Serverless architecture is a cloud-computing execution model in which a cloud service provider runs the server, and dynamically allocates machine resources. It is an event-driven compute platform which uses functions that are triggered by certain events and automatically executes code to respond to those events. Serverless architectures provide businesses with much more flexibility and reliability, as there is no need to manage and maintain servers. It is also cost efficient because there is no need for continuous running of servers, it is instead charged only for running a function.
A serverless architecture is a type of cloud computing architecture that allows applications to be hosted on a single server without requiring any physical server. This allows applications to be deployed and run on a single server without requiring any physical server. This allows applications to scale up and down as needed, and can be easily deployed and managed from a single location.
Explain what a serverless architecture is.
USA warn the Federal Government of HuaWei
USA warns federal government against Huawei
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
USA warnen Bundesregierung vor Huawei ### Note: A translation involving major errors might be
Tierbesitzer, die ihre Hunde nicht laufen lassen, müssen mit einer Geldstrafe von 2.700 <v>$</v> rechnen
<v>Hundebesitzer</v>, die ihre Hunde nicht gehen, müssen mit einer Geldstrafe von 2.700 Dollar rechnen
Please share the German version of the given sentences.
Pet owners who fail to walk their dogs face $2,700 fine ### Note: A translation featuring minor accuracy/omission errors might be
After 70 years, China is young, prosperous and <v>prosperous</v> . No matter how the international situation changes, we will adhere to our original intentions.
After 70 years, China is young, <v>elegant</v> and in its prime. No matter how the international situation changes, we will stick to our original intentions.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
走过70年,中国正青春、昂扬、风华正茂,无论国际风云如何变化,我们都将坚持自己的初心。 ### Note: A rendition having major accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible
The sun was setting in the sky, casting an orange glow over the horizon. The birds were singing their evening song, chirping and trilling away in the trees. As the sun slowly disappeared, a breeze blew and rustled through the trees, sending a chill down the spine of anyone who was still outdoors. The birds grew quiet and the night slowly settled, bringing a calm and peaceful atmosphere to the area.
The sun was setting and the birds were singing. The sky was a deep blue, and the birds were singing in harmony. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a deep blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a deep, blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a beautiful blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a wonderful blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a brilliant blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a magnificent blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a stunning blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a glorious blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a splendid blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a spectacular blue. The birds were singing in harmony, and the sky was a breathtaking blue. The birds were singing
Create a story from the following sentences.
The sun was setting and the birds were singing.
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
However, whether a murder is defined as a crime of honour is left to the judge's discretion, meaning that killers can theoretically claim a different motive and still be pardoned. ### Note: A translation containing major errors may be
The United States will deploy more air defense systems and troops in Saudi Arabia
U.S. will deploy more air defense systems and troops in Saudi Arabia
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
美国将在沙特增加部署防空系统和兵力 ### Note: 和 means and. 将 means will. 系统 means systems. 部署 means deploy.
Instagram and other social media often affected by disruptions
Instagram and Co. more often affected by disturbances.
Translate from German to English.
Instagram und Co. öfter von Störungen betroffen
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language.
The move is seen as an embarrassment for Orban, who proposed Trocsanyi, and who has been in constant conflict with Brussels over his migration policy and other issues. ### Note: The process of generating a translation in reverse order.
Ihm wird vorgeworfen, mit der ehemaligen Geheimdienstanalystin der US-Armee, Chelsea Manning, zusammengearbeitet zu haben.
Er wird beschuldigt, mit der ehemaligen US-Geheimdienstanalystin Chelsea Manning zusammengearbeitet zu haben.
In German, what do the given sentences convey?
He is accused of working with former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. ### Note: with means mit. work means arbeit. former means ehemalige.
One example of an invasive species is the zebra mussel, which is native to the Caspian Sea but has invaded waterbodies throughout North America.
One example of an invasive species is the Asian tiger, which has invaded the United States and Canada.
Give me one example of an invasive species
她说:“有时候,你自己和他人所感受到的压力可能会很大。” “所以我最大的建议就是花些时间,不要着急做任何事情。”
Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form.
"The pressure you feel ― from yourself and from others ― can sometimes feel like a lot," she said. "So my biggest piece of advice would be to take some time and don't be in a hurry to do anything." ### Note: A translation involving no errors may be
9 月 14 日,一系列无人机袭击了沙特阿拉伯的石油设施,迫使该国将石油产量减半,之后鲁哈尼对此发表评论。美国和部分欧洲国家以及沙特阿拉伯将此次袭击事件归咎于伊朗。德黑兰否认自身在此次事件中发挥了任何作用。特朗普政府还宣布计划将美军部署到该地区。
Translate from English to Chinese.
Rouhani's comment came after a series of drones attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 14, which had forced the kingdom to cut production in half. The U.S. and some European countries, as well as Saudi Arabia, have blamed the attack on Iran. Tehran has denied any role in the incident. The Trump administration also announced plans to deploy U.S. forces to the region.
Der Crown Court in Oxford erfuhr, dass Clifton, kurz vor dem Angriff im letzten März, Mischgetränke im Fat Fox Pub in Watlington, Oxfordshire, getrunken hatte.
Oxford Crown Court hörte, dass Clifton kurz vor dem Angriff im März letzten Jahres in der Fat Fox Pub in Watlington, Oxfordshire, Mixer getränkte.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Oxford Crown Court heard Clifton had been drinking mixers at the Fat Fox pub in Watlington, Oxfordshire, shortly before the assault in March last year. ### Note: the means das. had means hatte. before means vor. last means letzten. short means kurz. drink means getränk. ssa means ass.
Mountain ash and wild horse-chestnut is threatened
Eberesche und wilde Rosskastanie bedroht
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Eberesche und wilde Rosskastanie bedroht ### Note: A translation involving major errors might be
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
In his speech to the conference, Francis praised the potential of technological progress, noting that machines at the dawn of the industrial revolution spared workers dangerous and monotonous labor. But he warned that increased reliance on robotics for the sake of profits risked depriving people of the dignity of labor. ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
Jointly sponsored by the General Administration of Customs and the Municipal Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region, <v>the "Documentary Photo Exhibition on</v> Watch and Help Together to Ensure the Safety of Mainland Food and Agricultural Products for Macao for 20 Years" is now being held at the Food Information Station on the first floor of Youhan Hawker Building, attracting many Macao citizens to visit.
