After our stint in Fjordland on the South Island of New Zealand, we started making our way north and east. Our next stops on our New Zealand road trip were Arrowtown, Wanaka, and Twizel. Driving the Devil’s Staircase The drive from Te Anau to the Queenstown/Arrowtown area is quite pretty. But there’s one infamous section we read about called the Devil’s Staircase. We were nervous, especially since there had been accidents just a couple days prior. But compared to our Milford Sound drive, it was pretty tame. And (shocker!) beautiful. We were able to pull off a few times to admire the view and take pictures. Read next: Milford Sound vs. Doubtful Sound Arrowtown People go to Queenstown for adventure. And, which you can explore now. Our favorite restaurant in Arrowtown’ve heard it’s gotten more built up over the years as it’s a hot spot for bloggers and backpackers. We stopped in Wanaka. Everything was an odd brownish green color. But the driving was incredible. We spent one night in Twizel because we wanted to hit/hike in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park without staying there. And even though there wasn’t much written about Twizel online, and drive.
. They]. The Age of Reason[edit] The classic text for deism is probably Thomas Paine's work The Age of Reason, where he states:.[2] Deistic beliefs[edit]. Differences between deism & Christianity[edit].]. Famous deists and deism today[edit]. Anthony Flew repudiated atheism and became a deist at age 81.. Ceremonial deism[edit].'"[3] At the time of his speech, the main exceptions were the addition of "One Nation Under God" to the The Pledge of Allegiance in 1954, and the creation of "In God We Trust" as the national motto in 1956, both during the height of the Red Scares.[3]." - ↑ 6.0 6.1 Shahin Soltanian (13 January 2020). The Kashfence Philosophy (Discovering through Rational and Scientific Analysis). Kashfence Trust Publications. p. 91. ISBN 978-0-473-50926-2.
In his annual letter to shareholders released late Wednesday, CEO Jamie Dimon said the bank expects a $500 million to $750 million hit from the credit card changes%, an all-time high. But while poor, that performance was better than competitors, he said. The bank's card services division posted a net loss of $2.2 billion for the year, compared with a $780 million profit in 2008. On the positive side, Chase's market share for cards improved. It now has more than 145 million cards in circulation, with $163.4 billion in outstanding balances.
DUBAI, Apr. 23, 2008 (Reuters) Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told Turkey that Israel was willing to give back Syria's Golan Heights in return for peace with the Arab state, a Syrian cabinet minister said on Wednesday. "Olmert is ready for peace with Syria on the grounds of international conditions; on the grounds of the return of the Golan Heights in full to Syria," Expatriates Minister Buthaina Shaaban told Al Jazeera television in a live interview. The Israeli position was relayed to President Bashar al-Assad by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who she said will visit Damascus on Saturday. Damascus will seek details about the Israeli message from Erdogan, said Shaaban, adding that her country had no intention of conducting secret talks with the Jewish state. "The Israelis talk a lot about peace," she said. "The stance of Damascus is that Syria is always with peace that (guarantees) the return of full rights ... we have negotiated for 10 years for the return of the Golan." A source close to Erdogan denied that Turkish prime minister had delivered a message to Assad. Commenting on Wednesday's reports, Olmert's spokesman Mark Regev said: "I have nothing to add beyond what the prime minister said on Friday in his interviews with the Israeli press about his desire for peace with Syria." Olmert told the daily Yedioth Ahronoth last week, in answer to a question on pulling out of the Golan, that he was working to achieve a "significant move" for peace with Syria. Syrian-Israeli talks collapsed in 2000 over the scope of an Israeli pullout from the Heights, occupied since 1967. Israel annexed the Golan in 1981 in a move condemned internationally. U.S. ROLE As well as strategic high ground, the fertile Golan Heights ensure Israeli control of important water resources in the arid region, land for vineyards, orchards and cattle-grazing. Around 18,000 Israeli settlers live in the heights among 22,000 Druze who consider themselves Syrians. International attempts to persuade Syria and Israel to resume talks foundered after the two sides attached conditions to a return to the negotiating table. Syria wants Israel to commit to a full withdrawal from the Golan Heights and wants the United States, Israel's chief ally, to oversee the talks. Israel wants Syria's ties with Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to be on the agenda, both arch-foes of Israel. Israel says Syria, which hosts top Hamas officials, is the main supply route for Hezbollah. Diplomats in Damascus earlier on Wednesday played down the importance of reports in Syrian media about the Israeli offer, saying that the two sides also had yet to agree on how to tackle Syrian ties with Hezbollah and Hamas. Acknowledging talks through a third party, Assad told a closed meeting of the ruling Baath party on Sunday that an Israeli commitment to withdraw fully from the Golan had to be a basis for talks but any direct negotiations would be public. "The president made it clear that third party efforts were fine as long as a framework is agreed upon and Israel commits to a full withdrawal," a source familiar with the annual meeting of the powerful Baath Party central committee said. (Additional reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Damascus and Ari Rabinovitch and Avida Landau in Jerusalem; Editing by Jon Boyle)
Zimbabwe: David Field ’09 August 3, 2016 / in Travel stories / 0 Comments First dangerous game hunt in Zimbabwe. Got a record book Cape Buffalo with Mokore Safaris. Of course, I had to take the Tiger Rag on the trip! Leave a ReplyWant to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute!
Billy Gray - 25/10/2021 Download Art of War: Legions Mod APK – latest version – Free for Android and experience a top-notch military gameplay of the ages! Can you lead your army to victory? Strategy-focused games have been around since the dawn of PC games. They are beloved by many as they involve a good amount of thinking and interesting gameplay. Today, we have many strategy mobile games that are available to play. One of the best and most popular strategy games to date is Art of War: Legions. This game is so popular that it has over 10 million downloads on Google Play alone! This is a strategic type game with similar themes to the Clash Royale game but differs in enjoyment. If you are the type of gamer who’s meticulous about strategies and gameplay, this one’s for you! Read on to learn more. What is the Art of War: Legions? Strategy games like Clash of Clans and Clash Royale became very popular this past decade. They gave rise to the genre that’s about to be dead. People want to play these games as they differ from the ordinary and mundane FPS games that are so popular. Art of War: Legions is one of those games that people can get addicted to. There’s so much strategy you can implement and so much thinking needed to be victorious. In this game, you’ll become the commander of an army that you’ll lead in the battlefield. It’s your choice what troops to deploy in the battlefield as well as their formation before the battle starts. If you read the Art of War book, then you know that war has an art and you need to apply these tactics to your advantage. As you start the fight, your troops and enemy army will automatically fight each other. The match ends when all the troops of one side dies. In this game, you need to be familiar with the different types of troops. There are troops that are best at close-range combat, mid-range and long-range battles. It’s necessary that you strategize properly in order to win. As you progress through the game, you may find that your old tactics that allowed you to win may not work anymore. That’s because your opponents become more skilled and smarter. Thus, you need to be constantly upgrading your troops and your formations to give you a significant boost in battles. Features of Art of War: Legions Art of War: Legions may look like a simple strategy game, but there are actually many features that people don’t know about. To know more about it, here are the features: Hero collection – In Art of War: Legions, number isn’t always a strong indicator of strength. That’s why you need to assess your troops before going into battle. You can’t just waltz in with a huge number of troops expecting a big victory every time. You need to have a strategy in place. And that strategy involves the use of your heroes. On top of your troops, heroes are there to assist you in battle. They are strong and have special skills. But they can only be used for a limited time in battle. You need to wait for them to recover in order to use them again. But even if they’re strong, they have a class that separates them: rare, epic and legendary. Aside from this, they also have special stats that you need to be aware of in order to implement them successfully in your lineup. Upgrades – Like any other game, you can upgrade your troops and heroes in Art of War: Legions as well. As for the heroes, they have a separate upgrade interface which allows you to increase their stats manually. On the other hand, your troops can only be upgraded when you are preparing for battle. In this game, the coins and the gems will greatly help you in upgrading your heroes and troops. That’s why you need to constantly win victories to gain rewards. Then, you’ll use your money to upgrade your troops and heroes or to buy more. Task system – To make things interesting, Art of War: Legions has a bonus quest system. For each task you successfully complete, you’ll be rewarded with an equivalent coins and gems. This can be unlocked once you reach level 15 and you can use your rewards to buy heroes and to recruit unit in battles. As of the moment, there are two parts: Snow Adventure and Desert Treasure Hunt. Each of these have 5 tasks that you need to complete in order to get your rewards. They each differ in difficulty and you may need to come back to a few of them to complete. But overall, they’re fun and they are a pretty neat way to get more coins and gems! Graphics – This game has an impressive 3D graphics but the view is set upwards. Similar to how Clash Royale is set. However, as you start to fight, your troops and opponents automatically fight each other and an impressive fight sequences can be viewed. Each troop are designed with fun in mind. Think of them as Legos fighting each other but with military uniforms. This is definitely a kid-friendly fighting and strategy game. Simple control scheme – As this is a strategy game, there’s no need for complex controls. All you need to do to start the battle is tap the “fight” button at the lower middle part of the screen. But before each battle, you are free to move your troops around in order to find the perfect positions for them. Then as the fight commences, you can tap the hero icons at the lower part of the screen to use your heroes. Currency – There are two currencies in this game: coins and gems. The coins are the more common currency and you’ll get these a lot as you participate in battles. As for the gems, you may rarely get these through games. However, you can use these two to recruit more troops and buy more heroes. You can also use them to upgrade them. Tips for Playing Art of War: Legions This may seem like a fun and easy game given the fun graphics and easy gameplay. However, there are lots to master in here as this is a strategy game. Here are some tips to help newbies: Know your heroes and troops – In this game, the key to victory is in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your troops and heroes. Knowing them will allow you to formulate a strategy that suits your lineup. Also, before you tap the fight button, make sure to properly position your troops so that they are strategically placed. Art of War: Legions Mod APK – Unlimited Gems & Gold Want to play Art of War: Legions but disappointed by the lack of coins and gems? Download the vip active mod now to enjoy the game! Similar Strategy Games: Draw army and Clash of clans apk
“We see a human tide bearing us upward with all the force of a contracting star; not spreading like a tide, as we might suppose, but one that is rising: the ineluctable growth on our horizon of a true state of ‘ultra-humanity’.” – Teilhard de Chardin What a muddle humanity is in. A simple honest look tells us that the Earth’s human population is presently estimated to be 6.6 billion and growing exponentially, estimated to top 9 billion by 2050, increasing by over a third in forty years. Earth’s non-human populations are dwindling alarmingly. The Earth’s resources, likewise, are dwindling alarmingly. Humanity has been compared to a cancer spreading across the organism Earth, dooming its host, and likewise, itself. Like mythic lemmings headed for a cliff, the surging herd of humanity swarms blindly toward its demise. This tide is spreading such that this promontory in the universe, our home planet, will no longer be able to contain its multitudes and begin spilling us off. But, we are not lemmings, nor cancer. We have intelligence. This is what the mid-20th Century theologian and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin understood. We have a complex consciousness that is not limited to a linear destiny such as lemmings that multiply endlessly and then swarm over a cliff in their migration simply because the momentum of their numbers cannot stop when the edge is encountered. Humanity is capable of leaps of quantum understanding. Humanity and all those species that we co-inhabit this planet with are at the edge. All the habits of humanity lead us toward demise. Greed, competitiveness, national, religious, racial, regional, class and political identification keep us pitted against each other. The deep-rooted orientation toward objectification of the experience of life keeps us insecure, anxious, combative and insatiable in our quest for personal and group significance and dominance. Humanity seems blind to the limitations of the model for psychological and social identity we embrace. We stumble forward hoping all will be well if we just keep doing more of the same. More for me and mine. More for me and mine. It is “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Except that it signifies something huge, increasing individual psychological insecurity and a collective social and economic structure headed for catastrophe. Is that it? Is that the sad end to the story of humanity and this most beautiful of planets, choked to death by increasingly competitive overpopulation, destruction of the environment and exhaustion of resources? Are we lemmings doomed to topple over the precipice by the ever-increasing pressures of those pushing forward unable to see the precipice until they are tumbling off? It does not have to be. What is this “ineluctable growth on our horizon of a true state of ‘ultra-humanity’” that de Chardin is writing about? It is the fully bringing into play that which makes humans unique: self-aware consciousness. It is the fulfillment of the Universe’s destiny through this dangerous and seemingly oh-so-out-of-place creature called humanity. It is the realization of what de Chardin called “the Omega point”, the ultimate awakening of humanity out of its long slumber of small self-absorption into full consciousness, seeing its place in the Universe, experiencing its consciousness as one with the Universe. While de Chardin takes this to dimensions beyond corporality and fulfills Christian theology, it can be more modestly and practically seen as humanity “awakening” in a more Buddhist sense and becoming an enlightened species creating an enlightened society in harmony on our home, this Earth, in this galaxy, in this universe. How will this happen? It will happen one individual at a time experiencing themselves at their personal end with a too limited model of consciousness and liberating themselves. It will be you and me personally expanding beyond the small mindedness that has imprisoned individuals in anxiety-filled lives, and created a fearful, combative, materialistic society that drives us all into varying levels of craziness and pushes the entire planet toward suicidal insanity. This process of awakening is what I call the Omega journey in honor of de Chardin’s vision. It is individuals in realization that the models of consciousness we have inherited are the cause of our individual and collective insecurity shaking off our slumber to actually become conscious in our lives. It is one individual at a time realizing the potential of true human consciousness, shared by a growing multitude, until a new form of human society emerges, experiencing harmony within its individuals, with each other and the planet. Are you ready to take your place on the horizon, on the edge of this human evolutionary leap that rises upward, not plummets down? “Ultra-humanity” awaits. Please know; this is not New-Age drivel. This is the only destiny that leads to a quality survival for humanity and the achievement of our true “being-ness”. Do you understand? Are you ready?
GLADSTONE - The Gladstone Sports Park opens today for the first time this season and promises to offer residents a new and improved winter sport experience. "We're going to open up the ski hill and the ice rink," said Gladstone Parks and Recreation Director Nicole Sanderson. Both the ice rink and the ski hill will open at noon today and remain open until 6 p.m. Weekend hours will continue to be noon to 6 p.m. and typical weekday hours will run from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. "There'll be holiday extended hours while the kids are on vacation," said Sanderson, adding the Sports Park will be open on New Years Day and Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve the park will remain open from noon to 4 p.m. The park will remain closed for Christmas with regular weekday hours resuming on Dec. 26. New Years Eve the park will remain open during regular hours and visitors can return to the park between noon and 4 p.m. on New Years Day. While the hours the park is open are dependent on the weather, fewer closures can be expected this season thanks to a new reservoir and snow gun system. The new system allows the park can continually make snow as long as temperatures are below 25 degrees. "We probably have a nine inch base (on the ski hill) and more in other places," said Sanderson, adding tubers can expect about 10 inches of groomed snow base when the park opens. Skiers and snowboarders can also enjoy an expanded terrain park with equipment created by Gladstone High School student Hans Ahola and Trent Bellingar, welding instructor for the Delta Schoolcraft Career and Technical Center. Snow is still being created for the park's table tops, but skiers and snowboarders will soon have 11 stations to use when showing off their best tricks. "These stations are for the more experienced skier or snow boarder. They're designed to challenge skiers, but we still have our bunny hill for beginners and center court for intermediate skiers," said Sanderson. Traditionally the park has attracted younger visitors - frequently high school students - but the addition of the terrain park has sparked new interest with older skiers and snowboarders. "A lot of 19 to 24 year olds are coming up because of the terrain park," said Sanderson. For younger skiers and snowboarders the sports park will begin hosting its annual after school program on Jan. 13. Students from Holy Name Catholic School, Rapid River, and Gladstone Schools will be bused to the park where they will be provided with a snack, homework assistance, and access to the ski hill. "Of course we have the family-friendly tubing as well," said Sanderson, stressing the park can be a fun place for parents and children to spend time together. For more information about the Gladstone Sports Park visit the city's website at or call 428-9130. A live view of the conditions on the ski hill is also available online at. 600 Ludington St. , Escanaba, MI 49829 | 906-786-2021 © 2015. All rights reserved.| Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Self-care is everywhere. You’ve likely been told how important it is for your work, how it fosters innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. We’re sure you’ve been told it reduces stress. All of these statements are true. Self-care really does have amazing benefits, when it is done right. The problem? How we’re told to do self-care is all wrong! Do you try to fit in self-care but it’s become just another thing you can’t find time for, and feel like you’re failing at? Or maybe you do self-care: You eat vegetables, you have baths, you walk your dog, you drink some wine…. but you just don’t feel….. replenished. The problem here isn’t YOU. The raw deal is that you’ve been given the wrong messages about how to practice self care. Here are 6 reasons why our current approaches don’t work: 1. We aren’t taught how to do self-care At best, when self-care is taught, it generally includes being given a menu of activities to do. (We call this a “checklist approach” to self-care). At worst, your training might not even have mentioned self-care, implied it was for people who are weak, or actively undermined your ability to practice it. No wonder we all feel like we struggle with self-care! No one has taught us how to properly do it! You’ve been left to figure it out alone – and that’s hard to do when you’re a busy professional. One particular thing we don’t seem to be taught: How do we find time for self-care anyway?! When people are asked why they don’t engage in more self-care, the number 1 challenge is finding time. Not only do we need to be taught what to do, we need to learn how to find time to do it! 2. A checklist approach to self-care doesn’t allow us all to be different. Providing people with a menu of self-care activities can be helpful when you’re stuck and not sure what to do to take care of yourself. But they are unhelpful when they are given as a prescription or sure-fire recipe for self-care. Long lists of things we “should” be doing often just leave us feeling like it’s one more thing we have to do. Because people are different, self-care must be different too! One person’s most enjoyable, replenishing, and favourite activity might be stressful for another person! Our self-care choices must match who we are and what is important to us – or they will be draining, not replenishing. 3. Soothing and self-care are not the same thing. Okay, so those checklist approaches? They tend to offer a lot of the same ideas: go for a walk, soak in a bubble bath, drink a glass of wine, meditate, watch TV. Those are great things to do (especially if you enjoy them!), but it’s important to understand why we are doing them. Traditional approaches to self-care advise you to engage in these activities because they will be immediately calming and allow you to release some of the stress of your day. That is, because they soothe a distressed mood. Soothing is great, and we love a long bubble bath. But soothing is not all self-care has to offer. The purpose of self-care is to replenish your personal and professional selves. To fill your jar back up so you have the energy, joy, and meaning to live your best life and do your best work. Although watching TV can be relaxing, and take your mind off of a bad day, watching TV might not always make you feel replenished or help look after YOU. Sometimes a long bubble bath is exactly what we need. Other times, it’s just not going to be enough. In more complicated words: Although self-care can include soothing, soothing alone is not enough for us to fully take care of ourselves. 4. Self-care doesn’t always feel good. Because we tend to mistake soothing for self-care, or think we can follow a checklist approach to self-care, we often expect that self-care should always feel good in the moment. Worse, if it doesn’t feel good, we mistakenly conclude that it can’t be self-care. Not true! One aspect of self-care that Jorden is always working on is not overextending herself by saying yes to too many things. A lot of you can probably relate to this! Over time, Jorden has learned her personal limits for how much she can take on at once – and it’s a looooooot less than she used to think. The result? She has to be ruthless at prioritizing, and this often involves saying no to really exciting new opportunities. Does saying no – especially to people she genuinely likes and cares about – feel good? Absolutely not! It sucks not to do everything you want to do. But is it self-care? Absolutely! Setting boundaries leaves time for Jorden to enjoy her work and have time for her other priorities, including time with her family and alone to pursue her hobbies and interests. Paying our bills, taking our medications, setting boundaries… these are all examples of activities that don’t necessarily feel amazing to do – but they are all important for self-care. 5. Sustainable self-care cannot be grounded in a fear of negative consequences. Picture this: It’s 6:30am on January 1st. You have dragged yourself out of bed (possibly after a very late night), put your sleepy body into running shoes and workout clothes and are now facing the challenge of finding motivation to get on your treadmill (or even worse: Drive in the dark and cold to a gym) instead of going back to sleep. Even less motivating: Your entire family is still in bed and will be for a while. “I have to do this,” you tell yourself, “I need to [lose weight, be more fit, fight aging, whatever].” You manage to run that day, and maybe for a few more days. Or even a few weeks! But eventually you sleep instead of facing the treadmill and the new goal is abandoned. Every time you pass your treadmill, gathering dust, you feel like a failure. “Why can’t I get it together?!” you ask yourself. Sound familiar? We all have self-care plans that have fallen by the wayside, for lots of reasons. But one reason is that we often choose self-care activities because we think we have to do them. Or we’re pursuing them to avoid something, rather than gain something. It’s a lot different to decide to exercise because you’re punishing your body for it’s size than it is to decide to exercise because you love the way your body feels when it’s moving. And one is much more motivating than the other: Can you guess which one? (The second!) And spoiler alert: You never have to pursue a self-care activity because you “should” – that’s just a recipe for feeling like a failure, because chances are you won’t sustain it! Pursuing what you want to is so much more rewarding (and doable!) 6. It’s really hard to do self-care without the support of like-minded others. It’s very hard to engage in regular, replenishing, and effective self-care when you are swimming upstream against a culture that doesn’t support it. The stress this conflict in values creates can be exhausting. It can lead lots of people to conclude work-life balance just isn’t possible. They give up trying and join the culture of overwork. We’re wired to get along with the people around us – even when adopting their habits isn’t in our best interests. Traditional self-care doesn’t talk about how to overcome this. We need to work on changing unhelpful work cultures. But in the meantime, we need to nail our own self-care habit – and that requires finding your local tribe of self-care supporters (no matter how small) to help you do it. Want more? Sign up for our mailing list for tips, updates, and to be the first to know when our courses launch.
