[ 0, 6.519999980926514, 21.43000030517578, 32.61000061035156, 57.7599983215332, 82.91000366210938, 101.54000091552734, 154.63999938964844 ]
[ 6.519999980926514, 21.43000030517578, 32.61000061035156, 57.7599983215332, 82.91000366210938, 101.54000091552734, 154.63999938964844, 186.32000732421875 ]
[ "A view from indoors show a nice ocean view then pans to a man on his knees on the ground as he grouts some tiles and the white words on the screen say \"INSTALLING TILES WITH DITRA\".", "The man is then shown putting spacers in between tiles and measuring.", " The man then goes to another part of the room with a white bucket and an orange cloth and is wiping down wooden floorboards.", "The man is then shown pouring powder into a large white bucket, pouring water into it then mixing the contents with a hand drill.", " The man is then in a corner of the room and he's applying the mixture onto the floorboards then puts down an orange material.", " The man is then shown cutting the tiles with a manual hand cutter while another man is helping him by holding it, the the man holding the tile takes it away and sands it.", "The man is shown once again on his hands and knees and is applying putty onto the ground or the tile, putting the tiles down, adding spacers, then measuring that it's all even with a white circular leveler.", "A low view of the tiles are shown and a man is grouting, wiping tiles down and various views of the tiled room are shown." ]
[ 0, 59.68000030517578, 145.47000122070312 ]
[ 60.61000061035156, 152, 186.5 ]
[ "A woman is seen sitting at the end of a bed taking her shoes off and then baby's feet walking.", " Shots of furniture is shown that leads into a woman speaking, followed by several people vacuuming and stepping onto the carpet.", " A person adjusts the vacuum and continues using it while the woman speaks, and leads into a man playing with a baby." ]
[ 0, 4.400000095367432, 75.63999938964844, 83.12000274658203 ]
[ 3.9600000381469727, 75.63999938964844, 82.68000030517578, 87.95999908447266 ]
[ "A GoPro camera is seen and then another screen appears showing that the camera has won awards.", " A camera is mounted on the helmet of a water skier and after he gets himself into position a man on a horse by a pond pull him for a ride.", " Near land he lets go and falls into the water, as he celebrates and points at the man on the horse as a dog runs by.", " A screen appears asking to submit footage to the GoPro awards." ]
[ 0, 49.06999969482422, 60.02000045776367, 62.400001525878906, 68.12000274658203, 82.88999938964844 ]
[ 65.73999786376953, 51.91999816894531, 66.69000244140625, 63.83000183105469, 95.2699966430664, 95.2699966430664 ]
[ "We see a man kite surfing.", " We pass a person on the beach.", " The rider falls in the water.", " Water splashes and covers the camera lens.", " The person is riding in the other direction.", " We see the sand blowing in the wind." ]
[ 0, 0, 11.859999656677246, 62.25 ]
[ 197.6300048828125, 11.859999656677246, 62.25, 197.6300048828125 ]
[ "There are a lot of people gathered on the street to watch a parade or to be in the parade.", " There are 4 young people dressed in military attire carrying a red and white banner in a parade.", "They are then followed by a group of dancing girls that are all dressed in the same outfits that are red, white and black, but some are wearing white tops and the others are wearing red tops.", " They are then followed by a very large band that are playing different instruments and they are all in sync and one woman is enjoying it so much that she begins to dance while the band plays on." ]
[ 8.6899995803833, 12.40999984741211, 16.1299991607666, 18.6200008392334 ]
[ 114.18000030517578, 111.69999694824219, 19.860000610351562, 114.18000030517578 ]
[ "Several people canoe down a lake interspersed with several still photos of the lake stats and features.", " Several still photos of the lake are shown which includes browned and dry weeds/marsh and calm blue water along with a shallow body of water heavy with rocks.", " Two canoes with people in them are shown in the lake.", " An art mural of a blue and yellow fish is shown along with more still shots and video of people on the lake." ]
[ 0, 11.020000457763672, 27.020000457763672 ]
[ 29.3700008392334, 22.760000228881836, 28.350000381469727 ]
[ "A girl sits in the drivers seat of a car and enjoys a ice cream cone.", " The girl laughs while trying to eat the ice cream.", " The girl licks the ice cream cone with the tip of her tongue." ]
[ 0, 11.640000343322754, 27.969999313354492 ]
[ 11.260000228881836, 28.719999313354492, 37.54999923706055 ]
[ "A man is seen swirling a stick around a pot while a young boy on the side watches him work.", " The man teases the boy with a cone and lets the boy have it, only to be taken away again.", " The man then puts ice cream on the cone and smiles at the boy while he walks away and other's watch." ]
[ 0, 6.949999809265137, 12.430000305175781 ]
[ 14.050000190734863, 14.050000190734863, 14.050000190734863 ]
[ "man is standing in a track in a roofed gym and runs to make big jumps in front of judges.", "people are in terraces watching the boy.", " man claps after the man make the jumps." ]
[ 0, 36.970001220703125, 63.849998474121094, 151.22999572753906 ]
[ 35.849998474121094, 62.72999954223633, 155.7100067138672, 224.0500030517578 ]
[ "A woman is seen looking beyond the camera and showing the back of her head.", " She holds up various products and rubs them through her hair.", " She then pits up her hair while hairspraying it and feeling the texture afterwards.", " She finishes pinning up her hair and looking back at the camera." ]
