have fun listening to all the conversations you had! ;)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-27dbc5b84da3ac2bcabcf85defb36ee9\", \"height\": 1349, \"width\": 1080, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a8de9f793cfb5892399f7df55a6d88a8\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#dae6d8\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2212003679, "givenName": "Natalie Krueger", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Natalie-Krueger-18"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1688016081170346, "numViews": 83, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 167106364, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Naga-Sudheer-Madduru", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have downloaded so many call recorder apps from play store for mobile which is of stock android.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But none of the app is working i.e. it is recording for just 1 minute thereafter either of the voice is becoming low.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Due to lack of call recorder app I am facing so many problems in day to day life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please suggest the suitable free app to get this done.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regards,\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sudheer\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 59744221, "givenName": "Naga", "familyName": "Sudheer Madduru", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Naga-Sudheer-Madduru"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1568272274202646, "numViews": 44127, "numUpvotes": 22, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 285689912, "creationTime": 1661506897468075, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Naga-Sudheer-Madduru?comment_id=285689912&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1687409275, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chesapink", "givenName": "Chesapink", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"use the cube call recording app with the accessibility function - google the instructions and then you can get all of your calls recorded - the only thing that doesn\u2019t work successfully for me is when I use bluetooth. If I hold the phone you get clarity on both sides.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 61590763, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Jessi-Viscoza", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"First, you\\u2019ll need a Google Voice account. If you don\\u2019t have one, head to the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Google Voice website\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://voice.google.com/\"}}}, {\"text\": \" and follow the on-screen instructions. Then, once your account is set up, you\\u2019ll need to enable recording on your account, which is relatively easy to do.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Step 1: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Navigate to the Google Voice homepage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Step 2: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Settings\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" from the drop-down menu.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4ee16be422f78074c3f7a97674037233\", \"height\": 485, \"width\": 722, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1cce184e4b859ddfce49179204caa20b\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Step 3: \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Select the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Calls\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" tab and check the box labelled \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Enable Recording\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", which is located near the bottom of the page.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"image\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9dbdb7158cca3803bb70f2bc5bb9c01d\", \"height\": 482, \"width\": 838, \"master_url\": \"https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-729d840aee8791e89d715f350514c60b\", \"is_deleted\": false, \"is_sensitive\": false, \"is_uploaded_by_bot\": false, \"zoomable\": true, \"dominant_color\": \"#ffffff\"}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"image\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Once done, you\\u2019ll be able to record incoming calls by simply hitting the \\u201c4\\u201d button on your keypad. When you press \\u201c4,\\u201d you and the person you\\u2019re talking with will hear a message saying that the recording is underway. Press \\u201c4\\u201d again, and the recording will stop and automatically save to your inbox. To access your recordings in the Voice app, head to the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Menu\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and tap \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Recorded\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 64887067, "givenName": "Jessi", "familyName": "Viscoza", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jessi-Viscoza"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1509381698259292, "numViews": 2347, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 68455440, "creationTime": 1532413307801258, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Jessi-Viscoza?comment_id=68455440&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 150148997, "profileUrl": "/profile/Arun-Raj-Yuvi", "givenName": "Arun", "familyName": "Raj (Yuvi)"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can this be made automatic for all the calls?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 83092894, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Alex-Jakushev", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Not a setting per se, but rather methods to do so. It means that an app can be written that will use it and record your calls. If you look in the play store, there are many such apps.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From my personal experience, though, this is somewhat of a gray area - various methods exist, some of them may work for your phone, some may not. Try as many apps as possible, and don't buy any until you confirm that it works for you. App developers understand the situation, and all good call recording apps come with demo version to try.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Technically, if a phone vendor provides call recording capability out of the box, it could look like an option. But they rarely do, and definitely not the mainstream vendors like Samsung, sony, etc.. The reason is that equipping a phone with such function could put it on the wrong side of privacy laws in many countries. Nobody needs this, hence the uncertainty in this whole area.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 32010385, "givenName": "Alex", "familyName": "Jakushev", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alex-Jakushev"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1526115867924307, "numViews": 645, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 166045399, "creationTime": 1603282710217209, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Alex-Jakushev?comment_id=166045399&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 68721099, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kirt-Renee", "givenName": "Kirt", "familyName": "Renee"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"are the aps that are designed to get around the block a security risk?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 82996562, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Duncan-Riley", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let me explain the question further - I need to setup call recording for a friend running a Samsung Galaxy J7+ 2017 model. I\\u2019ve tried multiple apps with zero success, and yet on my Galaxy S7 they all work - the J7 only records the receiver, not the caller, my S7 records both sides.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tried settings - zero luck. The only difference if that I\\u2019m running Android 8.0 and the J7 is running Android 8.1.1.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I\\u2019m not interested in app suggestions - I\\u2019ve tried multiple apps. I\\u2019m not interested in a lecture about legality - I don\\u2019t live in a western country and recording of the calls are both legal AND related to a serious legal matter.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks and I hope someone can assist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 494028, "givenName": "Duncan", "familyName": "Riley", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Duncan-Riley"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1526046298997243, "numViews": 260, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 257363816, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Chris-Chovanek", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most droid have a built in audio recorder, usually called sound recordr, audio memo or something else, it varies across device firmwares\\u2026 if you can't find one download one for free from your app store, there's plenty to choose from\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 656116081, "givenName": "Chris", "familyName": "Chovanek", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chris-Chovanek"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1609420904571445, "numViews": 1561, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 245097078, "creationTime": 1643412867742942, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Chris-Chovanek?comment_id=245097078&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1736814721, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anwar-Manashfi", "givenName": "Anwar", "familyName": "Manashfi"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What if someone recording your conversation using this kind of application\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can you help me to detect this hidden phone\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 61589948, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Ajay-Bhargav-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, you can!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some companies provide an inbuilt call recorder but there are third party apps to do that too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most famous one being Automatic call recorder\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {\"citation\": {\"target\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorder\"}, \"title\": \"Automatic Call Recorder - Android Apps on Google Play\", \"index\": 1, \"unique_id\": \"MYuHx\"}}}, {\"text\": \". It starts recording as soon as you answer a call or your call is answered. There are a ton of other apps on Google Play store that offer different features. Explore them and select the one that suits your needs the best.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 48571126, "givenName": "Ajay", "familyName": "Bhargav", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ajay-Bhargav-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1509381203105304, "numViews": 1362, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2163634, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Ray-Berger-6", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It sure is possible. There are many apps that do just that.\\nTake your pick:\\nC\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"all Recorder - Google Play\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://play.google.com/store/search?q=call+recorder&c=apps\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2762450, "givenName": "Ray", "familyName": "Berger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ray-Berger-6"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362094260599544, "numViews": 602, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 195303844, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Rosko-Lewis-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Search your phone for the \\u2018voice recorder app\\u2019. My last three Android phones had it built in as a fixed piece of software and I assume most Android phones do too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 24515064, "givenName": "Rosko", "familyName": "Lewis", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rosko-Lewis-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1580463261805821, "numViews": 135, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 61612783, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Matt-Jones-143", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most devices do not have an application to record calls by default. However, you can check in the Play Store for apps with this function. You should check on how they work by contacting the developer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Marvin\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 52860466, "givenName": "Matt", "familyName": "Jones", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Matt-Jones-143"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1509398024483375, "numViews": 190, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 244116312, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Harry-Jack-80", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many Android users have the Google Voice app installed on their phone, which makes it easy to record phone calls using a Google Voice account. Not only that, but the app allows you to record your calls for free.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1324841100, "givenName": "Harry", "familyName": "Jack", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Harry-Jack-80"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1602682743576495, "numViews": 199, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 294450988, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Bob-Lee-30", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you have Telegram App on your Android phone, you can record your voice. Here\\u2019s how:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Start Telegram App\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Go to Saved Messages\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Click and hold on the microphone icon to begin recording your voice\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The voice recording will be saved in your saved messages\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you do not have Telegram, then simply head over to Play Store and search for the term \\u201cvoice recorder\\u201d.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are many voice recorder apps available for free.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hope it helps!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 15925084, "givenName": "Bob", "familyName": "Lee", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bob-Lee-30"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1625810508314709, "numViews": 265, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 281475338, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Gerry-Eugene", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You open the camera app on your phone and you should see a round circle with a tiny red circle in the middle of that. Press the red circle and it will start to record. When finished tap the white square and thats it\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1493810375, "givenName": "Gerry", "familyName": "Eugene", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gerry-Eugene"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1620593232445073, "numViews": 129, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 198885170, "creationTime": 1620636961658070, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Gerry-Eugene?comment_id=198885170&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 465582022, "profileUrl": "/profile/Timothy-Hammers", "givenName": "Timothy", "familyName": "Hammers"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you mean just audio without video then your phone may have a voice recorder app built in. If it doesnt these are readily available in the app stores along with apps like \u201ccall recorder\u201d that record your calls.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 96650882, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Besufkad-Menji", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"search for call recorder on play store and install the best rated app\\u2026\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 580616137, "givenName": "Besufkad", "familyName": "Menji", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Besufkad-Menji"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1535106902072677, "numViews": 150, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161315, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Aleksey-Filimonov", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure it is, there are lots of apps (both free and paid) in PlayStore. For example, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Auto Call Recorder\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorder\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11458958, "givenName": "Aleksey", "familyName": "Filimonov", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aleksey-Filimonov"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362055767386859, "numViews": 224, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 96694444, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Alif-Rook", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Touch (or press) the call button on your android phone and it should show you the call record. It usually includes records for the past 30 days.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 356744827, "givenName": "Alif", "familyName": "Rook", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alif-Rook"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1535132364734841, "numViews": 47, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 190178562, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Joseph-oLoughlin-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I use the Automatic Call Recorder Pro app and I think that you might like it. Try it on your Android phone: .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"http://market://details?id=com.appstar.callrecorderpro\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"#\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Try the free version first, then some of it's rivals, as not all work well on different models.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 77268349, "givenName": "Joseph", "familyName": "o'Loughlin", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joseph-oLoughlin-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1578176854246248, "numViews": 138, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 61589496, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Lohith-Menon-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Automatic Call Recorder - Android Apps on Google Play\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorder&hl=en\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Download it and it records your call the moment you make/receive a call.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 105007213, "givenName": "Lohith", "familyName": "Menon", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lohith-Menon-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1509380944694038, "numViews": 816, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 61588949, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Suborno-Ohon", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With third-party apps. There are not phones that can actually record phone calls. You need third-party apps to record the audio of your call.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 369675343, "givenName": "Suborno", "familyName": "Ohon", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Suborno-Ohon"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1509380633535094, "numViews": 267, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 62055643, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Ana-Kumar-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, one can easily record calls on an android phone. All you need is a call recording app, which is present on Google play store like Call Recorder, Automatic Call Recorder, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These apps record every call after getting permission of microphone, calls, etc. The stores file is in mp3 format which...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 176654790, "givenName": "Ana", "familyName": "Kumar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ana-Kumar-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1509742727063419, "numViews": 425, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 352073283, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Mathew-Ashish", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hey, recording calls on android phones is easily possible by tapping on the rec button available on Google dialer or the phone app during an ongoing call. However, nowadays you cant record all calls automatically without another person knowing about it. And now onwards even the play store apps won't be of great use since Google has started banning the APIs all these use to surpass.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All these changes have come to light as Google is working to allow consensual call recording for both parties.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"The Accessibility API is not designed and cannot be requested for remote call audio recording,\\\" All of this comes as Google has been working to Another is the fact that single-party call recording is illegal in several jurisdictions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1038244200, "givenName": "Mathew", "familyName": "Ashish", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mathew-Ashish"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1650888806759517, "numViews": 145, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 353672955, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Obsessed-27", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can use your own phone call recording option by activating it from settings or you can use application that you can get from playstore.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for reading \\u263a\\ufe0f\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1833110046, "givenName": "Obsessed.", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Obsessed-27"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1651589108933831, "numViews": 36, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 354850309, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Duane-Bayliss", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Partha Pratim Deb if you have a Samsung, it already has a reliable call recorder built into it. On other phones such as Oppo, Vivo, etc. there are call recorders as well however they inform both parties \\u201cTHis Call is now being recorded\\u201d and \\u201cCall recording has been stopped\\u201d which may not be \\u201chelpful\\u201d to many callers! Apart from this, several 3rd-party apps are ...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 87670932, "givenName": "Duane", "familyName": "Bayliss", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Duane-Bayliss"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1652102183728440, "numViews": 217, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 264352285, "creationTime": 1652169917305222, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Duane-Bayliss?comment_id=264352285&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 309294173, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sylvia-Chedzey", "givenName": "Sylvia", "familyName": "Chedzey"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you install the app from Playstore called CubeACR it records both sides of the conversations and you can make comments and it also shows who has called you if it is in your contacts\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 264355781, "creationTime": 1652171923746446, "url": "/Is-it-possible-to-do-voice-recording-of-phone-conversations-on-android-smartphones/answer/Duane-Bayliss?comment_id=264355781&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 87670932, "profileUrl": "/profile/Duane-Bayliss", "givenName": "Duane", "familyName": "Bayliss"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sylvia Chedzey \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"I have used this app, and it works well. However, the fact that CUBE ACR (Automatic Call Recorder) saved your conversations on the cloud (online) is something that some people may / may not be comfortable with, as we dont know what levels of security are maintained. Hence would not recommend it - only recommend a phone based (native app) recording!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
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[{"aid": 2161597, "url": "/What-DJ-made-this-track/answer/Palle-Mathiesen", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am thinking maybe \\\"Fake Blood - Mars\\\" ?\\nThe track is only a couple of years old, but has some \\\"mid-90s rave\\\" sequences in it:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iODdvJGpfIA\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7783195, "givenName": "Palle", "familyName": "Mathiesen", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Palle-Mathiesen"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362061242637715, "numViews": 493, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1812726, "creationTime": 1362228936960596, "url": "/What-DJ-made-this-track/answer/Palle-Mathiesen?comment_id=1812726&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3081997, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Urquhart", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Urquhart"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hey Palle - I'll check it out. Thanks\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1812730, "creationTime": 1362229476657118, "url": "/What-DJ-made-this-track/answer/Palle-Mathiesen?comment_id=1812730&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3081997, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Urquhart", "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Urquhart"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No it's not what I'm searching for. Second half reminded me of Beastie's Intergalactic. Anyway, thanks for playing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is it true that most programmers are individualists?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2166927, "url": "/Is-it-true-that-most-programmers-are-individualists/answer/Gil-Yehuda", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are some who are and some who are not. Some who are extroverts, some introverts. Some who rely heavily on teamwork to shore up areas they are not skilled in, and others who believe (or portray) that they are the only programmer you need. I see \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"all \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"types. The question is -- which trait will help developers find success?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of those who are super-individualistic -- if coupled with arrogance (and faulted by skills that don't match) -- if they work in large organizations, they have an interesting challenge to figure out how to be productive and not fired. What will change first: their company's expectations for teamwork? their personality? or their employment status? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The fact of the matter (and the very basis of the very idea \\\"company\\\") is that anything truly valuable requires more than one person to create it. This is the lesson every parent realizes when they understand that you don't self-impregnate, but you pair up to raise a family (at least this is the ideal). Developers who realize how to work with others effectively will become more successful developers. Those who are not, will at least have themselves as their biggest fan.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 129063, "givenName": "Gil", "familyName": "Yehuda", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gil-Yehuda"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362156407297407, "numViews": 850, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1815662, "creationTime": 1362307297244910, "url": "/Is-it-true-that-most-programmers-are-individualists/answer/Gil-Yehuda?comment_id=1815662&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9950299, "profileUrl": "/profile/M-Rafay-Aleem", "givenName": "M. Rafay", "familyName": "Aleem"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The example of how ideal parents raise their children is excellent.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2164586, "url": "/Is-it-true-that-most-programmers-are-individualists/answer/Guruprasad-Zapate-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't think so most programmers are individualists ,because while working in team they must have to co-operate with other developers which are working on different modules/part of software application.\\n Every programmer has it own problem solving patterns and style of coding.Just think why organizational coding standards were introduced?? I am working as a s/w developer and working on a product based application which was created about 7 years ago. It took two months to understand 2500+ classes and 20+ modules which was developed with fair industry standards.Without any standards and patterns for source code it would be a nightmare for any developer who has enough experience though. \\n Now if,a programmer think and act like an individualist than ,even his team member will face terrible problems to tackle exceptions and errors generated by his code.And even worse ,they also find difficult to understand an elegant piece of code that was produced without any language/organizational specific standards. In general,software developed without adhering to any standard have very short life cycle and will be buried by other frustrated developers who spent nights to understand source code and its functionality.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" Don't get confused by buzzwords such as organizational specific standards .It just directs how to develop more manageable and sustainable s/w applications .Let me give information ,Some very common standards followed by s/w professionals includes, each variable ( include temporary also:) ) and methods are given meaningful names.These name itself express their meanings and purpose.Variable such as deactivationDate and parenName are more meaningful than sweetChicks and dickShit .Isn't it?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just remember \\\"Together we are better\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11092483, "givenName": "Guruprasad", "familyName": "Zapate", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Guruprasad-Zapate-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362112747263506, "numViews": 450, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why the vast majority of globally successful fashion designers are men?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2247125, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The largest fashion houses in the world: Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, among others, are privately owned by French holding companies of the world's richest men. As Mariana mentions, there is gender discrimination in fashion: men make the hiring decisions, and men oftentimes hire other men.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bernard Arnault (Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Fendi) has a stable of men who are creative directors at his companies, including newly hired Raf Simons at Dior. His leather and retailing revenues were up 7% in 2012 (\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"LVMH Results, LVMH Financial Report [ http://www.lvmh.com/investor-relations/documentation/results?date=2013 ]\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \").\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Francois-Henri Pinault (Gucci, Yves Siant Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Stella McCartney) is actually pretty egalitarian in having almost half of his design houses headed by women, and his efforts may result in increased sales. (Others should take note). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Alexander McQueen and namesake Stella McCartney had sales increases of 28% in 2012 over 2011 (\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What recession? Luxury brands Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney spur PPR sales surge [ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/what-recession-luxury-brands-alexander-mcqueen-and-stella-mccartney-spur-ppr-sales-surge-8497051.html ]\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"). Gucci, whose creative director is Frida Giannini, also gained 24% by Q3 in 2012 (\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Gucci...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1551496, "givenName": "Jennifer", "familyName": "Lee", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jennifer-Lee-142"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363648152508845, "numViews": 8009, "numUpvotes": 27, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 6, "comments": [{"commentId": 1879980, "creationTime": 1363710580095572, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1879980&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 453385, "profileUrl": "/profile/Emilya-Burd-1", "givenName": "Emilya", "familyName": "Burd"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also, why are the majority of these men are gay...NYTimes made a great article about a year ago that the fashion industry is based on these gay men's idea of a female form thats just so wacky (as we know.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1880414, "creationTime": 1363715870818237, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1880414&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1551496, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jennifer-Lee-142", "givenName": "Jennifer", "familyName": "Lee"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Right. Great quote from an Altman film: \\\"(Gay) men design for the women they want to be with, or the women they want to be.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1880428, "creationTime": 1363716029365154, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1880428&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 453385, "profileUrl": "/profile/Emilya-Burd-1", "givenName": "Emilya", "familyName": "Burd"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"btw I noticed you didnt mention anna wintour anywhere\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 1880446, "creationTime": 1363716284537223, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1880446&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1551496, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jennifer-Lee-142", "givenName": "Jennifer", "familyName": "Lee"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"She's a kingmaker for sure, and she historically has had better relationships with men (except with Miuccia). That may have to do with who advertises with Vogue, though. It's business.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1881217, "creationTime": 1363726974225245, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1881217&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 835, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User-10654929094265547347", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 1881224, "creationTime": 1363727047405267, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Jennifer-Lee-142?comment_id=1881224&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1551496, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jennifer-Lee-142", "givenName": "Jennifer", "familyName": "Lee"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So. Agreed. But we've already established you=best taste ever.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2251518, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Erin-Berkery-Rovner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I've also heard it said in the fashion industry that men are able to design for what women should wear, and women tend to make more wearable clothing (in the NY Times article in the previous answer, this is hinted at in reference to Donna Karan and Diane Von Furstenberg.) It's this idea that women aren't taking enough risks (and I personally don't believe it's true.) \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In American Fashion, with the CFDA, they do make an effort to have diversity in all of their awards (and even though the emerging talent award often goes to more men than women, it's not exclusive, and in the past ten years has gone to women including the Mulleavy sisters from Rodarte and Doo Ri Chung.) \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And I would say that in New York, there are a lot of Ready to Wear Designers who aren't internationally famous, but have a big presence here, like Yeoh Lee with her work on saving the garment District, Anna Sui, Alice & Olivia, Erin Featherston and more having a big following.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1749225, "givenName": "Erin", "familyName": "Berkery-Rovner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Erin-Berkery-Rovner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363720706903292, "numViews": 2923, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1880848, "creationTime": 1363721827873331, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Erin-Berkery-Rovner?comment_id=1880848&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"but those are not famous at all. They might be popular in the States however... but globally known...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1880906, "creationTime": 1363722452016239, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Erin-Berkery-Rovner?comment_id=1880906&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1749225, "profileUrl": "/profile/Erin-Berkery-Rovner", "givenName": "Erin", "familyName": "Berkery-Rovner"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Absolutely, I thought I wrote in the US, sorry for not making that clearer. And in the New York fashion community they are very popular and successful, which is what I was trying to say, that New York does seem to be recognizing some of these up and coming women, and then they have the potential to become more and more famous.