[ 0, 5.130000114440918, 22.459999084472656, 49.7400016784668, 57.7599983215332 ]
[ 5.130000114440918, 22.139999389648438, 50.70000076293945, 57.119998931884766, 64.18000030517578 ]
[ "An African American male gymnast in a blue leotard steps under two bars and begins stretching.", "He grabs the bars and pulls himself up into a hand stand on the bars.", "He continues to do acrobatic flips and continuous flips.", "His next set of flips consists of splits over the bars,followed by hand stands.", "Finally, he flips off the bars and lands on the mat to complete his performance." ]
[ 0, 7.019999980926514, 16.670000076293945, 52.20000076293945, 64.91999816894531, 79.38999938964844 ]
[ 6.579999923706055, 15.350000381469727, 51.31999969482422, 61.849998474121094, 77.19999694824219, 87.7300033569336 ]
[ "A sky with the sun is peeking through the clouds.", " A man is on a track in front of a crowd.", " He runs, doing a long jump in slow motion.", " He celebrates as he wins the medal.", " A man is shown talking about him.", " The credits appear at the end." ]
[ 0, 20, 55.54999923706055, 103.31999969482422, 116.6500015258789, 169.97999572753906, 192.1999969482422 ]
[ 20, 55.54999923706055, 103.31999969482422, 115.54000091552734, 169.97999572753906, 192.1999969482422, 222.19000244140625 ]
[ "A man and a woman are standing in a living room with large sumo costumes on.", "The girl jumps up and then the man tries it to see how heavy the uniform is.", "Next,the man holds up a bag of lemons and begin to talk before they put their head equipment on.", "Now,it is time for the match and they begin wrestling with one another.", "However,they've added a feature to the match and each person has to put lemons in the other's hat to gain points.", "After several attempts,the girl wins and the score is 4 to 0.", "Now begins round two and the outcome is the same as the girl cheats to win." ]
[ 0, 15.899999618530273, 19.8799991607666 ]
[ 14.90999984741211, 18.8799991607666, 198.75999450683594 ]
[ "People windsurf on a large body of water.", " A park sign that reads \"Welcome to Kanaha Beach Park\" is shown.", " More windsurfers are shown racing across the water." ]
[ 0, 22.489999771118164, 80.8499984741211 ]
[ 18.84000015258789, 87.54000091552734, 118.54000091552734 ]
[ "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and holding up a tin.", " She then folds a piece of paper into an airplane and rubs it along the pan.", " She then puts a container into the pan while speaking to the camera." ]
[ 0, 34.15999984741211, 59.38999938964844 ]
[ 31.540000915527344, 82.5199966430664, 104.06999969482422 ]
[ "A man is seen speaking to the camera while showing shots of people playing water polo.", " More clips are shown of people hitting the ball as well as the host speaking to another man.", " More clips are shown of people playing in the pool and laughing with one another." ]
[ 0, 2.009999990463257, 7.199999809265137 ]
[ 1.6200000047683716, 6.940000057220459, 12.979999542236328 ]
[ "A man runs on a pair of stilts down an alley.", " He bounces over a bike as he runs.", " He then runs up the side trim of a building before disappearing around the corner." ]
[ 0, 9.770000457763672, 27.010000228881836, 88.48999786376953, 104 ]
[ 8.039999961853027, 26.43000030517578, 87.91000366210938, 103.41999816894531, 114.91999816894531 ]
[ "Cartoon buildings are shown, then a pair of angels.", " We see a bucket filled with laundry.", " The video explains how washing clothes should involve soaking and brushing, and hand washing.", " Then it talks about rinsing and hanging the clothing to dry.", " We finally see an empty dryer before an ad for Laundry Bin Heaven." ]
[ 0, 5.369999885559082, 32.209999084472656 ]
[ 4.360000133514404, 30.200000762939453, 67.11000061035156 ]
[ "A group of small children are on a playground.", " They take turns hopping across a game of hopscotch drawn on the sidewalk.", " They continue taking turns over and over." ]
[ 0, 12.6899995803833, 57.459999084472656 ]
[ 12.3100004196167, 45.52000045776367, 74.62999725341797 ]
[ "A person is seen getting out of a car and walking around to the trunk to grab a surf board.", " The person is then seen wearing a suit and running down a boardwalk followed by him surfing.", " The man glides along the water in slow motion and is then seen speaking to the camera." ]
[ 0, 8.699999809265137, 14.1899995803833, 62.72999954223633, 64.55999755859375, 84.70999908447266 ]
[ 91.58000183105469, 86.08000183105469, 62.72999954223633, 87.45999908447266, 71.43000030517578, 91.58000183105469 ]
[ "A group of coaches, gymnasts and parents stand and sit around a gym while a few of the gymnasts perform or practice.", " A young girl in purple does a balance beam routine.", " A girl in the back ground does a floor routine.", " When the floor routine ends the crowd all claps and several young gymnasts get up and walk around.", " A woman hold up a sign that says 965.", " The girl on the balance beam ends her routine and walks over and hugs a woman in purple." ]
[ 0, 11.09000015258789, 18.290000915527344, 65.95999908447266 ]
[ 12.1899995803833, 18.850000381469727, 64.29000091552734, 110.8499984741211 ]
[ "An intro to Dancing with the Stars shows followed by a man playing piano and a couple looking off into the distance.", " The woman begins playing the piano when the man standing plays and grabs her.", " They twirl around a large stage surrounded by hundreds of people watching them dance.", " The man picks her up and twirls her around the music and ends with audience clapping." ]
