66 values
Generate a positive review for a place.
I LOVE THE BELLAGIO FOUNTAINS! After they perform, I feel so elated and happy to be alive, to have witnessed such a beautiful performance of water, music, movement, and lights!!! Watching them is mesmerizing: the jets of water are like dancers, swaying and dancing in time to the music. My favorite is when they play "Time to Say Goodbye" with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman. Oh my goodness, hearing that piece alone makes me tear up, but seeing it "performed" by the Bellagio Fountains just makes the Yangtze River start pouring from my eyes! You can see the Bellagio Fountains from a bunch of different places (the Flamingo hotel, the Bellagio, Caesar's, Paris) or right out in front. They're clearly most beautiful at night. Definitely record a performance if you can, a true treasure from Vegas! Besides the buffets, the Bellagio Fountains are my favorite part of Vegas! (And they're FREE!)
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
JEG KJØR DE BELELIGGIO FUNTAINER! Etter at de har opptrådt, føler jeg meg så oppløftet og glad over å være i live, for å ha vært vitne til en så vakker forestilling av vann, musikk, bevegelse og lys!!! Å se dem er mesmeriserende: vannstrålene er som dansere, svaier og danser i tide til musikken. Min favoritt er når de spiller<unk>Time to Say Goodbye<unk> med Andrea Bocelli og Sarah Brightman. Å du store Gud, å høre den biten alene gjør meg til å rive opp, men å se den<unk>performert<unk> av Bellagio-fontene bare får Yangtze-elven til å begynne å strømme fra mine øyne! Man kan se Bellagio-fontene fra en rekke forskjellige steder ( Flamingo-hotellet, Bellagio, Cæsar's, Paris) eller rett foran. De er klart mest vakre om natten. Ta opp en prestasjon hvis du kan, en sann skatt fra Vegas! I tillegg til det er Bellagio-fontene min favoritt del av Vegas! (Og de FRYTTER!)
I'M DRINKING THE LEGIO FUNTAINS! After they perform, I feel so elated and happy to be alive, for having witnessed such a beautiful display of water, music, motion, and light!! Seeing them is mesmerizing: the rays of water are like dancers, sway and dance in time for the music. My favorite time is when they play "Time to Say Goodbye" with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman. Oh, my God, hearing that bit alone makes me tear up, but watching it performed by the Bellagio fountains only makes the Yangtze River begin to flow from my eyes! You can see the Bellagio fountains from a number of different locations (Flamingo Hotel, Bellagio, Caesar's, Paris) or right in front. They're clearly the most beautiful at night. Record an achievement if you can, a true treasure from Vegas! Besides that, the Bellagio fountains are my favorite part of Vegas! (And they FROZEN!)
I love this pizza....I don't like the pay per topping deal but I get it. Sauce is supper tasty (I always add more to my pizza....but this too, you have to pay for). Service is always great...and they have some of the best wine specials in town (summer time half price wine on Tuesdays) Can't wait for my next cheat day pizza day. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg elsker denne pizzaen. Jeg liker ikke at lønn per overtak-avtalen, men jeg skjønner det. Saus er smaksgod i kveldsmat (jeg legger alltid mer på pizzaen også dette må du betale for). Servicen er alltid stor ...og de har noen av de beste vin spesialene i byen (sommertid halv pris vin på tirsdager) Kan ikke vente på min neste lykkedag med pizza. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I don't like this pizza, I don't like that pay per advantage deal, but I get it. Sausage is tasty in supper (I always put more on my pizza. ...but this, too, you have to pay for). The service is always big... and they have some of the best wine specials in town (summertime half price wine on Tuesdays) can't wait for my next lucky day with pizza. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a positive review for a place.
I ended up staying here for a conference that was held in the hotel and overall I had an enjoyable experience. At times, the front desk staff look flustered with the large crowds constantly at the desk but they never skipped a beat and managed to consistently provide prompt, reliable service. The conference rooms were always well stocked with water, glasses and candy. If you are in a workshop all day, you realize how beneficial these things can be. My sleeping room included a refrigerator and a digital thermostat that heated the room in 10 seconds flat (slight exaggeration). The hotel is not brand new but also not in need of any renovations any time soon. For 2014, it is perfect! In addition, the Double Tree Green Tree provides complimentary shuttle service to the airport which is 20 minutes away. Upon check out, I had a miscommunication incident with one of the staff members but once I let my issue be known to management, it was resolved instantaneously. Customer service at its finest!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Jeg endte opp med å bo her på en konferanse som ble holdt på hotellet, og jeg hadde en opplevelse. Noen ganger ser de ansatte i resistentstaben overrumplet ut over de store folkemengdene som stadig sitter ved skrivebordet, men de har aldri hoppet over en takt og har klart å yte en rask og pålitelig tjeneste. Konsulensene var alltid velfylte med vann, glass og godteri. Hvis du er i et verksted hele dagen, innser du hvor gagnlig dette kan være. Soverommet mitt bestod av et kjøleskap og en digital termostat som varmet opp rommet på ti sekunders dyp (slight state). Hotellet er ikke helt nytt, men heller ikke i behov for noen renovering på noe tidspunkt snart. For 2014 er det perfekt! I tillegg tilbyr Double Tree Green Tree comparyary romfergetjeneste til flyplassen som ligger 20 minutter unna. Jeg hadde en misforståelse med en av de ansatte, men så snart jeg lot saken min bli kjent for ledelsen, ble den løst øyeblikkelig. Det er en kundeservice på sitt beste!
I ended up living here at a conference held at the hotel, and I had an experience. At times, staff members of the resistant staff look surprised at the large crowds who are constantly sitting at their desks, but they have never missed a beat and have been able to perform a quick and reliable service. Consulences were always filled with water, glass, and candy. If you are in a workshop all day, you realize how beneficial this can be. My bedroom consisted of a refrigerator and a digital thermostat that warmed the room at ten seconds (light state). The hotel is not entirely new, but it is not in need of any renovation at any time soon. For 2014, it's perfect! In addition, Double Tree Green Tree is offering a communication shuttle service to the airport 20 minutes away. I had a misunderstanding with one of the employees, but as soon as I let my case become known to the management, it was immediately resolved. It's a customer service at its best!
Never stayed here but spent a few hours in this casino during my last Vegas trip. I really like the shopping center attached to the hotel and the restaurants mixed in with the shops are a bonus. The casino was pretty big but the layout was a little confusing. All in all I had a good experience here. Wouldn't mind coming back to explore a little more. From what I did see however, I think the four stars is appropriate. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har aldri vært her, men har tilbrakt noen timer i dette kasinoet under min siste Vegas-tur. Jeg liker at kjøpesentret er knyttet til hotellet, og at restaurantene er en bonus. Kasinoet var ganske stort, men utformingen var litt forvirrende. Alt i alt hadde jeg en god erfaring her. Jeg har ikke noe imot å komme tilbake for å utforske litt mer. Men ut fra det jeg så, tror jeg at de fire stjernene passer. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've never been here, but I've spent a few hours in this casino on my last Vegas trip. I like that the mall is tied to the hotel, and the restaurants are a bonus. The casino was quite large, but the design was a little confusing. All in all, I had a good experience here. I don't mind coming back to explore a little more. But from what I saw, I think the four stars fit. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Awful. After all the batting away of the flies, dodging the moldy chips, straining to hear my date over the blaring and awful mexican music and noticing that my Sierra Mist was brown, I never did get around to actually ordering a meal, I was too frightened to! The walls were supposed to be white but you could only see it through all the dirt where the chair had recently scratched the wall.....won't be going back! I suspect someone spends a lot of time writing their own reviews.... What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Forferdelig. Etter alt det som har slått fluene fra seg, unngår de mugne chipsene, anstrenger meg for å høre daten min over den brende og forferdelige mexicanske musikken og merker at min Sierra Mist var brun, jeg har aldri kommet meg rundt og faktisk bestilt et måltid, var jeg for redd til det! Veggene skulle egentlig være hvite men man kunne bare se det gjennom all jord hvor stolen nylig hadde ripet veggen ... ikke skal tilbake! Jeg antar at noen bruker mye tid på å skrive egne anmeldelser. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Terrible. After everything that's knocked the flies away, avoiding the moldy chips, trying to hear my date over the blaring and horrible Mexican music and sensing that my Sierra Mist was brown, I've never actually gotten around and ordered a meal, I was too afraid of that! The walls were supposed to be white, but you could only see it through all the dirt where the chair had recently scratched the wall... not going back! I suppose someone spends a lot of time writing their own reviews. VANS: - negative - positive
I would like to give this place zero stars for many reasons but it made me give it at least one. We had just moved to the area and after a long day of unpacking we decided to go get some food and drinks and since this was one of the few places I had passed on the way to the new place we decided to try it out. We got there and sat at one of the tables instead of the bar since we knew we were going to be ordering food. Well i guess it was to much to ask for the bartender to acknowledge us let alone come to the table to take our order so my boyfriend went to the bar and placed our order for both the food and drinks. There were 3 of us and we each ordered a meal and then an order of chips and salsa as an appetizer. We never got the chips and salsa and I ordered a beef chimichanga and received chicken enchiladas (not even close to the same thing). Not once did the bartender check on us, ask if we needed anything or even ask if we wanted another drink so we continued going up to the bar to get our drinks and finally to get our check. I was dead set on never going back there but my boyfriend convinced me that maybe it was just a fluke and so we tried it again. This time we knew to just sit at the bar if we wanted to get any service. I had to use the restroom and when I came back the bartender still hadn't even said so much as a hi to my boyfriend and continued to have a conversation with another employee that must have just gotten off work. We still sat there for a few minutes waiting and he still never even turned around so we got up to leave and then he turned around and said "oh can I get you guys something". We said no and walked out. So if you feel like eating, getting what you ordered and actually being waited on I would suggest not going to this place. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg vil gjerne gi denne plassen null stjerner av mange grunner, men den fikk meg til å gi den minst en. Vi hadde nettopp flyttet til området, og etter en lang dag med å pakke ut bestemte vi oss for å gå og hente oss noe å spise og drikke, og siden dette var en av de få stedene jeg hadde gått på veien til det nye stedet, bestemte vi oss for å prøve det. Vi kom dit og satt ved et av bordene i stedet for baren siden vi visste vi skulle bestille mat. Vel jeg antar det var for meget å be bartenderen om å vedkjenne seg at vi i det minste kom til bordet for å ta vår bestilling så kjæresten min gikk til baren og bestilte både mat og drikke. Det var tre av oss, og vi bestilte mat hver, og så var det chips og salsa som forrett. Vi fikk aldri chips og salsa og jeg bestilte chimichanga og fikk kylling-enchiladas (ikke engang i nærheten av det samme). ikke en gang sjekket bartenten på oss, spurte om vi trengte noe eller spurte om vi ville ha en drink til, så vi fortsatte opp til baren for å få oss en drink og til slutt for å få sjekken vår. Jeg var innstilt på aldri å dra tilbake dit, men kjæresten min overbeviste meg om at det kanskje bare var flaks, så vi prøvde igjen. Denne gangen visste vi at vi bare kunne sitte i baren hvis vi ville ha noen service. Jeg måtte på toalettet, og da jeg kom tilbake, hadde bartenderen ikke engang sagt så mye som et hei til kjæresten min, og fortsatte å ha en samtale med en annen ansatt som må ha akkurat gått av jobben. Vi satt fortsatt der noen minutter og ventet og han fortsatt aldri snudde seg rundt så vi reiste oss til å gå og så snudde han seg og sa: \"Kan jeg skaffe dere noe... Vi sa nei og gikk ut. Så hvis du føler for å spise, få det du bestilte og faktisk bli ventet på ville jeg foreslå at du ikke skulle til dette stedet. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'd like to give this place zero stars for many reasons, but it made me give it at least one. We had just moved to the area, and after a long day of unpacking, we decided to go and get something to eat and drink, and since this was one of the few places I had gone on the way to the new place, we decided to try it. We got there and sat at one of the tables instead of the bar because we knew we were going to order food. Well, I guess it was too much to ask the bartender to acknowledge that at least we came to the table to take our order so my boyfriend went to the bar and ordered both food and drink. There were three of us, and we each ordered food, and then there were chips and salsa as appetizers. We never got chips and salsa and I ordered chimichanga and got chicken enchiladas (not even close to the same). not even checked our mustache, asked if we needed anything or asked if we wanted another drink, so we continued up to the bar to get a drink and finally to get our check. I was prepared never to go back there, but my boyfriend convinced me that it might be just luck, so we tried again. This time we knew that we could only sit in the bar if we wanted some service. I had to go to the bathroom, and by the time I got back, the bartender hadn't even said a word to my boyfriend, and kept having a conversation with another employee who must have just left work. We were still there for a few minutes and he still never turned around, so we got up and he turned around and said, "Can I get you something?" We said no and went out. So if you feel like eating, getting what you ordered and actually being waited for, I would suggest you not go to this place. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I went to check this place out since it is closer than where I normally go to, and my boyfriend recommended it. The place is clean and nice, but the receptionist was very rude. Maybe I am just used to the friendly staff at Align. I filled out my paperwork and she tells me I can't be seen because I was recently in a car accident 5 months ago, but she says I can wait for the doctor and talk to him, she let 3 other people go before me when I was there first...I only got up and left because her attitude was not welcoming, and I am definitely not a sensitive person, but her attitude was not acceptable. Customer Service is important. I'll continue to go to Align...the drive is worth it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg dro for å sjekke dette stedet siden det er nærmere enn hvor jeg pleier å gå, og kjæresten min anbefalte det. Stedet er rent og pent, men resepsjonisten var veldig frekk. Kanskje jeg bare er vant til den vennlige staben på Align. Jeg fylte ut papirene mine og hun forteller meg at jeg ikke kan bli sett fordi jeg nylig var i en bilulykke for 5 måneder siden, men hun sier jeg kan vente til legen og snakke med ham, hun lot 3 andre personer gå før meg da jeg var der først... Jeg reiste meg bare opp og gikk fordi hennes holdning ikke var velkommen, og jeg er definitivt ikke en følsom person, men hennes holdning var ikke akseptabel. Kundeservice er viktig. Jeg fortsetter å gå til AliA. Driven er verdt det. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I went to check this place out because it's closer than where I usually go, and my boyfriend recommended it. The place is clean and neat, but the receptionist was very rude. Maybe I'm just used to the friendly staff of the Alfred. I filled out my papers and she tells me that I can't be seen because I recently got into a car accident five months ago, but she says I can wait to the doctor and talk to him, she let 3 other people go before me when I was there first... I just got up and walked because her attitude wasn't welcome, and I'm definitely not a sensitive person, but her attitude was not acceptable. Customer service is important. I'll keep going to AliA. VANS: - negative - positive
Okay shrimp cocktail. The ceviche was better. In fact if I return, it will be for the ceviche. I've had better elsewhere, but in a pinch, it'll do. Curious to taste the shrimp Culichi. The waitresses were pleasant. I did not like the fact that there are no free refills on the soft drinks. I will say that I did feel like I was transported to Mexico, which was kind of cool. Loud music, but that's how they do it! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
- Det er en rekerett. Det ble bedre med c-seksjonen. Hvis jeg kommer tilbake, blir det til skvipet. Jeg har hatt bedre andre steder, men i en knipe, så er det nok. Nysgjerlig å smake på reken. Servitørene var behagelige. Jeg likte ikke at det ikke er gratis påfyll på brusen. Det føltes som om jeg ble fraktet til Mexico, noe som var ganske kult. Høy musikk, men det er sånn de gjør det! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
- It's a shrimp dish. It got better with the C section. If I come back, it'll be for the shit. I've had better places, but in a pinch, that's enough. Curious to taste the shrimp. The waiters were comfortable. I didn't like the fact that there's no free refill on the soda. I felt like I was being taken to Mexico, which was pretty cool. Loud music, but that's how they do it! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
Run away as fast as you can. Took a laptop in to have the power jack replaced. By the time they were done almost 2 weeks later my laptop will not turn on and they took no responsibility for it. They attempted to blame the problem on the computer having a problem before they received it even though they had turned it on and examined the computer when I dropped it off. I was handed my non working computer and told there would be no charge. They appear to do a great job replacing iphone screens but replacing a power jack on a laptop is out of their league. Think again before you spend a dime with these guys. There is a reason they are not registered with the Better Business Bureau.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Stikk så fort du kan. Tok en bærbar maskin for å få byttet ut jekken. Da de var ferdige nesten to uker senere, ville ikke min bærbare maskin slås på, og de tok ikke noe ansvar for den. De forsøkte å skylde på at problemet var på den datamaskinen som hadde et problem før de fikk det, selv om de hadde slått det på og undersøkt datamaskinen da jeg slapp den av. Jeg fikk levert datamaskinen min, som ikke var i bruk, og sa at det ikke ville bli noen betaling. De ser ut til å gjøre en flott jobb som erstatter ifoneskjermer, men å erstatte en power jeck på en bærbar maskin er utenfor deres liga. Tenk deg om før du er sammen med disse gutta. Det er en grunn til at de ikke er registrert hos Better Business Bureau.
Get out of here as fast as you can. Took a laptop to replace the jack. When they finished nearly two weeks later, my laptop machine refused to be turned on and they took no responsibility for it. They tried to blame the problem on the computer that had a problem before they did, even though they had turned it on and examined the computer when I dropped it. I was able to deliver my unused computer and said there would be no payment. They seem to be doing a great job replacing their iPhone screens, but replacing a power jack on a laptop is outside their league. Think twice before you're with these guys. There's a reason they're not registered at Better Business Bureau.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Over priced and not that tasty! Sassy cashier that would rather watch the tv. Pita Pit is way better! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Overpriset og ikke den prisen! En sally kasserer som heller vil se på TV. Pita Pit er mye bedre! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Overpriced and not that price! A Sally cashier who'd rather watch TV. Pita Pit is so much better! VANS: - negative - positive
Went there with family on Friday night, 1 waiter to serve a few tables. I would expect downtown restaurants to be more popular on Friday nights, but I understand why when the food came. Very small portions all around- from the salads to the pastas. Their alfredo sauce tasted like expired milk. The steak wasn't anything crazy either. I've had much better. Waiter was nice and friendly, but like I mentioned, he took care of the tables and the bar at the same time. We were the last ones there at 9:45pm... and we got the message they wanted us out. So we left. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi var der med familien fredag kveld, og en kelner til å servere noen bord. Jeg hadde regnet med at restauranter i sentrum ville bli mer populære på fredagskvelder, men jeg forstår hvorfor maten kom. Små deler fra salater til pastaer. Deres alfredo saus smakte som utgått melk. Biffen var heller ikke gal. Jeg har hatt mye bedre. Kelner var hyggelig og vennlig, men som jeg nevnte, tok han seg av bordene og baren samtidig. Vi var de siste som var der kl. 09.45. Og vi fikk beskjeden de ville ha oss ut. Så vi venstre. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We were there with the family Friday night, and a waiter to serve some tables. I had expected restaurants downtown to be more popular on Friday nights, but I understand why the food came. Small pieces from salads to pastas. Their alfredo sauce tasted like milk expired. The steak wasn't crazy either. I've had much better. Waiter was nice and friendly, but as I mentioned, he took care of the tables and the bar at the same time. We were the last ones there at 9:45 and we got the message they wanted us out. Then we left. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Terrible!!! Not even worth 1 star! My sandwich was sloppy and disgusting looking when I opened it to start. Meat & cheese & bread sliding around couldnt hold the sandwhich together. The bread looked like thin white bread when I ordered sour dough toasted which is always thick! Ended up Throwing it all away & went to Cafe Rio which was amazing! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Du store!!!!! Ikke engang verdt en stjerne! Smørbrødet mitt var sjuskete og ekkel da jeg åpnet det for å begynne. Kjøtt og ost og brød som glir rundt, klarte ikke å holde sanden sammen. Brødet så ut som tynt hvitt brød da jeg bestilte surdeig ristet som alltid er tykt! Endte opp med å kaste alt bort & gikk til Café Rio som var fantastisk! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Oh, my gosh!!!!! Not even worth a star! My sandwich was sloppy and disgusting when I opened it to begin. Meat and cheese and bread gliding around could not hold the sand together. The bread looked like thin white bread when I ordered leaven toast that is always thick! Ended up throwing everything away & going to Café Rio that was fantastic! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
I came here today to have breakfast at Du-Pars. It has been years since I've been in this small joint (fondly stated)! There is so much history on the walls with the photographs of San Francisco. But, what I really liked were the local mementos--a replica of an original 1907 Kellogg telephone that was in the Golden Gate when it was the Hotel Nevada and had the telephone number of 1. Near the replica phone is an original guest book for the hotel dated 1906-1908. What a wonderful piece of history! There are some photos also of more modern interest. Check the south wall as you head toward Du-Pars from the table games area and see the photo of Marg Helgenberger when she was on Fremont Street filming CSI. I have to go back and take some more time to see the photos and enjoy the history of the place. I also need to try their shrimp cocktail just because!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg kom hit i dag for å spise frokost på Du-Pars. Det er mange år siden jeg har vært med i dette lille flettverket! Det er så mye historie på veggene med bildene fra San Francisco. Men det jeg virkelig likte var den lokale mementos - en kopi av en original telefon fra 1907 som var i Golden Gate da det var Hotel Nevada og hadde telefonnummeret til 1. Nær replika er replika er en original gjestebok for Hotellet tidende 1906-19.08. For en vidunderlig historie! Det finnes noen foto også av mer moderne interesse. Sjekk sørveggen mens du går mot Du-Pars fra bordspillområdet og se bildet av Marg Helgeberger da hun var på Fremont Street filming CSI. Jeg må tilbake og ta meg litt mer tid til å se bildene og nyte stedets historie. Jeg trenger også å prøve rekecocktailen deres bare fordi!
I came here today to have breakfast at Du-Pars. It's been years since I've been in this little plait! There's so much history on the walls with the pictures from San Francisco. But what I really liked was the local mementos-- a copy of an original 1907 phone call that was in Golden Gate when it was Hotel Nevada and had the phone number of 1. Close to the replica is an original Hotel Journal guest book 1906-19.08. What a wonderful story! There are some photographs of more modern interest. Check out the south wall as you walk towards Du-Pars from the table play area and see the picture of Marg Helgeberger when she was at Fremont Street filming CSI. I have to go back and take a little more time to see the pictures and enjoy the history of the place. I also need to try your shrimp cocktail just because!