Hue is again in the festive season. People returned to the capital land to be immersed in the royal night, drunk with the Southern Ai and Southern Binh rhythms on the Perfume River, flattering with the height of Ngu mountain and quiet by the moss impregnated mausoleum with Truong Tien bridge and Thien Mu pagoda… To capture those moments, Vinh Dav photographer took these photos to preserve the characteristics in Hue landscape with gentleness and with quiet. Take a look at this album of the gentle and tranquil beauty of Hue City. Hue’s poetic and romantic beauty has attracted the hearts of the traveler. But to feel all that delicacy, you must see the charm of Hue’s daughters, also in tune with the citadel “gentle and quiet”. The charm of Hue radiates from Ton Nu in the garden to Dong Khanh schoolgirls with light clothes, from the girl paddling on the Huong River with the traditional songs. n the middle of urban flourish but Hue’s people always brings a sense of peace and serenity, a sense of lightness and comfort in harmony with people and scenery. The water still flows through Truong Tien Bridge, Huong River still drifts to the sea and Hue is still beautiful with time. \ It must be in the deepest feeling of those who come to Hue, the loveliness of Hue is still the most intense in the grace of Hue woman. Boat gliding on the peaceful Huong River, near the Hoang Vien Bridge, connecting the Hoang Vien dune with the south bank of Huong River. Hue is one of the destinations containing ancient beauty with majestic tombs, temples and poetic natural landscapes that fascinate people. Photo by Vinh Dav. Follow him at You might also like : - Vietnam for Solo Vacationers, Why You Ought to Attempt? - Discover the beauty of My Khe beach in Da Nang Vietnam 2020 - Top 7 most beautiful islands in Nha Trang Vietnam - Enjoy Vietnam beautiful places through Cao Ky Nhan’s photo album - Top beautiful places you must to visit in Danang Vietnam 2020 - Discover the beauty of Tuyen Lam Lake in Dalat Vietnam - Discover Be Island in Ly Son Vietnam 2020 - Solo travel experience in Ly Son Island Vietnam 2020 - Discover interesting things inside Dalat Clay Tunnel - Phu Quoc Scuba Diving – The best tips for newbies - Travel news 03 2022 – Vietnam scraps all quarantine requirements for international travellers - Best things to do in Con Dao Vietnam 2022
Wedding Destinations near Jaipur where you’ll create everlasting memories Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, also known as Pink City, is loved worldwide for its culture, palaces, forts and irrepressible beauty that’s forever. In recent times, Jaipur is also known as one of the best wedding destinations that beckon those who wish to make their wedding a truly royal experience. Little wonder then, numerous wedding destinations near Jaipur abound, each breath-taking and unique in its own way. MARVELLOUS WEDDING HOTELS IN JAIPUR YOU SHOULDN’T MISS OUT ON Ever conjured up thoughts of a wedding venue where gaiety and celebrations mingle with an aura of royalty amidst the enchanting beauty of nature? Choose Gulmohar Sariska Resort, the one-stop destination that fulfills all your wishes and cater to all your needs. So if it’s Jaipur (or other stunningly majestic places in its vicinity) you or a loved one would like to choose for a grand wedding, you’ll be spoilt for choice. You can browse through several fairy-tale wedding destinations and luxurious wedding hotels near Jaipur to make the wedding and precious moments of celebrations memorable. With a backdrop of lush greenery spread across 10 acres rolling in the Aravali Hills, Gulmohar Sariska Resort is an idyllic venue- luxurious, peaceful and economical. A wedding here will be an experience in itself- imagine a huge lawn where over 2000 people can be hosted and indulged with the great Indian hospitality. You can also avail the well-equipped private halls for pre-wedding ceremonies at the resort. As for accommodation, there are well-furnished rooms provided with all the modern amenities. You can also make your stay at Gulmohar Sariska pleasurable and packed with fun as there is an activities corner, a multi-cuisine restaurant and in all likelihood, the best of what you seek- proximity to the Sariska National Park. All that and more will be yours for a fraction of what you may spend elsewhere!
Ways to Use Chickpeas Packed with nutrition, chickpeas can be a staple in any diet. Here are some simple ways to use them. The chickpea (a.k.a. garbanzo bean) is a main staple in Mediterranean diets, and it’s easy to see why. This little wonder is a great source of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. Packed with other nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and selenium, these legumes can improve bone and heart health, blood pressure, cholesterol, and digestion. And because of their high fiber content (one cup boasts 13 grams), these nutritional powerhouses help you feel fuller longer. The fiber is also beneficial in keeping our blood glucose values in check—this is especially helpful for those with diabetes. Related: What to Eat for the Midnight Munchies Here are a few simple ways to incorporate chickpeas into your mealtime routines: - Toss in to a salad to add texture - Use chickpea flour to make gluten-free baked goods - Add to soup to increase nutritional content - Make your own hummus and serve with veggies Speaking of hummus, where would our love for that be without the chickpea? This increasingly popular dip can be made at home with this simple recipe if you have a food processor or a high-powered blender. We promise it’s as good as store bought. Easy Homeade Hummus 1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 garlic clove, minced ¼ cup fresh lemon juice ¼ cup tahini* 1 dash paprika, for serving 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil ½ tsp. cumin, ground 2 tbsp. water Salt, to taste Add tahini and lemon juice to blender or food processor, let run one minute. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and blend for 30 more seconds. Then add minced garlic, olive oil, cumin, and salt. Blend for 30 seconds, then scrape the sides of the bowl, and blend for an additional 30 seconds. Add chickpeas to mixture and blend for one minute, adding one tablespoon of water at a time. Add salt to taste. If the hummus is still not smooth, you can blend until you reach desired consistency. Garnish with paprika and more olive oil, if desired. Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1/4 cup; Calories 190; Protein 6 g; Carbohydrate18 g; Dietary Fiber 5 g; Total Sugars 3 g; Total Fat 11 g; Saturated Fat 2 g; Cholesterol 0 mg There are many reasons to start eating chickpeas. They’re healthy, relatively inexpensive, and easy to add to everyday recipes. What’s your favorite way to use chickpeas? Tell us in the comments. And be sure to check out our other healthy living articles. *If you don’t have tahini, you can leave it out, just add more olive oil. The recipe will still be delicious. “Easy Hummus Recipe.” Inspired Taste, 2017. Web. 21. Aug. >
“Little Miss Sunshine” helmers Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris are in negotiations to direct “The Good Luck of Right Now” for DreamWorks. Mike White penned the script which is based on the Matthew Quick novel. Quick’s book follows the intertwined lives of four people, who are all outsiders in their own right. However, in the wake of grieving over pain and loss in their lives, they come together to form the most unlikely family. Dayton and Faris most recently directed the Fox Searchlight pic “Ruby Sparks” and were also attached to direct the biopic “I’m So Proud of You,” which followed a journalist at the end of his rope whose life changes when he is offered the chance to do a piece on Fred Rogers. Dayton, Faris and White are all repped by UTA.
Employment Agreement, dated February 27, 2019, between Jones Energy, LLC and Thomas Hester Exhibit 10.1 JONES ENERGY, LLC. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (this Agreement) dated as of February 27, 2019, between Jones Energy, LLC, a Delaware corporation (the Company), and Thomas Hester (the Employee). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Employee is currently serving as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company; and WHEREAS, the Company desires to continue to employ the Employee as its Chief Financial Officer, and the Employee desires to continue to be employed by the Company in such position on the terms and conditions set forth herein. Chief Financial Officer of the Company. In this capacity, the Employee shall have the duties, authorities and responsibilities as are commensurate with the duties, authorities and responsibilities of persons in similar capacities in similarly sized companies, and such other duties, authorities and responsibilities as may reasonably be assigned to the Employee by the Companys Chief Executive Officer (the CEO) that are not inconsistent with the Employees position as Chief Financial Officer of the Company. The Employees principal place of employment with the Company shall be in Austin, Texas, provided that the Employee understands and agrees that the Employee may be required to travel from time to time for business purposes. The Employee shall report directly to the CEO. (b) During the Employment Term, the Employee shall devote substantially all of the Employees business time, energy, business judgment, knowledge and skill and the Employees best efforts to the performance of the Employees duties with the Company, provided that the foregoing shall not prevent the Employee from (i) serving on the boards of directors of non-profit organizations, (ii) participating in charitable, civic, educational, professional, community or industry affairs, and (iii) managing the Employees passive personal investments so long as such activities in the aggregate do not materially interfere or conflict with the Employees duties hereunder or create a potential business or fiduciary conflict. 2. EMPLOYMENT TERM. The Company agrees to employ the Employee pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and the Employee agrees to be so employed, for a term of two (2) years (the Initial Term) commencing as of February 27, 2019 (the Effective Date). 1 On each anniversary of the Effective Date following the Initial Term, the term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for successive one-year periods, provided, however, that either party hereto may elect not to extend this Agreement by giving written notice to the other party at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to any such anniversary date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employees employment hereunder may be earlier terminated in accordance with Section 7 hereof, subject to Section 8 hereof. The period of time between the Effective Date and the termination of the Employees employment hereunder shall be referred to herein as the Employment Term. 3. BASE SALARY. The Company agrees to pay the Employee a base salary at an annual rate of $378,000, payable in accordance with the regular payroll practices of the Company, but not less frequently than monthly. The Employees Base Salary shall be subject to annual review by the Companys Board of Directors (the Board) (or a committee thereof), and may be adjusted, from time to time by the Board, subject to Section 7(e) hereof. The base salary as determined herein and adjusted from time to time shall constitute Base Salary for purposes of this Agreement. 4. ANNUAL BONUS. Commencing with the 2019 performance year and during the Employment Term, the Employee shall be eligible to receive an annual discretionary incentive payment under the Companys annual bonus plan as may be in effect from time to time (the Annual Bonus) based on a target bonus opportunity of eighty percent (80%) of Base Salary (the Target Bonus) (provided that the Board or the Companys Compensation Committee (the Committee) may, in its discretion, pay the Employee a greater Annual Bonus), upon the attainment of certain pre-established performance goals established by the Board or the Committee after discussion with the CEO in its sole discretion, and subject to the Employees continued employment with the Company through the date of payment (provided such payment is made in the ordinary course of business and consistent with historical practices) of any such Annual Bonus ultimately earned. 5. EQUITY AWARDS. The Employee will be eligible to participate in any future Management Incentive Plan established by the Company or any successor thereto. 6. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. (a) BENEFIT PLANS. During the Employment Term, the Employee shall be entitled to participate in any employee benefit plan that the Company has adopted or may adopt, maintain or contribute to for the benefit of its employees generally, subject to satisfying the applicable eligibility requirements, except to the extent such plans are duplicative of the benefits otherwise provided to hereunder. The Employees participation will be subject to the terms of the applicable plan documents and generally applicable Company policies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may modify or terminate any employee benefit plan at any time. (b) VACATIONS. During the Employment Term, the Employee shall be entitled to twenty (20) days of paid vacation per calendar year (as prorated for partial years) in accordance with the Companys policy on accrual and use applicable to employees as in effect from time to time. Up to five (5) days of any accrued and unused vacation time may be carried forward to use in the first quarter of the following year. The Employee will also be eligible for up to five (5) days 2 of personal time each calendar year which do not carry. 7. TERMINATION. The Employees employment and the Employment Term shall terminate on the first of the following to occur: (a) DISABILITY. Upon ten (10) business refusal to perform the Employees material job duties that continues for at least ten (10) days after written notice from the Company; (ii) material violation of a material policy of the Company that causes material damage to the Company and that is not cured within fifteen (15) days of written notice from the Company; (iii) the Employees failure to cooperate in any audit or investigation of the business or financial practices of the Company or any of its subsidiaries; (iv) willful misconduct or gross negligence in the course of the Employees duties that causes material damage to the Company; (v) indictment for, conviction of, or pleading of guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude; or (vi) the material breach of the restrictive covenant provisions in Section 10 hereof, that causes material damage to the Company and that is not cured within fifteen (15) days of written notice from the Company. 3 such event (if susceptible to cure) to the satisfaction of the Board. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Employees right to cure as set forth in Sections 7(c)(i), (ii), and (v) hereof for Good Reason. Good Reason shall mean the occurrence of any of the following events, without the express written consent of the Employee, unless such events are fully corrected in all material respects by the Company within fifteen (15) days following written notification by the Employee to the Company of the occurrence of one of the reasons set forth below: (i) diminution in the Employees Base Salary or Target Bonus; (ii) material diminution in the Employees titles, duties, authorities, or responsibilities (other than temporarily while physically or mentally incapacitated or as required by applicable law); (iii) the Companys material violation of this Agreement; (iv) relocation of the Employees primary office location by more than 35 miles; or (v) a material reduction in the Employees severance benefits (it being understood that any such reduction shall not be applied to the Employee terminating for Good Reason as a result of such reduction). (f) The Employee shall provide the Company with a written notice detailing the specific circumstances alleged to constitute Good Reason within forty-five (45) days after the first occurrence of such circumstances, and actually terminate employment within fifteen (15) days following the expiration of the Companys fifteen (15)-day cure period described above. Otherwise, any claim of such circumstances as Good Reason shall be deemed irrevocably waived by the Employee. (g) WITHOUT GOOD REASON. Upon ninety (90) days prior written notice by the Employee to the Company of the Employees voluntary termination of employment without Good Reason (which the Company may, in its sole discretion, make effective earlier than any notice date). (h) EXPIRATION OF EMPLOYMENT TERM; NON-EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT. Upon the expiration of the Employment Term due to a non-extension of the Agreement by the Company or the Employee pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 hereof. 4 8. CONSEQUENCES OF TERMINATION. (a) DEATH. In the event that the Employees employment and the Employment Term ends on account of the Employees death,). In addition, the Company shall pay the Employees estate. (b) DISABILITY. In the event that the Employees employment and/or Employment Term ends on account of the Employees Disability, the Company shall pay or provide the Employee with the Accrued Benefits. In addition, the Company shall pay the Employee. (c) TERMINATION FOR CAUSE OR WITHOUT GOOD REASON OR AS A RESULT OF EMPLOYEE NON-EXTENSION OF THIS AGREEMENT. If the Employees employment is terminated (x) by the Company for Cause, (y) by the Employee without Good Reason, or (z) as a result of the Employees non-extension of the Employment Term as provided in Section 2 hereof, the Company shall pay to the Employee the Accrued Benefits other than the benefit described in Section 8(a)(ii) hereof if such termination is for Cause. 5 (d) TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE OR FOR GOOD REASON OR AS A RESULT OF COMPANY NON-EXTENSION OF THIS AGREEMENT. If the Employees employment by the Company is terminated (x) by the Company other than for Cause (excluding a Change of Control as set forth under Section 8(e)), (y) by the Employee for Good Reason, or (z) as a result of the Companys non-extension of the Employment Term as provided in Section 2 hereof (excluding a Change of Control as set forth under Section 8(e)), the Company shall pay or provide the Employee with the following, subject to the provisions of Section 24 hereof and the Employees continued compliance with the obligations in Sections 9, 10 and 11 hereof: (i) the Accrued Benefits; (ii); (iii) an amount equal to the Employees Base Salary plus the Employees Target Bonus, payable in a lump sum within the first thirty (30) days following the Employees termination; and (iv) subject to (A) the Employees timely election of continuation coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended (COBRA) and (B) the Employees continued copayment of premiums at the same level and cost to the Employee as if the Employee were an employee of the Company (excluding, for purposes of calculating cost, an employees ability to pay premiums with pre-tax dollars),continued participation in the Companys group health plan (to the extent permitted under applicable law and the terms of such plan) which covers the Employee (and the Employees eligible dependents) for a period of twelve (12) months, provided that the Employee is eligible and remains eligible for COBRA coverage; provided, further, that the Company may modify the continuation coverage contemplated by this Section 8(d)(iv) benefits, such continuation of coverage by the Company under this Section 8(d)(iv) shall immediately cease.) TERMINATION IN CONNECTION WITH A CHANGE OF CONTROL. (i) Definition of Change of Control. For purposes of this Agreement, a Change of Control shall mean the occurrence of one or more of the following events: 6 1. Any person or group within the meaning of those terms as used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, other than an affiliate of the Company, shall become the beneficial owner, by way of merger consolidation, recapitalization, reorganization or otherwise, of fifty percent (50%) or more of the combined voting power of the equity interests in the Company; 2. The Companys shareholders approve, in one or a series of transactions, a plan of complete liquidation of the Company; or 3. The sale or other disposition by the Company of all or substantially all of its assets in one or more transactions to any person other than an affiliate of the Company. solely by virtue of the filing of a voluntary petition by, or an involuntary petition against, the Company under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the U.S. Code, it being understood, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to consummation of a plan of reorganization or any other transactions or series of transactions pursuant to, arising from, in connection with, or following, any such petition filing. (ii) If, (1) during the twelve (12) months immediately following the occurrence of a Change of Control of the Company, Executive is terminated by the Company without Cause or resigns for Good Reason (as defined above) or (2) in the three (3) months immediately following Executives termination by the Company without Cause (the Tail Period), (i) a Change of Control occurs, or (ii) the Company enters into a definitive agreement to undergo a Change of Control and such Change in Control actually occurs (each, as applicable, the Change of Control Period), Executive will be entitled to receive (A) within thirty (30) days after the date of termination, his Accrued Benefits (as defined above); (B) on the 60th day following the date of termination, a lump sum payment of an amount equaling two (2) times the sum of Employees Base Salary and Employees Target Bonus paid or payable with respect to the calendar year preceding the year in which the Change of Control occurs; and (C) (collectively, the Change of Control Payment). For the sake of clarity, if benefits become payable under Section 8(d) during the Tail Period, such benefits shall be paid and Executive will be trued up if benefits under this Section 8(e) subsequently become payable thereunder. Solely for purposes of the Change of Control Payment, Executives Base Salary (and Target Bonus, as applicable) shall be valued as in effect at the time of the Change of Control. (f) CODE SECTION 280G. To the extent that any amount payable to the Employee hereunder, as well as any other parachute payment, as such term is defined under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, payable to the Employee in connection with the Employees 7 employment by the Company or any of its affiliates, exceed the limitations of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code such that an excise tax will be imposed under Section 4999 of the Code, such parachute payments shall be reduced to the extent necessary to avoid application of the excise tax in the following order: (i) any cash severance based on a multiple of Base Salary or Annual Bonus, (ii) any other cash amounts payable to the Employee, (iii) benefits valued as parachute payments, and (iv) acceleration of vesting of any equity awards. (g) OTHER OBLIGATIONS. Upon any termination of the Employees employment with the Company, the Employee shall promptly resign from the Board and any other position as an officer, director or fiduciary of any Company-related entity. (h) EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. The amounts payable to the Employee following termination of employment and the Employment Term hereunder pursuant to Sections 7 and 8 hereof. 9. RELEASE; NO MITIGATION. set forth as Exhibit A hereto. Such release shall be executed and delivered (and no longer subject to revocation, if applicable) within sixty (60) days following termination. The Employee shall not be required to mitigate his damages in order to receive the amounts payable under Sections 7 and 8 hereof. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. (a) CONFIDENTIALITY. 8). The foregoing shall not apply to information that (i) was known Employees employment by a competitor, the Employee would inevitably in any other material business in which the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates is engaged on the date of termination or in which the Board has considered, on or prior to such date, to have the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates become engaged in on or after such date, in Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, and any basin or area in which the Companys Board has actively considered having the Company operate during the Employment Term. or affiliates so long as the Employee and such subsidiary, division or unit does not engage in a business in competition with the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. 9 (c) NONSOLICITATION; NONINTERFERENCE. (i) During the Employees employment with the Company and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, the Employee agrees that the Employee shall not, except in the furtherance of the Employees duties hereunder, directly or indirectly, individually or on behalf of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity, solicit, aid or. (ii) During the Employees employment with the Company and for a period of one (1) years thereafter, the Employee agrees that the Employee shall not, except in the furtherance of the Employees duties hereunder, directly or indirectly, individually or on behalf of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity, (A) solicit, aid or induce any employee, representative or agent of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, 10(c)(ii) while so employed or retained and for a period of six (6) months thereafter. (d) NONDISPARAGEMENT. During the Employees employment with the Company and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, the Employee agrees not to make negative comments or otherwise disparage the Company or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents or products other than in the good faith performance of the Employees duties to the Company while the Employee is employed by the Company. The Company agrees that it will direct its directors and executive officers not to, while employed by the Company or serving as a director of the Company, as the case may be, make negative comments about the Employee or otherwise disparage the Employee in any manner that is likely to be harmful to the Employees business reputation. The foregoing shall not be violated by truthful statements in response to legal process, required governmental testimony or filings (including SEC filings), or administrative or arbitral proceedings (including, without limitation, depositions in connection with such proceedings), and the foregoing limitation on the Companys executives and directors shall not be violated by statements that they in good faith believe are necessary or appropriate to make in connection with performing their duties and obligations to the Company. 10 performing the Employees duties with the Company or on the Employees own time, Companys Employees Companys Companys benefit, all without additional compensation to the Employee from the Company. (ii) In addition, the Inventions will be deemed Work for Hire, as such term is defined under the copyright laws of the United States, on behalf of the Company and the Employee agrees that the Company will be the sole owner of the Inventions, and all underlying rights therein, Employees.. 11 Company). The Employee may retain the Employees rolodex and similar address books provided that such items only include contact information. (g) REASONABLENESS OF COVENANTS. In signing this Agreement, the Employee gives the Company assurance that the Employee has carefully read and considered all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the restraints imposed under this Section 10 hereof. The Employee agrees that these restraints are necessary for the reasonable and proper protection of the Company and its affiliates and their Confidential Information and that each and every one of the restraints is reasonable in respect to subject matter, length of time and geographic area, and that these restraints, individually or in the aggregate, will not prevent the. (h) REFORMATION. If it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction in any state that any restriction in this Section 10 is excessive in duration or scope or is unreasonable or unenforceable under applicable law, it is the intention of the parties that such restriction may be modified or amended by the court to render it enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of that state. (i). Employees the Employees employment with the Company (collectively, the Claims). The Employee agrees to promptly inform the 12 and the Employee for all reasonable attorneys fees and out-of-pocket expenses, including travel, duplicating or telephonic expenses, incurred by the Employee in complying with this Section 11. 12. WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, no provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as to impede the Employee . Companys Company. 14. NO ASSIGNMENTS. This Agreement is personal to each of the parties hereto. Except as provided in this Section 14 hereof, no party may assign or delegate any rights or obligations hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the other party hereto. The Company may assign this Agreement to any successor to all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company, provided that the Company shall require such successor to expressly 13 assume and agree to perform this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be required to perform it if no such succession had taken place. As used in this Agreement, Company shall mean the Company and any successor to its business and/or assets, which assumes and agrees to perform the duties and obligations of the Company under this Agreement by operation of law or otherwise. electronic mail, (c) on the first business day following the date of deposit, if delivered by guaranteed overnight delivery service, or (d) on the fourth business day following the date delivered or mailed by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: the Company, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and control. 17.. 18. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. 14 Employees good faith performance of the Employees duties and obligations with the Company. This obligation shall survive the termination of the Employees employment with the Company. 20. LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Company shall cover the Employee under directors and officers liability insurance both during and, while potential liability exists, after the term of this Agreement in the same amount and to the same extent as the Company covers its other officers and directors. 21. GOVERNING LAW; ARBITRATION. This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties hereto, and any claims or disputes relating thereto, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas (without regard to its choice of law provisions). Each of the Parties agrees that any dispute or controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement or the Employees employment with the Company, other than injunctive relief under Section 13 hereof, shall be settled exclusively by arbitration, conducted before a single arbitrator in the metropolitan area of Houston, Texas Company, provided, that the Employees costs and expenses, including, without limitation, its own legal fees and expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company to the Employee within fifteen (15) days of the arbitrators final decision, if such decision indicates that the Employee has prevailed on a material issue in dispute. 22. MISCELLANEOUS. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived or discharged unless such waiver, modification or discharge is agreed to in writing and signed by the Employee and such officer or director as may be 15 subject to any restriction, which, in either case, could prevent the Employee from entering into this Agreement or performing all of the Employees indemnify the Company for any amount paid with respect to any such taxes, together with any interest, penalty and/or expense related thereto. ) the Employee not be made or provided until the date which is the earlier of (A) the expiration of the six (6)-month period measured from the date of such separation from service of the Employee, and (B) the date of the following the date of the separation from service, and any remaining payments and benefits due under this Agreement shall be paid or provided in accordance with the normal payment dates specified for them herein. 16 (iii) Employee, , the Employees. (v) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, in no event shall any payment under this Agreement that constitutes nonqualified deferred compensation for purposes of Code Section 409A be subject to offset by any other amount unless otherwise permitted by Code Section 409A. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. 18 EXHIBIT A GENERAL RELEASE I, , in consideration of and subject to the performance by Jones Energy, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, the Company), of its obligations under the Employment Agreement dated as of [DATE] (the Agreement), which are further described on Schedule A attached hereto, herein but not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the Agreement. 1. My employment or service with the Company and its affiliates terminated as of [DATE], and I hereby resign from any position as an officer, member of the board of managers or directors (as applicable) or fiduciary of the Company or its affiliates (or reaffirm any such resignation that may have already occurred). I understand that any payments or benefits paid or granted to me under Section 8(d) of the Agreement represent, in part, consideration for signing this General Release and are not salary, wages or benefits to which I was already entitled. I understand and agree that I will not receive certain of the payments and benefits specified in Section 8(d)-claims, demands, debts, compensatory damages, liquidated damages, punitive or exemplary damages, other damages, claims for costs and attorneys fees, or liabilities of any nature whatsoever in law and in equity, both past and present (through the date that this General Release becomes effective and enforceable) and whether known or unknown, suspected, or claimed against the Company or any of the Released Parties which I, my spouse, or any of my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, may have as of the date hereof, including claims that arise out of or are connected with my employment with, or my separation or termination from, the Company 19 counterparts; or under any other federal, state or local in respect of any Claim, or any severance benefits to which I am entitled under Schedule A, (ii) any claim relating to directors and officers liability insurance coverage or any right of indemnification under the Companys organizational documents or otherwise, or (iii) my rights as an equity or security holder in the Company or its affiliates. that I am not aware of any pending claim of the type described in paragraph 2 above as of the execution of this General Release. 20, 19 through 22 and 24: 1. I HAVE READ IT CAREFULLY; 21 2.;]-DAY. 22