[ 3.1700000762939453, 53.13999938964844 ]
[ 72.18000030517578, 149.1199951171875 ]
[ "Two people are seen playing a game of pool while others watch on the side and conversation.", " The men continue hitting the ball around the table and moving around." ]
[ 0, 22.579999923706055, 49.09000015258789, 78.05000305175781 ]
[ 22.579999923706055, 49.58000183105469, 78.54000091552734, 98.16999816894531 ]
[ "A young girl is sitting down in front of a screen and begins talking as she is holding a bottle of blue mouthwash.", "The girl then takes the mouthwash and starts to put it over head and playing with is while making funny faces.", "After taking about it,the girls takes a gulp of it and starts to gargle it and holds it in her mouth.", "Finally,she spits it out and takes a drink of water before the replay is shown." ]
[ 0, 10.5, 28.260000228881836, 32.29999923706055, 45.220001220703125, 56.52000045776367, 85.58999633789062, 100.93000030517578, 121.93000030517578, 130, 144.5399932861328 ]
[ 8.880000114440918, 29.8799991607666, 32.29999923706055, 46.029998779296875, 55.720001220703125, 81.55000305175781, 100.93000030517578, 120.30999755859375, 129.1999969482422, 144.5399932861328, 151 ]
[ "A man in a snow jacket is seated in a ski lift.", " A man in yellow jacket holds a rubber inter tube with a rope and a child in ski clothes sits down inside.", " The man pushes the child down a ski slope.", " The child goes down a set of hills on the intertube.", " A woman attempts to stop the child then retrieves his intertube.", " A group of young girls and boy pull intertubes up a hill.", " A child in green jacket gets into an intertube.", " The child is pushed down the ski slope and sleds to the bottom.", " A woman in grey sweatshirt retrieves the intertube at the bottom of the slope.", " A boy in green jacket is pushed down the ski slope.", " A woman an grey sweatshirt retrieves the intertube at the bottom of the slope." ]
[ 0, 30.020000457763672, 69.36000061035156, 104.55000305175781, 196.67999267578125 ]
[ 207.02999877929688, 40.369998931884766, 103.5199966430664, 187.36000061035156, 207.02999877929688 ]
[ "A lady talks to the camera.", " We see the lady hold up bottle of witch hazel and a cotton pad and talks.", " The lady holds up a bottle of lotion.", " We see the lady put lotion on her face and then hold a small bottle of serum she puts on her face.", " We see teh lady with makeup on talking to the camera." ]
[ 0, 39.97999954223633, 55.77000045776367, 62.68000030517578 ]
[ 41.95000076293945, 57.7400016784668, 62.189998626708984, 98.70999908447266 ]
[ "1 A camera man watches men on bikes that are about to race.", " 2 The race begins with the guys on bikes.", " 3 One man wipes out.", " 4 The race ends and the guys take their bikes." ]
[ 0, 8.329999923706055, 51.18000030517578 ]
[ 8.329999923706055, 46.41999816894531, 238.0500030517578 ]
[ "A girl holding a guitar talks to the camera.", " The girl plays the guitar as she sits on the sofa.", " The girl stops playing and talks to the camera again while demonstrating." ]
[ 0, 3.2799999713897705, 9.829999923706055, 51.790000915527344, 85.2300033569336, 115.38999938964844 ]
[ 3.2799999713897705, 9.829999923706055, 51.790000915527344, 83.26000213623047, 115.38999938964844, 131.1199951171875 ]
[ "We see an opening instruction screen.", " We see a person holding a contact lens.", " We see another instruction screen and see the person inserts the lens on the left.", " Another screen of instructions and the person inserts the right lens.", " Two sets of Instructions appear an the person removes the left and right lens.", " the person waves bye to the camera." ]
[ 0, 22.010000228881836, 38.13999938964844, 49.880001068115234, 69.68000030517578, 86.55999755859375 ]
[ 20.540000915527344, 37.40999984741211, 49.880001068115234, 67.4800033569336, 73.3499984741211, 136.42999267578125 ]
[ "A man is skiing very fast down a hillside and hops one for fun.", " He is now walking back up the mountain with difficulty.", " He skiis and walks up various hills.", " Skiis down a rather large hillside or mountain.", " He jumps off a hill and tries to do a 360 but falls.", " He skiis between some trees and on a path." ]
[ 0, 8.779999732971191, 23.209999084472656 ]
[ 6.059999942779541, 22.15999984741211, 41.81999969482422 ]
[ "A cowboy runs out of a gate on a horse.", " He uses a lasso to rope a calf.", " He tries to tie up the calf, losing his rope." ]
[ 0, 5.420000076293945, 18.40999984741211 ]
[ 3.9700000286102295, 16.969999313354492, 24.06999969482422 ]
[ "A man is working outside a house.", " He uses a hammer and clamp on the shingles.", " He knocks each shingle off the house with the hammer." ]
[ 0, 14.720000267028809, 26.34000015258789 ]
[ 3.0999999046325684, 20.139999389648438, 44.15999984741211 ]
[ "First this girl does a back bend and then another girl does a back walkover.", " Then someone else does a cartwheel and that same person does a round off.", " next someone does a front walkover and another girl does a standing back handspring along with other people who are doing gymnastic moves." ]
[ 0, 41.43000030517578 ]
[ 44.349998474121094, 116.69999694824219 ]
[ "A man wearing a bag is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a group of people riding in a raft.", " One person paddles around and turns the ground around, leading back into the man speaking to the camera." ]
[ 5.829999923706055, 34.439998626708984 ]
[ 48.31999969482422, 44.15999984741211 ]
