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Listed below is the general schedule of events for the Enron EWS Legal Conference being held at The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center on October 11-12, 2001. If you are traveling into Houston from outside locations, please plan your itinerary accordingly. ENRON EWS LEGAL CONFERENCE The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center - The Woodlands, Texas October 11-12, 2001 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Register at the Enron desk located adjacent to the resort main lobby 1:00 pm - 5:15 pm General Session I 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktail reception on the Forest Deck at the resort 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buffet dinner on the Forest Deck at the resort 9:00 pm - 12:00 pm Pool and foosball contest in the Grand Ballroom at the resort FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 6:00 am - 8:30 am Breakfast buffet in the resort dining room 8:30 am - 12:00 pm General Session II 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch buffet in the resort dining room 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Activities - golf, tennis, spa or hiking/biking A detailed agenda and map with be distributed in the near future. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks.
Propose a subject line for this email? | LEGAL CONFERENCE AGENDA | aeslc_10templates | 200 | Nedan listas det allmänna schemat för evenemang för Enron EWS Legal Conference som hålls på The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center den 11-12 oktober 2001. Om du reser in i Houston utifrån, vänligen planera din resplan i enlighet med detta. ENRON EWS RÄTTSLIG KONFERENS Woodlands Resort & Conference Center - The Woodlands, Texas oktober 11-12, 2001 SCHEduLE OF EVENEMAY, OKTOBER 11 12:00 - 13.00 Registrera dig vid Enron skrivbord ligger i anslutning till anläggningens huvudlobby 13.00 - 17.15 Allmän session I 18.30 - 19.00 Cocktail reception på skogsdäck på resorten 19:00 - 21.00 Buffet middag på skogsdäck på resorten 9:00 - 12:00 Pool och foosball tävling i Grand Ballroom på resorten FRIDAY, OKTOBER 12 18:00 - 20:30 Frukostbuffé i resort matsalen 20:30 - 12:00 Allmän session II 12:00 - 13.00 Lunchbuffé i anläggningen matsalen 13.00 - 18:00 Aktiviteter - golf, tennis, spa eller vandring / cykling En detaljerad agenda och karta med distribueras i en nära framtid. Kontakta mig om du har några frågor. Tack. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Below is listed the general schedule of events for the Enron EWS Legal Conference held at The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center on October 11-12, 2001. If you enter Houston from outside, please plan your itinerary accordingly. ENRON EWS LEGAL CONFERENCE Woodlands Resort & Conference Center - The Woodlands, Texas October 11-12, 2001 SCHEDULE OF EVENEMY, OCTOBER 11 12:00 - 13.00 Sign up at Enron desk located adjacent to the main lobby of the facility 13.00 - 17.00 General session I 18.30 - 19.00 Cocktail reception on forest deck at the resort 19:00 - 21.00 Buffet dinner on forest deck at the resort 9:00 - 12:00 Pool and foosball competition in the Grand Ballroom at the resort FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 18:00 - 20:30 Breakfast buffet in the resort dining room 20:30 - 12:00 General session II 12:00 - 13.00 Lunch buffet in the facility dining room 13.00 - 18:00 Activities - golf, tennis, spa or hiking / cycling A detailed agenda and map with distributed in the near future. Contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Suggest a subject line for this email? | RÄTTSLIGA KONFERENSAGENDAN | LEGAL CONFERENCE AGENDA |
Here is an email: Kam, I need your help on something. I am trying to compile a listing of all reports that were being run by the Risk leads and Specialist on a daily basis for the estate. If you could please give me a general idea of the daily reports that you know of, I would greatly appreciate it. I am doing this to ensure that we don't skip or miss anything that was being done on a day to day basis for the estate. I will take what info you give me and forward it on to Greg Couch so that he will be aware of all reports that needs to be ran daily. Thanks
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Reports | aeslc_10templates | 201 | Här är ett mejl: Kam, jag behöver din hjälp med något. Jag försöker sammanställa en förteckning över alla rapporter som leddes av Risk leads och Specialist dagligen för dödsboet. Om ni kunde ge mig en allmän uppfattning om de dagliga rapporter som ni känner till, skulle jag uppskatta det mycket. Jag gör detta för att se till att vi inte hoppar över eller missar något som gjordes dag efter dag för dödsboet. Jag ska ta vilken information du ger mig och vidarebefordra den till Greg Couch så att han kommer att vara medveten om alla rapporter som behöver köras dagligen. Tack Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Kam, I need your help with something. I'm trying to compile a list of all reports led by Risk leads and Specialist daily for the estate. If you could give me a general idea of the daily reports you know, I would appreciate it very much. I am doing this to ensure that we do not skip or miss anything that was done day after day for the estate. I'm gonna take whatever information you give me and pass it on to Greg Couch so he'll be aware of all the reports that need to run daily. Thank you What is a potential subject line for this email? | Rapporter | Reports |
Write an email with the subject line "Market Changes". | Group, We are starting to see some market changes as we transition into the winter= months. First: With EPE we will start seeing a severe morning ramp. We will have to carefu= lly manage the units to prevent "swinging" them and increasing the chance o= f a unit outage. As the EPE loads plummet off-peak, we should consult the u= nit commitment, and depending on market conditions look to take units off-l= ine and/ or put units on manual and buy energy back. Recently we have sold = energy from EPE at a loss rather than putting costly gas turbines on manual= (Newman 1, 2 and 3), reducing them, and buying that energy less expensivel= y in the market. Our relationship with EPE is at a critical stage, they hav= e a new vice-president and will be hiring new management to lead their mark= eting group. We would like to be a part of EPE's marketing effort going for= ward, but need to continue to prove that our level of service cannot be mat= ched either in-house or by other marketers. I look to each member of the gr= oup to be a part of this effort and to work closely to run the EPE grid as = efficiently as possible. Second: The morning ramp will soon be upon us in the Northwest. It will become very= difficult to get energy in the Nortwest for HE 6 through HE 10. We should = look for congestion possibly on the COI and the DC. Also, as lights and hea= ters come on in the evening, there should be another jump in load at HE 18 = through HE 20. Enron Calgary will also be looking for energy these hours. B= e sure to take this load movement into consideration if you lock a price in= with ECC. Finally: We will have a meeting on TUESDAY--November 6th at 4:30 in the afternoon--(= | aeslc_10templates | 202 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Marknadsförändringar". | Write an email with the subject line "Market Changes". | Group, Vi börjar se en del marknadsförändringar när vi går över till vintern= månader. För det första: Med EPE kommer vi att börja se en kraftig morgonramp. Vi måste bryfu= lly hantera enheterna för att förhindra "svinga" dem och öka chansen o= f ett enhetsavbrott. När EPE-lasterna rasar bör vi konsultera u= nit-åtagandet, och beroende på marknadsförhållanden se till att ta enheter off- l= ine och/ eller sätta enheter på manuell och köpa energi tillbaka. Nyligen har vi sålt = energi från EPE med förlust snarare än att sätta dyra gasturbiner på manual= (Newman 1, 2 och 3), minska dem, och köpa den energin billigare= y på marknaden. Vår relation till EPE är i ett kritiskt skede, de har= e en ny vice ordförande och kommer att anställa ny ledning för att leda deras mark= eting grupp. Vi skulle vilja vara en del av EPE: s marknadsföringssatsning som går för = ward, men måste fortsätta att bevisa att vår servicenivå inte kan vara mat= ched vare sig internt eller av andra marknadsförare. Jag ser till varje medlem av gr= oup att vara en del av denna insats och att arbeta nära för att köra EPE rutnätet så = effektivt som möjligt. För det andra: Morgonrampen är snart över oss i Nordväst. Det kommer att bli mycket= svårt att få energi i Nortwest för HE 6 till HE 10. Vi bör = leta efter överbelastning möjligen på COI och DC. Också, när ljus och hea= ters kommer på kvällen, bör det finnas ytterligare ett hopp i last vid HE 18 = genom HE 20. Enron Calgary kommer också att leta efter energi dessa timmar. B= e säkert att ta hänsyn till denna belastningsrörelse om du låser ett pris i= med ECC. Slutligen: Vi kommer att ha ett möte på tisdag - 6 november klockan 04:30 på eftermiddagen - (= | Group, We start to see some market changes as we transition to winter= months. Firstly, with the EPE, we will begin to see a heavy morning ramp. We need to bryfu= lly manage the units to prevent "swing" them and increase the chance o= f a device interruption. When the EPE loads collapse, we should consult the u= rivet commitment, and depending on market conditions make sure to take devices off-l= ine and/ or put devices on manual and buy energy back. Recently we have sold = energy from EPE at loss rather than putting expensive gas turbines on manual= (Newman 1, 2 and 3), reducing them, and buying that energy cheaper= y on the market. Our relationship with EPE is at a critical stage, they have= e a new vice-president and will hire new management to lead their mark= etting group. We would like to be part of EPE's marketing venture that goes for =ward, but must continue to prove that our service level cannot be food= ched either internally or by other marketers. I look to each member of gr= oup to be part of this effort and to work closely to run the EPE grid as effectively as possible. Secondly, the morning ramp will soon be over us in the Northwest. It will be much= hard to get energy in Nortwest for HE 6 to HE 10. We should = look for overload possibly on COI and DC. Also, when light and hea=ters come in the evening, there should be another hope in load at HE 18 = through HE 20. Enron Calgary will also look for energy these hours. B= e safe to take into account this load movement if you lock a price i= with ECC. Finally: We will have a meeting on Tuesday - 6 November at 04:30 in the afternoon - (= |
Here is an email: Mary Nell: Congrats on the promotion! I know that it is well deserved and couldn't have happened to a more qualified person. Look forward to seeing you soon. Sara
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Congratulations! | aeslc_10templates | 203 | Här är ett mail: Mary Nell: Grattis till kampanjen! Jag vet att det är välförtjänt och inte kunde ha hänt en mer kvalificerad person. Jag ser fram emot att träffa dig snart. Sara Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Mary Nell: Congratulations on the campaign! I know it's well deserved and couldn't have happened to a more qualified person. I look forward to seeing you soon. Sara What is a potential subject line for this email? | Grattis! | Congratulations! |
Have you had a chance to review the draft of this agreement? Please advise in order that I can forward same for signing. Also provide me with the name of your contact. Thanks!
Generate a subject line for this email. | Enron LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. | aeslc_10templates | 204 | Har ni haft tillfälle att se över utkastet till detta avtal? Vänligen meddela för att jag kan vidarebefordra samma för signering. Ge mig också namnet på din kontakt. Tack! Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | Have you had the opportunity to review the draft of this agreement? Please inform me that I can forward the same for signing. Give me the name of your contact, too. Thank you. Create a subject line for this message. | Enron LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. | Enron LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Greg and Mark: Attached is a draft of the very short story that will accompany your profiles in Enron Business. (PR management has approved.) The purpose is simply to introduce you and quickly address the issue that's on everyone's mind, the stock price. Please review your individual quotes and let me know if you have any revisions as soon as possible. The quotes were extracted from your interviews with us a few weeks ago. If I have not heard back from you by the end of the day tomorrow, I'll assume it's OK to print as is. Thanks again for taking the time to meet with us. Warm regards and cheers, | Enron Business Article | aeslc_10templates | 205 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Greg och Mark: Attached är ett utkast av den mycket novell som kommer att följa dina profiler i Enron Business. (PR-ledningen har godkänt.) Syftet är helt enkelt att presentera dig och snabbt ta itu med frågan som är på allas tankar, aktiekursen. Vänligen granska dina enskilda citat och låt mig veta om du har några ändringar så snart som möjligt. Citaten hämtades från dina intervjuer med oss för några veckor sedan. Om jag inte har hört av dig imorgon, antar jag att det är okej att skriva ut som det är. Tack igen för att du tog dig tid att träffa oss. Varma hälsningar och hurrarop, | What is the subject of this email? Greg and Mark: Attached is a draft of the very short story that will follow your profiles in Enron Business. (PR management has approved.) The aim is simply to introduce you and quickly address the issue that is on everyone's mind, the stock price. Please review your individual quotes and let me know if you have any changes as soon as possible. Quotes were taken from your interviews with us a few weeks ago. If I haven't heard from you tomorrow, I guess it's okay to print out the way it is. Thanks again for taking the time to see us. Greetings and cheers, | Enron Business Artikel | Enron Business Article |
Jay: We sent this master for execution on May 1, 2001 and the counterparty just responded to John with some comments. Only one comment is credit related: LPC does not want to pay default interest as per the ISDA agreement. LPC does not want interest compounded daily. What is your position? I have made all other changes or given LPC an explanation.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LPC") | aeslc_10templates | 206 | Jay: Vi skickade denna mästare för avrättning den 1 maj 2001 och motparten svarade just John med några kommentarer. Endast en kommentar är kreditrelaterad: LPC vill inte betala standardränta enligt ISDA-avtalet. LPC vill inte att räntan ökas dagligen. Vad är din position? Jag har gjort alla andra ändringar eller gett LPC en förklaring. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Jay: We sent this champion for execution on May 1, 2001 and the opponent just responded to John with some comments. Only one comment is credit-related: LPC does not wish to pay the standard interest rate under the ISDA Agreement. LPC does not want interest rates to be increased daily. What's your position? I've made all the other changes or given the LPC an explanation. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LPC") | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LPC") |
Write an email with the subject line "Crude and product market size". | John, I previously asked you to quantify the global size of your business (in Billions) and you sent me a voice mail on it. I have misplaced that note and don't remember the global size for the presentation. Please re-provide as a return email. Sorry for the inconvenience. Mike | aeslc_10templates | 207 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "Kråka och produktmarknadsstorlek". | Write an email with the subject line "Crow and Product Market Size". | John, jag har tidigare bett dig att kvantifiera den globala storleken på din verksamhet (i Billions) och du skickade mig ett röstmeddelande på den. Jag har tappat bort den lappen och minns inte storleken på presentationen. Vänligen lämna om som en retur e-post. Ursäkta besväret. Mike | John, I've previously asked you to quantify the global size of your business (in Billions) and you sent me a voice mail on it. I've lost that note and I don't remember the size of the presentation. Please return as a return email. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Mike |
This is the content of an email: Greg, Attached is a clean and redlined version of the Gateway Interconnect Agreement. Please review before forwarding to Pace to make sure the ownership concept is in accordance with your negotiations. Please call me if you have any questions and I will forward the Rio Nogales later today.
What was the subject line for this email? | Gateway Project | aeslc_10templates | 208 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Greg, Attached är en ren och redlined version av Gateway Interconnect Agreement. Vänligen granska innan vidarebefordran till Pace för att se till att ägarkonceptet är i enlighet med dina förhandlingar. Ring mig om du har några frågor och jag kommer att vidarebefordra Rio Nogales senare i dag. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Greg, Attached is a clean and redlined version of Gateway Interconnect Agreement. Please review before forwarding to Pace to ensure that the ownership concept is in accordance with your negotiations. Call me if you have any questions and I will forward Rio Nogales later today. What was the subject of this email? | Gateway- projekt | Gateway Project |
This is an email
Dear Tom, Enron would be interested in getting together with other trading partners to discuss listing other index points at the Socal border. I think the market requires other postings to reflect the fundamental changes in the market with respect to transportation constraints. The market has clearly seen a divergence in the summer spreads between PG&E and Socal interconnects. The marginal generation load in SP-15 and Southern California this summer has proven that Socal Gas is short delivered gas and is incapable of meeting daily demand with flowing supplies, and will be incapable of injecting gas during these months. Because of this, supply being transported from the Southwest supply basins can only find a home going into PG&E. This places downward pressure on PG&E Topock gas and upward pressure on Socal Topock gas. Remember, Socal is an island, not because of the delivered capacity to the border via EPNG and TW, but because of the limited capacity of Socal's interconnects. Demand exceeds the supply interconnect capacity. There is also a divergence between Ehrenberg and Topock because of liquidity. Topock is a more liquid market because of the upstream transport contracts on EPNG and downstream buying patterns of certain Socal markets. The market is more diversified at Topock than Ehrenberg. The overwhelming demand pressure on Socal gets exposed at Topock. Although Ehrenberg is the marginal point for gas into Socal, there is more of an imbalance in upstream capacity (EPNG and TW) to downstream capacity (Socal Topock 545,000/d) at Socal Topock than at Ehrenberg. The Socal Ehrenberg interconnect has 1.1 bcf of capacity and is primarily sourced by one market transporter. Ehrenberg simply gets placed at "market prices" because of varying objectives. One transporter may place gas to larger buyers to ensure flows, while smaller buyers on Socal may not approach this transporter for supplies. This illiquidity has led to a spread existing between Topock and Ehrenberg. Picture the market, San Juan gas is trading well below the Permian and Waha basins, which happen to be the marginal supply points for the west. Because of the of the limited capacity going into Socal Topock, every transporter on EPNG and TW wants to fill their contracts with San Juan gas first. These molecules compete for Buyers at a limited delivery interconnect. Likewise, all Buyers reach out for supply coming through a limited delivery interconnect (Topock). The San Juan then trys to find an outlet going east on the SJ east leg of EPNG. This transport leg simply displaces Permian gas going into Plains North and allows Permian gas to head west to Ehrenberg on the EPNG south mainline. While the Socal market peaks in the summer, so does the EOC demand. Permian west (Keystone West meter) cannot satisfy both the EOC demand and the Socal demand. So for the first time ever, we saw EPNG Waha West at maximum capacity to source transport contracts on the EPNG south mainline. This tells the entire story. When demand exceeds all available historical supply points, and begins to reach to Waha to meet Ehrenberg demand, you have a paradigm shift. This eliminates any correlation that may have existed between the supply basins and the market area. When Keystone West reaches maximum capacity, the rule of market spreads not exceeding the max rate transport rate then dies a fast death. There is simply no available capacity at the Keystone West meter to allow a shipper to buy max rate transport on EPNG and ship it to Socal. If you asked the market what the maximum interconnect capacity at Keystone West is, 9 out of 10 would not know. This leads to blaming market participants for wide spreads that are above historical levels. It is like Al Gore blaming "big oil companies" for the high prices of gas, when all refineries are at maximum capacity. There simply isn't the capacity to meet demand. The supply exists, but there isn't enough refining capacity available to meet demand. Fundamentals rule the market in all cases. I would like to propose the following index points for the Southern California border. The market would be better served with supply being included in these index points. One, Socal CA production/Socal storage/EPNG Ehrenberg, Two, Topock TW and EPNG, Three, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. The market will be experiencing more changes with respect to the Socal restructuring in the future. We will then address the different interconnects and propose an index for the Socal citygate as well. Call me on Monday to discuss the Enron Online download. Sincerely,
What is the subject of this email? | SOCAL | aeslc_10templates | 209 | Detta är ett mail Kära Tom, Enron skulle vara intresserad av att få tillsammans med andra handelspartner för att diskutera listning andra indexpunkter vid Socal gränsen. Jag anser att marknaden kräver andra utstationeringar för att återspegla de grundläggande förändringarna på marknaden när det gäller transportbegränsningar. Marknaden har tydligt sett en skillnad i sommarspridning mellan PG&E och Socal-sammanlänkningar. Den marginella produktionsbelastningen i SP-15 och södra Kalifornien i sommar har visat att Socal Gas är kort levererad gas och är oförmögen att möta daglig efterfrågan med strömmande leveranser, och kommer att vara oförmögen att injicera gas under dessa månader. På grund av detta kan leveranser som transporteras från de sydvästliga försörjningsbassängerna bara hitta ett hem som går in i PG&E. Detta sätter ett nedåttryck på PG&E Topock-gas och ett uppåttryck på Socal Topock-gasen. Kom ihåg att Socal är en ö, inte på grund av den levererade kapaciteten till gränsen via EPNG och TW, utan på grund av den begränsade kapaciteten hos Socals sammanlänkningar. Efterfrågan överstiger den sammanlänkningskapacitet som finns. Det finns också en skillnad mellan Ehrenberg och Topock på grund av likviditet. Topock är en mer likvid marknad på grund av de tidigare transportavtalen om EPNG och köpmönster i efterföljande led på vissa Socal-marknader. Marknaden är mer diversifierad på Topock än Ehrenberg. Det överväldigande efterfrågetrycket på Socal blir utsatt på Topock. Ehrenberg är visserligen marginalpunkten för gas till Socal, men det finns mer av en obalans i uppströmskapaciteten (EPNG och TW) till nedströmskapacitet (Socal Topock 545 000/d) vid Socal Topock än vid Ehrenberg. Socal Ehrenberg-förbindelsen har 1,1 bcf kapacitet och kommer främst från en marknadstransportör. Ehrenberg blir helt enkelt placerad till "marknadspriser" på grund av varierande mål. En transportör kan placera gas till större köpare för att säkerställa flöden, medan mindre köpare på Socal kanske inte närmar sig denna transportör för leveranser. Denna illikviditet har lett till en spridning mellan Topock och Ehrenberg. Föreställ dig marknaden, San Juan gas handlar långt under Permian och Waha bäcken, som råkar vara marginal försörjningspunkter för väst. På grund av den begränsade kapaciteten som går in i Socal Topock vill varje transportör på EPNG och TW fylla sina kontrakt med San Juan gas först. Dessa molekyler tävlar om Köpare vid en begränsad leveranskoppling. På samma sätt sträcker sig alla Köpare ut för leverans via en begränsad leveransförbindelse (Topock). San Juan försöker sedan hitta ett utlopp som går österut på SJ:s östra ben av EPNG. Denna transport ben helt enkelt förskjuter Perm gas som går in i Plains North och gör att Permian gas för att bege sig västerut till Ehrenberg på EPNG södra stambanan. Socalmarknaden är visserligen på topp på sommaren, men det gör även EOC:s efterfrågan. Permiskt väst (Keystone West meter) kan inte tillgodose både EOC efterfrågan och Socal efterfrågan. Så för första gången någonsin, såg vi EPNG Waha West på maximal kapacitet för att få transportavtal på EPNG södra stambanan. Det här berättar hela historien. När efterfrågan överstiger alla tillgängliga historiska försörjningsställen, och börjar nå till Waha för att möta Ehrenbergs efterfrågan, har man ett paradigmskifte. Detta eliminerar alla samband som kan ha funnits mellan försörjningsområdena och marknadsområdet. När Keystone West når maximal kapacitet, sprider sig marknadsregeln som inte överstiger maxhastigheten transporthastigheten dör då en snabb död. Det finns helt enkelt ingen tillgänglig kapacitet vid Keystone West metern för att en avsändare ska kunna köpa maxpristransport på EPNG och skeppa den till Socal. Om du frågade marknaden vad den maximala sammanlänkningskapaciteten på Keystone West är, 9 av 10 skulle inte veta. Detta leder till att marknadsaktörerna beskylls för stora spreadar som ligger över historiska nivåer. Det är som att Al Gore skyller på "stora oljebolag" för de höga gaspriserna, då alla raffinaderier har maximal kapacitet. Det finns helt enkelt inte kapacitet att möta efterfrågan. Utbudet finns, men det finns inte tillräckligt med raffineringskapacitet för att möta efterfrågan. Fundamentals styr marknaden i alla fall. Jag skulle vilja föreslå följande indexpunkter för gränsen till södra Kalifornien. Marknaden skulle vara bättre betjänad om utbudet inkluderades i dessa indexpunkter. Ett, Socal CA produktion/Socal lagring/EPNG Ehrenberg, Two, Topock TW och EPNG, Three, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. Marknaden kommer i framtiden att uppleva fler förändringar när det gäller omstruktureringen av Socal. Vi kommer då att ta itu med de olika sammanlänkningarna och föreslå ett index för Socal Citygate också. Ring mig på måndag för att diskutera Enron Online nedladdning. Uppriktigt sagt, Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Dear Tom, Enron would be interested in getting together with other trading partners to discuss listing other index points on the Socal border. I believe that the market requires other postings to reflect the fundamental changes in the market in terms of transport restrictions. The market has clearly seen a difference in summer spread between PG&E and Socal interconnections. The marginal production load in SP-15 and Southern California this summer has shown that Socal Gas is short supplied gas and is unable to meet daily demand with flowing supplies, and will be unable to inject gas during these months. Because of this, supplies transported from the southwestern supply pools can only find a home entering the PG&E. This puts a downward pressure on the PG&E Topock gas and an upward pressure on the Socal Topock gas. Remember that Socal is an island, not because of the capacity delivered to the border via EPNG and TW, but because of the limited capacity of Socal interconnections. Demand exceeds the existing interconnection capacity. There is also a difference between Ehrenberg and Topock due to liquidity. Topock is a more liquid market due to the previous transport contracts for EPNG and downstream buying patterns in some Socal markets. The market is more diversified on Topock than Ehrenberg. The overwhelming demand pressure on Socal is being exposed to Topock. While Ehrenberg is the marginal point for gas to Socal, there is more of an imbalance in upstream capacity (EPNG and TW) to downstream capacity (Socal Topock 545,000/d) at Socal Topock than at Ehrenberg. The Socal Ehrenberg connection has 1.1 bcf capacity and comes mainly from a market carrier. Ehrenberg is simply placed at "market prices" due to varying targets. A carrier can place gas to larger buyers to ensure flows, while smaller buyers at Socal may not be approaching this carrier for deliveries. This illiquidity has led to a spread between Topock and Ehrenberg. Imagine the market, San Juan gas shopping far below the Permian and Waha basin, which happens to be marginal supply points for the West. Due to the limited capacity entering Socal Topock, each carrier at EPNG and TW wants to fill their contracts with San Juan gas first. These molecules compete for Buyers at a limited supply connection. Similarly, all Buyers extend out for delivery via a limited delivery connection (Topock). San Juan then tries to find an outlet going east on SJ's eastern leg of EPNG. This transport leg simply displaces Perm gas entering Plains North and causes Permian gas to head west to Ehrenberg on the EPNG southern main track. Although the Socal market is peaking in summer, so is the demand of the EOC. The Permian West (Keystone West metres) cannot meet both EOC demand and Socal demand. So for the first time ever, we saw EPNG Waha West on maximum capacity to get transport contracts on the EPNG southern main railway. This tells the whole story. When demand exceeds all available historical supply points, and begins reaching Waha to meet Ehrenberg's demand, there is a paradigm shift. This eliminates any link that may have existed between supply areas and the market area. When Keystone West reaches maximum capacity, the market rule does not exceed the maximum speed of transportation then dies a quick death. There is simply no available capacity at the Keystone West meter for a sender to purchase maximum price transport on the EPNG and ship it to Socal. If you asked the market what the maximum interconnection capacity on Keystone West is, 9 out of 10 would not know. As a result, market participants are accused of large spreads above historical levels. It is as if Al Gore blames "large oil companies" for the high gas prices, as all refineries have maximum capacity. There is simply no capacity to meet demand. The supply exists, but there is not enough refining capacity to meet demand. Fundamentals run the market anyway. I would like to suggest the following index points for the southern California border. The market would be better served if the supply were included in these index points. One, Socal CA production/Socal storage/EPNG Ehrenberg, Two, Topock TW and EPNG, Three, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. In future, the market will experience further changes in the restructuring of Socal. We will then address the various interconnections and propose an index for Socal Citygate as well. Call me on Monday to discuss Enron Online download. Frankly, what is the subject of this email? | SAMHÄLLET | SOCIETY |
This is the content of an email: I tried to send this to your juno address and it came back. Just in case you are home, I also received the following from the PR department a few minutes ago: Be sure to watch Chairman and CEO Ken Lay on Fox News today. He will appear on "Our World" with Neil Cavuto at 4:30 p.m. CST to discuss Enron's year-end financial and operating highlights.