Run: Run, a psychological thriller, was released in 2020. January 23, 2021 I don’t know about you, but my all time favorite genre of movies are thrillers. I love the adrenaline rush I get when I watch the fast-paced actions of characters, yet most of the time sloppy (please stop tripping on air), combined with gut-wrenching music in the background. If a thriller movie is done right, it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Most of the time, I am able to predict what is supposed to be a plot twist, so it came as a surprise that for one particular thriller movie, I did not see the twist coming. “Run.” is a thriller/drama film directed by Aneesh Chaganty and digitally released on November 20, 2020 by Hulu. The movie introduces Chloe Sherman (Kiera Allen) who is a 17 year old high school student. She is very intelligent, creative and resourceful, but she was born with a variety of complications; she suffers from asthma, diabetes, Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats), Hemochromatosis (excess iron in the bloodstream) and she is paralyzed from the waist down. Her mother Diane Sherman (Sarah Paulson) takes care of her 24/7 by giving her medicine, physical therapy and even homeschooling her. As a result, Chloe is isolated from the rest of the world and does not have any friends her age. However, Chloe is planning on attending college and moving out. This event triggers a lot of emotional turmoil within Diane and what seemed like a loving relationship between a mother and daughter soon turns into lies and emotional manipulation. It turns out that it was not Chloe who needed her mother more, it was Diane who needed her and she will stop at nothing in an attempt to keep her forever. I would definitely rate this movie 5 out of 5 stars. The story and cinematography was very meticulous and purposeful. At a behind the scenes look of “Run.” director Aneesh Chaganty reveals that he storyboarded every shot in the movie by hand before it was even filmed. In this way, he was able to smoothly include multiple details into one shot that effortlessly moved the plot forward. Chaganty’s work ethic helped tremendously with the pacing of the movie as it did not feel, at any point during the movie, like scenes were cut out. Additionally, the emotional commitment from the actors and actresses made the movie feel so real. I could easily sense tensions rise between Chloe and her mother as the story progressed and she uncovered more secrets. Also, throughout the movie, I can vaguely recall yelling out of frustration a couple of times (okay, maybe more like 4 or 5 times, but I was invested) because the story was engaging and I grew attached to certain characters quickly. Overall, I highly recommend “Run.” and consider watching the deleted scenes afterwards as they provide more details pertaining to the main characters and their relationship. If you want a picture to show with your comment, go get a gravatar.
Exkluderad från skyddsstatus - Ett straff för begånget brott eller en administrativ åtgärd? Sammanfattning: This thesis address the rules of asylum law that allows exclusion of certain persons in need of protection from taking part of the protection provided by national and international law. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate whether an exclusion may be regarded as punishment for a committed crime in criminal law. If the exclusion procedure may be regarded as a criminal procedure, the legal guarantees, given to a person who is accused of a crime, should also be given to the person that is at risk of being excluded. According to the exclusion rules in Chapter 4, The Aliens Act, a refugee, or an individual that is in need of subsidiary protection shall be excluded from protection if there is serious reasons for considering that the person is guilty of certain international offenses or other serious crimes. In the vast majority of situations, when an individual is excluded from the right to protection and there are no other grounds for the individual to receive a residence permit, expulsion can not be enforced due to the principle of non-refoulment. An exclusion may, as applied in Sweden, result in a person in need of protection which falls outside the principle of non-refoulment being expelled to a country where he or she is at risk of being subjected to treatment which could in itself amount to persecution. An exclusion may also result in an individual losing the right to family reunification, which complicates or eliminates a family life. Article 6 of the European Convention provides for the right to a fair trial for the accused of a crime. In a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights, the Court has set three criteria, the Engel criteria, to determine whether an individual is charged with a crime, thus determining whether it is a criminal procedure in which Article 6 of the European Convention applies. In view of an exclusion procedure in the light of the three English criteria, there is, in my opinion, scope for considering an exclusion procedure as a criminal procedure. Even in such cases where exclusion does not mean expulsion, nor does deprives or aggrevates the individual from a family life, the consequences can be extremely negative. However, in an additional protocol to the abovementioned article, the European Court of Human Rights has stated that Article 6 does not apply to the exclusion of foreigners. The fact that the European Court of Human Rights actively chose to declare that Article 6 is not applicable in the cases concerning exklusion can, however, bear witness to the fact that the procedure contains many components that are part of a criminal procedure. There is no clear answer to the essay's question. However, seeing an exclusion process in the light of the Engel criteria indicates that the exclusion procedure contains many components that are part of a criminal procedure. The thesis also argues that the exclusion rules, as applied in Sweden today, have clear problems with fulfilling most of the objectives that the rules were intended to fulfill. Rather focusing on prosecuting the suspects who are in need of protection, instead of excluding them, would not mean a significant difference, since the objectives of the exclusion rules, to a large extent, are still not met. This would contribute to increased legal certainty and reduce the risk that an innocent in need of protection will be excluded and suffer from the consequences it brings. HÄR KAN DU HÄMTA UPPSATSEN I FULLTEXT. (följ länken till nästa sida)
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“I was sick of lousy lays, bad sex,” says Sarah Jacobson, director of Mary Jane’s Not a Virgin Anymore, a lively portrait of a young woman who, having experienced one ignorant man too many, takes control of her own sexual pleasure. “I want people to see what girls go through and for guys to know what girls like.” Jacobson is speaking via phone from San Francisco, where she lives in an apartment downstairs from her mother and business partner, Ruth, the film’s coproducer. “In the ’50s, Clark Gable looked at you and you swooned,” says Ruth. “He looked at you again and you got pregnant. My generation followed a path— college, marriage, kids. Sarah put things on film I never knew about.” Sarah and her sister, Lee (now a photographer), were born in Morris Plains, New Jersey, and moved to a Minneapolis suburb (Mom led tours at the Walker Art Center downtown). After a “hateful” period at Bard College, Sarah moved to San Francisco and studied with George Kuchar, whose shoot-cheap-and-show-it-yourself method permeates both her famous short, I Was a Teenage Serial Killer, and Mary Jane. Ruth joined her daughter in 1995. “Sarah invited me out for three weeks to help her make the film. I never left.” To produce Mary Jane, mother and daughter scraped together 50 grand, in part by sending postcards to complete strangers asking for money. Sadly, this gut-level indie spirit may actually have harmed the film’s distribution prospects at its Sundance premiere. “I’ve never felt like I hit such a brick wall in my life,” says Sarah. ” ‘It had low production values; it would need special handling; too bad it wasn’t a lesbian film; girls don’t go to movies without their boyfriends.’ There was no respect for cult movies. Everybody wanted Brothers McMullen.” Undeterred, she took the film to festivals all over the States and Europe, from Helsinki to Amsterdam. “I came back and said, ‘Mom, let’s do distribution.’ ” Within weeks, the Jacobsons had turned their company, Station Wagon Productions, into a simple yet sophisticated self-distribution enterprise. Ruth compiled a database of indie-friendly theaters and Sarah called journalists using phone lists coaxed from theater owners. They skipped expenses distributors usually consider necessary, like advertising and trailers. Frequent e-mail updates (“Tell all your friends in Akron!”) resulted in offers of help from dozens of local volunteers who put up posters or handed out flyers and the Mary Jane zines now prized by collectors. Most important, those helpers paid admission. “Nobody realized how organized we were,” Ruth says. “Four hundred people would show up. That’s all we needed.” Now, nearly two years to the day of its Sundance snub, as Mary Jane rolls into New York (it plays at Cinema Village for a week starting next Friday), the film has grossed almost exactly what it cost. Sarah is clear-cut about her future plans. “I’ve got a new script, about a girl band called Sleaze. I want to make films about girls and women and have people see them. And I want institutional support, like the men get. The time exists for girls and women to have their own films and become their own audience.”
Euro Angels Hardball 17 DVD Description: "A savant is an ordinary person with extreme ability in one area of expertise. In Hardball 17, Christoph brings us eight lovely ladies who are geniuses when it comes to buttfucking. What a wonderful skill to excel at! Don't believe me, see for yourself." Posted By Virginia Beaver, 9/28/06 9:15 AM
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As a collaborative team of veteran business professionals, talented artists and visionary authors, Know Wonder Creations has developed specific projects through which to deliver progressive ideas and ageless wisdom via the medium of high-quality entertainment. Through the skillful utilization of artistry, talent and commercial savvy, each of Know Wonder’s projects is uniquely designed for success in multiple markets, representing diverse cultures and age groups, both domestic and overseas. KWC VISIONARIES ANGELA RUSSELL: Founder, Creative Director & Author/Writer As Founder and Creative Director of Know Wonder Creations, Angela Russell has devoted her life to the creation and development of visionary media and motion picture projects designed to entertain, educate and inspire. As a writer, filmmaker and artist, she has developed an independent body of work, which reflects her lifelong passion for the accelerated evolution of humanity into its greater potential. Angela was born in Hollywood, California, into a family with roots in the entertainment industry. Her mother Autumn, an actress under contract at Paramount Studios, worked on many mainstream television commercials and was cast in films. Her father, Carl Russell, began his career at the age of three as a child actor and dancer. Under contract at MGM, he performed in many of the MGM musicals along with notables such as Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney, then went on to sing with Mel Torme and work in radio on the Bob Hope Show. Jock O’Mahoney (who became Angela’s step-father at the age eleven), was a legendary stuntman and actor. ‘Jocko’ starred in 2 successful television series (‘Range Rider’ & ‘Yancy Derringer’), as well as dozens of western movies. In 1962, he was cast as the 13th Tarzan in feature films, ‘TARZAN GOES TO INDIA’ & ‘TARZAN’S THREE CHALLENGES’. Angela then grew up, primarily, in the Hawaiian Islands, where her family relocated when she was twelve years old. After discovering her passion for the arts & sciences, she began developing skills in writing, art, music and filmmaking. At age 18, Angela taught guitar, Polynesian dance and Yoga. After attending the University of Hawaii, she moved to Los Angeles in 1979, where she became Assitant Manager of Maidenspace, one of L..A.’s finest Commercial Stage/Film & Television Production facilities. From 1985 to 1986, while developing her own film and television projects, Angela worked in sales administration for Andreozzi-Toback, a national commercial production company. She then moved into Talent Management and Public Relations as a liaison between artists and promoters for a series of personal appearance tours & rock concerts in Rome, Finland and Egypt. From 2000 to 2002, Angela worked as an Assistant Producer for Digital Kitchen, one of the nation’s top, design-driven production companies. It was there that she became compelled to continue the writing and development of her projects. In 2002, after receiving initial funding from a prominent architect in Hawaii, Angela returned to the Big Island with her sons, Kainoa and Dylan, where they began start-up venture KnowWonder Entertainment, LLC. In 2006, she was invited to speak about KnowWonder’s vision at The Institute Of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in Petaluma, California. (See Transcript) Applauded by Edgar Mitchel (Astronaut & IONS Founder) and IONS core members, Angela was invited back to be interviewed by Matthew Gilbert (Editor in Chief of IONS prestigious SHIFT MAGAZINE), for the resulting 2006 article “Movies On A Mission”. (Download Article) Angela then had the privilege of attending a private dinner for His Holiness the Dalai Lama in San Francisco, where she was honored to receive the his blessing and encouragement for continuing the work of Know Wonder’s visionary mission. In 2008, Know Wonder published their award-winning debut project, The Land Of Smaerd, a beautifully illustrated children’s book. Angela went on to write and host The Know Wonder radio show on the World Puja Network, broadcasting worldwide to 139 countries. Today, Know Wonder Creations’ home facility ‘Hale O’Pueo, overlooks an expansive view of the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Sound. As a tribute to the immense talent of today’s Cultural Creatives…in recognition of the remarkable, insightful and powerfully transformative works of art and music that are currently being produced…and as an advocate for change, Angela has dedicated her-self to the creation of Know Wonder’s exciting projects! TED M. MATHER: Founding Member / Entertainment Business Consultant Theodore Mather served as President and a Director of V Entertainment, Ltd. from July 2002 through 2005 developing production and licensing methodology for the high resolution netcasts of live concert events direct to HD theaters, nationwide via dedicated fiber distribution. Mr. Mather has also served as President and a Director of On-line Entertainment Network, Inc. (OEN). In this capacity, he produced the first pay-per-view/listen netcast on the Internet, live from Douglas Corner in Nashville, TN, on October 27th, 1997. He also served as Executive Vice President and a Director of Global Net Systems, Ltd. (a public company), from April 1996 to July 2002. From 1986 to 1993 he served as the President of Platinum Productions, Ltd. In addition to his corporate duties listed above, he served as Writer Director Producer for OEN and Platinum, while overseeing the operation of Platinum’s music publishing efforts. Mr. Mather has written and directed three feature films since 1987, and directed numerous major national award winning television documentaries and music events, such as Farm Aid II for MTV’s VH-1, and “Bring On The Summer” for Syndicast. As a feature film director, he has directed artists such as Adrian Paul (who now appears as the “Highlander”), Garret Morris. (of “Saturday Night Live”), Carlos Gomez, (now appearing in “Shark” with James Woods), Amy Dolenz, Patricia Berry, and segments of feature films starring Orson Welles. Mr. Mather was selected by Orson Welles to direct and produce Mr. Welles’ segments of “Magic of the Stars,” for NBC starring Orson Welles and Lynn Redgrave. Over the next four years, until Mr. Welles’ death, Mr. Mather produced and directed Mr. Welles in, “Great Movies with Orson Welles,” and other film and television projects. Mr. Welles also recorded the opening for the film “Childbirth Naturally,” distributed by Universal Pictures, which was produced by Mr. Mather and included performances by Peter Strauss, Lorenzo Lamas, Kenny Rogers, Jane Seymour, Cindy Williams and others. In his documentary/television work, Mr. Mather has written, produced and directed award-winning performances by artists such as Christopher Reeve and he has produced and directed numerous award winning medical dramas. On the soundtracks of many of these feature films and television productions, Mr. Mather also worked as a music writer or co-writer and soundtrack record producer, or co-producer. He produced such artists as Randy Meisner, (the Eagles), Daryl Phinnessee, the artist and performer of the music theme from the hit show “Fraser,” and Mike Love, of the Beachboys, amongst others. Mr. Mather also co-produced the last live album the Beachboys ever released with the original founding group. The album, now a major collector’s item, contained performances by The Beachboys, The Oak Ridge Boys, America, The Bellamy Brothers, The Four Tops, Julio Iglesias, Ringo Starr and a solo performance by Mike Love on a song, “Happy Birthday America,” that was co-written and co-produced by Mr. Mather. Some of the artists who have appeared in major music specials and live soundtrack albums produced or directed by Mr. Mather include Jimmy Page, Christopher Cross, The Four Tops, Kris Kristofferson, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, The Fifth Dimension and Alabama. Mr. Mather has directed and produced more than 40 music videos and served as producer on many more. He produced and directed the widely distributed television special “Bring On The Summer” with the Beachboys and directed segments included in the home video release of “The Beachboys, An American Band.” From 1973 to 1980, Mr. Mather was signed as an exclusive music writer and recording artist for Acuff Rose Publishing and Hickory Records (now part of Opryland Music) in Nashville. As a songwriter, he has written over 250 songs, many of which are included in numerous film soundtracks and recordings worldwide. Mr. Mather, along with his co-writers and co-music producers, was awarded a double gold album for the soundtrack of the his feature film “Dance Academy” and a gold videos for his producing and directing of Shirley Ceasar’s television special titled “Hold My Mule” and “Touch The Sky,” starring Christopher Reeve. He was also nominated for a Dove Award for his production and Direction of “Hold My Mule.” In 1971, Mr. Mather received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Hartford. NEVADA BROWN: Executive Producer Melva ‘Nevada’ Brown is a humanitarian and entrepreneur who has spent most of her life investing in visionaries whose dreams have the potential of affecting global change. Nevada first experienced the exhilarating feeling of seeing a dream come to life when she started her first business, a dance studio which years later turned into a performing arts school. At 18, she became a stock holder and a member of the Board for the family business, which her father started in the early 70’s. In college, Nevada studies were in Healthcare and business; and she continued to pursue her love for the performing arts as well as volunteer with The American Red Cross. After earning a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree of Science, Nevada’s career path was to be a pioneer as a licensed Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, trained to manage and operate family practice clinics under the protocols of a physician. She developed and operated clinics, often in rural areas that were underserved, first in Kansas City, Missouri, then Birmingham, Alabama…and later, in Naples, Florida. Nevada was responsible for the clinic’s budget, staffing and operations. In addition to her full time job, she volunteered as a Nurse at The Red Cross Chapter and at age 21, was designated the Director of Nursing for the ARC Chapter in Kansas City, MO. In 1978, she was selected by the National Red Cross to receive extensive training in managing and directing the nursing services of a National Red Cross Disaster and became part of the Red Cross (immediate-response) Team to National Disasters. Put in charge of millions of reimbursement dollars for victim’s medical supplies, Nevada managed hundreds of health care volunteer workers for weeks at a time (floods, hurricanes, tornados, fires, ice storms, and nuclear plant shut-down’s). In 1980, Nevada moved to Birmingham to teach Nursing at The University of Alabama and took the position as Director of Nursing for their ARC Chapter, stepping down from the Kansas City Chapter. In her 30’s, Nevada’s interest in investing in new business development peaked, so she created a volunteer mentoring position with a large accounting firm in the midwest to review start-up business concepts for possible venture capital fund raising. It was during that time that she learned about projections, financial statements, Private Placement Memorandums, and Venture Capital. Some of her early investments were directly related to the opening of a metaphysical gift and bookstore, a mail order steak company, an individual’s business consulting company, an author who published several books, and multiple bridge loans, mostly for real estate transactions. In 2000, Real Estate caught Nevada’s eye and she left the healthcare field and attained her Realtor’s license. She built up her own portfolio by buying and selling residential properties in Naples, FL, Victoria, British Columbia and Las Vegas. In 2008, Nevada’s desire to help facilitate a paradigm shift in television & motion picture content began “with my fortunate meeting of Angela Russell”, soon after which she became one of the initial investors in Know Wonder Entertainment. Today, her investment in Know Wonder Creations stems from her passion and commitment to assist Angela in creating media that will change the consciousness of the world. MARK V. JORDAN: Legal Counsel Mark Jordan is an attorney with Bracepoint Law, P.S. He formerly chaired a major Seattle law firm’s intellectual property practice group and is an expert on commercial and corporate law, entertainment, intellectual property, and international business transactions. Mark also maintains expertise in formation options for startups and established businesses (including limited liability companies), angel and venture capital investment, and organizational governance. In his career, Mark has tried, arbitrated, and mediated numerous commercial cases (both plaintiffs and defendants) and practices primarily before the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. Mark. Mark earned his J.D. degree from Gonzaga University School of Law and LL.M. (International and Comparative Law) degree from Notre Dame Law School. He served as advisory board president of Catholic Community Services – Legal Action Center, Pacific Northwest Blues in the Schools, and provides pro bono services to several other non-profit groups. In his spare time, Mark is active in the Boy Scouts of America, has been awarded his Eagle Scout rank, and serves with the National Ski Patrol. DYLAN CLISSOLD: Media Management / Tech Support In a true spirit of entrepreneurship, Dylan Clissold has been an indispensable member of the Know Wonder organization since 2007. Having participated in building the company from its inception, Dylan’s technical expertise and talent in photography, graphic design, music and editing, along with his underlying commitment to excellence, has played a major role in developing all of Know Wonder’s film and book projects. In addition to his involvement with Know Wonder Creations, Dylan is a collector of exotic gems and crystals from all over the world. He became sole proprietor of a jewelry business in 2010, designing and creating unusual, wearable works of art. Although jewelry-making began as an accidental romance, Dylan’s one-of-a-kind designs now adorn the wardrobes of people around the world. Utilizing his remarkable talents and artistic sensibilities, Dylan continues his jewelry-gemstone career, as well as his work with Know Wonder Creations. His passion, business acumen and devotion to the creative exploration of human consciousness continue to prove an invaluable asset to the realization of Know Wonder Creation’s success. DR. EDWARD FRODEL, PhD: Executive Producer / Educator, Humanist, Holistic Healer As a young graduate from the University of Washington with a degree in Political Science and Education, Ed spent three years traveling the world, discovering how much humanity is alike, while observing an inability for our species to accept our cultural differences. Ed taught school in Germany, Iran, Guam and Washington State. Ed received his MA and PhD from the University of Colorado, Boulder, focusing on revolutionary elites as agents of change in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. He taught Russian History, Middle East history and World Civilization at the University of Colorado-Denver, and at Pacific Lutheran University-Tacoma. After moving to Poulsbo, Washington, Ed taught in the local high school where he became involved with restructuring public education. His experiences traveling to various conferences across the country, collecting learning models and researching educational theory, convinced him that expression in art opened pathways to the intuitive and to the creative self. Through Ed’s experience as an educator, he observed that when well-established ‘closed-loop’ educational systems merely reinforce already learned social values or are limited to the regurgitation of information, creativity and intuitive awareness can become greatly stifled, resulting in cultural stasis. Determined to launch a learning model in which the arts and academics received equal value, Ed collaborated with Reverend Dr. Gordon Parke. Together, they founded West Sound Academy, an International Baccalaureate college preparatory secondary school that promotes experiential learning in which the student accepts ownership for his/her educational outcome. Having followed avenues that offer progressive knowledge and deeper understanding of life itself, Ed has dedicated his life to serving humanity and nature. As a Reiki Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, he is an advocate of alternative healing practices. He states, “After my first exposure to the contemporary music and compelling narratives set to the visionary art of Know Wonder’s ALCHEMISTAS project, I was compelled to read and investigate all of Angela Russell’s work. Infused with an awakening current of numinous energy, as well as influential voices and perspectives that are shaping today’s collective consciousness, each one of Know Wonder’s projects becomes a recipe for cultural change. How exciting to be part of media designed to promote a healthier planet and a more evolved humanity through collaborative endeavors that include some of the most progressive minds in the world! Having been an educator for nearly 40 years, I recognize in Know Wonder’s work an interdisciplinary hybrid model of multi-cultural art forms that have the potential to benefit humanity now and for generations to come.” HALEY ESPINOSA: Art Director As an aspiring young writer and humanitarian, Haley’s desire to be a part of global change drew her attention to the inherent power of ‘conscious’ mass-media projects and their capacity to impact the world. In 2012, she was discovered by Know Wonder Creations, and it was mutual love at first sight! Haley was invited to join Know Wonder’s team as an Art Director. Thrilled to participate in a mission to “activate, revitalize and mobilize greater human potential”, Haley became successful in bringing visionary artists and musicians on-board to participate in Know Wonder’s ALCHEMISTAS project. Demonstrating pro-active ability in project management (as a liaison between creatives and producers), her passion began to shine. Through her devoted attention to detail, Haley’s own creative sensibilities were unleashed, and became an indelible signature on every facet of the creative process, as well as each final project. She then discovered her passion for the phenomenal world of holistic healing an ‘in-house’ Massage Therapist at Know Wonder Creation’s facility, as well as working as a Certified Zen Bodytherapy Practitioner and Structural Integration Therapist in Bainbridge Island, WA.