[ "A group of drummers dressed in all white outfits perform a song.", " An instructor stands in front of the group giving instructions." ]
[ 0, 7.150000095367432, 16.690000534057617 ]
[ 7.75, 119.19000244140625, 119.19000244140625 ]
[ "man is sitting in an ofice talking to the camera.", " a tattoo is shown in a back of a man and the man is tattoing him.", " man is standing laying no a stand getting a tatto on his back." ]
[ 0, 7.21999979019165, 45.13999938964844 ]
[ 6.920000076293945, 43.63999938964844, 60.189998626708984 ]
[ "A group of kids are playing on a field.", " The coaches talk to them as they run.", " They engage in a game of lacrosse together." ]
[ 0, 42.849998474121094, 80.72000122070312 ]
[ 41.849998474121094, 78.72000122070312, 199.3000030517578 ]
[ "A large group of people are seen standing on ice followed by various shots of curling tools and people playing the sport.", " A man is seen putting shoes on, walking along the ice while another helps him walk.", " The men continue to teach him how to glide along the ice and and use the brush to move the puck." ]
[ 0, 1.100000023841858, 2.559999942779541 ]
[ 1.0499999523162842, 2.559999942779541, 9.130000114440918 ]
[ "A man lays down on the floor over a mat.", " The man holds a weight ovebe his head.", " The man exercise holding the weight and raising the folded legs until the chest." ]
[ 0, 29.760000228881836, 94.16000366210938 ]
[ 28.68000030517578, 92.54000091552734, 108.2300033569336 ]
[ "A doctor is speaking while a nurse sits next to him in a medical office.", " He holds up a bottle of cleanser, and uses a rag to wipe it onto the woman's face, before wiping it clean again.", " It is also rubbed into her hands." ]
[ 0, 5.010000228881836, 11.960000038146973, 35.869998931884766, 52.45000076293945, 61.709999084472656 ]
[ 4.630000114440918, 11.960000038146973, 35.47999954223633, 52.06999969482422, 61.31999969482422, 77.13999938964844 ]
[ "A table of various cut fruits appear on screen with the title \"Making Drinks\".", " A person cuts and squeezes lemons followed by the title \"Making Lemonade Is Easy and Fun\".", " Different items needed to make lemonade are shown and titled followed by interviews.", " Each step of making lemonade is shown and titled.", " People are interviewed drinking the lemonade.", " A \"Citrus Saturday\" logo appears with various supporting organization logos beneath." ]
[ 0, 12.369999885559082, 11.489999771118164, 64.51000213623047, 120.16999816894531 ]
[ 12.369999885559082, 106.91999816894531, 64.51000213623047, 120.16999816894531, 126.36000061035156 ]
[ "An intro appears showing empty glasses, a card that say's \"Audi Polo Challenge 2014\", an Audi flag blowing in the wind, close up shots of a white horse, people with drinks, cars driving, polo riders getting on their horses, and a large group of people near and in a tent both standing and sitting.", "The polo match begins and the men are riding on hroses that are going very fast as they all attempt to hit the ball with their sticks.", " There are a lot of celebrities and even royalty at this polo event and every now and then they are shown, and sometimes they are also interviewed.", " Between matches the people all go out into the grass and put the patches of grass back into the holes that are missing them, and the polo game continues for another round.", "The polo match ends and Prince Harry and Prince William are seen separately receiving a white box from a man, while they talk and shake hands as people clap and take pictures." ]
[ 0, 49.029998779296875, 117.87999725341797 ]
[ 39.63999938964844, 156.47999572753906, 207.60000610351562 ]
[ "People are seen walking in the forest carrying tubes and lead into them sitting in the water.", " More people climb into the water and sit on top of their tubes.", " Several close ups are seen of the people riding on the tubes as well as swimming in the water." ]
[ 0, 0, 46.79999923706055 ]
[ 27.6200008392334, 46.79999923706055, 153.44000244140625 ]
[ "written instructions about how to makea hand lay down are in the screen.", " man is standing in a basket court dribbling the ball and doing shos to the basket.", " three basket players are doing shots and showing how to do a two steps technique." ]
[ 0, 9.329999923706055, 145.11000061035156 ]
[ 8.289999961853027, 142, 207.3000030517578 ]
[ "A man wearing ski goggles adjusts the camera.", " Several people are seen skiing down a steep slope.", " They continue skiing faster and faster as they go downhill." ]
[ 7.550000190734863, 23.8799991607666, 44.84000015258789 ]
[ 23.8799991607666, 44.84000015258789, 48.7400016784668 ]
[ "There's a woman with red colored hair wearing a black tank top and printed black tights skating on roller blades through the streets of a city.", " The streets don't have any cars but people are riding bikes or skateboarding.", " The woman swiftly skates through the crowded streets as she passes by several tourists walking leisurely." ]
[ 21.3700008392334, 54.25, 69.05000305175781, 118.37000274658203 ]
[ 42.7400016784668, 68.2300033569336, 117.54000091552734, 157 ]
[ "A man flies in the air with on a motorcycle.", " A man makes a motocross circuit using a heavy machine.", " People runs motocross on an bumpy road.", " people ride a motorcycle on ramps, and then flies and spin in the air." ]
[ 0, 16.360000610351562, 87.91000366210938, 120.62999725341797 ]
[ 16.360000610351562, 87.91000366210938, 120.62999725341797, 204.4499969482422 ]