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1880976, "creationTime": 1363723436659063, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Erin-Berkery-Rovner?comment_id=1880976&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"very interesting, thanks\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 2668306, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Petr-Misan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The first and main reason is discrimination. But I also have a theory which tries to formulate a secondary reason.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Not only are most of them men, but also gay men. I think this is because most fashion, except for bikinis and lingerie, is not usually supposed to be sexy but beautiful. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And gay men are better at focusing on beauty and ignoring sexiness, particularly when it comes to women's fashion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyway, that's just my two cents.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 19571280, "givenName": "Petr", "familyName": "Misan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Petr-Misan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1371093222911472, "numViews": 994, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2242429, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Surprising, but yes, even in an industry like fashion, there is still a lot of gender discrimination when it comes to promoting women to the top of large organizations. Investors of large corporations are often traditional, older men who still like to see other men in leadership positions. Luckily, there are plen...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5693850, "givenName": "Mariana", "familyName": "Leung-Weinstein", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363563951151860, "numViews": 1837, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 7, "comments": [{"commentId": 1873155, "creationTime": 1363564733748632, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873155&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"can you name a few ladies? apart from Chanel that is death, and Ms. Karan.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873240, "creationTime": 1363565994864462, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873240&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5693850, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein", "givenName": "Mariana", "familyName": "Leung-Weinstein"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Carolina Herrera, Betsey Johnson, Rebecca Minkoff, Catherine Malandrino, Reem Acra, Vera Wang\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873361, "creationTime": 1363568548682560, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873361&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"they are certainly not globally successful. Only Carolina Herrera is widely known. Vera Wang is a wannabe.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873473, "creationTime": 1363571395960222, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873473&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5693850, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein", "givenName": "Mariana", "familyName": "Leung-Weinstein"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Vera Wang is a global brand with a HUGE number of licensed collections in all lifestyle categories around the world. There are very few designers with her level of reach. You are quite ignorant about the industry if you are not aware of that. You should do your research.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873508, "creationTime": 1363572157579491, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873508&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ignorant? I know Vera Wang personally, but, only one out of ten times I mention her name to people in the industry do they know exactly who she is and what makes her different from the rest. You seem to have no clue how this Industry works. I am no newbie dear.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873545, "creationTime": 1363573134614406, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873545&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5693850, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein", "givenName": "Mariana", "familyName": "Leung-Weinstein"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Dear\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have been in the industry for 20 years and have worked with Vera personally. While that doesn't necessarily make me a fan, you can't argue with what she has done with her \\\"empire\\\" (as described by the Wall Street Journal).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"She has multiple programs with many major department stores and extended her brand to lifestyle, home decor, stationery, sportswear and hotel suites in every price tier. Objectively, that makes her a global success. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whether or not you personally \\\"like\\\" her or her aesthetic or not does not make her a \\\"wannabe\\\".\\n .\\nIf you only want to use Quora as a platform to spew hate at people in the industry under the cowardly cover of \\\"Anonymous\\\" then it's not worth my time to respond to you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Good night to you and good luck.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1873595, "creationTime": 1363574248606169, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Mariana-Leung-Weinstein?comment_id=1873595&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"famous in the States and HK does not mean globally known!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 341030126, "url": "/Why-the-vast-majority-of-globally-successful-fashion-designers-are-men/answer/Kelly-Chai-18", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no one answer to this question, but there are a few possible explanations.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"First, men may be more drawn to the creative aspects of fashion design than women. Fashion is often seen as a way to express oneself creatively, and many men may feel more comfortable working in this type of environment than women.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Second, the fashion industry is often very competitive and demanding, and many women may not want to put in the long hours needed to be successful. Men may be more willing or able to work longer hours and put in the extra effort it takes to be a successful designer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally, the vast majority of buyers for high-end fashion brands are women, so it's often more lucrative for men to design women's clothing than men's clothing. Women's clothing is more expensive and has a higher profit margin, so it's generally easier for male designers to make a name for themselves in this market.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 372664697, "givenName": "Kelly Chai", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kelly-Chai-18"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1645860242629377, "numViews": 134, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is learning Ruby the best option rather than learning PHP?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 269652980, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Keshav-281", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby is one of the most common and popular general-purpose languages to create web applications. Rails or Ruby on Rails is an elegant and robust framework that is built on the MVC architecture and has loads of libraries and in-built functions, so that you don\\u2019t have to develop everything from scratch and can focus on the specific business requirements alone. Rails have some of the big names in its kitty \\u2013 Shopify, Airbnb, GitHub are all built with Ruby on Rails. Coding in Ruby is just like talking with another human \\u2013 expressive and easy to comprehend. There are no primitive types in Ruby \\u2013 everything is about objects! A simple Hello World program is a single line-\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"puts \\u201cHello World!\\u201d;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Whereas, PHP was created and developed by Rasmus Lerdorf and Zend technologies and released in the year 1995. It was written in C and C++ language. The PHP code can be embedded in HTML language as well and used as a server-side scripting language. It makes the applications more dynamic and simple. It can easily be connected to a database like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc. PHP has used the PHP interpreter to process the code. It can be executed with the help of command-line tools and GUI applications. PHP is very simple, efficient, secure, and flexible. PHP is widely used in small web applications and is more popular than other languages. A blue elephant having a PHP logo represented the PHP mascot. Oops, a concept has been introduced in PHP 3 and PHP 4, which makes the programming easier.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Differences-\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" * Ruby does not provide different syntax to access the methods, variables, and properties. PHP provides different syntax to access the same.\\n * In Ruby, statement terminators can be used as Newline terminator, it means a character in next line. In PHP, the statement terminator is a semicolon.\\n * In Ruby, to concatenate two strings \\u2018. (dot)\\u2019 is used. In PHP, to c...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1044253964, "givenName": "Keshav", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Keshav-281"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1615358453485636, "numViews": 397, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2165382, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Tamil-Selvan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Choose Ruby\\n-------------------\\n 1. If you are beginner\\n 2. Learning web development\\n 3. Do explore some innovative ideas\\n 4. Want to work in a startup\\n 5. Create a innovative product \\n 6. Check your product ideas whether its achievable or not\\n 7. Want to build a career in web devel (Ruby/Python is future)\\n 8. Want to have fun better than sex.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Choose PHP\\n---------------------\\n 1. Do some cheap work for your client\\n 2. Want to earn quick money\\n 3. Host your product very cheap.\\n 4. Maintain ugly prodcut from client (Better get good money)\\n \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Again to Quote from Peter Norvig \\n(In terms of programming-in-the-large, at Google and elsewhere, I think that language choice is not as important as all the other choices: if you have the right overall architecture, the right team of programmers, the right development process that allows for rapid development with continuous improvement, then many languages will work for you; if you don't have those things you're in trouble regardless of your language choice.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But my suggestion is choose Ruby or Python (it doesn't matter which one). And have Fun. Explore the explorable.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3532653, "givenName": "Tamil", "familyName": "Selvan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tamil-Selvan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362127119057939, "numViews": 312, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 190456560, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Dario-Fumagalli-4", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some of the answers in here are outdated. For some reason, Ruby has kind of lost the growth and innovation pulse it once had.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PHP too, vs Node.js, but PHP manages to still be very relevant and PHP jobs are easy to find. In my country, jobs are like:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. Full stack React + Javascript - most requested and paid\\n2. Java, here it\\u2019s teached at university and companies use it\\n3. PHP, mostly for websites but also shell scripts and data acquisition (Golang here is still little known)\\n4. Python, mostly for AI and data analysis\\n5. Ruby\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This list does...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 75680819, "givenName": "Dario", "familyName": "Fumagalli", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dario-Fumagalli-4"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1578300555215486, "numViews": 1232, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 41180909, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Antony-Wu", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you are building a project from ground up, surely you can build with any language you desire (Python/Ruby/JavaScript/C#/Go/PHP.. take your pick)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you are building on top of an existing framework, you need to stick to the language that the framework is built on. For example, if you are building on top of WordPress, you really are looking for PHP. In some cases, it is possible to decouple service (i.e. WordPress in PHP uses REST api to talk to your web service built in Ruby).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 346973, "givenName": "Antony", "familyName": "Wu", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Antony-Wu"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1491588179200777, "numViews": 314, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 41658672, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Faisal-Iqbal-Qureshi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I almost always use Ruby for my programming. But do one can switch from using PHP to Ruby: Yes and No, depends on tasks you are doing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you want to write a new standalone script, use Ruby. It will give you lots of magic potion to work with.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you have a website code written in PHP and you want to switch to use Ruby. You have to use Rails framework of Ruby. Now you have to learn conventions and workflows and structure of Rails framework on top of Ruby syntax. I would not recommend you to switch to Ruby on Rails just like that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Create CLI utilities, create smaller scripts in Ruby. (use Rake tasks) then work on Ruby on Rails project from scratch to have a go at ROR before starting an actual product.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 46280607, "givenName": "Faisal", "familyName": "Iqbal Qureshi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Faisal-Iqbal-Qureshi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1492073800090713, "numViews": 304, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 33566365, "creationTime": 1492080421250753, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Faisal-Iqbal-Qureshi?comment_id=33566365&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 58355468, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peter-Marien", "givenName": "Peter", "familyName": "Marien"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You don\u2019t need Rails, see the comments on the answer of Garry\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2162922, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Duc-Nguyen-12", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can, of course, learn what you want. But i suggest you go with ruby and not PHP if you can chose from one of them. There may be more jobs for PHP, but those aren't that well-paid in compare to other language, since the number of PHP developers is huge.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I know both, and to tell the truth, sometimes I do hate myself for writing code in PHP :(\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4790794, "givenName": "Duc", "familyName": "Nguyen", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Duc-Nguyen-12"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362081612281318, "numViews": 206, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162674, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Bill-Karwin", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you want to program in Ruby, learn Ruby. \\nIf you want to program in PHP, learn PHP.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Both languages are popular. There are more jobs for PHP.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Both languages have strengths and weaknesses so we can't say one is \\\"better\\\" than the other. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, some people \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"do\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" say things like that, but that's \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"advocacy\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" -- not fact.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3974987, "givenName": "Bill", "familyName": "Karwin", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bill-Karwin"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362078395461833, "numViews": 630, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 41158857, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Bastien-Koert", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure. You can do almost anything with ruby that you can with php. What may be lacking is the large number of libraries and frameworks to choose from when producing code.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4981336, "givenName": "Bastien", "familyName": "Koert", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Bastien-Koert"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1491570165913280, "numViews": 92, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 33566430, "creationTime": 1492080507929941, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Bastien-Koert?comment_id=33566430&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 58355468, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peter-Marien", "givenName": "Peter", "familyName": "Marien"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby lacking libraries and frameworks ? Have you checked ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 87086081, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Ken-Burgett", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby is a lovely object oriented language, rich in capability. PHP is not.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 75381215, "givenName": "Ken", "familyName": "Burgett", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ken-Burgett"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1528778374875262, "numViews": 566, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 41145153, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Gerry-Kavanagh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, if you like.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"However, if you are asking if Ruby is a like-for-like drop-in replacement for PHP, it absolutely is not. The killer feature of PHP is the interoperability with HTML. You can embed PHP in your webpage in very flexible ways that you really can\\u2019t do with any other language. Sure, Ruby has Rails templates which can do something similar, but then you have strayed from Ruby into a framework, with all its attendant complexities.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 42414088, "givenName": "Gerry", "familyName": "Kavanagh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gerry-Kavanagh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1491557836861176, "numViews": 402, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 33239924, "creationTime": 1491558627590270, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Gerry-Kavanagh?comment_id=33239924&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 72648317, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aetherus-Zhou", "givenName": "Aetherus", "familyName": "Zhou"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Actually Ruby ships with its own template engine called ERB, so you don\u2019t need Rails if you just want to do something as simple as embed Ruby code in HTML.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 33240767, "creationTime": 1491560174540886, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Gerry-Kavanagh?comment_id=33240767&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 42414088, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gerry-Kavanagh", "givenName": "Gerry", "familyName": "Kavanagh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for the lesson!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 33566273, "creationTime": 1492080263958668, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Gerry-Kavanagh?comment_id=33566273&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 58355468, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peter-Marien", "givenName": "Peter", "familyName": "Marien"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I agree with Aetherus, also Ruby has more than ten web frameworks I know of to choose from ranging from very simple to Rails \u2018complexity\u2019 I use Sinatra Also There are multiple comman template languages like ERB that can be used as well to easily create dynamic HTML (haml, md etc)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 7809389, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Medi-Lethesh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"both of them are web scripting languages done on server side with different syntax . nowadays php is evolving and used by many top websites like facebook. next scope of language is ruby because of some reasons which i am not aware of to :P .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 58265037, "givenName": "Medi", "familyName": "Lethesh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Medi-Lethesh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1414849144684289, "numViews": 388, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 7020337, "creationTime": 1415485713033387, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Medi-Lethesh?comment_id=7020337&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4669671, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dani-R-125", "givenName": "Dani R", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nope.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" Ruby is not a web scripting language. On the contrary, PHP is.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 7024053, "creationTime": 1415511601131565, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Medi-Lethesh?comment_id=7024053&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 58265037, "profileUrl": "/profile/Medi-Lethesh", "givenName": "Medi", "familyName": "Lethesh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"yea sorry i was wrong . thx :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 14200541, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Ishwar-Rimal", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am still an amature in this field to answer this correctly. But as far I have seen, everywhere I have seen the demand for php developers.. So I personally feel php gas a better career..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 61134016, "givenName": "Ishwar", "familyName": "Rimal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ishwar-Rimal"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1437500884890842, "numViews": 168, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 11879538, "creationTime": 1437501297560497, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Ishwar-Rimal?comment_id=11879538&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 88970565, "profileUrl": "/profile/Flewin-Lopes", "givenName": "Flewin", "familyName": "Lopes"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 31968129, "url": "/Is-learning-Ruby-the-best-option-rather-than-learning-PHP/answer/Helen-Johnson-76", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby was designed by Yukihiro Mastsumoto in 1995. PHP was developed by the PHP Development Team. Ruby is a functional and standardized language, while PHP is a procedural one.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Both these languages are widely used. The websites of such well-known companies as Twitter, Hulu and Groupon are developed on Ruby. PHP is a language of Udemy, Wikipedia, and Facebook.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Main Differences:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Implementations\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Ruby \\u2013 YARV, MacRuby, JRuby, HotRuby, Rubinius, Ruby MRI, etc. PHP \\u2013 Phalanger, Project Zero, Zend Engine, Parrot, Quercus, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"syntax\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" is easy-to-comprehend, while PHP code may cause problems because of its syntax nature and standard library.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Statement terminator\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". In Ruby, it is a newline character, in PHP \\u2013 semicolon. For PHP, there is no secondary statement separator, while for Ruby it is a semicolon.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In PHP, blocks of code are ended with curly brackets, in Ruby \\u2013 with the word \\u2018end\\u2019.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Integer data types\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Ruby \\u2013 no support, PHP supports 32-bit and 64-bit ones.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Complex numbers\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". PHP \\u2013 no support. Ruby supports double precision complex numbers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ruby supports records, while PHP does not. But it supports classes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Word size\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Ruby \\u2013 support, PHP \\u2013 no support.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In Ruby, types are regular objects and they can be assigned. PHP does not support such feature.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Frameworks.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" Ruby \\u2013 Cramping, Cramp, Ruby on Rails, Grape, Fiasco, Cuba. PHP \\u2013 CakePHP, Codelgniter, Symfony, etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To host \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Ruby apps is rather expensive and it is a complex time-consuming process. Hosting PHP apps is cheaper and it takes less time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 57923187, "givenName": "Helen", "familyName": "Johnson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Helen-Johnson-76"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1481018652117338, "numViews": 3486, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What does k-core distribution mean?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162222, "url": "/What-does-k-core-distribution-mean/answer/Todd-Gardiner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It was defined in that article.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"So the fraction of the network with a certain number of friends is a crucial indicator of the network\\u2019s vulnerability to cascades. \\nGarcia and co examined this fraction\\u2013they call it k-core distribution\\u2013for networks such as Friendster, Myspace and Facebook and the results are telling. \\u201cWe \\ufb01nd that the di\\ufb00erent online communities have di\\ufb00erent k-core distributions,\\u201d they say.\\\"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nIt is effectively a measurement of the \\\"base\\\" number of friends that most people on the social network have. They gave this number a specific definition so they could measure it, but it just a way of saying that \\\"everyone\\\" on the network has at least 'k' friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38022, "givenName": "Todd", "familyName": "Gardiner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Todd-Gardiner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362072438747706, "numViews": 631, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1810846, "creationTime": 1362175924865874, "url": "/What-does-k-core-distribution-mean/answer/Todd-Gardiner?comment_id=1810846&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks - I read that article way too quick. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are your best workflow tricks with OSX Aqua?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How can I draw information from PDF?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 238410873, "url": "/How-can-I-draw-information-from-PDF/answer/Maruf-Hossain-173", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PDF is one of the safest mediums to store data and keep it away from unauthorized access and let them edit your file. However, in some cases, we need to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"draw on a PDF\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://pdf.wondershare.com/how-to/draw-on-pdf.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \" file for our convenience. Here\\u2019s what you can do to draw on a PDF file:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Open \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"PDFelement\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" on your computer\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Go to the File tab and click on Open file to bring your desired PDF file\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sail across to the comment tab\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Once you go to the comment tab, you\\u2019ll see there are multiple options including drawing tools, for example, pen, pencil, eraser, shapes, and more. Select any of the tools you want based on your drawing needs. Now, you can draw as you please and save the document as a PDF or any other format you want.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 781891927, "givenName": "Maruf", "familyName": "Hossain", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Maruf-Hossain-173"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1599916655838332, "numViews": 824, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Can two lesbians be just friends?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 90830388, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My best friend and I are both lesbians. Even weirder, she's a butch lesbian and I'm a femme lesbian. (At least I think I'm femme? I know I'm not butch, and I really like the idea of being girly for women's eyes only, but I'm still doing research on the labels)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We tried \\\"dating\\\" for a while in eighth grade. Literally nothing happened- everything was exactly the same, only sometimes we said \\\"I love you\\\" in a different tone than usual. We never officially broke up actually, but we were really never dating. I have a girlfriend now, and I'm \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"definitely \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"dating her.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 126922595, "givenName": "Kae", "familyName": "Brieger", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kae-Brieger"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1531334180108614, "numViews": 80019, "numUpvotes": 97, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 67334920, "creationTime": 1531338897639650, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger?comment_id=67334920&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 217667207, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joanna-Thorman", "givenName": "Joanna", "familyName": "Thorman"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everytime you talk about your girlfriend, I can tell you care for her. It's very endearing, because you seem to talk about her a lot. She must be important to you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 67337769, "creationTime": 1531341730401184, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger?comment_id=67337769&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 126922595, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kae-Brieger", "givenName": "Kae", "familyName": "Brieger"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Aww, thank you!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 117411019, "creationTime": 1574063006541005, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger?comment_id=117411019&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 210892784, "profileUrl": "/profile/Shawn-Kautzman-1", "givenName": "Shawn", "familyName": "Kautzman"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm happy you found the one.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 67529959, "creationTime": 1531522129184203, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger?comment_id=67529959&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 408342111, "profileUrl": "/profile/Allen-Jay-15", "givenName": "Allen", "familyName": "Jay"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everyone has friends but we don't always sleep with them.For me one is enough for sex not to mention being truly faithfull to that one person.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 387404505, "creationTime": 1705969157136269, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Kae-Brieger?comment_id=387404505&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 207120427, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lammecke-Iamaloha-McCoy", "givenName": "Lammecke", "familyName": "Iamaloha McCoy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I always felt it was better, and more natural to just be who you feel you are and just explore it. Researching a label is not natural, but artificial in my opinion. You are your identity\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 181109831, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Adrienne-Naomi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That\\u2019s like asking if a straight guy and a straight girl can be friends\\u2014of course they can!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Though there has to be some boundaries in place sometimes in order to make it work out.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For example, one of my best friends is bisexual, and I\\u2019m lesbian.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We have sleepovers with our friend group occasionally. All of us are gay, and so I usually have no problem cuddling and kissing my gay guy friends on the cheek, since we both know it means nothing.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"video\": {\"uuid\": \"5cc1215193264319afe86b2f4a9d5134\", \"version\": 1, \"jwplayer_id\": \"Em62Tsgq\", \"is_web_upload\": false, \"library_video\": true, \"is_creator\": false, \"thumb\": null}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Me and this girl however, definitely can\\u2019t kiss each other like in that video, and have to be more cautious of how we express our friendship to each other.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sometimes we do cuddle to sleep, but we try to keep to minimal physical touch otherwise. We both know it\\u2019s because theres actually potential, due to our orientations, and we would rather keep our friendship in tact and date other people.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So yah, it is possible but you do have to be more aware of and clear with your actions to maintain it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 367689317, "givenName": "Adrienne", "familyName": "Naomi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Adrienne-Naomi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1574053634857723, "numViews": 13129, "numUpvotes": 37, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 117456778, "creationTime": 1574095760207019, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Adrienne-Naomi?comment_id=117456778&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 810958959, "profileUrl": "/profile/Markus-1285", "givenName": "Markus", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"yeah i feel the same. some boys i simply blush for, others i just want to talk to\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 117402599, "creationTime": 1574055492520025, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Adrienne-Naomi?comment_id=117402599&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 523926143, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vikram-Vicky-188", "givenName": "Vikram", "familyName": "Vicky"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Lovely.. adrienne..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 6982482, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Katie-Anne-Holton", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure! It's almost a cliche in the lesbian world that our exes become our best friends. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My bestie and I dated for a while. We weren't great as a couple, but we love each other deeply. Since then, we've seen each other through a clown car load of crushes and crashes and lovers and girlfriends and partners and new exes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We have a pact that if we are both single when I turn 60, we are going to get married. And if plural marriages are legal by then, we'll just pick the existing marriage with the best health plan.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 56684893, "givenName": "Katie", "familyName": "Anne Holton", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Katie-Anne-Holton"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1410541163777729, "numViews": 5952, "numUpvotes": 23, "numShares": 1, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 8986426, "creationTime": 1425813570388636, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Katie-Anne-Holton?comment_id=8986426&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 66478283, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marco-Coppola-1", "givenName": "Marco", "familyName": "Coppola"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Take care what you promise, 60 are not that far. It looks like yesterday when I was 30. Now my oldest kid is 25, and married.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 124610689, "creationTime": 1579253169409739, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Katie-Anne-Holton?comment_id=124610689&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1014254449, "profileUrl": "/profile/Selina-Liss", "givenName": "Selina", "familyName": "Liss"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Great answer\u2026. I envy you your relationship\u2026. Sounds idyllic :-) x\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 90827138, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/AP-279", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No. Never. lesbeasn r jus so hot they cant resist each other. u know wat happen wen dey become frends ? dey fuse 2gether adn tehn explode bc they cant comtain hotness . tats y u never find lesben friesnds. bc they all ded. if we could contain the amount of energy they produce, we would solve the world\\u2019s energy crisis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 544315671, "givenName": "AP", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/AP-279"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1531332045460883, "numViews": 1834, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 67346983, "creationTime": 1531351724094375, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/AP-279?comment_id=67346983&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 439353311, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mar\u00eda-Camila-Araujo", "givenName": "Mar\u00eda", "familyName": "Camila Araujo"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Not all lesbians are Ruby and Sapphire, you know.