[ 0, 35.709999084472656, 75.48999786376953, 134.66000366210938 ]
[ 35.709999084472656, 75.48999786376953, 133.63999938964844, 204.02999877929688 ]
[ "A man and a dog are standing in the middle of the field playing while he is holding a group of Frisbees.", " The man then throws all of the frisbees and the dog runs after them several times and catches them.", "In the middle of the routine,he grabs several frisbees and gives them to the dog one by one as he kneels down in front of him.", " Several tricks are done,and then the dog appears jump roping in the field,they go back to their regular routines and the owner picks up the dog and waves to the crowd." ]
[ 0, 0, 31.690000534057617, 35.209999084472656, 39.61000061035156, 87.1500015258789, 116.19999694824219, 131.16000366210938, 143.47999572753906, 154.0500030517578 ]
[ 166.3699951171875, 176.0500030517578, 36.970001220703125, 51.060001373291016, 83.62999725341797, 104.75, 124.12000274658203, 146.1199951171875, 150.52999877929688, 176.0500030517578 ]
[ "The video begins with two sumo wrestlers on a sumo stage.", " There is a large crowd spectating, and a man in the center of the ring acting as referee.", " The two sumo wrestlers throw a white powder into the ring.", " The squat and clap their hands together, while a group of men hold flags and walk around the ring.", " Two other men hold brooms as sweep up some of the powder.", " The two sumo wrestlers walk out of the ring and again throw more powder.", " They collide into one another and back away.", " They again collide into each other and begin wrestling.", " The man in black sumo shorts throws the other man out of the ring.", " They bow and the loser exits the ring." ]
[ 0, 3.240000009536743, 27.530000686645508, 83.41000366210938, 84.22000122070312, 101.2300033569336, 121.47000122070312, 131.19000244140625, 134.42999267578125, 140.10000610351562, 144.9499969482422, 146.57000732421875, 161.14999389648438 ]
[ 2.430000066757202, 27.530000686645508, 144.9499969482422, 84.22000122070312, 93.12999725341797, 104.45999908447266, 122.27999877929688, 132.80999755859375, 138.47999572753906, 144.9499969482422, 145.75999450683594, 158.72000122070312, 161.9600067138672 ]
[ "The credits of the video are shown.", " A man stands with a bow and arrow.", " A man shots an arrow from bow.", " The credit of the clip is shown.", " A guy talks with his mouth and hand.", " An extended hand holding a pen is shown on a split screen.", " Several arrows hit the target.", " An arrow goes through the hole of a donut.", " An arrow cuts the string holding an apple.", " An arrow goes through the hole of a CD.", " Credit of the clip is presented.", " A guy talks while gesturing.", " Credits of the video are shown." ]
[ 0, 85.08000183105469, 130.05999755859375 ]
[ 195.5800018310547, 108.55000305175781, 136.91000366210938 ]
[ "Two men play billiards while taking turns to hit the ball with a stick, while a man plays billiards alone on back.", " A man and a child walk in a living room on back the table pool.", " A woman walks with a stick next to the men." ]
[ 0, 25.139999389648438, 163.38999938964844 ]
[ 25.139999389648438, 163.38999938964844, 167.5800018310547 ]
[ "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about furniture repair.", " A woman is shown on the screen with gloves on and a cloth in her hand rubbing cream on a leather ottoman to repair the wear and tear.", " The video ends with the graphics for the closing credits at the end." ]
[ 0, 39.459999084472656, 97.6500015258789 ]
[ 40.439998626708984, 95.68000030517578, 197.27999877929688 ]
[ "A young boy is shown speaking to the camera and eventually shows his hands moving objects.", " He places the objects together and begins shaving the sides with a sharp knife.", " He continues sharpening the object and shows the knife running across his bare skin." ]
[ 0, 15.029999732971191, 23.479999542236328, 61.040000915527344, 61.040000915527344 ]
[ 185.9499969482422, 174.67999267578125, 48.84000015258789, 95.79000091552734, 185.9499969482422 ]
[ "Two men in basketball shorts are playing racketball.", " They hit the ball back and forth against the wall.", " The men continue to serve and then hit and return each other's serves.", " They take a short break after one man scores.", " They continue to play and serve." ]
[ 0, 1.8899999856948853, 5.579999923706055 ]
[ 1.7599999904632568, 5.539999961853027, 8.59000015258789 ]
[ "A kickball player kicks the ball at home plate in a large arena.", " The player runs past the first base.", " The player then comes back to the first base and puts his foot on it." ]
[ 18.459999084472656, 45.040000915527344, 78.26000213623047, 102.62000274658203, 128.4600067138672 ]
[ 45.040000915527344, 78.26000213623047, 102.62000274658203, 128.4600067138672, 140.27000427246094 ]
[ "There's a guitarist in a green shirt demonstrating how to play an acoustic guitar.", " Various types of guitars made from a variety of wood are shown.", " The guitarist is strumming the guitar with his pick as he plays his music.", " There are images of the guitar store and the kinds of guitars sold scrolling through the bottom of the screen.", " The guitarist continues playing his guitar." ]
[ 0, 43.16999816894531 ]
[ 82.48999786376953, 154.17999267578125 ]
[ "A small group of people are seen swimming around a pool throwing a ball around while several people watch on the sides.", " The people continue throwing the ball around to one another while the camera captures the game going on." ]