Terrible experience. Ordered congee, cuz I saw the table next to me having it, but later the waitress told me that there was no more congee. Waited more than 30 minutes for the food to come. It was 9 in the morning...not a lot people... Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
- Det er den verste erfaring. Bestilt kongee, for jeg så bordet ved siden av meg som jeg hadde det, men servitrisen fortalte meg senere at det ikke var mer størk. Ventet mer enn 30 minutter på at maten skulle komme. Det var ni om morgenen, ikke mange... er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
- It's the worst experience. Ordered kings, for I saw the table beside me as I did, but the waitress later told me that there was no more dryness. I waited more than 30 minutes for the food to come. It was nine in the morning, not many... is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Service was slow. I ordered my dinner without beans. Came with beans. Asked for a new plate sans beans. They brought my plate and I started eating and found beans under everything. Mentioned it at check out and she just apologized and did nothing to make it right. First and last time I'll eat there. .
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Tjenesten gikk tregt. Jeg bestilte middag uten bønner. - Jeg er med i bønner. Spurte etter en ny plate. De tok med tallerkenen min, og jeg begynte å spise og fant bønner under alt. Nevnte det ved sjekken, og hun bare ba om unnskyldning og gjorde ingenting for å rette på det. Første og siste gang jeg spiser der. .
The ministry was slow. I ordered dinner without beans. - I'm in beans. Asked for a new record. They brought my plate, and I began to eat and found beans underneath. She mentioned it at the check, and she just apologized and did nothing to correct it. First and last time I eat there. So let's say that this is the same thing.
Is the following review positive or negative? Located on the corner of Beccleuch Street near the university, this generic coffee shop has replaced one of the best second hand academic book stores in the entire city. I say it is generic, because it really really it. If I asked you to think of the most stereotypical coffee shop in the world, you would describe this place to a tee. It really is non-descriptive. Wooden floor, bare walls, a few tables and a counter. Press Coffee really has no character at all - shame really as the coffee itself is nice and well priced, while the cakes and other snacky type things are all very enjoyable. Press Coffee is simply a shell into which people have decided to serve some half decent coffee - but with no vibe or charm, it fails to impress. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Denne kaffebaren ligger på hjørnet av Beccleuch Street i nærheten av universitetet og har erstattet en av de beste bokforretningene i hele byen. Jeg sier det er generisk, fordi det virkelig virkelig det. Hvis jeg spurte deg om du ville tenke på verdens mest stereotypiske kafé, ville du beskrive dette stedet som en tee. Det er i virkeligheten ikke-deskriptivt. Tregulv, nakne vegger, noen bord og en skranke. Pressekaffe har egentlig ingen karakter i det hele tatt - skam egentlig som kaffen i seg selv er fin og godt priset, mens kakene og andre snacklignende ting er alle veldig hyggelige. Pressekaffe er ganske enkelt et skall som folk har bestemt seg for å servere en halv vistekaffe i, men uten stemning eller sjarm er det ikke særlig imponerende. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This coffee shop is located on the corner of Beccleuch Street near the university and has replaced one of the best bookstores in the city. I'm saying it's generic, because it really is. If I asked you if you would think of the world's most stereotypical café, you would describe this place as a tee. It's actually non-descriptive. Wooden floors, bare walls, some tables and a counter. Press coffee really has no character at all - shame really as the coffee itself is nice and well priced, while the cakes and other snacklike things are all very nice. Press coffee is simply a shell that people have decided to serve half a coffee, but it is not very impressive without mood or charm. VANS: - negative - positive
Stopped by this place on our lunch break and it was fairly empty - so we thought great! It should be fast as we only had a hour. Long story short....The service was very slow.....and mediocre.....I ordered the BLT and chicken tortilla soup....the soup tasted like it was from a can and they just added their ingredients to make it their own...and how can you mess up a BLT?? Well there was something in there that was sour...and the bacon was hard ...tough ..and bueno....If they had asked how the food was...i for sure would have mentioned it as it could have been spoiled mayo...tomato...or lettuce....but they never I never told.... I left a disappointed ...dissatisfied ...non returning customer. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Stoppet av dette stedet i lunsjpausen vår og det var ganske tomt - så vi tenkte flott! Den skulde være rask da vi bare hadde en time. Jeg bestilte BLT- og kyllingtortillasuppen. Suppen smakte som om den kom fra en boks, og de la bare til ingrediensene sine for å gjøre den til sin egen. Og hvordan kan du rote til en BLT? Vel, det var noe der inne som var surt... og baconet var hardt... ...t..og bieno.... hvis de hadde spurt hvordan maten var... Jeg er sikker på at ville ha nevnt det slik det kunne ha vært ødelagt majones...tomta til...eller salat... men de spurte aldri... så jeg fortalte det aldri... Jeg etterlot meg en skuffet, forsorgløs, ikke imøtekommende kunde. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Stopped by this place during our lunch break and it was pretty empty - so we thought great! It was supposed to be fast when we only had an hour. I ordered the BLT and chicken tortilla soup, and the soup tasted like it came from a can, and they only added their ingredients to make it their own, and how can you mess up a BLT? Well, there was something in there that was sour... and the bacon was hard... and it was hard... and it was chew... no beeno... if they had asked me how the food was... I'm sure it would have been mentioned as it could have been broken mayonnaise... or salad... but they never asked... so I never told you... I left behind a disappointed, carefree, non-committal customer. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
BARF! Gave it a extra star for the ambiance and decor that was the only thing this restaurant had going for itself. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
BAK-RF! Ga den en ekstra stjerne for ambiance og decor som var det eneste denne restauranten hadde gått for seg selv. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
BAK-RF! Gave it an extra star for ambiance and decor who was the only thing this restaurant had ever gone by itself. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Make reservations! The sushi is very fresh! Try the wild yellowtail! The rice is perfectly cooked and served nice and warm. Toro toro roll 10/10 get this amazing roll and enjoy every last bit. This place has excellent music and the Buddha statue adds to the ambiance. Go upstairs to the club afterwards(no cover w purchase of an entre)! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Ta reservebestillingene! Sushien er veldig frisk! Prøv den gule gulhalen! Risen er perfekt kokt og servert god og varm. Toro toro roll 10/10 får denne fantastiske rullen og gleder seg over hver siste bit. Stedet har utmerket musikk og Buddhastatuen legger til ambiansen. Gå ovenpå til klubb-uengten (ikke dekning w kjøp av en entré)! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Get the backup order! The sushi is very healthy! Try the yellow tail! The rice is perfectly cooked and served nice and hot. Toro toro roll 10/10 gets this amazing scroll and enjoys every last bit. The place has excellent music and the Buddha statue adds the ambiance. Go upstairs to the club-notch (no service to buy an entrance)! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I guess this is what you should expect poolside at Aria. Windy, overpriced bad food. $20 burgers and 1 lb. hot dogs that scare small children. Slow service and secluded location make this cafe a must miss. If your hungry and eager to be poolside change locations all together. Interesting items on menu like country friend bacon but unfortunately just not good. Go to the Hard Rock for some quality poolside entertainment and food. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg antar at dette er hva du burde forvente basseng ved Aria. Vind, overpriset dårlig mat. Byre og 1 lB. pølser som skremmer små barn. Langsom-tjeneste og fredet sted gjør denne kafeen til en må gå glipp av. Hvis du er ivrig og ivrig etter å være basseng endre steder alle sammen. Sette ting på menyen som landvenn bacon, men dessverre ikke bra. Dra til Hard Rock for å få litt reklame og mat. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I guess this is what you should expect a pool at Aria's. Wind, overpriced bad food. Byre and 1 lB. hot dogs that scare little kids. Slow duty and a protected place make this cafe a one-time loser. If you're eager and eager to be a pool changes places everyone. Put things on the menu as country friend bacon, but unfortunately not good. Go to Hard Rock to get some advertising and food. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Cute little place with eclectic decor and a nice patio. The chicken pesto sandwich is so so good. You'll find lots of flavorful fresh ingredients here. The sweet potato chips are also good but wish they'd been served hot. Also they offered us a to-go cup for iced tea/lemonade which was appreciated. Sunday Brunch has a great little assortment of dishes to fit both the breakfast or lunch crowd. Be sure you don't miss $5 glasses of prosecco ;) Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Søt liten plass med eklektisk dekor og et fint bek. Pino-sandwichen er så god. Her finner du smakfulle ferske ingredienser. Søtpotetgullet er også godt men skulle ønske det var servert varmt. De tilbød oss også en to-go kopp for iste/te-/lemonade som var verdsatt. Brunkedagen har en stor liten oppstilling av retter som passer både til frokosten eller til lunsj. Pass på at du ikke går glipp av proseccoens bibriller.) Ble denne anmeldelsen gitt positivt eller negativt? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Cute little place with the gnarly decor and a nice pitch. The Pino sandwich is so good. Here you will find tasty fresh ingredients. The sweet potato chip is also good, but I wish it was served hot. They also offered us a to-go cup for appreciated iced tea/lemonade. Brunch day is a large, small arrangement of dishes that fit both breakfast and lunch. Make sure that you do not miss the prosecco’s spectacles.) Was this review given positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I like there pizza because no matter what it comes out pipping hot... Missing a star because I not like there pricing... But at the sametime I understand....or so I think I understand? How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg liker der-piss fordi uansett hva det kommer ut av det, så... Å gå glipp av en stjerne fordi jeg ikke liker pris... Men samtidig forstår jeg... eller så tror jeg at jeg forstår? Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I like that shit 'cause whatever it comes out of it, so... To miss a star because I don't like prices... But at the same time, I understand... or I think I understand? How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Out and about trying new things, though we give Thai a try.. Of course went to our awesome guide on Yelp! Brought us to this little thai restaurant shop away from the strip... We were immediately seated and was ask for appetizer and drinks.. The service was very fast... We took a glance and decided on food.. Papaya salad was ordered and so was Pad Thai... As a person who often look for good Thai i asked for the waitress recommendation-- Pad See ew Chicken... Which is chinese style fat rice noodle(chow fun style) with chicken, and thai spicing.. Very good and strong flavoring... Really loved it, their papaya salad is different from what im used to due to the fact the pepper were all green and wasnt mixed well into the salad... Overall id you're looking for a quick Thai fix... This is the place to be :D OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Vi har selvfølgelig gått til vår fryktinngytende guide om Yelp! Vi kom til denne lille thai-restauranten, bort fra strimmelen, og vi ble straks sittende og bedt om å få litt mat og drikke. Vi tok en titt og bestemte oss for mat, Papaya Salat ble bestilt, og det samme ble Pad Thai, som en person som ofte ser etter gode thai, jeg ba om servitør-anbefalingen... En kinesisk riss nudel med kylling og tai-spiking. Deres papayasalat er veldig god og sterk. Den er helt annerledes enn det som er vant til, fordi pepperen var grønn og ikke blandet godt med salat... Du ser etter en rask thai-faks... Dette er stedet å være: D VALG: - negativ - positiv
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Of course, we have gone to our awesome guide about Yelp! We came to this little Thai restaurant, away from the strip, and we immediately sat and asked for some food and drink. We took a look and decided to eat, Papaya Salat was ordered, and so was Pad Thai, like a person who's often looking for good Thai, I asked for the waitress recommendation... A Chinese rice noodle with chicken and tai-spik. Their papaya salad is very good and strong, very different from what is used to, because the pepper was green and not mixed well with lettuce... You're looking for a quick Thai fax... This is the place to be: D CHOICE: negative - positive
Fra eller
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Generate a positive review for a place.
OMG they are great they saved my puppys life.I could hope for anything more they did everything they could to save my handsome pup.Thank you thank you thank you!!!Dr.Lewis your the best!!!!!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
De reddet valpelivet mitt. Jeg håper de gjør alt de kan for å redde valpen min. -Dr. dommer, gjør ditt beste!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
They saved my puppy life, and I hope they're doing everything they can to save my puppy. - Dr. Judge, do your best! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
Is the following review positive or negative? The food was satisfying but not impressive. The service was slow and inattentive. Edited to add: Leftovers the next evening was delicious. I don't know if it was because it was halal but the food held really well. The veggies stayed crisp and the sauce light. Pretty good but the service was still a little inattentive last night. The host/waiter was on their phone. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Maten var tilfredsstillende, men ikke imponerende. Tjenesten gikk tregt og uaktsomt. Redigert for å legge til: Rester neste kveld var deilig. Jeg vet ikke om det var fordi det var halal, men maten holdt seg bra. Venefuglene holdt seg sprø og sauslyset. Ganske bra, men tjenesten var fortsatt litt uoppmerksom i går kveld. Verten/kelneren var på telefonen deres. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The food was satisfying, but not impressive. The ministry was slow and negligent. Edited to add, leftovers the next night were delicious. I don't know if it was because it was halal, but the food was good. Veneers stayed crisp and gravy. Pretty good, but the service was still a little out of paying attention last night. The host/celler was on your phone. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Jiro (dreams of sushi) would not be pleased. I went to lunch with a coworker for teppanyaki. I should have known better - no one goes to a circus for a great meal. Frozen mixed vegetable in the fried rice, old tasting shrimp, heavy handed sauces. The same meal, minus the show, served in a Tokyo Joe/Samurai Sam bowl would cost 6.95 and be plated far more delicately and with greater attention to flavor. Instead, I paid a little more than an Andrew Jackson (with tip) for a flavor fail in a dark and mostly empty room. Food and ambiance aside, the show was spot on. We had a Mexican teppanyaki chef who really was on his game (So much so, that I awarded Ichi Ban a star!) Yes, it was much of the same old tired act teppanyaki chefs have been passing along to us for years (twirling spatulas, spinning eggs, onion volcanos, shrimp in the hat) but the passion this guy had for the show was undeniable. If only the ingredients and room matched his joie de vivre, I might have left Tolleson with a huge smile! Ichi Ban = Shichi Ban. Two stars. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jiro (sushi - drømmene) ville ikke like det. Jeg var på lunsj med en kollega for teppanyanaki. Jeg burde ha visst bedre - ingen går på sirkus for et stort måltid. Frosken grønnsak i rissteken, gammel smaksskål, sauser med stor saus. Det samme måltidet, minus showet, som ble servert i en Tokyo Joe/Samurai Sam - skål, ville koste 6,95 og ville bli satt på tallerkener langt mer ømtålig og med større oppmerksomhet om smak. I stedet betalte jeg litt mer enn en Andrew Jackson (med tips) for en smakssvikt i et mørkt og stort sett tomt rom. Bortsett fra mat og rom, var showet på plass. Vi hadde en meksikansk tekpanyaki-kokk som virkelig var med på spillet hans (Så mye at jeg fikk tildelt en stjerne av Ichi Ban!) Ja, det var mye av det samme gamle slitne skuespillet som vi har hatt i årevis (twirling spatuller, spinneegg, løk vulkaner, reker i hatten) men lidenskapen denne fyren hadde for showet var unektelig. Hvis bare ingrediensene og rommet matchet hans joie de vivre, kunne jeg ha forlatt Tolleson med et stort smil! Ichi Ban = Shichi Ban. To stjerner. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Jiro (Sushi) would not like it. I had lunch with a colleague for Teppanyanaki. I should have known better. No one goes to the circus for a big meal. Frog vegetable in the rice roast, old flavor dish, sauces with large sauce. The same meal, minus the show, served in a Tokyo Joe/ Samurai Sam bowl, would cost 6.95 and would be put on plates far more delicate and with more attention to taste. Instead, I paid a little more than a Andrew Jackson (with tips) for a taste loss in a dark and largely empty room. Apart from food and rum, the show was in place. We had a Mexican teapanyaki chef who was really in his game (so much that I was assigned a star by Ichi Ban!) Yeah, it was a lot of the same old tired play we've been having for years (twirling spatulas, spinning eggs, onion volcanoes, shrimps in the hat) but the passion this guy had for the show was undeniable. If only the ingredients and the room matched his joie de vivre, I could have left Tollerson with a big smile! Ichi Ban = Shichi Ban. Two stars. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
We used to stay here as a jeep club some years ago and really like it. Times have changed. An investment group has taken over and the friendly atmosphere is missing. Wifi is non existant unless you are in the office. Signs of aging. Staff is not very friendly. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi pleide å være her som en jec Club for noen år siden og liker det veldig godt. Tidene har forandret seg. En investeringsgruppe har tatt over og den vennlige atmosfæren mangler. Wifi finnes ikke før du er på kontoret. Tegn på aldring. Staben er ikke særlig vennlig. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We used to be here as a Jac Club a few years ago and like it very much. Times have changed. An investment group has taken over and the friendly atmosphere is missing. Wifi doesn't exist until you're in the office. Signs of aging. The staff isn't very friendly. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Great food!! Literally a 'hole in the wall' feel. Highly recommend to those bruncher's in Phoenix in seek of the perfect Saturday AM break. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Storartet mat!!! Bokstavelig talt et \"hull i veggen\"-følelse. Det er best å be om den perfekte lørdagspausen. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Great food! Literally a hole in the wall. It's best to ask for the perfect Saturday break. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
A friend and I decided to order a pizza that was close enough to pick up, to save the delivery charge. Starving and excited for pizza, we set out to pick up an order we'd placed online. The first problem wasn't their fault: they appeared on the NE side of the intersection on my GPS, rather than SE. As we drove around hoping to stumble upon PJs, I called the store. Second problem was that phone call. After I endured a 4 minute spiel from a recording, the call was finally answered just to ask me to "hold please". He did come back and give me better directions, and within 40 seconds we were pulling up to the right parking lot. The storefront was TINY, I'd never have noticed it if I wasn't looking so hard. The interaction inside was just kinda strange. The guy at the counter seemed confused by us wanting to pick up our order, confused that I was trying to also purchase two soft drinks, and confused by the fact that we would be paying in one transaction. He was totally baffled by the request for extra parmesan packets, and required us to explain twice before he could give us more pepperoncinis. After all that, the pizza was fantastic. It could have had something to do with the fact that we were so hungry, but I have zero complaints about the food. Maybe if we'd chosen delivery been able to avoid the experience with the man in the store, I'd add another star or two. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En venn og jeg bestemte oss for å bestille en pizza som var nær nok til å hentes, for å spare leveringsavgiften. Sult og spent på pizza satte vi oss fore å hente en ordre vi hadde lagt ut på nettet. Det første problemet var ikke deres feil: de dukket opp på NE-siden av krysset på min GPS, og ikke SE. Da vi kjørte rundt i håp om å snuble over PJs, ringte jeg butikken. Det andre problemet var den telefonsamtalen. Etter at jeg hadde utholdt en 4 minutters pause fra en innspilling, ble samtalen endelig besvart bare for å be meg om å vente, vær så snill, Han kom tilbake og ga meg bedre retninger, og innen 40 sekunder kom vi til høyre parkeringsplass. Butikken var TINY, jeg ville aldri ha lagt merke til det hvis jeg ikke så etter. Samspillet inni var bare litt rart. Fyren på skranken virket forvirret av at vi ville hente bestillingen vår, forvirret av at jeg prøvde å også kjøpe to brus, og forvirret av at vi ville betale i en transaksjon. Han ble helt forbløffet over forespørselen om ekstra parmesanpakker, og krevde at vi måtte forklare oss to ganger før han kunne gi oss mer pepperoncins. Etter alt det, var pizzaen fantastisk. Det kunne ha hatt noe å gjøre med at vi var så sultne, men jeg har null klager på maten. Kanskje hvis vi hadde valgt leveringsordre for å unngå opplevelsen med mannen i butikken, ville jeg legge til en stjerne eller to. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
A friend and I decided to order a pizza near enough to be picked up to save the delivery fee. Starving and excited about pizza, we set out to pick up an order we had posted online. The first problem wasn't their fault: they showed up on the ne side of the intersection on my GPS, and not the SE. When we were driving around hoping to trip over PJs, I called the store. The other problem was that phone call. After I had endured a four-minute break from a recording, the conversation was finally answered just to ask me to wait, please, He came back and gave me better directions, and within 40 seconds we reached the right parking lot. The store was TINY, I would never have noticed if I didn't look. The interaction inside was just a little weird. The guy on the counter seemed confused because we wanted to pick up our order, confused because I was also trying to buy two sodas, and confused that we would pay in a transaction. He was amazed at the request for extra Parmesan packages, and demanded that we explain ourselves twice before he could give us more pepperoncins. After all that, the pizza was amazing. It could have had something to do with us being so hungry, but I have zero complaints about the food. Maybe if we'd picked out a delivery order to avoid the experience with the man in the store, I'd add a star or two. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Been hitting up Osaka Henderson for over 10 years now! You won't find a much bigger menu, it's rediculous. This is my dependable go-to japanese that never does me wrong. My faves: -Kickass Tempura -Salmon Sashimi is always on point! -Teppan Grill is TOPS -BOMB house chicken soup -Not a big roll guy, so I can't comment on that. Can be a little pricey, especially for you "all you can shove" lovers. Staff is super friendly. Worst part of the restaurant is the strange wind vacuum opening the front door.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg har funnet meg selv i over 10 år nå! Du vil ikke finne en større meny, den er gjentagende. Dette er min pålitelige go-to-japanske som aldri tar feil av meg. Favenene mine: -Kickass Tempura -Salmon Sasashimi er alltid på poeng! -Teppan Grill er TOPS, barnehusets kyllingsuppe, ikke en stor kar, så jeg kan ikke kommentere det. Kan være litt prisverdig, spesielt for deg<unk> alt du kan for <unk> for å være glad<unk> for å være glad i deg. Staben er supervennlig. Verst i restauranten er det merkelige vindvakuumet som åpner inngangsdøren.
I've been finding myself for over 10 years now! You won't find a bigger menu, it's repeating. This is my reliable go-to japanese who never confuses me. My faves, Kickass Tempura-Salmon Sasashimi is always on point! Toppan Grill is TOPS, the chicken soup of the children's house, not a big guy, so I can't comment on that. May be a little praiseworthy, especially for you,<unk> all you can for <unk> to be happy<unk> to love you. The staff is super friendly. The worst in the restaurant is the strange wind vacuum that opens the front door.