What was the subject line for this email? | Photos | aeslc_10templates | 210 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Jag försökte skicka detta till din juno adress och det kom tillbaka. Ifall du är hemma, fick jag också följande från PR-avdelningen för några minuter sedan: Se till att titta på ordförande och VD Ken Lay på Fox News idag. Han kommer att dyka upp på "Vår värld" med Neil Cavuto kl. 16:30 CST för att diskutera Enrons finansiella och operativa höjdpunkter i slutet av året. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: I tried to send this to your Juno address and it came back. If you're at home, I also received the following from the PR department a few minutes ago: Make sure to watch the chairman and CEO Ken Lay of Fox News today. He will appear on "Our World" with Neil Cavuto at 4:30 p.m. CST to discuss Enron's financial and operational highlights at the end of the year. What was the subject of this email? | Foton | Photos |
Write an email with the subject line "New President". | I had a little bird put a word in my ear. Is there any possibility for Ben Raimer to be Bush's secretary of HHS? Just curious about that infamous UTMB rumor mill. Hope things are well, happy holidays. PL | aeslc_10templates | 211 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Ny president". | Write an e-mail with the subject line "New President". | Jag fick en liten fågel i örat. Finns det någon möjlighet för Ben Raimer att bli Bushs sekreterare i HHS? Jag är nyfiken på den där ökända rykteskvarnen. Hoppas att allt är bra, lyckliga helger. PL | I got a little bird in my ear. Is there any chance Ben Raimer could be Bush's secretary in HHS? I'm curious about that infamous rumor mill. Hope everything's all right, happy weekends. PL |
This is the content of an email: Tanya and Bob: When we last met to talk about Repap I think that we decided to wait until quarter end before approachning them again. Are we inclined to do anything at this point? Carol
What was the subject line for this email? | Repap | aeslc_10templates | 212 | Detta är innehållet i ett mail: Tanya och Bob: När vi senast träffades för att prata om Repap tror jag att vi bestämde oss för att vänta till kvartsslut innan vi närmade oss dem igen. Är vi benägna att göra något just nu? Carol Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Tanya and Bob: When we last met to talk about Repap I think we decided to wait until quarter-end before we approached them again. Are we inclined to do something right now? Carol What was the subject of this email? | Repap | Repap |
Here is another matrix of TW "Current Shipper" rates & surcharges. This one is not posted on the web. I don't know whether anyone needs/uses it, anymore, but I have been keeping it up. There is a new tab for each change in Current Shipper Rates. The latest is "200111" Elizabeth - I forgot to send this to you this morning. Jeanette - I don't recall whether I sent this along with the other TW files.
Write a subject line for this email. | FYI 11/2001 TW Rate Matrix - same rates, different format | aeslc_10templates | 213 | Här är en annan matris av TW "Aktuella Shipper" priser & tilläggsavgifter. Den här är inte publicerad på webben. Jag vet inte om någon behöver/använder den längre, men jag har hållit den uppe. Det finns en ny flik för varje ändring i Aktuella fraktpriser. Den senaste är "200111" Elizabeth - jag glömde att skicka det här till dig i morse. Jeanette - jag minns inte om jag skickade detta tillsammans med de andra TW-filerna. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Here is another matrix of TW "Current Shipper" prices & surcharges. This one's not published on the web. I don't know if anyone needs it anymore, but I've kept it up. There is a new tab for each change in Current Shipping Prices. The latest is "200111" Elizabeth - I forgot to send this to you this morning. Jeanette - I don't remember sending this along with the other TW files. Write a subject line for this email. | FYI 11/2001 TW Rate Matrix - samma priser, olika format | FYI 11/2001 TW Rate Matrix - same prices, different formats |
Write an email with the subject line "Anatomy of a deal". | Work really hard. Deal dies, in silence after final commercial offer made (more money for summer please). Hope you had a great time away from the casino. | aeslc_10templates | 214 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Anatomy of a deal". | Write an email with the subject line "Anatomy of a deal". | Jobba hårt. Deal dör, i tystnad efter sista kommersiella erbjudande görs (mer pengar för sommaren snälla). Hoppas att du hade en bra tid borta från kasinot. | Work hard. Deal dies, in silence after last commercial offer is made (more money for summer please). I hope you had a good time away from the casino. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Name change | Effective May 22, 2001, Enron Netherlands Generation B.V., a Netherlands corporation, changed its name to Energy Development Company B.V. Evidence is filed in the Houston 48th floor corporate vault. Please share this information with other interested parties. NOTE: Sylvia Hu - evidence to follow by hand. | aeslc_10templates | 215 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: Namnändring | Please write an e-mail with the following subject: Rename | Från och med den 22 maj 2001 bytte Enron Netherlands Generation B.V., ett nederländskt bolag, namn till Energy Development Company B.V. Bevisen finns i Houstons 48:e vånings valv. Vänligen dela denna information med andra berörda parter. OBS: Sylvia Hu - bevis att följa för hand. | As of 22 May 2001, Enron Netherlands Generation B.V., a Dutch company, changed its name to Energy Development Company B.V. The evidence is in Houston's 48th floor vault. Please share this information with other interested parties. Note: Sylvia Hu - proof to follow by hand. |
Write an email with the following subject:
prepay | Treasa: Bob Bruce told me that there was no "swap" activity on the prepay during my absence. Houston is closed down until Monday, Nov. 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Normally, I would ask Joe Hunter on the confirm desk to take a look at the confirms. I marked up the TD confirm to reflect my comments and provide an attached "schedule" of volumes since I thought it would be easier for you to match calc periods, volumes and rate payment dates. Such a format has worked well in other prepaid structures. | aeslc_10templates | 216 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: | Please write an e-mail with the following subject: | Treasa: Bob Bruce berättade att det inte fanns någon "swap" aktivitet på förbetalningen under min frånvaro. Houston är stängt till måndagen den 27 november för Thanksgiving. Normalt skulle jag be Joe Hunter att ta en titt på bekräftelserna. Jag markerade upp TD bekräfta att återspegla mina kommentarer och tillhandahålla en bifogad "schema" av volymer eftersom jag trodde att det skulle vara lättare för dig att matcha calc perioder, volymer och ränta betalningsdatum. Ett sådant format har fungerat bra i andra förbetalda strukturer. | Treasa: Bob Bruce told me there was no "swap" activity on the prepayment during my absence. Houston is closed until Monday, November 27 for Thanksgiving. Normally, I'd ask Joe Hunter to take a look at the confirmations. I marked up TD confirm to reflect my comments and provide an attached "schedule" of volumes because I thought it would be easier for you to match calc periods, volumes and interest payment dates. Such a format has worked well in other pre-paid structures. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Corporate Security Message | An old scam has surfaced recently with renewed vigor. The Nigerian-419 fraud letter, so called because it violates section 419 of Nigerian law, is sent in many variations, by surface and airmail as well as by fax and email. Generally the form it takes is to ask the unsuspecting victim to provide their bank account information in return for a promise to deposit a very large sum of money into that account under some pretext. Employees should be advised that any information given will be used to further promote the scam through the emptying out of bank accounts, counterfeit and forged checks being written against the accounts, and for other illegal purposes. If you receive what you believe to be one of these letters, forward it to Mike Hicks ( Corporate Security maintains a file on them, and works with the US Secret Service to reduce the number of letters received by our employees. For more information on these letters, please email or call Mike at (713) 853-6198. | aeslc_10templates | 217 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: Företagssäkerhetsmeddelande | Write an e-mail with the following subject: Business Safety Message | En gammal bluff har dykt upp nyligen med förnyad kraft. Det nigerianska-419-bedrägeribrevet, så kallat för att det bryter mot avsnitt 419 i nigeriansk lag, skickas i många varianter, via yt- och flygpost samt via fax och e-post. I allmänhet är den form den tar att be den intet ont anande offret att lämna sina bankkonton information i utbyte mot ett löfte att sätta in en mycket stor summa pengar på det kontot under någon förevändning. Anställda bör informeras om att all information som ges kommer att användas för att ytterligare främja bedrägeriet genom att tömma ut bankkonton, förfalskade och förfalskade kontroller skrivs mot kontona, och för andra olagliga ändamål. Om du får vad du tror är ett av dessa brev, vidarebefordra det till Mike Hicks ( Företagssäkerhet upprätthåller en fil om dem, och arbetar med den amerikanska Secret Service för att minska antalet brev som våra anställda får. För mer information om dessa brev, kontakta Mike på (713) 853-6198. | An old hoax has appeared recently with renewed force. The Nigerian-419 fraud letter, so-called because it violates section 419 of Nigerian law, is sent in many variants, via surface and air mail as well as by fax and email. In general, the form it takes to ask the unsuspecting victim to provide his bank accounts is information in exchange for a promise to deposit a very large amount of money into that account under some pretext. Employees should be informed that all information provided will be used to further promote fraud by draining bank accounts, forged and counterfeit checks written against the accounts, and for other illegal purposes. If you get what you think is one of these letters, pass it on to Mike Hicks ( Corporate security maintains a file about them, and works with the U.S. Secret Service to reduce the number of letters our employees receive. For more information about these letters, please contact Mike at (713) 853-6198. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Revised documentation | I think this is the most recent version of the ETA. Obviously, this is the UK version and Sullivan & Cromwell are turning it into a US document. The US version will be governed by NY law and contain an arbitration clause. We're also trying to figure out how much to say about the confirmation process since it may vary from product to product and will almost certainly be different from the UK version. Speaking of which, I was surprised to find that they have the telephone conversation (and in this case the web site records) control over a confirmation which has been signed by both parties. What's the practice in your part of the world? One alternative is to insert the language (or something like it) that we use in financial trading which says that we will send a written confirm, gives the counterparty a short time (2 or 3 days) to respond and indicates that silence will be deemed acceptance. Would that work for your deals? Anyway, I'm in NY today and tomorrow, back in the office on Wed. Louise is insistent that the GTC's be available to be uploaded this weekend. I'll be calling in periodically tomorrow and will try to get you since I'm sure you will have issues to discuss - and now is the right time to get changes made to the ETA if necessary. | aeslc_10templates | 218 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Reviderad dokumentation | Write an email with the following subject: Revised documentation | Jag tror att detta är den senaste versionen av ETA. Detta är naturligtvis den brittiska versionen och Sullivan & Cromwell förvandlar den till ett amerikanskt dokument. Den amerikanska versionen kommer att regleras av NY:s lag och innehålla en skiljedomsklausul. Vi försöker också räkna ut hur mycket vi ska säga om bekräftelseprocessen eftersom den kan variera från produkt till produkt och kommer nästan säkert att skilja sig från den brittiska versionen. På tal om det blev jag förvånad över att de har telefonkonversationen (och i detta fall webbplatsen registrerar) kontroll över en bekräftelse som har undertecknats av båda parter. Vad är det för praktik i din del av världen? Ett alternativ är att infoga det språk (eller något liknande) som vi använder i finansiell handel som säger att vi kommer att skicka en skriftlig bekräftelse, ger motparten en kort tid (2 eller 3 dagar) för att svara och indikerar att tystnad kommer att anses accepterande. Funkar det för dina avtal? Jag är i New York i dag och i morgon, på kontoret på Wed. Jag ringer regelbundet i morgon och kommer att försöka få tag på er eftersom jag är säker på att ni kommer att ha problem att diskutera - och nu är rätt tillfälle att få ändringar gjorda i ETA om det behövs. | I think this is the latest version of ETA. This is of course the UK version and Sullivan & Cromwell turns it into an American document. The US version will be governed by NY law and contain an arbitration clause. We are also trying to figure out how much to say about the confirmation process because it can vary from product to product and will almost certainly differ from the UK version. Speaking of which, I was surprised that they have the telephone conversation (and in this case the website records) control over a confirmation signed by both parties. What kind of practice is that in your part of the world? An alternative is to insert the language (or something similar) that we use in financial trading that says we will send a written confirmation, giving the counterparty a short time (2 or 3 days) to respond and indicating that silence will be considered acceptance. Does that work for your deals? I'll be in New York today and tomorrow, in the office at Wed. I will call you regularly tomorrow and I will try to reach you because I am sure you will have problems to discuss - and now is the right time to have changes made to ETA if necessary. |
Write an email with the subject line "Alberta prepay". | Bill: We are proposing the following compromise language to the bank regarding "Transfer": Party A may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement, in whole but not in part, to any Affiliate that is a resident for income tax purposes of the United States or Canada....... We typically don't resrict the jurisdiction of our Affiliates. Is this O.K. with you? | aeslc_10templates | 219 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Alberta prepay". | Write an email with the subject line "Alberta prepay". | Bill: Vi föreslår följande kompromissspråk till banken angående "Överföring": Parti A kan överföra sina rättigheter och skyldigheter enligt detta avtal, helt men inte delvis, till någon Affiliate som är bosatt för inkomstskatt ändamål i USA eller Kanada.... Vi brukar inte upphäva jurisdiktionen för våra Affiliates. Är det här O.K. med dig? | Bill: We propose the following compromise language to the bank regarding "Transfer": Party A may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement, wholly but not in part, to any Affiliate resident for income tax purposes in the United States or Canada.... We do not usually suspend the jurisdiction of our Affiliates. Is this O.K. With you? |
As requested at the 11 October PRC Committee, attached is a comprehensive overview of the proposed PRC process (360 feedback, PRC and bonus compensation) for year-end 2001, by Business Unit and Function. We look forward to comments, amendments or concurrence. In addition, as regards employment agreement provisions with target bonus amounts based on performance, we have included the bonus language contained in the majority of such agreements. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, Gina Corteselli
Generate a subject line for this email. | PRC Year-end 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 220 | Som begärts av Kinakommittén den 11 oktober finns en övergripande översikt över den föreslagna Kinaprocessen (360 återkoppling, Kina och bonuskompensation) för slutet av 2001, av affärsenheten och funktionen. Vi ser fram emot kommentarer, ändringsförslag eller samförstånd. När det gäller bestämmelser om anställningsavtal med målbonusbelopp baserade på prestation har vi dessutom inkluderat bonusspråket i de flesta av dessa avtal. Om du har några frågor tveka inte att kontakta mig, Gina Corteselli Generera en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | As requested by the China Committee on 11 October, there is an overall overview of the proposed China process (360 feedback, China and bonus compensation) for the end of 2001, of the business unit and function. We look forward to comments, amendments or consensus. In addition, in terms of provisions on employment contracts with target bonus amounts based on performance, we have included the bonus language in most of these agreements. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me, Gina Corteselli Generate a subject line for this email. | Kinesiskt bokslut 2001 | Chinese financial statements 2001 |
This is an email
Please see the attached summary of the captioned session. The positions of the speakers, as well as those of the Commissioners, are summarized. Should you require additional information on a specific topic, please don't hesitate to contact me.
What is the subject of this email? | RTO Week- Session on Cost Recovery Issues | aeslc_10templates | 221 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande Se bifogad sammanfattning av den textade sessionen. Både talarnas och kommissionsledamöternas ståndpunkter sammanfattas. Om du behöver ytterligare information om ett specifikt ämne, tveka inte att kontakta mig. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an e-mail See attached summary of the subtitled session. The positions of both speakers and Commissioners are summarised. If you need further information on a specific subject, do not hesitate to contact me. What is the subject of this email? | Veckans RTO-session om kostnadstäckningsfrågor | RTO session of the week on cost recovery issues |
Write an email with the following subject:
Subject: CAISO Notice - Implementation of OASIS Reports | IMPORTANT NOTICE - Implementation of OASIS Reports December 19, 2001 ISO Market Participants: The November 7th and November 20th FERC decisions require additional information to be provided to Market Participants through OASIS. The following is the current implementation schedule: OASIS CERS Transition Tab Location New Report Name Effective Date Item Number* System Load System Loads by IOU 12/01/01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energy Price Summary 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.e, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Congestion Market Summary 1998 B.1.g Ancillary Service Ancillary Service Summary Report 12/12/01 B.1.h Forecast Forecasted Imbalance Energy Requirements 12/12/01 B.3 To Be Determined Muni's Hour Ahead Load Schedules To Be Determined** B.1.a To Be Determined Hour Direct Access Load To Be Determined** B.1.b * CERS Transition Item Number refers to information provided in the CAISO Market Notice "Changes to Provision of Data to CERS" dated November 30, 2001 ** Implementation Schedule is expected to be released in the next week. Specific report details and data definitions are provided in the OASIS Glossary of Terms, accessible from the OASIS Home Page. Client Relations Communications.0921 | aeslc_10templates | 222 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: Ämne: CAISO Notice - Genomförande av OASIS Reports | Write an email with the following subject: Subject: CAISO Notice - Implementation of OASIS Reports | VIKTIGT MEDDELANDE – Genomförande av OASIS-rapporter 19 december 2001 ISO-marknadsdeltagare: Den 7 november och 20 november FERC-beslut kräver ytterligare information som ska lämnas till marknadsaktörerna genom OASIS. Följande är den aktuella implementeringsschemat: OASIS CERS Transition Tab Plats Ny rapport Namn Effektiv datum objektnummer* System Load System Loads by IOU 12/01/01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energy Price Summary 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.e, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Congestion Market Summary 1998 B.1.g Ancillary Service Ancillary Service Sammanfattning Rapport 12/12/01 B.1.h Prognostad obalans Energikrav 12/12/01 B.3 Ska fastställas Munis Timtid framåt belastningsscheman för att fastställas** B.1.a Att bestämmas timme direkt tillgång lastas för att bestämmas** B.1.b * CERS Övergångsartikelnummer hänvisar till information som tillhandahålls i CAISO Market Notice "Ändringar till tillhandahållande av data till CERS" daterad 30 november 2001 ** Genomförandeschemat förväntas släppas under nästa vecka. Särskilda rapportuppgifter och datadefinitioner finns i OASIS ordlista över termer, som finns tillgänglig på OASIS hemsida. Meddelanden om kundrelationer.0921 | IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION – Implementation of OASIS reports 19 December 2001 ISO market participants: 7 November and 20 November FERC decisions require additional information to be provided to market participants through OASIS. The following is the current implementation schedule: OASIS CERS Transition Tab Location New Report Name Effective Date Item Number* System Load System Loads by IOU 12/01/01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energy Price Summary 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.e, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Congestion Market Summary 1998 B.1.g Ancillary Service Ancillary Service Summary Report 12/12/01 B.1.h Forecast imbalance Energy Requirements 12/12/01 B.3. To be determined Munis Hourly Forward Load Schedules to be determined** B.1.a To be determined hourly direct access is loaded to be determined** B.1.b * CERS Transitional Article Number refers to information provided in CAISO Market Notice "Changes to the provision of data to CERS" dated 30 November 2001 ** The implementation schedule is expected to be released in the next week. Special report data and data definitions are available in the OASIS glossary of terms available on the OASIS website. Communications about customer relations.0921 |
What is the subject line for this email?