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 67329618, "creationTime": 1531334203745944, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/AP-279?comment_id=67329618&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 126922595, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kae-Brieger", "givenName": "Kae", "familyName": "Brieger"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"im you\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 90840829, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Jill-McIntosh", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Absolutely.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And I've never slept with any of them. Crazy, huh?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I haven't maintained frienships with my ex's like most end up doing. Mostly due to relocations and not really needing to be in one another's life anymore. No bad feelings, just not any need to keep in touch/be friends. There's a scientific term for it, I think its called \\u201cMoving on\\u201d. ;)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 41868132, "givenName": "Jill", "familyName": "McIntosh", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jill-McIntosh"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1531341550259573, "numViews": 1110, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 13866839, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Molly-Larson-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes. Just like a straight boy can be friends with a straight girl. I have no lesbian friends, but I am hoping to find some.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 78759206, "givenName": "Molly", "familyName": "Larson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Molly-Larson-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1436357720918964, "numViews": 1277, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 21520909, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Erica-Friedman", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes. Just as any two people might be.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It always strikes me odd that people presume gays and lesbians are incapable of being friends with people. Even the average 15 years old boy, whose penis is trying to pop out of his pants all the time is capable of having friends. There's no reason to assume that anyone else might not be able to be friends with other people. And lesbians are not Men Lite (TM) with the same sex constant sex drive as men. They are women who, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"when \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"they form romantic or sexual relationships, do so with other women.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 855809, "givenName": "Erica", "familyName": "Friedman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Erica-Friedman"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1460414617825852, "numViews": 11280, "numUpvotes": 31, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 91356195, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Lorena-Lents", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Absolutely! I have some wonderful lesbian friends (I myself being a full time lesbian).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If people could never be friends with people of the gender/s they\\u2019re attracted to, how would pansexual people have any friends?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 530953785, "givenName": "Lorena", "familyName": "Lents", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lorena-Lents"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1531698849227945, "numViews": 701, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161336, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answers/2161336", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If a straight guy and a straight girl can be just friends then of course two homosexual people can also be just friends!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362056045004208, "numViews": 850, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 123611504, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Sonali-Shamra", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why not. Its just like any other. Any two individuals can be friends and lesbians are no different. We belong to the same species and maybe we have that extra bone because we stand up against a population that has a mediocre thought process.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have a partner for life and yet i do have friends who are lesbians, Does not mean that I get physical with all. Its the narrow mindset that most have that being a lesbian is all about sex. Its not so and at the same time sex is great when it is with the one I love.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I also play an online dominatrix / mistress to a few lesbian women. We dont get physical but they are happy with me dominating them. Guess it answers your question.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 731442614, "givenName": "Sonali", "familyName": "Shamra", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sonali-Shamra"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1550573052260184, "numViews": 2706, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 86530738, "creationTime": 1550587449767409, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Sonali-Shamra?comment_id=86530738&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 91363764, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mudassar-Kondkari", "givenName": "Mudassar", "familyName": "Kondkari"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why can't a lesbian n a guy be friends??\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 287101099, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Aliya-Rajan-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, I'm pretty sure that two straight girls can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Two straight guys can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Two gay guys can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A straight and a gay can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A lesbian and a straight can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And yes, two lesbians can be friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Btw, my best friend and I are two lesbians and we've always been best friends and we both agree we will never be anything more.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1108180136, "givenName": "Aliya", "familyName": "Rajan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Aliya-Rajan-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1622827168662007, "numViews": 479, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 21475128, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Maylena-Johnson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes. I have plenty of lesbian friends. I don't think sexual orientation has a lot to do with friendships. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 136888659, "givenName": "Maylena", "familyName": "Johnson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Maylena-Johnson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1460306475893336, "numViews": 618, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 35767021, "url": "/Can-two-lesbians-be-just-friends/answer/Sena-Erilli", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I always think two lesbians cant be friends but now i dont because i have a really close friend for 9 years and we NEVER thought something like that :D\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 256220647, "givenName": "Sena", "familyName": "Erilli", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sena-Erilli"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1485877250240117, "numViews": 177, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2163118, "url": "/What-are-some-easy-ways-to-improve-gas-mileage/answer/Marcin-Romaszewicz", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fill the tank to full. Zero out your trip meter. Next time you get gas, fill it to full again. Divide the number of miles on your trip meter by the number of gallons you put into the car, and you have a very accurate mpg rating for the driving that you did. The number will change a bit with seasons, and will be higher when you do a lot of driving on the highway, and lower when you do a lot of city driving.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5752913, "givenName": "Marcin", "familyName": "Romaszewicz", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcin-Romaszewicz"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362084729986426, "numViews": 369, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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This means if the same user is visiting the website more than once on a same day, it is counted as a single visit. The algorithm they use is pretty simple. The parameters used to measure the traffic are \\u2018reach\\u2019 (number of Alexa users visiting a site in a day) and \\u2018page views\\u2019 (number of times a particular page or URL is viewed by Alexa users).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This data is acquired from a subset of internet users who use one of the 25,000 browser extensions for Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer etc. The algorithm then looks out for the potential biases and amends it for compensating for the visitors who are not included in the Alexa\\u2019s measurement panel.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and page views is ranked Number 1.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Now, answering your question: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"What does it mean for a website to have a high Alexa ranking?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Simply put, the lower the alexa rank, the better is the estimated traffic.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6207603, "givenName": "Sahil", "familyName": "Kakkar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sahil-Kakkar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1484132146273432, "numViews": 11358, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 12886206, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Michael-Freudenberg", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In SEO the Alexa Rank has become of secondary importance. But it can serve as a measure to assess the traffic to an external website. The 1,000,000 most \\npopular websites will be visited by Alexa. And rated on a scale of 0 to 50,000. Popularity is measured at Alexa in visitor numbers and reach.\\nThe lower the Alexa rank, the better the website is visited. \\nIf you have a lot of friends e.g. 1000 more or less :), they should install the Alexa toolbar and visiting your website. \\nAlso good if not all come from the same City. \\nI'm not sure how Alexa track this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 80877037, "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Freudenberg", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Freudenberg"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1433014115770689, "numViews": 6103, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3115817, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Boaz-Sasson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In Alexa, the lower the number, the higher the estimated traffic to a given website. So, for example, a site with a 244 Alexa rating gets much more traffic than a site with a 14,500 Alexa rating.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 27981607, "givenName": "Boaz", "familyName": "Sasson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Boaz-Sasson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1378658030083520, "numViews": 6283, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 6479848, "creationTime": 1412165420944489, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Boaz-Sasson?comment_id=6479848&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6096789, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alexey-Petrovsky", "givenName": "Alexey", "familyName": "Petrovsky"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can get a rough estimate about visitors per day using a simple formula:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"[1 000 000 000 / Alexa Global Rank]\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Or, if you can get a Alexa Daily Reach% (via Alexa API or use their GIF):\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"[Alexa DR% * 5 000 000]\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Example: Barnes&Noble\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Alexa Global Rank: 1139\\nAlexa Daily Reach: 0.118\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, DAU estimate:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"* using AGR: 1 000 000 000 / 1139 = 664 011 unique visitors daily\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"* using\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" ADR%: 0.118 * 5 000 000 = 413 500 unique visitors daily\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The larger is Alexa number - the less traffic it gets.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"The less is Alexa number - the more traffic it gets.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In both cases an Alexa estimate is close to real data in the range of [SQRT(1000000000)] = 30k visitors per day.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In case of GR# 1/2 (Google/Facebook etc) - you get too much skewed estimate using GR. But ADR% may work better.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 18552397, "creationTime": 1461089217196242, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Boaz-Sasson?comment_id=18552397&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 139851647, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nitin-Gupta-621", "givenName": "Nitin", "familyName": "Gupta"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"what about the site having rank zero?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 22935167, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Piyush-Parmar-8", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Alexa is giving you reverse, if your alexa is 2 then, doesn\\u2019t mean you are low quality website or low traffic. it\\u2019s means your monthly visitor near 28.10B.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And if your alexa is more then 1,00,000 then your monthly traffic is less, might be 3K.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How calculate alexa ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Alexa global traffic rank is a measure of how a website is doing relative to all other sites on the web over the past 3 months. 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Alexa provide a similar country-specific ranking, which is a measurement of how a website ranks in a particular country relative to other sites over the past month.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 75978225, "givenName": "Piyush", "familyName": "Parmar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Piyush-Parmar-8"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1463837094338476, "numViews": 2579, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2206021, "url": "/What-does-it-mean-for-a-website-to-have-a-high-Alexa-ranking/answer/Vincent-Dignan-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To have a high rank, generally speaking, means you are producing a lot of uniques and pageviews, so the lower number, the better! 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This meansthat even if your petition is timely filed next week, IF demand is higher than supply this year, your petition may be rejected.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Disclaimer:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This answer is not a substitute for professional legal advice. This answer does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice. If you ignore this warning and convey confidential information in a private message or comment, there is no duty to keep that information confidential or forego representation adverse to your interests. Seek the advice of a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction before taking any action that may affect your rights. If you believe you have a claim against someone, consult an attorney immediately, otherwise there is a risk that the time allotted to bring your claim may expire. Quora users who provide responses to legal questions are intended third party beneficiaries with certain rights under Quora's Terms of Service (http://www.quora.com/about/tos).\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3545677, "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Ryvin", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Ryvin"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1364494680092894, "numViews": 9093, "numUpvotes": 18, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1922414, "creationTime": 1364633852540249, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answer/Michael-Ryvin?comment_id=1922414&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4382454, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sai-Teja-Pratap", "givenName": "Sai", "familyName": "Teja Pratap"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks for the answer.\\nI have a few questions.\\n1) Is the basic unit of time 1 week ( I mean are all the applications received in a week are considered equivalent) ? Why did the cap end on Apr 2nd in 2008?\\n2) What is premium processing and how does it help?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1923464, "creationTime": 1364664522942895, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answer/Michael-Ryvin?comment_id=1923464&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3545677, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Ryvin", "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Ryvin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All applications received NEXT week are equivalent. \\n \\nBeyond that, we are waiting to hear from USCIS/AILA as to how they will proceed. \\n \\nI don't recall the details from 08, but generally understand that USCIS keeps track of filings and deliveries, and at some point, determines they have enough to meet the quota. Then, a cut-off date is established with a lottery if appropriate. \\n \\nThis year, in anticipation of higher demand, they decided on a slightly different method, which included counting petitions filed in the first week. Beyond that, I suspect they track filings/deliveries on day-to-day basis and employ the method used in the past. \\n \\nHere is an old post with a comparative analysis of 2007 to 2011, for some more background. \\n \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Comparative analysis of H-1B visa usage from 2007 to 2011: U.S. employers hiring more!\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://immlawyr.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/comparative-analysis-of-h-1b-visa-usage-from-2007-to-2011-u-s-employers-hiring-more/\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n \\nI wish you luck.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 20654111, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answer/Ramamurthy-Guruvayurappan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You are confusing between 2 things. Let me try to explain to you for you to understand better. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You are graduating B Tech in India and let us assume someone is graduating in US. Both of you have been hired by the same start up. The H1B petition needs to be filed on 1st April 2016 for commencement of H1 status on 1st october 2016. Now both of you would not have graduated, either from India or from US. But there is a requirement while filing H1B that even though you have not graduated, if the university you are studying gives a letter to the effect that necessary course work has been completed, that can be used as the basis for filing H1B on April 1st, even though the course officially ends in May/June. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So it is a practice in US where such certificates are issued for international students facilitating filing of H1B on April 1st. There is no such procedure in India. Hence, your filing H1B may not happen on 1st April. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So it has nothing to do with big or small cos. All eligible petitions have to go thru lottery. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you have any questions, please let me know. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 39493229, "givenName": "Ramamurthy", "familyName": "Guruvayurappan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ramamurthy-Guruvayurappan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1458211049946638, "numViews": 2915, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2165453, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, there is a quota for companies. How the process works is anybody's guess. If I had to hazard an opinion, it probably depends on the number of H1B's that the US Government wants to issue that particular year. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I got my H1B because my erstwhile company had a quota of 4 visas that year. A friend of mine had to wait another year to get his. However, I do know that if a major company does not fulfill its quota, it is then up for grabs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"EDIT: As you can see, this is an opinion from my experience and I do not have authentic links to support it. Since it is a factual question, if I could get the links by googling, then I'd expect the questioner to do the same.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362128389339741, "numViews": 1483, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808591, "creationTime": 1362132010272759, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453?comment_id=1808591&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4382454, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sai-Teja-Pratap", "givenName": "Sai", "familyName": "Teja Pratap"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please provide links to authentic sources which support your answer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808601, "creationTime": 1362132309062640, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453?comment_id=1808601&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I did mention that it was my opinion from my experience. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And not to be too acerbic, but if there is a readily available link, then why ask not Quora and not just google it?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808631, "creationTime": 1362133273349012, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453?comment_id=1808631&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4382454, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sai-Teja-Pratap", "givenName": "Sai", "familyName": "Teja Pratap"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everything on the web is not so easily accessible.\\nEverything that is accessible on web is not that easy to understand (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Fourier transform\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_transforms\"}}}, {\"text\": \").\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808634, "creationTime": 1362133316070465, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453?comment_id=1808634&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sure, this probably is though. But again, that's just my opinion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 1836508, "creationTime": 1362751818687744, "url": "/How-does-H1B-visa-process-work-Is-there-any-special-quota-for-big-companies/answers/2165453?comment_id=1836508&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2211657, "profileUrl": "/profile/Joel-Yanovich", "givenName": "Joel", "familyName": "Yanovich"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This answer is entirely incorrect.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "When is the best time of year to buy an IntelliJ license?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 18714, "givenName": "Ron", "familyName": "Gross", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 3298911, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/\u00d6zkan-Can", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IDEA 13 i scheduled to be released in December 13. I would wait for that and just use the Community Edition until then. They also have infrequent \\\"happy hour\\\" events, like the \\\"End of the World\\\" event, which they did on Dec. 21, 2012 last year. They offered a discount of 75%(!) on all personal licenses on upgrades. (BTW, you can also use their personal license at your workplace).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 19593886, "givenName": "\u00d6zkan", "familyName": "Can", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/\u00d6zkan-Can"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1381247451947209, "numViews": 15582, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 8491871, "creationTime": 1423398302025737, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/\u00d6zkan-Can?comment_id=8491871&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6050442, "profileUrl": "/profile/Geff-Chang", "givenName": "Geff", "familyName": "Chang"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So, when do you think the next \\\"End of the World\\\" is?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4975636, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/Miguel-Paraz", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IntelliJ have fixed this and have switched the Personal license to a yearly subscription. For the US$199 you get free upgrades for a year, and retain the right to use the last version forever.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Licensing and Upgrade\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/buy/choose_edition.jsp?license=PERSONAL\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 229089, "givenName": "Miguel", "familyName": "Paraz", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Miguel-Paraz"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1398993100585020, "numViews": 16639, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2165442, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/Elazar-Leibovich", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think that the best way to optimize intelliJ IDEA purchase, is to wait for a sale, this will save much more than saving the upgrade tax.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You could measure the time it took the team in the past to release, and by roughly after that time.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That said, saving a single upgrade cost (~250$), don't worth the time and effort to do that IMHO. If you want the commercial licence it'll be ~250$ a year, you can't change that too much. The open source version is good enough IMHO, so you can save money by using it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3638735, "givenName": "Elazar", "familyName": "Leibovich", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Elazar-Leibovich"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362128247917638, "numViews": 19150, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1808665, "creationTime": 1362134072204755, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/Elazar-Leibovich?comment_id=1808665&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 18714, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ron-Gross", "givenName": "Ron", "familyName": "Gross"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nah, Ultimate is essential for me. Anyway, just thinking out loud here, I don't need the license right away.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808813, "creationTime": 1362137652978559, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/Elazar-Leibovich?comment_id=1808813&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3638735, "profileUrl": "/profile/Elazar-Leibovich", "givenName": "Elazar", "familyName": "Leibovich"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My main point however, is, optimize for your time, not for extra 50$ a year.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1808815, "creationTime": 1362137695236540, "url": "/When-is-the-best-time-of-year-to-buy-an-IntelliJ-license/answer/Elazar-Leibovich?comment_id=1808815&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 18714, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ron-Gross", "givenName": "Ron", "familyName": "Gross"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Definitely\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "In your opinion, what is the ideal Social Media Marketer like?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161389, "url": "/In-your-opinion-what-is-the-ideal-Social-Media-Marketer-like/answer/Salma-Jafri", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Ideal SoME Marketer:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Personality: Gregarious, personable, over the top. Tempered by common sense.\\nSkills: Diplomacy, tact, negotiator, moderator, analysis, ability to listen more than talk\\nEducation: Basic but with a good command on language and its nuances\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bonus points for understanding consumer behavior and psychology.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Overall the perfect SoMe manager is both creative and analytic. He is an artist rather than a scientist. He bases his work on understanding people, culture, emotions. He drives the community and bring it together. He sets goals and measures them. He experiments. He listens. He immerses himself in your business from the inside out and treats it as his own.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5764593, "givenName": "Salma", "familyName": "Jafri", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Salma-Jafri"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362057309806133, "numViews": 235, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How many properties can one person act as \"fiador\" in Brazil?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2229923, "url": "/How-many-properties-can-one-person-act-as-fiador-in-Brazil/answer/Pedro-Vasconcellos", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is no legal limit. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Actually, it is very hard to verify in how many contracts a given person appears as a \\\"fiador\\\", since this is a private agreement among landlord, tenant and \\\"fiador\\\" (co-signor) and therefore not subject to any registration or notarization (a rare fact in Brazil!).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 71504, "givenName": "Pedro", "familyName": "Vasconcellos", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pedro-Vasconcellos"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363297724009898, "numViews": 289, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2161626, "url": "/Is-it-a-good-time-to-work-in-china-china-provinces/answer/Donald-Luo-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What do you mean \\\"good time\\\"?weather?It's cold in north of China.Hainan province is warm now.Many people from north go to stay at Hainan when winter comes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13812101, "givenName": "Donald", "familyName": "Luo", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Donald-Luo-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362061726862060, "numViews": 448, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2161845, "url": "/What-content-works-best-on-Tumblr/answer/Harvey-Michael-Gibson", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Visual content is really good o tumblr. Posting videos or images, especially fandom related ones (such as Avengers or Sherlock) or creative things like original contwnt. Tumblr is a good way to promote personal projects like music or comics or art.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Text type content can be popular too. Poetry, stories, critical analysis etc.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Basically know your audience. I post whatever I want on my pwrsonal blog but on my blog about ADD/ADHD I only post relevant things there.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just tag stuff properly and the people who want to see a particular type of content will get to see that content.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 12121931, "givenName": "Harvey", "familyName": "Michael Gibson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Harvey-Michael-Gibson"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362064758176423, "numViews": 914, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161432, "url": "/What-content-works-best-on-Tumblr/answer/Simon-Geraghty", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cats, anything highly graphic - Posters, Images, Gifs. What doesn't seem to work from my point of view is text heavy content.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4062059, "givenName": "Simon", "familyName": "Geraghty", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Simon-Geraghty"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362058194771804, "numViews": 362, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Geology: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What would happen if there is a sudden geomagnetic reversal?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How was Willy Brandt's \"Ostpolitik\" culminating with the Warsaw kneefall seen in the GDR?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 9632523, "url": "/How-was-Willy-Brandts-Ostpolitik-culminating-with-the-Warsaw-kneefall-seen-in-the-GDR/answer/Josiah-Greenbrier", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, \\u201cpublic debate\\u201d was pretty much nonexistent in the GDR. Either you toed the party line, or you weren\\u2019t heard. There were only the two state TV channels and various state radio stations, along with newspapers all controlled by the various parties in the National Front, but they all just parroted the official line.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The Oder/Neisse Line was put in place by the Four Powers at the behest of the Soviets and it certainly was favored by the Polish, so the GDR would hardly have dared criticize it in any way. Even so, the GDR had a reputation for being the most loyal of all the Soviet satellite states, and remained resolutely Stalinist even long after Gorbachev came to power. There was massive resistance within the GDR leadership to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"perestroika\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"glasnost\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", for example, because they were determined to remain a bulwark of orthodox Communism and \\u201creal socialism\\u201d (a term coined by East German leader Erich Honecker).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What criticism there was of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ostpolitik\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" came from conservative leaders in West Germany, such as \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Franz Josef Strauss\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Josef_Strauss\"}}}, {\"text\": \", who vehemently resisted any concessions to the Communist states, let alone recognize the GDR. This article in a German newspaper describes efforts by Strau\\u00df and his allies to actively undermine \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ostpolitik\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \": see \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Wie Franz-Josef Strau\\u00df die Ostpolitik stoppen wollte\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.derwesten.de/politik/wie-strauss-die-ostpolitik-stoppen-wollte-id7343653.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In general, the GDR welcomed \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ostpolitik\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", given that it brought them considerable benefits. For one thing, it allowed both Germanys to be recognized in international institutions, so it was only in the early 1970s that West and East Germany were both represented at the United Nations. It also made it much easier for East Germany to gain access to export markets, not least to West Germany itself. (A number of West German corporations, like Jacobs Coffee, had their wares manufactured in the East as a source of cheap labor.) It also initiated a major change in course for East German policy: Until 1972, the GDR was based on the assumption that it was the sole legitimate government of all Germany (a position that the FRG also claimed for itself). After 1972, East Germany changed to a position that it was a separate nation with its own identity and abandoned any notion of reunification \\u2014 something which poured oil on the flames of Western critics of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ostpolitik\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". A good illustration of this is the change to the East German national anthem, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Auferstanden aus Ruinen\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auferstanden_aus_Ruinen\"}}}, {\"text\": \", which after 1972 was no longer sung with the words because they contained a reference to \\u201cGermany, united fatherland\\u201d. Many institutions in East Germany were also renamed and the East German constitution rewritten to reflect this new stance. For example, where the East German postal service was originally \\u201cDeutsche Post\\u201d, afterwards it was \\u201cDeutsche Post \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"der DDR\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\u201d; the state radio broadcaster changed from \\u201cGerman Democratic Broadcasting\\u201d (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Deutscher Demokratischer Rundfunk\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \") to \\u201cBroadcaster of the GDR\\u201d (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Rundfunk der DDR\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundfunk_der_DDR\"}}}, {\"text\": \"); and the state TV network went from \\u201cGerman Broadcasting\\u201d (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Deutscher Fernsehfunk\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutscher_Fernsehfunk#1972.E2.80.931989:_Fernsehen_der_DDR\"}}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" to \\u201cTelevision of the GDR\\u201d (\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Fernsehen der DDR\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This was the official policy of \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Abgrenzung\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (literally \\u201cdemarcation\\u201d, but with a strong undercurrent of \\u201cseparation\\u201d implied) that was pursued by Honecker starting in 1971. In 1974, the East German constitution from 1968 was revised to reflect this change in a series of amendments that removed all references to the \\u201cGerman nation\\u201d, while also emphasizing brotherhood and friendship with the Soviet Union. The preamble was also completely rewritten to emphasize the new line. Here is the 1968 preamble (my translation):\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Motivated by the responsibility to guide the whole German nation on the way to a future of peace and socialism; in recognition of the historical fact that imperialism under the leadership of the USA in accordance with groups in West German monopolistic capitalism has divided Germany in order to build up West Germany into a base for imperialism and the struggle against socialism, which contradicts the vital interests of the nation; so do the people of the German Democratic Republic, firmly rooted in the achievements of the anti-fascist democratic and socialist revolution in the order of society, united in its working classes and castes, and continuing the work in the spirit of the Constitution of 7 October 1949, and imbued with the will to continue on the path of peace, social justice, democracy, socialism, and friendship amongst nations in free will, ordain this socialist Constitution.