<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the ids and makers of all car makers that produce at least 2 models and make more than 3 cars? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE CAR_NAMES (model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE MODEL_LIST (Maker VARCHAR, model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE CAR_MAKERS (Id VARCHAR, Maker VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.Id, T1.Maker FROM CAR_MAKERS AS T1 JOIN MODEL_LIST AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.Maker GROUP BY T1.Id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 INTERSECT SELECT T1.Id, T1.Maker FROM CAR_MAKERS AS T1 JOIN MODEL_LIST AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.Maker JOIN CAR_NAMES AS T3 ON T2.model = T3.model GROUP BY T1.Id HAVING COUNT(*) > 3</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many United Airlines flights go to City 'Aberdeen'? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE AIRPORTS (AirportCode VARCHAR, City VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE AIRLINES (uid VARCHAR, Airline VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE FLIGHTS (DestAirport VARCHAR, Airline VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FLIGHTS AS T1 JOIN AIRPORTS AS T2 ON T1.DestAirport = T2.AirportCode JOIN AIRLINES AS T3 ON T3.uid = T1.Airline WHERE T2.City = "Aberdeen" AND T3.Airline = "United Airlines"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the notes for svishtov , bulgaria? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_242785_1 (notes VARCHAR, main_legionary_base VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT notes FROM table_242785_1 WHERE main_legionary_base = "Svishtov , Bulgaria"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the maximum elevation in netherlands? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24285393_1 (maximum_elevation VARCHAR, country_or_region VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT maximum_elevation FROM table_24285393_1 WHERE country_or_region = "Netherlands"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the score in the 6 atlas stones event of the player who got 2 (6 in 30.89s) in the 3 dead lift event? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24302700_6 (event_6_atlas_stones VARCHAR, event_3_dead_lift VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(event_6_atlas_stones) FROM table_24302700_6 WHERE event_3_dead_lift = "2 (6 in 30.89s)"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the cargo tonnes when the international (non-CIS) is 297 421? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (cargo__tonnes_ VARCHAR, international__non_cis_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT cargo__tonnes_ FROM table_name_90 WHERE international__non_cis_ = "297 421"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the game cost for merged with new york central to form penn central SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_243664_1 (game_cost VARCHAR, real_life_eventual_outcome VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT game_cost FROM table_243664_1 WHERE real_life_eventual_outcome = "Merged with New York Central to form Penn Central"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who is the actor in the original production when Troy Stephens is the GamePlan? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (actor_in_original_production VARCHAR, gameplan VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT actor_in_original_production FROM table_name_69 WHERE gameplan = "troy stephens"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>In what Games did Patrick Etolu compete? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (games VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT games FROM table_name_60 WHERE name = "patrick etolu"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the id, name and membership level of visitors who have spent the largest amount of money in total in all museum tickets? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE visit (visitor_id VARCHAR, Total_spent INTEGER); CREATE TABLE visitor (name VARCHAR, Level_of_membership VARCHAR, id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT t2.visitor_id,, t1.Level_of_membership FROM visitor AS t1 JOIN visit AS t2 ON = t2.visitor_id GROUP BY t2.visitor_id ORDER BY SUM(t2.Total_spent) DESC LIMIT 1</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>List the names of all winners who played in both 2013 and 2016. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE matches (winner_name VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT winner_name FROM matches WHERE YEAR = 2013 INTERSECT SELECT winner_name FROM matches WHERE YEAR = 2016</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Find the total ranking points for each player and their first name. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE players (first_name VARCHAR, player_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE rankings (player_id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT SUM(ranking_points), T1.first_name FROM players AS T1 JOIN rankings AS T2 ON T1.player_id = T2.player_id GROUP BY T1.first_name</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the death and injury situations caused by the ship with tonnage 't'? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE ship (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE death (killed VARCHAR, injured VARCHAR, caused_by_ship_id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.killed, T1.injured FROM death AS T1 JOIN ship AS t2 ON T1.caused_by_ship_id = WHERE T2.tonnage = 't'</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What's the highest annual interchange for wimbledon railway station? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (annual_interchanges__millions__2011_12 INTEGER, railway_station VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(annual_interchanges__millions__2011_12) FROM table_name_82 WHERE railway_station = "wimbledon"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many degrees does the engineering department offer? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Degree_Programs (department_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Departments (department_id VARCHAR, department_name VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Departments AS T1 JOIN Degree_Programs AS T2 ON T1.department_id = T2.department_id WHERE T1.department_name = 'engineer'</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Find the program which most number of students are enrolled in. List both the id and the summary. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Degree_Programs (degree_program_id VARCHAR, degree_summary_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Student_Enrolment (degree_program_id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.degree_program_id, T1.degree_summary_name FROM Degree_Programs AS T1 JOIN Student_Enrolment AS T2 ON T1.degree_program_id = T2.degree_program_id GROUP BY T1.degree_program_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who is the main contestant eliminated with a score of 1 + 7 + 5 = 13? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (main_contestant VARCHAR, status VARCHAR, scores_by_each_individual_judge VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT main_contestant FROM table_name_11 WHERE status = "eliminated" AND scores_by_each_individual_judge = 1 + 7 + 5 = 13</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the number of clubs when Dalian Shide won and Sichuan Quanxing won 4th? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (number_of_clubs INTEGER, winners VARCHAR, fourth_placed VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(number_of_clubs) FROM table_name_35 WHERE winners = "dalian shide" AND fourth_placed = "sichuan quanxing"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the number of appearances for yugoslavia SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24565004_20 (appearances¹ VARCHAR, nationality² VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(appearances¹) FROM table_24565004_20 WHERE nationality² = "Yugoslavia"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which player had 252 appearances SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24565004_7 (name VARCHAR, appearances¹ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT name FROM table_24565004_7 WHERE appearances¹ = 252</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>When first woman eva is the comment what is the end -utc? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_245801_2 (end___utc VARCHAR, comments VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT end___utc FROM table_245801_2 WHERE comments = "First woman EVA"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the most number of believers for ܓܘܝܠܢ SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24613895_1 (number_of_believers INTEGER, name_in_syriac VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(number_of_believers) FROM table_24613895_1 WHERE name_in_syriac = "ܓܘܝܠܢ"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the average GNP and total population in all nations whose government is US territory? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE country (GNP INTEGER, population INTEGER, GovernmentForm VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(GNP), SUM(population) FROM country WHERE GovernmentForm = "US Territory"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What are the names of nations speak both English and French? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE country (Name VARCHAR, Code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE countrylanguage (CountryCode VARCHAR, Language VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode WHERE T2.Language = "English" INTERSECT SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode WHERE T2.Language = "French"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Find the city with the largest population that uses English. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE city (Name VARCHAR, Population VARCHAR, CountryCode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE countrylanguage (CountryCode VARCHAR, Language VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.Name, T1.Population FROM city AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.CountryCode = T2.CountryCode WHERE T2.Language = "English" ORDER BY T1.Population DESC LIMIT 1</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which country had a rank smaller than 7 and a time of 1:43.189? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (country VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT country FROM table_name_81 WHERE rank < 7 AND time = "1:43.189"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Return the different names of cities that are in Asia and for which Chinese is the official language. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE country (Code VARCHAR, Continent VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE countrylanguage (CountryCode VARCHAR, IsOfficial VARCHAR, Language VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE city (Name VARCHAR, CountryCode VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT DISTINCT T3.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode JOIN city AS T3 ON T1.Code = T3.CountryCode WHERE T2.IsOfficial = 'T' AND T2.Language = 'Chinese' AND T1.Continent = "Asia"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which team has an up/down of + 3479? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2472711_31 (team VARCHAR, up_down VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT team FROM table_2472711_31 WHERE up_down = "+ 3479"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Show the names of conductors and the orchestras they have conducted. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE conductor (Name VARCHAR, Conductor_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE orchestra (Orchestra VARCHAR, Conductor_ID VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.Name, T2.Orchestra FROM conductor AS T1 JOIN orchestra AS T2 ON T1.Conductor_ID = T2.Conductor_ID</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What class had a Championship Test event with a 62.516 result? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (class VARCHAR, event VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT class FROM table_name_66 WHERE event = "championship test" AND result = "62.516"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Show the names of high schoolers who have at least 3 friends. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Highschooler (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Friend (student_id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT FROM Friend AS T1 JOIN Highschooler AS T2 ON T1.student_id = GROUP BY T1.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Show the names of students who have at least 2 likes. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Likes (student_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Highschooler (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT FROM Likes AS T1 JOIN Highschooler AS T2 ON T1.student_id = GROUP BY T1.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which owner owns the most dogs? List the owner id, first name and last name. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Owners (first_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, owner_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Dogs (owner_id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.owner_id, T2.first_name, T2.last_name FROM Dogs AS T1 JOIN Owners AS T2 ON T1.owner_id = T2.owner_id GROUP BY T1.owner_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>List the cost of each treatment and the corresponding treatment type description. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE Treatments (cost_of_treatment VARCHAR, treatment_type_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE treatment_types (treatment_type_description VARCHAR, treatment_type_code VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT T1.cost_of_treatment, T2.treatment_type_description FROM Treatments AS T1 JOIN treatment_types AS T2 ON T1.treatment_type_code = T2.treatment_type_code</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>what is the result when the venue is stade général seyni kountché, niamey, the competition is friendly and the date is 9 october 2012? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT result FROM table_name_54 WHERE venue = "stade général seyni kountché, niamey" AND competition = "friendly" AND date = "9 october 2012"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the maximum number of minutes associated with exactly 70 field goals? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24908692_5 (minutes INTEGER, field_goals VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(minutes) FROM table_24908692_5 WHERE field_goals = 70</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many different college/junior/club teams provided a player to the Washington Capitals NHL Team? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1013129_2 (college_junior_club_team VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(college_junior_club_team) FROM table_1013129_2 WHERE nhl_team = "Washington Capitals"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the production code of the episode written by Cathryn Humphris? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_24938621_3 (production_code VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT production_code FROM table_24938621_3 WHERE written_by = "Cathryn Humphris"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many entries are there for vote when the air date was 15 november 1997? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25016824_2 (vote VARCHAR, air_date VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(vote) FROM table_25016824_2 WHERE air_date = "15 November 1997"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the composition at Valles lava dome? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1081235_1 (composition VARCHAR, name_of_lava_dome VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT composition FROM table_1081235_1 WHERE name_of_lava_dome = "Valles lava dome"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the enrollment ratio in tertiary in the region where the enrollment ration in secondary is 71.43? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25042332_22 (tertiary__18_24_years_ VARCHAR, secondary__14_17_years_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT tertiary__18_24_years_ FROM table_25042332_22 WHERE secondary__14_17_years_ = "71.43"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>If the episode was directed by Michael Offer, how many US Viewers watched it? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25084227_1 (us_viewers__in_millions_ VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT us_viewers__in_millions_ FROM table_25084227_1 WHERE directed_by = "Michael Offer"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the score 1 for the major league soccer all-star game? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (score1 VARCHAR, competition_or_tour VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT score1 FROM table_name_20 WHERE competition_or_tour = "major league soccer all-star game"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What was the score of the game at Great Western Forum? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (score VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT score FROM table_name_54 WHERE location_attendance = "great western forum"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the acronym used for Beirut Arab University? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1160660_1 (acronym VARCHAR, university_name VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT acronym FROM table_1160660_1 WHERE university_name = "Beirut Arab University"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the home ground for the team whose home city is Trondheim with 27 seasons? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2522473_1 (home_ground VARCHAR, seasons VARCHAR, home_city VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT home_ground FROM table_2522473_1 WHERE seasons = 27 AND home_city = "Trondheim"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the average rank of a player with fewer than 3 matches? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (rank INTEGER, matches INTEGER)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(rank) FROM table_name_38 WHERE matches < 3</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many solar eclipse during August 21-22 where June 10-11 on June 11, 1983? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25287007_2 (august_21_22 VARCHAR, june_10_11 VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(august_21_22) FROM table_25287007_2 WHERE june_10_11 = "June 11, 1983"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which Date has a Stadium of giants stadium, and a Week smaller than 13, and an Opponent of seattle seahawks? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, stadium VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT date FROM table_name_79 WHERE stadium = "giants stadium" AND week < 13 AND opponent = "seattle seahawks"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the enrollment at the school of Hamilton community? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (enrollment INTEGER, school VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(enrollment) FROM table_name_3 WHERE school = "hamilton community"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who was the away team when Brighton & Hove Albion was home? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (away_team VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT away_team FROM table_name_95 WHERE home_team = "brighton & hove albion"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the torque when engine code is N46B20 and power is ps (kw; hp)@6400? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (torque VARCHAR, engine_code VARCHAR, power VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT torque FROM table_name_97 WHERE engine_code = "n46b20" AND power = "ps (kw; hp)@6400"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What date premiered (2009) has kareena kapoor as the contestant name? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (date_premiered__2009_ VARCHAR, contestant_name VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT date_premiered__2009_ FROM table_name_40 WHERE contestant_name = "kareena kapoor"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the mascot for the school founded in 1923 with the school colors of blue, red & white? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_12434380_1 (mascot VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, school_colors VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT mascot FROM table_12434380_1 WHERE founded = 1923 AND school_colors = "Blue, Red & White"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the average number of gold medals Switzerland received when they ranked larger than 1st and received fewer than 10 bronze medals and more than 1 silver medal? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (gold INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(gold) FROM table_name_90 WHERE total > 1 AND bronze < 10 AND nation = "switzerland" AND silver > 1</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What was the original air date of the episode that had 5.30 million U.S. viewers? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25548505_1 (original_air_date VARCHAR, us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT original_air_date FROM table_25548505_1 WHERE us_viewers__millions_ = "5.30"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What yacht type is involved where Bob Oatley is the skipper? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25594888_1 (yacht VARCHAR, skipper VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT yacht AS type FROM table_25594888_1 WHERE skipper = "Bob Oatley"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What team was 2 when Tatung was team 1 at National Pei Men Senior High School? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (team_2 VARCHAR, team_1 VARCHAR, ground VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT team_2 FROM table_name_32 WHERE team_1 = "tatung" AND ground = "national pei men senior high school"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many part 6 parts are there in the episode number 5? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_13241993_3 (part_6 VARCHAR, episode__number VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(part_6) FROM table_13241993_3 WHERE episode__number = 5</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which Location has a Year Joined of 1966, and a Previous Conference of noble county, and a School of wawaka? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (location VARCHAR, school VARCHAR, year_joined VARCHAR, previous_conference VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT location FROM table_name_83 WHERE year_joined = 1966 AND previous_conference = "noble county" AND school = "wawaka"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Tony P. Hall was the incumbent in the race between what two candidates? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1341453_37 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT candidates FROM table_1341453_37 WHERE incumbent = "Tony P. Hall"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What Republican incumbent was elected in 1974? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1341568_14 (incumbent VARCHAR, elected VARCHAR, party VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT incumbent FROM table_1341568_14 WHERE elected = 1974 AND party = "Republican"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many type classifications are given to the measure with the description, calling convention to revise state constitution? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_256286_5 (type VARCHAR, description VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(type) FROM table_256286_5 WHERE description = "Calling Convention to revise State Constitution"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the most legs for steinlager 2 SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_256862_1 (legs INTEGER, winning_yacht VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(legs) FROM table_256862_1 WHERE winning_yacht = "Steinlager 2"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>This engine with a cylinder size of 20 ½” x 26” and a firebox of radial-stay was built when? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25695027_1 (years_built VARCHAR, cylinder_size VARCHAR, firebox VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT years_built FROM table_25695027_1 WHERE cylinder_size = "20 ½” x 26”" AND firebox = "Radial-stay"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many episodes were written by Tom Scharpling and Daniel Dratch? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25716397_1 (no_in_season VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(no_in_season) FROM table_25716397_1 WHERE written_by = "Tom Scharpling and Daniel Dratch"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many different results came out of the round in which #98 All American Racers became the GTU winning team? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_13643320_2 (results VARCHAR, gtu_winning_team VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(results) FROM table_13643320_2 WHERE gtu_winning_team = "#98 All American Racers"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Where was the race where Cole Morgan had the fastest lap and Daniel Erickson had pole position? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25773116_2 (location VARCHAR, pole_position VARCHAR, fastest_lap VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT location FROM table_25773116_2 WHERE pole_position = "Daniel Erickson" AND fastest_lap = "Cole Morgan"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the longitude for the Township that has a ANSI code less than 1036534, a water (sqmi) of 0, and a GEO ID greater than 3809959540? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (longitude VARCHAR, geo_id VARCHAR, ansi_code VARCHAR, water__sqmi_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(longitude) FROM table_name_20 WHERE ansi_code < 1036534 AND water__sqmi_ = 0 AND geo_id > 3809959540</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who had a larger rank than 3, less than 6 lanes, and a time of 1:58.15? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (name VARCHAR, time VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT name FROM table_name_32 WHERE rank > 3 AND lane < 6 AND time = "1:58.15"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>When the area sq mi (km 2 ) (rank) is sqmi (km2) (5) what is the population (2010) (rank)? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_14253123_1 (population__2010___rank_ VARCHAR, area_sq_mi__km_2____rank_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT population__2010___rank_ FROM table_14253123_1 WHERE area_sq_mi__km_2____rank_ = "sqmi (km2) (5)"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the playoff result when the league is USISL and the regular season record is 1st, pacific. SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1427998_1 (playoffs VARCHAR, league VARCHAR, regular_season VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT playoffs FROM table_1427998_1 WHERE league = "USISL" AND regular_season = "1st, Pacific"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Can one access the Jersey territory using a Croatian identity card? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_25965003_3 (access_using_a_croatian_identity_card VARCHAR, countries_and_territories VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT access_using_a_croatian_identity_card FROM table_25965003_3 WHERE countries_and_territories = "Jersey"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>For which Category was Outstanding Main Title Design a Recipient and nominee? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (category VARCHAR, recipients_and_nominees VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT category FROM table_name_71 WHERE recipients_and_nominees = "outstanding main title design"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the total number of laps for a team of team player's, and has a grid of 9, and points larger than 10? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (laps VARCHAR, points VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_12 WHERE team = "team player's" AND grid = 9 AND points > 10</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the average number of golds for teams with 1 bronze, less than 3 silver, and a total over 2? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_55 (gold INTEGER, silver VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(gold) FROM table_name_55 WHERE bronze = 1 AND total > 2 AND silver < 3</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What's the 2008 that has 3.4 in 2009 and more than 2.9 in 2005? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (Id VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(2008) FROM table_name_35 WHERE 2009 = 3.4 AND 2005 > 2.9</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the g (μs/km)when the frequency (hz) is 100k? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_261642_3 (g__μs_km_ VARCHAR, frequency__hz_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT g__μs_km_ FROM table_261642_3 WHERE frequency__hz_ = "100k"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What school has more than 533 enrolled and is an IHSAA Football Class of aa? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (school VARCHAR, enrollment VARCHAR, ihsaa_football_class VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT school FROM table_name_27 WHERE enrollment > 533 AND ihsaa_football_class = "aa"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many titles have directors of matthew Penn and number in series of 143? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2618119_1 (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR, no_in_series VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(title) FROM table_2618119_1 WHERE directed_by = "Matthew Penn" AND no_in_series = 143</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who won the race at Magny-Cours SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_15187794_1 (race_winner VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT race_winner FROM table_15187794_1 WHERE circuit = "Magny-Cours"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many metropolitan boroughs have dorridge as a station? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_15366849_1 (c_ VARCHAR, metropolitan_borough_ VARCHAR, station VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(metropolitan_borough_)[c_] FROM table_15366849_1 WHERE station = "Dorridge"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Which station is from China and has a frequency of 684khz? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (station VARCHAR, country_of_origin VARCHAR, frequency VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT station FROM table_name_79 WHERE country_of_origin = "china" AND frequency = "684khz"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the founded for school closed in 2005 SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_262505_1 (founded VARCHAR, current_conference VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT founded FROM table_262505_1 WHERE current_conference = "school closed in 2005"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many winning constructor catagories are there when Mark Webber had the fastest lap? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_26258348_4 (winning_constructor VARCHAR, fastest_lap VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(winning_constructor) FROM table_26258348_4 WHERE fastest_lap = "Mark Webber"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name for the high rebounds when score is w 105–91 (ot) SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_15780718_6 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_15780718_6 WHERE score = "W 105–91 (OT)"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Do the Sky Calcio 5 channels have PPV? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_15887683_4 (ppv VARCHAR, television_service VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT ppv FROM table_15887683_4 WHERE television_service = "Sky Calcio 5"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>how many times is the team tauro and played less than 18? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (place VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, played VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(place) FROM table_name_85 WHERE team = "tauro" AND played < 18</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Who are the candidates in Washington 1 district? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_16185956_1 (district VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT 2008 AS _candidates FROM table_16185956_1 WHERE district = "Washington 1"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the Lower index Kcal/ Nm 3 entry, for the row with entries of an Upper index Kcal/ Nm 3 smaller than 19,376, and a Lower index MJ/ Nm 3 of 74.54? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (lower_index_kcal__nm_3 INTEGER, lower_index_mj__nm_3 VARCHAR, upper_index_kcal__nm_3 VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT AVG(lower_index_kcal__nm_3) FROM table_name_5 WHERE lower_index_mj__nm_3 = 74.54 AND upper_index_kcal__nm_3 < 19 OFFSET 376</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What was the score of the game at the Chicago Stadium? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (score VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT score FROM table_name_67 WHERE location_attendance = "chicago stadium"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many episodes were written by Alexander Woo and directed by Scott Winant? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_26493520_1 (title VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(title) FROM table_26493520_1 WHERE written_by = "Alexander Woo" AND directed_by = "Scott Winant"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the Shirt No for Henry Bell Cisnero whose height is less than 190? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (shirt_no INTEGER, height VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MAX(shirt_no) FROM table_name_24 WHERE height < 190 AND player = "henry bell cisnero"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>what is the date of vacancy when the position in table is 10th and the team is balboa? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (date_of_vacancy VARCHAR, position_in_table VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT date_of_vacancy FROM table_name_70 WHERE position_in_table = "10th" AND team = "balboa"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What is the lowest tourism arrivals in 2011 in millions with 507 US $ per arrival in 2011 tourism receipts and less than 11,869 million of US $ in 2011 tourism receipts? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (tourist_arrivals__2011___millions_ INTEGER, tourism_receipts__2011___us$_per_arrival_ VARCHAR, tourism_receipts__2011___millions_of_us$_ VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT MIN(tourist_arrivals__2011___millions_) FROM table_name_95 WHERE tourism_receipts__2011___us$_per_arrival_ = 507 AND tourism_receipts__2011___millions_of_us$_ < 11 OFFSET 869</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>Name the candidates for new york 21 SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2668243_17 (candidates VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT candidates FROM table_2668243_17 WHERE district = "New York 21"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>What was the result of the election where stephen van rensselaer was the incumbent and the party represented was the adams-clay federalist party? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2668264_17 (result VARCHAR, party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT result FROM table_2668264_17 WHERE party = "Adams-Clay Federalist" AND incumbent = "Stephen Van Rensselaer"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>how many times were the candidates thomas h. hubbard (dr) 51.5% simeon ford (f) 48.4%? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_2668347_14 (party VARCHAR, candidates VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT COUNT(party) FROM table_2668347_14 WHERE candidates = "Thomas H. Hubbard (DR) 51.5% Simeon Ford (F) 48.4%"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>what is the largest city where the province is eastern cape? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_17416221_1 (largest_city VARCHAR, province VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT largest_city FROM table_17416221_1 WHERE province = "Eastern Cape"</codeend><|end|>
<|system|>Use your knowledge and SQL skills to convert the following text into a SQL query. Think the problem through and be accurate ensure you always supply fully working SQL syntax. SQL Statments should be wrapped in <codestart type="sql"> and </codeend> tags. Example output: <codestart type="sql">SELECT * FROM table_name;</codeend> <codestart type="sql">SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'value';</codeend><|end|><|user|>How many subsidiaries of Postermobile Limited? SQL Table Create Statement: CREATE TABLE table_1756264_2 (subsidiaries VARCHAR, company_name VARCHAR)<|end|><|assistant|><codestart type="sql">SELECT subsidiaries FROM table_1756264_2 WHERE company_name = "POSTERMOBILE LIMITED"</codeend><|end|>