[ 0, 2, 5.489999771118164, 8.420000076293945 ]
[ 2, 5.050000190734863, 8.039999961853027, 12.350000381469727 ]
[ "A man at his dish washing job has a very unique way to do his dishes at a very fast speed.", " He throws all the plates one by one very fast.", " They all land into the sink on top of each other after he wipes them down, some of them fall out a bit.", " The he pushes them all down into the water." ]
[ 0, 12.359999656677246, 29.3700008392334 ]
[ 147.60000610351562, 30.139999389648438, 149.13999938964844 ]
[ "An athletic man is swimming around on a paddle board while another man gets behind and assists him.", " He then flips the man forward and the man demonstrates how to flip yourself back over.", " They do this several more times to become more comfortable with the move." ]
[ 15.1899995803833, 63.11000061035156, 115.70999908447266, 156.6199951171875, 176.49000549316406, 210.3800048828125 ]
[ 63.11000061035156, 115.70999908447266, 156.6199951171875, 176.49000549316406, 210.3800048828125, 222.07000732421875 ]
[ "There are six to eight people sailing down a turbulent water stream in a raft.", " They are all dressed in red gears and yellow helmets.", " They use the oars to sail themselves down the rapids.", " They are trying hard to stay afloat in the turbulent water as the boat gets bumpy sailing through the rapids.", " As they sail through they come across another group of rafters in the same rapids.", " They continue their journey through the rough water of the rapids." ]
[ 0, 1.7100000381469727, 0, 37.650001525878906, 41.93000030517578, 43.209999084472656, 44.91999816894531, 56.900001525878906, 58.18000030517578, 80 ]
[ 49.630001068115234, 2.990000009536743, 85.56999969482422, 42.36000061035156, 42.779998779296875, 44.4900016784668, 56.470001220703125, 79.1500015258789, 79.58000183105469, 85.56999969482422 ]
[ "A group of runners are running in a marathon.", " A man high fives a woman in a crowd.", " The crowd around them cheers.", " A woman in white hat starts walking strangely.", " Another woman in a white hat falls to the ground.", " The other woman in the hat also falls.", " They both try to get up but they keep falling down.", " One of the women starts to crawl to the finish line.", " The other woman follows her.", " A man lifts one of the women and hugs her." ]
[ 0.5099999904632568, 8.180000305175781, 19.59000015258789 ]
[ 11.239999771118164, 22.139999389648438, 33.54999923706055 ]
[ "A person is seen laying down on a bowling alley on the floor.", " The man then begins break dancing on the floor.", " The man kics a ball down a lane and people celebrate." ]
[ 0, 33.88999938964844, 71.0199966430664 ]
[ 34.43000030517578, 76.94000244140625, 106.52999877929688 ]
[ "A man is seen standing before a ping pong table and throws a ball off into the distance.", " A man takes a drink and leads into the two playing more beer pong.", " The men throw the ball back and fourth to one another while smiling to the camera." ]
[ 0, 6.800000190734863, 16.450000762939453 ]
[ 27.190000534057617, 13.869999885559082, 21.6200008392334 ]
[ "People are standing on a colorful mat.", " A woman does a karate move.", " A child standing behind her raises his hand." ]
[ 0, 9.460000038146973, 13.949999809265137, 15.670000076293945 ]
[ 9.460000038146973, 14.140000343322754, 15.670000076293945, 19.110000610351562 ]
[ "The camera man captures a view of a thatched roof house.", " A young girl in a black blouse and a girl in a white tank top stand in a thatched roof house watching two woman washing clothes Filipino style.", " A girl in a pink blouse and a girl in a white t-shirt wash clothes in large tubs just outside the thatched roof house.", " The camera man pans the front of the washing area while the girl in the white t-shirt rinses the clothes." ]
[ 0, 8.470000267028809, 38.119998931884766, 93.19000244140625 ]
[ 7.869999885559082, 36.90999984741211, 88.3499984741211, 121.0199966430664 ]
[ "An ad for Floorworks appears on the screen.", " A guest room is shown, displaying the dirty carpets.", " Men are shown replacing and repairing the floors with wooden slats that don't need glue to install.", " Final photos are shown of the new hardwood floors in the guest room." ]
[ 0, 0, 50.43000030517578, 126.83000183105469 ]
[ 150.52000427246094, 50.43000030517578, 121.4800033569336, 145.92999267578125 ]
[ "A girl stands at a kitchen sink and demonstrates rinsing her mouth out with Crest whitening mouthwash.", " A girl stands by a sink talking and using had gestures.", " The girl then picks up a bottle of Crest whiting mouth wash and rinses her mouth for 60 seconds.", " The woman then spits the rinse out in the sink, and proceeds to talk to the camera again." ]
[ 3.950000047683716, 38.52000045776367, 57.290000915527344 ]
[ 35.560001373291016, 56.29999923706055, 197.55999755859375 ]
[ "A woman stands with a child that is seated next to a counter.", " The woman applies a dry powder to the back of the girls hair and brushes in through.", " The woman get s a blow dryer and uses it while she brushes the girls hair to straighten it." ]
[ 0, 22.299999237060547, 34.97999954223633 ]
[ 22.5, 34.97999954223633, 40.90999984741211 ]
[ "man is standing in front of a mirror spreading cream on his face.", "man is kneeling and wash her face.", " the man grabs a green towel and wipe his face." ]
[ 0, 7.849999904632568, 10.880000114440918, 18.729999542236328 ]
[ 49.349998474121094, 11.640000343322754, 29.110000610351562, 49.349998474121094 ]