The " <v>Watching and Help Together</v> - A Diary of the Work to Safeguard the Safety of Food and Agricultural Products in the Mainland for 20 Years in Macau" jointly organized by the General Administration of Customs and the Municipal Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region is currently being held at the Food Information Station on the first floor of the Youhan Hawker Building, attracting many residents of Macau to visit.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
由国家海关总署及澳门特别行政区市政署联合主办之“守望相助‧携手共进─保障内地食品农产品安全供澳二十年工作纪实图片展 ” , 现正于佑汉小贩大楼一楼食品资讯站举办,吸引不少本澳市民前往参观。 ### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/omission errors might be
Am Donnerstag sagte die Labour-Abgeordnete Jess Phillips - eine weitere von denen, die Johnson kritisiert haben -, dass ein Mann verhaftet wurde, nachdem er versucht hatte, „gegen die Tür“ ihres Wahlkreisbüros zu treten, während er <v>angeblich</v> rief, dass sie eine „Faschistin“ sei.
Am Donnerstag sagte der Labour-Abgeordnete Jess Phillips - ein weiterer von denen, die Johnson kritisiert haben -, dass ein Mann verhaftet wurde, nachdem er versucht hatte, „ <v>die Tür</v> “ ihres Wahlkreisbüros zu schüren, während er Berichten zufolge schrie, dass sie eine „Faschistin“ sei.
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply?
On Thursday, Labour MP Jess Phillips - another one of those to have criticised Mr Johnson - said a man was arrested after trying to ""kick the door"" of her constituency office while reportedly shouting that she was a ""fascist."" ### Note: A translation with minor accuracy/mistranslation errors could be
Climate change is having increasingly serious effects on the environment, including an increased risk of droughts, floods, extreme temperatures and weather-related disasters.
Climate change is having a devastating effect on the environment, leading to increased risk of droughts, floods, extreme temperatures, and weather-related disasters.
Summarize the following paragraph: "The effects of climate change are wide-reaching and have been affecting the environment for decades. Every year, the changes become more noticeable and more pronounced, leading to a heightened risk of droughts, floods, extreme temperatures and weather-related disasters."
Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences.
Wang Meiyu, 38, was detained in July after he stood outside the Hunan provincial police department holding a sign that called on Xi and Chinese premier Li Keqiang to resign and implement universal suffrage in China. He was later charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," a vague offence often given to dissidents. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
Die Republikaner riefen die Task Force ins Leben, nachdem ihnen zugespielt wurde, dass Analysten sich Sorgen hinsichtlich der Manipulation von Berichten zum Islamischen Staat machten.
Die Republikaner haben die Task Force erstellt, nachdem sie erfahren hatte, dass Analysten Bedenken erhoben hatten, dass die Geheimnisse über den Islamischen Staat verändert worden waren.
Translate from English to German.
Republicans created the task force after learning that analysts had raised concerns that intelligence about the Islamic State was being manipulated.
"Der Bürgermeister von Tees Valley, Ben Houchen, sagte, der Bericht beschreibe die ""schlimmsten Ergebnisse, die jemals bei einer Polizei im Land gemacht wurden"", was ""endlich die offizielle Bestätigung <v>""</v> sei, dass die Truppe ""gebrochen"" sei, und sagte, das Innenministerium müsse jetzt eingreifen."
"Der Bürgermeister von Tees Valley, Ben Houchen, sagte, der Bericht beschreibe die ""schlimmsten Ergebnisse, die jemals bei einer Polizei im Land gemacht wurden"", was <v>""</v> endlich die offizielle Bestätigung"" sei, dass die Truppe ""gebrochen"" sei, und sagte, das Innenministerium müsse jetzt eingreifen."
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form.
Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen said the report described the ""worst findings ever into any police force in the country"" which was ""finally the official validation"" that the force is ""broken"" and said the Home Office needed to intervene now. ### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/punctuation errors might be
Scenario 1: A weary farmer trudged across the scorching desert, his calloused hands clutching the reins of a mule. His brow glistened with sweat as he fought the oppressive heat. Without warning, a sandstorm swept across the landscape, reducing visibility to near zero. He had to find shelter quickly or risk being lost forever in the desert. Fortunately, he had been carrying a small jug of water and a rope, which he used to tether the mule to a nearby cactus. He took cover in a nearby cave and was able to wait out the storm. Scenario 2: A farmer was making his way across the sun-baked desert on his mule, when he noticed something strange in the distance. It was a small spring, a rare phenomenon in the desert. He dismounted the mule and knelt down to take a drink from the cool, crystal clear water. He had never seen anything like this before, but he was grateful for the refreshing gift from the desert. The farmer quickly filled his empty water jug and continued on his journey, content in the knowledge that he had stumbled upon something special.
1. A farmer is walking through the desert when he stumbles upon a mysterious cave. He is amazed to find a hidden garden full of exotic plants and flowers. \n2. A farmer is walking through the desert when he stumbles upon an old, abandoned house. He is amazed to find a hidden garden full of exotic flowers and plants.
Generate two story scenarios with the given details
Location: Desert Character: Farmer
The event invited a number of Taiwan business representatives and scholars to share their experiences on enterprise transformation, innovation, <v>succession</v> and market development.
The event invited a number of Taiwan business representatives and scholars to share their experiences on enterprise transformation, innovation, succession <v> and</v> market development.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
活动邀请多位台商代表及学者就企业转型、创新、接班和市场开拓分享经验。 ### Note: A translation featuring minor fluency/punctuation errors might be
People are driven to hoard money for a variety of reasons. Some hoard money as a means to exert control over their lives. It allows them to feel safe and secure in uncertain times. Others may do so to gain a sense of power, as an expression of success, or out of fear of running out of money. Additionally, hoarding is sometimes a way to deal with the guilt and shame of having excess wealth that cannot be shared or given away.
People hoard money to save for the future, to build a better life, or to invest in something that will bring them joy. They may also hoard money to avoid disappointment or to protect their wealth from loss.
Explain why people hoard money.
<No input>
Wonderful news from the British royals: During the Italian holidays at the beginning of the month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have asked for the hand of his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31).
Wonderful news from the British Royals: At the beginning of the month in Italy, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have asked for the hand of his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31). This was announced by the palace on Thursday.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Wunderbare Neuigkeiten von den britischen Royals: In den Italien-Ferien Anfang Monat soll Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) um die Hand seiner Freundin Prinzessin Beatrice (31) angehalten haben. Das gab der Palast am Donnerstag bekannt. ### Note: A translation involving major errors might be
„Sie werden sagen <v>'</v> Du hast zwar ein großartiges Kind großgezogen, aber du hast Michelle Obama verhunzt‘,“ sagte sie im Spaß.
"""Es ist, wie, <v>""</v> Du hast ein großartiges Kind erworben, aber du hast Michelle Obama getroffen"", fügte sie scherzhaft hinzu."