Server specialists do an excellent job of fixing your computer or help you pick a new one and get it up and running. You can also try out the latest products like the Nano. The only yucks part is that if you're waiting to have something repaired you have to take a number and wait sometimes a very long time. On the upside you can go on one of their computers and check your email while you wait. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Serverspesialister gjør en utmerket jobb ved å reparere datamaskinen din eller hjelpe deg med å finne en ny og få den i gang. Du kan også prøve ut de nyeste produktene som Nano. Den eneste yucks-delen er at hvis man venter på å ha noe reparert må man ta et nummer og vente noen ganger veldig lenge. På opp-en kan du gå på en av datamaskinene deres og sjekke e-posten mens du venter. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Server specialists do an excellent job repairing your computer or helping you find a new one and get it started. You can also try out the latest products like Nano. The only yucks part is that if you're waiting to have something repaired, you have to take a number and wait sometimes for a very long time. On the up, you can go to one of their computers and check your e-mails while you wait. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
I LOVE the outback but this was by far the worst experience I have had at one. We got here at 4 and were seated in the bar. Erika G was our server and she ran past our table a dozen times before acknowledging us. She brought us bread (which was horribly stale) and disappeared for longer before buzzing by again to speedily take our order. She seemed to have no patience. I told her it was my friend's birthday and she said they didn't do anything for that, but could maybe get a scoop of ice cream. OK, yes we'd like that. My baked potato (which I usually love because of all the salt on the side) was cold and a bit hard and my steak was SO thin!! I also remember liking their caesar salad, but this time it was all light green/white lettuce which is not what I like... Overall I was very disappointed with the dinner. If I pay $50 to go out for a friend's birthday I want to enjoy it. I didn't. Wouldn't recommend this location. I've heard the one at superstition springs is good though.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
JEG elsker villmarken, men dette var absolutt den verste opplevelsen jeg har hatt på én gang. Vi kom hit kl. 4 og satt i baren. Erika G var serveren vår, og hun løp forbi bordet vårt et dusin ganger før hun sa ja til oss. Hun kom med brød til oss (som var forferdelig gammelt) og forsvant for lenge før hun igjen suser forbi for å skynde seg å ta vår bestilling. Hun syntes ikke å ha tålmodighet. Jeg sa at det var bursdagen til vennen min, og hun sa at de ikke gjorde noe for det, men kunne kanskje få en slurk iskrem. OK, ja det vil vi like. Min bake potet (som jeg vanligvis elsker på grunn av alt saltet på siden) var kald og litt hard og biffen min var SO tynn!! Jeg husker også på cæsarsalaten deres, men denne gangen var det bare lysegrønn/hvitsalat som ikke er det jeg liker. Jeg var veldig skuffet over middagen. Hvis jeg betaler 50 dollar for å gå ut for en venns bursdag, vil jeg nyte det. Det gjorde jeg ikke. Ikke anbefale dette stedet. Jeg har hørt at den som er i kilder ved overnaturlige kilder, er god nok.
I LOVE the wilderness, but this was by far the worst experience I've ever had in my life. We got here at four and sat in the bar. Erika G was our server, and she ran past our table a dozen times before she said yes to us. She brought us bread (which was terribly old) and disappeared too long before she again slid by to quickly take our order. She didn't seem to be patient. I told her it was my friend's birthday, and she said they didn't do anything for it, but maybe they could get a drink of ice cream. Okay, yeah, we'll like that. My baked potato (which I usually love because of all the salt on the side) was cold and a little hard and my steak was SO thin! I also remember your caesar salad, but this time only light green/white salad is not what I like. I was very disappointed at dinner. If I pay $50 to go out for a friend's birthday, I'll enjoy it. I didn't. Don't recommend this place. I've heard that whoever's in sources of supernatural sources is good enough.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Food was okay. I got the build your own sampler with spinach dip(the best ever) and sliders (okay) and steak tortillas (okay). The one thing that really sucked was the long wait for the waitress. We were in the bar area and the waitress Ashley... I don't think she mulit task. It took her a while to get our drinks, take our order and then the people that came after us got their food before us and even left before us because we were waiting so long. We literally waited 20 minutes before someone got our check. Don't think I'll be back at this location... OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Maten var ok. Jeg fikk bygget egen sampler med spinat dip (den beste noensinne) og glidebrytere (ok) og stektortillaer (ok). Det eneste som virkelig sugde, var den lange ventetiden på servitrisen. Vi var i barområdet og på serveringsbordet... Jeg tror ikke hun har noen mulitssuppe. Det tok henne en stund å få våre drinker, ta vår bestilling og så de som kom etter oss fikk sin mat før oss og til og med forlatt foran oss fordi vi ventet så lenge. Vi ventet 20 minutter før noen fikk sjekken vår. Ikke tro at jeg kommer tilbake til dette stedet...
What will the following article show? The food was fine. I had my own sample of spinach dip (the best ever) and sliders (ok) and fried orthodillas (ok). The only thing that really sucked was the long wait at the waitress. We were in the bar area and on the serving table... I don't think she has any mulits soup. It took her a while to get our drinks, take our order, and then those who came after us got their food before us, and even left in front of us because we waited so long. We waited 20 minutes before someone got our check. Don't think I'm coming back to this place...
Is the following review positive or negative? I'm southern. I love seafood. This is NOT southern seafood faire. I ordered fried shrimp. It was covered in a cornbread BATTER... No no no no... There is no such thing for shrimp in the south. Its JUST cornbread but not on shrimp! A meal mate ordered crawfish. They were TINY... Not enjoyable. If you like the food there.. don't go south and expect to find the same. Its really much better at Angry Crab.. but even they are not true southern seafood pleasure. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg er sørlig. Jeg elsker sjømat. Dette er IKKE sørlig sjømatfugl. Jeg bestilte stekte reker. Den var dekket av en maiskake-mat... nei, nei, nei... Det finnes ikke noe slikt for reker i sør. Dens maiskake, men ikke på reker! En matrett på jakt etter krypende fisk. De var TINY, ikke grøssere. Hvis du liker maten der, så ikke dra sørover og forvent å finne den samme. Den er egentlig mye bedre på Angry Crab. men selv de er ikke ekte sørlig sjømat. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm south. I love seafood. This is NOT a southern seafood bird. I ordered fried shrimp. It was covered in a corncake food... no, no, no... There's no such thing for shrimp in the south. Its corncake, but not on shrimp! A food dish in search of creeping fish. They were TINY, not horror. If you like the food there, don't go south and expect to find the same one. It's actually much better at Angry Crab, but even they're not real southern seafood. VANS: - negative - positive
Really enjoyed the time being with my husband. The views are amazing from any location, staff is friendly and the food was great too! Water circuits were top notch and they keep the place very clean. The place is packed with a lot of activities to do so even though you're quiet and sitting you still wont be bored as there are a lot of baths and saunas to visit and relax in. I loved my massage by Julie, she is definitely highly recommend! Do visit this spa for a whole day to just unwind and sit back, kick and relax :) Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det var virkelig fint å være sammen med min mann. Utsiktene er imponerende hvor som helst, personalet er vennligsinnet og maten var også stor! Vannkretser var topp hakk og de holder stedet veldig rent. Stedet er fullt av mange aktiviteter å gjøre det selv om du er stille og sitter og du vil fortsatt ikke kjede deg ettersom det er mange bad og badstuer å besøke og slappe av i. Jeg elsket massasjen min av Julie. Hun har absolutt anbefalt det! Kan du tenke deg å besøke dette spa en hel dag for bare å slappe av og bare slappe av og slappe av og slappe av?) Ble denne beretningen gitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It was really nice to be with my husband. The outlook is impressive anywhere, staff is friendly and food was great! Water circuits were top notch and they keep the place very clean. The place is full of many activities to do so even though you are quiet and sitting and you will still not be bored because there are many baths and saunas to visit and relax. I loved my massage from Julie, and she's definitely recommended it! Would you like to visit this spa for a whole day just to relax and relax and relax?) Was this account given in a positive or negative way? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? Fabulous guys! Very friendly and knowledgeable. Went out of their way to explain what they were doing and answered any questions. Not only found and fixed a water leak, but replaced the old main water pipe from the meter to the house that was in bad shape. Put in a master valve (which I didn't have, for some reason) and even removed my old useless water softener. They made my water system more efficient and did it quick! Thanks, guys! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Flotte gutter! ømme og kunnskapsrike. De gjorde seg store anstrengelser for å forklare hva de gjorde, og besvarte eventuelle spørsmål. Ikke bare funnet og fikset vannlekkasje, men erstattet den gamle hovedvannledningen fra måleren til huset som var i dårlig forfatning. Sett inn en hovedventil (som jeg av en eller annen grunn ikke hadde) og til og med fjernet min gamle ubrukelige vannmemper. De gjorde vannsystemet mitt mer effektivt og gjorde det raskt! Takk, gutter! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Great boys! tender and knowledgeable. They put forth great effort to explain what they were doing and to answer any questions. Not only did it find and fix water leaks, but it replaced the old water main from the meter to the house that was in bad condition. Put in a main valve (which I did not have for some reason) and even removed my old useless water temperer. They made my water system more efficient and fast! Thank you, boys! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Who care if the profits go to charity! I am there to eat I pay for good food the food was over priced the food was god awful! They did not have beer or wine I asked for that was on there list! This place sucked ! The people who rated this place do they work there! I do not care about the mission or there story! I am there to eat! The food was awful! If you southern call this food funny! Close this place down look into the irs records just like PTL ! Shut it down put up some real food not this cow crap! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvem bryr seg om overskuddet går til veldedighet! Jeg er der for å spise jeg betaler for god mat maten maten var overpriset maten var gud forferdelig! De hadde ikke øl eller vin jeg ba om, og det sto på lista! Dette stedet, for faen! De som rangerte stedet, jobber der! Jeg bryr meg ikke om oppdraget eller historien! Jeg er der for å spise! Maten var forferdelig! Hvis du i sør kan kalle denne maten for tull! Steng dette stedet ned se inn i irns rekorder akkurat som PTL ! Steng den ned og legg ned ekte mat, ikke denne dritten! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Who cares if the profits go to charity? I'm there to eat I'm paying for good food the food was overpriced the food was terrible! They didn't have beer or wine I asked for, and it was on the list! This place, damn it! The guys who ranked the place work there! I don't care about the mission or the story! I'm there to eat! The food was terrible! If you can call this food bullshit in the South! Shut this place down look into the Irish records just like the PTL! Shut it down and put down real food, not this shit! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
I was misled about the purpose of the "workshop." Choice Center Worldwide is a cult whereby it's members are required to sign up other members at $2697 per person in order to stay active and complete the course. They pray on people's weaknesses and manipulate them through cult practices. I wish I would have been savvy enough to do my due diligence in online investigation before signing up because now I have found all sorts of information about their scam and cultish practices. I too, would give negative stars if I could because they lied to me about it's purpose. If I needed therapy I would have gotten a therapist not entered a cult for group therapy.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Jeg ble forledet av hensikten med: Valgsenteret Worldwide er en kult der dets medlemmer er pålagt å melde opp andre medlemmer på 2 697 kroner per person for å kunne holde seg aktiv og fullføre kurset. De ber på folks svakheter og manipulerer dem gjennom kultpraksis. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde vært smart nok til å gjøre min sak i etterforskning på nettet før jeg meldte meg på, for nå har jeg funnet all slags informasjon om deres svindel og kultpraksis. Jeg også, ville gitt negative stjerner hvis jeg kunne, fordi de løy til meg om meningen med det. Hvis jeg trengte terapi, ville jeg ha fått en terapeut som ikke ble en gruppeterapi-kult.
I was misled by the purpose of: Worldwide is a cult in which its members are required to report other members to $2697 per person in order to stay active and complete the course. They pray for people's weaknesses and manipulate them through cult practices. I wish I'd been smart enough to do my case on the Internet before I signed up, because now I've found all sorts of information about their scams and cult practices. I, too, would give negative stars if I could, because they lied to me about the meaning of it. If I needed therapy, I'd have a therapist who didn't turn into a group therapy cult.
Write a negative yelp review.
Disappointed. I went to buy my nephew a birthday gift...30% off. Went to the cash rang up as a completely different price. Actually higher than the original price. The price was rectified, but the cashier acted like she didn't want to change it. Nope...won't shop here again. Not only that, but when I asked about a certain size and whether they carry it, I was told if it wasn't on the floor, they don't have it. They advised me to come back in a few days to see if they had it. Blah...they could have checked the other stores to see if they had it in stock.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Skuffelse. Jeg gikk for å kjøpe en bursdagsgave til meg selv. 30% avslag. Jeg gikk til kassa. Det var en helt annen pris. høyere enn den opprinnelige prisen. Prisen ble rektifisert, men kassereren oppførte seg som om hun ikke ville endre den. ...ikke kan handle her igjen. Ikke bare det, men da jeg spurte om en viss størrelse og om de bærer den, fikk jeg beskjed om det ikke lå på gulvet, de har det ikke. De rådet meg til å komme tilbake noen dager for å se om de hadde det. Blah... de kunne ha sjekket de andre butikkene for å se om de hadde det på lager.
Disappointment. I went to buy myself a birthday present. 30% off. I went to the register, and it was a completely different price. higher than the original price. The price was right, but the cashier acted like she didn't want to change it. ...can't shop here again. Not only that, but when I asked if they were carrying a certain size, I was told it wasn't on the floor, they didn't have it. They advised me to come back for a few days to see if they did. Blah... they could have checked the other stores to see if they had it in stock.
What would be an example of an negative review?
Don't go here on a busy day, which is whenever the dbacks or suns play. You will be waiting forever for your food and it will be cold. Then when you complain they blame it on being busy and make you feel like an idiot. The owner sits drinking instead of helping out and basically tells customers to shut up and stop whining! ***Reply to "owners" comment**** Jason, Maybe you should get YOUR facts straight before posting a reply. We waited for over 45 minutes for our COLD food to arrive, only after we asked the bartender where our food was. Your manager walked over with our ticket and said " I see you've been waiting for over 45 minutes for your food" When we responded that we had never waited that long, she replied " well we're busy and short-handed" There was no upfront apology to the fact that our food was late, making us in turn late for the game. Your bartender is not a pleasant person as she would ask what we wanted and not wait for the answer before turning and getting another customer a drink. Unfortunately, we were seated behind one of the beer taps to begin the afternoon and seemed to be forgotten as we sat with empty glasses. We did NOT demand to speak to the owner. He had said hello about 20 min earlier and when the manager came over, my mom asked to speak to the owner. She said he's not working today, and my mom replied," I just saw him", your manager then said " I'll go get the owner for you." There was no demanding there. Also please learn to read before posting replies as I stated the owner BASICALLY said to shut up and stop whining. The way he spoke to us is the reason why we would never come back. Also you posted in my mom's review that our food and drinks were comped. We sent the food back as it was cold, so it wasn't comped, and we only had 3 beers between the two of us, the last two were just poured and left undranken. Get your facts straight before coming on here and calling people LIARS.... Maybe if your bartender would have been a little more personable and offered an apology or something in the first place this whole situation would have been remedied.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Ikke gå her på en arbeidsdag, som er når du ser på soler og dirker. Du vil vente på din mat i all evighet, og den vil være kald. Når du klager, klandrer de deg for å være opptatt og får deg til å føle deg som en idiot. Eieren sitter og drikker i stedet for å hjelpe til, og ber derfor kundene om å holde kjeft og slutte å sutre! ***Svar til<unk>eiere<unk> kommentar****** Jason, Kanskje du bør få fakta rett før du sender et svar. Vi ventet i over 45 minutter på at den maten vi hadde født, skulle komme, først etter at vi hadde spurt bartenderen hvor maten vår var. Din manager gikk over med billetten og sa<unk> Jeg ser du har ventet i over 45 minutter på maten din<unk> Da vi svarte at vi aldri hadde ventet så lenge, svarte hun<unk> vel vi er opptatt og korthendt<unk> Det var ingen opprørende unnskyldning på at maten vår var sen, noe som gjorde oss til etter tur sene til kampen. Din bartender er ikke et behagelig menneske, for hun ville spørre hva vi ville, og ikke vente på svaret før hun skulle snu og skaffe en annen kunde en drink. Vi satt dessverre bak en av ølkranene for å begynne ettermiddagen, og det så ut til at vi var blitt glemt mens vi satt med tomme briller. Vi har ikke bedt om å få snakke med eieren. Han hadde hilst på rundt 20 min tidligere og da bestyreren kom over, spurte mamma om å få snakke med eieren. Hun sa at han ikke jobber i dag, og moren min svarte,<unk>jeg så ham<unk> manageren din sa da<unk> jeg skal hente eieren for deg<unk> Det var ikke noe etterspørsel der. Les også før du poster svar slik jeg sa at eieren ba om å holde kjeft og slutte å sutre. Den måten han snakket til oss på, er grunnen til at vi aldri ville komme tilbake. Og du skrev i min mors anmeldelse at maten og drinkene våre var kompliserte. Vi sendte maten tilbake som det var kaldt, så den var ikke kompet, og vi hadde bare 3 øl mellom oss to, de to siste var bare helt og venstre uranken. Hvis bartenderen din hadde vært litt mer personlig og tilbudt en unnskyldning eller noe i det hele tatt, ville hele situasjonen ha blitt utbedret.
Don't go here on a work day, which is when you watch suns and picks. You will wait for your food forever, and it will be cold. When you complain, they blame you for being busy and make you feel like an idiot. The owner is drinking instead of helping, and so he tells his customers to shut up and stop whining! Jason, maybe you should get the facts right before you send a reply. We waited for over 45 minutes for the food we had given birth to come, only after we had asked the bartender where our food was. Your manager went over with the ticket and said "<unk> I see you've been waiting over 45 minutes for your food<unk> When we replied that we'd never waited this long, she replied, well we're busy and short-handed<unk> There was no upsetting excuse that our food was late, which made us late for the fight. Your bartender is not a pleasant person, because she wanted to ask us what we wanted, and not wait for the answer before she turned around and got another customer a drink. Sadly, we sat behind one of the beer faucets to begin the afternoon, and it seemed that we had been forgotten while we were sitting with empty glasses. We haven't asked to speak to the owner. He had met about 20 minutes earlier and when the manager came over, Mom asked to speak to the owner. She said he's not working today, and my mother answered,<unk> I saw him your manager said when<unk> I'll get the owner for you<unk> There was no demand there. Also read before you post answers as I said the owner asked to shut up and stop whining. The way he spoke to us is why we would never return. And you wrote in my mother's report that our food and drinks were complicated. We sent the food back as it was cold, so it wasn't competitive, and we only had three beers between us, the last two were just whole and the left uranium. If your bartender had been a little more personal and offered an apology or something at all, the whole situation would have been remedied.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Wow if you are in Vegas and want a great breakfast or lunch this is a must! Fantastic sandwiches and soup. I split a Rubin and it was just the right amount, I also split a Lettuce wedge. The blu cheese dressing was fantastic. Please do yourself a favor and stop in for some great food!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Hvis du er i Vegas og vil ha en god frokost eller lunsj, er dette en nødvendighet! Og smørbrød og suppe. Jeg delte en oppdeling, og det var akkurat riktig mengde, jeg delte også en nedskjæring. Den blaut ostedressingen var fantastisk. Vær så snill og gjør deg selv en tjeneste og stans opp og få litt mat!
If you're in Vegas and you want a good breakfast or lunch, this is a necessity! And sandwiches and soup. I divided a division, and it was just the right amount, I also shared a cut. That soft cheese dressing was amazing. Please do yourself a favor and stop and get some food!