[ "A woman is adjusting her exercise machine.", " She adjusts the knobs and pushes the seat up.", " She then sits down on the seat and places her feet in the pedals.", " She begins to pedal slow then fast." ]
[ 0, 5.170000076293945, 36.61000061035156 ]
[ 4.949999809265137, 36.400001525878906, 43.06999969482422 ]
[ "The credits of the clip are shown.", " A coach instructs players in a basketball court.", " The credits of the video are shown." ]
[ 0, 0 ]
[ 34.689998626708984, 42.04999923706055 ]
[ "This man is shown mowing the lawn while a big greyhound walks behind him.", " There is also another small dog in the yard who's just sitting down in one spot." ]
[ 4.28000020980835, 4.28000020980835, 26.729999542236328, 180.7100067138672 ]
[ 190.3300018310547, 25.65999984741211, 180.7100067138672, 191.39999389648438 ]
[ "A man drives to the ocean and surfs on a surfboard, riding waves, before leaving the beach with his surfboard.", " A man gets in his truck, puts his surfboard in the back of his truck and drives.", " The man arrives at the beach, changes into a wets suit and begins to surf on a surfboard in the ocean, riding waves.", " The man then leaves the beach, in his wetsuit, with his surfboard under his arm." ]
[ 0, 32.599998474121094, 93.13999938964844 ]
[ 22.510000228881836, 90.02999877929688, 155.22999572753906 ]
[ "a man is crouched next to a girl on the beach.", " They are putting sand into a pile.", " They are trying to build a sand castle." ]
[ 0, 15.039999961853027, 36.810001373291016, 64.51000213623047 ]
[ 15.829999923706055, 36.40999984741211, 64.51000213623047, 79.16000366210938 ]
[ "An audience is sitting in the stands watching a game on the field.", " These riders get on their horses and start trying to score for their team.", " Someone makes it and one of the groups in the audience clap.", " When the game is over the riders all shake each others hands." ]
[ 0, 10.989999771118164 ]
[ 78.52999877929688, 78.52999877929688 ]
[ "A man is seen using a large sander against a wall moving the machinery all along the wall.", " The man continues sanding the wall and ends with him keeping it steady." ]
[ 0, 37.099998474121094, 82.2300033569336, 162.4499969482422 ]
[ 43.119998931884766, 98.2699966430664, 161.44000244140625, 200.5500030517578 ]
[ "Various shots are shown of a person close up wearing making and laughing at the camera.", " Various objects are then shown closely to the camera and the person pours liquid into a contact case.", " He then mixes the liquids with the contacts and puts them slowly into his eye while looking at the camera.", " He then takes his hands and pops out the contacts." ]
[ 0.10000000149011612, 2.809999942779541 ]
[ 5.820000171661377, 9.300000190734863 ]
[ "A person's hands are seen playing in dirt while moving their hands all around the soil.", " The person continues to play around in the soil while the camera watches their hand movements." ]
[ 26.209999084472656, 26.209999084472656, 59.97999954223633 ]
[ 51.97999954223633, 59.540000915527344, 88.86000061035156 ]
[ "A group of people are gathered at an outdoor park.", " They are dressed up, and they get into a raft.", " They white water raft down a river together." ]
[ 0, 24.209999084472656, 190.38999938964844 ]
[ 206.89999389648438, 69.33000183105469, 203.58999633789062 ]
[ "People are playing soccer in an indoor arena.", " A man is sitting in front of a goal blocking balls.", " People are in the stands watching the game." ]
[ 0, 10.289999961853027, 31.559999465942383, 131.02999877929688 ]
[ 137.2100067138672, 137.2100067138672, 43.220001220703125, 137.2100067138672 ]
[ "A young boy and girl sit next to each other.", " They are fed ice cream.", " The girl tries to eat the boys ice cream.", " The girl laughs at the end." ]
[ 0, 15.239999771118164, 23.389999389648438 ]
[ 12.760000228881836, 23.920000076293945, 35.43000030517578 ]
[ "Someone is sleeping on a white couch.", " They get up and do crunches on the floor.", " They stand up and walk out the door." ]
[ 0, 19.520000457763672, 170.8300018310547 ]
[ 17.56999969482422, 165.9499969482422, 195.22999572753906 ]
[ "A woman is on stage in front of a band.", " She is a belly dancer, and gyrates and shakes to the music.", " She dances slowly, dropping to the ground as she finishes." ]
[ 4.409999847412109, 8.079999923706055, 31.579999923706055, 68.30000305175781, 85.19999694824219, 96.94999694824219, 124.12000274658203 ]
[ 5.880000114440918, 22.770000457763672, 67.56999969482422, 83.7300033569336, 95.4800033569336, 121.91999816894531, 144.69000244140625 ]
[ "A man wearing no shirt plays a hand drum.", " A solo man spins his body around on his hands and does cartwheels.", " Two men do a practice karate routine and dodge kicks from the other opponent.", " The men both do hand stands then come together and touch hands.", " The man does jumping flips by himself.", " The two men do jumping kicks while they spar in a karate dance.", " The man stands on his hands and bends backwards to a horizontal position." ]
[ 1.440000057220459, 9.34000015258789, 42.38999938964844 ]
[ 110.66000366210938, 33.77000045776367, 139.39999389648438 ]
[ "A man displays martial arts moves in a movie clip that shows the man fighting different people in several different locations in a city backdrop.", " A man is escorted into a room and left alone until he is attacked, violently, by a man who appears suddenly in the room with him, the two fight.", " The man is then shown in several other locations fighting with different men using martial arts skills until the clip fades to a marketing invitation to subscribe." ]