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language.
""It's like, 'You raised a great kid, but you messed up Michelle Obama,'"" she jokingly added. ### Note: A translation with minor fluency/punctuation errors could be
(909) 456-1234
(909) (909)
Format the following phone number.
Corona wird ab November für drei Jahre krebsfrei sein. Aber seine Mutter, Elizabeth Anderson, sagte, sie mache sich Sorgen, dass es im Falle einer Rückkehr des Krebses unmöglich sein könnte, seinem Blut noch weitere Stammzellen zu entnehmen.
Corona wird im November drei Jahre lang krebsfrei sein. Aber seine Mutter, Elizabeth Anderson, sagte, dass sie sich Sorgen macht, dass es unmöglich sein könnte, mehr Stammzellen aus seinem Blut zu ernten, wenn sein Krebs zurückkehrt.###
Translate from English to German.
Corona will be cancer-free for three years in November. But his mother, Elizabeth Anderson, said that she worries that if his cancer does return, it may be impossible to harvest more stem cells from his blood.
Als extrem rar gelten von Erfolg gekrönte Geburten in Verwahrung. Lediglich alle zweieinhalb bis fünf Jahre reproduzieren sich weibliche Tiere, wodurch der Zeitrahmen, der für eine von Erfolg gekrönte Reproduktion vorhanden ist, sehr gemindert wird.
Geburten in Gefangenschaft werden als extrem selten genannt. Weibchen können nur alle zweieinhalb bis fünf Jahre neu erreichen, so dass das Zeitfenster für eine erfolgreiche Reproduktion begrenzt ist.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Births in captivity are considered extremely rare. Females only reproduce every two-and-a-half to five years, so the window of opportunity for successful reproduction is limited. ### Note: the means den. for means für. two means zwei. very means sehr. five means fünf. production means produktion. half means halb. product means produkt. produce means produzieren. extremely means extrem. extreme means extrem. reproduce means reproduzieren. ere means eh.
schedule. construction the accelerated greatly which operation, pouring concrete and installation, formwork excavation, blasting, drilling, of process entire the of mechanization the realizing system, hoisting winch and system, suspension system, lifting system, excavation mechanized a as such line assembly mechanized "four-in-one" a formed has machinery specialized so grab, rock rotary central a and drill, umbrella FJD-6A an formwork, metal mobile integral an winch, drilling a car, stable drilling a derrick, drilling large-scale a used Tunnel Gaoligong the of shaft 1 No. the of construction the for method drilling the that explained Tao Song
progress. construction the of speed the greatly accelerated has system, construction mechanized the of system, assembly, concrete the of installation, construction, the of installation, concrete the of construction, the of operation, mechanized the of operation, mechanized the of system, assembly, concrete the of installation, concrete the of construction, the of operation, mechanization the of system, assembly, concrete the of installation, concrete the of operation, mechanized the of system, assembly, concrete the and construction, the of operation, mechanized the of system, assembly, concrete the for operation, mechanized the of system, assembly, concrete the of operation, mechanized the of system, assembly, construction the of operation, mechanized the of system, assembly
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
宋涛介绍,高黎贡山隧道1号竖井施工采用凿井法,配备了凿井井架、凿井稳车、凿井绞车、整体移动金属模板、FJD-6A型伞钻、中心回转抓岩机等大型专业化机械,形成了机械化开挖系统、出碴系统、悬吊系统、绞车提升系统等“四系一体”的机械化流水线,实现了打眼、爆破、出碴、模板安装、混凝土浇筑等全流程机械化作业,大大加快了施工进度。 ### Note: A translation created by reversing the order of the original words.
Dynamic on vault.
Jump with energy.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Das kambodschanische Gericht beschuldigt verbannte Politiker der Rebellion
Kambodschanisches Gericht klagt Exilpolitiker wegen Rebellion an
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
Cambodian court charges exiled politicians with rebellion ### Note: exiled means verbannt.
Xiao Qian said that in recent years, China-Indonesia relations have made great progress. The political mutual trust between the two countries has been increasing, pragmatic cooperation has continued to advance, exchanges in various fields have expanded in an all-round way, and the China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership has developed steadily.
Xiao Qian said that in recent years, China-Indonesia relations have made great progress. The political mutual trust between the two countries has been strengthened, pragmatic cooperation has continued to advance, and exchanges in various fields have been comprehensively expanded. China-Indonesia's comprehensive strategic partnership has been stable and far-reaching.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
肖千说,近年来,中印尼关系取得长足发展,两国政治互信不断增强、务实合作持续推进、各领域交流全面拓展,中印尼全面战略伙伴关系行稳致远。 ### Note: 两 means two. 年 means year. 政治 means political. 关系 means relation. 交流 means exchanges. 伙伴 means partners. 拓展 means expand. 合作 means cooperation. 互 means mutual. 务实 means pragmatic.
Accounting for 60% of total tourists in domestic tourism, with market size expected to exceed RMB1 trillion
The market size is expected to exceed 100 billion.
Translate from Chinese to English.
An example of a human making an ethical decision would be a doctor deciding to prioritize a patient in need of urgent medical attention even though that patient did not have insurance. The doctor recognized that the patient's well-being was of paramount importance and thus made the ethically-sound decision to provide care without worry of payment.
An example of a human making an ethical decision is when a person is faced with a difficult decision about whether to take a risky action or not. For example, a person may decide to take a risky action such as taking a job that involves working in dangerous conditions or risky sexual activities. This decision is made based on the individual's own values and beliefs, and it is important to consider the consequences of the decision before making it.
Describe an example of a human making an ethical decision.
This confirms the IAAF's position: the Athletics Federation is the only organisation to maintain Russia's ban. At the World Championships in Doha, 30 Russian athletes will compete under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they train outside the Russian system and undergo tests.
This confirms the attitude of the IAAF: The athletics association is the only organization to hold Russia's banners. At the World Cup in Doha, 30 Russian athletes will start under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they train outside the Russian system and undergo tests.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Dies bestätigt die Haltung der IAAF: Der Leichtathletik-Verband hält als einzige Organisation am Bann Russlands fest. An der WM in Doha starten 30 russische Sportler unter neutraler Flagge. Sie mussten beweisen, dass sie ausserhalb des russischen Systems trainieren und sich Tests unterziehen. ### Note: A translation involving major errors might be
def sum(num1, num2): return num1 + num2
def sum(num1, num2): \n return num1 + num2
edit this code and make sure it compile
def sum(num1, num2): return num1 + num2
Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a brave prince named Jack. He lived happily in his small kingdom with his loyal subjects and friends. One day, the kingdom was threatened by a powerful dark magician who wanted the kingdom for himself. Jack had to figure out a way to save the kingdom from danger. He set out on a journey with his trusted friends to find a way to protect the kingdom. Along the way, he encountered many dangerous and magical creatures, each of which seemed to be protecting a secret. After overcoming many trials and tribulations, Jack eventually defeated the dark magician and saved the kingdom. He was greatly admired by the people of the kingdom and was praised as the hero of the day. He returned to his kingdom a hero, and his deeds will never be forgotten.