Darlings! We’ve been so caught up in Grammys red carpetry, not to mention the Black Panther crowd pretty much redefining red carpetry, that we let a whole bunch of Mrs. Cathy’s public appearance looks go by without mention! We will rectify this oversight immediately. If we had to go all Big Story on this one, it’s about color and pattern and fun in a way that’s refreshing to see. It’s also about how Mrs. Cathy is acing the shit out of this pregnancy. Or at least, acing the shit out of faking she’s acing it. Thus does T Lo answer the question of whether or not they’d say “shit” in front of a Duchess. OF COURSE we would, kittens. Cathy in Burberry in Stockholm Who can turn the world on with her smile? Our first reaction to these shots was to reference Mary Tyler Moore’s iconic hat toss, not just because of the similarities in style, but because she looks so damn happy and relaxed, which always seems to be the case whenever she has an opportunity to step out in casual wear. Cathy in Catherine Walker at the Nobel Museum This is your Duchess Cathy Swedish Adventure Fashion Doll. It’s pretty much quintessential Cold-Weather Cathy. No complaints here. The green looks great on her and girlfriend can rock a fur hat as well as she can knee-high boots. Cathy in Catherine Walker at the Swedish Design Expo Sweetie, you couldn’t put on a brooch? We hear you have access to one or two nice ones. It really is a sharp look. We think the low-key styling was entirely by design, but this dress, nice as it is, sure could use something. Maybe if she’d worn her hair back it would give the look enough of a zhuzh that it wouldn’t need anything more. Great color, though. Cathy always did have a good idea of what colors work for her, although you wouldn’t know it by the next one: Cathy in Erdem at a British Embassy Dinner We were recently asked to give our thoughts for a magazine article about what Cathy should wear to Harry and Meghan’s wedding. We settled on an Erdem floral, figuring it would allow her to stand out in pictures without looking like she’s competing with anyone in the bridal party. This look has us reconsidering that advice. We so hate to rag on Cathy wearing a floral since we think it’s something she should do more of, along with other prints and patterns. And the sister-wife prairie dress is probably one of the trendiest things we’ve seen her wear in a long time. But this type of dress works best on a movie star or pop singer, who can choose demureness as a unique statement and a change of pace. For someone whose entire public demeanor is based around the idea of being demure and restrained in an old-fashioned and ladylike manner, it only tends to amplify those qualities. Put it this way: the hairstyle and the pearls were a bad choice. This dress only works with some modern spin on it, not by going all 1902 cosplay. Also: yellow’s not her color. Sorry, Cathy! Cheer up, we love the next one! Cathy in Catherine Walker at the Karolina Institute LOVE. Since we were so critical of the last one, we’ll leave the following up to you: The oxblood accessories (which are pretty fab): Do they work with the red houndstooth? Discuss amongst yourselves. Style Credits: First Look: Burberry Coat | Eugenia Kim Hat | Sorel ‘Torino’ Boots Second Look: Catherine Walker Coat | Mulberry Bag Third Look: Catherine Walker Dress | Mulberry Bag Fourth Look: Erdem Dress Fifth Look: Catherine Walker Coat | Chanel Bag [Photo Credit: INSTARImages]
Father Dennis Dease, president of St. Thomas, invites university employees and their guests to join him in a celebration of the Christmas season on Friday, Dec. 9. The annual President’s Christmas Celebration will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Student Dining Room, second floor, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. The traditional St. Thomas holiday menu will be served in a mix-and-mingle atmosphere. Those planning to attend are asked to return their reply cards via interoffice mail, or contact Michele Goodson, (651) 962-6428, by this Friday, Dec. 2.
Charles Oliver charlesoliver@daltoncitizen.com — The Dalton-Whitfield Joint Development Authority will not immediately look for a replacement for Executive Director Elyse Cochran-Davis, who said Thursday she will resign at the end of May, said Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce President Brian Anderson. “Right now, there will not be a search. We are going to do what we can in house,” he said. “We know that even if we did look for a new director, there would be three or four months where that work would fall on the existing staff anyway. If in six weeks time or eight weeks time, we see we don’t have enough hands on deck we can go the other route.” Cochran-Davis will join the Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) as director of community and economic development. Atlanta-based ECG is a trade organization that provides strategic and technical services to cities that operate public power utilities, including Dalton. Anderson said the JDA doesn’t face the same situation today that it did in 2009 when it hired Cochran-Davis, an experienced economic development official. “Elyse has done a phenomenal job of building a foundation here, of educating our team of elected officials and internal staff,” he said. “We were new to the game then. We’ve now got some experience. We’ve shown we can handle projects. We’ve got a business park. We’ve got other land under option. We think with all those different components we don’t have to do exactly what we did in 2009.” At the time Cochran-Davis was hired, she was the only employee of the JDA. It now has two full-time project managers as well. “And Dalton Utilities has a dedicated person for economic development now, too,” Anderson said. Anderson said he would take on some of Cochran-Davis’ responsibilities. “I’ve always been connected to the economic development work, and the project managers will step up and take on more responsibilities,” he said. He said one reason JDA board members decided not to fill the executive director’s post is they didn’t see many people out there with the skills and experience they were looking for. “There’s not a lot of candidates that I am aware of or that Elyse is aware of that would add the value we want. We’ve got a good team,” he said. Whitfield County Board of Commissioners Chairman Mike Babb said he is comfortable with the JDA’s decision. “I’ve talked to board members and understand their reasoning,” he said. “Losing Elyse’s experience and skills is difficult. But under her they have built a strong organization, and I think they can continue to take us forward.”
I've marveled so often at how being anonymous can cause rudeness; it's like a license to stop thinking and start being aggressive or passive aggressive. The most apparent instance of this is in traffic. People in their cars suddenly lose all sense that the other cars actually have people in them too, and they will swerve and cut off and tailgate and pass willy-nilly, flipping the bird as they do, stopping and starting according to their own agendas, never caring about the fall out. The internet has also given people a green light for rudeness. Comments become hostile, bullying on social networking sites can lead to suicide in younger folk, faking your image is as common on dating websites as women lying about their age used to be. venom by commenting randomly on websites? Or do you get behind the wheel and just put your foot on the gas and go? Can you maintain your composure and your respect for other people even when you're anonymous? The "phony phone call" game of middle and high school is the beginning of this rush, this thrill of saying something jarring or nasty or rude without being caught or confronted or having any consequences. But the middle schooler who thinks they are going to be found out will run away faster than a woodland bunny! The next time you feel yourself slipping into road rage or writing a nasty comment on the internet, or flipping someone off in traffic--ask yourself, if you were standing right in front of them, face to face, would you behave the same way? Most of us would not. And for those of us that would, can you consider the cost of spreading another layer of hostility on an already difficult world? Is it worth it? Aimee Boyle is a regular contributor to EmpowHER and really sick of rude anonymous folk.
and the theology behind marriage. Peter’s advice (according to my personal paraphrase of 1 Peter 3:7) was simply, “Guys, just try to keep up.” My wife and I speak different love languages. Even after thirty-eight years of marriage things sometimes get lost in translation. However, early on it was like she spoke Chinese, I spoke French, and we had no interpreter. This was at no time more evident than on her twenty-eighth birthday. For weeks leading up to her birthday, Danni had been dropping hints about how much she liked the birthday cakes from this one particular bakery in town. First rule in keeping up, guys: Learn to get the hints! Sidebar, ladies: Guys don’t get hints! One reason I missed the hints was because over the same amount of time I had been racking my brain as to how to make Danni’s birthday special. I finally zeroed in on a plan and got to work. I cut heart shapes out of construction paper and made a little coupon book out of them. The idea was that throughout the year she could redeem each heart shaped coupon and I would do for her whatever I had written on the coupon: Back rub, clean the kitchen, fold the clothes, dinner and movie, etc. I also knew that Danni loved double fudge brownies. So, I made her a double fudge brownie sheet cake. Brilliant! Danni was very quiet the day after her birthday. I figured it was because she was having a hard time with being a year older. Second rule in keeping up, guys: Don’t figure you know what the problem is. Ask! Sidebar, ladies: Don’t expect your guy to figure out what the problem is. Tell him! Finally, Danni exploded. “I can’t believe you are so cheap that you wouldn’t even buy me a birthday cake from Brahms’! It was the only thing I really wanted. They’re not all that expensive. You could’ve at least gotten me a REAL birthday cake!” The ensuing argument still stands as the loudest and longest in the history of our marriage. But speaking louder doesn’t help someone understand you when they don’t speak your language. The next day I went to my pastor. After explaining the entire ordeal I exclaimed, “Can you believe she reacted like that over a birthday cake?” To which he calmly replied, “Did you ask her why having a birthday cake from Brahms’ Bakery was so important to her?” “Umm, was I supposed to?” Danni had a chaotic home life growing up. Her mother was an alcoholic and prescription pill abuser. Money was always tight. Home was very often unsafe. But, the one safe time each year for her was on her birthday. It was always special because no matter how tight money was, no matter how chaotic things had been, there would be a big, bright, birthday cake from Brahms’ bakery waiting for her when she got home. Now, I was beginning to understand her love language. Third rule of keeping up, guys: You learn your wife’s love language by asking questions and truly listening to her answers. Sidebar, ladies: The same rule applies to you. One of the beauties of marriage is that it gives us an opportunity to become bi-lingual in the language of love. We just have to work at it. We may never fully understand our spouse’s love language. But, we can always learn enough to keep up. © Paul R Downing, Daybreak Devotions
Not long ago, I wrote a post about the end of the Cardinals’ season and how I thought they would fare. So far, I’ve been spot on. We took two of three from both the Brewers and the Mariners. It wasn’t always pretty, but the Cards came through and finished their home stand with a 5-2 record. Now, they’re headed into a road trip against the Rockies and the Brewers again. If my predictions continue to be correct, St. Louis should come back from their seven game showdown having gone 4-3. I’d prefer 5-2, but we’ll see. In the meantime, the Cardinals have to get through Collin McHugh tonight. He’s a rookie making a spot start for Dane De La Rosa, and his results this season have been far from inspiring. He has a 10.50 ERA in 12 innings this season. Tonight will be his third start. Hopefully, the Cards can take advantage of an inexperienced pitcher and kick off this road trip with a bang! On the mound for St. Louis is Lance Lynn. As we all know, he’s been struggling lately, but turned it around in his last start and managed to throw six shutout innings against the Brewers. It would be good to see his success continue, both for his own sake and for the club’s sake. It would be nice to have another reliable pitcher down the stretch. Well, here we go in Denver! Let’s hope the Cardinals kick this one off the right way! Let’s go St. Louis!!! Leave your comments below. Topics: St Louis Cardinals
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We are trusted advisers to both UK-based and international clients, delivering advantage and value across portfolios, strategic assets and transformational projects in both the private and public sectors. ‘Cradle-to-cradle’ planning services The team advises on all aspects of the development-planning lifecycle: from project inception through to local delivery. These ‘cradle-to-cradle’ services include: - pre-acquisition planning due diligence - the pursuit of development / redevelopment / enhancement options through the planning process - ongoing construction advice, ensuring all conditions are discharged and changes approved - client-led asset enhancement and protection programmes via local plan representations - planning due diligence for asset disposals. Our services cover the full range of planning applications, appeals and legal challenges, representations on emerging plans, evidence-based research and insight to support proposals, and project managing sub consultants. Our focus on insight Drawing on our unrivalled market-facing expertise and leveraging local contacts, we have a relentless focus on insight. This has given us a deep understanding of both the private and public sectors, which, in turn, enables us to foster the right relationships to drive the best commercial outcomes for our clients. Get it touch If you would like to find out more about our specific expertise or discover how you can maximise value through our planning services, we would be delighted to hear from you.
- Tokyo, Japan NHK Trophy continued in Tokyo, Japan, Saturday with the Short Dance, Pairs, Men's and Ladies Free Skating. NHK Trophy is the fourth of six events in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2013/2014 series. Meryl Davis/Charlie White win Short Dance Meryl Davis/Charlie White (USA) won the Short Dance. Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte of Italy and Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani (USA) follow in second and third. Davis/White turned in a confident dance to Foxtrot, Quickstep and Foxtrot from My Fair Lady, completing fast steps and a rotational lift. They picked up a level four for the second part of the Finnstsep and their rotational lift while the side by side step sequence, the twizzles and the first Finnstep sequence garnered a level three./Lanotte's dance to 42nd Street and Broadway Lullaby featured excellent twizzles (level four) and a level-four first Finnstep sequence as well as shared. Performing to songs by Michael Buble, Shibutani/Shibutani completed level-four twizzles and a level-three Finnstep to earn a seasons best with 63.09 points. Going into this week our goal was to show improvement from Skate America. The performance felt really good and our Finnstep levels got better, Maia Shibutani told the post-event press conference. Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS) sit in fourth with 61.35 points. Piper Gilles/Paul Poirer (CAN) came fifth at 55.20 points. Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov (RUS) claim NHK Trophy Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov of Russia claimed NHK Trophy. China's Cheng Peng/Hao Zhang moved up one spot to take the silver medal while their teammates Wenjing Sui/Cong Han settled for the bronze. Volosozhar/Trankov put out a strong performance to Jesus Christ Superstar, landing side by side triple jumps, a triple twist, throw triple loop and Salchow. Five elements merited a level four., added Trankov. Peng/Zhang produced a quadruple twist, a big throw triple Salchow and difficult lifts in their program to Yellow River Concerto, but struggled with their solo jumps. The couple collected 117.09 points and pulled up to second at 182.18 points. We are happy with today's result, but not a 100 percent happy with the performance itself, Zhang said. Sui/Han's program to Kalinka included a quadruple twist, a throw triple Salchow and two level-four lifts, but they made several errors including her falling from a lift. The three-time World Junior Champions received 101.19 points and slipped to third at 171.32 points. It was not a good competition for us. Yesterday I started having a headache and a fever. I ended up getting up at 2 am and couldn't go back to bed until 5 am. I had to be on the 6 am bus. I'm feeling very bad, Han explained. Marissa Castellli/Simon Shnapir (USA) moved up from fifth to fourth plae at 168.89 points. They went for the throw quadruple Salchow, but she stepped out of the landing. World Junior Champions Haven Denney/Brandon Frazier (USA) dropped one spot to fifth (167.85 points). Volosozhar/Trankov are now qualified for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final with the maximum of 30 points. Peng/Zhang and Sui/Han with 24 points each will have to wait and see if they make it to the Final. Daisuke Takahashi (JPN) skates off with gold Daisuke Takahashi of Japan skated off with the gold medal. Teammate Nobunari Oda claimed the silver medal and Jeremy Abbott (USA) surged from seventh to take the bronze. Skating to a Beatles Medley, Takahashi nailed his opening quadruple toeloop as well as a triple Axel and four more triple jumps and two level- four spins, but he stumbled on his second triple Axel and on a triple toe. The reigning ISU Grand Prix Final Champion picked up 172.76 points, a seasons okay, the 27-year-old commented. It was my second Grand Prix and my third competition and I'm thinking that I'm finally prepared going to the Olympic Games. I think I'm right at the starting line, he continued. Oda's performance to Wilhelm Tell by Rossini featured a quadruple toeloop, a triple Axel-triple toeloop as well as six more triple jumps and well centered spins. The Japanese skater earned 170.46 points and pulled up one spot at 253.16 overall. noted. Abbott landed seven triple jumps in his routine to Exogenesis Symphony by Muse and collected a level four for all three spins and the step sequence, but had tripled his planned quad toe. The three-time U.S. Champion scored 158.63 points and jumped on to the podium (USA) finished fourth at 233.71 points. Javier Fernandez (ESP) dropped from second to fifth with 230.45 points. Takahito Mura (JPN) rounds up the top six (227.22 points). Takashi got 24 points from his two events and most likely will go to the Grand Prix Final. Oda has 24 points as well but needs to wait what happens in the last two events. Abbott collected 16 points from his events, which will not be enough to qualify. Mao Asada (JPN) skates to victoryov was highlighted by five triple jumps and a level-four step sequence, but she two-footed and underrotated her triple Axel. Asada earned a seasons best with 136.33 points and totaled 207.59 points to take the title. Ever since the Japan Open I've been doing well, but I am not satisfied yet. Since Skate America I am climing up step by step and I want to be at a higher level at my next event, the two-time World Champion commented. Performing to Frida, Radionova hit seven triples including a triple Lutz-triple toe and noted. Suzuki's program to The Phantom of the Opera included four triples, but she fell on an underrotated Lutz and singled another Lutz. The 2012 World bronze medalist collected 113.29 points for her Free Skating and overall slipped to second place at 179.32 points. There were a lot of mistakes. I was quite anxious before I skated and I wasn't able to recover. I have lots of regrets now, the 28-year-old told the press. Gracie Gold (USA) remained in fourth place at 177.81 points. Satoko Miyahara (JPN) moved up one spot to fifth (170.21 points) while Valentina Marchei (ITA) came sixth (168.95 points). Asada qualified for the Grand Prix Final with two victories and 30 points. Radionova and Suzuki got24 points each and have to see what happens in Paris and Moscow. For full results please click here. NHK Trophy concludes Sunday with the Free Dance and Exhibition Gala.
