Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-40, 6, -25], [-38, 28, 33, 50], [10, 39], [5, -23, -20, -40, -46], [-18, -20, 4], [-45, -31, -37, -50], [0, 18], [-49, -31, -35, 18, 23], [37, -31, 49], [25, 3, 17, 8]] Output:
[ "[-25, 33, 39, -115, 0, -51615, 0, -1222795, -56203, 1275]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-39, -40], [-50, 20, -41], [-6, 20, 31], [39, 18]] Output:
[ "[-39, -41, 31, 39]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[27, 37], [-32, 10], [15, -19, 8, -29], [-15, -5, 48, 28], [-8, 4, -18, 6, -9], [42, -33, -46], [50, -33], [27, -43, 2, -28], [12, 46, 5, -23, -48], [34, -35, 32], [5, -14, -44, -40, 27], [2, 2, 7, -15, 38], [17, -39, -15, -20], [35, 46, -39], [-11, 5, 5]] Output:
[ "[999, 0, 8265, 75, -9, -33, -33, -1161, -115, -35, 135, -105, 9945, -1365, -275]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-46, 38, -47, 28, 29], [-49, -24], [-32, -12, -14]] Output:
[ "[-1363, -49, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[34, -39], [23, -30, 46], [-41, 2, 42], [29, -47], [13, 28, 34, -22, 31], [-49, 28, 24, 11, -23], [23, -2, -34, 41, -15], [-22, 23, -19, 36, -41], [45, 13, -49, 16], [-13, -33, 34, 4], [-33, -21, -32]] Output:
[ "[-39, 23, -41, -1363, 403, 12397, -14145, 17917, -28665, 429, 693]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[35, 38, -11, -47], [-32, -15, -6, 3, 45], [-17, -22, 18], [6, -25, -21, 12], [21, 42, 18, 35], [-10, -38, -47, -39], [-48, 4, 37], [42, 49], [-17, -26, -13], [-48, -4, -38, -37], [-43, 49, 0, -27], [-24, 24, -17], [-38, 13, -1], [36, 5], [-2, 35]] Output:
[ "[18095, -2025, -17, 525, 735, 1833, 37, 49, 221, -37, 56889, -17, -13, 5, 35]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-27, 46], [-39, -24, -2, -24, 40], [-24, -35]] Output:
[ "[-27, -39, -35]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-2, -24], [-10, 45], [33, 21, 19, 42], [-41, 25, 36, -22, 38], [-47, -26, 20], [-29, 38, -48, 42, -15], [31, -6]] Output:
[ "[0, 45, 13167, -1025, -47, 435, 31]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-7, -23, 21, -40, 29], [43, 31, 49, -34, -40], [-17, 27, 8, 14, -29], [37, 14, 33, -25], [13, -28, 29, -27], [1, 43], [-38, 47, 5, 49], [20, -4, 20, -46], [27, -30, -26, -11], [-38, -12], [17, 34, -21, 28, 33], [-39, 28, 15], [48, -26], [13, -42, -9, -2, 0]] Output:
[ "[98049, 65317, 13311, -30525, -10179, 43, 11515, 0, -297, 0, -11781, -585, 0, -117]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[46, 7, 49, -48], [42, 23, 3], [-16, 30, -46, -44, -11], [-29, -32, -35], [-4, -16], [-43, 2, -14, -27, 20], [-46, 22, 0, 1, 1], [26, -36], [-31, 2, 16, 48, 29], [41, 10, -20], [23, 19, -6, -11, -4], [-4, -17], [30, -2, -5, -33, -41]] Output:
[ "[343, 69, -11, 1015, 0, 1161, 1, 0, -899, 41, -4807, -17, -6765]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[46, -8], [-8, 30], [-23, -25, -41, -16], [16, -44, 17], [1, -34, -32, -13], [31, -31, -1, -8], [-16, -8, 12, -16], [15, -20, 4, -5], [8, -13, 41, 45, -49], [-39, 50, 1], [21, -21, -29, 1], [27, -5, 35, 13, 30], [-18, 14], [-13, 26, -10, -19]] Output:
[ "[0, 0, -23575, 17, -13, 961, 0, -75, 1175265, -39, 12789, -61425, 0, 247]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[20, 10, -39], [49, 45, -20, -38, -29], [49, -33, -8]] Output:
[ "[-39, -63945, -1617]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[47, 33, 9], [1, -29, -20, -33, 4], [50, 19], [-34, -32, -32, 32, 4], [42, -49], [-41, 5], [32, -42, 38], [-45, 6, 8, -21], [33, -21, 13, 31]] Output:
[ "[13959, 957, 19, 0, -49, -205, 0, 945, -279279]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-28, -38, -37, 18, -1], [9, 5, -27, 1, 42], [43, -18], [-12, 6, 19, 50, -14], [34, -29, 23, -49], [37, -40, 12, -50, -39], [14, -31, 43], [17, 40, 32, 47, 45], [-16, -24, 1, -27], [-42, 27, 34, -21], [-9, -25], [10, -47, -14, 4]] Output:
[ "[37, -1215, 43, 19, 32683, -1443, -1333, 35955, -27, -567, 225, -47]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-33, 4, 45, 13], [-9, 25], [-27, -11, -28], [31, -20, 41, -19], [50, -43], [-23, -39, 12, 45], [-39, 46, 7, -19, -12], [6, 13, 33], [3, 16, -26, -30], [13, -39, 0, -7, -11], [36, 18, -18, -23]] Output:
[ "[-19305, -225, 297, -24149, -43, 40365, 5187, 429, 3, -39039, -23]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[20, -20], [-38, 30, -15, -46], [-50, 20], [-7, -16], [-16, -15, 40, -4, -46], [50, -21], [14, 38, -33, -16, 26], [-19, 5, -16, 5, -29], [-50, 38, 42, 4], [-29, 18, -32, -15], [-28, 22, 19, -6, 19]] Output:
[ "[0, -15, 0, -7, -15, -21, -33, 13775, 0, 435, 361]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[37, 9, 19, 8, 35], [-18, -14, -34, -20, 25], [34, 30, -47, 15, 13]] Output:
[ "[221445, 25, -9165]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-16, -25, 35, -21, -26], [-41, 5], [-15, 41, -40, -12], [-39, 33], [-34, 34, -17], [-50, -9, 41, -23, -31], [10, -17], [-30, 3], [-10, 7, -37, -38, -46], [27, -44], [-41, 42, -31], [-29, 36, -35, 33], [49, -27, 37], [-45, 19, 5, -49]] Output:
[ "[18375, -205, -615, -1287, -17, -263097, -17, 3, -259, 27, 1271, 33495, -48951, 209475]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-45, 38, -20, 7], [47, -19, 26, 35, 41], [-19, -44, -7, -35, 19]] Output:
[ "[-315, -1281455, -88445]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-14, -47, 14, 27], [4, 42, -21, 12, -27], [-14, 15, 36], [-27, -22, -22, -50, -45], [-32, 16, 13, -3, 41], [-35, -10, -3, 4], [41, 36, 30, 41], [16, -38, -37]] Output:
[ "[-1269, 567, 15, 1215, -1599, 105, 1681, -37]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[39, 18, 31], [36, 7, 24, 33, -20], [-41, 39, -26], [46, -22, 15, 14], [35, 30, -1, -48], [-41, -2, 12, -24, 17], [-1, -17, -41, 1, -14], [35, 12, -21]] Output:
[ "[1209, 231, -1599, 15, -35, -697, -697, -735]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-29, -20, 41, 29], [-49, 41, -12, -21], [27, 44], [6, -7], [-7, 24, -32]] Output:
[ "[-34481, 42189, 27, -7, -7]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[45, -29, -46], [1, 17, -9, -15, 11], [-50, -50]] Output:
[ "[-1305, 25245, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[46, -43, -30, -2], [9, -47], [10, -48, -5], [-43, -43, 8, 13, -38]] Output:
[ "[-43, -423, -5, 24037]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-22, 23, -17, 17], [13, -36], [-2, 12, -43], [3, 16], [7, 41, 42], [36, -13, 15, -31, 1]] Output:
[ "[-6647, 13, -43, 3, 287, 6045]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[37, -41, 23, 0, -13], [23, 45, -28, -27], [-9, -31, 20], [39, 29, 19, 40], [33, 44, 4, -9], [35, -3, -35, 9], [-6, 34, 25, 17, 48], [-49, 19], [39, -22, -14], [-50, 46, 48, -21], [4, -39], [49, -12, 10], [48, -36, 41, 34, -23]] Output:
[ "[453583, -27945, 279, 21489, -297, 33075, 425, -931, 39, -21, -39, 49, -943]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[35, 21, -42, 22, 25], [43, 16], [46, 0, 33, 22, -41], [-27, 33, 14], [22, -22, 0], [-33, -1, 5, 43, 21], [-5, -32, 13, 36, 1], [9, -45], [-21, -38, 13, 28, 47], [26, 32, -14, -25]] Output:
[ "[18375, 43, -1353, -891, 0, 148995, -65, -405, -12831, -25]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[10, 46], [-47, -3, 47, 3, -45], [7, 47], [11, -12], [-38, -22, -16, 45], [16, 10, 29, -41, -50], [-21, 29, -38], [4, 45, -11, 28], [46, 32, 40, -9, -27], [-44, -21, 22, 6, 13], [-16, 32, 22], [45, 43, -34], [-9, 40, 32, -1, -35]] Output:
[ "[0, -894645, 329, 11, 45, -1189, -609, -495, 243, -273, 0, 1935, -315]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-50, 44, -25, -35, 38], [-41, -1, 47, 40, -18], [41, -17, -38, -25], [2, 7, 40, 19, 50]] Output:
[ "[875, 1927, 17425, 133]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[50, 7, 33, 41], [21, -37, 43, -19], [11, 21, 18, 6], [7, -15, -38, 38, 31], [28, 16, -15, -37, 17], [37, -26], [32, 13, -1, 44], [26, 6], [-32, 44], [-34, -24, 6, 16, 38], [7, -17, -48, -50, 11], [8, 4]] Output:
[ "[9471, 634809, 231, -3255, 9435, 37, -13, 0, 0, 0, -1309, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[18, -42], [-46, -35], [-45, 3, 35], [37, 30], [-42, -7], [38, 32], [7, -3, 12, -39, 1], [-12, 32, -1, 5, -24], [-42, -35, 50], [-31, 19, 0], [-48, -41, -41, -34, 31], [14, 17, -20, 7], [17, -46, -26, 9], [15, -22, -11, 1, -27], [42, -43, -49, -26]] Output:
[ "[0, -35, -4725, 37, -7, 0, 819, -5, -35, -589, 52111, 119, 153, 4455, 2107]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[20, -48], [-33, 28], [-31, 10], [7, 18], [-13, 39, -31], [14, 32, 19], [19, 33, 0, 42], [-24, 31, -19], [-49, -12, -15], [-49, 13, 17, -42], [33, -10, -31], [-34, -25, 3, -50], [19, -5, -32]] Output:
[ "[0, -33, -31, 7, 15717, 19, 627, -589, 735, -10829, -1023, -75, -95]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-1, 10, 44], [-4, -45, 20, -15], [15, 33, 1], [-18, 16, -30], [12, -19, 19, -8, 34], [37, -41, 22, 3], [29, 35], [37, 35, 49, -39], [-47, -9, -14, 1, -7], [-29, -23, -24, -7], [-42, -2]] Output:
[ "[-1, 675, 495, 0, -361, -4551, 1015, -2474745, -2961, -4669, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-34, -10, -27, -22], [40, -43, 34, 32], [-45, -33, 39, -33, -26], [-18, 36], [16, 44, 31], [-17, 47, -8, 41], [-31, 29, 10, -19], [38, 35], [-21, -43, 11]] Output:
[ "[-27, -43, -1911195, 0, 31, -32759, 17081, 35, 9933]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-49, -21], [-47, 0, 44, -13, 49], [-31, 10, 32], [10, -47, 30, -7], [-32, 16, -25, 45]] Output:
[ "[1029, 29939, -31, 329, -1125]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[41, -43, 31], [31, 11, -24, 47], [5, -32, -30]] Output:
[ "[-54653, 16027, 5]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-27, -19, -14, -31], [-24, 1, 4, -44, 29], [0, -4, 31, 31], [28, 43, 43, -31, -7], [2, -14, -48], [43, 12, 20, 47], [10, -39, -44, 8], [-34, -7, 6, 16]] Output:
[ "[-15903, 29, 961, 401233, 0, 2021, -39, -7]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[37, 30, 50, -44], [-22, -12, -45], [-21, -23], [-10, 8, 40]] Output:
[ "[37, -45, 483, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-33, -18, 4, 16], [-50, -43, -35], [2, -18, 10, 47, -43], [-23, -22]] Output:
[ "[-33, 1505, -2021, -23]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-25, 34, 40, 23, 48], [-38, -42], [18, 28], [44, -22, -27, -39, -30], [32, 24, -46, 19], [-41, -48], [-16, 0, -39], [43, 42, 20, -36, 19], [45, -33], [19, 37, 46, 36, -17], [-12, 21, 15, -13], [-47, 12, -22, 28, 39]] Output:
[ "[-575, 0, 0, 1053, 19, -41, -39, 817, -1485, -11951, -4095, -1833]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[35, -47], [-24, 26, 22, -2, 23], [-14, 32, 7], [24, 12, 49, -41, 28], [-48, -34, -46, -40], [-18, -27, 3], [-11, 35, -34, 34, 42], [34, 43, 34, 1], [-44, 37], [40, 6, -12, -18], [-22, 36, -43, 17]] Output:
[ "[-1645, 23, 7, -2009, 0, -81, -385, 43, 37, 0, -731]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[5, 20, 10, 7], [15, 47], [-26, 2, -45], [-2, 3], [-3, -6], [50, 42, 2], [25, 26, 45], [25, -17, 39, -17], [-9, -49, 22, 38], [39, 25, -7, 2], [19, 0, 14, 9], [-30, -11, -15, -18], [-20, -8, 11, -29], [-17, -42, 15, 41, 33], [-32, -36]] Output:
[ "[35, 705, -45, 3, -3, 0, 1125, 281775, 441, -6825, 171, 165, -319, -345015, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[44, -32, -11], [32, 47, 46], [23, 22, 45, -4]] Output:
[ "[-11, 47, 1035]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[48, -28, -50, 4, -46], [-49, -15], [-49, 45, 24, -10, -40], [30, 34], [22, 1], [46, 41, -25], [49, 17], [-41, 49], [-33, 25, 37, -13], [-28, -15, 6], [-19, -17, -4], [-4, 10, -40, 50, 4]] Output:
[ "[0, 735, -2205, 0, 1, -1025, 833, -2009, 396825, -15, 323, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[21, -37, 24, 49, 7], [25, -42, -45, 34], [-15, -23, -8, -23, 11], [-6, -5], [-36, -17, 33, 31, -12], [39, 21, -16], [4, 4, 33, 38, 8], [-25, -27], [42, 7, -22, -7, 15], [46, -44, 33], [-49, -43, -19], [30, -30], [-1, -40, 2, 37], [-4, -11]] Output:
[ "[-266511, -1125, -87285, -5, -17391, 819, 33, 675, -735, 33, -40033, 0, -37, -11]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[20, -19, 38], [32, -48, 9, -1], [34, 40, -17, -33, -44], [-36, 11, 16, -3, -10], [-16, -29, 14], [-9, 16, 18, 16], [18, -7], [10, -7, -13, 16], [15, -41, 23], [27, 8, 7, 22], [39, 2, 11, 45, 40], [26, -23, -22, -29], [32, -47, -49, 39, -17], [17, 43], [-21, -20, 30, -17, -13]] Output:
[ "[-19, -9, 561, -33, -29, -9, -7, 91, -14145, 189, 19305, 667, -1526889, 731, -4641]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-12, -41, 7], [3, -6, -19, 45], [11, -9, -45], [-23, 13, 41], [35, -43], [30, -24], [11, 18], [31, -50, 30, 46], [10, -41, 20], [-25, 24, 12], [2, 11, 25]] Output:
[ "[-287, -2565, 4455, -12259, -1505, 0, 11, 31, -41, -25, 275]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[22, 27, -13, 38, 29], [-28, 31, -34, 36, 41], [-43, 22], [9, -17, -24, -43], [-7, -43, -14, 26, 25], [39, -19, -29, 49], [47, 1], [5, -31, -15, 49, -2], [9, 43, 0, 10], [12, -17], [33, 29, 26, -9], [-13, -19, 38, -50], [32, -14, 49, 7, 30]] Output:
[ "[-10179, 1271, -43, 6579, 7525, 1052961, 47, 113925, 387, -17, -8613, 247, 343]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[42, -28, -3, -1, 30], [26, 43, -8], [-24, 48, -24, 22, -27], [14, -13, -15], [-30, 24], [-5, -18, 11], [44, 12, 15, -16], [1, 31, -39, 2, 26], [40, 36, 3, -25, -40], [27, -32], [-36, 27], [9, 33, 34], [-50, -42, -18, 42], [1, 38, 30, 22]] Output:
[ "[3, 43, -27, 195, 0, -55, 15, -1209, -75, 27, 27, 297, 0, 1]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[18, -32, 16], [-28, 14, 13, 23], [-40, 11, -49, 43], [-40, 9, 7], [40, -28, -4, -10, 24], [48, 26, -28, 34, 5], [35, -27, -27], [16, -24, -42, 3, -7], [-39, 43, -36], [-20, 42, 0, 1], [-38, -20], [44, 12, -17, -10], [-44, 46, 40, 34, -26], [31, 21, -32, -24]] Output:
[ "[0, 299, -23177, 63, 0, 5, 25515, -21, -1677, 1, 0, -17, 0, 651]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[22, 28], [37, 20, -34, -23, -31], [-41, -37, -27], [44, 6], [15, 14, -32, -6], [46, -29, -15], [2, 17, -46]] Output:
[ "[0, 26381, -40959, 0, 15, 435, 17]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-48, 21, -40], [-35, -1, 37], [11, 20, -15], [-16, 9], [50, 26], [-16, 48, -31, 30], [-48, 25, 46, -36, -30], [45, 50, 15, 10], [-16, -7, 0, -9, 5], [3, 26, 39, -50, -2]] Output:
[ "[21, 1295, -165, 9, 0, -31, 25, 675, 315, 117]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-37, 42, -26, 38], [38, 24, 44, -37], [-34, -5, 50], [-21, -34, -23, -20, 27], [-48, 20, -4, 48], [-28, -38], [35, 45, -1, 28]] Output:
[ "[-37, -37, -5, 13041, 0, 0, -1575]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-20, -14, -47], [16, -35, -36, 16], [-21, 11, -47], [34, -46, 43, 4], [9, 4, -14], [17, -19, 31, 14], [22, -29, 39, 45]] Output:
[ "[-47, -35, 10857, 43, 9, -10013, -50895]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[30, 27, 49, 39], [-37, -22, 1], [48, 11, -3], [-30, -37, -47, -11, -30], [-50, 25, 1], [40, 23, 35], [3, 24, -2, 3, 3], [-12, -6, 4, 22], [29, -40], [-18, 21, 4, 41], [-33, -9, -40, 10, -23], [-50, 26, 29]] Output:
[ "[51597, -37, -33, -19129, 25, 805, 27, 0, 29, 861, -6831, 29]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-50, -2], [-33, 10], [-12, 30]] Output:
[ "[0, -33, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-20, 10, 2], [25, -34, -38, -35], [-46, 1, 47, 22, 36], [-48, 20]] Output:
[ "[0, -875, 47, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-3, -35], [46, 13, -34, 27], [7, -4]] Output:
[ "[105, 351, 7]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[18, -47, 8, 24], [-49, -46, 36, 41, 8], [21, 33, 12], [-49, -16, -26, 33], [29, -36], [-38, 50, 41, -8, -40], [47, -14, 26, -31, -3], [40, 37, 10], [30, 29], [-17, -50, -48, -22], [37, -17, 9, -3, -40]] Output:
[ "[-47, -2009, 693, -1617, 29, 41, 4371, 37, 29, -17, 16983]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[20, 33, 48], [-31, 41, -43, -6, 8], [-20, 6], [-27, -46, 29], [-6, 42], [-36, -15, -46, -18, -41], [41, 48], [16, -43, -13, 25], [-47, 20, 26, 19], [5, -7, -38], [24, 10, 18], [-43, 17], [23, -21]] Output:
[ "[33, 54653, 0, -783, 0, 615, 41, 13975, -893, -35, 0, -731, -483]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[45, 49, 27, 47, 11], [46, -7, -50], [34, -5, 22, 43, -22], [-9, 28], [-25, 30], [24, -32, -32], [32, -6, -45], [39, 31, -15], [-17, 39, 4, 23, 49]] Output:
[ "[30779595, -7, -215, -9, -25, 0, -45, -18135, -747201]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[24, 17, -12], [1, 20], [-24, -45, -43], [-25, -34, -36, 2, 8], [5, 11, -34], [-44, 15], [-33, 32, -28], [20, -37, -4, 25, 41], [-42, 13, -21], [34, 29, -35, -11, 7], [30, -18], [-43, 36, 50, -5, 40], [-11, 14, -21, -42], [-41, 16, -50, 12, -26], [37, -2, -33]] Output:
[ "[17, 1, 1935, -25, 55, 15, -33, -37925, -273, 78155, 0, 215, 231, -41, -1221]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[34, 31, 17, -36, -25], [-2, -42, -23], [41, -19], [-22, -46, -30, 0], [-35, -23, -15, 24, 36], [26, -19, -1, -50, -32], [-48, -44, 32]] Output:
[ "[-13175, -23, -779, 0, -12075, 19, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[48, -41, -24, 38, 14], [31, -20, 18], [-19, -43, 29, 10], [17, 4], [-39, 9, 14], [-5, 13, -36, -32], [-26, -38, -23], [-46, 10, -41, -48], [-3, -10, 30], [23, -29, -5, -21], [-38, -50, -30, -36, -5], [-3, 15, 40, 30], [45, 4, -39]] Output:
[ "[-41, 31, 23693, 17, -351, -65, -23, -41, -3, -70035, -5, -45, -1755]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[10, 36, 42], [-31, -17, 38], [-4, -34, 30, 30]] Output:
[ "[0, 527, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-16, -16, -28, -6], [-31, -23, 26, -37, -45], [-37, 38, 4, 49, 46], [-3, 11, -44]] Output:
[ "[0, 1187145, -1813, -33]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[9, 23, 15, 30, -32], [-7, -1, 26, 16, 46], [-35, 17], [-47, -1, 3, -36], [38, -5, 43, -24, 2]] Output:
[ "[3105, 7, -595, 141, -215]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[22, -24, -19, -21], [-49, -47, 32, 1], [50, -7], [-30, -39, 50, -36], [50, -5, -7]] Output:
[ "[399, 2303, -7, -39, 35]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-42, -29], [49, -24, -29, 8], [-43, 38, 33], [33, 23], [-41, 31, -37, -17], [-35, -46, 36, 46, 18], [10, 43, 28, 46, -16], [24, 4, -40], [7, 26, -10, -20], [-18, 38, -40, -17, -38], [-15, -48], [-41, 49, -38, -30], [-21, -5, 3]] Output:
[ "[-29, -1421, -1419, 759, -799459, -35, 43, 0, 7, -17, -15, -2009, 315]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-28, 10, -32, -41], [-40, 14, 8], [-41, 24, 16, -34, -23], [-34, -18], [-31, 12], [9, 44, 26, -29], [-18, 24, -40, 9], [5, 11, 50, -47, -36], [-4, 1], [19, -8, 8], [-15, 42, 43], [-23, -48, 7, 25, -37], [-12, -28], [-40, 7, -29, 47, 26], [-40, -11, -50]] Output:
[ "[-41, 0, 943, 0, -31, -261, 9, -2585, 1, 19, -645, 148925, 0, -9541, -11]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[37, 1, 8], [36, -24, -3, 33], [11, -39, 5, -37], [38, 15], [16, 25, 8, -25, 11]] Output:
[ "[37, -99, 79365, 15, -6875]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-39, -33, -2, -31, -19], [-9, 34, 39, 39], [-38, 27, 41], [-25, 46, 45, 50], [-12, -35], [43, 14, 14, 14], [-37, -1, 41], [-46, -3, 10, 2], [-9, 15, 12, -23], [25, 24, 13, 43]] Output:
[ "[758043, -13689, 1107, -1125, -35, 43, 1517, -3, 3105, 13975]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[41, -49, 39, -48], [7, 9], [14, -22, -21, -10, -7], [-43, -35, -36, 35, -10], [31, 4, -3, 50, -16], [-37, 18, -30, -50], [-16, 39], [28, 47, -14], [-19, -7, -21, -19], [-39, -46, -13]] Output:
[ "[-78351, 63, 147, 52675, -93, -37, 39, 47, 53067, 507]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[1, 32, 16], [5, -35], [7, -4, 42], [-19, 19], [25, 16, -5, 44, 35], [28, 45, -23], [-28, -27], [29, 39, -42, -45], [23, 29, 44]] Output:
[ "[1, -175, 7, -361, -4375, -1035, -27, -50895, 667]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[50, -2], [31, -18, -48, 20, -33], [-22, -13], [-30, -8, -7, 17, -29], [-25, 47, 45, 38, -39], [26, -11, 23], [27, -4, 19, -25, 26], [43, 12], [-5, 48, 13, -18], [3, -42, -25], [27, -11, 12, -24]] Output:
[ "[0, -1023, -13, 3451, 2062125, -253, -12825, 43, -65, -75, -297]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-2, 17, -40, -10], [31, -38, -6], [50, -38, -42], [-42, 24, 28, 40, -12], [-41, 9, -10], [-21, 36], [20, 17], [-49, 29], [0, -23, -2, 9, 27], [19, -32, 9], [-28, -21, 16], [42, -20], [-34, 30, -16]] Output:
[ "[17, 31, 0, 0, -369, -21, 17, -1421, -5589, 171, -21, 0, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[11, 1, 3, 12], [-22, 10], [-49, 0, -1], [1, 34, -25], [38, -18]] Output:
[ "[33, 0, 49, -25, 0]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-41, 31, -6, -41, 43], [12, -7, 42, 39], [43, 5, -33, -8], [32, -28, -29, -34], [-8, -23], [3, -49, 44, 33], [-12, -16, 47, -23, -44], [27, -9], [-40, 10, 14], [-19, 21, 29, -18], [41, -27]] Output:
[ "[2240773, -273, -7095, -29, -23, -4851, -1081, -243, 0, -11571, -1107]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[41, 23, -34, -25], [45, 1, 37, -30], [18, 33, -27, -50], [11, 50, 15], [27, -6], [24, 28], [-30, 4, 3]] Output:
[ "[-23575, 1665, -891, 165, 27, 0, 3]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-2, 43], [32, 37], [10, 36, 21, 50], [34, -1], [50, -12, -47], [10, -27, -14, 35, -6], [-10, -18], [-47, 46, 33], [-44, -14, 24, -28], [17, 35], [-32, -39, 25, 2, 5], [48, -19, 36, -2], [23, -11]] Output:
[ "[43, 37, 21, -1, -47, -945, 0, -1551, 0, 595, -4875, -19, -253]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[13, -36, 25], [-17, -49], [-17, 1], [12, 39, 20, -11, 13], [8, -9, -3], [-27, 6, -39], [-1, 13, 4, -45, -3], [-50, -43, 28], [-49, 39, 17, 42], [-15, 41, 14]] Output:
[ "[325, 833, -17, -5577, 27, 1053, -1755, -43, -32487, -615]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-30, -29, -5, -47], [33, -35, 3], [38, 26], [-15, 11, -28, 47, 28], [13, -31], [-19, 46, -20, 1, -34], [41, -19, 45, -3, -44], [-21, -38, 17, -7], [28, -1, 14, -27, -31], [-9, -32, -16], [50, -47, 29, 46, -20]] Output:
[ "[-6815, -3465, 0, -7755, -403, -19, 105165, 2499, -837, -9, -1363]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[15, -27, -15], [-23, 44], [37, -16], [24, -16, -20], [8, -41, -34], [-45, 30, -36, -12], [36, 28, -30, -47]] Output:
[ "[6075, -23, 37, 0, -41, -45, -47]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-49, 1, -27, 1, -34], [9, -14, 43, -4, -1], [-33, -39, 28, 17, -37], [34, 9, -17], [-13, -47, -25]] Output:
[ "[1323, -387, -809523, -153, -15275]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[28, -10, 26, 31], [-44, 3, 22, 47, 40], [0, 13], [37, 25], [21, 18, -50], [-30, 23], [19, -39, 26, -21, -40], [18, 36, 39, -40, 8], [16, -8, -43, -5], [-23, 26, 4, -40, 29], [-11, 25, 29, -13], [-31, 13], [31, 24, 31, -22, 31]] Output:
[ "[31, 141, 13, 925, 21, 23, 15561, 39, 215, -667, 103675, -403, 29791]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[50, 49, -41, -33], [-31, -16, -11], [16, -11], [18, -32, 10, -10, 16], [3, -21, -43], [15, -3], [-9, -38, 25, 13], [-2, 36, 44, 45], [43, -4], [-18, 5]] Output:
[ "[66297, 341, -11, 0, 2709, -45, -2925, 45, 43, 5]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-13, -30], [-46, -50, -34, 4], [37, 43, 38], [9, -32, 20], [-16, -3, 0, 2, -16], [-49, -3, -14], [-40, 11, -18, 6], [-50, -49, 34]] Output:
[ "[-13, 0, 1591, 9, -3, 147, 11, -49]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[34, -29, 49, -8, 10], [29, 34], [-9, 48, -37, -11, 28], [-30, -1, -6], [16, 26, -39, 46, -28], [49, 40, 25, -44, 47], [5, -12], [-24, -5, 39, -30, -45], [-40, -49], [-19, 35, 26, 34, 21], [-3, 16]] Output:
[ "[-1421, 29, -3663, -1, -39, 57575, 5, 8775, -49, -13965, -3]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-8, -49, 35, 15], [19, 18, 2, 16, -16], [-19, 17], [21, 13, -31, -11], [1, -18], [5, 22, -3, -16]] Output:
[ "[-25725, 19, -323, 93093, 1, -15]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[5, -3, -29, -44, 31], [-11, 12, -1], [-27, 31, 24, 10], [-23, -37, 4], [-13, -20], [28, -7, -7], [-24, 8, 24], [-23, -9, 7], [-15, -41]] Output:
[ "[13485, 11, -837, 851, -13, 49, 0, 1449, 615]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-29, -41, 29], [-3, -41], [-40, -20, 49, 18, -34], [-19, -20, 26]] Output:
[ "[34481, 123, 49, -19]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-19, 49, 39], [25, 25, -48], [44, 16, 36, 33], [21, -5], [42, -15, 16, 7, -5], [50, 1, -3, -41, 29]] Output:
[ "[-36309, 625, 33, -105, 525, 3567]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[27, 43, 47, -16, 48], [-10, 22, -29, 27], [4, -39, -19], [-13, -12, -27, 7, 26], [2, -18, -21], [21, 44]] Output:
[ "[54567, -783, 741, 2457, -21, 21]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[33, -7, 47, 44], [9, 48, -20, -32, 8], [14, 26, -14], [-22, -36, -46, -49], [-3, -49, -47, 0, -23], [45, -27], [27, 42, -25, -4]] Output:
[ "[-10857, 9, 0, -49, 158907, -1215, -675]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[30, -37, -19, -43], [-1, -6, 2, -36, -31], [-45, 49], [-6, 17, 38, 40], [16, -5], [48, -13], [-41, -23, -13], [11, 9, -18], [43, 24, -16], [28, -30, -41, -16, 4], [-11, 22, -18, -6, 43], [-19, 18, 42, 41], [-41, -46, -36], [4, -27, -27, -43, 39], [-27, 20, -19, 26, -28]] Output:
[ "[-30229, 31, -2205, 17, -5, -13, -12259, 99, 43, -41, -473, -779, -41, -1222533, 513]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[45, 4, 20], [-6, 38, 32, -3, -24], [1, -7, -40], [0, 13, -21, 16, -25], [-1, -37, 34, 14], [-13, -46], [24, -31, -8], [0, 38, -9, -28, -50], [25, 0, 2], [-28, 2], [-23, 34, 0, 20, -34], [-20, -15, 27, 1, 20], [6, 3, 38], [-13, -11], [-18, -37, 32, 29, -16]] Output:
[ "[45, -3, -7, 6825, 37, -13, -31, -9, 25, 0, -23, -405, 3, 143, -1073]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-44, 12], [-12, 29, 27], [-39, 14], [14, 49, 47, 38, 28], [-17, 7, 20, 34, 15], [1, 35, -36, -12], [-19, 31, -31], [21, -42, 43], [-16, 31], [25, 41], [-8, 16, 39, -45], [-44, -45], [22, 48, 42], [14, -47, 41], [-19, -22, -47]] Output:
[ "[0, 783, -39, 2303, -1785, 35, 18259, 903, 31, 1025, -1755, -45, 0, -1927, 893]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[12, -28, -17, -28], [-1, 40, -43], [-26, 44, -38], [32, -24, -49], [-46, 10], [-26, 7, -47], [-3, -40, -6], [26, -7, 17, 19, 47], [12, 21], [-1, 33, 18, -32, -25]] Output:
[ "[-17, 43, 0, -49, 0, -329, -3, -106267, 21, 825]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[18, 37], [-48, 17], [16, -31], [48, -2, 0, 21], [-32, 0], [48, 13, -27, 26], [-3, 32]] Output:
[ "[37, 17, -31, 21, 0, -351, -3]" ]
Definition: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. Positive Example 1 - Input: [[4, 4, 12, -6], [-9, 5, -6, -1], [8, 3, 9, -5, 1]] Output: [0, 45, -135] Positive Example 2 - Input: [[-7, 8, 0], [3, 0, 11], [9, -7, 5, 0]]' Output: [-7, 33, -315] Negative Example 1 - Input: [[2, 5, 3, 1, 8], [-2, -7, 6], [0, 5, 2, 9, -3], [4, 8, -2]] Output: [[15], [-7], [-135], [0]] Negative Example 2 - Input: [[0, -12, 7, 6], [-8, 0, -7, 11], [6, -2, 9, 0, 7]] Output: [0, 0, 0] Now complete the following example - Input: [[-14, 26], [9, -16, -10, -13, -6], [-23, -15, 19, -46, 29], [-24, -5], [31, -43, 29]] Output:
[ "[0, -117, 190095, -5, -38657]" ]