audioduration (s)
Snag the remote
Ambulate towards the hall
Please relocate yourself to the storeroom
Commandeer the apple
Obtain the key
Bag the key
Kindly proceed towards the bedroom
Proceed in the direction of the diningroom
Make tracks for the storeroom
Relinquish the remote
Throw down the remote
Wander into the bedroom
Drop the apple
Would you mind going to the hall?
Grapple the apple
Place the bag
Recede the bag
Go to storeroom
Walk over to the storeroom
Let fall the key
Journey to the storeroom
Advance to the hall
Rest the key
Advance to the storeroom
Give up the bottle
Glide into the storeroom
Surrender the remote
Snag the bag
Usurp the bag
Meander towards the diningroom
Tumble the key
Settle the bottle
Walk over to the hall
Glean the key
Commandeer the bottle
Glean the remote
Migrate to the hall
Plunk down the bag
Corral the remote
Forget the bag
Please relocate yourself to the hall
Renounce the apple
Gain possession of the bag
Bag the bag
Amble to the kitchen
Attain the bag
Drop the remote
Retrieve the remote
Clasp the bag
Slip the key