With all the ongoing changes that have been taking place around here and the known fact that some of us will be going our separate ways, it is my hope that we can all keep in touch in the future. I would like to put something together for the group, so please provide me with your contact information, so I can prepare the "Let's Keep in Touch" contact list for Government Affairs. Below is the contact information that I would like to receive from each of you. Once I have put the list together, I will forward it to everyone. Name: Home Address: Home Phone#: Home E:mail address: New Place of Employment (if available): Work Address: Work Phone Number: Work E:mail address: Cell #: Other Family Contact Information: Please provide current (or future if known) address and phone number. Thanks to all!!! ! | "Let's Keep in Touch" Contact List | aeslc_10templates | 223 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Med alla de pågående förändringar som har ägt rum här och det kända faktum att några av oss kommer att gå skilda vägar, är det min förhoppning att vi alla kan hålla kontakten i framtiden. Jag skulle vilja sätta ihop något för gruppen, så var snäll och ge mig dina kontaktuppgifter, så att jag kan förbereda kontaktlistan "Let's Keep in Touch" för regeringsärenden. Nedan följer de kontaktuppgifter som jag skulle vilja få från var och en av er. När jag har satt ihop listan, kommer jag att vidarebefordra den till alla. Namn: Hemadress: Hem Telefon#: Hem E:postadress: Ny anställningsort (om sådan finns): Arbetsadress: Arbetsnummer Telefonnummer: Arbete E:postadress: Cell #: Annan familjekontaktinformation: Ange aktuell (eller framtida om känd) adress och telefonnummer. Tack till alla!!!! ! | What is the subject of this email? With all the ongoing changes that have taken place here and the known fact that some of us will go our separate ways, it is my hope that we can all keep in touch in the future. I'd like to put something together for the group, so please give me your contact details, so I can prepare the "Let's Keep in Touch" contact list for government affairs. Below are the contact details that I would like to receive from each of you. Once I put the list together, I'll pass it on to everyone. Name: Home address: Home Phone#: Home Email: Address: New place of employment (if available): Work address: Work number: Work number: Work address: Address: Cell #: Other family contact information: Enter current (or future if known) address and telephone number. Thanks to everyone!!! ! | Kontaktlista "Vi håller kontakten" | Contact list "We keep in touch" |
Can there not be an argument made to dive into TXN? It's trading at 25 forward P/E (2001) with a 5-year consensus growth rate of 24.2. A PEG of ~1 on a high quality stock with superior technology, good management, great market position and tremendous long-term growth has got to be an opportunity, right? What's your view? The technicals (MACD) are not great right now but I think fundamentally this is a tremendous value long-term. It looks like the economy has really got the brakes on now (too much) but wouldn't you expect the market to begin pricing in rate cuts in 2001 pretty soon and an eventual return to high growth in technology? I wouldn't touch any peripheral players but some of the megacap stocks with great market positions, like TXN, are sure tempting. Nasdaq down 46% from its March high and not looking good at the open. This could be a "buy while there is blood in the streets" opportunity.
Generate a subject line for this email. | TXN | aeslc_10templates | 224 | Kan det inte finnas ett argument för att dyka i TXN? Det handlar med 25 framåt P/E (2001) med en 5-årig konsensustillväxt på 24.2. En PEG på ~1 på en högkvalitativ aktie med överlägsen teknik, god förvaltning, bra marknadsposition och enorm långsiktig tillväxt måste vara en möjlighet, eller hur? Vad har du för åsikt? Tekniken (MACD) är inte stor just nu, men jag anser att detta i grunden är ett enormt värde på lång sikt. Det ser ut som om ekonomin verkligen har fått bromsarna på nu (för mycket) men skulle du inte förvänta dig att marknaden ska börja prissättning i hastighetssänkningar 2001 ganska snart och en eventuell återgång till hög tillväxt i teknik? Jag skulle inte röra några perifera spelare men några av megacap aktier med bra marknadspositioner, som TXN, är säkert frestande. Nasdaq sjönk med 46% från sin marshöga nivå och ser inte bra ut på det öppna. Detta kan vara en "köp medan det finns blod på gatorna" möjlighet. Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | Can't there be an argument for diving in TXN? It deals with 25 forward P/E (2001) with a 5-year consensus growth of 24.2. A PEG of ~1 on a high-quality stock with superior technology, good management, good market position and huge long-term growth must be an opportunity, right? What's your opinion? The technology (MACD) is not great at the moment, but I believe that this is basically a huge value in the long term. It looks as if the economy has really had the brakes on now (too much) but wouldn't you expect the market to start pricing in speed cuts in 2001 quite soon and a possible return to high growth in technology? I wouldn't touch any peripheral players but some of the megacap shares with good market positions, like TXN, are certainly tempting. Nasdaq dropped 46% from its March high level and does not look good on the open. This could be a "buy while there's blood on the streets" opportunity. Create a subject line for this message. | TXN | TXN |
Write a subject line for this message:
These are the books we have set up for Natural Gas that need to be uploaded into Risktrac. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thanks. John | Gas Books | aeslc_10templates | 225 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Det här är de böcker vi har satt upp för Natural Gas som behöver laddas upp i Risktrac. Säg till om du behöver nåt mer från mig. Tack. John | Write a subject line for this message: These are the books we have set up for Natural Gas that need to be uploaded into Risktrac. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you. John | Gasböcker | Gas Books |
What is the subject line for this email?
David: Just wanted to let you know that Jason is doing a fantastic job helping us out! He is eager and willing to do whatever we give him and a quick learner. You made an excellent choice and we appreciate it. Thanks. | Jason Peters | aeslc_10templates | 226 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? David: Ville bara låta dig veta att Jason gör ett fantastiskt jobb med att hjälpa oss! Han är ivrig och villig att göra vad vi än ger honom och en snabblärare. Du gjorde ett utmärkt val och vi uppskattar det. Tack. | What is the subject of this email? David: Just wanted to let you know that Jason is doing an amazing job helping us! He is eager and willing to do whatever we give him and a quick teacher. You made an excellent choice and we appreciate it. Thank you. | Jason Peters | Jason Peters |
Write a subject line for this message:
Sara, Gary wants to remove Andy from the current list of officers for ECT Investments, Inc. He would like this filing done as soon as possible. Thanks Sheila | Remove Andrew S. Fastow from ECT Investments, List of officers | aeslc_10templates | 227 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Sara, Gary vill ta bort Andy från den nuvarande listan över officerare för ECT Investments, Inc. Han skulle vilja att detta dokument gjordes så snart som möjligt. Tack Sheila | Write a subject line for this message: Sara, Gary want to remove Andy from the current list of officers for ECT Investments, Inc. He would like this document to be done as soon as possible. Thank you Sheila | Ta bort Andrew S. Fastow från ECT Investments, Lista över officerare | Remove Andrew S. Fastow from ECT Investments, List of officers |
Write an email with the following subject:
Neptune Project order (ER01-2099) | On July 26, 2001, FERC issued an order conditionally approving the proposed tariff for the Neptune Project, which will consist of several thousand miles of undersea high-voltage direct current transmission systems connecting Main, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to the capacity-constrained markets of Maine, New York City, Long Island and Connecticut. As a merchant transmission facility, Neptune proposed to assume all the risk of the the project. It proposed rates effectively capped by market forces. Conditions on the Commission's approval: - Neptune must join an RTO adjacent to or containing the geographic area of its proposed faciliteis and must place operational control of its facilities under the RTO. - Service must be provided pursuant to the Order No 888 pro forma tariff (Commission denied Neptune's request for a waiver). - Neptune cannot negotiate bilateral transactions prior to conducting its open season; it must make all capacity available solely through the open season process. If you would like any further information, please let me know. | aeslc_10templates | 228 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Neptunus Projektordning (ER01-2099) | Write an email with the following subject: Neptune Project Order (ER01-2099) | Den 26 juli 2001 utfärdade FERC en order om villkorligt godkännande av den föreslagna tariffen för Neptunusprojektet, som kommer att bestå av flera tusen miles undervattenshögspännings likströmssystem som förbinder Main, New Brunswick och Nova Scotia med de kapacitetsbegränsade marknaderna i Maine, New York, Long Island och Connecticut. Som en överföringsanläggning för handelsmän föreslog Neptunus att ta på sig alla risker med projektet. Kommissionen föreslog att skattesatserna skulle begränsas av marknadskrafterna. Villkor för kommissionens godkännande: - Neptunus måste ansluta sig till en RTO som gränsar till eller innehåller det geografiska området för dess föreslagna faciliteis och måste placera den operativa kontrollen över dess anläggningar under RTO. - Tjänsten måste tillhandahållas enligt ordning nr 888 proformataxan (kommissionen avslog Neptunus begäran om undantag). - Neptunus kan inte förhandla om bilaterala transaktioner innan dess öppna säsong; den måste göra all kapacitet tillgänglig endast genom den öppna säsongen processen. Om ni vill ha mer information, säg till. | On July 26, 2001, FERC issued an order for conditional approval of the proposed tariff for the Neptune project, which will consist of several thousand miles of underwater high-voltage direct current systems connecting Main, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with the capacity-limited markets in Maine, New York, Long Island and Connecticut. As a merchant transfer facility, Neptune proposed to take on all the risks of the project. The Commission proposed to limit tax rates by market forces. Conditions for Commission approval: - Neptune must join an RTO bordering or containing the geographical area of its proposed facility and must place operational control of its facilities under RTO. - the service must be provided under scheme No 888 proformataxan (the Commission rejected Neptune's request for exemption); - Neptune cannot negotiate bilateral transactions before its open season; it must make all capacity available only through the open season process. If you want more information, let me know. |
I've consolidated the presentation slides we decided on (and added a few). It is still very rough and probably too long, but at a good point to dig in and really discuss what we want to say and how we want to say it. Ty
Propose a subject line for this email? | Fundies Draft Presentation | aeslc_10templates | 229 | Jag har konsoliderat presentationsbilderna vi bestämde oss för (och lagt till några). Den är fortfarande mycket grov och förmodligen för lång, men vid en bra tidpunkt att gräva i och verkligen diskutera vad vi vill säga och hur vi vill säga det. Ty Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | I have consolidated the presentation images we decided to (and added some). It is still very rough and probably too long, but at a good time to dig in and really discuss what we want to say and how we want to say it. For Suggest a topic line for this email? | Presentation av fondförslag | Presentation of Fund proposals |
Write an email with the subject line "TXU Credit Exposure". | Missed your call today and I will be in RAC PRC all day tomorrow. Basically Jeff said we must get this exposure down but gave no parameters to the statement. He did ask if any recent issue is causing us concern to which we said no, and I also said we know more about this company than any other exposure we have (which we should). I also spoke with M. Kopper today and he thinks the proposed deal w/ TXU to pay slightly more for a plant with the proviso that we get a cleaner contract is a good idea, rather than paying a lot of money to an investment bank. Moral of story in my opinion is to try and improve deal structure with TXU through the plant purchase or other structured deal. Do no more (large) deals with TXU that significantly increase credit exposure ($10mm??) unless we buy a derivative that reduces exposure simultaneously. Continue to stay on top of TXU with frequent meetings with their management to maintain a close relationship with good communication. Lets try and discuss Wed if possible. | aeslc_10templates | 230 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "TXU Credit Exposure". | Write an email with the subject line "TXU Credit Exposure". | Missade ditt samtal idag och jag kommer att vara i RAC Kina hela dagen i morgon. Jeff sa att vi måste få ner exponeringen men gav inga parametrar till uttalandet. Han frågade om någon fråga nyligen orsakar oss oro som vi sade nej till, och jag sade också att vi vet mer om detta företag än någon annan exponering vi har (vilket vi bör). Jag talade också med M. Kopper idag och han tycker att den föreslagna affären med TXU att betala lite mer för en anläggning med förbehållet att vi får ett renare kontrakt är en bra idé, snarare än att betala mycket pengar till en investmentbank. Moral av historia enligt min mening är att försöka förbättra hanteringen struktur med TXU genom anläggningen köp eller annan strukturerad affär. Handlar inte mer (stor) med TXU som avsevärt ökar kreditexponeringen ($10mm??) om vi inte köper ett derivat som minskar exponeringen samtidigt. Fortsätt att hålla sig på toppen av TXU med täta möten med sin ledning för att upprätthålla en nära relation med god kommunikation. Låt oss försöka diskutera ons om möjligt. | Missed your call today and I'll be in RAC China all day tomorrow. Jeff said we need to reduce exposure, but he didn't give any parameters to the statement. He asked if any recent question causes us concern to which we said no, and I also said that we know more about this company than any other exposure we have (which we should). I also spoke to M. Kopper today and he thinks the proposed deal with TXU to pay a little more for a facility with the reservation that we get a cleaner contract is a good idea, rather than paying a lot of money to an investment bank. Moral of history in my opinion is to try to improve the management structure with TXU through the plant purchase or other structured deal. Doesn't more (large) trade with TXU that significantly increases credit exposure ($10mm??) unless we buy a derivative that reduces exposure at the same time. Continue to stay on top of TXU with frequent meetings with its management to maintain a close relationship with good communication. Let's try to discuss Wed if possible. |
Afternoon, Enclosed is an amended worksheet for Ineos Acrylics Inc. We sent a draft under a different name a couple of months ago. This entity will be guaranteed by the ultimate parent as described in the worksheet. Please prepare this draft and forward to Eric and Graham at Ineos, with a copy to me. Give me a call with any questions. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Ineos Acrylics | aeslc_10templates | 231 | Eftermiddag, Encondated är ett ändrat arbetsblad för Ineos Akryls Inc. Vi skickade ett utkast under ett annat namn för ett par månader sedan. Detta företag kommer att garanteras av det yttersta moderföretaget enligt beskrivningen i kalkylbladet. Var snäll och förbered detta utkast och vidarebefordra till Eric och Graham på Ineos, med en kopia till mig. Ring mig om du har några frågor. Tack, Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Afternoon, Encondated is a modified worksheet for Ineos Acrylics Inc. We sent a draft under a different name a few months ago. This entity will be guaranteed by the ultimate parent as described in the spreadsheet. Please prepare this draft and forward it to Eric and Graham at Ineos, with a copy to me. Call me if you have any questions. Thank you, Create a topic line for this email. | Ineos Akryl | Ineos Acrylic |
What is the subject line for this email?
Tim, my understanding is that partnership fee (the $11.0M) has been amortized for the last several years and expensed to the Industrial groups (McConville and Ondarza). As you are aware, I sued them for breach. The settlement involved the elimination of all existing transactions between Ft. James and Enron including the Wauna and Halsey power contracts. It is my understanding that the benefit of the elimination of those shorts resides in the Portland shop. The elimination of the shorts would not have occurred without the lawsuit on the alliance and the settlement I originated. It seemed logical to charge the Portland office with the remaining un-amortized fee of $1.8M as a cost of eliminating the shorts for no cost and no future contingent liability. Lets discuss. Regards | Fort James Amortization | aeslc_10templates | 232 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Tim, min förståelse är att partnerskapsavgift ($ 11.0M) har amorterats under de senaste åren och kostats till industrigrupperna (McConville och Ondarza). Som ni vet stämde jag dem för intrång. Uppgörelsen involverade elimineringen av alla existerande transaktioner mellan Ft. James och Enron inklusive kraftkontrakten Wauna och Halsey. Jag har förstått att fördelen med att eliminera shortsen finns i Portlandbutiken. Elimineringen av shortsen skulle inte ha skett utan stämningen om alliansen och uppgörelsen som jag hade tillkommit. Det verkade logiskt att debitera Portland kontoret med den återstående oamortiserade avgift på $1,8M som en kostnad för att eliminera shortsen utan kostnad och ingen framtida ansvarsförbindelser. Låt oss diskutera. Hälsningar | What is the subject of this email? Tim, my understanding is that the partnership fee ($11.0M) has been amortized in recent years and costed to the industrial groups (McConville and Ondarza). As you know, I sued them for trespassing. The settlement involved the elimination of all existing transactions between Ft. James and Enron including the Wauna and Halsey power contracts. I understand the advantage of eliminating the shorts is in the Portland store. The elimination of the shorts would not have happened without the lawsuit about the alliance and the settlement that I had formed. It seemed logical to charge the Portland office with the remaining unamortized fee of $1.8M as a cost to eliminate the shorts free of charge and no future contingent liabilities. Let's discuss. Greetings | Fort James avskrivningar | Fort James depreciation |
This is to advise you that we are still working on your individual issues regarding the lack of representation in your specific areas on the Associate PRC Committee. I will keep you posted on the outcome. Thanks,
Propose a subject line for this email? | ASSOCIATE PRC | aeslc_10templates | 233 | Detta för att ge er råd om att vi fortfarande arbetar med era enskilda frågor angående bristen på representation inom era specifika områden i den associerade Kinakommittén. Jag ska hålla dig underrättad om resultatet. Tack, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is to advise you that we are still working on your individual issues regarding the lack of representation in your specific areas on the Associated China Committee. I'll keep you informed of the results. Thank you, Suggest a topic line for this email? | ASSOCIATET Kina | China ASSOCIATE |
Rob, independent of dotted/solid lines, you already have the primary and complete responsibility to manage the office and the business. At the risk of being bold, I think the undercurrent of your note and your discussions with Haedicke over the last couple of days is a matter of absolute control. Ownership and passion are important characteristics of our best commercial people but so is fostering a diversity of opinions and ideas. With the back and mid office, the current Enron model is based upon scale and standardization which generates tremendous operating leverage. Further, it helps us manage risk and is a board mandated control issue. In the long-run, it is actually less costly (ie) systems that don't work together, less transferable human capital, un-managed legal risks, etc. A lot of your points are very valid and Haedicke has never and never will get in the way of managing commercial business; however, Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al have a mandate to provide a flexible, scalable but standardized delivery mechanism, that manages our risk across the broad empire. Don't quit protecting the business and your people; however, please help accomplish some of these goals as well. In short, I would like to keep the reporting structures the same. Lets take the earliest opporunity to discuss this. Regards
Write a subject line for this email. | Reporting Structure | aeslc_10templates | 234 | Rob, oberoende av streckade/fasta linjer, har du redan det primära och fullständiga ansvaret för att hantera kontoret och verksamheten. Med risk för djärvhet anser jag att underströmmen i ert meddelande och era diskussioner med Haedicke under de senaste dagarna är en fråga om absolut kontroll. Ägande och passion är viktiga egenskaper hos våra bästa kommersiella människor, men det främjar också en mångfald av åsikter och idéer. Med det bakre och mellersta kontoret, den nuvarande Enron-modellen är baserad på skala och standardisering som genererar enorm operativ hävstång. Dessutom hjälper det oss att hantera risker och är en fråga om styrelsens mandat. På lång sikt är det faktiskt mindre kostsamma (dvs.) system som inte fungerar tillsammans, mindre överförbart humankapital, ohanterliga juridiska risker etc. En hel del av dina poäng är mycket giltiga och Haedicke har aldrig och aldrig kommer att komma i vägen för att hantera kommersiella affärer; dock, Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al har ett mandat att tillhandahålla en flexibel, skalbar men standardiserad leveransmekanism, som hanterar vår risk över hela det breda imperiet. Sluta inte att skydda verksamheten och ditt folk; men snälla hjälp till att uppnå några av dessa mål också. Kort sagt vill jag behålla rapporteringsstrukturerna på samma sätt. Låt oss ta den tidigaste opporunity att diskutera detta. Angående Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Rob, regardless of dotted/fixed lines, you already have the primary and full responsibility for managing the office and operations. At the risk of audacity, I believe that the undercurrent of your communication and your discussions with Mr Haedicke over the past few days is a matter of absolute control. Ownership and passion are important qualities of our best commercial people, but it also promotes a variety of opinions and ideas. With the rear and middle office, the current Enron model is based on scale and standardization that generates huge operational leverage. In addition, it helps us to manage risks and is a matter of the mandate of the Board. In the long term, it is actually less costly (i.e.) systems that do not work together, less transferable human capital, unmanageable legal risks, etc. A lot of your points are very valid and Haedicke has never and never will get in the way of managing commercial business; however, Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al have a mandate to provide a flexible, scalable but standardized delivery mechanism, which manages our risk across the wide empire. Don't stop protecting the business and your people; but please help achieve some of these goals as well. In short, I want to keep the reporting structures in the same way. Let us take the earliest opporunity to discuss this. Concerning Write a subject line for this email. | Rapporteringsstruktur | Reporting structure |
Write an email with the following subject:
my schedule | Scott: I just wanted to let you know that I am working on a number of quarter-end deals and haven't heard from anyone today about the ESA swap for Raptor 2. I WILL NOT BE IN THE OFFICE ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. However, I will identify a lawyer to assist on this transaction should the need arise. I'll be back in the office on Monday. Sara | aeslc_10templates | 235 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: mitt schema | Write an email with the following subject: my schedule | Scott: Jag ville bara tala om för dig att jag arbetar på ett antal kvarts-slut-avtal och har inte hört från någon idag om ESA-bytet mot Raptor 2. Jag kommer inte att vara på kontoret på fredag den 29 september. Jag kommer dock att utse en advokat som kan bistå vid denna transaktion om det skulle behövas. Jag är tillbaka på kontoret på måndag. Sara | Scott: I just wanted to tell you that I'm working on a number of quarter-end deals and haven't heard from anyone today about the ESA swap against Raptor 2. I won't be in the office on Friday, September 29th. However, I will appoint a lawyer to assist in this transaction if necessary. I'll be back in the office on Monday. Sara |
Write a subject line for this message:
Shortly before the teleconference Board meeting two weeks ago we received an application from the Bank of England for subscriber membership. When we have considered central banks or government agencies for membership in the past, consideration has focused on the nature of the applicant's derivatives activities, its regulatory role and the type of information they are likely to obtain from ISDA. Because of their derivatives activities, we have generally admitted these applicants (e.g., the Kingdoms of Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, the Reserve Banks of South Africa and New Zealand). We have even admitted the Bank for International Settlements as a member. In general, we let them know that they may not be able to receive the full range of ISDA materials (e.g., draft comment letters or position papers) and that there may be a need to exclude them from certain committees or discussions. In previous Board discussions, a higher degree of concern has been expressed if, theoretically, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England or similarly influential central banks were to apply for membership. These central banks typically have a greater degree of involvement in the regulatory debates (particularly on capital) and are better positioned to influence the process. Since some of those previous debates, the regulatory role of the Bank of England has diminished and the role of the Financial Services Authority has correspondingly increased. The Bank of England still plays the traditional central bank roles of controller of the money supply, dealing in the market and lender of last resort, but the supervisory role has shifted to the FSA. In light of these developments, but recognizing the concerns previously expressed on central bank membership, I would appreciate your views on the application of the Bank of England. We have also had overtures from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority regarding membership although we have not received an application. Please share your views with the other members of the Board. Bob | Bank of England Application | aeslc_10templates | 236 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Strax före telefonkonferensens styrelsemöte för två veckor sedan fick vi en ansökan från Bank of England om abonnentmedlemskap. När vi tidigare har övervägt centralbanker eller statliga myndigheter för medlemskap, har man fokuserat på arten av sökandens derivatverksamhet, dess regulatoriska roll och vilken typ av information de sannolikt kommer att få från ISDA. På grund av deras derivatverksamhet har vi i allmänhet erkänt dessa sökande (t.ex. kungadömena Belgien, Danmark och Sverige, reservbankerna i Sydafrika och Nya Zeeland). Vi har till och med godkänt Bank for International Settlements som medlem. I allmänhet låter vi dem veta att de kanske inte kan ta emot hela skalan av ISDA-material (t.ex. utkast till kommentarsbrev eller ståndpunktsdokument) och att det kan finnas behov av att utesluta dem från vissa utskott eller diskussioner. I tidigare styrelsediskussioner har en högre grad av oro uttryckts om, teoretiskt sett, Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan, Bank of England eller liknande inflytelserika centralbanker skulle ansöka om medlemskap. Dessa centralbanker deltar i regel i högre grad i lagstiftningsdebatterna (särskilt om kapital) och har bättre förutsättningar att påverka processen. Sedan några av dessa tidigare debatter har Bank of Englands regleringsroll minskat och Finansinspektionens roll har på motsvarande sätt ökat. Bank of England spelar fortfarande de traditionella centralbanksrollerna som kontrollant av penningmängden, som handlar på marknaden och långivare av sista utvägen, men tillsynsrollen har övergått till FSA. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling, men med beaktande av den oro som tidigare uttryckts över centralbanksmedlemskapet, skulle jag uppskatta era synpunkter på Bank of Englands tillämpning. Vi har också haft ouvertyrer från Hongkongs monetära myndighet när det gäller medlemskap, även om vi inte har fått någon ansökan. Dela gärna med dig av dina synpunkter till de övriga styrelsemedlemmarna. Bob | Write a subject line for this message: Just before the telephone conference board meeting two weeks ago, we received an application from the Bank of England for subscriber membership. Once we have previously considered central banks or government agencies for membership, the focus has been on the nature of the applicant's derivative business, its regulatory role and the type of information they are likely to receive from ISDA. Due to their derivative activities, we have generally recognised these applicants (e.g. the kingdoms of Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, the reserve banks of South Africa and New Zealand). We have even approved Bank for International Settlements as a member. In general, we let them know that they may not be able to receive the full range of ISDA material (e.g. draft comments or position papers) and that there may be a need to exclude them from certain committees or discussions. In previous board discussions, a higher degree of concern has been expressed if, theoretically speaking, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England or similar influential central banks would apply for membership. These central banks are generally more involved in the legislative debates (especially on capital) and are better placed to influence the process. Since some of these previous debates, the Bank of England's regulatory role has decreased and Finansinspektionen's role has similarly increased. The Bank of England still plays the traditional central bank roles of controller of the money supply, acting on the market and lenders of the last resort, but the supervisory role has shifted to the FSA. In the light of these developments, but taking into account the concerns previously expressed about central bank membership, I would appreciate your views on the application of the Bank of England. We have also had overtures from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in terms of membership, although we have not received an application. Please share your views with the other Board members. Bob | Ansökan från Bank of England | Application from the Bank of England |