[ "men are walking to a bike shop and talks with the man inside.", "they are assembling different pieces of the bike.", "man says goodbye and leaves the shop and get home where man carry the bike and put it in a living room.", " man is wriing on white papers and is fixing the bike on the garage." ]
[ 0, 10.210000038146973, 33.34000015258789, 39.349998474121094 ]
[ 10.8100004196167, 30.639999389648438, 39.650001525878906, 60.06999969482422 ]
[ "A group of people wearing swim caps move around a pool and toss a ball around with a man on the sides waving a flag.", " They play a game of water polo and throw the ball around to each other.", " One throws the ball into the net and causes the people on the side to jump and cheer.", " A video of the event shows in slow motion followed by men on the sidelines watching." ]
[ 9.449999809265137, 12.609999656677246, 179.6300048828125 ]
[ 177.52999877929688, 177.52999877929688, 186.97999572753906 ]
[ "People are running down a track and jumping into a sand pit.", " People are standing on the side of the track watching them.", " The man is posing in front of a sign." ]
[ 0, 59.59000015258789 ]
[ 62.790000915527344, 212.83999633789062 ]
[ "Two people are seen riding along on skis while speaking to one another and leads into them riding down a snowy hill.", " The people continuously push themselves quickly down a hill moving past several people and ending by stopping at the end." ]
[ 0, 4.230000019073486, 17.760000228881836, 65.12000274658203, 74.41999816894531, 94.72000122070312, 137 ]
[ 3.380000114440918, 11.84000015258789, 66.80999755859375, 71.04000091552734, 90.48999786376953, 134.4600067138672, 169.13999938964844 ]
[ "A dog rides on a boat with his owners.", " A crab is seen crawling on the bottom of a lake.", " People water ski behind a boat on a calm lake.", " The person lets go of the tug rope and glides towards the shore of the lake.", " The group prepare a chair on a sled with a rope on shore.", " A man is pulled on a sled from the shore then on the lake.", " The group removes the sled from the water and lifts it to drain the water." ]
[ 0, 7.949999809265137, 10.09000015258789, 33.939998626708984, 43.72999954223633 ]
[ 7.949999809265137, 9.789999961853027, 38.84000015258789, 38.22999954223633, 61.15999984741211 ]
[ "We see a man putting on gear and then hockey player walking to the rink.", " We see the crowd clapping.", " We see a game of hockey being played.", " We see people clapping in the crowd.", " A man's hand is shaken and see the whole team on the ice." ]
[ 0, 15.460000038146973, 41.470001220703125 ]
[ 13.350000381469727, 40.060001373291016, 140.57000732421875 ]
[ "An athlete is standing on a field.", " He is holding a large steel ball.", " He spins and throws the ball, then walks around the track waiting for his next turn." ]
[ 0, 4.789999961853027, 54.25, 139.61000061035156, 148.38999938964844 ]
[ 3.190000057220459, 148.38999938964844, 119.66999816894531, 141.2100067138672, 159.55999755859375 ]
[ "Several outside views of a casino are shown.", " Card players and the dealer at a table are shown engaging in a game inside the casino.", " The dealer deals cards to each player.", " The dealer reveals the dealer's hand.", " One man talks to the camera while another man stands nearby." ]
[ 16.239999771118164, 46.5, 67.16000366210938, 84.13999938964844, 103.33000183105469, 116.61000061035156, 129.89999389648438 ]
[ 46.5, 67.16000366210938, 84.13999938964844, 103.33000183105469, 116.61000061035156, 129.89999389648438, 145.39999389648438 ]
[ "There's a little boy sitting on a bed in the bedroom.", " There is a laundry basket and a lot of clothes on the bed.", " The mother of the boy who is filming the video shows a vacuum cleaner.", " Then she turns the vacuum cleaner on and begins vacuuming the bedroom floor.", " The boy watches his mom vacuum as he jumps on the bed.", " the boy then lays down on the bed as he sees his mother finish the job.", " Then the boy gets off the bed and jumps down to the ground to look under the bedside table." ]
[ 3.859999895095825, 37.34000015258789 ]
[ 39.90999984741211, 84.9800033569336 ]
[ "A girl is seen laying on a table with a man piercing her belly button below her.", " The girl screams in pain and the man finishes her piercing while she looks to the camera." ]
[ 0, 25.280000686645508, 104.2699966430664 ]
[ 17.690000534057617, 89.7300033569336, 126.38999938964844 ]
[ "A pair of white and red nike shoes are shown.", " A man is using inserts to prepare the shoes.", " He then uses a brush and cleaning solution to wash the shoes." ]
[ 0, 18.020000457763672, 52.66999816894531, 104.6500015258789, 128.89999389648438 ]
[ 13.859999656677246, 49.900001525878906, 103.94999694824219, 126.81999969482422, 138.61000061035156 ]
[ "A close up zooms in on a screen.", " Several adults and kids are outdoors.", " The kids are riding dirt bikes in a competition.", " They are shown racing around a course and over hills and taking sharp turns.", " A boy on a bike stops at the camera, looking intently." ]
[ 14.350000381469727, 33.720001220703125, 60.97999954223633, 85.37000274658203, 104.73999786376953, 111.91000366210938, 128.41000366210938 ]
[ 33.720001220703125, 60.97999954223633, 85.37000274658203, 104.73999786376953, 111.91000366210938, 128.41000366210938, 135.5800018310547 ]
[ "There's a man wearing a red hat and a black shirt training and playing with his dog in a dog park.", " There are several other people in that park with their dogs, sitting under canopies.", " The man is throwing a Frisbee for the dog to fetch.", " The dog is running around and fetching the Frisbee for its owner.", " The dog jumps up high to catch the Frisbee.", " The man also throws a ball to the dog for him to fetch.", " The man lifts the dog up and walks away with it." ]