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom that was filled with magic and wonders. The kingdom was ruled by a king who was known for his wisdom and compassion. Every day, the king would go on a journey to explore the kingdom and find new and exciting things to do. One day, the king stumbled upon a magical cave that had been hidden away for centuries. The king decided to explore the cave and find out what it was. After a long and arduous journey, the king eventually found the cave and was amazed to find it was full of magical creatures and wonders. The king and his people were filled with joy and excitement as they explored the cave and found out that it was home to many magical creatures. The king and his people were filled with joy and excitement as they discovered the magical creatures and wonders of the kingdom.
Create a story based on the sentence "Once upon a time in a land far away..."
Once upon a time in a land far away...
Donald Trump - "Come close to a spy"
Donald Trump - "Kommt einem Spitzel nahe"
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
Donald Trump - "Kommt einem Spitzel nahe" ### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be
Johnny was very proud of his job and Johnny felt like Johnny was making a difference.
He was very proud of his job and he felt like he was making an impact.
Given a paragraph, replace all the pronouns with appropriate nouns or third person singular verbs.
He was very proud of his job and he felt like he was making a difference.
Counselors Chen Mingjian and Heng Xiaojun of the Chinese Embassy attended the reception.
Chen Mingjian, Public Staff of the Chinese Embassy, and Chen Shengjun, Public Staff, participated in the reception.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
中国驻加使馆公参陈明健、公参衡孝军等使馆外交官参加招待会。 ### Note: A translation containing no errors may be
The film legend and Oscar winner Olivia de Havilland is dead.
legend film and and winner Olivia de Havilland is
Translate from German to English.
Die Filmlegende und Oscar-Gewinnerin Olivia de Havilland ist tot.
You find a penny on the ground while walking to the store. When you get there, you use it to buy a slice of apple pie and a notebook to write down your thoughts and ideas.
A person is walking down the street when they see a pie on the side of the road. They decide to take a bite and decide to take a penny with them.
Create a real-world situation with the words "pie", "notebook", and "penny".
Machine learning could be used to identify fake news by analyzing the content of articles and detecting patterns of deception. The model could take into account factors such as sentence structure, language, and source to identify potentially false information. Additionally, it could also use natural language processing to automatically detect signs of deception in the text.
Machine learning can be used to identify fake news by analyzing the content of the news articles and comparing it to the original source. This can be done by using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the text and identify patterns in the content. Additionally, machine learning can be used to detect trends in the content, such as the use of certain keywords or hashtags. This can be used to identify fake news articles that are being shared on social media.
How might someone use machine learning to identify fake news?
Aber Präsident Donald Trump und der indische Premierminister Narendra Modi, die kürzlich triumphierend vor einer gemeinsamen Mega-Rallye in Houston gesprochen haben, <v>scheinen Gandhis Ideen undurchlässig zu sein</v> , obwohl sie ihm auf der Veranstaltung Lippenbekenntnisse zollen. Beide sind Rechtspopulisten, die mit wenig Mitgefühl oder Toleranz regiert haben, Weiße und Hindus in ihren jeweiligen Ländern erfolgreich als Wahlblöcke mobilisiert und Spaltung und sozialen Antagonismus gefördert haben.
Aber Präsident Donald Trump und der indische Premierminister Narendra Modi, die kürzlich triumphierend vor einer gemeinsamen Mega-Kundgebung in Houston sprach, scheinen Gandhis Ideen <v>unverrücklich</v> zu sein, obwohl sie ihn auf der Veranstaltung Lippenbekenntnisse abgeben. Beide sind Rechtspopulisten, die mit wenig Mitgefühl oder Toleranz regiert haben, erfolgreich Weiße und Hindus in ihren jeweiligen Ländern als Wahlblöcke mobilisiert und Spaltung und sozialen Antagonismus fördert haben.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
But President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who triumphantly addressed a joint mega-rally in Houston recently, seem to be impervious to Gandhi's ideas, despite paying lip service to him at the event. Both are right-wing populists who have ruled with scant compassion or tolerance, successfully mobilizing whites and Hindus in their respective countries as voting blocs, and fomenting division and social antagonism. ### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/mistranslation errors may be
The Japanese Olympic Committee recently said that the Japanese delegation was targeted at 30 gold medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and making Japan into the Top Three.
The Japanese Olympic Committee recently said that the Japanese delegation's gold target in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games is 30 gold medals, and is advancing to the top three in the gold medal table.
Translate from Chinese to English.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese?
His walk, paired with his belted top, white shorts, knee-high boots and cadet hat, quickly took the internet by storm. In one video of his walk, it appears he even got a smile out of Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour as he passed by her. ### Note: The act of reversing the order of words to create a translation.
I. Introduction A. Definition of Diversifying Student Body B. Overview of Benefits II. Academic Benefit A. Enhanced Educational Experiences B. Improved Learning Environments III. Societal Benefit A. Promote Inclusionary Cultures B. Encourage Intercultural Understanding IV. Benefits for Students A. Improved Mental Health B. Increased Opportunities for Networking V. Conclusion A. Summarize Benefits of Diversifying Student Body B. Encourage Adoption of Diversity Measures
I. Introduction \nA. Definition of Diversifying the Student Body\nB. Benefits of Diversifying the Student Body\nII. Benefits of Diversifying the Student Body\nA. Increasing the student body diversity\nB. Increasing the student body representation\nC. Increasing the student body access to resources\nIII. Conclusion \nA. Summary of benefits of diversifying the student body\nB. Recommendations for further research
Generate an outline for a proposal on the benefits of diversifying the student body.
Mike Steele, a spokesman for the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, said requests were coming in for high-water vehicles, boats and sandbags.
Mike Steele, a spokesman for the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness of the Governor, said that the requests for high water vehicles, boats and sandbags were increasing.
Translate from German to English.
Mike Steele, ein Sprecher für das Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness des Gouverneurs, teilte mit, dass sich die Anfragen für Hochwasserfahrzeuge, Boote und Sandsäcke mehrten.
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
With dirt, grass and tree matter on his clothes, he claimed to have been involved in a road rage incident where he had chased another driver into the bush and fallen down an embankment. ### Note: A translation that is generated by reversing the order of the original sentence.