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I really, really wanted to like this place. The salads I've had here were fine, as well as some of the burgers. A couple nights ago I ordered take-out, my boyfriend ordered the Luigi shaved ribeye sandwich, and I ordered a blue cheese/buffalo burger. When I came to pick up the food the bartender recognized me as ordering to go, and brought my food and tab to me right away. But then forgot a side salad so I waited for almost 15 minutes to get some lettuce, onions, and dressing. (I don't blame the bartender for having to wait this long for the salad) Ok. My burger was fine, but the meat in my boyfriends sandwich was dry and tasted HORRIBLE. Literally the worst tasting meat I've had. But that's what we deserve for ordering shaved ribeye at a sports bar, right?? No big deal. After a concert on a friday night, I couldn't think of any place to go to get a late night snack and drink, so I took my friends back to Bar Louie. My girlfriend and I got margaritas (i asked for a grand marnier float, big mistake) and my boyfriend got the santan hef. on draft. The drinks were fine, and we ordered 3 appetizers; spinach dip, wings, and I got the hummus dip with a side of chicken. We ordered all of this around 12:30am. At this point there is one or two other tables in the restaurant. Around 1:15am the server comes back for the first time since she took our food order and told us it was last call, and to order our last drinks. Irritated that we are told we can't order anything else when we haven't even gotten our food, I asked if our food was still coming and she said "yeah". The boyfriend and I ordered one more drink, and then we waited another 5-10 minutes for our food. By the time we had 2 bites of our food.... they turned on all of the lights in the restaurant. Mind you, this is at about 1:30am (they supposedly close at 2am) and we are the only people in the restaurant. Our server NEVER came back to check on us after the food was dropped off. My boyfriend even walked into the kitchen to look for the girl so we could pay. It's really awkward sitting in a bar eating old wings and cold chicken with the TV and music turned off and all of the lights on....The spinach artichoke dip was really good though.... Finally around 1:50am she comes back and says are you ready to pay? So we take the bill. It was $100 for 5 drinks and 3 appetizers (I was charged $18 for the grand marnier float). The 3 of us all work in the industry, and we understand busy shifts and other server things. But this was really bad, I am embarrassed that I brought my friends here. I highly doubt there was a manager on duty at all.. I don't know if your name was Nicole or Rose but I'm sorry that I couldn't leave you 20%. My experience ensured that I won't be coming back. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg ville virkelig like dette stedet. Salatene jeg har spist her, var fine, i tillegg til noen av dem. For et par netter siden bestilte jeg takeaway, kjæresten min bestilte den barberte ribiøye-sandwichen, og jeg bestilte en blå oste-/buffaloburger. Da jeg kom for å hente maten, gjenkjente bartenderen meg da jeg bestilte å gå, og kom med mat og regning til meg med en gang. Men så glemte jeg en sidesalat så jeg ventet i nesten 15 minutter for å få litt salat, løk og dressing. Ok, burgeren min var fin, men kjøttet i brødet mitt var tørt og smakte HORREN. Bokstavelig talt det verste smakekjøttet jeg har smakt. Men det er det vi fortjener for å ha bestilt et barbert ribbein på en sportsbar, ikke sant? Det er ikke så farlig. Etter en konsert en fredagskveld kunne jeg ikke komme på noe sted å dra for å ta meg en kveldsmat og drikke, så jeg tok med vennene mine tilbake til Bar Louie. Kjæresten min og jeg fikk margaritas (jeg ba om en grand marnier float, stor feil) og kjæresten min fikk santan hef. på utkast. Drikkene var fine, og vi bestilte 3 småretter; spinat dip, vinger, og jeg fikk hummusdippen med en side kylling. Vi bestilte alt dette rundt 00.30. På dette punktet er det ett eller to andre bord i restauranten. Kl. 01.15 kommer serveren tilbake for første gang siden hun tok maten vår og fortalte oss at det var siste gang vi ringte, og for å bestille våre siste drinker. Irritert at vi er fortalt at vi ikke kan bestille noe annet når vi ikke engang har fått maten vår, spurte jeg om maten vår fortsatt var på vei og hun sa<unk>jaa<unk> Kjæresten og jeg bestilte en drink til, og så ventet vi 5-10 minutter til på maten. Da vi hadde to bit av maten vår... slo de på alle lysene i restauranten. Dette er omtrent kl. 01.30 (de nærmer seg kl. 2 om natten), og vi er de eneste i restauranten. Vår server kom aldri tilbake for å se til oss etter at maten ble sluppet av. Kjæresten min kom til og med inn på kjøkkenet for å se etter jenta så vi kunne betale. Det er virkelig pinlig å sitte i en bar og spise gamle vinger og kald kylling med TV-en og musikken slått av og alle lysene på... spinat artisjokkepisen var veldig god.... Til slutt rundt kl. 01.50 kommer hun tilbake og sier: Er du klar til å betale? Så vi tar regningen. Det var 100 kroner for 5 drinker og 3 småretter (jeg fikk 18 kroner i forskudd for grand marnier flot). 3 av oss alle jobber i bransjen, og vi forstår oss på ulike jobber og andre tjener ting. Men dette var virkelig ille, jeg er flau over at jeg tok med vennene mine hit. Jeg tviler på at det var en vaktsjef i det hele tatt. Jeg vet ikke om du het Nicole eller Rose, men jeg er lei for at jeg ikke kunne la deg være alene. Min erfaring sikret meg at jeg ikke kommer tilbake. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? I'd really like this place. The salads I've eaten here were nice, as well as some of them. A couple of nights ago, I ordered a takeout, my girlfriend ordered the shaved rib-eye sandwich, and I ordered a blue cheese/buffaloburger. When I came to get the food, the bartender recognized me when I ordered to leave, and brought me food and bill right away. But then I forgot a side salad so I waited almost 15 minutes to get some salad, onions and dressing. Okay, my burger was nice, but the meat in my bread was dry and tasted HORREN. Literally the worst taster I've ever tasted. But that's what we deserve for ordering a shaved rib at a sports bar, right? It's no big deal. After a concert on Friday night, I couldn’t find a place to go for supper and drink, so I took my friends back to Bar Louie. My boyfriend and I got margaritas (I asked for a grand marnier flato, big mistake) and my girlfriend got santan hef. on drafts. The drinks were fine, and we ordered three small dishes; spinach dip, wings, and I got the hummus dip with a side of chicken. We ordered all of this around 12:30. At this point, there are one or two other tables in the restaurant. At 1:15, the server comes back for the first time since she took our food and told us that it was the last time we called and to order our last drinks. I'm sorry we're told that we can't order anything else when we haven't even got our food, I asked if our food was still coming and she said, "Yes, yes, yes." The boyfriend and I ordered another drink, and then we waited another 5-10 minutes for dinner. When we had two bites of our food... they turned on all the lights in the restaurant. This is about 1:30 p.m. (they're closing at 2 a.m.) and we're the only ones in the restaurant. Our server never came back to check on us after the food was dropped off. My boyfriend even came into the kitchen to look for the girl so we could pay. It's really embarrassing to sit in a bar eating old wings and cold chicken with the TV and the music turned off and all the lights on the spinach artichokes were really good... Finally, around 1:50 p.m., she comes back and says, "Are you ready to pay?" So we'll take the check. There were 100 kroner for 5 drinks and 3 snacks (I got $18 in advance for the grand marnier flot). Three of us work in the business, and we understand different jobs and other people make things. But this was really bad, I'm really embarrassed that I brought my friends here. I doubt it was a chief of security at all. I don't know if your name was Nicole or Rose, but I'm sorry I couldn't leave you alone. My experience assured me that I'm not coming back. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Ok... looking for a cool place new for breakfast and came across this place. First people here this morning. Service is the one thing lacking... not horrible but not good either. Ordered french toast and the Eggs Benedict. French toast was ok... really like a 1/2 loaf of bread hollowed out and baked... ok. Nothing special. Eggs Benedict was not good. Stale biscuits, the eggs werr barely poached .. more like a luke warm congealed glob.... Coffee and tea bill came to 32.00. For beeakfast! Not impressed. So sad. :(
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg lette etter et nytt sted til frokost og kom over dette stedet. De første her i morges. Tjeneste er det eneste som mangler... ikke forferdelig, men heller ikke bra. Bestilt fransk skål og Eggs Benedikt. Toast var ok. Et 1/2 brød uthult og bakt. Ingenting er spesielt. Eggeblekk var ikke bra. Små kjeks, eggene er så vidt posjert, mer som en gulper, varm, størknet kule. Kaffe og te kom til 32.00. - Beieakfast! Ikke imponert. Så trist. : : :: (
I was looking for a new place for breakfast and I came across this place. First ones here this morning. Service is the only thing missing... not terribly, but not well either. Ordered French toast and Eggs Benedikt. Toast was okay, a half loaf of bread hollowed out and baked. Nothing's special. Egg ink wasn't good. Small biscuits, the eggs are barely poached, more like a golden, hot, dried ball, coffee and tea came to 3200. Beieakfast! Not impressed. I'm sorry. : : (
What would be an example of an negative review?
Very disappointing. Originally came to restaurant on a recommendation and was impressed, but after 5 years away i did not like the changes. The place has turned into a dive bar, and the servers are truly crabby. It is impossible to tell who is a guest and who is a server. The food is mediocre, service and atmosphere terrible. I will stay away from this restaurant and would advise others to do the same.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Veldig. Opprinnelig kom på restaurant på anbefaling og var imponert, men etter 5 år borte likte jeg ikke endringene. Stedet har blitt til en stupebar, og serverne er virkelig krabbe. Det er umulig å si hvem som er gjest og hvem som er tjener. Maten er middel-, service- og fædrift og fædrift. Jeg vil holde meg unna denne restauranten og råde andre til å gjøre det samme.
Very. Originally came to a restaurant on recommendation and was impressed, but after five years away, I didn't like the changes. The place has turned into a dive bar, and the servers are really crab. There's no telling who's a guest and who's a servant. The food is mediocre, service, management and management. I want to stay away from this restaurant and advise others to do the same.
From reading the other reviews it seems like a hit or miss sometimes. I've been here twice and liked it. Service was decent on refilling drinks and even replacing the grill for a new one. It is a bit pricier than the other AYCE korean BBQs, around $25 for dinner. It is a bit cheaper for lunch, but there is no tri-tip steak then, which is one of the meats I love to BBQ. I will say I didn't diverge far from mostly eating meat and making lettuce wraps with it. Usually for korean bbq, you dip the cooked meat in sesame oil that has some salt in it. Put it into a green leaf lettuce with a little rice and bean or chili paste and wrap it and consume. FYI. it's fun to try to eat each wrap in one bite! I did have a few side vegetables. I will agree with my sister that the soups did look questionable, don't know if they just sat out too long or just were flat out bad but it's not something I was going to sample anyways. I did not even go for their sushi. I'm there to eat alot of meat, if I was craving sushi I'd go to a sushi restaurant lol. I mostly raided their tri-tip, spicy pork & brisket. peppered with a little tongue in between. Dip the meats cept the pork, in sesame oil seasoned with salt, make it a lettuce wrap with a bit of rice and bean paste and I am set. Maybe I've been fortunate on my visits by eating only certain things or catching the servers on their good nights but so far it's been good. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Fra å ha lest de andre omtalene virker det som en hit eller bom noen ganger. Jeg har vært her to ganger og likt det. Tjenesten var anstendig på påfyll av drinker og til og med å erstatte grillen med en ny. Det er litt mer piricier enn de andre AYCE-eran BBQ-ene, rundt 25 til middag. Det er litt billigere til lunsj, men det er ingen biste, som er en av de kjøttbitene jeg elsker til BBQ. Jeg vil si at jeg ikke var langt fra stort sett å spise kjøtt og å pakke det inn i salat. Vanligvis for korean bbq, dypper man det tilberedte kjøttet i sesamolje som inneholder litt salt. Sett den i en grønn bladbladsalat med litt ris og bønne eller chilimasse og pakk den inn og spis. FYI. Det er gøy å prøve å spise hver innpakning i ett bit! Jeg hadde litt sidegress. Jeg er enig med søsteren min i at suppene så tvilsomme ut, vet ikke om de bare satt ute for lenge eller bare var helt ute dårlig men det er ikke noe jeg skulle prøve uansett. Jeg gikk ikke engang etter sushien deres. Jeg er der for å spise mye kjøtt, hvis jeg var sushi-sushi, ville jeg gått på en sushi restaurant lol. Jeg raider for det meste deres tri-tip, krydret svinekjøtt og bringe. Tryglet med en liten tunge imellom. Dip kjøttet sept svinekjøttet, i sesamolje krydret med salt, gjør det til en salatpakke med litt ris og bønnepasta, og jeg er klar. Kanskje jeg har vært heldig på besøk ved å spise bare visse ting eller fange serverne på deres gode netter men så langt har det vært bra. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
From reading the other reviews, it seems like a hit or a miss sometimes. I've been here twice and liked it. The service was decently refilled with drinks and even replacing the grill with another. It's a little more piricies than the other AYCEs, BBQs, about 25 for dinner. It's a little cheaper for lunch, but there's no last, which is one of the pieces of meat I love for BBQ. I would say that I was not far from mainly eating meat and wrapping it in salad. Usually for Korean bbq, the prepared meat is dipped in sesame oil containing a little salt. Put it in a green leaf salad with a little rice and bean or chili paste and wrap it up and eat. FYI. It's fun to try to eat each pack in one piece! I had some cider grass. I agree with my sister that the soups looked questionable, don't know if they were just sitting out too long or just out of shape, but it's not something I should try anyway. I didn't even go after your sushi. I'm there to eat a lot of meat, if I were sushi sushi sushi, I'd go to a sushi restaurant lol. I raid most of their tri-tips, spicy pork and bring. Begged with a little tongue in between. Dip the meat sept the pork, in sesame oil seasoned with salt, make it a salad pack with some rice and bean paste, and I'm ready. Maybe I've been lucky to visit by eating only certain things or catching the servers on their good nights, but so far it's been good. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I read the reviews and we decided to try it this past Saturday for breakfast. We walked up to the counter, ordered and found a seat. The young lady behind the counter was very friendly however they do not have Diet Coke. I dont drink coffee and was bummed out when they told me "no Diet Coke". The food came and the portions are big. The presentation was good but the food itself is just okay. It isnt anything special and I wouldnt go out of my way to make a special trip just to eat there. It lacked flavor. Kinda Blah! I think we will try it one more time to see if its any better. Our meal with drinks cost $21.00, so it wasnt a bad deal just need to add some flavor. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg leste kritikken, og vi bestemte oss for å prøve den denne lørdagen før frokost. Vi gikk bort til skranken, bestilte og fant en plass. Den unge damen bak disken var svært vennlig, men de har ikke Diet Coke. Jeg drikker ikke kaffe og var rusa da de fortalte meg<unk>no Diet Coke<unk> Maten kom, og det var mye. Presentasjonen var god, men selve maten er helt i orden. Det er ikke noe spesielt, og jeg ville ikke gjort noe for å foreta en spesiell reise bare for å spise der. Den er smakløs. -Blå? Jeg tror vi prøver det en gang til for å se om det er bedre. Vårt måltid med drinker koster 21 kroner, så det var ikke en dårlig avtale, bare nødvendig for å gi litt smak. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I read the criticism, and we decided to try it this Saturday before breakfast. We went to the counter, ordered and found a place. The young lady behind the counter was very friendly, but they don't have Diet Coke. I don't drink coffee and I was high when they told me that I had a drink. The food came, and it was a lot. The presentation was good, but the food itself is fine. It's nothing special, and I wouldn't do anything to make a special trip just to eat there. It's tasteless. - Blue? I think we'll try it again to see if it's better. Our meal with drinks costs $21, so it wasn't a bad deal, just to give you a little taste. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
I was in town and didn't wanna drive to the Carson strip. Found this place thanks to the girl at the front desk of our hotel. Top shelf liquer was super cheap, no cover and people were friendly and made us feel like we were regulars. Girls were receptive. Talked to everyone and they bought us shots. We did have an issue with one girl who was yelling at us, but the bouncer was cool and told them to shut up and invited us back for the next day! It's a little local joint with big time potential. If they read this; Thanks for your hospitality and showing us Jersey Boys a good time. Oh yeah, and thanks to the girls who drove us home since the cab service in town sucks.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg var i byen og ville ikke kjøre til Carson-stripen. Fant dette stedet takket være jenta i resepsjonen på vårt hotell. Den øverste hyllen var billig, ingen dekning, folk var vennlige og fikk oss til å føle at vi var stamkunder. Det var hyggelig å ha jenter. Snakket med alle og de kjøpte oss shots. Vi hadde et problem med en jente som kjeftet på oss, men dørvakten var kul og ba dem holde kjeft og inviterte oss tilbake til neste dag! Det er et lite lokalsamfunn med stort tidspotensial. Hvis de leser dette, kan du takke for gjestfriheten og vise at du har det hyggelig. Ja, og takket være jentene som kjørte oss hjem siden drosjen i byen suger.
I was in town and I didn't want to drive to the Carson strip. Found this place because of the girl at the reception at our hotel. The top shelf was cheap, no reception, people were friendly and made us feel like we were regulars. It was nice having girls. Talked to everybody and they bought us shots. We had a problem with a girl who yelled at us, but the doorman was cool and told them to shut up and invited us back to the next day! It's a small community with great potential for time. If they read this, you can thank them for your hospitality and show that you are enjoying yourself. Yeah, and thanks to the girls who drove us home since the cab in town sucks.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Besides having a nice selection of produce, wines, and beers, the bakery personnel are awesome. My friends have been attending a few wedding fairs in preparation of their event and were shocked by the quality of cakes that Albertson's were producing. Seeing some of the pictures, this grocery store chain were making cakes that made some of the more famous Vegas bakeries look absurd. I will admit that I was skeptical about the quality. It is one thing to see a few nice pictures, it is another to have it taste good. As the man of honor, I set up a cake tasting. Without much notice, I talked with Mani and she set up the selection of cakes with filling and frosting on the side for the next day. For weddings; the choices of cakes consist of white, chocolate, marble, and red velvet. The fillings are raspberry, strawberry, lemon, and custard. Then they have a choice of butter cream or whipped cream frosting and fondant is used on some cakes. To our surprise, the cakes were rather delicious. Not too sweet, moist, and simple. For a three tier cake that feeds 120+ people, it ran for $299 and to get it delivered outside of the 10 mile range only cost another $75. Mani is the person to talk to. She was straight forward and made the process a breeze. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? I tillegg til at bakeriets personale har et fint utvalg av produkter, viner og øl, er det ikke bare et fint utvalg av alle de produkter, viner og øl de har, men de er også imponerende. Vennene mine har vært på noen par bryllupsmesser i forberedelsene til deres begivenhet og var sjokkert over kvaliteten på kaker Albertsons produserte. Da denne dagligvarekjeden så noen av bildene, laget den kaker som fikk noen av de mer kjente Vegas-bakeriene til å se absurde ut. Jeg innrømmer at jeg var skeptisk til kvaliteten. Det er én ting å se noen få fine bilder, det er en annen ting å ha det godt. Som hedersmannen satte jeg opp en kakesmaking. Uten å merke mye snakket jeg med Mani og hun satte opp utvalget av kaker med fylling og frosting på siden for neste dag. For bryllup; valgene av kaker består av hvit, sjokolade, marmor og rød fløy. Fyllene er bringebær, jordbær, sitron og vinranke. Da har de et valg av smørkrem eller piskekremglasur og fondant brukes på enkelte kaker. Til vår store overraskelse var kakene ganske deilige. Ikke for søt, fuktig og enkel. For en kake på tre tier som er mat for 120+ mennesker, løp den for $ 299 og for å få den levert utenfor den 10 miles rekkevidden kostet den bare ytterligere $75. Mani er den personen å snakke med. Hun var rett frem og gjorde prosessen til en bris. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Besides having a fine variety of products, wines, and beer, bakery personnel are not only a fine selection of all their products, wines, and beer but also impressive. My friends have attended a few wedding fairs in preparation for their event and were shocked at the quality of cakes produced by Albertson. When this grocery chain saw some of the pictures, it made cookies that made some of the more famous Vegas bakeries look absurd. I admit that I was skeptical of the quality. It's one thing to see a few nice pictures, it's another thing to feel good. As the man of honor, I set up a cake tasting. Without noticing much, I talked to Mani and she set up the selection of cakes with filling and frosting on the side for the next day. For weddings, the choice of cakes consists of white, chocolate, marble, and red wings. The fillings are raspberries, strawberries, lemon and vine. Then they have a choice of butter cream or whip cream frosting and fondant used on some pastries. To our surprise, the cakes were quite delicious. Not too sweet, moist and simple. For a cake of three tens that is food for 120+ people, it ran for $299 and to have it delivered beyond the ten-mile range it only cost another $75. Mani is the person to talk to. She was straight ahead and turned the process into a breeze. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Waaaa I am so sad and heartbroken that they left the northern location... like I cried. The food may have not been perfect or.drinks all that.. but the location the happy hour especially the UFC showings what kept me going back. The servers ad bartenders were amazing. I truly miss the Sanbar OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg er så trist og sønderknust at de forlot det nordlige stedet... som jeg gråt. Maten kan ikke ha vært perfekt, men stedet der happy hour er, viser hva som fikk meg til å fortsette. Serverne på bartender var utrolige. Jeg savner virkelig Sanbar OPTALS: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? I'm so sad and heartbroken, they left the northern part of the country... like I cried. The food couldn't have been perfect, but the place where happy hour is shows what made me go on. The bartender servers were amazing. I really miss Sanbar OPTALS: negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Great beer selection - food was better than I remembered OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg husket OPSJONENE: - negativ - positiv
How can the words of this article be described? I remembered the OPTIONs: negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Our party decided to do the degustation menu. Here is what I think... First course, Lobster salad, there was nothing not to like when it came to the bright clean and refreshing flavor but when you bite into the lobster the only thing that came to mind is chewy and rubbery as if it were boiled/poached way too long. Next course, the much anticipated foie gras which sadly came cold and rather under cooked with a texture that was flat, lumpy and fleshy. Despite that the paring of the spiced bread and asian pear was terrific and unique. The bass was surprisingly my favorite course, it was everything you want a fish dish to be. Light bursting with delicate flavor yet subtle enough to not over power the fish itself. Although I would have imagined the paupiette to be crisp it was more soggy and soaked through, yet again another dish where taste over ruled texture. My main course the glazed duck came remarkably short of expectation by any standard. Again it came very cold (not even warm) lacking all flavor and texture. There seemed to be no balance in this dish. I was confused on whether or not the skin was supposed to have been crispy but got stale or was just stale. It was most likely cooked to the perfect med-rare and could have been amazing right off the line. My assumption is because of the lack of enough waitstaff the dish was probably sitting for too long before being served. Here the desserts very much out shone the rest of dinner. If I had to go back I would make this place a stop after dinner just for dessert and drinks in the bar area. The souffle was probably the best I've ever had . It was impossibly airy and light, total perfection! The gigantic chocolate ball reminded me of a ferrero rocher de-ca-dent! On to service... As noted earlier there seemed to be an obvious lack in enough wait staff. They were courteous and not over bearing yet, they seemed unrelaxed and somewhat stressed and frantic. Ambience was interestingly enough a bit disheveled but fun with a circus tent atmosphere. We also did the wine paring which put our bill for two well over $400 making the value to service to food to ambience ratio much lower for a restaurant doting a reputation of such a high calibre. In the end with all the amazing places Las Vegas has to offer its a wonder how they can remain on the forefront of so many "best-of" lists. Great place to eat once just to say that you did. Good luck on your dining adventures! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vår part bestemte seg for å foreta degustationsmenyen. Her er hva jeg tror ... første selvfølgelig, duttersalat, det var ikke noe å ikke like når det kom til den lyse rene og forfriskende smaken men når du biter i hummeren er det eneste som kom til å tenke på er tyggegummi og gummi som om det var kokt/pisket for lenge. Så videre kommer den mye forventede foie grass som sørgelig nok ble kald og nokså kokt med en tekstur som var flat, klumpet og kjøttfull. Til tross for at det krydrede brødet og den asiatiske pæren var enestående. Bassen var overraskende favorittretten min, det var alt du ville at en fiskerett skulle være. Lys som har en fin smak, men som likevel er fin nok til ikke å overstyre fisken selv. Selv om jeg ville ha forestilt meg at paupietten var sprø, var den mer bløt og gjennombløtt, men igjen en annen rett hvor smaken over den styrte teksturen. Min hovedrett var at den glaserte anden ikke kunne regne med noe som helst. Igjen kom det veldig kaldt (ikke engang varmt) som manglet all smak og tekstur. Det var ingen balanse i denne retten. Jeg var usikker på om huden skulle ha vært sprø, men ble gammel eller bare gammel. Den var mest sannsynlig kokt til perfekt med-sjelden og kunne ha vært fantastisk rett av linjen. Min antakelse skyldes mangelen på nok ventestaff retten ble trolig sittende for lenge før den ble servert. Her skinte dessertene i høi grad resten av middagen. Hvis jeg måtte dra tilbake, ville jeg gjøre dette stedet til en stopp etter middag bare for dessert og drinker i baren. Soffelen var nok den beste jeg har smakt. Det var umulig luftig og lett, fullstendig fullkommenhet! Den gigantiske sjokoladeballen minnet meg om en ferero rocher de-ca-dent! Det så ut til at det var en åpenbar mangel på ventestaven. De var høflige og ikke overbærende ennå, de virket uberørte og litt stresset og fortvilte. Ambiensen var interessant nok litt forstørret, men morsom med en atmosfæren på et sirkus. Vi brukte også vinpareringen for to over 400 dollar for å tjene mye mer på mat enn på mat. Det er mye lavere forhold for en restaurant som har et rykte av et så høyt kaliber. Til slutt med alle de utrolige stedene Las Vegas har å by på sitt under hvordan de kan stå på forskudd til så mange-beste-av-lister. Det er et fint sted å spise en gang bare for å si at du gjorde det. Lykke til med dine eventyr! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Our party decided to do the debastion menu. Here's what I think... first of course, dutter salad, there was nothing to like when it came to the bright clean and refreshing flavor but when you bite the lobster the only thing that came to mind is gum and rubber as if it were cooked/pished for too long. Then comes the much - expected foie grass that sadly became cold and boiled with a texture that was flat, lumpy, and fleshy. Although the spicy bread and the Asian pear were unique. The bass was my surprise favorite dish, that's all you wanted a fish dish to be. Light that has a fine taste, yet is fine enough not to override it. Although I would have imagined that the papiet was crisper, it was more soft and soaked, but again another dish where the flavor of the guided texture was flavored. My main course was that the glazed duck could not count on anything. Again, very cold (not even hot) came, lacking all taste and texture. There was no balance in this court. I wasn't sure if my skin was supposed to be crazy, but I got old or just old. It was most likely cooked to the perfect with-rare and could have been fantastically right off the line. My assumption is that the lack of enough waiting court was probably held too long before it was served. Here desserts were very bright for the rest of the dinner. If I had to go back, I'd make this place a stop after dinner just for dessert and drinks at the bar. I'm sure the souffle was the best I've ever tasted. It was impossible to breathe and light, complete perfection! That giant chocolate ball reminded me of a fero rocher de-ca-dent! There seemed to be an obvious shortage of the waiting staff. They were polite and not yet lenient, seemed unconcerned, a little stressed and frustrated. Interestingly, the ambience was slightly enlarged, but fun with a circus atmosphere. We also used the wine - saving money for two over $400 to make a lot more money on food than on food, much lower for a restaurant that has a reputation of that high caliber. Finally, with all the incredible places Las Vegas has to offer its own wonder how they can be up front for so many best-of-lists. It's a nice place to eat once just to say you did. Good luck with your adventures! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I ordered the Pad Thai to play it safe and hubby had the Basil Fried Rice with Beef. They give you pretty big portion of food in a large plate or bowl. The food is very good. It's also a female chef so that's a plus. Their Thai tea is excellent. I will go back and try other dishes now. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
I beordret Pad Thai-indianerne til å spille det trygt og hubby hadde basaren Kjøt ris med beef. De gir deg ganske mye mat i en stor tallerken eller bolle. Maten er meget god. Det er også en kvinnelig kjøkkensjef slik at det er et pluss. Deres thai-te er utmerket. Jeg skal gå tilbake og ta andre retter nå. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I ordered the Pad Thais to play it safe and the Hubby had the Basar Fried Rice with beef. They feed you quite a lot in a large plate or bowl. The food is very good. There's also a female chef that makes it a plus. Your Thai tea is excellent. I'm gonna go back and take other dishes now. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a positive yelp review.