Dear Ken: This note builds on the earlier voice mail, and a memorandum I have sent to you, following the Dave Dorman meeting. Given the initial ground work done by our team at ATT leadership level, the meeting between Jeff and David Dorman, we think did go as expected by us. I am sure Dave and Stewart, along with Jeff have shared their views of the meeting, and do feel positive about the process forward. Our take on the meeting is as follows: 1. Dave Dorman is open and eager to explore ways ATT and Enron could cooperate across the board. 2. Dave wants to move fast, but at a pace that will work within ATT, and is strategically sound for both the organizations 3. He is now looking forward to specific value propositions from Enron-Adventis team, which he is prepared to discuss with us. 4. On that basis I am sure he will guide us to the most appropriate guys within ATT who will need to understand and act on the value propositions. In view of the above the real work begins now. As discussed with Dave and Stewart, we will further reinforce our commitment to develop, and take the basic proposals with ATT forward. Our team is already on the job and will meet with Stewart early this week. I did indicate to both Dave and Stewart that we will like to take the next steps in a most expeditious and matured fashion so that all the strategic possibilities to create the new bandwidth dynamics between the two companies could be achieved. Given that there were some hesitation within Enron on the out come of the first meeting with ATT, we committed to the last 2.5 weeks of work with a reduced fee structure. Now that the first major step has been successfully taken, we plan to work with you along our normal professional fee schedule. As we do want to move as fast as possible and if at any point indications are that the desired out come will be difficult to achieve we could stop and review progress. As a result, although not common, we are willing to work with a weekly rate, adjusted to professional fees of $75,000/week and out of pocket expenses. In addition of course for an engagement of this nature which essentially leverages our firms professional credibility and trust in the industry, our clients pay us on the basis of successful execution of the alliance formation along preset milestones. Given the strategic nature of this engagement, and our commitment to assist you with all the major Telcos, -- incumbents and new, we will welcome to
Write a subject line for this email. | Moving forward: URGENT, URGENT. | aeslc_10templates | 237 | Kära Ken: Detta meddelande bygger på den tidigare röstbrevlådan, och ett memorandum som jag har skickat till dig, efter Dave Dorman-mötet. Med tanke på det inledande markarbete som gjordes av vårt team på ATT ledarskapsnivå, mötet mellan Jeff och David Dorman, tror vi att gå som förväntat av oss. Jag är säker på att Dave och Stewart, tillsammans med Jeff har delat deras åsikter om mötet, och känner sig positiva till processen framåt. Vår syn på mötet är följande: 1. Dave Dorman är öppen och ivrig att utforska sätt ATT och Enron kunde samarbeta över hela linjen. 2. Dave vill röra sig snabbt, men i en takt som kommer att fungera inom ATT, och är strategiskt sund för båda organisationerna 3. Han ser nu fram emot specifika värdeförslag från Enron-Addentis team, som han är beredd att diskutera med oss. 4. På den grunden är jag säker på att han kommer att vägleda oss till de mest lämpliga killarna inom ATT som kommer att behöva förstå och agera på värdeförslagen. Med tanke på ovanstående börjar det verkliga arbetet nu. Som diskuterats med Dave och Stewart, kommer vi att ytterligare stärka vårt engagemang för att utveckla, och föra de grundläggande förslagen med ATT framåt. Vårt team är redan på jobbet och kommer att träffa Stewart tidigt i veckan. Jag antydde för både Dave och Stewart att vi kommer att vilja ta nästa steg på ett mycket snabbt och moget sätt så att alla strategiska möjligheter att skapa den nya bandbreddsdynamiken mellan de två företagen kan uppnås. Med tanke på att det fanns viss tvekan inom Enron på ut kommer av det första mötet med ATT, vi åtog oss att de senaste 2,5 veckorna av arbete med en reducerad avgiftsstruktur. Nu när det första stora steget har tagits framgångsrikt planerar vi att arbeta med er längs vårt normala schema för professionella avgifter. Eftersom vi vill agera så snabbt som möjligt och om det vid något tillfälle finns tecken på att det önskade resultatet kommer att bli svårt att uppnå skulle vi kunna stoppa och se över framstegen. Som ett resultat, även om inte vanligt, är vi villiga att arbeta med en veckotaxa, justerad till professionella avgifter på $ 75,000 / vecka och ur ficka utgifter. Dessutom naturligtvis för ett engagemang av denna typ som i huvudsak utnyttjar våra företag professionell trovärdighet och förtroende för branschen, våra kunder betalar oss på grundval av ett framgångsrikt genomförande av alliansbildningen längs förinställda milstolpar. Med tanke på den strategiska karaktären av detta engagemang, och vårt åtagande att hjälpa dig med alla de stora Telcos, -- dominerande och nya, kommer vi att välkomna att skriva en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Dear Ken: This message is based on the previous voicemail, and a memorandum that I have sent to you, after the Dave Dorman meeting. Given the initial groundwork done by our team at ATT leadership level, the meeting between Jeff and David Dorman, we believe to go as expected of us. I'm sure Dave and Stewart, along with Jeff, have shared their views on the meeting, and feel positive about the process ahead. Our view of the meeting is as follows: 1. Dave Dorman is open and eager to explore ways ATT and Enron could collaborate across the board. 2. Dave wants to move quickly, but at a rate that will work within ATT, and is strategically healthy for both organizations 3. He is now looking forward to specific value proposals from the Enron-Addenti team, which he is prepared to discuss with us. 4. On that basis, I'm sure he will guide us to the most suitable guys in ATT who will need to understand and act on the value proposals. In view of the above, the real work begins now. As discussed with Dave and Stewart, we will further strengthen our commitment to developing, and move the basic proposals forward with TO. Our team is already at work and will meet Stewart early this week. I indicated to both Dave and Stewart that we will want to take the next step in a very fast and mature way so that all strategic opportunities to create the new bandwidth dynamics between the two companies can be achieved. Given that there was some hesitation within Enron on the out comes from the first meeting with ATT, we committed ourselves to the last 2.5 weeks of work on a reduced fee structure. Now that the first major step has been taken successfully, we plan to work with you along our normal professional fee schedule. Because we want to act as quickly as possible and if there are signs at any time that the desired result will be difficult to achieve, we could stop and review progress. As a result, although not usual, we are willing to work with a weekly rate, adjusted to professional fees of $75,000/week and out of pocket expenses. In addition, of course, for a commitment of this type that essentially exploits our companies professional credibility and confidence in the industry, our customers pay us on the basis of successful implementation of alliance formation along pre-set milestones. Given the strategic nature of this commitment, and our commitment to help you with all the great Telcos, -- dominant and new, we will welcome to write a subject line for this email. | Framåt: Ursäkt, Ursäkt. | Forward: Apology, Apology. |
This is an email
What is the subject of this email? | National Fun Day | aeslc_10templates | 238 | Det här är ett mejl till alla i Calgary. TACK Angela i dag är nationell fest på jobbet (så sätt igång!) Tack för allt ditt hårda arbete! JOHN LAVORATO Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email for everyone in Calgary. Thank you Angela today is a national party at work (so go ahead!) Thank you for all your hard work! JOHN LAVORATO What is the subject of this email? | Nationella nöjesdagen | National Day of Entertainment |
This is an email
Gouger Gray Davis California's petulant governor ignores reality as he overpays for electricity LANCE T. IZUMI Mr. Izumi is a senior fellow in California Studies at the San Francisco- based Pacific Research Institute. On the surface, things seem to be going pretty good for Gov. Gray Davis with regard to California's electricity crisis. The governor has scored some nice publicity by switching on some new power plants. The weather has been unseasonably cool. His poll numbers are edging back up. Yet beneath this optimistic picture lie troubling problems. For example, Davis's argument that out-of-state power generators are responsible for the electricity crisis has been falling apart. For months, Davis has been claiming that private generators have overcharged California by $8.9 billion and demanded that this amount be refunded to the state. However, after a two-week mediation between state officials and the generators, Curtis Wagner, the federal government's chief energy regulatory judge, rebuked Davis's claim saying that such a huge overcharge "has not and cannot be substantiated." Further, while the generators may be liable to refund a much smaller amount to the state, perhaps $1 billion, Wagner said that generators are owed more money by the state than they owe the state in refunds: "Can a cash refund be required where a much larger amount is due the seller? The chief judge thinks not." Davis reacted to the judge's ruling by calling it a "raw deal" and by urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ignore the lack of evidence and the judge's conclusions and to "step up and provide the refunds we've asked for." Davis's position, as usual, is motivated purely by politics. Indeed, Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee says that Davis is operating in a "melodramatic virtual world" de-linked from reality. Davis's blame-the-generators argument took another body blow when newly released documents showed that, on average, major out-of-state power companies such as Enron, Duke, Dynergy and Mirant charged less than the average prices paid by the state during the first three months of the year. California government utilities, on the other hand, such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), charged the state much more for electricity than the out-of-state generators. For example, while Texas-based Enron, a favorite Davis whipping boy, charged an average $181 per megawatt hour, SMUD charged an average $330 per megawatt hour. Davis responded to this revelation in typical political fashion. A Davis spokesman said that the governor had expressed his anger at "the generators who wear cowboy hats" and that "just because there are other entities that are charging us more doesn't change the fact that we are getting ripped off by companies from Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta or Charlotte." Yet, for all Davis' feigned indignation about consumers being ripped off, it turns out that he and his regulators are poised to ensure that business consumers are ripped off by state government. Davis has signed $43 billion in ill-advised long-term purchase contracts at rates above-market-price. The state must, therefore, ensure that enough business customers remain in the current state-controlled distribution system to pay for high-priced state power purchases. This is especially important to Davis since the high prices are borne disproportionately by business. Thus, Davis' regulators are set to eliminate "direct access," which allows businesses to shop for cheaper power. Who's the real gouger? No matter how much Davis points the finger, Californians are paying dearly for his political opportunism and bad policies.
What is the subject of this email? | Gouger Gray Davis : | aeslc_10templates | 239 | Detta är ett mejl Gouger Gray Davis Kaliforniens petulant guvernör ignorerar verkligheten då han överbetalar för elektricitet LANCE T. IZUMI Mr Izumi är en senior i Kalifornien Studier vid San Francisco-baserade Pacific Research Institute. På ytan verkar det gå ganska bra för Gov. Gray Davis med anledning av Kaliforniens elkris. Guvernören har fått lite publicitet genom att slå på några nya kraftverk. Vädret har varit osäsongsmässigt svalt. Hans opinionssiffror ökar igen. Men under denna optimistiska bild ligger oroande problem. Davis argument att elproducenterna utanför staten är ansvariga för elkrisen har t.ex. rasat samman. Davis har i månader hävdat att privata generatorer har överladdat Kalifornien med 8,9 miljarder dollar och krävt att detta belopp ska återbetalas till staten. Efter en två veckor lång medling mellan statstjänstemännen och generatorerna förebrådde Curtis Wagner, den federala regeringens högste energiregulatoriske domare, Davis påstående att en sådan enorm överladdning "inte har och inte kan styrkas." Vidare, medan generatorerna kan vara skyldiga att återbetala ett mycket mindre belopp till staten, kanske 1 miljard dollar, Wagner sade att generatorer är skyldiga mer pengar av staten än de är skyldiga staten i återbetalning: "Kan en kontant återbetalning krävas där en mycket större belopp är skyldig säljaren? Hövdingen tänker inte det." Davis reagerade på domarens utslag genom att kalla det en "rå överenskommelse" och genom att uppmana Federal Energy Regulatory Commission att ignorera bristen på bevis och domarens slutsatser och att "snabba upp och ge de återbetalningar vi har begärt." Davis ställning motiveras som vanligt enbart av politiken. Faktum är att Dan Walters från Sacramento Bee säger att Davis verkar i en "melodramatisk virtuell värld" avlänkad från verkligheten. Davis klander-generatorernas argument tog ett annat kroppsslag då nyutgivna dokument visade att i genomsnitt stora utomstatliga maktföretag som Enron, Duke, Dynergy och Mirant tog ut lägre avgifter än de genomsnittliga priser som staten betalade under årets tre första månader. Kalifornien statliga allmännyttiga, å andra sidan, såsom Los Angeles Department of Water and Power och Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), debiterade staten mycket mer för el än utanför staten generatorer. Till exempel, medan Texas-baserade Enron, en favorit Davis whipping boy, laddade en genomsnittlig $ 181 per megawattimme, SMUD laddade en genomsnittlig $ 330 per megawattimme. Davis svarade på denna uppenbarelse på ett typiskt politiskt sätt. En Davis talesman sade att guvernören hade uttryckt sin ilska över "generatorerna som bär cowboyhattar" och att "bara för att det finns andra enheter som tar mer betalt för oss förändrar inte det faktum att vi blir lurade av företag från Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta eller Charlotte." Men trots all Davis skenheliga indignation över att konsumenterna blir lurade visar det sig att han och hans tillsynsmyndigheter är redo att se till att företagskonsumenterna blir lurade av delstatsregeringen. Davis har skrivit på 43 miljarder dollar i dåliga långfristiga köpekontrakt till överpriser. Staten måste därför se till att tillräckligt många företagskunder stannar kvar i det nuvarande statskontrollerade distributionssystemet för att betala för statskraftsköp till höga priser. Detta är särskilt viktigt för Davis eftersom de höga priserna bärs oproportionerligt av företagen. Davis tillsynsmyndigheter är därför inställda på att eliminera "direkt tillgång", vilket gör det möjligt för företag att handla för billigare el. Vem är den riktige gougern? Oavsett hur mycket Davis pekar ut betalar kalifornierna dyrt för hans politiska opportunism och dåliga politik. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Gouger Gray Davis California's petulant governor ignores reality as he overpays for electricity LANCE T. IZUMI Mr. Izumi is a senior in California Studies at the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. On the surface, Gov seems to be doing pretty well. Gray Davis on the occasion of California's electrical crisis. The governor's got some publicity by turning on some new power plants. The weather has been unseasonally cool. His polls are increasing again. However, under this optimistic picture are worrying problems. For example, Davis’ argument that power generators outside the state are responsible for the electricity crisis has collapsed. Davis has claimed for months that private generators have overcharged California by $8.9 billion and demanded that this amount be repaid to the state. After a two-week mediation between state officials and generators, Curtis Wagner, the federal government's highest energy regulatory judge, reproached Davis' claim that such a huge overcharge "does not have and cannot be substantiated." Furthermore, while generators may be obliged to repay a much smaller amount to the state, perhaps $1 billion, Wagner said generators owe more money to the state than they owe the state in repayment: "Can a cash refund be required where a much larger amount owes the seller? The chief doesn't think so." Davis reacted to the judge's ruling by calling it a "raw deal" and by calling on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ignore the lack of evidence and the judge's conclusions and to "speed up and give the refunds we have requested." As usual, Davis' position is motivated solely by politics. In fact, Dan Walters of Sacramento Bee says Davis operates in a "melodramatic virtual world" disconnected from reality. The Davis blame generators' arguments took a different kind of body as newly released documents showed that on average large out-of-state power companies such as Enron, Duke, Dynergy and Mirant charged lower fees than the average prices paid by the state in the first three months of the year. California government utilities, on the other hand, such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), charged the state much more for electricity than outside state generators. For example, while Texas-based Enron, a favorite Davis whipping boy, charged an average $181 per megawatt hour, SMUD charged an average $330 per megawatt hour. Davis responded to this revelation in a typical political way. A Davis spokesman said that the governor had expressed his anger at "the generators wearing cowboy hats" and that "just because there are other units charging us more does not change the fact that we are being fooled by companies from Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta or Charlotte." However, despite all Davis' hypocritical indignation at consumers being deceived, it turns out that he and his regulators are ready to ensure that business consumers are deceived by the state government. Davis has signed $43 billion in poor long-term over-priced purchase contracts. The State must therefore ensure that sufficient corporate customers remain in the current state-controlled distribution system to pay for government power purchases at high prices. This is particularly important for Davis because the high prices are borne disproportionately by the companies. Davis' regulators are therefore set to eliminate "direct access", allowing businesses to trade for cheaper electricity. Who's the real Gouger? No matter how much Davis points out, the Californians pay dearly for his political opportunism and bad politics. What is the subject of this email? | Gouger Gray Davis: | Gouger Gray Davis: |
This is the content of an email: In a conference call today with Alcoa on the Services business we are pursuing, the following issues with regard to credit were mentioned: 1. Alcoa has revoked a $10MM credit line they had open with Enron. 2. Alcoa was uncomfortable taking on more Enron exposure given the recent press. In addition to the power/gas exposure, there is metals exposure. 3. Future deals will need to be closely reviewed by Alcoa's credit group. By copy of this e-mail, I am requesting that Ed Sacks contact Mike Fry of Alcoa's credit group in Atlanta. Please advise if you need his phone number. Also, we want to move ahead with getting the EEI in place as Alcoa's represents one of our strongest prospects for the new Services business. We will need to get Alcoa comfortable with our credit issues. In addition, we are talking to Alcoa on various other pieces of business at their various smelters in PJM and TVA as well as rainfall hedges for their hydro operations. Oscar Dalton
What was the subject line for this email? | Alcoa | aeslc_10templates | 240 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: I en konferenssamtal idag med Alcoa om de tjänster vi bedriver, följande frågor om kredit nämndes: 1. Alcoa har återkallat en $10MM kreditlinje de hade öppet med Enron. 2. Alcoa var obekväm ta på mer Enron exponering ges den senaste pressen. Utöver exponeringen för effekt/gas förekommer exponering för metaller. 3. Framtida affärer måste granskas noggrant av Alcoas kreditgrupp. Jag ber Ed Sacks kontakta Mike Fry från Alcoas kreditgrupp i Atlanta. Var snäll och meddela om du behöver hans telefonnummer. Vi vill också gå vidare med att få EEI på plats eftersom Alcoas representerar en av våra starkaste utsikter för den nya Services-verksamheten. Vi måste få Alcoa att känna sig bekväm med våra kreditproblem. Dessutom pratar vi med Alcoa om olika andra affärsverksamheter vid deras olika smältverk i PJM och TVA samt om nederbördssäkringar för deras hydroverksamhet. Oscar Dalton Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: In a conference call today with Alcoa about the services we provide, the following questions about credit were mentioned: 1. Alcoa has recalled a $10MM credit line they were open with Enron. 2. Alcoa was uncomfortable taking on more Enron exposure given the latest press. In addition to the exposure to power/gas, there is exposure to metals. 3. Future business needs to be carefully reviewed by Alcoa's credit group. I'll have Ed Sacks contact Mike Fry from Alcoa's credit group in Atlanta. Please let me know if you need his phone number. We also want to move on to get EEI in place because Alcoas represents one of our strongest prospects for the new Services business. We need to make Alcoa feel comfortable with our credit problems. In addition, we talk to Alcoa about various other business activities at their various smelters in PJM and TVA and about precipitation fuses for their hydro activities. Oscar Dalton What was the subject line of this email? | Alcoa | Alcoa |
Here is an email: Kim would like the Marketing Team to meeting with Steve to discuss the above mentioned topic, Friday morning, November 16, 9:00 a.m., ECN-1336. Please mark your calendars accordingly. adr
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Capacity Available - Team Discussion | aeslc_10templates | 241 | Här är ett mail: Kim vill att marknadsföringsgruppen ska träffa Steve för att diskutera det ovan nämnda ämnet, fredag morgon den 16 november 09:00, ECN-1336. Var snäll och markera era kalendrar i enlighet med detta. adr Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Kim wants the marketing group to meet Steve to discuss the above-mentioned topic, Friday morning, November 16, 09:00, ECN-1336. Please mark your calendars accordingly. dr What is a potential subject line for this email? | Tillgänglig kapacitet - Lagdiskussion | Available capacity - Team discussion |
Write a subject line for this message:
Attached is the form I'd like everyone to use for tomorrow's reports. We will probably modify this and the ones to follow, so be prepared! Fletch | Utility Term Sheet Form 1 | aeslc_10templates | 242 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Bifogat är formuläret jag vill att alla ska använda för morgondagens rapporter. Vi kommer förmodligen att modifiera detta och de som ska följa, så var beredda! Fletch Ordförande | Write a subject line for this message: Attached is the form I want everyone to use for tomorrow's reports. We will probably modify this and those who will follow, so be prepared! Fletcher | Blankett för verktygstermer 1 | Form for tool terms 1 |
In conversations with GE, it is their understanding that their guaranty will not be transmitted until there is a fed ref number tomorrow. The opinion letter will be faxed as soon as the GC is available, or Kent can sign for Dan Rowley if that is acceptable. DRowley can sign originals on Thursday. The LOC is in the works, and GE understands that 10% will be retained in escrow until the LOC is delivered. There will be three original opinions. There is one original guaranty, and I'm not certain of GE's willingness to give more than that. Obviously, there will be only one LOC. Kay
Propose a subject line for this email? | GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit | aeslc_10templates | 243 | I samtal med GE är det deras uppfattning att deras säkerhet inte kommer att överföras förrän det finns ett refnummer imorgon. Yttrandebrevet kommer att faxas så snart GC är tillgängligt, eller Kent kan skriva på för Dan Rowley om det är acceptabelt. DRowley kan signera original på torsdag. LOC är i arbete, och GE förstår att 10% kommer att behållas i deposition tills LOC levereras. Det kommer att finnas tre ursprungliga yttranden. Det finns en ursprunglig garanti, och jag är inte säker på GE: s vilja att ge mer än så. Det kommer uppenbarligen bara att finnas en LOC. Kay Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | In talks with GE, it is their view that their security will not be transferred until there is a ref number tomorrow. The statement will be faxed as soon as GC is available, or Kent can sign for Dan Rowley if it is acceptable. Drawley can sign originals on Thursday. The LOC is at work, and GE understands that 10% will be kept in deposit until LOC is delivered. There will be three original opinions. There is an original guarantee, and I'm not sure GE's willingness to give more than that. There's obviously only going to be one LOC. Kay Suggest a topic line for this email? | GE garanti, yttrande av ombud och remburs | GE guarantee, opinion of representative and letter of credit |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi Kay, I am sending this to you on behalf of Gerald Nemec. If there are any problems, you can contact me via email or at extension 52722. Alisha | Data Sheet Check | aeslc_10templates | 244 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Hej, Kay, jag skickar det här till dig å Gerald Nemecs vägnar. Om det uppstår några problem kan du kontakta mig via e-post eller vid förlängning 52722. Alisha | What is the subject of this email? Hey, Kay, I'm sending this to you on behalf of Gerald Nemec. If there are any problems, you can contact me by email or by extension 52722. Alisha | Kontroll av datablad | Checking of data sheets |
Hey Paul, I know you're busy, but can you let me know where to find the map detailing the Northeast transfers limits you included in the presentation you put together for Dana. I'd like to include it in a presentation I'm putting together for John Llodra. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Northeast Transfers Map | aeslc_10templates | 245 | Paul, jag vet att du är upptagen, men kan du berätta var kartan som beskriver de gränser du inkluderade i presentationen du satte ihop för Dana? Jag vill ta med det i en presentation som jag ska göra för John Llodra. Tack, Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Paul, I know you're busy, but can you tell me where the map describes the boundaries you included in the presentation you put together for Dana? I want to include it in a presentation that I'm going to make for John Llodra. Thank you, Create a topic line for this email. | Karta över nordostliga överföringar | Map of northeast transfers |
What is the subject line for this email?