TV Choice über den Gewinner: „Sir David Attenborough arbeitet, lernt und produziert weiter Sendungen <v>-</v> er ist nicht nur in Großbritannien ein Held, sondern eine weltweite Legende.“
TV Choice sagte über den Gewinner: „Sir David Attenborough arbeitet, lernt und macht Programms, er ist nicht nur ein britischer Held, er ist ein globalisches ikon. <v>“</v>
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German.
TV Choice said of the winner: ""Still working, learning and making programmes Sir David Attenborough isn't just a British hero, he's a global icon."" ### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/punctuation mistakes might be
The dogs with their thick, white fur, pointed ears and brown eyes are loyal and intelligent.
The dogs with the thick white fur, top ears and black eyes fell as loyal and intelligent.
Translate from German to English.
Die Hunde mit dem dicken weißen Fell, spitzen Ohren und braunen Augen gelten als loyal und intelligent.
正如 Thunberg 在联合国峰会上说的那样 , “我们正处于大规模灭绝的开始 , 你所谈论的只是永恒经济增长的金钱和童话故事 ” , Cullis-Suzuki告诉领导人 , “失去我的未来 , 不像在选举中失去一个点或股市上失去几个点 ” 。
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese.
Just as Thunberg told the UN summit "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money and fairytales of eternal economic growth," Cullis-Suzuki told leaders that "losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market." ### Note: A translation containing major mistakes might be
Jointly organized by the State Administration of Customs and the Municipal Services Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the “ <v>Prospective </v> Prospective Photo Exhibition on Safeguarding the Safety of Food and Agricultural Products from the Mainland for 20 Years of Work in Macao ” is being held at the Food Information Station on the first floor of the Youhan Hawker Building,
Jointly organized by the General Administration of Customs and the Municipal Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the " <v>Watching and Helpful</v> Together - A Diary of the 20 Years of Work to Ensure the Safety of Food and Agricultural Products in the Mainland for Macao" is currently being held at the Food Information Station on the first floor of the Youhan Hawker Building, attracting many Macao citizens to visit.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
由国家海关总署及澳门特别行政区市政署联合主办之“守望相助‧携手共进─保障内地食品农产品安全供澳二十年工作纪实图片展 ” , 现正于佑汉小贩大楼一楼食品资讯站举办,吸引不少本澳市民前往参观。 ### Note: A rendition having major accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible
Außerdem bezahlte West angeblich einen Krankenhausbesuch – wenige Stunden, nachdem Justin Bieber ihn auf seiner Ranch in Wyoming besucht hatte.
West verbrachte auch einen Besuch im Krankenhaus, nachdem Justin Bieber ihn in seinen Ranch in Wyoming besucht hatte.###
Translate from English to German.
West also reportedly paid a visit to hospital hours after being visited by Justin Bieber at his ranch in Wyoming .
A petal is part of a flower.
Petal is a flower's petal.
Generate a rule that describes the relationship between these two words.
Petal, Flower
K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm used to identify clusters in a dataset. It works by first randomly selecting points in the dataset and then grouping points that are close together into clusters. The algorithm then finds the mean of each cluster and uses it as the new cluster center. The process is then repeated until the cluster centers no longer move, at which point the clustering is complete.
K-means Clustering is a supervised machine learning algorithm used to cluster data points into groups. It works by first creating a set of clusters, or groups, based on the data points. The algorithm then assigns each data point to the closest cluster, and repeats until all data points are assigned to the same cluster. The algorithm then calculates the centroid of each cluster, and the cluster with the most data points is chosen as the final cluster.
Summarise the key features of a K-means Clustering Algorithm
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language.
When designing drugs to target viruses, scientists can now take their varying structural shapes into account to improve efficacy. ### Note: A translation exhibiting no mistakes could be
The main purpose behind the formation of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, promote human rights and economic and social progress, and to foster respect for international law and fundamentals of international relations.
The main purpose behind the formation of the United Nations is to promote international peace and security, to maintain international order, and to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.
What is the main purpose behind the formation of the United Nations?
Parliament is back, a law dictates the British Prime Minister to avoid a Chaos Brexit. However, critics fear that Boris Johnson could still use a loophole. However, the Tory politician evaded this possibility.
Parliament is back, a law prescribes to avoid a chaos Brexit. However, critics fear that Boris Johnson could still use a loophole. Asked about this possibility, however, the Tory politician is evasive.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Das Parlament ist zurück, ein Gesetz schreibt dem britischen Premier vor, einen Chaos-Brexit zu vermeiden. Kritiker befürchten jedoch, dass Boris Johnson noch ein Schlupfloch nutzen könnte. Auf diese Möglichkeit angesprochen, weicht der Tory-Politiker jedoch aus. ### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be
" <v>Und</v> Cesar Chavez, der viele seiner Taktiken nach dem Vorbild von Gandhi bei der Führung der ""Landarbeiterbewegung"" modellierte, führte sein politisches Erwachen auf eine Wochenschau zurück, die er im Alter von 11 oder 12 Jahren sah und die zeigte, dass ""dieser halbnackte Mann ohne Waffe die Macht erobert hatte des britischen Empire. . """""
Und Cesar Chavez, der viele seiner Taktiken Gandhis bei der Führung der Bauernbewegung nachempfunden hatte, führte sein politisches Erwachen auf eine Wochenschau zurück, die er im Alter von 11 oder 12 Jahren beobachtete und zeigte, dass „dieser halbnackte Mann ohne Waffe die Macht des britischen <v>Empire</v> erobert hatte“.
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences?
And Cesar Chavez, who modeled many of his tactics on Gandhi's in leading the farmworkers"" movement, traced his political awakening to a newsreel he watched at the age of 11 or 12 showing that ""this half-naked man without a gun had conquered the might of the British Empire."" ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor style/awkward mistakes could be
Hospital. Medicine Chinese Traditional Lingwu and Hospital People's Lingwu with Services" Management Operation Daily and Platforms Operation Consumable Medical Intensive of Construction the for Agreement "Cooperation the signed had it that announced Thalys year, this of January in field, Business SPD the In
contract. the for year three for service management daily and equipment medical of operation intensive the of platform construction the signed Yilun, Yilun, Yilun, Yilun, Yilun: in January, this in announced Selis year, this In
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
在SPD业务领域,今年1月,塞力斯公告与灵武市人民医院、灵武市中医院签署《医用耗材集约化运营平台建设及日常运营管理服务合作协议 》 , 合同期限三年。 ### Note: A translation that is produced by reversing the order of the words.