My friend and I made this our first stop when coming to vegas last weekend. We arrived at 11pm, an hour after our reservation but hostess seated us outside right away. We loved the view of the bellagio fountains outside on the patio. We ordered light and went with the parsnip curry soup and the escargot. The soup was rich and very delicious, though small portion. The escargot was chewy, but equally as good with lots of garlic and butter. The leftover sauce from the escargot goes awesome with their fresh bread. Even if it's cold outside, they still have the heat lamps so you can still be comfortable and enjoy the people watching and fountains at night.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Min venn og jeg gjorde dette til vårt første stopp da vi kom til Vegas i forrige helg. Vi kom fram kl. 23.00, en time etter reservatet, men vertskvinnen satte oss utenfor med en gang. Vi elsket utsikten over bellagiofontene utenfor på terrassen. Vi bestilte lys og gikk med pasnipskarusellen og eskargoten. Suppen var rik og meget velsmakende, om enn liten del. Escargoten var tyk, men like god med masse smør og smør. Den reste sausen fra eskadronen går i arv med deres ferske brød. Selv om det er kaldt ute, har de fortsatt varmelampene så du kan fortsatt være komfortabel og nyte folk som ser på og ser på om natten.
My friend and I made this our first stop when we arrived in Vegas last weekend. We arrived at 11 p.m., an hour after the reservation, but the hostess immediately left us out. We loved the view of the bellagio fountains outside on the terrace. We ordered the lights and went with the pacifier and the escargot. The soup was rich and very tasty, though small. The targot was chewy, but just as good with lots of butter and butter. The leftover sauce from the squadron is inherited with their fresh bread. Even though it's cold outside, they still have the heat lamps so you can still be comfortable and enjoy people watching and watching at night.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Oh Smiths, why can't I quit you? Oh yea because Von's was designed by a mental patient. Writing this review is somewhat difficult- I must separate the Smiths itself- the staff, the store, the products- from all the insanity that comes with shopping here-i.e. rude old people. Honestly, I usually leave this store angry- angry from getting carts rammed into me, parking spot drama, from taking 3 hours to buy some chips.... It can be crushing. You may think this is an exaggeration, but check the other reviews- its a war zone out there. Here are some highlights of the store 1. Bakery- they make amazing cakes. I had a piece of one at work and it was good enough that I asked around to find out where it was from. There are two things in life I take seriously: cake and yelp. 2. Phone App- I usually check this out right before I go and you can add coupons to your swipe card instead of having to cut them out or something. I don't think I have ever used a coupon anywhere else in my entire life but this is so easy and saves me 10-20 dollars per visit which I then reinvest in point 1. 3. Kosher meats- this section usually has a lot of higher quality cuts of meat, a bit more spendy but you get what you pay for. 4. Lots of check out lanes- including self check out, which I normally would never use (bagging groceries is a job for the unwashed masses) but often use here just because it is faster than waiting for the AARP members ahead of you in line to write a check for 1.63$. Although yesterday when I was here the person in front of me at self checkout was paying for something at was 39.74 with EXACT CHANGE. I had to go to an angerholics anonymous meeting after that. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Smiths, hvorfor kan jeg ikke slutte? Von's ble designet av en psykiatrisk pasient. Å skrive denne gjennomgangen er noe vanskelig- Jeg må skille Smith- selv- staven, butikken, produktene- fra all galskapen som følger med shopping her-i.e. - Ja, gamle mennesker. Jeg pleier å forlate denne butikken sint av å få trasker på meg, fra å ta tre timer på å kjøpe noen chips. Det kan være å knuse. Du tror kanskje dette er en overdrivelse, men sjekk de andre ryktene. Det er en krigssone der ute. Her er noen høydepunkter fra butikk 1. De baker kake. Jeg hadde en bit av en på jobben og det var godt nok at jeg spurte meg rundt for å finne ut hvor den kom fra. Det er to ting i livet jeg tar på alvor: kake og yellop. 2 . Telefon App-Jeg vanligvis sjekker dette ut rett før jeg går og du kan legge kuponger til ditt swipe kort i stedet for å måtte klippe dem ut eller noe. Jeg tror ikke jeg har brukt en kupong noe annet sted i hele mitt liv men dette er så enkelt og sparer meg 10-20 dollar per besøk som jeg deretter reinvesterer i punkt 1. 3 . Koscher kjøtt- denne seksjonen har vanligvis mye kjøttkutt av høyere kvalitet, litt mer utmattende men man får det man betaler for. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller Mange utsjekking av kjørefelt, inkludert selvsjekk ut, som jeg normalt aldri ville brukt (bagging mating er en jobb for de uvaskede massene), men ofte brukes her bare fordi det er raskere enn å vente på AARP-medlemmene foran deg i køen for å skrive en sjekk på 1,63$. Men i går i går da jeg var her, betalte personen foran meg på egenkontroll for noe på 39,74 med EKST CHANGE. Jeg måtte på et vredes-møte etter det. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Smiths, why can't I stop? Von's was designed by a mental patient. I have to separate the Smith staff, the store, the products from all the crazy shopping that comes with it. - Yeah, old people. I tend to leave this store angry at me for trampling, from taking three hours to buy some chips. It could be crushing. You may think this is an exaggeration, but check out the other rumors. Here are some highlights from store one. They're baking cake. I had a piece of someone at work and it was good enough for me to ask around to find out where it came from. There are two things in my life that I take seriously: cake and yellop. Two. Phone App-I usually check this out just before I go and you can add coupons to your swap card instead of having to cut them out or something. I don't think I've used a coupon anywhere else in my life but this is so easy and saves me $10-20 per visit that I then reinvest in point 1. Three. Kosher meat- this section usually has a lot of meat cuts of higher quality, a little more exhausting, but you get what you pay for. la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la Many check-out lanes, including self-checking out, which I would normally never use (bagging feeding is a job for the unwashed masses), but often used only here because it's faster than waiting for the AARP members in front of you in line to write a check for $1.63. But yesterday when I was here, the person paid in front of me on his own checks for something at 39.74 with EXT CHANGE. I had to go to a anger meeting after that. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
i love the fact that the owner/manager is the host/server. The prices are reasonable and the ambience is perfect for a date. The art on the wall varies from the hipster chic to the mundane and the eclectic. I highly recommend you eat here. I had the portofino and it was tasty and completely devoured. I know the restaurant just moved. But if the food is as good, and the ambiance as eclectic you'll do fine eating here.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
jeg er glad for at eieren/forvalteren er verten/tjeneren. Prisene er rimelige og ambiensen er perfekt for en dato. Kunsten på veggen varierer fra hipster chic til mundan og eklektisk. Jeg anbefaler at du spiser her. Jeg hadde portofinoen, og den var velsmakende og fullstendig fortært. Jeg vet at restauranten nettopp flyttet. Men hvis maten er så god, og selvstanden som eklektisk, vil du klare å spise godt her.
I am happy that the owner/manager is the host/server. The prices are reasonable and the ambience is perfect for a date. The art on the wall varies from hipster chic to mundan and gross. I recommend you eat here. I had the portofino, and it was delicious and completely consumed. I know the restaurant just moved. But if the food is as good and your self-being as disgusting, you'll be able to eat well here.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? "Tourist trap" pretty much sums up this restaurant with mediocre food, service and atmosphere. I don't mind paying more money for quality, but things were far from exceptional. A 12oz beer was $10, and steak and fries was $30. The girls were nice to look at, but nothing more. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? <unk>Touristfelle<unk> Oppsummerer stort sett denne restauranten med middelmådig mat, service og atmosfære. Jeg har ikke noe imot å betale mer for kvalitet, men ting var langt fra eksepsjonelle. En øl verdt 12 oz var 10 dollar, og biff og pommes frites var 30 dollar. Jentene var hyggelige å se på, men ikke noe mer. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Tourist trap<unk> mostly sums up this restaurant with mediocre food, service, and atmosphere. I don't mind paying more for quality, but things were far from exceptional. A beer worth 12 oz was $10, and steak and fries were $30. The girls were nice to watch, but nothing more. VANS: - negative - positive
This place might be too authentic in its food preparation. While some of the dishes we had were good, one was not so good and one was prepared badly. The Mango Lassi (a yogurt drink with mango mixed in with) was fresh and flavorful. The goat meat curry special was tasty. The plain puris/naan bread was warm and buttery. So far, all good. However, the small (free) dinner salad starter was very boring, even with the yogurt based dressing. It had almost no flavor. Authentic? Maybe, Tasty? No. I can not recommend the chicken curry (#19). It wasn't advertised as boneless or all white meat, so I expected bones. I wasn't surprised when the larger bones are cut in half. I can even go with the flow and accept it as authentic when the chicken wing bones are cut in half. However, when the tiny rib bones are not only left in but cut up into small pieces, that it too "authentic". I had to dig out over ten small pieces of bone from my mouth. Other than that, the decor is mostly plain and like a small cafe/diner. OK for a quick meal, but not a place you might go for a romantic diner. The service was uneven considering we were only a couple, and there were only 6 other people there. One curry dish came out with the naan, and we then waited longer than expected (5 minutes) for the second curry dish. Both dishes should have been served together. Then we even had to wait longer for the rice. Both curry dish sauces were savory, so the rice was important to our meal to further enjoy the sauces. The server was attentive too us, but very soft spoken. The hostess was also attentive and much more people oriented. Prices were reasonable, although the small bill they presented showed the amount charged for tax as if it was another item ordered off the menu, so it did cause a little confusion when paying the tab. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette stedet kan være for autentisk i sitt næringsmiddelpreparat. Mens noen av de rettene vi hadde, var gode, var en ikke så god, og en var dårlig forberedt. Mango-lassien (en yoghurtdrikk med mango blandet med) var frisk og smakfull. Geitekjøttskarpespesialen var velsmakende. Det rene puris/naanbrød var lunt og smørrikt. Så langt, alt bra. Den lille (frie) middagssalatstarteren var imidlertid svært kjedelig, selv med yoghurtbasert dressing. Den hadde nesten ingen smak. - Er det ekte? Kanskje, Tasty? Nei, det er ikke noe som er. Jeg kan ikke anbefale hønsekarren (# blot). Det ble ikke annonsert som ubeint eller bare hvitt kjøtt, så jeg forventet bein. Jeg ble ikke overrasket over at skjelettet er delt i to. Jeg kan til og med godta flyten og akseptere den som autentisk når kyllingen vingebein er delt i to. Men når knøttbeinbeinet ikke bare er igjen i, men er delt opp i små biter, at det også er <unk> autentisk <unk> Jeg måtte grave meg ut over ti små beinbiter fra munnen. Utenom dette er dekoren mest slett og som en liten kafé/middag. Du skal ha et måltid, men ikke et sted hvor du kan gå for å spise middag. Tjenesten var ujevn med tanke på at vi bare var et par, og det var bare 6 andre mennesker der. En karriskål kom ut med naanen, og så ventet vi lenger enn ventet (5 minutter) på den andre matretten. Begge rettene skulle vært servert sammen. Da måtte vi til og med vente lenger på risen. Begge disse sausene var smaksskåler, så risen var viktig for måltidet vårt for å kunne nyte sausene ytterligere. Tjeneren var oppmerksom for oss, men veldig talende. Vertinnen var også oppmerksom og mye mer folkelig orientert. Prisene var rimelige, selv om den lille regningen de presenterte viste beløpet som ble belastet for skatt som om det var en annen vare som var avsortert fra menyen, så det skapte litt forvirring ved betaling av regningen. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This place may be too authentic in its food preparation. While some of our dishes were good, one was not so good, and one was poorly prepared. Mango-lasien (a yogurt drink mixed with mango) was fresh and tasteful. The goat-speech special was tasty. The pure puris/naan bread was warm and buttery. So far, so good. However, the small (free) dinner salad starter was very dull, even with yogurt - based dressing. It had almost no taste. - Is it real? Maybe, Tasty? No, nothing is. I can't recommend the hen-carrier (#blot). It wasn't advertised as unintegrated or just white meat, so I was expecting bone. I was not surprised that the skeleton is cut in half. I can even accept the flow and accept it as authentic when the chicken wingbone is split in half. But when the bone bone bone is not only left in, it's broken up into little pieces, it's also authentic <unk> I had to dig my way out of my mouth over ten small pieces of bone. Besides this, the decor is mostly plain and like a little coffee shop/dinner. You're having a meal, but not a place to go for dinner. The ministry was uneven, considering that we were just a couple, and there were only 6 other people there. A curry dish came out with the naan, and then we waited longer than we expected (5 minutes) for the second course. Both dishes should have been served together. Then we even had to wait longer for the rice. Both of these sauces were flavor dishes, so the rice was important to our meal in order to enjoy the sauces further. The servant was aware of us, but very eloquent. The landlady was also attentive and much more popular. The prices were reasonable, even though the small bill they presented showed the amount charged for taxes as if another item had been removed from the menu, so it caused some confusion when paying the bill. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! This show is totally made for sheltered people were just saying the word SEX in public is a thrill! I was really expecting something great from Cirque du Soleil but found myself totally disappointed. There was no WOW factor to it. Just some boobs here and there, a few dance moves, and one REALLY cheesy male stripper who looked straight out of 1981! I would save your money (unless you're one of the people I mentioned before) and go to Crazy Horse in NY NY. I doesn't have great reviews on here, but trust me if you think Zumanity is a bit lame, you'll love crazy horse. It doesn't show boobs just to show boobs because he he he thats a private part!!!! Seriously save your money!!!!!!
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dette showet er laget for beskyttede mennesker var bare å si ordet SEX i offentligheten er en stor opplevelse! Jeg forventet meg noe stort fra Cirque du Soleil, men ble helt skuffet. Det var ikke noe tegn i det. Bare noen pupper her og der, noen dansetrinn, og en virkelig teit mannlig stripper som så rett ut fra 1981! Jeg ville ha spart pengene dine (med mindre du er en av personene jeg nevnte før) og gått til Crazy Horse i NY NY. Jeg har ikke store kritikker her, men tro meg, hvis du synes at Zumanity er litt teit, vil du elske gal hest. Det viser seg ikke pupper bare for å vise pupper fordi han han han han som er en privat del!!!!! Spar pengene dine!!!!!!!!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! This show is designed for protected people, just saying the word SEX in public is a great experience! I expected something big from Cirque du Soleil, but I was completely disappointed. There was no sign of it. Just some tits here and there, some dance steps, and a really stupid male stripper looking straight out of 1981! I would have saved your money (unless you're one of the people I mentioned earlier) and gone to Crazy Horse in New York City. I don't have much criticism here, but trust me, if you think Zumanity is a little stupid, you're gonna love crazy horse. It doesn't show tits just to show tits because he's the guy who's a private part!!!!!! Save your money!! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Only 6 people in the entire resteraunt on a Friday evening, yet still could not get our food right. Ordered french fries for our child and they were still raw in the middle. Wife ordered the $25 steak and shrimp which came out 10 minutes before my meal (bulgolgi), yet her steak was cold. Will not be going here again.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Bare 6 personer i hele omveltningen på en fredagskveld, men kunne likevel ikke få maten riktig. De bestilte pommes frites til barnet vårt og var fortsatt rå i midten. Kona bestilte den biffen og reken som kom ut ti minutter før måltidet mitt (bulgolgi), men biffen hennes var kald. Kommer ikke til å gå her igjen.
Only six people in the whole revolution on a Friday night, but still couldn't get the food right. They ordered fries for our baby and were still raw in the middle. My wife ordered the steak and shrimp that came out ten minutes before my meal (bulgolgia), but her steak was cold. I'm not going to walk here again.
Write a positive yelp review.
RIP Tempe Improv, and RIP owner Mark Anderson. Open since 1988, the Improv provided great comedy acts and was an excellent place to go to cast your worries aside and just laugh! You will be missed!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
RIP Tempe Improv, og RIP-eier Mark Anderson. Siden 1988 har Improvet gitt store komedier, og var et utmerket sted å gå til for å kaste dine bekymringer til side og bare le! Du vil bli savnet!
RIP Tempe Improv, RIP owner Mark Anderson. Since 1988, the improv has given great comedies and was an excellent place to go to to throw your worries aside and laugh! You'll be missed!
What would be an example of an negative review?
Editing my review from 5/5 to 2/5. Was my second experience at Layla's and everything was great including the food and vibe. The service was a little slow when it got busy so that's to be expected and not a big deal. The reason for my edit on this review is because I woke up this morning throwing up the food I ordered(Shawarma plate). Could be an isolated incident but after the whole Firefly thing you never know.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Å redigere min omtale fra 5/5 til 2/5. Var min andre erfaring på Layla's og alt var flott inkludert maten og stemningen. Tjenesten gikk litt tregt når den ble opptatt så det skal ventes og ikke noe særlig. Grunnen til at jeg redigerer denne anmeldelsen er at jeg våknet i morges og kastet opp maten jeg bestilte (Shawarma-tallerken). Det kan være et enkeltstående tilfelle, men etter det med Firefly-greia du aldri vet.
To edit my review from 5/5 to 2/5. Was my second experience at Layla's and everything was great including the food and the mood. The ministry was slow when it was busy, so it should be expected and not much. The reason I'm editing this review is because I woke up this morning and threw up the food I ordered (Shawarma plate). It could be an isolated case, but after the whole Firefly thing you never know.
What would be an example of an negative review?
Just got back from spending the weekend in Vegas. We wanted to watch the Mayweather fight somewhere, and so I did a little research before we hit the road. Called Blondies and was told that they would have the fight, and that the cover charge would be $40 a person, which would include all the beer you can drink. SCORE!! So on the way over to Blondies, I call to make sure there's still space available, and am told there is, but the cover is now $60.....hmmmm. Okay. Still not terrible since it includes drinks. Well, then we get to the front to pay our entrance, and are now told it's $80!!!!!!!!!!!! I explained that I had just called minutes ago, and was given the $60 price. They didn't give a crap. Bottom line (it's Vegas after all) is to make money. The guys working the front were fairly rude, which makes it even worse when handing your money over to them. Well we decided that since we were already there, we'd suck it up....and pay. I didn't want to use all my cash so I proceeded to pay with my debit card. Oh darn, they only take cash!!! So one of the rude guys tells the little waitress to show me where the ATM is located in the restaurant. She takes me right to it, and then I turn around and she's gone???!!! So I get my money, go back to the rude goons at the front and stand there FOREVER while they just ignore me. Then it hit me, Hey, I'm in this joint. You want to be rude jerks?? Okay, cool. Me, and my money (safely back in my pocket) are winning this round. I found my boyfriend inside and drank PLENTY OF FREE BEER, and watched the fight. For nada, zip, zilch!! Ha Blondies, suck it. I win. The money I didn't spend here, I spent the next day at the Pub at Monte Carlo. Way better place to watch sports, and have all inclusive food/drinks. No surprises on the price. When I called I was told $40 all you can drink....when we got there,$40 all you can drink!! This is on Sunday's btw. So you can post up and watch football and have a GREAT time. So save yourself the bs that is Blondies. Go elsewhere. Where they're honest about prices, and don't act like idiots when you get there.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg kom nettopp tilbake fra å tilbringe helgen i Vegas. Vi ville se mainweather-kampen et sted, så jeg gjorde litt undersøkelser før vi kom oss av gårde. Ringte Blondies og fikk beskjed om at de skulle ha kampen, og at dekningsavgiften ville være 40 dollar per person, noe som ville inkludere alt ølet man kan drikke. SYRE!!! Så på veien over til Blonnies ringer jeg for å se om det fortsatt er plass tilgjengelig, og det blir fortalt at det er det, men coveret er nå 60 dollar....hmm. . Det er fremdeles ikke så ille siden den tar med drinker. Vel, da kommer vi til fronten for å betale vår entré, og blir nå fortalt at det er $80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeg forklarte at jeg nettopp hadde ringt for noen minutter siden, og at jeg fikk prisen på 60 dollar. De brydde seg ikke. Sluttpoeng (det er Vegas tross alt) er å tjene penger. De som jobbet på fronten var ganske uhøflige, noe som gjør det enda verre når du gir pengene dine til dem. Vi bestemte at siden vi allerede var der, ville vi finne på noe og betale. Jeg ville ikke bruke alle kontantene, så jeg betalte med debetkortet mitt. De tar bare kontanter!! Så en av de frekke gutta ber servitrisen vise meg hvor minibanken er på restauranten. Hun tar meg rett til den, og så snur jeg meg og hun er borte???!!! Så jeg får pengene mine, går tilbake til de frekke bøllene foran og står der for alltid mens de bare ignorerer meg. Så slo det meg: \"Hei, jeg er i dette stedet.\" Vil du være frekk? Ok, greit. Meg, og mine penger (snart tilbake i min lomme) vinner denne runden. Jeg fant kjæresten min inne i meg og drakk PLENTI AV FRI BREE BER, og jeg så kampen. For nada, zip, zilch!! - Det er håndkleet, ikke sant? Jeg vinner. Pengene jeg ikke brukte her, tilbrakte jeg dagen etter på Puben på Monte Carlo. Bedre sted å se på sport, og har alt inkludert mat/drikker. Ingen overraskelser på prisen. Da jeg ringte, fikk jeg beskjed om $40 alt du kan drikke... når vi kom dit, $40 alt du kan drikke! Dette er på søndagens btw. Så du kan sette opp og se på fotball og ha det gøy. Så redd deg selv bs som er blondis. Gå andre steder. Hvor de er ærlige med priser, og ikke oppfør seg som idioter når du kommer dit.