About The world of speculative fiction has always been the home of the most creative works of literature, as it allows room for the most imaginative of stories. Founder Jonathan Thomas Jones has been writing his entire life and has always been the most comfortable in the realms of science fiction and fantasy. At the age of eight, he was given a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” as a gift. He was instantly enchanted, but it wasn’t until the age of thirteen when he received a copy of “Sea of Swords” by R. A. Salvatore that he knew he would be in world of speculative fiction forever. As the older brother and father figure for five much younger siblings, he has come to understand the true value of early childhood education, which led him to the creation of Dreamhome Press LLC. Now the home to such properties as “Little Bot”, “Nix Maidens”, and “The Walking Window” saga, Dreamhome Press LLC is providing fun ways to learn, from early childhood well into adulthood. We are a family friendly publisher looking to help educate the masses through meaningful entertainment. You’re never too old to learn, so come and visit Imagination’s Home!
Events & News . Are you curious about the world of coffee technology? Would you like to know more about the latest innovations in the espresso grinder market, or how the chemistry of water treatment affects all coffee beverages? Here what we have for you. Discover the courses: Introduction to the Multimeter. Espresso Grinder Technology & Repair In this session, participants will get an in-depth review of common repair procedures and preventive maintenance for up to four different brands of espresso grinders from manufacturer representatives. Practical Application of the Multimeter Working in small groups, participants will use a multi-meter to complete common troubleshooting tasks on coffee equipment in several states of disrepair. The Future of Connected Coffee Technology Commissioned by Gruppo Cimbali to celebrate their 100th Anniversary, the MUMAC is home to more than 200 espresso and coffee machines of many brands. Participants in this session will receive a lecture and guided tour by the museum curator. Water Treatment & Coffee Quality Dive into the chemistry of water treatment and how it effects all coffee beverages in this interactive session. Extraction Technologies & Skills For a coffee technician or engineer, it is important to know how to achieve the proper espresso extraction based on your customer’s needs. In this interactive session, participants will step into the role of the barista and have the opportunity to produce espresso from a selection of more than eight machines. Hydraulics Foundation The course is designed to introduce participants to water’s path through coffee machines. It will give students the fundamental knowledge and skill they need to identify, remove and replace common hydraulic components. Some important notes: - The event is open to the global community. - Early Bird pricing ends April 15, 2019. Event registration & pricing here: - All workshops are offered in English and Italian. Select your preferred language during the registration process. Last but not least, on May 15th don’t miss the exclusive party at the Faema Flagship Store in via Forcella 7 in Milan with a night of music, food and coffee! Don't miss this great opportunity to improve your technical knowledge and enter the global community of Coffee Technician Guild. See you there!
Hero Roster 2.x Need some help formatting your posts? Check out my Markdown Guide Proud to be an Ultimate Founder! Unofficial Marvel Heroes Wiki @ORCZ I am a leaf on the wind *Save your fortune cards for Cow Level. You will notice the difference if you get rarity boost. Edit: Another thing: *Unequip your costumes with visual effect of ''smoke'' not to ruin other players' crafting experience. Sheldon: I can think many things Spider-Man can't and a spider can. 1-Crawling in your ear and die, 2-Travel to Guatemala without a passport, 3-Have coitus with a spider. Feel free to add my tip from My Claim to Forum Fame: Tip: You can access a character's inventory without switching characters.... Xeries, Immortals Final Hero drops (about 125 hours played pre-splinters Era): 3x Storm 3x Ms Marvel 2x Hawkeye 2x Thing 2x Daredevil 2x Scarlet Witch 1x Punisher 1x Thor Current costume drops: 1x thing 1x daredevil 2x storm PLUS 1x wolverine (from fortune card) Good info for new players. With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know. Great post... thank you very much! @MKuzey said: *Unequip your costumes with visual effect of ''smoke'' not to ruin other players' crafting experience. So very much this... Proud bearer of the sympathetic consumer award! F.O.O.M. HQ!!
Chairman Scott Applauds Biden Effort to Save American Lives, Keep Businesses Open WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency workplace safety standard requiring employers with 100 or more employees to ensure all their workers are vaccinated or produce a negative test on a weekly basis. “The Biden Administration’s emergency workplace safety standard is a turning point in the fight against COVID-19. As more than 1,200 Americans continue to die every day from COVID-19, I applaud President Biden and the Department of Labor for taking decisive action to protect our workers, families, and businesses. “For decades, vaccine requirements have been used in all 50 states to eradicate highly contagious diseases, from polio to smallpox. Over the past few months, employers across the country have demonstrated that workplace vaccination policies can successfully lower the number of unvaccinated individuals; these policies are critical to ending the pandemic. “Low-wage, hourly, and frontline workers have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. The Biden Administration’s requirement that employers provide their workers paid time off to get vaccinated is a critical piece of today’s announcement. “More than 18 months since the start of the pandemic, workers across the country are still suffering preventable illnesses and deaths from COVID-19. The Biden Administration is demonstrating the leadership that this moment requires. Workplace vaccination policies will save lives, protect our economic recovery, and help us finally get things back to normal. “I look forward to working with the Administration to ensure this emergency workplace safety standard is implemented effectively and fulfills its promise of protecting workers and their families.” Next Article Previous Article
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Trip Planner: Europe / Russia / Central Russia / Lipetsk Oblast / Zadonsk / Fun & Games /. Unable to display map at this time. Please try again later. Create a full Zadonsk itinerary Lipetsk Oblast by other users Reviews Lyubov M Были там с 4-мя детьми (2, 3, 4 года и 5 лет). Много интересных объектов, но расстояния огромные, дети, да и взрослые через несколько часов пребывания выбились из сил. Притащились в пиратское кафе, но... more »Were there with 4-children (2, 3, 4 year and 5 years). A lot of interesting objects, but the distances are huge, kids, and adults through several hours of stay have taken over from the forces. Stood in the pirate Café, but it already was closed, although the Park has had to work 2:00. And us home a few hours ' drive away, in all rooms types are spacious and raskapriznichalis' had to go to the nearest store for a meal, and then coming back was no longer meaningful. In the city of craftsmen in the souvenir shops on the same favors different prices, while at the entrance we were told that the firm prices and uniform. So beware, do not take immediately, pricenites' elsewhere, the difference is sometimes sensible, us it resulted in more than thousand rub. Now in the winter go, but already with a meal will take. But it is a pity that there is no hotel on site. There are tents, but with a bunch of young kids, Yes on cold or rainy days not pozhivjosh'.View original zzaplatkina Были с семьей раз 5, всегда новые конструкции, герои. Хочется возвращаться вновь и вновь. Детская площадка для детей от 1 до 20 )) всем там интересно. Животные разных мастей, всех можно кормить, на не... more »Were with the family times 5 new designs always heroes. Want to return again and again. Playground for children from 1 to 20)) all there is interesting. Animals of different kinds, all can feed on some skate. For the money-but small. Just a great place to relax, have a snack, take a dip in a font. Only one toilet found throughout-but clean.View original Kirill555 Интересное место для отдыха с детьми. Рекомендую посетить летом в день, наполненный каким-нибудь местным мероприятием. Сразу увидите всё, что может быть в этом месте. А так - постоянно работает в тёпл... more »An interesting place for rest with children. Recommend to visit in the summer in a day filled with any local event. Immediately see everything that could be in this place. As well as constantly running in the warm season the circus tent. Have access to farm animals and domestic birds. Hosted by horse-drawn wagon with horses. On the weekends going to several sellers of souvenirs in the fortress. During the festivals-show much bigger. For children organized by a large playground in the sand, especially in summer, when coverage turns into a kind of beach. Always something to build, improve, priukrašivaût. Very roomy. The time it takes quite a lot to get past scattered on the territory of the thematic areas. In the heat of the recommend font on Don's Bank with a constant temperature of +4. Very invigorates and refreshes. Parking is free, admission is free. For a day at the Park, you can nagulât′sâ a lot!View original Best things to do in Zadonsk Nearby Zadonskiy Nativity Virgin Monastery Visit for: 1h 30m Reserve Galichya Gora Visit for: 2h 30m Sport Complex Forest Park Visit for: 2h 30m Popular Kudikina Gora (Safari Park) Visit for: 2h Voronezh Oceanarium Visit for: 2h 30m Palace of Oldenburg Visit for: 1h 30m Hidden Gems River Krasivaya Mecha Visit for: 3h Literary-Memorial Museum I.A. Bunin Visit for: 1h 30m House Museum of Yelets Lace Visit for: 1h 30m Museums Zhukov House Museum Visit for: 1h 30m Zadonsk Local Lore Museum Visit for: 1h 30m Yelets Town Museum of Local Lore Visit for: 1h 30m Sightseeing Monument to Carriage Visit for: 30m Tutukov Statue Visit for: 30m Church of Mother of God Icon of the Sign Visit for: 30m Are you the owner of this business?Click here for promotion tips.
Over the last two decades, Minnesota has experienced a dramatic change in our energy use and energy policies? Twenty-five years ago, the energy landscape of Minnesota and the United States looked much different than it does today. Despite tangible examples of the results of our nation’s fossil fuel addiction, such as the oil crises of 1973 and 1979, the country seemed to be stalled — or even moving backwards — on the path to a new energy economy. As a significant sign of the times, Ronald Reagan famously removed President Carter’s solar panels from the White House. And while the first commercial-scale wind farms were built about 25 years ago, the technology was written off as unreliable and expensive. Massive investments in coal plants to meet electricity needs were the norm, and utilities were far more concerned about finding customers for a glut of coal-fired power than developing energy efficiency measures or renewable energy. Our country was at an energy crossroads. With rising oil, natural gas and electrical prices, it was clear that the American economy was going to feel the energy squeeze if real leadership wasn’t shown. Minnesota’s brutal winters meant that our state would be among those that bore the brunt of these increasing costs. Over the next 25 years, Minnesota gradually turned its attention to new energy and conservation. Landmark change came in 2007 when the legislature and Governor Pawlenty agreed on sweeping clean energy, energy efficiency and global warming policies. Approved overwhelmingly by a bipartisan Minnesota legislature, this legislation guarantees that 25% of our state’s electricity will be generated from renewable energy by 2020. At the same time, all electric and gas utilities will invest in energy-efficiency measures to achieve a 1.5% annual energy savings. The new laws in 2007 also established global warming pollution reduction goals for 2015 and 2025, culminating with an 80% reduction in 2050. This legislation also instituted a statewide moratorium on new coal-fired electricity for Minnesota consumers, preventing new construction of coal-fired power plants to serve Minnesota or new coal power contracts from existing plants. Today, Minnesota is among the nation’s leaders in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and as a state we have many victories to celebrate. Minnesota has over 1,800 megawatts of installed wind power — currently generating nearly 10% of our electricity. We also import wind energy from North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa, each of which receives 10-20% of its state’s electricity generation from wind. Additionally, as the energy landscape rapidly changed, investors in 2009 withdrew support from a $1.6 billion coal-fired power plant after protracted delays and organized opposition, and the Upper Midwest’s largest solar farm was recently built near St. Cloud at St. John’s University. As Minnesota aggressively pursues our statewide energy efficiency and clean energy goals, the cleantech industries have become the one bright spot in a troubling economic landscape. Clean energy developers, installers, component manufactures and agricultural landowners with renewable generation on their land are all growing Minnesota’s economy and creating sustainable, local jobs. Two Minnesota construction companies — Blattner and Mortenson — are top players in a multibillion-dollar wind farm industry, a competitive edge they gained building wind farms in Minnesota in the 1990s. Minnesota has also seen many advances in how we use energy in transportation and transit. Just this year, the legislature and governor agreed on a new policy called Minnesota Complete Streets. Under this law, when the Minnesota Department of Transportation builds or rebuilds roads, it must make them safe and accessible for all users, including those traveling on foot, bike, bus or wheelchair. Minnesotans can expect more focus on providing sidewalks, crosswalks, safe wheelchair ramps, bike lanes and paths, safe bus stops and other road designs that improve safety and use less energy. While Minnesota has many successes to celebrate, there is still much to be accomplished. Today, as 25 years ago, our country is at another crossroads on energy. Sixty percent of Minnesota’s electricity still comes from coal-fired power plants that deposit mercury and global warming pollution into Minnesota’s water and air. Worldwide, and right here in Minnesota, we are already starting to see and feel the effects of climate change. Our addiction to oil has only grown, despite record gas prices, and we are now forced to drill the most inaccessible oil in some of the world’s most fragile areas. The Midwest is growing its dependence on the oil from Alberta’s tar sands, some of the most polluting oil left on earth. During the summer of 2010, with shocking signs of weather havoc all around the world and with oil spewing from a broken deepwater drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, our U.S. Senate was unable to take action on energy — even choosing to skip the debate. Without a clearly defined and stable path set forth by federal legislation, clean energy development on the state level is put in jeopardy. Without federal action, states and industries cannot have the clarity that clean energy is the foundation of our nation’s future economic health. With such uncertainty and additional barriers imposed by fossil fuel interests, Minnesota cannot reach its full clean energy and efficiency potential. If we are to meet our clean energy and carbon reduction goals, Minnesota needs to continue to lead on smart energy policy and build on our previous success. Making continued progress toward our already-established state goals, pursuing increased and better forms of transit and transportation, developing advanced biofuels and support for electric cars, leading on Midwest-wide and federal carbon reduction legislation and supporting a federal Renewable Energy Standard and Energy Efficiency Standard are just some of the ways that Minnesota can continue to lead the region and nation. The level of energy innovation and energy policy progress that has been made in the past 25 years is monumental. But now we need to build on and accelerate our past progress to ensure that in the next 25 years we’ll be nearing the finish line and realizing a modern energy system, powered by renewables and efficiency. Coal: A Human History, by Barbara Freese, Penguin, 2004. The Green Collar Economy, by Van Jones, HarperOne, 2009. Fresh Energy St. Paul, MN 651-225-0878 fresh-energy.org
St Pete Nov 2016 - June 12, 2016 This Saturday! 9th Annual Bert Smith Chillounge Night St Petersburg November 19, 2016 | Straub Park | 6:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. Experience the 80’s and 90’s in a special Chillounge Night way under the stars. Benefiting Creative Clay. Highlights of the Evening. MORE TO COME! Hotel Package… Tradewinds Island Resorts Special Weekend Offer – Chill 2-Night Package Title Sponsor Charity Fireworks
Recent Posts Archives Tag Archives: Year of Mercy A Life Wound By Mercy: A Sacred Lecture with Rev. Gray, S.J. A Reflection on Fr. Howard Gray’s Sacred Lecture, “A Life Wound By Mercy” November 16, 2017 As a Lutheran, I’ve had the unusual job of representing Catholic positions related to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue for the past 17 years. My … Posted in Programs Tagged Catholic, Mission and Ministry, Year of Mercy Leave a comment Justice and Mercy in Jesuit Aid: a Pairing of Panels As a part of Jesuit Heritage Week, we held two panels, one on Jesuits and Justice in D.C., and one on Jesuit Service in Latin America. I was particularly struck by this piece of advice from Sr. Diane Roche, one … Posted in Programs Tagged Catholic, Jesuit Heritage Week, Year of Mercy Leave a comment Connecting Power Back to Mercy What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging when the question is narrowed down: what … Posted in Reflections Tagged Catholic, Interfaith, Jesuit Heritage Week, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, Year of Mercy Leave a comment Forgive Yourself My understanding of the concept of mercy is rooted in forgiveness. This year, as Pope Francis calls on us to reflect and act upon merciful values, I believe it is important to begin by forgiving ourselves. We are all flawed, … Posted in Reflections Tagged Year of Mercy Leave a comment
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment today announced the October 2009 release of their animated classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on Blu-ray Disc in October 2009. The Release will be Disney’s third Platinum Edition Blu-ray release and will follow the March 2009 release of the Pinocchio Platinum Edition. The company also announced a slate of titles to be released day-and-date with the DVD for the upcoming year, including High School Musical 3: Senior Year (February 17); Swing Vote (Touchstone Pictures) on January 13; Miracle At St. Anna (Touchstone Pictures) on February 10; Beverly Hills Chihuahua (Walt Disney Pictures) on March 3; Morning Light (Walt Disney Pictures) in summer of 2009; and an all new direct-to-video Space Buddies (Walt Disney Pictures) on February 3. Additionally, WDSHE announced 30 more top titles to be released on Blu-ray in 2009: Pretty Woman (Touchstone Pictures) on February 10; High School Musical Remix Edition (Walt Disney Pictures) on February 17; the Disney/Pixar CG-animated favorites Monsters Inc. (Disney/Pixar) and A Bugs Life (Disney/Pixar); Microcosmos (Miramax); Rounders 10th Anniversary Edition (Miramax); Sin City (Miramax); Miracle (Walt Disney Pictures); Sling Blade (Miramax);The Greatest Game Ever Played (Walt Disney Pictures); Pulp Fiction Special Edition (Miramax);Good Will Hunting Special Edition (Miramax) and many more to follow in 2009. Fans of LOST will also be pleased that WDSHE will finally be releasing Lost: The Complete First and Second Seasons (ABC) on Blu-ray in 2009. 14 of the titles will be packaged with a DisneyFile digital copy for playback on Mac/PC, laptop, or iTunes/Windows Media portable devices. You must log in to post a comment.
How many hyl in 1 ons? The answer is 0.010197162129779. We assume you are converting between hyl and ons [Dutch]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: hyl or ons The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 kilogram is equal to 0.10197162129779 hyl, or 10 ons. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between hyl and ons [Dutch]. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! 1 hyl to ons = 98.0665 ons 2 hyl to ons = 196.133 ons 3 hyl to ons = 294.1995 ons 4 hyl to ons = 392.266 ons 5 hyl to ons = 490.3325 ons 6 hyl to ons = 588.399 ons 7 hyl to ons = 686.4655 ons 8 hyl to ons = 784.532 ons 9 hyl to ons = 882.5985 ons 10 hyl to ons = 980.665 ons You can do the reverse unit conversion from ons to hyl, or enter any two units below: hyl to pond hyl to tahil hyl to obolos hyl to fother hyl to packen hyl to femtogram hyl to candy hyl to kati hyl to mercantile pound hyl!
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While 13% of Americans say they "regularly" or "occasionally" use or smoke marijuana, the rate is significantly higher among the 18 to 29 age group and is higher in the West than in other regions of the country. These data are from a July 1-11 Gallup poll, which also found that 9% of Americans regularly or occasionally vape and 20% regularly or occasionally smoke cigarettes...
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April Fools day came and went along with over 2000 dentists from the NHS service which equates to 10% , leaving over a million people without an NHS dentist. This came as no surprise as many dentists found the new contracts to be unfair and unworkable. Of those that did sign the contract, 60% did so 'in dispute', allowing them to withdraw from the contract if their dispute was not resolved. Only the Government spin machine believes that NHS dentistry is in 'Good Shape', even after losing 10% of their workforce in a service that was over stretched already. The Government's mismanagement of the NHS has and will affect us all. Soon, the only people left to treat patients will be the growing numbers of highly paid managers who forget to realise that treating patients is not a numbers game, and people can not be classified along simplistic lines. 2000 Dentists Leave The NHS Over Unfair Contracts
My children are very attached to him, but I feel we have no alternative. My Ex cannot take him either. My children are very involved in very many activities, and we just don’t have the time to spend with him anymore. He is a great dog and has a wonderful personality, and I feel would be very suited to a retired person, or couple that can give him a lot of attention as he craves this. He is neutered and in good health, and current on all shots, etc.. I wish I had another alternative, but I am afraid we are desperate. I have asked everyone I know if they would like to have him, and have contacted the owners of his mother, but to no avail. Please contact me if you can help, or know someone who can. ******************* I read this email and shook my head. 11 years a part of your family.... that is just so sad. 6 comments: Sorry, NO apartment that accepts dogs? bad excuse...... This post just breaks my heart. I pray Jack can live out his senior years with a family that will love him for life. He deserves it.. I follow this blog, and wanted to scream in anger. Then I cried, thinking about poor little Jack. I pray he can find a home that will keep him for life, and love him. When are people going to realize a pet is for life? poor little dog - and that is BS that they have "no alternative" - and just what are they teaching their children? I picked up a 9yr old Border Collie for the Rescue I volunteer for. She is an angel, such a good girl, loves everyone, house trained, well behaved, etc. Same story moving and can't take my dog. I adopted her myself and she is a perfect fit, she will always be loved and never abandoned again. Thank you for all that you do. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. -Gandhi- I don't believe it - lots of apartments accept dogs under 25lbs, just not big dogs . . .