Ambassador Thong Sha Wan said that Laos has <v>learned and learned</v> from Vietnam’s many successful experiences and was impressed by the breakthrough developments that Hanoi and even Vietnam have achieved in recent years.
Ambassador Thongsavanh said that Laos <v>learns</v> from Vietnam's many successful experiences and is impressed by the breakthrough development made in Hanoi and even Vietnam in recent years.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
通沙万大使表示,老挝学习和借鉴越南许多成功的经验,并对河内市乃至越南近年来所取得的突破性发展印象深刻。 ### Note: A translation showing major style/awkward mistakes is possible
Wang Shengbin, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Xining Municipal Committee and director of the Municipal Civilization Office, introduced that since Xining City won the title of national civilized city in 2017, the <v>civilized literacy</v> and moral level of citizens have improved significantly.
Wang Shengbin, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Xining Municipal Committee and director of the Municipal Civilization Office, introduced that since Xining City won the title of national civilized city in 2017, the civilized literacy and <v>moral level</v> of citizens have improved significantly.
Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format.
西宁市委宣传部副部长、市文明办主任王生斌介绍,西宁市于2017年荣获全国文明城市称号以来,市民文明素养与道德水平明显提高。 ### Note: A translation showing major accuracy/mistranslation mistakes is possible
将近一半的官员退休是那些被CBI逮捕的人, 他们涉嫌收到非法的满足感. 其中一人被抓获接受贿赂15,000. 卢比. 一名官员被指控资产与其已知收入来源不成比例.
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
Nearly half of the officials retired were those who were arrested by the CBI for allegedly receiving illegal gratification. One of them was caught accepting a bribe of Rs 15,000. One official is accused of having assets disproportionate to his known source of income. ### Note: A translation containing major errors may be
When it comes to optimizing Russia's export structure to China, Srepniov said that Russia has set the task of expanding its export of high-tech products to meet the import demand for high-tech products from countries and regions in the world including China.
When talking about Russia's optimization of China's export structure, Srepniov said that Russia has set the task of expanding the export of high-tech products to meet the import demand of high-tech products from all countries and regions in the world, including China.
Translate from Chinese to English.
In Nigeria, the police have freed more than 300 tortured and abused boys from a Koranic school. According to information from local residents, security forces searched the school in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna and discovered the victims, some of whom were still underage, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were abused, some of whom claimed to have been raped by their teachers," Sabo said.
In Nigeria, the police have freed more than 300 tortured and abused boys from a Quran school. According to residents, security forces searched the school in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna and discovered the victims, some of whom were still minors, as police spokesman Yakubu Sabo announced. "The victims were mistreated. Some of them said they had been raped by their teachers," said Sabo.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
In Nigeria hat die Polizei mehr als 300 gefolterte und missbrauchte Jungen aus einer Koranschule befreit. Nach Hinweisen von Anwohnern durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte die Schule in der nordnigerianischen Stadt Kaduna und entdeckten die zum Teil noch minderjährigen Opfer, wie Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo mitteilte. "Die Opfer wurden misshandelt. Einige von ihnen gaben an, von ihren Lehrern vergewaltigt worden zu sein", sagte Sabo. ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor mistakes could be
Er sagte, es gebe einen Anstieg von Teenagern, die sich an Gewaltverbrechen beteiligen, von denen einige bereits vor Gericht angeklagt sind. Dazu gehörten ein 16-Jähriger, der kürzlich wegen Brandstiftung angeklagt wurde, was eine lebenslange Haftstrafe nach Verurteilung mit sich bringt, ein 13-jähriges Mädchen, das beschuldigt wird, chinesische Flaggen <v>entweiht </v> zu haben, und andere, Polizisten angegriffen und gefährliche Waffen getragen zu haben.
Er sagte, es gebe einen Anstieg von Jugendlichen, die an Gewaltverbrechen beteiligt seien, wobei einige bereits vor Gericht angeklagt seien. Dazu gehörten ein 16-Jähriger, der vor kurzem wegen Brandstiftung angeklagt wurde, die nach Verurteilung eine lebenslange Haftstrafe beim Verurteilungsverfahren mit sich bringt, ein 13-jähriges Mädchen, das wegen Schändung chinesischer Flaggen und anderen wegen Angriffs auf Polizisten und <v>gefährliche Waffen</v> angeklag
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German?
He said there was a rise in teenagers participating in violent crimes, with some already charged in court. This included a 16-year-old charged recently with arson, which carries possible a life imprisonment upon conviction, a 13-year-old girl charged with desecrating Chinese flags and others with attacking police officers and carrying dangerous weapons. ### Note: A translation showing neutral accuracy/mistranslation mistakes is possible
Sunday. for set was Invalides des Dôme the in funeral public a reports, media to According circle. family intimate an within place take will burial The family. Chirac the to reference in reported agency news AFP the capital, French the of south the to Cemetery Montparnasse in Monday on buried be will state of head former The weeks. coming the during Paris in buried be reportedly will Chirac, Jacques France, of President former The
media. the to reports media the to According Sunday. on Paris in Cathedral Invalid the in ceremony funeral a held was which area, family the in placed be will support The Chiracs. family the to reference to AFP agency news the to reported was and Montparnasse, Montparnasse, in headquarters capital French the in Monday on buried will former head former the report, a according Paris, in week upcoming the in Chirac, Jacques former President French the to reported is report The
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Der ehemalige französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac soll einem Bericht zufolge in der kommenden Woche in Paris beigesetzt werden. Der frühere Staatschef werde am Montag auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt bestattet, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf die Familie Chiracs. Die Bestattung werde im engen Familienkreis stattfinden. Für Sonntag war eine öffentliche Trauerfeier im Pariser Invalidendom angesetzt, wie Medien berichteten. ### Note: The act of reversing the order of words to create a translation.
def bubbleSort(arr): n = len(arr) # Traverse through all array elements for i in range(n): # Last i elements are already in place for j in range(0, n-i-1): # traverse the array from 0 to n-i-1 # Swap if the element found is greater # than the next element if arr[j] > arr[j+1] : arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j] # Driver code to test above arr = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90] bubbleSort(arr) print ("Sorted array is:") for i in range(len(arr)): print ("%d" %arr[i]),
def sort_ascending(arr):\n arr.sort()\n return arr\n\narr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]\nsort_ascending(arr)
Write a Python script for sorting a list of integers in ascending order.
Trump wird wahrscheinlich sein Veto gegen die Resolution einlegen <v>,</v> zum sechsten Mal wird er als Präsident die Gesetzgebung des Kongresses blockiert haben. Er legte bereits im März sein Veto gegen eine Maßnahme zur Beendigung der Notstandserklärung ein.