On October 15, 2001, the Midwest ISO filed an amendment to Section 17.5 of its Open Access Transmission Tariff to charge a fee for non-confirmed transmission service requests for transmission service greater than one week. Midwest ISO has requested an effective date December 15, 2001. Interventions and protests are due November 5. Let me know if you need further information. | MISO proposed tariff change | aeslc_10templates | 246 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Den 15 oktober 2001 lämnade Mellanvästern ISO in en ändring av avsnitt 17.5 i dess öppna överföringstaxa för att ta ut en avgift för icke-bekräftade begäranden om överföringstjänster som var längre än en vecka. Mellanvästern ISO har begärt ett datum som träder i kraft den 15 december 2001. Interventioner och protester ska ske den 5 november. Säg till om du behöver mer information. | What is the subject of this email? On 15 October 2001, the Midwest ISO submitted an amendment to Section 17.5 of its open transfer tariff to charge a fee for non-confirmed requests for transmission services that were longer than one week. The Midwest ISO has requested a date to enter into force on 15 December 2001. Interventions and protests shall take place on 5 November. Let me know if you need more information. | MISO-förslag till ändring av tariffen | MISO proposal to amend the tariff |
Here is an email: Rick, In preparation for the meeting with the lenders on Tuesday I was reviewing the GSA and I wonder if YPF has any force majeure claims which could impede our rights to terminate. I know they indicated at least verbally that they had encountered some problems in Argentina. Although a stretch has Dean or Novak indicated that this could be a defense?
What is a potential subject line for this email? | GSA revision | aeslc_10templates | 247 | Här är ett mail: Rick, Som förberedelse för mötet med långivare på tisdag jag granskade GSA och jag undrar om YPF har några force majeure krav som kan hindra våra rättigheter att avsluta. Jag vet att de åtminstone muntligen angav att de hade stött på vissa problem i Argentina. Även om en sträcka har Dean eller Novak antytt att detta kan vara ett försvar? Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Rick, in preparation for the meeting with lenders on Tuesday I reviewed GSA and I wonder if YPF has any force majeure demands that might hinder our rights to terminate. I know that at least orally they indicated that they had encountered certain problems in Argentina. Even if a stretch has Dean or Novak suggested that this might be a defense? What is a potential subject line for this email? | Översyn av tillsynsmyndigheten | Review of the supervisory authority |
Write a subject line for this message:
Tanya: I'd like to send our Schedule to Rabobank today since we will be off Monday, Jan. 15 and I have been called for jury duty on Tuesday, Jan. 16. I will ask Angela Davis (a finance lawyer with swap experience who is helping us out on the structured deals) to handle this for me. I don't want to deal with Rabobank's form of Schedule as a basis for discussion and I am told that this deal closes Friday, Jan. 19.. A voice mail would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sara | Project Cerberus - amended to introduce the swap counterparty Rabobank ("Rabo") | aeslc_10templates | 248 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Tanya: Jag skulle vilja skicka vårt schema till Rabobank idag eftersom vi kommer att vara ledig måndag 15 jan och jag har kallats till jurytjänst tisdag 16 jan. Jag ska be Angela Davis (en finansjurist med swaperfarenhet som hjälper oss med de strukturerade affärerna) att hantera detta åt mig. Jag vill inte ta upp Rabobanks schema som grund för diskussion och jag får höra att denna affär avslutas fredag 19 jan.. En röstbrevlåda skulle vara mycket uppskattat. Tack. Sara | Write a subject line for this message: Tanya: I would like to send our schedule to Rabobank today because we will be free Monday 15 Jan and I have been called to jury duty Tuesday 16 Jan. I will ask Angela Davis (a financial lawyer with swap experience who helps us with the structured business) to deal with this for me. I do not want to refer to Mr Rabobank's schedule as the basis for discussion and I am told that this affair ends on Friday 19 Jan.. A voicemail would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Sara | Projekt Cerberus – ändrad för att introducera swapmotparten Rabobank ("Rabo") | Project Cerberus – modified to introduce swap counterpart Rabobank ("Rabo") |
This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 75287 KB. Mailbox size limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can be used on individual folders as well. To make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. To turn Journaling off, click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. See client Help for more information.
Write a subject line for this email. | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit | aeslc_10templates | 249 | Denna varning skickas automatiskt för att informera dig om att din brevlåda närmar sig den maximala storleksgränsen. Din brevlåda är 75287 KB. Storleksgränser för brevlådan: När din brevlåda når 75000 KB får du det här meddelandet.För att kontrollera storleken på din brevlåda: Högerklicka på brevlådan (Outlook Today), välj Egenskaper och klicka på knappen Mappstorlek. Denna metod kan också användas på enskilda mappar. För att göra mer utrymme tillgängligt, ta bort alla objekt som inte längre behövs såsom Skickade objekt och Journal poster. Du måste tömma mappen Borttagna objekt efter att du tagit bort objekt, annars frigörs inte utrymmet. Om du vill stänga av journalföring klickar du på Verktyg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Se klient Hjälp för mer information. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox is 75287 KB. Mailbox Size Limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB, you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can also be used on individual folders. To make more space available, remove all items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You need to empty the Removed Items folder after you delete items, otherwise the space will not be released. 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Write a subject line for this email. | VARNING: Din brevlåda närmar sig storleksgränsen | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit |
Write an email with the subject line "Senate Debating Unfairness of Singling Out Private-sector Sellers for Investigation". | The Republicans are currently on the Senate floor arguing (noisily, repeatedly and passionately) that California (and the Senate in particular) is being hypocritical and intellectually dishonest in attacking and investigating private companies and ignoring munis. One Senator specifically identified prices charged by LADWP and SMUD and compared those prices to Enron's (1/3 to 1/2 less than LADWP and SMUD charged). Best, | aeslc_10templates | 250 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Senate Debating Unfairness of Singling Out Private-sektore Sellers for Investigation". | Write an email with the subject line "Senate Debating Unfairness of Singling Out Private-sector Sellers for Investigation". | Republikanerna befinner sig för närvarande på senatens golv och argumenterar (brusigt, upprepade gånger och passionerat) för att Kalifornien (och särskilt senaten) är hycklande och intellektuellt oärligt i att attackera och undersöka privata företag och ignorera munis. En senator identifierade uttryckligen priser som tas ut av LADWP och SMUD och jämförde dessa priser till Enrons (1/3 till 1/2 mindre än LADWP och SMUD debiteras). Bäst. | The Republicans are currently on the Senate floor arguing (noisily, repeatedly and passionately) that California (and especially the Senate) is hypocritical and intellectually dishonest in attacking and investigating private companies and ignoring the Munis. A senator explicitly identified prices charged by LADWP and SMUD and compared these prices to Enrons (1/3 to 1/2 less than LADWP and SMUD are charged). Best. |
Write a subject line for this message:
I have been asked to verify whether ENA has any current transactions with the subject company. Please reply ASAP whether your group does or does not have any current transactions or interests with this company. Thank you. | LTX Corporation | aeslc_10templates | 251 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Jag har blivit ombedd att kontrollera om ENA har några aktuella transaktioner med ämnesföretaget. Svara ASAP om din grupp har eller inte har några aktuella transaktioner eller intressen med detta företag. Tack. | Write a subject line for this message: I have been asked to check if ENA has any current transactions with the subject company. Answer ASAP if your group has or has no current transactions or interests with this company. Thank you. | LTX Corporation | LTX Corporation |
This is the content of an email: Tana: Please review these pages for corrections and insert into original. Rod should return tomorrow and we can execute and FedEx to PG&E. Thanks. Sara
What was the subject line for this email? | Corrected pages to ISDA Schedule and Annex | aeslc_10templates | 252 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Tana: Gå igenom dessa sidor för rättelser och infoga i original. Rod borde återvända i morgon och vi kan avrätta och FedEx till PG&E. Tack. Sara Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Tana: Go through these pages for corrections and insert into original. Rod should return tomorrow and we can execute and FedEx to PG&E. Thank you. Sara What was the subject of this email? | Korrigerade sidor till ISDA-schemat och bilagan | Corrected pages to the ISDA schedule and annex |
This is the content of an email: Attached is a redlined version of the Spot GTC (without credit) that shows the changes that were made. The same changes were made to all of the other GTCs. Hope this helps. Stacy
What was the subject line for this email? | New GTC Version | aeslc_10templates | 253 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Bifogad är en redlined version av Spot GTC (utan kredit) som visar de ändringar som gjordes. Samma ändringar gjordes i alla andra GTC. Hoppas det här hjälper. Stacy Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Attached is a redlined version of Spot GTC (without credit) showing the changes made. The same changes were made to all other GTCs. I hope this helps. Stacy What was the subject line of this email? | Ny GTC-version | New GTC version |
Here is an email: I spoke with Greg Healy of SoCalGas today regarding the revised offer Transwestern provided to SoCalGas before Christmas. He said they have questions and requested a conference call early next week so that they can better understand our proposal and go forward. I have tentatively scheduled the call for Tuesday, January 8, from 3-4 our time. Greg indicated that it would be business people and their lawyer, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, pls. set up a conference bridge number for us. I was going to call Rick Miles to let him know about the status of our discussions. He had called me after we sent SoCalGas the revised offer about wanting to know where we were. Does anyone have a problem with me calling Rick?? Maria
What is a potential subject line for this email? | SocalGas Billing Issue | aeslc_10templates | 254 | Här är ett mail: Jag talade med Greg Healy på SoCalGas idag om det reviderade erbjudandet Transwestern gav SoCalGas före jul. Han sade att de har frågor och begärde ett telefonkonferenssamtal tidigt nästa vecka så att de bättre kan förstå vårt förslag och gå vidare. Jag har preliminärt bokat in utlysningen för tisdagen den 8 januari, från 3-4 vår tid. Greg antydde att det skulle vara affärsmän och deras advokat, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, pls. Sätt upp ett konferensbronummer åt oss. Jag tänkte ringa Rick Miles för att berätta om läget. Han hade ringt mig efter att vi skickat SoCalGas det reviderade erbjudandet om att vilja veta var vi var. Är det nån som har problem med att jag ringer Rick? Maria Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: I spoke to Greg Healy at SoCalGas today about the revised offer Transwestern gave SoCalGas before Christmas. He said that they have questions and requested a telephone conference call early next week so that they can better understand our proposal and move forward. I have provisionally booked the call for Tuesday 8 January, from 3-4 our time. Greg indicated that it would be businessmen and their lawyer, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, pls. Set up a conference bridge number for us. I was gonna call Rick Miles to tell him about the situation. He had called me after we sent SoCalGas the revised offer to want to know where we were. Is anyone having a problem with me calling Rick? Maria What is a potential subject line for this email? | SocalGas faktureringsfråga | SocalGa's billing question |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi Michelle, The attached spreadsheet should represent a complete set of developers of EnronOnline since inception. I haven't named the individual Valtech and developers since the agreements we have with those companies presumably cover all of their developers. The rest of the systems will probably not be done until tomorrow. | EnronOnline developers | aeslc_10templates | 255 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Hej Michelle, Bifogade kalkylblad bör representera en komplett uppsättning utvecklare av EnronOnline sedan starten. Jag har inte namngivit de enskilda Valtech och utvecklare sedan de avtal vi har med dessa företag förmodligen täcker alla sina utvecklare. Resten av systemen kommer förmodligen inte att göras förrän i morgon. | What is the subject of this email? Hello Michelle, Attached spreadsheets should represent a complete set of EnronOnline developers since their inception. I have not named the individual Valtech and developers since the agreements we have with these companies probably cover all their developers. The rest of the systems will probably not be done until tomorrow. | EnronOnline- utvecklare | EnronOnline Developer |
This is an email
Jeff, =20 I am Dr. Mona Yousry. You don't know me. I earned my PH.D. in Mathematic= s in 1982 and have served in the Telecommunications industry for 19 years.= I was recruited by Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Ameritech, and Sempra Energy= . =20 =20 I have always been impressed by Enron's performance and business strategie= s. I believe you were instrumental in what Enron is all about today. =20 =20 I read an article about you and your zealous interest in Africa. You need= to meet Larry Robinson. The following is in his words. Please read it. =20 Mona =20 Lawrence Robinson: Born in Congo, Central Africa, 1952. =20 My father was born in Zimbabwe, Africa. My parents and grandparents were M= issionaries. My grandparents went to Africa from California in 1912 and are= both buried in Africa. I was raised in very remote areas of the Belgian C= ongo and from an early age spent lots of time in the African Bush. This wa= s a time to learn many of the secrets necessary to survive the African bus= h and love it. I had the opportunity to study and learn animal behavior in= ways that most experts only dream about. Some of my greatest memories are= from times I would take a pocket full of salt with my rifle and go into t= he bush for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time, sometimes totally alone. It was = also a time to learn about the African people and their languages and cult= ures. As time passed and Independence swept the Continent, I saw Zaire, th= e great land where I was born, turn into a blood bath. I learned more abou= t the most savage creature of all. As I saw men slaughter men, women, and = children, I understood better how organized and balanced nature really is.= I am a U.S. Citizen and Resident in Tanzania, East Africa. I am tri-lingu= al and understand three other African languages. I have an FAA Commercial = Pilots license. Educated in Cape Town, South Africa, Singapore, Beirut, Le= banon, Michigan, and California. Have two B.S. degrees. One in Agriculture= and one in Industrial Education. Have traveled around the world many time= s. My longest overland trip was from Germany to Cape Town driving my own T= oyota Land Cruiser. This was a 10 month journey of over 30,000 miles. Cross= ing the Sahara Desert and the Kalahari Desert before a GPS was available w= as indeed a great adventure. From 1985 to 1992 I owned and operated my own= Import Export Company in Central Africa called "Malaika Zaire". Presentl= y I am Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of "Solar Universal Net= work" - a Californian Non-profit Organization, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne= twork is also established in Tanzania as an International NGO since 1995. = S.U.N. 's primary focus is to establish safe, permanent, water supplies for= communities in Tanzania using alternative energy. An example of our work = is at Sukenya, Northern Tanzania where we are pumping approximately 12,000= gallons of water per day from 250 feet deep for the Maasai Community usin= g only Solar Energy. This system has been operating for a year now with ou= tstanding success. When necessary, we also use UV Water Purification Units= powered by Solar Energy to purify any contamination which may exist in wa= ter supplies. One of the areas we are now working in is located in Northe= rn Tanzania just South of the Kenya boarder and just East of the Serengeti= National Park. This is considered Maasai Land and is fascinating country.= Each year hundreds of thousands Wilderbeasts migrate south through this a= rea to give birth to their young in the Southern plains of the Serengeti. T= he great migration is considered one of natures last unmatched marvels on = earth. This is the time when the predators like lions, leopards, cheetah, = and hyena are roaming the area. There are also heards of Cape Buffalo, Ele= phant, and many types of antelope and zebra. Because of the Community Deve= lopment that S.U.N. has done in this area, we have an exceptional opportun= ity to hike, camp, and hunt with the Maasai in this location. I have perso= nally been within 10 yards of a lion and his kill while on foot with a Maa= sai warrior and only a spear in hand. Tanzania is also the land of Mt. Ki= limanjaro, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Victoria, and = Zanzibar Island.
What is the subject of this email? | East Africa | aeslc_10templates | 256 | Det här är ett mejl Jeff, =20 Jag är Dr Mona Yousry. Du känner inte mig. Jag tjänade min doktorsexamen i matematik= s 1982 och har tjänstgjort i telekombranschen i 19 år.= Jag rekryterades av Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Ameritech, och Sempra Energy= . =20 =20 Jag har alltid varit imponerad av Enrons prestation och affärsstrategi= s. Jag tror att du var instrumental i vad Enron handlar om idag. =20 =20 Jag läste en artikel om dig och ditt nitiska intresse för Afrika. Du måste träffa Larry Robinson. Följande är i hans ord. Läs den. =20 Mona =20 Lawrence Robinson: Född i Kongo, Centralafrika, 1952. =20 Min far föddes i Zimbabwe, Afrika. Mina föräldrar och farföräldrar var M= issionärer. Mina farföräldrar åkte till Afrika från Kalifornien 1912 och är= båda begravda i Afrika. Jag växte upp i mycket avlägsna områden i det belgiska C= ongo och tillbringade från tidig ålder mycket tid i den afrikanska Bush. Detta wa= är en tid att lära sig många av de hemligheter som är nödvändiga för att överleva den afrikanska bussen= h och älska den. Jag hade möjlighet att studera och lära mig djurbeteende på= sätt som de flesta experter bara drömmer om. Några av mina största minnen är= från gånger jag skulle ta en ficka full med salt med mitt gevär och gå i t=han buske i 10 dagar till 2 veckor i taget, ibland helt ensam. Det var = också en tid att lära sig om det afrikanska folket och deras språk och kult= ures. När tiden gick och Independence svepte över kontinenten, såg jag Zaire, ett stort land där jag föddes, förvandlas till ett blodbad. Jag lärde mig mer abou=t den mest vilda varelsen av alla. När jag såg män slakta män, kvinnor och = barn, förstod jag bättre hur organiserad och balanserad naturen verkligen är.= Jag är en amerikansk medborgare och bosatt i Tanzania, Östafrika. Jag är tri-lingu= al och förstår tre andra afrikanska språk. Jag har en FAA Commercial = Pilots licens. Utbildad i Kapstaden, Sydafrika, Singapore, Beirut, Le= banon, Michigan och Kalifornien. Ta två B.S. grader. En i Lantbruk= och en i Industrial Education. Har rest runt i världen många gånger= s. Min längsta land resa var från Tyskland till Kapstaden kör min egen T= oyota Land Cruiser. Detta var en 10 månaders resa på över 30 000 mil. Kors= i Saharaöknen och Kalahariöknen innan en GPS var tillgänglig w= som verkligen ett stort äventyr. Från 1985 till 1992 ägde och drev jag mitt eget= Import Export Company i Centralafrika som kallades "Malaika Zaire". Presentl= y Jag är verkställande direktör och styrelseordförande i "Solar Universal Net= work" - en kalifornisk ideell organisation, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne= twerk är också etablerad i Tanzania som en internationell icke-statlig organisation sedan 1995. = S.U.N. "huvudfokus är att etablera säkra, permanenta, vattenförsörjning för= samhällen i Tanzania med hjälp av alternativ energi. Ett exempel på vårt arbete = är på Sukenya, norra Tanzania där vi pumpar cirka 12 000= liter vatten per dag från 250 meters djup för Maasai Community usin= g endast Solar Energy. Detta system har varit i drift i ett år nu med ou= tstanding framgång. Vid behov använder vi också UV-vattenreningsenheter= som drivs av Solar Energy för att rena all förorening som kan finnas i wa= ter-förråd. Ett av de områden vi nu arbetar i ligger i Northe= rn Tanzania strax söder om Kenyas boarder och strax öster om Serengeti= nationalpark. Detta anses vara Maasai Land och är fascinerande land.= Varje år hundratusentals Wilderbeasts migrera söderut genom detta a= rea att föda sina ungar på södra slätterna i Serengeti. T= han stor flyttning anses vara en af naturen sist oöverträffad förundran på = jord. Detta är den tid då rovdjuren som lejon, leoparder, geparder, = och hyenor strövar omkring i området. Det finns också hört talas om Cape Buffalo, Ele= phant, och många typer av antilop och zebra. På grund av Community Deve= lopment att S.U.N. har gjort i detta område, har vi en exceptionell opportun= ity att vandra, läger, och jaga med Maasai på denna plats. Jag har perso= nally varit inom 10 meter från ett lejon och hans döda medan till fots med en Maa= sai krigare och bara ett spjut i handen. Tanzania är också landet Mt. Ki= limanjaro, Serengeti nationalpark, Ngorongoro Crater, Victoriasjön, och = Zanzibarön. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Jeff, =20 I'm Dr. Mona Yousry. You don't know me. I earned my Ph.D. in Mathematics= s 1982 and have served in the telecom industry for 19 years.= I was recruited by Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Ameritech, and Sempra Energy= . =20 =20 I have always been impressed by Enron's performance and business strategy= p. I think you were instrumental in what Enron is about today. =20 =20 I read an article about you and your zealous interest in Africa. You need to see Larry Robinson. The following is in his words. Read it. =20 Mona =20 Lawrence Robinson: Born in Congo, Central Africa, 1952. =20 My father was born in Zimbabwe, Africa. My parents and grandparents were M= issionaries. My grandparents went to Africa from California in 1912 and are both buried in Africa. I grew up in very remote areas of the Belgian C= ongo and spent a lot of time in the African Bush from an early age. This wa= is a time to learn many of the secrets necessary to survive the African bus= h and love it. I had the opportunity to study and learn animal behavior in= ways that most experts only dream about. Some of my biggest memories are= from times I would take a pocket full of salt with my rifle and walk in t=han shrub for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time, sometimes all alone. It was also a time to learn about the African people and their language and cult= ures. As time passed and Independence swept across the continent, I saw Zaire, a great country where I was born, turn into a bloodbath. I learned more abou=t the most wild creature of all. When I saw men slaughter men, women and = children, I understood better how organized and balanced nature really is.= I am an American citizen and living in Tanzania, East Africa. I am tri-lingu= al and understand three other African languages. I have a FAA Commercial = Pilots license. Trained in Cape Town, South Africa, Singapore, Beirut, Le= banon, Michigan and California. Take two B.S. degrees. One in Agriculture= and one in Industrial Education. Have travelled around the world many times= p. My longest country trip was from Germany to Cape Town driving my own T= oyota Land Cruiser. This was a 10-month journey of over 30,000 miles. Cross= in the Sahara Desert and Kalahari Desert before a GPS was available w= as truly a great adventure. From 1985 to 1992 I owned and operated my own= Import Export Company in Central Africa called "Malaika Zaire". Presentl= y I am the Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Solar Universal Net= work" - a Californian non-profit organization, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne= twerk is also established in Tanzania as an international NGO since 1995. = S.U.N. "The main focus is to establish safe, permanent, water supply for= communities in Tanzania using alternative energy. An example of our work = is in Sukenya, northern Tanzania where we pump about 12 000= liters of water per day from 250 meters depth for Maasai Community usin= g only Solar Energy. This system has been in operation for a year now with ou= standing success. If necessary, we also use UV water purification units= powered by Solar Energy to clean any contamination that may be present in wa= ter storage. One of the areas we are now working in is in Northe= rn Tanzania just south of Kenya's boards and just east of Serengeti= National Park. This is considered Maasai Land and is fascinating land.= Every year hundreds of thousands of Wilderbeasts migrate south through this a= sale to feed their young on the southern plains of Serengeti. T= he great migration is considered one of nature's last unprecedented wonder on = earth. This is the time when predators such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, = and hyenas roam the area. There is also heard of Cape Buffalo, Ele= phant, and many types of antelope and zebra. Due to Community Deve= lopment that S.U.N. have done in this area, we have an exceptional opportun= ity to walk, camp, and hunt with Maasai in this place. I've been perso= nally within 10 meters of a lion and his dead while on foot with a Maa= sai warrior and just a spear in my hand. Tanzania is also the country of Mt. Ki= limanjaro, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Victoria, and = Zanzibar Island. What is the subject of this email? | Östafrika | East Africa |
This is an email
Can you please let me know whether the new attorneys in our group have edit access to the database, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite and Cheryl Nelson. I think Cheryl just tried to add a note and couldn't. Thanks.