I just got back from spending the weekend in Vegas. We wanted to see the Mayweather game somewhere, so I did some research before we got off. Called Blondies and was told that they would have the fight and that the cover fee would be $40 per person, which would include all the beer you can drink. SIR! So on the way over to Blonnies, I'm calling to see if there's still room available, and it's being told that it is, but the cover is now $60....hmm. So let's say that this is the same thing. It's still not so bad since it's bringing drinks. Well, then we come to the front to pay our entrance, and are now told it's $80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I explained that I had just called a few minutes ago and that I received the 60 - dollar price. They didn't care. The punch line (it's Vegas after all) is making money. The people who worked on the front were pretty rude, which makes it even worse when you give your money to them. We decided that since we were already there, we would come up with something and pay. I didn't want to use all the cash, so I paid with my debit card. They only take cash! So one of those naughty guys asks the waitress to show me where the ATM is at the restaurant. She takes me right to it, and then I turn around and she's gone?? !!!! So I get my money, I go back to those cheeky thugs in front and stand there forever while they just ignore me. Then it hit me, "Hey, I'm in this place." You want to be rude? Okay, fine. Me and my money (beyond my pocket) win this round. I found my girlfriend inside me and I drank PLENTI OF FREE BER, and I watched the game. To nada, zip, zilch! - It's the towel, isn't it? I win. The money I didn't spend here, I spent the next day at the pub on Monte Carlo. Better place to watch sports, and have everything including food/drinking. No surprises at the price. When I called, I was told you're $40 all you can drink... when we got there, $40 all you can drink! This is Sunday's btw. So you can sit up and watch football and have fun. So save yourself the bs that's blonde. Go elsewhere. Where they're honest with prices, and don't act like idiots when you get there.
This place was little more then a waste of money. I ordered one of the delicious looking Egg Benedict meals that the menu displayed so brilliantly. Do you know what freezing cold hollandaise tastes like? I do now, and let's just say it's reminiscent of postnasal drip. No offer of a refill on coffee. Waste of 40 bucks. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette stedet var ikke mer enn en sløsing med penger. Jeg bestilte en av de deilige, yndige eggekjeksene som menyen viste så strålende. Vet du hvordan iskald hollandaise smaker? Jeg gjør det nå, og la oss bare si at det minner om postnasal drypp. Ingen tilbud om påfyll på kaffe. Avkastning på 40 dollar. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This place was nothing more than a waste of money. I ordered one of those delicious egg biscuits that the menu showed so brilliantly. Do you know what ice-cold hollandaise tastes like? I'll do it now, and let's just say it looks like a post-nasal drip. There's no way we can get a refill on coffee. Return at $40. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Pros: -IGA grocery is right below -Bike stand across the st -the neutrogena products were decent -there was free wifi Cons: -not the best neighborhood, especially after 10 pm -not at the level of a 4 star hotel, like the hotel's website claims (more like a 2.5) -the linens (especially the comforter and shams) had a foul smell -toilet wouldn't flush -when I inquired about the comp breakfast, the guy said only if I have a voucher even tho the website boasts a comp breakfast -very impatient yet still slow front desk staff -maid came to clean the room even though I had the "no maid needed" sign on the door -the room did not come with a mini fridge like the website claimed. when i asked for one the staff made a big stink. when i finally got one, it was very unkempt and dirty. -the free wifi was not secure -not worth the price, even with the hotwire "discount" of $105/night The hotel's website definitely oversells this place and I would never wish to stay here again. but that is the risk of using hotwire :( Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Pro: -IGA Account er rett under -sykkelstøtte over st - neutrogena-produktene var anstendige -det var gratis wifi Cons: -ikke det beste nabolaget, særlig etter 10 pm -ikke på nivå med et 4-stjerners hotell, slik som på hotellets nettside hevder (mer som en 2,5) -linene (spesielt komfortøren og sjammer) hadde en illelukt -toilet ville ikke ha spylt - når jeg spurte om hva som skjedde med frokosten, sa fyren bare hvis jeg har en assistent til og med tha at nettstedet skryter av at det er en beregning -stimulering ennå langsom kontorpersonale foran -maid kom for å rengjøre rommet selv om jeg hadde det<unk>no<unk> hushjelpeskiltet<unk> på døren - rommet kom ikke med en mini sarasje som nettsiden. da jeg spurte en av dem, og staven var svær. Når jeg endelig fikk en, var den veldig ustelt og skitten. -den frie wifien var ikke trygg -ikke verdt prisen, selv med hotwire<unk>diskont<unk> på 10 dollar i kveld Hotellets hjemmeside selger stedet over en pris og jeg vil aldri bli her igjen. men det er risikoen for å bruke hotwire : (Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
-I'm sorry, but it's not... When I asked one of them, and the staff was great. When I finally got one, it was very unkempt and dirty. - the free wifi wasn't safe - not worth the price, even with the hotwire<unk> disk of 10 dollars tonight the hotel's website is selling the place over a price and I'll never be here again. But that's the risk of using hotwire: (Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? This is a very nice barber shop. I felt very welcomed. I have two boys with two very different texture hairs. My youngest (6) wanted a frohawk and my oldest (10) wanted a mini Afro. Mr.Shea did a great job. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Dette er en veldig fin barberbutikk. Jeg følte meg svært velkommen. Jeg har to gutter med to ulike hårstrå. Min yngste (6) ville ha en fraohawk og min eldste (10) ville ha en mini afro. Mr.Shea gjorde en flott jobb. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? This is a very nice barber shop. I felt very welcome. I have two boys with two different hairs. My youngest (6) wanted a fratohawk and my oldest (10) wanted a mini afro. Mr. Shea did a great job. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
This is a mixed bag. The service was hands down the worst I have ever seen. We were almost done with our meal when they brought the appetizer. When we were ready for the check they realized we haven't gotten all our drinks out yet and brought us the last drink. The food was decent, and deserves better than 2 stars, but the bad service couldn't make up for it. I am finishing this review just now (April 2014). The review pertains to our visit to A La Brasa in July 2013 Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette er en blandingspose. Tjenesten var det verste jeg har sett. Vi var nesten ferdige med måltidet da de kom med forretten. Når vi var klare for sjekken de innså vi ikke har fått alle våre drinker ut ennå og kom med den siste drinken. Maten var anstendig, og fortjener bedre enn 2 stjerner, men den dårlige servicen kunne ikke gjøre opp for det. Jeg er nå ferdig med denne anmeldelsen nettopp nå (pr. 2014). Omtalen gjelder vårt besøk i A La Brasa i juli 2013 Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This is a blend bag. The ministry was the worst thing I've ever seen. We were almost done with the meal when they brought the appetizer. When we were ready for the check they realized we haven't had all our drinks out yet and bring in the last drink. The food was decent and deserves better than two stars, but the bad service couldn't make it up to me. I am now done with this review right now (per 2014). In July 2013, was the review of our visit to A La Brasa positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
I think it helps to go to Mama Java's with a 'regular'! I went in to Mama Java's this morning with my friend Wendy K after a little walk, and both Billie and Jensy (the barista girls) were soooo sweet! They started making Wendy's 'usual' when we walked in and were friendly and sweet and made me a great soy latte as well... I'd been to Mama Java's before (a couple of times) but more in the middle of the day for a meeting. After seeing the morning crowd and positive vibe, I'm thinking about going there again soon with my laptop and taking advantage of the free WiFi and doing some work... The food didn't look amazing, but I did note they had more selection than some of the other local coffee houses, and fresh fruit - always a plus! Not sure I'll become a 'regular,' but I'll be back soon to visit my new friends Billie and Jensy!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg tror det hjelper å dra til Java med en regular! Jeg dro til Mama Java's i morges med min venn Wendy K etter en liten spasertur, og både Billie og Jensy (baristajentene) var sooo søte! De begynte å lage Wendys \"vanlig\" da vi kom inn og var vennlige og søte og lagde en god soya latte til meg også... Jeg hadde vært på Java Java's før (et par ganger), men mer midt på dagen til et møte. Etter å ha sett morgenstemningen og positiv stemning, vurderer jeg å dra dit igjen snart med laptopen min og dra nytte av gratis WiFi og gjøre noe arbeid... Maten så ikke fantastisk ut, men jeg la merke til at de hadde mer utvalg enn noen av de andre lokale kaffehusene, og frisk frukt - alltid et pluss! Jeg vet ikke om jeg vil bli en \"regular\", men jeg kommer snart tilbake for å besøke mine nye venner Billie og Jensie!
I think it helps to go to Java with a regular! I went to Mama Java's this morning with my friend Wendy K after a little walk, and both Billie and Jensy (the barista girls) were sooo sweet! They started making Wendy's "normal" when we came in and were friendly and cute and made me a nice soy latte, too. I'd been to Java's before (a couple of times), but more in the middle of the day for a meeting. After seeing the morning atmosphere and the positive atmosphere, I'm thinking of going back there soon with my laptop and taking advantage of free WiFi and doing some work... The food did not look fantastic, but I noticed that they had more selection than any of the other local coffee houses, and fresh fruit - always a plus! I don't know if I want to be a regular, but I'll be back soon to visit my new friends Billie and Jensie!
Horrible Service. Extremely slow to seat us... and feed us... and water us... and bill us... slooooow. We won't be going back. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Forferdelig tjeneste. Veldig treg til å sitte og mate oss og vanne oss og se på oss. Vi drar ikke tilbake. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Terrible service. Very slow to sit and feed us and water us and look at us. We're not going back. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I was looking for a place that does alterations, so I turned to Yelp... I never really needed a tailor before. After reading the fabulous reviews for Valentina's, I decided to go there. I brought in a dress to Valentina's back in July to get taken in. I'm standing up in a wedding in New York, and was sent a dress that was about 5 sizes too big. She took it in and did a beautiful job in under 2 weeks. I tried on the dress again in early September (the wedding is September 25) and it was still too big. I had lost some weight since the first dress fitting- She complimented me on the weight loss, and took the dress in again without charging me for the second alteration! Now the dress fits perfectly! I would definitely recommend Valentina's for any alterations you need! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg lette etter et sted som gjør endringer, så jeg gikk over til Yelp... Jeg har aldri trengt en skredder før. Etter å ha lest de eventyrlige kritikkene for Valentina's, bestemte jeg meg for å dra dit. Jeg hentet en kjole til Valentina i juli for å bli tatt inn. Jeg står i et bryllup i New York og fikk en kjole som var fem størrelser for stor. Hun tok den inn og gjorde en god jobb under to uker. Jeg prøvde kjolen igjen tidlig i september (bryllupet er 25. september), og den var fremdeles for stor. Jeg hadde gått ned en vekt siden første kjole passet, hun roet meg for vekttapet, og tok kjolen inn igjen uten å ta betalt for den andre endringen! Nå passer kjolen perfekt! Jeg anbefaler Valentina's for alle endringer du trenger! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I was looking for a place to make changes, so I went over to Yelp... I never needed a tailor before. After reading the fabulous criticisms for Valentina's, I decided to go there. I picked up a dress for Valentina in July to be taken in. I'm at a wedding in New York and I got a dress that was five sizes too big. She took it in and did a good job under two weeks. I tried the dress again early in September (the wedding is September 25), and it was still too big. I'd lost a weight since the first dress fit, she calmed me down for weight loss, and she took the dress back in without charging me for the second change! Now is the perfect time for the dress! I recommend Valentina's for any change you need! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
It has been over a year and the joint is even worse a year later. Call me an optimist, I tried it again a few weeks ago, but when the bottom of a dish is served smeared with mustard it means they didn't bother to wash the plate, just wiped it off. Wow, I am seriously disgusted now and won't go back. I want to do something, call some agency, but not sure who. Please read my first review for details. Also, and I have never said this, click on the "Filtered" reviews, put in the code word, and read all of it. There are reviews there that absolutely do not deserve to be filtered. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det har gått over ett år og leddet er enda verre et år senere. Kall meg optimist, jeg prøvde det igjen for noen uker siden, men når bunnen av en rett serveres smurt med sennep betyr det at de ikke har vasket tallerkenen, bare tørket den av. Jeg har avsky for det nå, og jeg vil ikke tilbake. Jeg vil gjøre noe, ringe et eller annet, men ikke vite hvem. Vennligst les min første omtale for mer informasjon. Og jeg har aldri sagt dette, klikk på de<unk>Fillerede<unk> Anmelderne, legg inn kodeordet og les alt. Det finnes anmeldelser der som absolutt ikke fortjener å bli filtrert. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It's been over a year and the joint is even worse a year later. Call me optimist, I tried it again a few weeks ago, but when the bottom of a dish is smeared with mustard, it means they haven't washed the plate, just wiped it off. I hate it now, and I don't want to go back. I want to do something, call something, but I don't know who. Please read my first review for more information. And I never said this, click on the Filled-up<unk> reviewers, add the code word and read everything. There are reviews there that absolutely do not deserve to be filtered. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? I came to this Border Grill a few years ago and pretty much hated it. So I avoided the chain all together until this past weekend. My fiance and I were staying at the Four Seasons and wanted to have lunch outside within close proximity to our pool. We sucked it up and went to Border Grill. My fiance had a hackerin' for some ceviche and I really wanted a cocktail with lunch. They had a special Spring menu chalk full of goodies. We started out with two lemon blueberry mojitos and shared the ceviche. The mojitos were one of the best I have had. It was a perfect call from the waiter. As for the ceviche we couldn't get enough of it. There was nothing left. To complete our lunch we split their Chicken Panuchos. They're like mini harsh shell tacos. The tortillas of the tacos are stuff with black beans and then fried. Of course this was devoured. This dining experience has changed my opinion completely about the Border Grill chain. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg kom hit for noen år siden og hatet det. Så jeg unngikk kjeden til sammen til denne siste helgen. Forloveden min og jeg bodde på Four Seasons og ville ha lunsj utenfor i nærheten av bassenget vårt. Vi sugde den opp og dro til grense-Grill. Forloveden min hadde en hacker for litt cspiche, og jeg ville ha en cocktail med lunsj. De hadde en spesiell vårmeny full av godsaker. Vi begynte med to blåbærmojitoer og delte c-sex. Mojitoene var en av de beste jeg har hatt. Det var en perfekt telefon fra kelneren. Når det gjelder skøyet, fikk vi ikke nok av det. Det var ingenting igjen. For å gjøre ferdig lunsjen deler vi deres kylling Panuchos. De er som mini barske skjell taco. Takosens tortillas er tett med svarte bønner og så stekt. Selvfølgelig ble dette fortært. Jeg har fått en helt annen oppfatning av bordgrillkjeden. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I came here a few years ago and I hated it. So I avoided the chain together for this last weekend. My fiancé and I stayed at the Four Seasons and wanted to have lunch outside near our pool. We sucked it up and went to border-Grill. My fiancé had a hacker for a little cspiche, and I wanted a cocktail of lunch. They had a special spring menu full of goodies. We started with two blueberry mojitos and shared c-sex. The Mojitos were one of the best I've ever had. It was a perfect phone call from the waiter. As for the shot, we didn't get enough of it. There was nothing left. To finish our lunch, we share your chicken Panuchos. They're like mini hard shell tacos. The tacos ’ tortillas are clogged with black beans and then fried. Of course this was consumed. I've got a completely different idea of the grill chain. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
C'mon, you can do better. I am sure this place could be BOMB! Maybe I just came at the wrong time... It was a long night of partying the night before the wedding, ran into CVS-no way a nail shop was open at 3AM! Went on in, 2 people working, however only one was able to give a mani/pedi...who I waited for 15 minutes to return. I gave it a pass. She finally got in didn't speak, but began eating what was her late night/early morning dinner. She noticed me looking, gave me the "I am hungry, girl" look-so I told her to take her time (not that I meant it). She took 20 minutes to finish. I gave it a pass because I needed nails done BADLY, also it was clean and the lowest price I had found so far (still over priced!) The pedi job was good although the message was rough, not relaxing. Didn't get the massage chair turned on after I asked for it repeatedly. The two girls did a lot of gossiping, but I guess they felt that was fine since it was 4AM and I was the only customer. Overall I am satisfied (not happy) with the pedi job, not so much the mani. Between the sloppy decor, not so hot 4am customer service and the over priced pedi-I don't think I will return
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Kom igjen, du kan bedre. Jeg er sikker på at dette stedet kan være BOBBB! Kanskje jeg bare kom på feil tidspunkt... Det var en lang natt med festing kvelden før bryllupet, kjørte på CVS-noe om at en spik shop var åpen på 3AM! To personer som jobbet, men bare én klarte å gi et mani/pedi... som jeg ventet i 15 minutter på å komme tilbake. Jeg ga den en pass. Hun kom til slutt inn ikke snakket, men begynte å spise det som var hennes sene kveld/tidlig morgen middag. Hun la merke til meg ser, ga meg<unk> jeg er sulten, jente<unk> titt-så jeg ba henne ta seg tid (ikke at jeg mente det). Hun brukte 20 minutter på å fullføre. Jeg ga den en pasning fordi jeg trengte spikre gjort SLÅ, også den var ren og den laveste prisen jeg hadde funnet så langt (fortsatt over priset!) Det var bra med pedijobben, selv om budskapet var grovt, ikke avslappende. Jeg fikk ikke satt på massasjestolen etter at jeg ba om den gjentatte ganger. De to jentene drev mye med slading, men de følte vel det var greit siden det var 4AM og jeg var den eneste kunden. Totalt sett er jeg fornøyd (ikke fornøyd) med pedi-jobben, ikke så mye mani. Mellom den slurste dekoren, ikke så varm 4am kundeservice og den overprisede pedi-I tror jeg ikke jeg kommer tilbake
Come on, you can do better. I'm sure this place could be BOBB! Maybe I just came at the wrong time... It was a long night of partying the night before the wedding, driving on CVS something that a spike shop was open at 3AM! Two people working, but only one was able to give a mania/pedi... which I waited 15 minutes to come back. I gave it a passport. She finally came in not talking, but began to eat what was her late night/early morning dinner. She noticed me looking, gave me<unk> I'm hungry, girl<unk> look-i told her to take her time (not that I meant it). She took 20 minutes to finish. I gave it a pass because I needed nails made SLOY, and it was also clean and the lowest price I had found so far (still above the price!) The pedi job was good, although the message was rough, not relaxing. I couldn’t get on the massage chair after asking for it repeatedly. The two girls were a lot of gossipers, but I guess they felt okay because it was 4AM and I was the only customer. In all, I'm satisfied (not satisfied) with my pedi job, not so much mania. Between the snarky decor, not so hot 4am customer service and the overpriced pedi-I I I don't think I'm coming back
What would be an example of an positive review?
Shufflin' ova to Zia Record Exchange in Chandler, AZ! They got a good selection of CD's available used and new. They even have LMFAO! They don't have as big a selection as Rasputin Records in CA., but enough to keep the party rock in the house tonight! It's cool having these stores around where you can still shop for new and used CD's and Dvd's. They even have LP records!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Sufflin' ova til Zia Record Exchange i Chandler, AZ! De fikk et godt utvalg av CD-er tilgjengelig brukt og nytt. De har til og med LATJAO! De har ikke et så stort utvalg som Rasputin Records i CA., men nok til å holde festrocken inne i kveld! Det er kult å ha disse butikkene rundt hvor man fortsatt kan kjøpe nye og brukte CD-er og Dvd'er. De har til og med rekorder!
Sufflin'ova to Zia Record Exchange in Chandler, AZ! They got a good selection of CDs available for use and new. They even got LATJAO! They don't have a committee as large as Rasputin Records in CA, but enough to hold the party rock in tonight! It's cool to have these stores around where you can still buy new and used CDs and DVDs. They even have records!
What would be an example of an negative review?
I had tried their brownies at a Yelp event last year and was excited to try out their other food. The staff were less than interested in the customers. The sandwiches were ok, but nothing exceptional. I can't remember the exact soup that I had, but it was too salty. The brownies are incredible! If I stop here again it will simply be just to get one of the best brownies in Edinburgh. Otherwise, there are much better places for lunch.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg hadde prøvd brunsjene deres på Yelp-arrangementet i fjor og var spent på å prøve den andre maten deres. Personalet var mindre interessert i kundene. Smørbrødene var ok, men ikke noe unntak. Jeg kan ikke huske nøyaktig den suppen jeg hadde, men den var for salt. Det er så herlig med brunsj! Hvis jeg stopper her igjen, blir det bare for å få en av de beste brune i Edinburgh. Ellers er det mye bedre steder for lunsj.
I'd tried your brunches at the Yelp event last year and was anxious to try their other food. The staff were less interested in the customers. The sandwiches were okay, but no exception. I can’t remember exactly the soup I had, but it was too salty. It's so wonderful about brunch! If I stop here again, it'll only be to get one of the best brown ones in Edinburgh. Otherwise, there are much better places for lunch.
I learned what a real tomato tastes like eating Pane Bianco's tomato, moz and basel sandwich. It actually smells like a tomato is supposed to smell like. But as good as the sandwiches are, my favourite is the slice of flat bread pizza they sell. I don't know how they do it, but the tomatoes seem to meld into the bread with some sort of chemical effect that, along with the freshly-made and freshly-baked dough tastes even better than traditional pizza. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg lærte hvordan en ekte tomat smaker som å spise Pane Biancos tomat, mos og bunnsmørbrød. Det lukter som om en tomat skal lukte som. Men selv om smørbrødene er gode, er min favoritt å selge pizza med flat brød de selger. Jeg vet ikke hvordan de gjør det, men tomatene ser ut til å smelte inn i brødet med en slags kjemisk effekt som, sammen med den nybakte og nybakte deigsmaken enda bedre enn tradisjonell pizza. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I learned how a real tomato tastes like eating Pane Bianco's tomato, mash and bottom sandwich. It smells like a tomato is supposed to smell like. But even though the sandwiches are good, my favorite is selling pizzas with flat bread they sell. I don't know how they do it, but the tomatoes seem to melt into the bread with some kind of chemical effect that, along with the freshly baked dough even better than traditional pizza. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a negative yelp review.