[ 5.809999942779541, 30.219999313354492, 36.029998779296875, 80.7699966430664 ]
[ 99.94999694824219, 33.119998931884766, 79.02999877929688, 84.83999633789062 ]
[ "A man is standing behind a bar talking.", " He puts ice in a glass.", " He pours shots into the glass.", " He stirs the drink with a straw." ]
[ 0, 11.0600004196167, 34.08000183105469 ]
[ 11.0600004196167, 88.5199966430664, 35.849998474121094 ]
[ "A man is talking to the camera.", " A woman in an orange shirt is doing various karate moves.", " She does a back flip on the mat." ]
[ 0, 18, 43.790000915527344, 52.189998626708984, 58.790000915527344, 72.58999633789062 ]
[ 119.9800033569336, 43.790000915527344, 52.790000915527344, 58.790000915527344, 72.58999633789062, 79.79000091552734 ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to install some grips onto bicycle handles.", " First he installs some rings onto the grips themselves.", " Next he screws on some screws to have them ready.", " He then slides on the grips onto the handles of the bike.", " He completes the tightening of the grips with an Alan wrench.", " Last he inserts plugs into the end of the grips and the handle bars." ]
[ 0, 56.099998474121094 ]
[ 56.099998474121094, 75.83000183105469 ]
[ "men are playing beach football in a empty court.", " man kick another player on the head and he holds his head." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 26.270000457763672, 43.45000076293945, 64.66999816894531, 64.66999816894531, 108.11000061035156, 146.50999450683594, 159.64999389648438, 163.69000244140625, 175.80999755859375, 200.05999755859375 ]
[ 80.83000183105469, 9.09000015258789, 56.58000183105469, 68.70999908447266, 60.630001068115234, 80.83000183105469, 92.95999908447266, 143.47999572753906, 157.6300048828125, 160.66000366210938, 173.7899932861328, 196.02000427246094, 202.0800018310547 ]
[ "Two woman are riding in a car.", " The passenger is talking to the camera.", " They are demonstrating dance moves.", " The driver is talking to the camera.", " The passenger is now talking to the camera.", " The driver is looking at the camera and smiling while driving.", " A girl is looking in a mirror holding a tattoo pattern on her shoulder.", " Another girl is lying on a bed while another girl gives her a tattoo.", " The other girl is sitting on a stool while a man gives her a tattoo her shoulder.", " A hand reaches out from behind the camera.", " A girl is talking to the camera with her hand on her shoulder.", " Another girl is talking to the camera and making hand gestures.", " Both girls are talking to the camera." ]
[ 0, 70.66999816894531, 70.66999816894531 ]
[ 170.3000030517578, 85.1500015258789, 170.3000030517578 ]
[ "A man in a black coat is shoveling snow with a shovel.", " He picks up a large shovel full of snow and tosses it next to him.", " He continues shoveling the driveway." ]
[ 0, 5.510000228881836, 16.18000030517578, 58.18000030517578 ]
[ 5.159999847412109, 15.84000015258789, 55.41999816894531, 68.8499984741211 ]
[ "A man is in an arena fighting a bull.", " He swings the cape and runs near other men, teasing the bull into chasing him.", " The bull slams into the side of a horse being ridden by a man before running back towards the man with the cape.", " The man on the horse rides away to the side." ]
[ 0, 9.390000343322754, 20.110000610351562, 86.2699966430664 ]
[ 8.9399995803833, 19.670000076293945, 86.2699966430664, 89.4000015258789 ]
[ "An intro comes onto the screen introducing the video clip.", " Two people are shown frolicking around in the lake.", " After that, they take off in motion in the water connected by a cord to a speed boat.", " The video ends when they both fall int the water." ]
[ 0, 22.540000915527344, 52.13999938964844 ]
[ 21.18000030517578, 52.13999938964844, 54.310001373291016 ]
[ "A lady paints her fingernails a plum color.", " She then puts streaks and dots of black and silver on the nails to create a design.", " She finishes and shows her painted nails." ]
[ 1.1299999952316284, 15.779999732971191, 37.95000076293945 ]
[ 20.65999984741211, 51.849998474121094, 73.26000213623047 ]
[ "A man is seen speaking to others off in the distance and begins pushing a man around a room.", " He continues pushing the man while many watch on the side.", " The man stands up and looks surprised as he's continuously pushed down." ]
[ 2.4100000858306885, 4.820000171661377, 15.260000228881836, 32.119998931884766, 44.15999984741211, 69.86000061035156, 80.30000305175781, 89.12999725341797, 93.94999694824219, 103.58000183105469, 112.41000366210938, 151.75999450683594, 146.13999938964844 ]
[ 3.2100000381469727, 14.449999809265137, 28.90999984741211, 43.36000061035156, 65.83999633789062, 77.08000183105469, 85.91999816894531, 93.13999938964844, 102.77999877929688, 111.61000061035156, 145.3300018310547, 156.5800018310547, 160.58999633789062 ]
[ "The credits of the video are shown.", " A lady stands outside and talks.", " The lady is let in an office where she undergoes an eye exam.", " A eye contact is examined using a tool and a human hand.", " Several items associated with contacts lenses wear are displayed.", " A man washes his hand.", " A lady picks up a contact lens.", " A man writes the letter l on a paper.", " A hand bends a contact lens.", " A man puts a contact lens in.", " A lady puts each contact lens in.", " The lady shakes the man's hand.", " The credits of clip are shown." ]