What is the subject of this email? | Master Swap Agreement Access | aeslc_10templates | 257 | Det här är ett mejl Kan du meddela mig om de nya advokaterna i vår grupp har redigera tillgång till databasen, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite och Cheryl Nelson. Jag tror att Cheryl bara försökte lägga till en lapp och inte kunde. Tack. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email. Can you let me know if the new lawyers in our group have edited access to the database, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite and Cheryl Nelson. I think Cheryl was just trying to add a note and couldn't. Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | Tillgång till huvudutbytesavtal | Access to main exchange agreements |
This is the content of an email: I want to run something by you. It sounds like we have some sort of budget for Friday night. I would like to offer everyone the opportunity to bring someone with them but also explain that we may not be able to pay for it all. I guess the reason is I would like to have Kristi come with me, but am willing to pay for her. I would like to do the same for everyone else, but don't want to offend anyone with the possibility that they may have to pay a little $$. Let me know what you think. Thanks. DG 3-9573
What was the subject line for this email? | Dinner | aeslc_10templates | 258 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Jag vill köra något av dig. Det låter som om vi har nån sorts budget för fredag kväll. Jag skulle vilja ge alla möjlighet att ta med sig någon, men också förklara att vi kanske inte kan betala för allt. Jag antar att anledningen är att jag skulle vilja ha Kristi med mig, men jag är villig att betala för henne. Jag skulle vilja göra samma sak för alla andra, men vill inte förolämpa någon med möjligheten att de kan behöva betala lite °. Låt mig veta vad du tycker. Tack. DG 3-9573 Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: I want to run something of you. Sounds like we have some kind of budget for Friday night. I would like to give everyone the opportunity to bring someone along, but also to explain that we may not be able to pay for everything. I suppose the reason is that I would like to have Christ with me, but I am willing to pay for her. I'd like to do the same for everyone else, but don't want to insult anyone with the possibility that they might have to pay some <unk>. Let me know what you think. Thank you. DG 3-9573 What was the subject line of this email? | Middag | Dinner |
Welcome to eMail News Delivery, a service from Business Wire. Here is your Industrial Information Resources Inc. news release. If you have received this in error please send a message to: with the following command in the body of the message: unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES If you have questions about this service, please contact your Business Wire Account Executive or BW2002 DEC 27,2001 2:00 PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN ( BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) French Chemical and Explosives Producer Creates Measure to Self-Regulate, in an Advisory by Business Editors HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 27, 2001--The following in an
Generate a subject line for this email. | French Chemical and Explosives Producer Creates Measure to Self-Regulate, in an Advisory by | aeslc_10templates | 259 | Välkommen till e-post nyheter Leverans, en tjänst från Business Wire. Här är din Industrial Information Resources Inc. nyhetsrelease. Om du har fått detta av misstag skicka ett meddelande till: med följande kommando i kroppen av meddelandet: avregistrera TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES Om du har frågor om denna tjänst, vänligen kontakta din Business Wire Account Executive or BW2002 DEC 27,2001 2:00 PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN (BW)TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) Franska kemikalie- och sprängämnesproducenten Skapar Mäta till självregulat, i en Advisory by Business Editors HOUSTON-(BUSINESS WIRE)-Dec. 27, 2001---Följande i en Generera en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Welcome to e-mail news Delivery, a service from Business Wire. Here's your Industrial Information Resources Inc. news release. If you have received this by mistake send a message to: with the following command in the body of the message: unregister TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES If you have any questions about this service, please contact your Business Wire Account Executive or BW2002 DEC 27,2001 2:00 PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN (BW)TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) French chemical and explosives producer Creator Measure to Self-Regulate, in an Advisory by Business Editors HOUSTON-(BUSINSESS WIRE)-Dec. 27, 2001--The following in a Generate a subject line for this email. | Franska kemikalie- och sprängämnesproducenter skapar mått för att självreglera, i en rådgivning av | French chemical and explosives producers create measures to self-regulate, in a advisory by |
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We will be holding a series of employee meetings today to talk through the merger with Dynegy and to answer questions. Time and location are as follows: Group Meetings - Houston Based - Monday, November 12 Time Group Room 12:00p EFS Houston 500 JFR - 16th Floor 1:00p IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Product Development EB 5 C2 2:00p Deal Management/New Business Ventures EB 5 C2 2:30p Wholesale Services EB 5 C2 3:00p Services EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. Mgmt. EB 5 C2 4:00p Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Customer Care and Communications - Finance - Financial Operations - Human Resources - Legal - Media Services - Regulatory 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 We have also scheduled two conference calls later today for our field locations. See dial-in numbers below: Field Calls - Monday, November 12 Time Group Dial-In No. Confirmation No. 5:00p CST IPT/FieldCentrix 800-446-1671 Conf No. 5050607(Reference Dan Leff as the host.) 5:30p CST East Coast & West Coast 800-446-1671 Conf No. 5050627(Reference Dan Leff as the host.) | Update Meetings - Today | aeslc_10templates | 260 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Vi kommer att hålla en rad möten idag för att prata igenom sammanslagningen med Dynegy och för att svara på frågor. Tid och plats är följande: Gruppmöten - Houston Based - måndag, november 12 Time Group Room 12:00p EFS Houston 500 JFR - 16:e våningen 1:00p IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Produktutveckling EB 5 C2 2:00p Deal Management/New Business Ventures EB 5 C2 2:30p Partihandel EB 5 C2 3:00p Tjänster EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. Mgmt. EB 5 C2 4:00 Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Customer Care and Communications - Finance - Financial Operations - Human Resources - Legal - Media Services - Regulatory 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 Vi har också schemalagt två konferenssamtal senare idag för våra fältplatser. Se inringda nummer nedan: Fältsamtal - måndag, november 12 Time Group Ring-in nr. Bekräftelse nr. 5 p CST IPT/FieldCentrix 800-446-1671 Conf Nr. 5050607(Referens Dan Leff som programledare.) 5:30p CST Östkusten & Västkusten 800-446-1671 Conf Nr. 5050627(Referens Dan Leff som programledare.) | Write a subject line for this message: We will hold a series of meetings today to talk through the merger with Dynegy and to answer questions. Time and place are as follows: Group meetings - Houston Based - Monday, November 12 Time Group Room 12:00p EFS Houston 500 JFR - 16th floor 1:00p IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Product Development EB 5 C2 2:00p Deal Management/New Business Ventures EB 5 C2 2:30p Wholesale EB 5 C2 3:00p Services EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. Mmmt. EB 5 C2 4:00 Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Customer Care and Communications - Finance - Financial Operations - Human Resources - Legal - Media Services - Regulatory 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 We have also scheduled two conference calls later today for our field locations. See numbered numbers below: Field calls - Monday, November 12 Time Group Ring-in no. Confirmation no. 5 p CST IPT/FieldCentrix 800-446-1671 Conf Nr. 5050607(Reference Dan Leff as host.) 5:30p CST East Coast & West Coast 800-446-1671 Conf Nr. 5050627(Reference Dan Leff as host.) | Uppdateringsmöten - Idag | Update meetings - Today |
Attached please find the UPDATED responsibilities for the Global Contracts and Global Facilities teams. Due to restructuring within our group, we have lost three team members (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, and Ryan Sheeren) to the physical gas confirmation group. Our team members' individual responsibilities have changed as a result. Please forward the attached information to your staff and coworkers. Please call me at x30569 if you should have any questions. Thanks,
Write a subject line for this email. | Global Contracts/Facilities new responsibilities | aeslc_10templates | 261 | Bifogat hittar du UPPDATERAD ansvar för de globala kontrakt och globala faciliteter team. På grund av omstruktureringen inom vår grupp har vi förlorat tre teammedlemmar (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, och Ryan Sheeren) till den fysiska gas confirmation gruppen. Våra teammedlemmars individuella ansvar har förändrats till följd av detta. Skicka den bifogade informationen till din personal och medarbetare. Ring mig på x30569 om du har några frågor. Tack, Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Attached you will find UPDATED responsibility for the global contracts and global team facilities. Due to the restructuring within our group, we have lost three team members (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, and Ryan Sheeren) to the physical gas confirmation group. The individual responsibilities of our team members have changed as a result. Send the enclosed information to your staff and employees. Call me on x30569 if you have any questions. Thank you, Write a subject line for this email. | Globala kontrakt/anläggningar nya ansvarsområden | Global contracts/installations new responsibilities |
What is the subject line for this email?
Judge says Enron has to give up documents By Emily Bazar Bee Capitol Bureau (Published Sept. 7, 2001) Enron Corp. must turn over sensitive internal documents to state legislators, a Sacramento judge ruled Thursday, but only after the two sides agree to a court-approved confidentiality agreement. For months, a special Senate committee investigating electricity price manipulation has been issuing subpoenas and gathering documents from power generators and marketers. During the process, the committee has found three companies in contempt for resisting the subpoenas, including Enron, which fought back with a lawsuit asking the court to intervene on its behalf. In his ruling stemming from the suit, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Charles Kobayashi said he wasn't convinced that "the Senate committee will be able to maintain the petitioner's right to confidentiality." As a result, he ruled, those documents handed over by Enron that contain legitimate trade secrets must be protected by a confidentiality agreement. In his ruling on another Enron motion, however, he denied the company's request to quash the committee's subpoena. Still, Enron officials considered the judge's findings on the whole a victory. "We had no certainty that anything we handed over to the Senate would remain confidential," said Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne. "We were not receiving due process from Senator (Joe) Dunn's committee. They were acting as judge and jury on this issue." Dunn, D-Santa Ana, who is the committee chairman, said he "respectfully disagrees" with the judge's decision on the confidentiality agreement, which he said will be reviewed in the next few days by the Legislature's lawyers to determine whether an appeal should be pursued. Another Enron motion seeking an injunction against the committee will be heard in court next week. Enron is one of three companies that have been found in contempt by the committee. However, the committee purged its contempt finding against Mirant in July after the company complied with the committee's requests. The committee was poised to expunge its contempt finding against Reliant Energy Inc. on Thursday as well but couldn't draw enough senators for a vote. Dunn delayed the action until the next meeting. As for the contempt charge facing Enron, the Senate Rules Committee is scheduled to review the findings Monday and possibly make a recommendation to the full Senate. Should the full Senate also find Enron in contempt, it would determine what punishments, if any, would be levied. Dunn said he believes fines would be the most appropriate punishment. | CA Energy Issues | aeslc_10templates | 262 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Domare säger Enron har att ge upp dokument Av Emily Bazar Bee Capitol Bureau (Publicerad 7 september 2001) Enron Corp. måste lämna över känsliga interna dokument till statliga lagstiftare, en Sacramento domare dömde torsdag, men först efter att de två sidorna enas om en domstol-godkänd sekretessavtal. I månader har en särskild senatskommitté som utreder prismanipulationer på elprodukter utfärdat stämningar och samlat in dokument från elproducenter och marknadsförare. Under processen har kommittén funnit tre företag föraktade för att ha gjort motstånd mot stämningarna, bland annat Enron, som slog tillbaka med en stämning där domstolen uppmanades att ingripa å dess vägnar. I sitt utslag från stämningen sa Sacramento Superior Court-domaren Charles Kobayashi att han inte var övertygad om att "senatskommittén kommer att kunna upprätthålla framställarens rätt till sekretess." Som ett resultat, han bestämde, de dokument som överlämnades av Enron som innehåller legitima affärshemligheter måste skyddas av ett sekretessavtal. I sitt utslag på en annan Enron-motion avslog han dock bolagets begäran om att kväsa utskottets stämning. Ändå ansåg Enrons tjänstemän att domarens resultat på det hela taget var en seger. "Vi hade ingen säkerhet om att något vi överlämnade till senaten skulle förbli konfidentiellt," sade Enron taleskvinna Karen Denne. "Vi fick inte rättsprocess från senator Dunns utskott. De agerade domare och jury i denna fråga." Dunn, D-Santa Ana, som är utskottsordförande, sade att han "respektfullt inte håller med" om domarens beslut om sekretessavtalet, vilket han sade kommer att granskas inom de närmaste dagarna av legislaturens advokater för att avgöra om ett överklagande bör fullföljas. En annan Enron motion som begär ett föreläggande mot utskottet kommer att höras i rätten nästa vecka. Enron är ett av tre företag som har befunnits förakta utskottet. Utskottet rensade dock ut sitt föraktsfynd mot Mirant i juli efter att företaget efterlevt utskottets önskemål. Kommittén var redo att utplåna sitt förakt fynd mot Reliant Energy Inc. på torsdag också men kunde inte dra tillräckligt med senatorer för en omröstning. Dunn fördröjde handlingen till nästa möte. När det gäller förakt laddningen inför Enron, är senatens regelutskott planerad att granska resultaten måndag och eventuellt göra en rekommendation till hela senaten. Skulle den fullständiga senaten också finna Enron i förakt, skulle det avgöra vilka straff, om några, skulle utkrävas. Dunn sa att han tror att böter skulle vara det lämpligaste straffet. | What is the subject of this email? Judge says Enron has to give up documents By Emily Bazar Bee Capitol Bureau (Published September 7, 2001) Enron Corp. must hand over sensitive internal documents to state legislators, a Sacramento judge sentenced Thursday, but only after the two sides agree on a court-approved confidentiality agreement. For months, a special Senate committee investigating price manipulations on electricity products has issued lawsuits and collected documents from electricity producers and marketers. During the process, the committee has found three companies despised for resisting the lawsuits, including Enron, who fought back with a lawsuit urging the court to intervene on its behalf. In his ruling from the lawsuit, Sacramento Superior Court judge Charles Kobayashi said he was not convinced that "the Senate Committee will be able to uphold the petitioner's right to confidentiality." As a result, he decided, the documents handed over by Enron containing legitimate business secrets must be protected by a confidentiality agreement. However, in his ruling on another Enron motion, he rejected the company's request to quash the committee's lawsuit. Yet Enron's officials considered the judge's result to be overall a victory. "We had no certainty that anything we handed over to the Senate would remain confidential," said Enron spokeswoman Karen Dennen. "We didn't get legal proceedings from Senator Dunn's committee. They acted as a judge and jury on this matter." Dunn, D-Santa Ana, who is committee chairman, said that he "respectfully disagrees" with the judge's decision on the confidentiality agreement, which he said will be reviewed within the next few days by the Legislature's lawyers to determine whether an appeal should be pursued. Another Enron motion requesting an injunction against the committee will be heard in court next week. Enron is one of three companies that have been found to despise the committee. However, the committee cleared out its contempt finding against Mirant in July after the company complied with the committee's wishes. The committee was ready to wipe out its contempt findings against Reliant Energy Inc. on Thursday as well but could not draw enough senators for a vote. Dunn delayed the action until the next meeting. As for the contempt charge before Enron, the Senate Rules Committee is scheduled to review the results Monday and possibly make a recommendation to the entire Senate. Should the full Senate also find Enron in contempt, it would determine which penalties, if any, would be imposed. Dunn said he thinks fines would be the most appropriate punishment. | CA Energifrågor | CA Energy |
Write a subject line for this message:
LLoyd Will and Kim Melodick have requested your help in identifying what YOU feel it takes to be successful within each functional unit of East Power. This feedback will be used to create a recruiting, retention and development tool that will assist East Power in identifying the skills and training that are key to your group's success. Please take some time to answer the attached four questions as they relate to your area. Your participation and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sarah Zarkowsky x53791 Ben Brasseaux x58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron North America Human Resources | What does it take? | aeslc_10templates | 263 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: LLoyd Will och Kim Melodick har bett om din hjälp med att identifiera vad DU anser att det krävs för att lyckas inom varje funktionell enhet av East Power. Denna feedback kommer att användas för att skapa ett rekryterings-, retentions- och utvecklingsverktyg som kommer att hjälpa East Power att identifiera de färdigheter och den utbildning som är nyckeln till din grupps framgång. Ta dig tid att svara på de fyra frågor som finns i bilagan, eftersom de gäller ditt område. Ert deltagande och samarbete är mycket uppskattat. Sarah Zarkowsky x53791 Ben Brasseaux x58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron North America Personalresurser | Write a subject line for this message: LLoyd Will and Kim Melodick have asked for your help in identifying what YOU think it takes to succeed within each functional unit of East Power. This feedback will be used to create a recruitment, retention and development tool that will help East Power identify the skills and training that are key to your group's success. Take the time to answer the four questions listed in the appendix, as they concern your area. Your participation and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Sarah Zarkowsky x53791 Ben Brasseaux x58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron North America Human Resources | Vad krävs det? | What's it gonna take? |
Dear West, We talked briefly on Monday about our commitment to a full work day at Enron. If you are in the office, then please be prepared to contribute to the group for a full day. Our schedule now calls for critical communication in the afternoons. We need to know that each employee will be here every day to create the consistency needed to outperform the rest of the market. We want to remain as flexible as possible with all traders when it comes to an emergency, but remember that you have a commitment to Enron to contribute a full work day. Please organize your vacation on the west desk calendar with Ina and coordinate any early afternoon departures with Ina and myself. Also, prepare to have your markets covered when you leave the office early. Sincerely,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Work Hours | aeslc_10templates | 264 | Kära West, Vi talade kort på måndag om vårt engagemang för en hel arbetsdag på Enron. Om du är på kontoret, var beredd att bidra till gruppen för en hel dag. Vårt schema kräver nu kritisk kommunikation på eftermiddagarna. Vi måste veta att varje anställd kommer att vara här varje dag för att skapa den konsekvens som behövs för att överträffa resten av marknaden. Vi vill förbli så flexibla som möjligt med alla handlare när det gäller en nödsituation, men kom ihåg att du har ett åtagande till Enron att bidra med en hel arbetsdag. Vänligen organisera din semester på västra skrivbordskalendern med Ina och samordna eventuella tidiga eftermiddagsavgångar med Ina och mig själv. Förbered dig också på att ha dina marknader täckta när du lämnar kontoret tidigt. Generera en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Dear West, we spoke briefly on Monday about our commitment to an entire working day at Enron. If you're in the office, be prepared to contribute to the group for a whole day. Our schedule now requires critical communication in the afternoons. We need to know that every employee will be here every day to create the consistency needed to surpass the rest of the market. We want to remain as flexible as possible with all traders when it comes to an emergency, but remember that you have a commitment to Enron to contribute a full working day. Please organize your holiday on the Western Desktop Calendar with Ina and coordinate any early afternoon departures with Ina and myself. Also, prepare to have your markets covered when you leave the office early. Generate a subject line for this email. | Arbetstimmar | Hours worked |
Bob, On the Texas desk, the majority of our deals are nominated manually (on Excel or preprinted forms), with most of the information pulled from Sitara instead of Unify. So, these noms were not late. For a couple of 3rd party pipelines, we do use Unify. But we did not have nom changes for 5/4. Our only problem was sending noms to HPL. Which is sending information to yourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline. This nom was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any questions. Daren
Write a subject line for this email. | Unify | aeslc_10templates | 265 | Bob, På Texas skrivbord, är majoriteten av våra erbjudanden nomineras manuellt (på Excel eller förtryckta formulär), med de flesta av informationen dras från Sitara istället för Unify. Så, dessa noms var inte sena. För ett par tredje parti pipelines, använder vi Unify. Men vi hade inga nombyten för 5/4. Vårt enda problem var att skicka noms till HPL. Som skickar information till dig själv, men det fördröjer fortfarande processen för konfriering av rörledningen. Detta nom skickades ungefär 30 minuter sent. Säg till om du har några frågor. Daren Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Bob, On the Texas desk, the majority of our offers are nominated manually (on Excel or pre-printed forms), with most of the information being pulled from Sitara instead of Unify. So, these noms weren't late. For a couple of third-party pipelines, we use Unify. But we didn't have no trades for 5/4. Our only problem was sending noms to the HPL. That sends information to yourself, but it still delays the process of confiscation of the pipeline. This nom was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any questions. Daren Write a subject line for this email. | Enhet | Device |
I updated the transport demand charges on Tetco and Trco for March. Please get those in the P&L sometime this week. Also note: I think I had Trco at TP1 instead of TP2. thanks
Generate a subject line for this email. | Demand Charges | aeslc_10templates | 266 | Jag uppdaterade transportefterfrågan på Tetco och Trco för mars. Var snäll och få dem i P&L någon gång denna vecka. Notera också: Jag tror att jag hade Trco på TP1 istället för TP2. Tack Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | I updated transport demand for Tetco and Trco for March. Please get them in P&L sometime this week. Note also: I think I had Trco on TP1 instead of TP2. Thank you Create a subject line for this email. | Efterfrågeavgifter | Demand charges |
Here is the information that you guys had asked about last week when we discussed WSCC coal. I added the railroads to the map and pulled some numbers for utilization and O&M costs for each of the plants we discussed. If you have any other questions let me know. Aaron Martinsen
Generate a subject line for this email. | Western Coal | aeslc_10templates | 267 | Här är informationen som ni hade frågat om förra veckan när vi diskuterade WSCC kol. Jag lade till järnvägarna på kartan och drog några siffror för utnyttjande och O&M kostnader för var och en av de anläggningar vi diskuterade. Om du har några andra frågor, säg till. Aaron Martinsen Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Here's the information you asked about last week when we discussed WSCC coal. I added the railways to the map and drew some figures for utilization and O&M costs for each of the facilities we discussed. If you have any other questions, let me know. Aaron Martinsen Create a subject line for this email. | Västlig kolindustri | Western coal industry |
This is an email
Here's what happened to the Enron South America LLC master. You can now officially bug Robert George (legal in Sao Paulo) and Bruce Harris (commercial in Houston) and remove Andrea Bertone from any official distribution. Sara
What is the subject of this email? | Southern Cone Financial Master Agreements Schedule | aeslc_10templates | 268 | Detta är ett mail Här är vad som hände med Enron South America LLC mästare. Man kan nu officiellt bugga Robert George (jurist i Sao Paulo) och Bruce Harris (kommersiellt i Houston) och ta bort Andrea Bertone från eventuell officiell distribution. Sara Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Here's what happened to Enron South America LLC champions. One can now officially bug Robert George (jury in Sao Paulo) and Bruce Harris (commercially in Houston) and remove Andrea Bertone from any official distribution. Sara What is the subject of this email? | Tidsplan för finansiella ramavtal för södra konen | Timetable for financial framework agreements for the Southern Concil |
Write a subject line for this message:
Sally, Attached is the updated of the headcount file I sent you on Friday. I misunderstood the original request and provided December 31 plan for all four years. I have now updated the file with December 31 actual headcount numbers for 1998 through 2000 and plan for 2001. I have also updated the EGM numbers and inserted a summary tab. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks, | Updated '98 - '01 Headcount File | aeslc_10templates | 269 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Sally, Bifogad är den uppdaterade av personnummer filen jag skickade dig på fredag. Jag missförstod den ursprungliga begäran och lämnade 31 december en plan för alla fyra år. Jag har nu uppdaterat filen med 31 december faktiska personnummer för 1998 till 2000 och planerar för 2001. Jag har också uppdaterat de extra sammanträdesnumren och infogat en sammanfattningsflik. Om du har några frågor, säg till. Tack. | Write a subject line for this message: Sally, Attached is the updated of the social security number file I sent you on Friday. I misunderstood the original request and left 31 December a plan for all four years. I have now updated the file with December 31 actual social security numbers for 1998 to 2000 and plan for 2001. I have also updated the additional meeting numbers and inserted a summary tab. If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you. | Uppdaterad '98 - '01 Headcounter File | Updated '98 - '01 Headcounter File |
This is the content of an email: Adele and Maria: Here are my final comments: 1. In the ISDA Schedule, Part 4, Section (f)(iii), we cannot accept a 30 day waiting period. Why can't the Guaranty be furnished when the Reorg becomes effective? 2. In each Guaranty, there is an extra zero in the "cap" amount. 3. In the PSE&G Guaranty, the Counterparty notice section should be just like what is in the Master for primary notices and copies. 4. In the LC, in the new language on the second page, change Uniform Customs to UCP. That's all I have. Subject to resolving point #1, please e-mail to me the Enron Guaranty and please coordinate with Susan Flynn on getting final versions executed and obtaining other closing items. I will review your opinion shortly.