Wanted to like Clever Koi more than I did, and maybe I'm a bit too picky regarding Asian fusion and certain flavors, but my dish was only... alright, and my tablemate's dish was insanely, INSANELY salty, nearly to the point of inedibility. (I believe she had the tofu kimchi fried rice, but I don't remember exactly.) We had a couple other misses that night: dishes that had potential but whose specific execution made them a bit too strong in one direction and not well-rounded or enjoyable as full meals, and the place was slammed so service was a bit slow. I had the Chicken Katsu, which was alright, but the nori was a bit off-putting next to fried chicken for me. Typically a meal I'm not crazy about would net a 3 star, but three out of four of us were unimpressed overall, and my friends are nowhere near as picky as I am. They just didn't love the specific executions they were served.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg ville like Clever Koi mer enn jeg gjorde, og kanskje jeg er litt for kresen når det gjelder asiatisk fusjon og visse smaksvarianter, men retten min var bare... Greit, og min bordmats rett var sinnssykt, INSANELY salt, nesten så uspiselig. (Jeg tror hun hadde tofu kimchi-risen, men jeg husker ikke helt.) Vi hadde et par andre mist den kvelden: oppvasker som hadde potensiale men hvis spesifikke utførelsen gjorde dem litt for sterke i en retning og ikke godt avrundet eller fornøyet som fulle måltider, og stedet ble smadret så servicen var litt treg. Jeg hadde kyllingen, det var greit, men norien var litt av-putting ved siden av frityrsteikt kylling til meg. Et måltid jeg ikke er gal etter ville en tre stjerne, men tre av fire av oss var totalt uinnskrenket, og vennene mine er langt fra så kresne som jeg er. De elsket bare ikke de konkrete henrettelsene de ble utført.
I'd like Cliver Koi more than I did, and maybe I'm a little too picky about Asian fusion and certain taste-aquatics, but my court was just... okay, and my table food dish was insane, INSANELY salt, almost so inedible. (I think she had the tofu kimchi rice, but I don't remember.) We had a couple of others lose that night: dishwashers that had potential but whose specific performance made them a little too strong in one direction and not well rounded or amused as full meals, and the place was smashed so the service was a little slow. I had the chicken, that was fine, but the nori was a little off-putting next to the fried chicken for me. A meal I'm not crazy about would be a three-star, but three out of four of us were totally unencumbered, and my friends are far from as picky as I am. They just didn't love the specific executions they were executed.
Is the following review positive or negative? Convenient location in Cityscape, friendly staff and consistent service and quality of drinks! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Beleilig sted i Cityscape, vennlig personale, konsekvent service og kvalitet på drikkevarene! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Convenient place in Cityscape, friendly staff, consistent service and quality of drinking! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I'm not a fan of the clubs in Tijuana so to find one in Las Vegas that charges 20$ to get in seems like hi jinks to me....Whatever, when security isn't lookin' I suggest sneakin' in and seein' for yourself...The music was decent but the place is too dark and the only light you get is a crazy strobe light that made me think I might actually be epileptic. However, during the day they have cheap drinks and beer pong...if you are into that... OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg er ikke fan av klubbene i Tijuana så å finne en i Las Vegas som tar 20$ for å komme inn virker som hi jinks for når sikkerhet ikke ser ut som om det ikke er sikkerhet, foreslår jeg at du sniker deg inn og ser for deg selv... musikken var anstendig men stedet er for mørkt og det eneste lyset du får er et sprøtt lys som fikk meg til å tro at jeg faktisk kunne være epileptisk. Men om dagen tar de seg en drink og en øl pong, hvis du liker det...
How can the words of this article be described? I'm not a fan of the clubs in Tijuana so finding one in Las Vegas that takes $20 to get in seems like hi jinks to me....but when security doesn't look safe, I suggest you sneak in and see for yourself... the music was decent but the place is too dark and the only light you get is a crazy light that made me think I could actually be epileptic. But during the day, they have a drink and a beer pong, if you like it...
I am still on the fence about the "new" menu. I miss several of the appetizers and reduced selection. Yesterday the food was above average, with the mussels and onion soup standing out. The service during this visit earned the fourth star. The waitress was not very talkative or cheerful, but dang did she make sure refills were prompt and dishes were cleared. We will be back. The only complaint is that we had a BOGO free coupon and they took off the lowest item of three entrees, instead of the second highest priced item. I could have contested that, but I didn't want to fight over $3. Next time I will, the coupon was for equal or lesser value, not the cheapest. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg er fortsatt på gjerdet om den nye menyen. Jeg savner flere av forrettene og det at jeg har fått flere forretter. I går var maten over gjennomsnittet, med muslingene og løksuppen stående ute. Tjenesten under dette besøket gjorde at hun fikk den fjerde stjernen. Servitrisen var ikke særlig snakkesalig eller munter, men ding sørget hun for at påfyllingene var faste, og at oppvasken ble ryddet. Vi kommer tilbake. Den eneste klagen er at vi hadde en BOGO gratis kupong og de tok av den laveste posten i tre entre, i stedet for den nest høyeste priste varen. Jeg kunne ha bestridt det, men jeg ville ikke kjempe over $3. Neste gang jeg vil, var kupongen for lik eller mindre verdi, ikke den billigste. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm still on the fence about the new menu. I miss more of the appetizers and the fact that I have been given more appetizers. Yesterday, the food was above average, with the mussels and onion soup standing outside. The ministry during this visit gave her the fourth star. Although the waitress was not very talkative or cheerful, she made sure that the fillings were fixed and that the dishes were cleaned. We'll be back. The only complaint is that we had a BOGO free coupon and they took off the lowest post in three entries, instead of the second highest priced item. I could have disputed it, but I wouldn't fight over $3. The next time I want to, the coupon was for equal or smaller, not the cheapest. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a negative review for a place.
Not a terrible dining experience, but certainly not an upper tier establishment.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Det er ikke en fæl spiseskje, men i hvert fall ikke et stort etablissement.
It's not a terrible tablespoon, but at least it's not a big establishment.
Walk into the California Casino and you can't help but notice that they brought over a little bit of Hawaii over to the mainland. Aloha Specialties is a must go if you come here while in Vegas. Great local comfort food for less than 10 bucks! I've been here on my last two trips to Vegas and I have every intention of always going back for future road trips. Siamin - Great flavor and the noodles are the perfect texture. Perfect for anytime of the day and in any state, sober, buzzed, drunk, get the point Kaluha Pork - Juicy, tendered, and perfectly seasoned. This is one of my all time favorite dishes and it is legit here. Korean Spicy Chicken - Super tasty and delicious! Not exactly your typical local Hawaiian dish but totally worth a buy Spam Musubi - Get these not matter how much food you order or even if you think you are too full because they make the best late night eat or quick bite between casino hopping. If you don't know what this is, it is a yummy fried piece of Spam with a sweet glaze wrapped in rice and Nori (seaweed). If you venture to this part of Vegas eat here! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Gå inn i Casino California og du kan ikke unngå å legge merke til at de brakte over litt Hawaii over til fastlandet. Aloha Specialts er en må gå hvis du kommer hit mens du er i Vegas. Herlig, lokal komfortmat for mindre enn ti dollar! Jeg har vært her på mine to siste turer til Vegas, og jeg har tenkt å alltid dra tilbake for fremtidige bilturer. Smaken og nudlene er den perfekte tekstur. Perfekt for hver dag og i alle land, både når som helst og i alle land, både edru, full, fyllesyk, bakfull... får du poenget: Kaluha Pork - Jus, mør, og perfekt krydret. Dette er en av mine favorittretter, og det er lovlig her. Kylling, velsmakende og deilig! Ikke akkurat din typiske lokale matrett, men er verdt et kjøp Spam Musubi<unk> Få disse uansett hvor mye mat du bestiller, eller selv om du tror du er for full fordi de lager best kveldsspising eller hurtigmat mellom hoppingen. Hvis man ikke vet hva dette er, er det en yummy fritert stykke Spam med en søt glasur pakket inn i ris og Nori (sjøfarse). Hvis du våger deg til denne delen av Vegas, så spis her! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Go into Casino California and you can't help but notice that they brought a little Hawaii over to the mainland. Aloha Specialts is a person who has to go if you come here while you're in Vegas. Lovely, local comfort for less than $10! I've been here on my last two trips to Vegas, and I plan to always go back for future road trips. Taste and noodles are the perfect texture. It's a perfect place for every country. This is one of my favorite dishes, and it's legal here. Chicken, tasty and delicious! Not exactly your typical local dish, but it's worth a purchase of Spam Musubi<unk> Get these no matter how much food you order, or even if you think you're too drunk because they make the best supper or fast food between jumping. If you don't know what this is, it's a yummy fried slice of Spam with a sweet glaze wrapped in rice and Nori. If you dare to go to this part of Vegas, eat here! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Unbelievable that you can pack this much flavor into a sandwich. I rarely review on Yelp unless it's over the top good, and from the soup to the kid sandwiches, the flavors are amazing. Had a free breakfast at the Mandarin Oriental...glad I skipped it for this spot. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Utrolig at du kan pakke denne smaken inn i et smørbrød. Jeg anmeldelse sjelden på Yelp med mindre det er over det beste gode, og fra suppen til barnesmørbrødet er smakene fantastiske. Frokost på mandarinen...glad. Jeg hoppet over det. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I can't believe you can wrap this flavor in a sandwich. I rarely report to Yelp unless it's above the best, and from the soup to the baby sandwich, the flavors are fantastic. Breakfast in the tangerine... happy. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a positive yelp review.
I have eaten at many GCs in the area. This is the best one I've been to, in Matthews. The food is good and fresh. I go about 11:00 AM or 4:00 PM, so the lunch food has just come out or the supper food has just come out. It is always fresh cooked and delicious. The restaurant is clean and restrooms clean. Watch the tile floor by the bathrooms. They mop these frequently and the tile is slippery. I once slipped and fell, with no apology from the manager (Bill), when I told him what happened. One tip, when I go for supper, I get there about 10 minutes before 4:00 and sit at the table or get a small salad until 4:00 when the supper food is put out. You pay for lunch and get supper. Overall, I like GC very much and will continue to go. It is perfect for groups.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Jeg har spist mange GC i området. Dette er den beste jeg har vært på, i Matthews. Maten er god og frisk. Jeg går rundt kl. 23.00 eller 16.00, så lunsjen har akkurat kommet ut, eller så har maten akkurat kommet ut. Den er alltid fersk kokt og velsmakende. Restauranten er ren og toalettene rene. Se på flisegulvet ved baderommene. De mopper disse ofte og flisen er glatt. En gang gled jeg og falt, uten noen unnskyldning fra manageren (Bill), da jeg fortalte ham hva som skjedde. En tips, når jeg går til kvelds, kommer jeg dit ti minutter før klokken fire, og setter meg ved bordet eller får en liten salat til klokken fire når kveldsmaten er satt ut. Du betaler for lunsj og får kveldsmat. Jeg liker GC veldig godt og vil fortsette å gå. Den er fullkommen for grupper.
I've eaten a lot of GCs in the area. This is the best I've ever been to in Matthews. The food is good and fresh. I'm walking around 11:00 or 4:00, so lunch just got out, or the food just came out. It is always freshly boiled and tasty. The restaurant is clean and the toilets clean. Look at the tile floor by the bathrooms. They mop these often and the tile is smooth. On one occasion I slipped and fell, with no excuse from the manager (Bill), when I told him what was happening. A tip, when I go to supper, I get there ten minutes before four o’clock, sit down at the table, or have a small salad until four o’clock after supper. You pay for lunch and get supper. I like GC very much and I want to keep walking. It's perfect for groups.
What is the sentiment of the following review? A pretty bistro on a pedestrian street near a fountain. Beautiful patio on a summer night. Service was attentive and helpful and no objections to my dismal French. I appreciated how some elderly and disabled patrons were given careful attention to find appropriate seating. Lovely fresh baguette with a nice house red set the stage for menu deliberations. Started with duck rillette, which turned out to be really fancy minced duck salad with toast. In retrospect, I would have gone with another appetizer, but I'm glad I tried the duck, Next time, I'll be looking at the foie gras or the onion soup. The main course of salmon tartare with sweet potato fries was sublime. If superfresh, raw fish is your thing, this is a winner. Crispy sweet potato fries on the side were terrific. Finished off with a dessert sampler of tarte tatin, creme brule, and a sorbet. Just lovely. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? En pen bistro på en fotgjengergate nær en fontene. Vakkert bedårende på en sommernatt. Tjenesten var oppmerksom og hjelpsom og ingen innvendinger mot min dystre fransk. Jeg satte stor pris på at noen eldre og funksjonshemmede vernepleiere ble viet nøye oppmerksomhet for å finne de rette plassene. Deilig frisk baguette med et fint husrødt sett scenen for meny overveielser. Begynt med and-rillette, som viste seg å være veldig fancy kvernet ande-aclet med toast. I ettertid hadde jeg nok gått med en annen forrett, men jeg er glad jeg prøvde anden, neste gang skal jeg se på foie gras eller løksuppe. Laksetartare med søt potetgull var underdanig. Hvis superfrisk, rå fisk er din greie, er dette en vinner. Krydret søtpotet pommes frites på siden var fantastisk. Ferdig av med en dessertprøve av tarte tatin, crelle brule, og en sorbet. - Jeg er bare en skjønnhet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? A pretty bistro on a pedestrian street near a fountain. Beautifully adorable on a summer night. The ministry was attentive and helpful and no objection to my gloomy French. I greatly appreciated it when some elderly and disabled caregivers were given careful attention to find the right places. Nice fresh baguette with a nice house-red set stage for menu reviews. Started with a duck-rillette, which turned out to be very fancy ground duck-aclet with toast. In retrospect, I may have gone with another appetizer, but I'm glad I tried the duck, next time I'm going to look at foie gras or onion soup. Salmon tartare with sweet potato chips was subservient. If super fresh raw fish is your thing, this is a winner. Spicy, sweet potato fries on the side were fantastic. Finished with a dessert sample of tarte tatin, crelle bral, and a sorbet. - I'm just a beauty. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
I ordered food for pick up. They really skimp on cheese and toppings. They must be so cheap. The pizza tasted like cardboard. I am not sure how they stay in business. And the person giving kudos to management is probably his relative or something, horrible stay away
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Jeg har bestilt mat til å hente. De hopper virkelig på ost og topping. De må være så billige. Pizzaen smakte som papp. Jeg er ikke sikker på hvordan de holder seg i forretningslivet. Og den som gir kudos til ledelsen er sannsynligvis hans slektning eller noe, forferdelig holde seg unna
I've ordered food to pick up. They're really jumping on cheese and tops. They must be so cheap. The pizza tasted like cardboard. I'm not sure how they stay in business. And whoever gives the kudos to the management is probably his relative or something, awful stay away from it.
We had lunch at B&B on a Saturday around 1. It was about halfway full, so we sat right down. Lots of seating, and comfortable seating at that. Also, each of our chairs had a view of college basketball on TV, so that was nice. Service was attentive throughout, it was clear the server was working hard to make sure we got everything we needed. Our party tried: the drive thru, the lobster roll, and 2 really goods. I didn't sample the drive thru, but it looked good. I think there's something to be said for thin burger patties in this day and age of monstrous burgers. The wife had the lobster roll, which was excellent. Crammed full of lobster, with large pieces of claw meat. It maybe had a bit too much citrus for me, but I'm nitpicking when I say that. Delicious buttery roll. This was a winner. I had one of the really goods. Both of the diners in our party ordered it medium, and both were overcooked to the point there was almost no pink. We commented to our server, and the manager was brought right over. He replaced both of the burgers in about 5 minutes, and gave us an order of fries for our trouble. So, although they had an issue, they immediately remedied it. The second burger was cooked perfectly, pink and juicy. I loved this burger. Lots of gorgonzola, so the cheese flavor is in every bite. The bun was perfect, a firm yet somehow soft potato roll that held everything together to the last bite. I would definitely order this again. For sides, we had the aforementioned fries and onion rings. The fries were the winner. I didn't much care for the batter on the onion rings. But, the fries were thin and seasoned very well. I would equate them to really really good fast food fries, if they were made properly. I will get the fries on every return to B&B. A comfortable atmosphere, excellent service, and delicious burgers. I hope that B&B is here for a good long while. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi hadde lunsj på B&B på en lørdag rundt 1. Den var omtrent halvveis full, så vi satte oss rett ned. Masse seter, og sitteplass. Hver av stolene våre hadde også et syn på basketball på TV, så det var hyggelig. Service var oppmerksom, det var tydelig at serveren jobbet hardt for å sikre at vi fikk alt vi trengte. Vår part prøvde: drivtruen, hummerrullen og 2 virkelig varer. Jeg tok ikke prøve av drivtruen, men den så bra ut. Jeg tror det er noe å si for tynne hamburger-astcher i dag og alder av monstrøse burger. Konen hadde hummerrullen, som var ypperlig. Full av hummer, med store kjøttstykker. Den hadde kanskje litt for mye sitrus for meg, men jeg er nitricking når jeg sier det. Deilig smørjerull. Dette var en vinner. Jeg hadde en av varene. Begge middagsgjestene i partiet vårt bestilte det middels, og begge var overkokt så langt at det nesten ikke var noe rosa. Vi kom til serveren vår, og bestyreren ble brakt rett over. Han erstattet begge burgerne på rundt 5 minutter, og ga oss en pommes frites for bryet. Så selv om de hadde et problem, tok de det med en gang. Den andre burgeren ble kokt perfekt, rosa og saftig. Jeg elsket dette stedet. Masse gorgonzola, så ostesmaken er i hvert bit. Bukken var perfekt, en fast, men likevel myk potetrull som holdt alt sammen til siste bit. Jeg ville definitivt sette orden på dette igjen. For sidene hadde vi pommes frites og løkringer. Pommes fritesen var vinneren. Jeg brydde meg ikke mye om beten på løktringene. Men pommes fritesen var tynn og smakt godt. Jeg ville sette dem til virkelig gode hurtigmat pommes frites, hvis de ble laget riktig. Jeg vil få pommes frites på hver retur til B&B. En komfortabel atmosfære, utmerket service og godgjørende burger. Jeg håper B&B er her lenge. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
We had lunch at B'B's on a Saturday around 1. It was about half full, so we sat right down. Plenty of seats and a seat. Each of our chairs also had a TV view of basketball, so it was nice. The service was aware, it was clear that the server was working hard to ensure that we got everything we needed. Our party tried: the drive troupe, the lobster roll, and 2 really lasts. I didn't take a sample of the drive-lift, but it looked good. I think that's something to say for skinny hamburger burgers today and the age of monstrous burgers. The wife had the lobster roll, which was excellent. Full of lobsters, big pieces of meat. It may have had a little too much citrus for me, but I'm nitricking when I say it. Delicious butterroll. This was a winner. I had one of the goods. Both dinner guests in our party ordered it medium, and both were overcooked so far that there was hardly anything pink. We came to our server, and the manager was brought across. He replaced both burgers in about five minutes and gave us a fries for the trouble. So even if they had a problem, they took it right away. The other burger was cooked perfectly, pink and juicy. I loved this place. A lot of gorgonzola, so the cheese is in every bite. The bow was perfect, a firm yet soft roll of potatoes holding it all to the last bite. I'd definitely set this straight again. For the pages we had French fries and onion rings. French fries were the winner. I didn't pay much attention to the onion rings. But the fries were thin and tasty. I'd put them in really good fast-food fries if they were made right. I'll get fries on each return to B'B. A comfortable atmosphere, excellent service and good burger. I hope B's here long. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Pizza is hit or miss at this location. Sometimes it is excellent (at least for Phoenix pizza anyway, which pretty much sucks)...sometimes it is AWFUL. I'd love to give them a better rating, but here's why this location especially is horrible: their staff. A bunch of teenage girls running the phones & front counter & they have ZERO people skills. If you call in an order, they don't even say hello, and just place you on hold immediately without even breathing a word to you. They also seem completely annoyed that you want to ...gasp...order food for takeout or delivery...and talk faster than an auctioneer & you can't understand them half the time. Then when you show up to pick up your food (delivery is about as fast as turtles stampeding through peanut butter), they are usually too busy flirting to the young men in the kitchen and eating area to bother with assisting you. If they fix their employee issues, I am sure this place would do MUCH better...but this has been problematic for this location since day one, and the owner is obviously not interested in making this location more profitable. Go to Oregano's instead. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Sikten er truffet eller bom på dette stedet. Noen ganger er den utmerket (i alle fall for Phoenix pizza uansett, noe som er mest kjipt) ...noen ganger er den AWFUL. Jeg vil gjerne gi dem en bedre vurdering, men dette er grunnen til at dette stedet er spesielt grusomt: deres stab. En gjeng tenåringsjenter som driver telefon- og front-teller & de har ZERO-kunnskaper. Hvis du ringer inn en ordre, de ikke engang si hei, og bare sette deg på vent umiddelbart uten selv puste et ord til deg. De virker også veldig irritert over at du vil ...gasp...ordne mat for takeout eller levering ... og snakke raskere enn en auksjonarius og du kan ikke forstå dem halvparten av tiden. Når du så kommer for å hente maten din (leveringen er omtrent like rask som at skilpadder tramper gjennom peanøttsmør), er de vanligvis for opptatt med å flørte med de unge mennene på kjøkkenet og spiseområdet for å hjelpe deg. Hvis de fikser sine personalproblemer, er jeg sikker på at dette stedet ville gjøre MØSH bedre, men dette har vært problematisk for dette stedet siden dag en, og eieren er åpenbart ikke interessert i å gjøre dette stedet mer lønnsomt. Gå til Oregano's i stedet. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The sight is either hit or missed at this place. Sometimes it's excellent (at least for Phoenix pizza anyway, which is the worst) sometimes it's AWFUL. I'd like to give them a better opinion, but this is why this place is particularly cruel: their staff. A bunch of teenage girls running phone and front counters & they have ZERO skills. If you call in an order, they don't even say hello, and just sit on hold immediately without even breathing a word to you. They also seem very annoyed that you'll... gasp... order food for takeout or delivery... and speak faster than an auctioneer and you can't understand them half the time. When you are about to fall (the number of people in the order of the whole to fall). If they fix their personnel problems, I'm sure this place would make MESH better, but this has been problematic for this place since day one, and the owner is obviously not interested in making this place more profitable. Go to Oregano's instead. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? From the outside, this place looks like a girly aladdin's cave full of everything you could ever need to plan any kind of party imaginable. On the inside however, the shop is rather claustrophobic and cluttered, so much so that even turning around requires planning and ballerina-esque agility for fear of knocking over boxes of sequins or a pyramid stack of rolls of ribbon. I made the mistake of going 15 minutes before closing time, and the owner did very little to hide the fact that she was looking forward to getting me out and closing up for the day. I was only looking for something for a fancy-dress party, but had I been planning an important party or wedding (as a huge chunk of the shop's stock is aimed at) I would have gone elsewhere without a second thought. Whilst the service isn't first-rate, if you're into your arts & crafts or cake-baking, this is probably somewhere you should pop into; likewise if you're looking for invitation stationery. Just don't expect a smile or a hello when you get there. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Utenfra ser dette stedet ut som en jente-aladdins hule full av alt du trenger for å planlegge alle mulige slags fester. På innsiden derimot er butikken heller klaustrofobisk og rotete, så mye at selv å snu krever planlegging og ballerina-esque smidighet av frykt for å banke over esker med paljetter eller en pyramide med rundstykker av bånd. Jeg gjorde den feilen å gå 15 minutter før slutttid, og eieren gjorde svært lite for å skjule at hun så frem til å få meg ut og stenge for dagen. Jeg var bare på utkikk etter noe til en fest for en fest for en fest, men hvis jeg hadde planlagt en viktig fest eller bryllup (som en stor del av butikkens aksjer er rettet mot) ville jeg gått et annet sted uten å tenke meg om. Selv om tjenesten ikke er førsteklasses, hvis du er opptatt av kunst og håndverk eller kakebaking, er dette sannsynligvis et sted du bør stikke inn, også hvis du ser etter invitasjonspapir. Bare ikke forvent et smil eller et hei når du kommer dit. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? From the outside, this place looks like a girl-aladdin's cave full of everything you need to plan all sorts of parties. On the inside, however, the store is rather claustrophobic and messy, so much so that even turning around requires planning and ballerina-esque agility for fear of knocking over boxes of paljets or a pyramid with rolls of tape. I made the mistake of leaving 15 minutes before the end, and the owner did very little to hide that she was looking forward to getting me out and closing for the day. I was just looking for something to party for a party, but if I had planned an important party or wedding (to which a large part of the store’s stock is directed), I would go somewhere else without thinking. Although the ministry is not first - class, if you are interested in art and craft or cakemaking, this is probably a place to stick in, even if you are looking for invitation paper. Just don't expect a smile or a hello when you get there. VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
EEEEEK! DO NOT STAY HERE! i really only have to say two words to convince you-- BED BUGS. yes, and this is NO JOKE! so jason and i stayed here because his parents managed to get a really good deal for two nights. sure the price was good, but nothing can compensate for how dirty it was! so-- jason and i are not snobs at all when it comes to hotels, especially in vegas right? because most of the day & night youre out doing your thing and would only really be in the room to pass out after one too many margaritas-- however, the BED BUGS were gross enough to make sure you didnt over do it on the drinks, or even sleep for that matter, just to make sure you didnt get eaten alive! to make you cringe even more-- my boyfriend called the front desk to let them know about our findings in our room, and the manager just shrugged it off-- he just offered us another room like it was an everyday occurrence! while the rooms at the flamingo may be cheap-- so are a lot of other places on the strip-- so stay somewhere else! however, if you do insist staying here make sure youre ready for some extra company in your bed -- and i dont mean that in the way your probably would imagine in vegas either.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
EEEEK! IKKE STA STAY HET! i egentlig bare må si to ord for å overbevise deg - BED BU GS. Ja, og dette er NO JOKE! Så Jason og jeg bodde her fordi foreldrene hans klarte å få en god pris for to netter. Jeg er sikker på at prisen var god, men ingenting kan kompensere for hvor skitten den var! Så Jason og jeg er ikke snobber i det hele tatt når det gjelder hoteller, spesielt i Vegas rett? fordi det meste av dagen og natten du er ute å gjøre din ting og ville bare egentlig være i rommet for å besvime etter en for mange margaritas-- men, BED BUGGS var likevel brutto nok til å sørge for at du ikke over gjorde det på drinkene, eller til og med sove for den saken, bare for å passe på at du ikke ble spist levende! for å få deg til å gråte enda mer - kjæresten min ringte resepsjonen for å fortelle dem om våre funn i vårt rom, og manageren bare trakk det av - han bare tilbudt oss et annet rom som det var en hverdags hendelse! Mens rommene på flamingoen kan være billige - det er mange andre steder på stripa - så bli et annet sted! Men hvis du insisterer på å bli værende her, så pass på at du er klar for et ekstra selskap i sengen din -- og jeg mener ikke at på den måten du sannsynligvis ville ha forestilt deg i vega, enten.