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Access to the Library The William M. Rains Library serves as a resource to the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Loyola Law School and Loyola Marymount University, as well as to members of the legal education community, the bench and the bar. The Library also provides an academic environment conducive to the efficient and comfortable study of law. In order to provide an optimum environment for research and study, and to provide for the personal security of its users and collection, Library users must present appropriate identification at the Law School entrance, at the Library Circulation desk or when requested by a staff member. *Eligible guests must also register at the Circulation Desk (with a bar card or school ID). Please note that members of the general public should contact the LA Law Library for legal resources and services. LA Law Library 301 W. 1st Street Los Angeles, CA, 90012 213-785-2529 The Law School administration, Library administration and security services of Loyola Law School may request that anyone who is disruptive to the academic environment, threatening the safety of others, or exhibiting a disregard for LLS property, leave the Library or campus. Updated 10/17/2014 William M. Rains Library CONTACT INFORMATION 919 Albany St Los Angeles, CA 90015
MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute Offers Patients World’s Smallest Pacemaker Miniature Heart Device Provides Patients with the Most Advanced Pacing Technology Available March 13, 2017 BALTIMORE, Md – [March 13, 2017] The MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute at MedStar Union Memorial Hospital is now offering the Micra trans-catheter pacing system (TPS), the world’s smallest and most advanced pacemaker available, to patients with bradycardia and other single chamber cardiac rhythm disorders. Drs. Glenn Meininger and David Schamp first used the wireless device last week when they implanted the vitamin-sized pacemaker directly into a patient’s heart. Weighing the same as a penny, TPS is one tenth of the size of standard pacemakers. Dr. Meininger, medical director of the electrophysiological program for the Baltimore region, implanted the device by inserting a wire catheter through a small incision in the groin and threading the TPS through the femoral artery, into the right ventricle of the patient’s heart. The fully miniaturized pacemaker is self-contained with a battery, and attaches to the heart with small tines. By comparison, a standard pacemaker is surgically implanted under the collar bone, or sewn into a pocket flap of skin. It attaches to the heart with electrode wires that run through the chest’s venous system to the device. “This little device is quite sophisticated in its design,” said Dr. Meininger. “Because it’s implanted minimally invasively, there’s significantly less risk of complications or infection. It’s cosmetically invisible- no surgical scar, and the patient can be active almost immediately after its implanted. This is truly an exciting advancement in cardiac rhythm pacing therapy, and I am happy to be able to offer the option to our patients.” Like a standard pacemaker, TPS sends electrical impulses to the heart to help restore a normal heart rhythm to patients suffering bradycardia, a slow heart rhythm. Bradycardia impedes the heart’s ability to pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the body during normal activity, causing dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath or fainting spells The Micra TPS has a 12-year battery and is designed to be retrievable. For more information on the Micra pacemaker at MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute, go to. 410-274-1260 Category : Cardiology , Innovation , Back to Top
Dear Parents, 1.Here is some information for Friday night's State Semifinal Boys' Basketball game. The Crusaders play Crosby-Ironton at 8pm at Target Center.:- Tickets are on sale from 7:30am to 3:30pm on Thursday and 7:30am to noon on Friday in the Cathedral Activities Office. They are $14 for adults and $9 for students and are good for both games that evening. You are encouraged to buy the in advance. - There will be student fan buses. Permission slip are available in the Activities Office or here: Slip- The Pep Band will be playing. Pep Band members do NOT need to purchase a ticket and will get their permission slips from Ms. Chopp.- For those of you out of town, or can't make it - the game can be seen on Channel 45 or Prep45.com, or heard on AM-1240, WJON or on Friday evening. 2. The NHS is hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday March 29 from 8-2. Donors are are especially needed in the afternoon. Please email Darcy Frank-Henrichs to schedule your appointment! Thank you!.4. Cathedral is offering juniors an ACT prep course next week, March 28 and 29. Junior parents received a letter about this two day study session. If you have not registered your student, have them stop by the Main Office for a registration slip.
At some point this week, the final scenes of As The World Turns will be filmed. The studio will close, and that final episode will play out on our screens in just three months. It is the most clichéd cliché in all of clichédom, but it’s impossible to take that information in without realizing that it is truly the end of an era. The end of over a half century of this show. The end of P&G’s lengthy run as creator (and sponsor) of daytime programs. The end to Irna Phillips’ legacy – an impressive legacy indeed, as it’s lasted for nearly 40 years after her death. I haven’t written much about the current events on the show lately. Some I like, some I don’t, but it all seems so much beside the point. This is very different than last year, of course, when nearly every post I made was about the last hurrah – and last days – of Guiding Light. I think that seemed so much more intense because it was (despite years of rumors of cancellation) a stunning blow – CBS indeed would actually cancel their long running soaps, after all. And I think all of us understood then that ATWT‘s clock was set to 5 minutes to midnight as soon as the news about GL came down. The only real surprise about ATWT‘s cancellation was that it was announced so early before its end. I hold out dim hope that ATWT will end as well as GL did. (Yes, GL‘s final episode may have been somewhat of a mess, but the last few weeks of GL went as well as I could have possibly expected.) It’s hard to get excited about where ATWT is story-wise, but what I can get very enthusiastic about is remembering the cast, the writers and the stories we’ve all loved. That’s what you’ll be seeing over the next weeks and months here.
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. FROM THIS EPISODE In New York City this morning, three detectives were found not guilty on all charges in the shooting death of an unarmed man who was killed just hours before his wedding. The verdict was delivered to a packed courtroom in Queens. Tony Destefano, legal affairs and criminal justice reporter for Newsday, was in the courtroom. Guests: Tony Destefano, Criminal Justice Reporter, Newsday Americans have been getting a taste of the global food crisis at the check-out counter in recent days, as chain stores including Costco and Sam's club have put a limit on the sale of specialty rice. The United Nations has called the current crisis a "perfect storm" of rising demand from developing countries, the impact of climate change, and policy responses by governments. What policy changes does the west need to make to end the crisis? How has the use of farm land for ethanol production affected global food supplies? How are Wall Street investors helping to keep commodities prices high? What are the long-term solutions for feeding the hungry? Guests: Viji Sundaram, Healthcare Editor, New American Media Tom Buis, President, National Farmers Union Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Professor of Food, Nutrition and Public Policy, Cornell University James McGovern, Congressman (D-MA) Nancy Roman, Director of Public Policy, United Nations World Food Program Ethics, Hunger and Globalization Per Pinstrup-Andersen J. Guests: Charles Henry, Professor of African American Affairs, University of California-Berkeley Charles Henry CREDITS Host: Sara Terry Producers: Frances Anderton Karen Radziner Gary Scott…
Philips Ventures is the, early-stage innovation arm of Philips, collaborating with and investing in start-us and founders who are making an impact in healthcare around the world. Philips Ventures has been in operation since 2016. In this time, our group of experienced innovation and investment professionals have made more than 10 direct digital health investments through our venture capital fund vehicle. We’ve executed over 20 business sponsored investments and collaborations between start-ups and Philips businesses resulting in new solutions across our product portfolio. The team is based across the world in the hubs of Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Cambridge Massachusetts, Bangalore and Shanghai, and acts as the champion for start-ups within Philips.
Reviewed By Don B (FORT WORTH, TX) Reviewed for a 2017 Nissan Titan —9/5/2017 8:48 PM They look great on my 17 titan.. just what I was looking for. Only problem I had was some of the parts was labeled wrong so it slowed me up alil. Got them on in about 2hr. They look great..
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Giovanni Trappatoni included in Nigeria wish list Trappatoni included in Nigeria wish list Posted: 2010-02-09 21:13 Republic of Ireland coach Giovanni Trappatoni has been included in Nigeria's shortlist of coaches to replace the demoted Shuaibu Amodu. The Executive Committee of the Nigeria Football Federation met on Tuesday afternoon in Abuja, and approved the inclusion of Trappatoni, who is said to have a clause in his contract allowing him to take up another offer before March 3. Trappatoni joins a wish list which is headlined by Dutchman Guus Hiddink, and also includes Bruno Metsu, Ratomir Djukovic, Peter Taylor and Hassan Shehata. The list of shortlisted coaches is due to be trimmed to three next week. The Exco also directed its technical committee, chaired by Taiwo Ogunjobi, to reach a decision by 'the end of February'.
The GSA generally has three types of events: Meetings, Socials, and the Georgia Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference. Meeting are held once per month during the Fall and Spring Terms--generally on the fourth Monday of each month. The individual meetings are relatively short lasting from half an hour to a full hour from 6:30-8:00pm. Anyone is welcome to attend. For more information on GSA meeting's please go to the Meetings page of this site. The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia.
How. 1 comment: I don't think it gets any better than that. Will you give us a run down of how the skis performed?
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As questions roiled in May about why warning signs of an impending terrorist attack went unheeded, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice stated with reassuring clarity that no one could have foreseen the type of attack we suffered on Sept. 11,,'' Rice said. Yet, just last week, before a meeting of House and Senate intelligence committees, evidence was presented that the nation's intelligence agencies received numerous previously undisclosed warnings of possible terrorist attacks before Sept. 11, 2001, and at least a dozen of the warnings involved the use of airplanes as weapons. The testimony is part of a joint congressional inquiry examining intelligence failures leading up to the attacks. The hearings have uncovered a history of poor communication and cooperation between the FBI and CIA as well as a host of missed opportunities to intercept those planning and carrying out the Sept. 11 attacks. On Friday, the committees were told of an FBI agent's request to track one of the future hijackers which was rejected by the bureau less than two weeks before the attacks. According to the Associated Press, the New York-based agent had asked FBI headquarters to allow his office to use its ''full criminal investigative resources'' to find Khalid al-Mihdhar, one of two hijackers who intelligence agents identified as attending an al-Qaida meeting in Malaysia in January 2000. In an e-mail reply, FBI officials denied the request because al-Mihdhar was not under criminal investigation and cited the ''wall'' between intelligence and law enforcement. The agent responded by writing, ''Someday someone will die -- and wall or not -- the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain 'problems'.'' Though the joint congressional inquiry is supposed to be completed by February, many of the members are doubtful that it will be finished before this Congress ends. The concern about whether it can devote the necessary time and energy to this issue has prompted many committee members to call for an independent commission to investigate the attacks. According to the AP, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Thursday they hope to make an independent commission a part of legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security. The House has already voted to approve a commission as part of its intelligence authorization bill. These latest hearings have uncovered more entries in what is becoming a disturbingly long list of instances where field-level officers were prevented by superiors from following up on potential leads related to the terrorists. Granted, it is far easier to look back with our post-9/11 perspective and judge where resources and attention would have been best allocated. At the time, we didn't have the benefit of knowing just how big a threat al-Qaida posed. But, as this inquiry delves deeper into the mistakes that were made and the opportunities missed, an obvious pattern is emerging that America's intelligence agencies weren't just unlucky, but also unorganized and unprepared. It may be painful, frustrating and embarrassing, but this process of self-examination is the only way we can ever be confident that all the intelligence problems were uncovered and are being fixed. If the congressional inquiry can't get the job done, then we must create an independent commission. Published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Monday, September 23, 2002.
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Mega Pack // 5 BrushSets in One In this pack these are 5 x Original BrushSet Created by the Artist and founder of Brushestock, Haris Jonson. - Rose line work - Whip shading - Unlimited Lettering - Graffiti BrushSet Pack - Wings Brushses 5 - Wings Tattoo V.1 This pack is specially designed for Tattoo Artists. includes: - 10 x Realistic Wings Stamps - 5 x Clouds Background - +_5<<
James Arthur Williams Pre War Prior to the war he was working locally as a tallyman in a timber yard. War Service James entered Blackboy Hill camp on 16 Apr 1917, and on 8 May 1917 he was allocated to the 21st reinforcement draft for the 28th Battalion. he trained with them and sailed from Albany for England with them. On arrival he was sent to the 7th Training Battalion in Rollestone to prepare for service on the Western front. From 13 Oct 1917 until 3 Nov 1917 James was in the Fovant Military Hospital with mumps. Discharged he rejoined the 7th Training Battalion, but on 8 Nov 1917 he was transferred to the 6th Training Battalion at Fovant to catchup on the training missed while he was in hospital. On 12 Feb 1918 he proceeded overseas to Le Havre, France via Southampton to reinforce the 16th Battalion, and on 18 Feb 1918 he was taken on strength by them at Spoil Bank in Belgium, just before they moved back into the lines again. On 27 Oct 1918, after they had been withdrawn from the protracted fighting in the Somme valley, James was sent to the Corps gas School, rejoining the battalion on 2 Nov 1918. While in the absence of a specific mention in a soldier's records you cannot be sure that he participated in a battle as 25 - 30% of the unit was held back as a nucleus to build around after taking casualties, the 16th Battalion participated in the following battle after James joined them: Arras, 1918 ; Ancre, 1918 ; Hamel ; Amiens ; Albert ; 1918 Hindenburg Line ; and Epéhy Detached to the 5th Division's reinforcement Wing on 5 Dec 1918 until 3 Jan 1919, and then detached to the Central School on 30 Jan 1919, James embarked for the UK to begin the return home on 13 May 1919. On 14 Jul 1919 James married 21 year old Flora Fraser Glendinning Stirling of 2 Crichton street, Edinburgh. James was discharged by the 5th Military District on 3 Dec 1919. Post War Electoral Roll entries: 1925 - 1934 Wheatley street, Gosnells, tallyman; 1943 - 1958 Albany road, Gosnells, tallyman. Flora died on 18 Jun 1966 in Gosnells. Notes
2,. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION PAIGE J. GOSSETT, Magistrate Judge. The plaintiff, Larry Percell Maybin, a self-represented pretrial detainee, [1] filed this civil rights action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This matter is before the court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(b) and Local Civil Rule 73.02(B)(2) (D.S.C.). Plaintiff files this action in forma pauperis under 28 U.S.C. § 1915. Having reviewed the Complaint in accordance with applicable law, the court concludes that the case should be summarily dismissed without prejudice and without issuance and service of process as to the following defendants: (1) Spartanburg County Detention Center; and (2) Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department[2] I. Factual and Procedural Background Plaintiff alleges an excessive use of force during his arrest by Defendants James and Smith on July 4, 2013. (ECF No. 1-4 at 3.) Plaintiff further alleges the use of excessive force by Defendants Morrison, McBryer, Greene, Martin, and Long after being transported to the Spartanburg County Detention Center on that same date. (Id.) Plaintiff seeks monetary damages for the defendants' actions. (Id. at 5.) II. Discussion A. Standard of Review Under established local procedure in this judicial district, a careful review has been made of the pro se Complaint pursuant to the procedural provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 1915, 28 U.S.C. § 1915A, and the Prison Litigation Reform Act ("PLRA"), Pub. L. No. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321 (1996). This review has been conducted) ( en banc ); Todd v. Baskerville, 712 F.2d 70 (4th Cir. 1983). The Complaint). A finding of frivolousness can be made where the complaint "lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact." Denton, 504 U.S. at 31. Hence, under § 1915(e)(2)(B), a claim based on a meritless legal theory may be dismissed sua sponte. Neitzke, 490 U.S. 319; Allison v. Kyle, 66 F.3d 71 (5th Cir. 1995). This court is required to liberally construe pro se complaints. Erickson v. Pardus, 551 U.S. 89, 94 (2007). Such pro se complaints are held to a less stringent standard than those drafted by attorneys, id.;. Hughes v. Rowe, 449 U.S. 5, 9 (1980); Cruz v. Beto, 405 U.S. 319 (1972). When a federal court is evaluating a pro se complaint, the plaintiff's allegations are assumed to be true. Erickson, 551 U.S. at 93 (citing Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 555-56 (2007)). Nonetheless,77-78 (2009) (outlining pleading requirements under Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for "all civil actions"). The mandated liberal construction afforded to pro se pleadings means that if the court can reasonably read the pleadings to state a valid claim on which the plaintiff could prevail, it should do so; however, a district court may not rewrite a complaint to include claims that were never presented, Barnett v. Hargett, 174 F.3d 1128 (10th Cir. 1999), construct the plaintiff's legal arguments for him, Small v. Endicott, 998 F.2d 411 (7th Cir. 1993), or "conjure up questions never squarely presented" to the court, Beaudett v. City of Hampton, 775 F.2d 1274, 1278 (4th Cir. 1985). B. Analysis legal: (1) that a right secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States was violated, and (2) that the alleged violation was committed by a person acting under the color of state law. West v. Atkins, 487 U.S. 42, 48 (1988). As indicated above, it is well settled that only "persons" may act under color of state law; therefore, a defendant in a § 1983 action must qualify as a "person." See 42 U.S.C. § 1983; Monell v. Dep't of Soc. Servs., 436 U.S. 658, 690 n.55 (1978). However, courts have held that inanimate objects such as buildings, facilities, and grounds are not "persons" and do not act under color of state law. See Nelson v. Lexington Cnty. Det. Ctr., C/A"); see also Brooks v. Pembroke City Jail, 722 F.Supp. 1294, 1301 (E.D. N.C. 1989) ("Claims under § 1983 are directed at persons' and the jail is not a person amenable to suit."). As the Spartanburg County Detention Center is a building which houses detainees and other inmates awaiting state court proceedings, it does not constitute a "person" amenable to suit under § 1983. Therefore, this defendant it is entitled to summary dismissal from this case. Further, in South Carolina, a sheriff's department is an agency of the State, not a department under the control of the county, Gulledge v. Smart, 691 F.Supp. 947, 954-55 (D.S.C. 1988) (discussing the sheriff as agent and alter ego of State), aff'd, 878 F.2d 379 (4th Cir. 1989); Carroll v. Greenville Cnty. Sheriff's Dep't, 871 F.Supp. 844, 846 (D.S.C. 1994) (holding that a suit against the sheriff's office is suit against the State), and it has long been recognized that arms of the State are not "persons" for purposes of § 1983. Will v. Mich. Dep't of State Police, 491 U.S. 58, 70-71 (1989). Moreover, the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department is protected from suit under § 1983 by the Eleventh Amendment, which bars suits by citizens against non-consenting states brought either in state or federal court. See Alden v. Maine, 527 U.S. 706, 712-13 (1999); Seminole Tribe of Florida.[3] Accordingly, the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department is also entitled to summary dismissal from this action. III. Conclusion For the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that Defendants Spartanburg County Detention Center and Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department be dismissed from this case without prejudice and without issuance and
Ananya Agarwal (actress) Ananya Agarwal is a tautogram (all words start with the same letter). View more tautograms! On this page: Person Who is Ananya Agarwal? Ananya Agarwal is an Indian television child actress. She is well known for playing the role of Bulbul in Kya Huaa Tera Vaada. - born in India - nationality: India - profession: Actor - TV series: played Rano Pradeep Singh in "Kya Huaa Tera Vaada" Online dictionaries and encyclopedias with entries for Ananya Agarwal (actress) Click on a label to prioritize search results according to that topic:
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A Winter Wish (Winter Dreams II) - Single Rob Mullins Open iTunes to preview, buy, and download music. Customer Reviews A Winter Wish (Winter Dreams II) Lovely. Very happy to add Rob's new single to my other great Rob Mullins singles and albums. A Winter Wish (Winter Dreams II) Joy! Joy! Joy! A fresh blanket of snow and the whisper of renewal...the brilliance of dawn's first light.. Joy! Joy! Joy! The promise of hope for today...and for tomorrow. Rob's holiday melody encourages us to embrace each new day! Biography Born: 1958 Genre: Jazz Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s Top Albums and Songs By Rob Mullins
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Commitment of my painting. I can see it all here and yet reflected in it all is nothing at all. A paradox inside of a contained space. Much like relationships there is really no answer because the solution lies inside of the journey……. Namaste 🙂 Reblogged this on Amazing Fine Art and commented: Excellent! Reblogged this on B.E.S.T. Arts Gallery.