What was the subject line for this email? | FINAL Comments | aeslc_10templates | 270 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Adele och Maria: Här är mina sista kommentarer: 1. I ISDA-schemat, del 4, avsnitt f iii, kan vi inte acceptera en väntetid på 30 dagar. Varför kan inte guarantien möbleras när Reorg blir effektiv? 2. I varje Guaranty finns det en extra nolla i "cap"-beloppet. 3. I PSE&G Guaranty ska avsnittet Motpartsmeddelande vara precis som det som finns i Mästaren för primära meddelanden och kopior. 4. I LC, på det nya språket på andra sidan, ändra Uniform Tull till UCP. Det är allt jag har. Under förutsättning att lösa punkt #1, vänligen e-post till mig Enron Guaranty och vänligen samordna med Susan Flynn om att få slutliga versioner utförs och få andra avslutande objekt. Jag kommer att granska er åsikt inom kort. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Adele and Maria: Here are my last comments: 1. In the ISDA schedule, part 4, section f iii, we cannot accept a waiting time of 30 days. Why can't the Guarantia be furnished when Reorg becomes effective? 2. In every Guaranty, there's an extra zero in the "cap" amount. 3. In PSE&G Guaranty, the Counterpart message section should be just like that contained in the Master for primary messages and copies. 4. In LC, in the new language on the other side, change Uniform Customs to UCP. That's all I got. Provided to resolve item #1, please email me Enron Guaranty and please coordinate with Susan Flynn on getting final versions executed and getting other closing items. I will examine your opinion shortly. What was the subject of this email? | SLUTLIGA SYNPUNKTER | DEFINITIVE COMMENTS |
Write a subject line for this message:
You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server. Sender: | An Inbound Message For You Has Been Quarantined | aeslc_10templates | 271 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Du har fått detta meddelande eftersom någon har försökt skicka dig ett e-postmeddelande från utsidan av Enron med en bilaga typ som Enron inte tillåter in i vår meddelandemiljö. Din e-post har satts i karantän och hålls på MailSweeper-servern. Avsändare: | Type a subject line for this message: You have received this message because someone has tried to send you an email from the outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our message environment. Your email has been quarantined and is held on the MailSweeper server. Sender: | Ett inkommande budskap till dig har blivit kartlagt | An incoming message to you has been mapped |
David: Attached is an example of the "tainted swaption". I'd really like to focus on the dates (Trade, Effective, Exercise). Looking forward to call in the morning. Sara
Write a subject line for this email. | Kellogg | aeslc_10templates | 272 | David: Bifogat är ett exempel på den "fläckade växlingen". Jag skulle verkligen vilja fokusera på datumen (handel, effektivitet, övning). Jag ser fram emot att ringa i morgon bitti. Sara Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | David: Attached is an example of the "spotted change". I would really like to focus on the dates (trade, efficiency, practice). I'm looking forward to calling you in the morning. Sara Write a subject line for this email. | Kellogg | Kellogg |
This is the content of an email: This is the data that we will use to build our Socal growth estimates. Take a look at the file and then we can discuss how to combine this with current pipeline capacity and future expansions. Mike
What was the subject line for this email? | New Generation as of Oct 24th | aeslc_10templates | 273 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Det här är de data som vi kommer att använda för att bygga upp våra uppskattningar av socaltillväxt. Ta en titt på filen och sedan kan vi diskutera hur vi kan kombinera detta med nuvarande rörledningskapacitet och framtida expansioner. Mike Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: These are the data that we will use to build up our estimates of socal growth. Take a look at the file and then we can discuss how we can combine this with current pipeline capacity and future expansions. Mike What was the subject line of this email? | Ny generation den 24 oktober | New generation on October 24 |
This is the content of an email: The technical difficulties with the SAP Security email box have been resolved. You may once again follow the normal submission process as noted in the instructions for the SAP Security Request Form and the IBuyit eProcurement Request Form. If you submitted a request for security during the week of July 16-20 and have NOT received a notification of it's receipt, please resubmit the form. We can not be certain that all mail directed to the box during this period was actually received. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.
What was the subject line for this email? | SAP Security Mailbox functional again | aeslc_10templates | 274 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: De tekniska svårigheterna med e-postrutan SAP Security har lösts. Du kan återigen följa den normala inlämningsprocessen som anges i instruktionerna för SAP Security Request Form och IBuyit eProcurement Request Form. Om du har lämnat in en begäran om säkerhet under veckan 16-20 juli och INTE har fått en anmälan om mottagandet, skicka in formuläret på nytt. Vi kan inte vara säkra på att all post som skickades till boxen under denna period faktiskt togs emot. Vi ber om ursäkt för eventuella besvär som detta kan ha orsakat dig. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: The technical difficulties of the SAP Security email box have been solved. You can once again follow the normal submission process set out in the instructions for SAP Security Request Form and IBuyit eProcurement Request Form. If you have submitted a request for security during the week 16-20 July and have NOT received a notification of receipt, please re-submit the form. We cannot be sure that all the mail sent to the box during this period was actually received. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you. What was the subject of this email? | SAP Security Mailbox fungerar igen | SAP Security Mailbox works again |
What is the subject line for this email?
Attached is the list referenced above, revised to approve Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) for all products but power (of course no credit derivatives). The other Imperial Oil Resources Limited from the original approvals (cpy ID5193), I would like shut down for all products until I am provided information as to how it differs from the other Imperial Oil Resources. Whew...!! ! | Counterparty Approval List for 5/8/00 | aeslc_10templates | 275 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Bifogad är den lista som refereras ovan, reviderad för att godkänna Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) för alla produkter men makt (naturligtvis inga kreditderivat). Den andra Imperial Oil Resources Limited från de ursprungliga godkännandena (cpy ID5193), Jag skulle vilja stänga av för alla produkter tills jag får information om hur det skiljer sig från de andra Imperial Oil Resources. Whew...!! ! | What is the subject of this email? Attached is the list referenced above, revised to approve Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) for all products but power (of course no credit derivatives). The second Imperial Oil Resources Limited from the original approvals (cpy ID5193), I would like to shut down for all products until I get information on how it differs from the other Imperial Oil Resources. Whew! ! | Motpartens godkännandeförteckning för 5/8/00 | Counterparty approval list for 5/8/00 |
Congratulations on your added role of CEO for Enron Europe. I look forward to continuing to work with you and the staff in London on risk management operations initiatives. I talk with Brent Price several times a week. I know that Fernley has appreciated his participation in London, and I hope that you have found his involvement to be beneficial as well. We are almost at the half way mark on his assignment, so I will talk with you next week when I return from Calgary to get your input on his role to date.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Added Role | aeslc_10templates | 276 | Grattis till din extra roll som VD för Enron Europe. Jag ser fram emot att fortsätta arbeta med er och personalen i London med initiativ för riskhantering. Jag pratar med Brent Price flera gånger i veckan. Jag vet att Fernley har uppskattat hans deltagande i London, och jag hoppas att ni också har funnit hans engagemang fördelaktigt. Vi är nästan halvvägs på hans uppdrag, så jag kommer att prata med dig nästa vecka när jag återvänder från Calgary för att få dina synpunkter på hans roll hittills. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Congratulations on your extra role as CEO of Enron Europe. I look forward to continuing to work with you and the London staff on risk management initiatives. I talk to Brent Price several times a week. I know that Mr Fernley has appreciated his participation in London, and I hope that you have also found his commitment beneficial. We're almost halfway on his mission, so I'll talk to you next week when I return from Calgary to get your views on his role so far. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Tillagd roll | Added Role |
What is the subject line for this email?
The EES/EWS Process Meeting will now be held EVERY THURSDAY at 3:00. We have also changed the location since we were bumped the last two meeting dates. The NEW LOCATION is EB2868. | EES/EWS Process Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 277 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? EES/EWS-processens möte kommer nu att hållas VARJE TORSDAG kl. 15.00. Vi har också ändrat platsen sedan vi blev inkörda de två senaste mötesdatumen. NYA LOKATIONEN är EB2868. | What is the subject of this email? The EEA/EWS process meeting will now be held every Thursday at 3 p.m. We have also changed the location since we were hit in the last two meeting dates. NEW LOCATION is EB2868. | Möte i samband med in- och utresesystemet | Meeting in connection with the EES |
Folks, you are the remaining officers of ENA that have not yet enrolled in this mandated training program. It is ENA's goal to have all its officers through the program before the end of calendar year 2000. The course has received very high marks for effectiveness. Please take time now to enroll in the program. Speak to your HR representative if you need help getting signed up. Regards
Write a subject line for this email. | Executive Impact and Influence Course | aeslc_10templates | 278 | Ni är de kvarvarande officerarna på ENA som ännu inte har skrivits in i detta uppdragsbaserade utbildningsprogram. Det är ENA:s mål att ha alla sina officerare genom programmet före utgången av kalenderåret 2000. Kursen har fått mycket höga betyg för effektivitet. Ta dig tid att skriva in dig i programmet. Tala med din HR-representant om du behöver hjälp med att bli registrerad. Angående Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | You are the remaining officers of ENA who have not yet been enrolled in this mission-based training program. It is ENA's goal to have all its officers through the program by the end of calendar year 2000. The course has received very high marks for efficiency. Take the time to sign in to the program. Talk to your HR representative if you need help with registration. Concerning Write a subject line for this email. | Kurs om påverkan och påverkan på ledningen | Course on influence and influence on management |
Write an email with the following subject:
November 1999 Settlement Adjustment Invoices | The invoices for November 1999 settlement adjustments will be posted by 23:00 today, Monday, September 17, 2001. The NYISO apologizes for any inconvenience resulting in the delay in posting these invoices. Transmission Customers will observe adjustments to their settlements to: (1) recover costs related to adjustments made outside of the billing process; and (2) adjust the NYISO clearing account balance to zero for November 1999 settlements. With regard to the adjustments made outside of the billing process, these adjustments could not have been corrected by a billing code or determinant data fix. As a result, the mechanism of paying and funding the adjustments is done through adjustments outside of the billing process. The total adjustment of $14,178.39 was allocated across 5,059,790 MWh. Customers may validate their respective adjustments by computing their ratio shares of the $14,178.39 using 5,059,790 MWh as the denominator in their respective ratios of their November 1999 load. Customers will observe a difference in the denominators used in the ratio share allocation of this adjustment versus adjustment #2. This is due to the fact that the costs for adjustment #1 are not allocated to those that received payment through the adjustment, which would defeat the purpose of the adjustment. Prior to October 2000, the NYISO recovered or refunded differences in the revenue received from Schedule 1 charges, which were comprised of forecasted uplift & residual adjustments, and the costs actually incurred by adjusting subsequent month's Schedule 1 rates accordingly. In October 2000, the NYISO implemented a change in the tariffed Schedule 1 provisions that allowed the recovery and refund of these costs as they were incurred. In order to allow any changes in uplift and residual adjustments to be settled through the settlement adjustment process, the code implemented in October 2000 was used to report these costs to the market. This results in an over-collection which is being returned to Customers through an adjustment to their monthly balances. This billing treatment for the November 1999 settlement adjustments resulted in credits to the market totaling $5,583,559.78 allocated across 5,074,229 MWh. Customers where allocated their portion of this adjustment based upon their respective ratio shares of the 5,074,229 MWh of NYISO transmission service billed for the month. November 1999 settlement adjustment settlement dates have been changed to address the delay in invoicing. Payments due to the NYISO for November 1999 settlement adjustments are due to be received in the NYISO clearing account on Monday, September 24, 2001. Payments due to market participants will be made on Thursday, September 27, 2001. Please refer to the attachment below for banking instructions. The NYISO anticipates that the 2nd settlement adjustment for December 1999 settlements will be invoiced tomorrow, Tuesday, September 2001 by 23:00. Settlements dates will be adjusted to accomodate the invoice date changes. Given the aforementioned schedules, payments due to the NYISO for December 1999 settlement adjustments will be due to be received in the NYISO clearing account on Tuesday, September 25, 2001. Payments due to market participants will be made on Friday, September 28, 2001. The NYISO will confirm the invoicing schedule for December 1999 settlements tomorrow. Regards, | aeslc_10templates | 279 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: November 1999 Betalningsjusteringar Fakturor | Write an e-mail with the following subject: November 1999 Payment adjustments Invoices | Fakturorna för november 1999 kommer att läggas ut senast kl. 23.00 idag, måndagen den 17 september 2001. NYISO ber om ursäkt för eventuella olägenheter som leder till att dessa fakturor försenas. Transmissionskunderna kommer att se över sina avvecklingar för att: 1) täcka kostnaderna för justeringar som gjorts utanför faktureringsprocessen, och 2) justera clearingkontosaldot för NYISO till noll för avvecklingar i november 1999. När det gäller justeringar som gjorts utanför faktureringsprocessen kunde dessa justeringar inte ha korrigerats genom en faktureringskod eller en determinantdatafix. Som ett resultat av detta görs justeringen av betalning och finansiering genom justeringar utanför faktureringsprocessen. Den totala justeringen på $14.178.39 fördelades över 5.059.790 MWh. Kunderna kan validera sina respektive justeringar genom att beräkna sina andelar av $ 14,178,39 med hjälp av 5,059,790 MWh som nämnare i sina respektive kvoter av deras November 1999 belastning. Kunderna kommer att observera en skillnad i de nämnare som används i fördelningen av andelen av denna justering kontra justering #2. Detta beror på att kostnaderna för justering #1 inte fördelas på dem som fått betalning genom justeringen, vilket skulle motverka syftet med justeringen. Före oktober 2000 återvann eller återbetalade NYISO skillnader i intäkter från tidtabell 1-avgifter, som bestod av prognostiserade upplyft- och restjusteringar, och de kostnader som faktiskt uppstod genom justering av följande månads tidtabell 1-satser i enlighet med detta. I oktober 2000 genomförde NYISO en ändring av bestämmelserna om taxerad tidtabell 1 som gjorde det möjligt att återvinna och återbetala dessa kostnader i takt med att de uppstod. För att eventuella förändringar i uppflyttning och kvarstående justeringar skulle kunna regleras genom processen för justering av avvecklingen användes koden som infördes i oktober 2000 för att rapportera dessa kostnader till marknaden. Detta resulterar i en överinsamling som återförs till kunderna genom en justering av deras månatliga saldon. Denna fakturering behandling för November 1999 justeringar av avveckling resulterade i krediter till marknaden totalt $ 5.583.559.78 tilldelas över 5.074.229 MWh. Kunder som tilldelats sin del av denna justering baserat på deras respektive andel av den 5 074,229 MWh av NYISO överföringstjänst faktureras för månaden. Datum för avveckling av avvecklingen i november 1999 har ändrats för att åtgärda förseningen i faktureringen. Betalningar enligt NYISO för justeringar av avvecklingen i november 1999 kommer att tas emot på clearingkontot för NYISO måndagen den 24 september 2001. Betalningar till marknadsaktörerna kommer att göras torsdagen den 27 september 2001. Se bilagan nedan för bankinstruktioner. NYISO räknar med att den andra justeringen för avveckling i december 1999 kommer att faktureras i morgon, tisdag, september 2001, senast klockan 23.00. Avvecklingsdatumen kommer att justeras för att anpassa fakturadatumändringarna. Mot bakgrund av de ovannämnda tidsplanerna kommer betalningar till följd av NYISO för december 1999 att tas emot på clearingkontot för NYISO tisdagen den 25 september 2001. Betalningar till marknadsaktörerna kommer att göras fredagen den 28 september 2001. NYISO kommer att bekräfta faktureringsplanen för december 1999 i morgon. Hälsningar, | The invoices for November 1999 will be published no later than 11 p.m. today, Monday 17 September 2001. NYISO apologises for any inconvenience that leads to delays in these invoices. Transmission customers will review their settlements to: 1) cover the costs of adjustments made outside the billing process, and 2) adjust the clearing account balance of NYISO to zero for settlements in November 1999. As regards adjustments made outside the billing process, these adjustments could not have been corrected by an billing code or a determinant data fix. As a result, the adjustment of payment and financing is made through adjustments outside the billing process. The total adjustment of $14,178,39 was distributed over 5,059,790 MWh. Customers can validate their respective adjustments by calculating their shares of $14,178,39 using 5.059,790 MWh as denominator in their respective quotas of their November 1999 load. Customers will observe a difference in the denominator used in the distribution of the proportion of this adjustment versus adjustment #2. This is because the costs of adjustment #1 are not allocated to those who have received payment through the adjustment, which would be counterproductive to the purpose of the adjustment. Before October 2000, NYISO recovered or repaid differences in revenues from timetable 1 charges, which consisted of forecast uplift and residual adjustments, and the costs actually incurred by adjusting the following month's timetable 1 rates accordingly. In October 2000, NYISO implemented an amendment to the provisions on estimated timetable 1 which allowed these costs to be recovered and reimbursed as they arose. In order to regulate any changes in the roll-over and remaining adjustments through the settlement adjustment process, the code introduced in October 2000 was used to report these costs to the market. This results in an over-collection which is returned to customers by adjusting their monthly balances. This billing treatment for November 1999 adjustments to settlement resulted in credits to the market totaling $5,583,559,78 awarded over 5,074,229 MWh. Customers allocated their share of this adjustment based on their respective share of the 5,074,229 MWh of NYISO transmission service are billed for the month. The settlement date of November 1999 has been changed to correct the delay in invoicing. Payments under NYISO for settlement adjustments in November 1999 will be received in the clearing account of NYISO on Monday 24 September 2001. Payments to market participants will be made on Thursday 27 September 2001. See Annex below for banking instructions. NYISO expects that the second settlement adjustment in December 1999 will be billed tomorrow, Tuesday, September 2001, no later than 11 p.m. Settlement dates will be adjusted to adapt the invoice date changes. In the light of the above timetables, payments resulting from NYISO for December 1999 will be received in the clearing account of NYISO on Tuesday 25 September 2001. Payments to market participants will be made on Friday 28 September 2001. NYISO will confirm the billing plan for December 1999 tomorrow. Greetings, |
Write an email with the following subject:
FYI | I found the picture from Tin Hall the other night and that guy at Whataburger was definitely one of the "cute cowboys." How weird is that? Anyway, hope you're flight home and immediate transition to the classroom went smoothly. I guess I'll be seeing you in about two weeks and by that time, hopefully, I'll know more about my London prospects. Susan | aeslc_10templates | 280 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: | Please write an e-mail with the following subject: | Jag hittade bilden från Tin Hall häromkvällen och killen på Whataburger var definitivt en av de söta cowboysen. Hur konstigt är inte det? Hur som helst, hoppas du är flyg hem och omedelbar övergång till klassrummet gick smidigt. Jag antar att vi ses om två veckor och då vet jag förhoppningsvis mer om mina Londonutsikter. Susan | I found the picture from Tin Hall the other night and the guy at Whataburger was definitely one of the cute cowboys. How strange is that? Anyway, hope you're flying home and the immediate transition to the classroom went smoothly. I guess I'll see you in two weeks and hopefully I know more about my London prospects. Susan |
This is an email
I have attached the referenced spreadsheet, changing my product approvals to add the new product list that Stephanie sent me (instead of th eold list Credit sent me). One of the new products appears to be Austrian physical power. Like the other European based physical power products, it should not be opened for the US based credit counterparties to trade, so I will not be marking it out on a going forward basis, I will just expect it to be shut down for the US based counerparties (unless I tell you otherwise on a particular one). Is that OK with you. Also, for Sempra, they will be coming by again on the 7/21 list (Credit opened them up for all financial power). I had already opened them up for all financial products except weather, so it shouldn't affect my approval.
What is the subject of this email? | Counterparty Approval List for 7/18/00 | aeslc_10templates | 281 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande som jag har bifogat det refererade kalkylbladet, ändra mina produktgodkännanden för att lägga till den nya produktlistan som Stephanie skickade mig (i stället för th eold list Credit skickade mig). En av de nya produkterna verkar vara österrikisk fysisk makt. I likhet med de andra europeiska fysiska kraftprodukterna bör den inte öppnas för de amerikanska kreditmotparterna att handla med, så jag kommer inte att markera den på framåtriktad basis, jag förväntar mig bara att den stängs av för de USA-baserade länderna (om jag inte säger något annat på ett visst sätt). Är det okej för dig? För Sempra kommer de också att komma tillbaka på 7/21-listan (Kredit öppnade dem för all finansiell makt). Jag hade redan öppnat dem för alla finansiella produkter utom väder, så det borde inte påverka mitt godkännande. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email that I have attached the referenced spreadsheet, changing my product approvals to add the new product list that Stephanie sent me (instead of thold list Credit sent me). One of the new products appears to be Austrian physical power. Like the other European physical power products, it should not be opened up to American credit counterparties to trade, so I will not mark it on a forward-looking basis, I just expect it to be shut down for the US-based countries (unless I say otherwise in a certain way). Is that okay with you? For Sempra, they will also come back on the 7/21 list (Credit opened them to all financial power). I had already opened them up to all financial products except weather, so it shouldn't affect my approval. What is the subject of this email? | Motpartens godkännandelista för 7/18/00 | Counterparty approval list for 7/18/00 |
Notice of Acknowledgement The FERC's Office of the Secretary has received the following filing that you submitted Accession #: 200111215015 File Name: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc File Size: 43520 Filing Date : 11/21/2001 12:29:21 PM File Desc: Answer/Response to a Pleading/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Docket(s)# (as filed): RP97-288-017; Filing Type: Answer/Response to a Pleading/Motion Submission Date & Time: 11/21/2001 12:29:20 PM Signed by: J Gregory Porter Filed by: Transwestern Pipeline Company You will receive a subsequent e-mail "Notice of Receipt" as soon as we convert the file you submitted to the PDF format. We will also contact you via e-mail if there is any problem with your electronic submission. A third e-mail "Notice of Acceptance" will be sent once FERC's Office of the Secretary accepts this document as part of the docket(s). Note: The docket number(s) you entered for this filing may be changed. The Notice of Acceptance e-mail will show the docket number(s) assigned by FERC. Thank you for participating in FERC's Electronic Filing Program.