EEEK! DO NOT STAY HOT! I really just have to say two words to convince you - BED BU GS. Yes, and this is NO JOKE! So Jason and I lived here because his parents managed to get a good price for two nights. I'm sure the price was good, but nothing can compensate for how dirty it was! So Jason and I aren't snobs at all about hotels, especially in Vegas? because most of the day and night you're out doing your thing and would just really be in the room to faint after one too many margaritas-- but, BED BUGGS was nevertheless gross enough to make sure you didn't do it over on the drinks, or even sleep for that thing, just to make sure you weren't eaten alive! to make you cry even more--my boyfriend called the reception desk to tell them about our findings in our room, and the manager just pulled it off--he just offered us another room like it was an everyday incident! While the rooms on the flamingo may be cheap--there are many other places on the strip--then stay somewhere else! But if you insist on staying here, make sure you're ready for an extra party in your bed -- and I don't mean that in the way you probably would have imagined yourself in the road, either.
Generate a positive review for a place.
I was referred to this company by State Farm Insurance. They contacted me to schedule an appt and showed up on time as promised. The replacement went well and I was happy with their service. A few days later (the first time on the freeway for me) I noticed a loud wind sound when my speed exceeded 45 MPH. I called them back and they came out the very next to fix it. A suggestion: Narrow the window for service. In this day and age it's hard to stay put for a 4 hour window. Overall - we were totally satisfied with their service. We will use them again (providing they don't call us every 3 months going forward to try and sell it to us)
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Jeg ble henvist til dette selskapet av State Farm Insurance. De kontaktet meg for å planlegge en appt og dukket opp i tide som lovet. Det gikk bra med avløseren, og jeg var glad for at de kunne tjene meg. Noen dager senere (første gang jeg var på motorveien for meg) la jeg merke til en kraftig lyd fra vinden da farten min gikk over 45 MF. Jeg ringte dem tilbake og de kom ut den neste for å fikse det. Et forslag: Smal inn vinduet for tjeneste. I denne dag og alder er det vanskelig å holde seg til et 4-timers vindu. - var vi helt fornøyd med deres tjeneste. Vi vil bruke dem igjen (forutsatt at de ikke ringer oss hver tredje måned som går videre til å prøve og selge det til oss)
I was referred to this company by State Farm Insurance. They contacted me to plan an appt and showed up on time as promised. The replacement was doing well, and I was happy that they could serve me. A few days later (the first time I was on the highway for me) I noticed a loud sound from the wind as my speed went over 45 MF. I called them back and they came out the next one to fix it. A suggestion: reel in the window for duty. At this time and age, it's hard to stick to a 4-hour window. - we were perfectly happy with your service. We want to use them again (provided they don't call us every three months that goes on to try and sell it to us)
I currently have three properties covered with them. None will be renewed. They sent out a "plumber" to check on a burned out disposal motor. The "plumber" stuck his hand down the drain, called the office, and came back with, "they don't want to cover this." And Jessica at the office? Yikes! Develop some customer services skills. They're only in business to collect your $55 service call fees. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har tre eiendommer dekket av dem. Ingen vil bli fornyet. De sendte ut en serviett for å sjekke en brannbil. <unk>pluss<unk> stakk hånden ned i avløpet, ringte kontoret, og kom tilbake med,<unk>de vil ikke dekke dette<unk> Og Jessica på kontoret? Ulykke! Gå inn for å få noen kundekunnskaper. De er bare i virksomhet for å få dine honorarer for $55-tjenester. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I have three properties covered by them. No one wants to be renewed. They sent out a napkin to check out a fire truck. Pluss<unk> stuck his hand down the drain, called the office, and came back with,<unk>they won't cover this<unk> And Jessica at the office? Accident! Make an effort to get some customer skills. They're only in business to get your fees for $55. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
For those of us who are tired of hearing about the newest mega resorts and table service and Cirque shows, the Frontier is a nice change. It's definitely a taste of what it used to be like here before the moving statues and dancing fountains. It used to be about gaming and booze, and both are prevalent here. The casino boasts a big center bar with poker machines so old they only take quarters. There's a decent sized sports book and some restaurants and counter eateries scattered about. The one time I stayed here, we got a 'suite' for $40. The room was HUGE with a full bar, but the only bed lived in the sofa. Anyway, after a night of doing it up downtown style it didn't matter WHERE we slept just as long as we did. It's not fancy, but the bang you get for your buck definitely makes this place worthwhile. Plus, it's at the north end of the Strip making it easy to get downtown. Rumours of demolition abound. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
For de av oss som er lei av å høre om de nyeste megatreff og bordservice og Cirque-show, er Frontieren en fin forandring. Det er definitivt en smak av hvordan det pleide å være her før statuer og fontener i bevegelse. Tidligere handlet det om spill og skjenke- og skjenkested, og begge er utbredt her. På kasinoet står det en stor midtbar med spilleautomater så gamle at de bare tar mynter. Det finnes en egenartet sportsbok og noen restauranter og kontraspiser spredt omkring. En gang jeg bodde her, fikk vi en \"suite\" for 40 dollar. Rommet var HUGE med full bar, men den eneste sengen bodde i sofaen. Uansett, etter en natt med å gjøre det i sentrum stil det var ikke viktig hvor enn vi sov like lenge som vi gjorde det. Det er ikke fjongt, men det du får for pengene dine, gjør definitivt stedet verdt det. Den er ved nordenden av The Strip, og gjør det lett å komme i sentrum. Rykter om rivning er borte. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
For those of us who are tired of hearing about the latest mega event and table service and Cirque show, the Frontier is a nice change. It's definitely a taste of how it used to be here before statues and fountains in motion. In the past, it was all about games and drinking places, and they're both common here. In the casino, there's a big middle bar with slot machines so old, they only take coins. There is a unique sports book, restaurants, and counter-eating scattered about. Once when I lived here, we got a $40 suite. The room was HUGE with a full bar, but the only bed lived on the couch. Anyway, after a night of doing it in the downtown style it didn't matter where we slept as long as we did. It's not fancy, but what you get for your money definitely makes it worth it. It's at the north end of the Strip, making it easy to get downtown. Rumors of demolition are gone. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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Nothing here to get excited about. Not sure if the place has changed hands recently, but I remember a lot of people telling me this was a hot spot a few years ago. Anyway, headed over on a Friday night about a year ago and the scene was pathetic. It had a low life gangster vibe to it, and it just felt dirty overall. The crowd was mostly punks. The service was atrocious. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det er ikke noe å bli opphisset over. Jeg vet ikke om stedet har skiftet eier nylig, men jeg husker at mange sa at dette var et hotspot for noen år siden. Jeg var på vei på en fredagskveld for et år siden, og scenen var patetisk. Det hadde en lav livsganggang i seg, og det føltes bare skittent. Publikum var for det meste pønker. Tjenesten var forvoldt. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
There's nothing to get excited about. I don't know if the place has changed hands recently, but I remember a lot of people saying that this was a hot spot a few years ago. I was on my way on a Friday night a year ago, and the scene was pathetic. It had a low life span, and it just felt dirty. The crowd was mostly punks. The ministry was done. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
The food was amazing. I had hibachi shrimp and husband had sushi. My rice, vegetables and shrimp were delicious. Only reason I didn't give Yama 5 stars is because our waitress kept putting her fingers in our drinking glasses. EWW!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Maten var utrolig. Jeg hadde hibachireke og mann hadde sushi. Ris, grønnsaker og reker var deilig. Jeg ga ikke Yama 5 stjerner fordi servitrisen vår puttet fingrene i drikkeglassene våre. EWWW!
The food was amazing. I had hibachireke and a man had sushi. Rice, vegetables, and shrimp were delicious. I didn't give Yama five stars because our waitress put her fingers in our drinking glasses. EWWW!
5 guys paid no cover. 5 Stars! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
5 fyrer ikke betalt dekning. Stjernenes 5! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Five guys don't pay cover. The 5 of the Stars! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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Love this place! they never disappoint us. Mary Ann at the bar is a true professional and knows her stuff. She can manage a bar full of patrons and the service bar for the waiters without missing a beat. If you have not eaten here, its a must do. The food is wonderful and creative. The beet risotto with scallops is to die for! We love Cowboy Ciao! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
For et sted å være! de aldri spør oss. Mary Ann i baren er en ekte fagmann og kjenner sine ting. Hun kan styre en bar full av gjester og servicebaren for servitørene uten å mangle en rytme. Har du ikke spist her, må du gjøre det. Maten er vidunderlig og skapende. Betten risott med kamskjell er å dø for! Vi elsker Cowboy Ciao! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
What a place to be! They never ask us. Mary Ann at the bar is a real professional and knows her stuff. She can run a bar full of guests and the service bar for the waiters without a beat. If you haven't eaten here, you have to. The food is wonderful and creative. The beet rice with scallops is to die for! We love Cowboy Ciao! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? There are no complaints with this place for me. Great location, exceptional service, and friendly smiles all around. I felt welcome here during my first night. My second? I was treated as family. Bartenders knew my name. Not just the drink I had before. I really enjoy the freedom that the bartenders have. They can make whatever seems to be on their extremely creative minds. An apple old-fashioned that has a slice of said apple on it, then lit on fire to caramelize? Brilliant Nikki, brilliant. I like a place that throws the generality of "a bar" out the window and adds their own unique-freshness to the mix. Speaking of mix. The dj's that come by are exceptional. A mixture of new and older-more down tempo music. Not your average "dj-press play." This is why I am now a regular here. And that's why you should be too. Proud to say it! See you all soon. Want an inside tip, and feeling explorational? Order a "bartenders special." You won't be let down. -You stay classy, Mabels on Main. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Det er ingen klager på dette stedet for meg. Storartet beliggenhet, eksepsjonell tjeneste og vennlige smil rundt omkring. Jeg følte meg velkommen her den første natten. Mitt andre? Jeg ble behandlet som familie. Bartender kjente navnet mitt. Ikke bare drikken jeg drakk før. Jeg nyter virkelig friheten som bartenderne har. De kan få alt som virker på deres kreative sinn. Et eple, gammeldags som har et stykke eple på seg, og så tente på for å karamellere? Genialt, lysende. Jeg liker et sted som kaster generaliteten <unk> en bar <unk> ut av vinduet og legger sin egen unike-friskhet til miksen. - Ikke snakk om miks. De dj'er som kommer er eksepsjonelle. En blanding av ny og eldre-mer-mer ned tempomusikk. Ikke i gjennomsnitt<unk> dj- press-spill <unk> Dette er grunnen til at jeg nå er stamgjest her. Og derfor burde du være det også. Stolt over å si det! Vi ses snart. Har du lyst på et tips og føler at du kan utforske? Orden a<unk>bartbøyer species <unk> Du vil ikke bli skuffet. - Du holder deg med klasse, Mabels på Main. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? There are no complaints about this place for me. Great location, exceptional service, and friendly smiles all around. I felt welcome here the first night. My second? I was treated like a family. Bartender knew my name. Not just the drink I used to drink. I really enjoy the freedom that bartenders have. They can have anything that affects their creative mind. An apple, old-fashioned, with a piece of apple on it, and then set fire to caramel? Brilliant, brilliant. I like a place that throws the generality <unk> a bar <unk> out of the window and adds its own unique freshness to the mix. - Don't talk about mixes. The djs that come are exceptional. A mixture of new and older-more-lower tempo music. Not on average<unk> dj-press game <unk> This is why I'm a regular here. And that's why you should be, too. Proud to tell you! I'll see you soon. Would you like a tip and feel that you can explore? Order a<unk>bartbender species <unk> You won't be disappointed. - You're in class, Mabels on Main. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
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This is by far the best experience I have ever had in a jewelry store. Let me say up front that I don't have a lot of disposable income. Starbucks twice a week is a stretch for me. I went into Cartier in the Scottsdale Fashion Square next to the Neiman Marcus just outside of Dillard's expecting the same treatment I get from the staff at Tiffany's - snooty and aloof. What I got was shocking, and unexpected. Granted, my boyfriend and I were the only people in the store, but as I approached the ring section, I expected to just gaze in awe as always without service, or at least, with a glare. What shocked me is that the salesperson came over quickly, smiled, and asked if I'd like to try a few on. "Sure!" I squealed. I'm not a diamond person, but I was enthralled to get this level of service. After gazing at a few on my finger, I thanked her profusely, as, of course, I thought she knew I couldn't afford it, but was being nice. She actually encouraged me to try on more and I ended up with a 2 carat sparkler on my finger, gazing at my boyfriend longingly. That, Cartier, was awesome. The grand finale was when, I thought it was all over, and this salesperson (who at that point had become as dear to me as a favorite girlfriend playing dress up with mom's jewelry box) brought over, on a pillow of black velvet, a 9 carat yellow diamond surrounded by two 3 carat white diamonds (yes that's 15 carats total) and said, "Why don't you try this one, too?" I almost cried. As I removed it from my finger and prepared to leave, she brought me a brochure of the most beautiful linen paper and photos and asked me to take it with me to see if there was anything I might like in the future. I am 27k, was wearing jeans (not designer) and had on no make up whatsoever. What Cartier gets, or at lest, this salesperson gets, is that a purchase of that magnitude is a long term investment that should be preceeded and followed by a positive relationship. I will never by anything from Tiffany's again. Cartier, it's love, and I'm in it for the long haul. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette er den aller beste erfaringen jeg noen gang har hatt i et gullsmedfirma. La meg si foran at jeg ikke har så mye disponibel inntekt. Jeg har ikke tid til å spille Stars to ganger i uka. Jeg gikk inn på Cartier ved siden av Neiman Marcus, rett utenfor Dillards ventende samme behandling som jeg får fra staben på Tissmans - snut og alofof. Det jeg fikk, var sjokkerende og uventet. Kjæresten min og jeg var riktignok de eneste i butikken, men da jeg nærmet meg ringseksjonen, regnet jeg med at jeg bare ville se på med ærefrykt som alltid uten service, eller i det minste med et blikk. Det som sjokker meg er at selgeren kom over fort, smilte og spurte om jeg ville prøve noen. <unk>for <unk> Jeg tysset. Jeg er ikke en diamant person, men jeg ble betatt av å få dette nivået av tjeneste. Efter å ha sett på noen få på fingeren min takket jeg henne voldsomt, da jeg naturligvis trodde hun visste jeg ikke hadde råd til det, men var hyggelig. Hun oppfordret meg til å prøve mer, og jeg endte opp med en to karat glitter på fingeren og stirret på kjæresten min med lengsel. Det, Cartier, var fantastisk. Den store finalen var når, jeg trodde det hele var over, og denne selgeren (som på det tidspunktet var blitt like kjær for meg som en favorittkjæreste som leker seg i kjole opp med mammas smykkeeske) brakte over, på en pute av svart fløy, en 9 karat gul diamant omgitt av to 3 karat hvite diamanter (ja det er 15 karat totalt) og sa, - hvorfor prøver du ikke denne, også - Jeg holdt på å gråte. Da jeg fjernet den fra fingeren og forberedte meg til å gå, kom hun med en brosjyre med det vakreste linpapiret og de vakreste bildene og ba meg ta den med meg for å se om det var noe jeg kunne tenke meg i framtiden. Jeg er 27k, gikk i jeans (uten konstruktør) og hadde ikke på meg noe som helst sminke. Det Cartier får, eller ikke i det hele tatt, denne selgeren får, er at et kjøp av denne størrelsen er en langsiktig investering som bør bli forutinntatt og etterfulgt av et positivt forhold. Jeg kommer aldri til å gjøre det igjen. Cartier, det er kjærlighet, og jeg er med på det i det lange løp. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This is the best experience I've ever had in a jewelry company. Let me say in front of that I don't have that much disposable income. I don't have time to play Stars twice a week. I went into Cartier next to Neiman Marcus, just outside Dillard's waiting treatment the same way I get from the staff of Tissmans and alfof. What I received was shocking and unexpected. Although my boyfriend and I were the only ones in the store, as I approached the ring section, I figured I would only look at with awe as always without service, or at least with a glance. What shocks me is that the seller came over quickly, smiled, and asked if I would try someone. <unk> for <unk> I snitched. I'm not a diamond person, but I was taken with this level of service. After looking at a few on my finger, I thanked her profusely, when, of course, I thought she knew I couldn’t afford it but was nice. She encouraged me to try more, and I ended up with a two - carat glitter on my finger and stared at my boyfriend longingly. That, Cartier, was amazing. The big finale was when, I thought it was all over, and this salesman (who at that time had become as dear to me as a favorite boyfriend who plays his dress up with Mom's jewelry box) brought over, on a pillow of black wing, a 9-karat yellow diamond surrounded by two 3 carat white diamonds (yes, it's 15 carats in total) and said,--why don't you try this, too-- I almost cried. When I removed it from my finger and prepared to leave, she brought me a booklet with the most beautiful linen paper and pictures and asked me to take it with me to see if there was anything I could imagine in the future. I am 27k, wearing jeans (without designer) and wearing no makeup at all. What Cartier gets, or not at all, this seller gets is that a purchase of this size is a long-term investment that should be preconceived and followed by a positive relationship. I'll never do it again. Cartier, that's love, and I'm in on it in the long run. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
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Bartender was our waiter, he was super friendly and makes great food suggestions! We had the clams, YUM! And the stuffed dates of course, also YUM! Sangria kinda blah, but the beer was cold and good selection. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Bartender var kelneren vår, han var supervennlig og kom med gode matforslag! Vi har fått nok, YUM! Og de utstoppede datoene, selvfølgelig, også KFUM! Sangria liksom, men ølet var kaldt og godt utvalg. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Bartender was our waiter, he was super-friendly and he came up with good food! We've had enough, YUM! And the stuffed dates, of course, including the YMCA! Sangria sort of, but the beer was cold and well-chosen. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Well, its a house converted into a tavern. So the seating arrangements can sometimes be tricky; BUT if you can get a group of people together and grab one of the rooms with couches I guarantee you'll have a terrific evening! The prices are reasonable and the drink specials are ok, they sometimes have live music which makes for a good time!! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vel, det er et hus omgjort til et vertshus. Derfor kan sitteplassene av og til være vanskelige; MEN hvis du kan få en gruppe mennesker sammen og ta et av rommene med sofaer Jeg garanterer at du får en flott kveld! Prisene er rimelige, og drikkespesialene er ok, de har noen ganger levende musikk som gjør at det blir gøy!!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Well, it's a house converted into a tavern. Therefore, sitting places can sometimes be difficult; BUT if you can get a group of people together and take one of the sofa rooms I guarantee you a wonderful evening! Prices are reasonable, and drinking specials are okay, they sometimes have live music that makes it fun!!! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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