Trump wird wahrscheinlich sein Veto gegen die Resolution einlegen, das sechste Mal, dass er als Präsident die Gesetzgebung des Kongresses blockiert hat. Er hat bereits im März sein Veto gegen eine Maßnahme zur Beendigung der Notstandserklärung eingelegt <v>.</v>
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German?
Trump will likely veto the resolution, the sixth time he will have blocked congressional legislation as president. He already vetoed a measure to end the emergency declaration in March. ### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/punctuation errors might be
美国国家飓风中心称,飓风洛伦佐星期四增强为 4 级飓风,飓风产生的巨浪可能影响向风群岛和南美洲的部分地区。
美国国家飓风中心说,飓风洛伦佐星期四增强为 4 级风暴,产生可能影响向风群岛和南美洲部分地区的水淹。
Translate from English to Chinese.
Hurricane Lorenzo strengthened into a Category 4 storm Thursday, producing swells that could affect parts of the Windward Islands and South America, the National Hurricane Center said.
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Oldest galaxy protocluster forms 'queen's court' ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
wurden verkauft Adoptionen illegalen in Frauen armer Babys dass bestreiten, 5 Griechenland:
verkauft. adoptions illegalen in Babys schwulen Frauen schwulen von 5 verweigern
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences?
Greece: 5 deny poor women's babies sold in illegal adoptions ### Note: A translation that is generated by reversing the order of the original sentence.
Several thousand demonstrators were expected in the economic hub São Paulo.
In the economic metropolis São Paulo, several thousands of demonstrators were expected.
Translate from German to English.
In der Wirtschaftsmetropole São Paulo wurden mehrere Tausend Demonstranten erwartet.
随后,他分享了一篇较长的帖子,描述了他们两人手挽手的情景,敦促他的追随者与参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell,R-Ky)抗衡,并向共和党参议员施加压力,促使《平等法》提交参议院表决:
Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences?
He then shared a longer post picturing the two of them arm in arm, urging his followers to stand up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and apply pressure to GOP senators to bring the Equality Act up for a Senate vote: ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
Recently several PRI governors have been accused of corruption in high-profile cases.
Recently, some governors of the revolutionary system party were accused of corruption in several cases of high importance.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Angeregt von den vom angesehenen Architekten R. Buckminster Fuller entwickelten geodätischen Gewölben, hatten der Strukturbiologe Donald Caspar sowie der Biophysiker Aaron Klug geometrische Gerüste vorgestellt, die seit den 1960er-Jahren zur Klassifizierung dieser viralen Kapside eingesetzt werden. Zunehmend mehr 3D-Nachbildungen viraler Kapside, darunter Herpes, Zika und ähnliche Viren, passen aufgrund der Weiterentwicklung der molekularen Bildgebungsverfahren jedoch nicht mehr in das konventionelle geometrische Gefüge.
Seit den 1960er Jahren werden diese viralen Kapside nach dem geometrischen Rahmen des Strukturbiologen Donald Caspar und des Biophysikers Aaron Klug klassifiziert, die von den geodätischen Kuppeln des renommierten Architekten R. Buckminster Fuller inspiriert wurden. Allerdings ist die Anstieg der molekularen Bildgebungsverfahren zu einer zunehmenden Anzahl von 3D-virus-Kapsid-Rekonstruktionen, die Viren wie Herpes oder Zika enthalten, aus diesem klassischen geometrischen Rahmen aufgeworfen.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form.
Since the 1960s, these viral capsids have been classified using the geometrical framework introduced by structural biologist Donald Caspar and biophysicist Aaron Klug, which were inspired by the geodesic domes designed by the renowned architect R. Buckminster Fuller. However, as molecular imaging techniques have advanced, an increasing number of 3D viral capsid reconstructions that included viruses like Herpes or Zika have fallen out from this classical geometrical framework. ### Note: the means das. and means und. that means das. from means von. this means das. these means diese. like means wie. ever means je. introduced means vorgestellt. frame means gestell. molecular means molekularen. physicist means physiker. viral means virale. geometric means geometrische. mole means mol. biologist means biologe. mins means min. geometrical means geometrische. ere means eh.
China does not "import" the foreign model, nor "export" the Chinese model. Instead, it will firmly move its own way, realize its continuous development, strengthen exchanges with other countries in governing the country, and make due contributions to the common realization of good governance and good governance. <v>contribution.</v>
China does not "import" foreign models, nor does it "export" the Chinese model, but will unswervingly follow its own path, realize its own continuous development, strengthen the exchange of governance between countries and other countries, and make due contributions to the common realization of good governance and good governance.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
中国不“输入”外国模式,也不“输出”中国模式,而将坚定不移走好自己的路,实现自身的不断发展,与各国加强治国理政交流,为共同实现良政善治作出应有的贡献。 ### Note: A translation with major accuracy/addition errors could be
The recommendation system should be able to analyze the user's browsing history and book reviews to generate personalized recommendations. The system should also analyze the topics related to quantum physics, such as quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. Once the system understands the user's interests, it can provide tailored suggestions for books and other related content.
A recommendation system for books on quantum physics could include factors such as the author's expertise, the genre of the book, the author's previous experience with quantum physics, the author's opinion of the book, and the book's popularity. The system could also consider the user's interests and preferences, such as the book's genre, the author's opinion of the book, and the book's popularity.
Build a recommendation system to recommend new books to a user.
The user is looking for books on quantum physics.
TÜV tests in the terminal: BER boss: No more "show stoppers" for the capital city airport
Tüv tests in the terminal: BER boss: No more "showstoppers" for capital airport
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal: BER-Chef: Keine "Showstopper" mehr für Hauptstadtflughafen ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
erhielt. $ 250 jeweils Zahlen übereinstimmenden vier mit Reihen die für er während ein, $ 163.634 von Höhe in Jackpot den ihm brachte Richtigen fünf mit Reihe Lancasters
wird. gewannen $ 250 jedes und erhielt, $ 163.634 Jackpot ein als er, erhielt, Lignes, die fünf mit Matchen alle mit der Lignes, die mit Matchen fünf mit Lancasters
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences.
Lancaster's line that matched all five numbers earned him the $163,634 jackpot, while the lines that matched four numbers each won $250. ### Note: The act of reversing the order of words to create a translation.
This painting is a example of surrealist art.
This painting is a portrait of a woman.
Given a description of a painting, classify the painting into a specific type of art.
This painting depicts a woman in a yellow dress with a bear in the background.
As of the 27th, the total amount of A-share listed company buy-backs in 2019 has been over RMB 100 billion, far exceeding buy-backs in previous years and hitting an all-time record, according to statistics from Eastmoney.com, a financial data service provider.