[ 0, 2.4100000858306885, 0 ]
[ 2.4100000858306885, 23.979999542236328, 24.100000381469727 ]
[ "A black banner overlay with the word POWERCHALK written in white and green is across the banner.", " When the banner overlay goes away a man jumps to the end of a diving board and then does a forward front flip and flips 5 times before he dives straight into the water in the pool.", " There are a lot of spectators standing on the sidelines." ]
[ 32.06999969482422, 32.06999969482422, 32.06999969482422 ]
[ 98.58999633789062, 237.55999755859375, 54.63999938964844 ]
[ "A violinist is playing the violin in a music room.", "She adjusts the violin under her chin as she reads the music.", " At the end of her song she removes the violin and smiles." ]
[ 0, 23.170000076293945, 150.1300048828125 ]
[ 21.309999465942383, 149.1999969482422, 185.33999633789062 ]
[ "A small group of girls are first seen walking out on a gymnasium floor with several people watching on the sidelines.", " The girls then perform a routine using batons while spinning and twirling.", " They make an ending pose while the audience claps and run off to the side." ]
[ 2.869999885559082, 9.079999923706055, 23.889999389648438, 29.8700008392334 ]
[ 47.06999969482422, 19.829999923706055, 33.45000076293945, 45.880001068115234 ]
[ "A man performs stunts on the back of a motorcycle, falls off, and injures himself at which point he falls to the ground and looks hurt.", " A man is hanging off of a moving bicycle on a down ramp.", " The man falls off of the bike and onto the ground with torn clothes.", " The camera pans the man's damaged clothes and helmet and his befallen face as he lays on the ground injured." ]
[ 0, 34.91999816894531, 60.59000015258789 ]
[ 33.88999938964844, 73.94999694824219, 101.16000366210938 ]
[ "Various ingredients are shown laid out on a table and leads into a person putting items into a bowl.", " The person is then seen cutting up fruit and laying it into a bowl.", " She pours more liquid in and presents it to the camera." ]
[ 10.65999984741211, 15.739999771118164, 23.860000610351562 ]
[ 15.739999771118164, 18.780000686645508, 95.93000030517578 ]
[ "A group of bikers stand on the start line.", " Suddenly all the bikes fall from a stage.", " The scene of the fall of the bikers is repeated several times." ]
[ 28.360000610351562, 79.58999633789062, 126.25, 169.25 ]
[ 79.58999633789062, 126.25, 169.25, 182.97000122070312 ]
[ "A man is surf boarding in the ocean on a blue surf board.", " The water looks greenish blue as the surfer surfs through big waves.", " The man is surfing near a beach by some hotels.", " The surfer continues to surf through tall waves without falling off." ]
[ 0, 24.790000915527344, 53.630001068115234, 76.91000366210938 ]
[ 24.790000915527344, 53.630001068115234, 76.91000366210938, 101.19000244140625 ]
[ "A gymnast performs on the vault on front a crowd, she flips and falls from the vault.", " Then, the gymnast jumps, flips but staggers during her performance.", " The gymnast performs backward flips, then she continues with her routine.", " Next, the gymnast jumps and does a double flip and land stands on the mat." ]
[ 0, 101.2699966430664, 151.4600067138672 ]
[ 163.7899932861328, 115.3499984741211, 152.33999633789062 ]
[ "A man runs and jumps in various public locations with springs on his legs while spectators watch.", " A cameraman films the man while lying on the ground.", " The man with springs jumps over another man." ]
[ 0, 52.2599983215332, 126.43000030517578 ]
[ 50.56999969482422, 123.05999755859375, 164.36000061035156 ]
[ "A large group of people are seen standing in a large field holding instruments.", " One man leads in front as the group walks away and begins playing as a band.", " The group continues playing together and ends by walking away." ]
[ 0, 15.270000457763672, 28.6299991607666, 56.310001373291016, 114.5199966430664, 123.11000061035156, 137.42999267578125, 155.55999755859375, 186.10000610351562 ]
[ 10.5, 26.719999313354492, 55.349998474121094, 113.56999969482422, 119.29000091552734, 134.55999755859375, 155.55999755859375, 184.19000244140625, 190.8699951171875 ]
[ "Four men ride in a convertible car and drive along a desert highway.", " Two friends ride down an escalator.", " The friends stand at a card table in a casino and play hands.", " The man makes a large bet and sits down to play a few hands at the table.", " The man accumulates a large number of chips.", " The man's friends win a hand and the couple celebrates.", " The man is tracked by security personnel and cameras.", " The woman falls back if her chair to the ground and the men help her up.", " The friend playing is gone and the chair is empty." ]
[ 0, 22.059999465942383, 92.02999877929688 ]
[ 17.020000457763672, 85.72000122070312, 126.05999755859375 ]
[ "A couple are in the flowing water of a river.", " They are sitting next to several buckets.", " They scrub clothing against the rocks, trying to clean them." ]
[ 0, 7.28000020980835, 110.05000305175781 ]
[ 7.28000020980835, 110.05000305175781, 181.91000366210938 ]
[ "A person light wood to make fire.", " Then, a man blow the fire, while the person puts sticks on the nascent fire.", " After, the fire starts to growth bigger and bigger while the men put sticks on top." ]
[ 7.380000114440918, 20.510000228881836, 47.59000015258789, 71.37999725341797, 112.41000366210938, 163.27999877929688 ]