. 4. Batman is going to have a big 2012, and not just in theaters. 5. It is not possible to ride in a peddie cab without feeling like a sucker. Also, it is not possible to ride in a peddie cab without actually being a sucker. Note: I've had to re-learn this lesson every night for the past 6 Comic-cons. 6. The Syfy-themed restaurant at the Hard Rock continues to be a great place for amazing late-night con encounters. Last year I got my gang got into a Bender-impression shouting match with John Dimaggio (we lost - it turns out his Bender impression is pretty good), and last night Shoot 'Em Up and Eight Days a Week director Michael Davis regaled us with a story about how he once directed George Lucas, Clint Eastwood, and his idol Steven Spielberg (whom he looks very much alike) in a birthday video tribute to a Hollywood icon. Which was all well and good until his editors accidentally forgot to include Kate Capshaw - Spielberg's wife - in the cut that was sent to Spielberg for approval. I can't remember what happened next, but given that Spielberg and Capshaw are still married, I assume the story had a happy ending. 7. Greg Mottola's Paul - starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and hitting theaters next March - is going to be better than you can possibly imagine. Don't forget, for breaking headlines and quick bits of Comic-Con goodness, follow @cinematical on Twitter as well as our Con-goers @erikdavis,@elisabethRappe, @mtgilchrist, @davidehrlich and @jenyamato. categories Comic-Con, Cinematical
A DANGEROUS thief who held a knife to the throat of a three-year-old girl created a wave of terror last night when he carjacked and robbed two more females. Wearing the same black balaclava and armed with the same knife he used to monster a young mum and her toddler 24 hours earlier, the man robbed a woman in Melton before carjacking another woman in Burnside. Police warned the attacker was "extremely desperate" and had become more dangerous. The thief struck within two hours last night -- robbing a 23-year-old woman at a Melton ATM before carjacking a 28-year-old woman in Burnside and dumping her 10km away. "He's quite possibly drug or alcohol-affected," Det-Sgt Mark Guthrie said. He said the man should not be approached under any circumstances. The second terrifying robbery happened at 5pm when the 23-year-old woman went to make a withdrawal from an ATM on Bakery Square and was told to hand over cash. Witnesses said the thief fled in the 1994 aqua-coloured Ford Falcon sedan he stole in the carjacking at a Melton shopping centre a day earlier. A short time later the man struck again, climbing into the front passenger seat of a woman's car outside a Burnside supermarket and menacing her with a knife. He demanded the woman drive 10km before stopping at a service station on the corner of Little Boundary and Boundary roads in Brooklyn. The distressed woman was ordered to go inside and get cash -- but she told staff what was happening. Service station attendant Daryl Price hid her inside the servo's secure area and immediately called police. The impatient bandit drove up to the door of the servo, but quick-thinking Mr Price enlisted the help of three bikies, members of the Rebels Motorcycle Club, who were in the forecourt. They surrounded the bandit's car as he was about to get out. On seeing the menacing bikies, the bandit sped off. Another attendant comforted the victim until her husband and police arrived. Mr Price said the woman was stressed and distraught. "It was nasty. I wouldn't wish it on anybody," he said. Det-Sgt Guthrie urged the man to give up before something more drastic happened. "That's what I'm trying to stress to him, to hand himself in," he said last night. He said there was a strong possibility the man was from the Melton area. It was also likely someone knew him and had information that could lead to his arrest. The fugitive is described as Caucasian, aged about 50 and unshaven. Anyone with information about him, a Ford Falcon (rego NAO 200), or a Honda Jazz (rego UIA 820), should dial 000 or phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Originally published as Knife terror spree on 3 female victims
Reviews PACIFIC RIM: UPRISING. There are a number of substantial roadblocks to success in the path of this sequel. "What might they be?" asked no one. Well: The premise of the first movie (big monsters from another dimension fighting big robots from this one), wasn't exactly groundbreaking, a point I'm sure any student of mecha-anime and manga could/would elucidate far more cogently (and at greater length) than I. Though the plot of Pacific Rim wasn't really the thing. It was made remarkable mainly by the writing (with Travis Beacham) and direction of Guillermo del Toro, who everybody has lately figured out is something of a visionary and maybe a genius. Not only did he elevate Pacific Rim's potentially tired genre nonsense with style and craft, he gave it an air of darkness and foreboding, offset by a sense of true emotional investment: the stakes of the conflict felt significant and there was enough substance to the characters that we cared about them in the midst of all the spectacle. Chapter two finds Sr. del Toro conspicuously absent (well, he gets a producer credit but so do 13 other people) and that creates a set of quietly compounding secondary problems. Where Beacham and del Toro cozily shared the writer's credit, there are now five (!) names on the line, as if a frenzied search was mounted to fill the creative vacuum. This results in a movie loaded with far too much plot (already something of a sticking point) straining against a diaphanous premise that has been reintroduced but not reinforced. Gone too, is Idris Elba who, like del Toro, shone light where there might only have been darkness with his portrayal of Stacker Pentecost. (Even if one doesn't like the movie, one must admit that his "cancellin' the apocalypse" speech makes for rousing viewing/guilty pleasure/borderline erotica, a fact not lost on the basketball team of sequel writers.) In his stead, John Boyega — no slouch himself but charismatic in a funnier-leaning, less-Idris Elba way — playing Pentecost's rebellious, frustrated son Jake, butting heads with/fighting beside Nate Lambert, as played by Scott Eastwood, who has his own paternal shadow to shoulder and charmingly grimace his way out of. Oh right, the plot of the thing: Years after the cessation of hostilities, the people of Earth are in a rebuilding period. The peace-time economy throbs with reconstruction, creating in its wake a nice little niche black market for resourceful bons vivants like the younger Pentecost and hacker adversary Amara Namani (Cailee Spaeny). At least until the two of them run afoul of the powers that be and find themselves conscripted (or re-enlisted, in Jake's case) into the army, where they learn to drive gigantic rock 'em sock 'ems (Jaegers). Which would all just be fun and games, except for the emergence of a renegade Jaeger and the return of the extra-dimensional sea monsters (kaiju). There's a lot of business about drones and alternative fuel rockets and mind control — downtown Tokyo is as messy and in need of re-working as the storyline by the end. While I find Uprising to be largely defined by what it is not, which in its way is exactly what it is, I should say that it does also offer entertainment and in no small measure. Co-writer/director Steven S. DeKnight arrives at his credits here by way of Buffy the Vamprie Slayer and Angel, so he's to be forgiven some of his excesses, couched as they are in comedy and the B-horror/action tradition. I enjoyed Pacific Rim: Uprising from front to back. There's no reason for me to think about it anymore and I likely won't tomorrow, but it was fun while it was on. PG13. 111m. BROADWAY, FORTUNA, MILL CREEK. UNSANE. To butcher the words of the great wit, reports of Steven Soderbergh's retirement were an exaggeration. He ostensibly hung up the viewfinder in 2013, having given us, in quick succession, Haywire, Magic Mike and Side Effects, each a distinct masterwork and example of the liberating possibilities available within genre cinema, at least to the patient and proficient. He went off to do some weird, innovative TV work and then unretired with Logan Lucky, a rousing Southern caper picture the apparent effortlessness of which could only be achieved through years of arduous practice. And now Unsane, the littlest, probably weirdest movie he's made in 20 years. Sawyer Valenti (Claire Foy) would be the first to admit she's had her share of bad days; that's why she scheduled an appointment with a counselor at a treatment facility. When that initial consultation gets her committed against her will, though, one starts to question whether Sawyer's good days were happening in the real world. She's quickly caught up in a claustrophobic nightmare of psychoactive pharma, cries for help, insurance scams, terrible violence and the machinations of a sinister presence from her past. Maybe it could all be in her head. Prior to this, I'd only seen Foy in Season of the Witch and Vampire Academy, two movies in a dead heat for the title of least likable and most forgettable, so I wasn't expecting much. But she gives a tremendous performance here, alternately drum-tight and unhinged, and often very funny. Which is also a way to sum up the movie in which she stars. It's inventively shot (supposedly all on iPhone) and edited, as per the Soderbergh usual, and does fresh, entertaining and (at least for the unprepared among the audience with which I saw it) occasionally shocking things with the formulae from which it is drawn. R. 97m. BROADWAY, MILL CREEK. —John J. Bennett *Updated listings for the Minor and Miniplex theaters were not available at press time. For showtimes, see the Journal's listings at or call: Broadway Cinema 443-3456; Fortuna Theatre 725-2121; Mill Creek Cinema 839-3456; Minor Theatre 822-3456; Richards' Goat Miniplex 630-5000. Previews ACRIMONY. Taraji P. Henson stars as the wife of a cheating husband (Lyriq Bent) in a Tyler Perry movie without his name in the title. R. 120m. BROADWAY. EASTER PARADE (1948). Judy Garland, Fred Astaire and some stunning bonnets in a singing and dancing Pygmalion. PG. 93m. BROADWAY. GOD'S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. This preaching-to-the-choir sequel once again pits churchgoers against villainous university types and resurrects TV stars of yore like John Corbett. PG. 106m. BROADWAY. READY PLAYER ONE. Steven Spielberg's sci-fi/dystopian adventure in which a virtual reality game/treasure hunt gets real. Starring Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke. PG13. 140m. BROADWAY, FORTUNA, MILL CREEK. Continuing THE ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS. More than a dozen animated shorts from around the world. 92m. MINIPLEX., MILL CREEK.. PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST. Bible biopic starring Jim Caviezel and James Faulkner as the rehabbed persecutor known as "the cute one." PG13. 108m. BROADWAY.. TOMB RAIDER. Amazing an origin story/prequel to a middling action franchise based on a video game can still disappoint, but the interesting cast phones it in and much is lifted from Indiana Jones movies. Starring Alicia Vikander, Daniel Wu and Walton Goggins. PG13. 118m. BROADWAY, FORTUNA, MILL CREEK,
This post continues from “Walking on Water: The Reality of Faith (Part 2)”. This series examines the conflict between faith and doubt through the lens of the account of Peter walking on water towards Jesus presented in the fourteenth chapter of the Gospel according to St Matthew. ‘Come’ Faith is not given as a wave of signs and wonders that forces us to abandon our reason and accept things on the same level that a child accepts a fairytale. Certainly, the Bible is filled with incredible miracles, after which one would think the people who were exposed to them would be filled with unshakeable faith; but faith based simply on signs is merely reactive, an emotional high at best. The same Jews who were led out of Egypt by a fiery cloud through a parted sea forgot within a few years about God’s power and providence, and then complained to Moses that their lives in slavery were in fact more comfortable than following the Lord in the desert. Similarly, after every answered prayer and every beautiful moment in religious life, I ask myself why I would ever doubt the Lord again; but in time, the more worldly routines of life take over, and I try to face struggles my way and forget the Lord, who led me out of my personal Egypt. That is why Faith cannot simply be one attitude overridden and replaced by a spectacular sign or insight. It has to sink into our bones through tests, and become ingrained through relationship with the one who gives us Faith. Peter asks Jesus to beckon him to do something impossible, to act out of faith and come towards Him on the water. I imagine Jesus with a slight smile at Peter’s impetuousness, as He tells him, “Come.” But come he does, and as long as he was focused on Christ, Peter did walk on water. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:30-31) When we ask God to prove himself, He responds by asking us to do the impossible. Perhaps it will be to defy physics, as Peter did. More often, God’s test of our faith comes as exhortations to love that go beyond what we feel equipped to do. What I have seen in my own life, and in the lives of genuine believers I know, is that the one true God demands and equips us to make these acts of love. He asks us to give when it seems we have nothing. He asks us to forgive what seems unforgiveable. He asks us to be virtuous and honor His name in a world where so often sin is rewarded and righteousness is a punchline. In short, He asks us, amidst the stormy waters of doubt and fear, to give up whatever fragile security we feel we have in our boats and come to Him, walking on water. And when we fall, He is there to catch us, to set us back on the right path and to show us that He is the truest power and reality in our lives. That is how faith is born and strengthened; through the initial inspiration, sign , or wonder that comes from outside ourselves, and the response we offer to God from the place inside us where He resides. We get out of our boats and whatever safety they afford and trust in Him, and as long as we keep our eyes on Him, we do what we think is impossible. Faith is not simply accepting that certain incredible events happened thousands of years ago, or being comforted that somehow life has a meaning that will be revealed after death. Faith is this passionate relationship with God, put repeatedly to the test in the laboratory of our lives, and made stronger for each doubt it conquers. When we see this, we share in the experience of the characters in this brief passage, and we share in their exhilarating realization of who it is they are following. After they got into boat, the wind died down. Those who were in the boat did him homage, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
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. 2 comments: HI, I noticed that the Putman, Putman, Pootman YDNA is very close to the Hamm family YDNA. There is a story that my Pootman family came from Hamm, Germany, and its name was originally spelled Putman. I'm not sure that is true. I think we descend from Victor Pootman of Aalburg, North Brabant, Netherlands. This Victor may have been connected, however, with the Pootmanns or Poortmanns of the early Dutchy of Cleves, which included Hamm, Germany. There were Pootmanns and Pothmans near Hamm, Germany, at an early date. I think that because the Hamm family YDNA and the Pootman [Putman] family YDNA is so close that we have origins in the Dutchy of Cleves, Germany. Perhaps, during the Reformation the Hamm family removed from the area of Hamm, Germany, and settled in England. Or, perhaps, it originated in the area of Brabant and went to Hamm, Germany, and then to England. The Hamm family may be more connected with the events of the Reformation and with the events of the Norman Conquest. The YDAN results seem to indicated this is true. I hope I will be able to contribute to the understanding of the ancestry of the Hamm family as it seems were are cousins going back about 1,000 years ago. It appears that both the Pootman and Hamm family are descended from what is called I1-M253-AS10 or Anglo-Saxon Type 10, which has origins in Denmark, Lower Rhine, and Netherlands according to the work of Ken Nordveldt. In Sweden, a "hamn" is a port or haven [perhaps a home by a shallow bay]. The name Pootman means Poortmann or a Gateman. Mark R. Putnam Hello Mark, Thank you for the comment. Since you have not researched the HAM surname, perhaps I can help fill in a few of the details for you. First off, the HAM Y-DNA and PUTNAM Y-DNA have a genetic distance of about 12, or could possibly be related some 1,000 to 1,500 years ago. It would appear that we could share the same Viking heritage. Secondly, the city of Hamm, Germany was founded in 1226 AD. Much later than cities that carry the name "Ham" in France, England, and Scotland. For example, the city of Ham in France dates from at least 400 AD. It would appear that the name "Ham" occurred much later in Germany for some reason. Which, of course means it was in use in France, Scotland and England long before the reformation (by some 1,000 years). And, of course, the name Hamm in Germany pre-dates the Reformation as well. For more on the meaning of the word "Ham" I suggest that you read my segment posted to HAM Country at: There is more detail, and sources are cited in our book "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC" if you would care to purchase a copy. Last I checked, the HAM DNA Group #1 fits in Nordvedt's scheme as both "AS" and "UB." That is, Nortvedt had inconsistencies in his categorization of our HAM DNA Group #1. That "UB" category also fits our HAM DNA Group #5, which has a history of origins in Germany. Of course, Nordvedt's analysis is mostly silent about the remaining 7 HAM DNA Groups in our Project. Thanks for the comment! Origins of the HAM(M/E) surname is one of my favorite topics.
Entertainment BODEANS front man. dynamic live shows garnered support slots with U2, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Tom Petty, George Thorogood, The Pretenders, David Bowie, and appearances at Farm Aid, Summerfest, Austin City Limits and many more. In the more than twenty years that followed the release of “Love & Sex & Hope & Dreams,” the band released several albums containing songs played heavily at radio, music industry, remaining true to their sound and style for nearly 30 years. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum has them permanently displayed as part of their Midwest Artists exhibit..
The distance between my two homes is about 210 miles. I’m a New Yorker who lives in Boston. New York is the home my parents made for me. All my peeps are there. The Big Apple’s in my DNA – in the tone and cadence of my voice. Regardless of where I go, my birth certificate and passport identify me as a native of the greatest city in the world. Just like the song says, “I want to wake up in a city that doesn’t sleep…” We talk fast, and we walk fast, like a type-A personality after a couple of cans of Red Bull. Go people watching in Times Square and you’ll see what I mean. My favorite piece of architecture is the Chrysler Building. Favorite hotel, the Algonquin. Favorite drink, the egg cream, of course. Growing up in Queens made me a Mets fan. For life. Because I’m of the belief that when it comes to baseball, you stick with your home team, no matter what. Boston is the home I made for myself. The day I moved to the Bay State I heard the Standells’ song about the Charles River playing on the car radio, “…Well I love that dirty water, oh, Boston you’re my home,” and I was hooked. I fell in love with the swan boats in the Public Garden, the Citgo sign, and Filene’s Basement. Despite my proximity to Fenway Park, I am not, and never will be, a member of Red Sox Nation. I did, however, fall hard for the Bruins. Apparently my home team rule doesn’t apply to hockey. We’re called Beantown, The Hub, and more recently “Title Town.” And the water? Not so dirty. My tale of two cities is a love story. When I’m in New York, it feels like home. Yet when I leave to go back to Boston, I’m on my way home. And visa versa. It may sound confusing, but not to me. Home is where the heart is.
by Wendy LaFever - Saturday, March 31, 2018 1. Aurora borealis The flickering curtains of eerily beautiful colored light that shimmy across the northern skies are called aurora borealis, or the northern lights. It is said that the Algonquin tribe believed the spirits of their ancestors dancing around a ceremonial fire caused the lights. The scientific explanation is almost as interesting: solar wind reacting with molecules in Earth’s upper atmosphere. 2. Sun dog Scientifically known as a parhelion, a sun dog is sunlight refracted from ice crystals high in the atmosphere. They can be bright enough to make it appear that there are two or even three suns in the sky. Sun dogs are most often seen at sunrise and sunset, when the sun is low in the sky. 3. Ridge iceAt this latitude, ocean ice freezes solid into what’s called pack ice. Through motion and pressure, pack ice can build up into fantastic shapes, like this ridge ice formation. 4. Wildflowers With only a short growing season, arctic plant life makes the most of every summer minute with a yearly explosion of tiny wildflowers. 5. CaribouTheir noses aren’t red, and they definitely can’t fly, but caribou raised in captivity have a name you’ll recognize: reindeer. They’re found in the arctic tundra and northern forests of both North America and Europe, with over 950,000 living in Alaska alone. Caribou are herd animals, and they tend to migrate between summer and winter ranges so they can get the most food. Caribou are related to deer, but they’re the only members of the deer family in which both males and females grow antlers. Females’ antlers are small, but males’ antlers are very impressive, with big “shovels” that protrude out over the face. 6. Polar bear Polar bears are the largest predators that live on land: Adult males can weigh as much as 1,500 pounds. They hunt their main prey, the ringed seal, by lying in wait outside the seals’ breathing holes and pouncing when the seal comes up for air. The bears can eat as much as 100 pounds of seal blubber at a time. These animals are so well adapted to the cold that they’re very susceptible to overheating—even in very cold weather. Polar bears are among the only animals on Earth that actively hunt human beings. In the areas where it's still legal for humans to hunt them back, it's important to never eat a polar bear's liver: They have so much Vitamin A in their livers that it's actually toxic to people. 7. WalrusDid you think the polar bear was big? Meet the walrus! Adult males can grow to 4,500 pounds—about as much as a pickup truck. Both males and females have “tusks,” which are actually long canine teeth, but the males’ are larger. The “whiskers” on their cheeks, called “vibrissae,” serve an important purpose: The vibrissae are sensitive, and the walrus uses them to identify food on the ocean floor. Walruses also have air sacs under their throats, which they inflate and use to float when they want to catch a nap in the water. 8. Dall sheepSometimes called a “thinhorn sheep,” Dall sheep can be found in Alaska and northwestern parts of Canada. During the brief Northern summer, plant life is abundant and the sheep eat well, but by wintertime they subsist on frozen grass, moss and lichens. Widely hunted by bears, coyotes and wolves, Dall sheep take refuge in steep, rugged mountain areas where it’s hard for predators to follow. This habit makes them very challenging for human hunters, as well. 9. MuskoxDespite their name, muskoxen aren’t really oxen. They actually have their own genus, called Ovibos. Muskoxen wear a thick, shaggy coat that consists of long guard hairs that can reach almost to the ground, with a very soft, warm undercoat called qiviut. Qiviut yarn fetches a high price due to its insulative qualities—it’s eight times warmer than wool. When a muskox herd is threatened, the adults will form a protective, shoulder-to-shoulder circle around the calves. This strategy works quite well with wolves and bears, which are the muskox’ primary predators. 10. NarwhalThe narwhal is an arctic whale with an extraordinary feature: Male narwhals have a long, spiraling tusk that can grow up to 10 feet long. This tusk is actually a super-long incisor tooth, and although usually only one will turn into a tusk, in rare cases two incisors will become tusks. In medieval Europe, some people thought narwhal tusks were unicorn horns; because they were thought to have magical powers, Viking traders were able to sell them for very high prices. Even now, nobody is sure exactly what the narwhal uses its tusk for, although some scientists think it may serve as a sensory organ. 11. Arctic wolfArctic wolves are actually a subspecies of the gray wolf, but they’re heavier and more compact than gray wolves, with some adult males weighing as much as 175 pounds. Sometimes called “white wolves,” their coloration helps camouflage them in the snowy areas they call home. Found only in the extreme northern regions of Canada and Greenland, arctic wolves have very little contact with humans and their numbers are healthy. Their main prey is caribou and muskoxen, although they’ll hunt smaller animals like arctic hares and lemmings, too. 12. Arctic hareWith very little in the way of natural defenses, arctic hares must rely on camouflage and speed to escape predators like arctic foxes and wolves. They don’t hibernate, so when winter rolls around they lose their gray summer coat and turn white to match the snow. They’re fast runners, with speeds clocking in at 40 miles per hour (mph). Their ears are shorter than those of other hares, because the smaller surface area means they lose less body heat. 13. Arctic ternWith their gray and white plumage, red beak and medium size, arctic terns look pretty much like a lot of other seabirds. Don’t let their ordinary looks fool you, though—these birds live incredible lives. Every year, they fly from their arctic breeding grounds all the way down the globe to the Antarctic…and then all the way back again, for a total of 24,000 miles per year. The average arctic tern lives for about 20 years, so in its lifetime it will fly about 500,000 miles—the equivalent of a trip to the moon and back. 14. Wolverine The wolverine is the largest member of the weasel family. At 24 to 40 pounds, they most resemble small bears. Wolverines are intensely solitary, and require large territories in which to hunt—up to 1,000 square miles. Smaller prey like rabbits make up the bulk of the wolverine’s diet, but much larger animals are also frequent prey. Wolverines are probably most famous for their fierce disposition; reports of wolverines driving cougars, bears and even wolf packs away from their kills abound. 15. Arctic ground squirrelBelieve it or not, the arctic ground squirrel is the only arctic animal that hibernates—and due to the long winters, it does so for eight months out of the year! It prepares for hibernation by gorging on summer foods like seeds and fruit, then building a burrow and lining it with plant matter and muskox hair. Once hibernation has begun, the arctic squirrel’s body temperature drops to just above freezing.
XXXtentacion makes a solid entry into the Billboard Hot 200 charts. With his latest accomplishment, XXXtentacion continues to eye longevity as his most recent studio offering ? has debuted at the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 200 charts. The project originally dropped on March 16th, arriving by way of his Bad Vibes Forever label. The effort managed to push 131,000 equivalent album units with 20,000 accounting for traditional album sales and 5,000 going toward track equivalent albums. Nielsen indicates that streaming was the driving force behind X’s debut with fans lending the South Florida artist 106,000 streaming equivalent albums, meaning that he racked up 159.4 million on-demand audio streams during the opening week. What’s more impressive is that even without the traditional or track equivalent units sold, the project would have still easily nabbed the No. 1 spot off streaming alone, marking the second-largest streaming week for an album in 2018. The only other project to surpass ? so far is Migos’ Culture II which pulled in 150,000 SEA units, equivalent to 224.6 million on-demand audio streams in its first week. In the slots following XXXTentacion’s entry, you’ll find Metallica’s Hardwired…To Self-Destruct at No. 2 after a surge fueled by a new concert ticket/album sale redemption offer for the band’s U.S./Canadian leg of their WorldWired Tour. At No. 3, we get Black Panther: The Album, followed by Logic’s Bobby Tarantino II which moves down to No. 4 from the top spot last week after sales experienced a 60 percent decline. Migos' Culture II moves up to No. 5. No. 6 is held down by The Greatest Showman as country singer Scott McReery’s Seasons Change debuts at No. 7, while Ed Sheeran’s ÷ (Divide) logs its 55th week in the Billboard 200’s top 20 albums at No.8. The next slot finds company in The Decemberists’ I’ll Be Your Girl while Post Malone clocks in at No. 10 with Stoney.