[ 0, 4.03000020980835, 53.34000015258789, 176.1300048828125 ]
[ 4.03000020980835, 53.34000015258789, 176.1300048828125, 201.2899932861328 ]
[ "A van towing a car drives by view of blue road signs are shown and in white letters they read \"WALTON\", \"Ontario's West Coast\" and \"MOTORCROSS TOWN\".", "A lot of people are now shown walking or riding bikes at a large gathering as other people are hanging out under tents.", "A group of men are at a starting line of a large motor cross track and they begin to go around and around while people watch on.", "When they are done going around the track various clips of people doing different things are shown again." ]
[ 0, 7.800000190734863, 105.23999786376953, 188.05999755859375 ]
[ 194.88999938964844, 194.88999938964844, 120.83000183105469, 194.88999938964844 ]
[ "Cheerleaders are standing on a blue mat.", " They start doing a routine on the mat.", " They hold up signs in the air.", " They finish their routine and wave at the audience." ]
[ 4.610000133514404, 26.579999923706055, 36.5 ]
[ 11.6899995803833, 46.77000045776367, 70.87000274658203 ]
[ "A woman is holding an athlete's ankle while sh is on the beam.", " The woman is making the athlete raiser her ankle a and walk to the beam, she guide the athlete as she walks.", " The athlete walked backwards with her ankle's up, then the woman guided her as she turns around." ]
[ 0, 14.1899995803833, 104.08999633789062, 185.6999969482422 ]
[ 11.829999923706055, 100.54000091552734, 180.97000122070312, 236.55999755859375 ]
[ "A bellydancer in green begins her routine, smiling for the audience.", " She is joined by two more dancers who are in red and each does their own moves before coming together.", " They again break for solo performances, each dancer getting a moment to show off.", " They return to dancing together and the performance ends." ]
[ 0, 64.30999755859375 ]
[ 73.05000305175781, 141.3300018310547 ]
[ "The video leads into several shots of people riding skateboards as well as riding on a tire and walking next to each other.", " They're seen looking and laughing to the camera while more shots of people riding down on skateboards are shown." ]
[ 0, 8 ]
[ 45.18000030517578, 45.41999816894531 ]
[ "Three people do a basketball drill of driving to the hoop.", " They take turns playing different positions and doing a layup." ]
[ 0, 2.690000057220459, 9.829999923706055 ]
[ 2.930000066757202, 9.770000457763672, 11.729999542236328 ]
[ "A young man is seen looking off into the distance with lotion on his face.", " He continues rubbing the lotion in while looking away from the camera.", " He finishes putting in the sunscreen and looking away from the camera." ]
[ 0, 13.829999923706055, 61.04999923706055 ]
[ 25.280000686645508, 71.05999755859375, 93.4800033569336 ]
[ "Several men are seen standing around an indoor court kicking a ball around.", " People watch the game on the sidelines as the players continue to run up and down the field.", " Different games are shown in between and the group continues to play." ]
[ 0, 0.23000000417232513, 0.8899999856948853, 3.880000114440918 ]
[ 7.760000228881836, 7.559999942779541, 4.420000076293945, 6.630000114440918 ]
[ "There are two roofers standing top of a building roof removing working on old roof removal.", " They are using roofing shovel to remove the shingles and tarp.", " One of the roofers is peeling off the tarp from the rooftop as he digs in the shovel underneath the tarp.", " The other roofer is helping him roll up the tarp as he peels it off." ]
[ 0, 5.460000038146973, 4.099999904632568 ]
[ 5.239999771118164, 41.209999084472656, 43.939998626708984 ]
[ "A camera pans over a sink full of dishes followed by a woman jogging over.", " She dances with the dishes and looks into the camera while she does them.", " A timer counts down how many dishes she's washed and she smiles to the camera." ]
[ 2.9000000953674316, 25.579999923706055, 53.09000015258789 ]
[ 25.579999923706055, 53.09000015258789, 96.52999877929688 ]
[ "A man talks in the woods holding a can and key chain.", " Then, the man takes the key chain and points the lower part of the can.", " After, the man pocks the lower part of the can and intermediately opens the can and drinks from the hole of the can." ]
[ 14.180000305175781, 18.610000610351562, 20.389999389648438, 53.18000030517578, 100.1500015258789, 120.54000091552734, 123.19999694824219, 139.14999389648438, 150.6699981689453, 165.74000549316406 ]
[ 17.729999542236328, 20.389999389648438, 52.290000915527344, 99.2699966430664, 116.98999786376953, 130.2899932861328, 132.05999755859375, 144.47000122070312, 160.4199981689453, 170.1699981689453 ]
[ "A list of ingredients is shown written in a list.", " Glass bowls are set on a counter with various ingredients for a dish.", " A person measures and cuts parchment paper using a cooking tin as a guide.", " The person measures ingredients in a glass bowl then adds them to an electric mixer to blend.", " The person brushes on oil to the parchment paper then sets it into a cooking tin.", " The tins are added to an oven to cook.", " The tins are shown fully cooked and then flipped over to empty cake onto table.", " The parchment paper is peeled off the cake.", " The cake is sliced into loaves with a serrated knife.", " The cake is seen on plates for serving." ]
[ 0, 10.229999542236328, 17.3799991607666, 24.68000030517578 ]
[ 8.550000190734863, 15.699999809265137, 24.110000610351562, 28.040000915527344 ]