[ 20.510000228881836, 47.59000015258789, 71.37999725341797, 112.41000366210938, 163.27999877929688, 164.10000610351562 ]
[ "A group of men are holding maracas in the their hands and playing to some Reggae music.", " One of the men begins singing in the microphone.", " The rest of the men join him in singing the chorus.", " They play the maracas as they sing the song.", " The men also dance as they sing and play the maracas The lead singer sings solo for some time while the others play their maracas.", " Then all the men join him in singing the song while playing their maracas." ]
[ 0, 2.2699999809265137, 23.260000228881836, 103.26000213623047 ]
[ 2.2699999809265137, 23.260000228881836, 103.26000213623047, 113.4800033569336 ]
[ "A blond athletic girl with a serious face has her hands all chalked up and is standing next to a wooden balance beam, dressed in a black and white decorated bodysuit, and the banner on the bottom of the screen say's her name is SHAWN JOHNSON 1ST PLACE AFTER 2ND ROTATION.", "The girl rubs her hands together a few times, the audience claps, she smiles and raises her two arms in the air, smiles, turns to the horse and runs and jumps until she lands on the balance beam.", "The girl immediately begins her routine and it includes a lot of flips, walking, twirls, hand movements, spins and etcetera.", " The girl goes to the furthest end of the balance beam, stares at the other end, quickly flips on the balance beam, and then flips off of the balance beam a few times, lands on her feet, raises her two arms in the air and the crowd cheers." ]
[ 4.110000133514404, 4.110000133514404, 12.34000015258789, 16.959999084472656 ]
[ 98.19000244140625, 10.800000190734863, 16.959999084472656, 100.25 ]
[ "Three men are interviewed, one of whom plays the piano and sings for the interviewer and his camera crew in a narrow hallway.", " Four men are in a room, three of whom are being interviewed by the fourth man who has blonde hair, is wearing glasses, and has a camera crew with him.", " The interviewer leads one of the men into the hallway to a piano, where the man has a seat.", " The man begins to play and sing as the camera crew, interviewer and onlookers watch, before the man ends the song, gets up and walks away." ]
[ 0, 13.460000038146973, 22.969999313354492, 57.810001373291016, 86.31999969482422, 106.91000366210938, 129.0800018310547, 149.6699981689453 ]
[ 158.3800048828125, 16.6299991607666, 29.299999237060547, 72.86000061035156, 98.19999694824219, 121.16000366210938, 134.6300048828125, 158.3800048828125 ]
[ "We see men in a room playing pool in a tournament.", " The man in the blue shirt approaches to shoot.", " The man walks away to exchange his pool stick.", " The man in blue makes his shot.", " The man then takes another shot.", " The man takes his third shot.", " The man makes his fourth shot.", " The man makes his final shot." ]
[ 0, 28.010000228881836, 104.41999816894531 ]
[ 28.860000610351562, 100.16999816894531, 169.7899932861328 ]
[ "An intro leads into a woman speaking to the camera while several skiiers ride around her.", " The camera follows the girl riding down a snowy hill as well as riding up ski lifts and speaking again to the camera.", " Several more shots of her skiing are shown and ends with her waving to the camera and various pictures of skiers." ]
[ 3.5799999237060547, 25.93000030517578, 109.97000122070312 ]
[ 127.8499984741211, 159.13999938964844, 176.1199951171875 ]
[ "Two people are seen playing a game of ping pong with one another.", " They hit the ball back and fourth across the table while people watch on the sides.", " The boys continue to play back and fourth while switching places and looking to the camera." ]
[ 4.010000228881836, 65.0999984741211 ]
[ 97.13999938964844, 197.2899932861328 ]
[ "A person is seen standing behind a bike speaking to the camera and showing close ups of the bike.", " The person continues speaking while showing off his gear and leads into him adjusting settings on his bike." ]
[ 15.4399995803833, 47.86000061035156, 77.19000244140625, 110.38999938964844, 135.86000061035156 ]
[ 47.86000061035156, 77.19000244140625, 110.38999938964844, 135.86000061035156, 148.2100067138672 ]
[ "A woman dressed in a black top is talking about American Grooming services for pets.", " She demonstrates all the various grooming services that her company provides for pets.", " There are several groomers working on dogs as they trim and shear pet hair and clip their nails.", " The groomers talk about where they have graduated from and how they got hired for the job.", " The video shows how different dogs are groomed by professional groomers that provide quality services." ]
[ 0, 10.050000190734863, 40.83000183105469 ]
[ 10.050000190734863, 40.5, 64.80999755859375 ]
[ "Various shots of people walking around a snowy mountain are shown followed by person playing games on horses.", " Many upscale people are seen watching on the sidelines as the horse game carries on and a winner is chosen.", " The people then arrive late at night dressed up and posing for pictures." ]
[ 0, 63.93000030517578 ]
[ 175.8000030517578, 213.08999633789062 ]
[ "A small group of people are all seen playing various matches of ping pong with one another down a line of tables.", "The people continuing hitting the ball back and fourth while the camera captures them from various angles and a close up of a young boy in the end." ]
[ 5.550000190734863, 59.4900016784668 ]
[ 102.31999969482422, 156.25999450683594 ]