Write a subject line for this email. | FERC Filing in RP97-288-017 Notice of Acknowledgement | aeslc_10templates | 282 | Meddelande om bekräftelse FERC:s kontor för sekreteraren har mottagit följande ansökan som du lämnat anslutning #: 200111215015 Filnamn: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc Filstorlek: 43520 Filregistreringsdatum: 2018-11-21 12:29:21 Fil Beskrivning: Svar/svar till en Pleading/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Dokument# (som inlämnat): RP97-288-017; Filningstyp: Svar/svar till en Pleading/Motion Submission Datum och tid: 2018-11-21 12:29:20 Signerad av: J Gregory Porter Arkiverad av: Transwestern Pipeline Company Du kommer att få ett efterföljande e-postmeddelande "Notice of Receipt" så snart vi konverterar filen du skickade till PDF-formatet. Vi kommer också att kontakta dig via e-post om det uppstår problem med din elektroniska inlämning. Ett tredje e-postmeddelande "Notice of Acceptance" kommer att skickas när FERC:s kontor accepterar detta dokument som en del av dokumentationen. Observera: Det eller de nummer du angav för denna fil kan ändras. Meddelandet om godkännande e-post kommer att visa det eller de nummer som tilldelats av FERC. Tack för att du deltar i FERC:s elektroniska filingprogram. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Notice of confirmation FERC's office for the secretary has received the following application that you have submitted connection #: 200111215015 File name: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc File size: 43520 File registration date: 2018-11-21 12:29:21 File Description: Response/answer to a Pleading/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Document# (as submitted): RP97-288-017; File Type: Response/Reply to a Pleading/Motion Submission Date and Time: 2018-11-21 12:29:20 Signed by: J Gregory Porter Archived by: Transwestern Pipeline Company You will receive a subsequent email "Notice of Receipt" as soon as we convert the file you sent to the PDF format. We will also contact you by e-mail in case of problems with your electronic submission. A third email "Notice of Acceptance" will be sent when the FERC office accepts this document as part of the documentation. Note: The number(s) you entered for this file may be changed. The email approval message will show the number(s) assigned by FERC. Thank you for participating in FERC's electronic filing program. Write a subject line for this email. | FERC Filing in RP97-288-017 Meddelande om bekräftelse | FERC Filing in RP97-288-017 Notice of confirmation |
Write an email with the subject line "addition to Options answer". | Here's what I've added to my answer to address Ni's question. Let me know if you have comments. I'll have a final draft out shortly. Prior to the deadline for filing interventions, Transwestern received a request from Commission staff for clarification of the criteria for awarding of Shipper call options. The procedure will be as follows: an advance posting will specify the term of the available option, term of transportation service, transportation volume, and instructions for bidding. Shipper call options will be awarded based upon the highest rate payable for the option component. | aeslc_10templates | 283 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "tillägg till alternativ svar". | Write an email with the subject line "addition to alternative response". | Här är vad jag har lagt till mitt svar för att ta upp Nis fråga. Säg till om ni har några kommentarer. Jag har ett sista utkast ut inom kort. Innan tidsfristen för att lämna in interventioner löpte ut mottog Transwestern en begäran från kommissionens personal om förtydligande av kriterierna för tilldelning av köpoptioner till Shipper. Förfarandet kommer att vara som följer: en förhandsutskick kommer att ange den tid för det tillgängliga alternativet, transporttid, transportvolym, och instruktioner för budgivning. Avsändaroptioner kommer att tilldelas baserat på den högsta ränta som ska betalas för optionskomponenten. | Here is what I have added to my answer to address Mr Nis' question. Let me know if you have any comments. I'll have one final draft out shortly. Before the deadline for the submission of interventions, Transwestern received a request from Commission staff to clarify the criteria for awarding call options to Shipper. The procedure will be as follows: a pre-sent will specify the time available for the option, transport time, volume of transport, and bidding instructions. Consignor options will be allocated based on the highest interest payable for the option component. |
Here is an email: We have been given a new list of potential arbitrators. Please take a minute and let me know if any of these represent us, and the general level of representation. Thank you again for your help. If you want to leave me a voicemail, my telephone number is (713) 646-6412. 1. William Frank Carroll--Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Arbitrators for Blockbuster Arbitration | aeslc_10templates | 284 | Här är ett mail: Vi har fått en ny lista över potentiella skiljemän. Låt mig få veta om någon av dessa representerar oss och den allmänna representationsnivån. Tack än en gång för hjälpen. Om du vill lämna en röstbrevlåda är mitt telefonnummer (713) 646-6412. 1. William Frank Carroll--Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: We have received a new list of potential arbitrators. Let me know if any of these represent us and the general level of representation. Thank you again for your help. If you want to leave a voicemail, my phone number is 713) 646-6412. 1. William Frank Carroll--Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll What is a potential subject line for this email? | Skiljemän för Blockbuster Arbitration | Blockbuster Arbitration arbitrators |
I have revised the option form consistent (except where noted) with comments sent by Herman and Lisa, and have attached a redline version. Herman, I dealt with your comment regarding the defn of Optionee by tinkering a little with the 1st paragraph. I also construed your comment regarding Enron's right to terminate the option to NOT preclude termination if our counterparty is in default. Please confirm that this is acceptable. Lisa, I did not change the notice info since the first entity will the the project co, with ENA Legal receiving a copy. Please advise if you have any comments. Kay
Write a subject line for this email. | Rev option form | aeslc_10templates | 285 | Jag har reviderat optionsformuläret konsekvent (utom där det noteras) med kommentarer från Herman och Lisa, och har bifogat en redline-version. Herman, jag tog upp din kommentar om att Optionate skulle bli välbehållen genom att mixtra lite med första stycket. Jag tolkade också din kommentar angående Enrons rätt att avsluta alternativet att INTE utesluta uppsägning om vår motpart är i förfall. Bekräfta att detta är godtagbart. Lisa, jag ändrade inte meddelandet info eftersom den första enheten kommer projektet co, med ENA Legal får en kopia. Vänligen meddela om du har några kommentarer. Kay Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | I have revised the option form consistently (except where noted) with comments from Herman and Lisa, and have attached a redline version. Herman, I raised your comment about Optionate being safe by tampering with the first paragraph. I also interpreted your comment regarding Enron's right to terminate the option of NOT ruling out termination if our counterpart is in default. Confirm that this is acceptable. Lisa, I didn't change the message info because the first device will project co, with ENA Legal getting a copy. Please let us know if you have any comments. Kay Write a subject line for this email. | Blankett för rev-alternativ | Rev Options Form |
All, This email is directed to my peeps at Enform who may be interested in a night at the Alley, to see the "international comedy sensation" - "Art!!!" (exclamation points added by me for necessary emphasis) Corporate design tyrants like Beth, who just need to relax - it's the perfect thing! Tyrants-up-and-coming and current princess-wanna-be's: Ashley, it's meets your faux-high-society sensibilities to a T! Posing celebrity-satellites: Matt - it beats hanging out at the Starbucks, but requires pants! Invite your friends and foes alike! Oct 12 tickets are still available, section A, for about $45 a piece. Get back at me, playas, they're going fast. Drinks and the theatre, how do you beat that? Whoooooo! Jason
Write a subject line for this email. | a little get the theatre | aeslc_10templates | 286 | Allt, Detta e-postmeddelande är riktat till mina peeps på Enform som kan vara intresserad av en natt på Alley, för att se "internationell komedi sensation" - "Art!!" (utropstecken läggs av mig för nödvändig betoning) Företagsdesign tyranner som Beth, som bara behöver koppla av - det är det perfekta! Tyranter-upp-och-kommande och nuvarande prinsessa-wanna-be: Ashley, det är möter din faux-hög-samhället känslighet för ett T! Poserande kändis-satelliter: Matt - det slår att hänga på Starbucks, men kräver byxor! Bjud in både vänner och fiender! 12 okt biljetter finns fortfarande tillgängliga, avsnitt A, för cirka $45 per styck. - De går fort på mig, skojare. Drinkar och teatern, hur slår man det? Whoooooooo! Jason Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Everything, This email is addressed to my peeps on Enform who may be interested in one night at Alley, to see "international comedy sensation" - "Art!!" (exclamation marks are put by me for necessary emphasis) Company design tyrants like Beth, who just need to relax - that's the perfect thing! Tyrants-up-and-coming and current princess-wanna-be: Ashley, it's facing your faux-high society sensitivity to a T! Posing celebrity satellites: Matt - it beats to hang on Starbucks, but requires pants! Invite both friends and enemies! 12 Oct tickets are still available, Section A, for about $45 apiece. - They're going at me fast, joker. Drinks and the theater, how do you beat it? Whoooooooo! Jason Write a subject line for this email. | lite träffas på teatern. | I'll meet you at the theater. |
This is an email
When: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:00 PM-5:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: ECN 2601 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Agenda: 1) Organize USER/IT SWAT teams 2) Begin process of fleshing out test scripts Please review the attached spreadsheet for errors or omissions prior to meeting. If I have left anyone off the list, please let me know. Thank You,
What is the subject of this email? | Updated: Integration Test Team Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 287 | Detta är ett mail När: måndag, januari 07, 2002 1:00 PM-5:00 (GMT-06:00) Centraltid (USA & Kanada). Var: ECN 2601 *~*~*~*~*~*~~~~~~~~~~~~POS=HEADCOMP : 1) Organisera user/IT SWAT teams 2) Börja processen med att fylla i testskript Vänligen granska bifogade kalkylblad för fel eller utelämnanden innan mötet. Om jag har lämnat någon utanför listan, snälla säg till. Tack, Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email When: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:00 PM-5:00 (GMT-06:00) Central Time (USA & Canada). Where: ECN 2601 *<unk>*<unk>*<unk>*<unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> If I've left someone off the list, please let me know. Thank you, what is the subject of this email? | Uppdaterad: Integrationstestmöte | Updated: Integration Test Meeting |
What is the subject line for this email?
I spoke to John O'Shea today regarding Dynegy's continued due diligence for the pipelines. We have scheduled an all day working session this Thursday beginning at 9:00 am (at Enron Building but room not confirmed). John will email to me tomorrow his due diligence requests. In addition to commercial items, he would also like to cover operations and regulatory items. Please make every effort to attend or designate a representative. Drew, not sure who we need on the regulatory side? Thanks, | Dynegy due diligence | aeslc_10templates | 288 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Jag pratade med John O'Shea idag angående Dynegys fortsatta due diligence för rörledningarna. Vi har schemalagt en heldagsarbetssession denna torsdag med början kl 9:00 (vid Enron Building men rummet inte bekräftat). John mejlar i morgon till mig. Utöver kommersiella poster vill han även täcka verksamhet och regleringsposter. Gör allt för att närvara eller utse en representant. Drew, vet du inte vem vi behöver på regleringssidan? Tack. | What is the subject of this email? I spoke to John O'Shea today about Dynegy's continued due diligence for the pipelines. We have scheduled a full day working session this Thursday starting at 9:00 (at Enron Building but the room has not confirmed). John's emailing me tomorrow. In addition to commercial items, he also wants to cover activities and regulatory items. Do anything to attend or appoint a representative. Drew, don't you know who we need on the regulatory side? Thank you. | Dynegy due diligence | Dynegy due diligence |
Write a subject line for this message:
FYI. This close date is of large significance to GPG as we are going to be asking management to wait an extra week for monthly info that ties out to the financials. This variance from what we thought was a "Common Design" is a huge deal, in fact the agreed upon close timing was a major consideration in getting agreement within GPG to go forward as it was an improvement that we could see had value. I agreed to and "stacked hands" with all on the "Common Design", yet somehow there has been a failure to deliver the "Common Design". I just want to make sure that the two of you are aware of my position on this issue. | Risk Document Information | aeslc_10templates | 289 | Skriv en ämnesrad för det här meddelandet: FYI. Detta slutdatum är av stor betydelse för GPG eftersom vi kommer att be ledningen att vänta en extra vecka på månatlig information som anknyter till ekonomi. Denna avvikelse från vad vi trodde var en "Common Design" är en enorm affär, i själva verket den överenskomna nära tidpunkten var en stor faktor för att få enighet inom GPG att gå framåt eftersom det var en förbättring som vi kunde se hade värde. Jag gick med på och "stoppade händer" med alla på "Common Design", men på något sätt har det varit ett misslyckande att leverera "Common Design". Jag vill bara försäkra mig om att ni två är medvetna om min ståndpunkt i denna fråga. | Write a subject line for this message: FYI. This end date is of great importance to GPG because we will ask management to wait an extra week for monthly information related to finance. This deviation from what we thought was a "Common Design" is a huge deal, in fact the agreed near time was a major factor in getting unity within the GPG to move forward because it was an improvement that we could see had value. I agreed and "stopped hands" with everyone on "Common Design", but somehow it has been a failure to deliver "Common Design". I just want to make sure that you two are aware of my position on this issue. | Information om riskdokument | Information on risk documents |
Please note that the Enron Cash Balance Plan has retained Smith Graham, Gerald Smith's firm, to manage $15 million of pension assets. This fixed-income portfolio will be funded during July. I am available for further discussion at your convenience.
Write a subject line for this email. | Smith Graham | aeslc_10templates | 290 | Observera att Enron Cash Balance Plan har behållit Smith Graham, Gerald Smiths firma, för att förvalta 15 miljoner dollar i pensionstillgångar. Denna portfölj med fasta inkomster kommer att finansieras under juli månad. Jag är tillgänglig för ytterligare diskussioner när det passar er. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Note that the Enron Cash Balance Plan has retained Smith Graham, Gerald Smith's firm, to manage $15 million in pension assets. This portfolio of fixed income will be financed in July. I am available for further discussion when it suits you. Write a subject line for this email. | Smith Graham | Smith Graham |
Here is an email: I checked on the status of this today... Mine shipped on the 9th of November... However, its not trackable... I'm thinking it might have made it to my house today? That, or its lost. Did you get yours yet? T
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Battleground Galactica | aeslc_10templates | 291 | Här är ett e-postmeddelande: Jag kollade statusen för detta idag... Min skeppades den 9 november... Men det är inte spårbart... Jag tror att det kunde ha tagit sig till mitt hus idag? Det, eller dess förlorade. Har du fått ditt än? T Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: I checked the status of this today... Mine was shipped on November 9th... But it's not traceable... I think it could have made it to my house today? That, or its lost. Have you got yours yet? T What is a potential subject line for this email? | Battleground Galactica | Battleground Galactica |
Write a subject line for this message:
Carolyn, I wasn't sure you had the last version. This is the version agreed to by GE, which should be attached to the letter agreement. I will email an exhibit which needs to be inserted. | CA Development Agreements | aeslc_10templates | 292 | Skriv en ämnesrad för det här meddelandet: Carolyn, jag var inte säker på att du hade den sista versionen. Detta är den version som GE har kommit överens om och som bör bifogas brevavtalet. Jag kommer att mejla en utställning som måste infogas. | Write a subject line for this message: Carolyn, I wasn't sure you had the last version. This is the version agreed by GE and should be annexed to the letter agreement. I'm going to e-mail an exhibition that needs to be inserted. | CA Utvecklingsavtal | CA Development Agreement |
Write a subject line for this message:
30 days remain prior to the target date specified in an open audit observation. Please click on the document link below, review the observation / action step(s) / responsible person(s), and provide completion / progress report, updates, and revised target date, if any. NOTE: EACH E-MAIL REPRESENTS A SEPARATE AUDIT OBSERVATION. Click on this link to view document --> | "Project DoorStep" 30-DAY REMINDER | aeslc_10templates | 293 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: 30 dagar återstår före det måldatum som anges i en öppen granskningsobservation. Klicka på dokumentlänken nedan, se över observations-/åtgärdsstegen/ansvariga personer, och lämna komplettering/framstegsrapport, uppdateringar och eventuellt reviderat måldatum. ANMÄRKNING: VARJE E-MAJ SVARAR EN SEPARAT REVISIONSObservATION. Klicka på den här länken för att visa dokument --> | Write a subject line for this message: 30 days remain before the target date specified in an open review observation. Click on the document link below, review the observation/action steps/responsible persons, and provide completion/progress report, updates and any revised target date. NOTE: EACH E-MAY REPLYES A SEPARATE AUDITOBSERVATION. Click this link to view documents --> | "Project DoorStep" 30-dagars REMINDER | "Project DoorStep" 30-day REMINDER |
Write an email with the following subject:
EOL deals with Coral July-Oct 2000 | During June, Coral transacted on EOL. However, they selected a July thru October deal by mistake. The marketer immediately called the desk and we agreed to let them out of the deal, which resulted in the creation of a second deal in EOL. Coral is not reporting anything on the deal, since it was unwound. But, since EOL deals are automatically processed and are firm transactions, we cannot kill the deal on our side, even though they net to zero volume and price. Logistics will be brokering the transactions in MOPS. Please be sure that Coral is not invoiced or paid on these deals. Again, they will not have a record of the deals. The Sitara deals are: 287946 and 288653. Let me know if you have any questions. D | aeslc_10templates | 294 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: EOL behandlar Coral July-Oct 2000 | Write an email with the following subject: EOL processes Coral July-Oct 2000 | Under juni gick Coral igenom på EOL. De valde dock en juli till oktoberaffär av misstag. Marknadsföraren ringde genast skrivbordet och vi kom överens om att släppa ut dem från affären, vilket resulterade i att en andra affär skapades i EOL. Coral rapporterar inget om affären, eftersom den var oskadad. Men eftersom EOL-kontrakt automatiskt behandlas och är fasta transaktioner, kan vi inte döda affären på vår sida, även om de netto till noll volym och pris. Logistik kommer att förmedla transaktionerna i OPS. Var noga med att Coral inte faktureras eller betalas på dessa erbjudanden. Återigen, de kommer inte att ha ett register över erbjudandena. Sitaraaffärerna är: 287946 och 288653. Säg till om du har några frågor. D | During June Coral went through at EOL. However, they chose a July to October deal by mistake. The marketer immediately called the desk and we agreed to release them from the deal, resulting in a second deal being created in EOL. Coral reports nothing about the deal, as it was undamaged. However, as EOL contracts are automatically processed and are fixed transactions, we cannot kill the deal on our side, even if they net at zero volume and price. Logistics will convey the transactions in OPS. Please be sure that Coral is not billed or paid on these offers. Again, they won't have a record of the offers. The Sitara deals are: 287946 and 288653. Let me know if you have any questions. D |
Here is a revised CA with CINergy. They also sent a clean version thinking that we might not have any changes other than what we had before. I am still trying to talk to Jeff about paragraghs #5 and #6. Thanks Ben
Write a subject line for this email. | Confidentiality Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 295 | Här är en omarbetad CA med CINergy. De skickade också en ren version med tanke på att vi kanske inte har några andra förändringar än vad vi hade tidigare. Jag försöker fortfarande prata med Jeff om paragraghs #5 och #6. Tack Ben Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Here's a reworked CA with CINergy. They also sent us a clean version, considering that we may not have any changes other than we had before. I'm still trying to talk to Jeff about paragraghs #5 and #6. Thank you Ben Write a subject line for this email. | Sekretessavtal | Confidentiality agreements |
Write an email with the following subject:
EnronOnline Phase III | As you both know, we are working on the launch of Phase III of EnronOnline. Since we will be making changes to the website we are currently reviewing all content online. This is an opportune time to make any necessary changes. I have attached the Legal and Privacy section for your review. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 296 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: EnronOnline Fas III | Write an email with the following subject: EnronOnline Phase III | Som ni båda vet arbetar vi på lanseringen av Fas III av EnronOnline. Eftersom vi kommer att göra ändringar på webbplatsen vi för närvarande granska allt innehåll på nätet. Detta är en lämplig tid att göra nödvändiga förändringar. Jag har bifogat avsnittet Juridik och privatliv för din granskning. Om du har några frågor, ring mig. Tack. | As you both know, we are working on the launch of Phase III of EnronOnline. Since we will make changes to the website we are currently reviewing all content online. This is a good time to make the necessary changes. I've attached the Legal and Privacy section for your review. If you have any questions, call me. Thank you. |
This is an email
Please note this meeting has now been rescheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2001 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in EB49C2. For Omaha participants this meeting will be in OMA 7C2. Please mark your calendars. Thank You,
What is the subject of this email? | How are we doing and what are my issues meeting? | aeslc_10templates | 297 | Detta är ett mail Observera att detta möte nu har bokats om till torsdag den 15 november 2001 från 1:00 - 3:00 PM i EB49C2. För Omaha-deltagare kommer detta möte att vara i OMA 7C2. Var snäll och markera era kalendrar. Tack, Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Please note that this meeting has now been rescheduled for Thursday 15 November 2001 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in EB49C2. For Omaha participants, this meeting will be in OMA 7C2. Please mark your calendars. Thank you, what is the subject of this email? | Hur går det och vilka frågor har jag? | How's it going and what questions do I have? |
Write a subject line for this message:
The FT-NEAST-WH books were set up in the Agg-Gas II portfolio, but never added to the AGG-GAS III or AGG-GAS IV portfolios. Please add these books under the J_Mrha porfolio in AGG-GAS III and AGG-GAS IV. Thanks, | FT-NEAST-WH Books | aeslc_10templates | 298 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: FT-NEAST-WH-böckerna sattes upp i Agg-Gas II-portföljen, men lades aldrig till AGG-GAS III- eller AGG-GAS IV-portföljerna. Lägg till dessa böcker under J_Mrha porfolio i AGG-GAS III och AGG-GAS IV. Tack. | Write a subject line for this message: The FT-NEAST-WH books were set up in the Agg-Gas II portfolio, but were never added to the AGG-GAS III or AGG-GAS IV portfolios. Add these books under J_Mrha porfolio in AGG-GAS III and AGG-GAS IV. Thank you. | FT-NEAST-WH Books | FT-NEAST-WH Books |
Write a subject line for this message:
Jeff, Now that the dust has started to settled (only slightly), I just want to write this note to wish you well. There are times when looking out for #1 is of paramount importance. While we are not in touch with one another to any great extent, I do empathize with you on the strains that you must have encountered over the last few years! Actually, I probably have no conception of the strain and pressure! Nonetheless, I hope we can remain in touch. To the extent that can help in any way (and I don't mean to be presumptuous), I would be delighted to do so. Best regards, | Wishing You Well! | aeslc_10templates | 299 | Skriv en ämnesrad för det här meddelandet: Jeff, Nu när dammet har börjat lägga sig (bara något), vill jag bara skriva den här lappen för att önska dig lycka till. Det finns tillfällen då det är av största vikt att hålla utkik efter #1. Även om vi inte har kontakt med varandra i någon större utsträckning, känner jag empati med er om de påfrestningar som ni måste ha stött på under de senaste åren! Jag har nog ingen uppfattning om påfrestningarna och trycket! Jag hoppas ändå att vi kan hålla kontakten. I den utsträckning som kan hjälpa på något sätt (och jag menar inte att vara förmäten) skulle jag vara glad att göra det. - Tack. | Write a subject line for this message: Jeff, Now that the dust has started to fold (just something), I just want to write this note to wish you luck. There are times when it is of the utmost importance to keep an eye out for #1. Although we do not have much contact with each other, I feel empathy with you about the pressures you must have encountered in recent years! I don't think I have any idea of the pressures and the pressure! I still hope we can keep in touch. To the extent that can help in any way (and I don't mean to be presumptuous), I would be happy to do so. - Thank you. | Önskar dig lycka till! | Wish you luck! |
Subsets and Splits