[ "A woman is helping a little boy slide down a slide.", " A woman is at the top of a slide helping a little boy slide down into the arms of another person in a red vest.", " A woman is helping the boy down a slide and the same person in the red vest catches them.", " The person in the red vest then kissed the child." ]
[ 0, 182.22999572753906, 182.22999572753906 ]
[ 183.25, 183.25, 204.75 ]
[ "Ballerinas are dancing on a stage.", " They all come onto the stage and pose at the end.", " They bow and walk off the stage." ]
[ 5.460000038146973, 89.48999786376953, 106.94999694824219, 137.50999450683594, 127.69000244140625, 181.16000366210938 ]
[ 25.100000381469727, 105.86000061035156, 175.7100067138672, 156.05999755859375, 210.6300048828125, 210.6300048828125 ]
[ "A person is shown cleaning off the outside of a car.", " The car is then driven inside of a shop.", " Inside a man starts detailing the car once again and cleaning off the outside.", " He spray paints parts of the car.", " He sprays cleaner on the inside and outside of the car.", " He wipes down all surfaces from inside and outside the car." ]
[ 0, 3.5199999809265137, 0 ]
[ 3.490000009536743, 5.409999847412109, 5.409999847412109 ]
[ "Two men plays soccer table moving the players on the rods.", " A man wearing yellow shirt stroke the rod strong to hit the white ball.", " A person stands on front the soccer table." ]
[ 0, 11.130000114440918, 17.600000381469727, 33.400001525878906, 47.400001525878906 ]
[ 8.619999885559082, 17.239999771118164, 33.040000915527344, 47.040000915527344, 62.47999954223633 ]
[ "Two small children are playing on a swingset on a snow covered yard.", " One child runs over to a swingset, but decides to change over to a green swing.", " An adult helps the child onto the swing.", " The other child also wants to join the first child on the same swing, and holds the swing steady while the child climbs on.", " The child is able to climb on, and the two children enjoy swinging together as the adult pushes the swing forward." ]
[ 0, 21.139999389648438, 41.59000015258789, 90.69000244140625 ]
[ 21.139999389648438, 41.59000015258789, 90.69000244140625, 136.3699951171875 ]
[ "A residential security video is playing and shows an empty yard and road.", " A man walking two dogs show up walking on the side closer to the camera, and he quickly notices another dog from the other side of the road suddenly coming his way so he tries to tighten up his dogs leash to gain control of them, but the other dog begins running towards them and starts attacking the man's dogs.", " The man kicks the attack dog away and tries to regain control of his two dogs while the man and the other dog is on the other side of the road.", " The man picks up one of his dogs and they resume walking." ]
[ 0, 67.43000030517578, 115.9800033569336, 143.85000610351562, 149.25, 163.6300048828125 ]
[ 179.82000732421875, 79.12000274658203, 143.85000610351562, 148.35000610351562, 179.82000732421875, 179.82000732421875 ]
[ "We see a man and a boy playing by sliding a plastic thing around table.", " The camera shifts and we see more of the room.", " The camera angle changes and we see them playing the game from behind.", " A persons hand on the left enters the screen.", " The camera angle changes again and we are in front of the players.", " We see a boy in a sweater moving a chair to sit and join the game." ]
[ 0.27000001072883606, 12.829999923706055 ]
[ 13.649999618530273, 26.209999084472656 ]
[ "A young child is seen smiling to the camera and then begins dancing around.", " The boy continues dancing while the camera captures him moving up and down." ]
[ 0, 35.540000915527344 ]
[ 31.170000076293945, 109.37000274658203 ]
[ "A baby girl is holding a compact, wiping the makeup pad against her cheek.", " She sits on the floor, continuing to play with the makeup, opening and closing the case, and wiping it onto her face." ]
[ 0, 5.110000133514404, 11.539999961853027 ]
[ 29.209999084472656, 16.5, 29.209999084472656 ]
[ "Three men are walking with the stilts.", " One of the men with stilts splits at the center.", " One of the men jumped so high several time with his stilts." ]
[ 0, 12.970000267028809, 42.15999984741211, 91.61000061035156 ]
[ 13.779999732971191, 42.15999984741211, 91.61000061035156, 154.85000610351562 ]
[ "A gymnast is patiently waiting to start his performance.", " He jumps on to the board and starts spinning really fast before he jumps off and walks around.", " He take a breath and the audience claps for him before he jumps back on it and starts spinning again.", " When he is done he walks down and shakes hands with all the team mates, before he gets on one last time." ]
[ 0, 7.900000095367432, 15.539999961853027, 24.709999084472656, 38.209999084472656 ]
[ 37.189998626708984, 18.850000381469727, 24.450000762939453, 28.530000686645508, 50.95000076293945 ]
[ "A man in a blue shirt moves to take his shot.", " He then talks to the other men.", " The man in black moves out of the shot.", " The man in black and blue throw their hands in the air.", " All of the men break out and react wildly to the last shot." ]
[ 0, 42.650001525878906, 51.16999816894531, 59.70000076293945, 115.13999938964844, 135.39999389648438, 179.11000061035156 ]
[ 41.58000183105469, 45.84000015258789, 55.439998626708984, 79.95999908447266, 118.33999633789062, 139.66000366210938, 203.6300048828125 ]