[ "A band is seen performing on stage while the camera pans around and captures them from several angles.", " The singer interacts with the band and continues playing while the audience cheers." ]
[ 1.8700000047683716, 40.22999954223633, 153.4499969482422 ]
[ 72.05000305175781, 154.3800048828125, 187.1300048828125 ]
[ "An intro leads into several shots of a bike track as well as people moving along the track to race.", " The camera continues to capture the people riding around the track in slow motion with one person falling and several watching on the sides.", " The people then ride through the finish line an throw their arms up into the air." ]
[ 0, 4.510000228881836, 18.610000610351562, 46.25 ]
[ 112.80000305175781, 7.900000095367432, 45.689998626708984, 112.80000305175781 ]
[ "A man sits on a toilet with her leg up.", " A person holding a camera walks into the bathroom.", " The man rubs shaving cream on their legs.", "He begins to shave his leg in the sink." ]
[ 0, 52.38999938964844 ]
[ 74.8499984741211, 166.3300018310547 ]
[ "A close up of a person walking on a rope is shown followed by and old man speaking to the camera and more shots of the person walking.", "More people are being interviewed while people walk behind them and show several more shots of people walking across a rope." ]
[ 0, 21.6200008392334, 130.69000244140625 ]
[ 18.799999237060547, 118.45999908447266, 188.0399932861328 ]
[ "A bull in a ring starts chasing two men.", " Several others run onto the ring, and the bull flips as they grab his horns and tail.", " They open the gate, but fail to get the bull back inside as he charges them." ]
[ 0, 56.810001373291016, 68.80000305175781, 112.36000061035156 ]
[ 56.810001373291016, 68.16999816894531, 112.36000061035156, 122.45999908447266 ]
[ "A person shows and explains a lemon squeezer and shows the part were the lemon goes.", " Then, the person points to two jugs on a table.", " Next, the person puts ice in a cup, and then squeeze a lemon using the lemon squeezer, add syrup and water from jugs.", " Then, the person put a cover on the cup and shake the mix." ]
[ 1, 18.940000534057617, 59.81999969482422, 92.7300033569336, 104.69000244140625, 172.49000549316406 ]
[ 17.950000762939453, 58.83000183105469, 90.7300033569336, 104.69000244140625, 171.5, 199.41000366210938 ]
[ "People in a home get ready to go sled on the street covered with snow.", " Two young men sled on the road pulled by a car.", " Splashes of snow falls on the young men who are covered with snow.", " A young man stands from the sled and enters the car and other person takes his place on the sled.", " A young men goes down the road sledding while snow splay on them.", " A young person snowboards holding a rope attached to a car, at the end he falls." ]
[ 0, 23.579999923706055, 39.29999923706055, 64.8499984741211, 77.62000274658203, 112.01000213623047, 161.1300048828125, 168.99000549316406, 190.61000061035156 ]
[ 13.760000228881836, 37.34000015258789, 62.880001068115234, 168.99000549316406, 79.58000183105469, 168.00999450683594, 165.05999755859375, 186.67999267578125, 196.5 ]
[ "We see a boy in a cap in a room laughing and sitting.", " We see the boy backstage talking to two men.", " The boy walks on the stage and talks to the judges.", " The boy performs a break dance.", " A judges mouth hangs open.", " The boy finises dancing and the judges give their feedback.", " The crowd lifts their arms in the air.", " The boy walks off stage and is interviewed.", " The boy walks away from the men." ]
[ 0, 29.09000015258789, 40.380001068115234 ]
[ 50.15999984741211, 30.34000015258789, 50.15999984741211 ]
[ "A young girl plays an accordian.", " The girl turns her head to the right.", " The girl's playing slows." ]
[ 0, 37.97999954223633 ]
[ 37.97999954223633, 79.12999725341797 ]
[ "A woman is seen curling her hair while speaking to the camera and leads into her speaking in front of judges.", " The judges critique her and she runs away happy and skipping out of the building." ]
[ 0, 8.1899995803833, 28.100000381469727 ]
[ 7.090000152587891, 23.739999771118164, 54.56999969482422 ]
[ "Two men are sitting, with their shoes in view.", " A man picks up a shoe and puts it on his foot.", " He then applies the other shoe, then ties the laces." ]
[ 0, 7.050000190734863, 7.050000190734863 ]
[ 7.050000190734863, 67.18000030517578, 22.5 ]
[ "man is chewing gum sitting on the grades.", " man is standing on ractrack holding a large pole and running to do a javelin throw.", " people is going down the stairs." ]
[ 0, 5.730000019073486, 178.72000122070312 ]
[ 191.14999389648438, 21.030000686645508, 191.14999389648438 ]
[ "A person is shaving their legs.", " A polished hand gestures at the person shaving.", " The person lows their head to see under their leg." ]
[ 0, 11.289999961853027 ]
[ 11.920000076293945, 17.790000915527344 ]
[ "A woman is seen bending down in front of a large set of weights and begins lifting it to her shoulders.", " She then bends down and puts the weights back down to her feet." ]
[ 0.8700000047683716, 33.11000061035156, 83.63999938964844 ]
[ 44.43000030517578, 125.44999694824219, 166.39999389648438 ]
[ "Several pictures are shown of a beach and landscapes as well as people walking on the beach.", " Several clips are then shown of people riding along the water and surfing the waves.", " More shots are shown of people surfing in the water." ]
[ 0, 40.88999938964844, 140.05999755859375 ]
[ 40.02000045776367, 140.05999755859375, 173.99000549316406 ]