The gown was purchased brand new for my wedding this past October. This dress has only been worn once and I am the only person who has ever tried it on. - Label Size: 6 - Street Size: 4 - Bust: 36 - Waist: 28 1/2 - Hips: - Height with Shoes: 5'9" - Alterations: This is a size 6, but was altered down to be about a 4. Cups were also added for comfort. A gorgeous french bustle was added as well. It has been hymned slightly. - Color: Ivory - Silhouette: Aline - Material: Organza, Silk - Neckline: Strapless - Style: Applique, Floral - Condition: Used - Original Owner: Yes - Has Original Receipt: - Preservation Method: Professionally dry cleaned - Terms of Sale: All Sales Final - Location: Dallas, - Will Ship to: Anywhere at Owner Expense - Payment Methods Accepted: Escrow.com Please read our BUYER'S GUIDE before purchasing a dress online.
Slow. Hi! Thanks for joining Slow Cooker Sunday Ruth.I tried making something similar last year with cannellini beans as my eldest has a haricot been allergy.My trouble was the recipe never specified liquid molasses or sugar molasses.I did try both but I think they needed a more smoky taste to them.I’ll go and check out Miss South’s blog now.
Hey everyone! I'm sitting on my back porch right now enjoying the day. It is starting to look like fall around my house... Leaves on the ground, a slight nip in the wind.... oh, it is beautiful! Since it is Saturday once again (I can't believe how quickly the week seems to fly by me), I have another project that I shared over at the Creative Inspirations blog... This week I taught about working with clay, stamps, and (of course) the CI paints. Check it out here! Here is my project Paper: White Cardstock, Watercolor paper Stamps: Artful Inkables "A Bird's Song", Fancy Pants "In My Words" Ink: Archival, Distress CI paint: Antique Silver, Coal, Silver Frost, Denium Other: ribbon, clay, rhinestones This faux metal frame was made by stamping clay with a Fancy Pant's stamp. When it was dry, I painted it with Antique Silver, Coal, and Silver Frost. Using the three shades of Silver gives it an antiqued look, and really adds to the metallic effect. I stamped the bird onto watercolor paper with Archival ink. I like to use Archival ink when I am watercoloring because it won't bleed. *Nothing is worse than having the perfect image stamped on your project, and the ink bleeding when you start coloring. Grrr!* I painted the bird using Distress inks. These inks are SO much fun to paint with. Just wipe your pad on a non porous surface to get a little ink. Then use some water and a paintbrush, and you are on your way. It doesn't even take much talent to get a beautiful image! (which is probably good since I have yet to really master the art of coloring with markers..... maybe I should take the Copic class....) Once again, white ribbon painted to mach the card. This time using Denium. *I love painting ribbons... however you can also use dye inks... I was playing around with that at 1 am (don't ask) and got some pretty cool tie dye effects... but I digress.... * The leaves were also stamped with Archival ink and colored with Distress ink. I added a few rhinestones in there just for a little pop of dimension and sparkle. Well, I'm off to enjoy this beautiful day! Have a fabulous weekend! (and a safe Halloween for those celebrating it) ~Kassi
The... read more
NEW JOBLESS claims in the US continued to creep down in the beginning of November, at least on seasonally-adjusted figures, according to data released yesterday. New unemployment insurance claims dropped 8,000 in the week ending 3 November, to reach 355,000, the Department of Labor showed. But the bigger drop-off came in total insured unemployment, which fell 135,000 into the previous week, ending 27 October, putting them 517,000 lower than a year earlier, at a total of 3,127,000. This came in tandem with trade balance data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Census Bureau which showed a $2.9bn (£1.8bn) fall in the overall deficit in September, compared to a year earlier, bringing it to $41.5bn, on a falling goods deficit combined with a rising surplus in services. Ben Southwood
Cinematic artistry. Updated whenever. Sometimes a painted backdrop or model shot will sneak in, feel free to point them out. Saturday Special: Citizen Kane (1941, Orson Welles) is famous for cinematographer Gregg Toland’s innovative use of deep focus techniques. In this scene, which might conventionally be told in three shots (a close-up on the medicine bottle, a medium of Susan on the bed, and then a wide of Kane entering the room), all three planes remain in sharp focus through the use of a matte shot. The extreme foreground was shot first, with the rest of the scene dark, then the film was rewound and only the middle-ground was lit and shot, and the same for the background. Many special effects in early films, like those of Georges Méliès, relied on this multiple exposure technique; the disadvantage is that if any of the takes went wrong, the whole process would have to start again. The result is one of the most striking images in a film full of striking images.
Christian Lacroix’s New Designer Wants to Do a Target or H&M Line They've got a pile of debt to pay off, you know.READ MORE » They've got a pile of debt to pay off, you know.READ MORE » Lacroix himself, meanwhile, is designing coins.READ MORE » The designer himself has severed all ties with the label.READ MORE » He might not have couture, but at least he has something.READ MORE » They are not content to let the house dissolve.READ MORE » So long, couture and ready-to-wear.READ MORE » This leaves the fate of the house woefully up in the air.READ MORE » The Ajman sheikh who was close to buying it isn't submitting his paperwork.READ MORE » Nothing's wrong — it's just procedure, officials say.READ MORE » And, if we're lucky, wallpaper!READ MORE » Christian Lacroix is in favor of the buyout.READ MORE » His 70 million euro check is ready. Lacroix just has to sign for it.READ MORE » The Paris court will rule on the bids in the upcoming weeks.READ MORE » The French government wants to save his label, and it looks like they will.READ MORE » A French firm plans to make an offer Monday.READ MORE » The owners bought the label in 2005 without knowing a thing about the fashion business. Now it faces demise.READ MORE » We have images and they're couture-tastic!READ MORE » Today's couture show might not be his last after all.READ MORE » Surely a zoo-owning billionaire out there wants to help?READ MORE » It will include twenty looks and live
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I have been a bit busy lately; June is very busy in our household as we prepare for CONvergence. We say that we are going to be better prepared next year, but you know how that works! So here are some pictures of . Scandia, MN It would have been interesting to know the story of how she left Below is a picture of what I beleive was my great-great Grandparents house on my fathers, mothers side. Their last name was Peterson.
Share a link to this page on social media, forums, etc... The Sony VTC6 18650 3000mAh is an excellent battery cell which offers a great combination of power capacity with high amperage capability (high drain) The Sony VTC6 18650 3000mAh is an excellent battery cell which offers a great combination of power capacity with high amperage capability (high drain). Warning: These are the real Sony VTC6 battery cell with the "danger do not use outside of battery pack" warning on them. Sony VTC6 18650 3000mAh Battery Specifications: Important Usage Recommendations:. Warning about fake battery cells: As many of you already know, there are many fake batteries out there that can be had cheaper. Please be very careful though, batteries are a critical component to your vaporizer, and a bad battery cell can be a serious safety hazard. Please only purchase battery cell from a source you trust..
Israel is currently home to some 40,000 asylum seekers, according to UNHCR figures JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has nixed a deal with UN refugee agency UNHCR regarding the deportation of African migrants and asylum-seekers. In a statement on Tuesday, Netanyahu said he held meetings with Interior Minister Aryeh Deri and representatives of residents of southern Tel Aviv to discuss the agreement. “After evaluating the advantages and the disadvantages, I decided to cancel the agreement,” he said. On Monday, Netanyahu’s office said Israel and UNHCR had signed a deal under which Israel scrapped plans to deport thousands of African migrants and asylum-seekers. Under the deal, Israel would have sent 16,250 African migrants to western countries, while thousands more would have been granted temporary (five-year) residency in Israel. Israel is currently home to some 40,000 asylum seekers, including 27,500 from Eritrea and 7,800 from Sudan, according to UNHCR figures. Most of them arrived in Israel — via Egypt — during the period from 2006 to 2013 before a security fence was erected along the border between Israel and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. According to the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants (HRM), an Israeli NGO based in Tel Aviv, most of these migrants and asylum-seekers are concentrated in south Tel Aviv and in other cities. Last summer, Netanyahu vowed to deport “infiltrators” from Africa — a pledge that has since become a rallying cry amid his far-right supporters in the run-up to polls slated for next year. Netanyahu’s government, however, has come under immense international pressure to halt its “discriminatory” treatment of African asylum-seekers following revelations that deportees would be sent to Rwanda and Uganda. Since 2012, Israel has deported roughly 20,000 African migrants and asylum-seekers who had entered the country illegally.–AA Be the first to comment
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PMA long course is a 2 year training program which is for the regular commission officers of combat as well as for the combat support arms and services. This course is of two years and consists of four terms. Each term remains for the six month and those applicants who successfully clear this training session direct become 2nd Lieutenants in Pakistan Army. All applicants, who have passed their intermediate, graduation or serving as a soldier in Army are eligible for this long course. Before you apply for this course please make sure PMA Long Course Requirements 2018 Medical, Physical, Age from this page. 2nd lieutenant is one of the higher ranks in Pak Army there for they provide no compensation in Pakistan Army Through PMA Long course 143 Registration requirements. A candidate who wants to do this long course must have medical fit and also meet with the physical requirements. Pak army has specified age range for this course and there is no upper and lower age relaxation. PMA Long Course Requirements 2018 Medical, Physical, Age PMA Long Course Requirements 2018: Pak Army has set up the initial requirements for the PMA long course such as medical fitness, marital status, gender, physical standards etc. These requirements are compulsory to meet otherwise the applicant is not eligible for the PMA long course. Here is the detail of basic PMA long course requirements 2018. PMA Long Course Physical Requirements 2018: - Minimum height of applicant must be equal or more than 5.4 feet or 162.4 cm - Weight of applicant should be according to as per the body mass index - Candidate have to complete 1.6 km running in 8 minutes and 30 seconds - Candidate also have to complete 15 repetitions of pushups in 2 minutes - 15 repetitions of Sit ups in 2 minutes - 3 repetitions of Chin ups in 2 minutes - 4X7.4 with 4 feet depth Ditch crossing PMA Long Course Medical Requirements 2018: - Applicant should not be physical defected - He also should not be color blind - Eyesight of candidate must be 6/6 with glasses - There will be Chest X-Ray - Blood picture will also be test - Urine test will also be there - In medical test, especially in ISSB your ear drums will also be check that either they are damaged or not PMA long Course Age Requirements 2018: - Candid who is applying after intermediate or equal must not be lower than 17 years and not more than 22 years however there is three month relaxation in upper and lower age limit - Applicants after graduation (2 years), must be between 17 years to 23 years - Those applicants who have done graduation ( four years) must be between 17 years to 24 years - Who are already serving as Army solider must between 17 years to 25 years in Age There are many other PMA Long Course Requirements 2018 such as educational requirements, marital status and many more. Those who are unmarried males of Pakistani nationality are allowed for this long course. Those who have Pakistani nationality but living abroad are also eligible to apply. In case of dual nationality, person should not allowed to apply for PMA long course.
Right before spring break we went to a softball game. Kyle has two girls in his classes that play on the team. We had a brief picnic before. It was a bit cooler out than we'd anticipated, mainly due to the wind. The boys and I only stayed for 45 minutes. Lillian and Kyle stayed, though the game was called when Baylor pulled ahead by a lot. They then stayed through the afternoon and went to a men's basketball game that night. That was when they beat Kansas by over 20 points. Sunday we went to an Acrobatics and Tumbling event. Kyle again has a couple girls from the team in his class. One girl is one of their major stars. We thought the boys would love this since they are so into back flips but once again it only kept their attention for a short while before they wanted to run the aisles.
(Ping! Zine) – EvoSwitch, the green CO2-neutral IT data center, has appointed Stijn Grove (38) to the position of Sales Manager for EvoSwitch. “The EvoSwitch product is very strong and highly innovative,” says Grove. “I am pleased to be starting with an organization like EvoSwitch, which utilizes the most advanced green, energy-saving technologies, while at the same time providing its customers with ‘high density’ IT housing. This allows EvoSwitch to offer its customers a very secure, technically advanced datacenter for housing their data infrastructure. EvoSwitch is an ambitious organization with a very high potential for international growth. IT infrastructure outsourcing to external data centers will become much more important in the near future. EvoSwitch will go through very significant expansion in years to come” Grove notes: “EvoSwitch is ahead of the pack in terms of data center technology as well as having very low power consumption. This also means we can offer customers an extremely attractive IT housing proposition in terms of cost.” Collocation plus consulting Grove plans to restructure the company’s Sales Department in order to ready it for the planned international expansion of EvoSwitch. “I want the new EvoSwitch Sales department to aim for a unified consulting and sales approach, providing strategic support to meet customer data housing requirements. Not only do we provide collocation, we give our clients focused attention on a periodic basis with technologically sound answers to their questions regarding security, connectivity, compliance, and the environmentally friendly configuration of data center racks. Despite our rapid growth, with the current expansion of our Sales and Operations team we are able to provide even more effective service to our EvoSwitch customers.” Grove, who previously worked for Colt Telecom, Samsung Telecom and Verizon Business, explains why he decided to accept the job with EvoSwitch: “There are short lines of management at EvoSwitch. The owners’ offices are at the end of the hall, which means that we can be very decisive and versatile. I also attach great value to EvoSwitch’s environmentally conscious operations. The company’s decisiveness, green aspect and focus on cost efficiency are very attractive to me.”
Prince William joined amateur footballers for an historic match at Buckingham Palace to mark 150 years of the Football Association. The new father of Prince George watched a game played on his grandmother's lawn by England's two oldest clubs at the Royal residence in central London. He warned them before kick-off about smashing one of her windows, saying: "I cannot tell you how excited I am that later today we will be playing football on my grandmother's lawn. "One warning, though: if anyone breaks a window, you can answer to her." William, who was not joined by wife Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, attended in his role as President of the Football Association - the governing body of the English game. It was the first time a football match has been played at Buckingham Palace. He also said he expected no dog would break onto the field while the game was on, telling his guests: "The one small silver lining to Her Majesty not being present today is that there shouldn¹t be any corgis running on to the pitch." Joining the Prince at the Palace were 150 people from around the country who work in the amateur game, including officials and volunteers. It was part of the FA150 Grassroots Heroes day. Civil Service FC and Polytechnic FC played out a Southern Amateur League league match on the Royal turf, with Premier League referee Howard Webb officiating. Civil Service FC was one of 11 teams which set up the FA in 1863, while Polytechnic FC was founded in 1875. Prince William said: beautiful game has changed an awful lot during the Queen¹s reign, but it remains the most loved game in the country, most probably the world."
How To Digital Cameras Holy Grail? Alpine Labs Pulse Wireless Camera Controller Review Share Pin Email Print The Alpine Labs Pulse is a wireless camera controller designed for taking long exposures, HDR and time-lapse photographs. Alpine Labs Digital Cameras Tips & Tricks Basics Guides & Tutorials Key Concepts Tips for Mobile Photography by Jason Hidalgo Updated November 04, 2016 Let us raise a toast to Frenchman Georges Melies. For folks who just answered, “Georges who?” Melies is a director from the early 20th century who pioneered many film and photography techniques such as storyboards, use of multiple exposures and substitution effects through film splicing. Not bad for a guy who caught flak for drawing on his textbooks. Melies, by the way, is also credited with one of the earliest uses of time-lapse photography. Essentially, it’s a technique that lets you capture changes in scenery over a long period by taking several photographs and presenting them as a quick, shortened movie. If you’ve ever marveled at a scene of the Golden Gate Bridge showing sunset turn into night while cars zip by as if they were being fast-forwarded in time, then you have most definitely seen time lapse in action. It’s also a technique that has garnered a following through the years among professional and amateur shutterbugs alike. Even with the advent of digital photography and new technology options, however, taking time lapses can still be intimidating to a lot of folks. A big part of this involves the technical knowledge required to take good quality time lapses. This includes proper exposure as well as how to use peripherals like an intervalometer, which allows you to make your camera shoot pictures at a set interval. This brings us to the Alpine Labs Pulse wireless camera controller. A palm-size gadget with a look that seems to be inspired by the Starship Enterprise’s futuristic nacelles from “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” the Pulse is a Bluetooth-enabled device that lets you communicate with your camera wirelessly through your smartphone or tablet. It is also the third time-lapse gadget from Alpine Labs after the Michron and Radian. For its part, the Pulse’s origins can be traced back to crowdfunding site Kickstarter, where it raised about $1 million from more than 12,600 backers. The device then launched publicly on November 2016 with a price tag of $89. Included in each box is the Pulse module, one USB charging cable, one USB camera cable and a mini carrying pouch. Portability is certainly a key feature for the device. At its longest point, the Pulse measures only 2.5 inches and is very lightweight, making it easy to carry around with you. It also conveniently slides into the hot shoe of a compatible DSLR or mirrorless camera, so you don’t have to worry as much about misplacing it when you’re using it outside in the field. In terms of staying power, the Pulse can go for up to 24 hours on a full charge, providing added flexibility from its extended operation time. Charging time is admittedly long at four to five hours. This can be an issue in a pinch, though you can always just charge it halfway and still get half a day’s worth of use from it. Setting up the device, meanwhile, is quite easy. All you need to do is make sure Bluetooth is turned on for your phone or tablet then download the Pulse Camera Control app, which is available from Apple’s App Store for the iPhone and iPad or the Google Play store for Android devices. Once you have the app, just slide the Pulse into your camera’s hot-shoe, connect it to your camera via the included USB cable and make sure both your camera and lens are in manual mode. Turn on your camera and the Pulse and you should see its name show up in the app for syncing. Once connected, you can wirelessly control the Pulse at up to 100 feet, which gives you lot of space to work with. For this review, I tested the device on a Canon 6D with an EF 24-105mm, 4.0 L lens and it synced with no issues. The lowdown One of the neat things about the device is the amount of control it gives you over your camera. At its most simple, you can use it as you would any basic wireless controller, allowing you to trigger your camera remotely to take photographs or even video if that happens to be a feature your camera supports. It’s the depth of camera control the Pulse provides, however, that makes it more than just a glorified wireless controller. This is especially neat if you don’t like fiddling with your camera’s built-in controls, which can be cumbersome due to the unwieldy user interface often seen in a lot of them. You can change key settings straight from the app such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO, for example. For low-light photography or creative imagery that lets you turn highway shots of moving cars into streaks of light, you can do long exposures, too. Do you like dabbling in high dynamic range or HDR photography? You can easily bracket shots and take multiple exposures through the Pulse app as well, something that can be a bit of a pain when doing so manually through your camera’s settings. Then again, the added convenience from such features still might not be enough for some folks to justify getting the Pulse. That’s where its time lapse features come into play. Using the Pulse app in tandem with its module, you can program settings such as shooting intervals and duration timing for taking time lapse photographs. To help you monitor your work, the app also can display thumbnails on your smartphone or tablet as well as a histogram to make sure your exposure is on point. In addition, the app displays information for the number of photos it will take for a time lapse project, as well as an estimate on how many minutes your footage will be when put together based on a target frame rate. For time lapse aficionados, however, the ultimate prize is known as the “holy grail.” The term refers to a time lapse that perfectly captures the transition between day and night, such as sunrise or sunset. This can be especially challenging due to the different exposures and settings required in order to pull it off successfully. To help with such transitions, the Pulse allows exposure ramping, which is typically considered the gold standard for taking smoother, flicker-free time lapse transitions. The Pulse also has an advantage over certain time lapse options in that it allows you to change camera settings without actually touching your camera. This reduces the risk for camera movements that can ruin an otherwise perfect time lapse. Once you have your settings dialed in and sent to the Pulse module, you can turn off the app — or even your phone or tablet — and your camera will continue to take photos based on the information you programmed. Otherwise, you can also make adjustments to the settings even after your time lapse has already started. At the same time, the Pulse also has some niggles that potential users will need to think about. While it allows use of more camera options than Canon’s free Magic Lantern, for example, compatible cameras are limited to Canon and Nikon’s line of offerings. Granted, those are the two most popular camera brands for professionals and prosumers alike but folks who use brands such as Sony or Olympus will have to look elsewhere. I also wish that the gadget would allow you to see a live display of your camera’s view or at least provide a higher-quality thumbnail for your perusal. Instructions that come with the device also are on the sparse side so you need to already have a working knowledge of time lapses or photography in general. Otherwise, you will have to look things up online. This, by the way, brings me to a key point about using the device. Note that the Pulse is not some magic cheat code that will instantly turn a beginner into a time-lapse professional. If you have no clue about HDR photography or time lapses, the device won’t magically make you know about them. Punch in the wrong settings, for example, and you will come up with bad results or even get an error code. In fact, if all you need is a device that can trigger your camera remotely to take photos or video, the Pulse will pretty much be overkill as there are cheaper options out there for doing just that. If you already have knowledge — even if it’s just basic — about long exposures, HDR or time lapses, however, then the Pulse becomes a great tool that makes it easier to do all those things. As someone who minored in photography in college before switching to English due to the expense, I don’t consider myself as photography expert by any means. However, I did enjoy the features afforded by Pulse, especially after switching cameras and not being quite used to my new one just yet. The added convenience alone of being able to change all sorts of settings from my smartphone without having to fiddle with the UI on my camera is a godsend. I mean, just look at what Georges Melies had to work with during his time. Final thoughts The Alpine Labs Pulse portable module is a great option for folks looking for a wireless camera controller that can do more than just remotely take photos and video. Thanks to a wealth of features, creative types can do all sorts of things straight from their smartphone or tablet, including bracketing shots for high dynamic range photography or taking long exposures for dramatic low-light shots. It also includes a variety of options for doing time lapses, including exposure ramping to achieve the “holy grail” of day and night transitions. Compatibility is limited to Canon and Nikon cameras and I wish its app provided better previews. It also requires technical know-how to really take advantage of, which is compounded by its sparse instructions. Overall, however, this is a versatile tool for folks who like to up their photography game, so to speak. Continue Reading