[ "People are snowboarding down a hill of snow.", " They are sitting down drinking coffee.", " They are standing next to a body of water.", " They are snowboarding down a hill again.", " A girl is laying down sleeping.", " They are eating dinner around a table.", " They leave their snowboards and walk into a cabin." ]
[ 0, 7.929999828338623, 28.790000915527344 ]
[ 6.260000228881836, 28.170000076293945, 41.72999954223633 ]
[ "A woman is standing in front of a christmas tree, applying a wreath.", " She then hangs lights and ornaments.", " At the end, she adjusts the ornaments and adds a star to the top of the tree." ]
[ 0, 152.6300048828125 ]
[ 153.69000244140625, 213.4600067138672 ]
[ "A man is sitting on the rock, then people are climbing the big rocks without harness.", " People are walking in a rope attached to two trees." ]
[ 0, 5.960000038146973, 6.349999904632568, 16.350000381469727, 31.350000381469727, 34.619998931884766 ]
[ 38.470001220703125, 7.5, 9.039999961853027, 21.93000030517578, 32.5, 38.470001220703125 ]
[ "We see people playing volleyball in sand with a dog.", " We see a man laying in the sand.", " The dog runs for the ball.", " A person throws the ball back and the dog returns.", " The dog tries to get the ball.", " A man kicks sand at and shoos the dog." ]
[ 0, 23.260000228881836 ]
[ 23.020000457763672, 47.95000076293945 ]
[ "Several young kids are in a gym playing dodge wall with medium sized red balls.", "As they throw the balls,a little girl tries to join in on the action and begins following them and running from one side of the court to the other to chase the balls." ]
[ 0, 43.459999084472656, 158.9600067138672, 197.83999633789062 ]
[ 38.880001068115234, 156.6699981689453, 195.5500030517578, 228.72000122070312 ]
[ "A woman is lying down, showing off a tattoo on her side.", " A man in a surgical mask is preparing her as he continues his work on the tattoo.", " He cleans and wipes down the tattoo.", " She is finished, showing off the final product." ]
[ 0, 0.6800000071525574, 3.5 ]
[ 0.75, 3.3299999237060547, 4.829999923706055 ]
[ "A man is holding another man on his shoulders in a wrestling ring as the crowd cheers and watches.", " the man throws the man on his shoulder to the ground.", " Both men lay on the ground int he ring." ]
[ 0, 72.37999725341797 ]
[ 72.37999725341797, 77.41999816894531 ]
[ "teams are playing fusal in a small court running side to side of the court.", " a lot of people are celebrating the vicory and hugging." ]
[ 0, 61.790000915527344, 135.94000244140625 ]
[ 65.16000366210938, 170.77000427246094, 221.3300018310547 ]
[ "A person is seen walking into frame with a bar in her hands.", " She puts the bar down and begins exercising in a humerus way while speaking to the audience.", " The audience laughs at her movements while she continues to move and dance around the stage." ]
[ 3.640000104904175, 33.47999954223633, 106.98999786376953 ]
[ 57.5, 112.80999755859375, 141.92999267578125 ]
[ "Two young children are seen standing behind a table with one peeling lemons and a boy watching on the side.", " Another child is seen squeezing lemons and zooms in on the kids working.", " The kids continue to squeeze the lemon while looking and waving to the camera and speaking on the side." ]
[ 2.4200000762939453, 40.56999969482422, 84.77999877929688 ]
[ 39.970001220703125, 82.36000061035156, 115.05999755859375 ]
[ "A person is seen sitting behind a table with one holding a piece of paper around him.", " The man then attempts to solve a rubix cube while a timer catches his score.", " The man writes down his score and the man attempts to solve the cube several more times while the boy helps." ]
[ 4.349999904632568, 16.540000915527344, 61.81999969482422 ]
[ 154.97000122070312, 61.81999969482422, 167.16000366210938 ]
[ "A man films himself standing in a bathroom while holding a razor close to his face.", " He begins gently shaving the sides of his face and moves down towards his beard.", " He continues shaving the beard from all angles and eventually leaves nothing but a five 0 lock shadow." ]
[ 0, 37.2400016784668, 51.06999969482422, 74.4800033569336, 94.69999694824219, 110.66000366210938, 151.10000610351562, 180.88999938964844 ]
[ 37.2400016784668, 74.4800033569336, 74.4800033569336, 94.69999694824219, 110.66000366210938, 151.10000610351562, 180.88999938964844, 212.80999755859375 ]
[ "A medical worker is sitting at a table with a woman and talking to the camera.", " He moves a can and touches two other cans.", " He picks up a can and sprays it on the woman's arm and rubs it.", " He picks up another can and talks about it then sprays her arm again and rubs the cream in.", " He picks up a third container and puts it on her arm and rubs it in as well.", " He picks up a fourth tube and puts the cream on her hand and rubs it in.", " He does this again with a fifth cream.", " He then takes a compact of brown powder, presents it to the camera and puts it back down." ]
[ 0, 2.9200000762939453, 7.110000133514404 ]
[ 2.9800000190734863, 7.110000133514404, 12.699999809265137 ]
[ "A little girl is blowing leaves in fall outside of a house.", " She pauses for a moment to get a better grasp of the leaf blower.", " She walks by a little boy and continues to blow the leaves." ]
[ 0, 13.239999771118164, 17.889999389648438 ]
[ 13.010000228881836, 17.65999984741211, 46.459999084472656 ]
[ "A man with a pony tail is seen walking along a rope with another man watching him and smiling in the background.", " The man turns around, loses his balance, and falls off the rope.", " The man watches attempts to walk and falls off as well in the end." ]