[ "A man is seen speaking to a woman outside that leads into a game of rock paper scissors.", " The girls slaps the man and he continues to play the game with several other girls on the street in various locations.", " When the man wins the girls kiss him on the cheek." ]
[ 0, 6.309999942779541, 11.180000305175781, 22 ]
[ 6.130000114440918, 11.359999656677246, 22, 36.060001373291016 ]
[ "A little toddler is walking down the street holding her dog leash.", " The dog is walking ahead of her not pulling her, he is very gentle.", " The dog stops to sniff around and then begins walking again.", " The little girl trying to follow closely behind him." ]
[ 0, 8.90999984741211, 15.4399995803833 ]
[ 29.700000762939453, 14.550000190734863, 29.700000762939453 ]
[ "We see a person kitesufing in the sea.", " The person passes us and turns around.", " The person stops before taking off again." ]
[ 0, 0.6100000143051147, 6.510000228881836 ]
[ 0.20000000298023224, 6.710000038146973, 13.5600004196167 ]
[ "A girl is seen speaking to the camera on the floor.", " Another woman is seen sitting on a swingset looking to the camera.", " The woman swings back and fourth while looking down at her hand." ]
[ 0.03999999910593033, 8.15999984741211, 7.420000076293945 ]
[ 8.210000038146973, 8.210000038146973, 8.210000038146973 ]
[ "This man is wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts and he is doing his gymnastic routine.", " Then he gets off and walks away to go somewhere else.", " There is also another man there with him who's walking around and he's wearing a green shirt." ]
[ 0, 12.369999885559082, 15.270000457763672, 20.219999313354492 ]
[ 12.510000228881836, 15.270000457763672, 20.510000228881836, 29.100000381469727 ]
[ "A man is sitting on a bull in a gate.", " The bull is released and a man on a horse chases after it.", " The man jumps off the horse and ties the bull up.", " The man stands up and walks back to his horse." ]
[ 0, 60.209999084472656, 174.52000427246094 ]
[ 52.04999923706055, 166.36000061035156, 204.1199951171875 ]
[ "A boy is floating in a raft as his father holds a rope attached to it.", " The boat floats away slowly, pulling the child as he stands in his raft.", " He is then pulled up toward the two men in the boat." ]
[ 0, 6.619999885559082, 11.029999732971191, 49.25, 74.97000122070312, 100.69999694824219, 141.1300048828125 ]
[ 5.150000095367432, 10.289999961853027, 48.5099983215332, 55.86000061035156, 99.95999908447266, 119.80999755859375, 147.00999450683594 ]
[ "The credits of the clip are shown.", " Cars move on a road adjacent to a home.", " A person is power washing.", " The person is soaking up water and debris with a vacuum.", " A man is painting the wall, light blue.", " The man is painting the wall and floor of a roof, black.", " The credits of the video are shown." ]
[ 0, 72.87000274658203 ]
[ 72.87000274658203, 173.5 ]
[ "chiopped vegetables are in a bowls on top of table.", " the ingredients are mixed inside a bowl together with oil, pepper and mayonnaise." ]
[ 0.07000000029802322, 0.25999999046325684, 1.6299999952316284, 8.739999771118164 ]
[ 12.65999984741211, 1.1699999570846558, 8.609999656677246, 12.65999984741211 ]
[ "A man performs a hammer throw in an outdoor area, caged in, surrounded by crowds of people watching.", " A man in a red t-shirt approaches a players circle on the ground inside of an enclosed metal fence area.", " The man spins a ball, attached to a rope, around and around.", " The man lets the ball goes and watches as it lands off screen." ]
[ 0, 1.7799999713897705, 3.819999933242798, 4.460000038146973, 6.5, 6.5, 11.720000267028809, 12.739999771118164, 20.6299991607666 ]
[ 1.7799999713897705, 3.819999933242798, 6.5, 6.5, 12.739999771118164, 11.210000038146973, 12.739999771118164, 20.6299991607666, 25.469999313354492 ]
[ "A young woman is practicing on a track and field track, sprinting and high jumping over a high bar and landing on her feet while three men in the background are watching her practice.", " The woman jumps again, this time sprinting a little bit faster.", " The woman jumps again with a longer run up.", " Another young woman in the background is jogging by.", " The woman jumps again with an even longer run up and adds a small skip/hop to her initial run.", " A man in the background is jogging on the field while another man stands and stretches his legs.", " The woman doesn't clear the bar perfectly and it falls off of it's poles.", " The woman jumps again with an even longer run up and a more powerful skip/hop to start her run.", " The woman jumps again with the long run up and powerful skip at the beginning." ]
[ 0, 18.209999084472656, 49.63999938964844 ]
[ 12.140000343322754, 46.06999969482422, 71.43000030517578 ]
[ "A couple of people are on an indoor tennis court.", " They lob the ball back and forth, playing a game of tennis.", " They continue playing, trying to win the game." ]
[ 0, 13.460000038146973, 69.4800033569336, 71.29000091552734 ]
[ 13.460000038146973, 69.83999633789062, 71.66000366210938, 72.75 ]
[ "The screen is full of white bubbles and words, while a pair of hands plays the piano.", " The bubbles and words disappear and it is just the hands moving over the keyboard.", " The hands disappear and it is just the keyboard.", " The screen fades to black." ]
[ 0, 27.610000610351562, 39.790000915527344, 152.67999267578125 ]
[ 21.93000030517578, 37.36000061035156, 148.6199951171875, 162.4199981689453 ]
[ "A man appears before several targets on a back wall.", " He talks about the basics of archery.", " A woman is shown with an archery set.", " She pulls back the arrow, then shoots at her target as he talks." ]