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nHere is the 1974 rewrite:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In continuation of the revolutionary tradition of the German working class and supported by liberation from fascism, the people of the German Democratic Republic, in concordance with the processes of historical development of our epoch, have implemented their right to socio-economic, governmental, and national self-determination, and have created the developed socialist society. Imbued with the will to freely control its fate, undeterred in proceeding on the path of socialism and communism, peace, democracy, and friendship amongst the nations, the people of the German Democratic Republic ordain this socialist Constitution.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nI think it is worth noting that the revision lacks the blatant anti-Western propaganda, and is clearly a reaction to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Ostpolitik\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". (It also gives me a screaming headache, no matter which version you take.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 46494685, "givenName": "Josiah Greenbrier", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Josiah-Greenbrier"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1423137636986802, "numViews": 959, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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I too had one of those 'friend' caps :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 13800243, "url": "/What-are-some-famous-styles-of-actors-actresses-which-are-were-loved-by-the-audiences/answer/Zain-Kazmi-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"He is/was not an actor but his style statement is loved not by the audiences but the whole world be it his iconic moonwalk , his dance moves , his anti gravity lean , his iconic red Thriller leather jacket , his fedora hat , his black millitary style jacket it is Michael Jackson . A Die hard Michael Jackson fan\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 58690998, "givenName": "Zain", "familyName": "Kazmi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Zain-Kazmi-3"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1436124967303408, "numViews": 451, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162144, "url": "/What-are-some-famous-styles-of-actors-actresses-which-are-were-loved-by-the-audiences/answer/David-Durham", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Odd little question. By style I assume you mean a sort of public persona associated with an actor or actress. It should be understood that such things do not necessarily accurately project what an actor or actress is actually like in their private life. For example, I doubt Anthony Hopkins has ever eaten anyone's liver with a glass of Chianti. That said, here's a few stylistic nuances that always appealed to me-\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I love Bogart's double-breasted suit in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Casablanca.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" It's said that he single handedly popularized it through the '40's and '50's.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If Marilyn Monroe didn't do 'blonde curls' first, she certainly owned the look. It still influences women today.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Peter Fonda made black leather jackets more popular than they were before he sported one in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Easy Rider. \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"That jacket also kicked off the idea of incorporating the American Flag in fashion statements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ol' Johnny Depp's pirate gig with Disney made 'the pirate look' very popular at Sci-Fi/Fantasy conventions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 610729, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Durham", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/David-Durham"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362071069954450, "numViews": 1352, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805782, "creationTime": 1362072144503967, "url": "/What-are-some-famous-styles-of-actors-actresses-which-are-were-loved-by-the-audiences/answer/David-Durham?comment_id=1805782&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4578921, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pankaj-K-9", "givenName": "Pankaj", "familyName": "K"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"By style I had meant anything starting from persona to wear.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "How can prototyping make inventing easier?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2179935, "url": "/How-can-prototyping-make-inventing-easier/answer/Andrew-Eydt", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Prototyping (typically 3D printing) you actually get the product in your hand.\\nShowing it to potential customers, manufacturers, friends, and colleagues, you will invariably get questions, comments, and suggestions that never occurred to you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The fact that the 3D print was so inexpensive allows you to rinse and repeat this process - a few iterations will have you on a path you didn't even know existed before.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just having a physical prototype in your hand will have your mind working differently from working on paper. Combine the two and you're off to the races.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"-Andrew, www.producracy.com\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9903488, "givenName": "Andrew", "familyName": "Eydt", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Andrew-Eydt"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362423759021803, "numViews": 333, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2182434, "url": "/How-can-I-improve-water-polo-in-my-country/answer/Ezra-Silva", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would appeal to FINA and Olympic committee. These organizations might be able to provide resources and help with development. At a local scale teaching youth the sport helps because they represent a demand for the future.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 14050193, "givenName": "Ezra", "familyName": "Silva", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ezra-Silva"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362471260074058, "numViews": 328, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Brazil: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What are structural problems with the Brazilian government?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2161465, "url": "/Brazil-What-are-structural-problems-with-the-Brazilian-government/answer/Dave-Bailey-71", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bras\\u00edlia has been the (relatively) safe-haven for Brazilian politicians since 1960. Out of sight and out of mind. Policies might be different if the politicians dined at the same restaurants as the rest of us and if their children studied at the same schools.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To become a public servant you need to pass a professional exam called a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"concurso\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Studying for this exam is expensive and time-consuming, largely limiting it to the rich. The concurso seems to value rote learning over critical thinking, protecting the status quo and filtering out the free thinkers.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nPublic servants are outrageously well-paid. Salaries match and often exceed the private sector, plus there is the added benefit of having a job guaranteed for life. No wonder that compensation and job security are the top reasons that people want to work for their country.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Mandatory voting in Brazil does not encourage local political involvement and instead creates the possibility of buying votes en masse from disenfranchised citizens at the bottom of the pyramid. Spend time in Brazil around election time and be prepared to be shocked by the propaganda.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All these things and more have led to widespread political apathy in Brazil. People have no faith at all in the political system and have stopped trying. How can a democracy work when the people feel so powerless?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2115411, "givenName": "Dave", "familyName": "Bailey", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dave-Bailey-71"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362059059685556, "numViews": 1038, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1814255, "creationTime": 1362266792093061, "url": "/Brazil-What-are-structural-problems-with-the-Brazilian-government/answer/Dave-Bailey-71?comment_id=1814255&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13966010, "profileUrl": "/profile/William-Picon-Studart", "givenName": "William", "familyName": "Picon Studart"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What also makes things worse, it's that most of the Brazilian's voters think \\\"They steal, but they do\\\". \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One politician used as a slogan for his campaign \\\"Can't be Worse than it's\\\". And to makes things worse, he was the most voted. Not saying that he's a bad politician.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 7126889, "creationTime": 1416066552386183, "url": "/Brazil-What-are-structural-problems-with-the-Brazilian-government/answer/Dave-Bailey-71?comment_id=7126889&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5158877, "profileUrl": "/profile/Julien-Paroche", "givenName": "Julien", "familyName": "Paroche"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The citation would be more accurate as \\\"They steal, but they \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"act\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\\". It is what a famous politician once said.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am European and I've just seen the presidential elections here in Brazil where I am staying currently, and people were saying \\\"we know the president did bad things, she also did good things. If we change the president, it could be worse and then we'll regret it\\\". So even with a quite bad reputation, the former president has been reelected...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2230051, "url": "/Brazil-What-are-structural-problems-with-the-Brazilian-government/answers/2230051", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The level of accountability is too low. Once a politician gets elected and learns how to play the game, his/her power is self perpetuating, because s/he can get elected again and again, just by using the government machine to promote his/her own agenda. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And, because the courts have been unable/unwilling to put corrupt politicians behind bars, Brazilians have grown used to the fact that yes, politicians will steal and get away with it. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is not helped by the fact that many (most?) Brazilians have a somewhat twisted sense of ethics, where between right and wrong there are many, many shades of gray, depending on whether we are talking about a situation in theory or whether it involves your cousin or your school buddy here who could use a nice job where he does not even need to show up. Also, it depends on how much money we are talking about and hey - if everyone does it, why shouldn't I?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So put all the ingredients into a cauldron and mix well, and the result is a political class that spends virtually all their time looking after their own interests, then those of their families, than those of the lobbyist and campaign donors which supported them, then their political base, and, a distant last, the general welfare of the country. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And yes, I just realized that the tone of my answer just confirms David Bailey's conclusion...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 71504, "givenName": "Pedro", "familyName": "Vasconcellos", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pedro-Vasconcellos"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363299853432764, "numViews": 294, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 4294489, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Dan-Bradbury-22", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's no such thing as \\\"biologically correct\\\". \\\"Correct\\\" is a value judgement. Biology is just the interaction of chemicals on a highly complex level. There's no \\\"better\\\" or \\\"worse\\\". No \\\"correct\\\" or \\\"incorrect\\\". They're just bazillions of atoms forming molecules all bouncing around each other. Atoms, cells, molecules and organs don't have feelings. They don't care. They don't give a fuck about \\\"correct\\\" because they aren't conscious.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1393853736062963, "numViews": 2114, "numUpvotes": 51, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 3847955, "creationTime": 1393872499133202, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Dan-Bradbury-22?comment_id=3847955&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 129171, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jeremy-Miles", "givenName": "Jeremy", "familyName": "Miles"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Brains are organs, and they have feelings. Well, they sort of do. Well, my brain tells me that it has feelings - but I don't know if I believe it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4158289, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, because \\\"biologically incorrect\\\" is a meaningless phrase. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humans are animals. Nothing a human can do can be \\\"biologically incorrect\\\" (or \\\"correct\\\") any more than something a horse or badger can do can be. Every thing we do is a product of biology, including the things we do with our brains, which are biological organs, created by Natural Selection. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Perhaps you mean something like \\\"homosexuality is a product of culture rather than evolution.\\\" We can't all agree about that, because no one knows the cause. And, more often than not, when we finally learn what causes a particular human trait, it turns out to be a product of Nature and Nurture.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as we know, homosexuality has existed in every human culture throughout History. That is, at the very least, a smoking gun that suggests genes are (at least to some extent) at play. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you mean that being gay doesn't help breeding, you're right. But that doesn't make it \\\"biologically incorrect.\\\" Most organisms have traits that don't aid breeding or that even hinder it. If you think that all \\\"correct\\\" traits ones that promote having kids, you have grossly misunderstood Natural Selection, especially in social animals. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One example is \\\"mad monkeys.\\\" There's a breed in which something like mania infects a portion of the male population. It's caused by a genetic mutation shared by a percentage of the species. The males that have it are so out-of-control, they get ostracized by their pack and tend to die of starvation, since no one will share food with them. And female monkeys don't want to mate with them, either. So if this trait neither helps survival or mating, why hasn't Natural Selection weeded it out?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Because \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"females\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" with the same mutation are super nurturers. It somehow affects female development different from males, and the result is mothers who care for their young more diligently than the norm. This is clearly adaptive, and since it is so, the gene mutation that causes it gets passed down, causing some males to go nuts, true, but in the balance, it's \\\"worth it.\\\" (By which I mean the trait is adaptive enough to get passed on, because it \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"does\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" promote successful breeding at the pack level, even if some individuals get sacrificed.) \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not saying homosexuals are insane. I'm saying that this kind of tradeoff is co...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1392512642485427, "numViews": 7281, "numUpvotes": 171, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 31, "comments": [{"commentId": 3886438, "creationTime": 1394182094268531, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3886438&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3532491, "profileUrl": "/profile/Anders-Nygaard", "givenName": "Anders", "familyName": "Nygaard"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well put. Reminded me of this infamous line by the playwright Terentius - \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" - or \\\"I am human, nothing human is alien to me.\\\" which approaches the same answer, the meaninglessness of assigning moral qualities to nature, from a different angle.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 3709883, "creationTime": 1392554178267272, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3709883&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9827318, "profileUrl": "/profile/Clare-Celea", "givenName": "Clare", "familyName": "Celea"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One possibility that comes to mind is that a gay sibling who did not procreate would probably contribute to the survival of the 'breeder's' children in the way that nonbreeding meerkats teach, protect and feed the young of the breeding female. All this while not producing children who would compete with the sibling's children for food and resources.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3710639, "creationTime": 1392563717625271, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3710639&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That's the Gay Uncle Hypothesis, and it's fascinating. It reminds me of worker bees who don't mate but who care for the colony, and since they're kin to colony members, their genes get passed on even without them ever having sex. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's worth remembering that back when homosexuality first evolved (if, indeed, it's a genetic trait), humans lived in small, kin-based tribes. So gay members pretty much \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"always\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" had their genes expressed in the following generation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's little evidence for the Gay Uncle Hypothesis and some arguments against it, but I find it intriguing. See \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Biology and sexual orientation\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation#Sexual_orientation_and_evolution\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Another possibility is that homosexuality is a result of sexual flexibility, which is pretty clearly an adaptive trait.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What if I, a caucasian who has mostly lived around caucasians, moved to Asia or Africa and was incapable of being attracted to non-caucasian women. That would seriously hamper my ability to pass on my genes. Fortunately, that's not a problem, because humans have evolved somewhat flexible sexualities, though the level of flexibility varies from person-to-person.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are men who \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"are\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" only attracted to one skin color. There are women who are only attracted to short men. There are people who are exclusively gay or straight. There are mostly-straight people who occasionally have gay fantasies (or the other way around). There are full-blown bisexual people. There are people with fetishes for balloons and diapers. There are pedophiles... \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We may be upset by some of these variations, but I suspect they at least partly exist because it's advantageous (from the gene's point-of-view) for us to be flexible. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"True, it doesn't help someone's genes if he's is only sexually attracted to trees, but that may be one of the tradeoffs that Natural Selection makes all the time. Even if \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"some\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" people find themselves with non-useful (from the gene's point-of-view) attractions, if flexibility helps enough of their relatives pass on genes, it may be a useful adaptation: \\\"a price worth paying.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This sort of flexibility is typical for humans, and not just when it comes to sex. We see it in language, customs, political attitudes, morals, skin color, etc. It is what has allowed us to inhabit every corner of the Earth. We are flexible enough to exist pretty much anywhere. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The tradeoff is that sometimes this flexibility leaves certain individuals with traits that seem maladaptive, but that's a natural aspect of the way Evolution works. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Unfortunately, many of us have been horribly educated when it comes to Evolution. Even people who believe in it tend to misunderstand it as a simplistic sort of \\\"survival of the fittest,\\\" and so when they see a trait that strikes them as \\\"unfit,\\\" they think it's \\\"unnatural.\\\" But tradeoffs are an integral part of the system. And it's a system that doesn't just work on the individual level. It works on the group-level, too. Sometimes, a group-level trait will wind up taking precedence over an individual one. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If my hypothesis (or the Gay Uncle one) is correct, it leaves a big, fascinating question. What made me straight and my friend gay? (And, for that matter, what made me \\\"a leg man\\\" when some of my straight male friends are \\\"boob men\\\"?) Given the fact that human sexuality is plastic, what tips it, in the case of an individual, one way or the other? Is it some secondary genetic switch? Is it an environmental pressure? Is it a mixture of the two? We don't know.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3711303, "creationTime": 1392569652771693, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3711303&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9827318, "profileUrl": "/profile/Clare-Celea", "givenName": "Clare", "familyName": "Celea"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That is a fascinating concept. I'm one of the people who was very badly educated about evolution (I was brought up Creationist), but your idea of flexible sexuality makes a lot of sense to me. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One observable fact is that there is an element of culture in what people find attractive, which does tend to lend itself strongly to your flexibility idea.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3711333, "creationTime": 1392570083797820, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3711333&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In his book \\\"Evolution for Everyone,\\\" biologist David Slone Wilson talks about how almost everyone (including \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"most\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" people who believe Evolution), weren't well educated about it and have all sorts of misconceptions. He conducted a survey of people who \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"do\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" understand it, which showed that most of them learned the subject outside of school, by doing their own reading and studying. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This fits with my own experiences. Even in places where Evolution is taught in school without interference, it is not well taught, most of the teachers who are \\\"teaching it\\\" misunderstand it, and, in any case, people don't remember the details once they've passed the test. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most educated, secular adults just have a mishmash of sayings and facts in their heads: \\\"survival of the fittest ... adaptive ... selfish gene ... missing link...\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3711403, "creationTime": 1392570979912652, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3711403&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9827318, "profileUrl": "/profile/Clare-Celea", "givenName": "Clare", "familyName": "Celea"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is that a book I should read in order to develop my understanding of evolution itself, or is it more about the failures of how evolution is taught?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3713491, "creationTime": 1392594822356856, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3713491&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's one of the best books about Evolution I've ever read. It's mostly about Evolution itself, not about the challenge of teaching it. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Highly recommended: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Amazon.com: Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives eBook: David Sloan Wilson: Kindle Store\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Everyone-Darwins-Theory-Change-ebook/dp/B000OI0GCA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1392594766&sr=8-1&keywords=evolution+for+everyone\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"(See reader reviews.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3715310, "creationTime": 1392616746009414, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3715310&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9827318, "profileUrl": "/profile/Clare-Celea", "givenName": "Clare", "familyName": "Celea"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you Marcus :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 3891312, "creationTime": 1394220209884951, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3891312&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9946649, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tr\u00e9pied", "givenName": "Tr\u00e9pied", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 4105964, "creationTime": 1396037901958898, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=4105964&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3197557, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chris-Baglieri-1", "givenName": "Chris", "familyName": "Baglieri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Rather hetero-flexible myself. Makes sense!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 4105982, "creationTime": 1396038122977432, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=4105982&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3197557, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chris-Baglieri-1", "givenName": "Chris", "familyName": "Baglieri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm pretty sure that there's a more recent study that makes a more direct relationship between the incidence of male homosexuality and multiple male offspring. So the fertility angle may be a cause, not a coincident phenomenon.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 3847443, "creationTime": 1393869598282449, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847443&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thanks Marcus. \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" I appreciate that you always are in the bullpen for shit like this and provide nothing less than a perfect response. Allies are important and it's good to have you on this side of the debate.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847571, "creationTime": 1393870330355937, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847571&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wait. You thought I was doing this for free? As I see it, you owe me $25.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847586, "creationTime": 1393870407408927, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847586&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No. That's rubbish. I paid you for the last one. $23.50.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847600, "creationTime": 1393870484188857, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847600&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"$24!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847638, "creationTime": 1393870654835084, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847638&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's a really bad joke in here. . . . but I'm walking away. No. I'm holding my head high.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847674, "creationTime": 1393870795606609, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847674&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Are you sick or something? I've never known you to walk away from a bad joke, before. You usually walk right into them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847713, "creationTime": 1393871010633982, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847713&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Oh, the Gentile is negotiating the price down! MY how the mighty have fallen!\\\" \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There. Fine. I said it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847730, "creationTime": 1393871093779630, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847730&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you. True to form!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847737, "creationTime": 1393871171455347, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847737&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I want you to know, this entire conversation thread started out with me wanting to heartily thank you and somehow -- some way -- it's culminated in offensive Jew Jokes. Just sayin'. Is it me?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847746, "creationTime": 1393871230974728, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847746&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't all conversations end that way?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847754, "creationTime": 1393871263574536, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847754&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Maybe I'm just thinking of my marriage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3847759, "creationTime": 1393871306773744, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3847759&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1846186, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dan-Bradbury-22", "givenName": "Dan Bradbury", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ahhhh!!!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That too. But, at least we didn't get all gross and tell dick jokes or something. Wait, that's with \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Domhnall\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 2290798, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Domhnall-OHuigin\"}}}, {\"text\": \". Nevermind.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 3891202, "creationTime": 1394219464826258, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3891202&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 9946649, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tr\u00e9pied", "givenName": "Tr\u00e9pied", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Godwin's Law is getting closer...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {"commentId": 3717477, "creationTime": 1392642251972131, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3717477&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 15639630, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ani-R-41", "givenName": "Ani R", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think the question is about homosexuality being a genetic defect.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3887880, "creationTime": 1394196091381984, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3887880&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There's not really such a thing as a genetic defect that distinguishes it from a genetic mutation, and mutations are one of the main driving forces of Evolution, so it would be odd to say they're \\\"not biologically correct.\\\" If it wasn't for mutations, we wouldn't exist.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When we find a particular mutation harmful, we call it a defect, but that's a human judgement, not some label applied by Nature. If the common chimp-human ancestors, had been able to understand genetics, they would have called the mutations that lead to us \\\"defects.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We also tend to label mutations \\\"defects\\\" when they hinder the people who have them from doing something that they want to do. For instance, genetic blindness is considered a defect, because most blind people would prefer to see. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When there's a syndrome that some people like and others dislike, such as Aspergers Syndrome, we tend to differ in opinion on how we label it. Some call it a defect; others call it a personality trait or whatever. Neither is right or wrong. It's a matter of opinion\u2014even if there's a majority opinion. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When it comes to homosexuality, there are millions of gay people who are happy and who lead productive lives. There are many who, unlike most blind people, would not choose to be \\\"cured\\\" if a cure was available. They like being the way they are. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The only thing they dislike is the way they tend to get treated, so I guess we could call homosexuality a defect, because it tends to make gays get bullied or ostracized. But that's a slippery slope. Does the fact that Hitler \\\"bullied\\\" the Jews mean they have a defect? Do black people and women a defects because their genetic endowments have lead to them being treated a second-class citizens?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"So if we discover that homosexuality is caused by a mutation and we call it a \\\"defect,\\\" that's just a way of saying, \\\"We don't like that particular defect.\\\" Well, that wouldn't be news. We \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"know\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" lots of people dislike homosexuality. Others like it. They wouldn't think of it as a defect.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3896986, "creationTime": 1394286156466771, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3896986&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 15639630, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ani-R-41", "givenName": "Ani R", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I hear you. I'm just saying that's what the OP might have had in mind when they asked the question.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 3929523, "creationTime": 1394591302102124, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3929523&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 19807228, "profileUrl": "/profile/Max-Loh", "givenName": "Max", "familyName": "Loh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A recent study showed that a certain gene that makes a women very fertile is also likely to be passed down to sons as the gay gene\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3929556, "creationTime": 1394591653991694, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3929556&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Please cite. Thanks. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It may be true, but if so I'd expect it to be huge, worldwide news. There are tons of these \\\"studies\\\" every year, and they always turn out to be bogus science.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But I'll reserve judgment until I read it and look at how they gathered their data.