According to statistics from financial data service provider Oriental Fortune, as of the 27th, the total amount of repurchase implementation of 2019 A-share listed companies has exceeded 100 billion yuan (RMB, the same as below), far exceeding the data of the same period in previous years, setting a record high for the amount of repurchase funds of A-share stocks.
Translate from Chinese to English.
根据金融数据服务商东方财富的统计,截至27日,2019年A股上市公司回购实施总金额已超过1000亿元(人民币,下同 ) , 远超往年同期数据,创下A股股票回购资金量的历史新高。
Time management is like a bank account; if you invest your time wisely, you can reap the benefits later on. Time management is also like an orchestra; if you can properly coordinate the different parts of your life, you can create beautiful harmony.
Time management is like a marathon - you have to keep track of your progress and make sure you don't get lost in the shuffle. Time management is like a race - you have to make sure you stay on track and don't get lost in the shuffle.
Come up with two analogies that explain the given topic.
Time management
I apologize for the inconvenience. We will make sure that you receive the correct item as soon as possible and provide you with a full refund. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to make this up to you.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are happy to provide you with a replacement item. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Given a customer complaint write an appropriate response.
Complaint: I received the wrong item.
International trade is the exchange of goods, services, or capital between two or more countries. Through international trade, countries are able to obtain goods and services from abroad that are either not available locally or are more cost-effective to purchase from another country. Countries also benefit from increased employment opportunities, investment opportunities, increased competition, and increased access to technology.
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is the process of buying and selling goods and services from one country to another. It is a vital part of global economic development as it allows countries to access new markets, expand their economies, and create jobs.
Please explain the concept of international trade
- Time management - Communication - Problem-solving - Conflict resolution - Self-care
1. Communication\n2. Problem Solving\n3. Self-Confidence\n4. Empathy\n5. Collaboration
Make a list of five life skills every person should have.
Auf die Frage nach den Todesakten antwortete er der Polizei gelassen: „Ich habe das Gefühl, meine Mission erfüllt zu haben.“
Als er nach den Todesfällen gefragt wurde, sagte er der Polizei: „Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich meine Mission erfüllt habe.“
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences?
When asked about the deaths, he told police: ""I feel like I accomplished my mission."" ### Note: the means das.
The new regulation is part of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as a "chance" for society. It models the modern family as it only gives children to single or homosexual parents. According to them, the costs for artificial insemination for all women are to be covered by social security.
The new regulation is the core component of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as a "chance" for society. It is the modern family, in which there are children with only one parent or with homosexual parents. According to her, the costs of artificial insemination for all women will be borne by social security.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Die Neuregelung ist der Kernbestandteil eines Bioethik-Gesetzes, das Gesundheitsministerin Agnès Buzyn als "Chance" für die Gesellschaft verteidigte. Es bilde die moderne Familie ab, in der es Kinder mit nur einem Elternteil oder mit homosexuellen Eltern gebe. Nach ihrer Vorstellung sollen die Kosten für künstliche Befruchtungen für alle Frauen von der Sozialversicherung getragen werden. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
在2017年底对洪森所有反对党的镇压行动中,包括逮捕洪森党的共同创始人凯姆·索卡(Kem Sokha),其他党内高层成员流亡国外。他被指控犯有叛国罪,因为他与一个美国民主组织有联系,目前正受到严格的软禁。
2017 年末,针对洪森的所有反对派,包括逮捕该党联合创始人凯姆·索卡,其他高层党成员纷纷流亡海外。根据他与美国亲民主组织的联系,他被指控犯有叛国罪,并处于严格的软禁中。
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
Other top party members fled into exile during a late 2017 crackdown on all opposition to Hun Sen, which included the arrest of the party's co-founder, Kem Sokha. He was charged with treason, based on his links to a U.S. pro-democracy organization, and is under strict house arrest. ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
Trade War Ends between Nations
The End of the Trade War: The International Community Celebrates the Finalization of the Agreement.
Given the following paragraph, generate a short headline.
The international community celebrated the end of the trade war between the two countries, with the terms of the agreement set to be finalized shortly.
import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class DateTimeExample { public static void main(String[] args) { LocalDateTime currentTime = LocalDateTime.now(); System.out.println(currentTime); } }
public class Main {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n System.out.println(new Date().toString());\n }\n}
Provide an example of a code written in Java that prints out the current date and time.
The United States operates under a mixed economy, which is a system that combines free-market capitalism with governmental, economic regulations. This system allows businesses to compete in a free, competitive market while protecting consumers and providing employment and safety regulations. Additionally, the government provides social services, including education, health care and infrastructure. In this way, it seeks to balance the needs of both the market and society.
The United States is a federal republic, with a federal government that is responsible for managing the economy. The federal government is responsible for providing essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, as well as for regulating the economy. The federal government also has the power to impose taxes and levy tariffs on imports and exports. The federal government also has the power to regulate the markets and markets, and to regulate the financial system.
Describe the economic system of the United States.
"internet plus <v>internet plus Smart Station</v> Station" gives you a good idea.
"Internet + Smart <v>Station</v> " makes you know.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
“互联网+智能站牌”让你心中有数。 ### Note: A rendition having minor fluency/spelling errors is possible
It was an energizing day.
It was a tiring day.
Convert the sentence below into the opposite meaning.
It was a tiring day.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, this is entirely a process within the transition plan to more advanced defense tools in the strategic direction of the north.
The Russian Ministry of Defense said that this was entirely part of the transition plan to more advanced defense tools in the strategic direction of the north.
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
俄罗斯国防部称,这完全是向北部战略方向更先进防御工具过渡计划内的进程。 ### Note: A translation with no errors could be
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format.
The company's four pension schemes are well-funded, with a £100m surplus on a PPF basis, according to the latest figures. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
The Fair Work Commission found that a Foodworks supermarket owner dismissed a 66-year-old female worker by text message due to his preference for hiring employees of an Asian background. The owner was strongly denounced as "shameful" for what he did.
The Fair Work Commission found that a Foodworks supermarket owner sacked a 66-year-old female worker by text message because he preferred to hire employees from an Asian background. The boss was slammed as "shameful".
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
在公平工作委员会(Fair Work Commission)发现,一名Foodworks超市的老板通过短信解雇一名66岁的女工,因为他更愿意雇用来自亚裔背景的员工,该老板的做法被猛烈抨击为“可耻 ” 。 ### Note: 工作 means work. 发现 means found. 背 means back. 老 means old. 女 means female. 超 means super. 员工 means employee. 雇用 means hiring.