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3929580, "creationTime": 1394591906077908, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=3929580&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1805029, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marcus-Geduld", "givenName": "Marcus", "familyName": "Geduld"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Perhaps you're referring to this:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"In 2004, Italian researchers conducted a study of about 4,600 people who were the relatives of 98 homosexual and 100 heterosexual men. Female relatives of the homosexual men tended to have more offspring than those of the heterosexual men. Female relatives of the homosexual men on their mother's side tended to have more offspring than those on the father's side. The researchers concluded that there was genetic material being passed down on the X chromosome which both promotes fertility in the mother and homosexuality in her male offspring. The connections discovered would explain about 20% of the cases studied, indicating that this is a highly significant but not the sole genetic factor determining sexual orientation.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"-- \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Biology and sexual orientation\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation#Female_fertility\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Very interesting but far from conclusive. The experiment involved a tiny sample of people, and even within that sample, it just suggests a correlation in 20% of the cases. And it shows a correlation, not a causation. It's definitely fodder for further study, but it's not proof by itself.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 4106066, "creationTime": 1396038727036374, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Marcus-Geduld?comment_id=4106066&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3197557, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chris-Baglieri-1", "givenName": "Chris", "familyName": "Baglieri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"more recent studies show that there is a birth order affect, and that younger sons have a higher incidence of homosexuality. this would tend to correlate with women who'd had multiple births. but it is the birth order a fact, not the number of births that correlates, and maybe causative.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Blanchard R (1997). \\\"Birth order and sibling sex ratio in homosexual versus heterosexual males and females\\\". Annu Rev Sex Res 8: 27\u201367. PMID 10051890.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 6598872, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Alfredo-Casta\u00f1eda-Garc\u00eda", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Biology has no moral dimension. It is no right nor wrong. It its just the way it is. We all now when a lion kills Bambi, he is not being mean. He is just \\\"running\\\" the hunting program nature put in his head.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4825478, "givenName": "Alfredo", "familyName": "Casta\u00f1eda Garc\u00eda", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alfredo-Casta\u00f1eda-Garc\u00eda"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1408465270806615, "numViews": 135, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4342188, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Apoorva-Agarwal", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As evident from other answers, many people are of the opinion that \\\"biologically incorrect\\\" is meaningless. Even if it is meaningful then also there are many cases of homosexuality observed in non-human species. I heard it a comedy show by Ricky Gervais.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIcrCZQkSlg\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You can even check following articles that affirm the facts in the above show.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"List of animals displaying homosexual behavior\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Homosexual behavior in animals\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Animals also indulge in homosexuality and they don't have morality(probably) so the question of homesexuality's moral validity becomes invalidated.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5219731, "givenName": "Apoorva", "familyName": "Agarwal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Apoorva-Agarwal"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1394215979067374, "numViews": 386, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 5299435, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Sharla-Rosenbaum", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In a word, no. We cannot. Why demarcate any difference?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 54139120, "givenName": "Sharla", "familyName": "Rosenbaum", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sharla-Rosenbaum"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1401194324231295, "numViews": 140, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4292122, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Eric-Pepke", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, I don't think so.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In order to address the question, I think that first we have to agree that homosexuality is uniquely or unusually human. This might be hard, as people point out (correctly) that same-sex mating occurs in many, many species. However, they are usually conflating what they call homosexual behavior with homosexuality, and that's not fair dinkum.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If we do this, however, we have to conclude that homosexuality must have evolved, that it must have involved some specific pressures, and that it must have evolves quite some time ago relative to modern cultures but less than significant speciation.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's really hard to avoid these conclusions. If they are true, there must be some mechanism for homosexuality that increases viability. I can think of three possibilities:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Homosexuality is what Stephen Jay Gould called a \\\"spandrel.\\\" That is, it wasn't selected for \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"per se\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" but was a biological consequence of something else that was selected for.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Homosexuality doesn't increase the viability of the individual but does increase the viability of the genes the individual carries by providing some benefit to close relatives that carry the same genes. This is essentially the \\\"selfish gene\\\" approach, most famously associated with Richard Dawkins.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sexuality is a multifaceted, multidimensional structure rather than a series of distinct categories, and a term like \\\"homosexual\\\" is merely a rough approximation. Though perhaps an ideal 100% homosexual has no chance of leaving offspring (before modern technology), there is no reason to believe that a 95% homosexual or a 20% homosexual or even a 0% homosexual has any better a chance. A 95% homosexual may even have a better chance by exploding particular strategies with the opposite sex.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nI've thought about it a lot, and my conclusion is that there's an awful lot of evidence for 3, including the following:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Unlike most animals, humans have no estrus or \\\"season\\\" for mating, only an approximately monthly cycle. Therefore, there are many more opportunities for mating.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Again unlike most animals, mating serves a variety of functions other than reproduction, which probably have led to survival. We're particularly easy to kill and eat, so huddling together and forming close bonds increases survival dramatically. Mating and sexual desire is a great way to make this happen.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humans as a species are particularly labile in our mating habits. Humans can, for example, easily engage in mono or poly mating.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humans are a lot less sexually dimorphic than most other primates, to the point where male and female bones have been mistaken for different species.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ethnic and individual differences are much greater than sexual dimorphism. Place a Norwegian female humerus against an Indian male humerus, and ask a forensic scientist about them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Humans are particularly fragile during childhood and prone to death, especially before modern medicine.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Practically every other week, there's some sort of \\\"scandal\\\" wherein a married conservative with a wife and five children comes out as gay. Well, the five children didn't happen because of parthenogenesis.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The \\\"fag hag\\\" phenomenon, as best perhaps exemplified by Kathy Griffin. At least appearing homosexual to a significant degree may do an end run around some female strategies for avoiding mating, perhaps by appearing \\\"safe.\\\" Useless for a 100% homosexual, but perhaps quite advantageous for a 95% homosexual. I've heard of a paper describing a similar effect for lesbians, but I haven't seen it.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The \\\"sure thing\\\" phenomenon, named after a rather funny movie by that name (which also provides valuable information on how to shotgun a beer), in which heterosexuals take it upon themselves to \\\"cure\\\" the gay. It won't change the gay, but it might be enough to make a few zygotes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nNumbers 1 through 6, together, lead to the idea that human reproduction is far less sensitive to actual mating in humans than most other species. Numbers 5 through 7 have some serious directly empirical chops and are at least plausible psychologically. Together, I think they make a strong case for a serious alteration of the viability effects of the sexual spectrum for humans.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4315506, "givenName": "Eric", "familyName": "Pepke", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Eric-Pepke"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1393832344190127, "numViews": 501, "numUpvotes": 10, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 3844609, "creationTime": 1393848246225506, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Eric-Pepke?comment_id=3844609&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6220827, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mani-Cavalieri", "givenName": "Mani", "familyName": "Cavalieri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Very thoughtful answer. Thank you for sharing, as always, Eric.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Note that even \\\"an ideal 100% homosexual\\\" does not have \\\"no chance of leaving offspring (before modern technology)\\\". Even assuming that the \\\"ideal 100% homosexual\\\" person never wavers in their certainty (i.e. never experiments or questions) and always takes every conscious effort to avoid heterosexual coitus (i.e. never just goes through the motions), they can still be raped. This is particularly relevant for female homosexuals, since female sexual arousal is indisputably not a biological requirement for successful impregnation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not suggesting that the following is true or likely at all, but just to illustrate, it could be possible that \\\"an ideal 100% homosexual\\\" female has just as many children - if not more - than a straight female, if she is not able to escape the advances of her suitors.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also, minor nit-pick: What you note as the \\\"Selfish Gene\\\" approach is more specifically \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"kin selection\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \". There is some conceptual overlap, but the two are distinct concepts: Kin selection is a known and observed mechanism for reproductive fitness, whereas the \\\"selfish gene\\\" is basically a perspective on how to view heritable traits over generations.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3844811, "creationTime": 1393850154426305, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Eric-Pepke?comment_id=3844811&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4315506, "profileUrl": "/profile/Eric-Pepke", "givenName": "Eric", "familyName": "Pepke"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"True, but it is rather more difficult to rape men in a way that produces offspring. It's possible, of course, but it's unlikely enough not, I think, to have evolved a trait that specifically in that short a time. Effectively, it would have to rely only on rape of females, and my guess is that would be too slow.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As for kin selection, almost, but not quite. The concept of kin selection, historically, came out of group selection, which didn't work out so well. The Selfish Gene is more than a perspective; it allows for mathematical description of how genes get spread even if individuals die that goes beyond kin selection (which may be part of it, but not all). \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For example, there's a strong argument from the Selfish Gene perspective on how the different varieties of cuckoos evolved the ability to lay different colored eggs and also lay them in the nests of birds who had that color egg. It's a purely mathematical argument, and it relies on the fact that birds are different from mammals, where XX is female and XY is male.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3845309, "creationTime": 1393855075214503, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Eric-Pepke?comment_id=3845309&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6220827, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mani-Cavalieri", "givenName": "Mani", "familyName": "Cavalieri"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My point about rape was simply that we cannot necessarily assume that sexual orientation limits an individual's reproduction because that individual doesn't necessarily get to choose their mates.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I may have been speaking loosely when I described the selfish gene as a \\\"perspective\\\"; I think we're on the same page about the general differences between that and kin selection - I simply wanted to point out that what you referred to early in your answer appeared to be more appropriately described by kin selection than by the selfish gene.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 5226136, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Risa-Wolf-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nope!\\nIf it isn't in some fashion biologically correct, animals wouldn't participate in it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 15476917, "givenName": "Risa", "familyName": "Wolf", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Risa-Wolf-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1400696782131762, "numViews": 176, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4288848, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Jason-MacDonald", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Homosexuality is as \\\"biologically correct\\\" (whatever that means) as left-handedness. Neither are the most common orientation, but both occur in about 5-10% of the population (studies vary).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1382709, "givenName": "Jason", "familyName": "MacDonald", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jason-MacDonald"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1393800256653285, "numViews": 1033, "numUpvotes": 21, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 15012901, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/MariaJos\u00e9-Le\u00f3n", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't think it is biologically incorrect since men have their G point in their butts.\\nMorally correct, in these days it should be. But morality changes according to the high power's desires, so...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 71784968, "givenName": "MariaJos\u00e9", "familyName": "Le\u00f3n", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/MariaJos\u00e9-Le\u00f3n"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1440378992450314, "numViews": 33, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4607680, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Peter-Friedman-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Homosexuality has been identified in over 450 species \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity (Stonewall Inn Editions): Bruce Bagemihl: 9780312253776: Amazon.com: Books\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.amazon.com/Biological-Exuberance-Homosexuality-Diversity-Stonewall/dp/031225377X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396129288&sr=1-1&keywords=biological+exhuberance\"}}}, {\"text\": \". and is a naturally occurring, genetically determined variant of sexuality \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"The evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26089486\"}}}, {\"text\": \" and \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/study-says-brains-of-gay/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 47613174, "givenName": "Peter", "familyName": "Friedman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Peter-Friedman-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1396350177932594, "numViews": 510, "numUpvotes": 16, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 5326726, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Becca-Makin", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'll be with you in a minute.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just wait right there.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nRight yes, sorry for the delay, it's usually kinder when laughing so hard to leave the room.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Look, \\\"can we all agree\\\" is pretty much akin to \\\"please subscribe to my pet theory so I can feel I won.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Biologically in/correct\\\" is a non-phrase, meaningless and even with the meaning you're reaching for false in the face of scientific evidence of over 5000 animal species aside from humans that have members exhibit homosexual behaviour.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"morally correct\\\" equally daft - you're saying it's not natural but okay? If it wasn't natural it wouldn't happen at all (natural variation), giving moral ground but not biological kind of smells of \\\"I've lost the fight in the face of overwhelming evidence, changing mind on the issue, but don't want to admit I'm wrong.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Homosexuality is BOTH biologically (in that it is natural the meaning the op seemed to be reaching for) and morally correct.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7880314, "givenName": "Becca", "familyName": "Makin", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Becca-Makin"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1401359776413785, "numViews": 1082, "numUpvotes": 22, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 4828526, "creationTime": 1401469288695387, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Becca-Makin?comment_id=4828526&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 44539651, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tobias-Burns-1", "givenName": "Tobias", "familyName": "Burns"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I wonder at what point the author of questions like this just unfollow their own question after enduring being lambasted for their utter ignorance and/or stupidity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 4829100, "creationTime": 1401472420265787, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Becca-Makin?comment_id=4829100&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 7880314, "profileUrl": "/profile/Becca-Makin", "givenName": "Becca", "familyName": "Makin"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I'm not sure. But there is a topic they could add \\\"Questions the OP regrets get\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 4876927, "creationTime": 1401835589981576, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Becca-Makin?comment_id=4876927&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 4050540, "profileUrl": "/profile/Juraj-Spisak", "givenName": "Juraj", "familyName": "Spisak"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At one point in your answer you say that \\\"biologically (in)correct is a non-phrase\\\" yet you still conclude with homosexuality being correct in both respects.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4159396, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Daniel-Super", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Can we all agree.. \\\" ?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, even small groups of people can rarely agree, everyone agreeing just isn't going to happen.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" that homosexuality is not biologically correct but it is morally?\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No that's what they call bollocks...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Biologically Correct\\\" is meaningless.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Seriously, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"WHY DOES IT MATTER? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why do you need to make any kind of statement about whether the way some people live their lives is any kind of correct or not?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 4922939, "givenName": "Daniel", "familyName": "Super", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Daniel-Super"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1392530128738911, "numViews": 589, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 209668096, "creationTime": 1625770454749328, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Daniel-Super?comment_id=209668096&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 299180754, "profileUrl": "/profile/Casey-Cox-Shane", "givenName": "Casey", "familyName": "Cox Shane"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As long as there are human beings species on this Earth they will never agree on the topic of homosexuality.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4295164, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Kent-Fung", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No. We cannot. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Because as others have said, there is no such thing as \\\"biologically correct.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And if you're trying to imply that homosexuality is somehow \\\"unnatural,\\\" I will remind you that:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) Gay people are gay \\\"naturally.\\\" They didn't train to be gay, they didn't take a pill to be gay, they just were. That's as natural as it gets.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) Gay sexual behavior occurs throughout the animal kingdom. So if you wanted to imply that it's purely a human thing that doesn't occur in \\\"nature\\\" as in \\\"Mother Nature,\\\" you'd still be wrong.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1375886, "givenName": "Kent", "familyName": "Fung", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kent-Fung"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1393858930068941, "numViews": 295, "numUpvotes": 9, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4182614, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Jack-Calnan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What's \\\"biologically correct\\\" got to do with two people being in love with each other?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You could say \\\"homosexual sex is not a 'biologically correct' way to make babies\\\", but then who says that homosexuals should be trying to make babies?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And why is this something we need to 'agree on'? Can't we just leave each other alone?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3237973, "givenName": "Jack", "familyName": "Calnan", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jack-Calnan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1392783926116782, "numViews": 285, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 4317050, "creationTime": 1397655601980620, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Jack-Calnan?comment_id=4317050&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 3691183, "profileUrl": "/profile/DB-Patton", "givenName": "DB Patton", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What's \\\"biologically correct\\\" got to do with two (or more) people being hot and horny and having sex with people they are sexually attracted to? It isn't always about love, kids.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 6800530, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Malcolm-Holland", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Children should not be taught homosexuality when they're not able to grasp any type of sexuality. We know about normal sexuality. There's a difference in girls and boys. Marriage is the basis of civilization. It's the job of parents to teach their children about the birds and the bees. Heterophobes should not force citizens to believe they are better than heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are people too and deserve respect also. There are many authoritative books for all people on biology and sexuality. There you can find definations of morality and definitions of sex. These books and this information will never be reversed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7167159, "givenName": "Malcolm", "familyName": "Holland", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Malcolm-Holland"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1409554325045124, "numViews": 84, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 5391704, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Lizzie-Pomeroy", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Okay, what in the world is \\\"biologically correct\\\"?? Anyway, homosexually is neither correct or incorrect. It is a label to define an individual who is attracted to another individual that is the same biological gender as them. Homosexual individuals have been around pretty much forever. I don't get why homosexuality is still under debate for being \\\"immoral\\\" or \\\"unnatural\\\" or \\\"incorrect.\\\" It is what it is. Some people are gay. Get over it. Move on. Find a hobby that doesn't involve judging and marginalizing people for who they are physically attracted to. Do you understand how absurd that is? I hope you gain some understanding, and a little compassion wouldn't kill you.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 47579454, "givenName": "Lizzie", "familyName": "Pomeroy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lizzie-Pomeroy"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1401787074728656, "numViews": 323, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 4893545, "creationTime": 1401949967703558, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Lizzie-Pomeroy?comment_id=4893545&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 8264989, "profileUrl": "/profile/Kye-Mitchum", "givenName": "Kye", "familyName": "Mitchum"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I wish I could give you a thousand likes for this answer. Well put, my friend, well put.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 4899159, "creationTime": 1401986066891235, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Lizzie-Pomeroy?comment_id=4899159&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 47579454, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lizzie-Pomeroy", "givenName": "Lizzie", "familyName": "Pomeroy"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 10235438, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Dave-Hustava", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can we agree that bigotry, stupidity and half-assed, religion-driven, wild-suppositions-that-in-no-way-resemble actual biological \\\"theories\\\" are not just scientifically but also morally incorrect ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 50623508, "givenName": "Dave", "familyName": "Hustava", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dave-Hustava"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1425401220797600, "numViews": 131, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 8906771, "creationTime": 1425411567223856, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Dave-Hustava?comment_id=8906771&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 20902056, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chrysaor-Jordan", "givenName": "Chrysaor Jordan", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 4286974, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Chrysaor-Jordan", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Can we all agree that homosexuality is not biologically correct?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, we cannot.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The only thing that makes heterosexuality superior, if that is the term, is that heterosexuality is necessary for future generations.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"On the other hand, not all heterosexuality leads to reproduction. There is birth control. By your argument, birth control is not biologically correct. And neither is masturbation, which is ubiquitous among the human species.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Is it morally? You have to decide that. The answer is between you, your conscience, and God. But remember, you are deciding for yourself alone.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"I'm an egoist. I don't decide for others.\\\" Ayn Rand, THE FOUNTAINHEAD\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 20902056, "givenName": "Chrysaor Jordan", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chrysaor-Jordan"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1393784555872721, "numViews": 259, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 4, "comments": [{"commentId": 4980906, "creationTime": 1402576973822805, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Chrysaor-Jordan?comment_id=4980906&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 17159021, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wensen-Wu", "givenName": "Wensen", "familyName": "Wu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Um. Wasn't Ayn Rand notoriously homophobic? (Not to mention all the other weirdo gender stuff she espoused. That's not even including the lionising of a serial child murderer when she was an adolescent.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nAgree with your entire other answer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 4984446, "creationTime": 1402596580626220, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Chrysaor-Jordan?comment_id=4984446&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 20902056, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chrysaor-Jordan", "givenName": "Chrysaor Jordan", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, she was homophobic. I see that as one of her personal hangups.\\nThe weirdo gender stuff you allude to is probably her overly romanticised view of sex ... in her novels, the sex borders on a rape fantasy. This too I see as one of Rand's personal hangups.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As for the last ... she was naive enough to believe that the man was innocent.\\nThe character of Howard Roark is what that man would have been, had he been a good man with real integrity to match his appearance.\\nOf course the man was in fact who he was ... and Rand was wrong about him.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 5001406, "creationTime": 1402710745003149, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Chrysaor-Jordan?comment_id=5001406&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 17159021, "profileUrl": "/profile/Wensen-Wu", "givenName": "Wensen", "familyName": "Wu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ha, yes I was referring to her very odd views on rape that she espouses in Fountainhead re: gender. I thought that particular event in the book wasn't described as a fantasy.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 5003538, "creationTime": 1402729569614266, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Chrysaor-Jordan?comment_id=5003538&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 20902056, "profileUrl": "/profile/Chrysaor-Jordan", "givenName": "Chrysaor Jordan", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In the context of the book, no, it was not a fantasy. In that context, it really happened.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In real life, this sort of scene represents one of Ayn's fantasies ... which is why she wrote it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think if she had herself had such an experience, if some man had given her the rape fantasy she wrote about ... she would have regretted it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Only in an Ayn Rand novel would you have the woman (Dominique) actually liking it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And that was for me the biggest flaw in The Fountainhead.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}]}, {"aid": 5032797, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Nick-Lilavois", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nope, because homosexuality it is both \\\"biologically correct\\\" and \\\"morally correct\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is correct, period, because it simply is the way some people are, period.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 41966176, "givenName": "Nick", "familyName": "Lilavois", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nick-Lilavois"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1399401069969944, "numViews": 159, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161580, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Mani-Cavalieri", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nope. Because it's not \\\"biologically incorrect.\\\" \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But I think I'm on board with the spirit of the question, here.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as I'm aware, there have been no studies showing that homosexuality is innately harmful to the individual. Beyond personal health, there's no meaningful definition of \\\"biological correctness\\\" (it's certainly not reproductive fitness, otherwise adoption would also be \\\"biologically incorrect\\\" - sounds weird, doesn't it?).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"However, good on you for noting that our morals aren't slave to biology (or any other material knowledge about the world). We don't stop people with actual hereditary genetic disorders from marrying, after all.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6220827, "givenName": "Mani", "familyName": "Cavalieri", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mani-Cavalieri"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362061016565587, "numViews": 447, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 1807522, "creationTime": 1362107866262460, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Mani-Cavalieri?comment_id=1807522&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When I said \\\"biologically incorrect\\\", I meant that it is a handicap in terms of reproduction. Other than that, it is perfectly healthy and no harmful at all therefore morally, it is more than correct. Can we agree there?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 3735290, "creationTime": 1392812524814542, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Mani-Cavalieri?comment_id=3735290&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 2154368, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "User", "familyName": ""}, "content": "", "comments": [{"commentId": 3735403, "creationTime": 1392813423321548, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Mani-Cavalieri?comment_id=3735403&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Jaques, I am asking for the sake of argument. How can you just assume this is what I truly believe and call me a bigot? I haven't said a single thing homophobic. I am just provoking discussion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]}, {"aid": 7712208, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Rafael-Scott", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As expected, everyone was going to use the \\u201cbiologically correct\\u201d as a convenient straw man. Just as people try to say there is no \\u201cnormal\\u201d, always using the argument that is just a value or class or whatever reason. Yet these people would not tell a Doctor Without Borders member why go repair the cleft pallet of some kid in Vietnam, India, Columbia, etc. because that is how they are suppose to be; that for them who are born that way, it is \\u201cnormal\\u201d for them, so it need not be corrected, same with conjoined twins, and other conditions to which one can be born with. The \\u201cthere is no normal, or biologically correct\\u201d camp would have to take the de facto position to say there is no birth defects because anything seen as a defect is \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"how that person\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" was supposed to be born, and a condition they are supposed to live with; why would you try to correct something that did not need correcting? That would be like getting an eye operation when you have 20/20 vision. \\n \\nLet\\u2019s deal with the meat of the question; is it moral or not? In the secular use of morality it depends on where you are, as with anything else. If it were the Middle East, maybe not as much; and if in some western nation then it is a non-issue. There is no way to say if it is moral or not from a purely man-centric view.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6690043, "givenName": "Rafael", "familyName": "Scott", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rafael-Scott"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1414378525422858, "numViews": 125, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2168666, "url": "/Can-we-all-agree-that-homosexuality-is-not-biologically-correct-but-it-is-morally/answer/Alex-Schamenek-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No, we can't all agree because there's a huge number of people who believe homosexuality IS immoral.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2670934, "givenName": "Alex", "familyName": "Schamenek", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Alex-Schamenek-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362186173974801, "numViews": 171, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Is there a course on project management at any MOOCs?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162993, "url": "/Is-there-a-course-on-project-management-at-any-MOOCs/answer/Samar-Ali", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The PMI offers courses which are online ones, you should take 35 hours if you want to get the PMP certificate.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Regarding that, you should read and apply your readings on your project. I suggest Head First PMP book, I read it but I'm too lazy to complete as I read other book for entrepreneurship.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Also follow this hash-tag on twitter #PMChat, it's a twitter chat on 12 pm PT\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5009577, "givenName": "Samar", "familyName": "Ali", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Samar-Ali"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362082682084579, "numViews": 2524, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2645002, "url": "/Is-there-a-course-on-project-management-at-any-MOOCs/answer/Abba-Flores", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Open2Study, Canvas, and CourseSites offer a course on project management.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 19910004, "givenName": "Abba", "familyName": "Flores", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Abba-Flores"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1370656743203567, "numViews": 1400, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Merchant Fraud: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "If I am swindled by a Turkey based exporter of live birds, what am I supposed to do with this issue? Which unit should I report this case to inTurkey?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 13822855, "givenName": "Maurice", "familyName": "Wu", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What should I do if my spouse tells me to stop chatting to people of the opposite sex on social networks?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 3911190, "url": "/What-should-I-do-if-my-spouse-tells-me-to-stop-chatting-to-people-of-the-opposite-sex-on-social-networks/answer/Ryan-Davidson-3", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tell your conversation partners that you need to meet them offline. Wife's orders. :-p\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10534512, "givenName": "Ryan", "familyName": "Davidson", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ryan-Davidson-3"}, "isSensitive": true, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1389770717402786, "numViews": 65, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161913, "url": "/What-should-I-do-if-my-spouse-tells-me-to-stop-chatting-to-people-of-the-opposite-sex-on-social-networks/answer/Karen-Tiede", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stop chatting with POS on social networks.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I suspect there's a lot more going on than what is presented in the original question. Quora's bad enough. 1:1 gets dangerous quickly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11089154, "givenName": "Karen", "familyName": "Tiede", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Karen-Tiede"}, "isSensitive": true, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362065762507253, "numViews": 246, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why do both men and women find the english accent on the opposite sex so irresistible?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 8218548, "givenName": "Bet", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why do people detest virtual worlds?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 6204755, "givenName": "Derek", "familyName": "Lee", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2185521, "url": "/Why-do-people-detest-virtual-worlds/answer/Lazuli-Pooraka", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think virtual worlds are fantastic, Being able to have a network of people worldwide that I can interact with in a rich 3D environment is awesome. I feel that unfortunately some people have one or two negative experiences caused by rude disrespectful people acting out in a virtual space and blame the platform., which is very unfortunate as virtual Worlds have much to offer. People need to recognize that there are rude and unfortunate experiences in Real life, but they don't leave or give up their life because of it, why do that in a virtual environment.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3963914, "givenName": "Lazuli", "familyName": "Pooraka", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Lazuli-Pooraka"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362521257221800, "numViews": 620, "numUpvotes": 4, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{ "uid": 13821882, "givenName": "David", "familyName": "Mills", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are some cultural crazes in Italy right now?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 448849, "givenName": "Fred", "familyName": "Zimmerman", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Who are some of the most respected public figures in Italy right now (and why?)", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Arguments and Argumentation: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What is an example of a fine mind being used to protect a heart of steel?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 4531663, "url": "/Arguments-and-Argumentation-What-is-an-example-of-a-fine-mind-being-used-to-protect-a-heart-of-steel/answer/Ralf-G-Gerler", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Why would a heart of steel need protected? From what?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 48867379, "givenName": "Ralf G. Gerler", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ralf-G-Gerler"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1395772865310313, "numViews": 200, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Italy: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What are some quintessentially Italian memes?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2181898, "url": "/Italy-What-are-some-quintessentially-Italian-memes/answer/Rubin-Mathias", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Objective answer\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nMost Italian memes are just modifications from popular mainstream memes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Among the top 5 popular Italian memes according to the Italian web portal \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Giornalettissimo\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \", the series which some political difference were the\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" E tutta colpa di Pisapia\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"(It's all Pisapia's fault) memes:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"During the Milan municipal \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"(comune) \", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"elections in 2011, the main fight was between\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Pisapia\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (an independent; originally from the\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" left\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \") and\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Letizia Moratti \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"of the Popolo della Libert\\u00e0 (of the\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" right \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"and yes, wait for it...\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Berlusconi'\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"s party). Moratti was already\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" Mayor of Milan \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"and was running for re-election. 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[{"aid": 7020888, "url": "/How-to-retrospect-my-failure-web-application-project/answer/Vishal-Raj-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The right answer quite depends upon what kind of failure you faced.\\nIt might have failed because of\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Technical reasons (could be software / hardware)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Improper marketing / promotion channel\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wrong customer targeting\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Improper / not sufficient content on the portal\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Obsolete business solution offered\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You did not compared with competitors\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nAnd the list can go on...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7194483, "givenName": "Vishal", "familyName": "Raj", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vishal-Raj-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1410777556921673, "numViews": 119, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why are programmers referred to as Sleep Deprived?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2161824, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Rob-King-7", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Programmers are stubborn people. (Myself included) we will always think we know better than someone else and a few health articles probably won't be enough to change our minds when it comes to working in our \\\"proven\\\" ways. Bad habits are hard to break and I think doing a lot of work into the late hours of the night while wired on caffeine is a habit that a lot of us pick up in college.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 10684900, "givenName": "Rob", "familyName": "King", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rob-King-7"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362064450892659, "numViews": 2218, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805493, "creationTime": 1362064931740894, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Rob-King-7?comment_id=1805493&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You don't suffer from performance loss because of lack of sleep in the day?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2162576, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Mesut-Ya\u015far", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Why Do Computer Tablets Disrupt Sleeping Patterns?\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/249592.php\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Aside from the scientific facts that unnatural light disrupts the sleep pattern of a human, we can find more reasons to that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For example, for a good sleep, you should be tired both mentally and physically. A computer programmer gets tired mentally while he is doing his job; coding. Although the job itself might be an easy one for the person, he actively thinks about what he is writing, what he will writing and what will happen when the code is compiled.\\nBut, if the person is on a tight deadline, he will not do enough physical activities.\\nSo there you are, with your fresh body but tired mind. You feel like sleeping, but when you go to bed, you simply can not.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The another factor would be stress. Computer programming might seem one of those 'relax' jobs which 'relax' people work in. But the fact is possibly a little different. Office conditions, a nasty bug, a tight deadline etc. can cause huge amount of stress. \\nStress is responded differently by people. Some will just want to go to sleep to escape from the stress. This guy is your very sleepy friend, who is always sleeping or just got up when you call him. He is under stress.\\nSome people stop sleeping. They just want to get rid of the stress element. This guy is the coder you are talking about.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"One factor could be the work in hand. For me, when the exam gets closer, I sleep less and less, and maybe my last day passes without sleep. But when the exam passes good or bad, I go to sleep and probably will sleep like a bear. \\nNote that the work in hand or the exam is a stress factor which we perceive and accept as inevitable. Sleep won't make it go away. We know it so sure that we are willing to stop sleeping.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think this is because every individual embraces a problem different. Jack needs a certain level of stress before sitting down and start doing what he is supposed to do. William has to start the job as soon as it is awarded to him. James hates deadlines, he is quick, but he prefers to go past the deadline. And Bill just parties till morning and start doing his job without sleeping.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And, lastly, those great programmers you know might be the exceptions. Maybe lots of potentially great programmers are underachieving because they are sleep deprived? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As per being referred as sleep deprived, in every single movie I saw, the hacker does the coding (or hacking) stuff in the night and especially in a dark room. Then he goes to breakfast with his friends at 07:00 AM. So... He is sleep deprived :D\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 11989604, "givenName": "Mesut", "familyName": "Ya\u015far", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mesut-Ya\u015far"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362077555714480, "numViews": 3457, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 1807411, "creationTime": 1362104751085711, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Mesut-Ya\u015far?comment_id=1807411&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 906804, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain", "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It's a stereotype. Professional programmers need a proper night's sleep or they can't perform properly.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1807448, "creationTime": 1362105831218694, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Mesut-Ya\u015far?comment_id=1807448&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 11989604, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mesut-Ya\u015far", "givenName": "Mesut", "familyName": "Ya\u015far"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Exactly the point of my last paragraph about hackers in the movies.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2161817, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Sleep is definitely important to concentration and thinking\\u2014but the clich\\u00e9 refers to the all-night habits of the stereotypical \\\"hacker\\\" and young (or young at heart) programmers who have the stamina to code all night while they are in the \\\"flow\\\" of an interesting project. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"See Steven Levy's book \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Hackers - Heroes of the Computer Revolution\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.stevenlevy.com/index.php/books/hackers\"}}}, {\"text\": \" for profiles of some of the individuals that seeded this stereotype. There is also the famous Real Programmers meme: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/real.programmers.html\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The typical Real Programmer lives in front of a computer terminal. Surrounding this terminal are:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some half-dozen or so partly filled cups of cold coffee. Occasionally, there will be cigarette butts floating in the coffee. In some cases, the cups will contain Orange Crush.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"No Real Programmer works 9 to 5. (Unless it's the ones at night.)\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Real Programmers arrive at work in time for lunch.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Real Programmers don't know how to cook. Grocery stores aren't open at three in the morning. Real Programmers survive on Twinkies and coffee.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"etc\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nWhen all the fun is taken out of it, all-nighters or long shifts are referred to as \\\"crunch time\\\", the period of desperate activity before a shipping deadline.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is a modern practice at many companies, including A-list ones like Facebook and Amazon, called the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Hackathon.\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" This is typically a 24 hour event (though my employer's version is an ordinary 9 hour workday\\u2014we're doing one tomorrow!) that seems to give a nod to the hacking-all-night stereotype. Examples:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"NYC Powered By MongoDB Hackathon\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.10gen.com/events/NYC-MongoDB-Hackathon\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Canadian coders best in the world | Toronto Star\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.thestar.com/business/2012/12/05/canadian_coders_best_in_the_world.html\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \\u2014 \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"After a couple of marathon all-night coding sessions, Canadian techies twice claimed their prize as the best in the world this week, taking home top honours at international contests with innovative and elegant programs\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Atlassian ShipIt Days - 24 hours to deliver projects \", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.atlassian.com/company/about/shipit\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\u2014 \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Been wanting to build that plugin, redesign that interface, or completely rethink that feature that\\u2019s been bugging you? You\\u2019ve got 24 hours...go!\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Highlights from a 24-hour Hackathon\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://spectrum.ieee.org/video/at-work/innovation/highlights-from-a-24hour-hackathon\"}}}, {\"text\": \" \\u2014 \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Programmers and designers swarmed in Manhattan this weekend, gathering in a cavernous, echoing hall. They had 24 hours to build something, anything, with keyboards and code.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 906804, "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362064314026799, "numViews": 6499, "numUpvotes": 10, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 1807455, "creationTime": 1362106005186834, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=1807455&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 885046, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sanjay-Paul", "givenName": "Sanjay", "familyName": "Paul"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Good call mentioning flow - that's really the bulk of it. It's an incredibly rewarding feeling too but hard to describe.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1807527, "creationTime": 1362107979302731, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=1807527&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 906804, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain", "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Many have tried. Can't remember if he mentioned it much, but you might enjoy Richard P. Gabriel's \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Patterns of Software\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" (gah, first Google link is a PDF but of course it's not copy/pasteable, so here's the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Google Search\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.google.ca/search?q=gabriel+patterns\"}}}, {\"text\": \")\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1807584, "creationTime": 1362109475442958, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=1807584&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 885046, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sanjay-Paul", "givenName": "Sanjay", "familyName": "Paul"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Nice! I'll definitely have a look at this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 1807803, "creationTime": 1362114262154751, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=1807803&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 12352213, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jakeo-Wright", "givenName": "Jakeo", "familyName": "Wright"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Funny because I do some minor coding and I always go through the night when I do it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1809007, "creationTime": 1362143162387879, "url": "/Why-are-programmers-referred-to-as-Sleep-Deprived/answer/Toby-Thain?comment_id=1809007&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 906804, "profileUrl": "/profile/Toby-Thain", "givenName": "Toby", "familyName": "Thain"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, some people have always done this; so it has become part of the hacker image.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Pretty hard to sustain into middle age, and at the workplace, though :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}]
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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Why is there so much 'poltu' (political leverage) in IIT KGP campus placements?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
{ "uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false }
[{"aid": 2778812, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Prabhat-Rastogi", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Too many pro-placecomm answers just make me want to answer a question that I had no plans of answering.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Does poltu happen in KGP placements: Resounding YES!!\\nAn example..Circa 2010 December. A bulge bracket japanese bank (with mid-office roles) was coming to campus. They were a day 2 company who had shortlisted some 30 people and had an extended list of 20. When day 2 arrived, they had already lost 10-15 of their 1st list guys. Logically, everyoine assumed second list guys will get interviews. But NO!! who got these coveted interviews, Fest coordinators. Did any of them (non shortlisted fest heads) convert ..NO!!(well fests may teach you a lot, apparently they don't teach you to talk sense in a technical (albeit finance technical) discussion.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Did the people in extended 20 feel like murdering some of these serious morons with no qualification except being fest heads. YES!!! How do I know, I was one of the 20!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Do placecomm members do a marvelous job. YES!! Placing 800 in 2010 dec was a herculean task that was well executed. \\nDO they do this with integrity (without supporting their friends on the way)? \\nResoundingly NO!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 7117967, "givenName": "Prabhat", "familyName": "Rastogi", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Prabhat-Rastogi"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373351084703120, "numViews": 10383, "numUpvotes": 157, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 2391395, "creationTime": 1373887632249099, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Prabhat-Rastogi?comment_id=2391395&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally! An answer which answers the question!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2169545, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2169545", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Grow up, boy!! The world was never fair and never will be. The sooner you will realize it, the better. \\nThere is \\\"poltu\\\" in each and every sphere in this world, specially where people are in a position of power. You just cannot ignore it. It is only natural that people have a selfish tendency to care for their friends and family first. Is this wrong ? Maybe. But still this continues. Do you know why, because good people like you are not part of the process. You should have become a place-com and tried to undo this wrong. Since you did not care to do it, it is useless to raise a hue and cry over this.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"That being said, I once again would like to reiterate Samar's view that the place-coms do their job pretty effectively and they put up a commendable performance. Getting a job through campus placements is one of the easiest ways to get a job. Here, lots of people try their best to get you placed, it is almost like a collective effort. Everywhere else, you have to fend for yourself, no one would vouch for you so actively to have you placed. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Just remember, getting a job is not the end of the journey, but rather the beginning of real life.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Don't take these things too personally and put your best effort from your side.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362208604825876, "numViews": 1909, "numUpvotes": 28, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2778301, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Amritanshu Anand\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 5164217, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Amritanshu-Anand\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Manmohan Singh works 18 hours a day. But that can't be the justification for the corruption his Govt does.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"All those who sat for last year (2012 -2013) placements very well know for the fact about the extent of poltu involved. Don't take it in negative sense. Instead you can consider it as a feedback and you can try your bit by suggesting some steps to your juniors to avoid this in future.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373343147550316, "numViews": 2342, "numUpvotes": 25, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 2403059, "creationTime": 1374085570838682, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301?comment_id=2403059&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5164217, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amritanshu-Anand", "givenName": "Amritanshu", "familyName": "Anand"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well certainly you have a great sense of humor while you compared the timeline of Manmohan SIngh and us. I have no idea how much Manmohan Singh works as I don't know him personally. Maybe you do that's why you mentioned the exact time. Similarly I guess based on how closely you know Manmohan Singh you also predicted how much poltu was involved. Things look different when you are on this side :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 2403394, "creationTime": 1374090197886198, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301?comment_id=2403394&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I don't want to get personal deviating from the topic. Since you have asked about the source for \\\"Manmohan works for 18 hours\\\", here it is \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"At 78, workaholic PM puts in 18-hour days\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-01/india/29725652_1_cabinet-meeting-rcr-works\"}}}, {\"text\": \" Hope this suffices!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As you can see it is not due to any close association of mine with Dr. Singh. It is from a news report. So, that disproves your rhetorical hypothesis of my association with Dr.Singh.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 2403633, "creationTime": 1374093137322022, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301?comment_id=2403633&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5164217, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amritanshu-Anand", "givenName": "Amritanshu", "familyName": "Anand"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yeah but the second part still remains unclear :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 2416645, "creationTime": 1374340973703944, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301?comment_id=2416645&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "profileUrl": null, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I like the point about taking this as feedback :) \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Someone really needs to sit and think about this. I wish brighter times lie ahead for KGP.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 3123903, "creationTime": 1385638171435233, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2778301?comment_id=3123903&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 11297328, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sri-Mukha-Balaji", "givenName": "Sri", "familyName": "Mukha Balaji"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I loved your sarcasm\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2774895, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Pushpam-Bhardwaj", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Before answering I would like to point out that I am not from Placecom or I haven't experienced much of placemnt procedure. I am in my final year and whatever I am writing is based on my interaction with my friends.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1) As far as this particular blog is concerned, he is a very good friend of mine who loves to write and I am sure if there were a company which sought exactly the skill that a writer posses he would have been placed first day of placements season. Being a fiction writer he tries to make his articles as funny/as interesting to read as possible and he excels in it. And he has opted for MBA from XLRI, so in short his primary aim was not to get placement but doing MBA.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2) I don't think Placements in KGP is that poltu driven as it is been suggested. There might be very rare isolated cases where few people get some benefits and that to not because of any political consideration rather because of long time held friendships. But apart from these rare cases I would argue that placements are more or less fair.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3)Yes one could argue that overall placements in a particular year might be better or worse than previous year which could be because of general economic scenario, as a unit recklessness of placecom, attitude of department professors towards placements (I don't know much about other department but it is true for my department at least) etc etc. When there are so many factors are in play blaming placecom and poltu for everything is not fair at all.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4) Most of the dissent comes from places where few people are not satisfied with what they have got or they couldn't get. There is so much in there minds they just want an excuse to blame everything on someone/authority so that they can get some solace for their mind. And it works!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5) I personally feel instead of blaming placecom or poltu for everything if we can encourage these people to do their job that will be more beneficial for community as a whole. Remember they aren't paid anything for all the hard work they put into this process. At least they deserve our gratitude.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 6799644, "givenName": "Pushpam", "familyName": "Bhardwaj", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Pushpam-Bhardwaj"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373283756887944, "numViews": 2220, "numUpvotes": 11, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3670898, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/3670898", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is a pathetic conspiracy theory \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Placecomm reps can't influence company recruitment decisions except increasing shortlists or recruitment numbers as a whole \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyone challenging this can offer to be a volunteer during the placement season and try to 'charm' a company. Most likely, you will get a dirty look amounting to 'grow up kiddo'\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They work really hard and deserve appreciation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stop being losers looking to hang your failures on someone. Go, code or build a race car. You will get the job you want\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nDear anonymous who wrote the above answer, first let me appreciate your attempt to play it cool. \\nNow let me tell you that you are full of shit and you know nothing.\\nElaborating on my hypothesis:\\n1. Ex-Placecommers and their friends are getting shortlisted even after failing to clear the test and even after failing to clear the GD, so they are getting an unfair advantage over many other deserving candidates who may have performed better in the test or the GD. Or, is it just a coincidence that all the additional shortlists consist inevitably of people with only one quality: friends of placecomms?\\n2. Companies have a specific requirement or capacity of intake. So, if you go in early for the interviews you stand a better chance to be selected. Guess who get sent in early without any reason whatsoever.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some people wanted to defend the placecomms saying that they are helping their friends and everyone would have done the same. Now, would I do the same for my friends if I had the chance? Yes, I would. But why give me the chance in the first place? Why not make the system more transparent or better, outsource the whole thing?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Finally, to answer the question, the placecomms do so much poltu because they can and they do not need any other reason to do so!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1386643688758621, "numViews": 1332, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 3672373, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/3672373", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Of course PlaceCom is a thankless job, and all the people in KGP know the blasphemy behind it when they call it thankless. PlaceComms if you are so willing to do thankless jobs I wonder why you people are so much willing to take the blame for every crap that you do intentionally while acting as a place-comm. Why you dont let/vote for some company of hired professionals (I mean TnP getting outsourced) to get the job done,who will be paid especially for this purpose. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If we outsource it then the advantages would be :\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. No Biasing would prevail in the system.\\n2. More core companies would be invited.\\n3. Slot allocation for companies would be done on a more logical scale. \\n4. Company will work with target and goal without any other academic load.\\n5. No more fingers would be pointed.\\n6. requirement of professionalism needed to invite a company would be met.\\n7. People would get rid of naive behavior of the Place-Comms. (By people I mean both students and executives of the companies which are going to be invited).\\n8. Student company interaction would be zero or minimal and shortlisting of CVs would be done on a healthy platform.\\n9. Answer scripts of Tests would not be checked by the Place-Comms. \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"10. Place-Comms would be able to devote more time for their \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"Bandis \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"outside than inside the TnP cell. :P :D :D\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If Place-Comms, you all agree to this it would be the ultimate thankless job you can ever do to the student community. No offence to anyone, I am just stating this as an impartial Kgpian.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1386669537643492, "numViews": 358, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2772726, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well certainly this question caused my attention while my daily quora walk. A lot of assumptions have been taken in the question, some of the answers and the blog too and it is quite evident from the category which you added to the question which says, \\\"Questions that contain assumptions\\\". However, I would like to add or maybe direct the readers to the facts which lie underneath these assumptions. To make the answer a bit structured, I would answer all the questions asked within the question description. BTW I was also a placeom. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes, we are \\\"scared\\\" of them, but how long can that go on?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well a nice word to use \\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"scared\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\\" . I don't think that even one of the placecom is scary. We try each day to get maximum number of companies to our campus so that all the students can get placed. A typical placecom team handles about 5000 companies, around 450 each. We start calling as the semester starts. We go to classes, attend labs and after that calling is what we do all day and meeting in the night. No time for friends, parties and other recreational activities. Now that is the scenario till \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Mid August\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". After Mid August PPT of various companies start along with the internship procedure. On the first day of internship process in 2012, all the placecoms were awake till 6am in the morning and again started calling from 10:00 am itself. So, I guess you can understand what our routine is after mid-august. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"September\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" approaches and so do the mid semester exams, people are trying to get a higher SGPA to improve their placement chances, but what placecoms are doing during this time? It's the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Calling\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Then comes October, students generally go to a short visit to their home, but again placecoms stay back in kgp so that they can invite more companies. During my October tenure, my entire family was going on a trip, they asked me to join them repeatedly but I denied them because placement is far more important than any family reunion or trip. The chilly \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"November\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" arrives, people sleep late in their room, but we still get up early to reach the office and start calling. Now in this month, teams are generally divided and on an average each placecom in now interacting with at least 500 different people. Me and my buddy personally handled Logistics, and each day we used to receive around 100 calls from different companies. It includes the time between classes, lab, lunch, dinner and sometimes even while you sleep in the night, And yes we answer them all. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"End-Semesters\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" arrive, but instead of mugging we make plan for the first phase, ask for shortlist, their travel plan, see how many rooms are there with us for the process, ask companies to hire more students, in some cases ask the company to reconsider their decision of not coming to IIT Kgp. After the end sems shortlisting procedure of companies start and then on December 1 the placement. If I try to explain this phase, maybe it will take me at least 3000 more words. To summarize our work, I will just give you a \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"fact. \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"In the first phase the maximum number of hours I slept was 4 and I had 7 night outs in that period. Total number of offers on Day 1 were around 130, largest for any IIT. Now finally we take a break for 15 days in which we meet our family or in my case go to field trip. \\nNow we come to \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"January, \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"for a normal kgpian this is the month of fests but for us now is the time to face the biggest challenge, convincing new companies to come, finding some contacts which can convert these companies, asking students to come to PPT etc. No fests for us. Again comes the mid sems in \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"February, \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"but as our last mid sems passed by this one also passes by and we are still calling companies and carry out their recruitment process. \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"March \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"comes and so does the elections, campus is all buzzed up with topics like this question arises but none of the placecoms answer it. People think it's because they are guilty. No we do so because we are still calling companies. You might think that's what these guys do calling, then why still no companies come? Well they do, the number of companies coming in 1st phase is equivalent to the number of companies coming in 2nd Phase. Now you might tell me that number of days in Phase 1 is 20 but in 2nd Phase in 4 months. To make my point let me clarify that the number of days with us to call companies is less in 2nd Phase as compared to First Phase. Now comes April, the new team is selected, they have these assumptions in mind as people spoon feed them this but then they work and finally get to know facts and write answers to questions like these. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Why does it just keep going on? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well I will keep this one short. Remove the above work from placement and see how long the placement can keep on going. It keeps going on because we want to get our students placed. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There has to be a point where such blatant injustice will not be tolerated, right? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\nWell I have read the blog you mentioned in March itself but as I was calling so never got the time to express what I felt.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How is it fair that a student, who wholly trusts in a placecomm and hands him his CV in the hope of getting a fair chance, just gets \\\"back-stabbed\\\" in such a cold and ruthless manner? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most of the companies which come to our campus want the CV's before December hence the shortlisted students are generally placed before they come to campus. We as placecoms convince them to open the profile for all branches and to invite more resumes. The same process is done for almost every company coming after Day 3. We take the CV's and give them to Company Reps. The students whom they shortlist they feel they deserved it and some of the people who get rejected thing its us who dropped their CVs. My neighbor in my wing couldn't get a campus placement. The guy in the room beside him got placed in Feb. They thought that I never helped them and almost never talked to me for sometime. But there wasn't anything I could do. They also thought I back-stabbed them. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How is it that these people, who are students, have the guts to do this kind of thing so openly, without any fear at all? \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"First part is right that we are students. For the second part we are \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"fairly \", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \"selected after a written and an interview round which is taken by a panel of professor in which we are evaluated on the basis of our prior work in the institute, academic performance (I am 7.1, the lowest among all the placecom, next one is at 7.6 and most of us are 8 pointers), dedication and communication skills. Our work ethics and even our senior team always guide us to be fair to all and never reply rudely to anyone as we are student's representative\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Isn't this a crime?\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"During my tenure as a placecom 2012-2013, let me list down what crimes I committed - \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"1. I never had the time to guide my younger brother to get into a good school with his physics. My parents think this is a crime. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"2. I started a company called CrowdBeans in June 2012 however since I had already opted for Placecom, I left CrowdBeans on hold. My Co-founder thought it was a crime. Now when I have time, we have been recognized as Top 5 studend startups in India, selected in an accelerator program by MIT and Google, selected among top 200 startups in India across all ages by NASSCOM. But this missed year created our first Indian competitor and many global ones too. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"3. I missed classes, labs and field trip. My proffesor's thought it was a crime. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"4. I promised my 2012 intern company that I will work with you till August but couldn't as I was Placecom. My company thought it was a crime. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"5. I celebrated my Birthday in T&P office as I had a process to carry out that night. My friends called me to wing but couldn't go. They thought it was a crime. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"6. I am from E Cell. My juniors wanted me to help them in some aspects and a deal. But I couldn't as I was busy with work. They thought it was a crime, \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"But to the question asked here, \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"No I don't think it's a crime\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". And if anyone asks me do you want to be a placecom again after all this is said about you guys I will say \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"YES!!\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \" Bceause the happiness when some stranger comes and thanks you after he/she gets a job is something which only a placecom can experience. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PS Sorry for any typos or errors, gave the answer in one go. So never got the time for edits. \\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Edit\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"question\", \"qid\": 1000174, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5164217, "givenName": "Amritanshu", "familyName": "Anand", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amritanshu-Anand"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1373241510763936, "numViews": 10130, "numUpvotes": 169, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 2374986, "creationTime": 1373535199590103, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand?comment_id=2374986&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 8412692, "profileUrl": "/profile/Animesh-Choudhary", "givenName": "Animesh", "familyName": "Choudhary"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The question is not \\\"why do placecoms do not work.\\\" It is \\\"why are placecoms not fair in their work.\\\" Nice \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Straw man\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man\"}}}, {\"text\": \" btw :P\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 2375188, "creationTime": 1373539201506663, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand?comment_id=2375188&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5164217, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amritanshu-Anand", "givenName": "Amritanshu", "familyName": "Anand"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I think the answer to the question asked by you lies in the answer itself as I explained each of the question discussed here. But to summarise no we don't do any so called poltu.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 2609755, "creationTime": 1377933731842553, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand?comment_id=2609755&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 15348786, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mubashshir-Ali", "givenName": "Mubashshir", "familyName": "Ali"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If there is so much work load then why doesn't the management simply increase the strength of the placecom team ??\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 2391896, "creationTime": 1373896890875658, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand?comment_id=2391896&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 6801079, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gaurav-Patel-6", "givenName": "Gaurav", "familyName": "Patel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wow! Enough content to write a book you'll get if you elaborate a bit, And even after reading through so many words I didn't find a single line relevant to the question. The guys asks how long will this injustice go on and you answer how long does the season lasts. lol... funny read btw. I wonder who voted you...\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 2403050, "creationTime": 1374085379216405, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answer/Amritanshu-Anand?comment_id=2403050&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5164217, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amritanshu-Anand", "givenName": "Amritanshu", "familyName": "Anand"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Gaurav Patel\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 6801079, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Gaurav-Patel-6\"}}}, {\"text\": \" I tried explaining the questions asked in the description. I request you to kindly do the same then maybe you will realize/understand what I am tring to answer :)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 3610663, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/3610663", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is a pathetic conspiracy theory \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Placecomm reps can't influence company recruitment decisions except increasing shortlists or recruitment numbers as a whole \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Anyone challenging this can offer to be a volunteer during the placement season and try to 'charm' a company. Most likely, you will get a dirty look amounting to 'grow up kiddo'\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"They work really hard and deserve appreciation. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Stop being losers looking to hang your failures on someone. Go, code or build a race car. You will get the job you want\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1385666492008550, "numViews": 1190, "numUpvotes": 5, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2785294, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2785294", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Everything is fair in love, war and placements.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"- A non placecommer, a non-beneficiary, but successful out of IIT Kgp.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1373445456671973, "numViews": 841, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2452343, "url": "/Why-is-there-so-much-poltu-political-leverage-in-IIT-KGP-campus-placements/answers/2452343", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Could you quote one instance where you've 'heard stories' of such nature? Are you significant enough to have had held power? if yes, have you never misused it? \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My answer to your question- Why is there so much 'poltu' in KGP??\\nHypocrisy and lack of balls in people to take up challenging POR's..\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1367368636027520, "numViews": 332, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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[{"aid": 2165314, "url": "/Did-windows-update-screw-my-computer/answer/Manigandan-Balachandran", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Windows update does create these problems, very rarely. If it updates improperly. Sometimes it takes forever and we do get frustrated and force switch off, despite the warning \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"\\\"Please do not turn off your computer\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". And in some cases, these dependency issues screw it up, even though Windows updates the system in a specific order. \\nSee this for more details on \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"How To Prevent Windows Updates From Crashing Your PC\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://pcsupport.about.com/od/system-security/a/prevent-windows-update-problems.htm\"}}}, {\"text\": \".\\nAlso, note that you can uninstall recent updates from the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Programs and Features\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}, {\"text\": \". Click on the \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"View installed updates\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" in the left pane, order updates by \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Installed on\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \" and try uninstalling the recent ones. \\nComing to your question about testing updates before making it public, they DO, but the fact that there are different combinations of different drivers, files in different systems, they kind of offer a generic update, that sometimes do not work well with the other products in the system, in your case, the Movie Maker. Also check if you've installed recent codecs, or in other words, contradicting codecs. For instance, when you have VLC and K-Lite Mega Codec Pack installed, it results in erroneous conversions, i.e. the audio/video error, when you use a software that converts media files from one format to the other, using the existing codecs on your system.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1937842, "givenName": "Manigandan", "familyName": "Balachandran", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Manigandan-Balachandran"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362125575710188, "numViews": 1031, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
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It also enables them to predict surges in usage and instantly detect outages.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"By allowing end-to-end communication between distribution sites, power plants, and the end user\\u2019s electrical point-of-presence, smart grids significantly raise efficiency and reduce costs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Soon, it\\u2019s inevitable that electrical engineers will frequently come across smart grids and or be asked to help develop one.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"SOON, ELECTRICAL VEHICLES WOULD BE THE STANDARD DE FACTO\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tesla recently hit the $100 billion milestone, making itself the first publicly listed US carmaker in history to do so. This is a good sign that electric vehicles have come to stay.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Experts predict that by 2030, there would be over 125 million electric vehicles on the road. Considering the millions of EVs that are already roaming the streets, this is not so much of a long-short. Many EV manufacturers are investing hard into the tech, and consumers can expect better batteries, improved charging tech, more accurate autonomous driving, solar-powered EVs, and even electric planes!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Wireless power transfer is in its primitive stages, but the future is bright. In 2020, we expect better wireless charging for laptops, smartphones, earphones, and other smart devices.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Shortly, however, we expect much more. Soon, wireless charging will also become the standard for electric cars. Instead of the large charging docks, drivers will be able to park on a charging spot without needing to plug in. Expects predict that a few years from now, it will also be possible to charge your electric vehicle while it\\u2019s moving!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"WIRELESS WEARABLE TECH\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Last year, at the recent Apple event, Tim Cook shared a couple of videos he had received from several apple watch users. These customers appreciated how the apple watch had detected their health conditions (such as Atrial Fibrillation) and encouraged them to visit a doctor\\u2014ultimately saving their lives.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, this is the same case with wearables in electrical engineering: they are literally lifesavers as well. An excellent example is Proxxi bracelets for electrical engineers with a sensor that vibrates if it gets too close to high-voltage electricity. SolePower also developed boots that are built with temperature sensing, lighting, cloud connectivity, and GPS to provide a warning for overheating, proximity to danger, and falls.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Furthermore, wearable devices are being developed to authenticate access to electrical machinery, provide communications information without the use of mobile phones. This significantly improves the overall safety of electrical engineers.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If artificial intelligence has penetrated large industries like armaments and medicine, surely the electrical engineering landscape cannot be an exception. Electrical engineers are expected to do much better with AI. By blending their prowess and skill with the know-how of AI and machine learning, electrical engineers are contributing the following:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Create complex algorithms for data interpretation\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Generate new codes or revamping existing codes\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Build massive AI and machine learning platforms\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Develop comprehensive strategies in the field of electronics\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Most notably, artificial intelligence is going to help electrical engineers with image processing. Leveraging AI, engineers can invent complex image processing algorithms to help machines detect electrical or structural abnormalities on a framework and quickly send feedback or suggest rectifications.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Ultimately, this helps to improve the workplace safety of electrical engineers who are often involved in hazardous and massive electronic production lines.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"PREFABRICATED PRODUCTS\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The use of prefabricated and preassembled electrical components is increasing. While they significantly bring substantial cost savings, it seems electricians are not happy with the trend.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Electrical engineers are concerned that this threatens their role. \\u201cPrefab products?\\u201d grunted one union electrician. \\u201cThey don\\u2019t need us for that. A monkey can do that work \\u201c. Some also argue that prefab increases the safety of electrical engineers, their efficiency and ultimately compensates for the industry\\u2019s labor shortage.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ENERGY-SAVING LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Gone are the days when LED bulbs were only for those willing to pay the top dollar. LED lamps are becoming the standard de facto light bulb. Today, with prices as low as $2 per bulb or even less, LED bulbs are now a possibility for the average consumer.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Due to their energy-saving capabilities, the bulbs pay for themselves in a matter of months. On average, they can save each household $50-$100 per year in utility bills. With more advances in smart technology, these lights are expected to become even more efficient and easy to install in the near future.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"AUTOMATED CLIENT RELATIONSHIP AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Generally, electrical engineers are not enthusiasts of paperwork. However, as much as they love their practical work, there are instances when paperwork is necessary. Fortunately, now there is software that electrical engineers can use to organize scheduling and billing, track customer interactions, and ultimately spend less time on paperwork.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"IoT impacts many different areas of the electrical engineering landscape. From smart grids to smart lighting and Visible Light Communication (VLC), among many others, IoT is now intertangled with the electrical engineering industry. As a result, it\\u2019s now imperative that every electrical engineer becomes \\u201cIoT literate.\\u201d\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Apart from the smart grid benefits like monitoring, distribution and automation implemented in electrical utilities, IoT applications in the field of electrical energy also include smart inverters, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), remote control operation of energy-consuming devices and SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"INCREASED USE OF DRONES\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"When you think of drones, often you probably think of the entertainment industry, shooting music videos and movies.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, the application of drones goes far beyond the entertainment industry. A recent survey on seven business sectors has shown that the engineering and construction industries use drones the most. Did you know that leveraging drones can increase safety on a construction site by 55%?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Electrical engineers are using drones to examine certain hazardous electrical zones without putting themselves at risk. This provides much-needed safety in the electrical engineering industry. Furthermore, drones are now helping to record, collect, and analyze data at the job site, thus increasing productivity and efficiency.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"A BOOST IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"With Greta Thunberg making her firm stand for intense action towards climatic change, it\\u2019s certainly not the best time for the energy sector to rely on fossil fuels and other environmentally unfriendly energy sources.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The drive for sustainable energy sources is at its peak. The implementation of utility-scale renewable fuels such as solar, wind, and hydropower is, at its peak increase all around the world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ENERGY STORAGE AND BETTER BATTERIES\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"While wind and solar power are excellent sources of sustainable energy, they are not always there. Therefore, consumers can only \\u201cmake hay when the sun shines.\\u201d They have to do their best to save energy from the wind, the sun, or any other renewable sources for later use.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To meet this demand, electrical engineers all around the world are working towards better batteries and energy storage. Distributed Energy Resource (DER), grid parity, AI and sustainable energy, blockchain, and cybersecurity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Generally, 2020 is an exciting year for the electrical engineering landscape. Companies like Tesla, Eos, Sonnen, and Vivint Solar are some to keep an eye on for the latest innovations.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"ROBOTICS\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"While robotics-based technologies are often ridiculed for stealing people\\u2019s jobs in most industries, it\\u2019s a different case in electrical engineering. Robotics significantly help to improve safety. For instance, remotely controlled, wireless underground cable cutters can be used instead of putting humans at life-threatening risk.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These trends will lead us toward the future. Where the lights never go out unexpectedly, a world whereby everything is more comfortable, efficient, and affordable! You want to learn electrical engineering, you can learn online from \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"learning apps\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=student.ekeeda.com.ekeeda_student&hl=en_IN\"}}}, {\"text\": \" available on playstore and appstore!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1093475710, "givenName": "Ravindra", "familyName": "Jadhav", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ravindra-Jadhav-266"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1603447407466810, "numViews": 2565, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 2, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 91894645, "url": "/What-are-the-new-technology-in-electrical-engineering/answer/Basic-Electrical-9", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The latest Technology in Electrical Engineering are:-\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Vehicle to Grid technology\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Electrical vehicle\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Renewable energy technology\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Solar based Electric vehicle\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 457135930, "givenName": "Basic", "familyName": "Electrical", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Basic-Electrical-9"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1532022094726509, "numViews": 2338, "numUpvotes": 3, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 68051457, "url": "/What-are-the-new-technology-in-electrical-engineering/answer/Isaac-Donis", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In all of electrical engineering, 5G will byfar be the most profitable. And another one would be Bluetooth low energy signals, not \\u201cnew\\u201d per se, but innovative usecases are becoming popular\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 357247287, "givenName": "Isaac", "familyName": "Donis", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Isaac-Donis"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1514573557489902, "numViews": 2921, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 1477743643895193, "url": "/What-are-the-new-technology-in-electrical-engineering/answer/SWAPNIl-N-CHOURAGADE", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Internet of Things (IoT) - This technology involves the connection of everyday devices and appliances to the internet, allowing for remote monitoring and control.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Renewable energy sources - The use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower is becoming increasingly common as the world shifts toward more sustainable energy solutions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Smart grids - Smart grids use advanced communication and control technologies to optimize energy delivery and consumption, reducing waste and improving efficiency.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Energy storage systems - The development of advanced energy storage technologies such as batteries and supercapacitors is enabling the widespread use of renewable energy sources.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Power electronics - Power electronics is an area of electrical engineering that deals with the conversion and control of electrical power using electronic devices such as transistors and diodes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning - AI and machine learning technologies are being used to optimize the design, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems, improving efficiency and reducing costs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) - AR and VR technologies are being used to enhance the training and visualization of electrical systems, making it easier for engineers to design and maintain complex systems.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"These are just a few examples of the new and emerging technologies in electrical engineering that are helping to shape the future of the industry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 1137252079, "givenName": "SWAPNIl N. 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However, at the level of centralized networks, although not so actively, developments are still underway.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Let us consider in more detail what global problems will help solve innovations in the electric power industry.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Modern problems in the electric power industry requiring an early solution\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Since the centralized electricity and gas supply systems familiar to everyone were built long ago, most of them need not just repair, but a complete replacement.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There are several reasons for this, the main ones are deterioration, danger to humans and the environment, and low productivity.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In addition, many thermal power plants are currently operating in condensation mode, this is due to the widespread occurrence of local boiler houses.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The process of decentralization of electricity and heat supply is currently not reversible, since the maintenance and maintenance of local installations costs consumers less than the consumption of resources from centralized highways.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The cost of heat and electricity from central suppliers is growing every year, since the plants at the stations are worn out and their efficiency is negligible.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Therefore, we need new technologies in the electric power industry that will help regulate the energy load, increase the efficiency of centralized supply stations and decent rally control the connected local loads.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Factors for the development of new technologies\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Factors determining the development of new technologies:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The volume of consumption of electric and thermal energy, which has recently been falling;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The structure of consumption, changing towards decentralized consumption;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Fuel policy, which is based on the rejection of coal, gas and nuclear energy, and the transition to fundamentally new sources;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Automation of control and monitoring systems.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Based on these factors, we can conclude that in the near future a transition to a combined system of centralized and decentralized energy supply will be made.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"At the same time, people will abandon traditional sources of energy that harm their health and have a devastating effect on the environment; instead of obsolete and inefficient resources, more productive sources, such as methane and hydrogen, will be used.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Segments for the introduction of new technologies\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Presumably, new technologies in the electric power industry will begin to develop rapidly in 20 years, and in 60 years the world will see fundamentally new systems and methods for managing them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"New technologies need to be introduced in the following segments:\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Private sector;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Networks\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Local generation;\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Industrial capacitive capacitors (drives);\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Heat supply.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It is worth noting that work on the introduction of innovations in each of the sectors is ongoing in our time, but the development has not yet found widespread acceptance and widespread adoption.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"We will examine each category in more detail to understand how new technologies in the electric power industry will help to improve them.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Energy-saving innovations in the private sector will help consumers significantly reduce utility bills. To accomplish this task, solar panels, wind generators, climate control systems, home generators, smart homes, heating elements, batteries, thermal insulation, building materials with enhanced operating characteristics are being developed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Networks need to be upgraded primarily to increase their efficiency, security and the ability to manage a decentralized connected load.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"To achieve these goals, we need automatic and automated control systems, new network technologies and micro-network complexes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Local generation should develop the construction of electric and thermal stations that operate on alternative energy sources, for example, solar panels, wind generators, small hydro power plants, tidal energy, bio-generation, geothermal energy, waste generation, low-power hydrogen generators, small thermonuclear plants.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Industrial drives are being upgraded very rapidly, respectively, and their popularity among owners of residential and commercial premises is growing. 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[{"aid": 2161459, "url": "/What-do-todays-entrepreneurs-read/answers/2161459", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Read fiction to keep dreaming the unthinkable. Read fiction to be articulate, to learn to say the same thing in a better way, to get chance to get into the heads of imaginary people who have real life counterparts in our lives. Read sci-fi to keep imagination ticking. Read thrillers to inculcate the brilliance of a shrewd mind.\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Read non-fiction to keep level-headed in difficult and very difficult situations; also, to remain grounded when things are sunny. There is a lot to be learned on entrepreneurship even from the leaders of lost civilizations of this world.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Read about technology, maybe MIT Tech Review or another Mag to keep abreast about how technology is evolving and will evolve in the future. Think about possibilities. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"And definitely, browse business headlines too.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"unordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nIn entrepreneurship, where life gets really unpredictable and we are often indulgent in closed boxes (isolated from the world), books not only unwind our mind in a finite way but also keep us engaged with the outside world in a very unique way.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 221001153, "givenName": "Annalise", "familyName": "Cameron", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": null}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362058832385467, "numViews": 952, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 30601676, "url": "/What-do-todays-entrepreneurs-read/answer/Will-Akins-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The most successful entrepreneurs I know immerse themselves in their field by reading their industry magazines and blogs. I have seen people become experts in a field in a short period of time (1\\u20132 years) through absorbing info from trade magazines/blogs, starting a meetup group or event, and joining or starting a company in that field. And when I mean experts, I mean they are invited to speak on a 5 person panel for a nationwide expo.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"As far as books most entrepreneurs read, these are common:\\n- The Lean Startup\\n- Innovator\\u2019s Dilemma\\n- Zero to One\\n- The Art of Start 2.0\\n- The Startup Owner\\u2019s Manual (and Steve Blank\\u2019s blog, which has more book recommendations)\\n- Made to Stick\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I also find it inspiring to read biographies about successful people. Sometimes knowing that somebody else went through a difficult problem and came out on the other side helps you put things in perspective. And remember, if you stumble across a problem you haven\\u2019t read about, just \\u201cGoogle it\\u201d.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 189509333, "givenName": "Will", "familyName": "Akins", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Will-Akins-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1478817891169474, "numViews": 396, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2162443, "url": "/What-do-todays-entrepreneurs-read/answer/Andrew-Gale-2", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Tech crunch, Lean Startup (book) , Quora, Startup Blogs. No real magazines (even though I have a subscription to Entrepreneur myself)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 13194827, "givenName": "Andrew", "familyName": "Gale", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Andrew-Gale-2"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1362075853559877, "numViews": 348, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What is the best way for a software guy with 12 yrs of experience to get a job in Bangalore after a break of 9-10 months?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 40821032, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Udhaya-Kumar-V", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have an fz16 bike. According to my experience I had used 4 types of engine oil.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Motul 5100: Semi Synthetic oil it's 500+ rs in market. In this oil produce smooth engine sound and gear shifting feel. It's suitable for long ride. Because Semi Synthetic oil earn time to produce it's quality(around 2 to 3 km). Mileage will reduce up to 2 km.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Motul 7100: Fully Synthetic oil. This type oil for made for more acceleration. Suitable for city traffic to produce more power. Gives more mileage compare to above 5100. But it little bit costly 700+ rs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yamalube: Fully Synthetic oil made for yamaha engine. It's worthy for less price. In showroom they suggest and use this oil only. It doesn't impress like motul. Price 300+rs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Shell AX7: Advance 4T AX7 with R.C.E. Technology is a unique, synthetic technology lubricant ideal for high performance motorbikes. Demanding engines deliver high power and torque and require oilperformance reliability under these stressful conditions. Their riders expect the enjoyment and excitement of advanced ride comfort. Produce smooth with acceleration. Price 400+ rs\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"ordered-list\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 173729463, "givenName": "Udhaya", "familyName": "Kumar V", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Udhaya-Kumar-V"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1491248137702929, "numViews": 17947, "numUpvotes": 16, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 105721123, "creationTime": 1565973745291713, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Udhaya-Kumar-V?comment_id=105721123&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 848421844, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amal-Pravin-Ponnumuthu", "givenName": "Amal Pravin", "familyName": "Ponnumuthu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"motul 5100 milleage reduces for me to about 10 to 15 KM IM ALSO using fz16\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 27384194, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I may be late in answering this question. Still I would love to share my experience.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have rode 40k on my Fz16. Till 37k i used to go to service center and use what ever oil they put. (Which I believe is yamalube which is mineral oil. Or variant of Motul 3100 series.)\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"After 37k i changed my engine oil to Motul 5100 4T 15W50 semi symthetic. For initial 200km I didn't feel any difference. But after this initial run my engine is now smooth as never before. Performance has increased. Engine noise is reduced even on high revs.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I was advised to go for fully synthetic (like Motul 300v factory line double easter). But after some research I chose to put semi synthetic first and then go for fully synthetic if ever needed.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Some experts also suggest against fully synthetic in fz16 or other comuters bike. Performace bike like R15 is more suited for fully synthetic. Anyways this is not my opinion. Though I would suggest you to go for semi synthetic first like Motul 5100 4T 15W50. Also check the grade (15W50) suitable for your conditions.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If you already have tried fully synthetic oil please share your experience\\u263a.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 20861870, "givenName": "Hrishikesh", "familyName": "Rane", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hrishikesh-Rane"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1473006070938878, "numViews": 22395, "numUpvotes": 17, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 9, "comments": [{"commentId": 28395746, "creationTime": 1483265775142557, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=28395746&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 54542241, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ketul-Patel-17", "givenName": "Ketul", "familyName": "Patel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What is your frequency of changing engine oil along with oli filter element? Yamhalube seems to be effective till first 500\u2013600 km only.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How much longer motul 5100 last compare to yamalube?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 28535915, "creationTime": 1483514064521956, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=28535915&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 28495290, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ravindra-Parcha", "givenName": "Ravindra", "familyName": "Parcha"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"It totally depends on bike you own and riding style. Usually Motul 5100 15w50 stands up to 5k-6k kms\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 28536881, "creationTime": 1483515889722625, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=28536881&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 54542241, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ketul-Patel-17", "givenName": "Ketul", "familyName": "Patel"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Thank you for your response, i'm looking forward to use motul 5100 in my fz16\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"commentId": 105720570, "creationTime": 1565973432312163, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=105720570&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 848421844, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amal-Pravin-Ponnumuthu", "givenName": "Amal Pravin", "familyName": "Ponnumuthu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"how abt ur milleage?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 105892712, "creationTime": 1566097580798976, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=105892712&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 848421844, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amal-Pravin-Ponnumuthu", "givenName": "Amal Pravin", "familyName": "Ponnumuthu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"millege:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"at first i have used yamahalube afr that Motul 3100, in these tw0 engine oils i got good milege abt 50 to 55 at the speed range of 50kms, but in Motul 5100 the bike millege is reduced to 40 to 45 at the same speed range above mentioned.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"performance:\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"as per yamahalube & Motul 3100 performance is low & engine sounds are high with better millege. when i use Motul 5100 performance is high & engine sounds are low with low millege.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"note: My question is how to get better millege in Motul 5100?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 105793616, "creationTime": 1566025895978037, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=105793616&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 20861870, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hrishikesh-Rane", "givenName": "Hrishikesh", "familyName": "Rane"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"35 to 40 given the bike is pretty old now\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 28689171, "creationTime": 1483769814708492, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=28689171&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 17392794, "profileUrl": "/profile/Raja-Kumaran-1", "givenName": "Raja", "familyName": "Kumaran"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bro, in Yamaha center, the recommended grade for fz-s is 20w40. But you seem to use 15w50. Is it right to do so? And how often do you change your oil?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 208187499, "creationTime": 1625019630513959, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=208187499&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 12928399, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vish1-1", "givenName": "Vish1", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Bro.. im planning to go \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"spiti\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://spiti.it\"}}}, {\"text\": \" valley. I will be around 500 km trip..i decided to go with my fz 16(50k km done) 2017 model .. will it be fine to take the bike if i get it serviced with motul 5100 oil before the ride.?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 363343191, "creationTime": 1696128135434016, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Hrishikesh-Rane?comment_id=363343191&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 1540946480, "profileUrl": "/profile/Seeker-351", "givenName": "Seeker", "familyName": ""}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"What is company recommended oil grade for fz16 v1? And why is r15\u2019s oil not recommended?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 29419357, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Nighil", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Motul 5100 15w50, I\\u2019m using this oil on my fz16. very good one it helps to incresase speed, mileage and gear shifting and all it\\u2019ll make very smooth. I Started using this oil 1 month before and I\\u2019m happy with my bike performance. its costs 575rs .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"If U want ur engine keep alive go for motul semi synthetic oil.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"after using Motul 5100 15w50 it gave back life to my bike engine, clutch gear n all butter smooth and increase in mileage and performance too. Thi s I\\u2019m commenting after using it for 6 month. so far No problem .evrythng f9.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"MOTUL - Motor Oil 5100 15W50 - 1Litre\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"https://www.snapdeal.com/product/motul-motor-oil-5100-15w50/1659617986\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 176928775, "givenName": "Nighil", "familyName": "", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Nighil"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1476765789909169, "numViews": 10579, "numUpvotes": 7, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 3, "comments": [{"commentId": 105721380, "creationTime": 1565973887896106, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Nighil?comment_id=105721380&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 848421844, "profileUrl": "/profile/Amal-Pravin-Ponnumuthu", "givenName": "Amal Pravin", "familyName": "Ponnumuthu"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"my milleage is reduced to 10 to 15KMs in 50km speed after using Motul 5100 15w50\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 112451513, "creationTime": 1570559642484073, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Nighil?comment_id=112451513&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 814440979, "profileUrl": "/profile/Boopathi-Murugan-3", "givenName": "Boopathi", "familyName": "Murugan"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Drain interval.? .\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 202621127, "creationTime": 1622387839097785, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Nighil?comment_id=202621127&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 118772778, "profileUrl": "/profile/Hardik-Bansal-9", "givenName": "Hardik", "familyName": "Bansal"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yes that's correct i've been using this from past 5 years now\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have a 2009 fzs and this oil makes gear shifts butter smooth\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The engine is never opened yet. Hope it will complete its 15 year life easily.\ud83e\udd17\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 59833793, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Manigandan-Ramkumar", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I have a FZ16 2010 model which has clocked 34,000 KMS so far. I had used Motul 7100 20W50 engine oil for the past one year. Had done two drains so far. I live in hyderabad and summer temperatures can reach 43\\u201345*C and most of the time have to commute to office in bumper to bumper traffic. What i observed was the engine gets heated up with Motul 7100 but there is marked increase in acceleration, vibrations have reduced and clutch shifts are smoother. Bike can clock higher revs 6500 RPM without much effort. My mechanic has advised against 7100 it in the long run for engine life. Since the engine heats up too often one has to keep an close watch of engine oil level. I religiously check the engine oil level every weekend. Drain interval was 2500 Kms for me since I rev the bike in higher RPM too often. Before 7100 i used yamalube with usual vibrations and hard clutch shifts. Motul 7100 reveled the smoothness and refinement of Yamaha engines.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I would suggest to go ahead with Motul 5100 15W40 if your are within city commutes and go for occasional weekend trips. You may have to compromise on quick acceleration since it would take 3 to 5 kms before the engine oil characteristic is revealed. And for hot temperature in congested traffic it would serve the purpose very well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 22158828, "givenName": "Manigandan", "familyName": "Ramkumar", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Manigandan-Ramkumar"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1507915433298512, "numViews": 31361, "numUpvotes": 15, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 67997289, "creationTime": 1531979788405446, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Manigandan-Ramkumar?comment_id=67997289&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 148537187, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sumeet-Uttamchandani-1", "givenName": "Sumeet", "familyName": "Uttamchandani"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"just yesterday i put motul 5100 15w40 oil for 1st time, will share the feedback after 2k kms!!!\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 108039561, "creationTime": 1567645212227336, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Manigandan-Ramkumar?comment_id=108039561&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 743562885, "profileUrl": "/profile/Tazliyat-Inamdar-1", "givenName": "Tazliyat", "familyName": "Inamdar"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Motul 7100 10w50 or 10w40?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 5740163, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Rakesh-Krishna-10", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My personal experience with all Yamaha service centers in Bangalore have been worse in terms of the oil they use or recommend. The so called \\\"Yamaha Lube\\\" that these service centers buy in tanks sometimes can get top up from the leftovers. (had first hand experiece to my friend)\\nUnless you know the service center mechanic there is no obligation they put the right oil. Thank them if they at least top up the oil and your engine does'nt get knock down. \\nIt took three years to realise there is a better quality ride from my FZs and that is when I started servicing outside Yamaha authorized service center. And another 6 more months to actually enjoy a silky ride with a better Synthetic oil, refilled infront of me. Now, when I go for the regular service I never ask them to do the oil change, (not sure why they give a poker face to that,) instead when I come out of the service, stop at any lube shop buy a synthetic oil go to next garage and ask them to fill it up in front of me. Yes, it's additional pain, but that really is worth for the quality ride you get and peace of mind, unlike regular service where ride quality decreases from the day of serivce here the quality increases over km. There is noticable difference in Conventional oil and Synthetic oils. Semi-synthetic or Synthetic blends too gives better ride.\\nI do not have the specific brands or names here but Castrol fully synthetic and even Valvoline full Synthetic seems to be superior over others but not found big difference among each.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Update: currently using Motul 100% Synthetic. Working like the best so far. Shell fully synthetic is pathetic. Valvoline and Castrol still better.\\nHappy riding !\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 53468937, "givenName": "Rakesh", "familyName": "Krishna", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rakesh-Krishna-10"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1403775545731785, "numViews": 28876, "numUpvotes": 14, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 13656652, "creationTime": 1445582748076559, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Rakesh-Krishna-10?comment_id=13656652&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 92345501, "profileUrl": "/profile/Vicknesh-Manla", "givenName": "Vicknesh", "familyName": "Manla"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"u could go to a pertol bunk and get the oil change done for free. they have machines that suck out the oil and you just pay for the oil\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 16704094, "creationTime": 1456034843047114, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Rakesh-Krishna-10?comment_id=16704094&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 53468937, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rakesh-Krishna-10", "givenName": "Rakesh", "familyName": "Krishna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"true, that is an option. but the problem is you will be forced to buy what they sell. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]}, {"aid": 2219746, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Michael-Moore-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I used to run a brand-centric moto board, and the minute someone would start a \\\"which oil is best?\\\" thread I or the other mods would immediately lock it. That's because there really isn't a definitive answer, and the discussion would just devolve into name-calling. Fortunately Quora seems more civilized.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"My usual spiel is that synthetic oil is very nice, especially if you're racing or have a highly tuned/stressed motor. The key is regular oil changes; full synth oil left in for too long is worse than conventional oil regularly changed. \", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I used to use full synth (Motul) in my R6 trackbike, but honestly that bike was so bulletproof I think you could have put Canola oil in it and it would have done fine. So I'd say just use whatever's convenient/affordable, and change it as often as recommended.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 317383, "givenName": "Michael", "familyName": "Moore", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Michael-Moore-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1363134156969997, "numViews": 54590, "numUpvotes": 15, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 17973469, "creationTime": 1459581645937188, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Michael-Moore-1?comment_id=17973469&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 74313550, "profileUrl": "/profile/Suhel-Ahmed", "givenName": "Suhel", "familyName": "Ahmed"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Hi bro, I have been riding my fzs 153cc for 1.5 year clocking about 15000km. Ever since I bought it I 've been using castrol active 20w40 which was doing it's job just fine. However, recently the the engine feels a bit harsh and power delivery is not as smooth as it used to be. I'm planning to switch the oil to mobil racing1 full synth. Do you think it's gonna be wise to use full synth oil in such a tiny engine. Thanks in advance\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 2161430, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Dave-Wilkins-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am in the Uk and would go with Silkolean Pro 4 a fully synthetic motorcycle oil \\nFull synthetic oils must be motorcycle type as car type fully synthetic contain additive that destroy wet clutches \\nFully synthetic lasts better and can give a smoother gear change I use it in all my own bikes\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 9498289, "givenName": "Dave", "familyName": "Wilkins", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Dave-Wilkins-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362058187935175, "numViews": 15282, "numUpvotes": 6, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 1, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805279, "creationTime": 1362059779233337, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Dave-Wilkins-1?comment_id=1805279&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 12024654, "profileUrl": "/profile/Azfar-Razak", "givenName": "Azfar", "familyName": "Razak"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I use my bike for around 10 km per day only. Even after using for 4 months, i only clocked in 1300 km in mileage. Would getting a semi synthetic one be enough for me?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 8681283, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Athrey-Upadhya", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Well, like the others have rightly pointed out, making the switch to fully synthetic engine oil is the best option. I have a Yamaha R15, and have tried out many different brands and types of oil. But, in my experience, none of them felt as good as Motul 300V Factory Line. It is a fully synthetic engine oil, a little expensive, but one of the best you can get in the Indian market. The gearshifts are smoother than ever, and the oil's performance is consistent for the entire run between oil changes, which I punctually do every 3000kms. However, the 300V is better suited for highly stressed and high revving engines. On the other hand, the Motul 7100 of the same viscosity grade should be fine for the FZ too. You just have to be careful to buy oil with a viscosity grade similar to what Yamaha recommends for your bike (which I suppose is 15W-40)\\nAs \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Michael Moore\", \"modifiers\": {\"bold\": true, \"link\": {\"type\": \"user\", \"uid\": 317383, \"url\": \"https://www.quora.com/profile/Michael-Moore-1\"}}}, {\"text\": \" has quoted, the key to having a good engine is frequent engine oil and engine oil filter changes. Whatever oil you settle on, make sure you adhere to the oil change frequency recommended in your bike's manual. If you feel a considerable change in performance before the next oil change is due (happens often with lower grade oils), it might be a good idea to replace the oil right away.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 16353323, "givenName": "Athrey", "familyName": "Upadhya", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Athrey-Upadhya"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1418902140303190, "numViews": 23425, "numUpvotes": 8, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 10211370, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Sharath-Reddy-60", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I use Shell full synthetic oil for my Fazer. It is the best oil and one can feel the smooth gear shift and not much effort on engine. \\nI travelled to Chennai from Bangalore when my bike is 4 months old and even after 6 hours of ride, the engine responded quite good. \\nUse the right oil and one can enjoy the ride.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 72142347, "givenName": "Sharath", "familyName": "Reddy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sharath-Reddy-60"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1425319721665718, "numViews": 3306, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161590, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Jim-Murphy", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I agree that going to a full synthetic is probably going to offer you the best overall lubrication and performance. Most of the major oil producers have a full synthetic that will work fine. There are also some smaller companies like Amsoil, Royal Purple, and Redline that make good full synthetics.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 23369, "givenName": "Jim", "familyName": "Murphy", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Jim-Murphy"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362061171351496, "numViews": 20984, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 41290932, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Rishabh-Aggarwal-8", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Castrol power 1 is the best engine oil for this segment and some higher segments. Besides that you can opt for motul. It is a well known brand and is good for this segment. Personally I used Castrol power 1 with my pulsar 220. But I now use Castrol racing for Duke 200.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 28229695, "givenName": "Rishabh", "familyName": "Aggarwal", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rishabh-Aggarwal-8"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1491710470048996, "numViews": 5167, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 240534873, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Sourav-Rout-32", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I am using Gs caltex semi synthetic engine oil in my Fazer 2.0 it's a new oil brand price is only 340Rs shopkeeper said me Bro u use it once and u will feel the difference now I am using this oil since 1 year my bikes mileage is now 55kmh\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 714406555, "givenName": "Sourav", "familyName": "Rout", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Sourav-Rout-32"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1600941411335926, "numViews": 1825, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2552893, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Gourab-Mitra", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I just checked my service record. They used some oil called 'Yamalube'. Have anyone of you used it?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 3509056, "givenName": "Gourab", "familyName": "Mitra", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gourab-Mitra"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1369155551938133, "numViews": 3845, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 2, "comments": [{"commentId": 5163156, "creationTime": 1403775608319219, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Gourab-Mitra?comment_id=5163156&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 53468937, "profileUrl": "/profile/Rakesh-Krishna-10", "givenName": "Rakesh", "familyName": "Krishna"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"just answered my exp !\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 28535979, "creationTime": 1483514188263932, "url": "/What-is-the-best-engine-oil-for-a-Yamaha-FZ16-Fazer-based-motorcycle/answer/Gourab-Mitra?comment_id=28535979&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 28495290, "profileUrl": "/profile/Ravindra-Parcha", "givenName": "Ravindra", "familyName": "Parcha"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Yamaha service center always use Yamalube only. 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"Amit", "familyName": "Singh"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"compared to Kapotasana its variations Salamba Kapotasana and Rajakapotasana are quite less challenging (do-able by me :) )\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 2216553, "creationTime": 1370338961145961, "url": "/Which-is-most-complex-yoga-posture-you-have-come-across/answer/Claudia-Azula?comment_id=2216553&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 13730200, "profileUrl": "/profile/Karthik-A-Kulkarni", "givenName": "Karthik", "familyName": "A Kulkarni"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"photo plz\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"aid": 169795075, "url": "/Which-is-most-complex-yoga-posture-you-have-come-across/answer/HeMaN-135", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Probably Sirsh asan also known as head stand.\", 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{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "What are the best techniques to make a time lapse video in a varying light situation (like sunset) using a DSLR?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2547610, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/Todd-Gardiner", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I recently found this article about \\\"bulb ramping\\\".\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"How to Shoot Day-to-Night Time-lapses Using Bulb Ramping - PetaPixel\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://petapixel.com/2013/05/19/how-to-shoot-day-to-night-time-lapses-using-bulb-ramping/\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\\"Bulb ramping is the process of modifying exposure settings on a camera in order to maintain a desired exposure value while the camera is in Bulb mode. Put simply, bulb ramping overall improves the quality of the time-lapse footage by creating a smooth transition and minimizing flickering due to changing light \\u2013 especially if you\\u2019re shooting your time lapse from day to night, or vice-versa. As such, bulb ramping effectively reduces post-production time.\\\"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"There is also a video tutorial on using the product Promote to perform this style of time lapse, repeated here:\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"Bulb Ramping Tutorial\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://vimeo.com/64109080#\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"This is also possible with Magic Lantern firmware on a Canon DSLR or GB Timelapse with a PC controlling your camera.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 38022, "givenName": "Todd", "familyName": "Gardiner", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Todd-Gardiner"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1369070131195437, "numViews": 736, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 2161922, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"I recently did this with the blizzard here in New England several weeks ago. The answer really is dependent on how you want the result to come out. I used the interval shooting feature of my Nikon D5100 to take pictures at a fixed interval between pictures (and I used the photos as video frames later).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"You have 4 choices: fixed aperture/auto shutter, auto aperture/fixed shutter speed, fixed aperture / fixed shutter, or full auto exposure. I decided to go auto aperture with a 1/20 second exposure at the ISO 200 setting. I did it this way because: the shutter speed would give a nice streaking effect for plow lights and a little bit to the snow fall, and, since I was going all day, would give an appropriate darkening for dusk and dawn while giving a reasonably consistent level exposure for the mid-day (which I knew would be pretty dim anyway).\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The result came out pretty well.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 5288347, "givenName": "James", "familyName": "McInnes", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-McInnes-1"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362065968587956, "numViews": 36, "numUpvotes": 1, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 5, "comments": [{"commentId": 1805587, "creationTime": 1362066677871388, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1?comment_id=1805587&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5665449, "profileUrl": "/profile/Gaurav-Joshi", "givenName": "Gaurav", "familyName": "Joshi"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"sounds good. i am curious if you experiences any flickering in after you made the video ?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1805839, "creationTime": 1362073010699011, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1?comment_id=1805839&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 38022, "profileUrl": "/profile/Todd-Gardiner", "givenName": "Todd", "familyName": "Gardiner"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"The depth of field didn't fluxuate in an annoying (or even noticable) way?\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "comments": [{"commentId": 1805857, "creationTime": 1362073220304080, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1?comment_id=1805857&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5288347, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-McInnes-1", "givenName": "James", "familyName": "McInnes"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"In this case, it was of a landscape, nothing really close up, so DoF didn't really enter into it. I should have mentioned that.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}, {"commentId": 1805978, "creationTime": 1362075403900684, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1?comment_id=1805978&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 5288347, "profileUrl": "/profile/James-McInnes-1", "givenName": "James", "familyName": "McInnes"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {\"embed\": {\"url\": \"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu1XH3Esu7Q&hd=1\"}}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"yt-embed\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}, {"commentId": 1807473, "creationTime": 1362106436246871, "url": "/What-are-the-best-techniques-to-make-a-time-lapse-video-in-a-varying-light-situation-like-sunset-using-a-DSLR/answer/James-McInnes-1?comment_id=1807473&comment_type=2", "author": {"uid": 7752686, "profileUrl": "/profile/Mike-Wilhelm", "givenName": "Mike", "familyName": "Wilhelm"}, "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Cool video, nice job\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}"}]}]
{"sections": [{"spans": [{"text": "Computnetwork: ", "modifiers": {}}, {"text": "What is the difference between proxy and B2BUA(Back to Back User Agent)?", "modifiers": {}}], "indent": 0, "quoted": false, "type": "plain", "is_rtl": false}]}
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[{"aid": 2162002, "url": "/Computnetwork-What-is-the-difference-between-proxy-and-B2BUA-Back-to-Back-User-Agent/answer/Marty-Gottesfeld", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"From: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Initiation_Protocol#Proxy_server\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Initiation_Protocol#Proxy_server\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" Proxy server \\n An intermediary entity that acts as both a server (UAS) and a client (UAC) for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. A proxy server primarily plays the role of routing, which means its job is to ensure that a request is sent to another entity \\\"closer\\\" to the targeted user. Proxies are also useful for enforcing policy (for example, making sure a user is allowed to make a call). A proxy interprets, and, if necessary, rewrites specific parts of a request message before forwarding it.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"\\nFrom: \", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"http://www.b2bua.org/wiki/B2BUADocumentation\", \"modifiers\": {\"link\": {\"type\": \"url\", \"url\": \"http://www.b2bua.org/wiki/B2BUADocumentation\"}}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \" The Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA) is a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) call-controlling component. Unlike a SIP proxy server, which only maintains a transaction state, the B\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \"2BUA maintains the complete call state and participates in all call requests. For this reason, the B2BUA can perform a number of functions that are not possible to implement using the SIP proxy, such as accurate call accounting, pre-paid rating and billing, failover call routing, and so on.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}, {\"text\": \"\\n\", \"modifiers\": {}}, {\"text\": \" The B2BUA is involved in call establishment, management, and termination.\", \"modifiers\": {\"italic\": true}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": true, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 2841874, "givenName": "Marty", "familyName": "Gottesfeld", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Marty-Gottesfeld"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": false, "creationTime": 1362068098675442, "numViews": 9707, "numUpvotes": 2, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}, {"aid": 4401069, "url": "/Computnetwork-What-is-the-difference-between-proxy-and-B2BUA-Back-to-Back-User-Agent/answer/Cesar-Fiestas", "content": "{\"sections\": [{\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"Proxy just passes the media and signaling , a b2bua can do that and as well as manipulate/take the media for multiple purposes.\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}, {\"spans\": [{\"text\": \"For example the Cisco VCS is a b2bua when it comes to allowing its endpoints to talk to Microsoft lync endpoints for example\", \"modifiers\": {}}], \"indent\": 0, \"quoted\": false, \"type\": \"plain\", \"is_rtl\": false}]}", "author": {"uid": 42298454, "givenName": "Cesar", "familyName": "Fiestas", "isMachineAnswerBot": false, "profileUrl": "/profile/Cesar-Fiestas"}, "isSensitive": false, "isShortContent": true, "creationTime": 1394723074263156, "numViews": 3089, "numUpvotes": 0, "numShares": 0, "numComments": 0, "comments": []}]